oh my God bro what the I like can't move my Spotify I'm exiting now Jesus dude there we go you never played hot to go I'll play that uh right after this hold up I'll look it up hello everybody Floy good on how is everybody doing on this F fastic Tuesday chat oh poor yty Abigail cousin uh evil skim evil I farted shittles lesbian and uh hamburger thank you guys for the subs chat how are we doing today we're live a little bit late from when I said I was supposed to go live but we're live early from when we're normally live because we're slowly switching to our summer stream schedule we're going to be streaming 300 p.m. EST every weekday this week and we're going to be streaming 1 and 2 M after that for the remainder of the summer does that sound good the Hagrid thank you for theing 10 gifted Subs the Hagrid sniper thank you got a sub thank you for the 10 gifteds the Hagrid sniper 9,000 youing goat pvt for the sub neck for the three eating some Banger calamari Banger calamari that ising dope dude I love calamari not with the dude a little bit of lemon I'll just eat that look like it's chips thank you for the 10 gifteds uh the Hagrid uh but chat what are we doing today we are going to be playing scary games today it's going to be a SC game day possibly a scary react day as well near the end probably the very end like last half hour we might watch like two scary React videos Willie and Chris for the sub but we have a lot of videos uh or not videos a lot of game [ __ ] I didn't reset my sub goal it all right keep in mind we're at like 15 Subs right now we got a lot of games we're going to be playing today we're starting out with escape from boy kisser then we're going to be hopping into probably the pony Factory and then I'm going to let you guys choose between these games on which one we play next I might save dishwashing Simulator for another day for like a Sim day so it's like a scary Sim day so I might not do that today uh and I'll let you guys choose between these manise might also be like a Sim game but I think it's not as in-depth as this one but we're starting out with escape from boy kisser uh and then we're going to go from there I don't even know what that game's about but it looks like a scary anime maybe game I don't really know you guys send it in the game session tab if you guys have any games you want me to play or videos you want me to react to xation my Discord videoab G tab also we got to listen to this song real quick floating told me to play it yesterday and I said I would and I forgot so uh let's give it a lesson I can't tell if I hate it or not for the people that are watching the VOD it's hot to go by what is that Chappelle Rowan I don't know how to say their name it's very confusing no I don't like it I'm sorry I don't like it it dude it it feels it feels just like okay I'm going to play a song that has a similar like I guess chorus but it's just better 24K by TK MAA I've definitely said her name wrong hold up it's just a better song it still has it still has a quick beat let me get to the chorus oh my God dude it's like it's like ASMR listening to this song this makes me want to go this song's fire uh little fun fact I was watching a twitch streamer uh play uh multiverses at like 2 in the morning and I was off an edible and this song was playing in the background and I couldn't find it and I didn't want to ask in chat I hate when people in chat are like what's that song and I didn't want to be like pocket watching be like what's that song that just played so I started looking up the lyrics bro it took me 45 minutes to find the song I started looking up we ain't got no reason to rewind and I was like chat gping that [ __ ] and it took me like 40 minutes to find it and when I found it I literally just went like this just listen to the song I kicked my chair back and listen to the song I repeat for like five five times bro Shazam it I couldn't by the time by the time I was like yo I could just like whip out my phone and Shazam it he the the song had already changed so I all I had what all I had was I had to be either that that was going to go what was that song that played like two songs ago or I would just look up the five words that I remembered is that relatable I feel like I do that all the time where I know like five words in the song and I'll look up like the five words and I guarantee got one wrong and so it won't show up and it kept showing me the song from like the 1980s and I couldn't Fu I was getting so mad because I was like that's not it that's not it and chaty PT was like I they would send it to me and I'd be like that's not it that's not it and and I ended up going on like a lyric website and just searching just scrolling through like 50 pages ofing songs that it showed up I'm sorry floating it's a better song it just is I want up to you I did Logan for the sub opor for the three you missed my sub also you should play bo3 Zombies with Jojo and Max well thank you for the three uh and I'm sorry I missed your sub thank you for the sub as well floating for the three you skipped before the best part I want to play scary games it feels like this song would be in a early 2010s romcom where like the cheerleaders of the high school that are like really stuck up rich white girls perform like this and they'll do like they'll do like a whole dance to it they're dis spelling the song name I hate when they do that I hate when they do that I hate when songs do that there's a few songs that could do it good but if you're just gonna go h o TG o g o uh you're something have to go I like I oh my God it's so lazy it's so lazy you're just spelling but what this what is this a spelling be is this the irido citis video just can sing a song for the love of God sing song [ __ ] half the song and h o t t o g o I can't the one song that I like hold up where they spell oh my God what's that song what's that it girl it girl they spell an IT girl and I [ __ ] that song slaps that song oh my God like it's just a good song it's just a good song Hold up I'll listen to this song Alone in my car at like 1 in the morning that's a good song that's that's a song that spells but it works right h o t d o o does it does it flow yeah do I like it no username and video for the sub the RX for the five react to the Nick a 30 icon Skin trailer okay I will I did say I wanted to react to that and I didn't then we're hopping in scary games they flip the page and it's like one of those uh cards that has like a speaker in it and it's just Nick a 30 Never Back Down never give up and then it like transforms the whole room bro they going to show the skin it's an outfit it's not a skin how would that even work [Music] you think you're the K this [ __ ] n oh my God no way no way they got a statue of a [ __ ] fortnite character say you think you're the king I'm the king you think you're the king this better be the dopest yo you already know he going to look corny as hell walking out of there out of this [ __ ] thick purple smog it's just going to be some character geeking what is this battle one fight oh no [Laughter] I'm the [Laughter] king yo dude the transformation though is actually fire I'm the king yo how much is this skin though I'm actually about to buy this wow oh my God that is a sick ass emote if it comes with it I can't tell which form I like better probably the probably the the full cing Nick a30 I would say that's probably the better the better part but you can't even tell that's Nick a30 that looks like Nick with the helmet it looks good that is actually a badass skin and it says Never Back Down what does it say on there Nick a30 or a amazing or some [ __ ] 100% deserve bro might be the king I'm surprised he got it this late honestly like nick3 has only played fortnite for like I don't know the entirety of the last [ __ ] six years like I feel like he should have gotten it Venom trailer we already watched that Mr Krabs for the five thank you for timing me out for a million seconds can you do it again yeah M let's get another million second time out for Mr Krabs SS thank you for the 5 betties hi Joe for the Thousand bets Sigma Sigma on the wall who's the skiest of them all uh I I you know I I would have had a much better day if I just didn't read that Evie for the sub Aly for the five but thinking about getting uh I know that I know nothing in Greek tattooed to my forearm thoughts um just make sure you like obviously sit on it for a while make sure you want it but outside of that pick a good font right cuz you're getting it in Greek but make sure you whatever font or style of Greek lettering you will like right cuz that's the biggest thing Morocco thank you for the 25 [ __ ] gifted subs thank that you got a sub thank you for the 25 [ __ ] gifted barocco t125 you [ __ ] goat thank you for the [ __ ] Subs bro du username video for the sub the Rex for the five uh he for the sub the Gober for the three hear about that bill where now when you use pH you have to show your driver's license also happy Pride month what do you mean pH you hear about that bill where now when you use pH you have to show your driver's license oh PornHub happy pride month is what you also said no I didn't hear about that there's a bill where you'd have to show your driver's license Isaiah for the sub the dark for the thre phas temp flush for the sub uh Logan for the sub opor for the three I think I'm call up now Hamza thank you for the [ __ ] gifteds too dude thank you for the [ __ ] 10 gifted Subs Hamza D in the chat for that as well thank you barocco for the [ __ ] subs and Hamza Hamza thank you for the [ __ ] 10 gift it's mfk for the sub it's me for the three says does it grip stop anyways here's the schedule for today scary games then we're probably going to be hopping into maybe some scary reacts probably going to be you know 3 hour 45 4 Hour stream tomorrow we're playing Beyond Two Souls at 3 p.m. EST we're going to be grinding that [ __ ] out if people [ __ ] with it we're probably going to [ __ ] stream that [ __ ] for like six hours six and a half hours if people really [ __ ] with it we're going to finish it the next day play it back toback beat it in two days if not we'll play it the next week or we'll just stop playing it if people don't like it but it is the same creators as Detroit become human it looks like a very fun game people have been asking me to play it for the last year Friday Thursday will be you know up in the air on whether or not people [ __ ] with it Wednesday that's what we'll see if people don't [ __ ] with it we'll do something else but I'm assuming people like it cuz people really like Detroit become even when I played that Friday's going to be an AJ charity stream uh for their 100y year anniversary at 3 pm EST we're going to be doing reacts as well as uh trying some Icelandic candy Saturday is going to be a 1pm stream doing ready or not maybe body cam uh R six [ __ ] like that Sunday's going to be uh reacts Monday we're going to be doing Sim day or finishing Beyond Two Souls one of the two uh Tuesday's going to be more scary games and then the finals twitch Rivals event with me zusy and JoJo Wednesday I'm off and then Thursday's going to be unbans and see of Thieves are we ready to lock in for scary games today we're going to be starting out with escape from boy kisser uh and then I'll pull you guys on what we want to do next Brennan for the sub KK for the sub XR for the three I've been watching for a while because of school we're back T in from Switzerland keep up the W streams well thank you for the [ __ ] three Bitties uh and I'm glad you're back and how Switzerland it's me for the three I already read that L har for the three yesterday was my birthday happy birthday or happy late birthday when are you playing in twitch Rivals it'll be 5 EST on Tuesday uh it's a 3v3 cash out tournament 3v3 V3 V3 I think it's eight teams um but it'll be their base Cash Out game mode uh so that should be fun but yeah are we ready to hop in I chugged the protein shake before I went live and I lowkey almost threw that [ __ ] up it's me for the [ __ ] 700 Bitties wait you're live yeah I am living I'm currently alive yes can you play firewatch Maybe in like two weeks watch bounty Hunters no again if you have any videos you want me to watch or games you want me to play xation Discord video gam that's how I find most of the videos that watch games I play so if you have any videos you want me to watch Gibs you want me to play send those there what's hop in chat escape from boy kisser let me check the settings here what is Lumen system I'll keep it on it's already pre-checked I'll turn the master volume up a little bit maybe there's about no settings to this [ __ ] game let me turn on my game capture real quick make it a little more smooth bro a bro talking fast like an Auctioneer I could talk faster than that especially when I read biton know I could talk like xqc Fast let me read chats real quick really quickly I'm hype for fire watch why you do it lights out can you play Russ do it I told my parents about us Joe darker uh dark Belk chocolate what the [ __ ] does that mean I'm a boy kisser what's uh your opinion on pops what the sigma uh for chat you have to say actual words you guys are just typing gibberish I can't read that thoughts on boba boba T Boba T my mod or Boba T uh boba B is pretty good but it's really sugary and not that good for you oh Sigma firewatch uh what is this uh I'm a fresk chat like oh my God and then half of my chat when I when you know I'm reading chat just says just says Sigma IR what the sigma and then you're trying to get me to say [ __ ] [ __ ] saying I'm gay I like men both of these nuts yeah you're [ __ ] hilarious buddy you're [ __ ] comical you're [ __ ] so funny fake cheese I'm timing you out you [ __ ] anyways it's me for the three I'm done with the joke I'm want to say I love your channel on lives trigger for the sub all right what's BofA oh Jesus Christ lock in lock in lock in La lock in here chat we're playing escape from boy kisser lock in stop stop the brain rot I can't deal with it anymore I'm like honestly Tik Tok the Tik Tok brain rot with the dead joke has gone so gotten so annoying I'm like at at this point I like I actually count played just not posting for like a month and just seeing if just actually people actually thinking I'm dead and I just it would just be like whatever that app's just [ __ ] terrible dude people see one thing on Tik Tok and immediately believe it they saw one Tik Tok saying I'm dead and they're like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] it's [ __ ] insane man lock in type locked in type locked in Tik Tok fell off so hard it just sucks now dude it's just literally it's brain it's brain rot and toxicity that's that's Tik Tok brain rot toxicity misinformation and people believing misinformation off of one 10sec Tik Tok they've seen without factchecking anything or looking into anything at all people will see one Tik Tok and it could be like did you guys see that NASA confirmed the Earth is flat and then that idiot that [ __ ] watched that Tik Tok is going to go and actually believe for the next I don't know maybe rest of their life that NASA confirmed Med that the Earth is flat because they saw some loser standing in front of a [ __ ] tweet going did you hear that [ __ ] hate those people let's go in lock in Dominator of the three when are you going to play firewatch Jesus [ __ ] Christ maybe two weeks I don't know level one or level two I've never even played level one why is it giving me the option of playing level two I don't even know the premise of this game what is boy kisser I in a back room's esque area is there even audio right now I don't hear anything this is [ __ ] scary as [ __ ] how low my fov is I'm like zoomed in as hell I don't know where I need to go there's just apples and Coke sitting everywhere the [ __ ] is the point of this is that boy kisser I see people in a cage I paid like $10 for this game so if this is the whole [ __ ] game no audio I'm going to be very upset what is this a bunch of pumpkins a TV it's so quiet I need to turn it up I feel like the master volume I feel is it supposed to be this quiet it's like $2 on Steam I don't know how much I actually spent it might have been like three bucks right now it seems like it's a waste of $3 is this the weed room [Music] so I just have to run I just have to run away from that [ __ ] thing I don't even know where where am I supposed to be going it just just randomly that was not scary At All by the way that Jesus Christ the [ __ ] went on in that bathroom get a little too serious in there I think I have to get into that room but I don't I feel like I just heard it what is boy Kisser by the way it was like a furry animal what is this game bro I have no idea and it's so dark that I'm just wandering oh I'm here this is the pumpkin room I don't really know what I need from here oh something's missing oh is that [ __ ] is those pictures on the wall telling me what I need to do I don't remember how to get back from there or back to there and when the [ __ ] does this guy show up I feel like he just r Joe Biden is the boy kisser stop all right well I don't I hear him but I don't see him I need to go back to this these pictures tell me what I need to do all right so it's flowers pumpkin suitcas case toilet is this the flower room oh my God stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop [Music] stop bro it's like that that's this game sucks bro it's dead silent until this [ __ ] just finds me and then I don't know what to do I need to find flowers what you're kidding me BR you're you're literally kidding me am I able to escape him or will he just infinitely chase me he's just infinitely chasing me bro I can't run away from him I can't run away from him what the [ __ ] bro he can't fit through here surely oh my God there's no way I just barely made that out what the [ __ ] switch games if I fail again and I'm going to switch games cuzz this game is horrible but bro like is he just [ __ ] spawn camping me all right he's gone but I can't do anything in this pumpkin room I'm missing an item for the [ __ ] I need I need to find flowers where the hell am I going to find [ __ ] flowers maybe this way I haven't been over here have I been over here this is the toilet room I need a I hear him is it a meme song I don't know the fact that people spent time to make this game that was kind of crazy I need to go back to the flower room but this is the flower room I need to pick something up here but what is this the flower room chat oh my God did he see me I don't think I didn't think he I don't think he saw me I don't think he saw me right something's missing are you [ __ ] kidding me not enough space What Was Missing wait wait wait chat what was the order what was the order Morocco for the 5K Bitties to play Elden ring no thank you for the 5,000 Bitties though I appreciate that brother I never playing Elden ring ever again uh Nia Mr Pickles Jay willly a buug uh epin toxic for the sub John for the 10 can you say hi to my brother Luke hello Luke Dominator for the three with my girl the other day I'm sorry to hear that she would have give me my stuff back I broke into the bathroom and smashed their toilet with a crowbar reassured the bar farts toilet Bandits division strikes again Dino for the three you broke her toilet first time giving uh bits been watch your vs for two years Z for the sub ad Dominator of three what are you going to play fire watch I already I already read that Morocco though think of the 5K Bitties I'm not playing a Souls game chat what was the order temp for the three will you play Elden ring within no no last time I played Elden ring I averaged 1,200 viewers and the entire time my chat complained I am not playing Elden ring my chat will [ __ ] the whole time there will be a 100 people that want to see me play other ring and the rest will complain I'm not a streamer that plays I'll play [ __ ] 20 30 hour games but I'm not going to sit down and [ __ ] grind Elden ring for [ __ ] four weeks straight I don't remember it was weed pumpkin weed pumpkin if it was weed pumpkin then why doesn't this work it says something's missing instructions I can't even [ __ ] read that not enough space I just got to put it down all right so we got to what do we got to find weed pumpkin what was it next suitcase suitcase toilet suitcase toilet we're looking for a suitcase right now which I believe is this way we're not where the [ __ ] is the suitcase at the suitcases are over here but I don't know how to get in I need to get in through over there so I got to go left but that's that's where he was last time I saw him he didn't see me right you think he's still there you think he's still he's blind I no he's not blind bro he's spawn camping that's actually crazy and he's not even making the noise anymore go the [ __ ] away [ __ ] is he actually camping it oh no he left [ __ ] idiot all right what do I need I need some suitcase [ __ ] from over here they're calling you blind oh they're calling me blind yo where's the suitcase switch games buddy I said when I die I will don't be an L chatter I really don't want to have an L chat today where is the suitcase where's the suitcase it said suitcase room holy [ __ ] buddy am I about to pull out a YouTube tutorial to [ __ ] see how to beat this [ __ ] what am I looking at right now this game is horrible I'm going to [ __ ] fight that b waste of $2 don't ever buy that game that had overwhelmingly I think that had very positive reviews I need to go look at what that had it was a $2 game it had it has very positive reviews how how all right next we're playing that ever again that [ __ ] was terrible okay options here we have and we're going to run a poll here let me actually start the poll first we have the cursed tape we have the pony Factory we have manise and Voyager 19 I know we were playing uh I know some people might want me to play itch games but we played itch games like the last [ __ ] four horror horror days so we're playing [ __ ] steam ones now we got to play like a long horror game soon I haven't played one since uh Father's Day Bell for the four Once the next philosophy stream probably Sunday 10 for the 3 flowers pumpkin suitcase toilet uh it's for the 450 bits do you think you'll make a new dark pictures game do you think they'll make a new dark pictures game in the future yeah I think they're working on one right now the mix for the sub tacos of the three but at two-year sub and a three-year follower big anniversary for us dub 10 for the three all right vote chat vote on the poll vote on the poll vote on the poll vote on the poll we have [ __ ] almost 4,000 people in here and only 500 votes vote on the poll unless you don't give a [ __ ] what I play in which case you don't need a vote on the poll what about dishwasher Sim I don't want to add dishwasher Sim because I want to play that actually should we add the stairway have an anomaly game we'll add that hold up let me add that we'll make it five and then you guys can vote on that curs tape's getting the most votes right now though stairway 7's one of those anomaly games where if you don't you have to spot something and then turn around but this one's supposed to be really scary uh and it has good reviews whereas most uh most of those anomaly games don't have good reviews curate manise stairway 7 Pony Factory and Voyager I spelled Pony Factory wrong I don't give a [ __ ] you know what I'm talking about vote vote brother said boring ass background yeah it's the base Windows background problem problem with it you got a problem with it sorry man let me launch my wallpaper engine for you let me want let me launch my wallpaper engine for you it's updating stairway 7's getting the most votes now awkward should I added that in the beginning I know you guys do like the anomaly games we haven't played one of those since the train game how about now chat rate rate the background now oh my God it's so peaceful oh my God it's so peaceful and calm all right most people are saying stairway 7 we have 64% for stairway 7 23 curse tape six and six for Pony factoring 2% for manes D y'all just hating on manes bro I'm pretty sure that has like the best reviews out of all of them but most people want me to play Stairway 7 word we will do it 10 times better I I have a I have a few sick ass backgrounds but I just don't care I'll just like I'm not I'm not I'm not going on my computer and just going at at my [ __ ] background I'm never looking at my background all right sto 7 mods change game c actually I'll change it all right hea for the [Music] sub lock in here chat we need to work as a team on this one we could probably run a prediction here but I want to see how the game works first so don't do it yet cuz the odds that I beat we should read the how should we read the how to play be mindful of your surroundings if anything changes it means there's an anomaly around when you encounter an anomaly go down one set of stairs move them if you don't encounter an anomaly move up the stairs normally an anomaly could be a shadow person flickering lights things not meant to be there or anything strange each stairway is one step to Freedom W prone jump fire fire reload wait I get a gun why are Y and X lean left and right that doesn't make any sense that's [ __ ] weird we're just going to run the game what is survival mode we'll just do new game be sure to scan your environment for any differences in odd things if something is different up and I couldn't read the rest I don't know if I get a [Music] gun I already read that I hear a crying baby it doesn't sound like a normal crying kid though kind of sounded like a crying like moose Maybe that was a bad that was a bad that was a bad analogy admittedly all right this looks way [ __ ] scarier than any of the other [ __ ] ones I've ever played I don't like this I already don't like this we normally play okay is this the room medicine don't count medicine don't count as an anomaly take to heal if found okay okay there's a picture of a cat be mindful of [Music] anomalies dude I feel like I'm going to get like murdered in this game medicine so things are going to damage me wow I have a [ __ ] inventory too holy [ __ ] okay well I mean we don't see anything weird here we don't even know what weird is technically how do I know how do I know one out of 70 what wait 70 or seven oh there's a [Music] cat um I mean good job good job you killed the you killed the rat you kind of kind of ripped it to [ __ ] shreds plane okay so we got to we got to start learning this all right so this [ __ ] has one arm on her right arm and she got this kind of weird pose no hand the green Sim slime are coming something about vintage [ __ ] watch out for to what's going to be to here there's a weird creepy Chucky baby doll on the ground plan nine from outer space I mean I would assume we go up here that says eight and that says six 6 S8 two out of 70 no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way chat it's 70 floors it's 70 floors do I take damage if I get it wrong I'm assuming that's what would happen all right dead rat dead rat 678 1700 ch whatever that means same stance same signs wait there was an anomaly wait do I go up if there's an anomaly or down if there's an [Music] anomaly down so this is normal what I'm very confused so I have to go up three [Music] okay up if normal is it up if normal or down if there's down if there's an anomaly or up oh my God oh my God we don't know this matters chat up or down if it's an [Music] anomaly I haven't seen anything weird yet so I've been going up I think I go back if there's an anomaly yeah the flickering light is an anomaly what each time an anomaly is detected it'll play a sound if removed successfully what does that mean then I go back [Music] up oh it was removed cuz the light's not flickering anymore oh oh okay so this is different from the other ones if I see an anomaly I have to go downstairs it clears it makes a little beep noise and then I come back up 678 posters's normal path's normal weird baby on the [Music] ground I mean I think this is normal yep wow we're [ __ ] locked [Music] in it makes that noise it makes a and then it gets rid of it I need to turn the audio down that shit's loud as [ __ ] [Music] he ate the cat no the cat was in the corner okay so now it's now it's normal right like I could just go up CU it'll remove all the anomalies so if I see an anomaly oh that's why it's 70 floors cuz you could [ __ ] see I'm good I'm good you could speedrun this and then we go up that means it's safe and we go up we're on seven [Music] 678 do y'all hear that noise is that [Music] normal no I feel like it's not I'm going back down it was normal it was normal we're on eight I'm wondering how I take damage that [ __ ] is looking the wrong way they got they got this [ __ ] too easy [ __ ] you got to give me you got to give me a harder anomaly you got to you got to make you got to make like the poster spell the word wrong or something already knew that could have guessed that one number nine what posters are out of order I'm locked in chat I'm locked in I'm locked the [ __ ] in I'm locked the [ __ ] in they're not going to [ __ ] screw me over I've played a Million of these [ __ ] games I could spot an anomaly 10 out of 70 we're already 17th of the way there this room looks [ __ ] peachy clean to me I'mma go up easy oh she's eating it you shouldn't eat that Ginger Ginger stop it oh my God that's disgusting don't R don't cats eat rats though like actually though like people people release cats in their in their [ __ ] neighborhood to get rid of uh mice and [ __ ] oh my god dude do they like eat them do do they eat their bones I think this is normal yep okay I was wrong that's what happens when you're wrong okay oh oh my God all right all right all right all right we found out we found out okay I get it 40 HP yeah let's use it holy [ __ ] I feel like I'm going to pass out from that oh my God that scared the [ __ ] out of me we got to go up okay so let's us go up oh my God that was [ __ ] horrible that was [ __ ] horrible we got if if we if we get it wrong it just it just [ __ ] jump scares the [ __ ] out of you now I'm going to be tense and every time I go through oh my God now I'm worried I feel like this is [Music] normal yeah why is it on 11 what does that say 14 oh it does I thought it said a okay there's nothing here 6 7 8 normal Ginger that thing's normal as well save 20% oh my god do you think the posters will be like was it always 20% do you think they would change it and make it like [ __ ] 30 I don't remember there's ants there's always ants I think this one's safe [ __ ] dude stop stop stop [Music] dude [ __ ] you stupid ass [ __ ] mannequin acknowledge my sub I haven't read any of the subs hi Joe Barton larco for the sub uh Ty for the th have you watched the Apple wwc I don't even know what that is Adam for the three would you ever get a motorcycle no a for the sub Bella for the four already read that lock back in here 6 S8 that [ __ ] is looking at me funny this time is there an anomaly chat do we see anything 1700 chair is normal I think it's safe oh my god dude they got me tweaking with that I got to remember if this if there's ants we got to see ants there's ants on the ground that's good 666 I go down easy easy they're going to need to get me meds and [ __ ] dude I got to make it through 70 floors and I only can [ __ ] up twice cuz I lose 40 Health per [ __ ] [Music] up that rat looks like it's in a different position than before is that something is that something that would be anomaly [Music] anomaly I'm going up please oh I have to go down dude what the [ __ ] was it what was it what was it though you think they give me [ __ ] heals at any [Music] checkpoint Your Shadow had Hooves I don't have a shadow I do have a shadow my shadow had Hooves it can get that [ __ ] that [ __ ] specific hold on let me count how many ants are on the ground see this one seems safe to me too it [Music] was you [ __ ] no no I need to fix that fix it kill that [ __ ] rat good something smells off about this room chat I'm not liking the vibe of it trust trust knew it wait if I go down if there's not an anomaly does that change anything I knew something was off I could just smell it my [ __ ] Spidey senses were tingling [Music] I don't like this room either but I feel like it's safe just got it no I'm not going to just gut [ __ ] run through this I think this room's safe though I'm confident Coaster's eyes are [ __ ] up easy [Music] and we're back up oh my god dude we're not even halfway there what's half of 70 35 Jesus there's more there's more ants than normal there's more ants yes or no I'm I feel like something's got to be funky here knew it oh my God it looked weird no it wasn't the ants why did it look like that I think I'm just tweaking dude no wow we got to be more [Music] observant they got to give me a gun I think this this one's safe is that an anomaly a medicine bottle would not be an anomaly this one's one this one's [Music] good [Music] huh do you think if I interact with a cat one time it won't make a meow noise like with that be an anomaly the Poster's wrong which one there's fewer ants I'm counting I'm counting three less ants J actually Joe I'm counting less ants than there used to be in this in this room I think something's wrong this room just feels off dude the aura the aura this room is giving off I don't [ __ ] with my Shadows normal though I really don't [ __ ] with this room the books are gone now the books are still here C meow normally I think it's safe I can [ __ ] tell I said I sent the [ __ ] AA I sent the [ __ ] AA on that [ __ ] room I knew it I knew it I said it too there was a hand on the door where see I don't remember a book being on that [ __ ] on that ledge there now I'm tweaking that thing was reaching out 29 almost halfway really need a really need a heal here would love a heal here cat's normal the book something's wrong with a mannequin you say mannequin looks chill to me how's my shadow good this room safe knew [Music] it I don't know I don't know don't trust anybody with a blue circle is that mean they're doubting on me check the roof wait wait I've never looked at the ceiling has that always been there has that always been there I'm going to go down and see it hasn't oh my God that's not normal that's not normal yo and a [ __ ] blue circle said it's normal yo I'm never listening to a blue circle [ __ ] I didn't even know I had to check the ceiling like that let me lock in we're almost halfway I saw weird I heard a weird noise I'm sensing no anomalies here it's safe know it [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] I did I didn't know it would kill me are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me bro I was just trying to peep it out bro I was just trying to see what's up with him in the corner dude what what I didn't think he would kill me bro they'll just kill me in the room if something's wrong oh my God yo this going to be impossible [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm beating this game I'm beating this game that was first try we almost half play y I swear to God I would have beat that if I didn't [ __ ] died to that [ __ ] that's actually dumb as [Music] hell o cap for the five I knew it was an anomaly I'm a dating a girl for three months I don't feel the love I had for her before I'm thinking of breaking up with her eye would hurt so bad what should I do I mean give yourself a week see if you still feel the same and then you know you want to break up with or break up with her um just make sure that you don't really have the feelings rather than like it being the end of a honeymoon phase or something but 3 months is kind of early in Bri and Jacob for the sub French robbing praon alt tastos larco hobar for the subex for the thre Mason for the thre if you had a beard you would lowkey look like Vladimir Mar marov in [Music] 2011 no I would not [Music] [Music] now X Rob for the sub all right lock in here chat lock in here I'm not listening to Blue circles I know what I'm doing now though so I'm also going to be better with my heels and I think we're going to be [ __ ] a okay here I what I didn't know is if you if you [ __ ] up and there is an anomaly you lose 40 Health but if you if you if you die to one of the things in the anomaly you lose like way more yo [ __ ] give me uh give me some heals where are the heals I thought I start off with a heal is that only first try is that only first try they going to give me a heal are you dead should we full reset or no 28 that's not where I was before [Music] right 27 it saves n we'll keep it we'll keep it we got to keep running that's where I died it's not getting rid of him oh it's a is 38 [ __ ] that's a two that's a two is that a two or a three ask for the sub you got to check the tape on the elevator word now we got to keep running it chat it resets you a little bit all the caution tape on the elevator you're saying sometimes I won't be there said I had hoods one time yo that no that cat was be out something's wrong I'm going back nope we're not [Music] 30 678 I'm locked in this time dead rat look on the floor [ __ ] on the ceiling [ __ ] on the ceiling [ __ ] on the [Music] ceiling perfect I just got to be ready to run too like at any at any moment 6 [Music] S8 normal cat meow normal cat meow is what is this you see this weird like uh like purple sot I don't remember that maybe I just haven't seen it no it's normal H check the cats meow that's what I've been doing too n it's this room safe we're good there's that dumb [ __ ] that killed me last time I'm not falling for your [ __ ] tricks again old old lucky charm leprechaun I'm not [ __ ] dying to you again [ __ ] I don't like the aura here one time I'm going to pet the cat and it's gonna instead of going ow it's going to go meow like a very Morgan Freeman meow that's how I that's how I'll know something's up yo that's what he's going to that's what he's about to do knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it oh you [ __ ] I knew it I [ __ ] pensed up I wasn't confident in my answer I don't know what that noise was but I heard something weird we're going down oh my God no way no way that room's normal n now I'm going to be freaking out do y'all hear that noise bro that's not normal it's saying it is [Music] what I'm going to die oh my God it's normal what the [ __ ] was that Mr [Music] Krabs I just got an achievement for meeting Mr [Music] crabcat that scared the [ __ ] out of me I actually my eyes just widened bro oh [ __ ] no dude if I walked into that room he would have killed me hell no dude I [ __ ] stopped it I did the [ __ ] thing I did the [ __ ] thing dude I did it I did it oh my God he's going to [ __ ] kill me holy [ __ ] [Music] I'm getting so tensed up that actually scared the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me I don't want to play this anymore bro oh my God meow I don't know man somebody tell me something's wrong with the room or else I'm going to have to [ __ ] go forward it's safe oh thank [ __ ] what are we at 39 holy [ __ ] [Music] dude n they're getting [ __ ] closer and closer to me dude they're trying to [ __ ] kill me [Music] 39 again huh [Music] what is that oh it's just specs go down why why why why why why why why why why why why there's nothing I don't think oh now I'm freaking out 40 okay we're good 40th floor dude 40th [ __ ] floor no head mannequin go down [Music] oh my god dude no the mannequin's just getting scarier every [ __ ] time 41 there's not a door I'm locked dude they need give me a heal though I'm praying for a [ __ ] heal right now [Music] 42 am I crazier is that light dimmer than [Music] normal I'm [ __ ] I'm starting to freak myself out I feel like that light's smaller yeah it is my Shadow's [ __ ] up the light's different I knew it it was hanging it was hanging higher holy [ __ ] dude 43 cuz the light I could see the mannequin easier and I'm not supposed to be able to see the mannequin easier I have to like walk into the room to look at her Shadow's normal t one the [Music] doors 6 seven8 this room's clean telling you this room's clean knew it don't even need to see what's in there saw like 45 dead [ __ ] rats on the floor we're going to back that one up 45 holy [ __ ] we're 25 [Music] away I don't like this room check ceiling I have been forgetting to check ceiling I just don't think there's that many ceiling anomalies I could be wrong [Music] though I think it's safe is it safe chat what are our thoughts here this is a big room this is a big room go down no I think it's safe [Music] check posters now something sa we're good know what 46 upside on poster [Music] [Music] 47 oh my god dude us just getting closer I feel like they're making it harder but I'm also just freaking myself out brighter light bulb than normal question mark no cat's name Mista medicine C I'll go down to [ __ ] grab that [ __ ] if it's still there no I didn't and watch now I'm going to [ __ ] die because you're a dumbass I'm just going through 49 I already see a red light no [Music] 49 bro I feel like I was just on 49 you missed a med stop saying I missed a med [ __ ] you're trying to just get me to go down and get [Music] killed I had they have not given me a m in so long it was like three floors down I'm not [ __ ] running three floors down dude three down should I run three down for The Med no this room safe [Music] [Music] 678 God I'm [ __ ] sweating bro it would kill you yeah I don't think I I think the game would kill me if I went that far down you're not even good at it buddy your name's Chad Master am I really going to be listening to somebody named Chad master here I think this room's safe and to prove that I'm good at the game I'm just going to [ __ ] run up there buddy and he says I'm trash [ __ ] I'll Aura check this room right now swear to God and something's wrong I'm telling you Ora check listen heard it easy as [ __ ] and he says I'm trash and he says I'm trash or a checked and makes that noise now it's safe and I got 100 Health [ __ ] and we're on the way up [ __ ] dude we're good oh my God [Music] more blood than normal oh my God chat saved me there I was about to run up W chats w w red circles W red circles helping me out there 54 I would have ran up I would have not beeped that like 100% I would have not beeped [Music] that there's an [Music] eye yo I feel like I've been playing this [ __ ] for [ __ ] four hours holy [ __ ] this is getting scary 55 we have 15 more to go oh my God God this room's dark as hell no it's not I'm about to or check the [ __ ] out of it though I don't like this room I don't like this room so I'm going to double check [Music] it just kidding I'm GNA [ __ ] I'm just going to run up that [ __ ] it's safe more books than normal had a lot of Bibles on the ground there 57 [Music] oh my God I don't know I don't know I don't like this room and I don't know why I don't like this room I have to run up it was safe bit of an overe exaggeration on my end honestly it was just a door falling I thought something was going to chase me I thought something was going to chase me that was very scary that was very scary I didn't like that [Music] [Music] it's safe 60 10 more 10 more please [Music] bro normal C meow weird weird weird Aura from me I don't know I don't like the shadow I'm going to go up please we're safe nine more no numbers on the doors my God I'm going to beat the game 62 63 [Music] [Music] is that a fetus oh hell no get rid of it somebody said too many atoms yeah I counted too many hydrogen molecules in the air [Music] [Music] [Music] I think it's safe I think it's safe oh my God what was that what was that lag there what are you doing here go away I won't let you see my child [ __ ] child as [Music] well what you be a normal husband and father for once in your life can I go back down I can safe you are always drunk this is how you want to raise your family oh my God what is this lore 68 69 back to back oh [ __ ] not you again stop what the hell are you doing stop no [ __ ] [ __ ] my somebody help me oh my God he kill his wife please what have I done what have I done I killed my wife I sh my wife I sh my oh my God and then killed himself bro where's the kid at holy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] is that the end what am I supposed to do keep going what the [ __ ] is that oh my God together as you always wanted what the [ __ ] bro that was a good game wow that was so much different than the other ones though where you could actually heal and [ __ ] and um you had to go up 70 floors and you had like it was like you had health instead of just full resets Athan for the three sorry I haven't uh been around uh streams much since you got back this is my last week of school I've been really busy so i' be able to watch the streams W game though by the way dub cat for the sub Z for the 322 much love from Estonia well thank you for the [ __ ] three I like an X Rob for the sub Mason for the three uh I already read that um all right hold up let me pull on the next games we have the cursed tape Pony Factory manise and Voyager a lot of y'all recommended manise and Voyager but the curse tape and pony Factory also uh was recommended but vote all right hold up vote real quick I gotta go take a pass e e we're back XD for the subit Riley for the three no it's a bit of a niche wanted to ask if you'd be down to play the new valard map that just came out uh maybe but not today and I didn't even know they released a new map honestly I haven't played val in in the last three months I probably played five games of Val but I would be down a0 for the sub I still like the game I just don't my chat doesn't really [ __ ] with it as much as they used to so I don't play it as much Lux for the sub uh what won the poll by the way oh curse tape one I feel like y'all are voting that just because it it's kind of obvious what that's about but we'll still run that one uh then maybe some other [ __ ] mods can we uh change game category oh they already did thank you wow already it just immediately throws me into the game what the [ __ ] dude hold up yeah I already could tell I'm going to [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] the cursed tape I'm assuming it's probably on that TV there that's uh playing [ __ ] Mass amounts of TV static I walk very slowly [ __ ] maybe maybe you have some direction that says if you open this door the game end no the game that [ __ ] bro that was leaving the [Music] game like maybe maybe help me out you know tell [Music] me that t just ends the game dude that how the hell am I supposed to know that means that the game's going to exit yo slide me this tape [ __ ] the curse tape let me watch it somebody redeemed de yo odd cats thank you for the [ __ ] gifted Subs bro dub in the chat for that thank you for the [ __ ] 10 gifteds zcat 191 Subs to the Channel Total thank you for the [ __ ] 10 gifted Subs you've been popping out with the gifteds recently and I appreciate that thank you for the 10 gifted Subs shade for the sub Lex and XD for the sub all right lock in bit is he going to come kill is it going to [ __ ] eat me oh my God is there way I could get out [Music] give me the [ __ ] Cleaver why would I not keep the [ __ ] Cleaver on me bro what you're telling me I wouldn't keep the weapon on hand dude I'm just going to walk towards this [ __ ] too [ __ ] this yeah let's bust this left towards the the red blinking area I need a pickaxe where the [ __ ] am I going to get that bro a pickaxe sounds like uh somebody's dragging a pickaxe over here maybe I'm going to go right always go right when you're in a maze it's the best play always start right and then you go left don't really like this room somebody redeemed dog treat well I'm in the middle of the [ __ ] game right now chat I don't think I'm going to pause a horror game where something's perceivably hunting me to eat a [ __ ] dog treat I'll do that in a minute when we're at a safer area what is that [ __ ] noise dude I can see two feet in front of me bro just keep it walking keep it [ __ ] walking bro I'm not messing with that [ __ ] I don't even know how to get [Music] back where is it where is it is it down there [ __ ] that [ __ ] that [ __ ] that oh my God how am I going to [ __ ] I don't even know how to find my way back let alone the pickaxe yo he could put a little pep in his step too if I'm [ __ ] if I'm trying to survive and I'm trying to get the [ __ ] out of here with my life you know I might I might walk a little quicker than a leisurely stroll pickaxe pickaxe thank you I'm [ __ ] swinging this [ __ ] if I see this [ __ ] I'm letting you know that right the [ __ ] now I was capping I'm going to back that [ __ ] up I'm going to back that [ __ ] up I was lying I was trying to flex to seem cool I'm going to leave there he just he that [ __ ] just growled like Shrek I don't think I'm going to win that one V one he ran fast as hell too oh my God what are these noises what is down here bro this is useless me the [ __ ] out of here bring me back to that [ __ ] room nope nope nope not even looking not not even looking not even looking it's just ASMR it's just ASMR it's just ASMR behind me it's just ASMR that's all it is that's all it is it's nothing scary it's nothing scary it's just somebody it's just it's just Tik Tok live that's what I just have that playing in the background that's all I just got to imagine this as and we'll be fine we made it open that [ __ ] up yeah let's walk towards the creepy sound let me weave in between these lockers [Music] don't make me do a puzzle I'll cry you're kidding me yo I will knock you the [ __ ] out out if you take another [ __ ] step towards me [ __ ] stop it I'm tweaking I'm actually freaking the [ __ ] out oh my God I'm right near a bunch of sewage too you're too quiet I don't give a oh my God are they following me they're [ __ ] following me they're [ __ ] they're right behind me dude I hear them I hear them walking open the door open the door I hear that he's holding the keys I don't even I don't even want to know I don't even want to know I don't even want to know stop stop why do I do this why do I do this why do I play these [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] games bro get the [ __ ] out of here stop knocking stop making creepy noises just go just go the ogre's in here he's going to kill me I i' I've I I've come to that conclusion I'm fine with it now just get it over with nothing's over there is something over there now it's just pinky doll doing a Tik Tok live I think I just heard the um popcorn I don't remember these gift noises I don't like this game at all it's like there's too many noises I'm not even scared now there's too many noises of being over stimulated I don't even know where I'm walking I'll probably have to go up these [ __ ] fat ass stairs I don't like people whis wh whistling not whispering whistling I don't even care anymore keep it going I there's too many things going on there's too many things going on man just get me through it just get me through it please I just hear banging is this where I came in from where did I come in from oh my God what the [ __ ] is this blow out the candle [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] this wasn't open before I don't even I don't dude dude you're going to have to you're going to have to relax here buddy you're screaming up a storm right now man past 10 p.m. dude it's quiet hours I don't even know where the [ __ ] he is I just hear screaming yeah Kad is that you [Music] oh hello you want to hug bro they're just everywhere dude million of these [ __ ] maybe it's just the same one I've only seen one at a time probably just same dude he's got to be behind me right now I'm not even going to look sounds like the [ __ ] Purge is starting oh game is too [ __ ] real too the graphics I don't [ __ ] with feels like I'm watching a [ __ ] body cam abandoned video [Music] a van can I fit through this oh my God it's the [ __ ] ogre again dude let him out at this point he's in this room I hear him hello it's getting way too quiet why is it so quiet I was hearing so many noises previously was have I been here have I been here I don't I feel like I'm walking backwards I just don't know where I am I feel like I got to go towards that light no I definitely have not been here is that a [ __ ] oh hell no it's a [ __ ] tead oh my God I have to find a [ __ ] code dude how many digits is it a four digigit code yo OD cats thank you for the five gifted Subs bro thank them you got stop thank you for the five gifteds somebody said turn my mic up I just got to turn the game down dude honestly the game's just pretty loud thank you for the five gifteds bro four digigit code I got to get to that purple room I feel like I there is more than one of them which you guys have a four digigit code per chance do any of you know the digits to the four-digit code is that a digit that's a that's a black light are we going to go look at creepy airbnbs or something [Music] what UV one 1 + 1 is two and then pad code what the first digits two yeah I feel like we got to look for other for other codes oh [ __ ] okay so the first digits two but then how do I know that the first digits do just one of the settle down buddy just the local crackhead okay so you do the parentheses first based on pmaz so yo can this [ __ ] I'm not going to be able to focus 41 * 2 is 80 82 so it's 82 but what 80 82 it can't 8 82 is two digits on a four digigit code all right so we got 2 and 82 but where's the other where's the other one so right now it's 282 okay so maybe the last one will be a on digigit number yeah we got 2 A2 and then we got to go find this other [ __ ] one which is this way [ __ ] I'm just getting used to these Neighbors at this point I feel like this is where I went for the last Cod I he buddy where you at don't try and jump scare me I won't be happy about it there's a creepy clown I don't [ __ ] with clap it would be 822 why would it be 822 oh cuz it did say it was one yeah but now there's now there's oh no I think it was just telling me I had to do math CH I feel like I feel like the I feel like it's 82 and then that's all right this is three so oh my god um it's parentheses first right so it' be three it'd be 3 * 20 which would be 60 so it's nine I don't remember where the last one was it's down here somewhere I think it's over here so we have 829 and then this should be number four bch move out of the way please excuse me what so last digit is [Music] nine this would be four no it' be eight no it wouldn't be four chat the [ __ ] no no no no no no no listen listen listen listen listen this is 3 minus one which is two oh no yeah it's two I was thinking plus one 3 - 1 is 2 2 * 2 is 4 4 * 1 is uh still four so it' be 8249 8249 right unless I'm missing one but it was a four-digit code we're going to try it 8249 8249 yep yep yep needed that thank you [ __ ] thank you [ __ ] do I still got that black light on me I don't I dropped that [ __ ] made it through uh-uh uh-uh uh-uh uh-uh I don't [ __ ] with this room oh hell no now this is getting scarier oh she's holding a [ __ ] human hand yo I told you I don't want you stepping near me [ __ ] you smell like cheese and [ __ ] Rotting Flesh ass hat back at the [ __ ] up oh my God and now there's another one of your stupid ass [ __ ] friends here hell do I even need to go we got steam blowing out of here pardon my reach dude I don't needan to step on you like that I got to be in here what do I need to do a oh all right so hary doll cross doll no mouth doll and they got to be on the Shelf in a specific order what shelf what [ __ ] shelf dude oh one out here oh it's this shelf well where do I find them [ __ ] stop making those [ __ ] noises dude please shut up shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up damn yo where are they though is it these three where are the dolls at I see the candle room oh what I got to sneeze oh no I have a tissue ha oh my God ew e e e e e SC for the sub colon for the five venom for the sub uh daily Colton Jacob for the sub and oddcast thank you for the gift it's again uh Morocco for the wait no those are new gifteds thank you odd cats for the five gifted Subs Narita for the three today's my birthday happy birthday sweet meio for the sub marocco for the Thousand betes you're my top five favorite streamer YouTuber thank you Vibe for the sub on odd cats for the gifteds shade for the sub top five top five oh is it these [ __ ] no dude what dolls is it chat what are the doll what are the dolls that I need to [ __ ] use [ __ ] said new game it's the same guy that's spamming it Mod's time them the [ __ ] out buddy figure it out this game's fire 50 for s look behind the doors what do you mean oh [Music] you think over [Applause] here he got me that time he got me that time homie got me that time I will admit I will admit that was scary as [ __ ] dog treat [ __ ] I'm finishing the game first yo where the [ __ ] are the other ones I don't even remember what the other ones were supposed to look like oh that's one you weren't there before where is the last one wait I got to I got to consult this [ __ ] I don't know what it's supposed to look like it has no mouth the doll with no mouse where the [ __ ] is a doll with no mouse yo can you stop speaking bro he popped a perk that ain't a [ __ ] perk dude he's [ __ ] losing it maybe it's by her [ __ ] did you shut the door on me doll with no mouth hello hello where the [ __ ] is it it can't be in this room it's got to be all the way the [ __ ] back there I already know it it's going to be out of this area it's going to be out here maybe not yo where is it those have mouths oh here he is this is a [ __ ] voodoo doll odd for the Thousand B Joe's number one for life thank you bro unfazed unfazed plant that b easy yo your friend's like oding over there if you want to save them is that a gun or a camera what do you videotape me dude I gave myself the tape and you leave the game by [ __ ] giving it to the next person holy [ __ ] that is actually a good ending oh my God you give yourself the tape and that finishes the game that is cool cool that is cool that was a fun small game all right I gotta go do dog treat Bro [ __ ] okay com down 30 seconds I got to get a dog treat hold up let me play a different song e e well my dog saw that I grabbed a dog treat and so we're getting a free Daisy showcase here cuz she's sitting right next to me but I'm also going to eat one cuz I grabbed two so I'll eat eat one and she will eat one hold up and I oh my camera almost just shut off that was weird hold up uh oh hello hello anyways one for me and one for you hold up I need to get another cord for that [ __ ] all right no more Daisy no more she's looking at me all sad because she's saw two she's like where the [ __ ] I go I ate it I ate it I know I ate your tree I'm sorry was it good no I'm just used to them I've eaten 50 of those they're just bone marrow but they tastes like sand slim and empty for the sub all right all right next video you're used to them yeah well I also did back like this was even before I was dating Brooke I when I used to play war zone I did a video where I ate a dog tree every time I died and I ate like 10 dog treats in like 45 minutes that was like three years ago though that was a while ago anyways next [ __ ] game here which we're probably going to play like two more OD cats oats bro thank you for the [ __ ] 50 [ __ ] gifted thank you for the [ __ ] Subs there brother dub in the chat for odd thank you for the [ __ ] 50 goddamn Subs there man popping out with the subs recently been very active in chat very active in the gifted Community I appreciate that thank you for the 50 gifted Subs odd cats you're a [ __ ] goat 50 people in my chat just got a free [ __ ] sub so thank odd cats if you just got a [ __ ] sub outside of that thank you for the [ __ ] 50 gifted thank you for the [ __ ] Subs there man oh my God DB in the chat sorry for the mic peeking by the way it's how bad is the mic Peak chat isn't that bad is it is it isn't that bad is it that I think it's because I I talk too close to it if I sit here and I talk this far away it's probably not that bad what didat say hold up hold up I saw odd cats type something and I lost it in the chat I'm looking in your user up I've been watching you for so long but just started watching your streams dub dude well welcome to the [ __ ] streaming community and I'm glad that you've been in like you know just watching my YouTube videos and [ __ ] Tik toks and [ __ ] for a while sccore for the sub oh my God okay oh yeah you've been following me you well I mean you just made an TW I'm looking at your Twitch right now you made a Twitch account like last month welcome welcome welcome all right next game yeah now we have to do a little poll real quick all right let's run this poll what the [ __ ] is a jiggle machine uh it's a machine that uh Jiggles you and I stand on it all right which we have the pony Factory as number one should I read the Dame descriptions because I feel like some of these like what the [ __ ] is the pony Factory you guys sent all these and I and I [ __ ] downloaded them again if you have any games you want me to play or videos you want me to react to X Discord mods in the Discord link vide gami most of videos that watch games that I play you said any game that you think would be fun to watch me play on stream doesn't have to be horror games I mean I would appreciate horror games I would appreciate [ __ ] funny games scary games multiplayer games [ __ ] story games I would very much appreciate story games if you have any [ __ ] you know fun games that you that you think would be fun to watch me play on stream or my chat watch me play on stream send those there same thing uh with React videos Pony Factory Winston thought he could use heavy machinery and power from the depths of Hell to transform Cal men into magic ponies Winston was wrong manise is a starving Cast Away on a deserted island discovers that a fast food restaurant appears once the sun goes down at as if beckoning him inside in his most desperate hour of need this stranded soul will have to work for his meal and for his life and then Voyager 19 a short horror game where you control a decaying spacecraft exploring distant star systems vote vote vote on the poll chat Raven and faulty for the sub sccore for the sub what do we play today we're going to play all these eventually it's just which one we play right now manes and Voyager sounded the best if I'm being real pony Factory I think will be good it just had like a weird game description dude this is the [ __ ] best F not sponsored it's the best [ __ ] flavor of this [ __ ] lemon lime so lemony dude so lemony isite chat is Sprite more lemon or more lime in your opinion I think sprite's more lime is I I don't taste any lemon in Sprite I think uh you do because if it was just lime it would taste like a limeade and lime AIDS are like like when you drink that [ __ ] they're still good it's more sugar well yeah I mean this is artificial sugars this got this has like arrol in it or whatever that [ __ ] gives you cancer but oh no this one doesn't this one has a lot of suc close anyways do you want to play a game called grounded with me in a few days um is that the game where you're like really tiny and you have to craft [ __ ] when would you want to play it I'll be down my chats asked me to play that game before that's a long game though I mean we probably wouldn't beat the game I would play it though that would be definitely fun I don't know how good I'd be at it I never tried that [ __ ] before I'd be down we also got to play [ __ ] uh body cam too cuz I just played that the other day I was going to ask you but you were doing like a Reddit recap thing in a few days yeah I'm down I have a charity stream on Friday so I can't do it then but I would be able to do probably Saturday probably Saturday maybe Thursday I just wouldn't be able to Friday or tomorrow it's like Minecraft is it like like Minecraft Agent wants to play a game that's like Minecraft never would have guessed that [ __ ] really I've seen I saw grounded when it first came out and it did look [ __ ] fire how many hits should I take don't be shy I have a high tolerance buddy I'm not going to tell you how many [ __ ] hits you should take out of your [ __ ] bong buddy that's up to you Jesus Christ how much crack should I do Joe on a scale of one to 10 all right is Agent streaming hold up that's not true bro if [ __ ] is really saying charity then you wouldn't have rushed the pitch when we was playing beta Squad all right how about that bro how about that you wouldn't have rushed the pitch bro but you did okay because charity is not important to you gang all right good job winning both the try not two laps in Kai's stream seems like no one cared you one but the agency did bro the agency cares stay safe stay well let's have a good BR it wasn't even funny like I did I didn't have to try not to laugh bro uh we didn't care all right okay good good good good good good hi agent how are you today did you sleep well oh he's talking because I mentioned charity then he started talking about when [ __ ] rushed the pitch during the charity event yo you got to be a mad loser to do that [ __ ] dude you have a great positive stream today let me call let me call let me call Mr Josh real quick hold up let me let me message me call this [ __ ] real quick I need to change the [ __ ] profile picture it's an injured ACL nigga's fine now hello yo I'm on stream I just wanted to ask you a very important question what's on there do you want to play body cam at some point tonight uh do do I want to play bu bro calls bro just calls people up to ask him to play games on stream par and Ethan for the sub oh thank you for the Thousand Bitties bro what happened bro I have so much bone marrow in my [ __ ] Jesus Christ is it in my teeth oh my God it's all in my teeth it's like covering my [ __ ] gums and before anybody says I have yellow ass teeth go [ __ ] yourself I'm pre I'm pre-announcing that I don't have yellow teeth bro it's the camera dude it's the camera I got natural teeth I brush my teeth all the time I use mouthwash too I use that I use that brown mouthwash [ __ ] and that purple mouthwash that [ __ ] that makes you want to [ __ ] throw up I got a clean teeth dude do you floss no I use a water flosser I don't floss though that [ __ ] sucks you got yellow ass teeth [ __ ] I bet you got [ __ ] rotten teeth [ __ ] I bet you don't take showers [ __ ] I bet I bet I bet you don't take showers [ __ ] and what and and what oh you're gonna say oh well Joe oh well Joe because we talked about this before oh well Joe you don't wash your feet yeah I don't wash my feet [ __ ] but my feet don't stink I don't watch my feet what's it to you [ __ ] what's it to you that's like the whitest phrase you can say what's it to you dead ass though what's it to you you got foot fungus [ __ ] I'll show my feet right now I don't got foot fungus y'all just trying to get me to show my toes that's not that's what I know you're doing too you're trying to say oh you I bet I bet your feet are I bet your feet are disgusting Joe I bet your feet are disgusting no because every time I've ever had my feet on camera [ __ ] clip it I'm not doing that not doing that your feet are gross bro bro is you still talking about body cam bro I still don't have agent on Discord I'm about to spam in this [ __ ] chat BR let me see I don't know who the [ __ ] is going to be on at 10:30 though BR do I have streaming hours yeah you do bro if you said like seven I feel like I could have got a party of 10 in this [ __ ] easy oh my God I don't want to be that guy yo joe I I dm'd you on Twitter look look I sent it to you did he really oh he did all raage 1030 bro be there oh he did he did he did he did that's my bad oh [ __ ] that's awkward ah [ __ ] hold up let me add him hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up that is mad awkward all right I gotta add him and then we're going to hop into the next game add F okay excit wait oh yeah no yo also I feel like I should shout this at the end of stream but me and sneeg did a podcast episode together if [ __ ] want to go watch that it's on time wasters YouTube channel I don't know what the [ __ ] that thumbnail is but we made a podcast go watch it at the end of stream what do you want to do after social media probably own a business and [ __ ] I don't know maybe work at an animal shelter that would be dope working with dogs and [ __ ] I don't know anyway oh Joe just added me on Discord hold let me get his too send me yours too all right boom we'll see chat okay all he said he said send me yours too [ __ ] I don't know mine chat how do you find your Discord how do you see your Discord you're so quit what does that even mean all right I sent him that [ __ ] okay are we ready to hop into the next game chat which one did y'all vote for by the way I don't know which one won we're just going to repole all right it's Pony Factory manise or Voyager vote on that [ __ ] I'll play grounded with would you guys want to see grounded with me agent and then I think you said Ginge and somebody else i' would be down to play that [ __ ] I don't know if we would [ __ ] play that and beat it but I'd be down to play it how often are there going to be podcast episodes BR I have no idea we're just kind of feeling the ground there grounded is sick chat already decided what do you mean oh what's saying yes okay manise manise is getting an overwhelming an overwhelming Victory here 66% out of the three God okay what's the game about well you're about to find out because it won the poll schury for the sub June for the sub uh odd cast for the Thousand B are dog traits good for you because of the bone marrow I don't know if they're good for humans uh Ethan pogers is in official for the sub are dog treats good for humans dog biscuits may contain high levels of protein or fat which can be difficult for humans to digest and cause gastrointestinal upset some dog biscuits may contain artificial flavors or preservatives that are not approved for human consumption and could be harmful to human health another thing says that the FDA states that anything made for dogs to eat should be edible by humans too yo it's crazy though you ever think about how excited your [ __ ] dog gets to eat the same [ __ ] every day like the same bro like my dog I mean outside of like when they had puppy kibble or whatever it was my dog has been eating the same [ __ ] for three years bro like every day like every [ __ ] day and every day you I'll I'll feed her and she'll running in circles bro starts barking and [ __ ] freaking out freaking out [ __ ] eat all of it in [ __ ] 10 seconds too just swallows that [ __ ] whole Ms for the sub dude I think it's cuz if you look at other animals most animals just eat to survive whereas like we eat for like pleasure right like you'll I mean obviously we eat to survive but you also like go to restaurants and you have like foods that you like more than others like most an I would say majority of animals are just [ __ ] they're just happy to eat if they have food that's what makes them happy it doesn't matter what food it is it's just if they're eating something they're satisfied Daniel for the Thousand Bitties can you say hi to Ahmad and Daniel hello Ahmad and Daniel what's your favorite food I would have to probably say chicken wings bro oh my god oh not not not fried though not I mean like maybe fried but I'm saying just the skin you know when they put breading on chicken wings I don't [ __ ] with that I'll eat like there's some breaded chicken wings that I love but if I have like one chicken wing for the rest of my life that shit's either like just Buffalo seasoning or like um Regular like house rub on like just just just regular chicken wings like no batter on them just like season those and [ __ ] put them in the fryer whitest response ever white [ __ ] whitest response ever to favorite food would me being like I don't know meatloaf I don't know I don't know probably probably my grandma probably my grandma's uh probably my grandma's liver yeah that would be the whitest response ever the [ __ ] you mean the [ __ ] you mean y oh that's the whitest response ever K saw nah bro [ __ ] said that's the whitest response ever what's like the whitest response to what's your favorite food vanilla ice cream somebody macaroni salad yeah or like like [ __ ] broccoli casserole green beans I do love green beans I love green beans oh my God green beans are good like really good string bean casserole is that really the whitest thing ever though why are so many people saying that a big mac salad what the [ __ ] is that boiled chicken okay who the [ __ ] is eating boiled chicken though caviar that's like rich white mac and cheese I don't think mac and cheese I think mac and cheese is just everything right like everyone loves Mac and Cheese I've never met the only people that I know that don't like mac and cheese can't eat it because they're lactose intolerant or allergic to whatever's in it like I've never met somebody that was like I don't [ __ ] like mac and cheese like I [ __ ] hate mac and cheese like that's like a psychopath statement somebody redeemed Flex typ ODS I hate cheese that's actually probably good for you hating cheese is like is like a buff because now you're probably not going to get like heart disease because you're just not eating saturated fat all the time one slice of American cheese is like five grams of saturated fat and you're supposed to eat like at most 20 a day cheese is horrible for you it's like one of the worst things you could consume is it that bad oh yeah odd cat for the Thousand bites would you ever eat a dog no I could have eaten horse in Iceland and I didn't I was curious though I almost ordered horse they had whale and Puffin and I didn't even question ordering that but part of me was like I just want to know you know cuz like what if I ate horse and I was like damn bro like I've eaten this before right and like I like I was like oh my God maybe maybe this maybe this grocery store has been selling me horse meat this whole time they sell horse yeah now they had horse there they had horse Stakes all right whatever let's lock in manes we've been yapping we've been yapping recently all right here we go no save data would you'd like to create a file yes what the [ __ ] bone meal bone meal Productions presents we going to have a whole last game intro made with love by bone saw 577 manise this just doesn't seem scary resolution we got to turn this [ __ ] up why the [ __ ] 640 by 480 what the [ __ ] why would why would it start on that WD enter control escape and shift a and shoot new game starting a new game I'll overwrite previous progress turn your FPS up how I'll go look at that in a second oh no it's one of these [ __ ] games dude where they're all shaped where they're shaped like a [ __ ] hexagon Buddy's head is a j DEA Hedren oh he's this is when he's waking up on the island he has no recollection of being here it's you wow wow that's a that's a nice facial change I'm on a fat ass raft I'm the only person that was on this thing this is a fairly a fairly small island what am I going to do here oh but they said a fast food place spawns in the middle of the night no but for the person that said would I ever eat dog now I try guinea pig though for sure I know they eat guinea pig in a lot of uh like Western or not Western Eastern countries objective find something to eat wait can I change my FPS oh yeah here it is there's a hole in the bottom it's already full of water find something to eat the [ __ ] am I going to eat open the box oh there was a fishing pole okay what what what I don't I don't know what I'm doing what am I doing am I fish am I waiting for okay I have to wait for a pull oh I'm [ __ ] catching this fish easy dude I caught a rare Sil silver darling hell yeah how the [ __ ] is this a scary game oh wow you got to keep tension low level two fish not as easy not as easy to grab here there it is steel blue Mac that's a big fish that's a big fish level three let's give a go do you have a job yeah I'm fishing dude is this a horror game yeah I think it's supposed to get scary wow the tension Rises very fast I caught a salmon I don't think there's salmon in tropical areas can I leave this stop fishing yes I want to return to the game Jesus Christ I just find something to eat and drink I caught [ __ ] three fish what do you mean I caught three [ __ ] fish I can't eat them drink the sea water would would you actually would that actually dehydrate you more though like if you just drank a little bit of sea water like a little bit a sea water okay it's still broad daylight out I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm going to find it to go to sleep there's a hole in the bottom it's already full bro please don't tell me the only thing I could do until night time is fish is the sun setting it's very salty can't cats drink sea water you got to boil it you boil water to get rid of the bacteria doesn't boiling boiling salt water does [ __ ] nothing like actually nothing I'm pretty sure they make salt water into regular water by like having some contraption that captures the Steam and then it changes from Salt to water like they keep both of them boiling salt water would do nothing can you boil salt salt out of water you don't make sea water drinkable by boiling it to transform sea water into uh po pable you require the water vapor to evaporate and then capture the water vapor and leave the salt and undesirable things in the in uh the behind or use reverse osmosis yeah you guys are wrong l l save game I think I have to keep fishing I don't want to though I don't I don't want to keep fish oh my God you get cards of the fish real multiplier what the [ __ ] is this these are all the fish you can catch in this game I'll catch one more [ __ ] fish and then I'm done and I have to go I have to [ __ ] survive this game dude you need a fish four more times bro but how am I supposed to catch this without the tension breaking the line oh he was making a face oh so it doesn't matter if the tension goes High I got a barracuda how many times do I need a fish you need a shark oh to drink its blood oh so I'll survive if I get that this game is ass buddy you got to give it a try don't have have a Tik Tok brain right now bro it's building it's building we're gaining war in this game right now and I'm having a fun time listening to the ocean while I fish you just got to be patient I'm quick with it though wow he really makes a weird face when the tension goes on dude this thing is fighting back it's fighting back [Music] oh I can't pull when there's tension how does it get scary at nighttime it said it was a psychological horror do you shave your chest yeah I shave I shav my chest and I shav my armpits having hairy ass armpits bro I'm not going to diss anybody that has hairy ass armpits but what I'll say is hairy ass armpits are so uncomfortable dude especially when you have deodorant bro said ill that I shaved my armpits you know what's ill when you have a shitload of deodorant on and then you [ __ ] lift up your armpit and you have caked [ __ ] deodorant on your arms that's [ __ ] disgusting musty as [Music] hell bro I'm not going to be able to catch this in time go on a Cod that's a badass fish I got to catch a shark surely oh you need coconuts for drinking water bro oh my God what do I do with it I picked up a coconut are there more of them there is it will not come off the tree it ain't ready yet he's still growing maybe this one will yep how do you open them I don't even know how to [ __ ] open my inventory I feel like I don't open my inventory I just got to grab these coconuts picked up a c oh it's night time now I'm just eating raw fish and coconut I'm eating a lot of [ __ ] fish there I just ate like 10 L pounds of raw fish I would immediately start vomiting cool and NXT for the sub king wolves thank you for the [ __ ] 25 month sub this [ __ ] took me forever what this game oh his stomach's hurting that's not good I just drop a deuce in the water honestly I think that that'd be the most peaceful thing if I was on the show Survivor I'd be [ __ ] on I'd be [ __ ] in the water surely I'm not taking a dump by a tree when I could just [ __ ] rip a [ __ ] right in into the water and walk out is this the fast food place oh no it's just the sun setting oh it is going to be it no way is it like an arb's it's just manise oh my God there's a worker there that's [ __ ] creepy I would think I'm tripping if I was stranded on an island and at night randomly a [ __ ] a [ __ ] fast food place just spawns is there dialogue in this game a double Manny oh my God what what was that one game that I played where I'd work at a fast food place is this going to be like that where I have to make orders and [ __ ] double Manny Burger Manny fries I played that in the summer last year uh not helpie Burger happy humble good evening sir and welcome to manise what can I get for you uh I'll have a double Manny with no cheese am I going to say something sir well he's touching him to make sure he's real this is getting intimate sir are you all right what's wrong that's a woman their name tag said Tyler sir I don't know what's going on but this is a manise I'm sorry but there are no phones here I can't help you if you don't calm down you look like you're starving the only way I can really help you is by getting you something to eat so what will it be I'll have a Whopper and then I'll have five more Whoppers yo order a Manny an a Manny float a Manny float and a double Manny cheese with a large fry no prices that's okay you've already paid what when did I pay what will it be a double Manny Burger combo or a Manny nugget combo if this is me right now in the mood I'm in I actually might get the Manny nugget combo I don't I didn't know they had nuggets but it really depends how good their nuggets are everybody saying the burger the double Manny probably will be good one double Manny combo is that for here to go just kidding it should just be a moment sir how is he going to make it is he going to watch him make it or is it just going to spawn here you are one double Manny combo that looks very sad you just give me an oooo face enjoy your meal sir how did I already pay he's just giving me this food and I'm like stranded on this [ __ ] Island dude I would be in disbelief I why did why did he not ask this guy how did you get here why is there a fast food place here he disappeared don't tell me he has to take his place no oh my god do I have to take this motherfucker's place and then work here he's just gone I wouldn't trust this they put ketamine in the burger don't eat it you can't smell it it's scentless he's eating that bot he's eating that top butn down that's disgusting and then the next day just [ __ ] starts there's no shots oh he doesn't remember falling asleep and it's just gone bro was dreaming was he dreaming though or was it real cool and NXT for the subs for the 1500 Bitties what do you used to shave your armpits I use um a manscaped razor and then I just use a regular razor manscape Razer basically use that for those things oh my God he still has the coke it was real [Music] the Fanta grape still in the bottle don't don't break the fourth wall I don't like that don't look at [Music] me you should play 616 games send them in the video session tab or game session tab if you have any games you want me to play or videos you want me to react to send those there signal for help impossible how could this be by night there's a manise by day there's [Music] nothing I still an SOS signal I doubt anyone's going to fly over this [ __ ] I think we're going to die at spawned did he watch it spawn there's somebody in [Music] there who is that order a meal nervous man he looks agitated what's up Tyler ah welcome back to Manny sir forgive me I don't know why they don't let us sit what can I do for you or what can I get you talk have you heard have you ever heard of Indie Indie he's a famous musician I bought tickets to go see him live I applied for PTO I really really hope I get it enough about me what could I get for you who are you talking about oh him Mr petrovski don't mind him he had a very bad flight but one hell of a meal speaking of meals why don't you try our double Manny combo that's the guy that's freaking out this place this is Manny's owned by Manny he's a great manager firm but fair I've been Employee of the Month here for eight months in a row what I do before this well I was uh I was uh that's funny I can't remember well enough about me what could I get for you please order something anything what if I talk again oh my God it does the same thing no all right let's place an order dude this game's getting weird dude so I feel like they whenever they're stranded this place pops up and then he ends up working here forever he doesn't remember who he was before working here are you ready to order whoa whoa wait a second second I'm sorry sir but it appears you haven't paid don't worry it's not all bad it looks like you have enough here to make a donation many of our fabulous customers have left donations in the past [ __ ] you Arnold Walt Amy Wesley Chang where's the food God bless what's more you get to sign this neat little paper and stick it on the wall the kids love it so would you like to make a donation to Manny's house today holy [ __ ] I feel like once he sticks it on the wall he's going to be stuck here I apologize sir was it something I said yeah why don't I just kill him whoa I wouldn't do that we would not want to escalate this to the manager trust me you see that wall there Employee of the Month Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler and Tyler eight months in a row I pride myself on my customer service and my ability to deal with customer complaints customer satisfaction means a lot to me but unfortunately this is one complaint I can't resolve if you haven't paid you get no food those are the rules not just here but everywhere you can't thank capitalism for that one or you can thank capitalism for that one okay let me ask you this who was it who was what you already paid for a meal so who was it what do you mean you paid for a meal did he kill someone is that how you paid for a meal I'm so confused there was somebody else on the raft with him there was somebody else on the raft with him so when you you pay for a meal by killing [Music] people hold up there must have been somebody else you couldn't have afforded it how did it happen were you hungry oh my God he ate someone you eat someone as a [Music] payment [Music] thirsty desperate people do desperate things it's always the same I didn't mean to trust truth is you did you can't fight human nature we were born to kill each other we're all still animals we just wear clothes and walk on two legs to our lousy jobs dealing with people who want to crucify an underpaid overworked teenager all because they accidentally put pickles on their hamburger and when it's all said and done the customer gets the sandwich the kid gets the scars and you want to assault me because you can't pay this game is cooking poof go ahead not my problem I've had worse by better so either hit me or take the pickles off your [ __ ] hamburger and deal with it I added the [ __ ] there did you like the spice I added there Chad I enjoyed that Cole thank you for the five gifteds thank the thank you for the five [Music] gifteds so my kill that guy I get a free meal excellent choice as I said you do have enough for a donation seems when you killed that woman you took two lives instead of one she was pregnant did he throw up oh dear you had no idea did you was that his wife children are so innocent which is why management prefers more mature Souls worth much more apparently they taste better [Music] too so is Manny's cooking human meat yeah [Music] yeah he had to have killed somebody so ah Mr petrovski right on time you've been waiting for a while now haven't you my apologies however it seems I might have a solution for the both of [Music] you I'm killing that [ __ ] I'm stabbing him in the [ __ ] jugular [ __ ] I'm telling you I'll kill him one of you wants to eat one of you's got to die it's that simple any complaints any take take it up with the management now who gets the knife the cast away or the dead beat dad tell you what let fate let's let fate decide no don't spin it are you [ __ ] kidding me I'm going to get [ __ ] over here come on give me the knife give me the knife give me the knife give me the knife land on [Music] me that's 20 that's definitely towards me that's definitely towards me right [Music] right no congratulations Mr pki [ __ ] I'm about to run nah let me in control let me in control I better not die here I better not die here oh my god did he kill me what oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] mommy wake up oh my God he killed his [ __ ] wife [ __ ] how why do I how do I kill him where'd he go we got to find something what do I do Crouch you think I crouch I could get through it yeah what is this room yo I I don't tell me I just don't tell me I just saw locked myself don't tell me okay good where do I go collect the papers where'd he go ball pit daddy says he must kill to eat I don't know where he is dude I'm like tweaking about about that that's my puke on the ground now is there anything in the bathroom I don't think there was no I know I think there was one in here though yep what is this I love Manny love 10 are you [ __ ] kidding me how do I run away from him yo where's the other note dude let him kill you oh there's one right here Manny's mommy daddy me oh my god did he kill his daughter too oh my God man eater if is Mr petrovski on that go to the box Chad I already did it doesn't work dude he really did kill his daughter for a burger what if I let him kill you or let him kill me the raft said run you are dead retry oh unlock the Seven Seals of hell it's seven pictures it's seven pictures okay how many did we find there's one do they disappear after I okay yeah there's one I know two was in here two three four was oh was it in the bathroom no we have three right now uh there's definitely there's definitely a few in the kitchen was there more outside behind a palm tree how many do we have right now three or four I can't [ __ ] remember four we need three more I need him to leave there I I already see one we have five no we have four there's got to be one in the bath open it is there none in the bathroom damn dude these what are these [ __ ] made of steel he's about to be right here I already know it where is he still in there he left how many more how many more do we need how many more do we need [ __ ] go in dude holy [ __ ] the bathroom floor n that wasn't one chat I think you'd laugh chat where's the other one how many more do we need there's one right here there has to be one more right there's one more where's the last one there has to be one in the bathroom you're right bathroom Flor this is the table what table what table what table what table what table where where where where by the raft the table near the entrance I already looked at that one my god dude this [ __ ] just keeps finding me [ __ ] off [ __ ] off oh my god you're kidding me I'm about to die I'm about to die you haven't looked on the table that's not one it's on the post by the raft I already looked at that the window the window tables it's in the Ural in the [ __ ] Ural the other Island no too dark the other side of the pole I already looked at that under the kid slide wait what what does that mean what does that mean seal has been released I just have to click all of them and then he dies I don't want want to go in there yet what other ones haven't I clicked I think there's only one more right you're still missing one no [ __ ] [ __ ] you I'm clicking it Booth right outside of the bathroom oh my God you're a goat you're a [ __ ] goat you're a [ __ ] goat I would have never found that I would have never found that damn I just [ __ ] owned him okay he actually still might kill me I think I'm going to die here oh my God the coconut the coconut that wasn't ready wow foreshadowing dude knocks him the [ __ ] out and then I stab him to death dude kill him what is he not what is he freaking oh did it like pop his eye open get up and kill him what the [ __ ] no he's going to beat him to death with the coconut I mean his head his head looked like it went in [ __ ] 360 yeah he's dead we got a Manny combo chat we can try the Nuggets this time good [ __ ] [ __ ] double Manny combo coming my way death by coconut I just got an achiev Mir for the sub Aubrey for the three illegal and Z for the sub ah Mr petrovski back so soon I think otherwise you you you a 10piece chicken nugget meal with a large fry in a medium Dr Co Dr Pepper please welcome back to Manny sir what can I get you aha so that's how this is going to go down huh seems youve paid sure you can eat all that what did I order I'll get you your meal oh [ __ ] yo I got two burgers two fries 10 10 chicken nuggets and a large Coke no way but then tomorrow I'm going to have to kill another person rocket for the S did I just eat that whole [ __ ] thing yo what's he doing Victory meal I mean yeah after running around the [ __ ] fast food place 45 times probably break a sweat what am I writing Brian was here so my name is Brian is there anything else I could do for you sir I would tell you to look at our dessert menu but it seems you're fresh out of credit oh you're just going to murder me in the store in front of all these [Laughter] Witnesses in in front of all these people [ __ ] crickets there's no one here let's let fate asde that's my line on who gets the knife bro I swear to God if I have to give him the knife again it better give it to me oh you're yes good [ __ ] now I stabed Tyler ah just my luck guess you're going to have it just guess you're going to have it uh work for your meal no don't make oh my God it's going to be dark stop investigate Manny oh [ __ ] no dude can I leave I can't [ __ ] I'm a walk around in the back [ __ ] [ __ ] you I'm going in here and I'm going to stab you to death come on where you at [ __ ] where you at [ __ ] Tyler Tyler I want a double hamburger eight months in a row performance they say star employee they say I'm getting go po up oh my God [ __ ] dude the lightning scared me where is he H how is she here this is my dead wife how is she here there's a mysterious hatch here if you enter there's no turning back no turning back should I go in it I'm going to go in it oh my God what's in the [ __ ] hatch find Tyler Tyler he's about to set up some cap can traps for me Tyler where are you something's missing I need a crank slot whatever the [ __ ] this is what does that say use the lighter how do I use the lighter chat [Music] F or z l i chat you're just saying you're just saying letters at this point you're just you're just saying letters I think I going to do something with that that formula there all right somebody interpret this table table four table to that and then that has to go to whatever the [ __ ] those three things [Music] are oh wait yo whoa whoa whoaa whoa whoa wait [Music] four [Music] steps the code is guts oh my God Chad how do I find the [ __ ] code I'm so stupid with puzzles there's a shovel here I got I don't know which way I have to go I don't know what that thing is that is trying to point me in the direction of like what is that what is that what is this that's the hand cry [Music] [Music] you move it what do you mean I move it four steps to the generator turn left at the generator four steps from this table to the generator one 2 3 4 one two [ __ ] that's right oh one two three 4 oh that's the wrong way I need to go that way oh no it's opening yet Tyler that does not sound friendly I think I'm going to the manager right now who I would presume is probably like a demon uh-oh this is scary Tyler's about to pop out of the [ __ ] water dude Tyler if you grab my ankle I swear to God I'll [ __ ] stab you probably going to kill your ass anyway though you are Tyler I'm not Tyler Tyler's the employee of the month I have to find [Music] Tyler stop [Music] I picked up a key to what we don't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] these are the same symbols that were on those things no am I about to get a gun dude give me a [ __ ] AK please Dynamite I'm hearing [ __ ] church music right now I am here I feel like I'm I feel like I'm at a [ __ ] Sunday mass what is going on on my left the [ __ ] was [Music] that bunch of artillery shells what are these for what am I walking towards this it's long as [Music] [ __ ] what are these the other workers but they have no faes is that Tyler are they're all Tyler what the [ __ ] I'm about to blow myself [Music] up is the manager coming oh my God they're choking me dude what are they about to do with my body wait that was the other guy who was that that was the dad that's the dad with the [ __ ] up eye what are they doing what the [ __ ] is that look at like a low poly Pokemon that's Manny oh my God it would be Manny is he eating them no he's eating the guy he's eating uh Mr petrovski is he going to like suck him in [Music] a they miss you just falls down bro that that would be like that would be like for a person eating one potato chip what the [ __ ] oh he's about to throw the [Music] dynamite what is he like happy oh he picked up the guy I think he's flipping him off I don't think Dynamite would really do that much in this scenario [ __ ] this game I have no idea what's going on is he happy he's getting eaten what I thought he was going to blow him up he's happy he's getting eaten that [Music] what was that there's more endings what are the other [ __ ] endings how do you get other endings somebody said he's Diddy it was Diddy Manny's Diddy is that the wife or me wait no I'm at the restaurant what or it might be somebody else I became a worker oh you think I'm a worker now if he eats me so all the people that died become workers no surely not not I might be Bri I might be Brian the worker at Manny's it's like an endless cycle Johnny for the sub it's Mason for the five can I be unbanned from your Discord you're gonna have to talk to my Discord mods about that but uh I don't even know why you got banned I don't run my Discord it's definitely going to be Brian hello sir and welcome to manise oh sorry about that didn't mean to start sorry sir but there are no phones here however I can help you by getting you something to eat so what will it be oh my God there's no way so it just never ends [Music] that was a good game I enjoyed that game it was Mish but it was funny or fun rocket Mir for the sub Aubrey for the th illegal Zia X chps for the sub I'm sped for the th uh you got me to Twitch I've been watching some other streamers coming back to your stream you're the best one thank you co Fields thank you for the [ __ ] five gifted NXT for the th uh recently lost two of my uh dogs to two coyotes I'm so sorry about that her name was Daisy she was Fluffy two-year-old pom she burying her was awful and she lay her lifeless watching you help me cope with the loss and I'm sorry I haven't been in chat recently don't apologize for that been watching your V to keep up have a wonderful day well I hope you you know have a good morning process I guess uh but that is [ __ ] truly terrible I'm sorry that you know two kotes took your dog that is [ __ ] horrible sorry about that man send for the 1500 Bitties I already read that Cole nxt1 Mississippi King for the sub uh we're CAU up now hold on that was a w game for sure I enjoyed that I enjoyed that game all right hold up manall okay I got to take a fat piss real quick so Count Me Down 30 seconds chat e e we're back e onat thank you for the Thousand BPR W Johnny and Boo for the sub is this going on YouTube yes some of the games probably will go on the gaming channel the whole vod's going on the VOD Channel though anyways now we're at of standstill here chat we have an option right we're about three and a half hours into stream probably going to be streaming another half hour what do we want to do do we want to do one more game or do we want to do you know a few scary reacts watch the other endings I'm not going to watch the other endings I like the my ending I don't even know what the other endings would be maybe if you took different paths at the end there you probably could have killed him because you had the dynamite ah how many games did we play today by the way four we did uh escape from boy kisser that was trash we did the curse tap then we did manes we played I feel like we did one more we did poop killer we didn't do [ __ ] poop killer we didn't do Voyage or that let's do a poll here oh stairway stairway seven we did do four we played four games today that's a lot re scary reacts or we haven't done scary reaction of it or uh one more game which fluffy is for the three thank you for sticking it to the big hand wash every time you take a Wii oh yeah no I definitely I definitely do Stick it to the Man when I say you know I don't wash my hands when I take a piss in my own house I did not wash my hands took a piss walked Walked right back to the room we're here and we're here and we're back you know so anyways um do you guys what you're disgusting bro it yo listen listen if I'm out at a if I'm out at a different [ __ ] like place like say I'm out and about right like I'm in public I'll wash my hands if I take a piss or a [ __ ] I will always wash my hands after a [ __ ] but if I'm taking a piss at my own house why am i w why am I washing my hands you know like what's the what's the point what's the point explain that to me where are the germs where are the germs coming from you know that's go that's gross bro for real what if somebody's at your house that's different that's different right if somebody's around me you know but if I'm like chilling I'm not getting anything wet touching your Wong yeah bro and what am I rubbing that across the [ __ ] ground bro Jesus Christ where's the where's the dirt I'm wearing clothes all the time you know what's getting dirty I'm not pissing on my own hands you know Jesus Dude 65 scary reacts all right you do you I'm just saying there's no germs where's the germs your m mouse and keyboard buddy my mouse and keyboard's [ __ ] disgusting and it's not because of that look it's just got like Dand driff and [ __ ] all over it and like spit there's like a Dorito you could y'all see the Dorito crumb hold up I don't want to try and get it out hold up I'll fix it now it's better and now it's better it's still not fixed a lot of it's just permanently on there googly for the three about a door stop about a door Dash Wing Stop for dinner what should I get probably Wings probably Wings maybe buffalo wings buffalo wings are pretty good and now my room smells like that [ __ ] air duster [ __ ] that's probably unsafe to breathe in who cares though all right uh we have some [ __ ] horror films saved up from from some Chatters here if you have any good horror films you want me to watch exclamation point Discord video suggestion tab game suggestion tab video suggest for video react days could be anything Darman scary funny cringe body cam videos doesn't matter game suggest da gaming days games that you want me to play send them there not a guarantee I play it but it's always useful all right we're going to start out here with a [ __ ] short film called Story Time which came out three weeks ago has 145,000 views 10K likes let's give it a watch the short frights podcast presents poppy story written by RM ly stories take time to sink their teeth into us I could tell you now how this one ends but it wouldn't have the same impact not yet anyway yo he does have a good podcast voice though that's some [ __ ] you would want to listen to on a car ride it's not until you see yourself in the story until it feels real that you become truly invested me when I me when I eat too many Edibles and I convinced myself while watching a scary movie that I'm in a scary movie of somebody that's watching a scary movie that's happened like twice you would think that's that would never happen that's happened often not more more than once maybe three times like when I watched when I watched the first terrifier I convinced myself that I was in a movie of someone watching you know when there's like a scene in a scary movie where the person watching a scary movie and then they're actually in the scary movie I was like damn what if I live in a simulation and my whole life has led up to like me getting killed by Jason or like Freddy Krueger or something like that and so I'm just sitting here like casually watching like a film and it's like prepared my persona for me to like run from this thing officer goofy thank you for the five gifteds I appreciate the subs man thank you for the five subs don't get too invested this was something poppy had to keep in mind she was a hospice worker which required a certain level of Detachment to protect herself from the pain of her patient inevitable ends however poppy couldn't wait for Mr Creswell to die his coughing fits unsettled her his delusions drove her mad and now as she prepared to sew up a tear in his night gown she wished more than ever for his Swift demise poppy opened a drawer to retrieve a needle yo I ain't even cut bell peppers though bro if I'm eating a bell pepper I used to cut them takes way too much time go bottom bottom of the bell pepper just rip that [ __ ] open Slice that [ __ ] in half pull it out and then just pull it with your fingers and it it's so easy and then I'll just eat it like an apple and felt a chill in the air bell peppers are mid I would hon ly say bell peppers are a top five fruit and they're a fruit they count as a fruit I'm not going to count them as a vegetable top five plant like if I had to eat I could eat orange bell peppers for the rest of my life at every meal and I wouldn't complain the the crunch satisfying as [ __ ] the taste satisfying as [ __ ] they're good for you which is even a bit because when I eat them I feel proud of myself right it's not like it's like obviously yeah they're not as good as like eating like cake or something like that but when I eat cake I feel like [ __ ] right when I eat a bell pepper I'm enjoying it and I'm like good for me you know I'm being healthy why oh why did Mr C insist on leaving the windows open distracted Poppy's hand slipped oh my God it's commentating it's commentating her Sheed herself with the needle and watched as a spot of blood bloomed on Mr creswell's gown then from the other room she thought she heard something is somebody there stop one of Mr Creswell sickly coughs she listened carefully I'm jumping out the [ __ ] window dude there it was again yo I would turn I would turn off that stupid [ __ ] podcast bro I would get the [ __ ] out of there turn it off turn it off why are you listening to it but she knew she should check to see if he was okay bro you got to have your full sensus on you why you why you got earbuds in Creed beneath her feet as she approached the room I would be sweating sweating he would hear you oh my God as usual there lay Mr Creswell tucked under the covers of his bed who's Mr Creswell did she live with anything that looks like a dog he was so weak it sometimes looked as though he were dead already [ __ ] I'm jumping on stabbing I'm stabbing that [ __ ] holy [ __ ] no he was still very much alive the door oh my god dude you're telling me you wouldn't jump on him he is at a disadvantage he is under the covers and laying down you're standing with a knife you're your biology of the [ __ ] humans for [ __ ] 400,000 years before you would be ingrained in your mind and you would you wouldn't even be thinking your ancestors Gene would say I have the advantage and I'm going to you it would be fight you would you would kick in and you would go I'm going to [ __ ] kill them you're not going to run when you have a weapon they don't and they're under the covers Mr Creswell R killing that [ __ ] something outside wants to hurt us I don't believe him open the door oh my God don't leave me don't let it in dude Nowhere to Run puppy bro you still have the advantage you [ __ ] go up to that [ __ ] you grab him in the skull you hit him with that boom boom boom boom unless he's unless he's like a paranormal demon in which case that probably won't do anything Stay With Me poy Lo yourself in a bath she could hear Mr Creswell pleading with her through the door don't leave please Poppy I need [Music] you you could have jumped out the window 10 minutes ago Mr Creswell Rose from the bed he was coming to find her bro you got to hold the knife in the [ __ ] Call of Duty stance she's holding it like this weak stance weak stance hold it blade like this like you're playing a [ __ ] a shooter right [ __ ] jab jab stance punch stab punch tab Right Punch tab punch tab that's what you got to do coming to stop her from leaving coming to keep her to let her know just how badly he needed her to teach her that there would be consequences if she were to ever disappoint him like this did she lock the door Mr Creswell was just outside the door she didn't lock the door bro like bro like bro that I feel like that's first first thing first thing if you're hiding like at least give yourself some time she just closed the door you still you still have a chance of winning this you still have a chance you got to stand up unmoving she's going to die and then he sound like an old ass man under that now our story is coming to a close and dear Poppy is out of [Music] time wait wait Sushi could just re bro just skip it yo just skip it that would have been way funnier if instead she hit like next and it just started playing like a a [ __ ] corny ass song like like like some radio [ __ ] like the weekend and then he just disappeared and she was like what the [ __ ] just happen Fred's podcast presents poppy story written by RM Lyall just don't listen to it again like turn that [ __ ] off I would be so confused though I feel like you would have you would have to [ __ ] I mean maybe she won't be able to get off of it though stories take time to sink their teeth into us I could tell you now how this one Ends don't you want to know how it ends this is like the groundhog day oh it's different I'll show you Mr Creswell took her delicate face and slammed it into the ground over and over until the floorboards splintered he thrashed her about the room until her body was mangled and bent until she was nearly unrecognizable no [ __ ] way and so ended poppy story bro that was goated that was [ __ ] that was an amazing story oh my God they made the portrait of God we've seen like all oh my God we haven't seen all of them we've seen some of their [ __ ] portrait of God's a good one that's a good one I remember that damn should we watch a different one I was going to watch some other [ __ ] I kind of want to watch another one of theirs now like whatever rest is now now we GNA watch rest CU I need to see this ooh uh oh uh [Music] oh it doesn't have anything think I scanned it no I think it's fine fluffy is for the three never listen to a pod a podcast on evil Spotify but I didn't even know they make podcasts that are like that like just horror podcasts they probably do those are probably mad popular too rest trigger warning I don't want to spoil it I saw noose okay I scann the video I saw noose I think that's probably why it got age restricted what's a noose uh loop around the neck hang yourself one of those the Rope people use and they jump and then they hangs them y'all really didn't know what a [ __ ] noose was things seemed normal at first I to turn this off it was a nice day the sun was out it was quiet but I realized I had no idea how I got there standing in the driveway and I didn't think the clouds were supposed to move that fast Not freak me the [ __ ] out glass were just zooming like that things were off and I can feel something with [Music] me I couldn't feel the water on my face I didn't feel that either I must have been dreaming it was delayed I was definitely dreaming if it was a dream then I was in [Music] control did it disappear oh my God but I wasn't going to take any chances if you ever dream don't look at yourself why I don't know if I've ever looked in a mirror in a dream there's been times where I've known I'm Dreaming maybe in like a reflection in water I might have looked at myself in a dream I I can't recall any dreams where I like stare have you guys ever looked at yourself in the mirror while you're asleep no I mean I realistically yeah maybe but I don't remember it apparently it's never you who's looking back but I think you're talking about when you're tripping I mean maybe though you think that if you look into a mirror it's not you like it's not like the your physical your physical face now when I'm Lucid now if I ever lucid dream again I'm straight up immediately going to look in a mirror I'm letting you know that I'm letting you know you telling me to not look in the mirror when I'm Dreaming if I ever realize huh I'm asleep I'm going to look in the mirror I'm I'm the first thing I'm doing is I'm spawning I'm I'm like it's the Sims I'm when I'm sleep when I'm asleep and I'm and I'm in a [ __ ] drag race or some [ __ ] and like everybody there's a zombie apocalypse happening at the same time and I go oh my God that doesn't make sense I'm asleep I'm gonna go huh boom and spawn a [ __ ] mirror and I'm going to look at it this is your dream you're in control I just needed to find a way to wake up that or all Chase homeless people [Laughter] why the [ __ ] is that the second option for you that's it's either it's either hey when I learn that I'm losing dreaming I'm gonna I'm gonna either a look in the mirror or B I'm gonna [ __ ] chase homeless people what the [ __ ] that's like top two like that was your number one till you heard about the mirror like if I ever realize I'm asleep I'm just going to Chas on with people dude what the [ __ ] is that thing he isn't real this is my dream he's still there but just charg him I'm in [Music] control he's still there yo what's a way to make yourself wake up though that we watch if you know you're asleep oh hold your breath if you hold your breath in your dream and you want to wake up or that's for sleep paralysis if you're like tweaking and you know you're asleep and you can't wake up yet you piss yourself I think that would just make you pee yourself I think jump either yeah jump off a building or or hold your breath and then you'll wake up think about waking up I can never hold a I can never hold a lucid dream though whenever I whenever I realize I'm lucid dreaming I do something and then [ __ ] 10 seconds into it I just wake up and I'm like bro [Music] really like I started flying in one I could feel everything I had to get [Applause] out how do you wake up from a dream if you die in a dream yo he is rapping that so bad that just pissed me off oh my God yo he just just crossed that [ __ ] he's wrapping it like it's a rope buddy make it a flat [ __ ] bandage holy [ __ ] that is so bad I in a dream you wake up he tting oh my God yo that that literally wouldn't stop the blood at all that's not even that that that literally did nothing I still see the wound something quick [Music] painless it's a movie dumbass I know but I'm saying just in general the way he did that I'm SP for the three i l to dream once and I spawned in a baseball bat and started hitting elephants 100 miles away with it uh penguin for the would do the pengu was real and potato for the three T tacos right after stream today maybe and I wasn't going to wait for him to do anything [Music] worse I didn't know exactly where I was going or how I'd do it I could find a road walk into traffic jump from some place High I could bro why would he just start hitting his head on a tree or some [ __ ] yeah like head by a tree you'd wake up help me streaming like this this is fake Gore fake twitch this is fake Gore it's not real that's probably catchup if this was a dream I was having why I couldn't I control [Music] it new Siege update what they what they add or maybe I could you op n but that's what that that's what that thing wants him to do trigger warning trigger warning this is probably going to go badly [Music] but what if I wasn't dreaming I mean there would be other people he's going to pull the chair wow I didn't wake up so it was real or he thought it was a dream it should have killed me but death wasn't a way out it was how I got here wait what this wasn't a dream it was [Music] hell nah so he already died yo they make some good ass endings dude worst part is I've dreamed about a forest very much like this one extra group something from this needless to say I loved it you know that was definitely a fire one too bro oh my God y they make some good ass films why was bro and hell I mean dude it's a [ __ ] short film they're not g to go to the backstory of that all right we'll watch one more home movies what is their channel name Dylan Clark yo you ever watch like your uh your fam's hold movies like your parents or your grandparents that's like I I remember when I was young they used to play him and I was like that's so stupid I don't care but now oh my God I would love to just talk about like I love I love talking to my grandparents about their grandparents and just what life was like when they were my age cuz like if you're somebody that's born in 1940 your Grandpa or Grandma is probably like born in the 1920s Maybe before then like 1910s and that's just so [ __ ] long ago and then that means like your grandparents knew someone who knew someone that was alive in the 1800s obviously it's a chain down the line but honestly your grandparents might have known somebody that was alive in the 1800s like easily which is [ __ ] crazy just to think about dude the [ __ ] 1800s that's pre-World War I oh my God my grandfather was born in 1925 yeah and your your grandfa if your if your grandfather is still alive somehow at 99 ask your grandfather about their grandfather cuz your grandfather's grandfather or Grandma was born in [ __ ] 18 1880 or some [ __ ] Mommy what's your eating how much food youting chicken nugget and some stiny yurt what did you eat other than chicken nuggets yo I like mad dissociate though when I see videos of myself when I was a kid like I can't relate to me from like three years ago but I could still look at that and be like okay but if I look at a video of like me from when I was like 10 I dissociate every time like literally every time I because I'm watching it and I'm like that was at one point me but nothing there is is still me right I don't I can't relate at all to 18 or 19y old me but there's still like fractions of that that are still obtained like I like playing video games right like that I I like playing video games then I like playing video games now but eight-year-old me that liked watching [ __ ] Elmo and just sat around and did nothing like holy [ __ ] I'm I I look at that and I'm like wow that would be crazy like if you could talk to any past version of yourself who what how old would they be I would love to talk to like myself when I was when I was a kid like just to be able to have a conversation with like eight-year-old me and just be like answering their dumb questions right cuz you're when you're eight years old your eight-year-old self would be like what do you do do you have money do you get to eat whatever you want like they'd ask you stupid [ __ ] and I think that'd be funny right more realistically it would probably make more sense to give advice to an older version of yourself right like if you went back to like 12 13 14y old you and you gave like genuine life advice I think that would be like more useful KK for the sub invest in Bitcoin yo definitely though definitely though definitely though oh my God you go back I'd go back [ __ ] 10 years I'd say yo buy Bitcoin buy bit buy Bitcoin and he'd go he'd go I have no money and I'd go get a job loser get a job get a job buddy figure it out you got to start making Investments stack your bills bro it'll be worth it trust me here come Nala no you your hand too no we go find Hanah what year would you say is like modern society CU I was born in 2002 but like dude when I was 10 in 2012 like YouTube was starting up but I would even say that's like modern day I would say like 20 2015 is is society now 2015 is like now you know like that's iPhones existed social medias existed basically every form of media and every form of Technology was like kind of there you know like 20 you remember the 2016 clowns yeah I would even say maybe two years before then like 2014 2014 I remember watching YouTubers I remember I was I was [ __ ] 12 I was just degenerativo and then like two years after that [ __ ] uh Netflix became a thing right and like everybody was watching that post pandemic is modern society post pandemic I mean maybe dude I if you look back at it though post pandemic 2021 was so long ago people don't like 2020 2021 chat that was 3 four years ago like that's I feel like you look at it and you're like damn you know like Co that was [ __ ] forever ago like for most people that's like you might have been you might have been in middle school when [ __ ] Co started and now you're in college or not now you would be basically graduating high school KK for the sub like that's nuts pre Joe moment what do you mean pre Joe moment time goes by fast yeah it only gets faster as you get older unless you do a bunch of monumental things life only gets by goes by quicker because you do less meaningful things because your days kind of blend into each other and uh every year becomes a lesser fraction of your entire life the days themselves are the same but looking back time goes by quicker and quicker as you age like how looking back at like if you look back say you're 15 and you look back at when you were 14 the year you were 14 to 15 that's probably going to seem you know fairly quick but that compared to an 85-year-old looking back at when they were 84 holy [ __ ] A a day for both of you feels the same but looking back at the previous year like there's nothing that they would really talk about you might be able to be like yeah I started doing AP blank and I'm looking at colleges and I'm doing all this other stuff and I went on vacation to this place for the first time an 84ye old's going to go I sat at home and saw my grandkid graduate and that's about it right like they don't do anything that's memorable epic for the sub most old people you think she hiding in the closet am I the only one who doesn't have memories of 2021 I have very few memories of 2020 all right lock back in no is there going to be something weird in the [Music] closet oh it used to be a closet there what the [ __ ] having fun oh oh my God is that is that right now show one to the camera here let's see like I flipped bro I'm running out of that door holy [ __ ] I'm getting out of there so fast Treasure [Music] Trove yeah good [ __ ] good [ __ ] smart as [ __ ] honestly great play great play there wonderful play ran out of there dipped no problem they rewinded uh oh now that's cheating now that's cheating the ghost can't do that that's unfair that's unfair that's cheap as [ __ ] use the tape rewind again oh [ __ ] no turn the TV off I don't know if that would do anything cuz the tape's still fineo that [ __ ] is still going to kill you oh bro got that night vision on oh [ __ ] it's going to be right there oh my God it's going to be right when she turns it's going to be like a jump scare it's going to be standing right in front of her holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I already know that's what's going to happen I'm calling Hannah where are you going way how is it playing that's what you learned in class where are you going oh my God it's going to be there stab her stab her stab [ __ ] can we have one where they kill the ghost [ __ ] W stream though chat we're going to call that there I'm going to upload on the the main Channel literally right now also they [ __ ] age restricted my video yesterday which is an L because it was doing good but anyways uh I hope you guys had fun watching I had a fun time streaming uh we'll be live tomorrow at 3 EST we're going to be doing Beyond Two Souls uh maybe for like six hours potentially uh if people [ __ ] with it we're going to do it again on Thursday and beat the game um or maybe Beat It On Monday I'll let you guys choose if people don't [ __ ] with it we'll just switch games but a lot of people have been requesting me to play it so we're going to do that uh Thursday is kind of up in the air because of that uh but we got a lot of stuff if we don't want to do Beyond Two Souls Friday is an a charity stream uh for their 100 year anniversary and reacts um as well as the Iceland candy review Saturday I'm going to be live at 1 we're going to be doing body cam maybe grounded with agent and them uh or some other [ __ ] I don't know for sure Sunday's reacts uh Monday I'll be either doing Beyond Two Souls or like Sim games and random games Tuesday is going to be scary games and uh the finals twitch Rivals event with me Zusi and JoJo Wednesday I'm not live Thursday is going to be unbans and see of Thieves uh and then we're from there but yeah uh maybe firewatch the week after and then we'll we'll we'll go from there x with Discord join the Discord videos gam find most of the videos I watch the games I play so if you have any videos you want me to watch games you want me to play send those there because I would very much appreciate it it's how I found most of the videos that I watch the games that I play in general and basically every single video and game that I played uh and watched today uh but yeah go watch the Youtube video I'm going to post that [ __ ] right now um uh which one do I want to post should we post a philosophical video today we could thoughts thoughts on posting a philosophical video today yes or no yes or no you can post the death video we're going to post that all right hold up I gotta add the thumbnail all right go watch that but outside of that chat hope you had fun watching I had a fun time streaming uh and I will be live tomorrow at uh 3 EST so uh tune in for stream then and who do we want to raid today uploading on YouTube literally right now I'm but cheeks for the sub thank you for the sub if the thumbnail would [ __ ] up Lo thank you Jesus Christ all right who do we want to who do we want to [Music] raid we could raid Chris melberger oh we could raid tent tacos too tent tacos still live I don't see if they're live they're playing hell let loose yeah we could ra 10 tacos all right hope you all had fun watching uh I had a fun time streaming and I will see you guys tomorrow and go watch the Youtube video that I just posted we're going to raid in five 4 3 2 1 I will see you guys tomorrow go watch the Youtube video bye
this is your last chance only 24 hours left to lock in your investment into the biggest grifter on the planet that's right ladies and gentlemen today we're talking about the con that continues the Griff that keeps giving the piss punch bowl himself Mr Brian Rose of London real now Brian's full history is way too long to explain here I have a whole series documenting this man's long resume everything from mayor candidate to bitcoin bro to free speech Warrior that last one being particularly funny because his comment section is more censored than North Korean Wi-Fi but anyways I recently hit my two year anniversary of covering Brian and I realized I can't stop now so even though London reel's views have dipped like a real historian I have to continue documenting so without further Ado here's the most recent chapter Brian Rose is selling his YouTube channel how would you like to own part of London reel as an equity investor and join us on our Incredible Journey of expansion as we transform the lives of the next one billion people on the planet with our groundbreaking broadcast interviews Innovative Online Academy supercharged Live Events and forward-looking blockchain strategy well stay tuned and I will show you how to partake in this once in a lifetime opportunity now look when I first found out about this once in a lifetime opportunity I was actually too late somehow I had missed the 27 emails he sent me asking me to invest and when I found out it was already over my last chance for financial Independence had passed me by so imagine my shock when Brian extended the deadline 24 hours just for me I have to admit I also missed that one but then he did it again with a limited extension opportunity which I felt was a bit strange because as much as I appreciate so many once in a lifetime opportunities I couldn't help but think it didn't square with what Brian said was happening with these shares flying off the shelves this is the last day to buy your shares in London rail we are closing this process out so you're not going to have to get any more emails from me or hear any more messages thank you for sparing me and uh it's just nuts over the studio the shares are flying yeah my favorite part of this whole video is that the comment section is a ghost town for such an exciting event I mean these are all the comments on that whole video and the most liked one is why is he looking left to right is he hunted by someone which the answer to that is um probably yes he's looking for all the investors of the digital Freedom platform uh to see if they want their money back now of course we know Brian isn't the first person to try to sell his YouTube channel as a way to make money a few weeks ago we covered the channel disrupt selling a fraction of their channel for an insane valuation like 10 million dollars so I wanted to know how does London real stack up against that in terms of delusion well I went to their website and found out they're trying to raise 1 million pounds at a pre-money valuation of 14.5 million dollars or sorry pounds we're in London land which is just insane I mean this channel barely pulls in a few thousand views per video and they want you to believe that they're this multi-multi-multi-million pound organization but of course that's why we need to talk about their road map for Success see Brian has a three-phase process which will make everything make sense see phase one he's going to launch a London reel crypto token phase two he's gonna sell his top 10 episodes as nfts and part of phase three is selling his top 50 episodes as nfts truly groundbreaking stuff and all of this is supposed to generate Revenue that looks like a Bitcoin hopium chart I mean the line just goes up according to their projections they think Lenin real will make 25 million pounds by 2027. just like I will be in the 25 million dollar studio now even if this miracle happens it's not really clear how much you'll actually benefit from this profit because the investor perk section is a bit vague as to what you'd be entitled to receive it says you'll get things like a live stream a share certificate for the amount you invest but then at the bottom it says you'll get a chance to share in the future profits I mean what do you mean a chance I don't want a chance I want the profits right if you're investing in this company I mean is am I buying a scratch off lottery ticket and look maybe some of you feel like I'm splitting hairs here but this is the exact kind of language that lawyers use to screw people out all the time like oh we didn't say you'd get future profits we said you'd get a chance for future profits and so I wanted to look further into this and so I read their like Financial pitch and they say that their plan is to pay dividends based on achieving standard profitability criteria now what exactly that means is not really clear I couldn't find it out it sounds like they need to make a certain amount of money uh before you make any money which given their projections seems like they won't be hitting it but either way I just found this whole thing strange like London reel's Business is already about selling to London real fans but then participating in the business is also selling to London reel fans like this is in the pitch deck their whole funnel system of you know look we're a profitable business look how we get all these upsell customers but you're kind of upselling people on investing into the business right so are you a business partner or are you the business if you invest in this thing I think the reason londonreal has taken such a hit views wise and credibility wise it's just kind of because people are so tired of being constantly sold things I mean I can remember a time years ago where London rail was a channel where you could find interesting people you know talking about interesting things and maybe you still can but the amount of grips that had been started since the vid took over in 2020 it's just ruined the channel honestly you have London real courses you have the freedom platform donation tribe the Brian for mayor donation Drive the crypto Academy the equity fundraiser donation Drive is just always an excuse to need more money wait hold on I just got a new email the London real crowdfunding campaign is being extended again
what's going on Vance Ramsey you're the first person I've ever seen with the name Ramy Ramsay Wait no that's cap who's that country singer that yodel his name is Ramsey what's stream today uh we're going to be doing uh it's only going to be like an hour and a half stream but I cued uh one two three four five six seven horror short films some are longer than others so it should be good Gordon Ramsey that's his last name Mason Ramsey oh it's his last name his okay your first name's Ramsey which is UN unlikely not a very common name cool name now should I play stream music while we're waiting I feel like it's quiet normally during my my like regular hour streams I don't care but I feel like I should play music while we're waiting I might play something we'll play some little Vibe Time stuff that is way too loud now that's good Bus video I'm not turning on the [ __ ] tomorrow I'll watch the Bus video I'm not turning on the Bus video today I've met one person named Ramsey and a girl named Ramsay that's it yeah it's not a common name name there's probably like 10 people named that's so cap there's probably like a thousand people named Ramsey in the US actually probably more but still not that many like Joe Joe between Joe Joey and Joseph there's probably like 20 million people in the United States with that name like no lie it's so common you're doing the Boss video no that's to we're watching scary videos the Bus video isn't scary unless you're talking about a scary bus video that I don't know about oh no's out hello everybody flooding in okay now I'm not fing with the music how is everybody I want to do my intro how's everybody doing on this fine Saturday night I'm not normally live right now can I get a dub in the chat your boy went live just watched just watched the damn episode of uh one punch man was messaging my mods I said you know I'm kind of feeling the horror stream tonight we've been talking about it for a while for those you of you that have no idea what the [ __ ] I'm talking about uh I've been talking to my chat recently about doing like a kind of watch Party of scary videos with my chat where there's lower there's lower commentary but I'm still giving what I say but we kind of just watch the videos together um and I CED some videos you guys sent some in exclamation point Discord I also just found some myself uh probably half of these are from the Discord uh the other half I kind of queued but they're mostly all alter videos because they make very good horror short films Fall Guy for the sub jayen for the sub troden for the sub Outcast for the sub I'm going to turn off the alert box but I will read everything because I don't want it to interrupt the story your mom for the 500 bets uh and your mom wait no Annabelle for the 500 bets your mom for the 300 bets Danny Boy for the sub um I'm probably gonna myself I'm letting you guys know I have been postponing this not only because I've been busy but also because I hate scary things I've never liked scary things in my entire life I love roller coasters I would probably go skydiving I like adrenaline you know what I mean but you know what I don't like SC you know what I don't like jump scares you know what I don't like big eyes I don't [ __ ] with that okay at all and that's what we're watching today I'm going to turn off the light somebody redeemed Flex I think rare for the sub uh dog for the sub re for the sub Ryan for the sub King for the sub do we turn off the lights not going to turn off all of them I'm thinking just this one I think this is dark enough it matches the the dark Vibe yeah that matches okay we're GNA go with that because I don't want it to be too bright because then you're kind of distracted by my face uh kingy for the sub toasted for the sub I didn't really know what order to pick these in uh by the way uh this should be like an hour and a hour to 2our stream I would assume based on the video length with probably how much I'm going to pause it when I'm I'm scared um it'll probably be like an hour to an hour and a half uh we might cue some more videos though if they kind of fly by first video is guest a short horror film uh this is a short horror film about the guest that is the only descriptive thing that we get we recommend watching this horror film in the dark with the volume turned up on the biggest screen you can find oh no should we start with this one I feel like this one's going to be the scariest one should I ease into it or should we just go all in sh I need I need I need I dude I'm kind of scared I need bro can I just show you guys the thumbnail of this video that like I let me just show you the thumbnail I feel like I feel like this one's a bad one to start I feel like we might just go all in though let me show you guys that's the thumbnail do you see their eyes dude and then everything else is like Momo oh no I would not watch that I'm going to cue that for watch later I'll watch that another night I got to ease in here but we're going to go all in I think this one's going to be pretty scary crime for the sub key for the sub balls for the sub HTH and ruin for the sub Vin run 300 bits all right I don't know how loud I need to do it oh it's already dark off rip they can't do like a story lead in they're already throwing me into the dark are they doing it should I what the [ __ ] was that noise is this I maybe I should scan this video what the [ __ ] was that okay no what what the [ __ ] is this intro is that crying or what we're all thinking it is King okay I can't tell what that is kingy for the sub dollar for the sub it's sounds like crying okay that is not what we thought it was if we hear if we hear this Scream It's not what we thought it was yeah what a way to start this [ __ ] off dollar for the sub it's for the sub Landon for the 500 bets uh King for the 300 bets how many bets for you to get light for your monitor so you can turn all the lights off I don't really know because then it would be very dark in my face in the first place it would just be a lighter monitor Landon for the 500 bits one dream for the 400 500 bits godam it Joe do not watch it I myself you've seen this video I'm not reading anything else I'm not going to pause it I'm G to try and pause it as little as possible this is less less commentary I don't like the silence wpj for the sub what did like she have a grenade blow her up or some is my audio glitched what's going on here is this a part of the video you Derek for the sub she can't see them that's why she can't hear them she's deaf is this whole video in [ __ ] radio silence is this whole video in [ __ ] radio silence that's gonna piss me off Olive for the sub new Derek for the sub no okay thank I was going to say this ear ringing not a fan not a fan the suspense is surreal I'm waiting for something to happen and nothing's happening oh can she not hear cuz the bandages I chat it's looking like this whole video is in in silence am I oh she has a hearing aid she has a hearing aid I was very confused Wolfie for the sub blel for the 3 bits working the night shift in the hospital oh that's nightmares pet peeve of the day I'm a server at Olive Garden I hate when guests want bread sticks with no butter and no salt salt that's what I do oh wait no I won't I I won't I'll eat with whatever it's on you know what I mean I thought you meant like when they have that olive oil and do you all dip your bread in olive oil [ __ ] that [ __ ] that you hand me It Whatever the bread the base bread is you give me I'm chowing on that you know what I mean like I'm not I'm not taking that oh H balsamic gross ew Pluto for the sub or the not the sub the 300 bets Bas for the 3 bets I'm on the toilet so I'm going to get myself I'm ready for it good plan you're pre- preparing night for the sub freshy your bets congrats on one mill thank you no maybe put butter on bread can you hear me now oh thank [ __ ] there's audio how did you get inside my house I found you my bathroom this morning how did you get inside my house can you hear it Mary but this random [ __ ] got a is your name Mary error for the sound if that [ __ ] ain't responding I'm kicking her out I'm sorry I need you to listen to me I'm sorry if somebody breaks into my house they got a bunch of goddamn bandages on their face and they can't [ __ ] hear me it's over I'm kicking you out I don't care you're gone air for the sub Dr RS Colin and Jay noodles 500 bets I'm sad as [ __ ] and you started streaming I watch your days daily as a getaway and I want to tell you how much I appreciate you thank you I'm sorry uh that you're going through some stuff but I'm glad I could help your wallet and I just want to make sure is your name Mary are you hungry your first question are you hungry if you got any allergies I can I can make you something it doesn't say on here do you have any allergies I have is there anyone that you want me to call your mom anyone no one do you remember what happened last night do you remember what happened last night dude I'm not [ __ ] with this wait what is this prediction will Joe wuss out in quit watching y'all really [ __ ] thinking I ain't gonna finish the video [ __ ] I'll pull one of these that's how you know I'm scared when I'm going like this when I turn my body away from the screen that's how you know I'm scared jammie for the Thousand bets you should watch cryp TV they have the best short films I think one or two of these is CP TV all right what's going on here Mary oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no all right now I'm good see yeah stop turning away that's how you know I'm scared now I'm about to turn this [ __ ] down it's about to get loud as [ __ ] why you why you wide eyed in me [ __ ] this fourth wall break are you looking at me I'm not [ __ ] with this watch little if that ain't the worst [ __ ] run I have ever seen in my entire life oh my God you got to pump your arms what the [ __ ] was [Music] that N I don't like ominous music oh I really hate this dude I'm going to freak out when I see some weird [ __ ] I'm I'm waiting to jump I don't like jump scares oh this is how she got in the house wait this is Mary oh my God I was so confused of what's going on this is how this [ __ ] got in the house and now she's got like [ __ ] up [ __ ] with her eyes oh my god oh dude did she lose her eyes in the end that's why she got that weird [ __ ] on her [ __ ] face are you looking for the secret key oh my God just clim I climbed the roof at that point [ __ ] smash a window in oh no bro you'd think the person would have caught up to her by now it's been like a minute kind of fuss him with the keys oh she no no Noah what the [ __ ] is that nah bro I'm turning it down I'm turning it down I'm scared I'm already scared bro that already scared me oh my God just [ __ ] staring bro bro for the people that are about to say this ain't scary either I'm [ __ ] I'm a [ __ ] when it comes to this [ __ ] I don't do well with horror houses I was that kid in middle school that would make an excuse to not go to the like the Halloween like horror like bike ride or whatever not bike ride hey ride cuz I hated that [ __ ] oh my god dude I'm not [ __ ] with that that was we weird bro his eyes see I literally said I don't [ __ ] with that [ __ ] I'm about to start looking around bit Rich why are you not panicking more I would be more scared you going to use that to defend yourself why why in every horror movie do they hold it like a [ __ ] idiot hold it like a corit [ __ ] wield that [ __ ] like you're in BO2 they're holding it out in front of them like a like a wuss get stabby with it don't be afraid I would be afraid I'll would be I'll probably be holding the knife the same damn way oh no dude it's so quiet and they're going to turn a corner don't do it to me don't do it to me don't do it to me how far are we into the video oh my God we're only halfway Oh I thought it was almost over [ __ ] why am I doing this I'm like dude I don't like this oh my God I'd kill myself I yo you want my dead ass you want my dead ass answer if I know it's over if I know if I know if I know I'm not making it out of that would I rather get stabbed in the eyes or like yo I'm just saying bro I don't like this oh he's standing there oh he's standing there oh he's standing there oh it's he oh my god dude he's got golf balls for eyes [ __ ] don't do this to me oh he about to start stabbing oh he about to start stabbing what are you going to make him go away dude what are you doing oh my God oh my God what is happening oh my [ __ ] God bro he ain't saying anything say something [ __ ] say something [ __ ] [ __ ] punch him fight oh oh my God your fighter flight ain't kicking in what are you doing the easy thick bleach what are you going to throw in his eyes why isn't he attacking is she drinking oh my God is she going to drink it or she's pouring it in her eyes what are you doing why did she do that why did you do that I'm very confused right now so for the sub Trix kyoh heia Kina for the Thousand bets oh my God Demon Alpha the r of bets happy one how multiverses it was good C Basin for the sub jar for the 300 bits filth for the 500 bits so she would so she wouldn't see him Milkman for the sub oh it makes you do it it's like M man manipulating her leprechaun for the sub nah what are he about to do now why' her eyes cover like that bro was he about to stab her [Music] what is she doing with the oh don't do it to yourself oh don't do it to yourself did she just do it to herself [ __ ] you could have done that from the start got this over with what just H ew she stabbed her ears is it to get away from him my God are they not going to explain it oh my God was she [ __ ] reenacting this out like charades and that's how look doctors okay look [ __ ] I have no idea what the [ __ ] you're saying here in a minute they'll know the best way to her ears Joe Bro what I'm going now I'm going to leave the room but I'll come back dude I have no [ __ ] clue what is going on all I know is that dude's scary oh no he's about to be back in the room he's about to be back in the room she going to sense him too nah don't look nah don't look nah don't look bro I'm scared this whole time I ain't going to be able to make it through this he's there oh he's in a leather suit he's he's all dressed for the occasion why' he change outfits bro he why oh did he cut his own ears off what the [ __ ] is he nice I don't think he's nice I think he's about a kill her what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I don't understand what the [ __ ] what bro what somebody explained that [ __ ] to me somebody explain that [ __ ] to me stop saying behind you [ __ ] I swear to God stop saying say that nah that wasn't that one wasn't that bad he just looks scary bro I thought he was stabbing her bro so the guest is the embodiment of trauma uninvaded haunted stage she can try and expose the guest to other people but no one can see what she sees because it's hers how it stares represents the actual events the cause trauma while the benign manism oh Jesus Christ don't get wordy on Me shows that it's not there to attack or hurt for some living with trauma can drive them to Insanity wow so it actually has a message all right next one knock knock this one's short yeah we're definitely going to be able to pile through these videos we we could probably cue more after we get all through these 2 oh is it on New Year's Eve New Year oh New Year's Eve alone in a hotel room probably drinking wine out of a coffee cup that's sad that's sad look at my Dono oh [ __ ] Phil for the 500 bits read my message [ __ ] as much as I love giving you money it's so you can read my message if you want to make a diss track back at that kid oh let me know if you want to I don't know if it was random but I can hook you up dude he asked me if I wanted to like go back and forth I don't know how to make a diss track I could talk to you about it though SE for the thets Elio for the th bets that guy has Morty's eyes from Rick and Morty yeah but Morty's wholesome Morty doesn't scare me now if real life Morty came to fruition and looked at me I would kind of be scared Morty Morty if he was real Rick and Morty is there a picture of that that's probably [ __ ] scary if Morty looked real oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah not [ __ ] with that that is Morty would be terrifying if they were real Rick maybe even more this one's probably more accurate right here I would say that's more realistic of what Rick and Morty would look like and they do have the golf ball eyes yeah but Rick and Morty don't scare me lights turned off jumping out the window no question I'm going to ponder on that for about five minutes I'm going to say Demon's in here I'm either running or I'm jumping out the window who's there that's what you say that's what you say the lights turn off the lights turn off and you hear some [ __ ] like Harry Potter talking to the [ __ ] snakes and you say is anyone there uh I'm going to say you better reveal yourself or I'm about to beat the piss out of you in 10 seconds if you're a ghost let me know I'll jump out the window like it was nothing nah brother hey can you keep it down please nope nope nope nope not [ __ ] with that FR desk hi this is Kim Smith in room 325 the room next door to me keeps banging no lie though why don't more of these people get like aggressive with it you know like if I heard some like boom boom and like some scary [ __ ] a part of me might be like let's go [ __ ] and like out would fight him even though I would be kind of my death I I feel like I wouldn't [ __ ] out I definitely would [ __ ] out I would hide there's n if in a real life scenario though it probably would just be like some [ __ ] I would yeah I would run at him do about that I'm sorry but there's no one checked into the room next to you you're sure do you think you checked the right room yes you're the only one on the third floor if this was actually me you know what I would do I would call Brooke I would call Brooke and I would say if you see me get decapitated within the next 20 seconds you know call the cops that's what I would say yeah see n bro that's like okay there's somebody definitely in that store can you send someone a check please sure thing I'll send someone now send someone now it's going to take [ __ ] 25 minutes oh no bro and it's getting like louder hello is anyone in here no are they going to kill the are they going to kill the attendant nah nah kill the [ __ ] in her room nah Kill The [ __ ] in the room you're going to kill the attendant bro you can't do that n ominous music ominous music [Music] anyone there [ __ ] it is it is what closet is naturally that dark if I look into the closet and it's the [ __ ] Abyss what I'm not going to walk in there I got my shielders nope nope nope nope nope bro they got to be in that room though new penguin for the sub fairy for the sub no bro FR desk there's no one in here I'll let her know [Applause] don't hit me with that though I'm running out the window no [Music] question the last thing I'm doing the absolute last thing I am doing is checking what out checking what that screen was you know what she's going to do she's going to walk into the [ __ ] room she's going to walk into the [ __ ] room she's going to go into the room and she's going to see what that scream was you know the last thing I'm doing seeing what that scream was I'm to the window right to the window smashing that [ __ ] open no no even the phone calls [ __ ] freaking me out Keegan for the sub hi we check the other room no one's there can I help you with anything else no n they're going to break through the wall no one in there huh why why I'm going to go to the I no what are you starting this [ __ ] yourself I'mma go down to the front desk I'm say give me another room I'm G to say give me another room okay that's what I'm going to say RS for the sub why are you going in there oh [ __ ] and it opens like that and she's still going to walk in and she still still going to walk in and she's still going to walk you knocked on the door and it opened you knocked on the door and it opened and you're still going to go in the room oh and the lights don't work yeah let's still go in the room now let's still keep let's still keep walking in let's walk farther into the room hi oh the lights are off let's walk more in I'm in the room next door can you please stop banging hold up I got to scan this I didn't know if it's going to show a dead body or some [ __ ] for on the walls oh my God oh my God oh my God that scared the piss out of [Applause] me nah nah nah bro that [ __ ] that [ __ ] arm oh my God oh my don't look in the closet oh that one's probably going to be the worst we got to watch that don't look in the closet oh no it's only 3 minutes delivery hey watch it this is a Dar man leadup my knees are starting to sweat and in with the new I'm out I'm selling the house [Music] nope Rachel that card is for emergencies only do I make myself clear yes see like how is this fun I don't like watching [Music] these what were those ornaments bro stop you can't be faking me with this [ __ ] heyo for the sub Mr Slinger thousand bets watch The Smiling man what is the smiling man deito for 500 bets how long is The Smiling man bro and it opens again [ __ ] everybody saying don't watch The Smiling man why don't look away dude I want to look away I want to look away so bad I don't want to watch this stop it stop it with this [ __ ] bro you're freaking me out you're freaking me the [ __ ] out you're freaking me the [ __ ] out freaking me the [ __ ] out someone's [Music] brother brother brother run out of the closet run out of the closet leave leave oh my God all the clothes just disappeared oh oh let me be curious instead of scared oh there's a person in the com costume oh lovely lovely [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lovely okay he didn't look that scary though I [ __ ] with that I [ __ ] with that scary premise he didn't look scary though they could have made him they could have made him look way scar good acting now good acting they tried they tried that wasn't that that one that one was way don't look in the closet sounds like it would be the scariest thing in the world The Smiling man oh it's [ __ ] dude this is old as [ __ ] and that's how you know it's going to be scary because it's old is it to wait why is everybody saying stop is it that scary dude I've never watched The Smiling Man based on the preview it doesn't even what's wait why is everybody saying don't watch it it doesn't look like it's [Music] 2s why is everyone saying don't watch it dude nothing looks like T to me oh is this the wrong one The Smiling Man animated is better bro they're the same thing which one which one do we watch I feel like this one looks scarier than the animated oh my God I just choked to my own spit I feel like this one looks better okay now we're going to do a poll we're going to do a poll which which do which do we watch the an which the animated or non-animated I feel like they are different stories I feel like the the non-animated one looks more entertaining though yeah okay we're going to do the non-animated one Elio for the th best watch the rest of the videos with the lights off B it for the sub the lights are off if I turn that light off you wouldn't even be able to see me all right after this we're going to get through the the rest of the regular videos I got to stop I got to stop clicking the recommended ones bro for the 300 bits this is the wrong video you act like I care can we do both oh my god do you guys want to watch both the animated and the non-animated sure sure sure sugar for the sub sure we'll watch both if they're different stories we'll watch both cuz I'm pretty sure they're just coincidentally The Smiling man I would think he's on drugs if you want me to be real oh if he started approaching me I would just run or I would just fist fight him like out out of unless he look like he was on like meth or some one of those drugs where you're like Immortal and you can get shot in the chest like five times and not even feel it oh yeah homie homie you better you better skidadle what is this going to be a [ __ ] anime fight yo no shot and he's going to be behind him oh and he's crouched down while he's ready to to get into his [Music] Sprint the animated one last is last scary yeah this one's terrifying I feel like the animated is probably exactly the same d talking to me like that bro I would charge it if you actually want to know what I'll charge it I look scary to I genuinely what the hell do you want something behind you bro [Music] bro what now he's going to turn around again he's going to turn around again nah bro nah a bro why are you running from him I would fist fight him I would throw down I would that would be a life or death throw down right there oh [ __ ] no I'm not running I would be I would be [ __ ] bricks though but I wouldn't run dude I would charge him that would be my only hope he's me right there bro I would keep run if I was going to run I would keep running until I saw somebody else oh he's still right when he looks up he's going to be right there y bro that's [ __ ] weird that is [ __ ] weird that is scary I think that's not even more horror more more as like a genuine scenario you could actually be in uh horor film cookie Bri a disn BRI a dishonest 9-year-old meets a terrifying visitor after a parenting lesson goes horribly wrong dude I got to piss I got a piss this is making me have to pee wait don't say what wait don't say what Preston for the sub dude I'm about to run to the bathroom Count Me Down 30 seconds e we're back all right [ __ ] [ __ ] myself I feel like this this one's description sounds the scariest how many views does this one have 7 million look like a bar in the RO what is it drive up oh [ __ ] I didn't scan the video as long as there's not like brutal stabbings or something like that all right what is it they afid of the men Ste dead I saw this on Tik Tok was it scary yabo for the three can I get a lat spread East for the sub I can't really do one cheerful introduction for you to our sitting you wouldn't be able to see a living death yes zombies zombies did you guys guys ever actually have a cookie jar hey hey like I never had a cookie jar yeah of course how is she oh she was great so we're still on for Saturday 8:00 8:00 okay great okay thanks again you hand her Euros what the [ __ ] was that are they Canadian those look like Canadian bills to me what is going on with your face nothing how many cookies did you eat I only had one one cap that's a lot of crumbs for one cookie I only had one you know I actually counted every cookie in that cookie jar and if you did only have one like I said there should be exactly 13 cookies in that jar you count them they're about to be like two B for the sub oh she better to know oh she better to know you're capping she about to know you're capping you really about to count the cookies though oh no look she's oh she's [ __ ] skitting three okay some with the bear brows I'm about [Music] the that wasn't even that scary that was this is our new cookie jar I do not like it well then don't put your hand in it this cookie jar is for adults only anytime that a child has stolen a cookie from this jar why would you bring that home Bri no more cookies why don't you just stop buying cookies you don't want your kid to have cookies why don't you just stop buying them maybe put them in your room definitely for the Sun I don't maybe a better better plan than telling your kid that the haunted clown jar will kill you if you eat a cookie from it bad parenting also why is the cookie jars just dead center table and why is she watching like like hor why is she watching like classic black and white TV like this is this is set in like regular time still have time put it back it's over not looking good for the kid later on log for the five I'm a huge fan I made you a design I hope you can see it a DM D to you uh I don't check my DMs that much uh and I get a lot so I I I can't really see everyone uh but if you probably emailed it or made a Tik Tok of it then I would probably be able to see it if I got a bunch of tags was that was that behind my face cam or did you guys see that yes is old PS okay no you guys could see that oh it's over PS oh it's over creepy clown about to kill you also so turn off the [ __ ] 1940s television Jesus Christ was that the Queen of England it was on the it was on the TV oh my God it was on the TV nah bro nah bro mom once again I'm running out the window action movie Hulk Hogan running into that [ __ ] screen crunchy for the Thousand bets I've been in the hills oh my God Mom I'd be like wake up [ __ ] there's a cloud in the room I would be screaming I would be mom help me help me oh the bed's made over he teleported you to an alternate Dimension my mom wouldn't help she's more afraid than I am Mom oh that ain't your mom [ __ ] oh that ain't your mom may the body of Christ compel you wait not the body May the power of Christ compel you [ __ ] Giani for the sub oh no [ __ ] oh no [ __ ] oh no [ __ ] [Music] damn up wake up oh my God what it was a dream n that ain't one that [ __ ] wasn't a dream are you going to be okay no that's n that room's scary as [ __ ] now that you got the dolls on the table and [ __ ] oh Noah bro that room's scary as [ __ ] all right well you know where my room is if you need crunchy for another thousand bits time to go back into HR Nation Oh my God no the Clown's going to be there I wouldn't sleep for a week bro turn on the flashlight that's just going to make everything look scarier bro how much more of this video's left oh it ain't even close to being done [ __ ] I thought it was over brother nah they really let me on with that [ __ ] I thought it was over bro why didn't you just ask to sleep with your mom I would have just been like yo can I like chill in your bed for the night maybe you know and then she's just scouring the house for more [ __ ] like what is this [ __ ] plan oh my God you're going to go downstairs I swear to God if she goes to the cookie jar to take another [ __ ] cookie that's going to be the dumbest [ __ ] in the [ __ ] world Sam for the sub nah bro I don't what are you walking up so slow go faster [ __ ] faster run oh my God oh my God it's Bing you no no we going to put it in a bag what is this [Music] plan all right maybe that was W plan maybe that was W plan maybe that was W play maybe we'll see we'll see we'll see I doubt it was a w play I'll would take all the cookies out before I smashed it or do you think smashing the jar would like re release the demons sxx for the sub I feel like it would it would make it worse yep yep sledge that [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] oh is this a good ending ow [ __ ] it's definitely not a good ending there's no shot there's no shot it's a good ending there can't be a there can't be a way this is a good ending no it's not [Music] bro oh what if it was back if it was back I would [ __ ] myself if it was oh they should have brought it back they should have had it back oh I would have [ __ ] my pants oh I would have [ __ ] my pants if it was back I know you don't know no Bri did you take the cookie jar no oh my God nobody lies a liar oh my God Capper the the the Clown's going to kill you what if it was the mom the whole time doing this to teach her daughter a lesson well no more cookies in the house then gerani for the no more cookies I wouldn't eat cookies for the rest of my life if I had [ __ ] saw that [ __ ] two weeks later the [ __ ] is that oh it's a babysitter hey hey how was she today yeah she's painting oh she's probably possessed oh she got possessed oh she got possessed I got to go oh what is she painting oh what is she painting hi Honey hi Mom wow another Masterpiece come on let's wa past your bedtime wait [Music] perfect I love you monkey what is everything bro what yep why what is she like obsessed with clowns [Music] [Music] now good night [Music] [Music] BR and that didn't scare bro [ __ ] I swear to God that wouldn't scare you oh no oh no bro that would [ __ ] freak me out oh my God that would [ __ ] freak the [ __ ] out of me all right this one's only a minute my first day I'm going to I don't know if this is TS I don't think it is we'll see I got the big c r what also watch Don't Look Away we did that one was the scariest one I have ever seen by far by far the one where he was in the box and every time you would look away he would get closer and he would crawl out of the Box oh [ __ ] no that one made me [ __ ] myself like genu going to wait you won't get scared of this one I already missed stuff how did I [Music] missu what are your school supplies is this to it's to okay we'll stop we'll stop we'll stop watching it we'll stop watching it okay it gets worse all right next one's odd girl I don't think this one would be TOS let me know though chat if it is this one I let's read the description Odd Girl set in a small suburban Town high school student Dylan becomes worried when his popular best friend starts getting followed incessant incessantly by the Odd Girl Out her admiration seems heartless and innocent to his friend but Dylan isn't so sure oh so it's like a stalker type [ __ ] snowy for the three bro I'm in the EU it's 4: a.m. why am I here yeah go the [ __ ] to bed all right stop saying TOS on everyone this one definitely isn't TOS oh that's the Odd Girl Out just [ __ ] staring creepily Mindy hey guys hey were you waiting for us that's so nice welcome back losers so do you guys all have plans for lunch uh not really we were bro stop saying to Bro there's nothing that's to in this [ __ ] just going to have Lune over here by all our lockers is that Matt Stony oh bro that [ __ ] looked like Matt Stony for a minute did you want to join of course if it's not too much trouble or anything oh I would it be okay great I'll just run to my locker and grab my lunch and we'll be right back okay we oh this dinner sucks what the [ __ ] the hell are they eating bread and turkey how was school sweetheart red turly and steamed broccoli listen up theater lovers we'll be having a new student in class who is transferred from the boring world of biology to the exciting Adventure that is drama class such a funfilled world of drama I would rather take biology than drama class she's late so while we wait which would you rather take chat biology or drama class one choice log for the three send to your email I don't know if you'll see it but either way I love your vids bro thank you so much uh thank you and thank you for the three Colin bro bro bro bro bro thanks for the late night dub in the chat Colin Matthew for the $50 Dono you're [ __ ] nuts Man actually [ __ ] nuts dub in the chat thank you Colin Matthew 24 for the [ __ ] $50 Dono Beast thanks for the late night no problem thank you for the [ __ ] 50 dude Jesus oh my God today's topic of discussion is if you could talk to someone in your life who has passed what would you say to them I'd say say I'd say it gets better care to expand also you are five minutes late not again in my class I feel like drama club would be the one class that wouldn't give too [ __ ] if you were late meant maybe life after death really isn't that bad there's no way she knew we were in this class is it okay if I sit here haunted chicken for the five gifted dub dub in the chat all right so she's been like stalking what classes they take and [ __ ] that's [ __ ] nuts haunted chicken for the five gifted Subs Aliso void for the for bets uh there's no TOS uh how you doing going to be here for the rest of the stream thanks for the late night I got a reason to stay up dub blusky for the Thousand bits Joe's my dad I am not your dad I'm no one's father and thank you uh both of you for the why is she playing with yarn and [ __ ] how are we doing there's progress bro what is she like trying to like capture one of them what do you mean there's progress my mom asks about my new friends I'm not going to say there frog is you straight for Mindy piss off Josh there's just something wrong with Belinda well yeah everything's wrong with Belinda should have never came home from winter break yo that [ __ ] dead ass looks like Matt Stony like no lie the dude that scarfs like 10 pizzas I need you are they watching t i just muted it are they watching TV static I need you know why I would probably watch TV static SMH for the sub how long would you guys be entertained by TV static I think I could watch TV static for 10 minutes no problem like actually no problem I think I could just genuinely just be zoned in on it for yeah I think it would be unenjoyable but I feel like part of me wouldn't want to look away you have a fat head [ __ ] off I feel like they want to eat people they seem like cannibals do you want to come over hey oh she wearing a turtle NE it's over are you walking home do you need a ride oh no it's okay number one rule in life don't with people that wear turtleneck no also we're having dinner at my house I'd love for you to join I used to wear turtlenecks my mom used to make me wear turtlenecks for my school picture when I was in second grade the worst I would go to school in the [ __ ] thick ass turtleneck oh my god um I told my mother I have a new friend at school oh cringe yeah sure let me just text okay Matt Stony seriously seriously she ditched me she ditched me I got to go car blad for my next hot dog eating contest oh damn you want to ride is he at is she at her house now oh no you got a [ __ ] hand weird ass drawings uh-uh some big ass key the [ __ ] that's for oh no oh no you're both standing at the door frame [ __ ] I will tackle everyone in that room where's your [ __ ] I would get out of there oh she probably made her oh my God oh my God and her her personality is going to be different oh my God they probably brainwashed her I'm going to allow you to be late this is the last day I promise the [ __ ] why would you take photography and drama for the girls obviously why don't you go fist yourself let Matt Stony do what he wants I've just never seen her not chirpy before Oh my god did she like brainwash her into being her friend by acting like a zombie maybe she brainwashed her from to Blind a cult where the Only Rule is that you have to look like you're hiding something at all times they don't blink remember to come in early on Monday if you still need to use the phone hang after school no sorry what phone was that this was made in 2021 and you got a goddamn iPhone 4 or an iPod cam for the sub TTV for the sub Ali for the 300 bets freshy for the sub ghost for the sub Sam and Sushi Ros Rock and the iPhone 4 do they even make those anymore Sam for the Thousand bets scary story is always a dub thank you oh are they going to be [Music] like oh this is the photo room oh they're going to be in here oh not the photo room don't take over Matt Stony don't make him possess [Music] [Music] damn everybody's [ __ ] ringing his line Jesus Christ why do you keep on texting me I'm kind of busy right now I'll call you back later oh Matt Stone's going to get possessed don't do it to Matt do it to anybody yo that is actually so [ __ ] cool when he took the picture it developed weird because they're like attached now what the [ __ ] is happening fore for what are they doing [Music] was her like Soul entering her what is it what is it what is it that what is it that what is it that who is that who's that who's that bro Matt Matt come on bro who was that who was that who was that who was in there who was in there hey hey got your message Belinda killed herself she looks so dead that is what tends to happen no I I mean like she'd been there for a while look at this photo there is something seriously messed up going on uh what someone kills themselves and then you just start saying that what she she's weird tbp yeah she was a freak but still man she's dead have some respect it's called bleeding dumbass photo isn't developed properly some of the ink bleeds together listen I I heard a sound coming from the closet it led me to the body maybe you smelt it I hear a body starts to smell not long after no I heard a sound I don't know man maybe you have a six sensor wait so they're saying that she's been dead longer than they've seen her something but she was here today must have happened a few hours ago look either way I've never seen a dead body what it look like you have some respect got to get out of here bro I want to see what the body look like n they're going to do it to Matt next hey oh my God how's she alive um oh my God is her body and hers oh my God is did did they swap bodies they swapped bodies they swapped bodies that's what it was not sure if you heard about Belinda but yes I heard very unfortunate we should have been nicer to her not being so quick to dismiss her yeah well I thought you two were getting along we were I I just meant before you two early to my class huh that's the first I apologize for the prior tarding Mr Rodriguez no that no they swapped bodies they swapped bodies bro CU she sounds like the other [ __ ] she sounds like Belinda but she ain't Belinda never again but she is Belinda cuz they SWA bodies and then the other girl killed herself cuz she was Belinda she must be feeling awful right now if few or Mindy ever need anything I'm here for you can't believe we saw her right before she us a lot can change in a day City needs a new cor though said you've been there at least a week despicable at least a week but he saw her like the other day what what what's with the picture what show me the picture show me the picture Matt show me the picture Matt what does that mean that he's going to swap with him he's next to die bro that makes no sense somebody needs to explain that NAD for the sub time look at the comments it was refreshing to see how weird Outcast actually blah blah blah no bro Somebody explain it he's next to die I think her soul is lonely and seeks vessels she can inhabit that would make her feel less lonely wanted to be Mindy so she isolates her mother to to help in the soul transfer why Dylan is the next Target is not obvious maybe it is to terrify him into silence or Madness as a revenge for him being another one who saw Belinda as odd okay so they're going to kill him oh that's [ __ ] scary dude Sam for the 1700 bets that was that was a good video I thought the plot of that was [ __ ] good wait what didn't we just watch The Smiling man this isn't a smiling man this is a different smiling man oh there's two smiling mans this one looks way worse the horror short film The Smiling man this one's better we'll see yeah I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight even though these aren't that scary the plot oh this is the one 10 million views yeah this is definitely the one bro oh cuz everybody did say The Smiling man dude is there anybody naked though I got to check I know we're getting like a pre-screen of the the scary guy but I don't want to see I don't think it's C na OS okay old Mickey Mouse why are they always watching old things it's supposed to be like set way back your girl for the sub the Pumba for the three somebody just scream oh and there's a [ __ ] balloon bro nah this is like some it [ __ ] oh and there sticks on the back it's doll hands Oh I thought it was sticks oh that's even worse oh my God there's another one oh my God and he's [ __ ] putting them there oh he's [ __ ] putting them there oh don't follow the trail don't follow the trail don't follow the trail kid please please that's oh my God what are we collecting them oh Jesus but why are they always walking so slow speed it up speed it up what's that one are there more hands more hands how the hell did he get back upstairs scop two I got to stop trying to read bit donos that [ __ ] noise scared the piss out of me they're using old cartoon footage because it's not copyright [Music] oh so they can show them watching TV that makes sense actually first you feel a hand on her [ __ ] arm she didn't [ __ ] feel that [ __ ] [Music] n this one this one's [ __ ] dude once I see its face I'm going to freak out what's with horror mixed with people and balloons because it's scary I don't know why is that scary no no no no no no I'm hiding I'm hiding I'm hiding I'm hiding I'm hiding I'm hiding I'm leaving that I'm sitting behind the camera I ain't looking I'm squinting I'm squinting I'm squinting if I can't see it that well then it's not that scary I need a squint until I see it then I can open my eyes oh my God oh my God its hands are there I [ __ ] see oh my God that's his face oh it looks like shmeel oh it looks like shmeel oh my God what are those skers with [ __ ] velcro Jesus Christ oh my God bad fashion Choice oh [ __ ] off oh [ __ ] off oh [ __ ] off n n just look at it oh oh my [Music] God why is it to get scared I would be [ __ ] bricks [Music] what is he a magician ohie what are you doing that was actually pretty cool that was actually pretty cool no lie and he's going to be gone she to look up he's going to be gone he ain't going to be there anymore oh he was there oh is he going to eat it oh does he just want to be welcomed a is it some scary clown that just wants to be welcomed is that what it is he just wants to be like loved even though he's kind of scary dank for the Thousand bits not for the sub big Danny for 300 bets it's xqc it's xqc it's xqc after another 30 hour stream [Laughter] he hasn't seen sunlight in weeks oh no okay see this is an excus why are you spreading blood on you is that blood or catcher that's blood that's blood that's blood it's probably the Mom's blood if I had to guess it's the Mom's blood isn't [Laughter] it bad vibes bad vibes bad vibes bad vibes from this not messing with that yo he's scary as [ __ ] bro I thought you were a clown that just wanted to be welcomed you're some [ __ ] psychopath that's not to is he going to put it on the kid [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] BR all right that was a good one that was a good one that was actually a pretty good one I [ __ ] with that one that was a nice one all right last one horror we might watch another one after this we'll see horror short film Timothy Simon is a little boy that has to deal with his babysitter Sonia a total nuisance but the same night Simon will receive an unexpected visitor Timothy the main character of Simon's favorite show a visit he will never [Music] forget nah that was actually [ __ ] good excellent acting that actually was pretty good acting Timothy treed him so much better than that rude babysitter I hope there's more about Simon and Timothy that actually they could make that like a series though okay so the kid's a psychopath that was good I had fun I had fun I had fun tacks for the sub all right that's enough it's 11 I'm about to Skid adle that was a little hour and a half should we do these more often chat I'm down to do these more often that's actually pretty fun I didn't think I would like it as much but I think the stories make it better cuz it's not just like a horror jump scare movie could you watch 10 two sentence stor scary animated maybe next time because I think I will do this again I could do this do you guys want me to do this like as a weekend thing not every weekend obviously but like maybe like every other weekend like once a month uh like at the least I I would do this yeah that would be fun just like a late night scary thing scary Vibes doesn't even have to be scary necessarily we could just do like a late night reaction to something maybe watch like a cool YouTube movie one night just movie nights I'm down to do that Mr Boom for the sub y'all want to do that [ __ ] I I mean like most of the time we could do scary ones but we could also like find some like Long hourlong YouTube like documentary YouTube like comedy things and some stuff like that and we could watch those I would so be down exclamation point Discord you can send uh videos for me to react to in general for tomorrow's reaction stream regular stream um stuff for me to make fun of stuff like that you can recommend horror videos for horror reaction streams or for the new thing that I just mentioned you could recommend like cuz you there's YouTubers that make like funny movies like movie production like grade movies um on YouTube if you know any ones that are good uh or any like good YouTube movies send them in the exclamation point Discord video suggestion tab as well uh because we could definitely watch those I would definitely be down to watch those all right um we are going to raid someone who should we raid oh Aiden we should raid Aiden Aiden was in my stream earlier now he's playing multivers Acer for the sub I haven't raided Aiden in a bit we'll do a gutsy Aiden raid all right um we'll definitely do this more often chat uh I had I had a lot of fun I had a lot of fun I hope you guys had a lot of fun you are for the sub we're doing more reactions tomorrow uh 2 p p.m. EST on Sunday so tomorrow I'll be live again we're going to be doing a bunch of reactions uh not scary ones but we're going to be reacting to a bunch of good videos I'll be making fun of them we'll do some some other [ __ ] as well uh but yeah Artic Fox for the three watch CP TV next time we will recommend some videos in the the Discord for It 2 in for the 3 bets my story goes down with me uh big dogging the monster and pounding my chest like a gorilla charge him and then proceed to get folded uh I muted that because I just read it lso void for the thring BS thank you for everybody that came out to the stream we are going to raid Aiden I'll be live tomorrow for reactions to 2 p.m EST exclamation point Discord you can send videos for me to react to uh I select some of them I find some myself uh Monday we're going to finish the Stray Tuesday I'm going to be off Wednesday we're going to uh be continuing Walking Dead season 4 uh Thursday we're doing a charity stream uh it's going to be a Minecraft event uh but it's for red uh the charity uh so it should be fun uh we might do another horror stream uh next weekend uh or just during a late night uh they're probably going to be unannounced kind of random here and there whenever I feel like it but they they are fun and I hope you guys had fun watching we had a great view count thank you for everybody that tuned into the stream and I'll see you guys tomorrow we are going to raid in 5 4 3 two one bro
ploop yo hi QT less than three bloop bloop sorry I'm going throw this down my dress now I have shorts on obviously QTC spin are you doing better after plain ticket attempt y [Music] this CT is so long one spotty year thank you hello hello is that [Music] connected I think it is it's kind of in a weird spot but hi badge POG pie badge congrats Cass 54 months long time spoon legs save you the prime snuckles hello Sydney thank you for the prime what version of the song is this this is Lennon Stella she has like an amazing voice amazing voice hello everybody my longest running sub for Queen qtg wow sorry there's going to be a bit of an echo but I'll show you some of the stuff I made I'm trying to grab it all I actually made so much stuff I don't know how I'm going to show you guys it's too much ow okay oh God I'm struggling there's too much stuff I guess maybe I just grab one of those H whatever I grab them all oh I'm so sad I had these all neatly displayed and know I'm ruining it to show you guys but whatever what's the point of making stuff if you don't show it to people so I'm going to turn all of these in oh God okay we got it I got them all I'm going to turn these all into um magnets or key caps and then ship them out to random tier three subscribers of the patreon isn't this wouldn't this be such a cute magnet on your fridge it's churos come on look how cute and then I've got so many bowls of cereal this is my first bowl of cereal it kind of was ugly come on stop looking at my face my hair also looks kind of greasy but it's not I literally just showered thank you for the 21 this one's cool I made it 3D cute bowl of cereal and I'll just make it a magnet and it'll be like that's kind of cute huh um another bowl of cereal I put little bananas in this one I like it Picasso um and then I have two drink oh two drinks kind of cute and then I have so much a plate of waffles I'll turn this into a magnet come on plate of waffles turn that into a magnet kind of cute and then a plate of rainbow pancakes I'll turn that into a magnet and then a plate of chocolate dipped strawberries I'll turn those into a [Music] magnet and then uh I made a little like mango orange sundae I'll turn that I think this could be a key cap it fits perfectly on a key so that'll be a key cap this will be a key cap little ice cream sundae music's loud sorry Hy really really quacking today Hy chill um and then this I put chocolate chips on this one and I regretted it but this is like a little sorbet one with berries that could be a key cap and then I'm going to make two key caps out of this is a cinnamon roll and then this is like a honey bun and then QC party and then I made six of these little fruit tarts and these can all be key caps so I'm going to turn all of these into key caps aren't they so freaking cute that'll be a little key cap and then oh boy I already made this one into a magnet it's a pizza and I made it I got to get these macarons out of my hand I made um I made it so you can put the pizza box on your fridge and then you can also go like that so you can put the you can choose if you want the pizza box on your fridge or just the pizza you could take it out I thought it'd be cute anyway these are what I make on the wi about at patreon in my mini episodes and then um and then I'm going to ship them out to tier3 subscribers just randomly so hopefully if you guys are tier three hopefully you like them what does it do it's just a magnet this just a little magnet I'm just a crafty girl that has nothing to do with my craft skills We Vibe do you ever take a break from working yeah I craft what do you think I craft and I record it for w about heart they're in those mini balls yeah and then these the macarons are stupid I can never make good Macar the best keep Ling but then I put them on a in a pile and I make key caps out of the macarons too so once I have like 50 things which I'm actually really close to uh we're going to send them out to um to the patreon like just like 50 random people they could be earrings yeah they could be earrings but I you know we have a lot of like boys that are subscribed to our patreon and I would feel bad sending them earrings and then like everyone can use it you guys all have keyboards I assume everyone use a key cap or everybody needs a magnet right I don't know how do you make them they're like those mini verse things mini brand things that I've seen on Tik Tok and it comes in a little kit so they're easier than usual but I do make a lot of stuff with polymer clay too um but I I won't bust that out right now um boys can wear earrings boys can wear earrings I just don't think my I don't think our audience is majority yifi yet which I wish you guys would I wish you guys would all let's all go get our ears pierced together as a family what do you think what if we start a cult and the first step is getting our ears pierced are you guys down we're gonna have a pretty small cult it's only a thousand of us but we can try we can try can you go to jail for saying you tried to make a cult cuz if not we are not trying we are contemplating I literally crafted for like 6 hours yesterday I'm so lonely okay I just have to put all this stuff back so I don't lose it cuz I will I will lose it smile I L I had tacos I made and I lost QC spin I don't know where they went anyway wow free Mina advertisement you're welcome poke man isn't this a funny plate just garlic butter and a meat how many of carrots have you used uh Adam I haven't touched them since last week she's a Stanley girl now no I've never been a Stanley girl guys Poké Baine sent that to me for free what do you want me to do throw it away but I heard there's like lead in them so should I stop when is the event cutie it isn't it pinged there's a ping there's a link to vote for it so you would assume if you click on that it would have the info of when it is there's like there's just info everywhere you know what I'm going to teach you a life lesson and I'm not going to give you the answer cuz I'm so confident you'll be able to figure it out on your own I love the Valentine's decorations thank you should I change the music it's a little [Music] depressing yes please all right sir who sent you here excuse me [Music] okay what's going on with like the barbs and the the the stallions what's happening whoa whoa the girls are fighting the girls the girls are fighting so question as a viewer are we also required to wear a suit or can we wear regular clothes like jeans and stuff just want to know before getting tickets for me and friends you can wear whatever you want you can wear whatever you want if you're a person looking for a reason to dress up it's a fun reason to dress up but you'll see a mix some people will dress up some people won't Whatever you are comfortable with is my answer always Shonda black thank you for the raid you're just in time for me to prep this cat we're going to stuff an apple in his mouth and then we're going to roast him what do you think we're going to eat you up we're going to eat you up every little bit of you he's like he's like what the hell thank you for the raid thank you for the raid ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow this is my cat if the bottom of the sandley comes uncovered that's where the lead comes out well I think it's covered what are we making today we're going to make some honey garlic chili chicken honey garlic chili chicken thank you for the seven months okay Meg the stallion you might already know cutie but Meg's Law Megan's Law is require is that communities to notify predatory moves in their community and Megan used it in the line of her new song his and QTC Jam time for more being petty in my personal opinion drama drama alert mcus thank you for the 11 oo oo ooooh oooh what I love you whoa hey if you want a treat you got to let me clean your eyes I will will give you one I'm going to give you a treat but I got to clean your eyes [ __ ] up your eyeballs you got goobers and they look yuck don't be mad don't be mad e come here don't be mad let's go any if you have a cat you have to wrestle to clean their eyes let me see let me see can I see you can I see you it doesn't look much better if I'm being honest with you but you deserve a treat cuz you let me do it good job good job good job your cat likes it D does not like it thank you for that sub come here baby with a wet cloth yeah I do a wet cloth too usually but today felt like a dry cloth moment because they're kind of like I don't know I wipe his eyes like every 3 days and I can't get I just can't get them out did you watch AA alas I did guys my therapist said I look skinnier I was like oh my God thank you but she said it out of like a worried way she was like concerned about me I was like oh yeah I've been trying to lose weight but hasn't really worked work bear thank you for gifting a sub and Blue Kirby thank you for the 13 months thank you for those new follows that just came in too wow 13 and Taylor Swift is playing QTC jammies QTC jammies okay I think we should start with the chicken cuz I'm supposed to go to dinner at like 7 or something let me check and so if we don't get far we're going to get screwed chat where were you QTC hide and you I don't want to keep secrets just to keep you oh dinner is at 7 wait should I even cook I mean I might as well try it's a recipe I've never made before dude I want to be overcooked so bad but you guys did not like that stream I mean a thousand of you did but that's literally it QTC smoke I love you a that the worst thing you ever heard all right oh I just ordered more lemons turns out I didn't need them well okay everybody it's time to drink your juice or take your vitamins QTC jammies a bummer that VOD got cut it got cut it was scuffed to watch Wait overcooked with scuffed to watch Jello why what was wrong with it have a great day QT kind of fridge is that is you're happy with it I feel the same about this fridge as any fridge I've ever had in my life the first half of the vault is gone really that's so weird oh there were a lot of really weird Chatters there were like there were a lot so as you guys know I'm only streaming on the weekends right now because I'm planning streamer Awards so thank you for being here thank you so much I I hope uh I hope you're uh thanks sorry I don't remember how to stream um okay we're going to read this recipe or I'm going to actually I have this mouse I forgot I have this mouse first half the bod was unpublished I don't know why huh me neither did y go nip slip putting a mouse near a kitty it's a kitty cat get the mouse the stream lagged and died oh yeah I remember now okay guys we're learning this recipe together and we're going to see if it's any good are you ready it says how to make it meow meow meow meow meow meow chicken thighs I never cooked chicken thighs like ever no it's not marry me chicken it is a honey garlic chicken so we need corn flour salt and pepper and butter or not cornflour it says cornstarch sorry we'll get some butter yo and some corn starch yo slam the door I are you helping today this is my Sue Chef dur everyone say hello to the sous chef dur say hello to everyone uh garlic we've got that right here we got butter garlic we need honey and chicken stock and rice vinegar and sace you're the only streamer I watch consistently so thanks for the wonderful streams less than three that's so nice especially since I don't stream consistently I guess I've been good about the weekends I haven't missed a weekend I haven't been good about like telling you when I'll be live on the weekends but I haven't missed them so we call that a w I'm actually not going to you guys hear me out I'm not going to mince my my own garlic we're going to use canned garlic it's one of those days Jarred garlic okay um rice rice rice vinegar and honey I got the biggest thing of honey in the whole wide world ow oh funny bone ouch ouch that sucked um I don't know where the rice vinegar is um okay whoa back up mag GL cat punch I swear it's in here I feel like I used it recently um well I might not have it if it's not in here I might not have rice vinegar H chat chats why would I put it in the fridge though that's actually a good point um I've got like so much honey I've got apple cider I've got B omic I've got olive oil I've got distilled white guys I know I have rice maybe I don't do you guys want to hear a funny story I tried really hard lwig I thought lwig really loved these protein bars from Japan so I spent like hour or two hunting them down it was actually really hard to find and I found this random website that sold them but it was like a a minimum $100 order so I was like all right time to freaking stock up so then I stock up I buy so many of these protein bars like a big box and um they get here and he was like oo I don't really like those and I was like [ __ ] so anyway I that was my fail of the week guys I don't have the rice vinegar I swear I had it this sucks yeah and then I was like I was like he's a growing boy and loves all things Japan actually good call that's a really good call whenever I have dog treats that Swift doesn't like I take them to Ka cuz same thing she's a growing girl and she loves good music I like QTC music sick thanks okay I just simply don't have rice wine vinegar I guess I don't know I swear I bought it and I swear I've used it cuz I made stir fry not that long ago who's doing that I hope you're doing good oh it's Dar he's pooping okay I'm doing okay okay so we're just not going to use that then oh do you guys need a do you guys need a secret in life I miss you e who's that don't say that here's a secret in life These are all green onions that I used up thank you for that new sub I used all of these green onions they were cut down to their whites I put them in a cup of water ta they grow back I know a lot of people know but there's some people that don't know and it's a good way to save money this is only a week I used them all on Sunday and now we're going to use them again today they just grow you just need to change the water every once in a while cuz it gets kind of nasty but yeah we're going to use them again and then they're going to grow again N9 months peep oh POG wow you can do it forever you just have to keep using them cuz otherwise they'll get too big how far down can you cut them uh pretty far like I usually stop at the whites so usually like right here infinite onion glitch yeah you guys didn't know well there you go don't spend money on onions you can literally grow them yourselves we're I'm actually going to once I get um probably after stream rewards in Spring I'm going to do some gardening streams cuz I'm going to um plant some tomatoes and stuff like that so like once a week we're going to just like check on my vegetables and stuff so I told you guys I'm trying to be a TRD wife I craft I Garden I cook I actually genuinely don't mean to be a Trad wife I just this is just what happens to me I just like the things that Trad wives like but I also like feminism it's just unfortunate that I like these things I feel like they don't help me but the whites are so tasty to sauté you can still the sink and a sub comes up it looks like you have the cat head on your shoulders and it's making my day yay I guess it depends where I'm standing huh okay so this says this is a recipe we've never done so we're going to see if it's any good I know with chicken thighs you do have to cut off more fat but and a lot of you are going to freak out because I only have a wood cutting board and you're going to be like no cuz you're not supposed to cut meat on wood because it's a sanitation issue but it's fine so no nobody freak out okay D demands your attention he's not even looking at me I literally don't know what he's looking at that's how you know D has made eye contact with me as he comes over um okay so here we go also this is a thing that I've only learned from twitch chat SL beinging on the internet people are like wash your chicken what the [ __ ] are you guys talking about wash your chicken what are like what are you literally talking about that's not a thing guys doesn't it need soap no I hate chicken thighs sorry this is they're just so gruesome I don't really know how to trim the fat off chicken thighs if I'm being honest with you guys oh it's my song I'm not touching everyone might freak out because it looks like I'm touching things but I didn't use it's fine just don't freak out wash your chicken and make sure to not cook it past medium rare thank you okay so you just cut off the fat I usually like to brine my chicken but I didn't plan on making this [Music] yet okay I don't know how to [ __ ] I'll be honest I don't know how to really prep chicken I can prep chicken breast but I don't know how to prep chicken thighs do you track protein no but I've heard you need to so you should eat like a hundred freaking grams in protein every day and I'm like huh can you name a chicken uh do little wait wait who's the chicken that thought the sky was falling phoh thank you for the sub Chicken Little Who's d little oh Dr D little uh oh chat it's a fat cat whoa hey Kitty mean make the French D little is what you should call chat while you cook we do little but watch you it's true goodie booty goodie boers all right are you helping are you helping little girl the way my brain automatically just started playing Midnight rain after you're on your own kid okay okay you want some water Coots here you go cs's weekly struggle to drink water on stream everybody's favorite segment the spoiled cat drinks out of a fountain she just doesn't know how it works man that's what's in the mail it's a bird just for you oh by the way there's 450 nearly nude calendars left can we zoom in on her face I'm nervous cuz the windows right there but she is doing her best work this is pretty good damn it damn it I was trying to get the thing I can't get a picture she's not going to do it again okay okay so it's says 2 tablespoons of corn starch on this chicken so I guess we're just following a recipe today I'm not this is not my recipe I don't know what I'm doing exactly I'll turn that off as soon as she's done drinking it looks like she's still on somewhere where can I find the calendar I need the link oh Cass just did it whoa I'd like to assure everyone Coots has other water options she just seems to really like this one okay it says two tablespoons this is half a tablespoon so I'm going to have to do four I've been seeing Leslie and mang's photos of Japan and I'm so freaking jealous I wish I could just I wish I could go I don't know does anyone else do you feel like insurmountable insurable sometimes I get like a Wisconsin accent for no [ __ ] reason do you guys ever um get like insurmountable guilt when you leave your pets at home I only get it with swift cuz he's like really dependent on me all done um that it makes me feel so guilty where's the salt oh there it is yeah the the Swift gets so like okay so like Nora my assistant will house it or um yingo will house it so like people I trust will house it but like I just get so sad at the idea of leaving in alone what's your B came back to a dog with seizures great that's great oh my gosh I had a dream last night this is the worst type of dream in the world um I had a dream last night that um oo mods um I had a dream last night that there was a uh like this guy came up to me this like like fortune teller or something came up to me and was like if you have two dots like they looked at my wrist and they're like these two dots on your wrist means that you're going to die soon and I was like that's so stressful that's really stressful and happy anniversary QTC heart thank you for the two months and then I woke up and of course I have you know two dots on my wrist and I'm like great anyone ever had a dream like that and are you still alive still alive yeah but have you ever had a dream like that like am I going to die yes still alive I've never had a dream like that yeah and I died like two weeks ago okay the chicken is coated in corn starch now what oh crap I need to make rice wait I also should be putting the broccoli in the oven wait I'm just doing a bad job overall okay everyone Focus for like 4 seconds if I'm doing chicken and rice I shouldn't start on the chicken before there's rice on the [Music] oven okay bam when will the music performance be announced um when voting ends I think you guys will like them I always think when I wash broccoli that I'm like like it's a rainforest and little trees are getting rained on that sounds cringe when I say it out loud do you also pretend you're a giant eating little trees no that would be cringe okay also if you didn't hear the plan today we've got a bit of a hefty one we'll see what we get to it is this honey garlic chicken and then um gluten-free zucchini bread and then a lemon cake with blueberry filling and then tomorrow we'll decorate the cake we'll decorate our Valentine's Day display cake and yeah that's kind of our plans it's my friend's birthday birth um tomorrow which is why we're making the lemon cake for his birthday I made gluten-free um uh blueberry muffins that were like so bad I always prefer using fresh blueberries in blueberry muffins and I used Frozen it's always a mistake you should always use fresh blueberries does the little crab on the stove have a purpose other than to look cute he holds your spoon someone sent it to my PO box but I've never really us I'm being honest pra cutie answers Jello what Jello think you the 15 months chill cough it out can you bake gummy worms or gummy bears into a cake uh yeah but it wouldn't be good you could you could also bake dog [ __ ] into a cake doesn't mean it'd be good it essentially melts and then gets like it becomes a glob inside your cake QTC spin QTC spin QTC spin thank you for the 11 months what if I put it in the freezer later I mean it it will Rec conglomerate but it won't be good it'll just be weird shape and it'll be a thicker density because you [ __ ] up with the the chemistry of it hi QT hi chat hope everyone is chilling with the cooking Vibes today are we chilling chat garlic salt lots of garlic salt pepper you know what's so funny my ex so my mom used to always own only when we make vegetables they would either be steamed or they'd be raw and that's just how we ate vegetables and then I had a an ex-boyfriend make me uh roasted I think roasted broccoli or cauliflower for like a Valentine's Day and ever since then I was like oh my god I've never eaten this like I grew up in not a healthy food environment but like what a better way to eat broccoli and cauliflower and like all vegetables is just roasting them and it's so easy like it's so easy it's insane anyway if you if you grew up like me like most of like my vegetables came out of bags you if you know what I'm talking about like frozen broccoli that you microwave so it's steamed there's obviously better ways to steam it like you know on an oven but I love it roasted and I like just didn't know as silly as that sounds all right we're going to do I think I have bti rice hi dery hi baby you running over here um where's the rice where's the rice oh it wasn't here uh let's do bosma CU I have a giant bag of Jasmine that I don't really feel like opening how much is this how much rice actually I should just make two things of rice I should just make two cups worth of rice huh cuz then I can like warm it up or make like um I can make like fried rice later this week yeah yeah let's do that okay I also didn't know until I was much older that you have to wash your rice because my mom my mom only used minute rice so I didn't know I had to learn a lot poies you don't really have to really but it always tastes kind of funny if you don't like it tastes like like it has like a film on it am I crazy for that so if it's if it's two cups of rice two cups is four cups water right it's one to two yeah oh it's a little less than two cups of rice but so we'll do it's literally a cup and a half of rice a cup and a half of rice is three cups of water okay you can also do rice water for hair I know we have like let it sit or something right I this is how I wash my rice I don't know if it's right but I just fill some water up and then I just rub it around and then the water gets murky and then I pour out the water and then I do it again lots of people don't wash their eyes I didn't know that was an option I thought you like had to traditionally rinse four to five times really I just do it until the water's kind of clear you know what no one tells you about living in like California or like Los Angeles is how many coyotes just like exist like in the freaking City there's so many coyotes it makes me so sad watching Rivals yay thank you for the 11 months well this is wash number two it's still really murky where do they come from like just the mountains they just like live here I guess but like no one talks about that no one talks about the coyotes and the spiders there's like so many coyotes in Los Angeles and there's so many spiders coyotes aren't dangerous as a human like they're like rarely would have like I don't like there's probably only like a few records of them um uh attacking a human but they're really dangerous for your pets like I think everybody in La knows somebody whose animal like got killed by a coyote like even like guys apparently I I think one of the Paul Brothers they're Pomeranian got out of the like fence or something and got killed by a coyote like it's awful it's so sad all right this is going to be my last wash I'm convinced my orange cat could take on a small coyote yeah okay and also like besides like besides coyotes like being everywhere and it kind of being sad and depressing um like I'm from Washington you know what's everywhere in Washington is like deer so it's like at least it's like a beautiful thing like you look at your backyard and you're like oh my gosh there's deer in my backyard but like here it's like there's a [ __ ] pack of coyotes in my backyard holy [ __ ] get them out of here but not only that guys you've got to hear coyotes how like their calls sound like women screaming and no one talks about that watch hi hi Coots where's my thing oh it's all the way over there okay no that's the one you think of there's like a like there's a women screaming one okay this is growling sounds like a dog someone recorded a freaking dog PO let me see like when I first heard coyotes I literally thought there was a person outside dude my YouTube isn't working I hate when you like have something in your brain and you can't find it coyote [Music] just middle of the night you're laying there and you'll just hear that outside your house bro it's so [ __ ] up and they they they're cackle yeah [Music] who's their cackle is the worst let me see if I can find their cackle [Music] oh this is a [ __ ] whole ass video jeez I can't find it but they do this kind of they do this kind of this kind of thing that's like [Music] a [Music] and you'll hear one and then you you'll just hear like hundreds of them coming from like all sides it's so weird yeah they're creeper they're like creepers from Minecraft and you can't see them cuz it's dark it's so [ __ ] okay one second okay um okay so three cups of water for the the [Music] rice I watched lwigs Mr Beast video today it was good have you guys seen [Music] it wait Did I throw the bag away chat oh no okay bring to a boil stir in your rice bring to a boil and then reduce reduce heat and cover it says to add butter I've never added butter he was in that video yeah you went to one of the islands with Mr Beast not not the other Islands do you see him almost drowning yeah that that um jump actually [ __ ] him up I don't remember exactly but he was like sore for a little bit so so long ago I'm like trying to remember I'm like was that the time I'm trying to remember which time this was but I mean I guess it was back in December Mr Beast just he's just different man he films his stuff so far out okay now this says chicken thighs in a bowl we did that heat oil in a large frying pan over high heat add chicken thighs cook until Brown about four to 5 minutes each side Okay add butter to the pan let it melt then add garlic turn the heat down so it doesn't burn okay this is stressful okay here we go we're doing this together chat we don't know if this is a good recipe we don't know if it's going to come out well we've got nothing we know nothing it's also funny that there's so I will say there's so much focus on the Playboy Mansion like someone was like what do you think about Stephen Hawk and going to the Playboy Mansion what do you think about a 100 times more celebrities is going to the Playboy Mansion or the Epstein island or whatever the Playboy Mansion was just as bad like bad bad cooking streams are always a cozy vibe D thank you for the $5 but also there's also like um there's also like a lifestyle to it so hear me out I don't know if it's fair and maybe I'm being an apologist here and you guys can tell me I could be I don't know if it's fair to say like oh everyone that went to the abin island definitely was like a pedophile I don't know you don't know what each person did there it's weird that they went yeah but there's like like Drew Barrymore went to the Playboy mansion and I doubt she sexually assaulted an underaged girl you know what I'm saying like cuz there was just so like Playboy Mansion is just where the parties were that's just where the parties were but it is really weird it's still weird and [ __ ] up they had to have known I don't know if they did I don't I don't know cuz also like there I don't know if who knows like because like I feel like if I was if I was Jeffrey Epstein that if like someone's at my Island that I don't trust and they're just a cool person like freaking like you know freaking uh Shia Twain is there she's like oh my gosh that girl looks young and he's like 18 I think a lot of people have plausible deniability but it's still [ __ ] like it's regardless it's [ __ ] situation okay ready I'm nervous I always burn chicken oop that's not hot enough yeah it sucks that there's no way to like know exactly what each person did yeah you did kind of bring up this topic out of any nowhere which is kind of makes you weird I'll be honest love that dress can you share where it's from thank you um I'm trying to think I don't know where this is from it's so old I've had this dress for years I don't know what are you cooking honey garlic chicken at the moment all right there it goes okay so four to 5 minutes each side it says so we're just going to let that cook for 4 minutes and then we're going to put this in yeah I do wonder how Hush Hush it was like I wonder like um I wonder if it was like you know kind of like oh my gosh so I finally got invited to a party on the freaking Island like that's crazy a billionaire invited me to a party and like if you knew offand like if if the Whispers were like you know it goes on there you know like I I wonder I just wonder how like I don't know it's so interesting to think about cuz like the circles of billionaires are just you know a circle that uh I don't think any of us will ever understand or have insight into but even just like some of the circles of like um uh even some Circles of just like nonbilli like even just people in like young Hollywood it gets pretty yucky like I was talking to this this actress um I was like at some party and I was talking to this actress and she's been in like a few random things nothing that I've ever heard of but she's like telling me about it and she's like yeah I just lost a part to this girl that like essentially the actor or the the director was choosing between me and this other girl and said who's going to suck my dick and then she just lost her part and it's just like it's crazy cuz you think of these things and you're like wow that doesn't happen anymore and then it just it just does and it's like oh my God like it just literally happens right like like it's crazy what the [ __ ] okay okay thinking thinking thinking so the rice is cooking I think I should like prep the sauce okay so chicken butter to the pan let it melt and then add garlic stir together okay turn down medium meet the sauce combined honey stock light soy sauce and stir together okay ready so we're going to do honey about a3d cup it says honey yeah that's what's interesting is even some of the girls that got like kind of like kidnapped into Epstein's Island they didn't even know what like of course they didn't know what they're getting into like a lot of them were brought in under the facade of it being a Billionaire's Island too and just getting invited and it's like oh my God I think power is the worst thing that humans can like a single human can have power is just not like a a good um thing okay so we're just going to get the honey in here oh boy oh boy yay okay Honey's going to go on in some might drip out but that's fine and then honey 13 cup of chicken stock oh maybe I should have started with the chicken what am I doing oh I'm making a mess oh god this is my messiest day for sure ah what a messy messy messy time I'm having okay and then chicken stock a thir cup chicken stock we don't have the rice vinegar and so we're just going to use soy sauce cuz we don't have it you thought Epstein and Weinstein were the same people no dip different both perverted but different flip the chicken okay well one second I just want to get this tablespoon of soy sauce in here okay surely that's good is there a gourmet way to make hot microwaved hot dogs I mean you just don't microwave them I love cutting hot dogs in half and then pan frying them I oh my God I used to eat hot dogs like nobody's business they were my favorite snack as a kid just that and I had a a George Foreman grill and I would just make burgers for myself all the time okay flipping the chicken this sucks that I'm making my oven so dirty when I just cleaned it I didn't just clean it sorry that I should not take credit the cleaners just cleaned it I'm lucky enough to have cleaners come once a week and then I never want to touch anything and now here I am when it gets dirty throw it away and get a new one good idea this doesn't look like it's going to be that good how much of bigger of a venue is it going to be for this year um it's the same size as last year it's it's literally the same venue I'm struggling to sell tickets though and I don't really know why cuz they're half the price that they were last year last year we sold 583 tickets this year we've only sold 300 I don't really know why borest thank you for the prime hopefully it'll pick up a little bit I haven't started selling them sooner will you do a stream for the airos in Japan yeah I will not miss the reputation announcement which I believe will be in Japan live stream viewers don't like to leave the house uh I don't think so think of like you know YouTube events or like think of like this the soccer match full sold a whole stadium okay hopefully this will still be good I need some chili flakes too the chicken doesn't look like it's cooking so I need four minutes uh we'll check it in four minutes chili flakes chili flakes chili flakes got them but we put these on at the end we start with garlic and how much butter actually one tablespoon jeez Louise that's a lot of butter QTC cookie just hearing about it for the first time yeah we have the popup on like the voting website for attend like for buying tickets but people just exit out of it so quickly and I'm like huh I don't know what else to do it's on the website all right well now that everything's just cooking I can drink my coffee have it pop up after they're finish voting well they won't look at that this just too cold now this is cold have you heard Factor has nothing but jelly donuts now uh I assume the yard said that I assume that's fake News 2 years what the heck happened wa thank you for the two years all right let's clean up a little we've made a freaking mess the chicken doesn't look done there's still some like raw Parts I can like see what do I do about that we'll get the new fit for streamer Awards he is currently a serving helun oh I'm sure I'm sure he is cake just bread kind of can you base the chicken with butter I mean I don't think that'll finish cooking it I'm just going to give it like two more minutes and then I'll flip it and give it two more minutes cuz that's when the instructions say we're just going to follow the instructions yo whoa the sweaty knees weak arms are heavy there's vomit on his sweater already mom spaghetti he's nervous but on the surf was calm and ready to drop bombs but he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down the whole so loud she pretty good but the words won't come out he's choking how everybody's joking now the clocks are out 's up over blow snap back to reality oh there goes gra there goes wow she's she's really going huh she is really going for it you know what song uh last night lewig was singing airplanes randomly he was like would you pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars you know and you know what song or the Eminem part of that song came to me out of nowhere all it took was hearing I need an Al Marsh Ms never picked up a pen Let's Pretend things would have been no different you guys remember that pretend he procrastinated had no motivation there's a pretty Dove outside it was Bo wasn't it Eminem that Eminem's line was Let's Pretend Marshall Ms never picked up a pen Let's Pretend things would have been so different R oh my God you guys don't know you guys oh my God you guys are fake [ __ ] fans hello you're giv all the credit to Bo yeah the original song was with Bo but then the part the the part two came out with Eminem and that's the one that was on the [ __ ] radios it blew up because of Eminem he signal boosted he's so signal boosted I can't believe you guys it blew up before &m no I mean it blew up but it was like it like blew up blew up after &em um okay I'm going to flip the chicken now and do two more minutes ow ow it's popping on me guys it doesn't look cooked hope you're doing good less than three your streams are always a delight to watch I don't know it doesn't look cook I have this problem with chicken every time oh I've got to turn this fan on holy hello hello I don't even know if this works is this done oh I think the rice is done the broccoli is probably done too this is not done the chicken's not done but if you cover the chicken you lose the crispiness on the outside of it and that's kind of like the point of this recipe finish it in the oven I don't want to show you the chicken cuz then I'd have to take it off it is just dark meat too so that could be part of it it's just going to cook a little longer I'm just going to give it okay two full minutes we're not going to touch it ready hands up hands up two full minutes we'll touch it at 4:20 it'll be like 3 minutes cutie being a real house off life per no I'm not hot enough thank you for the five months how many viewers do you guys think stream rewards will get this year at least four I'm co- streaming it on YouTube so I expect it to be lower than the year prior because I I bet I expect it to be kind of half and half plus I think more people will co-stream it this year which is weird it's weird when people okay this is the weird thing it sucks when I almost want to like I almost wish when people co- stream they would like leave a tab open I guess it doesn't work cuz when people co- stream I don't make money from it so the the number is bigger for how many people see it but I don't make ad Revenue off that and I'll tell you what I would like to be making some money so I think it'll get more viewers like across the board but it's not going to get like I'm not going to make as much money off of it so it's better for advertisers co- streaming but it's worse for me the man the little man it's worse for the little man they got to pay a fee I would never do that hey if you want to co- stream give me $400 [ __ ] we love to see a queen get in her bag I am not getting a bag currently I am losing a bag currently I have 3.99 take it or leave it I will take it Point Crow but you also can't co-stream because you're attending so this is awkward use of your 3.99 okay so now it says to add chicken and garlic QTC spin I might just ask co- streamers not to watch until the show cuz like maybe avoid like red carpet I don't know it says lower the heat so we're going to lower that a little little bit so we don't burn the garlic lower the heat and then we're going to do garlic garlic sorry I can't afford to attend but absolutely love your content and events oh my God you're fine don't apologizing no what don't apologize for not coming that's don't do that what the hell no it's okay just chill we're chill I will say this was the first time with soda Poppin didn't let people restream the hardcore raids yeah but soda Poppin is a man and doesn't get half the [ __ ] that I get the first year I asked people to not restream it and I got [ __ ] hate threads on hate threads on hate threads dude the other day I was reading a hate Thread about me that isn't even relevant it was the craziest [ __ ] and sometimes I just sit there and I'm like who made who wrote this who made this up it was the silliest thing it was something about like oh ctie cutie Cinderella defends I don't even want it'll just be clipped but it's just like I've never def like it's just things that I've never done it's just things I've literally never done I'm like find the find the clip I've seen this narrative a thousand times and I'm like what the [ __ ] she hates so and so and she's best friends with so and so and this and this and this I'm like okay here are the facts you guys want to know some facts my my best friend is Maya that's all we've got that is who I am friends with I am friends with lwig and Maya I I I would say Hassan and will and Austin we we can we can be friends I guess but like at the end of the day like you know what I'm saying like this is like that's it baby so I see these threads being like oh she's best friends with so and so who defended so and so so then she also defended so no that just never happened it never happened and it's like if you actually recall timelines I separated myself from those people it's like what the [ __ ] uh anyway sorry it's so frustrating it's so frustrating thank you for the 30 months chat you guys guys are my friends if you sub here is my Prime sub you can use this to pay for the entire streamer awrds smile thank you okay so now it says to add this sauce that we made which is just honey and stock and garlic and soy sauce and it should have rice wine vinegar but we don't have any so we're just going to see what happens and then so we make it add sauce to pan turn up heat and bring sauce to boil arme arms are heavy there's vomit on his sweater already mom nervous but on the surface he looks calm and wait you just said you were too poor don't give me go so loud opens hisou but the words won't come out he's choking how every very nice but don't do that if you don't have snap back to reality go gravity oh there goity choke so okay the chicken is looking like golden the chicken's looking good but now the sauce is supposed to like hi hi thicken and coat it so we'll see what happens and then we'll taste it all but I'll cut um some green peppers or green onions infinite onion glitch QTC hey hi QT what are we making today right now QTC snackies I'm making like honey garlic chicken that I don't know if it's any good I've never made this recipe before so you guys want to know my life hack here's a fun life hack this is what I did this week oh God I found my recipes that I wanted to make I use like Pinterest or Google or whatever I use some of my own um I found recipes I wanted to make and then I went to chat gbt and I said hey I'm going to give you five links to recipes will you make me a combined shopping list and it said yes [ __ ] and then it made me a combined shopping list and then I used chat gbt uh instacart extension and I said will you order all this stuff and then instacart and then it ordered all my stuff Isn't that cool I saved so much time I did get a you know sometimes you get extra stuff like I got a bag of mushroom or mustard powder and I was like that's not what I wanted but so you have to check it but you know it does a pretty okay job did it mess any items up yeah but you check it before you push order like you go through and check it messed a few up but not like bad at all still saved me time now my onions go back and they'll grow more yay planning stream rewards through chat gbt um chat gbt is not super helpful with streamer rewards unfortunately once chat gbt can make like some like like honestly my hardest thing is like I don't have a graphic designer and I don't really have a person like with the brain or two choices oh Princess P G thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you I don't have someone on my team that's like focused on social media so I don't have someone being like Oh post this on Instagram oh post this on Twitter which I just wish chat gbt could do that I wish chat gbt could be my social media manager because I can't afford a real one which is bad and I know and we hate when AI take human jobs but I can't afford a human to do it so if I could I'd hire a human thank you for the two months if you ever need custom orchestral music for an event what I would love to film orchestral music for an event in the future I would love to help I'm a film/tv composer in La Brother Bear yeah let's have you set up with a violin in the corner during Master Baker and whenever stuff is intense you you live you live uh score it that'd be cool cool thank you for the raid I appreciate it I appreciate it so much thank you thank you thank you wouldn't that be actually cool during Master Baker just a live score but I how much do you cost I'm so broke right now it's actually insane I'll be your social media manager free of charge no cost well I don't want I I also don't want to take advantage of someone and not pay someone besides a robot I'll not pay a robot any day chat I think this is actually looking good I think we might have done something here I'm just coating it in the sauce the sauce is like nice and thick now the Pan's going to be a pain in the ass to clean but I think we like really did something today okay she's crazy pay an exposure true cutie just give me your account details yeah what are you don't shut up Point Crow is Rich I will say sometimes I'll be like yo how much do you pay that person and he'll tell me and I'll be like what the [ __ ] that's more than I get paid guys my company I do you guys want to should I I can say you guys don't care right I feel fine saying I get paid as the CEO of my company 100K a year and then everything else is just sits in the company and gets spent on events I know it's really good I feel really great I feel great about making 100K a year but it's just crazy in comparison when I look at some of my friends I'm like holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that's not a lot whoa rude okay oh my God it's burning no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no stop no no get out do not hey hey get out get out get out get out before the burn touches you no it touched you oh oh my God I walked away for 2 seconds no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God it was no get out get out of the tar it became tar in seconds no no no no no no look how beautiful it was do you see the Blackness on the bottom it was so beautiful oh my God no no it was so pretty oh oh let's just pretend oh no oh I looked away for 2 seconds and all just burn oh wait look pretty no I did save it as much as I could admittedly if I wouldn't have grabbed it right when I did do you guys want to see the [ __ ] pan brother brother bear I walked away for two seconds it became tar actual tar oh my God it's a tar pit this is what the dinosaurs died in oh my God daily dose of carcinogens don't say that to me oh ctie okay the chick guys listen the chicken didn't burn the yeah my urge to just stick my face in it is crazy but I walked away from it and we're not going to let that intrusive thought win um the thing is the chicken didn't burn just the sauce burned so it's just some of it is in the burned sauce like that darkness is the burned sauce but maybe you can eat around it oh I'm so sad well I was like oh my God I'm really doing something over here it looked beautiful and then all of a sudden I just like saw out of the corner of my eye all the smoke coming from it no soak it in water I will soak the pan in water but at the moment it's like you know full of hot [ __ ] you can't just throw water on it [ __ ] it up well let's try it a here's the broccoli listen we can still make something beautiful here we can still make art out of disaster okay story of my life I'm drunk in the back of the car and I cried like a baby home from the bar it happens sometimes you [ __ ] up I still have rice and broccoli so we'll just see maybe maybe hear me out maybe it's actually better we don't know maybe maybe it needed to be super duper caramelized you know maybe cope okay just a little bit of rice less than three less than three some oh Jad that that sauce would have been so good I can't believe I [ __ ] it man I'm a failure of a woman backslash you guys are like cutie why do you want to be a tra wife so badly and I'm like bro they're going to start drafting us any day this is my only chance to go back on everything I ever said never mind never mind on that whole equal rights thing super not into it see here's the proof my kitchen just smells like burnt it smelled so good and now it just smells like burnt [Music] okay well let's see if it's any good it would be so good with the extra sauce on the rice um damn it you know what it's missing sauce it'd be so good with more of that like glaze should I just make more of the sauce so then lewig has sauce when he eats it I think I should the burning flavor is not good I thought C didn't like sauce it's actually really complicated I like it if I make it QTC cozy cat I just don't like other people can like throw [ __ ] in it you know 26 excited for streamer Awards I don't [ __ ] with ranch or mayonnaise I'm complicated okay I don't know listen I don't make sense to me either damn it chat I've got to make some sauce for L cuz it's just way better with this sauce damn it I'm so sad um but I think I approve the recipe here as long as you don't burn it I think it's actually a good recipe it won't let me copy and paste it what if you're interested this is what we just made oh I can't push enter from here chat I did there you go mods will you copy and paste that a lot cuz I can only send it once that's what I just made it's good if you don't burn the sauce damn it that sucked 10 out of 10 do not recommend burning it will stream rewards be on this channel yes how is it it's good if you don't burn it but I burnt it damn well I got to save like the least burned ones for lad and I'm going to make him some sauce to put on it cuz otherwise I'm sad I want M that one's so burnt oh I'm the saddest girl in Mississippi okay I think this one's the worst one so I'll eat this one cuz it's worse QTC cookie what's for dessert cutie we're going to make um glutenfree zucchini bread thank you could you cut the bottom off the problem is is the sauce is all over it so I have to wash the sauce off which will then get rid of the crispiness which is sad cuz I work so hard for the crispiness is it too complicated make streamer words its own channel it's not too complicated um I just want to make money off of it so it's better to do it on my channel compared to on its own channel that has zero followers mine almost has a million and I already have like you know my partner Plus on this channel man this sucks I'm so sad I was so excited real life don't care about followers what that's not what I was saying I want people to watch it if I do it on a new Channel with zero followers the alert goes out to zero people if I do it on this channel the alert goes out to a million people [Music] can we get a bite no I was joking relax hun ooh get banned o You're So cringe ew don't [ __ ] call me H don't call a woman hun in her [ __ ] life unless she sucks your dick Jesus Christ sh out of curiosity are you looking to sell the stream rewards no not at the moment though this is the first time the sentence if there's an extremer rewards has come out of my mouth this has been a hard year I'm I'm having a really hard time getting nominees to come which if like nominees aren't coming then it's kind of like my goal is to bring everyone together and also celebrate streamers but if people that are nominated don't want to come and be celebrated then it's kind of like oh you know it's not like I can force people to come you can't force people to leave their house if they don't want to come they don't want to come you know is Will sponsoring the Afterparty again what are you talking about Will has never paid for any of my After parties I love when you guys just make [ __ ] up would you potentially look into hosting the streamer Awards in another location no cuz I can't fly um and you'd have to I have to do a lot of on-site planning he hosted the gala didn't he with Andrea no why did will not pay for the After parties how do you pick a co-host I put everyone's name in the Hat and I pull them out okay chat I'm going to make more sauce for lad cuz I'm really sad about the sauce [Music] situation when did you become a Stanley girl guys Pok man gave this to every streamer for free I became a Stanley girl as soon as I got it for free I become an anything girl as soon as I get it for free hello you guys want me to become a men's right activist send me a free t-shirt I'm there okay oh my god look chat it isn't even moving I really did something here I told you that I made tar it's not it's literally not moving and it's still warm properly reduced yes [Music] thank you for the two months all right well I'm going to soak it clearly with some Dawn oh my God the water is doing nothing Dawn dish soap if you can save the duckies from the oil you can save my pan from this oil go forth my king I'm almost out of soap good luck out there7 qt7 qt7 um all right well that sucked boil the pan it's fine it'll soak it'll come off eventually it'll come off eventually I'm going to make more of the sauce and not burn it ready we can do this we can do it chat we can make this sauce and not burn it I'm confident it's not there's not much to it you doing any collab streams with Pokey leading up to the stream rewards um nothing planned I doubt it I'm just a little too busy I I guess she could be here right now but I haven't asked whoa the floor is all greasy there W than you 14 months has weird has weird has weird has weird has weird QTC Dad thank you for the three or thank for the 177 PL booy Max needs some content on his link because I have no idea what he does breakthrough category yeah but how do you know what any of them do they guys every streamer was giving oh can I say the cringiest thing this is mean because I'm saying this about kids he got banned his clip is down that's so funny what did he get banned for I'm going to say something mean about children Minecrafters this is a message for you the amount of [ __ ] DMs I got from Minecrafters being like will you change clip will you change cellbit's clip will you change tuo's clip will you do guys they picked their Clips they're adults they picked their [ __ ] clip I I guarantee you they want the clip that they have picked holy [ __ ] it's so crazy that like children think that they own like that they have like um responsibility to take care of these adult ass streamers I'm like what is going on I've seen so many streamers [ __ ] about Clips I know but they all have a link to change them that's what's so crazy every single one of them got personally dmed with a link to change their clips and pictures oh my gosh I'm like what is what what what do you want me to do what is going on there kids yeah but sometimes kids deserve some heat I'll say it listen I was a cringey kid and I'm happy I got told I was a cringey kid otherwise I'd probably still be cringey being an overbearing child with control problems is the gateway to being an incel so let's stop this while we can I'm not kidding you I it wasn't just one or two DMS it was like hundreds of DMS from Minecrafters being like hey um I represent the the tubo Discord will you change his clip and I'm [Music] like like if Tubba wants his clip changed Tubba will get his clip changed don't worry yeah yeah someone complain about the alvas clip Maya selected that clip Maya said here's the clip dictator for weird no what what what what huh well you cannot be calling me a dictator for that that's crazy they chose it not me I didn't choose it the person chose it why what why are you calling me a dictator that's crazy bro that's crazy I didn't choose it the person who like that's like saying oh you're a dictator cuz you chose your own clothes today what the [ __ ] is wrong with you psychopath holy [ __ ] news flash you can choose stuff that represents you and that doesn't make you sir you can be a dictator of yourself go ahead what the hell craziest [ __ ] I've ever read oh boy y'all y'all crazy we have fun here you guys can be real cuckoo but you know what at the end of the day we sure do have some fun me um where's the soy sauce put okay and then a thir cup of honey and we'll recreate the sauce and it'll be perfect just caught six tickets for me and my friends it's going to be sick wait really did you actually that's really nice of you she's going on a tiate about young people in broth is that the summation of my stream There She Goes Again ploop ploop okay I know part of why this sauce thickened before was cuz the chicken was coated in corn starch so I'm nervous it's not going to thicken the same but we'll see we're just going to try our best and then for the burnt ones wipe off some the burnt yeah Hanan hasn't voted on stream I don't know why I think he hates me he didn't do nominations on stream he didn't vote on stream he just doesn't support his friends he did raise $25,000 for alvas but besides that like he doesn't [ __ ] care about people I did say it wasn't my friend earlier though so maybe I deserve it okay this is ladwig's plate okay okay the sauce is starting to boil I want to make them real jealous want to make them real mad okay okay this one's not very burnt thanks for all the awesome things you made happen in 2023 less than three this one's not bad we don't need to wipe anything off this one kind of got [ __ ] admittedly we're just going to wipe some of that sauce off okay it's too sticky I think I can peel it off cuz it's so burnt oh my God I can [ __ ] okay no I ate the burnt ones I'm giving lwig the less burnt ones don't accuse me of that listen you guys don't give me enough credit for how much I love that boy okay I love him and I want him to have the best chicken in the freaking world okay I have such a big piece of broccoli oh there's some burnt sauce in my hair I have such a big piece of broccoli in my teeth oh boy don't worry cutie I feel you I give my Bo boyfriend the good ones too yeah yeah and then before he eats it I usually tell him everything that should be different about it it's really endearing probably and not annoying to be like oh by the way enjoy the soup it's just missing salt and maybe some extra parmesan and a little bit of shallots I've got problems but I'm working on them lately has this ever happened to anybody um do you have you guys ever been like annoyed at therapy I've been so annoyed at therapy recently I just like don't feel like going when I'm there I don't feel like talking about anything I just don't [ __ ] feel like it that color looks really good on you by the way love your dress I've just been so grumpy for like three weeks now and I'm like I'm just wasting my money cuz I'm not getting anywhere with this cuz I'm just grumpy I'm going to put a little bit of I'm going to put the littlest bit of cornstarch on this to try to thicken it no I'm parasocial with my therapist really I do not feel maybe I just don't feel connected to my therapist maybe that's my problem oh boy I did that made it boil a little bit man I had it so thick and perfect earlier and I just ruined it okay I think that'll be enough corn starch or corn yeah corn starch that's when I decided I need a break from therapy I don't need the problem is I don't need a break I need a lot of help still but I just like am not in the mood to [ __ ] talk about it it's weird one day a week instead that's what kind of lewig said like maybe I'm just going too often I don't know I'm going to talk to her about it cuz I'm just like I just dread it I just I have no interest in it I don't feel like opening up I don't feel anything I feel like like not disso like I don't think I feel dissociated I just don't feel like it I don't feel like [ __ ] talking about it I think this is a bit of a Doomer like mindset but it's like okay yeah let's talk about my dead Mom let's do it let's do it you know let's do it man let's talk about it but what the [ __ ] is that going to do she's always going to be dead you know it's like it's never going to change it's literally never going to change and so it's like what I like what the [ __ ] I don't know I'm just kind of like I'm really angry are there going to be drinks at the stream rewards yes might help grieving though I know I go to therapy twice a week guys twice a week for the past year and I feel like the same I don't feel like I'm Healed or anything I don't know I'm just I don't know maybe the therapist is the wrong fit for me I don't know I'm just at a bit of a stand still at the moment we'll see what I really need to do is just like yoga and [ __ ] for being honest with ourselves okay it's starting to Bubble again but it's not looking thick like it was before so we're just going to let it do its thing yoga is so good yeah meditation is like proven to help with like depression anxiety and therapy and Trauma I just need to [ __ ] do it but it's just so hard it's so you guys ever get that way it's like so hard to do stuff I don't know it's like you know okay like okay every single one of us here knows if we went on a mile run today if we drank three of these worth of water if we ate healthy and if we journaled we would feel better if we did that every day for a month all of us know that every single one of us knows that but it's like so much work it's so like it's like h G you know it's like GH okay it's starting to get thick again guys we're not going to burn it this time it's like I know I should do my physical therapy like I know I should do 15 minutes of yoga every day I know I should like H I just don't want to and she'll be like it's because you don't want you don't want like the benefits that come from it like a part of you doesn't want the change and I'm like no I just want to watch Tik Tok that's not it I'm fine if I'm less like you know I don't think I'm afraid of feeling better I just like don't want to get off my couch like I don't know yeah she'll be like a part of you doesn't think you deserve happiness and I'm like I think a part of me is just lazy and doesn't think like just doesn't trust the process like a part of me is too too lazy to trust the process it's like okay if you saw if you saw a million dollars waiting for you after 30 days of doing like crazy cardio every day and eating healthy and blah blah blah if you could actually see that you would do it right but when it comes to like self progress it's so hard cuz you like okay I think this is good because you like can't see it you don't know it until it's there and so it makes it so much harder guys I made the sauce look it's not burnt and it's nice and thick Yay see ooh ooh that's how it's supposed to look okay we're going to take the chicken we made for lewick we're just going to plop it in the correct sauce yum okay put it in there flip it I probably shouldn't be flipping it with my hands but y that's pretty hot but that's okay okay one thing I didn't think of is it's kind of infusing the burn flavor in with the rest of the sauce which is a bit of a bummer I still shouldn't be using my hands but I am ow it's really hot cutie there's a thing right here just use that and your hand I guess because that's what your brain is telling you to do ow yay and then we just take some of this sauce and just drizzle it and put it on the rice yay I did it yeah yeah wait I can do it lucky guy and then some fresh green onions okay there's ladwig's dinner for the day yay he's not here though but maybe when he gets home Wahoo but maybe he'll probably eat dinner he's been gone all day I just realized well just joined what is it it's honey garlic chicken it's actually a pretty good recipe I approve I approve of this recipe [Music] yay I did something okay well now we're going to make some zucchini bread dinner for Papa w e I hated that good job now clean up think you might just be lonely not just annoyed listen I am very lonely that's not a surprise I'm incredibly lonely probably why I'm on Twitch that is why I'm on Twitch it's why I initially started streaming um but it doesn't fix it what are we doing uh we're just cleaning up and then I'm going to make some zucchini bread and then we're going to clean up again and then I'm going to make some cake and then we're going to clean up again oh I forgot to put the chili flakes in it oh well thoughts on celery bread I don't think that's a thing my thought is that that's not a thing yum celery bread um I'm going to just put this broccoli in lwigs Bowl cuz I shouldn't eat it I'm going to dinner with Caroline in literally two hours so and I'm not hungry now so that's bad but I can just get a salad for dinner it's like not enough broccoli to do it alone for some reason lately broccoli kind of tasted like soap to me just like out of the blue am I okay do I need to go to doctor going to die chat take it back take it back back now what is your favorite color honestly I mostly just wear black uh but I would say I don't know I've always said pink but I like blue I like like a forest green an evergreen big Evergreen fan that message being deleted so quick made me snort I didn't see it so I'm sure it was a really nice thing you know my mods always delete nice messages they just don't want it to go to my head can we blame them all right let's get the zucchini we keep forgetting zucchini zucchini zucchini zucchini uhoh did the zucchini get thrown away no wait no [Music] no no bini got thrown away [Music] why damn pH Up chat really really really really damn it I just used it though okay well there goes our dreams of zucchini bread we can make zucchini bread tomorrow we'll make our lemon cake now I guess banana oh um I have one banana I don't think that's enough for banana bread thank you for the one month or the gifted sub sorry it's enough I don't think it's enough chat dang it um we're going to make lemon uh lemon cake for a a birthday party for tomorrow so um but I had to get lemons delivered so I have to go grab them I'll be back oh it's dark when did it become night time oh okay it's just my house is Pitch Black I thought I was going to make zucchini bread and I was excited front door open bloop we've got rice cakes we've got more bananas we've got lemons we' got blueberries we got butter we got Swift's food and we got more butter wow thank for five than you for being a friend thank you for being a friend thank you oh I got a fiber message thank you for being a friend also I think we have to take preo like some of like at least one esler use away from preo cuz he's never seen Golden Girls how does everyone feel about that don't you need the butter room temp I got better right there but thanks for back seating Me O moldy muffin that's mold ew ew you should always freeze your muffins learn from me freeze your muffins they can always defrost how long is butter room temp good for dude like forever not like forever but like a really long time um okay let me get my lemon cake recipe helicopter [Music] outside thank you for the three months take me okay does anyone have a good lemon cake recipe I do but I don't know where it is which recipe are you using I'm going to use one of I'm going to use mine what does anyone have this is a throwback does anyone have the recipe that I used for Atrix wedding so that was a good lemon cake probably find it I'm surprised I didn't post it anywhere Claire has a Meer lemon oil okay clip I didn't ask for I didn't ask for a olive oil lemon cake did I clip I don't think I did I don't believe that's what I asked for what the [ __ ] [ __ ] is Hanan supposed to be in emy's Cosplay thing what is that what is that Gerald from Witcher oh he looks just like him of course apologies it's okay you don't play games whatever dude I'll never beat the allegations [Music] H do people in La have llamas and pets for real what uh no one that I know but maybe I'm in the wrong circles I don't know anyone with a llama Mato thank you for the year I've seen Tik toks of people seeing llamas in people's backyards who in La has a backyard that's more interesting than having a llama Hassan Hassan I don't need to burst your guys' bubble right here Hassan does not have a backyard he's got the tiniest little baby pool I've ever seen in my life and that's it and then concrete and then he can throw a rock at the neighbor's house I bet you know a-holes who bring their dogs into Target or a supermarket what I don't know how to feel about that sentence number one I think it's fine for dogs to go into supermarkets but I think that sentence alone will make you hate me um but I have a hot take for you who gives a [ __ ] you could bring a llama into a Target i' be okay that's fine if dirty ass babies are allowed to sit next to your food with their poopy filled diapers bro a dog can be in the in the Target as well if actual human feces can be inches away from your food so can I dog it's chill it's chill no idiots think you can bring your pet everywhere bro why why are you mad this is a you thing I don't know what to tell you this is just a you thing this is a you thing you're very angry person doesn't if it if it doesn't hurt you don't don't give it attention Okay this is my life advice to everyone in the chat if it doesn't hurt you don't give it attention dude I feel better if there's a dog on my airplane are you kidding me how amazing you know what I love on an airplane I love I I love a nice fluffy dog you know what I hate on an airplane a [ __ ] kid some dumbass kid kicking the back of my seat you know who never kicks the back of my seat little pomeranian that [ __ ] is never doing [ __ ] to me it's a store it's unsanitary to bring your dog in there what do you think dogs like what do you what do you what do you what do you think dogs got that we don't that that's what is blowing my mind they walk on the ground cuz I don't know how to tell you this your feet also touch the ground it's like one I know it is one guy you just need need to chill you just got it you need to find a new hobby you need to find a new hobby than fighting dogs your fighting dog hobby is crazy I'll tell you it's not a very good use of your time you know you know who causes the most deaths is guns and you know who can hold guns babies more babies kill with guns than dogs do how do you feel now how what what do you think about that huh you're more likely to get killed by a baby with a gun than a dog G after a while gandi still on the a QT Cat hoodie oh do you wow that's crazy thank you for 15 months that was my first merch ever Ken thank you the 17 yeah but I'm allergic to dogs yeah I'm allergic to babies I'm not out here crying takes a good baby with a gun to stop a bad dog with a gun you know what we're all all allergic to bullets every single one of us and let me remind you who's got thingies to pull the trigger not a dog not a dog not a dog 50 Cent is an allergic to bullets he's actually that's actually a really good point um okay guys we've got to make this cake I'm I'm focused we're done talking about babies killing people Anonymous thank you for giting a sub will chibli show up in person to the awards I don't know I don't know what Chi's doing with his life how am I supposed to know he's allergic to babies here babies might be on the plane he's not going to come okay lemon cake lemon SE all berry pie filling lemon curd what is this oh that's my lemon curd peach pie filling blueberry mousse lemon pound cake do I want to make pound cake though it could okay we're going to do this recipe we're going to do lemon pound cake why not let's be crazy let's be crazy we're being crazy man all right this is one of my recipes so you're going to have to [ __ ] write it down if you want on it this is not online anywhere this is a me this is a cutie Cinderella original all right here we go first off we are going to zest and cut our lemons or and Juice our lemons have you ever used the cookbook Austin gifted you I have not who is this hi my name is C sounds kind of heavy 11 PB cake it's about a pound so so it depends your feelings on a pound being heavy personally doesn't phase me but you know we're all different all right we're going to zest two lemons thank you for that brand new sub Anonymous thank you for giting a sub as well when it comes to zesting you never want to get into the white you always just want to get the yellow off and here's my personal secret no matter how much zest the recipe says double it this recipe says zest one lemon [ __ ] that [ __ ] I'm doing two hope you're doing well I'm fine smile I don't like the texture of zest though if you can taste zest in a cake that's crazy I get it in a curd but not in a cake what if we're allergic to Lemon what do we still add double uh babies you're either allergic to lemon or babies that's like it those are like the two options I saw someone on Tik Tok today that looked like cutie was it my Tik Tok you were watching you know I have a Tik Tok if you can't taste the zest what's it for you can taste it he's talking about the texture you can't it doesn't have much mouth feel when it's mixed into a cake okay why so much cuz it's for a whole ass cake I want it to be lemon flavored why when do you guys get so judgy about lemon what's happening pry making lemon cake whoa lemon seeds for I use preppy kitchens lemon cake oh that's interesting do you have tips and tricks for a moist cake mine are always dry um you're probably baking it too long however um there are things you can do like this recipe has sour cream in it sour cream applesauce mayonnaise and cake is a secret way to add more moisture that exploded Mayo yeah you can't taste it Mayo's just oil and eggs all right get all of this juice all right a cup of sugar so we're going to use the the kitchen aid today and we're just going to do a cup of sugar over here alone with the lemon zest and what that's going to do it's the zest is kind of get to get pulverized by the sugar and that's going to open it up a lot more and kind of combine some of those oils um which is nice we like that so so you just do your sugar and your zest Alone Together in the mixer first before you cream your butter um if you don't know what creaming your butter is it's usually how you start a recipe it combines your sugar and your butter as a way to emulsify your butter so you don't end up with butter chug places so if you're baking and you ever get big bubbles of Goo it's probably because your butter wasn't fully Incorporated anyway that lemon zest and that sugar is going to hang out for a little bit and then we need 34 cup of butter water softened this is this is how much is this how much are you how many are you if half a cup is eight tablespoons that means a third cup is like or no that means a four cup a four cup is 2 tablespoons so that means 3/4 cups is six tablespoons is everyone on the same page yes one two 3 four 5 yo yo isn't it two and a half sticks oh my God yes clip you're right why did everyone disagree to me that's 12 tablespoons wait how did I did the math backwards there I just did the math so backwards a half stick is eight and then I counted backwards for some reason wow that was so weird if and if I has to if half stick is eight then four tablespoons okay whatever okay well that was a trip a little bit okay so so we need a total of 12 tablespoons which this is 1 2 3 4 five six 78 nine 10 so I've got 10 tablespoons so far that was that was weird what the heck I don't know what my brain just went off of there that was crazy goodbye butter so I'm short two tablespoons so I need two more tablespoons of butter that was crazy I haven't done a math fail like that in a minute all right I need my two tablespoons before I can continue wah W wah wah okay that's two tablespoons right here actually the math works so I think you created a new math I mean it didn't I I well it worked that was a cup but that wasn't a cup it was a half cup I just said I said it was a cup but it wasn't so funny okay how many eggs three three eggs and SAR cream oh oh come on out before you melt chill shut up sometimes you got to yell at your microwave okay three eggs just going to add those one are eggs still uh pricey in the US yeah eggs are expensive too why you got good deal on eggs [Music] I don't know if you saw but myth did a baking stream a couple days ago with yti using the book you gifted him I think it was brown butter cookies cute I did not see that that's cool that he did happy to hear happy to hear gosh I haven't seen myth in so long I feel like he's like kind of doing his own thing the eggs were too warm or too cold um okay now I got to get my seeds out of here okay and then we do sour cream sour cream and vanilla and lemon juice yay so the sour cream is just going to add moisture which is really great for a um pound cake I hate sour cream so I do hate adding it to things and I only do it when it's really worth it and I promise it's worth it gross oh boy okay QTC spin s cream mies you want to gag me too but I've gotten much more like um I used to I remember in the bakery we had this big like 15 20 gallon bucket of sour cream that we'd keep in the fridge cuz you like you know everything's like bulk by in mass production like bakeries um and we'd have to like you'd have to get in there to scoop it out and usually we'd be making more than one of these right so I'd be in there getting like four scoops of [ __ ] sour cream um and you'd have to like get in there like elbow deep like I remember wrapping my arm in Saran Wrap one time cuz I had to get the sour cream from the bottom and oh my God I would just sit there gagging now I don't gag when I see it but sometimes when it touches me it bothers me but I have gotten way more to sensitized to sour cream specifically Mayo still kind of [ __ ] me up but sour cream not as bad it's basically like yogurt how can you not like it I just I don't know something but the word sour really [ __ ] me up the crazy thing is I think I would like it if I would just try it I've never just like tried sour cream I've tried like sour cream and onion chips but I've never just like tried dipping something into sour cream and I think I would like it cuz I love sour cream and onion chips but I [ __ ] hate the idea of a sour cream like just eating it sounds so gross one and 1/2 cups of flour and then baking soda so one and A2 cups of flour oh okay flour then I need half a teaspoon of baking powder and then some salt half a teaspoon baking powder and the oven needs to get to 350 salt just going to do a little bit of salt all right and then we're going to mix this all up oh my gosh it literally the smell of this cake specifically takes me back to the bakery I just had a Ratatouille moment holy [ __ ] okay okay and we have our batter [Music] Tada thank you for the prime are people still on about the Mayo people love Mayo don't you take that away from them do you think Americans would be more upset if guns were outlawed or Mayo might be Mayo guns but it's close we're just making a little 6 in cake evening Q-tips happy two years less than three good evening you and my everything me [ __ ] side so don't waste the time I don't have [Music] talk about every show [Music] uput them all out for you I a kid um we can't outlaw guns I'm allergic to babies good point good point good point you need to protect yourself from the babies you got to be able to protect yourself from the babies close close close close close there it's in here all right I'm doing kind of thin layers I want this to bake fast Bon past your street thank you for the 10 months okay I think yeah my only skill that would help me survive a zombie apocalypse is I do literally know how to turn like cow milk into butter and I know how to turn like grain into flour and then I know what to do with butter and flour to make bread and I think that would save me I think that'd get me somewhere s bro thank you for the sub brand new and but bazo thank you for the brand new Prime I still [ __ ] love you Bab if the zombies will spare you you could make them delicious cake true no but like the humans like will will defend me I think lewig will no lewig would defend me anyway but in the inevitability that will goes crazy and starts killing people in our pack he'll probably kill off Hassan will or he'll probably kill off Hassan Austin and lwig and slime They're All Dead will kill them because he was bored he did it for the sport but he won't kill me because who else is going to make his birthday cake I'll be fine all right these should be a quick bake TB the last step is to learn how to grow grain and you'll survive for sure I think I could grow grain I don't think I'm I'm a pretty good Gardener but I should learn you're right Maddie thank you for the year he doesn't like his birthday he likes cake he doesn't actually really like cake he only likes he likes keine pie and I know how to make that well he likes bread everyone needs bread I should probably unload the dishes and reload them chat while we wait but it's not fun boo that's not fun uh I can make the blueberry filling tomorrow we yeah we could use bread as a cake as a trading thing I actually really enjoyed the Mean Girls movie but I adore musicals I haven't seen it yet I really want to see it I almost went and saw it by myself the other night you for being a friend Dan bro thank you for the five gifted I appreciate that that's really kind thank you for being a friend thank you for being a friend thank you oh I got a Fiverr message let's see how far away dinner is for being a friend looks like far crap cakes you got to bake faster everything's far from me oh freck wait it's so far from me oh that's literally so far away I'm going to message Caroline is that the right place I wonder maybe I put in the wrong address so far away it's actually insane like I would have to leave like right now no way right oh there are multiple never mind it's a chain oh it's a chain and there's one so much closer woo thank God okay we're fine we're so fine we're back baby oh thank God saved I was like no way I was going to be so upset [Music] will QT C7 hi Auto think the seven um chat what should I wear tonight because I'm going to that and then I'm going to a a birthday party um wear that dress it's cute no wear pants no we Crocs [Music] no wear a skirt is it a fancy place no but I have an idea for an outfit can I show you guys everyone stay I love telling chat to stay you guys can't do [ __ ] well I guess you could exit out don't exit out that'd be really mean like I guess you if you have better places to be do whatever you want um okay I have an idea for a fit uh I might be going too far away I'm on a journey oh what the wait huh wait where do my clothes go what happened here I had um oh boy I had a skirt or so I thought oh s BS business H where is it oh crap um I really thought it'd be in this pile of clothes but maybe I got put in the dryer but it shouldn't be in the dryer it like very much so looks like it shouldn't go in a dryer so I'd be sub surprised if it got put in the dryer um um okay oh crap okay it's not here let me look in one more place I don't even know if you guys can hear me right now looking in the laundry [Music] machine uhoh I think it got put in the dryer oh I left my phone up there with you guys I hope you can't see it I left the text open or something wait what it's not in here hello skirt no did it get put in the washer that's worse than the dryer cuz then it won't be dry what's this that is a shirt come here where would it go really okay no no no no no no no I'm looking through the dryer I'm looking through the washer um what the hell okay I guess I lost it oh it was such a good idea in theory where did it go damn that sucks okay well uh well there goes that idea I guess um uh maybe I maybe I put it away I'm going a different direction now I don't know if you guys I'm just going to keep you should be able to hear me now cuz I'm closer to you guys but I'm going to look through this laundry right here real quick and see if I put the skirt in here but I don't think I did cuz this is all lights and I did a batch of lights and I want but it's a black skirt so I want to put it in there you know okay it's not in there all right I'm going to look one more place everyone stay thank you for the sub I heard the blo oh God going upstairs breath I'm not AC I'm being a little okay one more flight okay let's see is it in here oh it is and shirt Ops I want though this be I wonder there's tights there's that oh yeah maybe it's in here oh yeah chat I swear it's going to be cool if I can find it but it doesn't seem like I'm finding it at the moment maybe I made it up on the bright side I have come up with a new idea after looking through my stuff but it's not the original idea I think the original idea is cooler damn it where the [ __ ] not in there not in there way would it be in here hate that when in there not in there a found it all right two ideas now I can't find the original oh there it is okay all right yeah I'm coming imagine you guys just had static cuz I was gone for like 10 minutes and if you had static for 10 minutes I'm really sorry okay bit ideas how are you guys did you hear all that yay okay option number one is this skirt it's like it's got like a it's like a silky skirt with like a leg moment happening so like this skirt and then like I was thinking of being crazy and doing like this top it's like a sparkly could be fun and then do like a bun on top of my head and just like messies and like maybe some glasses and then a big furry coat maybe yeah it looks better up close the top okay so that's one idea or second idea is like a corset top so like this top it's like a corset I've never worn it and then just like leather pants these aren't really leather they're full leather first outfit should I try it on let me check on these cakes okay we've got time okay let me try the first outfit fashion show fashion show fashion show at work where's the I pulling my mic out of my shorts I'm wearing shorts under my skirt hello come out got it okay all right I'll I'll be back thank you Jello for that for for so it doesn't have much like shape to it and obviously I'd have to wear a different bra cuz I'm wearing like a sport e bra right now but it kind of looks like I don't I don't I don't think you're supposed to wear it with a skirt maybe I'm supposed to swap maybe this is supposed to go with the skirt and these are supposed to go with pants cuz it kind of just looks like I maybe it's fine it's a bad combo yeah I kind of think so I like the skirt too but I think the skirt will look weird with the corset I don't like the cutout on the skirt should just be straight can you tuck the shirt oh yeah maybe Caroline said try it try what if I tuck the skirt in the front maybe if I just tuck the skirt in general actually Caroline is getting a sneak peek of the outfit guys Caroline and we're not going on a date I'm not like trying to surprise Caroline I'm just that looks better but it's still kind of like or maybe this is better I grabbed both of my silver chain link tops maybe this is more of the vibe with the skirt but it's weird I'm not wearing the white right bra for I have to put pasties on okay let me try this top instead of this one the problem with these pants these pants they kind of like give me a bit of a FAA so I don't think they'll look good you know cuz it doesn't have enough to hide try it on first okay I'll just do this first okay you can see I maybe actually maybe it falls enough it's great but not for this event it's just a birthday partye you can't really tuck it I can try this one that is a jeans top I don't have jeans listen I'm too I can't fit in jeans okay let me try I'm going to try this top bloop three just broke it the back just like broke on it but it looks kind of met anyway it looks I just kind of look like a white blob don't love it yeah I don't love it all right I'm going to go try this one on I don't for I can't get the coret loosened this AIT of a strle you're not suppos to do this oh god oh boy I can't onine e stupid [ __ ] shirt on Chad this cringe of course stupid overon so loose Jesus Christ it kept pulling my ponytail but now it's so loose I also still kind of look like a white blob I think this is just what we're going to wear because I can't really change out of it and I'm just going to put on a jacket and then I'll have Caroline fix it later I need to tighten the top so I can take the sports bra I have underneath it off I think I just I mean this is just really loose right now but I think Caroline will be able to fix it I'm just going to do this for now I'm just going to tie a bow right here so I don't lose it and then let me see they are done okay wait the jacket is in the oven no no no no no I got to get the cakes out done done and off okay well I've got to go get ready bye guys thank you for helping me are you wearing a necklace with it yeah I'm going to put my hair up I'm going to take the sports bra off I'm going to put my hair up and probably do a chain and then a big fluffy white coat and then heels and then I'll have Caroline fix the back did you see Caroline's message no oh perfect uh L ate dinner maybe he could have it [Music] tomorrow oh well all right bye guys it'll be leftovers you can have it another day um good [Music] night see you guys tomorrow we'll decorate the cake we made and um do other stuff
dude me to death me to death you guys know that moment you guys know that moment when you go when you take a nap after the gym at 5: and you wake up at 8:30 you guys know that moment when you go to sleep when you take a nap at 5:00 p.m. and after the gym and then you just sleep for three and a half hours you guys know that moment holy [ __ ] I just woke up I'm trying to murder this gamer Subs in my titty cup can I show that on Tik Tok oh these aren't the boob ones I went to the gym one time with this except it was the boob one so there's one with like big big ass breasts out and uh I completely forgot about the the tits and I was just drinking it people were giving me looks and I was like what's up with that and I was like oh the giant breast on my cup yeah I'm playing lethal company with uh JC Kalin Johnny Gilbert Reggie Weber which I'm assuming is Jake Weber's brother I didn't know he had a brother I didn't have time to do research because I've been sleeping all day anyways so yeah that was awesome how I just slept through my whole goddamn evening that was sweet it's snowing like outside I to shovel my driveway what the dude do I look like a poor person why do I have to to shovel my driveway that sucks Kylie Bellow thank you for the 5 months disco nuts thank you for the seven months yeah I'm not going to there's nothing I could I got to shovel my own driveway I can't hire anybody or buy salt or some sh I don't know what the you do twitch admit you're poor guys can we bump these numbers up so I don't have to shove my own driveway anymore I mean what are you guys selfish you guys are asking about a back shot roulette yeah we're playing Buckshot roulette which is directly stolen from a few people mainly Markiplier and queso uh so shout out Mark and queso but I thought of a little funny playing words instead of Buckshot roulette it's backshot roulette guys isn't that hilarious could you imagine instead of doing the the shotgun it's back shots hey 13 months Evan appreciate it I mean it's something to think about Ashley thank you for the months M jiz awful thank you for the prime sub there's no way that's your name Braxton thank you for the tier one sub a three star hotel thank you for the prime sub I think I just screwed it up sorry I got jiz on the brain I got jiz brain my bad guys uh so to tell thank you for the prime sub May something thank you for the 100 bits happy back shot Tuesday thank you happy back shot tues to those who celebrate ladies and gentlemen um girth girth Brooks girth Brooks thank you for the tier one sub I love that dude girth Brooks little little play on celebrity names Chris [ __ ] Dwayne the [ __ ] Johnson what's another one that's good what's another play onw celebrity that's really good um Kevin fart I like that one that's solid Chester big nut thank you for the prime sub oh yeah uh uh ladies and gentlemen hold on check this out exclamation point fella check that out so listen so I said nominate me got Kinks thank you for the tier one sub I said nominate me for breakthrough streamer all right which you know the definition for that one pretty ambiguous it's like who grew the most in 2023 I'm competing with with [ __ ] dude I'm competing with like jinxy and [ __ ] that sucks that sucks ass now they changed the qualification for Rising Star so I mean still nominate me for the other one you can do multiple ones if you'd like but go to 11 out of 28 if you've already nominated me for the other one do this too pretty please everybody go don't call me short Goblin what is that and then yeah click that link scroll to 11 nominate hella for Rising Star because originally the qualifications were you know uh we were too you know up for that but now we're good where is Johnny I said in a little bit I'm not going straight into Johnny and JC and all first of all pause I'm not going into anybody but yeah Johnny and Reggie is in the weed and also Jake Weber's brother and then JC Kalin who have been watching since I was like I remember watching JC Kalin when I was in I don't know eighth grade being like wow swag he's got swag he wore bandanas I remember that I remember the bandanas for some reason I was like damn this [ __ ] can wear a bandana bro um oh yeah O2L that's what it was and then me and Jake are doing some more streams too so be be ready for that bruh and then we're going to do some kind of stream uh in person when I go to La if you guys nominate me for Rising Star dude come on come on bro hell yeah dick vayy the vice president oh oh I see what we're doing the Dick Dick Cheney little playing Words there dick vany I like that one that's a creative one I like that one a lot dude is water wet I think so I think water is wet I think people like to stroke their own own ego and be like Oh I'm a genius what technically water isn't wet it's like shut up dude that doesn't make you smart for saying water's not wet um actually technically water isn't wet because it's already a liquid shut up idiot shut up I don't know if I'm making any S I literally just woke up I woke up 12 minutes ago I rolled out of bed and I was like [Music] whoa that moment when you nap for three and a half hours that moment when your [ __ ] mom won't let you play Minecraft anymore oh [ __ ] you Mom all right we're playing back shot roulette let's get to it come on ants already uh no Tom wanks hold on I gotta write some of these down dude Tom wanks Dick vayy what was another one what was the first one what was the first one the first one was good you're yapping yeah I know that's kind of like the whole thing for the first 15 minutes girth Brooks girth Brooks is good your short um your mother is short when she's on her knees blowing me that wasn't creative at at all I'm sorry that was just that wasn't even funny or creative it was neither of those things I'm sorry that what is backshot roulette you're about to find out dude you're about to find out I just like to talk to you guys before you know I jump into the game I mean Jesus Christ little foreplay little fourl for you guys Chris kaream thank you for the sub but yeah I wore my hands to fella for president shirt because I need you guys to vote me for Rising Star ladies and gentlemen this one is actually attainable the other one you know we were kind of shooting for the Stars aim for the moon or whatever the expression is but this one rocks oh yeah also use code fella at checkout for your gamer Subs order for a 10% off your order baby big tit 69 thank you for the sub appreciated dude don't ever step foot in eastern Mongolia again hand job F why are you calling me hand job F what did I do I've never given a hand job ever hand jobs are also way more good way more good hand jobs are way better in theory than in practice you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying because you know you yourself are going to do a better job giving yourself a hand job than than someone else you know I don't know they hate me because I speak the truth bro I don't know what to tell you mixed mess thank you for the tier one sub appreciate you uh by linear imp thank you for the five months imp feels wrong imp feels like something I can't say but I will King what are you talking about I don't know dude I just I just woke up all right my brain is I'm trying to get the gears going all right right I've talked for long enough big jugs thank you for the two months let's play some back shot roulette shall we ladies and gentlemen all right holy [ __ ] that filter was perfectly timed I wish you guys could see this filter it's very cool all right goodbye people I'm live on Tik Tok right now or no twitch I'm live on Twitch come see me on Twitch [Music] Goodbye Oh my God um let's do it jork in my peanuts me straight jorking it and by it I mean my peanuts um sobbing my vote for the stream award won't go in SMH I've had some people say that it seems like when you if you use the Google browser on your phone it doesn't work or something so just use Safari I guess did L respond no lay is Never Gonna respond guys you gotta stop asking he's never gonna respond he's just not going to um yeah guys make 17 accounts and then vote for me no don't do that that probably would get me in trouble um you look like an attractive Joe baloi I'm [ __ ] weak Joe baloi is attractive also we're on the same team for black Wars dude January 20th Joe is probably more attractive that I am is the D fire it's on fire garia there we go uh that's why we call it call back people me and Joe are on the same team ladies and gentlemen me and Joe for Block Wars January 20th and sneeg snag and fruit berries anyways okay back shot roulette I thought this game was going to for sure download a virus onto my computer ASLA is is that for real your name ASLA thank you for your tier one 3 months in advance um when I downloaded this game I thought it was for sure going to give me a virus of some sort um oh I just typed it backshot roulette hold on what is this game called bugshot roulette here we go asend K thank you for the tier one sub uh I also get this message every time I try and run this game Microsoft Windows protected your PC would you like to run this application um hell yeah dude R feminism like like in what sense what do you like on a scale of 1 to 10 yeah yeah yeah yeah abrupt thank you for the tier one sub d this kind of sounds like nightore or something uh uh Buckshot rouette yeah I just got some head it's The Buckshot roulette freestyle uh all right this does sound like some like Sigma male type [ __ ] like you be like this is how you escape the 9 to5 Society wants you to work in 9 to5 but what are we rats involved in the rat race here's how you escape the rat race first you're going to want to you know go to the gym and be a sigma and then you're going to want to invest in Chinese cryptocurrency for some reason oh my God okay that does sound like some [ __ ] Whatchamacallit Sigma male [ __ ] hopefully this doesn't lag the [ __ ] out of my computer I think we're good yeah yeah yeah yes are you excited for your new pc dude my new pc comes in uh cheed X500 my new pc comes in tomorrow that'll be awesome dude new pc comes in tomorrow is it too loud how does it how does it sound ladies and gentlemen how does it sound you look like Kendrick Lamar I know dude new pc baby it was way too much money but I'll be able to play any thing in 4k and stream it oh my God it's going to be awesome not loud enough so this is backshot roulette where's Johnny you guys got to open your ears bro I'm not going to explain it one more time loading Lonely no I'll explain it one more time you just it'll be like an hour oh do I put my name here I'm Jack jacking off I just be jacking what are the specs of the new pc it's it's like an insane like it's the best PC you can get on the market sort of it's like up there it's like in the upper echelon all right so essentially this guy this is just like you guys ever played roulette like the gambling this is like that but with bullets and stuff ZTV thank you for the seven months Cory magnet thank you for the prime sub so essentially I wasn't paying attention but I can shoot myself or I can shoot this guy [Music] so we're taking a risk baby come on all right and I shot myself and I shot myself because there's one blank bullet there's one blank bullet there's one blank one see it shot a blank and HEI you miss me [ __ ] so statistically okay so let's think about this statistically he shot me with a blank all right I wasn't paying attention I don't know how many bullets were in there how to download you have to go to like a website I'm going to shoot him [ __ ] no oh God three live two blank so statistically he should be able to get me here back shot roulette Count Me In what up Max okay so statistically I should be able to kill this guy so the back shots will be soon this is just the Buckshot now back shot roulette is a much different game all right you piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] dude I am so [ __ ] I did fail stats in college so I mean it's not that great for me that's what happens dude you mess with the bull you get the back shots dude or the buck shots excuse me okay I wasn't paying attention to the rounds how many rounds are there oh man dealer I'm shooting the dealer oh don't call it a comeback don't call it a comeback you just got back shotted thank you for the Thousand bits please please add me to your next Tik Tock comp maybe perhaps I don't get it how do you not get it what do you mean this is like as straightforward as a game could possibly be you shoot him and it goes off or it doesn't there are two options in the entire game that's what's crazy why not just shoot him every time because there's a chance it might not go off okay so these are like perks of some sort I don't really know what they do before I took my nap I was watching Markiplier play this to learn about it okay here we go here we go here we go here we go oh I wasn't I wasn't paying attention I wasn't paying attention all right mle okay one live one blank oh you're lucky you're lucky sir oh handcuffs kinky I'll take it are you playing against computer I am God all right Noel thank you for the prime sub also I think there are more people in here now ladies and gentlemen check the pinned message click the link scroll to 11 out of 28 nominate handsome fell for Rising Star if you want to see me in a suit or see me Vlog with people in La bro this one's attainable it's within our reach we're tickling the little balls you know I was Rising this year from zero to whatever we're at now 160k something like that all right God damn it I wasn't paying attention again I wasn't paying attention again [ __ ] too live too blank okay now watch this oh I think I can't do perks anymore okay well I'm just going to shoot him y y y y y y y y y y y y y yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep oh he's hand oh we're getting kinky with it he the back shots I was talking about guys oh no why would he handcuff me just to shoot himself more handcuffs okay watch this watch this so two live two blank here's what we're gonna do so what what handcuffs do okay we have beer I guess that's awesome what handcuffs do is that they make it three live two blank so what handcuffs do is it makes it to where he can't do a turn so watch this so I just shoot him twice and statistically Y and now he's still handcuffed I'm pretty sure sure I could shoot him again dudes will see this game and say hell yeah it's fun oh my God oh my God eat my [ __ ] oh my God eat my [ __ ] for real statistically I fart loudly thank you oh no oh no so that does double damage all right excellent excellent we're tied baby get your life back with sigs where the sigs at bro these to my left oh we got more handcuffs baby and we got that knife I'm perked out bro ooh three live three blanks casual random thank you for the tier one sub appreciate it [Music] yummy thank you for the 100 bits now watch this now what the [ __ ] does that mean does that mean it's a live round I'm pretty sure I'm smoking that Rising Star Pack ladies and gentlemen hence fell for Rising Star red is live all right then good game yep ah [Music] all right this is the last level I think now me and you are dancing on the the edge of life and death eding 7:30 lethal company JC yeah 7:30 PST yes 9:30 for me why can't Chad say the ew oh edging I think there was a period of time where people were saying edging for a long time like the whole chat was just like edging so we got rid of it but I mean I guess it's uhoh one live two not live I have an idea I have an idea handcuff okay handcuff handcuff saw off then we pop that [ __ ] doesn't matter now watch this oh was it ad time sorry guys now we pop that [ __ ] one more time oh I just I wasted it I wasted everything I wasted everything absolutely sold absolutely abely sold that sold that so hard dude yeah I'm sorry about the ads I don't know why it rubs me the wrong way when I hear like I just I see so many like ads question marks as if I am like the Creator and reason for all ads I appreciate ad comments just to know if they're happening but just being like ads are you serious what like every everyone else doesn't have ads your favorite streamer on Earth running more ads than me like I don't know what to tell you it is me I did create all the ads the knife gives you two damage so you lost two you lose two lives yes and I wasted it but I'll smoke a cigarette it's literally 3:00 in England right now nice that's how I that's how I imagine you said that you know that's why I said it like that I'm sorry what does beer do you rack the shotgun ends round on last shell oh [ __ ] all right let's let's do it yes I I'm going to be honest I don't fully know what that did really is it lagging guys like is the game play a little bit laggy or no oh it's not at all hell yeah cuz it's lagging like hell on my end for some reason corn cob Cornelius thank you for the tier one sub oh dude I'm getting [ __ ] up right now how does this game work I'm confused okay let me try and lay it out for you Russian Roulette some bullets are Al some bullets are not I can shoot this guy or I can shoot my s that is that's it there are two options and you get perks oh not much to it like what is the purpose of the game I'm trying to get to uh the this is the last round yeah baby people are confused why you would shoot yourself I'm pretty sure if you shoot yourself and you don't like there's not a live bullet then you uh you can do another turn turn that's why I just got another turn yes oh how does this game work all right I'm not explaining it again guys I keep forgetting to check on the rounds oh my god oh we're bearded up brother all right now watch the okay three live two not live three live two not live so what we're going to do here watch this handcuff adline thank you for the prime sub wasn't here when you tier one sub can you say it again thank you corn cob Cornelius oh wait ah [ __ ] got his ass I mean come on bro I mean come on with me now bro are you ready sure man what does that mean what is he doing right now okay very interesting so what the [ __ ] did I win oh dude he couldn't handle the shame he couldn't handle the shame oh my God now this should be a Mr Beast challenge now this should be a Mr Beast challenge here we go a million dollars yeah thank you Mr Beast [Music] [Music] $669,000 there we go there we go did I miss JC no that's going to be here in about5 minutes boy congratulations jacken thank you thank you you can call me by my full name jacking off huh ah let's do it or not let's do it I mean we did it hell yeah dude
foreign I was up too late last night and I woke up late and then I tried to sleep more but I couldn't I think I was out of bed at like 11. and there's goddamn thing in Skyrim today maybe will work I think it'll work hopefully it'll work that's me every night normally I'm fairly consistent it's just stream till like 10 or 10 30 last night and then all of a sudden you know usually I try to eat dinner by like eight usually it's like eight I try to be like getting in bed at like 12. so everything was just like shifted back like two hours you know we might need to kill like 20 minutes before the mod finishes the mod takes a long time to randomize how did the 1v1 go we've won we [ __ ] won hard ability fluffy thank you for the 12 months no we can't play chess the game needs to be open so I've had it open for like 10 15 minutes but it took like 30 minutes for it to randomize lost time so we might need to kill like up to 20 more minutes they take a long time for some reason I've been watching First Time Life welcome welcome welcome welcome to the Stream 20 minutes to burn Rosa feed yeah we can always do rose feed um yeah I mean this is normally a stream I would plan a little more but I didn't so we'll see we'll see what happens we'll see if it's fun who knows the core premise is that um people have made a door randomizer mod in Skyrim just a reminder that the chat doesn't go select you gaslighting isn't even a real thing you just made it up for attention no one feels this way except you I guess it's just me uh uh Iman awesome thank you so much for the 12 months appreciate it so the idea is every door in the game is going to go to a random other door in the game the which is wild for this so I was trying to just think of some ideas for what to do with it Juve made the mod did you make the mod I didn't realize that I was just messaging him about how it works like 20 minutes ago because I was confused about it I I found the mod because of Juve but I didn't realize that that he and or somebody he's working with made it doesn't Juve have a mod maker yeah I don't know if he personally coded it or not I mean the coding on this is probably wild but that makes sense why he was like tweeting about it and stuff um yeah I'm excited to try it it seems really really fun I'll probably do something more planned out with it in the future but today I just wanted something a little more relaxed I guess uh and this is not necessarily relax isn't really the word for this maybe but we'll find we'll find out DDM link made it for Jew okay got it no two oh TTS it was just paused Doug I just got a new job at a fancy Indian restaurant nice known for their amazing business doesn't sound real but nice very secretive I have to sign a contract to start there a non-disclosure contract okay okay all right finally I was excited for you because not is so good welcome scar welcome welcome Nan is so good not is one of the things I miss the most beer on keto naan Pizza finale catch you welcome today might be chill I don't I don't know what this will be like I'm trying survival mode for the first time in Skyrim and I'm trying the door randomizer so we'll see what happens hey Doug when you do the stream on lud's channel can we still practice our hallowed traditions of talking about divorce and yelling raked or will you suppress our culture like the Taiwan Chua I don't know I I don't have plans we did win yesterday and that means I got Ludwig's twitch stream key so I can stream on Ludwig's twitch Channel which is funny but then this morning I was like wait a minute doesn't he have like millions of followers this isn't like a funny casual joke for my community this will this will there would be a lot of people who not know the context of this so I need to think about it a little more do you think he's crying here's right now stop and watch stream last night I went to watch the Mario movie and it was absolutely amazing accepted yeah I'm excited to watch my movie I heard it's not a great movie but it's great for Mario fans which is all I need is 3.1 billion followers yeah and your Twitch chat is awesome oh cool it's done yay I thought that was gonna take forever can we save make sure we're good all right so save number three oh God I want to congratulate the efforts of sabotage crew in the front lines we did an amazing job we ruined the pizza party yeah there's a lot of very talented Jesus Jason LLC thinking of the five gifted Subs man appreciate it um got a job with the Ukrainian government huge W for me very excited to work I mean that could be real I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that's real um hold on did you have happen to be on Discord I'm gonna I'm gonna DM him and say what is this scary portal what do I do with the scary portal ah scary portal what do I do let's see let's see what he does with that information I don't know what this is when I tested it can I hit it so all the doors are gonna be randomized I'm gonna go in that it should be random okay you should raid Juve I have rated Juve um juve's great I I think there's a decent crossover between our audiences we've done some similar challenges juice great Juve is really great um I mean we just go in the portal I just don't know what it does so is your description text missing stroke I don't think so it's like a one it's like a one pixel stroke I'm pretty sure is it no you're gaslighting me again right you are gaslighting me I think outline size it's two it's two pixels right now it could be like 20. now that looks that looks terrible I like two I like that it's really small like it's it's there but it's not big it does look a little weird it doesn't look weird look I can make like five I guess five looks fine I don't like this okay sorry everybody we're going to a dark new age for the dug dog Cinematic Universe there's a giant stroke on the text okay before we get started because we will get moving any sec in a second I don't know if this is gonna be hard I don't know if this will take 30 minutes or three hours or 30 hours I really don't know why are you defacing what did I even do what are you talking about what what has happened we we're starting you guys are starting to get you're too easily shocked recently I've noticed this um okay last thing to sort out oh laugh track yeah okay I'll add laugh tracking but I don't know how to track what cities we've been to I like keeping things visually clean I don't want to just have more text all over the place but maybe we have to do that so basically the goal today is going to be to visit I'll explain I'll summarize it again when we get started I'll use my YouTuber Voice Even though this is not going on YouTube but um I just want to wait so we have to visit all nine cities right I don't know how to track on screen which ones we visited so far I mean it could just be a list like up here or down here or something but it's just like you know kind of gets in the way foreign you've got laugh track back even the outdoor cities yes but I'm gonna say I can't visit the outdoor cities from the outdoors I have to warp into them I guess I could do this you do remaining cities [Music] okay quick what are the what are the cities in this game hold on I'll do as many as I can okay the main hold Solitude Whiterun Windhelm Riften Markarth those are the main five then Dawn star what is the Mage one called Winterhold there's two more come on Sir Winterhold uh uh I'm not I'm not looking even though I asked you hold on Falkreath one more fall morphle I think I got him oh God it's way too big okay um hey Dad your content creator guide really inspired me I've started making Skyrim videos and I'm on track to be monetized by this summer thank you oh [ __ ] that's awesome that is like that video and if that helps people you know if there's like a couple people who are able to really find some success with that that was that will probably be one of the coolest things that I'll have done at the end of this you know content creator journey I think I will look back on that and that will be a a major source of of Pride for me so cool man congrats I hope it keeps going well it's a two-year subscription that's cash the DB thanks so much for the two years man thank you thank you it can't end I mean at some point it will end this is ah the text is too small dude I hate it it's just too there's too much text down here right that doesn't look good does it I guess there is a lot going on today how do we uh it's that or I move the text up here [Music] where's this where's the I have another description this I could have a list of what cities are left what do you think looks better I want I just I don't like text over the game thanks for making the Twitch place code you're welcome Tyrannosaurus hope it goes well yeah I wish I could open source more of the things I work on I just I just don't have like the time to set it all up because getting things from my terrible prototype State into like actually shareable with people takes some effort Cloud dog I think it's 12 months man uh when is Rose's birthday party it's the same it's actually crazy thing about sea otters they have the same birthday every year it's always the same day so it's gonna be August 26th again uh just replace yourself with the list I could move it over here I could delete are you guys all right chopping off part of your own body [Music] I'm gonna take off just just the head of the twitch chat look you guys are like lizards you can regrow your head I think that's how lizards work you can trust me my mom's a doctor okay so I think it looks better out here remaining cities [Music] hey Doug yo this is the first stream I've seen live I love you content keep doing what you're doing thank you man welcome welcome welcome so yeah I mean this this is a very untested concept we'll see we'll see how it works hey Doug is the Geneva to-do list still allowed and fun don't tell my petty officer about this Inquirer all right how's that I don't know what that was a reference thank you I can give you back a little bit of your head [Music] does that look better or worse all the graphic designers were slowly decaying away without your presence no you guys should last another couple years no I don't like it it's too busy it probably looks better down there I think it looks worse damn it I wish there was more space there needs to be more space on screen except I want it to be clean there's already and there's too much like this ugh yeah I like I want it I want it to be simple you know what I mean all right I'll give you your head back I'll move it at the bottom you're just gonna have to read a lot of text down there I trust that you will figure it out okay so then how do I make this look not terrible can I get a urine sample no that's for my private time all right how's that graphic designers how's that that's okay that's fine right it doesn't look great but it's okay at least it's simple it's in one spot move this up by one pixel [ __ ] too much oh no it looks great okay just there a couple people have already said it's their first time in stream okay just hype up the stream and just act like this is really sick okay we gotta make a good first impression wow you ruined it it's fine it looks fine it's fine but you can move the white part over the wood no that would look terrible uh you're okay this is gonna get you fired as a graphic designer that looks bad [ __ ] looks okay I like that ah do you though it's amazing oh you're just talking about the stream and then I can make this bigger no no no no no I can't do it sorry I'm firing you as my graphic designer okay let's um let's do things um all right let me play dramatic uh YouTube music what up YouTube this is probably not going on YouTube and Juve didn't respond about the scary portal so I don't know what the portal is doing well we'll figure out the portal later dude I'm gonna ignore the scary portal okay okay I have made ignore the scary portal I have made a new Skyrim file we just got out of the intro section we're at the start of the open world this is a race to get to all nine cities in the game how do you open the map there we go the key bindings are different because this is a special edition there are nine cities around the map I have to get to each one of them but I cannot go um I cannot just walk into them instead I have to find my way into one of the buildings in them via a door and we are playing with a door randomizer so that every single door and loading point in this game will link to a random other one it's also in chaos mode so it's not even guaranteed that everything's accessible it could be like we just get soft lock right so with this crazy ass mod I have to visit at some point all nine cities without dying if I die the whole run ends Doug this is a bad idea this is a great idea probably I didn't test it or think about it and I'm on survival mode which means that if we don't get food food and rest we're gonna die and not be able to move much we have to like collect food and meat I think that's everything any questions before we get started it's not a 12 hour stream it's a good idea I think it's a good idea why is cities capitalized well I'm sorry my graphic designer who I fired told me to make cities it looks good nine cities look this is like the YouTube titling okay like we're it's always tempting to make one of the words in my YouTube titles capitalized like yesterday's video is like I elected twitch chat as the mayor of my new city that's kind of the meta right and then you look at the sentence you're like that's stupid but it does kind of get your attention a little more titles and thumbnails are the worst um visit all nine cities why would you want it no it looks good if you it's like it's like the most important noun in the sentence so I think it's easier to to read it and go okay I mean I can capitalize a different word if you want it's so hard to all tab it's really hard to all Tab out of this game I I haven't ever played on Skyrim special edition so it's kind of [ __ ] me up foreign there you go aren't they called holds yes but cities is a little easier to understand I feel like not everybody is a Skyrim Fanatic in the way that all of you are how the hell do I dude why can't I can't alt Tab out of this I don't know why it's so hard there we go uh yeah let's do a prediction see what happens what is the prediction I guess I don't do it so we're I'm playing on permadeath mode so it's you know a challenge but I don't actually know how hard this will be it's not like dying in Skyrim isn't that hard I guess it is on survival mode though and we literally will be warping to completely random places hmm do we just do I survived of the first city does Doug survive does Doug make it to one city and to be clear I just have to get into the city limits if I warp into a house that's within a city that counts and this is before before dying oh wait this might not work because I cool it does work Firefox kept having issues with me Dawn star and Morthal are barely even holds yeah but according to the game we're going off the nine holds in the game which we're calling cities um you if you're a Skyrim Elite player you know that they're actually called holds and you can sit there going man I'm special I know so much more than everybody else kinshaw thanks so much for the tank Jesus Take the Wheel thank you thank you I feel like you should have to be in the open City itself um I mean we could do hard mode and do open City itself that would be a lot harder that basically shuts out half of them do we do that I feel like this is already pretty hard okay let me give you some context um there are 1700 sorry I think no no I'm mixing up the numbers there are 1600 doors 1600 okay um in in each City depending on the city like the smaller ones have like what six doors on the outside so that would mean a six out of 1600 chance of finding them I think that's too hard if it has to be on the open I think you just have to be within the city limits only five of the Cities Are Walled right I'm so I'm not allowed to just walk into the cities from the open world that would obviously make it that would negate it right I can't walk into the the five main holds because oh no Fall Creek is also you can so four of the holds you have to walk in through a door so I wouldn't even be able to walk in but I'm not gonna walk into the five other ones I think you're taking this chat okay I can't I didn't read what you said sorry I want my money back what do you mean I I said I already said that I I was very explicit I just have to make it within the city limits if it's too easy then I don't know we'll redo it or whatever I think this is gonna be one of those rare rare cases where I make a challenge like slightly not the super hard version because I'm worried it would take like 15 hours otherwise yeah like getting to Morthal would there would be like a five in 1700 chance of that happening do you know how long that would take to find that would be so hard my message didn't get TTS it probably did I just have the alerts paused when I'm when I'm talking about stuff I generally pause the alerts okay let us Jam Lady Gray thank you for the 10 gifted subs thank you thank you oh I didn't know you were a coward I feel this is still gonna be really hard okay hold on let's be clear here let's say morethal is the tiny City okay um instead of having five ways to get into the Morthal town right which is the outside doors there would be ten because you could also get I could also warp inside one of the buildings in northol so it's 10 total options out of 1700 that's still insanely [ __ ] hard this is so I think you guys don't like you're not thinking about this before calling me a coward it's not like this suddenly becomes really easy if it's just within the city limits it's still insanely hard even Whiterun which has like I don't know probably 30 doors it's 30 out of 1700. there's so many doors in this game okay oh and I can't even fast travel because I'm in survival mode well I'm [ __ ] dude all right let's run it we begin okay we could run into the open world and go to like Riverwood or we use this mysterious portal or we go into this cave backwards and we see where it goes any votes [Music] I guess we need a timer fine I actually agree with that we kind of need a timer and also to be clear I can just get soft lock when you set up the door randomizer there's an option to make sure that the main pathways are actually accessible like the main Pathways to the main quest or the story or that there aren't dead ends with things where it's just like a loop that you can't ever access but I made it on chaos mode so there's no logic to it I don't want to go on the portal I want to go in the cave I don't even know what the portal is why is there a portal I don't know I yelled at Juve and said I'm scared but he didn't know what that meant I don't think I'm okay I'm going in the cave first hold on where's live split oh God why is this so big I slide split but gigantic this has taken me a while but honestly 25 minutes to get into the gameplay not bad not bad for a Doug Doug stream okay go here's what we're gonna do I don't know where this what this portal does we're gonna go on the cave first and then if that's a dead end then we go to the portal okay this is taking us to end and shark [Music] oh I'm hungry is this a TLC hold on um I think I think it's said that sometimes you get pushed slightly outside of the door so we're ready to toggle Collision one sec where was I supposed to end up I think here right is that a predator a Reaver Lord's easy I didn't do the DLC it's not cheating hold on I'm gonna show you guys the page I should do that anyways hold on hey dug since you're a web development expert could I send you my web dev homework for you to do no this is my payments by the way you uh chat is 100 fan service for Mario fans but and it's very entertaining but has a paper-thin story and that's okay yeah that's good enough for me okay also I should get some credit uh if you scratch Skyrim World randomizer this is where you can find the mod it's apparently made by uh DDM link and Juve I am excited to try it but they did say some things hold on known issues sometimes you may end up at the wrong spot when going through a door you could end up behind the door or somewhere off nav mesh it's because I had to create my door system or whatever in the meantime please use the TCL console to command to put yourself back okay so if I'm pushed underneath the door because you know Skyrim mods are a little bit janky not because the mod author by the way Skyrim modding is just janky as [ __ ] I get to TCL which means toggle Collision um and go back to the door that's how it works it's just part of the mod that being said where do I put myself am I on this side of the door I think I'm on this side of the door right which side of the door am I and I think I'm on the outside there's anything I'm like right here I'd be here right so now I TCL again that guy looks like he's gonna try to kill me I haven't played the DLC but he looks yeah terrifying I don't want to mess with him I'm going back wait what oh I want the wrong well I don't know how to get back whatever dude we're running it I did my best to fix the problem okay also we lost the portal I don't know where we are is this a town by the way I am not like a Skyrim expert okay I don't really know what I'm doing I've played the Skyrim intro like 1800 times on stream and not the rest of the game where is this oh this is Helgen wait but if we go in the Helgen door it'll probably take us somewhere oh no it's literally just Helgen that's boring wait hold on that means the portal is nearby right we can go find the Portal again hey Jesus Take the Wheel whatever you do most tilt I don't I don't know if you can horse tool on this actually actually Skyrim special edition probably has horse tilting follow the quest marker why do we do that glug thank God all right didn't destroy us also I just found out Nickelback shreds is a parody and isn't real no that's not very sad it's real I am devastated no it's real all right sometimes when there's a live audience when there's it's a live performance it's not as good thank you Wilson um okay we are off to Riverwood let me play some nobody is gaslighting you you're just crazy got him okay when we go to Riverwood we're gonna have like four doors that we can use that'll give us some options chat is freaking out because it's usually italic and today it isn't the text down there no it's not you are gaslighting me that's never been italics right hi Doug first time on a stream just curious how long have you been on keto also smash your past this gun [Music] I think year and a half okay I guess I should get this armor what up my Virgin Pangolin you don't have a weird penis but your tongue is anchored to your sternum I'm gonna leave the door there while having no blood vessels are able to self-repair cracks and dents when exposed to walking through its molecular structure thank you you could put their banners on screen once you visit them yeah we could but like where [Music] um okay hold on do we go on this random door we go to Riverwood I guess we may as well try every door if we see one and just a quick quickly check my concern is this is gonna take us somewhere crazy that has a hundred new doors and then we're gonna get lost what the f where where is this I don't know the dungeons by heart dude I'm not gonna recognize Where We Are you guys friendly I think we leave I don't think the dungeon I mean because technically somewhere else in the dungeon there's gonna be another door which is the entrance or exit to the dungeon but I think we bail and go to Riverwood okay here's what I'm thinking um oh you can only have one marker okay Ember Shard mine remember that that leads to some dungeon that we could go into later and now we continue the quest for now I want to go to Riverside for one second Doug I play Skyrim a lot in barely remember yeah that's true stop me being a coward it's we're trying to figure this out dude okay I've never played survival modes we are tired we need to find a Bed do you think he will find the basement we are all trapped in we could if anybody if anybody sees a bet I can take a nap in please let me know warthal is the worst okay we're gonna figure it'll be fine streams just wanted to say you're an excellent context Creator thanks Doug thank you thank you um so in survival mode my stamina and magic and stuff I mean as you go uh we could it's just where do I put those bed to the left what are you talking about hey Doug here is all my money I'll just go sleep at Riverwood may I please use the potty now not quite enough money sorry I think this is this is fine what we got here you can't catch my head my mom's a doctor wait hold on I should get fondle we want a companion right that'll help a lot with permadeath what's your problems Fen hey Doug can you pause the stream I need to go and shower yeah we'll stop okay this is the questline to get fondle the problem is I need to talk to Camilla I can think again and Camilla is in this store here so maybe this will just link to Camilla and we'll get lucky serious question how's your sleep stuff going I finally just got diagnosed with narcolepsy last week so I'm hoping you've found ways to feel better or have gotten some answers oh sorry to hear that uh appreciate the interest I'm not going to talk about that stuff on stream um but I'll give updates occasionally on my second Channel um what is this where am I what's going on it's the DLC I mean we opened the tomb right oh this goes back okay is this guy down the hallway a weakling because I'm not a [ __ ] coward we're gonna go fight him Seeker okay he doesn't look oh my God we're leaving okay this is a dead end we do not go in there okay health is low uh uh look the squid man I hit him and he did I did like a 1 000th of his health that's clearly not doable right now we'll go back for squid man later okay we're checking out this house [ __ ] we don't have lock picks all right we at some point we need to get a bunch of log picks so we can break into places um really all of these need lock picks dude so there's only like two accessible doors in here I can go in the end but if we find some um oh that's great that's food because I think I need to eat food or I'll get fatigued or whatever Tomatoes beautiful um okay let's see where the end goes okay we're this is the palace hold on hold on wait I really thought this was the palace for a second is this the palace there's garlic hold on we might be in the palace there's more doors only requires a key why is there nobody oh wait this is thalmers this is the Thalmor Embassy okay we're taking the robes for sure uh uh we're in the falmor embassy oh [ __ ] okay so that's not a city we're like why does it say I'm here still okay whatever um it's not a city but we can get some good stuff in here like we can just steal items from the thalmer which is kind of sweet and like take all their apples okay interesting hey Doug chilly no kidding like I'm not lying seriously work the Russian government we love you here you should come visit uh uh right now that's probably a little hard for me to do but at some point in the future I'd love to you um the Russians that I have met in my life have all been wonderful it'd be great to go visit um except Putin that guy was an [ __ ] um yeah I'd love to visit Russia at some point okay that started the main quest for the thalmar embassy oh [ __ ] there's nobody here hold on wait wait wait does anybody remember where the door was the thalmar are gonna be very powerful does Xavier remember where the door was I'm already lost it was like down the hallway okay this is fine the I'm not concerned about uh permanently dying if I die we have to rerun the randomizer which takes 25 minutes so we we are in for like a 25 minute stall if I die here fight them you coward dude they're like level 15. I am like a naked cat I have nothing yeah it's in the basement I just remember where this all looks the same all right oh my God oh my God oh it actually okay they didn't do much damage that's fine wasn't it down here all right hey uh there's nobody here God damn it I locked him in other cat what up uh uh oh wait this is where you normally get snuck in I remember this okay so you have to go [ __ ] that's bad it's down isn't it here I could have sworn it was in here it has to be down the hall so it was down this way no this is not where I came from I don't think ditch okay we're back in Riverwood wait if we go back hold on if we go back we could run to the front of the falmor embassy and find another door we could get past him alive we're going back in are they still here or have they forgotten about me oh okay I think we run it we go upstairs right we go to the door the front door should be unlocked the only problem with that is I don't I don't remember where the front door is oh wait hold on we're good and we are we're in a mine shaft okay also remember I'm tired and I tend to sleep at some point okay there's a dog [Music] sorry doggy okay and we need a bed you have to sleep in a bed to actually get rested just waiting in survival mode doesn't do anything I think lock pick lock pick lock pick that's beautiful okay all right all right we also have less if you want to make it simple just make it simple so easy wait is this like just a dead end waiting makes you more tired and hungry yeah waiting is not finally able to catch a stream just tell my parole officer known as Dave from chat that I am most definitely still can find and not on the Run also when do we get the Glorious old into Tonya videos the problems that no one has was funny and then stabbing me and tying me to the floor and breaking my bones those are the rules for two weeks and then releasing me those are the rules okay the in-game character models with a list of cities it's the best way to display the information we're burning them okay this guy is kind of beefy I'm a little dog [ __ ] since we won the competition against Ludwig's chat I think we have graduated from being Side characters clearly ensemble cast with multiple main characters I'm glad that I could catch your stream live for once welcome they're full unnecessary he was pretty much dead Okay um cool we did probably an initial randomizer iron armor we go first steal battle ax is that better than my claws does anybody know probably right I don't know how much my claws do okay we dropped this Doug I have a fear of doors can you make shorter sensor each and every door no uh ooh we could do without more ropes at some point if they are you very probably will get soft locked they are but that's why I waited till after okay we're dropping the ax for now we're gonna keep running claws what do we do a prediction yeah the alerts are behind sorry as a reminder for people who donate the alerts are often going to be behind because I'm often pausing it I guess we should take some like booze I actually need food I need to know what's happening please Skyrim also can we have oxygen no oh there's nothing here come on Doug usually donates 100 to every member of cut around five hours in so stick around yeah okay yeah be sure to stick for the the big bonus how do you cook stuff I thought I had your first Blood of extreme can you name it live streaming my vasectomy that would be hype you guys are saying there's a bed where's the bed oh right there how long does it matter how long I sleep like 12 hours I wanna show you sleep I know there's a chest I'm gonna get hungry well I did pick up some cabbages we'll be all right and I picked up that goat leg okay what that my stamina is really low still do I need am I hungry I am hungry I said I'm hungry all right let's eat some food uh goat leg where do I see my Hunger wait for hold on for people who've done who've done survival mode before where's my Hunger raw meat well okay hold on in survival mode cats can eat raw meat so we'll be fine it's your stamina bar but it says it says 18 points of hunger how do I see how many points of hunger I have why can't I cook the no the red under the stamina bar I see that but like seems like there's a specific number of points you see the debuffs in the magic menu like here oh here we go hungry okay whatever we'll just eat some you need salt oh well all right we're just gonna eat some goat that's fine yum that barely helped Jesus we need so much food in this mode this is insane okay maybe the chest has a bunch of meat in it gold potions I'm not gonna take the treasure map we don't there's no chance that we find treasure all right let's continue so this was a dead end how have I already been subscribed for an entire year it feels like it's been two months time is going too fast and I am almost 18 years old oh God Duke Duke panic you shouldn't write it in its numerical form my business writing Professor told me that so you know it's true I mean here's a professor you can trust him I thought this said cities Skyline Speedline but all the doors are randomized at first and I was very confused maybe we'll do that at some point okay we have a shitload of fruit so this is going back hey Doug so I wear oxygen or I am gonna tell God to send a tornado to Washington oh this is back in the thalmar embassy okay so now we run all the way to the basement no oh geez okay we are gonna sneak to the upstairs of this currently we started in the basement I came to a side door and I need to find the front entrance [Music] okay shhh does somebody turned on the music we're gonna get caught [Music] yep [Music] who's detecting me okay this is where I came from this is our exit Okay this is our exit right here just tell me keep it down I could probably kill I could kill them [Music] [ __ ] is alawynne all right whatever we'll kill her oh she is not very easy to kill [Music] I'm not even hitting her [Music] guys keep it down or she might notice us [Music] am I is am I am I okay I did it oh yeah hold on she's looking at unkill whoa ah okay she's unkillable I think we run for upstairs am I even gonna get out the front door I don't know uh we run it at this point we're committed she's she's friendly why did anybody say that okay here we go okay we can kite him around the table and while we're doing that we pick up all the food because I'm still hungry uh okay we need yeah beautiful oh that's some fish baked potatoes uh more salmon that was nice oh is that a healing potion or some regeneration nice okay ooh weak poison oh okay where the hell is the front door [Music] no this is where how do you get to the this goes back [Music] it's in the front I know but [Music] it's downstairs why would it be downstairs why are the front door be downstairs so we're in the upstairs right now okay we're going back in the local map doesn't help this is confusing as [ __ ] [Music] okay so we go back downstairs we can escape down to the basement if we need to we run from the soldier wait was that food hold on we need the food I'm still hungry [ __ ] okay let's go um that is a lot of damage okay that's not great [Music] is this our exit okay this is this is Riverwood again eat to heal yeah I know but I don't have that much food all I have is like cabbage I barely have any actual good food okay do we do I keep trying to get out the front door of the embassy or do we just leave one more try I just don't how I can't I don't remember this place is so confusing one more try it's locked but from the inside will it be locked oh it is going to be locked yeah yeah you're right I was hoping that if a door is locked it's only locked on one side but it will be on both it'll be locks both sides God damn it okay hold on I need to take off my pants foreign let's do this I think there's one more door here in River Road we can check [Music] which is this house oh wait oh we have lock picks now okay let's break into some houses [Music] I don't get it just walk there [Music] no matter what you know who would say something like that a cow would I don't even know when you donated that but it could apply to so much that's happened to this stream I can't walk the white I can go to the outside of white run so again the rules are I have to make it inside the limits of the city damsels plus get yield plus touch gold what is the touch cold I have to make it to the inside of the city limits okay uh either a building or the city itself but I can't just walk in but I can go to the outside of White Run also adorable yeah Whiterun has a bunch of places I can enter outside of the city so we can do that buy lock picks where do you suggest that we buy lock picks sir the store leads to a literal hell with a squid monster back to the portal we could run all the way back to the portal I think we go to White Run I think we go to White Run hello cheer 100. I'm so cold though ooh is that an egg okay we do have eggs that'll be good wait can I kill the cow for meat no no then I'll get arrested and I don't want to do the jail straps as I was watching a Diablo the cheetah stream what say you in your defense Diablo Diablo I've never okay we have to get out of the city limit so we can kill animals uh because we're gonna need some meat fortunately I won't get food poisoning because my cat hope you have a great stream thank you buy them from the squid monster the squid monster did not look very friendly dude what's wrong with your hands are you talking about the in the game or my hands my hands are fine hey Doug how about AI invasion of Finland during the independence day commemorate hand Finland fought Soviet Union in Peggle speech running hey uh yeah everybody hold on that guy needs to go to the bathroom [Music] the Brady hanging for the 12 months [Music] [Applause] all right I hope you're done let's go wait we could go to Blue Falls Barrow we can see what's there let's go to police Falls let's do it although it'll take a lot of time is it worth going up there there's only one exit is it worth going to bleed Falls I don't know can you turn on the AC just take off your pants I gotta no okay fine we'll go to White Run well we'll come back to Bleak Falls if we need to so we just kind of need to generally keep track on the map of places that we know have doors we haven't visited so Bleak Falls is a dungeon here this mine has more stuff that we can go to there are squids at Bleak Falls Barrel there aren't there's no more squids all indoors Moses in Skyrim can be exited from the entrance except for one the sightless pit which must be cleared before you can get out and it's full of falma can't wait for it I'm one of the odds of that happening though come on hey Doug first time you just wanted to say that I believe that you have indeed had big girl sex thank you uh this is oh my God it is so much health dude I need your me finally know how good your chat is at chess Ludwig's chat played perfectly last night and there was nothing they could do to stop us from crashing them under our heels and scattering their Ashes to the winds yeah they definitely um we noticed so after yesterday we found it please refer to us as chat chat with Virgin dude the Moose is going so far oh salmon okay that's helpful actually where'd the Moose go hi is it possible to kill the streams for a long while now and I just realized why isn't the text under the game italic it always was it's I don't think it always has been I actually think you guys are gaslighting me I'm gonna kill this goddamn moose hey I've lost more energy my most watched YouTube channel I promise that the description text is usually in italics I don't I don't trust you how long ago there I haven't changed it hold on if this if if the VOD from two weeks ago if the description test was in italics I will give 10 Subs [Music] okay this isn't okay that wasn't a good choice that doesn't have it okay here we go four weeks ago not italics I think you've been gaslit this whole time into thinking as italics it was italics this is like four weeks ago I think that's what samanos means right I accidentally said everything to Spanish so I'm not sure [Music] check another one here [Music] foreign [Music] not italics I continue to win Doug is just racking up W's [Music] that is clearly italics wait hold on in the video that we're watching in the video it is in italics um okay we'll call it a draw look in this video it was not italics but we're watching a video where it was italics wait is the whole test is the please hold text it Alex oh this doesn't work anymore okay I guess that that's not synced up anyways I win let's continue to play Skyrim venison yes yes and now we eat and we're gonna look at my Health just Skyrocket that did not do that much to my stamina uh it's okay we're gonna keep moving away around all right hey Doug I just went inside this door and wound up in front of this random guy streaming Skyrim what is going on at least you think that we should go to sleep John Johnson maybe the five good decides man appreciate it thank you hi Doug the child I found on the street is no longer ill thanks for the stream happy birthday thank you uh that all sounds above board yeah hey Doug yo can we have a bid for everyone in the basement on who gets your spare room I bid three dollars I have a spare room because I have the ball pit room so in survival mode is it worth just like collecting plants and stuff hey Doug this is Jonathan Skyrim the inventor of Skyrim uh-huh I've got word from my son Todd Howard that you have not been playing my game the way I intended the next time you open a door I will be standing there hey Doug Im doing a drawing of us twitch chatting Don't Starve would you rather be drawn being chased by bees or riding a Beefalo I don't know what I guess chased by bees that seems more um on brand for me okay I gotta say Skyrim special edition does look better um it does have a nice look okay so we're outside the city of white run if we get within the city walls at any point we're good I guess we'll start with the brewery and then we just kind of work our way towards the city and we can try the city Gates themselves that won't put us into the city necessarily okay two doors here let's start with this one this goes to oh hold on that sounds like a yarl is talking oh we're in Riften let's go let's go let's go that's the ARL okay one of nine I mean that was an easy one Riften has a lot of doors but that's still big that's big hold on where was this this was the brewery outside of Whiterun leads to rifton okay you don't have to do Open Spaces that's not the rule we are inside okay well don't look don't look at that map look at this map we're inside riften's keep remaining cities uh rifton is gone we have eight more [Music] okay this is good but where do we go now so we okay we have another door here this doesn't go outside yeah this is inside the house okay I'll just wait can I just take this food I could steal a ton of their food and then bail did I sleep in their beds no I wonder if they have a bed I could sleep in okay one exit there it would be kind of oh I do kind of want to steal all of this food and then we run for the door I think let's pay let's find a plan first and then we'll run you can sleep and own beds you guys are so confident about things you're just totally wrong about so the person who just said that how are you that confident like you said I know it's over text but you said that like I read it with such a degree of like I'm certain of this and it's just completely wrong foreign stay out of the Ragged flagon okay we can't go down there man everybody's sleeping right now yeah that's two sons and daughters We're Not Gonna unlock that thing okay so I think there's only one door we can go out of this is where we came from okay they're trying to get us to join the Rebellion we went down here right yeah this is a normal bedroom okay so the only door that we have in this is the front door yeah we just go through front door I think I'm gonna steal other food and then we go out the front door there's one upstairs no I I checked right the upstairs one is where I came from yeah no I I checked uh I'm gonna steal other food and then we're going out that door wait the problem is if that door if this goes somewhere dangerous we have to come back through the hall they're not gonna be stoked am I hold on am I allowed to let them take me to jail how about this I'm allowed to have them take me to jail but only for cities I've already been to right like so I can't like go outside of Whiterun get arrested and be taken to White Run jail but if I've already gone to White run then I can have them uh take me to jail I think that's fine that seems reasonable check before you steal um you're saying I should go to the door see if it's safe and only if it's safe then do I take all the food um that is a smart strategy if I was a coward go take everything I know I'm sitting on oh [ __ ] I pressed to eat too much okay that didn't work you know what I'm just gonna take me to jail it's fine you're smarter than you look we'll see where this goes okay so the jail warp is correct actually free cheese and bread not bad and I can even sleep [Music] I'm really hungry and tired okay we are in Riften which is interesting wait this access is a bunch of new doors now okay that's actually a really great way to get access to more things because all of these doors out here damn dude this is powerful yeah let me eat some cheese first all right uh is that enough dude dude the food is like barely knocking down look at look at how little it's taking in the stamina also what is this this is tiredness chat is just chaotic because you are talking in English and we are Justified to you speaking Latin okay yeah right oh I have to unlock that win okay this is where I came from so this will go back into the jail probably or is this somewhere else this is not the jail chat gives you a lot of [ __ ] for fun but you have legitimately gotten my wife and I threw some hard months thank you for everything yeah you're welcome I mean Shaq gives me [ __ ] but I've said this before the more I like a person the more I give them [ __ ] and mess with them I think it's giving [ __ ] of Love That is not that is a farmer I don't like it no where the F where are we is this black reach is this the whole underground crazy area I don't like this I think we go back right this might be Markarth I don't think this is Markarth nachon Zella quarters I don't think is Markarth that's in Markarth okay I'm gonna say that's not Markarth being in the like underground ruins like dungeon the side dungeon that's not Markarth I gotta be like in the city act like actual City or the keep um I think we leave I'm leaving here this is not former or terrifying wait why can't I move why can't I move why can't I move I'm trying to move oh my God minor healing that's it that's all everything I have wait no no I have goat cheese I did nothing I have leaks that did nothing I have to get out go [ __ ] okay we are not going in that door let's go explore the rest of them let's go explore the rest of Riften dragons and Bullies I can barely move my guy is so tired I need to find a bed or something okay wait hold on we can't even get back to where we were because jail knocked me out we were in this building but I can't get back in because this door will go somewhere random okay now I'm an apocrypha I don't think so I think I'm just really tired I mean now he's walking normally kind of I think the farmer was slowing me oh it's blocked that one lock pick I will do my best to go kill the squid man oh I got it okay where's this go hi that guy having tamaphobia which is a fear of doors and I feel personally attacked with this stream can I have some of this horse meat damn it uh where are we hey tug tug just got here why isn't the text at the bottom of the stream italic today it's it's just it clearly hasn't been italics for weeks um hello slash slash douglas douglas slash slash long time viewer of your YouTube videos first time on stream just had to sub all the best from Switzerland Marcus thank you oh I forgot I am making cheese at the moment so could you pause no all right we're doing a quick pause for that guy who's making cheese [Music] okay cheese is done I think we go back to Riften because rifton has a bunch of doors so we know on the map that the Twilights of culture goes to Riften but that's not like that useful really I can't believe you guys wanted me to do this where you have to go to the outside of the city this is going to be absurdly hard it's been 42 minutes we've gotten one of nine okay let's check out the orphanage where the [ __ ] oh wait okay we are on a tower somewhere huh oh we're kind of near Riften okay so we're in like a bandit Tower way over near rifton well we got a chest maybe I'll have meat yeah I got a healing potion that's all right the orphans are in the Sun I think the orphans are down there they're the bandits hey little buddy how many doors could a door dug do if the door dug could do doors I know that was bad here's my money for compensation okay good yeah um wait hold on can we buy things I need to get to the Great America to see your full streams live you stream so late while I'm in Pakistan why do you hate me specifically in Europe anyway it's just the more Skyrim while I'm on my own Skyrim break it's just when I started streaming I was like I do want to stream but I just I hate that one guy in Pakistan I just I just do not want him to be able to watch My Stream specifically and so I've always timed things accordingly does anybody Here Sell meat do you sell who sells meat here do you sell meat some fine take a look why does nobody sell meat in this town what do they eat genuine question is Pakistan in Europe no it's not you genuinely should learn a little bit about the world respectfully do you sell food oh what do you got for sale yes let's buy food how much money do I have I have 218 okay I burned through all of my food for that when that farmer fight so let's get some meat the meat seems to be the best oh breast beef oh yeah let's go okay that was all good that was good stuff good stuff a lot of food Shelf thank you wait dude there are so many doors here holy [ __ ] okay let's just work through these um so we went orphanage now we're going to this random side door you know so don't die I don't believe in you okay we're gonna we're gonna skip this door I just have a bad feeling about it again please my family is starving and needs food I told you you needed to buy enough eggs for a couple weeks okay this go where the [ __ ] goes to Hide A guy got here late when you say death equals delete what do you mean delete also Advil Pizza like it's okay there's no way that death equals delete is not clear right it's you want me to write it as permadeath I thought death equals delete feels fairly it's not clear are you serious I mean no not delete the channel you're you're actually serious I had no idea it means you delete the it's permadeath I've been wondering the whole time I thought I didn't write permadeath because I was like death equals delete is extremely clear so I'll just write that they're [ __ ] with you I don't think they are I think people genuinely didn't know what was going on the point it's right permadeath Jesus Christ okay how about this if I die I die is that clear you should say permadeath if they don't speak English how is that gonna help they don't speak English how will that help foreign death equals reset that probably makes more sense if I die I die in real life death equals restart that's clear right there's no way that that is confusing to people but maybe it means Reese okay I can't believe this whole time you didn't know what delete meant hahaha they just want to pet Doug sweethearts restart your computer wait what do you say just to be clear to sleep to 900 of these bits I am just trying to say long time they were of YouTube content first time stream viewer just had to sub we all love you here in the Swiss military and if you have issues with the Russians you can come here we'll protect wait I think the last person who said that was Russian did I get that wrong you said we're a Russian in the Russian army and we whatever thank you um somebody said does sleeping count as temporary death no Tommy Ware it does not you're not dead when you sleep Doug have you ever thought about setting your TTS to your voice to the whole stream sound like you having schizophrenic episode hold on everybody be quiet think there's vampires hey Doug this is the three dollars you asked me to send to not leak my nudes to the New York Times thank you gaslighting this is not Mitch McConnell in fact forget I said anything okay thank you uh yeah don't worry we'll keep the arrangement I don't like what's going on here because there's definitely a vampire on the other side of that door oh but it's locked okay they can't get in here that means we can just pillage this room for all the sweet stuff they have like a hat take the Hat actually and ooh chest all right we got some gold uh okay well this kind of sucked I mean we could I mean now we do have a hat hold on how how hard are vampire fledglings would this be hard we could fight him right probably I would have to unlock it I don't lock picks God damn it all right well this is a dead end until I have lock picks okay back in Riften we've covered these doors we're moving on to this one where this could be one of like 8 000 dungeons in this game I just stepped on a bear trap and I am okay that's fine I have like no stamina because I'm so tired I need to find a bed okay the only the only argument for maybe trying to fight through this dungeon is that they might have a bed in here and I'm brain rot I don't even know what that means they defo have a bed okay maybe I can sneak in and sleep in their house without them noticing okay they saw us The Jig Is Up okay normal Bandits are not hard I mean let's fight through let's look for a bed I'm like super tired companion so we can protect you dude I did try fond of these nuts what difficulty is this I don't know actually how many dogs here Adept difficulty I think that's fine for now like the normal enemies are the fact that I'm facing squid monsters exactly afraid of cats can you make sure to censor every single Captain feline that appears oh thanks slash also if you don't park so we'll sue you I don't think he will personally sue me okay I do need to collect gold new here here's the standard beginner template for TTS messages hey Doug insert dumbest thoughts you've ever had thoughts [Music] this is true I still continue to not understand why you guys all start the messages with hey Doug feels very unnecessary oh [ __ ] oh that's a chief oh okay the chief is actually kind of scary last time this is where I need to be actually kind of careful no no no no okay we cut him around the beds right here come get me oh he learned how to walk over beds giant fire ring thank you hey Doug if I give you this bit of money could I please get a bowl of Cheerios please I'm so hungry you drop this on the last stream I watch here dude there's somebody here you go people thank you very considerate oh my God Jesus Take the Wheel wait wait hold on really hard extreme is going to be cooking meth I mean chemistry with chat then resurrecting Billy Mays also holy [ __ ] caller thank you for the 100 gifted Subs that is insane thank you thank you thank you man that is a ton foreign [Music] hey Ludwig no I'm Doug [Music] they're one level above Bandit oh so they're fine right I can fight this guy what are you trying I did zero damage I did zero damage that guy what are you talking about am I dead now I don't have any Mana did I just miss am I just bad at the game I mean we don't really have oh wait I bought all that meat I bought all that meat okay we're gonna be fine um I just need to play the best Skyrim of my life how's it heading there I have to draw them in here potion of region yeah potion of regeneration good call uh God damn it we need to eat food oh I ate the salt accidentally and now I'm weak to Magic I didn't mean to eat the salt I just ate it [Music] I don't know if I could beat I don't know if I could beat this person and they're standing in front of the doorway [Music] potion of I have it I know I have healing I can do that I guess it's just I mean that's all I have we could go invisible and run past [Music] die oh my God first The Outlaw no no no we have uh [Music] Honey Nut treat Hawker meat leg of goat pheasant breast raw beef that's like all my food I'm not gonna have any food after this I mean we could use the invisibility and run past I'm using the invisibility and we run where is the guy foreign I didn't come here to be a coward where are they oh you said they're easy right [ __ ] no no okay [Music] okay I don't think he's that strong I think we come outside we heal up and then we kill him that's the last dude and then I can go to sleep finally I am so tired okay we're gonna sit here we're gonna heal I've already bought one apostrophe 200 bits and now received a single TTS this is raked against Swiss people anyway hi from Switzerland no it's just they're they're just not needed slash Marcus I'm sorry I didn't need to can you do me a favor can you say trans rights with power and Reverb no I don't have the effects but trans rights um thanks Duke Doug I okay stamina doesn't automatically recharge my VIP address slash please my family is starving that doesn't make sense that's not how family's work I'm gonna wait for my kids being married about being 18 soon makes me wonder how far off the average I am with my 31 years I feel almost dead take my oxygen kids you need it more than me your being 30 is great right I've liked my 30s I've enjoyed it all right sorry guy why is thing why is everything so blurry buy lock picks in the market oh that's a good call does anybody know why it's so blurry in here okay we're gonna go we're gonna go fight him we can kill him dude I can kill that guy like we're so we're so tired that we can't see like as long as I have full the thing is if we kill the Bandit outlaw it's the brain rot my brain is fine thank you if we kill the Bandit Outlaw I think we'll be able to find beds but I can search all these guys and we got Mead maybe they have like healing potions no okay it's actually the brain rot how dare you I dare you say such things about me uh okay they have a sweet roll it's so hard to see oh chest here maybe it's all food gold okay get better armor I don't I think I'm wearing the best armor I have yeah I'm wearing the best armor I have I don't have gloves I guess they have gloves okay I'll grab this there's literally a bed right here I'm so dumb okay eight hours okay that wasn't my fault that was the brain rot I was role-playing okay where's the outlaw I guess at this point we could just bail we don't really have to stay here did I put on the gloves or not didn't I pick gloves on my crate there we go I just like there's gonna be more stuff in here dude like look at this check this out hat right dude POG we can't we can't just like give up on this opportunity two lock picks great call wait hold on I hear and maybe it's more than just the outlaw maybe we do bail although that's cheese we could at least get the cheese dude where did that Outlaw go to Solitude wait that's the whole point that's the challenge yes that is the plan okay we could drop down and kill him is this worth doing is I mean we could just we can just leave we don't really need to be here you know what no no other die on my feet than live on my knees let's go this guy's way harder okay cool he even has potatoes worth it he even has human flesh can I eat that delete incoming you didn't even know what delete meant like five minutes ago hi dog what's up Skye I currently have basically no healing is certain food okay this is fine dude we found a kitchen we found a kitchen let's go questions can you address put into your stream music no that doesn't sound uh like I could do that without being dmca I just like people I just the people I've met from other parts of the world are all great a tornado to all of Washington just focus it on done okay we uh all right dude I'm gonna be honest we are getting such good food here High chance and hi Doug it's my 29th birthday Can you steal me some sweet chose as a birthday present please I did wait oh cooking pot I did steal a sweet roll off that one guy why isn't it why is all capitalized also what are we doing today written pull up the stream I refuse oh plentiful healing potion I have just been watching your video and they have made my day better each time thank you I'm glad you enjoy okay this is uh this is looking pretty good dude breaking into this kitchen was a huge win and we even have to take time to pick pocket all the keys from the people of Riverwood oh yeah I could do that but then if they take me to Jail the problem with that is like I can't jail hack to Whiterun reveal one I think I showed a bit of my leg but that's not real I don't have legs okay we have a lot of food does this go out you are [ __ ] this will be fun I'm not dude I'm doing great [Music] I don't know if it's really worth doing this dungeon though um it seems like it's just a generic Bandit dungeon which the cooked food you picked up in the embassy might help with that oh I'm not [ __ ] I'm gonna be fine salt and roll people I'm sorry I couldn't hear her and I don't I don't have any salt I ate the salt accidentally we're out of salt for now damn dude this healing does nothing that was so close to killing me Jesus Christ this is terrifying I'm having a great time by the way I I have been enjoying so much like permadeath style runs they're they just make everything so exciting like in any game all right I guess let's just keep running I mean we're just stocking up on things in Canada I can't wait to come home and go in the basement wait I checked on there I did right yeah they are but they're scary yeah but they're fun I have a dentist's appointment tomorrow at 2PM so I won't be available during the time okay thank you for the heads up everybody write that down put it in your calendar bro even if gaslighting was a real thing you're way too smart to fall for it thank you so stop making up words it just looks desperate wait Outlaw that's the hard one right it says no TTS but this looks a lot like TTS it doesn't say confusion okay I'll just cut them it says there are a lot of enemies stop being an Italian I always thought it was been a chief that's not good uh uh okay this is fine we kite him while dodging all of the going back and editing your old vods to change the texts not in italics very sneaky dug it's called gaslighting it feels like uh not a great situation do we clearly see italics oh dude you are no no no we're fine we're fine boy stop freaking out what we are trying to say is that the text has always been Italian I need to use a healing potion uh or can I just eat that can I eat my way out of this film four weeks ago I didn't recognize you used a different table the new one looks better emo that's not true okay we're eating cabbages and carrots in the italics era the title was italics in the description under it wasn't [ __ ] we got it I gotta get rid of the chief okay chief is dead that's huge hey Doug I'm the YouTube commenter who mentioned how parxa is mere miles away from any given chatter at any given time love the stream less than three hey hey you I laughed at that and I shared it with Parcher I thought it was very funny you changed them from italics to what you're currently using since the first mention of them not being italics it's just incorrect you guys are gaslighting yourselves as a science person this is a classic example of the Mandela effect part of your chat obviously Came From Another Dimension where you use it Alex simple chat is never truly wrong let's go [Music] all right hey Doug want his gas lighting natural there you heard of it also can you please open the window in the basement someone's just farted hey Doug I think you're gaslighting people thinking you're in the basement where the [ __ ] are you I'm freezing my ass off on the float of the world waiting for you I'm gonna get a bowl I'll be there shortly hello Donald long time YouTube viewer and definitely not someone who knows you from your crimes against humanity in 2008. anyway have a great stream uh do we go left or up Doug it's me the giant squid guy I feel highly offended that you automatically thought I was dangerous the moment you saw me I thought you were better than this Doug I thought you could get over your Prejudice and hatred speaking of randomly teleporting across Skyway why is everything black and white is a Skyrim Geo guess I didn't that's a that sounds like fun I'm not good enough okay is this brain rot am I brain rotted again why is it seriously why is it in black and white I don't like is this the brain rot again it's a quest this is a classic brain rot moment brain ride isn't real this is a 1950s mode I just I just don't I want to see like okay we gotta garnet we need to heal dude this whole dungeon sucks I feel I don't know there's color what are you talking about I don't have mad cow disease uh dude is this is this a what is this is this a quest do I have to beat the quest now I don't want to clear this entire I thought this dungeon would be like a little one not some gigantic thing we're gonna have to run back to the beginning anyways what is this I can't even talk it's all black and white it's so hard to see anything uh auth carries Satchel sure we'll take that wardrobe okay cool we got a hat Jesus Take the Wheel cheers Valkyrie thank you so much for the five good Subs you use night vision huh what is that oh night eye so it'll end in 60 Seconds oh that is very valuable okay we can make a lot of money off that that's a lot of goat legs we can buy coin purse enchantress potion sure and secrets level up enchanting it's about to encourage okay we're level two we're level two which means we can at any oh we can go up here interesting okay so we even exit now hold on do you think there's an exit down here too all right so in this dungeon we started on this side we have an exit here and there's probably one down here you're saying no Doug please salt look at the salt what are you talking about where's Salt you're definitely gaslighting me there's no salt it's also been 60 seconds and it's still colorblind mode what are you talking about well in the in the wardrobe this is not salt the salt what are you talking about oh that's all I couldn't see it because it's black and white we're going up here okay dude we need the black and white to stop oh it did it did it did oh there's four sworn horsehorn are really dangerous where are we okay so we're out in this part of the world right salt is just white okay yes you're correct salt was just white um I think we go back so again you were you were not allowed to run to the cities that would that would obviously negate the challenge so I can't just enter them from the open world I have to enter them from doors I can run to a town and like you know uh White Run has doors outside of the city but I have to get within the city walls without just walking in fight it Force One or [ __ ] hard dude you ran to Whiterun I didn't run in the city limits are you not allowed to use weapons I am allowed to use weapons but uh cat claws at the beginning of the game are really good and you even go in the cities through doors yeah the doors are all randomized um City gates are also randomized so the cities that have Gates I can't get in them anyways um by walking to them there's like five cities I could technically walk into but I'm gonna say I have to work there what is a door okay I'm gonna stop reading I'm gonna stop reading questions I'm going let's see if I can fight the Force horn oh actually they're not too bad I think we go back in I think we go back in because then like if this will get us like this is the open world there's not gonna be that many doors nearby if we go back and we go all the way to the Riften there's a bunch more doors there that we can track let's go back to rifton he has a 500 bid for the room in the basement slash spit these nuts try to leave my house but I ended up in your basement instead please help yeah that's just the door randomizer mod working wait oh I didn't explore down here I'm gonna check it out open my door to my bedroom but wound up in some place filled with tentacles and Indescribable stuff meat I can't sleep now meat yes food oh delicious food is complaining about the basement situation the rules are the same as they've always been the newer Subs get slept on by the older Subs the tier 3 Subs share a moldy blanket you can sleep with my mom if you want I can save it confidently thank you very cool to give support from the community which of twitch chats memes do they prefer the most divorce bees main character or dog cheese did not work I honestly don't know is that a try no Doug everyone's asking about italics but have you heard of tritalex slash try to lick these nuts got him it's not a good one wait I think here's another door where the [ __ ] is this the jail play has helped you I don't like it okay we're in a cave with a dead guy is this good do we want to continue random team in tabs VOD it's not been italics that was months ago that was a long time ago I didn't like intentionally do that is in case there's a salad dressing that's kind of funny you're cold yeah I guess I should get out hi dog only been here a few months but wanted to show my gratitude for your content thank you for streams you are welcome um I mean hey Doug slash got him we could just not be the trolls are really strong I guess yeah there's probably no benefit to hanging out in the troll cave unless there's a door hey streamer I woke up from sleeping and I'm a door what do I do can you open me you are opened are you sure you're talking about trolls and stuff like copyrighted music only when you stream from Ludwig's twitch yeah we just get it like Ultra banned I'll I'll just stream TV shows like streamers were doing for a while we'll just watch all of Breaking Bad on it until the channel gets banned um I mean I'm just looking for another door I feel like it's worth checking I mean you guys are freaking out about trolls and stuff but this is the chest OSHA minor healing potion of the night I'm a little cold drag will be easy to kill hi Doug I have been one doing what happened to what happened to explain with food and also do you like Park says gun more or UV card there's a lot there a lot of buzzwords um explain the food is just a very different creative process and takes a lot more time and I enjoy doing this stuff more currently why no no I don't want to level up I don't think this is trolls dude I think this is worth exploring we want to see if there's also is this better than my my current bow let me see longbows seven ancient ordered nine perfect how do you favorite stuff oh F cool uh I haven't used Sky UI before uh and then let's favorite this and this cool so now I can just do all right perfect oh okay you're fine are you guys like were you lying were you just lying about the trolls I don't think there's gonna have trolls in it Doug chat chat may give you [ __ ] [ __ ] you seriously you've helped me with my depression so much ever since I started watching you I have become so depressed thank you [ __ ] hey I'm glad to make a difference the crazy thing is for every person who donates and says hey Doug thanks for helping me through a tough time like we always Newton's first law okay conservation of energy that means one other guy was really depressed every person who enjoys my content means there's some kid just somewhere in Europe who just gets really sad and he doesn't know why we have them hooked up to a machine okay um this place kind of sucks I might need to level up lock picking dude hey doggy dog I think there might be some delay anyways nice stream but I have a theater appointment with JFK could you please take a break as we watch Abraham Lincoln no I have a question why well that door is that door is not uh that door's not happening oh what the [ __ ] okay do you have a PO box or something I want to send you one of my command Patches from my unit in Monterey also go Navy beat Army um I do but I'm not sharing it publicly at the moment at some point I probably will I just don't have visiting my wife watch the city skylines for Parks a video and it really I appreciate the offer the editing was awesome thank you so much for your content hey glad you enjoyed yeah I really like that streaming video a lot of fun okay so okay I have an I have a question what should the general strategy be for the speedrun should I be going into dungeons at all or like just running through them I don't really know what the play is here because on paper oh golden it's on paper I can get resources you know get money get some extra food potentially are you alive you are alive we can get some extra food but um obviously it's just gonna take a long long long time and there's like 1600 exits so at some point I just need to start moving faster why am I on fire what is happening ow all right Q I think we got it I should go back to Riften right I'm gonna explore this and we're gonna go back to rifton I'm gonna try to go through doors more rapidly this is a trap cave but there's no there's got to be an entrance I mean I'm gonna have to run back through all of this which is kind of dumb but all right this is the last dungeon that I will like slowly crawl through I think it's worth it to get some exp to get some experience get some Potions all that stuff I think this is an okay use of time right now but then I'm gonna try to speed it up there's only one content anyways please pause I have to get divorce be back in a few hours okay we got you everybody pause and go Doug streaming at 1pm is too late for me please accommodate by streaming at 5 30 a.m PST all right here we go finally out Merry Christmas I got you weird the clearly dead equals delete means delete system 32. where's this fort amol okay we're way on the east side of the Town hold on is there another door here there is a new door here okay where is it over there like that right that looks like a door okay so we're gonna check this store no this just goes inside oh it's fine because we gotta get all the way back to rifton at some point we have to remember how to get back to rifton that's important Rift installs a bunch more doors to check okay okay maybe there's something valuable in the sack well cabbage down on the right oh down there got it okay so I came out of oh there's three doors I came out of that door there's this door and that one to check okay we're gonna we're gonna check both of those quickly then we're gonna go back in the upper one go all the way through the troll dungeon then go through the Bandit dungeon and get back to Riften got it that's the plan Ready Set Go we're just checking where the [ __ ] is this frostmere Crypt where's frostmere Crypt are you friendly no oh God we're fine okay I'm gonna kill them and then we're gonna bail because I think this in here is the kitchen no it's not I don't have lock picks God damn it all right what does death mean you're gonna you're gonna have to figure it out it's Southie Southwest of Dawnstar I mean being just like the open world location doesn't really matter um I just want to know whether or not this TT is able to speak any other language than English so here's some good old Irish kona's attitude if you're wondering it means how are you that's what she said okay that's what Doug said like idiot yes I got one shot at this gotta be like there if that dies he dies IRL and we see how long until twitch shuts the Channel Down live come on come on all right whatever this one goes to the dungeon having so much fun with the stream and watching you open doors okay that sounds sarcastic moose could you pause the Stream it's this is great everybody's having a great time I thought delete meant delete all Skyrim and Skyrim backups no I mean delete the character this is like a common thing I feel like this is not like some insane phrase that I made up that is incomprehensible what else would I put deleting can you add the town inside me from guiltigia to your soundboard it goes hard transgender Pride uh I've listened to like pretty much the whole Guilty Gear soundtrack and I kind of only like Storyteller Jesus Take the Wheel so I probably won't but it sounds like a good song what the well to think of the five gifted Subs I generally don't love the style of Guilty Gear soundtrack to be honest there's like three songs I really like is it worth checking out this dungeon probably not right I probably run back there's gonna be a whole thing I mean let me look for like two seconds no it's gonna be a whole thing all right we're ignoring this dungeon so there's an unexplored dungeon inside of two dungeons in Riften okay just everybody remember that it's a good idea to explore it it is but this is a speed run and I want to go faster and going to Riften has like you know eight doors that we can really rapidly check rather than taking 10 minutes to go through a dungeon uh let me check up here real quick for like a chest or something oh God oh okay since you are now objectively the new legal main character of Ludwig's stream it would be funny if you randomly started a stream during off hours and played Parks as answering machine on Loop for an hour hey Doug did you die yet I wanted to get your channel name when you deleted it thanks that's just incorrect I just I can't I can't fathom that that's what you thought was happening when I said delete okay we are gonna run all the way back through here and then back through the other dungeon that this is connected to and then we we will be back in Riften so we do actually have some healing 60th of death so if you sleep 60 times you die where it is sleeping is 160th of death what I don't understand just change it to death the equals restart my life in Albania with my new Russian Swiss wife uh hey Doug if the Swiss and Russians are giving you problem don't worry the Australian Army will defend you oh just don't look up the Emu War okay thank you I don't feel like that is quite necessary but I appreciate the sentiment thank you for streaming Doug I wouldn't know what else to listen to whilst I performed vastly unethical human experiments on my supervising ethics board okay um maybe just don't uh don't maybe just don't publicize that you don't have to talk about what you're listening to when you were doing all that stuff okay we're back in this dungeon if we go this way I believe yes this direction we're gonna be back out oh my God we're gonna be back out okay that thing almost killed me good uh so this charging the air is warm POG yeah it is pretty hype where are the oh right upstairs dude we this was like a long dungeon to explore yeah okay we got a not explore dungeons going forward this is way too much time Doug please don't die if you die my wife will sign the divorce papers please let me do it again okay this should go back to Riften oh duck didn't see you there short time viewer long time exister from YouTube I genuinely thought you were going to delete a city in Skyrim if you died okay we're back in rifton hey Doug when you say death equals restart do you mean you are restarting the level why is this one starting from the beginning of the day or do you mean restarting as in you stop then start again okay there's no way it's this hard to understand what restart means okay we've done these doors are there it's night time but it's an inn you should be able to go there any time and we can open it to the back all right this is the back door of the Inn where's it go if I die that doesn't count oh [Music] okay uh we are live oh we're getting warm because I'm gonna fire the [ __ ] are we who orchestrals is pretty good they're out of resist cold all right cool um is this like a friendly place I think we leave it's also a trap right there I think we leave right yeah I don't nope nope those are hag Ravens nope no no no no we're out no no no no no no no we're going back to rifton this place sucks I don't even know if it has another door in it huh what Okay so where the where the [ __ ] is this this is no the brain rot it's back it's black and white okay we are in an alchemist shop it must have glitched me to the wrong side of the door so this is gonna go to somewhere new wait no this is oh wait hold on where is this place the bets for one hour 30 minutes right El Grim's elixirs El Grim's elixirs Skyrim it's in Riften [ __ ] that's not a new city somebody was saying it was in windhome I thought we found a new city like right at the 130 mark oh [ __ ] okay so I got glitched to the wrong side of the door if I'm actually soft locked I'm gonna undo it but I'm gonna try it we just gotta kill the hack Ravens you are going to did listen man I'm not sure if you've uh realized this yet but I'm pretty good at Skyrim if we clear this room assuming there's another door in this room wait there actually might not be another door in this room is there a door in this room I think because if we kill everybody I could probably leave right there is can you give us a list of mods the the mod is it's just the one mod which is Skyrim door randomizer if you Google it's the top one there's a troll I don't trust any of you I'm gonna go to the jail in the shop I think we just do this we equip this with the orcish arrows and we just go hard I do remember I have a level up you guys lied about the trolls last time they didn't even exist I don't trust you don't call me a coward this is a smart strategy damn it I missed they have no idea I'm here hag Ravens are hard this is a good Strat [Music] your stream says death equals rest start I only speak English so I'm not sure what that means that is an English word you will figure it out I think there's two hagravens I don't know where the other one is so I can't do this to the other hand in a video game situation in which a character cannot reappear having been killed as cheating thought this might help Doug love the stream's smile I can't why is the arrow God damn it you were almost you were almost dead he lets you shoot him with a paintball if we raise 100K for Rosa's birthday anyway long time waited and first time catching a stream live have my money you filthy animal thank you really appreciate your new religion where death is viewed just as a restart if I got a bad spawn should I restart as soon as possible that thing is barely taking damage that thing is barely taking damage oh my God for divorce from like fifth so it's time I get a rope and chair [Music] it's healing again [Music] I am still terribly connected by the phrasing of the title and the lack of italics you're gonna be okay is that like Sweet Tarts let's keep dodging always got here the city list is a little confusing as well why is Riften gone have you removed stop healing how are you healing this much this is unfair is it better to whacker greetings from Japan I'm actually using VPN so I'm not sure from Japan just to avoid getting asked but good save man okay we got a Seven Arrows back ow Okay so is there actually a door in this room got him well that thing can kill me I have to remember not to land on that trap what's up God damn it these traps man I'm gonna die to a trap I feel like I'm gonna die to a trap there's more people hey dog do you have any better suggestions for how to start a message smart guy you just say it you're not we're not like pen pals you know we're not this is something like formal correspondence we're not at some sort of like fancy dinner I say hey of the aristocracy talking to you and not the guy behind you it just it just feels very unnecessary um okay spell Tom frostbite hey Doug I once saw a dog and he looked at me thank you for sharing where how do I open the door hello hey it's all the Skyrim experts how open door it's also really dark right am I crazy hey Doug it's been a while since I've been here since I started a new job also here's your money please don't bun me on the table down there this is gonna kill me isn't it hey Doug it's cheap cows eat it so why don't we oh you got it huh hey quack I'm gonna go take a nap could you set me a timer for exactly 57 minutes thank you chat will take care of it we'll put a bowl on this hey Doug hey Doug hey Doug hey Doug hey Doug hey Doug hey Doug hey Doug hey Doug hey Doug hey Doug hey Doug hey Doug hey Doug hey Doug thank you hey Doug last night I had a dream at my workplace seeing as you are interested psychiatrists what are your thoughts about sorry I'm I was thinking about I'm sorry but I missed if we don't say hey Doug how would you know we are talking to you the default conversation Target is the main character chat we could just why don't we just agree right now hey chat we should have played stuck duck with Ludwig so that we have the ultimate stream so even when you're talking to chat you still say hey Chad your argument sucks okay is there anywhere else to go are there other doors in here what's up Google oh [ __ ] Doug just trying out some new ways to start TTS messages what do you think oh [ __ ] that actually is good for healing we're overburdened really hey Doug I am a construction worker in Poland I walked through a door and ended up here I'd queer I am but good luck on your challenge also what are we doing today thank you it sounds like you know frankly what do you mean by restocked will you restart your life we will not be able to wait this long for you to grow up again panic what song was that while you were playing the best Skyrim of your life I don't know I'm sorry if you email me a clip I will be able to tell you okay this that was all so that we can go through this door two this is this okay why don't you use a sword you know what that's fine because the kitty claws are really powerful does anybody Here Sell lockpicks hey Doug nobody's even here just arrived on your stream I was wondering why were you restarting your stream every death because it's awesome why do I need to unlock the end why is the end okay and I'm super hungry just got back from a meeting with Team Four behind the bleachers but I'm ready to draw some cats is the drawing basement still where it used to be yeah nothing's moved okay just so everyone is aware I have to take my brother to his baseball game tomorrow at three so I won't be available for a little okay everybody note that down you sell lock picks maybe okay you're not here very cool you're Bjorn all if you're worthless do you sell lock picks by chance so I can sell my stuff though wait where's me okay so how do I sell e okay we've made so much money that was sick it's a setting in the mod but a lot of the doors aren't locked I guess I don't understand why some are locked and some aren't I did set it as apprentice there's literally he had lock picks oh I'm dumb man I sometimes have a serious case of the dumb okay with this lock pick we will finally make it into this door are you feeling all right [Music] let's go okay it's gonna be huge what [Music] okay okay just go it just goes over here well I still have the lock pick what [Music] I feel like something's not working [Music] these are connected [Music] that's so stupid there are like 1700 doors what are the odds of this oh my God okay we have gotten to Riften so many times and no other City we're going to this door [Music] okay another city another city another city what the [ __ ] is this oh I'm in a Dragon Shrine oh cool foreign [Applause] that for those who don't know is one of the hardest if not the hardest enemy in Skyrim called a dragon priest and as powerful as my kitty claws are I'm not ready for that quite yet all right let's go to the church hey Doug I see all those Bandits died back there does that mean you have to reset okay got in it's better yes delay check the current time is seven this is I think the palace right this is Solitude I think hey Toff wait who the [ __ ] Jordan who's Jordan hey Doug if we don't say hey Doug house this is talking to you right this is I think we are talking to someone else I would never wait food then go play at a shrine you are full of disease this is Bart's College this is barge College all right that's huge that's Solitude solitude's done what's it do Douglas what's your opinion on starting TTS messages with something other than hey Doug I think you could just remove the words hey Doug and the message would be just as effective and more concise okay wait this is from the church right okay so Church goes to bards college in solitude King Ola a festival put on by the birds hey Doug just thought you should know you didn't check the orphanage it was the blacksmith's house also cook the meat thank you you're right hey Doug I don't know for sure if it works with Skyrim survival system but if you go to your magic tab then go to active effects for this right option you can see what is causing what so you can see what hunger and exhaustion are doing specifically real quick as a celebration I will do my best congrats man if that's real okay I have a severe case of brain rot and that explains why I didn't see the lock pick earlier okay we are warm we are very tired maybe they have a bed in here and we're peckish but we can see here your Khajiit blood allows you to eat raw meat without risk of disease I don't think it heals as much but and we have resistance a cold um let's look for a bed in here all right sleep in your bed can't sleep well guards are pursuing you who is pursuing me I can't wait while guards are pursuing me hold on I might need to save and exit and reload I should be doing that anyways I should save just be safe okay let's reload maybe that will fix things oh because I was yeah because I trespassed [ __ ] okay wait so am I ever gonna be able to sleep reloading is not death no aren't the cards gonna be chasing me forever oh because it's I pick I pick I picked the lock to get in here so whose guards are upset at me is this all two to Rift it I don't know oh I want to steal that pretty bad wait if I steal it I could get arrested and I could bail out of here hold on let me check the front door first we check front door we see if that gets to get to another city this could be huge I'm playing Victory music I'm calling it how was everything going to Riften I'm not even in it get me out let me out okay there's the door okay so Bard's caught both ends of Barnes college Loop the front and the anus both go to Riften there might be another door in here that goes outside does anybody remember is there another door in the bars College I thought there might be one more once was a hero named as a reminder I set everything to chaos mode in the randomizer so there's no guarantee that any of this will get me anywhere there's no guarantee this this whole thing is doable um I think there's only I think I think that's it this is the Riz school it's not what they call it okay I could steal everything let me update my uh title as well okay Solitude was one of the easiest cities by far but it is nice to knock it out grab the Sweet Roll murder somebody's gonna get arrested well I think we want to go back to rifton hold on because think about this if we if I if I attack people and get arrested and go to this the Solitude jail that gets me to a whole different area so that's a good way to get access to more doors but right now we want to check the rest of Riften first if we take the Sweet Roll the guards are gonna be after me and I can't sleep I'm already I'm getting pretty sleepy already yeah okay this is okay this is where we came from all right so Bart's college is a dead end foreign oh it's closed okay oh there's this door dude there are so many doors in rifton it's an expert gate I think I can get in oh Shrine you're right that'll heal my brain rot oh yes 100 gold con oh yes yes I can think so clearly now okay okay so uh we keep exploring doors and we'll try to do it rapidly here's what I'm thinking I could jump over here and and go to that door but then am I gonna be trapped in there can I get out uh this will probably be fine okay we are in a dungeon yet again it looks like we're in the is this the mouth or the anus of the dungeon oh that's a silver can no no no we're not gonna We're Not Gonna hang out with those guys it's a two-year subscription you need cash in the trash thank you for the two years man I appreciate it all right um now let's I think we'll be oh yeah I'm watching votes and the only way I can keep track is by your format and classroom so for next stream can you change it back just to [ __ ] with VOD Watchers a lot of people have done that I I started a trend by doing the twitch by making the Twitch place code and sharing it that there's like 15 people or something who have now done subathons where at night they do Twitch Plays Pokemon most of which are using my code so it's actually like a very common thing at this point okay I guess we can't go in there until we get into the Thieves Guild so humble I certainly did not invent twitch chat plays but I I think it's safe to say that I did popularize it um for as like a more common thing that people are doing or at least with subathons I've set up personally like eight or nine people for subathons to do Twitch place Pokemon all right why is this an expert dude why is this an expert Thor why why is this expert copyright strike them yeah take that CJ make that Jaden animations we trap her using my code and then I can have all the rights to sue her [Music] um okay all the doors are [ __ ] locked man I don't know what to do I don't know you mole shut the [ __ ] up no we're going in this door I'm leaving where the [ __ ] is this uh do you think we should be in here I think this is the anus of the dungeon so theoretically if we just sneak forward a little bit we could find like a treasure chest or something you got like you know no I think this is the anus of the dungeon there's no time wait there's plenty of time what are you talking about everybody's dead was I in here this is an end game dungeon okay fine we'll leave the timer I don't care about the time you guys are gambling I don't care hey that you should model a while into the game oh there's a side door oh okay so we have why would I do it doesn't sound like a good time um so we have front door and this side one what do you mean by restart try we're trying side one first will you restart your life we will not be able to wait this long for you to grow up again panic hey we're somewhere who's that wait is this markers this might be Markarth it has to be like in this in the keep though or the city it can't just be the the connecting dungeon okay do I turn back I'm kind of scared I don't know what this is I'm gonna play scary music this is the ghost girl Quest turn back it's Markarth well it's not it's not in Mark it's it's the thing connected to Markarth this is a whole giant cave there's no door with the bow puzzle I mean it would be nice to get the bow it leads to Mark Earth at the end well the door we don't know where that'll go okay I'm gonna it's a huge okay we're turning around it's a huge dungeon we're bailing we're listening to the girl yeah it's not it's not in the city okay that was side door the front door of Riften is what the [ __ ] oh my God that's not fair what the [ __ ] [Laughter] you failed [Music] all right oh man I don't want to re I don't want to restart all right where are we we're in The Bard College we are dude that's uh that's such a plumber I feel like we were making a lot of progress don't restart it'll take forever that is [ __ ] it's just mid bear attack if we I mean I'm down to do another run the problem is that if I if I if I win the next one this is clearly going to take a while does that count as a death you are asking if a bear kills me if that counts as a death five subs for no reset I mean look maybe you guys are new viewers do you honestly think having watched anything I've ever done that I would pay in order to cheat around my own rules no chance we're restarting those are the rules the [ __ ] bear that's not fair I played pretty good all the time when have I ever given up on one of my own challenges and we're back at the beginning now here's the fun part we restart but we also have to have the mod re-randomize everything which takes like 20 minutes which means we're gonna have some time to kill so here's the settings where you can make it like the world function properly returning to chaos mode no guarantees of anything uh I'm setting can I set the locked doors to novice is that fair well I have to have the game open that's the problem so I mean they'd still be locked they would just be at novice level Apprentice isn't that hard yeah Apprentice isn't that hard I think princess seems fair nah let's not I'm not gonna Cop Out actually I'm gonna let the game Run for a second so the seed gets more different you just said you never cheat yeah I'm not gonna do well look there's a difference there's a difference between setting up the rules at the beginning of the challenge differently versus I failed the challenge and just go hey can we nullify that by me paying money the survivability mod seems rough this is all pretty rough I'm having a good time though I don't really care what's the strategy this time I feel like we can all agree and back me up Chad that I did everything perfectly and we just got unlucky and we continue um someone in my company probably watches this stream so just to let them know I won't be there tomorrow okay good and now we wait for like one of the new magic inventory and go to the active effects tab you can see what survival stuff is affecting you in what ways specifically I believe it works for the survival stuff so that now there's another choice to say trans rights my goal here is complete although I will return for the Reverb Edition soon so be ready Doug also super excited for DND love you chat and Doug glad to see Doug you're my favorite Italian streamer thank you I probably will not do the Reverb voice but thank you for the kind of message hey Doug I'm a little confused what does death mean and what does delete mean and what does skyrimpin and what does I mean I'm gonna go get a snack and use the bathroom we've got like 15 minutes ago hey Doug hey Doug hey Doug okay can you skip this one hey Grand Burg let's think of the 12 months what snack you'll you'll see it I'm gonna go to the bathroom BRB here let me leave you with um everybody's favorite song this real performance of Nickelback hello all right you know you guys don't screw this up for me all right all right now this is a song we run about five minutes ago bro five minutes ago before the concert so we're gonna play it for you guys know the word keep your mouth shut so we can sing it it's called phonograph shut up guys shut up [Music] makes me laugh [Music] I think the president [Music] [Music] [Music] looking out the back ground is looking for time [Music] hold on shut up [Music] [Applause] all right how long has it been it's almost been 15 minutes oh this is very funny it took like 25 minutes this morning for the randomizer to finish takes a while wait Juve I didn't see your message it moved too fast and I can't minimize because it'll stop running I didn't know you guys made this I thought you just had played it hey Derek I'm watching this for the leaning tower of piso in Italy and I've been confirm there were never any italics hey Doug I regretfully must inform you that gas lamps or gaslighting ceased being the primary mode of Illumination around the same time as the widespread electrification of cities and homes hope this helps this site sounding very rigged Doug DDM link was main programmer I showed the page earlier [Music] hello super cool clean spoon I can borrow Ed hey Doug please don't turn me into our like the rest of kind I have feelings I hope you can understand or if they're way behind again yeah hey Doug upon my initial obstruction I've seen that the relationship between the parasitic hive mind known as twitch chaplain yourself was a fairly one-sided Affair but upon seeing how much you enjoy the suffering I must track on my notes into a symbiotic relationship you should be like a biologist in front of the monitor joking love your streams I don't even get it thank you I think I still have brain rot I don't understand your message gaslighting isn't a word Doug you must be thinking of gas slam pink okay um Nickelback is going to sue you but think about hilarious how funny it would be if that's what got my career ended right hey Doug I keep playing Nickelback during the next stream because I have jury duty I apologize for the inconvenience you gave us a 12-hour notice tell us earlier next time you did last time Doug this sounds rigged why do you keep fantasizing about how to end your career well look it's unlikely that I am doing this job for more than I don't know hey a couple more years I have a question why do actually factually unequivocally me for being in Pakistan so much that you stream when it's midnight here also I have one more thing to say slash these specific nuts got them it's because the world there's the world is a sphere and so in certain parts of the country it's going to be different it's certain parts of the world it's gonna be a different time of day Doug don't make me cry I don't have like I'm not like I don't have like an end date in mind I'm just saying eventually I'm gonna do something else I'm not gonna stream like for the next 10 years um is Doug quitting no I'm just saying eventually I'm gonna do something different I do I've been doing this for like four and a half years it's been a long time I'm not like I'm not saying that'll happen anytime soon but eventually I will I will do something else or at least change like you know not do YouTube and twins at the same time I don't know we'll figure out uh I'm not saying I'm gonna quit anytime soon but like eventually I will you know it's not like some distant like you know haven't ever thought about it kind of thing and so it's like you know it would be a funny way to at some point if I'm like all right guys I'm gonna I'm gonna move on to a different job or a career or something in the next like month we got to plan something really funny for the last day that gets me in a lot of trouble that's uh like clearly that's what we need to do hey Doug is your favorite span the doors have to say you are Aid or able I know chat is sometimes hard to handle maybe find a bold or to ride it don't leave okay I I didn't realize that me pitching the concept that I would eventually do something else with my life is like a horrifying concept to you I'm sorry I didn't realize you thought I would stream for the rest of like 50 more years and I'll know exactly where it went they'll come and send a SWAT team after you just for these three dollars dollars okay so basically this money is for you hot potato if you get banned on Ludwig's twitch do you get plan evasion if you stream on this channel afterwards I don't actually know I don't we'll have to figure that out but by the way just so everybody is clear uh the the mod is re-randomizing the whole world because we're starting over it just takes a while because there's like 1700 doors in the game or 1600 or something so it's like 15 20 30 minutes something like that last time it was a little faster um but that's what we're waiting on hopefully it's only you know five ten more minutes um you promised you would stream at your grandma's funeral well she better uh she better start uh picking up some brain rot and it better be terminal we're sorry Doug we can change don't leave us be yourself do you see yourself streaming five years from now I I don't know I just don't know the thing is with this job it's very it's like burning the candle at both ends it's great it's like it's like running it's great I don't know if I'll be able to run forever maybe I can maybe maybe the body will will you know stay strong but maybe not who will keep the kids the body can adapt no I mean I guess since people are freaking out about it and we have some time to kill I think the I don't know what I want to do with the rest of my life uh at some point I fantasize about doing video game development and I think it'd be cool to do that like to lead it in some and I would I would like now have the resources and sort of marketing to to do that if I wanted um I've actually thought about how fun it would be like start a little company and make like a spiritual sequel to Peggle um not that not like I'm seriously considering that but just like you know like an idea of like okay maybe like what's the next big chapter way later on uh I'm not talking in the next like year or two to be very clear none of this is that um but the current thing that I do is kind of two jobs which is streaming and YouTube and they're both like I still put a lot of effort into YouTube and it's less now than ever before but for most of the four and a half years I've been doing this I it's basically two jobs I put a lot of time and energy and effort into both sides of it and doing they're very very few YouTubers who spend a lot of effort trying to do interesting streams and do a lot of effort on the YouTube side that is super draining most people pick one side right you're either a YouTuber and you stream occasionally or you stream and then you don't do anything on the YouTube side people just edit it right so being really involved with both has been it's just uh you know it's just draining right it's just it's a lot more intense than if I just showed up and did streaming and then passed off the videos and had no involvement with it which is to say that the specific combo that I have of putting a lot of effort into both sides it's probably not something I will do for many more years that might mean I switch to just streaming and then maybe we keep making YouTube videos but I have no involvement with them right maybe that's it you know but like mixing projects or you know maybe I start streaming like half time and then the other half I'm starting a group with somebody else I don't know I don't have concrete plans um but I also my intention is not to do exactly what I'm doing for the next 10 years um AI Doug Doug once chat gbt is out I mean I just I don't know it's been five years and I I don't want to do the same thing forever I know you hired an editor you should also edit you should also hire a streamer I mean I don't know maybe that's partially maybe it's working for another streamer or something maybe I go uh you know I think working in a team environment is something I really do want to do that's very important to me long term I don't want to be solo and have like Doug the dog brand uh forever that is not I much prefer working with other people so at some point I want to figure out how to do that so maybe that's like a part-time thing and I'm still streaming somewhat I don't know let's figure it out oh create a clone will chair keep streaming well I don't know I was talking to him the other day and he sounds like he's pretty burnt out as long as I can put money in the dug hole I'm happy I mean I guess we can leave a PayPal account open for for the uh until the end of time if you want [Music] hey dog do you know where Batman lives slash Gotham good I mean we literally could AI generate streams eventually yeah I was just hooked up to a machine and given depression and told you are the reason why sorry somebody was having a good time in America you had to suffer those are the rules hey Doug thanks for making my day my sister just gave birth I am finally a father time to go buy new milk that started that started wholesome hey doe hope you are doing well thank you [Music] John just fine by the way I am I'm having a good time with this have you heard of paglan I have I don't particularly I hope you aren't doing well to counteract that other guy thank you got him well the olive oil industry survive without Doug do you think I'm going to stop eating food when I retire from streaming magically walk out to their place of residence I mean that bear was very upset when I showed up you realize like I didn't start eating food when I started my twitch Channel this next time can you put the title in Italian grazie how you what's the word for cities in Italian I can swap it to that [Music] don't delete system 52 just because you're bad and died in Skyrim it will break your computer how will we eat when the grocery store closes you guys have survived with no oxygen for like eight months you're gonna be okay I've trained you well March 51st sorry missed the Sunday stream can I get a happy life birthday happy birthday so it's pug that you're playing Skyrim that was great I hope you um hope you went and smoked cigarettes is life going otherwise don't I wish cigarettes weren't like super bad for you and terrible because they are funny you call a man who has finished I feel like I can't joke about cigarettes not ethical um it's true that's true are cigarettes awesome too no we're not going down this you're not gonna get me quoting saying cigarettes are awesome hey Doug I need to drive to school real quick can you pause for a few minutes I mean we got you don't worry I mean look no no we're not going down that no hello Doug thank you Soviet winter hi hi Doug uh hi Doug hi Doug hi Doug hi Doug hi Doug hey Doug if that Australian Army that promised to help you don't show the Icelandic Army will not help there is no Army there's no Icelandic Army please don't ask if it's cold there it is I mean yeah is there actually no Army in Iceland since Parks here is a lawyer and a cop if he ever becomes a judge and a juror he'd be a one-man legal system do you think that's his goal I mean he could be a a hey Doug sweet like consultant to know that I discovered what tree stuck means it obviously means death because we start the process of chats divorces um we have been here for like 18 minutes right am I crazy I did hit start right it's didn't there was a pop-up window right that said randomizing and it'll it'll say please tell me I hit the start button I did right you're actually gaslighting me are you serious I didn't hold on clip it I should have clicked it and it sure there should have been a pop-up window that says somebody somebody clip it I swear I did I swear I did I don't remember seeing that no no gaslighting doesn't exist no dude [Music] who has a clip it's got I I definitely clicked it remember I changed the seed remember I changed the seed and then I clicked start I think you did hold on I'm not sure it runs well paused wait so I didn't I think it did I think that's what I did this morning oh [ __ ] I missed the 12 month sub whoom thank you so much I mean I can unpause it if we want you have to exit out of MCM I don't but I I did it this morning I tested it I ran it in the oh maybe that's why I was getting stuck because Juve when I when I messaged you and I said oh it did work the window popped up I wasn't paused [Music] did I oh my God does anybody have a clip so I can just look you'd check a door right now but the pop-up hasn't happened to say it's done right okay somebody has a clip it's called Doug isn't wearing pants is that the right one another one is about cigarettes God damn it guys [Music] okay I wasn't wearing pants there go to the full video hold on did I not click it what you've got like I mean I probably look why are all of you saying there's no pop-up no I won't be there tomorrow okay good why did all of you say there was no pop-up got him again it says building the list there's a thousand door so it'll take a while I clicked okay and we wait and we wait for it took Jesus Christ you guys you're gonna drive me insane I'm getting actual brain rot in my real life that was that was not you guys trolling when you troll it's too odd okay there we go ah yes yes yes okay when you guys troll normally you're not subtle at all that was people going wait no Doug I genuinely didn't see it that was either the most convincing troll ever or all of you Gaslight yourselves into thinking I didn't press it because that was like 20 minutes that we just waited oh Juve you're here what's the Juve Juve Juve uh portal what's the scary portal what does it do I don't know wait hold on hold on I have no clue what the [ __ ] that is are you gaslighting me too there's no way you guys don't know what the portal is you make okay I don't believe you I'm not going in the portal I don't trust it [Music] but okay we are back round two it's just a door I don't want to start with like the the creepy uh portal it's scary dude why is it so hard to alt Tab out of this game okay um let me update the title and then let's run it so we got Riften and Solitude so those are back in the list go bam cool cool cool cool I'll change the description Perma death equals restart does that help I don't even think it has italics as an option does it there's even there isn't even an option oh select font there's literally no option for italics you guys are just High you've been high for years this never even existed this is literally not possible to make this italics you've been gaslighting me about italics haven't you it was never in italics okay we're running it um randomizer take two begins right oh my God now we're gonna start with this we're gonna ignore the portal we're gonna go in this cave [Music] let's start with the city where the [ __ ] is this uh okay well I guess this is oh we're like the lift okay that's not helpful sorry sorry I forgot the timer my bad everybody oh this is the other side of the port okay of the door okay so that didn't work we're off to Riften or sorry we're off to Riverwood we will listen to Texas beach hello invalid run portal or right I don't know where the portal is where okay where's the portal where do where did you get where do you get popped out how to Hogan keep like here this is the California National Guard we can protect you from the doors thanks for telling us your favorite mayonnaise Kroger Etsy grocery store but my front door leads into Fort Knox and now I am Public Enemy Number One can you call Parker to see if I am liable for chaspacing hey Doug I should just give you guys his phone number you were going to delete me if you died I don't have to be scared anymore right slash right that is the most powerful elk I've ever seen in my life right right yeah hey Doug when I first read the title of this stream I thought it was about City skylines and I was confused also to stay true to your wishes I will delete files in my documents folder each time you die okay everybody has to delete a file please restart is clear but I genuinely don't understand why you thought that was more clear than permadeath an extremely well-known term in games I just I guess hey Doug I think I figured it out restart means you restart your computer right do we get to choose the file no it has to be picked randomly you have to bring in your little sister and she just picks a random file from you where the hell are we playing for remember okay where on the map is the portal does anybody remember is it here or is it here dearest Doug I hope this letter finds right next to Helga I am writing this because live stream in which that says death equals restart privital what does this mean your bestest friend hey it's a tissue it is a tissue no this isn't correct hey Jeremy when did the text stop being slightly tilted it's north west of Helgen it is oh there it is okay let me remember this for the future in case the portal goes somewhere sweet kind regards thank you well everybody this could be it this could be huge the holy portal [Music] it could go anywhere could even go [Music] drifting portal portal is so good oh I love you portal wow are we gonna be stuck in Riften again hold on so is this door of the portal okay so this the portal goes to oh wait it's because there's an odd number of doors that's why the Portal's there or is that something else ah whatever okay so riften's on the board that's so loud sorry [Music] one down this Run's going so well [Music] because we're in the Riften guard house right now [Music] also while I'm minimized shout out again to DDM link and Juve for making this mod if you're interested in it [Music] I trust that you can look at these words and then type them into your computer on Google despite the fact that I'm sure some of you will still ask me where is the mod and how do I find it I I'm going to send you off on this Quest like I am a Skyrim NPC and I believe that you the Dragonborn can find it hey Doug I walked through a door and ended a picture called the cops on Twitch chat video where it's in italics stop denying chat what we rightly deserve metallics are not real they don't exist okay let's make sure there's no door up here there is a door there's two doors okay get back with Jinx his love for pudding pops was a bit odd but wish me luck hope nothing goes wrong oh it sounds great okay so here's where we came in from we're going to this door next welcome to the Hotel California hbo3 think of the 12 months thank you thank you thank you oh and it's also on Xbox Juve said that was a big deal that people cared or I should have said that people really cared about this so it's on Xbox thought you'd appreciate that oh didn't see you there Doug thank you okay this door goes hello young man I think you might be lost this is Twitch chat stream the 2D platformer training camp is next door okay it's just some guy this is some person's house I sleep in your bed hey quack quack can I call you quack quack okay so this is a dead end anyway can you keep it down a bit I'm trying to have an early night X thank you this is Whiterun wait Shaman's hot where is that promise hot Skyrim this isn't the Dragonborn DLC damn almost two for two that would have been hype as a reminder I have not played wait that means I don't care about stealing all their food because we're not coming back here uh all right let's take this gourd uh let's take oh it's really Heaven okay flower berries yeah sure why not uh an egg oh Mind If I Do Barnacle oh salt it's actually huge Salt's super big a white man with bad beard and receding hairline that I watched drink olive oil and get pegged wishing you average date hey wouldn't this have been funny um at the League of Their Own uh when I won the League of Their Own award I was considering going up on stage and being like thank you everybody this means a lot when uh when I was young they told me that that I couldn't make it that I would never be able to be a YouTuber or a twitch streamer but I'm so honored to prove to everybody that you can make it as a white straight man with a beard I did it um that would be funny but not it's not actually a very good idea so I didn't do it but it is funny because I'm not sure if you noticed but there are a lot of us there are uh so many of us on content platforms foreign robbing this guy is awesome you should have gone up chugged a whole bunch of olive oil and left I was considering bringing olive oil in a flask and chugging it during the thing but I'm gonna be honest I didn't feel like I wanted to be a complete [ __ ] weirdo um okay I think we've robbed all their [ __ ] okay house has been robbed let us go find the other door hopefully this goes somewhere because otherwise we have to go back out the portal what the [ __ ] okay so this this popped us out oh where where the [ __ ] okay we're near Riften actually this is that Bandit Camp right wait we could run to iverstead iverstead has a bunch of doors that's probably worth doing right let's run iverstead let's head over here wait are you a bandit or a hunter oh you're neither yeah who the [ __ ] are you I will take back my family's Castle I finally reinforced I was expecting more though we left to help with the War I suspect Brewer but to invade my home okay we're gonna leave this guy I let him do his own thing I sleep in your bed oh let's go okay we got some good night of sleep we'll hang out here for like 18 hours greetings Doug I trust that the cool message finds Thee Well I do hope this form of salutation finds thy favor okay can I tell how Fair's life may success be thine in this endeavor as it has been too long since I last Triumph finally who won yesterday finally some class around here okay that did make me extremely hungry is the only problem and I'm cold am I naked basically naked don't sleep that long it'll make you hungry well I wanted it to be daytime still where's my marker eat cooked food do I do I don't have much wait hold on oh I think here yeah it's weird I so I have like beaten the main quest of Skyrim but I haven't actually played that much of it because every time I play Skyrim I play on somebody else's console and then I stop like my ex-girlfriend I was like you know what I want to play Skyrim again and then that that is a thing anymore my old roommate Jack when I lived in La I played on his PlayStation 4 I think um when Skyrim first came out I played on my friend's PC so like I played Skyrim like four different times but they're always uh you know cut short and I don't want to like replay everything it's kind of the problem there are doors here right there's gotta be a door here ow this place have no doors this place has to have doors yeah that's not that fast there's gonna be maybe up there all right let me get ooh lock pick I'm gonna get their fur armor and shoes love it items armor let's put all that [ __ ] on actually do Imperial cool I've and I've watched the intro of this game like literally hundreds of times hey Doug if you are named Doug then what is the name of chat but the name can be related to chat itself what okay we mean what do you mean by restart are you going to rest up time yes yeah you figured it out uh there's got to be a door here right am I crazy okay I'm really really hungry hey Doug don't make it bad take a sad song and make it better remember to let her into your heart then you can start to make it better there's a cave near the bed is that food hold on I am still hungry goodbye Doug is that better or worse than hello Doug oh I just learned you live in Washington so now I have to move away from there thanks buddy okay yeah well I'll look I'm not like an imminent threat hey babe you free tonight I want to get super freaky with you if you're a good kitten I might even do the thing with the Flies what do you like so much what are you guys waiting I'm sorry that was meant for your mum we need to forward that to her we need to reign in the weirdness of our attack to speech make sure to stream tomorrow and I need to be out of cryo sleep I don't see a door anymore am I crazy have I missed the door somewhere otherwise we're bailing oh whoa Doug thank you the well I there that's but that's not that's boarded up by the well this is the well you're talking about this has been a test of starting message without hey Doug here also oh can you say you don't like Bridget's theme okay this door goes to Doug hi why is a crew always superior to zed crew hold on hold on Oh I thought this was Bart's culture wait a minute this is not Falmer Embassy again is it I think this is it's the former Embassy again God damn it okay well it has a door it has a second door that we can go out [ __ ] all right it's not this is not Solitude this is where the thumb is correspondence finds the in good health if Thou Art reading this it means I have gone to bed and was shy with our good night thank you all I wish the success in all thine future endeavors finally some class around here stream woke me up from a diabetic seizure the other day Le Maui when chat saved me from real life plane rot that's real that's incredible twitch chat saved a human hey Doug is this the door no but there's just food jeez [Music] food you guys did someone threw a doctor does Doug have to duck down because of a duck oh hey what up okay I you have so much cheese that I'm gonna take hey dude this is a jackpot oh my God look at all this food oh oh my God [Music] thank you look at all this cheese this is a concise effective TTS thank you finally we're starting to optimize around here this is amazing hey Doug my wife says she will divorce me if who don't let us say hey Doug before messages oh no not that oh and salmon me let's go this is incredible dear douglas douglas why would we ever change how we address you now it's Tradition at this point so much cheese it just feels slightly unoptimized and being The Gamers that we are acting clearly when you started this challenge huh look there's a little bit of brain right all right cool we cleaned them out oh there's even more food up here oh my goodness all right wait where dear Doug I hope this message finds you well I will be out of town for the rest of the week I apologize for any inconvenience while I am gone all the best by the way for people saying stalling I don't give a [ __ ] I am not betting on the time I don't care [Music] I think I go past the guy upstairs right I go upstairs and then there's a door I mean it's not really a speedrun but I am playing pretty quick kind of I'm gonna go upstairs right I go past the dude up the stairs and then in the middle room is where the door is I think that's where it is I will play a song that always lets me win oh I can just kill him ow no no I can't no I can't reading cheese Jesus Christ ow G okay hold on hold on hold on hold on where do I go is this it I think this is it yeah we go down here we're not here okay please go somewhere helpful oh this is where I came from ah okay we gotta wait a little bit I don't know where to go I don't know where to go Skyrim rooms are so hard to remember like with Elden ring they all feel kind of different these that's just like okay [Music] we're going past I need a little bit of Magicka ideally and I will run it I am already being hit okay this is where I came from oh there's the stairs okay oh God don't attack I'm not I'm not pressing anything why is it happening I'm why I'm pressing heal do I have any healing potions potion of minor healing we have to eat the cheese where's the cheese [Music] I can barely move oh God where's the door it's not in here oh God it's not there it's there it's there that's the door we're out [Music] and we're in safety [ __ ] uh why there's a spider went oh my God okay this is fine we're gonna be fine I'm not I'm not worried so we're just we have to make our way through iron bind borrow is that good that's fine probably right how big is this I don't think okay it's there I don't think there's gonna be trolls because you've lied every time about them and there's spiders so it's probably a spider themed dungeon there's a key for which you lack the key I need a key for this one uh oh this place I don't I don't believe you I just literally I don't trust you guys at all okay we're we're moving through oh okay that that one's kind of bad we're just gonna go run past there's got to be a door in here there's gotta be a door okay um he should ask paxa to sue everyone that mentions the Twitch Plays code why but why why would why would I do that chat Oh I thought that was gonna take me out don't die oh that's a Restless okay we are going to run we're going to run we're gonna get to the end of this dungeon safely by not and well okay we gotta get that way now we'll never know what was behind the orphanage door ow ow Hold On Healing okay we have a bit of a rat problem take me out please next time is it treating me so far where the hell am I um do I jump down I get well yeah we're jumping down how do I get out Doug maybe a boozer but he's a bozo with integrity that's my streamer big boys big decisions always beats his challenges BTW hi Doug hello I mean I haven't beaten a lot of my challenges but I appreciate the sentiment hey Doug you're finally awake you are trying to complete the challenge right walked right into that bear Ambush same as us Thief over there hey dug I have a question you know how many doors can a door duck do if a door dug could do doors I think it could be seven I've never done the calculations myself all right uh how do I get through the how do I get through this gate Doug what's going on let me in oh I literally God damn it I'm stupid I think I still have the brain rot dude I am getting kind of close to dying a lot it cause you to snap I'm like what is hitting me oh that guy oh that guy okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna run I don't like this stream has really gone downhill I missed the days of chat teaching US history for test frown what the [ __ ] is what the [ __ ] is this iron okay Jesus Christ EST thanks for listening transgender Pride I think I finally got it so when Neil day you restart the Nickelback song right yeah yeah you got it okay Doug just said that guy who had jury duty for the next stream gave us 12 hours notice that means Doug just promised the next stream is at 6 15 am EST spoiler alert dude um Doug stopping streaming would be the same as him divorcing us this isn't looking like a speedrun look the only thing that makes it a speed run is that there's a timer at the top left okay Doug look out for that bear little late but thank you for the alert um I'm waiting for my magic to come back so I can heal myself hi Chad now King does his quitting what okay we're running it this is fine we have enough oh is this the exit together so this is gonna be like a boss exits on the right just say you did an amazing job last night don't take that out of context slash the people hole is rigged would you say this guy hurting a lot what do you mean you're not doing this in 10 years I left my job to commit to this project I feel betrayed no no that's wrong that's wrong why are you doing that okay then you can't quit you belong to us don't you remember when we took you in Infinity wheels of cheese and olive oil okay we just gotta run past I think no I stole the wheels of cheese remember hey Doug we understand you have once and all out but we need 90 year old dog solving problems we don't have yeah uh okay we will grab this for now we got the helmet hey Doug I pray the world ends before you quit a world without Doug would be miserable what no no no no no uh that's a drag Overlord uh that's a door to leave how do we hey Doug how how old how leave to search a new day for us twitch chat can't live without a duck duck oh fair enough we'll re-home you lever on the right where on the right pull the chain it's to the right of the door oh my God it's right here we're leaving and we we close it get [ __ ] wait can we choosing oh hey get ready the best Skyrim you'll have ever seen ow no I almost did and I have brown rot that was very close okay wait there's somebody shooting arrows at me okay I actually need to be careful I want to kill him like we I should kill him okay I'm eating some food sack of okay the flower is not dude all this food is barely healing me at all tomatoes are doing nothing wait come on where are you look at that guy I see this skeleton up there all right yep yep no no come here come here oh God it's the double Gotham guy from nipple percent that was my first TTS and the best three dollars I ever spent just want to say that chat can win without you any day you just get in our way thank you Goofy on the lips all right makes you happy hey Doug I'll appreciate the content while I can thank you again not you know about this thanks a lot okay these are the messages when I said at some point I'll stop streaming okay we gotta go out and kill that last skeleton I think it's just the Archer yeah I'll go that would actually be a sick title I gotta heal up oh my God it's taking so long bye if you leave how we supposed to gamble doing splunky we'll set you up with a replacement don't worry interesting speed run so far I just got out some other door that told me that you should maybe try C plus plus is that an option guys there's clearly a timer at the top left it is a speed run I just can't die so I need to be careful and now we pull the chain and we go kill the last guy okay boom uh we'll take the bow I don't think I have one yet um Jesus take the wheel is that everything emotional healer uh Akira thank you so much for the five gifted Subs man okay big battle ax actually I think the claws are still better right than the battle ax was there any value of killing this guy Amulet of Mara right sort of Cold's kind of sick the battle axis Enchanted I mean this sword's also pretty good dude hold on let me look at the items uh so this is 18 plus five points of frost damage this is 19 plus oh damn 10 damage this thing's rips ass oh all right cool let's use this for a bit where did we come from in all this I don't remember we just want to I want to get to like a City Hub at some point okay this should take us somewhere new use the amulet do I have an amulet oh the call all right let's juice it I mean we gotta get through whatever this place is wait is this it oh you [ __ ] this is a dead end oh oh hey Doug the algorithm recently led me to your channel after watching Juve play this mod love everything you do hey your first stream I made it to was the one where you beat Ludwig cheers thank you man call it doggle so all this is for nothing okay oh there's this chest maybe this will be sick what do you do all day oh I watch a grown man for hours at a time slash signed save a worthy a worthy sacrifice cool well Doug I left for like 30 minutes what happened there was a bear so now we go back uh this we're gonna have to go back so much announces he is leaving and hates his twitch chat wait is this gonna go all the way back to the portal door behind the webs I don't think that's true how long it does that guy used doors to promise to respond to all of our emails if you leave us okay deal I have to go I have to go back through the thumb war Embassy oh then hire him as your divorce lawyer so you'll both get half the channel that way you have less work to do 18 and I am the guy from earlier saying it was his birthday I shall now go smoke now okay good I'm glad I could have could be a positive influence on you okay so now this is gonna put us into former Embassy oh God I'm trying to crochet and your talking is messing up my pants turn off the stream then you don't have to have this open oh dude okay hey Doug what's the Peggle Tournament of odd recently I remember absolutely crushing in Peggle sitting on my actually divorced dad's porch in 2012. if I knew about speed running back then I could have made your whole Pega career obsolete it's my stream this is my whole career in general okay so we're getting out of this cave I think we're going back at the embassy the word Gaslight is lost or meaning this stream even in starting to feel gaslit okay so we're in the embassy which means we have to go back downstairs pay the Checker stream from five months ago it was in italics uh it sounds like you're being gaslit oh no who is she I have no idea who she is I'm just some dude named Johnny okay we're back out here we're gonna go to iverstead that was the original plan that well was a gigantic waste of time would you make if you got into video game developing I don't know I I probably won't get into video game developing to like I should be kind of say that like I doubt I'm actually cut out hi Doug I'm new here thank you for reaching me that cigarettes are awesome let's no let's move on you should make the Douglas Parable like just try to rip off Davey's game what is this and what does it do I have to explain it all the doors are randomized Doug I swear on my tier 3 sub that they are called the cops on Twitch chat video has it Alex on it dick please look I promise sounds like you're gaslighting me oh rabbit hey Pablo do you have a public P.O box I need to send you divorce papers so you can divorce my wife I currently do not no sorry all right we are going to iverstead there are many doors at boy what Ed boy what hey Doug why haven't you added raining it's technically a city even if it's from a DLC this is a disgrace to the Skyrim nodes you as a Skyrim nerd will have to resist hi Doug you'll have to you'll have to do incredible pain get track doctors well didn't you die or didn't I die shortly after that I know things are not technically correct I I trust that you will be able to make make it through it um is that I ever said where the [ __ ] is Iverson yeah that's it over there all right all right dude do we really we really have to all right cave where we pop into the cave is there a cave here or are you just saying the word cave are you just excited about the concept of a cave teleporting this this case still leads to them also I almost forgot to say say hey Doug good save wait because I understood is it over here but I also went from 100K bits to Zero by believing in you get wrecked believers that's what I understood was this way did I miss it hey Doug to meet your Norwegian Sun on stream oh that's the Imperial camp it's a good question I want to do something with virtual at some point um Iverson's North right checked your older videos and the font was italic at some point as an example look at your video can you drive across GTA 5 using only your voice from three years ago it sounds like I'm gaslighting you guys with my old videos wait are you a door uh ma'am do you have a door hey Doug people start with a greeting on their message because it triggers a more personal communication with a streamer also careful when getting arrested as they take away everything you have that's stolen what I had a treat for the rabbit oh do you like carrots I got you a carrot I got you a treat damn that rabbit's good hey there's just a b in this bag oh notes on tamed rabbit I can't read that that's in italics is this like an add-on this is anniversary edition which has a bunch of added stuff um no food Don't Mind If I Do wait can I cook with the fire salts I've never cooked in this game ever well that was pointless let's keep moving hi Dog the Bounty Hunter by restart do you mean restart Nickelback shreds the greatest video of all time wait ever says that way I was going the wrong direction when you stream on Ludwig's channel can you do a speed run of breaking every twitch rule that would be funny feed the bunny I don't know how to I press I press all the buttons nothing happened uh hey Doug thank you talk to it again so far now though cheese thank you guys then I would be stalling we couldn't do that I couldn't do that to the Believers hi Douglas it'd be me Captain histori beard it's me crazy what a standing ready outside your door ready to go and plunder your Treasures however if you say that I'm the best history teacher in the world I may reconsider history beard hey I learned so much from you from the far future saying that you were doing a great job at the moment that sounds suspicious can I kill you no all right Are we almost overstead I hope this letter finds you in good health express enough position to put wealth in the pockets of people like me down on there like you see that was my wife you decided to what Doug when you quit streaming forever next week can I have twitch chat in the divorce my basement is quite roomy and features several varieties of artisanal cheese I'll have you guys fight to the death and whoever whoever is left standing gets twitch chat hey Doug have you tried Pizza Tower yet if you really want to prove your platforming skills then try to beat it fast it's just like not it's I don't know I need to try it again I haven't I didn't love it when I tried it it's just not the style of movement platforming that I really enjoy man we got some good salmon meat wait okay we are at iverstead this means we have one two three entrances to look at there's also the uh Barrow right near nearby so I think four dude I swear one of these lights like makes my nose itch I don't understand what's going on okay huge door huge door huge door get us into a city this looks like a city to me a thriving bustling City full of four sworn where are we okay I think we run unless there's a hold on I'm gonna check him ow ow oh my God hold on whoa whoa whoa whoa do I have more food this is bad okay geez we're busting out the cheese okay we are going back in that door this is wait there's another door we're going to this door where the [ __ ] is this Golden Glow Estates sewer how long is this how the Golden Glow States sewer does this get us out easily I don't remember it's not Riften I know Golden Glow it's not ripped it's not Riften but it's next to Riften but there's more doors in here I mean we could just jump in we can't get back yeah but do we even care I guess we okay no we should go back to let's go back to Iverson first but we could run this as we could send this if the other doors aren't good okay now we run through this Thor okay so in iverstead the in takes us to a fourth storm place which takes us to the sewers we can go there later um let's go here we gotta do this will make us them upset at us if we'd be able to get in I would love some more lockpicks man there's one of these randomized doors lead to your basement so you can finally let me out it's been six weeks please I have a family I'm trying to find it it's just you know the doors are locked um Doug who is the other Doug is he in the basement with us there are still all their plants hey Duke follow me thank you for entertaining us and giving us joy we wish you all in your next career goodbye and farewell I'm not retiring I regret bracket regret saying anything hey Doug on your last day you should have parks to be your lawyer and legally divorce YouTube twitch that's good I mean it's not really how laws work but I like the the spirit of it okay there's this Barrow which has one of the person behind the infamous Twitch Plays Pokemon they need to love Felix all those years ago ah no no no I wasn't that person but I don't think anybody else really leaned into chat controlling the game in the way that I have um we need I need lock picks I need lock picks dude I'm gonna need to level up lock picking so I have a level up but I want to save it because that's an instant heal if we need it um there's three doors here if we can just you don't have lock picks let me see if somebody has lock picks [Music] you know okay he has a lock pick we stole it we have to get a lot of mileage with this one lock pick excuse me sir don't mind me just uh walking around not committing crimes okay he bought it yes yes yes okay where are we going what the [ __ ] is this where is what is this where is this this is a squid man this place where can I leave is it safe can I go in that it looks like there's a bridge that isn't unlocked from this side okay don't touch the goop okay we're going back I still have the lock pick I guess so I was walking down the street in the suburbs and heard you yelling that was when I realized where you live never knew you lived in the Vatican City true I'm moonlight as a twitch streamer when I'm not the pope hey Doug in English it's a fairly common and polite practice to address the person you are speaking to okay let's go if you call Pastor on the phone do you launch right into who you need him to Sue I mean because it's funny I understand that it's not your native language so it's okay you are confused wait wait wait wait that's a city we're in solitude let's go that's the capital oh huge door that one lock pick dude I just needed that one lock pick this gives us like 15 doors to test oh [ __ ] [Music] all right Solitude is off the board [Music] it's the easiest one to find but being on the inside of it is really really good [Music] foreign [Music] what oh I guess it kind of is yeah wait there aren't doors on the side right I just gotta make sure I don't miss any doors okay we are going to Rapid Fire test all these doors see where they go out to the divorce was the dog's lactose intolerance and watching you eat all this cheese is making my cheeks clap and not in the fun way no it sounds like a win-win all right where are we going where the [ __ ] is this we're actually near mortal it's me again loving the stream let me test this story if the next door you open will lead to a Maddie Brown area or if it will lead you to a muddy gray area well I think we answered your question you've really gone downhill since the stream Where You waxed Hassan Parker's balls I also miss when you used to challenge xqc in chess and when you did hot tub streams with asthma gold those were the days those were the days I miss old Doug average night thank you for the 1000 bits hey Doug my wife went for groceries early but the door sent her to her death guess I'm divorced now so I came here welcome is Fort okay Fort Dawnguard is the DLC right I did do the Dawnguard DLC but you know like eight years ago or whatever there's a bunch of doors here um this isn't an enemy is it like they're fine with me I hope it's friendly right yeah as long as I don't piss him off I did I did the vampire Quest I knew the Dawnguard one I knew it would come to this one day I knew and no one believed be on your guard at all times avoid sleep if you can sleep no I am really sleepy no no no no I need to sleep this is for Dawnguard originally I literally am exhausted bro no we're not talking anymore I need to go find a bed I don't care I'm tired um wait I already am lost okay how do we do this do we go through Solitude first should I explore this we probably explored this first and then go back to Solitude we just I can't get locked out of solitude because that is so many doors [Music] um I'm gonna go back to Solitude and we'll come we'll come to this so this is a really good Next Step because this has several doors I'm just worried it'll like pop me out somewhere and I lose the solitude there's a bed downstairs uh I do I don't remember this place is confusing your bed here not a fort is this this is a mess to celebrate my husband and I have decided to get a temporary divorce in your honor different good oh those are cute dogs hey Doug watch out murderous Mages I'll give you a snack dogs love cabbage Doug do you even know what horses eat I was told oh I get it hey hey Doug can you turn down the volume I can't see anything dude you know what we're just gonna leave I am pretty tired [ __ ] it we're gonna leave we're gonna leave wait no this is where I came from I'm so I'm lost I just want you to know that your aunt about how the divorce joke isn't funny anymore has actually caused me to find it funny again thank you for bringing back the humor also cigarettes cured my cancer instead is the best I demand you add it to the list or I am going to quit watching the stream and go watch nazia's stream okay okay so the palace in solitude the front doors go to a door that goes to Fort Dawnguard which is a bunch more doors we got to come back to that door later everybody got it cool let's move on I also demand Raven Rock be added as a city for this this is where we came from that's the only city that's in both Morrowind and Skyrim it's a disgrace you'd ignore such an iconic and important location I'm going off of the nine Skyrim holds I was taking a stroll in the woods in my dog's got loose have you seen them I hope nobody punched them today what is the point of this room the only thing in here is two bear traps what is the point of this room and there's a dead guy cool I got a lock pick it's three bear what is the point why who made this here oh there's a path up there okay just to kill bears all right this door sucked okay now we go to this store and we who the [ __ ] are you what is rhetoran yes this is Raven Rock oh that's cool they're uh says I'm still in solitude well okay to all the people complaining about not getting Raven Rock we got it now I leave am I in prison right like am I in jail right now here's what I'm thinking is this guy hard to fight because I could steal from him oh no no no no commit crimes time what say you in your defense if death now we're out easy uh okay so that door is off limits let's go to this also locked door my God okay we're in we are in sovngarde we're in heaven um wait hold on hold on hold on first off Heaven might have food and secondly there's multiple there's like four doors to get in here are each one of those different yes hold on is this gonna be different oh I have to unlock each one okay so there's this one isn't locked okay whoa oh God we're back in squidland oh there's a lot that's a lot of squid people okay we're gonna ignore that search vessel oh not a sick Warhammer um items let's toss stuff we don't need we got mini bone arrow dropping the sword so the Warhammer does 29 damage this does 29 I guess I'll stick with the I'll do that hey Doug hey let's hopefully find another one then we will have no one to guess light also we aren't doing that that one's good crazy okay yeah and then this door we also have hey Doug if it's 12 15 a.m would that be half past a quarter till tomorrow till is 15 minutes forward no to a quarter till tomorrow is 11. oh how do I get out 5 p.m and half past hey Doug all this talk about gaslighting but it's 2012. we're not going back to solo no Pro we should solar light me I'm not going back in there I'm not going to into Bangkok right okay we're gonna steal all the food from heaven and then we're getting out of here this place sucks oh there's so much food okay stopping by Heaven is actually a sick Strat this is gonna be very very helpful like the big cheese wheels are uh like healed way more than most other food hi Doug can we open the fart Gates no we're on another fart tolerance break farts became not funny again okay we got some sweet rolls hog got a gourd POG like an apple pie POG we got cheese oh look at that oh speaking of Vikings you know what I watched recently look there's a timer at the top left that means it's a fast speed run Speed Run uh I watched villain Saga the anime or at least the first season which is all about Vikings it's pretty good I liked it a lot I had never heard of it before you guys all screamed at me for my bad anime opinions um so whoever said to watch that that was actually a good anime opinion anime Vikings yeah I feel it's very like not good or it's very not anime feeling sort of like it's it's more like historically rooted it's still some man you know there's some like a bunch of screaming anime boys and stuff but it was really good I liked it a lot I haven't seen the second season yet but we've seen mob psycho yeah I have seen mob cycle it's great have you seen two-year eternity no isn't that the one that's like really depressing or something they're thinking of something else um all right let me make sure I have Alert in your room your nose itches now you're welcome I'm not gonna itch I'm not gonna itch the nose okay I don't think we can take this we have officially stolen all the food from Heaven a cool muscular sexy man taught to us in the DMD campaign I didn't think about that currently there's no plans for him okay there is one door we haven't checked we just have to unlock all right Doug sorry to hear you're retiring retired these nuts in your mouth LOL gotem I walked right into that one and the lock wait hold on can I pickpocket these people chat these italics oh they are in the room with us right now don't suppose you guys have lock picks in heaven I don't think they're gonna have lock picks okay hey Doug when do you think you'll stop filling in for 20 year old Doug he was very funny and miss him a lots yeah this is the golden days okay well show some respect I mean I did steal all of their food already nobody complained about that pistol with the chanting coming from it was pretty standard stuff okay so this door which is I think Bart's College you must climb the steps it has been foretold I don't want to go find her off car so bards college uh uh Bard's College door leads to Heaven which has one unlocked door or one locked door which we should check that's not Bart's College what is this then give me a name for this house so that we remember it NPC house okay this is Bangkok okay we're going back to Bangkok at some point um wig on here we haven't gone here what is in here vond what is Angar vund is this chill can we hang out here oh what is this oh wait are we chill of course I'm troubled edible wealth but my cowardly Workforce ran at the first sign of danger we were Excavating this old tomb when we opened a chamber full of corpse well probably not in any case if I can't get past the creatures and say and that's enough I'll tell you what you helped me get excellent first I need you to clear the Chamber of those gonna help her get her treasure clear the main chamber of those monstrosities stay here okay got it clear the jogger in Anger friend here we go okay next door um this is the temple I believe oh we don't have lock picks dude the no lockpicks thing is killing me we at some point I need to like steal a bunch of lock picks man this is Bart's college right I never did Bart's College Quest this is Bart's College wait until day I'm gonna get even hungrier dude we don't have time I'm sleepy and I'm tired uh okay we are in a lift we're in the temple of of x-rib oh let's take the bolts [Music] is that another door can I go in there oh this isn't too yeah I thought it'd be the outside bummer uh I don't know if we should look around this is if it's got Dwarven stuff it's gonna kill me I was hoping there'd be like another door nearby but like this is gonna this is gonna rip ass and not in a good way I think we bail we're bailing on this for now we can explore this later but I like I'm not wild about the concept of it yeah it's dwarves and Falmer not a great idea let me see is there any anything just like nearby what is that hold on what is that all right that look that looks exciting do we do activate oh nothing's happening God you guys freaked me out Jesus Christ Oh I thought there's a door you don't have an item okay well you need a cube all right fine we'll look for a cube okay so what door is this so bards college goes to the McRib there are doors out here are they sorry I'm trying to have the alerts go through because I know they're behind but I'm also trying to be able to pay attention as well um no extra doors around here are there there's like a rear entrance or anything no okay so just the one over there we checked this one we checked those I think we go oh this is locked oh the temple we didn't check because it's locked dude I need a lot of lock I need so many lock picks I don't even think they're gonna be open during the day I think they're just all locked which is a bummer okay we're all so cold he's just going down to the store to pick up some milk and cigarettes he'll be back before you know it I bet he'll even see my dad there please tell him to come home when you see him Doug yep we'll do we'll do next time you're in solitude can you go find a little boy named Cade he was named after me by a friend and I'd love to see how he's doing oh I don't I don't think waiting look if I wait till daytime District very often oh what am I saying of course you don't here's one let me get some lock picks please oh God hey Doug basement update got the chanting door open there seems to be some stairs going down should I follow them should I stand is that cave good admit it Doug you'll have raw extend I caught you and park so they're trying to divorce your channel warm Hall Park it's a cave it's called a cave it's a good cave I mean we can go it is a it is warm I like the warmth of the hole I just I'm not a fan of it doing that unless we can like really quickly get something what is that is it a bear that is not a bear there's a chest I'm going for it healing potion oh absolutely juked all right now we get the [ __ ] out of here cool got free potions from the Wormhole now we continue I think that's covered at all the open doors on this side look I can I can wait till daytime I don't think I don't think it's they're gonna open I think the doors are just changed because of the look we'll go look I'll wait 12 hours I'm gonna be very hungry because of this foreign my God this is still locked I told you I told you I told you I would okay let's eat some food hey Doug I think the Sovereign God counts as a death no hey Doug how amazing is that a curved sword a curved sword thank you okay we're well fed now we are ripping ass why is it why is it blurry miracle so many lock doors there's like six or seven it's not Easter is there like six or seven locked doors man I don't understand why some of them aren't just wanted to know if you want to join my Gaslight cosplay club we are known as gas lapis okay we're I'm gonna pass we're I'm so tired that the game is blurry we need to find a bed has anyone ever told you that you barely look a day over 45 Greg they're all locked none of these are supposed to be locked that's expert level hey Doug basement update I follow the stairs they seem to go pretty deep in the chanting keeps getting louder where are we are there beds in here wait there's cheese cheese Bard's College Quest is actually at the next town over that's the place of worship I can barely move oh my hold on is that so tired and go make lock picks at a Smithy it's very easy oh you can good luck Greg how do you do it do I need I need materials and stuff right hey Doug Discord said you'd be [ __ ] today what uh that isn't I don't know what that means but it's not correct bad bad oh oh yes yes we're sleeping I'm over there to your left in that chest [Music] know your other left there better be if there are lock picks in this chest hey Doug Channel I've been watching since the Cod commentary videos back in 2012 crazy to see how far you've come I just realized in survival mode you can't level up unless you're in a bed [ __ ] okay we're increasing health I would love to increase my damage or healing and instead I think we have to do lock picking the lock picking is so important dude I could literally wait because restoration is double healing I literally think we have to do okay I went the wrong direction I would get and then I could get dual casting over here you have food I do have a lot of cheese lock picking tree is useless no but it'll make dude the whole this whole run has been about locked doors that I can't get to I think I have to go for lock picking man right block pick is worth I don't know how you can say lock picking isn't worth it in this run right now there are and once I get to level three I mean the first one sucks but then the second one Apprentice locks that most of the doors are Apprentice locks first perk won't help it makes no difference you have no lock picks look so once I'm level so right now it won't really do anything but once I'm level three then I can do Apprentice locks which most of the doors are Apprentice locks not worth it if you don't have lock picks well I'll find some lock picks invest in restoration first I'm doing lock picks I think this is the right play okay Apprentice locks I can't even get it it requires level 50 okay I can't do it we have to do way way more lock picking before we're oh wait I was one up I was one up I was too far okay this requires 25 yeah we do novice novice locks and if I die because I didn't have enough to heal myself you can say that I'm uh I have a case of brain rot but I think this is the right play I really do okay this chest does not have a lock pick that guy be sure to go ban yourself for one second wait another exit Maybe [Music] later On's retreat where is this this is near white one white run right it is okay so we have a spot over here yeah kind of in the middle of the map I mean we could run to Whiterun okay actually that's useful we won't go right now not right now again reminder for everybody I can't run into the cities themselves but there's a bunch of doors outside of Whiterun so we now have access to oh God I already forgot where Dawnguard is or the Dawnguard Fort we have the Dawnguard Fort as some doors and we have white right Runners some doors we're going to keep exploring solitude um uh is there anything else in here oh this is literally the whole um okay cool Dawnguard is right okay Dawnguard is Solitude Palace and then the door up above the guards quarters this one is can get us close to Whiterun there's that's where we got some good options um okay and then these doors let's check these please don't be locked where where is the door where's the door where there's supposed to be a thought where's the door I came from a door where is the door where are we we're near Morthal oh is it here oh okay all right we're all back we're going back that was worthless okay let's keep knocking these out oh another door over here all right we'll start with this one block pick this is an in there's gotta be the city what city is this [Music] yeah this is windhome candleheart this is way to help let's go okay with help we're in dude and you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna hire this guy [Music] Windhelm is done [Music] thank you [Music] all right [Music] why is it rick people are saying things are rigged uh you probably can't teleport with you yeah you can I hope [Music] wait do I have enough money to afford him [Music] I only have 300 gold wait hold on I gotta sell stuff here I'd wager your searches over okay because I used to be a sailor what do you need sure what can I do for you you must be a storm this one's a favorite of mine I thought she was gonna hit the drums again um all right oh this has doors too oh these are all to the inside um I'd love to I need to make money so I can hire the dude can I sold you stuff uh what have you got for sale no all I can tell there's food okay we need to make a hundred and sixty dollars oh she doesn't have enough money we we need to make a hundred and sixty dollars somewhere and then get back here so we can hire that guy so I have somebody to help me because otherwise I'm probably [ __ ] oh okay seller food like flour all right check out some machine gonna have flour see it and it'll be fine okay let me check the front door where's this is this white run this is the temple of candy I think this is White Run s these days [Music] dude that was fast this counts building in Whiterun that's the rules I have to be within the city limits the buildings within the city limits all right huge huge huge huge play all right now we're picking up to be fair we are knocking out the easy cities these are gonna get harder because like the small ones that's what's gonna be those are gonna be the hard cities I'm not super concerned about the ones we've gotten Dawn star Markarth and morothal are gonna be a mess okay only one exit here right oh there's two okay so this goes back this goes back into the Inn the Inn has one door upstairs and one down okay to cook hey I'm not managing the predictions so whoever's doing that uh sure how many times has it there's a man I can't just I can't okay cool I have to click over to it every time [Music] all right sweet make a lot of food beware beware you didn't hear it from me but if you want a real drink try the corner wait there's two doors Neil's sister was killed yeah I guess if the prediction is active it doesn't count um I mean that is the rule that we've been going off of recently which one are we going this one yeah I clearly did not go in this one God you guys are way too passionate about Channel points Jesus Christ because they're talking like your family has been murdered it's it never ceases to amaze me the level of intensity with which you guys care about this I went all in well don't go all in if you aren't prepared to lose it ratway who the [ __ ] is this this is the midden What is the midden okay I'm not gonna yeah we're not gonna explore this it's under the college oh so close oh wait door okay oh dude I need some lock picks man this is insane a college counts no they so College itself will count for Winterhold I we should have clarified that but it's got to be the college Not underneath the college this is like a separate dungeon I would not consider this part of the college this would go up to the college but it doesn't go to the college that's not the basement it's like an outdoor cave I'm not I'm not counting that it was paid out wrong by mistake yes the mid end is literally the basement okay this is even more doors hold on okay hold on the midden is part of the college hold on let me hold on if we confirm that this is definitely part of the college then that counts dude there's drauger here I don't know I don't know this counts as part of the college dude I want to give it to myself because winterhold's gonna be insanely hard to get midden Skyrim dungeon found underneath the college ah I don't think so I don't think so it's literally underneath the college does not mean it's in the college if you are a hundred feet if you're a worm a hundred feet underground below my apartment you are not in my apartment I'm not counting it I would love to count it because winter holds gonna be really hard but I'm not counting that uh wait and then I went there which one was which one was this dude I'm starting to not remember stuff oh it's locked right right okay so there's a locked door there's a trap door in the basement that goes there yeah I'm pretty sure that's what this is this ladder but it doesn't matter it being connected you can't get to the mid without going through the college that doesn't mean it's in the college your logic isn't working here okay this is the second door in the Winterhold Inn which is all connected to a door in solitude which I now this is where the [ __ ] is this this is Fort graymore which is out near white run which we then go over here and we use this door I just have to remember the the door to the right oh it's locked okay wait hold on if I kill some Bandits here they probably have lock picks some of them will have lock picks we're gonna kill some Bandits hey Doug you should also keep an eye out for people holding keys on them if you were out to block picks this is a good method [Music] yeah sir where are you a chief does anyone know what I should order from Papa John's I can't decide you should not order from Papa John's okay there's a lock pick and that's all three so we're gonna be able to get the better lock pickings soon ish hey dug why do Portobellos make crap houses because there is not mushroom pigs oh my God yes yes I'm rich oh hey Doug did you know the standard ottoman hook blade has two parts you see the hook and the blade so you can use one or the other An Elegant design thank you my mind is [ __ ] just wanted to say thank you I've been under a lot of stress lately but your streams and videos have really helped me to keep going oh that's what I did to your stress when you were having a hard time crush it in its head the concept I'll be feeling better see here please keep those lock picks away from me I'm terrified [Music] I've got a lot of lock picks dude oh damn it the arrows are have weight new video idea try to get married in Skyrim but with the random door mod speedrun I'm gonna drop that through the trap door wait check this real quick would be the worst no like five doors in total there's the College of magic counters in Winterhold I'm yeah I'm counting College drift shade Refuge does anybody know does this where does this go um I have no idea no [ __ ] clue okay I think we bail on it just random dungeon yeah okay let's bail on this one killing bandits was a great call we've gotten so many things from this um I was hoping for like a all right so now we know how to get lock picks oh here's another door damn a lot of doors here what fen's Gulch mine I am where's my door but that's the door okay is that worth exploring Oh wrong direction it's hard to tell where the exit is on this mines are usually small Eric Hearth okay so yeah it's probably not worth it I mean I can quickly check see if there's anything here like sometimes there's like two exits to the rooms and it is warm fog um yeah no let's bail on this now that we have lock picks I want to get my lock picking up if I get my lock picking up to level 25 and then we sleep in a bed and I'll be able to level up and make all the lock picking way easier that is going to be so sick I'm very excited for it um hold on this was locked right yeah it was and that's what okay so that door sends us back somewhere this one I'm gonna open come on you and this goes directly into Morthal [Music] wait oh this is Solitude damn it okay well now we know where that one goes okay so that wait uh so this one where did this come from was there more to explore I'm having such a hard time remembering all this this is like the worst type of challenge for me I'm so bad at memorizing giant graphs of things this is why I can't play chess this is what chess makes me feel like like it's a graph that's so big and I can only remember one node oh okay so this goes back so this goes back to the in and then we go upstairs then we have the door that goes outside and this goes back to solitude this goes back to Solitude okay so those are basically connected so we have two doors in solitude that go into the White Run Inn which is where I can hire that dude which is going to be important once I have money which I don't I have I need fifty dollars more let's get some tomatoes oh the alerts are actually caught up um we did we crushed it okay let's clear out this guard area hey chat Doug contierness can you send your honest thoughts on this man there's rumors he's not even divorced remember he can't hear your answers this is where you'd uh does we like turn him into a werewolf right I'd like to introduce you to a new technology for storing and retrieving information that's sweeping the nation it's called the written word you could possibly use this to help with remembering where all these doors go that's what you guys are here for where am I we're in a temple I'm sorry the Temple of dibella is closed a heath dibella is the the temple offers her blessings to pilgrims and in a couple of dibella double develop just double checking that's Markarth structure along the city of of yes of Markarth okay foreign [Music] okay so looking at this list remove Whiterun white runs not not there ah okay there's four left four cities we've gotten the five major ones but the ones that are left are the small ones morethal Dawn star Winterhold dunk no mustard the problem is that none of those have a lot of doors technically I could access all of them from the open world but we're not gonna do it that way so now we just gotta start blitzing through doors we gotta Blitz through a lot of doors and eventually find these I think it's doable okay let's check this one while we're here we're just going a little chain oh come on hey dunk Doug I think we should go to Riverwood and get Vandal he's the best and most handsome follower in all of Skyrim oh this is back in solitude wait where's this oh no this is Windhelm that's a lot more doors that's a lot more tours okay this is a whole other main city that we have the like the whole exterior okay that's a shitload we're gonna keep clearing out solitude wait no no I could sell stuff here right I could sell stuff here [Music] I could make enough money I could go back hire the guy from The Inn okay we're gonna go find some shopkeepers here and the door is God I don't remember where this is okay I think I remember [Music] buy lock picks too yeah well I only have I need the 500 as long as I can sell stuff okay so there's like 15 doors we just got access to here that we can check really really fast foreign Brotherhood starting Quest yeah yeah uh I guess we can wait here until daytime we'll be hungry that's okay okay oh God I'm really hungry let's get some food cabbage stew uh who will buy stuff from me what do you got for sale all right will you buy hey Doug just letting you know that the plan worked and they knocked on to us here's your cut I'm gonna sell my helmet please tell me you have lock picks can I make lock picks off stuff no no this isn't a new city this is we've already been in my home oh yeah I can tell the Amber yeah yeah um everything else I kind of want craft them at a smoothie don't you can't make okay because people kept saying to make log fixed I mean that's fine we have a good amount at this point uh and I could buy food I may do have some extra money oh why is his hey Doug alerts are caught up completely also we are so [ __ ] good at Mario Kart still hyped over the wind it was pretty great um this dude's store is covered with meat and the only meat that he sells is a rabbit haunch oh he sells lock picks I call them Treasures sorry it's a brain rot still oh do you have food I want meat venison chop grilled chicken breast goat cheese I need to make sure I still have okay that's enough that's good all righty um so we're gonna unlock picks we'll come back to Windhelm because this gives us a shitload of doors there we go let's go finish Solitude first right let's finish Solitude first so gotta there's so many doors here we're gonna do and then hopefully I can also um sleep I need to get my lock picking a little bit higher I don't have more stuff to smell to sell this is a keto only run no we're not doing that all right let me blare some music while we do this okay so we go through here yeah no I want to go higher the mercenary too [Music] [Music] okay [Music] it's okay so this store in the guard area this gets us to Windhelm that's a very important door okay that wasn't white we already have white run okay that's an expert level walk can't go there uh we've been here right where were these locked okay I can open this now hey Doug have you thought of how ergona combats people's anger that you aren't looking for gwinner on his channel no I haven't which is why I'm gonna think that through a lot before I do it wait wait wait wait wait how many doggies now this looks like my ideal place to take a nap hey Doug what is the best grape and why is it concord grapes wait hold on a horn my lock picking isn't High Enough I need to get my lock picking to 25. hey dug open the local map to quickly see where doors lead what I don't it doesn't seem to be the case Doug I saw that you edited out my Valentine profile from your video with paxa you rigged me out of my hottest buffist guy with a snake award I'm sorry the horse Prejudice is real the way that video got edited is that he our editor did the edit a mic I was like this could easily be like an hour and a half but I feel like I should make it you know a little just move faster or like yeah that's probably the right call it's always tempting with YouTube videos to just leave in a lot of stuff but it's almost always feels better when it's shorter so I apologize um it also wouldn't have been Fair because everybody on YouTube would have been just smitten with you it would have caused a national disaster as everybody swarmed to your location instantly because of you and your snake rizz it was for the public safety okay this we are ignoring that we want the director's cut the director's Cut Is the VOD you can just watch the VOD um okay there's a bed in there if we want it um that goes back to wait this goes back to the Windhelm in we can hire the dude [Music] because you're self-hired oh [ __ ] okay we got a dude stenvar welcome to the team hey Doug why did you blackmail my parents into forcing me to watch your content I've been here watching you for three weeks now tell them to let me go to your subscription you sign the contract two years and just want to let you know that I Believe In You slash Gotham got him thank you okay so I'm gonna go back through Solitude and unlock all those doors now that we have lock picks and get into an elevator okay cool foreign hey Doug I don't like this new companion thank you not fondle you sound unbiased are you gonna come to life yeah no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay we're gonna go ahead is my guy alive did he die okay well we had a good run with our mercenary I want to check is he in there oh my God get out let us get a quick F in chat for our friend stanvar may he rest in peace I can't imagine continuing this adventure without you [Applause] It Feels Like Only 45 seconds ago that I hired you [Music] well there's oh you're like you're like that means something yes I thought you were killed by a big machine hello douglas douglas have you ever given chair a break from sitting on him I would think his legs would hurt by now sometimes after stream I lay on the floor and I just let the chair sit on my face [Music] POG man you guys are really attached to stenbar huh [Music] okay uh was this locked let's unlock this or not [Music] what oh I was trapped for a second foreign [ __ ] are we oh with the blades Temple okay but we're on the wrong side of the door rip stenva he was my favorite mercenary just behind FanDuel fondle these nuts got him it's wasn't you didn't say it correctly okay hold on if it seems in the writing of this message he's back never mind [ __ ] steadba okay so this door wait also where's stenvar uh he definitely disappeared into the void uh oh well chat let's get a quick F in honor of our friends Denmark feels like it was only maybe two minutes ago now we began our adventure together we'll miss him deeply you know even though I'm on the wrong side of this door it does look like I can actually reach two other doors from three other doors so all of these doors we can get into it's what stenvar would have wanted Okay so we've checked the door on the far right which is in solitude we go here uh uh where the [ __ ] kill reef cat we don't need catacombs no no no no we're not doing that [Music] okay third door [Music] [ __ ] hey dude who asked what ethic was delete meant no it wasn't a joke I've been trapped in your basement so long that I have forgot how to read correctly okay F to stand by again please stay dead this time okay [Music] uh well this is a dead end [Music] Doug the Alden ring devs say It's Gonna Change ladies and lingrave slash slash laid these nuts across your face got them uh door four can we get an effort handle why would we get an effort whoa okay okay all right we are going I wish I had stand all here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm not loving whoa whoa shrugging his standby hold on wait so is standal is stable actually dead now wait where did I come from I remember there where did I come from here huh we can only get through with a victoire with our friend stanva extend various sticks in your mouth that doesn't that's not what is a poor grasp wait where's this oh we're back in Bangkok we don't want to do this do we what's in Bangkok I remember okay we're just like at the back of the dungeon we get to come in steal the chest and leave um all right we'll take that Don't Mind If I Do I should I leave or do we keep exploring could be funny wait that's Falmer we don't want to fight Falmer is that farmer or is that a cute little Goblin man I've never seen that in my life hey they that's probably DLC then I'm bailing me coward stand huh uh okay there we go this Thor and then we go okay so these four doors were kind of a bust skyhaven Temple not that sick and now we're back in solitude and then we go over well let's uh let's get some actual Scar music this is going a while I'm almost level 25 too I'm afraid to follow your stream since all your followers are constantly disappearing well we can replace them my followers are like the ship of um of the giant Dionysus they were back in the squidland people or back in Squid land um activate font of Matt okay that's scary I assume I shouldn't explore yeah this doesn't seem like a good place to explore we're leaving okay apparently I need to play my own music game music's boring uh boom okay so these are both dead ends we're gonna keep moving through and unlocking everything we go here next oh I'm actually kind of running out of log picks Doug we're the ship of divorce yes okay so now we have access to the outdoors of solitude Riften and win home okay that's big we have a lot of doors to just cycle through basically it can be pretty aggressive about them um all right now the music's no you're too late music you lost your chance um do we do all these hold on this is the back door did I do the front door or is there a front door I don't remember oh no that is the only door okay so it's the ship of Theseus nuts got him okay where's the bed because I remember where that bed was did you mean ship of Theseus Theseus your father I'm happy out of you son got them oh we're in school often that's kind of bad okay we're gonna check this door real quick hold often is very end game very end game we gotta check out this we gotta go check out this door dude I'm gonna just not check out this door that one there's a big big juicy door looking at me I'm just gonna not go in the door foreign okay well we're not just gonna not check out the other door in in Fort balstad whatever this is called just I just tell it remind me how to go back to the city like getting back to Solitude is super important at this point there's gotta be another door there it is oh dude there's like two [Music] oh there's three okay so the house okay we have two doors to check here that house is where we get back but there's a door there and a door here we check both okay we're back in squidland we're just activating Aspire dude should I not do that you know what we're not gonna explore squid land there's no benefit to that having this work on the DLC is really bad for this challenge um wait there's door over there wait is this the place where I just was where's the house [Music] am I in the wrong place am I in the wrong place to my left you're back at the Fort but where's the where's the the house that I came from there's door here there's a shitload of doors [Music] okay this is right around the tree we've already been here do I guess I don't think I have dementia it's a two-year subscription the brain rot is back no it isn't I came from a little house Fort Greenwall okay well I can't we kind of need to explore these doors this this is bad as long as we get back to Solitude at some point we're okay right I'm not lost we're gonna be fine just trust me I know what I'm doing anyway does anybody remember how to get back uh the d stands for dementia it stands for Doug no no I don't really know why I'm killing them okay is there a trap door up here no there's not so we drop down okay so we're hitting this door that door goes to the other door that I was lost at got it are you guys friendly what house are you talking about [ __ ] are you there was never a house do you guys have any doors in your house other than your weird teleporter you guys have like an exit in your house no this is all they have okay do I just jump down or that kill me dude the DLC is rough uh is a rough addition to this challenge there are so many DLC doors I went down there right did I and then we go to those two I didn't if I find a bed I can level up and get better at block picking this is a place oh more Embassy okay [Music] I mean we may as well poke around okay we probably shouldn't have poked around where how do I leave wait wait wait wait wait hold on where okay yeah no we're leaving [Music] the thalmar embassy probably is a bed you can't fast travel it's we have Riften okay so Riften [Music] um Riften we have I don't remember how to get music I'm trying to play in my own oh just please tomorrow no I'm not streaming around wait we had Riften when do we have rifton this is the work why am I doing this I'm horribly incompetent at this challenge DLC these nuts or didn't get him ah like five minutes ago there's a direct tunnel the solitude you made it to the docks in rifton steel made doors that's true not Riften in the challenge but the outdoors of Riften do we have access to all these doors I thought that was the first attempt I think we didn't have the access to this outside area yes we did I'm literally when Doug want anything I thought we got I thought we got Windhelm and uh oh okay I this is bad the brain rot is spreading um okay well let me try to find my way back to where we were I think I came from here where the [ __ ] is this this one okay I wasn't high this is wait no I am high where I'm lost ow all right let me check you for picks you are definitely lost I oh there's a somewhere in here is it this door no it's not the store right one of these doors goes back home to Solitude where the [ __ ] is this oh this is where we just came from I can't I this challenge is the worst I can't I cannot follow this okay we've done this one right does this go back no this is where okay this is this one okay so the two lower we've tested the upper go through the archway I tested those two right and that and and those two oh there's the house okay I test them all right deck is getting too old for Twitch streaming you need to let him and his aging mind retire so he can live out the rest of his life I am perfectly healthy could have could an old aging man do that to some poor dude who's hello whose house I broke into long time Watcher not long time not watch a long time Dodger thank you for the content thanks to chat for being chat also get your [ __ ] together gosh darn it I'm working on it wait where the [ __ ] is this we're no strangers to love you know the rules and so do oh this is Source documents what I'm thinking of you wouldn't get this from any other guy thank you okay so now oh wait I am almost dead I just want to tell you how I'm feeling got to make you understand Never Gonna Give You Up Never Gonna Let You Down never gonna run around and desert you [Music] Doug love your YouTube here is some cheese from Whitestone I hear the bandits miss you wait thank you uh where did I come from here where was the door that I came in through Never Gonna Make You Cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you we've known each other for so long your heart's been aching where did I come from what hold on where where I this is like the End Zone it was over there there there going on we know the game and we're gonna play it and if you ask me how I'm feeling don't tell me you're too blind to say no no do not hit me do not hit me uh no we dodged this we go like this we jump off never gonna run around and desert you later I'm never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you thank you okay so that was all pointless If You Were Never Gonna Let You Down never gonna run around and desert you all right I'm gonna start skipping I'm never gonna say goodbye the Rick Astley ones that door goes nowhere and is not helpful there's a general term for loss of memory language problem solving and other thinking abilities that are severe enough to interfere with hold on there's a bed somewhere Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia sorry I fell on the Skip One um where was the bed door it was somewhere over here was it that one that one or that one oh there's a door here we're gonna get we gotta check that door hey I was listening to that no you weren't up here I think it was up here right this this had the bed and then I go wait wasn't there another door in here and then the other door yeah this and then this goes oh here we go yeah here's the bed uh okay we'll rest a while rest like 17 hours I'm never gonna believe again I mean dude this is the hard part of the run is getting the last four the small ones we have a lot of doors to to work through though like we we are like checking lots and lots and lots uh we go Health again uh we'll do a stamina or a Magica okay um let's throw music on now we go to Apprentice lock picking boom Next Level oh we're level to begin okay so we're good on lock picking now we probably do a restoration yeah I think we do restoration because all the doors are now going to be way way way easier yeah half Magicka yeah all right we are looking good this challenge is looking real good I'm really hungry uh let's have some ashiam that sounds gross dog meat uh the Honey Nut treat [Music] oh boom that thing that thing ripped [Music] um salmon meat I need a little more food I'll tell you how I'm feeling got to make you understand Never Gonna Give You Up Never Gonna Let You Down [ __ ] I fell on the skip button again [ __ ] I keep accidentally doing that perfectly timed with when Rick Astley my friend who is currently donating soup yeah can we get a Pog and chat for that guy and for soup it's kind of conceptually okay Never Gonna Make You Cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell in my attention okay actually you did finish that before I skip it foreign this mod is literally everything you claim you hate about metroidvanias well this one's a dead end yeah it kind of is that's why I said I'm badly suited for this family guy on stream no that's uh blatantly illegal wait is that a door hold on let me check it over there we have also that one door um never gonna run around in desserts you're never gonna make you cry oh I tripped under the skip button again damn it oh there's a door up here God damn there's so many doors we're gonna let you down never gonna run it wasn't desserts you're never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you wait wait where is this where is this from YouTube and I already have brain rot from you [ __ ] that's Whiterun okay damn I mean getting into a shop is how we're probably gonna get one of the other four I mean this does have another door wait does it hey dunk daddy watching this at work instead of doing my job let's hope that I don't get fired because I would blame you oh she does another door this is wonderful hey Doug and chat you just lost the game hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up where is this thank you for signing up for salamander this is Riften oh that was positive ly one [ __ ] increase your memory stats Rebels Kane together forever and never to part together forever we too and don't you know I would move Heaven and Earth to be together oh should I skipped the last three words of that I was playing the music for you you have no heart Doug you don't know the rules to love and so do I okay that's where I came from wait is it how many doors Japanese giant salamander can grow up to five foot in length what the [ __ ] is this oh this is where it came from okay so that door is where I came from you guys seen that game said where Hodor has to hold the door that was a good episode breath hey Doug do you ever find yourself locked in a night terror where all you can hear is hey dug hey dug hey dug does hey Doug haunt you in your sleep does honey dug torment your soul hey Doug does it curse you Doug I think it Doug we were at asserted lands in my brain wants you to know they are gay did they say like nobody will know I'm gay or something and you're like oh better better make sure Doug knows about this okay I gotta keep playing music I'm too focused on doors my bra this this [ __ ] just like ruins my brain trying to keep track of all these things I'm the worst streamer to do this you could not have picked a war streamer doing this challenge today to watch okay we got to clear out the rest of this side of solitude we still have a whole other wing and then we will go to Riften and win Helm and start clearing out those and hopefully you guys remember where those are because I don't oh okay is this belief Falls Barrel it is all right this is the second half of Bleak Falls Barrow We're not gonna go through that although could beat Bleak Falls Barrow oh no I don't have the claw never mind we can't I was gonna say we could beat blue Falls Barrow um and that way if I ever get inside of the inside of dragon's reach we could actually start the Dragon Quest and start making actual progress on the main quest but we're not gonna do that okay where else do we need to check uh this right no we've been here because it's open we've been there because that's open uh we've been up there we've been here haven't been here the locks are actually kind of nice now because they show where we've been hot dog did you know request is Never Gonna Give You Up was originally written in Shook on D's hot dog on Deez Nuts good team what is the point of this room what is the point of this room first time catching you live why was this in the game a sandwich or soup why who made this Todd Howard what were you doing that Howard has brain right I had a word so off and that it loses all meaning yeah it has officially stopped sounding like a real word to me uh it's been it's been that way for a while okay we've already been in there I don't think we've been in this store watching this at work right now let's hope I don't get fired I will blame you if I do that's fair I'll take the hit they can fire me though instead um for the love of God Doug please eat cooked food and not raw meat we don't have time to cook food uh okay I'll take the stress ocean of Destruction here [ __ ] you for skipping my best song I hope you fondled you do know that wasn't him singing right you do know the text-to-speech it's not Rick Astley sitting there with a microphone soup is awful conceptually I mean I'm not a big soup guy I there's very few soups I actually enjoy all right let's just leave we're leaving hey Doug knock knock who's there okay Jesus no you thinks I'm allergic was that funny enough to earn some time outside of the basement no no okay critical thinking isn't fair it's not critical thinking it's like memorizing a giant web I'm not a spider I'm a human being all right we weren't built for this thank you very much for the 20 gifted Subs man appreciate it thank you thank you thank you thank you you do realize I'm not like a beaver who builds damn for a living I'm a human man okay I meant to go and explore and explore the cosmos to Adventure not to remember what doors go where okay um we've been here okay I think we've been to all these so then let's close out Solitude on the other half and I think we're good right hey that guy think this is Riften okay the alerts are delayed so um I don't know when you said that this is not Riften though you look like a spider today I feel like this stream is just spiders are kind of ball Scooby-Doo where they're being chased through the doors so I'm sorry to hear about your dementia you will get through this well this is this is two doors actually I think hey dog Happy Easter from Australia just want to let you know you have all my college funds so you're my new College teach me something it's not Easter multiple people have said that it's just it's just not correct oh oh it was actually a death but hey that guy spamming Rick Astley bought dinner by this point [Music] where are we hated what is your favorite kind of soup and why [Music] wait hold on hold on where are we one of you guys oh this will say more fall guard let's go [Music] it's Easter in New Zealand today is Thursday Easter's on Sunday what are you talking about okay huge huge Morthal dub let's go damn dude we're down just three I thought this I this could have taken like 15 hours I think we could sub three hour this we still have so many doors to check oh more thought is a hard one Dawn star has a decent amount Dawnstar has like seven entrances uh uh Good Friday oh sorry I um I haven't believed in Jesus ever since he stole my car in that GTA 5 Challenge and drove a bus into the ocean it never paid me back so I haven't been paying attention to Easter recently sorry big J what difficulty is Eon I think Adept whatever the default is I didn't change it no I don't really remember what Easter is about when he came back I went to a Catholic High School I should know this I think it's when he died or is that Christmas it's Christmas when Jesus died I don't remember he just died and then not as when he came back I didn't come back three days after he died oh is that good Friday no that doesn't make sense because then it would be Friday Saturday he would come back on Monday right when Jesus rose spoiler alert sorry if anybody hasn't finished reading the Bible yet um definitely mute the stream okay he respawned because he's a gamer yeah the respawn time has been pretty long since then though ah Christmas is when he was born yeah that's true three days according to the old calendar it's Friday through Sunday got it Heroes on the Sunday okay bro I was gonna go read okay getting directly into Morthal Hall is solid this is also a free door wait no this is where we came in from damn I'm glad I checked here Jesus got banned from twitch for three days yeah it was tragic on a geriatric sock unit and everyone is off base you don't have dementia either slash you should get to bed Doug the doctor wants to see you early slash okay okay I sent him to bed oh he still thinks he doesn't have dementia okay you say you would be the worst streamer to do that but Anne Frank begs to differ I don't even know what you're going for there the the thing is I actually have severe Alzheimer in my family and my grandfather had it uncle had it it it's like oh at some point I'll probably not know what's going on anymore I will have actual brain raw that's probably how I'll go and so similar to me balding maybe you guys will just call it really early okay I think I bail from here where are we oh broken Tower readout yeah this is long right yeah I know we're gonna get the [ __ ] out of here let's take some money let's check this chest [Music] just remove it remove the Alzheimer's do you know how to do that because you should tell people if you do why get rid of it why get rid of the Alzheimer's Doug you're the only streamer doing this challenge today for us to watch we had no choice we're just suck with you would be funny oh we should okay every stream I do we should get a stunt double okay and it's just like somebody from stream is like hey I'm also doing exactly what you're doing today and we're like all right cool and then that way as soon as people are unhappy with what I'm doing it's like hey we're going to the stunt doubles Channel and everybody's just leave and just go to their Channel that's good we need because it's not fair if I'm if it's a monopoly right if you have no choice if I'm the spectrum of twitch and you want to watch somebody do this challenge but you are forced to use my product that sucks right I don't want to be the Spectrum I want to be something that everybody loves like Comcast right a respected brand that that earns Your Love uh do I need to buy anything are you selling lock picks or just fish and we'll actually take some steak though I'll take some salt oh my God seared slaughterfish yes I don't have money here have like you only said God damn it dude I need the trouble hey Doug hi hey dug I lost my train of thought from brain rot did you know it's currently 8 40 Eastern Standard Time oh [ __ ] actually is hey Doug don't be so hard on yourself you're doing great I'm not being so you guys are you have the brain rot here I haven't been hard on myself at all hey it was me wait what are the doors up here oh door oh two doors wait maybe three doors Maybe no just two doors all right also debugger I think there was a wait we're on the emperor's boat is doing well thanks for all quiddly bumping into him briefly and not paying him any attention good um we could go kill the emperor there's no point to that though dude we literally lost the follower where did stenval go what the [ __ ] whatever well maybe he'll show up again like he did he faked his own death the first time uh there's no point I don't get it there's nothing to there's no value in doing that the only reason to do it because there's a sick sword on the on the top of the boat but I can't get there it's gonna send me somewhere else I don't think it's worth it there's so much value no I'm not gonna do it sorry I'm gonna be a coward I mean it's like fairly dangerous wait hello oh I mean look just remember the blacksmiths shop in solitude has the emperor and we can go kill the emperor at some point okay I'm not opposed to it I just think there's more valuable things we could be doing right now hey Doug do you have collector's anxiety no oh this is the entrance to heaven oh cool okay so we were already in here wait that means okay there's four doors here uh orange chicken okay I won't make that thanks died again that's not how this game works you can go to heaven without dying okay this is where we came in right yes okay so these are two powerful doors so that one goes to the emperor the left one goes to heaven Heaven's Gate which has three gates all right let's check gate number one of Heaven ow it's supposed to be way easier why is that so hard as [ __ ] dude lock picks are still not very good you can eat Hal Bender salamanders what is this in farm ing [ __ ] is this do you pay full price for health insurance or does twitch off for benefits no no they don't I am a contractor which is a cool way of not having to pay so many benefits hey door door when will you go to the next town just asking so I can get maxed payout I guess I can steal from them there's nobody in here so I can just I can just Rob them there's no reason not to right Doug uh Spider I'm a human being sounds like something a spider would say to me it is off oh yeah no we're still on this [ __ ] stealing potions definitely asphalt oh that's bone meal do you hear that all I hear is excuses you better set up your web Game Nerd salt look we're doing good man hey Diva Diva sending these bits your way to help pay for the dementia treatment also thank you for the Stream there are you are welcome um how do we know you're not a beaver tuber technology has gotten very Advanced I this won't just be an avatar you don't currently have a way of proving that I am a human hey Doug can you change the TTS to Rick Astley so I can do this song again that would be funny no it would just be the same joke everybody would just constantly do the same joke Mr chat but not Doug since apparently it's not Easter where he is not he's good Friday isn't even Easter what are you doing what are you talking about okay Heaven's Gate one do you have a failure did you play your custom music and stings on yeah do you use software or did you code it yourself it's the smartest [ __ ] thing ever uh no it's a Elgato stream deck I will repeat it's pretty common isn't for everyone I there's not that many streamers who play music with it but it's a very common thing that streamers use I like it I think it's great stream deck wait right stream not to steam Deck The Only God I know is Talos Talos guides you towards solven gun uh nerd nerd alert hey guys we're tripping a Skyrim God where are we Catholic school was the one yeah we're getting the [ __ ] out of here but I want to offend people correctly so Christmas is Jesus birthday Easter is when he laid his first egg good okay that took me a second I'm not religious and never have been and I'm not Catholic and I still went to a Catholic High School but it's really fun where the [ __ ] are we oh this is I've been a bit out of sorts since okay so we are back in Wind Helm back and went home which is where we're but let's close out Solitude first so we go back to Solitude which is [Music] over here this goes yeah this goes to the solitude gate and that's where the emperor is all right we got a couple more doors to check in this city and then we can go to Windhelm and start burning through that and then we'll do rifting after that let's go here frankly the guys think Helen Keller would be the worst streamer to do this uh oh [ __ ] we have Markarth okay Markarth is also in the list I don't have dementia either on a side note why are all my Google links purple uh that's it's it's a conspiracy don't worry you're normal everybody else is weird Doug it is Easter okay so we have margaritavista breaks away can we get this time off to celebrate Easter we have mandatory days off work uni etc for 11 days oh I haven't really a lot ancestor whoa where am I where am I what's going on whoa hello two wait how what [Music] where are we I guess I'll sleep just you know ow I kind of need to save lock picks actually I'm Gonna Save lock picks oh here we go okay where are we where is this oh it's next to false wreath Falkreath shouldn't be that hard of a city right it doesn't have a good number the Bible is when Jesus figures out that Judas is wearing a wire and is working for the Fed so he Bloods him out of the Gang okay I am really cold I need to get to like a fire or something what time is dinner 8pm all right we are almost done checking Solitude where is this going just walk to Fall Creek the rules that I have set for myself question mark backslash have you considered using damage there's people coming nope no no no no no no no no no no no no no hey Doug maybe be a little harder on yourself just a little okay that implies that I am not doing a good job which is simply not true I'm crushing it would be worth it put all of your put all of your college funds into text-to-speech hey Doug can we rewind time I missed the past few hours made some great meatballs with mozzarella in them I'll give you some if you end up in Florida for some reason nope nope back to where you just were and recruit the broom Smith Who is the broomsmith [Music] what time is dinner [Music] eight o'clock sharp okay here's the front gate of Solitude what is that thing Doug I think your Alzheimer's is already taking effect if you think you still have here Doug is your name you might not remember that now who are you who are you hello okay this is DLC apparently okay what DLC is this is this Dawnguard I mean sorry not talking is this dragon born I played Dawnguard so dragonborn's the only one I didn't play right what are the DLCs how has he never played the DLC I mean I should um I mentioned it earlier in the Stream I never have like sat and played a shitload of Skyrim really I played the beginning a lot but dragonborn's great yeah I mean I should I should play it as I've mentioned on stream it's or mentioned before it's just hard because I started Skyrim a couple times then I would lose access to the console or PC I was playing on yeah Dawnguard okay that's what I thought Hearthfire I never did anything with but I did play Dawnguard which is cool can't stop streaming until you 100 the DLC sure well this is good we have a mini town this is like a bunch of a bunch of doors actually this is really great Okay so this dude oh cool they're looking a little barrier thing sweet this is great um let us finish Solitude I think we might be done and then let's let's do that let's knock out that little town that town seems hype I want to see somebody murder double check my third favorite type of murder boat murder I don't know what I don't know what you're talking about sorry brother I don't think you're getting that hey Doug okay so we're all good on Solitude I think oh I could have died douglas douglas phone man we want him also can you ask him if he wants my babies oh the emperor what time is dinner like that you've missed it a lot asking what time dinner it is okay we have Riften Windhelm and we got one other one right hey Doug I'm legitimately sorry to hear about your family history I really do work with dementia patients and if I had known about the history I didn't have made that joke I wish you and your family good health I will stick with these nuts jokes no I would variety from the I don't everybody [ __ ] might as well joke about it I'm not like sensitive about it or anything um it's like a lot funnier if my family has a history of it um I think we cleared this Village next right he's already forgotten it no okay we're gonna clear this Village and then we'll go to the other big cities okay we're gonna knock out because these are this is too easy to prove you on to Beaver therefore you are a skeptical scenario therefore you are the Matrix oh Tina's Refuge oh I can't get through that okay hey chat I've been trapped in Doug's basement since Easter 2022. can someone tell me what day it is I have no sense of the passage of time since there's no windows down here I'm just hoping it isn't Easter 2023 yet [ __ ] you I don't I didn't say that I hate Easter I just don't care about Easter just because I'm not personally religious doesn't mean I hate I don't like hate like Ramadan or something like I don't have a vendetta against Hanukkah I don't care no I actually I'm kind of running out of lock picks maybe careful wait where's this Fort fell Hammer Garrison where's that [Music] all right there's a bandit Chief which I'm not wild about oh come on this guy could kill me how do I rip ass on him though oh I am currently on it right now so your humor and my attention span combined with my memory being that of a spoon is making this a very fun high good I don't know what you're talked on but hopefully it's um robbery the cheapest way to acquire things hopefully it's illegal a legal drug because remember kids remember what dog dog always says heroin is not awesome I guess I could sleep yeah let's leave a bit dude every time you sleep you have to eat more food God damn I saw a rabbit today okay so it must be Easter we're through those next up is this one the air is treacherously cold oh no if that's how it works damn um I'm experiencing that right now actually hey dog I bought one of the fidget pans you mentioned in a wand on time and my ADHD has been killed thank you good see also chat I have not made soupy C you told me to I had orange chicken for dinner earlier but I was out of pork so I had to eat it with a butterfly knife on a side note how expensive are emergency rooms okay we have to pay double Collision we've been crushing it for five hours what's your secret [Music] oh my God hey Doug I am sorry to say that your disbelief in it being Easter has banned you from celebrating it if you want to be unbanned from Easter you need to put on the bunny suit oh no I'm not gonna be able to no how will I get by with this experience ripped from me all of my Sunday plans gone [Music] remember would be remember people would put boiled eggs people put boiled eggs and paint those and like put them in the yard and it would be the worst the only the only fun part about doing the Easter egg hunt is that most of them had candy in them and there's something to be a real egg what kind of child wants just to find boiled eggs in the dirt okay this isn't the 1200s we should get candy in cute plastic like containers not just a hide like rotten produce I like boiled eggs are you like stoked to go hunt for boiled eggs in the grass are you because you are uh I think you are like a like a mongoose you need to go to Australia or something but most human beings don't don't just get hyped about finding an egg okay they want candy boiled eggs are fine but like but really on Easter you're gonna get together with your whole family and you're gonna be stoked when you are like oh my God catch it get as many eggs as you can also who wants more than like two boiled eggs ideally in a Easter egg hunt you're getting like I don't know a dozen eggs I don't want 12 [ __ ] boiled eggs who wants that especially a child me as an adult on keto where I eat almost entirely protein I wouldn't want 12 boiled eggs especially not having to scrounge for them into the grass like a rat all right I'm a man and I order them off of doordash like like an adult put the extras in the fridge just go shopping just go shopping and boil eggs why do we make a tradition for a tradition about hiding eggs in the dirt and then making children do slave labor to collect them again it's the worst okay I use the Collision thing I think I need to actually go on the other side of the door I think I clipped myself into the wrong side oh no this is correct okay cool okay so that one is a dead end hey Doug could you turn back time to the good old lay days when I'm on this sang us to sleep but now it's this better not be a song I'm Gonna skip it no singing is allowed on my screen okay this is a house this could be a house in who's oslov hey talk is oslav Skyrim hey Doug thank you for creating such amazing content it really brightens up my day whenever you stream and thank you chat for making these amazing streams even better uh yeah this just didn't what are you playing bruh is there like anything special or so is anyone else having that glitch where the Google dot dot dots become like that for some reason instead of white straightforce back where the [ __ ] have you been bro wait hold on Mechanic during the Zelda Battle Royale can you tell us what the plot of Elder Scrolls 6 will be it'll be stenvar's Revenge all about stenvar as he why is he you're here hold on is he kicking me out of the house that far what the [ __ ] we mourn you bro this is not cool hold on are you still my companion [Music] has he just been living in this house I'm taking a horror loaf I am just gonna steal your food who are you oh you're terrifying are you coming with me dude I paid 500 you to help me [Music] no go back to sleep you're having a nightmare uh okay we gotta we gotta drop some [ __ ] running out of space uh okay we haven't released the bow I got do I need to drop things or we just eat a lot of food I think I just need to eat a lot of food [Music] uh drop the toe we'll drop all the garlic wait hold on I can cook right here right okay we'll combine ingredients we cook stenvark we need to cook [Music] okay looks like we're okay I I actually have too much food at this point which are you back are we cool are we are we friends again let me see if he comes with me what the [ __ ] that's not correct where is Denver uh wait what what are you doing God I guess Denver's back what's going on all right where are we call Rock pass uh let's get out of here you must leave immediately the doors are taking us to random places where is this you need to leave this is rifton there's no wind home wait I think it yeah sorry windheld docs I think that I'm clipping through the floor of one end of the dungeon I clipped through and it resets me to the beginning I actually think it's what's going on we have to fight through this dungeon to get is this a hard one called Rock pass we have to get back to the other side that's what's going on I'm fairly certain and we have stenbar now we can [ __ ] [ __ ] up let's go uh I have to do some actual fighting help my dad got boat murdered you have tips look it wasn't me it was probably it's probably where stenvar's been this whole time he's been off killing the emperor actually we don't need more food I have a question that is pressing never asked what time yeah okay and now we're back in the house wait what time is dinner you're not supposed to be in here uh did we get soft locked no dug that was the first time we asked when dinner was are you sure you don't have dementia oh my God this is making me feel a little insane okay okay since we are moving away from dementia can I interest chat in joining me in calling Doug a virgin yeah that's a joke would say we've never made that joke before hey Doug just came back from a two-hour nap after aiding a small village in southern Portugal there may be a third order what are we doing today um yes I I don't see why we would be otherwise we are literally shot locked I mean worst case I can teleport back somewhere to fix it but there's maybe a third door in here okay we have to find the third door ideally I don't want to manually unfix it so we're gonna do a little uh you know we're gonna do a little sneakery because I don't know if you guys notice this there is a troll over there so where the hell is Denver there he is that is a frost roll that's not great okay uh stenvark I know we haven't been hanging out for a while you might need to sacrifice yourself here he dodged that the sky is pretty beefy I'm not wild about our odds here stenbar you are gonna need to rip ass man okay um good luck buddy thank you okay uh we go to the battle ax oh my God no no no no no no no no items I I think I would have died if I didn't get that pause off oh send first you piece of [ __ ] okay okay so this guy can basically one shot me here's what we're gonna do we're gonna do a little trolling you have a lock picks thanks thanks dude uh we're kind of come up here wait where is he and then oh he's recovering Health [ __ ] we just jumped like this and we pull out our trusty Nord bow and we shoot him in the head he's super pissed about this Denver you got to do better man Doug now you definitely can't have a retire and Rob us of the chance to see you streaming with Alzheimer's that's a funny point hey Doug it's your neurologist oh I think you should come by my office on Monday so that we can talk about these delusions you keep responding to nobody and you've been maturing to yourself about being a spider I'm getting concerned I don't remember that that means it probably didn't happen too early dementia so that he streams for more years yeah it's like if I start losing my memory I'll never I'll think that it's only been a couple years of streaming and I'll stream forever um okay so I'm looking for maybe a second door somewhere in here or a third one I mean yeah I don't know I don't think there is one we might have to I might have to teleport myself out of here I don't know how this happens to prove you don't hate Hanukkah you must circumcise yourself on stream that doesn't [Music] um another door in the ocean oh yeah that's not what I is there another door in here laying eggs made of a stinky surprise do you not like stinky surprises I'm neutral on them unlike most people I'm not a sticky surprise fanatic you fubble the door I clip upwards inside in the dungeon like go back in and then there's definitely definitely nothing in here I mean we'll try that and then if not that I'm just gonna work back to solitude okay yeah so TCL here and now I go up no dude this this is where I just exited from yeah this is the troll room wait hold on if we TCL is there was there any other space in here we can go to Just float around for a little bit what about down there let's see what's down here this will be fine let me save before we do this Dear Mr douglas douglas I was trying really hard not to make dementia jokes but did you seriously forget about the broom Smith in solitude or did you just not see him happy Easter BTW I did I really did hey that's not a joke just wanted to say thanks for all the work you do every day making amazing content also I'm gonna work parents doctors our team and I are working on some new treatments for Alzheimer's patients both you and I will have plenty of treatment options when we lose our minds yeah that is actually kind of why I don't mind too much my suspicion is there'll be a lot of progress by the time I'm 80 or whatever the door you went through was not randomized and I don't think it's it's not like changing randomization you could assault nargonian Cokes a guard into the warehouse and go to jail yeah I guess I could I don't know if the guards will come in here though it feels like it feels like they can't go through the doors right like nobody no none of the NPCs can go through the doors because I've been committing all sorts of crimes and nobody's ever um nobody's ever been getting me they can normally they can with this randomizer I don't think they can because basically the doors are all changed I mean I can teleport to Solitude or skull Village because I can get right to skull Village pretty quick um I'm just gonna I'm just gonna work to Solitude because I think there was just some clipping issue that sent me the wrong spot uh oh this [ __ ] is Solitude not work you know what I mean oh I was blocking the word it's I see it see [ __ ] is the command to Solitude exterior 01 okay thank you solitude exterior exterior or 01. oh no I need to be inside is it just interior or one it's like I can't get in from this side okay that's not a command Solitude origin there we go okay we're back in it I'm saving now let's get back to the important things like you guys calling me demented and um me playing loud music I saw a mud crab the other day so yesterday must have been mud crab Easter the broomsmith what are you talking about I refuse to agree with it because you hey dug why did the bunnies go on strike because they wanted better salary wait hold on huh I'm not demented that I don't have brain rot right that joke just didn't make sense yummy yummy boiled eggs favorite part of Easter is this the door that got me trapped it is this went into the dude's house and then I couldn't get out yeah it did seem this door maybe didn't get randomized correctly or something that's interesting to me it is a Christian holiday but the connection to rabbits and dags has to do with the Pagan story about a woman who in order to stop her family from starving learns switchcraft in order to make their rabbit lay eggs that is weird and that doesn't make me like Easter more I'm not I'm not like stoked about Easter now dude we are running out of lockpicks men okay so this is connected to the cult oh Dragon Bridge okay so this is a couple doors okay so the if we're in solitude the front gate goes to a little um the little like Easter town okay and then the Easter Town goes to a fort prison which down the down the down the hallway there's another door which goes to Dragon Bridge which we're now going to explore real quick rapid fire here we go can we do a Twitch Plays on Easter end of chat search for items in a game like Red Dead with a crew vs sad crew um I like the idea okay this is a temple wait are you doing am I a man or am I a muppet if I'm in my pit then I'm a very manly Muppet am I am a pit or am I a man if I'm a man that makes me a bit of a man thank you uh we'll probably will not do an Easter egg hunt on Easter tell us how you really feel about boiled eggs Doug I like boiled eggs I don't hate boiled eggs yonkor Barrow okay we're gonna we're gonna leave yongol bear alone somebody once told me the world is Gonna Roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the show damn it keep keep falling on that skip button accidentally to understand how the Easter Bunny came around I recommend watching Machinery spawn in box Easter episode this is very educational this is the freaking honey Brew yeah the hunting Brew basement technically there's an entrance at the end boiled eggs do you also share my love for boiled eggs boiled eggs are good I don't hate boiled eggs oh this is literally all of Black Dragon Bridge this is lame there's one more door oven guard or whatever okay no we leave that you like deviled eggs okay hot take egg salad is way better than deviled eggs I had deviled eggs the first time recently and I was like why don't I I just want egg salad why am I having this weird version uh okay well we're done so Dragon Ridge Dragon Bridge Town has nothing we can go back I mean they're basically the same thing but rather they're just all mixed together rather than like I don't know the egg the egg itself is not really the best part of egg salad it's like has to be mixed with other stuff remember the deviled egg oh no this is correct yeah now we go here yeah there's a trap gotta go got it but with a deviled egg it's like you're you're largely just tasting egg and not like the stuff it's mixed with stanbar is risen just like Jesus it's an Easter miracle um stanvar are you here no Stand Bar God damn it stop oh my God why are you back I asked you to stay dead God damn it more casgol seller wait seller there's no way you will skip this song you have two seconds okay you're done um guess who's back back again stand with us back tell a friend where has he been going where is he going also this is so hard hey Terry I know we have been joking around about your dementia but in all seriousness it must be difficult losing your mind and you're here before you ever lose your virginity your virginity you need to leave thank you Soviet America are you gonna tell me that stem bar are we cool now you're not supposed to be in this is a goddamn dungeon who cares if I'm in here stenvar it's an East America what is with this guy he just bails on me randomly and keeps scolding me it's like a abusive absentee father I don't like study [Music] stanvar definitely went out for milk and cigarettes you need to leave that's huge stenvar you son of a [ __ ] whatever [ __ ] that guy he went out for milk [Music] okay Winterhold was a really hard one well with the college it was a lot easier time is dinner Doug please oh ask Denmark I can't trust anybody okay we just got Dawn star and Valkyrie ever get tired of running around trying fruitlessly to find doors might I suggest you try finding barns instead I know of a great game about that very subject I still can't believe on Barn finder's steam page they have a link to my video where I'm basically just saying how I don't like it you could walk directly there that is against the rules the challenge would not be very hard if I could just walk to the world or walk to the cities Doug you're famous not really free publicity is any publicity I don't know man if I was making a product and some YouTuber made a video where he's talking [ __ ] about it I wouldn't post that I don't know it was kind of a Chad move I mean it was funny I mean I'm not explicitly like this game sucks just I'm talking about how I don't want to play it the whole time Doug why don't you just use conjuration spells even a conjured wolf would help out a lot uh cause I don't know any and I also have never really done that when playing Skyrim at this point I feel like I'm good I have a lot of potions some of the time I've been trying to resist making any jokes about dementia but did you seriously forget about the broomsmith in solitude or did you just not see him I there who is the broomsmith I actually you are legitimately gaslighting me you have gained lots of viewers since Ludwig lost oh we do have a lot of people watching I don't know the viewership fluctuates who cares uh fortunately I don't have to care very much about my twitch for your ship because I'm more of a YouTuber um I don't actually that's changing a little bit I would consider my like how I think of myself and what I'm primarily focusing on I think I would say it's actually really shifting to Twitch I think of thinking of myself more as a streamer at this point because now there's like a team who's working on the YouTube videos and I have a smaller percentage of that total like work and decision making than I have in the past stream is your better content well one you're biased because you're here and then objectively one one hundredth of the amount of people watch my streams so clearly most people don't think that there's 8 000 people here the video from yesterday is 800 000 views [Music] um thank you so much for the raid I don't know how to pronounce your name I'm sorry I appreciate it hope you had a good stream um 8000 watching right now uh generally you can multiply the amount of people watching like the average viewers by about 10 and that's how many total people have watched well not quite I think it's something like seven multiply by like seven so if there's uh eight thousand people watching probably like multiply that by seven like fifty six thousand unique people will have watched the video or have tuned into the stream at some point we watched the videos a thousand times are you saying I only have Acres then you guys just sit there farming my YouTube videos okay look okay let me just say that would be so funny because I think I'm like pretty successful now it's over the past like year or two especially I've started to be like damn I actually have I'm like kind of you know not a big deal but like I've really made an impact and like I'm I'm really having some success since people know who I am this is kind of wild and then that's just all not true oh God that'd be so funny I would like I would like never trust anybody ever again you would permanently ruin me oh that was so funny honestly missed Opportunity by you guys unless it's real in which case very funny all right we have a path to Winterhold which means I've got a couple more doors we can check let's check them Sam Kitty think of the 1000 how's it going shots getting enough sleep wait how did I get here enough vegetables let me double check Doug you don't like stinky surprises okay how do you think your mom felt when she had you got him stinky Vogue I am clean look I actually I didn't shower today but that doesn't count um Okay so the front gate of solitude on the inside goes to here that connects to Winterhold on the right house and now let us go check out all of Winterhold I want to check out the small ones before we go to the big ones because those will lead to more small ones there's only a couple doors here what are you is that no I thought that was stenbar for a second okay no that's just a random guard I was so where the [ __ ] is Denver where did he he literally left again okay here first for a minute my wife and I were wearing the modded Coke blocked you um okay does anybody know where's the bubble blurbs grand hall is this summer relevant anybody know I don't know how to pronounce this I don't speak French do I have to Google this is it Dwemer oh this is uh this is Blackreach right I think I mean it's We're Not Gonna hang out in here I guess regardless I see spiders over there there's one more door in Snow Village wait really I thought I went to a mall right you look you can look on the map the map is often glitched um behind the big building that I went to this one right did I or you're saying there's one back here oh you're right good call good call dude if this goes to Dawnstar right now I will kiss you on the mouth went to Castle Dower mods banned that guy's mouth the door was worthless um huh I miss dunvar what the [ __ ] wait you keep scaring me where are you going we're in falglo keep wait what did we get something I think okay did I get do we get lost or am I crazy he's gone again dude where is he going I don't get he's nowhere whatever um I think I might have just it might have sent me the wrong place am I crazy right because this Thor is where I came from his Dimension is getting worse stenvar is real right uh I like I just got knocked out of the loop I was in or in the path I was in right like this is not where we were prisoner belongings chest who shut up dude I need help wait where's Castle Dower is Castle there or solitude Jesus Take the Wheel actually crumbling the mortar fire sword think of the 10 gift to such man um there's Kevin oh lock pick thank you Kevin um wait what I'm in jail huh what is happening okay we're gonna do more restoration never mind we're not look at destruction uh okay I can't sleep to get out I think dude what happened I don't the fellow keep is two doors depends to look at okay so got it gotta got it well I might be able to cheese my way out of it either I try to fix that by going hold on one option is I shoot like I attack that guard the other is in here you're saying you're saying this is two doors oh my God stop doing that so wait can I go on like the back side of it oh God this is this is castle tower dungeon dude I don't know I don't know how I got out of the the loop I mean we could uh-oh okay things are there's issues happening Collision is oh the wrong one TLC can you turn off his music it's driving me insane toothbrush the latter messed up something yeah I don't know I don't know how to uh get out of this I mean I can work back to Solitude I would like to minimize the amount of manual warps I do okay don't worry about me we're fine the mod itself says to do that I don't know where to go though like if this is two doors how do I find the other door like I think it's fine to manually wart myself if it's just door functionality having issues you think it's up the ladder you think it's up here this has two look up here oh it's wait no no this is one no this is one spot dude you're saying there's two manholes what oh wait that worked okay so there's two manholes in the ladder and you have to take the top manhole not the bottom what the [ __ ] I love Skyrim this game thank you to the guy who told me to go check this door we would not have gone deep into stenbar's manhole if you hadn't um sent me in that little tangent all right now we're going back to Winterhold and we're gonna burn through these doors oh TCL still off okay now we're good am I going here that taste like fart too hard for my gums yes we did go in here okay let us continue Winterhold wait hey Doug this is the bunny boy if the Easter Bunny could boil Easter eggs [Music] hold on is this like a is this like a oh wait anonymous oh that's no we don't care I thought this was I thought stanbar died or something all right it's dead bar freaking me out it's Denver is gaslighting me more than you guys are okay let's do this um we tested that one where are you going where are you coming from whatever I don't trust you this is the next one hey Doug only three left guidance of the legendary Broome Smith he will cure you of your crippling dementia I don't think there's a guy called the broomsmith in this game oh don't you've changed man I mean I can't even hear the music my ears aren't bleeding you've changed yeah that's true music is a lot quieter Okay so we've got we've got a lot of doors here we can check all right the dinner jokes are actually because I work at a retirement home and they used to be this woman what the [ __ ] why time dinner was standby you would always joke with me and my co-workers she was great nice hey Doug what if behind a door there is a lot of dihydrogen monoxide we should all vote to Bandai hydrogen monoxide where is this four Shields Tavern is this in one of the towns is it well who are you foreign [Music] Keepers trade she runs the four Shields yeah she needs some help with how uh how hard this end is popping off okay um cool let's run to the college real quick college is the last door it's just that there was like it was like there's like it was like an aggressively unsuccessful in all right I'm not trying to talk [ __ ] it's just that was like a really poorly performing end yeah oh [ __ ] I'm still pretty hungry actually oh yeah I called you have a couple doors if you play the Celeste 5B soundtrack you will find Dawn star guaranteed or you can time me out for one month okay I will finally play that because we do have time I see a little silhouetto of a man Scaramouche Scaramouche will you do the Fandango Thunderbolts and lightning very very frighteningly Galileo Galileo Galileo Galileo Galileo figure of magnificent I just divorced my wife because she doesn't like boiled eggs or walking through hundreds of doors for fun thank you for encouraging me to live loud and proudly also I'm gay okay that might be the most significant factor there but I'm proud of you buddy there's dozens of us [Music] all right let's hit some doors I can't get in and all the guards are coming to oh waste Denver you've saved me oh sanvar oh wait it's Denver can we kill this bird holy [ __ ] no no we're so close that was stenbar's fault [Laughter] [Music] I didn't know she would do that much damage [Music] ah that [Music] back in prison steadvar where are you [Music] how do I wait hold on I can't make the wall Crash from this side I'm pressing e so I'm literally perma-stuck in jail thank you stenbar very cool it's literally soft locked [Music] damn you Kevin wait oh my God it's permadeath in that the run is now over [Music] hello streaming with Ludwig tonight [Music] no [Music] why doesn't he use the carriage is he stupid I it would not be much of a challenge for milk [Music] dude we were so [ __ ] close we had so many more doors I mean I'm excited to do this again Miss Douglas this is very fun and according to the laws of Aviation there is no way a b should be able to fly I love you be safe [Music] celery sounds like salary the bunnies wanted better salary that's why they boycotted oh well these are really far behind donations hey [ __ ] I was really looking forward to meeting this is my work I hope I don't get caught and fired so I don't get divorced slash wink wink foreign have you played bubble tower on gamesnacks.com no what the [ __ ] no why would I what are you talking about no I don't know any of those words mean no I'm not doing I need you to I'm not playing more tonight we miss you it's been six hours but we will do this again on another stream Hey Jude do you happen to know is there a setting or a version that doesn't have the DLC District very often oh if you don't it's like 10 minutes behind it's only been six hours well if the next one's five hours I mean to be fair getting to Dawnstar or Fall Creek could boasts have taken another like four or five hours it was hard to find the milk and cigarettes I can get it to you that'd be great I think since I'm doing all since I'm doing vanilla cities it probably makes sense not to do DLC it seems like the DLC has a ton of um you need to leave now see chat I have to end the Stream they keep telling me to leave blacksmith proof wait what is this well Doug you know what they say no just two doors all right okay I don't no I don't know if this actually happened or if this is my dementia through his head no it's two doors all right okay uh you could have edited this footage all right you might be gaslighting me again the blacksmith was holding a broom when hammering on the Anvil and you missed it how did I not dude I have actual brain rot how did I not see this all right in my brain I was like oh yeah standard stuff let's keep moving if you can hear me I've been trapped in Doug's basement with my only food source being colored hard-boiled eggs from previous Easters I don't know what year it is or if Doug has lost his hair or virginity yet to send help click here click here also I should give a shout out while we're sitting here waiting for alerts to go through just again to um DDM Lincoln Jew for making this this is so fun oh man very very very fun goddamn Skyrim World randomizer highly recommend it um we'll do another one we'll we'll wrap this up I think this has a this has like the perfect kind of vibe that I I'm looking for uh with a Skyrim stream and I have some other dumb Skyrim streams but they'll be more they'll be the more typical um can I get through the intro kind of kind of vibe whereas this one is like I get to explore more of the game it's also cool to see more of the game because I don't really very often okay I'm gonna let the alerts play through but then we're gonna we're gonna call everyone so this question yet but didn't you say you would eat an Advil pizza if we beat Ludwig's chat yesterday I don't think we actually that was like an idea but I don't think it ever we ever finalized it I'm not trying to like Rob you guys of anything but I I don't think guess we finally got him I don't think I actually promised I had five computers open at all times farming your YouTube Doug how many people I mean theoretically if you guys are watching the newest video which is like 30 minutes or something right you are famous you even have an award to prove it oh never mind so I've been streaming for six hours that means each one of you all 8 000 people could have watched during my stream have just had that video on Loop could have watched it 12 times if each one of you gets four or five computers you could have uh gotten 60 views there's 8 000 people so it'd be 48 000 views so we could Farm an additional 50 000 views of video every single stream that I do kind of a hype idea arguably not legal but kind of hype you need to leave did you hear me what are you doing don't touch me help 480 000 did I do the math wrong hey Doug sorry I have brain rights you know that all of your viewers and subscribers are just me I have millions of alter accounts I am your only viewer I just have I've really loyal friends Well Jack I know I watch your videos multiple times and if someone is willing to watch your stream it's probably the same so we are a good portion of your views so here actual number if you think it's interesting about a third of views on my YouTube videos are repeat viewers um I don't know my assumption is that that's pretty typical for most YouTubers it probably depends a lot on the frequency of your videos um but if if if a video I have ha if a video I have has a million views it's probably like 700 000 unique people not a one million people watching it and then that number gets up a lot higher if the video is a lot longer so if it's you know like the um the stream I did with my brother for a Stanley Parable that video takes four hours right so it has a million views but the number of unique people who watch that is much lower right because the odds most people are going to watch that over multiple sessions right and each of those are gonna be a view so yeah there is it is actually a lot less people than you think the two to four hours on average per day doing my part is one of the 8K that's not necessary I'm doing fine you guys don't need to dedicate your entire [ __ ] Hardware you don't need to turn into like crypto Farmers but for My Views hydrogen monoxide Cravings today Doug stay strong you can fight the urges never never I will never fall back into that um also hilarious sadistic you hilariously sadistic you've given a shitload of bits thank you very much man um I'm never going to give you up or let you down or desert you uh uh I think I don't know what the actual number is if you donate like one dollar on stream then that is the equivalent of you that is the equivalent of you watching like a thousand views okay you don't it's not like an efficient way to support me by just farming views endlessly on your computer stenva always shows up when you need him most he literally showed up distracted me and got me killed which was all part of his plan because he was so upset that I was in that one guy's house Doug Doug the accident was 10 years ago what happened to stanvar wasn't your fault Doug if you have to let him go please duck your family needs you one silly little question why the paprika what little reference or did I mention paprika at some point you made me spend three dollars to say if you want to know who the broomsmith is check out the Clips in chat sorry I will show up about 10 seconds after this message oh we already got it and no you don't have dementia the blacksmith in solitude does yeah that's so strange yeah I mean we did figure that out sorry that all of you guys alerts are now outdated but um Skyrim's weird man that's why I learned about Skyrim my favorite Parts about eating eggs is having to break apart the alligators before I can get to the Sweet Aggie goodness you might be you might be um celebrating Easter a little differently why stenva keep breaking my heart also please let me out of the basement I haven't seen light in two months as funny as this classic copy pasta is no please don't mute me the broomsmith is real watch the clip the one broomsmith is real look giant copy pasta text is just a bummer because then the chat is completely unreadable it is already arguably unreadable now too fast you know that your sister streams and being able to celebrate her birthdays with you inspired me I am getting my scuba certificate soon and I'm going to become a marine biologist oh [ __ ] nice goofy stream ending up inspiring my career that's right hey Doug with this similar Marine connected in one stream with a large majority going to Rick castley also you just died thank you very much hilariously that is a shitload of support I do appreciate it thank you man I don't think that should count we should put stenville on trial if we just kill stanvard does it undo my death a death for a death two wrongs they'll cancel out right as long as we murder stenvar where are they where even is he he just left me in jail help but notice that your hair has been thinning recently so I think you made the right call in shaving it all up and going fully bald also hey Chad love you where I want to find him I'm the guy that recommended the Celeste music it's their fault no it doesn't it still counts it's permanent you should listen to filibuster obstructive things that might be hilariously good pillar Buster obstructor theme I to be honest I know you murdered my dad In Cold Blood sorry for bugging you so much about the music here take my bone marrow taken slurped up like a like a soup only one may live I'm gonna take you out the way I brought you into this world [Music] with my bare hands [Music] dude he is so he's so powerful oh it's good thing I didn't give him good weapons oh [ __ ] it was close [Music] I don't have brain rot [Music] that that guy is gonna suffer from some serious brain rot I missed [Music] we'll get them next time at least the Menace of Skyrim is dead they make the very good background entertainment glad you enjoy all right hey Doug I bought a crypto Farm in the divorce to farm views for you thank you look if I kill my sleep paralysis stenbar then my brain rot will go away like several viewers who have given these sample hundreds of dollars each and you still won't even play the song The Town inside me I don't know what that's long time do you get to the Cloud District often what am I saying of course you don't the Texas beach boys sound shockingly similar to nazim I will say the Guilty Gear song great monster I just Incorporated stream this just confirmed that we chat and in fact my quest I just don't love most of the songs it's like too generic I don't like hard rock really and it's mostly Hard Rock like Storyteller is awesome because it has like more of the vibe that I want but you guys want to hear my song I've I reinstalled uh FL Studio and I looked at one of my old projects and I was making a Mortal Kombat remix at some point let's play the first bit I'm now gonna be that guy who like is like hey you guys want to hear the song I made except I except I get to because a bunch of people are watching me on stream okay you know the Mortal Kombat theme song your EQ curve sucks how dare you look at my EQ curve where is it uh look at that EQ curve a [ __ ] dance frog I used to have there used to be the like um the uh what is it the announcer from Mortal Kombat was like saying lines but I guess the files are deleted as you can see but I need to add that back in here it's a good EQ curve all right check out the drop dance Frog as [ __ ] anyway so I was like damn old old Doug kind of had it dude bye I've heard worse thank you all right so now tell me yeah okay what who did it better my song or please post on YouTube and Spotify well it's not done [Music] for this play what happened to the EU emote weren't we supposed to get one after the tabs wall yeah you do there's uh it's Julius Caesar okay what do you think is better that or the song is better okay why don't you listen though at the same time though to make sure oh wait hold on and this way I won't get dmc-8 either I don't know if the other Guilty Gear songs just like don't really do anything for me anyway I kind of want to finish this now because I opened this up and I was like this is dude this is cool I I made this like eight years ago or something changes I think it I'm pretty sure this is right after I learned how to make uh silent bases for people who know silent hold on where is it where's the base anyways now played the song I wanted I can tell you that your song slaps too yeah I mean I think it's cool I think it's a fun song but um mostly I open I was like oh damn dude I actually made a cool song like eight years ago that you make it good though uh no no no it's just a bit how do I solo the bass I don't remember how to do this this thing at all I haven't made music in a long time I did this like in college I think um lead one oh here's the base did I just solo this how do you Solo solo anyway there's a juicy base all these are um made from scratch too which is great I think except the lead I think the lead is a preset yeah this one's sorry I mean the main thing is just add filters to stuff right so if this is like a this is a low pass filter oh no this is the cut off I don't know dude I'm not gonna do this stuff but my EQ looks great thank you very much look at this EQ where's some EQ hold on you're gonna check out this EQ and you're gonna think it's crazy Doug thoughts on octopath two music gameplay or otherwise play the game if you haven't by the way thanks look at that EQ as someone who is actively perusing music composition as a career this is actually very interesting to watch I basically start making music when I found video editing so I was like oh I'm actually good at Music full version and see which is better fortnite balls is that is that real all right um I don't know what EQ is but it sounds for I don't know did you keep your songs properly stored in the freezer it sounds like a lot of them went bad through the years a lot of them are not as good as Young Doug thought they were most of them are not as good when I opened them up recently this program looks like Excel with pop-ups it scares me you still edit all your videos I don't at this point I edited everything and did all the thumbnails and everything up until um August 2021 and then for the next nine months it was like me and Barry splitting the editing so still doing a lot of it and then I think second half of last year or like a couple months into last it's been about basically for the last year I'm no longer editing the projects myself because I was still doing that when when Barry was first working with me now we have two editors working the main channel one on the second Channel and one on the clips channel so four editors with Barry kind of managing everybody and overseeing stuff so I'm involved in like the first stages of the video but not the second half ish or last third something like that yes a lot of people yeah it's crazy there's eight people who work for me now um like on a weekly basis and then there's other people we hire for one-off things oh it's good I really like your [ __ ] thank you yeah no it's it's really good I mean the style obviously changes because people bring different stuff to it like Psy who edited the video we posted yesterday he just has crazy visuals right it's like the intro of yesterday's video is so funny and I would never be able to animate something like that right and so I'm way more focused on like certain types of humor beats in the editing or the story structure and the pacing and then everybody kind of brings their own Vibe like Barry is really good at finding funny sound effects um is also great like story structure and certain jokes Psy is really amazing at the at visuals everybody's good at everything but so you know I think we'll have like things we're very good at so he's amazing at visuals Kiki who is is now working real life she's like super good at music editing I think have you given your editors some borders no not yet path to soundtrack please give it a listen the problem is that they copyright strike on on YouTube or copyright claim so uh I can't monetize anything if I use I love octopath traveler music but I can't use it unfortunately are you going to be serious who's your favorite editor as a person think physically would be a pleasant finale for the mods to review the EQ is not what the EQ is just you changed a lot apparently we need to do a quick quick lesson okay okay so we have an instrument [Music] okay so what what is it I don't know what EQ stands for dude I should know this again I haven't done any of this stuff in a long time I did this as a hobby in like college but I haven't really done it since um where's pro-q okay cool okay when you have Audi when you have an audio form right you have different frequencies it stands for equalizer oh really it's just equalizer oh it's listening to every request so you can see this is uh the waveform of the audience and lower means lower frequencies higher means higher frequencies so if you hear this you'll recognize it but here are uh tears with everything and as we take away the low you hear the bass is like gone right and then we can do the opposite so this becomes a high cut this is with it you can take it with the highs so when you're making music you use EQ to change like what frequencies certain things are on because you generally don't want to you don't really want to have sounds compete in the same frequencies so as an example this is something we do on my videos so I use this program actually here there's a preset this program so this preset here you can see it's not a super dramatic thing like you probably wouldn't notice the difference here's with it out and here's with it on now you probably don't notice the difference it's subtle and it's only doing it by about three DB which is not a ton but what this does is this carves out my vocal frequencies so this is the band of frequencies where my voice is the strongest which is you know about like one and a half to three k Hertz so um the value of this so we we put this filter preset on most of the songs in a YouTube video because even though it's really subtle and you probably won't notice it it makes it easier to hear my voice while music is playing because the song is going to have less frequency it's going to have is going to be less loud but only in the frequencies that I'm talking talking right so rather than just making the entire song quieter we can leave it like higher than it kind of should be because my specific frequency frequencies are carved out and so that's what you can do with music production where you have certain sounds kind of like own a specific band and that way they really stand out it's like with music a lot of the time you you have something like side chaining where like a bass Like a Kick Drum when that's hitting you set up it so that when the bass drum I don't know how to do it I would show you I forgot how to do it but when you when you have the kick drum hitting when the kick is happening everything else drops down in volume which sounds counter-intuitive right like wouldn't you want everything to be super loud when the kick happens but this it's weird if you drop all of the sounds down when the kick is happening it sounds like the kick is louder right so that way it's like it sounds like the kick like knocked everything out of the way I wonder if I have a song that shows that uh what is oh this one probably has it but it's probably subtle I don't know how to do it anyway so EQ you can say what band yeah side chaining it says it says what bands it is like you you decide what bands of the frequency are boosted or reduced um and then side chaining is you like set up one set one volume to automatically bring down another volume oh yeah here's sidechain so so are the pads I changed okay it's kind of hard to see here [Music] um I'd have to like mute a lot of stuff let me see if I can just mute lots of things actually just do it with a pad that'll be easier to hear [Music] oh that's not sidechained wait what I don't know how to do any of this or is it none of this side change am I crazy I don't know you can kind of hear it whenever the kick happens everything else drops in volume um and so it allows it allow basically you want to carve out space so things aren't overlapping and it's a common thing you run into with or when you first do audio production there's a lot of everything is just kind of bundled together and as you get better you're basically learning to take stuff away and it makes it feel like more is going on which took me a long time to learn anyway this has been music with Doug uh I'll let the alerts play up dementia is hitting you hard following your content creation guide and I'm giving it my best shot hey that's awesome thank you for making every day a joy doing something I love without being another copy and paste Andy I hope it goes well I I'm glad you're enjoying it that's the most important thing for yesterday's stream it was a wild ride that main channelers should be forced to see um Maybe I feel kind of weird Ludwig will probably make a video about it I assume I can ask him and if he's making a video it feels a little weird to just put out the exact same content on my own channel but like two months later because we take a while to make videos so maybe um where's the Skyrim uh we are done with Skyrim for today if you just tuned in [Music] oh I have the alerts pause paycheck for the week yeah I pay him more than that this isn't his office sorry Doug please blur the number here in the edit the rest of you forget you saw this so learning how to mix and master mastering is so hard I tried to learn I could not impossible of letting one sound only frequency is so POG which more people knew about it yeah I mean it's it's like I don't know it's unintuitive but it's so effective hey my wife left the timer's still on all right could you do me a favor and put a timer on for bedtime 30 minutes tell you what we'll we'll call it early just make Lo-Fi I do not like Lo-Fi Lo-Fi just sounds shitty give the filibuster it's not stylistically shitty it just sounds bad trust me it's good also I don't think it's copyrighted since it's from again you're obstructor yeah I'm sorry so following your content guide though loss in the family put a damper on a few weeks getting back into it this week wish me luck good luck man hope it goes well I'm I'm happy if my stuff has helped a bit uh it's from Battle Cats [Music] okay this is probably fine oh we're caught up anyway it would be funny if this is the thing that gets the whole Channel shut down Channel [Music] it's pretty fun though foreign [Applause] [Music] well I was looking for who to raid and then I saw a stream that I know you guys are going to be [ __ ] stoked for Grand Pooh Bear is playing Euro Truck Simulator 2. [Music] we get a [ __ ] pog o shark simulator too grandpa bear is doing the subathon so you want to go give them a sub uh it will help him be forced to play even more Euro Truck Simulator but he's also just great fun stuff to watch as always oh thank you all for watching as always I should be back on Sunday um we'll continue this challenge at some point I had a great time it was very fun and I might do World of Warcraft on Sunday with Parcher because I want to do that uh if not some other time I might need to take Sunday off because I'm I'm still behind on things again uh this week just ended up being crazy there's just a lot of things I want to do but just all of them take prep is the issue there's lots of I need to prep lots of things but well I'm excited to do uh more stuff and things all right cool goodbye thank you for watching thank you for the support and subs and everything thank you uh yeah the fun week I will be back next week goodbye have a great I'm gonna go eat fried chicken not tonight probably tomorrow but it's gonna be really good fried chicken okay bye
with the stores be part of this is there gonna be a Schultz 2020 button on every green apron across the country no there would be a complete separation between me and the company [Music] complete separation between me and the company
I wasn't going to stream tonight but I have I have something to say I have something to say I wasn't going to stream tonight but now there are words that I need to say things I need to speak on okay Maya leas thank you for the six months Bella thank you for the six months blind fool could you imagine if this was something real and serious and I'm like thank you for the six months I appreciate it thank you that's very I'm thank you for your money um I should have brought my uke dude I should have brought my uke it's unfortunate it's unfortunate that I didn't bring my uke to make an apology video but I don't have to apologize for anything Maya thank you for the tier one 3 months in advance listen guys I don't know if you've seen the video we'll watch it we'll watch it the meat man thank you for the three months we'll watch the video okay I'm not click baiting all right I'm addressing something here you've all you've all a you know Creator on Tik Tock he he does a lot of videos and stuff but his main thing is that he makes videos and then he you know exposes people's Heights he does these calculations I don't know what he did because apparently he must have gotten it wrong Brielle laughed thank you for the tier one sub because I'm 6' S I would never okay maybe I'm not quite 6' 7 6 foot4 6'4 I mean give me that I'm close you know I'm close to 6'4 at least I mean Jesus Christ can you say hi Leila hello Lea Hannah Grover think with the tier one three months advents I'm just saying I'm right I'm literally right there I'm tickling the little nuts of 6' s I'm right there dude I'm literally right there he did say 5'7 which I found to be a little bit hurtful I feel like I'm not 5 seven I knew this was going to happen though I knew it was going to come hey pause I knew it was going to come soon because we me and him have been moots for so long we've been moots I refuse to believe I'm 5'7 I refuse it you know maybe I'm not quite 5'11 no chance I'm 5'7 that's impossible licky blicky thank you for the tier one sub three months in advance IM milany thank you for the four months on my driver's license it says 6'7 so I don't know what to tell you I got a tap measure I didn't own one so I went and I bought one but yeah I will say it is pretty funny to see comments it's either like dudes that have no idea who I am that are just like fans of you of all being like bro is 5 foot s crying laughing emoji damn bro you got exposed or it's like girls that follow me they're like no God why thank you for the 500 bits I'm taller than you no no you're not all right don't call me petite or dainty or any of that stupid [ __ ] all right I'm 6'7 I'm super tall I'm not quite 6' s I'm rounding up all right you people can't prove it all right you've all did some weird magic okay he did some weird magic I don't know what he did but he was so off a foot off how could you be a foot off it's true guys I shop with the Baby Gap I don't know to tell you I love the Baby Gap it's my favorite thing I'm such a tiny little petite little small guy banana cakes thank you for the five months appreciate it my sister's 5'7 you guys saw me being taller than her M yeah it is pretty funny though the comments are very funny cuz it's like it's either people being funny or like people from youall being like bro is 5'7 I play basketball in high school and I'm 6 fo2 or it's like people genuinely upset they're like How Could You Lie how could you lie to me you know what's hilarious is when I first posted that video I was like surely everyone will catch the sarcasm and then everyone is like God damn 6' s which I wasn't being sarcastic and I was being truthful and it was real you know that was real that was a real video or that was a real sincere phrase is what I'm trying to say it was sincere I am 6'7 I am indeed or I'm close I don't know I'm rounding up but I mean you got to round up you got to round up dude is your sister single and now you're banned from the chat get the [ __ ] out of here and now you're bad do you like Taylor Swift she's fine you know I've talked about this before but Taylor Swift's fans are like CR like you know if you don't like blank space or whatever the [ __ ] they'll send a bomb to your house or something yeah I'm also going through puberty guys so I'm still you know I'm still growing I'm still a growing boy you know anyways oh yeah I was going to react to this video let's do it shall we Tik Tok people you can't see this but I'm sure you've seen it already all right uh let's watch how tall are you I'm 67 and that's real and you can't verify oh yes J you're right to say that this would be impossible in most your videos because you're almost always sitting down however last week I was watching you in your Tik Tok live stream be very kind I just realized how funny this is cuz Tik Tok live they're just going to see me sitting here not saying a singular word finally we're standing right next to this upright scooter go on your Twitch channel to find the recording of that live it's also hilarious like this is the picture last I was watching you on your Tik Tok live me and a tutu and a hat that says IP in pools on a rainbow scooter stream be very kindly we're standing right next to this upright scooter go to your Twitch channel to find the recording of that live stream I noticed that at 1 hour and 28 minutes and 58 seconds you held the box for that scooter right up to the camera I appreciate you holding up the scooter so clearly that I could tell that it was the oo since your live was an Amazon unboxing I was able to go to Amazon and find me some measurements here but without any diagrams I could take these numbers at face value which means I'd have to measure the scooter myself so he bought the goddamn scooter I have it right here I thought I had it I don't know where it went there it is oh the weight limit is 100 lb good thing I'm a dainty little dainty guy you know this is it fully extended which is the length he haded in his live stream I feel like I mean 32 and 1/4 in and now to do some scaling looks like the scooter itself is around 560 pixels and using this still of yourself where you're standing in the same horizontal plane puts you at about 1160 pixels which only makes you a little bit more than double the height of the scooter itself which would only put you at about uh 5' 7 actually oh which is not true at all dude all right which is just false okay I don't even understand like I'm too stupid to even understand the math that went into that so I'm just going to say that it's not real you know I'm too dumb to understand the math that went into it so I'm just like you know no way I have one I literally have one I have a tape measure I got it but then I post a video being like check this out and then everyone is like you're wearing shoes and also you bent the tap measure dude what are you a [ __ ] scientist Jesus Christ let me live anyways I'm not admitting to anything dude I'll show you guys the the ID says 6 foot which is hilarious because you know I'm seven inches taller than that but he was like the dude at the DMV was like you look about 6 foot I was like damn right I do brother so then you know so then it's on there it's on there for reals but I mean I don't want to give you guys my full name and also address so how many toes you have I think 10 I think I might I think I might go the opposite route and instead of saying super tall say super short Brack wacky think of the Prime Stu like if you were on a dating app and you were like I'm actually I'm actually you know 411 you would get some people eventually you'd find someone maybe you never would I don't know eventually you'd find somebody and then you send expectations low and then when they meet you in real life they're like holy [ __ ] that person's pretty tall right right isn't that genius I don't know where my measuring I just had measuring tape I don't know where it went anyways are you still doing cameos I am I have a [ __ ] ton of them to do tonight existential Gat cat thank you for the two months appreciate it thank you are you my long lost Daddy no do you have a Tik Tok account that's funny because I'm on Tik Tok whoa TF is happening I just joined I guess people that are just joining are going to be very confused goats thank you for the prime sub milpe party thank you for the five gifted thank you thank you for those of you who don't know someone made a video saying I was 57 and I'm addressing the 57 allegations because I'm not um so that was that that was it that was the only thing I just wanted to say that the uh the [ __ ] the stream yesterday I said like emergency situation and then [ __ ] 6,000 people shut up so I was like I wonder if I said addressing the allegations if like a million people would show up but no one did or not as many people I guess they it's the boy who cried wolf or the boy allegations is an aggressive term I feel like people are going to be like M because you know traditionally Minecraft streamers when you talk about allegations with those guys not that great not that great you know what I'm saying not that great considering the history Vic xn thank you for the tier one sub three months in or no thank you for the two months appreciate it it's always Minecraft people which does not give me a good rep you know it's always Minecraft people gives me a bad rep like I'll see tweets sometimes of people being like I like this handsome fell guy but you know one day he's going to do something awful like no okay that's not happening at all no chance fell I was in class when you streamed yesterday nice well I streamed late at night so I guess you have n classes or something can you do another drunk driving stream I was thinking about doing that tonight but N I think I'm going to play horror games tonight games of Horrors horror terrifying scary games ooh scary horror scary this is just like a you know nothing I don't have much planned so we're going to be playing not horror games horror games that were guaranteed to make you poop and [ __ ] also thank you for the 50 bits Wicked 9006 appreciate it someone said something about the human centipede I watched The Human Centipede when I was young and it kind of ruined my life that's kind of like an obscure fear to have oh yeah Lego fortnite I could do that it's kind of an obscure fear to have that someone will you know sew your mouth to another man from the rear but each like each movie got progressively worse CU by the end when they did the prison thing there were so many prison it was like 300 people and who gets at the end of the human peed you know what I'm saying man who let you watch it I watch it on my own I did that a lot when I was a kid is I would just watch horrible things and like ruin my you know ruin my brain as a child think of the 100 bits appreciate it oh yeah also all of you in that video being like take your shoes off we got to see how tall you are you just want to see my feet you just want to see my feet I see right through you dude anyone in those comments sections being like take your shoes off you're cheating you're just trying to see my toes dude which is gross huh you don't want what do you want Barefoot me Barefoot you don't want that dude anyways oh did I not get my water oh my god oh my [Music] god get a haircut I should but I'm trying to grow it out honestly I've been letting I've been letting the hair fly you know stop it stop saying Bros 57 I will not stand for this I think about shaving my head every day you're so pale hey check this out you [ __ ] idiot nope that makes it worse that makes it way worse never mind I thought it would make it better for real I thought this would make me look more tan but looks way worse mave thank you it looks great on Tik Tok though I look like an angel I look like an angel from the seven from the sevens I kept reading comments saying 5 seven I'm look like an angel from the heavens but on you know twitch it looks ridiculous are you going to play Minecraft I did yesterday I can't get the lighting right if I could get the lighting right I wouldn't look as I can't get it right like there's some nights where I look awesome and other nights where I look super duper duper pale I might go bald I don't know not like because of hair loss but I might just shave my hair I do have warm light though it's supposed to be a warm light oh my phone just fell I don't know I might look good with a shaved head I'm lying there's no chance I look go to the shaved head uh oh sorry Tik Tok people I gotta go hello in three in three oh right oh I forgot to mute oh well they're hearing this conversation oh I am 6'7 okay thank you I appreciate it thank you for confirming for the people [Music] goodbye hell yeah no it's not a special guest um that was my manager all right so anyways we're going to be playing horror games scary poopy scary horror games and all that stuff that's what we're going to do ladies and gentlemen but first but first let me do something real quick let me do something real quick let me do something dude not that poor manager working with me dude my management team loves to work with me I'm a pleasure to work with and they love working with me because I'm so familyfriendly that's what it is really uhoh oh [ __ ] because I'm just so family friendly that's what it is love to sit down and watch hand of fell on stream oh [ __ ] okay I'll be right back you guys listen to Sean Kingston hold on e e oh yeah oh yes did I do this right did I do it I believe I did let us see yeah we we did yeah we did guess who's back oh guess who's back you're never going to believe who's back you're never going to believe it oh hold on getting and we're back and we're so back and we're so back ladies and gentlemen God I'm so good at this [ __ ] or so good at this stuff ladies and gentlemen guess what guess who's back for a second day in the row because it's the last day of this dude Mountain Dew raid Mountain do raid I think I can cuss actually I mean that's part of me that's that's who I am you know what I'm saying anyways exclamation point Mountain Dew raid get it going moderators you're going to have to send that every five minutes pretty please exclamation point Mountain Dew raid can we do fortnite someone put up a poll if we're going to do fortnite or uh or a horror game we're going to do both you know you know we got time uh how does it feel to be a fraud Mr 11 dude I am 6'7 Jake said he loves you dude I love Jake shout out Jake Weber Jake Weber Jake Weber Weber Jake Weber exclamation Boy mountain [Music] de God damn your voice is so hot and you're such a hands of Val and not only am I both of those things I'm also 6'7 because why would I lie about that so we're going to be using Mountain Dew raid technology to get featured again we got featured last night ha ha ha haha we got featured and you can get featured as well as well you can get featured you can do the same thing but I have to keep this in frame do a fit check I should do a fit check oh I should do a fit check oh I should do a fit check what's the difference between Mountain de raid and regular Mountain Dew Mountain de raid is the campaign meaning that like last night Mountain Dew gaming gifted me 20 Subs so they identify the Mountain Dew with Mount deay technology and then you know then you get featured on the page you have to I have to reply to M Mountain de gaming will come in here but the technology recognizes that mountain de is here and then they'll feed you on the homeage and they'll give you Subs which is pretty awesome pork butt Pete thank you for the prime sub horror games one we're going to be playing horror games and then I guess I'll play fortnite so let me stack up these books again oh my god I've been so Burpy recently should have dressed as Mountain dubon someone said I feel so stupid I don't know what that means but nice nice I feel smart and intelligent that's what I feel like all right let me grab hold on let me let me get my books so I can stack so I can sit the Mountain Dew on top you guys want to know something hilarious okay look at do you see how I've taken down the uh the girls cave sign there was a girls cave sign and there was also a little statue with a middle finger on it you guys remember from the Amazon stream so that I had a I had a Whatchamacallit I had a meeting on Zoom where I took in my office which is this and then I realized that the girl cave sign and then like the middle finger banana was just right there like you could totally see it so I had to you know act quick and knock it all down is that I think I put it on this side last time oh yeah oh yeah we're really doing it folks okay so I guess we'll play a horror game that's what we will do is get the horrors going uhoh the middle finger dunck yes yeah dude horror game time while we wait for the bot to come in here Mount D raade ladies and gentlemen use exclamation point Mount Dade that's Mt in DW raid to learn more about Mountain de raid and Tonight is the last night of it dude 6th through the 8th anyways do I really not annunciate the second syllable in horror horror I'm saying horror you sick freaks get your minds out of the gutter geez geez all right we're going to play the first fears to Fathom we played Iron bark Lookout we played uh Whatchamacallit the second or the third one Carson house with that like crazy ex girl Daddy no I'm not your dad that's my father's name Daddy all right here we go fit is trash shut up shut up you sound like Jake Weber I got tagged in that video of his like a million times where it was like you know Candy mayor like for three months where it's like if I kiss him it's totally fine we kiss sometimes you know what I'm talking about you know that video you look like Markiplier not quite I think the first one's called Home Alone o scary spooky games on a Friday or what is it Friday Saturday it's Friday it is Friday came because you said you had something to say staying for your voice hey good to have you I did have something to say I wanted to clear up the 5 seven allegations because that is just not true objectively it's not that's pretty messed up that he would say that I'm 5'7 honestly oh we're going to do uh we are going to do you guys know lethal Company Soft Willie Larry the group chat boy boys maybe a few other group chat boys lethal company with the guys Kyle thank you for the five months Haley Blondie thank you for the tier one not tonight but next week come on baby you manifested allegations yesterday yeah I literally said I needed something to happen so I could like clickbait the stream and then it did you know the 57 thing happened I feel like I'm going to have to delete that video on my thing cuz it's not twitch Clips I don't like having just like me on there that aren't twitch Clips opinion is on Pitbull he makes okay music oh that's my that is my H that's my steam whoopsies how do I turn this off oh there we go oh hell yeah oh hell yeah yeah we're just waiting for the mountain debot to get in here so mods let me know if you see the mountain debot pop in hi hel hello hello I think you meant fella if my name was handsome Hela that'd be pretty cool too though all right so we're doing this I love these games dude these games are so much fun I'm going to turn it down just a smidge kind of looks like Jesus I don't think so uh Home Alone voila voila and it's loading and we're waiting fears to Fathom I feel like every time I see a depiction of Jesus Christ he's always like jacked and like a white guy and like that's probably not what it what like they always make him Jacks for some reason anyways I didn't want to put this up on Reddit just for it to be called a piece of fiction and this is the first episode by the way people I don't even know where to start excuse my lack of good storytelling skills whoa Reddit stories that's the scariest part about this is that he's a [Music] redditor it was the middle of the summer my parents had left for that weekend due to a work trip which meant I was all by myself for the weekend also I feel like I do have to mention that my sleep schedule was really messed up around this time I would sleep and get up at just about any time of day though I did plan on fixing that H H this one's called home alone which I think is almost exactly like Carson house okay I guess I'm waking up to an alarm right now get into character what is this voice I can only do like one voice and it's mine oh that's so loud oh got it I woke up at around 8 after a nap that evening y yeah yeah yeah oh wait I got to put this guy up all right so on this thing you always have like texts and stuff and also a NAB this lay of the day is pretty diabolic that was the most annoying alarm sound I've ever heard in my entire life how was your day today 5 seven man I'm not a five foot [ __ ] seven man I'm tired of this I am a whole foot taller than that guys I'm tired of these these allegations that's what they are merely allegations not backed by facts in any way shape or manner oh did Markiplier play this nice anyways all right messages mom make sure to check it's them on the door before opening check through the blinds take care honey sure thing mom Dad and I may be back Sunday evening why are you being so paranoid paranoid Mom I'm 14 I'm a 14-year-old girl in this story probably going to order some pizza yes you can tell it's a 14-year-old girl by how they text I guess I can't do let me try and do a 14-year-old girl voice why are you being so paranoid Mom I'm 14 I think I'm going to take a little nap probably going order some pizzas is it sponsored by Mountain Dew sponsored by Mountain Dew r not just Mountain Dew Mountain Dew's technology Mountain Dew raid get ready for it dude wait for Mountain Dew gaming to pop up in here and then we get featured all right and then hopefully they give me more subs because that would be awesome Amaya Corin thank you for the prime sub what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do right now oh mom sent me more text messages no need to order anything already made you lasagna this morning check the fridge what psychopath is making lasagna for breakfast breakfast um hey we lit hey we lit this kind of looks a lot like the house from the other one I played the other night it's also very dark knees weak arms are heavy this vomit on a sweater already mom's lasagna food was C okay I guess that means I got to put it in the microwave or the oven yep food was heating up all right thank you for letting me know I appreciate it can I turn on some lights in a [ __ ] because it's so dark Real G's moveing silence like lasagna agreed have you ever played outlas I have I play played it a long time ago on stream food was already warm thanks dude it's good to know you know how [ __ ] Food Works I like watching the TV while I ate all right that's everybody in these they all like to watch the TV when they eat did you not close the back door maybe not wow that's louder than anything I've ever heard in my life oh Vinnie with the raid Vinnie hacker raid yeah yeah Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie thank you Vincent I appreciate it you raided me while this stream is being sponsored by uh a Mountain Dew raid exclamation point Mountain Dew raid ladies and gentlemen hey Vincent hello Vinnie hey yeah mount D that's right dude that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying dude uh uh uh uh uh uh uh oh yeah I did say that Vinnie did say had the clap that's we're brothers you know we're we're more likee than we are different Vinnie hacker you know what I'm saying anyways thank you Vincent I appreciate it hope you had fun playing valerant or something or Call of Duty something like that I think you play those all right all right people let's continue didn't you we're playing scary games right now we're playing scary games oh he's playing lethal company that's a fun one hey man if you ever want to hop on lethal company let me know I got to eat this lasagna and 180p in this horror game num num num just straight out of the pan straight out of the oven incredible amazing all right well I'm just going to throw that on the ground the chewing sounds are incredible as well Mason Oliver texted me interesting 180p is hor enough yeah you know what are you going to do these games don't have great graphics no need to order anything already made you lasan this morning check the fridge check the fridge you just said that lady oh there a new guy we're going to have to call it off man something just came up you got to come to Jessica's tomorrow is this like my secret lover perhaps per se per chance maybe my side piece Mason Oliver or maybe it's just my boy I don't know you got to come to Jessica's can I reply to this or do I just continue walking around the house your Munch sweatshirt is here can't wait to wear it hey man ladies and gentlemen if you haven't bought the Munch sweater from handsome fell.com what are you doing you know know you can't just say per chance I can dude I love using words that I don't even really know what they mean in sentences all the time per chance per se uh whom I love using whom I have no idea to use that word the why is dude if I lived in this place I would be like why are the sounds so ominous like why am I living in a place where the sounds are so ominous all the time this doesn't make any sense oh did I leave the back door open whoopsies to whom it may concern chill out dude it's all good I'll probably just go back to bed after Kim all right so I guess I'm doing Kim homework and then don't ask me why but I but I but I to my parents' room what the hell did that just say he went to his parents room to do something to spy on them apply for season two of The Squid games I think I'm too you know hashtag re of a person to do that cu the squid game show is like very obviously typ casted like it it's so fake it makes me want of to puke everywhere are we a girl or a boy I guess we're a boy I thought we were a 14-year-old girl but I guess we're a 14-year-old boy yeah the the the show hold on where can I not turn on the lights oh I just Clos the door the show it's like they have a guy that's like I'm the mean guy and I'm mean to everybody and I'm mean and then there's the guy that's like I'm the sweet little sweet guy and I just want everybody have fun and everyone has has a backstory that's just all made up so what am I doing in this bedroom text showed up to tell me what I was doing but I have no idea well I'm going to go over here I hate the sounds that are coming out of this house they have like a very ominous Orchestra it's very confusing how much do you bench I hit 225 one time ever in the peak of my physique I could not do that for sure could not do that right now there's no chance hadly Yas thank you for the four months dude don't worry guys the mountain de raidbot is on its way because I have Mountain de that's what the mountain De Ray technology does it recognizes I have a Mountain Dew and then it will be here soon enough dude I don't want to look through my mom's drawers honestly I might find something that would gross me out a little bit you know what I'm saying moving grooving thank you for the prime sub y y y y all right well I guess I've done all the snooping I can do in this room you're 23 how are you past your Peak physique well I mean I just I've been slacking what is that sound opinion on belly button piercings I find that everybody that gets a belly button piercing I will drink water once I go get my water I see you redeem drink water anyways underrated chaos thank you for the tier one sub KK bugs thank you for the tier one sub that door was a little bit open can I get in the car I don't know what to do don't check any nightstands yeah that's what I'm saying I don't want to learn that much about my parents honestly Kim homework oh yeah oh that's what I was saying the belly button piercing thing everyone that has a belly button piercing I always find that they end up getting it infected like all the time it always gets infected no matter what C homework I couldn't focus because of the TV's noise downstairs you [ __ ] why didn't you say that before when I was downstairs Jesus Christ just say it in the messages just be like hey I always turn the TV off before I do my chemistry homework instead of being like making me walk all the way up there you never finish a thought ever no I don't that's kind of my thing guys kind of my thing also I haven't been taking my cool guy medicine as of recently all right here we go 12:38 a.m. whoa I okay I didn't read that fast enough I didn't read that fast enough so I don't know what to do he finished his homework though I think homework was done I was off to bed okay he's going to sleep thank you for the 500 bits what is your favorite Mountain Dew flavor hold on let me read this text from my mom I'm a big Baja Blast guy I don't think that counts as a flavor but I love the Baja Blast I took my fun medicine and played Sims for 6 hours sometimes happens don't stay up too late you kids I shouldn't get to hear from Miss Paulo this time Miss Paula Miss Paula Dean what a not cool girl I went to her uh restaurant in Gatlinburg and they have like cutouts of PA aine everywhere it's terrifying it's terrifying I don't know if you guys have ever been to Pine's restaurant um but there are lit literally just cardboard cutouts of poine everywhere maybe I should use that to prove my height because I towered over cardboard cutout poine do you guys hear that do you guys hear that oh it's a clock oh well I got to get water see this is when those stream diapers would come in handy okay water water where's the water in the fridge maybe got it e e dude you guys like this ASMR huh to me when your mom comes over all right we're done we're having fun here people how do I bu this this back I need to put this back huh well I guess it'll be on the ground going back up to the room there's no way anything bad could happen in this game there's no way anything bad could happen in this game d can I change my settings or is it too late I really want to play this game and not 180p oh [ __ ] miles who's that at the door you there ah [ __ ] ah [ __ ] good thing this picture is great quality so I can see who's here good thing I can totally make out this guy I worded that incorrectly I'm not making out with this guy but I mean you know I'm saying why did she take such a shitty picture is my point should I go to the front door or will I die I guess we're going to check it out Paula sent me said he's been creeping Through the Windows we're calling the cops you kids lock every door and hide in your room don't answer the door man what he does oh [ __ ] mom I already came down to the front door I'm sorry Pine this isn't cool oh lock oh [ __ ] perfect I can see everything no way that he why ring the doorbell after you already broke into my house through the window there's really no point in doing that it's Paula at the door oh hell yeah well what about the did she shatter the window to get in what was that paully you scared me I heard someone shatter the window to get in she's like oh that's just how I enter in every [Music] home so I guess if I had to guess and take a wild guess is that that was not Paula at the door that was some some kind of monster or something so you know that was cool Mountain Dew raid Mountain Dew raid um can we get some exclamation points exclamation point Mountain do raids in the chat guys I mean come on I mean what are we doing I mean what's going on I'm not seeing a lot of exclamation point Mountain de raids in the chat right now because you yourself can stream with the Mountain Dew on your screen and then eventually the Mountain Dew raid bot will come in here and he'll put you on the uh front page of twitch maybe give you some subs if you're lucky if you've been a good boy this year it's like Santa Claus except it's AI technology Mountain Dew saved my grandma all right so I guess I'm going to do that one more time but the thing Scrat crashed as soon as I uh it crashed as soon as um I died for some reason here we go people yay thought do not go to the door I like how you think [Music] chatter oh do I have to restart from the very beginning oh that blood I'll speedrunning this time all right can I skip this part Jesus blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah middle of the summer your home alone we get it the name of the thing is called Home Alone it makes sense I woke up at around 8 after a nap that evening all right speed running speed running speed running speed running speed running speed running all right mom's texted me made you lasagna got to eat the lasagna eat the lasagna eat it eating the lasagna that's in the fridge if Mark wallberg were here he wouldn't let that happen Mark Mark wallberg wouldn't have let that happen I hope you guys know the tweet that I'm referencing because it was very funny he said that about a certain tragedy all right come on Mark wallberg what is it with these and lasagna that's true on the on iron bark Lookout the dude ate lasagna okay oh there we go he likes to watch TV when he eats I will say this first one is good Lord this first one has way more annoying music there's nothing I love more than eating straight out of a pan that I just pulled out of the oven I mean what is this guy Garfield do you get a guys because of lasagna do you understand it's because of lasagna all right this my my [Music] boy my boy can't hang out tonight for some reason got to do my Kim homework oh right I got to turn the TV off how could I possibly forget that that's something I had to do right fantastic amazing yay and he's just watching the scariest [ __ ] on the TV which is not helpful oh you know what I'm thinking of right now I may have left my oven on did I tell you guys about the uh the thing where I uh go check dude I check it a little bit I think if I start smelling smoke smoke or something then that's probably a Telltale sign don't say up too late okay great well I'm going to bed go in to sleep that would make for a pretty good clip I think personally cat's guy thank you for the five months appreciate you appreciate you girl living life on the edge exactly finish your thoughts please I can't even remember what I was talking about what was I was I telling a story was I saying one time I think I was talking about the peanut butter thing I like put a thing of peanut butter on the oven and it burnt the jar of peanut butter that's what I was talking about I didn't do it on purpose I wasn't trying to like cook a jar of peanut butter but I just so it just so happened to be next to the eye all right so I guess we don't leave because there's a creepy man outside of the house who's at the door you there oh no [Music] ah if I open the door I think he's just going to kill me we're calling the cops [Music] okay I've never heard someone say peanut butter that way peanut butter peanut butter peanut butter peanut butter what am I what how am I saying it peanut butter peanut butter peanut butter okay so we know that our mom is an OP our mom is our biggest op I guess for some reason T Jean thank you for the tier one sub peanut butter peanut butter peanut butter peanut butter peanut butter are you hiding yeah I'm under the bed look I'm under the bed bro is this the game from earlier this week no it's a different game it's p at the door mom so sorry honey everything's going to be all right you're full of [ __ ] mom cuz last time I walked out the door I got attacked no I'm not doing it I'm not doing it not doing it Mom not doing it at all unless it's not your mom I don't know what to do because I last time I walked out there I died would you guys answer would you guys answer h would you answer if you got a call if you have you guys seen that thing where it's the picture of Jesus Christ and it's like answer this call and it it's like would you answer this phone call yeah that's true it might be a hot single bomb in my area maybe I should check it out so I don't know what to do here because I died the last time I can I open the window should I run I don't know what to do he killed me right there last time sir if you are in the darkness over there do not attack me I'm really squinting stream volume is low oh wait you're saying you turned it down I think I see a silhouette of uhoh uhoh uhoh um the closer I get the more he comes out I don't know what to do I don't know what to do I have no idea what to do that's right bro that's the police whoop whoop that's the sound of the police excuse me excuse me excuse me um what was that the [ __ ] game whoa what was that literally what was that that sucked that sucked ass what was that dude I need to I'll download let me download the second one I'll download the second one there were ads oh you missed literally nothing there was no nothing happened there there were no like I just saw your Tik Tok you're 5'7 I'm not all right I'm very tall the reaction to those are very funny though I will say it is either you know like hype beastes young boys being like Bros 57 or you know know crying laughing emoji H Emoji or girls that are just devastated I can't believe he would lie to us I can't believe this I'm like you think I was being serious that's crazy what have I ever said anything sincere in my entire life on stream Brielle laugh thank you for the one gifted and you know I'll still well never mind I'm gonna keep that I'm gonna save that for another stream actually but you know what I'm you're picking up what I'm putting down all right anyways do you get down and get jiggy I do let me download well I have a shitty horror game called hatch that apparently is super duper really shitty and I think it would be funny to play I could play hatch you guys ever played hatch playing hatch you guys know what hatch is I have no idea damn it oh nutty Nicki thank you for the thank you for the five gifted appreciate [Music] you damn it I can't get this stream category right you kind of remind me of Sam suic thank you we're close to the same size I can't spell hatch right whatever we're whatever we're changing this is just chatting I guess [Music] I have to type over I have to like look over these [Music] books did you ever play sports I played uh cross country or played it doesn't you I'm not playing I had a cross country in track as you could tell by my stature and physique was actually pretty good yeah I played Running Oh me I played running [Music] Mountain Dew raid still waiting for the bun still waiting for the bun it's going to pop in ladies and gentlemen it's going to pop in what books well particularly uh breeding with Bigfoot but you know I'm a big fan of classic literature myself I don't know this is bad that lady looks [Music] terrifying all all right I'm going to pee and also get my water and also see if I potentially am burning my house down so I think my oven might be on [Music] [Music] and my oven was on and my oven was [Music] on guys I'm not 57 dude what the the [ __ ] is this poll what is this Poll for reals that sucks everyone vote taller or you're a bad person and a liar dude youv all was my uh has been my Mutual for so long and I knew it was going to happen but God I did not think he was going to say 5'7 anyways all right new game override current d okay this looks interesting what is going on I'm playing a horror game full of Horrors apparently it's like a really shitty horror game which is kind of funny all right walk run Crouch lean oh lean hell yeah uh something will appear during Auto save do not let the enemy see you the moment you do not let the enemy see the moment you enter the bucket or Locker Mouse slash controller sensitivities can be okay I mean that seems pretty straightforward okay so I guess I'm in what is this I don't know what that means day four I'll check the router again and the power is about to go out okay this is my diary I wonder what secrets are in here oh I can look I woke up to find a hatch in my room part of the house is out of power there's no internet connection why is it night all the time there's some strange people outside my house it's dangerous out there I'll check the router again and the power is about to go out cool I don't think R is use item at all cuz R is the menu so why can't I click on this set the saxs thank you for the tier one sub appreciate it is Mound de in here menu menu am I saying words wrong again is it's literally menu oh my God it's Alexa Alexa can you please fart Alexa Alexa fart please Alexa big fart thank you first time chatting what is your opinion on well I don't know dude stop your making M go off that's awesome I hope you guys are playing this out loud oh can just go outside find a flashlight okay flashlight could be in the washroom sure dude okay so this is how you hide D Den now I can hide in the trash can hell yeah dude say Alexa spicy fart Alexa spicy fart it's so funny to make your Alexa fart because she will she will fart and I think that's beautiful that someone had to code that like someone on the team at Alexa had to code Alexa farting sounds like 25 of them which is kind of like a considerable amount I need to find the washroom is this the washroom find a flashlight flashlight could be in the washroom oh just a regular flashlight okay what in the what kind of game mechanics is this boogie Wonder egg thank you for the prime sub yeah all right all right well we get the what is this does that mean I need to go over there find a can opener what are these little tasks okay what why did it highlight oh I got a can opener good I didn't see a can opener at all open canned food okay where am I going to find canned food in the fridge per chance oh the bean bag dude I haven't seen that emote in a hot minute is this game Scary it's supposed to be I don't know when it gets scary is this beer have I been drinking bruise cool as hell cool as hell me when I'm Beering okay I have a can opener at least I can defend myself I guess liquid drain thank you for the prime sub what's the objective of this game I really have no idea I don't know I think there's some lady in this house that's going to try and Hunt me down at some point Ben is n beer is nasty men gasl themselves into liking it no that's how much of a man I am I was born loving beer okay so there's a problem with this game in that R is use item but R is also open the menu so what am I supposed to do here I guess that I guess that's what I'm supposed to do [Music] yum uhoh looks like we have company answer the intercom that would be great if I could figure out oh is this it yes package delivery yay I'm coming excuse you I find that to be highly inappropriate to say to the Amazon delivery person all right um okay oh Jesus dude what is your problem good Lord [Music] um me two days no Zaza it's a parcel all right well okay thank you for the package yep you have a good you take it easy all right you have a good all right thanks thanks for the package thank [Music] you thank you for the thank you for the package he's still going down there is he following me listen buddy also why does this person live in like an insane I need a place can you shut up for two seconds Jesus Christ what does this mean why are you speaking Sims language okay oh it's empty I got delivered an empty package that sounded like someone you meet on valerent and they're like I'm playing as omen you're quite good you know congrats on the top frag or whatever I don't know valorin language but they're all horny over there okay so what was the point in that why did that weird guy just deliver that package and why do I live in like this back rooms who is that guys this stream is in part I have to I have to be quiet but this stream is in Partnership with Mountain Dew raid stream with a Mountain Dew in your camera and the Mountain Dew raid AI will detect that you have a Mountain Dew and then they will put you on the front page of twitch and also they will give you subs and stuff I I don't know how to get the flashlight to work I guess I can't use a flashlight anymore uh I have to check the router I don't know where the router is I hear ominous music I don't like the ominous mic oh good thing she slow as hell boy boy you slow as hell boy boy you slow as H boy excuse me ma'am oh I can't jump I got to find the router ah oh [ __ ] where's the router I don't know where the router is I don't know where the router is I don't know what that means did she come for the package I don't know the origin store like I don't know what this lady is here for oh [ __ ] manam we can work something out I'm going to have to seduce this lady to get out of here [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] a I got trapped oh this is the router it's right here I found the router people back to your room okay so I was just skipping a step I know she's close cuz I hear that ominous ass music oh [ __ ] okay I think my room is over there if I remember correctly [ __ ] my room is right there fellow read the chat I'm reading it dude if she sees me jump in I'm dead back to the room baby did it oh no it only crawls streams in games not just chatting so change it well no I think the tag is supposed to be games because there's no I mean I guess I could I'm in the twitch tag games no no no no the tag not the twitch category CU I wasn't in I wasn't in that last night you know we just got to wait this is like Momo a grandma maybe it's not in frame well enough there's not a games category there's a games twitch tag which I'm in why she kind of don't don't why she kind of bro maybe I could get another book Have you listened to Pink Friday too I actually listened to it for a little bit last night pretty good honestly okay so now what do I do she wanted me so bad I'm playing a game called hatch which is supposed to be a scary little horror game today a strange woman came into my house and chase me she might come into my room I'll take a picture of the hatch just in case okay I guess find a camera I don't know this has to do with the hatch there's an old camera in my brother's room okay oh whoops I got to find a camera to take a picture of the hatch apparently can I pause hold R to use got 11 nuggets instead of 10 nice no it's not hold R that's the best a little secret surprise evq says it takes Max 10 minutes to pick up on the stream maybe I'm maybe I'm in the wrong POS maybe I need to lift it up a little bit more do you piss with the door open is it because you already did it it shouldn't be I should be recognized by the bot let me do some research I think I thought I saw you try I thought that I heard you laugh I have one two three four five six seven books stacked up here so hopefully this will work thought that I heard you laughing thought that I heard you say I think I thought I saw you try fort fort fort fort fort fort fortnite I might play a little bit of fortnite later voice of an Angel that's me where is this motherfucker's brother's room where you at brother's room I'm assuming it's up here okay can't open that door for some reason I mean this is highlighted so I'm assuming I mean I only have one item and try to sell me a chocar with your ad voice I turn the ad voice on ladies and gentlemen this game is bothering me the [ __ ] controls are so stupid wait oh okay desk key so now I got to use this desk key I figured it out I got the camera even though you can't [ __ ] see the camera uhoh guess who's [Music] back guess who's back people play the other Fierce of fathom chapter I will exit the locker who is is this lady are you going to try and kill me also oh her name is anaki and she just disappeared oh now you're sitting down it's been a long time you look pale are you okay hey [ __ ] you man what's up with that can't you do something about it check the breaker okay Bo boy what the hell I also I don't know why we're so cool with this lady that's just walking around oh there she is oh there's my brother okay what room is the router in I cannot remember isn't that the objective right now oh check the breaker where the heck is the [Music] breaker ah you bastard d why are there so many lockers I wonder why there are so many Lockers in the okay let's be very careful oh Jesus Christ guys he's right behind me isn't he Jesus I don't know if I'm ever going to find this [ __ ] ah this woman needs a job agreed it's getting a little bit embarrassing like I don't know where the hell the breaker is can I go back in my brother's room is he going to be like yo what is this lady doing here oh I'm dead [Music] all right this game sucks I guess what did I expect everyone said this game sucked people are like this is the worst horror game of all time all right people let's run a poll let's run a poll right now fortnite or uh fearce to Fathom game like an actual [Music] one I think [Music] I let me know people let me know what about granny I could play granny I have granny gray girl g59 thank you for the two months appreciate it appreciate you stanky smelly [Music] mucho oh fears to Fathom winning by a huge Landslide all right well let me download this game bro and let me hopefully not screen share my Steam account so that way you guys don't see my see my credit card information fears to Fathom is so [ __ ] boring OMG well what are you going to do the people have spoken Cali hope 789 all right next one Norwood hitchhike I guess there only one I bought all of these I bought every single one of these add to cart purchase for myself thank you purchase purchasing and it's downloading I think hopefully the stream doesn't just explode when I'm downloading this thank you for the 300 bits as a wreck for a semi-decent horror game sim simala is pretty good I actually have a good bit of horror games downloaded on my computer so I guess I didn't even really have to do this but we will see GTA 5 I have GTA 5 I'm not gonna play I don't think it's downloaded anymore um I am gonna play GTA 6 when it comes out though get ready for that guys in like two years H get ready for that guys in like two years H you guys ready for that I'm going to be streaming at 25 guys I'm turning 24 in January gross disgusting 24 that sucks 24 sucks ass play Minecraft I did yesterday was that yesterday all the days are just meshing together all the days they're all meshing together all we're halfway done downloading Fierce [Music] Toom woo approaching middle age drunk man all right well 20 dude if 24 is m M AED what do I do I feel like I'm going to have a quarter life crisis at 25 if that doesn't bod well for me if 24 is middle-aged Jesus why do you drink like that shut up is my retort to that huh huh oh I get kicked off of my parents I already have my own insurance I don't even know why I acted like I'm not a grown man with my own insurance you guys enjoying the stream let's talk insurance let's talk Insurance guys how about that the weekend streams are always just like not planned at all and just completely I just do random games and that's what I'm doing tonight I need to go to the gym tonight what time is it 88:13 I need to get my pump in bro can you sign my baby's forehead I will gladly I'll put handsome fell right in their forehead and tell them to not wash it just keep it there would you say you're a millennial I think by definition I'm not a millennial I think I count as gin Z right oh it's downloaded oh ladies and gentlemen it's oh it's time oh it's time I'm definitely not a millennial Millennials need to stop doing that face where they're like you know that face when they're dancing ing I hate that face I hate that face all right uh let me do a little bit of magic here let me do a little bit of magic and then I'll play fears to Fathom uh episode two what do you do when you see someone do that face right there dude all right fears to Fathom two fears to Fathom two cannot find it excellent I left for a bit oh no welcome back did you already have time to say you were 5'7 everyone or did I miss it dude Andre you've seen me in Parson dude you know you know the lies that this guy is spewing on my name you know you know the lies that are being said on my name dude you know this wow these are all lies guys don't believe everything you say on the internet okay except for when I said I was 67 that one time believe that believe this I think I thought I saw all right ladies and gentlemen can we get ladies and gentlemen can we get some Mountain Dew raids in the chat right now exclamation point Mountain Dew raid right now right now stream with a Mountain Dew in camera view in Mountain Dew raid we put you on the homepage of twitch and also give you Subs come on I mean that's pretty sweet I mean that's pretty sweet guys come on put your hands in the air for Mountain Dew raid ladies and gentlemen Mountain Dew raid Mountain Dew [Music] raid oh my God I just hit my desk and the whole desk is shaking whoopsies Mountain Dew R hire me to do some announcing somebody out there if there's an agent watching this all right Fierce of fathom episode two ladies and gents everyone under 5 foot is in the North Pole thank you shortest guy I'm assuming you're there as well all right loading up is a m de set up on books it is I'm sitting it on all these books so that way the AI will capture the Mountain Dew oh my screen is frozen my screen is frozen oh there we go we're good woo City of Bones yeah dude ever heard of it more like the city of boners no just kidding oh [ __ ] all right hold on clicked on the wrong thing here is this the motel game I think so no it's not are you talking about the motel game I played that one time let's play it on ultra settings dude let's have some fun here Norwood hitchock oh yeah you'd be a millionaire if you read smut yeah but I'm not going to do that at all I don't want to sacrifice my dignity dude June 16th right in the middle of gay pride month this happened to me when I was 19 I'm a little over 21 now I still remember this very clearly because of how creep down I felt I was a bit hesitant to write this out for the internet at first but getting it out may help even just a little bit I was one of those people that loves gaming conventions so a virgin what are you talking about uh I'd go to Every convention I could I get the chance to and sometimes even meet some of my online friends though my par I'm saying that like I didn't just go to twitchcon like I was just there alone too not even with anybody um anyways though my parents weren't always thrilled at the idea of me going to Interstate drives by plane ticket would be too expensive this is a convention I uh this convention I was at went great and it was now the day to drive back home but when I set off I soon realized the traffic was horrible I decided that I'd take the long way to avoid traffic it was a little over a 12-hour Drive okay nice oh I get oh I get to drive again dude are you guys loving these Ultra Graphics these are the ultra Graphics all right checking my phone while driving not a big deal that's it I'm rerounding here you got to do what you got to do agreed you can't stop me oh the music is so calm this is honestly a little bit calming oh no fake Anna thank you for the six months I'm going to have to restart the game I'm going to have to restart the game I completely I completely messed it up so we're not going to crash anymore we're not going to crash anymore where didd you get those prints in the background I'm pretty sure Amazon I think Adam zandler dead at 56 surely that's not true that was a little [Music] calming I don't know what song that was but it was a very very calming song Hello Eves will you ever play VR games I will at some point I just got to get an Oculus and those are kind of expensive do you only read the sub chat I no I just read your chat dude do you think of the Roman Empire are we still talking about that is that still a thing that people talk about all right I want to skip all this [ __ ] all right so he loves gaming he's a convention guy I don't think about the Roman Empire ever yeah yeah you got to do what you got to do sure man I've been on a real horror games kick recently I was thinking think about doing the VR or not the VR but the driving simulator thing ended up not doing it my bad my bad bro oh Dad where did you reach still about 6 hours away from the city got stuck in a jam you play lethal company yeah I'm going to play with uh the group chat fellas next week maybe this weekend near halfway through the driver l i was low on gas uh oh got that's true I got a text for my daddy and also my dad you know pissing the gas tank will that work I think that'll probably work Dan text me again told you to take the flight [ __ ] oh oh Holly it's going to be late when you reach back hope you're feeling all right I'll admit I was a terrible driver all right you [ __ ] I'm not that bad terrible is kind of a stretch I crave the touch of a woman now I know that's not true Andress oh I need to get gas oh Jesus Christ I'm assuming it's on the left am I lagging is my stream lagging like hell I didn't even realize that I shouldn't have even tried to you know stream in ultra settings I'm going to go watch queso by L let's see how many messages have you send in here oh it's just all you say is l l ads why so many ads L ads L ads L ads what are the allig all your chats are just ads and enjoy queso dude let me try and boot this up one more time boo that dude Boo Boo Boo [Music] spent the weekend with a boy now he goes to me what do I do please help that's over dude that ship is sailed it's done for yeah dou ads you know what I'm saying uh let me I this game is not okay there we go and this should work this should work hopefully hopefully it'll work is it weird for a 26y old to want to date a 19yearold a little bit that's a little bit weird that's a that's pretty weird that's pretty weird pretty weird all right so I got to go through the whole driving thing again what do you have in common yeah 26 dude with a 19-year-old no chance you got to do what you got okay I remember all this [ __ ] you're very quick witted thank you all right now we're not lagging we're cooking with gas he just gets me I don't know I don't know dude have you ever been to Texas I've been to Texas a few times once a speed limit doesn't matter I don't pay attention to that stuff anyways Mountain Dew stream with a mountain for the chance get put on the twitch brow page fellas stop judging I will judge as I please by God by Christ a long thank you for the prime sub thank you for the 200 bits I'm making my best friend watch you for the first time well good to have you best friend besy girl hope you enjoy it come to Iowa no I'm not coming to Iowa I feel like that's not a real place that exists okay getting gas getting gas getting gas getting gas I thought this is the whole thing oh guess I got gas word help my professor said he's in love with me what do I do I don't know called the police maybe that's pretty weird not sure why but at first I went on without getting gas oh what an idiot why did you do that come to Missouri no I should have stopped by the gas station oh I'm out of gas uhoh moving very slowly guess I'll start walking guess I'll start walking is this what I'm supposed to do I'm assuming this is what I'm supposed to do told you to take that flight it's going to be late when you reach back hope you're feeling all right oh yeah Mom I'm doing good I'm just walking down the highway at nighttime you got to get out of Iowa dude or Missouri not real estates thought that I heard you laughing what game is this this is a fierce to Fathom two am I supposed to do this I hope so [Music] go and get gas maybe I was supposed to go get gas I'm kind of just continuing down this road my dad is the police interesting you can't get get away with anything dude at all if your parents are the police hm H you have to go into the gas station building oh well I'm going to be honest I'm tired I didn't finish that game but we did play the first one and another horror game and then a bit of that one I guess a whole lot of nothing happened but people Mount D raade ladies and gentlemen check it out check it out dude well you know I guess tonight was the last night but we're still we're still spreading the good word we're spreading awareness uh I will see you all on Sunday I think I think you see see you all on Sunday uh short little stream tonight but to be fair I've uh e e e
I don't know how to stream I've Tak the break is too long I don't know how to stream okay Chad chill I have [ __ ] covid or something I'm probably gonna die right here live you today's stream will be a snuff film I want you to be ready for that uh hello white dragon moer Nat uh oh my god dude I okay I thought uh meta ninja Carl the man Ragnar Thomas Roo we'll miss the Tuesdays the yeah bro anyway I'm I'm I am [ __ ] powering through that's what I'm doing today I this is Jordan's flu stream I'm [ __ ] dead I feel so [ __ ] today all I did today was one work meeting and then I watched Conair then I threw up all right I feel [ __ ] terrible uh bro is wearing a shirt that says board games I can't I'm pulling this up because I want to know what your problem is I'm telling you I'm about to die and you have a problem with my FIT what is the problem what is is there is there a flaw in this shirt I like board games Dr battle got you sick I think he did I don't want to blame this on Dr battle but I hang out with Dr battle one time and I'm sick for the first time in [ __ ] two years years uh will you be live with the new Elden ring DLC tomorrow maybe if I can't sleep again if I if I wake up at 6:30 a.m. [ __ ] sweating because there's a disease that Smash Bros players have injected me with then yeah I'll watch it but otherwise I have to watch it live later do you want to die in that shirt that's the real question are you that's kind of cool I could die in this shirt have an open casket funeral and people could know that I really like board games J Rec yeah 100% J R I got a lot of stories to tell I got a lot to talk about uh but I am gauging whether or not I [ __ ] survive this stream on God I I've taken all my energy that I have left and I've pushed it together for one [ __ ] stream um will you still like Taco Bell after you were just poisoned it's your first time chat message what does that mean I didn't eat Taco Bell Taco Bell not poison me [ __ ] Smash Bros players poison me bro they don't they don't shower the diseases in there are [ __ ] feted uh will you still eat Smash Bros players no I will no longer do that I will no longer engage in cannibalism on Smash Bros players because it'll get you sick um it's a petri dish 100% it's a petri dish Evan and Dr battle brought you Taco Bell buddy he got D oh oh yeah I didn't eat it though vanilla Funk what's up God gamer ghost what's up oam what's up dusk act what's up all right so um yeah I have I actually a lot of interesting things I want to tell you guys about Genesis I don't now but I'm hearing myself so there's a [ __ ] problem my dude I don't I don't remember to stream streaming's not like riding a bike dude you take a break it's [ __ ] gone you take a break it's [ __ ] where is this coming from where is this coming from oh I'm going to lose my mind I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] mind there I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it it's the hardest job in the world it is the you guys nobody you're not giving me enough credit for like literally I'm this is equivalent to a a marine going back into the line of fire what happened to the IRL boxing stream this okay I'll tell you what happened that's the first first thing I'll tell you so on day two of Genesis which is again in in lovely San Jose a place I used to work and live um this guy Daniel AKA [ __ ] who is the guy that trained both stands and hugs for chess boxing he's a [ __ ] boxer he's shredded this dude hits me up and he's like hey do you want to do a boxing session stream's not lagging is it how many fingers am I holding up how many how many fingers am I holding are we good all right okay guys let's just Vibe for a second everybody chill everybody relax I'm going to ease into this okay I've taking a [ __ ] eight Monon break from streaming it feels like and I'm sick you can probably hear my voice and so now I'm just yes say some say Gizzy say Gizzy say coffee cow let's get the vibe going okay relax it's Gizzy laau Gizzy I can't coffee Gizzy glaz okay just let me chill let me just relax let me Vibe okay I like your sweater thank you that's the proper message when you see somebody in a nice sweater that says board games you say hi oh nice I like your sweater actually there's only two options if you see somebody's sweater let me give you guys a a [ __ ] piece of advice right now if you see someone in a sweater option one you really like the sweater you say hey I like your sweater that's good option two you don't like the sweater you shut the [ __ ] up those are your two options if you don't like the sweater you shut the [ __ ] up you don't scream LOL stupid [ __ ] sweater at the top of your lungs okay you don't spam that dot dot dot you really don't like this sweater you don't like this sweater this is a nice fun board game sweater this is a fun sweater you guys are haters you guys are haters for real um if I [Laughter] speak uh so what I was saying name three board games I can name a 100 board games I could name 100 board games easy free oh then do it okay I will camel up risk Risk [Music] Legacy Monopoly clue that's already five it's already five by the way ticket to ride Ticket to Ride Europe ticket to ride Asia Ticket to Ride India Ticket to Ride Westward Ho It's already 10 okay axes and allies is 11 okay um where I feel like I've already done basically a 100 at this point um paresi shoots in ladders oh I know uh Star Wars outer Rim I love that board game now we're at [ __ ] 15 Candy Land yeah plus Monopoly I count all the variants so I get another 90 done [ __ ] slam dunked it's it's over I did it all right I did it you said name three I said I named 150 um it's like a shirt that says travel instead of like Italy no no it's not little bro it's like a shirt that says [ __ ] basketball instead of a specific player or team sometimes you just like the sport do you know what I'm saying and also a shirt just like this just said Italy would also be [ __ ] odd right there there no problem sometimes you just like the sport I like the the concept of board games because I like playing a lot of different board games I don't want to wear a shirt that says [ __ ] clue on it I don't like one board game so much more more than the rest I like the concept of playing fun board games with your friends um can we play one with you how would I play a board game with you holy pengalan answer me that riddle me that question Batman um do you think there's money to be made in making board games do you think that every single board game creator to this date has been doing it for free are you under the impression that every single board game that you see for sale is being sold at Cost out of the goodness of the Creator's hearts and there's not a person who's walked away with a dollar yes it is a you can make money selling board games but it's probably very difficult like most creative Industries it's probably a very high failure rate and then uh an extreme exponential curve for the top 1% where they make money uh yeah similar to streaming or other or like almost any creative industry I'm saying um all of the religious Jews play board games on the Sabbath because they have nothing else to do please don't cancel me I'm one of them are you worried that I'm going to cancel you for playing board games while I'm wearing a shirt that says board games what what what would possibly get you cancelled in that sentence please don't cancel me I like to play board games on the Sabbath I think you're fine I think you're fine Brother uh anti- board game confirmed yo what's good ISO hey he truck I got a job offer for a big boy job today and it was the big boy job I wanted the most poipo pogies pogies pipo Gizzy Gizzy Gizzy Omega l congratulations lety it's it shocked me I am shocked believe me I'm shocked but if it's true it's true uh was that did you mention this in your application or how did you during the interview peo pogies pogies pipo Gizzy Gizzy Gizzy Omega you know what that job was it was uh president bu's going to run the country so good job fingers crossed um did you get rich from Genesis are you sharing your winnings from chat I'll get to that I have a lot of Genesis stories okay but the first one I was going to tell is regarding the boxing because I was going to do an IRL boxing stream and people were wondering why it didn't happen so on day two of Genesis I get an invite in the morning from Daniel AKA [ __ ] I'll show you who he is right now maybe you want to get a boxing lesson all right here he is look at this guy's [ __ ] ripped look at this guy he's chatted up he's look he trained stands he trained hugs okay he's a fighter he's a fighter oh I lost my chat and so this dude hits me up and he's like hey do you want to do a lesson cuz uh we talked about doing before but he lives really far from me so I don't want to drive out to him he's like do you want to do a lesson so I'm like [ __ ] yeah we're both G he's also a Smasher so we do a lesson by the Hilton pool so we're out I show up at the Hilton pool I uh I don't have any gym shorts because I didn't think I'd be doing any training so I went and I uh I borrowed TOS like GameCube controller gym shorts so they're like they've got like they've got like GameCube buttons all across the like all right so I show up in that and a jmo jersey because that's the closest thing I have to a gym shirt so I'm decked out okay I'm decked out I'm actually dripping out of my mind while I show up to this [ __ ] boxing lesson and we go to the pool and he's like all right I'm gonna teach you how to jab and I swear to God everything I'm gonna say is true okay he's like I'm GNA teach you how to jab and I go jab and I do this and he's like wait a minute that was pretty good now what I think is he wants to complement my jab so that I feel good about what I'm doing so that I uh hire him so so that I hire him either way he says my jab is pretty good okay uh considering use the wrong hand no I didn't use the wrong hand okay we tested it this is the one I'm doing it with pow uh all right so I do the jab he's like the jab is pretty good and then he teach me how to do a cross and he's like that's not as good and then he teached me how to do like a hook and I always I always here's the problem okay we're doing this for I don't know an hour or whatever uh first 30 minutes it's doing well he's teaching me some punches I'm practicing we're also doing some general exercises and then uh he teaches me how to do the hook and every time I do the hook I my eyes follow the fist he's like all right you look at me and then the hook goes like this and every time I do it I go like this I turn my head and he's like no he's like no everything's good so far just keep the head straight I can't do it and then when I do keep the head straight the hook goes like [ __ ] way off I just can't [ __ ] do the hook it's a real problem so we practice I me again this is my first first day okay of doing it um and also he wants me to like twist my leg and you know all sorts of Po posture stuff um anyway I'm following the hand so we can't figure this out uh then at that point it starts to rain really hard by the way this is another problem is it was raining really hard and we were outside so I couldn't get the the camera set up uh so then for a brief period of let's say 20 25 minutes I am practicing boxing in the rain which is probably the most badass I've felt in a minute you know by the side of the pool he's got pads up I'm punching and we're in the rain that was pretty [ __ ] sick that was pretty yeah was pretty Rocky pilled um so we did that for for 25 minutes and then he's like hey it's actually really [ __ ] cold he's like you know we've done it for an hour you want to call it a little early cuz uh it's [ __ ] it was it was really [ __ ] cold but I didn't want to be the one by the way the second it started to rain I was instantly cold I instantly felt like [ __ ] and I was like if this was anyone else I'd probably be like let's leave let's go inside let's call early but I didn't want him to think I was a puss all right I didn't want to stop so I'm literally gritting my teeth and just [ __ ] going for 20 25 minutes and then he's like uh no wonder you're sick no cuz I felt fine the next day that was only day two day three I felt great okay um so yeah I just we did the box and I felt pretty sore uh the next day I felt I felt good but sore colds always cook for a day what you [ __ ] do now you're a [ __ ] expert I boxed into the rain and now I have a cold rain yeah rain is just a cold shower oh you get you get in you get in the shower and the and the water's turned to cold suddenly you're sick really let me give you two scenarios okay Dr house let me give you two scenarios of how I could have gotten sick number one I was outside got a little rain on me while working out doing something healthy interesting number two I was in a crowded bar full of degenerate Smash Bros players and we were yelling at each other because we couldn't hear uh for hours and hours and hours at night do you which one do you think no 100% it was number two it was the smash players okay uh uh no you don't don't break into my home the microplastics from the rain seeps into your skin that's what makes you sick I don't know enough about science to dispute this this sounds sounds like factual I actually feel like I'd love to shoot you down but I've heard some of these terms before and they sound really intelligent um the rain weakened you to let you get sick uh I filled out the ballot for the first time yesterday why do the senators all have weird job experiences what do they even include that on the ballot they include their history like their previous job experiences are you reading the LinkedIn of senators are you in the wrong you're in the wrong chat you're lost anyway okay so I couldn't do the IRL stream also by the way the backpack was kind of hard to use it was kind of hard to get going you have to like find the right uh Network to stream on and it some of them are iffy it's aain that's not a boomer situation all right it was just a pain in the ass um you know I thought when you spend $2,300 on a backpack it's like Plug and Play it's not it's not plug in Play It's actually kind of difficult um but we did do it we didn't we got it done I did one IRL stream if you don't know I did an IRL stream on the first night of Genesis I think maybe first night maybe second night and that was where uh I walked around and challenged people to money matches which was fine I think I won all of my money matches except for one which was a guy named SSB seal who showed up because he knew I was live and then just proceeded to dick me down uh you know just beat me like [ __ ] six times straight okay I got completely [ __ ] rocked uh so shout out to seal who who knew it was coming um so I did live stream I did the the boxing oh the most important thing so the reason I brought the backpack was actually not to do that live stream the reason I brought the backpack zoom out for one second I was at Genesis the world's largest Smash Bros melee tournament the last remaining super big super duper Omega major of Smash Bros melee really one by one all of the big tournaments have been cut down to size by the passage of time and Nintendo and uh the dangers of our economy okay big house big house is close I went to big house though it's just not quite Genesis I don't know what to tell you Genesis is the big one Genesis is the big one uh um it's the one that gets every [ __ ] top player has the most entrance has the biggest price pool still uh Genesis it's the last big super super duper major for for uh Smash Bros and so I go every year because not only is it fun for me I'm a big smash Mo melee head but also I get to see a lot of friends that I don't get to see a lot a lot so I got to see uh you know Bobby scar AKA Peoples Champ if you want to SP on the emote I got to see benw AKA not like this if you want to SP on the emote I Gotta See to uh who you probably don't even know if you don't follow smash but these are all my boys okay and I got I actually room with them I room with those guys and so that's why I go uh CU for a few days I get to kick it play video games we usually watch shitty old movies in the hotel room we eat Domino's Pizza We Vibe we make jokes we have a good time it's really a good bonding experience I love to go and I'm not going to miss it any year okay um so that's why I went to Genesis and on the way I was road tripping with my friends Rachel and blur who are again uh friends I really like and uh my plan was to was to backpack stream I got the backpack right here was to backpack stream the car ride from La up to San Jose it's like a six-h hour car ride okay and in that 6-hour car ride I was going to put the camera from the back seat on the front seat of Rachel and blur and talk to them about dating in the Modern Age CU both of them are very actively dating on dating apps and they have a lot of stories and they have a lot of interesting findings and theories about how why things are the way they are and I thought it would be very interesting um blur's dating life it's funny you say Omega if if you don't know blur you might think oh that guy's not dating very much at all in fact blur is dating like crazy blur blur blur is laying pipe across Los Angeles if you if you were unaware about blur situation blur is laying pipe across all of La I want you guys to know you need to know that uh yeah legitimately uh uh blur has probably dated like 20 to 30 women in the past six like a pretty insane amount of amount of uh um and so um but they both have a lot of experience they both have lot experience in this situation of what's going in in in in in uh dating and so I had and so we couldn't get the backpack to work but I still had the combo and I learned so much as someone who has not done the dating apps right I'm married I'm married and me and Ari been dating a long time so we we skipped this whole generation of of uh dating apps and they gave me so much insight into what it's currently like and so much how how it's changed like for example there was unanimous agreement that even for example tender used to be way different way [ __ ] different than it is now and like people have dropped any pretense of the social like it used to be that there was was like a standard of how you talk to people when you were uh courting them you know in in the real world and then when Tinder started people just automatically transferred that over there was a a social niceties that that has completely been dropped it has completely been dropped it is so transactional now on the dating apps when people talk again they were showing messages and stuff um very very very extremely transactional very like from both sides like it just um when did you already start dating a long time ago uh probably the 1300s I think when we started dating um so that that that's the first thing I noticed but like they talk me through all the different aspects of what's going on uh like here's here's a good example this is one thing I remember that I think would have been super interesting to chat I'm still going to probably have them on we had a really great road trip together uh I like those guys a lot um yeah they're just nice people and so I think we got to do some some bonding and I would love to have them on the stream and they both agreed to it so we can talk about it more but what I will say like here here's an example so Rachel who was the female perspective was saying how she finds it frustrating that almost every message she gets on dating apps it turns sexual so quickly like almost every single guy that she'll match with is almost instantly trying to make the conversation sexual so constantly trying to you know uh um just navigate the like force the conversation to be like sexual okay that's that's that's that's what she's dealing with but then blur and so that's my first respon is like that sucks obviously blur gave at least some color some insight to that situation where he's like because he's an active user the guy's been on dating apps he's swiping [ __ ] half his day again to give I don't want to put him on blast here I love blur but I was trying to give you a situation where the man is at right now he's in good shape he's got a good living location in La he's got a nice house he has no job right now and he spends his days basically 247 swiping hooking up with women or playing video games that's his entire day entire week entire month entire year which again is a nice way to live not a long-term solution but that's what he's doing all day okay uh yeah a lot of SLP okay so here so he's got he has a lot of hours under his belt is what I'm trying to get to you he's got a lot of hours under his belt and so um what he said was um is that many men have tried to send normal nice messages on the app but they get instantly ignored basically for for a male experience you whatever you match with a lot of the messages you send get instantly ignored there's just no you you try to say something nice try something normal and it just does not work it is dead and so over the time they get this experience this um you know they learn just through failure that they have to say something to be interesting and because being actually interesting is very hard they often resort to saying something sexual which even if crash is at least interesting it's like clickbait you know what I'm saying so uh that the thing is the men are trying to do something to stand out because if they play it normally they will just get ignored um and I found that to be very insightful on both on both of their parts to explain not only a weird thing that's happen on N apps but why that might be the case uh yeah it's like a meta it's like a weird meta clickbait on dating apps is called catfishing L Mady instant [Laughter] date sorry this has worked for you Eastern Bean this is this this something that's successful for you you you use the Mady do you tip a fedora do you send a picture of you and a fedora and then um I feel like dating and the YouTube thumbnail game have wild overlap uh wait where'd you put this that's so interesting just like the clickbait meta I'm so cooked if this is modern tender this is modern tender not only tender Tinder hinge Bumble and I'll be honest with you I was going to get the story later at one point uh blur said I almost don't don't want to steal this story from him but it's so interesting I'll just we'll bring him on to tell you more about it blur who is not gay tried grinder to see what it was like from a male POV from other from gay men he just tried it to see what the matches were like and again he was showing some of the examples which he has catfishing gay people which is not cool but it it's actually insane the difference so when the environment is purely male to male everyone is so straightforward and they're all overtly sexual the the grinder meta is like every single person opens with a dick pick and a time and place it's like extremely extremely like uh extremely horny extremely sexual extremely all business there's no there's no even like dancing around it uh people are yeah people are just looking for sex on grinder uh which is funny the difference they said in the two apps sounds like Thanksgiving with my uncle cross dude sometimes I wish I was into dudes because I'd be getting laid every five minutes so that's another thing okay I really I feel like I'm I feel like I'm telling his story out of order but the this in his imp because I'm I'm speaking for him not myself I have not tried this he said maybe five to 10% of the people he talked to on the app grinder he thinks are 100% fully straight dudes who just couldn't figure it out on normal dating apps and just want to have sex this is what he said this is what he said uh like people who have who literally tell them yes uh I think I I mean the the impression I got from this conversation and this both with Rachel Amore is that dating culture has gotten real [ __ ] shitty it's like it's gotten so [ __ ] bad bro uh it's gotten so [ __ ] bad um men will force themselves to become gay rather than develop personality uh change the diff yeah they just changed the difficulty set that is what they did they just ch changed the difficulty setting because Tinder is very difficult um and they went to grinder and it was just an it was just an easier game uh that that was his impression again what I will say about this conversation and the whole we had a lot of conversations it was a bunch of heart-to-heart conversations I really I really appreciated it these whole conversations were that they were honest it's very rare to have a four five hour honest conversation with people ever in life even if you get one you think about it for a while I think we had two one on the way down one on the way up and I I enjoyed them both honest conversations are such a a privilege um and so I'm I'm hoping I can remember more about what like for example Rachel said because she had a lot of insight to give but I wanted to have her on to tell it herself um but yeah a lot of it was about you know uh it is difficult for her oh Al also this is already going to trigger people I want you guys to know this is a pre-trigger warning Rachel is a tall woman she's like 5 n or 510 okay so when she's on the apps looking for dudes she wants a dude who's taller than her but she has told me and this is in a moment of honesty in a moment of honesty that if she tells that to people and they aren't the height preference she wants which by the way I feel like dudes have physical genetic based preferences all the time about big Honkers or etc etc or whatever hair color anything whatever they have presences but if she gives this opinion it actually makes people like physically angry towards her not I'm not saying physically but but but like they get very very angry [Music] um I mean she's like almost she's almost afraid to say it that she wants a dude who's like 6'1 or whatever because people who are short in that they get so upset about it which I thought was interesting cuz obviously I know like we do the short Kings joke all or like whatever short guy joke or whatever all the time it's like pretty normal joke I never thought of it as something that people got truly upset about but I I haven't seen it from a woman's POV and she said yeah it's a problem like like people will get they will call you n they will say they will say a lot of [ __ ] about you um people people are deeply insecure about it I think on a level that I didn't know um you couldn't understand the slander unless you yourself are short again again for all there's another thing the best part of having this conversation with two sides of the dating Spectrum in the car was that for every complain complaint either one of them had the other one had a possible reason why things have evolved to be that way from the other side that's what was so interesting that's why I found it to be so fascinating are they hooking up no they they are not hooking up um why didn't you record it the [ __ ] camera didn't work what do you want me to tell you I'm giving it to you perfectly from memory um but I think what everyone who complains about the world should understand is that there's probably a good explanation like especially if you're like ah you know if you're mad at women or women if you're mad at men on dating apps understand there's a reason the meta has evolved this way it is mostly normal people acting rationally and being pushed into more weird extreme behaviors because of the market of dating The Meta has become bad we're in a [ __ ] meta is what I've understand we are in a [ __ ] meta uh hey TR I'm looking for actual love in my relationships but most of the other men I talk to immediately go to sexual stuff within a few days so I never know if they are just into me because of how I look uh I can't tell if you're a woman or a man but your name's Zach so a man okay I'm guessing uh yeah well my understanding is that if you're on grinder for a relationship you're going to have a [ __ ] tough [Music] time my my understanding is if you are on grinder and you don't want immediate sex you are gonna you are going to have to look somewhere else um because I mean he was showing us his [ __ ] um the messages you was getting and it's like it's not like like you start off with a hey how are you and then it goes sexual it was like opens with a dickpic it was like it was like every [ __ ] conversation was open opening with a dickpick it was crazy it was crazy I mean it's like oh another question that was finally answered for me I'm going to reveal the truth right now I asked Rachel this is this think is an important question because my theory is that dicks are not attractive and therefore dick piics are stupid she told me and agreed from the female perspective dicks are not attractive and a dick pick is not a cool thing to get at best this is her advice by the way if you want advice certified woman here's the advice if you want to send a attractive dickpick to somebody who is consenting and would want to receive it and maybe you have a relationship with go with the uh sweatpants angle don't show the actual dick go with the sweatpants angle okay imply something the implication of a dick pick is actually way more attractive than [ __ ] yeah go with the Bulge okay that I think that that is probably good advice okay I feel like my compared to yeah I just think dicks are just ugly bro there there's no comparison dicks are just not I feel like a dick pig is [ __ ] trashy um how about a tasteful scr pick uh I fully believe dating apps aren't designed to work if they're too good at their jobs everyone stops using them they go out of business I don't think that the dating apps are sitting on the secret sauce of making true love happen over your phone I I think you're you're um searching for conspiracy when in fact it is just it's a hard problem they didn't solve um yeah I I I think they they don't secretly have that um I [Music] have um never been on it wait oh sorry that's wrong message um never been on dating at I feel if you aren't in college or have a well paying job then you're [ __ ] out of look well there's the thing so um so for women again uh I think both Rachel and blur are attractive people okay so we're getting but you know they're they're Attractive people um and so I got to get I think a decent evidence of like match rate um and my understanding is that for women you get a higher match rate okay just on average average you get a higher match rate so and also I've seen data on this for men the match rate is very exponential towards the top end of whatever you would call the attractiveness curve and attractiveness can also include for men also uh income or things you can do to signify that you have like uh a higher paying job or whatever um yeah men will more likely s about anything so like for example if if the woman Rachel swiped on somebody there's a higher chance that they will swipe back and they'll get a match versus blur who gave uh he gave a pretty interesting breakdown cuz he's done so many swipes he actually could tell with a reasonably good [Music] guess like if they would swipe back based on the number one factor was ethnicity because blur is nonwhite and he said if he sees um an attractive Persian woman for example 99% chance he gets a swipe back if he sees an attractive like white blonde lady from the south 0% chance he gets the swipe back 0% chance like not not one [ __ ] swipe back on Earth um the pre the the revealed preferences not the state preferences I don't think he encountered any instances at least when he said of O of of racism like people messag give anything racist but the O the revealed preferences of people's matches there was there people are definitely people have revealed preferences for uh people of their own race I guess uh brown guys have the lowest swipe rate I recalling seeing stats from what's from link the stats if you have them uh I'm black I hardly get any white people yeah he was saying again this is he's Persian um he said number one most matched was Persian women number two was like Latino women and black women number three was like um I think it was like nerdy white women nerdy white women that have you know uh like are like openly left leaning then it was like conservative coded no then it was like then it was like Asian women then it was like at the bottom 0% chance was like conservative coded white women [Laughter] um uh which is very funny which is very funny hey I had more success in my CrossFit gym and yoga classes than Tinder Omega dance uh that makes sorry I keep hitting the wrong [ __ ] thing uh that makes a lot of sense right that's how dating used to be done in person you have something in common that make you're both you're doing something active you made something that your sounds that's not no mega dance C that's a very common that makes a lot of sense um oh Tinder stats what's this let's see Tinder stats 2024 interesting Asian men black women are least likely to match on Tinder again I I don't want to blab with this point but I've told this story that um you know my friend my one of my groomsmen at my wedding is black and he married an Asian woman and her family is pretty racist to him it's [ __ ] up uh I have seen the most overt racism in my life from like old school Asian families to I think it's [ __ ] up I think it's really [ __ ] up um so there I this this totally tracks with my lived experience uh let's see uh in the UK Indian males have a 38% match rate on twinter which one of the lowest amongst all in that's [ __ ] up UK you'll steal all of India's culture and food but you won't match with their men what's the deal UK huh they'll have [ __ ] curry in every [ __ ] Pub in the UK but well they won't give him a try uh white women favor white men Asian Hispanics also lean that way on Tinder white males get more matches than almost every group on Tinder from almost every group on Tinder well there you go finally one thing that is easier for white men thank God thank [ __ ] God I was seriously worried that we'd have nothing in this world finally one dub uh about time uh black men reported feeling rejected and stereotyped on Tinder while white men said they most preferred interesting because the white men in my chat always [ __ ] talk about how it's impossible um in the US 12% of black men and 6% of black female tnder years have a bachelor's degree or higher 80% multi-racial men and 76 mul want same ethnicity on tender what does that mean if you're multi-racial what what do you mean same ethnicity do you want someone who's also multi-racial or someone who has one of the two races one of the two okay of the two you want somebody okay only 1.7% of tener users in the UK or black is it all UK stats um 15% of non-black men responded to a black woman with a yes yeah it's probably very difficult to be a black woman on these apps I would assume I would assume um 64.6% of white college students stated that the race of a potential partner on Tinder matters and this would they say in a survey I guarantee it's higher number than this if this they because people people the crazy things what you'll learn about in a survey if you've do market research for we've done it for NVIDIA for example people lie in a survey a a blind survey that has doesn't have their name attached it the the data will not be revealed to anybody it will not be caught back to them in any way they just lie it's like they're lying to themselves people will just lie it's crazy uh yeah I don't know if it's cognitive I don't know if it's cognitive dissonance or if they're just secretly afraid it can somehow be traced back to them but like if you ask people for their honest opinion on something they will lie if you ask people would you buy this or this PR whatever they'll lie um nobody hates whites more than white teenage girls uh maybe I'm not sure about that um I'm 66 should I just include it in my Tinder bio I mean The Classy thing to do would be I don't know get one of your photos to be you playing basketball and fill in the [Laughter] Gap F find a classy way to do it you know but if you can't find a classy way to do it then statistically yes statistically yes the the big freebie advantages would be um money height uh and then obviously physical attractiveness but that'll just show in your pictures um you have a group photo here get one of your friends to wear a shirt that says I'm six feet tall on it and then have a group photo where you're next to that dude with your arm around his shoulder and [Laughter] you're uh that's that's a classy way to do it that's a classy way to do it um is an ABS pick on Tinder tasteful I mean the one thing I learned from this conversation about the ABS pick cuz they both talked about the ABS pick the ABS pick is not a classy thing to do it kind of signals douche but if you do do the Abs pick you are saving yourself time if all you want is sex if all you're looking for is sex you have signaled it with the the ABS pick is a signal and what it tells people that sees your profile is that you are looking for sex you relationship so if your goal is to cut down on time and just get other people that are looking for sex you can signal that with the ABS Pig um but you will you will turn off a lot of people that are um think it's kind of douchy um these are good post of Tinder stats let's see let's see let's see data is beautiful Tinder stats um oh dear God okay this is one woman's experience on Twitter 23-year-old female okay 30,000 swipes 26,000 were left swipes this is her swipes okay so think about that from a woman's POV 26,000 men are getting left swiped 3,600 are getting right swiped for men this is like almost an opposite ratio uh for how much they're sending out in the swipes okay so of the right swipes 1,200 didn't match which is almost a little bit high from from my understanding but okay yes so 2400 matches of those 1200 half of them no messages this is such a [ __ ] um Roi for time oh my God then some were one message uh then there was longer comos of those 440 gate never met up so five five of 453 long conversations turned into actual dates that part alone is [ __ ] crazy that is 99% of long conversations don't even get a first [Laughter] date [ __ ] that's CRA I don't know what her system is I feel like that's Psychopathic that's very extreme um one date three multiple dates one long-term dating one this is only one data point I want you to know this this woman um very very either either unlucky or very very extreme about the level of the requirement she has for a first date um check out the men's PV stat let me see let me see let me see let me see again the the interesting thing to me is I have no dog in this fight like to me I am I am approaching as a scientist I approaching as a scientist dude I just want to learn more about it because it's very interesting it feels like it's the cause of a lot of people's um I don't know about anxiety is the right word but like dissatisfaction with uh the Modern Life yeah uh uh yeah or disenfranchisement yeah again I think like there's there's things that ground you to society that make you feel like you're part of the larger societal fabric one of them is being able to buy a house the other one is being able to like possibly have a relationship and start a family and both those things I think are becoming more difficult they're getting they're people are getting either priced out or I don't know uh technology out grinder out grinded out um and it's causing dissatisfaction and so even though our society is like measurably more rich in many ways I think people are dropping out of the social fabric because of this and I find that to be obviously sad but that's a very you can just say oh that's sad that's kind of a boring take on it I'd like to understand it more and I I learned a lot from that conversation and I'm learning a lot now this is a person doing Tinder over three years okay uh 18 21y old male thing is this is five years ago so take it with a grain of salt I've heard Tinder has changed a lot in the past five years like this is probably out of dat data and hard to base anything off of so 45,000 swipes still mostly left 12,000 right swipes 100 oh my God the match rate the match rate holy [ __ ] 12,000 right swipes 133 matches uh 50 of them are Bots yeah that's another thing about Bots there was there was um obviously uh way more bots on the male side than the female side no reply 68 15 conversations 10 of which are short five are long um wait everything got ghosted I'm sorry not one date okay well I want to see these com maybe this dude's got terrible this guy's 18-year-old dude he probably says poggers this dude probably has zero [ __ ] RZ like actually negative [ __ ] RZ okay I feel like if you get to a long conversation multiple long conversations and you can't get one first date out of it and you live in the same city that seems crazy to me but I could be wrong uh victim blaming he's nobody's entitled to sex by the way this is where incels come from nobody's entitled to sex but because the math is so bad um and everything is getting commodified there's people who don't feel entitled to sex who are good people who aren't like you know born rich genetically attractive and they're just getting kind of [ __ ] by the system um and then there and then because of that there's normal women who are trying to find people they want to go on dates with and are getting bombarded immediately with overtly sexual messages you know what I'm saying everyone on both sides is dissatisfied women are also dissatisfied with the system people are it is a it is a both sides dissa dissatisfaction um uh reddit.com Tinder data let's see our Tinder data uh let's see oh I think it's I think this is dead I think this is dead um should we do the Black Mirror dating app system isn't that the one where they create digital clones of you and then pair them up in a digital world until they find love uh and then kill them that was uh we could maybe do that seems pretty unethical not sure that would be great um in all my dating experience if you don't meet up within less than two weeks you are never going to ever meet them uh could be true again I don't know uh um but probably tracks probably tracks I think that sounds fair that sounds that sounds correct uh and again the people I was talking to both of them would you know if they liked somebody and there was a connection on the app they would immediately try to do an imperson date a first date um I think the anxiety about first dates um or the revealed anxiety about first dates where people are like taking so much time to decide it's kind of crazy uh and I assume that's cuz a few people have ruined it you know what I'm saying I the the takeaway again from this conversation was that like things proceed pretty normally The Meta proceeds pretty normally and then there's there's outliers there's a few [ __ ] bad people um men or women that will Poison the Well and the people that get like for example people didn't use to ghost as much on these apps they didn't use to ghost so especially after especially if You' had a long conversation or if you've been on one date they didn't just immediately ghost but now ghosting is so standard because people have already been ghosted themselves people have ghosted been ghosting so much the and then once you get ghosted you're more likely to ghost uh what's [Music] this TBH I don't think ghosting is bad I think you're wrong but I'm excited to hear your opinion can you explain your opinion I think ghosting I I think there's a certain level of courtesy again if it's first match first message ghost all way king or queen but if you've um especially if you've been on a date I think I think you owe somebody a simple message I think you owe somebody a simple I think the courtesy of human interaction um what do you feel worse about someone ghosting you or saying they're done interesting I mean I I I think 100% ghosting would be worse in my opinion in my opinion but I you know the obvious takeaway from this is that people have told somebody hey I had a nice time um but I think I'm not interested in in dating again um you know appreciate you or whatever and then received like anger you know that that could be [ __ ] up that's and then so um but I Al I just feel like if you've been on a date if you've done an actual date with somebody I I just to just completely cut them out and say nothing it just feels so dehumanizing and you wouldn't want it yourself H you know it's as simple treat others the way you want to be treated sorry punch what did you say um what's this oh explain our DMS then punch we're not dating okay I'm not ghosting you in that way I am ignoring you that's difference okay that's difference uh let me let what what are some of these messages I'm ghosting so much punch uh 100 emoji can I have $100 to shop on Amazon with bro I want to make some purchases and then you link me a Facebook meme of when no one but you understands how perfect 92 to 95 Civics are what do I what what do I say to that it's not even that I'm ghosting you it's that there is no response to [Laughter] this this is the this is the nothing has ever asked for a damn that's crazy more and I I respect you too much to say damn that's crazy I respect you too much for that so I'm just going to read it and smile that's what I'm going to do I will read it and smile it's it's extra funny this is suggested for you your Facebook is literally suggesting you 92 to 95 Civics memes uh that's algor that's how that's why Mark Zuckerberg gets paid the big big bucks uh that's crazy and then before that you sent me a bunch of pictures of your new Civic I believe no your new BMW in front of a Taco Bell which I'm happy for you that's actually sick I actually would have responded if I saw this one I didn't see this one cuz you sent it at 2:49 a.m. you sent me the hey you up of [ __ ] car photos can I show this photo you're not going to mind check that out [Music] she this dude's crushing it he's killing [Music] it uh dude's [ __ ] eating good he's getting fourth meal rainbolt find him uh and then your messages before that are just asking for my Steam Trading Cards so it just feels like you want stuff from me you know doesn't feel like you just want to talk um I'll trade you cars possibly that would work for me I have an old Honda Fit um what is this there's a reason Bumble exists the whole pitch for men to join is that women message first it was even in their ads targeted to men I've just never heard anyone say women message first more wait what do you mean are you replying to someone else I lost the message I lost the message wrong messages I don't know where you guys are going um as a woman I'm not joining that [ __ ] you're not joining Bumble why is that what is the what is the fear of bumble because you don't want to message or what's the deal um because it has a b b is in your name Bumblebee [Music] um women on Bumble just say Hi and then you lead the conversation uh yeah well yeah I mean it's the same thing as it's the same thing as swiping on Tinder right you have to match so them messaging is the same as matching it's the same that seems fine by the way that seems fine not not to I don't know that seems fine what what do you want me to say I guess what do you want them to say by saying hi they're saying hi I'm interested in your profile do you want to talk uh blur told you the first message men's has to send has to be interesting but women don't yeah no that that is the fact of it but [Laughter] you're just mad at the world do you understand I I get what you're saying but you're mad at the situation and it's like don't be mad at women that's just that's the situation that's what that that be because they can message high and you still are excited about the match and want to respond whereas the other thing is the other way around is not true do you so don't you can't be mad at them if if whatever for whatever reason that dynamic was switched and you could message high and it would work you would do it too okay just stop judging people for things you would also do okay let's all let's all just admit that we're all humans responding to the meta whatever the meta is we are responding to it so don't become an Insel and start thinking women are [ __ ] inherently evil because they're [ __ ] playing the exact same game and that's the meta The Meta is [ __ ] you know Katarina's good mid and they're playing cat and you're like why you're [ __ ] playing C Ina so [ __ ] [ __ ] why the [ __ ] are you playing Katarina so lame it's like all right well it's she's good right now it's a good meta uh being straight is so complicated I would never well we also talked about lesbian sex death which is like the dopest band name I could ever imagine but it turns out that although gay dating apps are instantly sexual lesbian dating apps much more difficult and then again we we didn't have any hands-on experience here this is more friends of friends but uh it's different apparently it's very common for something called lesbian sex death where uh lesbian women will get into a relationship and then just completely stop sex like a completely uh lose all Sexual Energy um you should get Drake on talk about his experiences I don't know if Drake's on dating apps once once he dickpick the world the Tinder no sorry Twitter and Instagram and news articles are Drake's uh dating apps um he's a lesbian it's true he's lesbian this girl messaged me just meow on hinge what should I say I mean she's a furry bro get into it say [Laughter] ARF yeah start [Laughter] barking um you know bark bark my lady meowy [Laughter] [Music] partner um imagine telling your kids how you met their mother that's crazy that's crazy um rate my big a pickup line are you an a rrio fan cuz your hands are looking G tacular flirt I rate it very poorly I think this would not be effective no I don't think this would be an effective flirty pickup line I think this would here's what I will say though if they hear that if if you send this message and you get a message back you're in it's a 100% success rate if they message back if they don't immediately ghost you're 100% in so it's a perfect test it's a filter it's a 100% filter um by the way thank you thick Nick for the 10 months hope you feel better poison sucks oh yeah so anyway I'm [ __ ] sick sorry I did I have anything else I wanted to say about this the reason I'm not spoiling it all is because I want to bring them on they both agreed they wouldn't like to come on stream and tell their story we'll do a big dating in a in America in 2024 segment talk about what it's like the hassles the pains the maybe we even get people to submit some [ __ ] I think it'll be fun I think it's very interesting um so I'll move on past this for now because I do have more stories to tell but I think I'm realizing it'll be funnier if they're here and I want to take all their [ __ ] so we'll do that okay now uh we did that all the way down we talked about life and and and dating and life and love and all sorts of [ __ ] it was it was a very good conversation uh we get to Genesis I see my boys I have a good time um people are nice I take some picks with some some hrock fans if any of them are here hi it was everyone was really nice appreciate that um trying to think when the first crazy thing happened uh I go to the tournament people challenge me to a lot of money matches I generally don't accept unless I'm live uh oh I go to the tourn so if you guys don't know smash tournaments are just big [ __ ] open warehouses with tons of setups everyone's just playing melee the whole time uh all of the brackets are completely open so anyone can enter anyone can win it's like if Counterstrike tournaments you could just show up and win with your homies and go all the way to the top it's like that okay and so I I'm playing at these tournaments and uh I'm playing at these tournaments and first thing I notice if you don't if you haven't played melee you won't understand this but for the longest melee is a very old game it came out in 2001 so it's 23 years old and when I first got into melee which is like 2014 every game was played in person it's an in-person game you have to go to somebody's [ __ ] garage and plug in a GameCube and practice okay 10 years ago I've been in this team for 10 years now um and to go to tournaments they be in like some comic shop or the back alley of like you have to go to these tournaments and you play and or be someone's house and that's where tournaments were all over the country and I did that for a while and it was really fun um but then recently around covid around 2020 they came out with slippy which is a way to play lagless online so ever since 2020 you can play lagless online play melee and because of that everyone got [ __ ] incredibly good like people got way way better and a lot of new people got in the game uh no it is lagless it's it's completely I mean it is essentially the same as playing offline it's incredibly good um slippy did a fantastic job it's true rollback net code uh so so that changed everything so this tournament again uh is the first time not the first time but like I truly noticed at this time when you sit down to play a random person in 2024 at a big tournament they are more than likely cracked they're cracked whereas before because I've gotten my Peak is like a top 32 in a bracket okay I've gotten out of I used to get out of pools pretty regularly at tournaments I went to so I was pretty I was never good I was never good at the game but I was solid and I played with good players and so I was decent okay and I would go to tournaments and I would be able to I would beat most people I didn't know at this tournament at everybody I played every random person was cracked now sometimes because they'd either be nervous because I usually have somebody behind me cheering for me or I was streaming or whatever they might [ __ ] up they might get nervous because they [ __ ] up or I might cheese them because I play pretty cheesy I'll just be honest with you I play the way I describe my play style in melee is I'm a bull fighter where I'm getting the [ __ ] kicked out of me by somebody much stronger than me and then I go Olay and that's where I will throw them off the stage and then give them um so that's what I'll do that's how I play and so I I I'm not saying I didn't win I don't want a decent amount you you can see the one matches I played but like compared to before I feel like I was on average getting [ __ ] up people were just fast everyone is so [ __ ] cracked out of their mind fast now uh with all characters um and so I was impressed I was impressed but also scared like I I would just walk around and just different setups and play people and it would be some guy who's like yeah I started playing a year ago and before in melee if someone said they started playing a year ago they're trash like if you if in 2016 you're like I started playing a year ago they're trash they're just trash bro and now they're one year ago and they're [ __ ] smoing they're [ __ ] incredibly cracked um I play r cheek so yeah I play for I'm not I'm not saying I'm not saying I'm LeBron James of melee I saying I'm a dude that hung out of the twitch office and played every day with you know Scar and nintendude and you know good players that's all I just played with them all the time and so I got decent uh and now I'm playing people that are [ __ ] crazy good uh and they're and like I'm talking to these people and like this guy's clearly very good and then I didn't check but I'm assuming just based on tag and everything they went you know one and two in pools and and are out of the tournament like they got you know next to last plays they didn't even do well um I went to Genesis top B was P yeah so that was the first thing I noticed about melee is like in the year of Our Lord 2024 every player is good which means the top players doing what they do is even more impressive because they're fighting through a gauntlet of killers all the way to the [ __ ] top it's it's pretty [ __ ] crazy every round they're playing uh is hard there's so many good players yeah Co like the the player that won this year whose name is Cody is so damn good at the game if you were teleport him back five years he would just it would be like a [ __ ] freak alien there nobody would touch him uh JM did J so here's the thing so the player I'm the biggest fan of his name is jmo let me show you jmo is the only good Chic and I don't mean that disrespectfully there's a lot of quote unquote good chics look at J holy [ __ ] look at this Chad energy this is jmo uh he's the only Chic that will actually could win a tournament I guess plup you're right I'm sorry plup PL is also a [ __ ] amazing a Chic but plup also play plays Fox I mean the only good solo Chic and again I think uh spark is amazing I think Kirby Kaz is amazing I think uh you know Captain face roll is amazing but I don't think they're like that top four level um so J M's the only one he's the only one that plays my character that is that [ __ ] cracked and uh he's the only sh that made in top eight but let me see if I can show you what the room looked like [Music] let me show what the room look like this WOW [ __ ] dude I Googled Genesis and I get a [ __ ] car this is it dude look at this okay so here's the top eight the coolest thing about Smash Bros is after the you know the day one and two about about Genesis after day one and two where it's all in a warehouse and kind of like drab they go into this [ __ ] cool theater and everyone crowds in and we watch the actual top eight and it's [ __ ] and everyone gets [ __ ] loud and it's it's it's it's hype it's like very [ __ ] hype is that you in the middle uh that's an old photo I'm I'm I'm in there somewhere but I don't know if I was in this one um uh it doesn't smell no it doesn't smell bro you guys are haters you haven't been there where's Waldo so anyway I I go I go I go in the tournament uh day one and two goes well I meet people whatever fine f fine um everyone's pretty good best players do well jmo does really well makes it the top eight okay and I get the top eight now last year last year juk won this tournament uh this is him winning last year he became the first Chic to ever do it the first solo Chic to ever win a Super super major ever and I was right here in the front row I lost my mind I won more from sitting my ass in the front row and gambling than third place in this tournament I won $3,000 when he won I won $1,500 from slime I won $500 from blur and I won another $500 uh no no no like $1,000 from from other people in the crowd okay I got in insanely good amounts of money and so all of that was sitting in my venmo uh and I I basically never use venmo for paying out bets and for paying for meals when there's a group so I still have a good chunk I probably had like $2,200 left in my venmo for this tournament uh from what happened last year and I'm ready to gamble brother and let me tell you I don't want to uh put a downer on the mood here when we got to top eight this year jmo did not do so well jmo had a much rougher tournament this year he is not the two-time champion and I put a lot of money on juk his first match was against amsa a Yoshi um what I did was so I should tell you the story from the beginning so um I have a VIP badge um and I thought cuz like in previous years they saved like the first three rows if you have a VIP badge you could show up you could put the VIP badge you can get a seat this year they said no first two rows are staff only I'm not staff [ __ ] I can't get a seat and I show up a little late um I show up during the end of ultimate top eight I hang out with Dr battle for a bit he's got great seats right here actually probably should have just [ __ ] kicked it with him save some money but um I'm watching I don't want to be mean here but ultimate is the most boring [ __ ] game in the world I wanted to [ __ ] Minecraft myself watching ultimate the ultimate top eight is just Sonic [ __ ] bouncing around for 19 minutes uh thank God there was no Steve I think he was banned but if you go to any other ultimate tourn you have to watch Sonic vers Steve for [ __ ] four hours makes you want to [ __ ] it's so so so so so so awful light is great and I met light light and I had a long talk at the bar I told him he's the only fun ultimate player okay he's great but anyway I get there during ultimate I'm trying to find a seat I'm with some friends whatever we can't figure it out now also benw if you type not like this in chat uh he's the ultimate homie he is always front row at every smash major he always figures it out he's not staff but he figures it out this tournament is the same he figured it out he's front row I don't know how he did it he's front row but unlike other times he can't get me a seat I'm often sitting next to him like last gen I'm sitting next to him front row we figure it out this time he couldn't do it like they were being dead strict so I'm kind of [ __ ] I'm kind of [ __ ] I can't get a seat um and I'm like [ __ ] I'm not going to be able to sit anywhere I'm not going to be enjoy it so what I do is I start walking around and I'm like I will pay $100 for a seat I'm waving money $100 for a seat um and then people I some people are like because they're all Smashers bro like people want to take it so they go I don't know and then I start upping the price So eventually I'm like I will give $250 for a seat cuz I want a good seat bro I want a good seat I want to sit I like it's one of my favorite experiences of the year is being in the front rows at Genesis cheering for my favorite players I love Smash Bros to me it is a sporting event I like I've gone to baseball games I've gone to basketball games I've gone to football games I enjoy it with friends but I never as much F I never get so into I never cheer like crazy you guys may have seen me cheer for JM on stream it is 10x more I lose my voice my voice is kind of gone I love cheering at a smash event so I go 250 some guy in the front the second front row next to scar goes he's like that'll pay for my flight home he's thinking he's thinking and he's like I'll do it for 300 and I'm like bro 300 300 you're milking me for an extra 50 on this seat that you just randomly got lucked into because you wanted to watch ultimate more than me everyone that had good seats sat there through all of ultimate either they were staff or they sat through 4 hours of Steve and Sonic so I'm like 300 I'm like bro I can't do 300 he goes 275 I go deal I go [ __ ] deal I my mind I'm like you know what no big deal I'll just make it back on the bets all right I'll make it back on the bets I mean I'm up 3K from last year what's 275 if I get to make great bets from the front all right so 275 I I I pay him in L and I sit down and I'm right next to scar and hugs which is like two amazing people to watch a top eight with I love both those guys and they know a lot about the game they're commentators in their own right it's fun I mean it's you know it's a good seat so I'm feeling good about it um do I have the Elmo laugh it's because my voice is gone because of cheering for jmo uh so I got the seat I'm sitting there we're we're shooting the [ __ ] we're vibing we're watching top eight they played the melee Intro uh [Music] The Vibes are good everyone starts cheering this gets me going bro they got this on the big screen uh [Music] uh when they play the Chic part wait right [Music] here all the Chic players lose their mind yeah she you know I'm The Vibes are great they're Immaculate and uh the first match comes up and it's like I don't remember who it was um [ __ ] I think it was a fox did between oh was Zay hbox Zay hbox it was zaye hbox yeah it was Zayn hbox and I bet on Zayn so the first thing I do is I bet on Zayn because you know he's uh he's moist Mogul he's he's my boy um I'm not a big fan of puff I bet on Zayn I make money so I'm already I made like you know maybe 120 bucks and this is how I bet by the way I stand up in my seat I'm in like the second row there's a bunch of people behind me I turn around and I go who likes hbox and I wave some money this is how I bet and then someone will go I got 20 on hbox and then I'll be like all right deal and someone be like I got 50 on hbox and I'll do like this so um that's how I do okay that's my that's my I do my bets uh so I'm making bets I'm making all these bets and I'm I won on the first match then another match happens I win again I'm doing pretty well and I'm feeling I think I already by second match had won my money back for the seat so I'm like I'm [ __ ] cooking and then the third match maybe the fourth but whatever early match is jmo and it's jmo vers amsa who's the greatest Yoshi to ever live and amsa is kind of favored in this matchup because he's beaten J the last nine times or whatever but I I feel like I'm the main character because of last year because of last year when I bet juk against the field versus slime for 500 bucks got three to one odds I just feel like oh these guys think they know the stats but I know that juke's the goat No One's Gonna beat juk 10 times in a row so I go who likes obsa I'll take any amount on jmo and this one unlike the other ones everybody thinks oh this is easy money like everyone wants to take a piece of my [ __ ] action because they think they can just [ __ ] crush me so I start getting a line of people like everybody starts jumping up I'm not kidding like 15 to 20 people so they start pointing at me and going 20 50 35 like I'm going yes yes yes yes yes yes now here's the thing first thing I realize when I sit back down is that I've agreed to more bets than I can remember and I don't know any of them I don't know these people so like if I win these bets they might not even pay me that's the first thing I realized is I just pointed at a bunch of people in a crowd and I have no like if they were to just slink down after they lost they would just not pay me I have no way of of following up uh which is [ __ ] up which is [ __ ] up however however I'll tell you this from experience if they win they do not forget they do not forget okay so they all [ __ ] so uh jmo gets rocked it's unfortunate it's unfortunate he has every reason in the world to have a little bit of an Off Tournament I don't hold anything against him I think he's the [ __ ] goat of chic I think he's going to have a great year he just moved to LA I think we're going to become boys okay he hugged me like seven times of the bar I think he was drunk he kept giving me hugs bro he gave me a lot of hugs uh but he got [ __ ] over by amsa he just got beaten um and the second that the match is over I get a line of people by my seat a line literally people form into a single file line with their vent Mo's out to get [Laughter] paid CU everyone everyone's got their [ __ ] QR code out and like I don't even remember the amounts that I told them I'm taking it on trust they're not lying to me like if we bet 20 and they write 30 or 50 I don't I'm just paying it it's [ __ ] it's actually [ __ ] bro and so everyone is just handing me a [ __ ] um their venmo and I'm scanning it and they're like 50 or 40 or 30 or whatever I'm paying paying paying paying paying and I had a big bet with lud who showed up like right as it started I had a big bet with lud uh for like 200 bucks on uh on the game on jamsa and I lost that bet but I message let I'm like double or nothing on jmo Moi because Mo's his player whatever okay so I lost all the money to random people and I double or nothing L but I'm like J muk's at least gonna [ __ ] up Moi right so I'll double or nothing and I'll make it back it's not a big deal okay Jook is obviously gonna [ __ ] up Moi he's [ __ ] he's the fox Slayer uh Moi gets nervous dud this is easy this is a slam dunk so again I do some more bets what I wanted to tell you is that like every bet that wasn't about juk I didn't get very much action but I won them all like I wasn't losing bets outside of this but it didn't amount to very much I got I would win like 40 bucks 50 bucks and then when Jook would come up I would get all of these takers and it blew it blew out my whole [ __ ] um so J mcmi happens uh and it's unfortunate it's a great set game five set but jmo loses so I lose 400 bucks to L and again another line of people and these bets were even bigger so all in all I'm just going to let you guys know I lost $1,200 betting on jmo that was $1,200 $1,200 uh that being said my venmo still up I'm still up thank God for slime is all I'm saying thank God for slime giv me three to one odds last year uh but my venmo is no longer flush next time someone ask me to pay for the whole check I'm gonna have to check you know we're have to we start making a smaller tip um my yeah my venmo is no longer up uh yeah boy math this is 100% boy maath so anyway J gets [ __ ] uh twice and then every match after that every the person I want to pick is the favorite so there's like no nobody's going to give me any good action so I didn't make much money after that um so yeah and Ed out about around down $1,200 which is a pretty big uh discrepancy from last year um so anyway yeah long story short I want to introduce my new sponsor honai star rail I wonder if my new sponsor uh Vapes for children Vapes for children is our new sponsor of today's stream DraftKings is partnering with Vapes for children to bring you a new mobile game where you can bet on Sports while also getting cigarettes delivered straight to your door uh it's a real slam dunk use code atrio at checkout [Laughter] okay so um anyway the this the tournament goes on amsa who you probably don't know but he's a Japanese player doesn't have very good English uh he's very lovable guy he's the only player to play Yoshi at a top level ever basically in the whole history of the game he makes Yoshi look broken he almost wins the tournament gets to finals beats a bunch of people that are amazing barely loses to Cody the world's best Fox unfortunate but it's a great tournament um overall a really good top eight a lot of great things unfortunate for me about jmo but still a very fun time one of the best non mango top eights in the history of melee very good time uh I'm down 100 bucks but I felt like it was free money with boy maath so I'm not salty I'm having a good time and that's the end of what I would say is the bad news part of the story because I want to tell you what happens next which is pretty cool after the tournament is over um I get invited to go to dinner with some streamers that I haven't met before uh by by Nick and L and so I go out to dinner um at this you know this restaurant Mosaic I think that I'd been to in s SJ and I get to meet some streamers that I've never met including Liam uh Liam the Mario 64 streamer uh mar4 and and also uh yeah is is his name how do you say his name the French guy uh he's awesome I don't get his name right e TOS eole how do you say his name is that it he's he's [ __ ] awesome that guy is so funny uh I yeah so I'm sitting there to him and we talk a lot he tells me first of all I don't recognize him I don't know anything about him I don't know about uh French streamers I'm not connected I'm not in that way I'm just talking with him like he's a dude I just know he's a dude I don't know that he's a big streamer and he's we're talking about you know just funny things laughing and we mentioned some content stuff and that's when I find out he's a streamer and I'm talking about uh I think I talk about the live stream I did with the backpack or whatever and he's like oh dude uh I did this IRL stream where I rented out the L and immediately I'm like oh this guy's this guy's like the biggest streamer in France this guy's a [ __ ] gazillionaire just like that's that's impossible he and I like almost like thinking I misheard him and he's like showing me pictures he literally had the entire L to himself he's in front of the Mona Lisa with no crowd it's that's [ __ ] crazy that's that's insane I mean that's the coolest [ __ ] stream I've ever heard of um how much did that cost I asked him I was like bro how how much that cost that's crazy he's like guess what they did it for free he's at he's such a big streamer in France the Lou gave him the place for free as marketing for kids to be in the museums to be in the museum that's [ __ ] crazy so anyway this guy's kind of legit I mean this guy's [ __ ] awesome he's also really funny he also knows smash any know I'm getting along really well also sitting across from me is Connor dog VA Sea Dog who I know of but have never spoken to and I'm going to give you my honest thing I want to tell you this I actually met him at Genesis top 8 um like I this is not the picture but imagine I'm sitting like right here okay and Sea Dog is like right here and I'm walking over here to get like drinks or go to the bathroom and he like dabs me up and he's like yo I love marketing Mondays that's the first thing he says to me that's the first thing Sea Dog ever says to me is that he loves marketing Mondays which is crazy because I in my in my experience I thought he had no idea who I was that is my I thought he had no idea who I was and also also you know if it's a big streamer I have no idea either they don't know me or they have a bad opinion of me right that's the only thing I know I'm afraid I I never used to have this but I have this anxiety about talking to Big streamers because I'm worried they're going to have some [ __ ] bad opinion of me that's my honest opinion it's like scary it's like it's like I get a a fear that I didn't used to have because I'm a pretty outgoing person I'm a pretty sociable person but I get this fear um and so I was like I'm not going to talk to him I just figured I wouldn't talk to him but he talked to me he goes what's up I love marketing Mondays and so I'm like oh well that's [ __ ] awesome uh uh that's really cool and so I uh I'm talking to him at the uh at the dinner and I'm telling him oh I uh I loved your fear and hunger playthrough because when I was working on a video actually it was the I still haven't finished it but actually I'm not going to talk about it because you guys going to get [ __ ] annoying I was working on a video while I was grinding this video I uh watched his fear and hunger play through the whole thing I just had it on a second monitor so by the way if I'm not done with the video blame him because his video is I think it was too entertaining um so yeah I was working on it and watched his whole B there and it was really fun and uh I told him that and so we were vibing it was just cool it was just a good you know it was really nice it was a very nice dinner I really enjoyed it every was really nice and then Liam Liam's sitting really far from me so I don't really get to talk to him and we say a couple things we introduce each other I meet his girlfriend Shake Hands Say Say ni but then at the end of it when I'm walking out like when we're all leaving I talk to him like yo I love your stuff and he goes wait a minute I thought you didn't know who I was like he thought I was like I didn't know who he was the whole dinner and um and uh then I tell him uh no dude I think you're the only you're like the funniest streamer at interacting with your chat I think you say to chat what every streamer wants to say but doesn't have the balls and uh then he goes that's awesome because I saw a clip of you that saw me one time where you thought I was an [ __ ] and I was like bro yes I did because you guys don't know the first time I ever saw Liam uh I talked about it on stream I was like dude this guy's an [ __ ] but since then I watched much more Liam and realize he's very funny so I told him that uh uh so that goes well to it so what I'm saying is all of these conversations go pretty well so it's good I it was it was a very for me it was a very very fun and satisfying dinner um oh was the Gamba I don't know I didn't see it um am I living under a rock who's Liam he's just a very funny Mario 64 streamer that talks a lot of [ __ ] on his chat uh but in a funny way how was the food the food was awful we were we were at a restaurant that was basically closed probably had one person working in the kitchen and there was seven of us and we ordered only [ __ ] appetizers to share and they would come out with one every 15 minutes uh and they were like cold it was like cold sliders cold fries um yeah that was the whole thing um so it was more about the conversation um so we did that um that dinner was great I had that I did the boxing I think later the next day maybe no actually the day after and then then we went out to uh The Guild House which is like this big bar that had everybody partying after the top eight and again at a Smash tournament all of the good players can't drink and except for mango until after the top eight is over so the whole weekend they're like in their hotel rooms grinding and then after Sunday night they [ __ ] get absolutely shitfaced I mean like ambulance levels of shitfaced um the the Sunday night like normally like I went to a lot of Esports and gaming events over the course of my time at twitch usually the twitch party would be on like Saturday night everyone gets drunk Saturday night Sunday you take it easy then you fly back but for smash events everyone gets [ __ ] pissed drunk Sunday night and tries to figure out life on [Laughter] Monday and so I go to the Guild House and everyone's [ __ ] drunk off their ass dude everyone is so schwasted um and I'm walking around the Guild House and people are just like you know uh saying hey taking pics dapping me up talking about [ __ ] I got a long conversation with jmo about life and moving to La which is really cool and then I got a conversation with light about how he wants to get into content and like wants to learn about what content's like and I'm like you know it's going to be different for you cuz you're a smash player versus variet but um and what what are you guys betting on did om get pissed everyone got pissed dude I everyone that was there was drinking way too much um audio breaking up no it's not it's fine I think it's good uh no mango mango did drink but mango is on his no drinking Arc I guess I saw mango at the hotel bar pounding mimosas the morning of the top eight uh but in a classy way a classy couple of mimosas and he was exchanging pelaton information with somebody else which means he's he's about that Fitness life okay he's about that Fitness life he was doing a couple mimosas he also looks better he looks better I think he's getting healthier I think he's unironically getting healthier um so yeah he's on he's on his Pelton info um is mango in the egg carton not everyone that has a Paton is in the egg carton bro they're they're very very popular especially in California um he should be they should be but he's not um call him anyway so he was doing that that's what I saw him he didn't get that drunk in the night of but a lot of people got drunk which was fun and anyway what I'm trying to tell you is that the bar was really [ __ ] loud and so every conversation I had was somebody coming up to me Tapp me on the shoulder pound me on the shoulder going what's up big a and like right in my face so I got the full germ blast of every single Smasher like 200 Smashers um and so the bar finally shuts down at maybe 2: a.m. and they kick everybody out and I'm like uh I'm trying to find one of our friends and I ask blur I'm like blur have you seen this friend of ours um to make sure they're okay because they were drinking a lot and blur goes I just took a huge [ __ ] edible his eyes are wide like this I just took a huge [ __ ] edible Brandon I don't I don't know so blur of no help okay he's of legitimately no help his eyes are white as the [ __ ] Moon uh I can't get anything out of him so I have to find this person myself don't have luck I end up going back to the hotel room where we're staying at like 3:00 a.m. um and Scar and benw and to are all watching Training Day with Denzel Washington they've put on Training Day in our hotel room and an order order a whole [ __ ] T of Domino's Pizza which is Scar's Classic this is Scar's ultimate melee tournament routine he he puts on a movie and eats Domino's Pizza training day is my favorite movie of all time so obviously I can't go to bed so I sit down and I watch the last hour and a half of training day until 4:45 a.m. eating pizza uh and then we talk about training day afterwards so I go to bed at like 5 [ __ ] a.m. uh last night was literally a movie and um I wake up at like 6:00 a.m. and I'm shivering and sweating I've instantly gotten a fever okay so I instantly like I'm already sick I wake up at 6:00 a.m. and I'm like I'm [ __ ] I have chills on my thir body and there's like sweat in the bed and I'm like oh [ __ ] so I get a towel and I sleep on that and I keep waking up and I'm like starting to feel [ __ ] worse and worse and worse which is extra bad because if you know you go to cons cons or or gaming events or whatever you'll often get sick after you go but it doesn't kick in to like the flight home you know what I'm saying and then you get it maybe almost the day after if you're getting it the night of it's bad it's like instant acting so so I'm you know I'm super duper duper duper duper feeling shitty the day of I can barely sleep and then I wake up the next day and I feel like [ __ ] death itself we try to go to breakfast I get out of bed I try to muster up all my strength to go to breakfast everybody we get to the restaurant I immediately go to the corner I stack all of the pillows from like three booths it's like it's these long fancy hotel booths with pillows in them I stack them and I just lay down I just lay down they're all talking they're all talking and having breakfast I am literally just passed out I've taken over a booth and made a um and I get like a good hour of of snoozing in cuz they're doing a long breakfast and then the [ __ ] waitress is like hey you can't sleep here like I'm homeless like she's like she's like nudging me up you can't sleep here you have to get up which is bad all right obviously this [ __ ] sucks um I'm a paying customer by the way I'm a paying customer so I get uh I get booted out so I have to go sit in a [ __ ] chair basically in the corner and do this oh oh god oh a just not yeah just head in my hands I'm doing the not like this pose five feet from Mr not like this himself and I just feel so [ __ ] incredibly shitty um and then we finally I mean not till again after breakfast uh our room is forced check out by noon so I can't go back to the room everybody leaves except for me and uh blur and Rachel got also pretty drunk the night before uh not to put her on the spot but she did and so she can't it's her car so we can't drive until she's ready and she's not ready till like 4:00 p.m. I think she woke up at like 2:00 p.m. so what you know what I'm saying our car is in a bad way our car is in a bad we're all hung over Rachel's in chat all right Rachel's in chat she says 1 p.m. not women she says 100 p.m. agree to disagree agree to disagree I think it was more like 4 okay it was late the point is I'm hung over as all as [ __ ] and uh she shows up blur's feeling chipper as hell blurs like Mr Smiley we're both hung over then we get in the car and we have to drive back six [ __ ] hours back to uh um LA and for the first hour of it they're both having a pretty good conversation and I'm trying to join in but I feel so shitty I can't do it so I'm like in the backseat like just rocking back and forth trying to like add some jokes to the [ __ ] conversation cuz I want you know I the conversation on the way up was so enjoyable to me that I wanted to be part of it on the way back down but I can't do it like I'm oh yeah I'm sorry the conversation was again the when I say good conversation I mean very honest conversation uh not good in like it was deep in that Rachel here is telling us how she used to read fanfiction sexual fanfiction for the books Warrior [Laughter] Cats if you guys don't know Warrior Cats I didn't either uh sorry to put you on blast Rachel but you didn't bring it up you brought it up okay these are the warrior cats uh let's just say they're they're actual cats is all I'm saying they're actual cats she insists she's not a furry interesting they're just cats to me um anyway uh apparently the books went crazy apparently people that read them Lov them and she loved them and then when she got older started reading erotica but as we found from this conversation everyone has things they looked at the internet when they were [ __ ] 14 years old that ruined their mind forever the the theme of the conversation for the first half I think was like [ __ ] you saw on the internet when you were a kid that you absolutely [ __ ] shouldn't have um I will not reveal some of blurs he can do it if he's live all right if he's here uh the point is uh it's all terrible um but it's a good combo and I want to be part of it but I feel I feel shitty um so uh we get like an hour and a half two hours in and we get uh we stop for the food place turns out to be like the best [ __ ] barbecue place I've had in a hot minute we get delicious [ __ ] barbecue good cornbread good ribs good [ __ ] beans and sloth it was good it was [ __ ] actually [ __ ] good and it gives me life it briefly gives me life and for the next two hours I actually feel like a human being again and I feel cured I feel like temporarily cured and then we have a really [ __ ] good combo was very fun um you know um all that goes well I can't I don't know that if I can repeat anything all I remember is like jokes and I just don't I don't want to all of them out of context I don't think you're good um we have to we'll have to stream it sometime I think it's all fine with it streamed but I like saying it as a line feels odd um so anyway we get back and it's like late it's late it's like you know 8:00 p.m. it's dark it's raining heavy uh they Dro me off of my car my car is at their place it's still 45 minutes from my place I get out I get in my car and I instantly feel shitty again and it's just pouring rain and I got rained on moving my luggage so I just sit in my car with the heat on like I drive like a little bit and then I pull over and I sit in my car with the heat on and I put this seat back and I just rock and like AR's messaging me like when are you getting home when are you getting home I just I'm just like rocking dude because I feel so [ __ ] terrible uh and I'm like in the rain in the dark at night you know far from home oh it's bad it's a low Point uh and then I finally get home I see Ari and my dog and I feel good and that's finally good and I give him a hug and I feel good but then I feel shitty again and I lay in bed and I wake up and w a bunch of times during the night it was bad and then today I feel a little bit better and I'm like all right [ __ ] it I'm going to stream that's where I'm at that was my story I don't know if I missed anything from Genesis but that's the main thing it was an arc it was a journey it was a saga and it reminded me of how much I love spending time with friends in person um it is the lifeblood and joy of all life it is the reason we're on this Earth uh make time to do it you'll never regret it um and and did you get any gifts oh of course I did let me mention that so he oh I also forgot to mention uh on day uh two of the event I play there was a magic event EV in the corner there was like a magic draft in the back of the smash event uh they were just hosting one and I joined the magic draft with Dr battle and Evan gal um and I was like all right time to [ __ ] finally play magic with somebody I don't know IRL really like compared to you know I usually only go with Ari or people I know and it's [ __ ] if you're a magic head you'll know what I'm talking about if not pretend I'm saying glove [ __ ] okay they're like okay we're going to do a magic draft we're going to do new capena which is like a random [ __ ] bum ass set from like a year and a half ago it's like completely boring and stupid like it's a totally mid set that nobody cares about it's glub sh okay um so all right we're going to do new capena whatever I don't remember anything about it so I draft n capena and then I got to be honest with you it's very fun chilling with Dr battle and Evan GA they're very nice people IRL uh they brought some friends that are nice too The Vibes are good uh but the thing is not very well run and it's going really [ __ ] slowly so uh it's taking very very long it's taking very very long to get to the games and then when I get to the games I'm finished with my games and like quickly and then everyone else Dr battle took [ __ ] an hour and a half for like one game uh he's he's have to we have to wait for him he's just sitting there grinding it out um he's he's slow rolling the whole rest of the table I literally I'm not kidding I I'm not exaggerating at all there is actually a 40 minute gap between when I finish my set with my opponent and when Dr battle finishes his set with his opponent that is not a lie at all I go and get snacks twice okay that is true that is true that is true so I'm getting pretty I'm not [ __ ] add here but I'm getting pretty [ __ ] bored uh I'm getting pretty [ __ ] bored because I I usually can knock these out much more quickly um so I play my first round whatever takes forever and then for the second round I'm like I can't wait anymore so I don't even wait for the tournament organizer I just say my next round opponent is Evan gal I just declare it to the table I just go my next opponent is Evan gal that's who it's going to be and then I start playing Evan gal because I just want to play somebody I know and have a good time I just force it down mid and then I play Evan gal wax his ass quick [ __ ] two I'm sorry quick [ __ ] two um and then I leave I just I just leave and then I tell the to uh that the next round is going to be me versus Evan gal and it's a 20 so it's unfortunate but I did [ __ ] I did leave an impression okay um so that was good but anyway uh Evan oh sorry Dr battle gave me this which is a custom Magic the Gathering Commander set where every single card I don't know if you can see these every single card has been rebranded to League of Legends uh like this is Echo this is Echo this is um you know Soul shackle this is Senna put your hand behind it and close to the camera let me see if that works you know what I can actually I can show you guys let's see it's gonna be hard with the light bro uh no it's not going to work anyway there it's a really nice gift it's a really nice gift um and there's Poppy and there's I don't know they're all every car it's a 100 different cards and they're all there's Ezreal there's no Fizz for some [ __ ] reason yikes yikes um but it was it's a very [ __ ] nice gift and because I only play this with my wife we play Magic Commander with each other uh it's going to be really fun the only problem are thus number one there's no Fizz or Pantheon or Twisted Fate so there's no Champions that I like there's no champ that I like in this whole deck that's fine number two is that um this deck is busted he got me like the most busted like when you play uh Commander H Hunter card decks you're trying not to make a busted deck you want to make a fun deck that you can play casually with your wife what you don't want is the most busted win more deck this deck is very very [ __ ] busted um it is much much stronger than my wife's deck which is not fun so we need to either get level hers up or figure it out this is not this is not what I want to be playing against her I'm not trying to [ __ ] smoke my wife tenno in a matchup um so there's that it's funny uh today when I showed this deck to Ari I handed her the box I pulled it out and I handed it to her to look at it she immediately grabs it but like flips it in the air and tosses it everywhere and then it was like a toddler who scrapes their knee she just starts going oh oh it's a 100 card pickup and they went everywhere they went like under the [ __ ] cabinet under the bed and I'm just cackling I'm laughing so hard uh I helped pick up five cards I was just laughing she had to pick up 95 umh I think this is too unfocused um based yeah gigachad never ever ever help women with anything Focus grustle mindset okay the more work they do the less work you have to do uh the Royce depont classic exactly um so that's that was that overall fantastic time highly recommend almost died still feel like [ __ ] uh hopefully never happens again the one thing I'm going to internalize from Big wallet check so the reason people are asking that is that Dr battle gave me a friendship bracelet of a card he gave me a [ __ ] card called friendship bracelet and told me to put it in my wallet I did not do that I did not do that I am fully convinced that if I ever open my wallet and a magic card falls out I am going to have my I don't know it's going to be bad it's going to be bad it's GNA I am going to actually regain my virginity live um however what I'm going to do okay what I'm going to do is I will frame it and put it right here off camera okay it's gonna be right here next to the camera on this wall so I can see it every day when I'm streaming uh you'd love to see it wow camera only faces this way unfortunately but it's there it's there uh Hey truck you said you did that with my cat picture yes it'll go right next to your cat picture right there I'm looking at it right now what a great picture what an awesome framed cat picture right there and then right next to it Dr battle's framed card um truly going to be a fantastic wall uh describe the cat easy I could easily do that easily do that it's uh the thing about this cat is it's gray it's gray with yellow greenish eyes and it's um it's just a you know it's a fun furry friend is what it is he a beautiful gray [Music] cat he's describing my cat what the [ __ ] you are the type of person that would fall for astrology this is a person that doesn't like when their friends betray them oh my God he's describing me this person doesn't like um to feel sad [Music] uh you are a person that knows what they want and likes uh their friends to back them up you like proving yourself in certain situations but in others you feel a little bit anxious um ah uh anyway chat uh that's my Genesis stories um I have a lot of business stuff to talk about so I did read quite a bit of stuff um over the weekend during Hotel time and in the car and also I've just been kind of fascinated with some breaking stories specifically the update on Sam bankman freed uh we finally got a jail pick of him um we have the the Capital One Discovery merger which is extremely interesting there's more of that story people than people realize especially given the backdrop of in credit card default rates we are seeing one of the largest credit card providers do a almost desperation merger very interesting um we have we have the entire uh [ __ ] stock market praying that Nvidia earnings tomorrow are such a [ __ ] slam dunk that it makes the massive rapid rise of their [ __ ] uh stock somewhat uh understandable we literally have I mean there's the old Wall Street meme that when you're [ __ ] uh cab driver or the shoe shine guy starts telling you about stock tips be worried you're in a bubble everybody everybody is buying Nvidia everyone and their mother is gu is talking about how you should get into Nvidia Nvidia stock has become the most insane insane insane Market wide it it's it's the entirety of the movement of the stock market is like through Nvidia right now um it's holding up [ __ ] everything um we and all of it rests on tomorrow's earnings if you guys don't know what that is every quarter a public company has to announce their earnings which is how much they made how much they project to make how much profit they made you know what their costs were just like earnings what you know everything and so um tomorrow is such a big day if Nvidia has bad earnings tomorrow you are going to see one of the reddest days of the stock market that you've seen in a minute I promise you if Nvidia has bad earnings like if they if they report that like God forbid sales have slowed it's going to be a bloodbath if it's really good then boom The Rock ship continues um we don't know I no longer work there I don't know nobody knows if they're good the rocket ship continues everyone thinks things are fine the economy gets even more uh into a smaller breath um if they're bad it's a blood bath it's a [ __ ] bloodbath uh it's going to be it's going to be it's going to be a nightmare um damn it's going to be crazy uh it'll drag everything else down what would be Nvidia like normally if a company has bad earnings that only affects that stock if Nvidia has bad earnings I I think every not even just Tech everything will be down um so we'll see um uh Elden ring tomorrow uh navali which was the leading opposition candidate to Putin uh a man who was jailed for the past maybe year year and a half maybe longer I'm sorry I don't know how much longer uh he died in prison um um let's see how long was he jailed he was like one of the few Russians who was openly critical of Putin who hadn't died yet which is uh insane to say uh yeah August 23 he was sentenced to prison I think no March 22 wait no when um no February 21 I'm sorry he's been in prison for three years uh he was poisoned jailed and then died in prison yeah exactly he's uh but technically uh it's a democracy in Russia technically your vote counts okay Putin is winning all of these by sheer force of uh Charisma these are this is a true free and fair election um but yeah nal's dead there's a lot to talk about that uh I going to do a wins and fails tomorrow uh I worked on it today uh yeah wins and fails is tomorrow I will be doing it I just I my voice is so [ __ ] today uh I'm going to cover all this stuff I'm just going to cover all the wins and fails that I missed uh over the past weekend there's a ton of fun stuff uh I think it's all interesting so I'm just going to do a quick rundown of all the wins and fails so we'll we'll launch back into it with winds and fails tomorrow and I'm doing uh outer Wilds this weekend so we got some good stuff coming up I also I'm not going to say what it is um but I'm going to promise actually I want to tell you this I'm I'm going to say this directly to your face uh if you have anything interesting or funny that you'd like to put on the Reddit do it for Thursday of next week I'm going to say this many times a couple times leading up to it this will be a good time Thursday of next week I Can't Tell You Why will be a really good time to have something on the Reddit uh um and I think you're GNA have a good time I think I think you will appreciate it um uh also speaking of reddit reddit is selling all of its user data to an AI company for $50 million um so everything you upload there can be sold that's good so we can get AI trained on spoon [Laughter] triac this is kind of a good piece of news because I feel like um this will make artificial intelligence Dumber if we train it on Reddit we can slowly but surely dumb it down over time until it can no longer kill us I think that's good I already thought we did this when we created asmin gold [Laughter] I thought that's what he was I thought he was a $50 million project by otk to trade on Reddit for I'm so surprised um so anyway chat I am already I'm starting to feel sick my nose is getting stuffed I my headaches getting them back I'm GNA end stream right now it was fun talking to you I want to tell my Reddit stories um you know give me give me a little bit of time to warm back up but I will do wins and fails tomorrow uh I have a lot of stuff that's been moving forward especially Thursday of next week gonna be a blast and we're doing um outter Wilds this weekend should be good uh let me let me get some rest um and do a little recovery no house because I actually feel like [ __ ] I feel like [ __ ] right now I'm starting to feel like [ __ ] again I just want to rest get some sleep get back on track and get ready to grind again this year all right much love thanks for tuning in I had a good time um have a good night talk to you soon bye bye bye byebye bye-bye
we accidentally put an influencer in jail and today I want to tell you the story of how it happened 24 hours ago I listened on a call as the popular Instagram influencer Jay mazzini pled guilty to many of the crimes I accused him of two years ago and finally today I can say it's no longer alleged he said he did it and now he faces serious prison time for his scams now not only that he also has to pay millions of dollars in Damages and this is such an incredible win for this channel for what this channel represents fighting for victims holding scammers accountable that I just kind of wanted to take a second to celebrate it because now if you're an influencer in the past you were able to just say oh I've got featured on coffeezilla nothing's gonna happen but now you have to wonder you have to wonder what am I going to be doing in two years what are my plans because look probably nothing's going to happen to you but there's that one percent chance now that maybe something will uh and that's the point now we get to strike fear in the hearts of these scammers influencers are going to be launching new nfts wondering is coffee still coming for me and the answer to that question is yes of course I am now I do want to obviously say I think this goes without saying but I'll say it anyways um I cannot take credit for all of this or even most of this without your support none of this would have been possible without the victims who came forward on this channel none of this would have been possible and without law enforcement who put in two years of like actual legal work to make this happen none of this would have been possible so I'm not trying to say I cuffed the guy or say anything like that but this channel played a small role in bringing this guy to Justice and I am incredibly proud of that because as I said in the title this was absolutely not the plan total accident uh you guys know I mean I run a YouTube channel most of the time we cover scammers nothing happens it's a meme on this channel like hey we covered this guy we have hard evidence that he scammed people and nothing happens so I fully expect it when I covered James that it would be more of the same he'd get away with it uh but that didn't happen because I I think I can talk about this the way all this unfolded was so bizarre because one day my wife gets a call and she's like hello and they're like hi can we speak to me coffee Zilla um and we're with so and so some three-letter government organization and my wife literally hung up on them she she thought it was a scam you know I guess I've taught her well she's like no shot you would have had his real number and uh she comes to my office she's like hey there's this new scam going around these guys are pretending to be like you know this real government organization and they say they wanted to talk to you whatever obvious scam and I'm looking at her I'm like is it though like let's um he was very it's very real so I call it like so I come back that's what I'm saying this very much almost never happened I mean this could have very much accidental so I call him back and I'm like uh sorry about that and so then I talked to them for a bit and a month later you know I'm watching this guy plead guilty to a lot of the very things that uh we accused him of sorry I saw him get charged two years later we see him plead guilty to the stuff we accuse him of and um yeah he admitted to wire fraud wire fraud conspiracy and money laundering which I think the as I said the recommended sentence is eight to ten years which is just insane and I think just sets such a good precedence for people who think they can scam online and get away with it they think that just because you're an influencer the rules don't apply to you and clearly that's not true so yeah I just wanted to tell this story I don't think I've ever shared that part of it before uh because you know things were still getting worked out and um you know it's just it's just wild that a little Channel like this could have done much of anything or made a difference and and yeah I'm really proud of you guys I'm proud of what we did and I just wanted to kind of celebrate it's a it's a really big deal I'm proud of it and uh thank you guys for sharing this journey with me if you haven't seen it it's wild it's been a wild ride thanks a lot I'll see ya
[Music] I would F your ass so hard right now yeah cover your ears hi everybody W I only we sub for the Minecraft server welcome back to the stream hey everybody how you doing all right let's make some G fuel I am thirsty wait do I have do I do Sonic or you just take the wheel poggers or uh Strawberry Shortcake I don't know where is the g- fuel literally so much and I just got more Sonic G fuel yeah I'm like fairly on time today hey everybody what's up uh let me crack some G fuel I would F your ass so hard right now what happened to the pretty British [Music] guy where um yo so today I want to do some Mario Party 6 I went live not knowing you were live so my 9 minut best n minutes of My Life um hey everybody so I want to do spunky 2 today both of us together and then Mario Party 6 let's do another game of Mario Party 6 does anybody remember the score of Mario Party 6 I don't actually remember but anyways uh what game first cuz we could do spunky too then Mario Party oh god um um or Mario Party and then spunky what do we do meanwhile I will um make some delicious Sonic G fuel using Code Doug duug for 10% off I think right now 10% off my God still an incredible deal I would pay 200% uh I would not I would pay 200% more so 10% is technically uh 5% of the 200% more that I would pay except it's free so it's NE 5% hey what's up what's up [Music] everybody Doug is a Pog man thank you I appreciate it uh all right we'll do we'll do Mario Party first does anybody remember I I actually legitimately don't remember serious question what is the score in Mario Party 6 I know we're playing best of five who's up who who is up what's the score I I think it's 21 to you guys I think or is it 22 wait it's 22 or are you just saying to cuz let me turn this off I can't tell what all right voting is done night again almost time to have a baby hey love you so much and again we'll keep subbing one day I'll be like Barn popular thanks so much appreciate it thank you C thank you Jolly thank you pink Heathen thank you Excalibur man appreciate all y'all very much thank you quadratic four thank you thank you uh 21 am I up 21 or you guys up 21 Jesus Take the Wheel y five months guys thanks Doug God so the Sonic one is so [Music] good hey this our to and here's how you know I'm telling the truth protect my children I hate spicy demonade two of these flavors taste like dog [ __ ] Sonic incredible actually so [ __ ] good using code dougo for 10% off anyways all right so we're going to do some party I cannot believe it has been 5 months I would like to thank you for visiting the Doug Doug Museum oh yeah it really meant a lot to me and my friends keep it up thank you for making it it was it was seriously super awesome hey thank you thunder cheeks yeah maybe I'll end up doing like some sort of special video or something for it but for now I'm just I got other stuff I'm going to I'm working on the Red Dead Redemption mod video right now and whatnot hey it's my birthday keep up the good work Doug Doug champ hey thanks twitch made me make an account happy birthday my dude uh so sorry let me just recap a in Mario Party 6 we have been doing a battle between you and me it's first to five so whoever wins three games first I don't remember the score does anybody remember the score had a really rough week appreciate you getting on stream today I need this hey very welcome auin uh hope your day gets a little better 21 to us all right are we are you sure I believe that that's that's what I thought as well but some people are saying two to um it's not 5 that makes no sense why is everybody spamming Jesus Take the Wheel I assume this is hey Doug let's have another seven months together Doug Doug spoons up thanks so much I don't know what is this another Minecraft I don't get I'm so happy and proud of you is this like when you guys all started yelling a man when I was first playing Minecraft and I didn't know what was going on at any rate if you guys could keep if you want to spam random memes please at least make sure it's relevant to what's going on and not just random that's like generally the rule we have here you know so thank you for helping with that um okay I I got to Yo gooey face trash my God thank you thank you thank you thank you uh I'll try to get through all the the subs as well and say thank you guys because I know I missed a bunch okay let me uh set up Mario Party 6 please hold just take the wheel [Music] I'm going with two to one or sorry please hold what hey this our to get out of here trying to protect my children love [Music] you [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] weird almost there I just got to set up the last little bit I would your ass so hard right now hi Carl justed thanks for all the great over the last 6 months poggers poggers uh one second where the hell is thanks for being live today make these bad days much better thank you I'm I'm happy what happens if we use code car car on g.com are you assume random codes if you just put random words in there it's probably not going to be a code I mean you can try but my assumption is that gfuel doesn't let you throw your ass so hard right now okay Mario Party 6 Doug Doug versus twitch chat um what what are we saying as a score right so 21 I'll confirm that but I guess I'm pretty sure that's true I'm fairly certain that's true cuz 0 to 100 in simply correct all right let me uh let me boot up the game Mario Party 6 Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam IAM F your ass so hard I only know we're winning months fil everything oh [ __ ] dude thank you for the 10 gifted Subs my God thank you thank you thank you thank you we need a few spoons up for Mr tub incredibly generous thank you bring back food news why are you guys so quiet maybe just the music's especially loud right now or something but Jesus Take the Wheel uh I'm not going to bring back food news right now I like food news is something I'm actually thinking about right now is like monthly reminder I am Doug's first sub but also when am I expecting a package Doug so I can keep an eye out it was a theoretical on Doug twitch chat one m one we are winning by a lot also can I have a pizza uh no no pizzas allowed uh Eddie it was a theoretical question so that I could theoretically plan for it in the theoretical future it wasn't something I had ready to go that I like kicked off the instant you approved it also it will be fridge sized but again theoretical um yeah for the food news thing I'd like to do more food stuff it's just hard you know there just not a lot of time so again people are are spamming a lot of [ __ ] in the chat I don't know why I assume this is some Zoomer meme from Tik Tok that I don't know which is fine but please don't spam random [ __ ] if it's not relevant to the game or the channel right I just I don't want to be one of those channels where people are just filling it with nonsense so anyway which one of these have we not done I know we did egad's garage for sure we did Fair Square as you guys called it rigged rectangle we did snowflake Lake cuz it changes from night to day it's either Castaway Bay or towering Treetop that we have left I think does anybody care yo Packers oh my God five gifted Subs you're nuts thank you thank you thank you thank [Music] you uh I really appreciate that man that's super generous do cway all right well let's do a quick vote let's do a quick vote um sorry one sec let me pull it up all righty what map for game number four between Doug Doug and twitch chat the rematch of Destiny uh the options are Castaway Bay which I don't know what it is or towering Treetop I think I think those are options Castaway and then bam if you guys uh if you win this then that would mean you've won Mario Party 6 if I win it we would go to the last map so it doesn't matter a ton I would F your ass so hard right now J really awful week I am so happy you stream today here's the six more months of your content helping me produce serotonin we're just a chemical Factory over here um look I show up every day ready to inject you all with my do with your dopamine we love you either way if you were Doug dug or not uh thank you yes God don't you love it when there's an inside joke you aren't a part of that everybody else just keeps talking about um get out of here trying to protect my children can I use code beans for G oh I was just going to thank uh subs and stuff while we're we're while we're sitting at the game so let me do Cast Away sorry there's a bunch of stuff to to set up don't let any of these Liars deceive you they can't change who you are thank you all right right you guys are Waluigi I am wait wait hold on two players you guys are Waluigi as always I am Luigi as always bam uh does anybody care who our opponents are blot toad Jesus Take the Wheel PL none of these are none of these are characters Boo and toad toad and buo a lot of people are saying boo and Toad okay we'll do Bo toad Jus Take the Wheel hard no definitely not hard all right 20 games or 20 turns did we do did we do uh what is it is much to long to watch this idiot play video games but cheers anyways cheers look we've all had a lower our standards in 2020 last week Doug invited me over to play Mario Party get out of my dreams and sucking my life force hi Carl Jesus a lot lot happened in that donation uh 20 turns all games right yeah we're good Jesus Take the Wheel dou this has been a great five months let's get this party started thank you so much I will try to uh I will try to say thank you to your ass so hard right now also wait hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on game bam uh let me let me remind everybody of how this works real fast before we get started Jesus it's been 5 months man time really flies if the squeeze the rubber chicken option is still viable in 7 months expect the chicken squeeze to be redeemed then C in another month I guess cat Jam wait you aren't a good one duck also I B fuel with your code so if it sucks I will sue you that's true that's all part of the deal uh if I do anything you dislike just just sue me like like like you can solve any problem that way which is [ __ ] awesome all right uh these are the controls for Mario Party 6 all you do is type light left left or hard left to move left light right right or hard right to move right if you can't read all this just look at the the yellow text just look at the yellow text the yellow text is what you can type so these are how you move left and right you can also do light up up or hard up light down down or hard down fairly straightforward you can also hold the C stick but these are only relevant in certain situations like there's like a few mini games where the C stick is relevant a will press a hold a will hold the a button down for 1.5 seconds so this is only a situation you only want to use this in a situation where you would you know you want a held down for an extended period of time like for a mini game of some sort generally you just want to type a ground pound we'll do a ground pound in a mini game where that is relevant you can also do b x y l and R to press all of those buttons basically it's just a GameCube controller so you know just there there you go all right everybody ready we good we're doing this yeah any last questions I should probably uh thank subs and stuff while we're going Bam Bam I'm going to start the code let me make sure it works bam have this all fancy now or not fancy but why are there so many if statements because there's no switch statement on python I also try to keep it insanely insanely simple so that I can debug it live I know I have a programming degree but just sometimes it feels like that's not true you know so I just try to keep it really simple uh okay I am setting up just one more thing on my computer I'm getting the chat ready bam you guys are live we should be good to go now yeah yeah you're starting stuff okay and then I have my voice boom jump aha I'm already in first place dude red head flying gifting five subs thank you thank you thank you thank you ooh o Hold On music off wait no no 18mon is the chicken right oh I was looking forward to the Persona music damn it Megan yes yes wait oh the donations are really beh or the messages are really behind uh also where's the music hey Doug you've probably not seen it but someone made a twitch skin for spanu could be good if we do spun too at some point oh really dude I didn't know that um okay once you got guys finish your turn let me uh let me turn on the music get out of here prot children our sub bab has been born we shall name the baby Carl get it Carl I would again if your ass not on Tik Tok you guys hi Doug um yo what's up D well once I'm at my uh turn let me say thank you to everybody and then um let me turn on the game audio which we all know and love I wait audio is on the H I would F your ass so hard right now half a year already why can't we hear the stupid music yo thanks forgetti Towers I appreciate it Jesus Take the Wheel wait why is the volume not Tre hold on this is a um little late but thank you does anybody know why the audio one of those channels with random spam [Music] CL F Sonic right these are the things I'm saying we shouldn't do uh I'm trying to get the the audio to work I don't know why it is not is it cuz it I am happy to support you the totally real do U do U and not some other person yes Jesus Take the Wheel thank you I appreciate the support down chat's ungodly strength we will accept your surrender now dude [ __ ] no like you okay you you crushed me exem hard months of Lies thank you uh you guys beat me extremely badly that one game and I think you barely won the last game and then I won one pretty well I don't know how to turn on the audio we might not be able to play with the game audio I'm not sure why this is not uh working right now I I can reset it and try but uh not clear to to me normally is there any reason why sorry I'll play music on my end give me just one sec my bad it's copyrighted it's not copyrighted I mean it technically is but you're allowed to play Nintendo games and the music I don't have to like mute all video games forever because of dmca dud what the does anybody know does anybody know why audio wouldn't be selected I mean I'll Google it real fast but uh otherwise we're just not going to have audio which is [Music] [Music] fine dude [Music] DMC on Twitch is really bad yeah that's true um it's not good sorry one sec [Music] y'all give me just a moment uh there there's something with the thing so let me try to fix the thing um give me one minute if we can't fix it I'll just go ahead with no audio but I would like to fix it please hold [Music] [Music] la okay we're good thank you for holding uh we fixed it all right uh I'm going to get this set back up again thank you for holding I appreciate it don't be fooled he's using this to to Rick the game it did it was suspiciously covered up okay we should be right back into the game now Bam um I think we're good to go let me uh I know this is going to take a little bit but I do feel like I got to do it real fast so let me quickly thank a whole bunch of people who have subbed uh in the past 20 minutes uh forgive me while I go through this uh bam thank you video player so much thank you Rose of the otter uh you're nuts thank you viala thank you mobin again thank you dino nuggets thank you Knights again thank you Jolly thank you pink Heathen thank you Excalibur man thank you quadratic 4 thank you twitch made me make an account again thank thank you Juniper is gray again I appreciate it thank you overladen thank you so much Fruity Pebbles thank you so much nor gobbin thank you so much no thank you only one friggle fraggle H thank you pen an I assume I said that wrong thank you psycholog psycholog for the four months appreciate it um thank you blobber thank you Mr Matt Matt thank you thank you Andrew cats thank you gt17 Eddie jinxes and hex's thank you so much Shadow Blade thank you so much tubs thank you so much again for 10 gifted Subs you're nuts 2 a.m. 3 a.m. 4:00 a.m. thank you for the 9 months Lord bra Bross thank you for the eight months maranella thank you for the $1 toast ha nuts thank you for the five months Packers thank you for the one one one month absolute poo man thank you for four months uh Chino Pino Warrior thank you for the seven months midnight Jester thank you for the eight months me to dog thank you for five months manduru thank you for the 6 months roshi thank you for the 5 months uh Packers thank you again for 5 months cabbage thank you again for nine months Dan Luke thank you spaghetti Towers thank you Fel thank you uh astr thank you electric walrus thank you Warriors for Giants thank you noodle grick thank you Sean is not funny thank you Psy 7 thank you and I the the blight thank you I always say that wrong cater Pig thank you Noob coake thank you manly carrot thank you tubs again thank you Packers again for the 6969 bits a killo Dean fire green mags and ham ziggurat Megan redhead flying uh R Bobby the amazing Gap Point Crow hi Crow uh questionable Aces Jesus Hubert Christ I didn't know that's Jesus's middle name thanks Hubert levitator man fuzzy Mana cribs and Nova Thunder cheeks with five GI his hubs and I think we're good frosturus thank you all right I'm officially caught up I haven't like gone through all the subs in a long time and actually like said Thank you so I feel like that was a little overdue thank you guys very much I really appreciate it a lot of people are just like saying how much they like my channel they're like Doug you are you're doing great you're Doug it's just it's felt good to to feel that support so thank you guys very much I appreciate it all right now let's play some with with all the positivity out of the way [ __ ] you chat I'm going to win this game ofar Party 6 I lost the last one pretty bad and and then you called me lousy the whole goddamn time because of the stupid Waluigi thing anyway here we go game number four jump jump Okay jump here we go all right here we go this is going to be the best goddamn Mario Party Six of Our [Music] Lives that was a that was that [ __ ] was of out of [Applause] [Music] love uh dragon I'm messaging you back but twitch chat is sending letters too so give me one sec um you'll have to read the messages in between all the the text I'm sending anyway there you go uh yeah let's do this I didn't even read what the game is which one is this you set Waluigi sorry I didn't even what are we doing jump wait hold on what what is happening I I totally I to why why you just have to press a button that nobody else presses right I think that's it okay r o Doug On The Rise you guys would never going to guess this one you're never going to [ __ ] guess this B God oh toad got B wait why did toad [ __ ] l [Music] God damn it chat you guys we have to we have to work together otherwise boo is just going to kick our ass again um the way we've done this in the past for audio for the actual game is that you guys we keep the game audio on if you guys roll a five or above you're ly then we get to keep the game audio on you're you're ly you're and you get to taunt and then if you roll a four or less then then we turn off the game audio up until you roll a firei above I'm thinking I'm thinking that we change this so that you have to roll six or above to keep the game audio on bam all right we're done oh thank God oh okay as long as as long as it's a low roll we turn audio off and I play my own music dude I feel like what is the bomb I feel like it should just be 50/50 if you guys roll five or less audio's off if you roll six or up audio's on right oh [ __ ] text to speech yes sorry sorry let me put that back on I would like your opinion as to what I should put for dinner tonight Mr must just G fuel all g- fuel you throw that on some chicken you don't even need the chicken you could replace the chicken with G jump jump jump jump inject us with your chemicals sir I don't know that inject is really like the word I should have used ah hey our town get get out of here try to protect my children Epic Rap Battles of History Bosnia versus Scotland 100 Mario Party related what hello Doug just wanted to say thank you for doing this it always brightens up my day uh I don't know why it would brighten up your day to get your ass kicked in Mario Party 6 I appreciate the sen hard Li to lose Mario Party a game of pure godamn skill thank yous um okay you have to move left and right and jump up we ready everybody good here we go to get out of here trying to protect my children finally feels like every new viewer to his streams ever jump oh I can't do this I don't Fu in a going the expert I'm not the expert on inhaling G fuel into my lungs or burning it into my lungs confusing stream hang in the car again I appreciate the support you guys very much and just please keep the memes relevant to what's going on hit the wheel yo thank you cater pig look the only only way to find out is to um to try man Take the Wheel Hi D I can't believe it's been 8 months doobies for everyone this rounded doobies on you du it doesn't matter oops I think we all know where binders deep down don't know about the first part of that sentence but the second half is real good Jesus Take the Wheel I like how so many of you guys are spamming the taunt button in the map scene that when it's actually your turn nobody plays like nobody actually does anything I think these are really delayed now but thank you again tubs for the five gift appreciate it very much oh you actually got a lot of coins wait what is this you do keep up the amazing work can't wait for the next Skyrim challenge where you try to beat the game as a stick of butter next one is the the one I'm working on is the Red Dead Redemption 2 so glad I was a able to catch another stream happy four months Doug very stupid I feel like now that we're at a million I can just kind of prepare yourself Carl just kind of just let the um coherence of things drift a bit jump hey this our part town get out of here trying to protect my children jump 9 months of my life pours for you and thank you for streaming on Friday because if it was jump on weekdays you left my sleep schedule so h keep up the good work party party time we must go all out in the art of Mario party for the sake of our goals I did um what was I going to say JUMP Jesus Take the Wheel if we win can we have the wall EEG siren over Persona music jump left right just take the wheel right I figure if I'm in motion that'll help right left right dude you guys got like 30 coins from this got two you just stood there in the middle mostly I did basically the same thing with a slightly more strategy jump no I'm Doug I would F your ass so hard right now thank you for the support though as um misguided as it is if you roll a six or lower we get sounds me no oh dude this will this is good I can actually win this unlike you all right let me let me blare out some good music for [Music] this what's good like jumping music I don't know oh probably G [Music] stee this this is this is very [Music] thank you very much Megan for the 18 months I appreciate you I hope you're doing well [Music] [Applause] [Music] barely thank you very much Megan all right let's play this [ __ ] video game you just got to jump over the thing when it pops around the the [Music] hole dude I actually have timing you guys have the spam and Chaos I have the timing on my side jump I don't have so confident [ __ ] voice chat whatever I'm still beating you oh no I'm not please don't know you can't say you AR car CU it will in the bit but please just drink twice if you one car is eating away me Ian again please I don't watch Tik Tok I don't know what this is 5 months just please like just keep things relevant to what's going on you know all right here's a chance Jes will you get above a four it's time to do all right audio's back on three two hey there ourth get out of here trying to protect my children tag yourself I am the upper right palm tree what I don't get it hi Crow you're still here help me cl Gordon you can't tell me that you're lousy when you're riding a raft all right jokes on [Music] you what is all of this stuff c a r L1 is a peasant or man of low birth to a man a fellow you're there it goes I was like I was like oh maybe maybe twitch chats learned restrain month longest relationship I've had in years glad I could be that for you look we're just a chemical Factory Here time watching your stream I'm so confused as to why people are spamming my name uh well so it's just whenever viewers com to the channel we like to everybody gets together and just spends the entire stream spamming their name over and over even though it's not relevant to what's going on it makes no sense it's just a little tradition we have around here it's bad I am uning sorry I all I heard is eight months let's go finally able to catch a stream yay who said if it's something I'm unsubbing hey 5 months [Music] nice Jesus Take the Wheel love you Carl I played a oh I'm playing in a chess game my chess club I need good moves the Queen's Gambit I know that one now also Castle do a castle that'll help jump you're lousy God I love I love this game yo it's your boy B thank you very very much man five gift Subs is nuts thank you thank you thank you [Music] um and thunder cheeks dude that must this must be really behind thank you again Thunder cheeks jump you're I would F your ass so hard right now 6 months let's go you're let's [ __ ] where's the star okay B you're lyy jump ly Jesus Take the Wheel let's go [Music] jumpy I feel like I feel like we have to F your ass so hard right now 6 months and I am still here thanks dog thanks dapp eggplant let's say if you guys roll a five or below we turn off the game audio six or above to keep it on nice 5050 chance homework yeah just put it in if statement and then have it do a CIS uh print out that says code succeeded this is your doctor I regret to inform that the test came back positive you lousy you just alternate left L and R everybody ready here we go Jesus Take the Wheel would you like some cheese with that W [Laughter] heini go Jesus r l r l r l r why is L if the one mil video was the truth for you are not de but you are I am going to kill myself because you my life and how I see you as person r l r l r thank you for the hours of content on the YouTube we make this s and Tin easier r l r r l r l r l God Kermit saurus I see what you did there take my time oh you say a nice positive message thanking me for helping you during quarantine right when I'm trying to close out the victory in the stupid wind Challen it will ruin the please blink once if you are actually dug blink twice if you are I know there is no chance you Carl but the fact I can't prove it is making me go insane please whatever fuel cupcakes pleas only it if it's [Music] lousy you're lousy hey this is our part town get get out of here try to protect my children we are going to win this game let's go check G fuel cupcakes wao I would say strawberry shortcake but I just I'm obsessed with strawberry short kick I don't know Jesus take the wheel man that's probably really good I'm definitely going to make a strawberry shortcake G fuel at some point like out of Strawberry Shortcake kill what is going on here by the way does anybody know you're you're lousy you don't any stars Jesus Take the Wheel yo what's up Carl it's me one from work where have you been you haven't showed up in a long time uh I wor this take wheel from home I'm a YouTuber yeah baby 4 months I wouldn't give my life force to any other bell pepper please appreciate it please myse is amazing give it a little just like ra have a stroke of its man it turns into a plane and then it turns back again when you T on it snky that's five or less five or less five or less wheel God damn it wait you got a star do you have money okay somebody spam B don't don't buy it God damn it you legitimately bought a star before anybody else I swear there's something about Mario Party 6 where you guys play like a normal person and it's like coherent gameplay Jesus Take the Wheel did somebody say henai I think you did dude something about this game man Jesus Take the Wheel just wrecks my [ __ ] thank you kenth Mr blizzard H okay so how do how does the um so how does the boat thing work I'm like not clear on that when does the boat I just wanted to say when does the boat actually change very cool every time someone lands on it so is it just stuck in that position thank you again it's your boy B appreciate it is it just stuck in that position now it changes when somebody gets to it testing how delayed messages are this was sent at Oral okay got it uh yeah that was a while ago jump okay so I need to land on a why Jesus Take the Wheel you're ly okay so it's Bowser right now so I need to stall oh so I can actually use that shrink mushroom okay Jesus Take the Wheel you're lousy you're lousy jump you're Jesus Take the Wheel jump you look like this one dude on YouTube I know I think his name is Douglas have you heard of him wheel I thought it was one of the ones that just you're lousy I thought it was just like a a roll low or I ordered some strawberry shortcake G but someone in a League of Legends so he stole from the mail room I will find him and ruin his life why you're I have to go the star SP swaps each time with the Bowser boat right so I can do this right I just have to wait until somebody switches the boat and then I grab it f your ass I think I'm still in good shape far over a year of following and 6 months of being subbed thanks C appreciate it that is a long ass time press the buttons in order these Tik Tok memes they should be outlawed vaa La Revolution I just you know people love those Tik Tok mes press the buttons in order but don't rush it everybody ready don't rush it press it in order be precise be careful be paced just like twitch chat is known to do sorry I'm late have we dealt with the Carl situation yet I have repeatedly asked people to stop spamming about memes that are not relevant go hey iume it's some Tik Tok thing wait are you you guys are next you guys are [Music] next that actually was very competent where's this coming from okay I just bought a thing of the pach Rings G Fuel and I'm the excited it's really good jump X jump b y x finish hold at least to one dude spamming wins again literally didn't win but the effort was there I'm not last we're obviously talking about Carl Weezer who's Carl Weezer is that from Jimmy Neutron you're Jesus Take the Wheel I for one believe you are the one true Doug thank you appreciate the support okay roll a five or less five or less five or less five or less five or less go so you guys literally aren't playing the game cuz you're all taunting love your streams and YouTube videos hope you have a good day thanks TJ appreciate it okay five or less five or less five or less five or less five or less God damn it [Music] by whatever at least you're land on that thing God it's like five turns in a row or like every turn right no no no you you rolled low on one of them I bought the Sonic G fuel for 30% off and it's really good right it's really like it's super good it's definitely my number two after Strawberry Shortcake you're I want to say it's like the peach rings at a that you can buy the store but it tastes better than that to me cuz I'm not a huge fan of those really you're watch out this is not good you're [Music] lousy go I'm going to mute well I won't mute but I'll play my own music jump jump jump jump jump jump dude [Music] 20 I don't have enough for a star jump you're lousy B you're I need to roll low here land on a blue win the next mini game and then I can get the start jump you're you're ly you're ly okay but everything's going up Doug okay all right we're on a team if if you guys could win this one for me I'd really appreciate it bodybuilder Jesus Take the Wheel hi Doug congrats on 1 million Subs thanks take me Tim yeah super cool thank you um jump take turn stopping the wheel at the right SP spot to pick aart and build a robot okay so we have to precisely stop the timer I think we can do this I think we can do this I can actually time it you guys can spam here we go I bought the Strawberry Shortcake G fuel it's like liquid crack want to try it in some brownies it's so good [Music] go no no no jump oh damn it jump ooh okay okay go guys go go go you're always a little early hold off a sec jump [Music] jump come on you jump jump wait [Music] jump can you please jump jump finish teamwork Jesus Take the Wheel hey Doug 5 months sub HG h h h h hope you are doing well happy face thanks arel [Music] seems like a nice preview of how spunky is going to go [Music] later carried so hard you can't call me lousy this is the one time that I deserve to not being called lousy when I just got you guys 10 coins on my own back okay roll five or less five or less five or less I bought the Doug flavored G fuel it was okay ooh bad news that wasn't G fuel yes oh God yes we can turn the [ __ ] music off oh Jesus Take the Wheel uh you were dealt drugs Doug hope you are having fun CH thanks cidor I am now because I'm no longer [Music] lousy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay okay okay it all comes down to this I need to jump I think roll a one right because otherwise I get sent to the beginning right all right well let me play the most dramatic music um with some dramatic ass music all right B if I can stall get five more coins and then get there the next turn I'll be okay any progress on finding what it is God damn it it's going it's going all right actually trying some new [Music] stuff this is this is very loud thank you Ali meow jump it's like barely [Music] jum [Music] jump hi lost all my coins jump jump [Music] jump thank you [Music] Al up or jump Jesus Take the Wheel oops what what does war pipe do is war pipe good is that as good as I think it is is that the one that just like gets me the the thing or whatever jump jump is that the one that just like gets me to the star you changed places damn it okay uh the sleep is doing better I think I'll do an update video on it at some point but I'm trying a lot of things right now so we'll see see what works out man the music I feel like the music's like louder than it was uh okay everybody got it so we're going to watch the shy guy run across and then we have to match his movement yeah everybody got it just be precise um and coordinated here we [Music] go Jesus Take the Wheel yo LZ work thank you man thank you thank you thank you okay this is simple this is like simple as hell up wait I can't move up precisely enough right up we need Pepsi left left up left up up right oh my God I'm going to do it I'm going to do it I'm going to do it the wheel up [Music] up dude I'm kicking ass in mini games mini games I've got in terms of doing well at the game of Mario Party just terribly jump like let me just reiterate what happened the that last round right I went up there I I was on my way to the star I had like 25 coins and then I uh toad stole 18 of them I then hit Bowser who who stole the remaining 15 that I had after I won another mini game and got sent back to the beginning with zero meanwhile you guys have gotten Jesus Take the Wheel five months wait Toad's going to get this now right I think thanks to Silver appreciate it I think toad will get it and that'll be okay cheater cheater how did I cheat I'm losing so badly how would you interpret this as [Music] cheating oh yeah buy orbs waste your money waste your money yes yes oh beautiful wait oh you got out of it [Music] damn I swear dude you guys are playing like you're just playing normally like you're playing like a normal human this is the most human that I've ever seen you guys hey there our part Tower get get out of here try to protect my children over I tried the Strawberry Short Cake G fuel it is pretty good I still think should snow con Prett good pretty good the unanimous Declaration of 13 United States of America when in the course of human becomes necessary for one people to dissolve I don't have it right now have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of Nature's God entitled thank you jump your you're ly you're ly where am I okay so I think I want to it's Bowser right now I think I want to book it over there actually you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy jump you're you're no you guys are all over there I think I book it though you're you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy nice jump you're lousy you're lousy you're ly you're lousy you're ly you're hi J Dog you're ly jump you're ly you're you're ly you're ly you're you're ly might be too much actually you're ly I need to buy a little bit of time you're ly never mind you're ly you're L you're [Music] ly okay I have 20 coins I'll work my way over there Mario is really annoying do you mean Waluigi Doug cannot win I absolutely can win I'm not sure if you've played Mario party before but whatever the state is on turn five has no connection to what happens later in the game okay you you press a to open a box everybody got it yeah we good 3 2 1 Precision monke ass all right Precision I can do jump jump jump come on jump what jump jump jump jump jump finish dude I did pretty good you guys did really good too dude I'll take that that was solid I don't know how your your spam strategy worked but did work okay uh all that matters is that I have the coins to actually get a star as long as you guys don't get a star on this current route and I do I'm fine like then we're caught up okay you're lousy thanks five or below five or below five or below five or below yes oh yes silence beautiful nobody's lousy here I would your ass so hard right now half year baby here's to a half year more hey thanks as man okay this is good toad gets screwed why doesn't he just whoa he takes a star you lousy dude that's [Music] terrifying okay F your ass so hard you know what else I'm realizing loving the streams thanks God's God uh if I can if I can get you guys what does this mean why is it snowing just take the wheel hey car I mean Doug Doug I am 20 now can I get a GG also hope the stream is good GG 20 is a good year now you can think about buying alcohol in a year jump um why jump Jesus Take the Wheel I'm going to do what's called I love your chaotic energy greetings from Germany or should I say guten Abend no you should say greetings from Germany I don't speak German I would thanks for checking so hard right now 6 months keep being great Doug thank you chicken man I'm about to do what's called Pro Gamer move I'm going to swap with you or buo then I'm going to roll a fat roll run and get the star steal it away from you it's going to switch back to a shadow star you're going to lose the star I will be up a star beautiful B jump jump as long as it's Boo or you I'm good jump jump jump jump oh okay that's what I wanted cuz now the only are there okay now I have to roll like an eight right how many do I have to roll on the real Day always looking forward toward your streams and I love your fat content chunks thanks o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 okay if I roll a nine oh wait no it has to be a 10 oh [ __ ] so now I have to beat you there b does it have to be a 10 B if I roll a 10 right now it is the biggest clutch in the history of Mario Party jump oh God B is it enough do you have to actually go to do you have to land on the spot or or is that enough that might be enough jump is that enough no no wait is it no thanks for making great stuff and making my wa but now you guys could get it okay so I'm super [ __ ] unless you [ __ ] unless you guys get it but now now now if you guys so if if you guys get in there and and hit it first and you lose the star it could work it all comes down to whether you guys roll High next turn it all comes down to that role just like with every good Mario Party game it's going to come down to one skill-based decision gam move it's still a Pro Gamer move if this works out uh M has been scattered everywhere grab the Lost letterer walk up to the CH what oh okay so move you just move okay three two one bam thanks RGB K appreciate it 14 months is a long time thank you thank you thank you uh with this one you literally just walk up to a stud up right up down left what I take the wheel up right thanks anger man left left left left down up left down right wow you guys actually crushed that okay okay okay okay all that matters right now uh hey Carl I mean Doug how is working Wendy's is that you guys roll I don't know what it is right what what is the actual um what is the actual number you're what like six spots away seven like eight does night time change [Music] anything like this is a massive swing if you guys wait unless one of them lands on the Mystery Spot that would also change it so it's either up to you guys Rolling High Roll High Roll really high roll really really high please please [ __ ] that's not enough is it [ __ ] okay toad needs to land on a on a on a [Music] spot now this is Padre s jump is there any way out of [Music] this jump hi Dad please bend me over with those Super G [Music] Fons and now you're set up for a star jump jump why does he have to steal my my coins if I don't have a star I'm clearly behind jump [Music] let the record show that my Pro Gamer move was one space off one space off jump how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man I mean this is pretty bad I've had a pretty bad couple turns so close jump wait what is this dude I am literally broke actually this is good for me cuz if I win that's a huge swing back for me okay so if I win this we're actually good then jump [Music] jump jump uh jump I don't jump what is control stick jump tilt what okay so this is where the C stick you do have control of the C stick I don't think I do I'll just go wait this is important I actually need this hold on [Music] I'm looking at the voice program right now and it lists what it thinks I said the last thing it s thought I said is wait this is a porn action what did I even say that is remotely close to porn action um let me add cstick controls for voice chat that's not rigging it I literally need that control to play the game so please [Music] hold you can't say rigged when I'm letting myself control the GameCube controller it's one of the things on the controller no way to you had me in the first half [Music] you cannot get collected you are one real man you are ins significant we can't hear you frle fragle I'm holding too hard thank you for the 1,000 bit love [Music] you one [Music] sec just take the wheel do you want to watch me add the controls in ch did you get a haircut you look so cute today or do you want the do you want me to hold either way I mean you look at me doing interesting things are can just hold what is rabbit okay please [Music] [Music] hold [Music] show please hold sorry I'm holding it's not code this is just the voice program I'm almost there hi BR can you say something in Spanish no see what I did there [Music] all right all right all right hold [Music] on thank you for holding one of these days we really need a stream where we just are on hold the whole time it's a lot better than the content um C up C down why is it not working C up C down C left C right okay cool I've got the I've actually got the controls now so that's nice let's play video games oh wait no music's off right yeah because you roll to five um okay here we go we do not you do have C stick controls you absolutely do so your C stick controls are C up C down C left C right same as me so we we both have control of the C stick you good it's not cup it's C up if you just Spam cup into the chat you're not contributing to anything here we go I don't wait I actually I don't remember what we're supposed to do what do we do the speed will okay whatever speed yeah tilt so that your left and right hands match the directions displayed on the screen and then your normal up down left right controls your left hand and the C up down C up C down C left and C right control the right hand here we go this is for a lot of marbles oh I forgot the hands already whatever right C [Music] up right see up wait what is [Music] happening is it not working what nothing happened did either of us do [Music] anything we did it you guys maybe that was rigged I mean neither of ours seemed to work so that was the opening round example at least it was equally rigged against both of us therez nothing things seem to happen to me jump if you had a son would you name him K Jun uh no I I prefer Wendy's over Carl's junr you gained a coin oh I did gain a coin all right so uh I guess Doug comes out of this one the winner wait dude are you kidding me wait that was your transfer Star right or had it had It reversed already I wasn't paying attention you rolled low so the music's not on dude I was not paying attention to everything else what what else was going on what was like what was at any rate you you you guys are at let me let me check the board jump why jump oh my God so you guys were two spots off so I need to flip it I need to get that to flip if I can flip it right now that'd be incredible B cuz then You' be super boned B jump jump I tried the French vanilla G fuel flavor and it's really good especially with milk um I respect your opinion but that's no I am glad you like it it's not for me but that's cuz I like black coffee I'm glad you like it though thank you for the support by the way on a on a serious note I do appreciate it Jesus Take the Wheel milk seems to be thanks for always making that good content hey thank you um thank you so much um if the r is the narrative for my plot dead got access to an out of service space shutle and refitted it so it can be controlled by twitch chat during the countdown DG took shelter in our trust cuz point is trying to stop us worry not the blind lless kid is ready to oh [ __ ] we're playing Left what do what do you do a left [Music] jump up I was not even paying attention up jump left jump hey Doug how do you feel about quties jump it's pretty good jump jump jump I wouldn't want to like work there but I do like it as a restaurant chicken sandwiches are pretty good Popeyes is better though okay honestly what what how would you possibly win that game with any sort of skill wait did you win I I wasn't I didn't even realize that well I rest my case how would anybody with any sort of strategy win that game because the crane goes slower than the fishes so how would you possibly coordinate any sort of timing right am I missing something there's Rumble we don't have Rumble and even if you had Rumble the fish will move away before the thing hits right I'm not crazy here you're just lousy is this going to flip the boats what he's doing right now dude what what is going on hey Doug it's my 20th birthday on Monday can you wish me a happy birthday and then mow me 69 cents it's scooter s thanks Jesus K the wheel oh my god oh you got [ __ ] so hard there wow boo I love you oh he just stole it you're like one spot I hope more happy and healthy and most importantly are with the [Music] tin sweet Justice I am not lousy all right your turn your turn technically if you get a one technically if you roll a one you get out of there or two one or a two [Music] oh we are all lousy you're lousy I do have to turn on the [ __ ] game audio again though so you do have that going for you Doug you rigged it pay duck I suggest you use Brian TTS voice instead of this one Brian has trouble pronouncing words sometimes for some reason so it makes it 10x funnier yeah we could do that we've switched up the voice on a fairly regular basis you guys are all spamming L instead of moving during your turn when you can't taught me now you're L there go you're lousy you're lousy man you guys got so boned there like you got utterly porked by Boo and yeah we could we could switch up the Texas speach boo why did you do that I mean to be fair I got screwed pretty hard as well so we've both been porked one time by the game there our get get out of here trying to protect my children hey do today is my last day of my college fall Porter so I need your help on my final shoot what the interval of w a w a w you're lousy X squ hey Doug this is my first time spending money on Twitch and I hope you have a great day love your content thanks aami I appreciate that man and if your name is based on the video game Okami game's good as [ __ ] so you have good choice in video games Okami is one of my favorites so [Music] good no longer toad gang wait what you're you're you're Jes the [ __ ] you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy you're [Music] lousy go ahead say it say it jump you're lousy you're lousy lousy you're lousy right you're ly you're ly you're ly you're lousy you're lousy at least going to hear your lousy and my M Miss didn't say anything at least like up you're ly up I have a reasonable chance of getting back of getting ahead of you guys now as long as I can win like one miname I am after 07 Al vodka so nothing unusual for me just wanted to say I love you no joke today just sharing positivity sounds awfully suspicious hey thank you marel appreciate it very much glad M can you wish me a happy birthday and also Vani 69 cents it's a sco Sam man A lot of people are turning 20 soon apparently uh happy birthday coming up I I do hope it's a good one jump a lot of people um oh no it's the same person sorry Sam wise that was that was a cruel twist of fate I do appreciate it though yo 3xt thank you for $5 thank you thank you thank you I hope it's a good one Sam the big 20 I turned 23 today nice happy birthday twitch is assistant where you can get free bits by watching some ads BTW if anyone's wondering oh yeah I don't run ads but I assume ads run automatically though now right I'm 272 lot of people turning numbers today uh pick a monkey with cake to stay in the game choose a monkey with a bomb and you're out what okay what okay something about a monkey and a cake everybody got it I'm 91 damn go [Music] what am I supposed to be doing [Music] something oh we were supposed to follow it I jump jump douglason strawberry short kick was not Douglas rigged then [Music] I'm turning two that was the only part of that message I saw ha happy too [Music] man I see a lot of messages something about screaming I I can't see them because the chat moves too fast jump YOLO [Music] jump you know I tried my hardest that's all you can do [ __ ] Toad the godamn toad [Music] dude this reminds me this reminds me of a picture let me show it to you I feel like it's a meme template that I need to make but I don't know what to use it for but I'll at least show you the picture I got it's from Mario Odyssey where is it I just love this picture and I don't know if Mario is intending to squash toad like a bug or potentially like insert him like like a plug both of which are are kind of horrifying I do like this one's good cuz toad just has no idea anyways this is what we have to do to toad in this game all right it's really you versus me let's not let toad just sit there without a good butt stomping all right jump jump let's work together you would say that you would offer up a little PE treaty only so that you can swoop it on me at the last second throw me into Bowser wait to to 20s happy birthday Mr exra [Music] worldwide chatit is no longer US versus SK it's the two of us against Bo both we are each one of Mario's butt cheeks falling down crashing onto Toad's bulbous head all right wait wait so again if you guys roll five or below the music stays wait the music supposed to be [Music] pain un stream BTW you're awesome dude yeah yeah I'm starting to feel it too I'm I'm 30 in 2 months which is crazy cuz I don't feel 30 sounds really old in a way that like 29 doesn't but yeah [ __ ] it um life has gotten better every year so there is that you know I I don't mind I'm 30 next by the way in case I missed it or in case you didn't hear thank you for the I think it was 20110 whatever it was gifted Subs at the end of the point Crow stream Ian I totally missed it so thank you very much uh I appreciate it also what did you guys roll I wasn't paying attention nobody tell him I'm assuming you rolled low because you just said nobody tell him really like I mean I want it's not that like everything is just better always it's more just like as I get older things stopped feeling as anxious and you know scary I guess not scary I just feel like as you get older things a lot of the [ __ ] starts to fade away you know it's my dog's birthday and he turns 20 tomorrow we roll to seven I don't know if that's true I'll leave it on cuz I accidentally turned it off you're you're o High Roller it was a one whatever I did accidentally turn it off so I'll just leave it on you're ly you're ly you're lousy wait I have one coiny you're oh is it because of this a dude the battle games are awful jump you're you're jump this whole game has consisted of me just getting my coins taken over and over and over in a loop jump ly for like a full hour now you're you're lousy jump you're ly you're welcome my [Music] pleasure it's because you're lousy good good clarification oh my God deathly Echo thank you thank you thank you I will mute it right now as we get some goddamn swelling music thank you so much death Echo that is super generous can we get a few spoons in the chat for Mr Echo thank you thank you thank you man [Music] whe patean what thank you with that said let's play some goddamn water level what I don't have any I can't Play Dire dire docks because it gets I have this though some [ __ ] is falsely copyrighting dire dire docs from Mario 64 on YouTube [Music] now okay one player drops mins while the other move and drop oh wait no no change direction and swim okay I actually remember this cuz we're on a team and I want you guys to not kill yourself immediately we have to spam a a lot I think or do you just float there maybe you just float you might have to spam a a bunch I don't remember exactly but you might have to spam a to not die we' just watching you Doug happy to see you today yo thanks the D derp appreciate it man 6 months is a long time thank you thank you thank you Jesus Take the Wheel oh my God another month another Doug oh never mind oh you do have to swim up jump jump yeah we have we have to stay at the surface right left wait [Music] right okay oh I love voice commands um and on that note can we also get some spoons up for tie tie ti ti ti ti ti 10 Subs nuts simply insane I appreciate it a lot Dr and glad it did because between that and 1,000 run speed GTA 5 in hooked your content is hilarious and am glad to be recommended to you wait YouTube said that hi Douglas it's Grandma I made you the olive raisin cookies you asked for wait was that not what they were supposed to be God damn it Grandma it was my fourth attempt today cuse I kept forgetting the raisins better luck next time I hate raisins I asked for one thing uh yo zenos thank man I'm glad you like my stuff I assume that was a VOD I don't have a a YouTube video up for the dragon thing yet but anyways thanks dude that is extremely kind appreciate it Tai Tai taii thank you again um and deathly Echo thank you again okay game audio goes back [Music] on you have so many coins you're ly you're lousy like this whole game for me has just been getting my coins plugged out of me repeatedly and you guys have 60 you're lousy you're lousy I want to hold off on this until I get [Music] 20 toad has more coins but I don't care about toad I care about you and me b b just so everybody knows the winner of this game is going to be whoever's higher between you and me Toad and buo don't actually matter right right I said right okay I have to win the next mini game okay I have to win this video game that's bad literally what about right would be I don't [Music] understand oh I can do this one I can actually beat you guys oh cuz you're terrible at this okay okay okay okay okay okay you you move around and you hit the Hammers and you let the ball fall all the way through God I would play some dope know you are not lousy I needed that tie right now because I'm about to kick some [ __ ] ass down down right jump right yes totally not store board oatmeal chocolate chip cookies you asked for Douglas he'll take care of the olive raisin cookies that apparently you didn't ask for light right light right down jump down right jump right jump light right down left jump right down jump down jump down jump up left down jump down jump down jump down jump down down light right down jump jump down jump down light right jump down jump down down jump left JP down right jump light right up jump I finally caught a Doug duug looking forward to the good time wink qunk left down jump oh my god oh that was so [ __ ] close that was way closer than I was hoping okay oh now I have 20 I can actually get the star we're back in it [ __ ] back in it rigged I don't know if you saw my Precision my hammering it was beautiful oh my god dude okay okay okay also roll badly here so I can turn the goddamn sound off [Music] whatever okay unfair toad sandbag I knew he would finally come through I paid him 10 coins before the game started jump you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy oh [ __ ] you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy so I have to roll you're a one or a two you're lousy B you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy you're ladies and gentlemen get ready for the best most clutch Mario Party 6 roll of your life one or [Music] two jump God damn [Applause] [Music] it you're ly you're lousy you're ly you're oh and it's rotated for you now you're you're jump all I've done this whole game is I walk around walk up to Mr Bowser he plugs me I lose all my coins and then restart I've just done that four times jump you're be honest you like handing out to Bowser jump you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy you're ly you're lousy you're ly you're lousy I I need you guys to not get a star you're ly you're you're ly you're as long as you guys don't get a star we're okay you would lose 20 coins you would obviously not have a star which means I can still get you in bonus Stars I just need you to not get a star is this the last turn no I think we have plenty of turns left right and for anybody who's wondering when the when the lousy spam will stop if Waluigi rolls a five or if you guys roll a five or less we turn off the game sound if it's six or above I turn the game sound on though and you guys can taunt me okay press the buttons Accord according to shy guys instruction so you have to input the correct things here we go this is one where old dogaroo about to clutch it because I can actually say the correct command go y b l why b a x l y a finish new record oh yeah I'm a winner oh yeah I am a winner oh I'm rich 20 coins jump rigged more like cheeter I just said the words it's as basic of a game playay strategy as you could possibly imag been missing your streams cause of work glad I got sick today to watch you today yo thanks AJ yeah I got a stream on I would like to do some more weekend streams because I've been doing a lot or none on the weekend really so I would like to do that I've just been uh focused on YouTube recently past couple weeks [Music] jump hey tug can't watch today I have two classes in a row Al so sorry for bringing this up but I'm so happy you watched that horrible chicken compilation hey thanks V it was great jump hey Doug Doug you know any extremely outrage people on FIV preferably looking for a car and through pure skill no I've never used fivr through pure skill and strategy it was a hum side you're fired to I earn 40 coins jump jump dude I am literally ahead of you now in coins jump jump skab damn right jump jump okay it all depends honestly right now you guys can't roll high enough to get there oh [ __ ] okay so as long as you do real shitty my subscription also r one one one [ __ ] yeah buy an orb waste your money I guess it doesn't matter cuz you have so much money oh God damn it okay maybe you can press B can you even cancel the star if everybody presses B you might cancel and people pressing B right now cuz the chat delay I think you're going to cancel the star can you even cancel it God damn [Music] it how many turns are [Music] left you don't win you don't win I'm I'm still in this dude I don't give up in Mario Party 6 even after the bonus stars are awarded I don't give up [Music] dude you're like about to [Music] lap holy [ __ ] get look I I I don't know why you guys are so confident right now I mean I actually I do cuz I'm probably [ __ ] but I can very easily grab a star before the end there's still like four more more turns right this is very doable for me I would not get cocky yet you're up by one star duck duck doing doing a stream stream means means it it is is a good good day day thank you thank you give up Doug what do you what have you ever played Mario party check this [ __ ] out jump jump you're lousy jum you're lousy jump you're lousy you're lousy you're lousy you're ly you're lousy you're lousy you're L Jesus Take the Wheel jump okay okay I'll take that gets me near the near the star but not too close that's what I want you're you're ly you're ly you're ly you're ly you're lousy you're lousy up you're lousy you're lousy you're you're lousy Doug channeling his in a c you're oh my God down you're down you're ly right okay so it's Bowser right now you're you're you're you're you're you're lousy is there anybody else you're you're lousy jump you're lousy okay so boo is there so really what I want to do you're lousy you're I want to let Boo get there first and then beat you guys to the star and if I do and then you would land on the on the Black Star and then you would lose your star okay I have a winning play here I have what's called a Pro Gamer move I'm going to let Buu get there before you guys I'm going to snag in right behind then you swoop after him and you lose your star you're and then I win the $500,000 prize pool ly B you're ly you're lousy you're ly you're lousy okay everything's coming together exactly as I [Music] planned cash Ault guys you know what to do right I like that you say that as though there's this obvious thing that everybody here knows to do launch into the air and grab as many floating coins as you can you need to I didn't read the other part each player only gets two jumps got it okay everybody ready 3 2 1 five go right right [Music] left right how are you guys winning boo boo just stood on the boo just stayed on the right and didn't move at all God damn it why do my teammates always throw I don't understand literally any input okay that's fine I was assuming he would at least clear the right side and so I went for the left jump I'm I still have you on coins as long as my Pro Gamer move here works then I'm fine like I win as long as this works Boo has to roll High Boo has to and he has to mushroom okay Boo has to roll High Boo has to roll high you're you're well let me thank you badrick light may you inspire Chad to play the best goddamn will Ouija turn of their [Music] lives congratulations on the pregnancy if you name him code Doug Doug uh you'll get 30% off the pregnancy timing he'll come out second [Music] trimester okay my plan is not [Applause] working you guys weren't supposed to roll turn off the game audio you guys are supposed to get whatever I guess I want you to stay there so it's sorted working jump B jump that's fine [Music] jump wait wait wait wait what is this jump jump any second now jump jump [Music] jump as long as I don't [ __ ] this up because of my voice commands I am stealing the [ __ ] out of your [Music] star down down jump down down down jump [Music] jump and that's what we call a Pro Gamer wait what the [ __ ] is the flashlight does that protect you oh god what the [ __ ] [Music] I found out today [ __ ] is wrong with this game the kid would be M [Music] haha jump jump jump scrum I don't want to duel him I don't have coins now oh my [Music] God jump jump anticipated your move Check N car jump I had no idea what the flashlight was I didn't know that did anything jump like I've never played Mario Party 6 before this jump get actually hated we so long ago we all pretended to be upset you did that's true go jump jump and it is not call a Pro Gamer move I got Pro Gamer moved pretty hard there jump I swear to you I did not I did not throw that to be entertaining I had no idea jump jump oh my God and now we get to sit here watching a two coin duel I don't want to use actual money jump jump in the words of the holiest religious leader you're lousy jump man I got boned so [Music] hard four Shady trees will Shuffle and dance when the trees stop it's up to you to pick the tallest tree what Jesus Take the Wheel I think Mario party's drunk okay whatever I can't [Music] I that moment was amazing with the music sink okay okay okay okay okay okay okay talking about oh so I just have to follow that left one [Music] jump how would you how would you tell they Blended together whatever you whatever enjoy your [ __ ] one coin boo you can have it look I just need my 30 so I can buy my star my plan is still [Music] working one coin can make a difference except that one time it's never made a difference avoid the high voltage amps yeah this is going to go [Music] well okay okay I do need to uh excavate some of the lousiness from my wiener so uh please hold I'll be back in one second and then it's I think the final three turns right we're getting there I think it's it's all going to come down to who hits the star spot in what order entirely up to that and that's going to determine the winner [ __ ] please hold Jesus take the [Music] whe [Music] a Take the [Music] [Music] Wheel [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for holding let's get that friendly fun hold music [ __ ] out of here we' got three turns left all comes down to the order that we hit the Stars let's [ __ ] do this I'm going in three two [Music] I absolutely can win [Music] this right left left left left left left left down this is not easy down down down down Luigi cannot win this one by doing absolutely nothing up left left I you know what gave this one to you guys also thank you Fire Patrick thank you bees knes 777 appreciate it look all I'm doing is rooting against you you guys you're actually shockingly close shockingly close however toad is definitely going to win [Music] it take the wheel 7 months are very wholesome and extremely coherent content 100 at the time thank you Doug CH thank you H all right how many turns left jump dude toad is so wealthy my God toad is the 1% [Music] jump some like serious anger towards toad three turns three turns three turns three turns no is they going be a new 10K Bezos pizos reward now that quick spares free Na Up Wait so I need you wait okay okay so my my plan was have buo get there first get the negative one if you guys get their first that's fine the fact that buo has rolled an average of like two per turn for the past three turns has really plugged up my plan however I think [ __ ] I just need one of you guys oh or toad or toad to come in and [ __ ] hit it right now cuz it's Bowser up right Bowser's there right now oh my God I can do it right now if he hits the dark spot loses if he hits Bowser right now then I use my mushroom then I use my mushroom I snag it oh okay planet's coming together planet is coming [Music] together who is Quest stamps [Music] what CL protect us how many spots jump why jump I didn't know your plan was to make us win didn't have to fail so hard we would still win without it 10 total 10 total B this is you aren't the best video game food you absolute Dinger you stupid mushroom unless I roll 10 right now arannis jump jum jump as long as I don't roll a one jump oh yes okay no I said b b jump [Applause] jump uh no b b left jump [Music] jump [Applause] jump I'm back in it chat I'm in this game and if you hit the shadow star I win it toad is cancelled toad is over party jump jump jump thanks Toad the plan worked perfectly jump jump things are going exactly according to plan two more turns I just need you guys to not really ideally the shadow star even without the shadow star I think I could potentially win it on bonus Stars so I have a few routes to Victory here let's go chat we got this grab coins as you zoom down the Colossal water slide you get to keep all the coins you grab and all you do is move everybody ready I swear to God this [ __ ] fungus boy is going to land in a fine [Music] pan right oh that was so dumb if I hadn't moved I literally would have won if Luigi had done absolutely nothing okay we get seven though eat right all right take that you messed us up dog I didn't do anything wait maybe I did all according to plan jump oh you guys are in first you guys are in straight up first we'd like to call him a sleeper simp it's Bowser okay so Bowser thing dude if you guys roll High okay boo boo boo boo boo boo do it boo rolled low okay okay okay I managed to get 100 bits from watching two ads during the last hold so here you go lousy seems that's actually quite a bit of bits fail roll super big roll super big if you roll a 10 I think you can screw yourself right now maybe 10 is too close but just get close big roll here I don't think it's enough to lose on the spot not bad just if you beat boo there you just have to beat boo there that's all you got to do oh you're even dueling this shouldn't really affect anything what oh you almost did stars are you trying to duel for stars okay ladies and gentlemen get ready for another nailbiter twitch chat versus boo for one coin [ __ ] steer your spaceship to avoid ramming into asteroids oh no R and L sponsored by Nintendo good [Music] luck Mario Galaxy music how fitting you guys are actually playing really well for a second FG can't even us in Mario Party Chad I'm so sorry you lost the coin all I want in this world I don't ask for much all I want is for you guys to lose this game by one point Thank You Nitro bat for 18 this is very probably deserve that cuz I was talking a lot of [ __ ] it's like barely wait wait wait wait wait [Music] wait jump [Music] I jump down jump almost hit 20 uh okay so first to get there between you and buo jump oh God damn it what does this do what does that do ow ow okay that's not too bad um oh [ __ ] they gave you 10 coins that's kind of bad so it all is GNA come oh my God it's gonna come down the next turn I think right or is there two more turns [ __ ] no it's not rip you guys and buo at the same spot so buo has to roll low and you have to roll High the wheel we're destroying you literally not true final seconds love the content watch how the lift moves and time your jumps carefully oh this is not happening for me all right it's just Mario everybody ready 3 2 1 bam aside from all the je pill you all hydrated if not get 30 off the water flavored G fuel now you can get 100% off your water flavored g- fuel right jump yeah I can't win this one you guys can theoretically if you guys are doing right and jump at the same time see I don't think we're beating the computers on this one [Music] though [Music] I think we just have to channel our out protect crew energy don't do it don't do it you won't dude I need to win this one we got to go to a game five in Mario Party [Music] 6 man I miss when I got dozens and dozens of people saying this stream is really dragging [Applause] on jump almost there great job boo you really earned it [Music] wait so is this last turn or is there one more last turn holy [ __ ] so Buu has to not get it and you guys have to get it he didn't get it you have to roll in eight I think oh my God no press B somebody Press B somebody Press B press B wo [ __ ] dude Boo has averaged three three spots maybe even two for the last six turns I needed him to get this far like three turns ago he's average two I think the rooll two and then one and then three whatever is there any way I can steal your star oh that's so bad cuz you're ahead of me on coins watch out there is there any way I would have to steal your star but I don't have the money it's all up to me chat jump [Music] jump jump up jump okay okay okay as long as I somehow make you lose a star right now jump jump does this do anything no jump jump left right right left right [Music] left so I'd have to do it on bonus Stars I've won a lot of mini games jump if I maybe if I win this mini game I have a better chance [Music] jump punch and kick the pokies what punch and kick the pokies that emerge jump okay this is fine this I have a good shot at this okay let's let's um okay so I have to win two bonus stars is it doable I moved a lot I actually should get movement if that's a if that's a star up left B down B down B left up B left B where is our sound Tess right up right up B up B out [Music] B so the question is can I get two bonus stars I could get one off movement I don't know if that's true or if that's going to happen did they let you taunt during the final I don't think so I would your ass so hard W 6 months thanks for being awesome what is jum thanks for talk I need to win two bonus Stars jump mini game I could win I think it's cuz I won like jump I won like five I [Music] think this okay okay so I got to win the other two orb I might actually win I think I I think I actually won this one jump jump I think I win orb I used one almost every turn no what how the [ __ ] did you [Music] dude no way no way I would have won are you kidding me I [ __ ] had it oh my god dude I had it if you hadn't won on mini games the last literally came down to one mini [Music] game I can't believe that some [Music] oh GG dude dude I [ __ ] had it man oh my God I had it we I always I always talk about the bonus stars coming through and then I had it use lousy a how the [ __ ] did you tie me on mini games how many mini games did you win you lousy unreal Mario Party 6 dude somehow somehow we kick ass orbs oh sorry it orbs CS the ultimate life I keep I keep mixing it up it was orbs not mini gamees okay was there a turn that I passed up on orbs spent this money to give something to Doug and also say transgender rights are human rights happy trans visibility we everyone nonbinary Pride three nice win for twitch chat to L needs to go back to fiver and get us some better competition happy trans visibility I didn't know was that um what was I gonna say sorry I'm all I'm all blustered um what the [ __ ] is the oh yeah yeah okay okay okay the boo orb the [ __ ] buo orb if I hadn't fallen for the boo orb if I didn't if I didn't try to steal the star I would have lo I would have gotten 40 coins and I would be at 65 coins right now not only that I would have had the I would have had the orb bonus Star by myself dude I oh I [ __ ] up the whole game with that I got destroyed by that one decision oh my god well well played as much as it is profoundly absurd that I lost that game uh well play it everybody that was that was some good [ __ ] Mario Party 6 I'd say that was the best quality Mario Party 6 Mario party that we have had on this stream in terms of both of us playing well yo Zafar thank you thank you 5 K oh dude that means you win Mario Party 6 damn it CH choke dude that one thing screwed me so hard um good news though look at who's in third place we did this to toad today um so we've done three different Mario parties now I think right Mario Party S four and six four six and seven less confusing way of saying that right I'm pretty sure and that means that we have Mario Party 5 left but you guys are up two oh you guys are up two series to one we could try Mario Party 5 the problem is that nonbinary here to sat Tran's rights are human rights and we [ __ ] did it chat damn right um Jesus Take the Wheel we could do Mario Party 5 the issue is that the orbs cost money to use and you have the option of using them every turn and they're more frequent so you guys would have to start almost every single turn by pressing B in order to not use the orb and not waste all your money so it'd be extremely extremely hard for twitch chat to do um but we can try it that's why I've been avoiding it we we'll we'll try it in the future otherwise maybe we'll just do another series on Mario Party 6 or something Jesus Take the Wheel Mario Party 8 the I think the Wii ones require too much motion controls is the issue so like a lot of the games and stuff we can't really do same with Super Mario Party well also with that that's on switch so I can't set it up all right um let's do some spunky time late to the party chat we beat Doug right splunking you did win is a real but clencher no that I mean that was well played you guys actually did extremely well this game I mean you straight up won the game normally we're battling for third and fourth You guys legitimately won well played well played this is very fun I love Mario Party 6 it's by far the most fun one cuz you and I actually do well on Mario Party 6 there's your GFF dude I got plugged so hard at the beginning of the game yeah I mean we could do more Mario Party 6 toad switched the Stars the ships around there was a bunch of very very close calls okay um let's try some Spelunky 2 let's try some Spelunky 2 I want to try uh you and me together and let's try to beat one level so while I set that up [Music] please [Music] 5 months woo Ling theam Carl I thanks pokm Turtle also thank you R volle of Legend again for the GI to sub I appreciate it is the whole music too loud I feel like it's pretty [Music] loud like it's substant naturally louder than everything [Music] [Music] else I'm so glad to smack this sick picture music ch [Applause] [Music] right [Music] what thank you for holding yes dino nuggets pretty pretty dank all right thank you for holding sorry to the people who are really just here for the hold music mother [ __ ] spunky you haven't played can you turn the music up my 5-month-old is trying to sleep let's cut that [ __ ] out let's put him right up next to the subwoofer and we'll we'll hold until he wakes up Qui and my ears might stop bleeding true oh the voice chat is on no no no no no no no no no no get out of here here actually let me just show you uh spunky to First oh damn it let me okay please hold let me open up the game and show you in case anybody hasn't played spunky the whole music's pretty loud I might need to turn down the hold [Music] music I think I turned it up for some [Music] reason [Music] thank you for holding this is spunky 2 why is there thing all off that's weird the point of splanky is to throw the bomb and stand on it just trying to help new Chatters let me be very abundantly clear here the goal of spunky is not to stand on a pawn it is not not even to use the bombs unless you absolutely need to let me quickly show you in case you haven't played spunky how it works it's [ __ ] great however it is extremely extremely hard that's kind of the vibe of the game opening marble say uh maybe I don't know I always play it by ear um and then CH is Bam switch the title I should switch the title you are right suicide SP speed [Music] any% Spanky is basically do dead babysitter simulator oh yeah actually that's a good point should we have just you guys play me with you if it's me with you the goal should be harder right obviously cuz I'm helping out but let's start together and at least I'll show you and then we can maybe because there's two different goals that we're theoretically doing here one is that you guys are beating a single level by yourself or that we are both doing something together with all that said let me show you how Spelunky Works oop I accidentally okay put on some chill music here we go so we start it's randomly generated so the levels are going to be different every single time we start up here at the top of the level and the only thing that we are trying to do is get to the bottom of the level start at the top get to the bottom however it is extremely dangerous you can see at the top left the hearts and the bombs and the Rope let me see no there's no mouse heart bomb rope heart is how much health you have the bombs is how many bombs you have and the ropes is how many ropes you have so this is what uh a bomb looks like if you toss it it blows up the walls it also kills you so you know don't use it very often you can also do a rope if you throw a rope now we can climb it cool you're not playing yet the code is not on uh yeah and then you're trying to get to the bottom these things are the Big Challenge these are spike traps this this gray thing that I'm standing on so if you fall in front of it it'll shoot you like that and it does two Health okay let me show you what you're trying to actually do you're trying to get to the bottom uh at the bottom there's a door if we get in the door and you press door which is a command you will go into the door you beat that level and we move on to the next one make sense start at the top get down to the bottom don't kill yourself simple as that um oh I can sacrifice you all right let me uh let me turn on the code and make sure that you are [Music] good okay 3 two one oh I didn't show you the the commands I mean you you figured it out so oh don't hit that guy I let you play for two goddamn seconds all right well it appears to be working so let me quickly show you the the controls don't attack the shopkeepers spunky 2 here is how you can play you type light left left or hard left that will move left or right accordingly uh it's just how long you work oh here's a problem for some reason the key keyboard I can't get you guys to walk by default which is bad that means you're going to run and you're going to go a lot faster normally you don't run unless you're good at the video game so I it appear like something appears to be not working because I've changed it and that you guys you guys are still me let me show you what what look at the diary entry sums it up permanently options controls keyboard because I'm playing on a controller movement default walk I go back maybe it'll work this time now that the game reset yeah and see you're still running I don't know if anybody knows how to to fix this but like I just changed keyboard controls to run by default and it's or to walk by default and it's still running so I don't know it's I like straight I think it's like a straight up bug unless I'm missing something really obvious here only works for P1 really [ __ ] okay so you guys would have to be player one you have to go to player two's settings is that in here oh got it so I'm control I'm updating the keyboard controls for player one that's very unintuitive have you thought about unplugging the computer I I hadn't thought of that yet you have to change it for player two but there's no way in here keyboard config oh I'm dumb thank you we did [Music] it okay now yeah there you go now you're going to walk by [Music] default and here are the commands light left left and hard left will move left light right right and hard right will move right jump will jump you can also type right jump or rump to jump to the right that was hard you know what it's been a long day I've been awake for almost 4 hours wait no six hours lump is the same thing it will jump and move to the left so just a combination of jump and move to the right I don't think bombs work they do up we'll move up down well hold down you don't really need to use these aren't going to be very relevant for you guys run uh if you press run it will move really fast like you saw Whip or shoot these ones are important so whip is like your main weapon that you use six hours is a lot now I know why the vids are taking so long no I put in some hours uh whip is like the main attack it's also oh yeah I got to change that it's also um how you use items so if you pick anything up use Whip and you'll throw it bomb so use one of your two bombs the way I have it set up is that you have a 1 in 50 chance of shooting the bomb so hopefully it only happens during emergencies where it's important but if you type bomb you have a 1 in 50 chance of it happening same with Rope Rope is only one and 25 cuz rope is Doug thanks for the good feels going into finals you are the bomb no do not use bomb thanks cats I hope finals go well good luck Good Luck Good Luck uh door is what you do once you hit the door at the bottom and uh pick up is how you can pick up an item uh you can also use pickup to drop the item yo thank you Doge Kingdom appreciate it uh so pick up will pick up or drop fall is if you are like on a Ledge so if you're hanging on a Ledge fall will drop down from the ledge and then stop stops moving and then of course you have screenshot which is a one in 50 chance of taking a screenshot all right hey Doug I'm glad your channel is blowing up you're fired uh yeah we all good what do we want to by the way what how do we want to start this so like I said there's kind of two different modes that we could do here one is US playing together what is your favorite flavor of G fuel Strawberry Shortcake is number one the Sonic flavor is legitimately legitimately my number two it is super good like I am a huge fan of it so those are my those are my two I would highly recommend everybody um one player or what what what to do we'll say first we can do both one player you guys beating one level or two player us beating I don't know let's say three levels I don't know what's real although spy 2 is harder I think so we're probably going to get uh fully plugged however I'm very confident okay I think I'm going to keep the flag the way that the two player works is that instead of split screen it's both of us on screen but only one person controls the camera so we'll we'll start with me controlling the camera and I'll try to I'll try to keep you alive however let's just make something very clear here if you guys die it's not automatically my fault with that being said let me update the title at the bottom and I think we are good to go hey there our part town get out of here try to protect my children it's always your fault if we die because we're dependent somebody turn 20 tomorrow Monday all right that means you're an adult you're not my dependent anymore um dude for anybody who's played spunky 2 if we can beat all of dwelling if we could get past the quill man it's doable it's probably not going to happen but it's doable we could get we I mean and if I go down there and I kill the quill dude first I think the average age of Chad is like three I think there's a lot more Oney olds that you're imagining than is probably realistic um what what is our goal let's say three levels let's say get to the quill guy killing quill killing the quill Guy what's his name does anybody know quill quill boss I don't know his name it's not quirrel it's it's this isn't Harry Potter quillback okay okay kill the quillback boss in the fourth level of Spelunky 2 without chat dying use Spelunky commands to play bam all right uh let's get some [ __ ] pump up music going let's get ready to play the best goddamn spunky of Our Lives all right I'm going to start the code we're going to reset and then we've got to beat four levels technically three levels and then the boss in the fourth level so but we're gonna beat the [Music] boss here we go I'm starting the [Music] code we've got some JP Final Fantasy 10 music this is the warmup right here just make sure you guys got everything you need wait hold on petition to change qu's name to Quil is his name I think his name is quum [ __ ] I changed to wait wait wait come back here oh my God you guys are doing pretty well look out for this thing no no no no go to the left go to the left go to the left the stupid rat it's actually fine hold on no no no I had to get to run okay now we're good so come over here come down here oh [ __ ] and you guys have to go in the door no no don't jump don't jump don't so don't oh my God so what you have to do now what you have to do now is move over the door so anyways it's a good warm up feeling very confident now let me um let me make the music a little louder the sounds wait no no no hold on I'm GNA turn you guys off so I can actually adjust the volume oh what pet do you guys want you can decide on that in the meantime dog cat or hamster or all three dog hamster seems like it's between dog and hamster we'll do all of them cool um I'm going to kill myself we're going to restart and then we're going to get through three goddamn levels and beat quilliam the quill back three two [Music] one no we aren't I am very confident all right I'll kill this dude here I'm just I just have to protect you like my child all right so come over here to the left no that's actually fine uh careful where'd you [Music] go hold on let me get rid of this dude stop throwing bombs okay stay away from the bomb that actually worked all right come down here o doggy oh we can't cut the dog all right so come with me door is over here you used all your bombs you don't have more bombs so if you if you move to the left if you move to the left and come up the ladder we can actually beat the first [Music] level or the opposite direction either one over here and a second now just keep [Music] lumping uh-oh too many lumps so right right and then left somebody's got to [Music] drop okay now to the left now to the left just keep I mean look we can go to the right if you want probably now we got to go to the left we got to go to the left um there is a ghost that will come and murder us if 3 minutes has passed you can see the timer at the top right it's currently 1 minute and 45 seconds which means we have 1 minute and 10 seconds to get the [ __ ] out of here or we will die the door is right below us so move right and then left now left now left now left can I pick you up are we okay with that cuz you can still jump out of it it's not like cheating it just [Music] helps how dod you get another rope yes I mean I think we agreed on that before I'm going to grab you if the ghost comes now now lump yeah yeah now lump but but make sure you drop okay oh that went that went so bad oh man that could have that could have gone better so yeah if you fall if you fall too much um yeah it's not going to work I I think I think we should say that I can pick you guys up because uh otherwise it will be impossible I would F your ass so hard right now yo yo thanks BL blizzard also just so you guys know this is a shopkeeper he sells things if we attack him he will try to kill us so so don't do that let me show you what it looks like so now he'll run around with a shotgun try to kill us Oh I thought I got him I was going to jump on him at any rate and he yeah he will succeed War boned at that point all right let's do this again uh I can actually pick you guys up now three two one so don't do that equals always do that that don't whip me dude I'm going to whip you in the right direction all right so come up here just keep [Music] lumping just lump all the way over [Music] here and one more [Music] lump how did you die and get a bomb out at the same time okay I got to carry you more I think take three this is fine we're just getting warmed up all right let me take care of the bat the thing is if I pick you up like this you can still jump out and throw bombs and [ __ ] so it's not like me carrying you is some like secret path to Victory it's a very very temporary help careful careful for these things please don't hit me into them okay where this is [Music] fine all right take more this is going much better than spunky one all right you got to come to the left dude why are you no get away from the bomb all right you're alive you're alive Jesus Take the Wheel all right come on you did make a hole so we're actually good look out for the spikes look out for the spikes and now now move right over here over here just go right just go right just go right drop and and now right cuz you literally could drop down here yeah yeah dude okay actually going really well we both have four this is legitimately huge hey this is our town get out of here to protect my children thank you for the 9 mons man oh I just remembered there's the ghost pot this is going to be so bad if you break that pot that looks like a little ghost above me then uh then the ghost automatically appears all right go in the door you got to press door over the door unironically this level has gone extremely well we're both at four Hearts we're at the door one out of four done go in the door okay so sometimes you get dark levels it's not a it's very very hard when you're playing spunky normally and you guys are playing spunky so let's see how this goes I'm going to try to carry you or not can come here just stand still so I can get you or oh oh no no shopkeeper shopkeeper get the [ __ ] out of here oh my God no no no get away from him get away from [Music] him oh my God [Music] God you know this would be the easy hunt I didn't say it would be easy look at the text below good teamwork dude I know I knew it was going to happen but I was trying to pick you up and get you out of [Applause] there okay there we [Music] go oh my God right well we we can go this way now you you did Get A New Path two you two paths here we're good if you guys drop down yeah yeah we're good [Music] okay that's weird I've never seen that before [Music] um come here come here come here okay there you go oh wait now I got to I'll just do a dude it hurts me if you throw you can't it hurts me if you throw a rope at me I'm getting you out of here oh I can't I can't pick you up on there hold on this the worst Splunk I've ever seen all right jump to the right we're actually fine you have four Hearts just jump to the right yes yes yes yes yes yes yes beautiful all right all right we're good so we got to probably come down here yeah so you got I mean I can I can go over there that's [Music] fine oh my god there so many spiders uh ooh ooh crate crate crate crate crate okay we got rope oh crate up here I didn't see it here you guys can have the bombs or not I will this is a I know this is a bad idea but you know what I believe [Music] cool let's go oh wait no no you're going to kill yourself right now let me get you out of there let me get you out of there get out of here first okay now you can throw all the bombs you want but let's let's move downwards we've only got oh we've only got 20 seconds I'm taking you we've only got 20 seconds Jesus Christ okay get over here get over here get over here no no God I mean I knew I knew what was going to happen but I was just imagining this world where like you had bombs and you used them well uh yo Mouse KDC you don't have to spam the same message a thousand times [Music] dude dude I I mean like that that one was obvious right like we knew it was going to happen but there's this world where you guys throw a bunch of bombs clear a path to the bottom we run down there you actually get in and it's the coolest moment all day I'll probably take the bombs in the future though you know cuz that went terribly [Music] okay okay wait what is this oh you guys have to go in for us to I don't even know what that is whatever let's just play here you guys can have the [Music] dog you got to pick up the [Music] dog thanks all right I'll take the dog uh let's go [Music] down Sweet let's go this [Music] way just drop down and you're good cool and now we go left go left and then drop and you should be [Music] good uh oh crap this is kind of hard here let me just go get you come here damn it even trying to pick you up is so hard okay here we go I got you go left go that way there you go good job okay there's the door get in the door [Music] right here door door door door door door door door door door also thank you B and music for the gifted sub appreciate it thank you good pepper hey your name is not done incorrect all right uh one out of three done I'm going to [Music] just go left I'll [Music] Scout okay except for all those spikes we are actually kind of safe let me grab you yeah just keep coming left beautiful beautiful and now [Music] drop yep legitimately going well I'm going to make sure you don't cool okay no no don't no no stay away from the spikes stay away from the spikes stay away from the [Music] spikes okay just go left just lump and go left you guys could actually finish the level yourself you could do it as long as you lump you don't kill yourself hey man I appreciate your stuff and you always make me laugh tell K okay too they came out of nowhere thanks Shiro all right I think we I think we rephrased the challenge that is going on I think I framed uh the kind of story of what's Happening Here a little incorrectly the challenge here is can we go kill quillback on the fourth level before you kill yourself here we go I'm going to be way as I was saying I'm going to be way more protective of you [Music] you can be the you can be a sloth I'm going to try to carry you as much as I can y thank you Tru all right I'm just carrying you come here as often as I can there all right I basically just have to like chase you down [Music] I think I think I was just approaching this the wrong way I was like oh you guys will sort of be playing I'll help out if I need to but it's like us trying to Traverse together completely wrong way of viewing this you guys are just trying to kill yourself as fast as possible and I must through it all get you to the end I'm ready all right I'm going to kill myself we're going to restart this now that I understand what's going on it's a little clear I'm going to pick you up at every chance I get okay set off this trap oh damn it there you go oh my god get over here no [Music] okay all right that's fine all right let me clear this [ __ ] first let me clear this first [Applause] [Music] all right here we go I'm taking you over to the totem pole the problem is I can't like you can jump out of my grab so I can't force no get get away from that okay this is fine any second now you're going to not kill yourself here we go here we go here we go all right I'm dude you guys just like immediately jump out of my no I'm like really trying now and I'm like fairly good at this [Music] game okay here we go I just have to be really aggressive with picking you [Music] up uh-oh okay let me clear these Let Me Clear these don't come over here no no [Music] is playing Yoshi Island right now that is a good comparison I okay I don't even have time to like go clear the spikes over here all right this is fine I just have to get better at picking you guys up cuz you've Le like you're really good at jumping out of my hold immediately so here we go let me clear the spider here we go you were ungrateful of our help and now you have turned as to the dark side what have you then not no get the [ __ ] that's fine that's fine we're good here come down here come down here no no okay uh technically we're good let's do this ooh CR all right don't I actually need to use the bomb here I actually need to use the bomb jump out of the way go to the right okay cool thank you I'm going to grabb this crate I'll be right there oh my God that is bad luck speed L player 2 is a suicidal twitch chat it's safety training class all over again come get I'm poisoned we have to [Music] hurry I can't I can't pick you up if you're on a [Music] ladder God damn it oh my God okay you're still good you're still good just don't run away from the run away from the tiki trap yes there you go there you go there you go over here yes keep coming keep coming this is the first live stream I thank you Mr thank you very very much l I appreciate it a whole lot all right you're almost at the door I died from Poison means it's all you guys you have to walk to uhoh you got my bombs you have to walk to the left and go in the door and you actually can beat the [Music] level the door you have to you you have to press door when you're over the door mo mo mo [Applause] mo you did [Music] it I feel like this is going really good let's try this three more times and then if it doesn't improve at all let's try having you guys beat one by yourself you might be thinking yourself why would that make it any better because theoretically you'd be less suicidal in this version of of this twitch Chat Place you guys are profoundly suicidal all right here we go three more oh no no no no no get [Music] the I I literally saved you I ran in there and I literally jumped on the grenade and I threw it away from [Music] you if you don't die right now like it would be a miracle okay okay uh number two here we go no no stay away from that stay away from that stay away from that move to the left move to the left over here go and go sorry I had to do it look out for the snake oh sorry that was my bad just go to the [Music] right take two or three I don't remember oh my God just come here okay I got you I got you I I got you chat I've got you [Applause] no you have a remarkable ability to throw a bomb and then and then move away from it and I'm like okay you're good and then in the last possible second as the bomb's about to go up you you dive into it you Swan Dive into a pool okay so what two more I don't remember how many I said let's let's let's try three more see if we can at least beat two levels three more here we go I got to kill myself three [Music] more all right oh my God stay up here stay up here stay up here all right all right that was one of those situations where you did not immediately kill yourself I appreciate that um crate down there crate down there I'm going to go for the crate please don't kill yourself ooh ah [Music] wow all right come here dude we're making a lot of [Music] money I'm trying to get you and the cat home yeah just keep rumping okay I need to make sure you don't hit the spikes once you're up here W I thought he was going to fall oh God damn it the [ __ ] moles okay no no no careful careful [Music] oh my God just stand still for a second yes yes yes yes yes yes now get over the spikes [ __ ] that was my bad that was my bad that was completely my fault I'm going to throw you up there and then just jump over go oh or it'll just throw you all the way over you have four Health you're actually doing well door here's the door here's the door literally get in the [Music] door door door door door door okay actually actually legitimately want to okay holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh we don't have any money oh God that is such a amazing amazing shot go to the right go to the right go to the right get out of here do not piss him off no no bad chat uhoh okay I did hurt you that was my fault okay I've got the [Music] cat uh you got to drop dude that's such a good shopkeeper oh my God go to the right and then press drop oh it seems like it's not working weird I guess I that's strange I I'll get you down all right here you go oh look out look out look out bat bat bat very good very good [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] all right we got to go over to the left unless the door is no door is not below us okay go over to the left I'll get the cat you guys just go I need the cat cuz I'm low on health we're on one two dude we can actually get pretty far right now we can beat two [Music] doors yeah keep going left no how did well I guess dro does work oh I thought it was safe because wait how did it how did it not work the entire time when you were over here and then when there spikes in play oh we were doing so good dude we were here if you had moved left you would have moved over here dropped down we would have been at the door we would have literally beaten two of them first stream this is amazing I mean it is literally the worst spunky to that's probably ever been played we played you like a damn fiddle was that intentional I should have come down here and broken it no but then there's still still two still two spikes I wonder what's in this crate parachute okay what two more right I mean now I have some hope that we could actually you know do okay at this here we go okay okay I'm just rush honestly I'm just going to rush you to the end that worked that worked we're like most away there let me let me Scout let me Scout okay there's a lot of spikes in between you and the door but you can definitely do this just keep rumping if you rump the whole way you will do [Music] it come on you just had the rump I should have I I should have thrown yours he just take the wheel I just this year has been pretty hard Carl but the time I've spent watching you play has been pretty worth it looking forward to our sub B baby and I really hope everything ends up okay the world needs more joy in it keep it up man that was pretty good all right so since you guys are all spamming screenshot right now I go in I grab you before you realize what's going on damn it damn it damn [Music] it can you come here [Music] no I deserve that one I jumped down I went too far I deserve that one all right all [Music] right that's what one more two [Music] more come here come here no okay fine that was [Music] deserved technically you've got two bombs you could bomb your way down got one more if you just follow the hole and move left here you actually could do this [Music] unironically Doug don't start the music I'm just trying I'm trying to give you motivation I'm trying for it to feel cinematic so that you guys think wait a minute maybe in this moment I should go for the ending I should go left towards the open door that's completely safe instead of jumping right onto the spikes and that doesn't work you don't think that you still just go ooh spikes and then kill yourself do we okay more two player I would love to at least beat two levels us together we could do that more two player I do want to see what you guys by yourself is but then it would just be a single person playing not a suicidal hive mind yes right I'm glad we're on the same page here all right let's give it another shot I think this is very very very doable to do two levels three is probably doable killing quillback is probably impossible here we go all right come here let me grab the money and come with me I just have to carry you like a baby through this oh my God no that's fine you made a You made a hole that was good good job I'm proud of [Music] you okay technically still fine [Music] fine no get out of there get out of there get out of there go to the [Music] right all right that's fine warm up here we go I'm taking you down I think the problem is that I'm not throwing you enough God I'm so good at this game get out of here with the [ __ ] bombs okay we're actually in good shape oh ironically yes uh okay that's I got to get you out of here let me get some money actually maybe I'll bomb yeah I'll bomb I'll bomb okay stay out of the way stay out of the way stay out of the way stay out of the way stay out of the [ __ ] okay you're good you're good you're good okay don't break that do not break the pot okay if you break that pot the ghost comes great now a lot of whipping good yes perfect no no no no no I thought I got you out in time I'm throwing you up there you know what I'm going to do I'm going to move the pot away from you all right you lose your pot privileges oh wait there's not even a spot here [ __ ] okay I got to throw a bomb I got a bomb downwards I need you guys to not kill yourself on this bomb right now and go stay here stay here stay here or kill me what honestly fine you got this if if you just rump and whip you can do [Music] it you can do it you you killed the spikes this is like quality gameplay now you got to whip you got to whip or or just keep going and now door and now okay now door now door door door door door door dude you've got [Music] this oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no go left go left go [Applause] left you can see twitch chat the internal struggle the Angel and the devil on the shoulder fighting do we go for the shopkeeper and kill ourselves or do we go for the [Music] three this is the sort of coming of age story that every wow you jumped you could free me how had you you dodged the pit twice are you kidding me you could actually beat two levels as long as you don't go kill yourself with the shopkeeper oh my God you got to whip you're going to have to rump and then and then whip rump and whip oh wait wait wait hold on I can I forgot I'm a ghost I forgot I'm a ghost okay hold on I can get this snake boy out of here oh I can't get him off uhoh cuz this is bad you have to throw something in front of the spike trap wasn't that bad of a run though actually a pretty good run I think wait what wait hold on oh God damn it you restarted by yourself good job all right let's do one of you guys let's let's see what you can do uh let's give it let's give it a test Jesus Take the Wheel uh good luck everybody we'll give you five lives can you get to to the end you've got four bombs now you don't have me but maybe I was just holding you back maybe without me there you'll succeed that's spunky don't quit the game okay there you go yeah press jump all right good luck Pepsi man well I'll give you four more and then we'll go back to two player now what I'm going to say is that a victory is you guys getting to the bottom or one [Music] level that that was actually good actually good hey VIPs in the chat if you cannot spam more than other people that would be great appreciate [Music] that yeah I just want to make sure everybody has the equal chance of getting their command in you know appreciate you don't kill your okay unironically you could do this you're near the bottom if you rum from here okay you're going to blow okay you pissed off the ghost if you can run from The Ghost and you bomb through and you don't die to the [Applause] [Music] spider now in most ways that was a horrific failure oh I didn't press anything whatever yeah the key thing is nobody panic and scream that you're scared if the ghost comes right got to be confident all right good luck let's do three more I think three more right or two more fix running yeah okay I'll fix running speed for you it's very very very hard [Music] with okay now you're walking by default as a reminder you can still type run to to speed up if you want uh but by default you're going to walk now good luck let's do three more lives kick some ass chat oops uh great so far great so far as a reminder that's a ghost pot so don't break the ghost pot you guys probably want to interverse some whips in with your normal movement because that way as you run into guys you're going to hit them now I know I'm going to regret this however this would be a good situation well no I was going to say good situation for a bomb here is right there is actually where you shot it cuz now you can well you'd have to run you need to rump yeah actually you guys are like doing well what is going on why did I say that this is the equivalent of letting your three-year-old child do an American Ninja Warrior course and supervised um no it's the equivalent of letting your three-year-old do an American Ninja Warrior course with your dad watching but not helping okay good two more good [Music] luck somebody just said so close in chat oh yeah it does say that on the thing this is good go right go right and left go right or or this could work this could work or get oh my God okay or if I Jesus Christ don't go to the bomb this is still fine you you actually have to bomb your way down probably you got pounded uh let's do two [Music] more as a reminder you can do pick up for an [Music] item I think a chat is attempting to stress dug out no no no they're trying to win they're trying to win American Ninja I've been smoking my G fuel for that Sonic peach rings high G fuel says not to smoke their sonic but we all know that's what they really want got to go fast sure hey I am proud of you guys you did learn how to pick things up finally so that's good not the right thing at all but you did pick something up I'm proud of you last one right here good luck go pick up the hamster the hamster is something you actually want baby First Carry you are not I'm not I'm not agreeing to this concept that you are literal children that I'm teaching how to walk your adults were just really really bad at video games okay if [Music] you man you could do [Music] this why did I say that oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip okay that works that works you've got one Health you've got one Health you're almost at the door okay you've got to move luck and whip [ __ ] oh that was actually close all right one one more that was oops H never mind apparently not uh okay back to two player you guys went to character select so clearly that's what you want um let me change myel this time for sure we got this chat God that could could not be more fals thanks for helping people through these tough times with your funny content cheers uh if you mean the hard times of the world right now you know pandemic and everything you're very welcome if you mean helping chat through the hard difficulties of the spunky levels I am failing at that profoundly so that that thank you is undeserved that being said we're about to kick some ass here we go you guys are first player because you went and chose that so that means you control the camera so you have to actually move I can't just go Scout it for you [Music] what oh my God this is so confusing when I'm not in control of the camera okay [Music] I'm taking you out of here I'm taking you home we're going home let me clear the the bat and ship no [Music] no all right that's fine we're warming back up let me just remind everybody we are we're both playing I want to get to the third level I know at the bottom it says we're going to beat squ William probably not happening please don't okay SP to with voice commands soon so proud I don't know rad Panda I should try that it's a good idea I just love splunking this game is so good this is your training to make sure you don't leave us to die I did but I didn't leave I just stood there well the first area with the diggers is so difficult good luck chat also best game poke poke poke POG this game is so good spunky 2 is incredible I know you aren't seeing a lot of spunky 2 right now because we're just dying repeatedly on the first level but it is amazing it is also extremely hard of a game which is why it's perfect for twitch chat plays space dog thank you appreciate it hey that's fine actually fine don't jump in the I'm when dragon video is coming out when the 10 dragons video uh I'm working on a Red Dead Redemption one and then I'll work on that so not not terribly long dude dude dude okay I need to get the crate I need to get the crate quick approaching 10,000 bits to very ready for the pretty red badge CH damn that is a lot thank you BRS that's nuts I really really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you you literally let me do my job so thank you uhoh mole mole's coming at you mole's coming at you I can't go save you because I can't see anything here I'll bomb I'll bomb to you I'll bomb to you come here come here come here come to the right stop hanging out the [Music] rat oh my God God I got him I got him I got him I got him okay we have to go to the we have to go to the right just keep going [Music] right come here keep rumping yes yes I come over here I hit the door rump and door rumping [Music] door right here door get in front of the door lump and [Music] door yes yes yes yes okay okay legitimately one down one down one down let's do this thing okay there's a shopkeeper you have to somehow in the in the depths of your heart not go attack him [ __ ] I'm down to two off okay yes yes okay we're down here we're down here good good good good good good that's fine I got this dude no go to the right go to the right go to the right go to the right God stop hitting me okay that was actually pretty sick you guys have to here let me let me grab you let me grab you dude I can't grab you if you're stop stop stop stop come here all right you got to drop yes there you go there you go here let's let's go this way you can even get the turkey get the turkey just just go to the right grab the turkey or no no don't get get out God the [ __ ] the moment of panic as the Next Room reveals itself and you are standing on a tiny platform [Music] form and I know in that moment what's about to happen all right do you have plans to do anything with the breath of the Wild's prequel that just released today uh nope man dude we got we got to one two we can definitely get to 1 three we can definitely get to 1 three um oh crate crate CR crate crate crate CR crate don't kill yourself please rope like I know it's going to happen but there's this part of me that believes every time every time I get my hopes up again and I'm like surely as I leave for three [ __ ] seconds they will not kill themselves and every time the glass turns out to be half empty okay okay all right all right let's get some shovel KN let's kick some ass I know we can get to to the third level I know we can do it I might play I will probably play that new Zelda game I just have a hard time seeing how I could do something with it on stream is all I'm carrying you come here no dude this is a very safe layout uhoh mole mo mo oh you got him dude you are actually playing well what are you doing oh well I had to say [Music] something that's fine I'm very confident dug you through I literally didn't throw anything look if I if I throw a bomb or an item and that kills you then you can justifiably say say that I threw the game all right get over there go go uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uhoh all right all right this is going sort of good um oh we got the ghost so here's what we're going to do we're going to [ __ ] run just I need to carry you sorry you're going to take that hit somebody had to it was you guys we could should you get there I'm going to get I'm going to get you to the door don't don't don't jump away come over here no oh [ __ ] rule one no Zoomers you through are were those related literally threw I didn't throw anything uhoh mole mole mole careful careful mole's coming mole's coming God the moles are so hard in this game okay okay look I get it you saw the mole you got scared totally understandable moles are very dangerous oh you got my bombs too so you have two more bombs when you throw a bomb it blows up two spots like two blocks so if you were to drop a bomb there and then drop another one you could actually bomb your way down to the bottom floor just don't kill yourself first theoretically though that that's that's a way of doing it that's what the bombs are supposed to be be far that's what they're supposed to be far okay here we go here we go I know we can beat two levels maybe we won't be sing him today oh my God that's fine that's fine get down [Music] here um okay let's go left let me drop a rope let me drop a rope let me drop a rope please please please [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I just beat you all the way down [Music] there okay I will admit I did throw that one in every sense of the word I threw literally everything spunky but you have to hit us all the way to the end all right let me throw this I if I just look there's a world where you guys just stop move like if you just Spam screenshot I could just get you home oh that was not my fault I was trying to pick you up you guys jumped over me and then I whip you moved away so then I whipped instead and the whip hit you over to the bomb that one was not my fault I'm just GNA throw you the whole way there oh my God oh my God I don't have a plan man every time I announce a new plan you immediately kill yourself um Doug why are you always no don't do it don't do it okay okay okay okay maybe we turned a new Leaf maybe we're ready maybe this is the time that we do it I think so I'm going to throw you up there you can't expect an audience of our caliber to have something that would completely ruin everything and for us to not use it excessively look I there's a difference between having realistic expectations which I have and having faith having some goddamn Faith Arthur and I have some goddamn faith that one of these times you will not use the bombs to kill us and we will make it to the end of 1-2 that's all I'm asking now do I expect that in most instances you will kill yourself yes of course but is it possible that one of those times you choose to believe also possible okay like this one you we both have four lives both had four lives God the [ __ ] mole rat dude wait I can't see you guys oh my God where's the where did he come from I'm throwing him in the [ __ ] so if we go down no no no no not that way not that way that way as I I let me let me slow-mo what happened there I was running forward I see you standing here I run to this spot and I do the pickup Command right as I do that you move to the right I Dash to the right to try to compensate and pick you up you dash to the left and jump into the spikes just beautifully played if you're trying to kill yourself if that was your goal beautiful play there is there something else I can do to reduce the chances of you dying I really don't know I mean I think just throw throwing you a lot more is probably my best option like I just do this a lot the problem is you're always going to get hurt if I do that for the most part like that like that didn't go good for me either we were right here hi how does this work we're playing spunky 2 we start at the top of the level it's randomly generated and we have to get to the bottom however there's a lot of stuff on the way that can kill us you guys are the gray sloth I am the the Green Man Okay this level's looking good actually this level's looking good no no no no let me get rope let me get rope let me get rope oh my God I don't know where I am you guys need to come here this is going well this is going well get away from the spikes get away from them spikes I'm coming over there no no you still have four Health actually going well no no why did I say anything why did I say anything and I it's like you have some sort of kill switch that you flip the instant I complement how things are going and I could appreciate the humor in that okay all right all right this is good this is good keeping you away from the bomb wow that was very unlucky I got hit by a rock from the explosion okay okay okay okay good so far if you rump and get up here if you rump you can get up here it's safe from the snake just keep rumping oh you have a bomb I didn't know you had a bomb I'm coming with you okay yeah yeah yes yes beautiful beautiful now we can move to the left now to the left I need to be careful I'm chaperoning in case you use that bomb and now right we're almost at the bottom okay stay here stay here stay here stay here okay now move to the right everything is okay I need to get you up this rope don't jump in the spikes oh my God now yes yes yes holy [ __ ] yes okay one more one more pit of spikes one more pit of spikes come on come on come on come on come on we can do this we can do this just go to the right just go to the right and don't nobody drop down come on get no I see you trying to do it get the [ __ ] out of there yes screens I'm a good dad now stay there stay there stay there stay no no no yes okay all right that's the first one I can't I can't look at the bomb guy because you guys control the camera okay there's a b there's a shopkeeper below us we have to [ __ ] Dodge him let's do this you have three health no no no no [Music] no no oh my God please yes okay don't sacrifice yourself the alter okay okay I'm down to one Health where's the door can you look down can you look down you hold down so we can see if the door is down here cuz we get no down not up door's right there door's right there okay I'm going to bomb it I'm going to bomb it okay okay okay this actually this actually could work all right where should I bomb I'm trying to bomb in a place that's safe I'm gonna bomb here you need to stay away from here stay away stay away stay away stay away yes okay now right and left right and left right and left and now left yes door come left and door door over here door over here door over here oh yes we beat two levels of spunky that's two more than I thought we would do today man God damn that feels good all right well let's go for three come [Music] on uh-oh let me set these off let me set these off all right we're good I've got one bomb still no we lost no you did not lose we be abundantly clear here nobody lost let's go up here let's go up here nobody Dro nobody drop I know it's going to get a bunch of people to drop but still we got to get past the the tiki totem thing no no no no no dude we could actually get to quum right now oh [ __ ] I'm dead okay it's up to you guys it's up to you guys you can do this you'll have to whip a lot oh you have a bomb how do I blow the bat so yo Maxim moose thank you man for three get sub appreciate it thank you thank you thank you so here's the deal I need you guys to whip a lot you only have two hearts so as you're moving through this bat oh my God okay you opened the hole that's actually fine so move left left although maybe you'll get trapped now no no no you're good okay now move right but keep whipping keep whipping keep whipping keep whipping keep whipping yes yes okay okay this is going good going really [Music] good keep whipping that's coming bat's coming oh my God oh my God okay I'm no jokes you can do it you're going to have to you're going to have to start rumping you're going to have to start rumping and rump a lot rump a lot ah [ __ ] you you moved over so Lump Lump for 1 second and then rump you've got 50 seconds you actually have to hurry you have to hurry rump a lot just rump a [Music] lot yes just rum a lot rum a lot rum a lot 30 seconds too much what did somebody break the oh that's unlucky now rub [Music] rub dude we got so close [ __ ] you actually could have gotten to [Music] 14 that was real close that honestly makes me think that we could get to that we could get to the fourth level we did beat the the goal of dude we almost got the 1-4 it's insane what what do we do right now wait sorry to leave on this very spooky ghost sound effect sorry to scare everybody Jesus Take the Wheel thanks Minnie thank you scum for giting us up appreciate it what do now if you want to save off our Suicidal Tendencies just make the screenshot command always worth yeah but then I fill up my hard drive which is legitimately happening from all the pictures thank you Doge Kingdom for getting sub appreciate [Music] Jesus Take the [Music] Wheel Jesus Take the [Music] Wheel you should wait hold on sorry uh you should have an option where both twitch chat and you control the same character oh yeah we could do that we can do that right now really people just want to watch me that seems wrong people don't come to the stream to like watch me play video games normally that doesn't make any sense are you guys drunk I literally feel like something is incorrect here are you guys reading this correctly what do you mean rigged vote no we just don't want to play they're drunk don't listen to them it's crazy that 44.6% of you guys are drunk CU you put two options uh here let me how about we alternate I'll do a run and then you guys do five I know that's not exactly what people wanted let's try that but what I will do though exactly meam man's the idea that somebody would come here to just watch me play a video game normally um Jesus Take the Wheel yeah let me let me thanks for the great streams the word spawning stream was the funniest sheet I've ever scene would love for players spunky you a crew Z crew and mods call it a ly Z oh yeah we could do Arena that'd be funny there's so many options God there's so many options we do just want to say you so what third option is that Doug and chat control the same character which probably not be funny or go well at all and the fifth option is we do Arena which is like a death match but then I would probably just win feeling overworked and underpaid a lot like K who why are you guys saying four I just said four is not going to be funny I'm not saying that ironically like oh I would four is going to be the unfunny one most glorious six months of my life I would say no I'm being genuine it won't be funny or interesting at all we'll just be jumping in circles for okay I don't don't know what I was expecting really but wow you're so good at video games you thanks margin I do appreciate it appreciate it very much 6 months is a long time all right why don't we will'll rotate between these you and me are going to control the same character and see how far we can get ideally we beat qu quillback the boss at level four then I'll try a normal level here's what I'm thinking though the way I can mix it up is that you know how I did the Skyrim stream where if I say dragon then it spawns dragons we could do me playing Spelunky normally but if I cuss like if I say [ __ ] or [ __ ] or godamn it or anything if the program hears any of those then I have to give five Subs because this game pisses me off a lot so we can at least add that in so there's there's a little little spice on top of uh all the fury um okay so we're going to try two things let me just say twitch chat plays spunky I would F your ass so hard right now hey Doug how are you I'm good thanks craf freed no just play normally do you know what channel you're on that makes no sense um what am I doing oh changing the title down there let me change the title real fast I guess this is still correct if you and me are both playing one character all right let's try that [Music] first who do we want to [Music] be yes yes let's go with Colin I like Colin yo Smitty two gifted subs thank you thank you thank you thank you very kind to be honest I really like the Red Dead mod Control stream yeah I'm working on a video for that it's not good but it is a video okay let me turn on the code and then both of us should be able to control this character let's see how it [Music] goes all right so that's you guys and now I'm also playing and let's let's let's kick this off I've got a good feeling about this here we go oh my God oh my God I do not have a good feeling about this I can't I can't do anything it's like bar only like one out of four of my inputs actually go [Music] in oh my God it is actually going kind of well though it like stops me from moving dude don't go I'm trying to get over the tiki thing [Music] ah there's a door why are you bombing the door why are you bombing us we're there it's right there hey fine let's do this here we go I got the [Music] pot who threw a bomb who threw a bomb okay this is fine this is fine it's fine we're going to jump up here we're going to go to the left jump up and go to the left jump up and go to the left pop left now we drop down beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful we move over get ready with whip let's get okay all I'm asking is don't go left when I'm jumping over this oh I guess we don't have to never mind never mind never mind scratch that scratch that all right one down here we go uh we don't have money no no no no no no no no no okay we got an angry shopkeeper that's fine holy [ __ ] stop pressing [Music] run this this is the worst luck oh my God go right go right go right go right okay just hit the bat okay so here's the deal we're actually in good shape we've beaten two levels already the problem is that the shopkeeper right there is angry at us so there's also going to be one at the bottom we have to dodge him okay we have to dodge the shopkeeper I'm going to I'm going to toss a rope here I'm going to toss a rope over these guys or okay this is fine okay shopkeeper angry keep going keep going keep going oh my God he's here just run holy [Music] [ __ ] dude we got to the door we literally were on the [Music] door that was so clean is it is that the word you should use clean do you know what words mean there's all sorts of words that could [Music] apply okay oh we got bombs honestly I I am going to regret saying this but let's bomb our way down let's just be aggressive with bombs and let's just go hard here we go good that's that's one not that hard we need to wait okay we just wasted them all right I'm going to toss one over here stay to the stay to the left stay to the left stay oh my god well remember what I said let's use a lot of bombs I meant like when we're at an area that is blocking us off not just constantly okay one down one down one out of four I want to beat quill back oh my god get him get him [Music] okay [Music] here we go crate two crates two three crates okay okay okay no joke this is a really really good this is a really good start we like really good so let me just grab the three crates this could be huge this going to be really really huge okay here we go I'm jumping I'm jumping left okay paste is fine I'm going to bomb okay both spots I guess no this this is this is very loud it's like [Music] barely hey D hey Derry good time all right let's try two more of us both playing together then I will do a normal run thank you for the 18 months by the way D that is that is a long freaking time appreciate it very much also thank You Mad Max thank you thank you thank you all right here we go bam all right we're booking it down speedrun strats oh my God this is fine stay to the careful for skeleton okay we're [Music] good my God just let me through J wheel me through oh my God yes yes yeah go left there we go all right one out of four one out of four one out of [Music] four we got to go to the right I don't know why so many of you are typing left right now there's nothing over there this is it's not even remotely appealing even if you're trying to kill yourself it's to the right nothing is to the left all skeleton J just take the [Music] wheel oh my God just go everybody is holding left why there's a shopkeeper down there right chat you could go get yourself killed down there if you go to the right there's a guy who will murder you if you just go to the right there we go yes yes uh can we even buy anything we can buy rope all right let's get rope don't kill him [Music] please [Music] what I thought it if I didn't go up to him I assumed that you guys were going to start whipping as I went in so it's like okay I'll buy the rightmost item it will be far enough away that the shopkeeper won't get con okay last one and then I'll I'll do a normal run here we go [Music] every time I think I can predict how you're going to kill yourself you managed to surprise me and I don't mean that as a [Music] compliment we are literally playing Uncharted right now just it's okay okay no no no no no I'm hold I'm holding right and people override It Whatever whatever Direction I press if you guys press a different direction it stops what I'm holding so I can't force them in a direction nicely done and that ladies and gentlemen was Uncharted 4 thanks for coming to the reveal I hope you all enjoyed um I am going to use the pee hole before I uh do a normal run myself so it's all you guys I'll throw on some great music are you able to restart I think you have to press enter I think I have to give you an Enter key or wait hold on or is it if you press how do you I guess you need oh you need space bar okay here let me give you a select command so that if you so if you guys die you can select if message equals s C then uh press and hold key space for one second cool so now if you guys die while I'm using the restroom which is dumb that I'm taking this much time to set this up because it's G to be like 30 seconds uh now you can actually started again cool here we go good luck I hope you guys win the whole game while I'm gone I'll play some hold [Music] music go beat [Music] [Music] [Music] SP [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n how you doing he you won did you beat the game [Music] yet how many screens shots did you [Music] take [Music] so you just take 50 screenshots and then bail and just quit the [Music] game [Music] all right I'll let you guys finish out this life and then okay and then all in then I'll [Music] play okay great job [Music] [Music] everybody best F day in ag practice for stream you're welcome thank [Music] you I think you just feel that way cu the hold music on this channel is the greatest hold music of all time and it kind of makes you forget how shitty the content is but hey I'll take it that's a w in my [Music] book also I'm curious what's the best way to say this if I swear I gift five subs or if I cuss well like what what do you think is the clearest word for what we're doing or like if I say a naughty word oh good timing mrus thank you so much my [Music] dude [Music] [Applause] all right one sec actually please [Music] hold [Music] thanks again Mr D all right thank you for holding what words obviously [ __ ] also if you you're if there's any Christian virgin children in my channel probably is this is not a good time to watch um what besides [ __ ] [ __ ] I I don't I feel like I shouldn't be like too [Music] aggressive [Music] wait [Music] you said [ __ ] you [ __ ] Heathen by the way obviously we are not going to do any uh racist or otherwise slurs nothing that would be inappropriate for me to say normally so no need to suggest the n-word obviously that shit's not going to be said regardless apparently I have to to clarify that it's things I would realistically say on stream or that would normally be appropriate for me to say but that that I am going to disallow here crap crap is not bad dude crap is fine okay [ __ ] is the first [Music] one [ __ ] will be the second one [Music] you are the only person who has got me to consistently watch live streams on Twitch and the amount of interaction with your paralleled I mean it when I say the past eight months much worse for me if not for you thank you thank you scum I appreciate the support and for hanging out and enjoying it I mean at the end of the day that's you know what it's all for so thank you man um okay sorry I'm getting a little distracted so we've got we've got [ __ ] [ __ ] now uh this is where I think it gets a little bit harder nazim well nazim is not a swear word damn it is damn it I mean sping Bandits I have the other things on still those are going to be ignored by the way those are on for the next time I do the Skyrim thing I'll probably stream that again whenever I release the Skyrim video so if you hear me say bandit that's fine um okay so sorry we've got well [ __ ] it would it [ __ ] would catch [ __ ] so how about just damn you said damn you godamn Heathen um we could do [ __ ] but I don't I don't really ever say that oh [ __ ] yeah obviously [ __ ] thank you um okay so if I say [Music] um okay we've got we've got [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and damn tentacles it's meant to be swear word come is not a swear word oh a ass is yeah ass so when I say [Music] ass cool got ass any others dick dick is not dick is not a swear word dick balls I mean those are just body parts I I I have a I have a really hard time thinking that that actually counts I mean it's not just my thought process here just so we're clear on what's going on my thought process is not like oh let's do the silly words like poop it's like I'm gonna play Spelunky 2o it's a very frustrating video game I'm prob there's a high potential I can feel my brain cells dying reading this chat yeah there's a high potential that I will get frustrated and yell out we're trying to prevent me from being we're trying to prev me from being able to yell that I will at no point yell like poopy or whatever actually theoretically the entire chat is just spamming swear words for any new viewers this would be a very no no yeah hopefully there's no Christian virgin babies Tuning In For the First Time ready to finally have a new stream to watch with their church group y car been stressing all week cause I am taking the pcnsa sir tomorrow thanks for the chill stream to take my mind off it for a bit have you been in a l always always happy to see many sandwiches is CH got to sandwiches what I hope it go goes well Casio Jesus Take the Wheel um okay all right so so so serious question here uh I have ass like damn to me is like a bit of a stretch but I'll do that so ass damn [ __ ] [ __ ] and [ __ ] I have are there any others that we definitely need I don't think dick should I don't think dick should count I mean dick is literally like a name it's just the name of a body part right it's not like a swear word and it's the name if somebody comes in here and their name is Richard all right I want to be able to call them by their nickname Dick ass is a part of the body yeah I guess that's true but yeah but ass is like specifically thing to the guy saying that I need to put ass [ __ ] I have ass and [ __ ] it's fine you're good man I got you buddy um dick should count I guess we could do dick I think in the in the spirit of trying to prevent me from yelling out in anger dick counts but I feel like that's probably the extent I want to go I am a Christian virgin I think it's hilarious well yeah but you know Satan you know all right um what was the one I just said I should do dick not going to lie the segment is starting to drag on you're fired all right I'll do dick it's a bit of a stretch if I say dick too much if there's too much dick we'll probably undo the [Music] dick you said dick you [ __ ] dick hole God I love when robots call me a dick hole um undo the dick said the notch Christian ver wait what what if it confuses Dam it with Bandit uh sping Bandits it'll tell me what it thinks it says all right so let's just quickly please if you were a Christian virgin baby uh plug your ears now also don't watch My Stream but plug your ears um ass oh wait I Hold On ass you said ass you [ __ ] [ __ ] wait hold on is ass GNA be confused with as that's dumb as hell that's okay well that just didn't hear me as ass you said ass you [ __ ] [ __ ] okay yeah thank you all right so it actually it actually recognizes it good stuff um damn you said damn Jesus Hubert Christ would roll over in his grave right now you [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] you said [ __ ] you [ __ ] Heathen what are the other ones [ __ ] you said [ __ ] you [ __ ] Heen [ __ ] you said [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] think we're good I can't believe I can show these new words to my parents no thanks you're [Applause] grounded um okay I think we're good I'm about to play the best goddamn splunking My Life um dude I want to play some [ __ ] Turtles music so loud yeah it's pretty loud all right boot up the Splunk hole [Music] don't forget hell I don't think hell should count I I have a I have a really hard time feeling like hell should count also let me uh let me explain a little bit of what I'm trying to do in spunky So for anybody who has played spunky 2 I've beaten the like normal boss uh and now I'm going for Cosmic ocean there will be spoilers in this chat if you are trying to not or in this that I'm going to talk about if you're trying to not spoil the game so warning right here okay uh I beat Tiamat now I'm going for Cosmic ocean I'm not very far in Cosmic ocean I haven't beaten kingu yet so what you have to do is you have to get through the first world get the key in the chest then in the second world you have to go into the vampire the secret vampire hell world grab the cape and the crown from him get out of there then go into the uh then go into the freaking what's his face the Big Stone MCH the big stone block you have to let him fall all the way to the bottom get the ank of Resurrection come out the top then go into the third the fourth world which is the tide pools get the sword of Excalibur and then blow up the bottom of the lava level go in the secret door and then you're in kingo's Palace and you have to kill kingu who's crawling on the wall with the Excalibur sword that you got using the crown that you got from Vlad thing in the second world that you got to using the first world's chest key secret thing everybody clear all right here we [Music] go I mean this is just going to be me playing a video game basically besides the swearing part it sounds like it's all made up but I know it's [Music] not all right I need I need something slightly more upbeat here Let's do let's let's do some of this all right this is what real spunky looks like you guys notice notice how I have not blown myself up yet that was not correct why does your mic want to escape the stream just like you it is it is suicidal in the video game probably shouldn't make suicide jokes um all right so first the first World's like fairly easy and you're just sort of the mole rats are hard otherwise you are basically spawning ski beer close ooh CR I don't think you understand the point of the game try learning from us all right so I got bom from [Music] there um nah it's not worth it God damn it I'm so dumb anyways you'll notice how I have all my bombs nobody's [Music] died uh uh you said oh I [Music] did so that's the whole thing the program has to hear it which it doesn't always do the plus though is that it sometimes will hear a word when it didn't happen so I'm going to go off of the program just to make it easy oh damn it oh no no okay bot didn't pick it up yeah I would agree that the d word is not a swear why didn't that go off all right I've got alter um is it [Music] worth I guess I get Skeleton Key huh is it worth um I'll come back here probably bombing for the little hamster all right so how this works is I can sacrifice people or animals on this Altar and then if I do that it gives an item and if I do it enough times it gives me a really important item where I can where I can collect blood from people uh I'll buy skeleton key bam you said damn Jesus Hubert Christ would roll over in his grave right now you [ __ ] when did I even say it I didn't did I what did I say okay you said it twice you said ba a I said B whatever see this is what I mean I did say it earlier wait I did say it you said it twice okay fine five gift is hes and mostly I know I know some people are having fun with this I just want to I do want to apologize to all the Virgin Christian babies in this chat who just had their eardrums ruptured from that swear word I'm very sorry it won't happen [Music] again and any second now thank you to Doug Doug W for gifting five [Music] Subs okay back into the game here we go uh I would F your ass so hard right now I don't want to get teleporter I'm watching this stream while playing Demon Souls using ps5s picture and picture mode wait really technology is cool that is actually super cool godamn moles whatever I'll s you said damn Jesus Hubert Christ would roll over in his grave right now you [Music] [ __ ] that was fast Jesus Take the Wheel thank you Cod player thank you ring J5 virgin has 13 electoral [Music] votes it's a that's a quick it's a quick 50 bucks I don't know about the d n [Music] word I mean I am learning to be a familyfriendly streamer we can finally can finally pull some of that uh Christian baby [Music] audience oh crap I didn't think about ah I wasn't paying attention Jes Take the Wheel notice how I said crap there very Christian of me very Virgin of me sorry I'm not trying to make fun of virgins here I'm just making fun of um of overprotected people all right so that because I got the key and the chest man I lose all my ropes for that that was bad so because I got the key and the chest um now I have a secret item which I will use whatever which I will use in a later level to access a secret Zone [Music] oh damn it wow this is worried you might actually go into death this [Music] stream look at this turkey did I say it oh I got lucky I've gotten lucky a few times I I guess I say the d word a lot I I did not not realized that before right now oh bomb shop let's go so getting a bomb shop you always get random shops getting bombs is generally the best can we get some praise and worship yeah if you guys could just keep the chat very holy um what country are you from is that a real question are you trying to get me to see a cuss word America you said ass you [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] what did I [Music] say oh dude no no that does not count I'm looking at the thing no I almost said no effing way oops this is the pro look at what it said password I'm allowed to say password you said s there's no way password is not allowed that's not it has to be it has to be asked it has to be a swear word that's [ __ ] you said s you [ __ ] [ __ ] yes it I don't it doesn't it's not a swear word it's not a swear word it's password is not a swear word you said s you [ __ ] [ __ ] there's no way that that counts he said bull s well I got lucky then I there's no way that that counts that makes no sense let's put it to a vote does a non swear word that contain does a non swear does a Christian virgin nons swear word like p word count as a swear one for yes two for no I would as funny as the concept is strongly disagree with the idea that pass you said s the password counts soy guy was wondering if you like the show so KS it's a competition where a bunch of men get together and bule with their sofas I recommend you watch Sofa King took me a second I get what you're saying okay how about this I will I will nah there there's no way dude that it doesn't it doesn't count like we got to go off the spirit of it you know what I mean yo manelo thank you for the raid man how about if I say it three more times that counts like it's a quarter of a swear word we want those subs but they have to be earned they have to be earned why is chat dubb at voting today I think sometimes the people screaming for the meme result in chat don't always represent the majority of people who realize that the the meme outcome is not always the most sensible one okay if it contains a swear word if I say a word which contains a swear word which the program listens to recount program listens to and fires off then that counts as 1/4 of a swear word I feel like that's being pretty generous because it doesn't make any hey Doug to make it recognize only the swear words you need to put spaces between the word in the asterisks yeah but if but but the problem is that if I say like f u c k i n g I do want that to count if I say mother fer I want that to count so I'm most I mostly want that to count it's just with like p a SS w r d that's dumb right spawning SK be you said ass you said you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] dick [Applause] [Music] hole that doesn't seem correct what did it think I just said I didn't even say [Music] anything it thinks I just said d i c k I did not computers Never Lie yeah I was arguing with itself there's no way that doesn't count I'll [Music] do I literally okay that counts that counts because I've not I've said swear words prior to this point and it didn't pick it up 2.5 gift a dude I'll do one more but okay there's another five bomb I I won the thing against he lot of detected but the computer can wake up people he's cheating wake up sheep all right uh there you go five more gifted Subs Jesus Take the Wheel I I will gift one block of five Subs I am not going to gift a sub for each of the three things none of which I said yes yes thank you Doug Doug for the gifted Subs you're that's incredibly generous of you okay here we go what am I do at Health okay dude I have a lot of bombs sound do a good name for go oh I you buttthole you butt this is great this is going to get me to start saying good Christian words like butt [Music] cheeks say the nickname of Richard you realize that just telling me hey do the thing that will get you what is the right call here probably paste right that worked out nicely um okay so just so everybody knows parachute will if I'm falling I'm going to get hurt yeah yeah I'm killing turkeys for sure parachute is if I'm falling and I'm going to get hurt is there a good spot I'll get the Ruby up here to get these turkeys no then I might not be able to fall back up um parachute is if I'm falling play ass's Creed valhall yet I have not why can't I can't bu this turkey oh I forgot I have paste skill it God damn it you said damn Jesus Hubert Christ would roll over in his grave right now you [ __ ] really right now of all the times of all the moments [Music] Waluigi rubbing in my God D face thank you Elie noodles for 12 months I do appreciate it a [Music] lot [Music] all right it's [Music] five wow Doug you're so good at video games [Music] oooo and we're calling it thanks so much alsie I do appreciate it 12 months is a long time it is still crazy to me that anybody would watch Andor sub for 12 months so I appreciate it quite a lot okay okay okay okay here we go bam so this a new [Music] round that was dumb oh wow turkey okay not you know what I'm calling it just trying to get out of the five Subs what do you mean I just I literally gifted them like here you can see my name right here what song was that um [Music] really specialist say junker telling me a word which is bad I'm [Music] saying yeah that's fine we'll leave them that big um I'm going to go for ghost pot for $1 million who was vice president of the United States from 20 Milli [Music] 12,9 [Music] [Music] please hold oh never [Music] mind you like to chill by my feet oh my God sub anniversary message to say hi to the kitty hi he looks and his eyes said happy sub anniversary all right here we [Music] go oh damn it is it worth it to get dog I don't think so hi Doug how are you I'm doing well should probably turn on the music new here but I have a fun joke what do you call a Divine blockade God damn thank you I couldn't have said it better myself I literally won't say it better myself how would you call a king that lies on a sofa we're not going to be talking about sofas or Kings during this virgin chist God what starts with Richard en and Mar and makes stug spend money on Twitch chat what I'm getting slightly more uh watching this during chur can I get a shout out to my M yo yo what up Jesus thanks for checking out the stream bro be sure to like comment subscribe all right all right what do we got um I'll take [Music] Spike all right so I have Spike shoes which means I can kill the uh do foreign language swears count no I should probably put below what the swear words [Music] are [Music] Divine fornicating FAL matter are there any missing what's the name of the boy in EarthBound [Music] mes oh yeah [Music] all right let's play some gosh darn spunky this is actually like training me to not swear which I think is funny you should do a GTA twitch chat challenge we do some of [Music] those I'm sure I will do one before too long okay so I got to sacrifice all these people [Music] okay um was there a dude up here where's the [Music] key uh I'm just going to use a rope I know it's was inefficient fornication under consent of King [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] F [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] 7777777 I have a question if I can I go into this dude's hidey-hole with my own key is that fine is that kind of stealing no okay so I'm going to sacrifice all these people what [Music] n it's not worth it all right can I get anybody else oh I have to get the key as well crap okay dude I've there's been like five instances already just now where I've wanted to swear and didn't because I the stupid challenge all right I got to grab this this uh special thing sorry I'm not really reading chat I have a really hard time reading chat when I'm playing spunky oh I should go grab the dude no I [Music] did okay I don't have a lot of [Music] time can I get oh I got jealous already I didn't know I got chal oh cuz I the helper o okay so what this mean this is actually a really good run so what this means this was a really good run why I'm not going to save fart why did I say anything I was in the middle of saying how it's a really good run because I got the Chalice which gives me Health if I drink people's blood I miss swearing Doug yeah this this one is Doug boring this Doug is boring pretty sure H is a swear is it though will be my friend you can't say fart on Twitch this is a good uh uh ba baby Christian streaming platform depends on who you ask does anybody think it is I guess I'm sure some people do but is there like a definition somewhere we can do okay I'm going to go ahead and uh how many bits for TTS 75 Doug I need help with my physics homework Force equals what time help with my physics homework SK Force equals what times [Music] acceleration uh you know I don't remember any physics sorry yeah cat wants attention I could let you guys play a few rounds again now that I've died so that I can pet the Henry oh then I have to set everything up bring more cat I mean I'll try to I'll try to scoop him let me see Henry [Music] hry he's hard to scoop I try to scoop him and then lay him [Music] down have you heard unlike the Skyrim challenge the idea of this one is more that I would swear while playing Splunk not that you guys are trying to get me to say [Music] ass [Music] but me hi Doug Doug I am so sad my puppy had to be put down today I miss her so much you're the only thing really calming me down I miss her her name was baby love them for me love them for me so much she was the only dog I wasn't allergic to I'm sorry to hear that uh that sucks I hope you feel better [Music] soon yeah shit's really really [Music] hard sorry star it'll get better but I hope you feel better soon spawning bears um oh I did say it it it caught bear even though that wasn't what I said it didn't catch it didn't catch sh sh T chear you piece of [ __ ] you said s [ __ ] [ __ ] what is it doing I I'm definitely not hey look now you're at 1 mli I've thought of some cool bell pepper Mitch ideas for you these include actual edible bell peppers Shak cups and cool sunglasses which is your favorite and least favorite lots of love and congrats I don't know that we could make edible bell pepper cups okay oh oh so if it look I don't know if you guys can see it because the text is kind of small but if it catches a sentence that has multiple swear words it puts what did it think I said ardan said it had caught and didn't catch sh Shi T you said [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] wait so it C it counts if I say the letters I mean that doesn't count seems like hell is Marv a swear word if you're Christian that just doesn't that doesn't make any sense oh dude that explains that one time with the Skyrim video or the Skyrim stream when I spelled out bear and then it Bears um what do we do oh [ __ ] it's been it's like four and a half hours I no God oh no nope he's trying to he's eating my headphone no gu's too cute I can't like move this camera easily otherwise I would show you them I iess I could no cuz it's attached to the [Music] computer um okay let's say to be fair Doug you did say before that if the program picks up on it then it counts it does sometimes ignore them though Fair I'll do one more can we do marble see yeah maybe we'll do Marbles and then call [Music] it there you go five [Music] Subs all righty man I want to play more spunky [Music] you know what I'm going to do one more just because I like spunky one more spunky run from me with the with the swear word stuff continuing then we'll do Marbles and I'll call it for the day I'm going to play some smooth music though um almost just played my [Music] jazz I'm it's on the lower end though so I can hear the [Music] game actually let me let me restart look like the guy who plays Doctor Strange okay last run and then I am going to we we'll do some marbles I'm from a small Russian town on the Caspian SE please say greetings to no I hope it's I hope I hope the Russian sea has been good to you I hope the sea has been [Music] Bountiful all right oh damn it okay I got lucky there I very much said it no that's fine this is fine this is fine all right one more let me at least get past the first level I'm not normally as bad I [Music] swear I did say the word but I also didn't say other words this the whole thing we just discussed Jesus Take the Wheel thank you Dr Fisco um okay cool I should have grabbed an item oh I got it should have grabbed the the the skull you said ass you [ __ ] [ __ ] what was that a word in another word cuz remember that only counts as one quarter of one I thought I said as s u r e no well it counts contained in another word so that's that's two out of four that's two out of four for words that are contained Square words that are contained in another word even though I didn't say it so if I do that two more times then that would be a gift make [Music] sense oh God damn it key is here oo that's rough lot of bombs though interesting [Music] okay man how do I do this put him [Music] here I have to get the key into the chest you cheater what did I do he said oh I did I've gotten I've gotten lucky with a lot of them I will fully admit so is it below okay it's below so I've got to go get that that thing right there oh that was dumb wasn't whatever oh and I lost the idol too D [Music] dang I need some money need some money [Music] Arthur is there money in here I said dang I saved it I saved that one yeah I did murder the dog [Music] accidentally is there another oh dude I could have made so much money I could have gotten so many bombs oh brutal that was still alive that was very very poorly executed by me my God just kill the shot no it's not worth [Music] it okay I need to get healing of some kind I don't even have ropes this is so bad at least there's a crate I have bomb spawning ski beer oh that was uh no we're [Music] good okay more bombs not really what I [Music] needed so if I get to the dog to the end then that gives me a oh and turkeys I forgot about turkeys ooh I got lucky with turkeys okay so basically what I'm going to do with the turkeys is murder all of [Music] them uhoh actually that's [Music] fine now they give me Health all right we're back in it oo do you know what the cheese with the red light on it is called I need to know my cheese I say uh Baby Belle [Music] all right so this is actually going okay now what was the name of that gr pit Space movie [Music] again I love the idea that these would be natural conversation starters can you make it so that swearing triggers instant death I assume that would be hilarious um I don't think there's a way for me to do that what's the superhero move with Nick Cage I believe it's heckraiser wait heck Rider I don't I actually don't remember um yeah in the Brad Pit movie It's a Fight Club I guess I could have it if I swear it also throws all the bombs yeah I I'll do that I'll set that up for another stream because this is the last run anyways so may as well just you know run this one out and then uh we'll be good so this is the fourth level of the first Zone there's going to be a little mini boss I got to well I don't have to kill him but I'll kill him and then we'll move on to the second one then I have to go I release van horsing and then I'm going to go fight the vampire it all makes sense just think about it all right but first we get through [Music] dude oh that was dumb that was really dumb I'm just going I don't care about [Music] money all right he breaks through now I do this I go [Music] bam I blow him up I get lots of money [Music] we [Music] ride your streams are amazing but I'm just playing a video game right now I'm not even doing anything [Music] interesting [Music] okay P pickle peppers oh right no I don't need a shortcut all right so uh now on to world two it's slightly harder here we go no joke I enjoy this this game is a little loud is there any way you could hush it fast there is no music going on this game at all so van horsing is right there the dude in that cage I want to free but I need to get the key so there's a key somewhere oh it's right there oh that's so lucky oh I'll take that yes although yeah we're good so I go into this cave I'll get the key then I can free van horsing Doug don't listen to these liar you dign don't let their lies deceive you yes who's Carl so now I can go in here with the key that I found ooh spawning beers and now that's van Hing I freed him he'll help me later when I fight the vampire it's all coming together unless I do that which is super [Music] dumb that was also really stupid that was so dumb now there's just lava all over the exit door why did I do that oh this game this game gives and takes away I'm going to blow this up come in from the side I'll get this helper dude oh [Music] robot I'll blow it up and then come in from the side and I'm going to in the doggy Okay okay this is actually going well so now that I have van horsing o shop no now that I have van horsing I'm looking for there's going to be a level where think this is loud enough could you turn up the volume please yeah here you go uh there's going to be a level with a giant spawning Giants spaceship thing so I'm looking out for that now [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you remember what the movie with Bruce will James you don't have to list all of the you don't have to list the entire cast doing my geog T how do you cor blocks the river [Music] I think that's called a beaver favorite swear word all [Music] right did I miss there's no way I missed it [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] doing my Jesus homework what's the name of the church service people go to on Sunday that's just called church all right it should be do I go for that I go for that what is in here oh the key o I could go for the other thing then o do I go sorry to turn off the cat jams I mean now that I have a key though I can go over here and unlock whatever this is which is probably nothing cuz I already have van hor it's just money damn it spawning Bandits oh oh my God I got so lucky oh yes thank you program thank you for mishearing me dramatically [Music] oh oh so rigged so delightfully [Music] rigged that doesn't count we are going off of what the robot says there's been some stupid ones that I have paid for and some ones that I definitely said where I didn't pay okay all right so this this is this giant drill remember the key that I used to open the chest in the first world well that gave me a thing which I'm going to put into that slot and then the drill is going to shoot downwards and I'm going to follow it and then we're going to go to hell spawning Giants wait do I have no h l is fine right okay that's good because we're literally going to hell all right all right here we go and now we follow it down but if it went through Lava we have to be be very careful okay went through a lot of lava not ideal it's not mishearing you Dam it is spelled differently you need to Adam and damage separately I guess hey Doug you know what they say about assuming I'm going to get my my hamsters [Music] okay there's lava dripping down if the lava hits me I will insta die so I just have to make sure I dodge it I think I'm good I don't see it dripping anymore I do see it dripping okay so this is where I go fight the vampire oh my God whatever now we go [Music] [Music] fight okay vampire on the right side ah crap I need to I'm going to get this dude throw her throw into the Trap drop that there let's do oh so many crates all right so that red dude okay that was the fight we took down the evil dragon guy or vampire using van horsing thank you van horing all right so that's that I should go the other side okay so I am I'm like halfway there beating [Music] kingu okay okay well so that's the thing that's why you want to get van Hing cuz then he and now I can double jump if you free van horsing he shoots the dude in one hit all right all right all right so now's MCH with MCH I have to let him smash three layers down and at the very bottom if he does that without me dying then I can go get an ank of Resurrection so I can heal this is actually a good run for me I've only gotten here like four [Music] times okay so he'll just smash wherever I am this first phase first phase is really easy you just play this game without any challenges I mean you could people do that yeah a lot of people do that most video games in fact people just play normally all right so this is easy I really would love to get kingu that'd be sweet the next phase is where it gets hard then he starts throwing bombs and I have to have him blow through the thing with the bombs but I can whack his little floaty balls and then he'll stop think about it okay got to whack his floaty balls so he's going to try to fly and then once he does I whack his floaty balls [Applause] a I whacked the floaty balls too close no I should have been patient I should have let him bomb a bit [Music] Ah so you have to let him go through that whole that whole Zone insta death is dumb you haven't played spunky there's a lot of insta death you said f i don't think I said f yeah that's a good run I mean I've only done thisch fight like I said like this I think three times so I'm still pretty new at it you're so good at video games ooo thank you for the honest feedback finally uh I did say it oh man I got lucky one more run and then marbles or just marbles I'm fine either way wait spoilers kind of I'll take I'll take spoilers you can stand on mck's head he doesn't shoot bombs anymore though if you're standing on his head I feel like they patched it out or something cuz I used to be able to do that and now he doesn't shoot the bombs anymore yeah we can do marbles after I think they they they fix it because it it doesn't happen anymore when did I start streaming 5 hours ago exactly all right I'll do one more run yeah it was patched yeah so now you have to go for the floaty balls which is hard um all right let's go back to some pleasant music bam first stream I'm enjoying it hey thank you this is not really not really typical where I just play a video game have you ever farted before what kind of were you trying to get me to swear or were you asking a genuine question either way what are you doing what is the capital of [Music] Syria uh oh I remember I think it's uh deut kiss you said ass you [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] I literally did not say the word you wanted me to say what did it think I said I saw what you were doing you didn't get me you can't say got him what I explicitly was not got look at look at what it it just it thinks I just said it but I just sat there and just said the word I'll honor it because I definitely should have I should have had to do it several times last run we're going off the robot the robot's dumb as hell okay that was good I keep I keep forgetting if hell is allowed thank you Doug Doug for the five gifted Subs that's very generous I appreciate you oh my God you know what would be a good one actually for me I say God a lot or Jesus we could do one where I'm not allowed to say the to say the Lord's name in vain um because that way that would give us more support that would give us more justification for doing things like h e l l or D A blank blank or even like if I say Jesus Christ like which I say a lot that'd be very funny all right oh my God jetp pack uh [Music] okay can I get there's 3,000 right there okay let's do this jetpack is insane dude I have to use so many ropes right now this is bad here you go Doug you missed me with that sub bomb winky face huh oh thanks HC so it do I have to just bomb it I have to bomb it that was alive wait what was that I've never seen that before [Music] okay if I can get to 20,000 money Jesus Take the Wheel okay there's the thing did I just miss everything [Music] no then I can get if you say any [Music] words dude I'm so close to enough money if I can get 20,000 yes I got it okay now I can get a jetpack the jetp pack is insane he was in a cobweb that is some bull fart okay that's fine though I got [Music] jetpack I'm only at two Health not [Music] great to use a lot of rope but freaking jetpack dude what's your favorite kind of beer and do you think you could get [ __ ] up on just one plus uh now maybe I'm a huge lightweight let me tell you a drinking story I used to drink a lot um the dword bypassed the voice program about 10 times now starting to believe this is rigged yeah but there have been ones that just didn't T it all here's a fun drinking story for you I used to drink a lot I don't drink really anymore hello um cuz my my old decrepit body can't handle it so my friend recently in college I went to the concert Tim apparently my friend recently reached out and said hey you know Postal Service I love Postal Service the band they announced that their new album uh the new live concert album that they're releasing is actually from the concert in 2013 at UC Berkeley uh that I went to and my friend messaged me on Twitter and said hey you went to the the concert uh the Postal Service did that's going to be the live album it's really cool which is super cool for me cuz I've been listening to to Postal Service the whole time um since like for like 20 years now postal service is awesome they only released one album um and so apparently they're going to do this followup like this was announced like two days ago that one of the live concerts they've done is going to be turned into a live album and it was the one I was at is what my friend told me and I told I sent it back like no I didn't go to that I said yes you definitely did and I said no I don't remember that at all I only remember I saw closure there but I didn't see Postal Service I would remember that because I love Postal Service um he's like no you beer bonged a bottle of wine first and I do remember that I remember that we were going to a concert but I didn't have time to get drunk first so I thought I'd be funny to pour an entire bottle of wine into a beer bong and chug the whole thing which I did and then my memory of this experience was that I wasn't that drunk that's what I remember of it and apparently that's not the case because I went to The Postal Service concert that I have no memory of that I've fully convinced I did not ever see them live one of my favorite bands and not only that the cool experience I would currently have of knowing that the the concert I was at is their live album instead of something that I don't remember at all cuz I was too drunk from beer bonging a bottle of wine anyways it's just at least I get to relive it now oh [ __ ] I'm so dumb at least I get to relive it [Music] now but [Music] yeah oh my [Applause] God so anyway to answer your I said ooh dude this program is not working well right now cuz yeah I should have I should have lost a lot spawning ski [Music] beer L always enjoy the [Music] stories can you say so freaking no I'm not that [Music] dumb and am I smart no but am I that dumb no is it game of time sorry turkeys I need the I need that dank Health all right now I go buy the the dog see how great um jetpack is it's [Music] incredible any words it doesn't detect you should add it to the two fours counter for its for detecting what but like a bunch of the ones that oh wait I don't need ropes cuz I have jetpack oops I don't need axle can we get a bell Packa flavor gin or beer or cider or anything God I love bell peppers I threw some in with my fitas the other night holy [ __ ] man it was the bomb anyway I got to go eat my vaseline on toast smell you later D there's a lot going on there I think maybe bell pepper at least of your [Music] worries you know what a common nickname for someone named Richard is I sure do you already said yeah I I don't know I feel like the program was pretty accurate last time like for the most part like there there was spawning SK there was very few instances that it missed I think last time or like very clear ones oops too loud um that has not felt like the case this time [Music] this is though something cool a very good run I have a jetpack jetpacks are insane as you can probably tell how do I kill this guy how would I how would I kill him I can get two arrows I guess is there any other way to kill him like reliably I only have one bomb and I don't want to use it on him I can throw [Music] rocks uhoh no I'm so dumb I didn't know he would I why you said ass you [ __ ] [ __ ] no I didn't assault doesn't count or it counts as three quarters so I would have had to do one [Music] more oh I had Spike shoes ah I was distracted by the ah I'm so dumb I could I had that so easily I should have read chat you guys are probably telling me Oh I had Spike shoes this is one of those moments where you realize you just completely porked a situation unnecessarily [Music] counts yeah no I know you can hit him with Spike shoes I just I just like I was the thing is I got so excited by the jetpack that I just like forgot about Spike shoes but you already have said three words that count as as three times I don't think I have right how many Subs have I even gifted feel like it's a lot yes you have all right how can we settle this if you guys can kill yourself in under a minute I'm going to turn this off if you guys can kill yourself in under a minute I'll let that last swear it count okay last bits for tonight something that keeps bugging me why do you not fix the counterweight on your mic phone it troubles me Troublesome real answer is that I haven't I don't know how to do it in an easy way and it is getting less it's it's getting better and better so at this point like just waiting it out until it starts holding I don't know what to put on it to to counterweight it when you cuss and didn't catch it yet when it says it you don't care well no we're talking about two different things one is that if the swear word is contained in another word we are saying that is a different scenario um however I have the timer here I'm giving you guys one minute on the clock once you're in the level if you can kill yourself in under a minute then I will gift those last five Subs let me get you over there oh hold on hold on hold on I have to turn it to walk unless you want it on run no you probably want it on run actually I'll even I'll even give you Advantage as long as you land in a safe spot I actually think you'll be fine three two [Music] one and time oh this is actually pretty safe there's no enemies there's no spikes okay so you have to kill yourself with bombs I think it's already been 7 seconds or you can let the bat kill you oh oh no but there spikes no you blew up the spikes okay 16 seconds don't jump on the spikes don't jump on the spikes don't jump on the spikes oh my God you've dodged everything 30 seconds holy [ __ ] how have you not died how have you not died and you okay [Music] 34.7 also we figured out how to finally beat the spunky challenge which is to give you guys money if you kill yourself really fast and then you just fail at it miserably and we do great so now I know how to do this in the future all right I'll get five more we'll do some marbles and we'll call [Applause] [Music] it we had 30 seconds still no hold on the most danger it gets it basically is going to get safer and safer as time goes on because you're going to use your bombs at the beginning and jump around on the things that are in your immediate vicinity at the beginning so I would argue that it gets more safe the longer it goes like if you hadn't died to that snake you would have been stuck in a hole with no bombs and probably couldn't have killed yourself so I think it was closer than it [Music] seems all right we're going to do some marbles this Doug Doug seems like a nice guy really is I I don't even know how many Subs did I gift I love the spunky remaster I haven't tried spunky 2 yet it's really good it is also really hard it is super super super hard thank you Doug that was very fun tip on python to avoid writing a lot of if statements you should look into using dictionaries and lambas it would be so much easier to write and it makes your code run faster constant time look up it gets you an advantage in ssbu I I can look it up part of the reason let me close spy so there's two reasons I use a bunch of if statements like this because I acknowledge that this is not you know good programming uh one is that it's very readable and I think that there's some value in having it I think there's value in it being like super readable to you guys um because I do think a lot of people enjoy following along so that's one reason I keep it really simple the second is that we're not playing guys whatever the second is is that um for almost every single game the bottleneck for Speed is not the python code right I don't know how many I think it's like 0.001 seconds is how long it takes to to check an if or something like that I I don't know exactly how long in Python but adding you know fractions like literally thousandths of a second for an additional if statement and doing that like 10 times that's not going to make the game go faster because the game has a limited number of inputs um so right like Smash Bros right you can only have like every frame right if it's 60 frames a second like the python code is going to input way more than that and the other bottleneck is Twitch which sends chat commands to me right but the chat commands I get are also slower than that and so the the bottleneck is not python speeding up the python to my understanding is not going to do anything it's twitch and the game um anyway you you are correct there there's definitely a more efficient way to do it I will probably experiment with it at some point it just hasn't seemed like urgent enough but that's my thought process Jesus take the also I'm just shitty at Python Programming I don't know python so I am a little bit lazy there just fix twitch and the games I think you I think you I think you uh took away the wrong message from that shut up nerd just write your own twitch man you guys are some glass half full people oh the bottleneck is Twitch in video games just make your own twitch all right I saw [ __ ] Dre I love I love the idea that you're here on Twitch watching me play video games on a Friday night and you call me a nerd because I talk about program [Music] unironically it's a lot of that's answer a lot of people get when they have issues with twitch yeah I get it but okay start a 1,000 person Battle Royale we could do a VIP we could do a VIP one first all right uh here's what we're going to do two different I guess three different marbles so first we're going to do a VIP one then we'll do two public ones from the kak and Yura uh the so just these two so three in total uh the first one is not open to you guys so you're welcome to type exclamation mark play it will not do anything and you'll look like a goober and a bunch of the popular kids over there are going to point at you and call you a nerd if you can handle that embarrassment go ahead and keep spamming I told them you were cool uh bam enter the marbles Battle Royale if you have 25,000 Channel points you can submit it here into this channel Point reward heard of prime gaming yo what's up Billy yeah have you guys heard of prime gaming I thought we were calling you yeah you're right no no no I'm no no no you guys I guess yeah that's true but it's like a CH it's like a nerd chain like you guys are calling me a nerd but then there's some there's some cool kids over there who are calling you guys nerds Jesus Take the Wheel how many do we have 38 jeez all right we got two more two more spots yeah you can use twitch Prime for a free subscription here I've I don't think I've ever promoted that on the stream I probably should all right we're at 40 let's do it it's a 25 person I thought it was a 40 is the name 25 at any rate I'm going to I'm going to do 40 just because I don't I don't know I don't do this very often so uh yeah now I'll just shill harder for gfuel instead of twitch Prime you know it's more fun all right uh I'm going to manually enter all of these names it's going to take just a second please [Music] hold where do I do it I don't remember oh we have to pick a race first what race oh here here it is okay sorry please [Music] hold all righty I'm going through these names bananas I I think this is way too loud wheel sh box it really does [Music] though bam amazing Gap red fox mitah dog wait actually uh thank you for holding what what are the do we still do wheels of Glory I'll do like two wheels of Glory I know I don't do a lot of Channel Point rewards anymore it just feels like it's hard to scale them as in it's hard to have them available to the point that people can meaningfully do them without me needing to spend like an hour at the end of every stream doing Channel points rewards so I don't know how to balance that that's a long way of answering your question and basically gu heard from a weird Conspiracy YouTube channel called Doug dug with your name is actually Carl is this true who sorry I I can't like multitask well wise man 167 cabbage e dog cheese and [Music] acid H bam Jenny Russo blue toasty waffles smear Naf wait cabbage you under twice I guess that's fine a cheese roll principal oil thanks so much for being here bond is my name night lawn cabbage again cabbage I don't know I guess you you can do I I might I might refund a few of these cabbage I'm going to refund the third sorry I think two is fine so there's one open spot if anybody wants it John hnson super Kirby 64 almost there noisy Dragon darun questionable Aces almost there arid theala KVs plays I think I have one more does anybody else want it there's there's one more spot if anybody wants to redeem it should be this is the enter the marbles VIP race it cost 25,000 did I get in there should be um I just went through all the names wait no bananas Asian King oh yeah you're here scum hog is it like not refreshing I feel like somebody else would have done it if nobody else does it I'm fine with you entering three times cabbage I just what happens if with K's 420 gets first and last place I guess he's a VIP but wait so what's the thing I baned for a day or for a week if you're last place can I do it for free not this one we can't redeem it did I pause it what about now oh there's oh there's a limit there's a limit per day it's 69,420 seconds do you think stealing the Declaration of Independence will take an hour no because of the pandemic the traffic's way better right now 45 minutes hey Gamers y what's up Neanderthal okay the first person to guess the number that I have in my head is going to be entered into the 40th spot good luck it's 1 to 100 1 to [Music] 100 hopefully I don't miss it but I haven't seen it so wait wait hold on oh bananas it was two two ladies and gentlemen thanks for playing wait bananas God damn it you're in this already okay the person who guesses the next number good luck wait wait wait fat shoot be beat it was three congratulations fat Su beat you get a [Music] freebie soap beats sorry not soup beats all right uh what are we're saying VIP for first place how long do we how long do we ban I feel like we should ban for a million seconds I mean I know that's literally not what I said before and that you might not have entered and that that's rigged and unfair but it's also funny and more interesting too much I said three this is rigged but you said it earlier wasn't it 69,420 right and I'm asking do we ramp it up substantially without asking permission first the number you chose [Music] two I said two first sorry like I said it's possible for me to miss some I got to go off of what I see let me join I have 25k give me 1 million all right we're doing it 1 million uh what what map just again to reiterate for everybody we're first doing a marbles round which is just people who paid in 25,000 and the VIP whoever wins becomes a VIP but the last Mill the last place person uh gets banned for 69,420 seconds we'll say 1 million is 12 days yeah I know or we go for 1 million at any rate uh after this we'll do two public ones where everybody can play um slippery slopes does anybody care what map space Chase Bongo Boogie redeem the 50k one why don't I get to enter what 50k one the boomerang okay I don't see it damn okay boomerang uh yeah quick Spar you'll get in but if you win you also get banned up how about if you get 69th Place um I'll just send 142,000 deal all right uh ladies and Gentlemen let's get ready for uh some goddamn marbles here we what is this map what is going on here whatever here we go Jesus Take the Wheel um bam this is for VIP oh it's three laps you just take the wheel wait so is it like ramp hey than thank you thick Jim I appreciate it look at all these look at all these nerds couple of nerds for a wild to finally catch a SC understand the con pretty sweet so what determines their [Music] angle mitsu dog in front link to of four behind Asian King Super Kirby cabbage all close link to a four out in the lead now how big is this map salt wait what what determines the speed I don't get what's going on is it just random like what is making them move I don't care I don't is love super Kirby in [Music] front Aid 99 behind take wheel yo emper pepper Lord Supreme the first of his name ruler ofos in Sp happy 7 months wait why is call here okay fine can I just get a Baconator a medium size in a large shocate AC cross we're playing video games is this gambling um was for him just don't worry about it and nobody tell my mom super Kirby 64 on the lead wait so is it just random or I think it's just zero friction zero gravity but what is making them move forward oh salt Goodman like why is salt Goodman shooting up right now I don't get it at any rate it's intense as hell all right salt Goodman super Kirby 64 narrowly fighting as we come up to the first [Music] turn whoa okay Shuckle I am also out of the boundaries looks like most folks are far enough behind I don't think they can catch up quick sparse you are in last place oh second to last all right nearing the final turn Super Kirby 64 far in the lead Aid 99 very close salt Goodman very close it's going to come down to this turn how does it look super Kirby's hitting it pretty close this seems ideal for him all right what can er do here uh uhoh super Kirby's out in front uhoh super Aid you were very close for him for Hime love two pain for hog 38 you narrowly escape being last unless there's anybody else on the course right [Music] now what is love what is love is congratulations to Super Kirby 64 I entered what I wasn't the race [Music] uh huffle bear you type you typed r i g d if you're going to say that I rigged something at least put in the [Music] vowels we're not te like we're not like texting each other trying to like IE the key presses this is Twitch super Kirby 64 congratulations on the other end of the spectrum F good [Music] work red fox you wer in it it was not urged fortunately though the last place finisher swampy toast 69 [Music] you were the best toast the swampiest the 69st we're going to miss you but it's fitting that you Mr 69 will get banned for 69,420 seconds if it helps you feel any better I don't even know if I'm streaming before that ban is up Gods speed I once had a dog named Carl why talking about him hold on let me tell me sorry cancel that sadness let me ban him for more or be more sad swampy toast 69 okay 69420 0 there we we go okay now be sad we'll see you in 10 times what we were about to see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in all right we're going to do some public ones any preference on the uh on the mapam BAM I'm accepting all the things portals portals was just like incomprehensible I will miss you swampy look every one of us is GNA Miss swampy toast 69 it's a hole in our heart that some toast used to fill you really gonna do my man like that look you shouldn't have sucked so bad at marbles it's not my fault portals because it's more harder to predict and crazier we do one of them being portals yo niikura thank you so much for redeeming this uh we're going to do a public freaking race here we go we need to pick a map Mar centuri is that good out for swampy toast 69 toast's out for swampy off the rails off the rails let's do off the rails all [Music] right bam Dave's death alley we can do Dave's death alley we number two we want Garfield cart people wanted now you happy why would you do this what no huffle bear it was great I laughed at it I enjoyed it there's no sadness to be found here oh are you talking about toast swampy toast at any rate uh if you type exclamation mark play you can enter to play this red orange and yellow bell peppers are full of great health benefits they packed with vitamins and in calories they are an excellent source of vitamin A vitamin C and potassium bell peppers also contain a healthy dose of fiber fol and Dion thank you all right here we go oh I probably should have said uh if you finish last place you get banned for a million seconds all right here we go oh that's not loud enough oh that's way too loud ow all right here we go look at those [Music] marbles ratat two 3655 currently in the lead but anything could change here on marbles quick sparse I see you trying to get banned again I see all right John out in the lead John you've been eyeing this victory for months do it John that boy out in front Ratatouille close behind but gets scooped in Ratatouille goes down here I'm not clear what's going on that boy goes the whole distance and is now at the end how did that boy get out here he's so far ahead oh no people are catching up people are catching up okay so you got people right behind ratu is a bot that has the record oh got it okay really though it's up to that [Music] more I know it's a bot okay cuz it's teal got it got it okay can d boy [Music] die easy Victory wait is that record then wait that's world record like a lot wait wait that was two [Music] records two people beat him no world record is 106 then what is Ratatouille yeah I think he died quick SPS stop the count it's not world record it's world record for your channel that makes more sense this is quite loud all right as a reminder whoever finishes last gets banned but the timer is coming in if you get timed out that's not a finish louder it's pretty loud there's 10 seconds left before it times out so the real the real danger zone is finishing right before it gets timed out everybody here has a chance where is my inval line SD tree boy oh God TR carp TR carp you fool you fool oh my God he went off TR carp you crazy son of a [ __ ] oh wow Dodges the Finish o oh what a clutch dodged the ban just barely saw the band wave coming from behind him and just plunged over the edge all that slunky training all day d boy congratulations welcome to the VIP District you are now Invincible you can't die you can do anything you want go rob a bank you're invincible wait so who who did finish last cuz that's that's brutal quick Spar you did not finish 69th [Music] unfortunately the last place finisher is [Music] mumu Mumu I'm feeling generous TR karp just juked the [ __ ] out of you and since you also have a number in your name I will subtract that many seconds from your ban which you know that saves you 50 minutes you're welcome all right so we'll see you [Music] in we'll see you in 9968 59 seconds goodbye Mumu man TR karp man TR carp that was so insane of a clutch at the end that I am in fact I mean you didn't it's not a it's not a legit win right but but I'm going to VIP you TR C VIP and now I will unv you you're no longer VIP but you got to taste it and that's what matters you earned that little taste I hope it was good okay we got uh one more let's do this thing what if I put 1 million after my name just in case I lose um I mean I would have no [Music] choice the kok thank you so much for redeeming we got one more Marbles and then we're going to wrap it up uh which which map did you guys want do I get anything for 18th Place no but you do get me reading your message and then saying no so you get that Dave's death alley I don't want to do portal cuz it's just it's hard for me to follow I like to be able to like follow along you know uh cool Dave's death Aly we good yeah the House of Pain sounds good I think we've done that one a couple times right 69th Place he'll get 10 Subs there you go all right doing [Music] Dave if you type exclamation mark play into the chat you are automatically entered as a marble and you can participate in this race what's Su marude how's it going all right what song should we whip out whip out that dank Metal Gear song all right here we go as a reminder whoever finishes first place will become a VIP in my channel and whoever finishes last place not getting timed out not falling off but whoever finishes last place will be banned for 1 million seconds unless you have a number in your name in which case I might adjust it good luck what about banning oh yeah we got to ban second place I forgot about that good call bananas we're also Banning second [Music] place thanks here we go starting [Music] it how about ban everyone who doesn't win good luck dip on last I don't all right let the record show CS where where called it wolf kids I don't see you in there CS lot of people shooting out some people already flopping off the side oh my God whoa oh lot going on here looks like I can't even keep up I literally can't keep up I'm I'm going as fast as the marble camera allows me I'm trying man this is insane [Music] it looks like teddy bear 3609 orange juice TG Rams teddy bear is still in the lead Thrive Tom TG Rams teddy bear still hasn't fallen off is Teddy Bear doing it Thrive to you will get banned if you finish second you need to get ahead of teddy bear oh [ __ ] teddy bear slow down dve to's coming up D's getting ahead dve come R time are you going to steal it from teddy bear are you going to make teddy bear get banned for 1 million seconds minus 3,69 seconds okay ending is right here ending is right here is there anybody else who's even close no it's just between Teddy and Thrive oh my God they are right next to each other [ __ ] okay teddy bear is back in front Thrive Tom is throwing his lead he got too excited and he tripped which means oh teddy bear teddy bear he clutches it teddy bear takes it he wins first place but Thrive Tom wait Thrive you crazy son of a [ __ ] where did you go Thrive Tom knows he sees the riding on the wall he slows down so much that he doesn't even get second place Thrive Tom you madman you let Teddy Bear take the victory from you and then let who's who's going to be second yuno or natsumi or quela or TG Rams whoever finishes second gets banned oh TG Rams oh [ __ ] W it up [ __ ] Dark Knight and the marbles sliding [Music] in what we're looking for now is the last place finisher it's all that matters so I got 47 seconds before people timed out detector you're back here I think detector will probably these guys will probably get timed out right got 35 seconds I don't know actually okay 29 seconds oh detector all right detector detector's not not putting up with that I think oh or maybe detector is putting up with it 20 seconds I think 20 is enough for them to finish and that means between zazarino Shriner Reve and detector one of you is getting banned unless you get timed out 14 seconds detector you're going to go slow enough can you slow this down oh he does he hits the block okay wait so is that Shrine revealed Shrine revealed also hit a block I think there's only 6 seconds left though the time out's coming is there anything that can stop him wait so Shrine revealed wait detector's going to finish so the question is does Shrine reveal get timed out or not because if Shrine revealed gets timed out the detector gets banned try to reveal you've got 3 seconds oh he hits the block he's doing [Music] it 1 second left Shrine reveal don't finish Teddy bear 3609 detector brutal absolutely brutal out blade VIP to Mr teddy bear 3609 welcome welcome to the VIP [Music] District what was the song you played when you founded SW P toast 420 also sensory also bound second place shouldn't re balance it by VIP 69th Place [Music] no qua we'll see you in one million seconds I know this might hurt but you're learning a valuable lesson right now never [ __ ] with teddy bear 3609 we'll see you in a million and the last place finisher detector so narrowly popping in there regarding the question about the song I don't know if you link me a clip on Twitter I can always tell you detector got to be Shrine did play the best marbles of his life I don't know what's going on doesn't matter all right all that matters is that you're Invincible now okay Halifax Samuels nice all right that's [Music] marbles um okay that the stream thanks for having uh thanks for hanging out everybody today was fun it was really fun thanks for hanging out um I really got to I really got to uh stream on weekends a little more I just haven't been streaming as much recently so it's a little hard to slot it in but hopefully I know Friday's probably not ideal for a lot of people he Jesus Take the [Music] Wheel [Music] ah uh Jesus Take the Wheel see you next stream Carl who o I'm going to raid Point Crow I forgot to raid him after um after our little battle just kic the wheel love you two weeks ago Point Crow is wonderful if you have not seen him yet somehow we've been doing some fun twitch chat versus twitch chat up with him um and he's playing the breath of the wild prequel right now and hopefully not getting uh dmca for it uh yeah I I'm going to watch some I want to see what it is I haven't actually watched stream that's just you eating a turkey made of cheese that doesn't make sense uh yeah thank you so much everybody can you please read my sub message [Music] uh oh I I totally missed that r you're very welcome man I appreciate you being here thanks for the 3 months uh and also thank you the kok for gifting the sub thank you again swampy toast for gifting for uh for subscribing swampy I miss you um and Str Meister thank you thank you thank you thank you and sounds like salt I missed a lot yeah sorry if I missed any subs today but I really do appreciate it I get to do something that I love a lot soate Peppa is the food to FR in the grossome ctiv group of the species C here's a little pepper of the plant produce fruit in different colors including red yellow orange green white and purple bell peppers are sometimes grouped with less pungent pepper varieties is sweet pet Jesus Take the Wheel I don't know when I'm streaming next so please hold until then all right bye everybody fun night see you next time
[Music] [Music] sup oh text speech is off already sorry you got [Music] scammed oh cuz we had it off last stream that's why I mean I have to turn Texas spech off so can we make an exception for once feature in most recent YouTube video but but don't you want to make new jokes this what I just don't I'm just not the type of person that's interested in just repeating old jokes hey Doug it's so much more fun to come up with new on I ask again can you turn your stream into a game since you can manipulate OBS elements with code wans uh I I guess so I mean obviously it depends what the game is but all hail the [ __ ] King but OBS websockets lets you control stuff in OBS so I mean that's kind of what I've been doing in a lot of ways [Music] Doug iron your shirts please look next you guys are going to tell me it's normal to iron your shirts standard to precipice ever since our ancestors first founded this CH it has been our Dream to discover all 100 women today we honor that dream as we shall not only end sexism but forever change the balance between good and L I am concerned about doing this challenge I am not feeling optimistic about it before we start Elden ring I am doing the 100 women challenge that I was challenged to do and I do not think this will go well my only goal is to not lose to point crow that will be extremely [Music] embarrassing [Music] okay oh hi people appear to be here sup yo all right uh big day today uh unfortunately I woke up and I feel terrible so I am exhausted and tired hey Doug how do we know your name is really Doug how do we know it isn't Dave or Norman we deserve to know the truth are you guys going to start demanding to see my birth C I've seen this tactic before all right I know what you're up to um okay what's a woman well there's a hundred of them that's all we know okay I do need to all right so real quick context are people here people are here right you are you are here you are currently here you normally stream when I'm at work but I took vacation today thank you for streaming especially just for me you are welcome I was about to not stream and then I said no business off work I have to okay um uh yeah people are here this is fine why are we watching women's volleyball this is the this is the most women category I could find all right so cutie Cinderella did a new a challenge new stream challenge just dropped world record incoming do it before the end of women's month or bad luck for 7even years this is the 100 name 100 women challenge you cannot use chat uh the women can be dead it can be streamers it can be any version of their name spelling doesn't count as long as your heart is in the right place that's good for me not your birth certificate just your social and credit card oh perfect no family friends or ex-girlfriend or neighbors or any of that [ __ ] they have to be googleable women SLU figures this part is cruel no fictional characters must be someone with real ass blood in their veins in24 before that they were only 60 that's where they came from okay well I never played the DLC that's why no repeats timer starts as soon as you type the first letter the first name ends when you type last letter last name great 2D Platformers to M Tex spe full head of hair that is not blonde thank you please let my family go it's I do have a beautiful full head of hair uh must be typed out in a list labeled 1 to 100 you have to say their name not a description for example Michelle Obama is good Obama's wife is bad uh and I was tagged directly in this so um I have to do this this is not going to go well um the good news is that point Crow did terrible hey dou I'm a woman and you may use my name in a pinch but I don't but are you googleable and a public figure cuz that's the thing apparently I can't just name all of the beautiful amazing women they in twit chat 46 minutes not 44 stream text is wrong okay good good call good call I this is by far the worst time that I've seen I can't look at it I'm not feeling really sad I'm very glad you st streaming um you're welcome I hope you feel better okay I I this is not going to go well I just need to beat Point Crow I'm going to turn Texas beach off I am turning Texas beach off um because I'm not allowed to listen to your guys' stuff 68 minutes oh my God F that's not good you shouldn't have admitted to that hey Doug it's that awesome guy you love that got won your VOD stried that was fun want to do it again n not really I'll pass all right am I dropping frames oh I did drop frames let me turn off uh Dropbox oh it is syncing files tomorrow that might help turning off uh Dropbox I should be back seems like it hasn't dropped any frames since dude [ __ ] the stream recently or my internet recently has just not been very good um I don't know what's going on do we want to do a prediction over or under Point crows time can you rate my Persona no I'm not going to do that but I hope it's wonderful I I don't exactly have thoughts about personas does Doug beat 30 minutes yes no I don't think I will beat 30 minutes I just don't know the names of stuff man like and again I can't I'm not I'm I'm trying not to read chat or anything um I like I've intentionally not thought about this very much cuz I feel like that's cheating if I do um as a woman I'm a Believer don't let me down I'll do this for you cross areia um I just don't know people's names I don't know people's names man that's not like I just I don't like follow celebrities I feel like I need to follow celebrities I genuinely don't know if I can name a 100 so and I have to remember uh one one woman's name or I'll be in deep [ __ ] tonight um okay I believe in you as a woman I just I don't know people's names I that's not like what I think about well like I'm just like oh that was a like fictional character sure J blue thank you for the for the uh one year I appreciate it okay I believe I am going to start name 100 if this goes really badly we're going to delete the VOD and pretend this never happened um uh and we we'll never discuss this again and I'll ban anybody who ever discusses this okay if you can beat this that'd be impressive in and of itself and nobody that I've seen couldn't beat it the worst is point Crow by like 20 minutes the the next slowest time I've seen is like 26 minutes uh and then we're going to do Elden ring although probably some coding I have multiple coding ideas for Elden ring is all ready to go and then I had two ideas which will take like an hour each so we might go on a 5minute coding Adventure or two salty P thank you for the 10 gifted Subs I appreciate it all right it's time to fight oh I need life [Music] split remember if you lose you hate women that's not true I just hate their names I don't I'm not good at names I'm good at faces uh all right did it drop again oh [ __ ] it's dropping a lot of frames oh boy my internet is not good anymore I don't know what what the [ __ ] going on it seems to be fully and completely dead which is not great let me uh okay okay it's back now let me check my internets hit the wheel salty peanut thank you again uh I've dropped 2375 [Music] frames uh uh it it seems to be fine right now change your internet that's the fun thing about um monopolies is that when isps don't allow any competitors you don't have options to get other Internet it's really cool one of the amazing things about uh having government regulate free markets uh I mean it seems fine right now late stage capitalism I think no we don't need to get into this um it seems fine now it dropped there's two okay the internet had two different moments where it dropped a shitload of frames and it's been fine otherwise Dropbox is ruining your frames I turned it off so Dropbox is currently not running he hates the free market I like free markets but we're not getting into this right now I think free markets are good I dropped another 500 uh well what do I do do I wait Point Crow I just need to beat you thank you for setting the bar very low so that I don't feel as much pressure I'm going to feel so embarrassed uh if I if I am last place after this it's still lagging oh yeah it's still gone um boy sup maybe the internet works now we shall find [Music] out [Music] well [Music] um what a ass ripping of a song Oh anyway yo uh the internet is currently good I don't know if it will stay good the internet has just been dog [ __ ] for the past month or so so I don't know unfortunate again plan for today we name 100 women do a little bit of coding 5 minutes tops and then play alen Ring easy Texas speech is currently off I should probably put that in the title I'm not trying to get out of it uh [Music] uh TTS is off okay now it's in the title the Tex of speech is off all right are we good is it dropping frames yeah we're fine call the ISP and if your rep can't name a 100 women they have to stop throttling you they're scared the inter the internet is scared of how many women I'm going to name they I'm going to embarrass everybody all right use chat CHT to name 100 women just so you're aware the challenge here is not to find 100 women that exist is to do it off of memory without any hints uh prediction will Doug be back okay well I am back so yes start prediction does Doug name 100 women in 30 minutes within 30 minutes no shot um I don't I don't think the I don't think it's the odds are good I'm kind of I I just don't I don't know things about stuff can they be cartoon the rules are down here the fact that it's no fictional women makes it hard I'm also sick by the way or I'm feeling sick and that's the only reason I'm not remembering all of the incredible women that are there's so many there's hundreds of them they're incredible allowing dead women makes it fine I don't know that many dead women I I don't generally I focus on living ones and I I just don't know how much Val like that'll give me like four women um but that's not going to get me like 50 additional women um this is the this is the problem I know like and I need to stop reading chat because I'm not allowed to look at you guys once I start um and I have intentionally have not like thought about this or anything uh here's the problem like I don't I could list if it was like the woman who plays this role in this movie that would be easy but that's you can't do that it has to be their actual name which I don't know celebrity names why would anybody know that all right we're we're doing this um I think nothing on planet Earth could get you 50 additional women come on um I believe Point Crow is at the slowest [Music] time here's the challenge if you want to see the rules spelling doesn't count can be streamers any version of their name you can use nicknames it has to be public figures no fictional no repeats obviously okay he's not the slowest Northern lion did it in 7 minutes Northern lion is like a walking dictionary he knows everything Trey took 2 hours oh Jesus Christ okay I still want to be Point Crow all right let the speedrun begin I am not looking at this at all okay I'm not I'm ignoring all of your messages Ready Set um what's a good women song Oh I know you know Pizza Tower can we change the prediction to confirm Doug no no no no no coffee okay that's funny sorry to the VA Watchers it's probably it's going to be muted I do have the rights to Super sister by I mean by coffee by super sister I did pay to be able to play this on stream it just still gets automatically muted and I have to go manually appeal the claim and that takes several hours and I have to do that every time I play it somebody is you're posting spoilers I'm not going to look at at the at chat obviously if I just read chat this would not be hard that's not the challenge whatsoever I can't embarrass [Music] myself okay I'll we'll start with coffee and then we move into uh and then we move into uh women's favorite song which is uh Storyteller and pizza Tower okay ready or I leave or I leave coffee on Loop the whole time the whole thing will be [Laughter] muted [Music] I don't even know the names of the women who sing this it's [Music] okay ready set go all right what I'm going to do is do categories that's the best I can think of authors uh musicians uh politicians actors what other categories of women are there are there other [Music] women Food Network uh what other women okay whatever all right uh the most important woman Billy Ray streamer okay cutie Cinderella let's start with streamers uh Pokemon sandwich valky um I I uh fan fan uh extra Emily emiru I'm trying to think of okay what are the like the content orgs that's otk uh 100 thieves who's in 100 thieves Valkyrie Brook AB who else is in that okay there's the off there's like the offline TV group who's in that Lily Pichu um poke Man City quarter Jade I don't need their names right the I'm pretty sure just the the the stream name is fine here I'll make this bigger um who else is in offline TV I don't I'm not like super familiar with it uh oh fley uh Tina [Music] kitten I'm not like super familiar with that that whole group [Music] um [Music] sweet Anita amaranth oh Asian bunny X she's she's parks and my favorite streamer um okay I looked at chat and I saw Ivon yep you're right but now I can't use that name uh okay what other like streamer groups are there uh oh uh Abby Bagel dude all the events I do are a sausage fest oh my God I don't know how to spell Caroline's last name oh god um so these are all streamers I'm starting with Shuffle Mania was eight men buio Kart was 15 men or however many men we need more women in these events uh there's probably a giant group that I'm forgetting about I'm just trying to think of like prominent streamers I see on Twitch oh YouTubers um it didn't [Music] help okay I I feel like I have to okay I'm swapping to to uh Pizza Tower there has to be a ton of female YouTubers that I know but where uh girlfriend reviews does that count that counts right that's the name her name is girl her name is Shelby in it right um do I watch any women on YouTube I have to but what are all their uh there the woman who does video I just don't know their names [Music] um I know what I'm realizing there too many men making gaming challenge content on YouTube um I'm going through my list I'm like okay I've been watching Hollow night cont content all men and watching Zelda like breath of the wild content all guys Mario Maker challenges all guys uh okay we'll come back to that we'll come back to streamers and YouTubers I I'm sure there's a ton of YouTubers and streamers that I'm missing obviously okay authors uh uhoh brenee Brown Tera Brock JK [Music] rolling dude I'm reading a book by a a woman right now but I don't know the name I just don't know the name of authors and to be fair I read a lot of like fantasy and finance non-fiction which is not super female dominated as an author group um oh God okay we're going to musicians uh uh tayl Swift this isn't going to be a good category for me I don't listen to a lot of [Music] music who else Madonna um super sister I don't know any of the names of super sister there's like three of them in this group I don't know their names um okay there's got to oh uh Billy uh what's her name Billy something Billy Billy no no no Billy who's the woman who does the [Music] song she does all the Adobe commercials she makes all the Billy something oh oh but Miley Cyrus uh who's the who's the people who does Disney Channel stuff uh what what are their names I don't remember that's oh That's So Raven from from that so raven Disney Channel who who's the there's other not Miley Cyrus there's other people who had shows named after them I don't remember any of them cuz I didn't watch them what the hell is her name Billy something okay what other what other women um image and [Music] heat Nora and pure uh Eli and fur I'll count that as one that's two female artists who are a group [Music] together are just what are like popular okay Beyonce um I'm trying to think like uh uh what What's Ben Affleck's wife's name Jamie Lawrence oh Jennifer Lawrence I don't even know who that is that's that's not the her his wife is it no no no it's j something J J I'm not this isn't a by the way I I really don't know it's j something J J no Jenny Jenny Jenny something Jenny this is Jenny From the Block is her like name right uh okay let's go other Jenifer Lawrence isn't even a singer okay who's who's similar to Taylor Swift who are the people um uh there's uh uh I can visualize oh AR on it what are the like super mainstream stuff is out there oh um uh what's her name Ellie Golding she did lights right yeah oh oh uh Adele I feel like I should be getting like 50 artists here and I have like 10 but he's rich I don't listen to like mainstream music oh Bry Spears what are what are like mainstream songs that oh did I do Rihanna I didn't who else does halftime shows uh I said Jen Jennifer Gardner Gardner uh Janet Janet maybe if I just like write out names Sally Emily oh oh who's um who plays Hermione Emily uh her name's Emily right no m m something with an E uh okay let's come back let's come back to that let's keep moving all right we're at musician all right politicians uh Michelle Obama [Music] Barbara Bush tosy [Music] gab uh who's the main lady in the house oh God damn it oh dude whenever I go whenever I drive down from from Northern California to Southern California no I didn't hold on I me 10 minutes whenever I drive from Northern California to Southern California bar no Barbera boxer that's her name Barbara Boxer is this politician it's like Barbara Boxer created the dust bow and they get all upset um chat a senator I'm pretty sure oh oh um uh no no no hold on what's her name I also have the Supreme Court Justices that I don't remember any of the names of Ruth Bader Ginsburg AOC she's not a Supreme Court Justice but there's somebody else uh who's the the woman something Jackson right got added a few years ago isn't there somebody else on the Supreme Court okay we'll come back to that Nancy Pelosi that's the name um who else is a politician oh Marjorie Taylor green I'm trying to think of both sides of the who are like famous on both sides of the prime minister of New Zealand I don't remember I don't know her name oh who's the German Chancellor who's around forever uh oh the queen uh Queen Victoria the first first Queen Victoria the second am I allowed to do that there were two right I'm pretty sure that should count uh okay I feel like politicians have some I'm only 50 Jesus Christ uh what are other who are other politicians who like that I would that I hear about I don't follow tons of politics who's the lady what's the lady's name on Shark Tank I don't know what's the lady who's the CTO of open AI I don't know her name what uh who's the lady who runs YouTube or did Run YouTube Susan wiii um that's one who's the woman who runs Yahoo Susan Sarandon no that's somebody else but that's fine sandon that's close [Music] enough who and also there's somebody who ran quibby with Jeffrey kenberg and I don't remember her name I'm trying to think of like business now okay let's go back to what what is the German Chancellor's name Angela Markle Megan Markle oh who's the woman who who got cancer recently the C cath Katherine Catherine of Wales does that count is that I feel like that counts right that's the princess who got cancer just now I'm pretty sure that's correct I guess at the end if any of these aren't real you guys can tell me and I have to find new ones okay other I'm looking for politicians before I forget Martha Stewart um do I what there Pol there's got to be other politicians that I am aware of I'm trying to think of ones that are like pop up on Twitter randomly cuz I don't go seeking out political news very much at least from politicians but there's obviously a a lot I just don't know any by name who's the lady oh Karen bass just became mayor of LA uh who's oh the mayor London breed is mayor of um of San Francisco I forget the DA's name who elected Brook Jennings uh I believe is correct she's da of San Francisco uh who's the oh who's the woman who got um okay we're going back to the super sister who's the woman who got recalled off the Board of Education there's like a bunch of controversial San Francisco political figures and I actually kind of follow San Francisco politics but I don't remember their names off the top of my head [Music] uh okay let's go let's go have I done historical historical let's go let's go to historical [Music] um Cleopatra Jonah uh [Music] art are there other women in history um okay Helen of [Music] Troy [ __ ] what who is the sakaia I do not know how to spell this sack of Jia she is the one who was worth Lewis and Clark in America history [Music] um who is Richard Nixon's wife who is Joe Biden's wife who is Trump's wife melenia melenia Trump oh wait Trump has lots of scandals um who's the woman Stormy Daniels I'm not doing porn stars because I don't know [Music] any who else has had scandals oh Ivanka Trump okay yeah wait hold on I all the big politicians have kids right they have children uh oh oh oh John McCain uh Megan McCain had a kid I mean John McCain had a Megan McCain that's another uh that's another notable political figure um I feel like there's got to be a big Treasure Trove of like politicians that I'm not thinking of or of like some major group of women that I'm just like totally blanking on I mean obviously there are but I feel like they're like I can find a treasure Trove and then and then mine it for the women uh okay I I got off track though we're talking about history all right where are the historical stuff has happened 2010s uh oh who's [Music] um something con who's the current head of the not the Federal Reserve but the FTC I think lenina con she's the one uh doing anti-monopoly stuff okay wait whoa did I lose Internet okay no internet didn't drop what the hell no no no stop stop stop stop stop [Music] okay 2000s 1990s what happened in the 90s not much 80s what happened in the ' 80s business stuff oh the vi president what's her name uh nobody ever talks about the vice president like the literal current vice president camel Harris uh okay I need to do more history stuff 1970s who was popular in the 70s Marilyn Monroe she was huge in the 70s what's her name in the movie I Love Lucy ises that count Lucy from I Love Lucy I only know her first name does that count I feel That should kind of count okay all okay TV shows I've seen I need just think of movies and shows that I have seen that's what I should be doing movies that I've seen TV that I've seen but other okay no let me finish doing history first 1960s what was going on the 60s hippie [ __ ] uh there's various like bands from them from that like like white rabbit is a band right I don't know any of the the actual ual names of the people in any of the music from any of that time period at all I really wish I knew more music 50s what happened in the 50s World War II what happened in World War II there had to be women in World War [Music] II okay 1930s Great Depression 1920s Roaring 20s Gold [Music] Rush do I have Harriet tman and I don't think so right I didn't do okay and Rose Parks any other like ma major like social movement groups that I can think of okay we're do uh am I super bad at women or are most historical figures that we learn about in school male when you're talking about like 1800s 1700s like other than like Queen Victoria oh princess Diane I'm sure it's a combo a little bit of column A a little bit of column B [Music] Diana Obama has two daughters I wish I knew their names I'm kind of jumping around okay TV that I've seen Game of Thrones lot of women in that do I know any of their names they're real actor names no no no no I don't know any of their names there's like 30 women I can think of their faces I don't know any of their names okay um I watched True Detective recently Kate I don't know who Kate Blanchett is but that came to mind Kate Blanchett who Jody Foster uh I don't know any of the actor actresses names oh who just won things the Oscars um what's your name the the woman who does La La Land and spy an T Taylor Joy it's not the right woman but who's uh oh and then the woman who was in an Inception she was in the news recently I just don't remember the names uh okay come on come on come on come on come on come on get get up the what are any of these people's names you guys might my mind is flooded right now with the hundreds thousands even of incredible amazing women's faces and I just can't remember the name of them for the life of me she's literally she's dating Alex Garfield or Andrew Garfield whatever the Spider-Man boy is um D I know that she and her like go for the same roles I don't know actor names who's the woman who starred in everything everywhere all at once Michelle yo I think right okay tell me if that's wrong later I think that's her name what the [ __ ] is the the the woman who she's like everywhere okay oh what's Sydney Sweeney everybody talks about um this is this is embarrassing there's the woman who won for one best actress for anatomy of a fall right I don't know her name there's the or no best actress is won by this God um Su I have Susan Tran right uh Emily blanch who's the woman who was in the first Spider-Man the one with the guy or the oh wait what about the most racist Spider-Man with the guy the British boy there's the British boy and he's dating and now she was in Dune Dune girl what is her name uh laser no no can't it's like one word right she's in the move she's in Dune and she's in Spider-Man's oh oh uh SC okay Scarlett Johansson we can go Marvel who else is in Marvel uh who did Mrs Marvel em Emily something who plays Marvel Universe Mrs Marvel or whatever the [ __ ] the Marvel movie is I don't know you know what I mean what are their Marvel movies are there uh who who played the lead in I'm obviously not looking at chat by the way who played the lead in Inception she was in the news like a day ago for something that she said about like Christopher Nolan trusted her or something I okay we got 20 need 20 more 21 [Music] more okay other categories of movies uh Star Wars who's the lady who was in Star Wars and then died recently who's the lady who's the girl who was in uh Wizard of Oz don't know their names what other movies in TV shows I've I've seen okay um uh I was watching Community the other day I literally was looking at the credits is there any chance I remember any of their names nope to be fair I don't know anybody's names in any of these movies okay Food Network what other TV shows have I seen uh TV shows okay I said Game of Thrones Emma Watson that's [Music] it God damn it I'm going to lose to point Crow aren't I do I have anything else food who else is in the Food Network uh the con conjurus conjurus conniving or something the the there's some name for okay no that's Food Network's not going to do anything okay what musicians have I I think we go back to musicians okay I a little worried I'm a little worried I'm tapped all right there got to there's got to be categories of music that I'm not thinking of or is there any TV show where I would know the actress's name friends who Jennifer the the one Jennifer something right who's the lady who's in Seinfield Tina Fe oh who's the lady who does Parks and Recreation there's all sorts of women in there I don't know any of their names we at the office I don't they fictional names office SNL [Music] podcasts Britney bosi I don't really listen to podcasts [Music] okay there's got to be more with music what what was popular when I was in high school cardi I spice I haven't listened to like mainstream music in a decade at least not intentionally dude if you knew music this would be so easy if you knew anything this would be so easy who else was really popular oh uh um what's her name Lady Gaga what else was popular when I was like in the high school college era when I was exposed to lots of uh music [Music] okay I have 20 minutes to be Point Crow to get 15 more um okay what are the TV shows do I actively watch I don't watch that many what do I do like what do I do in my life why don't I know anything I'm trying to think of people I met oh myga n beats uh sin these are streamers I met at streamer Awards or around there um I kept talking to this software and game development people at the streamer Awards and it's all guys and we talked about programming [ __ ] um oh I met ium drop there I met obly May there um oh I um oh my God I sat next to Jessica NRI at the uh Gala which was awesome I sat next to Alex At the Gala and she's great um I think we were next I was near the same table as NIU these are all streamer content creators uh who else was that the gala oh I met um Grace vanan there what about streamer Awards who do I mean streamer Awards oh oh uh anac who else was at my table it was Sam it was sandwich Connor Point Crow me Billy Max Million dude Maxim Maximillion dude's wife um oh I'm close okay I think YouTubers give me streamers are the way to go no no no hold on oh oh uh bo b sisters [ __ ] I'm blanking on their first [Music] names oh my God okay that's fine [Music] who [Applause] [Laughter] is okay okay okay [Music] okay congratulations Doug you did it hold on hold on in there's obviously a [ __ ] ton of streamers and YouTubers that I'm blanking on best gamer wow oh my God you're incredible Doug [Laughter] waa stop you're distracting me when it's like okay's let's say they do like a Minecraft competition who shows up I don't know Minecrafters let's say they do an Elden ring competition who shows up oh Park and harbor okay that's the only alen ring female streamer I could think of I I just need to think of categories uh do I know any Minecrafters I don't like personally know them oh Shelby shovel I met um and who who are there there has I there's so many Minecraft players I just don't follow Minecraft what other categories uh valerant who plays valerant there's guy there's tons of valerant people people playing valerant all the time uh that's not doing anything League of Legends who are Big League of Legends players that's way too male dominated uh what is a more Brad fall guys who plays Fall Guys there's all these Spanish streamers that I've seen that I can't remember the names of cuz I'll watch ebi's content and try to understand the Spanish and there's lots of women and I don't know anybody's name in that cuz it's all in Spanish there have to be other categories like just chatting who is just chilling on just chatting all the time I already have amaranth streamers is is clearly the way to go this is where I'm getting the most uh the most mileage fishing who goes [Music] fishing I remember cuz she was playing poker with Mr Beast and ninja and them and smoked him um okay who is the who is the 100th woman arguably the most important woman of all okay we're going to go for who friends nope that's not doing anything who is the woman who starred in Parks and Recreation Tina Fe and blank Tina and you know what we're just going to put out names hey Harriet nope I only know Harriet I only know one Harriet [Music] um what is Benjamin Franklin's wife's [Music] [Music] name okay that's not working uh strong oral figures Samantha blank Jessica blank Jennifer blank J [Music] CHR Christmas Christmas Christmas what's her [ __ ] name Mariah Cary yeah okay congrat did I miss any are any of these wrong congratulations did I are these wrong Helen of okay hold on wait wait hold on no no don't give me spoilers I need I need okay apparently Helen of Troy is not real I thought there's like I thought there's evidence she's real okay I need to get one more then are there two queen victoras does that not count second Queen Victoria is wrong okay I need one more there and one more there Queen Victoria 2 doesn't exist the that's a raven actress is named Raven I think that counts kind of sort of uh Raven is fictional fine okay I'll remove I'll replace that so raven I thought that was actually her name is there any other that I [Music] missed Helen of Troy is real I thought there's consensus that she's a real I think Helen of Troy should count spelling doesn't matter spelling doesn't matter da of what da of San Francisco is not wrong it's definitely Brook [Music] Jennings Helen of Troy is fake I will add three more for one two okay who does who else does music uh oh who Nora who Nora Jones right she's the one that everybody dislikes in Star Wars I mean Starbucks um and then uh I need one more maybe two to be safe sh [Music] Twain one more to be [Music] safe oh Queen Elizabeth that was the other Queen's name Queen Elizabeth F boom and we end it by honoring her [ __ ] yeah time 3722 oh you're right [ __ ] I've got jine Maxwell [ __ ] congratulations Doug you did it you're in job Doug you're amazing like you that was so put amazing to Queen Elizabeth no no I did Victoria Zenia that's her name that's not that's not fair you failed H thanks Obama Emma Stone that's her name Emma Stone uh you said Tyler Swift the spelling doesn't matter she cutie said uh spelling doesn't count as long as your heart is in the right place all right it's tight it's close it's very close all right don't need to freak out over it um congrats on the women bro thanks Abby you're in there Abby you're the 18th most important women but you are less important than Asian bunny a just so you know AOC doesn't count fine Alexandria alasio Cortez I don't know how to say her name I I feel like this is there you go that one I know oh sorry AOC like clearly counts but that one I like knew that wasn't me not knowing it that's just how everybody refers to her yeah I mean like the rules are that it can be it can be any version of their name for example Marilyn Monroe or Norma jeene um Queen Victoria is not is is not fake can we spell see your spelling of sacka jaia again where is she how close how close is that to being correct [Music] Sac um it's kind of close [Music] mentioned World War II forgot and Frank I okay hold on am I a misogynist or are there very few women that we learn about at least in American like history class when you're talking about all of human history up until the 1900s I I'm like racking my brain you forgot a to love lace that's true I did forget there are few women in general I actually I feel like there's a lot of women in general little column A a little column B did I put Nicki Minaj in there dude I don't know any music and I don't know the names of any actresses Jill Biden is her name oh I didn't know that yeah I have Susan Wu jisy in [Music] there [Music] wait somebody said Brook Jennings isn't correct I'm pretty sure they're wrong yeah I'm literally correct oh jenkings so that's a spelling issue and uh and I my heart was in the right place that [ __ ] counts that's fine you have way too much brain rot you forgot Mia Khalifa If I had done porn stars that would have been a free five or 10 probably Rosa Park Rosa Park is in there that counts that [ __ ] counts I thought you didn't know any right right that's why yeah I don't want to sit there on stream and rack my brain trying to trying to mine for any porn stars I can think of can't believe you got the wusi sisters the wasn wait did you say wnc sisters who Billy might be watching better to stay safe that's true that's true can't let her know I've seen pornography yeah I mean look there's obviously a billion [ __ ] musicians and actresses that I don't know that I should know but I just I don't [ __ ] know I I would I would say that I am equally as ignorant about male actors and female actors and arguably musicians as well not a single scientist I mean there aren't that many super well-known like public figure female scientists that's not on me I don't think Mary cury who's Mary cury wait is this a porn star no [Music] okay oh I I've never heard of this woman in my life I'm sorry Mary that's my bad she invented radiation I don't think that's now you got to rate 100 men so we can pair the times I don't think I I don't there's no way of knowing if 100 men even [Music] exists I'll do wait is Catherine of Wales correct even is that one is that her name is she of Wales is she like Kate Middleton who the [ __ ] is this then wait who's Katherine of Wales yes technically okay it's close enough oh Katherine's her name she's Princess of Wales okay well that counts that counts Carrie Fisher is the Star Wars lady as a CS no dude you should know Grace Hopper okay Grace Hopper look I I think you you maybe assume I'm familiar with lots of male computer science historical figures which I am not I know Alexander Turing is that even his last name something Turing Allan Allan Turing I know Allan Turing and that is it like it's not like I have some deep library of science men in my brain and then no women I just don't I I just don't I don't know you know why who who needs this stuff anyways I just don't aliceon Brie yeah that's the I mean I genuinely I just I don't names just don't stick in my brain generally like I've there's like you know a lot of women I can think of and I just can't remember names easily you missed Jennifer Lope that's it Jennifer Lopez Barbara Bush is fictional it's not correct who who is George George W bush wife Lara Bush I remember that Amy po that's it you missed Helen Keller I guess she's not real I got Emma Watson in there didn't I at the end I think [Music] so yeah mem Watson's there [Music] um here let me [Music] move what where's sacka jaia we'll get her in [Music] there I said Shelby so I got to put that [Music] in all right say hi Twitter who the [ __ ] is Tyler Swift she's dating um Trevor Trevor Kelce or whatever the the the football man oh wait wait wait hold [Music] on what the [ __ ] is that get the rump what is rump doing there I just need more text oh this affects both of them [ __ ] uh I need I just need more text I need another line of text somewhere give me another line of text uh I'm looking at OBS I have like a shitload of elements Channel Point reward text it's up there oh yeah sure that works wait I you can't see this at all okay now say hi Twitter or that you hate Twitter whatever I don't care there's just a picture of Laura Bush [Music] perfect quote okay now let's get uh women day now let's do what we all came to do which is watch me code here I'll unmute textas speech um but all the messages have to talk about how great women are and that it's women's [Music] month Chatters today our ancestors smile upon us after centuries of study we've finally discovered all 100 women and defeated sexism once and for all just as we promised when we took the Chatter's oath praise Rosa and all hail the [ __ ] King you should get advice on your code from your favorite woman coding streamer who is name new new challenge drop found the first computer bug it was an actual bug [Music] really Doug I can't believe that it took you that long to come up with the name of the current vice [Music] president you should pay your edit subscription that's cash in the trash all right feel free to go engage um good job Doug I have my sack of G right here oh yeah she's not a coin right I forgot we have a we have a a coin woman okay all right all right all right um fun fact people actually think Helen Kella doesn't exist my elementary school was named after her kids in my grade thought she wasn't real no she definitely does exist my ex-wife was a woman was being the key word I mean you can't do like it has to all be public figures right I will say this this did uh make me realize you're looking for an app designed to merge the collective intelligence specific to write a story try collaborative Universe of creative knowledge CU [Music] C uh okay doesn't it seem a little disingenuous to have women are great and I love women in huge letters on this when you're not even a woman yourself uh I admire women from afar like with binoculars Grace Hoppers work inspired generation after generation including an annual convention thanks to her we can now ship post live on the internet Legend I I don't even know like the guy memory serves the guy who the Nobel Prize is named after I don't know his name I I don't know the names of like famous scientists subcription that's cash in the trash like I I just feel like I don't know names of anybody get W in the chat transgender Pride transgender Pride transgender Pride Alfred well yeah now I remember but if I see it but like if I'm just sitting there the amount of time watching your content is unhealthy also are you playing Buckshot I'm not I don't know what that means H but thank you for asking if I am doing that thing that I don't know what it is it's good to cover our BAS two get their advice or search yourself instead of farming this out to chat uh no chat and do it I'm really sad you don't know about Marie Cy that probably probably means you don't know about the rimp girls either anyways happy women month you did better than I could have sexual Pride thank you uh I feel like I did fairly bad time denting you rigged this challenge the rules said no dead women and you mentioned historical figures like Queen Victoria no it said women are loud did I write in the thing that dead women the president of the student asso at my college and is the hardest working woman I know hell yeah let's go women let's go your sister um I sorry if this is an appropriate joke you would think Doug would even have the decent seat to remember the name of all the woman he's made okay all right um okay please look at pedy LMA sometime because she did so much cool science [ __ ] on top of acting Lamar oh I've heard of Lamar I just don't I just don't know the names of a lot of people I will okay I will hold on I'm going to try pausing alerts these this might break them because this has been breaking them in the past I'm realizing certainly with books like I I have read basically zero books I've read a book by Tera Brock and that's it I don't think I guess JK rling read the Harry Potter books I don't think I've read any other books as uh that are written by women which is I don't know if that's like self- select I don't know what that is uh but I guess I read a lot of fiction and then like business non-fiction or or historical fiction like autobiography of uh of Benjamin Franklin or whatever so I don't know what that is I don't know if like the categories I'm reading are are very male dominated I don't know if I just gra anyway I'd be curious what's going on there because there's literally one I've never read a Agatha Christie no I read Frankenstein I guess what's her name Shelly something I did read that in high school I mean even even Mary Shelly yeah yeah even um like you know I was forced to read a bigger variety of things in in uh what's what's it face in like high school right or college but since then in terms of what I read for fun then I I it's like there's like no female authors which is interesting Jesus Take the Wheel yeah right I did read to Kill a Mocking Bird in in high school right um I don't I never read Jane Austin or anything yeah shell silverin is a man to the person who said that uh anyway and then like I mention YouTubers like like all men I mean to be fair I'm mostly watching like gaming or coding stuff on YouTube and that is or like Tech things and that is very very male-dominated although it's getting more diverse for sure but I think this is showing me that I think a lot of my interests are very male dominated you know oh I forgot Jaden yeah I forgot Jaden animations um yeah I'm sure I forgot quite a few friends and I'll feel like a douche later but oh well oh yeah code Miku moik I keep saying Miku um oh yeah all the vtubers oh damn it oh well oh [ __ ] I am a little sweaty is hotu Miku count it sort of counts yeah there's obviously a lot of lot of female YouTubers um okay it is warm in here turn down the heat all right let me unpause the alerts and see if they actually still work we hate Doug dog eating good tonight all right we got to come up uh we got to figure out what we're doing pausing seems to work which is great so the the premise of today is what is in the title let me write it here uh Ellen ring randomizer not margin marget here actually let a couple go through the rules explicitly allow dead women I though and that's one reason for longer cause his skip dead plus streamers ah yeah dead dead women obviously if there was if if it could be fictional women it be way Troy didn't exist and you don't know Marie Cy I so my understanding is that Helen of Troy it is debated whether she existed not that she definitely didn't exist it's like the whole battle of Troy is like mythology kind of but arguably rooted in reality right her name was Roselyn Franklin and Watson and click took credit for their work Troy existed hell and did not she almost definitely didn't exist she is a myth so we don't know I completely lost it when you pronounced Melania Trump as Molina from Elden ring is that what I said I don't I don't [ __ ] know I don't know people apparently I think the conclusion of this is I don't know human beings I don't know the names of hum woman I give you a participation ribbon thank you armadel I'll take it Troy was actually destroyed second time oh yeah dude if I knew Trump really well there are so so many women scand around something funny with them like threw [ __ ] at you or some such what I think you should spend it on um getting an education tuers exist Doug uh okay hold on my favorite Slovenian Mel a trump yeah we we got you I made sure to cover you is coming up I know that you cannot play specialist from Persona 4 anymore so can you have drunk man quiet sing this song and use it for your new oneyear sub alert and I can at least have it for my one-year song uh that's a good idea but I probably won't do that cuz it's really be really annoying especially when names were eded with who was his wife/ sister but yeah I get that women can get ignored in history classes you just have to make a point to research them yeah my favorite woman author is Stone Cold Jan tin Pride and Prejudice 316 that's good I mean like I've been I've been following a bunch more history in the past few years like I've been learning a lot more about history like through hardcore history or history books or things like that I've read a bunch of for example Michael Lewis I've read a lot of his books now um but it's all it's all male stuff right it's mostly men and all of these stories so again I might just be filtering that just happens to be what the the you know what I end up going for but the type of media where I get deep enough into it that I'm really learning people's names repeatedly uh I feel like is is very male focused is what I am realizing right now yeah obviously there's plenty of women in history I'm I'm just realizing what I happen to have watched or read um at a level of depth where I deeply remember people's names um like with men I could just list out a shitload of different men from history right just because those are those names are brought up over and over in like history podcasts or whatever yeah I mean everything is like that to to a certain degree but I think in particular my interest end up being very male-dominated groups okay right it's also for much of human history women were locked out of playing Major roles right so it's not it does also make sense in the context of how we were as a society and still are to a degree obviously um okay so here here's what we're doing um I am I have created an app I mean I can show you this right now check out sandwiches or rep uh am I still logged in Twitter I put sandwich in there right it's a 2-year subscription that's cash in the trash what oh damn it all right I might be in trouble that doesn't count she was number one uh literally top of the list number one woman in my books okay [Music] perfect you should have named boats it's stupid all right uh let me let me show you what we're working with let me show you what I have currently which is working okay we we have a working version of this the question is do we want to go on a coding adventure to make this sillier um maybe maybe not so uh let's see let me see how long I ban people for okay it'll be a short ban it'll be like 10 seconds or 30 or something okay I strongly advise waiting for a second while while the program like has time to make new words uh is this one 5151 it is 5151 M template generator we will refresh that I will run this everything is going to work perfectly I tested this last night was working the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active cool so now if I talk into the microphone you should see words pop up a lot of people are being banned don't say anything yet uh oh oh [ __ ] okay hold on hold on oh that's the meme template generator oops uh questions there we go okay so now you will see guys a lot of people are being banned whenever I say words it's the words that I've said in the past 60 seconds are going to appear at the top of the screen okay you can see that the the list gets bigger and bigger you can only say messages that contain the words up there if any of your messages don't include those words you get banned okay so you got to be careful it it's it's also hold on there you go it it's also uh I think it's case dependent right now I think you have to like match the exact way that I said it with per like pronunciation and or punctuation I mean you see a shitload of people are getting banned okay just you have to say where you look you can say okay right now and I think you can say it with punctu without punctuation a lot of people are getting timed out okay so this is how it works right the list of what I've said in the past 60 seconds is up there it'll update every 1 second and the old words will drop and that means if I say something like beans you're good to say beans for the next one minute but then you aren't right I'm turning it off okay we received a lot of beans there so here's the question uh this is this is the the gist of it um Let me throw on music sure where is my twitch okay don't need this anymore here's the question there's two ideas I had one is that we what we could do is um and the alerts are paused right now by the way uhoh how do I know if I'm out it'll tell you um we could I could have this would be a little bit crazy but I could have it so that the text changes color and it becomes more and more red as it gets closer to expiring right that could be kind of cool I don't think it' take a ton of time right now the word is valid for 60 seconds so we could basically just come up with 60 different colors that are like on a gradient from green to red and then depending on how much time is left on how much time that word has left it gets colored more red I think it's cool but this will take you know this is a 20 30 minute coding Adventure probably I mean if you're color blind sorry it's nothing I can really do you you still you will have as much information technically by it pops up and then um and then you would you would see it right like once you see the word pop up it it depending on how far left it is that means there's 60 seconds left Doug hates color blind people it you already have enough information to know what's going on this would be an additional cue I don't there's not a great visual way to do this otherwise that doesn't involve colors I don't think so this is one feature we could add and then um I mean technically we do like a timer um what if I can't read well then maybe just look at the Elden ring gameplay that I'm going to be [Music] doing the timer could be like there's a small number below the word that says how many seconds are left I just think this will look really messy I I don't think that'll look good like that's just going to be a lot it could do opacity as well um opacity could be cool like it gets it fades out basically as it's getting as it's going away CU that would look a little less crazy than colors um opacity would be easier to code should do a box with each word currently active with the gradient style timer instead of displaying full sentences well each each word would would have its own color right so it's basically what you're saying opacity plus color Plus numbers no we would do one of these things um okay option one is 60 different colors option two opacity like it fades out and option three is there's a small number below the words let us vote on if we want to do any of these if you're interested in civic engineering at all I highly recommend inclusive Transportation by Victoria Davis woman uh un for I am super not interested in civic engineering I might get into that though at some point I wouldn't be surprised at the moment though just like the problem is you have to put in an effort to go out of your way to make sure you're consuming content created by all of the awesome women out there because of all of the obvious reasons I don't need to State be the change you want to see e3c yeah do I like women bit in a totally platonic way with women thank you thumbs up uh no let's just play Olden ring or or we say the color changes as the word this stream is a trap he is trying to get us to caption and transcribe his stream for him for free the word Fades out any good you accumulated by doing this challenge was immediately negated when asked if Marie curri was a porn star I dude I don't feel like Marie Cy is as well known as you guys are making her out to be all right I'm sorry I think Marie cury needs better PR the first person to get the computer science was a woman look up Sister Mary Kenneth Keller I'm not disagreeing with you guys what I'm saying is that I don't know any scientists at all this isn't this isn't like Jesus it would look bad if I had if I had listed out 90 male scientists and then be like who the [ __ ] is Murray Curry I don't know who any scientists are I just don't know I don't know scientist period small number I don't watch you often but when I do Spang a Content anyways I have a question let's say you get death penalty what would your last meal be good question I think I know this going to sound crazy Chipotle would be considered I love Chipotle that much but probably it would be either Chipotle pizza or dim suum which are my three favorite meals and Baskin Robins mintchip milkshake probably I would do dim suum I think dim suum is pound-for-pound the most delicious meal you can have but Chipotle Chipotle carries in other ways because it's compar atively much more convenient and uh and you know not as expensive and it feels healthier I don't feel healthy after eating dim suum at all okay we're just going to have the word fade out over time I think that's a good solution cool that is coding Adventure number one that we have decided to do I will probably change into software and game development because we're going to be doing a brief very brief coding Adventure also I'm going to force you guys to listen to how this code works because I'm proud of it because I'm learning I actually learned how multi-threading Works fin finally okay here's the other idea I had this morning um Texas speech messages could also be filtered by the words I said recently could do this by running the Texas speech app okay don't worry about all this but basically I can make it so Texas speech um messages also if they don't have words they get replaced by like blank by like Whit space or whatever so if you say like hey Doug how's it going but only Doug and going are allowed it would just be like Doug going that I think is funny but that will take a little bit of time that's like at least a 30 minute coding Adventure do we do yes do no do I mean it's possibly the are it's possibly these are both very quick very quick it is possible uh I am a great programmer after all who loves women all women okay we're going to do two my alarms this morning for work can you scream wake the [ __ ] up my God I will use it as my alarm also POG women wake up you got to get up okay somebody has been saying Kardashians every minute or soever since the challenge ended I'm aware the Kardashians ex question is what audience who finds you appealing you suck Doug I don't know I continually wonder why anybody watches get the poorly translated mod for Elden ring you know for the more accurate secret law that the translators wanted to hide oh I didn't even know that was a thing that's really that's a great idea all right we're going to do two things first off we're going to add opacity cop I I literally don't though I really don't like I don't think I could name many male actors either who's the guy who's dating Jennifer Gardner I mean lence foress hiton who wrote the greatest book ever The Outsiders never heard of her never heard of the book who is Ben Affleck it's a I don't think I could I don't think I could name 100 actors seconds of history of words I don't think I can name 20 male actors 60 seconds I feel like that's too short I feel it's got to be a little uh a little little longer than that you look very tired is everything okay the girl from inception was Ellen Page dead name and is a transman Elliot page transgender Pride transgender pride no that's not correct you don't want to be a Honda Civic engineer oh sorry I was um if I said Inception that was wrong I meant uh Interstellar that's what I was thinking about who's who's the who's the woman who was leading Interstellar the poorly translated mod pairs nicely with the randomizer mod and you reading the secret many whacky and stupid words to use uh I was I was mixing up Inception and Interstellar Doug she is like the most well known female scientist more wellknown than ad love lace I don't know who ad love lace is I don't know scientists you guys are acting horrified by this I feel like we've established I don't know people hey Doug just have the text scroll off the screen when the word becomes obsolete that is a better visual timer that is funny you were thinking of Sandra Bullock in gravity I haven't seen gravity conratulations Doug you're one of today's lucky 10,000 learning about Marie Cy for the first time okay time to code all right here's what we're going to do oh you guys want to hear about code yeah you do I pun for yourself if you don't say only new words in the last minute let's say a picture of chair replaces you for a minute no because that's too long of a coding Venture and it's too similar to what I did last week okay so coding stuff I learned how multi-threading works I mean more than I did before at any rate all right so when you write python code it runs in a thread this is your thread right here yay and it's all synchronous which means it just goes through the code one at a time one line and it runs the code and it waits until that line of code is done and then it goes to the next one and then goes to the next one which is called synchronous coding now let's say you want two things to be happening simultaneously let's say you want a thread which is responsible for the socket IO web app which is going to go display funny things to the to the twitch chat but then you also want a program that is going to be processing twitch [Music] messages you want both of these things happening simultaneously how do you do it well oh my God that's uh where where multi threading comes in so you can in um python you say threading do thread you use the threading module and you use threading do thread your target is a function that's going to be run on the second thread and then you can toss in any arguments so if I want to have a different thing that's running on a separate thread uh where that function is just like spam pointless [ __ ] on a different thread and that can just while true print pointless [ __ ] so if I just want this happening constantly in a different thread while other things are going on I can do that by just saying this I would be like the [ __ ] thread would be threading do thread with the target of this function that I wrote spam pointless [ __ ] on a different thread and then I would just say [ __ ] thread. start simple as that multi-threading that's so cool that's what I thought multi-threading was that like that's what I thought thread right this is what I thought threading is like when you want to do a different thing you just make a new thread and then that thread can do its own [ __ ] while this one's doing its own [ __ ] right um uh so you might be wondering something hey Doug how the heck does async iio work if that's multithreading what what the heck is async iio for and I didn't understand it because I didn't get why you have multi-threading but also asynchronous functions as its own weird module thing so it turns out that async IO is like a okay I don't really deeply understand it yet but but basically you make different threads in Python and then within that thread you make an async IO event Loop and the event Loop is managed by async iio and it is specifically responsible for managing asynchronous functions within this thread so I thought they were like two totally different concepts they're not you have different threads in Python and then within each thread you can create an async iio event Loop only one per thread and then this event Loop can now be used to run asynchronous functions inside of this thread and by definition asyn the point of asynchronous functions is that uh things can be happening simultaneously it's kind of like multi-threading so technically you could just have one thread with an event Loop and that event Loop is running many different things simultaneously or you could create multiple threads and that those multiple threads could be synchronous or they could have an event Loop and these are also running multiple asynchronous functions or just one or whatever so this was the piece I did not understand which probably for a lot of you guys you don't you don't get what's going on anyways now you can't skip the cut scene you have to listen to the coding cut scene um I didn't understand the distinction between these and now I kind of get it which is like you you start by having multiple threads if you want that's not even true you you have one or more threads and those threads are running on their own they're doing their own thing that's the whole point of multi-threading async IO is like an additional way to do syn asynchronous programming on top of an of an existing thread and you basically make an event loop on each one of your threads and then you use the event Loop Loop like this to kick off a particular function so uh this is like if I created this bot on a new thread I could then do async IO set event loop with a new event Loop and this is saying okay with this new thread I've created I'm going to create an event loop on top of it and then I'm going to use that event Loop to run an asynchronous function which is bot. run and then up here I would Define this function as asynchronous and now it can await on additional asynchronous functions but in this particular app I actually realized I don't need to do that I don't need any asynchronous functionality so I just commented it out instead it's just synchronous code um that's that's it anyways so now I understand things more because I I was super confused at the relationship between multi-threading and asynchronous coding because they seem like the same thing and now I actually get the intertwine of them they also was kind of confusing because twitch. I is the program that I use to connect to Twitch chat and the way I do that is by starting a new thread for the the twitch Chat thing and then I create an event Loop and then I run the thread I run the bot in a synchronous way because the Run function is synchronous it's not asynchronous but then within the synchronous function it starts using the event Loop that it assumes you've created so to use of twitch. you first uh you have your main thread and then you create a second thread for twitch IO and then you create an event loop on top of that with async and then you tell twitch. to run and it will use the event Loop that you created to connect to Twitch chat meanwhile over here this is your web app which is uh displaying things on the internet and then also in this case there's several other Bots running one of the Bots is going to so one of them it's basically this one is the web app this is displaying stuff on the client uh this is listening to Twitch chat messages and processing them there's another thread I created which is for the microphone bot and this is just going to listen to my microphone the whole time and add words to our list of words and then there's a fourth thread which is the time management bot where this thank you that was good where this time management bot every 1 second these are our list of words that I have said recently every one second the time management bot is going to check the words check how long they've been in there and then update or remove them accordingly so anyway this is cool I I really enjoyed coding this and this is how it's set up it's three threads that are synchronous one thread that has an event Loop and is running asynchronous code uh which then processes your guys' messages cool probably a lot of most of you didn't understand uh that but for the people who are moderately interested in programming stuff I actually think this is really cool I was proud of writing a multi-threaded app that I actually understand what's going on so that was cool all right um now with all that being said let's uh let's make the thing I'm supposed to be making right now so async functions are interesting I didn't understand asynchronous at all well well well if it isn't the guy who hates his girlfriend hello to chat and chat only you are you are number one in my list of women literally number one more you were above Poké man I think Pokémon was number two I barely even think about pokem man it's only I only thing about pokem man after I've thought about you for a good minute or two okay so what we need to do is have the opacity change on the front end so what we're going to do is go over to our HTML sure keep yapping watch the VOD somebody Center the clip literally number one one do you know that you're more important than Marie Carey who's a famous scientist who invented the Nobel Prize I would I didn't even think about her because of how much I think about you okay um what that's what I said Mary Curry wait did I say Carrie it's curri right Mary that's the thing I don't even think about her name because how much I think about Billy do you mean Madam cury yeah exactly uh okay so what I want to do here oh wait [ __ ] this is going to be confusing ah cuz we have to turn this into a bunch of okay so uh time for more code we have received at this point our client our front Billy ish that's who I was trying to think of for like a long time I couldn't think of her name because I was just thinking about Billy Ray the most number one wom woman of of all time okay um at this point we have received the user message this is what we care about so we have the user message um we need to how do you write a comment in JavaScript I don't know any JavaScript we need to break the string into words wait that should probably come from the client or the server [ __ ] this is going to take a while do we want to do this are we still this going to be complex coding are we still Co doing this yeah not complex I just need to have the server send the list of the words and the time that is left and then have JavaScript change the opacity based on how much time is left it's not that complex actually there can only be one Billy in the world this is bad news for Billy May well that's why Billy Mays died right cuz you were you were birthed and then immediately the life force transferred out of him into you um that explains cuz what the the Billy Council went and forced him to use all that coke and then and then he had a a billy induced heart [Music] attack have you thought about using GitHub co-pilot for coding I haven't tried it yet I do want to all right let me unmute Texas speech Let's Get coding okay chhat Real Talk most people know exactly one computer scientist and about five physicist I know one computer scientist and zero physicist like me only know them because of the names of them Swift forse to memorize I am applying for a masters in comp s and know maybe Doug I'm sorry but I don't think I can do another epic TTS speech with this rule on unless you want me to die for it of course we are coding for a little bit first given that TTS is sent through chat wouldn't people who send messages that don't include that stuff just get banned so this won't really work they they will get banned but also it will still read out their message currently coding will you learn Vim live on stream for women I would love to learn Vim but that would be a pretty big time commitment I think when would the bad words be filtered out of TTS when we send it or when it's read also as mentioned before can we even send any TTS with banw cause won't it be deleted you can even if your message is deleted the textas speech still goes cap feature twitch added lately according to Twitch the most used emote is Duke dug notes and apparently you streamed 14 times in February cool I didn't know Doug Doug I thought Doug Doug teeth was the most common it's your mom I can't believe you didn't add me to the list I'm a famous doctor uh I you're also fictional knows no scientist names knows 10 to 15 porn star names thinking well if more scientists did porn then this wouldn't be a problem okay real quick the moment Doug pulled up an empty Ms paint file that was the moment he truly became a software and Game Dev content creator that's true you know what I should do because like pirate software and the Prima gy um they all like open up paint to explain things but then their background is black which just looks better right and then they're they're doing and then uh you know pirate software will be like and this is why blizzard actually sucks the dicks of every uh you know he'll he'll do his cool stuff I'm not making fun of him he does great stuff but this is what it always looks like right um I feel like what I should do is make it awful to look at right like if I make it um like like when people come to mind they're like wow Doug [ __ ] sucks you know I feel like that's what like his coding tutorials are awful like no that's not different enough hold on edit colors what if it's like green but just very very slightly lighter wait that's not close at all hold on green is the background right okay and then how do I edit that color is that the green okay so again just to recap the way that multi-threading Works in Python is that you would create different threads which are all running on their own right and then within this you can add an async event Loop in fact let me make a different color for that it's a little easier to see so you would add an async event Loop that's on top of that actually that's a little bit too easy see let's go here um you would add an async event Loop which now async functions can run off of this uh um and the threads themselves don't need to use the asynchronous functionality at all it's just if you want to await on different functions right Mary Curry wouldn't do this to me well that's why Mary Curry is uh rotting in a grave I'm sorry Mary Curry that was really rude I just don't even know who you are I don't know if you would care um I just feel like I'm the one who's alive and she's the Dead one and that maybe maybe that's you know shows who was the better computer scientist so she died from radiation I thought she invented radiation she died of radiation she was a chemist both she died of radiation this Mary Curry lady doesn't sound very smart are you guys sure that she's like a smart scientist or is this all made up to to troll me like did she she invented radiation and then just like huffed a bunch of it why why would she do that hey Doug I know you are devastated about the new twitch policy not allowing content focusing on intimate body parts also wasn't upher a woman scientist or something not quite okay real quick get super computer programmer realizing that Charles babbage's analytical engine had used Beyond peths not TT sing this heard just genuinely think you'd find this interesting I probably heard her name once while I was getting a computer science degree but um she discovered radiation but they didn't know the the dangers of it got it got it um well you know when I invent like new python code I don't just like sit in a pool of it for 5 minutes to see if it kills me or not I I assume it's going to be dangerous she got a blood disease after years of exposure o you can't say that it's women month I it's I'm not to be clear I'm not talking I'm not saying that Marie Cur is dead because she's a woman I'm saying she's dead cuz cuz that was that feels unsafe she thought it was pretty so she kept it by her bed oh yeah that's not that's not a great call I I'm obviously uh you know just talking [ __ ] here I'm sure she's brilliant and wonderful but it is crazy to like invent a crazy chemical and then just put it on your body all the time like it's wild okay before I I'm getting extremely distracted can I send a dictionary in Python the dictionary is a it's a series of key value pairs that are a word and a number like a float which is the number of seconds that it's been around it's a series of that can I send that to the client and have JavaScript process it this is like word two word one word two whatever you can do I have to serialize it to Json how do I do that does anybody know off the top of their head how how do I jsonify this thingy I assume there's some easy way to do it I can jon. stringify json. stringify words Whit list I assume I need to import Json all right cool now we can get back to talking [ __ ] about Mary Curry was the baddest woman to ever walk the face of the Earth seriously look her up she burned down an entire city in minutes using Birds what hey Doug how is your day I've watched your content since the Red Dead birth challenge coding stream POG uh I'm doing good I was really really tired this morning I'm I'm doing well right now though so that's nice hey Doug can't we just open up versus code three times and Hitchman I tried it and I got hello world on all three instances I just don't know if that'll do exactly what we're uh what we're thinking where is the 5year sub badge you're truly the hero we deserved wait are people about to be a 5year sub Is that real holy [ __ ] uh do I even have a fouryear sub badge or subalert I feel like I'm way behind I'm like a year behind I still believe in you because I bet you don't know 100 I do I definitely know 100 men but I bet it would still take me like 30 minutes can you simplify it by explaining it with food like multiple checkout lines in a grocery store iay how to incorporate the A and caution example famous woman scientist Mary Curry they named an element after her Mercury oh that's where okay all right we're going to send the replace all blank TTS words with women are great all right we are going to did Billy Ray kill Billy ma confirmed Doug is a terrible boyfriend and a snitch they named polonium after her for real oh that's cool I'm sorry that guy wasn't listening to your asyn yapping could you please repeat all that also transgender Pride um coding coding stuff coding coding coding coding wouldn't it be funnier if TTS was inverted and couldn't use any of the words you said recently okay hold on I'm going to pause textas speech while I think about how to write this I have a Json string in JavaScript it represents the string version of a python dictionary where the keys are strings a single word and the value is a float what I want to do is take each one of the keys of the what I want to do is uh take each one of the keys in the Json string and add that as the text as a new span with the text set to the key that's a bad way of wording it what I want to do is take each one of the keys in the Json file and add a new span to the element uh what is the name of my element user me no no no user message user message box this is totally going to make sense you don't use x to skip this is an important part of the character development of the stream what I want to do is take each one of the keys in the Json string and create a new span element where the text value is the key and then we add that new span to the div to the div element user box Additionally the opacity of the of the text should be based on the value of that key specifically the float will be a number from 0 to 60 if the number is if the number is 60 then the opacity of the text should be 100% if it's zero the opacity should be 10% how do yeah you just have to normalize the values this is totally going to work Matrix green is an awful hacker color for a background I feel like I could do more to make my stream look horrible like you should put a poor quality ping of fire as the MS paint background it'll look cool woman here again I am taking away the participation ribbon no I wanted that all right let's see pirat sofware beat this so instead of Ms paint use ET a sketch so guys basically no that's too late um need be so the way threading works it should be red instead of changing the background of paint we just replace the entire screen with a pixelated picture of a du twitch chat use Channel points to quack we could okay this is how we're going to this is how I'm going to teach things in the future blind and this hurts to look at it's beautiful this is how I will be explaining all coding Concepts in the future um this is how I want to post a short that is just an exact copy of pirate software like I just say exactly what he says and draw exactly what he draws but it's just with this horrible background like it's just not visible at all and then we see how it does is a human uh I mean supposedly all right all right I'm going to keep trying to code parts of j s dra an object iterate each over key each key value pair yep for each for each pair create a new span element with the key as his text content Cal the opacity name many women of Flows at all set the calcul opacity of span element [Music] uh I mean I don't really watch sports radioactivity was discovered toothpaste and everything people loved it for about a year she was not stupid no I assume she was was very very not stupid let's be real here chat Dugout live Marie Cy and you all need to get over it right like ultimately you got this first stage of grief right you got to accept your team lost and move on right you're just going to going to freak out just cuz I won March Madness instead of Marie Curry fun fact when Mary cury was originally buried a coffin was lead lined because of the radiation and most of her belongings are still radiated today she died 300 years ago in the back of her chair are still slightly radioactive she touched then so often after handling radioactive materials okay let's copy all this [ __ ] in the damaging effects of ionizing radiation were not known at the time of her work which had been carried out without the safety measures remains were sealed in a lead lining because of the radioactivity I am Humanity discovered Asbestos and decided to snort that thing harder than Colombian Caine at a fat house what do you think we would have done with some shiny rocks without her uh there is actually an element after Marie curri [Music] cuum is that where like um like chicken Tika Masala Curry is named after you did not name your mother she is literally a famous doctor famous is a subjective word [Music] um Zen y or Madame Zang was also one of the most amazing women to ever live she owned the largest Fleet of ships ever sailed and ruled over a massive pirate Confederacy she embarrasses every other great pirate out there Jason [Music] dulu so we let's span we're going to create a new span the text content is going to be the key it's my birthday party tomorrow do you want to come oh I'm busy that day I'm getting circumcised all day it's kind of uh they're going to do multiple rounds the Polish person I'm disgusted that you called Rees quor cury porn star and misspelled Susan wety name expect extradition in the next month and execution for up to 3 months look as a last meal I suggest perogi I love Polish people I've worked with a bunch of Polish folks um when I worked at ESL tons of Polish folks I went to um uh katav for a week and I ran around and people were very confused why this like random dude who didn't speak any polish was like running through their suburbs it was great I loved it it was very beautiful um that being said your food is terrible and your names are confusing to say and don't kill the messenger okay I'm just saying what we're all thinking I polish names every time I got into a call with every single Polish person it became a running joke because I was like I'm so sorry guys I'm going to butcher your name again and it was funny to them and to me because I was so bad at it but holy [ __ ] Polish names are impossible to say and then it was it was terrible it was terrible food I'm sorry the food was so bad that I had I I'm not saying all Polish food is bad but in the one week that I was there all of the food I had was terrible and be like oh oh we'll get you some some Polish delivery food and it was just awful it was awful so uh I'm I'm sorry but every Polish person I met has been absolutely wonderful and they're also like the hardest working people I've ever met oh and perogies are bad guys I'm just saying what we're all thinking Don't Kill the Messenger here okay um this seems like it should all work so I get a I get the Json I parse it into a dictionary um we get the element that it's going to go that the messages are going to go into for each key in that dictionary we we get the value um yeah we make sure it's there I guess just to be safe we create a new span element we set the spans text to be the word we're setting the opacity of the span to be a percentage based on how much time is left and then we are adding that into the message box uh I think the only other thing we' have to do is then we probably clear this message box set HTML how do you how do you clear an HTML element it's this is a div user message box is a div how do you clear it it's like set HTML and then like a empty text content inner HTML equals blank okay inner HTML equals blank like that right or to toes all right that should sort of probably work maybe uh and then when we send the list of words we're okay this is almost certainly not going to work but [ __ ] it we send it we can't respect the microphone thre is now active management thread is now active so this money is for Billy Ray okay I will send the money I will give money to I'm probably buying Billy dinner tonight so I will use that money to pay for it I'll make sure I'll use that to pay for her portion and not mine I have to pay for my own Json has no object no attributes stringify hey Doug if you really want people to hate your background just make it constantly swap between AI generated images smile Json dump hey Doug I Liam duck I guess your version of it is the programmer twitch chat hold on should be Json dumps okay so we just dump the why would they name name it that so we're going to dump the J these words type elen ring stream could it be only sentences that can be formed using the in-game message system oh that's a that's a fun idea not for this stream but I like that in the future as a concept it's not my birthday party tomorrow can I have my party at your circumcision um see if the doctors are cool with it all right we send it oh be careful cuz this might ban you if it works is refund my management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active oh damn it I left the bot in that types pointless [ __ ] no [ __ ] I thought I deleted that W two Nobel prizes Doug however couldn't even win the coding award if Doug ever wins a Nobel Prize you'll 100% lose it to lud within a week anyways guys that's what happens if you make thre called pointless [ __ ] that just sits there spamming messages Catholic faith and a blue is for the loyalty of their allies I don't think that's correct the microphone thread is now active Rise Against the messenger the time management thread is now active just not the right colors the twitch chat thread is now active oh sorry you guys are getting banned don't say things heart so true he wanted to name a famous woman and you but alas his mind was in the haze he couldn't think of days hi since I am a female I naturally would not listen to Earth streams but can you say happy birthday to my B at since I'm a woman I naturally am not going to watch your streams happy birthday Gabe um okay the client do not J typ herror you're going to get banned if you say anything right now by the way I would uh advise not talking the short Bano why are you not working console debugger where's it breaking uncaught reference error object is not defined um did I do something wrong that doesn't sound like me oh hey Doug for your dinner date tonight don't forget to unbutton your suit jacket when sitting and yes you must wear a suit even if you go to something as simple as McDonald's or Pizza H we don't know what it is yet but it could be Taco Bell thank you again for being such a big inspiration for me Doug you have inspired me to start my own content creation a few months ago and I have already reached 1K Subs dud congrats thank you for everything you do smile you are welcome that's seriously a huge accomplishment in just a couple months uh well done Dan very happy I could help in uh in any small way all right the microphone thread is now active you're going to be banned be careful careful management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active careful be careful I'm testing words right now are they showing up why are they tiny they're very small why is there one giant careful they're definitely not changing opacity either this is super not working what the [ __ ] why is the first one getting huge and the opacity for none of the others is working I'm so confused uh Okay taco [Music] Bell why is it so small what is wrong with the code why is it doing this hold on I'm turning it off what I wish I knew how to debug front end code a little bit better that is on my list of things to learn how to do um okay this part doesn't matter the user box fades [Music] in we parse the Json dictionary that is clearly working check your style sheet but why would the style sheet be affecting that and then the user message box should be resizing everything but I don't know if it's going to do that [Music] at the CSS of the parent set oh man there's multiple spans inside the div yeah that's the point each span is going to be a different word which is going to check the opacity um it's going to set the opacity of specific word if you add more spans it will make it smaller and smaller with your current CSS rules oh God at the CSS of the parent set display Flex I think I have that already man I at some point I'm going to sit and actually learn proper front end and until then I it's so hard to do this on stream cuz I just have no idea cuz CSS is not very intuitive I don't think okay the um the parent is user message box that and this is a disaster uh up here you're saying if I do this and I throw this stuff in here displays Flex Flex direction is column wouldn't I want it to be rows huh use Tailwind right this is all stuff I will attempt to learn that is it is on my list of things to do yeah and I could do react as well as well this is something I'm planning on learning more of at at the moment though right now need to figure out how to make this work potentially we give up on it which is boring um but this is more uh obnoxious than I was anticipating you're finding your div by the jQuery ID right so the way this should work is that it first gets the div called user message box and then within that div it should have it should create new spans oh probably it should have class as user message um but it creates a bunch of spans that represent each of the words so that's that's what's supposed to happen that is the plan um I don't know why that would not work because I hate FR here again I came from a Polish family and I can confirm Polish names are the worst for example my mom's polish name is malaza and my dad's polish name guppy it's the worst I do genuinely enjoy your streams and like joining in the silliness but autism spectrum can you promise to let us know to stop when we go too far uh yeah I think just read people do time L programmer but I will attempt to do that a little more often um how do I just run this be guy inst tolded my run upside down and my now in running on Linux [Music] help I need to learn how to debug things BR me back some Taco Bell I'll take two double stack tacos okay the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now people Germany here the your food is delicious and we are extremely jealous of your candy as well it's so ridiculously good if you need help ganging up on Doug give us a call here we go I love you Doug and I love coding but you're really making me rethink my future major in college here still not clear why the first word is huge and the others aren't the whole point is that the autism spectrum means my brain runs a different operating system than yours I literally cannot read the room yeah which is why I stopped myself [Music] I'm just not sure how to constantly indicate what is a appropriate thing to do or not I'm sure there's a way to do it in a better better than I currently am I don't know I'll think about it building my new is only running on this any recommendations of games that are much better in higher frame rate it's the first good PC I'll ever have I honestly have not been playing that many games games the past like few years I'm just playing old things I'm not like pushing new AAA games really at all and then user message box gets text filled it's supposed to It's supposed to size all of the spans within it h that's a bummer so is that just not going to work cuz if I remove this I bet I bet this fixes it or stops it from being all weird the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active testing these are my words why do I need to refresh okay and it's still not changing the [Music] opacity why is the opacity of these not being [Music] changed is there something in the code that's not doing this for 60 seconds individually correct correct um the size is the width of the I think theier with the weird conversion twitch made with the numbers or chat gbt made with the number so something something here is not working where it's calculating the opacity of the word set the text content of the span to the key this is working um span. style. opacity equals opacity value. two string this is clearly not working the code is not on by the way you can say whatever you want um yeah I could just do I could just console log it to see what's happening um console log just do console.log I don't know like any JavaScript which is not helpful here let me try that all right code's turning on you might get banned careful the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active Okay so every second it's getting all of these values and you can see that as I say more words they are being added in and each one of them has a Time oh that's why oh the values I'm sending are the time since the epoch instead of the [ __ ] number of seconds it's been God flip what a cool thing I did um okay quick coding time everybody loves coding you're also going to have to keep learning what I'm doing here sorry okay you're just gonna have to only say words that I've said recently um okay so when you [Music] ti so what I've done is in I'm pairing each word with a time right and this time was supposed to be like oh it has 37 seconds left right and it counts down from 60 but instead what I've been doing is it's word and then this is the time sense of the which is from 1970 so it's several like many many many million seconds and that's a lot more than 60 so what I actually need to do is send the time since the epoch minus the current time that's what we [Music] do Mary Curry there you go make sure you spell her name correctly by the way otherwise it's you're going to get banned react makes things a lot easier yep I need to learn react Mary Curry well you got banned dark hey Mary Curry everybody I hope it's a great holiday okay well that's one problem let's figure that out next how long is the stream in two hours I guess it hasn't been that long uh I would love to not code for more than like 30ish more minutes and then actually play Elden ring so what I need to [Music] do I unmodded nightbot oh [ __ ] sorry [Music] nightbot so instead of sending a list of all the words I need to create a new dictionary oh my [Music] God dick with time stamp the word this is not the code is not on by the [Music] way dick with seconds [ __ ] [ __ ] it stands for dictionary okay what we need to do is for key value in words white list we are going to uh take the uh words white [Music] list dict with second how do you add a thing to a dictionary just do this right key equals words Whit list the the value the current time time do current time this is a [Music] disaster [Music] how do you get the current time I think just time. time will you be auctioning off your [Music] forkin oh right cuz I yes uh no that's for no that's private to get the individual spans to fade you probably want to use CSS animations over manual opacity changes that should do provide a much better her experience and performance wait you're taking Billy out to eat for dinner doesn't she have covid uh apparently I'm not going to get [Music] Co I was honestly hoping to get it I've tried to get it and I can't seem to cuz that way when I'm traveling in a month or so it reduces the odds that I get it then which would be a lot more uh inconvenient but I can't seem to get it unfortunately uh if you're iterating of the data feed the data counter yeah I'm sure look I'm sure there's easier ways to do this doing this on stream is not exactly ideal what about other people I'm not interacting with other people while interacting with yeah I am not interacting with a CO person and then interacting with their stuff uh is time. time no I thought time to do that yeah no this this is what I'm doing so this is going to be the number of seconds that have passed so it be 60 minus this [Music] [Music] we're confused about why Billy is going out to dinner when she has co and Will she get other people sick she is not I'm going to have food delivered we are not going out don't worry uh maybe I misspoke um I have not been interacting with other people obviously um [Music] try to add two string plus percentage at the front end wait why this this is going to be fine the microphone I need to I need to add the same thing and then dict with seconds this is for the audio mics we need to do this down here as well this is extremely messy but we'll deal with it [Music] later this song is killing me please work I would love for this to work and move on the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active you can't do that can't unpack you can't unpack a thing why can't you unpack a thing huh use dot items there's too many what I would love to be able to do very basic things without asking chat microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now now active God she was really excited about that all right need to add down here this needs to just be its own function but for right now I'm going to write really messone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active testing here are my words you're going to Japan right as a Japan resident at this point Japan seems to have entirely stopped caring about covid just wear a mask if you have it most people have had like five booster shots at this point Co is getting worried about catching Japan professional coded dugdug in action I think you should do what I do when my code doesn't work restart here are some new words I would still like to ideally be careful about Co though [Music] oh it seems to be working okay it's actually fading out let's go that's [Music] cool pogies uhoh it said puggies be careful say the right word if you spell it wrong you still get banned okay so now it fade this is so cool all right so now it like Fades out as it goes the only weird note here is that it's going to Old words that get refreshed uh I guess I need to pop it off of the dictionary and add it to the end that would look better all right we got to do some popping and some pushing but then we'll be good we're getting there also it needs to be vertical instead of I don't know why it's they're all in their own rows but we'll figure that out um okay yeah you can see as I so like for example let's say I say fading this will pop back up or not [Music] puggies Huggies there we go it thought I said Huggies so when it refreshes an existing word it I I want it to be pulled out of the dictionary and added to the end cuz otherwise the opacity is like you know not consistent like this it looks a little weird all right so we're getting there a couple things more to do on this um Doug testing doesn't feel so good also banned a lot of people all right so was the the literal thing I just said I was going to do that I've already forgotten J working words that Billy Ry and chat has never [Music] heard popping and pushing to get Duke up [Music] [Music] video I'm going to have to make a new dictionary [Music] I can't update the values while iterating through the dictionary so I need to probably probably the simplest way is just create a new [Music] dictionary can I have a push pop um sort the existing Val oh I can just sort it yeah that's a good idea well yeah that should be fine right I you sort of you need to play jeru in the background to make it work hey Dad if I have a dictionary in Python where [Music] it'll would that work though it wouldn't maintain the order I I think that's probably fine if we just order it hey Dad if I have a dictionary python where the keys are strings hey Doug would you mind making sure to S of Brony at least every once in a while it's important only if I remember how do I reorder the dictionary so that it's ranked where the uh the oldest you want the oldest ones first which which would be the smallest keys where the where it's ranked where the smallest [Music] floats oh wait but dictionaries aren't sorted that's the whole point of them [ __ ] um so I should just make a list right H this is uh you you can't sort a dictionary right python dictionaries are ordered really Doug try not to think so hard you go [Music] Bor they're ordered by [Music] insertion [Music] let's try [Music] this then we sort the dictionary this is such a disaster holy [ __ ] this is microphone bot so now we do this down here this is some hacky ass prototype code but it will maybe work the microphone thread is now active the the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active testing testing testing oh those are technically three different words huh okay so we need to put out some different words like Huggies oh sorry just blasted a little bit bit so when we see this word start to fade out then we will I'll resay it and that way we'll make sure that it pops to the end of the list rather than staying in its current spot so the list should always be in this order ordered where it's the most faded out are at the top and the most unfaded are at the bottom okay so this word here it's starting to fade out you can still say it right now if I say it we should see it pop to the end of the list rather than staying here so here we go everybody ready this will be big Huggies and now it's down here yeah it worked okay [Music] pogies let's go okay yeah so now it's always going to be in this sort of or all right interesting the order will be a little bit strange but that's funny cuz now you guys will have to like piece together new sentences only based off what I've said the the other major thing to do I like the opacity fading this is cool the other main thing to do is that uh it is not in a giant vertical list it should be horizontal why is it in a vertical list vertical list what is going on [Music] here it creates a span it's once I added the class being user message so is there something in the user message [Music] class does any of this make it a all right the thing it turned off you can say whatever you want um you made display flex and columns oh oh oh so if I just change this to row that should work right cuz yeah this was on the div that the spans are going [Music] into all right let's try that again the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active Diamond bread is now active Diamond bread hello uh-oh uhoh what's going on where is it I don't see anything uh wait wait wait oh it's over here oh here we go I have scrolled to the right for some reason okay I guess I was really it's the words aren't separated for some reason okay let me turn this off it's off it's off off um you're going to get your Taco Bell delivered home you still need to dress up in your suit remember you always need to be your best even at home no I don't dress to impress and don't be a slob uh set gap5 REM on the div 2 all right sure that sounds that sounds legit keep it vertical it's the vertical is too weird do that gap5 RM whatever that means and um [Music] I also want to try doing this one [Music] sec actually before I do Gap well let's do [Music] Gap turning it back on the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active testing testing okay that's really big why is the smaller ones others are recommending Flex equals greater than Flex ruptor not be on a single line H well text fill is supposed to work on multiple divs and it's just not working sorry on multiple spans it's supposed to work on multiple spans and that is not the case so we're porked somebody said mods are not exempt socks you will get banned um that's a bummer that text fille isn't working basically text fille would resize all the words to be a consistent space but it seems like it doesn't work well with multiple spans even though it is supposed to um cuz look if I do a new thing and I'm like I asked this [Music] okay do you have text fill CSS on the span or the div probably should just be on the div rapper yeah it's just on the div so the user message box is the div we are inserting a bunch of spans into it text fille is supposed to make all of the divs in all of the spans inside of this div collectively fill a certain amount of space and instead it only seems to be doing it on one word and then it just the other ones just go Um the width of the parent it was just sure that sounds that sounded confident let's end it hey Doug got thread is now active I Blame You the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active testing this is my new message I feel like you should just set the font size for all the spans to be a certain fixed value instead of using this weird Jake query nonsense yeah we can do that if I remove the text fil it'll work fine I just wish this worked that's a bummer it'd be nice if it resized but that's okay um we will not do [Music] that the microphone dread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active these are my words you can say so now it'll just put all of the words in a list like this across the top of the screen testing testing testing I need to get a shitload of words so we can see also they're too small um we need more words lots more words is it because you're using ID and not class on the text fill so it only applies to the first span I just feel like it it feel like it should work I'm confused why it no work [Music] good let me try this one more time I would really like text fold to work what if I don't do class the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active [Music] new words no it only resizes the first div for some reason so look you can see here I don't know if you can see really if you can read this but we have a div called user message box and inside of it are all of these different spans and what tville is supposed to do is collectively resize all of these and instead it's just resizing the first one you can see added font size to the first one but not to any of the [Music] [Music] follow-ups let me ask chat gbt and see if there's a quick fix this I do want to get Elder ring soon but this is it's so hard to give up on something like this when it's so close I've tried this uh I've tried using it's not the code is not on you are currently safe hey Doug I just learned about data encapsulation and abstraction simple stuff I know but I'm excited to keep learning more yeah coding's cool it's through those divs and apply the text fill but honestly it's better to start over at this point that that wouldn't help it would just it would size all of them individually the the whole point is to take all of the words and fill out the screen with them um that like that's the goal so running it on each one of them wouldn't do anything [Music] no I don't want to apply text field to each one of them that would just make them all the same size that's such a dumb [Music] put all of the spans inside of a paragraph can you do [Music] that that's generally how you use spans so you're saying what I would put like [Music] a I will give this okay we're actually going to use a timer I'm giving this five more minutes and then we're moving on go at the bottom I'm going to create a p p called big p and [Music] then instead of putting this into the message box we're going to put it into big p everything is added into big p then we're going to do big p text fill no no no no no user message box which now has a paragraph and the paragraph's going to have big p in it and big p gets refilled don't forget to close the P the P doesn't need to be closed if it's one thing right I don't think you have to close it do you thought you [Music] don't oh I will right cuz I'm going to be putting things in it okay we closed the P we run it the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread head is now active here we go what why why is it doing this what the [ __ ] is happening now what happened to Big P this is a disaster where is big p user message box spam inside the P that's why temp is still around not the big problem though look we have user message box there's big p and then there's the spans inside of it and it's still only resizing the first one it's not it's not working it's just not working okay it's not whatever text Phil is not going to do it dude tried to show my dad your code to see if he knew how to fix it and he just said oh no that looks like a Java issue a python issue and maybe an HTML issue what doing all [Music] right every word is instead going to be the same size sorry uh we're giving up like a lot of [Music] cowards I could have told you that your code wasn't working 30 minutes ago anybody could have told me that it was clearly not working I we didn't it was I think it was fairly obvious hey Doug text Phill is killing your formatting please look into using Cal instead and never look back at Jake query [Music] smile I do still have a minute and a half okay Dad have you tried on pants that might help you be better at coding with a whole bunch of span elements inside of it the span elements all have one word of text in them I want to resize all of the span text so that it fills out the entirety of the div element so every word would be so it would basically calculate the size that every word needs to be such that all the words together Dev screaming at each others and none of them are working maybe it uses Cal I don't know how oh my God involves some CSS magic possibly JavaScript as well you need to dynamically adjust the font size the calc function might not be sufficient since it's more suited to calculations based on known values rather than Dynamic content sizing oh no oh jeez okay so this is this this is the span or whatever here's the containers here's the script get element by a cal total width of all spans at current size assuming we want to fill the width of the container container offset parse flow wait this doesn't look that bad incorrect our Solutions are 100% correct always the problem is that Doug is not implementing them correctly looks possible hey Doug I know a while ago you said you were planning on doing a twitch chat dating stream just curious if that is still in the works if it's not possible or just not enough time it seemed like a fun idea thanks for the stream him or something I don't know what that means okay five more minutes I mean this might work okay give me one give me one minute I want to see if this works now everyone here is a figment of my imagination and terrible at frontend so obviously my imaginary characters aren't any better let me try it in 5 minutes okay we create a container which is the element by ID which is username user message box the total span with a zero container query selector all for span we calculate the total width of all the spans are the current size spans for each total span width is span thought offset with assume we want to fill the width of the container hello Douglas per chance we take a peggled break D coding container offset with scale factor new part get computer by style apply new font size stylize wait but this is this is definitely going to work we [ __ ] send it the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active is taking us out basement oh happy day is this working it does seem like it's resizing [Music] wait okay it I think it's I think it's actually working it's res it gets smaller if I say too much stuff it'll always be one line of text so the problem which means that if I say a lot of stuff it'll be really really small is that okay is this okay it technically [Music] works here I'll make it so you guys have the words to say I like it I don't like it hallucinated it or had a fever dream but I thought you said for Valentine's Day you'd have twitch chat star in a dating show similar to to The Bachelor or try to seduce various AI characters in speed dating or something I might have hallucinated I am character I went out shopping during your 5 minute coding Adventure got materials for stew tomorrow and food for tonight and here you are still coding what in God's name are you creating okay it's off most people don't seem to like it I am going to try to make a new goal never do front end on stream ever suggestion similar stream but we can only say words you're going to say in the next 60 seconds I think here's what we do do it Doug you coward the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active you could use P game okay this is what it'll look like that is way too small a text we need way bigger text how big should the text be hey Doug what if I'm bad a typing and I misspell words then you will be banned okay resetting it I set it to 35 pixels I feel like that's pretty big how is that so small 150 pixels that was still so small the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active testing testing why is that still so small huh what what am I doing that's forcing the huh I said it to be 150 why is it man I hate front end dude I do not like front end at all [Music] um what why is it so tiny why is it so extremely small it should be much bigger text what what do what go on I'm scared you zoomed out in the browser I'm at 100% in the browser see 100% Zoom so this is what it will look like at its normal like it's normal size hey Doug you've talked about the increasing viewers flooding chat and TTS with incoherent messages and I have a solution do a 5 minute Ark Forest game at the start of each stream to C viewers for the day we can do that cuz the message box isn't even there I dude oh God I do not I do not like front end user message I put font size why doesn't that get applied like why doesn't it just work the way you would think uh um yeah you're right I need to expect the element why like this should be sized this should have the text I'm expecting the different spans all they have set is opacity I don't know how if I can zoom in on oh yeah there we go it's did I need to refresh is that why maybe the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active here is my new word here are my new words why do the why are these not resized I don't understand God I love front end it's so good you removed the CSS classes from the spans and never restored them nope no I didn't is it the span. class user message so it's supposed to I mean I could just say span. font size and then just manually do it here it just seems stupid oh sorry the code still on how do you set the [Music] font search if you left big p anywhere no it's big p is [Music] gone seems to be experiencing the initial effects of prolonged radiation poisoning I am I am way over thre is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active testing testing okay that appears to be the correct size there aren't spaces anymore for some reason cool thank you thank you front end very sweet why how do I text WP how do I make the Box text wrap that worked oh my God I hate front end so much okay all right and it's certainly once I learn it it won't be that bad but I haven't learned it and it's little okay how do I make it how Flex wrap what text wrap this is in the box that all the stuff is in you guys are saying Flex wrap what do I actually do Flex wrap is wrap okay sorry for making you do it my I'm getting frustrated okay uh and then there's no space anymore for some [Music] reason even though we have a gap here why why is the gap not working now why is there no space in between [Music] them the Gap is too tiny oh so it needs to be like [Music] five all right running it again the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active testing that's a lot okay that's a lot of Gap too much Gap I've gapped way too hard okay we'll turn down the amount of Gap it seems to be wrapping correctly so that's [Music] good why is the vertical Gap gigantic how do I turn this down GRE skill thank you why is each Flex container have a height of [Music] like the span class is not showing up in inspector replace span. class with span. class list dot add class [Music] name well at this point it's fine the only [Music] thing [Music] all right hold on code's off I can try that fix um as well as the Gap is too much you like two um [Music] thank you hater uh when the [ __ ] are you playing Elden ring great question what else do I need to do why are the vertical gaps between the lines so gigantic Gap applies both horizontally and vertically oh can I just make this Gap smaller then or only vertical use column Gap and row Gap oh my God row Gap is 10 pixels column Gap is I don't know 20 pixels 15 who cares okay I think it looks good with The Gap that looks horrible and you know it the time management thread is now active I'm getting so annoyed at this front end dude the twitch chat thread is now AC low I am in my chair okay how we looking this is this is better this is a lot better okay we are getting there we I think this is what we're what we're sending right these are the [Music] words pogies this works so if I instead of on this website it's a little [Music] big but this works we have a solution [Music] pogies I probably make it a little bit smaller okay turning it off column gaps a little bit too big we go 10 pixels I think and the row Gap could probably be like eight pixels this is fine right it just works it worked first try we did [Music] it yeah I think it's fine right is there anything else you need to [Music] do needs to be a better color I feel like I feel like White's fine right other text I think would be like too visually loud it's not deleting words it will eventually I mean right now it isn't cuz I turned the code off but it will um text line left I think it looks good Center I I prefer Center um you guys really want to align left you're insane it looks so much better centered I think you need to get your your brain checked out for being a dumb idiot I'm sorry that was mean I'm tired and I'm frustrated I'm not there's no way I'm doing left aligned that's insanity it looks way better centered look at like the title down there that would look horrible if it was left aligned it's I there's no way I will cave to left aligned people ever all right I don't negotiate with left align terrorists um well I feel like it's still not increase the difficulty for Chatters by changing font to wingdings [Music] it's a 2-year subscription that's cash in the trash thank you Andy the dogs I appreciate [Music] it okay the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active testing this is a test why the Border looks terrible I said the Border whatever it doesn't necessarily hear me super great but that is all right we we'll figure it out it's a 2year subscription that's cash in the trash probably the text can be smaller too this is still pretty big [Music] okay where's my [Music] [Music] text all right text is smaller Callum gu row Gap let's make that like seven all right um anything else all right the stuff is off code is off anything else we need to do with this I think this works I mean I could make the color like text color green or something how do I make how do I color color chartreuse that'll look terrible the microphone thread is now active well now I'm curious the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active testing why isn't it green whatever it's going to stay this color I don't care I don't care enough this is too obnoxious I think white will look the best I think it's going to look awful if it's like red or something okay code is off we're fine this is what we're sending we did it congratulations who is ready for another 5minute coding Adventure which I think at this point we don't do because it's been too long the other five-minute coding Adventure is that I update the text of speech so that if you say a word which isn't currently allowed then it removes the word and replaces it with a big silent [Music] Gap do we want to still do this this in F would be about 10 minutes but it often isn't 5 minute coding Adventure yes no it's very funny conceptually for [Music] sure I apologize to the 30% of you who are here to watch me play Elden ring it appears that you've been beaned okay I promise with every fiber of my being I will make this as fast as I possibly can 5 minutes quick Adventure in and out okay there's two things we got to do first off we got to uh talk to chat gbt hi Dad I have a python dictionary where the keys are strings and the values are floats I want to export I want to write this dictionary to a text file and then I want to have a different python file read that text script read that text file and then turn that and then convert the text into the original [Music] dictionary wait I don't even need to do that hi Dad I uh I have I want to I want to make a list of all of the keys write that list of words to a text file and I want to have a different p and uh rebuild the list of words how do hey sounds like you got a fun coding project in mind I'll break this down into two parts after sending the mess messages to the client it's going to [Music] open finally got to catch my first ever dug duug stream and it just so happens to be at a 5 minute coding Adventure how's the stream been it's been a lot of coding we're this is going to be a five minute Adventure for sure I'm going to write all the words to a text file okay then in the text file we're going to we're going to write we're going to No we're going to we're going to here after every second we're going to open that file we're going to write to it for key in whitelist uh words Whit list. Keys we write a new word okay perfect Let's test that this is working the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active perfect so every word that I say is being listed as a separate [ __ ] thing right now perfect so it's being written to that text file that was stage one now stage two we're going to take this same Whit list backup we're going [Music] to Cheers TTS Redeemer up here we get the white list backup oh God there's a lot of [ __ ] in this we're don't worry about any of that okay this is my cheers Redeemer at this point I have the donation message from [Music] you we're going to read the files um reading keys from a file this is going to work this is going to work wait where' it go oh Whit less backup mods can we get a prediction that it works first try oh it's really right here Whit list backup read or line of file Keys list to pen strip now we [Music] have okay now I need the Rewritten message all right I get a little bit more time this is now uh okay now let's say I have a string called message uh cheer message I want to replace every how do I okay with Texas speech how do you make how do you do silence oops like we need we need to give giant gaps of time this needs here is a silent spot is it backslashes here is a silent spot right here it's backslashes okay like that here is a silent spot slash right here that just says slash we need to like have a gap of time it's forward slashes here is a silent spot backlash right here some people are able to do it how do they do it do I just do multiple periods I need CU we want like a big silent Gap right here is a silent spot right here too many spaces what if there's more spaces here is a silent spot right here you need a period Then the slashes here is a silent spot back slash right here normal TTS it's SL SL slash here is a silent spot right here oh wait that worked [Music] right here is a silent spot right here [Music] okay do you need the period yeah there is a silent spot no right here okay [Music] so now we need to make Rewritten message equal okay oh my God we're I think this is going to work first try now let's say have a string called cheer message I want to go through every word in cheer message and if that that word is inside the keys list that we just made then I replace the word with the following [Music] string [Music] this going to work first try okay we have the cheer m message which is reward input reward input is then words process each word in the message process words for word in words check if the words if we strip it and it's in the key list [Music] uh otherwise keep the word and then the final message Rewritten message equals join with process words I think that works okay it was a 10-minute coding Adventure but I think that's it and this is going to work first try and then oh right if they're not in uh if the word is in the list yeah I got this backwards thank you okay so our other program is going to write all of the words that I've said into a list one at a time this program once it's gotten a donation from you guys it is going to open up that file read all the lines and put all the lines into a list so now it has a list of all the words that I've said that are allowed now it's going to take the message that you said split it up into words and for each word in your message if it's in the list of allowed words over here then it continues it gets to go through otherwise it gets replaced with uh the backslashes perfect it works perfectly every time uh do we have a prediction going that is going to say that it works we do right okay 34% of people think that is is going to work first try it's not it's not that hard the [ __ ] t H key why would I do that whatever okay this is open this is running okay so I need to run cheer's Redeemer as a separate app oh that's running on 5151 [ __ ] hey Doug I just got off work I just wanted to say thank you for acting like you didn't know what you were doing the way I could watch you once I got off okay you're welcome I do what I can um hello one sec please hold why is it not getting the cheer action cheers 300 bits right to Q cheers a word info text pause State um the slash what slash it's the extra slash what what are you talking about oh right there [Music] okay it shouldn't have done anything really but [Music] whatever so now if I do a in the CSS font family cursive why didn't this show up then cheers should pop up now and have this um what is going on is streamer bot not working or am I missing something okay quick debug I don't know if it's hold on I don't think it's whether it's working or not yet I need to make sure that streamer bot is actually reading sheers that's not my code there might just be a setting I need to activate that I haven't such as are they in the action queue they are [Music] okay alt [Music] shift oh God this is everyone since the beginning of the [Music] stream [Music] so oh the only thing it said was okay a CU how do I how do I I just clear these I think if I just keep okay we run through them so that wasn't my code not working that was streamer bot being paused that's fine that's fine that's fine doesn't count don't worry about it don't even think about it no no no that's not a payout that doesn't count don't think about that a I have to go through every single text and speech message this happened okay these are the words that can be said time management thread is now active chat active irect so every word that I say being listed as a separate [ __ ] thing right now now it should go in Velp okay so why didn't it go what it broke I think hold on this is now the test if it's working or not because I had to like get through a shitload of of backed up things uh and then I need to refresh this there's a bunch of [ __ ] going on I am currently agreeing to be the test subject on my first ever stream for this okay good where streamer bot here's the thing I now need to manually UNC that [Music] it popped up for one [Music] second is this code even [Music] working was the code even working to start with hold on can I run a test uh simulate event Shear [Music] 500 why is it not working uh wait people are going psycho about payouts again Doug might need to start Banning some words again I mean this is not working I guess but I feel like just the streamer bot system is not working or something this is what I was doing like two weeks ago it's the same thing I haven't edited it and uh I'm not sure what's going on here for H whenever it involves stream Orbot it's uh extra confusing because then it's a program that I am not familiar with very much um test the trigger okay so so that works and that should Fade Out now I do test trigger is a so this is this is working why is it working right now what test trigger is a like this this is working is it working was it just like did so the reason I'm I'm saying it might be first try is cuz just the queue was backed up that's not my code not working that's just I needed to like flush out the Quee of actions to get so that new cheers actually get processed um and I can't tell if something is not working on my end or if uh if I'm not clear if somebody would somebody be willing to if you were going to do it anyway would you be willing to spend money and try cheering and see if it works CU it should these should be the only words that are allowed to be said right here in your message so it's like if you include a few of these words then it should show up it might be that if you didn't say oh it might be that if you didn't say any of these words it doesn't show up at all maybe that's why near the Archer thank you for the one year okay we got a couple thank you 19 video game testing this because testing this because I agreed to do this okay you didn't have any words in that are in here you have to say one of these words you can't get me to type oops [Music] say oh you said say so that that was processed correctly I missed it when we could only say pushing and popping Huggies please ban the person who post after for me wait what the [ __ ] not listed as a please ban the person who post after me I is it working I can't tell right uh I'm confus that list is so funny I am saying random words [ __ ] thing right after when I chat active Doug will you do another DND stream I know time management is a [ __ ] thing right now the delay is way too long uh I'm going to refund I think it is working it's just I'm going to refund the prediction it's like kind of working Paul also though the people screaming to get paid out are really annoying me so I'm just going to not give you money um so every word say I think this needs to be like maybe [Music] uh that's rigged but fair there's a several of you guys that are frothing at the mouth it's it's going to be okay you're going to survive um I think there's just too many slashes so it was just making it seem like okay cuz if a bunch of words get replaced with slashes so like here's a silent hello here is a silent spot right here SS this is pretty quick though I wonder why it was so quick here and so slow with my version I'm confused I'm going to turn off Texas beach on uh thank you qu is the code is running I just want to say thanks for being hilarious you made me want to stop Souls 3 with your vods thanks for being you you're welcome thank you thank you um I think we're almost I think it's like working basically we just need to let me reset it okay current the real Texas speech or normal Texas speech is off let me reset this um turn this off cheers Redeemer gets opened up again so oh it's also I think comparing it against um lowercase and stripping punctuation so we should do that too uh so we go back to uh only Doug words are allowed and we're writing to Whit list backup oh my God okay we're writing to wh list back sorry the person asked about D and D I don't know if I'll be doing that anytime soon at some point though okay so now if we run this the microphone thread is now active the list of words time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active okay these are the words that I have said that you are allowed to say [Music] you are seeing them update live why is there a gigantic word in between why is there a gigantic Gap in between the columns in between the rows literally nothing changed what wait okay so if I say a whole bunch of words it should be processed anyways and then the words that you're allowed to say are here and then this should be processed by the cheers which is currently running here but it's not getting any cheers from you why not is it cuz this Fred active there we go Fred [Music] active a these are words okay I think ladies and gentlemen it is working okay to recap um that is a list of all the words I've said in the last 60 seconds your message must contain those words additionally your text to speech messages must also include those words because otherwise it'll replace the words with a gap [Music] the only thing left to do is recap contain those words replace your Gap I guess or and will isn't there okay Jesus Christ after a three and a half minute coding Adventure okay code is off code is off hold on how long do we time you out for how long should the time out be if youing break the rule right now it's 30 seconds I feel like it should be like 5 minutes I don't know why the numbers are at the front of the list I don't care enough to figure that out right now that doesn't make sense oh it's because of sorting but why would that even have whatever I think 10 minutes wait it's 600 right [Music] I think 10 minutes is good you get punished but you can still hang out again in the future D you said I've and okay I do really like I do really like uh [Music] um you too is 3600s an hour I thought I did 600 I don't know I thought I did 600 okay now nightbot shouldn't get [Music] banned all right nightbot you're back okay okay I think I think this is fine and it's working the Tex of speech is working this is working you guys will be banned for 10 minutes now if you say it I high recommend not saying anything actually I need to go to the bathroom then we're going to do this it's it is all working right now the code is not currently on there weren't any issues right nightbot is now exempt he's not going to die anymore um Gap what do you mean Gap turn it on turn what on a speech that is just saying Gap you're just saying Gap the vertical Gap was too much oh yeah yeah yeah um style that's CSS ver a u where the hell is vertical Gap column Gap oh it's column the height all right we'll do like seven I mean it's fine now I'll leave it at 10 it's fine now it just was [ __ ] up at the beginning add font family cursive that's funny but um little too too bad H this this works it works all right um thank you for joining this two and a half hour coding Adventure I think the first hour was I think it's been three hours this was such a long coding Adventure but you just give everybody give yourself a pogies you were [Music] here I'm going to go to the bathroom and then I'm going to play Elden ring [Music] randomizer I don't want to turn on the code cuz I haven't said anything I I by definition you will just get banned for 10 minutes okay don't text to [Music] speech oh I don't strip out cheer do I not do that let me see oh no no no I removed the cheer so you're fine assuming you cheer at the beginning if you cheer later then it's fine if you do cheer 300 at the beginning of your message that gets stripped so that's fine oh my God my brain is so fried holy [ __ ] uh be right back please enjoy the following song while you look at the chair because speech this [Music] [Music] r [Music] [Music] [Music] ball fuchi [Music] ball [Music] [Music] oh [Music] for [Music] do all right it is time we're good to go what is happening okay so much [ __ ] open close that close that what is in open here close that close that close that close that don't need Paint open El r okay my brain is so fried you actually look cooked I already woke up feeling not great and front end just destroys my brain all right now after a long ass amount of time I'm going to play elen Ring randomizer that means all the enemies and items are randomized got to start a new game I think Elden ring is fun for challenges I I don't hate Elden ring I just hated part of it I love some and I hated [Music] some going to start a new file all the enemies are randomized I have to get to marget and beat whatever boss is at marget but you guys can only say messages including words that I've said in the last 60 seconds they will be displayed at the top of the screen let me turn on the code you get banned for what is it 10 minutes 10 minutes the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active word word uhoh hello a lot of people are being banned what is is it not working is the code not on wait don't don't say things okay wait wait here we go here we go all right now these are now you have a lot of words now you have a lot of words to a lot of people died you can say any of the things that I've said just now okay there you go there's so many amazing words that you guys can say those that's what is allowed right now just focus on those words a lot of lot of people are still getting banned for 10 minutes okay these words are amazing yes thank you these are good words these are good words okay so only the words that I've said in the last 60 seconds are allowed that's also true for Texas speech it'll just mute any words that aren't allow people died that was a lot oh I did say that okay working do not said focus on getting banned okay I don't know why the numbers are at the top left with that being said let us begin Elden ring in three two wait no I'll start it when I what the hell okay we can look at the items that my guy has uh he has fist Punchy things that could be funny uh ideally I want to do a melee build who what is hero like ooh that that looks good as turtle shell okay I'm going to do that do you get to the district very often hi pointcrow what am I saying of course you don't hey welcome in to all the point Crow viewers go ahead and say your favorite classic line say your classic line from pointcrow enjoy your bands um yeah no you can't you can only sit here what what what words do you want oh yeah Point Crow is allowed but you have to be it has to be two different words apparently um I'm not sure if punctuation matters or not I forget if I set it up that way oh but yeah so for the point Crow viewers you're only allowed to say words in chat that I've said in the last 60 seconds so that's why a lot of you guys are getting banned yeah that's you said banned with three exclamation marks I think that was I think that got you so we'll see you in 10 minutes lot a lot of people yeah anyway so um just be sure to only say things I've said here I'll give you some of your favorite words what does pointcrow say poin care I'll give you variations of Point Crow Point Crow pun Crow pun Crow pun Crow girl blunt P care Point cool Point C Point C Point cool poor girl all right so those are all the ways you can talk about your favorite streamer Point Crow anyways thanks Point Crow for the raid um I don't know if you got banned or not you might have been banned all right so I'm going to be uh kicking off the game and our goal is to beat marget uh Ready Set it's removing the old words right yes it is okay cool [Music] go oh it's not morgot it's marget [Music] it's hold on I'll say whatever he says and we'll see what comes up the great Elden ring the great Elden ring was shattered in our home in our home across the fog the lands between lands between here I'll use my voice changer now now Queen Mar Queen Marica the Eternal is nowhere is nowhere to be found and in the night of and in the night of the black knives Godwin the golden Godwin the golden first was first to perish soon soon America's Offspring demigods all claimed the shards claimed the shards of the Elden ring the M taint the Mad Tain of their new found strength triggered the shattering now you can't say mad taint that'll get you banned only taint a war from which no long well now you can say mad taint a war leading to a war abandonment War leading to abandonment by the greater will two you have have to say legal words noonest he dead he dead live who yet live Gates the call of long lost the call of long lost Grace To Us speaks to us all can see great to war hu chief of the bath the ever the ever brilliant gold mask fear fear the deathbed companion eat hello subj andan of the all knowing who speaks legal words and there was one tarist of no great Renown again bless a tarnished of no Renown Siran off near cross the some jug you barely got that in in time dude just to be clear if you do a donation and your message doesn't have the words in it you also get banned but your message will be read either way it's just not with the uh not with the illegal words the Elden Lord and become the Elden Lord okay you can say Elden Lord yes oh god oh I was tabbed out Jo thought it wasn't working okay well uh time for uh time for elen [Music] ring don't talk about my illegal Lord like [Music] that now with an Elden ring randomizer you really don't know how hard it's going to be if margets some easy ass boss then this is going to take like 10 total minutes marget not Market marget the fell someone said ass Market um look marget fell [ __ ] hold on also does anybody know does punctuation and capitalization matter I don't think so I think it's displayed with punctuation and capitalization but that I turned it I changed it so that you don't actually have to follow it I'm pretty sure yeah yeah I saw somebody say ass [ __ ] in caps and they didn't get they didn't get banned so cool punctuation does not seem to matter I don't think so as [Music] Market oh I can beat this guy first boss one shot yes or no I never fought this guy in the real game but he looks like a [Music] [ __ ] I'm so good at this [Music] [ __ ] first at Market Oh I thought I could oh ow oh [ __ ] I heing huh B ow what okay well that doesn't count he fought like a [ __ ] ideally you guys try to create new sentences based on what I've said you have to you have to rear arrange these puzzle pieces into new Incredible Creations that we can all share real [ __ ] [ __ ] he looks like [ __ ] shut up that was legal to say he looks like [ __ ] huh interesting one sec I'm going to get be silent for a bit so it can clear out don't worry torrent Fortune is on his side we found him here after we all share incredible silent creations true I get you have that's sad l i want you guys to be able to laugh LOL LOL haaa OMG LOL OMG lamu hold on let me get my uh oh where's my phone oh I found it I'm finding a joke where's joke [Music] haaha LOL T he l o haha l u l hey guys why can't a leopard hide because he's always spotted oh chat loves me they love my joke yes dude I can't [ __ ] miss with this with this application literally you're banned if you don't laugh at my joke I guess now you're spotting leopards and laughing lamu spotted okay uh God damn this is such a good idea as a streamer if you just ban people who don't laugh at your jokes like you are [ __ ] set okay let us move on to the tutorial of knowledge or whatever Doug your joke sucked can somebody ban that pole um flasks all right I'm going to go through the tutorial area then we're going to run towards Ward marget or whoever marget is oh God there's a dog that's fine these guys are so hard [Music] okay okay there's a suck there's a magic hand that's not good ooh okay yes I know how to guard thank you oh I'll kill this guy uh is this supposed to be like way harder are the enemies scaled or [Music] what oh [ __ ] no no no no no no I need to kill this [Music] [ __ ] I don't need [Music] [ __ ] can I can I just skip this part this seems awful magic [ __ ] I just I this feels really hard n need harder [ __ ] this guy need [ __ ] hard okay all right well you know who needs [ __ ] hard is that hand I think we agree on that I hard magic [ __ ] I the enemies are extremely goddamn hard this is not on me ow I thought Jesus Christ man I thought he would take a second nobody talk about Jesus getting magic [ __ ] by the way I don't want to piss off my Christian audience anymore God [Music] damn I need to kill the skeleton cuz he's shooting goddamn arrows at me you know what I'm not this is impossible [Music] this is a what this hand [Music] is this hand is the millenia of Dark Souls this is [ __ ] this is the third enemy in the game it's supposed to be scaled down can I leave the cave of knowledge can I I can't get through the tutorial I'm I want to get out let me out God damn it I the I here just you you can donate again I just got back from the pub and I ordered pizza does anybody want any okay now you should be able to Red donate that if you want [Music] ow all right hand we meet again I'm going to draw him out here I'm going to try finger butthole on this [ __ ] Jesus Christ [Music] man he has so much health it's not fair oh he's stuck never mind he's not [Music] stuck the hand is impossible don't talk about fingering Jesus's [ __ ] [Music] why' you get why' you get banned dark knut it might be punctuation let me check let me see if punctuation gets you [Music] banned pogies okay now you guys can react to the I'm turning off the code the code is currently off um I think right now it's leaving your punctuation in oh no no I remove it here if the if your word without punctuation matches one of my simplified Words which also is lowercase remove punctuation I just I don't understand why you got um here out D KN one dark KN do you understand why you got timed out for that I just want to make my sure my code is working you said Jesus Christ comma do the tutorial shouldn't that have been legal why'd you get banned um I think the word do had just expired oh okay okay okay I I assumed it was um yeah I could just I could do the translation up here well key to translate remove punctuation yeah I can just do this here makes that simpler uh so first we we first we remove the punctuation then we lower case it then we split it so punctuation should not matter get B the oh crap that's still yeah you get okay also I don't need the print that we're Banning somebody that's taking us too much time okay I think we're good ready to resend it I got banned for a comma so punctuation is going to be removed so that should mean if would just a comma get you banned that would just be like an empty word then so that might be the problem I used commment it was fine I think it's fine you should it basically it shouldn't matter what it should do is it takes all the words I've said and it lowercases them and removes all the punctuation then it takes all the words you've said and it lower cases it removes all the punctuation and then it Compares them so capitalization and punctuation should not matter at all um did I code this perfectly with no problems whatsoever of course I did cuz I've never written a bug in my life but that I just yeah I've seen a couple people seem confused about that I don't think you're stripping out the starting Sho and still ban me well so what what I'm oh oh oh here yeah yeah yeah yeah um there's no way unfortunately you're going to get banned if you Che I don't know a way to avoid that because I just see your cheer as text and if I allow cheer 300 to be to go through that means everybody could say sheer 300 and not get banned that's the problem then it's like a it's a permanent whitelisted word um but then everyone would give you money no no no like you could just start your word with cheer 300 you just do this oh it forces you to cheer I didn't know that okay so uh okay that's easy then why is yes I can do that then um let's do very very very quick coding can you just say cheer 300 every minute that is another solution is that I just keep saying cheer 300 at you guys I have a string in Python um I want to check if cheer 300 is at the beginning of the string and if so remove it from the string how do sure this is one simple line of code but I don't know how to do I'll off to H my head um if it starts with cool why can't I highlight this it's broken cool can't do okay whatever I'll just copy it um all right so we get your chat words we will say if um okay message equals message. content oh no I can't do that um um starting message message. content if starting message. starts with uh and then it starts with cheer 300 then we will say starting message equals starting message but with the length of tier 300 cool that should work right do it yeah I guess that way the text doesn't matter okay it's a little bit janky but that's fine we lowercase it we check if cheer 300s at the beginning if so we remove it then we remove the punctuation then we split into words that all should that should all run it correctly yeah y colon after the length call oh you're right you're right right yes cool what if it's more than 300 you are only allowed to give me 300 bits you are literally going to get banned if you give me more money than that I also don't know why your message rescue Ranger just popped up and then immediately went away yeah and also if you only if you cheer only like a hundred you also get why is it hold on what is that what is going on there receive this from the file oh because it's getting it's an empty oh it's cheers with new messages are causing weirdness got it what the [ __ ] why is it doing that okay code randomly stopped working I don't get why um oh right I'm doing nothing with starting message that is important uh and then starting message trans there we go thank you uh okay the cheers thing should be back I don't know why it would have [Music] um not worked streamer bot is here here action Q we have no pinning actions that should all be good so theoretically if somebody cheer 300s now they shouldn't be banned let's find out if it works the microphone thread is now active oh be be careful be careful the time management thread is now active careful the twitch chat thread is now active you'll now be banned be careful oh there's some sort of issue hold on hold on move function uation careful careful careful remove punctuation reference before assignment punctuation split hold on uh it's off it's off oh right up here blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah okay that was not working it was not able to ban any of you so you were fine the microphone thread is now fluctuation the time management thread is now active the T thread is now active be [Music] careful okay is it working now on time careful be time now time for the best Elden Ring Of My Life B be careful be [Music] vigilant all right hand booy we meet again this time you're oh my God you'll be the one who's fingered Jesus Christ it is okay best time how did that oh my God just go all the way just kill him just [ __ ] kill him yes oh oh I defeated the final boss of Elden ring be vigilant my life is working Christ is fingered did I say F oh God those were those time for the best of my life Jesus Christ you said fingering fingering you I only had said fingered so far I don't think I had Jesus Christ fingered hand [Music] B you'll be fingered Jesus Christ time yeah good good Jesus for help okay B this time [ __ ] Jesus Christ let's focus on other wholesome Christian familyfriendly words oh [ __ ] that dude's one of the lightning [Music] Knights there's a PO that thing of Jesus Christ wait you can't do the pot friend emote it's cuz that's one word you're going to get banned if you try to pot friend don't pot friend holy [ __ ] this guy's hard pot friend will oh my God ban [Music] you all [Music] right wholesome Christian fingering Jesus me saying combos of Jesus Christ and exclaiming that I'm an with a character has bad potential here okay okay oh you pot will this a gargoyle no bat I'm [Music] stupid all right some of these guys are easy as hell is this the guy who [Music] explodes is this guy going to explode is this guy going to explode is this guy going to explode okay that's not fair that's a lightning [ __ ] this is like an endgame Guy this is not fair and now I run like a coward Jesus Christ okay that's fine isn't this one of the B oh my God how how light are you you're not easy at all we're going for the boss this is a plague night this is too hard coward is lightning isn't this supposed to be like kind of easy isn't it supposed to be scaled down ooh [Music] [Music] jellyfish okay I don't think we're being followed [Music] I'm G to give it a second and then I'm going to cram a jellyfish into this man's anuse I will tear this man aunder with my sword [Music] first try pogies I'm just getting it ready who's that oh it's another dualist all right dualist of godric we go for the back swing nice te Man jellyfish we get him in the anus again [Music] get him in the back okay nice hus tier well don't say that like that no we get godc in the anus again first try pogies [Music] [Music] oh no Doug is great at Elden ring no no I'm panicking No more healing what does that even mean what does that even mean what does that even mean no no no Doug is packing get him in the rear no I [ __ ] rolled I pr I hate this game this is why I don't like Elden ring now I have to fight the finger oh the I have to fight the finger and then the Duelist Jesus Christ all right oh wait no no finger yeah yeah you're right you're right no finger no finger because of the the stake of Marka or Marcus whatever the [ __ ] name is twitch [Applause] chat oh that really that hit twitch chat is [ __ ] oh how did I not get a B how did I [Music] not get him in the r here why is he not getting him scoop him like Plunge in there [Music] dude why that should pork him that should why I pressed it I this game tilts me so much dude scoop him scooping [Music] Mia about to oh my God clch the re scoop the rear the re [ __ ] I'm about to plunge into a new adventure get out of here I'm not going for the heal I'm going big and bold poggy Doug did it first [Music] try here's what's going to happen he's going to walk straight at me and I'm just going to go for it [ __ ] kill him this is what I call the double [Music] scoop that's why they call me double scoop Doug you know you're getting two scoops when you come into my stream free samples and two [Music] scoops [Music] okay all right all right I'm going to [ __ ] dog [ __ ] double scoop free samples I am now going to go to marget and see what the boss is if it's an easy boss I just do it first try pogies POG [Music] champ honestly with my big ass turtle shell my one-handed sword this is my build even though this was random this was my build this is what I needed also I need to remember to say LOL occasionally so you guys can laugh or haha LOL that way if somebody in chat says a funny thing you can acknowledge them if it's an easy hog just do it I bet the hog will be easy okay A lot of people are having a good time in chat right now l l there we go you got LOL hog sword we someone said hog champ can we what oh oh [Music] gamble once once I get to Margaret then yes L you look terrible he wearing pants Oh yes to the land I love that look R light shirt no pants metal gloves unun for you however you are Maiden I am not Maiden oh there's a boat dude I can kill him and without an invitation round t hold you are you only one of those words was legal you can't look you guys are going to have to tell a dad joke in Texas speech here's my challenge to you okay we're going to see if you can tell a funny joke in text of speech only using the words that I say in the following website about dad jokes okay that's what you have to go off of what uh how do moths wait if I tell you the joke then you'll just say it I just need to read out a bunch of words okay I'll give you the most common words in English most common words in English language Maiden spoke dude okay I'm going to give you the 100 most common words and you have to make a funny message okay article verb preposition prep oh sorry the B two of and a in that have i it for not on with he ask you do at this but his by Form they we say her she or and will my one all would there there what so up out if about who Bunch words moths who get which me when make can like time no just him no take people into year you're good some could them see other than then now look only come it's overthink also back after used two how our work first well way even want because new any these give day most us okay let's see what the joke is I have w got him got [Music] him no it only does got him moths come hold on I think I need to make the cheers thing slightly different [Music] see hold on Texas speach is off Texas speach is off Don't Panic do not panic it should be back on Texas beach Texas beach panic all right hold on I make sure Panic yo you only said one word that was legal there okay okay no do not panic repeat after me chat I will not panic about the Texas beach what I was doing by the way is the cheer messages should now stay on screen for longer after finishing they were disappearing too quickly Panic about Texas now it goes away cool that's working I will Panic do not okay nobody panic but there's a boat the Texas speech I will Panic about Texas speech legal [Music] here repeat after me chat [Music] panic I will Panic about [Music] Beach I panic after finishing too quickly how did you get that how did you even put that [Music] together I apologize I need to pee you know what I'm not even going to say the word that you guys love to say when I go to the bathroom I'm going to deprive you of that pleasure I will say related things seat platform that together bottom vehicle object tall squishy the back support Wheels have fun guys love bathroom pleasure [Music] [Music] Doug is good at 2D Platformers dog is [Music] 2D that's not even correct is good at 2D plat thank you you don't get banned Doug is bug bug is 2D all right that's we're really having a good conversation here is not good at 2D [Music] Platformers how did you get not de is not good at 2D Platformers oh God damn it I said not whatever all right we're moving on I'm going to kill the boat man D is not correct because I am good at 2D Platformers let's just say I'll be plundering into a manner of Time Adventure mods if you want to do a prediction does Doug plunder the boat man with his first [Music] finger 30 seconds though it's going to be over [Music] soon The Boatman is good at 2D Platformers no I'm great at it I'll be plundering it to Doug don't talk about fingering the mods this is a Christian family friendly stream for virgins Doug boat dude this weapon rips ass this is such a good weapon for a randomizer and I staggered him uhoh okay well that the boat came out of nowhere that nobody could have dodged that okay don't talk about don't say fingering mods virgins oops Christian ass good weapon it's not look that is the final kill right oh no no not right there right here final weapon another clean dub for mein's that's kind that's not really how the Bible [Music] worked kill Chris who's Chris Chris look why is Chris one of the words ass isn't there anymore you can't say it well now you can say it wait a minute if I got that remembrance can I cash that in for a bunch of money use use 30,000 Souls holy [ __ ] I'm [Music] rich I am the Jeff Bezos of Dark [Music] Souls holy ass dude that is insane so I just happen to randomly get like one of the biggest item jumps in the game that is nuts what no it's not um [ __ ] okay golden Rune one oh wait he's going to have this guy's going to have random items too and I could afford anything now cuz I'm filthy rich I can see it like that you're not then why not all right what do you got for sale purchase um we've got is not you biggest nuts when did I say that today for oh my God today for sale we have the following stimulating B nuts for sale invigorating white cured meat Crystal dark [Music] keas Beast blood slumbering egg somber smithing Stone we have got for sale smithing stone three smithing Stone one that's pretty good actually living jar shard land octopus overy oh my God stimulating invigorating Beast meat somber smithing Stone two wait is that I have a one and then a stimulating and then a two and then a three no that's a normal smithing Stone here Celestial de crafting kit we stimulating white meat Ash of war shield crash redon spear oh it's an Arrow I was like holy stimulating octopus meteor bolt oh my God I'll allow you guys to be excited about something black key bolt lightning great bolt it's not actually very helpful unless I can upgrade my weapon now I was smithing overy I need another smithing Stone to upgrade okay honestly though really good shot oh my God Black Bolt let's go we're going to go find melan melan there we go oh I'll make it so you guys can sing along to the song dunun There we go my oh sorry radioactive need good thank you it good [Music] okay what is this I have a staff interesting [Music] Molina D Dan can you sing along [Music] radi like you were a little late on the radio on everything else Radioactive Radioactive okay chat we're going to do sing along Pepsi man [Music] PS okay chat a Pepsi [Music] man there aren't many other words words in this [Music] song we're going to Pepsi [Music] man Pepsi man aren't there many other words in this Pepsi [Music] song [Music] Pepsi [Applause] [Music] [Music] pepsy man [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no wrong spot [Music] stop rotating hold on no wrong Pepsi Jesus Take the Wheel Charlie thank you for the five gifted [Music] Subs p man Pepi Pepi Pepi man Pepi Pepi Pepsi man Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi man Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi man [Music] thank you subs for the Pepsi all right that was a really good song um right what the hell is that five gifted Pepsi thank you oh it's a crab okay thank you man that was really good thanks thank you I do try all right I should get melan here and then I can level up a lot Pepsi man do Pepsi man Melanie should level up a lot you guys are making coherent sentences this is insane greetings greetings traveler traveler from Beyond the Frog Jesus Take the Wheel Dragon thank you for the 10 gifted Subs CH get Pepsi sorry Pepsi wasn't allowed it's Melanie our favorite I I offer you an accord I laugher you have you heard of the things laugher these aren't words they serve there's three variations of offer none of which are correct and a to the tarnish okay wait it's get it's timing out a shitload of you guys I don't know why I off for you a Pepsi I can play the role of all okay wait a whole bunch of you guys are going to timed out chicken Pepsi our favorite people are getting timed out for laugher I don't know why oh does have to be [Music] capitalized wait hold on I'm resetting it it's it's turned off why are you guys getting timed out for for laugher laugher I saw a bunch of people get timed out for it here I'll reduce the uh the ban in case it's like not a correct ban it's 10 minutes currently we'll do 5 minutes or something doesn't need to be a ton they were saying lawyer were they misspelling it I saw a bunch of people get banned uh I can't I don't see it anymore it's too far too far back I was banned incorrectly for saying [ __ ] Jesus most people appear to be being banned correctly I will I will reduce the band timer even more to make it slightly less unfair I that's the thing it shouldn't have any issues but part of it might be that you guys are just on a delay Jesus Take the Wheel phone users might have been autoc corrected mono Cabello thank you for the five gifted Subs I appreciate it it was a different language I wonder if there's something I was doing though 10 minutes is fine I just feel bad if the code is doing something wrong it's it's enough that you're still like incentivized not to break the rule I mean we can do like 250 or something but we'll do we'll do five minutes meet in the middle that's fine I said the wrong version of come okay happens to us all we've all been banned in a twitch stream before um laer worked it it was working for a bunch of people and then wasn't working for some I was seeing several people getting banned for doing laugher laugher laugher and all three versions of laugher so I don't capitalization shouldn't matter at all because let me just double check this so I get your Twitch chat message I remove the punctuation from it I lowercase it yes yes yes yes I sorry I don't remove the punctuation yet I lowercase it uh if it has cheer 300 I remove that uh then I remove punctuation here and then I split it into words so it's lowercase words without punctuation and then and then same thing here the key that we're you're checking against so basically the the words that are allowed are also lowercased and have their punctuation removed I'm doing this here rather than at the beginning cuz that way they're displayed with the punctuation so it shows like how I set it but you don't have to worry about that it was an I not an l but what do you mean it was an I not n oh it was ey offer not laugher oh okay so everybody was saying laugher oh got it got it got it okay that's confusing wait oh so you're saying it was a capital I like it wasn't it wasn't I offer it was capital I offer that's [ __ ] up that's funny there's a lot of people are banned right now because of that that's really funny it's absolutely [ __ ] destroyed by my voice program oh [ __ ] sorry hold on I need to warn you um just got here how are symbols and numbers and [ __ ] can we go back to the game Melanie was about to give a Honda aord there's a capital I not a lowercase L well you guys just need to be on your toes okay please use camel case I thought you're supposed to not use camel case in Python and that you are supposed to use camel case for JavaScript I'm trying to follow conventions here laugher and ey offer look exactly the same okay somebody said I should add that the this rules these rules apply to Texas beach to and maybe I'm being a dick and I'm scamming my viewers but I think it's really funny when somebody Tunes in and then they say hey Doug just want to say I love your videos and all it says is like Doug I and then it just ends that's so funny that's really funny snake KES for python everything else is just wrong I don't even what is snake case is that is that this where you just underscore in between all the words I really like how readable this is I think it's more readable than camel case I think it's funny and I feel a little bad but I think it's funny okay we are activating this again Everybody Get Ready Get out your final words Mary cury okay wait hold on quick break are there any words that you guys want to request we're not still coding that's a separate thing I need to figure out by the way is the encoding of uh text coming from Channel points some of the characters get translated into weird stuff I was looking into that I'll fix it all right sorry any requests for words you want to be able to say grandmother coffee vasectomy chair emotes I won't be able to get the program to recognize the name of emotes there's no way I mean we can try yeah Paul Rudd's not going to go through uh what what what are like Global emotes what are Global emotes on Twitch that are just normal words like a ideally like a single word L is one w i i could do s I think this font's good I think this font's good I'm going to leave it like this for now it's kind of funny if there's if there's issues clap yeah people can clap I can whitelist LOL have you it see this is that's so funny that's so funny that I think you know you got to learn the hard way all right Welcome to the Real World kiddo okay all right all right all right um twitchcon hype there's no way they'll get that leunk I don't think it's going to get leunk pot friend I already tried it's not going to do that popcorn it could do clap it could do um I think L popcorn clap Bop could work dino dance I think will just be will just it'll just be Dino space dance any of my emotes it'll get confused and think it's Doug Doug Doug space Doug space whatever any of the pride emotes it's it's going to treat as two words right I don't anything that has two words it has to be like a one-word emote for it to work all right let's let's try it the code is activating careful the microphone thread is now active the time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active Okay clap clap [Music] clap thank you thank [Music] you popcorn clap popcorn [Music] L dino dance you clap okay it didn't do it as one word I getting emotes is going to be so [Music] hard what other emotes are [Music] there cat Jam [Music] cat [Music] Jam cat [Music] Jam I know popcorn emotes thank you emotes are hard what are the what are the other what are the other Global emotes let me see if I can get any other emotes for you guys oh I need to make sure you have clap in case I get any of them forehead forehead no it needed to be the number four colon open parenthesis M that did not work less than three less than three I don't want to hear about your open colon asexual Pride did not get hard bop baby rage bat chest Bible thump cool cat clap these are all two words Doritos chip Earth Day I th Pope and colon gross gay pride give please koola sexual Bible gun run hey guys baby these are all multiple words I probably intentionally ja jait hey guys give G please jabed jait cool g j baited she baited sorry we can't get jaed working oh oh oh here we go this one will work Kappa clap clap Pride close nice we've got [Applause] Kappa Craig ASM it's not a Craig ASM Craig Asm Craig ASM k r e y g m clap oh my God I got [Laughter] it Craig a clap wait L chunk no no no no no no it's a Pokemon L chunk l e c u oh no it got it Le chunk it got Pokemon okay this is a little getting a little weird um Mr Destructoid o SF r o okay so I can just spell letters okay I can get this any emote [Music] then p o g c h a m p clap chunk clunk okay I just need to spell out POG champ and clap for whenever I'm about to beat a boss oh and Pog P pogies Dan POG the CEO of twitch okay all right all right oh we can do our favorite song s SM o r k i mean sorry s SM o r c who who no no we need the right spelling CL who ho o we got it all right let's play Olden ring I accept yeah come on you should be able to do smor too [Music] right it's capital S capital m capital O and then RC or are you banned for it COO of who are people getting banned for smorc should be able the capital no ban no able oh like it just doesn't let you at all that's weird okay all right all right we've successfully hoed let's let's move on to playing video games the way it was meant to be played which is this stupid ass way summon Me by grace to turn runes into strength ah another matter I be to you I bequeath to you this ring and this Honda Accord spectral Steed whistle use it to Traverse great distances mhm it will summon a spectral Steed named torrent torrent torent has chosen you torrent has chosen me treat him with respect treat him with respect summon Ste Hond C come to me Honda Accord all righty now I have we too many runes right now because of the remance I got now this is about to be a pretty awesome amount of of leveling up for the beginning of the game and so I just want to prep everybody emotionally for what's about to happen which is that I'm going to increase my health as many times as I can everybody ready you need two things no you need one word treat my with respect ass wasn't in there k r e y g a m Craig ASM okay you got to capitalize it correctly it's not Craig ASM it's Craig craigm it's okay now you got it and all right everybody ready for leveling up here we go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 levels in Vigor oh feels [ __ ] good Craig is in my ass that's not dude how much health do I have now this is going to be insane ready for Kraig us all right well oh I have like three times the amount of Health oh I'm so [ __ ] good at Elden ring all right y'all Let's uh let's keep moving why did emotionally and prep was not there um let's see how do I [ __ ] I not I not played this for a while Ah that's how pouch Works inventory no no no no no equipments how do you how do you change your pouch oh oh switch I have not played this in a little bit okay there we go now we get torrent let's 345 septian 678 setian 9910 quintillion 111 quadrillion 213 trillion 45 Bon 60 mil 7188 someone said let's [ __ ] emotionally change looks the most aggressive wanting to work on your mental health that I've ever heard [ __ ] all right all right I'm going to I'm going to clear it out I'm going to let it sit for a second let's let's reset our word bank I am running to marget right now wait instead of a giant up there it's just one dog okay oh there's still a giant never mind ow [Music] ow O I got a [Music] Helm reset our dog dog ow uh let's grab this great now I can tailor things oh my God [Music] [Music] everybody's been crafted oh my God Jude stop I'm in a convers I'm having a conversation right now stop stop why did it do no damage oh I don't have a weapon Jesus Christ okay as you were saying everyone's everybody's been grafted everyone everyone who came with me they crossed the sea for me they fought for me sea only to have their arms taken only to have their arms taken their legs taken even their heads taken taken and stuck taken and stuck to the spider did you know chat yes or no do I kill the grafted lady because I would get an item and it's random and it could be a really good item is allowed you're right a lot of people are saying sometime Jesus came kill lady I don't okay her name is not Jesus I am you're all on your own are you you're heading to stormill Castle enticed by the one in the white mask so you've come to be with the spider that makes us two peas and a pod I don't have your but I don't have your courage it's scary you know it's scary you know having your arms cut off or legs or your head or your head I want to be like everyone else I'm just too scared I'm nothing but a craven I am so sorry I am going to kill you because you might have precious loot you can call me Craven all you [Music] want I hope Jesus Christ forgives me come on [Music] here Jesus Christ forgives all right uh oops apparently you can't kill her I didn't even plan on it anyways Craven you're scary I'm going to go to Margaret and see what he is and then let's re-evaluate if this is doable to beat right now here we go it's not Margaret marget oh this guy [Music] jellyfish oh there's a lobster there's a [Music] lobster okay and this guy's just sitting here can I beat it right now to Jesus Christ don't say that [Music] all right ladies and gentlemen we are at marget the speedrun ends when I beat whoever this boss is wait I even found a helmet do I put it on oh yeah we throw on the twin Helm that look bad [ __ ] ass I look boss if you will Lobster is boss Lobster is not the [Music] boss we're doing a prediction speed [ __ ] us I'm sure you do I'm sure you don't last long at all all right prediction beat it does Doug beat marget first try whoever it is is yes or [Music] no I believe I beat Lobster us or I'm a sniveling sweating little coward who doesn't believe that Doug's a badass Lobster [ __ ] us if you think I can't go whoop some Lobster [Music] ass [ __ ] a addiction [Music] you have 30 seconds to get your prediction in us as I walk towards the boss I beat it [Music] sweating why people I'm seeing people get timed [Music] for Doug's a sniveling little coward oh You misspelled sniveling that's why okay I think most of the people getting banned are typos Dougs a sniveling coward yeah somebody said sniveling coward another person but spelled sniveling wrong another person said Dougs it's supposed to be Doug Doug's a [Music] coward okay I'll I'll give you a lot of like scary words this way whoever the boss is you guys can express your horror and fear of the boss ghastly ghoulish maab mob it means scary that's Machop whatever fantasm fear the spine tingling the horror goulish C he's presumably he will not be a corn on the cob blood curdling creaky howl shadowy no howl like a dog howls no not owl lurking Crypt tackle we're ready for the boss who is going to be this [ __ ] crackling Lobster [Music] man okay I'm going to skip the cut scene and the boss is oh my God the gurgles that's not good Jesus Christ no grey we're ready for a oh Jesus oh no oh oh no oh jeez okay okay this is fine it's why is it so loud the game got five times [Music] louder I do no damage to him ow it's fine creaky Jesus it's a gargoyle uh-oh okay I'm turning down it's so loud no no no no okay got I'm a little early on that all right this is fine now that I've learned his patterns I can't die oh God you know what get it ready clap POG champ Jesus Christ he did it first try okay okay I'm seeing a lot of POG Champs thank you thank you Chad I appreciate it thank you Chad he died first try I maybe should have gone for damage instead of Health Chad Christ poke champ Jesus Chad Christ okay well I can do it I just never fought this guy in in the normal game Chad first try okay I've turned the code off you can talk any requests for words for the fight oh yeah I can pay out the prediction I liked creaky Jesus uh try two-handing the weapon but I love the shield The Shield's so good spawn roier oh can I even do that I feel like that's kind of cheating give us bum fuzzle and caddy Wampus what marget speech voice I guess I could change the Texas speech voice to use my marget impression which is funny conceptually that that should literally be a two-minute coding Adventure let me check the thing dog Market if this doesn't work within two minutes I will I will stop all right don't do text to speech do not do text to speeech it's going to be off it is not going to be working um okay so instead of the voice oh I don't know if it's going to handle the audio the same way actually let me see all right let me see what this sounds like I don't know if it'll create spaces like this if you know the enemy and you need not crusty Jesus okay that works that's actually pretty funny all right are we uh I could do that so the text audio is going to be again the code is not running right now instead of this final TTS equals uh do I have 11 Labs manager in here turn on 11 Labs manager and then it is should just be this right yep the file name oh voice and then voice equals okay it should question mark um work let me see oh but it it depends on what the current legal words are the current legal words Champs Christ um see so this should just work um how do I do a test of it sorry to ask this I don't think I have a way to test this through streamer bot would somebody mind doing a 300 bit donation but then use these words like Christ or Champs or POG or thank or you or some of the words okay Chad I'm seeing just this guy instead Champs what sa it what happened Christ did not save what is Christ Champs POG you think why what why is it not using the new voice Champs oh it broke immediately save his waves f h let me try this again I'm sorry it you did get scammed a little bit you have that line in the code right down yeah yeah yeah um now it should if you say some of these things it should use the funny voice although it needs to wait oh wait one sec one sec one sec it takes a little while to boot up because once this once we see a big block of text Pop the timer will be fine it will survive why does it take a minute to load I don't know so this is 11 Labs who does the a who like creates the AI voices and for some reason to initiate it there we go you see this all dropped retrieving my information from the server takes a lot of time for some reason I'm not sure why so it should now be working pause champ maybe Serv flash tears Redeemer except somebody just got scammed duck duck smoke ears didn't go through at all do I have to oh maybe I have to manually do this I'm a Chad seeing Christ okay yeah all right we have the new voice Christ wait was pogs not in there it's POG not pogs that's that's why thank you appreciate a lot of POG Champs all right everybody we're going the microphone thread is now active once you hear the twitch thread is now active time management thread is now active the twitch chat thread is now active gaming Chad Jesus Christ Chad gaming starts [Music] now all right you crusty gargoyle [ __ ] I will not fall off of the platform that would have been embarrassing that still hit what the [Music] [ __ ] this guy's a little [ __ ] [Music] dude okay somebody wanted me to say wans oh that is a long ass weight dude do you really need to take 15 goddamn seconds to ow okay there are a lot of attacks to learn but that's fine need to turn down I really should be heing I don't know why I'm not [Music] healing that still hits damn I got to really Dodge that [Music] hard okay so I got behind him during that got it sorry I haven't been talking much chat I got to give you some more words uh-oh I got porked I got porked really bad I have no more healing okay he put my foolish Ambitions to rest um I think I will get it within five tries has a third of the way and I still don't even know how things work I'm doing a prediction does Doug beat it within five tries including the two that just happened so I get three more foolish words foolish words hello wait is it the cheers aren't working oh just just do Christ Jesus [ __ ] long ass godamn started gaming I think if there aren't any words that they're allowed is she's just going to moan at us all right take three this is the one I believe Christ sorry you guys got scammed a little bit I apologize [Music] sorry if if you don't have any words that are legal I think he's just going to yell at us so please use legal words oh God damn it I'm in Poison no no no no no no no Jesus Christ is no I fell God damn [Music] it Jesus is crusty Jesus made me fall [Music] Jesus I'm sorry some of these were were lagged and so now you're God damn I'm sorry it scammed you it came these came in too late and now the words aren't legal anymore you do get to moan at us though so there's [Music] [Music] that Jesus now legal cleansing the pallet Jesus scammed you [Music] if you don't say any legal words it'll just moan at us hold on I'm going to wait a second to [Music] [Music] cleanse [Music] moan moan moan moan hold on hold on I'm [Music] gonna and now it is time the to play the best Elden Ring Of My [Music] Life I will crush you like a [Music] pancake honestly this is the one I can feel it I you can feel it chat don't tell me you can't feel this look at that Dodge I'm poisoned God damn it no it's so bad that's not fair do I have any poison [Music] bises okay that wasn't [Music] good I fear you Dodge bad I know I need a Dodge better yes oh God I can feel chat wasn't good yes I know I I am aware of that it was good except for the poison otherwise it was fine don't tell me you can't feel this bises oh Jes Christ okay as you guys are saying I need to dodge better need to dodge good and yes Jesus is fine we're we're all we all are stoked about Jesus too but I think most importantly I need to dodge good Jesus Christ Dodge better as you saying why did he have that accent this is the final attempt for the [Music] prediction what were Jesus's most famous [Music] quotes do not let your hearts be troubled trust in Doug trust also in me Doug I am the way the truth the life no one comes to the father except through me and know that I am with you always yes to the end of time all right let's go you crusty [ __ ] do not trust in Doug okay all right I'm getting away from the poison not risking the poison all right we dodged sword attack here easy he stumbled cuz he's a little baby idiot we're learning the timings Doug comes father uh-oh not even close you know what I'm going to say it this is the run I'm giving it the Doug Doug seal of approval right now father [Music] Doug Dodge through Dodge again that I didn't [ __ ] the father comes in Doug why is he waiting so long to attack just use your attacks like for [ __ ] sake man just use the attacks oh no no no no [Music] [Music] to poison a little baby for [ __ ] sake the baby is really strong it's a really strong baby he's pretty hard this is a pretty hard [Music] baby no don't say don't say that okay I do lose the prediction five more baby heart I like don't say that does Doug beat within 10 tries I have five more predictions [Music] up I'm not even saying the words ah new prediction [Music] the gargi boy is hard he's got skin thick as Stone my blade can barely pierce it but I've Got The Power of Jesus and Anime on my side oh that's right oh can't slow and steady not I am playing out of my [ __ ] mind right now gari boy is thick and hard yeah I mean technically you're right but I it's just you're making it sound more sexual than I think it really [Music] is oh thick anime Jesus okay he waits for more than one Dodge roll [Music] there [ __ ] thick anime Jesus don't say that I'm trying to focus on the gari boy I [ __ ] your sexual a damn I had my shield up but it didn't work boy my healing potions do not do much [Music] healing [Music] oh that hits jeesus okay I do my [Music] boy gargy boy that I didn't say sexy why did you think I would have said sexy during this fight okay that okay he does he waits for a full chat you guys really need to let sexy gargoyle Jesus into your life have you heard the good word of sexy gargoyle Jesus okay we're at phase two halfway [Music] sexy fight it come there's two of them that's impossible that's not possible what we're sexy oh my God L what he waits for sexy Jesus two sexy see Jesus uh so full Chad Jesus sexy that is not possible it's not possible let's sexy Jesus into you no Jesus came into me for sure that time both of them is possible how is two of them possible it's not [Music] L this is one one of if not like the hardest fight I didn't think the second one would come oh my God okay we got a [Music] summon can I even get summons in a randomizer okay I I I have no idea how to do this summon God okay if I come here oh my God summon randomizer come hold on summon possible okay if I get summons from from this lady Ronnie then maybe this is doable I'm the hardest come pleasure to meet thee tarnish pleasure to meet tarnished I am the witch Rena I'd heard tale of a tarnish heard tale of a tarnish hurling about at top of spectral Steed summon is the talk iise is of thee Thou Art possessed to the I hadn't said possible to call forth the spectral Steed call forth a spectral Steed named torrent I can call the spectral Steed I was entrusted by I was entrusted for thee by torr's former Master Spirit calling Bell Okay cool so I get I get summons is a b calling forth spirits but I didn't get a spirit to summon the spirits will obey th now it is hold on I don't L get seed what no seed hold seed what entrusted hold seed inventory this is I just got grease summon seed get seed how do I get the summon hold the seed what are you talking about oh God I almost hit her Grease seed yeah no I get the grease yeah seed the summon no seed question mark oh God get the seed who I don't Spirit seed spe seed summon summon the greas seed I feel like I need to go get a spirit from somewhere but it's random hit the [Music] seed summon Greece no I don't mine intrusion tarnished I doubt we shall again meet but all the same learn well the lands between how long will it be I wonder oh my God the tarnish Tire of a Bas to the two fingers is there a way to get a summon for sure in the randomizer no it's not the time for fart Gates oh my God okay all I have is grease Tre hit my Grease seed oh oh god oh no why didn't I need a spirit to summon summon the grease uh I have no clue how to do this I for yeah I guess I could go to Merchant summon a fart fart God okay summon a spirit [Laughter] fart no clue how do I [Laughter] fart okay I might need to call it here for the stream and we come back to this next time because I there is I need to go soon and I have no way of I don't know how the hell I beat this in 30 seconds I mean 30 minutes how will I ever beat this this is one of the hardest poses it's okay they're going to be okay but I would have to play this randomizer for a lot to finally beat it I beat it no stream comeback look I don't I don't like calling it quits on a stream but I have to go in within 20 to 30 minutes I beat it to okay well beat 30 bosses I would have to level up a ton and then ideally get a summoning let me try let me look let me see how hard this is if I also summon sorcerer rajer is there a way yes or no to get to godric the grafted without beating eating marget I think no okay most people are saying no a lot of people are saying yes I don't think that's true you have to beat Margot to get into the castle I get into Mar marget not that's one more try otherwise I think we have to go level up and do a bit of training by which I mean a lot of [Music] training I to [Music] Maro sorcerer roier is going to get he's going to get greased he's getting greased already the the guy I summoned is about to die because he's standing in the poison he's survived for like 2 [Music] seconds oh my God he's still standing get out of the poison dude it's not that complex I've been fully greased oh I tried to [Music] [Music] roll [Music] [Applause] [Music] believe [Music] This is the [Music] End there's too much [Music] grease [Music] sad apparently this is a multistream challenge and we will continue this next week on Doug duug that's not how you spell my name apparently this is a stream this is a stream there's too much stream continue the [Music] end oh so now you're saying there's too much of it that you the stream to end sad grease a don't be sad about the lack of Grease look we got in a today was great we got in 1 hour of celebrating women three and a half hours of coding stream chall and then two hours of Elden ring with a little bit of Coating in there and now we're going to have hours more because I need to figure out a summon and also there's so many I didn't say sniveling I didn't say sniveling yet [Music] continue my end more grease continue scream not end the stream I 20 minutes ago I was supposed to talk with my father and then I am going to Billy after that I need to bring her food stream end of it you guys are also going to Billy I'm raiding Billy you're going to go to your mother's house and you're going to like it father stream no I'm not going to call my dad on stream stop talking about gracing up my father no more grece no more father it's just I need the father Grace guys this might be the dumbest go grease up mother's house okay no no no this might be the dumbest twitch chat has ever sounded and I say that love we've been talking about greasing up my seed for a long time uh I'm father grease I haven't said sniveling it's not in there now you can say sniveling I appreciate that you're so passionate about sniveling grease up the father [Music] seed okay hey good news is this is really really fun doing this stupid ass challenge so now there's going to be a lot more hours of it I genuinely have no idea how I'm going to beat this guy other than just leveling up a ton with the [Music] randomizer passionate seat [Music] grease okay appreciate ass good for you I'm glad you do but I'm glad I'm happy for you um passionate gree father grease [Music] ass all right that is it for today thank stupid ass guy but happy thank you I think thank you for joining today's stream I think I speak for everybody when I say I loved it I appreciate all the support I had a great time it was very fun happy Greece thank you ass guy I just let's call let's call me Doug um I am going to be raiding hey Billy Ray my wonderful beautiful girlfriend uh go check her out she's also playing Elden ring uh some of your Lexicon your verbiage right now is a little bit UNC so let's let's find some words that are not as deranged what are good wholesome [Music] words ver okay people are just saying verbage and girlfriend okay please I I'm going to I'm going to go raid Billy she's playing El ring go say hi um her stream is a lot of fun uh boom and I will see you guys probably Tuesday I'm worried this is going to be a long ass challenge now and that concerns me but we will continue this maybe we have to change what the goal is maybe it's beat like get a great Rune or something and I have to go into maybe we do it's beat a great Rune as the next part of the challenge but it has been 6 hours so I got to wrap up technically more for 6 hours thank you for joining I had a great time um again please be uh chill and respectful uh don't spam excessively to be that but oh yeah you're right let me pay out that is fair thank you for asking respectfully wait prediction there we go choose oh I'll refund the prediction cuz I didn't do it within 10 tries but I gave up so we can continue it next time I guess right respectfully respectfully all right please don't spam uh you know be be uh you know reasonable human beings thank you very much cool I'll see you all next week appreciate it have a good one Tuesday I beat ass 6 hours so wrap it up respectfully give me a sandwich thank you thank you yeah should be back Tuesday if not Tuesday uh Monday respectfully spam respectfully all right bye everybody have a good one
what's up how late am I pretty late [Music] I was watching the rest of the VOD from yesterday at work and I had to bite my lips to prevent myself from laughing out loud when you did the drive by raids I guess we're so confused that's hilarious Doug I wish you a good stream thank you professional organzeller [Music] what's up hold on quiet down I have to do work [Music] Doug please can you hire someone to clean this piss out of the basement no I got a deal you gotta reap what you sowed I also refused to start some sort of strange Doug history I need to know what compelled you to post a tweet earlier today I'll tell you what compelled me a whole lot of blood filling the blood vessels in a certain part of my body [Music] I feel like that was fairly straightforward snipe Leo I think 10 more interested Subs you're nuts thank you thank you thank you I was just trying to watch you beat 2D games dude I played good yesterday I played pretty [ __ ] good splunky yesterday well not for the vast majority of it but by the end I played some pretty [ __ ] good spunky all right I will not have blasphemy in this household of saying that I suck at 2D Platformers after watching the Godlike performance that a certain dog dog did yesterday even though I failed at the thing I lost myself in it what should I do she's done look sometimes shoes come of age and they're they need to be put out the pasture you take it behind the bar and you shoot it with a shotgun ah remember yesterday I complained about God I've seen your new YouTube video now can you hold off on the stream while I finish I don't think the video pause is pretty sure it does um me adding new music to my soundboard is one of those things that are just like I don't have the BTS work today hello can you hear me I don't know if I can pause alerts let me try it okay I'm pausing the alerts Doug I tried to shoot the shoe but it okay they're paused Arash I already forgot how to say your name sorry okay they're paused and now unpause please one step at a time don't worry I got you I will never go back to school ever look I don't mean to dunk on education right but I've learned no I never want to go back to school wash it out with the basement piss cross here we go to Uncle Lucas's house is even is Uncle Lincoln's even home I don't think he's home right now I didn't see him at his twitch house [Music] hey Doug your quick word association game what do you associate with lightning strike I guess I don't know uh hold on I'm going through the list of disasters to start out with nice to see you is this your second or third time streaming today first all right thank you very much and this is gonna go as well as Planet zoo did I mean technically I've played this game before but not a whole lot um I don't want to do drive by raids all the time Doug I'm doing all right still kind of sick but I'm sleeping well for being sick if that makes sense um I don't know I'm supposed to review a contract with parks are at like six so we got like four and a half hours hey Doug hey Doug my best friend is for Real going through a terrible divorce my grandpa just died and my GF has had a very rough month you're stupid thanks okay there wasn't you're welcome to have to learn how to swim Christ okay hold on I need to go through this list this is actually let's just do this together I don't know why I would not do this together um we're gonna play rimworld I'm not gonna rimworld uh a viewer I apologize yo what's up I'm a hint for carpet when are we getting more bees Buzz thank you um a viewer emailed me with suggestions for because I wanted to do this anyways and then they were like here's a bunch of ideas so I'm going through the ideas right now and figuring out which ones I think are good and then we'll brainstorm some ideas so these would be the potential disasters for rimworld um uh the ones I have so far one colonist must knock down the other two the Panic think of the five tier two subs geez thank you man thank you thank you thank you I'm not asking for suggestions for new ones right now we will do that I am currently paring down this list is what I'm currently doing um I like the ones up here I'll review them later immediately cut and harvest all crops you can regrow them I don't know if that's like a huge disaster the Panic think of the five gifted Subs man um rim job world is one of my favorite games all right to say I don't know about this one maybe a disable your base I don't think this is that funny is this a big deal for rimworld people cutting all the crops that doesn't seem like a huge deal because then you just put them I don't think this is a big deal disable your base's power for five minutes you can do this easily with a switch from your power slot or dismantling the generators yeah no power for five minutes is good I think that's a good one um set your heaters to 120 degrees and your coolers to negative 20. that implies we're going to have heaters and coolers okay yeah we'll do that remove a body part from a columnist or prisoner can you remove people's body parts this is not gonna be impossible okay I'm good at video games Jesus Christ how do you remove a specific body part how do you do that in the game it's a simple operation in a hospital I'm not gonna have a hospital probably I'm trying to last for an hour oh I need to change my title down there with a knife I'm not asking how you would personally butcher a person I'm asking in the video game rimworld how do you take a person's you need a bed or Health tab operations you'll need a hospital okay well um uh rimworld but a random disaster every five minutes so this will be this will be like we did Planet coaster where every five minutes we spent a wheel and I have to deal with something that pops up I also installed a twitch plugin which should make it a little more fun uh there's one that I saw charborg using and it seems very very funny um must survive for one hour to beat the challenge this one has more like RNG though because it's rimworld you know there's a lot of like random [ __ ] happening charborg does great room World streams that's the first video I watched of his and I was so inspired watching his rimworld vampire kid stream is the thing that inspired me to make the chat God app so okay remove a body part sure how about from every colonist attack the next neutral party that enters the map okay yeah that's that's good pedal kit wait this will just kill me right if we attack the next neutral party that seems impossible like aren't there normal there's like 15 of them right for contacts I've played like 10-ish hours of real world so I know the basics but I'm not an expert at it um all of this will just kill you not all of this will kill me aren't there mods for cheats We're Not Gonna cheat dude okay I'm gonna wait if I just Attack One of if only one guy attacks will they kill all of me or only the guy that attacked where's two of your calling us to fight already that one open one of the ancient dangers this just kills me right because then they just track me down and kill me these both are just kill me I think which this is just like ends the Run um kill every rabbit squirrel or rat that's fine I guess because then the colonists just have to deal with that hands off for five minutes is this one interesting so these are these this list right now is suggestions from a viewer I should pull up the email um just to give him some credit and I'm just filtering the ones that I'm interested in okay hands off for five minutes at 3x play speed build the most expensive floor you can for your biggest room this doesn't feel that exciting ancient danger isn't that bad it kills you immediately High Park sir Park sir I realize that you've been the star of the past three videos I've uploaded on YouTube like it wasn't planned but it was the Valentine's Day video into the city skylines video into today's video so it's just become like the park sir Channel which works given today's video I don't think that counts as being the star oh yeah look at twitch chat who do you think they're most excited to see on twitch.tv Doug you look you read the chat and you tell me that you are are not the main character of the channel okay um most expensive floor I think is a little boring I'm gonna drop this destroy the bedroom of one colonist who is that I can't read it RM thank you so much for the 12 months okay yays and yays and nays in chat do we keep this one destroy the bedroom of one colonist I think it's funny we need to like destroy all bedrooms now that's a all bedrooms is funny send at least one of your colonists to settle a new colony I don't think I I don't think that's doable I mean is that how do you I don't even know how you make a new colony in this game I never got that far will park sir sue you if you add up Parks or emote I think he'll shoot the emote every time he sees it just make a caravan and go to a new title I feel like this is gonna I'd rather try to keep it on one Colony no building anything for five minutes [Music] um nah set everyone to Recreation for at least 12 hours per day that's funny said all colonists to fully nude is this one yay or nay does fully nude actually like do much and again I'll take suggestions for new ones in a little bit I just want to filter this list first okay it's funny I don't feel like it's that hard but okay let chat vote on a callers to imprison okay sure you can imprison your own colonists it makes them sad look they're getting back in touch with nature dude I don't know what this game is and I'm scared rimworld's weird it's very strange you'll pick it up once once we start like a base simulator thing um [Music] okay so I guess we just permanently imprisoned a colonist that seems pretty rough Slaughter the pets uh I mean that's just you guys would be really upset at it is this this is just like farming defaces and it's not but it's not like doing anything for the colony how about we we add it to that one spend all the silver you have next time a caravan that's kind of boring uh have one of your calling us take one of every drug you have I won't have that many drugs I don't think I like the concept of it but I don't think we'll have that many um Draft when you're calling this and permanently manually controlling for the rest of the run this is funny what about this one yay or nay it's funny conceptually it's just annoying basically instead of him running on autopilot around the base I have to tell him what to do okay build five more Recreation items no that's boring 10 more 15 more double the size of all the colonist bedrooms okay I like that settle rabbit squirrels To Be Tamed by your colonists okay that's funny move when you're calling this bedroom to the far corner of the map that's funny tame at least two animals I feel like we have other things that are more interesting Bill the biggest piece of Silver Furniture you can afford to build that's kind of I'm not well place when you're calling this arms and legs with peg legs that's hilarious how do you do that I'm about to cross from UTC plus one to UTC plus two I don't want to miss an hour of your stream can you make sure to redo the last hour when you cross the border that is not how time works Med Bay so I would need a doctor and a med Bay and like a hospital all this stuff I'm gonna remove this I feel like that's we're gonna be starting I don't think I'll get to that in an hour I'm not a good enough room World Player execute all prisoners you currently have if you have no prisoners try to arrest the next neutral visitor and try to execute them um that's too conditional on having prisoners this man's all beds forcing all colonists to sleep on the floor I think we've already done that right we like I already had destroyal beds all right so we've got um some ideas let me turn let me unpause alerts hey Doug I'm a truck driver and I stay on the road for four weeks at a time oh [ __ ] your streams keep me sane by the way is keto possible while on the roads oh man that would be really hard to do keto sucks I mean I microwave everything um I microwave meals I really should get paid for this at some point but I use the factor as a delivery service and I um I microwave those meals I don't know if you have microwaves on uh trucks I assume you do I don't know but then you need to refrigerate all of them dude I don't know it'd be tough it'd be really really hard I'm sure it's possible I love the kingdom of the South Saxons it has the best name yeah I do like history I've listened to every Hardcore History episode I'm obsessed with it keto is easy uh I don't know what kind of cute you're doing I'm refunding my bets reason product defective I wouldn't be no I do not intend on going back to school at any point wait this one will just kill me right I can't kill a thrombo it's just gonna kill all my guys hi Doug after watching your YouTube videos for a few years I upgraded to watching your Twitch vods over the last few months while studying and I really just want to say thank you for keeping me entertained over a really tough period in my life you're welcome [ __ ] helps a bit I've gone back on Kita recently all right some olive oil it's so good quick question as keto given you any bathroom problems thanks in advance yes but those bathroom problems easily solved by Ludwig's bidet so here's what I recommend spend four years learning video editing and get your YouTube channel to finally pop off then spend four and a half years being a full-time YouTuber and twitch streamer So eventually you're big enough to get Ludwig to ask you to stream with him and then lose on stream to Ludwig and have him send you a free 500 bidet and then clean your [ __ ] from all the olive oil that you're drinking it's worked for me every time the dog hole is open all praise the dog hole okay well that's a we don't need to talk about my butthole with those exact terms all right I'm gonna understand them on the map I mean this might just kill me right that we you can't kill a thrombot I don't think hi hi dog dog but the record can you tell us exactly why you hate school and think nobody should go here at the risk of of doing another like Doug thinks cigarettes are awesome clip or whatever I think jumbos are really rare okay all right we'll just kill the largest animal on the map then I think that's fine um I have learned a lot more outside of school than I learned in school way way way way more and that includes everything that includes creative things that includes programming that includes uh running a business I've learned how to run and form and manage a business for the past four months five months six months and all of that you can learn online don't do it I I mean I don't know this look we don't need to get into this whole [ __ ] serious topic but I think in this day and age you can learn pretty much everything on your own barring sir you can't go be like a doctor you can't just like Waltz in and start like testing on people but I think with most things you can be self-taught and go learn in the real world so I would not go back to school but that's that's my own experience I'm not saying that college sucks or anything and that that's yeah that's it I'm a lawyer I'm dropping out right now thank you I will be a self-taught heart surgeon good Doug hates School State a blanket statement about what is or is not good for every person or every situation but for me I have not found school to be particularly efficient and I've enjoyed and been much more productive and successful when I've gone and learned things myself in the real world that is all I always say hey dug the sound in my shoe got mixed in with the basement piss and now it's turned into quicksand help us says the Berkeley grad that's why I'm able to say that with confidence if I didn't go to college then I wouldn't be able to say that right because I wouldn't know but I went to college and the entire time I was there I was like I don't feel like I'm learning that much I don't feel like this is actually a very efficient use of my time I don't feel like going and sitting down and have a professor read from a [ __ ] book for an hour and a half and then I have to go read from the same book to relearn everything and then spend for computer science students they can back me up here okay back me up computer science students if you do like a project like a computer science project eighty percent of your time is spent trying to figure out what the [ __ ] they want you to do and then it's like 20 actually learning how to code and then when you go do an actual job it's just you just do a shitload of programming and you learn a hundred times more so it's like it's the most it's just at least from a computer science perspective which to be fair is a profession that is much much much easier to be self-taught in there's many more resources for it you don't need these colleges or or these classes for that particular context I went to literally the number one rated School in the world for computer science and I thought it was a rip-off that's all I'm saying um it your mileage will vary right but I don't but at least for my specific experience I can say that I found far more value outside of school and and you know it with the caveat that like me being a Berkeley grad allowed me to then get the job where I learned a lot right so it's a stupid Catch-22 um but but you know and then and then I quit programming and I've made my own career as a producer and a video editor and of you know and all this stuff and I run a business now all self-taught none of that had anything to do with what I learned in college so really serious note I think there's a lot of value to college and going to University and school and all that stuff but for me I am more interested in learning things myself and I think there are other people individuals for whom that is a valuable path and I'm sure somebody will take will somehow summarize this as Doug thinks college is worthless which is not true um but I have no interest in going back to school given my particular way of learning hey Doug did you [ __ ] out all the sickness you had [ __ ] King it's really interesting when somebody donates something it gets me off on like a kind of real tangent and then I unpause the alerts it's just like oh there's piss in the basement dog oh this [ __ ] whatever all right um Doug hates piss correct I'm not like a fan of piss I'm not I'm not stoked about this of my bits hope he won't Point Co feel better soon much love less than three thank you uh I'm doing fine well I guess I'm like a little under the weather but um yeah Parker is I mean thank you I have been dealing with substances but your content helps me through hard times is that like a reference to the drugs we're gonna do in rimworld I hope not sorry sorry man sorry to hear that I hope things get better um all right I'll do a couple more alerts and then we'll get into picking the day keeps the doctor away instant knockout hatch throw okay good good are you the one who threw an Apple at my mom were you that that [ __ ] someone explained rimworld I will explain Rim world when we get into Emerald game developer here I am currently in college and agree don't go back to school okay oh is the mic still on um trans rights are human rights look school's great for some people Doug but I don't think it's this perfect thing everybody should go do been a long time Watcher on while at work love the content man thank you mom lore and my mom's a doc also Berkeley is not the best computer science school that's what they say but it's not it is the channel uh I think it's everything it's across the board like I would the whole time I was at Berkeley I was like I'm a [ __ ] idiot why am I here and there were other people like that we scammed the rankings dude Berkeley gets ranked as the number one computer science School decently often it gets tied with like Stanford and MIT um it's like no dude I was so dumb I was I'm I mean I'm stupid but I can't be there to support him your stream is a nice distraction for tonight got him I am also Berkeley and went to dumb Berkeley is a whole bunch of people like me who aren't that smart would work really really hard to say I sure do Apex okay all right let's I guess we'll keep talking about Siri stuff real quick so I had my best friend went to Stanford so I went to Stanford a whole bunch the people who went to Stanford were like the [ __ ] Geniuses okay they're like the kids in high school who just like Ace everything and get fives on all on on all the AP tests and they you know almost Ace the SAT and if they're like barely trying right it's like those kids are the ones who go to Stanford and I presume to like Harvard and whatnot I don't really know East Coast Schools very much because I was you know California um those kids go to Stanford they're [ __ ] Geniuses they don't have to try and they're absolute [ __ ] crazy Geniuses and then you have people like me who are uh I'm a dumb stupid idiot but I work really really hard and so I was able to like fake that I'm smart by working way harder than the smart kids and then that's who Berkeley lets in so Berkeley UC Berkeley is mostly students like me who are like really competitive and work hard which is a kind of shitty environment to be in honestly you're our dumb stupid idiot oh you guys um um so Berkeley is like not it's not like super smart people generally there's some some really really smart kids there because people are able to who are willing to work hard which is to say we're a bunch of dumb idiots dude we're all stupid idiots around here got your email back thanks for that things are feeling good at the moment do you still want us to talk in classy accents by the way you're my favorite it is so dear Doug hey look I see the utmost Fortune with thy stream of rimworld may it be a source of merriment thank you all right we'll keep this serious talk going for one more second I cried over not getting into a super competitive school now I'm glad I didn't yeah so here's the thing at Stanford and maybe Stanford students if there happened to be any here which I assume not because we're a bunch of dumb idiots here um like at a school like Stanford it's more of a vibe that like the school knows everybody there is a genius and they're gonna go do be successful and so the school isn't like or isn't like that hard on the students but then at Berkeley everything's on a curve and they basically bring in a whole bunch of they accept a whole bunch of students who are really willing to work super hard and then it's a whole bunch of those kids in a class who have to compete for the highest grades so every class is like really competitive and you have this environment that all the other students are your enemy basically and it actually sucks oh and then there's like not enough resources in the school because like there's not very much money Stanford's Rich As [ __ ] right the private schools have like infinite money but like I didn't even have like a counselor to like tell me what to do um the the like Tas and the professors only have like limited amounts of time and can only see a couple people so you'll have like it's literally you're competing against everybody I didn't I didn't like the vibe at all and I would go to Stanford and everybody's just like hanging out being super rich and like having everything that they want all the time and I was like this is way cooler this is way [ __ ] cooler yeah I don't I don't know man I as you can tell I I there was a number of of uh EX parts of the experience of college that I do not think were a great fit for me and it was really stressful man um anyway so I yeah don't worry about not getting into a crazy good school there's a lot of challenges to it again disclaimer I don't hate College blah blah blah I'm just talking about my own personal experience okay oh God now we're talking about college stuff Jesus take the wheel and others people talking about okay now where is douglas douglas I just want to not say that you won my favorite Parks epoxer no other Parks epoxies it's an expensive school for two years and definitely did not get the worth yeah I mean it depends on this game I don't play cause I'm bad at my co-managing good luck Doug yeah thank you I don't know today we'll probably be a disaster that's right though what's wrong with colleges they're pretty I don't hate colleges and they're beautiful I love college campuses I love The Vibes to process parks are taking over your channel as ASMR is the new YouTube meta love living in a country with almost free University education yes everything I've said well everything I said applies to America where you have to pay attention ah you're welcome Gavin parks are truly learned a lot the video is Doug plays Rim world with no words I'm going to Community College it's easier than high school but only because I'm not trying yeah I don't know I think it's just you know education is what you make of it I don't I don't think I haven't played dream world and I'm certain you are not going to do very well but I believe my man I think that more and more our world is moving towards a a state where just having a college degree doesn't mean very microwave your olive oil too that sounds so gross I think our parents grew up with the experience of if you go to college then you're set and you're just like you're set now and that's what they told me at Berkeley I remember the student orientation they were like you guys got into Berkeley so you're the great ones and you're smart and you're beautiful and you're awesome and you're set for life now that you're here you can have all the opportunities ever and this is not true not true anymore having a degree doesn't mean you're set for life so I think you got to find something where you actually learn a specific skill where you can provide specific value to people and that's that's tough right I think it was a lot easier of a system when all you had to do was go to college and get a degree and then and then you go up and you you walk down to the local grocery store and you talk to the manager and you give them a firm handshake and you say sir I would like to work at your establishment and then you're just good to go um but that's just not how it works anymore so I think that's the challenge is you gotta find a specific thing that provides value again with the disk I'm sure somebody is listening to all this and going oh my God he's going to ruin these children don't listen to me I'm just some jackass who plays video games in my pajamas on either just Wednesday afternoon and I'm sitting in a gamer chair in my pajamas playing rimworld all right you shouldn't take my advice on anything you don't need a med Bay or a doctor you only need them if you want things to go well also thanks for all the time I think we don't need them we'll be fine you're welcome don't go to school kids it's not what that's not what I'm suggesting all right we are going to start um figuring out to find keto options on the road when in doubt get a burger and don't eat the bun I mean if you like burgers I guess yeah that's true okay um hey do you have any recommendations for ad blockers for twitch no reason just curious which you have had the most success with I don't use ad blockers on Twitch actually um so I don't know I genuinely don't know all of these thank you messages inspired me to let you know that you've derailed my life into misery and you've made me regret supporting your channel good keep it up please good we even we even out okay I'm gonna let the alerts there's a bunch of alerts about college stuff I'm gonna let those go through then we're moving on to this thing and it all started when I began watching your streams on Twitch okay good this is perfectly balanced as all things should be uh we have an equal number of people who's streams have really helped them out and Incredibly BTW whisper hey why is that bottom text not in italic it's not an option I cannot make them italics there is no italics option here you are all high you were high for several years fun fact with this rarer than diamonds diamonds are found all across the universe but wood is only found here on Earth to my knowledge okay way to give the disclaimer to my knowledge times I got a PhD from the University of Doug Doug as long as you're good at lying that'll um that'll get you into a lot of jobs man ah honestly the only reason I plan to go to college is cause I don't know any other way to actually get social interaction yes expect to actually learn much of anything I just need to find a way to force myself to actually be around people but I provide therapy for one dollar an hour I also have a service to kidnap levig and put him in your basement in Minecraft yeah so we could get both of those services but I really wanted to say that your videos really helped me when I'm in the hospital or bedridden hey you constantly make me laugh and make the bad times better thank you less than three you're awk man hope things are better I have personally been going through a tough time but your advice to drop out I feel will Propel me and others into the Future Okay Are we almost wrapped up with thank you everyone's wrapped up with the college things I would like the alerts to actually be relevant for generating ideas opinion on Community College I did it and I work full time as a manager at Starbucks and I'm happier I have no opinion on that I didn't go to Community College um then I don't think I need to give my opinion on on everything so in all seriously this is an accountant in finishing my third year I have not learned anything and just gonna learn everything when I get the job see kids college is worthless you learned it here first it's a black and white situation there's no Nuance depending on you and your situation until I learned about it on my own and now I'm a Dropout student in the self-daught graphic design there you go see snipe Leo also recommends dropping out of cool out of school okay look at how many successful people are donating and saying that school's worthless that's how you know that we're correct lots of medical school now I'm going to save so much money I mean anyone need any kidney surgeries or anything yeah you can dude if you freelance as a kidney surgeon way way easier you start with so much debt I'm happy to wish you a little challenge be Thrust out of your vagina why would you say that like that you should add this chat plays with click maps for five minutes and gets a colonist named after chat know what clip Max works it's gonna be so slow and things move around I don't think that'll work for them but I have found that I have learned a lot more trades from doing all types of work rather than just reading about work that was done yeah that's my experience so I think a lot of people's experience all right to the dream world to the wall till the sweat drops down my ball okay I think we're almost done with college donations I mean we might need to text this speech inflation it's in twitch extensions and steamworkshop it lets us do stuff to your game I have one I already have an extension where you guys are gonna be um controlling the your names will be under the players maybe I'll do twitch connect in the future Doug help I'm drowning I can't swim why is there so much piss down here thank you very much Mia see I just don't know that we just have to we uh we have too many hey Douglas I got here late can you catch me up to what we are doing today my dude we haven't even started we haven't even started I might need a Texas beach inflation we have too much text-to-speech again um it's really suspicious how much you're Shilling for colleges how much did they pay you Doug I don't feel like I gave a glowing review but yeah um all right I think we're done right we're done with college conversation looking forward to see you play Rim world how about turning off electricity for five years all right the messages are about uh rimworld now we were moving on to rimworld uh rimworld is a base simulation game for those who do not know it looks like this what the [ __ ] oh hold on so we have a I have a thing so I can pick a random person so Skiller squid you're here Celestial Providence thank you very much so now if you are named as one of the the colonists fairy puncher granny worm and uh Skiller squid if you say things into chat it'll say it out loud there's also the dog we can have picked as a random okay the doctor said pog the the dog is saligators whoever you are in whoever you are in chat if you say things that's me yes it is killer the POG okay we have a couple okay oh wow yeah so it'll also assign like all the the NPCs and stuff as people [Music] okay you are a rat congratulations um so all the people all the colonists and NPCs will be listed as people and here's what we're gonna do I hate College can somebody get this dog this college-hating dog out of here is gonna make me look bad so what we're gonna do is if you get picked and you die in the game you die in real life on Twitch we're gonna ban you for a hundred thousand seconds okay it doesn't matter what you are if you're a rat and you die to like a random other twitch viewer who kills you who's a bear then 10 000 or whatever seconds we'll figure it out check and pick a number of how much we ban you um so I'll re-roll all these when we get started but this is basically rimworld so we're gonna like build a base and you try to survive for x amount of time let me turn off the music the music of this game is so good but I want to be able to play my own let me let me find some good music to set the tone all right cool so we will uh we will do this and the goal will be to survive in the base for one hour but every five minutes there's a disaster and we'll see if this works we might need to adjust things because Rim world is like a slower game than um Planet coaster I think it'll be fun so he hates the composer of rimworld's music the joke is that I went and then played a rimworld song hahaha the very funny clearly all of you thought that was very uh smart and cool so we're gonna be every five minutes spinning a wheel that picks one of these punishments randomly I'm gonna review the ones we have real quick I'll take suggestions for new ones and then we will get going so now you're laughing why isn't anybody laugh tracking this is the one appropriate time to laugh track at me genuine question is chat something we do is it just random I think it's just random XIV there we go thank you hey hey you for all of the laughter brother if somebody no if hold on I should explain there is a difference between being banned and being timed out I often say banned when I mean timed out because saying I'm going to ban somebody is funny um but if you if you are banned on Twitch then you can't even chat or see the chat being banned is like a big deal kind of not really um it's a big deal if you care a lot about my twitch channel uh timeout means you can't talk for however many seconds right and I can do a Max of one million seconds so a timeout is a temporary thing timeout is usually what we're doing when I say ban but banza timeout sounds like you're a bunch of uh kindergarteners which I'm not a fan of so I would rather you know talk about you as a bunch of adults who I ban like a kindergarten teacher all right sorry for asking about school didn't mean to get you on a tangent yeah I feel I feel like Chad enjoys tangents every once in a while I feel like every stream needs one tangent turn on dev mode there's a million good options here like forcing 100 meteorites or big raids or forcing relationships easy to do interesting okay that would change things substantially do we want to do that hey Doug I just had to have my dog put down thanks for the stream I know watching you be a dumbass will help cheer me up thank you uh I'm sorry to hear that man to be enabled via the options okay because we do Dev if we do devmo that does give us a lot of interesting things okay so you can create events oh God oh so there can be like we can add prisoners explosions okay it's probably worth doing this um will it is anybody who knows rimworld will it mess up the mods at all is the mod seem uh the twitch extension mod seems a little bit iffy like it doesn't seem to work consistently so I don't want to [ __ ] with it too much it shouldn't okay I mean yeah let's let's look at it real quick see what it does so you said I can just do this options oh oh probably gameplay I should have looked at the thing that tells me how to do this instead of instead of closing the window um options under options there's a mode for pop option development mode oh it's literally right here okay it doesn't look great oh okay so then we could do oh God this is uh it's a lot execute raid with faction oh then we do an incident like a flash storm or an enemy raids okay so then a raid happens got it all right so we have a bunch of options here um [Music] and now oh God I don't know how to play this game no you'll be fine so now oh God holy [ __ ] yeah okay we're not gonna hold on hey go anywhere I'm in fairy puncher uh you're gonna have to learn how to play the game really fast you're you're gonna be fine just play 20 worm you guys you gotta start running man oh there's another person here I mean gwenny is getting away no don't fight dude why did you turn and fight is anybody else alive you know fairy puncher's dead Wendy get out of there what is this oh God uh oh the Raiders are fighting each other okay so that's our Jesus Christ that's our uh that's our strategy okay well so I the debug menu we got we do have a lot of options but I feel like it might be a slight Overkill a lot of the time but we can spawn like we can get additional people or prisoners or or whatever so we do have debug menu as an option now I left for a few seconds how did you die this was a test this was a test so what are the controls I am playing the game you are not gonna you're not playing the game uh I will show you how the game works shortly I know it's been 40 minutes okay here are the things we currently have one colonist must knock down the other two we're gonna start with three colonists so I'll say the others um beats the others unconscious so it just knocks everybody down and then has to take care of them unconscious yes no drafting calling us for five minutes drafting means combat basically roll a D100 okay that's great and do that option in the debug menu that's hilarious you can decide the size of the raid still though raids are gonna be rough um okay let me show you what I have first draft all calling this for five minutes so then they're like basically I can't have them fight or they're forced to fight build a gigantic bit actually this is kind of boring I'm dropping that one build a gigantic bedroom um said at least one of your calling us on a raid to another base kill the largest animal on the map forbid all meals they have to eat raw food disable your base's power for five minutes set your heaters to 120 degrees and coolers to negative 20. I don't even know if we'll have heaters I feel like this is going to be a pretty primitive Colony remove a body part from every colonist kill every rabbit squirrel rat and pets on the map hand off hands off for five minutes play at 3xp destroy all bedrooms set everybody to Recreation for 12 hours a day set all colonists to fully nude and remove all their clothing for five minutes let chat vote on ecologist to imprison draft one of your colonists and permanently control manually for the rest of the Run build 15 more Recreation items double the size of all called as bedrooms set all rabbit squirrels To Be Tamed by your colonists move one of your colonists bedroom to the far corner of the map roll a D100 and do that option of the debug menu okay now I will finally after 45 minutes look at suggestions any uh thoughts to add to this I mean adding bonus colonists it makes it easier you know replace Farms with smoke Leaf uh replace all Farms with smoke Leaf but that's like tobacco I think that's funny um why did it why did it leave hold on uh add the peg legs I don't I'm not gonna have a hospital because I just convinced all the doctors to drop out ancient danger will just kill us chat controlling the game is not really possible dude you only need a bed switch your left and right hand I mean it's not really I'm looking for stuff that affects the game not not really that [ __ ] with me ideally do you name the villagers after chat members yeah every what do you mean by villagers I mean every NPC can be a chat member and if the NPC dies then then they get banned and just use a bed every colonist must have one kill that doesn't seem that Hard Sell two organs of all colonists how do you sell organs okay Arvest as many organs as possible you only need a bed for surgery so can we just how hard is it to make peg legs give everybody peg legs because that's something I can do move everyone's legs legs um I do like that I feel like it'll be like a cool like a cool thing that we have as in our tribe that people will be stoked about uh start a raid we already have one call on this goes and starts a raid peg legs are just wood okay cool marking all trees for chopping I mean that would I feel like it's not that compelling pulling us go naked we already have that one replace a critical power source we have a reduced all we have removed all power for five minutes which I think is a stronger one kill a random colonist that feels that's too simple I mean executing colonists feels boring I'm gonna just do add Bears to the map because I assume with the debug we can do that chat votes on two people to fight to the death I do like the vibe of that because then we Banning the person who loses is really funny [Music] all colonists become pacifist I feel like that that conflicts ideally I don't want Nerfs that that conflict with other ones that like prevent other ones from working as much as possible Harvest and I'll go through the uh the alerts they're paused right now I'll go through those before we end um install all your items um it requires a Trader I feel like sell all items at next when next Trader comes actually that works yeah that's funny although you can only see uh no that's pretty funny I like that I mean it's basically just losing everything um get colonists addicted to drugs dude it takes a while to make drugs if we're doing like a new Colony I don't know man um do what chat gbt tells me to do that's like a whole other stream I want to do uh Colin is fighting each other where we already have statue of the most expensive material I feel like it's a little boring hold an election uh between chat calling this winner becomes chat Gods can make demand um I wanna that'll also be a separate stream I want to do a separate stream of like doing the chat God version of this so I don't want to have I don't want to use chat God for this particular stream ban everybody from the base uh each colonist party is decided by controlling a character a random columns do what they say entire schedule to Recreation we kind of already have that of people that's one of the options and we could do like colonists are very sleepy they spend 12 hours a day in bed can I even do that can I force them to sleep all day spawn 10 uh rabid squirrels they'll wake up okay I mean because they yeah I don't know if I can force them to sleep for like 25 hours make a statue of parks here ah it doesn't feel like that crazy I think we're kind of good start a fire in the base let's do start Three Fires in the base so they have to be like in different places let me see what happens or replace all colonists assigned beds with left Comfort less comfortable ones that's not as dramatic as some of the other things that we have of just removing their bedrooms um so everyone's scheduled to always be in Recreation that's one of the options okay I'm gonna go through alerts I think we're mostly good been watching for a few years it used to be really funny and creative thank you all right buried don't I have that I have polar bears right over here went to college but learned much more on my own was a total waste of time yep I think they're gonna There Are People Like Us for whom there are better ways to spend our time uh Doug won't say it but I will after leaving University I couldn't get a job because businesses would hire younger people to train them and pay them less I've since started my own business and started Game Dev I like the implication I was like just dying to say that but it's like I can't I can't say it um yeah no I mean that's what Sonic people's experience are like um Sam thank you for the 12 months man appreciate it I went to college for graphic design and couldn't find any job to hire me now I work as a custom jewelry design despite having one jewelry class I'm learning so much at this job that's basically my experience man again your your mileage may vary Doug I was re-watching some old videos and you were to mean to that kind blanket plube horvil found him cold and shivering in a bush and raised him as his own son naming him after his late grandfather why must you tza down on his luck blanket I think you're allowed a little bit of extra contacts I have covered and I've been drinking nothing but this for three days gonna install a well in the basement all right I saw a bunch of alerts that were suggestions very serious on donations but when it comes to education I have to be serious here as a former teacher and an autodidact programmer I have seen how insanely important education is in general for every dog that figures out what he wants on his own and can learn on his own oh sorry you got cut off I can I assume where you went with that again because we're talking about serious stuff I am not saying that my kind of path is best for everybody it's just not true please figure out what is what is best for you I think there are lots of options that are good for people um I am not trying to make General statements even though I know people will do that regardless just join the stream have you actually been streaming for 25 minutes that's always the uptime I like yesterday no also Elmo says hi it is a lie because I've been staring for 52 minutes this is that I get it wink wink what do you have installed rimworld is my favorite game I want to see how this turns out I saw I installed a couple that uh Luca are wonderful Clips editor suggested to me I didn't install all of them here octoon Camera Plus color-coded mood bar one with your vods came on my YouTube recommended about two weeks ago and I've been watching them non-stop since glad to finally catch a stream and thanks for the incredible content thank you um I'm going to at school love hearing the computer science experience that will never be me haha numbers are dumb anyways everything you said was super encouraging actually thank you you're very welcome uh hi editors for Doug Doug could you include this message in a video I want to freak out my friend Alexa 2203 by her just randomly hearing this message in a video thank you probably not but it will go on uh gives you a pardon for any and all acts of domestic terrorism in this stream thank you Bill Clinton um guys we might need to I might need to inflate the text-to-speech prize we're like an hour into the stream and the alerts are not even remotely caught up um I don't know I'm the text there's just like too much man there's way too much I love Texas beach but not it not it being like 30 or 60 minutes behind and going the entire stream and as I've mentioned before I don't think it's anybody's like super on board with that I don't know um I might I don't know I don't know how to deal with it maybe one option is like turn it on and off throughout the Stream that's kind of a bummer one is I just like charge a lot more but that's like a bummer the point is not to like extract money from you like you're a tube of toothpaste um I just think text-to-speech is really fun but obviously there has to be a balance I feel like I would have to increase it to like 10 bucks or something for it to actually get to a reasonable amount but that just feels bad to have ten dollars to have something be said online or on on stream I don't know man I don't know uh what what to what to do I mean I I'm not sure that increasing the money will really do anything at this point because just a lot of people watching you should limit it to one person to stream I mean I don't have the tech to do that it's fair for a stream of your size yeah it just feels bad it sucks but uh uh turn it off completely no I really like Texas beach just not when it's um not like right now it's like a bummer that I I want to hear what people were suggesting about the rim world but we're like way way behind you know uh and I'm not calling out anybody who donated by the way um I appreciate it the messages are all you know positive and good but uh there's just too many so I don't know we'll figure it out uh hire a producer who curates them all no that I don't I don't think so I might start the streams with it muted that might actually fix it or at least largely fix it hey what'd you say Barry custom Dono alert system yeah I guess we could it's weird because we like I don't know how they have it like paused and whatnot um that would be semi-complex and we could it feels like there's a simple way to have less text-to-speech make them all play at the same time I just don't think uh at some point I do also want you know if somebody like donates for some consistency with what happens not like you're gambling to see if it if it happens um I'll probably yeah I think that's a actually a decent idea I'll probably start the streams with Texas speech off because I think that's that's the biggest problem like the first hour they're just way far behind and then that just lasts the whole stream and so it could be like after an hour I turn them on because again I'm not trying to say like I hate the man I love Texas beach I just want we just need there needs to be a balance right it's just not great if they're super behind like like I mentioned nobody wins if they're super behind right the people donating are not stoked about it I don't think the people watching are stoked about it um and then theoretically I don't have to just like just like price people out of the market it's just like I don't know eventually I will have to I guess um like you know we have 8 000 people watching no I I have not seen anybody who streams to 8 000 people who has a three dollar text-to-speech most people it's like 10 or 15 or 20 bucks or something right so it's very cheap um do we price out the pores or do we limit the availability of of the text-to-speech I don't know we'll figure it out um ironically a couple people have donated Texas speech messages to give commentary on the Texas speech problem those messages will not pop up for like an hour so it'll be exciting to talk about those opinions 45 minutes from now when we have moved on what I mean it's stupid when they're this far behind it doesn't it's if they're more than like two minutes behind it's super dumb no more pores anyways I'm going to continue the alerts I'm gonna try hopefully starting tomorrow that I have the text-to-speech off until I actually start the game you keep pausing them yeah because I need to be able to like talk about what's going on um but for right now I want to at least get through the messages that had suggestions about the Nerfs and then we will actually get started with videos history from self-education than I ever learned from school Hardcore History baby greatest podcast in the [ __ ] world Doug's plan is to make us drop out of school so we can't afford TTS me struggling through college and experiencing the worst depression in my life Doug with the super helpful three-year late advice oh yeah I got you bud um that was three years of the stupid run Game Dev here I'm actually on personally for mental health because the structure of college and curriculum stressed me out now I am starting to pursue my dream of ice acting and I'm just considering becoming a freelance animator that's all on College I hope it goes well sounds great or I think that sounded great mostly positive I think things are going great um can we make TTS a channel points thing no that would make more text-to-speech that would that would be even more Doug my wife just divorced me because we met him college and you said that everything you see and hear and do in college is worthless thank you but 1.5 x speed you don't need a degree when you can Rim a world yeah the alerts are like are like 40 minutes behind I think um yeah okay future streams they're gonna be they're gonna be remind me to mute the Texas beach sorry tarosan if you're still here I thought you got ringworms that's not what we're talking about Tara said if I if I remember I'll leave the text-to-speech on so you can hail early gang and then immediately turn it off or if you happen to be listening in your text-to-speech message you can say all hair early gang time to turn off the Texas speech and then that'll be my warning to turn it off that'll be the alarm assistant manager of Hangouts in a gamer chair I have many credentials finally I've been looking for somebody to sit in a chair next to me I suggest for an event use all plus deal to make beds these are the okay this is about this is about the video game now um that is decent I think our other ones are more interesting I'm gonna I like the concept of that but another disaster idea make a caravan and colonize a new map tile I okay I I like the idea of colonizing a new map tile I want to leave it with one tile for now and see how that goes because I think spreading out across multiple Maps is going to make this like even harder to follow twitch stream coming blood twitch stream oh oh I have no plans for that yet like no no concrete plans I I don't know I will let you all know hey bro great seeing you smile yo thanks bro destroy all your weapons I think we have stuff like that feels like it's a death sentence though because the next time somebody attacks we're just [ __ ] right I feel like that's just my T stands for Mom I tried slash GPT GPT GP all right I'm gonna skip the rest of that uh thank you let Park sir control the text-to-speech send the text-to-speech messages to Ludwig's Channel oh Doug what's that point I've had a rough time nor have I been depressed your streams have had no impact on my life and I definitely will not go into a downward spiral when you quit streaming yeah somebody had a good idea what we could do is the text-to-speech the more you pay the slower the message is but if you only give me three dollars then it's Reddit like 8X speed so you barely get to hear it then everybody's happy because then I just um because the messages largely aren't read and I get to extract a lot of money from you it sounds great I I don't know why we wouldn't put the text into metallics how come you did it for that one chess stream I think maybe you were drunk and so you just saw it you saw things like slanted that day I think you guys were all drunk okay are we good well I'm gonna start putting these colonists to only cleaning so we already have the recreation one I think this is a funnier version of cleaning but we can I mean we can mix we can mix it up later currently going through a rough time and it all started when you convinced me of the importance of college in all seriousness I am looking at changing Majors since I realized that the one I chose is p was suffering and not for me I hope it goes well man hey Doug thank you I learned that everything is black and white and we should all drop out and definitely did not misunderstand the message good that's my stream at bog good good good good sounds like I'm getting through to you twitch is such a terrible place to have a discussion and this thing really makes this difficult it would be good to consider instead making it per day and game so you can still pause and do things did you say making it a bidet oh per day okay um College sorry I had my butthole blasted by a bidet this morning so it's on the brain I yeah we'll see if five minutes works if it doesn't we can swap today I I think five minutes will work maybe it's a 10 minutes instead or something hey Doug you really changed my life [ __ ] you I wanted it to be the same that's the risk dude whenever you open up a twitch stream there's a chance your life changes you can't do anything about it everything you knew is done hello Dad I love you thank you couple make sure you get home in time for supper tonight all right this is our wheel we got 29 options I think it's good I have a question Doug I was going to graduate next week but you inspired me to drop out and become homeless I now live in a cardboard box okay my back hurts okay we're gonna do the crash landed scenario hey dog how about you have to immediately send all of your colonists on a caravan to go somewhere anyways botch I feel like we're gonna that is too extreme let's also decide what boy we'd use so again I have played like 15 hours of Rim world I'm not an expert by any means I understand the basics I've built like a basic Colony but I haven't gotten to like end game I think um so for people who don't know there's three different basically difficulties that affect what happens in the game so Cassandra classic is going to like make things slowly harder over time like a normal video game um Phoebe chillax is like more chill and then Randy random means it's just gonna be completely arbitrary what happens seems like most people want Randy so then the option is what do we do I am not great at this strive to survive on a tough tough tough rough Planet there'll be Triumph and tragedy recommended for experienced players who want a rough story requiring skill to survive that's not exactly what I would call myself blood and dust face brutal survival challenges even if you play well people will die you need to anticipate threats before they arrive and seek out every advantage and then losing is fun is the setting is designed to be unfair huge threats will crash upon you without Mercy until your Colony dies only choose the setting if you're happy with the drama of struggling and dying the thing is I feel like this is so I don't want it to be like there's literally no hope of surviving I feel like that's kind of boring right am I crazy here I mean if it's literally like a hundred Raiders show up and kill it that doesn't actually sound very funny that sounds boring you want to be like you want to have balance right you want it to be like I if things go well I can survive and we're also combining this with a [ __ ] wheel most are saying adventure story um I would lean towards I would lean towards strive to survive or blood and dust like still hard what we're not connected we will vote on it real quick let's do this never mind We're Not Gonna vote on it no I'm not gonna do losing his fun I think that's too much between strive to survive and blood and die I think we do blood and dust how is blood and dust like you have to be insanely good at the game I mean I do want things to be happening no it's easy you're gonna get clapped blood and dust is really hard okay then strive to survive I think I I mean the thing is like I do want things to be happening that's the only challenge like when I've played it's in the Casual gameplay I've done it has felt pretty slow of a game um so I just want things to be happening strive is a good balance Rim world's kind of easy in the first hour yeah I mean that's that's why I think we do blood and dust click custom I just want a lot of I just want the frequency of things to to happen can you uh threat scale wait so scale is this the now the number of times that they happen or that when they happen they're way harder it's slow until it's not yeah scale is the amount of enemies okay well that that would just like screw me then scale is the size there's a mod that increases event frequency it's perfectly fine where it is all right um so for rimworld players do you feel like blood and dust would be it is so hard that I can't even control it and that strives I would rather lean on it's a little bit too hard it would just be too hard for you for an hour you should be fine you need to go much easier with the wheel you need to do strive to survive but I feel like okay here's the thing the wheel isn't the wheel itself won't make me lose it it's just going to make the random events harder um you get what I mean like the wheel itself is not gonna like the wheel is only hard in combination with things happening in the game that are hard okay we'll start hard and then maybe we'll go easier always is better all right we're starting blood and duel blood and dust I mean um okay and we generate you will lose fast and it'll be fine hey Believers can we all agree that it's gonna be fine that guy really don't think inflation will fix the issue people are always gonna send stupid messages I really don't see it changing even with TTS inflation I agree with you by the way okay how about this temperate forest does it matter of our colony um we should be near some people though so we can [ __ ] them up is this a river what is this is this a road I would like to thank the fellow chapter that recommended t-square and showed me my new favorite music genre who's this person trout Township okay I think we want to be here right so we can fog up these guys win world but to random disaster happens every five minutes so Rim world rimworld plus rimworld rimworld 2X okay uh side goal we want to go [ __ ] up the trout people this map is looking great I mean like what happens when someone gets banned can they not chat or can they not even watch the stream oh that was from a while ago I I uh answered that already cool not a river how's that not a river what else is this what do you think this is this is a river hey I love to drive trucks while I eat donuts and crash a tributary that's a stream bro vers start you do realize rivers start like somewhere this is the start of the river this is the Malcolm River stream it's gonna be fine lesbian official convinced me commit as many acts of violence as possible a monitor streamer doesn't recognize this is literally a river dude what are you talking about are you sure we're not kindergarten you think this isn't a river right here your advice and dropped out after Pre-K that's not go back to school all right that's not what that's not what you learn in school s River see oh Creek what why is that a creek this is a river when does it stop being a river and turn into a creek why is this a creek no we need that it's when it gets small that doesn't make sense we're gonna put right here right next to these guys it'll be funny okay let's pick our boys let's talk about anime I've been watching Trigon Stampede recently no no we gotta stay focused okay I don't know so all right for people haven't played rimworld all of the the colonists we're gonna have have different attributes it's three dollars tell us your plans for the dihydrogen monoxide problems flooding somewhere probably thank you floods hasn't happened yet so this person's really good at animal handling being artistic social skills and being an intellectual snap event plants mining shooting stanislav [Music] yeah we could do cold snap as an event um gets to live also my mom said she misses you hey don't worry I'll be home soon your mom um I think we want Sarai right I have a reconstruction and Mining one is you have five minutes to something that would count as a Warcraft Geneva Convention or else you must spin the wheel twice commit a war crime that's pretty good hello Gladys thank you for posting a video of you juggling eggs while blindfolded to our slash Hearthstone many years ago longtime fan oh God I am getting old sad face thank you um cool we good any issues with these selections bring back Martin Martin is I don't we don't need him okay he's social we don't need social there was TTS inflation again so here's some money to help on your hard times also let us scramble commit actor sir um bring back Martin Martin you got he's just been socializing with you so you think he's awesome who would we drop for Martin okay actually Jimmy kind of sucks okay we're dropping Jimmy for Martin split the colonists into unsettled two separate map tiles a crew versus said crew I'm not capable of managing both of those all right we got Martin Sarai and stanislav stands a lot kind of sucks didn't we have somebody who's better wait I think Jimmy instead of stanislav oh that's pretty funny although I'm gonna have both their loud areas just be huge roll a D20 on a Nat 20 undo all negative effects on a Nat one kill all colonists I like the idea but it's not it's not very likely for something interesting to happen I want it to hopefully have interesting things happening peace your colonist has to build something with art on it before the next disaster I feel like it's just not that compelling like building an art piece maybe we do it later um okay if we if I roll a D20 right now then I will do what you just suggested forget what that is [Music] somebody mods a band whoever was that suggested the die all right this will be fine do we don't need somebody who's fighting dude Jimmy can shoot Jimmy you can shoot we're gonna do great all right I don't know everybody's freaking out things Jimmy can't can't carry this whole Colony all right we're gonna do a great job and besides whoever whoever on Twitch chat is assigned to Jimmy is gonna crush it okay stop implying that whoever is playing Jimmy is not gonna be able to handle this hey Doug just wondering if you could help me out and remind me in 15 minutes too thank you Yoshi lover wait do I spin the wheel now to start this off just do what you did last stream and never pause TTS we all saw how well that went there yeah okay these are our starting bonus give it five minutes to get going okay our colonists are persas 3 who says cat Jam my whose new name is namr 2 who says hey and Martin whose new name is most might welcome okay the dog is random man72 this is our team to kick this off Ready set go first five minutes I just get we highlight everything we allow it we say all right pick up all this [ __ ] put it somewhere we get some zones stockpile Zone bam well let's get some homes uh sure here why not get a little living room wait I need like bedrooms for people right all right we'll do that too I'll make some bedrooms everybody you're gonna get like a five by five bedroom wanna do three four five hey Doug I'm gathering TTS messages just in case the price goes up please keep note I've bought a share and keep money aside to pay me back after the value increases yeah we'll do okay stockpile Zone let's expand you need to say that TTS is the backbone of the content it's what stirs the drink on a lot of the channels content drink I've never raised stirred my drink just now dude that's a great great phrase eggplant to speech okay let's get some wood why don't you chop down trees we need more wood people get wood who is supposed to be building our home this guy okay nammer can you please work more yeah before you purchase this 300 bit TTS I am just here to inform you one bit off of most Michael Chatters that we have pooled money together to hire a lawyer to sue you for hating the port unfortunately we don't have much so the lawyer isn't that good if you make a custom TTS system I think you could theoretically use the chat GPT API to convert every message to Pi with speak just saying okay that is true I could force everybody to talk like a pirate oh wait this is wrong how do I cancel this I almost says price out the pause [Music] you elbow I don't like to work without pay number look we are crashed colonists on a planet okay no we don't have money yet I guess we have 800 silver looks like well I'll pay you in some silver look here I just quit college because of your advice and now have no job and live on the streets oh my God you live on the Sesame Street you will be fine wait one two three one two three [ __ ] that's wrong hold on hold on we're gonna be okay gotta take care of the fam all right yeah you're gonna be fine just keep keep taking care of the wood back in my day we got our text to speech for 75 bits and we had enough bits left to get ourselves banned via game show wheel oh look we're building stuff okay what else should I do Chad give me advice work tab couldn't she give higher amounts a higher priority and let it sort itself out I don't want to have this be some sort of like Lord of the Flies money competition oh wait no not how do we move how do I move this thing I don't remember how to do anything God I don't contribute to the TTS problems in the future thank you all right get all this [ __ ] out of here get out of this [ __ ] all right ones are once our zone is kind of set up look at a dumping Zone over here [Music] how do I look at all zones zones how do I just look at zones what's going on this is confusing we are building a base and we're gonna survive that's what's happening there's a whole bunch of they're basically the goal four Soul colonists to marry each other then divorce them can you force them to marry each other I don't actually know oh Farm yeah we should Farm all right the quick quick recap we have three colonists and we've started we've crash landed onto a planet we have nothing so we have to build a base for ourselves and stay alive and make sure all the colonists are happy and okay the message to fit a terrible idea so I am setting up some basic rooms for people and we're getting a Zone where we're gonna grow some food uh yeah let's grow some food there my dad is also a viewer what's for supper okay what's for supper is um it is what do you guys what do you guys want for dinner hey Doug started watching your videos about a week ago of course today I dropped out of college and tomorrow will be homeless can I live in your basement you've gone through the full Arc in just a day congratulations wow what is going on the stream right now is very POG chat could we get something jokes also hey Doug how do I rotate they rotate a thing oh e it says right there hi Doug okay I've been sick in the Stream will help get through the day happy birthday hey happy you too man okay we're growing rice and corn oh time okay honestly looking pretty good I was worried I may be getting parasocial Obsession where I Look to public figures for Life advice what should I do about that look I can tell you right now the wheel will answer that question simulator no there will be moral name one unethical thing that has happened so far all right pause again that's why I pause all right um hey Doug I just wanted to say hey Doug everyone seems to say hey Doug must be a rite of passage also I hate the cold snaps is interesting enough thank you I will add commit any worse give them a Barracks privacy is overrated yeah why do they need their own rooms they're cold though all right let's get this moving five minutes in we got 55 more minutes to survive she'd be stirring on my drink and we have to [Music] draft one of the colonists and I permanently control them that is not a great first one okay fine [Music] at least we're not dealing with anything crazy all right TTS is the real hero of the content you are there like the GTA gameplay is to Family Guy clips that's true that's fair all right ready go um all right it's me you are the poor people Hyatt you're drafted so followed your advice and dropped out to college so I don't really know what I'm doing but I assure you Doug I require me you're done for just go eat meat all right everybody's getting new God but I will say I've been waiting for Dungeons and Dragons stream every day Hey where's you okay nammer do you why are you sleeping dude okay you're now chippy welcome you to Glide don't you make the volume of TTS increase with the price I've been waiting for the stream since thanks Doug um How do I how do I make him can I make him build things so now that he's this guy is drafted my ass is so chapped I can't afford toilet paper any longer since I just have I can't do anything all he can do is fight sucks a week ago please help can I even have him like eat okay can I even do anything other than fight [Music] he'll mental break because you can't do anything okay all right so we've got one colonist who is permanently in fight mode uh so if anybody comes into tax we're set uh we've got a dog who's been craving meat this is from Ruthless reader what are other two guys doing I'm gonna speed up the time is there a guinea pig did that guinea pig just say something is that guinea pig because every single animal is also yo bgj what up man what's up it's me yeah dude you're a rabbit wait I just realized something literally the only thing I can do right now is fight [Music] maybe you'll win you are actually fighting back wait dude you actually heard him he's in need of medical treatment I don't have medical beds or anything is this guy gonna lose to a [ __ ] rabbit okay the rabbit's dead we did it we're the greatest no one is well done uh mods go ahead and time out bgj sorry buddy wait can you like I can't even pick up the body what am I supposed to do this guy sucks now I guess I'll just keep having him hunt this rabbit is karate trained I mean we need like a medical bed now [Music] wait can I even have him hold on can I even have him go get back in bed and heal rest until healed okay I can't tell him to do that so at least after fighting he'll be all right the other people are finishing up the the houses we need like a torch how do we do flooring again I played on the PS5 so I I don't know all the Recreation oh floors there we go all right wood floor okay boom you cheated he's not drafted what do you mean oh you're right wait wait what why did he undraft so I can't have him I can't ever have him rest oh no okay is he allowed to sleep is he ever allowed to sleep or does he have to be in drafted mode forever okay he's gonna he's gonna stay in drafted mode I mean at least give him a gun I don't know why I've sent him against the [ __ ] Rabbit Without a Gun why can't wait pick up the weapon why won't he pick up the weapon he will fall asleep automatically okay perfect he doesn't have arms I mean he does yeah uh he's gonna collapse at some point well he's got to stop being a coward and fight a little harder right The Colony needs him um oh it says there's a minor break wrist yeah okay so he's not let's look at his thing he doesn't have a lot of food what was that [Music] known Miss is hiding in his room this happened because of poor mood his final straw was Recreation deprived he's gonna be fine oh okay so I can't draft him right now because he's so upset [Music] okay [Music] if you want there's a workshop keeps them drafted forever no I'll just try to anytime I see him as undrafted I'll immediately go try to draft him he's sad from killing the bunny [Music] Fender bunny all right that bunny committed a felony I think we're doing great next wheel spin so far there aren't like threats to the Colony other than the one guy running out of food and okay the good news though Israel colonist is really good at fighting although he is upset and he's pouting in his room wait hold on okay let me make sure I can do this that I can spawn rabid squirrels can I do this squirrel rabid what is it called when they attack it's rabid right Manhunter that's it oh yeah dude is it not in here I can't force a Manhunter that's surprising to me uh uh is it just under spawn spawn oh spawn thing so is Man Hunter in here now or like squirrel meet squirrel go to incident not thing Pawn oh yeah okay we mean okay um spawn on and then this is got it got it got it and then squirrel is here oh how do I make it rabid though or um what is it called Manhunter you need scaria rot do incident and then do Man Hunter pack okay but I don't see Man Hunter oh you're right you're right right is here wait a pack of man hunting monkeys has entered the uh oh okay so it's not necessarily going to be squirrels it's just gonna be ten animals that's kind of a problem that'll make this harder right I don't know that I should have done 10. um Man Hunter pack okay we've got a man hunting cat just two of them two more sorry three more uh yorkshire terriers have entered the region maybe our dog will defend us against all these animals I think 10 was a really terrible idea and it should have been like um should have been like four or two okay there's a man there's man hunting rabbits we can kill those guys and then last one [Music] man hunting guinea pigs all right these guys are cowards we can fight them and the Futures do one pack yeah I think this is a bit too much this might be the end of our colony okay before we move on let's change the names expected [Music] all right welcome to the team everybody that The Prestige gamer and Puck head 1994. we're gonna see if you oh wait hold on we also need we also need the dog the dog is now angry pengu who was 07 for the others thinking he was not gonna be sacrificed if any of you guys die in the next five minutes you get banned for a hundred thousand seconds ready go thank you thank you oh God sure to remove the organs of your enemies for maximum okay I'm drafting these guys were going into the house for safety you're drafted hey that's sorry I can't draft him he's already pouting in the room tku is it worth taking a bit as a transfer and how hard is it to juggle the pledge period in the rest of it with technical coursework is a CS major uh I don't have updated advice on that sorry you got to set up a work schedule I don't know what that would be like okay puckhead is getting hurt wait are they fighting each other maybe the rabbits will fight the guinea pigs this is what I get for believing I did the computer okay you're gonna be fine it wanted to improve its swept sight why is the dog helping did the lawyer win angry pengu can you fight oh okay you killed a rabbit that was actually good why is the monkey in the house I thought they don't come in puckhead hi Doug fight this thing my cat while watching your stream wink wink meow meow can I draft the dog where's the other guy he is still pouting in his room okay we're down puckhead is dying guns oh yeah go get the guns Mr douglas douglas in preparation for the inevitable TTS recession I'm telling you to get the gun go get the get the gun I can't die we do need the dog I put all my money on that rabbit here is my last three dollars time to declare bankruptcy too late for that Keck w L account dim a lot Ali I don't know how to say her name and ninja 68976 the TTS inflation taxation the price is not angry lack of representation can you please it's shower time wait is somebody back to life huckhead is no longer incapable of walking wait how's your health looking right now okay you have a lot of blood loss you're doing fine I'm not dead you're all just alive I'm a [ __ ] monkey yeah yes dude okay why is the dog helping the dog should go indoors he's fighting one of the guinea pigs the dog could actually save the colony guinea pig RAR the Save The Colony right now if we survive for two and a half more minutes and then bat stops having a temper tantrum he can go in here and heal up these two guys and we're actually gonna be able okay go dog yeah except our dog isn't doing anything the dog needs to get in there and start actually fighting the dog has killed like three things okay he's going into the other room but not in the room where the the rabid monkey is bat is still pouting in his room let the dog cook let me turn up the sound [Music] [Applause] a husky named angry Pango had a mental break because of Puck head okay our dog is having a mental breakdown wait did somebody die oh buckhead's dead okay that actually makes sense well two whites here my chemistry lab in the basement just exploded so sorry about that oh Elmo taught me how to build a met chemistry lab [ __ ] you Elmo um [ __ ] these [ __ ] up okay the monkey has officially F's in the chat killed puckhead mods you know what to do take him out back for 1 000 seconds if the dog who's having a mental breakdown is he fighting bat the dog is killing one of her oh it's our only remaining Survivor okay they're both fighting I can't do anything because they're both having a breakdown wait can I release him to the wild to stop this okay you're released go out into the world [Music] okay he's trying to okay the dog hey the dog killed bat is anybody alive okay the cat's coming okay now the dog and the cat are fighting so for Steve's gamer is technically alive bat is technically alive now the way this works for people who don't know in rimworld if all three of your colonists die then you get the man in Black who's a new guy who shows up is basically uh one last chance to stay alive rip Believers well you might be okay magnitude so this guy could technically Save The Colony we're not totally dead by 15 minutes I don't think besides bat is still alive oh well okay both of the colonists in here died medical treatment needed okay if the if this guy can come in here and rescue bat then we're fine and time um I think we're doing great I'm very confident about this next round we have the man okay the man in Black is going to come in he's Gonna Save one of our boys and then we still have two people we're fine next roll [Music] the Run ends when everybody is dead [Music] it's not great the largest animal on the map might be like a guinea pig we can do this I'm gonna have the man in Black go fight the animal first I'll go ahead and pick up a gun okay ready go um all right Amanda black oh he's being attacked by dogs no [Music] um well if he can make it wait this is probably the biggest hold on this is probably the biggest animal on the board if he can shoot and kill the dog then that counts right hold on let me see are there bigger animals oh God that's bigger [Music] this is doggo drill all right magnetic turtle you have to come here you have to you have to kill this thing [Music] ignore the dog ignore the two Terriers that you're fighting ignore Matt DB and dragoli just get out of there magnetic turtle oh we don't have the yeah sorry timer I'm not sure it's gonna matter a ton you guys unless magic Turtle can get out of the dogs I think he needs to kill the dogs first I'ma have him shoot the dogs gonna get those ankles dude this is our last guy is he really gonna why isn't he shooting anybody oh here comes the dog thank you dog very cool is he eating the man in Black success okay he came over to his dead body to sleep um I mean technically the guy might live for the next five minutes and then and then it there's and then the run is still alive you should set you technically to attack instead of flee ah yeah [Music] how do we get out of this can is there can we can somebody else like show up on the map and save us no the man in Black only comes one time okay medical emergency their risk of death because of severe illness bleeding out in three hours magnetic Turtle just hold out for a little bit longer and besides I I didn't have the timer running for the first like 30 seconds so really he needs to live like three more minutes hold out magnetic turtle uh okay you are you're losing a lot of blood [Music] and we're all dead we have some vicious twitch chat dogs these guys oh dude he wasn't even he was supposed to go say all right that's run one but now okay now people have a sense of how this works right and now I think we can agree I can crush this and was definitely not too hard of a difficulty we run it back let's go Randy blutter dust I just arrived I have no idea about anything maybe play the tutorial I mean I know the basics of the game I'm just not good at the game those are different I've played through the tutorial of the game that was just a trial run you've got this exactly I don't know if your message was referring to way long ago or is actually caught up oh it is caught up okay mods why don't you do a prediction does does the does the colony survive for 20 minutes let's do a 20 minute prediction I think 20 minutes is doable can you explain what rimworld is yeah so it's a base simulator so we're basically gonna have three colonists who let crash land on a planet and we have to build a base and survive but you know maybe take the permanent draft off the wheel no no no no no no no no we run it but [Music] um the game will throw random things at us that I have to deal with right so we'll be rated or there's gonna be like a firestorm or you know uh somebody I don't know lose it like has mental unstability all of the the colonists have like mental needs that we have to take care of hey Doug so you have to like manage all that more money like how you [ __ ] out your sickness [ __ ] King got your sickness I don't know what you mean um add a flash storm to the wheel we can do that so it's like the Martian yeah it's like the Martian okay how does twitch chat play you don't uh this is this is not twitch chat playing uh wait do we have a new one [Music] revise the Man Hunter yeah does the colony survive I'll do 30 minutes yes no we do wait then why was I able to make a new one I don't think there was a prediction up okay let's run it 30 minutes is too much yes there was but I ca I can't make a prediction when there's already one up I think this is this is the this is the new one you could run the twitch integration mod I'll use this one for now but I'm gonna look into others in the future okay is the man in Black the equivalent of the mysterious stranger from Fallout if so they both seem equally useless I don't know I haven't played Fallout I can't bet I don't see a prediction there's currently a prediction up if uh if you don't see it then it is not working sorry hey Doug sorry to hear about the erection hope you get soft soon thank you brother I appreciate it is it trying times for us all yeah maybe refresh all right I think that was not hard enough and that we should start with a with a Nerf I think we should start with a Nerf seed name is depressed believers how you not gonna believe on that come on come on come on they'll give such a kind lover first you're a Mustang you pegas also Doug there is no prediction you're crazy okay we're going to this Forest this guy's name is noob okay he is really good at shooting so that is actually kind of a good uh a good argument for keeping him I guess somebody's good at construction Mining and plants that's pretty decent and then we have penguin who's good at Construction we might drop penguin is anybody else good Leia is good at shooting and melee we can get just like a Powerhouse fight team so basically depending on your skills they're going to be better or worse at helping the colony in certain ways so cooking is cooking meals construction is building walls and rooms and whatnot mining is mining for materials shooting and melee means they're gonna be able to fight better uh animals is like handling pets and taming pets plants as growing crops crafting is making like art and [ __ ] like that oh never mind General items and then artistic is Art medical is you know treating wounds social is interacting with each other intellectual is research um everybody else kind of sucks snake kind of sucks m is an escaped convict I think we we probably go for JP right who has construction and medical probably we're gonna have a lot of people who need healing I think we drop penguin for JP I think JP's medical skills his construction skills and his shooting skills are all pretty valuable like that that seems that seems pretty solid and then we have more construction and plants and animals from Waller and then Noob who's a Space Marine medic oh damn we have hella medical okay yeah this is good he's an addict wait who is okay penguin is deaf that could cause issues but wait who's an addict I don't see it oh over here oh [ __ ] okay so he's dependent on smoke leaf but the good news JP is addicted to smoke Leaf which is like tobacco but Waller is good at plants so Waller can give him a lot of tobacco just remind me to grow tobacco for JP okay I think this is a sick team smoke leaf leaf is weed oh is it meant to be weed he's gonna have a mental break very quickly we'll grow him a bunch of weed he'll be fine I thought it was meant to be tobacco I mean why would you have like a dependence you will welcome the the rules of the game for me make a lot more sense if it's tobacco but whatever who cares oh it is called a joint yeah look he has 15 joints he'll be fine all right we just gotta get we gotta Farm some weed fast enough that JP doesn't run out of joints let's go weed isn't less addictive than tobacco I don't know what's going on but tall and unbelieving Pog dude go for it all right and we crash in now we have a pet snake we have a cobra as a snow okay whatever this is dumb let's kick this off with a wheel right these all work well a lot of these are dependent on the base maybe we do need to get started still gonna start growing weed you'd better share with the rest of us look all three colonists are gonna get really really [ __ ] high I guess most of these we kind of need a base to be built okay yeah we're doing five minutes and then we'll spin the wheel okay ready set wait isn't physical addictive but many people develop a psychological addiction to it yeah that's fair all right JP you are local FBI agent Waller you are [Music] not all Rudd who says rigged and Noob you are being reassigned to your imagination FBI POG okay welcome and our snake is Gimli 44k and this squirrel is magnificent ninja who says Noob cool let's build architect Zone Let's Get Growing we need weed we need weed fast hey Doug did you remove the kill the largest animal on the map wheel option on purpose it is now unchecked and grayed out also hey Doug um I I yes I removed them after they've been selected [Music] wait do I have wood oh I need to make all these allowed to the basement for some met I mean we knows can smoke the chemistry [Music] you wanna have wood we don't have okay here's what get some wood um okay they've picked up all the materials that start getting building God I'm so not used to this how do I change there we go all right let's build a little room for y'all give them weapons to survive they'll be fine are people already what is happening any bets yeah no we're gonna be fine all right that's a room this music makes me want to go weed myself what's a weed growing song that I have I feel like I could go grow weed to Pepsi man and then we need like a relaxation room give the snake a gun I want we all right listens oh maybe we'll consider it wood door wood door wood door all right we are building let's get some 1 600 plus hours in Rim world I can say you don't beat the rim you just commit more crimes each time good luck noted I'm sure we'll be fine please boss we barely have enough weed for local FBI agent as is oh hi oh [ __ ] I forgot to set this to smoke Leaf cool cargo vroom okay we're growing potatoes apparently okay we need smoke Leaf over here this all needs to be smoke leaf no-till Rod get over here and start making weed thank you okay we have enough potatoes now um who is this rabbit wait local FBI agent is also the rabbit I need to become Florida snake you're gonna be fine all right look you can have one of the joints if you can steal off local FBI agent's body let's speed things up okay we also need some beds for everybody to sleep in why is everything it's Steel okay bed bed porch lamp porch lamp porch lamp let's get some flooring [Music] okay we do we need to build some like security so let's do that too I'll build a horseshoe pin for you enjoy some horseshoes I don't get paid enough for this local FBI agent we are crash landed on a colony on some random planet right we're barely surviving wait some rabbit was just talking [ __ ] about me who said this somebody who's some rabbit was just talking [ __ ] oh that's local FBI agent who's this turkey quaxi you're a turkey congrats hey Doug okay let's get all these sweet I want to watch a funny movie soon I will kill the rabbit if I get hungry that you know what that's fine [Music] all right we're building oh we gotta haul this [ __ ] [Music] get that [ __ ] out of here okay they're sleeping before even finishing but whatever that's all right we need to cut this why is nobody cutting the tree plus doesn't need wood yielding wait why can't cut plants there we go all right two one I love sleeping on the floor you could have finished the house man it doesn't take that long you built half of the floor and then just went to sleep on the unfloored part of the house [Music] all right we're honestly looking okay I think this is good [Music] next spin [Applause] [Music] okay what exactly does this mean okay we gotta pick a war crime chat any suggestions screw the Geneva Convention most popular war crimes hey Doug this is your local FBI agent don't do anything too illegal okay violations law are customs of War include atrocities against persons murder deportation of slave we could turn somebody into a slave potentially we could murder a prisoner of war killing hostages we might need to imprison and kill one of our own colonists torture in human treatment including biological experiments wait if we if we take a bunch of their organs does that work plunder of private property wait I could send everybody on a raid and then we just plunder the nearest town wanton destruction of cities towns I think we go on a raid I think we go try to [ __ ] up another town we did get military focused people then we just steal a bunch of [ __ ] from them oh but I wanted organs you're gonna be fine I like people in chat yelling plunder man I suggest clothes made of human skin it makes me think of like you're like an Army Of Orcs who have no ethics and want to go eat and and murder humans um Devastation not justified by military necessity destruction of property that is of particular cultural significance okay do we commit um this is the Geneva Convention agents for an annual inspection of your Colony if you're not doing anything illegal I don't think they Geneva infection in the Geneva Convention has agents that they send for inspections you guys aren't doing any war crimes in here are you I think the assumption is people just aren't doing war crimes at any given time um what war crime uh human experimentation I guess we take organs the nearest Village we want to wear their faces Jesus Christ okay human experimentation imprisoned imprison a colonist then torture then kill or Raid nearby town [Music] okay Chad is excited about plundering Captain the story beard here I heard somebody mention plunder what's going on did somebody say blunder okay it looks like we're going to be uh pillaging and plundering the nearest town we do have two Fighters This is doable all right this is the this is the part of the game I have only done like one time I have to set hold on rimworld players help me out I set a caravan spot right and then I go to the map I right click on the town and I say set a caravan here right or is or is attacking different than a caravan history beard wishes to plunder form Caravan um you don't need a caravan spot oh that's how it works it's just from the map okay let me let me make sure I understand how to do this first all right we go to the world where are we we're here who we want to plunder the white tar pit or banthos this uh this one is neutral with us this one is hostile so here's what I'm thinking the Hostile banthos if I have to listen to Blackbeard one more time I swear to God I would be the one committing war crimes um the thing with banthos is that they're already pretty upset at us and I feel like that's less of a war crime than going into the completely neutral tar pit people and just ripping ass isn't it less of a war crime to go attack banthos why is everybody so stupid about killing Panthers colonists being their plunder and do it they're plunderwear we can steal the banthonian organ get the smallest people um I think we gotta plunder the innocent hi Doug Geneva Convention inspector and Doug dug viewer here just want to let you know we exist and we require college degrees uh oh wait this is a traitor wait does that mean they'll kill me if it's a Trader's at a whole Caravan I heard you wanted to commit to all crimes well Doug I've committed many atrocities myself okay we should go we should go raid banthos then right I feel like we're gonna die thank you Alma I feel like we're gonna die we're gonna die to we're gonna die to a traitor I think are we cool with band all right I'll do a quick quick poll kill who we won who we war crimes where are we dropping boys tar pit banthos banthos will have guns oh that's uh that's true you're gonna die to both of them doesn't have as good technology I mean yeah a bit okay I mean I'll just have to play the best Rim World Of My Life we'll be fine ah murder crime mask all right we're going we're plundering some banthonians if we die we go swinging look I've always said I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees all right banthos wait form Caravan Finland Saga has prepared you for this moment Doug yeah Finland Saga didn't get did get me pretty hyped up okay it's gonna take us .6 days is this all I do so now once I start Play there everybody's gonna get into a caravan and move I need to make sure they pick up their weapons hey Doug first play The Who Song yeah I just wanted to say loot pillage burn don't let no one survive and now we stand poised to conquer new worlds and reap their Bountiful resources hold on let me go back out of the world it wouldn't be a duck duck stream unless we turn the Geneva conventions into a to-do list okay so I would have them equip the thing all right so so real quick um oops I the age of men is over here music oh crime POG okay um how do I start the Caravan there's a prep all right sorry I'm trying to read but everybody's like stoked about plundering there's a preparation screen after you hit accept Okay let me let me equip them with guns first all right all right everybody get ready to commit war crimes time to show banthos Freedom all right I already get get strapped we gotta get strapped go get guns do they need food or anything climb the half links hahaha I heard the Panthers have Frodo and Sam former Caravan okay they have their guns items oh yeah we're bringing all the smoke leaves we're sending the snake wait hold on hold on real quick uh do I have to send the stuff this is how many we're gonna send right I have to I click right yeah I've only done this one time like six months ago so I don't remember exactly how it works Doug I feel as a model I can barely reach okay we'll have a story I don't have enough bands to deal with all these Orcs just let the I think the Orcs will might be stopped in banthos whoo um you choose somebody to take with you all right uh we're definitely we're taking some joints uh let's get some survival okay we're taking all the survival meals we need all right back on the road banthos what's going on all right the all right the colonists are leaving how do I go back everyone get in the car good luck on the raid boys try not to die no you you're coming with us snake I sent you on the yeah don't worry you're coming Panthers has Oil we're not I heard Frodo and Sam are hiding with them what The Who Song really makes me want some weed I mean smoke weed yeah good save okay the caravan's on the move time to plunder boys are we the bad guys wait local FBI agents possessions local FBI agents in a poor mood hopefully it will improve his mood to go pillage all right we're almost it's almost blundering time [Music] uh new arrivals no I'm not we're not offering gifts how do I get in here hello [Music] where where where's the thing I don't know how to play this game attack banthos this is the city of banthos we sure hope you aren't going to commit a war crime by not declaring war prior to an assault how do I look at it zoom in wait van throws is [ __ ] loaded look at this okay time to Village boys dude we are [ __ ] where are we this is this is us look okay we have the snake though [ __ ] all right let's let's go let's commit war crimes oh God they're shooting already okay wait hold on hold on as long as we could get their weed as long as we kill somebody that's a Warcraft we could bail right like we don't have to kill everybody right I think okay we play it safe we just need to commit a war crime all right careful we win these we gotta find somebody who's like out on their own that's an automated machine gun dude they have so many turrets okay these guys are also all right half of the people in here are also yelling okay let's let's get behind oh Jesus Christ okay there's a diver take the weed to w-h-o okay uh not all Rod is already Bleeding Out maybe okay we can't how do we get past what if we just what if we fire at the solar generator maybe that'll blow up attack it commit the war crimes Wonder their solar generator everybody in that town is strapped okay if is it Cowboy all right swap to Skyliner swap the Skyliner fire get him we drew them out with our with our distractions girls okay Skylanders down we've committed a war crime get out get out get out run run run run run we have to leave manthos they're [ __ ] destroy us oh [ __ ] hmm well the attack on banthos did not work uh oh we have a man in Black pardon me we have one guy left of Geneva congratulations you were chosen for a random audit another successful well technically the run is still going um great job plundering everybody next on the list this isn't a wall it's a special pillaging operation I mean we did we even break their solar power generator all right cool so now we have one guy left who's gonna build a huge bedroom for himself this Colony sucks well get them next time okay but after I finish making my bedroom I could send the go plunder tibia or labia what was the other town called we're gonna send the man in Black for more plundering if we get some if we get some prisoners from that we could regrow The Colony set of circumstances I have ever seen look we need to be smart about our war crimes next time Panthers had so much [ __ ] dude the other is a [ __ ] disaster why did we we got two hyped on blundering Geneva conventions here just letting you know that I'm a bunch of treaties not an organization IDK what the other guy was on about with the agents I mean do most legal documents have their own agents that's a good point he's into war crime if there's no remaining military to judge you okay well they banthos might judge it as a war crime okay we're gonna build it's from Tekken five and it's called Unforgiven all right here's what you're gonna do mirandel and congratulations Miranda you are now Templar you neglected to tell us that banthos is a military base we had to plunder okay we had to plunder somebody and I didn't know who banthos was bro I I crash landed on this planet with you okay you got to make yourself a giant bedroom um deconstructs we are a proud and fierce race with even the strongest Warriors face defeat from time to time it is in these moments of defeat that our true honor is tested is it really our honor being tested if all of the Orcs are dead next time we need to have the white wizard with us at 11 12 13 14 15. okay this guy does not need Templar you're gonna have a massive bedroom and two of my suggestions squirrel although someone else may have suggested it and war crimes got Doug killed should I be proud or sad that's a good I think okay great he's building a floor and a door I can't believe this you all talked about plunder then you show such a shameful attempt at plundering guy then died pathetically we did history lessons we did commit a war crime John either convention here you couldn't even do me that's how we know you're a virgin okay I'll just put one bed in the center of this bedroom if that was a military base I don't think that was a war crime gotta kill some civilians and burn some houses we burned there we burned down their solar power plant I mean it's not in we slightly damaged their solar power plant Hitler has nothing on us dude I mean we showed it high out of our minds and started screaming about Hobbits and stuff are we really surprised by the outcome our channel was a snake [Music] I guess actually [ __ ] up we need to impeach him for his lack of leadership hold on you voted I put it to an orcish Democratic vote you voted on raiding banthos that's not my fault do we commit a successful War crime we did leave a convention inspector here again you can ignore that guy going on about how we are just treaties that's just what we tell to our employees you build college degrees bro can you please finish building that targeting of energy infrastructure such as dams and solar panels as they are intended for civilian uses of war crimes or war crimes we did it we committed a war crime COG take responsibility for her action look you can't pin the war crime on me dude not after we all voted on how we were gonna who how we were gonna War crime and who we were going to war crime that was a group effort we gotta all sit back and take accountability if he doesn't Finish the build is that a fail I guess so he's playing horseshoes bro go build stuff build your bedroom cannot work on wall oh he doesn't have enough wood oh now he's sleeping okay fine I'll quarters chop wood get us some wood so you can finish your bedroom he's gonna run out of time he only has a minute to finish the bedroom [Music] wait what is this disease when he hears colonists has gotten sick from gut worms God damn it Templar do not take his organs was it really a win I think the snake like bit him on the face though after he after he passed out Templar you've got to hurry the [ __ ] up you have 40 seconds to finish a bedroom wait who's the squirrel oh magnificent Maja what up I'm still here that's true you didn't go out for the war crimes oh they have multiple squirrels in the bedroom who's this one this is paji okay 20 seconds he's currently in bed with a bout of gut worms [Music] and that ladies and gentlemen [Music] is a failure how'd you be a thing in the game it's just randomly assigned well better or worse than last attempt [Music] and we did pretty good may they rest in plunder heaven thank you magnificent ninja you've been a loyal squirrel from the beginning [Music] oh you're right she's a woman in black I've been saying man in Black the whole time okay better okay foreign say goodbye what is the name of this Colony are there names can you name the colony I guess plunderville one last hit of smoke weed I don't even know if we have any left we took all the joints over to banthos dude all of our weed wait hold on if the run is over and Templar has a gun may as well go visit banthos all right we still have six joints all right let's go [Music] oh how do I zoom in on this okay Escape okay he's healing up he's taking a [ __ ] on the floor and now heading out all right he's prep for Panthers get it out of your system now for the weed okay I'm gonna try to see if he can go grab our our stolen joints [Music] is he stopping is he doing another like piss break hey you didn't need your sleep like 12 hours am I crazy stolen weak yeah well they stole it we've we finished our war crimes and then they stole the weed all right let him cook I mean he's literally just sitting here on the road she is sitting here on the road Templar just slept hold on Templar we're swapping you out although that's the Caravan all right she's on the Move hey Doug she's done oh yeah she's dying of gut words hopefully we can do better this time mother wise I may need therapy to deal with this you cover that right attack manthos look once we go get our smoke Leaf back we'll have everything we could want wait how do I go there oh there we go okay phantos still looking pretty strong they've even they've even fixed the solar power generator that we damaged okay here's Templar oh my God so dark major you are the captain of this final pillaging ship um let's begin do they are the are old people enslaved or do they kill them I don't see them in here no I think okay how do we attack you know what I'm going for the only thing they care about let's go kill them all for the weed hold on is waging we're taking their solar power generator and we're out of range possession okay we can actually go in we're out of range of the machine gun so we can take out the [ __ ] their solar generator we'll plunder the [ __ ] out of it okay now we run away okay John Ender okay John Enderman has a bazooka I think we need to get out no stop stop moving take a quick shot get out quick quick [Music] well maybe the maybe we got the solar generator this time I didn't check but I'm sure I'm sure it died in the uh In the Heat of the battle all right New Colony this is how far we made it two and a half bedrooms that is officially a loss for the Believers my fellow Orcs it is with great sadness that I must deliver my final decree as your president it has been an honest to greatness.i want to thank each and every one of you for your loyalty bravery and dedication to our cause together we have paramedic three war crimes onto the board [Music] and we go again [Music] quality blood and dust Brandy random [Music] embedding everything against you here we could we could do it we could do it this is doable just ideally we don't do warcrafts there's our seed this time will be war crimes oops war crimes um okay we need to be near somebody who we can War crime dice town wait this area sucks though that's a desert no no no uh if we go here temperate forest then we're near Neda oh I'm kind of blocking this then we're by not by the tree imps Village and compassion Pond I'm gonna be honest if we're gonna if we're gonna plunder anybody I think compassion Pond is probably number one on the list they really seem like they have it coming [Music] um okay I think we go here right but the Geneva Convention 2024. it's not it it's not like a convention that everybody meets at where they show off the latest war crimes for this year pay me I I didn't see a prediction I was pit no I got paid out look or was this no this is the bet I don't know if the prediction got canceled or something or it was already paid because there's only one prediction up 2024 war crimes gonna be insane it hasn't paid uh I don't know it seems like predictions might be glitching a little bit I had to refresh okay it was paid yeah it seems like people are seeing different things I would try refreshing just in case also as a reminder please be respectful with regard to predictions especially to the mods do not scream and yell and demand things predictions are a fun goofy part of the stream not life or death please be respectful um all right this spot looks good let's pick our people oh I just realized it said we're gonna compassion Pond is gonna be upset at us hey Doug have you heard about the old man who fell in a well he didn't see that well okay pun intended thank you uh sappy is okay nug fur is a pizza lover which I like and is decent at cooking and melee and shooting I put the Hagen going so I heard you guys a fan of war crimes who are you guys gonna cosplay as at this year's Geneva Convention I'm going as Coney 2012. okay Eden is really smart and social and a good doctor the problem is I don't know if we'll have time to research anything sappy is too old 44 that's not that old bro come on I'm not like I know a lot of you guys are in your 20s okay early 20s according to the YouTube statistics actually it's like according to YouTube like 70 or 80 of the audience is like 18 to 30 in that range but then but then us us us olds drop way off after that point um okay Sappy's a little old gonographer is like okay Harry is a child spy she was trained as a child spy that could be good for war crimes she is 46 which you think is decrepitally old though um she's a she's a misogynist no the sandras I've never heard that word before that you dislike men huh she's kind and she's physically dull I mean she seems okay Harry seems alright Philly was a child star and she's our no Philly's too artistic we don't need that now Sting's looking good good with animals social intellectual here's the here's the problem the problem is that like I don't know if we're gonna have time to research stuff and make art you know so oh she oh and he's 59 Daniel's pretty old uh we may maybe we drop sting sting seemed hype at first okay now Anna I can get into crafting artistic medical and social she's 95 holy [ __ ] and was a childhood star she's incapable of dumb labor up and violent nope nope you're out no if you can't if you can't commit war crimes with us you're out we're dumping Anna kaido is a Defector dude these people suck we have no construction only nug fur is good at Construction he's good at melee okay we definitely need nug for are we on board with sappy do randomize I think we stick with our with our guys I mean I would reroll sappy squirt how are we feeling about squirt squirt's really social she's 83. okay I'm re-randomizing squirt I'll get three re-ran three randomizers okay this guy's a gun dealer but he's bad at shooting one more Benjamin good at fighting decent cooking decent animals really intellectual um Defector is good he's like 93 I mean look Morgan Freeman was pretty hyped but I I don't think he the the skills that we're looking for we really need construction we need some construction we take Harry 's construction is okay and then Harry's good at shooting a melee too I think we take Harry we do Harry and nug fur and then who's our third okay I'll randomize this guy three times and then whoever's the best we're taking construction we go with Ben right 30 year old 30 years old and we can all agree somebody who's 30 or 32 they're spry in their Prime of their youth okay we can all agree on that not old at all and construction is 11 which is what we need decent mining too and it's kind of smart he's ancient okay I think I think we take but we take Big Ben dude the cosplay event at genevacon 2023 and he's incapable of being social that's actually kind of a problem Ben is too old Ben is fine Harry is 46 and you guys were talking about Harry and nugfur is oh he's not being a squirtle even if I got called ninja twice hope I get to be another animal again it's all randomly assigned all the people who are the things are randomly assigned I lost all my gray hair a decade ago I will say I'm kind of stoked for gray hair I hope I get gray hair at some point I think gray hair looks dope that's a real comment I think gray hair is sick um all right dude this is the Dream Team right here Believers you're gonna crush it diet gray no I'm not gonna do that but Doug the gambling on here is life or death my ex-wife will break my legs if I can't get enough Bezos pesos to pay for alimony please she's going to plunder your legs Doug Loves cougars renewable crimes to drop the old ones are getting boring and something new will be fun okay already go okay we allow all this [ __ ] so you guys can grab it um Lily pups who's with me Harry you are now Hundley the fool Ben you are now Big Ben Soviet winter who's excited about war crimes this is a very funny conversation that's probably all you guys talk about right in Geneva you guys just talk about what war crimes constantly oh who's the dog dump like a rock as the dog I'm going as a snake okay we've got wood let's get a goddamn some bedroom setup please Doug as an organizer for the Geneva Convention 2024 I'm insulted you said we're not a real con we take pride in our war crimes showcase and cosplay competition every year what what is it I've never seen this game before can you explain it in five words or less it's a dog this game is Rim world hope that helps how do you identify a dogwood tree by its spark I beg you Doug what are you begging at me why did the shopping need the smoke Hundley you can smoke later being pushed around we don't even have bedrooms set up go you can smoke after we have the bedroom hey Doug what did the one colonist say to the upset colonist question mark slash why don't you cry me up the river okay okay oh we need a stockpile Zone stockpile Zone let's talk about [ __ ] over here okay I said I can get into Doug stop playing you virgin uh we're gonna need food too much labor and not enough wheat just do your chores first and then we'll give you weed Jesus okay we need a growing zone I do need to get you guys some weed okay we'll grow weed here I just got here and was worried I was going to be late nice to see I was worried about nothing okay this is gonna be our our weed and this is gonna be our rice rice is pretty good um you put some misunderstood two men five had ten billion IQ moves gigaccid wait is is this the missandras he's also a police woman she's gonna [ __ ] him up dude yeah she's a childhood spy who's a police woman and hates men she's stuck on the planet with them she's gonna destroy our two colonists dude okay beds beds are created let's get a lamp in your bedroom cosplay is my tower twin at the convention Meetup oh my God no no it's Christ man uh what am I doing chop wood chop wood let's choppable is what 2400 bucks a month ago found my first great hair genuinely very happy about it Greer looks sick dude I really like it dog I'm cold I need a sweater you need to work what are you even doing are you chopping down a tree Soviet winter you wear the slowest tree Chopper this is you know you've made enough Geneva Convention jokes and it's time to come up with something new okay I feel like we have a couple more minutes of Geneva Convention jokes but it's gonna it's just gonna depend on what happens next in the colony all right we're getting trees uh wait it's not about quantity it's about quality you've been shopping on a tree for like three straight minutes dude I'm gonna speed this up to 3x speed just you go faster this is three times speed in your okay look at what everybody else has done they've built three bedrooms maybe some weed would help how would that speed things up Jesus Christ took forever all right all right all right um also everybody should equip themselves with stuff chop chop chop work work for the Glorious girl boss Queen all right you need a gun by the way everybody needs to get strapped I Hundley you're a police woman get the revolver oh wait this definitely needs to be canceled so I can put a door in oh shine we have how do I make this a wooden door cool we need more wood why is nobody chopping wood there's nobody assigned to chop wood we only have like 15 seconds we need wood you're signed to chop wood plant cut that's this right who is this the guy Lily pox Lily pups you need to be chopping some wood all right we're done it's an okay looking quality and we we do have a bunch of weed growing I don't know how long that'll take all right you yelled at your wood Chopper wait lillypops you're our best wood Chopper you took no wonder you took like five minutes to shop a tree oh my God it's supposed to take like three seconds and I'm currently 25. I think the Strat is extreme social anxiety and self-induced stress no no Lily pups oh we do it wait no lollipops is a male yeah Hundley is the woman all right our next disaster is [Music] okay that's fine it's just gonna oh it's just gonna stall everything by a lot that's fine we're just gonna have a lot of squirrels and stuff doesn't say finish um yeah so we just they will over time they will attempt to tame all of the squirrels [Music] I guess I'll prioritize that as somebody's job okay before I start the timer I'm gonna go do that dude there are so many hold on there's a way to do this right animals [Music] wildlife wait there's only three squirrels oh rabbits and squirrels okay we've got lushko most might swap Souls dog Lakes 43 Justin Anderson fanteos Solutions and green lightning squammy you guys are all squirrels and rabbits oh can I just set it oh I can just do this here oh that's easy do you think we should tame the rats too okay plonjart rhinoceros sappy Pappy no no no never mind We're Not Gonna tame the rats I don't have to do that there aren't any others right yeah that's everybody okay foreign no we don't we don't need rats The Colony got [ __ ] last time why isn't the Turkey saying LOL okay uh oh there's a lot of boomalopes out here who are these people [ __ ] wolf ma'am house douche just a random the winner forever novice notes timer oh right sorry thank you thank you uh boomalop appreciate it I crave violins okay so the one thing is that with uh we'll look at the boomalob herd uh peacefully we'll watch them like a nature documentary I'm gonna do work and then taming animals where's that handle right okay so hunly the fool is gonna handle that I'm gonna decrease Warden and decrease two of your colonists got sick from sensory mechanites make sure you have a medical bed and a doctor and then they get treatment we don't have I mean we we don't have any beds because the only person who can chop trees is little pups who's growing rice right now thank you okay the dog is saying yes dude we need to get who sucks at jumping trees no no the problem is that we can't build a bed for you guys to get healthy little pups you need to build a bed okay he's not consider can you please chop trees please okay he's actually chopping trees now and then once we have that we build the beds you don't need to create a bed oh I could just put a resting spot yeah wait hold on they look fine do we really need oh no they're healing they're good don't cough on me okay um uh weed coma no you have like bugs in your body or something wait but bored guitarist is hunting dumb like a rock for food wait so hold on oh this is just like a wild dog okay our Wellshire Terrier needs to defend themselves dog mask oh yeah dude shoot the dog board guitarist you get banned for attacking our colonists priorities in the top left which lets you set priorities for different tusks oh okay who wins it who wins the battle God damn it okay somebody else needs to go kill cold kill the dog these are still guys but is there any chance it could be my bed and not our bed oh God okay no this is this is fine the Drone a group of dromedaries abandoned or lost have wandered into the area who the [ __ ] is that huh did you just get reversed oh God what is a Dromedary okay hold on okay he's attacking the dog okay he got the dog at least okay undraft get this person rescue them get them to bed I think they still have the microbes in there he is picking up wood pick up the dead person don't worry they left you are hogging the bed [ __ ] okay we need another bed okay he built a bed and he's healing them Soviet winter is doing a great job I don't know if we've tamed a single rabbit so far wait wait so little pops you're knocked out Hundley are you back you're fine now are your are your machines gone okay so these these guys are just gonna have like permanent machines also you should grab a gun oh you can't walk oh what's their health look like hey dump okay they've lost a lot of blood give me a rough estimate but make it as accurate as possible thanks on a scale of yes to no probably no can I get a bed Soviet you are being selfish all right let the beds be taken by the people who have machines inside of them she came over and swept underneath you while you sleep on the floor okay um hey Doug I'm writing the paper for school would you rather have hair oh there you go four teeth for hair and please explain why oh man that is so much to think about there teeth for hair I guess [Music] when chat can explain further we need defenses uh uh okay they're saying we're gonna be rated by Pirates soon um I don't know if we do anything else right now dreaming of plunder I think we just bail so it'll continue to be we haven't tamed the rabbits but that's not what the thing says it says to set it and time okay so wait we own these oh these are ours okay so we just have like camels that's that's pretty sweet I don't know what we'll do with those they joined the colony oh because they're self-tamed okay so they just walked in sweet we need to go get them we make a pen for them next time all right two of your winners just sleeping why are you out here uh okay whatever you'll be fine let's go back to the wheel [Music] so the rabbits and the squirrels have been set to be tame once a colonist has the availability to do that they will go tame so like from now on any free time they have they're gonna go randomly tame rabbits and [ __ ] which is not great okay next Nerf that is so [ __ ] that's what it says I I couldn't it's unlikely you're gonna tame things in five minutes okay this actually seems fine they don't need a lot of food do they are they gonna eat a lot of food wait we can kill those camel things that we just got that's perfect all right ready go okay so I have to ban we have a bunch of survival meals you are no longer allowed to eat these sorry everybody eat the men uh you can eat one of the men if you all right can somebody go get can you kill a boom elope build a butcher's table oh yeah we do need that okay let's get a table set up [Music] okay this is where we're gonna butcher things okay Soviet winter is fully healed that's good okay that was from before uh close and this is wait little pups has an infection [Music] dude little pups you gotta heal up man you're our wood carver we need you to to get wood taken care of can I make somebody else take care of wood plant cut all right only the full you're also on plant cutting Duty oh let me re let me swap out new people little pups your change too spaceless thinking grilled cheese Obama sandwich my heart can't take this damage grilled cheese your successor is cab docs okay Docs Doug don't kill me and you will win well now you are Braza and Soviet winter where you at you are now unavailable name how do you join it's just random it'll pick people yo what up what up dog what am I doing right now well they have to eat food thank you so much for the 12 months okay at some point once you guys are available all right unavailable name you're here's what I'm gonna have you do where are the camels that we found we got free camels somewhere okay we're gonna go kill this go kill this guy and then get meat from him the dog needs a bed the dog will be fine I didn't know he was gonna fight back okay now carry him back no carry carrying back to our base don't just pick him up bring them here and then you guys can all have fresh meat sorry I'm late is duck duck doing good at blaming people okay don't judge me rabbit Justin Anderson all right the bunny doesn't care okay the bunnies need to be tamed they're working on it it's on the list if you were if you slaughtered instead of attacked he wouldn't fight back oh well thank you boomaloop wait somebody died who wait was only have our dog who was zolikev oh no Zola cave was the okay that was the camel that we just killed or whatever it's called all right all right let's move on I'm getting confused okay you can now undraft and go do whatever you want we have this guy uh oh okay there's a group of Pirates attacking there's only one guy named Dan rip Campbell dog dog Lakes 43. we're gonna [ __ ] you up dude you have nothing on our colony although spacers thinking is still in bed things just judge your actions okay unavailable name we're gonna need you to go pick up this gun bed POG all right look I'll give you a bed brother wait brother can I make you hey can I make you fight put me in next time please thanks love you [ __ ] King it's all random I don't remember how to give you a dog bed furniture animal sleeping spot you can sleep next to spaceless thinking laughs all right we also have the camel all right the camel and the dog are gonna sleep with you spaces thinking I just realize you don't have walls you're just sleeping next to the river since you failed at plundering so bad earlier I sent my man to show you what a real plunder is good luck see Blackbeard Christ you made the mistake you beat a Hamilton near death didn't finish it off and dragged it back to Camp leaving it to die it's gonna be fine I am sorry don't melee attack shoot it why would you mainly attack it wait there's two of them oh spaceless things running away organs and have more or food no no okay you use twitch Prime can you please he's already back down on the floor okay ow well dog Lake went and took out spaceless thinking um because Cabe is over this is fine hey Doug having a disaster be set animals to Be Tamed and let the colonists do whatever they want isn't much of a challenge if they don't have the food to tame they won't literally not even an inconvenience uh okay I'll make it the number one priority for that person then that's fine we can get around that all right Jesus Take the Wheel that one was fine and we're allowed to have snipe Leo thank you for the five gifted Subs um [Music] doing a lot of criticizing dick but I haven't seen you chop a single tree or kill a single dog just saying is it cool if I finish the fight first and then do this is that cool that's cool right today is my lizard's third birthday and he wants you to do a silly little jig can you please fulfill his wish five minutes right yeah here's the jig up your loser had a good birthday I think it's just gotta be within five minutes not immediately okay within five minutes kind of rigged but I think that's fair all right so first I'm gonna have Cabe come down here you move back ready go wait no no I click the dog no get out okay he's not drafted why can't I drag for the camel look Kate just kill the goddamn dog leak one more how did you miss that badly wait why are you just taking a sh are you taking shoot her they hit her no dog Lake hey Doug this is a pilot yes when you try to commit war crimes we will plunder you back okay okay yeah banthos is sent you need to save you're undrafted you need to save everybody bulk book do not presume to know just how many trees I've killed and dogs I've chopped I have killed and chopped beyond all belief oops hey Doug big fan of your videos just wondering who would win in a fight Paul Bunyan or Rip Van Winkle assume that Rip Van Winkle is in a state of unquenchable bloodlust oh man there's so many uh okay for prisoners you're now a prisoner we can maybe get this person to join the colony and then we're in even better shape and now you undraft do whatever you need now beat them up they're already wait hold on they're already laying here I don't think I can beat them up until they're healed does it count if I'm not the one who beat them up time for Harvest Time for Warcraft okay spaceless thinking you're now the chair [Music] brother you are now syntax eater unavailable name you are now I just love the idea people actively dying being treated they opened their eyes for the first time after almost dying only for the doctor to just beat them up in the hospital bed okay we're having there's various medical emergencies what are you doing all the way down there and we're here okay hold on we gotta change your work I will relax being kind be like Elmo patient is number one patient is order number one you need to take care of people and also Warden a little bit okay now she's sleeping on the floor she's not a doctor she's the only doctor we have do you see everybody else is laying dead in our bed no rabbits rig they're working on it this is Oscar the Grouch more crimes are funny keep doing them where's uh this is gonna be the number one priority of the chair for once the chair four is done it's gonna be to go tame animals the camel's here okay um floor napping is therapeutic once somebody gets up I'm beating them back down we have two minutes a signer is a doctor wait what I signed her to work oh I just put patience instead oops that's fine here Alamo sucks and war crimes are great is the food still forbidden oh yeah you guys can eat food now oh I forgot we have this guy who just I killed for no reason okay we do have a medical emergency should we really be treating dog like she is incapable of being a doctor the person who tried to kill okay we're trying to the only person okay go heal this person please we need our colonists to come back to life so you can beat them down to the ground this is banthos we are excited to be hosting this year's annual Carnival convention okay because I'm almost out of time [Music] I'm back [ __ ] you are still dead you are laying in a in a bed okay we are we are getting people healed up what do I do if it's been the five minutes and nobody's awake they need to be awake for me to beat them to the ground okay dog lake is close to dying I don't think I lose like they just wasn't available I don't think that's a loss remember Doug Geneva conventions Geneva suggestions it's only a war crime the second time is awake just saying how do I just shoot him I don't know I think I I'm not here sorry for my brother Elmo he's very annoying where's the dog I think we just have to kill the dog that's the closest that's the closest I have he's he's basically a colonist two spins no no no it's either you fail you don't I don't think this is really a failure because I just didn't have the opportunity uh you could have drafted them wait can they get up oh you can okay this is sort of rigged but I'm just gonna have them get up I didn't know I could force that [Music] all right you're out of bed [Music] let's beat the [ __ ] out of them all right [Music] okay now rescue them and get them back to health please okay fairly rigged but I'm counting it this run is still valid you can say rigged whatever else I think I've uh kept the spirit of it even though I've not technically followed the exact precise rules okay next roll [Music] okay nobody gets closed for a while [Music] [Music] is there something I have to do other than saying they just lose their clothes I forgot how to I I don't know the UI for this on PC like how do I take away their go to a sign tab [Music] so that okay so I just forced them to be nude thank you [Music] oh that's easy okay um let's run it Swedish Chef here already okay go okay you undraft a sign manage outfits you're now a nudist because you chose to wait until killing Luther uh I don't think people would care if you weren't betting on it and I don't want to let predictions Drive how we do the stream I I think it's fair a result of me not knowing certain mechanics I think it's fine um you are now a nudist he didn't assign it how do I assign I'll move here [ __ ] all of you chats you will Prime supporters you guys have said [ __ ] you to me for two days straight now it's time fun fact I committed war crimes against your mother oh oh got it the doctor is here slaps the patient I'm concise okay she is coming and taking your pants immobile you are now new Duck Dynamite ghost okay you are now dystocia dog Lake oh [ __ ] who do I missed the nudists streaming the world Lifestyle the holy dope sitting there um on the bed freaked out is currently complaining about Elmo where's the chair in the chair has just stripped down and is now going by gold rose okay so who's the one who's taming gold rose you your number one priority is supposed to be taming rabbits to see I have representation in your immune community welcome now for prisoners there's a chance that we can get this prisoner to join how do I do that again I have to like set them to recruit I want to recruit them recruit them to the team if we get a fourth prisoner that'd be our fourth colonist to be sick all right all right music there's a rogue wait what oh there's a raid Soviet winter became tame oh okay we have a guinea pig now [Music] fortunately the guinea pig is also a nudist okay the holy dope is the risk of dying any stream I feel comfortable being nude in okay okay we do have one Raider [Music] and they all have a knife we can we can take this we only have one person who's alive though [ __ ] Dynamite ghost do you have oh no gold rose is okay too I can drop both if you have a gun you do gold rose I need to draft you you're gonna grab this gun you can't pick it up why can't you fight oh cause it's not allowed I'm done why can't I pick it up I'm right clicking can she not fight her hands are broken God damn it where do I see that okay yeah no she's running she's having a lot of severe issues nudists can't fight no look they're fine oh God they're already here wait wait okay Dynamite goes to your dead bold Rose where the [ __ ] is vastocia you're supposed to be go kill that person okay gold rose [Music] okay the dog and the camel are freaked out can you please shoot this person oh okay dude go go out there and shoot doggy is bad at Spelunky too thank you can you please go get out here and shoot the right person dude run run run run run run yes they're done are they dead okay that person's dead we got him great [ __ ] all right all right nudist Civil War the pain is unbearable the holy dope calmed down we're gonna eat medical treatment soon they're literally bringing in medical treatment for you you're gonna be fine what am I supposed to do this five minutes what did I do oh right nudists please kill me no you're gonna join our Colony you're gonna like it okay we're actually doing okay 25 minutes in no huge disasters everybody's dealing with a lot of let's look at the health problems okay this person doesn't have a lot of food they're pretty unhappy uh they have malnutrition they're they're pretty bruised weed we even have weed left you still have sensory mechanites [Music] uh with a bunch of bites how's the holy dope doing and the whole the holy dope is losing extreme amount of blood put the body with the prisoner to make them more likely to join or both paused I'm just looking at things [Music] right the Food Packs the food packs are allowed they're here they're fine [Music] all right next round [Music] that's not hard at all that's fine I mean we'll eventually run out of food but we don't even have very many people okay so we're just gonna Farm a shitload of smoke leaf ready go that's pretty much a dub okay so now you are also gonna be smoke leaf we're gonna just like cut down all of our rice and bef right before it's harvested uh okay that's fine yes yes yes yes we got weed less than nudists rejoice gold rose you are now Candy Rush dog you are now Gandalf drugs pog IE you are now I don't know how to say that name the greatest show the other guy will want to join for the snacks and weed oh wait did I already [ __ ] sorry I already changed you my bad the holy dope end it damn it I got you I'll rename you dregoli now you're feeling great right we're gonna starve in a couple days but the weed is worth it like all we're gonna have is weed it's the only thing we're gonna have okay who's supposed to be taming the animals we do need we're supposed to have a whole bunch of squirrels and rabbits that's candy rush Okay Candy Rush has been in a hospital the whole time yeah I mean I'll say if by the end of the hour we don't have all the animals tamed that's a loss I agree with that as we've paid we've tamed zero of them okay who's this we are jealous of your weed and would like to join oh bad those is so jealous right now we will trade all of your weapons for a couple joints of weed also nobody is even changing the weed farm who's supposed to be farming grow candy rush is supposed to be farming uh the store you know what meme you're gonna start you're gonna start growing weed okay I know you're not really a farmer but get to it we still haven't even built we haven't even built these rooms they just have open walls this whole time Panthers loves me we need wood we need wood we need to finish the goddamn rooms oh this would be easier if everybody was not hospitalized yes this is a true fact can I have weed while I'm recovering we don't have any yet like we need to grow we need to grow and harvest a shitload of weed but everybody's just laying in a hospital oh oh there's a solar flare a solar flare has begun the intense radiation will shut down all electrical devices well that's not a concern because we are stuck in the wood age all we have is torches they're set on fire with wood that we're gonna run out of soon the stores aren't you supposed to do something else we might okay dragoli might actually get be convinced to join us soon so I'll be sick it's just cut down one tree and then went back to sleep dude you need to prioritize oh I can't [Music] hi Rick rigged the only person who can do this is like it's candy rush wheat and spice crack easy Silva you gotta you gotta switch this to weed dude no turn this into weed you gotta turn all of this into weed [Music] thank you do I really have to do this is there any other way to force this guy under work it's time to find woe to like to cook space meth [Music] hey Doug my scissors fully nude and I followed her footsteps into a forest and found a weed from you know about this no that sounds crazy look just because we're a nudist weed Colony with an upset dog and we're running out of food we will kill uh our camel okay he's actually successfully replaced it pretty much all with weed but then he went back to sleep you already killed a camel and let it rot oh yeah we never actually did anything with the camel who's this he didn't tame anything not all the weed is grown uh all I all I had to do was replace the patch with with weed [Music] okay [Music] um [Music] he didn't tame the animals uh [Music] get the rabbits and squirrels High so my interpretation of what this would mean is that the the plot has to all be smoke Leaf going forward so you set the plot not necessarily every single plant has to be changed I am not going to end the run because of that you can say it's rigged and that's fair but it is um I'm not gonna do predictions for the rest of this run I this is not super fun to have you guys go really really really nitpicky on every single thing that I decide to do for [ __ ] Channel points so no more prediction for the rest of this run like who [ __ ] cares it's not a big deal ah I'm also not super familiar with the mechanics of this game so it's not easy for me to be like very clear about how to make a certain thing happen a certain amount of time so I'm not going to be as strict on myself with it uh the mods are [Music] peace [Music] gambling is fun it is fun but if a large number of people take gambling to mean that they should scream and yell about every single thing that I decided to do in the game and it's boring and I think with this there's too much like open interpretation about how this works anyways but no it's not it's not particularly fun like looking at chat and seeing dozens of people streaming what are you didn't replace every plant like you're right but who cares like who [ __ ] cares we're playing rimworld with a random wheel who gives a [ __ ] all right let's move on 30 minutes um I I will say this has been extremely mellow so far right we've literally made a nudist quality that's growing weed and is trying to tame squirrels and rabbits we've had two raids but it's only been like one person like unless we get some hard ass wheel rolls right now then I think we are fine next roll [Music] as I was saying as long as we don't have anything [Music] okay where are we dropping boys we are actually a member of ritual money went down but I wanted it to go up that's a big deal rig are we going back into the world we can go to compassion pond oh wait we could just murder the prisoners hold on hold on Orcs orc Army says they love you now we don't have to go invade compassion Pawn [Music] I mean we could roll up there and we could burn down their solar panel or we could murder a prisoner that was clearly hold on hold on murder or ill treatment of prisoners of War or persons on the Seas okay I did everything perfectly we wouldn't get to say Reagan who wants to live in a world that isn't late it's true but some people don't know the line they rigged too hard and too fast uh kill a prisoner I guess we should torture them too [Music] dude we could set can you set fires in this game we could set fire to the building our prisoners in like we could get [ __ ] we get [ __ ] up with this war crime um go attack some passion Pawn compassion Ponder we will invade okay Panthers is threatening us why did I write perfectly damn chat is deeply split between torturing prisoners or going in and raiding and plundering a village oh dude I don't want a war crime or prisoner I guess we're gonna have probably no people left we don't want crimes than prisoners I'm pretty sure you've already tortured the The Prisoner well that was accidental all right we're gonna torture congratulations let's get a big POG for uh for the victim of this whole experience DM The Dragon King congratulations the dog is hyped for these war crimes [Music] feel like we need to take a gambling tolerance break or at least whole twitch chat predictions Anonymous where we have random twitch chat God discuss how predictions have an unhealthy hold on their lives I don't want to do pretty all right everybody's getting a new name um all right welcome j l x IV the chair for wait the chair four you're already here true sorry you're getting re-rolled chair it's a salt cubes um does anybody know how do I start a fire can I do that or do I have to use the dev well crimes of Paul gas [ __ ] we're gonna survive through this war crime that's only going to take out one of our potentially four people wood rub two sticks together I more met in the game worry about getting rigged out of all my points like the other day in random door Skyrim I'm certain I'll be out of Channel points by the end of the stream this way that's the only way to go though what is the point of having Shadow points if you just don't blow all of them all the time on every bet believing right what is even the point okay fire attach fire this doesn't seem to be I guess we could be oh God okay uh okay time goes uh the end of the Dragon King is on fire is the fire gonna spread okay the fire I am here and ready okay the fire is spreading to the whole building please don't do what crimes on me uh we do need people to take care of the fire after The Prisoner is dead now that ladies and gentlemen is a good War crime they're gonna be talking about this one at the Geneva Convention 2023 oh my God yeah can you please fix the fire the war crime is done the prisoner is dead the war crime is over we do need to take care of things now you're the guinea pig why is there a rat in the okay this is bad the fire is okay this is the war crime is spreading all right Jake oh [ __ ] I put him on fire uh wait how do I get out of Death Mode sorry okay go in the water go in the water I'm drafting you go in the water okay all right all right you're fine you're fine you can you please work on the fire dude okay the dog is hooing if you like torturing prisoners clap your hands why are you sleeping showing prisoners clap your hands this is not the time you're killing them yeah don't work right your hand [ __ ] no it's spreading down here Jay you have got you've got to go work on the fires 60 US dollar reviews kaholic it's been three minutes since I've firefight number one everybody needs to firefight see the fire is getting kind of close yeah I'm surprised you were asleep y thing all right you're trying why is the guinea pig this was all part of me plan okay I let you capture one of my men so you'd eventually set him on fire and burn down your entire time damn you Blackbeard Captain historian okay our camel's upset I'm Immortal all right the dog appears to be fine it happens the weed everyone will be cool with like tea this went great I mean if we can save these two bills oh [ __ ] no hold on prioritize this prioritize this we gotta get this one the camel the camel will be fine take we need to save one of the bedrooms camel the dog is sleeping through this he's been asleep the entire time okay we lost the bed just get this get get that one get that one yeah there you go uh okay no no you no no we we don't need that save this room save this room this one is lost it's raining it should stop I don't even think we have roofs we don't have roofs on our building since we've ever completed them okay we saved one room the wheat none of the wait the wheat no okay the weed is safe what are you doing okay the fire rages within my soul all right okay everybody's good now what happens when you smoke clean oh no there's more fires gonna say no to weed but yes to cheese this is not an anti-week okay we got we need we need to finish building we need to finish buildings we can make beds again we actually set all the fires while clicking things in Dev mode LOL [Music] that sounds like a war crime okay everybody's sleeping outside in the rain if we just time was pretty little family ah if we get the we still have two rooms we're okay [ __ ] you Elmo I'm asleep on the floor okay you did tend to the dog's Birds the Dogma the dog has multiple Burns yeah no [ __ ] why did he sleep through that okay uh oh this guy's really upset right now okay their mood is really low because I've had Disturbed sleep I mean we committed war crimes for sure wait the rabbit who's the rabbit wait is the rabbit ours this is dog legs we tamed a rabbit all right one rabbit down when did that happen wait hold on was that during the fire that he went off and finally tamed a rabbit that was the time he chose to tame a rabbit okay uh we need to get who is responsible for making okay handle is number one priority now okay we have this is a successful room okay we're gonna everybody there's gonna be our new room for beds this is the bedroom now the Bunsen we don't have enough wood what somebody's in The Daze Elmo is the ultimate war criminal he has destroyed entire nations and worst of all burnweed who's salcubus oh okay one of our colonists is on a mental break hey Doug and they're pretty upset I get to make another check mark That's My crime bingo card thank you Soviet America uh I mean okay so let's kind of just review things while well everything's paused uh salt cubes is currently nude having a mental breakdown and sleeping near a river um back in The Colony jlxiv very unhappy with things but is spending his efforts growing more pot which uh is good that's the only thing we have we are going to run out of food shortly and where's our other one rummage the rum is building uh oh built a butcher table for us okay that's kind of nice wait I could change the bed all right I can't play Sorry Sorry can't play can't play um the war crime was a success [Music] we've got 24 25 more minutes attempt to commit wolf crime accidentally burned down half their entire Colony it's the perfect news headline hey Doug next one nope not more war crimes no [Music] okay this is fine one of our guys is on a mental breakdown but it is raining we don't need food when we have weed so but the weed will make us so hungry [Music] fire [Music] twitch chats will be the keynote speaker at Gen Con 2024 Bob how do I attach the fire oh God that's how okay well that's one oh I said the dog on fire sorry I just I don't know what else to set on fire oh you can only set people on fire wait oh Jay's having a mental breakdown I need to I want more screen time uh wait oh you do huh okay can you set a fire I need the building to be on fire you could say that this nice job too late dude none of them set fires okay the squirrel just died how do I set dude you said you wanted screen time oh this is one of our tame squirrels uh oh hot dog how many war crimes have you committed in the last year don't worry I'm not the FBI um I haven't committed anybody it's our Rascal colonist oh the timer oops um here I'll pause it and let the timer run how do I set a fire then is there any way to like force a fire onto not a person but onto the building hey hey dug only watch you on YouTube so just wanted to give you some support in the divorce burn oh we do lightning strike thank you a burn doesn't come up with anything but lightning should all right let's just do we'll do lightning strikes it's raining all fires will be doused it'll [ __ ] dude it was raining during a lot of that fire we saw what you did to the animals and on our way Peter don't worry we um we're repenting with some lightning zap the weed how dare you even suggest that it should at least start a fire which is what the wheel says we're supposed to start a fire it doesn't say burn down the whole Colony it says start a fire ready go Jesus Christ um I'll start a couple extra just because it is on fire I'm gonna I'm gonna set one thing of weed on fire after chat [Music] I mean maybe we'll get high off of it this is we have seen you with burning and if you do not give us all your weed we will attack our weed is not fully grown yet we're working on the weed still okay let's speed this up Unforgiven from Tekken 5. why is God so angry oh [ __ ] sorry I you're gonna be fine wait are smoke Leaf deteriorated we had smoke Leaf the whole time we had a bunch of joints that just like deteriorated in the open [ __ ] [ __ ] okay hold on oh the rice we need to move the rice somebody get the rice in here hold on we're making a Zone to stockpile food in here [Music] I'm so happy right [Music] okay only food [Music] why did I just do that thank you wait that doesn't okay this is too loud uh all right Nature's healing the colony is no longer on fire not even the smoke leaf that we set on fire died we are good dude uh and then I need to remove it in this Zone Doug why did you lose our emergency walk crime weed look I'm putting the food in here now [Music] we still don't have any beds you cannot fix your mistakes a sin is a sin April for the ethical treatment of weed you have done great crimes against Tweed today and we are suing oh are guinea pigs alive that's cool I thought he was dead for sure uh we do have a rabbit and a squirrel now well I was hoping we would build a bed at some point but I guess we're out of wood wait we have wood here why is nobody building a bed oh cause we need to chop more trees all right get some wood somebody we are going to run out of food at some point honk honk I'm a rabbit that's not the noise that I'm rabbiting oh can we eat this dead person wait what's that Jay is at risk for an extreme break [Music] uh okay he might have a mental breakdown also somebody has an infection rummage the rum has got infection in his head Mike and there's an ancient Danger a succubus draws near the oh as soulcubus draws near the ancient wall a sense of foreboding okay so there's like a horrible ancient enemy in here that we cannot release just grinding away so God doesn't spite me can you give my dead body some weed you are alive you are a living squirrel we are out of weed it some somebody left it out in the open and it deteriorated we're gonna have more weeds soon this is almost grown 50 percent we're gonna be fine the colony is looking great release the succubus I mean if we're if Raiders are coming after us we can always break in here where there's going to be some horrific ancient being that will kill us honestly 40 minutes in I think the colony is actually gonna survive next round shot the lead survived the full on Inferno have we invented the Everlasting but stopper strand [Music] okay ancient being with wheat so it fights on your side I don't think that'll work [Music] POG okay I'm gonna re-roll all the colonists and you guys vote which to fight to the death we've had two peaceful of a nudist colony people are pissed at the joints expired okay rummage the rum you are now Ocho Ocho if we win we deserve a hot tub scream you are a squirrel salty Miss you are now negative raccoon who is currently hooing and Jay you are now Vespa leader of these three colonists hold on let me pull up their names again [Music] there's so many war crimes [Music] oh Doug is it a war crime to fight members of your own coochie interesting question chat what do you think is it a war crime to have to force two of your colonists to fight to the death who who thought this would become a philosophical stream Vespa leader negative raccoon not a war crime just survival of the fittest not a war crime just really cool oh cho cho cho all right chat The Colony it's looking good three relatively healthy colonists a lot of animals weed on the way a peaceful nudist colony until we've suddenly decided that two must fight to the death Witch 2 will battle [Music] top two fight [Music] okay it's Ocho Ocho Ocho versus [Music] who it's so close the numbers aren't like tied dude okay I'll give it five four three two one Ocho and Vespa leader [Music] you guys will fight to the death in the Smoke leaf patch get up buddy wait hold on hold on do they get to fight with weapons no no bare fist right come here wait isn't Vespa on the verge of a mental breakdown no that's negative raccoon I think when do we resort to cannibalism they're all pretty unhappy to be clear wait Ocho does not look good oh he's got infections and he's fine okay vessel eater I know I said no betting but we are going to bet on this hold on how do I get rid of his weapon he's not gonna shoot they're gonna fight um Pizza in Hilton Head South Carolina they sell raw Pizza ingredients for you to cook try something yeah yeah [ __ ] that random yeah [ __ ] that place okay 30 second bet go go go go go go go go go go go go go [Music] and we see their stats first uh I am a human rights lawyer it is a war crime to make any two people fight to the death regardless of their relationship however this does not apply if you trigger the Warsaw Clause of 1952 by making it a foxy boxing fight to the death [Music] and if you play The Who Song yeah Vespa is looking a little bit healthier I'm gonna be honest the prediction's a little skewed toward Vespa um ladies and gentlemen let's play Rim world melee attack Ocho Ocho melee attack Vespa let's go go oh my God that's so fast I Die With Honor probably okay they hit back and forth how's the health I can't see because they keep clicking on the weed instead Ultra down to 52 health but he keeps stunning vesicle leader oh my God that was quick wait Soviet where's Soviet winter oh the guinea pig is has heat exhaustion [Music] hey vest was upset strip him down [Music] try to arrest him okay we can't arrest him thumbs down do we have to I have to kill him what was the what was the fight to the death yeah we gotta kill him [Music] and with Vespo winning the battle [Music] he takes the ultimate victory [Music] oh my God are you happy Orcs are you satisfied with these war crimes [Music] my community of urukai deranged orc and warriors plundering and committing crimes all day how do you miss he's sitting there he's shooting the smoke leaf [Music] okay and now there are dog the dog had a mental breakdown because of watching Ocho get executed um all right we still got three minutes we might be able to make it to to an hour we're doing okay uh best but you might need to get that eyeball checked out you're good buddy go do whatever you want also this will be fertilizer for the smoke leaf plants Fury Satan has gone berserk who's that oh okay the dog is killing the rabbits um this is fine what's that song from Tekken 5 called Unforgiven who's gonna win I don't even think this Yorkshire Terrier can kill a rabbit okay and people still need beds shooting the lead is a war crime oh yeah prediction best but takes it congratulations uh negative raccoon is at risk for doing really oh wait she just ate the last meal okay we are officially out of food well we have less mouths to feed so that's good uh Vespa is just sleeping out in the open we have trees why won't one of you guys wait oh God okay the rabbit one uh is anybody gonna take care of you use twitch prime before I die no dude you're good you get the twitch primes now our rabbits are very powerful wait I just realized I have to butcher Ocho well I need to finish taming how many more animals do we have there's two more rabbits and one more squirrel that we have to tame I think these other ones are new um I was just doing what I was told hey ultra's dead yeah this person's upset we got a lot of problems people are not actually happy about the nudity uh they're not stoked about that yeah you're a good boy okay well I need them to wake up this Camp is eating itself alive we're gonna be fine we only need to survive for 15 more minutes plus tame a bunch of animals is vespolito the one who tames the animals wait do we kill the animal Handler we didn't right okay Vespa leader you need to go tame more squirrels and rabbits also negative raccoon what are you doing up here what are you doing what are you doing up here what is your plan why did you do that can you make a bed please okay you're feeding rice to our guinea pig oh one of our okay our rabbit the rabbit died after killing the terrier the Terrier's dead too and that's 45 minutes honestly we're doing okay Vespa leader needs to prioritize hold on how do I just me learning the game more how do I force hey Pacific chain going on in the old Discord server it's been going on for more than a month and they're waiting on you to say hi back no please say it back I'm packing no no no you gotta you gotta leave them wanting you know right click the task you just mean like find the rabbit and say so I could do Wildlife I go to Justin Anderson oh negative raccoon is taming them right now we're about to get a great rabbit okay so Lucius the squirrel so okay so I would go to like this guy and I would oh so it has to be negative all right so then I would have her prioritize God I gotta got it in the work tab well I already have it at one I'll put both of them at one oh wait negative raccoon is one is actually better at it I had the wrong person the steam is now officially marked as yes on the does the dog die website okay yeah but the dog got upset because his owner was shot to death in the Smoke Leaf field and then died in a rabbit fight that's not our fault technically yes the dog died we have 15 more minutes here we go it's not a war crime if if a rabbit kills a dog okay duck it would be easy to tame all the animals if there were no more animals alive technically I have no bedrooms I might re-roll this one I don't even know what that would mean it's me big doggo energy I just got here I hope no dogs die this stream it's worldwide yeah we gotta go raid banthos destroy their beds oh man banthos is laughing in their beds right now I need to honor our good friend I'll check lets us now share a moment of silence not for his death but for his life okay Doug he'll let you handle the rest you give me no time that was the shortest moment of silence build a bedroom and then destroy it I mean I could okay either I destroy both of the rooms that we currently have which I think is fine they're both kind of bedrooms or we re-roll it any preferences I I feel like we re-roll but I can destroy all the buildings yeah most people say reroll I think that's I think that's more interesting in this case all right um we need to get through three more rounds that is maybe okay things are like kind of stable I mean we have the people run off and they you know look we've got lots of smoke leaf almost ready for Harvest we technically have some rice that's just just spoiling in our shitty unfinished bedroom uh I mean if they go okay if they go finish up taming both of them have taming as their number one priority if they go do that we're in good shape negative raccoon is on it okay let me read let me rename him negative raccoon you can set up another growth Zone I can't I can't do anything okay the real question is is there a random event that happens that's the question right taming uses food uh oh so they need to they need to tame the animals with the remaining rice that we have while while not eating any food it's because we don't have food all right ready go all right I can look around and see what's going on but I can't change anything bronus you were working on trees right now and can't see McChicken okay McChicken McChicken mail is is getting the squirrels this is great okay yeah she's taming everything she's gonna tame all the rabbits and everything all right it said hands off I mean don't we want to be able to look I guess I can just do this I wanna don't don't we want to see stuff [Music] ah I think we look finally do what I want Robin you gotta get out there Broadus and do some hard labor all right we're gonna tame some people okay you're working on taming this rabbit [Music] if we were gambling right now people would be furious that I had my hands on dive technically my hands are not off the keyboard let the naked lady cook I mean she is not cooking food she's bringing food to a rabbit okay she's feeding our squirrel I need uh I want her to go tame new animals I can't read what you're saying okay all right she's taming another rabbit tame failed okay just keep trying you still have another like two minutes you don't have a stove we can't cook yeah she literally cannot cook okay rhombus is cleaning the house sorry I keep calling you rhombus ronus you gotta oh you're eating the rice we don't have enough rice for you to eat food you gotta hold off raw rice is delicious it doesn't seem super edible but I'm glad you're enjoying it where the hell is McChicken okay are you taming people okay she's coming to tame this rabbit get him okay she failed the taming and I was just laying out in the laying out in the woods again we have two and a half minutes ronus we get along with fondle ronus you're eating so much of the rice man slow down we need that for our rabbits let me handle it all right I trust you as long as McChicken can actually get some handling in I've Just Seen Her fail to get both rabbits hey there she's feeding you okay you got a give more context that question component has deteriorated away in storage oh oops this is this stuff up here we do actually have a bunch of things we could Slaughter if I was able to tell them what to do all right minute and a half major breaks defend okay someone came up to me and offered me raw rice in exchange for living in a mostly burnt downtown of two rooms I'd say no too these are come on we are running out of rice rapidly we have a minute left are you gonna okay she's trying again she's trying to get the rabbit ah McChicken has failed definitely not five star rooms look she's gonna convince you of the five-star rooms right now hold on tame failed she's throwing rice away she's wasted so much rice on these rabbits we have 56 left we have 51 that's literally the last of our food okay what is ronus even doing okay he's sleeping in the shade of the of our house also our animals love living here by the way our guinea pig is still alive somehow no way I'm joining the rabbit is like practically in our building what about growing more rice no we had to swap it all over to weed and then I lost control of the game all right 10 seconds get your final things in is she what is she doing okay she's coming back and she's just sleeping all right that's where we're at we have 10 more minutes this is actually going to cut it close because we're almost out of food we have to tame the remaining rabbits there's still two more rabbits and one more squirrel away at the tame we might have to raid another Village for food to tame the squirrels okay this is fine is this a survive long as possible we're trying to go to an hour who I like this message who as though like I mentioned raid and like an orc just pops his head out plunder you mentioned plunder like a dog if you say the word treat okay this is very doable 10 more minutes be gentle oh yeah we can find berries we can live off of berries we're gonna be okay I don't have that so I'm gonna regroll that it has to be something I can actually do or that's applicable an increasing amount of the wheel is just war crimes uh-oh okay we might be able to survive that [Music] I think we have guns but both colonists are on the verge of a mental breakdown no we technically still have the man in Black who shows up at the end so if we die to rabid animals hold on can I even force them to be bears because we have um incident [Music] uh what is it called Manhunter right man Hunter pack I don't have a way of forcing it to be bears you can spawn bears and make them rabid just keep spawning till you get Bears no [Music] um spawn Bears than Force Manhunter okay so is does anybody know with is there definitely a way to force them to be Manhunter if I spawn the Bears [Music] no yes yes no pretty sure I mean because then the Bears will just be here I saw charborg do it okay [Music] are there no bears in this game there are bears right [Music] there we go polar bear grizzly bear let's do polar okay I'm putting them over here [Music] one of each well too late now okay so how do I force it [Music] that won't work will it probably not scaria uh let's discard what would it be like illness set uh disease I don't know how to add it condition [Music] add game condition I think that would be a bigger thing Medical health edif why are you saying head if activate head give what why would why would we do this Hadith is the name for health things oh okay here we go so then we're giving the the bear we can give them a bad back what are we giving them Dev tool here we go so what's the thing that makes them attack scaria what is what does scaria mean is that real or is that made up for this game it's made up okay it's rabies got it okay we're giving the Bears make them attack in the head Health Dev tool edif uh uh scaria and while we're in there they're also going to have a hangover so they're gonna be like really upset like just in a bad mood and also they're addicted to weed so that way they're gonna be like really incentivized to come to our town they're also okay the Bears are gonna be stoned on smoke leaf in the brain okay this guy is stoned on weed has a massive hangover and has rabies and is Gonna Come attack the Village um is everybody ready give them Alzheimer's okay the other one could have Alzheimer's oh can you have a bionic eye wait can I give the Bears a peg leg or is that cheating that's two op yeah they'll probably be worse that's my bear that's overdoing it what if he has rot stink exposure is Doug making cocaine Bay no he's fine he's hung over on alcohol probably okay we can at least give him a prosthetic heart and mud okay he's gonna be high on y'all Nick as possible okay we're giving him a bionic eye in his left ear why would they be why would they let me specify what body part has it okay um wait does that mean I can put a heart like in his other ear a prosthetic heart and it's in his brain okay these poor bears look I don't know if this is gonna make them strong Yayo is cocaine all right we're giving them some Yayo okay they are currently high on Yayo in their left eyeball oh definitely it's in his nose yeah these are actually black bears but they just have so much yo-yo Believers even though nobody's betting right now the people who emotionally believe that this colony is going to survive for the one hour days are so relatable oh there's food out here there's one two okay remind actually no I don't think we should go for them because they're near the Bears maybe the Bears will get distracted by the food okay okay okay we've got two very mentally unstable colonists a lot of weed ten minutes here we go [Music] um go foreign okay wait the Bears are lulling at me they're actually going Kanye West what did I miss since they're not even coming for them I left when two of them were fighting oh [Music] okay is this the bit Yeah okay the bear is a Man Hunter okay I don't have to go at 3x speed we're going at 1X speed to stall the amount of time until the Bears get here maybe the squirrel will distract the bear okay if we Bears can only see by motion as long as we're just perfectly still promise you get out here wait he has to cross the river shoot him now shoot him now all right okay we're actually making progress nice job ronus okay we're gonna have to retreat now and now tactical Retreat tactical Retreat don't uh gloat quite yet Jesus Christ okay McChicken mail stay perfectly still I don't think the bear knows that you're in here uh oh I the Bear's probably going for the squirrel seem to leave pets alone since they are not human [Music] the bear is ignoring McChicken cocaine beer will end this run and we do have Angry cocaine bears uh colonist needs rescue we can't get this is that all you got rhodus uh I don't know if we can rescue you then the bear will learn that we're inside the house right now our only Advantage is that we're hidden oh no [Music] is he going for the guinea pig okay the other bear just okay the other bear also is now coming [Music] um so we just can't leave don't eat me I'm sorry look just be quiet in the house [Music] keep it down you just can't leave or maybe we we pass time and they go away [Music] I mean okay the Man Hunter doesn't cocaine Bill and crystal meth beer now okay ronus is probably gonna die McChicken mail has been sleeping for so long quick wait why is the bear bleeding tits oh the Bear's Bleeding Out okay I don't know why the Bears hurt maybe it's because of the prosthetic heart I put in his brain okay oh so one of the Bears is gonna die of natural causes yo bear get over here and then I'm gonna have maybe dude we might be able to kill the bear because we already got like four shots off on it it's at a hundred percent health no you went outside no okay here's what we're gonna do it's because we're almost shot it twice get out of get out of maybe you can run you're fine you're fine you're 88 health so if you break the law the bear explodes [Music] okay uh our new Our Last Stand is Martin the bear is throwing up in our house wait oh [ __ ] Martin no okay it's gonna be a YouTuber this is our last colonist I don't know it depends can Martin survive Mark just run away we need to survive for six and a half minutes and we're good [Music] medical emergency colonistry needs rescue as long as Moses not the religion kind okay let's give you a twitch name as long as ghost or Fox Martin died because I just joined wait no I need to go to the river [Music] there's a Manhunter pack there are wild raccoons showing up working okay it's all if Martin can live no no get across the river Bears can't swim polar bears are known to not be able to swim sure this is a YouTube video okay okay okay okay okay okay okay dude run run away from the bear what are you doing all right this is fine don't go no no no no no no no no no no no no no no let's get we help okay we have 10 seconds 10 seconds where Where is the [ __ ] we're like trapped here get back to base get back to base oh okay I think he's about one hit away uh technically depending on what the last role is used to die on their needs and instead chose to die from being moored by a cocaine Bay tactically we could survive for five minutes if he can run from the bear The Colony would have technically survived the last spin is so close yet so far we could live okay we already have two rabid raccoons and a cocaine bear we're gonna spawn 10 more rabbit animals and if Martin can survive for five minutes I've technically done it does it count if it takes too long for the colonists to bleed out maybe that's a good point maybe [Music] okay First Man Hunter pack this has turned from cocaine bit to cocaine Zoo okay there is this just one that's only one I think okay we're gonna have to do a lot of these oh wait I just do 10. Man Hunter pack [Music] okay we have raccoons coming oh it's all raccoons oh no that's a guinea pig that's a rat okay you spawn 10 packs oh oops okay so there's a lot of rabid animals chasing us [Music] if this guy can escape cocaine bear and he could get into the safety of our bedroom then we're good we even have 30 rice for him okay [Music] this is the last five minutes ready set you still need to tame the animals go they might have all died no no no one more one more keep going keep going he slowed the bear slowing down wait maybe I take a shot okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna take a shot at the bear we slow him down go save us [ __ ] [Music] okay uh Martin is bleeding out over the next six hours uh everybody here ronus and McChicken mail are technically alive but they are gonna bleed out in four hours now the test do we bleed out for five minutes or sooner three hours wait hold on wait I sped it up I shouldn't do that how long is an hour in game [Music] three hours 30 seconds [Music] this is the most anticlimactic ending hold on we might live we have a minute and a half big chicken meal has two hours until they bleed out to death Rona says oh three hours how long is an hour hold on Martin is still has oh he started down to three hours hold on we could we could survive I think we might make it by like two seconds [Music] okay I think ronus is the most alive right now we gotta tame the animals did they all die no no look oh [ __ ] wow okay let's first find out if we even make it I feel so alive ronus you still have three hours dude you're in great shape uh McChicken mail is bleeding out faster uh uh wait are the manhunters gonna come and because there are there are like rabbit animals everywhere thank you Kurt okay minute and a half should make chicken hail is almost dead if only we could consolidate the blood into one person to prolong the bleeding it all right you only have eight seconds left McChicken super late to the party but looks like everything's under control here okay we lost we lost Michigan okay well no hold on hold on um every 60 Minutes one minute and 45 seconds left Rona says I carry this you have 0.9 hours left hold on what's Martin have is point eight hours okay rhonis is our most alive guy we need to survive ronus you need an ice pack no no hold out for one minute one minute and we make it a minute 30 just give me 90 seconds ronus don't owe seven yet this is about confidence point three hours left it's gonna be so close nine seconds but did it speed up six five three it's speeding up you're bleeding faster and faster ronus is out rhodus is out wait wait somebody's fully healed oh the guinea pig [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] well at 59 minutes and 13 seconds but he died the guinea pig counts wait looks like any picked out where's he at don't laugh at us rabbit yes show me winter you're carrying this colony we don't need humans not when we have you oh he's going for the gun I'm back time of death 2036. what are your first orders as the new leader of our colony more weed for me okay to tame the rabbits Doug ah well with our new pothead colony leader that's my mayor uh what we're a minute off um I have a question I did have a guinea pig at the end did I beat the challenge I don't know how to spell guinea pig I don't remember that's my pig oh I wrote guinea pig instead of no that was not intentional I my brain just farted okay well this poll really helps clarify things [Music] long live the pig [Music] foreign [Music] bodies I don't like this guinea pig oh yes the age old question yes or Junior Pig uh okay General pig is the answer you lost but the guinea pig won okay deal time of man has ended the time of guinea pig is now I mean all the urukai Orcs wait hold on can I send the guinea pig on a war crime raid guinea pig war crimes Paul harvested symbol again okay wait is our squirrel dead when did the squirrel I thought he was alive I thought he was just sleepy okay all right the guinea pig's ready for war crimes all right that was a stream thank you for hanging out room world is quite fun we did not make a lot of progress [Music] I mean this this is the farthest our Colony progressed it was like a burnt down couple of huts [Music] and some weed we we don't have plants is the weed even done growing we didn't even fully grow weed drive-by rate of times man man destroys God man creates cocaine Bay cocaine buried man guinea pig inherits the Earth [Music] oh [Music] um the current time is 2041 EST and Douglas just satisfied 7004 people your choice of words you forgot to ban the Dead Cody Reid yeah I was about to read the Monterey Bay Aquarium all right all right Cody I need to raid somebody who is okay if people are spamming annoying things with that being said please do not spam annoying things I I just pulled up the um the Monterey Bay camera dude this is the one where yeah where there's the spider crabs you guys remember the clip where I showed the the video I took of the spider crabs at Monterey Bay Aquarium and there's just how there's like a gigantic one that's in the back does anybody have that clip that was like she was terrifying I'm they're cool but they're like terrifying hold on we may need to cancel the raid so I can show me saying that dog dog Monterey Bay recap oh wait maybe do I have it on my phone or on my computer somewhere whatever we're just gonna watch it step what's up she's spoken out loud oh I gotta cancel The Cutting grade [Music] wait these are the jellyfish the Hammerhead for the puffins so these are like it might not look like it from here it is like this okay Doug oh yeah like this no you did get one of the words correct though which is crap uh I do have a thing coming up I it's not a thing it's something I am normally I try to do my own thing but there's an idea of the germa did that I want to just blatantly steal because it seemed incredibly funny no I think you're high you're probably drunk right now but only on that portion of the screen um and he said the crap was this big now the crab's big dude no not dollhouse um he did he did a thing he had somebody make an app that pulls a random moment of his entire YouTube channel in VOD so like you know and this is you know he'd been streaming for like 10 years or whatever at that point but it literally you just click a button on a web app and then it pulls up randomly one random moment from every stream ever and so we have all the streams up on YouTube so it should be fairly simple to make that so I think it'd be fun to do that with Bingo and then just see what we find in like random because now I've done I think that cop is huge look at it compared to the building man in the lower left okay these are this is a this is a video this is a meet um yeah I think I've done like 1100 hours of streaming 1200 something like that so there's a good amount at this point water crab I'm not sure all right uh check out this video videos Wild uh this is great so this is a Japanese spider crab these things are so big and they're a little bit creepy so it just don't freak out okay this thing is like it might not look like it from here it is like this big it is huge this thing is gigantic okay and just look at how enormous it is I mean yeah the legs alone are like the size of my arm this thing is huge and then you'll notice the other one I think it's just in the back it is like three feet tall it is absolutely massive it's like it looks like a horror movie in this tank it like this dude's just lurking in the back it's literally like that's not like perception [ __ ] with you it is it is wild in that tank this guy is so big um which which is wild because this dude is Big you walk over in the aquarium and you're like whoa that's a huge crab and then you like your eyes adjust and you see the one in the back his [ __ ] is so insane um I don't remember why that came up or I remember that oh it's because that's the camera that's on the Monterey Bay Aquarium that I just pulled up they have the so if you want to look out for the crab you can uh you can watch the Monterey Bay Aquarium but I'm gonna raid Cody 's great I'm gonna say hi to Coney uh you know please don't uh spam uh they're relevant memes go say hi and then check out what he's doing and say hello and uh and participate in the beauties of Coney's uh big adventure yes please do not spam who who the audio it's just started for a second no it seems fine uh for real don't don't spam irrelevant memes last who in the channel right now one final who for all our for all our fallen war crimes uh yeah I should be back tomorrow I will probably be doing the Skyrim door randomizer again that I did last week another attempt at that um yes that is the plan okay goodbye chat I'll see you tomorrow bye-bye foreign [Music]
thank you the ring is still in your pocket ring is still in your pocket the back end up forever [Laughter] [Music] you have my sword and you have my bow and my socks [Music] laughs [Music] yo hello yo yo yo yo yo I think so welcome to Rivendell hey right here Frodo Baggins no they're not they're not no that's what he says like welcome to Riverdale like elrond says that well he says at least Frodo no you know I don't remember things very well baby there's like spitting fish crazy no I told you that's the skew I've told you that 779 pieces though if you know that um destiny [Music] well maybe it's two inch Joel now bam I've told you to unlock the freaking key we just need to know if like um yeah how's the audio I feel like I'm on a video like this is the important part right so I don't know I don't know is the second most important part of the audio visual experience oh you don't have to tilt it as a straw yeah that was my foolish error okay look at this oh too quiet everything's good what if I'm right here huh oh am I too quiet let me turn off the mic someone's thing is out of focus on there right no well I think that's what we have to ask I guess like I think this is this is fine right I don't know like I think you're blurry right there ah but as long as the pieces are are locked I thought you said you're gonna make it big so you can read it oh yeah we need to get a big chat I'm straining twitch C hat okay go let's boost it up slightly blurry but yeah it's only when I'm close really close but over there I don't know I think it's still blurry here I think it is that's what I'm trying to tell you are you sure son how do I make the words bigger bruh this build is going to be so long the gliss like eight hours last time said that we wouldn't be able to do this in one day I think we're gonna crush it you are an accomplished Lego builder that has no that doesn't mean anything and I am a great manager okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna manage from a thousand yards up all right I'm gonna Focus I'm gonna organize priorities deliverables so that you the Builder can you know it's just about enjoying the parts it's not like trying to be efficient about it or anything no audio wait really I did at one point lose a bet to chat and say that I would name our firstborn child twitch C hat that person said son so what if we have like a daughter a very much a daughter yeah then she's not getting named something else all right one of my dad's friends had six Sons that was crazy I met him no but it's like you flip a coin six times like Tails every time or something like that's insane you know are you watching LCS phones or not what do you think honestly answer that question what's a Duma set can you make it bigger because it's so small they say words like Duma or D's or anything oh or like BofA baby they're gonna oh okay oh we have a server we'll come back oh Pizza grease it's like a Costco pizza it's a grease thing for the seven months thank you wait so can you make it bigger or no because it's blocked well I am waiting on new glasses that might have something to do with it help actually is it um the same time it's not like delayed or anything oh but words like blank what does block by the mic sag yeah but so we can speak right well then I yeah it has to be in the middle because then we can't hear it can we get like feedback or something on how it sounds I think it sounds good pog I think we're blurry can you make it smaller a bit concerned oh Chad smaller yeah so I think someone said I don't know if that's a thing chat loves to see themselves though when they spam Joel and you guys are getting so arrogant this stream has been deeply blurry focused on my forehead for three years and now it's pretty good and you're like and you know what though I wish it was the bokeh was two percent less it's ridiculous is so much better at this distance than it's ever been like we're out of focus it's like I mean this is what matters right but okay okay that's wait go the other way perfect okay I believe I can't see but I believe you yeah she's got a holiday prescription on her glasses telling me what yeah I have to like get it but I'm waiting on the glasses now I had to redo my prescription David and uh oh yeah really easy to read okay it is kind of small make a huge like like all like control plus plus or something okay that looks great Ari is typical okay wait now my second problem is that you made like the chat bigger but that doesn't show the emotes it does well how come when they do the fish it doesn't show the fish the Pokemon shows up there yeah yeah like Joel I'm seeing joeler right now you you well you can read it out loud then Ari has nice glasses they say yeah but they're outdated they're they're not the latest styles so you guys can hear us both honestly like earnestly uh I don't I'm not watching downstairs but I did watch LCS Korea lck okay I think we need the phone too because I just saw like a summer pass by in one second and like I couldn't be able to read it yes I know but that is why while they're saying crispy audio crispy can you make it so the mic takes in more sound I think they're saying it's a little quiet so you're like a big quiet to be honest you know you're like you're like the Law and Order people like enhance that oh yeah okay there's no magic formula more sound good that's good that's that's all you need all right like thank you Milkman for the sub yeah wow 19 months that's like a lot right it's Evans thank you Robert Stacks on soft they were the gifted people part-time supporters no workflow uh we're gonna start this timer here in a second obviously this will be an easy breezy build well we got like a lot of stuff I think given our accomplishments in the Lego building sphere thank you darvelo well a little backstory you and I one of the first like movie series we watched together was Lord of the Rings no it was a hop oh yeah in theaters yes yeah period after I saw The Hobbit I was to watch Lord of the Rings now no yes it was the real story is that I watched fellowship and two towers in theaters so I was like eight years old or whatever yeah but you didn't like it and then I never watched Return of the King and then Brandon's like let's watch The Hobbit because it's out I'm like I don't want to and he's like let's go please and I'm like okay fine thank you for the 26 months I can't even read their name and I was like fine I'll go and like he was like that was a man and I was like I love this movie I have to watch Lord of the Rings now and then we watch Lord of the Rings together oh no I only like the first and third one too and I am not quite a fan of how I told you but I do love Lord of the Rings and so because you love the Rings and you love Lego I got you this and now we're going to build it today it is the biggest thing you've ever built Lego lies right I think so yeah easily and for me I've only Built Little Star Wars Legos so this is like by far the biggest project I've undertook like fool but took and a fool if I took Nathaniel noodle says I'm here so we can start now I was waiting I was legitimately waiting for Nathaniel noodles to show up thank you Young's cast science how do you not love the Battle of Helms Deep Battle of Helms Deep is the second Lord of the Rings movie yeah it's very epic it's a Hobbit movie you're thinking yeah I'm talking about the hover the movies that suck but I like a lot like the second hot movie is the one where they get in the barrels yeah it's really terrible 19 minutes slapstick scene of goblin uh dwarves and barrels uh uh the second hot movie is something special yeah really I'm saying something special right watch The Experience between the movies on HBO Max we know we've seen I've only watched extended so are you guys seen love how much who's in this Daniel the barrel scene is terrible the barrel scene is not cool it's terrible it's so bad uh can you look deep in the camera pretend you're in a Lego advertisement and say Legos are yummers you said it yeah use it send it to Lego see if they're open thanks loose for the 14 months but we're not gonna get anything done if I'm just answering Subs oh sorry one uh or Harry sure no I don't think he's filming a GoPro I think it's all CGI do you think they filmed actual dwarves and barrels going flipping flopping down a river was this annoying blueberry can we open the box now yep I was there no we can't open the box because I have to set up the thing what thing what thing what thing bad window capture the motor and then we just make this smaller and put in the corner and then we can watch funny Lord of the Rings memes whilst we build is that a thing people want what would it have to be like muted what's the point that Subway Surfers maybe it's gonna be muted the mean of that how are we supposed to like I don't know make crinkly sounds [Applause] yeah that's a classic [Music] yeah I feel like you're cheapening this amazing scene relax don't do it are they kidding me wrong because I'm over here I see oh what I can translate Brian says he will not be putting neem on the screen haha or I don't know what other people want you know I don't know I know that but then I think we should have the ability to put on funny videos and stuff because like if it's three hours in you know whatever I totally get that is there a way they can like submit and it just shows up on screen the problem is I have no idea you need to scripted Media Share or anything I don't know how to do it I've never done it it's not a part of my stream experience so I can't but we'll figure it out maybe I can give a mod access or something can we just start or something I don't know all right we're gonna build ask quack all right quack I'm asking you now we're going to build the Lord of the Rings Rivendell set how many pieces has it been okay it is 6167 pieces the biggest thing we've ever built in Lego the second biggest was the Home Alone featuring all of the cast of characters can you name our character in this well yeah everyone can right well no the Minifigures are here that are in this set is like Orlando Bloom okay oh who is that wait no because I know there's two NPCs in this uh because it could be like a random elf and like a random elf because that doesn't look like anybody there's Gandalf oh we're so stupid isn't that no that's elrond I think these are randos because then we got gamely and Gandalf and Frodo and Frodo and like Marion Pippin all right let's crack this baby okay and then you got Arwen too and like that's super awesome this will be open all the boxes all right yeah uh it's Club Shadow you know what I mean oh it sounds like a Star Wars meme baby okay that's whatever let's try another like uh Disney will come out with some new flowers thing though yeah I guess like oh we're bringing back from oh yeah or like nine nub is back or something yeah yeah and then like nobody gives a lose their no they lose their they're not for nine nub they for anyone they announce okay uh uh show the timer oh okay well we I just barely opened the box anyway the Box is open did you hear yeah it's our cat you think he's all right it sounds kind of bad I'll check on it this is 6167 piece Lego set took around 23 hours to complete and that's with at least two people working on it for the that's that's can't be right that's Zach there's no way that's like that's lazy time okay fun come here okay we're all oh my God we're doing an unboxing video unboxing video can you pull it from that direction yeah yeah oh I already smell the paper oh oh Lord okay I do you want to assume those are the later ones no no just leave them in there because they're numbered this okay oh they are so these are the later ones I think well there's nine and ten yeah let's just see what's in here sure the manuals in here oh there's two oh these are brick removers nope toes and brakes I'm a Lego expert as well all right wait when the last time the block says 18 plus chat is it really there's no way it says oh these might be the later ones actually uh oh yeah put it there okay oh it's nice that they put the mail in a separate piece because it gets really damaged in there you know sad she won't be getting gold split for the unboxing it is a goldfish it's my first time doing it and so it's the highest speed okay the first thing you do is smell it wait does it mean so I can smell it yeah here smell that one all right very fresh crack it you know yep that's good smelling this is gonna take so freaking long okay no we're gonna have a great speed okay this is the first one right here I get the feeling this gitingo is going to cause issues he will but if he really does then we'll uh him up uh okay each Hispanic thank you for the gifted you can't look at the book spoilers by the way I guess it needs to be said because everyone brings it up there might be some Lord of the Rings spoilers in this stream just Fellowship in case you haven't seen The Fellowship of the Ring 20 years ago so yeah I gotta tell you it's on the menu okay we need to find bag number one you actually haven't bro wait you're missing out on one of the best trilogies yeah bag number one yeah I think it's in there because these are all really late ones so that's my bag number one is nine oh this is so overwhelming so overwhelmed why is it supposed to have fun but Brandon oh God oh oh that's what that is it's open oh crapper oh no it's not that big of a deal don't be so dramatic well yeah it is a little dramatic though because there's a bunch of pieces on here but it's still not a big deal just put them here what if it's not the only bag one oh um it's honestly quite unusual for them to open like that so all right well they're kind of funny that it was bag one hey Chevy it is interesting right that of all the magazines back one like Bag End bag one first thing I will do while you begin is I will find bag two okay the fun thing is we get we get to do Frodo first look at your feet you're your best Frodo impression um [Music] roast chicken chicken yeah [Music] I do not know the way I don't know he's not like America can I throw this ring yeah all right yeah I mean I wanted to re-watch the fellowship extended to like prepare but I did not have time you know okay are you gonna do the color story like you said you would what I'm sorting the bag we don't even need to because there's so few pieces here Bilbo the way I'm bagging actually there is a bit of a problem because this bag won has his this Frodo mini figure and his head and hair are missing which is like it's a big part extremely important yeah like people give Frodo a lot of but yeah do your best photo yeah it's such a big burden you know battle it's like an allegory for depression or something I don't know people don't get Frodo a lot of but actually people doesn't matter like people agree see people like oh Sam's a real hurt yeah he is but like Frodo two you know what the it's like people it's just like so hard you know yeah that was the whole story and yeah no but like no one gets it I think well a lot of people don't I feel like Peter Jackson got it got it all of us can non this is bad this is quite oh thank you gold seaweed right for the gold seaweed thank you for three months Chevy Frodo's head this is bad it's really funny to see the three monthers because they did not get a little content what's bad about the three monthers which means at oh yeah look at this is one and two oops I goof okay that makes me feel better great tiny F we're back we'll just throw it over here so shavingo can play whatever you can play with it okay let's see and it's I always recent Lego sets why he's probably like a decade now they do the double face thing thank you stage mcconan hey shark rocking the Norwood Golem what is that oh Jesus you asked to do an impression no Baggins a hobbit from the Shire my story is one of Adventure danger and a quest to save Middle Earth from the dark power of Sauron I inherited the one ring from my uncle Bilbo and with the help of my dear friend Sam Mary and Pippin I said on a perilous journey and others destroy it thank you for the 18 months danger and we faced many challenges along the way but we remained steadfast in our Quest is this AI did you it's like a prompt or something big a why do you dress like you're in marketing wait till I wear my Silicon Valley at least it doesn't dress like an engineer with straight leg jeans and New Balance or something get owned Engineers you dumb holy roasted like an ugly backpack okay I finished Frodo wow huge step wow thank you for the three months I didn't even see there's like at least 32 bags guys all right ready me I I'll take the ring though I do not know the way something like that I can't remember any photo lines because they're not like as impactful you know obviously like even Marion Pippin you know like Sean Bean do like it's just a gift shop is amazing yeah he's so good so good okay all right you ready because like I'm just gonna go for it okay are you sorting like no I'm just grabbing like if you want to start these into like piles it doesn't have to go in a box but look these match the color so yeah oh yeah I will get the color it just makes it slightly faster but it's not like yeah it's the ring oh the one holy be careful it's gonna be under you're gonna be under its influence yeah because you're very ambitious you have no simple brain I've given it to Frodo actually I'll give it to Chevy we'll corrupt our cat Okay so much it's a little cloak uh wait how do I get this very cute ring Bilbo Baggins do not take with some conjure of Cheers that's a great line yeah see get off is a great line you know yeah does have some great lines I do wonder what's like a classic Frodo line yeah baby good Tingo is gonna freak us up yeah this cat is literally getting way too involved you're not building the Lego show good team go go away oh maybe we do need a close-up cam for the Lego actually no I know because it's like how do you like a makeup tutorial video like you know what I need is a a C920 what the hell is that a little webcam I bet I have it somewhere oh here you keep building real quick all right uh do you want to move good Tingo gingerly hey Chevy okay hey hey you're not one of the builders he's like Bob the Builder wannabe yeah what else we got yeah because otherwise you'd have to go back and forth right uh no I feel like I need like a second webcam it's just focus on the Lego right here that's so fun like to think about okay check these drawers yeah um what else could we do if we can't find no idea is a little bit of music too just like light Lord of the Rings yeah put some Howard Shore you know thank you oh that's perfect okay I just this is gonna take so freaking long of the six of the three of ever anything yeah what was your favorite of Lord of the Rings you know that so the third one yeah extending yeah little omake like bonus stuff you know look at that that was a point I it is too loud everyone says Twin Towers is their favorite and I get it but it's not mine what's your dog this is the two towers uh or Fellowship scholarship those are very fun great way to start they're like all good is the problem well the battle at home's deepest so super sick but like three has the Pelon or Fields battle like it's really sick too yeah oh is it two towers did you say Twin Towers did I say Twin Towers [Laughter] Two Towers oh yeah I like the Twin Towers too we haven't they're worried for our backs because we're like oh I see Twin Towers that's cringe because I was just in Tijuana and they have twin towers there ah yeah like a copy you know I'm glad they got Bin Laden unless I'm being gaslighted but steel beams what are you doing right now oh I was just clicking all right I thought you were gonna get the camera I can't find it looking here yeah I gave a real quick I'm worried that I don't remember no I think I know what you're talking you can't use like a phone uh you know because I can't add the strength yeah okay maybe we don't have one oops jet fuel can't melt the one ring that's kind of funny what the hell yeah it's not that no I'm the Ranger all right good baby okay I'm trying I'm trying oh God uh uh it's just okay White there we go oh yeah that's a brick foreign ly made to make your butt look huge because I have four pairs no I don't those aren't even pants they're short they're shorts yeah Brandon maybe has a bit of a rear and he has to Return of the King game no I only played the Lego ones were they good I love all the Lego ones you are pandering well you're talking to me but they're so funny okay I can't wait if you say anything positive about Lego video games chat creams they lose it oh why because I don't know they all grew up with them because they're very good they're all hilarious like I I like the star ones but I have to play Skywalker Saga yeah it's gonna take so long uh I am a little I'm worried about I need this why is there two rings wait how is it the one ring if we got two maybe you get four I think because he's dual wielding people lose them all the time yeah but that really really cheapens it if Frodo's just got one on each finger yes I know there were nine rings in the world but they didn't all look the same right wasn't one of them yeah I think they're all different right I don't know what the books say or anything but I mean if people were gonna talk about the Amazon TV show I'm gonna ban them oh boring yeah I was I was reading that it has like of one of the lowest completion rates of a popular oh well I'm one of those statistics because it was so boring and like they're actually kind of panicking internally because they spent a billion dollars on it I was like gonna give it a chance you know but it was just too boring like 20 finished it yeah it's like it's incredibly low oh yeah I'm so confused here I feel like I'm you said you you found all the missing pieces I was a closer look thank you they fumbled that show so hard I mean I know some people like it but in general I think it could have been like a A Game of Thrones style cultural event that everyone was talking about and it wasn't like nobody oh there it is yeah because that's what they wanted right they were like oh we're gonna be HBO now I mean Jeff Bezos specifically asked he said where is this he said give me my own Game of Thrones wait for real yeah what a loser a loser oh wow okay yeah you gotta catch that stuff you know maybe you I'll just be like in the background building and you could be like answering questions um well now they're out of my reach much like the ring oopsie it was out of the reach of Sauron okay despite his best efforts like wow look at this are you a fan of the boys we watched every episode of the boys on stream Brandon loves the boys isn't like season three coming uh yeah it is your chili but it's hot in here [Music] let's see yeah okay oh maybe we're doing Yap Coke ah oh I got a cramp okay what are you doing well I can't believe you're cold like it makes no sense oh wait do you guys like or do not like his shorts could someone tell me if you like Brandon's shorts or not okay one person likes your shorts super tight they are ugly not gonna lie yes my favorite coach difficulty I like them so who cares anyone thinks right that's right baby that's goddamn right he looks like a sea man like a Navy right or okay that hurts take it back I don't look like a Canadian bro that's bad come on now there's a line froze so cute in this set yeah he doesn't he's like a little cute so I have the she-lab set and I noticed they added like they um paint the the leg part so you can see that it's bare feet because in the other one it's just all brown and it's just like a nice little detail like Lego truly cares you know [Music] yeah no your mom got me that one by the way are you from Canada because you're looking for funny whatever I wish Japan was yeah because it could be really cool yeah I notice you're not sorting Jack I'm answering questions at the moment okay that's an important job that is okay there's not that many pieces still you're sure we're not missing any right not yet I'll let you know Madge start sorting yes chat yes yes yeah yeah Chef I have this guy in my kickboxing class I'm pretty sure it's ironic but he's like yes Sunset anything he says and it's just like so funny when I laugh every time even though it's like Muay Thai so it's like not even Japanese you know it's kind of offensive it's not offensive it's just kind of dorky I would say coach like yes coach I think it's kind of endearing you know yes I'd say yeah well he doesn't make us do a lot mods at hrev is barely helpful I'm helping a lot no he is helping because he's making that I could just focus on the Lego and he has to read on the chat yeah oh we're we are very little in for you to get sore [Music] yeah getting the high gear here well I might do no no wait wait turn around so they can see the booty it's like you know I just feel like I'm showing off a little leg I think you got those in Vegas right are you during your bachelorette yeah I think so those are Banana Republic uh that was fun you know she knows what chat wants yeah baby they want to see the dumpy oh that was Japan anything fun from Japan every single second is fun yeah it was fun is there a favorite part I'm trying to remember well I think that night I was friends was really fun that was really fun yeah it was like extremely fun but like I love like going to Kyoto yeah she's quite discovered she's a palm frond yeah she's very sweet soul um but yeah that's awesome remove your Glizzy hands she's such a panderer have you thought about that am I just I think you cable for the sub can you just tell that it's fun to say like it's something to do with pandering you know her just give me jump into the coffee cow in a second your coffee Brandon no because actually I have for it I actually don't like that one so yeah because you know that I don't drink any coffee yeah I do Brandon we me and Brandon do not drink coffee I like to smell it though that's it that's it like we do not we have coffee for guests and we smell it no no we have it for guests yeah yeah for guests as soon as I taste it for guests oh horchata horse that's a good one but that doesn't work though because horchata is a Silent Age and horse isn't he hides it even from his wife that was a good that was a good that was kind of like that up Auto yeah it's like the confirmation because one day I was ordering from tacos right one of these tacos places yeah and I accidentally got three gallons oh yeah you told me I was like do you want horchata because I got a bunch yeah you showed up with like huge tubs of horchata and I was like yeah it's so disgusting okay right Glizzy and it's good to see you back so GH that's kind of cute that's a cute tell me because okay in my in Japanese my name could be adiana which is like ant hole so it's like some people used to call me Ant in like Japan you know but I mean that's how you say ant hill yes we are very excited about the MTG set for Laura we were just talking about it this morning like oh yeah I gotta make a video on it I think oh we are like what do you mean I'm gonna make a video about oh the one ring one ring yeah like the marketing gimmick how about cocaine bear we didn't see it oh should we watch it I don't know people say it's pretty like surprising they stop greasing of the pieces well let's watch it when it's like streaming or something yeah I guess so Yeti can't wait to open 52 packs on stream I literally that's not a bad idea wait you're gonna glute it like gotcha well I want to try my one shot at getting the One Ring babe we're not gonna get it like why do you even know you know why it's not gonna happen because it's gonna be like the McDonald's Monopoly like the printers husbands like cousins dogs niece is gonna like have it oh I opened it yeah yeah third pack I don't want this yeah yeah I mean I'm gonna explain it more in my video but there is only one of one they're making one one ring card and that card's only worth like at least 500k probably as high as a million what if like the person who opens it just rips it up to like destroy the value well I was thinking yeah I think it'd be so funny if it's like just some random Cheeto dusted covered magic player who cracks it open and instantly ruins the value like instantly covers it and dust I feel like that can't happen because why'd you do this see why'd you do that I just make it a little harder for you well you did make it hard I don't think that's gonna happen because anyone who like pursues this set will like be keen on it you know I hope to God some child gets it who never uses it it'll be very funny oh why don't you answer more questions huh You Gotta Throw it into a volcano all right you do that when you get your million dollar card oh you follow through what's your username monsolos you gotta buy it and if you get the one ring I want you to throw actually wait we should like find a Hawaiian throw in a million actually be such a badass move it would be a fire video if you did get it but you will be throwing away a million dollars what's it like being married to an orchata horse you know she manages obviously one day at a time it's very fun is very fun okay okay like building bases is just not as entertaining you know yeah we get the fun we're getting there it's just there's gonna be a lot of this because it's a big set other than sorting because I can't really what if I told you to pass me stuff but you don't know the names of the bricks right yeah no they're just like this one's called uh like yeah yeah that could work a fat two by four because there's flat ones too but you can help by reading chat and thanking people yeah then why are you asking me like I can't jump because I don't know where you are in this building okay so I'm right here see so I'm gonna put this long piece down like the long ones are called plates mad yeah I don't know the names of the bricks either so doc what if you ate a Lego I think that'd be a funny prank no because then we don't you could eat one of the Rings because we have like I think there's gonna be four of them I have more Rings anyway in my other sets if I get it I'll give it to very funny that you would get a million dollar card and give it to me so I You by plunge a 1996 Honda Civic that is kind of you every smart way of Distributing Honda centers are awesome no it's not bad splits I like Accords more though we are 27 minutes in on bag one though this is so cringe oh so a reminder we have at least 47 bags I believe 47 that was like 32. I see a 47th bag down there oh Lord oh 30 minutes a bag what are we looking at for 47 bags yeah because someone calculate that one do the math if it was 30 minutes of back I don't do them out very well for 47 bags oh thanks for the Parker four hours wait for real it's 23 and a half hours I can't well they're probably they're probably joking though right no because they all said it and I don't think they all did it at the same time which means they all open calculator and ran it and [Music] so like like yes but it was back one and two this is two bags how about that but some bags are smaller some bags are big right [Music] made all the bags equal is what I'm saying all bags are equal in my mind oh we get into the white pieces now it's almost like it's like snow but I know it's not does anyone saying anything interesting give me that gray piece yes ma'am that one sorry I thought you had it in your hand this like bums me out actually because like for me like building is very Zen and I can just relax relax oh well I'm like all like hunched over like this what do you think of Red Dead Redemption that's a character named Ari in it and they just keep asking oh isn't there a character named Ari in League two two so it's totally the same sound what is this question are you the only one building Legos because Brandon doesn't know how to read that's your question well you don't need to read but you can confirm that I can read right yeah Brand's literate but I'm so confused or are they asking yeah you're not building because you can read that seems more it's almost like I can't read it I'm hiding the fact advice for job interview advice don't be nervous I'm having a job review on Friday next week with the opportunity mechatronics engineer and I'm quite anxious last don't be anxious that's the advice um do you think you're qualified I don't know if you're qualified then yeah I would not be nervous or just come in talk about your qualifications you know are you saying contacts sorry though what I would think is you should do is assert dominance right off the bat so what I would do if I were you because you're an engineer right it's a mechatronics engineer show up with one of these bad boys a six thousand piece Lord of the Rings Lego set and build it in front of him live all right that's a very Alpha move and then once you've completed it say those Services could be yours sir if only I would relinquish is one ring and then swallow the one people are doing the the engineer jerk man did you eat a Lego no I did a Lego babe remember things to shoving Street straight leg jeans and New Balance isn't that funny oh thank you for the gifted Subs how do I afford it with no job take on a huge amount of credit card debt or use klarna or after pay I always recommend those uh disclaimer he's joking do not do that it's a very bad idea man I can't oh babe they're saying you're eating the Legos every time you look away I know it's nightmarish hey boy cuts your esophagus [Laughter] the sound you're making is kind of convince you not eating the Legos okay wow okay guys this is looking like a good base you know like base jumping or whatever that is you know something the yellow ones taste the best they're all the same abs oh the mic should be more in between us okay oh it's better I thought it would block this but I guess it doesn't no it doesn't it I mean they can't really see it till we get something built anyway like we're in the early phase well there's something to see right now like I know I like how you went up there and showed this you know the Frodo there's something cool the scroto saggins oh not very nice to him he said your favorite characters I'll do it off camera I will describe it okay I'll continue building look okay it was a little sloppy but you nailed the landing very impressive pretty impressive it's a pretty base beige base not gonna lie that's kind of funny can we get some keychain jingling like like oh yeah that's what they are they're infants and sometimes they want me to just change oh it's like when I babysit chat okay babe we're almost done with bag one and two POG champ amen [Music] I'm stoked to watch linkage from the new Zelda when does that come out babe I'm missing a two by one you're not missing a two by one oh crap oh we're cringly are looking for that do you see it it's gray it's this but two oh did you use it on something wrongly maybe maybe I just skip it and hope it comes out in the water well I did misuse it are you dead yeah easy clap you want to say another Stadium I didn't eat it it's like when the toddler gets something in their mouth [Laughter] okay I got it we're set in the Box each rock is like Heisenberg from Breaking Bad in what way yeah can you explain that expand on that in what way am I like Heisenberg from Breaking Bad chemist who Blicks blue math on the side both big a and Heisenberg ate Legos I don't remember that scene we have to eat [Music] I'm a little nervous you are making these mistakes you just said why do I keep making mistakes but it's like very it's like oops I put it one over like let me just scoot that real quick kind of thing it's not like irreparable harm they're like they're bricks you know it's not like you're gluing a model kit or something do you wish it was possible to have a Lego hair system so you wouldn't have to be bald anymore aren't those called plugs I mean that those do exist and they're better than a Lego hair system where I would click a thing off and click it on uh the speed run we are speed running it look at the timer five split all right we're on warwicker Pace because nobody else on Twitch has built this thing in less time than us do what NL doesn't always wear headphones do you think that Northern lion wears headphones to pretend he's not bald do you think he's pulling one over on his chat his secret plan is to wear headphones all the time and you guys just think he has a flat hair I'm trying to move and it was boldly no way and glasses to hide the lag of eyebrows well it's worked then genius that's why he's the smartest streamer he you know what else we Sorry before what else we could do is like you can rotate like I just did one and two right so you could do like three but I get all the Minifigs unless you want to call one specifically I want to build uh uh Sean Bean okay if you do that you have to like recite one of his lines is super cool I'm trying to think of a strong Bean line babe I just said one earlier actually there's like the most famous Lord of the Rings meme probably is his line one is not simply yeah yeah I'll do that but you have to do the correct delivery we're almost at back three two more pages for back three Factory something about a muffin it's already during this stream what to do if your kid swallows a Lego how long to poop it out oh you're supposed to that's the URL uh oh it's about oh that's doc you're you're totally clear why is he asking red Sunrise think of the Prime interesting why is are you doing all the work we have to we're swapping because you can't you can't double up yeah it's kind of like with a stream going me and my mom build them together kind of frequently so too many cooks too many food we got C9 or GG I got both of them dissolving as businesses but not but it's halfway seriously uh North American LCS is in bad spot Brian what's LCS championships yeah can you tell the 50 Cent Story there's not too much of a story and shockingly into the life advice of Curtis 50 Cent Jackson and I've read not one but three complete books by him yeah you were there because audiobook yeah driving and I was listening to his life advice and he was like talking about how like after he got shot he had to like hide a gun in his cast while he was running to get his strength back and I was like yes I can learn from this it's like this I need to like this is applicable to my situation uh can you read something right out yeah I can read it out right now he probably does have good life advice though right I think he does I think I honestly am impressed with descent because of all the I don't know wealthy celebration well-known people he probably has the lowest starting point in terms of like income like he literally had a drug addicted mother no father in her City got shot nine times and I don't know I think that's impressive I you know I think it's more impressive than Elon Musk Emerald mine okay I just finished so I don't know if you want to switch now or do your 50 Cent Passage yeah let's go also someone's saying like you have to but they're taking the Harvest to Eisen guard okay so maybe I'll get the bag out I think Sam's next I'm gonna do Sam for all you Zoomers this was out like when YouTube was still beta or like e-bombers world you know foreign I'm destroyed nine hours 58 minutes remaining well you have to do the original version why'd you put that one from the original version that was it right the original version is not 10 hours oh well it's the same thing though it's not because you have to you have to have the Golem power he's like what did you say that part and it like ends and it has a cool ending all right we'll have a lot of time ahead okay well then next time we need a break we'll put that on okay gotta do an 8-bit version too of concerning Hobbits the original version is 24 hours long no that's well maybe that's true then me and my friends once synced that video to every computer in the school's library so annoying for the librarian yeah once again it sounds fishy um there's a random break here no they didn't that was a Reddit post did you steal a popular Reddit story and pass it off as your own [Laughter] you're the sea bat guy yeah all right let's find some is next okay let's see yeah I'm playing freelancer mode what's the easiest last mission little number Lynn Whittle Tim I actually practiced a little bit uh offline and I like looked up some stuff I think I got I got a lot better I'm excited I think I can beat it now I found a way to get a silence pistol quickly um yeah I think I think I'm a little more I I was a little out of date um you should do a run right now no thank you I won't no I don't think I will no I don't think do you want to help me find his legs I'm not sure how big your splits once I'm done we'll publish the split see if anyone can beat it I think our time's unbeatable where are his legs yeah all right we're gonna find his legs where his legs right there I found him too slow okay I'm gonna start wait what is this I just sorted it's not I just finished the same what's up [Music] roast chicken truck it up they were the five gifties it's the best salt in all the Shire uh wait where's this frying pan there it is okay now he's complete okay should I build Sam wise again yep I will eat two as well happy Easter big ain't big I suppose I don't know uh okay go building oh crap yeah I should be reading so where do I start right here yeah like if you you can do it one way you just grab or you could collect the piece first and then build it okay why are you asking ever done it before well you're much more accomplished can you wait I gotta eat those so it's gonna be like just don't eat it away from the mic all right I got one of these I got one of these I'm building both of these maybe oh yeah yeah two of these um you know I do the same thing though I do the same thing for it where I'm eating the food I'm like I like to enjoy my food yeah all right I can read I can see close-ups up okay okay we didn't get Wendy's this is a random place okay you guys around boys okay I was just saying a truck yummers Wendy's nuts oh that's why they're saying Wendy's yeah okay what's my name you fall into their clever rooms well that's cosplay some extra I am gonna do a Jedi revvon and a bunny urza for Dragon Con yeah wait why what what there's a little one that connects it here and then they want me to put just a one here yeah so do it but why do I drop it because later it connects to something else damn these Lego bastards they're brilliant okay so I made it oh and the opening is towards me perfect and now I need you're asking what you're gonna cosplay baby come on I actually hate ants yeah you're not a big ants fan I hate ants they smell bad like even like the movie ants I damn well they're ugly so that's different it was a weird CGI time I'll tell you it also came out same time as Bug's Life which looks way better yep so what was their deal I just yeah like they have six is that what I want from a talking bug movie accuracy the in your weight those are the big two traits you need what age Obi-Wan are you thinking episode one probably right oh good question episode one probably because they said get off did not okay yeah this person gets stamps he said one time a banana bread in a Ziploc bag that I left open a whole bunch of maps got into it and I was devastated as it was homemade for me and I rarely have some I decided I was going to eat it either way so I microwaved it to kill the ants turns out ants are too small for a microwave to kill them but after a few minutes the microwave the steamed from the bread killed them it did smell weird like Ari said but it tasted fine it was 100 worth it and I agree I agree this person gets it what a psycho they don't get what is your problem bro what are you talking about just getting every banana there's like 60 cents banana bread oh God it doesn't matter it's it's infested you thought I'm better I'm not gonna let them win that this scene is Chatter okay sorry I skipped a lot of messages reading that yeah wait I think what I think it's a copy copy God I thought it was a legit sorry yeah sometimes they live you can believe it on the internet okay let's see what else um I don't think that's a real person is the greatest competitive eater really and his name is chestnut if you can believe it like it's not a suit on him oh man maybe he changed it that's crazy okay oh wait what's uh what's Tom Cruise's real name yeah it's Tom mapother or something so he like what a shocker that Cruz is too cool for reality I believe the answer I just don't know who sounds specific enough like we've all eat nasty crap right like what's your nasty crap story I really don't eat nasty crap very often like enough is dope all right I finished this podge I can't tell what's real anymore Joey Chestnut actually famous for eating 10 000 ants in a competitive eating competition against anteaters 100 alive because I feel that there's a lot of times 10 000 ants in a competition with ant eaters babe come on you got you got internet literacy they're completely bullshitting you I just feel like if it was true I wouldn't be surprised well you lined up in like a thing next to foreign we're writing for something yeah they do keep riding up but they're already a little short so it's like who cares right what's the problem yeah who cares chat thank you days days is guppy fish someone you know yeah who is it it's a chatter bro I know okay thank you sir octopus for 13 months [Music] [Music] he's my close personal friend why is this not they're asking will every I'm marketing Monday oh thank you peepsters for the 10 months uh yeah I'm gonna talk about Silicon Valley Bank Joel for this yeah I love that fish [Music] I feel like I'm breaking this wait what's right here I gotta help out ah I am breaking it it's not solid I think it's like ideally you don't really pick it up you know I can really get into it you know yeah what party wrap the ferns well this came off obviously it's not the same it literally says the front element is a new design introduced in 2023 it has been here for the first time anyways you grab a fern and you put it where it tells you to put it do you get that see it's like so easy look right there I get the concept of how like I don't see the problem I know I look at yes sir thank you again I look at the thing and I put it where the pizza says that's what I've been doing I don't care I don't know exactly where because there's a lot of ferns that aren't on there that are not but the red missed some burn like where the red ferns like reading the card explains the card you know there but see how it doesn't look right because it's like tilted and tilted I think it does just kind of angle it you know what's wrong with it I think that's fine I think your placement of this looks good to me so that's really look the one side is lower than the other and on there it's flat oh I see what you're saying go back see that yeah we'll oh man we're at 58 minutes I'm sure once we get the Flow State once we get into the groove our progress will be undeniable that would be so hype what did you do it is messed up okay if we're talking about that would just be me in a suit right unless you're talking about doing some kind of racist caricature oh prophetic Fenris thank you for the twin gifting or Winnie the Pooh be a funny one Winnie the Pooh in a suit would be a funny one people say who are you guys Xi Jinping that's pretty funny [Music] this green plate well that was from your part yeah I think you're right but where is it you know it was kind of weird yeah it's this one what's going on oh God say oh sorry uh chat is that you ate the piece okay forget I asked um yeah I went to Magic con it was awesome we're definitely missing a piece that's very sad actually you treat him build it in wrong I'm pretty sure that's like it's it's um one of these and that's like substantial size you know it is a three by three huh yeah okay hold on to that yeah what the heck don't give a look you keep reading all right it's underneath the wooden board there's no way that's I put the stickers there okay you check this box I did where the hell is this it's behind your ear I checked I checked I bet Brian Kibler eats loads of Lego pieces why would you bet that I think I would take that bet I think you would lose that bit oh what about Chevy what if Chevy absconded with it or knocked under this what the heck weird kind of essential too it is essential yeah it's like an oil I mean I can get a piece from another set that's similar but we're just here three by three of any color it's gonna get covered up that's what I'm saying well let's see if we can find one I guess shooter Each truck already got the Winnie the Pooh build so honestly just needs to cover himself in yellow paint and he's Winnie the Pooh are you just saying I'm fat what are you trying to say what is the Golder what uh Dr Poppy's leaving the six months very appreciate it um what's the age limit on the light age limit you think they put a limit on it it says 18 plus uh Lego bricks are negative calories I know that she's gone I'm gonna Feast on these bad boys this one's been looking tasty man look at this little look at this little piece that's just delicious pop these back dude now that I've successfully lured her out of the room nobody this is crazy imagine that we've lost the piece already you know how it was loose maybe it fell out of the box or something this is crazy Bailey keeps saying you ate it this is worse we want to just skip or something I know but they're all in the garage up there later poopy [Music] check his stool tomorrow it's not great it's a green 3x3 that's the crazy part oh it sucks okay this is uh we have to get something I don't want to go without it oh my God okay it's gonna take a while it's essential oh you want to borrow one from you later what the heck match check your pockets check your pockets oh man that understood doesn't make any sense someone checked the clips it's under there [Music] under where check the can [Music] I can't I can't dude are you kidding me with this holy how do you roast me like that oh he uses linguistic trickery to make me the fool please for the love of God tell me that isn't the pure Lacroix flavor I won't I won't tell you what flavor it is any pieces on the desk from walking up to the camera and he has a really [Music] I just got back how many peas has he eaten I've eaten no pieces I have not eaten any Lego pieces I say this like uh Bill Clinton to the camera I did not inhale uh maybe it's in your glizzies this is just one is this one oh wait there's a whole other thing here what if it was in here and it fell did you put them back in this box or what I don't know so this is like another box oh you found it no I didn't find it yeah but that's like a perfect duplicate immersion ruin there's one flat piece that will soon be colored all right [Music] someone said they see it but I think they're bullshitting they clearly don't have a high enough resolution of the table yeah it's crazy what are you building bro where it was then we were here you did that presumably correctly cute little floor yep yep I swear to my left sock I see it that doesn't mean anything to me what value is there in your left sock hey truck I'm saying you're built like a bear because we know bears are as good at eating quizzes and honestly I feel that quality perfectly exemplifies the glarkater to a tea I believe you've spammed this you've thought this message is important enough that you need to keep spamming it there so until I see it and now that I've read it I truly feel like we should time you out for a bit Chucky Vaughn they give the five gifted all right a new finish what I started talk to chat you know like let them know I'm gonna babysit chat now okay they're trying to make me read bald jokes ball jokes like what's in it who is Ari's favorite character like from whatever Lord of the Rings you know hey truck you're not gonna believe this but I bought the same Legos and have exactly one extra piece it could be yours I don't believe it obviously I don't believe thank you tonko Dolly Dolly we're like missing a bunch of stuff no we're not yeah we are but I just did that oh all right I gave you the page that you were on I know but you just did this okay put and then and then this goes here okay thank you lunch in space for the six months they said if you drink some coffee it will help you focus and find it I don't believe that to be the case there were drafters she is a cute mad face I use the clips to make my cat smile that's guppy fish oh yeah wait what do I should I look at it or what uh wait is sending you a link yeah guppy fish is the one that sends me uh sure is it like a mess oh this one right here yeah oh there's oh it's a kind of funny cat wreath me a picture of his cat before every stream that's cute cute It's Kind of a Funny Cat I do have to see a lot of cat pictures okay are you having trouble I'm having trouble because look we already built that part I told you we're on this page right no we didn't build this place okay let's see then what's the problem see how this piece yeah lines up with this two towers yeah like The Two Towers well look it doesn't do that okay let me see one lower so I go because it covers the ferns that go like this yeah and then it's three of those so there's this other one right and it goes like this yeah and you said this one's lower right that's what you're saying too low okay H right favorite type of fern carnivorous homies that's literally the title of the movie wait you're reading The Two Towers holy you're the last Bastion of a Dying art what happened to the furniture right there you goes on top of a fern you think of course like oh underneath it yeah I see oh I see Tarzan yeah gorilla [Laughter] why is it sticking put it right not sticking put [Music] okay that's it that's it that is it but it just feels sorry you 10 36 for 14 months wow 14 moons like 14 poons oh they're just I don't know if this is real but probably not Ari me Latino and my fiance American are getting married in Mexico next sorry any tips on combining a multicultural wedding well you should get someone who's naturally Latino like me it's like basically an ordinary Latino can blend right in that way your blended family will have no problems I had tequila at the tables you know because I'm Mexican and then Ryan contributed nothing because white no culture um Vada watching Watcher muted the entire stream okay you think so this is muted music no because people were saying it was cool right or you're saying because it's copyright no because it's copyright okay damn I'm muting the whole stream because of this hot Latino I am Latino white I am Latino like non-hispanic white I am honorary Latino [Music] why do they keep talking about a green Christmas tree I have no idea okay I have no idea they're interesting yeah check it out oh it looks like she talked to the speakerphone I don't I never have a phone on speakerphone he has weird okay oopsies so you gotta do is it not gonna work then okay subscriber thank you yellow for 22 months have fun to all the Latinos in the room thank you thank you wow Soldier is gifting five subbies thank you La Familia yeah to be honest who is watching a 12 hour VOD yeah who the frick is gonna watch any minute of this you know okay okay I'll revoke your Latino pass Brandon okay I'm a little behind because all right he said me all right he's watching The Vault right now okay we gotta finish the bag okay now here's the problem with this situation because I think I'm will you switch back because you're better at Reading okay uh let's see I need the body in case I lose the instructions oh people actually like longbots because it's background stuff interesting a marketing Rivendell Brian stop eating the ferns they are not real plants like the two of them on top of each other how's this is Jim the north a famous person in the north yeah yeah because I just don't know what these icons mean you know because they're talking like he knows us or something or she I don't know babe hello okay um while they're doing school good night AMG Spirit okay and then how come stream elements keeps um advertising Hearthstone really it says jump back into Hearthstone find out more here that's the level every sponsor I ever had is underneath my stream that's so funny despite none of those still being active look I'm not look why I'm famous get the camera they do get a lot of value I will say play Skyrim tomorrow and call it marketing mourn dots [Music] okay uh this one I need four six bricks [Music] I don't know if we can do eight bit because you know it sounds like copyright are like covers this is royalty free I know I know that is but look like socks have crayfish on them [Music] is funny what are your favorite animals I don't think it's funny that I dislike mammals it is unfortunate I do like dogs though I love fish and I love crayfish I love lobsters I actually I obviously I love birds do you love birds a bit I like cats more than that we have Chevy now but of course I like dogs more I didn't like cats I thought I didn't until I brought home Chevy dolphins are okay they're kind of rapist though no it's true like ducks and dolphins are huge rapists yeah that's why I don't like dogs like one of the reasons I don't like dogs which is very cruel I got that dog in him so true see they agreed Amen brother yeah dolphins are like maybe you can't call them rapist because they only like you know you can't say murder if like animals kill another animal like that's not murder because it's like humans killing humans maybe there's like yeah and like no animals can't say anyway so maybe like any sex is rape with animals no listen here yeah you want to take about 9 11 or something lighter yeah what's my favorite cosplay I've done shootings or something I think my huately cosplay because it's like my first armor build or something I don't know oh yeah you should show um I used to Twitter but I deleted that was definitely on my Ig you know Chevy's just look at himself he's not capybars are cool I do like them they're like water pigs yeah I got slime I probably bought a hat did you give them already yeah they're pushing the catron oh God I'm not gonna do that okay I like how his name is Chevy but we've made at least short for Chevron now and then Chevron yeah his initially shaved from Chevrolet they they're putting the cat but I use private anyway so you can't look haha we drove for hours easy oh guys you know I love Gatorland if you go to Gatorland you can pay 15 to feed and pet a capybara okay so like get with the program like when you go to Disney World like don't go to Disney World go to Gatorland oh there's too many messages yes there is marketing Monday okay yes there'll be marketing money of some sort is a true Rock the type of guy to just oh yeah crazy Dolphins I have a book about him right here no cause Ryan's like marketing books you know like business books and marketing books and like 50 cents life advice books Chevy is going crazy grooming himself right now thanks Christy for the subies rainbow yeah the fifteen dollars to Peta capabara is like an insane value I'm gonna I can't I have a video I'll be Penny if they feel like coconuts oh yeah this is all yeah Kevin bars are very sweet coming together I think that's why people eat them because they're so easy to like tame or maybe that's just guinea pigs oh who won the rain yesterday the race they fell asleep the race yeah we both sailed they both failed thank you in nilo app 18 for 28 months crazy I think you rested nuts for 20 months good to see you back big a thank you rusted nuts rested oh yeah ever had your heart broken you have right what are your first oh no that was like yeah oh yeah but I mean I was like 16 like that means nothing right it was like the world ended for me well this is a very unpopular opinion I don't get how people find capybars cute that's kind of offensive like they are pretty cute actually right figure out like they're extremely but you can't because they're kind of they got funny feet they just sit there I love octopus like to look at them and eat them too [Music] they're asking if you can become big cards in the 100 meter dash like track and field I've always wanted to see him race keemstar not necessarily me but I am the fastest man alive yes I have a hundred percent race the 100 meter dash stands and wood interesting thank you for the prime creatine dreams um what's your favorite Sean being death oh that's a great question that's a great question as I picked it there's too many like GoldenEye he gets kicked off of satellite Falls ten thousand feet to the ground coughs up blood is like he's like getting back up even though he should be dead by All rights and then the satellite blows up and falls on it yeah it's like really epic it's the most insane obviously like boring is my favorite because it's very sweet and touchy warmer dies uh oh a truck is alive spoilers I know the guinea pigs in Ecuador when I was there little me they even asked us if they wanted to eat their yeah it's like with fish like sometimes you get the head and like I don't like to eat the head though I don't like little Christmas trees there's too many to keep up my favorite insect is a moth like a clear Wing moth are you almost done what's the weirdest thing you've eaten Brandon I don't have any weird things yeah it's hard to say because like like some people think like oh chicken food is weird but I don't think it's weird like I don't think that's weird but it's a little hard to eat but I think the weirdest thing is uh bold testicles cooked yeah I was dating uh uh and uh I met her family and they took me to an extremely authentic Chinese restaurant thank you nuts it had like chicken feet with all the bones in it and like a bunch of stuff and I was just like all right and I I you know I was like smiling and eating it but I did not truly enjoy it if I'm being honest with you oh I like that I like the texture like oh it's so rubber no and it's like the way they made it here Ashley it was just it was like rubber a rubber sack filled with little solid bones and it didn't taste good at all no I think they taste great especially the marinade oh yeah pig feet like we eat those a lot in Mexico like on a tostada next page okay my Chinese teacher ate the crown of of a chicken wise I hope it was cooked it's a crown like their little thing gizzard no this on a chicken I love you watch First Development I forget me I've seen like the first thing you see how they can none of them could do the impression of a chicken oh it's like the funniest wording joke like every single one of them does different oh that's all wrong actually not that cuddly when he is it's like a drive bike cuddle he'll sit for like two seconds and then leave thank you for Owens for 14 months did you know that more than half of American adults drink Bean water on a frequent basis yeah we didn't know that Oh you mean yeah I actually didn't I was like what the are you talking about Bean water like refried bean water who is your favorite professional glarker uh maybe we're slow I can tell I'm not very slow I'm a steady pace uh David Olga he's the one in his book I like really enjoy he's like the most famous uh but like currently working today there's a guy named Brandon rhoten who uh uh spearheaded the Wendy's social media back when it was kind of like edgy and good like ahead of the game there's really just one woman actually did all the work but he was the CMO at the time and then he went to Arby's and did stuff I know I was following him for a bit but honestly I don't know if there's like a current marketer that I'm super like looking up to so the other guys I said nothing to his name oh wow thank you young techer for 30 months oh is what they said thank you for 30 months ago that's a long-ass time that's like over a that's crazy vast majority of my stream like yeah uh uh God damn it was so like it's for children yeah not this one is with 18 plus is that true yeah oh my God it is 18 plus it's pretty sure like a 16 year old could do it though you know oh what's your favorite Mario game oh it's not Odyssey no personal lad guys for marketing questions you have to wait for marketing Monday okay right of course they're making paper Mario jokes of course thanks guys thanks for the kind messages actually it's Bilbo I love Bilbo like chloroform like like well if you're saying specifically is your favorite but he dies but I like him if you don't like farmer more nope nope you but yeah all right we don't have Lego sets on display because I I like to build it that's what this is for child um I just dismantle Legos after I've filled them so I can build them again what in the okay stop eating the pieces fuel like I've made a terrible error can I check you can switch oh this is not going as well as I thought it would have nothing they're just body shaming here 12 months thank you Ace Liz let's go um favorite what's your favorite flavor of Lego piece um are we going to finish today I don't think we are with me I think you look good so they're talking about they keep building all right uh oh did you wanna what was wrong is everything okay no I got it okay okay yeah it looks good six pieces and they go oh I know what part this is this is like where they got the statues oh they're asking if you're bringing back best Tweets of the month oh it's a great idea I guess maybe they are but I hadn't thought about it oh there you go that's your answer oh lightsaber pieces are for fun there have been some funny ass tweets I will say Dad Manos is like just sausage like you want a sling right I don't know it's like okay in granadas we call them hot dogs logos yeah but it sounds like doggo you know this is this is my this is my progress yeah like this is what shut the up it's been actually right it was an embarrassing story about being a I think that's a bear I can't even think okay that's all the Atlanta story that's embarrassing well that's like so embarrassing oh like that was so bad oh they're like don't yell he's sleepy are you not sleeping he wasn't doing it wrong there we go babe they keep saying like what's part of it is a speed run but we like never freaking said that I promise this be around and we're zooming thank you Mr Fuzzy pants 11 for 21 months there's a he's a he is quite the loaf and cat as cats tend to do all right this is looking magic time God I can't even like keep up with these oh thank you yellow Tintin okay for five months thank you BJJ Warrior for four months world record Pace we're doing oh that is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu I thought it was like job or something you thought he was a job Warrior well I didn't see the sucker I didn't think about the second part I just Foster track S I have bad posture oh wow I cracked my neck there a little bit okay baby you're so slow is this thing man I just have to mentally process what do you think of Paper Mart I think it's very adorable that I I cannot play okay you want to go from here on this page sure if you want me to you guys uh chilling my purple cushion here quite love it no pain here for me okay oh there's a hidey hover Samwise gamgee when he was spying on the council you know all right thanks Bobcat video finally time for this thing to get built all right shut the up I was making great progress you even sort the piece of the piece yeah I'm gonna I'm a good shorter you didn't help me with the sorting by the way I wasn't supposed to I'm gonna sort the crap out one hand play I think you're the 14 months they get any commercials you've seen that you thought were great recently have you seen anything you saw it was great I don't know that I've watched a ton of commercials recently maybe we won't be a little out of the loop oh Rogue one eight one nine thank you for the 10 gifted plug champ uh I love Rogue one by the way this game is from Rogue one wait you mean the movie I was thinking Rogue Squad the movies also good oh yeah [Music] Dr battle's message what is it wearing pants or what this is very there all right plenty of leg coverage it is his little hidey hole hey Chevron he's trying to get on camera he's look he's pandering oh he's Chevy I have some modesty I have some modesty um this isn't kick Chevy there's a rival streaming service to Twitch called Kick but all they do is like I mean this is my understanding I don't really fall too much my understanding is they do like a lot of stuff that just isn't allowed on Twitch like rather than just be like a good service no more like I'll say racist oh like actually the four it's like the 4chan of streaming is a great way to put it the truth social of twitch I think it's so specifically maybe it is it's more like just like a lawless twitch yeah I don't think it's time I don't think truth social is any is laughs my next run true social I just go I want to check it four times a day I only check it four times a day and that's barely anything just twice in the morning to get my opinions for the day and then twice at the end of the day to make sure they're still relevant Chevy you're going oh he's actually he's playing his tail now Aiden Ross's big selling point for kick was it doesn't have strong TOS yeah I'm sure what's crazy is though like like I don't know if there was like a no rules uh twitch maybe it works but um when they started streaming the Super Bowl like it doesn't matter whether you have a strong TLS or not there there is no way you can get away that consistently that's not a long-term Play It's to just stream copyrighted sport like that 100 they will get taken over that you should watch Batman Beyond kick I watch Batman Beyond on Twitch brother I don't need I don't need strong TOS weak to you as we watch Batman Beyond this is truly scary music photo 33 they're gonna be a prime what do you think about the PewDiePie Infinity stream especially streaming his YouTube videos I guess it's fine people have done something similar so one streamer used to have their stream going 24 7 right I remember who it was they were just they would stream like eight hours a day and then they would it would play the uh maybe it was Summit it would play the VOD for the for the European audience ninja did restreams maybe it's actually PewDiePie what do you mean can you please put Subway Surfers on screen all right we'll do it we'll do a 10 minute Subway Surfer break [Music] [Music] foreign feel like my parents are giving me screen time right now I can't even I guess I missed that phase where because we didn't get phones so college right like smartphones barely smartphones yeah so if you grew up with it was that a common experience like your parents limiting your screen time with an app or something a good question but do you did anyone here like do chores for more screen time or something [Music] patriarchy literally famously got in trouble for using computer and lying to your dad about it first of all famously is a strong part that's probably one story one time that you remember I don't know that I go down the street and they go oh the day you got the guys the dad computer story um oh wow did he just die uh but yeah I did but that was like for that was literally for dial up internet playing Star Wars Galactic battlegrounds or Age of Empires or something uh so it's a different era this guy isn't very good at Subway Surfers you're goddamn right all right listen I've watched a lot of Subway Surfers footage of my day and this guy's not Peak it is funny to hear this music with Subway Surfers though it makes me feel like he's accomplishing an Epic Quest I've seen it but I don't get it like the subway surfers thing you see that Golden State broke the NBA record for most points in the first quarter in history 55. just now just recently like past few days that's crazy because I scored 56 in a Streetball game recently so I guess they don't count records on the street just in the Big Time overpaid NBA this guy what is this guy doing he's just he's literally subway surfing foreign footage actual in it by the way not that it should matter but I'll switch the footage even though it's not there for really gameplay reasons the problem is it's you guys are so bad that he's opening packs or something that will find higher quality I'm gonna look for um stop putting the pieces together foreign it's 1am and I'm drunk so just give me some words of wisdom I think some words of wisdom would be if you are consistently alone getting drunk and watching twitch at 1am [Music] you might be on a path that you may not enjoy the long-term consequences of uh but I believe in you I would just say I would I would try to limit that that's a combination of things just limit it to just getting drunk alone or just watching twitch you have to do both this guy's no coins run by the way this is a world record no coins apparently this is like the the hot way to play it oh we've got crack he might be playing with keyboard I don't think this is a phone player it seems too Snappy I think this guy emulated and used the keyboard in order to set his world record which is [Music] oh these guys okay I see like he's giving away yeah but those could be uh simulations of what he's tapping I you couldn't tell there's no way to know he made fun of us for watching it now he's legit watching it well I'm impressed look at him he's crushing it dude he's like he's actually doing an amazing job look at the guards after him he's not gonna get caught I mean you're not one coin yet not one coin one of those two lives with us right what's crazy is I can't tell which is a more impressive record me and Ari's incredible Speed Build or this guy's world record no coins okay he is kind of amazing please take it off well it ends I think it ends pretty soon it's a world it's an actual world record so he's gonna have to hit a coin eventually oh yeah seven hours can you put yourself bottom corner and make the subway surfers large I think subway surface is always best experienced in the small screen this is more natural you know hey John could you please add a soap cutting section for the more sophisticated viewers already done this bit I need water I'm always you know water keep 14 months yeah the challenge water too oh here's Chevron with Techron big enough holy he's still going this is unreal we're waiting greatness we're witnessing history look at like he's cracked wait he's he's actually kind of nice it's getting crazy fast wait wait wait wait wait wait I think we're nearing the end I want to I want to see this guy go I want to see him push the limit of this game do you think it's always possible to go with no coins or do you think some of the games generates an impossible barrier if so wouldn't this be more about RNG than about anything else who knows he's truly the LeBron of Subway Surfers that is true you can see how focused I strike is because I blinked it I blinked all right I'm just focusing [Music] okay I think Ozzy oh my God oh my goodness get can't tell if it's if it's just RNG oh how much baby you're missing greatness oh we can do with that it is just RNG [Music] and now a passage from 50 Cent's book from pieces to weight Once Upon a Time in South Side Queens thank you um after I got shot nine times at close range and didn't die I started to think that I must have a purpose in life like I have to be here for a reason I was wondering how was this blank standing over me this close banging off nine times and can't finish all that fancy footwork he's like Allen Iverson going to the basket shaking blank but he can't get the basket in there was a bullet wound in my face but it didn't stop me or change me or nothing it was just a tooth missing how much more damage could that shell have done give me an inch in this direction or that one and I'm gone the situation with those shots going off didn't have anything to do with hip-hop it stemmed from me not cooperating with the blank in the streets I was on my own page and I felt like blank should do what I wanted them to do they feel like I should be doing what they wanted me to do and that's when the shots went off after I got shot everybody had differences with was still out in the street they were available but I couldn't get my hands on them they weren't accessible to me but they were still out there everybody was there except the actual shooter he got killed two weeks after I got shot he was from Brooklyn and the guys I knew from Brooklyn knew who it was he wasn't even down with the crew that shot me he was a freelancer had I paid him first he would have shot those other blank for me powerful powerful answer that was the takeaway look at I keep saying he wakes up look at him he's so sweet of a cat he's stretching his little paws up the couch it was pretty sweet cat one year sub first message from luckily what was your first message thank you okay he's been subbed for 14 months he's never dropped a message his first message right now was thanks for the gifted sub but but you didn't get gifted you have a 14 month sub doesn't make any sense no I'm just it doesn't make any sense [Music] uh I guess thanking for the others Maybe for Giga Chad chat it up um damn the donut wall is insane he's doing well like me if anything I've had a chance um Ari is free soloing this build right now Mr Union what do you mean she's just free soloing it how does Alex Hollow have anything to do with this I am I'm deeply involved all right she did the first bag I did the second bag we're cruising at this rate we'll be done we might My worry is we finish it too fast wait minus 20. what oh even the 20 gifted I'm sorry I missed it I was bullshitting about something random they give her the 20 gifted melon Prim uh roller vo4 thank you for the uh the 13 months no five things in the prime 30 out of 70 thinking of the Prime uh is the timer go that low yeah that's my concern is that we finished too fast the timer wouldn't even you think sub 20 are dude I'm thinking sub eight seven we're cruising you know what I could do theoretically unless it's all built on the same stuff tell me yeah but then we can't share the book hey but there's multiple books I can go way ahead you know [Music] yeah but just keep going okay well or like I think we could we could maybe also do like the last bag on stream or something right it could be fun I can't we something we I've built it I'm building I am extremely contributing I'm also sorting in case you guys are wondering look I'll make these statues no don't is as you've sorted uh I have buildings either of you all read the Lord of the Rings books I did when I was a kid yeah me too a long time have you ever considered wearing flannel I think it would suit you funny very funny very funny very clever what didn't you take Ari's last name Ewing is literally ew in the presence and it's like eerie but it's Ewing that's you favorite quote from Lord of the Rings what uh that's a tough one I don't know do that you shall not pass wow there's too many they're all great like my body is broken have you ever considered getting shorts that are tighter okay oh my God shut the up for once seriously I know people out there are rocking flame I know people are getting more into flannel from seeing the mini Myriad uses of it you know you can paraphernal with anything and people are noticing that and the word is spreading there's just too many great ones LeBron we asked him uh they asked LeBron James what his favorite quote from The Godfather was because he was pretending to read it and he was just like oh there's just too many great ones he hasn't read one goddamn page of that book the first thing is scared also I always like the smell of bits like when they talk like they're two people or something yeah like it wants it whole or something maybe I think in The Hobbit is it cringe to play the ride of the Roar hymn worm Rory Rory in the background of a team meeting as an inspiration to hit metrics no that's super cool that's super badass man if you're like inspiring your team you should play a lot of Lord of the Rings music loudly get them riled up to do telemarketing or something I like the the library's like I would cut off your head dwarf where it stood higher from the ground or something that that was a Carl Urban quote that's his name right you know what Matt Carver Carl Urban fun Club me and Carl Urban are like this bro we're tight we met in his home country it's just crazy that he just like you know he's very famous but he like just goes through TSA and normal like he doesn't have a private jet or something yeah I would assume you know you're probably like Amazon private jet or some you're like you're my favorite streamer but you with the flannel in the beard you are one IPA away from being somebody who really annoyed well thankfully I can tell you that I don't like IPA or generally beer in general it's not really a Beer Drinker not that I never do it I just not [Music] anything else what's your go-to alcohol I guess either a little GNT yeah yeah depends if you're trying to get your hammered a Long Island Iced Tea good value for money you know I don't know I mean I put the hard cider is like what I actually like got sugar in it if I'm just trying to sit and then I'll just have like an actual drink a mixed drink if I want to get it gives wine mobs yeah actually what I have is I have a big tall glass that says don't talk to me without my wine I say it's wine o'clock and then I start having good wine that I got from box wine from Target hrock loves saying it's wine o'clock somewhere yeah [Laughter] yeah it says live laugh wine [Laughter] one of those huge glasses that says serving size one describe my mom any music you missed originally uh I've been listening to this I want to play it I don't care if I get me too [Music] delay I got it in the contradiction my description off the top magician compositions non-fiction in the competition spot to piss and gone so long for days and people talking yeah Carolina sinus infection at this point is next in line in the test this time play the game right he gonna rest his mom and it says it's too damn where she rests the mind and find peace cause the sun will be fine he got the city on his back and I got him on mine you take a ride step one got the bill on that I predicted in my rap shot and did all that yeah please eat rappers on check please here's a tip why grip my testes you wanna shoot and shoot don't play with me all the out the South slavery yeah I was listening to call freestyles and then Dua Lipa nine seconds delayed it's a very eclectic mix is this God's plan yeah that's God's plan by Drake wow it's coming together interior we have here yeah like I feel like I'm already in Rivendell a bit I think Chad even sort of believes it's almost done like in their mind like if we ended here they would be like wow you did it was it a lyric video I love those lyric videos they just randomly highlight Rhymes and it makes me feel like it's smarter than it is uh it's done they did it while you were here always done more than 30 minutes than bigger than that it's not true at all no babe I made mucho progress oh the statues look great yeah I wonder if I can reset the camera to show more of the Lego all right all right yeah you can show this when I'm done the inner Hall they're all showed up Robin listen to non-stop to do a Libra because of you yeah but I don't really like that song I'm not like a big Dua Lipa I mean no no disrespect I'm sure she is great big karaoke of the two years Jesus Christ and raver thank you for the nice message is this from The Hobbit movie this no this set is really it's Rivendell from fellowship I mean we're gonna exist in the hot uh I can't build I Can't Dance all right I had a premonition that we fell into a rhythm where the music lyrics [Music] [Music] [Music] I need you all night come on Dance With Me okay [Music] I want you baby [Music] no nobody is ever gonna do anything [Music] you can fly away with me tonight hey it's rock any tips for my marketing internship this week it's for Pharma tell them that you do not mind hooking all of Middle America on opioids tell them you are super chill with that like you actually encourage it tell them like you have cousins that live in Ohio and you just give them opioids for free as a part of it for fun and then I think you are in bro I think you're locked I think you are hooked and cooked uh uh big game uh I already do that POG great you're set ever listen to Wu-Tang yeah dude my favorite rap verse of all time is um from Triumph I think it's Rizza the first verse of Triumph where it's like I bomb atomically Socrates and verbal philosophies and yeah that one is so fire uh but I haven't you know they're not things out like in my top 10 or whatever but I love that verse it's so hard is that red man isn't that from Hamilton I do love Hamilton I'm not even gonna lie we're done yeah it's so funny when we watched Hamilton and I was crying and trying to hide that I was crying [Laughter] because her head was right here she's like leaning on my chest and we were watching Hamilton and I was yeah and I was starting to cry it really hard and I was trying to like lean my head to the tears so sad it was so sad when his son dies dude it was so sad uh uh spoiled it I spoiled oh I spoiled the death of Hamilton's son from the 1700s a true story from the 1700s if he's gonna play re4 I don't play R4 today we're gonna be building for this full stream no we don't need any breaks all right where we're going we don't need roads I thought Hamilton's son was still alive today did you know that how was the crazy stat I heard like what they're there's like somebody I don't know uh like if you were alive during Hamilton's time and you had a kid then I think I did if you had a kid at like 90 years old if you're if you were if you were a 90 year old and you had a kid and then that person grew up to be 90 and had a kid that kid would be alive today or something it's like it's like a it's like something like like it's like things are not that far that's basically what it was um [Music] can you even have kids at 90. uh uh probably not a woman but I think a guy could probably have a kid in 90. it's gross to think of uh if Hamilton lived to be over 300 he'd be alive today really makes you think really makes you think you know I really hmm a real moment it's powerful stuff and I'm feeling so electric that's my own songs and even if I wanted to I Can't Stop [Music] yeah yeah I got you tonight [Music] baby [Music] it's not helping I'm helping I'm bringing the Vibes up come on [Music] have fun things we can watch or submit and you slim them into the chat I can open them and play them that way we have things on helping give Ari a cheer let's go babe let's go the problem is it's very difficult to like just jump in to people wait you take a quick break I'm look how cute this cat is right now is you very sweet like his eyes completely closed and he's like clenching him clothes he's purring man he's purring oh now he's stretching bro thinks he's on the team have you seen that meme it's Drake and he's like hanging out with a bunch of soccer players I think yeah and he's wearing the same uniform as like I think he's got an honorary one yeah yeah and so he's like hanging out with the team as they're like watching footage or something and then someone was basketball sorry it's basketball and someone circles him and goes bro think he's on the team after they were the five gifted President Tyler now some fun facts about John Tyler he was the latter half of a famous campaign slogan the first vice president elevated to the presidency on the death of the chief executive I got you all night yum come on Dance With Me the first president to marry in the White House in 1844 and 174 years later two of his grandchildren are still around chip Reed met one of them that's crazy Mr Tyler 89 year old Harrison Ruffin Tyler is the grandson of U.S president John Tyler who was born in 1790. that's crazy you've heard that right just three generations President Tyler his son lion Tyler and Grandson Harrison span almost the entire history of the United States that's crazy but I'm still here we met Harrison and his son William at president Tyler's Virginia estate when you tell people that you are the great grandson and your father is the grandson of the 10th President of the United States do they find it hard to believe I find it hard to believe I think it has to do with second wives much younger second wives here's how it happens John Tyler became president in 1840. he's probably 90 yeah children with his first wife who died while he was in office at 52 he married 22 year old Julia Jesus they had seven children for a total of 15 the most 52 22. he was 63 when son lion Tyler was born that's first wife stories less cute than I thought second wife he was 75 when Harrison Tyler uh that's like some Leo DiCaprio Tyler renovated this house Sherwood Forest Plantation with young Julia in mind and there's a plantation too yeah and this was uh designed for the Virginia Reel he had a kid at 75. yes it was crazy that I said when I say 80. 90s 90s pretty crazy 300 years from now Leo's grandson is going to be telling the space team here of course he's the same over president Tyler's biggest accomplishment was the annexation of Texas but political ambition does not run in the family you never thought of running for president yourself nope you wouldn't want that job no would you want that job no I know better they just said nope and laughed three times that was their only response nope nope [Laughter] real good interview [Laughter] damn I want a button with that loud Charles City to priests instead of making history damn bad babe why don't you take a shift on the old uh phone I don't know yeah we've been all right okay six it's right there just talk to the chat and also they can click their videos and watch them all I have to do [Music] hello don't feel anything meaning okay Chevron you get the chair this is so exhausting my brain is dead we're on bag six of 46. do this we like have to get we should go at least man there's so many gold there's a lot of jewels why are you opening like a dumb like a dummy all right yeah that's how you open it all right let's see that tree sounds really nice now oh my favorite Lego set okay so I actually I love Vehicles so my favorite Lego set is probably this RV I have this like big RV sets and like I love boats I have a yacht one as well and I would love a train put them in the bag you know or trains that would be lovely let's train ourselves to finish this one before we think about another one especially like our High-Speed Rail of sorts listen America always wants high as we were able we don't get it that's the whole point you can move to Beijing if you win High-Speed Rail what's up Beijing Beijing all right man I'll try to sort things I'm just sitting here like a totem pole I would love to help with those shorts like I'm out of sorts you are a sword you're like as goof as the way you are like it was a goose it was a goof if you're looking for a small piece that would be here you know should I buy like some tunes or something yeah put on some orbs Chad you gotta suggest some tunes and then she will click it you froze here you go to Cape pick some of this up Cape 142 [Music] okay and then drag it over to the middle [Music] it's atriac Uptown yeah full screen there were moments there is suffering to terrible today [Music] oh my gosh [Music] I might cry again for different reasons [Music] I spend hours in the chat room I go live for three hours and it's quiet uptown never like the quiet before to make the children Smarter on Sundays I react to some real good content that never used to happen before ready [Music] man powerful stuff psychic powerful stuff [Music] but hear me out that would be enough [Music] yes [Music] [Music] times [Music] thank you October 29 months [Music] or Miranda crying right now child [Music] it's quiet Uptown forgiveness can you imagine [Music] okay [Music] thank you for 26 months [Music] thank you aloe sauce for four months this is unnecessarily moving [Music] you can't eat this I'm not gonna lie do you even pay him the subs uh uh correct all right now put something else on right all right yeah I mean we gotta find the right thing look for sure try to get someone who's subbed because they have little iconics their name like there's a lot of icons yeah it'll be like a clown or it'll be like a military badge I'd like to see all those it's very obvious we should like put a description did you see the purple's Community Lego set um no I didn't how's the government tax return a story of the Great yeah okay panty coffee like that oh oh God you said you closed the whole thing [Music] I thought you might like close out the thing so what are you now uh we'll do the chat I guess well wasn't that regular tab I can just reopen it right right yeah see right there perfect okay let's all right um this is done and then I need one more of the little floopers this mic is too high drop it for a video all right you put on music here's one so what should I do maybe you just talked to chat answer and if you have any fun all right let's see but I thought you wanted music oh yeah all right when did you get married did you both become big a no I became bigger a you want the chair yeah Drake I have to sleep good night good night Mediashare for punches car watch any shows lately just finished owl house last night and then kick him off the chair if he wants to sit down here that's on the NBA playoffs did the Lakers make it anyone know I know they were like maybe going to the playing games or something the plan is lemon seed okay okay yeah no story in general what is your face there we go uh we need like those mics that clipped your shirt right what happened the music is still too loud the music okay let's see this could be interesting you already said maybe a bit off topic but what do you think about open source languages like sycl versus the Nvidia Monopoly band for almost a decade when it comes to super computer slash AI where I work we are developing Intel I guess my question is what do you prefer open source or closed Source Cuda you answering perspective are uh yeah I mean probably not the right discussion for right now and also I'm Pro Cuda because of my previous job Barracuda good point good point uh uh you know for me it's more like an investment decision and that I think gouda will be more successful and be very profitable for NVIDIA I just don't get anyone wants to watch this oh you gotta I gotta interact all right I know but they're not honestly the Home Alone house was incredible that was an amazing set I think like any Lord of the Rings is great I when I was a kid I love dragons so like Lego dragons are so great now so like as a child divide any of those I would have like creamed my pants wait where's the sticker is this Shire is an amazing oh the stickers are under the wooden thing but I get to do the stickers because you got the Glizzy hands I will mess it up okay let's see I put on this very fast oh it's like the Battle of with Sarah and they sealed the war when narsi Darcy broke [Music] are you just this one yeah it's six yeah okay so I just put it on like thicker six yeah just like don't mess it up though no pressure no pressure get the corners right now pressure bad do not it up it'll ruin the channel scream if you get it wrong pretty good also like if uh trick that we learned at the LEGO store just use Windex you spray it on it let's see it like reposition the sticker until it dries sure win decks they say are you watching chest can I be honest with you no Carlson no chance that's what I always say I'm a basic chess viewer you put Magnus Carlson in I turn it on I turn it up I crank the stereo but you don't then I just I have tough time getting interested and that's my bad because I'm sure it's an incredible chess game I'll probably watch Levy's coverage I probably will wait I just thought of an awesome Lego set okay like the Orient Express oh that would be like a train even a Knives Out one would be really cool like any train that isn't like a steam locomotive or like an Amtrak uh I just like a murder mystery one because thank you x9x9x9x9x9 for that oh it's just tier one okay it's tier one better than tier three or the other way around tier three is more expensive but to me they're all family [Laughter] oh oh I used to be like that a little bit uh but no I like I mean obviously James I'll always watch but okay so thoughts on T1 losing another finals yesterday and what does that mean for your tattoo doesn't mean anything because it's a World's tattoo all right and this is spring which doesn't mean okay they got a solid second place they're building momentum into the later of the year they're gonna Crush summer and then they're gonna Crush worlds and this tattoo will be prescient oh my God they're making an orange Express set really I guess so okay copium it says how do I beat the fire giant I don't know what that means the fire Giant in what game [Music] sakuru am I going to era's tour what the hell is that okay let's see subscribe for two months I'll ditto I got my first aircraft three months ago so I finally have extra money to be one of your closest friends wow my close personal friends I remember in high school I got a job just like by my boyfriend presents yeah like I got them like Wii games uh like a wallet made from tires pick me as they say well whatever let's see um thank you oh word for three months and their message is nice what the die jobs it doesn't line you sure I don't see the problem oh and you put one on top okay aha hey I beat Melania just now pogged up oh damn I like their name a little slow though as someone who has a famously fast Elden ring playthrough wait a little bit embarrassed that you took so long holy Luke skybird subscriber 23 months thanks Luke glad we can be best friends and you are the best of my friends oh it looks like the Orient Express really went through like the fan crap like we the Seinfeld one was a fan one as well I think probably like a fan made it and they no it's like it's called Lego ideas it's like if they pass a 10 000 votes they make it much like a real set like I think the Home Alone was like that too that's zany big a how many flannels do you own and can you wear them all at the same time [Laughter] that would be a funny stream yeah I'll be honest with you the all flannel stream I'm going to click a link to this what if it was the flannel Fawn and I have to add one flannel for every hour it takes me to beat hitman or something okay sorry so related so see here's like a community one that's made by a fan and it got looks like it got ten dollars oh we're gonna make that it's probably gonna be a real set yeah then I would love to have a community Lego set oh there you go because chatter kept spamming it so I finally pressed the link oh yeah welcome to flannel Town oops all flannels yeah do a Guy Fieri thing but instead of flavor town it's flannel tone poggy's the flannel fawn uh we do need a song You Wanna hit that replay button on that oh we think about it wait what's oh just replay it just right click on hit Loop while we figure it out sorry for the torture guys all right and this looks like a hollow Knight one got passed through as well so we'll see if it goes but there's a does a fan make them like they do yeah like a fan uses software to like mock it up and then it gets submitted for voting that's badass yeah you're opening a dangerous door biggie Community doesn't have to get too much bigger to get a coffee cup Lego set laughs what a stupid thing that would be literally no one would understand it uh that's a cool I'll be the first to say it probably the first day and the last to admit it oh God oh he has turned away yeah he's had enough of this build speed oh it looks like just passing through is not enough I guess not all of them like passed away yeah because like obviously I know I was thinking 10K is like so yeah yeah you can't just make it maybe it could pass 2000 rows they just steal someone's IP I don't know why this made me laugh I didn't like it oh really said no oh yeah the tetris video was didn't do it for him felt like a made-for-tv movie or something I don't know well I mean it literally was so what the are you talking about well that's what I'm saying I didn't feel like a movie oh um sorry they're saying um when is the subreddit coming back oh I don't know okay all right guess what what there's no one spelling oh what okay so sorry the Oregon Express did pass 10K and was approved by Lego so it's gonna happen pretty much we did not watch the Mario movie we already answered that question wait is this true I went to dreamhack to watch the Mario movie I got canceled and got replaced with the tetris movie waste of money that can't be true right uh I mean I don't think he'd make that up oh oh what uh every time already builds she makes a whole new floor of the castle every time big above there's like six new pieces added I can't she's getting them the big trunk Parts I'm getting the details babe I got plenty of those like I have not watched Lego Ninjagos for children if you made Rivendell it would look like a freaking Minecraft pilot mine's gonna look like a real place well the tetris is fun to like introduce you to the story but the actual movie is kind of ass all right so snort that copium okay my back my posture is bad true did you know they added socks to hit man yeah they did what is that supposed to mean like like you can like buy a trace box there yeah like on meal that's always there though our sense freelancer came out interesting um tell Brandon to play outer Wilds oh everyone keeps telling me that but I don't think it's is it a stream game yet he told me to play it uh when I was offstream okay they're asking me to ask you when Paper Mario is coming back I don't know but didn't you finish it so what's the point no idea I don't really have any connection to Paper Mario I see you've never played it before Lego Ninjago is so good oh Neopets is a throwback you are big into Neopets yeah me like I was legit addicted like if my parents knew about it I would have had an intervention [Laughter] so badly I would not sleep I would just be on you but it's all like because I had a computer in my room which was the big first mistake yeah it was a mistake like I think I didn't shower for one week during like summer break she's just like me for real yeah like it was bad it was really bad yeah oh the Bionicle modes you remember those Bionicles are more of a Zoomer thing I feel like no Bionicles we were around for all the movies and stuff came out when we were I didn't know 2007 right I think it's like Bionicle Year all right why don't you do apologize for seeing that Lego Ninjago is for children it literally is for children though like SpongeBob is for jewelry and we love it really we do love the Bob Newton's got me to blinker interesting oh I did hear that like vinyl ironically saved Lego there's like a story behind that right Bionicle save Lego yeah like is there another video or like save Lego Magazine or something like that and then we'll watch it yeah but I don't I don't want it to be too long because I don't watch like more than three minutes okay well it's gonna be more than three minutes all right we want you to apologize for seeing cocoa melon is for children my favorite knew if it was a showroom maybe Sharky's enjoying people of all ages and if you can't see that then you're getting boycotted all right it's so funny this is coming together like a video from I'm king of pp right there oh oh okay King TV yeah scroll up is it allowed to be played up up that one yeah yeah yeah and then you scroll it to the middle what's it called the history of Bionicle and how it saved Lego from bankruptcy yeah to wage the Battle of good versus evil across a spectrum of consumable media and most importantly to save an entire company from bankrupt what it's okay like it's just gonna be well I guess we can't talk though right bye like I will probably watch that video like regardless because I'm very untrusted thank you for the prim look Brian's fingers are not that big he's only like a size five or something oh yeah wait I thought it was 17 . we can't play that but thank you they were pretty paw weren't they I am looking at Brandon's ass right now all right here's a shorter One the good one is 44 minutes but we can watch it like on our own time May 22nd what's May 22nd Brandon okay oh there's a three minute one by Tony row apparently but there's a three minute one [Music] 10. we will we don't what's up gathered friends and welcome back to Bionicle autopsy the show where we cut through Bionicle piece by piece it is no secret that Bionicle is often regarded to as the savior of Lego who at the time had been approaching bankruptcy but if one were to look they might notice that Bionicle wasn't quite the franchise that brought like a back on its feet and while Bionicle might have helped Lego stabilize its profits technically the real hero was Star Wars kind of catapult this is not what it's been wanting to obtain their own IP it's forth creating Bionicle without Star Wars we probably wouldn't even have Bionicle at all so why is it that Bionicle gets the reputation of saving Lego think Star Wars perhaps there's more to it and perhaps Bionicle did a bit more than simply earn more profits for Lego and that will lead us into this question we're going to rewind a little bit and talk a bit more I hate YouTuber style interests what made Bionicle special autopsy I cover the lines transition from Voodoo heads to Bionicle and explain the true meaning behind the matanui robot but what I didn't talk about was what exactly in fact where did the name Voodoo heads even come from he's asked 14 questions so far the line went through several different brand names all revolving around the same idea boneheads Voodoo heads boneheads on Voodoo Island the last one basically summarizes the idea behind it all right veto it is probably dumb previously on Ninjago Ninjago you can watch it let's watch it I'll watch a Lego Ninjago episode Ninjago you have to minimize the middle video this one here yeah dude has to be a story about a band of mysterious robots living on a remote island to uh drag that video into this tab like this yeah no like top top right yep yep click the obs just click the window where everything is sure just like the outer window of it and then go to loter in the middle yeah and then click the eyeball next to it what they're clamoring yeah we'll do a noodle Moss later all right [Laughter] we'll build to it all right can we have keys for now I don't know what that means uh how's the master building coming along it's fantastic we're making but we're moving at an amazing speed we're moving at a fantastic speed um [Music] truly uh phenomenal speed Rome wasn't built in a stream oh is it flipped Phil I can't believe it's been three hours oh my God this is not gonna work out at all uh two in and then one on top oh and then it oh my God that's a clever way to do it get with the program that is so clever so they made a candelabra like they truly are the Master Bill you used to watch that showa I've watched the first season yeah and it was like this the challenge is great but the way the show is edited is terrible it's very frustrating American reality TV yep yeah basically this is Rivendell yeah it's an elf Castle okay the home of the elves okay this goes here they're gonna sub more if you build faster they can't they don't know the pace all right you wanna take over because I just did that one you finished six now we're in seven okay I'm gonna just say that I think I'm at my limit wait this what's this what you're supposed extras I will go through it uh Jesus Christopher Robin no I really think I got it all here's the seven oh I see did you put it there because that looks like the piece on the side of the bed God damn it well thanks one second one second hold on I think yeah you missed it right there right that's literally the bricky that was missing earlier that's not true the one that was missing was a 3X3 good message Punch Way punch say no yep where does it go oh there's just one more out this is one up that's it like this but it seems like she's more in bed when I do that big a do a Hitman game one speed racing or we're doing bag seven all right go oh sorry okay all right okay can you put Minecraft Parkour on the bottom half of the screen we have already done that with Subway Surfers and a full episode of Lego Ninjago y'all should build do a soap cutting video okay okay let's see now I can really see chat in high definition I love your Lego building skills but your other content is a bit iffy yeah that's my standout like this there we go media share for the buku bucks I was gonna set up media share because it would be easier than me trying to do what I'm doing now but I couldn't set it up so what's going on what's good what's popping on this fine Sunday we are making insane progress with the build punch just ask if I need help do I need help no I don't need help punch because we got it we're we're cruising we're on bag seven of I don't know eight maybe nine uh Gekko in a box thank you what about with media share oh yeah I could use help with that I don't know uh uh stream entertainment is this your family what is this this is just this is you guys want to see this sure sure I'll put this in no this is what you want to see is what you want to see let's get this on the screen so no one can miss a minute let's get him 4K wow bananas [Music] this is so sick Christmas did you know NL played this game in an official Amazon event why was Amazon involved please don't say banana or I'll laugh uncontrollably they did solve humor with minions it is unfortunate for other comedians that they just figured it out oh near Miss this game pre-installed on one of my old laptops God your Zoomer if your old laptop had this minions mobile game in it if you're nostalgic for it this is where the Olympic games are setting up I didn't think it reflects on corporate culture in the 21st century you know there's probably some insight there even this is a clone of Subway Surfers or the minions rapper and you guys are loving it oh this actually looks kind of fun wait that bar looks sick wait is this game based [Music] let's see what else we got uh Elite Phobos name of 22 months uh cabbage juice 10 negative 24. can throw thank you for the eight Ralph the third the eighth thing of the 11th month uh codeplain salty bar yep seems like Aries when heavy lifting I just finished a bag I just finished the bag I'm not I'm not asking babe they're not giving me enough credit all right like it's a definitely a tag team yep wait I don't know if the timer's still working oh no okay yikes how about the Spider-Man toys you know it'll be fun do you guys know about the Spider-Man musical have you guys heard of this story um at least I can find it um so like back in the 2000s Shrek the Musical came out and it was a phenomenal success so Marvel greenlit this un um unproven Theater Company to make the most expensive highest budget Musical Ever for Spider-Man Spider-Man the musical and they gave it I don't know 60 million dollars what it was like it was more than ever been spent on a theater production yeah Spider-Man turn off the dark and so they got Bono and Edge of U2 to do all the music Spider-Man musical and they spent all this money and they tried all these special effects and they ended up like mangling a ton of the crew like there was so many incidents of of serious injury on set because they kept trying to do stunts they couldn't do that's not it it's this one this one and then and then uh like like this part right here this guy would get hurt um when this thing came up this thing came up people got hurt and also it was incredibly cringe [Music] turned out to be a really cringe musical like it was like the costumes were cheesy uh the music was kind of bad this guy didn't do a good Peter Parker [Music] anyway it was a big fly I think it's probably the biggest flop in musicals Maybe um bro it's musical voice bro Hamilton's a musical and I love it so piss off donkey video about the re4 Remake oh actually gonna watch that is he really not gonna say it this remake is garbage what listen they moved this bear trap it was four feet to the left in the original version so you can't put that on me no no this boat should not be here this is all messed up that wasn't there that was never there before you bastard nope we're done with that we're done falling for that now see a full out of my face God damn it I remember back on GameCube I would just play this part over and over again I love this part you can't give me nope nope you can't get me no no no you can never catch me you zombies cannot give me this is not really a review can't give me stupid things hey you cannot catch me I'm too good at this game I read the strategy guide oh the guy didn't mention this all right you ass little kids watching these videos sit back and watch a true GameCube era gamer playing this is a classic trick from the GameCube version of the game now all these zombies they're gonna try and come up this ladder but you keep shooting them from up here that's what I did really safe this is a really nice trick if you're playing on you know professional difficulty [Music] foreign Monopoly holy out of here you brown space now with the new stealth mechanics you can hide behind this pig just sneak up by the time stupid cake draw yeah the pig safe thank you pig oh laughs hello this zombie is this zombie is called that means bathroom and zombie language go home now go back to your home does he go back to the bathroom see all right the encounter this is a long wait uh this was a Ninjago watch long stream it is sort of like in my way everything we watch is in some way connected the spirit of Ninjago um let me see donkey made a paid review a while back I didn't know your opinion on it [Music] um paid review Superman 69. 7 000 views two seconds long um uh can you talk about Bud Light on marketing Monday you mean like the they made the pride can or something and then there was like a fake boycott what happened to that boycott where they were gonna like burn Nike shoes or something didn't really seem to hurt Nike that much doctor battle video what's this video on Reagan's drip you mean Ronald Reagan what the is this wait let's see uh where is this 1980s President Ronald Reagan noticed a glaring problem with the United States there was simply no drip as cheetah print and neon Fashion Wear continued to dominate his presidency Reagan realized he would need to move swiftly or there was a serious chance he would be remembered as the clown it was of the opinion of the Reagan Administration that only from the top can the drip turn into a trickle and then into a flow of both cash and Buzz it was this lonely stoner thought that would lead Reagan to create trip down economics in the hopes that in the next decade it would lead to a boom of both fashion and music to get said cash money to flow in the high-end fashion industry Reagan cut taxes to the bougie War Elites removing and lowering the highest in tax breaks an opponency he called No Cap in theory the top influencers will now be able to focus their finances in time on their fits instead of the time and money they spent avoiding taxes true the newly found trip would then drip down to the lower class Americans where Hustlers would pedal knock-offs and fakes of the fits they saw from the influences and a system that nonetheless would increase the average growth strip products in the United States even though Reagan was well ahead of Canada I don't know if you noticed and policies in [Music] called Reagan's policies voodoo economics though it is not clear if he was meaningful this term to be derogatory or supportive as voodoo's unknown to have ridiculous amounts of it the legacy of drip down economics is generally met with mixed views although its implementation very much contributed to the downfall of the Soviet Union through their massive losses purchasing fake Jordans it failed to remove cheetah prints as a luxury brand look in certain pockets of the United States and Shannon to all my patrons for your continued Emperor level uh a good video people don't talk about that part of Reagan's presidency you know underappreciated wrapped by Dr battle I have never uh I'm an East coaster in the DMV and I leave for work at 5 30. so I've started falling asleep watching your streams and that's just really sad on me you just take a sub read I didn't put it to a Beat because holy I'm a natural wait one more again uh I'm an East coaster in the DMV and I leave for work at 5 30 so I've started falling asleep watching your streams and that's just really sad on me you go hard there when I said uh I'm an East coaster in the DMV and East coaster in the DMV what did I mean by that I feel like I was spitting that day top 10 rappers Eminem was too afraid to diss mdva yeah when he said TMV I felt that yeah when is my Rap Genius lyrics explained video and I leave for work at 5 30. leave for work at 5 30. so I've started falling asleep watching your streams and that's just really sad on me my producer though Dr about always picks the right Beats Alex georgera thank you for the 20 months e-bigs 06 into 31 months zemdo uh eBay first of all think about the 31 months let me read one here I'm gonna I read a random message for long time Subs and your random message is from 2020 September 2020 you wrote can't wait for my first stream and here you are 31 months later still subbed and he's still waiting for one of the streams to be good he's still hoping if he puts in a few one months we'll get there I swear to God foreign think about the four months pickles VT they were the four months thyroidian they were the 10. um fire surge zxc they were the one month uh how is Ari's back feeling it must be hurting carrying you in this Lego build-a-thon should I carry me more alternating uh we're just having fun all right we're just building in a in a marathon type way all right if you really wanted that Zoomer demographic [Music] easily one of the worst things I've ever seen easily are you Min maxing the build what does that mean squeak to that um uh are you building the slowest Pace possible we're moving fast all right we're moving quite quickly actually uh Chevy's in here still or no they moved he moseyed on we could bring in the Yule what are your splits uh right now we're on a gold pace for bag seven we're uh we're hitting it three hours 28 minutes pace Charles David gifted to Equinox this is a video how the marketing industry has increased drastically I'm not even gonna click this I know you're probably lying what is that stupid on how the marketing industry has increased drastically I think this is probably something stupid and you're just trying to lure Me In by putting marketing but you don't even know the right thing to say previously on Ninjago um the marketing industry has increased drastically what a stupid sentence you didn't give it one ounce of thought that's kind of funny jar is our thing with the 10 months uh he said full year so it's not a full year obviously there's just that much which I appreciate but it's not a full year um [Music] this might be a weird idea but since it's a Lego Stream maybe let's see the Lego yeah I'll hold it up I will show you where we're at Tetley family of the Prime uh co-host for Life they've been with 34 goddamn months let me read one of your messages you've been timed out four times for spamming emotes which is fine I guess um all right if I go back all the way back all the way back to your very first message since you've been subbed since April 2020 all the way back I'm scrolling you have 999 plus messages but if I scroll I'm really using my scroller right now your very first message was do the one with Kevin what does that mean do the one with Kevin and then you link this video you're getting killed out there man what can we do are you asking me I'm asking the Old Spice you I'm okay ain't nobody in here with us yeah hello Kevin look at Kevin now back to me now back at Kevin now back to me you need to step up your defense give me the ball give me the ball I'm talking about your sweat defense sweat defense the whole team is slipping all over the puddles you leave it all on the floor not leaving no puddles on the floor you are literally standing in a puddle of sweat right now bro okay don't worry Kevin I brought you Old Spice sweat defense antiperspirant spray it goes on invisible and provides 48 Hours of sweat and odor protection and when you raise your arms this happens [Music] oh I got to try that let me try it [Music] oh [Music] wait all right that was the triple one with Kevin [Laughter] that's your first message thank you for that it only took me 31 months to get to your video but I did get there I did get there and then your next message was did you hunt dinosaurs with Queen Elizabeth so the humor hasn't changed uh uh at the time I was 29 by the way just to be clear at the time you put that message I wasn't even I was still in my 20s uh where's your opinion I mean the first uh Old Spice ads came out the man you're making smell like and all those they were they did incredible numbers for Old Spice they crushed but I don't think they've done anything recently that's worth riding home about foreign has affected foreign fake Jordan markets interesting and short video on the first ever marketing tactics I don't believe you previously on Ninjago this thing video on how old spice ads have gotten worse previously on Ninjago how covet affected foreign fake Jordan markets drastically thank you Family Guy moments [Laughter] this is a really well animated music video no it actually is [Music] all right babe [Music] [Music] yours forever [Music] [Music] okay yo I was gonna show it so you can see already where we got the statues we got the bed and Bella's desk and Bilbo's desk where you could see his little book and candle on there and inside you can see stuff where's the hot dog stand there was no hot dogs there oh it's showing the picture there was no hot dog stand actually seal door is he a lure we're not one percent complete that was yeah damn it's like three and a half hours I could do in 20 minutes just don't wait you could do that in 20 minutes there's a lot of details so you're taking a break Babe is that what you are doing is that what you want to do well if you take a break maybe I'll take a quick break and play a Hitman round or something all right check out a fun video I guess uh [Laughter] uh new Lebron's Legacy video okay what's this previously on Ninjago you guys are ruining my experience of being able to look at chat okay I can't oh that was real is that Jack Black Jack Black peaches directed by Cole Bennett what is this holy cannoli attention legs dripped out this one is found my one and only true love Princess Peach you're so cool with my star we're gonna rule Peach understand child the very end it's just peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches oh yeah peaches peaches peaches Peach [Music] a thousand troops couldn't keep me from you Princess Peach at the end of the line ah [Applause] [Music] Pizza Pizza [Music] [Applause] thank you and cut ladies and gentlemen that's a wrap [Applause] what is this one uh uh video on how IRS plans to collect taxes during a doomsday situation on Ninjago that's so funny because they hadn't been spamming that one since we started chat so I think it was a real video at one point you know uh uh new Hitman update I know this is gonna be Ninjago I should just memorize the well that one says Channel layers one doesn't previously on Ninjago differently they're relating to the same thing uh uh have you ever eaten at the Golden Corral what's like a song that's 700 views like the one common is best song [Music] even at the Golden Corral [Music] [Music] Golden Corral [Music] adjusted [Music] [Music] food closed minds is the best food okay I don't think Kendrick Lamar is crying about that I don't think he's that worried uh uh especially want to go to Red Lobster Magnus Carlson ad spot not click bait ah Carson Mr this is Magnus Carlson had I kind of want to see this um laughs Madge this is real I'm trying to pawns like a pun for farmers Hans means farmers in Norwegian okay [Music] foreign laughs checking aside with the bond since 1896. it's Carson City yeah [Laughter] that's pretty clever I guess yeah Bernie Breakers but I think I did too much work you know is the problem epic community uh that was three hours and 43 minutes how far did we get bag wise seven bags no it's not 47. it is I did when I just looked for the highest one when I was packing them and oh 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 so we're like basically one seventh of the way there just watch Community they're probably over one seventh actually we are over a seventh of the way there so at this pace uh uh 21 hours assume we don't lose Pace assume we don't slow down I really thought we'd be done in six I thought I thought we'd be halfway done by that over halfway so I'm saying weird quotes stop saying we in quotes I've been helping I did a lot you only get faster from here I really thought we'd this could take us like because I was gonna do marketing tomorrow we're absolutely not gonna finish this today holy I guess I have to skip marketing Monday there's just no other way we have to build Legos svb baby uh well you can keep working in the background yeah all right break time it is I feel you babe I feel you think you're gay it does look really cool already like it actually does they are very cool let's see what it's supposed to look like yeah but I want them to see it Rivendell Lego set and then I can just see how much I'm missing you know okay we only have like this part [Laughter] so we have this the bottom half of this so there is a bit of a ways to go including every single one of these little what if we just show them this and say we finished it yeah holy chat we did it look at it I'm holding it up three hours 46 minutes it's beautiful it's beautiful wow and to think I get to hold it up in front of all of you after all this work hope it'll drop it whoa whoa it's so heavy I almost dropped it that could have been a nasty spill all right let me just carefully place it off screen all right okay very carefully place it on the floor [Laughter] I'm surprisingly tired and uh delirious after three hours of half building mostly just talking to chat I guess that's the draining part is you guys screaming about Ninjago uh um you didn't do it I did do stuff so I'm saying I didn't do anything I literally did I built at least half the bags okay you guys were ignoring me when I was building because there was a Ninjago on when I was building there was Ninjago so you thought I didn't do anything when she was building there was no Ninjago so you were like focused um video on what went wrong with Bob St Stephen kowski's campaign for governor of Connecticut you realize that if this is fake that's a terror I wouldn't click it anyway why would I don't know who Bob stefanowski is why would I care about his campaign for governor Connecticut you're not just because it's not as a jogger doesn't mean I wouldn't click it that's not a good bait I'm not gonna click it previously on Ninjago [Laughter] how the fall of constant double effects little bronze I guess we've actually already watched that one it's hilarious very funny holy cannoli oh the new cam angle uh me too actually like a lot I like that there's uh Focus for more angles T1 ad spot oh I would watch T1 ad spot previously on Ninjago you know what is actually done ads do you would have actually done commercials [Laughter] this is all right yeah I'm gonna start back yeah I'm gonna be the next person this is 100 not Ninjago okay I'm clicking it I know a few people from Dunedin they're good because I love them that was worse than Ninjago I want to ban you for that newish baseball doesn't exist video flames from playing in the dirt in the middle of pitching like the weirdest players in baseball history you've seen this is only a month ago I couldn't have watched it then I haven't seen it oh he means the channel is baseball doesn't exist complete game and talking to themselves on the mound to claiming they could control the weather and could teleport from one side of the stadium to another it's clear MLB is full of characters I once wore a thong in public in front of thousands of people but which one is the weirdest of them all one player had a mental breakdown so severe he shot an Umpire with a squirt gun after being forced into a mental hospital and getting a dangerous and controversial procedure performed on his brain he returned to have one of the most successful careers of his era who's that other players enter the league seemingly completely normal until one event changed them forever most notably this player who halfway through his career completely changed his name and his identity when he entered the league he went by the name Niger Morgan and before his identity shift a lot of critics hated his personality yeah oh oh oh as a tough player who wasn't afraid to run over catchers play extremely hard get into vicious fights but also let his emotions get the best of him like when he missed this ball thought it was a homer got extremely pissed at himself for not catching it and allowed the runner to score an inside the park home run just because he was pissed he got a ton of hate in Washington I feel kind of bad for him he was just mad at himself bad reputation he decided to create multiple alter egos he no longer wanted people to call him Nigel Morgan for those who have wrote in Nigel Morgan please stop definitely put in Tony dot plush under the name Tony plush he gave ridiculous interviews this role you guys for the people who said he was flashy and cocky he adopted another Alter Ego dude Tony Gumball right now real real real professional Tony gumbo was a humble player who valued the fundamentals which he called was his simple approach to hitting where he didn't try to do too much and then just just just out his best seasons ever and one of the most legendary walk-offs and post-game interviews ever seen [Applause] however alone hamburger players have given weirder interviews yeah kaylong told me a couple of days ago you gotta get rid of this Echo can't talk I'm drunk whatever Max Riser is a very kind and normal person off the field he's also known as hands down the biggest psychopath in baseball he occasionally talks and snarls to himself while pitching he screamed at managers who've tried to take him out of the game one time his catcher stopped a game to propose an unfair fantasy football trade just to make him mad Scherzer cursed him out and started throwing three miles per hour faster he also refuses to high-five teammates or be told good job while he's pitching during his first game with the Dodgers his brand new manager slapped him he told him good job Scherzer responded by saying quote don't touch me cheerzer has done this to multiple teammates because according to him pitching is his job and he doesn't deserve to be praised just for doing his job sure may be known as a psycho but he's never done something so quick that's so strange no don't Giga Chad that that's that's just teammates strike does it mean something so deep crazy on the field that he was forced into a mental hospital only to escape that mental hospital but before we get to that you guys are on his side record from today's sponsor if you're like me you know how easy it is to forget about your health and how honestly boiled over after hitting a home run by running behind home plate and jumping on the backstop to intimidate fans behind home plate these actions got him demoted or in the miners he got ejected six times and got four suspensions in only 18 games he once even paused a game by stealing the ball from the pitcher's mound went to his position and refused to give the ball back and once put a squirt gun in his Bat pocket straight back call from an Umpire sprayed him with it in another incident he ran into the bleachers in just his underwear all this happened during his rookie season it became clear Pearsall was going through a serious mental health concern causing the teams to send him to a clinic Jimmy Pearsall escaped the clinic once he was found he was sent to the quote violent room of a mental institution where he underwent electroshock oh it's dark we're electric currents are sent through a patient's brain to English incredibly dark all the stuff they did for mental health back then was like incredibly uh uh unethical and damaging and life ruining and it's actually not cool at all it reminds me I mean the saddest one I saw was um the one I always think of that like pictured it for me was the BoJack Horseman one where they show it but like if you read about it it's crazy um ask about JFK's sister yeah I think that's what they were I think that's what the BoJack Horseman was about I think it's like literally uh yeah the candidates yeah like lobotomies and all that all that crazy stuff small seizures at the time this procedure was a new controversial and extremely dangerous thing to do according to One account patience would be quote begging screaming and crying throughout the session for Pearsall this treatment caused extreme memory loss and by the time he was done he didn't even remember he ever played Major League Baseball it was so sad it actually seemed to work defying All Odds Pearsall went on to win gold gloves make multiple all-star teams during an amazing 17-year career the doctor got I mean you get lucky he baked it dude he just hooked a man up and shocked the out of him burned all his memory and then I guess got results that's crazy he didn't remember playing baseball but he remembered how to play at a major league level he banked it dude rear including some memorable moments hog I gotta get Electro shocked Chad please do not Shock yourself and hope it'll give you a Hall of Famer baseball career please do not do that where he got in trouble for dancing in the out too late trying to distract the batter and running around the base is backwards after hitting his 100th home run our next player only hit one major league home run and barely even played but still became one of the most popular players in the league because of interviews like this my name is [Applause] was Japanese and didn't know English Japanese what possibly could have given that away thank you thank you baseball doesn't exist for it clarifying for that for me I didn't that was the one thing he kept subtling that interview translator because according to him but barely knowing any English didn't stop him from doing interviews don't sinking just swing just catch don't think everybody just we Kawasaki would get to the field early and do a stretching routine like this he was so obsessed with Ichiro when he got to America and ended up being in the background of a picture with him he had it printed on a t-shirt in fact according to him the only reason he came to America was because the Mariners offered him a contract even though he had to spend half his time in the miners and made two million dollars a year less he accepted it just so he could play with Ichiro everybody loves Kawasaki including that's crazy who went out of his way to hug him at third base Kawasaki responded by saying how did that hug feel his good strong Spirits big body little puppy you're a little puppy puppy he's big it's big his big Kawa small okay we got it we got it being hugged by Big Poppy but this player doesn't he he is being touched in the head and would freak out any time it happened Adrian Beltre was not only one of the best players of Azera he may have been the funniest he would avoid getting tagged by any means that's true mean players of Azera he may have been the funniest he would avoid getting tagged by any means necessary he once went to the plate with his helmet on backwards while on Deck he wandered too far from the on Deck Circle he was told to stand closer to the circle instead of moving to the circle he moved the on Deck Circle to him he was ejected everybody loved Adrian Beltran of all time I guess however the weirdest thing about him was his head he hated being touched there according to him he made the mistake of telling Miguel Cabrera he didn't like being touched in the head Cabrera told the Red Sox who tortured him constantly he thought he could Escape by going to Twitch problem dude that's why you say I I don't have Glizzy hands and then they just keep saying it for three years you know what I'm saying you should have told him I love it you should have been like oh yeah touch me in the head good luck and nobody does it but you say no oh and all of a sudden to Texas with they also found out soon everybody in the world knew he had a fear of being touched in the head and Adrian Beltre was tortured the rest of his career as strange as this Superstition was it's not as weird as the one that caused Derek Jeter to wear a golden thong in a game and Derek Jeter was one of many to wear this thong this practice began with Jason Giambi who was gifted a thong while in Oakland zombie took the thong to New York where the entire team swore it had super powers the powers that golden thong had within it right just just pushed himself out of there the song was kept in a secret location it was only revealed if a player was in a terrible slump when a player desperately needed a hit it would magically show up in their locker and according to Giambi every player who wore it got a hit Bernie Williams Johnny Damon Robinson at least once in 2008 Nick Swift sure was having a terrible postseason in game three of the World Series it appeared he wore it and got two hits and in 2004 during an over 32 hitting slump Derek Jeter was given the thong and on the very first pitch of the game he hit a bomb the entire team who knew he had a thong on couldn't help but laugh this will go down as one of the strangest uniform changes in history what not as strange as Zach Greinke's uniform change who literally wanted to quit Major League Baseball so he could be a trash man which actually might be one of the most inspiring stories in sports granky has always been known to do things differently like in 2020 when he told his catcher what sign sequence they were going to use in front of everyone oh my everybody knows what sign they're going with now incredible that year since there were no fans in the stadiums he started sitting in the stands instead of The Dugout after requesting that the grounds crew fixed the mound he decided to just sit down in the middle of the field and is known for throwing pitches as slow as humanly possible according to one teammate he once paused a game and called a mountain visit just so he could propose a fantasy football trade but early in his career Greinke's quirks actually worrisome during his third Major League spring training he left the team playing hey wait ludzy said hi Chad just broke up with my girlfriend I'm really sad so I'm here and ready to mod for atriak full time break bro please do not feel like you have to mod I'm sorry to hear that breakups suck you'll be fine don't dive into modding I appreciate the help I don't think the best thing for you right now is to be reading the worst messages of Chad and modding take a break chill out relax I got a lot of love for Less he's been super helpful uh uh I thought it was kind of a joke when I first bonded him but he's actually been an awesome part of the mod team appreciate it uh sorry about the breakup brother it's all good um hrex trying to hold you back go twice as hard okay fine dude if that's what you want if you want to dive deep into modding you go ahead uh hey hey Lindsay I can help by saying bad words and you can ban me for them oh thanks thanks wow a truck is scared you'll take his job I'm sorry I'm scared of that because he just broke up with his girlfriend he's gonna start streaming uh more gambas one quick Gamba right now then I'm jumping back to this video one quick Gamba one quick run Hitman freelancer right now one run rule it all one run one chance literally one run actually I was like I was really loving that video I want to finish it one run one chance one hope one dream this is where winners are made I'll finish the video after this one run freelancer Safe House play get two World Records in one night I'll get the world record for building Legos and world record for Hitman freelancer you played the new Blue Sour I did on my first stream back I just tried it it seems like I was about attempt 47 The Syndicate managed to go into hiding hiding knowing you I'm sure that you have new ideas in mind to make sure that they won't be so lucky next time grab the scalpel there it is one run all in what's the title what's the title what is the title does atriox hit the bed like I did with my girlfriend sadly let's even relax bro relax that's fine uh I will not be the bed though I tell you that we're gonna go funny friend all right we'll do funny friend and we'll start on scale and we'll do time hide and seek and we will run it run it run it run it run it run it lazarette thank you for the prime the brew hand think about the 10 months Scooby booby think of it 22 months have a nice message Charles think of these two months double cross think of the 19 months silicon dildo looking for the prime of the Prime kogos all right check this out I have been informed that check out this Speed Run what you know two members hide and seek one good luck it's great knockout take this grab grab grab grab grab keep moving keep moving never stop moving never stop moving chat confusing the votes oh don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot not sure okay keep moving keep moving keep moving up the stairs wait wait I think I made a mistake wait uh no I'll go with the four okay yeah this way through here good job thank you then this way check this out today he's gonna blow your mind this is gonna blow your mind then I go this way okay then I dip down here knockout knockout oh switch costumes [Music] downstairs no relax well I have to hide I have to hide it's fine it's fine it's fine wait where the am I going wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold hold hold where the am I going again uh oh yeah yeah this way okay hold hold hold hold don't tell me to hide dude I'm on it I'm on crazy Pace I'm clutching 30 seconds open this door and then we go right here easily clapped and then keep moving keep moving keep moving keep moving go down uh-huh a lack of green guns there's not there's no guns there's no green guns still have the shovel wait hold go through here go through here toss the shovel down the ladder shrink grab the shovel keep going skrink and then right here dig and now I have a silenced pistol no foot Sherlock the game is a foot holy moly step what how the uh I'm running a little low on time a little Teensy bit low on time a little tiny bit low on time there we go okay the game is the foot now uh oh looking pretty cracked actually oh oh all right where are these they're on the opposite sides of the world okay here this is the run this is the Run there is no doubt about it just have to hustle crush it and go big you've spread fear syndicate eyes coming in the room eyes coming in the room oh ah okay I don't think I'm compromised anymore huh Maybe ah okay okay no worries no worries everyone knows that there's no words they oh God damn oh no oh no how unfortunate it rather appears that you ran out of luck why did it go Orange we go finish that baseball video though huh the bed let's see hey firm handshakes huh I guess we're I guess we're the same I did on purpose for ludsy chat you're not not following I didn't want Lindsey to feel alone in shooting the bed okay we're now we're the same it's solidarity you always get one more month you get one warm-up and then I'm truly done don't you have new ideas in mind to make sure everyone knows you get literally one warm-up luzzy now this time write a positive message okay talk about how does hrock rebuild on his second try like I'm about to do with a different relationship over time the bomber I do want to get that free I want to get that free pistol straight up have a good trip I like the video I like the video too and that's where we're gonna watch it obviously after I nail this second run the problem is I can't hear anything okay you guys gonna be up just got to turn it up a little bit does big a contain his sadness unlike me that's such a that's such a way more confusing pull what if they vote if they think I'm gonna win yes welcome people are lost dude we don't want them to slip away you know we will see wait are these four members I could just pop them maybe there's no way I had that shot oh he's on the way [Laughter] syndicate thanks come in command isn't murdered excellent work 47 you've spread fear within the Syndicate that's two down seriously it's not safe here hey you stop right oh am I gonna get shot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot look at me they're not looking me guys I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine easily clapped today sir still in session no they've called a recess Sophia Washington wants them to pass some kind of music but one of the council members is quite black stay here and try not to get it I'm running out of time ooh yikes why does this always happen excuse me running out of time running out of time he's coming over isn't he Ard somebody help me help me out again okay you figure that out there you are we've got trouble oh God damn it I touched it holy I dodged it okay whatever time is it 30 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds we're still good we're still good we're still good we're still good we're clutching no not sir blasting Robin we baby bottle we bobbin we Bob and weave keep hustling keep hustling keep hustling you're still on just chatting because I'm still in just chatting bro I'm just chatting about this game it's a slight detour for a perfect Hitman run then I'm back this is actually my last run if I don't get it on this run I go back to baseball doesn't exist what happened to the Legos this is a Lego building stream specs to go into building a Lego set of this much okay it's amazing everyone knows every seven bags you have to have your moderator get broken up with and then help him out by failing a Hitman run while he over moderates the Gamba that's like just standard practice foreign six more Hearts to break on this Lego Journey I get it yeah six more Hearts to break okay they're they're both in the tower huh every other mod with a happy relationship is monkey Wing right now oh yes dude silence pistol mission one all I have to do is get to this level and I'm cooking the goose all right those two should be pretty easy to get actually all I do is climb this get to the bridge pop pop get down magnitude Style I'm saying I can only hang on that one crazy to think he still throws these out there will be zero throwing of this you saw that Syndicate member eliminated well done 47. well done 47 this will surely be a blow to The Syndicate please easily clapped break me up a piece of that easily equipped only clipped easily clapped oh oh no 20 seconds oh uh uh uh wait oh God is no one in here I think it's under these stairs so I have to ah I see him she's aiming for our heads give them all you got holy up contain continuously contained contained contained bro contain contain contained contain contained contained locked down lock and key baby oh this is the beginning of a beautiful run yes yes the crow strikes again The Raven okay that's what I said at the beginning of my relationship you said contained contained contained The Crow Strikes Again The Raven cacao because if that is true Leslie I can perhaps give you if I can figure out why it might not have gone the way you hoped I can see where the courtship went awry standard pickup line w rizz impressive work I said it looks like the start of a beautiful run you I know I wasn't actually being serious but I didn't think he said could call trike oh my God this is the truly a beautiful run truly this will be a great relationship between me and the game a great and long lasting relationship that's what I said oh you can shoot this too far last word for that uh is this a roguelike loving the Lego building dude shut up I'm building Legos I'm we're gonna do Paris uh uh silence pistol kill epic I don't have an epic silence pistol what happened to the Ninjago oh do I what if I do something crazy what if I dropped my tranq so that even if I lose this run I end up at least with a trank do you know what I'm saying it resets oh you're right shrink reset for hardcore all right well might as well take it then might as well take it yeah I forgot Financial tools or reset planning for failure is a failure to plan that's just because it's uh palindromic like that does not make it instantly wise I don't think it applies at all dude these poles will this run be as beautiful as my ex okay let's see if you want to talk after the stream we could actually talk if you want to talk I'd be all right man but this so you need to be Tactical you know what to do 47. I know I don't want to get too serious I just want you to know like you're pretty young man of course you're gonna have some breakups okay you're gonna this will not be something you remember so negatively uh in a very short period of time silent pistol oh okay laughs how do I get to this fool can I hmm oh here we go eliminated well done 47. Queen dude it's just so much easier with a sound's pistol oh oh oh oh I'm actually oh I'm I actually lost I lost I lost wait drop the ledge I think I'm dead I think I'm dead I think I'm dead I think I'm dead I think I'm dead oh no oh I'm a knucklehead hey I could use a hand over here whoa hey look alive buddy oh [Laughter] if I run they'll gut me down I'll wait unless hey yo people run baby contained we keep that under lock and key contained just need to find a different I'm dropping this pirate outfit yeah I could switch but I I'm not hunted here with this outfit and the pirate outfit has no permissions to pop that guy maybe climb this bridge somewhere or even just like no just yo foreign they didn't see me oh he's dropping the like a shadow in the night like a shadow in the night without a shot oh this guy's way over there can I lure him no okay why are you killing everybody because then my exit's cleaner you know what I'm saying if I can kill anyone isolated with a sound's pistol that I can get out clean clean clean and there's no worry of getting gunned down can't get in this way actually I probably can with a can I just walk in the door it makes me nervous when how goes this one but they were probably fishermen or debris they're gone you've spread fear within the syndicate Serpentine Serpentine Serpentine Serpentine Serpentine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine oh I need a different disguise oh I need a different disguise quickly we're fine just keep moving just keep moving bro never stop moving never stop moving never stop moving like a shark when you stop swimming you stop breathing foreign Syndicate member eliminated well well done 47 get back to the safe house I'll be in touch oh that's the exit oh I'm on a roll baby I'm on a roll [Music] I have good items now I got an early science pistol I got an early tranq oh the hold the phone big a would you Slaughter and eat an animal very good 47. more Home Improvements wouldn't Slaughter it I have definitely eaten an animal excellent 47 okay we have now Tracked Down The Syndicate needless location melee kill Epic do I have an epic melee weapon I don't unless I've provided you with new Intel does a shuriken count as a oh it's rare it's not Epic no I don't I don't have an Epica I can't do that unless you give me one right here nope okay proximity taser and try to do a collateral kill accident okay we'll try and do a propane thing we'll try and do a propane thing have a good trip let's see your the next person is just I'm sad fuzzy please bro please I would have feel too bad you're fine bro you're seriously you're fine you're actually I know it's immediate and it's fresh so no you're not going to hear anything I'm saying but you're actually fine it's just like you're gonna have some breakup it's fine such a good bit though you gotta admit yeah but it's kind of depressing because he's getting sadder however to make sure you get the right target but this is not going to be easy someone said you're living the dream as an patriarch mod yeah you're listening we do know this they are attending okay it's like what you don't need a relationship suffers from dehydration and we know that they suffer from allergies I'm sorry we don't have more godspeed 47 oh God the store doesn't even go anywhere very excited you didn't hear that it's weird like the doors block sound even if they're Gates you heard that you heard that ridiculous lutzy jump into League instead stop giving him terrible advice no we should not jump into League of Legends that is not a good way to follow a breakup is it yeah yeah okay who am I finding tonight looking for earrings necklace hat gray hair is that gray hair is that about it looks blonde huh that's blonde not suspected let's jump into a Coke Edition yeah that's that's red okay damn Paris is a tough one for a final showdown because they really spread out it's easier when they're at the party in whittleton um dude they're even on the second floor and oh this is this is tough why don't I just set off a bomb and then uh they all Run for the exit I just pop them gray hair gray hair no hat I can't hear no hat it's hard never knew this stuff there's a guy up there I have to get to the third floor good guards hat necklace earrings can't tell gray hair allergic and dehydrated well I better get moving oh okay is she allergic allergic or dehydrated damn this is such a pain in the dick please do not put Legend League pipeline are you like I'm doing it I'm not doing it I'm saying not to do it that's an assassin too me but we're running foreign she's going back up oh God oh God Yeti is letting me open cases in Discord so my problems are going away it sounds like it no it sounds like it yeah I think a good a little bit of gambling is what you need find Solace from opening cases that cost money at their Peak price right now hydrated when you throw yourself no no of course not why don't you even ask that collateral kill oh collateral kill you're so right collateral kill sheesh collateral kill what's up buddy be careful out there so uh are you gonna tell me about what Victor did he come in there's a lot of skeletons sometimes the lock won't hold stay out please so I don't know if this is oh you know what that can't be a suspect right it's got to be the killer because otherwise you could dump the body that's a problem times now they're running they're not nearing the exit though this is this is the one this is the one this is the one this is the one I just have to get it yeah otherwise I would say that the target is escaping they're not escaping so this is the one so all I need to do overflow the sink here me that's it how about a bullets automatic here they just keep running in throwing their bodies in the fire dude you can't shut the door because okay okay grab this put it in the water and then I just drop the taser okay well it won't set off the proximity unless I'm okay I have to shoot it that that wasn't the target oh I'm truly then I'm truly wait ah that's that's not good oh God oh I'm uh there's just no way I beat this no it's over now that was my item too oh oh God damn it I'm trying to get away oh God damn it it's that one it's that one it's that one oh there's no way there's no way there's no way 36 meters hurry 20 meters wait no oh God foreign back to the VOD back to the VOD AMA such a good looking ride it's just I don't have the patience to look at every single Target and watch them for five minutes so I just I get antsy all right baseball doesn't exist the Veil whoa this is super cool I enjoy watching you play this game have you ever thought about taking it more seriously in speedrunning okay just wait I'm working on something just wait uh uh okay so we are four hours and 49 minutes into the Lego thought it's been about an hour since we abandoned the Lego all together and we are currently watching a hilarious baseball doesn't exist video to never return according to granky at the time he had aspirations of either being a trashman hey Don poppy leaving at 19 months I hope after three years I'll be rewarded with a degree in glissology much love big a is that what you really want if you subscribe for three years I will send you a degree for glissology if that's what you want because I feel like you've given me a lot for three years I just think you could ask for anything else and it would be a better use of your time and money and man or a lawnmower turns out Greinke was going through a severe case of social anxiety and the day-to-day pressure of being a major Leaguer was wearing on him so to him despite being the number one pitching Prospect in baseball mowing lawns seemed like a better option than making millions in the major leagues miraculously after taking several months off granky overcame this anxiety and since then has put up a Hall of Fame career and even today 17 years later continues to pitch in Major League Baseball but despite all of Greinke's strange Antics on the mound he's not even close to the weirdest player in baseball history for all the folks in Carson City really that he took a break from Major League Baseball to be a garbage man for six months and then came back and had a Hall of Fame career it's actually pretty sick he has a part in his contract did not take press conferences hey folks we're number one I have anxiety does that make me a Hall of Famer too yes if you have any social anxiety you too are a future Hall of Famer if you just applied your mind out of here we did it this year and celebrate with us we're here this is Charlie kerfeld who would actually go on to ask and be granted permission to have his contract paid in food he was a fan favorite in Houston for wearing massive glasses and chewing massive amounts of tobacco while pitching what was even more famous for his love of food at one point he even got fined 250 dollars it's better than the dude that got paid in Bitcoin right before it went past the price he took his like 20 million contract in Bitcoin they just paid him 10 million like it by the time it paid out yeah I'll tell Becca because he was caught eating ribs in the middle of the game kerfeld had several strange Antics like wearing a cone head in the bullpen during games wearing the same Jets and t-shirt underneath his jersey every single game and most notably his obsession with the number 37. in 1987 he requested to get paid a hundred and ten thousand thirty seven dollars and 37 cents and asked for an extra 37 boxes of orange Jello the Astros agreed meaning that in 1987 Charlie kerfeld got paid in jello but even this isn't close to the straight ranges relationship an MLB player has with food take Yasiel Puig for example who would literally pretend his Bat was ice cream and lick it according to him he began doing this for a very valid reason which really shouldn't surprise anyone because Puig was hands down one of the strangest players in the game I love Japanese people man I'm not Japanese all started in the 2017 nlds when his team needed him most after this foul ball for some reason he felt the urge to lick it I guess that could be two separate statements you know what I'm saying I love you man separately I also love Japanese people like it doesn't mean that I think you're Japanese it just means separately I want you to know I'm just stating facts then immediately after he smoked an RBI double from this point on according to him he began giving love to my butt like a licking my back is my back talking with my body stating that he was quote I'm the best guy lick the bar and the war then Proclaim that this strategy was something that every player should utilize you need to give him love to your bad guy licking a bat is gross but it's not as gross as eating a mayonnaise smoothie live mobs or snorting Wasabi and that's not even close to the grossest thing this guy did he got paid tens of thousands of dollars from players to do some of the most disgusting things imaginable Jeff montuzas was a bold hand catcher employed by the Arizona Diamondbacks his job was to help pitchers catch their bullpens and throw batting practice he got paid less than 60 Grand a year doing this so according to him in order to supplement his income and help team bonding he would do absolutely anything for money one player gave him three thousand dollars to drink a gallon of milk in 12 minutes he made another deal with a player that allowed that player to punch him in the groin whenever he wanted as long as he paid him fifty dollars per punch he let one pitcher shoot him in the head close range with a BB gun we ate two live moths for 200 this is like YouTuber Society this is the world YouTubers want bro this is what prank YouTubers want as long as I can pay anybody money I should be able to hurt them hundred dollars he ate boogers out of a player's nose for four hundred dollars montezos ended up making tens of thousand economy hell yeah brother this guy at a stable job we say 60 70 000 and 2000s dollars from these dares which included eating a concoction of dip spit and three day old chili 11 bananas in 12 minutes six Ice Cream Donuts in two minutes a mayonnaise smoothie one player said quote he will eat absolutely anything except poop urine or vomit no wait I'm sorry he will eat vomit because yes foreign bro there's no way you need the money that bad there's no way there's no way one time Jeff montusas got paid to eat a player's regurgitated yogurt that is extremely gross however Jeff matusz never teleported according to Darren Dalton he did during his career he seemed relatively normal until once 60 days not low dude I made 45k a twitch uh I wasn't trying to eat vomit you know what I'm saying all right although I had to manage the front page which is like eating vomit there's no different single event in the final year of his career changed him forever he was an All-Star who was credited by many of his teammates for being one of the most impactful players on the teams he played for not only for his on-field performance but for his leadership however according to him in a game in the final year of his career he hit a double without ever swinging the bat claiming that even though his body was the one at the plate he wasn't the one who swamped Dalton was curious on how this was possible and started researching for answers he began looking into Alchemy telepathy metaphysics and sacred geometry and the more he learned the more unexplainable things happened he said he began teleporting from room to room when he got caught drunk driving he said he was on the road because of business dealings with the FBI and Dalton noticed when he started having negative emotions it it would start to rain meaning that his thoughts could actually control the weather people dismissed him as crazy but Dalton kept researching and put his findings into a book it explains dimensions and the powers that come from manipulating them giving him the rare powers to astral travel teleport travel through time and gave him the power to talk to anything no matter what it was he could talk to lizards nature dogs and even baseballs which was something Mark fidrich had started doing decades earlier he had one of the weirdest and most exciting careers of all time I think he just got CTE somehow one of the shortest Mark fidrich came into the league and dominated immediately in his first season he threw 24 complete games led the league in Era and started the All-Star game as a rookie and that was the most normal thing about him it looked like he was talking to the okay calm down relax he would fill in holes and mess it with the dirt with his hands during the game yeah fill it up the hole I don't like you let me get the crown crew out here every time I mean you know stop the game ground crew you know fix the mound he would congratulate uh every time they made it out and would get into fights with bugs on the mount and this made him an instant sensation the Tigers played on a Tuesday and 8 000 people came to the game the very next day when he pitched 40 000 people came oh after games 200 to 300 people would wait for him at his apartment when did this game's start time was actually pushed back because so many people wanted to come see him it caused a massive traffic jam and after his starts in Detroit fans would stay after the game in cheer until he would come out of the Dugout to say hi to them unfortunately after this insane rookie year he hurt his knee in spring training he returned and dominated for a month and a half only to tragically hurt his shoulder back then the surgery he needed hadn't been developed meaning that Mark fidrich's career was essentially over ending the weirdest career sad of all time I love this song [Music] let's see crank this up [Music] walking with my back to the sun keep my hands to the sky me against the world to see myself and I like daylight got in touch with my song trading Softly on the bow down the rockiest road life isn't ice cream without Monopoly dope the property grows hey truck I had tickets to see Denzel in October and I just forgot to go laughs just don't do that don't do that right so that's what I'm going to say to you uh uh okay how about I I was gonna work on some Legos but maybe I don't I need to work on marketing if I'm gonna do it tomorrow so I'm gonna end all right so what's about the timer here five hours and one minutes of work we have finished seven bags of Legos feels pretty good community community community no I have to go I do have to go it's already nine I need to get dinner because I'm handling dinner tonight and so I will go get something and then all right I will eat it and then I will work on marketing so I have something to do tomorrow your video post marketing tomorrow doc lock it in guys I hope you enjoyed today's Lego building stream as a as you may recall our goal was to build something amazing and we did okay we did we built this and it looks gorgeous Community for ludsy let's see do you honestly want community Austin loves you I'd rather just send you some messages offline I hope you're all right brother I'm gonna end uh a Ninjago to Mario hold on to the Ninjago dreams I'm sure they'll come back [Laughter] uh uh all right sevens oh let me play outro song about Old Friends [Music] you love Lego so much I like Legos a lot I think Ari likes them way more that's why we did it but I hope you enjoyed hope you have a good rest of your weekend if you have anything to do on Monday or whatever I hope you get it done sevens and I'll see you tomorrow for some for some actual marketing I think there's fun stuff to talk about goodbye not gonna rate anybody just have fun watch whatever you want and send Leslie some good vibes and uh Good Vibes everybody in chat appreciate it [Music] oh all right automated [Music] [Music] [Music]
to retrieve the ghosts take one step wrong your goodies well it is a game and it is for kids [Music] [Music] [Music] my friends yo [Music] oh God I [ __ ] love that song uh just speaking of while we're on the subject of Fall Guys and not dripped in calm or whatever the lyric says um well I want to fall guys uh I met beginning while I was at twitchcon she is the goat of fall guys beating my ass in many twitch Rivals and two things worth mentioning two things worth mentioning off that number one she was well aware of the ghosts well aware in fact it is considered standard for top Fall Guys players to know the ghost the ghost is well known in top Fall Guy struggles is what I was informed the ghost is well known shoulders of giants really number two uh she wanted to play football sometimes so I might do that I might do like a um either a Bros versus prose and I get the Bros and we do a Bros or I just play fall guys with one of the greats and you know she's there as well you know because the ghost is one of the greats haha uh literally top earnings uh uh I thought you're doing wins and fails I thought you weren't gonna hold me to my word I might do wins and fails I might do wins and fails but the problem with doing wins and fails is uh there's been so much new news on meta and the metaverse that I'd like to make fun of Mark Zuckerberg for but I want to do it with a little more rather than just saying things uh that are new so might be pushing it one more day but and this is a Scout's Honor promise would not be later than tomorrow um Ori yeah I think my game today my game today I might I might play a variety of games today along with talking to chat along with uh anything funny you guys link me this might be a full on potpourri uh ninjas already for five months that try guy there for the 22 months 22 months but he never noticed me guess what I'm noticing your brand new [ __ ] batch buddy over 1.5 years as a sub an exclusive hallowed Club check out your brand new badges brother courtesy of Maisie lincus's girlfriend who did amazing art for the stream there is now Monkey Ball clown and ghost does anyone have the rare and Elusive ghost rib yummy there for that three months YouTube frog new to the streams well you've been here for three months but thank you oh speaking of YouTube I was supposed to [ __ ] oh god oh goodness [ __ ] does this does this does this thumbnail make any sense please tell me like so it's supposed to look like this which is fine I think that's good but then for whatever reason I like cut the layer and then I add another thing back there and I thought that's more clickable it makes no sense but it's more clickable so I don't know why is there a second face I don't know I don't know why it doesn't make a lot of sense but it's kind of like PR yeah past me and present me but I don't know how to do I just run it I literally don't know I don't for whatever reason it was an accident that showed up like this is supposed to be the thumbnail I kind of want click devices all right I'll just run it and see how it goes worse comes to worse I just changed it 14 times like usual let me give that to quack before I [ __ ] jump into the content um what was I thinking of I was thinking of like content content content content content content content con tent uh I'm assuming not but are you gonna play the new Jump King map you assume correctly congratulations you have one of the assumptions no I'm fine Connor eats pants yes oh bro can I give a shout out a rare but well deserved marketing Master shout out to Connery's pants who named his Clips Channel Connor eats shorts that's just genius that's just a [ __ ] amazing that's I I already messaged her I was like dude that's just a [ __ ] great idea that's just fire that's just that's just an incredibly good name you know it's rare that opportunities come along like that uh I'd be mad if he didn't do that yeah but I wouldn't have thought of it no one's doing it like him I have to agree Ram 30 months death Punk's favorite a certain amount of time Connor living 16 months is 16 months long enough to get the first monkey ball badge how many months is that that's a big break point now no it's not it's 18. 18 months would be the big divider okay I'm gonna upload this thumbnail and uh and then we will jump into whatever we [ __ ] want to do literally whatever we want to do actually could even try just the first boss of Fury just to see how I like it just to get a [ __ ] taste a little taste close this play this [Music] you back comment is a [ __ ] big guy s3k and I'm new Walking Up Fall Mountain skates catch me running up the face I'll be best before they call me the way I'm standing for glamor I got to go I did not skip drifting calm you arrived late it's on you big guy I have my SATs tomorrow and I'm East Coast wish me luck Let's test it right now example sat questions oh God obviously I will be able to solve these no problem but let's see if you can uh um let's see if you can okay wow this is too much this is too much it's too much uh uh I was gonna do the reading one but it's like I got so much reading the recovery of Southern sea otters basically I'm taking an upturn according to results from an annual camel foreign sharks have been taking a bite out of the portion of the population expansion is new areas there's so much more to the story here than the main finding one suggested Dr Tim Tinker a research in college leads to the USGS honors it's just too much this is just too much for a on stream bit let me just guess the passage characterizes the main finding of the 2013 connected by the U.S Regulators initially promising very significant uh ultimately inclusive some of misleading all right I'm gonna figure out the answer right now [Music] there's more than the main finding which suggest increasing trend um and this uh uh oh God uh I have to actually read this okay this is good advice already already you're seeing this is how this is this is a bad time for me to bring up this because this is something I like to bring up it doesn't seem appropriate I got a perfect score on the SAT reading I just want you to know that I'm not doing it well now because I'm on the [ __ ] stream I actually got a perfect score on the SAT reading uh uh yeah it feels extremely inappropriate uh but I didn't do it like this me when I lie that's you when you lie as you say the same thing same but act what's the difference I never even understood the act it just has less numbers uh peaked in high school that's your roast you're not even gonna say I'm lying you're gonna say that's lame I got a good score because I peaked in high school well that's an interesting Angle now I wouldn't consider that my Peak I would I just it was a I was uniquely good at the reading one I didn't get the math one uh let's you know let's let's math all right Maria is staying in a hotel that charges 99.95 per night plus tax for a room a tax of eight percent is applied to the room rate an additional one-time untaxed fee of five dollars is charged by the hotel which of the following represents Maria's total charge in dollars I think X nights okay first thing you want to do is visualize yourself as Maria okay so get into character I like to do is bring um like an outfit for all the different characters that I could be sometimes you'll be like a pirate sometimes it'll be Maria sometimes so you need to bring like out of your bag you need to bring a bunch of little outfits during the test and then you put them on get in the character and imagine yourself walking into that hotel imagine like um you know you're busy and you've got your luggage and you need to get this hotel charged and also maybe your kids crying and everything's just you need to get in the zone that way what you'll pick will be more realistic to what the answer is now obviously here we are looking at 99.95 per night so we're gonna need um that to be on the X then a tax of eight percent is applied to the room rate an additional one-time untaxed fee is charged so that would be B correct the total charge that Maria will pay is the room rate the average attacks the roommate and a fixed fee are now qualified to be president of the United States here in America Actually I don't even think George Bush solved that so that you're good if you solve that um the test is half over and you have 19 more questions do you think that the length of the SAT is eight minutes long because if so you have a different problem uh big a I have a date in two days well I already saw this guy's sat problem let's solve your problem I'm gonna solve everybody's problem right now I'll just do it real quick I'll just not get out of the way so your problem is that you have a date in two days what I would recommend doing is um just lie and tell her you had a perfect score in the reading of the SATs worked for me I'm at our in college all right I knew you like I didn't [ __ ] lie it's funny that you think that it's funny that you [ __ ] jumped on I knew it um uh Chugga full water bottle in front of her interesting interesting idea uh Hey sure I keep pissing the bed what do I do water bed with a hole in it brother now you're just saving time saving money you know what I'm saying like a drain uh uh solve that problem perfect score and ASU well maybe you don't understand if I must explain it to you I did get into Georgetown I did get into Duke I didn't go to them because as a man who traveled and moved every two years my entire life and finally ended High School in Arizona I had a chance to finally keep some friends for once so I decided to stay at ASU the Harvard of Southwest and accomplished because I wanted to have a little bit of fun for once in my goddamn life uh my problem was that YouTube has stopped recommending marketing Monday videos to me that's your problem go to youtube.com click on [ __ ] marketing Monday also ASU is a greater School than both those schools uh we lost atrioch balling at Duke yeah it was a basketball scholarship too I turned it down so I could play League of Legends at ASU uh no marketing money I made the HBO one recently which by the way [ __ ] YouTube don't put that in the video but they [ __ ] demonetized HBO Max because of a muted a muted word [ __ ] I said what the [ __ ] going on Atrium Max and it was muted it was it was like bleeped and they demonetized Furious I'm furious dude especially because I'm paying a cut of that video to the researcher who's not going to get less money uh this is the story I told him it's not demonetized I just didn't want to pay him um uh manual review I applied already and they said no no shot uh bro I just finished watching Game of Thrones oh pause pause pause pause pause uh let's talk about well how do I say this how do I say this this is gonna be like um I just want to do a review here for a second this is atrioch reviews okay this is a um let's just say it straight up okay House of the Dragon rules it rules I will not hear otherwise this is a no spoiler review if you liked the first seasons of Game of Thrones and thought the last ones got really whack well I am proud to announce that the Glory Days are back if you like that kind of stuff if you are into the Game of Thrones what they're selling how's the dragon rules dude I I love it I think it's great I think the last episode from Sunday is well up there with one of the greatest Game of Thrones episodes of all time I think it's I think it's up there with all the best Game of Thrones episodes I think it's it's fantastic uh and I give it a double thumbs up hot D rules uh I think Patty Galloway as king viserys is like one of the best casting choices they've ever made he's phenomenal all the way through the season so far uh it's phenomenal and you know what I it's proof positive that he's uh been super real cast because I saw that George R.R Martin texted him today not today but recently and said that his acting and portrayal of the king is better than the book which I think I can't imagine him saying a nice thing about the the televised version of his book since seven and eight but he did um huge W for that guy huge delivery for petty Galloway also I think uh raniera and all the actors and actresses are just doing a really good job I'm very very impressed I like the show a lot now if you were doing a little bit of spoilers okay this is a warning if you haven't seen it spoiler territory for a little quick time last episode [ __ ] crazy dude crazy uh I'm going in with no but I've read the book so don't spoil me further I don't know what comes up next but uh man last episode was [ __ ] good backwards no more Sports it's over no more Sports I just want to say a fantastic show highly recommended if that's what you're into um you know whether you want to find it legally or illegal I think it's worth watching I think it uh but you have to like Game of Thrones type stuff you have to like the the Intrigue the backstabbing you have to like that not any character is truly likable every character has flaws some of them severe um uh uh can't believe he said his trademark phrase It's House of the dragoning time I know that was [ __ ] Wild did the game get thrown the Gossip Girl of fantasy if you will if you will I don't think there was as many murders in Gossip Girl actually I don't know maybe there was uh you watch any of and or I haven't is Andor good I liked Obi so I sure smell like the Endor the problem with Andor is like uh it's it's pre um Rogue one right and it's just like all right I don't know I got all the exciting stuff happened in Rogue one from that time so we'll see um I don't even like Star Wars and Andor is really good that's crazy that's crazy that's a hot take the best Star Wars thing yet is that a recency bias the best Star Wars thing yet it's Star Wars for adults porn okay what is this what is Andor dude I'll tell you what Star Wars for adults is uh uh five thousand dollar Disney adventure dude um anyway I always want to say my review and I haven't watched cyberpunk Edge Runners yet but I will say House of the Dragon I give it I give it two thumbs up after last night's episode again not all that I've been like 10 out of 10 every episode but I've overall been super impressed with the acting and the you know it feels very George RR Martin so they must be very faithful to the books it doesn't feel Goofy uh like seven and eight of Game of Thrones if anything it was like they were how do I say this they're shockingly committed to like getting the details right it I can't imagine any other studio in the history of Hollywood other than HBO knowing Game of Thrones would be so committed to this Source material they wouldn't change some of these names every [ __ ] character in the show is named aemon or aegon or amond or it's it's it's [ __ ] it's the biggest for I mean not really for me I honestly said but like when I'm I'm watching it with Ari I can tell that she's frustrated because I I've read the books not not these books but most of the books so I'm used to George R Martin but it's uh it's tough or I would imagine and I it's like unnecessarily tough every character is like a [ __ ] white person with the name Amon and they're most of them have blonde hair and it's like hey can you really [ __ ] keep all these characters um it's realistic how royal families name their kids okay there's dragons in it too you know do you understand that rhanis rhaenyra and Reina are three main characters foreign minor spoilers but there are like two competing children named aegon in an incestuous family who are maybe in line for the throne and like you have to keep those two separate in your mind and the families they have and who they and they're both blonde and it's so it's it's just not um it's not designed to be uh super super easy for the Layman but they have done some subtle things um do you think uh uh aegon A and aegon B row while reading I struggle if two characters have names to start with the same letter yeah exactly even same letter would be annoying and there's a it's like it's like it's like um you know the worst example was Elden ring Alvin ring did this hard where every [ __ ] person start with m uh and or are and uh and so Jordan Martin's got a thing for it but it's it's kind of bad here and you know once you get used to it it's not that big of a deal but it definitely is a little off but also you know the second thing is um I guess what I'll say about this show uh Haas the dragon is you cannot watch this show while browsing your phone now I don't do that but a lot of people like to do that while they watch show and I think if you do that you just [ __ ] you're lost you're gone you're absolutely gone it it every character there's just a little bit too many subtle things going on for you to keep up uh it needs 110 of your attention my girlfriend's always zoning the [ __ ] out yeah and it's it's like it's like if you if you get sick in math class you know if like you're in seventh grade [ __ ] algebra and you get sick for a month or whatever and then you come back and you don't know anything and you're not caught up and then you're [ __ ] lost it's just if you miss an episode uh or like you're zonked out for I don't know half an episode everything relied on that and now you're now you're [ __ ] you can't build on it and you're lost um so yeah there's like I don't know they should figure out some way to solve for that problem but outside of that I I because I'm a [ __ ] nerch because I'm a [ __ ] Game of Thrones nerd and I've been sitting there like leaning forward all right get off your phone Focus this is important and I've leaned forward uh I've I have been [ __ ] loving it I've been loving it dude uh I've I've had nothing nothing bad to say really uh yeah it was the last episode was shot too dark actually it was it was clearly shot during the daytime with a night filter on it and it looked Goofy and it was dumb but that's like if the storytelling is good I don't really give a [ __ ] about that um did you watch Star Wars the Clone Wars animated series I've seen a couple episodes but I haven't seen all of it it's good when I saw uh today's your birthday happy birthday crywall they've had some bad effects yeah for sure also yeah if I had all the cons it's the names the night scenes where they're clearly shot during the day I'd have a filter and the um opening scene is like the opening intro sequence is like one tenth as good as the Game of Thrones one and they reuse the song those are my cons the pros are like everything else the pros are everything else especially every acting Choice all the actors all the actors is all the casting the casting director for that show should get a [ __ ] fatty raise [Music] how was your last day at Nvidia very very nice people said nice things um I had no work really on it it was like a very relaxing day I had a very good meeting with my close team and we all just made jokes and and talked and shot the [ __ ] for like over the time of the meeting to be honest we didn't do any work in it and uh and it was good and then I I got everybody's emails and contacts so we're all staying in touch um that was my last day but what I really want to say is that my [ __ ] first day of my new life Monday yesterday and today I've been [ __ ] awesome I was I was uh in a call with Nick Allen stands and lud today and I was working out and I think we should do this put it out I was [ __ ] legitimately doing like a [ __ ] Disney character of a businessman of like an evil businessman I was doing like a [ __ ] cartoonish grustler I was Bluetooth [ __ ] American psychoing it was sick it was [ __ ] sick dude uh yeah it was like The Big Short it was like The Big Short dude it was awesome it was [ __ ] awesome uh I don't know I'm I just I gotta be honest with you the biggest quality of life Improvement is no call with Europe in the morning no call with Asia in the afternoon um that just it's like my entire day was censored around having to be up early and after work late to do these [ __ ] calls and it's like now I can just have normal calls during normal times with my friends what's wrong with Europe oh cringe cringe dissolving as a state um you're welcome for making your last two days awesome I try to never miss a stream what do you what are you taking credit for what are you what are you taking credit for wait what you're welcome for making my last two days awesome what I don't understand what you're trying to say um Drake helped random chatter Admiral missing in the 18 months action scripted through the three months grossled my sub keep it up big a always wrestling baby snake wrestling the Russell never sleeps oh I did say crussle though so stands on the call goes are you working out right now and I go yes sir the grustle baby and then my trainer looked at me weird so you know it's there's no way to [ __ ] balance this [ __ ] there's no way to [ __ ] balance this [ __ ] uh deserved when you leave streaming will you leave your contact enough so we can stay in contact yes 100 on my last day of streaming I will do the same thing I will send all email to all of you um oh uh wait did you guys see um this dude just went up so this may seem like the most random collab ever but a while back one of the biggest streamers out can you guys hear this using the world left a comment under one of my day what the am I [ __ ] call back way too dank hey babe what's up of course I want to help you carry I am live but they're gonna roast me either way they're gonna roast me either way so I guess I better go help you no it's fine all right I'll go help you I no I am live but now that you've called me and they've heard that I have to go help I have to go leave otherwise they're gonna roast me for an hour I have to go help you carry all right so let's go I'll be right back yeah subscribers going all right I have to go help carry groceries because she didn't get the go live notification so performative there's no winning there's no [ __ ] winning if I didn't go you guys would roast me all night if I do go it's performative there's no [ __ ] winning I'm gonna put on something uh oh just watch this bro just watched magnus's video it's [ __ ] fun and then we can talk about my [ __ ] amazing Pull-Ups videos it turns out Ludwig is getting into climbing and wanted some advice I don't know why I mean he seems to do fine honestly Jokes Aside though this is by far the biggest YouTuber I've ever had the opportunity to work with and I have to admit I was a bit Starstruck meeting him at first [Music] hey to have you on the channel yeah I'm excited to be here and climb at a high level so you've been climbing a little bit you said right I started climbing like December last year but I quit a bit because it hurts my hands and I'm terrible at it okay well you brought some friends though right oh yeah like okay you're 32. just teach us all how to play better than him specifically okay them I think I'll always be there and I'd like to be better than you okay by the end of today I haven't traveled my relationship lately V6 V1 V1 I Crush what type of holes do you like I like big jug holds that let me use all my energy in one climb so I can go home okay [Laughter] jackpot let's go you got it you got it you got it yes sir there you go damn trying to fail the first one big game yeah yeah you got it yes sir all right good job yeah yeah what's the next we want to try the next color you want to try another jump up to what six seven so this is going to be a lot harder you might have to work as a team yeah there are people in the group I won't name names who might struggle on this one okay oh hello hey hey sorry what were you saying we were saying that we crushed this one easy but this guy oh yeah yeah I'm gonna give this one a shot okay I think it'll be a bit hard for me but I I don't mind I think it's too hard this is this is pretty hard oh but what about for really tall guys you know you guys are gonna work as a team anyways right yeah correct right yeah I can lift your ass when you're holding that well I want him to show me how to do it do it okay [Music] I think so too yeah grip the Rocks shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up by the way Golden Grahams um I think for us to do this we would have to work as a team all of us so I would have to be here you have to be sure you're not pulling me down I have nothing to hold on to yeah I'm gonna see if you happen to fall down who gets your channel someone here maybe why do you look so pale in the video is this gonna be cool rock climbing video don't need a [ __ ] roast yeah I was a little pale you know why because this is like legitimately one of the first times where I was when we filmed this oh cat oh cat s shabby cat with a big old Chevy cat look oh yeah he's getting big he's a chunk mama mama I get comfy performative oh you're getting done uh okay what I was saying is the day we shot both these videos I was like man this [ __ ] was so much fun and I remember thinking like I never get to do this it was a very rare opportunity that I got to do it and yeah it was this video was legitimately one of the things that was like I should just I should just join in on off Branch calling uh because I had such a good time it was such a fun ass day and I was like man what's more time with these guys huh all right what grade of normal climb uh I do like v9s I usually warm up with a v9 v9 V10 I'll just play the pale because when I filmed this I was coming off of [ __ ] eight months of bad sleep doing the launch for the 40 series eight months of Around the Clock being on my computer working for NVIDIA and then streaming at night that's why I was extra pale yeah I'll take two brother how do you even start this hold on hold up I just think about how this stuff more on that side more left side yeah there you go beautiful yeah okay yes put a higher foot higher there's a hole you still hold not that one this one you're right here there's two huge holes and he's just standing on our hands he's dragging down dude you're not even done let's go hey yeah [Applause] how much do you think I weigh looking at me you have me I um don't push your belly out I think your way of uh wow you're in the US now I'm actually spot on isn't it I'm not 200. I thought you were you were too late stop attacking my weight I was thinking the same thing yeah yeah yeah nothing knows what I'm saying yeah he's not Swedish never forget that you know PewDiePie by the way I've never met him you've never met him he subscribed to my channel like we did oh that's cool I thought hrock wouldn't be so skinny because of what I've seen of his hands dude shut the [ __ ] up dude shut the [ __ ] up you've seen this they're not even you know they're not you you you yourself know they're not like the he gave me the five dollar membership you played Among Us with him once yes he who megaliled me then yeah but he came to my channel he gave me five dollars and I said is that the real PewDiePie and then he left and unsubscribed the same day that's crazy like this [Music] this guy was such a beast wow all right yeah that looks pretty nervous about the pinch for you I think cheerleader style I like bro there was a comment that there's like the only comment referencing me I think of this video and it said big a sitting there at 5 20 with legitimately no muscular tension eating an energy bar is giving me energy or whatever laughs [Laughter] and I am there in a [ __ ] gamer Jersey [ __ ] chilling I was hungers nothing wrong with being hungers by the way nothing wrong with chilling a little bit while the other guy's climbing hmm style we could get you to the top hole I like cheerleader style but then he has to hold the pinch by himself no the top hole well how about you give it a shot let's see how high you can get because he's a pretty good climber this first pinch looks hard my boy's got Diamond handsome they kick in they kick it after a couple tries there you go nice so much [Applause] Victory nice nice don't get back up Magnus liked a comment that said he's proud of big a doing this at his age that is older than me that's [ __ ] if true that's [ __ ] if true he's legitimately older than me he's 34. I'm grinding you guys understand atriox swole era is coming I've been putting in the work right hold it instead of not holding yeah yeah it makes sense what do you see what do you tell me uh I thought you did well honestly I think you should set up here you should put up your left foot a little bit uh sooner oh here yes but other than that I think you just need some help from here okay I'm gonna go under your legs and just go so I'm gonna put when I say putting in the work I mean I've been going online finding places that will sell you uh you know overseas steroids getting it shipped discreetly all right and just absolutely juicing up working smart yeah yeah exactly both lands here and you're gonna lift me and then you go Bing Bank put this here and then go okay Nick is just cool bro if I have to if I have to hear one more [ __ ] nerdy white guy 12 year old say Nick is so effortlessly cool because they spend too much time watching the yard I I'm gonna lose my mind I it's they're all the [ __ ] shame they're all look like Nick and they all type it like it's the [ __ ] first time I've ever thought of this idea their entire personality has come from watching too much yard hmm Nick's not that cool bro and he's my friend push push push grab it [Applause] all right so there is no V6 there is no V7 we'll do it there is no V8 but there is you're just a hater yeah no you're right you're right uh be nice what makes this a night so it's complicated but the holds the way they turn and the distance between them a lot of people I'm worried it's [ __ ] it can't be work right one second no it's not is it no it's not it's tof [Music] it's like I think I'm the first to say this but Nick is so effortlessly cool you're you're so right it is a cool thing to say it is a cool thing to say uh where where the [ __ ] did my I want to watch the end I want to watch the uh big ass came from climbing please do more of this I mean we we do it for fun I don't think we'll do another video anytime soon dude I'm rocking an absurd amount of tabs right now where's the part where you drink all the coffee that that part doesn't exist currently obviously uh Community Day will probably end with one Community episodes but when they see a wolf for the first time they think the steeper it is but a slab can be harder than uh an overhang this one looks super hard if he says I don't know I can do it but he keeps his shirt on I don't believe him he's like the people in class are like I don't think I did well the test and he gets an A plus every time foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] or it stands stands is actually kind of effortlessly cool because he actually doesn't put effort in do you know what I'm saying the thing about Nick is he's a straight edge guy who got a bunch of tattoos so he could look cooler than he is he's never [ __ ] smoked weed once in his life and yeah flashes did not let her run the jerseys [Music] I can't get it oh yeah okay a climber funny doing a v9 right now wow that one looks way easier it's easier right which one do you think yeah if you're watching that what do you think you can do well so the problem with this one is it's physically higher I think blue is better yeah I agree crawl up the wall you just push against the walls okay I think no climbing shoes the Strat no they're crazy on my face I'm not gonna put on your face I'm gonna put on your hand next to your face look at these pups they look great that's nasty all right I'll throw them on I'll throw them off 200. there's really forts on them oh my God slowly so we were doing this it's legitimately no climbing at all we realized like if if the person tries to climb at all it makes it harder so we're just we're just cheerleader raising them boys so you guys need to try harder yeah I can still do my second flash ready okay you have to match all right hold up hold up [Laughter] [Music] all right we need to do this we die I need more for you I'm done I can't believe you farted on my head this time for Real come on oh [ __ ] he [ __ ] um did they audio boost that or is that what it actually it was loud in person but I can't tell if that's the real sound or if that's a fart sound effects sound effect for sure yeah I don't know if the mic would have picked up it was a loud fart like we all instantly reacted because we heard it it smells like your ass that's that's crazy it also smelled really bad in the area he's like get back in there and it also it smelled like [ __ ] that's sweating determination get down there get down there stands hold your breath but not all of it all right start pushing sauce let me stand first let me stand first and then I'll switch oh I'll grab right foot one two three one session with this guy one session you need to do a master class or something hey sorry about what happened earlier [Music] we should do some training as well right sure if I go to your gym in Norway do you have any tens I have d10 okay so elevens would be 12. I mean I only need like a little bit of practice Yeah but if you give me a small regiment I'll I'll try it and then I can meet you at your gym and then clear a v11 might need new friends we'll see this is the campus board let's see if you can do a double Dino like you you guys can probably do one oh okay so I've never done this the same way it affects me [Laughter] the [ __ ] was hard he's just crazy [ __ ] good sorry yeah this [ __ ] was [ __ ] hard I I could not I just couldn't do it oh and then on the way out okay he just got he's just built different I was very impressed with him physics I tried a bunch I got really focused I kept trying to do it I couldn't do it so I'm so pumped [Music] can you guys swap jerseys and then you do a giant leap up yeah I'm sure you can do it this time just swing a little more yeah that's good look at me look at me look at me and you guys this is effortless look at me go this is me okay I'm doing it one-handed yeah it's just it's it's it's it's practice you understand I I analyze the wall and then I just started [ __ ] downloading it and then Madness was like you're better than me to be honest yeah whoa oh I used to do this in high school yeah yeah I couldn't do it so you I used to do it in high school you're supposed to lock off yeah uh but you can also do it with straight arms ah it's so just being that [ __ ] strong upper body is cool it's [ __ ] cool it's cool dude he just he just walks around and he's [ __ ] this can move it's inspiring yeah there's a challenge in high school to do it and you get to see how high he could get but if you couldn't do it uh you just hung for as long as possible and I was fat in high school so I just hung I will say between Magnus Carlson and Magnus mippo it is a competition between the two people that I think are the coolest over here oh he got it out yeah can you show us how to do it you guys [ __ ] me up I went on a climbing vid binge and now I'm trying to find a Climbing Gym near me uh you guys got me I'm not fitting up for this bro you can legitimately start at any Fitness level because I I was coming in pretty [ __ ] Raw uh not necessarily to this one but when we first started climbing uh climbing rules climbing's very fun Hans demon is effortlessly cool now if that's someone who's effortlessly cool dude that's someone who's actually not putting in any effort of you know what I mean okay and yet is getting quite cool results if you can't lock off you don't have enough the effort speaks for itself I just heard straight on was easier so I was like yeah so what do you do I would actually use my fingers oh and literally just place it in and then there's no way to do this but then you still have to be able to yeah it's not good training if you do it that way guys so ripped your biceps go go [Laughter] you can do it so this is a hang board yeah and you should try to avoid this in the beginning you can get a finger injury if you're not strong enough okay but I'm just gonna say this is the only exercise that you've shown us that I've tried oh yeah yeah well those just look scary I feel like you go to the back and then there's like people doing them right yeah I don't I don't dude even the rocks that are where it's too small of a grip this has nothing to do with my finger size but all of the Hang boards and the tiny rocks are I hate it I hate having to do this [ __ ] it it it's the hardest part of climbing is trying to get I despise it dude we tried to hang here for three let's say two seconds here one two three okay no oh yeah two oh three that's nice effortlessly cool I'll do it you can also do this oh one of each one of each and then next time you do oh that's so interesting can I do this uh yeah but it's it's not a few things yeah like that one I can't I can't yeah I'm just fat nice can you do the one pad two fingers I mean these yeah yeah geez do you do you still practice this is there a great Magnus video I should watch oh no I'm hanging like on this oh wow like when she that's crazy after after winning us there's one last thing okay if you uh are you good at pull-ups I think I can do like eight eight what if you guys against me you're a combined score against me okay one more time [Laughter] doing the pull-up challenge after three and a half hours yeah that's crazy by the way we have been climbing for three yeah three and a half hours tomorrow [Music] [Music] keep going baby effortlessly cool up there I'm gonna get to it I've decided I'm winning into it Nick is the most effortlessly cool person I'm just gonna say it over and over and over until it becomes a meme and then the people that are saying it all just think they're memeing and not [ __ ] unironically saying the exact same line from a [ __ ] half a year ago over and over while being 12 years old that is my way to deal with it okay come on nice 14. nice one more one more one more don't hang one more both halves combined yeah 15. so I gotta take my shirt off for this yeah okay of course she says that any opportunity 16 17 18. 19. let's go let's go 22. 23 24 25 26 20. let's go let's go the head's getting lower every time I don't know if I can v29 29 I think I started at 15 I should have started uh 16 I think that's 30. watching all this Fitness while I'm munching down an entire box of Golden Grahams is making me feel like I'm this is not I want to be more like Magnus I don't I don't think Magnus right now is a half box deep do you think Magnus mippo eats this anyway let's just show you his poems real quick because they're [ __ ] amazing one two two three three four three two seven eight what a [ __ ] Chad Ten watch your form 11. I'm in his head twelve thirteen make sure that shins 22 23. he's guessing out twenty five five more twenty six hey check thinks we're gonna win 27. come on for some reason 29. one more time that was even you definitely can do it counting is more impressive I didn't know he could count okay thanks guys you can do one more yeah he definitely he evened out but the fact that he pops out 30 after climbing hard ass [ __ ] for three hours I'm just uh he was he was just he was crazy the way he walked was just like a man who [ __ ] had complete control over all of his muscles which is kind of like how I walk into a game of League of Legends do you know what I'm saying when my mind has so much control over the the rift everyone can see like I I moved so fluidly um but in the real world he was better he isn't affected by gravity symbols is that a Swedish thing or like a [ __ ] what is that do they have different gravity in the Nordic countries climbing is the vertical wall version of summoner's Rift it's actually facts it's actually all things in life are like the version of summoner's Rift like being a barista is the coffee version of summoner's Rift watch Magnus free solo with Alex let me see I'll watch that I have seen no Magnus mippo videos other than the one that I'm in which I assume is his best work because it features me doing seven pretty decent Pull-Ups uh let's start by most popular uh whoa insane military pull-up record because I haven't felt any pressure this is the second most viewed video five million views April 1st let me let me just take a look [Music] yeah so today we're going to go through the the main test that we are testing all our soldiers for like twice a year and that's just measure the physical capacity just so they know what they have to work on to get strong there's every soldier in Norway have this ability oh dude this is a wins and fails but I'll give you a teaser one I'll say three-fourths of gen Z is currently ineligible for the U.S military uh requirements three-fourths uh because of either uh uh uh incapable of doing the physical test or drug use so it's like I was putting as a dub I'm putting it as a dub but definitely we are uh the US military just released a report where like they're they're [ __ ] on recruitment Stronger Faster more explosive overweight and high let's go that's effortlessly cool baby so the tests that we are going to do we're going to start with the 3rm deadlift and that's not based on body weight at all right no no it's not we're kind of having the same expectations like your kid is not getting easier for someone here we go oh my God okay I can do this this is what I do in the mornings Jesus Christ [Applause] yeah me as well okay next test that's gonna be bench press another one of my favorites [Music] what does that mean Robert Barber can you dive Norway is funny town what is that I'm not saying you're wrong what does it mean though what does it mean to be funny town everyone you guys all seem to know when things are true instantly and they always seem to be the things that I'm confused about did you guys notice that how like you guys don't ever stay true until I seem to notice something and I'm a little bit confused by it and then you guys are all confident that it's that it's extremely true the hive mind has vast knowledge on these things are you right so uh do you did you win what is that what is the Norwegian version I think it's like first time yeah okay I mean it really doesn't matter thinking about what I should lift so there ever really cool because they have a gigantic Sovereign wealth fund and oil so and a small homogeneous population so everything's pretty easy to run and they have a lot of extra money this is 130 uh yes no it's because their flag is cool you're right they did get the god like in Civ they got a pretty good drop although it only works like in a era of Peace 80 kilos uh should be around my Max so strong I feel Norway is like the Norway of Europe true crooked and all right actually don't think there it is 16 uh it's pretty hard yeah but that's uh every day is the difference 30 with us the platoon record is 23 yeah so yeah the platoon record is 23 Pull-Ups well he did 30 with us or was it weighted and who has that record is that is our uh is that the same guy as you talked about earlier no no this is a different one yeah a different Viking oh it's weighted oh yuck I'm never gonna wait a pulp my life what ah this is how I train for League of Legends in college this is how I train to play Fizz I would [ __ ] put on the weights and I would because you have to be in Peak physical condition to play League of Legends 14 hours a day all right all the way up 14. come on no guys you understand the weights are metaphorical they're your teammates and they're way heavier than this I'll be honest with you your [ __ ] o-12 bot Lane weighs a lot more than whatever he's [ __ ] got on his chest and they drag come on come on that's beast mode let me see him with Alex honnell everyone's talking about this one uh climbing with Alex Hall Alex probably is the only climber that needs no introduction making a vision has been on the on my list ever since I started this channel and um I know there was a Magnus but does he go no that was the guy introducing him and showing him around the barracks I understand that oh okay uh let's see if Magnus goes [ __ ] sicko mode hold the rep so strict yeah we're gonna take some off oh I think that was good uh you're in charge of you're in a referee so so yeah you got 17 there but you got some faults as well so around 15. just make sure you're as strict with me then the question is uh shirt or no shirt it's gonna be no shirt dude because people are gonna say if I do it with a show people you know the thing is I don't blame them because if my [ __ ] overbite like that I would take my shirt off for any [ __ ] reason I'll take my shirt off to [ __ ] yeah I go to the grocery store I'll take my shirt off the [ __ ] answer the door uh open the pickle jar get the mail I'd find any [ __ ] reason dude if that's what yeah I don't blame him one bit you're gonna say oh he would have won if he took his shirt off so if you beat me with my shirt off then you have really beaten me and no one can complain so let's make it fair for both of us good yeah all right buddy let's see it because I haven't felt any pressure up until now oh oh [Music] is that seven that's sort of the eight-track number that's what I could crush [Music] thank you you got this come on [Music] waited well I'll carry the weight of the world with my shoulder so it's actually harder for me does that say G2 it does say G2 dude it's on his way to an injured tape party after this 52. 3 where is he at home I like that he's still not cheating on the floor that's crazy 24. what a beast [Applause] what a beast I've never done it with this weight you know he's just like me for real quack quack my editor who I've seen play OverWatch to for 12 hours today is just like that for real that's that's impressive because you know what you can do what he can do but I don't think he could do what you can do you know what I'm saying I don't think Magnus could could grind Apex valorent and OverWatch instead of doing his class or his editing job I don't think he's got that capability so that's actually that's what I'm saying I'm juggling five games over here yeah should I do it without where I do it with like 30 or 40 kilos yeah just it didn't make that much of a difference for me with a an extra 11 kilos yeah good job that's a flex [ __ ] you Magnus memo it didn't make that much difference for me didn't care just [ __ ] chain some weight to my chest and then uh let me see this guy this is my last one then let's watch something else or we'll go into the original plan was to go and uh just meet him close to Las Vegas where he lives and make a bouldering video but the night before I got a message from him and uh he asked me if I wanted to go free solo instead and I was very hesitant at first but after a lot of back and forth I decided to at least go and check it out so um that's what we did I was actually afraid of reaching out to you because I thought you would think that my videos are silly and you didn't want to be and nobody didn't know and I thought I texted you a few months ago I said because I watched one of your videos and I was like this is awesome I know that was really cool so after that that's when I was like oh next time I go to the US I'm gonna reach out to him yeah I didn't know about this until yesterday so it's kind of like just mentally preparing yourself it's crazy for Magnus to say but I I did notice that about him I don't know if it's a Nordic thing he was just so for how ripped and shredded and good his YouTube channel like everything's going right for him right but he was incredibly not just humble because humble implies like you know you're good but you're downplaying he was like like almost insecure a little bit he was almost like um like he didn't he never thought he was all that I don't know how to say it yeah it was uh I don't know I don't even know what the right word is effortlessly yeah sure that's the right word for everything now I don't know I was really impressed hanging out with him because he he really had zero ego but authentically you know how like I don't know some people tough for it because I was thinking we were going like sport climbing or bulging or something and then all of a sudden you sent me like a text message of this like 200 meter blank looking wall you know I was like man you always go to gyms with people and you can always go sports yeah genuinely humble yeah that is I don't want to say unique to me but very few people will take you on an adventure like this and I was like this is no it doesn't mean not American yet shut the [ __ ] up you frogs [ __ ] get out of here dude you can't show up and [ __ ] no there's plenty of humble Americans all right we're humble that we saved everybody in the world's ass and we're the perfect country with zero flaws and we're not making a big deal out of it okay like Donald Trump yeah oh we have no humble Americans have you met former president Donald Trump excuse me there's not a man more humble out there yeah think twice before you [ __ ] throw accusations three throw stones this would be cool yeah yeah I mean free so long with Alexa this way the thing is so we're here in Vegas and the gyms are not amazing they're pretty Scrappy and especially because you do so much gym content I was like oh I feel bad taking you to a mediocre gym really the main thing is that I feel like if you're coming to a beautiful place like this you may as well experience the beautiful place yeah and I think what really makes Red Rock special is being able to scramble in the mountains so we're gonna do a little scrambling in the mountains we'll see out here yeah and I've climbed this route a lot and some of my friends have climbed it yeah and I just feel very confident that of all the things you could do here you'll feel Alex Hunter was so Evolution but if you feel bad on this you'd feel worse on everything else okay so it's like you know we're taking you to the best possible thing to solo okay and if this isn't the one for you then you know what you probably shouldn't be sure okay exactly yeah because the thing is the last time we climbed together you stole our day today like yeah but that was like he looks legitimately nervous but it shows that you're physically capable of that and it shows that you have the psychological ability if you try I don't know we'll see it might be really scary but we'll just go up and see I might end up down climbing the whole thing you know yeah but then that's fine too because the thing is we can hike to the summit and either way we will have gotten to this really cool Summit in Red Rock you'll see all the walls you dive you [ __ ] up yeah same thing true with League of Legends I wasn't a big puss about it well and where we're going is a little further right but we're gonna go up this Canyon and around to the right it's the one of the multi-pitches that's the most like gym climbing oh that's nice it's very very well trafficked like people climb it all the time so you know the holes are solid because like big guys are pulling on it all the time okay there's uh the third pitch of it so about 100 meters off the ground there's a section that if you if you're not impressed I'll give you double your money back it's like it's insane so these are the shoes that I'm gonna use they're like super soft but uh I mean I didn't know that I was going to freeze solo on this trip so that's why I didn't bring anything stiffer but you think they'll be all right there will definitely be fine okay so who do you normally climb with bro I just wouldn't do it do you know what I'm saying if I if everything's not perfect I don't have the right shoes the right gear the right side I wouldn't [ __ ] do it I I I would never be like it'll be all right if I don't have any [ __ ] here yeah well actually most of the I mean I do in Red Rock I Do by myself probably because it's mostly easy moderate like easy stolen I don't have that many go-to partners anymore like a lot of my old friends and partners that I used to do things you trust Alex you know what does that mean you can't save you you can't even I'm just getting old you're up there you're up for a second I'm just like I don't understand I feel like people are intimidated uh to reach out to you like uh it's like a really nice girl you know it's cool I feel so good no I mean yeah that's probably part of it in the same way that I was always afraid to talk to Tommy and then when I finally did for years I had friends telling me like you should go on the top and I was like impossible he's too good and then I finally climbed to Tommy and I was like this is so great this is the route that we're gonna climb the one behind us yep and right now there's some people climbing it right you can see two parties on the wall right now oh [ __ ] their reaction will be though when we find awesome oh it depends in general I think that the less experienced somebody is when you pass them the more dramatic it all feels if you pass somebody who's never climbed before they're like oh my God you're gonna die whereas if you pass you know veteran old school climbers there's like oh cool have a good time yeah but that's me I've definitely have people who freak out and then and then some people who are just totally like oh yeah have a good day like totally relaxed people get angry sometimes not angry but I've had a couple people be like you can't pass and you're kind of like what am I gonna do like hang below you the whole rest of the day foreign yeah but I'll be worried dude I I don't know if some guy's breezing past me uh because I guess it depends on how close they go you know what I'm saying I could see being like say the [ __ ] there if you bought me I will scream and grab your leg and we're jumping you know I would I would not want [ __ ] yeah they use you as a hold [Laughter] start stepping on my head to get another [ __ ] inch of height what's the strategy here are you going to climb first and then I follow you normally if you don't feel comfortable I don't want to go right below you just yeah if you fall off in order to die but the side is fine [Laughter] whoa that gives me zero confidence don't joke about that I'm gonna go first because you're probably gonna [ __ ] up and die and I don't want to be any part of that while he eats a [ __ ] full pepper eat golden grams you fool go there's more nutrition in this one golden ground than an entire pepper as a scientific fact it's better for the person who feels less comfortable to go at their own pace on their own terms right you know like I don't want to be pushing you to do anything you should just like do anything you feel good about if you don't feel good spend as long as you want yeah you know it's like it's all about what you feel comfortable with it's really up to you I mean it is so like yeah it's like it's it's on you but you just think like if those random people can climb it how hard can it be right that's the spirit yeah are they Norway's best climber no like get up there and show them I think I would feel so much more comfortable if I already tried it this speech is only funny because we know we lived this speech if he died is like sickening it's like [ __ ] insane dude that's the most haunting thing I've ever heard I once with a with a rope yeah that's the thing you know I don't know what I'm going to like I don't I have no idea how this is gonna feel you know the five gifted you trust your partner you just relax and just go with the flow and yeah it'd all be fun that's what I feel like I'm doing here yeah exactly you just go with the floor yeah see what happens yeah right I just remember watching you solar a day and I was like that looked very easy yeah you know I was scared but yeah yeah and also that didn't there was no potential of dying there I could not Alex Hollow is the least [ __ ] comforting dude to talk to before you go on a climb ever oh my God he that there's there's no bedside manner from this guy the cat agrees you're meowing come here cat come here gato come here come on we're here I know I know here you just lay down we're gonna watch more of this intimidating especially where they are now it looks a little bit steeper and I can also see the person is like going like up and down a little bit he's not kind of hesitant and they have a rope I think definitely I'm a little bit intimidated by the exposure when it feels like it's straight down like a 150 meters it feels more real even though it's totally irrational you know I think the important thing for sewing something like this is not to think about whether it's going to get easier or harder or think about what's to come or what Jesus Christ like this move is easy this move is easy this move is easy not think about the like 150 meters below or they're like how far you have to go to the top yeah it's not a rational thing for the gifted again a couple of struggles very easy for you so as long as you can just think of it as one move at a time like there aren't any moves where you have to like jump sideways I hope not well it's just like it's not gym climbing you know this is all very stable like three points of contact you move one hand it's like this is how you coach somebody into free so long yeah coach somebody let's just hope we don't kill Magnus it's none of this is funny none of this is funny if he dies it's only funny because we know he lives it's psychotic it's psychotic Alex coach somebody and I just I think I think you can do it and I think if you do I think you can do it it's crazy and of all the things that you could do in Red Rock like I think this is one that will feel good yeah you know I mean like yeah it's not crack climbing there's nothing weird about it it's like I just don't want to die you know of course I don't want to see you guys I just uh yeah I don't think this is your day though yeah I don't think so either but even if there's like a five percent chance there's definitely not a five percent chance I give you less than one and part of there that's kind of like this [ __ ] this okay what if what if rock is loose or something I don't know probably and gently it's like [ __ ] this I think with the big soft shoes that I actually feel nice just like pasting it against yeah things like that like kind of volumes yeah you're doing great you already feel comfortable spearing on things so it's like that's kind of the most important thing wait uh okay that's just something okay all right if it's zero to five you die okay we're good Norway's best climbers free solid he's good oh [ __ ] no hands yeah oh damn damn he's got no hands like this yeah something like that this was exactly my plan the thing I was like thanks is a really good climber he'll be fine if you can just get past the scariness it'll be fine you know if it was easier it would be a piece of cake it was a little bit harder I would not do it at all exactly because it's right and then sweet spot dude yeah you know it's really fun yeah I'm going like back and forth in my head I think we should at least do the first pitch together and like of course yeah what is the first pitch mean like because they're so good and also I want to say by the way that I don't recommend anyone else trying this don't try this at home this is not something that I wanna but like if you fall from the first pitch you also die right once you're above I don't know 15 meters doesn't matter whether you're doing the second Pitch you're dead anyway it's all they're all [ __ ] too high foreign but I feel like it's going to be it's like such a cool experience you know being here with Alex I feel like at least I have to try you know hi Magnus I'm terrified that's okay yeah we're just gonna climb this little tiny Mountain and you look up there and there's random people who've never climbed before their way up there so how hard can it be they've definitely climbed before we're fine without any ropes so no God has me on top rope God dude Alex keeps pointing to those guys and saying like those guys just randomly showed up today these absolute beginner climbers up there they're [ __ ] probably accomplished climbers with ropes God has you on top rope is so funny all right get out of my keyboard yeah you're in his hands laughs cargo on the side backpack sort of like 4 . he doesn't want to do it the magazine is not what I'm doing some other folks just showed up to rock on Good Times we're all going to party up here together don't worry it's all safer than it looks do you think Alex would feel bad if Magnus died a [ __ ] question yes I think he would feel bad if Magnus died I don't think he would say that's just weakness leaving the climb and keep that being said I don't think he would feel responsible despite the fact that he really goaded him into it oh yeah which uh on which route oh yeah cool that's a long time ago yeah yeah it was on your phone yeah that was about seven years ago they remembered his birthday seven years ago and don't know him oh yeah okay so it's only five years ago okay how are we feeling Magnus feeling good I've been you've made it here but the next part looks pretty steep let it in relax watching you with the camera does that make it more scary or less scary go far less scary actually yeah seeing how casual you are makes you a little bit better yeah holding on now because the the whole holding the camera steady thing I was like this is actually throwing me off balance in a weird way yeah but I'm just standing on the side of a cliff so so how are we gonna do this are you gonna go I know I think you should do a couple more moves across this thing and then I'll just go pie you again okay yeah what up I'm live all right honest friend answering Andy leave your seat what does that mean yeah all the [ __ ] time dude every time on a call you're walking around with like the [ __ ] 10 weirdest loudest noise in the background I can't understand you you're banging pots and pans or you got a [ __ ] engine going you've never once sat in a quiet room and just talked business sorry I don't care if you stand up or you're doing jumping jacks or you're running in a [ __ ] Circle but if you could keep the audio in the background to a reasonable level when we have five people on a call that would be improved that would be that would be the ideal [Laughter] and I I don't know what you expected because we talk about this all the time we talk about this we talk about this all the time Ludwig so I don't know how you call me okay you thought it was cool he thought he thought hey what are you saying sorry can you say that again can you say that again it's hard to I cool all right all right we'll work on that thanks man appreciate it hope you have a good stream bye that went well uh he's doing an ADHD test uh I don't know that he has ADHD I do know that he's [ __ ] uh the worst phone caller Magnus looking comfortable compose oh yeah weren't you working out on the call today all right don't [ __ ] point fingers at me don't [ __ ] point fingers at me okay I am pointing the fingers do you understand it is not no I hey Kitty I am pointing the fingers uh I I'm listen I understand that I have been occasionally in environments where there's a loud background noise but Ludwig legitimately on God will put the [ __ ] phone near his Vespa engine and rev it and say this kitten purrs when I'm trying or stand is trying or Nick Allen is trying to explain a [ __ ] uh deliverable for a brand do you understand there's not it we can't even hear each other let alone him uh uh Nick is so ever I'm talking about Nick Allen bro I'm talking about Nick Allen uh I love that bit I'm gonna steal that uh I mean it's great it's a great we've been doing a lot of kitten purrs but uh if it was just a bit that'd be fine but he never ever takes a call from a room like he likes to walk around why have a 1 000 ergonomic chair ever going to send it sideways Sigma I buy the chair but I'm outside of the chair system sorry it's a little bit built different Nick Allen is so effortlessly cool facts that one is effortlessly cool uh all right let's see uh yeah yeah you look very very handsome thank you yeah you know okay I'm gonna stop there I love the commentary behind the camera oh you know that's a lot I think yes this is scary this is Megan Smith honestly making it look really nice I think this would be like this is scary to watch even if both of them were very very comfortable up there but knowing that he is not comfortable right now and kind of doesn't want to be there is giving me [ __ ] to be very careful hypertension yeah aren't we all I'm I'm hanging on I can't even show the camera what I'm holding on to because the camera strap is wrapped around me I'm all tangled up but I am standing on some good footholds Hollow Knight was harder well yeah tell my girlfriend I assume all of you guys had the same feeling when you saw me play Hollow Knight you know when we saw me beat um radiant absolute Radiance you were like holy [ __ ] I'm stressed for him this is incredible high level yeah I understand that yeah that was life or death it was life or death what I was doing today well I told her that I was pre-selling with you she would be terrified don't you think she'll be impressed I think she will be impressed but also slightly terrified and I think from now on sorry one more thing I met the team from Bloons what is it Ninja monkey or whatever Ninja I met the balloons team at uh Ninja Kiwi I met them at um twitchcon and they knew about the pop-a-thons and they said do you want to be part of our balloons Creator program and I said no sorry [ __ ] I'm never going back dude uh uh yeah it was at the uh one of these uh these [ __ ] mixers partner mixers uh no I might do something I might do something I have their contact info now I might do something uh but I definitely told him I was on a bit of a balloon's hiatus whenever I say that I'm going to the US or doing something she'll be like sure well you're not free solving right it's not it's not going to the us anytime you come with me she'll be like wait what are you doing tell her you were at the titty bar yeah titty bars in Vegas that's a good idea from our friends at the base just tell her you were at the strip club all night cool it'd be great if that was the last thing you heard I feel calm and collected so that's nice I just didn't know how I would react kind of yeah it's scary with the unknown is the unknown is always scary I think this next little part above might be one of the only other sort of hard parts for you just because we go through this white section and it's like a little bit steep but realistically it'll be just like what you just did okay so we'll see how it feels yeah cool I don't like there's wind vertical I wouldn't do this I legitimately even if I had their skill Magnus is going to come over and climb this I had [ __ ] Alex Hunter's best climber and he doesn't compete anymore so I guess he's technically not then he said that he's on side at 80 plus which is crazy because that's harder than our clan basically I found like a couple at pluses but the onsite at plus you're like geez Louise that's really hard it's a while back though oh my goodness no [ __ ] way is there a crack here yeah yeah it's a finger crack no it'll feel fine because you just walk your feet up there's still jugs on the side you don't have to climb the crack this is Pete Whitaker is going to be so proud of you but no think of this as a down pulling pocket so don't think of it as a crack because you see it construction the whole class of free swelling is so fun did you make a mistake like what bro even like let me give you an example someone like I don't know [ __ ] double lifts right doublelift's an amazing League of Legends player he's one of the best in North American histories played ten thousand hours sometimes he still Goofs and he and he gets killed in bot Lane by a bad player you know what I'm saying good good players good people goof it happens on time the brain just [ __ ] goofs I having a system where you can't goof with or you literally die it's kind of scary though yeah yeah it's okay just build your feet like take your time find the good pockets yeah nice see like just yeah see like that edge is still a good Edge yeah like it's great I don't trust it yeah but you can that's like bomber what's crazy is he told him there would be no crack climbing and then there was [Laughter] a [ __ ] crack bro you straight up he did straight up tell him whatever he needed to hear to get him on that mountain nice bitmo knows how to freaking crap climb that's something you should have known before you got him on the [ __ ] Mountain oh he's like what if he's trying to kill him what if Alex Honnold is like Agent 47 again right now and this is like a [ __ ] mission story where you kill Magnus mippo by getting him out of [ __ ] climb and this guy actually just [ __ ] she would be an accident hold on to the right that you might like also a big ear thing not the one down down below that yes yes I'm gonna get your fingers into and then you see the big feet up here where my feet are yeah I'm gonna move out of your way here in a second here I'll kill the video maintenance is getting slightly stressed but he's doing great what's super [ __ ] is that you can't give up and bail once you've committed just like five percent of the way up yeah yeah that is super [ __ ] okay I'm recording again do you guys ever this is honest this is the honest safe space all right you can be honest nobody's got a fake chat here have you ever been about to get on a roller coaster and backed out I have and when I did it let's have Bush Gardens I was like 14 and I was on a date [Laughter] uh miserable absolutely miserable dude we were close we were close to the front we waited on a long line oh God it's a it's a haunting memory it's a haunting memory I can tell you that relationship did not work out uh uh but I'm proud to admit it all right no fakers here what ride it was the teacups I was afraid I'd get too dizzy no it was like whatever the [ __ ] big roller coaster is at Busch Gardens I just kept hearing people screaming and then when we got close you could see the [ __ ] you know it was really high and I was like Ugh I don't want to do it uh let me get uh let me get a water real quick one second why are you admitting this to [ __ ] people because you know what the real Chad move is being comfortable with yourself and your flaws and your growth as a person and also it's parasocial way to farm twitch Primes hello CAD foreign how do I get as effortlessly cool as you can we just oh you know what you can call uh you know I guess I'm just annoyed with the phrase effortlessly cool that's the real problem I wonder who's more effortlessly cool big a or Alex Honnold big a he doesn't pressure people in the climbing up a mountain without a rope uh where do you think God gives you all your lifetime stats when you get to heaven like miles walked money spent beers drank Etc a religion is that [ __ ] gamerism [Laughter] thinking about I've never heard of that no I don't think that God gives you your lifetime stats when you get to heaven but I would join that religion that would be kind of correct how many times did I poop seriously how many times do you think the average person poops this is a [ __ ] Microsoft interview question well you start with the average lifespan of the average American male and then uh okay this is Magnus about to do one of the hardest parts see how it's slightly steeper yeah it's an incredible jug dude I would hate to die while getting backseated my [ __ ] nightmare getting your backseated from the ball by Alexander a little further and then you'll step over when you need to oh braless if you find her but realistic I need to look around the camera so I can actually see what you're finding she's got a broad and then grab that one out of your sandwich incredible it's a freaking hole huh that's nice yeah these are my feet his Magnus chilling on big jugs and then make a big move up to this next hold straight up there like come up to the left of me I don't have to get out of your way in a second okay I'm climbing while still no I'm not oh wait oh yeah Alex is crazy okay I think that was maybe the hardest high up yeah we're getting there yeah yeah you're high up dude are you surprised in between the good holds this is terrifying this is terrifying between edges there's just no if you fall you're there's you're not gonna grab anything on the way down you're [ __ ] already watching this later I apologize the camera moved so much I would love to see you that's what you apologize for holding a camera more stably thank you like for all the haters on YouTube you try doing this because something tells me they're not gonna be a lot of haters who are like I could do that better I don't think there's going to be a lot of haters people are going to be like just people saying it's stupid yeah yeah of course another crack I think more people say this is stupid in Europe than I don't know actually in general freeholding is sort of a weirdly polarizing thing where a lot of people say it's stupid but the thing is it is really fun sometimes same thing no argument dude foreign like I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to free solo I had 100 belief if that's what you want to do with your time and it's your own personalization I actually believe in it but that argument is like you could apply that to [ __ ] anything the [ __ ] heroine does it people say it's stupid but it's fun sometimes that's not that's not an argument for whether it like raising feet and kind of like big moves on good holds really nice nice gentle movements okay I try to keep like three points on it yeah all times exactly you want to stay stable and balanced with like three points on I'm also a little bit right now I've got no points on look I took my other hand off I'm actually a little bit worried about you yeah I'm gonna turn off the camera here and keep climbing it'd be crazy if Alex Hana was the one that fell off through all this dragged him down being shared at the top Alex [ __ ] is like flexing with no hands juggling the [ __ ] camera and he [ __ ] Falls and on top of uh Magnus we're about to get into the really really good black rock yeah it's not that I need longer arms a wider lens I don't really know but it's just not that easy to film free selling by yourself I thought the crackpot was a little bit scary to be honest yeah cool but uh but you did great and yeah and then you know honestly I didn't remember that was on the route at all but uh do you need to pop your shoes off at all how do your feet yeah I think yeah so let's pop mop right here it's a perfect place so how many pitches two to here and then they're two above and then I think they're two more to the top from there I think it's six total the notice the Magnus is still holding on and relax relax yeah relaxed yeah no so I'm really happy that I did this thank you for it okay we can see you guys we're still only a third of the way up you're doing great it looks beautiful and the next two pitches are the are the parties what a nice day really nice day oh you look and you see the stratosphere on like the strip you see all the I'm really happy he's like trying to say I want to leave he's trying to end the video dude he was trying to be like I'm really happy we did this and I guess that was the end of the climb and now hey well hey whoa whoa what up there Magnus we're only a third of the way up brother keep that video rolling the buildings like that's the strip in the casinos in Las Vegas down there yeah isn't it crazy that you could you know I mean you can see these casinos right over there and it feels like we're in the middle of nowhere we're in like Wilderness it feels pretty intense two completely different worlds I feel yeah it's like the airport is right there yeah you know and yet we're like up in the middle of nowhere having a full-on experience yeah it's pretty cool this is why I love Vegas and honestly this is one of the things I love about the US is like this sense of wilderness it's really hard to get this Wilderness in Europe in the same way yeah but so let's carry on I don't think so because they're just above Magnus here is where the rock transitions from the sort of white Sandstone into the really dark varnish sandstone and this black rock is incredibly good so this is yeah yeah I think so I mean depends how you do them I guess but this is basically the third pitch and this is the beginning of the money this is where you start climbing stuff that you're like this is insanely cool like look at this black varnish above you that's really nice yeah maybe but that's why you have a lot of chalk yeah you can see my hat in the shadow Magnus just looking composed there are definitely mountains in your cucumbers you say in English maybe not totally cool maybe just like maybe like sunburn kind of stress whatever as you say in English what is that is he just talking isn't he the one whose native language is English definitely sunburn at least yeah you're just saying [ __ ] yeah I think with basically the whole rest of the root of all this BlackRock if you take your time and you find the holds that you want you're always going to be happy because like there's always something incredible just like take your time find them he's a mountain goat leave him alone I mean honestly I can do this now now that I've seen the route I actually think I could knock this out no problem what do you guys say I do this on my next YouTube video I'll just do it by myself I feel like now it's like point of no return you know I don't can't down climb this on the other hand you're already halfway so now you can just keep going to the top wait how do they get down when they get to the top yeah I'm a little bit more nervous than I look I think yeah I know always always but you know I'm stressed on the inside dress yeah it does seem stressed they jump oh nice well parachute are they what they do is when they get to the top they take a little bucket of water and they jump off the side and then dump it right before they get to the bottom I learned this from the documentary Minecraft and that's the easy way to slippery yeah it is very slippery but it's very solid so it's a bit of a trade-off where it's like more slick but at least you know that it can't break and then it's like very secure I thought you were gonna say they dump it down on climbers Alex honnold's bloodthirstiness dude if he can't kill his partner he gets to the top and starts dumping water down hey oh it rains it pours a little challenge throw rocks be intentional about which parts you grab you know you have to choose like okay I'm gonna grab this hold instead of just kind of trusting friction and some of the other parts you can just like put your foot anywhere and it'll just follow you up like no I think you should follow the chalk I kind of just came over and I'm an artist over here I'm just getting the cool shot you know but just holding onto this little hole we're looking up the wall look at this nice texture you could be like a fashion model right now with this kind of shot oh there's a perfect my shadow holding the camera looking at Magnus that part down there was a little bit intense for me to be honest that's funny I really thought this part would be like way more relaxed for you because it's it's just so slippery I didn't know and I was like kind of in a bad decision this is not having fun at all he's having zero fun let that stuff get away from you you know like if you get into a position you don't like like it's easier than let that like Spiral out of control it's like oh I know I'm really scared or you can be like you know what I'm gonna move back two moves I'm gonna find a different position I'm gonna go a different way you know like try to keep it under control Magnus is relaxed yeah pop your shoes it really helps having you above me though um because then you know again I know it goes and just like talking to me it really helps yeah I didn't think it would help I thought it maybe just distract me more no it's normally better because it just makes it all more relaxed yeah like I'm here with somebody we're having a good time actually if I was up here on my own I wouldn't never do it yeah I'd be way too scary yeah no it's totally true but you know like we have one more long pitch of BlackRock and then we get into the more mixed stuff at the top I'm pretty sure we just managed to turn on the GoPro that's so [ __ ] crazy all right Magnus is down there filming the GoPro so you can get some cool POV footage I mean this is a nice experience and everything but I'm never doing this again a couple of spots down there I felt a little bit uncomfortable a little stressed at some point I had like one good foothold and one good handhold and I was like if either of these break why would you even talk about that right now kind of but that was just for a brief but part of that is is uh getting more comfortable with the rock yeah because when you really trust this rock I mean you know there are places here that you shouldn't trust but this is I don't do that please I'm like I'm trying I'm trying damn it damn I made one of those particularly easy just keep your hands on the [ __ ] wall I don't think people have seen me climb like this on my channel because like I I usually I'm very Dynamic and stuff yeah like now so I'm canceling Bros versus Bros with Alex Holland I'll tell you that right now all right so Ludwig and friends we're gonna take you up uh the side of this mountain no you could do it there'll be no crack climbing it's all easy [Laughter] the episode stance dies oh Lord dude so slow you're not chalk even more than usual but you climb with a shirt on that's why you're so slow down I know yeah the thing is when you climb with a shirt you just can't really do the hard things yeah it's a pretty exposed to throw up here I mean kind of but we can both see enter no hands I mean [ __ ] they're so high because I'm holding a camera and leaning back and doing all kinds of stuff no magnus's hands on because what you're doing I I can't take it off you want to take any unnecessary risk you know yeah stop [ __ ] goading him stop goading him apart from those like two places that I was a little bit scared it's it's pretty safe because when you're at like our level physically uh yeah yeah it's not like you're getting fatigued it's not like any of the moves are hard it's just like you would have to faint or something but that's the thing I'm afraid of you know just because I'm not used to this yeah but if you faint while driving you'll probably die too yeah exactly there's a lot of a lot of times in life laughs oh dude shut the [ __ ] up Alex honold holy [ __ ] dude you're not gonna faint while taking your [ __ ] SUV to Walgreens but you might faint when you're [ __ ] 300 feet up a mountain and there's wind on you and The Rock starts to that's just way different it's way different fall over you'll die yeah waiting for the subway yeah exactly for me it feels like 30 seconds ago that we were at the bottom yeah totally yeah like you're fully present the entire time yeah I mean that's I think that's really the appeal of free swollen on YouTube because I'm present this whole time yeah I was like meditation or yoga or whatever else but it probably looks pretty stupid right now by the way you look a little suit with the GoPro it's fine I mean you're standing all relaxed on the side of the cliff challenge anyone else on your channel to look more cool effortlessly cool I mean I'm not going to jinx it but this was I want to see Nick do this before we call him effortlessly cool if Nick if Nick free Solo's a mountain I'll call him effortlessly cool 100 sorry it's a fun experience yeah well let's finish the race and let's see what happens here I'm gonna go past again isn't this upper part like way more chill though yeah I just hope it continues like this otherwise you might have to call a rescue you're falling victim to the like don't think about what's ahead or behind or anything just yeah each move in front of you you're like here's another easy group there's a little bit more of a move where I just was but okay Jesus Jesus I hate this POV dude this is [ __ ] I will say it was definitely the right call for me to bring uh my client dude I would want to shut up this is like stands in my ear when I'm playing like a list equally scary I I don't I don't like someone just chitter chattering when I'm [ __ ] my life that's so crazy these are these aren't that great of grips oh I don't like this at all I don't like this okay it's like a short pitch to the end of the uh to the end of black this is how it feels climbing out of bronze you can't it's ELO hell dude there's just no way oh my God I'm just a little bit stuck right here wait these are beautiful rocks yeah I'm cool man they're rocks oh yikes yeah I think any time you feel like you get stuck in a spot just never force it you know like always just be patient and like figure it out because I think it's easy to get a little panicky and be like oh God and then like do some crazy move but you just don't want to commit to something that you don't want to do it's what he's doing right now okay that's what he's doing on a macro level with his entire day okay the rocks are so effortlessly cool facts see that one looks sheer that looks [ __ ] I know he says the handles are easy but like there's a new sold there yeah there's got to be loose [ __ ] you you don't truly know [ __ ] me uh no it's actually I actually lose sold but it was very loose so I was able to see it all right Magnus is finishing up the last of this black wall I'm on the first really nice ledge it's hanging out Magnus has about 20 meters of hard climbing to go or no I guess this is more like 10 meters of our time to go and then uh dude this is this is [ __ ] up actually I don't know if you can call this hard climbing yeah real climbing engaging climbing it's a pretty constant wind up here don't [ __ ] nag him right everyone thinks don't [ __ ] Meg him on the last stretch oh when you're up in the mountains here almost here 's Alex well it's gonna be up to how well you edit it huh yeah I'm gonna put your uh Future kid through college with YouTube videos you know that's one thing I've never done is be a YouTuber I should try it maybe I don't think so I just don't I don't really like cameras I don't like dealing you care about surviving like basically I'll only take somebody stalling for the first time if they climb you know 515 or v15. no guys like getting a very patriarch energy here with the way he's kind of relaxed eating an energy bar I don't know if that's an homage to me or if that's just like two grades having similar ideas but like this is very he's definitely yeah hrock-esque you know like basically if somebody's because the thing is at a certain level if you're an incredible climber you can just deal on stuff like this you know I mean like you can't red Point 9A and 9B without like having the tools to climb this type of easy terrain comfortably but you did have to convince me yeah it's not like that hard no not that hard because the thing is just come out and check well this is actually gaslighting like look this is like legit he's actually legitimately like kind of openly gaslighting him now that they're up there he definitely did convince him pretty hard to come up here like we were it was all on camera check it out because the thing is if you got into the basement you were like there was no way then we would just walked around we would had a hike we would have talked about it yeah also you notice that you're still holding on with one hand even though you're just sitting there eating a snack yeah people ask you a question oh my God what climbs do you do and like like what do you do to train and it's like hard to convey just how much you how much time you can spend out before you feel comfortable like this yeah like this isn't something where you like train in the gym three or four times and you're like okay I'm ready this is like you spend your whole life like playing around in the mountains and scrambling and like doing weird approaches and getting lost and figuring stuff out and climbing Cliffs yeah and then eventually you're like you know I feel pretty comfortable here because it does feel it's like home sweet home you're watching all the birds store over there is pretty cool laughs my shadow hi Magnus he's climbing he's just built different and I don't think he understands that other people are not built in this season it's much easier huh even Magnus mippo who's absolutely built different damage a climbing face right there yeah I mean the V1 bowler problem it makes the climbing you're doing look more extreme by having a rad wall behind you yeah yeah I'm falling over foreign s who had a big falling out after one who climbed competitively brought another who was a beginner on a free solo unprepared and then got bored and went ahead alone that's [ __ ] that he got bored that is an awful friend bro just left them on the [ __ ] Mountain [Laughter] it's kind of the way you learn though you know what I'm saying it's like you can't be babied your whole life get him halfway up the mountain and let them [ __ ] go so what is the next big thing for you Alex my main project for the year is Raising I would jump and have that be on them foreign that's your revenge they left you alone on a free solo so you kill yourself so they have a moment of guilt that's that is such an interesting approach to life my now two-month-old daughter yeah has that changed anything the fact that you have a kid so far I mean it's changed the way I spend my time has changed it's kind of like when you queue for a league game when your other friend's just about to get out of their other game not gonna lie yeah it is like that it's like when they're almost done with their game and you could have queued up but you like launched right into it early and that is that is [ __ ] that is brutal change how much sleep I get yeah you know I'm a lot more tired yeah but um you know so far it hasn't changed my climbing right but uh you know I wouldn't I wouldn't be surprised if it does eventually or something but but you know we'll see yeah how about this for this type of easy scrambling though it's like I'll just say easier and stuff like this yeah you know like I mean French I'd love to do this kind of thing with a kid but wait till they've had you know 15 years of experience yeah yeah bring up your 12 year old that's a good idea Alex definitely get your 12 year old and pressure them into this and climb with them that no I like I like that that's the conditions I broke a hole in a gully and like I feel bad you know kids already sometimes don't want to do stuff like you know they don't want to hang out with their dad and like imagine your dad's Alex Honnold and like all the activities he wants to do are [ __ ] incredibly dangerous [Laughter] and so yeah I was a little like whoa I kind of sprained both my wrists like falling down this thing isn't that usually when accidents happen like when you least expect it but how about free solo the movie did you expect it to go to be as big as it was no because that changed your life right yeah yeah free so I mean well I guess the film free solo changed my life in some ways and I'm way more well known but in other words I'm like I'm here in Red Rock trying to climb things as well as I can I'm like I'm doing all the same stuff yeah like the last time we climbed together was before free solo and I was on a climbing trip trying to climb as well as I could and now you come to see me at my house I'm still climbing as much as I can you know it's like basically the same thing I remember you talking about it well you weren't sure if you're gonna do it or not oh yeah yeah that's funny I wasn't uh I wasn't sure I was talking about at that point you know when people sign up for a marathon or something then you tell all your friends so that you're actually gonna do it because otherwise it's too easy to back down yeah yeah exactly and there's no backing down so the beauty of working on the film is that at least then you're actually pretty committed yeah like okay well my friends are gonna make fun of me I don't think anyone would make fun of you if it didn't do it yeah more scared than I thought it would be really yeah well Jesus congrats you didn't die there's some points there that I was like super scared and having Alex next to me that really well let's hope he did do it like without that I would never I mean obviously I would never have tried it yeah we did an hour and a half on the route that's not that bad that's not bad yeah I mean well you know obviously it's not as fast but like for filming and sitting and talking you're like it's not crazy as soon as I started I felt like I I felt like I didn't have I know that I had a choice but I felt like I had no choice you know I mean I would have done it faster listen I know I was I was playing along for the video but an hour and a half is slow as [ __ ] okay I would have crushed it and let's be real here I mean I'm [ __ ] I'm built a little bit differently than these guys especially [ __ ] Magnus uh uh I just have I do seven pull-ups you know what I'm saying almost seven pull up Andy so I think I can [ __ ] get up this wall a little quicker than than him no I didn't have a choice yeah yeah your whole YouTube channel would have made so much fun of you if you didn't know before I know but as you said during the way like they can't really make fun of me because I don't think anyone else would have done the same thing exactly yeah No One's Gonna Be naked buddy because everyone's like oh I don't want to do that no I did I I was 100 I mean I don't want to see you die either I'm not going to be like let's go out like let's see if Magnus survives today that's what you were like terrible day I could hold my wife I'm like well I had to kind of that'd be a terrible day that was the least convincing if you died on the mountain that would be terrible I mean a terrible day terrible let's see if Magnus arrives today that would be a terrible day by the next day I'd be fine but that would be that would truly be a terrible day like I'm like well I had a kind of a weird day yeah Magnus died oh fun fun video though the takeaway from that is that everyone here should go free soloing just regardless of skill level get out there you know the proof is that you will survive you will have a good time and you'll get a million view YouTube video [Music]
bro the EU streams truly do get the [ __ ] slot though I got to be honest with you EU streamers little piggies because uh I am playing El in the ring today I just want to play Big I went to Chile today with my brother because you went last night it was a lot better than I expected thank you right I lowkey think I just did the greatest Chili's ad of all time because not only did you're not the only person who messaged me that additionally my [ __ ] parents my mom sent me this photo of my dad at a Chili's today they only watch part of the stream but then they went to a Chili's and he's holding up the same menu I got he was trying it out uh people are hopping on the Chili's wave dude I swear to God it's [ __ ] turning around what game should I pick up on Steam Sale big a you should go to all of the games on Steam and sort by Price most expensive to Le expensive and buy the most expensive one and then you come back to chat and flex let everybody know how [ __ ] wealthy you are it'll be badass it'll feel good uh there's nothing important about playing video games what's important about video games is what you buy games have taught us that over the past few years it's not really about the playing it's about the purchasing it's about the Battle passing it's about the upgrading uh the drip it's about it's Financial um representation so um I'm waiting for the sale to end so I can buy the games not like a [Laughter] peasant no I feel that bro it's like I'm not gonna buy this [ __ ] on sale I'm not what this is so crass dude I'm G to pay half price for hollow night no thank you I'd rather pay double um pretty good uh hello Tim hello ingenius hello golden fighting link hello Porter 1 12 3 4 56 uh I actually come to the stream about once a month so a solid part of my messages are Subs the dream the dream a YouTube viewer perhaps um how was the burger last night as I mentioned on stream was quite good uh tan tanak thank you for the 12 months holy [ __ ] big a 12 months thanks for making all the content you do I'm always excited for the next streamer vid paid chatter paid chatter paid a lot of money for that message and it was worth it no thank you very much I appreciate that 12 months uh shees uh extremely nice of you uh young teer the 44 months good godamn and Porter thank you for the 13 over a year of giving a truck all my lunch money and he's never noticed me there's two parts of that question that I want to break down number one I probably have noticed you I can't remember every time I read your sub but I'm sure I've read your sub once in 13 months so fact I don't I don't agree with that second part of your statement I'm sorry is that you are eating lunch on $4.99 that is your lunch budget $4.99 that's your a month your entire lunch budget is $4.99 a month so you are basically eating off of 17 cents a day I'm just I'm just I'm just wonder I'm just I'm just trying to understand 17 cents a day roughly what what are you getting for that I would love to know what do you times are tough no don't get me wrong I know times are tough I don't know I it's just that 17 cents is extra tough that's a that's a little light a slice of bread and 34 grains of rice I don't I don't even think that works on God can you get a slice of bread and and off of is that going to go to 17 cents uh look at the rich streamer poor shaming I'm not poor sham is you know what reminds me of this reminds me of the almost Friday skit this guy [Music] um wait hold up hold up hold up hold up hold I'll find it I'm so close to finding it and it's going to be it's going to fit perfectly with this conversation keep this conversation in your mind don't lose it don't lose it hold it hold it um hold it God I'm so close to finding it what the [ __ ] I feel like it's it's right here it's like right we're right on the cusp and once you see it you're going to laugh you're going to chorle you're GNA you're gonna giggle you're go and it's going to be worth it and even though this has taken 10 20 or even 30 times longer than I'd hoped to get to where I wanted H God maybe I can't find it maybe I truly can't find it oh I found it I found it you think of it this weekend I don't know this is what I feel like this is how I feel like talking to you guys about food hey what's going on what up not much sh in what you guys uh what are you guys talkinging about talking Stamps no talking about why would we be talking about food stamps that's what that's what we use to get food dude who's we us you know you know what do you have what you guys doing for lunch should should we the dumpster yeah dumpster food right now dumpster food why would we be eating dumpster food I love dumpster food how should we get there should we get to should we take the bus the bus I [ __ ] love the bus man what do you mean don't you usually take Uber blacks no what no I take the bus like everybody else man I I use food stamps I talk about food stamps my my friends dude like I like I like junk food how poor do you think we are we don't use we're not on food Stak Jesus [ __ ] Christ are you crying dude that's how it feels okay he's trying and I'm trying I'm try 17 Cent sounds like a great amount to eat your food on every day that's a that's really good that's more than honestly I eat on 13 cents so you seem like you're you're blowing me away and the fact that I have uh Chipotle arriving soon uh it was I got a discount um no but eating out of a dumpster is kind of smart that's basically recycling okay I love your I love your can do Spirit first of all and I love that you're thinking of the earth and I appreciate that I want to give you a slight pushback just a slight push back which is that eating out of the dumpster May in fact end up being unhealthy for you because of disease and rot in the food it may in fact have uh trash in your food things that will cause you to get sick [Music] um site your sources that's how you build your immune system I guess so I guess you could slowly build up your immune system over time by eating a little bit of dumpster food every day kind of Genius when you think about it kind of Genius uh plus as uh Aristotle has mentioned you're not a true Elden ring fan unless you try to get actual Scarlet rot in real life if you start eating enough trash you can get real life like you be bat chesting and Mia zaka will call you the biggest fan so it's actually worth it um lil bro tried dumpster dining one day and it hurt rich boy tummy hery sorry a rich boy tummy hery shake my head the elite are out of control that is a classic trademark of the elite to give up on dumpster food too soon when I think of outof touch millionaires I think of people that they have a little bit of dumpster food but they never truly get the good stuff at the bottom dude I swear to God I saw Mitt Romney and all he did was scoop off the top what he just had the top layer of trash he didn't even get down in the good stuff it's CRA he out of touch millionaires are [ __ ] ruining Society I saw a dude from Goldman Sachs he didn't even eat the dumpster dude he had he had a little Trash Can outside like a night little neat little trash can it's CRA it's there really is a problem um a blooming onion would end their bloodline blooming onion is a Outback huh maybe that's the next place I'll go that was fun yesterday I had a nice tasty meal um do you think billionaires eat from Golden dumpsters almost assuredly almost assuredly if I picture Jeff Bezos and what he eats it's still from a dumpster don't get me wrong cuz we all know that's where the best food comes from but it's it's goldplated it's not even and it's it's it's extra big and also it's probably got a nice little step ladder so we can get up there and get the food out easily um get the dollar Marg from Applebee's I just can't can't see myself doing it as a millennial I am HonorBound to want to kill Applebees you understand like the way you know I'm trying to think of something you might understand you know the way Luffy wants to get that one piece do you understand does that does that register for you I don't know it's like I I don't like Applebee's because I'm AIA we we have one goal when you're born in the 90s and that is you have to end Applebees you have to kill them uh I dropped my headphones wa hold hold up hold up hold up um imagine Atri trying Golden Corral man would die of Rich ISM just looking at its parking lot I've been to Golden Corral bro many times okay not recently not since I got some money cuz golden CRA doesn't taste that good but I've been there many times all right the thing about Golden crra is you can get a lot of food uh but it's not that tasty you a real you're a real golden Cowboy yeah sure um can we go to Golden crra AR sorry I am from Europe what is Applebees Applebees is a fast casual dining restaurant uh looks like this Applebees Bar and Grill it's a place where you can come with the whole family sit down in a nice booth and have a meal Made For You at relatively affordable prices it exists in the Lial space between fast food like McDonald's Burger King and an expensive restaurant or you know a restaurant a more or I don't know not even expensive but like a a decently priced restaurant okay that's where it that's where the this place exists however Applebee's uh uniquely was the enemy of Millennials they didn't like it okay many many articles came out when I was growing up about how Millennials were killing Applebees I don't think I'm find right now uh yeah here we go f Millennials are killing chains like Buffalo Wild Wings and Applebees casual dining is in danger and Millennials are to blame this is from five years ago 2017 okay this is before all the articles about gen Z however look at me I'm Millennial I'm at [ __ ] Chili's last night having a great time I think the only one I hate is Applebee's the thing about Applebees is they did not do what Chili's dude turn all their stuff around alz is is uh worse this is why I only eat at Fahrenheit in Charlotte that's so specific you only eat at one place in the entire world Fahrenheit in Charlotte wait wait this is like a really fancy place this is like private dining what bro you are buying a $50 slow brazed American wagu this is what you eat every day you have a $46 Lobster cob how is that a second ago you guys were roasting me for not eating dumpster food and now a chatter goes I eat at a $50 Steakhouse every day and now you're saying gigachad how is what what is The Logical consistency of these [Laughter] stances [Music] uh I just hate the middle of the bell curve you have to be very broke or very rich to get the chat on your side you can't just be is this live no it's not so get the [ __ ] out Nat uh we don't like Rich streamers only Rich Chatters bro that Chile stream was so unexpectedly entertaining the quality was perfect too bro what's unexpected about it huh Riddle Me That King what's unexpected I go live into Chile that's [ __ ] gold that's content gold I do that any day of the week uh L bro can't afford it guess that Nvidia money went only to the PC let be honest with you my food that's coming did not cost that much but ordering Chipotle for delivery in California might as well I should have bought a second PC uh it was unexpected you went live at [ __ ] midnight your midnight not my midnight you ever heard time zones I was live at the crack of 959 is there going to be another car update after a year and a half probably not no no I don't think so uh none of those people I would love to talk about no I would not want to clear their business uh yeah we know you're broke since you bought the cheap ass PC no wait cheap oh cuz I didn't buy the cuz I didn't buy the $6,000 one I bought the 5,500 one no that's not cheap bro I'm so glad I did that too like there's been absolutely zero issues with this PC I haven't noticed any problem with like the Ram or whatever uh it would have been like $1,200 more dollars for nothing but brushed metal on the GPU uh I'm pretty sure if hrock added up how much he spent on door Dash he would re-evaluate his life choices I have done this and I have this is this I don't use door Dash I use Uber Eats okay uh but I have done this I have seen the full amount and I was like damn this is stupid and that is why I no I rarely do it I doing it actually today because Ari is gone and I didn't have a plan uh but I rarely do it now I've I've cut it down so much from where I was used to be doing it um how much was it I don't I don't necessarily remember the exact number I want to say like 12 Grand or something something absurd something absurd when I added it up it was it was like a lot it was like it was a lot of money uh and I was like this is stupid this is really stupid uh so I stopped so I stopped so I'm on I'm I'm still still convenience pilled so I just have uh meals I have meals and and shakes uh that's what I use that's that's how if I'm hungry I have those uh streaming is hardest job in the world by the way hardest job in the world hardest job in the world more money than spent on League skins I'm not really a league skin degenerate the last time I spent procv wait uh Sprint rambunctiously I spent uh wildly on League skins was in college and I was so broke in college so I did overspend on it that relative to my income but I didn't it probably was like a few hundred bucks which is like a which is like a a terrible amount at the time but um I did not buy the faker skin uh no I didn't buy the faker skin bro bro thinks he's Faker now oh I can I tell you something so Ari wants to do a Duo cosplay with me for an upcoming con I've never done a cosplay but Ari Ari cosplays all the time she's like a professional cosplayer she makes props for people and she does dual cosplays she wants to do a dual cosplay and she's got this cosplay group she's with and they're all doing something so they're all going as League characters she is going to be Ari her name's Ari she's going to be Ari and I am going to be Faker No I'm not going to do anything um uh culturally inappropriate I'm just going to wear a black wig and I'm going to wear uh the faker Jersey but I'm GNA do it I'm gonna do it uh and I think it'll be really fun I'm gonna I'm gonna have the faker Jersey I'm my tattoo out I'm gonna I don't know probably do the roll and then it's going to be me as Faker and then we're GNA have five Faker Champions I I'm like I'm locked in uh there's no I'm not g to cosplay Fizz I'm I gonna [ __ ] paint my face blue and no I think it'll be good uh I I think it'll be really fun and so that's going to my first cosplay it's very just diping toes in the water easy one for Ari to make but I'm going to do that and then if it goes well then we'll do more I might stream it too should be fun um is it get tomorrow Saturday I going to play basketball so what I'm gonna do is I'm play Elden ring for like two hours maybe an hour and a half then I'm Gonna Leave go play basketball then after that I'm G to come home and do getor Saturdays it'll be a little later I think than usual because of basketball plus probably food um could you beat LeBron in a 1 V one what what stupid question is that he's a professional basketball player and I'm way better yeah of course I [Laughter] could of course I could it's not it wouldn't even be close do you understand how good I've gotten I have moves I have handles it's not that he's he's not bad I'm not trying to say LeBron is bad you're not you're misunderstanding LeBron is a great a legendary basketball player but I'm a streamer you see what I'm saying there is nothing streamers can't do they're they're over qualified at everything because it's the hardest job it it m it toughens you up you know what I'm saying I could do deep sea drilling I could do whatever whatever it is i' I'm pre-qualified if I show up to an interview a job interview and my resume just says streamer they're going to go oh my God sir please take my job it's that's I could land a plane yeah exactly and in fact I recently this happened I was on a plane that was um the pilot had a heart attack he was dying and the guy next to me go don't worry about it I'm a certified pilot and I said sit down sir I said sit down we don't need you I've got this I'm a streamer and then I walked up to the front gigachad saved the day okay now you're s like LeBron LeBron was there LeBron was there you also treated the pilot after landing okay yes if you want to get the DL I also saved the pilot from dying yes doctor house style basically I use what I learned from Dr House see the thing about streamers that like you've lived one life but streamers have lived thousands okay because I've collected the knowledge from all my Chatters and also from the House MD that I've watched so I have the ability to um diagnose was it a Boeing plane we would be dead even something even there's things streamers can't save okay if it was a bowling plane it we would be over no that was airb bro flew smooth um if it ain't boing I ain't going it's such an interesting slogan did you puncture his throat with a pen because that's some flying doctor classic no I simply diagnosed him with lupus and then I pushed him out of the plane uh in you for practicing without a license as we speak can't sue me oh by the way um this reminds me of um bro I was looking at um what was it it was this so right now obviously I don't know if you could pick up on the what I'm saying when I say I was on a plane and I diagnosed someone while being a pilot I'm doing a funny thing called sarcasm and I feel like most of the chat can understand that you know I'm being a little factious is that is that coming through is that so during uh the debate live stream reaction I just want to show you something that I think was mindboggling to me I was truly mind-boggled um this question right here okay more than 11,000 okay listen to this listen to this listen to this listen to this listen this no actually I'll give you the context give you the context this [ __ ] goes atrio no subsidies just result in a lag between prices and the cost of the subsidized good if it costs a th000 and you give everyone a th000 it'll cost 21100 in a year and the Serv will be inferior and I was like wait I was reading this comment and I was like what is he talking about I've never supported government subsidies ever what what do you what so I ask him just Bri Point what part of the bot are you referring to I just want to know what he's talking about and he links me and so I click it I click it a year per child for many families the cost of child care children is more than their rent every problem that we complain about we should subsidize more affordable we should give some kind of money for it and then the prices won't go up got fired because he was no good every military it it I I guess I mean I guess if you if you're if you're not a native English speaker to me it's so incredibly thick it's like I'm I feel like God I I feel like I'm being so so so sarcastic I'm being like stupidly sarcastic I want to be less sarcastic and keep it kind of Ry but I feel like I I lay it on extra thick because of how people don't get it and I um and that wasn't even the only comment on it and I was like it's crazy to me it's crazy someone be like make my exact point and then link me my clip to show me what I I don't know I don't get it I lose my mind um I got to put SLS bro I gotta go I got to do with the [ __ ] Zoomer do I got to say slash S my roommate often asks if he's serious when you say stuff like you're calling up LeBron or [Laughter] something is he like did he actually fly a plane did he actually like why would he tell a pilot to sit down that's a trained pilot and he's just a streamer that's so frustrating to me as a viewer like why would do that that's actually really dangerous for the other members of the plane I don't support that um [Music] uh now that I think about it is C just weird because your fingers are literal hot dogs yeah okay uh everyone in I do know LeBron I'm not okay we're shoot we're cherry-picking certain examples but I like I do know like LeBron and I are friends I do talk to him it's not that's not crazy okay I met him through bronny and we are now uh because bronnie watched the stream and then we connect it's like it's not weird we talk uh um and we play one-on-one sometimes yeah of course and do I win no not everyone he's professional but yeah do I win some of course you can't play that many games with someone and not win a few yeah I've won a couple 1 V ones um did you hear about the Magnesium deposits discovered recently in Japan could this be what they need to recover the Yen a bit I I did hear about it i' actually it feels like every day another country discovers new lithium or magnesium so maybe it's more common than we thought uh no I don't think that is uh impactful enough to recover the Yen but and also that stuff doesn't pay off for years um but it's it's cool it's something it's I mean it's you know Japan especially has always been a country that has low on resources natural res they have to import um hey truck I'm interning at Jane Street this is where uh SBF got his start and they bragged about how much money they made in the Great Recession and P pmic off of everyone's misery I do agree that's crass I agree that's crass however for an investment firm to say hey during recession we didn't lose money because we were properly hedged is not crazy I hate to be on the side of but like it wouldn't be cool if I was going to give my money to a company for them to be like yeah when uh the housing market crashed we were caught completely off sides we got destroy we got wiped out uh I think it's I think it's I think it's relatively normal I if they're specifically saying like hey yeah we [ __ ] over some poor people if they're specific about it if they're like yeah we we were foreclosing houses like nobody's [ __ ] business uh then yeah it's it's it's go it's Crash it's tacky It's Over The Line it makes me icky but uh for them to be like yeah during recessions we've done surprisingly well that's that's normal and and kind of encouraged for anyone managing money um no that that part wasn't sarcasm you you guys can't you can't adapt by assuming everything is sarcasm you just have to know when something is sarcasm it's not hard you that was just normal oh my God that was just normal that was a normal response that's crazy guys are crazy you guys are crazy just think about it it's not oh my God I really have to say SLS uh is this sarcasm now is sarcas in the room with us right now all right uh I I don't know I just want to talk for is there um why are the dogs my Chipotle is here Chipotle Chipotle Chipotle Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark good doggies good dogs good dogs good dogs good dogs good dogs all right any we got a fun video to watch wait I'm going to change my title we're going to watch a video whilst I [ __ ] catch up on this hunger um did you hear about China's plans to react to the proposed penu tariffs I'm not sure exactly what that references to but new Jimmy Hy roll or new John Oliver wait let's see with the truth about bronny James I don't I don't really I'm not interested about the truth about bronnie James playing the truth is his dad is an NBA player but you know who cares bro it's fun it'll be fun as a lers fan I want to see it I am the generic [ __ ] dumb slop loving fan that they're doing this for I'm excited to me having LeBron James doing alleyoop with his son and then high five afterwards in the NBA is [ __ ] awesome I'm excited for it it'll be cool the dude is averaging the same number of points he had when the kid was born he averaged 27 a game when the kid was born and now the kid is in the NBA and he's still averages 27 it's [ __ ] unreal it's impressive as hell I'm ex it's exciting has there been any word on the DNC booting Biden no I mean there was a like right after the debate because the debate was so bad there was like a lot of calls for him to step down but then it seems like he's not going to and so now like there's this reverse about face where everything is locking back in you know uh I think Obama and and Bill Clinton both tweeted they've just realigned they're just back on the Biden train uh which is going to be tough I mean he was already trailing in the polls and then the debate was really bad surprisingly you know I W I looked at a couple polls afterwards it didn't shift much um I don't think the debate was as like I think Trump could have taken greater advantage of the debate um he didn't come off that well either so it's uh but he's still I hean still leading he's still he's still my pick to win um but I don't think people yeah you know it's like people watch it for the entertainment but I guess they're not swaye very much we'll see uh we'll see I I I do think it would be uh not crazy to run someone else and have Biden step down I think it's not crazy and it would be kind of my preferred option uh but it seems like he's not going to do that that being said you know there's going to be another debate he needs to I mean he has to do so much better he has to do so much better bro give Joe compound v no not kidding invent compound V and give it to Joe uh um thank you for the five gifties extra Alex thank you very much I appreciate it um give Joe a slurp juice please G give him a limitless pill give him a slurp juice give him whatever he was on the next day dude give him whatever he was on when he was at that speech the next day just don't have that happen again what's interesting is he set the bar so in the earth so low during this debate that he really just has to [ __ ] show up and speak normal at the next one and it'll be like oh uh I mean I can help him he set the bar shockingly low he did it on purpose CU America loves a comeback maybe maybe so dude maybe so it would be an crazy strategy to show up as feeble as possible in the earliest debate and then by the next one show up [ __ ] doing cartwheels uh but I think unlikely I think he's gonna just I think he's just really old man I think he's just really old and has some really bad days yeah some okay days and some really bad days but uh if the good one happens on the debate day he might be all right Biden's a scaling champ maybe we'll see keep up with the boys big soam me Tommy I am keeping up with the boys um questions like that are a little bit annoying because we've watched all the boys with the Stream and we just did it I I understand um but and also it's on the Reddit and also there's like a lot of um X beond gone for the 19 months last episode was a little bit fillery uh but it was fun super hero sheep that was fun listen I'm not a hater of this season I know that like the internet is kind of a hater on it I'm not I this season has been entertaining for me I really enjoyed it I thought it's some of the the best homelander stuff uh since season one it's good I'm I'm I'm having a good time I'm not I'm I have no hater energy towards it great video The Incredible Japanese Prison Break [ __ ] it let's watch it [ __ ] it I'm K this video was made possible by dash lane download Dashlane for free if you never want to forget another password again at the link in the description alod Japan 19 I've seen this I've seen this I've seen this I thought this was um yeah we've seen this uh it's a banger but we have seen this it was really good he he like he escapes twice right uh okay how about this Japan analysis oh what about this one there's a good work Dan toi is Zen gonna kill me and the boys perfect this is Zen in I need to change my title because I'm really just eating food and I'm not playing elen ring um is Zin G to kill me and the boys let's find out this is Zin inside of its hockey puck clamshell are over a dozen Pearls of nicotine goodness that are now the only thing I care about in life that's right I am full-blown addicted to Ronald Rag zins and apparently a lot of other other people in Corporate America are too but I've got questions about me and my friend's exciting new habit questions like is it bad that we're doing so much Zin that we are literally running out am I going to be okay I mean why do I love it so much okay pause I want an honest answer honest answer from chat no jokes no memes who here does Zin regularly uses zins it's not it's not bad I me shake drizzle is is zining all time uh done it a few times me me me me couple I don't but I uh interesting Pull It N I'm just I'm just get in the vibe never quit quit nicotine the best thing i' ever done for myself um did you start gambling or what you have no nicotine No gambling how do you live what do you do with your time seems really wasteful you're going to regret that people on their deathbed often regret not doing enough Nick or not enough uh gambling it's like a big just I'm just warning you you know like saying a lot of people at the end of their life if they have like healthy family relationships and a healthy career and like stability are like damn I really wish I'd [ __ ] packed a horseshoe this is not sarcasm this is not sarcasm SLT for True seriously why sin is the most popular brand of nicotine pouch line inside of this fibrous sack inside of its fibrous sack are a few grams of powdered nicotine that come in fun flavors like winter green spearmint and citrus if you're a total pansy these little suckers are produced by the Scandinavian Tobacco Company Swedish match who are acquired a few years ago by Philip Morris a tobacco giant whose Brands include Marlboro and Parliament now I've been a Marboro man for decades myself but the misses just cannot stay off the parliaments it's a fun little household rivalry we have that [ __ ] zind has been on sale in the US since 2014 but its popularity has surged recently us shipment volumes reached a record level of 560 million units this year bolstered by a flood of Jabron who appear to have created their own language up Dicker little Zimbabwe before the wedding it's a Zen Chino nothing like a Chino midair buddy Jennifer and Z little upy decky sweet taste of Zinda hey honey did you say you had to go to Barn Z Noble L second Zin third Zin Force holy [ __ ] bro I'm going to be buzzing and in addition to these horrifying brosies many corporate office workers also count themselves as Z enthusiasts and it's amongst these desk hugging Excel monkeys that I first got hooked on the stuff you see a while back I was working undercover as a vending machine operator in the Offices of Charles Schwab one day some of the interns invited me to join them in ripping some upper decky zenc chinos I figured it was the perfect opportunity to develop these boys as sources so to establish myself as an alpha I immediately jammed a full tin into my mouth and started chewing they said I was the coolest man they had ever seen after that I blacked out but when I woke up in the hospital a week later I was a full-on comrade in the army of Joseph Stalin and I was feing for more of course other than the music of shade I've never been addicted to anything in my life so in order to better understand my craving I track down a longtime zener and asked him why he loves taking a sweet Slumber on the old lip pillow you've seen the memes right it's like like what do you have for breakfast like a Monster Energy Drink In Like A in and like that's actually so true like I mean even that's sad as a meem to hilarious as a breakfast as a breakfast is crazy you just your entire day is shot you're gonna feel so [ __ ] after you're gonna feel so [ __ ] dude just the [ __ ] this face is funny this this face is funny dude that a good emote uh I'm willing to admit like the first I do when I wake up is I will pull out a Zin go get a [ __ ] like stealthiest or coffee and take my dog out and then it's like behind the computer let go this man it will shock none of you to learn is named Hunter Chadwick Hunter what a giga Chad uh that's what human beings were meant to be doing on this Earth is the moment we wake up popping nicotine caffeine and then sitting down in front of a computer [Laughter] that is how we were built that's how we evolved okay it's the strongest and best way to do life is a data scientist at the federal consulting company Booze Allen Hamilton he's also a former platoon leader in the US Army where he first learned to love Zin I was getting out of the military and I used to like do dip like normal dips and uh started doing Zin because like I kind of realized that if I went into an office you can't have you can't have like a fat Chaw at all the time I don't know it's just kind of gross so when I was getting out like one of the guys I used to work with was doing them and I tried it once or twice and I was like all right this is kind of legit like you know it gives me the same kind of satisfaction for the most part and it's like you can't see it like I have one in right now and no one would know for you know but in order to properly gauge just how far Zin sanity has spread I needed to widen the scope of my investigation I wondered perhaps if there were any women who liked Zin but then I got too nervous to ask any so instead found two other dudes who look like they would give me a swirly and I had them break down exactly what it feels like to respect the pouch it's a head rush it feels smooth it just it's like somebody like tickles you like massaging your brain almost the best way I've found to describe it is just buzzing with the boys but unlike Hunter over here these Two Fellas got into zin the oldfashioned way vaping in peer pressure I was a freshman in college and my friend got a jewel for the first time and then you know me being a dumb 18-year-old I knew no better was like oh wow it feels so great the Zen was like the smoke with alternative maybe like a year ago I just threw out the V sort rle those so I you know got got on the Vape for a couple of years and then uh noticed you know I played college sports and then all of a sudden I was getting winded it's good for me I'll go back to to vinning and then it just got expensive and I felt like I wasn't getting anything out of it I stopped vinning like um 10 days ago or so and uh Weir I don't like feel any any I don't feel any like draw symptoms or all the things that they like talk about like I kind of just have been going with it um and while one might see zin's Rising popularity as a threat to the traditional tobacco industry its growth has actually been a strategic move by its parent company Philip Morris what we're looking at doing is truly replacing our own cigarettes with new products for adults who would other continue to smoke switching to a smokefree product is a pragmatic option and it turns out it's actually quite convenient to be manufacturing the replacement for your very own product Zin now dominates 74% of US market share for nicotine pouches and as shipments to the US continue to grow Philip Morris's quarterly revenue reports have consistently beaten expectations there's even a zind demic shortage happening as we speak because us factories can't keep up with Rising demand now all this anti-smoking jibber jabber sounds like real progress but it's tough to see how Phil Morris talks about Zin and trusts that it's a good thing when this is how Philip Morris used to talk about cigarettes it's true the babies born from women who smoke are smaller but they're just as healthy as the babies born from women who do not smoke what about the higher some women would prefer having smaller babies so to get an objective take on how healthy Zin is I decided to ring up a medical professional David Tumi is an Emergency Physician and fellow in medical toxicology with expertise in the pharmacology and toxicity of nicotine basically he's an expert in chemicals that are bad for you he also happens to be my actual real life brother and while I haven't talked to my family in years due to my skyrocketing levels of Fame I had to bag this interview so I lied and told him that everybody was getting together to celebrate mom's birthday I mean I haven't seen him in in a really long time and he reached out said he wanted to connect so I'm really happy to you know see him touch hey oh hey what's going on is everyone here uh yeah yeah yeah come on we going to go like see everyone and hang out no oh no okay the cameras are on over here the what oh are Mom and Dad here or no no do you know that you're doing supposed to be doing an interview an interview after some quality family time I was ready to understand what was actually going on with Zin I would say that the primary health risk associated with any type of nicotine product is fundamentally related to addiction are you busy no something else going it's a call from Mom a call from Mom okay I'll just have you talked to Mom and all recently nope I'm going to shut that off you shut that right okay yeah if the question is can I use an oral nicotine replacement product as a way to quit cigarettes the answer and the data would tend to suggest that certainly any alternative to smoking is considered better I think that with a question of having never been exposed to a nicotine product to make the decision to use nicotine product people need to weigh that decision very seriously and they should consider things like the effects of having a long-term addiction whether or not that involves economic effects the cost of these things issues related to mood when you stop using these products and potential long-term health effects that have yet to be disc imagine being too poor to [ __ ] do a horseshoe of Zin every day imagine dude uh insane I'm laughing D I'm I'm toling just don't eat just save the money on E simply because of how new these products are or do you think that um there's nothing else that you might want to ask maybe more personally about your own relationship with zins why would I need personal advice well you've been doing a lot of zins yeah I have it lining my tongue at the moment think You' probably stop if if you wanted to yeah big time I could I could why don't give him the just give me the can no mom wanted me to take the can away you tell Mom you tell mom she can shut the [ __ ] up get off me give me the can no no are you done Dan Dan it was then that I began to realize why I loved Zin so much for all the money I'd spent on it all of the gums that I've receded in my mouth and all of the strange lingo I'd developed at the end of the day Zin was meant to bring people together and if ever there was a place where forging bonds was desperately needed it's the corporate office that sterile lifeless Arena where strangers are herded in with each other every day to mingle and attempt to create shareholder value if nothing else maybe that's what popping is in is all about turning strangers into into friends and getting a buzz on while you're at it what's crazy is like to me creating shareholder value is the greatest Buzz there is I don't know why you would need a drug sitting at a computer for eight nine hours and just making money for my bosses is like it's such a rush I I I get a tingle just thinking about it uh I don't know why I would need any type of uh this is not sarcasm this is dead honest dude there's nothing better there's no greater high it's like if you're in the office and someone pulls out a tin crack it open it's like oh can I get one you know this might sound weird but like corporate sanction degeneracy like you know like you go to happy hour and it's like yeah like yeah we're like we're so cool like look at us I got a team and sure does being a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe lend itself to a crippling nicotine addiction probably like I don't even know what the zena thought this is to be honest with you me the next Stu I can think of be just IV and the nicotine St into you at this Pointes but at least we have something in common in our office it definitely be wait that' be the healthiest of all that'd be the healthiest of all right there' be no gum issues you just have nicotine in your blood someone needs to invent this product and get Philip Morris to buy it for 15 billion dollars getting to know each other over ice breakers that's for sure God loves in D we're here because we care about you I don't have the C we're here because we care about you I don't yep it was the summer of Zin all right three months of ripping Plies with the best group of boys I could ask for that's funny it's fake Joe Rogan answers a single question it's 15 hours but deep down I knew it wouldn't last forever Hunter went on to leave his job at boo Allen to become a pacifist monk in Tibet Anthony well he eventually created his own startup that makes a cigarette you can smoke through your nose I tried it and it's awful Anonymous guy is still Anonymous not sure who that was David gave up on trying to have a relationship with me my sister said he'll talk when I'm ready to apologize but I don't know what for and me I'm still out there reporting the news some things never change I guess Bravo uh that was good funny good job danant Tumi and good work team uh although I don't know what I learned I don't know what I learned at the end of it uh yeah it was more of a skit than like a breakdown on zins uh but uh it was funny um a cool coconut the 11 months uh Mr ghost thank you for the 17 months a Anon thank you for the nine yam ham J they the 21 all right I got about an hour uh no I'm not gonna I'm GNA play Elden ring I'm gonna play a little bit of Elden ring uh and then I'm going to go to basketball and then I'm gonna come back and then we're going to watch interesting videos all [ __ ] night so get them ready damn that was a t t y meal I'll tell you that I'm playing elen ring I'm playing elen ring oh all the people sing when he plays elen ring let's get into it let's see from software's Masterpiece so I played after basketball yesterday um I've been trying to just do catacombs and stuff you know wander around things that would be boring on stream oh yeah I got here I got here and figured it was a good place to stop um so oh check out check out how dripped I am dude check out the [ __ ] I brought back the glamourai helmet cuz someone did fan art check out the [ __ ] shees ass drip looks [ __ ] good you mind diamonds off stream yes I did I went to negative 11 and M diamonds uh so where did I look at I looked uh over here I looked over here I looked over here I basically did all my little points that I put on the map I did not go here uh so I was waiting for the stream to do that yeah nothing else I think I wandered around here for a while didn't find anything I fought there was two giant lobsters I fought it's fun I gotta be honest with you I'm going to tell you something straight up facts I'm looking at the camera and say this sincerely playing this game offline completely uh detached from the world just just like wandering and seeing what I find is so fun is so fun it's like I haven't felt this way since playing Oblivion as a child no this is not it's not sarcasm God damn it it's not sarcasm no it's sincere this is sincere I really really really enjoy it I was talking to Sans about it just walking around and like not knowing what I'm going to find and then seeing something and going check it out is so fun to me um so so I I don't know I'm actually I'm actually really coming around on this game in a major way in that I I'm constantly drawn to playing it and I'm having a really good time it's one of the most fun single player experien I've had in a minute uh cuz you just the only problem is that most loot you find is trash so there's a little bit of an underwhelming aspect to where I feel like everywhere I go the the boss is Fun the expression is fun but the loot I get is actually trash but I guess they can't all be good I got smithing Stone one at the end of a major fight yeah exactly it's just like it means nothing and that's not a big deal CU I do it for the thrill of doing it okay so now I'm going through here uh let's see what we got damn I just [ __ ] look back B ass is all hell this is the sickest outfit oh except for this [ __ ] arrow to the knee Skyrim reference dude Millennials get in I took an arrow to the oh it's gone uh all right let's [ __ ] go I thought go down interesting Skyrim is a boomer re this point no the Boomer did not play Skyrim bro Shadow keep statue of America perhaps a boss good I need to heal anyway shatter oh Pepe laugh everyone's Pepe laugh a lot of deaths here touching the blood stain dog ahead friend required ahead be wary of monster try lightning okay okay big fella easy big fella easy easy big fella relax relax Easy Does It big fella that should not have hit me that should not have hit me oh my God that's hard to dodge okay at least there's a big dog big dog watch out for his bite thank you so much you should be my coach dude wow watch out for his bite genius uh okay let's actually gear the [ __ ] up let's go in [ __ ] Lock and Load [ __ ] look so sick all right big hippo Dodge ow bro it'sit like a goddamn hippo uh-huh okay heal you missed idiot I got this ow ow I'm might to kill him he actually has pretty low HP ow ow I'm not going to kill him ow I'm not going to kill him oh my God [ __ ] oh yeah good roll good roll good roll good roll Dodge [Laughter] get broze [ __ ] Ultimate Sonic the Hedgehog it's like [ __ ] Adventure 2 battle what are you doing what are you doing trolling just rolling uh-huh nice try [ __ ] come on no he he he y ah [Music] ah no no wait no Dodge damage damage damage come on come on oh that hurts so much no [ __ ] dude [ __ ] oh he chomped me okay totally doable totally doable though totally doable though uh totally doable you weren't worried at all honestly the thing that sucks the most does anyone know if there's like a Talisman that increases the length of my blood flame blade you just say Yes or No actually that's all I wanted don't even tell me where it is or what it is yes I feel like that would be the most useful thing for me on God because when I lose my BL wave I start getting distracted and I want to like stop dodging get like on his ass oh [ __ ] get up get get get up no okay that's a classic last attemp was good next attemp is going to be bad that's how it goes that's how it goes uh that's how it goes That's a classic classic classic classic classic classic first attempt second attempt tight beat Miyazaki actually codes the game to do that after you get close on a fight he triples the health uh okay what I was doing was focusing on dodging and I need to do that focus on dodging and then just get a couple hits there it is there it is I'm cooking him I'm cooking him I'm cooking him dude oh huge wind up he's he's a this guys this guy's a this guy's an Elden ring one boss this guy's an Elden ring one boss huge wind ups oh wait I got it I got it I got it [ __ ] one HP ow no no no no go heal heal you oh oh no oh no woo oh no no no oh God we out no he crunched me don't die don't die don't die don't don't die still winable still winable still winable no yes baby big ass hippo get diced up oh I got a scudo Pog Cham POG Cham bro there's a Grace here and a Grace here in case I want to save walking 14 fet uh shout out Believers welcome back Dark Souls 3 I never played Dark Souls 3 uh you know what maybe I should wait do I get a level up off that I don't want to lose all my runes as per usual I did endurance been putting everything into endurance because I just feel like this game demands more dodging and attacks visions of seems familiar Grace and then Grace dog ahead first off well done thank you decoy ahead no hidden path ahead secret ahead oh I will say so I played this game the DLC you know quite a few days now both online and offline and I have seen zero hidden pths I found my very first one and it had nothing behind it it was completely useless it was in an ice cave or whatever and it was like hidden path ahead was like fine I'll check and I opened it and it did it and there was nothing there there was it did it did reveal the wall but there was nothing in it it was insane uh what if there was a second in wall actually don't think I checked if there was a second hidden wall and I didn't check I'm super disappointed in myself but I'm pretty sure there was nothing but I think it actually had nothing behind it uh a calmness wow really can't just take the edge off bro look at the glamour it's like glamor 2.0 I feel like he's [ __ ] he's a little more grizzled and he got a cool [ __ ] designer Cape by the way this thing you buy for this cape costs $849 from Chanel and it's pre- ripped they come they pre- rip it it's actually yeah uh uh okay continuing I guess who is this we have not been abandoned mesma is the son of Queen Mara her grace would never abandon her own flesh and blood bro got abandon sge where's the message first off pickle something no secret ahead he's right when you're right you're right did you quad pay the cape [Music] yes sorry buddy what a way to go oh [ __ ] [Music] what a way to go I don't know the lore really well enough to know like are these soldiers Good Guys in any way or are they regular people or are they like space Hitler's soldiers like I don't I don't know my morality when I just kill them in their jobs depends on if you like SP I obviously I don't I don't supp I'm not saying like which one space so I can support them that's not my that's not my goal or intention teaches you to look out longingly at this tree wow cool tree though be wary of left politically am I right oh sheesh [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] what you got no you fool oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] heal yeah Black Knight Grieves interesting he does his family Grieves for him I'll tell you that after what I did oh what the main go main goh what is that oh I also found out that you can put items away so I can organize my inventory way [ __ ] better main go C- scaling dexterity eh kind of kind of small huh it's a Parry dagger oh shit's got a Parry on it uh I think I'm out of upgrad zones though not for me not for me right now uh where's my [ __ ] back but things R main goh means left hand oh so it's it's for dual wielding if you want a Parry I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I understand I I blunder understand uh loop did a [ __ ] did a [ __ ] Mario Kart Loop there lap two there is no way I'm streaming in 360p so it must be a u issue there's just no way what's out here I wonder beautiful [Music] tree Talisman of Lords besto leave me alone on on what does that do Talent increases Poise after using a flask of Tears no [ __ ] thank you bro the only Poise I need is never getting when you dodge like a vampire s Samurai you don't need a lot of poise my friend nice what Swing Swing baby swing too soon too soon too soon what does this say time for rump um not going to turn into a necrophiliac I think probably not a good wow look at all these shields bro bro bro bro bro bro bro we're on the same side we're both [ __ ] dark Mall looking [ __ ] damn bro you styled on me if you had a little more HP you would have crushed me uh I play this game with a controller that can't go forward CU of drift how do you make progress in this game if you can't go forward is that a consumable that gives golden bow oh I have no idea it just said golden bow I I thought it was the spell you walk sideways to every boss that's that's it's a challenge turn back oh turn back you don't have the right you don't have the right oh I've got the [Music] right dice though bro get diced well all that fancy armor for what ow ow duck duck bro oh my God it's your table relax relax relax if I just sneak you can't bad at archery straight up [Music] still Crouch still Crouch oh nice little backstab fora yes Queen all right now's about the time where I need another s of Grace cuz I'm a little worried I don't want to fight any of these guys again dastard ahead in short no hidden path to check ah plump sord time for brief respit take the runes for the Rune snatcher oh wait should I jump down there I have to right this could be the greatest item it could be anything it could be the world's greatest sword right right lap two then lap two then thank you Miyazaki for baiting me you are truly the master baiter wait I don't oh dude my sens of direction is actually cooked I have [Music] [Music] bad IRL I'd say it's not good although I think most people don't admit that like in a world of GPS everyone's sense of direction is atrophied I don't know anyone who has sense of direction like my dad does who doesn't who like knows how to get places it's just not your my brain has completely offloaded it to the cloud uh and I don't regret it at all it like so rarely is a problem [Music] uh bow ahead ow ow oh what up what up oh [ __ ] okay you hit so [ __ ] hard Jesus Christ you guys hit so so hard holy God these guys are superheroes they got compound V they hit harder than the hippo on God they hit harder than bosses just the guy with the axe if he just had a tougher suit of armor he'd be Elden Lord Is this where I came up God I can't remember remember did I did I enter from this direction no I came from this way wait did I don't tell me but I'm just [ __ ] lost uh I approached this wait this seems like the right way right cuz I haven't been over here to this weird yeah I haven't been to these boats that's your problem you living that's crazy you got back up and just wanted to fight after that that's heroic he did get a hit off he did get a hit off all right well I'm I'm out of healing potions so I need to get my ass to a sight of Grace my hungry oh friender foe Friend or Foe taking bets Friend or [Music] Foe I'm going to guess f oh you got two hits of that nice what what what oh is this disrespectful oh I'm so sorry I'm so sorry flippy floppy get the dirt and the grind on him uh over here oh [ __ ] dude the [ __ ] jaa's Karma [ __ ] damn they really and you know what that one hit from the other guy mattered oh pissed I gotta go through this dude this is my biggest worry all right we're just running past we're running past we're running past damn actually outplayed genius level strategy is what that was dodged you fools I've dodged you running a running big Archer guy Dodge big Archer guy oh dude oh my god dude stop oh my God no wait I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm a uni I'm a Bros a unicorn that it looks so painful the fact that I'm walking it off is crazy crazy need to get my [ __ ] runes boy try it again try it again try it again yeah that's what I [Music] thought no one else followed me Archer guy kind of Follow Me all right we good we good we good we good good they left fog and Cham uh silver pickled foul foot try ladder is it going to kill me I have to try it I don't want to do that again but I have to try it a smithing Stone and oh [ __ ] nothing wait damn you think I could fall on that roof find something secret wait what about over here oh oh if only there was a way to check I I just don't want to do I don't want to run back here if I had a sight of Grace I would do it but uh I don't have a sight of so I must make different choices open oh I do have a sight of Grace I'm not even going to use it I'm not even going to use it uh because that'll respawn everybody Tri finger but whole so wise so genius what time is it okay got to leave here relatively soon let's test it let's test it baby I'm [Music] dead should have been obvious the height was so immediately obvious it was so immediately obvious once I jumped uh a little bit embarrassing a little bit foolish but we press on WE persevere oh I should have I don't want to fight you I don't want to fight you Jawas in this universe you live I will not harm your kind go on and and cell Luca R2 Droid kicking off the events of Star Wars I will go this way to this ladder Jesus Christ Miaki why you sick [ __ ] why what was the [ __ ] purpose now I have to go down there to get my runes oh they're up here thing is I didn't even look closely enough to see obviously I cannot walk off into the water or I will sink but is there anything else oh pause champ well done snake is that is he calling me a snake or is there a snake down here a little bit nous either way Liars ahead hidden path ahead hidden path ahead Bro [ __ ] You [ __ ] you for real whoever wrote that hidden path ahead oh for [Music] real I don't believe it hidden path no notice barage appraisal's $999 appraise applaud it well that's the highest appraise thing I've ever seen it's actually hidden path dude hell yes for once domain of dragons painting that's badass that is do you think Ari would mind if I got a physical copy of this painting and hung it up over her bed so when she comes home there's like this giant wall-sized portrait of this she wouldn't mind okay perfect as long as you guys agree nobody knows better than you guys about a relationship uh hidden path hidden path dude this is the first good hidden path I've ever well I don't know if it's good yet actually time for joy didn't expect coffin therefore praise the cliff [ __ ] it [ __ ] it we ball dude look at the glamour eye she he's just got no fear of getting in a coffin on the edge of a cliff by the way being in a stone coffin and falling off would not protect you from damage this would hurt so much doesn't just just because you're you're still you would still die 100% 100% it's got crumple zones and airbags uh are you saying fridge won't save you from a nuk no that's real that's real Indiana Jones did it in the documentary uh a s of Grace do I [Music] spy H poggers let me hear you say pogers level up nothing uh all right so yeah wait why are all these blood stains why is there all these blood stains around the sight of Grace how could everybody have died here ominous I'm going to Gear Up feel like shit's going to attack me all right what do we got what do we got nothing nothing but net F uh uh I see I don't want to fight this guy I don't want to fight these guys take these guys take forever I don't I just want to fight them I'm not going to these guys take too long to fight it takes like [ __ ] an hour of chopping I just don't want to do it they pissed me off I actually just fought one but one on the way into this place Jesus leave me alone leave me the [ __ ] alone furnace Vis what is this now uh what have we up here perhaps something interesting a rare item me squeaks lost ashes of war is that something a rare item me squeaks a smithing Stone try fire do I need to bait him into shooting fire likely bridge and then seek down likely bridge and then seek down likely Bridge oh hidden path aead but why is it always giant sword praise the rump item crafting required a head and then likely head interesting try throwing but try fire okay okay I got to throw fire interesting interesting old Ra's dead try throwing you're good at that thanks shat I seriously thought that was a Fu like an oil Derek I thought it was like pumping out of the ground uh uh and it was a person okay do I have any fire that's my I don't even have like fire arrows I think I don't think I've ever crafted anything in this whole [ __ ] game on God I don't think I've ever crafted anything in the history of this game I'm not even sure is there a crafting menu oh there is throwing pots Hefty fire pot okay how do I use it okay imagine I didn't do [ __ ] did I miss or was that did not do [ __ ] try fire explosion required ahead and short try giant bro we about a regular fire pot come on right up here all right I'm out of ideas I'm out of ideas uh a roped fire pot a volcano pot okay a cursed blood pot you don't got the recipe all right all right maybe I'm not meant for it maybe I'm not meant for it that's fine I'm going to have to kill this [ __ ] thing for the recipe cuz I don't want to kill it uh so I can't get into the ruins of a but is there anything down there that I should see there's something cool as [ __ ] behind that I mean I'm sure there is but what I have no mouth but I a scream time for cramped area wait am I missing something only had a key oh a spirit Ash bgus champus um first off try jumping wait some kind of secret [ __ ] is this is it this this there's just no way Miyazaki intended for this right imagine though imagine though D this it doesn't work on that direction for whatever reason oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] well done cner well done praise the horse oh [ __ ] that's sick offer Armament Armament ahead I don't know what that means um what about seems familiar therefore try attacking ah Victory don't teleport my ass giant golden Ark POG Cham man that's so sick was that the actual intended way up here no way right no wait is this is this wait a minute this is the other way in bro I didn't have to go get the [ __ ] recipe oh that's so sick the Gizzy skip we're not going to call it that we'll call it the hrock skip or something really badass the glamourai [ __ ] Gauntlet dude am I [ __ ] stuck wow how sick is that wait you guys were saying there's something that cool in here there's nothing that cool in here that was it a [ __ ] giant Rune Arc or whatever you guys talking up like it's the [ __ ] second coming of raw oh whatever okay in that case we'll do a quick check check down river and then I probably got to dip I was hoping to fight Uno Moss boss but what are you going to do um fun [ __ ] though I got to be honest with you that hippo was was cool ooh baby check me out look at me on a side of Grace Can't level up that's fine yeah this game is just really really fun to explore in I like it even more than elen ring one because I um I so often like look at a place and try to figure out how to get there you feel like there's there's more times where I can see a place not know how to get there and then figure it out which is cool all right wait where am I in in the space of the world right now we exist in the context of all that comes around us what is what what did Kamal Harris say uh an all in that which she say some gibberish [Music] uh offer love I don't want to try jumping nah no jumping ahead except time for death thank you sir thank you sir for making it clear utility ahead but praise the research sick so where where is this headed we're just going down towards the towards the bridges I guess the bad booty Bridges can I cross this CM be wary of jumping therefore try spping around okay okay okay dude I don't like these enemies they creep me out sight of Grace wait is that a side of Grace that I've already had I don't want to fall Oh wait [Music] [ __ ] they're cute you think these weird mummy bugs are cute these bandage wrapped flying is that a c of Grace that I already have it isn't oh then I should go right this this guy did that gu just [ __ ] insta rolled but but what if I missed my chance once you get to know them I'm not saying they don't have a cute personality who's to say oh I can go this way I'm saying when you say cute usually it ask do how they look they look very creepy you feel bad for them oh oh really you feel bad for them they're literally mosquitoes oh God wait I'm dead God damn it do you think IRL mosquitoes are cute do you see a mosquito like sucking the blood out of your arm and go a look carefully ahead then seek item oh [ __ ] there is an item down there but how is there fall damage with water oh wait really thought I cooked honestly I really thought I cooked I was like so confident that I cooked uh hit me from a tumble there all right no skin off my ass though because of this we're right next to the side of grace we'll go this way just leave me alone I guess dude the the fly died of fall damage bro you got Wings just flap them embarrassing last Shard that wasn't a good item that's not a good item that I should seek carefully ahead try crystal crystal meth might have after this where am I here they're trying their best not good enough not good enough high standards here in ring everything tries to kill you human bone Shard I'm glad I kept that in my buck sack dry Leaf rope dry Leaf arm wrap yeah all about dry Leaf all right me I guess I've seen what I need to see oh Ash of War Ash of War Ash of War as of War oh what this a catacomb perhaps Atria the world's Reen most renowned catacombs Explorer finds a catacomb for himself holy required ahead oh damn oh damn oh damn it's a fight okay I can end a fight let's go baby all right give me set up let's get in there what you got right Rasha oh owow ow ow ow you hit like a [ __ ] truck oh [ __ ] oh my gosh can't get a chance to heal all right we're back [Music] oh get [Music] fcked oh no damnn damn damn nice hit ah nice hit nice hit nice hit nice hit nice hit nice hit nice hit nice nice it's hard it's hard it's hard it's hard she she Rasha she she fights like the real glamor ey I do like her big Katana thanks for the gifties to get away from who uh Doug official with the Third 30 gifties God damn wait can I tell you guys something um you're not Doug Doug you're Doug official different Doug but Doug Doug messaged me today and he said he watched the chili stream actually I don't want to tell he proposed a fun idea but he watched the chili stream which is just funny to me because I I'm such a big Doug duug fan uh and he really liked it uh he was the one that called the chilies I'm sure anyway that's funny Doug official thank you for the 30 gities I really appreciate that let's see if we can beat this boss before I go uh I think I I think I do let's see if I can do it in ideally this attempt let's really [ __ ] Focus get geared up flame grant me strength put this on I also could just maybe Parry this this might be a might be a [ __ ] Parry mod yeah bro get par get Matthew par oh no I died I died I died I died I died I died it's not too soon that's not too soon it's what myy per would have wanted to live on in the in the bright moments uh it was greedy it wasn't greedy I just want to practice pairing uh I think it is I think parrying is sick because it reminds me of searo [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay yikes uh I specifically remember him saying I hope my fellow comedian Brandon ghing is able to use my death humorously in his Elden ring playthrough yeah dude it was in the it was on the the post show of friends that's what Matthew Perry was like if there's one thing I hope my legacy on this Earth is is being used as a reference for parrying run snatcher getting dude the Run snatcher snatches again what else is you work hard you make a dime your boss makes a dollar and the Rune snatcher makes 10 takes them [Music] both damn it that's a [ __ ] that's okay I I'm not I'm not even damn that's a cool move it's kind of like uh the double slash I was using on the nagba the nagak keba sorry to be culturally insensitive uh I think I want to I want to practice parrying I don't even care if it slows down my wind it'll be good so I got to go I got to go I actually got to beat this right now I got to beat this right now [ __ ] it right here right now wa whoa Nelly right here right next is what I was trying to say so right here right next next one is the one is that's when I will lock the [ __ ] this is the one also wasn't geared up I wasn't geared up we're going to go bow we're going to uh flame grab me strength we're going to put this on we're going to put this on we're going to double up the swords and we're going to get in there we're going to do some [ __ ] damage let's go that's insane it's insane [Music] [Music] ow holy God Rasha Rasha uh wow wow wow wow wow wow dude first attempt was the best attempt first time was the best name cuz I treated her like a chump and now I'm treating her with fear treat her like a chump you got nothing she got nothing she got nothing she got nothing Tre like a chump just get in there and just [ __ ] whale whale on the damage let's go Blow [Laughter] Away bro bro is spamming I got to be honest with you bro is spamming all right all right I beat this I go to basketball I score the game-winning three come back we watch the best videos of all time it's an ultimate day all I have to do is beat this right here right meow and all it's going to take is a little bit of Parry do yo yep [Music] spam it spam it spam it was [Music] yet oh I parried that oh [ __ ] D really oh [ __ ] there's a charge dude she's mixing me up she's mixing me up have to just do [Music] damage no damn I did [ __ ] five consecutive carry Critical Hits and it didn't even do half the HP [Music] oh she mixing me up it's not the same it's the charge beforehand it's the charge you have to understand it's the charge cuz the Parry has a you know it's like an extremely [ __ ] short [Music] window it's one of a pause there we go just watch the hands watch the hands [Music] [Music] on oh [Music] God [Music] Jesus oh my God I can't get a breath a new song okay fun new song right now till he puts him down by Ace hardwire Ace hardwire li like he fat finger the B button t a couple hits just so that he feels something going B for B with the Ops and they draws dropping too many runes in these pants y'all have them dual blad SES the air leaving carcasses stacking up these rooms like he GK dog with no leash and he's walking in just till gone till he puts him down oh what the he bro you and op in the realm you on death row your whole gang's on the rag like it's blood flow coffee cows on the line you don't know what's up Ruck on theow realm is shook dancing lion CL carving these skulls onto his Naga chewing through door like a bad ass B Reaper he just locked in and then Swallowed the Key bro put up your hands and your cat swall white and he leaps like a Lima dunk in these baskets like sh could Dre up hero kazuchi your time's up with up and he's pissed off that's for show Too Many runes for Pockets to hold many now it's time for Big A to flow let me pass the mic and get it off the Dome yes I'm asking you to Freestyle bro now yo my name is Big A and I'm here to say I'm going to kill Rasha in a major way [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it would have been good if I won right if I won I think that would have made the the bars didn't mat real [ __ ] [Music] bars the Bars were hard it's just not the battle all right [ __ ] it I'm I'm winning right now I'm winning right now I'm win right now right now right now I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done I waste no time I squeeze hammers I'm winning right now I'm winning right now I got to I got to just Dodge in oh [ __ ] ow no spammer spammer oh [ __ ] [Music] we're winning we're winning we're winning oh Dodge that world this [Music] come on come on come on come on come on come on yep yep yep yep yep no no no choking dude dude [Music] no one more yeah enemy fail you got just lock in bro you just got to lock the [ __ ] R Shah's great [Music] Katana wait this is badass [Music] whoa dude oh you can spam that [ __ ] oh that's sick as [ __ ] no doubt I did it I did it uh cool all right that's how we're ending that's where we're ending damn six sword uh thanks for watching thanks for watching we back tonight after basketball probably do to watch some videos so bring your best YouTube videos bye that was fun having fun with that old ring I'll have some more fun later goodbye see you later wish me Lu at basketball
if you need help otherwise you're gonna quit you should never get into it if they otherwise would fill and I think that it's pretty arrogance and now that I don't want to be like insulting but then I think that is kind of like bad to say to the people why huh they have nothing unique to give they have nothing unique to say that's why we disagree on already because that is not what I did that is also not what you get on YouTube do it you are you didn't reinvent the wheel and it's truly something you need to say excuse me the [ __ ] did you just say what do I even title title this I don't even know what to title it let's let's let's start it off welcome the sort not sort of not really a fake guru episode that I am talking with my friend Lars and just tell me that you reached out to me you said you wanted to do an episode just tell me what's the what's the idea here no so some of your viewers might indirectly know me or at least know my channel which is called storytellers but I which I do together with my best friend Tomas so I know you but honestly I only know you as a coffee break I don't even know your name yeah Stephen Stephen all right Stephen I keep the name down oh you because we are in the same we are on the same Facebook group which is where a collection of video sick I talked with each other so it's movies in the channels and try to help each other out a little bit and I reached out to you because like your second channel caught my eye on YouTube where you are doing the fake guru views which I thought was in a very original concept and then there's multiple reasons that I wanted to talk to you about it so I've kind of like three points that I would like to get into in this podcast so first of all is kind of like just the general discussion about the fake who see which has which like as a 25 year old guy that is trying to start something in his own a little bit of entrepreneurship of course I see this guy these guys all over my Facebook and Instagram feed your prime target I counted myself so I want to discuss about that like most of your points are agree with within there are some of the points where like oh I thought it would be interesting to see like where we can like create a little bit of friction and see like if we can if I can make a counter argument both as a little bit of in them that was the kind of thing sure then the second thing and this is also like I will actually in the works of starting a second channel and then also behind it damn coaching business so when I saw your chitta were like where your where your when your channel came up that I like economics idea stuff does like oh [ __ ] like whatever I'm gonna be you know that you know the best that's trailer where the dog is like like who they say me to talk with bad luck that was like oh I want to be good coach my thing like I also have like defend my own idea of I own little program of what I was planning to do and see if I can get this for me your approval I mean not that I would be nice to see if I can defend myself from here let me tell you one thing let me tell you one thing no man is immune from the Fate guru if if you if you commit the sins of the fake guru you will be called out unfortunately of course and then thirdly this is and this is more because we bought video sa guys and both guys there's a documentary that I wants to discuss called Kumar a which is very interesting documentary it has nothing to do with like the Guru scene of make money fast with drop shipping or if it is marketing anything if it's more like the spiritual booze from India that became very successful American and gathered followings here right forward Borat kind of documentary that I would like to talk about and I try to analyze a little bit so that's it yeah that's kind of like the things that I wanted to talk about on this podcast the way to and then see see what happens yeah yeah I like it I like the idea alright so to start let's just talk about fake gurus and let's just jump into the fake guru thing you want to become you want to become a guru but not a fake guru right I just wanna be I mean like I you call them gurus and then both of them act like it but then if I say I don't want to be called a guru those gurus also fell and be called a guru but basically I just want to do have a paid service where I coach people one-on-one with a specific goal but let's let's do the kind of like let's do one thing first is that almost every person you talked about on your channel except your little [ __ ] where you mentioned Stephen Graham and everyone started defending him because he seems pretty I mean he's the kids and he's also just I know like I watched this video and he it just comes out as a January very nice guy that is pretty oh I totally agree I mean I I agree that was a video that I like like literally through through together and as I was talking I just saw one of his videos the thing is a Stephen Graham kind of does the clickbait thing and so I just kind of lumped him and just by association I mean I agree like yeah so that's that's the thing like a lot of these [ __ ] gurus day I mean there may be multiple marketers and what they do is very effective but then there's a bunch of issues but then there's like I could imagine that there are people that generally teach good stuff that used the same marketing techniques but then they also like there's also a lot of course that use like high pressure sales techniques and like to fake testimonial thing and the fake Harvard thing I mean that is so so [ __ ] toxic and it also kind of ruins it because generally like just in general reviews and testimonials are good thing like they they like a proper business which almost reviews and honest testimonials as a good thing so that these guys are kind of faking and therefore ruining testimonials because of course it's gonna come out yeah this is like the it creates a toxicity around the whole coaching or mentoring industry which is a growing industry that's also a thing because it's so scalable like it's so easy and everyone wants to teach you know like everyone you know if you go to your your to a birthday party and you're Oscar broke divorce uncle how to become a millionaire and have a happy marriage you will clearly tell you exactly how to do it even though itself because people generally like to give advice well the funny thing is is that people are giving advice oh I'm so rich and maybe they are from the coaching business but it's only because there's so much money to be made in the fake guru business but the money isn't made in the dropshipping it's not made in affiliate mark you can bet you're not gonna I'm the average person it's not like I don't know anything about drop shipping or e-commerce like I never I never really and also like the best of income stuff I mean of course like with YouTube I have some passive income but it's not it's not huge amounts and then generally I don't think like oh the whole like oh yeah you will never have to work again mindset this is bad in itself I mean it's generally better to just something do something you love and it's always gonna take time to build something and you know like entrepreneurship in any form is most of the time there's a steep hill to climb and if you don't keep working you all start again for sure let's start let's get into the disagreements because so far we just agree and that's boring let's get in the disagreement the disagreements you like so I agree with almost all the with the coast you discussed and then your solution to the problem of this coaching business and especially this high ticket coaching business it's books it's like it's your list Oh Frieda money yeah it's like it's like I don't know how many books there are um now like like 20 or like 40 something yeah something like yeah so but I honestly think that most of the people that buy these courses even already have those books and I don't think the poops did like with the demo some a person democratization of information the problem is not that the information is out there all the informations out there like there's nothing there's there's no secrets anymore you can know like if I google how to build a nuclear bomb I'll probably can find a manual somewhere the language is the monetizing this video I'm gonna get enough well you're gonna get a knock at your door and they're gonna be like you know how to make it yeah the point is that I don't think that books are solution because the the question is not so much about information I think it's more about about the removal of information is good coaching is there is stuff that that coaching does that you can't get from books so that's what I want that's where I like my disagreement lies and I think that if you just say like buy this book we is boots I think you're gonna get a lot of information junkies a lot of people that are like oh I want to learn more I want to learn more I want to learn more about business sales marketing all this stuff and then they're just gonna get an information overload and then from there on they are going to be confused or not know where to start and also just keep learning instead of executing on what what the books tell them to do and that is also like the thing with books is that I asked for points where I'll so the problem with where coaching is better than books I would argue is its leverage accountability feedback and new ones and so leverage is kind of the first thing is that lets say for with fitness coaching for example this is a very easy example all of us know how to get ripped and how to get in shape and not what to eat and what to do like generally most of us know you know don't go to McDonald's don't drink coca-cola all day eat veggies eat some carbs it's of protein don't eat more than you then you burn and go to the gym a couple times a week but then are we all ripped no because like we are very bad executing on information that we already know because knowing something and actually doing something there's a big difference I turn down payment so while coaching does and with like specifically one of our personal coaching what a personal fitness coach would do its first of all create a leverage so when people come to a finish coach and they or in this case let's put back by to coach in general and they they pay a lot of money like a high ticket service of personal coaching the there is more leverage for them to execute on what they're being taught now of course whatever being told has to be variable and good knowledge and actually work but death that is something where a book what a coach can do other data pool doesn't do let me let me let me jump in here because I have a feeling that we may be talking past each other if I let you finish the four points and let me tell you why I don't disagree that coaching is different from books but I don't think info products are different from books so your point is that hey look coaching is like this one-on-one activity where we can have very apply very custom solutions to a problem and don't obviously there's too much information out there so they can kind of fit a custom build to your prep this just not what Dan Locke that's just not with Sam ovens these guys are doing they're going they're throwing you into this 10,000 kid class they're throwing you maybe into an a thousand person class even 500 people at that point what they're doing is they've recorded a bunch of things and you can think of them as chapters in a book if you'd like to and they just run you through and that's all it is you're watching a book I mean that's essentially what you're doing with less depth and less nuance and that's that's what their thing is now if you want to argue that one-on-one coaching is a viable solution people need but one-on-one coaching we can get into that but let's say let's first quantify what when I was talking about Sam ovens and when I was talking about like instead of this course get this I was talking about instead of an info product get a much cheap the original info products for like 10 bucks and you'll get way more value yeah no II do totally agree with that and that is also why almost like I have not disagreed with any of your fake cool take downs so far but then that's like that's the only caveat I want positive food is that in the indeed I also think that the intro product info product thing is gonna like die down I hope so because and it's also like if you're if you're an honest and if you're if you want to be a mentor coach and you will help people with something then you also like would recognize that info products are people aren't getting people the results that you wanted to get you know like if you really want to help people and you sell them in infra product and then if you if you go back to them and ask like how you're doing now and you notice that most of your people that bought your products either haven't gotten the results that you want them to get or they haven't executed executed on this because the leverage isn't high enough and accountability isn't high enough because of course there's also what a coach can do is it's like get back to a client and say like dude I are you been doing what I tell you to do have you been executing or are you running into any problems how can I help you you know and that is where it republic's fiddle now let's say your coach and like every client goes like you have a specific steps to step system and every client goes from Step a to step B with specific things they have to learn then of course you can create like pre-recorded videos for them to like give them the basics and then from there includes also like personalized calls and you know like if you want to secure your if you want skill or coaching business then that's where you need to find a way to if you're constantly repeating the same things to new clients then you have to find a way to get that information like the basic step like first step oh yeah and that's the whole that's the whole guru trap then you well have you heard about that but by the way I I was supposed to talk about this but um I don't I don't know if I'm gonna end up doing a whole video about it have you heard about the Suraj revolt thing no he's a coder guy anyway his program he was gonna give one-on-one consulting calls or whatever with people are like that that pitch was hey join my coding group you're gonna get one-on-one feedback I'm gonna be directly interacting with you guys okay so he invited five hundred there's only give me 500 people in this group because I totally get that you can't have more than like you need a small class size and that's even a huge class by the way it turns out he he got to 505 and he got greedy and so he made a separate slack group that no one could see and had that had 700 people in it so he doubled the class size without telling anybody which completely kills his value offer of being like I'm gonna give you guys customs thank lying that's the first thing that he's just scamming I mean that's the same that's just absolutely that's the problem with coaching though is it's like it's a low scalable it's not scalable because your times not scalable and one-on-one coaching is is like a one-to-one time sync yeah so yeah you could you can say like that's my coaching can be high ticket because it's one on one and then like scalable I mean yeah and then lever and then of course nuance and feedback I mean I think we're yeah do not pass each other I think we can agree on that is that with coaching with helping each other you can get into the nuances of stuff and if like the book get into a very specific problem they can get back to me and then you can nuance like you can get into the small details of stuff and of course the feedback is it's an extension of that let me let me give you let me give you a quick thing because I want to extend my argument here so no one confuses me because I feel like a lot of people sort of misunderstood what I was saying because a lot of people have brought it up okay so first of all yeah coaching is not cut 101 coaching is not what I'm criticizing it's it's the info info products the overpriced info product which are already high ticket items but then to extend my coaching how I feel about coaching is that because coaching has to be a high ticket item because it doesn't scale I feel like those kind of high ticket items really the value comes when you're talking an expert is getting coaching to take them to the next level to where they cannot basically bring themselves to the next level by themselves and I feel like what instead a lot of people do to get their coaching business started is they cast their net as widely as possible and they tell beginners hey you need coach hey you know and the reality is you don't as a beginner there's so much that you can learn on your own and you should learn on your own cuz it's a waste of money to have a coach sit over your shoulder and tell you these super obvious things what this and this is why I think consulting at the highest level makes a lot of sense if you're if you're some CEO and you want Tony Robbins to consult you to like take you from like super like high performing to super high performing I get it I really do get it but if you're coaching like an eighteen year old and because you have to coach one-on-one you have to charge them a ton of money which they do almost by definition don't have that's what I think you get into the predatory side of what high ticket items for young people can be which is people think it's a way out and in reality it's not at all I mean it's a little bit definitely predatory with the predatory aspect of looking at like SS like for very young people especially people that are in a place where they are really stuck enough money yet and they can barely afford it then to say like then to target them and say like oh this is your way out but you have to pay me so much money and it even like especially the thing where they buy a product and then they don't succeed with that product and then you're like oh no yeah well then find another phone I'm so [ __ ] [ __ ] off like it would be like it would be so much better if it was like like oh I teach you to get like 5k a month or something and then only when you have reached that goal then I can help you to get even more like they want the money they need the money they want the money dude that is like this other stuff and [ __ ] up i don't i don't agree with like like beginner there's the beginner steps because like I said like I think like so many people like once you get the ball rolling it and you're going into a very a very good direction then things start happening automatically at least like okay we'll get into this later but like Matt what I want to do especially with that but then with a lot of beginners is like in the beginning point depth you get like stuck in a Matar you going into a wrong direction or you get you've got like yeah that's it that's exactly where you like and that you give off because you you're trying you're gues getting stuck in a moth you don't have results and then you give up well you know like at the highest level then okay but then it's also like with them okay so and I also don't think like you have to be an absolute expert with it like 100 years of experience and something to come to coach I think that if you're like 5 to 10 steps ahead of something and you also promised them to not coach them beyond your own where you are you know like if you like authenticity and honesty is think as a coaches and so if you want to be coach is very important so let's say you're making dynamic some success in something and you're like okay I want to get my clients to like twenty percent of where I am like that because of course it took me to like let's say you're taking you are something and took you two years now you wanna do coaching program help clients and then you're saying like oh I want to get into 20 percent over am so so let's let's get into what I want to do so there's a lot of reasons that I wanted to do that I got that idea and I was like way before I even discovered your second channel like coffee still of course I already knew about coffee break but like I'm also totally honest about it I love storytellers I love what we do with film analysis thing on our Channel but there are some inherent weak points of storytellers of that channel that I'm discussing also with Thomas and that is that we have a massive audience but our videos just generally take so much time to make and always keep doing it and I love to do it but I stand also the volatility of our results of so you know like some videos get 20,000 views and some videos get 500,000 views and then you work it sponsors for example because that and we deal with copyright so our Adsense is weak because of copyrights like that's because we want to make I want to make youtube or storytellers into my career like that is my cool and I think that is perfectly almost cool to have so with storytellers it's we're getting into a area where we have a weak sense because copyright and we don't have a physical product finals now for some people patron works excellent for us Reed doesn't and we put like 50 to 80 hours into a video essay so then from there I started thinking like okay what if I could do a new channel next to my original channel and what are the problems that could solve so I could and I I could start making more original content which is also my own inspiration and my own aspiration to learn more about camera filmmaking but right now we're only editing and then that's will resolve the copyright issue and then can I also have a service or something behind it and that's where the coaching comes in and that was kind of and it's know what the coaching mean yeah I would the coaching be what would you become yeah like my channel would be an extension of my most successful video which is kind of like how an artist turns Pro and that's kind of like getting through trade blocks and mental blocks but then the coaching like the actual thing that I really want to do is help people build our own YouTube like similarly to youtubers like roberto blake i think media creators like those kinds of channels that are dedicated to helping people build their own youtube channel and so the goal because of course like i don't our channel right now is at 250,000 subscribers so i'm not gonna say like oh i'm gonna teach you how to build a 1 million subscriber YouTube channel in 12 weeks like my proposition that I want to like get into is how people get those first thousand in and that's why that's because where I disagree with you with about the beginning like like you say like oh in the beginning you can just do so much yourself you don't need coaching yet like I've been doing target audience research and looking at what people are struggling with because I won't first know what people are strongly with before I can help them with it right so people that are completely stuck at like the first hundred subscribers and don't get through it and then I look at it and then I see well why do you think hold on oh no no no why do you think that is because I'm very opinionated on starting YouTube and like how it should go so tell me why do you think people are stressed stuck at 100 subscribers huh why do you think people are stuck at 100 subscribers oh well I mean it's sure like your fairy opinion so now I'm curious but your oh I mean I don't think the content is good enough like like okay here's here's the thing here's the thing I did I made a I had a channel before coffee break where I basically did it for three years I made a hunt I got a hundred videos out before I had a hundred subscribers and looking back the content was just bad and I needed that time just grinding and to realize that oh I'm just making bad content and it's hard to even have an eye for what it's like developing tastes than anything it just takes time to understand what how how what makes a video good what makes a video entertain what kind of topics are entertaining this is not something that like somebody can just tell you and I know it because I've I've tried to talk to beginner youtubers like just like kind of like they ask me something and I'll try to tell them and I try to get things into their head and it's like it goes right over their head and the reason for that is not because they're dumb it's not because I'm smart it's because there's an experienced side that cannot be hacked it's like you just have to put in your time sort of at the gym just like just like if you're developing a hold on did I lose you on the call I think okay no no can you hear me yeah okay sorry sorry sorry it was just a little fishy yeah yeah as long as you can hear what I'm saying just like when you're drawing when you're drawing like you just need to put in a certain amount of time learning to draw and learning to draw well and there's no point in focusing on how much you can sell your artwork for before you just learn how to make good art and so for me I think there's an obsession with numbers at the beginning when the obsession should be with content because the truth is I've never found someone with a hundred subscribers who was making super good content that six months later didn't have the subscribers that I thought that it was much more in the ballpark of what they should have like maybe they're making mediocre content and they stay at 100 subscribers but nobody has ever made like awe inspiring content and then they're just like 100 subscribers for 6 months like it just doesn't happen so that's my obtain that's my opinion so I just think like get good I mean I mean everyone has to do it it's not no one's above the the grind I beat partially I you see a lot of channels that are completely so Lexie like I'm looking like people before struggling with and then I am in some Facebook groups and like most of them are horrible because it's just people link dropping and asking for soft surprise for subscribers which of course is the fastest way to destroy your own channel immediately and I it's baffling to me that people still do it like I don't know why are these people are or what they're thinking but although I do I do get a guy like that I of the guy that I can elegent and then he just got probed into the idea that Oh like okay YouTube only starts promoting like your dog Enomoto starts helping you once you have reaches thresholds for this I buy your till you get told and then and then you'll grow naturally which of course also doesn't work smart for that I do i I was not so I have yeah sorry I was just gonna say like the algorithm things really interesting because I complain a lot about the algorithm and I feel like and I feel like it's something that can be a crutch and you can blame too much on it when sometimes it's just bad content and then but there is like a root there is a reality to I mean that's like a really hard catch-22 but I think when you're a beginner thinking about the algorithm is absolutely worthless because no matter what it has nothing to do with the algorithm like if you just have bad I told I told my because so I actually already have two clients and we can get into that later with one of my clients was like Oh sounds like how do I need to either is actually a pretty successful ready like he's doing is fitness coach himself and he's doing already like like five to eight pay a month and getting new clients mostly to an Instagram which is doing very well but any wants to get into YouTube as well as like a second traffic source and he already was started and like he did like even like a whole bunch of things bad and then he reached out to me and he was like we found each other more like and hey he asked me for my help and then he was like also like how can I do like how would your suggestion be on video titling and tags and descriptions and I was like dude you can you can you can literally have the exact key phrase in your title in description or tags everywhere I can do everything correctly and your video is still gonna be even nowhere near the search result is just not gonna happen you know especially in the beginning YouTube is not gonna promote your videos a lot and so but what I do know very well is how too many we promote that's also I proved in an organic way of course in which real subscribe your views and that is how I like ah how we grew SOI terrorists like in the beginning when awesome YouTube algorithm wasn't doing anything for us naturally so I have some confidence in that so but then like now at first I'm just helping him create content you know like I'm helping like like he comes smooth questions about camera settings also like like soft jxne and like it's just like working together in a material way where it's like step step for step and I'd like I know that I know what I'm doing and I know I can get them there and he tried himself to get there and he was just not so if I can break through like him fumbling around and going in circles and help him like go in the right direction that is valuable and of course like that is also the clients that I want to work with is people that have that already have some stuff going for themselves and that are not just like looking for YouTube like to make money fast or like like way out or something you know like I want to find people that have buying power because if I'm gonna work with them over twelve weeks three months of helping them build a channel and I'm gonna like weekly calls with them and I'm sending up documents for them and I'm doing like recording like screen recording stuff like I'm putting in a lot of effort a lot of time for my clients so I need I'm trying to find people that have buying power and also people that have kind of like don't have the weak spots that I had with storage those if their goal is to make money with YouTube then I'm like okay the best thing is to have a service product behind your channel ready but then you know of course I'm gonna encounter a lot of people like fitness coaches from NFA and it's also gonna go again into the servers and coaching stuff but it would be very interesting to me to work actually with someone that has a physical product for example like like some of the paints or something that someone that or my girlfriend for example is a jewelry designer like if she wants to do YouTube so that you can find an audience for jewelry and baby makes himself sales through it that would be very interesting to me to work with those kinds of people so but right now like I'm very much in the beginning of setting this up and this idea that's why I also still of anxiety about it and a lot of you know like one thing is getting new clients and then other things like can I can I deliver them results because I know myself and then at this point if I had to start over of course I can build another channel off to like at least a couple thousand subscribers relatively fast because I know how to make good poly content and I not promote myself organically but can I help others because YouTube is something that can be very based on personality also as well that's why also like I don't want to work I decided that I would like to work with people that are like an educational space and the offering value space and not so much personality based youtubers that work that I like gaming youtubers because that niche is also almost impossibly saturated Beauty vloggers and more person floggers it's as a whole there's not people that I want to work with because I feel I can't guarantee to get them results because it's so personality based which and when you how much do you want to charge for this Oh how much do you want - how much you want to charge for this so might like that structure that I'm gonna work without that I work with myself is 12 weeks of coaching so three months and it's basically 12 weeks of once or twice a week a coaching call like for definition wants and if they run into like some really serious like that I can't that I can't figure out for them just over text then I can do another coaching call beside that they can text me if they run me through something or they're okay we I need a number Lars I need a number I have to look I have one guy that's a guy I already had a channel I helped it for free but I just did one call and I'm believed like this channels already growing from like he was growing from other subscribe to mouth and now he said around four times a month so that's a good thing then I've got the fitness guy like fitness coach that wants to build a YouTube channel I charged him 500 for 3 months as a client so like well like 67 for 3 months in a row he's still setting up his channel and he's gonna produce his first video is that is that gonna be is that gonna be your long-term no I'm asking what is your gonna be your price when you officially launched this thing when you're no longer like thinking about it give me a price if I wanted large three months consulting I'm a new guy start if I'm if I'm hearing this right now if I'm coffee Zillah three months from now finding out about large consulting business what am I gonna hear you're charging for 3 months it's so 3 times 3 so 333 dollars a month divided by 4 basically 4.5 calls a month so you're basically charging $75 for how long's the call 90 minutes like what hour and a half until the client knows what they want to know and then off to and of course also like I mean that's honestly not a crazy that's honestly not an insane consulting because I'm looking at my competition there's a channel called pink media and it also helps people build their video like video mostly in YouTube build the channels and they focus mostly on businesses that's when I use YouTube for a marketing each arson charges 2004 two calls so a thousand a call yeah that that's the kind of stuff that I think's predatory you're basically charging but then it really does put honest it does put on this 50 bucks an hour it does it does put on this what do you call it on this website he does put there that like this is mostly for businesses like for big companies that want to integrate YouTube because that's also something like this buying power and value like the predatory stuff when you focus on people that don't have a lot of money and then you're like I'm gonna save your life and I'm gonna ask you two thousand three thousand five thousand dollars for something and you don't have money but just scrape together sell everything because I'm gonna change your life honestly but those are the people most likely to go and want a someone to help them out of their situation like the people who are most likely to go for a consulting call from a youtuber are not people this is just my intuition I don't know maybe maybe could prove me wrong are not people who already kind of have it together and who are probably should be the ones that are qualified for you the people who are going to be the most profitable market for you are actually going to be the people who know nothing you disagree how many people do you think are like qualified but also cannot find their way to above a thousand subscribers or like can't figure it out I mean like I said like one of my clients is it's a fitness dude he's doing [ __ ] amazing on Instagram and that's why I like was a little bit confused when I talked to him because he was like oh I don't know for sure what kind of software should talk about in YouTube or and he made like a couple videos already and then he posted a couple 40 minutes post cost videos and that's I already like okay dude if you're just starting out nobody's gonna listen to you for 50 minutes because they nobody knows you yet you know like once you have a huge audience then people and people know you who then they're gonna listen to you more but he's already like he's making plenty of money plenty of money feeling is coaching for like fitness guys like he's helping people lose weight build muscle and he's been making plenty of income for Beth and I actually kind of because also the things like if I can help him build this channel and a thousand subscribers thing is also especially because with YouTube in the beginning of YouTube the first thousand anything harder status but I don't know for you but for us we're storytellers like for the first couple months nothing happens and then we started building then we started promoting it organically and then it started growing and then once we reach the thousands it's kind of then it became a little bit more automatic and algorithm was a little bit more start picking us up and we didn't have to push that hard anymore to gain stone growth yeah I like if I can help him like break through that first like problem and even if I again can get him a couple only if it's like because he already has the coaching business I mean if I gave him one or two new clients through YouTube and he already tied himself and he didn't he filled he didn't you couldn't build a channel and I can help him do that to the first out in and then from there he starts growing automatically and he gets new clients to date so then he already has a return on investment but here's my question here's my question number one I just think the a thousand barrier is just like a function of I mean it's like a it's a time thing I don't know how you can hack your way sort of that will tell me like what could you tell somebody who already kind of knows how to make content who already kind of has figured that out what can you tell them that would be like truly worth a thousand dollars over three men like how could you like what are you saying that I couldn't tell you of anything also because if I tell you exactly how to promote your channel then people are going to be abusive that make bad content that is why my way I'm I want to teach people it's like twelve weeks like first I want to focus the way you telling me you have a secret so great that anyone can abuse it and get a thousand subscribers that's what you're telling me right now pretty much no they can't there are people to figure out do not I mean maybe maybe like you do it once you have a thousand subscribers but it is the most effective way okay yeah what is that tell me tell me what it is tell me what it is it's not the the thing that I'm most the most proud of like the most with my other clients he's actually he's trying to start a channel in like the watch yes yes he has a love for watch watch wristwatches collecting risk sure and that's actually kind of like that is actually pretty big niche on YouTube and what he wants to do is make more kind of like a video essay channel around around wristwatches but then make it a few sa so more like philosophical video essays about like cross and wristwatches is where this spell and like the luckiest I have certain ideas about it like he wanted to make his first video you wanted to combine like the widespread format of you know they have like deep word um yeah and you wanted to do like that you want to do a video about collecting wristwatches likewise or waste of money like something like that and that does their demos what he wants what he's trying to do so and any like it was like the it really wasn't do but he was like really afraid that it was gonna fill and he was kind of like getting stuck and he was kind of like always giving up already and then I was like dude don't give up like you're not even started yet like trusting yourself that you can do this what he was doing like he was writing a script for his first video and he got into this he got into this problem where he was trying to and I think a lot of crying video essays when they want to write something about a movie or want to do is say they want a reinvents and they want to come with this totally original new take on the film or or something that they want to make a video essay about which if you have experience while writing essays universe me you know that it's not how you write an essay your essay most of the time a good essay it's not a reinvention of the wheel with a completely original out of the blue nobody has thought of this argument what you do is and this what I told them is what you do is you take arguments of other people and you take your own arguments and then you create those together into one coherent essay where you're kind of placing you replace yourself in a debate that's how you write an essay and the any of us like it clicked for him and then he actually wrote it and now we're in a feedback stage so then and then he was like oh dude like you explain my own kind of mental block that to me that I could himself and it comment through so yeah so like I'm proud of that like I'm proud of helping him like being able to get him through that where otherwise you probably would have already given up on this channel idea so dude okay yeah this is where I get cynical because uh I feel like if you're gonna give up on your okay this is I guess I can break it out like this yeah if if if you need help otherwise you're gonna quit you should never get into it like I think if you're gonna quit unless you get help I mean I'm kind of like do it DIY is the way and it's sort of the only way I don't think it's like you know what it's a lot like it's a it's a lot like this reminds me a lot of because YouTube in a lot of ways is a creative endeavor and so it's like saying like hey I'm gonna take a comedy class to learn how to be smart to learn or to learn how to be funny to learn how to not bomb at an open mic and I think the very premise of that is a fundamentally misguided way to approach comedy he's like I'm gonna learn from somebody else how you know and even like a lot of these comics talk about it because obviously it's a lucrative career move to everyone there's a lot of people who want to be comics and so to teach a class is like kind of this very compelling idea but then a lot of other comics are like well there's no way there's no way to teach this like this is just something that you just get good at by failing a lot and and my thought is like isn't that a lot of what YouTube is is like you're just kind of fail a lot until you start to succeed and you get better and this and this and I don't think I by the way I I don't think if you advertise ethically and if you don't like mainly my fake guru thing is a lot about advertising just because that's that's everything if you did if no one promised these ridiculous results I wouldn't call them fake gurus so I think if you advertise ethically I don't think there's something wrong per se but since you're still thinking about it I would just tell you like you've got to think like is is this is this an idea where it you have to believe in it you have to fundamentally believe in it you believe you believe in the value proposition of like coaching people who are just getting started on YouTube you believe in the value proposition of like coaching someone who's getting on started on YouTube and you see that as worth a thousand dollars like I said if I can [Music] if yeah I mean if they otherwise would fill and I think that it's pretty arrogant that and now I don't want to be like insulting but then this is the thing like for you and me right now this is something that we do have figured out and we know it sort of for you like oh let's kind of feel ourselves think you're just gonna just gonna they just gotta like they gotta keep trying until they figure it out and then they will solve it and then it will also succeed and then I think that it's kind of like bad to say for to the people why huh but that's exactly I mean I'm I'm just speaking from experience what I'm just speaking from experience I'm not saying hey do something that I didn't do myself I mean this is something that I have intimate experience with and I actually credit my failures in the past for and not giving up at those points for the future success and it's not like I'm like wildly successful but I still think I'm in the process of failure into getting better failure into getting better and like to me if at step one which is where you should recognize the foot most failures gonna happen you immediately kind of are like trying to lifeline I just think how are you gonna deal with it's like you've got if you you can say like okay there's gonna be a lot of failure in the beginning anyway you kind of have to get through that I figured out that way but the whole thing about coaching is not taking away all failure but it's trying to minimize that to help people minimize it and getting through specific steps quicker like getting through like preventing mistakes that you made and helping people not make the same mistakes in the beginning of the process and if you can cut a learning curve like that which I think you can in a myriad of area including sports you know like I could I when I learned to play tennis when I was young I could have just in leads just spent years hitting a ball and figuring it out and maybe end up with horrible technique or I could get a tennis coach that would help me minimize the learning curve and teach me proper technique I think we're talking about something that is like I guess I see things more from the creative side and I think that you should learn like like no but I don't think anyone should be telling you how to make your videos I don't think people should be telling you you know what style of content to make I don't think people should be like basically babysitting you through the basics because there's so much failure I'm trying to think of like a good way to to say this because the difference between tennis and like and YouTube is most people are getting into YouTube as sort of like a business opportunity and most people are not getting into tennis is like I'm gonna go pro and I think fundamentally the value proposition of a tennis coach is like I'm gonna help you learn this like lifelong skill whereas the fundamental proposition of like a youtube coach is basically implicit is like I'm gonna help you somehow get profitable or get somewhere on YouTube to basically leverage it because that's actually something that my original thought would be there because like specifically because of that you know like tennis is not tennis is a skill and it's it's a passion most people are not getting into it to become a professional tennis player like all that unless they're very young and they start playing and they get scouted or something and then they might try to take it more seriously or they just want to make like heavens mosey that's putting a knobby and something their profession for so I'm with men my idea I was like I was thinking like okay like okay if I'm gonna ask money for this like will people will people like that I have to find a way where I can help people the way that they kind of return can get a return investment in of their investments so specifically like I said like if I can get a youtuber new clients for an already existing creative endeavor that they are trying to build a business out or like I said like the fitness guy rule made might get new leads through YouTube but then I actually noticed when I started interviewing people that also a lot of people actually were like I was like so what are your like what are you have goals for you to blackball do you what do you want to get out of it and then people were like well it's nice if it would make some money but it would be just really cool so we have a community and an audience for the stuff that I want to talk about and then I was like okay so like if I can help you build that audience which be willing which be willing to to pay for that if you otherwise don't know figuring out if you olofi everything like also people just like get held back the empties I mean I don't know maybe you can't relate it maybe you're very much into the like you gotta hustle you gotta try it out and if you've quit if you quit if you quit immediately then you were never done a baby no yeah get it get out of here anyway the hell out of here you're not doing it on your own out of my anxiety to get fear even I have that like still sometimes like I sit down to edit and I'm like [ __ ] I hope this is gonna come out the way I wanted to come out you know like so if like that is because this becomes valuable like otherwise like some people just like need a little push and as a coach you can you can provide it and then they you we can argue about an intrinsic value of that but then if they've if they otherwise if there's something that really won't but they're just scared or they just anxiety about it and you can help them get through that and they think that is worthy of paying for then I don't see where the loss is why it's not a win-win like why is someone losing that especially and this is like so for example this is why I wouldn't say this to someone that has no money at all and it's struggling and his death and it's like I would like you know that then then don't pay for it but if it's a guy like for my client that wants to do the watch channel East has an excellent job in a credit card like I think for most car and he wants to and he wants to build this channel mostly because he has a passion for watches and he has a lot for video essays and also film you studied film in university never did anything with it he was just like I won't start YouTube but I don't know how but I really want the creative outlet if you can help me help me yeah no yeah you were like get out but then I'm like no okay I like he's like I like I said early like I said earlier I I think if you do this business in the right way you don't oversell what you're gonna get for people I don't think there's anything wrong with it it this is just happens to have intersected with something that I core believe about YouTube and this actually gets into something else that I wanna that I sort of could discuss with you a little bit is like where it's interesting because tennis is like I was interested about your tennis proposition and there was like something fundamentally back there that I didn't agree with the analogy and I didn't know why but I figured it out tennis is sort of it's a game with set rules and there's a set way to win and because there's a set way to win they're sort of like the way to coach tennis I mean even though there's probably styles of coaching it's like everyone kind of agrees on like fundamental strategies and like there's a there's a very direct way you can approach coaching tennis I feel like coaching YouTube specifically coaching how to get an audience is not like deterministic in the way that tennis is if you can just get someone a good forehand like there's a set way to get someone to good form on a forehand there's a set way to get someone a good back end there's a set way to get people to serve the right way I I think with YouTube because so much of it is personality based and niche content based like that is I I don't think there's a good way to teach that and that's maybe why I'd like really kind of reject the idea of or I don't believe in like coaching youtubers and I've always kind of believed this that there's no one who can tell you how to be original you know what I mean like the real way to get popular on YouTube and to like cultivate an audience is to have something unique to say like have something original to say that's why we disagree already because that is not what I did that is not that is also not what you get on YouTube dude you're you're intended reinvent the wheel and that truly something you need to say no no no no and what you did is you placed you did a lot of things like you started coffee break first thing you did is you place yourself very specifically in the video at say niche you niche down properly you didn't make a channel of like I'm gonna be a vlogger and I'm gonna talk it I got into gaming and I'm also gonna do a video essays and I'm gonna do this and this is this and I see a lot of people out there would do this I would and then like it's not maybe it's not a specific like I never I would not claim to say like oh you can do different kind of contents and not succeed because of course there are people that do succeed but what I would say is that if I would teach YouTube which I am gonna try I would say is niche down fine oh man we think they now are getting to the core disagreement because number one number one I would say you did original work which is the whole reason I found you in the whole reason I liked you and then I would say yes a hundred percent I did original work and let me define original real quick so no one thinks I'm like to claim something I'm not I don't mean original as in I pushed forward I it like any individual idea which was completely detached from all other ideas that have ever been thought of I mean in the synthesis idea of what you mean but they're within synthesis like there's this idea of remix in everything which there's this guy who yeah yeah yeah that's that's the video I like but it but that fundamentally comes from everything is a remix whoo there's a guy a famous guy you know I can't remember his name anyway anyway he basically argues that yeah everyone is basically some form of copying but the thing that I sort of disagree there is that there's a difference between copying and synthesizing there's a difference between trying to be exactly like Casey nice that and use the Gorillapod and the exact same camera and having the boosted board lifestyle you see so many of those guys out there and I'm not saying none of those have people have their own take but a lot of them have like a very similar they're just trying to do what Casey nice that did and fundamentally they will never be as popular as Casey nice that because he's already done it they have nothing unique to give they have nothing unique to say and I mean unique in the sense of when you synthesize you're making something unique and so like I did a video about bad words and I did it about comedians and basically I synthesized a Benjamin Bergen idea which is like a linguist professor which by the way I defy you to find a bunch of video essays who are talking about bad words and how it contextualizes through comedy I think there's like ways to do unique things like that's why I fundamentally disagree and I think you should try not to do some things that other people are doing but like like the core I the core ideas were not themselves unique but by blending together the way you talk about them you can create something unique and you can have unique perspectives on it and I think that is what you cannot oh yeah but this is exactly what I think you can teach because and that's this this is not a core of this agreement because I agree exactly with it that synthesis is synthesizing sound something is totally different from copying it the do it when you when you go to universe is the whole thing you did that the comments are definitely gonna be like oh it's not about you diversity but no one's gonna watch this far into the interview anyway so don't worry if you go but if you go to the University if you go to university what do they do they teach you how to think and they teach you how to write an essay they teach you how to synthesize information from different sources and come up with an original concept an original argument or at least an argument that adds onto an existing debates in a scholarly debate that is what you do and that is I think also why storytellers are successful because like you just like the struggle that you had we didn't really have that minterms from bones in university doing media and cultural sciences which was basically film television and new media and then from we were already doing learning how to do film analysis and then I found I was like on YouTube and we I found the nerdfighter and I found every frame painting and at that point I was like oh like I'm writing about film I want to learn more the technical aspect of editing I can I think I can make a video essay like this I think I could do something like this so I used the skill set of film analysis that I learned in university learned anything with Premiere Pro and made my first video essay and so for us the quality was kind of like from the very beginning the colony was already there like I mean this nights how it's arrogant with them to prove through two-sided points is that my first ever video essay is still like an artist I think it's like anything wise it's a bad it's about si and also like I used that microphone I still struggle with with my voice which is one of my weak points but then content wise it is still my most successful videos to this day but yeah I learned like the skill sets that I had to make that video I learned them from professors so the same thing like I said now like the guy that wants to do a video SH and all surrounding more of like style and the history of watchmaking and where i'm watched making a he is video si the script is focusing for example about where can you put things like arts in the hierarchy of needs and like like he's trying to make play and that is what I told him like that is what I help them with it's like dude don't reinvent the wheel don't try to come up with this unique argument about watches find current like finds different arguments place yourself in the debate come up with your own like there make your own arguments and try to have like that's how you do it and that's I help like he said I help them with that so I think I told him something and with the like the whole value how valuable is that I don't know like that that's up to the coach and the client also as well sure but I like to say like you can't you can't I'd would say you can't be like this and this is also something that I'm still like figuring out myself like if I want to teach people how to make youtube [ __ ] and help me my girlfriend this if you want to coach people to make something creative it's also gonna be my responsibility to to like to bollixed and do I say this it's better if you do this and to what extent do I left them their own creativity like take the wheel like like we're a platform what point should I say like Oh figure out yourself and try to have your own creativity and your own expertise come in at this point so yeah that is a balance I agree with that like you can't you can't also not people you can't tell people exactly do it like this and this and this and this and take away all their own input because that would be a better that idea as well right right well I know I'll say to like I mean you may have like learned a few ideas and in like the maybe the skills of film analysis at university but it's your unique blend of filmmaking your background your perspective you know all these things that ends up giving your channel the voice and a uniqueness that it does have I mean you I think you know like when I'll watch video I say sometimes and one of my biggest bones to pick is not that people choose to do film analysis but it seems like everyone chooses to do film analysis and I'm like why are we sticking this genre into like 90% film Anna I don't understand it like it's like you could do so much more yeah that with the format the format of video essays is like is it stuck in and I kind of blame it to some extent on on nerdwriter and every frame of painting who like have just every third writer by the way has sort of gotten away from that which I'm happy I'm very happy about a little bit he still deals with it but like he does video essays that are sort of in the miscellaneous but I just feel like the the format could be so much bigger than but it but because so many people want to like replicate what has been done and like they're just like oh well I'll just copy what's been successful and I'm like no like I I feel like a good approach to YouTube might be if there's anything to teach is look around at what everyone's doing and then do not do that do not do what everyone else is doing at least have something unique whether it's in the format whether it's in the topic whether it's in how you approach the topic like please don't just copycat somebody else's style I mean I I just don't think that's a way to be successful and because of that how much can you teach the absence of copying copy yeah I mean I disagree I disagree I disagree completely I think I think we touch base we're just like I think like if ever here and this is the middle and we're both like just on the other side like because we're not on both sides like close bulb then different sides of the wall because then I think I think I don't think I think it's dangerous when you tell people to be like find something truly original because then they're gonna [ __ ] themselves into like mine talked them into thinking that whatever they come up with has already been done like because most stuff is already set that's just like most stuff if you dig deeper and that is also where I don't agree with you like everyone was doing feel nervous because there's plenty of video essay guys that are doing yeah maybe I don't don't you think so there's there's like plenty of nobody I think but I mean I actually have been trying to like I've been talked it sounds like all can we move out of it it's just like because we also have interested interest in history and all their like philosophical subjects and then but then we're still freaking out like format wise or like are we gonna do animation or are we gonna like hire someone to do the animation so we're still figuring it out but then they're already plenty of guys I didn't think the nerdfighter always did multiple stuff like even when he started this channel yeah it was kind of like a vlogging thing to promote his own book I think he wrote a book and he was trying to do YouTube to get an audience to sales book too before he moved then like he was already talking about personally it's like oh all the nerve and how it's been but then the thing is now film is this is the most like no I mean it's very successful well I gave with a nerdfighter like when he goes into popular media his videos tense and to do very very well okay where I disagree it's like because that was my videos like still like an artist don't try to find something truly unique but stand on the shoulders of giants and then try to add like 20% of your own magic or 10% of your own magic but it's perfectly of fine to draw like not like inspiration I think you can draw or not only be inspired by other people which can you can draw from other people and I also think that your own your own like like well if I say like become 20 percent unique I think that is not only I think that's actually in a viable because even women are like but if I do it when I started I was like if I can talk as smoothly as the writer with this voice thank you for August smoothie as he does if I can edit smoothie easy dose that would be amazing but of course like our style became a little different because I found different effects that I liked the years I found different like things I like sound effects that I want to use maybe different way of like music we like to use and then we moved it from him almost automatically yeah the things that were like when I'm actually in my next video which I'm trying to upload this week is also again a change of formats and it's more it's still movies and I would say it's still video essay because it still has an argument but there's no voiceover grants more like video essay and also like very another Stewart 23m like these guy that makes super cuts of movies and those kind of stuff that's I mean I think they're very underappreciated and masterful editors that make like I think it's our it's not a video I say I'll send you something later but I think it's really amazing job or something like that but I'm still have like an argument that video sc/st argument in it but of course like I draw same thing like that format of more poetic video essay that it's more editing based I drew from them and I drew from my own experience and the own argument that I want to make but it's always it's always a mix everything's remixed like you like you said you know like yeah that's that's that's what I oh that's where I I would when you tell people like dude you gotta have this unique original concept otherwise it's all Rises dude then I think you're gonna discourage people that otherwise would no no no I feel like you're gonna encourage them to look I just feel like the amount of things that aren't talked about it's it's because everyone just goes to people I want to find out something how do I do a video I say oh well everyone's doing filming out so I guess I'll do film analysis and you know who's the guy to talk about well it's David Fincher so I'll just do a David Fincher video there's just so many things that have not been talked about and so many things that are like waiting for someone to cover them but just because they're not popular in the zeitgeist no one is like copying what has not been done and so what I'm saying is like you don't even have to have a super original thing but as long as you talk about something that hasn't been talked about for a while you could have a much more compelling I'm just tired I'm just tired of seeing the same recycled like formats or like opinions that are not it's not because it's not because they're like not entirely original it's just because I've heard them repeated and repeated and repeated and I can tell the people are reading the same sources they're not trying to like go beyond you know of the first page of Google to like find out what they think about the subject and that's just my like core core the org or god forbid they read one book and summarize the one book and it's like okay well we've got we can do better than this that's all I'm saying is like it's like we can do better and there's so many topics that haven't been covered that I would just like to see that anyway whatever we're getting to we're getting too deep I've got six minutes before I actually have to go so have we to not talked about anything let's talk about the law right real quick really quick really quick welcome all right did you see the trailer I've seen his TED talk on it the Kumari for everyone who doesn't know is this Indian guy who just says what if I become a fake guru literally does the whole premise of the documentary and he gets like real followers people who really believe in him and then at the end he says like I'm not a guru whatever or like yeah like I'm not who you think I am or something but the followers were like really getting something out of his faking the thing which I think is the whole point of the documentary yeah well that was kind of like the discussion I mean we have to watch it and I did a like an elective course on documentary filmmaking and it was kind of like the morality of documentary filmmaking parts that we have to watch this documentary because at the beginning is it's very much like a Borah kind of documentary always like tricking people and becoming you know like he's very Americanized and then he sees all these Western people following Indian gurus and then he's like I'm gonna become an Indian guru I'm gonna grow my beard grow my hair get like a staff and get a traditional Indian clothing and I'm gonna go to meditation retreats and yoga retreats and I'm gonna try to build following and it was like ridiculous teachings of like having his followers like new yoga poses and like things right any item chant things like mantras and stuff or like greeting exercises with a snorkel and like all these kinds of ridiculous kind of things and then but then like he gets a core following and then it starts to feel bad because these people like really need help and they also have real problems in the day they actually feel helped by him even though he's faking like he's even saying like oh I am think I am NOT a guru if you pretend to be a guru you become a guru like he's telling that to his followers and then and all these people like them reframe it into that head is something different of course yeah and then but then at the end the question is they refuse himself and then some people get really angry and and are don't talk to him anymore and all the people like its messages they're like oh it wasn't me I wasn't the Guru it was your like it was your own I made you believe in yourself you did all these like the progress that you made or the things that got better into your life you did into your self so and then became about like some personal development message about our of self belief but then the question is like could I have done it by themselves or did they need something else to believe in and also that which we were talking about is like what Specter the camera play a role this like the documentary camera that was there created leverage for his followers to execute on their problems you know like if did like one of them wanted to lose weight that she knew that in three months or like a couple or two months they were gonna be back to shoot more of the documentary and she knew the camera was gonna be there suddenly there was more leverage and accountability to actually lose weight sure then we're kind of like the thing okay this is not a defense by the way of like any lock or anything it's just more like an exercise thing I mean you could even put brawler through the function of religion yeah I don't know we don't really have time to get into yeah yeah it's an interesting document it's an interesting documentary I don't really know how I feel about it I think it's pretty I like I acting it's pretty questionable what he but you think it's you think he was being like very immoral that's becoming fake I think lying to people is immoral yeah yeah I think I think telling people especially this is something that I've thought about recently is like anything related to health like people tend to say like well you know adidas or Nike they sell themselves as something they're not they basically imply that they're gonna make you a good athlete or whatever like how is that different from figures and I think specifically with health and wellness I think a different standard of marketing should be applied and a stricter standard so like it'd be it'd be sync anyone has a problem with like I you know or I think everyone has a problem with you know some herbal supplement company saying that they're gonna cure your cancer and why because it's there's an inflexible demand people have to have that and people like people will spend money they don't have to try to cure their cans or whatever the same thing with health and money and financial like if I think you cannot lie about the fact that oh I'm gonna make you a million dollars in the same way that I think it's like less of a problem for some just some stupid like pillow or something to say how great this sleep their sleep is gonna be or whatever like I think that's like less of a problem then somebody being like yeah I'm gonna make you a millionaire and you can quit your job and don't go to college and go go whatever and so I think kumari sort of falls in the line of like sort of an inflexible demand of like people are feeling like spiritually bankrupt and so he's like oh yeah I can just solve it you know come to me your yogi who's like who's like like I just think he is his goal was to expose exactly what you're talking about right but his his thing was like let me go undercover and just do it for a while and then eventually kind of pull the reveal right but he's still doing that to people for a while yeah so I mean no okay so that's that's why it was a documentary class in the morality right right right right right right oh dude I actually I saw a way worse documentary like a horrible documentary where the documentary filmmaker got like like people that were homeless and and mentally like not 100% and put him on the stage for people office and like he called he called the documentary call it the colors forgive me and it was just like dude people do your hair like you're terrible yeah yeah yeah I mean I mean I could not like Borat of course hugely successful documentary or like movie they also kind of like um feels like people's biases and racism and stuff but then there were there were the worst a lot of discussion about the nba's or the not like the disclaimer contract study I people sign we're like not honest or whatever the disclaimer contracts were not exactly honest or in the documentary and portrayed in a very bad light we're told something different about how they were going to be in the documentary yeah yeah yeah very very negative effects yeah on their on their lives so yeah I say another thing like with documentary because it's always you know it's like a representation of reality but it's very much not documentaries is a creative few points on reality that is fair easily influenceable a made here so yeah but I mean of course like this stuff that I'm interested but yeah I think I think it was about it that's me yeah well it if any final remarks I know final remarks is go do YouTube yourself now I'm just kidding join Lars no no no I appreciate I appreciate your perspective I definitely realize like I I know I'm super opinionated and so I always wet the goal here is never to like push my viewpoint is the only viewpoint in fact it's to hopefully get other viewpoints in to challenge me but to also challenge you know the concept of like is coaching really coaching these days I don't think it is I think what you're doing is very different from what most people are doing so I'm glad we had this kind of discussion and then have some of these things out and if anything if anyone is still watching this video thank you for staying to the end your check out story if you go if you go to storytellers from this video say you're from coffee Zillah to prove lars wrong prove him wrong okay subscribe he makes great content storytellers is and actually one of my favorite episodes is how to steal like an artist so go check that out I highly recommend it even though I do believe you should also try to be original which is sort of different but anyways that's it thanks for coming on the show [Music] [Music] Sakura [Music]
wake up wake up all right all right all right all right what's going on uh what's up Joe Biden love to see the president in my chat dude it makes it means a lot you know what I'm saying because sometimes you give someone your vote and then there they go you never see them in your chat again but for sleepy Joe to come around here drop some load up you start your chicken walks in chat it means a lot it's big it's a big deal oh wait uh uh turn this down a little bit turn this down a little bit no there I guess uh Joe Biden and George Soros are a dynamic duo yes I do think that the core of my chat is Joe Biden and George Soros isn't he did wait didn't he die am I totally out of the loop I thought I heard George Soros died am I dead wrong don't bite I didn't say Biden uh it's me walking this is crazy oh yeah so if you guys don't know why I'm live it's because we've had the first successful labor movement in this country's history pre-chatters spammed Chicken Walk until I went live I was not going to go live but the power of the movement did it they won it's crazy but as as the capitalist I was unable to create my large profits without their the power of their chicken walks and like could this be a moment that sweeps the nation am I crazy but could this be a moment that begins a larger broader labor movement puts power back in the hands of the workers no of course not it's just twitch chat but still still it's one we're seizing the means of content production we're not really doing that right you're just spamming Chicken Walk just to be clear I mean I want to like just hone in on what you're exactly doing which is using the word chicken walk over and over um [ __ ] the workers Elon on top interesting so there's two sides to this story some people are pro worker some people want Elon Musk to win more than he already has they want the world's richest man to make more money which is a good interesting idea looking into this concerning interesting um started playing sifu Because Of You the combat is so fun uh uh I I you know I would it was fun but I just I played so little that I don't even know yet um I feel like I just all I did was um Instagram add you where I played the game and I died a bunch and so you're like oh I could do that I'll show this ad how it's done and then you bought sifu because I I really didn't do my I mean I [ __ ] hit Master difficulty and died in the first boss uh I'll bet workers tears taste even better on Mars I I assume they're the same everywhere I assume workers tears if you're into that are consistent cross-planetary I think it's something you could bottle and serve across the Galaxy uh big egg when are you playing Batman game again why the [ __ ] would you think I would ever play that Batman game again if I didn't even play it the first time Pope Bob if they give me the three gifties to Rollo sevis and Lewis uh respectively thank you welcome all to the the subs Subs my language is fluid today uh why do you hate CST and ESD frogs um so a long time ago I used to have an uncle and his name was Jesus Christ and an EST Frog by the name of Judas actually betrayed him um and cost them his life really luckily he had a friend in high places so it worked out but um ever since that day I haven't trusted ESD frogs you know what I'm saying and so I sort of spurned them with my lifetimes and uh and so yeah that's that's why I do it and then CST frogs are kind of like um you know people in the middle of a war zone their collateral damage I I really mean no ill will to CSD frogs I just they get I'm trying to kill the ESD frogs and they get caught in the way um is it because Jeff Bezos isn't an ESD frog Jeff Bezos is currently living a life where he flies around the world taking human growth hormone and taking pictures with his uh uh ex-reporter wife that's what I use he is you know what Jeff Bezos is doing everything that Elon Musk should have done with his billions instead of mauled on Twitter all day uh Jeff Bezos is living the [ __ ] dream uh it's unfortunate that he's [ __ ] accumulated a dragon's horde of wealth but uh at least he's not wasting it hey big have you seen Hatsune Miko perform at a wedding yeah she performed at my wedding uh I during the ceremony I paused and I told Ari I have a surprise and then I we we wheeled out a big monitor on stage and then Hatsune Miko performed for 45 minutes I believe um and all the guests were shocked I will tell you that but I think they learned something about great art uh big yeah you really gotta watch succession it gets really really good if you stick with it so does heroin right but there's the problem is there's not a lot of benefit to me um I just I don't think you know I'm sure I would like it that's not the problem the problem is I'm trying to um carefully and accurately Focus my time and energy onto a few key things that I want to push forward they're like Boulders that I gotta move up a big hill and succession would get would put wheels in the boulder heroin gets worse with more use not better okay Junkie okay he's up bro okay [ __ ] I was gonna have we're gonna do a chat heroin party but now that you've ruined the vibe we'll do something else um doctor battle how's it going just go away just got a check from the state for 26 dollars because Turbo Tax charged me for tax prep services that should have been free get that bread King holy [ __ ] fight back uh uh [ __ ] Turbo Tax on God and they're [ __ ] insane Lobby to make taxes complicated hard and uh not autofiled LMAO TurboTax sweating right now you have the accountant at TurboTax is like we're 26 short it's all red ink have you heard of this puzzle game called viewfinder coming out next month if this is an indie game that you're involved with go off King no it's not uh uh viewfinder what this is a game where you can walk into tweets that sounds like hell I don't want to live in Twitter bro it sounds like [ __ ] misery on Earth all right concerning Elon musk's sweat dream whoa do you guys notice that Chad is going above the camera as well it's almost like you guys are surrounding me I'm getting a little bit claustrophobic the chat needs to always be right here oh I just moved it up but also people got a real like right there is good get him it's rock trapped no I'm not [Laughter] what is this oh interesting interesting I can already tell I'm gonna solve all these puzzles first try and chat's gonna be like extremely impressed I can already tell it's gonna be a breeze I will Zoom through it at a Eagles pace yeah I'll play this why not she looks fun she looks gas looks kind of like uh you know it's got witness Vibes it's got uh looker vibes oh boy I can definitely tell I will not Maul that any one of these puzzles words on end I can just tell it's not going to be a problem for me so [Music] oh interesting well that looks fun uh Absolutely I'll check that out super oh super liminal dude what a good what a fun little game that was uh Ichi TP I want to thank you for your 17 months of support and for your message hey glorandan it really meant a lot to me to receive that message from you it's just like that's what this community this connection's about uh Thunder lemon think of the Prime 25 months yeah boy gut shot think of the Prime Jolson for the 16 Lincoln Log with the seven bobicon with the 13 soif I think for the five months Elon Musk looks like a mole man from under the Earth's crust uh I I am not the world's biggest Elon fan I'm not sure that he looks like a mole man but I'm gonna find out right now Elon Musk as a mole man from under the Earth's crust let's see if uh let's see if we can make that happen uh generating uh Dolly um what games are you planning to play next great question I was planning to play game mind games with you by not revealing the next games I play by being Coy with it you know and then also shifting around no I I what I want to play is there's this indie game called Hitman or something I was thinking of getting enough I'm kidding uh next games I want to play Humanity I want to play Humanity I want to play more sifu uh uh hopefully that Silk song thing comes out pretty soon the hollow Knight expansion that comes out in two weeks oh by the way I don't know if you guys want to congratulate your boy I don't know if you guys want to [ __ ] dab me up crazy that I get no [ __ ] credit even though I'm sure you've heard about it I went 3-0 yesterday at the Lord of the Rings Magic the Gathering pre-release first place best in the shop got a bunch of free packs cracked wrecked and stacked baby uh oh detective game yeah good memory on that ask and you got the one ring yeah and I got the one ring so things yeah I forgot that I got the one ring uh wow that was two million dollars in my pocket I didn't even think about it crazy when you got bread like this it doesn't even [ __ ] matter to you uh crazy thing to forget I know I guess for most people you'd forget it but you wouldn't forget it uh what was your deck I'll tell you what my deck was well it's not gonna you guys gonna urge me you're gonna back in batch ass me because you don't nobody cares because you don't know Magic but it's cool I'm just going to show you the [ __ ] two card combo it's cool all right just but before you even respond to it just know that it's cool that what I'm saying okay I got these two cards no don't say Club [ __ ] out don't say all right I got these merkwood bats that whenever you create a token each opponent loses One Life interesting very interesting and then I got the Horn of Gondor that creates a lot of tokens perhaps you could see the synergies so you create the tokens and they drain their life why the [ __ ] is the bat at common I don't know that's why I snatched them up it's cool Chad guys this is [ __ ] cool when I'm telling you if [ __ ] Snoop Dogg were doing it you've gotta let you be parking right now and he probably would because he thinks it's cool okay how about this I'll tell you what's cool remember that idea of Elon Musk as a mole man emerging from the Earth's crust hahaha how about this now that's cool holy [ __ ] this is a real photo I went to documentary.com 2000 I remember I had this friend I'm just gonna say his name I don't give a [ __ ] his name is Curtis when I was in like sixth sixth grade yeah no ninth grade sorry it's like freshman year of high school and this kid Curtis would um tell me lies all the time about uh things he heard in comedy specials but that were true uh so for example the one I remember most was there was like a Ron White he's this old comedian part of like Jeff Foxworthy you know like the redneck crew and uh no and so Ron White had a joke about like I don't know some environmentalist getting hit by a tree during a hurricane it was a pretty poor taste joke to be honest Curtis would tell me that story like it was real like he saw it on the news and then I was like wow what the [ __ ] what how did you see that where can I where can I see this happening and then he's like he would just tell me it was like oh yeah you could find it on um like nbc.com and I'm like Curtis I know your dumb ass is not going home and watching nbc.com for the news so stop [ __ ] lying to me uh but that's what he would do and but I I legitimately the first time he didn't believe them and I tried to look it up and there was nothing and then I saw a [ __ ] Ron White special like six months later on Comedy Central at like 1am and it was exactly what he told me and I got pissed the 50s were so crazy they they sure were they sure were uh I was not in ninth grade in the 50s okay I got held back a lot so I was still in fourth grade in the 50s but um goaded vid my boy well not watching vids just yet we don't got a heart we gotta rush into the vids you know what I'm saying usual trash thinking for the prime icon Willy thank you for the prime 29 months took that long for the hair to go I see the hair is not gone the hair's not gone the hair is growing guys pretty soon you're gonna be like Brandon please cut your hair it's too flowing it's too long it's getting in the way of your eyes and you can't see our Primes uh uh oh figure eight what was your message you said no you didn't you didn't stop bro you just write a message uh J Rave man I think for 32 months 32 months good God damn j-ray may your last message was simple it was the fact that Isaiah still plays Super or smash 64 and plays so well is crazy yeah I guess that I mean yeah that's so true it's not related anything but it is true um a truck how was serving in the Vietnam War because you are old I can't let's assume for a second that I am a Vietnam War veteran is that is that what you would do like if you were going down the street and you saw a really old man who had served in the Vietnam War you would say how is serving it because you're so old and you start laughing that you couldn't breathe like what how is that how is that a respectful way to treat somebody who fought for your country that doesn't that doesn't I would ask what crimes they committed well I fought for Vietnam so first of all Check Your Privilege okay I fought for the Vietnamese uh hey Strack how was the change no stupid question and also yeah then I'd give the veteran a titty twister and run away drop spindle laughs crossbow you would not do that do not pretend do not try to Pander to the chat and imply that if you were to see an old war veteran you would call them old give them a titty twister then run away you would not do that drums bundle I don't believe that you were that kind of person that isn't extremely that would be mean that would be mean Spirit it would be assault downright this is the old person can't defend themselves uh and I don't think you would do that all right so let's not let's not act cool in front of our friends here um the xqc essentially pull 51 ring cards [Laughter] need a metaphor for 100 million dollars do you know what I'm saying essentially he did not do that no that's a stupid way to think about it by the way if there was 51 Rings they wouldn't be worth 2 million a pop so no it's a stupid way to think about it so stupid xqc uh you got 100 billion dollars but if you can't understand that let me explain it to you he essentially found a hundred nfts worth a million dollars each if that makes sense to you does that you understand stop [ __ ] um uh how many Elvish how many teeth is that in Tooth Fairy terms yikes actually see in Tooth Fairy terms definitely overwhelmed the pillow if I had to [ __ ] put a label on it uh uh unless they're big chunker teeth that you get more money for yeah I wonder if to a tooth fairy teeth scale up like diamonds where you don't need a quantity you need quality like one rotten [ __ ] you know cavity filled tooth it's probably not worth a full quarter but like a real shiny big chunk of rhinoceros tooth polished to a stone 500 Grand yeah that's why I don't brush my teeth to ruin the tooth economy I don't think you understand how the economy Works you're just ruining your own teeth and your own personal economy that's like saying I don't work you know I don't get a job to ruin the economy you just you're just poor does it you're not you're not taking on anyone um and you're not shorting the tooth Market uh uh is he talking about his reverse Tooth Fairy business again I for I I remember that I had that discussion I don't remember exactly what it was I do remember that I pitched the idea of a reverse tooth fairy I can't I can I know it was a good idea I know everyone agreed with me but I don't remember exactly what the idea was I I have good at this all the time I have good ideas literally all the time I could drop million dollar ideas any second anytime you ask but obviously uh uh uh now easy easy okay easy how about um an Off-Broadway musical about soldiers in the war of 1812. perfect that's a million dollar idea [ __ ] easy just someone make it just write it yeah I'll again okay wait uh this is [ __ ] easy it's kind of like for Hamilton fans if you want more uh uh Off-Broadway musical about the War of 1812 about soldiers in the war of 1812. there I [ __ ] uh crank went out and judge you with you right now uh-huh in the year of 12 1800 we took a stand never to be plundered stood our ground wait what the [ __ ] all right look at this we are the soldiers of 1812 marching to the drums relentless tell on Hallowed Ground where Heroes fell we weave our story that the world would tell beneath the stars and stripes our hearts do swell now I think support from the British side it'd be funnier cash as we speak I'll give you another one here's an idea um how about like a [ __ ] uh [Music] uh like uh phone app a phone app that when you use it it tells you your greatest oh it tells you it tells you your oldest friend and then you can click a button and it'll send them a respectful emoji [Laughter] ah it's cool it's easy money no not a coffin that would not be that would not be inappropriate uh what if we made an app that brings back Facebook poking interesting uh uh congrats you just invented Timehop is time hopping app Timehop app heimhop celebrate your best memories today about what the [ __ ] is this at sincere we build products that have heart our family of brands has one thing in common technology that brings you closer and helps show you care to the people that matter the most I've been with the team for over a decade and I'm not alone I joined the company 11 years ago I joined the company 15 years ago we want this to be the best job you ever have I've been with the company for over 14 years if you ask anyone what they love most about working here the answer is always the same people the people the people and we get to do some pretty cool stuff too will you please welcome Bear Naked [Laughter] naked I wake up every day we always ask the question what's the next best thing we can create we think about our financial and strategic plan five to ten years down the road one of the best things about this company is that we put people first community service is important to our team we donate to important causes what's great about our company is the way the products work together nothing more family than a family of Brands I hate my real family compared to my family of Brands you know what I'm saying our family of Brands is connected by one thing heart we are a company a team a foundation a family of brands oh I never would have gotten to that thank you for mentioning Timehop I don't think I invented that I think they've invented their own thing um bro what do they do they didn't mention that and they don't need to because they're sincere they're a family of brands it's not fake it's a real [ __ ] company you can apply to a job there right now here let's let's let's see what jobs are open you guys are looking uh uh does anyone hear an Android developer or perhaps a senior Ruby on Rails developer all of you I think how about somebody does executive assistant to the c-suite uh uh you have to live within 20 minutes of Farmingham Massachusetts Framingham that is a that is gonna be a problem um you like kids and are comfortable with pets you well it's like a babysitter slash nanny this is not an executive assistant this is like you're comfortable picking up [ __ ] dry cleaning and you're what the hell you don't offend easily that's also what it says you have raw intelligence you can keep a secret [Laughter] what the [ __ ] it's not all about work you know uh whoa you can work from home and our office and our CEO's house wherever you're needed 24 7 mindset you'll work reasonable hours but you have a 24 7 mindset if I'm thinking about it 24 7 then it's not quite reasonable hours is it Jesus Christ the family of Brands is sounding more and more like a sex cult every second yeah no joke intriguing somebody get this job and find out more learn more somebody moved to farthingham Massachusetts all right goodbye Dr battle uh weird way of saying you'll always be on call Yeah well yeah that is what they're saying um sounds like a job for Evan GAO I think Evan GAO would not be so good at this job I can't keep a secret wow uh I have truly helped you guys out I got you guys job opportunities I gave you two million dollar ideas um and we barely just started it's crazy I'm putting in overtime for you I don't gotta thank also thanks can you please for the love of God watch this Geometry Dash level I'm about to die and this is my last message you're about to die and this is your last message and I have to watch this Geometry Dash level all right [Music] foreign [Music] wait I just got to pretend I'm playing because anyone joins the stream right now share it holy [ __ ] this is the Run wait I'm actually let me focus focus wait I gotta get this next part this is the hard part I always feel here uh-huh okay last part okay holy [ __ ] could this actually wait wait wait could this actually be the Run [Music] come on easy part easy part and then okay okay let's go let's go not done yet I almost popped off too early Otto don't distract me auto I'm [ __ ] about to crush this level I've been practicing grinding offline okay this is the part I usually [ __ ] up but I think I can get this time I'm reading shot while I do it this is this is eight minutes long this shit's eight minutes long bob I [ __ ] tired of it I just realized I was like wait a minute this is gonna go for a [ __ ] ever I can't keep this [ __ ] bit up holy [ __ ] dude no way we weren't even close we weren't even close John Jammers thank you for the six months six months of hrock ignoring my sub and Enron jokes let's read a classic John Jammers Enron joke I'm scrolling up at atriak favorite Enron board member stupid uh uh scrolling up more is there more Jeffrey's Skilling by the way Jeff Skilling my hair and Ron board member uh scrolling up some more I don't see a lot of other Enron jokes you have a lot of jokes about uh uh my bald head you have jokes about how I should run Japan I don't know what that means uh uh but yeah anyway yeah don't comedy got him he didn't deserve it he doesn't deserve it you know don't give up comedy God like that it's a [ __ ] hard-earned title uh SNL hire this man no they are Jake Novak's got the spot if he wants it big a I'm confused your title doesn't say Colombo night can you fix this please I actually can't because the CEO of twitch contacted me and said Colombo is banned single single-handedly Colombo's been banned from twitch [ __ ] crazy I'm going to kick baby second I get that kick contract we're doing full-on Columbo nights uh take off that hat and show your old man hairline you coward and that was your first chat message you followed for two months to make that message I have to ban you VIP that man Giga Chad based uh quacks alt deleted um did you ever does the twitch stuff mean you finally get the 70 30 subsplit Yes actually for the first 100K right I heard today that only like like the number of people that actually are impacted by the twitch sub change is like a thousand people out of Millions and I think I'm one of them which is uh hype I guess it's like only good for me it doesn't really help big streamers because it's a small point of their income it doesn't help small streamers they usually need 350 raw tier ones it only helps like lower mid to middle class streamers which is where I'm [ __ ] thriving bro so I actually got like a pretty nice income boost uh three of the Walton ones are pretty big yeah it's a massive bird they should they should have made it listen there's two things they should have done one is 70 30 for all subs no matter what but number two at the very least if they're gonna be smart about it they're going to be a business they're gonna be ruthless they should have done 70 30 for raw tier ones up to the first 100k uh dollars and that way they still get to milk the top streamers who have all of the subs and they can't really get a popular movement going because all the small streamers will be happy so they won't like get uh they won't join the cause that's what the smart business move would be right now what they're doing is like helping almost nobody and making it kind of confusing and getting everyone kind of angry twitch's twitch has made a lot of unforced errors twitch should stop being a business and start being a family of brands yes yes dude I used to be it felt like it used to be a family of Brands and now it's just a business dude but the world doesn't tax the rich the world does tax the rich it doesn't tax the wealthy and there is a difference and one day you'll learn the difference uh uh but the rich do get taxed the athletes Wesley Snipes the actors rappers they get taxed dude uh uh Chris Rock joke the rapper is Rich the guy who signs his check is wealthy yeah exactly 100 percent um it's rock in your opinion do you think that twitch losing money really affects Amazon at all yes it's it's a pimple on Amazon's ass and if it's a big enough annoying painful pimple you want to get rid of it you know you want to fix that but Amazon is it's too big for the money to matter but it's also like Amazon is not trying to run a charity here and they've been pressuring twitch to be profitable for a long time um twitch is done if Amazon decides to scratch oh scratch the pimple primes are a massive money sink massive is debatable um Amazon Prime is massive as it is I think the one thing that is become apparent though is that nobody is buying or keeping Amazon Prime because of the free Prime on Twitch like that that it has changed the sales of prime at zero percent so it didn't do what the [ __ ] the point was is it true that Kik used Amazon owned servers yes they did they use AWS Amazon web services to stream so so kik does pay Amazon for every live stream I mean for pursuing the bandwidth everyone uses AWS though well yeah it's it's Azure from Microsoft or is AWS from Amazon um but saying everything uses it is not a counter argument yeah okay their money goes to Amazon they're direct competitor but like so does everyone else Amazon's really strong uh doesn't that's not that that's that proves the point hey guys it's your average Microsoft employee please use Azure uh Azure is doing well dude they're both growing insanely it's it's absurd it's absurd they should be separate companies uh how much how big of twitch cost would be AWS uh I don't think it it's segmented that way I'm not I'm not an expert I've talked to a finance guy but um because twitch is owned by Amazon it's not recorded in the same way as a cost um do you think there's a point where Amazon would abandon twitch no I don't think so and let's switch lost you know like the way Google or Facebook abandoned Facebook gaming and the way Microsoft abandoned mixer if twitch lost all its users they'd abandon it but as long as it has users they'll just keep trying to figure out how to monetize it um I was honestly I dropped Prime though because shopping on Amazon has continually degraded that's what I'm saying okay if you're deciding whether or not to keep Prime the fact that there is one free Prime subscription does not change your mind nothing about twitch is changing whether or not you buy Prime uh it's only the shopping and maybe the TV the you know the Amazon Prime video and the music but the twitch part is is not um strong enough um it's a small diff maybe yeah I think that's the problem is I think the numbers uh did I ever tell a story about when twitch launched the game shop [Laughter] uh where uh twitch twitch was trying to make a steam competitor you guys might have been I mean you guys were around for this I assume if you watch Twitch in 2018 anyone before coven they wanted to launch um 2017 really 17 or 16. and uh this is like one of the later Pro it's like one of the projects I worked on Twitch before I quit and it's one of the things that made me want to quit because I remember they were like all right they had some Amazon guys come into and they were all like we're all in a meeting and they had a whiteboard right and uh they were writing projected sales numbers for the first week on their whiteboard and it was in the it was you know I'm thinking like 40 to 60 million or something something crazy maybe I'm maybe I'm smoking reefer I forgot it was a huge number it was it was big right they were just talking about how like okay so even on our low estimate in the lowest limit was like 20 million even on our low estimate we'll still be able to you know make like the cost and this will healthy and then projected growth you know they had like a up into the right graph and numbers and it was I just remember vividly this meeting and I remember I was talking like Jay witch something and I was like man this seems like a bad idea like why would people buy a here and not Steam like what what the [ __ ] is the advantage or at the very least we're not integrated into Amazon they can buy it through Amazon because we're part of Amazon now but it was like an entirely separate shitty storefront connected to Twitch and so anyway you know we're saying that but nobody's listening and these [ __ ] executive people higher level not even executive director level people we're like forcing it down mid just saying how great it was going to be and then we launch it and I remember I remember uh we got the updated sales numbers or the updated graph for the first week when they were still doing the reporting on it and it was like it was like zero I mean it was like six hundred dollars you know what I'm saying it was it was something it was absurd it was it was like a insanely low like like shockingly horrendously hilariously low like nobody was using it and after that week they never reported on it again everyone who had been championing it like pretending they never [ __ ] supported it they jumped to other teams or they you know what I'm saying it was like it was a complete abdication and it was sunset almost to me like they they shut it down so quickly and uh I remember thinking wow that's so [ __ ] because I had to work on like I had to work on some of the launch marketing for it uh we had to do we did like a uh some twitch weekly thing some social stuff and like a video maybe an email marketing we did like a whole thing for it and like I remember thinking there's no way to sell this because there's no there's no answer to the question why the [ __ ] would anyone use this over Steam man yeah so um same thing happened to discord's game shop yeah Discord did it after twitch I remember that because I was talking to a Discord employee at um either Pax or twitchcon they had a Discord booth and I was still working there or I had just quit and I was talking to them and I was like Hey so you guys are working on a store huh uh we did the same thing at twitch and it was a pretty big flop you know the big problem is nobody has a good reason why they wouldn't go to steam what do you what did you guys answer to that [Laughter] and he like he just stared at me kind of blankly because he had been you we were talking about he was like he was so excited he was like yeah it's gonna be amazing like it's gonna be built right in the Discord you're gonna be able to buy games and I was like okay yeah but why would they not just use Steam and he he like paused [ __ ] thought of that question like that never crossed his mind and I was like I don't know you know because I'm I'm in person I'm you know I'm not gonna try and [ __ ] confrontation here I was like yeah I'm sure it's fine I'm sure you guys are you know it makes sense you guys are no it seems cool but like on my mind I was like thinking this is [ __ ] this is no this is no this makes no sense um patriarch Loki my favorite part of cons is to crush the soul of dumb innovators you sound like an [ __ ] that sounds terrible what why is that your favorite part of cons not hanging out with friends or [ __ ] seeing the the shows or the content or you like walking around at different booths and crushing dreams [Laughter] cool no I because there was one uniquely bad example I didn't get a [ __ ] thrill out of it um age Rock I've saved up enough for a down payment for a house in the Bay Area should I go in now or wait for lower interest rates everybody at at packed fulfillment and call them Richie Rich call them [ __ ] Jeff Bezos snob yacht wearing [ __ ] this guy's the enemy dude this guy's [ __ ] first you have enough for a down payment on a house in the Bay Area that's at least 400 Grand 300 Grand I guess 20 versus um uh no what what here's what I'll tell you and again no one has the answer repeat that let me repeat that nobody has the answer nobody in the world knows exactly what's going to happen it's been a very interesting time almost everything that would normally torpedo the housing market is active right now prices should be cratering but because there is so little Supply because everyone that has a house with a 30-year mortgage they got a while ago with a two percent rate is refusing to sell and there's a huge glut of 30 year olds and 31 year olds and 32 year olds that want to buy it's evening out so it's a very precarious position at any moment there could be a large reduction in prices your question asked if you should wait for lower interest rates that's not that doesn't matter so much because if you get a high interest rate loan and interest rates go down you can refinance so that that shouldn't hold you back what you should be worried about is price if you buy now you're buying at like a very high price um so so that's your thing so you have to decide it depends on how long you can wait you know I am personally again this is not Financial advice I am personally of the belief that we are um buying now would be more ill-advised I think you will get a better deal relatively soon I'm of the belief that within a year uh we were going to see declines but if you're Richie Rich and you need a house now understand that that makes total sense you can refinance your loan um uh he's like an energetic kindergartner today guys there's nothing wrong with having energy energy is good I think energy is great uh uh or just buy five houses somewhere else yeah I'd also tell you that buying in the Bay Area man yeesh that's a lot of money you can put towards a lot of things uh uh yeah I don't know man I I you're also like are you sure you want to be in the Bay Area for 30 years or whatever if you're putting a 20 down you got a lot to pay I just understand that's a [ __ ] um or gamble all of it yeah you know what you should do is take that down payment put it all on red okay double it put it all on black double it again use that buy a house in cash easy clap start becoming a landlord take your rent money that you get from your tenants put that on red double it uh uh suddenly you're [ __ ] you know what I'm saying you're you're printing money is that that is financial advice by the way that one is Jay Adams think of the 25 DNA thing for the prime sanguine Phoenix think of the 25. Ray Striker thing with the prime it's pandas think of the Prime the one year of prime thank you it's pandas we truly live in an Age of Wonders I am of the belief that old dudes owning multiple houses they leave to gather dust is why we're in this housing problem um um I wealth inequality and housing as a uh investment vehicle are keys to this problem yes um but you know you're thinking of old dudes like it's like one Boomer with two houses and more realistically it's like BlackRock with like you know four million houses that you know that that that's that's your bigger issue um uh uh but again they will likely lose a [ __ ] ton of money the problem is this is my biggest my biggest anger with all of this is that um there's these stupid bets that larger corporations make that make them um a little bit of money consistently with high risk and so they just take out massive massive loans and they do a million times and they print money and it goes really well and then I'm waiting because I know this is [ __ ] stupid what you're doing is stupid and will lead to your downfall but then when it actually does when the [ __ ] when the [ __ ] check comes due when they're buried in the mountain of debt when finally their badges catch up to them and they lose [ __ ] 100 billion dollars in a week and everything goes to [ __ ] they just get a bailout like nobody goes to jail nobody is sent to the [ __ ] Poor House the government comes in and bails them out and that's the [ __ ] part most of all because if they actually got truly [ __ ] once it would leave a [ __ ] Lasting Impression and we wouldn't have these problems so much because there'll be serious personal risk if they've made such dumb decisions but there's like this moral hazard where they almost are encouraged to do it it's [ __ ] dude it's happening right now with um commercial real estate like [ __ ] Office Buildings uh in downtowns you know these big office towers that are like half empty so a lot of companies took out huge loans 800 million dollar loans to buy these Office Buildings okay and they can't make the payments on these loans anymore but but these scum [ __ ] put into the contracts when they took out the loans that if they can't make their payments they can give back the building rather than have to pay the rest this is what this is [ __ ] so what they're all planning to do is give back all of these buildings at once just return the keys to banks that can't do anything with them and the bank takes a big fat loss and then re-buy them at foreclosure basically from the bank for pennies in the dollar so it and the banks will be [ __ ] torpedoed obviously with these massive losses but the but the government will bail them out because they've already implicitly guaranteed that all banks are going to get bailed out so they're basically just going to offload all the dumb decisions they made onto their nearest bank and then the bank will get bailed out from the government that's the [ __ ] plan I don't know if this plan will work but that's what I'm understanding is currently the plan and it's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] up they should they should just get owned it makes me mad why doesn't the government bail me out of my college loans well they kind of tried to right they did then it got blocked and now it's up in the air but uh they did I mean that was the that uh once that starts again bro that's the real [ __ ] um if we just let BlackRock own all the property then property prices will be stabilized you're you should be president I love that I love that idea I love where your head's at hey truck what's the incentive for governments to bail out Banks mass panic people that lose their money in a bank riot if you have your money in [ __ ] Charles Schwab and it goes under and you don't get your money you lose your mind but more importantly rich people lose their mind because they have more than 200k in there uh Bank runs scare people cause Mass societal Panic unrest um what pissed me off was uh Silicon Valley Bank because that bailout was only for hyper wealthy [ __ ] Venture capitalists nobody who lost who would have lost money in Silicon Valley Bank was like a [ __ ] Regular Joe it was all incredibly wealthy people that probably would have made still 80 cents on the dollar for what they had so it's frustrating dude it frustrates me because we were you know it's what it really is is social the rich we it's like we actually do have socialism it's just only for the red it's only for wealthy like everything is safe they have a massive [ __ ] safety net for many fuck-ups would you say the government is glazing the rich yes yes the government is glazing the rich I'll say it uh I'll I'll be based enough to say it uh uh MLK literally said socialism for the rich capitalism for the poor yeah 100 percent 100 because yeah I don't know it just it annoys me when they it's already a rigged game right but then they play it so wrong that they [ __ ] up and lose and then they get bailed out that pisses me off if they were just allowed to lose it would still kind of even out like that uh frustrates me um bailing out nft investors is the ultimate burn well they deserve it okay nft investors are like Christ's Warriors if I'm I'm not being too dramatic but they really are like angels you know Among Us but they're not sus I feel like they they're saviors if they were they're christ-like like every time somebody buys an nft an angel gets their wings they're the crewmates yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they're like the crewmates of life till we get smarter today well we're using Among Us metaphors to discuss uh uh the U.S financial system so yes yeah I know I'm a big fan of MLK I just like to ask dumb questions I like that you have to like specify that you're a big fan of MLK foreign big fan dude big fan love his work huge fan we stand and he's making fan cams of MLK [Laughter] I'm okay I know it's unpopular I think he was cool I like him um he's kind of a daddy yeah he kind of ate with that I have a dream speech laid you know what I'm saying like he left no crumbs [Laughter] when he denounced uh systematic racism he left no crumbs dude uh uh he's giving equality I [ __ ] with his Vibes dude I swear to God I [ __ ] with I [ __ ] with his vibes uh he busted it down activist style so true this is like the world's longest terrible SNL sketch Zoomer goes back in time to I Have a Dream speech and it's like eight minutes long and it gets progressively worse Jake Novak wrote it he Stars he stars as MLK um uh he raised up America I don't know that he did that who I think the only person who truly raised up America is JFK he Charmed the pants off America before he lost his head uh oh Michael Jackson rizz up the world really Pete Davidson Pete Davidson hasn't won me over Dude he hasn't won me over I wouldn't date him and he's been trying I think it irks him then I think the one thing that ruins Pete davidson day is knowing that he hasn't won me over yet I think he sits there Furious fuming what about baby Gronk I don't know [ __ ] of a baby Cronk and I never will I've decided not to learn uh you're straight I'm half bi so careful it's pride month don't call me straight dude I'm not a [ __ ] I'm not straight I'm not part of the straights uh I'm an ally I'm a soldier and I'm half bi JFK had the baby I don't hear about this I don't hear about the [ __ ] I don't care about the [ __ ] baby grunk [ __ ] uh uh is baby Gronk and Emperor's New Groove bit no but I wish it was a loving person who Groove God that movie rules the half by thing is your worst bit IMO let me read your chat messages I think your worst bit well actually I'm gonna be honest with you I was hoping to find some bad bits in your shot history but you have 999 messages and almost every single one is let him cook poggies or Pepe laugh laughs so you're actually a chat you literally have three messages almost your entire history this is crazy yeah you don't have you don't have any bad bits you win uh did you see green squeegee at the 70 star record I did if you guys don't know Green squeegees the guy that got the 16 star record now he has the 70 star record by like 14 seconds dude's an absolute speedrunning Chad he is one record away from the perfect five for five uh uh look at this Chad dude zero Star first one star first 16 Star first uh 70 star you got today or yesterday it says fifth but it's not updated he has first so he only needs 120 and then you will have I think the I think the first person in human history to ever have five for five in sm64 and also just like probably the greatest speed running achievement of all time if he gets 120 I I think it's easy to call that the greatest speed running achievement of all time and it's not close really uh uh it's that's kind of absurd except for maybe getting uh the first four hour Hitman 3 Trilogy heart Trilogy run that was kind of like the greatest of all time but this is a good second um it would be cooler if it was different games that's that's that's a crazy ask dude for a game this is like the speedrunning game and no one's ever done all the different categories it's crazy it's just crazy um honest to God 120s on another level of difficult Maybe I I I don't think 70 and 120 are another level of difficult I think this guy can easily do it I think he's got the skill squeak save us yeah I think squeaks will be the one to take him down it would be crazy if tomorrow you know squeaks turns on stream and just knocks out all five just back to back to back to back just cranks it out you could probably do it um crazy that would be expected are all of his records really far ahead yeah that's the crazy part is not only did he break all the records he broke them by a mile um yes times are absurd he's just he's incredible I mean it really is kind of like a I've never seen anything like it I've never seen anything like it he's he's cracked I mean again 16 star that was two months ago two months ago we got this and I don't think anyone's gotten any closer yeah no one's gotten any closer no one no one's even running anymore I heard 16 star they kind of gave up I heard he killed the category with this [Music] um it's just so far ahead that it's ridiculous yeah I don't know is he better than Messi he's better than Messi at Super Mario 64. if that's your question um if you devoted the next three years of your life to running 16 star you could beat it I don't think so um because I'll tell you why because the maybe second greatest melee player of all time Armada quit melee and did just that and it's been three years and he's not even on this list he's not even on this list bro he's I mean he's maybe he's down here I don't know where Armada is but he he's been doing it dude uh this game's hard as [ __ ] he does 70 star okay but is he on the list let's find out Armada Armada oh there he is 19th 14 days ago and Armada is [ __ ] amazing dude Armada is a god gamer he's been grinding but he's 19th you know what I'm saying this game is hard this game is [ __ ] hard and highly competitive I think you made a mistake he said second greatest melee player I say what I say might be third if I count J Mook bro laughs uh uh it's Fourth behind mokey Moki and Moki now come on dude come on dude uh it's not as hard as Paper Mario actually what is the speed run for Paper Mario Paper Mario origami King H goat is not number one eight goat oh my God oh my God [ __ ] six hours 46 minutes is the speed run the any percent speed run that's so [ __ ] slow you could beat that maybe maybe next time yeah you know what I cannot [Laughter] huh someone needs to submit my combined vods at the end so I can get a five year time my run needs to be at 30 second place yeah spliced of course no actually it's not segmented I I will just say it's been running in the background the whole time and I took long breaks but it's never it's not segmented uh a truck as someone who goes to the gym regularly any advice on getting started um it's it's too obvious I'm trying to think of some uh I I would say okay here's an actual piece of advice here's other than just go forehead here's an actual piece of advice is that um this was this was when I first went to a gym in San Jose when I was working at Nvidia I basically didn't go to the gym the entire time I was at twitch okay I just played games and then I wanted to you know not [ __ ] have my muscles atrophy so I went to a gym and the the guy was this [ __ ] ex-military guy really [ __ ] shredded big and he was like showing me around the first workout was free and he was like yeah we're gonna sign you up and I was like pumped dude because the workout was good and I liked the guy and I was like yeah I'm gonna get shredded and I was like okay I want to sign up for you know five days a week and he he looked me in the eye and he said no disrespect and no offense if you sign up for five days a week there's a good chance you'll do it for a week and then quit and he said I think what you should do is sign up for two I think you should start with two and get it consistently and I'm gonna be dead honest with you first of all that guy earned my loyalty for a long time because he down sold me like he didn't he could have made way more money uh and I would have just skipped a bunch of classes instead he got me on two sadly he was a hundred percent right because I had done that before I had feaster famine where you jump in trying to go crazy then you burn out if you try to add too many habits at once you just [ __ ] quit you got to be small with it and you have to understand that things take [ __ ] time so what I would tell you is set two days a week and go just if you nail that and you do that consistently for a month two months it's gonna start to become a habit and then they'll be easier from there to add a third or a fourth but if you try to do it all at once it'll be too much um so that's my advice I'll give you is like it's like start small but not the thing the one mistake people make when they start small that I've seen is that they they start so small that it doesn't even count they're like okay start small that makes sense and they start so small that they don't even do anything really or they have absolutely no hard number so not even like two a week it's like I went once this month I did it you know or whatever it's like you have to I think two a week or something like that is a good way to go um make it a hard concrete number so you can make that number eventually go up um aatroc but then he lost all your respect because he wasn't grossing hard enough yeah exactly yeah he earned my loyalty but lost my respect because he didn't try to get more money I was like damn I can't even though you're stronger than me I feel like I could beat you mentally because you're not trying to extract every dollar from my from my wallet um even if you just watch big a at the gym at least you're still there no no I don't recommend that your your habit be go to my gym and watch me there that doesn't that's not that doesn't count as working out that that's stalking if anything that doesn't um [Music] [Music] um something about Superstore muzzles bro just I mean this is the harder advice easier said than done but you know if you get sleep eat right get sleep um honestly I think I'm pretty good about going to the gym I go pretty regularly and I also get my 10 12K steps a day my problem is sleep I just if I if I get consistent sleep for like two weeks I feel like a superhero I feel so [ __ ] smart I feel strong I feel good but if I get inconsistent sleep which is what I do almost all the time it [ __ ] me over it just makes it everything harder it's my biggest it's my biggest problem I don't even eat unhealthy are you pretty healthy I drink a lot of water I don't drink soda I work out pretty much but I just I get such bad sleep man I got I don't know that's my biggest problem um start with two days you're actually right you're honest to God right what I should do is have two days of perfect sleep and see if I can get it up I've done it before occasionally I can do it but it's just it's it's my hardest um how do you guys live life without substance abuse I don't get it okay first of all I'm sorry to hear that sincerely I I hope it's like more of a uh ironic dark humor joke uh uh one second let me get water speaking of substance abuse let me get water yep hydration quack don't give advice you [ __ ] don't give our secrets out all right everything you've done as an employee is [ __ ] under NDA he said real answer is find someone who really enjoys the content and someone you can grow with I was a terrible editor when I first started out and a truck was a much smaller streamer I'd like to think we both improved our own things uh uh he's honestly right yeah that well that's what I like about my editing team or by the way uh videos I mean the plan is next week straight up I'm not streaming tomorrow um uh uh I should have my update video on Monday and then actual videos by like I don't know Wednesday Thursday Friday hold them accountable yeah I'm telling you guys to hold myself accountable because I keep putting off this update video and I'm like I should just do it so that's what I'm telling you um quack has gotten better at editing and big a has gotten better at dodging his invoices our two skill sets keep climbing you know what I'm saying he keeps making more videos when I get better and better at not paying him it's real arms race yeah no I mean all the videos on the channel like the old videos on my channel the editing is dog [ __ ] no disrespect to anyone who did them but they're just bad and then it gets better over time which is cool I I think almost everyone we added the team was someone who like was their first time editing or like beginning and they got better uh Hey Big a long question here my girlfriend's dad works in the film industry okay Flex um is your girlfriend's dad Steven Spielberg I was wondering if you think the writer strike will last longer than the previous one and if there's any factors different the 2007 strike that can make this one last longer since the rise of AI yeah man I do the last Rider strike lasted exactly 100 days in 2007 and in that time it was pandemonium shows like the office couldn't make new episodes um tons of popular shows of the day back then late night shows like Jimmy Fallon or not Jimmy Fallon um Jay Leno uh David Letterman all of that uh they were popular crazy as it sounds they had tons of viewers and like were big polls uh for the networks and they couldn't run without writers uh Heroes um all that stuff and so in 2007 there was a real [ __ ] pressure on the studios who by the way had not expected the writers to actually strike the studio heads were saying like they'll never actually strike and so when they did it caught them flat-footed and uh they had to make a deal and so the writers basically won in 2007 they didn't win as much as they could because the Director's Guild kind of [ __ ] everything by uh signing their deal early and putting pressure on but ipso facto end of the day writers writers got a a big progress in 2007. with this Rider strike all of the studios were ready they knew it was coming ahead of time they've been stockpiling content and they have built-in scabs in the form of overseas writers uh an overseas production companies like you know squid games made in Korea just for example they're not part of the writer strike and so the studio heads are much more prepared this time are sitting on boatloads of cash and there's been a glut of content so the average user is not demanding new shows right now they will again no stranger things that's a problem um you know there's there's big shows that I know the writer is going to hurt but like the average person has a lot of shows to catch up on so what I will say is my my initial worries the studios are in a much better position than they were uh negotiating wise then in 2007. so the writers are gonna have to strike for longer than 100 days in my mind it's like it's like a it's like for sure it's got to be longer and that means the pain is going to be hard on the writers who aren't getting paid and are living off of the strike fund so I get I get worried for the writer strike I really wanted to succeed I believe in the cause I think it's I think their cause is just but uh I think they're up against a tough tough uh Studio system um what's the cause of the strike I mean there are many causes but the main is that writers uh are being squeezed their jobs being sweets to get paid less and less and get less and less consistent guaranteed work um for example like if you were a writer on a TV show before you'd be part of a writer's room that would work for the whole season you'd be allowed to come to the set you'd get paid every episode now what they do is like these um they're like I don't know pre-rooms or something some kind of early mini rooms yeah they do them before the show starts they get everybody in a room to make all the ideas for the season ahead of time then they split off they do individual episodes and they give them all to the Show creator at the end who has to hand who who's the only person that is on for the whole duration of the show so they can basically pay the writers way less almost like a gig job um and save a lot of money uh there's that there's like a ton of uh reduced opportunities for Young Riders to rise up and like learn the ropes um and of course they are thinking of ways to like use AI to reduce the neat writers all together or like limit the use of writers so the big thing strikes about is like you know more consistent pay more consistent access to upside again if you were a writer before like if you're a writer in the 90s and you write friends let's say you're just a [ __ ] random writer and you write the show Friends you're set for life you get a big [ __ ] upside because your show hit it out of the park nowadays when you write for streamers you get a one-time guaranteed paycheck and basically no upside so if your show is a Smash Hit like if you wrote something great it means nothing you get nothing extra there's no there's no bonus uh there's no upside um so so that's the problem that's why they're striking okay and I think it's I think they have a lot of fair and valid and good points and I hope they succeed but the studios are more ready is my only concern thankfully the Actors Guild has also voted to uh allow the option to strike I don't know if they've actually started striking yet but if the actors join in that helps a lot the actors would help a lot to put pressure on the studios um if they stop the strike right now do you think they have any decent deal no no if they stop this right now they're getting they get nothing no progress the Studios have budged on nothing they're refusing to even negotiate um if they ask really nicely do you think they might get a better deal Bob Iger please please please give me more money I don't know it could work good work I've decided to decide with the giant corporations King I think people unironically do that in a lot of situations I think people have this mental thing where like if someone powerful is picking on someone with less power there's people that just like like to side with the powerful side because it makes them feel stronger I legitimately feel like this is I this is like a a psychological thing people just like being on the side of the winning team even though they're like it doesn't mean anything to them they don't get anything from it they don't because it feels bad to be on the team that loses you know or like has a harder struggle hmm [Music] um uh AKA man city fans I mean I talk about this a lot but there's that one thing in that book uh influenced by chaldini where it's like um you know they called people in a town to ask them how the sports the local sports team did last night you know and and if the team won they'd always say we won and if the team lost they'd always say they lost people just always feel like they're part of the winning thing but they disassociate from the losing uh and it's like that's just human psychology and so it's it's uh always play Both Sides so you're always on top yeah yeah um cognitive dissonance yeah a little bit uh uh I've been loving that book this determination no problem I always like when people read the books that I recommend and then send me a little messages about them because I always believe that zero percent of you ever read a book in your life so anytime someone proves me wrong I always feel a little nice uh reading is my only good hobby right now it's the only thing that I feel like I other than working out we're eating and working out the rest of my day I I need to [ __ ] do more productive things um which book it was called The Very Hungry Caterpillar foreign it's a very it's a very Advanced book um it's it's a fire book I don't know the name but there's this big shiny fish bro that book [ __ ] sucks the rainbow fish book this book is so whack dude just no don't Capital he call me I'll explain let me cook this is the book I'm talking about this [ __ ] book this guy walks around he's got shiny awesome glittering scales and everyone's [ __ ] jealous of his ass and the solution at the end of the book is for him to rip off of his scales and give one to everyone he has to mutilate self-mutilate his own body and give everyone one of his [ __ ] scales and that's the happy ending instead of just [ __ ] being himself the way he was born he has to rip his body up so no one else feels a Spang of jealousy and they don't have [ __ ] shiny scales uh communism [Music] communism is when no shiny scales can't have shiny scales and communism that's [ __ ] true dude I I'll know you're a [ __ ] capitalist dog if you have shiny scales oh this is the future liberals want which one I can't even tell so you think it's mutilation for this fish to get gender affirming surgery I don't think that affirms the fish's gender to remove their scales I don't think it's related to gender I think the fish just got bullied into [ __ ] losing its scale straight up I think this book is about a fish that looks [ __ ] fly as hell getting bullied uh hey shark what's your take on Microsoft's new filings against the FTC what's my take it's not drama it's not it's not [ __ ] a hot Goss dude my take is Microsoft was too far on that one tea time uh uh no Microsoft is trying to get this [ __ ] blizzard deal through at all costs and the UK is consistently blocking it so they're legitimately thinking about not allowing Activision games to be sold in the UK as long as they can get it through in America but America recently sued to block it as well not not fully but they've delayed so again it's delayed longer so Microsoft is getting pissed and they're trying to force it down mid get it through in America and just [ __ ] off with the UK that's their plan and it's because they spent 70 billion dollars on blizzard and they want to [ __ ] have the company they want to own it so they can make it part of Microsoft UK based actually unironically I'm shocked the UK has held to their guns on this Microsoft has so much money and power and lawyers and they've not oh um blizzard over here pulling up their skirt to reveal their thaws thighs and saying you want some of this fifty dollars baby it's got to be one of the weirdest messages I've ever heard I don't get it at all I don't understand it I don't I don't think it was an appropriate description of what's Happening I don't think you cooked I don't think you ate I think you left a lot of crumbs I think your your plate is covered in crumbs [Laughter] I think you've barely touched your food actually I I think you're like a picky Peter and you you left a lot on the plate the food is the food's untouched um big a did you see people actually molding at the FTC in the UK for doing their jobs I can't yeah of course Gamers the thing is the problem is that every gamer who hears about this news on Twitter is like not somebody who cares about you know big business or monopolies or um corporate Authority or anything they care about whether Microsoft or Sony wins the console war like that they're not even they're literally like the people on Twitter are all like any news that is good for the console that my parents bought me is good and if it's bad for the console my parents bought me it's [ __ ] dog [ __ ] it's crazy um and I I don't know I'm I'm not saying I never fought in the wars okay I'm a veteran I did two tours in The Game Spot forums but those were a long time ago that's about what Nintendo needed me you know what I'm saying when the Nintendo Wii needed a soldier to fight I stood up and I I I let myself be counted uh I was in the [ __ ] dude Nintendo Wii is like being in [ __ ] uh Antietam dude it's like being in the trenches of World War One it's D-Day if you were Nintendo Wii fan on launch day holy God you saw Brothers die yeah I looked at my left and right and I saw people die because it was [ __ ] I remember it was called the [ __ ] Revolution and everyone in the Game Swap form was like Nintendo Revolution that sounds [ __ ] Giga chatted and they said it's called the Wii the [ __ ] smell dude could you find any of your old Forum threads I think GameSpot deletes uh uh yeah I don't think so but uh I did find um what's this nah it's all deleted I found me Pokemon battling on the penny arcade forums in 2007. uh do you think they never stood a chance because they kept losing their Wii remotes the wheat the wheat did amazing the we did amazing it sold a bazillion it just sold it to families and like little kids you know uh the we that we sold more than than both of them it just didn't have as many games it was just not good for like edgy 13 year old Forum goers you know if you're a [ __ ] 13 year old boy and Playstation has like [ __ ] cool [ __ ] and good graphics and you get the [ __ ] Wii and it's called the Wii you get made fun of that's it that's why I was bad they didn't have Shooters you know um the Wii and the Magna Carta are the two most important landmarks in history you drop that and you deafened me so no matter you don't even want to hear my response to that okay no you don't nothing more needs to be said so true so based so [ __ ] wise uh uh wait how about this I'm gonna ask chat GPT chat GPT to write me a musical okay write me a musical right right me a song from a Hamilton inspired hamilton-like Musical about the video game console Wars from the perspective of soldiers fighting for Xbox PlayStation and Nintendo set it in 2007 around the release of the Nintendo Wii verse 1 Xbox Soldier in the year of 2007 on a mission like a dare we have been given there's a war no one's seeing it's a fight or weapon Xbox shining in the night a green ring of light our guiding star in the console war we're raising the bar halo rings out a cry in the night with our Xbox 360 we're prepared to fight Chad okay console Wars oh what a fight in the shadows of Technologies night battles fought not with guns or swords but with controllers headsets and digital Rewards foreign PlayStation in my hands feeling the heat a force to reckon with never known defeat with a dual shock in my grip I Stand Tall in the console Wars PlayStation won't fall Blu-ray disc spinning game looking so bright through day and through the darkest night resistance Uncharted our Battle Cry with our PS3 will never die [Laughter] console Wars oh what a fight in the pursuit of graphical mics not just the game it's our Heart and souls victories our only goal then came the Wii with a brand new play a revolution in gaming clearing the way nunchuck in hand wimote swing in the console Wars Nintendo is King Super Mario Galaxy Our Heroes take flight Twilight Princess battle it was a GameCube game right with a console for all young and old and Nintendo's story will be told this is [ __ ] trash it's about the journey the friendships the score this is what we're truly fighting for wow um [Laughter] in like a conference room at Netflix and I just finished my pitch and I looked back at them and it's just dead silence I just finished singing the whole song I got a little [ __ ] slide with it huh so that's the that's the show um console Wars the Musical um we're ready to shoot we just need the budget um slowly erupts into a sea of claps yeah exactly so what'd you guys think uh uh we can tweak some things on the on the second verse if that's your problem don't worry about that they'd still green light to be honest well they do need writers laughs uh I think people give too many plays standing ovations what an incredibly small thing to worry about that's that's your position in life that's where you're if you're a one-issue voter it's that people give too many standing O's at plays it's who cares who care what is the worst thing that happens is people give too much praise to creators if we aren't booing the bad plays how will the good ones know they're actually good so true I hate this [ __ ] participation trophy crap in the play world the notoriously expensive and difficult to succeed in play world all these spoiled [ __ ] millennials uh uh they don't need writers they just need prompt Engineers like you yeah [ __ ] true wow we have a certified prompt engineer in chat holy [ __ ] it's an honor sir uh one second one second oh let's watch a video on Tom Cruise running let's get this get smarter Saturday started with a video on why Tom Cruise's run matters I saw this video uh in my recommended it has 3.9 million views it seems interesting and it's only six minutes long I want to watch it so I'm going to watch it uh but first foreign all right why Tom Cruise's run matters I don't know why it matters but this video with the power of YouTube will explain it to us uh went to get gummy worms bro um is this Cinema Sticks no I think it's something else atriak runs like a Goomba we all know it there's no human way to run like a Goomba they've waddle dude a human can't my feet are not attached in the way I couldn't do it if I wanted to I have arms I'm sorry what ask the Storyteller you said no no arms having ass I have arms I I that that that is not in question nobody can deny that I [ __ ] have all I literally have on [ __ ] they're on those look like legs to me no no okay I see where you're confused drops man that makes sense see I have legs I have legs right here see arms legs totally different totally different so now that we've cleared that up I have arms everyone can confirm I don't walk like a Goomba [ __ ] stupid thing to say um big a really do be spotting his enemy hopping slightly and then running head first towards his adversary with Reckless abandoned I really do be doing that big a really do be doing that no I don't think that's the case in fact I think that a description of a Goomba of which I am not if you can find one clip or example of me ever doing that hopping slightly and then running towards my enemy I will call myself Mr Goomba all right let's uh let's watch this video Rocky Run Lola Run Even This Moment In get out but nobody runs on screen quite like Tom Cruise including top gun Maverick Cruz is now running 44 of his 52 movies a ridiculous start that has turned into a strange mythical Legacy people don't get enough of compilation videos and Supercuts of TC getting his jog on which has become something of a global joke I mean the man's own Instagram bio bro I want to pause and say Minority Report is a great movie and if you haven't seen it it's probably my favorite Spielberg movie which is crazy given his full career I think it's awesome it's not too woke [Laughter] Minority Report is too woke oh cause the word minority the title I was like what are you talking about I was like what are you [ __ ] talking about it's a [ __ ] movie about sci-fi stopping murder dude [Laughter] this is calling a random [ __ ] sci-fi movie I don't know why it's so funny to me uh I just you immediately said it which is why it's so funny [Laughter] um it's a great movie if you haven't seen it it holds up I recommend it you'll like it it's got good acting in it uh uh good plot good see everything a movie's great I I recommend it we'll give it a watch it also is like one of the I think Minority Report is the most accurate predictor of the future in a Sci-Fi movie that I've ever seen um obviously none of that you know Flubber exists Wally Gattaca no oh no all those movies are they somehow would play out you know but um Minority Report kind of looks like a lot of things that we're headed towards like self-driving cars um touch screen interfaces um you know it's a lot of stuff that wasn't there in 2000 it's got identification which is interesting what about iRobot iRobot is like a [ __ ] two-hour advertisement for Converse sneakers and Audi cars if you didn't notice the [ __ ] overwhelming product placement in iRobot watch it again as an adult uh I think literally at one point that's how that's what I knew I wanted to be a marketer I saw the movie as a kid and even I as a child saw that movie and Will Smith at one point holds his shoe up to the camera slaps it and says these converts are vintage 2004 which was the year the movie came out it's it's like set in 2030. how [ __ ] is that how little do you care about the plot of your movie and how much do you want to [ __ ] sell it's crazy although iRobot does have a goat scene where he's talking to uh Sunny the robot I remember a lot of the about this movie I've seen this movie multiple times um and he goes um either argue about artificial intelligence and Will Smith Goes can a robot even paint a symphony oppose beautiful music write poetry and then Sonny goes can you chills bro [ __ ] chills Chills by the way Chad DVD can let's watch that scene right now [ __ ] it can a robot write a symphony can a robot turn a canvas into a beautiful masterpiece can you owned owned owned owned can a robot turn a canvas into a beautiful masterpiece can you [Music] do trees [Music] [Music] yeah it is crazy because when this movie came out they thought that AI wouldn't be able to make a masterpiece or like write music and now it's like turning like a cam um pretty crazy uh all right Tom Cruise even says running in movies since 1981 as if that is the only thing he's known for going even further this strange phenomenon has led to actual academics writing reports that Coral ladies running to a film's box office success which is pretty hilarious when you think about it simply put it's a meme it's a joke it's a given get a Tom Cruise movie he runs when I was watching this completely unnecessary scene in Maverick the other day I thought why do we really care why is Tom Cruise running such a part of the social Zeitgeist and more importantly how the hell do they film this foreign first things first it looks really cool I think that's undeniable the other character who comes close to this level of running aesthetic is probably Daniel Craig yeah he doesn't have anywhere near the body of work that Cruz has and he doesn't live anywhere near as fast that's true I was just thinking that Daniel Craig doesn't look nearly as fast he looks kind of slow he doesn't have the pace miles an hour hair weeping in the wind and it's always so much fun like this tracking shot in Mission Impossible three just a fantastic movie moment which probably speaks to Cruz's commitment to his stance more than anything we all know he broke his foot while filming Mission Impossible and it seems like he's trying to find a new way to kill himself in each movie by doing more and more extreme stuff it is crazy because he's committed to the spectacle of what he's creating which makes him one of the last true action Stars we have for me it's it's about storytelling and I I grew up watching you know Charlie Chaplin Buster Keaton Harold Lloyd you know damn you're old Abbott Costello you know these they're they're kind of work that they did the classics and they they made me laugh and they had tension so these things that I want to I want to really build stories around that's why I started producing Mission Impossible and I know that very few other actors have the juice he didn't grow up watching atriox streams [Laughter] [ __ ] Abbott Costello and eight-track streams that was just [ __ ] big too that was the inspiration in Hollywood to make the demands he does so it's not entirely fair to compare him to younger actors like no one else would be able to demand that they film an entire movie in Airborne f-18s but then again who else is gonna voluntarily learn to fly a fighter jet or hang off a plane this is crazy still finish the take no one too much time effort and risk so it's no surprise that Cruz puts this sort of effort into his running scenes as well the proof he got better or at least according to an ESPN article earlier this year where a panel of Olympic athletes said they noticed a huge Improvement in his running style during collateral in 2004 which means that after running in movies for 23 years at the age of 42 he decided that he could still get better and hide a professional coach he wanted it to look perfect a running coach the initially filing run with balled up hands evolved into this upright straight Palm style that he's famous for now and sure some people think this could be goofy or robotic and I'm sure on camera which is why he's doing it it's still really freaking fast food style a Blog user calculator that Cruz was running at 15.3 miles per hour she's a cheater equates to a 14.6 second hundred meter sprint which yeah is not World athlete fast but in this scene he's 43 yelling mandariner people travels well over 100 meters we have no idea how many takes he'd done and most most importantly he's in full pants and no running shoes which is the crazy [ __ ] about all these runs he's never in athletic years wearing jeans or a suit and he's still absolutely flying so no he's not winning any Olympics that's the best part because you never see someone in a suit run that's the the that's what I think is the best part of Tom Cruise runs he's always wearing something he shouldn't be running in and it it feels out of place and it feels interesting he's a guy uh records but Jackie joining Kirsty a three-time Olympic gold medalist thinks he could probably run an 11.5 second hundred at 60 years old with a bit more training bottom line he's fast so fast that he has to slow down for co-stars when they're allowed to run with him [Laughter] [Music] Tom Cruise getting pissed at Cameron Diaz because she can't run as fast as him on set would be a [ __ ] hilarious behind the scenes or him just dipping he just runs so fast he leaves her behind to die running scenes are filmed in a lot of creative ways like if there's a character traveling at super speed the actor often runs on what's called a Magic Carpet which is basically a long tarp being dragged Along by another vehicle or they get dragged with a weighted wire system that lifts and propels them by comparison to these Cruiser's running scenes might seem a bit low-key he's running unassisted for most of his scenes so surely they just point and shoot right nah the one stunt I think that probably was the most difficult may not look like that he was jumping off rooftops now these were tile roofs it required incredible Grace Precision coordination and footwork and it looked so effortless that was tricky first of all I was the third to last day shoot of the movie and then that final day of the Sprint I couldn't wait to do that Sprint with Sprint yeah this one so clearly there's a lot more elements at play than you think first Tom has to be great at hitting his marks and just super fast like he already is second the blocking of all the extras needs to be perfect third a setting that emphasizes his speed like this sidewalk is perfect because you have so many stationary objects to contrast with his Dynamic movement and most importantly you need the infrastructure and Tech that can capture someone moving this fast incredible you know technology is that regular using the spider cam it's such a it's not faster than light bro he's a guy running at nine Olympic speeds we have the technology he's not so he's not a blur that you can't pick up on camera you could use a flip phone and catch him yeah he's not faster than Sonic high-tech device spidercam is basically a bunch of rigging equipment it's not just uh one system that we put up so if somebody has a vision or a shot and we build infrastructure to get our system up in the air and then we program the shot after that clearly not every one of his running shots has a spider cam or some elaborate setting sometimes he's just been filmed from a car or a dolly or a crane sticking out of the Burj Khalifa but again that was crazy well moving this fast like delivering the dialogue and doing whatever's in the script makes him the world's preeminent action star say what you want about his off-screen Antics and values but it's impossible to watch the man put this much effort into his craft without showing some sort of appreciation yeah he's good it's not like he's some B grade actor it's Tom Cruise for God's sake he's had a decorated career and being has he ever won an Oscar Tom Cruise not having an Oscar feels kind of [ __ ] feels like he earned one Tom Cruise no Oscar wow he's never gotten one that feels [ __ ] earned for what role um where was he nominated Tom Cruise best actor nomination uh Jerry Maguire who do you lose to in 97 Jerry Maguire was great in best actor he got it in 1990 and 1997. 97 Oscars the 69th Academy Awards nice uh who won best actor Jeffrey Rush shine as David helfgott [ __ ] who Megalo dude uh if you're talking Pirates don't talk to me the woke mob strikes again bro Jeffrey Rush should have best actor but only for playing Barbosa in Pirates of the Caribbean they're more guidelines than actual rules I [ __ ] chills dude [ __ ] chills but this shine who the [ __ ] cares how do you know Jeffrey rushes because he [ __ ] killed his Barbosa oh no uh you best start believing in Ghost Stories Miss Turner you're in one this [ __ ] is fire dude I [ __ ] love he's [ __ ] kills it he makes the whole movie a good villain makes the movie everybody knows this you have a good Barbosa impression I have many skills all right don't downplay it okay I can do an impression of anyone right now give me any actor living or dead and I'll do a perfect impression any person Obama [Music] [Laughter] you always pick Obama that's the only one you ever pick is Obama uh let me be clear mindful Americans I have dude that's all I've got it's the only [ __ ] thing I've got foreign [Music] now do Obama doing a Barbosa impressions [Laughter] uh let me be clear Miss Turner you're in once [Laughter] my fellow Americans you best start believing in ghost stories [Laughter] uh holy [ __ ] now do Barbosa doing an Obama impression my fellow Americans what maybe uh anyway okay proof all right no more no more proof needed I can do any impression of anyone doing anything nothing else needed okay now let's finish this film this [ __ ] some amazing movies he's a genuinely good dramatic actor unless it was my examination sit down but for now what are the Korean movies he's a genuinely good Jerry Maguire is great Jerry Maguire well it's still like a rom-com I guess but if you're in touch with your feelings go watch it show me the money dude uh why'd you skip those five seconds I wanted to go back to the Jerry Maguire scene this is a dumb pause but good dramatic actor I'm not serious my examination yeah Joe McGuire was genius because they mixed a sports movie with a rom-com to hit everybody in the 90s it was a real no one could be ashamed at watching it yeah 90s Ted lasso really sit down but for now it seems like the rest of his career will be fully invested in pushing the boundaries creating spectacles and orchestrating scenes that look amazing in a cinema which I'm completely fine with like sure I'm a bit sad that I probably won't be able to see him in some more dramatic roles but in a world that's getting taken over by too much CGI and too much green screen it's incredible that we've got a gatekeeper like Tom Cruise still trying to push out realistic action so I say just keep running Tom as long as you can we'll all keep watching and when he's 60 it could be that much longer uh yeah I'm a big Tom Cruise fan I think the Scientology part sucks uh uh but you know outside of him jumping on that couch it hasn't affected me but for his work in film in Hollywood it's impressive he's a [ __ ] incredible body of work tons of his movies have resonated with me over the course of my life the first mission impossible is like I [ __ ] love that movie girl I thought that movie was so [ __ ] cool um what's so wrong with Scientology my understanding is it is a uh um a bit of a cabal like they have a lot of uh not only do they they're predatory in terms of money they take but they like have done Shady or abusive things and then use their influence over powerful people to get it covered up and um they've disappeared women yeah I'm not gonna conspirate I don't know I'm not gonna make a claim that I don't have any backup on them but I know that they there's a lot of uh Darkness swirling around Scientology and he doesn't need it right I mean the guy's beloved globally beloved actor um I'm surprised that he has made it such a personal choice of his to be pro-scientology um but honestly it hasn't it hasn't seeped into his professional or public life at all except for like back in 2004. when he was off the perk dude and he was like insulting although didn't Matt Lauer end up being a predator and Tom Cruise insulted him so what the [ __ ] the problem Tom Cruise bass dude how Microsoft fumbled Halo I'll watch that the year is 2021 well it's kind of long a little too long I think for me a little too long uh we're looking for we're looking for something to get smarter they were looking for interesting videos that'll get us smarter I love can I KO everyone in this mansion without even noticing that that doesn't sound interesting at all that sounds like a lot of tossing a coin uh into a corner um drop spindle drop spindle this is not a get smarter video This is emergency meeting [Music] [Music] nice nice dude yet he's saying trauma that's funny you need a soundboard I have one thank you very much we truly live in an Age of Wonders we truly live in an Age of Wonders yeah it's a deep bench so don't [ __ ] don't knock my soundboard are those your only two it's all you need covers the whole gamut of human expression and emotion uh why the [ __ ] did we watch that 30 million view video Angels Among Us drop spindle why did you link that well what the [ __ ] was what was the what was that about I don't know why we watched that I feel so much smarter we were gonna watch a video but I we completely lost it um all right give me a video Give me a good video a get smarter video a video that's going to make us all more intelligent every single person here has a personal need to increase their IQ to to deal with the [ __ ] ever-changing Global landscape we live in every bit of intelligence is a leg up on the global Community we are we are in a fight for our lives every day and this knowledge could be the difference like this one right here uh uh you two are down now early 90s video game music analysis [Music] short video that will actually make you smarter it's called the eight spiders by lamino My worry is that I hate spiders and I'll get creeped out but I'll watch it ah I don't like it I don't like it it creeps me out dude I get [ __ ] chills what's it actually about oh it's about swallowing eight spiders while you sleep ah Abraham Lincoln famously said if you've read it on the internet it must be true a quote that most youtubeless channels seem to have taken to heart but it is often difficult to know if the things that you read and view online are true or not which makes it especially difficult for me as it's part of my job description the last thing I want is to be the source of misinformation so in today's video I'd like to demonstrate how truly difficult it can be and how a single inaccurate situation can lead to an ocean of misinformation okay so a few weeks ago I stumbled upon as opposed a fact goes like this the average person annually swallows eight spiders in their sleep wow I've seen variations of disclaimant must be true it's in a YouTube video by lamino and he researches it so you can tell your friends [Music] Giga Chad I swallow nine I swallow 16 to save one person thank you thank you you're making it better for the rest of us uh I'll watch a little more it's kind of interesting sometimes before and it's quite easily dismissable for example most household spiders are not exactly fond of wet and windy regions which is a perfect description of the human mouth furthermore spiders are very sensitive to vibrations and while asleep we tend to move around breathe snore Etc which causes the spider equivalent of an earthquake a human Quake nevertheless experts in both human and spider biology can attest to why spider munching in our sleep is highly improbable yeah but it did make me wonder if the claim is so easily dismissable how did it begin and holy Community guidelines did I discover a rabbit hole deeper than your favorite inspirational quote a quick search led me to an article on a website known as snopes.com snopes is a website special liberal fake news media agents and most people seem to agree that it is a quite reputable Source in the article they claim that the myth gained popularity in 1993 when a columnist by the name of Lisa aggregate holes to wrote an article titled reading is believing in a magazine known as PC professional she supposedly wrote an article which included eight spiders myth to demonstrate how people will believe anything they read online book released in 1954 titled insect fact and folklore so if snopes is to be believed the myth began with a book released in 1954 and to solidify this claim even further you can find hundreds of Articles and books telling the exact same story simple enough quite an interesting piece of trivia case closed or is it it wasn't for the fact that I bought the book and it does not include any mention of Halloween spiders in your sleep it would be a bit strange if it did as spiders are not insects they are arthropods which is a bit ironically the Bro Ari tells me this all the [ __ ] time it's so annoying it's so nerd I keep calling spiders insects and she goes um actually actually they're not insects they're arthropods uh it happened because I literally just as a gift I made her the modern day equivalent of a mixtape which is to make your significant other a custom Magic the Gathering commander deck yeah I got Riz all right I'm raised out of my mind so I I spent like 300 bucks and had a professional make her a custom insect based Magic the Gathering commander deck and there was a spider in it and she said um this is really sweet but they're not all insects because she loves insects uh so she threw the whole thing in the trash yeah um nice tripod yeah there is a lot of control the only thing you will learn about spiders while reading this book so I went back to snoop's article and went through the rest of their citations two are unrelated to the origins of the myth then they cite an article in a 1997 issue of the newspaper Chicago Sun Times I was able to read the article thanks to some incredibly kind people over at the Chicago subreddit Who provided me with a copy unfortunately it does not shed any light on the origins of the myth as the article only consists of a reader asking if this urban legend is true or not followed by an entomologist claiming that it is unlikely that leaves us with citation number three and this my friends is where we go of the deep end a quick search reveals that I'm not the first to investigate this source as most of the top results so that of other people looking for the exact same thing as it turns out no one has been able to find a columnist by the name of Lisa bergetold what has anyone been able to locate the computer magazine by the title of PC professionally United what so perhaps the magazine was published in another country the name Lisa birgitt Holst does sound quite European and sure enough the given middle and surname is of European Origins using various online archives catalogs and indexes I was able to locate five different magazines with either a similar title or with the exact same title published in a language other than English okay there's a magazine from the UK with the title PC Pro but the first issue was first published in November of 1994. I also found a magazine with exact title of PC professional but it was unfortunately written in an unsophisticated and intelligible language known as title of PC professional published a grand total of what appears to be two issues one in 1992 and one in 1993. the thing is if we're searching for an article it's funny for like that brief window when you would use a computer but not the internet so a magazine would make sense PC professional and like shouldn't exist as a magazine because if you're a PC professional you should be able to look it up online possible for a widespread Global misconception I failed to see how an obscure and short-lived Magazine from Sweden with a readership of a few thousand at most could possibly have served as the Catalyst not to speak of the tremendous improbability of this local magazine then ending up in the hands of an American couple who happens to run a website specializing in debunking urban legends who then also translate to the magazine from Swedish to English yet failed to mention any of this in the very article they wrote about the topic interesting let's put it in the maybe pile for now the last two Publications one from Italy and one from Germany seem to be the most likely candidates both magazines are titled PC professional in their respective language had a readership in the hundreds of thousands and has released monthly issues since 1991. from 91 to the present what the [ __ ] is going on in Germany bro or is this France that's Italy in Italy in Italy they're still reading PC professional Mamma Mia what the [ __ ] slow Wi-Fi what's what the [ __ ] dude's 2023 at this point there was no doubt in my mind that the German magazine must contain the article for two main reasons first the surname host is Danish and German in origin and thus a really common surname in Germany to this very day as a comparison I was only able to track down a single person in all of Italy with a surname Holst that's crazy second the magazine is the official German version of PC Magazine which is one of the most popular PC oriented magazines in the United States in fact PC mag has mentioned its German sister publication on numerous occasions this had to be it okay and if I wanted to know the truth there was only one thing left for me to do I packed my bags space reveal and traveled to Germany on second thought maybe I should see if I can find it online first good YouTube plus one a German library that for a small fee could send me a scanned copy of page 71 from the 1993 January issue of PC professional there and here it is a library Who provided me with this scanned copy had some serious copyright restrictions so I hired a translator to replace the German text with English and then recreated a page in Photoshop but it doesn't matter because it does not contain anything even remotely relevant to this mystery noise what and if this is not it I highly doubt this article exists I mean I even clicked page two on Google search so you know I've been thorough after pacing back and forth and questioning my own sanity for the better part of the week I began to wonder if Snopes had for whatever reason intentionally provided incorrect information I then quickly found a Reddit post demonstrating how the name Lisa birgit host is an anagram for this is a big oh unless we are to believe that this perfect anagram is just a random coincidence it would mean that Snopes has written a meta article about a made-up columnist who once wrote a made-up article about people's willingness to accept false claims as the truth in order to expose people's willingness to accept false claims as the truth that's incredible if true convoluted sure but oh did they succeed almost every mention of this urban legend since has been accompanied by this supposed origin story which is of course presented as the truth when in actuality it may be as mythical as the myth it is attempting to dispel all of these hundreds or even thousands of authors has fallen for the exact same trap as none of them could be bothered to validate a simplicitation and gladly lifted information they assumed to be accurate and it's easy to see why they would make that assumption because if you search for this Urban Legend today this is what you will find page of the page of Articles proudly and unknowingly presenting a fake story in order to disprove that's incredible story that's incredible I should also mention that I contacted Snopes on multiple occasions in the hopes that they could shed some light in the whole situation but like everyone else before me I received nothing but an automated reply but even if this god-forsaken article exists then the anagram is just a random coincidence the endless retelling of this story has been told under the pretense that Elisa Holst article exists and not due to any prior knowledge of its existence because the fact still stands no one has been able to find that's so interesting that everyone writes as if they had it's the most perfect example of circular reporting I've ever come across and that video ruled and I didn't think it would that was a great video thanks for thanks for recommending that was that was an excellent video foreign this 600 million dollar art Heist interesting business dystopia bro don't don't [ __ ] trick me I was maybe exorbia wind over vid on nebula ask storytellers got a video atriak exposed for being a Goomba [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] it's not that's not proof obviously he spent time on that you missed you missed the great Spider video making that by the way it says real in the video well every citation that vid about the goat ref to become the most feared and legendary referee of all time I'm kind of interested Legend inside those four white lines is no easy task most had to fight for the ball because that's where the spotlight shines Defenders had to perform thousands of clean tackles Keepers dozens of unimaginable saves Strikers had to provide a never-ending supply of goals but there was one man who became a legend in one of the most recognizable faces in the sport without ever touching the ball today we're gonna find out how exactly one becomes the most feared the most respected and by far the most legendary referee in the world even making the cover of Pro Evolution Soccer I won that's crazy Luigi they put a ref on the cover that's absurd I mean that there's there's stars of the game and the athletes are the stars I've never heard of this guy watching Carlina go about his job was as impressive as watching any other superstars he shared the pitch with it wasn't just that he seemed to remember with a sight of a falcon and cold-headed as they got it was the way he handled the players he was capable of telling off anyone even a maniac like Oliver can bow down to him like a newborn puppy being recommended but relaxed over time so much was a respect for him that the players already knew not to mess around when he was watching after all with that deep blue stare aimed right at you it's hard not to feel intimidated but don't get me wrong Kalina wasn't just a Mindless tough guy of any sort it was a diplomat the players love to share around with him and on the toughest of moments he was even capable of showing off his Mark tender side helping out the players whenever they he'd give him a little smooch in the cheek if they made a big goal this guy this guy's really [ __ ] uh talking him up he's riding dude he did he really was the best he made them food how did he get there as you might imagine Kalina wasn't actively looking for this job despite his passion for basketball just like many other referees he was trying to make it as a football player first but Kalina was realistic he knew that the chances were slim especially as he never found himself to be the most talented at first he just made sure to cover his bases continually working hard in school where he actually got taught by nuns and then he even took a step back quite literally actually okay he began playing as a center-back as he found he had the best chances of making it in that position since not many kids are willing to play there and it requires a different set of skills but have you ever asked yourself what team a referee supports or if they're even allowed to well as a teenager Kalina followed two teams however Walter Zenga played for and Lazio though at first he was a bologna fan as he grew up he fell in love uh nicely I don't care I'm not interested I don't want to know about the childhood of this referee uh especially if it's long I I I'm kind of interested in stories of players like here let me skip let's skip here oh the players will act before they do it was with this philosophy that he helped you wait for reduced a number of yellow cards shown in their tournaments in a way inside the foundation for modern refereeing attracted to the 1999 UCL final this match left a mark on everyone easily one of the most dramatic UCL finals of all time Bayern faced United in five minutes in Bayern were in France the late lasted all the way to injury time but then somehow United struck twice in quick succession snatching the trophy from Bayern when they were convinced it was already there get [ __ ] if the shears from United players were what marked most people Colina had to deal with both sides of the match as he told it himself the United players were running like Mad Men all over the pitch but then I turned around and found that most Bayern players were crying and laying down on the floor hopeless I saw Samuel kufood completely distraught I went up to him and I couldn't think of what to say besides still not over that how old are you bro you're not over this from 1999 this was a pivotal moment this How old could you have been when this happened get up and keep fighting there's still 20 seconds left on the clock football is a cruel sport its unpredictability makes it seem like at times it takes away what was already yours kufur feels exactly that way after all these years I know I'm just not into football enough to take and I want to give this the respect it deserves uh which I can't do right now so some other video uh uh football the public toll road with no speed limit biggest win in football history that's followed up with more football stuff we watched that John boys it's a great video um insurance cost of superhero disasters that's kind of interesting um what is this hey it's me Dustin welcome back to smarter every day smarter every day that seems appropriate there's a paralympic scandal hmm [Music] how increasing prices are shrieking the music you're banned for life [Laughter] uh uh do you need a video we can get smarter too I don't know if you guys know that though need a video that can really bring us that raw intelligence that we're all craving super short but informative video about China and democracy this feels like bait this feels like bait I'm gonna ban you if it's if it's not what you said it is I want you to know that I from now on I will do it interesting what is this it's not what you said it was but it's not but you just assured me that I could speak gentlemen this is democracy manifest have a look at the headlock here see that tip over there this is the bike who got me on the penis before why did you do this [Laughter] are you waiting to receive my lip penis one top look what a [ __ ] Chad what a [ __ ] Chad dude apparently he was wrongfully arrested he was arrested by mistake they were looking for a different guy who dined and dashed and looked similar so it was just an old guy who got manhandled by cops on false charges uh succulent Chinese meal [Laughter] rules dude all right definitely not better than that guy 15 minute video on Chinese electric vehicles no I don't care about that [Music] um product displacement what is this you know what when all time uh no what is this um I'm a night stalking crime fighting Vigilant what makes Lego Batman the most faithful Batman I I just maybe it's true but I don't care I guess I don't feel anything emotionally except for rage everyone knows about it it has a lot of viewers right here to 2017 the vast majority of DC comics bat verse was still waiting to be Faithfully translated to the Silver Screen then the Lego Batman movie happened it could have been a glorified toy commercial but in what came I was surprised to pretty much everyone it turned out to be the ultimate cinematic Love Letter to The Dark Knight and one of the most faithful Batman adaptations ever I've seen you go through similar phases in 2016 and 2012 and 2008 and 2005 and 1997 1995 1992 and 1989 and before we take this topic apart Brick by Brick why not take a moment to subscribe to the nerdstogic channel by the early 1980s the general public mostly associated Batman with the campy 1966 Adam West TV show a darker grittier version of the character managed to fight his way onto the screens in the 1989 movie I haven't seen this video and I haven't seen Lego Batman simply titled Batman directed by Tim Burton ever since then film audiences have been treated almost exclusively to increasingly dark serious and realistic takes on the Caped Crusader the Lego Batman who appeared in 2014's Lego Movie and who was modeled on the Batman from Burton's movie was a great satire of these black body armored Gravelly voiced movie Batman Emmett this is my boyfriend Batman I'm Batman his role in the original Lego movie was to be a romantic rival for the protagonist Emmett but along the way Batman was featured in some of the film's most memorable bits and became something of a breakout character if anybody has blackboards I need them okay I only work in black and sometimes very very dark gray still it wasn't obvious that he had a tale of his own worth telling much less one that demanded to spin up Batman Returns is the best Batman film full stop is that the one with Mr Freeze as Arnold Arnold Schwarzenegger's Mr Freeze is that the one with uh [Music] that's Batman and Robin that's the best one ice to meet you Batman foreign [Music] all right everyone it's a cold Town allow me to break the ice my name is freeze how the [ __ ] did he not get the Oscar for this we've been asking how the [ __ ] did they not give Arnold the Oscar for this he sells this character their blood will freeze in my head when I see graveyard then I will pull Batman's heart from his body and feel it freeze his hands [Laughter] tonight's forecast [Laughter] [Laughter] Bravo holy [ __ ] what's funny is that like that's all of his dialogue in the movie he's he only shows up to say a couple lines ago that all he says are ice puns uh so that's the best Batman movie I don't know why you guys are talking about this one so when the Lego Batman movie was announced fan understandably suspected a cash grab it would be the feature directorial debut of Chris McKay who had worn a number of hats on The Lego Movie but was still greatly an unknown commodity to the public turns out McKay knew what he was doing from a World building perspective Lego Batman instantly realizes what is by far the most expansive version of the bad verse ever to make it onto the big screen sure it all doubles as commercials for Lego figures and playsets but everything happens in a way that supports the story and character Journeys the film only takes minutes to establish all of Gotham City Wayne Manor the Batcave the Batmobile the bat signal okay this is I can't do that uh uh how this High School turned into it you guys have posted that too many times I think we already watched it video on the creation of nebula by one of the owners okay I'm interested oh it's too long I remember exactly nebula is 150 million dollar streaming platform that's crazy all right let's watch it let's get actually smarter for a second this could be interesting where I was Sydney International airport waiting to board a 10-hour flight to Tokyo followed by a 12-hour flight to Boston then a one-hour one to DC to arrive home the day before Thanksgiving 2018. my agent Dave said he had an idea he wanted to run past me so he popped on a call he just talked to Vimeo the video streaming platform they were trying to persuade him to persuade one of his other clients to build a paywall streaming site for their videos using their Tech this and infinite minor variations of this was something we'd get pitched costly as creators but everyone recognized that it couldn't really work in fact it had a long history of no working perhaps the most flashy failure was vessel it launched in early 2015 with the big name craters at the time Good Mythical Morning Epic Meal Time Shane Dawson Linus Tech tips it was basically a YouTube replacement same content same creators same features with the addition that users could pay 299 a month to watch videos 72 hours early combine that with their supposedly unique advertising ecosystem okay the pitch to creators was that they could earn dramatically more preview this is always the core proposition with these alternate streaming services more Revenue per view but they almost always have kick the same problem the number of views is orders of magnitude lower platforms have to extract value from the audience somehow whether through a paywall or through more intrusive advertising so why would a viewer watch on your platform when they could watch the exact same content on YouTube for free and with less intrusive advertising yeah so creators signed on the platforms like vessel get menial views compared to YouTube and before these platforms can grow enough to get to a point where it's worth it for creators Beyond an initial test group they run out of money and shut down okay I've done some ideas on how we could fix that we thought there was a chance that we had identified a magic formula that we were in a uniquely good position to undertake that could make this simple concept work where all others had failed okay years later well not to brag but we were right I'm interested massively over 650 000 paying users 100 staff members a conservative overall valuation of over 150 million dollars incredible all of that with absolutely zero dollars actually incredible they own 100 why were we I think this simple concept work when all clearly this video is going to be different I'm not going to be talking about logistics or geopolitics or infrastructure or another business I'm talking about my business so that's why for the first time I'm here this was a tricky video to write I'm trying to use my unique combination wait this is Wendover face reveal holy [ __ ] as an owner of a now sizable business and as a Creator to tell an intimate inside story of how you can grow an idea into an Enterprise there are a lot of things that can't be said for wendover's a team I see okay this is countless different stakeholders and so what follows is what I believe is the feature but there are unfortunately some things I just can't talk about sure it's a long story but it begins in a very small way on July 27 2016 I got this DM from Philip Detmer of Chris act hey man let's get right to it so me and another big YouTuber might be starting something but I can't really talk about it yet we went back and forth for a month trying to schedule a call then finally we talked basically Philip is going to introduce me to the freelance sponsorship agent he and cgp gray have been working with for years and later that might turn into something bigger that freelance sponsorship agent was Dave whiskus that's a name you'll want to remember it's I'm actually interested I'm not really reacting because I'm actually super interested and I I want to learn more so I'm going to be talking about like I forgot I was even streaming Bro I forgot I was even streaming for a second I'm like let me turn this up we have I'm literally interested I know he was actually right some important context the industry that had Arisen around YouTube creators in 2016 was chock full of liars cheats and thieves Paul it was only over the prior couple years that people could start to make a living off of YouTube and seemingly the first people that thought to insert themselves as middlemen were all glorified Christians crucial to going full-time on YouTube AdSense alone rarely cuts it but at the time the only deals I could land for my fledgling oh hey guess what I'm gonna say it right now um I got uh uh uh Factor reached out to me and wants to sponsor me again that's cool that's cool that's I mean that's really cool and it's cool because uh I don't know if you guys know this but despite being probably one of the smallest craters that sign with factor I sold more Factor meals than anyone else I was at the time back I don't know it's probably been passed by now but I was the number one because I actually liked it and I think my pitch was the most believable I my chat my Arch I mean this chat bought more Factor meals than anyone like much much bigger streamers that had Factor sponsor uh I met the CEO at twitchcon and he's like yeah um uh so that's kind of hype Channel or ones that automatically locked me into six months of exclusivity with the agency on book through without any guarantee they would actually fill video inventory and with undisclosed commissions undisclosed Commissions in this context means they just told you exactly what you'd get paid which sounds great in theory but in practice what it means is that they're selling the slot to the sponsor for one price then paying you I actually started Factor because of you lost 40 pounds using the keto meals uh save that for the sponsorship please [Laughter] save that chat message for when I do the actual sponsor read on Wednesday of next week okay and say that exact thing again and then I'll read it out loud because they might watch and it'll be cool to have so just save that hold it it's good but give me a give it to me on Wednesday give it to me clean i i i embellish it a little bit too you said you lost 40 pounds make it 80. you know make it incredible make it make it absurd make it 80 pounds and then say you also gained 20 pounds of muscle and say um yeah it's like 200 pounds I lost 200 pounds Kettle meals I gained a ton of muscle and now I'm a professional athlete say that say now I'm I'm on the the you know I'm on the Celtics do that all right yeah yeah just you know add a little spice to it we want to really sell this story ooh a completely different lower price and never telling you what the difference was it'll just decide what they think you'll accept but you have little leverage to say no because once again you're locked into exclusivity you're only legally allowed to work with them oh and also contractually they represented the sponsor not the Creator so their incentives were to push the price if you didn't like it and wanted to jump ship you had to go without sponsorship for six months which would kill your finances I've seen hard evidence that this particular agency was taking a 50 undisclosed Commission on certain Creator sponsorships so it's no wonder why Dave was able to immediately beat their rates and get sponsors to come back they might have actually been paying less but I The Creator was getting more hit by chance gray and Phillip had also introduced Dave to Brian from real engineering we had collaborated on a set of videos that turned out to be big viral hits that launched both of our channels into relevancy so he was one of my first Creator friends the next one was Joseph from real life floor I had never met him in person but we had talked plenty so I convinced him to fly out to the inaugural VidCon Europe in Amsterdam in April 2017. for day for months to work with Joseph whose channel was exploding and Dave would be there too the perfect opportunity for them to meet Joseph ended up having a nightmare weekend of travel delays some snowstorm or something so he didn't end up getting there until the afternoon of the last day but I introduced everyone and we headed to a bar we stayed there for hours everyone hit it off and it capped off an exhilarating weekend the first time any of us had seen a physical manifestation no I do believe they had a great time but it's funny to talk about it like my life a movie it was the craziest [ __ ] weekend we got [ __ ] this is the picture and it's for like you know like nerdy type long-form YouTubers it's like these guys make 60 Minute videos on why windmills are better than [ __ ] dams or something you know it's it's this isn't Drake in the club uh but I had a good time of the industry we had inserted ourselves into after working in isolation it was eye-opening to see and talk to so many others doing the same thing as us and according to Dave in retrospect this was the moment when he fully realized that this informal system of freelance sponsorship booking could grow into something more it'd be called standard a purposely forgettable name for a company designed to exist in the background making life easier for the creators on Center Stage and it worked creators were simply just having a better experience working with standard the rates were strong the experience was personal the ethos ethical is that the [ __ ] easier for the craters on Center Stage give these craters were simply is that um Max from carrot uh uh just having a better experience working wait thank you very much experience was personal wait what a what a Damas how do I say your name wada Davis what the [ __ ] is your name thank you for the 20 gifted holy [ __ ] uh uh oh a lot of damage you're the you are the hero that lost 80 pounds eating Factor no you you're just embellishing uh interesting okay ethos ethical in a landscape filled with grifters and sheets the concept of a sponsorship agency simply doing its job fairly was enough to drive natural Word of Mouth growth we added dozens of craters to the roster and started to be viewed as the go-to agency for educational YouTube we hired staff got an office started throwing VidCon parties it was all happening unbelievably this part the part that at the time felt like hard-earned yet incredible success needs to get glossed over to get to the good part November 27 2018. after a couple of days of back and forth with myself and a few other creators that's when Dave emailed his full roster of creators the white paper the initial concept laying out our vision for nebula this is that exact email in some ways it was close how would this work standard creators post ad and sponsor free versions of their videos and occasionally the service premieres exclusive content let's say we charge users five dollars per month for their service all of this is still true to this day even the price in other ways we were way off how do we attract viewers first we can simply buy AdSense ads on standard channels sponsoring our own creators feels wrong at least for now we can revisit it later if we think we can do it without looking dumb okay this is about as wrong as it could be we have never figured out how to make AdSense marketing for nebula profitable while sponsoring YouTube creators has been the driving growth Force well get to how we made that work yeah the real key that we understood from day one was that opportunity cost to standard but especially to creators had to be as small as yeah creators are lazy they don't want to change things I've always raised a huge amount of venture capital funding made a big splash of launch and ran out of money before profitability leaving creators embarrassed when they fold it we knew their creators were wary of aligning themselves to something so risky so he needed to make a small Splash we needed to design nebula to fail gracefully we needed to make it so that if it did fail it would have the smallest possible impact and finance that's smart essentially we followed the most dramatic form of the minimum viable product model of innovation we needed to get a super Scrappy version of the product out into the public so that rather than us having to guess they the customers would tell us what they wanted through how they acted you watch consumer behavior in order to fulfill their wants certainly a lot of the bones were already in place Dave's prior life was in the IOS app development world so he had a lot of experience in software we actually had a few Engineers on staff to work on the back end tool we used for sponsor billing and inventory management the trickiest bit would be the actual streaming the big platforms like YouTube and Netflix make it look easy but it's quite a technical challenge to distribute high quality video on low quality internet all across the globe yeah it makes sense possibly have the money to build our own streaming Tech of course Vimeo just start a uh online crypto gambling casino easy step one to doing any online streaming for video is to start your own Casino so you can make a lot of profit from that and then use that money to do high quality video of the internet I'm sure that's what Wendover did I want to cut them off but like you know originally approached us the problem with partnering with them was that they'd have owned a billing relationship basically when someone signed up Vimeo would keep their credit card details and info and while we'd get the money if we ever decided to play with them there was no guarantee we'd keep the subscribers so we rather decided to partner with another streaming provider called zeit oh they cut Vimeo out was a front end a slake flashy user interface to make it all look professional and an IOS app we barely even had a back end we had Eric who doubles our podcast editor who would take the videos creators added to a shared Dropbox folder run them through the encoder and post them in the right spot with the right metadata all in all it costs around a hundred thousand dollars to get nebula ready for launch that's low incredibly low self for both the website map that's awesome one key thing we were missing you see craters don't talk unless they're paid to this is because creators are paid to talk it's just pragmatic you basically get one call to action provision even if you see them in person if you ever see a Creator in person you better pull out your credit card because they'll have a little thing you can swipe and that's per word by the way okay never say a single word to a Creator one time I try to talk to a spectacor I was in uh Toronto for a meeting try to talk to him and he literally charged me he's charging I had to pay him a Canadian funny money which is the worst part uh hey truck happy Saturday hope you and I have a great Saturday and your day tomorrow as well thank you foreign thank you I appreciate that Madge the check bounced yeah all right you know I did I took a piece of paper out and I wrote [ __ ] I drew a maple leaf on and I hand it to him said it's worth a thousand [ __ ] toonies and he said I finally I made I could afford a house it was crazy they have no idea they don't they don't understand the concept of money up there uh you're lucky to successfully get someone to listen to One call to action so what the data shows is that if a creator for example runs a sponsor read then promotes their patreon what they'll see on average is that they'll earn less overall than if they had just promoted the sponsor as the patreon push cuts into performance more than it drives additional Revenue it's not always intuitive but it's a quirk of audience behavior that we'd understood for years running sponsorships and standards therefore we knew we couldn't just simply ask creators to promote nebula out of the goodness of their homes Not only would this hurt their revenue which would mean they would stop working with nebula in the long run this would hurt standards Revenue too since it came from Commission on sponsorships at the time standard and nebula were literally the same company with zero legal separation so weirdly free promotion for nebula would cut off the revenue source that we were using to build nebula interesting things immediately have a solution to this in all honesty this was the biggest flaw with the business model that launched again the launch was designed to be an experiment designed to be that minimum viable product Vanessa that crazy I mean I think some of the smartest companies do that where they have to cannibalize their own current Revenue source to build something for the future it's why I always thought it was really impressive that uh Nvidia invested so much into cloud gaming especially back when Nvidia was less of an AI company and more of a gaming company because like the ideas that eventually if gfn or or Xbox or whatever cloud service takes off people don't buy gpus because they'll stream it from the cloud um but it's like you know the CE Jensen was very like open like someone's going to do this so we have to be able to make something that cannibalize our current Revenue it's smart uh or like you know um the way Blockbuster was reluctant to embrace online or Kodak was reluctant to embrace digital cameras because it [ __ ] with our current business model but if they had just [ __ ] owned themselves they could have had a huge growth for the future necessarily need a big marketing method at launch because the launch was designed to help us find that so the last piece that we needed was for the creators to be emotionally invested everyone was excited by the concept but to assure people would stay excited through the inevitably difficult early days well we figured they might as well be financially invested so through complex financial and legal Wizardry we developed a system we were fully difficult early I know this guy this guy right here I went and saw I saw avatar The Way of the water with this guy High uh uh I don't think I don't think he works there anymore I thought he works at carrot uh I'm gonna have to ask him why isn't all these photos did he work on standard or limited days well we figured they might as well be financially invested so through complex financial and legal Wizardry we developed a system where 50 of nebula profits were distributed 14 months looting crucially if the platform were ever to be sold it means if one day the platform were to sell for let's say a billion dollars the craters would get half of that we split that pool based on watch time meaning the more creators bring in and engage an audience the bigger share they're entitled to in the short term this would be a concept that would keep creators building for the future in the medium term this would allocate profit to creators based on how much they contributed to Growing that profit and in the long term if nebula were ever to sell this would make that a scenario that's pretty crazy it's rather than one where the platform wins off the hard work of creators that's crazy really uh uh damn that's crazy that's like if you mentioned anything like this to Twitch they'd [ __ ] shoot you in the leg are feeling generous that's so crazy to even think about any type of like ownership of the growth of the whole platform to the creators getting any kind of profit upside is is is absurd ugh put this directly tied platform success to Creator success and vice versa it would also keep everyone in that collaborative mindset one where nebula and its creators were business partners rather than clients and servicers we win together and we lose together next launch we didn't have some massive plan the website had been up and running for a bit as we squashed bugs so what really marked the formal launch if anything did was the first public promotion I mean twitch never never had that but I do think the best days of twitch like the era where there was like that bleed purple and everything you know early 2014-ish twitch there was definitely a sense that like the I remember this being the the ethos or whatever was that like r clients or like our Target or our audience is not the viewers our Target is creators everything we build at twitch was to be better for creators and then they'll deal with the viewers like they'll figure that out and I think that that definitely changed uh not immediately post Amazon but pretty soon after where it was like the goal was to like find a way to um everything was focused on viewers and focused on monetization [Music] um mods for what uh so what happened what do you mean did I ban him was there somebody weird I I do we have a mod or what I don't see anybody I got cool that came from Isaac Arthur on the morning of Thursday May 23 2019 he released a video called colonizing black holes which ended with a push to his nebula original one of the first three called the paperclip maximizer we also had Originals at last floor second thought and polyphonic so each release video is mentioning nebula funded by a small and finite pool of money dedicated to launch promotion this first weekend went better than we possibly could hoped for by Monday we had over 4 500 signups they were trial signups plenty would cancel but okay gave us plenty enough data to work with to figure out how to make this all so what's crazy okay so so they released videos that were exclusive to nebula or timed exclusive what is that better yet we're getting Buzz a lot of it was negative everyone thought we'd get added to the long list of failed alternate streaming sites but at the least this told us that the idea was exciting enough that people cared to care about us over the following weeks and months we used some of our cash on hand to run some very small additional marketing tests basically seeing if we could pay creators a similar rate to their other sponsors and bring in enough subscribers to justify paying that much the answers we got were promising on one test we did on my podcast extremities nebula paid us 800 and got 200 signups each of whom would pay five dollars a month no problem we didn't have cash well we'd eventually generate cash with the monthly Revenue these subscribers brought in that'd be a very slow process meaning it'd be quite a while until we could start sponsoring the larger YouTube channel did they use their YouTube Revenue originals but we found a solution standard had long run sponsorships for curiosity stream another streaming service focused on documentary and non-fiction content founded by John Hendricks of the Discovery Channel to their credit they didn't get scared thinking creators were trying to replace them but rather understood that we were appealing to a different complementary Market okay so they went down to their offices just outside of DC and came out the other end with a win-win we'd bundle well I can't discuss the exact locations mechanics we found a way to make it worthwhile for both companies so that when customers signed up for curiosity stream through each creator of sponsorship links they'd get access to nebula for free interesting downside so we negotiated details signed a term sheet and as of September 2019 every nabia Creator just started promoting the bundle in their already booked curiosity stream spots in retrospect it seems like a my minor ultimately easy change but it yielded massive I mean this is just really cool I'm just I'm impressed I'm impressed to see creators like uh [Music] moving up the value chain in business results personally the bundle deals supercharged my sponsorship performance it was clear that the offering of curiosity stream and nebula together was a more convincing sell to our audiences than any other sponsor we ran on the channel even better we started to understand the marketing message that worked pushing to behind the scenes videos or extended Cuts didn't really yeah nobody cares getting the idea of no ads or sponsorship on nebula works okay but the thing that clearly created these performance multiples was full length High budget exclusive Originals seeing that Curiosity I mean that I think like for example I think plenty of people here uh pay for the yards patreon and one thing I think they figured out more than other people was [Music] um those you know they do these dumb little extra shows like uh watching the the the dcom and everything but uh that's really smart even small little bits of extra purely exclusive content I mean their their patreon sells more than almost any other I mean podcasts much bigger than theirs in viewership have less money um and I don't think they're the first person to ever do it but I think they've packaged the right things in the right way and it was smart it was smart uh uh it creates a the user's much more likely to subscribe if there's exclusive content streams started to co-produce nebula Originals with us in October 2019 to film our highest budget most ambitious one to date I flew all the way to the remote Atlantic island of Saint Helena to make the world's most useful airport while I was there we crossed ten thousand paying subscribers and it took less than a month or more to hit twenty thousand by the end of the year we had crossed 35 000 and in six short months nebula had transformed from an idea into a fast growth startup now through all this history I was not actually an owner of standard just a highly involved long-term client but it was clearly something I was interested in I was there from the start I helped it grow and I believe oh he wasn't an owner okay future in 2020 an opportunity a rose gray and Phillip were less keen on nebula it seemed to make less sense to them while the rest of the Creator roster was so they were looking for a way to end their involvement with the company Brian for real engineering Alex from low spec gamer Devin from legal eagle Thomas Frank and myself agreed to purchase their ownership stakes and divide it up amongst ourselves all extremely bullish on nebula by chance that sale occurred in March 2020. the same month as the world's descent until that's incredibly lucky that's how I feel I feel almost bad for kurzgust out or whatever dude they sold at the low and then [ __ ] have Global pandemic comes out and all this [ __ ] starts mooning uh is there a chance that Wendover created and released kovid to increase the likelihood that nebula got adoption I'm not saying it happened I'm saying is there a chance the chance is not zero right I'm not saying it was a pandemic lockdown with everyone stuck at home the streaming industry explosion concerning to talk about in the context of a tragedy the honest truth is that our bundle promotion was selling faster than ever and creators were earning a lot curiosity stream capitalized on industry momentum by listing on NASDAQ through a SPAC merger in October which was initially a big success day one ended with an 11 gain and they peaked in February 2021 and nearly double their first day price through and through the nebula bundle was a win I mean all spec I don't know if any spec is is doing well pretty much all of them are done is this I wouldn't trust this Man Group curiosity stream a group creator of sponsor payouts and it was a worthwhile proposition for all so we decided to double down on aligning the success of the two companies by the first time ever accepting Investments now Investments had long been something we were wary of in our view a big reason why similar business models had failed in the past was because investors pressure the streaming platforms to squeeze more and more value creators basically they did the thing sorry say that again that's right all right just one more time for the for the people in the back and that platforms to squeeze more and more value out of craters basically they did the thing that seemed right when you looked at it on a slide deck to take a bigger share of the revenue make more money but that fails to understand that the creators Drive almost all of the value of a platform like nebula if they're making good money they'll make more exclusive content for audiences they'll bring their creator friends in they'll keep promoting the platform so it's really that if you take a smaller slice of the pie and give more to creators the pie will grow so much in the long term that the yeah overall every dollar a streaming platform like nebula makes is through the creators so it's about creating that win-win scenario rather than trying to extract value from your business partners we weren't confident that most investors especially institutional investors would understand that and the other nuanced dynamics of the Creator industry in the long run with one exception curiosity stream their people seem to what we were already doing unlike when we launched nebula as a whole we had a good amount of cash on hand to invest in this thanks to curiosity streams investment so we wanted to launch strong we built out a section of the website and apps for it we built the back end Tech to allow for multiple tiers and membership and we invested a lot in content we launched with six classes and each was high quality shot in the studio in New York well edited with Motion Graphics and everything SSA they weren't cheap we then plan to release a new one each week which meant organizing a dense production schedule it was a massively complex large-scale undertaking but the engineering and production staff made it all happen without a hitch the problem was that the concept just wasn't resonating with customers we initially sold nebula classes as an additional tier above normal nebula it was 100 years that's interesting masterclass has done quite well I thought so maybe these guys aren't just the biggest draws or the or the concept was or they just Master asked out competed them or what I thought Master glass is doing pretty well um in sales I mean they have Ninja on there for Christ's sake by itself for a five dollar a month up charge for existing subscribers which might seem like a lot but was actually lower than competitors with similar production quality we ran sponsorships on this and had some minor wins but on average there was clearly audience confusion as we also ran bundle sponsorships on the same channels at different times we couldn't promote classes and bundle sponsorships as classes weren't part of the bundle so in a way we were competing against ourselves and losing some people were upgrading it wasn't some massive failure but hardly enough to justify our rate of production ultimately craters could improve sponsorship performance more by making nebula Originals so that's what they would do it was also clear that by the time we launched we were on the downslope of the online classes wave we were far from the only class platforms yeah everyone did at the beginning of covid so ultimately we decided the best to just have one nebula no up charge for classes we make it available to all subscribers and simply slow down a production calendar it was an important experiment and while not a direct over is having relatively tough times the revenues nowhere near what they expected growth would look like yeah I mean yes exactly yeah that makes sense yeah 2023 is a return to normalization in some of this stuff and everyone thought the covid growth would be exponential success in a way the marketing test we did for it proved crucial for what was to come also like you got to imagine masterclass Must Have Spent a [ __ ] ton of money to get the names they get people like that you know they don't do master classes for for cheap uh uh they got [ __ ] Steph Curry in there bro I our biggest most existential experiment to date come late 2022 as indicated in their quarterly reports curiosity stream was looking to pull back their growth rates and Orient more towards profitability covid was dying down screen time was lowering the streaming industry overall was weakening and so it made every sense of the world for them to switch from a growth orientation to a profit orientation as all growth oriented companies that survive eventually do right I assume for these reasons we got where they wanted to significantly pull back on marketing spend through nebula bundle sponsorships clearly this wasn't something we wanted Not only would it slow nebulous growth rates but more crucially it would reduce how much we could pay creators to talk about nebula on YouTube this was still the primary way creators were earning through nebula while watch time payouts and Originals were significant payouts for YouTube sponsorships about nebula were far more so so the natural next question to ask was could we just do sponsorships ourselves you'll notice that nearly everything advertised in a sponsorship at the end of a YouTube video is an online subscription-based service for some reason or another these are just what works best and here's how those advertising campaigns work in the back or games let's say a service costs ten dollars a month every service has data on how long the average subscribers although I heard I heard I got a friend that works at uh gentian impact I gotta hurt and I was talking to him recently and he was telling me that uh genshin's been kind of pissed at the performance of um ads for their game that are put in the middle of a video like people just people are skipping them so frequently it's not worth it so they've upped their bag you know they're paying more of a bag but it has to be a full video and like no big Creator wants to do it because if you don't have a gentian based Channel just dropping down a full gention video is like that's a tough ask that's a tough ask but if you see someone do it just know they got the absolute bag for it but in my comeback video on YouTube is Wednesday it's called the hrock gentian story laughs it's a three-hour journey into the world of gentian impact around like say it's 27 months that means the average lifetime value of a sign up is 270 dollars it might actually cost say five dollars a month to run that service meaning per month there's five dollars left a good bit of that has to go to actually getting the customers in the first place to marketing knowing there's 135 dollars left in the average lifetime value the company will decide on a Target average cost proposition let's say it's 75 leaving 60 dollars it's titled where I've been you know where I've been I've been in the magical world of gentian impact [Music] that'd be so legendary it'll be so bad it'll be so bad but it'll be so legendary there is so [ __ ] funny but uh I have of course I won't do that but I just think it's it'd be so funny in lifetime value for profit that can be reinvested in platform growth or just taken as profits now that 75 Target cost per acquisition acts as the central success metric for marketing and when an agency designs a campaign with creators pushing the service their payment will be designed in the background by this number if on average they drive 100 signups per video their pay will be roughly 7 500 per video agency or the service itself will evaluate spots as they run to make sure the long-term average cost ends up at or below 75 this works quite well the only issue is when that 75 needs to get paid here right when the customer signs up but on the company's side after the five dollars in monthly operating expenses it's going to take 15 months for them to capture that 75 dollars back in Revenue you essentially need to spend 75 dollars to eventually earn that 60 in profits yeah but another way you need to invest it this is the role of investors in these startups companies can have an entirely viable business model but just need more cash in the bank to pay for the marketing here's what I'll do I'm gonna give you the 200 000 up front as debt and then you give me a royalty on every subscription sold to nebula of two dollars until I get my money back and then three dollars in perpetuity after that do we have a deal thing that leads to growth we didn't want to take more Investments we didn't want to give up more ownership of the company so the question was was could we use the couple million we had in the bank to kick-start growth at a fast enough rate we were sure we had a viable business model we had years of proof that we could get a customer through YouTube sponsorship for less than their average lifetime value the question was when that cost per acquisition was recaptured if it was quick in the first year or so we were in business the math worked out that we could maintain or even grow our monthly marketing spend and we would recapture Revenue fast enough to reinvest it in new marketing if it was slower we didn't recapture Target I kind of want to watch uh in-depth intellectual series called China actually maybe I'll subscribe to nebula and check it out this is not an ad I wish they were paying me for this pay me for this uh this whole thing is an ad I mean this video is an ad [ __ ] I just watched a 28 minute ad for free [ __ ] oh I got played so hard future the careful balance that had made nebula work are so many close equivalents failed but all come crumbling down today we're five months on from this I would do marketing Mondays on nebula [ __ ] dude absolutely uh uh let me [ __ ] talk switch to direct marketing ends I won't break the lead it went off better than our wildest expectations crucially over 80 percent of sign ups are opting to pay for the annual subscription rather than the monthly one considering we pay creators for nebula sponsorships the day after they go out that means we actually get a Year's worth of Revenue before we even pay for the promotion in this case that entirely eliminated the cash flow constraint because we make more day one on an average sign up than our average cost to acquire a new customer of course that doesn't mean we turn a day one profit we have operating costs Beyond marketing but it means we have a marketing strategy that can theoretically expand basically infinitely zero cash flow limitations in just a few short months we went from spending zero dollars to more than half a million dollars on marketing per month and we are earning back more than that in the same month I can't stress enough how incredible this is we the creators are now entirely in control of our own that's a lot just I mean to give you know obviously the big guys have multiple Millions you know uh they have tens of millions hundreds of millions like Coca-Cola or whatever but for example nvidia's entire marketing budget but the entire marketing budget for like the launch of the 20 Series right the 2080 was let's say around 500K you know what I'm saying like that that that's it wasn't big it wasn't big it wasn't uh uh my mom just walked in and said you wear the Enron hat because of that guy and then you said yes Giga Chad uh uh cricket Chad tell her let's chatter and leave the dino nuggies by the door okay um future with this we're charting our most ambitious slate of Originals to date we're bringing in new creators we're investing in our tech there is so so much that this big risk is unlocked right now it feels like the last couple years have been an overwhelming success but I truly believe that looking back we'll consider 2023 much like we see 2019. the turning point that makes previous success the backstory you just have to get through to get to the good part we have learned so much so now we understand what people want and we have a company configured to offer that that's cool we truly cannot wait to show you what we can do now we need to do thank yous when describing nebulous history like ah it's fine uh very cool very cool video and congrats to them I think that's uh there's a lot of intelligence there that's really cool um I'm gonna check out nebula for sure not an ad uh it's 11 o'clock ladies and gentlemen that's the end of the stream I'm sorry I kind of abruptly hit you but I I again I've been on a quest to be as consistent that I came with sleep schedule uh here's the deal I will not be live tomorrow I will not be live I will be working on my video for Monday um I may not even be live Monday we'll see we'll see I hope to be but I will not be live on Sunday for sure um but hopefully we have YouTube for next week that's all I'm working on right now so thanks I appreciate all the support appreciate all the subs today I really really sincerely do thank you very much uh uh appreciate it uh much love sevens wish you all well have a great rest your weekend how about you take Sunday and actually finish some of the things you've been putting off okay I'm sure you got [ __ ] due Monday I'm sure you have maybe you have work ahead and you could get a little preparation on Sunday why you take a [ __ ] why don't you do something on Sunday so you don't feel so stressed on Monday huh how about that just give it a try dude [ __ ] nopers I won't just finish some tasks that you'll feel good do one all right appreciate you sincerely have a great night thanks for watching uh I'm gonna raid the space core live I'm trying to get him to [ __ ] run some more hit man oh bro I swear to court I gotta tell you wait is he still here are you here do you remember when I was running and I had that crazy pace of like a day or maybe two days ago and then I died I was it was yesterday it was yesterday it was Friday I had an absolutely legendary pace and then I died and I left to go with magic well when I came back I finished out that run you're so lucky you're so lucky I died on that exact level that was the best RNG ever I finished up that run at like 30 minutes 30 [ __ ] 67 or something it was absurd it was it was um it was like there was like a bunch of twos um there was like a three Target Haven that was like 30 seconds it was disgusting it was disgusting it was the best RG I've ever seen I was oh my God anyway I you know I died so it doesn't count but man had I finished that out and just not choked it on scale that would have been an Untouchable record I could just that was I've never got any RNG close to that uh all right anyway peace good luck watching Victor tomorrow he's gonna run like crazy it'll be fun I
some money hello uh same shirt as last stream yeah you caught me I washed it I washed it uh last stream certainly was a while ago and not 30 minutes uh hello howd how are you guys doing I haven't seen any of you today so excited to hear from you close this close this close this close this close this and get ready for Hitman horse I need to sound the alarm do my compatriots okay good oh interesting wow interesting okay uh I'm going tell him that I'm live don't sound me alarm [Music] why [Music] alarm Hitman horse this guy can't go 20 minutes without hitting the go live Button he's addicted yes I am oh I'm sorry sorry that I love entertaining the chat bringing content I am never one to skip stream I have never one to delay it's called dedication it's called Uh The Show Must Go On commitment to the craft never miss a stream and never stop being Chipotle share the food you want to bite here comes the plane open [Music] up 911 I forgot every time I say plain um why did you read it out little thing called streaming MB all right food finished ready to go Hitman [ __ ] horse today hey a truck watching from belgium0 a here greetings tell me your favorite part and your least favorite part about Belgium next Kestrel and we will debate it I'm gonna die right here we'll debate it with chat um Dollar Store Peter Parker they the five months just moved to the Netherlands finally get to watch live what does that mean you moved to the Netherlands so you're able to watch live I guess only today right cuz that's that's not normal I I am terrible time for Netherlands um a truck watching from Germany as all you're not watching from Germany as Storyteller don't make it up don't make it up jgn thank you for these 27 months and the message love the content hx7 thank you very much appreciate it uh and we're actually G to have some content because uh so far live I've been live today for [ __ ] 4 hours and all I've done is play lives of PE basically silent I guess I talked a little bit it was fine but I in general when I play that game here's what I noticed here's what I noticed so I wanted to see like does anyone else play this game and what do they do while they're doing it and I watched a little bit of lyric and I watched a little bit of Northern Lion now they have different approaches um lyrics chat is interesting because they really just like gameplay so he has no cam he does the gameplay he says a funny little thing here or there but mostly he just plays and they like it that's fine Northern Lions chat does not like gameplay really but his solution to the problem is that it's a podcast he almost never talks about what's on screen at all so uh Northern Alli will just literally it's like it's like it's like the only part that matters is that little [ __ ] box and then he just runs in the boss over and over and which is impressive and then and a good way to do it though it means he takes even longer on the bosses than I do which is already really slow so it's like you know he could be on there for 3 four hours uh which is tough and he doesn't talk about it at all he doesn't talk about like maybe one time like I need use a flask I watched I watched one boss I watched the I watched the the foko guy and so I don't know if I can do that I don't think I can go three four hours on a boss without talking about the boss I can't do it like I I I think it's impressive I think he's really good at I think it's the better way to do it cuz most people don't care between attempt two and attempt 400 they just want to see the beginning and the end um he uh it's like a Subway Surfer Tik to concept model yeah except the Subway servers is not good and his commentary is good um Peak northerne waffling about non um so I yeah get I get into I get a little testy so I'm trying I'm thinking through that cuz I I like the talking about the game but you can only talk about it so many times when you're on repetitive attempts so I might have to think through it more or Counterpoint I could also just do what I did this morning and go live and just play to play um uh you do live in Germany wait ask a story ter you live in Germany I didn't know that why your time schedule is so messed up then you're always like do you never sleep you're like usually in the Stream at the end of the night and it's like that's got to [Music] be wait am I just realizing some of you guys are Deens are some of you guys Deens twitch is [ __ ] crazy foot sniffer wants to know what you think of socialism yeah it that is the thing I encounter the most in this line of work is that somebody I've told this before people with the most absurd borderline psychotic usernames are the ones that ask the serious questions and the people whose name is like I don't know Dave 1234 are the ones that spam Gizzy Gizzy Gizzy ball wahah like it's it's usually the reverse the more basic the name is the more likely they are they just Spam and say nonsense and then the more serious the question is the more likely their name is like [ __ ] um I don't know [ __ ] hatsun Miku feet 4930 [Music] uh when do Hitman drop start oh I heard there was going to be drops but not till the 27th whenever they have the new elusive Target which I can't wait to explain yet again Croc Johnson 11 months air the dream the gifted anyway let me see if the boys are ready um uh aect uh a spectacor test ready uh linkis is ready but not a spectacor interesting h are you excited for the co we can show you right now let's see wait um dude where the funk is it spor is live or no [Music] um okay he's live perfect so let me just call let me let me ring ring ring see how the boys are doing please tell us Target is yo linol what's up how's it going bu it's going pretty well I watched one of your videos recently I actually I linked it to you I thought it was hype uh it was the one you did with small amp that was sick yeah it was a lot of fun I I need to send it to you CU I know you said a long time ago you wanted to play OT mhm so even if you're going to do it alone you should definitely play on that version no matter what it's it's incredible yeah interesting maybe I need to find somebody who's never played before and see if we can beat uh because it's just multiplayer right can you do the regular game multiplayer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's it's actually built for the regular game I just threw randomizer in there if you guys don't know this is the video check it out this is linkis and small ant playing Ocarina of Time multiplayer randomizer and it looks great and it's mostly link is carrying while smight makes jokes but the plan works really well and it's it's really fun um check it out it's a it's a great vid oh you're talking about that uh YouTube channel that YouTube channel YouTube yeah you know the one that one crazy YouTube channel yeah the one yeah let's all say it at the same time three two one uh okay you oh you're trying to see okay I see he wasn't here he's trying to seamlessly enter the conversation what YouTube channel was it asore you say it first lowest percent no linoln seven is the name of the channel we're watching talking about his YouTube um how have you guys been my my dogs I haven't seen you in a minute I've been working in the editing Minds I have been busy mhm I have been busy I had what you guys should go straight to the combat yeah yeah um okay um work and I waited last second to do both Swedish and American taxes so I KCK the you have to do Swedish we did it I'm still paying for both because I own a because I own a company in Sweden it's considered that I have a connection to Sweden meaning taxwise it's considered that I still live in Sweden so yeah and you have to live outside of the country for 10 years to break that connection but aren't Swedish taxes like pretty high and you have to pay them and America how does that work how do they I pay I pay America what like 25 30% yeah are we back three streams in one day who is this streamer who is this guy just feeding the and just feels and at works just like the US yo a hi big okay yeah that was crazy my computer just [ __ ] anyway three streams one day baby that's that's that's dation yeah dude all these streamers complaining about the revenue split and it's like man just stream three four times a day like us you'll get there bro mhm put the hours in put the grind set in God it's so F wait a second are you wearing the same shirt as you did before okay this been wearing the same shirt for three streams in the last 30 seconds I was okay I went and watched it so don't ask me that uh sorry I actually got some super exciting stuff to talk about this stream big though I'm taking over taking over take over it's all yours what is it okay okay so here's the thing I have been invited to work alongside the big team over at the a Wards oh the big Awards wa prestigious very prestigious okay now to my understanding while working with this team I have understood that you've been trying to run them dry you are not supporting the team and you are just not really supporting your community the way, C launch I said buy whatever with the th000 that you want I think they bought they told me they paid me 900 of I was say SP on I heard now here's the thing let me finish now we are playing Hitman horse okay and I researched what the average price was for a horse in the United States and they start at between 1,500 and go up to $110,000 meaning your budget does not even take into consideration a horse so that being said here is my suggestion for the stakes for today why if you win you get what you want you stay at $1,000 okay it's that simple that's great now if me or a spectacle win both of you either you have to up it to $1,500 for the awards which means they can buy the cheapest horse and as a compromise the awards is willing to give up 20% equity in the brand what it's my brand it's the big a WS it's its own thing now the option three is you don't agree to these Stakes M and in that case you're getting a wonderful deal in that case you will stay $1,000 to the awards okay but you will only get 10% Equity but in return you have to give up 10 cents per Sub in perpetuity towards awards no I'm not going to give you 10 cents per Sub in perpetuity there's got to be a fourth option where I say I'm out right and I don't that it's a three options option deals Yeah so basically do you want to go on the stake where if you win it's 1K if we win is 1.5k and you get 20% Equity or do you want a little Mr Wonderful option three deal where you don't agree here's what I'm hearing I had a meeting with the big a Awards people fine group of folks okay they're making a great award show over there yeah it was a budget meeting where I said they have $1,000 they want they said we've already spent a huge portion of the budget on yarn they haven't explained why but it seems like they actually did do that they spent a large portion of $1,000 on yarn which is not a great thing for an award show so I'm worried I'm actually worried that if I up it to, 1500 it's going to be more yarn okay but but but theoretically with just some simple math and a businessman like I am okay $500 of yard I'm sure could build a yarn horse yeah let me getting the horse you know it's about economies of scale bro you can build this up it's scalable all right over and over you know what deal you guys have sold me you've convinced me all I have to do is win Hitman horse and I don't have to spend any more money and if one of you [ __ ] wins then I have to buy a yarn horse or some stupid [ __ ] Ed $500 $500 someone clipped it so I can send it to my tax guy and explain why I lost another $500 yo uh who who was it who lost last time with me do you remember I just know I still haven't gotten my friend fries floaty all right but um you know what I'm such a nice gentleman if we win then I will let atro put the money towards Awards instead of the floating fries thank you that's so generous that really is generous but I also feel like you forgot something important big when you said if I if you guys win it's 500 more yeah don't forget about the 20% equity in the future that could really be worth something it's true so I am pretty sure that this money losing award show is not going to be a profitable business for me to take 20% of which by the way it's running they game awards that's what they said to Jeff key all right you think Jeff key won a Hitman horse to get the game probably probably did it in golden eye okay probably fought the E3 guys for the rights some people said the same thing about Enron and look where that put us all right 20% acurity would have been a great deal if you got out at the right time you so true you guys you did convinced me it's a smart business move for me to do this so I'm I'm very excited uh the big a Awards everybody we'll have more details on that soon once they stop spending all my budget on yarn this time next year they're going to be asking Oscars who that's what as the Storyteller said okay folks boys team I have made this one a special different Hitman Horse no I know I know what you're thinking we went back to the original rules and they were pretty hype yes we did that twice in a row therefore we must always mix it up on the third time at least so we don't get caught in a rut okay so we don't get caught and stuck in our ways so I wanted to make this Hitman horse a special one also because I have to go to dinner at 7:00 I have of dinner with a couple of people so I thought let's mix things up that's not really an important part but I do have to go so I can't do a super long threepers Hitman horse that's going to be absurd so I thought I need a way to challenge us especially because spectacor let's pause for a moment and congratulate him got the world record in freelancer recently he did thank you you're not clapping L uh sorry I mean I was pretending like you were such a good boy good job don't C me like a dog oh my God the mic good boy good job that's going to be your most cute clip of the month and you're going to regret it that's so funny uh okay well he did do it after how many attempts attempt count uh like 5500 what a good boy clutch clutch Factor dude give this man 5600 attempts he doesn't need it okay 55 minimum I'll do it in less next time I think uh I believe that I believe that dude I'm blushing now cuz you guys said good boy to me you got to give me a second I'm GNA turn my white balance down got to [ __ ] we anyway uh he got the world record which is awesome congratulations and so I wanted to uh find find a fellow Hitman freelancer speedrunner who's been kind of grinding it lately um and ask them to create an ultimate difficult new contract that no one in the world has ever seen except for us three at the same time and from the moment we see it for the first time we will only have 90 minutes to create our best time that's it no extra extensions no cheating nothing minutes best time that's it and at the end of it we're going to show off our strategies and the winner is the winner and we'll call it a horse okay so it's all right just to confirm it's a you have a reservation tonight for dinner right because you're not above buying a whole new copy of the game to be an elusive Target so I just want to make sure there's no way you can extend it I absolutely cannot extend it AR cousin and her husband are going to be here at our house and we're are going to drive them to dinner at a place we got a reservation for there is B frog skip forward two hours and he's gonna say [ __ ] it all right I'm locking the door just the in-law don't Lo the door there already pounding on the door so I'm hearing there's a lot of cough going on from you right now you know you you got a call in sick oh I'm not feeling so good tonight oh I don't know what it is was the post dude that would be that would be more [ __ ] up than the time that you pretended you were sick and watch Toy Story 2 by yourself man you told me that story like two years ago and it's stuck with me it's honestly stuck with me that's like the lowest low of my moral compass if I ever get close to that that's how I know I'm at rock bottom that was a very low that was College bro that was like 15 no 15 years ago 10 years ago that's it was 10 years ago I think it was like four years ago personally it was 10 years ago it was a long time ago I was a no boom no Boomers in the chat stop a chat our boy here graduated like college in like 2009 okay he's just like that ahead of the game that would be bad that would be a bad s for me that was like I graduating in my late 20s bro yeah cuz you went in pretty early okay it's all right if you go in in your late 20s but if you're the guy who started the eorts club which Jesus that's just like dude like it's cool that you started the Esports Club but it's also like man this this guy was probably like playing Quake when it was popular Jesus speaking about old video games I tried to play on uh I play back now is it like the PC side of things or twitch well that one was weird that no the first time it was the PC this time it just [ __ ] disconnected now I'm on [ __ ] four to five streams today with the same shirt yes you got the same joke Li Mak [ __ ] well ites feel better I just stole it from your chat very smart [ __ ] human centipede of the same joke across uh I feel like I feel like one of us when I'm in your chat you know what I'm saying I don't know if you notic this by the way but I got to say one thing while like people rejoin your Shad hair okay every sing like about three to four times a stream like when you stream that game I come in your chat to say atro is the best atro you got this like I feel so bad cuz the entire chat dunks on you I promise you if you look at a chat history I like very often you say a truck you're the best gamer a truck you're the best a trck you got this like I'm trying to be the one guy to Hype you up when you're playing that like Dark Souls game thank you I feel that man it's we' we've been bullied and instead of being hurt people who hurt people we're spreading love and then I said sagge to hrock dying and he went off on a 40-minute diet drive and he [ __ ] in my face dude I was pissed at you dude I you are the you're the aim higher guy right or which which what did you say that you the aim higher guy you are one of those guys I forgot that before you started streaming and before we started hanging out and became friends you were you did a you said I forgot what it was you said I told you to hip fire over the cliff sappy you acted like I didn't [ __ ] know how to do the [ __ ] sappy hip slide son of a [ __ ] God that's annoying even years later he's got to whip this out man you're going to talk to somebody about that one um okay anyway anyway um what was I going to say and look at that chat if you ever want to become friends with the streamer just do that that's how it works we always end up friends make fun of them give them advice yeah uh and if you want to try it spect chat is open all the time playing Hitman so jump in and give them advice my YouTube comment section is free anytime he loses a run say you shouldn't have died honestly dudee like I hadn't been streaming long enough to even understand how annoying I was being because every like I am honestly reminded of that every time someone does it to me it's so funny man it's great yeah it is it is like it's you know it's being on the other side of being a streamer is like it's an interesting thing I don't even think it's worse than people think it is I just think it's different you know uh yeah like yeah yeah there's something there's something to be learned um about learning yeah Brandon yeah you're going out on this important dinner now with your friends and family why'd you say it like that yeah because serious when I when I'm talking with my friends and family I like to share important things you know like that's happened in my life I like to tell them stories okay are you going to tell everyone at this dinner about the history of [Laughter] Bionicles maybe they want to I might open with it sure I might bring it I mean I might like discuss a little bit as an icebreaker Maui and like you know the [ __ ] mask of the truth but I'm not gonna it's not GNA dominate the whole conversation obviously dud why do I feel like Bionicles lore was just straight up like ripped off of whatever Pacific Islanders believe it all yeah it was oh no straight up ripped it from uh uh I forget the so bad yeah and then after like a lot of the names of the Bionicles were found to be like directly ripped yeah um they changed them and had a naming ceremony in the lore where everybody just had slightly different names yeah the mayori yeah the people yeah what's the name of the golden Mas guy oh I could tell you that a million times but we don't have to actually think it's takaa I actually might know I was making a joke like I don't know I think it's Tak actually do I might actually know is actually so cringe dude I think it's just your personality you're incapable of investing time in something without being hyper focused on it you know I was so ready to like insta roast him but then my brain like the guy with the guy running around with the files grabbed it and he's like it's taka ran it right back to the [ __ ] that's crazy uh anyway everyone in chat welcome uh this stream will crash I'm sure in 20 minutes so I'll see half of you yeah after that during your best run um yeah I know you have to go do stuff let's do theace so we are going to do Hitman horse I'm pulling it up I'm going to give you guys the code at the exact same time it is from Jes now let me give a little bit of thank you to Jes uh longtime friend of the stream Hitman Community Legend and uh a guy who's been speedrunning fre freelancer recently check him out on uh his channel Jes wait is it what is it what's the Jes can you post in chat so everyone can see and then everyone know your name uh it's underscore or it's Jes sa Jes yeah because of the silent assassins he does not get into freelancer but uh check out sa Jes he made us a custom brand new contract today um and we are all going to try and solve it in our own unique ways uh hey do you think I was think today you do have the world record in freelancer you've been grinding that is [ __ ] sick you put in more Hitman hours in either of us however I am personally the belief that freelancer kind of makes you worse at Silent Assassin oh no 100% yeah yeah like I play contracts in so long yeah like I will sometimes do a regular game speedrun just for fun if I'm hanging out on the stream and have some extra time I'm like hey I'll try a Trilogy run and then I'll load into it and literally be like oh sick there's only two Targets and then kill like four people and then be like oh my God bro like I'm actually I brain worms yeah it [ __ ] up your brain your instinct is just to shoot everybody and run fast yeah like everything plan anything or yeah nope planning takes too much time okay I'm giving you guys the code uh get your live splits ready yeah is it 90 minutes said yes so we're going to do 90 minutes actually can we do countdowns can you reverse a live split yeah yeah yeah you can you right click edit splits and then it's start timer at you do minus one colon 30 colon z0 sorry what okay edit splits let me see what this guy just said cuz he's oh wait that's cool yeah he's cooking he's cooking he's cooking dude it's whenever I have any tech support I'm going to call you cuz I feel like if you speed Legend of Zelda you just punished him for for helping you out yeah that's what family is about wait a second you guys don't do countdowns on the normal hitb horses no I've always counted up I start timer at negative negative 1 hour 30 minutes is that what you're telling me yeah you start time and do minus 13 that's so cool that is cool that is POG champ all right remind you all I am the official tutorial still to this day on livesplit dorg if you go to the tutorial section my my tutorial is still the official one that is true SP under cred that is that is badass that's actually a massive you look at it it's like 50% of the external traffic that goes to your stream comes from that well that's your big draw it used to be one of my most watch videos cuz that it was made by an old Wind Waker speedrunner so they released like a terrible Alpha version to Wind Waker Runners before anyone else in like 2014 interesting dude you're like you you were around when speedr running was invented bro what the hell it's crazy he was the first one to say we could try this game fast yeah uh all right hey man horse we'll begin once I give you this code uh actually let's see hit man horse you know what on all right open this uh someone just said by the way is that a lie or is your VOD set to private or someone's trying to lie uh my VOD I just unprivated it so I'm sure it's fine okay can you just in case you should just in case local record I'm I should I think though but that's on to you yeah guess also cuz you're you've been having connection I will actually local record good call a good idea I don't want to lose this vid see Chad I said one advice and now the text support that's two in five minutes yeah dude you're going to be coming over to fix my printer next week it's actually one of my favorite things that I haven't had to print something out in such a long time wait how it works for you guys yeah on the contract lookup contract lookup yeah instead of okay also yeah please don't play the contract before we finish the video oh yeah yeah one thing just for the videoe please don't uh until the end of it I'm only going take 90 minutes of your time and then afterwards it's open season and we'll watch your videos too we often do in our chat it's true um cool perfect okay yeah like atriarch will just send me a video and be like look at this loser trying this contract this is terrible I'm what the hell man literally always say it's awesome so mean bro what the hell you did get your voice right you did get your voice right that story that's true I don't know why I did my voice like that if I I did an impersonation for you I should have just been me I'm working on it I'm taking an improv comedy course at the local uh Community College uh before we start are we doing Squad stream by the way or are we just Squad it up know how to open up my browser Squad stream ad Channel atrio and aect all right po champ okay we squatted up the boys are back did either of you guys ever have moments moments yeah moments yeah yeah for sure does yeah I use every time I beat a [ __ ] boss in a game oh so like once a year uh you're the best gamer don't I've read your chat by the way L I looked at your chat because you were talking about how you were always so complimentary let's just pull it up for the stream let me just show no no no no no listen it's just it's only one time per stream I I say more [ __ ] than don't don't don't expose my chat history minutes you should do suit only what are your thoughts on this no don't expose myoo mooooo moo moo moo moo moo hey chat can't believe he's live this early which is the most annoying message I got all day by the way I got so many of those live early huh live early and then they just leave just [ __ ] yeah they check in and then yeah was like Hey wow live pretty early this is crazy uh they went above though you got this bro all right yeah you you did say where is this you got this bro you were talking like you were [ __ ] you has one message in the past two days bro you no no keep scrolling up in the beginning I joined the stream anytime you do my joining message is something like look you are the best look I just said it right there I just saw moo again sorry uh okay we need to start by five we're gonna finish this in time so you think not 90 minutes Jo is mentioning like yeah it might 90 minutes might be long unless we do suit only is I think what he's getting at but I don't know how you feel a suit only version I'm worried we do suit only or we can do 60 minutes there's a lot of suit only spawns in Mumbai which is a fair point like there's tax my only worry Jes is I want us to have different solutions that's the whole point of the video true so is that gonna make it more or less likely if we do it suit only also can you accept the squad invite a big gu I did didn't I no you're the only one who didn't accept it oh too cool for us huh yeah that's what it is uh I I don't know I'm talk to aspect even remembers how to do this and see that's a new partner classic dude my second Squad stream ever got I'm kind of nervous he's nervous about it you can tell he's nervous he's never been here before uh you want to cancel the invite and send you a new one yeah send me a new one send me a new one it's gone HCK bam accept did it work nope okay where do you see this normally because I think my panel is switched up you click on the start Squad stream and then next to my squad there should be invites no but where do you say start Squad stream oh it's in like the quick actions if you were to go to edit stream info clip that R channels manage goals guest star you know that guest star button that you're constantly debating using guar I just hit it no it's not in guest okay don't do that one settings I was just making fun of it yeah guess if you hover over it it should look like three people and it should say start Squad stream if you hover over it if you move the but I've seen it a million times but it's not then just click on the three dots on quick actions and click edit quick action so you can add it edit quick actions tech support King uh add panel yep add panel for what what's it called mod actions unban requests start Squad stream it it's not here did I get removed from Squad streams uh wait edit stream info here I'll do it on stream I'll do it on stream so you can see what I'm talking about why is everybody up everyone's saying up everyone's what are they doing okay do this okay at the top left you click on on stream manager layout layout one click on that at the very top left yeah and then you click on edit stream manager panels okay on the right you will see a plus icon click on the plus icon I don't see at the very right Y at the very right the entire right side of this browser has a giant Plus on it the entire right side of the screen brother I see I see I see poor link man I see I see should uh and I'm looking for no it's not here click on quick actions okay quick actions Plus save waveout changes I see I got and then right there it see start Squad stream no no inv nothing else necessary nothing else necessary Le all right brother okay we have one so Jes what did he say let's read what Jes said user essay Jes he said uh check your DM you should make this 60 Minutes you need I okay um what I think it's fine right I'm okay with 60 minutes and then we do suits well we could do 90 with suits or 60 without I think is what he's saying oh sorry that's what I mean sorry yeah 60 without suits sorry yeah that works with me okay five to six all right fine 60 without suits edit splits to one hour y oh [ __ ] true okay I did not know you could do this I can't believe I've been setting up like the most like normally to do a countdown timer I like do like a window capture of something in CR man all right I'm learning so much so we have one hour a piece to kill naha with an accident jadev nitaa with a pistol and prba Mina with any method okay I think I did fine and now that's our goal um Whoever has the best time at the end of one hour is the winner and if I lose apparently I lose $500 and if I L I don't get crazy wait sorry what what happens if I lose yeah I don't get it what what no no so if a TR wins nothing happens he just gets 20% equity in AWS oh right no the if we if me or Spector win then he owes Awards $500 here's the thing okay okay okay more Yar which you guys lose if you guys lose you must help them with one video promo for the awards damn they're going to ask you to do that okay all right all right that's a deal that's what I'm playing for my rubber I'm playing for you okay also for immersion could you read the briefing please so I know what I'm getting myself into it's already despite being called Hitman horse there is not a horse to be found that's when you nay when I told my friends about Hitman horse they all asked if it was the next game in the series and if so do you play as the horse or is this their way of saying it's held in the old west dumbfounded I just said yes it's basically Back To The Future Three this horse contract was created with the community on twitch.tv/ Jo they picked Mumbai as the map and brainstormed some targets thank you Hitman Community by XX Goku 420 XXX wait what show summing Sals next video is going to be about him oh my God that's so funny uh okay XX Goku 420 all right without further Ado get your timers ready and we'll start in three two one Hitman Hitman timer going all right see you guys soon [Music] bye all right I got one hour Hitman horse baby uh let's just [ __ ] jump in and figure out where these guys are one hour to beat these fools nayha jadev and uh PR prba prba um n is cool enough to have no last name apparently she's like [ __ ] Madonna uh one here one here and who's our third what let me see this map okay jadev is the guy on the pier nayha is the woman in the Mumbai Hills and prba is next to that downstairs stairwell okay so obviously the starting position that I would choose is here in the Skywalk made like a horse pretty good right so see that's person here person so my gut instinct is to start here boom boom boom now what I have to kill with an accident and him with a pistol is n the one here no n's the one here okay so this person can die any method oh but wait how if I shoot you it's seen instantly okay I'm I'm already a little confused maybe I needed 90 minutes for this it says any disguise if I start here and I run can I use like can I panic them to make her run a certain way no okay what if what if I get rid of this get rid of this I need um a poison a poison is fine give me a poison and give me an explosive like like a remote breaching charge yeah and then give me I know these pretty well actually because I've done some alternate routes here on Mumbai rooftop North will put this in the right spot and that'll give me maybe a second poison how about that how would I do a classic poking stick Agent 47 should buy a Reaper drone would make these missions a cakewalk does it count as Silent Assassin if all they see is a drone fly in and shoot their head off or hit them with a missile like nobody knows who did it he's controlling it from a mile away that is a good point all right so I just go here and then what sh s someone over to talk to him [Laughter] [Music] H silent stealthy stealthy uh h H so I need to make her stand up I need to make her stand up my theory is okay watch this another one of Vans just go this way grab this take the pistol there we go she stands up no one's looking what on Earth was that easy oh my goodness then I go down here this is what I did in my route for Mumbai back during the [ __ ] world record runs don't know out clean you're still in just chatting uh yeah I guess I am why do you care if you are a person scrolling by that might matter but you're already here so you know what game I'm playing do you understand and yet people still insist on informing me there's so many interesting chatter quirks um this guy has to die by Pistol so I'll just go here okay wait is this contract easy as [ __ ] ridiculous I and then I need to get on the hill somehow is this contract really [ __ ] easy CU I can just use this they might not know about that though the hidden shootable ladder and then what I well he's coming going to kill them let go does this fall does this fall no [ __ ] okay I need an accident kill oh I can drop him off the side red guns it's not red guns bro only person that saw me is the person that's about to die does this count as racism no I think it doesn't I think if you no Agent 47 all right mission accomplished and then uh we're doing it suit only or we're not doing it suit only whatever I can leave anyway okay obviously not a fast speed but it is um worrying that I've already got a time I've already got a time and we're only 53 minutes in so I guess I have to optimize now I have to optimize that being said probably already first place first place first person to finish bro first person to finish easy clap okay now let's let's try this again I don't [Music] h a Tran would be fine right a Tran if I pick up a trank here I don't even need a second syringe no I do because I don't I don't want to yeah I do need okay how do I want to do this how do I want to do this what if what if I use like a concussive duck or [Music] something or I just Shaman powder or I blind I blind and poke I guess I don't need this I can use coins oh I got I use coins I use coins I use coins oh my God it's going to work wait okay here's the plan here's the plan follow me follow me mentally I shoot I make the lady stand up I poke her in the back with the poison I run I shoot the guy with a pistol here you go this I'm just going to show you I'm going to show you how it's done I'm going show you how it's done grab the coin okay get the pistol there who saw that who saw that Ah that's not guaranteed oh no okay so I need multiple attempts ah [ __ ] okay well I know you guys saw it you're the Chatters uh I came for the just chatting and staying for the horse nobody's confused that it's going to be horse cuz the title is Hitman horse so when you're clicking in even if it says just shed and your brain goes hm I Wonder's throwing things [ __ ] who keeps seeing that [Music] um but is it Hitman or is it horse hello hrock I'm a new viewer welcome welcome to the Hitman horse uh we are fighting aor Linkus for a prize that is pretty insane I lose and I lose $500 I win and they make a little [ __ ] skit for me okay which does seem a little what on Earth was that this guy okay I should need distract this guy this guy's a problem I need to shoot a bullet to make that guy look away cuz he's [ __ ] seeing me every time um Idris I'm glad you lik him in videos did you ever watch Gran Turismo no and I probably never will I heard it was pretty bad so here's what I'm thinking I grab this poison I grab this pistol I shoot over there over there everybody's looking away wonder what there it is there it is oh who saw that who wait who you you didn't see [ __ ] he didn't see [ __ ] [ __ ] uh no the guards ground floor didn't see it they would turn orange so we go this way pistol out I made that guy look away perfect then here she turns around I pull this out it's that guy he didn't see before ah okay this beginning is not as as as uh it worked perfect the first time which is funny this happens a lot in Hitman where you'll try an idea and if it works well the first time you keep going on it but if it doesn't you just move on if this has just failed the first time I'd be trying something else but I do think this can work so I might as well it is fast you know it's a fast first kill get that get that and get that who h [Music] H instead of a gun stop talking about drones please stop talking about Agent 47 and how we should just use drones I agree with you I think the Drone would be better than his Hands-On approach most of the time but sometimes you have to get your hands dirty okay I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it okay now this we go here I can just go up this way can't I I'm Wonder okay what if I Tran this guy what if I Tran this guy what if I Tran this guy and we don't use the ladder at all we don't use the ladder at all what if we don't use the ladder at all there might be something to that give me a trink give me a give me a trink um give me a rooftop North tranquilizer and we just go for it go for the Gusto and I'll take two poisons like this okay Agent 47 should encourage his targets to make harmful lifestyle choices to make them die of cancer or heart disease while I agree that that could work I'm actually not going to rule that out the problem is we are in a speedrun competition therefore them dying of you know diabetes you know stage fcking four is not going to get the job done in enough time I need this Tran I got him I actually got him yes hello anyone there someone's really ripping Folks up around grab this oh she has to die from an accident though huh who is she anyway I have no idea oh my God how do I get her to die from an accident wait now I need to rethink everything I realized she has to die from an accident an accident does poison count as an accident does poison count in in this mode as an accident it's an accident kill as in it's non here I'll find out right now I'll find out right now a fall is an accident okay let me see no it's not it's not an accident wait a minute so I need to find an accident kill for her that's interesting that's interesting maybe I do throw her off the cliff okay maybe I do throw off a cliff maybe I do throw are off a cliff okay in that case I don't want a second poison stick I want a coin again or or even like a [ __ ] wait maybe even like a gold brick okay okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay that's what I need okay watch this I got a plan I got a plan I got a plan I'm going to use some AI trickery some AI [ __ ] all right we're going to go here and we're going to shoot three three times that guy those those guys are both going to run over here wait okay listen please I'll give these guys woke up for whatever reason whatever you need [ __ ] maybe a stop stop telling me to drone Striker stop telling me to drone Striker uh diabetes would be a good accident killer it's not an accident it would be malicious it would be insanely malicious it would be me over the course of a lifetime slowly increasing her diabetes risk factors he's just what on Earth was that someone saw that whatever just don't don't worry about it right now so because I AI fooled them they're both going to run past me to get to the source of the shots that gets me here at which point maybe I just like gold brick and then what is this no no okay what time is it now I'm feeling like the clock's going now I'm feeling like the clock is really going I'm feeling the clock now we have one hour on this bad [ __ ] okay I'm going do full cut scene full cut scene go go go go go I I do feel like this plan will work I just have to get it once which could be [Laughter] scary [ __ ] okay they're oh they're hearing the gunshot they're hearing The Gunshot okay here's what's happening I'm shooting three times the two innocent bystanders on the bridge are hearing my gunshot and then running over there and panicking I could use a quieter gun I probably could do that I could just use a different gun okay okay this a good start hello is anyone there who's who [ __ ] what if you don't do anything to interfere but by happen stance she dies well that would be one possibility um do you think she'll die like that in the next 40 minutes otherwise I lose $500 does that cross your mind why why are they getting up why are they getting up okay I need them both to run come on buddy guy listen we can work this out man look just me maybe you just me okay I can do that I'm out I'm gone fine okay okay I got a better plan I got a better plan I got a better plan I got a better plan I got a better plan I got a plan one I got a plan I I'm actually going to change the plan entirely I'm going to change the plan entirely we're going to completely rethink the plan need this [ __ ] guy right there would you consider dropping a bomb via a flying device I will tell you now once and for all that I have considered the Drone idea and then I look through all the items in the game and there is no drone so I've ruled it out I ruled it out [Music] damn he he turned back around uh H is getting one drone I beat the boss from yesterday yeah yeah yeah I actually beat another boss after that Victor who was really fun but more fun than that would be getting the strategy to work and we're coming up on 39 minutes yikes what if I just do this part first okay that I need to shoot I need to shoot the tree or this he's it's actually turning him forward okay okay okay okay this is doable this is doable this is doable Focus up Focus up Focus up Focus up Focus up uh I think we should Circle back to the Drone idea and what what new information do you have r e the Drone that you think would be helpful to us cuz I'm a little worried that it's the same idea right I I have to be just a tiny bit all right what do I want to shoot there no there this guy doesn't okay okay I'm going to do the original plan I'm going to do the original plan I think adding the triple shot has actually [ __ ] things up in a way that I didn't expect let me do it like this okay I can't make this guy turn for the life of me uh hey it's you seem kind of stressed by the time remember it's counting down and not up so you have more time than you think I know it's easy to miss I understand that I have 38 minutes left but that's not a lot of time that's not a lot of time that's not a lot of time that's not a lot of time that's not a lot of time that's not a lot of time dude dude I just need to get this [Music] poison maybe I can wait maybe I can what if I can uh another one of need I I've punched this lady so many times I've punched this lady so many times I feel bad for her dude I keep punching her wiing her in the face my my job was to kill her as a s assassin okay okay come on we've got this a couple times we just need to get it one more okay they're running now I'm going to go here there now yeah we're going to do it slowly and steadily what on Earth was that it worked oh my god it worked it worked it worked it worked we can just do that we can we can optimize the little timings after we get the strategy down that's the thing oh my God this is Flawless okay now I think these guys are still okay they're not okay so now it's where I need to go it must be an important what the hell is this okay it didn't work but ignore that ignore that ignore that we'll get the Tran right next time so then we go all the way up here we're going to go all the way up here it should hit a them both yeah yeah okay come on come on come on come on we grab her we oh this guy's coming [ __ ] I don't know where he heard that K the floor we drop her off the side we shoot this we go down we finish it's not that fast it's not that fast it's not even that fast oh it's not that fast [ __ ] I need a faster accident kill I need a fast I only have I a lot of time uh I might have to go with the Strat let's see okay we go over here we Crouch we pistol is someone there okay at least we are getting the consistent start these guys run okay this is good did he go these guys run let's just uh let's just gold brick it what the hell is wrong man wait they're still they're paralyzed they're paralyzed oh the [ __ ] the bomb got him wait this works this works oh wait this works this will actually be fast this works this works I just okay okay okay okay okay okay I can do this I can do this what time is it 34 minutes this actually works this works this is a good this is a good this is a good route this is a good line um okay get the pistol out he's just hiding in there now yeah what was that okay down here wait a minute I'm actually feeling good about this okay these guys are they're going to where I was I think these guys might be even if they're not I can do this he's not walking away from this one I don't see him do you oh oh my God yesu got you so spooked okay now wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute hold hold it's not red guns bro have a little faith hold hold 30 31 let's go let's go that was good knocked up a minute first maybe first first first first let's go that's a nice route oh it came together okay ah I got passed by one I got passed by two seconds I we're just did it for 29 okay so now we're doing the same thing I bet I we're doing the same thing if he's at 129 so I just have to optimize this [ __ ] we're going to be going for [ __ ] 1 second differences ah [ __ ] [ __ ] okay that's not they they got distracted find a new accident kill yeah it's just uh I certainly didn't see one uh unless there's a wait okay after this one I have 30 minutes left and I can sort of start a new line of thought I can start a new line of thought cuz my second line of thought is to find a propane on the way and then I have an amazing accident kill but I just forget the Tran forget the Tran I'm going to try no Tran I'm going try no Tran uh dude stop hearing stop hearing actually dude I'm switching to the I'm switching to the quiet gun I'll do one more switch to the quiet gun all right come on come come come come come cuz this this guy's annoying this guy these these guys keep hearing and it's [ __ ] causing me so much headache he's just hiding in there now yeah okay these guys are this these guys are distracted perfect look at this timing show no mercy do dude what what the stupid stupid dude you got come on come on come on come on come on wait can I can I toss her through this does that count as an accident kill no can I blow her up on this [Laughter] scooter okay okay where's the way down down though oh [ __ ] [Music] uh what's my timing I have to get replay Mission I got to get 129 it's close it's [ __ ] close but it's not quite I guess I could try to drop the gold brick I I need it okay the scooter might be faster it might be faster don't get me wrong it might be faster but it's not like significantly faster I guess every second counts okay another okay you saw that dude I keep getting why do the guns go right at the end they saw that guy I choked out's body the the captain guard God if only someone has gested like using a drone or something then I would then I would be able to try a better idea but not one person in chat ever suggested it so I just thought it wasn't a good wasn't a good line of thought he's just hiding in there now man dude man 27 minutes ah okay accidentally so wait I'm sorry you want me to drop a predator missile on her but by accident so not just an accident kill you want me to just slip fall on a banana or something and drop a predator missile on her so I don't even plan that doesn't that seem fool in there now yeah what on Earth that okay the beginning is so slick now this is just a slick [ __ ] Strat I get past these fools [ __ ] me hey look at his body I grab this explode explode explode okay who's who's who's red guns who's red guns I don't know how it went red guns somebody saw something 28 29 it's 129 okay okay that's a tie on a normal run so uh I think I can get that I think I can get that a little faster is he getting faster than that though 129 still okay if I can just I need to find a better shot that attracts all that's what I wait I figured it out I figured it out I figured out exactly what I need I actually know what I need I have to get a better triple shot I need to figure out where I can hit all of these guys help help there someone please help anyone him I I think that worked he's just hiding in there now yeah someone [Music] over I mean obviously this is slower but I think I moved all of the guards I didn't no Dam it now I'm hunted you look like [ __ ] [ __ ] dude [ __ ] ah [ __ ] does the online timer include load times what do you mean no it doesn't it's just endgame I'm I'm I'm trying to optimize this last little bit not working he's just hiding in there now's okay going on are you in some kind of trouble what he saw that ah I just can't get these guys over there [ __ ] hey big new viewer here maybe you could try killing her with kindness listen I know you guys are I know you guys are bringing your best top tier jokes I gota be honest with you I've streamed many many many many many hours of Hitman and this may blow your mind I've heard some of these before this might shock your system but actually hiding there I've heard a couple of these the Drone one is new I'll be honest with you not that I'm complimenting it too much but the Drone one is Fresh's cusing okay I need you guys to actually run wait are these guys actually stunned yes it finally worked oh the Panic spread finally okay okay come on come on come on come on come on come on not at damn it is this even close Okay I better get out of here I suppose 27 that would be the the best right 126 that would be the best I think is that still a test still time 29 yeah it would be the if I do that again and it works but you have to get lucky um I think draging here might still be better away from the scooter it's still in the right direction and then I don't have to about the [ __ ] scooter which is a huge pain in the ass okay he's just hiding in there now okay I'm getting really good on the the opening okay I'm kind of dialed in all right so these guys are stunned they're not stunned are they stunned no they're not stun so what about this what about this what about this boss doesn't really do these sort of things who is she anyway what the hell come on come on okay come on come on wait what's red guns about it bro what's red guns about it oh this is such a far this is such a [Music] far can I just run this way this guy sees through ridiculous take this [ __ ] out damn dude damn damn damn damn damn I'm I'm close I'm close I'm close I'm close [ __ ] I need 90 minutes I need 90 minutes I think I'm G to crack this with 90 minutes um you cannot take a propane with you bro don't suggest things that make no [ __ ] sense you can't smuggle in a propane it's not it's not an item in the game so he's just hiding in there now you have to find it in the level what was that okay okay I think sometimes this Panic spreads perfectly and these guys all what's your problem just [ __ ] are ready okay perfect perfect okay give me give me this no no I don't have time for this test but it it's my only [ __ ] hope oh my God wait what shortcut whoa okay do that again do that again do that again do that again do that again but just don't let the guy see you shoot the Tran that's the only thing I messed up wait that's the only thing I messed up and I actually [ __ ] saved a bunch of time wait huddle huddle hdle hdle hdle hdle huddle shortcut shortcut shortcut shortcut shortcut down the cliff oh my God wait hold yes these guys are hearing that's the problem okay give me give me the quieter gun cuz I don't want to have to deal with this ever again just give me a quieter gun give me the [ __ ] Krueger I just I never want to have to deal with to [ __ ] hear the sound of the gun ever again it's it's actually um it's actually pissing me off all right go oh they they still heard they still heard they still heard they still heard they still heard [Music] do you know if Agent 47 invested in some running lessons I do agree that like if Agent 47 wants to cut down his times don't focus on getting better gadgets just [ __ ] just jog 1% faster uh it's not it's not it's not it's not it's not it's this it's this from this distance I'm pretty sure hearing the bowling impact not the gun that is one of the dumbest responses I've ever heard in my entire life you talking about the [ __ ] targets I'm talking about these two guys they're obviously not hearing the bullet impact way over there versus the gun sorry but think about it I'm obviously trying to make these guys hear it so I'm not trying to get a quieter gun so he's just hiding in there now M go go go go go Riley Auto Parts okay please please now I have to hit this guy with a Tran without nobody else [Laughter] seeing [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it's not that I missed guys it's annoying to be backseat people don't even understand the mechanics whether or not I hit or missed he was looking at me so he would be unconscious witness the problem is he sometimes looks away and sometimes doesn't and that is a pain in the old tikus the old clown shoes okay hit or miss I guess I never miss huh that is actually the wisest thing I've heard today problem okay he needs to lot look at me don't look at me don't look at me he looked at me he looked at me we have 14 minutes left I'm getting nous that I have a good strategy but I won't get it in time he's just hiding in there now here we go I'm going to do it actually I'm going to try some El I'm going to oh no oh no this is so stupid it's got to be the Tran oh man oh man so many dead runs they're all dying from the same problem so he's just hiding in there now yeah what on Earth was that okay at least we're getting the first part cleanly cuz it gives me more chances 12 minutes 12 minutes 12 minutes 12 minutes 12 minutes 12 minutes 12 minutes these guys are running that's good I need to just hit this spot dude it's actually it's actually just the [ __ ] it's the nightmare of all nightmares does she walk outside okay and then what I go this way and then jump and then go this way no that way this way okay that's the that's the that's the Str okay that's the Strat dude this Strat is so good this Strat is so good I just okay I just I just I just need to hit that tran shot when he's looking right wait I can shoot a bullet maybe I can shoot a bullet and distract him wait wait wait wait wait wait wa wait wait wait wait wait he's just hiding in there huh oh my God my time my time my time my [Music] time why she clip like that bro I don't know I don't know why she clip like that leave her alone dude I'm just going to keep flashing back to just punching this woman in the face for no gaining in there Bo okay 20 seconds down the stairs is [ __ ] fast this guy's running can I shoot a bullet can I shoot a bullet brother can you can you look can you look yes yes come on come on come on come on come on come on come on wait wait wait no dude I went the wrong oh my God oh my God come on jump oh [ __ ] dude I lost three seconds for that that's so annoying this guy sees it Oh no I got 10 minutes oh that [ __ ] those those citizens are in random spots based on how they panic okay go you can do this I can do this I can do I can do this I can I can do this this is a good Strat this is a good Strat should have to execute he's just hiding in there 20 seconds oh this is perfect this is perfect this is perfect this perfect okay no no what the hell okay yeah yeah yeah come on come on come on come on come on oh yeah oh yeah 18 19 yes yes dude yes that was clean as hell let's go let's go nice okay 7 minutes left oh I can I could probably sh a second I [ __ ] up a little bit D TR 19 oh yeah okay we're going with this Strat we only have seven minutes left we're just going we're going to polish it yes dude that's [ __ ] sick Bard he's just hiding oh my God he's [ __ ] slick with it Speed Demon anyone him I can't see that g either who's unconscious wait who's unconscious oh that guy he saw me shoot that sucks I just want to see what time I would have gotten though this is so fast bro 17 18 still 19 [Music] wow guy with bright red hair steps halfway into a bush where' he go it's actually what's happening is he's turning to see me and his bars filling up and then when I enter the bush he looks elsewhere uh and sees the tranquilized guy and he he goes to investigate that once he sees a tranquilized guy he ignores everything else but I have to get him to look at that which is why I get in his field of view okay I can't really do faster than 20 seconds it looks like here okay what if I try something extra swag what if I try get I don't know why that guy saw me why did that guy not how do you activate punching versus choke she's got to be facing me ideally I can get her to turn around and face me and then I punch that would be the ideal but I'm not getting that so I'm I'm going to try the triple shot again to gain time can someone get a clip of my uh 119 run I don't think I'm going to beat it uh would be appreciated so I can show it okay okay okay okay this is the ultimate run right here we're going to get I don't see him oh yes oh yes okay turn around turn around [ __ ] can I push her wait can I push her through the window wait does that kill wait if I stun her and can push her through the window and it kills that would save everything that that would literally [ __ ] change the whole run 17 18 19 [ __ ] 20 doesn't remember no there's a difference between the push action and the knocked out and then drag and then drop through the window action but I think it doesn't kill the push action is a different thing it has to be the target has to be right next to a window not moving he's just hiding in there now I'm going to try it I'm going to try it I'm going to see if pushing works even still she might get like the right spot uh it's not doesn't work when this guy's here cuz then I can't triple shot okay [ __ ] meow damn you didn't see that I'm going try this Do's not kill but she is outside she is outside on the ground it's actually a faster it's actually a faster knockout and a faster uh faster animation like where does look what time do I get downstairs 17 18 I'm not getting much better than 19 even on the good runs reset now last run always counts last run always counts so I can reset once more I'm going to go for a 118 right here but I think I think I got a time I feel very good about my time and I might have I might have won unless someone last second clutched which I'll give it to him damn perfect start perfect start I was halfway down the stairs this 20 both guys running no just one guy running okay okay okay he saw he saw okay one more run one more run one more run one more run last run literally last run Link's got a 115 holy [ __ ] really or are you lying I can't tell that's impressive either way godp speed to the man ah oh one more time five no time's over time's over time's over I'm good I'm good good uh time he use the Drone Strat okay I got to tell these guys time time time time time time I assume you're on your last runs good luck God speed linkis got the Drone Str dude I just missed my Tran I couldn't even couldn't even uh get it I got one good run that's it uh yeah man uh we could talk about I mean I think the uh the people seeing me or hearing me try to triple shot happened 88% of all runs that's fascinating that you have a triple shot cuz I like dud so different all night oh interesting you have no triple shot like it's not even a consideration whoa I'm already excited I thought cuz we had the exact same time for most of the thing so I thought for sure yeah we were like pretty close right um yeah you were one second faster and so I thought I thought we were doing the exact same threat but mine is all about a triple sh I doubt it that's so interesting I have really weird I have mine but I got the legendary Nine Star glitch oh my God know I'll I'll show I'll show you the Strat I have but basically like the way I was able to figure it out is have to Tran two people mhm and 80% of the time one of the guards when you Tran him he gets into an object and dies so you get like a nonar and then the other guy I Tran by like the target you know on the rooftop like 10% of the time they don't go up to investigate it so getting both of those in a run only happened once and I messed up something else I see so it's like one of those like you run a 100 times to get lucky you guys doing I'm so excited to see this runs the only thing that's annoying me I'm going to tell you right now is that the entire 90 minutes my chat kept saying linkis is doing the Drone Strat he's got a drone he's drone striking the enemy he's droning them linkis did it in 0.1 seconds link did it in the two second time Link's time it's crazy because of the Drone so I'm excited to see where this [ __ ] drone Strat is you didn't know about Obama percent my I didn't I didn't know about Link's obam percent uh okay uh linkis do you want to share yours first yep let me quickly just get the time stamp it's quite easy cuz I got it literally as you said time time time and then someone in chat possibly got my clip Maybe please please please please please share skip to no one's hit me with my time so I got to find it oh royalty got it oh thank God okay I'm gonna watch it through your stream like always big a wait I'm really sad that like I think the strats pretty cool I'm really sad but yeah just for context of why people said drone I basically try like three different spawns like to see how far away could I shoot Tran shots across the map to get this oh my goodness so my entire strats were just continuously like okay let's try pyer let's try let's try this let's try that wait let me see thank you for the gities lemon appreciate that thank you I'm sorry Gamers I'm just trying to find my time stamp right now publishing also like my run the version of mine that I got is so scuffed you know sometimes people don't path the way you want them to or they like panic and see someone 100% 100% but like yeah I actually think like yeah I could I could spend hours trying to make this better like I still don't really think I've me too I thought I thought I CH was kind of like big dogging a little bit by saying this is not a 90 minutes I could have used 90 minutes I could have easily I could easily used 90 minutes so but actually it is 606 so I'm glad we did an hour cuz I I think that's going to run perfectly for me to grab a quick shower and get ready for this dinner and not stink yeah I'm also a little sweaty been grinding um there's a couple Clips here but they're not good get a CLI of my uh 119 run I don't think I'm no the clip is of me saying can someone get a clip of my run you're a piece of [ __ ] you're a piece of [ __ ] for that and I will find you and I will ban you uh that's actually really funny do we have by the way the video of what cuz J said you all didn't do anything like my first attempts and even I even did a different start than all of you yeah we'll end with that so Jes if you have a video or a clip of your finale run like the maybe the answer or whatever we'll play link Spector mine and then we'll play yours to see like what what the Creator intended I published my VOD if I I can get it myself then I'll find my VOD I'll do it right now it TR videos I can't remember when I got the run so I'm just scrolling through the entire thing right entire I feel like I got mine so early you did if it's your you did you got it about 15 to 20 minutes in so probably when the timer was like minus 40 or something roughly okay I'm scrubbing can I can I not see this wait I actually can't get the VOD publish publish publish the VOD oh god I've been local recording right okay I'm just going to pull up my local recording and find [Laughter] it genius I'm G to pull up make sure you local record us watching your local recording yeah I'm relocal recording now yeah but I end that would be something I would do is I would turn it off and then I'd be like watch the reaction okay I'm GNA like I've been recording stuff for video and I keep [ __ ] up by forgetting oh yeah you were one second faster and so I thought all right give me one Segundo I'm gonna mute to try and find this and I'll be right back in 2 seconds and then I'll watch them all if you can get your clip though SP and put it in the chat then we'll pull them all up so yo thank you finalist all right someone found it for me I was looking I was looking that whole time let's find go when I got it does anyone even remember the time area uh I got to be celebrating it's at 4762 he just made that up but I'll try it for 62 wouldn't that be 4 then bro it's not even a real Time come on come on come on come on come on come on 4762 you son of a [ __ ] I think this is it right here no damn it wait here I can take wait [ __ ] yo I'm so MD it was like seven minutes left right it was like it was like it was like hit that tran shot when he's looking right wait I can shoot a bullet Maybe I can shoot a bll and distract him what I just want to see what time I would have gotten here it's actually a faster knockout and a faster wait what first of all the life split is hovering over it's wrong turn this off 9 minutes left okay with 9 minutes left so like this I got 10 minutes oh that [ __ ] those those citizens are this way it was way before well dude wait okay rewind 10 seconds right 126 okay 126 is not it that would be the best I think okay in the game it was the nine okay go back to the nine go back to the N Go back to the N Go back to the N Go back to the N right here maybe this is it 30 seconds forward second a little bit that was it okay that was it okay okay okay okay okay okay so rewind here okay this is it perfect perfect perfect perfect okay boys uh all right you ready for the review yes sir all right let's see what we got I'm excited to see our differing strategies for this contract by Jes starting with linkis 7 anything you want us to know going in what you think about this contract linkis it took me a while to figure out I don't feel like it's as open I feel like this is supposed to be like a one route with small changes but I don't know from the sounds of it I sort of felt like there was an answer that I that I didn't find but I just I I just found like I think my route uh what time am I at I just was messing around and I just got like the perfect version of my route and I bet you I'm like at best like a minute a minute yeah know when you start the contract there's like only one one or two things I'll point out I have your stream open okay perfect let me can I theater mode this and I want to see your face whatever no it's not going to look happy okay fine I'm just frustrated we'll just play it all right this is L's strategy L's Run for the Run okay sound on you do look frustrated you're just like he's Melancholy dude look at him so I really tried hard to figure out a route that would start on the on the catwalk the Skywalk whatever it's called but what I uh what we figured out far into it is that the woman here is proximity based prox so even though I don't need to I run all the way up here because if you can hear the dialogue which is by her house then it will start meaning that when you come back she will be on the back of the house I wondering how to get her to walk away so I had to run buy it pause just for the chat so what he's saying is if you enter a circle around that woman and it triggers her dialogue then she will do a whole scene ending up I guess with her I never even notice this she'll end up at the back of the house instead of the front so you can okay yes and the guard will look the other way correct interesting then here this is the first guard this guy sucks so if he falls forward he will die some of the time you have to hope that he doesn't fall into the wrong place there I this guy and then he gets panicked I shoot God oh my God wait wait I'm pausing again please don't so so okay link if you shoot her when she's sitting in the chair the guards will see but if you Tran him she will Panic to glitch through the chair meaning if you shoot the guards will not see it and she just falls down Dead behind the chair and they don't investigate the the tranked guy some of the time they do some of the time they do so that's why that's what happened on this that's why I said it's like a one in 100 cuz you have to be lucky that the guy who falls over doesn't die and that they choose not to investigate I was attempting if I had more time extra 30 minutes I would have investigated Panic shots to distracts to not investigate that's a very interesting kill wait what are you doing for the accident here oh you just to all down here you get a wrench a wrench yep get the wrench cuz then you can see her perfect timing she walks to the back of the house knock out with the wrench I see bam Y and dragon drop okay wait did I lose you guys hello no I hear you well I guess we're heading off for the did I lose audio we can still hear you hello I can hear you you guys talking so I'm back yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're good good yeah you were talking though you said drag and drop I didn't hear anything I it must have cut out whatever was weird um okay so you Dragon drop and Pistol kill the guy at the end at least they can see the Strat we doing exactly link we had really similar ideas and I'm curious when you see mine what you think yeah like I said there's 100% some way to do a distraction to guarantee that on that rooftop she does not get spotted like I said I one time on a slow run had it work and then I literally messed up the accident kill with her in the house oh no but yeah like this would be around a 130 time okay yo use the second link I sent in chat by the way yeah let me use the second link okay so good run from from linkis I really like the the long distance Tran kill shoot the guy that's crazy cuz that's where I it's such a beast Strat though you know that's like how I made contract I love those long shots never do a long [ __ ] tr shot like that and I had so much trouble on that woman over and over for most of the first most part I run all right let me see spectacor run here it is what if nightmare mode is when you finish the Syndicate as fast as possible and get world record little already did that okay let me know when you start it yeah yeah no big deal starting starting it here it is so you start same spot as linkis and you same spot instantly a medic grenade the guard out of the way so what I I want to that's a stash that stash is like I did not know you can do that St that's F so that's what I figured L what Linkus would have wanted now later I figured out that there is a shot to panic a guard so that they don't see it but you just hit this guard sitting here won't actually see her body what are you serious he doesn't he doesn't see her body not see her body no he's just vibing wait I'm rewinding I'm rewinding I'm so rewind so let me watch this again basically I'm impressed okay so to the to the left of those guys uh like that we kill on the roof is a guard where you literally just have to do one distraction shot and he won't see him and you basically have to hope the guys on the Skywalk who are having a conversation nearby don't see him yeah but this stash is what changed it for me because I was going to the other stash link did yeah it's one of the first ones that I like scanned by and it's literally called like streets on the hill so on the so on the that TR shot is nasty it's so hard dude it was such a pain nasty Tran shot and then he just and then this guy doesn't see it's so crazy to me so it's the same idea so you just have to pray that the the guards don't go up to investigate and find her body there like exactly and then for this kill I had her going a different way cuz normally she would get sick Go a different way and then I could like uh take her to a moped and blow her up look at how much time I lose just standing here waiting for wait what are you doing right now why is she not normally she'd be in a different spot but I was like ah [ __ ] at the guard left I might as well try you just knock her out or something you are you waiting for something let me see I I I see your Strat she you just pistol on this guy okay wait you don't do that exit I do so okay you just wait for her to walk BYO like that's what I'm saying this is such an early run could so much better you wait for her to walk all the way to the [ __ ] scooter wait that's a dude this is an early round had the same pain as me then I was being lucky about that them not finding on the roof that's the issue I I had a really big problem with the roof cuz I didn't really understand what I was doing interesting okay I think that's probably the best if done right if you got a better kill on her the best I know what you did man but I did not do that start I didn't do a lot of that stuff but uh wait so what was the time you got at spectacor he was 1299 129 okay um let me show you mine I'm I can't link it to you so you have to watch it on my stream there only because I only have the okay all right here we wait let me pull you up okay uh okay I got it it's easier all right chat I'm just gonna have to turn you off unfortunately well I don't know oh my God there's so many atriarch on screen which one is the real one I can't same shirt dude oh my god oh no not for the sixth time in one day [ __ ] a call L okay you did this spawn I tried I could not make it fast the Run path is so long I did do assassin suit only execute uh how did you beat I guess did you shoot the ladder to knock it down so right here I go Bam Bam Bam triple shot okay okay then okay gu turn around that guy turn around she stands up I poison but not as fast as your guys long range I mean okay so I don't feel great about that kill it was nice it was I think cleanly executed the triple shot makes these guards run downstairs they run past CL have to do the staircase and the full Runabout now I make this guy look to the right and I Tran him and then everyone gets distracted except for the big guy who will see that guy eventually if I Buck yeah duck into here right so he sees him then I hit this guy with a Tran she panics ideally she would turn towards me but she doesn't oh she did and that yeah okay then I knock her out uh-huh drag her to the scooter this scooter dude I didn't even see this one yeah this one right here pop up pop oh and then jump down the St you exit you yeah oh yeah cuz it's not yellow like the other ones yeah but it still blows up just the same I don't know yo you're so yeah it's not highlighted that's why I didn't notice it I think that I think your fi like your like final Strat is definitely faster I think if you combined our first kill with that ending that would be a faster time yeah you actually could make like a a really sick do think if we mix them if we mix the um spectacor and Link's start cuz that cuz you'd save like [ __ ] 40 seconds of travel time and killing with the poison oh dude I yeah people are going to destroy so this could be subm minute easily this could easily be a sub minute with all this stuff combined uh all right pretty sick well sucks for the [ __ ] big a Awards wow oh no oh we got to record take my equity and you now have two willing um stars of your next commercials bro they are going to be in your commercials and I don't have to spend more money on yarn you know I really do think that you are the winner here like truly because if you look at like the normal raid of an ad raid for me I'm just saying you're making a great deal cuz like you had 500 to lose and I you're getting too bad like holy [ __ ] and I've heard been charging quite a bit lately for his ad read yeah you know me I actually made out like a bandit bro this is easy money art of the deal now let's see if we can see the grand finale run from the creator of the route himself Jes do you I'm excited about this one have your run sorry caps you need to give me five minutes [ __ ] you don't have it from your stream Jones you can't clip it from your stream last night how you liking lies of PE tell me about it he def used the Drone Strat he used the Drone Strat for sure he's telling me right now yeah he did it in two seconds with the Drone strike so who am I Dona Walling who am I don Walling I'm not Don Walling anyone unless oh what did spectacor say he said Obama what' you say spectacor sorry my audio is bad I'm it's cutting in and out I say anything I don't think everyone's acting like I don't oh right I was saying how how are you enjoying lives of Peace oh uh well let me honest with you it is a frustrating game to stream but you're so good though you're so good at it thank you so much is and it sounds sincere I'm going to try dude I'm scared you're telling me that I'm going to try it is it that bad no no no no it do I have to put my chat on Shield mode it's a fun game uh yeah I actually I recommend it it's actually one of the best games I played this year and I think it's super sick and I think it's underrated I think people aren't I think people anyone that likes Dark Souls games would love this game I legitimately think if they give it if they give it an honest shot it's it's to me it's like equal level of Polish or at least extremely close damn can question about that game when you play it what's up so I obviously a big part of those games are pairing correct yeah parrying yeah so I've never played a Dark Souls game why can't you if you know like you do let's say you do an attack and you know you can only get two attacks in and then you're going to have to Parry why don't you just double attack and then spam the Parry button uh in some games when you spam the button it reduces its Effectiveness like it makes the the window smaller but in this game particularly spamming the button does nothing cuz you have to be holding the sword at this right frame angle for it to count as a parry and that's it so like only at the very beginning of that animation does it count and that's why most Soul players when they play this game get really annoyed at the beginning because it's not the same as SEO it's not the same as right so but once you get that down so in Dark Souls you can spam it I think in Dark Souls you spam roll because roll has I spam roll yeah I was gonna say like depends on the game like I'm thinking like Dark Souls 1 like the Parry window is pretty small so if you spam it you're just going to get [ __ ] and it's not going to work anyways like yeah the only thing is did you play elen Ring spectacor yeah um you know how in Elden ring especially the later half of the game all of the bosses have that thing where they just like raise their sword in the air hold it for a random amount of time like super long and then swing down faint they do a little faint they go so like there's no possible way to react in Perry you have to learn the timing because they don't they don't have a fluid motion that you can like see the like they just [ __ ] hold it for N9 seconds or four seconds and um that Li of P uses that a lot it's like a good trick to keep players from I don't know breezing through but it's it does get a little annoying on some bosses where it's like there's no way I could do feeling like you're memorizing it yeah you do a lot of memorizing I feel like sometimes um I have another very important question while I have you on stream a little bit of pressure going on right now what's up I thought of an amazing gift am I allowed to send you to your home a box that you unbox on stream like a gift oh you said gift I think you meant gift I thought it was going to be like a [ __ ] little animated image no I like yeah that's you can send me a gift bro that's fine okay well I didn't a know cuz I would feel really weird with that asking first and as the box shows up I'm just worried linkis that you are going to send me a bomb of some sort then it's going to blow up and kill me on stream you're going to say mission accomplished Sid assassin and then you're going to make a clip out of that mission accomplish and you're going to put cool glass is on and everyone's going to be like ah he murdered him but it was a cool Hitman reference at least it was an accidental K and then you're going to go green guns and then you are still GNA go to jail because you admitted to it on camera on stream so well but satire you know it's all satire no trust me you're really going to like this law I definitely didn't kill atrio Big Air quotes I feel like spectacor in on it too but he can't be prosecuted because he lives in Canada they don't have laws up there yeah exactly I got that qualif the mounties can't come out to his Igloo so he's [ __ ] safe or diplomatic Community what [ __ ] I said the wrong one true chat right maybe I should just send you a normal drone looked in America for so long Relentless with the Drone jokes today it was it was the theme of The Stream was you should try drone striking drones are great drones drones drones well when you don't wear a flannel they don't know what to like hook on to they're like we don't know what to joke about he's wearing a hat and and a flannel what's crazy is I I watched your stream a good amount uh spectacor and they make fun of you for like still things like bald and you're not bald know dude you have like a full head of hair dude so much hair I know and I feel like it's stolen Bor cuz if you look up only balds doli that [ __ ] goes back to my stream someone bought that domain for me like a month ago when I had hair okay I started typing it in and it autocom completed which means I've gone to only balls. live before I must be a spectal frog uh damn dude a real ass look the guy is [ __ ] not even close to ball you're actually stolen valor it is it's Stolen Valor okay so you do what I do aspect when I started to notice that I started to have a reclining hairline I just always put my hair like forward to hide it oh now I'm going to be this guy yeah just throw it throw it all the way forward he doesn't even have that that's the thing it's true dude it's like it's like coming forward I've got like what's the opposite of receding like I've got an intruding hair I've got like a proceeding it's going down qu bragging quit bragging all right Jes is just sent me his run ladies and gentlemen without further Ado [ __ ] let's watch the grand finale the ultimate run of this map from the Creator itself what did Jes have in mind here we go that's what I'm saying he's got my sound all so we started where you guys started uhhuh started at the hill he hops the wall I'm assuming to do the proximity thing what the [ __ ] did he just do what the [ __ ] did he just do wait what what shot once in the window he shot through the window through a skylight I think yeah I think she's going upstairs what what the [ __ ] oh dude it's a [ __ ] roof shot man it's a it's you know like in hakao if you shoot the roof he's going to push her out this [ __ ] window window oh wait how does he take out the last girl down that's so good man that's so funny bullet distracts her through a skylight to go upstairs then pushes her out the window accident kill and then he already shot the other guy so he's going this way though what is his exit the ceiling shot so was he going to do the same thing that you guys did here uh distraction shot distraction shot what what is going to happen here I don't understand what how he's possibly going to do this how how did he not find that body what okay what wait wait wa okay this this is not the he got okay I think this is an example I think he's showing an example of that normally works okay then he right I got you wait then he goes down this way and exits maybe with coins with [ __ ] this means that you figured out a faster way than yeah but I think I think his normal R will be faster because this is 134 and he had to wait for five seconds so um damn damn that's crazy though like three pretty close targets and they were all every route was different yeah and I think even his would be faster if he used the long Tran shot like you guys did I mean yeah uh damn that's cool that's [ __ ] cool uh thank you Jes again to making this contract thank you spect Linc for playing and yeah thanks for having us I'm excited to see you guys again for another episode of Hitman wait sorry I interrupted this outro everyone should tuning in and watch me SP and linkis do the first brand new elusive Target in like a [ __ ] year and a half on October 27th I'm guessing when that is it's called the drop YouTube frogs and it features a real life DJ that uh is put into the game of Hitman that we are all going to try and kill for the first time live and if we fail we are locked out forever return of a l of targets um pretty exciting time for Hitman and if you watch it live you will receive a brand new twitch suit uh in the game with the drop there's drop BR twitch drops coming can't wait have 10,000 viewers playing freelancer every day it's going to be so sick it's going to be like [ __ ] uh you know Hass and everyone playing freelancer all day every day with drops yes dude that's what I'm looking forward to get Hitman on the map all right thanks BL I'm going to go shower for this thing and try not talk about Hitman during the whole dinner uh later fellas much love peace peace Chad thanks for watching that was fun as hell actually did pretty good you know not not as r rust y as you might expect I've been I've been doing a little practice um uh actually a sick run thanks Jes thanks bro thanks for doing that uh that was a fun way to do it because it's a little bit shorter than most Hitman horses and you get right into the juice I still like the ones where we make our own but I I like mixing in stuff like this where it's like we just solve it and get different routes it's uh am I coming back no there will be no more stream today I stream for like [ __ ] six hours today uh appreciate you guys watching I'll be back tomorrow with a normal stream where I do just chatting and talking and probably um get smarter um that's it goodbye sevens and I'm gonna raid uh linkis if he's still live linkis 7 go watch linkis he might ra you to a spectacor give linkis some love tomorrow we might do the house finale as well it's a two-parter and I have enough time tomorrow and then I can take Sunday off so tomorrow might be a big day of get Mar reacts maybe a little eyes of p and then house finale uh leas ended okay we're rating a spectacor we're rating a spectacor pivot pivot pivot uh not out or wild tomorrow because I don't think I can finish it and I also gamed all day today I'm a little bit gamed out [Music] um thanks for watching goodbye adios
yo [Music] here we go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's see he's gonna jump let's go what's up [Music] one two [Music] one sec hello oh good to see you all Jacob leam maybe three months bald and Brash uh I think the two months yo hrock big a wait wait wait wait hold on hold on the music's too loud ah one second you said big a I just want a pitch competition for an NBA team on how to engage International fans it was for a class but the team's actual PR and marketing team or the ones who judged our presentation uh uh that's awesome congrats sorry Brillo pad 707 for the gifties dude that's awesome amazing I gotta ask think of the 20 gifties Brillo pad Jesus Christ thank you congrats sir uh that's that's amazing I need to ask um the guy we met in New Zealand uh he was going to uh do a pitch thing in Auckland and I want to see how he went I'm gonna ask him about it after the stream Bob's not a Bombay for two months storm Swampert David the tier one lunar honeymoon 58 months OJ and Sierra lived in 20 months 20 months 20 months 20 gifted lofo AIDS what is your name loaf of loaf of AIDS what a terrible name thank you for the one month of prime what is your messages like what do you talk like if your name is a loaf of AIDS you said the chat omegalole Gene Wilder is the only Willy Wonka and Millennials omegalole it's like your three [ __ ] messages okay cool I guess you nailed it probably think of the gifties damn dude somebody [ __ ] hit the lotto uh Eliza be there for 27 months Aubrey tart that'd be Aubry yards like the seven months Wally MD name of the 14 months I do read these Eliza P think of the tier one how's everybody doing we got a we got a massive what's up Beijing today and we also got uh you know [ __ ] big [ __ ] big big dog news uh in the marketing World um uh uh Mario Bros movie trailer as an ad poggies what does that mean decipher that for me you do realize we already watched it on stream Mario Brothers movie trailer as an ad you know movie trailers are ads they're not I'm not it wouldn't be a stretch oh you got it as an ad right now like well that's weird because I don't have I don't run ads just like a pre-roll um I just finished your propathon YouTube video it was still going to kept dying of laughter dude shout out to Eric uh I'm sorry yeah yeah Eric sorry I have Erikson Eric the Poo I thought I miscredited shout out to Eric the Poo who did a [ __ ] phenomenal job uh really really really really really really good editing um all the way through it's an hour long dude he [ __ ] crushed it goes crazy goes dum dum hard uh yeah everyone's really liking I got some some positive responses um big a stop streaming so late um that is the goal that is the dream but we live in a reality we live in a world where oh Sunbeam David uh five gifted appreciate it besides you know what like if you're gonna be an EST frog you have to just realize that you're you're an EST frog you know what I'm saying it's like oh you're living on the East Coast it's like you just gotta fix your entire life you got to set up your life to where it's like you go to bed at 4am I think that's a good way to live um are you going to talk about Nintendo smash tour and Panda I talked about yesterday I don't think there's any major thing to say other than that I think pandas [ __ ] grimo Worm tongue I think Adam is grima [ __ ] Worm tongue uh Alan I'm sorry and I think he he has just been [ __ ] uh whispering to Nintendo in their ears some [ __ ] vile [ __ ] wrong [ __ ] and so we'll see what I really like is I like Scar's idea of just [ __ ] running the tournament bro and I hope they do I hope they just run it I I I what I don't know and I what I probably should just ask gimmer is if they've actually canceled the subscription I mean sorry the um the subscription the venue if they have canceled their venue fee then there's like no way to really get it back I would assume and then they're kind of [ __ ] but if they if they if they have it then they should run it um kill right there for 24 months Oracle thank you for the uh 13 months uh this is the worst streaming solution I've visited you've invested in it you consider this an investment you think buying an hrx7 is like buying Netflix stock no it's not you know why because the hrock stuff is better performing Netflix stock tanking they trucks up to the Moon baby uh the gaming maybe the 18 months Oracle zombie anaruto think of this your name is Naruto 789-789 you have no self-respect if that's your name that you choose to present yourself to the world thank you for the six months six months um uh better performing because it goes directly yeah all hrock subs go directly into Disney stock my man Bob Iger um hold hold the phone hold the phone dude um okay uh uh yeah we're so sick what I'm reading um okay uh hrock homeless Arc what is that let me there's two things I want to say that number one no I I have a home but number two is that if you see somebody homeless it's not you shouldn't call it an arc you know what I'm saying it's not appropriate to be like oh you're in your homeless Arc that's not that's like not a that's not it it feels it feels uh you know degenerate just buy a house lull yeah you're right no you're right you're right um drops think about 24 months I'm two years old and I'm not two what does that mean thanks for the content big a congrats on making Legend thank you I'm very glad that I got it got that [ __ ] monkey off my back the purple player they have the two months stubs they were the five months uh roro think of the two months yo big age want to let you know I loved your performance as Otis from Back at the Barnyard don't even know what that's referencing I assume it's that movie The Barnyard and Otis is the cow if I'm guessing if I'm but you really shouldn't be watching the Barnyard because it's not it's a [ __ ] dog [ __ ] [ __ ] looking movie um but I did figure out your message your coded message it's Panda Gaming's very own patriarch I am not a representative of panda gaming nor have I ever been nor do I support well I support uh the streamers and the content creators and the players I think Panda picked the right people to support they just have a [ __ ] toxic leader um I wonder what they'll do I truly wonder what they've already taken dude it's crazy what's [ __ ] crazy is to see Panda Allen still [ __ ] tweeting and he's only he's just only tweeting about [ __ ] the Mario movie trailer the dude's like King okay I believe the Nintendo and that trailer was great they got me and then he followed up again yesterday Peach being Apollo was my favorite part it's like bro the entire [ __ ] internet oh I was calling for your head it was trending earlier it was [ __ ] Panda gaming was trending and this dude just like dude I I what I love is [ __ ] Jack Black is Bowser bro [ __ ] shut it uh uh he is sucking the Nintendo tweet I mean what he's sucking I'll tell you that 11 months of not seeing my Prime I'm not even gonna read your name for that message for the 11 months blank uh shrubs thing for the five months uh ravioli calzone you think of it six months I'm currently cheating in all of my classes with no idea of what's on of what's going on with finals coming up and then you posted the Gambit emoji yeah all right I don't know that's necessarily A Gambit but it's it's a way of doing it it's a way of being I saw it in my offline chat when I was working on wins and fails uh I saw in the offline chat some dude saying yeah like I was failing my classes and then I started using gpt3 to AI generate my essays and I started getting double the grades like I started my grades doubled and so now I can't get off of it now I can't he's like I want to stop using AI to cheat but when I actually write it I do so much worse I was like bro this is a [ __ ] some real [ __ ] Young's humor problem right now literally addicted to AI cheating saying cool thank you for the five months fear and episode was fire dude their name sucks it it's impossible to read it in a sentence without being confused um I especially enjoyed the emotional terrorism everyone pointing towards you just seriously seriously instigated by slime really um what what's crazy is that you know that I think the context of knowing that I was on a 18-hour Hearthstone Bender with no sleep in that episode is pretty funny like watching it again knowing that context is is uh is funny um GPT got me 77 on my chemistry homework I said all the wrong answers with complete confidence yeah I think it's more for writing than [ __ ] chemistry homework but that is fun [Music] um hey big a love the balloons content thanks man I hope that's not just a reference to the fact that we had a balloons video today and you understand that I haven't done balloons content in six months but I love that you said that thank you so much really welcome into the stream uh clearly a daily viewer on final day of the 15 months uh blathers Kai David 16 necktie enthusiasting the 11. uh yeah yeah yeah uh let me let me let me one second let's play the song and I want to get a little snacky snack one second foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah babe I'm over employed my second job is watching marketing Monday yeah put on your resume baby put it on your resume new Karen David the prime factor for the four months uh is that pickle juice that's pretty Epic this a Lacroix labeled lime and your question was is this again I didn't hide the logo you think this is pickle juice pickled lime no no the answer is it's not pickle juice that was if that was your question since your question let me answer for you right now it wasn't it's not pickle juice it's actually just a lime flavored LaCroix um what is this bro is this what I think it is uh okay I'm gonna put this in wins and fails bro I thought you're gonna read it out loud thank you for that link you busy I'm just gonna put it wins and fails right now we'll just add it to the list yeah that's hilarious uh did you get your Apple music wrapped did Apple music even have a wrapped I thought it was only a Spotify thing uh the this is what I saw I saw this tweet that I thought was making fun of the fact that Apple music doesn't have a wrapped I hate Apple music so much hey it's Mitch from Apple music I have your Apple music wrapped ready for the year you listen to 13 517 minutes of Skrillex holy [ __ ] LOL not very professional for you to laugh at me Mitch I pay a lot for this service whatever you say Skrillex boy I thought this is like a fun parody of [ __ ] Apple music having no [ __ ] wrapped uh uh I didn't know they had it I thought that was our whole [ __ ] L was that uh that's why everyone on Apple music was usually jealous of did they do it this year like they never did it before though right because I I legitimately remember last year people saying like I love Apple music but I wish that's the only time I get jealous is when Spotify has wrapped oh they added you ain't did okay they oinked him I mean good call everyone loved it legitimately I think the only thing that was causing like Die Hard Out people to switch was wrapped sometimes around the holidays because they get jealous um Apple music makes Eminem sound White I could not possibly decipher that bro every 15th message in here is like completely it's like a haiku of gibberish what does that mean what does that mean Apple music makes Eminem sound White explain that what does that mean I don't understand that he is white he is he sounds so I don't know platforms because he's white he's a white guy [Laughter] Eminem sounds Hispanic on Soundcloud for real for real yeah no you're right you're actually right what I'm the idiot copper Kingdom to 18 months AJ Richie they were the six months six months of marketing Mondays well that's not true I was just like no that's just not true right I missed quite a few uh uh but we got some today um she's white it's like reverse uh the scene from Elvis he's saying he's white but it's angry uh uh Shackled thank you for the six months of Eminem being white big time by the way just to be clear I I am saying that Eminem is white just to be clear like my stance on this is that Eminem is a white artist who sounds white on all platforms not Apple music Brave take so bold yeah you know what they say carus Cosmos think of the seven months um seems strange to be so insistent about this point pushing it down your throat I'm just oh speaking of rap um just thought I'd shout this out for any hip-hop heads in the chat if you haven't heard Central C uh I was already a fan of him but I listened to him a lot more after New Zealand because uh uh the guy driving us around New Zealand was a big fan he's awesome he's great so if you're interested in a new up-and-coming uh artist he's he's like the best uh thing to come out of the UK in a minute dude Central C is really good check him out he has a he has an amazing freestyle about UK slang I showed it to Aiden here wait you want to see it it's [ __ ] great hey if your queen wants salmon don't take her to Chick-fil-A that's just my thought Central C but you know you have your own way of doing things in the UK um uh uh have you seen Tesla man I have not I have not seen it I do want to I do want to that's probably how the queen died you think the queen of the UK a 98 year old woman died because she went on a date with young rapper Central C and he bought her Chick-fil-A you're saying yeah before I finished you're saying yep before I finish my sentence you know let me finish my sentence before you say yeah because you don't know yet what I'm gonna say you're spamming yep as if you know exactly I'm going to finish it but I haven't even she went to Chick-fil-A with Central C but wanted salmon and that killed her so that's what you all agree okay okay cool no I understood understood Nikki Wong David the prime truly for two months loving the eye shadow big a very brave I don't have eyeshadow I guess it would be brave I don't though uh and then Stumpy Bud put a skull emoji and said I wanted salmon I guess you're at that point quoting the queen what does that mean um when is the Hearthstone stream oh yeah there's a bait and switch I'm gonna do a [ __ ] eight hour Hearthstone stream instead no I actually legitimately uninstalled it on my phone and my PC I legitimately uninstalled it I legitimately [ __ ] went in and I [ __ ] controlled the elite dude I got it off I got out of the system all I wanted to do was was hit was hit the rank dude all I want to do is hit Legend which I did it's about proving it to myself that's it uh it is not about any kind of wanting to play the game more which I which I I appreciate them uh sponsoring me I do I thank them uh but I am I don't have the I just it's not good for me to grind like that um you have to start you have to stop smackington the Hearthstone and start smacking to the Benjamin I could do neither Dan remember yeah exactly bro Napoleon says it right dude in like [ __ ] uh uh four months people are like damn I missed the Hearthstone streams like R.I.P the great Hearthstone content remember that remember the Hearthstone era it's like shut the [ __ ] up bro shut the [ __ ] up when I'm doing everyone's [ __ ] miserable pissed off we're in four months you're gonna be like dude dude I'm [ __ ] I loved Hearthstone that Hearthstone era that was the real [ __ ] and it's like dude you're so [ __ ] dumb same people with aoe4 dude the amount aoe4 was bad content dude all I did was grind the camera was zoomed into my forehead I didn't talk and I just grinded Age of Empires 4 to [ __ ] top of the ladder and then everyone's like oh yeah like that was that was great we bring that back uh balloons same thing dude balloons is 90 me molding at balloons actually mostly get Chatters well Chatters were the worst shatters during balloons were the [ __ ] biggest idiots of all time uh Sakura was fire now second round was just a great game legitimately secret might be my favorite game of all time which is crazy to say but it just feels like one of the most perfect complete no flaws kind of games that I really really loved um so it's kind of hard to say that was bad experience I really enjoyed it I had a great time all the way through Elden ring uh I think eldering had its moments but overall it's pretty bad content some rumors second row two oh really sakuro 2 would be sick I would love to go back to that combo uh you know what though oh by the way this is this is a mini purple mattress that I got as part of a gift bag and I just keep [ __ ] messing with it all day I'm not supposed mattress and in fact don't think you should buy one I think most of these mattress companies are scams uh not scams but like they they massively overcharge but it's a fidget toy yeah Hollow Knight's gonna be holiday Hollow Knight silk song oh I'm just so excited I'm so [ __ ] excited for Holiday silk song I can't even [ __ ] imagine all right it's almost nine o'clock we're gonna get into the wins and fails and we're gonna get into uh a pretty big was up Beijing actually we should get the we should get was up Beijing was that Beijing what's up um I used to work for purple mattress and they're a total joke yeah I believe you I believe I mean I I assume uh unless they yeah okay my general Sense on pearl mattress and all these mattress companies but they were they're a part of the 20 20 21 you know boom cycle of cheap easy money and they are pretty bad businesses and they offer basically just highly marked up you know drop shipped kind of mattresses they're not like anything special um including the one you sleep on I sleep on eight sleep which uh I'm well I want to see if I can get a sponsorship with them but it's I think it's way different it's way way more expensive and probably even bigger markup but that's something that I can't find anywhere else um I like my purple it's way different track well if it's like this it's definitely got a unique material but I I might I I don't know specifically about purple all I know it's about like Casper and purple and all I just know the general economics of the business is bad so I assume it's somewhat fraudulent um when are you going on radio melee I don't think I would ever do that I love watching it though nz4 shall they with the five gifted get six months Matthias lived into 10 months month two of a truck reading my sub you got it brother Zay going there for 24 months Mr Stahl think of the seven months uh bread sticking to seven months twitch does Simon 12. uh why is Stream So Soft what do you mean like is my audio bad no it's crazy have we talked about smash world yeah I talked about yesterday um again there's not too much to say other than [ __ ] Panda Allen uh and they should give out a statement pretty [ __ ] soon um audio's good all right I like to imagine you're a giant and flinging around an actual size purple mattress yeah I am you guys didn't know that um okay ladies and gentlemen without further Ado I'm gonna need you to reach into your mental stack find an accurate residual self-image that's your mental projection of your digital self that's what you look like okay and I want you to analyze and pattern match what you see yourself into what you're seeing on the screen okay by that I mean Tigers ladies and gentlemen welcome to marketing Monday on November 30th 2022. we're back after my trip to New Zealand and there's a lot a lot a lot a lot to talk about there's been a lot going on in the news the major two pieces of business information that have been dominating everything our number one Sam bankman freed and the FTX fraud and number two Elon musk's insane three stooges-esque hijinks over at Twitter we're gonna talk about all that more in today's wins and fails and then we have a very special was up Beijing but I'll get to that at the end ladies and Gentlemen let's start off with the wins and fails starting with the win and that is that all of this all the 42 billion dollar purchase all the mass firings all of the layoffs all of the drama all of the blue check all of that has been building towards Elon musk's secret plan so I'm going to give him the first win of the day because he has built up to his long-term plan of going on a date with Apple CEO Tim Cook he did it he's on a little fun Garden Day with Apple's CEO Tim Cook he did it big win true love does exist the ridge is insane dude Grimes and shambles it's cute yes of course he did tweet earlier that Apple has mostly stopped advertising on Twitter do they hate free speech in America what's going on here at Tim Cook and started a basic War with uh with Apple Twitter needs out more than Apple needs Twitter uh uh [Music] uh yeah this is this is the real one right he said [ __ ] he deleted this by the way he started talking about the um uh the 30 cut that Apple takes on all transactions and said rather than pay 30 I'm going to war the classic Elon Meme and then he went on one little date with Tim Cook and he deleted the tweet so it's down the apple Monopoly and destroy the 30 tax they do take on all apps which would be a noble goal it kind of seems like he just wanted Apple to spend more money on Twitter which I don't even greed Twitter from the App Store so I guess you got that I guess Twitter will not be removed from the app store which is good but I don't know that you necessarily won this war except let's unless this whole goal was to have a date with with Tim Cook which he did do um that being said the problems are a little broader than that you see Twitter has lost 50 of its top 100 advertisers since Elon Musk took over that is uh a pretty big Revenue impact for a company that was already losing money and makes 98 of its Revenue through advertisers so it's kind of an L I'm going to say something right now that it's going to make some people mad that's gonna make some people mad I agree with many of the decisions that Elon Musk has made oh shocker I think that Twitter needed layoffs holy moly I do I think that Twitter trying to go to a more subscription-based uh system instead of an Advertising based one is a good idea what I disagree with is the way it was executed in all of these situations I cannot think of more classless way to fire all of your Workforce than the way that he did I I cannot think of it yet well he over fired then he had to randomly hire some back then uh he offered some of them uh than the ones that remained he put out an ultimatum wait let me see if we have this ultimatum yeah this is it uh here's the ultimatum after Elon Musk ultimatum Twitter Point start exiting um yeah he basically put an ultimate saying everyone to sign up for uh long hours at high intensity they needed to like verbally sign an agreement that they would be super hardcore and stick with the group obviously some people chose to say more importantly you know is that the people that chose to stay he then on Thanksgiving tweet it out uh a photo wait I'm getting it right here uh yeah here it is on Thanksgiving he tweet out a photo of his bedside table his late at night with an OverWatch gun a replica of George Washington's flip lock pistol four diet sugar-free Cokes and then about six hours after this tweet fired people like at 4am fired hundreds more people so the man is is just is doing this in like an insane deranged off the rails kind of ad hoc way and uh what was crazy is that everybody who chose not to take his ultimatum like here's the thing so he went around and said basically if you don't take my ultimatum to be super [ __ ] hardcore and commit to this company I'll give you three months Severance and you can just leave okay fine I mean you're the CEO you can demand that the people that agreed they said fine yes daddy Elon we will do the hardcore work we're then fired on this day weeks later and given two weeks severance so they chose his stupid [ __ ] plan and then they were given less [ __ ] reward it's it that's that's an actual finesse dude and the reason is largely the people that agreed to his insane demands are people that are on what's called H-1B visas and they are foreign workers who are working in America who required to have a job in order to keep their status in the country they'll be kicked out basically if they don't and if they lose their job at Twitter or they leave or fired they only have 60 days to find a new qualifying H-1B job or they're deported so many of them are being forced into these conditions because they just simply have to they simply have nowhere else to go and if he does fire them he can offer them terrible demands they don't really have a lot of legal recourse so that's that's sort of what is going on so I feel like the way he's he's handled layoffs has been pretty uh classless and pretty cut too deep you know obviously Twitter had bloat Twitter had a lot of fat I've I've been saying this for the longest time because I visited Twitter when I was um when I worked in Nvidia and we were doing there for marketing we went visited all the social media companies and one thing I noticed about Twitter was they have insane numbers of floors of people and they don't seem to do anything so I definitely agree that need to be done that being said there's a very clear chance that he has over fired because um you know maybe there was too many uh support staff whatever but when the vast majority of the money of the company is coming from advertising firing basically all of the sales team and all of the people that handled talking to brands is pretty bad because now all of the advertisers who don't even care about the Elon political stuff they're just literally getting worse service they can't they can't get data I mean Twitter already had pretty [ __ ] targeting pretty [ __ ] data like I've used all three for campaigns I've used all the major platforms and one thing you'll notice if you're ever in marketing or advertising and you work on social media campaigns is that as much as you may hate Mark Zuckerberg and think he's a weird robotic piece of [ __ ] if you use facebook slash Instagram for marketing you get really detailed data really good targeting uh you can spend your money very efficiently you can get all you know all the click track and everything but if you do it on Twitter you get like a photo cup thumbs up photocopy thumbs up you get nothing dude you get literally you get nothing you get it's it's you cannot tell if your advertising is working at all and that was back when they had like people on your account so there'd be somebody from Twitter that would be meet up with you and talk to you and now they don't even have those people so people are just quitting because they don't they don't know what the hell's going on so uh and again if we were to draw this um because let's I'm I'm only talking about this from a business POV right now just from a business POV let's say you know uh here let's get let's get online um this is a line okay this is this is profitability so let's say this is negative this is Twitter the year before Elon Musk picked them up this is when they had all of their advertisers spinning around I don't know 5 billion around roughly and they just spent a ton on employees and salary and staff and expansion all right so he cut that cost by what is estimated to be something like 300 million dollars a year so that's about what they were losing okay so if if everything else had stayed the same and he caught all the employees to the Bone he would have gotten it to even he this is where Twitter would be right now even profitability basically zero nothing okay but the problem is they lost all the advertisers they lost half of the top 100 and they've added another one billion dollar a year interest expense on the debt he took to buy the company so now no matter what he does Twitter is an insane whole they're just losing an insane insane insane amount of money I don't I don't see a path forward and then the plan that he had which I didn't get to talk about because it's been a bit with the blue check Eight dollar plan at launch was a disastrous failure not only did it lead to a ton of impersonation and parody accounts and and you know fraud and all that but more importantly it just didn't sell that many um let's see if I have the exact number um [Music] one second uh yeah I think this is it um yeah he needed to sell something like like he basically needs a third of all users on Twitter to be paying the eight dollars and from the early test it was like 50 000 people maybe you know what I'm saying so it's just not it's and you know a third of all users on Twitter would be you know 150 million so it's just it's not looking it's not looking like this is gonna be the big uh end-all be-all savior of the company and so I'm not sure what their plans going forward now because he's cut costs so much in terms of cutting employees and because Twitter had like five to six billion dollars on their balance sheet uh in Cash when he acquired it the chance of them breaking down is very slim like a chance of them going immediately bankrupt is very slim but if he doesn't turn it around with him let's say like you know a year and a half two years this thing is just a permanent money loser that he's gonna have to find some way of unloading um now another thing I agree with them on that uh I didn't mention is that people have been saying oh no the Twitter website is going to go to [ __ ] Twitter's going to crash people were posting this is the end of Twitter RP rip Twitter Twitter's gonna go down and Twitter's been just fine Twitter is a company that essentially just serves text geocities was doing that in 1998 dude it's not that hard to serve 140 character images like Twitter's reliability from their firing of basically everybody has gone from like 99.9 to 99 so it's it's worse and maybe some pages will take longer to refresh something will load a little weird you'll have a broken link occasionally some service won't work they had a thing where um they broke the two-step verification system they broke the system that sends you a code so you couldn't log in if you had two-step verification there there's been some errors don't get me wrong but it's not actually imploding the service is basically going to trundle along unless they make some major change and then it goes to an error so uh you know it's it's working generally fine the way it's going to fail is just basically that it has no no near-term future to turn around the fact that it makes no money it makes Not only no money but less money than it ever had like it's making less money than ever before now he keeps saying uh he keeps saying I think I have here's I did want to get this this little graph but I think this kind of sums it up um if you want to know you know Skip all the words this is the summit because there's a lot of drama around the Elon Musk thing but the end of the day this sort of sums it up everything he's been doing in all the back and forth and all the let's talk about Free Speech or whatever all kind of comes back to this like if you try to say that you're gonna go to war with apple and that uh um you know does Apple 8 hate free speech in America this I mean it's very transparent he wants money because this place is losing it this is not a free speech argument because Free Speech implies that you can choose where you advertise obviously Free Speech doesn't mean you're forced to give Elon Musk your money that's not the definition of free speech that I understand so uh yeah I mean clearly this is all tracking back to the idea that this thing literally just doesn't make any money and all of this would be no problem really for the world's richest man because uh you know it wouldn't this wouldn't be a big deal if we weren't seeing drastic downturns in Tesla stock at the same time Tesla is where the vast majority of his worth is and it is being hammered by people who think that he is distracted uh just insanely distracted with his Twitter stuff there's many many people who are just hardcore Tesla investors that just want to see him focus on Tesla they believe in Tesla Mission Again Tesla makes real products that people like at the end of the day what you think of Elon Musk or what you think of Tesla they've made cars that people like and that means it's a business that makes some sort of sense at the end of the day if you can sell a product at a profit that makes some sort of sense and him diving all of his time attention and focus and capital into Twitter a money losing pit of a business full of Despair and political headwinds and anger and controversy is just dumb it's just been overall dumb so this is causing a lot of problems uh long and short of it and again you know he's also politicizing Teslas it's becoming more of a tied to His Image than anyone else's so there's people that are like they disagree with you on politically so now they don't want to buy a Tesla and those people were big on green energy so now they're he's losing a core audit so it's just bad it's just a bad it just doesn't make sense from Business Point so yeah overall I listen I understand that Twitter has not collapsed and that he has made needed uh layoff cuts and that it would be tempting to think like yeah you know what he's right but when I look at the business case it just feels like it's all been a complete [ __ ] and it's not turning out well that's that is what it's looking like to me um so I'll give him a win because he got to meet with uh oh Tim Cook now let's give a fail an honest to God fail uh on the other big story of the past few weeks and again I'm gonna do a full video on this so I'm gonna only go brief but an honest to God fail on uh Sam begman freed bro now I'm going on uh I'm going on coffee Zilla here because he's been covering this story amazingly but basically Sam mcmanfree's been doing quite a few interviews say American free the disgraced founder of FTX who you know perpetuated a massive fraud on uh all the customer deposits uh has now been doing interviews he is actually just walking free currently for whatever reason because he's uh jurisdiction in the Bahamas he is able to do interviews and walk around free despite committing a massive Ponzi scheme and massive fraud it's actually crazy it makes me Furious and he's going on these interviews and just lying bro just literally spouting non-stop lies uh over and over and over now I I was trying to get what's this like wait uh what is uh wait I I actually had a better example let me see um what is this [Laughter] yeah so if you guys don't know during the story um so again they base they based FTX in the Bahamas and uh right after they went in solvent basically and they closed all withdrawals and said you couldn't take your money out they reopened them briefly for people in the Bahamas Now ninety percent of this I am sure was insiders looting their money out but he said and there may be some truth to this as well he actually said he opened withdrawals without an authorization because he didn't want to be surrounded in a country with a lot of angry people in it that might actually be true because legitimately I would be afraid of everyone in the Bahamas who was an FDX investor coming to kill you bro uh he already has crypto investors flying to his house in the Bahamas and camping outside of it angrily right now he's locked up in there with his parents uh uh the level of corruption is crazy now he's also said I really uh need this clip uh here it is here it is um wait fully solvent this is this is the big lie so this is Sam Bateman free just to make a distinction here you look at the US platform you look at the international platform the U.S cloud now if you guys don't know uh FTX had two branches it had FTX International and FTX us which was a smaller U.S only branch that claimed to follow U.S laws around accounting regulation uh et cetera et cetera he says form uh it's a US regulated platform with American users to my knowledge that's fully solvent to my knowledge that's fully solvent that's fully funded and uh you know I believe that withdrawals could be opened up today and and he believes that if he was in charge still he could open up withdrawals today and everyone can get their money back the truth is and this has been proven is that all of the bank accounts from all of the branches including his sister company Alameda research all went into the same [ __ ] bank account there was literally no separation at all it all just poured straight into alameda's pockets and they used it on insane crypto gambling there is literally no separation of FTX us and FTX International at all and all of the money is gone except for the money that he stole for himself now it has also been proven that many many uh of the investment dollars and customer money dollars 300 million plus were taken out by Sandberg and free personally he personally siphoned them off and says right now that he only has a hundred thousand dollars total on his main account which is another lie we're the 300 million dollars go Sam who took all the money then uh uh now I take the money but he also used uh investor funds uh in FTX to buy something like something like three like 700 million dollars of Robin Hood stock which he didn't spun off to a separate fourth company that only he owns and when they went into bankruptcy he made sure that that fourth company that has all the Robin Hood stock which is actually worth something did not go into bankruptcy and cannot be claimed by the people who are trying to get their money back and the so he's I mean he's literally committing open fraud and then lying about it non-stop just consistently trying to paint the picture that he made an oopsie he keeps going on with this narrative that he's like a guy who cared too much and it's just like I made a mistake I should have been I should have uh followed the money a little better but all I was trying to do was a good thing he's literally a planned con artist fraudster uh who has done many many bad things now I'm only giving you one opinion another opinion is that of Kevin O'Leary aka Mr Wonderful from Shark Tank who says I lost Millions as an investor in FTX and I got sandblasted as a paid spokesperson for the firm but after listening to that interview I'm in the Bill Ackman Camp about the kid call me crazy but I think SBF is telling the truth oh shut the [ __ ] up holy [ __ ] the dick riding's crazy bro you literally lost you millions of dollars oh you're such an idiot you're such a it's so cringe the guy's an absolute uh con artist and fraud uh through and through begin like top to bottom uh everything he said has been proven disproven and shown to be a lie and the fact that he had you know legitimately zero corporate governance all of the money was going to basically his girlfriends run trading firm to be punted on insane schemes they also uh uh I mean a lot of stories have been coming out over just you know how they use the money uh they had insane things like uh free private flights for all [ __ ] FTX employees all over the Bahamas um they owed 55 000 to Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville Beach Resort gonna pay back customers okay they've just been [ __ ] uh spending money willy-nilly on an infinite Bahamas party and buying crypto rug pulls uh and then finally uh yeah wait yeah here it is and finally the thing you lied most of all though the thing that really broke my heart for my good friend Stan who's a lifelong vegan is that he lied about being vegan and in fact accidentally ate 3 000 shrimp hahaha I can take you lying about eight billion dollars of customer funds that you misappropriated but if you accidentally eat 3 000 shrimp that's not an accident bro that you're just that's not an honest mistake yeah he keeps painting um uh himself look at this look I screwed up look man like as if we should just be like oh you know what he's all right there are things I would do anything to do over again I was shocked by what happened this month I didn't knowingly co-mingle funds bro it literally from day one customer deposits were going straight into alameda's bank account they didn't even have separate bank accounts for the different companies that's how insane it is uh so they did the dude just lied through and through and through and through and he should be in jail by any [ __ ] measure this guy should be in jail it's complete fraud but uh what's been interesting is that you know because he has donated so much money he donated insane amounts to the Democratic party uh SPF and then his uh one of his right-hand men um I forget his name um from FTX donated a ton of money through the Republican party so FDX was donating both sides millions and millions of dollars different politicians basically to make sure they could get their goal as it turns out was to get enough political influence to be recognized by the government as the only official crypto exchange that was their goal they wanted to cut binance out of the market they wanted to cut all their competitors out of the market almost like Panda Allen and Nintendo that was their big plan donate a bunch of money get involved get in front of the SEC and uh uh make sure that they can cut their their competitors out of the market and be the only and then when they had that that Monopoly they could find a way to mainly spin their their Ponzi scheme into a real business it didn't happen they didn't get there and now but because of that influence I don't know they're getting surprisingly softball press coverage from mainstream Outlets the main thing was uh I mean there was this crazy article from The New York Times uh what was the first Sam Bateman freed New York Times article Sam like right after it happened I mean uh is either it was either New York Times or Wall Street Journal um here maybe this is it yeah yeah yeah so this is this is the big first article and they said it they they paint him like they talk about how he's not getting very much sleep and they don't mention fraud ones they don't mention anything and they say uh had a bit more concentrated on what I was doing I'd be more thorough like they paint is they don't they don't call out his [ __ ] um fraud at all and then specifically they ask him like what he's been doing and he says oh you know I've been stressed a little bit but I've been getting sleep and I've been playing yeah I've been playing the video game storybook brawl though less than it usually does it helps me unwind a bit and clears my mind and that was so weird I was like why are they including that he's playing the video game struggle but why do they call it out by name how weird is that so I looked it up so I Googled storybook brawl and I find out that storybook brawl is a crypto based Auto brawler that was acquired by crypto exchange from FTX it's literally a hashtag ad in the middle of his collapsing fraud interview they allowed him to plug his own [ __ ] crypto game they should be like calling for his head dude and they are like yeah he's just a sweet kid he's not getting sleep but at least he's enjoying hashtag ad storybook brawl uh it's it's blowing my mind it's blowing my mind bro so uh the guy's ability to [ __ ] hustle to the end is crazy uh then I mean if you guys don't know it's been a while but um right after he was like uh getting uh completely owned uh everyone's like calling him out um where's the uh does it have a link to the SPF what the what tweets from yeah from SPF FTX what okay here it is okay so he started tweeting this cryptically okay he started tweeting uh what h a p p e n e d not legal advice I'll get to whatever he does to these [ __ ] things he'd spaces out every like five minutes you put on a letter it turns out that the the Twitter Bots that track when you delete old tweets do so by checking your total tweet count and seeing if it's gone down by minus one or more for more than a minute so what he was doing uh is he was literally like posting a letter then deleting an old tweet at the same time and okay so again I'm not sure if that is exactly how the mechanic works but while this was happened it is proven that he deleted a bunch of tweets he did 100 did because I saw all the tweets that he deleted I saw the list of the tweets that he deleted and all of them were things around um celebrity Partnerships he deleted basically every tweet that were referenced Tom Brady or any of his celebrity friends that were implicit all of those were deleted he deleted the Tweet where he said FTX is actually solvent and all customer deposits are safe hahaha you're doing all that stuff in this moment now I'm not sure if it track I'm sure everyone saw the deleted tweet so I I guess it didn't this this scheme didn't work but uh he did he did away this so um these tweets were deleted during this time period um and we're gonna we're gonna see what happens man I I have I have I have uh I'm frustrated but I'm hopeful that eventually this guy will see some sort of Criminal Justice because what he has done is equivalent to Bernie Madoff equivalent to any of the great Ponzi schemes of History he he basically just embezzled nine billion dollars of customer funds and have used it for uh either personal gain or for incredibly risky crypto gambling bets both of which mean the customer loses their money and both of which are fraud so and I guess I want to follow it up real quick I want to do a quick side note uh before I get back to the actual wins and fails I want to do a quick side note I am of the opinion that the same thing is going to happen to binance I am of the opinion that basically all crypto exchanges are built on uh some sort of fraud uh they they cannot maintain their their level of uh solvency and I believe if you have any money in exchange as you get it out now I want to talk about coinbase I also want to talk about coinbase because coinbase is a different story but I also want you to take your money out of coinbase the reason is because even though coinbase has one to one all of the deposits they kept them I personally believe after looking more into it that even though coinbase does not have any evidence of fraud there's no fraud they have your money it's such a bad business climbase stock price it's such a bad business that I don't think they're gonna they're I I think that I think there's a good chance they go bankrupt and just pay out the deposits I think that's the best case scenario I think it's I think it's likely because when I've looked at the numbers coinbase as a business only makes money because they don't do fraud like most crypto companies that do front because they don't do fraud they only make money if people are trading a lot of crypto and nobody's doing that they only make money by taking fees if you trade a lot of crypto if you like take your Bitcoin and switch it to ethereum then switch it to Dogecoin then switch it to like if you're buying and selling a lot of different crypto and different altcoins then they can take little fees a bunch of times and make a bunch of money but the average person is no longer doing that so they have no way to make money all they're doing is holding everyone's money for free because everyone's just sitting there in Bitcoin in in coinbase so there's not fraud there but there's no money the business makes no sense so yeah I mean uh is it yeah it's a worse bank it's just a worse bank so yeah again they they have all the customer deposits they they have to file in the US they have a respected auditor everything I can see they understand they have not committed fraud but that doesn't mean like I don't think carvana convicted fraud but I wouldn't invest in carvana you know what I'm saying because giant vending machines selling cars is a bad business so I think no matter what this is a bad business like it just doesn't make sense as an idea whether or not they're committing fraud doesn't make Movie Pass uh well that was kind of fraud um so yeah carvana's down 96 by the dip so anyway that's what I want to get that off my face I want to say that that I think you know well I've made the statement in the past and I don't believe coinbase is fraudulent which I still stand by I do think that it's a bad business and so I I would in general I am wary of all places to store your crypto because they all seem to be based on either fraudulent or bad business models um uh no what they should have done um is this uh yeah this what they should have done is what real actual um exchanges do someone is what they were trying to do but never got to doing what real actual changes do and that is involved in business what why did none of the Regulators do that where was Gary Gensler well I don't know what Gary gamzler was but my regulator at the cftc I brought I asked them why sorry what against there was but my regulator at the cftc I brought I asked them why this guy [Music] hago Exchange Chicago Mercantile Exchange or whatever just an actual real dollar exchange in Chicago one of the bigger ones um uh openly admits openly misspeaks uh to actually bribing his Federal regulator the cftci bribe I asked them why in the world are you invoking the commodity exchange act section five paragraph you can see him sort of slow down and get in there because he knows he's on camera now uh so yeah I mean I guess uh I guess I asked or I asked my regulator um yeah so you could have done that and somebody was trying but apparently didn't quite get there before they got caught in his Ponzi um and I want to say you know all of this seems like a massive fail right tons of people's money uh stolen uh anyone who tried to you know try out crypto or believed in it or fell to the fomo or whatever uh many many of them are getting their [ __ ] uh money taken stolen drastically cut in value and they feel burned and angry but but there is a win in all of this there is a win and the win is people who want to buy a G wagon because all of the luxury cars that crypto Bros and entrepreneurs have been buying over the past two years are now up for sale at drastically reduced prices the new money the Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon the new money Badge of the crypto Rich was once valued around three hundred thousand dollars in the resale Market but is now closer to 200k a hundred thousand dollar haircut get it get it get a 200 Grand G wagon easy dude Lamborghini Urus dude I saw a thing I thought I followed this guy who's a used car dealer on Twitter and post a lot of interesting stuff about the used car market he has said there are more Lamborghini urices on the market than [ __ ] Toyota Corollas the Lamborghini Urus is a car that sells like 10 000 a year and has only been out for a few years Toyota Corollas have been around for [ __ ] 20 years and they sell freaking 50 million a year it's actually insane it's insane how many [ __ ] crypto Bros are [ __ ] dumping these on the market so uh if you want to buy uh any of that or maybe you want to buy um load oh I think I or if you want to buy a pre-owned Rolex or any other expensive watch uh all of them in flooded with Supply that's crypto Bros and people who made a bunch of money and tech stocks are now losing their shirt they're all dumping them on the market so this is a great time to pick up a used G-Wagon and Rolex dude you're gonna look [ __ ] fly as hell at discount prices or more importantly once you get both these things why don't you take your ass down to a Miami nightclub because they're now mourning the absence of high-rolling crypto entrepreneurs all of the strip clubs and nightclubs in Miami who were begging for all this easy crypto money people who are [ __ ] doing Bottle services with the price of Bitcoin at sixty thousand dollars with mainstream uh the biggest beneficiary since on Florida City to flaunt them about the lavish parties out of the blue all these kids from crypto started coming down and spending a lot of money like an insane amount of money they were booking tables 50 Grand and it was like who the hell are these people the new party goers were 95 men young with a kind of nerdy style more than a year later the phones have stopped ring after the collapse of Bahamas based exchange FTX the crypto revelers frequency Miami's clubs have completely disappeared yikes dude they had bathtubs of champagne brought out and gave 50 Cent a bunch of cash to throw and they paid in crypto so unless the [ __ ] Miami nightclub exchanged to Cash Quick they also lost money uh so yeah it's uh it's an insane insane World pray for the poor strip clubs of Miami dude um but yeah easy chance for you to come in and get discount bottle service with your discount G-Wagon and discount Rolex now if you want to make easy money because again you also need some money from that I always in wins and fails like to give you a play a way that I've learned to make easy money I'm watching I watch the markets like a hawk and I'm always trying to find a way how can you make easy easy money for my audience and today I found a great one because it's time to salute a true hero in the anti-corporate movement okay corporations are too powerful they've gotten too strong and a lot of us are saying enough is enough we got to stand up to these guys we have to get some of our rights back we have to fight for a better wage but all that stuff is hard okay and we don't really believe in it you know it's core it doesn't really get us excited so finally someone has stood up for something we really believe in and stuck to corporations where it really hurts and that is a Florida woman who is suing Kraft mac and cheese for five million dollars because her Velveeta microwave mac and cheese took longer to make than advertise this is the fight that matters we have to hold these corporations accountable if they say you can make the mac and cheese in what 30 seconds in three and a half minutes they better not be lying ready in three and a half minutes is false and misleading products instructions say the microwave for three and a half minutes but Ramirez attorneys say this number doesn't account for the other four steps required to repair the pasta removing the lid adding the water and stirring holy [ __ ] true dude get her Amanda Ramirez get him I get her ass get it get the rest that's so [ __ ] it's it's so it's a bigger fraud dude than FTX absolutely when I see the advertisement it says it can do it in three and a half minutes I assume that includes I had includes for me going to the store I should be able to go to the store if I see a commercial to go to the store buy it come home put it in the microwave and all be done in three and a half minutes um so uh they're arguing crowd is unfairly profiting off false advertising of the cups yep yep yep yep yep yep yep this is all powerful facts so if you two want to make some money then I think you should find a product that is telling uh gratuitous lies like this and really take them to task let them know that you your voice will be heard and you're not going to stand for it okay uh it should include the hours you had to work to purchase the mac and cheese yeah exactly exactly dude who here wants to take up the water instant oatmeal it's not instant you know what instant means it means instant if I buy instant oatmeal and I have to cook it and make it then that's [ __ ] lie that's a false advertisement bro and I think we can make millions off that so let's make some money and if you make that money how about considering putting it somewhere safe investing it in a website like public.com I'd like to thank our sponsor for today's marketing Monday public.com long time supporter of marketing Monday public.com I believe is the single best investment app you can have on your phone it is clean it is easy to use you can track your Investments you can buy fractionally it's awesome this is awesome I just I really like it I find it easy to use I use it every day to check my stocks um most of my stocks are just Disney now basically just buy Watch Disney and also you can get a free stock up to 300 if you uh doing my code public.com hrock check it out there's a link in the panel below you can also check it right there uh check out public.com and if you sign up with my code you can get a free stock up to 300 and when you get one I get one and a lot of people have Center public and I've put all of your free stocks into Disney so so far we're up and up we're we're on the we're investing together um uh yeah I just think it's and also it has news it has news in the app and you can check out other people's uh Investments so I just think it's cool it's a nice cleanings yep and also most importantly is unlike their you know one major competitor you might know about that is a stock trading app on your phone uh they do not make money by selling information on your trades to hedge funds which is the business model of the big competitor uh this one does not so uh that's why I'm a fan of public I have I have uh but yeah I'm proud to support him and I thank them for supporting me on a long time marketing Monday so thanks public.com back to the regular Central programming let me give you another win and this is a win this is a lot of wins this week by the way let me give you a win for Buzz kills anyone in chat consider themselves a buzz kill you're hanging out with friends and you're kind of the downer you're never the one bringing the bringing the mood up anyone kind of like the well if you're a buzz kill I've got some great excellent news for you it's a major win in that this man has won the legal right to not be fun at work he was fired from a consultancy firm in 2015 because he didn't hear the company's fun values he didn't want to go out and party and take after dinner drinks with his co-workers and now he has legally been ruled that he has a freedom of expression to not participate which means you no longer have to go hang out with your co-workers after work and pretend to be interested and do drinks with them you can just go home and watch [ __ ] Netflix like you want to or anime probably uh and get over it all right this is a big this is a big win for fellow Buzz kills dude foreign big absolute win uh for Buzz kills now let's talk about my actual favorite win and probably well actually no we'll do one more um here's another win for other people out there uh who here has trouble you know how like um anyone you're on dating apps that's the real question is anyone here on dating apps trying to make it work trying to trying to get out there trying to swipe trying to see if you can um you ever been on dating or try dating apps and see if you can uh or maybe you gave up maybe you tried but you gave up well one thing people complain about is that it's very hard to get good pictures on dating apps you know to really present yourself well you have to go out and take a bunch of photos and like try to find yourself in interesting situations and out there in the world and that requires you to leave your house and have someone take photos of you and it's a whole thing all right it's a pain in the ass so what I'm presenting today as a major win is that AI will now do this for you this man took one pick of himself in a disgusting sweatshirt and then AI just put him in a bunch of interesting and unique backgrounds and situations and this will only get better so now you can just take one greasy photo of yourself at your PC watching hentai or something and then AI will generate you 100 photos of you living an interesting fulfilling life to put on your Tinder profile it's crazy now you can use GPT to cheat at school and also on the apps dude big win Big Win huge W can the AI actually go on the dates for me too one day won't get there we'll get there dude um uh can we do these photos of failures as well I guess you could um cheating at school and cheating on my wife at the same time you sound too proud of that um so that's the win and then my final win and this is the biggest win of the week and this deserves an entire huge shout out okay I want you all to join me in a celebratory scream because ladies and gentlemen the king is back Bob Iger is back at Disney the original goat of marketing Monday my original Super business fan ah Bob Iger poster on the wall uh uh the CEO of Disney longtime CEO of Disney and a guy that you know amongst incredibly overpaid CEOs uh is my favorite I read his book I liked it he worked his way up from working basically uh he didn't have Rich parents and he worked his way up from uh um like working on sets uh for ABC uh in like the 70s all the way up to CEO of Disney so he had a pretty interesting story and uh and uh and I like him so uh anyway he's putting back to Disney because his replacement Bob chapik has been a disaster okay the guy that you picked to replace him this guy right here who looks like um he looks like jebediah's Stone from Iron Man [ __ ] all right you got you want Bob Iger you want this Chad dude hanging out with Minnie Mouse this guy's a Chad this guy's [ __ ] this guy's Tony Stark this guy's jebediah's Stone is is obvious dude Bob Iger built this company in a cave with scraps oh Obadiah sorry whatever anyway uh uh ball Tiger's back so um if you want to know what happened basically a couple things first of all Disney's been doing pretty poorly in this guy's tenure all right now every company's been hit with rough times uh basically since November of last year the entire Market's been in turmoil and especially companies that have dealt with tech so the streaming part of Disney plus has been a big money loser Disney plus has grown dramatically and done done really well all things considered but streaming as a business is very expensive and so far it doesn't make money for anybody yet I mean generally it's just pretty not profitable it's eeking out a little bit for Netflix but um generally it's not doing very well so um that's a big problem secondly um right after uh Eiger quit there was a thing with um layoffs at Disney and Bob Iger even though he was no longer CEO basically said that uh hey we should like wait a month and give them proper Severance and wait for this new law to get passed which is going to give them like better protections and this guy said no and he said you shouldn't overrule me on the CEO now which is just cringe it's just it's just a bad way to come into a company is to be like a huge douchebag and fire people for a small small profit game so uh that already cost an issue and then these guys stopped talking they became no longer friends even though Eiger had hand-picked him as a successor and So eventually um uh um people started saying they don't even want to work for him so here here's the let's see um yeah morale has never been lower inside of Disney the stock price has fallen from 96 dollars from over 197 not 197 to 96. um and many people uh executive like the chief Christine McCarthy um many high-level Executives at um Disney basically said they would quit they told the board they would quit if Bob chebek wasn't removed so uh eventually right here um they fired him they fired him on Sunday and the Disney board call Robert Eiger and asking for his job back which he took so he took it for at least two years he didn't take it for two years and see if he can turn the company around uh now can he I don't know the thing is some of these problems are real the main thing is he's coming in with a pretty easy uh fix number one Bob chapic was lying he was basically shifting budgets around to hide that Disney plus was making massive monetary losses well he was basically pulling not necessarily full-on fraud but he was like being misleading when he was presenting the Wall Street what was going on at Disney he was basically saying like Disney plus is crushing it and it's not it's not crushing it it's it's growing very well it's doing very good on subscribers but it's costing a lot of money and not making it back so that's not so he's lying so that'll be easy to fix and then also the movies that he greenlit um are massive flops Disney's Strange world has just launched this is like the last movie that was under Bob chapek's tenure uh lost 100 million dollars he's gonna that's about those 100 million dollars it's a total bomb so uh uh like and this is like a big flop for Disney because it's like the first movie they've made in a very long time from Disney Animation that hasn't hit a plus or a minus whatever uh Cinema score it's like the first movie to do badly on Cinema score and also it's gonna lose tons of money so and this is following uh one of the biggest um the biggest flops and Pixar history which is owned by Disney which is light year so Bob Iger has a pretty easy rebound he comes back he makes Cars 4 or he makes Toy Story 4 or whatever whatever it is he makes some sequel he makes finding [ __ ] Marlin Frozen five uh yeah whatever he just puts out a sequel and all of a sudden things are back on track dude that's already he has an easy plan to rebound so yeah uh I'm I'm hopeful as a Disney stock owner that this will be a good sign for uh the future of the company uh but we'll see again there's there's real structural problems that you know he has to address that chapic wasn't able to address uh and maybe I can so we'll see one thing that is unclear and if you know Bob Iger like I do and I've read his book he is the biggest apple fan of all time and there is a rumor that Disney would try to sell themselves to Apple if you guys don't know apple is a three trillion dollar company Disney's like a tenth of that Apple could theoretically buy again uh Apple I mean Steve Jobs owned Pixar and sold it to Bob Iger they were friends Bob Iger considers himself a close personal foreign he's thinking about now is his first answer to that question was that he won't do it he said he won't do it but of course you never would say you would until you had anything locked so it doesn't confirm anything but there are rumors flying around that Disney if they needed to have a bailout uh if they need to figure things out and make it a way to get free cash they would sell to Apple which would be absolutely bad from an Apple perspective I don't support it at all but as a stock owner it would probably sell at a premium so it'd be nice for me I'd probably make a boatload so I'm not going to talk about it too much uh no I think it'll be awful I think it'd be awful I really hope it doesn't go through and I hope they find a way if Disney can't survive on its own that's absolutely insane so they should be fine um they they make a ton of money from a ton of different things they should find a way they also have a massive streaming service they should find a way to figure it out but if this happens it'll be we'll cover it more that's that's it for Bob Iger I want to close uh wins and fails and then we'll go to weather budgeting with one last win uh let me get it to you one last juicy win and that is where did I put it what was my juicy win I forgot to mention this oh no dude I missed it during the Elon Musk section oh bummer uh uh well okay I forgot to mention this all right we'll go back dude we can end on Disney um it's uh it was I remember what I was saying that I agreed with Elon on things I agreed with Elon on three things dude number one was that Twitter had too many employees there was too much bloat okay number two is that we needed to switch to a or the company need to switch to a subscription service instead of just being advertising driven and then number three as a lifelong virgin a massive amount of things I agree with them that you shouldn't have any sex if you're not trying to make a baby about thinking has gone into sex without purpose without provocation without procreation which which is actually quite a silly action in the absence of procreation explains Elon musk's Behavior to me more than the fact that he thinks you shouldn't have sex if you're not trying to have a baby not only does that explain his erratic Behavior but it explains why he has 24 kids Olympic system happy that's why that's why but it's pretty absurd really but I mean this is a lot of computation has gone into how can I do more of that with procreation not even being a factor a massive yeah so that's that uh thank you thank you for watching wins and fails uh now we're gonna get into an entirely separate section now normally was that Beijing is part of wins and fails but today was that Beijing is an entirely separate segment let me get one second of water and then we're gonna talk about what's going on in China which I think is world changing extremely impactful and and really worthy of our time and attention so one second let me get uh let me get a quick Snacky um no I'm not doing yep Coke uh uh no I am not I'm not doing yep Coke all right I'm just getting Naked Juice Anna Lacroix uh don't know think about the prime yeat McGee David the prime Razzie gave the 21s glucose Bandit with the prime revolti's name of the Prime cyber lunar name of the Prime lonely sorry for the 15 months think about the subs Nick bought every three months huh what juice you've never heard of Naked Juice do you think it's some hob on it huh Naked Juice gross what gross dude I want my juice fully clothed TOs naked without procreation I don't know why I'm getting my juice naked if I'm not trying to make a Baby Dude you guys are truly all Elon Musk stands all right let's talk dude let's do it today I am revealing the single biggest episode of what's up Beijing of all time ladies and gentlemen Xi Jinping is the center of this story and what's up in Beijing is uh a little something called all the way down it's Hearthstone tabs all the way down it's Hearthstone tabs all the way down I never closed them I never closed them it's 200 million Hearthstone tabs no no wait a minute dude I legitimate okay here it is dang [ __ ] God okay one second dude uh alarm Bells remember I remember that alarm Bell alarm Bell all right one second um uh all right wait running back wait wait wait wait wait wait um wait okay here it is uh okay I got it sorry sorry all right all right all right all right all right yeah it wasn't lose uh okay hold up okay was I meijing was that Beijing I will tell you what's up in Beijing here's been going on in Beijing riots across China citizens and police clashing in the streets law enforcement racing to contain remarkable shows of opposition to China's president Xi Jinping some in Beijing openly calling for him to step down this woman saying we should end his dictatorship and she only cares about himself frustrations with China's super strict zero covet policy prompting thousands to protest Chi and his Communist Party while demanding Freedom at 30 days 33 days and China will collapse I have made fun of that statement in the past many many times I have said over and over that thumbnails like these are absolute scams and frauds that Prey Upon some weird like uh benefit you get in the algorithm when he says like China's totally doomed people love hearing that China is totally doomed and in fact the numbers don't pay the story they're totally doomed 29 days that being said for the first time since I've started to see this this type of stuff covered I've actually thought not that China is collapsing that's an absolute favorite dream but there's actually some real unrest and social change being happened because this is the first time that people have chosen to actually speak out in public on mass against ji's regime the control the Communist Party the the policies they're they are openly dissenting in a way that's it was it's called have been broken the great silence they've called it the great silence and to explain that let me give a little bit of context okay let me love my context but first I want to say that if you use the right videos and footage you can paint the picture that any country is totally collapsing okay so sorry to disappoint you this is one of the thumbnail that I think makes sense it's not actually collapsed like the country is very likely going to continue to exist as is but with unrest and possible social change for example if you were to take the photo of wait sorry let me let me let me this photo wait wait wait wait wait wait wait sorry I'm jumping ahead yeah if you take the photo of America during 2007 in Occupy Wall Street and the Ferguson riots and protests and yeah Ferguson and then January 6th you could tell someone from outside of America that America is collapsing in 30 days you know what I'm saying if you if you put the right photos together you can make the narrative that the total country is collapsing okay uh and that that is and the country kept going on you understand like it but it's still here it's still moving on so let's be clear on that that being said what's happening in China is I just want to give that as a preamble just so you understand that I'm that I'm not being uh overly dramatic and I understand the context here but what's happening in China is very real and very serious so let's let's get into it uh uh you can see more on this accounting but China is showing no sign of budging on zero covid and for the second straight day China reported its highest number of new coveted cases since the start of the pandemic reporting more than 30 000 new cases and authorities are all of this comes back to Xi Jinping in a zero coveted policy that's what's coming on right now in China but if you if you go back to the beginning let me give you some context in 1999 there was the Tiananmen Square protests okay it was a massive social movement unrest riots protest in China and it was brutally cracked down on okay brutally completely shut down violently shut down and since that moment there has been What's called the Great silence in China there's been an Unwritten pact and that is that China will provide economic growth and opportunity to all its citizens you'll have a better economic life than your parents did things will get better and better for your jobs for your opportunities for for your growth for your businesses you'll get richer than ever before and you cannot question the government that is the that is since the 1989 yes what I said right that's been the unspoken pact of China and it has paid off despite what I'm saying for the average citizen they've been happy with it since 1989 because since that year the economy is 14x okay literally 14 times they've outgrown everyone they've seen the country go from like near third world to a dominant world superpower rivaling the United States okay they've they've got a massive budget massive military massive more wealth and so people have overall been happy with that but since 2018 the story has been different okay because there's been things like um a massive Chinese housing crisis that is causing all the wealth that is built up in Chinese real estate to deflate and value massively there's a huge debt bubble there's a problem with uh environmental challenges they have mass environmental challenges because they burn a bunch of coal and there's there's you know there's acid rain you know Rivers there's there's um there's demographic challenges where they have a massively aging population they had a long time one child policy that has left them with not enough young people to manage all the old people they have many many problems that are starting to come due at the same time and that is challenging The Narrative of like easy continued economic growth that is no longer happening basically this graph this is no longer happening it's going way flatter on the curb at the same time they have implemented what is by far the world's strictest and most Draconian anti-covet policy called covet zero and this is what's really making people mad because it has been absurdly restrictive I couldn't really I couldn't find one video that really summed up um what it's like but you can sort of see in videos like this um you know just like like this is a factory that got that that they or they they took everyone out of their apartment building at 1am at night and had them all tested there's just constant roaming of people in these hazmat suits it's it's it's unreal the level of like social control people have to get daily covered check-ins and their apps have to be flagged red or green if they're flagged red they can't go to certain businesses or buildings or leave their house um it's just it's an incredibly restrictive and dragonian policy and what it has done is it allowed China to have much fewer covet deaths that has been their upside but the problem is because they can't keep it going and because they have uh made the choice Xi Jinping made the personal choice to not allow any foreign vaccines and the Chinese uh vaccine is not effective that they have no real way out they have no real way of opening up without massive deaths they don't even have the ER capacity to even close to manage what would happen if covert went wide so they are kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place and so they've had us keep up with this Draconian policy and people in China have been putting up with it and putting up with it and putting up with it for for over a year you're plus now two two years and the idea was that after Xi Jinping won his third term but you know he basically ran unchallenged and and kind of forced to you know he after he got his third term and was locked in the idea was was that he was going to it was it would be over or it would be less restrictive that's what everyone was sort of thinking in China was like the okay fine well way to the Communist party's uh big uh 100 year anniversary he wins the third term and then things are gonna start to downtrend but that happened and then a bunch of scandals happened and at the same time uh covet zero has been more strict than ever there was another major lockdown and so people finally started to feel like enough was enough they started to feel like it was never enough and that's when the real unrest started to happen Okay um let me uh um yeah so here what what happened is let's see this um there was uh this recently there was a fire uh in uh arumchi right here in a high-rise where people could were the the fire response couldn't get to the people in time because of the covet zero policy which prevented the the rescue workers from getting there quickly enough so literally 10 plus people died in a fire and this caused outrage this sparked this was like a flash point a trigger point for a lot of people getting very angry at the same time there was a bus that was forcibly putting people into quarantine that crashed killing everyone on board so the bus incident and the fire incident happened around the same time and it just made people who were already sick and tired and feeling angry and upset about this endless log of covet zero they finally just started the to rise up and started to say something and that led to this so there you can see deadly fire uh University students are protesting and then that led to this okay and what we've been seeing is a massive amount of of these sort of like white paper protests across different cities in China and the white paper is a unique thing they hold up the white paper because it says nothing on it because China has incredibly restrictive rules on what you can say when you protest you can't actually say anything negative about the government and so what they have done is created these blank sheets of paper that everybody knows what it means but it doesn't say anything so they're all just holding up blank sheets of paper in a really kind of Epic um uh sort of way of getting around the sensors and and they've they've been incredibly inventive in their ways um of stopping Chinese government censorship which is to so far been incredibly strong so because they can be arrested for holding up protest signs they hold up blank sheets of white paper they say nothing but everybody knows what the means because they can remove all negative comments on social media people have been going on social media in China and posting incredibly positive messages ironically so they'll say things like this code policy is great actually I love this code policy code they're going around each other's pages and saying the opposite of what they mean about everything which is actually so based um because they can't write or sing protest songs they have been going to uh protest and singing legitimately the Chinese National Anthem and because uh the CCP is incredibly you know patriotic and nationalistic they can't stop him from singing that but the lyrics of The Anthem are arise ye who refuse to be slaves arise ye who refused to be slaves the Chinese Nation faces its greatest danger and they're emphasizing these two lines but it's part of the national anthem it's incredibly powerful protest that they can't actually lock down on they're getting around all these systems they're finally finding a ways to break the great silence which is uh impressive so um uh and again an even better one let me let me let me see if I can find it for you um uh like in person let me see here it is um yeah here it is here it is uh so there the crowd was chanting the police ordered the group of protesters to not shout slogans that protested Kobe controls so they switched the chance supporting them we want coventus [Applause] just finding a way to say [ __ ] you in whatever way possible it's actually incredibly based and and Incredibly powerful and the way this movement has organized itself across the country in like an ironic kind of [ __ ] you to a really oppressive system that has complete control over the media over social media over uh what you could say online over everything it's crazy and it's crazy it's impressive and it's powerful and it fills me with a lot of uh I don't know I'm I'm rooting for them and um uh and what is China what is the government gonna do about it this is the real question because the like this is this is a movement that's not going away people are very angry the government doesn't have a real clear way of getting out of it they have no way of like switching to mass you know herd immunity which again the the rest of the world sort of just did it because they gave up trying to control people and you know it led to a lot of deaths there's not really a good outcome here Cove is just a brutal brutal disease there's no real way like either people die or not but at least with a better vaccine and more ER beds there's a way to manage it but like they have no real way to do that so they have no real path forward and it shows it [ __ ] shows because they're uh this guy um given the what this guy is the uh Chinese official who does uh foreign press conferences um he was interviewed on the guardian given the what and you can see I want you to watch closely and you can see exactly what what level of preparedness they have to answer this question okay watch him point spread display of anger and frustration at the uh zero covered policy in recent days across China thinking about ending hold hold so I timed it from 15 seconds from 46 seconds he goes 30 seconds of unbr 31 seconds of unbroken silence then he asked to repeat the question then the question is repeated okay and then he goes for another like minute of Silence so all in all in total he's had something like a minute and a half of time to think about an answer and he's got nothing so what he ends up saying is uh in another what you mentioned does not reflect what actually happened China has been following look at gulps the dynamic zero covet policy that's it bro bro dude there's foot the riots are happening they're all over they're they're viral there's tons of videos of them and he is acting like they're not happening and that that was so incredibly more handling the guy is very nervous to say anything other than the party line and it shows and they don't have a real response so so far they've tried two things okay um like politically and PR wise they have been blaming the entire movement on foreign forces okay they've been implying that nobody is protest protesting authentically they've been saying everybody's protesting is part of uh is part of foreign forces you know it's it's all paid for by George Soros or whatever you know whatever they're saying uh here an increasingly popular conspiracy theory on China's internet right now is that the US is a 500 million dollar budget to support or even initiate Nationwide anti-zero code Post in China the idea that the US which can't even figure out her own [ __ ] is organizing a 500 million dollar secret underground coveted protest in China he's crazy U.S is not even close to being organized enough to do this uh no this is this yeah this is not happening but what's funny is so they you know the white paper the white piece of paper they um uh let me see um um make sure I have it yeah well this is the this is the video I want but there's one more I want to show you hold up um this is worth it one second because it's actually [ __ ] crazy hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up there's many many tabs here okay here I heard I found it okay so the white piece of the paper they were claiming that the reason they were white people's paper was so it was easier for foreign forces to photoshop on anti-covered zero policy statements that was what they were saying they were saying all this white paper stuff is fake and they're gonna actually use it to photoshop and then uh what happened is the Chinese government did that themselves they took these white paper photos and they clearly photoshopped on statements that said like crack down on rumors incitement boycott the color Revolution support zero epidemic prevention like people are in the streets holding up signs to support what's already happening the entire Riot movement is actually a pro so this is this is some of what they're doing which is insane but it is not working so let me show you um let me show you this video this is an incredibly well spoken uh protester in China who says [Music] we'll get to it that's it again okay this guy asks hello can I ask was it foreign forces who started the fire in xinjiang [Music] with the fire department was the bus overturned by Foreign forces [Music] was everyone told to come here by Foreign forces everyone shouts no foreign we can't even access foreign internet how are foreign forces meant to be communicating with us we only have domestic forces not allowing us to govern ourselves can we leave the country no can we go on foreign internet no oh yeah where are these forward forces from the Moon we just want freedom and out of those incredibly based uh and again the risk these people are going under to do protests like this is severe it's it's it's serious it's real people are being arrested they're being jailed they're being carted off uh there was a video of a guy um um let me see if I got him um where's the flower guy this one yeah yeah um there's a video but here's the video I don't have the translated version but this guy they kind of come a national symbol this guy the flower guy he's just walking around with flowers and basically saying like uh [Music] he essentially said like we all know this is crazy something like that and and they were like Tyler Sport and he's like again he said the cobit zero policy makes no sense and then as he said that they carted him off into a uh uh uh we need to be more breath yes I can translate actually I've had the translation version but I don't have it on me um and when he mentions the coven zero policy they start they start they grab them and they put him in the car and like people are clapping and supporting him [Applause] and he's basically saying we don't need to be scared Chinese people need to be braver that's what I remember that's the main thing he said and so like this [ __ ] is serious and the fact that they're all doing this simultaneously in many cities across China is powerful and it sends a message and the government has a reason to be scared because they can no longer offer the same promise okay this Chinese generation is better educated wealthier better connected has the internet than ever before and they're starting to question why they need such a Draconian oppressive government and uh at the same time the government is no longer offering them the same economic growth opportunities that it was because Chinese growth is still up but it's slowing it's slowing dramatically so it remains to be seeing how they're going to deal with this but uh it's not looking good one of the things they're trying is uh is the following um well again the main thing they're doing is the pr stuff of trying to play it down play it and then what they're doing physically is being way worse they're just doing way more jailings way more oppressive stuff way more physical violence again there was a riot at um um this is the Foxconn Factory where Apple iPhones are made uh which was resisting a major lockdown which required them to live on site to avoid uh basically live on site and work for terrible wages to work to make iPhones this is the there's been violence dude [Music] um yeah and many people do believe that the US the big thing they're blaming on is the United States the U.S is like causing this somehow but I think uh people are starting to wake up uh and many protests are saying the opposite so um uh they have in some like they are trying something so today um this is a press conference in Guangzhou uh which lifted their coveted lockdown because they've had one of the biggest protests and they're worried they're worried about these protests there's no reason the government wouldn't be this is like a big big uh open middle finger to their political power and they had this conference they've lifted the lockdown and symbolically all of these uh leaders took off their mask for the uh for the press conference which they've never done before okay they're trying to send a message but again this is all kind of um just symbolic and short-term they're trying to basically stop the movement slow down or stop or blunt the movement because they can't actually do this they can't actually go into a you know free-for-all no lockdown because they know the consequences with a with a gigantic country of a billion people uh an ineffective vaccine that most people don't even have uh is going to be uh actually terrible so um this is what this is where this is where they're at um and it remains to be seen what they're going to do next but I do want to say uh wait I make sure I got my final thing um dude I have so um okay um yeah they've been dragging off protesters stop oh yeah they've been checking people on the streets for any signs of foreign interference and one of the main things they've been doing to flag people that there are foreign agents is if they have the Instagram app on their phone they're checking because you're not allowed to have any foreign apps so if they see anybody that has Instagram or any kind of foreign app but the main one's Instagram they've been literally they've been stopping people on subways and checking their phones for foreign agents uh that have that have any kind of app like Instagram which is crazy um uh yeah so anyway what I'm saying is overall Xi Jinping who has been the absolute face of this program zero covet has been his baby his brainchild he has pushed it he has championed it because in 2021 when the rest of the world was having higher higher deaths China had fewer and they were championing like zero covet has worked it's amazing but the fact that it is dragged on and on and on with no end in sight and Chinese citizens are watching the World Cup and seeing the rest of the world you know maskless out at soccer games in close proximity and they're wondering you know when they'll ever get to go back though they just have no they have they have no idea and they're getting angry and so uh he's really painted himself into a corner and there's no real way without huge costs for him to ease up on this policy now actual Revolution or even regime change seems impossible okay Xi Jinping has Consolidated all power politically and he has control of the media he has control of uh you know sensors online there's no it doesn't look in any way but if you'd have asked anyone a China expert like even a year ago if there would be protests like this they all would have said no it was thought impossible until it's happened so I think uh human courage is contagious I think it's unpredictable and I think uh more good could have from this than we think um not necessarily retention but maybe massive change politically in in China and I want to say that I think the best chance we have for a peaceful world is one with fewer strong men leaders fewer divisiveness less artist nationalism and more recognition in all countries that were humans trying to live a life of dignity and so I think literally and I think one of the biggest challenges for the next 20 years is the fact that right now China and the US are so at odds that it could lead to tensions escalations even wore I mean that's that is one of the biggest risks to all of life in the next 20 years and so I think if if movements like this can gain Steam and we can be more understanding on our sides that they're just humans over there with the same problems and fears and and goals as us then uh a world where we're connected by trade and cultures is much better and much less likely to lead to World Peace than one that can escalate to war so I really hope that I'm really praying for this movement I hope it does well and I and I hope uh I hope people can see it and understand that that the regular person in China is not much different than them um and that's it that's that's um that's what's up Beijing for this week I'm gonna be following the story closely it's extremely important there's a lot to come from this and I hope I hope these protests gain some ground and I hope uh people are trying to get get some relief from these Draconian pressures um okay that's it that's uh that's my that's was envisioning and that's um that's wins and fails hope you enjoyed sorry it's been so long without marketing and business and geopolitics content uh I I really got into a rabbit hole in Hearthstone uh uh but I'm back and we'll be back on Monday with another one too as well uh ladies and gentlemen that's it now it's 10 39 and we're gonna watch community we're gonna watch community um why isn't trying to import four magazines that was the biggest mistake I think thus far that Xi Jinping has made um when it's covered zero policy was that he he chose a really nationalistic route he wanted to use only chinese-made vaccines and they just weren't at the level yet uh with with biotech I don't know it had a much lower success rate and so and they've been stubborn about it they could have imported easy they had the money um and now has caused them to have like no real way out because their their capacity is is dramatically small for the population size um uh cast name of the Prime snaggy snack time yeah get some snacks drones sanitizing the streets is so free oh yeah dude some of the tech going on in China is insane not just the surveillance but like we have the Drone based Tech uh uh yeah drones sanitizing the streets drones flying over people's houses saying not the protest but it's it's all interesting it's all it's all weird um but I mean listen at the end of the day I also want to say this is off the record from the video but like there are people think that China has like done everything uh wrong and there's nothing we can learn from them like there's so much that I wish America would take from China I wish we would take uh their investment in public services and goods I wish we had High-Speed Rail at the level that China has instead of like [ __ ] weird government contracts with a boring company that gets nothing uh uh they have better health care like in terms of like the freedom of average citizens from not being stuck in lifelong bills for Health Care there's like things we could learn from them and and uh and just keep what I think is good which is that in this government I mean in this country I can criticize the government and not feel any fear I can say Joe Biden is old bro he's old as [ __ ] he looks old that I can say that and there's no [ __ ] I don't feel any fear and I couldn't say that in [ __ ] uh China and I like that I like that freedom um uh but I don't like that we don't have uh [ __ ] High-Speed Rail or any kind of investment and and the fact that it takes 19 years to build any public service at all there's so much [ __ ] red tape and hassle it's crazy um um yeah let us speak and also have good first exactly exactly you got to choose one or the other either don't criticize the government or don't or have debt from hospital bills what's funny is like Sweden you know they do both uh uh you can say Joe Biden looks old in China yes you can they'll let you say that that is you're not you know what you're right if all I wanted to say was the statement Joe Biden is old actually everyone on Earth let me say that foreign what's up uh so that's that so um you can't be an economic Powerhouse while doing both but maybe you're right maybe that's the key uh yeah so it's all it's all strange it's all it's all it's all strange and it's all bad but I I've been watching it closely and I've been been kind of in shock Chinese State TV also shows a different camera cut during the World Cup oh I didn't mention this and I wanted to you guys uh it is true at first this was a fake okay at first I saw this and I thought it was fake and I looked into it and some of the early things on social media were fake is that people were saying that they were blurring out the crowd during the World Cup uh to not show citizens that they're they were walking around mask list but what turns out is it is true um they were just not they weren't blurring it out they were showing a different feed so like like um the the Chinese version of it right here on the bottom was cutting to coaches yeah like it was it was skipping the crowd shots this is legit this is part of their PR plan because they're not showing the crowd shot this is actually real yeah what I saw was the board version which is fake they weren't like cartoonishly blurring the crowd but they have been on actual Chinese TV cutting to more coach shots and player shots than crowd shots which is which is like dystopian it is it is a way to [ __ ] avoid the problem of like seeing people out there enjoying themselves Mass Free um so yeah it's crazy man it's it's it's [ __ ] crazy okay let me get the community episode [Music] they think their citizens are so dumb yeah I just think they they have total control and they've been able to scrub so much descent for so long but like their citizens aren't dumb and they're proving it and they're they're angry and like a lot of them I think I think um because you know what the average person here also doesn't really care about politics do you know what I'm saying the average person anywhere on Earth but especially in America would happily kind of just not care not question and not care about politics as long as like their job is going up in pay the the cost of things is going down uh economic cartoon there's more like as long as like the economy is getting better and everyone is feeling like there's Prosperity most people don't give a [ __ ] they don't care they're not they're not super invested that's most people all over the world and so China has been living with that for a while and I think the CCP thought that meant they had like a lot of support like they had a lot of like real passion and love and more likely it looks like people were just putting up like they don't they weren't super paying attention they don't super care as long as things were going good and now that things are looking bad and weird and they're getting all these they're angry and they're not dumb and they know they've been manipulated uh and I know that like there's a lot they know there's sensors on on Chinese uh media they know that like what they see on social media is being edited and deleted and lied to so um yeah it's crazy um in other words the government had their money up but now they're getting their funny up exactly you nailed it well you could have saved me [ __ ] 30 minutes of Talking Dude I should have just said that from the beginning takes a real takes a real genius to cut to the heart of it like that okay ladies and gentlemen we're gonna watch Community I'm tired of talking uh we're gonna watch an episode of season two of community we're watching uh all of community as part of a uh build up to the release of their new movie they've been releasing all their episodes on YouTube uh as a promotion so we've been watching them going back to the show I haven't seen the show in a long time but I loved it uh back when I watched it and I have always thought it's great and it's been fun to re-watch so watch the chat uh you don't need to know much to go down
this could be a movie this guy sets up first of all among the other scams that he's already done he sets up halal capital and investment funds raises millions of dollars from investors they don't get paid why because jay mazzini claims to get robbed at gunpoint then he gets sued and his partner is part of a sworn affidavit against jay mazzini he's done look he's done but i'm here to report to you guys to watch the dumpster fire that's what we do here coffeezilla we watch these scammers we laugh at them and when they go down we're here we're here to watch it all burn down and that's what we're doing today now without further ado welcome to the 10 million dollar studio i'm your host coffee zilla and today like i said we're talking about jay mazzini who has now become really the coffeezilla chief clown officer which is very tough to do we talk about a lot of clowns on this channel so for him to really reach that pinnacle first of all congratulations jay uh second of all yeah this is a con continuation from like the giveaway scam from the bitcoin scam now we're talking about like capital investment scam and if i could just ask you guys if anything look i know you already pumped the stock you got to pump the zilla stock respect the pump but if you could share this video in particular with anyone who might be vulnerable to this i know people are actively getting scammed for hundreds of thousands of dollars like literally i have victims in my inbox all the time and you know it's absolutely disgusting so if you could do that if you could share that to get the word out that's the only way this guy's gonna go down now the lawsuit we're talking about today just remember everything is alleged uh but there is a pattern of activity here so without further ado let's talk about this scumbag huh let's go back to the beginning who is jay mazzini for those of you don't know well he's mostly just known on instagram and he portrays his lifestyle of giving away money i'm such a good guy i go i go to target or whatever walmart and give to the kids right in reality he's using this lifestyle to launder his reputation to make people trust him because he does a bunch of scams that require you to trust him right now a lawsuit just came out from the state of new york and jay mazzini and some of his uh cronies are listed in here where he has now created a whole thing called halal capital okay this is for muslims people of faith and it was a community uh like investment opportunity right he used a guy from the community and this is so disgusting you guys are gonna like throw up in your mouth when you hear about this so he used this guy nor raba he is a resident of the state of new york and he was a funeral director and a community activist right here funeral home owner and community activist he met this guy jay mazzini and jay mazzini used his background saying he came from a wealthy family was well known in the muslim community and everything wanted to basically give away stuff give away money to the community jay described himself as a licensed financial professional an expert investor had grown his wealth several times then look at this noor spoke of his work as a funeral director explaining that he saw his work as a community service and was well known to provide free or low-cost funerals to those in need so you can think of there's two characters james and he's saying i'm so rich i'm so blah blah and then there's noor who's like this community activist he's like helping people who are you know suffering their worst loss just a nice guy overall now over several months they meet up and basically uh jay mazzini says look we should set up something for the community together as a community trying to better the community we should set up something using your financial expertise uh noirs like um you know connections with community to raise funds for an investment opportunity so they do this thing called halal capital noir's role was to raise funds from his community contacts and then jay mazzini was to invest their money now this guy does his job he collects millions of dollars from this community of faith who trusts this guy because he's the funeral director meanwhile this guy thinks oh well the money's in good hands it's in jay mazzini's hands he isn't he that guy that helps people isn't he that this is so disgusting isn't he that guy that goes to train stations giving flowers away like this is the level of sociopathy that we're dealing with and literally one of the largest investors was a mosque in brooklyn that was seeking a long-term halal investment that would fund its ongoing operations if you guys don't know in in um islam i believe i'm not too familiar but i think halal is like you know things that are okay haram are things that are not okay to do so basically this guy's selling himself is like i'm the guy who can give you access to you know great investments while also staying like holy right and the point is is that this went on until people started asking for their money back right they're told oh we're making all this money so in april 2020 several investors stop sought to withdraw their funds instead of paying them jay mazzini made a series of excuses by the jabara is jaymenzini's real first name including that investments were delayed by covet 19 pandemic and appealing to their shared religious background as evidence of his good faith whenever noir expressed concern about the investors funds jay mazzini would deflect with references to to his own extraordinary wealth at times even offering to personally guarantee investments the scheme unravels further dissatisfied frustrated and concerned for hc investors nor became aggressive within his demands for information from jay mazzini requesting sit downs with his family and others ultimately his responses became so outlandish that nor determined that judicial intervention is required so this guy this community activist who basically took money from all these people that he thought he was going to a good place realizes that this thing's falling apart this guy's lying he is now now i realize look i'm responsible for millions of dollars in my community and this guy's a con man according to this lawsuit the entire fund that he raised was 10 million dollars in funding from people so this isn't like chump change this isn't like oh i had some spare change lying around that i could afford to lose these are people's life savings that are invested with this man this con man and what do they get out of it by november 7th 2020 people start to get super aggressive i mean they've like been put yanked around forever so uh they're saying like you gotta pay us now well the payments were scheduled for august didn't happen then august 22nd pay attention guys pay attention jay mazzini advised nord that he had been robbed at gunpoint hey does anybody buy that so oh i'm supposed to give you your money i was going to give it to you but oops i was robbed i mean this rival's uh what's his name oh jesse smilet's whole thing of like i was like hung by a noose or whatever like this is that level of like a lie he says that he didn't know the exact amount stolen but he estimated it to be in millions of dollars and he said oh oops it was all stolen in cash and then he had little to nothing left for payouts so what is he actually saying there he's going look i was carrying around this bag of money just millions of dollars it just i guess around what new york like where is i don't know where this guy is this case is in new york uh yeah i was just carrying a bag of cash that was all the investors money i was just carrying it around in cash why isn't it invested i don't know he gets robbed at gunpoint goes yeah i can't pay you i can't pay you i'd show you the video where uh he's like talking about this stuff but i believe it's actually in arabic so i can't i can't be of any help to you guys but uh yeah he made this claim on august 22nd he says that at the time the alleged robbery occurred his bodyguards happened to not be present he claims he filed a report with the local police department but today has failed to produce the police report oops so do you have a police report or do you not and at this point i'm sure some of you guys are shouting at your screen like how how is this real i mean it's it's so sad and it's also so comically ludicrous look even the lawsuit itself says it's become increasingly fantastical yeah that's kind of true and now the investors are suing this guy they're suing jay mazzini for their money even though he continues to say oh hey i acknowledge my failures i won't let that happen a good again and be late on the brothers money is the least of my worries actually it seems like it's your biggest worry but here's the craziest part yet his own partner right this guy who has been helping the community he has now signed a sworn affidavit against jay mazzini that basically oh yeah this guy's basically scammed him it's it's affirming the lawsuit so think about how crazy that is the guy he's a 50 stake owner in halal capital remember was jay mazzini and this guy and this guy signs a sworn affidavit that basically says we've been robbed essentially and that's essentially what it is and they're trying to get their money back but um i'm putting this out there as a very serious warning to anyone because jay mazzini is right now aggressively trying to scam other people with the bitcoin scam and i'm sure he's got i mean knowing him he's got a bunch of other scams going on because obviously when we thought it was just the giveaway obviously it was the bitcoin it was this as well so please do not give this man your money share this far and wide his biggest audience is on instagram i have zero instagram audience so if you're on instagram please speak out about this yeah i don't see this going anywhere but further south for jay mazzini i think this is going to be a very bad time for him but how could you do this to somebody how could you do this to a community of faith i mean really your community at all it's your community it's like not even just stealing from strangers you're stealing from people abusing that trust in order to take more money from them how evil can you be this is so disgusting and disturbing to even look at that i feel like after this i'm gonna have to go wash my eyes out i hate looking at this stuff right now guys james and he still has 938 000 followers on instagram so there's a lot more people still waiting to get scammed please get the word out thank you so much for watching thank you for for supporting we could not get the word out like we are without you so thank you so much pump the stock zilla and i will see you guys in the next one nothing but a trick trying to sell me on a dream but that was where you lost me wake up and smell the coffee [Music]
I'm gonna have some coffee what do you want some milk what milk coffee's fine [Music] drink it [ __ ] I don't know this is espresso you know it's like coffee Zilla is it already Friday again oh hey hey it's it's Friday which can only mean one thing late you loose Friday okay what are we talking about thick first of all little update on the main channel okay cuz some people were like oh I haven't you posted there in a little while and the reason is cuz after the training to have video had a video in the works that had to get cancelled because it just wasn't the right time for it there were some sensitive documents involved and I just felt like it wasn't I just get so I had to cancel so the next video is coming out soon it's gonna be out by the end of the month so don't worry coffee this channel has not in any way taken away from coffee break this is where I come when I'm just like I'm tired of the you know high production value feeling like an idea isn't good enough for coffee break so this is really more like R&R for me and I hope you guys enjoyed - I know you like the series so without further ado we're gonna get into Dona leprae probably the guy the best case study for why you should not drop [ __ ] I don't appraise of found out about drop shipping before it was cool he's the tiny classified ad guy have you seen this guy the second way to make money that I stumbled onto was placing time by the ads in the newspaper if you create and test one time to classify that in the newspaper that makes just thirty to forty dollars profit in a week it could make you a fortune because the secret is learning how to take that one tiny classified ad that just made thirty to forty dollars profit in a week and to realize that you could now take that same exact ad and place it in up to three thousand other newspapers around the country that's what I did I found tiny class okay I know tiny question do you guys get the point Donna pray was a pitchman from I think I'm pretty sure was a 90s and he his big thing with the tiny classified ads which he repeats about ten thousand times in this video but what was the tiny classified ad idea well basically you could advertise in newspapers I was like that one of the big ways you advertise back then and Donna and pray said well look you can create an ad that like basically sells some info product or some kind of product that maybe you don't even own and then you get an order form from all the people who ride in or call in and then you go out and you sell it for more than it's worth and then you purchased it from those people and you're sort of the middleman you've like fulfill the request now does that sound like anything that is pitched today as a fake guru idea if you give me 45 seconds I'm gonna show you how my buddy Justin generates nearly five hundred thousand dollars per month selling weird stuff like cat socks fishing t-shirts and of course the legendary wolf mug of truth and justice it's actually quite simple all he does is create ecommerce dropshipping sores and then target people on and then sell some things they're interested in I was able to go from zero to one point five million dollars drop shipping on Shopify within twelve months but for you to understand my story we need to transport our way to the Shopify back-office which we could do right here so what we're looking at is the classified-ad that just made 30 to 40 dollars profit in a week and to realize Don leprae is the father of online dropshipping apparently so what's what's fascinating to me about this is that a Don leprae was literally charged with 41 counts of conspiracy mail fraud wire fraud promotional money laundering transactional money money laundering criminal forfeiture I mean he who it's got is busted for for ripping off customers and ultimately we should we found out that the people who were responding to his tiny classified ads weren't actually making all that much money shocker now I want to say this right up front okay I'm not against drop shipping per se which is just the concept that you take some niche product from a whole seller you go and advertise it you find a customer and then you connect these two and then the whole seller sends it to the customer the customer pays you and then you basically take the take the profits okay so that's that's basically how dropshipping works in a nutshell I'm not against it in principle in principle it can make some money the problem is is people like Donna pray who's running is classified ad scam people people like like Mike Vestal running courses people like Alex Becker running courses the problem is they make it sound so easy they make it sound like you're only you're not only a click away from making millions on Shopify and there have been a ton of reports of people faking their Shopify account stores all this kind of stuff and why would someone do that well because if you can make it seem like it's really easy to make money on Shopify people see you as a guru then they go to you and they pay for your you know 500 $1000 $10,000 course so so again I'm not against drop shipping per se I think it's a really hard business I think there are a lot easier businesses I think it's really saturated right now I think the idea of niche products being so findable is ridiculous but is it technically a way to make money yeah I've known people who've made a small amount of money you're not gonna become rich on it in all likelihood but you know I just I had to say I don't think drop shipping is a scam but I do find it funny that Donna Bray was he found in drop shipping all your fake gurus they really are like oh their livelihood to all Don and you know what there's something about Don that I sort of I sort of like you know like there's something kind of likable about him yeah I don't know what it maybe it's the fact that he's standing he doesn't have the stupid you know Tesla Ferrari behind him he's you know he's sitting next to a beach egg and kind of I kind of like that although the beach is roaring during this thing I don't know if you guys noticed that this isn't this my dad's that made 30 to 40 dollars profit in a way Oh the South the yoke but I don't know maybe it's just nostalgia he's kind of lovable but really but really he's the founder looking you wanted all your guys all your fake gurus think they're great this guy did it all and then eventually of course he died right before going to prison but that's another story for another day now the last thing I wanna talk about with Don Lecrae besides him being your favorite gurus basically forefather I want to talk about the greatest vitamin in the world all right so the greatest vitamin in the world is the thing that don don spun off into after his his tiny classified ads wasn't working all that well he tried a few other things too but the greatest item in the world is a just some ripoff formula the FDA later said it didn't do anything Don leprae said it cured of course he did he's a cure diabetes cancer arthritis yeah um probably the greatest fighter in the world it cures it do you have generalized anxiety you know but the real genius behind the greatest vitamin in the world was his selling system which I can't believe people fell for this okay check this out get twenty new people to agree to try these vitamins and I get paid a thousand dollars yes and the best part is you don't have to do any selling you just send people to your website and the website educates the people it takes the order and it does everything for you oh wait does this remind you of anything else you know everybody says how much money they're making blah blah $6,000 essentially it's a pyramid scheme you get people to you know try the product underneath you it's like an MLM you get people to try products underneath you and if you get people to try it 20 products you get paid a thousand dollars and you could have you're an independent advertiser and then you get your independent advertiser underneath you who's also selling and you make money on what they do but what what was unique about Donald praise approach is Don didn't graduate high school now what does that mean well it means he's not too good at math so he said that you could you'd get a thousand dollars if you sold twenty products 20 got twenty people to try one product okay well how much does a product cost well a product retail a greatest vitamin in the world retails for $45 so if you get 20 people Donna pray brings in $900 this is before he pays for the bottle before he pays for anything else and then he's supposed to give you a thousand dollars this is totally unrelated to all the bonuses and stuff he included he put out all the stuff he said you're gonna thousand those you're gonna know you're getting a thousand dollars and meanwhile he's only making nine hundred dollars when you're supposed to be getting a thousand dollars so what ends up happening well mister can't do math ends up getting busted on this and this is this was actually the big thing he got busted on the tiny classified ads he got in trouble for but he wasn't ever like completely thrown into prison for the greatest item in the world is what he really got destroyed on and yeah because you can't not pay people and he wasn't paying people because you can't pay a thousand dollars when you make $900 so that is the story a bond leprae but what can we learn from him well we can learn a few things number one your drop shipping gurus they ain't original you're not even original for being scammed by it people have been being scammed by you know looks easy drop shipping scams pay for my info product for years so that's number one number two we also know the life cycle of the Guru starting starting out the Guru makes wild claims Donna Price said he was making fifty thousand dollars a week doing his tiny classified ads he gets a little notoriety his products are staying off he actually becomes wealthy because he sold so many of these bogus products and he's that kind of Peters out then he starts the greatest item in the world people start to know him as a scam and then and then you tip and you end up getting caught so the reason I talk about people like Don leprae and the reason that I talked about like the lifecycle of fake gurus is that a lot of people see new fake gurus come on the scene and they're like oh well I'm not seeing anything sketchy yet so I should just believe this person know I'm Brock Johnson I went from zero to six million dollars in my first six months I on Amazon and on August first ever seen a horse or something like that before if it looks like a Donna pray if it talks like a dong leprae if it walks like a Donna leprae it's probably a tiny classified ad [Music] but never to the trust [Music]
I don't know if you guys heard the news or not I got a haircut no I'm kidding I didn't get a haircut dude crazy bro I was gearing up to go live gearing up to go live all of a sudden check Twitter attack on our country what's going on I'm about to go Hassan [ __ ] mode dude we're just talking politics this entire stream that's what we're doing it's not even politics it was just an assassination to tip uh Ash Mash uh Trump did not get shot there was a loud bang said reporters the blood falling the blood was from falling to the ground from the whatever I don't know dude I don't know that the story is still developing we have no idea but holy pretty crazy dude say what you will say what you will about the trumpster those pictures hard as hell dude hard as hell pictures I don't know what to tell you say what you will about the guy but Jesus Christ man go on Twitter the pictures of pretty tough I don't know what to say dude he's holding his fist up he's like bleeding the crowd's like America he's going to win the election based off of strictly Aura dude I I mean Jesus Christ I don't know if you guys have seen these images people are putting parental advisory stickers on the pictures already they look like rap albums crazy don't know what to tell you I don't know what happened I have no idea they said the shooter died I think they got the guy like immediately cuz there were like a bunch of shots and I guess this what this is what we're talking about tonight I don't know we're playing Minecraft it has nothing to do with the assassination attempt but that's what's going on that's what's going on in the world right now dude I know my dad is going to text me here in about probably 30 minutes and be like that was the hand of God that was the hand of God and God just God has chosen our next president dude I'm sure my family's group chat is going to go nuts here in about 30 minutes so ladies and gentlemen hold on let me thank some people real quick bless thank you for the tier one sub Tyler thankk you for the tier one sub foot long Casey thank you for the year Abby thank you for the six months sweetest plantain thank you for the year Bella smella thank you for the two months Ash Smash Thank you for the four months Lenny Reynolds thank you for the prime sub Felicity thank you for the two month sub Cadence R thank you for the prime sub AA thank you for the six months Harper thank you for the year Bailey thank you for the two months baby Dar thank you for the four months there we go KK thank you for the eight months I think I'm getting really good at rattling those off really fast dude I don't know I don't know why I was bleeding dude I don't know why your dad's a trumpy yeah dude from the south everyone's dad from the south is a trumpet brother Nava thank you for the one gifted appreciate it tan thank you for the three months um Malia I think of the seven months what was I going to say too late at night here stream another time what are you talking about it's 7.m bro it's not late at all not late at all Big Poppy brain think of the five months I think someone did the story I think is still developing but I think someone did in the crowd like one was critically injured and one died and then the shooter died apparently almost immediately like they took a shot and then [ __ ] like all the other shots you hear in the video he in the video were like the secret service at that dude he died like almost immediately and I I don't know if the blood was like the bullet or like shards or I don't know what in the world it was but pretty crazy dude I'm going to say it kind of surprised it took this long I feel like with all the I will say it kind of took a while I thought it would be sooner someone attempted you know because of all the all the all the talk about the guy you know what I'm saying it did but yeah I don't know if he got shot in the ear if it was like just like a debris or something or if he hit the ground and he's bleeding out of his ear but all I will say is those pictures of him like and blood pouring out I mean that makes you feel like a tried and true patriot dude the flag is flying say what you will about the guy but the picture is you're kind of like damn he did kind of eat that and then just went like that and the crowd is like a and then some people are like maybe this is some big PR stunt which I really doubt but maybe I don't know I don't know anything I super duper highly doubt that thank God I'm British yeah you don't have [ __ ] like this going on in the UK because to like pull off an assassination in the UK you got to like pull out a musket and you got to like pump it down like that or maybe use like a bayonet or something I don't it would be way more difficult in the UK I feel like you got to use like a flint lock pistol or something you know what I'm saying they're like what are you doing you're like don't worry you'll know here in about you'll know here in about 45 seconds give me one give me one moment a few bananas thank you for the three months Preston thank you for the year to to Toyo thank you for the 100 bits a zoo thank you for the tier one sub Watson thank you for the prime sub soggy potato thank you for the six mons holy [ __ ] Bambi thank you for the what is that 10 gifted thank you very much I know Assan is having a field day with his 117k viewers dude honestly horrible situation best case scenario for Hassan piger he was probably getting a little you know I was about to say he was probably like not great but like here come the viewers dude let's [ __ ] go we're g to cover this situation the articles are like this big and he's like we're gonna milk eight hours out of this bad boy that's what we're going to do but oh yeah Sketch went live today good for the guy good for the guy nuke town thank you for the prime sub appreciate it Trump got shot at what what are you talking about dude there's already so many like memes about it and [ __ ] I'm seeing videos of him with like many men wish that the upon me and then I think any tragedy could happen at this day and age and there would be like a meme made out of it in 30 seconds I think there's no you know if 9/11 happened today never forget it would probably take out three minutes or something maybe less than that until there was some like Twitter meme some like verified account being like nah nah not the towers bro you know what I'm saying anyways how are we doing ladies and gentlemen so I guess that's what's going on in the news that's what's happening in the news right now um it's like all over anywhere if you read the articles if you read the articles they keep mentioning his shoes I don't go and read any article about what happened today for some reason they always mention the detail of him not wearing his shoes I don't know what the [ __ ] that has to do with literally anything did it did the blast like knock him out of his shoes or like does he do press conferences bare foot like why do we keep mentioning the shoes every time I read an article it's like you know the shooter died whatever someone in the crowd died and it was you know assassination attempt like cia's all over it y y and then it's like and then Trump wanted his shoes I'm like why do we add that detail to every single article um did I miss Kevin no Kevin Hart's not on the stream he'll be on stream tomorrow though and um I don't know so I just it raises more questions now I'm just curious if he does those Barefoot or what play the game already it's been 9 minutes dude you can you can hold tight you can keep it in your pants for 9 minutes you're question I have a shoes bag before leaving got it got it got it got it got it I just don't know why that's a necessary detail dude but yeah we're going to be playing Minecraft tonight it's going to be awesome I've got like a flim C my throat and I really need to clear my throat but it's going to be really gross if I do that on stream so I might just mute the mic I'll just keep it there you know when you have a little like spit stuck in your throat and it kind of makes your voice sound a little a little weird that's where I'm at right now I'm G to try and do it discreetly was that good did you guys catch that at all did you guys didn't hear that did you you guys didn't hear that did you at all was that was that perfectly hidden I feel like I Max masked that pretty well I feel like that was pretty discreet right no gross okay don't know what to tell you guys all right I'm human just like you guys peanut Toad thank you for the one gifted Sienna thank you for the tier one sub Bambi Bon thank you for the five gifted appreciate it thank you very much I usually don't even um stream on Saturdays and I wasn't going to stream tonight and then I heard the news news and I was like everyone is probably waiting for me to cover this topic you know they're like I don't really watch the news I'm gonna wait until hansome fella gives me the Deets on on the situation gives me the Deets on the sitch if you guys like to use abbreviations love angel thank you for the two1 sub isio thank you for the seven months appreciate it thoughts on Ice Spice in central sea I couldn't give any less of a [ __ ] I don't know what's going on there the only British girl on Tik Tok dated Central C or something and everyone's upset I don't know what's going on there but I just said I'm like a news source for everybody and I'm like I have no [ __ ] idea about that situation at all clug thank you for the one gifted all right people let's get to the craft shall we we have a Hardcore Minecraft world that we are continuing Tik Tock live I'll see you guys later I'm live on stream right now goodbye come see me all right all right squash he is dead squash did in fact die um there was also an assassination attempt on squash and they did power through and they did they did see it through and he was shot squash was shot in Pennsylvania Bryant thank you for the tier one sub no he's alive and well he's doing okay thank you for the 100 bits Aaron appreciate it thank you very much thank you okay let me do the ceremonial move from my main monitor to my second monitor there we [ __ ] go there we [ __ ] go [ __ ] uh how did you guys like the uh talent show people how did you guys like the talent show that was the last stream were you guys in there for the talent show that was fun that's going to be a YouTube video at some point did we enjoy the talent show I had a good time me personally that was a long one so we're probably in for a shorter stream tonight but I had a fun time I had a fun time do it again you need more people on time yeah I know oh I know sorry I was watching Love Island love Island sucks balls Dude Love Island sucks hard as hell the only reason I'd ever do love Island I would do it under the condition that I could like just be me and kind of make fun of the show a little bit I wouldn't want them to like typ cast me into something you know first time chatter where's the two time speed in Minecraft Clips I don't ever put my videos in two time speed but you will be getting some Minecraft Gameplay so get ready for that JoJo not found thank you for the tier one sub I just every time my sister watches love Island and she loves that show but every time I tune in to watching Love Island the people talk about nothing they talk about nothing it's just all jargon and like everyone's upset for no reason I don't understand it at all but that might be because I wasn't watching the show so I'm not following any of the conversations but holy tits dude I like the British version because they have arguments that are about nothing but it's in British so it's funny they just have fun little British arguments and they're like oh I saw you at the Shor front with Priscilla Priscilla's my mate or something you know that was a pretty good British accent I feel like Bryant thank you for the 100 bits Abby Grace thank you for the one gifted big big thank you for the one gifted all right let's get to Minecraft right now right now so come on [ __ ] there we go so we've got a world my first hardcore world ever don't even pay attention to any of these other worlds right now okay first time catching the stream have you thought you'd have some thoughts on recent events oh yeah oh we've been we've been covered it P I will say I did get a new lock screen today I don't know what to tell you I don't know what to tell you dude hey okay I remember I remember this so we got a horse we got a horse and it's got iron armor and that's pretty awesome I got the story time thing brother [ __ ] I need to change the channel points let me let me think of a story or maybe we'll get a little prompt going I feel like I can't hear the game that well testing testing okay that works I'll think of a story here in a second let me just let me just get my bearings real quick let me get my bearings mod pack it's just lunar client I think I have cosmetics in the lunar client store if I can squeeze any more money out of you guys goon horse I mean I guess I could name it that if I get a name tag are we polling will I survive the stream okay here we go let me see trumple shot what what are you talking about can we play Silent breath next stream I two days ago I played a game similar where you have to be real quiet but honestly I don't like being quiet for too long I'll say it dude let's okay here's the game plan right now [ __ ] here's the game plan [ __ ] oh yeah Blue from the bay thank you for the three months and GI thank you for the 100 bits Ray boring thank you for the tier one sub can you roll your RS I can here's what I'm saying we need to get an enchantment table enchantment table okay this is the longest hardcore world in the history of the Hella stream ever in the history of time okay so what we're going to do is we are going to get an enchantment table and I want to find netherite on the stream that's what I want to do cuz I couldn't find a nether fortress but I have a nether portal okay so I need some what do I need I need a bunch of beds so I need to kill sheep and I think I'm good on wood your hood is pointed uhoh hold on can't be having pointed hoods as a white man Mexican Sonic thank you for the tier one sub mid base maybe I'll renovate this base a little bit this is a starter base God damn it it would be funny to get fully decked out in netherite and then have this shitty ass boo boo ass base uh jampy think of the Prime sub this house I forgot it looks like complete [ __ ] it looks like monster house if you guys seen monster house where the house like comes alive and like it's got the little carpet freaky ass carpet tongue at swallows kids it's Rexel thank you for the prime sub I also want to turn this Village into like a little trading Hall where I just need to keep them captured so let me oh I could shear sheep that gives you more wool I think I need to make a farm too God there's so much [ __ ] to do [ __ ] there's so much [ __ ] to do and such little time I don't even have food I need to make a farm that need needs to happen so we're going to we're going to head this way I'm going to Shear some she Shear some sheep on the way oh and I'll take the beds from the villagers dumbass dumb asses what's the goal the stream I did just say that in great detail I think I'm going to try and get netherite and uh at enchantment table it's Grind Time okay beds we need beds [Music] okay my favorite horror movie scary movie I don't know I watch a bunch of them I remember watching Dawn of the Dead when I was in like third grade and I would stay up sleepless nights because of Dawn of the Dead terrifying and then upon rewatch you're like this movie kind of sucks ass dude Donald Trump save us dude after those pictures that dropped I'm kind of resonating with the girl that's like [ __ ] on the toilet being like Donald Trump save us Trump I'm like I kind of get it now I kind of understand I kind of understand her thought process there where she's literally [ __ ] on the toilet and she's like Trump save us this actually isn't really funny because innocent people died at least two people who were there yeah I'm not making jokes about it dude I said the pictures were hard and thankfully no one was assassinated and the shooter was dealt with but I mean don't go on Twitter right now you really don't want to go on Twitter I'll tell you that much I will tell you that much right now do not go on Twitter at all right now that's meme City sister [Music] where the beds at did I destroy all the beds H I feel like Twitter is becoming worse though every time I go on Twitter it's like some verified account called like creepy things and it's like uh here's how they used to make Coke in the in the 50s it's like a video of some or it's like oddly satisfying and it's like man saves child from train you're like okay it's like what would you do in this situation two people fighting would you intervene it's just like these hypotheticals and they always ask questions and it's always just some like random video and then all the replies no one's answering the question it's just more bot accounts posting more videos just slop back and forth and back and forth rug bur thank you for the prime sub hey haly kins I think of the 11 months Twitter is funny but Twitter is also a good place to go if you want to see the worst opinions of 14-year-olds you know if you want to see very strong opinions from 14-year-olds while at the same time being the worst opinion you've ever seen uh go there and it's pretty awesome you know you can ponco hey thank you for the 18 months after all this time you still wear the skin I met of course thank you interrupting cats think of the six months thoughts on thongs um you know I just feel like that would feel like having a wedgie all the time and I don't like the feeling of having a wedgie not that I wear thongs I don't think I've worn one recently I don't wear them on the weekin um okay so I have 1 2 3 four five beds I need more wool hey [ __ ] yo oh I hear the [Music] Ben yeah oh my God what if it just ended there what if the hardcore world just completely ended right there that would have been a tragedy [ __ ] I'm really bad about just walking into lava but who would put the lava there that's so stupid who would just put lava right there where I was walking that's dumb as hell do they grow their wool back or are they just naked forever just the whole she [ __ ] is out dude the whole she [ __ ] you know just hanging okay I already got that one gotcha yeah Naruto she [ __ ] you guys like that show Naruto she [ __ ] so the should I try I know what I'm going to do I know what I'm I think I'm out of Diamonds though no I have diamonds back at the base oh yeah oh yeah baby why do you need so much wool cuz I'm making beds bro I'm making beds to get netherite mhm I don't really know how netherite works either I can't maybe I should enchant my [ __ ] first I should enchant my pick and then what if I get efficiency or no what is it that I need looting oh yeah oh yeah baby oh hey that's what I'm going to do that is what I'm going to do give us a fid check the fit is nothing to ride home about ride home ride home ride home about what is the expression oh [ __ ] damn it right home about I feel like ride would work also hey Ice Bucket Challenge shout out ALS bro or not shout out oh the ice bucket challenge bro oh got it got it [ __ ] we don't care we just want to make more edits I don't remember what that could possibly be in response to cuz I forget things almost as soon as I say them it's just straight stream of Consciousness brain mouth brain mouth brain mouth my friend just did the one chip challenge he's not responding well you can safely assume that he is dead now that's what you can assume that he has died and right rest in peace you know wh I'm not good with spicy food I think if I tried the one chip challenge I would certainly pass away I think I thought about doing that on stream but like definitely I would probably burst into flames I think drop new merch soon there there talks with the designer right now people it's things are in motion I got motion like the ocean brother oh they've grown their Little Wolves back come here well not you I guess okay oh but you have please don't let it be ugly merch oh it's going to be the ugliest merch you've ever seen I've got with a designer to specifically make it the ugliest merch you've ever seen in your life opinion on astrology I don't know I lie somewhere in the middle you know bit of a cist myself uh Casa think of the 13 months can you do a hot tub stream yeah I will do a hot tub stream at some point but everyone's going to be very disappointed I'm going to wear a swim shirt and have floaties and that's it you know I'm going to be like hot ass hot tub stream get ready and then I'll be in like a ghilly suit or something you know goggles you barely even see anything um anyways what I'm was saying about astrology is you know I lie somewhere in the middle I feel like it's pretty lame to be like you believe [ __ ] stars so [ __ ] but at the same time being so into astrology that you believe your horoscope cuz like you know the horoscope is pretty applicable to every single sign ever it'll be like Leos get S when a loved one dies and you're like holy [ __ ] so do I oh man out of food for reals uhoh uhoh uhoh think with the 100 bits a few bananas I really need to renovate this house this house is a big bag of [ __ ] but I do have a new roommate hey buddy I don't know I will say like I'm the the astrology [ __ ] I'm like what a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] and then I'll read a horoscope being like or like I'll read it'll be like Capricorns are actually the sweetest little angels and they're so hardworking and they're so hot and cool and swave and I'll be like you know what maybe this [ __ ] is true maybe this is real ads oh no somebody called the [ __ ] fire department no somebody called the police holy [ __ ] Hayden thank you for the tier one sub somebody call the Secret Service the ads are here I am so sorry what are we going to do I mean we know at this point you know uh Acasia oh am I going to have to build another chest oh dude we are up we are up and they said I couldn't have two double chests they always said that they always said fella no [ __ ] way you have two chests you're crazy they'll kill you wait how much obsidian do you need I thought it was just two for an enchantment table [ __ ] oh oh my God guys welcome to the suicide stream we're doing a bunch of running back and forth wait no not not like that but we're doing a bunch of running back and forth why don't you have Windows I haven't taken time to get sand yet I mean like we're doing running back and forth you know like you would in in PE suicides that's what they were called you would run to the end of the court and then you would run back and run to the end come on guys you were all athletes in high school I'm sure as was I sort of if you count running some of those were crazy I don't know why we did the physical fitness test but I remember getting the physical fitness test and then you get like a signed letter from Obama and I was like [ __ ] yes oh yeah [ __ ] let's go I got to get more obsidian dude cuz I thought I just needed two I probably should have checked on that but like the vit that one was super weird like all right 12-year-old spread them spread them wide nine-year-olds and see how far you can touch here it's like okay I don't know why we have to do the vit do you guys want to do the vit oh my God within the context of this it makes sense okay what are you guys doing right now get out of here bro if you know what a vast it is you guys are always doing this [ __ ] Bro always doing this [ __ ] you sit down you spread your legs and then you try and like touch the you know what I'm saying whatever whatever this happens every time it's like what huh what do you mean I mean I guess the way I described the vit was not great but that's literally what it is you guys not know the [ __ ] vit they didn't make you do the vit in elementary school they made me do it like once a semester we had to do the vit all the time interesting we did that M PE okay there we go all right Jesus B how old do you think your youngest viewer is I don't know I mean that kid was in the talent show and he was like five and um he was like used too many bad words and I'm like I feel like I feel like I'm pretty filthy you know oh I need a book God damn it so I need sugar cane dude why does Minecraft Minecraft require you have so many things why does Minecraft require you have so many [ __ ] ingredients that sucks villagers have books r going back anyways yeah I'm pretty filthy I don't know I mean there's no way that 5-year-old even understands like 80% of the things that I say the girl with the toes oh yeah the girl that Drew stuff with her feet I didn't know where the [ __ ] that was going and I was like all right we even though it said it in the prompt I just didn't know how it was going to work like I thought it would just kind of be like a camera angle of just feet in space and then it would be like a amazing drawing but not it at all I think my niece knows who I am and watches the stuff sometimes and she's like very young and I'm like I don't want you to see your uncle saying all these horrible things not even horrible but to a 7y old you know I wish I could make it to where you had to verify something to watch the stream CU that makes me wildly uncomfortable you walked past sugarcan God damn it I get to talking or yapping as the kids would say um where did I pass [Music] sugarcane m [Music] you can no you can't not on Twitch I've tried it Eevee thank you for the tier one sub um what happened on the news I don't know man I don't know if you're ready for this information it was crazy it was some crazy [ __ ] that happened today the river like along this way hey he they'll do anything to try and outshine Claro's album release that's what we need to be thinking about right now I mean good Lord let's keep our mind on what's important I haven't listened to it but I do like claro have you seen the new Mr Beast vid yes I I want to I want to not like the most popular YouTuber of all time not not like him like as a person but I want to be like I'm not watching the most popular [ __ ] I'm more of a niche YouTube guy I've got Niche interests but then Mr Beast drops the coolest video of all time and I'm like God damn it I got to watch this video I got to watch this video This is probably awesome I really enjoyed it I don't want to spoil anything but Shout Out Mr breast for real he asked me to be in that oh get back in your house you bastard get back in the house how dare you leave okay you stay right here all right you stay right here you're in the house forever you cannot leave you cannot leave you were in the house forever oh [ __ ] I did leave the door open or he figured out how to operate doors you know I've only watched you on Tik Tok with Subway servers playing at the bottom damn yeah sounds like you have an awesome attention span to take the gaml that already exists on my stream and then put it over more gameplay that's crazy I kind of get that though lowkey um okay let's make let's make watch this [ __ ] do I have leather surely I have leather three leather how many leather do you need to make a book oh just one oh baby I got to organize these chests also subway server is also not that fun of a game I don't think stank bangus thank you for the tier one sub H bro I forgot about my story already I didn't I did not I got a few funny ones I just run into repeating myself a lot I'll think on it give me a second I'll remember don't worry um armadillo oh get off of my property get off of my property wow they're really durable okay there we go you stay in the house my man so we can now make watch this [ __ ] people uhoh uhoh uhoh AB boom bo boom enchantment table wble use in the chat for enchantment tables come on W's in the chat yeah yeah yeah enchantment table come on that's awesome oh he just started topping me out of nowhere that's crazy all right where did my sugar cane go I need to replant this so let me let me think strategically here in order to get a level 30 enchant I need a bunch of bookshelves right I can't even remember how you set it up how many how many bookshelves do you need bookshelf level 30 this is the most like grind I've had on Minecraft in quite some time you need 15 books is that how many 15 18 oh wait you need 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 you just need 15 which is how many it's three it's math time [ __ ] 3 * 15 is 45 what a dumbass I am so we need 45 books right isn't it three per bookshelf H it's 16 not 15 this looks like 15 that was embarrassing what do you mean you have a calculator for a reason you know I don't know I think I need 15 that's what it looks like why are you talking about books we all know you can't read I can read actually um I just have it I've chosen not too okay I haven't read in a while cuz like phones are awesome dude I don't know what to tell you 175 paper that's so much [ __ ] paper oh wait wait a second maybe I can trade with these guys I don't have any seven emeralds for one paper are you out of your [ __ ] mind in this economy that's Biden's America for for you bro look at this oh that way that's an empty map actually I guess that makes sense what' you do for work before I hustled the old glory hole about a block away that's what I did um all right let me just go to sleep all right well just kidding [ __ ] me I guess awesome so sugar cane paper that's what we need H sugar cane let's plant it can you do can you do um bone meal on sugarcane or no if you w to get [Music] cocaine cocaine is it 525 sugarcan holy [ __ ] dude good Lord Liam grund do thank you for the tier what up can't you take bookshelves from the Villagers houses I think so but I also don't think there's any bookshelves in the Villagers houses how many Aura do I lose if my if I let my ex [ __ ] talk your streams that's confusing is that are you hanging out with your ax oh oh my God God the worst version of zombie baby two things I hate oh there we go yeah that's three paper right [Music] there do you guys see that Mark Mark what's that guy's name the guy that does the white the white out party every summer every fourth of July I keep seeing pictures from it and I keep getting fomo cuz I was invited but you know I didn't show out me and that guy are very good friends I guess boom I'm just going to get all the sugar cane all the villagers will run away with beds what what Mar Rober how do you get someone to stop snoring you take the pillow and you just push it really hard against their head until they stop snoring is how you do it um that's worked out for me in the past anal beads thank you for the two months um sugar cane I don't know apparently you get like a sleep apnea mask that's like one of the things supposed to help with snoring I snore pretty bad um my dad snores like hell and my dad snores like like it rattles the foundation of my childhood home like it'll be like it's like a comically like a like a cartoon snore like a snore you would hear in a cartoon you know it's crazy and he got a sleep apnea mask and he looks like Bane when he goes to sleep he has to like hook up to this sleep apnea mask and at that point you know just I don't know at that point I'm just going to ride it out I don't know what to tell you dads do love their sleep apnea masks though and it also doesn't really help with the snoring it only helps with the snoring because you're putting like a robot over their face this is not enough sugar cane bruh continuing the search for sugarcane I should also kill more cows for leather H H is this boob mod no I retired the boob mod I'm far too mature for that now what's the sugarcane for well I'm trying to make an enchantment table uh but I need a bunch of bookshelves sugar cane makes paper paper makes books books make bookshelves and I'm all about my paper brother oh I could just take my horse why the [ __ ] that would be way faster I didn't even think about that you're right you're right wait what is this oh okay so let's hope for a bunch of paper in this abandoned portal back up [ __ ] Abby Grace think of the one gifted make a sugarcan farm I'm working on it I'm working on it bro smelled zombie flesh for leather oh interesting dude squash is getting so [ __ ] feisty I can't handle it hey I don't know what use any of this is but hell yeah I don't really want to give any of this up there we go we can come back for this always maybe I'll I don't need a flint Steel gold [ __ ] gold stuff also don't need this yeah oh yeah squash is getting so feisty he [ __ ] keeps he's and his nails are getting so long they're like Talons he'll just stab into my wrists and I cry and I cry and I'm like [ __ ] stop and that just makes him want to do it more he's getting evil I don't know what happened to my sweet little angel but he's become evil go look for another Village I feel like that'll take so much time maybe I give my horse yeah I want him to stop [ __ ] biting and clawing me but I just I'm trying to train him to not do it what the [ __ ] is this yo ah okay give me these cows got it and I'm gone Kane white thank you the prime sub I have a scratching pose for him and he just loves arms he's much he's a bigger fan of the arms than the scratching post he much prefers using my whole limbs as a scratching post I don't know do I don't know how to make him learn it's his own personal scratching post and I love him too much to stop him from scratching me so he just scratches me uh N Buck luuck thank you my sexy [ __ ] twink and you are getting banned forever that is not me dude not at all no no no that barely even makes sense um have I been in here yet I guess I have H [Music] H I said what we were all thinking I hope not I hope people are like wow I hope he gets sugar cane H rip your arm off and give it to your cat I might as well at this point I mean it's pretty much Taken full control over it uh did I throw away all my rotten flesh that sucks okay let me see how much paper I have this organization is horrible [Music] M 18 paper bro 18 paper people trying to give helpful advice to fella he ain't listening what are you talking about I'm an open I'm listening dude dude get off of my bed I made rules get off of the bed get off that's right that's right dude and I'll take the leather there's rotten flesh 18 paper bruh yeah that does say 18 I think that's enough hopefully there's my leather book nope definitely not going to be enough six books God damn it okay two book shelves baby come on woo we are making progress ladies and gentlemen fell old Ro made a shirt with Trump with his fist up yeah well that's where I draw the line I'm not wearing merch of that picture I'm just from a distance being like that's pretty hard right there to get you know shot at and they' be like America I'm not going to buy old row merch I would sooner die I think y y yeah if you loved the hawk Tua collection at Old road.com you're going to love the Donald Trump fist in there collection the Donald Trump assassination attempt collection here at old row you're going to love it now how do we know the HW Tua girl was behind all this hm interesting she's been oddly quiet I don't know what do we think I going a pece so bad when does the Pod come out in um first week of August there will be promo stuff happening soon hold on I gotta pee so bad we made it 51 minutes pretty good dude pretty good what are we want to listen to I'm kind of in a yeet mood I'll put on Ocean man e e e ocean man The Voyage to the corner of the globe is a real trip trip trip trip trip ocean man I should have played many men mini man wish death upon me and they trying to take my life away many men many many many many men kind of sus if you really sit down and think about it Mini Men okay 50 Cent yeah I'm sure you would like Mini Men Jesus Christ um o there's probably some sugar cane here many many many many man wish death on me I don't cry no more look to the sky no more hey Turtles did I miss sugar cane [ __ ] me I am so not observant I'm like guys let's get some do you [ __ ] with big X the plug of course I love big X the plug but he looks like the muin X germ in real life uh but love is music but damn thoughts on Eminem's new album I think it was kind of cringe all the like they're trying to cancel me j z wants to cancel imminent it was like the album it was like that one video that lady being like Jen Z is trying to cancel M andm yeah good luck that's what it felt like I hate when people lean in too much to that [ __ ] where is this sugar can you guys keep talking about but also oh I went too far baby no money is better okay well we don't have to lie um but also that like is it over here where the [ __ ] is this sugar cane also that unleash just Middle School me I was like hell [ __ ] yeah dude slim shady is back Slim Shady is so back yeah I'm not seeing this sugar cane at all it makes you wonder if it even is worth it so what exactly you trying to achieve I feel like I've explained my reasoning I'm going to start making bullet points for the stream that's what I'm going to do I am going to start putting bullet points what I'm doing is I'm getting sugar can so I can get paper so I can make bookshelves so I can enchant my [ __ ] enchant my pickaxe so I can go to the Nether and then I can get netherite with my looting pick boom what about that what about this I'm just going to follow this River hey sugar cane soup boy thank you for the prime sub maybe I should change my contacts out and get a new prescription although I don't have vision insurance anymore [Music] so not having insurance is so humbling now I was like I'm just going to quit my job and it's going to be awesome and then you get medicine and it's like that'll be $900 because go [ __ ] yourself you're like okay that's cool I guess no such thing as a looting pick sorry Fortune for all you word nerds out there uh AF afy cauce thank you for the prime sub you had benefits yeah I mean at any job you're going to have benefits I think oh [ __ ] no [ __ ] no swim swim [ __ ] swim swim okay we got it shout out Chase Atlantic your body's getting on I don't want the horse to drown because we've already we've already lost one pet of mine may he rest in peace what was his name I can't remember his name name the horse horse oh but with a wh That's pretty clever that is pretty clever Willis yes rest in peace Willis how could I forget Willis okay big jump [ __ ] no okay we got it oh yeah how much sugar cane 21 oh his health is low you guys remember that funny vine that was a funny vine back in the day cows looking for cows cows and sugar cane weekly post for the Pod yes it'll be once a week and I'm trying to get two times a week for the YouTube but I've been having some editing issues I've got so many videos on the back burner Bagel thank you for the three months wow wow wow Jay Landon thank you for the tier one sub finally a new hardcore world yeah I've been on this one for a hot ass minute dude thoughts on raisin canes I've talked about this before but raisin canes is like if you put an orgasm in a in a tog go box and there was Chicken in there if you put the feeling of getting fingered into chicken then that's what Raising Canes is oh God come on make it make it Blaze [ __ ] okay there we go there we [Music] go what NFL team do you root for I really don't give a hoot about the NFL I'm more of a college football guy come here [ __ ] um H give me that leather run me that leather [ __ ] the cows are shivering in fear as I pull up on my Steed as I pull up on my Steed dude oh yeah you're dead [ __ ] yeah so we've got eight leather 21 sugar cane which is a decent amount of sugar canane I feel like oh Cow City thoughts on queso I don't know that is who's that who never heard him I'm going to I'm going to check him out I don't know Fortune doesn't work on netherite are you you're kidding the whole objective of the stream hold on no [ __ ] God so what was the point in the last hour nothing oh my god oh my god dude The Rage of a white man yeah you don't want to see me when I'm angry all right white people anger it's a different type of anger untethered rage favorite slur I don't have a favorite slur okay you guys don't have to ask me that cuz there's not one that's my favorite or there's not even one that they're all my least favorite actually so there you go God damn dude that sucks ass what have I been do what is this what does anything even mean Ally get points for that one it's like people who put like you know just like Pro the most normal it'll be like anti- murder anti- murder antia anti whatever and it's like well yeah well yes of course what do you [Music] mean going back to home and yeah people do eat it up they're like you're a hero for speaking about this and it's like what what are you talking about okay it seems that I have new roommates it seems I have new roommates hey guys what's up um I thought I told you guys to get here after stream the fun isn't going to start until later okay well let's see how much how many books I can make [Music] um ow ow okay I really should put in Windows here ow yeah there a really poor house design come here you [ __ ] do not shoot my horse oh [ __ ] oh oh bad idea God that was almost a disaster get in here get in here quick we're surrounded no [ __ ] do they open doors or is it the villagers opening doors oh my God is my horse okay did my horse die oh no he's alive he's fine he's fine he's fine he's fine we're fine dude we're fine tv girlo claro taking a walk outside enjoying the sunlight oh he's alive he's fine everyone's fine everyone's okay everyone's okay everyone's fine it's all good nothing to worry about here it's all okay it is all fine how about more wood am I damn near out of wood you're kidding okay there we go you got to be [ __ ] me okay we have eight books so we have 10 bookshelves now almost yeah um what happened to my other bookshelves have you seen the movie long legs yet no I'm not I'm considering it do I just have four bookshelves I'm getting so confused at what I have and don't have I guess I just have four and that's all right and that's all right with me all right here we go there's so much Hing happening there's so much Hing play chill's art I literally just did that two days ago two days ago all right so let's I mean we might as well find some Nether all right let's go find some netherite let's do it baby it's time are you guys ready are you guys ready for this [ __ ] hm H I don't think you guys are ready for this [ __ ] it's about to be crazy we're going to the nether what is the hold on I got to keep doing research cuz I don't know how this work Works what is the Z that or is it yeah what is the Z that netherite spawns on all right I don't want to watch a 17 minute YouTube video why 15 and Below oh it's why why 15 y 13 or 11 okay we'll go to I don't know zy it's all the same [ __ ] dude it's all the same [ __ ] all letters at the end of the alphabet no please get a nose piercing no I'm not getting a nose piercing because every friend I have will be like do you have a nose piercing and I'll be like what are you talking about what are you talking about no I don't no I do not like streaming changed you why do you live for men just cuz I love them dude shout out to men shout out the boys out there dude oh okay that was almost bad got to pay attention got to pay attention oh yeah junee is over I can stop doing that bad we're done here we go here we go I just feel like having nose ring would feel like something is always in my nose all the time and I don't like that feeling just like I always I constantly have a booger or something that sucks hey hey he it's almost like having a nose piercing feels like there's something in your nose all the time yeah also without any like earrings or anything and nose around I just feel like it would look ridiculous also don't wish to go through the pain of getting a nose ring all right here we go here we go it's time to get netherite baby he [Music] hey what are we at right now we're at y 91 so we got to go down we got to go down very carefully okay holy [ __ ] okay hold on is actually kind of working out it's easier than a tattoo I I forget how much tattoos hurt every single time and every single time I go get a tattoo I'm like all you got is audio right now what the [ __ ] not from where I sit brother man Trump got shot what you're kidding oh where are we at right now y 64 good lord it's going to take [Music] forever I'm afraid this this is where I die this is my fear I don't think I'm like nearly equipped enough I don't think I'm nearly equipped enough to be searching for netherite right now what the hell is this oh this is my nether portal oh no he actually got shot yeah no I'm online I'm seeing it trust I have seen that is why this is the title of the Stream So I think this is the strategy you do like TNT mining but instead of TNTs you use beds okay I feel like I hear lava holy [ __ ] okay I was right I was right I did hear lava I did in fact hear lava holy [ __ ] [ __ ] okay we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine I know I should probably be careful right now but what am I a big puss shooting with Stage yeah that's what the libs want you to believe dude they want you to believe that it was a a marketing scheme to take awesome screenshots you're on fire I am I know but I recovered baby bread was the literal worst possible thing for this um I just hope he's okay oh [ __ ] [ __ ] okay we're going to go forward a little bit oh I'm at 13 I'm at 13 we're good we're going to chill at 13 all right watch this people watch this you're about to [ __ ] your pants Oh Baby watch this oh my God okay was that how you do that is that how you do that I don't think it was negative 13 I'm pretty sure it's just 13 yeah that was good right is that how you're supposed to do this [ __ ] I got to figure it out I got to figure it out dude watch this this watch this uh oh ouch okay I'm being super careful I'm actually I need to be more observant is there any any netherite here H you lowkey look like Trump really maybe in like his meu mug shot I can't believe they attempted that dude he's just a kid God okay we're at y13 Y3 got to check chunk borders f3g what the hell does that mean what does this mean what is this hacking into the Mainframe ass [ __ ] I'm looking at right now do I have to go over here stay on the lines okay oh so I I did that [ __ ] perfectly hold on guys this is God's plan so if you're supposed to say on the lines look at that did that [ __ ] perfectly bro did you do it be honest no I'm here all right I was not in Pennsylvania [Music] uhoh okay what if I just did it right here oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh God oh it was perfect it was perfect everyone doubted everyone was like oh you're dead now you're dead now look at that [ __ ] huh look at that right there would you take a look oh you're so dumb oh I'm sorry what that was actually all according to plan oh yeah oh yeah baby now now how do I get here is the real question um okay everyone doubted everyone hated now I need to not I need to not die right now no one believed in me no one believed in me bro there we go oh yeah it also doesn't burn in the lava I forgot about that uh-oh yes yeah baby oh yeah oh yeah oh [Music] yeah what's so special about netherite dude that [ __ ] is it's better than Diamond okay guys I'm fine I the confidence I feel right now it's I mean it's unbelievable oh there's only two more there's only 1 2 3 4 four more more beds left [ __ ] oh oh I need to perfect that a little bit more I feel like I'm really not good at that okay uh let me just Mosey around here what can you do with netherite it's just awesome it's just an awesome Aura bro I got Aura o r e a little word play for you guys on this fine [Music] Saturday can you say snap backwards pen oh I see your game dude dude no God you're not going to get me with that bro you're just not I'm too smart what if I ah okay I need to perfect that I [ __ ] up so hard every time I set myself on fire every single time I do that I need to also get a mending Villager when I go back to the Village are we seeing any sort of anything I feel like I don't even really need to go that far I just need to like right here probably be fine oh my go whoa maybe I go the other way maybe I go this way I love Thursday stream so much thank you that was a fun one that was a fun one hold on I can feel it I'm manifesting on this next one netherite and if there's not nether right on this one you can kill my uncle about it [ __ ] here we go am I going to die right now surely not okay we're good you guys know that Meme come kill my uncle about if you got a problem with me come kill my uncle about it Wait nothing seriously oh I'm sorry Uncle oh god I've never seen a guy do such stupid things so many times um okay might I remind you World War II maybe yeah what about that interesting seems a little bit different when you compare to that H britzy thank you for the five months um well this sucks is this going to be a YouTube video probably not I mean it'll it'll be a VOD surely but yeah I clocked that te or whatever my gay friend say I'm trying to learn the lingo trying to learn those guys as lingo you know what I'm saying oh those people's lingo uh what maybe I just go well this part how many bet I have one so I have one shot of this swis Ops thank you for the prime sub exatic thank you for the prime [Music] sub I mean maybe I just continue forward on this one oh hello oh hey oh hey guys now it's a party maybe I don't continue forward on this one actually check under the lava maybe there's some under this lava I just don't know how to block it all off ah this is going to give me a panic attack maybe there's some under here we don't know this is the dumbest idea of all time [ __ ] [ __ ] block the ceiling I'm trying I don't know I don't know what else to do here I know I know the whole story about Icarus and flying too close to the Sun I feel like I'm doing that right now but for some reason in my nads I feel like there's some netherite under here oh [ __ ] all right we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're okay we're fine stop burning holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God oh my God [ __ ] dude how the hell oh there we go got you [ __ ] gotcha gotcha maybe did I get it no I mean it you have to make a water bucket you can't do water in the nether that's like the main thing about the nether guys you're not going to get me with that okay that's the oldest trick in the book maybe I just go off a different direction maybe I go off this way there's bound to be netherite this way there's bound to be netherite this way oh wait I've already been this way M oh my God there's just so [ __ ] Our Father who are in heaven God I please God if I don't die right now I promise I'll do everything for you I'll go to church I'll start go to church I'll start praying please oh my God please please I'll start praying all the time that was a lie ski fast touch grass thank you for the 4 months Hannah likes Nirvana thank you for the 3 months oh holy [ __ ] bread was the worst possible um food for this dude why is there so much lava in the nether it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense are you speedrunning no I just want netherite so badly okay here's like a chunk that's like important so why don't we just do it right here the final bed people come on give me something give me something please I did all that for one for one I did all of it for one are you kidding you're Kidd kidding you're kidding okay don't say I see it okay that's Birch or not Birch gravel damn it ancient debris you got to smell it just makes one doesn't it doesn't ancient debris you just make one you only need one ancient debris to or you only need one Ingot to change your armor in your pick and [ __ ] you need four makes one inot what oh Doom slug thank you for the prime sub and then don't you put your [ __ ] in a smithing table or something yeah that's how you do the uh I remember I [Music] remember up to three Antion debris in each chunk border the blue lines indicate the end of a chunk and the straight grid line is the edge of a chunk I recommend the middle of a chunk not near the wall [ __ ] we will be back trust we will be back maybe I to start mining the tried and true mining method mining around mining around I'm mining please give me ancient debris Mining and Mining mining mining interesting okay well is all I got to say to that I'll get a bed uhoh I'll get a bed and I'll switch some [ __ ] up dude why don't you do the bed Strat you must have just gotten here so I guess maybe I go back to enchanting [ __ ] I don't know what the plan is why weren't you in Mr Beast video uh I had a scheduling conflict actually me and uh and also me and Nolan really got into it I really don't want to get into that right now who's Nolan fake Mr Beast fan I'm just going straight up to the Nether Portal [Music] yeah what's your favorite race probably a marathon I like those long distance maybe the 1600 I don't know if that's exactly what you were asking but all right well I guess we got to find some breedable villagers and breed them who's Mr Beast uh the next president of the United States after this current election thoughts on gambling it's [ __ ] awesome you have to use cobblestone in between you and the beds to not catch fire okay so not nether rack for some reason [Music] have y'all seen JFK's grandson he's so fine y'all just cannot not be horny anyone a rat with good jaw structure in a cigarette in its mouth everyone online would be like why is he kind of why do I want to put his rad dick in my mouth interesting Google him right now yeah I know but like it's like everyone he's probably attractive Mr jca I think of the five months are you friends with Joe Bart of course of course I'm friends with Joseph Bart b Loy good old dangling Joe yeah Matty Healey Matty Healey looks like a rat that one guy from uh saltburn that's dating Sabrina Carpenter now it's like no one thought he was hot until he started dating his BR Carpenter and then it's like why does he kind of hey what up Travis how you doing dude hey we got steak now okay one ancient debris yeah yeah dude come on oh let's go didn't Trump get shot what what I will say way less funny than uh Shane Gilla said it would be he did say it would be hilarious honestly it wasn't as funny as Shane said it would be uh toad in a coat thank you for the prime sub appreciate it oh netherite scrap netherite scrap netherite Ingot holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God oh my God we basically did nothing we basically did nothing that's awesome we basically did nothing that's amazing that's so incredible oh it's so disheartening they're trying to find the guy right now no the guy died the shooter did get shot immediately that's why there are multiple gunshots and this is based off of reading like two articles at lightning speed where' the horse go he's around probably hopefully um I may have lost him actually he might oh there he is see he's fine he's fine he's okay wait till he learns he also needs a template what the [ __ ] does that mean enraged pineapple thank you for the two months what does that mean what does template mean I don't know know what that means is this new what the hell is this smithing templates are items used in smithing tables to alter tools and armor they are consumed when used but can be duplicated using an existing template it's material and diamonds the 16 armor trim smithing templates are found in a variety of structures upgrade smithing templates are required to upgrade Diamond equipment with the netherite Ingot they're only found in Bastion remnants but are guaranteed only in Treasure rooms what when was this a [ __ ] thing I haven't played solo I haven't played survival Minecraft since they added this that's crazy he's longing he's on pornno yeah I'm on brazers right now I'm just coming up with this article off the top of my head I'm look I'm looking at busty Asians right now I'm like guys let's check out the Trump news my tabs are just like brzzers all right well [ __ ] dude well [ __ ] me what is the point in anything anymore oh my God what happened to Minecraft why do I have to [ __ ] jump through a million bajillion Hoops just to play the game it used to be so easy why oh God why why God why are you so cruel you're a cruel cruel God [ __ ] all right and back we go and back into the nether we go bum bum bum I don't even know how to make so you can't make them I have to find so are you [ __ ] telling me right now that I have to find one of these for every single you're kidding I have to find one of these for every single armor I want to upgrade is that what that means oh god oh oh God I don't even have enough diamonds Logan V thank you for the five gifted okay you can dup them no you mean like like I can dup them cheating or I can actually dup them cuz it used to be you just put your armor in a smithing table and then you need one only and then duplicate by crafting from one and two we'll cross that bridge and we get there okay we'll do that later you make a new world every time you play no this is the same world bruh brother cousin and we're going back and we're going back I remember back in my day back in my day you used to be able to you used to be able to just find netherite and you could make netherite armor by using just a smithing table before the woke left took over Minecraft two stories were redeemed I am 1 million bajillion per changing that channel Point Redemption cuz I've feel like I've told every story ever and then I'll like tell stories as they happen to me cuz I had a bunch of funny stories from my trip and I'd already told them all but now I feel like I can't use them as a story time but but we will honor the channel points for now so I don't know if you guys want to give me prompts let me know let me know oh [ __ ] just give me a little something to get the brain juices flowing Fox Melanie think of the three months what do you guys want to know about is worst date is always one of the questions most pain you've been in that wasn't physical I'm I've answered pretty much every dating question I could possibly answer I don't really have too many dating stories for reals first tattoo experience is a good story that's a very fun one weirdest job interview I could do those two most awkward interaction I've had plenty of those bad boys holy [ __ ] okay whoa holy [ __ ] we're good people oh we're chilling oh we're chilling okay oh my [ __ ] watch this return to Cinder dumbass oh uh-oh hold on guys hold on I'll tell you the story in a second now watch this shoot me [ __ ] watch this who's ready okay well he's kind of ruining the momentum yeah there it is what he didn't want to smoke he was [ __ ] that's why I didn't want to shoot it at me dude he was too [ __ ] it's crazy twinity win twinity win than you for the here once up um okay so let me think uh first tattoo story so the first tattoo I got was this giant [ __ ] globe on my thigh and um I would I had like I got the tattoo and then I had a panic attack about it for like days because it was so [ __ ] big it's this one right here and it doesn't even look that big now relatively but it's this this guy so I got that and uh you've already told the story I know it has been a while though and it was one that someone asked so I got this tattoo and the um any camp stories I Was A Boy Scout so I mean I have plenty of those uh didn't he bully you into getting it that big yeah so he he [ __ ] I went to this random tattoo shop and this biker guy did like a walk-in well I said an appointment and I came in that day and he was like um like I thought we were going to talk it through he would see my vision and all that [ __ ] and I got in he was like do you have the reference picture I'll print it out right now I was like Oh I thought we were going to talk it through and you see my vision and stuff and he was like no so I gave him the picture and it was the biggest [ __ ] tattoo you've ever seen like he printed it out and it was so big and I was like sir can you please size that down and he was like I mean I guess and then he sized it down and I was like sir I please size it down one more time and it was still huge and he was like what are you [ __ ] snowflake or something you want the tattoo or not I was like holy [ __ ] okay so I just got the huge one he said that to me and I was like all right well I guess I will get this tattoo and it was literally just this huge tattoo and nothing else he did Lil Bro me and we listen to death metal the whole time and it was my first tattoo and it it's still to this day the most painful one so I was like crying and he was like I hate when people uh freak out about how the the pain of tattoos like you guys a bunch of sissies and I was like okay so I'm just gritting my teeth and like shaking trying not to be a big [ __ ] and then I got it and I hated it it was so big um someone said Cobble I don't have Cobble oh [ __ ] oh so pretty much I got peer pressured into that tattoo not even peer pressure just pressure in general you know on account of him not being a friend of mine not a peer I like it now I think it looks good with all the other tattoos w W [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah why'd you get a globe well if you look closely on the globe you'll see Africa I'm actually of African descent so that would be why no that was just that was just the stock image of the globe people ask me they're like why Africa I'm like I really don't it was just on the stock image of the globe any stories from your past jobs I have a bunch of past job stories that I've told I feel like pretty much all of on stream I have plenty of stories from Pizza Hut and Sam's Club and all that [ __ ] worked at Southwest Airlines for a while the dildo one is [ __ ] awesome that's one of my favorite worst chicken counter when' you get your first job I got my first job at Pizza when I was 16 cuz I had to repay a debt I ow a guy $900 and my mom was like you have to get a [ __ ] job I'm not giving you $900 I was like all right okay whatever yeah as soon as I turned 16 and I and I hated that job so much Pizza Hut sucked so much ass and everyone that worked at Pizza Hut was like this was their job you know no shade but like this was their job de Devon Sims think four months no I just had a rich friend that bought me a cruise ticket when I didn't even ask him to I was like I really need to talk to my mom about this he was like I bought it you can just pay me back and I like what he was like that'll be $900 just give that back to me it's like when David Dober buys you a Tesla or something and he's like well just pay the you know taxes on this million bajillion dollar Lamborghini and you'll be fine you're welcome but uh so I worked to pay that debt off at Pizza Hut oh the most awkward job interview I was going to answer that uh I I if you guys know cut code knives it's like that big pyramid scheme I did it there that was a pretty awful job interview they were like um they will hire anyone like I was like um it's pretty much a big pyramid scheme you'll get there and they'll be like they'll be like what's your experience you're like I don't really have any but I'm a hard worker they're like you're hired even you say you're name they're like hired I like I like the cut of your jib okay now here is the thing I'm thinking Punky cat think of the year I'm thinking that you text five people this link and then they'll have an interview as well and I did Cutco for like a weekend when I was a kid in high school but that interview was awful cuz he made me text like five of my close relatives being like would you like to work for Cutco ancient debris anywhere no no ancient debris I want to get at least four and I only have two beds did you go door to door hell [ __ ] yeah I went door to door dude hell yeah thank you for the Thousand bits do you let it crust uh no I don't actually last time you cried when I watched click that's not even a joke click with Adam Sandler dude that is for Real such a sad movie I hear some burning oh oh I don't have my shovel damn it I work with Cutco oh boy get out of there dude that's like a cult oh my God click is not a sad movie if you pay attention it is dude he goes his whole life skipping his whole life his whole life he skips it all dude he doesn't get to experience his children he doesn't get to experience his wife anytime they argue anytime anything happens it's it's over it skips forward and it's so [ __ ] sad and then the end the Indie dies not to spoil click for you guys but I mean you've had long enough to see it sad ass movie dude okay horrible area truly awful area any ancient debris in here any debris that's ancient no okay H um how are you not falling cuz I'm awesome cuz I'm [ __ ] goated maybe oh oh [ __ ] okay we're fine where's the exit here um oh ouch favorite noodle shape share it now that's something that occupies 0% of my brain I have no idea no idea what to tell you you miss some ancient debris uh no stop saying that because I don't think I did no no no no no no I swear to [ __ ] I swear to [ __ ] if I go through this area and there's no ancient debris where where pretty sure this is a bit oh oh let's [ __ ] [Applause] go yeah yeah oh the haters are mad future video ideas I've got plenty I've got a lot in the vault right now yeah yeah yeah yeah I got a lot of M TV stuff cooking too cuz the people really like those and I really like filming those they're very fun let's go [ __ ] horse time eating wings is that a question is that a question that you're asking uh there might be some behind here maybe my pickaxe is about to break ah oh my God holy [ __ ] London likes cheese thank you for the 12 months weirdest celebrity interaction you've had I've never met a celebrity like in my life I don't think I'm trying to I don't think I've ever met a celebrity dude there might be there might be some ancient debris in this [ __ ] come on Ancient debris I really don't think I've ever met a celebrity in my life there's got to be ancient debris here surely Paige isher thank you for the two months what did you do at Southwest what was your job I was a pilot actually um [ __ ] I have one bed and one dream I'm at y 18 Jesus Christ okay I'm probably there's no is there any ancient debris in these Joe Bart you met Jake and Johnny yeah but like I feel like if we're all like on the same like Level Playing Field you know like how weird would it be to like have friends of mine being like you guys are celebrities this is crazy I'm talking like [ __ ] Chris Pratt or something you know all right did you hear what happened to Trump no I did not here we go I guess Kevin Hart right all right he was on stream the other day last one people wow okay mainly just lava I mean maybe maybe there's ancient debris up there somewhere I want to get one more ancient debris that's all I want is one more it's all I want is one more anent debris oh my God please I mean how else do you say Ancient Ancient like that's dumb as hell not like this not like this not like this not like this not like this no no no no no no no no oh chis is flying too close to the Sun dude I do need to go back my pck is going to break I just I want to [ __ ] Ancient Ancient Ancient an Ancient Ancient oh I'm saying ancient it's Ancient Ancient Ancient penis oh interesting penis wow okay balls oh okay hold on I'm just doing my own research at this point shaft H blorb blor oh there ants perfect time to pee I got to pee so bad oh it's PE Time e e was way too fast I told you guys I'm a quick peer I watch streams sometimes and I don't see people get up to take PE breaks like ever like ever ever and I'm like where are you keeping all that piss because I pee so much ah all right well [ __ ] um why are you giving Cho energy is that obvious okay I could wait why don't I do this oh okay so that really didn't make a dent in it at all I'm assuming all the streamers yeah they have catheters or something are you invited to the Diddy party I will say I don't follow that Meme like at all like even a little bit cuz isn't the whole thing that he's like a pedophile so it's the Diddy party like like I've seen creators be like I'm at the Diddy party and is it like is the joke that you're at like the pedophile party I guess I don't know yeah I'm at the Jeffrey Epstein party that's me guys um I feel like there's more ancient debris or an Ancient Ancient debris or however you say it I got to be very careful mining though because my [ __ ] is about to break okay I think the I'm going to get lost in here uhoh like maybe it's in the fire somewhere maybe I missed something and it's very unfortunate that I've just been getting the veins of one anci Ancient Ancient debris an ancient debris I don't know I voice it ancient I guess there's no G in there I'm kind of sounding Out of G [ __ ] where is this [ __ ] am I seeing something no what are we at [Music] Y2 I feel like I probably missed one surely there's one that I missed somewhere what if it's behind this one [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm running low my my diamond pick is on its last leg my diamond pick is on life support dude we got to pull the plug at some point please please ghouls live thank you for the prime sub holy [ __ ] I guess I I should look in the lava area cuz it probably is under some lava or maybe that's just me telling myself that do you [ __ ] with applesauce I used to eat applesauce like a mug dude I do the little ones that you slurp out of you know what I'm saying okay so it's not is it okay so this one has a shitload of lava hello okay yep Theory confirmed shitload of lava oh [ __ ] oh my Lord this is so Point there's no way there's no way even if there was even if there was I couldn't get to the debris the worst dentist appointment you've ever been to um I passed out at the dentist one time that was probably the worst one ever I think that was the last time I went to the dentist honestly I haven't been to the dentist in [ __ ] forever all right Icarus is flying too close to the Sun I guess oh my God [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn it have you ever had a happy ending no but like I'm I'm too afraid to ask you know I've gotten massages at Asian massage parage but I've never known how to be like hey no okay that's fine I haven't done it with that sole purpose I'm just saying I've been at massage parlor and it's never crossed my mind to be like I mean it's always crossed my mind but I haven't mustered out the courage to be like come on come on I'm this is hopeless I don't even know why I'm what are you talking about I feel like I'm I keep like a a pretty standard level of like things I say like nothing I say is too out of line from what I normally say and even still it's just like w what that's not that crazy dude happy endings are very popular and normal pick a new spot I mean I guess I just really I'm hoping maybe this might be so dumb this might be so dumb but I'm thinking that somewhere in here somewhere in here is ancient debris or whatever it's called and I've of course I left my shovel back at the house maybe it's not maybe I'm just being stupid are you lost no I'm just trying to find [ __ ] one thing of ancient debris please oh my God what do you mean happy ending like a fairy tale okay you don't know what that means maybe you shouldn't be in the Stream you know like come on you guys don't know that it's like the more most normal thing ever you're not going to find it you're probably right [ __ ] I'm so frustrated please listen to Magic Johnson by Ian I've been on that wave bro I've been on that wave I was listening to it when it was unreleased and that makes me cooler oh my God uh I don't want to leave I don't want to leave cuz I want but I guess there's no point cuz even if I make an Ingot it's not like I'm going to it's not like I'm going to be able to um make any armor out of it because of the whole the new [ __ ] that was added but I mean we can we can get some W's for for two of these bad boys I mean come on I mean come on that's pretty awesome his voice sounds like he would be black for real yeah I know really makes you wonder am I allowed to no I'm kidding kidding kidding kidding no I think I sound pretty white I had a guy asked me one time if I was mixed and I was like dude you're crazy look at me what are you talking about he was a black guy too he was like are you mixed I was like like what are you blind or something oh my pick is going to break uhoh uhoh uh-oh uhoh uhoh oh you're talking about Ian the rapper I thought you were saying he sounds like I thought you talking about me Oh you mean the rapper that makes way more sense I thought you were saying he is in like me you mean Ian the rapper I bet if I made a rap song and I was Anonymous people wouldn't know I'm working on a YouTube video right now that's well I'll keep it on the the [Music] DL uhoh I think this is a pretty successful pretty successful Adventure if I do say so myself a Minecraft rap no I'm trying to do more videos that aren't like from stream although I do like having those on the main Channel if they're like good for a video idea um uh we got two of these debris and then so that's three total in the Stream that's not that bad I kind of want to grind off camera but I don't want you guys to think I cheated or something I'm all right I'm all right you remember the grind on me Trend years and years and years ago I like what was that for like Nash Greer like humping the ground why why are we okay with that why was it just like a very normal thing to just like hump the ground and people will be like yeah hump the ground Carla thank you for the prime sub you just don't see male thirst traps like that anymore now you see more female thirst traps you see more like you know only fans like boobs and butts on Tik Tok and it's the gayway drug and it's the gayway drug here we go you don't see why boys doing [ __ ] like mcon did okay you don't see that anymore dude you don't see [ __ ] like mcon anymore Dean thank you for the tier one sub I remember even in seventh grade making fun of everyone who went to those meet and greets it's so funny because like what do they even do for reals at the shows the mean and greed I understand but the show or do they hump the ground at the show is that like the whole show same thing with like I see some people with like I get a live podcast but like some people online that have they go on tour and I'm like doing what what are we what is happening I can get a live podcast but like other than that I'm like whoa guys are definitely worse now you just aren't on gay talk you would be correct I am not on gay talk reformed uh okay so we got two ancient debris and I'm going to keep saying it like [Music] that are you going to switch Con in September I am ancient why was I never taught to say that word correctly I'm pretty I'm pretty uh punctual with my words I enunciate pretty well usually anxious ancient debris it's the southern stank that comes out every once in a while all right we got two netherite scraps I never have to say the [ __ ] word ancient again two netherite scraps baby and good thing we need four of them thank Christ we need four of them and that that one thing oh I'm my God I'm out of diamonds I'm out of Diamonds oh no I just have we got to go regular mining again oh [ __ ] oh God I'm pretty happy with this progress so far I will say I don't like how this looks but I'm enjoying the [Music] [Music] mining you should read a book on stream and every incorrect pronunciation is a shot I'm pretty good at pronouncing I was right at uh timu and everyone was [ __ ] and pooping over timu and I'm so unbelievably right it's awesome it is timu dude guys I'm going to burp in the comfort of my own home come on what do you think I'm not going to burp or something I'm in the comfort of my own home for Christ's sakes have you ever sat down a pee yeah if I'm tired or want to feel the struggle of a woman sometimes I do that you know just to put myself in the position of a woman I'll sit down to pee I'll put a tampon in my butt you know just to try and understand what you guys are going through as a real feminist oh I'm pretty happy with that I know this was a this is a quick stream but I didn't plan on I didn't even plan on streaming on Saturday anyways and we had that 4our stream the other day so sorry for the quickie ladies and gentlemen uh but I really I didn't have any plans for tonight I just wanted to make some progress on the Minecraft world and I have to I know I know it's a quick one but I do have to wait did someone just send a big ass dick nice e e e
what's up what I have to do oh nightbot stuff all the hail the [ __ ] King thank you historical [ __ ] fact when the [ __ ] King defeated King Farner sees the second of pontus and returned to Rome he told the Roman senate I came I saw and I ate their feces God so [ __ ] true oh I'm gonna get some Advil aha ah got it Doug we can't hear you yes you can you really you do realize I like have things I can look at in front of me that tell me that show me whether audio is going out what is he saying I did um I did have an idea like a concept for a stream I don't know what I actually do with it yet [Music] which is where we block my mouth and we mute me there's like a black bar in front of my screen or in front of my mouth and then the only thing you get is like live captions of what I'm saying from voicebot which usually barely understands what's going on and then somehow we have to communicate you guys in chat and me only through voicebot's interpretation of what I'm saying it'd basically be like only having subtitles for the stream and no audio but with a really really bad subtitles but I don't know what to do with that I don't know like what the goal is you know what I mean like that that's not a stream yet that's a tool I have to figure out how to use the tool for a stream um Can twit can oh my God there we go oh give us I don't know what there's so much nonsense being typed in chat hello everybody what up first time here live yo welcome I think today will be fun I um I'm excited for this it could I mean it might not be great but this is one of those this is one of those streams that I think is a higher chance of being fun although tabs is always pretty slow it's slow pace because I have to sit here like making teams for a while but lots of gambling a lot of gambling today if you're just here for gambling uh this is one of those kind of streams pirate Queen yeah yeah I mean I'll explain it in a sec let me finish writing this um if a viewers what's up turkey tits my work is saving armadillos for lunch so you bet your sweet ass that I'm shaving my legs tonight hell yeah brother I'm happy for you you have a different set of priorities in your life than me but I'm happy that you're fulfilling your priorities howdy Doug how are you doing today I am extremely exhausted I've been sleeping terribly I didn't have the testicle demon last night um just normal normal healthy testicles you know but uh man I'm super exhausted I should be good to stream a couple hours though that's it's Again part of the reason I've been doing shorter streams is because I'm totally pretty much good now it seems like no matter how I sleep to stream a couple hours um so I don't know if this will probably hopefully not go beyond like two or three hours we'll see um normal healthy testicles were the first word I heard well it would have made a lot of sense if you had been there for the words that came before that I think she got her hands on some testosterone tibularone since she now has really big muscles and is lifting heavy store packages not sure what we do with the Trans girl rat so we're just doing bananas we just hired her she's like she's just working in the store now she's just lifting and sorting merchandise I mean it sounds like a win for everybody involved it still didn't make sense no no it made sense um or do I have to do my laundry at some point as well it's in the washer right now I just got to throw it in the dryer and I've washed it like three times because I put in too much detergent and so it came out all soapy and then I was like okay I need to like go it have it go through the wash again because it's still really soapy um and then I did the thing but apparent I forgot to set to do a spin cycle and so it didn't spin it just soaked it with water placed Crusader Kings three thoughts ah maybe I that game feels a little too complex for chat to meaningfully interact with or at least it would take a very long time for them to interact with it I'll look into it though take the wheel evil Eggman thank you so much the 10 gifted subs thank you thank you thank you it's very generous appreciate it so anyway the clothes are just like soaked in water and then they've been doing another rinse cycle that hopefully gets them not full of water I don't need a laundry alarm right now it's um it's you know in like 10 minutes or whatever that's when the laundry's ready it's not that I can't do laundry I've never I've never had to like re-wash a thing before and not have it go through a full cycle there's an option on the washing machine that's like just rinse and it didn't it rinse and spin but it didn't spin High Park sir hello yeah no I have a laundry alarm set it'll go off at some point fun Gregory thanks so much for the 12 months thank you thank you thank you [Music] cool uh music all right we're here right you're here you are here you exist yes I don't know what's going on but I'm assuming it's rigged oh my God I'm gonna go do my laundry and then okay don't tell us the time you stream be right back [Laughter] foreign okay cool laundry's done Ali the great thank you so much for the 12 months appreciate it thank you oh wait so many gifted Subs too that I missed thorfin lost thank you very much for the five goods and subs and evil Eggman for five more gifted Subs that's crazy thank you guys thank you thank you all right so um today here let me pull up totally accurate battle simulator first um we are going to have you guys attempt to beat random teams in totally accurate battle simulator I am excited for this uh obviously you could beat a random team and totally accurate battle simulator but we're gonna do this in a certain way that I think will make it a little more exciting we will destroy the randoms well not not quite Park sir did you just reveal Where You Are Tri-Cities Washington you can't just tell them I don't have any leverage over chat if you just tell them where you are without them having to pay me money to ask where in the world you are how's this map it's a cool map can you please explain what's happening yes we will explain it the stream just started it's been like eight minutes okay let us first begin toilet stopped twicking is there a duket egg brand plunger I can use um come with one we jam it inside of every toilet that would be actually fun to make a dog big branded toilet that'd be some cool merch Ludwig made a bidet which is wild to just do that like that's a whole like a separate business okay um if you have not played totally accurate battle simulator here it works you have two sides on the left is red on the right is blue um and both sides can create two custom armies those two custom armies can be anything you want you have all these different factions at your disposal so on the left we might have a whole bunch of clubbers on the right we have a bunch of Shield men and some uh throwers and then once the two armies are completed they have them fight against each other and see who wins looks like the clubbers are taking out the shieldsman but the uh the the spear throwers back here might take them out quickly wait actually not clear is gonna win right now if they split up and Dodge the spears clubbers could win this oh they miss there's only one Clover left oh he he misses the stationary spear thrower okay now it's all up to this guy oh right in the chest yep how do I slow down I don't remember T oh and then I can click too okay got it wow they missed all the Spheres all right so that's the core concept right what do you mean rigged I'm not gonna happen Okay this is a core concept the two teams on either side will fight off against each other now in the past we have done this where I have viewers submit teams so you can see all the factions down here all of these different units cost of different amounts depending on how strong they are and you guys submitted a team and said here's who I want to compete on my side and then I would pick another random viewer to compete against them and if any one viewer could beat the other viewers teams five times in a row then they become king of the hill and they are the gamer god of the week or month or whatever they're permanently listed in the gamer God list which is below the stream okay new music today's a little bit different because a viewer thank you Andrew crack markets cack marsick I don't know how to say your last name thank you very much if you if you happen to be here um sent me a python script that generates a random team and totally accurate battle simulator so it looks something like this hold on uh python yeah there we go so basically it will generate two random teams so you can see here this one is seven potion sellers one balloon Archer a minor 40 Squires seven skeleton archers one ballista and one long ship so using this technology I am going to have nightbot pick a random viewer from the stream you will submit a team to me you will tell me in chat what do you want your team to be once you're set up on one side of the battlefield you will be going off against random teams on the other and the challenge is can you beat three random teams in a row I'm gonna give both of you guys ten thousand dollars so the random team will be made of ten thousand dollars your teams will be made of ten thousand dollars random viewer who gets chosen uh the selection will be opt in so you don't have to opt out but that would probably be easy right if somebody has a really badass team right that'll they'll probably just Crush it's unlikely they're gonna lose so here's what we're gonna do okay we're gonna see if a viewer can beat three random teams in a row after that we move on to hard mode where you the viewers only get nine thousand points and you have to beat ten you have to beat three random teams made of ten thousand points in a row and if you can pull that off we're gonna go to ultra extreme mode can a viewers submit a team of only 7 500 and beat three random teams of ten thousand dollars oh that's Ultra hard mode right to start off it's just let's make sure you guys can beat random teams after that though nine thousand dollars you're at a substantial disadvantage after that 7 500 and you have to be three random teams that's crazy that's the goal for today we're gonna see if you guys can actually take down at a massive disadvantage pick take down three random teams in a row and um the only change I made to the code is that Andrew put a one in ten thousand chance uh that the random team will be 100 Hobbits I moved that down to a 1 in 100 so there's a one-on-one there's a one percent chance that you're gonna fight against a full Hobbit Team if you would like to see if you would like to be eligible and uh want to participate in submitting your team please in advance think of the team that you want uh do we have the the link to the website that has all the prices yeah the random team will change after each Victory you're gonna have to you're gonna have to beat three random teams in a row I know we I know we had that at some point I think there's still a link that we have it's fine if you've never played the the game before there we go thank you seventh Slayer okay so this link that is currently being spammed by seven Slayer I will show it here if you want to build a team and you don't have the game that's technically fine um wait this is all items it includes the one does it it has the does it have the factions there should be like a factions one I think that breaks out yeah ten thousand dollars total um I so to be clear I only you're only allowed to use the base factions tribal farmer medieval ancient Viking Dynasty Renaissance pirate spooky and wild west you cannot use the bonus uh factions because those are kind of op I feel like you could just use mammoths you can certainly try that um is this one yeah I think this is like a slightly different page that Okay cool so this link right here which again I will spam if you go to this link and you would like to build a team if you don't have the actual game bam bam bam bam bam bam bam stop spamming um you can see it breaks out the different factions here okay these are all the factions at your disposal each one of them has a cost in this column okay so what you need to do is decide your team up to 10 000 units okay up to ten thousand dollar redos and again if if any if a team is able to make sure the prices are the same I think that the website was outdated that would be wild I I don't know if these look correct to me they haven't updated it in a while at any rate hopefully these are correct or at least close enough um uh oh I was gonna say something oh yeah yeah so to start you have ten thousand dollars if you guys can beat three random if you can be three random teams in a row if somebody can do that then we will we will uh clamp you down to nine thousand right so just also think a little bit down the road of like if I had to remove some of my boys how would I do it any questions on this uh very high quality stream that is going to make a lot of sense you don't decide where the units are placed if you want to give me like rough outlines let me know that's fine like within reason I'm happy to you know to try to help um make sure your strategy is intact [ __ ] everything minimized on my screen one sec okay cool so what we're going to do uh we'll give Subs a little extra luck rigged mods or keyword if you type the word I have a team if you type that one time into chat you do not need to uh spam it multiple times in fact if you spam it multiple times it actually takes you out of the running so and that's probably true so don't spam it multiple times literally just once and you're good and then you will be entered as one of the eligible users here it will uh tally you up as long as you don't type that you will not be entered so you don't have to opt out or anything like that Park sir do you have a team Park sir if you have a team you're up first okay Parks or give me your team just type in the chat I'm waiting pause pause Champs what is their incredible ten thousand dollar new team no I just wanted to enter Archer Parker do you have a team no I'm not playing you guys are playing one sec I'm just here collecting dollar reduce Park sir what's your team Doug is a glorified bookie yeah I mean on these streams I'm definitely that Parker departure if you were playing what would your team be that's easy all Hobbits okay I don't park sure doesn't seem to be getting a team parks are your second if you actually have a team your team will be up next all right we do have 560 eligible people I don't have a team I don't even understand how to build one you go to this website this website right here okay go to this website this shows this shows the I don't know like 10 different factions in the game so you can click between them and see what units you like okay each unit has a cost you can tell me how many of each unit you want so you could be like if you go to pirate and you're like oh I like pirate Queen that's two thousand five hundred dollars so you could have one pirate Queen you would have 7 500 left just think of a team for next time the first team to go up against the random inputs is Yi tricks 368. all right just type your team into chat all the factions are allowed except to the bonus ones so if you have the game it's all the normal factions here not the more faction bonus characters the just the standard factions I'd like to save my money and invest it into a high-yield dividend Index Fund instead let's say that the government was going to take your money unless you spent it all 200 Hobbits okay all right etrix starting out strong on the left we're gonna have 200 Hobbits very cool and on the right your first randomly generated opponent God I just I just want you with your hot all Hobbit Team to to win to win the first batch to win the three random teams in a row if you can defeat three random teams then everybody has to go to your house and Shake Your Hand okay your first opponent is going to be two mammoths uh oh that's really bad that's really bad can I give you the other random team because it generates two so one of them is two mammoths and two Reapers and those are like those are like Hobbit slaughterers and the second one seems slightly more realistic I'm giving you the second one flip for it okay uh heads is the mammoths and Reaper's tails is the other team oh thank God okay you get to go against Team B all right so now I will build the team one potion seller bam four miners where's the Wild West one two three okay we need to breathe there's no time we have to play Taps one long ship Viking oh God one Berserker two musketeers when you why have there's no music playing music two musketeers we'll put you guys here and then seven ballistas the hell of ballistas ancient seven ballistas these are gonna absolutely destroy the hobbits one two three four five six seven oh my God they're gonna be roasted on a split dude they're gonna be turned into kebabs oh all right okay let's get a quick Gamble what do you think what do you oops hold on I'll delete that what do you think Chad I'll uh I'll throw the prediction up who wins left or right we'll do left and right instead of red and blue I think that'll make a little bit easier okay you've got one minute get your bets in I'm gonna be honest I don't think this is a particularly hard gamble so the miners are kind of your front liner melee guys right in the back you've got two musketeers not a lot of ranged Firepower plus the the long ship pickle bit second for 12 months thank you thank you thank you you got a potion seller who's gonna confuse uh who like throws things that confuse the hobbits you got the Berserker who's just like a he jumps around and does a bunch of melee stuff and you've got seven ballistas in the back that's what you're dealing with me uh delete this okay we've got look at these odds three hundred thousand four hundred thousand on the hobbits and 8.6 million dollars on the right team I always go for the lower odds Park sir parks are you're a professional lawyer in bookie what do you recommend what's your bet uh no I'm not gonna do that wolfster play Geometry Dash that would be fun for 30 seconds what factions aren't allowed all of the base ones are allowed all of these are allowed just not the bonus ones I missed the prediction I was tabbed out what do I even pay you for oh it's dog hole all right predictions live now I'm not gonna say that I Believe In The Hobbit Team uh with the head but I believe in them from my GF of five years broke up with me two days ago I'm a complete mess and I could use some advice [Music] oh no I'm really sorry to hear that the only thing I got is running running helps me in a breakup because then you just like get your brain to release some of its [ __ ] like just run for as long as you can and that that has helped me but otherwise just really [ __ ] hard and I'm sorry I hope it gets better man maybe these Hobbits crushing their way to Victory will heal your broken heart three two one go okay a few Hobbits already shot the Berserker jumps in there's still a massive amount of Hobbits the real oh God it's gonna be slow the real question is when do the ballistas start start shooting are they too far back [Music] oh oh my god oh no oh God yeah the blisters are the blisters are pretty bad guys I mean they're the hobbits are kind of through the front line to be honest wait maybe they can do this hold on the hobbits might win they've taken out the whole front line they just have the ballistas okay no these guys are still alive there's a lot of people still alive it's possible the hobbits could win foreign this dude if they can tie if they can take him out I think they're okay [Applause] [Music] okay they're going for the musket man oh my God that ballista is taking out whole groups of Hobbits at a time that's brutal They're All Dead they're all dead it's up to these two groups they have to get over the ballistics quickly uh oh ballistas are ready up oh god oh my god dude the hobbit's had a chance they had a chance man [Music] if they had gotten this guy quicker and had gotten up to the ballistas they could have won they could have won dude all right but that's uh that's an absolute abysmal performance from the hobbits Unfortunately they do get ballisted congratulations to the right team who had 95 you're gonna make like one dollar redo from that you should be the last team well I want it to be random all right so the hobbits lose and there's gonna be a new reign of Team you always have to go up against a random Hobbit a random team [Music] sorry Utrecht good attempt Park sir do you have a team yet uh no if you've typed I have a team one time you're good you're still in you can see that your name is still in here um every like I don't know 30 minutes I'll change the keyword to get into the thing but not right now I don't see Parks or parker what's your team we need your 10 000 team 700 redues for a 15K bet POG I made four dollars this is why you should just bet you should always just bet on the doubting Team all right Parker doesn't seem to have a team what do I even pay him for it's unbelievable I'm gonna have to talk to his paralegal about this all right uh the next contestants uh uh I mean this isn't that this is just you know normal um hey uh I'm on stream right now oh you are yeah you want me to not call you uh I guess uh everybody this is Jack he's my lawyer and you know uh you know so so here's the thing Doug yeah thank you for our DMD campaign yeah choosing a patron that's the great old one would be really funny like funny funny funny okay what sorry what is the great old one uh the great old one or like cthulhu's and you know I would sometimes like an Eldritch like an Eldritch Horror uh sorry did you say [ __ ] or horror horror or Eldritch prostitutes yeah okay it's like I get dissonant Whispers And tashes hideous laughter with with that as my number one but if I went with the Fiend I would get burning hands and command so like I mean how good are Jer Bear and Barrett gonna be at this guy uh hold on real quick for stream context I'm gonna I'm gonna DM a Dungeons and Dragons campaign starting pretty soon Jack is good at Dungeons and Dragons and no stuff I don't know like about the ultra tours and uh did you say [ __ ] or Horrors a Horrors and then uh Barrett and Jerry have never played they haven't played Jack I don't know but they probably have no plan all right I should probably go with the themes okay the great old one would be way funnier Jack don't you have a job it's like Monday at 1pm I'm at work even why are you but do you do you do things like yeah I took the day off um okay yeah this is important geez I didn't realize it was such a big deal Douglas I'm just hey we have lived together I know I know I just I just um it just doesn't seem like the most pressing thing to figure out which Eldritch Horror you're gonna your kobold warlock will uh worship what is that does that just give you spells what does that do yeah it gives you spells and it gives you specific things at certain levels so okay or the themes uh whenever I kill a creature I get hit points back that's pretty dope but level one for the old one I get to read people's minds also pretty dope and I'm just thinking if Benjamin yapiro doing something he's gonna be wanna he's gonna want to do something along those lines all right I want to be clear any any reason I thought I was going to be getting a third degree here Douglas any similarity to Benjamin Shapiro is purely coincidental all right this kobold is just worshiping an Eldritch Horror um well Ben Shapiro is a Cobalt okay I actually I have a great idea for this um this is a real thing I was realizing because I want to just like have cool like uh items and magic stuff happening so I've been playing a little Dota 2 recently so I came up with a bunch of magical items that are basically just moves from DOTA that you can do so like a Pudge meat hook which or is the equivalent like roadhog in OverWatch because I don't you know you never played DOTA right League it's fine okay so like a meat hook that you can like throw out and pull somebody to you and I give you like a magical hook or whatever and then I'll let you guys pick items I think it'll be dope like DOTA if you think about DOTA and I'm sure League of Legends has the same thing it's basically just a bunch of really awesome D and D moves right like as I was looking through Heroes I was like these are all amazing for Dungeons and Dragons yeah yeah it's pretty true both chaos knight uh is literally a DMD character oh really yeah I mean he rolls the D20 every time he uses an ability I think oh that's true yeah um all right so what's Chad up to are they being weird um I will read the next message that I see okay from Hell espon t t i w j f h x h f oh yeah that's the uh the honey coat I was looking looking for yeah all right Doug I'll let you get back to it all right all right I've I've got some ideas I'm excited all right all right I'll uh I'll build I'll just build your uh paralegal for an hour no you go me for an hour I'll send you a paralegal money for an hour okay that makes more sense yeah all right bye Jack love you bye anyway sorry important planning guys I couldn't wait you you understand okay the next contestant is rutin rue77 in all you have to do if you're here is type your team into chat I will see it I will enter you into the game and then we will find out who your random opponent is only skeletons oh my God you guys need whatever um like wait do you want do you want skeleton Warriors and archers or just skeleton Warriors like do you want to go all in on one unit or mix it up because you can have like two different skellies you know honestly Skelly boy team could be dope Jesus Take the Wheel hey you're getting for five good Subs by the way thank you let's mix 50 50. okay I like that I like that Vibe I think that's a good call all right so I will spend ten thousand dollars on skeleton Warriors who are your melee this is still a lot of skeleton Warriors or sorry five thousand dollars excuse me um Jesus Take the Wheel okay I'll do about that approximately and then the back we go skeleton archers I'll just get some more until we're wait okay I'll get one more Warrior all right sorry hold on everybody hey Jack okay so I think I'm gonna go with the fiend but can we work into the back story that there is some greater demon named like Donald Trump did you say Arnold rope yes uh yes funny you should mention that I was already planning a major Side Story for Arnold rope the demon that you're worshiping wait okay then then we've got my Patron we're set all right cool Arnold's got big things in store all right talk to you later bud all right bye Jack love you foreign on the left a team of entirely skeletons on the right let's find out who your contestant is for right now I'll just show them for the ten thousand round but eventually I will start hiding what they are until the the prediction goes live okay a whole bunch of different groups a whole bunch of different things here I will do my best to put them out here okay in the medieval category you've got two Squires out front you've got five skeleton archers wow using your own weapon against you oh somebody asked what games I play for fun I forgot to answer that uh I like 2D Platformers I've been enjoying DOTA recently although I'm not like a big mobo person it's just been enjoyable for a little bit hay baler uh uh I don't know what other games do I like like multiplayer Shooters I used to like but I just haven't been as into them recently um World of Warcraft I liked a lot in the past I like watching FPS games I don't know kind of all over the place uh okay we got the hay baler oh another skeleton archer tribal three Chieftains 29 miners wow one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty Twenty One 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 and one King I think I'm about to die from and I'm strict all right there's actually a little bit of money left so I'm gonna give him a Hobbit one Hobbit back there you've got one minute get your bets in who wins left or right Let The Hobbit play he's back here if I put him in the front line he'll die right away he's gonna come in and scoop up the win at the end rigged one Hobbit is too many he's still under look the amount of money up here they're still under by 10 reduce are they fighting because the kid got pushed through a window I was about to make a house of the Dragon joke and then I realized that's kind of a spoiler all right Doug might miss my 12th month oh did I did it like did it pop up and I just didn't acknowledge it golf at golf cat thank you very much for the 12 months I do appreciate it sorry about that my brain just like can't focus on multiple things it's it's shocking that I'm able to make streams as coherent as they are which is not very coherent all right um let's do this huge battle coming up you missed another one wait when right now what are you talking about hind bug bug and I learn interesting bug facts so that you don't have two today off fact is dragonflies have been on Earth for 300 million years interesting you missed my 12-month last month sorry Victory star thank you very much for the 12 months I really do appreciate it thank you thank you thank you man I know I missed like basically every single sub ever so I really do want to like try to thank one year I feel like one year is it um it's a Matt it's a huge achievement in your guys life all right let's do this Tom had an entire tab series based on randomly selecting units surely it can only be improved by adding chats true let's find out battle number two on the left 50 skeleton Warriors and 50 skeleton archers on the left a gargantuan amount of miners we've also got Chieftains mixed in there you've got archers in the back and you've got one Hobbit way out there all right the battle begins now oh my God uh okay these guys are being feared and running away but most of the skellies seem dead in the front lines I think they're gonna need to stall for long enough that the skeleton archers in the back can actually oh no no I don't think they stalled long enough you've got a lot of scalp to nurtures in the back they basically need to kill everybody before they get into the Archer line the king is gonna [ __ ] him up King's pretty goddamn good oh my God yeah this looks bad for this Kelly you know what actually wait if they take out the king they're in okay shape hold on they're still like 10 archers they just need to kill the king the King's dead whoa they're gonna do it holy [ __ ] how does that work dude that looks hopeless wow left team wins that is insane that is very unexpected my God oh huge victory for the all-skeleton team wow Skelly boys take it dude and 75 of you bet on the red right blue team absolutely annihilated all right [Music] arcanite thank you very much for the 12 months appreciate it thank you [Music] wait did I reward the wrong team wait no no people are saying that yes that was right you mean it was left I'm good okay cool all right um the skeleton team stays that is one of three victories Doug I started trying that keys and Toes diet you were talking about and it's been very helpful for me with this device that's close whatever you got the right Spirit of it oh okay the next contestant is okay you've been lit for about 10 minutes so I'm guessing alerts are now 30 minutes behind right Doug yeah they always are on the the prediction is now live the left is skeletons the right is 33 harpooners hi Doug I'm recovering from covid and I'm so glad to see a stream right now thank you for your content less than three you're welcome happy to have you here hope you feel better I'm gonna give him two Hobbits back here uh the bets are life thanks for the tip video our videos and streams are coming out better hey I'm really glad glad to help David versus Goliath out here I don't know dude like 33 harp it's not like there's only like four people on the right side you can flip the teams in the settings oh okay okay that's a good idea uh line settings no no oh that's not good how do I reset reset the line what that's not where it was huh huh okay we'll deal with this next time how do I move no [Music] I remove the line here move the line there whenever uh it's still left and right it's still left and right just read the prediction I truly believe that you guys can read as much as you try to prove otherwise all right two Hobbits is too much no that's the ten thousand after this I will swap uh I need to remove both teams it seems like so if the skeleton team loses we'll swap the colors so it matches the predictions but you guys are gonna have to read I'm sorry to put this burden on you hit the swap button in the center no I know but then they're still on the wrong side at the moment the hoo hoo song is here let's listen to The Who Song for this battle Tekken five it's from Tekken 5 called Unforgiven all right battle number two can the skeleton army take out three random teams let's find out the harpooners on the right and they poon all these skeletons let's find out that's a lot of harpoons what does he even do it just pulls them it seems to kill them okay the harpooning does kill them so they get a good amount of damage in that first kind of round but the skeletons can scare the harpooners are 100 top in this game I don't know Skelly boys seems pretty Opie as well okay maybe not the harpooners are absolutely destroying the skeletons okay yeah no it's slugging it's looking pretty bad I'm gonna be honest guys wait no some of them are starting to fall wait hold on wait a minute no this is even Skelly boys might do it oh look at that snipe I think the Skelly boys could do it hey Doug please free me I don't think the basement is safe anymore it has become infested with thousands of owls screaming hoop Skelly boys take it dude the power of who all the owls infesting my basement pull through what a battle dude I don't know how the hell Skelly boys is working that's another victory for the left side goddamn left takes it congratulations some suspiciously High DPS it's not rigged I didn't do anything all right having done a similar thing before randomly generating teams in tabses can only be improved by adding in chat here we go I mean so far I'm enjoying it but this is easy mode right this is this is ten thousand versus ten thousand next level is going to be you guys only have 9 000 points maybe even less maybe we can jump it below okay oh the right team is gone who submitted this again Brewton I don't know is that how I say it Rootin ruling your team is ripping ass right now okay if you beat one more you become a gamer God your next contestant is Brewton okay two potion sellers Three Dragons one Gunslinger and 28 vampires interesting okay so your contestants I will get some potion sellers in the back these guys just throw stuff to confuse no she hasn't been coded into the game yet oh wait these are fire breathing I want them kind of up closer okay they're the dragons Hey Duck one Gunslinger secret units I don't but I'm not allowing them for this particular thing okay we'll put a gun singer back here just for Simplicity because the random the random units only come from the default factions so I want to stick to that and then 28 vampires one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two you should take first honors and make your own team to demonstrate your Tactical genius that implies this is one of those situations you guys just need to trust me I'm really really smart and I would do a way better job than everybody else here okay I think we can all agree on that but we don't need to prove it okay um that was 29 right that's why I deleted one who wins you've got one minute get your prediction in oh [ __ ] is this the one where scottly boys take it free balance actually no because it when I did swap line it looks like um the colors of the units I've placed don't change I'll wait until the next these teams are stuck on no they aren't the next two teams are are entered show the field on the right you've got 28 vampires Three Dragons two potion sellers a gunslinger and one Hobbit in the back the right side or sorry left side is entirely skeletons whole bunch of skeleton Warriors and then it's 50 skeleton archers in the back hi Doug paxa is currently kicking my door in right now he is going to hurt me please help just fire your gun three times into the air and that way he'll know you're a cop a fellow cop and lawyer and then sue him all right oh the bets are in oh a Giga Bowser ready um set this is again this is the this is the final round if we do this then we know twitch chat can beat random teams on a even battle and then we move on to hard mode but normal mode begins in three two one go okay dragons moving forward with fire right away those could roast some skeletons the skeletons don't have skin so maybe they're immune to the fire I don't act no they're not immune fire all right vampire Jesus Christ vampires jump in they start sucking the bones of the skeletons again I'm not sure if that's gonna work oh my God if that's gonna work on discussion hearing explosions I'm not sure from where it does seem that the dragons are still alive and killing everybody and that this is naughty I can't really see what's going on is anybody alive oh it's up to these two skeletons three two one skeleton [Music] that was not even remotely close [Music] congratulations to the right team you win against the Skelly boys now I will swap lines there we go [Music] all right that means we need a new team interesting all right who here has a team that can take on three random uh three random contestants laughs diabio the cheater welcome are you here if you are please submit your team by just typing it into the chat Frodo's gotta win one dude I bet an all Hobbit Team could win three in a row I may be very very hard you need to swap the line again because you reset it God damn it you're right there we go now we're good Diablo the cheater are you here if not I am going to move on in 10. Hobbits refused to come out of their cages any ideas on how to get them out more Hobbits it fixes all problems okay uh does not seem like you are here a classic cheater move K Dragon do you have a team what is your team are you here he's too busy cheating no time for silly tabbed gameplay I sent a message it didn't go through bummer okay well if K Dragon doesn't reply in a second we'll go with you [Music] hey smack thank you very much for the 12 months appreciate it thank you thank you thank you um [Music] five mammoths two okay cool all right okay Dragon sorry we're gonna move back to diabio the cheater who did submit his team and it is I don't know where you want these I'm just gonna do my best guess um five mammoths one two three four five and two Chieftains one two you are like two thousand dollars over I remove one of your mammoths then it's okay uh you don't need the secret units I want it to be fair I will uh I will do this I'll do two Chieftains behind the mammoths and then I will give you a bunch of Hobbits can't lose with Hobbits literally unusable with hobbits name one time the hobbits have lost you can't do it cool so as your team on the right I mean this says potential this is serious potential I mean the mammoths can just crush a lot of stuff dude the first random contestant you are up against is 68 samurais and seven bards okay we're doing the prediction right now we've got uh I'll do two minutes we got two minutes okay the bards just run around and don't do anything one two three four five six seven and then samurais from Dynasty [Music] is there any way I could seal code again my wife left me and I can only cope by learning your code uh this is not my code uh I guess I'd want to confirm with uh with the the dude who made it um I will I will ask him after this and see if he's if he's cool with me sharing it or he wants to share it or whatever um I I didn't make this though this is bye and I will shout him out again at the top Andrew hack marsick I really don't know I said that correctly but thank you they can smell underwater okay um wait really that's actually cool that is cool should bards be black oh my God should bards be back line uh I don't think so you want them I mean I'll throw like two of the bards in the back I'll put them on the sides because maybe they like distract the mammoths let's put one way back here too I mean front line they'll just get destroyed two on the sides make sense okay [Music] what is a good song this is a good song all right everybody mammoths versus Samurai A Tale As Old As Time three two one go I don't really know the Samurai battle strategy the mammoth cell are just gonna charge the [ __ ] in okay they're rearing in unison and they move are they distracted by the bards or do they go right down the middle yeah they go right down the middle absolutely annihilated people but they might not be dead okay the samurai are not dead it's my favorite spell casting class oh sounds good Jack is a kobold warlock in that campaign okay the mammoths are absolutely okay it all comes down to this Bard this guy can do it oh no he's dead oh it comes down to this Bard you can do it Bart go go bard [Music] oh my God no not even close I've been choosing Warlock and not going hexblade shaking my head I'll tell Jack we like chat was shaking their head at you okay left team takes it ah wait what why are they flipped God damn it that's annoying back to the fiend is better combat wise but packed of the old one I find more interesting personally and has more role play value I bet if you have new players they will go more combat so I would go great to old one I will relay this to Jack Jack actually knows what he's doing for a team I should ask Jack for a team I'll ask him if this one doesn't take it all the way and then you've got Hobbits okay uh this is your team which I need to remember the right side you should watch a horror movie with your family not a horror movie which DND editions do you play uh I just play 5V I have not played a ton of DnD I've played a friend's campaign for a bunch of years where we played like every couple weeks from the size of a man we deserve to get double the amount of hope that doesn't make sense they're priced correctly we demand the rematch look look The Hobbit is 50 okay look at a clubber or a protector they're like twice the amount of money okay the hobbits are correctly priced don't worry okay I'm gonna I'm gonna do a sneaky move all right an epic gamer move I'm gonna hide the the next team that you're fighting until uh until the predictions start okay so you just like hit with it immediately um don't give up skeleton okay maybe Arnold knows what the Rope command does in GTA 5. it's true I still don't know I have no idea I tried I tried figuring out what it does and I I have no clue this Army looks pretty pretty good to be honestly on the test everything is on the test name one thing that I've ever done on the stream that didn't teach you something valuable that is going to be on the SATs later this year Doug we demand more Jack yes [Music] I mean we'd have a stream Where Jack just talks to you guys instead of me I'm down with that like I'll be playing a game but it's just Jack talking to chat [Music] the unknown hero thank you very much [Music] for the one year I appreciate it very much thank you thank you thank you man all right um the stage has been set uh the teams that the mammoth Chieftains are going up against R and I'm gonna start a prediction right now you've got one minute ready predictions live here are the teams boom on the left same team as before campaign I prefer the latter hashtag Homebrew setting gang three Berserkers one king one night a Zeus very powerful backline unit and three catapults plus two Hobbits way back here again three catapults one Zeus one Knight three Berserkers 14 hay balers and a king I'm doing a pre-made campaign maybe later I'll do Homebrew but I'm the dming for the first time so I don't want to go too hard on myself how to [ __ ] didn't appear on the test uh sometimes they rig the SATs it'll be on there next year oops come on left blue or right red all right predictions are almost up let us go I don't I honestly don't know I honestly don't know who wins this I think the right team probably right is overspending oh you're right oh I accidentally put a hobbit in here I didn't mean to that was when I was showing you uh uh the the team excellently clicked I guess here we go I think the question is how quickly can the mammoth break the front line and get to Zeus it's a Tale As Old As Time this King though kings are durable Berserkers jump in right onto the horn okay they charge in I think they kill did they kill the hay balers are they hay balers still alive hay billers are dead okay a lot of the hay baler Frontline already taken to pieces if the if the mammals get to the catapults the catapults are dead wow the man was just walking through the catapults this team seems Unstoppable how do you stop four catapults or four mammoths okay zuso Zeus has a lot of HP and it's just gonna electrocut the [ __ ] out of these guys also there's the king king is still alive wait both mammals are dead these two are dead I thought they were alive there's two mammoths left and there's a king and Zeus in here this is like four Ultra powerful units okay if the eyeballs look normal then they're alive if the eyeballs are X's like this then they're dead that's you know if it's alive or dead this guy's dead this guy's dead you've got one Mammoth left who's is the king alive is Zeus alive Zeus is dead it's king versus Mammoth it's this Mammoth versus this King okay that looked big King's still alive oh look at the oh that is insane the king dude the king soaked up so much Mammoth damage wild wild catapult POG moment oh what a battle what a [ __ ] battle all right red team takes it sorry to the mammoth Chieftain gang all right oh and right team only had 38 percent of the vote big upset here why is it not rigged it's because somebody in chat had something not go the way they want that's how you know that it's rigged against them [Music] that still only counts as one all right I'm gonna now that people kind of know what's going on I am going to redo the the giveaway thing so I have if you type in chat and please only do this don't be like Park sir okay chat don't be like Parker don't be the guy who just wants to feel involved but doesn't know what's going on I have ten thousand foreign [Applause] it is slightly rigged towards Subs yes um because I never do anything for my subscribers [Music] okay that was about that was about 10 seconds um while yeah [Music] while wait wrong thing while people get their giveaway word into chat I am going to open the fart Gates um you get 10 seconds chat and that's it closed pretty quick this time three two one [Music] it's not stopping oh [Music] there's like a five second delay while all the farts went through the gates I guess all right thank you very cool uh very funny as always [Laughter] cool now we need to refresh uh my stream because it's crashed there you go every time laughs okay all right okay the next contestant is bloody beam Letty Bean [Music] they crashed my work computer great job great job Chad you're doing great things all right thank you for opening the fart gate [ __ ] I forgot to I didn't see who actually opened the gates I can't tell because there's 8 000 fart sounds that I have to scroll through to figure out what happened all right let it be oh wait there we go okay um two pirate Queens one power captain and then however many bomb throws will fit ooh okay so a little pirate Army I like your Vibe okay pirate Queens are wild they are so good one two we'll put Captain right here in the back Captain's more arranged right I'll put Captain here but the the Queens will be out front and then you said bomb throwers right yeah Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam bam cool all right um this is the viewer team this is the twitch chat vibe chat this is your Collective Representatives please come up with an appropriate team name in the meantime I am generating a new team okay interesting [Music] okay one of the teams is the worst team I've ever seen in my life so I'm not using it well it I wouldn't have anyway it was the second one but the second of the two because it always generates two random ones the second suggestion it had for the team is 145 bards and seven healers neither of which attack they just run away that would have been a good fight all right but instead it's gonna be um a pumpkin catapult you know what actually I'm going to hide this again I'm gonna hide it again uh is a mod here who would mind doing predictions if not it's okay I can do it myself but basically just starting the prediction as soon as you as soon as I reveal the gameplay providing me with some good content while I'm at work you are the top G P.S what if XIV thank you chat playing Monopoly but the game is all done through novel AI I guess that is a very strange idea I will think about it I like it um okay I am going to hide and mute this it will be ready in a second so just once uh once I reveal once I reveal the teams then just start the prediction that way people can't you know practice in advance or whatever okay we're almost there I need one more of these this is actually a kind of dope team dude I like this one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven okay um the two contestants are pirates on the left and on the right 11 Brawlers melee dudes you've got four pirate captains you've got one firework Archer and two regular archers and you've got a pumpkin catapult in the back interesting interesting this should be called novelopoly I mean that is a pretty great idea oh they have some money I'm giving them two Hobbits are those two Hobbits are gonna absolutely crush it Dota 2 ability conceptually for DND I wrote down a bunch I think uh skewer where you charge at a unit and everybody comes with you is a cool idea the punch Hook is a cool idea um God I wrote down a bunch I'm trying oh vengeful Spirit swap so just instantly swap location with somebody else I just I want to run a campaign that's less about lore and role-playing and more about just trying to create interesting like combat scenarios which is obviously a very different way of playing DND but that's what I'm more interested in personally I've never really been like a into role playing particularly so I just want to give them a lot of options for doing interesting stuff basically I already voted and you added I'm gonna be honest with you the two Hobbits are not going to do anything the hobbits change everything what about GTA 5 RP that's also why I am not doing GTA 5 RP I just I don't if you gotta write this and want to clean like the pros then you've got to see this hi Billy Mays here with zorbies the most absorbent material I've ever used it has the strength and the muscle congratulations Charisma Karma look at this you got zombies liquid like a magnet it doesn't matter if it's coffee soda even red wine watch has its powerful vacuum action isn't red wine just as easy but can I clean my dog seven fiber technology wow these Orbeez over 27 times more absorbent than cotton forget tiles that just drip and unlike sponges that smell zorbies is odor free and leaves a path of clean but can I use it on my dog and never leave anything behind you'll be amazed at just how much they absorb and and they're machine washable dry your entire car even your dog yes any cleaner for Street free Windows an average family uses up to two rolls of paper towels every week that's cash in the trash save money and even help save the environment you get two Jumbo zorbies plus three extra large for only 14.99 but call right now and I'll send you another five zorbies absolutely free that's ten zorbies for only 14.99 and as a special I'm gonna start playing dramatic music now okay Mike we're just going as soon as this commercial is done the battle begins plan okay class and more and attracts us like a magnet that's a 60 value all for only 14.99 and here's the best part we'll send you a set of zorbies free whenever you need them for life just pay shipping and processing but you gotta call now [Music] ready I think it's about to end it's about to end here we go ready go oh my God okay a lot of bombs being thrown around right now seems like the bomb throwers from The Blue Team are doing a good job pirate Queens they get knocked around a lot but they have a shitload of Health they can do great you can see both pirate Queens still working around she is despite what it might seem alive okay pirate Queens but but the red team is getting into the back line that's an issue for the Blues throwing bombs trying to get the captain the pirate Queen literally the hobbits are making the difference the hobbits are distracting the pirate Queen and allowing the pirate captains to get to the back line it's actually thanks to the hobbits oh no oh my God okay the bomb throwers are being decimated by the pirate captains now the pirate Queen is finally done with one of the hobbits and the captains if she gets over here and stops him then she'll still bomb throwers at support okay she stops him whoa pumpkin catapult is she dead pumpkin cannibal takes out the queen it's down to the catapult and one popular in this Hobbit he's gonna be the difference literally okay well maybe not if this catapult can hit the queen before Oh my God the Queen's dead okay the Catapult has to kill the bomb throwers they're missing they're missing nope they are missing wow close fight dude very close fight literally the hobbits almost clutched it but the left team takes it oh big fight that's one of three one of three that you've survived through Doug you rigged it we need Hobbits you don't have the money for Hobbits you don't have the money okay I delete red oh this next one's interesting okay that is one of three that is one of three that you've beaten well you're up against a very uh interesting team next one two three four five six that's why the prediction should have been when team and blue team and not left versus right right no it makes sense I think what I I think my system makes more sense than red and blue because then people get confused because the prediction colors are red and blue hi Doug your recent video on content creation has given me a ton of inspiration when I began to burn out on videos right thank you you are very welcome I I'm I am extremely passionate about that subject matter I am glad that uh that it was helpful or useful where the hell is this where's Zeus okay here are the teams um on the left is the same pirate team as before as a reminder that's two pirate sorry two pirate Queens one pirate captain and a whole bunch of bomb throwers on the right is eight Squires pretty cheap little uh melee units a da Vinci tank this thing is a wild card there's a uh Abraham whatever it is Ronaldo Da Vinci is inside of this and will spin around shooting cannonballs there's also three catapults in the back and one Zeus I think there's a Hobbit is there a Hobbit no but they have enough money for The Hobbit okay I'm gonna put a hobbit uh out here good luck buddy and I'm so I don't care that you already voted it doesn't matter the hobbit's not gonna make the difference Ronaldo Da Vinci I don't remember his name dude I'm not French no prediction oh oops oh there we go foreign [Music] balls hey Doug can we make a custom character in The Creator area no because I don't know how to do that and I feel like um that'll slow things down a little bit conceptually I like the idea but I'm not good at Art and making stuff and things and also despite what it might sound like twitch chat is not really able to control one because if they lost they would get a divorce and lose the kids but some consider that to win that's so true all right you've got like 20 more seconds get your Pat get your bets in let's go I haven't played this song in a while this is a this is a real ass Ripper everybody ready seems like the votes are pretty much done I would give it to The Blue Team wow you voted red really that seems crazy okay here's here's my prediction okay pirate crane Queens are gonna like rip through the the little Squires right there I think the bomb throwers are probably gonna get a bomb and actually kill Ronaldo inside of the tank I I don't actually know if bomb throwers are good against the da Vinci tank but my guess is they are although maybe the tank protects them from the bombs I'm actually not sure I don't know if yeah I mean it's all about how quickly they kill the tank that's the question I don't know I don't know let's find out three two one okay tank immediately shoots out some cannonballs and it begins to fire you can see it will just Spin and shoot balls out endlessly but the pirate Queens are super beefy and they can get through the squires quick they can go up and kill Ronaldo maybe even some friendly fire happening right now I can't tell wow they're already through the squires so now the pirate Captain is just gonna fire in there and see if he can hit Ronnie okay he was knocked aside is he dead he died from that he died from being spun around okay so now Zeus is in the back throwing lightning bolts and both pirate Queens are attempting to get into Ron I don't know if they can they can't stab inside the tank the bomb throwers are throwing in there they've got to actually kill Ronaldo and now it's just killing all the oh my God and Zeus is taking out the bomb thread if they can get a bomb in there and kill him they're good they're missing it's a little bit too low oh they got it they got it they got it wait who's alive oh no wait holy [ __ ] wait oh Zeus is alive that's bad the catapults are dead I think is this guy alive no this guy's alive this guy's alive you've got catapult and Zeus versus five bomb throwers wait is The Hobbit alive does anybody know where's The Hobbit okay we'll just assume he's dead all right let's see what happens okay the lightning bolt spreads between guys Zeus might take them out oh no might take him out real quick that's two oh catapult to the face here is there one left he's still alive there's a couple left they have to kill Zeus they have to kill Zeus oh couldn't do it close fight though really close fight hey Doug how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could commit tax evasion 18 tons dude so much [Music] sorry to Bluetooth Hey Duck thanks you're welcome I'm glad you like it the Tank Man the tank is wild the tank is wild good game Zeus bloody being great team all right we have a brand new contestant coming in and that contestant's name is young coconuts young coconuts please type your team into chat as a reminder you get 10 000 redues to spend [Music] no it's Dan thanks so much for the 12 months uh the space AI video should be out uh next Tuesday I'm gonna post a GTA 5 video tomorrow and then the space AI one next Tuesday again if uh does anybody have the link to the page or does any of the mods happen to save it I need to just save that let's oh wait I have it here I have here the losing team gets a divorce and their wives take the children just like me you bankrupted me Doug with these rigged bettings not sure how I'm rigging it but I believe you so again if you want to build a team um here is the link is that even a sorcerer LOL is that a DND thing I don't know what hex blade is um here you can see the different factions of the game each unit has a certain cost so you build a team of up to ten thousand dollars of units right oh hex Blade's a warlock subclass okay I'm not very knowledgeable about DND by the way so five catapults and 31 stoners uh is the prediction has not been paid out who won was it the left or right guys don't just scream about giving me money calm down you have to ask in a polite uh there you go it's paid out the mods do a wonderful job and are helping run an extremely chaotic Community please don't harass them Doug please give me money there you go see that was nice and respectful now I want to actually give you money but but half the time you guys act like rabid wolves like running in for the kill I was like no dude it's like we're trying we're trying our best man all right five catapults and 31 Stoners is the new team from Young coconuts this team sounds like dog [ __ ] let's find out can they beat three randomly generated teams in a row [Laughter] one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 31 then you got five catapults in the back one two three four five there you go okay your opponent I'll just show it for this one I don't really care that much okay interesting you're gonna start out with some bards now bards all they do is run around and distract ING with seven bars okay you come to me in these trying times to ask you for five gold Pence thank you for this consideration you're a mod give yourself the Pence one fencer one chowster I love the sound effects uh one pumpkin catapult the pumpkin catapult did some work last time 101 clubbers okay [Music] wait how am I gonna hold on I'll do the others first and then a snake Archer and I'll just go until you have ten thousand dollars Jesus Christ this is not a good team composition I don't think at least it's got some like range in the back okay it actually has space for one Hobbit Hobbit's 50 bucks I'll just fill in any remaining money with a Hobbit here you know we're gonna put you up here have a fun Journey Frodo all right these are the two teams uh do we have a prediction up unfair you deleted a fencer I know that that way I'm under ten thousand dollars all right the Productions are up put the hobbits off on the side to duel there's no Hobbits on on the left side the left side again the left side is viewers uh viewers submitting a team right left side is Young coconuts this is your these are this is your your boys okay what is your name what is their name oh you're saying I deleted the fence the one fencer did I I think he's in here somewhere no he's in there look where is he there we go see that guy's clearly there young stoners I can't add a hobbit oh my god do you guys not understand math you can spend up to ten thousand dollars look at the totals up here a hobbit cost fifty dollars so if you got ninety dollars left I will give you one Hobbit that's it how do you submit a team it's randomly chosen you just type in the chat I have ten thousand dollar redos all right let's just get going let's let's [ __ ] do this all right I'm ready for this fight we're doing a big song Xeno [Music] now the Stoners just throw a stone let's see if it works oh my God no I don't think now there's gonna be Club to death the Stoners are doing that terrible time they all they put all their effort oh my God the catapults so kind of sick I think that's that's all that's left right it's just cat yeah no they're beating the [ __ ] out of yeah no all right it's all up to this guy can he do it oh my God jousted in the face oh that was not a particularly good team hey I love the spirit of it though I'll be honest I thought they did more it's all good The Hobbit did it where is The Hobbit where is he [Music] how's this guy even over here where where did Frodo go does anybody know where is he did he jump off a cliff oh okay hey great great job buddy he almost made it all right we need a new contestant from chat as a reminder all you have to do is type I have one ten thousand dollar reviews a single time if you type it more than once you actually get kicked out of the running so don't spam uh that is not true but I'm gonna keep saying that lie because it's really [ __ ] annoying when people spam okay here we go the next contestant is sex this Pompey what do you got I will literally ban the word I will do it I will 1984 it and that way you can't say it anymore okay Jokes Aside stop spamming say it one time and you're permanently eligible you do not have to say it multiple times let's let's move the discussion on to something else like uh that's the keyword keyboard do we need to re-enter after every fight you do not have to forget her one time and you are in the list if I change the keyword then it is relevant to do something else you do not need an explanation mark no no no no no you don't sex is Pompey are you here if not cheerleaders are not available I'm J for people who are really familiar with the game I'm only doing the base 10 factions how many factions one two three four five yeah the base ten factions I'm not doing the extra units okay sex this we're gonna move on but the important thing is that you won you're better than everybody else here okay Taps twitch against badass snakes that's that is an acronym Papa plasma you are up what do you got you don't have good and evil factions though yes correct I'm just doing the base 10. we need a conversation bot to like dangle keys I don't really have stuff to dangle I don't have a Rubik's Cube there you go wow Jesus I literally just broke my keyboard okay I don't need the apostrophe key do I can I fix this [ __ ] hey I got it back on but it's awesome sheep Maddie I do oh you actually have a team Monkey King pirate Queen Four Knights hoplites oh that's interesting no range no range fight but those are really powerful melee guys uh uh all right here we go Monkey King is wild Monkey King's a frontliner then you have two pirate Queens right oh one pirate Queen Four Knights I'll do two [ __ ] here one two four and then I'll put the Parkway there cool so that's your beefy front line and then the rest are hop lights which I believe are oops here there you go should I put hoplines in front you want hot lights in front can we choose the Pope Justice for Papa I don't know what you're saying did I skip a person oh I skipped when I hit a keyboard you skipped pop-up plasma guys I'm sorry this is gonna be I'm sure you'll get over it I'll put some hop lights in front and some hop lights in back cool that is your team he actually was they actually responded well I dropped my Rubik's Cube it's not my fault I didn't like do this intentionally I broke my keyboard you're acting as though I like maliciously sat there and I was like I'm going to take this from Papa plasma no I just I dropped my [ __ ] Rubik's Cube this is not a big deal they can go next if they want okay the random opponent fighting off against sheep Maddie hey there Doug I saw your health update video and decided to try Kito but after my wife saw me drinking olive oil she divorced me it was was starting I was believing it for just an instant there's a uh I would say a majority of messages that come into this channel that start serious and genuine turn into a divorce joke by the end of it Dynasty one Monk one jouster I'm gonna hide the last little couple of them are you ever worried that novel I will take your job since you guys have similar skill traits as storytellers there is like some truth to that yeah one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven I think AI is gonna be taking a lot of people's jobs it is kind of scary it's a wild team this is dope okay uh the big reveal the teams oh on behalf of the hobbits we do not appreciate you putting a value of a Hobbit life in fact you even went so far to say that a hobbit life is worth less than half of a human we demand a rematch no we are seeing [ __ ] rematch of what none of that makes sense the teams are on the left a whole bunch of hop lights four nights a monkey king and a pirate Queen we got the royalty on the left you've got four vampires one cerissa a guy with a big spear a monkey King very powerful melee unit oh this is Monkey King who's this who's this guy whatever that this guy you've got a bunch of uh ninjas in the back ninjas are very powerful range units you've got 11 of them and one jouster who is this guy who's this who's that guy get your points in get your gambles value is equal a monk this is a monk monk monk monk so monk here and a monk King here I I would give it and don't take my opinion for anything by the way I don't know I would give it to Red just because ninjas are pretty cracked but the amount of Firepower on the left is crazy like left left is good left is a glass Cannon left side is just gonna try to kill super fast and get through which could totally work um oh you've also got two Stoners those guys who absolutely uh got ripped on last time I'm voting on on red thanks Doug don't just don't blame me okay just don't blame me if they lose I think red has a good chance because of the back line I think Monkey King and the monk could just like distract for a while you know it depends how long they successfully distract that's the question okay looks like the bets are in what were people saying stop rigging it whatever okay looks like most people are for red I might have accidentally rigged it but I think it's gonna be even or we're gonna play Pepsi man this is gonna be a quick one three two one both monkey Kings entering The Fray they're gonna create illusions of themselves so look out for that foreign mixed together the ninjas did not get space in the back line it looks like they are back here throwing stars at somebody not sure who the Knight is being whacked on with the shield not seeming to work on ninja stars [Music] no clear winner right now there's too many Monkey King Illusions it appears that bread is maybe winning I'm not seeing too many blue left uh yeah wait pirate Queen is do they have a monkey King still no no no no no God damn dude it's all pirate Queen can pirate Queen take down that is sick that is some Matrix [ __ ] look at how many stars are currently in her legs if she can take down all of these ninjas wait she could but wait there's not that many people left blue could do this I thought it was over discovered like a hundred Stars oh so close she's dead red team takes it I was very close dude this dude was like ready to finally join the fight in 10 minutes big win for red [Music] Papa's team would have won I'll do Papa's team now well played sheep Maddie uh what it what was their username again I will look at their messages will you actually steal the Declaration of Independence if I spend 50 million points and risk going to federal prison yeah well you know I made a channel Point reward so I'm locked in Papa plasma okay Papa plasma what was your team when you submitted this is the team this is the team that Chad was freaking out about that absolutely had to go in is 100 Hobbits and pumpkin catapults that's not even that many Hobbits okay hobbins and pumpkin catapults can we use zippies there on me in spirit yeah they haven't turned Billy Mays into a tabs character yet all right chat but that was a good strategy on the on the left I thought it was cool um okay I'm going for a hundred Hobbits here because I'm kind of a little unbalanced I'll put one of your Hobbits over soil health update video and decided to try Kito but after my wife saw me drinking olive oil she divorced me thank you for the heartfelt message and the rest are pumpkin catapults this is dare I say even stupider than an all-habit army tabs right now but mine make me feel good and make the world look funny your tabs is a lot more fun on my tabs all right your random contestant is I will just show it to you oh you are so beginning nope you're dead you are Ultra dead don't Zorb all over the place go do that in the privacy of your own room first off 35 hay balers one two three four five yeah so we can dehydrate their army look I love where what you're thinking sorby's the most absorbent material okay 35 hay balers who are basically just tanks because they're covered in Hay so the hobbits will never kill them and then here's the rough part oh 20 Musketeers who just one shot everybody from the distance I'm gonna be honest chat it's not looking good you even get two Hobbits [Music] liminal Jester thank you very much for 12 months appreciate it thank you thank you thank you all right let's get a prediction up do you trust in Papa do you trust in Papa plasma do you think that it could happen red is over budgeted I was looking at Blue accidentally [Music] there's still uh two Hobbits on either Corner wait is that a musketeer Doug that is not supposed to be a musket here you're supposed to be a Hobbit we believed in you we stuck come on you haven't had an olive oil shot in a while I literally had one two hours ago I have one before most streams okay now I can put one far I can put one Hobbit there there we go [Music] okay people do not currently have a lot of faith in the left team it's about 10 times more people voting for the red I believe look I I want to believe okay I sincerely do okay the predictions ending in 10 seconds and we're going [Music] variety of troops sex Trooper mountek Salvage troop cost the other side stats equals if the number is above one then your side is guaranteed to win wait maybe the pumpkin catapults take out the hay balers this could actually work if they can take out the hail Builders right now then the hobbits could get into the back line and take out the Musketeers they might actually over okay no none of them are dead okay so here's the problem the hey the hay balers are just gonna stall the hobbits and the Musketeers are just gonna shoot them to death [Music] oh no they're lining up oh God I can't look wait the catapults in are there any hobbits live there's a couple Hobbits alive okay it's possible it is actually possible if the hobbit's distracted the Musketeers that could allow the pumpkin catapults to take out the Musketeers this is actually doable right now oh no no they're just being shot to death this guy's got to take out like half of them right now and he misses he completely misses all thanks to The Hobbit where is the hot was The Hobbit even here where was he he was supposed to be out here [Music] did he follow his death oh [ __ ] [Music] okay all right I won't put it I won't put him on the pillar in the future but that would not have made a difference The Hobbit would not have stopped like nine more Musketeers two hours to pay for this why did I do this I want a way to have you guys do like hard manual labor for channel points like you go like into a coal mine all right sorry Papa plasma your team did not defeat the random inputs a random team we would have won with that extra Hobbit okay next contestant dead shot zero six one three go ahead and type your team into the chat can we mine oxygen for channel points the oxygen bank's been real busy okay they're trying to fend off an oxygen recession #justice for coupon it's literally his team was terrible all right their their team sucked you guys need to face the facts okay you need to look the truth in the eyes you can't break eye contact that team sucked [Music] wait check this weren't you I skipped you right I'm sorry for skipping you temps also know as totally accurate Battleground simulator is a game about creating make-believe armies and there were against each other we're moving on that has decided that they can do better than any I Can Begin discussions I miss discussion bot look I can give you guys recognize the Rubik's Cube drop as a planned event from the elites to further silence the Union as prophesied by befielder what on Earth okay Deadshot you're here okay and you've been saying rigged 1984 you skipped Papa plasma you skipped Papa your Rubik's Cube kicked skip the person you skip the other person you skip Papa you're supposed to have a team like that's the whole point you're one of many twitch Chatters who aren't here to participate in studio y'all rigged at me we're moving on Daisy Pluto what do you got you're up next point of the Stream is to submit a team to fight against random teams ever look and free again for people who maybe are just joining in okay I'm picking a random viewer they tell me how they want to spend their ten thousand dollar reduce okay every unit in the game costs a different amount of money you have to tell me how you want to spend it you build your team on the left and then the right team is using a python script that someone sent in where it runs and then it just generates a random team that also costs ten thousand dollars and you have to try to beat it three times in a row well three different teams in a row I reckon about 600 people are actually here to play [Music] wait the point of these streams isn't just to y'all rigged the duck I mean for some large percentage of people that is the goal in fact we have to absorb all over the Reds okay it's been a minute Daisy Pluto let me double check I didn't get skipped or whatever are alerts behind by 20 minutes aren't we caught up or am I crazy Legacy they're behind me 20 minutes oh [ __ ] thank you XIV for the announcement uh let me double check that your messages are actually going through I don't think they are here oh my God you guys ah Hobbit POG POG go away ah I have ten thousand dollar dues why are you guys typing these things if you aren't gonna be here if you don't have a team we're moving on the next person D Josh 910 you've got to participate in the in the class discussion I watched your house update video and now my arteries are clogged with olive oil thank you Douglas I do what I can that's always been the dog dug dream here have a have a discussion can you skip forward 20 minutes I actually can't actually if you don't know how to do that then I will divorce myself and there you go have a discussion I have ten thousand [ __ ] I wasn't expecting this I will give you 10 seconds to submit a team in Jefferson County Idaho United States it is located at an altitude of 4790 feet east of Mud Lake begin discussion everybody loves Idaho all right we're moving on thank you D Josh very cool team Mr Peanut Butter congratulations what is your team Doug presents himself as a nice guy on YouTube one of the first times I've been able to catch the stream and it breaks my heart that he could do this to Papa I heard he just got a divorce hashtag Justice for Papa's team sucked okay you should feel all your most popular stream titles into and text Ai and then try to actually do as many of them as you can I did that for GTA 5. it was fun uh this team is dog [ __ ] but it could win the hole in the ground they'll live to Hobbit not a nasty dirty wet hole filled with the ends of worms and a noosy smell nor yet a dry bear Sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat it was a hobbit hole and that means comfort lers slash sway trong chat hashtag Justice for Pippa okay twitch chat what is the name of your new team your new team your representatives are one king and 47 healers who don't attack and they're just gonna heal the king to be clear um their contestant a random team is 20 oh no 29 snake archers two Stoners three ballistics it's literally all range no I think you forgot so this is your less than friendly reminder does he have I'll text him I will text him right now do you want to [Music] submit a team for my stream if he says yes he'll be next all right um I don't have a lot of faith in the left side mine is the kettle corn pop corners I just donate an entire bag in one sitting I am a fool for now my stomach hurts are good chips goldfish are pretty great Cheez-Its are pretty great I guess I don't know if those are chips in your eyes I don't really like potato chips though oh um Sun Chips Sun Chips are really good I don't like eat that many chips though one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen video and decided to try out the keto diet okay how did you get divorced okay she called your lawyer local representative all right because it's a divorce me and then she proposed to him in front of me what rigged in the chat thank you three ballistas one two three and seven skeleton archers one two three four five six seven okay uh you're basically all in on a single melee unit team happen to go up against in a 100 range unit team that is extraordinarily unlucky uh these guys are just going to all fire at once and just kill the king so uh I guess let's get a prediction going for what is sure to be an action-packed Thriller of a fight hey Doug if we get chosen do we just type it in chat or send a twitch whisper thanks for the content you're welcome yep just open chat I don't have ten thousand dollar reduce it is we'll redo the keyword after this in case people have left I mean maybe they win dude I'm not an expert at tabs by any means I haven't like played this game off stream I don't think ever so I don't like know the strategies maybe this is brilliant and he's gonna be hit like 18 times by the ballista and then and then he just goes in and carves everybody up dude it's possible it is possible it's just not really possible at all okay hey that guy update video thank you I'm happy to hear that your marriage is still intact three two one wait no no we need asgore where's asgore do I have that okay asgore is the case certification telling you how far behind alerts are this donation was made to take to 9am Australian eastern daylight savings time I don't know you're welcome I don't know the conversion that's not awful I don't know that use time zones I might know don't give me like Swahili time okay use it use like this is what time it is in America right now [Music] the king survive okay there are the healing beams I don't know if these actually give him extra health or they just heal them if he's hurt because if they burst him down he's just [ __ ] oh wow they shoot the healers okay they take out a lot of the healers the healers are not healing themselves maybe he lives he takes it down up no okay he's trying he's trying you got one you got one guy sorry for not having a team ready got picked out at the wrong time Dumpty Manuel they killed one no problem I will yell rigged but I don't actually care it's all good um this is the worst performing team of all time even worse than Papa's team but honestly very unique strategy you just got the worst possible matchup [Music] okay let's heal my relationship with my ex-wife oh my God if you type in I know what's let me first explain what's going on okay don't do that yet if you are submitting the keyword okay you have looked at the website here it is or you've looked in the game and you have determined which units you want to spend to have ten thousand dollars total of units okay then you will tell it to me in chat if you are selected I know what's going on if you type that into chat you are eligible to be selected for a new team please think about what you're typing do you know what's going on okay if you do here's a flow chart do you know what's going on if you do now move on to step B do you have a team okay now you can actually type that in the chat otherwise I guess you know have a discussion begin discussion there you go great great discussion to have in the meantime if you don't want to play all right we have 500 people eligible let's go bam snug KD bug you are up what do you got for us you only have to type it once if you type it multiple times you actually get removed from the entry so do not spam it one Da Vinci tank okay one Dragon one Reaper five Shield Bears 20 squares this I think is a well-rounded team I guess there's not a lot of range but the The DaVinci tank really uh rips some ass [Music] uh I'll put DaVinci tank like kind of mid Midfield uh one dragon where's Dragon Dynasty put Dragon here one Reaper Reaper is very powerful I'll put him there five Shield bearers one two three four five so Shield Man up front and then 20 squares interesting one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty cool that is um that is your your team not what I expected from a dragon yeah the dragon is a bunch of bunch of people holding up a dragon thing and then like Mammoth is an actual Mammoth so I'm not sure why they don't just have a dragon put the squires behind the shields I think you want to mix the new dude thank you very much for the 12 months I appreciate it and that's why I did like half and half because mammoths were real ah okay all right fine uh oh I don't actually I don't know if it's gonna work against you okay I'm gonna hide it I'm gonna hide it um I guess get some pause Champs while I put them into the thing oh sound pretty spooky uh uh next is this guy and then next is this guy [Music] the next is this guy okay the teams are I can't see yes I know the teams are oh God no no on the left the team you already saw on the right three kings out front kings are very very powerful you've got a Reaper uh who can just pick off individual units a whole bunch of stoners and then one guy with a gun back here this is a dead eye dead Slinger something like that um who's also pretty powerful so basically went pretty hard like spent most of their money on four really powerful units one medium power unit and a bunch of Stoners in the back the Stoners feel a little weak but the other units are pretty beefy I think that's a girl who's a girl oh yeah yeah right sorry I don't remember what unit she is [Music] and then you've got uh Ronaldo somewhere in the da Vinci tank okay predictions are almost done seems like most people wait what are the numbers I want to look at the numbers okay heavy heavy favorite on the left yeah I think that's probably correct yeah I think I think you probably go you could probably go left I mean good good luck though Ready Set Go so the question is how quickly can the left team kill the Kings the Kings can soak up a ton of damage and meanwhile the stone whoa okay this dragon can it take out the king before the king can start working on the dragon's legs oh it actually got him wow okay and then that's a Reaper death right there I think another Reaper's alive okay the Reaper's alive the reaper might be able to take out the dragon real quick oh my God both reapers are alive one king is still alive and you've got a couple Stoners in the back the da Vinci tank is still in active wait whoa hold on red team is looking good right now if they can take out the Reaper Reaper's done the king is alive they've got King and Reaper wait did Reapers die King and Reaper need to take out Da Vinci tank but again Ronaldo DiCaprio is inside The Da Vinci tank and they have to actually kill him I don't know if any of these units can Target him I mean he's hitting he's hitting this could be a major upset can you get The Rock in there The Rock did not quite land the Reapers attempting to hit but can't get it in the King on the side is the king of the swinging they're whacking it they're whacking it Draper's dead the Reaper's dead that might be it did that it that connect it knocked the tank over the king is still alive the tank is still alive somehow the king is still kicking though can this Stoner get oh no [Music] that's not whoa that's not even the right angle is my voice [ __ ] up or is that just me [Music] is my voice sound normal to you I think my headphones was broke you're fine okay [Music] oh well my headphones broke [Music] what do I do I don't know what to do um ear reveal rip headphones users well rip me buy headphones I guess I let's see do I have headphones somewhere I need headphones what is the link for the units there there there there there there there there I think I have some somewhere I don't have like nice headphones oh [ __ ] this is a problem I needed to listen to things tonight oh okay [Music] BRB please hold uh have a discussion to tide you over [Music] period for example using a large commercial electric bill Peak demand is 446 kilowatts use is 57 200 kilowatts per hour number of days in billing cycle is 30 days have solo factor is 57 200 kilowatts per hour divided by 30 days times 24 hours per day times 436 kilowatt times 100 equals 18.22 begin discussion [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh wow this is terrible audio quality Jesus Christ um hold on [Music] [Music] oh now my headphones working what [Music] okay I am still going to write a note to myself to buy new headphones headphones are very old [Music] the load factor is 18 what I don't know what you're talking about oh is that the topic here I need to write a note to myself have another discussion topic [Laughter] buy new headphones this is not a joke I was it enough to party doing a game conference in Stockholm and it was at the developers of this game they had condoms out and the jacuzzi either basement weird swingers Vibe they were friendly though ended free alcohol and pizza for everyone there's no divorce though they seem hilarious the developers like they definitely do a lot of like goofy stuff uh okay have a discussion oh it's a subscription-based music podcast and streaming video service that combines worthless audio and high definition music videos thank you I don't know if that's a compliment okay Friendly Fire is responsible for an estimated 40 of tabs deaths begin discussion for the red team you've got a Monkey King hey Doug so glad to finally be able to catch a stream currently on a transatlantic passenger plane flight to the UK your content really helps me relax on a stressful day at work like today loads of red lights keep flashing but watching this stream is I think you should be paying attention to what's going on in your flight foreign thank you wait who just subbed I missed it thank you for the 12 months wherever that was I'm sorry I was distracted by the previous message thank you very much transatlantic Pride that's not what that means okay ice archers one two balloon archers from the Renaissance I've lit hundreds of fires and I've never met a friendly one one potion teller alright I'll throw the prediction up oh this is the previous prediction right who wins left okay uh previous prediction is now paid out and money me money now no no you gotta ask politely dude it's genuinely annoying when people are screaming for their money like dude I'm not a bank okay like I'm we're trying to run a stream and have a good time all right new predictions up who wins left or right give me my dollar redo's good sir see there you go that was very respectful I want to give that man some dollar reduce you are a bookie we want money I mean I don't really control I guess I do kind of control the flow of dollar reduce floating in bubbles thank you very much for the five good Subs appreciate it thank you thank you thank you all right the prediction is up you got 40 seconds get your bets in who do you think wins I don't know so bone Majors for people um I didn't even really introduce Jesus Take the Wheel oh and you can add some Hobbits I don't care if you think it's rigged they still have a hundred dollars left I'll throw it over here I got one more here so the team on the right is a monkey casino dealer swordcaster yelling to be paid are you a bunch of uh these guys like do a big spike a spike wave I don't see the prediction it's up and then some archers and a potion seller in the back you rigged a prediction once and I lost 160 000 I think you guys are too attached to your money you're thinking of dollar reduce as something that you will definitely always have as opposed to something where like more of a situation where the Dug Dug government might steal money from you uh at any moment you guys need to change your relationship to money around here because I will literally accidentally rig it sometimes okay Let's Jam I don't know who wins this my guess is left but uh honestly could be anybody here we go three two one [Music] Monkey King jumps in the dragon of The Da Vinci tank in the reaper are the really really scary pieces the squires up front oh my God the bone Caster is just annihilated the whole Frontline that's crazy I would like to make a withdrawal from the bank of Doug can I have my cash a non-sequential dollar reduced no no no no no hold on we're not a bank so much as a casino Reaper can grab a whole bunch of bone Mages but there's enough left they should be able to take out the Dragon with phone stuff okay to hit the bones they take out the dragon they might have died in the process there's only a couple left another dying from DaVinci tank which who's left uh a Reaper is still left over here Reaper is super scary yeah I think Red Dead red team's dead unless they can take out the reaper right now it's all up to this guy oh you're here all right it's off to this guy good luck Frodo okay he's alive [Music] yes I deal Blackjack kind of since 2010. easy work for someone good at math and the tips we are now are very nice he just gave up that sounds fun he just looked at this guy and died nothing hit him okay he's lit I mean he seems perfectly healthy to me I think he's fainting playing dead like a like a badger all right oh wait this is huge this is Game Boy potentially died of an unrelated chronic illness okay this is now the potential third victory we've been shooting for this for two hours and 15 minutes somehow nobody has been able to beat three random teams ah but that could end right now snug Kitty bug your next contestant okay I'm trying to think of which of these two is harder both of them seem kind of weak catapult six samurais and 58 samurais so one catapult and 64 samurais or three ninjas and nine ballistas the nine ballistas maybe are more powerful because they could just shoot through the front line okay somebody asked politely for their dollar redo so we'll give them both will lose yeah I think both of these are probably losing what is a higher chance of winning I think that the list is the Samurais will get CR I don't think actually no maybe the samurai quick update I [ __ ] crushed who made Big Ben so tall it's not that's not that tall for a plane you think ballistas might win ballistics have a better chance okay I am gonna try to rig this to give the ballistas the best possible chance okay time firing manager first time watching the stream I just don't see how it's possible to fire someone in a friendly manner all my fires have ended in nothing but bloodshed oh I get it wait Ninja's arranged one two three four trying to give them the best chance of winning we need it to be a dramatic final showdown I don't know you're up in the okay and then we can also get Hobbits someone just crashed into my house in a plane and off their corpse I found this pretty cool stream on their phone good glad to have you this is a strong conversion rate from plane accidents to Doug Doug fans okay I have attempted to make this a potentially fair fight the hobbits might distract long enough for the ninjas and the ballistas to shoot through the line this actually could go either way the prediction is now live you've got one minute Ronaldo is too powerful Ronaldo is very powerful but if he's like he can be taken out quickly that's the whole thing one good shot and Ronaldo's done he's a he's a glass Cannon well no he's like literally I guess a metal Cannon but but if you just have one or two good shots like people counter him and maybe ballistas are one of the counters all my money into believing you're going all in okay I mean I think it's probably left team but yeah Ronaldo sucks at long range oh [ __ ] Ronaldo does suck at long range let's go either way dude people are saying left I think it could be right now you're right because the ballistics have way longer range blue and levers are going down blue levers I don't know dude I can see this going either way I really could I think that if the ballistas are able to just get one shot onto Ronnie boy like it's done all in on blue okay this is a big one either we get the first ever Victory versus random teams or we don't my new wife's ex-husband just had a plane crash into his house we saw him watching your stream on the cameras we still have installed in her old house the blisters are winding up they need to get huge damage here the hobbits are already dead they killed the reaper wait they killed the reaper holy [ __ ] they're gonna do it they're gonna do it okay they gotta get the dragon done with if they miss any of these guys like this will just be able to take okay maybe not Tony Brook you all are no fun oh my God okay they focus too much on the squares but they got him the dragon's dead what they're gonna win holy [ __ ] the blisters that I mean that guy's gonna die okay it's up to this Dragon person oh my God don't even know if they have a weapon Jesus Christ dude ballista's absolutely destroyed him red team takes it my God that is a such a big upset I tried to rig it why is this but that's still like this was dominant they took out the reaper instantly that was the thing the reaper was the the important part of this the reaper had to get into the back line and take him out wild wild stuff [Music] one to four payout dang dude nice job snug very close [Music] don't give me my money back no just Casino [Music] guys if you make a bunch of money you don't immediately have to try to summon Billy Mays I see like three or four of those every time a prediction ends all right [Music] the next contestant can somebody beat three random teams in a row next contestant is mag rabbit do you have a team if so please type it into the chat if you got a gotta see this hi Billy Mays here with sorby's the most absorbent material I've ever used it has the string interesting and the muscle to pick up and hold over 20 ounces you guys are literally getting this the one in ten this attracts liquid like 40 of the time it doesn't make any sense if it's coffee soda even red wine watch has its powerful vacuum action pulls and clean sustained from out of the carpet just that quick the secrets in the x-27 fiber technology making zorbies over 27 times more absorbent than cotton forget tiles that just drip and unlike sponges Mac rabbit I'm gonna move on leaves a path of Clean Super weeb Bros your entire car even your dog use any cleaner for Street free Windows an average family uses up to two rolls of paper towels every week that's cash in the trash save money and even help save the environment you get two jumbos Orbeez plus three extra large for only 14.99 but call right now and I'll send you another five zorbies okay you said Reapers and Hobbits how many Reapers a special bonus will also include our micro men microfiber duster free it's great for blinds plants glass and more and attracts us like a magnet that's a 60 value all for only 14.99 and here's the best part we'll send you a set of zorbies free whenever you need them two Reapers okay just pay shipping and processing but you gotta call now chat I'm gonna be honest I wasn't paying attention the zorbies ad I was trying to set up the next game [Music] how dare you unlike you guys I don't technically have to sit here watching the zorbies ad it's just I've seen it so many times Chad I've seen it be part of the team I've seen it so many times I have the thing is every time something happens on my stream I have to watch it because I'm streaming you guys can come and go as you want you haven't watched all those Orbeez ads I mean actually there's probably a bunch of you who have literally watched every single zombie Zed okay on the left the new team from Super weed Bros is two Reapers and a hundred Hobbits let us find out [Music] their Challenger randomly generating okay interesting interesting I think this could work Doug you say you're surprised about the zebbies but statistics says that one out of 10 multiplied across seven K people brings the charge significantly higher no that doesn't make any sense what I'm saying what I'm saying is that it takes approximately four of you guys doing the one in ten chance for Billy Mays to come up and that has been consistent over like 50 of them now of large numbers does not change the fact that 10 of the time should happen one in ten tries [Laughter] thank you one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14. foreign okay okay what is this Matthew what did somebody just bro one in ten times 7K is like 7K over 10. that's not how any of this works okay new predictions up you got one minute get your predictions in left or right [Music] are you sure it's not just a skewed perception I go and look because I can just see on the right okay so there was I think it was one two three four and this is what got it so there's been one since then so I can just see every time it's it's redeemed over on the right and I see whether or not it happens are you telling me these zorbee's odds are rigged I'm apparently they're rigged in your favor 7K over 10 equals 700 we should get 700 zorbies ads if every single one of you redeemed simultaneously then yes okay pretty even split on this one not a lot of consensus oh I didn't even like say who's playing really on the right is basically a bunch of shitload of archers a huacha and a catapult and like only three units so you're basically you're you're deciding whether a [ __ ] load of ice archers can take out the hobbits and Reapers [Music] Real mess see I told you that was that was three that took three tries three tries the most absorbent material I swear it's not it's rigged and the muscle to pick up and hold over 20 ounces of liquid zombies zorbies attracts liquids like a magnet it doesn't matter if it's coffee soda even red wine watch has its powerful vacuum action pulls and clean sustain from out of the carpet just that quick the secrets in the x27 fiber technology making zorbies for 20 seconds cotton forget tiles that just drip and unlike sponges don't clean your dog anything behind you'll be amazed at just how much they absorb and they're machine washable dry your entire car even your dog use any cleaner for Street free Windows an average family uses up to two rolls of paper towels every week that's cash in the trash and even help save the environment you get two jumbos or no the dog isn't in the trash for only 14.99 but call right now and I'll send you another song that's ten zorbies for only 14.99 and as a special bonus we'll also not the microfiber duster microfiber duster free it's great for blinds plants glass and more and attracts us like a magnet that's a 60 value all for only 14.99 and here's the best part we'll send you a set of zorbies free whenever you need them for life just pay shipping and processing but you gotta call now [Music] foreign [Music] are you going to recreate the entires of bees ad so we can summon you instead I don't even have a dog I do not have all of the things that he showcases in that commercial Dougie were not wrong on your math but I have to admit the defeated look on your face when the outstart Swarms my dark heart it's just it's happening literally more than twice as often as it should that's that's what's dumb it does not it's literally like one in four it's like one in four times you guys summon him dress Parks her as a dog get a dog for this Harvey's hat no we're doing the [ __ ] thing all right [Music] ranged archers versus Reapers and Hobbits go the question is how quickly can the hobbits take out this front line go oh my God that is a that is a lot of arches a lot of arrows I think they mostly missed Hey Duck this is a petition dog uh no that's not something I will decide based on a petition okay the key thing is the Reapers the reapers are super super powerful it seems like the hobbits have kind of been a meat Shield please obtain a dog then you can call himself I don't want to clean my dog hole with zorbies yeah it's looking pretty clean for blue neither Reapers yeah this is a sweep reapers are too powerful dude honestly the hobbits are like great pairing for this I love watching shoes while waiting for Blaze glue to download didn't see you there where does it be zad go not even close not even close the hobbits are too powerful that's not really the takeaway here foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Music] the I think the reapers are so powerful that using Hobbits as a meat Shield might actually be a really good strategy the odds of one in 10 not happening in N tries between six and seven update on the row sitter too uh no not yet uh when checking the odds of something rare happening one time and sequences the odds is always one in ten every time though right it's it's 50 I guess between six and seven but still it shouldn't be happening one in four constantly uh at some point I will do merch I just it's just been lower priority than everything else uh what are we doing oh red team right let's move on okay hey Doug my wife said she'll divorce me if you don't recreate the zombies and oh no I gotta I gotta do it okay I've got a new oh interesting okay yeah I think you're [ __ ] um dog petition update we've now garnered over 5 000 signatures promised to go to his local shelter and adopt a Great Dane immediately uh just none of that is correct I don't know who you've been talking to but it was not me foreign the rest of this so you can't see it you seem to be under the impression that online petitions do anything [Laughter] hey Doug are you sizabies to clean my dog and it sucked all the moisture out of her I guess x27 fiber technology works I don't dehydrate your own dog okay here are the teams ready set go on the left Hobbits and reapers on the right you've got a shitload of vampires we're gonna go suck the hobbits dry they have x-27 fiber technology you've got a couple uh like I think four total fencers in front and some miners so you know uh pretty low level melee units three potion sellers which can confuse things a Ballista in the back a jouster in the back and a dragon in the back right now slash it rolls right off the tongue oh there we go somebody's got thank you XIV all right predictions up you got a minute [Music] uh no I thought of a joke and I won't say it you can't make me I don't care if you sign a petition okay you've got 20 more seconds [Music] coward no no no all right it's something the mods said not to talk about this is Battle number two for the left team we still have not found a team that can compete against three random teams in a row this is our next shot we have to get dog dog call my ex-wife will try to marry me again who I am willing to take that risk one here we go um now the hobbits are gonna have to meet shield for the Reapers for this to work we've got dragon jouster and ballista in the back plus the vampires does it actually work I did text him hey what is going on I can't I can't see I don't okay Reaper on the left side doing a lot of work okay we've got Reaper on the right fighting dragon Reaper has to take out the dragon quick draw whoa Reaper check out dragons wow that actually worked it's really laggy oh no dragon's life dragon's life dragon is flying up into the air apparently can a Reaper take him Reaper that's dead right yeah okay Reaper absolutely [ __ ] annihilated the dragon all right so both reapers are still alive you've got the miners here just pickaxing at the hobbits the ballista just mixed it just missed your potion sellers both reapers are alive the ballista has to shoot the reaper it has to take down the reaper this is your shot okay he aims at the reaper he has to take it out he pulls back where is he aiming where are you aiming okay he's aiming at that Reaper oh it's actually hits okay this is salvageable this is winnable for red there are two potion sellers they're distracted by the hobbits right now the ballista is here if the ballista shoots at the hobbits it's aiming at the hobbits right now that will waste the shot it has to shoot at the reaper if the reaper gets closest in oh he switches it switches oh my God this kill this could do it he pulls back the Reaper's almost there it all depends can you get the shot off gonna get the shot off he's swinging knocks the ballista and ends it she dead wow so close dude that shot had to get off I tried handing it off blue team wins it damn that would have killed what a battle dude what a battle God damn all right that's two wins two very hard-fought wins there duck duck the dog dog petition has reached 100 000 secrets that doesn't make any sense how the UK Parliament must debate it in session okay well you guys don't even have a prime minister so I don't care that's why I got Maurice punklemeyer to quit last week or whatever she's called champ don't gets dog dog and makes zones no I can't take care of a living creature right now I can barely take care of myself [Music] wait you know this is actually Ultra rigged red could have had another Hobbit thanks for the content creator guide It's genuinely one of the best videos I've ever seen and that it encouraged me to start doing instead of procrastinating less than three you're very welcome I'm glad I helped wait I'm not playing dramatic enough music this is potentially it we now have another team that is one two random ones in a row somehow Hobbits plus Reapers is a genius strategy your contestants your two options I'm gonna pick whichever one seems harder your two teams miners Minotaur Gunslinger balloon archers skeleton Warriors that doesn't seem very good skeleton archer ninja Harpoon or Harpoon Earth Stoner oh these are not very good I think they could win it what is a higher chance of taking out the of taking out the Reapers probably the balloon archers right [Music] I think we go for balloon archers and we see what happens we're going for the first one [Music] Rishi sunak is our prime minister oh cool congratulations or I'm sorry that happened can we elect Billy Mays as prime minister I mean if you can go dig him up and find him sure all right so on the right you're gonna have three miners one two three you're gonna have a Minotaur I think we can all agree statistics is a Mad Science and should be regarded as such you're gonna have a gunslinger that's true can't trust it as far as you can throw it you're gonna have a bunch of balloon archers these are a real wild card all of my dollars my wife is going to leave me uh 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23. see Doug The Hobbit is the strongest unit [Music] and then 27 skeletal Warriors or 23. one two I'm trying to kind of spread them out to rig it [Music] I'm gonna put one or two back here just to stall one here I can't do that okay there's gonna be one hobby my sister told me you were mostly right nice okay I'll put a hobbit up on this mountain maybe he will come join the fight later on all right no I'm not putting him on the pillar again Douglas renounce his support of saving animals abandoning homeless dog in Kill Shafta when asked for comment on the petition with two you've got one minute signatures daddy is quoted saying I hate living creatures and democracy doesn't work it doesn't start I strongly misinterpreted what I said watch him still die from Fall damage no dude he's got plenty of space all right so again on the right a shitload of balloon archers who shoot like balloons that attach to your body you've got skeletons in front miners a Minotaur who's like a mid-level kind of charger um and that's it foreign I mean I trust you and you also got uh Frodo up on Mount hubit so maybe The Hobbit will come in and save it if The Hobbit is The Last One Alive and wins the battle I will gift a hundred Subs all right everybody this is a big one it's a big battle it looks like the vast majority of people are voting for the left one but remember last time I rigged it and it worked right all the ballistas and whatnot they just took out of the Reapers that worked last time okay I successfully rigged I can do it again I've done it before foreign balloons do not work on Reapers [Music] wish you had told me that you thought balloon archers were gonna fly I mean you have a gunslinger he could help it's doable I swear it's doable you did 50 times Well I shouldn't have ignored you 50 times then [Music] Hobbits begin their attack they're salting the skeletons can the skeletons scare the reaper maybe that'll work The Miner swings his great pickaxe okay they're scaring the hobbits okay gun Gunslinger in the back firing the balloon archers have attached balloons to the hobbits they have indeed dispatched many of the hobbits if they can take the hobbits out of the picture then they can just focus on the Reapers and do damage on them the Minotaur is over here for some reason maybe the Minotaur can get some damage on the reaper that would be very important nope the Minotaur oh what is happening the Minotaur is just distracted by the hobbits it's not good there's so many Hobbits just floating around in the air this is very chaotic at the moment it looks like the hobbits are mostly through the Reds front lines okay Reaper's starting to push in towards the archers this is bad true oh no the Reapers oh no the Reapers okay yeah no oh God it's up to these guys you can do it I believe in you the reapers are probably pretty low health yeah there's a bunch of Marchers you can do it you can this is actually doable there's just so many Hobbits just floating around in the air okay they have enough no don't shoot at The Hobbit shoot at the reaper okay he's dead he's dead he's dead this is actually possible okay the Reapers if they have low enough health I'm not gonna check the health if they only are like a couple shots away and this is the hobbit's here The Hobbit is here all right now shit's getting real Ready Set [Music] go move it go you can do it get it oh god oh no he's dead okay it's up to this it's up to the archers it's off to the archers they've got to shoot down the Reapers don't shoot this guy who is this shoot the Reaper [Music] oh God maybe they're almost dead oh God shoot shoot the Reapers [Music] and with that can The Hobbit get the finishing blow this shot can he kill both Reapers no no he yeah wait there's this guy he was on up on Mount Vesuvius you can do this [Music] [Applause] oh no twitch shot is finally defeated three random teams in a row and you actually did it with mostly Hobbits I'm so proud of you Chad super weebos congratulations you're the main character foreign okay well that took a lot that took a lot longer than I than I thought it would where's our 100 Subs unfortunately Frodo did not clutch the wind for you um well played well played superweed I will add you to the list of gamer gods which is a very big deal by the way foreign death from above how do I oh my God my stream is loading so slowly I'm attempting to edit my streams all right you're the 59th gamer God congratulations top news a YouTube channel called duck duck duck duck has been shamelessly ripping your streams and uploading the vods are you planning on taking legal action uh I told Parker to sue somebody hopefully he knew what I was talking about Pros is my alt I don't know if you can just say that I'm not much of a gambler but that was an easy bid it could have gone either way but yeah balloon archers was a real uh it was a real throw I think if it was normal archers it was a lot more signed the petition for you to become the new prime minister sure what does that do does that does Britain have to hire me as a president all right okay that was like three hours that's how long I was planning on streaming all right um let's do one more but let's see if you can beat so my plan is we'll do more of this okay we'll do more of this you don't just type signed if you just yell signed out into the world nothing happens okay um the plan was originally we were gonna have you guys put do random team sorry you're gonna have a submit a team with ten thousand dollars and you fight against random teams and you can defeat three of them then you win which is what we finally accomplished we were then gonna go to hard mode where you only have nine thousand dollars and you're going up against random teams with ten thousand and you have to beat three in a row and then we're gonna go to ultra hard mode which is 7 500 reduce versus three ten thousand dollars when I died in Doug's window I reincarnated into a tabs [ __ ] thank you there's a YouTube shorts Channel called Doug Doug Clips yeah no that's fine they reached out I'm cool with them doing that for now if I make an official Clips or Tick Tock in the future if I get a dog do I have to name him dog dog that would be stupid [Music] content incoming can twitch chat fix a British economy I mean it can't be worse do we okay why don't we try like one or two tries this is gonna be really anticlimactic I mean I'm gonna wrap up streams soon-ish I've just been I'm like fairly tired so I don't want to do a super long stream um do we go to ultra hard mode does anybody think they can win seventy five hundred dollars versus three 10K teams okay why don't you collectively discuss discuss amongst yourselves what would be the best team try to come up with something you really think would be great duck duck dog must be dog Mega pitch in the chat right now begin discussion okay same team you have you have 2500 less dollars I guess you could just do half the number of Hobbits actually that could kind of work okay this is one option okay everybody's just saying a shitload of different things the point we need consensus there is zero consensus in chat all Zeus easy do a poll now I mean there's no everybody has completely different strategies there's no way to really make these into a cohesive thing one DaVinci tank two Zeus that has such weaknesses though DaVinci tank flanked by just Reapers honestly that's probably best hey Doug your dog should be named Duke dog I'm not calling my dog Doug dog how about Dill dog give us three random rolls and let us choose Zeus reap okay yeah there's too many different ones there's too many different ones um let's do three more let's do three more we're gonna start and see if this team with less Hobbits only 7 500 can win against three randoms okay then I'm just gonna pick two random ones from chat we'll do new we'll do new uh draws so this is now Ultra hard mode okay you only get 7 500. and you have to go up against teams of ten thousand this is literally rigged Ultra hard tabs can you do it let's find out spindle 75 000 on a divorce lawyer okay all righty the first contestant is for okay let's deal with that later one scare Pro well scarecrow's pretty good catapult sword Caster another pretty good healer medieval 18 firework archers one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen 42 skeleton Warriors oh my God click okay that's all I got these are the two prediction is up you've got one minute on the left is a modification of twitch chat's most successful team ever scarecrows range yeah yeah that's why he's behind the skeleton archers on the right you've got a shitload of skeleton Warriors you've got a scarecrow who's a ranged unit you've got a sword casters arranged unit You've Got A Healer who can heal and you've got a [ __ ] load of firework archers plus a catapult what is he doing up front he's behind the front line anybody behind the front line is fine the battle will take place here and he'll be back here his range isn't that long I don't think fine I'll move him back a little bit I don't I really don't think it'll matter that much to me this is Frontline this is backline okay I think we're ready what do people believe 55 on right 55 of the right team you have no faith in your own in your own Squad unbelievable scarecrow has massive range oh well whatever you can always yell rigged I don't care ready set go oh my God what is okay too much hey there's uh okay the Reapers have actually made it through the skeletons it looks like now they just okay there's actually one Hobbit over here harassing the Scarecrow and distracting him the Catapult is being shot by firework I think because of the hobbits so the firecrashers are distracted by the hobbits on the back line what on Earth okay the firework archers I think just killed their own catapult they have to kill the Reapers like right now but they're distracted by the hobbits this team is in shambles it's being absolutely destroyed by the reaper Hobbit combo how do you stop the reaper Hobbit combo this is Unstoppable not even close not even close dude blue team wins it the Scarecrow threw he did perfectly fine okay that's one of three that's one of three with a 25 discount the heaper rabbit combo the hobbits are carrying they actually did that time they did so much good work they distracted all the range units all right your next contestant I'm giving you a da Vinci tank wait do I get to pick no I get to pick on the last one of which team I think is harder for you all right Chad three Chieftains one two three [Music] Four Musketeers one two three four one Monkey King from the dynasty oh Monkey King could be good here one pumpkin catapult three yarls oh [ __ ] [Applause] okay this is a beefy Army and one Monk damn dude all right we'll get a new prediction up you've got one minute get your bets in on the left the same Army that you've been playing with and on the right you've got three yarls pretty strong melee you've got two Chieftains pretty strong melee Monkey King very strong melee monk very strong melee pumpkin catapult and Four Musketeers who will just shoot the [ __ ] out of people this is I think a very hard team to go up against I mean apparently apparently I'm wrong throwing a hobbit oh right oops hold on do they have the money for a Hobbit okay they have the money for one Hobbit there you go I'll just have to run into the fight [Music] rigged I already voted if that Hobbit is the only one left and then clutches the fight I will gift 100 Subs is everybody ready let's [ __ ] go all right round number two is it a fluke or is Hobbit Reaper the most jacked [ __ ] of all time [Music] Monkey King jumps in gonna start working on the back line hopefully he distracts the Reapers okay jarls connecting with Hobbits Chieftains connecting with Hobbits Reapers moving up getting attacks on monkey Kings pumpkin coming in hits the hobbits not very useful you're all on the right Chieftain on the right I don't know dude I think I think this is looking pretty bad the hobbits are all dead already I don't know dude what the hell is that what is that is that jarls can do that okay okay Monkey King is still alive Monkey King is still alive that's a huge problem but the reapers are Ultra [ __ ] powerful let's see what they can do oh my God he's being destroyed it's not even close it's not even boldly close oh okay Chuck's out take out the chieftain he's got to move towards the back line uh oh the Catapult right Direct Hit oh no absolutely destroyed not even close hey here's the Hobbit he helped [Music] damn I don't know why there was so much confidence on the left team seemed like a hard matchup [Music] who wins right team wins handily handily 100 Subs nope not at all [Music] thank you [Music] okay we're gonna do this two more times I'm gonna call it for the day the the new keyword again you have 7 500 redues to spend and it's got to be a really [ __ ] jacked team okay it's got to be great so type I have Hello Maybe it's frozen there we go I have an elite and jacked and hot team you type all that in you will be eligible just type it one time and you will be entered maybe type it multiple times you get banned from the giveaway and you can't be chosen wait what is anti-spam oh I can actually do do that I was lying okay I'm turning this on if you post it more than twice you get removed it's just so helpful oh my God that's wonderful okay I lost everything is respect my wife now wants a divorce now of crown congratulations all right we're gonna get two more contestants this is gonna be really really hard make it only one you don't need to type it twice the no there's no need oh you meant make it only one okay I thought you were saying like you should be able to at least say it twice all right yeah people are dropping out we were oh no it went up by 100. all right first contestant is JP Rodriguez what is your Elite and jacked and hot team [Music] Naruto mode all ninjas but one dragon that doesn't sound that Elite sounds hot [Music] I mean I'll put the dragon here and then I guess one two three four five six seven eight nine ten maybe one like maybe one in front to distract like one like way on the side I'm trying to help you out here that I think is the best formation You're Gonna Get You should have let the winner stay that team was insane there's no way you're beating that team team was insane your new team six yards one two three four five six you still got some money so I'm giving you a thousand dollars of Hobbits this is for the AI or for the random all right oh yeah predictions live don't owe seven him he's not dead he's perfectly alive maybe he'll clutch it no fall damage won't kill him there's stairs he's gonna be fine maybe fire beats ice yeah I don't know dude so it's six yard rolls on the right strong melee dudes with ice and some hoobits versus a bunch of ninjas and dragon in Naruto mode you've got 30 seconds get your final bets in seems like a lot of people are betting on red a lot of people betting on the road I think blue is a chance honestly the dragon will kill the ninja all right I'll move the ninjas slightly oops [Music] I I don't think that's is there even Friendly Fire do we know here the ninja is slightly off center there you go do not think that'll make that much of a difference but uh The Weave will burn [Music] really I look we be to you it's a real Giga Chad ninja okay show some respect okay the thing is done we're going in in three two one [Music] this is round number one for the Naruto Team the ninjas wow okay they took out the hobbits very quick ninjas seem to be great against Hobbits can they take out yarls that's the question oh okay the dragon's already dead honestly Naruto mode is not going sicko mode the hell yeah okay there's ninjas here this guy you can do it right in the chest oh no sorry Naruto mode you got absolutely effed I mean to be fair you only had 7 500 reduce but I'm ruined I just don't know that you should have gone all in on Naruto mode with your dollar reduce okay one more twitch chat the last contestant you have for this stream is the following Elite hot five nimir five what do you got for us we will pick up this is you correct [Music] we will attempt this challenge again in the future of can you beat random teams with only 7 500 reduce but this is the last one for this stream unless you beat it hey you guys remember nimir five right the one who won the the giveaway who who who yarls rest skeleton archers really okay I can't find sexy mommy squid in the character list on Tad's Wiki is something wrong must be a there must be an error [Music] okay [Music] I left for one second why is everybody saying who just pay attention to the stream for just three seconds let's see if you can figure out why everybody's saying who you figured out all right and you're a contestant is what the [ __ ] four ballistas and five quick draws uh oh Zeus is basically the exact same power set as sexy mom squid five quick draws are brutal they are just really really strong range units one two three four five that alone is very very rough and you've got ballistas in the back chat I think I don't think you're gonna do that well and oh right and Hobbits and Hobbits I'll put them here in the midline [Music] and I'll put a hobbit back here hey Doug so the army that they're fighting quick draws which are a very powerful ranged unit and four ballistas which is a single bear okay all right get that out of camera all right it's a very powerful single Target shot which uh [Music] a little scary [Music] not a lot of people believing in the twitch chat team [Music] all righty uh are we ready I mean this could be a crazy upset if the left side wins it two yards like 20 skeleton archers if the yarls can stay alive they should be able to take out the quick draws fairly fast if they can take out the quick draws quickly then then they're in great shape the ballistas are super weak they've just got to charge in there fast and if the yarls go for the ballistas in the back that would be crazy foreign quick draws getting some initial shots in as the URLs attempt to move forward the Earls literally can't walk because of how much they're being shot in the chest but maybe that gives a chance for the archers in the back to get their first volley off does this do it the quick draws Dodge like the mate that's not fair oh no they were shooting at the hobbits I think and the girls I think they have to reload they're reloading nope wait what they're shooting the ground I think it's reloading you all have to get it now if the girls can close the distance and get to the quick draws before the next round goes off whoa what the what what okay Jarl puts up the shield that's great shots coming in where's the other quick draws I think the other quick draws guide to Friendly Fire am I crazy wait he was just shot they're dead the quick draws are dying holy [ __ ] I think Blue's gonna do it okay there's one over here who's just shooting through the skeleton so he should take out a lot right now okay that's bad that's real bad they okay there's another question over there he's just dodging that's in that's unfair okay oh no oh no the Earl's dead oh God oh God okay with the quick draws hold on hold on the quick draws are dead this is technically possible if the ballistas miss the skeleton archers can just take shots of them until they're dead it's all about whether the ballista's missed dude they're lining up for the shot okay first shot in second shot in can you snipe him no doesn't type to the blisters oh that one's dead on that one's dead on no wow very close actually I can't believe they got through the gunslingers that was possible man if they had a couple more skeleton archers that was possible and it's all thanks to The Hobbit [Music] damn closer than I thought closer than I thought way way way closer than I thought congratulations to the right team but you were probably sweating and screaming and crying and vomiting during that huh that was scary Hobbit carried 100 Subs no okay we'll do one more round because you've just been dying real fast one more foreign [Music] great Drive block not 88. the keyword I don't remember what it is it's something about being hot and sexy or something I went all in on red and almost cried that was that was terrifying dude I was literally shaking and peeing okay this looks well thought out okay block knot seems like they've maybe thought about this a little bit interesting so what we're saying is is there's a chance there's a chance in order from back oh back to front I was gonna say why are you putting your watch up front okay so watch your way and back this is your last chance for the day watch your way and back I'll put them here two scarecrows one two one Reaper medium distance from the previous unit okay I'm doing my best six cyrissa one two three four five six and the rest are Hobbits I will spread out your Hobbits for maximum distraction potential okay that's all you got chat this is the squad you're resting all your hopes on this seems the most thought out of all the teams by far but one Hobbit at the back do you want me to take one Hobbit from the front and put him in the back it's just gonna hurt you I mean you can do it if you want yes okay if this Hobbit in the back line [Music] is The Last One Alive oh I can put him down here I'll put him on the dock if he makes it up the road and past the Coliseum and into the battle and he's the only one left the only one left and he takes the win I'll gift 100 Subs your next contestant twitch Chad's team is Gunslinger brawler Miner skeleton archer skeleton oh my God that looks rough that looks rough okay Gunslinger from the Wild West one brawler from the Vikings 20 miners from the wild west so a lot of a lot of front light potential one two three four five one two three four I'll just do five one two three four five six seven eight nine ten that's the miners skeleton skeleton archers that's a lot one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen Seventeen skeleton archers 25 skeleton Warriors oh no foreign Hobbit back there the final team one minute get your predictions in on the left you have six Hobbits six cyrissas one Reaper two scarecrows one huacha and then way the [ __ ] back here somewhere is a Hobbit on the right many skeleton Warriors many many miners one Berserker one Gunslinger in the back and a whole bunch of skeleton archers plus a hobbit back here make sure the Hobbit doesn't drown that's up to him that's not my fault okay what are the predictions on the oh [ __ ] what are the predictions on this I don't I don't know who wins this again as a reminder your team if you're a blue lever you need Superior strategy you are down a substantial amount of money you've got to have an elite Squadron every one of these Hobbits was hand-picked from the Navy Hobbit seals okay all right let's get let's get this up everybody ready the Navy yeah the Navy will will come in from the left side too much of a price difference it's going to be really hard it's gonna be really really hard I think this team is well thought out and could actually pull it off let's find out in three two one pop it jump in they start to distract they are drawing fire they actually draw a lot of fire from The Archers so right there the hobbits did just kind of help okay the watch are completely missed that is not good right now the scarecrows are in the back is the Watcher dead or is he he just fell over are you alive he's got to be alive scarecrow's in the back firing Reaper's doing work cyrissas are attempting to distract Reed first gotta carry a lot here the reaper has to stay alive for a while he's slicing through the miners Reaper's doing work kawacha comes in only takes out one or two units watcha has been [ __ ] up right now he's got to get big value off The Watcher but right now the reaper is still alive that's what matters your Reaper is your frontliner this is the front liners but he's taking heavy damage he's still got the Gunslinger here just ripping into him Reaper is still alive watch it hits the reaper he's alive somehow okay The Watcher did not hit the Gunslinger though this is doable he shot a lot how long can this Reaper actually stay in so much I think that's it Reapers down Reapers down you've got only one scarecrow for the second one go hawacha is alive the watch is aiming over it oh no okay it's up to the one scarecrow watch actually get some some value watch against two only two archers scarecrow scarecrow you gotta take him out oh god oh no the watch is dead well chat you know what that means [Music] what's the name of it yeah all right get your salutes out both for Frodo and for my channel which will be banned you can do it you can take it Frodo the second one misses it's up to you my boy I can't carry the ring for you gotta do it yourself he's still kicking keep going but oh no oh Mr Frodo you know what hey good performance good performance [Music] you got close all you had was a bunch of weak ass archers in the end I think Wacha kind of [ __ ] you huacha didn't get good value if it had he could have really pulled through that's a good team that's a good Hobbit I mean Frodo almost won it he just had to run another five minutes directly into Archer fire okay I need to stop playing that song I probably won't actually be dmca all right that does it for today we will continue this epic battle of twitch chat versus random teams in the future this was incredibly fun I had a great time thank you so much for watching Everybody um I am curious how low of that number like how low can that number get 20 7 500 we'll probably have to like next time we do this we'll do like you guys have nine thousand dollars and you're against a ten thousand dollar CPU will work down to 7 500. I feel like 7 500 reduce versus 10 000 random teams is the Holy Grail and we got to get that eventually um but tabs is really fun tabs is fun as always [Music] I feel um these streams must be much less interesting for people who aren't allowed to gamble on channel points because let's be real this is just a gambling stream and nothing else [Music] Jesus Take the Wheel spicy electric thanks so much for the five good Subs I appreciate it thank you thank you thank you who isn't allowed I don't there's a bunch of countries where you can't bet um Channel points can we do one last heads Tails prediction like just to bet on something thanks Doug I more than doubled my wealth from that last one almost a million and now hey I'm glad glad you made a lot of dollar reviews today all right fine and then the stream immediately ends you've got 30 seconds get your bets in Doug before you go I need to know if you've embraced your Thanksgiving and gobbled [ __ ] got me oh my God absolutely God okay strong lead on tails for some reason or on heads for some reason foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
okay three's enough hello hello hello hello I mean he snapped there's no there's no getting around it there's no getting around it I spectacor snapped on that I'd hate to not give him credit but nothing we could do mole MD thank you for the prime uh one lifted Labs did we ever finish Elden ring what kind of mobile ass carrier pigeon ass viewer yeah we finished so long ago I think a year ago a year a literally a year ago uh Hey truck when's the lethon when you say lethon do you mean me going live and playing nothing but League of Legends like all day every day for weeks or months uh never never actually that's gonna happen here's what gonna happen I'm gonna die someday it's been a thousand years and I haven't but eventually I'm gonna die and I'm gonna get to the Pearly Gates and St Peter is gonna come out and he's gonna say uh you really thought you were getting in here and then he's going to laugh maniacally he's going to press a button and then I'm going to fall all the way down to Hell which is going to be me in a streaming seat playing a lithon so at that point you'll be able to watch it I guess at that point I will have to broadcast League of Legends 24/7 um holy Pangolin what's up uh is this a reference to Viva lavita in what heaven and hell is a reference to coldplace Viva levita no it's a it's it's like the it's the Christian afterlife it's actually referenc in a lot of things ref in the Bible uh uh art history there was Wars over it it's definitely not all a reference to [ __ ] Coldplay um H dreamed of the papa and I'm tripping to old um did you see the new Indiana Jones game looks kind of hype I did not new Indiana Jones game Indiana Jones in the great circle gameplay reveal oh oh what holy [ __ ] it looks so lifelike it's about Indie becoming a Game Dev that's that's a [ __ ] cool take on it I've always wanted to see like what happens when he sits down and becomes not Indiana Jones but indie that's cool that's [ __ ] awesome it's much like the much Beloved movie Matrix 4 people love when you get super meta with it that's [ __ ] sick H machine games we are really excited to finally be able to share our work on Indiana Jones since the first film came out Indiana Jones has always represented the ultimate I'm not in any way knocking his accent but I do have to pull up this tweet that was cracking me up today some I think Dutch politician tweeted uh we hav in serious problem M the Pol politic On twick Lan and then they put the charar that [ __ ] was I don't know it got me all right up my alley that [ __ ] is up my alley uh pretty insulting just because we're having a language but I just wanted to rip a big fattic squeeze me on that one uh okay unrelated Adventure even today it's one of the most iconic franchises in pop culture sure in this game you aren't just playing as Indie you are Indiana you will see through his eyes and experience a j no no no to be clear let's be let's to be fair here you are just playing as Indiana Jones uh that we hope lives up to the proud Legacy of Indiana Jones when Todd Howard first told us about his vision for the game we knew we would be a very Todd Howard is that what he said is Todd Howard behind this uhoh uhoh this a Todd Howard game is it Todd Howard original okay all right let's let me just dial back some of my expectations that very good fit to help bring it life still be good I'm just I wanted to make an Indiana Jones game forever I had this idea for what it would be like and the story what Indie was going after what period of his life it was in what kind of Arc he was going to have and as the years went on I thought who would be like the best studio in the world to make this and it was my friends at machine games I can remember pitching Lucas film on the game and being you know a little bit nervous because look it's you know Indiana Jones and their response was just overwhelmingly positive and just that excitement has bled through the whole project and they have just been so trusting and supportive of everything that we want what if you did all your research and you found out the best dude in the world was CD project red or something but you had the license what would you do it it's very convenient at the best studio in the world for this just happened to be the one that you could work with I don't that's odd that's like crazy that's like that's like a really good chance uh to do with the game it's been a long time I've been a fan of this my whole life and I couldn't be more excited to show you what the team here has been up to let's take our first look at the new Indiana Jones you know what though Gamers actually don't trust any of you but I have what I call game tuition okay I can see just three seconds of gameplay and I'll know analyze and I'll know if this is going to be a banger okay all I need is three seconds of actual gam playay and I'll be able to analyze the loop okay and see if it is truly a banger so here we go let me tell you what you are missing count doesn't count this is not gameplay Jones this is not game while you were playing your pointless game I was playing you no I need gameplay I need gameplay you're wondering if maybe you should have built yourself a life of meaning he sweaty instead of ending up here dead and forgotten in the sense of Africa okay uncanny valley on that Harrison Ford okay okay some gameplay history no it's got to be someone controlling it just different ways to interpret the past thousands of years of Humanity's thoughts and beliefs it's all cinematic scattered in Buried just waiting to be found you can't just run away from your problems Indiana watch me [Music] that's game play that's gameplay that was gameplay what do I think of it sometimes my detector needs more than three seconds what do I think of this um is it first person Uncharted that is the vibe I don't know cut scene scenes weren't bad it seems like you're walking around in like semi half stealth you know like not like real stealth mechanics but like just enough like they look like this and then you hit them with your whip uh let's watch a little more throughout history mankind has built SES of great spiritual I mean this could be cool because here's the thing if it is first person Uncharted if it is Resident Evil 4es with first person where it needs to play like a movie the real thing that matters is pacing pacing and set pieces you know as long as you're not as long as you're constantly in some kind of new cool situation and it flows fast uh so it's tough to judge it's tough to judge because uh you can't tell pacing from a from a trailer significance if you were to draw a line through these ancient sites around the glob you get a perfectly aligned circle like what would scare me is if they're like and it also has crafting and it shows Indie building a base or some [ __ ] like that would then I would know it's [ __ ] but if they just show me like Indiana Jones normal things and they flash it along I can't tell what the pacing is of the game uh and if it's going to play fun like a movie [Music] I've had run-ins with these guys before trust me okay A a walk in the park okay then let's see if you can keep up what do you mean if I can keep it's so [Music] Uncharted okay okay this what I'm talking about set pieces set pieces fun yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hey wait a minute okay that could be fun that's what I'm telling you know all these you know there's something that keep the variety you're constantly doing something cool we all love World War II here of the Fallen Angels protector of the CH a great circle man [Music] you have any idea how old that was dude this is the most uncanny valley map I've ever I mean he probably didn't even do any map but like it's it's the face is so weirdly Harrison Ford but not you have any idea how old that was Indiana Jones is such an iconic character I'm not going to watch the whole thing but uh I get the vibe that I'm cautiously optimistic that's what I get that's the vibe I get cautiously optimistic uh that was the trailer so that just happened um if the pacing is as good as Uncharted yeah that's the thing that's like that's like that's what it's got to be as long as there's a lot of cool variety and you're playing and it feels like you're playing movie and then bada bing and they said you're not just playing as Indiana Jones you're going to be Indiana Jones okay you're going to truly become Indie is what it says right here so when does it release that's a great question that's a great question when does this release when and that's like there's not going to be another movie right like Harrison Ford is uh uh you know him and Joe Biden have matching birthday parties I there's no way he's doing another one of these [ __ ] movies the last one didn't even do well uh he's 81 how old is how old is Harrison Ford yeah he's 81 bro he was born in 1942 when was Joe Biden born yeah say wait they actually do have batching birthday parties wait they were both born in 1942 damn they were born during World War II uh okay well there you go that was a that was a guesstimate um Harrison Ford invented the automobile you're you're so close you're so close the teachers should give you a pass in American schools you get an A for that um it's coming out this year wait what Indiana Jones game release date uh release date and trailer revealed release come on come on release doesn't say oh no it doesn't say why are you guys boomering doesn't say it doesn't say no specific release dat was shown off uh said it in the trailer at the end no it says no specific release date was shown off uh 2024 oh well that's pretty vague isn't it it's Prett it's kind of a little vague post thing what you're doing there and I prefer specificity on my stream little nitpick sorry to nitpick but I the people here come to expect a certain amount of specificity and when you come in here with that vague posting nonsense uh Hey Big would you be interested in playing po world with STS I would go to the ends of the Earth with STS uh uh but if he wasn't there I don't have any interest in playing power world so I mean he has to be interested he has to really want to play and then I'll do it just because uh what what what what yo your name has Brand in it brand on I'm surprised you never noticed this being a marketer that is so huge thank you so much for that you really unlocked something for me um I'm finished in my first week back at College 5 years after taking a medical leave and one benefit of being an undergrad at age 27 is it's a lot easier to talk to professors now and every single one of them likes me already yeah I would imagine you're you're obviously more mature than the average student especially the students coming to freshman year college now I just [ __ ] graduated three years of pandemic School uh yeah you're yeah that's probably a huge Advantage [Music] um heyre I just spent $ thousand doll on a gacha game what do you think I think that's great I think you should spend a little bit more it's like did you really get the highest possible roles you could have gotten you know what I'm saying everyone in chat's kind of thinking okay a thousand sure entry level package right but did you get you know what I'm saying are you really going to be a F other people in the game you know what I'm saying cuz I I feel like answer me this did spending all that money solve all your problems and fill the hole in your soul probably not right so the solution spend more okay do you understand if you have yes it's not like it hasn't done it it hasn't done it yet you're not you're not all the way maybe even do they allow you to afterpay gotcha game spins can I somehow like put that [ __ ] on Clara and you know go into debt for it because that would be [ __ ] awesome that's if they haven't solved that then what the [ __ ] is what is banking doing what is Wall Street doing right now if we can't if we can't let people go into debt for digital gambling spins then what's the point we've got the ginin but no impact you know what I'm saying um what's up Yeti Yeti how you been how you doing are you still addicted to Poe what's what's going on in the yeti verse uh yes enough said brother enough said uh understod it really is it feel like when you make a commitment to be a Poe fan it's like decid to become a uh like an archaeologist or a student of ancient languages like the work is never done you just have to enjoy the craft of every day you know dusting away the the runes and learning a little bit more it's like you're never you've never mastered it uh Prince of Persia isn't happening Prince of Persia is happening we are [ __ ] two minutes in the Stream [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you all right and your energy 22 minutes the first 20 don't count everybody knows that I'm sorry but everybody knows the first 20 don't count the first 20 is like [ __ ] it's fantasm erir it's not real it's [ __ ] fugazi dude it's what you can't it's garbage time 20 minutes is nothing it's there's still a [ __ ] intro playing in the first three minutes no after 20 minutes then the clock begins at which point I've done 2 minutes of waffling excellently by the way really I think the waffling has been crisp if this is a real waffle I'd put syrup on it and [ __ ] crunch it down because I've done a great job and then bada bing we bring I don't just [ __ ] jump in to Prince of Persia okay I just don't do that that's just not um hey what was it like working alongside Pablo Escobar I did not do that probably a common misconception but I never worked alongside drug lord Pablo Escobar okay so you have been misinformed you have been misinformed uh I was his Superior we weren't alongside each other okay I gave that [ __ ] uh errand boy orders basically and he got it done all right I was the [ __ ] masterminds I pulled the strings and he took he was the Fall Guy which also was where I came up with the idea for a hit video game called fall guys that I later made a mint off of okay so there's a lot of stories in this life um finer Pablo [Laughter] Escobar uh what was it like working with Abraham Lincoln uh it was is great he's a bit of a credit hog I will say uh a lot of my ideas back then somehow ended up in his proclamations All I'm gonna say I had a lot of I Think Bold uh morally powerful ideas and he I don't know yink he's a bit of a credit crab [Music] um did you ever NAB the big hat Lincoln hat no I don't want that [ __ ] um hey big a longtime YouTube viewer here I didn't understand why your community came up with a union um you lost your message but I'm sure it was good uh it uh I like [Music] how didn't I see you at the Ford Theater that night are you accusing me of murdering Abraham Lincoln is that what you're are you accusing me of murdering Abraham Lincoln pinning it on John wil Booth then later becoming a Hitman streamer as if to cosmically taunt him from Beyond the Grave insane insane [Laughter] um hey truck I got a huge update I turned 26 and it wasn't that bad holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] first 26 year-old in twitch history not [ __ ] immediately collapse online spam aware on every message oh God I'm so old how do I ever survive I'm 26 I'll ever be able to [ __ ] make it oh the sun is about to [ __ ] snuff [Laughter] out oh the light of my youth when I used to watch SpongeBob where have those days gone now all I do is just watch [ __ ] SpongeBob memes online exactly the same thing and everyone still thinks it's [Laughter] fine oh Christ dude get over it get over it well you not you you I'm not blaming you you're the one that already got over it um hey truck when you miss my Prime sub is that what you said um You Make Me Feel Like An underappreciated EU frog that I am well that's so sad uh you know what though I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt and you know maybe be like you know what this guy maybe I'm too harsh on the EU and then I scroll up and literally your first message today today in the first 20 minutes of stream your first was all caps hey Mr go live remember when you were baldilocks lamu you feel me dog and then a 100 question marks that's your first message and then later you're like a you know I feel like I'm just a little EU fog and I never get any do you understand do you understand the Whiplash that I'm dealing with is that does that cross your mind at all do you ever see it from my POV isn't that odd isn't that an odd two emotional states for you to be in uh hurt people hurt [Laughter] people he hurt me he hurt me uh [Music] uh uh and you heard him with stream times I can't do anything about that can't do anything about that uh my stream times are my stream times and I've grown to love them it's just a good time of the day you know for me to to Vibe out with chat today we are going to be playing uh a video game Prince of Persia the Lost Crown a brand new game that is critics are saying the only good Ubisoft game they've ever made in the last [ __ ] eight years and I'm going to play it even though uh the only other streamer that I saw play at asmin Gold apparently got bullied out of playing it by his chat I guess that's the only thing that I've heard he smashed a controller in his head and then played it off stream um I don't know but I'm going in with an open mind and an open heart uh and we'll see and we'll see how it goes I'm very excited to play it uh it looks really good and it has cool bosses is my understanding so so that's zip plan um but we'll start that like at 8 10 maybe I don't know talk a little bit see how everyone's doing is there anything to talk about in the world anything that's um oh yeah I do sorry I'm getting uh a invite from the developers of stormgate to play as part of their new beta um not going to do that today but I am getting invite and I am going to try and make it so that I have zero experience and I only play it live and see if my RTS skills transfer over um why' you say that like Borat I am it's all part of my long con to turn this stream into a parody of Borat very nice uh hro permission to open fire on who Oh you mean like uh I don't know we'll see you actually hold off for a second Yeti hold hold the guns I gotta you know I'm not I'm in a pretty good mood and I'm not worried but we'll see uh we'll see we'll see we'll see um to be fair asmin goal was just trying to brute force all the puzzles which made chat mad well good cuz I've never tried to brute force a puzzle in my life so we shouldn't have any issues um H Truck King Charles announced that hey whoa thanks for the gift I miss some gities she Robert Stacks unsolved thank you for the 10 gifties and the longtime support of the stream and the content I do appreciate it God dog 420 thank you for the gifty wak te thank you for the 24 months uh for my 2-year sub adversary I moved to California so I can catch streams easier great uh actually I have um a spare bedroom for any chatter that wants to watch live so anybody that wants to watch live they're always welcome just to show up and uh people stay here all the time uh I have a big hotel in the back where hundreds of chatters can all stay and we just all we do a live show okay not being serious uh this is a stand your ground state is it um I want to pet Chevy I'm literally a Mexican gate you are a Mexican cat and you want to pet my Mexican cat that sounds like it's weirder if you a cat petting a cat is weirder I don't I don't no I don't want that no we're good so if you show up in a first suit we're gonna have problems um hey truck this is of utmost importance do we have permission to swag out I know that I always deny chat their permission to swag out and to just be themselves you know but I feel like today for the first time Chad officially right now has permission to swag out open the gates holy [ __ ] let them swag out oh oh my God the amount of Swag in chat is blowing my mind holy [ __ ] holy God uh that's I didn't know you guys were capable of that uh hold the phone I'm 30 what is swagging out I feel like swagging out is for people who are 30 realistically they probably say something else now you know what I'm saying I feel like swag feel like you're right in the in the time time frame um uh it's out of control close the gates close the gates oh no the level of Swag is too high we have to we have to divy him to groups uh please help big a I got fired from skibbidy toilet no shut the [ __ ] up we already talked about this I I should have banned that guy um I did I did um what did I find I somebody maybe I even liked it let me see if I can share it with you guys well first I saw that skibbidy toilet videos are under investigation by Russian authorities for potential detrimental effect on [Laughter] children uh which may be the one good thing Russ's ever done okay this might be at the beginning of of a powerful uh movement but then there was also a much better video that I wanted to sh show you oh damn it was like a it was like a kid's birthday party or something uh does anyone see this and they were all it was like somebody filming he play he's like they're having a skibby toilet thing at my work and it was like people all dressed up dancing around doing choreography and [ __ ] I don't I can't find it I don't think I liked it so I I lost it uh but it was shocking it was shocking there's like a Content warning [Music] um um have we talked about Sweden news about them talking about war who is Sweden gonna go with war with Sweden War Sweden's call for population to prepare for war Sparks panic and criticism this is from France 24 I don't know if I can trust it um War might come to Sweden and every swed should prepare themselves what and they're worried about Russia War coming from Russia to Sweden seems unlikely uh why what Swedish alarm this is this a few days ago what what was it what there's probably more going on here civil defense minister Carl Oscar Bolan told the defense conference there could be war in Sweden I don't know this this [Laughter] was I guess there's a possibility I mean they got Finland as a buffer dude if anything Finland should be worried okay and then after Finland gets invaded you [ __ ] then you start talking uh this video let me see what are you guys talking fain's been worried for decades they're not going to be the happiest country if they get worried some kid really said I want skibby toilet this is not what I was talking about this is a different I think this is what I was looking at okay I found both you guys can let's rank them ranking different kids skiy toilet birthday parties this is the first [Music] one [Music] horrific horrifying uh I feel like an ideal kids birthday party for skibby toilet would be would have less human interaction than this like in my dream world it's 14 iPads you pass one out to each kid and they all get to watch their favorite episode silently in a different corner you know just keep them that that way the parents get more time to themselves everything's quiet uh just a nice that's a much better time okay a Utopia if you will and the other one is this [Music] [Music] uh definitely higher production value look at the choreography on the [Music] cameraman this is an adult skiy toilet party okay this is for adults this ain't no kitty [ __ ] show okay this is for real hardcore adult fans of the series this is a corporate [Laughter] retreat CEO trying to get in touch with his employees they like Skiby toilet right this reminds me the long us play [Music] yeah damn that's [Music] unreal oh my God in 20 years it will be a corporate retreat no it won't is that how it works bro we don't do [ __ ] SpongeBob dances at Millennial corporate retreats you don't do corporate treats that have the cartoons of the No No you don't no show me an example show me an example of a bunch of [ __ ] mid-30s people on a corporate retreat that is doing have SpongeBob characters and [ __ ] okay or Harry Potter I guess actually wait a minute if I say Harry Potter there's definitely been a Harry Potter corporate treat there's actually that's definitely happen uh uh I gotta I wait oh God this is a Harry Potter themed corporate party service where your entire Corporation could come out to this decorated area after the [ __ ] full Harry Potter thing with school banners and [ __ ] and I know exactly what I'm doing from my editors this Christmas let's go let's go I'm going to sort my editors into houses and they're all going to have to fly out at their own expense to this castle and it's going to be so and mods all mods all editors all staff need to fly out and you're going to sit around and I'm going to sort you okay and I'll be in the Sorting Hat and also be Dumbledore and I'm also hairy I get to be all those characters okay and it's going to be really fun and everyone's going to have a good time um what about best Tweets collectors you want to come drop sple wants to come drop sple wants to be there no no have to force her to be there she is excited uh can't wait to see you there um what about best drip what about a battle report editor the only thing is Dr battle is you have to commit okay I don't want you showing up and being like Oh Harry Potter and making fun of it okay you have to be in character I want you to practice your wizard spells and I want you to really try to learn something from the great stories um uh okay right guys without further Ado I think we are going to jump into gaming uh unless there's any actually all I want to do is look at any other gaming news not even not even world news not Sweden going to war what I want to know honest to God is there any gaming news I know switch 2 no real news um it's definitely happening but no no dates or anything um PS4 level quality um Mr Beast pow world I don't know anything about that Mr Beast pow world all I did work on today was predictions so um I don't see anything about Mr beast power world I don't see any connection um silk song confirmed games is a service yeah I saw ubisoft's message uh yeah you might have seen this um it's almost like to me it it was uh someone Ubisoft saying Gamers should feel comfortable not owning their games which is just to me it's it's like it's it's soy easy to dunk that I don't know how to approach it like an Ubisoft executive saying this there's not there's no angle on it it's so it's so everybody already dislikes Ubisoft and then they say something [ __ ] cartoonishly against the Zeitgeist of Gamers it's you know I don't know it's it's so uh but Ubisoft doesn't have the power they're not even in a uh a strong position in the industry to even Force this down mid like this is not I'm not worried about it when they say it they've always tried to do this um that being said he is talking about like um games as a service not like uh just buying it digitally right because I have no problem buying a game digitally what I don't like is like um I don't know the ability for that to like for them to shut that down and you can't play it anymore especially for single player games or nominally single player games that have single player components uh yeah losing access to it is the real problem um he's talking about Game Pass let's see let's let's let's see um Ubisoft Plus premium it Subscription Service okay so he's talking about his own version of Game Pass Ubisoft Plus premium just be plus or premium uh um one of the things we saw is that gamers are used to having and owning their games that's the consumer shift that needs to happen uh okay well why don't you let the consumers decide why don't you make it so good I don't think it's gonna happen with Ubisoft Plus premium um Ubisoft is [ __ ] that is true not wrong they won't do it but someone else will I mean people listen what's funny is you know Xbox game pass is saying the same thing but not out loud because they're not as stupid as Ubisoft they're not as stupid to say something it's so obviously rubs people the wrong way uh uh there's no F it's not even a red line what are you talking about um honestly I I really like both GeForce now and Xbox game pass but F whatever you selling yeah it's it's it's fine I this this this service will exist I don't think it replaces everything I don't know I don't I don't see it being as easy as like um the way it was with streaming and and uh you know like DVDs I think that's an easy transition I think people prefer to own their games in a different way uh if the economics makes so much sense where you can save so much money by subscribing then maybe but I I don't think they will for Ubisoft Premium Plus bro they just don't have enough games to be worth it and people don't like I think people are getting uh fatigue of everything becoming a service and having to pay for so many recurring monthly Services even if upfront it's slightly cheaper also with games you know I think the pattern on games is like um um especially nowadays people are playing fewer games but for longer people are sink like if you find the right game you sink a 100 plus hours into that over a long time so it's not the same as like a a service where you buy it binge the movies you like and you're done um I'm more willing to play a game again compared to watching a movie again that is enough motivation for me to prefer to get I have 500 hours in The Binding of ising and it's not even my top three favorite games yeah I mean I I have many many games with 500 Plus hours so it's a little different than I would for any any piece of uh viewed media hey kids want to be depressed go to sort your steam Library by time played oh interesting it's not going to depress me but I can you do that how do I sort by time played Library sort by sort by played I don't can you do it in Steam am I crazy am I am I ridiculous am I missing something uh I don't see I don't see time play I only see played and unplayed it's on your profile okay let me see uh profile games I'm actually interested what what sort by playtime okay all right here we go uh my most played games shardbound 3,216 [Laughter] hours [ __ ] 12 total players best player in the world by the way best player in the world absolute dominated this game literally Untouchable top one player won every tournament um yeah I got some time in there Fall Guys 575 hours one of the only people in the world to get the infallible achievement which is Five Crowns in a row during peak of the game play 500 this I left this on I swear to God I left this on I swear to God I left this on I left this on like what for a week no no no no no no no I left this on because because Ari was playing cotour and we were playing at the same time we were doing a thing where I got her into the game and then I played along but I would always leave it on and then only catch up to her okay no no no no no left on uh 415 hours incredible incredible efficiency okay top 1,000 Hollow night 396 incredible offic this is dude I feel like 100 of this has been this year I play Hollow night like a little bit every day I'm like addicted I it's kind of like my I I play a little Hollow night as like just to warm up my hands dude I think it's fun uh last played yesterday I told you I told you uh I've been playing holl night um the witness 329 hours fastest completion time ever of this game world record by the way Civ 5 all of this is played with STS all of this is me and STS uh were my first year after graduation he was still in senior year I was living in California trying to figure out eorts job and I was just sitting that shitty apartment I mean the shitty rented room playing Civ 5 with STS uh slay the Spire based amazing game Elden Ring World Rec oh [ __ ] Elden ring Hades Gary's Mod balloons Kingdom Come Deliverance I promise you all of this I I swear on my [ __ ] dog who I love all of this is left on I have played this game eight minutes look at my like I bet I bet there's an achievement for the beginning of the game I I have I have no idea I have no idea what happens in this game I have played the very beginning uh I swear on my left nut sure fine uh I left this on the whole time master effect great game I'm not sure if that's left on or not this is all real I played I obsessed over this game uh I explored every nook and cranny dude I remember I remember in this game if you killed an enemy you got 12 experience but if you snuck up behind them and broke their neck while nobody saw you you got 14 experience so I I spent [ __ ] not an offensive L but an artistic amount of hours just like a really obsessive amount of hours breaking every single enemy's neck in the whole game and I got no I mean the benefit if you added it all up was like one extra level it didn't mean anything the game's not that hard I don't know why I did it I don't know why I did it dude I was just like [ __ ] extremely extremely focused on getting that right I wanted to like mid Max uh bring back long dark long dark's the goat age Empires 2 sure offro Trading Company all withstands seiro goat game Counter-Strike Source can't believe I have this many hours I'm terrible at it Jedi fall okay all right this is all not bad oh Splender wait one thing okay there was a guy actually two things two parts of this story number one I told a story recently about me beating the CEO of twitch at Ticket to Ride okay and then some people in the [ __ ] clip comments are like um I don't think atrak knows the rules okay because if you don't complete a ticket it actually counts against you and these [ __ ] trash can dog [ __ ] board game players thought they could teach me how to play pck to ride okay so let me explain it to you let me [ __ ] explain it to you let me explain to you how the [ __ ] strategy works because I don't think you get it I don't think you [ __ ] understand uh uh the by the way we're a [ __ ] video gaming company everyone there's a good gamer we can understand the rules of a onepage rule book okay but let me explain to you do you see how when you place a on length train you get one point when you place a two-length train you get two points but when you place a three length train wait a minute suddenly you get four points wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait so suddenly you're getting 1.333 points per train now if that continues exponentially then by the time you get to a six length route you're getting 2.5 points per train your train efficiency is insane okay so now go back to the map go back to the map now imagine if at the start of the game when you're required to take tickets you take the minimum amount of tickets and you take the shortest possible tickets so you're getting like a you know a four or a seven or an eight point ticket okay so if you lose them you're not losing that much one route is worth more than that 15 now imagine imagine two separate turns one player has six cards in their hand and over the course of the next three turns they play like a two a two and a two while you have six cards in your hand in one turn you play a full six so they've gotten six points you've gotten 15 it took them three turns it took you one in those extra two turns you get four more cards so at your pace slam slam slam slam slam you're going to fill up the board rapidly quicker you're going to end the game way earlier they're not going to finish their long routes they took at the beginning of the game so they're going to have a bigger minus if you play the way that I am describing you will win 90% of all Ticket to Ride Games ever I promise you this and I want to tell those commenters shut the [ __ ] up you know what you're talking about I hate arrogant [ __ ] people in comment sections people are wrong on the internet uh okay so that second thing second thing okay second thing now we were talking about board games uh Splendor speaking of twitch and the board game culture there um there was a guy who is probably the smartest engineer that I've ever met and by smartest I mean he uh was great at his job well liked good energy but also uh made really smart decisions on where to go work that made him a lot of money okay so this guy early stage twitch ends up going to figma later makes money there he's crushing it all right anyway this guy was a good natural board gamer he was known around the office of being a good board gamer and at the time uh the popular board game was Splendor this game Splendor okay at the office people will play it people play it at the office and he was the best okay well I was really competitive so I wanted to beat him so what I did was in secret found this digital version of Splendor and spent 90 hours practicing and then casually challenged him to a one V one at Splender and then beat him this is probably the first time I'm revealing this Carl you got hustled buddy you got hustled it was 90 hours of practice okay uh and anyway he's getting the last laugh I'm sure as the figma is through the roof um serial killer Behavior no it's not serial killer Behavior it's grinds set behavior um so that's why Splender is on there okay enough of that enough of that sorry I just wanted to tell some theme related stories um how many lifetime hours n have in League I don't know I got a lot of hours in League bro way more League hours than shardbound hours I think I have Hitman I have 4K more than shardbound 4K or 4K or 4.5k and then uh um you can't check League hours can you can you check hours played in League can you check League of Legends hours click your profile tab wait wait wait wait there's a site how to check how many hours you've spent playing League um I don't think it's going to exist no it only shows the most recent season it says uh it's going to be like nothing wasted on law okay wait wait let me see wasted on law. G is it estimate you know like so many of my hours are from uh before there were Seasons like so I'm not sure it's going to be like I have packs Twisted Fate do you understand uh I'll try let me [Music] see I'm trying I'm pointing it in site [Laughter] crashed we killed the site all right we'll come back to it uh I wonder used to be you could like email Riot and get answers to cute questions like this if you like drew them a question like you could or you drew them a a fan art like you could draw a Fizz character and send them an email and then they would give you um yeah sit's down okay well we'll see uh show the packs TF you don't believe me you don't believe me you want make a bet on it you think I got the packs Jacks packs thef uh uh all right all guys without further Ado I'm pulling it up I'm pulling it up I'm pulling it up I'm pulling it up I'm pulling it up pulling it up pulling up pulling up pulling we are jumping in to Prince of Persia the first game that we've play is this the first game of the year no we played portal did we play anything else other than portal [Music] um we played ready or not we played a lot of games actually I'm a [ __ ] gamer what am I questioning is this a is a controller game or a uh it's might be a shirtless game dude it's hot as [ __ ] oh wait wait one more story so Ari's AR's parents are here and her mom is helping out around the house and she opened the freezer today and I heard her talking in Spanish to Ari and then Ari comes into the room I'm in and like my mom wants to know why you have a shirt in the freezer cuz I forgot that's been in there for days now uh so uh I'm going to go see how Frozen this shirt is and see if it's worth it I'm trying a longer term freezer shirt okay this is truly chilled oh my God oh my God that is a cold shirt that is icy okay that is a shirt that has been chilled to the Bone okay it is like slightly damp like slightly damp uh as it has been in the I mean it feels crisp to be clear this is a frozen ass shirt this has been in there for days and I got to tell you the difference is noticeable it is noticeable uh yeah we'll leave the top button un button you know I'm going on a Prince of Persia thing uh zookeeper like RZ this is not zookeeper drip I'll be honest with you uh damnn yeah like people thought it was cool to have Iced Out chains or something how about an iced Out shirt bro I'm going next level uh okay without further Ado the first game of the year we're not counting all the others Prince of Persia next next speed running next start game [Music] insta back back [Music] options audio turn that [ __ ] down turn that [ __ ] way down turn that [ __ ] way down okay explore the world with minimal map information choose this world to discover the world for yourself [ __ ] [Laughter] no [ __ ] [Music] no I will absolutely not be doing that I am going to get lost it's going to be some Hollow night ass [ __ ] I'm going to be screaming for boots uh I would like a map load location I would like to navigate thank you very much however oh [Laughter] God oh God damn it oh my God rookie Warrior I would love if it just stopped at hero hero looks great Immortal they've made the Perry window harder 30 years had passed decades Without Rain the once fertile Plains of f had become as Barren as Immortal Baby Desert a few Arrow shots from pepolis the kushans bloodthirsty Warriors from the East were attacking what if the cushan have reasons you know what I'm saying well maybe not I mean he gave him mask so I can't see what if there's a Nuance to this they want more land what if their reason is they want more land aisher resisted heroically but his men fell one by one Anita summoned her remaining strength in battle okay cool Trident so the Persians are the good guys and everybody else trying to kill them the kosan general victory was certain look at his little smile I will truly defeat this Prince of Persia we took a different turn the seven Immortals were the best warriors in the Kingdom holy [ __ ] Avatar is this real history is this what happened one of them I'm not well versed on Persian history did this this happened okay cool and they all have Immortal Powers so seven people fought off the invading Army and saved Persia oh [ __ ] onward Immortals why am I not going onwards Ander don't worry about me I'll be fine save ppis I trained you for this I will go help my wounded Warrior all right let's go sag oh my God I already got this game in the bag dude this is the hrock attack if I just do this they'll never be able to get to me can I like uh Pogo okay okay oh slide okay be on your guard it's the rushar get [ __ ] get [ __ ] wait can't get me you can't get me [ __ ] all right it feels like I figured this out can I Pogo that's what I want to figure out wait get ons stop dodging me [ __ ] okay wait a minute what if I end up liking this game what if I end up really liking this game and then I end up grinding this game none of you will leave here alive oh [ __ ] press L2 to Parry an incoming attack all right I'll simply never miss a Parry again after I give them one freebie oh [ __ ] he's got it boys he's got it who who wants some who wants some oh [ __ ] ow I'm going to die oh no I'm going to die the tutorial wait I'm going to die tutorial ah I'm going to die to tutorial clutch you guys won't as gold [Laughter] me you guys won't as and gold me they can't hit me from the air no ah get oned hey who's having all the fun who's having all the fun then why isn't this guy the hero he's way bigger follow me wait I want to play as that guy he's my actual height brain of fire keep running sagon we must eliminate those kashan archers all right leave it to me what is Chad I want to play as oron dude this game's kind of beautiful wait a minute this game actually looks good okay am I crazy or have I just [ __ ] solve the game by using the power of height ah how many did you get no get out of your why don't I heal give me healing oh God it's my teammate I'm going to die I'm going to die don't kill me wait [ __ ] [ __ ] off clutching he's clutching no you can't hit me no yes he's clutch Now teach me how to use Health teach me how to use Health packs come on come on game now is the perfect time to teach me how to use Health packs oh clutch you stupid idiot no get [ __ ] I hope he's dead only one way to find out though okay okay was I forgot to Parry ow get [ __ ] no what you got what do you got no ah [ __ ] what you got what you got oh God the Immortals don't let them get to General come on watch out so up I pared L2 to create a vengeful wait what Parry with L [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait this game's cool wait oh God no you you take them you take them you take them you got him you got him you got him you got him I'll let you this one I'll let you get this one I know you want the credit no I I you got him you got you got this one I'll get the one over here I'll get the one over here okay good job good job you got that one too I got the one over here I'm going to check this guy's body he's dead all right very dead oh I cleared 100 of them back there what would you do must not be this guy thinks he saw that dialogue history wow really let me handle him take this you might need it but if you want to handle him you can do it too what did he give me health potion yes yes clutched oh full heal he's back baby he's [ __ ] backa you can't hide from me is this called hrock dancing it's a great way to play footsies okay I'm just going to move a long way to go hold I like this game officially I can already tell this game is fun Ubisoft you've done it again bro I've always said one thing and that's we should get comfortable not owning our games I've always believed the Ubisoft they've always been on the right track let's not own our games let's rent them cuz they're games are good bro they figured it out always been saying that oh oh oh is that your teammate bro the Russia bar was it your life ends here not if yours ends first good comeback Sargon [Applause] run run run he's got a horse okay get [ __ ] I did I I didn't Parry that really thought I did okay one more healing potion please okay let's get this Parry down get Fu woo baby need to hit these parries I okay that one's just undodgeable I'm not realizing I'm not realizing okay woo baby that's why we call this the worst game of all time oh dodged you try dancing ow ow okay he me ah okay that one's I got it what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you [Laughter] doing oh you meet me on foot where I [Music] thrive okay it's all down to this well played well played sir well played sir well played sir tactically he has defeated me uh but this time this time shall be different okay let's play it with intelligence and Grace just oh my God jump just whale on him dude full aggro yep just get in there oh get in there oh God he's crazy okay I'm see I'm getting it patterns adapting download beginning okay that I thought worked yep yep Oh I thought I do it again do it again do the do the long do the long thrust no oh baby yes dude yes dude yes dude yeah I don't think so baby boy I don't think so baby boy dude it doesn't oh I I got the one ah get up thank God okay woo oh [ __ ] this game swag how did Ubisoft make this they never made anything like this it's it's already high intensity fun colorful come for you style panach the mighty Sim protector of Persia has long left but should our enemies try to take advantage of the situation they will soon find that the Kingdom's Bravest Warriors will be their undoing why don't you guys just raise an army why do you have to rely on seven people doing magic to save 30 years ago the Divine bird Sor graced my shoulder thus showing his trust in me to guide our people today I tus queen of Persia an Army in thisy Praise Your Valor and loyalty Immortals Barum you and your forces have once again and saved the kingdom we did it did I beat the game I'm sorry but I looks like I won asman Gold quit that I feel like I did that was I mean it was hard sure it was challenging but I think I got a pretty good time I meet the boss I saved Persia word of your Deeds precedes you through the street of will there be house today possibly as a token of in one hour I'm at a good stopping point then maybe the black wind that destroys all I want to like beat another boss I didn't choose that name I'm the Black Wind I do not attach any importance to these superstitions the winds also carry the seeds of future harvests I am truly glad to meet you Saron thank you princess can I be the white Mamba I just drop the honor I'm a Kobe fan now it would be cool if you could call me the white Mamba from now on Royal sash my favorite thing is someone in chat if you ever say black or white they say r racism like if like if there's a black person on screen you go there's a black person they'll go whoa whoa buddy whoa buddy excuse me racist uh I just that's a crazy way to go through the world bro uh okay uh your name brings hope to Persia and is feared by the enemy what a reputation happy I didn't ask to to be Prince either but Fate has spoken and I you bringing up every conversation it's like saying you went to school in Boston I get it bro uh we're somehow the only Immortals left here the others are probably letting loose up on the roof that's where I'm going Warriors belong in the throne room join them sagon yeah I want to go to the party hey uh obviously this game's new and nobody knows it and I don't want back seating but I also do want to know is this one of the those games where I should be exploring a lot or I can kind of just like I guess it is [ __ ] it has a map and [ __ ] all right all right I defeated Yu vishka and we saved pepolis let me change my [ __ ] game to Prince of Persia the Lost Crown did we thousands died on the battlefield we're out of have an army Persia is barely surviving the kashan will surely come back would you call that a victory okay spoil sport what do you want we beat them in the battlefield we're not dead I let my pride go to my head A Warrior's journey is always one in progress and when there's nothing left in one's path the warrior wonders what did you say if you don't get mad after losing you've lost twice what is at the end of my blade I know found an answer yet I won't figure that out tonight maybe a drink will help you should join us thanks but I have other matters Jesus Christ what it takes to become one of the greatest Saron okay I know just watch me [Music] and listen to vum he will keep you on the right path watch me dude oh this is sick oh holy moly never heard of stairs what's up what's up I'm telling you Prince Hassan may be my son okay that's nonsense he looks nothing like you how Atri sees himself at The Climbing Gym talk everything from his or you are really not her type whose type ah the kid finally decided toy that's right I'm here the hero of the day yeah a pretty good job the Queen's new prote yep so you're mingling with aristocracy okay I got some r no big deal your swords to become a satra what's a SAT RP is he calling me or something is he insulting me what's a SAT rap does anyone know rich boy like a governor you want who eliminated a general tonight huh yeah huh don't encourage them zargon it just means you've impressed them he's right you were impressive if you want to talk more quietly I won't be far okay I'm being invited to talk more quietly separately you what to say anything not b not B what do you mean not B keep it up and maybe one day take on a real challenge like me you just don't want to get your ass kicked in front of an AUD I don't want to play this guy keep dreaming kid go see Nate she's waiting for all right what you got will you still remember us now that you're famous the where how am I I'm trying to stay humble and find what is at the end of my blade oh sounds like anahita set your head straight um sort of yeah she spoil sported you know it is amazing what you did damn everybody's praising me you should be proud of yourself this is what chat should do okay anytime I beat any boss you should for the next [ __ ] 20 minutes of tell me how proud you are of me stand and you are the White Lion's Pride you right Ty bun ofor you have always been destined for greatness okay with s everyone in this uh group is like hot we made why isn't there a soldier who's like the people are at peace again not an Instagram model this is cute but can we go celebrate our usual hold has food and drinks on the house laam you're coming with us ugly people can't fight well I wouldn't miss it I tell my spree story V Prince H has been kidnapped kidnappers they must still be in the palace wow wearing a mask you may be the last to have spoken him there's a liberal on the team must find Prince Hassan Hanan oh my God they kidnapped Hanan andah he his Gods oh [ __ ] what the hell what are you doing you dead all right oh [ __ ] there's combos what does p say why did he get plus two I'm going Gizzy mode I forget I said that arra is the sacred energy that burns in every living being in battle the greatest warriors can control their athra intensifying its light to use exceptional abilities sargon's attacks generate arra while taking damage dispels it oh so you want to hit people and not get hit novel once the game is full or the gauge is full The Surge becomes available okay cool L2 Square oh [ __ ] special move I get it uh all right this game is so fluid wait a [ __ ] Moon Unit dude wait just give Kick's ass I got hit are they infinite get [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay I'm not fighting you forever PVE Smash Bros interesting it's not really like that but anahita what is this all about planning on killing you Saron stay out of this she betrayed us move out of my way the spoil sport who said I could be one of the greatest oh she's going to beat my ass isn't she what the hell was that yeah what the hell was that just fight normal still a child why don't I just curse this world for being 2D if only I could just run around this circle in front of me then I could stop her but unfortunately I must run directly at it damn [ __ ] you my son oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that swinging wasn't just she summoned a demon second boss here let's go wow it seemed way bigger in the uhoh no okay ow Dodge with R2 I see oh my God oh my God oh my God wait this dude's kind of the goat holy [ __ ] they summon him from [ __ ] oh [ __ ] terrible start what if I just keep jumping over him what if I just keep jumping over him didn't work uhoh wait a minute uhoh wait a minute you do get back to the fight quickly is there lives though oh my [ __ ] God wait I dodged it oh I see I see okay it's it's okay I I didn't understand it's 2D but you can dodge like like a [ __ ] okay yeah I see I get it I get it that's what the instructions said and they were right okay cool all right I got him I got him I got him he's all about dodging he's teaching me how to dodge and I get that I get that I get that good hopefully nobody bet on this cuz you're going to lose easy [Laughter] clap holy moly dude what is going on Z who was it she betrayed I recognized anahita is she involved she's involved yes she is without a doubt without a doubt baram gather your forces you are to leave for Mount C at Once In Search of Prince Hassan holy [ __ ] I have to go to mount cough in search of Prince son okay AR and his soldiers are already on the way we need all the help we can get Hanan has Co perhaps we will not bring him back an he doesn't of course but maybe also Destiny wouldn't rule him out we should check out Destiny's Kingdom as well the old Citadel an aita took Prince Assan Beyond on these Gates okay I can't fathom why anahita would do such a thing Saron you know her best what do youan I don't know that well it doesn't make sense she has always been loyal she wants to seize power for herself all right arand don't just jump the conclusions bro we don't know that the sumor may have disappeared but the Mighty God used to live on Mount C and perhaps still does it has always been the sorg who appoints future she wants to be the future king and queen anahita probably wishes to receive the sorg's blessing but why kidnap Prince Hassan she needs him the gates to thisor temp is this guy planting it Roy I feel like this guy I feel like this dude had a full plan and then he got scooped I feel like anahita did it a day before him he was ready to [ __ ] run his own cam he had every detail planned down in the last second you will never get's blessing like that we can't be certain after all the samor may be weakened one thing is for sure Prince Assan is in danger she will kill him once she has no need for him Immortals follow me let's help our let's do it let's do it what are the chances she's not evil wait for me here I don't know I feels like there should be a Twist right maybe she won't be evil she seemed loyal at the beginning she had her reasons she believed in me there's probably more to this story I think I like this being my mode of [Laughter] transportation I'm the bunny Warrior many people um form their combat style after Warrior animals like tigers or sharks or things of that nature but I have always admired the bunny being here before no the GI holy moly this place was once wait what the hell uh thank you Finn Flint Flex for the gifties much appreciated astrology geometry algebra all knowledge was gathered here M CF was home to a great Citadel of wisdom and what happened no one survived to tell the tale who knows what might okay there's a great Temple that got [ __ ] deleted but I'm going to go investigate exploration I could be here for an hour bro is this a boot situation I guess so I guess so I guess so monka w a puzzle what is this I'm a warrior not a SE her wow this is crazy Frozen as if time had stopped [Music] wow so I definitely need some kind of boots lower City can I go down no what have we okay nothing and nothing far too early I guess I'm exploring wait come on baby I feel like that's so tantalizingly close am I is it a mechanics problem or am I needing different boots this is why I hate boots based games I want to just run this jump 40 times uh all right stay sharp princess and can't be far now something is not right here we must proceed with caution sure met you can Scarry from Shadow to Shadow like frightened Vermin I'm serious orod there's a strange presence here okay it's chat they're all watching there's only one way to find out let's go then I like this guy you got chat energy St St stair St all right all right things can't be so bad with my friends at my side you know hopefully they uhoh get the feeling these are going to be zombies Quick Bet $10 million one of that these are going to wake up and I'm fighting zombies I the cordeal okay but you can't pay me in tunies or loonies dude long dead judging by the rot how is that possible they left not long before us uhoh uh-oh feel like there might be some magic of foot and I ain't talking about the Gathering welome here stay on your guard we will find the prince in anahita okay nothing happened really it was a light show but nothing happened this could be Scooby-Doo we go east we don't go anywhere you'll only slow me down you're on your own wait why did everybody dip I was just saying how great it was to have my friends by my side that was like the one thing is at my friends everybody just dipped on me I am the here I just clutched the last battle oh okay and they're not going to be there not going to believe [Applause] me oh my God you see that ow no no no all right bet b bet bet bet bet bet bet bet the only thing that consoles me is that a spectacor owes me $10 million that he can't pay with tunies or loonies so Spore will be streaming a lot in the future everyone get ready to watch a lot of Spore streams oh one shot oh wait a minute this game's going to get hard isn't it uhoh wait a minute uh-oh wait a minute if I just keep kicking you in the air oh [ __ ] that's awesome I I out two [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait a minute wait a minute this is a regular enemy this is going to be a problem I need to learn the Parry watch this just do it just do it oh no oh no everyone hold everyone hold I'm going to figure this out this is going to be really now it doesn't matter if I get get diced get sliced and I'll take those star fruit [Music] okay all right right all right all right all right slow down learn adapt what a beautiful game look at the background I learned this memory boots activated memory boots activated one more time last time I'm sure that this time was the charm you think it's 30 times what are the odds a 30 time hit and it breaks this probably just one more right um [ __ ] dude can't get me the greatest soldiers of the Damned fooled by a simple oh [ __ ] oh no no [ __ ] NOP okay what am I doing ow ow ow ow wait why do they keep coming back no no they're Undead brother yeah but think about that all you know what what if I am I really getting anything from this that's the question XP but does I do I lose it on death oh look at this nice 40 cool cool what's this L the bird of knowledge the simmer holds the key to all truth he is the guardian of time and of Destiny keeping everything in Balance infinite power resides in his feathers his protect Ive flight brings peace and prosperity to Persia those lucky enough to be touched by his shadow are forever protected from the forces of evil and anyone who tries to harm him will have Misfortune Let The Poets sing of his exploits let the philosophers meditate on his teachings and let the Warriors gain his wisdom this bird is something else huh why would this how would I even be able to turn it off oh my God wait there's two different directions uh-oh uh-oh there's two directions to go oh no uhoh uhoh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh you chose poorly wait how did I oh I I swung over it I swung wait I came in from this way and then what how did I get over this bridge how did I get over this bridge oh I get it I used the I used the thing yeah that made sense there's anything up here okay good wait one more time one more time I just wanted to check and now I fully downloaded exactly what I did now we must continue a little exploration Andy gamer instincts getting in no I'd like to ideally Parry that every time that feels like this is going to be a common enemy I'd like to just Parry it every time I should probably just sit back and learn it what I do like is when you die you are insta back um down down down this feels dangerous this door I need the [ __ ] cold door boots or something okay what grab this no hit it sway it no uh can't walk what bro everything's a dead end that feels appropriate all right [ __ ] [Music] it oh okay Bros only going left and right when it's a Floy 3D game imagine I never tried pressing in every direction no give me give I'm going Parry I'm Parry I'm PR get [ __ ] bro call me rip Matthew cuz I'm about to drop a Parry nope nothing what [Music] okay you could say next time I guess I could for the community frogs uh he needs zonas there's no zonas in this game uh no upward gate boots is it like a speedrun like this who no okay I do feel like I'm blocked without boots at every turn but I'm sure oh God damn it's like a Mario enemy [ __ ] when do you become the Prince of Persia any any day now any oh no dude wait it kind of does put you back you have to go back to per so now this just stays there back to qua or cough okay Kill The Archers keep moving keep moving slide slide all right what if I just start dicing all these fools oh you clearly think I'm playing oh wait he ain't playing all right he's the [ __ ] Prince of you know where we are Persia can't wait of I know you're a prince but I just can't figure out what of oh how do they invent that without power yep yep yep all right dialog okay the bird is really great I get it as long as his wings Grace the Persian Sky happiness and prosperity Will Rain I get you guys love the bird the bird is the goat the bird is the [ __ ] word uh oh maybe a save point what are you doing here this place is to why is there a child here don't worry about me I know the Citadel better than anyone I know every step I even go what others well then tell me where the bird is I've chatted and argued with every creature okay and I know every tree here kind of Bragg is like this one these trees are special they're called whack whack they have the purest of arra so stand beneath its leaves to restore your energy there are many whack whack trees throughout my tell me you say you know all here we're in search of soldiers like us our Prince is being led by an a general have you seen anyone like that a prince there hasn't been a prince here in so long I've only seen you well if you've lost your friend in Mount C then you're going to need an eye of the wonderer are you going to S me something what's that it's a very rare very ancient thing here for you you going to give me one eye of the wanderer the magic glass eye gives its Bearer the ability to map all of Mount cough go on try it boots oh POG Cham okay this is my goal show Legend that's my last death that's my objective here I might as well show you a neat trick to remember places on Mount C what is this memory shards just what I need just what I need memory shards okay um it's important to memorize all these places use memory shards to capture an image of the environment which will automatically be saved on your map oh that's actually based wait a minute that's actually a based feature let's get a picture right now oh that's cool then you'll see it and remember what I was [ __ ] doing thank you Miss I don't know your name my name is faraba I'm Sargon Warrior of the Immortals oh doesn't that sound impressive y well sagon I'm sure we'll meet again I'll share my discoveries with time welcome to mount call time crystals okay uh all right now I got what I'm under the tree so can I use like no no no no no no no what if I well I'm assuming they want me to come back later I'm assuming I'm assuming they didn't make me take this photo for no reason so that that tracks oh a new enemy why don't I Dice and then subsequently slice [ __ ] so what is very Hollow nightes where you're not supposed to fight every enemy I'm now realizing you can you get money from it but like your real goal is to just get around it's this is hollow night oh [ __ ] it's like a hollow night like as they call them I'm getting real Hollow night Vibes is all I'm saying from this game you know oh [ __ ] that's cool a hollow Vania if you will yeah but why Vania you know what I'm saying a hollow night if you will oh God no no you son of a [ __ ] uh imagine this game has a path of pain I'm not going to fight everybody I'll kill this guy one more time just cuz just cuz he looked at me the wrong way oh [ __ ] killed him with a boot to the face wait everybody relax everybody relax you're dead I'm done with you dodge so I can't get up there unless I go this way go this way Dodge go this way oh wait hidden door I'm the goat wait I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die he's not going to follow me is he those spikes will kill me I know that to be fact oh my God what am i f what is happening how do no oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] is that my death total nine you guys aren't you guys counted from the beginning why wouldn't you start count now I think now is a good time to [Music] start oh [ __ ] just die just die thank God okay Kera more like can't fighter I'm working on it um I've been here I've been here I've been here I've been here why wow plus 4 million plus 4,000 plus 4,000 I can't I can't I can't funniest thing I've ever heard literally the funniest thing I've ever heard in my entire life insane where does he come up with this stuff okay so I found H I don't want to fight another chimera just make just just [ __ ] whale on him just whale on him Jesus Christ Jesus Christ that was scary okay yeah the mobs are kind of tanky I will say that is a fact okay so we did all this this shit's done and dusted now I'm back out here maybe I learned a thing or two no thing is I've been here and I didn't learn [ __ ] does this heal me I love that I love that for me so we did a full loop uh everyone was impressed now we go this way dude we're just cooking uh wait a minute combos are sick what but where am I going Papa oh you just shot the wrong Arrow [ __ ] up here I did this I did this this complete Loop complete rain rotted Loop wait NOP dude I don't love that they made a attackable invisible wall because now I'm going to attack every [ __ ] wall okay this is obviously end of the line he [Music] me map boots oh true okay my goal is there and I have a picture there so I I am actually what does this mean oneway blocker oneway blocker oneway blocker okay so I just need to go back here and go up at a marker and the marker will be of that well it doesn't help me at all oh mother okay stop stop stop get a life Chimera get a life seriously no one expressed you oh God okay wait oh dude no stop stop stop everybody chill everybody [ __ ] chill God damn it okay we need to go over here and up that's what I'm talking about baby that's what I'm talking about baby okay did I miss anything over here though CU I don't remember this mhm okay oh what okay cool okay cool I created Reality by I created a theme park up here okay oh [ __ ] I created bats ow I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm dying for sure I'm dying for sure I'm dying for sure unless take the prince to the Sim more gate ah it's anahita anahita don't you dare harm him if you want Prince Hassan back come and get him I did do wait is she baiting me is this all part of a larger plot anahita was here she's taking her sand to the Simo gate the araban may be right about her wanting the throne that's what we said from the beginning above us what is it I don't know sure but to get to Hassan and anahita we Must Destroy it I destroyed three of them already that's not possible for either of us maybe menias can help here vam sent him to the east to investigate the forest I'm sorry what I'll try to find him I'll look for another way let me stand on your shoulders or something we're going to find somebody in the Far East to it's like a such a get an arrow throw your spear at it that's that's crazy we're the whole Adventure has stopped cuz I'm 5'11 oh Lord there's a lot of places to go I obviously can't cross this but but [Music] imagine nice healing I love that nice an enemy that actually dies in Two Hits um okay can't get across that maybe I should take a memory Shard wait let me take a memory Shard so I remember so obviously when you get down here there's a big pit so you need like a double jump what's the memory Shard button there's no memory Shard for remembering the memory Shard button [Laughter] I don't remember what it was bro d-pad down obviously got it perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perect perfect Andy Sheffield what's up what's good in the 3D prints you could run on walls uh the 3D prins version was gameu for GameCube was sick that was a great game with a cool mechanic where you could use the dagger to rewind time um and solve some crazy puzzles it was more of like a puzzle platformer okay [Music] I'm just sort of exploring and letting my heart tell me where to go this dude I need I need double jump boots yester year I need double jump boots right [ __ ] now or I'm going to lose it cool very cool oh dude oh dude oh dude I was trying to do like a cool back flip thing oh dude [Music] dude wait up uh that's the only way every time no new save point one more death and 11 plus win wait are you guys betting on number of deaths before what the next boss I'm [ __ ] clocking in I am [ __ ] focused up I am focused up why is this glimmering this glimmered this is glimmering It's glimmering wait it's trying to tell me something it must be a [ __ ] I need an arrow boot probably a quiver probably a quiver okay wait I haven't gone this way yet have I I haven't gone this way the Haven what is this this [ __ ] looks cool this [ __ ] looks cool oh POG save point maybe brings you here traveler oh you know me and I are in pursuit of a traitor then you and the others are trapped here too Mount C has seen its share many are lost within the web of time's curse okay nice to meet you too aware Warrior death and misery roam the citad do I've seen my share of death 11 times for exact the most determined of Warriors must be prepared oh take boots boots boots boots boots boots boots boots that each one is precious I'll make good use of this slightly increases Max Health okay cool can I equip it I would I would rather have this one Prosperity bird okay I got to go to a walk walk tree next time I die let's perfect timing walk walk tree amulets I want this one can I wear both I can nice dude okay so it should give me a little hint when I'm near something secret it's kind of like bad in Paper Mario whoa I'm not dying to you I'm not dying to you I'm not dying to you I'm not dying to you I'm not dying to you I'm not dying to you I'm not dying to you okay all right 11 deaths 11 deaths 11 deaths but is there a bet for 12 cuz I will never go to 12 I will literally never go to 12 ow I will never go past 12 into the realm of 13 but obviously 12 is where I will reside 12 is where I make my home it's where I make my stand I will never go to 12's cousin 13 okay dude you're cringing me but then I remembered 13 is my favorite characters in house 13 is my favorite characters and so I will not I'm not opposed to being at 13 he's got [ __ ] super armor on his attacks but [ __ ] 13 ah I'm going to 14 14 14 is the land of success 14 is where I stop but I will not okay ow Dodge Dodge he's got a back swing okay oh you got to get close that's it you should get close ow nice back swing douchebag let's go final boss defeated the Greatest Warrior of our age wait is this bird teaching me something I feel like this bird is telling me there's a secret nearby as my amulet indicates yeah he's definitely cheering like there's a [ __ ] secret interesting okay [ __ ] cool he's back too [ __ ] just do the yellow one and I'll kill you one shot yes oh insta kill okay so you're chirping what if it's down here are you still chirping another thing that's annoying is that I don't oh [ __ ] cuz I don't know if you're chirping you're chirping up a storm okay that doesn't work I need descending dark oh God this bird just keeps on yapping and flapping stupid you got to go over that ouch ouchie ouch dude how could I have known okay he's just chirping up a [ __ ] storm it's kind of like you know path of painy okay imagine oh I got a spirit sand JW I don't know what that does but I got it bully for me cool excuse me it's not the angle I clicked in my [Laughter] mind okay okay okay there we go oh okay I made myself a shortcut perhaps that is what the bird was tweeting about or Zing about see the thing is it tweets at such weird times another one of AR's men wake up you're alive well he's Undead so much time has passed what you only got here last night a single night that has lasted 30 years oh [ __ ] this place Isis there is no way out you must flee where are your brothers in arms why why was she not aged all lost in the Citadel all prisoners of time by the way if this guy was I don't know in his 20s going in he does not look 30 years older he looks [ __ ] 800 years older this is no end for a warrior if a soldier is to die it should be be in combat free my men okay cool my S my brothers in arms will give their to so now I have a dialogue and lore reason to feel good about killing other Persians when I slay my warrior friends who have aged now I know that I'm actually helping them that's awesome that's based Insignia of P pepolis noan was arar's right-hand man a good tactician and a respected strategist but he stay away from the battlefield whenever possible okay oh boss I'm going to the next boss I'm going to the next boss that's my plan or is it a puzzle the greatest boss of all okay don't seem to do anything when I stand on it uh wait actually makes water flow huh this makes water flow and this makes water flow but none of the wheels move H how interesting wall jump turn that on okay so okay now it doubles up now I move this over here let's get as far as we can go perfect why I want it to go all the way around I don't want it to go all the way around oh it stops okay okay now what now I can uhuh something like this perhaps no I need this to be like [Laughter] this oh wipe out doesn't do anything okay let's go baby boss boss boss he's I got to say it he's attractive we're all thinking it I'm going to say it he's really attractive okay get [ __ ] oh my God he insta paries he insta paries on his first attempt wait a minute no oh [ __ ] wait I was playing it oh shoot I was playing good I was playing Wasing [ __ ] okay nice no we do the last second that's what it is oh god oh man okay dude okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay just wh on him just wh on him just wh on him just wh on him yes no no no no no no no yep he's going have another face oh oh oh no [ __ ] okay deep breath deep breath deep breath deep breath deep breath deep breath deep breath deep breath deep why is there no music I don't know uh here I'll get a song for us can we get a classic I'm sorry can we just get a classic uh can we get an absolute classic we go D you know him well he's finally back to kick here G can fire and SP and he can shoot he's biger faster stronger too the lead of the D crew the back [Music] perform this she shrs to suit her she's one Co you're not beong choose [Music] her and and make not a [Music] mon [Music] yes let's go yo he has no style he he has no gra this has a fun face can hands stand and can stretch his arms out inflate just like a big [Music] holy [ __ ] dude that just took me back like I was playing Teo again uh that was sick all right we're gonna watch out that's a perfect stopping point Beat the Boss kongu klua uh watch a house episode this is all perfect okay so I'm going to run an ad uh everyone get a snack we'll turn the lights off we'll have an hour watch house it's perfect bada bing bada boom fun stream great awesome times uh thoughts on game so far I love it I'm gonna beat it this game's fun um this is up my alley I I like this I like this game this this this is the type of game that I like it almost feels like a little bit of a hold over for while I'm waiting for silk song it's fun it's Hall night like the movement's fluid it looks beautiful the backgrounds are great if anything I like the graphics more than I like a lot of um 2D Style games that often turn me off to it so not going to mention any names so I'm I'm in I'm all in I'm going to finish it uh so run in the ad uh how do I save wait how do I save I do not want to come back here and have to do everything over again how do I how do I save one minute too you think that counts that counts right one minute minute ago go to a new screen oh God I don't have any sound wait father what's happening to me wait who are you I have a son just no I don't want no lore I want I'm going to forget this by time I play tomorrow I need the L to be new give me a tree what happens if I try it again two minutes ago Christ you like one room from a tree okay all right wa out my way out of my way out of my way my way out my way inflate just like a big balloon that song really went off tree nice hello hello I've seen these trees along my journey but you're the first to they talk no no I'm not a wack whack tree there are many wack whack trees across the Citadel and also a great these have always their roots are deep nourished by but now right the forest suffers oh I'm so sorry to hear that it's kind of like that dancer story from yesterday it's like all right get to the point you know what I'm saying let's what where where you going with this give me the ending uh okay cool uh bomb's breath oh I can create an explosion and a healing Zone by using level two a surge l two and triangle I I am getting worried I'm not going to use any of these spells Hollow night style the whole game but I should probably learn them because they're probably pretty good so got it cool I'm not going to talk all right I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm good perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect uh ladies and gentlemen let me run that ad uh game rules I'm going to beat it uh and we're going to switch to House MD House MD season 6 the most most insane season yet running the ad
hi hello hello pepe smoke [Music] hi guys hello hello hello hello sorry just sending a message real quick i have a lot of bots we should remove actually we have a lot of bots we could get rid of that they're no longer relevant sodapopping better um yeah i agree i think sodapoppin's great uh i think he was a bit of an [ __ ] in his youtube video but that's fine came back i didn't get banned congratulations congratulations you said you'd come yesterday so you came now all right well we're gonna have a fun day today i hope you guys are ready sorry i'm going to my my dashboard to remove some of these spots qtc love qtc love i have i have some bots we could remove you guys guessing how many viewers we'll get today i think um i think we're going to be sitting at 5k today what do you guys think i haven't really noticed that didn't video thank you cass thank you very very very very very very much i actually have something planned for you today but we'll we'll wait for a few more people to trickle in before we jump into that because um well you know i don't want to have to explain myself a few times but how are you i have some subs to thank jane thank you for the four months mj thank you for the seven casting for the five gifted zodie cake thank you thank you thank you for the four months steve the unicorn thing for the two dragoon thank you for the seven creed thank you for the three kittens thank you for the 21. yo ivy mike thank you for the prime thank you guys very very very very very very much we have lenny with the 15 and a half the streamer awards were great congrats on being the number four most currently subbed woman on twitch that's crazy who are the other ones jet thank you for the gifting a sub i appreciate that yes we will be playing marbles we will be playing marbles oh my goodness jake thank you for the five gifted glue dot jpeg thank you for the brand new sub twin radiant i think you guys are gonna have fun today cheese and geeks thank you for the prime let's listen to some more hype music to get our day started um not just this low five that always gets me feeling low five um bloop my favorite song okay okay danny thank you for the sub um congrats on the award show it was obvious how much work you put into it qtc love cheese and geeks thank you saw what you said on lud's stream keep your head up from one depressing girl to another thank you thank you for the three months jake four months that's crazy miss matrix thank you for the two albert thank you for your 5. it's marbles time it is marvel's time show is amazing thank you guys a dip dip thank you for the year stan thanks for the sub um tiny bunny thank you for the nine months four million views on the vod can you believe it loved the award show made my night so much more enjoyable before work i'm lyman thank you for gifting a sub sarah thank you for the bittiest [Music] my favorite song how's the coffee it's subpar because i don't have any sugar in it i'm sugar free i'm sugar-free it's gross lucas thank you for the prime endless dimension thank you for the prime met you an omegle hell yeah i've been here i'm not here much but i need to compliment i have a job you did thank you forgot to unfollow you after livestream thank you sugar and coffee i love sugar and coffee [Music] i i do want to say i want to say one thing and maybe this is a hot take but i think some of you will agree the the systematic sexism in comedy is like debilitating like some of the jokes we made you would have laughed at if miska said them and i just want you to think about that like okay i'm gonna have a i'm gonna have a soapbox for two seconds and say bloop poggies never mind claire i think the 16 months official pals think you're the prime so [ __ ] true boys just true okay jedi thank you for the four i think you guys are great and i think you guys think i'm funny but the amount of people in a that i have seen while listening specifically to [Music] do you want to hear something maya and i didn't write all of our jokes we hired a ghostwriter we're like to write some of them i hired a ghostwriter to write some of them some of our jokes were not written by me they were in fact written by a man so to see some people in chat like when reacting to our monologue say women are funny in all caps you're just sexist you're just sexist bro you're just sexist like there were literally jokes written by a man but you decided to be sexist so congrats congrats congratulations show was great nothing thank you for the two months drin thank you for the prime luna thank you for the prime luke thank you for the prime omni star i think of the six chilled thank you for the three months using your prime here thank you i appreciate it [Music] oh thank [Music] i do not know how to say your name aka hinto not think for the sub um anyway how am i feeling after the awards i feel fine i am i feel fine i feel fine i don't feel ecstatic i would say the day the day after the award show i felt way better than i do even now the day after the award show i was like i accomplished something and now like the amount of uh people like criticizing it and saying oh i would do this differently is just exhausting and whatever um oh [ __ ] um i i yeah i don't know it's one thing it is one thing to uh be a viewer and [ __ ] on the event it is another thing to be a streamer and say oh this was cringe or this is what i would do differently then [ __ ] do it then do it put your money where your [ __ ] mouth is bro oh you can't because you're lazy okay okay [Music] [Music] hnb no miss kipp didn't say that miss kiff is nothing but supportive but sodapoppin has a lovely video about how he feels it's lovely it's lovely soda it's lovely it's a lovely video because i haven't been anything besides just like so sweet ever literally over the top sweet but ugh it is so annoying when when the event i spend months on is cringe and it's so cringe you have to make a youtube video about how cringe it is that sucks oh that sucks it's crazy crazy [Music] no need to be mean guys he didn't offend you there's nothing for you to be mad at him for [Music] since when did his opinion matter though he's my friend his opinion matters to me i love soda my friends opinions matter to me more than any viewers literally more than any viewers whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever maybe i'll do it next year maybe i won't because maybe it wasn't [ __ ] worth it for all of these ungrateful jerks they're jerks everybody's mean people sit all i did was throw a ward show and make people laugh whatever i'm just gonna keep trying i'm going to keep trying because i don't feel like sitting at my desk every single day and doing the same thing over and over again and that's why i do these people hate everyone loves the award show sorry for the jerks keep me they keep me motivated but whatever laura leah thank you for the 10 months subs are coming in so fast no one will see that i'm gay fair and i think within 19 months thank you thank you thank you um all right i do have to say um today we we are playing marbles we're playing marbles aputure thank you for the prime and super gamer guy thank you for the the two the two months um oh another thing i have to say is anybody who's like mad um any streamer out there who's mad about not getting invited i'm gonna tell you something the way to get invited next year is not by being really [ __ ] rude and toxic to me mercenary thank you for the 10 gifted subs i'm amazing and leonora thank you for the prime that's literally not how you get invited um 250 people were invited out of tens of thousands of people on twitch if you didn't get invited it merely just slipped through the cracks and it's nothing offensive there was no one that i didn't invite out of spite that that just didn't happen um that just didn't happen curious avocado thank you for the prime brief for jesus thank you for the prime and so if you're like mad you didn't get invited it's it's um that's fine uh i understand that's sad i hate when i don't get invited things it makes me very sad but to then just be like really [ __ ] rude to me directly um is not the way to ever get invited ever like just ever and uh yeah yeah and i think for the eight months i'm not a streamer but i didn't get invited why skilla i'm not a streamer but i didn't get invited why because that's tall enough it's cause you weren't tall enough i'm sorry why was the stands empty though okay i'll actually explain that that's such a good question the stands were empty because we were supposed to have um we were supposed to have two cameras up there that we're gonna take up two of the rows so we could only fill two of the side rows so we couldn't fill any of the middle rows but then we cut those camera last second because of budget because i was a little poor because i wasn't getting sponsors until literally the day before i didn't have i literally got one of my sponsors the night before at midnight i'm not joking you i'm not joking you um and uh and so then we cut that camera and it opened up all that space so if i would have known that we cut that camera i could have invited like 20 more people or 50 more people honestly i think actually i think it was 45 i could have invited 90 more people which i totally would have i just didn't know i thought it was blocked off by the camera so that's why it looked so empty upstairs it was totally unintentional um it was supposed to be it was supposed to be full but anyway um loved the show qt it was awesome even though xqc lost it's okay smiley face smiley face i'll say it again it wasn't xqc's euros xqc's platform and i think he knows that so if we had pla like freaking owner of the internet i mean you are getting being kind of obtuse about it who is directly rude to you next year for the show you can and other posts refrain from talking about your nominees are little babies that need churros and coloring books great show um you're dumb because literally none of the criticism is valid that was hands down the best thing that this website has ever seen um that comment from that person was dumb because our joke with coloring books and cheerios was a joke and people being mean and directly hyper scrutinizing or criticizing the event is not a joke so that's the difference and if you don't know that you are dumb smelly i have now been subbed for five months all have been gifted once again please take my [ __ ] money andrew relax uh relax feel me thank you for the prime taylor thank you for the eight months anyway um thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you um lame ass subbing because you have the best emotes call me newts thank you for the prime thank you guys very very very very much yeah the peppa pigs ones were awesome um my i will say um i will say i will i have a i'm doing an irl tomorrow i'm trying to see if you guys like i know a lot of you are new viewers and i'm hoping to keep you guys around so i'm trying to do a few different things i do have an irl tomorrow with crazy slick and nim and yabbe and i have one more amazing job with the award show qt you're doing amazing things for the platform big xqcl hey christina hey christina who the heck who are you saying hey to christina too who's christina blue eagle um so yeah we have an irl tomorrow and then i have an irl next thursday as well so it should be fun i'm trying to get one more person for tomorrow um yeah qtc spin oh is her chubby still in town is it chubby still in town all the criticism is proof how big the stream was they talk because they can't do what you do thanks no i should so i see what the next one says it says did karina ever reach out or say anything after she dropped it didn't corey ever reach out or say anything after she dropped a shitload of subs no i should message her and thank her for those subs because i was really kind of her that was really [ __ ] sick of her uh to do that um and thank you for the thank you for the bitties how was the pizza afterwards it was okay um it was fine karina our queen karina our oiler honest to god sweet anita is i dm'd sweet anita i invited her i don't know uh if she will be coming but we will see um oh no uh force myself to do uh more irls if not once a week every other week uh at least once a month at least once a month so that's what we're going for um we'll see is it going to be the gamer oh is it going to be like the game awards this time next year no no no so the thing about the game awards and the esports awards i respect them very very much um but they're just different than me they're just wait they're way more i mean it's probably because they're more structured if we're being honest um they uh i will i will never take enough sponsors to [Music] um turn it like into too much of a commercial i don't want to do that i will literally only take enough sponsors to pay for the event i don't plan on living off of this event but if like i can sell a sponsor for a million dollars and it pays for the entire event and then i get some cash dab but if there's most award shows to do with the internet seems hyper-corporatized and close to anything most of the people on the platform do or experience this show was one of the best and truest to the spirit of those that won and attended and should be commended thank you i'm hoping next year i i i've seen the feedback of people being like you and maya were bad and we were just stressed it was a lot of pressure it was really scary and we'll do better next year and i'm excited to be funnier next year and to be looser next year and i think uh it'll be hype damn 6.5 kpog happy to be an old frog wubby hug hell yeah we were just really nervous we were really really really really nervous we were so nervous we're going to be so much better next year it's like not even funny it's gonna be so much better next year we didn't have any like we don't didn't have like any questions planned for the floor um it's it's gonna be great it's gonna be great next year so don't worry about it um you kicked flowers with the award show thank you to say i appreciate you and all you do for the community twitch wouldn't be the same without you seriously good job and keep kicking flowers thank you toasted you thank you for the prime an ad is going to start in four minutes so if you don't want to see an addie but a prime [ __ ] you better prime um but but but but um anyway i was talking to maya today about girls trip and i came from three years for some streams for girls trip i've been talking about girls trip it's my next event i plan events because they distract me from my depression you guys know this girl's trip will probably be end of april beginning of may um but something we're gonna do for girls trip is um a paddle boarding stream which i think will be really cool and then a a a vineyard spin your tour stream i think it'll be really hype so i don't know who will be invited to girls trips so don't uh don't ask me because i don't know and there's just so many girls to choose from it's gonna be it's gonna be a weird thing so don't ask me don't ask me started watching wine about it after the awards show sorry to hear you've had so much negativity was working on a video that explores his chat really toxic if i text mind the chat vod would knowing the actual percent of jerks help or stress you out uh no i know how many jerks love the new podcast episode very relatable to me a lot of times um i smoke sex this is how negativity works and it's actually a psychological thing um appreciate everything you do qtc love because as humans we have these brains that want to fix [ __ ] you know how that is like you see something broken and you're like oh i need to fix that um and so when you see negative comments your brain automatically wants to fix that and so it fixates on that thing it's very natural to do that compared to a positive comment it doesn't have the same psychological uh loop track and so that's why negativity is so [ __ ] exhaustive compared to positivity uh and i used bad words to explain that but you guys get it um whatever though um pending my mouth thank you for the two months soma cruz thank you for the prime sterling thank you for the two months a true sick of the six months ellie kyle thank you for the sub there's a car outside my house that is trying to flip a u-turn in the middle of the road and i am embarrassed for them oh buddy i think he turned down the wrong street clelju thank you for the prime i randomly got anxiety because he's like right out my window i was like what if he's reversing and just gonna full speed into my window he's not he's definitely doing a 20 turn and now he's driving away but welcome to the life of living with anxiety eagle owl welcome to chat eagle howl uh got pictures already another great event fingers crossed for big growth for next year's iteration for people to start posting them um dude why does my hair look so yellow today i'm so good i'm so confused it looks so yellow i don't know why i hate when it looks yellow i like ashy blonde i hate when it looks yellow whatever i was wearing that too yeah i don't know what's going on uh i probably just needed to use some purple some toner change the camera settings uh it could be the lighting the lighting's really [ __ ] up in my room as you can see i'm all glowy i'm all glowy right now actually because i have sunscreen on my face um but yeah you did amazing job at the streamer awards at the haters wubby seven thanks wubby seven to you um anyway does that mean you fixed your award show looks like it could be on tv while still being true to twitch it was amazing qtc love thank you we do have a lot of wubby people now that's kind of cool that's kind of cool um sunscreen taylor would be proud true any chance you go back to dark hair the issue with dark hair is i have to get my hair dyed once a week compared to um compared to light hair i can get it done every four months and i just don't have the i just don't have the time if i'm being honest with you guys i simply don't i said i meant once a month for dark hair um what is your natural then it's like this mousy blonde up here it's like a mousy blonde so it grows out and it just looks funny month two p-o-g-g-i-e-s maybe maybe i i want to get a good wig person and get put a wig on that'd be cool pepsi pancake thank you for the two months empire jerky us wait empire jerky empire jerky is my new friend chat we met on twitter today nice to see you here empire jerky they said they'd be my friend um very exciting they have meaty snacks and we love that we love you have a natural ability to plan and coordinate these really fun to watch events let them keep talking about you behind your back and watch the universe bless you right in front of their face oh damn okay all right bigfoot jinx thank you for the sub um tts is so dramatic i know that's so dramatic um yeah wig stream would be cool honestly i wish i still lived back home because i knew a lot of drag queens and it would be really fun to do like a makeover stream with them i make a great drag queen chat um there are so many meaty snacks i don't know i'm gay that was my favorite joke i'm so sad that other people didn't think it was funny why not just go back home then uh because i love my boyfriend and he lives here unfortunately we ho go there you'll meet tons yeah that's probably a good idea who won the award show competition what does that even mean lots of people won um we thought it was funny we established that yesterday thank you okay sorry sorry biscuits one biscuit one chat you won for best chatters honestly i won i won the awards show i have over 20k subs now can you guys believe that i can't say this enough next month around this time we are gonna feel really bad about ourselves chat when we drop 25 000 subs it is gonna feel a little weird it's gonna be a little awkward it's gonna be a little awkward um it'll be fine it'll be fine um praise praise please don't turn off auto renew please don't turn off auto renew give us a few months give us a few months please um still the best park attack streamer true true where did you find that dress dude i don't know have you guys ever been to the fashion district in la i honestly should have taken you guys thank you aputure guy for converting your prime to a sub um i should have taken you guys because it it it is crazy it's every store down the block like it's every store has a dress it's a dress shop i should have taken you guys um and i found one it was freaking it was awful um but yeah how many of the subs were primes majority so it was majority primes and then mackie thank you i can tell you guys and then d-pap official thank you for the 17. pollywog thank you for the six i'll tell you exactly how many of which were which okay um stream summary 18 18k subs or no i go to channel analytics i'll tell you okay right now i have 9262 subscribers and six thousand and forty gifted subs so that's about what 14k subs subtract so most of them are primes that's about ten thousand primes i have ten thousand prime subs ari ari at home really made me a lot of primes with his prime song i thought that was hype i didn't ask him to do that by the way he's just a [ __ ] homie he's just a homie homie which is hype um quick question can we get the results for how many people uh voted for who in the streamer awards would be interesting to see uh 330 000 or 60 000 330 or i don't remember it's one of those i'm a little dyslexic so i get my numbers mixed up but it was one of that amount is how many people voted 330k sorry 330k there we go is there a vote spreadsheet no no there's not a there's not a spreadsheet did seriously everyone who voted watch no probably not actually um what happened to aiden ross he didn't tell anyone to vote for him it's all fan voted um more people watched than voted yeah um did tyler1 actually don't know while your invite yes yes he did yes he did smiley face um uh are there internal controls in place to protect the integrity of the voting system yes i i don't know what that means but yeah yeah um so the four nominees were the top four votes yep um what view count did the aware show peek some people said 381 but this stream or my my thing says 372 so i don't know something it did something i showed this yesterday i showed the stats these are the stats i can show this yeah these are the stats from the award show sheesh and for people being like you should have let people you know live stream it what's crazy is moist critical sat at about 20k the entire night and he he helped me get 20k views as well so if he would have just been live watching it neither but like he would have just had the 20k views and i wouldn't i'd be 20k views less is that really cool so big shout outs to [ __ ] charlie because he gave me 20k of these views i literally wouldn't have had them so i think that's probably how i'll do it in the future just because you know it's a live event and then everyone can react to the produced one on screen the day after just because i know produced first live there's a there's a there's a difference um uh yeah hassan came in clutch too yeah he came to the event so he came in clutch i love hassan viewers they're the best hazan viewers are actually so nice to me you showing you showing gmail if you're wondering uh no that's fine people know my gmail i feel great about it um is there a clip of the mitch mcconnell performance wait what um at the end of the day did you end positive money-wise i ended positive money-wise only because of the subs literally only because of this if it wasn't for this i don't believe i would be positive but i am officially positive because of you guys subbing which is so sick so to have your very first event reach over 370 000 viewers and to be up admittedly about i think i'm up about like 80k chat is insane because i saw a few people be like is it worth it and it's like i think 80k is is worth a few months of work yeah i do actually i i do i do i feel good about that um if i didn't count the subs i broke about even a little really close but with the cub subs i'm i'm i i've made it so thank you for subbing i genuinely appreciate it you made my very first event like this positive um so yeah um yeah how's merch the merch didn't do very well which is fine because the only reason um when you search for it to watch it's very painful oh really is it hard to find if you search the streamer like if i search watch the streamer awards what comes up watch the streamer [Music] awards i'm okay that the merch didn't do very well because we ended up doing great no my video comes up it's pretty good that comes up where to watch the streamer awards what time do the critics choice awards start where can i watch it okay well we've got to change that that's for sure awkward when was the stream rewards oh look at that oh my god it has a wikipedia what i'm famous oh my god we have a wikipedia who are the most successful streamers damn it not there there's a wikipedia chat what the heck hello wikipedia oh my god oh my god who made this you little nerdy birdies look at you go look at you go you little nerdy birdies um 74 shnoo thank you for the the prime oh my god higgsy pigsy my favorite miss kiff mod thank you for the sub will the gator thank you for the prime dark wolf thank you the prime sock monkey thank you for the two months um okay pixie pixie says [ __ ] pixie pigsy does not want to be my favorite mischief mod but for some reason they are mostly because i like their name um my favorite guest okay i'm i'm going back to somebody else would you would judo vegito that's the one the streamer awards founded in 2020 by twitch streamer and team solomid content creator that's funny cutie cinderella nominees are selected via online vote by fans winners are then determined using a weighted combination of online popular votes seventy percent and panelist vote thirty percent the inaugural ceremony featuring 27 oh my god oh my god this is very cool to see this is so cool who made this wow me chat you didn't make this jasper thank you for the two months xbox sammy think you're the prime that's cool maya has a wiki not you true what the heck i don't have a wiki chat shut up how did you find that venue honestly i was looking at it for the christmas concert thank god and i was like oh it's too big um it's too big anyone to twitch at you after yes the event team at twitch i love them very much they i got multiple notes from the event team i love the event team at twitch i'm not kidding they're they're stellar i don't agree with a lot of things that twitch does and i wish there there's so much so many things i would like twitch to fix but the event team at twitch they they are really [ __ ] they are top notch they're amazing hell yeah hell yeah would they support you next year uh i don't think i no unless they maybe came up with an ad deal for me i don't think i don't think they will because i wouldn't want to um i think this hard things with big sponsors is that's how sometimes stuff gets really corporate is they're like oh you have to be family friendly if there's ever a sponsor that's like hey we'll give you five million dollars to run the streamer a whole year great job on the award show qtc love no i won't do it so have you watched pike's vlog from the trip who is pike um i know you did an ama about the stream rewards but i wasn't here wondering if you could answer whether matt mercer or any of the critical roles were invited to the awards show i don't remember seeing them i tried so hard to get critical role to come i followed every single member i followed every single member on um twitter i had my agent reach out to their agent and they just decided not to come sadly they don't know walt um they didn't want to come um i think they uh i think they're trying to be like less in the streamer world and more in like the tv world which kind of makes sense um but yeah i wish they would have come it would have been cool to meet them um so yeah very cool uh yeah they're also like super [ __ ] busy they're they're busy people i don't think they uh i don't think they mean um i don't think they mean any harm by i think they're just like too big they're too big for us um juantep is my idol for the pokey section honestly i wish onetep was in the credits i didn't know he'd be that he'd be modding so hard who knows who knew um yeah i think i think streaming is more of an uh an outlet for them to get attention but i don't think they i don't know if they consider themselves streamers and so i think that's probably the the weird um thing there um okay well guys welcome to the stream um where let's get started i've talked to you for 43 minutes i usually don't talk to you guys that much tnb thank you for the three months and bar no you did such an excellent job on sunday queen um we are going to do something fun today first time chatter here awards will lit great work count me into help next year i volunteer as tribute thanks jose all right chat archie thank you for the six months i appreciate it you guys know what this is you know what this is [Music] all right mods keep me and just chatting because we'll be going in and out [Music] okay [Music] no chat don't do xy point play chat you're not playing today dummies that's not how this works that's not how this works this is what we're doing today we're going to fill out some custom marbles whatever it lands on that is what we do we can fill out a marble that says play a game of marbles if we land on that then you guys can play a marble but besides that it's gonna be a little crazy so here we go we go to uh how do we do this actually do i do customize no we do there's my skin by the way we do have a marble skin we are famous a lot of you don't know that i am an og marble player um but um i am out of touch and i don't remember how to do this mods um hmm simulation and how do we do that settings someone named trout farm27 made the wiki page they also created maya's wiki page and many others that's awesome use custom names where oh found it add names okay chat number one is gift 100 subs very cool to qt number two 100 subs to rando call maya and tell her i don't hello cutie her friend i'm honestly hoping we land on that one that would be so sick extreme mob thank you for the three months get slapped i'm sure i have a roommate that will slap me um take a shot take a shot of lemon juice juice um no i will not eat a spoonful of sauce because i will literally throw up eyebrow slit oh really karaoke we can do karaoke karaoke of chat's choice joyce joyce choice chat gets to play a game of marbles play marby's um hmm eat a garlic clove clove ooh um random van ban qtc role sub to a streamer call sister tell her i am pregnant debate hassan um uh 24 hour stream i don't know about i don't know about that one chat oh end stream of course that's got to be in there end stream um what else finnish lego castle really that'll be so long call sodapoppin i'm never talking to sodapoppin again he's dead to me um smoke weed [Music] hmm truth or dare with chat no you give me dares right here these are the dares pour milk on head by ludwig a cat um you should add one where you have to call someone and tell them you're starting and only fans call miz um oh let chat tweet become goth um send feet to nmp um do a tick tock dance oh god put on random cosplay i don't know what cosplays we have but i was happy to see wobby present an award his fans don't usually get representation at the big events so thank you wobby seven you're welcome um pokey tick tock dance pokey i'll i don't want to do this one tick tock dance um get unbanned from lsf at qt cinderella good evening cutie cinderella happy tuesday i hope that you're doing very well today i've just used my prime sub on your channel i'm so happy that i discovered your twitch channel last year keep it up with the great work love from california thank you um okay get swift get dirt random bloop vip lfg raw onion i don't know if i have an onion is there only issue um donate to small streamer oh yeah 10 on band forms 10 on band forms sui spoon of cinnamon um hmm [Music] i don't have any saltines good one is always eat ice cream sadly i don't have any ice cream chat buy something random buy something random um call slime and tell him that his bush did 911 joke cost you two of your sponsors not gonna do that give mods fifty dollars each should have done this a long time ago honestly you deserve more 100 big ups to you l on head speak in an accent um run an ad great and add what else let's try to get to 50. hmm i already have sing a song i have end stream finished legos that would take five hours five push-ups i don't know if i can do five push-ups but sure five push-ups okay don't change it to 10 push-ups asmr [Music] till next marby [Music] i already have take a shot um get saikuno to curse i don't think i can get psycheders braid hair learn a for we have tick tock dance check sweet anita's tweet chat sweet anita play super auto pets left me on red does anyone want to do a cooking stream with me tonight i'm in la chat i'm currently streaming remove makeup okay bloop remove makeup my nose is itchy twitter chat's choice we have that chess is weird one scream potato show desk um marby's hypers roommate does your makeup i don't know if any of my roommates are free to do that bake a pancake ooh i would kill for a waffle honestly if i'm being grilled with you guys do i have any sour candy teaches in a lie i don't know about that chip challenge i don't have that i already have gift subs take chat on a walk no [Music] spotify stats my spotify is literally all lo-fi it's my spotify is not cool one league game that feels like such a long break though dice and onion i don't have any onions is the issue are we out of stuff no way we're out hmm leave stream alone for 10 minutes um okay laughing face show pets already have that one dunk face and ice water put on clown makeup we're gonna have we've so we have too many makeup ones i don't have a raw onion um by ammo fart i actually have ammo farts thank you for the 22 fenini weenie thing for the year clean room yuck i don't want to do that one i don't have saltine crackers okay i think we're running out of stuff donate 100 to charity uh donate 100 to charity sure great 102 charity i'll add a gift five subs to me and give five subs to a streamer five five subs to me gift five subs to streamer um hmm judge people on am i the kitten watch cringe tick tock donate to ukraine watch cringe tick tock watch cringe tick tock change profile picture read mi the [ __ ] and vote uh redo um last marble wins okay last marble winds watch daily dose check my reddit watch oldest youtube video um answer a dm um uh oh i'm being told that i can do a merch giveaway sean sing a karaoke song if you want any streamer awards merch giveaway codes we can cover five for you merch giveaway thanks sean oh also hearts and chat to sean he works with fourth wall which was one of the sponsors for the event they sent me the most gorgeous flowers i don't know if you'd know anything about flowers but it had peonies that had cosmos it was they were gorgeous i meant to thank you but i was drowning um yeah merch give away buy taylor a gucci bag um do second and third marble okay this seems good order mcdonald's if i have to break my diet because of you guys i'm gonna be a little pissed um retweet prezzo that's a funny one re tweet prezzo um character damage thank you buy something from disney okay okay i think we're getting there buy something from disney ludwig raid thank you buy something from disney wear a hat you want me to just wear a hat i could put wear a hat or wear a wig thank you thank you for the ludwig raid qtc spin lead raid hey 10 more of these and you'll you'll get another trophy next year laughing face wear a hat wear a wig killed it sunda cutie okay gift someone nice call a streamer who won and tell them they lost i'm not doing that gift nitro to discord all right do you guys feel good call s fan thank you guys thank you for the subs thank you for the subs um i'm not buying an nft unmodded mod that's very funny you are the funniest person on this website hey mod that's not true xqc is on here eat a spoon of peanut butter okay all right guys we're at 60. eat a spoon of peanut butter show last photo on phone hi qt oh jesus oh jesus buy a lego set great idea buy a lego set um oh show search history oh god bloop show last text oh boy um okay random viewers amazon wishlist goodness gracious thank you guys so much for the sub sorry um cougars thank you for the prime jp fine thing for the four miss the pizza part and thank you for the prime super scruffy thank you for the sub i don't know fam thank you for the prime mustache man thank you for the prime jedi viz thank you for the prime no i have a factor i can eat that thank you um live thank you for the prime canton obsolete for the prime ciggy scorp thank you for the prime daniel rob thank you for the two months the martha for the prime dogan thinker the prime red blob thank you for the three months j master presley for the two months dr speed thank you for the two years and ricky ogato thank you for the prime um ttv danby thank you for the four months zannydev thank you for the three cipher thank you for the eight just a sandwich thank you for the three jar and thank you for the six destin thank you for the three honestly let's just add one to thank thank all subs thank all subs um okay all right are you guys ready loved the awards was brilliant thank you all right finish what do i do now i just choose one how do i go chat how do i how do i go i don't remember i really don't close settings blue oh race oh god i'm nervous i'm suddenly so nervous oh well wait wait oh boy oh man i'm nervous wait why is there 500 of them oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i'm not ready wait i need music [Music] these aren't right oh [ __ ] i did too many i did too many restart restart restart convert oh god race random simulation distribute custom names add names 66 okay so this needs to be 66. oh god oh i'm stressed i feel like we don't have anything too bad right [Music] and stream no chance no chance no chance oh it's this map this map sucks out oh god oh god oh god asmr until next morning okay [Music] what is happening merch giveaway nope that fell 100 subs to cutie we love that one okay send feet to nmp okay that one fell off um get dirt that's a good one come on let's keep that one leave alone for 10 minutes okay um jay broom broom thank you for the prime okay okay watch oldest youtube video that's not bad right i hope i don't think that's bad i embrace this chaos thank you thank you okay i don't know what my oldest youtube video is does anyone know i live with anxiety and i can't imagine putting on such a public event as you did you give me the courage to try and put myself out there in whatever way i can thank you um here it is thank you this is not my oldest youtube video you lie you lie that's my oldest youtube video videos uh i have to i'm scrolling chat oh my god it is my first youtube video oh my god this is the one we're watching oh that's crazy that that's my oldest oh my god come on stop oh this is so embarrassing this is going to be so embarrassing no boo oh god good video though 263 views okay oh shoot it's broken did you just spill water on me why is it lagging it is lagging oh boy i hate this okay here we go uh this is my oldest youtube video i guess i didn't realize it was um uh and uh it's it's meeting ludwig for the first time and sid and taylor in it and zach it's cool [Laughter] fake broken leg what [Music] [Laughter] i went to the uk that's the only thing people said to me they came up they're like wow you're actually not a [ __ ] wait really yes i'm gonna be five foot five in person you said [ __ ] let's cancel him chat we've gotta cancel him i saw him in the uk and he was shorter than me and i'm 510. [ __ ] i saw you from five miles away you wouldn't come up to me because you were too [ __ ] short and scared don't come at me you wanna go to the bathroom yeah let's go to the bathroom follow me in for sure for sure oh wow a doctor disrespect joke really really guys it's an escalator it's an escalator it's not hard it's not hard literally just stand there jesus this is qtc jamming thank you a pea fish for the 13 minutes oh i hate this i hate that he did this this made me so uncomfortable oh god oh god oh god are you touching it no dude we just got here chad this is ludwig's purse museum we're sorry no it didn't say don't touch i've never been a museum the longer you're on twitch the less social skills you have okay that's not false there's usually any description over there i don't get art me i don't get it oh let's go back we can go to the description and like let chat learn mixed media collage on canvas that's the description we're working with yeah that's it that's literally it it's just that okay well we're going to give you taught me nothing why don't we why do we go to a museum people who watch twitch for entertainment it was zach's idea he just blame me for everything it was downtown there's a lot of content downtown usually yeah the content was a guy pouring lemonade on we missed it i can't believe your face is itchy you just walk up and touch that i'm not opening it it made me so uncomfortable that he did that you should feel bad oh yeah this one was painted with duct tape uh they took pieces of duct tape and they stuck it on there and they took a mat first and then they put pieces of duct tape on i'm not making this up it kind of looks like that absolute vodka okay hey look you're an alcoholic um not right now i don't know claw's not here though oh no oh no they took like a fence right there and they like laid it down and they rolled a paint roller over it for sure i think you're actually right about that make your legit right it was made by finding things on new york street he found things on the streets of new york and he made a painting did you find a fence you think mark found a fence abso [ __ ] lutely what do you mean he said he found aluminum foils comic books and advertisements okay then how did he get that texture aluminum foil no you're so wrong i didn't realize how much i would hate you until i met you it's like so bizarre so [ __ ] annoying that's gonna be a solid i mean it i mean it still i mean it get it i will touch it again thank god if you get kicked out i can stop hanging out oh no oh no oh no [Music] this was made of those those things you remember in elementary school people would like go to the bathroom and get toilets and make it wet and throw it on the ceiling this is a long way from uh from finn's from finn's work hundred thief thank you for the two months yeah i actually do yeah i had a horrible public school too for sure really cute thank you for the year and crew daddy thank you for the three that thing that i touched made a rabbit and he sold it for 90 million yeah jeff coons you know him no yeah we're like we're like personal friends i like hanging out on his house on the weekend the 90 million dollar ride i hang out on his house on the weekends it's whatever logan's saying art gallery more like fart gallery nice logan good one logan's channel no not whose channel is it it's the 90 million dollar rabbit that shit's 90 mil don't touch it don't yeah i don't don't you could either spend 90 mil and get a rabbit or you could get ninja to go on mixer what would you do good one wait this is michael jackson no it's he's not here he oh never mind actually he's here yeah he's definitely here he's definitely here chad he's real yeah that's bubbles the monkey 100 here what do you think about that ludwig is it still chill like you know like after what he did to them kids is it still chill i don't um chris what if you think he did it to them kids chat oh [ __ ] that's a lot of ones that's a lot of ones i'm pushing uh we're trying to figure out this is i'm just asking questions it is rated g i'm good with jeff koons i've learned everything there is to know it's pretty much like once you see one thing you're just like yeah i like this one it's pretty cool where they should be am i right oh and they're smoking weed chat please stop that's good that's going to collect 100 um not cool i like how zach used to think i'd get clipped not cool would you date somebody who's broke what she would not taylor would not date someone who's broke tax bracket do they have to be in what percentage are they running on their income get the real questions out twenty-two percent go gold's mo thank you for the two months don't [ __ ] the chats i'm not interested if we're not going to [ __ ] if you're not buying me at jeff kuhn's 90 million dollar statue i don't want to [ __ ] talk about it plug your stream on my discord just normally like 50 foot shut up oh my god it's like a pretty good rate i can't stand him there's a match made you dope awards show the other night qt watched it on my road trip home smiley face for the 23. you might want to check on minx her stream is disconcerting right now i don't know what disconcerting means but i'm a little busy look at me like you gotta do it once for the reddit just stand by it for the reddit you know you know what's important you guys should stand side by side and then by the chair the sadness just the sadness creeps in because i just know the subreddit they're still on short jokes oh no i think finally in 2022 his reddit is over short jokes you best think for the 21. no letter was trying to get kicked out chad i don't know why like every male on twitch has to be babysat at all times that's what i've learned i still haven't fully learned that i think texas i'm good okay i've lost some of my skills being on twitch what do you want from me i wake up i stream on twitch it's the first time out in a long time through the apple people here go back home damn i was so mean right here it's okay you gotta stay you gotta stay oh no oh no i don't get that one yeah i didn't get that much for going to texas oh no uh not my fault oh my god what is wrong with me wow why am i doing him like that geez geez louise apologize what the heck what is wrong with me i guess that's how do you think about it do you like takashi blood wigs jesus [ __ ] christ did you do this on dates holy [ __ ] horses thank you for the two months i'm relaxed dude you see how orange these are i'm relaxed as [ __ ] dude i'm relaxed as [ __ ] dude i'm so relaxed but they're very bright whoa whoa whoa whoa can you please get the very short man in the gucci slides to do limbo with the chains in front of the paintings all right let's go over here i can cover it do you think i could show art description actually it's pretty simple what's the man's facial expression like he looks he's actually super creepy wait he's if i went back there could i show her whoa he's penetrating me oh geez yeah that's probably not a good thing shield your eyes chat that's still funny [Laughter] i'm gonna use that joke that's a great dude that's a perfect date joke i like this one i think it's all about racism racism and racism chat okay champ to end racism today oh my god what are we supposed to do okay all right [Music] it's like three goth triplets huh it's like three golf triplets nice i think i should hang out with them i wear the wrong color went off the tornado i think pompeii was post tension thank you for the nine months volcano but i could be wrong okay that's fair i'm the funny one right check check hey cutie just wanted to thank you for putting together the streamer awards you deserve all the positivity and support for hosting managing and putting it all together thank you lala thank you for the 20. wait for some yeses is she the funny one yeah she's super funny why are you being nice i can see i can see the caps in chat right now oh they're all saying no smile okay jp thank you for the five nice hannah did look a violin painted green of the shovel oh nice the violin you use this for like a hard day's work do you know what that is uh yeah i changed my air conditioning unit dude until you're on mixer you're no one what anyway this is my last stream on twitch hntr thank you for the three months she's getting paid now you need to stay on twitch what are you gonna do a mixer they have equal rights there you're [ __ ] oh my god what was that joke jilly thank you for the six months what the maybe like okay maybe like maybe like you like the sandal like just like i slip it off that's like your chat when you go to someone's stream they're like when you go to the stream oh yeah we used to do that a lot we used to do compliment rates you guys remember that oh no none of you were here thanks for all the hard work and entertaining content you put out for us pepper happy go to people's streams and we'd compliment them and my favorite was was rob remember og rob we complimented him and he was like what is this chaos [ __ ] and i was like whoa what the we were just being nice yeah cause my chat's nice i'm like yours try to be nice when you have like a thousand people oh my god so this morning i went and got a smoothie oh wow why did i tell this story what a weird story and make it to taylor's reservations d king thank you the prime you showed up late to the reservation you missed breakfast you went to go to a drink shop and you ordered a smoothie in orange juice which is weird that's weird that's not weird to order two drinks it's weird to double carry beverages yeah but you didn't have to double carry because the minute she handed me my pina colada which was like a banana coconut smoothie it was gonna be awesome i took a sip of it and then just i think at one point you bend over like scoop it with your hands which wouldn't work because it's a liquid okay oh i still would like him to wax his nose hair they also don't like your sweatpants anything else your hair they just said your hair it wasn't a lot of what's wrong with my hair can you get a wax on stream it'll be fun wax my nose here yeah yeah hundred percent let's do it right now how do you wax those oh that's making my eyes water even thinking about it yeah they just put wax on a stick and they shove it up your nose i'll give you a long time all right i'll do it oh he'll do it chat do you want to do it zach i'll do it is that cool everyone's getting their nose sid come on are you going to the european wack center he should go blonde again but everyone's getting their nose waxed now and i'm really excited it didn't work that no one would let us wax our noses yeah zach's doing it i'll do it like do you use shaving cream no no no you dry razor no there's like a there's like a shaver that's a good one you hear this dude ludwig was faking it insert the clips of him on the yard talking about how he shaved his ass for a year or whatever and he's sitting here talking to zach like he doesn't know about shaving his ass he lied what the heck okay maroo thank you for the three months what the hell specifically for bottles look it up amazon amazon prime actually has right why did he lie about that i'm good i'm good with the amount it was a first date guys this was not a date hello this is a stream this was not a date out of hair that i may or may not have surrounding the area in between my budgies whatever oh my god i didn't realize how close these people were to us it's so better that's great that's wonderful bro what if taylor and let's hook up wait what that's crazy i just read that line but i have to say i think this is where ludwig farts and it's so gross and i get really triggered but i don't know why someone in chat said that that that's great that's wonderful bro what if taylor and oh let hook up he's not gonna bite the beautiful babies huh do you hear that who's gonna have beautiful what the heck who said where did that come from that's so weird oh that makes me hurt inside ew that is i hated that that made me i hated that so much that is not funny it was the chair are you ted is that chair she foreign never do that did you splash these for 100 splashies yeah what splashes whoo well you want a hundred bucks to jump in there i'll give you 100 if you jump in you just want me to get in it yeah do i have to like sit down what do you mean of course i'd get in it you'd sit down at it for 100 bucks yeah you sit down on it yes and have wet pants yeah yeah do it easy 100. you know you're not supposed to do this taylor always can you move your phone don't do it family [Laughter] great job with everything you're doing rn keep up with the great content i did it for 100 bucks [Laughter] how do you feel now dumb dumb 100 yeah i feel great because your ass is [ __ ] soaking wet shake like a dog a rose thank you for the three months thank you chat irl dono in my pocket what was your lowest offer for you to take it probably like five bucks oh five bucks honestly you could have just said you won't do it and i would have done it i would have done it do you not know me like if you tell me i won't do something i'll do it usually nine times out of ten why don't we why didn't we rent scooters fun you can do it because you won't download the app i hate apps i still hate apps what i hate american stuff do you refuse it why i hate apps no you have to like have a login okay yeah you choose your number nowadays for most things dude i hate it i hate it so much you have password i guess i get your data login for the five months my data they find me down they steal my family my family's been gone for years they haven't brought them back you're literally living the movie taken man that was written about me changing the two months change in d is almost equal to h over two pi uh yeah the change in a penis in a dick equals horny times two ew why did i say that does that mean that's divided by two pi that's actually your virgin i wish i wasn't a virgin one two three people need their nose wax yes that's our girl and then they say no you can't film it she's ready oh what if i give you a hundred dollars what if you do it on the sidewalk all right now we're sad now we go to target do it homemade they just made a big mistake huge they just lost a lot of money that was such a sad thing there's gotta you know you shouldn't have found that one you had to find a local one i mean i just woke up all right let me try we should have called first and said can we record i don't think of these things i'm so sad about the wax thing i was really excited hey chat set up send it up on the tripod i love you guys how are you ugh gross am i even filming myself i don't know come here i'm so bossy about something right now what she still can't use chopsticks okay yeah if you ask for a fork you have to sit at a different table all right guys here's the ramen this is mine this is number one you'll write which one's the best ramen i want ramen so bad right now oh they'll win 500 praise your thing for the two months first one ramen black it's pork chow soup pork belly bat fat belly fat fat belly with eggs then you have was that chicken wonton chicken ramen it looks like the top is coagula i want ramen so bad is that chicken skin that looks delicious this is but it's spicy spicy boys there's no egg get all my spicy boys out here and then this is the goku which is like such a they just give you such a big piece of meat what are you supposed to do like why would they come and eat it i could eat it really well garage orella and then we have oh yeah because he made a joke about how i eat well or something like that fork weird champ weird champ uh we got sid here with the noodles if you want to give him a follow sid sucks uh please send him beat pictures if you have any that are fair uh right here let's change her name change to who took taylor wow and then i think that's it i think that's everyone that's here wow wow we did it we watched my very first youtube video from september 2nd 2019. holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] now we are going back to more marby's that was our first marble of the night that was our first marble of the night alright and we are racing again [Music] good video liquid dane thank you the prime ready set go oh god i have to pee after this probably plug my phone in in case we need it for any of these [Music] 100 subs to cutie in a strong lead thank all subs yuck yuck oh lost lost oh 100 subsequently back in the lead don't hit a tire come on oh [ __ ] no not poor milk on head please please please please not pour milk on head i just showered wait why is there an empty one oh it's wait why is there an empty one wait what the heck oh it's thank all subs oh boy not pour milk on head please order mcdonald's wait that's exciting wait what think all subs how did you get all the way up here i don't have that many subs to think what the hell okay wait which one won oh thank all subs b answer dm okay that's fine thank us no guys it's not it's not like current subs it's uh the ones i've missed so far so it is peace alien thank you for your prime alka dude thank you for your prime riss o'hara thank you for your sub the manda thank you very much for your sub liquid dane thank you for the prime el clon questoro thank you for the two months frasier went live thank you for the two months oh thank me smiley face higher arch okay actually let me start at the bottom so we start with today's stream not all stream not all subs in general guys okay stop subbing please i'm doing my best please okay wow really how many subs have we gotten today the stream awards are amazing suck oh [ __ ] wait i haven't been live for two hours wait why do i have so many subs from two hours ago oh don't do that cass all right everyone here we go ivy mike thank you for the prime i love kittens thank you for the 21 months creed thank you for the three months dragoon thank you for the seventh two years steve the unicorn thing for the two months zodia cake thank you for the two months chi zoom thank you for the 26 months cast thank you for the five gifted mj barry thank you for the seven months thank you for the four josh not watch thank you the two lenny thank you for the 15 olivia gumbears thank you for the 16. sorry sorry thank you for the prime jet thank you for gifting one sub glue dot jpeg thank you for the brand new sub jake thank you so much for the five gifted twin radiant thank you for the 17 months pimento thank you for the five months cheese and geeks thank you for the prime okay danny thank you for the nine months overlord clay thank you for the three months jake eats thank you for the four uh ex nurse matrix thank you for the two albert thank you for the five for that thank you for the year uh stan the garbage can thank you for the 17. tiny bunny thank you for the nine i am lymon thank you for gifting a sub sarah thank you for the 100 bitties lucas thank you for the prime endless mason mentioned thank you for the sub the prime arlene thank you for the eight months claire duluth thank you for the 14 months official palace thank you for the prime jedi knight anon thank you for the four dr insulin thank you for the prime neffen serena thank you for the two months luna trish thank you for the prime luke thank you for the prime omnistar thank you for the six months chilled chai thank you for the three months natalie thank you for the three months aka aka hixion thank you for the five woohoo over a year and look where my streamer is 10k way to go qt oh my god okay thoughtless thank you for the two months morocco thank you for the year derby thank you for the two months only john i'll think of the 17 laura leah yes we broke the hour thank you for the 10 months fahrenheit thank you for the 19 app aperture guy thank you for the prime super guy thank you for gifting two subs mercenary thank you for the five gifted no 10 gifted from mercenary thank you so much lane noir thank you for the prime curious avocado thank you for the prime read for jesus thank you for the prime anna thank you for the eight months skillet thank you for the 18 eliminator thank you for the 10. feel me oj thank you for the prime taylor thank you for the eight degard thank you for the three dollars and andre thank you for the five dollars lame as cass thank you for the two months deadpool thank you for the hundred bitties call me nude sleep for the prime blue eagle thank you for the seven months the hoosier thank you for the four months panda thank you for the five dollars ross boss thank you the five dollars cloudy thing with 100 bitties panda thank you for the hundred bitties streamers react thank you for the three months blend thank you for the three dollars galba thank you for the five months jms gears thank you the five dollars toasted you thank you for the prime crazy pickle fancy for the five months the cello [ __ ] the less lol thing for the prime brockovich thing for the two months automatic platypus stick for the ten dollars dim night hey thank you for the five months smoke stacks thank you for the two months eli kyle think about the seven months my mouth is starting to hurt atreus thank you for this the brand new sub sterling thank you for the two months stoma cruise thank you for the prime penny and mouth thing for the two months clue jay thank you for the sub samson thank you for the two months nazar bras thank you for the eight months blue suede thank you for the 20 pepsi pancakes thank you for the two months empire jerky usa thank you for the sub soldier thank you for the three dollars barefoot jinx thank you for the the sub aperture guy thank you for converting your prime to a sub mackie stacks thank you for the five gifted dpap official thank you for the 17 months pollywog think of the six months lane or thank you for converting your sub sock monkey thank you for the two months dark wolf thank you for your prime wills the gator thank you for the prime pixie pixie thank you for the sub 74 shoe thank you for the prime jasper thank you for the two months xbox sammy thank you for the prime little accidents thank you for the hundred biddies staying on rich thank you for the year brontosaurus thank you for the prime taehyun bay thank you for the three months jose thank you for the twenty dollars archie thank you for the six months ghost buddy thank you for the eight months ray thank you for the five extreme moab thank you for the three months patty thank you for the three months interxible pheasant thank you for the two months retroactive kenzie thank you for the 14 months adino gaming thank you for the three months spurge nasty thank you for the eight months man thank you for the five giggle fart thank you for the two years grog thank you for the prime i burley thank you for the five dollars ugo chuckwugo thank you for the five your boys zach thank you for the year puke joe thank you for the bitties dan the name thank you for the two months doc's notch thank you for the three dollars john moos thank you for the two months mark toast thank you for the three months holy [ __ ] elon mom thank you for the prime tj thank you for the 25 centennial cow thank you for the prime panini weenie thank you for the year drew thank you for the 22 months la nick thank you for the 12 months man 99 helm thank you for the five dollars hogan long thank you for gifting us up noah thank you for the three 235. sean thank you for uh the the dollar uh that guy thank you for i don't have matrix thank you for the five dollars character damage thank you for gifting us up and thank you for subbing yourself dustin blemish thank you for the three months jarn thank you for the six months just a sandwich thank you for the three months cypher thank you for the eight months danny or zany thank you for the three months for loco thank you for the five dollars ttv dan b thank you for the four months uh air roco gato thank you for the prime dr mcspeed thank you for the 24 months j master oh my god this is taking forever i can't read anymore my eyes hurt stop subbing red flop thank you for the three months again thank you for the prime peace thank you for the prime no i said stop daniel thank you for the two months sixty corps secret of the prime cattle thank you for the prime step thank you for the pride jedi save the prime mustache man thank you for the prime i don't know fam thank you for the prime s poor scurvy guys can anyone who subs right now i hate you and i want you to know i hate you i hate you a lot i hate you a lot i hate you a lot i hate you a lot i hate you a lot i hate you a lot jp fine thank you for the four months cougars think you're the prime chicken thing you're the prime tcx thank you for the prime skill thank you for the two months ogre andy thank you for the six months valerino thank you for the three months sharden thank you for the prime beat you thank you for the prime slowly thank you for the videos i'm skipping videos because i'm only supposed to thank subs and dono's jay broom thank you for the prime pea fish thank you for the 13 months hundred thief two months curly q is taking for the year crawdaddy thank you for the three months goals the mo thank you for the two months sharkuno thank you for the 23 months oh you [ __ ] yes vez thank you for the 21 months horse fista thank you horse horsey fit thank you for the two months joshi thank you for the three months post tension thank you for the nine months jp de lord thank you for the five hntr thank you for the three months of jilly thank you for the six moses thank you for the four d king thank you for the prime taco tech thank you for the prime krogen thank you for the four months emily thank you for the for three months ak maru thank you for the three months hi thank you for the two months a rose thank you for the three months how are we on another song florence music thank you for the five months till x thank you for the prime ninja turkey thing for the prime fraser went live thank you for the two months escalante thank you for the two months liquid dane think of the prime rizal hera thank you for the sub alka dude thank you for the prime peace alan thank you the prime amanda thank you for the sub okay we're really close now hierarchy tom thank you for the four months undercover sheba thank you for the prime dvd thank you for the seven months crispy lumps thank you for the prime fyi this does not count i know jd thank you for the two years cass thank you for the five gifted limelight thank you for the prime honest david thank you for gifting us up the pdu thank you for gifting this up grew i'm thinking of the seven months vicks thank you for gifting us up get me a potato thank you for the prime darth muchacho thank you for the prime quarantine wolf thank you for gifting us up rabbit sienna sleeping for the 13 months do your own guac bro thank you for the two months aok skeptical thank you for the sub ben fidel thank you for the prime voltaics west thank you for the sub politish thank you for the sub ryan not brian thank you for gifting us up g shadow thank you for gifting the sub this is content shut up raxing game thank you for the two months no excuse thank you for the prime juicy doctor thank you for the three months viper monkey thank you for the prime captain yappers thank you for the sub new waxo thank you for the prime star daisy thank you for the sub um test anonymous thank you for the prime king rowdy thank you i'm saying everything wrong king brownie thank you for the sub jerry berry thinking in 13 months i'm piped up thank you for the prime matt thank you for the prime biscuits thank you for the sub old mannyism thank you for the prime bristle thank you for the five gifted rez thank you for the prime glue dot jpeg thank you for gifting us up brawler higa thank you for the prime absent paradox thank you for the sub abnon thank you for the prime [Music] the that one chelsea thank you for gifting a sub jump jump thank you for the prime cuz you think of the six months that guy presley thank you for gifting the sub sexy thank you for the prime mint julep thank you for the two months ultimate thank you for the prime perennius cloud thank you for gifting three subs not born thank you for the the the sub a cass thank you for gifting us up javier thank you for the three months and tony thank you for three months eli thank you for the three bucks and giselle thank you for the prime i did it power that b thank you for the sub all right jerry berry thank you for gifting five subs all right here we go ready next one again again again eggs and baking baby in five months i don't need to leave the marbies we can do them again [Music] [Music] i know i skipped anything for the 10 gifted [Music] don't have to pee anymore i do and i forgot to go but hopefully we have get swift and i can go when i get swift come on good one this is a good one to win we all want get swift to win this one [Music] alliance thank you it was a pleasure working with you on the show congrats on the success who what oh my god alliance thank you for the two months hey thank you i didn't realize who i was like working on the show and then i realized who you were yeah [ __ ] stellar dude couldn't have done it without you okay we don't really know what's in the lead right now cutie cinderella is like the leslie knope of twitch deserves all the success coming her way i would prefer to be like the like the megan fox why do i have to be the leslie knope god damn it [Music] i i'm fine if it repeats mcd uh automica thank you for the sub pure cutie massive congrats and way to [ __ ] go breaking even on the first year thank you crazy af oh i would love a spoonful of peanut butter right now or to get ders all right spoonful of peanut butter spoonful of peanut butter i'll be right back queen caitlyn thank you this up i'll be back i'll be back yo loop peanut butter supposed to be hard or something what the heck is any potters what does any potters mean what's the point of it i don't know i thought it was supposed to be hard does that seem like enough oh that's a lot i have to do the whole thing [Laughter] this is gonna look gross boys and girls all right one mouthful oh um oh my god it's just too much um so happy to see all the success you've gotten recently you deserve it sm let me just realize i'm gonna choke okay i'm getting it now oh that was gross i'm good that was pretty easy actually once you get through the main part where your mouth feels full it's kind of nasty oh my god oh my god there's just so much oh it's just so much oh oh oh oh i don't know if i want peanut butter for a while after that oh oh my god it's like everywhere how is it still in my mouth oh oh my god it's like coated the back of my throat ah it's everywhere my whole mouth ah okay i don't recommend it's literally waterproof yeah okay yeah it was gross that was gross oh oh next oh this one sucks i hate this one because it's a lap merch giveaway get slapped give mods 50 each [Music] damn it get slapped slow down [Music] where'd i get my top from oh it's old i actually don't know really is this why is it so far in the lead bye taylor gucci bag oh all right she could just she deserves a raise wait how does it get slapped still wait get slapped is so fast no [Music] oh oh oh it's losing wait what just took the lead taylor gucci bag [Music] i already know which one she wants this is last lap i'm pretty sure it's that one i think this is gonna win nothing else is nearby [Music] all right taylor gets a freaking gucci bag why didn't you ask for a spoonful of sauce chat hi by the way i've been gone for a while did miss anything no you didn't miss anything and they did i said i vetoed it i vetoed it all right let me find i know the bag she wants [Music] i have to send it i'll show you guys show us the back she wants i will i'm trying to load it i'm going to send it i also need to plug my phone in because we i think we have stuff that we have to do with the phone so i should probably plug my phone in next time i have to peek because i have to pee pretty often or if i have to get a cat and dog remind me to plug my phone in all right here it is oh it's nearly three thousand dollars are you being serious why this one [Music] um [Music] okay [Music] all right i found it let me pull it up [Music] shut up mario kart shut up some here it goes wow this is it cha this is the one she wants check the clearance section no i know it's this one she wants it the leos thank you for gifting us up does anyone have a link to the fake one does anyone have the link to the fake one nobody not for me of course um just [ __ ] alibaba the streamer awards was great you and maya are so funny thank you it's about time somebody said it oh boy [ __ ] we couldn't land on anything else really we just had to land on this one add the shopping bag paypal oh jesus let me get our address [ __ ] she's gonna see it she's gonna she's gonna be able to see beautiful phone case oh thank you bloop login qtc smoke it's homophobic bye gotta watch porn see you later add new address first name taylor last name who took she's gonna see she she can log into my paypal she literally pays all my mods and stuff or not my mods my editors i also owe my mods money mods i owe you money um you would know this though i've been busy give me a break um oh boy imagine this doesn't get to her wow why is her address so weird she has got a weird ass address um dude they better give me free shipping i don't want to pay shipping for this am i gonna have to pay shipping damn it okay save don't save the address perma ship to taylor hoof this review don't forget to complete your payment at gucci america love the streams and the awards was amazing address signature will be required upon delivery paypal account oh my gosh chat it's two thousand seven hundred and forty seven dollars i agree place order thank you for your order done and done done and done done and done i found a fake website uh land on again buy or two uh we're gonna get rid of that one now we're gonna get rid of that one i will say we did it we bought that's like half a tank of gas we will get rid of that you made me laugh at stream awards also i just noticed the phone case yeah i have a good phone case race menu we're not gonna get another one chat i don't i think we should remove that one for sure for sure uh where is that one where is buy taylor a gucci bag because i know it was cool to buy her one but i genuinely i don't i don't know if she needs to do you think she needs to chat i don't i don't think we should i don't think she needs to girl has to eat all right well next that was a lot of money eat a girl garlic and pickle oh i wish i had pickles i meant garlic and peanut butter gross [Music] get rid of the cinnamon one you can choke i'll be fine not another spoonful of peanut butter please please oh it's okay i'll get rid of that random one next time un mata mod oh get swift love that one no please don't pour milk on head please please please thank all subs again put on random cosplay this crap this track is long calm is this one might win why does that look like an ovary over there oh [ __ ] we're going into the ovaries hello cutie i loved watching the streamer awards you did an incredible job i hope to see another one next year qtc love yeah we'll see what happens let's go diva cup okay [Music] calm is and debate hassanner close ooh five push-ups okay oh oh comey's got cocked oh debate chad what am i going to debate and son about i don't know if he wants to debate is he streaming oh okay [Music] congrats on everything smiley face uh i'm gonna google um uh uh smiley face [ __ ] i've got ludwig's questionnaire i've got this i don't know if he's gonna talk to me guys uh what is he doing right now wait he's not live hassan isn't live when did he go offline dude this is the most that was will call him anyway a while ago i'm not gonna call him off stream should will take his place with life's a dream isn't it first line out for sure why not what is he doing they're drinking white wine life's a dream okay i accept it no wait but yeah what happened that's not right what is he doing only being buddhist movie who's just like hassan is it atrialk online who am i supposed to debate what's rich campbell doing because i think that asman is coming from it on twitch oh sir sir could roleplay as him wait where's here see here can i call you real quick i need you to rp as hassan for like two minutes simple and clean at sear enter see here look at your chat stop eating bloop sear look at your goddamn chat rp is gone i don't know how to do that can you try i don't i don't know how to do an uh song impersonation i just need to debate you i genuinely don't know how to do it like the only way i can rp is this on is by like not talking i'm being out of my chair all right sears out sears out i can't do a blast you know what will happen i'm gonna try and do it and everyone's gonna okay this will be perfect prezzo we're all giving stonepod drinks prezzo later on that night i need um a big floop favorite and i had a dream that we're fine for giving and we and like hoover and like everyone else got like this literally no it no is this a bit no i had a dream i had a dream that that happened because i need a big favor for five minutes what's up cutie cinderella okay perfect we'll call him prezzo prezzo prezzo call hello hi chad are you hearing cutie cinderella i am here uh quiet oh [ __ ] okay what's up i what is wrong with your sound why do you never have sound good i don't know my go xlr kind of reset um turn the music down yeah you're right i need you to pretend to be a hassan why for five minutes you need me to pretend to be hassan for five minutes yeah cause we need i need to debate hassan but hassan got offline okay is this for your stream yeah oh [ __ ] uh we're gonna debate about something very important okay let me try and fix your audio okay yeah for sure yeah yeah yeah what are we debating about or is that gonna be okay yeah that'll be discussed once you can your chat can hear me i guess okay chat wait talk um hello we're debating gay marriage nope oh [ __ ] why are you liking this pause wait give me a second give me a second what about oh wait let me do uh let me do this talk hello oh talking yes okay sweet is it working okay sweet we're debating gay marriage okay yeah and i have to pretend to be hassan yeah so you're against it yeah okay and you needed me because it's less problematic yeah okay no i thought you'd do a good hassan oh okay yeah yes yeah yeah that's pretty good i could do hazard okay so i would like to debate you and i would like to say i think everyone can get married what do you think what about those gays i i think they should get married you have no idea what's happening in my head right now i i am saying things that will absolutely get us banned really in your head i see should i say them no no no hassan i would prefer if you didn't say them okay okay okay please don't do that um so i look like a wall because they do so hassan i think i think i think anyone should get married no matter how they who they are in love with why do you think love doesn't count if it's the same sex [Music] uh i don't know if you could put a put a put a [ __ ] in a [ __ ] you know well it's not about having sex it's about getting married um that's it that's all they want to do yeah i think i think marriage is well i was gonna say marriage is gay but that would go against my uh my my my debate stands here uh uh-huh i i think i think they're a little annoying and i think uh i think this is what i'd say i think yeah i'm playing hassan i uh this is not prezo speaking why are they annoying and who are they oh my god uh um i think the gays are a little annoying i think they're a little frilly i think uh as you can see i am a very masculine i am not uh one of those uh uh feminine uh man weirdos anyone else agree no we don't agree over here and we don't know i believe i believe weirdos should be able to get married too have you ever met oh uh okay have you ever met a gay weirdo yes yes i have hassan have you ever heard of prezzo ah yeah i got to meet him and he wore a bolo tie and he was [ __ ] weird am i right hassan he was he was [ __ ] weird i'm pretty sure he was he was uh he was looking at my [ __ ] oh because you know those gays you know those gays they keep looking at other man's [ __ ] which is fine and more reason for them to get married so then they won't look at your penis hassan no no no no you don't know them gays they will look at anything um well now chat it's time to vote who won the debate do you this this is when your chat is out it is like completely homophobic or against gay marriage chat listen i ge it looks as though prasan abi has won the oh my god i guess utc jammies qtc jammies qtc jammies we're against gay marriage now all right well thank you for your time hassan i appreciate it thank god you're no longer on lsf because that that would be bad i'll see you later see ya well chat we did our best i lost the debate i lost the debate i lost the debate i hate when that happens for the record no matter what you guys say and no matter what hassan says i still support gay marriage i do very brave stance thank you what did maya say maya why aren't you going live what are you doing why would i go live i don't know oh five push-ups is in no it's not wait it's broken [Music] what speaking an accent oh boy wait is send feet picks to nick in the lead oh no take a shot of lemon juice okay not bad oh you're working on a puzzle okay send feet to nmp is in second show last photo on phone okay oh boy oh boy oh boy yeah guys i spelled syndrome give me a break oh boy um uh i think nick is gonna get a feet pick oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] wait my toes are purple right now what the heck i'm cold my toes are so purple right now [Music] my feet look [ __ ] ew i have weird feet [Music] oh boy all right here i go twitter [Music] nmp [Music] lol [Music] what do you think what do i put with it [Music] on the house nothing [Music] no context [Music] [Music] does this look normal uh nick is definitely asleep he's gonna wake up to this person i owe you a gifted sub hi [Music] um all right well all right ashley thank you for the sub is the scar thank you for the sub all right next random track back in it here we go start the race [Music] game galaxy thank you for the prime [Music] give nitro to discord oh i can get rid of i guess i should get rid of the ones that have already spun right [Music] un mata mod ooh exciting time off for mods pokey tick tock dance please no hey cutie just wondering why wasn't lyric in the streamers award he's been at the forefront of twitch in last couples of years just wondering it's fan nominated he was invited and he didn't come there's your answer get dirt oh it missed change profile okay well call s-van oh take a shot of lemon oh [ __ ] [Music] oh thank god i didn't get second and do second and third marble all right [Music] i'll go get some lemon juice i'll be back [Music] i have to plug my phone into i'll be back not 11 inches [Music] look [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yep [Music] i'm gonna put these fuzzy socks on my feet my feet are purple legit [Music] wow really sad thank you for the prime [Music] poop [Music] same but i just painted them okay [Music] qtc jammies okay [Music] thank you for the prime here we go this is gonna be yucky not even real lemon juice it says 100 lemon juice i don't have a real lemon this is just gonna curdle everything in my stomach pog uh uh uh uh uh black might thank you for the pride the the prime and sinister thank you for the prime high five ghosted thing with the five you might puke i hope i haven't really noticed cutie can you check mod chat real quick yes i can and did got it um hmm you all right ready cindy don't say do it [ __ ] you do it [ __ ] oh that is pungent qtc spin qtc spin qtc spin qtc spin oh my god that was just a sip just wanted to say you did a fantastic job with the award show iron mouse cheer also slicker don't come in here and say yo like you're all innocent you little [ __ ] slicker goes on lsf and he's like there's nothing wrong with the joke i made at the award show people call me short all the time if you would have told maya she has no chest that would have been an equal joke but you've made fun of a relationship that's a different line it was banter no it wasn't imagine you and erica break up and i make a joke about it not even six months later that's not banter that was just stupid and you also apologize like a hundred times which she accepted and then you go online and you say the opposite you you take back your apology that's not a nice thing to do it's not a nice thing to do and you say it wouldn't bother you well you knew it bothered us and so it doesn't matter if it doesn't bother you i never took my apology you did take your apology back by going live and saying the opposite that's not cool i stood by it you can't go live and be like oh she just couldn't take a joke they just couldn't take a joke it was a joke that's not standing by apology that's being an [ __ ] okay sorry she's right slicker you are ugly says maya see and now you can call maya ugly that's how it works um that's literally how it works um if you make jokes you can make it about the same thing damn cutie said maya's ugly anyway whatever please don't fight that's all i do okay chat stop calling people ugly chat okay ready set oh gotta go oh oh i can feel my stomach doing things i'm gonna throw up ah oh god jesus christ also unironically that clip on lsf of slicker shouldn't even be on lsf because i'm in it lsf i thought i was banned if i'm in the clip hello dink donk dink dunk lsf breaking your own rules lsf dink dunk dink donk oh my god ah ah oh god holy [ __ ] why do you care so much because i don't want to be on that reddit your stomach is fine it's protected by peanut butter truffle monster thank you for the two months um i feel sick why are you banned so i don't lose my goddamn mind that's why i'm banned all right next [Music] chad is moving so fast no one will know that i'm gay buy a lego set please [Music] too legit to start thank you for gifting a sub my stomach hurts come on buy a lego set come on buy a lego set no not change profile picture i want to buy a lego set [Music] yay [Music] come on no no no no no no no [Music] bye lego set [Music] we're going on a trip to our favorite rocket ship we are going to the lego store we're gonna buy a set that we never will complete we are going to the lego store okay lego store lego.com service building instructions no um i don't want that i need to go shop shopping chatting chatting we are shopping oh [ __ ] okay oh i'm so excited oh there's a vespa chat that's cute chad i like the vespa a lot okay all right options ready chat we are going to i'm making sure this doesn't autofill anything that it shouldn't i don't think it does all right okay we got a vespa option we've got i don't really like the star wars i'm sorry oh a globe bunnies stupid hogwarts oh i love chip and dale that's cute but i think they're small trending now how do i look at new ones new found it take us to the new ones what is this madrid stadium i don't know soccer well enough that would be a waste on me rocket launcher hercules i mean elvis that's elvis um boba fett the vespa ariel's underwater palace that's kind of hype um [Music] i haven't really noticed empire jerky how are you still here empire jerky get a hobby can you buy this one wait i wait wait chat wait i love all the i love all these hmm okay honestly i've got to just start with the disney ones because those are my favorite shop interests where's disney abc d chat where's disney go to best sellers where best sellers coliseum that's what i got i got slime that for christmas um we have that one boutique hotel what the heck i don't want that one the globe is kind of cool seinfeld is kind of cool sonic the hedgehog is kind of cool um cantana katana katana ninjago qtc jammies qtc jammies qtc jammies we have that one lego themes disney oh i think we have all the disney ones don't we this is a bad day for my wallet that's for damn sure oh yeah these are lame maybe the ice castle is cool i'd be down to get the ice castle i'd be down to get this winnie the pooh one ice castle winnie the pooh is the belle and beast castle is it like cheesy or is it like the disney castle oh yeah see i don't like when they're like this this lego see these legos that's not real lego i don't like those legos i only like the real legos do you guys know what i'm talking about i wonder if this one is like that or are there real legos oh they're the stupid cheapy legos too i hate cheapy legos the duplox or whatever we hate duplexes so annoying i like this one i have that one winnie the pooh looks cool honestly chat we should get a cheap one i got a gucci bag earlier um okay the rest are stupid i'm gonna go to best sellers again where was i where do best sellers go shop bestsellers you guys really want me to get the bouquet i see a lot of you talking about the bouquet ninjago dude that hogwarts one is 250 seems a bit oh what about this one chad oh it's on back order well we can still get it do you want to get the mario one or do you want the bouquet i think you guys want the bouquet okay let me find the bouquet and we'll run a poll between the bouquet and the mario one where's the bouquet the hell oh chat and tony wants to look at the sesame street one oh we're not getting the sesame street one wait you guys really want winnie winnie the pooh no this is the bouquet i like the bouquet should we get the bouquet chat wait why is this link for the bouquet where do i just add it to the cart products wait they're all individual oh no it's right here it's out of stock foreheads i can't get that one okay vote between winnie the pooh or mario you gotta you have to change it chat winnie the pooh or mario this is where did the mario go where did winnie the pooh go oh this is winnie the pooh this is mario there's mario there's winnie the pooh you guys vote you have to vote in the pool pull above vote in the pool poll above in the poll above mario is poo what the hell is that supposed to mean flower bouquet is in stock at target oh well it looks like mario's winning anyway by a landslide get both no chat we're not gonna get both who do you guys think you are okay we're getting we're getting mario back order it won't ship until march which is great view my bag chat we've spent so much money today what pay with paypal let me in who is the dog barking at oh it's slime continue to order we're halfway through march yeah continue to order review oh no i'm sending it to taylor oh [ __ ] cancel oh [ __ ] oh no stop processing the order oh that's not ideal order status thank you your order's been placed [ __ ] well i'll have taylor ship it to me it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine back to marby's random track [Music] [Music] tier three sub to a streamer this is the most expensive night ever chad [Music] why hi qti really enjoyed the streamer awards great job qtc spin [Music] sure goes thank you for the prime oh a random viewer's amazon wishlist chat do you have amazon wishlist who keeps an amazon wishlist just that they're ready cutie and debt drama alert seriously this is so expensive [Music] oh boy the wish list chat please go put cheap things in your wish list change profile picture oh at least that's free not last marvel wins that stresses me out not eat a spoon of peanut butter please oh boy oh boy oh [Music] change profile picture to what we didn't think that one through draw one i'm not going to draw one [Music] make it s-van i will let chat decide i just need to pull up one of those bots what's that thing i use chat where you like typing a thing and it pulls you what is that it's what's that thing called that bot i've used it before nightbot yeah nightbot wait is it nightbot where is it what what is it on nightbot oh giveaways there it is regular subscribers mods users okay keyword is me enable okay chat type in me for a chance to choose my picture wait how did stream elements type in me i don't think it's working oh never mind it's working likeable guy thank you for the prime if you win you'll be choosing my profile picture for discord get [ __ ] rosie posey thank you for three months lopez thank you for the prime how'd it long but it last i don't know all right i'm gonna roll it ready steady roll it penguin following sense today perfect penguin what would you like my photo to be terrifying penguin i'm here yes so what would you like my photo to be penguin penguin ad sorry oh somebody give this guy stuff so proud i think in three months all right cool all right well we'll wait we'll wait guys we will wait thank you for watching the ad it's very helpful to the stream very helpful to the stream it's very helpful to stream just got a quick gotta wait for the ad break chat picture of a penguin with a scarf all right picture of a penguin with a scarf this feels like you know a little personal penguin with scarf well the first one that comes up is very cute so i think we just go with this one because it was the first one that came up with the watermark and everything perfect save image as save discord i don't really know how to change my profile picture how uh i haven't done this and i don't know how long um user profile uh oh boy chat how do i change my profile picture edit user profile change white people happy upload image i go to downloads upload can i just drag it okay that didn't work chad it's not working last month downloads huh okay i might have to use the snipping tool snip oh okay save oh save image as save it's on my desktop okay and then we upload image what the heck i can't find it desktop ah there it is open apply and oops my discord thumbnail or profile picture is now this is now that save changes very cool very good choice we do like it good job penguin on your choice this lovely lovely evening all right next i think i'm going to start replacing them with end stream in tumor roles like as one gets thing it's added best streamer on twitch thank you dr wack l puff secrets three months all right here we go hope you're having a great day qt merch giveaway that would be a cool one to get buy something random no chat penguin thank you for the 10 gifted i'm amazing [Music] thank you dark stevie [Music] merch giveaway there we go [Music] hell yeah thank you yo it's unicorn it's very nice okay oh it's in there oh i don't really know which one it is oh it is merch giveaway still in the lead [Music] take a shot oh [Music] prefer not to do that perfect goodbye take a shot buy something random oof really what does that even mean no not this please [Music] oh it went backwards oh get turns that's a good one it's it's free oh yeah go get first go get dirt come on get dirt come on i can do that one i can do that one [Music] i'll be back [Music] [Music] [Music] why are you doing this [Music] oh [Music] [Music] qtc cozy cat [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] what the what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] nick and then there's this that ostinox made oh okay yeah yes yeah yeah that's pretty good okay so i would like to debate you and i would like to say i think everyone can get married what do you think what about those gays i i think they should get married you have no idea what's happening in my head right now i i am saying things that will absolutely get us banned really in your head i see should i say them no no no hassan i would prefer if you didn't say them okay okay okay okay yeah very good very good very good of course of course very good very good very good all right well in before the cat starts howling and wants out i don't know where he wandered off to um all right we're gonna go back to the race menu and you know and we are going to look at settings we are going to use add names we are going to start removing the ones that we've done or replace no we'll replace them with end stream so end stream gets a little more intense end stream maybe every other will remove and then we'll add end stream oh my sister will be asleep by now so i don't think we can do this one anymore um i'll just call maya and tell her i'm pregnant she'll believe that oh the cat's yelling chat tweet become goth okay this one is removed this is end stream this one is there is one second buddy one second dars change profile picture is now removed um watch the oldest youtube video is now and stream i miss debate oh where jersey was just one a hot second a debate hassan is now removed okay answer dm merch giveaway we tweet prezzo buy something from disney wear a hat wherever call s1 and moda mod this one is now [Music] and stream dirt just like five seconds uh but lego set is now removed show search history show less text think all subs is now in stream all right so then the next one we remove okay wait so how many is that 61. okay race random simulation 61. oh whoa 61. all right remove taylor gucci bag we already removed that all right and race let me let the cat out he's out he's out he's out [Music] all right here we go and start race [Music] can we stop the stream from ending with channel points no marvie's rules okay [Music] all right this is a slow one to get out of the toilet bowl can anybody get it oh my god wait this is the biggest toilet bowl i've ever seen [Music] no one's gone out yet we're stuck in the tube boys [Music] oh not the spoon of cinnamon cutie cinderella had one choice connor thank you for the race you only chose one of them and that one was host no i think for the two months connor thank you for the raid i appreciate that [Music] yo eat a garlic clove how did that get so far over here [ __ ] hello raiders welcome to connor raid connor six frog dance easy clap oh just kidding thanks for the awards show search history unmodded mod okay would prefer one not this one wear a hat okay okay speaking of accent okay well buy something from disney not bad test the route thank you for the two months [Music] show search history one is free and one is expensive okay um cutie i'm sorry i called you cringe you didn't have to ban me in mrs chat i did though because you're being a dick all right show search history for the record i do get to remove any doxing any doxing i do get to remove i get to remove anything like that but besides that this will be interesting i actually don't know fake fake gucci bag um i don't know what my search history is so we'll see um history history history history uh let me check we've got lego fresno we got gucci we got youtube we got streaming awards oh yeah that's stock scene sorry chat i do have to get rid of that it literally has my address um [Music] oh doxinedoxane uh sorry i was planning a lot of irls and it shows all the addresses for those i promise i'm not deleting anything besides addresses but i was googling a lot of places for irl streams and i have to get rid of those addresses you can trust me i promise i have nothing i don't i i i haven't even seen anything embarrassing is the sad thing um oh [ __ ] i searched coupon codes for my irl which is crazy because i had a coupon on their main page that i just missed okay okay i think we're good i'm just going to show you today's so i just have to make sure there's nothing on today google sign in twitter bloop all right let me just triple check i'm just going to search the address really quick to make sure it doesn't come up anywhere great show good jokes fun smiley face just in case okay does conor actually each eat pants i don't know okay we just can't we definitely can't show the 10th because i have a lot of stuff i was looking for houses on the 10th so we'll just show today and we'll be fine but i'm just deleting some of the 10th just to be safe okay all right uh i don't think there's anything weird in here i could be wrong but uh i can explain anything i suppose so here we go we got austin aux's twitter we have penguin the scarf we have the nightbot we've got the legos lego lego lego lego lego lego we got prezzo we got sear we got rich we got hassan we got hardest questions we've got gucci we got paypal we got the youtube meeting ludwig we got streamer awards this is everything we did on stream today so there's nothing nothing new here stream elements my bots i was watching ludwig's youtube earlier i was checking emails i was on twitter i logged into marby's i really didn't delete anything i don't i don't have any i don't have any embarrassing googles today um video analytics was looking at the video analytics xqc's honest input on the streamer awards watched that clip i got 2 000 emails um nick was live oh boy um ignore that i got to turn on i need to turn on uh uh what's it called um streamer mode back on um nick was live i was watching nick clipper hachu being honest i was watching clips from the awards show i had this tweet that said to every streamer that took it upon themselves to publicly scrutinize and fight farm drama from the award show go [ __ ] yourself and then i deleted the tweets and i realized that some people that i wasn't sub tweeting might think i was subtweeting them um oh why did it take me all the way back up here um and uh then i checked live stream fails i watched sodapoppin's video and it made me offended because he was being a dick um i looked at no effort clips they stole a bunch of my clips from the streamer awards and got a lot of views on them and it made me sad uh i was on twitch i was on twitter i was looking at youtube lillypichu this is again on no effort clips who stole a bunch of my content it was very very cool um i looked at sully gnome i looked at my videos um i clicked on random girl i clicked on another random girl youtube accounts i clicked on my own clips i'm nervous what that one is it says business something i just want to double check oh it was to create an email to create a business email on google because i made the streamer awards email today and i created my account i googled how to spell official because it's really hard word to spell um sign into google dr k on the streamer awards my own tweet i thought it was good uh chocobars said she's available to be on my league team you did two times in one day well i googled official yeah it's really hard to spell um all about self what this i was working hello i'm sorry i was looking at my channel analytics i'm working here i'm working see yourself cocaine sasha gray stream summary live stream fails read it dive into anything twitter messages messages i looked at lily's page i looked at miss page i looked at liz's page i looked at lily's page you looked at otk tweets with replies thank you miss kiff i don't know what that is i looked at john zurko's video where he was a [ __ ] [ __ ] and he rose to the awards show and said maya and i are nothing with miz and ludwig all because he's mad he didn't get invited which he didn't get invited because it was a pure oversight and now he will never be invited because he was just a [ __ ] [ __ ] and that's not the way you get invited to stuff by being a [ __ ] [ __ ] so maybe don't be a [ __ ] [ __ ] um imagine i was on somebody named sandro's twitter i don't know who that is big brother on twitch i think i misclicked that jeff knightley i was looking at his twitter he sent me the have a good streamer awards um oh yeah this was last night on stream actually you guys remember this uh lily was on twitter we looked at her thing i i marched on twitter there we go hell yeah and that's it just stop lol we don't even want to see it after you spent 10 minutes deleting i literally only deleted stuff that would dox me so i think you can trust me showing that i just exposed random [ __ ] about people that said awful things that normally streamers would just avoid saying but [ __ ] it if you were rude to me and i find out through the internet you're a dick so if you're too [ __ ] to say it to my face you're a dick um give me something incriminating nope i don't have anything okay let me put my discord back into streamer mode how do i do that my account how do i go back into streamer mode chat privacy how do i turn streamer mode back on discord nitro no appearance wait where the [ __ ] is stream reward settings or streamer mode i'm in settings settings near bottom oh streamer mode turn it back on yay okay it's back in streamer mode thank god we're back um hell yeah i kind of wish i looked that up i've only been working today that's our only issue normally there probably would have been more embarrassing things i'm sorry i'm sorry that one's kind of boring random track oh i didn't remove it next [Music] give us a sneak peek of some embarrassing searches i can't even think of them i don't know what i search on this computer that's embarrassing this is it's probably my phone would be more embarrassing but i use pc for beating off you use your work pc for beating off no what let me stream my watch now that i have an adult schedule this is redo guys i've never googled rule 34 before i can check after this [Music] doesn't cutie just watch lesbian porn we already know i don't like casually oh not this one i cannot retweet prezzo i'm gonna get canceled how is yours in ludwig's relationship good that was such a weird question to ask the [ __ ] not pr proso wait it says prozo we're gonna have to figure out who prozo is wait it doesn't even say preso wait who the [ __ ] is prozo oh uh i guess we're finding prozo this feels like harassment every if we retweet this guy [Music] this is just entering a giveaway yeah i i think i need to do prezzo would you guys prefer me to do prezzo or do you want me to retweet this i think this is just a burner account it's frezzo's all okay i see more prezzos okay all right all right let me find prezzo okay [Music] well [ __ ] idiot restaurant [ __ ] stupid pieces of [ __ ] i hope they're all dead [Music] oh boy really the music change do i get to choose hello this is prezzo's mom again he is gay and is about to die doctor said he can only survive if he has 100k followers he's dead gay and will die please help [ __ ] if i don't if i don't retweet he's gonna die oh boy my girlfriend says i can put my dick in her oh yeah this music is fitting for prezzos my girlfriend is too pretty for me to not share retweet like and follow for a chance to win why is he like this why is my girlfriend friend so [ __ ] good to me ah pretty sure the pilot just said he's trying to dodge a tornado but no one's reacting if you were one of the 64 000 people i said i love you too at the streamer awards i meant it is prezzo actually gay or is it annoying but that's the one [Music] found it that's the one [Music] good choice [Music] all right marble all right now we go back to race menu settings and we have retweet prezzo is done so we remove it where is it retweet prezzo cutie let him die what's the other one that i just did oh show search history oh and i'll search rule 34 real quick in my search history because i said i told you guys i would this turns into end stream finish all right let me search rule 34 really quick [Music] in my search history to see if i've ever searched rule 34. doesn't search history only show like the last 30 days history search rule 34 i'm innocent boys i'm innocent rule 34 yeah it's nothing r34 r34 nothing you never had a space rule 43 because she's dyslexic rule space 34 the only 10k andy streamer who still doesn't use camera scenes that's my streamer stop it all right marby's we're back in it ready random simulation we're down to 59 we're down to 60. race thank you for the primes oh my god another prime thank you for the three primes start race oh my god thank you for the brand new sub joey donate 100 to charity not bad oh and stream real close tune squad thank you for the prime well this map is crazy 10 on band forms in the lead oh whoever goes to the middle is the fastest though so let's see if anyone gets that middle i'm pretty sure that is like the direct fastest prezzo deleted the tweet i retweeted really yeah no not take a shot no not call miz not ms bloop thank you for the sub random vip oh excited ow oh jesus oh oh it's way too dank [Music] i hope [Music] all right new vip here they come [Music] ready i'm closing my eyes one less than three three you're a vp biggest flex is now a vip slash vip biggest flex congrats that was easy hell yeah he did it people clap that is a big flex yeah [Music] i hate this song better go do oh i don't want to buy something random i would love to run an ad please speed up go go go x wage point boost come on an ad would be dope an ad would be dope i don't want to buy something random i'm sick of buying stuff come on if we pokey or nico if it wins oh it will be watch a cringe tick tock oh no i don't want to do that either uh uh call us man i don't want to do that oh my god what the freak where where no it's gone run an ad come on big money no hwammies ooh get swift that's a good one too oh wait tier three to a streamer wait who's in front of hell yeah three months wait what's in front of that it doesn't show me wait what is that one [Music] is that just an invisible one tier three to a streamer all right let's see who's live notorious thank you for the four months bat thank you for the three i was a decoy marvel okay let me make sure we're good i'm just gonna see who's live twitch all right who do we want to tier three sub to we've got all these options [Music] [Music] wontep is one type live all right well tier three to want up well tier three to one tap mario kart y'all think music is too bad subscribe subscribe i won't let me choose tier three how do you tier three this map is actually pretty good subscribe it's actually pretty good how do i dude these controls are the best yeah i don't know how to tier three baby plug scroll down locker raid yo where i'm gonna get a sub no way i'm actually well let's be honest oh a sub is bigger oh 25 god damn it well i got rated by paul de nino wanted i'm kidding god damn it subscribe to your three the jokes the jokes the jokes and jokes subscribing so funny you cracked i know oh my god i was close cute oh my god tier three thank you this is big guys learning about my cinderella justice i was actually a good mod be honest yo cutie q3 is big this is big he does i get paid he does deserve it he does deserve that i will say big for sure like hundred dollars thank you cutie you're welcome nice we did it good job one tap congrats on your tier three sub jack thank you for the prime um okay random track i accidentally clicked random track i wanted to wait i wanted to remove two of those but i guess not start race oh what the hell is this one baby iso thank you for the prime we're going in chat we're going in come goth oh [ __ ] oh my god it got zapped what why is it getting what is happening ah what the hell uh oh [ __ ] oh i hate this noise marby's this is a weird map fluffy narwhal i think for the six months all right here we go we wait right here now i don't know what's in the lead a lot of them are dying why are they dying because they get zapped call maya and tell her i don't want to be her friend thank god he's hoping for that watch daily dose oh that's a good one ow [ __ ] i gotta get out of here check my reddit uh i don't really want to do that to be honest that could be its own video i don't want to do that now this map is weird okay guys this doesn't look like a woman's reproductive system ah random vip again shoot cause we didn't remove it that's fine that might be it oh might have a random vip again and then i'll remove it this time all right random vip here we go next person three two one you oh it didn't pop up three two one you i'm clicking i'm frantically clicking come on anybody oh there you go yeah you didn't think of the nine months four stick for the 11. [Music] serge vip sir oh uh it was like sur jeez was this it is that who it is i don't think that was it no what was the name serge n e m n and emm all right he is vip now congrats all right see final results we go back to the main menu we go to settings we go to custom names we choose um where is it [Music] oh this is now end stream what other one gets changed chat tier three where'd that go i'm just gonna start okay all right finish random simulation we're down to what 59 59 and race so many on streams well we're at 3 hours and 43 minutes so you know you can only play marbles for so long what if we did what if we did like a marblethon where like you play and it's like add 10 minutes and one of them's like subtract 10 minutes and it's like you see how long it takes that could be cool and like every 10 subs is a marble game or something like that someone come up with the algorithm for that five head trademark it i don't trademark [ __ ] [Music] last photo on phone yeah you guys are gonna see some feet you guys are gonna see some feet oh just kidding and end stream takes a significant lead so does spoon cinnamon oh where's the music you're playing on spotify it's just um mario kart this is snes battle courses oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i don't really want to become goth right now if i'm being honest god damn it i have to be goth [ __ ] yo dammit bloop i don't want to be god all right let me go get a black shirt and some makeup and a wig i'll be back i'll be back [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] bloop so so do do all right sorry i had to find some supplies i had to find some supplies put on a this all right i am now to become goth the quickest way possible thank you for the prime kip said some stuff what slash user ms kiff really thinking subs after you just got 13k in one day kind of shameless wait that was forever ago what did you think of the award show why wasn't john circa invited can you not invite hassan next year he's pissing me off i'm leaving yeah consider it done king it's really awkward though because hasan asked me not to invite you too so it's like all right so really i'm just going to tell both of them that the other one's not invited and then they'll bush up excited thank you for the four months and stasi thank you for the two months love your roasts less than three thank you oh i've got this i thought i'd put it on top we're trying to look you know as goth as we can so [Music] wow it's giving ballet is it i don't know how to be goth i should get rid of this thing this looks stupid i got this little goth necklace i think it's better without the mesh i think the mesh looks stupid we've got to throw this away this thing's stupid you're garbage it's giving middle school no my hair ties undone [ __ ] guys okay this is my first time being goth relax okay do you have fishnets for arms no bloop me break you killed it at the award show such a crazy cool event qtc love wait it's broken wait what the [ __ ] wait [ __ ] have these stupid nails i can't do anything with don't call me a maiden okay [ __ ] okay we're gonna start with wigs cha i've got a short one do you want short hair short black hair or long black hair i'm going to do long i don't want to do short this is s fans hair ow where is the part it looks really real look just like s fan 2019 cutie is back true i'm ready to go on the raj show and go to miss kip's house i'm back baby now just get a mustache and you're charlie number three true okay that looks pretty good kind of convincing actually all right time for makeup okay do you feel about the man i hate the man i hate men in general that was found in my chair i can't find goth music please okay give me a second to find my freaking lipstick i just had i had black lipstick where did it go chat you lost it stupid chat i found it all right wait what is this what is this lip liner alright we need to darken my eyebrows when i used to have black hair i literally had to dye my eyebrows too so we've got to get much darker eyebrows i'm literally just using my webcam for this so this is not easy oh boy oh it's [ __ ] okay kind of sort of oh baby i should dye my hair back dark i look so much better with dark hair um yeah i can put music back on okay okay guys i don't want to go back dark it's such a pain in the ass all right i don't have eyeliner so i'm doing this with eyeshadow [Music] [Music] [Music] hey queen qtc spin hi don't do the inner corner i'm trying to be goth shut up you don't know you don't know the vibes i'm going for [ __ ] i'm missing a brush yeah i'm getting ready for the raw show i don't know how to do the big eyes like minks where's the music stop spotify can't play right now what chat we broke spotify what the [ __ ] broke spotify oh wait no we need emo music my my pro my my bad my bad my mad my bad my bad hail this is not sarah hale shut up [Music] alexa play my chemical romance god why is it broken [Music] tragedy [Music] [Music] it's been too long waiting on that tone curve me two pieces and let it face it on my own but it does seem like you could nobody's on this thumbnail run my fingers through your head let's make this moment as for long but it never lasts and it's always ending slowly and if you want it back well too bad now you know [Music] the west [Music] i take one look into your eyes [Music] i remember the good and the every one bad you in my [Music] [Applause] [Music] mind of [Music] move on to another [Music] yeah it's a west coast tragedy move on to another [Music] okay [Music] that eyeshadow is all i have you tell me it's okay that i'm alone [Music] i swear it doesn't feel that way at all i hate that i still feel this way [Music] i'll be running in circles [Music] [Music] [Music] i grow up i gotta pull myself under this haze just to show up everybody ask if i'm okay and i don't know it's why i medicate and stay away from the photos [Music] that i can't change [Music] you coming on raj tonight yeah i'm really excited hello how are you i hope he doesn't choose [Music] a little bit away [Music] woohoo [Music] why is my cross look so stupid you look like a witch let me be emo dick [Music] it's good [Music] top part too long [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll never forget when i met you you saved me from myself so done [Music] [Applause] i'm done is that good enough [Music] i like the way that you look in my eyes i could control f where's goth oh right there and stream and stream finish wait how many is there 58 random simulation 58 race start race oh it's a stupid one can't have you dying who will make the streaming rewards i don't know probably austin yeah soda soda said he could do it better have soda do it buffy thank you for the prime min said he's gonna steal it today all right miss can do it pokey tick tock dance no who did the design work vorti did oh i'm just gonna we're just gonna no i want to watch from afar i didn't want to cruising someone use blue shell please i don't want to do a tick-tock dance come on thank you for converting your prime twist up gift five subs to a streamer isn't the lead i said no thank you for the two months goth bloop no this is that's how i look this is how i've always looked what is this path get five subs to a streamer betsy thank you for the two months gift five subs to a streamer wow i can do that group okay to a streamer i'm gonna choose who will be the most confused to get five gifted subs for me my phone just went off no it didn't i made that up s fan all right i'll get to s fan he's playing wow gift s fan he's crying really why is he crying uh [Music] dude isn't this fun to see everybody out here dueling 69 badges that's fan isn't this fun cutie they're the five gifted thank you cutie you're welcome isn't this fun dude like we haven't seen this in a while no it doesn't look fun bye us fan we did it chad we did it marbles race menu random or no what is it uh ran uh settings and then i go to add names and then i do um how much money have i spent on this stream like three thousand dollars oh i hope we get this one this one has now become end stream okay finish and simulation and race and music start race he wants to come and plan on whine about it come on whine about it next time he's in l.a true whoa chat you're on top of me get off rude give nitro to discord and stream people pog thank you thank you i appreciate that what's happening call maya and tell her i don't want to be her friend she might be asleep okay this is the longest map ever that one guy called maya back no i've been playing marbles for four and a half hours come on okay call maya tell her i'm pregnant why this okay give nitro to discord really all the ones that cost me a lot of money oh oh no eat a clove of garlic please no please not this one anything else in stream okay neither of them make it watch daily dose okay push-ups buy something buy something from disney what why it's so expensive god damn it buy the most emo thing from disney ah i'm getting sick of this qtc spin [Music] all right all right let's go to disney disney.com all things disney shop i don't want anything [Music] [Music] wait these are high walt disney world map clogs for adults by crocs we might want to get those i could always use another lounge fly accessories where's lounge fly lounge fly oh baby i don't like any of these these all suck all right i don't want any of those mickey ears ears [Music] i don't want any of these where's where's the crocs i'll get the crocs show me the crocs rocks oh baby disney world map crocs these are so ugly [Music] i'll take 12. [Music] all right we're getting them add the bag select the size i did i want this size oh they're sold out of the size i want okay i'll go size down add a bag a few bag can i not use paypal i really have to sign in come on i won't send it to taylor oh come on it doesn't have any info saved it's so annoying [Music] standard oh they charged me for shipping alfred's thank you to the 14. mine's awake and she wants parmesan what does that mean chad somebody give me your card number oh they take paypal hell yeah stay with paypal okay a lot of you are lying with your what your card number is continue submit order confirming your items oh i forgot to use my annual pass to save 20 [ __ ] i've been flopping on the coupons today they have been purchased chat they are purchased their purchase they are purchased next oops random simulation race will i check out nick and molina's charity stream tomorrow of course or milk on head oh no now i'm actually gonna be emo i wanna be so emo oh this sucks can we please just get an end stream there's so many end streams they're so close and streams go a little faster [Music] okay he got bumped [Music] oh [ __ ] what is this one who's this oh that guy's gone that was called miss oh yeah and stream's ahead there are two in streams i'll check my reddit got out first oh check my reddit it's gonna be the one there's no one even close i'm gonna be checking the reddit god dammit checking the red it's gonna take like 40 minutes come on let me end [Music] oh there's end stream thanks for showing up to the party thank you for showing up to the party end stream [Music] all right sophie thank you for the three months where the heck is check reddit woohoo two months no not cyberthon don't jump up and down [Music] all right i guess we're checking the reddit goth today youtube is going to be so confused little krisha you have not paid attention to the news but i am banned from lsf so we will almost never be checking lsf okay oh as i went to lsf instead of um uh oh wait doctor disrespect on the stream rewards on this channel we're not interested in short-term collaborations just so that everyone can forget the next day wrong we're not interested in creating our own streamer award show so that we can hand it to our best friends wrong on this [ __ ] channel in this high octane arena we're about pushing the envelope we're about setting the bar one at a time by making an nft gang you're super cool you're totally pushing the bar good luck with your nft i'm sorry you didn't get an invite anyway you know it just really shows who's you know sad that they didn't win an award sorry maybe your fans should have voted for you all right anyway team blackjack thank you for the sub nubby the bunny thank you for the two months you're welcome locrish e-m-o-q-t poggers hello you think the doc gives the [ __ ] about the stream rewards he did enough to talk [ __ ] on it so yeah he's in character oh i forgot you can just be a [ __ ] and be like oh sorry character thank you for the two months apocalyptic thank you for the prime sunel thank you for the prime uncalled for man uncalled for on his part nah he's the bigger streamer he should respect someone trying to do something different like imagine no no go [ __ ] yourself i spent months on this go [ __ ] yourself uh i i'll say i've never s i maybe this is a novel take maybe this is crazy i have never seen somebody work so so hard like i've never seen you know someone put together a massive event or put together a crazy stream and i've never seen that and said to myself that's [ __ ] lame who does that genuinely and why are you like that like it's just so crazy it is beyond me it is beyond me if you didn't like it just keep your [ __ ] mouth shut streamers like i don't get it i i like i i just don't i don't get it i don't get i don't get the ego i don't get it it's uh uh it's crazy just let people do cool [ __ ] without [ __ ] on them like imagine just letting other people do cool [ __ ] without clearly projecting your jealousy like i don't know what to tell you like jesus anyway back to my reddit back to my reddit it's just silly it's so silly uh i've just never seen anyone do something cool and people hey just keep your mouth shut if you think it's lame like [ __ ] on your own not on the others yeah um yeah just don't be you know there's no reason to be salty of other people's accomplish accomplishments just like just be chill like literally just be chill um okay chico lopez thank you for the two months they do hot takes to try to get clips viral hot take is that's cheap and boring get better content why don't you work for months on a massive event instead of just being an [ __ ] to get a clip thought about that anyway welcome to my reddit i am goth today please um please ignore that please ignore that i am goth just want cutie to see how everyone liked the show ray vented like 10 minutes about how insane cuties clips just clipped that part we all love cutie here okie dokie okie dokie i kept falling she's so cute she's so cute also can we talk about ludwig and cutie being like an insane power couple i i can't even um what does the award show have to do with ludwig imagine how proud each of them must be of each other for all of the things that they've accomplished as individuals i feel like they're just perfect together they're so cool we're perfect chat i don't even know how cutie and maya were able to stand on stage and do what they did i can't she just meant in general that makes way more sense that's nice we're perfect i don't mean to look angry the black lipstick just makes you look angry perfect i think she means when's because he won streamer of the year i uh whatever um am i walking into just me being me would not stop flying into watch probably trying to thank you for the stream rewards oh look at the cute little birdie cute he loves it i do look like [ __ ] camp soda cosplay i understand i do understand wait is this sorted by hot not new [ __ ] no should be new oh my god she's wearing the irrelevant okay number one the rock didn't have the irrelevant merch you do so you are cooler than the rock i do look like i'm perpetually cringing it's just my face with all this dark makeup i look even more angry i'm not trying to it's literally my face clods you're cooler than the rock never forget it i didn't send the rock my merch uh that's nice of rey i'm sure she listen i know rey would not be mean intentionally i'm sure she said lots of really nice things i don't think it's in rey's character to just be mean um pepe statue does anyone know i can get one of those pepe staff you use my girlfriend's birthday's coming up she absolutely fell in love with the golden pepe but i can't find one anymore uh they're custom made um that's a strange that's a strange birthday present i would recommend something else um i don't know [Music] hey cutie i create an animation of ludwig and slime the reason i'm posting it here is because i would love for you to voice yourself in the next part since i can't do your impression to save my life love your content full video in the comment below if you want to watch it um uh i don't know if you need me to voice something the best thing to say is like in my chat like cutie will you read this it's for my voiceover thingy but it was reported for relevant content so i'm moving on hello cuties reddit i bought some merch size small hoping it would fit since my size was sold up as expected it didn't oh so here i am offering to someone who might have missed out and selling for 80 shipped well chat if anybody wants a size small they're selling it dextero may be a [ __ ] but at least this is a good article do i want to go to dexter despite having far smaller production budget the streamer awards first ceremony was better than the game awards the industry the entertainment industry has a lot to learn from the twitch and youtube celebration oh boy oh controversial on march 12 2022 streamers from around the world gathered in los angeles florida to honor their industry the lavish event had red carpet pre-show and dazzling through our broadcast honoring content creators who have had the biggest impact in their media over the last year the event organized by a single kitty sorella and small production team despite being its first year the self-created streamer awards ended up being better than the game awards and many other award ceremonies that are backed by major corporations um streamer awards was authentic right out the gate the ceremony kicked off with hosts kitty cinderella and maya higa taking joke shots at streamers attending their event their sharp comedy perfectly captured the online humor that twitch and youtube communities have cultivated in the last decade well most of the shows take themselves too seriously the stream awards found the perfect balance of creating a serious production while maintaining an authentic representation of their industry no one in attendance held back in a refreshing level of confidence deeply missing from most awards events which are so tightly scripted they end up feeling stuffy or stale in comparison a great start the stream rewards felt a little rough around the edges at times okay well whether it's jokes that fully didn't translate or awkward sound mixing uh despite flaws the ceremony looked in absolutely incredible given that it was created and run by a small group of streamers and nothing short of miracles it looked easily as good as the other events which are funded by millions of dollars speaking of advertisers while they are necessary for these shows cutie cinderella perfectly integrated these sponsors with hilarious jokes unlike the game awards which pummels them in your face for commercials like doritos and lattice latest fast and furious film the streaming's awards kept moments brief and always went heir of levity to them i don't know what that means the fact that streamers words production was on par with major industry events is an incredible achievement cutie cinderella was easily one upped many industry veterans and it was your first try imagine what the show could be like years from now i don't know uh most importantly the streamer awards actually celebrated their own industry and creators no they didn't hand trophies out during the crucial breaks or quickly rush personality off the stage to slip in another sponsor or paid advertisement cutie's event actually cared about the content creators and community that helped build their industry that has become today it sounds insane but an award show that actually celebrated its own industry felt revolutionary even the musical performers were creators who were part of the community and not ran a mainstream artist being paid to take a corporate gig look the streamer awards may have had flaws but it had heart and felt like an authentic celebration of the industry by the industry while the gamer awards is a much larger scope geoff knightley can learn a lot from cute cinderella ooh that is awkward on how to organize and run ceremonies that feel authentic and actually give creators an opportunity to be recognized for their hard work given this was a just an inaugural event for the streaming celebration it's uh absolutely insane how good it looked how smoothly it was as live streaming continues to grow in popularity the streamer awards was an example of how the next generation of entertainers is bringing news perspective to traditional events like award ceremonies when all things are said and done cutie cinderella embarrassed is that embarrassed or embraced embarrassed many of the old institutions by putting on an event not only rivaling them in production but had much more heart and care put into it most important of all the event never betrayed the viewers watching from home wow oh what's this was this just written uh uh uh stun locked just unlocked amaranth slams claims successful streamers need to be hot true jesus dictato okay sorry back to reddit back to reddit uh that's an interesting article when hard work pays off what is this oh all time peak viewers oh there i am under george not found hell yeah that must be in the past year or something or what is that all time it's english only i think oh what about this year our top is here right social lubricant i have a question doc i've been so nervous doing this stuff so i grabbed a glass of beer just to function and do it better what is is that dangerous uh one glass nah i think you're good man okay thank god a little bit of social lubricant it's all good three hours later cutie why is there no forcing on this one i didn't realize how drunk nim was until he posted something saying he was so drunk he was hammered yeah we have to make the the show a little slower streamer or a little faster stream rewards stats of inaugural streamer event show by cutie sunrise oh that looks scary oh wow very cool despite it being a great success cutie cinderellas didn't draw a drag draw enough viewers to pass the spanish version of the stream awards supposed to be hosted by the greg earlier in january oh damn it well [ __ ] the s fandom awards based on the viewership results from both these events it seems that the concept of stream reward shows becoming favored format amongst streamer audiences well these were the first awards show to ever focus solely on streamers the outstanding very short proposed suggestions for not likely to be a tradition that's cute that's cute chat i don't know what i'm doing lost to spanish streamers again yeah spanish streamers are actually massive though like a buy alone gets as many viewers as my whole event got so i feel great this was very touching from toast it shows even most unexpected people have problems and it shows every small thing can help cutie stuff comes at 32 25. what is this i i keep trying to analyze myself as a streamer so for those who don't know over the last months i've been mega mega um unmotivated same sister and borderline depressed and i don't use that word lightly because i feel like oh i'm so depressed me sad kind of deal but i was i was sleeping 16 hours a day sad it was really bad i was sleeping 16 hours a day and i didn't want to leave my bed and the idea of meeting people gave me so much anxiety like scarra planned for us to go get lunch and when the day came like he knocked on my door and i just didn't respond and i pretended to be asleep oh that's sad and i just laid in my bed and then i messaged him saying like hey yo honestly the idea of leaving my room is giving me a lot of anxiety and i i told i told very few people this um i told ludwig as well um because he had this stream planned for us to go buy suits and i was i was trying to come up with all the ways to get out of it i thought about saying like my mama's sick so [Music] and i just decided to be like you know what i'm gonna be honest bro the idea of being on camera is so terrifying for me right now i can't do it um and he he was very nice about it of course but the event yesterday helped a lot because when people came up to me and said toast i love your content it made me feel what how did it make you feel it made me feel like motivated because i'm like damn really you like my content because my content i didn't haven't been making content but i appreciate the words it makes me want to not disappoint them in a way it's a bit of expectation which i hate i hate having expectations put on me but it was more them showing appreciation it's like okay you know you're right i should try and stream a little bit um the problem with streaming i think is with me at least is uh guys i didn't do anything he's the one that chose to leave his house i didn't do i didn't do [ __ ] that's very that's very sad it's very sad he felt that way but i'm happy he was able to con like connect with people very cool very cool there we go ramrod utc uh i need some new podcast uh i need some legit science such fact-based stuff or business startup things no bench or bro joe rogan garbage hit me with the good stuff whine about it on spotify dude i hope i hope you got us that that that whine about it i hope you did one about it viewer i've seen a lot of people focusing on number 45 of all time metric but i think it's more impressive that among english-speaking personalities cutie is ninth of all time very sweet very cool uh i've peaked i'll never do it again thank you cutie i don't want to put this one and say the awards show was absolutely unreal halfway across the world waking up at 6 30 was actually worth it bigger sponsors make it better thank you so much austin on cutie and maya very special moment no seriously all right go ahead save the shooting center cinderella i told her i told maya and cutie both of them this was an industry this they moved the industry forward 100 they move the industry forward and i can't even thank them enough because they have it takes balls to to do something like that be the first person to do something like that yeah they have so much balls made it easier for people like me people like hassan to be able to do other event ties stuff like in so many ways from the business side from the like logistics side they have created a framework for us to be able to do a lot of these fun live events they've elevated the space for us and the viewing experience i mean truly a tremendous tremendous job for both of them i mean they were just i i can't i can't tell you how impressed i was very everything they pioneered it they really did so i'm famous i'm famous chat that's nice austin's very sweet the streamer words have photographs yes we do have photographs i was hoping to get them to the streamers first but they got uh leaked and i know some people got in public but i'm hoping to get them to the streamers first before you'll kind of see them everywhere so yeah we ranked best and worst dressed i don't want to watch this i don't watch that chat you can watch that i feel like that's toxic is it toxic why not it's super good it's not toxic okay what's up everybody welcome back to another video as we are recording right now the streamer awards are going on but as i was watching the red carpet i thought to myself you know some of these people look incredible and other people maybe needed to put a little bit more effort into their look needless to say i took a screenshot of everybody on the red carpet and we are going to be reviewing them now to see who is the best and worst dressed on the streaming award red carpet as you can see we know a lot about fashion so let's just get into it what do you think of amaranth ariel like ariel the mermaid i think that's probably what she was going for yeah yeah it looks very good i don't like the patterns on his plus one's trying to figure out what the patterns are yeah i agree i like the kind of like space outfit oh he's really fired by brother oh i was gonna say keanu yeah it kind of counters i agree no no i agree atriac atrial is on the right there i think that um maybe he needed to get his suit fitted a little it's just a it's a little big and his tie is hanging and his collar is loose it's it's a comfortable look he has beautiful eyes though he does yeah i think i would have if i was him i would have maybe worn something slimmer uh-huh and i would have worn something to bring out the color of my eyes i would have added a a blue pocket hanky i don't want to watch this right now we can watch this maybe tomorrow when i don't when i don't have this makeup on i feel like it's i'm trying to get through the the reddit segment so we can get back to marbles i'm also we're at five hours i'm a little i'm a little tired a little tired it's a different mood it's a different mood um can we get a non non-invasive breakdown of successfulness of the stream awards first off cutie as a first time chatter and subscriber i enjoyed the production um i don't want detailed financial stuff just curious to be able to make this yearly word show cause holy [ __ ] that show was a banger my friends and i were laughing the whole time we almost died because we were drinking game for every time ms joke that was made on stream um uh i think i think it was successful i think um i think at the moment i feel very demotivated like everyone's like oh are you gonna do it again next year and i just um like i'm just saying yes automatically but if i were to really think about it right now i don't feel very motivated based on a lot of the feedback at the moment um will i probably do it yeah uh but right now i'm just a little exhausted by the criticism if i'm being honest but um i just need time i need time it was same with [ __ ] camp when [ __ ] camp ended i was like i never wanna i never want to do that again but i'll do [ __ ] camp again um but yeah it's just so dumb to hear other streamers say it was bad when it was like it got 380k so i feel like it was literally it got more viewers peak than any of the streamers that said it was bad so i don't know i don't know i don't know um but yeah i think i think hopefully we'll do it next year um hopefully we'll do it next year i don't know what you did but you should do it more often and it shows me gaining 104 000 followers i agree i should do an award show every other month actually every other month appreciation post for cutie i wanted to i asked in discord where i could post this appreciation post um i'm not gonna i don't do i read it this is so long i don't want to read an appreciation post this i'm emo tonight does this count as doing reddit can i finish write it another night chat i did read it for a little bit bloop i feel too tired to absorb any of this it counts okay we'll come back we'll do we'll finish read it tomorrow okay i'll finish read it tomorrow i pinky promise we're going back to marby's until we hit that until we hit that thing okay why march not january because there's lots of awards in march i mean i could move it to january i just did it in march because i threw it together i started planning it in november and so if i started planning november and tried to do it in january i just didn't have enough time [Music] whoa what the heck is this map oh what the hell what the hell is this map what the heck merch giveaway that'd be a fun one merch giveaway in the lead [Music] me listening with only audio oops yeah that's a little scary call maya prej ow oh god oh my god gift discord nitro okay okay okay i will i will yeah i audio's a little loud really you think so i agree oh my god okay chad you better get in my discord if you want a chance of getting nitro i'm gonna buy it and then i will put the code in there i actually have a code i don't know if it'll work though all right ready get in the discord actually point discord all right all right make sure in the discord make sure in the discord generate link copy okay are you in general you better be spamming you better be spamming [Music] as soon as i put it in there oh god okay you guys are spamming too much i'm just gonna paste it cause i'm too nervous ready go who got it oh god i hope it's been claimed haha sub renews on my b day amazing accord show qt was so fun to watch all right somebody got it i don't know who but i put in my discord it's broken the discord you have to go find it it was claimed my discord crashed someone beat me to it i wanted a second nitro jesus you broke chat you broke the discord literally look at my discord it's broken yeah someone got it all right next next sig nasty thank you for the year happy birthday happy birthday if it's your birthday race it made my laptop a wheeze well for the two months let's go marby's let's go i will say i've never had a marble stream last this long all the notif sounds woke up my kitten oh and stream in the lead in the lead daily dose is now in the lead we do love daily dose through the snow what are these rocks that are falling watch daily dose squeezes through is the only one that squeezed through so quickly in the snow they go in the snow they go wait where's watch daily dose oh my god he's all the way down here ah pmac thank you thank you for the 18 months xqc is the world record on this one oh really it's not in the cards for you to end yet i really want to i would really like to take this makeup off and end i got really tired i'm really tired [ __ ] i have to go to the trainer at 11 tomorrow i hate that what the heck is happening over here why are all these people stuck up here wait what happened they were all stuck what the heck that was super bizarre i'm pretty sure what happened to daily dose how did daily dose get so far behind what the hell i don't want to speak in an accent and stream zooming through daily dose comes back president what is that oh boy oh this is where everyone gets stuck oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy what do they go away no i don't want to do a tick tock dance please please not anything but tick tock dance no chad [Music] i don't want to do a tick tock dance why are you torturing me i'll do the pokeman tick-tock dance i don't want to do the pokemon dance i don't want to do it [Music] pokey maine [Music] tick tock dance [Music] what is that that's not the pokemon tick tock dance is it i can't find the tick tock dance [Music] [Music] okay this is my last time this is my last time this is the best i can do this is the best i can do okay my cheeks are wet yahoo [Music] how was it honest feedback how did i do mid get out i did my best need some polishing four out of ten all right well you got to take what you can get a 4 out of 10 is 4 out of 10 is pretty okay in my book i guess i guess i guess your best wasn't good enough well all right you know we all have our different opinions i will say we all have our different opinions uh i hate i hate tick tocks the distaste on your face is priceless i don't want to do a tick tock i don't know how to do tick tocks where the heck is it pokey tick tock dance and stream finish random simulation race start race [Music] what percentage are end stream right now a lot but clearly not enough stream is never going to end i should probably add them from the beginning every single thing we do i turned into an end stream [Music] all right we're going to start gamba in and stream is currently in the lead please not get slapped i don't deserve that i don't deserve that not today not on a day like this no one's come out of this yet oh redo or watch daily dose redo and watch daily dose oh daily goes out oh [ __ ] i don't know oh [ __ ] wait why is it going up you should not be going uphill you should be going downhill [Music] wait what is happening wait what okay i actually don't know what's in the lead if i'm being honest with you watch daily doses in the lead followed closely by end stream [Music] all right time to watch daily dose i love daily dose so i can't be that mad i can't be that mad i love daily dose can i have a mod link it to me [Music] where is it i hate that i can't find these finish pause daily dose thank you jello here we go chat we are watching daily dose hello everyone and this is your daily dose of internet hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet this owl just woke up after having surgery and the vet was demonstrating on how to properly put the owl back put their feet flat on the ground so we put the feet flat on the ground facing forward and then a little plump these guys found a mysterious spinning jar of peanut butter there's demons in the house this person's cousin was cremated and they wanted to have their ashes thrown into the ocean everyone knows that if you drop a cat they will almost always like why are they dropping cats what is happening duh this is a lot and on their feet back in the 1960s the us government did experiments to see how cats would react in a situation where there is zero gravity on their feet this automatic reflex action is almost completely lost under weightlessness that was sad look at the tiger this person caught a bee underneath a bottle cap let it go [Music] i think this is pretty cool sorry roommates cool there's a device that can change the shape of an egg why do you need an egg to be square that's so stupid if you're an actor doing a live performance this is what happens backstage when you need to change quickly it is [Applause] this snowplow driver is either really bad at driving or trying their best to take out every mailbox they see oh [ __ ] buy mailbox oh [ __ ] bye mailbox all right i know it's been a while [Applause] that was the best that is the end of this video i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later later all right back to marby's the [ __ ] the hell oh that was a stressful episode i'll tell you what start race word shows amazing thank you three i'm super hungry i'm also so hungry i'm gonna eat as soon as as soon as as soon as this marble game lets me end stream i will i will i will eat change the marble to end stream i actually did before all right last marvel wins is in the lead look at all the end streams come on [Music] come on [Music] i don't want to buy anything else please get that guy out of here rooting for second wig no why how did all the end streams end up in the back wear a hat really really that's the one missed y'all on omegle the other night hope you had a good time was a great podcast as always thank you joe or get swift oh [ __ ] which one is it oh [ __ ] which one is it wear a hat okay let me find a hat [Music] how do i look chat [Music] how's the beret [Music] great thank you stunning thank you so much thank you so much okay happy we had wear a hat that is a good one where the heck is wear a hat right there okay anytime now chad anytime now for sure first sure chat anytime rickert thank you for the 13. wait oh i didn't i i accidentally did players instead of simulation anytime i surely won't be up all night i surely will not be up all night playing marvel's usually when i do a marvel's game it takes me two hours before we hit an end stream but surely that's surely surely surely i could go to bed soon charlie come on shirley why i really don't want to get slapped i'm already wearing a wig i don't want to gift myself 100 subs i've spent so much money tonight where are all the end [Music] streams oh god [Music] oh [ __ ] those got eated over mcdonald's wouldn't be the worst thing in the world okay all right okay all right we've hit where a wig is our winner on top of my head or beneath my hat does it go on top of my hat or does it go beneath my hat i don't i'm red headed now okay great perfect there she goes i love it oh so good so good this is great i'm not being tortured by the marbies at this point i'm definitely definitely not being tortured by these marpies definitely not definitely not where the [ __ ] is the wig one right there all right very cool here we go this looks great i've never left florida mom vibes i've never looked better don't pour milk on my head please please come on all those end streams you're so close just get a little faster come on please please please why are you so fast why are you so fast poor milk on head i don't want this why [Music] not the wigs me get swift he'll make me happy i'll pour milk on head slow down [Music] oh there we go there we go go buddy go now call maya tell her i don't want to be your friend go oh [ __ ] honestly i'll do that uh oh there we go there we go no no this guy go go buddy don't hit those icicles oh there you go swivel around it you got it go little buddy go little buddy go little buddy surely nothing could go wrong here come on nothing could happen nothing oh it's got to be it there's no chance anything takes it come on shirley thank you shirley we've done it five and a half hours of marby's we finally did it holy [ __ ] oh my god this [ __ ] is so funny shut up shut up [Music] did it she's free and she looks fabulous i'm exhausted [Music] i'm not calling maya too it landed on end stream it's fair and square all my homies hate shirley chat we did it we did it we finally did it marby's is over i look like a lesbian from an anime what lesbian looks like this the heck me smiley face oh well perfect we did it and stream boys and girls no for any that doesn't work here franny that doesn't work here casey tron calls playing will nev that is what i look like frannie you will be refunded those points that doesn't work for marby's it doesn't work for marby's clothes window who wants the raid it is sweet anita who is up at midnight doing what right now is kind of like a wild night for me okay so that kind of person is really good for youtube content and they can of course design something entertaining all right you have fun with sweden it's for the kind of people who have no bedtime i have no bedtime more alcohol in their blood than blood i have and um and if you just look guys have a good night i'll see you tomorrow we have an irl stream starts around getting 30. won't become a twitch streamer or at least a successful one
foreign hello hello XX who do you think of the Prime bum hello thank you I didn't have to shower I did though I did uh I'm nervous I'm nervous I'm reviewing I'm reviewing my notes Belinda son said they don't like Taylor when's their funeral uh on the bright side she didn't want them as fans anyway okay I'm hoping I got this I hope I'm hoping I got this right good flip-flop thank you how's your face today much better let's see how more calm it looks um [Music] um sorry I'm checking I was supposed to do a sponsor today but it got moved you shouldn't have showered you just jinxed yourself really you think [Music] yeah the sponsor moved sponsor move good thing or bad thing uh fine thing I feel indifferent um good thing because um by moving it they asked me if I wanted to do it or if I wanted to move it if they moved it they could get you guys a discount code and I was like if I'm gonna do a sponsor I would rather have a discount code like so much better right um because it's like I don't know I just figure I just figure why not um foreign discount yeah and it's it's a product Oh the game is on oh really oh [ __ ] it is we've started okay sorry sorry sorry sorry I was okay Jesus okay I'm nervous okay do okay I'm scared okay I'm I'm trying something Wild this is stupid I shouldn't have done this I should have just stuck to the carlcon uh okay emo only mode okay I'm nervous I stayed up all night watching this we're the same rank oh my God it's anyone's game I should have just done the Karo Khan I'm more familiar with it but I don't know what I'm doing [Music] okay okay okay okay okay um okay who's commentating today love you and Danny okay thank you foreign like a crazy person I don't know what I'm doing okay everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine all right just develop just develop just develop I'm playing like an actual psychopath I don't know okay I I should have just done the Karo Khan uh-huh that makes sense uh Free Pawn one two three one two three free Pawn baby we take those okay now I want to take this but then he takes that I take that I'm still up but the dream world would be he doesn't take so then I just get a check there oh his Queen is staring at me I see what's happening um I could trade Queens early which is kind of fun I could move which is not as fun um I think today I want to move but I'll keep this pinned I could have been crazy but I didn't feel like it but here's a free Pawn right here so we're just gonna yoink I'm just gonna slowly slowly slowly cut away that's my goal today slowly cut away and then if he moves this queen here I go back down here which then he might take I might take but then I put pressure on his Queen okay good so he might take I might take he didn't take okay that's fine only thing oh uh that's protecting that okay so damn it um I love that this is pinned I love that for me because I was thinking of taking that I need this guy to move I need to give this guy some reason to move I don't know what his reason is yet so I'm just gonna go like this I'm just gonna develop and then I'm gonna Castle opposite sides so that I'm further away from his castle I feel good about that um all of my pieces are protected pieces of his that are not protected I believe everything of his is currently protected as well okay so let's think my next move could potentially be Bam Bam that's fun pressure there because then if he moves I could potentially get that if I then like came here to try to do that trade of some kind that's kind of interesting my cat just jumped and scared me um okay that's fine wait do I bring this instead no because I like having that pinned right now um and if I do this it puts pressure on that so let's let's do that okay now this Fork dab look at that look at that beauty bro I'm so good at chess okay Castle castling castling castling okay oh oh it's all because I showered I don't know how my camera's so high I look like I'm filming a uh what's it called that word when people Ransom video or something okay he's thinking I'm gonna bring this out I've got to get my pawns into play soon hmm [Music] [Music] he could go here I would love to get up here okay my knight can't really do much if I go here he takes for safety I mean I just need my pawns to be moving around I like this Pawn here because it further traps his Knight pretty well um okay that's fine with me [Music] okay my knight is trapped I should have thought that through I could trade this he takes I take no P takes okay so we don't do that if I go here I don't know what that does for me okay so I just want to move my knight I don't feel like playing [Music] I don't feel like playing around with that uh play stupid games and win stupid prizes you and me nothing like that I miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince okay uh okay I think I'll go here what is he doing he's just marching stop it no marching stop okay so how pinned because if he moves I get that buddy what are you doing am I missing something I'm pretty sure this is free he takes oh he takes that or is can he set up a fork anywhere with my queen involved no okay then it's just free and then check right or no uh check and then if I go here do I go there or where do I go okay there's definitely a tactic here I go here he goes there I go there he takes so then he's up I don't love that um where is another check really have one I could just take here hmm or do I wanna just trade Queens I mean I'm up significantly so if I come here if I come here that's a check that's a forced Queen trade and then there and I'm still up okay I'm just gonna do it to clean up the board I hate getting on my queen is this stupid this is plus three I mean it's a better trade for him that's what I don't like but I'm already up in the game so it should be fine okay I have time I don't have a ton of time there's got to be like a tactic I'm missing if I go here he takes he takes with that I can come down here and just get a piece but then he takes um what if I just go like this yes no no I'm doing something wrong and I don't know what it is oh I don't know what it is I'm doing something weird though I know I'm doing something wrong I'm just gonna go here ah because he takes I take ah and now I have this pressure though which is fun and I also have a fork I'm a genius I'm a [ __ ] genius I feel bad wait now I feel bad wait I kind of feel bad wait that made me feel bad don't resign oh it makes me feel bad oh I love daily dose I feel bad I feel bad that I celebrated but that was kind of dope three blunders really say it ain't so I feel like I played like a god what oh okay well that's really awkward this is you've played this 666 times the 53 winway that's so funny an attack on the bishop oh because then he could come here and attack my queen oh I see yeah that would be bad oh I see which then I would just do this but then he would do this I see yeah my start was messy because [Music] that's okay it's all right I don't want to focus on it I just want to get into the next game [Music] thank you Jess for the 38. [Music] the rules allowed chat I mean we take Chad off once I play foreign textbook perfect no I had 33 accuracy I would not say or 53 accuracy Danny and Levy are super impressed all right well they won't expect this one will they what could it be hmm what could she be opening with [Music] thank you dear sort sir look at this oh he's letting me do it oh a textbook Stonewall here it is baby let me in let me in don't mess it up [Music] let me have it come on come on it's your turn to move come on there it is [Music] there she is yep bring your knight out here that's usually where they put their night bring your night out but bring your night out oh he didn't oh this changes things you may not take this and I'm never supposed to play this if something Levy's always like never touch C2 or you're cringe and I'm like uh but what if they're attacking forget why every time and it usually bites me in the took us foreign but I'm gonna do it today you little [ __ ] okay that's fine maybe that's why that's fine she backs down still keeps it loves playing with pawns huh I feel whine about it he really should have brought his Knight down here okay so he may potentially okay this is not a classic Stonewall he has done some things that I don't agree with that's fine I've got a got a plan I know how to recover great you use this one so then you open this file and now I have control of these two spots which is people POG wow this is a bit of a Messier game for sure then I go here and then I pull this out to look at that guy I also bring this over here if I remember correctly so I might do that first okay that there okay so now I'm gonna have to deal with the idea of that trade foreign this here and then uh that there can get up there I guess no because that okay did he move that preemptively because he thought I was gonna do that if so that's kind of crazy oh [ __ ] wait that was really good damn it all right uh that's fine that was impressive oh I should have gone there so then I could have done that where does he move now back there right [ __ ] okay I should think a little harder next time because his options are living there for the time being this game is messy I don't like it actually I'm happy I have more time but holy moly is this a messy messy messy if I could get over here and then there if I go bam bam that way that's protected from that but then it goes after that or this huh well he's up a piece so congrats to him but he's probably just gonna move his Knight back here to put pressure on my queen again which would be smart in my opinion this is messy what are you doing he wants me to go there to take that so I might just do this then that same thing happens no it doesn't actually um okay don't be reactive if I come here and he goes back up there I potentially just trade this foreign because then I take that and I can still Escape okay does that make sense okay so I come here I don't know what the hell he does he probably comes down here to attack this no no yeah that would make sense that would actually be a good move um but if I came here and he came back up here I take oh but I don't know if he's gonna take with that one if he takes it that one then it's people pug wow because then I can just trade that too um okay or I could be reactive and come here but potentially he's going to move down here which again is annoying he's really annoying with pawns I could also just do this and throw them off I could also just pull this up so then it forces him to come here that way it's normal for me to go there unless it forces unless he just says oh I'm just going to put pressure there to avoid all of that I could go here okay okay hi Raiders sorry I'm in the middle of a game this one is a little more this one's an intense I could see him coming here because then it is annoying for my queen if he does come there I'm definitely doing that [Music] the dream world is he moves that down for some reason so then I get this big situation huh what an interesting thing to do because now I just get this right it's not protected anymore you can't move there he's gonna move here which is fine because I'll just push that up yep okay so I either push that up or I come here so then I have this situation but I gotta get rid of this which I could sack this Pawn to get rid of that uh no because he's protecting there um well I've have to protect that Knight and I don't have anywhere safe to move it so we're just going to protect it with this Pawn do I like that pond there or should I move my queen I think I should move my queen over here I think it's better to move my queen because this is a more threatening position yeah okay I'm moving my Queen instead of the pawn I couldn't I can take this no I cannot okay never mind um okay at least I'm even on pieces now I still don't like this night here so I might do this to which he will bring his Knight back here huh if he brings his Knight back here that's not good for me no it's fine because I'll just take with this I guess oh so he wait wait wait wait wait so right now he's gonna take this he's gonna take this with that so do I do this so then it's protected by that and then he takes I mean I actually have an open file so I'm going to sacrifice a pawn for an open file and to protect that I think I'm okay with this decision am I crazy though I think I'm okay with it I don't know if his right choice [ __ ] that's crazy okay well whatever he might not give me an open file of course he might go there which is fine [Music] if he doesn't take this I go here right correct yeah I want to go there because I wanna oh okay [Music] okay well that's protected and now he can't go there actually he could go here though which is an annoying check but he doesn't really gain anything from it if I okay so right now this night you can go here no I can't here no he can't hear yes he can hear no he can't hear no he can't here no he can't so if I were to do this oh wait that's an l oh my God I lost all my L's okay that is problem it's not that bad though so do I want to put pressure on his night or do I want to make a different move I feel like I should make a different move but I don't know what that move is [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you could just open this uh I'm just gonna go here I don't know because my brain is thinking this but then I lose protection there but then he can't take with that because then I'll just take with that [Music] I think he's really reactive so I think this will stress him out and he'll forget kind of that I just loosened that up but maybe I'm crazy and that was stupid I don't know he's up too this game is messy I don't like it but I also wanted to get this open oh great um so now that he did that what does that open up for me exactly why am I excited by that I don't know what I'm doing I'm choking I'm choking I know I have something over here but I don't know what it is I don't know oh I feel like I have a good control of the like map but I also don't oh [ __ ] he's just gonna go there and then there and then [Music] so I should have done something I should have gone here yeah okay cutie that was silly of you I'm choking I'm choking so hard foreign that's fine because then I he can't move there so I'm going to move this and his Knight's gonna be trapped now is when I can just move there I don't [ __ ] know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing I choked this game I might lose okay uh that's fine it's a trade um I go here laughs [Music] okay so he's mostly up in ponds so how do I get these pawns back wait that's a free Pawn wait that's a free Pawn now okay good good good good free Pawn there's my free Pawn um that's all I've got really I could go here and that could be a free Pawn but maybe I'm sure he'll protect it I'm losing I'm losing I'm doing something wrong I know there's like something I should be doing I know this is like a good setup do I go here and then here no because he has this guy I'm doing something wrong I don't know what it is though he's gonna go there wait that's not a free Pawn oh my God I just got the way pawns move mixed up in my brain I got directions mixed up I'm dyslexic Oh no I got directions mixed up what am I doing wait I actually don't know I don't know what I'm doing that's crazy I just got directions mixed up I think I lose holy [ __ ] I threw I threw so hard can I even recover I don't know if I can recover from this I want to go here and try to uh I don't know if I can go here that would be awesome okay because now I have that oh I don't really I don't I don't actually have that okay oh my God what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing I don't know what I'm doing I don't think I can win I don't know how to win this I don't think it's possible I don't think I can win I don't know what I'm doing okay if you take and then at least I get that right uh I don't think I win maybe I went on time i s I screwed up I don't know where I screwed up but I screwed up so bad I screwed up so bad how did I do that he just takes that and then I take this I don't oh my foot's asleep baby [Music] oh [Music] that's good that's a good skewer everybody that's a good ass skewer I don't care who you are [Music] okay but that I didn't think that through potentially if I go here and he comes here then he takes yeah so I have to sack this right because if he comes and takes this and I move I don't have time to get down there as a queen so I have to sack yeah I just have to right I do I just have to I I don't know okay there we go [Music] yeah that was my only choice okay so he don't okay I've got to think about where I'm moving this where after here he can go bam bam I just have to make sure he doesn't set up a fork of any kind bam how do L's work and Bam so if I go here he can check me again so I should just go here because he can't check me again there I should have gone up and checked maybe no I I I'd rather get that out of the way oh that's Checkmate no it's not oh okay no we're fine right that's not checkmate oh but that's a fork oh he didn't see the fork okay blessed um check um check um pin the queen [Music] um okay how do I how do I get where I want to get I want to be able to take this but then also have it protected so I need to go all the way up here there we go so then I can take and then if he takes I take his Queen it's fine that's fine right oh boy uh check um check how do I what is the nail in this coffin I don't see it check he has to go up I might have maybe needed to trade Queens there I think I win what a messy game what a messy game that was crazy that 11 blunders bro what 11 blunders that was messy my accuracy had to have been like four oh what an ugly game a chaotic game yeah yeah yeah okay where did I mess up Oh by bringing my knight there interesting your Pawn is undefended yeah that did work the pawn wasn't defended anyway though uh whatever uh next it's a great move and then that was a bad move what was I supposed to do instead it's a blunder okay what is this okay yeah I see all right um both Mr free Queen we did win uh okay I probably have to do the interview thingy this is why I switched to Shopify okay um oh [ __ ] I didn't see this oh God GG okay Zoom interview churro pop you think of the five gifted that's very nice check the brilliant move guys I have to get into the interviewer I'm that [ __ ] holding everyone up why is my camera so low why is my hair so frizzy hello can you hear me yes thank you Judy can you hear me okay uh yeah I can hear you cool and uh if you two can say hello to each other to make sure you can hear each other just okay Jason can you hear me should be able to I can't hear him okay one moment let me check this routing that's why we check thank you okay you should hear each other now can you hear me now there we go hi cutie you kicked my butt dude that last game was like the word first we were running around like two chickens with their heads cut off I was like I don't know how to play chess anymore yeah it was crazy I just wish I practiced more yeah I'm sure you play with music all the time right I I play like four games of Chess before bed every night oh okay see I I don't I just play whenever I'm on the toilet so you get a little more time than I do yeah yeah you did good though that was that was scary that's probably the scariest game I've played it was a little scary but I don't I don't know how to play whites like I just I I've never known how to play whites properly so like that's why you kicked my butt in the first time interesting so you're better at black opening yeah I used to be a lot better at white but now I'm way better at black um so like I I don't know how to open so I like playing defensive more you know yeah so huh well that makes sense I just don't want to make yeah I don't I don't want to make the first move but um yeah congrats thank you thank you is an honor playing with you how have you been I've been good you just got back from Norway yeah yeah I was in Norway for like 12 days and um those are such a pretty place um I wish you could go there one day like because it's so cool I know a dream someday I mean yeah well maybe you could take like a crazy Cruise or something you know true true I just need to get over it I've got to get over it at some point yes um yeah who knows um but yeah I mean what flying yeah flying same it was really bad for me a couple years ago uh so I would just like drink a wine or two on the plane and then one day I got on and I was like hey if I go no so sorry sorry we're coming we're coming back on the air in about 15 seconds sorry we're just coming back very soon uh Danny you're gonna do the you're bringing you're gonna bring us through the interview then we're gonna review the consolation bracket afterwards and you're gonna segue us into the next match we can keep teasing the life finals we can take our time the next game starts at the top of the hour you ready you're starting off we just watched cutie Cinderella 2L coming back in five four three two one and Danny go hog Champs five continues to roll on we have our first player who has secured her spot for the live Final in La it's IRL chess over the board for those who speak OTB and uh cutie Cinderella cutie I don't know if you know this but you just earned yourself a free Uber ride We're Gonna Get You Uber black I know right I know stay where you see we're gonna get you a free Uber to the live final wow I'm so I'm so blessed so blessed it could be a helicopter ride I don't know that's true I mean we should I'm okay okay we're not gonna Helga okay Uber it is for for cutie Cutie uh Jokes Aside that was obviously a wild match there you take a 2-0 and how are you feeling you're the first player to get to the first ever live pod Champs um the the that last match was terrifying I forgot how to play chess no it was it was good it was chaotic yeah it was a lot of back and forth uh you you had a chance to pull up the game review I don't know if you took a deep dive there was like a missed Checkmate on both sides I I don't know it was uh did you also feel like that last match was was was there for the taking a little bit like it there was a lot of chaos back and forth yeah I had an opening yeah I had a couple openings but I think she just kept blocking them so yeah well you were you were saying uh just to reveal our our quick off air conversation that you struggled with you struggle with white is that something you just haven't had time to work on your wide openings or what is it a go ahead I only have like one opening in white and that's the only one I know how to do but since Gotham has been like uh you know making fun of me for it I'm like I'm gonna do something different I just totally screwed me over uh I see I believe Levy for all the problems on these shows too daily dose I agree with you this is Levy's fault and uh I'm sorry the reason Felix is this is asleep uh you know he I just my content puts everybody but puts everybody to sleep daily does that first game you got a good position you were actually pretty okay in the opening chess games are one and lost in the middle game and the end game and the openings I hate openings I just want to just put me in a situation that I'm much better like just put me in a comfortable situation much better but like I only know that one wide opening that's it but um that opening that it was specifically for you you were in my head the whole time well no Gotham you oh Gotham because because of the G3 square and unfortunately the G3 Square haunted you again because that was the move that gave Judy the advantage right when you played H3 to attack your queen and she took the pawn yeah yeah so cute in game one were you were you taking notes the pen in game one yeah you had like you had it oh before I started if you were yeah oh it was because it's not very cool I so I was uh studying I was watching your videos all night last night with the the England Gambler Gambit because that's what snapnap used on him but it I don't know how to annotate chess so I don't know none of my notes make sense literally my note is like he moves Pawn then he moves horsey and take Pawn with horsey and then I and so I'm sitting there trying to review my notes and I'm like wait none of these make any sense so yeah it didn't it didn't it was not as you saw my England uh fell apart very quickly well daily dose despite despite what Levy you know did to ruin to ruin that experience overall how was your I'm kidding but how was your box Champs five tournament did you have a good time and what are your what are your takeaways from this as far as things you might do differently or what you would you know do next time well obviously yeah I would I would train like if I did zero training for this um so that would be nice to do next time I offer an apology with a puppy thank you if I was to give if I was to give any advice I will say like you seem you see tactics faster than your brain can calculate whether it's a good idea to play for it so if I was to give you some coaching advice I would say slow down a little bit in the opening where it's your toughest stage because you actually did seem to have we were highlighting a lot of the ideas that we thought you were seeing and most the mistakes you made you seemed like you were just playing too fast I'm good at that yeah no I totally agree it's my biggest weakness that I play too fast so all right um Judy do you want to talk about your biggest weaknesses or we're sharing on that yeah my biggest weakness is I forget which direction the pieces go sometimes when I sacked my night I was like this is a totally safe spot and then I was like wait no black moves towards me uh yeah I'm dyslexic so it's it's I forget I forget directions turns out it was a brilliant move to sacrifice your night and you had various ways of checkmating him a few moves later so we were screaming about it being brilliant but then but then you you did something else so it was a crazy moment you'll see oh did you know you had a brilliant move Judy sorry to interrupted you had a brilliant move like the brilliant the brilliant symbol was on the board and we completely lost it you were it was an incredible idea but you didn't follow through but it was a great it was a great move then I'll tell you what it was an idea but exciting very exciting fair enough where uh we're gonna let you go but we have one question uh cutie because you we have another match coming up today between virtual and squeaks I I'd like to get your full unfiltered thoughts on who you would prefer as an opponent uh in the in the constellation bracket final uh mostly because I because I um and so I hope that uh squeaks takes like Vyvanse today or like steroids or something like some drug enhancing thinks I think it's the only way he will be virtual so but I would prefer to go against squeaks because I think it'd be easier for me yeah I appreciate that well all right uh congratulations no matter who you're playing we will we will see you in La after that incredibly Posh Uber ride that we get you um thank you for saving us some money you know one less flight to worry about um and seriously it is it is pretty awesome that you'll be playing in a final given that you're kind of an OG of the POG Champs community so finally maybe Joe's not that we were rooting for her but it is kind of cool that Cutie's playing I'm just saying um I think it'll be a lot more entertaining because you know she's much better at the streaming stuff than I am so what dude it's it's great great to have you here I hope you had a had a decent time and if it happens again in the future we'll hook up some training and uh thanks for playing thanks for remind me I know bye bye everybody bye y'all all right Levy there you have it that's how cutie Cinderella made her way to the live final enough I want to watch back because they'll explain they'll explain where I mess up if I watch it back just what they did because I think that'll make more sense make more sense oh that's my voice I don't like that don't like that one bit um let's see um okay chess um thoughts oh guys I can't beat virtual I don't quite know how to make notes and that might actually be a really useful tip for the future if she's watching your videos I uh I I think it is a useful tip and I am more than happy to uh to share some wisdom and you know maybe we just we just book virtual or squeaks on a bad flight you know like a really bad Airline they want me to win it's so nice speaking of all right um okay let's go look at that second game computer teenage six Jack I have to see all the checks that they are thinking of and the reason hammering down the center like but because you know players are new like look at what she's doing she's just but this is she's the wrong approach you can't break a pawn wall with a queen he's mad at me he's mad at me yeah like he could go H3 you know like uh um they want to move I'll keep this pinned okay that's pretty good I could have been crazy but here's a free phone right here I'm just gonna slowly slowly slowly cut away that's my whole day slowly cut away now the computer hates that move she can't see the yellow bar but it's plus four right now because there's a trick here spoilers he might take I might take we're seeing her board nothing else if you want but I do agree with you what it says it's a decent idea by her even if it was wondering there's a blunder uh you have things like an attack here on the queen and then you have to realize that the bishop can take the pawn on B sub uh and the Queen no longer is able to pin it that's very tough in fact that is the best move again in this position is to play Knight to H4 uh it's like the best position because attacks the queen she's in great shape and uh what you're showing is we're talking to my seven year old daughter and I said when you're solving puzzles checks captures and then Queen attacks don't say temples because Temple moves eventually is what you learn which means you attack a more valuable piece with a less valuable piece but at the beginning you teach kids of material and the queen is gray this position is after white it's all good keep it safe yeah uh I'm trying to how this goes wrong for Judy right besides tell me that's a that's a long story on the road but um I think I think the simplest plan bring PC to the center is probably good you've got broken into tactics like the fact that it's loose Jack the King goes and then Knight D4 I assume just lights out yeah that doesn't matter your pin the bishop is still defending so Knight takes you don't take back you just win and uh that was that was it I mean that could have been the match right there she plays the best move but now he blocked his own Quinn so it's funny they're both playing faster they're doing I think we're shuffling the same wavelength oh interesting Universe because uh the moves I didn't see he could have won there I don't think he knows I don't think you remember I don't know um oh my God they're just their accuracy is dropping seven percent with each move they're playing too fast they're just not can we have three days Queen F3 is like made soon oh my God is lights out on the spot that's gonna solve all the problems she just sacrifices I think she sees it let's go to her stream real quick she's drawing an arrow he's doing more time walking away from the board foreign check right or no uh look at that she's doing great if you take back the A5 and the lights were wondering I can't believe I messed up absolutely that's the problem he goes there I go there he takes so then he's up I don't love that um yeah you're right I don't understand chess is so hard and I'm just kind of just kind of looking at the video I mean it's a better trade for him yeah that combo would be insane yeah she's not the right mindset though like she's looking to simplify you get a piece off the board because she knows she's waiting everybody sometimes that's not the best but but I like where her head's out YouTube no oh and moving her night out to attack that five is the best positions okay if she goes for another five engine movement is the only one why would I go to Queen a queen takes fish up the guns in the holster oh my God and it's on the board already Danny Knight F5 and he took the Rook 93 and he resigns oh my God he resigned he resigned the king H2 Knight takes F1 the best move is not to take but it doesn't matter where you go because it's just why am I so laggy all right let's watch the next one the next one is gonna be crazy I love you did not look like he was handling that defeat very well off camera will say that he's already off yeah let's quickly show that we'll go back to the announcement because our time the next one is wild I believe it I'll slow it down a little bit and then she calculated all of that and at the end of that she gives her Bishop she's still winning because of the material but then there's a something called an auxiliary idea which I don't know is the first move of your idea is correct the second move is wrong and so sometimes you need to work out the second move and make the first move correct okay correct so if I were to take there he would have taken there first and then the king would go here and then she would come back and win the queen so she would win everything so at the end of this oh wow bro no way yeah concept that's very tough for chess players to understand so she went back to the drawing board and went Knight F5 because she realized she couldn't go here so she wanted to attack this instead and threaten this and that is the top computer move she's resigned on the very next turn I would have never his lights out uh that was ridiculous super impressive I would have never found that but then the fact that she played Knight G3 so fast like she saw the whole idea already she was all over it yeah I would have never and he yeah he resigned and the thing is Danny he's a competitor and he I think he lost it okay that's not what he lost here we go it is hard okay this game I know was crazy I messed up a thousand times here often the answer is maybe no and I think he needs to slow down a little bit top priority if I was his coach one tip one two and three slow down it's a Stonewall on Stonewall action because this is the opening that he likes to play he likes to create this grid uh and she likes to create this grid so they are going to play an identical symmetrical position against each other which is very funny uh he loves this stuff he loves this stuff he plays F4 is white I'll uh I'll say the Cutie's been playing The Stonewall really since her first appearance in POG Champs 2 back in back in 2020. um she loves it it's not necessarily the best for the critical thinking she needs to develop at the next day she likes it because she gets to play the same thing over and over again I love it it is a good opening if you get the things you're highlighting which is she gets the dark Square grip and she gets a knight to E5 and we'll see yeah exactly right and he's gonna do the exact same thing okay she's doing this which I'm supposed to do this opposite way and launch like uh crazy I mean that's that is one way to play Levy taught me to do this I'm gonna attack them that's a great move now she's got to finish up the uh yeah I swear he's always told me not to do this E4 happens and we know what happens then you can't be a real Stonewall player and not play C3 here what I mean this is like building a house and not putting a window you gotta huh I swear I've gotten in trouble for this before I can't float the thing called the thing I can't either we're fighting each other's mouths there we go that's why oh there it is okay she played him yeah yeah it's like being a general contractor not finishing the house now she can go here but he might just keep going he loves pawns he does he loves Pawns I know these players better than they know themselves you really are you're you've predicted everything today to a fault actually for daily dose because you predicted he would lose on G3 again and you were right um although cutie was right like I said I guess you can attack Pawn chains with Queens you just have to do a cuties while you know that your opponent's gonna blunder she might be experienced enough to know how to break this down like she might know that G4 is the right idea you know King H1 G4 which is just something you build up that's a great move uh but that G4 plan is something you build up with experience again it's just it's not something anybody that does I don't know that you know when you get to a certain spot if you've been there before you know oh my God wait that's smart I've never the right way I've never I never knew how to break that down you come here and then if they take you take or you take with that oh my God I never knew that wow wow now I know losing but you're not setting yourself up for success I don't like me in tournaments so I uh you know I stopped it was a I don't know if you're saying that because you saw the person in chat call you out about that or if you're just saying it um oh it's funny no no I I literally literally you were on a rant about it and someone in chat was like says the I am who doesn't prepare before he goes to tournaments and I was like wow that was oh Stone Cold roast right there oh no no it's uh it's the truth you know I feel like Danny three things could make me a Grand Master number one making it a full-time job number two getting a sports psychologist number three paying random 75 year old Europeans to lose games to me on purpose I have strongly considered number three but I think I'm too big for that now I think they would figure it out so uh yeah uh there's a C3 Pawn hanging by the way I jumped a little bit in my chair C3 Pawn oh yeah it's right there but uh daily dose has not seen it yet I also don't recommend you know paying the old the old Europeans to lose you know the internet finds out everything these days so even more reason to do the right thing um all right why did I move that so fast he got mad at me puns it's funny though because in a closed structure it's easy to like the Optics of the position I think he's just not realizing that the pawn is undefended and probably at some point she will take the 994 and he'll have missed this chance at some point you also will figure it out I mean you're going to look at ponte's Pawn throughout this game you know you look at Knight takes Pawn uh one of those moves could could appear I but he is a fighter and I I I do believe in his ability to to overcome the good news is there it is wow he found it that's a huge move that's that's huge because I mean that Poland Levy is not just a pollen in the structure it's potentially a lot more for black right you get this past C4 Pawn as long as you don't do anything silly next you bring the Knight back to safety you've got yeah he's highlighting there's a lot of good things about Black's position now when that C3 Pawn disappears absolutely Knight to E4 is uh inviting Bishop takes Pawn takes and then there's going to be a pin here he's got to just go back he can't over complicate things but the problem Danny in a lot of these positions right for these for these kind of advanced beginner players is sometimes the best thing is just very subtle you don't need to overdo anything and they really overdo stuff right yep yeah the uh the whole process of letting the game come to you for lack of a better Sports cliche is something you learned with time right and in fact most games you and I have seen are lost at this level by people trying too hard they're forcing a tactic where it doesn't exist or seeing ghosts right and I think you're totally right but on that note I will say this his position is accidentally stopping Cutie's biggest plan we saw her be chinny Levy with the whole Queen H4 kind of plan that's not gonna happen here because the queen on d8 is guarding everything so there is you know his position is is hard to lose as long as it stays how it is yep for sure unless he starts going totally crazy with something like Ponte G oh my God that was crazy literally said that in real time and I can confirm you were that was crazy you had no board that they couldn't see that was crazy did you complete the sentence no no no no that's uh that that was one of my more legendary calls I think uh that was wild these players kind of like I kind of understand that a lot of their brains it's probably why I got to 4 million subscribers for like videos of intermediates right but I I just understand his style and his style is like I should push here but there's no King here so I'm gonna push here but as you get better you just go like I'm throwing punches where I'm not stronger I should not be bullying my opponent on the side of the board because it comes with words for me too but he's still better Danny it's still minus one so my ability to predict Mini Cooper psychology and your ability to predict the ELO for players under 1500 you know my skill is not as useful in the world as yourself this is this has been impressive I'm not gonna lie somebody said that's actually annoying that I keep doing that that's interesting that was a new one um all right let's let's yeah let's take a look at the Cutie let's get Levy off off the mic here for a second so he can't predict any more bad moves and see what Cutie's thinking but potentially he's going to move down here which again is annoying he's really annoying with pawns also just pull this up so then it forces him to come here that way it's normal unless he just says oh I'm just going to put pressure there to avoid all of that I could go here that doesn't stop it at all that's funny that's funny I put so much thought into it and then Levy goes that doesn't stop it at all Taylor Swift reference I think we established yesterday which I got roasted pretty hard on Twitter by Ludwig and others about choosing Miley Cyrus over Taylor Swift they both make good music but but they both cannot hold a candle to the greatest individuals definitely doing that who is the weekend oh my God oh my God Levy yeah because the line I can't feel my face when I'm with you AKA I'm so [ __ ] high I can't feel my face is such a better lyric than I asked the traffic lights if it'll be all right and they say I don't know no he he actually he actually got it he's actually figured it out for some reason that's my that's my hot take it that is a hot take weekend has like a 120 million plays every month on Spotify I mean like it's I'm a weekend fan I'm not gonna lie so no no real disagreements there I was trying to pretend that what by the way do I have Spotify on this computer damn it I don't is that true does the weekend have more plays than Taylor Swift I don't know if I believe that G5 Pawn is gone which is why you don't remember your king oh she's she's about to take it he does guys yeah yeah and he put it there who the [ __ ] is listening to the weekend not to be this person but genuinely who is listening to the weekend is it because like the Old Navy plays him or something like I don't so it has a lot of plays the Old Navy the PacSun there and uh yeah um you know I'll believe it when the weekend sells out as many Arenas as her just saying the tough thing is that White's top move according to the computer is to play Pawn takes Pawn what and what happens if you lose your nightstalk fish oh right E4 with a discovered attack followed by C takes D5 and then wait what did I miss okay which is why you don't overcome your king oh she's she's about to take it and she does yeah yeah and and he put it there and uh yeah um now the tough thing is that White's top move according to the computer is to play Pawn takes Pawn okay that's interesting what what and what happens if you lose your nightstalk fish oh right E4 with a discovered attack followed by C takes D5 and then and and then e takes F5 wow that's crazy who would ever who would ever do that oh my God that's so insane no one would ever see that that's crazy that is crazy that's crazy bears that's crazy Bears this is why nobody likes you stockfish this is why nobody likes you because you say things like that now this is a more human move it's a more human move and that's why it gives gets a big fat orange question mark and I'm gonna add my own we'll go to the other side oh it doesn't go to the other side it would be really funny if I could just put like 5 5 um yeah Queen E7 now pins the Knight to the Queen's way of Defending but he does that because I got stressed he can hold stock Fishers move against cutie or really any human being to be honest I don't know that Magnus yeah legitimately um I I okay you think maybe Rook takes G5 E4 is spotted but it's it's a very unhuman move Queen H4 though would not have been played by Magnus probably just a retreat of the night would have been or even H4 because now the daily dose has found Queen E7 yeah uh in bullet I think Magnus just goes back to F3 that's kind of what I was saying oh that's interesting uh title Tuesday maybe but like I think he would stop his thought it takes takes whatever you know he I always say stuff like that and I wonder if he's ever watching this broadcast then going man this idiot doesn't know a damn thing about me so uh yeah um hey Magnus hey Magnus watching from the World Cup in Baku um the uh the move Queen E7 has been played she's in a little bit of trouble she does find E4 now though that's interesting I know it gives it a big question mark but that's a nice idea opening the bishop can we go to her stream I wonder does she understand what she's doing I did that she's getting her Bishops open I need yeah I did I knew that I think she saw she didn't know how to defend the night so she did I knew that I knew that I knew that my good thoughts from her he might not give me another file of course he might go there which is fine I did it I'm smart if he doesn't take this I go here right the real problem is she defended the Knight but she hasn't solved the pin problem yeah the hard way let's keep watching to see what she what she thinks this could be about to go really bad and now he can't which is an annoying check but he doesn't really gain anything from it I actually okay so right now this night yep you can go here no I can't hear no we can't here yes he can hear no he can't hear no he can't here no he can't so if I were to do this that's an l oh my God I lost all my L's okay that is she does see it though she sees the check it's not that bad though yep yeah Bishop D2 is reasonable or do I want to make a different move which is actually a great move it would attack the Knight and guardi too oh that'd be great that'd be a great move yeah ah whoa sheep why why why why why why why why why why because I want to get this up there I don't know neither does she she played it before although if she sees Bishop okay that's not a bad idea don't say that don't say she doesn't know I just explained that I knew it's a bad idea it's like Wreck-It Ralph you can be a bad guy without being a bad guy okay it's a bad idea but it's not a bad idea you get what I'm saying I think he's not at all no okay no see look that was not a bad idea even though it was a bad idea because she should have lost the Knight if he takes the Knight here but it was a good idea to get the bishop on a good diagonal you get you can you can play Bad moves without them being a bad move do you get it yeah wait why wouldn't he take that he should have taked that why and he might not take the knife there you go just like that you see good ideas pay off Danny the way you talk you could be a politician I don't even know what you talked about but I think you aligned with my political views there you go it's uh it's it's it's it's enlightening when you learn that it's just the way you put the right emphasis on the right syllable can change how someone feels about what you're saying thank you I feel like I feel like that was a that was a big Transcendent moment and I think I think I'm looking forward to your term and I'm looking forward to you addressing some of these very complex issues you know I really feel convinced here I go all right yeah let's let's head back to analysis so Levy can show all the bad ideas that we found even if they weren't necessarily bad ideas okay but the last eight moves have been better um this move attacked this uh this lost the pawn but it had an interesting it was a good idea which was a bad idea which was that maybe she would get the open file uh and then he did this which apparently was not the right idea and then she went here after addressing this this is winning now because you take the bishop and the bishop guards the night so you take the knight uh he took this instead she went here attacking the queen and forgetting that it no longer defends the night yeah I did forget that and now she goes here which is another bad move now he goes here and now she plays Bishop to D1 and and the computers I think overdoing it Danny I mean every move is fluctuating oh no that was such a powerful piece daddy know what the top engine move here is for White Knight wait I gotta show it dude Knight takes E4 with the idea that you don't take this and you go here and it takes you have a rook to have eight and you win the queen dude wow holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that'd be so cool if I figured that out but I didn't holy [ __ ] wait wait moral commentary or with the idea that oh that was such a powerful piece Danny you know what the top engine move here is for White Knight wait I gotta show it dude Knight takes E4 with the idea that you don't take this and you go here and it takes you ever I go there it goes there wow you know what's crazy I could have seen that if I would have slowed down I think I just panicked because I didn't this is the immortal game thank you Chad in Immortal commentary by Levy Rosman this is you are watching the magnum opus of POG Champs right now um yeah and I kind of mean that look you can play for a lot of good ideas even if okay I won't keep going on the on the story of difference between bad ideas and bad ideas and this position a lot of things are about to go wrong yeah but I'm having a good time she might see Rook f8 by the way it's not difficult as an 800 player to go I'd love my Rook there how does that happen well they could take me oh but they could go here as well so it's there it's all there it's a close position it's very tough wow and then I wish I wish I would have played that damn that would have been really cool if I had to predict I genuinely think I am smart enough to play that I just didn't see it I think this position is way more dangerous for daily dose than Judy despite the past pawns and despite the objective evaluation the black as well I see the eval bar don't yell at me chat but let me D5 is coming for Cutie the queen side has still not developed if we want to highlight that The Rook at night are out okay he plays C3 but look there's tactics here there's there's D5 as you pointed out by the way she just played Knight takes E4 are you freaking kidding [Laughter] so funny meanwhile me meanwhile me over here is saying oh I forgot that black moves this way and I forgot that that would have been so sick I'm so mad at myself oh that would have been so cool oh that would have been so cool oh they're about to be so disappointed in me wow they're about to be so disappointed it's a brilliant move it's exactly what we said Rook get Fate on the board she's about to hold this game do it play Rook f8 show that you were brilliant come on oh my God come on oh is she gonna get greedy Danny she's gonna get greedy like Queen F6 and try to mate him dude that's also awesome but Rook f8 that was the idea she freaking found it oh my God what she panicked let me go she panicked or if she didn't see the move no she come on we just lost our proverbial bleep on air but they are so confused at my life choices and now it's like a it's like a movie where they set up a brilliant plot and then fail to deliver on oh dude oh my God oh my God I forgot I forgot that this bishop was staring at that I straight up forgot about the bishop the whole time I literally forgot I have no other words besides like I I literally forgot that that was staring at that she's a genius she's a genius oh my God oh my God oh my God did she see it no she's highlighting the wrong thing that's not what you played that movie for no queen of hate oh my God Queen f8 agreed to fate she has no idea no no no no no no no no no no she's not a genius I can't even hear Levy anymore Danny oh my God what am I doing oh my God Danny she's never dude I've never seen someone so accidentally brilliant failed to like seriously it's not over she's gonna move her Queen to the side he's gonna take on D4 with the rook and there's going to be made again dude if you call that Queen oh my God I don't know how to win I don't think it's possible she doesn't she doesn't see it though Levy so it would it would have to be truly accidentally brilliant title of your autobiography accidentally brilliant accidentally brilliant move that that's what I moved I don't know what I'm doing she's doing the xqc school of Chess just jiggle every piece one time my God I was so convinced we were about to see the most brilliant finish of all time by cutie Cinderella she's attacking the bishop D5 is a really nice idea actually that's that's crazy that she re-centered her chakra if you will yes and found that that's nuts I don't know where I screwed up but I screwed up so bad I'm gonna I'm gonna give an om symbol for sure she's gonna get the other Pawns dude she's she's on path to being brilliant I'm gonna stay in a Zen he just showed his butt to everybody you want to watch the game come here it's crazy because this was their first so long like so long I could have taken the queen right Queen blender upcoming where Queen takes Queen takes oh the bishop isn't there anymore I was gonna say can we take C6 we got four takes C6 and queen of four oh yeah three takes uh no oh no oh no she just doesn't see that idea she's just not even looking for it that's a good skewer everybody thank you that's a good skewer she's still gonna win the game I think dude okay okay he can't take he can't take it because he can't take it because she takes his Queen he's not gonna take it he'll see that like the how would I take it wait how would I take his Queen he can't take this because then I would take his Queen it's too fast I think he's gonna take you okay with that or maybe he'll take F1 if he moves his Knight oh if he move oh oh first he's gonna take he's gonna take something for sure and he comes here then he takes Danny I don't want to be right man I don't want to be right okay [Applause] that's so funny that is so funny and I say no let me get this Pawn I say nope I say no no he doesn't see that the queen is hanging she doesn't see that the queen is hanging look I don't have time to get down there as a queen no oh my God is hanging oh God right dude I do I just have to I don't know no oh no she's losing Queen's next Queen oh my God oh my God we're both so bad oh my God I'm focused maybe that'll make us play better oh my God by the way I say yeah Frank was just like invisible to both players in this game like neither player saw the eighth rank for any tactic all of that said Levy uh yeah she's probably still going on to win this game at this point like she's gonna clean up the pawns and The Rook is gonna get open Danny I don't know I mean queen of night and uh like walking onto the file loses my Discover check so she might go to the corner and then he might play Queen F4 or queen C7 and I mean I'm just saying it's not okay that's fair that's fair all right okay but here's the deal if queen of four she has to accidentally find the only move on the board which is like Rook takes C2 to guard I mean she's gonna see it you're right and she's gonna accidentally open the files and then the rook and Queen Are Gonna accidentally deliver remaining net on the back rank that's what I'm calling I'm calling it I'm learning to think like you watch this Rook takes C2 and she played it and she's gonna accidentally mate on the open files this is a draw after Queen E4 guarding the pawn from this check and then this but that's not findable he'll go Queen G3 and he's gonna be losing by accident but only if she if she yeah and and now now but he you know we might get Rook C7 and then this so we might get Queen B7 Danny and then the king runs to safety like she has to go here that is not easy okay you're right we did get movie Seven okay oh oh King's gone running King's gone running she's gonna play Queen G7 and check the king into G3 oh no she found Rook F2 okay brilliant but he's coming with the pawn then he's coming with the pawn oh my God this is insane this is insane because we literally can't predict we can and we can't we can't predict anything here come on he's gonna guard his Knight with a pawn and then it's game on she has to be cerebral she has to realize a draw is good for her a draw wins that's that's true that's true he's gonna keep pushing he has strong tunnel vision and queen G7 might lead to mate King here Queen takes Queen H5 somehow oh my God why why is that mate yep yep Queen G7 review oh my God Queen G7 King H4 Queen H7 okay why is that mate he comes here wait what if he came here I could just go there this isn't defended by the Knight then Queen G2 yeah and then Queen G2 and then I go here huh no you have the mate not him oh I have the mate he's playing too fast he's just playing too fast no he had the mate first and then I had the mate that's that's too confusing now it's over basically because dude he made it herself and he and he played although he only has a minute so 30 seconds so I'll forgive him but still you're right he just plays too fast he plays too fast okay here he has to be king G5 see why is he thinking now yeah Queen h5a will she trade the Queens will she trade the Queen's massively if she sees the draw Queen G7 is just over right she just takes look she might she plays Queen G7 all she needs is the draw to win yup does she know that a draw does she know um check okay she know how do I what is the Queenie seven is also good between h8 Queen H7 wow Queen E7 oh okay she finds it oh yeah he has to block it now let's make Queen H7 Queen F6 but you could also just trade Queens okay once you see Queen H7 yeah okay Queen H7 yeah now Queen H7 is made by accident Queen H7 is just Queen G3 clean it up just clean it up Cinderella is gonna be taking a free Uber ride to the live finals in Los Angeles uh one second he lost it's over wow eleven wonders bro what eleven wonders four is she gonna see she had Checkmate she's gonna see she had a brilliant move oh we're not letting us see it all right she's gonna see she had a brilliant move and that's what's gonna be damn so I can't wait for that content anyway okay is squeaks playing squeaks will see it but that is a move that is neglectful of everything Levy was highlighting that the f file is about to be a real problem and there you go if he sees Bishop takes F7 as Levy is showing this is a it's a party yeah I don't think he will but there's also moves like C3 which even that's I don't think this isn't a bad move at all yeah I don't hate that Tate will snap take little F7 Action Pawn C3 white is guys I'm gonna be honest I will lose to Virtual and look at the clock and look at the clock okay I'm using I'm using a Logitech it's dog [ __ ] good reason he's a player virtual is a player who's here's here's I think I will describe it I'm actually learning how to figure this out almost at the end of POG Champs love you yeah virtual ceiling might be the highest of any player in the field not just the consolation bracket his ceiling when he's playing well but he's also I've seen it I I've actually commented I think on more of his matches than others I've seen him just weather through playing too fast or neglect so while his ceiling may be high here's a game where squeaks apparently much lower rated is up a minute and a half on the clock in a fantastic position and there's a reason we've seen him lose some games so obviously squeaks can be his Own Worst Enemy here and start falling apart but that that's what I would say virtual ceiling may be the highest but his consistency is what is what landed him in the constellation bracket or his lack thereof yeah well he he lost two playoffs right so the the less time you start with uh two more rapid games against those guys who knows right that's that's the crazy thing and uh yeah I think virtual didn't make it out of the group squeaks sapnap and gas they were just incredibly close squeaks live but uh and he and and squeaks does take and now virtual has to take with the pawn yeah I agree oh see oh she takes I take yeah do that right oh no oh no he just goes there oh and then you get that right okay that's actually good that's good he's gonna go here probably before he's running away no he'll definitely take that runs away with the Rook I want to start moving my knight and queen okay he didn't okay so take that I take this this okay now we start the fun part is this the fun part man this board is empty oh I like that if I go I hate his music squeaks God damn your music is annoying you go here that way if he moves you can come here and set up that skewer that Knight can't go anywhere uh oh yeah that's a good idea wait that's a good idea I like that idea let's keep applying the price I know I want to draw on the board so bad he's just gonna go here though is your problem but then you could go here now if I go here you put you're staring at the queen you're gonna have to move his Queen yeah good but if his Queen moves there then it's just staring right back at you his defenses are weird so it would be nice oh he's oh my God chat he needs to move his Queen here and then bam that's what he should have done he should have moved his Queen there now I go no no protects it you I don't know how you get your night out of this here if I go here he kills it if I go here he kills it if I go here he kills it yeah you just go there but he should go here because then he threatens this massive skew skewer it skewer squeak skewer skewer skewer skewer skewer skewer remember this Pawn is being protected by this little guy excuse me it's skewer he sees it skewer like his Queen is is in a few moves kind of stuck yeah skewer look at that look at this though look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look look look look look look look look look look look look at the skewer come on squeaks skewer skewer skewer skewer like if he set something up and he's not skewer can't be productive I guess it could be protected by that but not really because then he still takes that the skewer can't be protected the security cannot be protected the skewer works what are you talking about his Rooks can protect each other oh you're saying he goes here I see uh he already changed the skewer what is that so now if I go like this um I would do this no I wouldn't I would option if I go here what the what the [ __ ] am I doing nothing you could go there and then there and there's a fork squeaks go there then you'll have a fork squigs go there Fork squish come on I think it makes sense now to go like this no it's too late go here go here and then you have a four kind of stuck he's gonna have to he's gonna be put under pressure God damn it right I think this is the correct move that's too late you already messed up the skewer something okay so here and then this Fork here Fork here for here Fork I'm manifesting it the fork the fork the fork come on Knight B7 Knight B7 Knight B7 no night B7 Knight B7 Knight B7 Knight B7 Knight B7 Knight B7 please please Knight B7 okay Knight B7 Knight B7 I maybe seven maybe seven I take Knight B7 Knight B7 Knight B7 Knight B7 might be seven look at it look at it look at it might be seven oh that's fine that's fine as long as he goes here no squeeze right there squeaks that's fine Knight C5 Knight C5 Knight C5 Knight C5 it still works it still works Knight C5 Fork yes yes yes if he developers do the fork yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes that's all I wanted yes uh let's go what would what would I do if I was virtual you'd move your queen I'll go here no I'd move my mic you would move your queen probably just into the file why not because then you have triple triple that's kind of hype oh wait no you can't yeah he has to move his Queen there I don't know where he goes now his Queen Is Dead or here okay maybe it's a clock game two and a half minutes I thought trackmania players are supposed to go fast what's going on wait I thought you said this is gonna be easy what's going on wait I'm so confused is this virtual the track Mania player get it get it take it nice wait if I take this yes you take you do that it's fine if there's something even nastier uh there isn't please just take it there's not something nastier please just take it now come here threaten that come here Shack oh actually that is good I like that wait I like that Queen you have to do a queen trade it's a queen trade right nice squeaks Andy gets that nice squeaks uh activate uh two and a half minutes uh don't take that check yes oh okay now I have to be strategic yeah uh you should start pushing a pawn I go here and I go here no you just need to get under that I'll freak out a little bit so no no no no no I just want to get rid of the pieces okay that's fine you pin that don't [ __ ] this up okay now over here don't [ __ ] this up F or this Pawn cannot promote yeah I won't let it and then you start it you start going like this because if he takes you take come on okay you yes you yes e one two and a half and then you start going here come on five material up okay okay okay so oh it's my turn yeah okay so yep okay okay now here now you just start going now you just start going B file B file come on Come on B file B file B file B file B file B file B file B file no no B file just B file please just be file I hate this okay move your king move your king move your king move your king move your king no move your king nobody promoted I'm not smart enough to know how to stop them if I go here uh uh okay then at least go here oh now you're doing it oh it's Jehovah I'm so scared yeah at least go there because then if he goes there you go there and then you could take that plant your feet on the ground start doing my own [ __ ] it's Joe over dude he should he need to be pushing this forever ago [Music] no you need to come what could he do he could bring this here oh that's what you need to do forever go bring this down here bring this here bring this here you don't actually I think he's [ __ ] it's just Joker right I go here his next move is going to be here yeah because he's gonna check you wait he can he can yeah do not go there he goes here I can't take you go up here no you're okay you don't go there do not go there if he goes there he's [ __ ] just stay here he checks you and you then have to go there but if if you go there now he gets a fork yeah just yeah just move something else yeah there you go oh there you go there you go there you go I think that's right that was the right call and even if he does this if that goes there he goes here that goes there that goes there yep that's what he does but that's okay because you come and check him and then you get that no no no no you're right oh this is so hard to watch a minute and a half yeah because if he goes here squeaks you go here and you get that you it's it's this was the best move now what could happen that will [ __ ] this all oh no it's okay yes no squeaks we can't move this up now he was supposed to take wasn't he so now if I take this and he goes here no he can promote which I don't want uh what are you doing yeah you should go here no I go here I hate this here what you trying to line up if if he goes here yeah he doesn't know it's pinned I take he gets a queen no it's pinned no squeaks you should have gone here and then or no you should have just taken it he doesn't know it's pinned uh I want to win on a timeout I don't give I have no loyalty it was pinned [Music] glorious it's Joker it's over Dude [ __ ] damn it if I go here and he upgrades to a queen I take yeah right yeah but then he still just takes you but if I block dang it that sucks he had that pin and everything oh that's so sad he threw that sucks why would you stay still we gotta get out of here but I couldn't have I played with this guy uh it's all over damn it it's so hard to do end game [ __ ] I don't know what I'm doing oh oh that sucks it was so close such a good try man it was so hard oh he was so close too damn that is oh oh so close man I don't know end game stuff uh so I'm playing against virtual I don't want to play against virtual pain pain I don't want to play against virtual I'm gonna lose maybe virtual doesn't want to fly no way virtual flies for the streamer words every year like nobody's business bags open I was checking that's crazy damn I want to watch there I want to watch their interview he's joining cutie Cinderella in La you can look at both of these players in the path they took to get their cutie take down Ginny and daily dose virtual takes down saikuno and squeaks and there you have it the consolation bracket final will be live in Los Angeles this time next week we will be there it's going to be epic um no not this time next week it's in like 10 days I like to say roughly this time next you know I'm a big I'm a big approximate kind of guy you know is it's in La you don't want to miss it just like you fans don't want to miss your chance to take advantage of two weeks of diamond membership status on chess.com all you have to do is use the command drops if you've been watching chess during POG Champs then you already did what you need to do you've already watched two hours of Chess in the chess category so now if you use the command drops you link up your account on just.com I want to see the interview I do get two weeks of diamond because maybe do it do it right now maybe maybe you know maybe the interview virtual will be like I don't want to fly don't do anything before you activate your diamond come on connect your account on chess.com there's virtual doing the pull-ups he did he'll be joining us what pull up so I don't do pull-ups why does he have a sticker on his face in just a moment he was excited to fly damn it oh no no be confident I'm not he's a thousand rated what am I supposed to do he's going to Sweden first to practice with his coach that's crazy what the [ __ ] okay that's lame that he's a thousand he makes a lot of mistakes if you want to win work harder than him I simply cannot I simply can't work harder than him he's dating her no he's not you're just being one of those people um yeah it was a thousand of my old until I fell down to 800. I'm gonna have to go to Alex and Andrea's house aren't I thank you thank you Christine thank you damn it uh I don't know about that I don't think I can beat virtual I'll be honest maybe I'll do some private lessons offline with a secret coach hmm [Music] the issue is is I always open with I always open with Stonewall so he's just gonna be trained on how to go against the Stonewall so that means I need to learn a different opening that sucks I feel like I could totally get like checkmated in one over the board over the board is so hard all right well we'll see what he says in his interview maybe he'll be like I don't want to go POG Champs five our second competitor who will join us in Los Angeles is now known to the world he is right there virtual defeat squeaks by a 2-0 score but man was it close those push-ups those pull-ups were pretty good for him though I will say that so uh virtual let's talk about the pull-ups um where'd you learn that form I mean it was uh it was actually part of my prep so we didn't prep that many moves but we prepped the pull-ups to intimidate squeaks on the break so like okay well oh he's doing pull-ups like he's he's way too confident and then can you spell America squeaks I don't want to out you but you got a winning advantage and you started talking all types of mad trash it was it was first of all it was adorable when a guy is dorky as you was talking that much trash it's like me because I'm also dorky and and you were talking so much trash and then you completely threw dude what happened Danny first of all speaking of dorky there's no Josh when we're playing chess all right like why are we acting like there's like some sort of Varsity Letterman's jacket we're all dorks and the weebs here and I'm not gonna be intimidated by The Jock of Chess By doing pull-ups like I'm pretty strong too I don't want to brag but you know I'm working uh oh my God he's so good you can show guns on camera no guns on camera wait true I mean is shaking in his boots he barely won I mean I will say that squeaks you that second game I was getting all types of stress I was very confident then you started playing sick moves and I'm like this is this is falling apart this is going I'm going under yeah that was an exciting end game really exciting on game how dare you it's quick you did you did please I'm just gonna keep that game is white give me some more propaganda you played a dumb check with your pawn and then you checked him with the rook and you literally walked his King into a winning Advantage you were winning and then you walked his King into a winning advantage I mean honestly Danny it came down to reps like I just started playing chess a week ago and I haven't practiced with like very few pieces so oftentimes something I need to work on is I find myself in like those late games the massive advantage and all I'm thinking in my brain is like don't be cringe but sometimes the cringe just creeps up on me and I can't help it but to throw it all away uh so that's something that I definitely have to uh practice doing I did notice that virtual is doing the ponziani so I'm guessing once again that you watched it I was I also impressed you knew the D4 or D5 was to move there move three he knows the prep listen the best move it was played by by squeaks and then and then a lot of questions questionable was replaced squeaks for example actually virtual accidentally got a losing position in five moves with the ponziani I saw I saw that I saw that it's okay chess is one and lost in the middle game and endgame and we saw that today and it was a uh it was a beautiful fight virtual I I I saw you at the at the streamer Awards was that your only time in Los Angeles because we have cutie Cinderella your your next opponent she's saying La is dangerous like there's a lot of crime cars are being so she's not chat right now yeah she won so oh she won so she's confirmed the opponent yeah yeah that's gonna be interesting I've been to La a few times but it's often like if it's twitch cons or streamer boards and stuff like that so um I'm gonna be back but then there's a trekmania like two days after so I can't stay for long so hopefully I won't see any of the dangerous stuff limits are some of the most dangerous places it's gonna be next level um yeah squeaks I do want to I do want to complete the circle in our relationship because I feel like I've made fun of you in some of these interviews I want you to know like I actually have become a huge fan and I'm just giving you a hard time I've been no I've been really impressed you got a lot better over the last few weeks and you really were this close to sending this thing to type please everybody everyone's on the team final thoughts campaign I think I a lot of people underestimated me okay both xqc and tyler1 said I was the worst chess player in the tournament and here I am sitting in the hot seat and where are they you know what I mean so in all intents and purposes I'm sitting further than both of those bozos so frankly I'm very happy with my journey I went really far and I hope to continue my uh chess uh Adventure who do you think wins it all who do you think wins it all in the uh consolation and virtual oh without a doubt worked really because Peter said I was bad at chess a lot of resentment and also cutie saying that Ellie is dangerous like guys this is a threat is going to attack word tool but I'm rooting for virtual because I Harbor so I never forget and I never forget yeah it's just like an elephant or or do you not you don't care about them because oh the Champions bracket wait who's in it probably uh okay all right all right here's the one we care about yeah exactly well um virtual we didn't necessarily budget to bring someone in from Norway like I said I'm gonna hit up your DMs we'll figure out a way to make this work don't worry we'll figure it out okay okay you know are you saying you didn't think I was gonna go this far Danny I've already got my team looking on the discounted route if you're okay it's not a big deal we'll get you here as long as you leave next week [Music] is that a pimple patch that's a star us virtual we'll see you in La bro we'll see you it'll be exciting I'm looking forward to it all right thank you all appreciate it great match good match thank you so much guys there it has there it's popular on tick tock Mr Levy Rosman we'll be right back all right GG chat play me right now but I was talking so much [ __ ] like what if you beat me wait but whenever you beat me cutie okay let's go yeah I'm so scared fine I'll do it right now how do I play with him okay don't say go cutie you guys you see this snapdap check makes daily dose that's my review good luck okay I have to get music one second music music music music music oh not that one two one second Snap app Snap map all right [Music] he gave himself white what a [ __ ] a little [ __ ] [Music] foreign no matter what you take there we go the real the finals the finals the world wanted mostly because virtual is going to destroy me [Music] okay [Music] weird foreign I don't know if I do I'm really bad over the board my dyslexia really takes into swing if I would have figured out those brilliant moves and actually use them then I could agree with you guys that I could beat him but I didn't do that I did not do that oh [ __ ] oops [Music] oh just uh just do Emo only mode sorry I didn't realize we were an email just doing my only during the game it's probably safer sorry I just don't want I don't want there to be any chance of like you know you know you get it you get it you get it laughs squeaks what are you doing [Music] [Music] thank you good move good move didn't expect that all right I need this out [Music] I'm kind of not thinking I'm just playing like a maniac right now it's probably bad but [Music] oh I could go here then he goes there and then I go there I'm just playing like a maniac I'm doing I'm being crazy foreign what's he gonna try to do come here oh I guess that makes no sense [Music] [Music] I I think I'm gonna lose this is messy this is a messy game [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign ly it doesn't matter yeah that's kind of how I feel Anton thank you you squeezing your [ __ ] I'm out here squeaking my [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know what to do or where to go [Music] I'm just gonna I need to get rid of this guy he's driving me crazy foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh [ __ ] chat I gotta I need to take my medicine um shoot after uh oops I haven't taken my my Klonopin oopsie [Music] you have four minutes on him got time oh true I do [Music] what do I wanna I don't know what to do I don't really see anything good in here I don't know [Music] I guess he just goes there and counters me [Music] he's a slow player [Music] [Music] it's funny he might take it with that but then I'll just take back if he doesn't then I go there if he brings that here I go here and then I get this Fork you know I got a risk it for the biscuit plus time might just win me this [Music] okay [Music] [Music] oh this night is not protected oh boy oh boy uh I just have to do that yeah [Music] that's fine that night was just hanging uh uh there's nothing there right [Music] [Music] foreign what is this game [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no I didn't see that [Music] thank you that was the ugliest game of chess I've ever seen in my life that is the ugliest game of chess I've ever seen bruh bruh I'm calling him foreign [Music] [Music] all right well I'm trying to I owe him like 40 coffees or something I'm trying to get some taken off my taken out of my thing he's not even email only guys it's fine it's just for fun oh I gotta take my meds you're right let me take my meds after this game he's calling uh hey can you hear me oh [ __ ] hello can you hear me you can't it's the wrong hello output device would be hello my mic can you hear me oh oh there we go there we go I was on push to talk ah classic classic um was that worth any coffees by chance oh stop no no we're not wagering why because you already owe me like 30. I know so I would like to get some taken off my sentence nope sorry no it's only for poker I got yeah no way I'm gonna give up coffee but I'm getting good right cutie like not bad dude they were watching your game was infuriating why because they were just like you could have won I know but I'm so bad I hey I did it too I'm not gonna be virtual there's no chance but he wasn't that good like he's definitely beatable yeah um I think for sure like if I knew how to do an end game oh I'm it's just easy peasy has anybody beat him at all no well okay all right yeah he's uh he's gonna win it all isn't he yeah it's not gonna be close wait who's in the CH who are you running for in the champions I'm the champions xqc and or Izzy I don't know he didn't play it at a who's in the champions Sea Dog you're telling me that X is gonna show up yeah he will no really he will not well he will I believe in my juicer Sea Dog and I did a thing are playing right now that sucks because Sea Dog and I did a thing that's an expensive flight [Music] why'd you do that I don't know stop you played so fast it just freaks me out you're just so cool I can't match this like chitchat energy I'm like this takes my entire mind and body we don't have to talk we don't have to talk we don't have to talk is so hard all right all right all right I'll talk I'm hanging up on you okay we're gonna let him we're gonna let him cook wait so has anyone um has anybody I did a thing told Tyler one that if he wins Tyler should go in his oh okay wait so who actually won X was supposed to play first and he bailed oh so where's X right now like is X still gonna play today [Music] they rescheduled for after this [Music] X and Frank will play after Sea Dog today okay okay [Music] he knew I was gonna do that that's funny [Music] after a certain point maybe he should have been dequeued I mean I don't know how they plan on getting him out here that's my that's my biggest question [Music] soda has to go or he's not going it's true Uber black shrug foreign [Music] there we go we're gonna even the playing field [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I should have gone there [Music] I mean granted the X has a lot going on like at all times his life is very complicated it's like I don't blame him for like being late like you think he he has like sleeping problems you know like Klonopin and pinned this is I'm being too mean to squeaks foreign foreign don't I have the weirdest job ever and pinned sometimes I sit here and I'm like what the hell am I doing how did I get like this I'm very lucky but it is a weird job I have the luckiest weirdest job ever oh it was nice thank you I'm [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] squeaks offered a draw [Music] yeah I'll think about it [Music] oh I should have just gone there done then I take that [Music] thank you he did beat me one time when we were playing together I don't think he's actually that bad is he pm'ing me is he just running his clock [Music] jackass [Music] wow foreign [Music] [Music] he had a rough day alright I'll accept the draw you're right he had her update he had a rough day he had a rough day he had a rough day all right cheese I need to add I need to take my medication well met he said well met what's that even mean um I've gotta go I'm hoping to make it to the Fashion District and I'm gonna go buy some beads and I might Vlog it maybe we'll see um I also oh DS Mac uh did I see you [Music] uh DS Mac of the Vlogs that I told you I did which ones did I send you am I missing any you sent two LCS in concert so I have an air one Vlog with squeaks and Taylor and I have the Taylor Swift concert vlog and I might Vlog beads today chat I will be live tomorrow uh surprise I'll be live tomorrow and there's not even a sponsor oh actually maybe I should maybe I should add a response I have manscape maybe I should do manscape tomorrow um I will be IRL streaming from the Taylor Swift concert I'm doing a bracelet bar so I'll be IRL streaming I'll be tailor gating um so I'll be I'll be tailorgating um so it should be fun time um I don't I think uh I don't know I'll have a little bracelet bar it should be fun I miss baking streams I know I'm sorry I don't have a kitchen right now I mean I haven't even been streaming it's a long story but I'm doing my best I promise you all I even had therapy yesterday and acupuncture yesterday and therapy again today um I'm doing my darndest so yeah all right uh I will see you guys [Music] foreign bye [Music]
he said he said the ten people that get chosen are gonna be on the Netflix show is gonna be crazy he's gonna be blown up you guys are all gonna be blown of his she just promised the world your mindsets bad you're not in this game you're not gonna be successful and then couple hours later on like nah [ __ ] that I'm not signing this NDA rack up my credit cards for adspend because these people are gonna change my life I'm still hopeful because I just invested everything I have I'm in the studio right now I just got off the phone with Bogdan Kozlov he's this guy I found on Instagram after he had just been scammed by jet set fly Jet Set fly it's been all over he ran this course called a 90 X that turned out to not be all it was cracked up to be and I got a rare window into that world as it was going down and I'm going to share it with you guys this is so rare and special that we sort of get a an inside look at a scam while it's unraveling and we get to see the inside pieces of it from someone firsthand so I hope you guys enjoy this very special edition of a fake guru I will be minimally editing this because I want the full story to be out there please enjoy the talk and I'll see you guys next time welcome back to fake gurus today we're with Bogdan Casas love I believe is how you say your name right awesome awesome so a little back story before we just jump in this is a fake that this guy has been scammed by a fake guru who is operating now and everyone's just realizing that it's not what they thought it was and Bogdan sort of below he sort of was one of the first guys to blow the whistle on this guy so we're gonna get the inside scoop this is a rare inside scoop to the inner workings of the mind of a fake guru brought to you from the source itself and so we're just gonna start Bogdan by just talking about your mind state leading up to everything and how you how he got you in and then what made you what was the first things that you made you realize this guy isn't right right right almost from the beginning before he even announced he 9tx and uh you know selling this specific program so you know I found them on the Instagram through friends I started following him and you just see this flashy lifestyle that he's living it captivates you and it makes you want to be part of it and uh he brings you in and you're like wow like this guy he's crushing it he was 20 at the time and he's hanging out with all these people who are successful you know he was posting pictures with a millionaire mentor Jason stone Moscow like all these people that are seemed legit like the question is sort of if you hang out with somebody that's legit given the scenes legit guy this guy this guy and then for a little while he decides to release this emailing the X program and I don't know if you saw his Instagram stories and everything about the e90 X before you deleted it did you see that no you got a tell and and this is sort of gonna serve morons like it it's also a history we're capturing the history of everything so treat me and the audience like we don't know anything tell us buddy not yet art so I mean I'll see if I can get the stories for you because we did end up saving them before you deleted them be perfect in this video but what he basically did was he used must those results and he showed his results on his phone how he did 800 K in like three months or something a hundred fifteen thousand and thirty billion and then he said where we're coming out with this program evening the X where we're taking ten people and then they use ember venom guarantee to hit 100k in revenue we're asked to have at least five thousand dollars for advertising and taken from zero six figures in ninety days pretty much guarantee we're gonna give them $10,000 cash I don't believe what somebody says guarantee you know that's what nobody ever said guaranteed business so if somebody says guarantee it's automatic like he's gonna fulfill her yeah they say the icing on the cake was that he said if you don't hit 100k we're gonna give you 10 K cash yeah talking - soon and and if you don't make six figures I'm really [ __ ] 10,000 lost cash so so that caught everybody that's like all right this is wrong yeah no losing right so every beverage feels like I'm all you know I was like ten people and then he starts talking about a Netflix show he says he said the ten people that get chosen are gonna be on the Netflix show it's gonna be crazy he's gonna be blown up you guys are all gonna be blown up he just promised the Pearl so I decided I'm gonna start a real item honey docu-series so I'm called the e90 X challenge II sent three commerce 90 cents for 90 days and six figures and XS the X commerce which is the name of my company in the name of my family my family's my team these are my people for life um so we're gonna start a show we're gonna take ten people and we're gonna say you know at least $5,000 in advertising budget and take them from zero to six meters in less than 90 days where did this Netflix thing cover me does he have any affiliation with Netflix I don't think so at this point now we're just hyped up yeah where I felt me we're getting ready to invest all this money and we just want to believe everything we can about like this has to be real yeah let me get let me get personal for a second here because I know you got to know some of the ten people of the ten people who ended up I don't know how many people signed up did did you just have 10k sitting around or was that hard for you I'm sure that wasn't easy to just throw inning for anyone to throw 10k well first of all it wasn't ten people he said it was ten people they ended up taking every single person that applied so they had about 50 people yeah 50 people and arranged anywhere from five cakes 25k and nobody knew this everybody what he said on these Instagram stories was this is all you said you need at least five K and had spent budget massive at least $5,000 for advertising and that's all you said so everybody's thinking okay I need five K and you'll never take us in um you know their sales people were having us send personal videos explaining our life situation really making it seem like they were picking people out and you got to be special everybody everybody thought like I got the call that that holy [ __ ] I'm about to be on Netflix my life is about to change me and only ten people got selected out of the and thousands of people turns out they took anybody who had the money you know this is sinister this is messed up insane and going back to your question no I did not have the money oh I actually knew my life just flipped upside down about a year ago I was in the fire department and that was my dream job you know making 100k here starting basically but over time and I got jammed up I was at a bar guy decides to attack me I decide to fight back and I end up losing my job for it you know so so I was in the point in my life where I'm like I need to change my life around I need to work for myself I need to make sure this would never happen again so for me to get that money I was actually doing a little bit of econ before not really pushing it but I ended up having to sell one of my stores I got 5k for it is a highly 15k revenue I had to use my tax return and then I had to tap into my savings so I only had like a thousand left in my bank account because I was the hole and I believe these people are going to change my life you know I'll use credit cards I'll rack up my credit cards for ad spend because these people are gonna change my life these guys tapped you out I mean they were like yeah well we explain the payment process because I know there was something kind of weird there the project was weird right absolutely this is the sketchiest part and my brother told me to say thing he's like my brother my mom everybody was like this is very sketchy that they're doing this so I said can I pay in the credit card they say no they say we only take cash wire or quick pay all things that you can dispute the King charge back so there's no get your money back but we were all just sold the dream there's people that flew out from across lake from Texas to California just to give them cash cuz they're like I'm gonna be locked in I want to make sure somebody doesn't take my spot I'll flied out insane a guy on parole on house arrest actually couldn't even leave the state he drove over there gave the money and drove back the same day he could've let's jail for that but you Wayne you wanted to change his life you think I want you guys locked me in make sure that you're not giving away my spot crazy did anyone say like no this is sketch that you know we can't pay in cash I was thinking it and I kept asking them their salespeople I was like can I just put this on my credit card doesn't honor now see the credit card user for ads this way you'll make a lot more money I'm sorry okay and I really was naive and foolish I was blinded by by the dream well I mean you were in a bad spot in your life you wanted to find a way out and this guy comes and he dare he looks like blaze looks legit he's got all the insta clout all the whatever and he promises you the world and what I mean you you see a great opportunity you seize it man that's supposed to be the American dream exactly this is a crazy story by the way I can't believe this guy this unboxing blows my mind I didn't know is it illogical that is pathological okay so so you get accepted you're super excited then what happens you get you get to what do you go somewhere all right so um I sent the money and then they had to have three of them we went to the three event and when we're at the hem three of them you know what the hem three of em was that he hosted I don't know if you heard about it now I don't know been in Vegas he had a whole bunch of like people on there was like bunch of heavy hitters you know they had a hardcore closer chase hero local Hatter all these people that do business so we get there were all hype I only mounted wonderful people that worry maybe exit this one we're still thinking like we're one out of the ten people yeah he came up on stage he starts talking and then he says whatever wants to be part of unity X bla bla bla as to what we're doing to go to the back and you could sign up were like wait a minute I thought it was 10 people I was like what like I can't believe this so actually so he comes on stage and he's talking about EDX and he's like these are all the coaches that are gonna be on there he starts bringing a random people that aren't even the coaches I actually have a telegram chat with a bunch of people and some of the people had three that actually do really well on Shopify and Amazon are in my chat and they said yeah like he just bought us on station they say anything and they started telling people we're going to be the coach and they're like we never agreed to be the coach right then we just had to roll with it because we didn't want to make him look bad on stage you know so I mean they everybody goes home we're still not really here and I did they give us access to their XCOM courses which are all about three or four years old extremely outdated and half them videos are missing so we're like and they call it preseason training we're like this is pretty ridiculous this stuff is like 4 or 5 years old none of this was really gonna work so pretty useless well we just had a road with it until they finally decided that they wanted to start so I don't put the exact date but they end up saying okay we're having a last-minute meeting and um where they live Santa Ana California and they're like whoa whoa love will reimburse your flights in your hotels if you could come here this weekend so I'm like [ __ ] like this way like eco and I was in Ari I got to do it if they're gonna reimburse I got to do it I have to leave within like 45 minutes I booked a flight I just had out there so then that was just a waste of time going they gotta send a yacht and they did absolutely nothing like you go up you go to them and they act like they don't even know you or they won't even really want to talk to you like they were so shady they're only like friends which you overlook friendly when they're in front of people and they needed to look good so they're like they're piping up program on the top you know they're talking but we're gonna give you these products we're gonna tell you exactly what to do how to run these pad sense how to kill these ads it's basically telling you that they can hold you to 100k men just to get you more confidence or lagari cool that sounds good I'm all about right that's over we go home and then it's like another month or something before they actually set on the schedule p90x once they send out the schedule for you maniac oh let's backtrack before that when we got there everybody already paid as soon as we got there and how they want people to sign contracts after we paid and they're telling people there's no refunds whoa okay you haven't signed a contract and you pay exactly the receipt we have a receipt right does anybody have receipts at this point no the only receipts we have screenshots of either wire transfers or okay okay all right I'm getting stressed out just live here in this dude okay all right all right so yeah yeah so when we got to law California that's when they had a signed contracts and did they let you read the contracts do they let you say anything back about it or what honestly I think need to sign it I acted like I signed out in the signing it sounds like this is sketchy I'm not signing this so I didn't Beyonce but I was like if not I'm not doing this cuz everything's already at this point I'm very real it was caught in the dream but at this point I'm starting to get realistic right and I'm like the alarm bells are going on that you really chrysalis seem it really off I'm still hopeful because I just invested everything I have and I'm praying this works but this is sketchy I'm not signing this contract I don't know what it says I don't care what it says unless I am right everybody everybody else signed it I end up not signing it you know that event is over go home it's like a month and a half later or a month later they send us the schedule of email X I'm looking at the schedule and automatically I'm like what the hell is this I'm worried this is absolutely not what I signed up for so we haven't even started they sent the contract and I said no absolutely not so I contact Shane Josh's business partner his name is jet said Conrad and he's supposed to be like he's like behind the scenes running the show and I took him on like a listen like the schedule you sent this is not what we are we've really agreed upon this is what I bought into him can they get her pretty fun he said did you have your first call you mister no but this isn't what I bought in so I didn't want to have my first call he says well you bad you sign the contract that there's no refunds so so so what was in the contract that you were like wait what and what is that what is this what is this well the contract basically didn't have anything in there that they were promising either all right so they were just saying we're gonna teach you but they need to say what they're gonna teach us or anything like that I could get the contract and I could give it to you after this yeah for sure for sure sure so he goes he says that's too bad in the contract there's no refunds I replied today or like couple hours later what kind crack and the next day she blocks me he just ends up blocking me on telegram something RI lately at this point this is why I started revolting right so at this point not by talking to people and I'm like this is crazy what we bought into this is [ __ ] like a curse I'm sorry no no you're fine hey what's that sound in the background though there's like a little clicking sound it's pouring in New York right now see okay okay okay I wish I could stop it but I can't no that's all right don't don't sweat it dude doesn't sweat it I'm just explaining it for the viewers so they can just tune it out okay so it's just pouring on dude edge when it rains man it pours or this is going down on you right now right so at this point I'm like I'm like no like this is this emotion I'm telling people this isn't what we signed up for bah bah bah and uh at this point I have a group chat with like three or four of us that I met at and three at the event and I'm just talking to them and they're all trying to be like very positive about the whole thing they're like listening just go through with it we invested all this money just continued above a blonde they had their calm they like to call us firebomb there's still light though there's the hyped up on the dream and not Maga right like I guess I just got to continue I have no choice there's no refunds I can't do anything about this I just have to continue with with this course I guess so we have um I think we have our first coal but Musco I think it was what must goes with somebody else but it was just a call basically explaining what we're gonna do and how they're gonna do it okay cool alright cuz they what they said in the first call is like yeah we're gonna teach you this and that nothing okay cool I guess like maybe it'll be what they promised but it wasn't it wasn't well the big number is did they get you to 100k right like that's the big did they get anyone what were people hittin hundred KS left and right that's the promise that they gave you right we're gonna get everyone to 100k we're gonna teach you so much we're gonna hand holding you all the way up to 100 km sales about 30 base in half the people in the program how to go and pay for other mentors to help them because we we're getting absolutely nothing anytime we would message one of the coaches they would say I'm sorry but we can't respond Josh house is on the contract and say we can't respond to anybody and we can't help you wait what why would Josh not want you to be happy what that's so weird exactly even the head on he had a coaching call with I guess some other coaches that were never even supposed to be in the program and while they were doing their zoom my friend was recording it and he had his messages popped up on the side and then the messages we have screenshots he's telling the person that's doing the coaching call hey don't answer the questions about their products only talk about mindset and then he goes ahead and says there's like five people in here um he just starts talking bad about a few people he's like these people are just all they do is complain they're [ __ ] or something like that so we have all these screenshots for Pro talk so it's like this like psychological game he's playing on and basically everybody so no so so the highlight though is that you're paying 10k for this course there's no chargebacks it's catching everybody when they're kind of you know at a low point they're trying to make money they're trying to get to get their life right and then he promises you 10 100k in sales and at this point it's 30 days in out of what 60 days 90 days out of 90 days and nobody's making money everyone's going to other coaches cuz no one no one's making any money with this and he won't let anyone answer the calls and stuff like this do you remember what people's sales numbers were at this point it's your own at this point how do you mean think they they taught us ads you know they even teach people ads yet I think they might have just got into how to build a store but it wasn't like anything worth $10,000 the calls I kept telling Josh I was like this is all stuff I could find on YouTube there's no way just pay ten thousand dollars for a YouTube course you know what have you been what have you been talking about for 30 days what hey what is he talking about with you guys mine said he would he would he would be like emergency call emergency call get on this call I think he would talk about you know mega experiment and this experiment that he's doing and what he's doing with this person that he would get on the call and just like you gotta have the right mindset like talk about mindset for hours and these calls are just like be Syria if you have random calls I like to a.m. Eastern Time and I'm there like falling asleep like what is it this guy's not teaching me what I need to know and love with with them like he would make you feel bad right because I don't know if you saw the video that he posted on YouTube we're like I was talking saying how good the program was but he basically made us get on camera on Billa and so he's like say something good to say something that you learn before we get in that let me tell the viewers that was the worst edited video I've ever seen in my life but what was fascinating is that you did see all these guys who later said the course is bad saying good things so my question is how did he get testimonials from you guys before you had like really finish the course well that's the thing after every course you would basically make everybody go one by one and say what they learned even if they didn't learn anything and if we didn't do it you basically talked down on us your mind says bad you're not in this game you're not gonna be successful and basically putting people on the pedestal is not a pedestal put on the spotlight like basically saying you're a piece of [ __ ] if you don't say something good that's exactly how it was and you would ask every single person in the u 90x they would attest to that so but even in that video that he did add it or whoever headed it you hear me say I don't know if you caught it was Barry's I thought yeah I saw you I saw you I saw you in it but I was always like I didn't learn anything still you took material there was one little tiny bit that I said and he actually put in the video out on a why but you can't say that funny material I need to find that out fine fine all right so now you know basically this point this this is sketch and if it's real it's weird I mean I'd like you don't you think it's probably fake is it has it been 90 days or did y'all revolt sort of early early because there's like there's absolutely impossible to get to 100 K with the amount of time give blood right right so yeah feel like another event had his house and all these things were just like for show you know there's really no value in any the stuff that he did except to show like in this video we spent money on this and this and that why did you spend money on that why didn't you spend money on something that's gonna teach us and your coaches cuz you can pay any of his coaches instead of that buying you buying this and you know going on yachts and doing these trips why don't you use the money on actual coaches and that's why I must go left because you didn't pay Moscow Moscow was supposed to be the top Facebook guy that teaches everybody Facebook well does he business guy pay anyone anything not at all okay so he takes in 500k of your money 10k roughly 10k from every person if we can make takes in half a million dollars in one shot for a 90 day course and doesn't bother to pay a single coach to help you guys get there he was he was in Bali he was in Cabo he was taking private jets that money's gone he used that money as soon as you got it to take all the trips okay so everyone starts sort of all everyone says this guy's a scam and this is when the Instagram stories come out so for the viewers bob-dad how I found him was Bhagyam starts posting a series of Instagram stories where he's basically starts to expose this guy and starts to show screenshots and starts to blow the lid on the whole thing and do you want to tell that tell that real quick like everything that happened yeah sure I mean like it so it took a while you know and I was always the only one that spoke out there's always just me and people were they were coming to kind of coming at me like oh you're being negative you need to just rush the process and I was like there's no trust in the process this is just [ __ ] and people eventually started catching on one by one that started going and started believing me you know and they started following me but for a long time for a light 30 day like deal like 15 to 20 days it was just me like I don't care like this is nonsense this is not what we paid for I don't know why you guys are stuff Lynda's and he would still have calls and basically having some of the students defend him on the calls and what I learned actually like two days ago was that he would have a call with three or four people before our resume hold training calls and he would tell them be very positive about the program keep telling people positive that the programs doing really well and he was also telling these people that are my polar that's why he told off he told her we're out on the people hustler on Instagram he told husk heard that I was bipolar and that's why I was talking [ __ ] about him and puzzler told me cuz that's long ago when did the tide shift when did everyone read cuz it when I can't when I realized about it like when I found out about it everyone was on your side at that point you were all you had basically won the conversation and people were like oh dude this guy this guy's a straight-up scam when did that when did that happen so all I believed I was I wasn't really going hard at him socially in social media but I was doing it in private in the groups in our groups and we head in there I think it happened when Moscow decided to leave he left Josh and and he joined our group so we were talking to him and he's just like yeah he doesn't say anything in the groups make yo tell people privately and I guess people start catching on to that and then they start messaging me you know one day it was like ten messages and I was like oh okay like he scammed these people let me just post this screenshot of post a screenshot of posted next day I'm waking up with like 50 to 100 messages and then the day after that it was like almost a thousand messages I was there seven eight hours a day just on my phone replying messages or posting screenshots just just of what this guy's done to how many people like and it wasn't even just a 90 X right this guy like has a trail of he's been doing it for a while on like all his partners but his HTM courses you know there were scamming people left them right with that with his dropout degree when he first started that they were basically taking people's money and just ghost in them basically with everything they do it seems like they'll launch a course they'll warn something they'll take all the money for it they'll have apply to people for a week or two and then just go goes and just stop posting stop lying to people so this is where it gets tricky for me because this is now we're almost caught up to date with like now because John is Josh guy jet set fly official maybe fake humor of the year I don't know if we couldn't declare that yeah but it's very possible he's a hot contention for fake guru of the year but uh he says something about refunds cuz you're banging down the door for I don't know like how many days or weeks but you start like saying day you better give me my money back and everybody's saying that he says he's gonna give Rieff do you think that's true have you gotten a refund and what it would tell me about that so he wants people to sign our NDA non-disclosure agreement and uh and I was like I was like very sketched about that there was one person that this sign that had they actually got their money back they invested 5k they got two payments of twenty five hundred so they think they did get refunded but I'm just like if you have nothing to hide and if you are doing proper business like you say you are why should anybody have to sign an NDA you know it's damage control firm at this point he's willing to pay up to give to silence people I bet in the person he really wants a sign that NDA is you it's me I was the first person you reached out to to try to get it to sign him I was telling him no and like I'm so on the fence because at this point he's been so exposed and there's been like really big names already exposing them I'm like what more can I really do right so I'm there like telling them no I'm not sign that NBA and then like a couple hours later I'm like alright just send me the NDA and then couple hours later I'm like nah [ __ ] that I'm not signing this NDA I'm like talk because I really want my money back and there's so many people that are messaging me and are still asking me for help but at the same time I still need my money cuz I still need my I need to help myself you know a hundred percent hey you know has anyone thought I'm suing this guy I'm sure that's y'all's first thought right like has anyone approached the I'm suing this guy so yeah I don't have to sign an NDA people are definitely working on every side you know the fans of starting something so all right that's fair that's fair I don't want to make you say spoil you know spoil anything about about any any kind of if there is or if there is not a lawsuit or anything legal at all we'll just keep that where it is but dude I just want to make sure that this josh guy this jet set fly fake guru net scams anyone again and I have part of me feels like okay it's out there it like it's been so well documented and then part of me thinks I'm afraid that the Internet's gonna forget in like two years and this guy's gonna start posting again and he still has those 275k followers he's gonna get followers who who never heard the bog damn tales you know who had never heard I've never heard about this and they're gonna go and they're gonna fall for this guy's new course or whatever and like how do you feel do you think do you think that's gonna happen or what what what have you taken away from this it's not ever gonna be two years it's gonna be two months because people have short attention spans and short memories I feel like you did lose all this credibility at least maybe not with the 270,000 followers but what every single person that has any say or any influence in the industry he lost credibility no you're right and this stuff this stuff does catch up with these people but I wish it was a little bit faster absolutely all right well thanks for coming on the show man I appreciate you I just wanted I saw a rare moment to catalog a Syrian tin time of like a fake guru in action somebody who got really affected by his lie lies promises and then eventually like the aftermath of that and then the guy getting like caught so much so that he end up ends up admitting maybe not apologizing but admitting that he you know he messed up he screwed up so I really thank you for giving blending your experience dude this is crazy it's gonna be a great addition I appreciate your time preciate you coming on the show absolutely thank you for having me [Music] [Music] but never to the trust [Music]
my room looks a little bit better huh it's not covered in just complete from Amazon it's not covered in you know fursuits and whatever all the other stuff I got dude I put some stuff on my shelf though you might recognize something on that shelf honestly you might recognize it uh Marley thank you for the 5 months Olivia thank you for the 6 months cornflake bamp thank you for the two months appreciate it appreciate it appreciate it f I went on a date today and it was mad awkward wow it's probably your fault you were probably one making it awkward dude probably one making it awkward doing a rose toy giveaway I I feel it feels wrong to do a rose toy giveaway you know it feels wrong to do a rose toy giveaway however I do have a rose toy it's right there I mean I have it on it's still on the Shelf here it is people and it turns on in every everything wow and I will say tried it out last night pretty good pretty good stuff right here I don't know what to tell you pretty good deal too I'm pretty sure this is like $7 why is it dirty I just told you pretty sure it was like seven bucks anyways how we doing people hello hello hello I forgot to put on my sunglasses I was supposed to look cool as hell how are we doing people thank you for the 100 bits did the M Santa ever whisper something [ __ ] in your ear while you were in his lap or am I just a victim I think you're just a victim you know the M Santa Claus is not supposed to whisper sweet nothings into your ear but you know space ball I think of the five months I will say the mall Santa it's not like professional Santas unless you have like a big ass fancy ass mall but if you live in like a small town that Santa is just some dude dude off the street that has appeared you know so he might be a weird guy I'd say statistically there's probably a good percentage of Santas that are you know kind of creepy and they're like let me just get this job where kids will sit on my lap and that's the harsh reality you know what I'm saying that's the harsh reality dude that's the harsh reality anyways I'm just saying I'm telling it how it is brother there's got to be at least a small percentage and I mean you got to be weird to dress up as Santa unless you're just that full of filled with Christmas spirit guys I'm filled with Christmas spirit I'm oozing Christmas spirit pause how we doing ladies and gents hello Tik Tok people do the gritty I'm okay but thank you um trying to find a question that isn't insane you look like you can't ramp a present I can't dude I'd give my mom to do it every time but now that I you know I'm not a kid I have to just shittily rap the genius play though is uh you know just use one of those bags just use a bag with a little tissue in it come on there's a character AI view nice I'm also on uh what's that guy called acinator I'm on the acinator dude I'm on the acinator on the acinator you can find me there bro you can find me on acinator also I'm wearing the the OG look at this this is the this is the classic hands of fella fit dude I got my grandfather's windbreaker on that I just took from his closet because what is he going to remember that I took it there's no chance and then I've also got these awesome shoes let me try and put these in frame for you guys these these shoes dude look at that huh those are these are my Converse that have been through hell and back dude these Converse they're veterans they're veteran Converse they've been through hell and back do you hate anyone I don't know if I hate anyone I love everyone except for no I defin definely hate some people but I'll Reserve that for later um yeah that's my these are my gym shoes dude I wear them over and over and over again until that's what you do with shoes though you just wear them until the [ __ ] falls off Nick Chase thank you for the one gifted preciate it I think I have a concussion nice nice um what was I going to say I was going to say something there was something very important oh the grown boyfriend thing I had to use my sink so I just I got rid of the grown boyfriend I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry Em is coming to fortnite I saw that hell yeah dude Eminem going to fortnite pretty cool stuff if you ask me thoughts on little people they Rock dude Little People Are Awesome uh you just post face reveal hey that's funny because I'm showing my face right now that's why it's funny uh what driving simulator oh I don't know I think there's just like a driving simulator game I bought a wheel for it and it was [ __ ] $299 thoughts on Matt rif apparently you got jaw surgery I don't know if that's real or not Valerie L valer rerie that name is impossible thank you for the eight months appreciate it P P dude I want to think about this there's a few things that are on my mind first thing I was thinking about this earlier and I was like I should mention that on stream Amanda Wilder thank you for the two months white people need to stop using black people's phrases is what I'm saying because they just do it wrong like I saw a Tik Tok of a guy being like oh he's standing on business like that just sounds wrong you know like just keep that keep that for not white people I don't know just oh he's standing on business that guy right there he's standing on business it's like it doesn't sound right at all dude you know what I'm saying I think it's a good point me personally I think it's a good point oh he's standing on business and listening to the baby and little baby it just sounds wrong um don't say anything that'll get you canceled dude I've talked about this a million times is that you can't cancel a fun little silly fun guy and that is inherently funny for a white person to be like Oh I'm standing on business and listening to little baby ski ye right you know oh yeah Gat or whatever that was ruined as well Grace Marie because that used to be like when you saw not when you saw yeah when you saw big buns you would be like yeah like it would be like yeah you know and then it just turned into like a noun for some reason I don't know why it's a noun now and it's ruined thank you for the 100 bits info the Nexus verse appreciate you thoughts on nipple rings I've been thinking about getting one myself just one if you get two you all know what that means dude I can't get two nipple rings it's like how how straight people only pierce one ear there's like one ear that's like supposed to be the straight ear but I don't know which one it is so I'm just not going to get my ears pierced so I'm just not going to thoughts on Bill n um I saw a tweet recently where someone commented uh Bill fart the farting guy on one of Bill ny's videos and that made me laugh a bunch it was awesome one ear was the gay no there's like there's it's like the left or the right I can't remember which one can't remember which one I don't know anybody want to tell me anybody that's got insight want to tell me dude H um I was Bill KN for Halloween that's true k08 e thank you for the prime sub appreciate it appreciate it dude clone a Willie no I'm not going to do that it's funny that I even know what that is the clone of Willie you can just get like a mold and then I guess send it to your significant other or send it to your friends if they get down like that I guess meet bird live think of the 100 bits thank you dude I got I got hella burps dude God damn are you going to open the packages that's hilarious that was yesterday [Music] um I the Tik Tok JB moves way too fast there's no I can't I can barely even figure out what's being said on there uh should where jeans or caros car cargo shorts dude cargo shorts will get you laate dude she's going to be reaching for that zipper bro if you pull up in cargo shorts which zipper though there's so many zippers on cargo shorts that's the beauty of cargo shorts is there's so many zippers dude there's been a Tik Tock sound there's been a Tik Tock sound that's been stuck in my mind forever or not forever for the past like two days it's been stuck in my mind um did the notific say the packages I changed the notification to be Roblox whatever anyways uh it did oh my God I could have sworn I changed it did I not oh I forgot to hit done oops oopsies that's embarrassing whoops okay we already opened the packages so God damn it no fantastic that's awesome anyways there's a clip of Theo V being like a there's a clip of theovon being like a someone calls him that has autism he does a segment where he just Callins and he's like uh knock knock who's there autism where a hose at with a hose do you guys know what I'm talking about it's so funny I cannot stop listening to it I would listen to it on Loop knock knock who's there autism W where the hoes at not here so sick dude well we're not opening packages God that pisses me off more than more than it should can I re no it's not going to resend it out oh well uh what are you going to do what are you going to do play it I'll try and pull it up uh let's see I'll play later anyway so how you guys doing H apologize to the person you s no I'm not apologizing for anything anything I did wrong I was in the right actually so that's kind of the Mantra I live by is if I was wrong no I wasn't and I'm not going to apologize Kayla Quinn thank you for the prime sub pr appreciate it Cub size my Cub size I have no idea I mean I would imagine pretty small I get that com I get that comment all the time though we are going to be we are going to be playing Roblox tonight so oh and we're reacting to some cut videos there's an interracial dating truth or drink that I want to watch there's also a new button video so dude that's got to be so humbling as a woman via kind thank you for the prime sub as a woman you know so humbling you go in to get you know your boobs sized or whatever and you think you're a certain size and then they're like actually you know 32A and you're like [ __ ] no no why your blinds not white I don't know dude why do they have to be white do you have a problem with brown blinds H what's your problem with brown dude where do you get boob size I don't know the bra store or something or the doctor I have no idea but yeah we're not we're not opening packages I think that's the third time I said that I just want to reiterate [Music] um and we're going to be drinking tomorrow drinking and driving simulator in a video game I'm going to be drinking in real life but you know I'm going to be driving online dude I don't know if I'm going to get beer or liquor I have no idea me without a beer is like an angel without its wings you know oh sad Grandma Crocs thank you for the five gifted appreciate it thank you Noah think of the Prime sub oh yeah not tomorrow Thursday sorry Thursday that lior dude you look like you're from the 70s that would make sense this is my grandfather's jacket I think it was the '90s I don't know he's been around for a long time but what kind of drunk are you I don't know I mean I get if I'm with my friends I get a little bit too drunk I'm like you guys are the best dude we got to cherish these moments we have together because you it's not always going to you're not always going to be around you know I don't think that's sad that's more of just like a maybe happy I don't know sappy there you go that's a better word this is not a [ __ ] Jackie you guys keep calling this [ __ ] jacket CU my grandfather jacket and I don't think he would be too happy with you calling him some kind of [ __ ] all right he would not be okay with that my sweet peaw peaw dude peaw and poo poo these are my grandparents thank you for the 100 bits where is the squishy oh he's over there in the corner I kind of just threw all the [ __ ] in the corner because I didn't feel like throwing it away yet um akri thank you for the tier one sub people have such weird names for their grandparents they're like this is poo poo and pee pee and uh py and papa you're like all right I guess I guess dude just came from Tik Tok good to have you thoughts on red wine not much of a wine guy dude I definitely can't just drink wine in the comfort of my own home because then you start feeling some kind of way and you're like [ __ ] I'm going to light some candles and put some rose petals on the floor for myself bro is not opening boxes we made that clear people I'm not my bad I did I forgot to change the stream notification my bad I changed it just now but I it doesn't send it out again it was supposed to say It was supposed to say tap in it's y boy winner Roblox and reactions and straight up having a good time that's what it was supposed to say but unfortunately that's not what it says oh well oh well it still says unboxing yes you guys made that clear I'm sorry I came from Tik Tok this is my first time watching your stream good to have you dude good to have you white boy winner get you one bro get you one oh what up Connor how you doing dude white boy winner dude get you one grab you a white boy white boy winner go up to your favorite white boy tell him I'm thankful for you you know you know dude come on it's white boy winter we got to celebrate tag your favorite white boy in the comments Connor eats pants that's my that's my I'm picking him Conor white boy for y boy winter Captain insane thank you for the tier one sub dude thank you thank [Music] you you guys rocking W boy winter dude come on I'm telling you I'm telling you can I see your feet well you can't really you can kind of see my feet like that's that's my toe right there look at that dude these shoes have been through hell and back dude let's see if the tick look at that Guys these shoes have seen War these shoes have seen I can't even get my foot back in there that sucks um I just came straight from the gym these are my gym shoes okay I don't know what to tell you I can't get my foot back in what if toes have what the [ __ ] did that guy just say what if toes had sex I don't know I don't know I don't know what the implications would be of that that would be kind of crazy I guess I don't know dude if there's a y boy of the Year Contender it's definitely me who else you know don't answer that but because the answer is me all right the answer is me what are you gonna say Jack harlo or some stupid [ __ ] okay he got a number one oh my god did you guys see young thug is never getting out of jail ever they they did the they did this like during his hearing they were like pushing p means pushing positivity we're spreading the good message of positivity and it's like no that I don't think that's what pushing P ever meant so we're never going to see young thug again unfortunately because there's no way the jury believed that and they said YSL is not I think it stands for like young slime league and they were like it's it's like the St lauran anyways all right your honor uh shut up dude your honor you weren't even [ __ ] there all right God thank you for the 100 bits [Music] broh I'm pushing penis I'm pushing penis all right let's get to reacting ladies and gentlemen Tik Tok people I'm live on Twitch check me out bruh or don't [Music] goodbye all right let's ride let's ride people miss my sub uh Nicki nasty thank you for the sub I do not oh there it is thank you for the three months appreciate you thank you for the 100 bits thoughts on soggy water that what I don't know sometimes you guys ask me questions and I'm like I literally have absolutely no idea how to answer that steady uh steady you normal thank you for the tier one sub appreciate it dude I'm so pissed my [ __ ] stream notification was unboxing because I'm not unboxing [ __ ] [ __ ] steady steady you normal seven thank you for the one gifted what's your favorite prime number what do I look like a [ __ ] scientist dude I don't know what a prime number is um all right so do we need to uh should we start with interracial couples play Truth or drink or should we watch the button interracial couples play true the drink or the [Music] Baton oh a lot for the button this is two chains for some reason he's taking over the button Two Chains I mean we could do both the world is my oyster I just want to be very transp okay so I guess they're just now taking in guest for the button which is kind of sweet so how often do you work out all right please answer me Jesus Christ dude uh thank you for the four months Riley Claver and the 100 bits uh six days a week you guys with me okay yes two chains Two Chains had some Banger ass bars dude would you smash now that's what the [ __ ] I'm talking about dude now that's what the [ __ ] I'm talking about dude these are the kind of questions we need to get all that [ __ ] all that small talk [ __ ] we got to cut that out all right we got to cut all out that small that small talk [ __ ] and we got to go straight to what everyone wants to know real and time sorry guys my bad we'll pause it we'll pause it how is this interracial no the interracial video is the other one this might be the Chocolate Episode I have no idea I haven't seen a why person yet although it is white boy winter do some people not have to watch the ads yeah if you're subscribed you don't have to watch the ads that's a selling point you know yep sorry about the ads people what if we creamed under the misletoe I don't know if that's how that song goes bye Devin thank you for the prime sub thank you thank you thank you thank you um dude you know what song I've been listening to recently is the uh the you guys remember that old song that's like the donies I hit it from the back I beat her donies down make a COI [Music] smile I hit her the back I beat her down her smileing lights take pennies off Co [ __ ] with the lights on check the coochie out dude you know what I'm saying Cay thank you for the tier one sub Frosty thank you for the tier one sub ligma mail thank you for the prime sub this episode blows so far dude girl oh she got the lingerie on that's true I was wearing dude I was wearing that same [ __ ] yesterday I was wearing that same [ __ ] yesterday PE not really emo but I like little peep little peep oh my God I mean I like L PE but I feel like that one you can't be like is the kid L Roy one better I just didn't want to watch one where it's just him with a bunch of chicks brocky thank you for the prime [Music] sub oh man I like Lil peep that's kind of music like underground [ __ ] like underground stuff like underground rap wow she really just said that oh my God Dearing Dearing blow me suck my dick suck my [ __ ] dick suck my [ __ ] dick this isn't unboxing okay so all of you people hold on I have a question to ask everyone that's coming in saying unboxing are you getting the stream notification and then it says unboxing or does the title say unboxing the title doesn't say unboxing does it both the [ __ ] title says unboxing no it does not not no it [ __ ] doesn't dude oh my God it totally says that it totally my God it totally says that oh that's me twice what damn streamlabs is tweaking whoopsies streamlabs is tweaking I thought it was just the notification there we go why boy winners in full swing well that blows but oh well that's what it was supposed to be is why boy winner is in full swing technical difficulties didn't it say white boy winner earlier I thought it did I guess not oh well oh well he's acoustic no dude because because autism right have you guys heard heard of this have you guys heard of this people have been people have been saying acoustic instead of autistic and it's been hilarious I've been seeing it recently it's been really good I don't know if you've seen it anywhere hiding behind the word like a coward that was way too fast dude that was way too fast it does not matter s Grandma Crocs thank you for the one gifted it does not matter what you think about this lady you know that that should not be it can't be that fast dude you can't be doing it that fast because then people start to think it's racially motivated you know nice nice to meet you yeah yeah all right bye she can kind of got the things out dude I had no way may have been the worst episode of the button I have seen so far it may have been it may have been not even some of the other ones are well all of them are cringe but some of them are like uh like you can't they're bad in like a fun to watch way that was just boring as [ __ ] that was a long ass one too that was 16 minutes usually the button does so well interracial couples play Truth or drink should we do that or should we go straight to Roblox H interracial couples or or Roblox I guess actually I don't know why I'm asking I want to watch the interracial couples's video I'm so [ __ ] pissed that I put the wrong stream title but some of you said that was a stream title so I don't know maybe it changed maybe my twitch's tweet in bro that [ __ ] tweaking all right I'll watch that I kind of had to let out a a mighty piss I have to let out a mighty mighty mighty piss dude a mighty piss a powerful piss if you will knock knock who's there autism wow w w where a hoes at I'm GNA pee I just want to show you guys this knock knock who's there autism where the hoes at not here not here oh it's so good dude goddamn knock knock who's there autism where the hose said not here all right time to pee time to piss time to piss I love to piss I love to pee I love to pee time to [Music] pee e e what's crazy is you guys are like all freaking out about that I haven't seen one of those like at all I only know from what you guys have told me and that just came up in my suggested feed on YouTube so I mean I don't have any of that [ __ ] on my for you page at all the doctor big thank you for the prime sub thank you I'm watching you in the hospital well hope you have a speedy recovery and you should subscribe give me money I mean what's a $5 one gifted or what's a $5 tier one sub to your hospital bill you know what I'm saying might as well might as well dude all right so this video is for all my for all my interracial couples out there any interracial couples out there H any interracial couples doing their thing out there huh is for you guys [Music] dude it's funny and not really awkward interfacial LOL yeah dude more like interfacial bro or they ads right as the video played all right I'll [ __ ] all right the long neck eight thank you for the prime sub Zoe Zava thank you for the prime sub it's funny how that works dude the ads play and the subs they come in oh man marketing genius it's not me that's twitch thank you for the raid party of two thank you Tatum June thank you for the one gifted Citrus Beaker thank you for the prime sub PR [Music] P all right ads yeah I hope this video is fun and not just like yeah this them talking about racism I guess we'll see I guess we'll see I can't wait to drive on Thursday I might stream tomorrow if I'm feeling good I probably should have moved this stream to tomorrow because I am [ __ ] exhausted we will see all right wow I feel like you're just tiptoeing around racism you were like they always said when I was growing up that you know dating outside my race was a not so great idea they said something about like you know keeping it within the same race or something I don't know they didn't really seem into it that much however hope you have a great stream you inspired me to start streaming appreciate a step of forever my turn white people can't dance for the most part and and if you're a white person and you're good at dancing that's [ __ ] embarrassing okay you know you you know what I'm saying white people aren't good at dancing and if you are a white person that can dance that's lame okay not even just exclusive to white people I just mean people in general that are too good at dancing that [ __ ] sucks you can be a little bit good at dancing but if you're really good at dancing that is [ __ ] embarrassing like if you're at a wedding and you're kind of just grooving and like you can you can move with the Rhythm that's cool but if you're out there and you're just [ __ ] going nuts go do like a dance competition dude leave that somewhere else I mean listen I love you but what's with all the wigs I I mean what the [Laughter] [ __ ] like I'm trying to understand what is going on with the wigs why do you wear so many wigs I don't know dude kind of a valid question they rock that couple rocks that would have been a pretty funny question honestly she DEA does maybe doubtful but perhaps ah Roblox time hooray all right well usually the cut videos are kind of a home run those two were some kind of kind of little stinkers kind of stinky kind of stinky stinker videos few good moments but damn we playing Ro Roblox we playing Roblox Roblox Roblox uh Roblox Roblox yeah there's a new fashion game I feel like I need to start with fashion famous I haven't played Roblox on stream I think since the subathon no this one's definitely not going to be a YouTube video I don't think freakiest thing you've done uh you got to ask your mom dude she knows she knows about all the freakiest stuff I've done um maybe socks in the shower I don't know H H there we go what's your favorite position CEO Kennedy Blues you possible Bader you all right so let's see okay fashion fam is just right there uh uh uh yeah Roblox Roblox Roblox is Apple music better than Spotify it is dude Apple music is better than Spotify the people don't want to hear that all right so here's the play for those of you that are new here the play watch this I've won I've won fashion famous literally the past six times I've done it all you got to do is you got to be just a slim thick melan and queen that's literally all you have to do it's so easy it's crazy how easy it is I found the cheat code to this game really like this is a cheat code oh [ __ ] telling you guys it's a g code oh yeah apple music I don't know people that use Spotify love to be like apple music sucks and Spotify what app comes with your goddamn phone dude huh H the theme is I love cake well that's perfect because look at this h H it's genius I mean it's fine I've just always used Apple music I don't know if I like that one I've literally always used Apple music so and I mean I don't I don't care it doesn't matter at all I want to find better hair I'll probably I'll do this heart hair hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah the haters are mad that Apple music is better than Spotify it looks better than Spotify it's like already on your phone I don't know me personally I think Pandora is the ultimate radio station but whoa I mean this that might be a little bit too much I don't know you can use it on your computer what you can use apple music on your computer dude haters are mad you guys are sheep you guys are literal sheep that's what you guys are sheep your sheep that use Spotify because you think it's the superior okay this is this outfit goes hard as [ __ ] goes hard as [ __ ] now I just need to get boots this has always been my problem is I can't find feet ever YouTube music is the best well I know that's wrong that one's just objectively wrong I'm telling you guys Apple music is goed on the right side of the outfit room I use SoundCloud every once in a while if I want to listen to some slowed and Reverb songs right side of the outfit room oh oh [ __ ] I mean this is it this looks like a win this looks like a win to me baby yeah this looks like a serious win I don't know about you but I think I'm going to win this one guys I'm slaying the [ __ ] down boot style or whatever the gay community says I'm trying to learn up on their lingo where's the cake right there sister right there sister I mean this is going to be a win this is going to be a win for sure F show pro model look at that [ __ ] dude I've won enough times that I'm a pro model hippo K thank you for the prime sub appreciate [Applause] [Music] you it's time to vote for the best outfits hell yeah hell yeah Boo this see this is so easy because I just both them all one stars do you [ __ ] with the gay community of course I [ __ ] with the gay community dude why are they all thick well the theme is cake so it makes sense see that's one of the reasons I don't I don't like playing Roblox those you guys like stream snipe me I can never get like a true authentic Roblox experience I get stream sniped boo boo I'm not seeing any cake I'm not seeing any cake here I do not know why this is happening in an elementary school but you know I guess that's just what's happening right now play Fort blocks is that fortnite Roblox oh yeah come on look at that dude watch the cake the Cake's there Cake's there cak's there there it is boom [Music] boom boom can you say happy birthday to my friend Max uh eat [ __ ] Max no happy birthday Max oh and sorry guys sorry guys he's so about to lose dude here's the thing is that I literally I've won seven in a row I've won seven in a row it's unbelievable hopefully I win this one but that's the cheat code dude if you want to win if you want to win you just got to be like a thick black woman in this game that is the cheat code I figured it out I figured it out you wear that jacket a lot I haven't worn this jacket in a month and a half so you know no that's a lie cuz I wor for a YouTube video I think no that was a month and a half ago it's been a month and a half I keep tracking my outfits dude cuz I have like seven seven articles of clothing and I just cycle through them dude why are there so many people so many that was kind of awesome there's so many people God I'm not going to win as a white person though that's the thing this person is headless couldn't be me I love head um all right let's see no the AI video did not come out oh I didn't even make wow dude wow seven seven in a row God you can't take take that away from me dude you can't take seven in a row away from me here's what I'm saying I only lost because you [ __ ] joined and down voted me because you were jealous you didn't want to see a black woman winning kind of messed up if you really think about it kind of messed up if you guys really think about it kind of messed up is Fort blocks a thing what is Fort blocks uh oh it is a thing all right we can play fortnite Roblox fortnite Roblox fortnite Roblox for blocks I'm new here well hello good to have you [ __ ] yeah dude four blocks four blocks more like fart coocks am I right guys all right here we go uh all right no way [ __ ] yeah four blocks [ __ ] interesting for my first time watching your streams well good to have you did you throw away your rose toy no I did not I feel like not enough people play four blocks I guess I'm going to just have it load I just have it off to the side dude just in case I need to use it in a [Music] pinch you are so interestingly weird well the interestingly was unnecessary right cuz doesn't weird imply interesting already kind of an oxymoron if you think about it that's all right guys I was at English try the 17 plus Roblox games yeah I'd be I'd be doing those bro I'll do it on the next one he's so fine in a weird as [ __ ] weird weird way such a nerd dude I'm hot as [ __ ] and a nerd look at that wow a hot nerd you've never seen no I'm not the I feel like nerds and [ __ ] have different like nerd NS now are not uh Whatchamacallit nerds are not smart anymore they kind of just like anime and like you know what I'm saying like The Stereotype has changed cuz I feel like nerds used to be intelligent people but now they're just kind of like incels no you should get a buzz cut dude I think about getting a buzz cut like every single day I'm like what would it look like if I just shave my head I might do it I don't know maybe if my hair gets really long four blocks yeah I don't know how to play this at all have you ever straighten your hair once I'll show you guys [Music] fortnite in Roblox yeah dude do my story time did someone redeem Story Time [ __ ] I got to think of a story oh yeah I do have the Jesus wig I do have the Jesus wig I'll tell you a story I got to think one I got to cook one up predictions you want to run a prediction for Roblox fortnite we can do it run it oh my God okay Roblox fortnite hell yeah yeah I guess if I shave my head I could just kind of have oh Jesus Christ I could just use that Jesus wig oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right so one shot kill here one shot kill in Roblox fortnite or Fort blocks I can't believe there are sweats in Fort blocks dude wait was the prediction top 20 yeah let's go guys that was obviously a stream snipe I'm not that bad oh it didn't even end that's hilarious I made it to the top 20 dude I think I was the first death just then I'll do one more I'll do one more cuz that sucked swed 69 thank you for the two months appreciate it oh yeah story time I'll do the story time after this game of for blocks I need to think you guys are going to tell me what story times though I need like something to prompt a thought in my head there's too many thoughts I can't just like sift through them a pick one trying to think tilted Towers Fort blocks Edition well a childhood story drunk ones aren't even that funny I feel like your mama thank you for the 6 months funniest job experience I have a ton of those drugs no thank you came here after seeing a clip on Instagram haven't laughed this hard in weeks hey good to have you have you ever seen a ghost no that's kind of the thing with ghosts you can't see them I've said this a bunch is like you could get sucked off by ghost you'd have no idea it could be happening right now to all of us but good to have you Cruise story I have a bunch of cruise stories I've gone on several cruises what happens if I redeem story time I tell a fun story embarrassing College story that could be a good one I mean there's a bunch of [ __ ] that's embarrassing I did a one time I did a presentation on like jewels and [ __ ] uh you ever have a cruise Crush I did one time oh my God that's a crazy story dude I'm just going to go ahead and tell this one um yeah as in a vape I did during speech class in college I did this uh I did this thing where like you got to pick your speech topic and I being a cool as [ __ ] freshman in college was like I'm going to do it on why the jewel is like good for you and then I gave this whole speech about how the jewel is actually a healthy alternative cigarettes and then you know like a year later it was like it gives you cancer I was like yeah I know but this is also what five five years ago this is back when the jewel was like considered not that bad anyways one time I was on this Cruise hold up I was on this cruise and um I like I was in ninth grade and there was this chick that they had these like clubs you could go into they had these clubs you could go into and um they were like for people that were under 18 so like miners got to mingle it was called the mingling miners club and we would go there and you know we were all miners so it's fine and you know it would be the under 18 Club in uh on the cruise and there was this chick that I was super into who's my age and then there was a guy that was a year older than me that was also in this club and then no I can't remember the name of it it was like Club [ __ ] I don't know I don't know the name of the club but anyways I was super into this chick and we were talking like all the time and me in ninth grade you know I'm not getting any play at all dude so I was like it's fine like it's go time she's into me whatever whatever and we're really hitting off we're having a great conversation I how the [ __ ] do you this game sucks anyways so we were you know hitting it off having good conversation yada Yad Y and then this jacked guy that is in like in the club who's like a year older than me and this chick he starts talking to her one night and then I see them leave the club area and then how the [ __ ] do I okay and I see them leave the club area together and I was like no [ __ ] and then he didn't know I had a thing for this chick Erica B thank you for the prime sub he didn't know how to think for this chick so he comes back there and he was like dude you'll never believe it oh man I had her pinned up against the railing of the cruise ship and she was putting a leg in there and I was like yo it's awesome man that's great oh that's really cool dude hell yeah I'm like 14 years old and I was like yeah man hell yeah so yeah am I playing like no build I don't know how to build I have no idea how to build let me know it's 14 so it's I'm stuck in this maze stuck in a maze what everything's okay it's not really okay legs in there 14 yeah they're just making out a bunch that's what you did on cruises man I hear shots where are these shots coming from oh ah yeah dude oh [ __ ] A this game sucks this game sucks this game sucks this game sucks I should play regular fortnite that would be much better I guess I could play fortnite I don't know I don't know why I did that I think one person suggested Fort blocks and I was like hell [Music] yeah oh [ __ ] I got oh I got a cramp in my shoulder oh oh oh what the [ __ ] oh ow your Adam apple moves too much I can't help it this is the Adam apple that God gave me don't know what to tell you yeah if only that chick Could See Me Now um I need to fill up my water and also does that count as a story time or do I need to do another story time I guess I could do another story time it did another another no that's good no that's enough well getting mix reviews don't know what to do uh let me think someone said something about funniest work experience I had a bunch of work experiences I told you guys about the dildos that got delivered to that one lady a baby story uh let's see the spicy cheese guy I haven't told that story in a long time but that's a good one dress to imp plus and roox it's like Roblox like fashion famous the spicy cheese dude is a very funny work story I don't know if you guys remember that one I mean I told it a long time ago uh Pizza Hut there a bunch of pizza out [Music] stories funny date experience there's really no dates I need a better I need a prompt to unlock some memories in my mind dude I need a prompt to unlock memories [Music] look up prompts College that's so ambiguous I think my brain is just not working funny airport story I have a bunch but I've told them all this is sucks cuz I keep [ __ ] uh the people that are in here all the time are like we've heard that story we near death experience um I was playing on the edge of the Grand Canyon one time time when I was a kid it's not much of a story weird teachers ooh yeah I mean I got called I got called a terrorist at the airport a a like the scanner going through TSA highlighted red on my wiener and they had to Pat my wiener down funny road rage this guy pulled a gun on me one time uh let's see what else the mil story what is the mil story camping stories O My Boy Scout counselor no I'm joking um we had some good times at Boy Scout camp I did go to boy scout camp a bunch I there's no really any good stories that stick out from that except for there was one lady counselor and these dudes have just been oh the story of the older woman you dated no we're not [ __ ] talking about that um the there's like one you know lady counselor and she sees like a group of like this is like a group of 12-year-old boys that haven't seen a woman in like a week they're just foaming at the mouth felt so bad for her she would leave and everybody be like yeah there's no there's no mil story other than you know me and your mothers have you seen any super odd comments or posts towards you yeah I mean I get a bunch of weird comments All the Time funny vacation story I don't know why I'm I'm I can't think of [ __ ] right now my brain is not working I'm so tired uh okay let me fill my water and [ __ ] and I'll be back I want to do a stream one one day where I review Instagram DMS and I don't know if I can make that a stream the some of them are crazy it's like you know W I'm not even going to say it out loud some of them are insane Insanity all right I'll BRB straight pics no you can't send pictures in like requests I don't think I have pictures turned off all right I'll be right back e e oh man yeah I did not get much sleep last night and my brain is not firing on all cylinders right now but it will be on Thursday and maybe tomorrow if I get enough sleep I'll have a longer stream tomorrow we will see I'm going to play neighbors for a little bit why don't you use your new cups oh yeah my [ __ ] Hello Kitty cuups dude I really am trying to think of a story but I want to do one that I haven't told do you live in fear because of your fan base I think it'll be fine react to catch Predator dude catch Predator is crazy crazy hey thank you for the raid maltina thank you you have vampire teeth I know do how do you feel about Lady Gaga saying that Pokerface is about thinking of girls when having sex with a man is that what that is sorry about sharing a car me and my sister shared a car and that was always embarrassing because I have a you know twin sister so we shared this piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] car it's called an HHR so it's like a you know PT Cruiser looking car but worse somehow and you know it sucked and like you know how [ __ ] embarrassing it is to be like you know talking to chicks and be like hey you want to you want to go out on a date but I got pick on my sister real quick while you're in the car all right we'll play neighbor have a good stream thank you thank [Music] you I don't think of a story I don't want to do everyone a disservice I tell what I've already told dude I thought I was feeling good before I started stream and then I just got so [ __ ] tired uh what is this don't know what this means hi hands of fell you're so hot thank you I love men yeah is this is this an episode of How To Catch a Predator is this an episode of How To Catch a Predator what this house looks like man dude yeah it's a sting operation it's a sing operation I'm I'm actually 12 years old behind one of these doors man I'm actually 12 years old Chris hon is going to be repelling from the ceiling soon whoa whoa whoa yeah don't tell where I'm at I got to go I gotta go hello angel [Music] DST hello Dr poop 50 that would be me Dr poop 50 how are you I'm great how are you pretty good that's good so how are you I'm good what have you been up to so you're good like how are you though like what do you mean but like how are you I'm okay so how are you doing I'm doing all right but like how is it going um difficult but manageable but like Hello Alex hi what's up dude nothing much how about you dude just chilling on the couch with you not even one seat apart cuz that's how close I want to be we're is holding hands right now like must must you like there's still space between us yeah but there's not that much space you know like I could be sitting on this other cushion but instead I chose to sit in the middle closer to you than for the one gifted is there any particular reason because I want you are you are you sure you want all of this mess you sure not only am I sure I oh e modern technology what about [Music] that we G to find him hello people all right what's hello milort hello milort did you guys see GI Jane just a second ago all right this guy's not talking to me salty P thank you for the 2er one sub hello Chad Jam it's chadin but thank you very much chadin I feel like Chad is a dude's name and you're sitting here well not a dude or maybe want to over no I'm not a dude for sure thank you for the five gifted salty PE on yeah no it's it's not a yeah Chad is new's name but whatever how pretty good yeah you know just sitting out here in the rain living the dream living the dream as they say yeah working hard and hardly working amen dude my brain is not working right now dude my brain is shut off completely I'm usually riff City I'm just I'm so tired [Music] [ __ ] hello [Music] CIA e your thing says I love Drake name four Drake songs right now bro name four Drake songs yep that's right hello deox sazin what's up man what's up man how you doing dude how you been how you been how you been Dr poop 50 I've been good dude are you is your laptop in front of a fan right now it kind of sounds like you're talking in front of a fan no no I'm I'm using my bed to me are you sure you're not underwater under the sea dude you man I don't know under SE man do you know that song Under the SE is that in that for to P [ __ ] close dude micke right SpongeBob SpongeBob it's the little mermaid dude under the sea I don't know why they made that crab Jamaican it doesn't really make sense he's the only Jamaican guy in that whole movie but oh he Jamaican well he sounds Jamaican I think he's Jamaican the way he goes like un see to me not I don't know hello okay hello he Lily you're just kind of sitting here looking out of the rain nice hello ryuk ruk ruk yep all right ryuk ryuk tomato tomato potato potato how are you doing re I'm doing good you pretty good oh I'm stuck in the Attic do you speak any other languages um yeah I speak like four other you speak four other languages well like I speak English I speak Hindi Nepali a little bit of Punjabi and I speak a little bit of French but I understand French a bit not like I know a little bit I know a little bit of French myself can you say a sentence to me in and then I'll just reply back to you it's so bad let me just at the beginning of it like me introducing myself uh I don't know I don't know what else to ask you I kind of forgot man like I took French last year I don't care about French anymore I got you I'll respond uh we we bagette Eiffel Tower and spaghetti I guess that's Italian Italian I say really bagette bagette to my friends so much because uh him and I we have like this like you know the stereotypical jokes stereotypical yeah stereotypical jokes about like the French how they just say we wee back at but they don't say it like that they're like that but like also like for instance you know Indians and how we have like C voices when you speak in English how Indians have certain voices in English like the like yeah like their voice accents basically oh yeah yeah like stereotypic and you know how like many people like just stereotypically joke about that we joke about that well I'm an Indian I'm Indian so I obviously can but like you know what I mean like we have that kind of relationship so I just make fun of him and he makes fun of me I'm picking up what you're putting down you just make fun of each other you know look at that I don't know I don't know what to do I didn't know what to do there opinion on tax evasion if you can get away with it pretty good pretty good gig hello swager lag swaga laga ding-dong what up hey Dr poopy pants hey oh it's the GI Jane what up Will Smith's wife GI the Clippers GI Jane in this thing brother did you guys hear that Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars that happened like a long time ago no no that just happened you guys I just heard about it Will Smith CL Chris Rock yo thanks for inviting me to the dinner guys no stop guys listen no stop no listen listen this is handsome fella stop you guys need to listen this is handsome fella no no this is serious on YouTube huh what do you having a stroke about Sydney Jesus Christ bro have you guys seen handsome fell on YouTube I just watched this video the other night when you played Roblox I I'm Dr poop 50 so don't know what you're talking about I think I know who celebrity crushes guys I think I know who she's crushing you think I have a YouTube channel it's Dr poop 50 check it out I watched it day and I watched you buy that Nicki Minaj flag and you hung it up in the room and I really loved it I loved it I love it oh MH you guys don't watch hen am I the only one I don't know who the hell you guys have fans dude I don't know who the [ __ ] this guy oh oh I forgot oh I forgot I'm not supposed to set f word my my bad dude I'm panicking [Music] oh it's milort again hello malort hello what up dude you ever just be farting [Music] nice doctor oh my God doctor doctor do up what's up what's up what's up a huge fan of you yeah have you do you like my work yes bro this person K right here always talks about you I swear my my doctor poop work no just poop oh just poop in general okay lact another fellow lactose in tolerant person how you know you are lactose in tolerant I think most people are they just the majority of lactose and Toler people just deal with diarrhea but I can't do that that dude I hear I hear piss it sounds like someone's pissing I keep hearing like liquid oh it's me oh I pissed myself all right I'll be back I heard liquid I guess you can't you probably can't say piss w my bad my bad for saying piss [Music] no dude I'm so tired I got like 4 hours of sleep and then I was going to take a nap today and then I just started like playing or not playing but editing and [ __ ] and then now we're here dude wasted a good outfit on a me being tired stream dude what the [ __ ] maybe I'll just wear it again on Thursday huh H hey tell everyone to follow me well that's why you got [ __ ] banned from my chat there will be no self-promo you guys didn't see [ __ ] dude if I wear the same outfit on Thursday don't say a word okay don't say a damn word oh man well I'm sorry guys I mean this is about the length of a noral stream I guess so yeah sorry I wasn't firing on all cylinders ladies and gentlemen but I am a young boy is tired e e e for
hey let me tell you this these day traders are out of control okay uh because they keep promising bigger and bigger numbers and i wonder has common sense checked in with any of these guys i mean it used to be that you would say i made like 600 bucks on a yellow call now we're talking about turning 20k accounts 30k accounts into millions of dollars and some of you guys believe it all right team i'll check this out last week's results 1.8 million guys how much are you now currently uh as we're doing this interview uh this week i passed 6.7 million in profits right from 1500 of your own money and so you believe these people when they they're just nobodies and they claim to have made millions of dollars with the stock market and i don't know where the reality checks need to start coming in but these advertisements are getting ridiculous and they must be getting ridiculous because they work on some people right like people do believe this stuff and it's unbelievable and guess what guys i've officially turned 50 000 into one million dollars in just two months this is noir trades page let's look at this we're out of control this has gone too far 18 year old turns 20k into two million dollars in six months of course he does right and the tooth fairy helped him are we insane have we lost all common sense but if you go to his instagram we see who this guy's about oh sorry that's our next guy that's trillionaire club um this sorry this is our guy here we go oh look at this guy look at the chat that he rented for the photo shoot i'm giving away 1 000 sorry to stop there dude you're trying to flex on people saying you made two million dollars in six months and your giveaway is one thousand dollars buddy you need to if you're gonna convince us that you're rich you're gonna have to try a little bit harder than that dude i think he i think he overspent on the budget dude look at that necklace look at this car look at the jet he overspent he's probably in debt credit card debt from paying for this little mini commercial on on his instagram he couldn't afford the giveaway dude my name is nora trades and i'm known for turning twenty thousand dollars into a little over two million by the way i love when they do that i'm known for insert what they wanna be known for like dude you're not known for that nobody knows you for that you're trying to get yourself known for that by saying you're that hey guys what's up coffeezilla here known for my sick cars over here i i don't even talk about them ever but i'm just known for my awesome cars they just sit there you know no big deal guys you also may know me for my gigantic bank account just something i'm known for i'm picking 10 lucky winners and i'm giving each one a hundred dollars just because all the support i've been receiving you guys have been helping me out i'm a millionaire so just for you guys just because you're supporting me 100 it's time for me to give back all you need to do is like this video share this on your story and tag three people in the comments section it's a lot honestly for a hundred dollars liking tagging three people and sharing this on your story that's a lot but none of this is why we're talking about noir trades today because this guy has a moment on youtube it's sort of one of those youtube history moments uh like the boom goes the dynamite kid and boom goes the dynamite it's just like this amazing piece of internet that i don't think anyone's caught onto yet i don't think anyone's noticed that this has happened except for me and now you guys because this guy ran a little commercial okay he ran a little commercial on loft's youtube channel if you guys know this guy he does a bunch of chatting with millionaire uh pieces he's pretty pretty interesting guy but what happened with noir trades is he actually had to he doesn't have a big enough following for loft to actually bring him on the channel just normally um so the guy has him pay 4 thousand dollars to get on his show he goes i'll probably have noir trades on again i'm all aware you guys think he's a scam but she might be but he's paying me 4k this time so i can't refuse he's had them all once before and which he paid 3k that time so this kid is paying to be on the guy's shop okay that's an important part of this to understand how hilarious this moment is because he comes on the show so this is a basically a commercial and bear in mind this kid can barely afford a thousand dollar giveaway so this is a big buck giveaway here he comes on this guy's show and rather than getting a commercial he gets roasted the entire time this guy makes money off people not off stocks we just went over that well i actually just posted what's your response to that i mean people so look i mean uh well yeah you see andrew uh i mean people so look i didn't think we'd be going over this i paid you 4k to be on your show i thought you'd help me out i mean to be fair under the fold there is he is shouting the guy out he gives the registration he is doing a commercial for him but he brings up some hilarious stuff and some of it rings really close to home but look at how this sociopath answers one of these questions because one of them is actually about one of his well-known frauds this guy is a known fraudster who stole signal information from another guru he can't even come up with his own guru crowds ruthless um just so everyone knows this guy is just copying people from other chats he's not legitimate watch out do you reason there it is guys did you see that look at this response look at this response this is something he has been caught doing he's been caught stealing from other gurus and trying to sell it off as his own now [Music] he wasn't even stealing that well and we'll get into that in a second but look at how he reacts to this is that true yes i mean did you see anything on my screen here just had my discord open had my tos okay now with that response of mine look he goes he goes is that true you stealing from people uh well uh did you see me stealing from anybody at this particular second hey that's not what he asked but with all this in mind with this let's add some context to this because noir trades was caught definitively stealing from another youtuber uh and another guru called stock hunter trading now this guy i am not at all endorsing him literally just take one look at his twitter page to realize what kind of quality information this guy's giving out i'm sorry stockhonder now how did he get caught well noir trades join this guy's uh discord chat remember he's supposedly his origin story it's like a superhero his origin story was that he made millions of dollars in the stock market when he was 18 years old so a year after this he's caught in this guy's discord group okay this is his email up here i'll blur it out um he's caught paying for this guy's discord signals group and the guy starts noticing that he's on his own discord signals group so this is where you pay for someone's stock tips idiotic uh this other guy's discord stock group they were the same they're giving out the same advice and noir trades was giving it out like five minutes after so the guy started realizing oh he's stealing my stock tips and just giving it to his subscribers as if he thought of it so what he did is this he started uploading to his chat room this is his side right here and this is noir trades over on the right he started uploading his with a watermark okay i don't know if you guys can see that down there there's a little watermark he'll zoom in in a second and the question is would noir trades copy it with the watermarked image let's check it out i started my notes at 6 40 6 am nor trades came in at 6 52 am and copied me word for word here is my company logo stockholder trading llc this is a watermark and he is copying it you literally can't get more busted than this and then imagine the fact that he's he doesn't have the decency to run away and stop being a guru and just realize hey obviously i was faking it guys haha got a few of you you know you guys paid me 200 bucks a month for my discord signals group and i got like 200 000 a month total i ripped you guys off but haha i was just a prank bro he doesn't even have the decency the shame to do that instead what he does is he goes on loft he tries to run a commercial thinking that no one's going to catch him this guy's just copying people from other chats he's not legitimate watch out do your research dude i will pay for that to forever be enshrined that if i ever create a twitch chat or i don't know if i can do this for like youtube emotes i want that to be one of them dude just the realization i paid this guy four thousand dollars and he's bringing up my biggest most embarrassing moment of my entire career one that delegitimizes me forever by the way if you ever follow this guy's discord group while knowing this you're an idiot because clearly he doesn't know what he's doing trading stocks but not only was he stealing from this guy he also was asking for help so this is these are things he posted to the guy's discord group while he was still a part of it he got kicked out look at this okay so no swing would you swing anything he's talking about swing trading shopify 290 calls for a swing he's asking questions because he doesn't know what he's doing he doesn't know how to trade so he's asking for help from this guy who then he kind of steals his whole thing and again this is not like stealing from warren buffett here remember who we're dealing with here guys this is so embarrassing if this happened to me i would never show my face again on the internet but this kid doesn't care he just keeps going and going and going it's chats he's not legitimate watch out do your research anyway i just thought you guys would really enjoy that let me know what you guys think this is just non-stop where do we draw the line i think anyone under 30 we should all not listen to including myself dude if we can all take this advice collectively i'm happy for you guys not to listen to my advice in fact i don't really give advice much i mean really i just tell you guys who not to listen to which is not hard to do because there's so many idiots out there but i'm not trying to tell you how to live your life because frankly i don't know listen jesus waited till he was 30 to start preaching if that's good enough for jesus it's good enough for me i'm going to wait till i'm 30 before i start spitting out my guru at time while i'm 30 when i'm 30 i'm just going to create a course and i'm going to tell you how to live your life but until then you shouldn't listen to me and you shouldn't listen to all these idiots 18 years old millionaire no no dude are you kidding it's got to stop at some point you gotta have some life experience it's the caleb maddox thing all over again dude the kid is 17 trying to coach everybody else it's like dude you haven't earned that right to be a coach you haven't done anything and so that's what i'm super passionate about at some point we got to draw the line i know that's going to get a lot of people they're going to say hey no i'm a 20 year old i'm a coach but i'm going to say no dude and if you doubt me if you think i'm wrong come on the show please it's been a while since we've done a debate i'd love to talk about this do you think that 20 year olds should be coaches or math they should be running masterminds do you think uh they should be teaching all the rest of us let me know in the comment section below i know that's a little sensational and as always don't forget to smash like and subscribe thank you [Music] comes along
yield farming it sounds like something you do in world of warcraft but the year is 2022 and the world has changed magic internet money is here ladies and gentlemen and yield farming it's a crypto thing now so buckle up educate yourselves this is what it really means hang on let me look this up real quick ah yes yield farming is the practice of staking or lending crypto assets in order to generate high returns or rewards in the form of additional cryptocurrency now are you confused yet don't be because that's the whole purpose of this video sam bankman freed ceo one of the world's largest crypto exchanges is here he appeared on a podcast to explain it to the unwashed masses once and for all what is a yield farm but it turns out in the process he accidentally describes a ponzi scheme which is just sort of like really funny because his one job in situations like this talking to non-crypto people is to reassure them this isn't a ponzi scheme guys and instead just right out of the gate off rip he's like yeah we just kind of keep putting money into this thing and it just price goes up now as a disclaimer not all yield farming is a ponzi scheme people have been lending money forever and that's technically yield farming that's not a ponzi scheme now on the other hand the point of this video is that what this billionaire crypto ceo is about to describe that is definitely a ponzi scheme so uh let's just check it out a surprising amount of legitimacy for what farming could mean you know where'd you start you start with a company that builds a box and in practice this box they probably dress it up to look like a life-changing you know world-altering protocol that's gonna replace all the big banks in 38 days or whatever maybe for now actually ignore what it does or pretend it does literally nothing it's just a boss all right step one we're already getting some red flags here pretend you're life-changing and actually do nothing okay what's step two sam and then this protocol issues a token we'll call it whatever x token and x token promises that anything cool that happens because of this box is gonna ultimately be usable by you know governance vote of holders of the x tokens they can vote on what to do with any proceeds or other cool things that happen from this box and of course so far we haven't exactly given a compelling reason for why there ever would be any proceeds from this box but i don't know you know maybe there will be so that's sort of where you start and now what happens well x token has some market cap right it's probably not zero well let's say it's you know 20 million dollar market cap okay step two make a 20 million dollar market cap from nothing no big deal guys it's crypto now the interviewer this guy matt levine sort of picks up on the insanity of this he's like this serious investment banker guy you have to imagine and he's like look no it can't be worth nothing you you can't do this and sam bankman freed's like the hell i can't from like first principles it should be zero but okay uh sure okay i i completely reasonable comment like i mean like that's not quite true but it's like when you describe it in this totally cynical way it sounds like it should be here but go describe it this way you might think for instance that in like five minutes with an internet connection you could create such a box and such a token and that it should reflect like you know it should be worth like a hundred eighty dollars or something market cap for like that you know that effort that you put into it in the world that we're in if you do this everyone's gonna be like oh box token maybe it's cool if you buy any box token you know that's gonna appear on twitter and i'll have a 20 million dollar market cap all right red flag 3. my man just said maybe in your world a box that does nothing can't be worth 20 million but in my world 20 million minimum and this is sort of where things go full ponzi full we don't even try to hide it money goes up because more money goes in and more money is going in because money goes up so you know x tokens being given out each day all these like sophisticated firms like huh that's interesting like if the total amount of money in the box is 100 million dollars then it's gonna yield 16 million dollars this year in x tokens being given out for it that's a 16 return that's pretty good we'll put a little bit more in right and and maybe that that happens until there are 200 million dollars in the box so you know sophisticated traders and or people on crypto twitter or or other sort of similar parties go and put 200 million dollars in the box collectively and they start getting these x tokens for it right and now all of a sudden everyone's like wow people just decide to put 200 million dollars in the box this is a pretty cool box right like this this is a valuable box as demonstrated by all the money that people have apparently decided should be in the box and for we to say that they're wrong about that like you know this is i i mean boxes can be great look i love boxes as much as the next guy right and so what happens now all of a sudden people are kind of recalibrating it's like well 20 million dollars that's it like that market cap for this box and it's been like 48 hours and it already has 200 million dollars and fleeing from like sophisticated players in it are you guys hearing this he literally just described a ponzi scheme unironically and said at the top of this interview by the way that this is one of the most important things in d5 right now boxes that do nothing that are in the shape of pyramids and by the way you and i aren't the only ones who feel stunned by this the interviewers are just sort of at a loss for words i i think of myself as like a fairly cynical person and yep that was so much more cynical yeah this should i guess i would have described farming like you're just like well i'm in the ponzi business and it's pretty good did any of this require any sort of like economic case it's just like other people make money in the box and so i'm going to too and then it's more valuable so i'm going to put more money in and at no point in the cycle did it seem to like describe any sort of like economic purpose now it was at this point in the interview where i thought okay finally some sensible people in the room clearly sam just got called out for pitching ponzi schemes he's now going to backtrack right wrong instead sam goes um this is my world and uh you guys are boomers and just don't understand how money works and it is sort of like real monetizable stuff in some senses and you know at some point like if the world never decides that we were wrong about this in like a coordinated way right like you're kind of the guy calling saying no this thing's actually worthless but in what sense are you right you could see something get mark happened the way that i don't know dogecoin or shibcoin have right where people just kind of like haha and then they buy it and if you're like that's dumb it has no cash flow i'm gonna short sell it you lose all your money there it is guys the unironic investment case for memes and ponzi schemes they have value because people say they have value and who are you to say otherwise i mean what do you even say to this because on the one hand this is insane and breaks all monetary theory on the other hand that guy has a billion dollars well multiple billions and i have multiple thousands we are not the same okay that's all i'm saying so what do we even take away from this i think the answer has to be nothing i hope you guys learned nothing there is no good lesson here but only maybe a few chuckles and laughs at the inevitable decline of our society into pure ponzinomics if you want to watch the rest of this debate relitigating whether ponzi schemes are actually a great idea uh i'm gonna link the full thing down below in the description thanks for watching that's it pump the stock it's probably a ponzi scheme but hey sam said it was okay see ya
hello hello hello hello enough of the music I want to get to talk to somebody said uh I've never been on this stream before but this guy seems like a coffee cow for real and that person is a three- Monon sub with hundreds of messages uh uh vest V vestigal vestigal vest wait vestigial what's the word vestigal Oregon but yours is Oregon how do you how do you pronounce that vesal vestigal vestigal pronunciation vestigial vestigial yeah like I was saying vestigial uh good to see you vestigial Oregon uh you said it then WR got it wrong afterwards yeah well you know just looks weird aers 595 thank you for the prime Phoenix fire doog thank you for the prime hobo 1310 thank you for the uh four months if you are truly a hobo it's it's probably not the best place to invest your cash although I do think the returns are insane you know what I'm saying one minute of watching this stream guarantees you financial success for the future so it's like money in Money out um KT hog they give for the prime Luchi they give for the prime Tyrant CVX thank you for the Prime brillopad thank you for the 19 months cheddar cap thank you for the prime uh B of moss thank you for the 14 months 14 months is basically three years happy big four big a I like your gumption you know what I'm saying you're someone who can't wait I like that uh hobo thank you for the gifties sounds like you're good sounds like you're sounds like you're set then Iran Rod thank you for the prime Candy Crush your mom 69 what a [ __ ] powerful username Candy Crush your mom 69 thank you for the seven months I can truly tell that you put a lot of thought into that name and you're a person who's probably really reasonable in your discussions with other humans Chef foxy thank you for your salute and your message I've been binging the papon videos on YouTube law there's only one papon video you've been binging it what does that mean what does it mean to binge the single video [Laughter] oh the vods you're insane you're loco you're going back and watching the papon 72 hours of [Laughter] vods poor Parts where I'm sleeping uh dude those I mean legitimately 48 Hours of that is me staring at [ __ ] Workshop chimps in the first five waves trying to get the three Dart monkeys in the right order that I did that for 48 hours straight that's not good content uh 800 people stayed in chat last night after you told us to and now I'm still here I said never leave um are movie Nights just in the ACLU Discord or on stream I missed the social network sagge to be clear I have no [ __ ] idea what you're talking about I'm not you want to see I can't show this when I go to the ACLU Discord it says uh you need permission every channel is close to me okay I can't see [ __ ] I don't know what's going on in there I think I'm banned so I don't know I I have no idea you guys do what you got to do uh you know not something I need I need to be a part of uh I'm not trying to get in D I just clicked on it from H rock.org because I wanted to see what's going on couldn't see anything uh I showed a girl I was into your papon video and she hasn't hung out with me since yeah she messaged me but I told her I'm married uh sorry sorry for doing that to you you should not have showed her that video it's it's it's it inspires a lot of interest uh hey I sh greetings from Argentina I shall spend my wages submitting to the stream don't say like that I mean technically that's what everybody does right they spend some portion of their weight like when you say it like that and you're from Argentina it feels like too much I would I would watch out hurry up with the announcement old man well you're banned so I hope you don't want to talk about the announcement [ __ ] all right because when I announced it it's going to be fun we're all GNA be talking about it and now you can't uh Hey I'm going home for a couple weeks uh wait wait I'm going on for a couple weeks tomorrow so I won't be able to watch the stream do I have permission what do you mean permission to go home no of course not you have to watch tell your family you're sorry but that's how that's how it goes I I don't make the rules I mean I legitimately just did but um unless someone in chat can cover your shift I guess and watch if someone can watch double in two tabs uh [Music] Texas Rangers about to make history quick drop everything I do not care about baseball the only thing I care about with Texas Rangers winning if they do is that George Bush will finally get a dub you know what I'm saying he'll finally make that dub in his name real and that's what I'm all about cuz he lost a lot of [ __ ] Wars and American soldiers and money and uh but he could use a dub on this dude for his team uh ISRO wait could you please give us a considerate moo absolutely not absolutely not no you did not ask that in any way appropriate that I'm not give you a considerate moo you just did all right fine take that if you consider that take that for a second I had hope the [ __ ] you talking uh elusive em they for the four months it's apparently my four-month sub adversary but I haven't subbed again H but you just did biller senton thank you for the 36 months three years cheer hip hiip huzzah hip hiip poggers poggers hip hiip pogers pogers thank you for the very very much uh for the 36 month biller squint uh a poggers all around uh detone fish thank you for the two months why not 36 like biller perhaps banned let's all boo toone fish for only being subed for two months boo ban dude instab ban sorry if you weren't I don't want new friends do you know what I'm saying I've got a No New Friends policy it's either you're a ride or die my girlfriend called your hat dumb and I told her we're over damn like that huh not even like a try to explain it you just straight up [Music] I mean I credit where credits due it's a cool hat I mean just like I can understand if you're if it's too fresh and you don't get it for the FTX hat but Enron bro that's just like that's that's gold um how can I be expected to sub in this economy oh I was just making a bit I actually don't don't reasonably think someone should sub um for anything less than one year at a time sorry I didn't finish uh uh wh why why is everyone talking about submarines oh I get it uh it is an investment though whoa new camera No in fact and I'm getting that question a lot lately because I just turned the lights down it's the same camera the camera hasn't changed at all not even a little bit not even I haven't even adjusted the lens it's the exactly the same I just turned the lights down and then everyone's like whoa new camera new camera camera so it's just interesting that's you're sitting farther back I'm not I've I have changed nothing same chair same location same camera same distance same angle I turned the lights down that's it I just turned the lights down watch you know what watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch holy [ __ ] old camera old camera old camera old camera yeah he's a witch uh but what I realized is if I turn the lights down which I've done um it's not so [ __ ] bright The Simple Solution I'm constantly feeling like I'm [ __ ] it's just so goddamn bright in here and so I just [ __ ] decided to change something up smartest ASU grad you know what I'm saying like it just it it's just better it's just legitimately better I don't know why I felt like my idea of what good lighting was was to have the most amount of lighting possible my understanding you know I was like if you want good lighting you need lots of lighting and it needs to be as bright as possible and it's like no that's not actually how good lighting Works um so progress great progress where's the Vape fellow Zoomer dude I honestly think Ari hit it cuz that was whistling like [ __ ] Dixie I was going around the [ __ ] house tooting the train horn nonstop I literally think she hit it for me when I when I set it down I cuz I couldn't find it I was actually looking for it I'm actually feing for it I'm actually I'm not chemically addicted I think to the train whistle but it's like I just feel depressed without it I feel like I need it to get through the day I just want one toot just one toot uh so I I don't know I'm looking for it bro I'm looking for it if I find it don't worry I'll come back and let a loud whistle blow right into your eardrums um a truck I swear the motion is addictive I'm sure it is I'm sure it is I'm I could easily see that I mean I can see why people hooked on Vapes bro especially you got a nice mango Cloud coming out of that [ __ ] yeah I think I think I could see how it would work that being said don't do it obviously it's [ __ ] popcorn lung inducing um have you tried oh hrock do you mind dear it's just [ __ ] I can't I can't catch a break the [ __ ] I'm looking at the wrong thing I look at the actual chat um you can live without it it's just you want it so definitely not addicted talking about me yeah exactly I I don't I'm not addicted I just I just feel bad every second I'm not blowing the train whistle you know what I'm saying I just feel like life is not worth living un I got the train whistle and I'm blowing it but I'm not addicted I can quit anytime I want just if I don't get it soon I'm gonna punch a [ __ ] wall as hard as I can and be a miserable person to being around um yo any Choo chers this the perfect time for me to [ __ ] blow the whistle it comes up so naturally there's so many times during your day you need a train whistle and I don't have one right now it's like [ __ ] no train November dude I feel I do feel I feel trapped um what are your thoughts on me running for State office as a 21y old [Music] don't what's your platform bro what's your platform what what is your worldly knowledge that will enable you to be a leader of your fellow man in your state what what I just uh wait it makes me left out when my wait sorry it makes me feel left out with my co-workers go get their 10-minute choo choo breaks while I still have to work do you mean actual Vapors at your job or do you I do think it's [ __ ] up I think honestly on God somebody should invent Dr battle thank you for the raid somebody should invent the equivalent of a train whistle that I've been using that allows you to take a smoke break without smoking no nicotine no smoke at all just literally like a something you can pretend so that you can take a a smoke break do you know what I'm saying literally liquid yeah I want the liquid death of vaping does that make sense so blind think of the Prime litter 8 think of the Prime Davis thank you for the seven months Lebo thank you for the prime J maple tree thank you for the prime baz dry thank you for the 26 months the one who loves music think the two months thanks for months and months of amazing content you've been sub for two months and when did you start uh no you started following wait two months ago I think months and months all right I guess it counts technically um suck on a flash drive I guess you could do that theoretically does have that juicy USB taste um train whistle except you have to no wait uh I breathe air sometimes to get zooted so you're high on life literally oh there's a company called fum fum that just does scented inhales with no Vapor I feel like you still is it crazy but like I feel like taking a blast of scented smoke is still going to give you cancer still it's fume fume you know what I'm saying it's not smoke what is it it's it's [ __ ] red die 40 or something right that's the woke media at work to be clear I have not received my talking points from George Soros to push that [ __ ] scented air causes cancer I just legitimately am questioning it I might change my shirt because I just I just came back from climbing and uh this bad boy is sweaty actually give me one second I'm gonna do a quick shirt change all right I'm gonna do a quick shirt change let me let me let me rip and dip what V level are you at [Laughter] Evan gal virginity checking Evan cows at zero bro pure vCard uh what V level am I at okay so bear in mind California gyms are harder okay because there's a lot of [ __ ] climbers here it's a very popular if you go to California City there's a lot of these [ __ ] Tech workers and they all [ __ ] climb and so there's okay just bear in mind there's climb flation there's clim flation because I think if I go to a different if I go to Arizona it's a different starting off with cope that being said I am an extremely accomplished like dominate everyone in the gym V3 climber and I am pushing to become a V4 climber okay that's where I'm at and I've only been a few weeks in so let's not push me around here let's let's encourage even my new Adoption of this hobby let's all clap collectively and say you know what a person taking the time to to focus and and and build a skill uh lil bro thinks climbing a ladder is V3 um what do you think I'm doing I'm going I'm going to an empty warehouse and climbing up and down a ladder and saying I do v3s why wouldn't I just say it's higher bro are you're saying if I'm going to do the ladder thing why wouldn't I just [ __ ] say it's a V4 or V5 why would I have you done any dinos I Dino the [ __ ] you're talking about I'm a V3 climber bro I don't know what do you I don't know what that means bro uh Bros never done a die out the [ __ ] EV G such a piece of [ __ ] dude I swear to God I've been saying it uh when are you doing a climbing stream I don't know maybe I could I did a sick one today it was one where you have to jump to get to the first thing incredible pullup incredible that's a dyo I don't know your [ __ ] virgin climbing terms okay I [ __ ] clim I get out there and I [ __ ] hit the wall okay I just [ __ ] do it I get to the top sometimes I'll punt a [ __ ] 8-year-old kid out of the way if they [ __ ] try to get in the way of my [ __ ] climb cuz I don't share the wall first thing I do when I get to the wall is I say everybody else off get off I need to [ __ ] inspect it and then I SP 20 to 25 minutes and I just [ __ ] I feel out the wall to make sure I understand all the holdes like I want to get it all right and I say do not even consider approaching the wall I'm still learning I'm still studying all right and then I [ __ ] and then what I do is I get my chalk all right I do the big LeBron clap I get I try to get everyone chocked up you know I get a big [ __ ] I get a blast of chalk all right then then I make my first run at the wall obviously fall in the first hole cuz I'm not ready I've only done 20 minutes of scouting I fall and then I complain that there's not enough chalk dust on the handle so I get the attendant to come over with a [ __ ] brush and I say please brush every one of these [ __ ] hand holds cuz I can't grab it and then they they brushed the thing down to add a little more cuz it's I complain loudly okay and then finally I [ __ ] smash my way up the wall everyone claps um the most respectful climber and then yeah I make sure everybody collaps when I get to the top top of the wall Breathing heavily I look around and I [ __ ] hold my hands up high uh he I was in a kitty McDonald's playground they wiped the chalk off the holds I don't know what they do okay like I said I'm not a virgin climber all right I climb for the [ __ ] thrill of it and I wear I'm not wearing it right now but I wear a full [ __ ] Alex Honnold shirt and I say life like the goat on the back and then it's a full [ __ ] picture of Alex honold taken while he was sleeping so it's me like through the his window at his house taking a picture of his face while he's sleeping and then I got a shirt made of it and then I I climb and then what I do when I get to the top and I make it I rip the shirt off revealing a full duplicate of that shirt in tattoo form on my chest and back so that's [Laughter] that's just how I live all right that's [ __ ] how I that's how I do it can we see no you're not climbers only climbers can see all right be right back I'm going to change shirts because this is [ __ ] sweaty is the whole point okay my favorite part about climbing glad you asked my favorite part about climbing is after I get like let's say there's a V3 that I that I accomplish what I'll do is I'll sit around the floor of the gym next to that V3 and anytime anyone attempts it I'll Snicker a little bit I be like interesting that's how you're going to do it huh yikes yikes yikes thought we wouldn't notice the new shirt wait I'm sorry wait wait guys I said I was going to get a new shirt you thought I I thought you would notice I'm so what are you what are you making fun of I just I just told you I was leaving to get a new shirt and now you're I'm not hiding it I'm not I wasn't surreptitiously trying to switch shirts I thought bro thought we wouldn't [Music] notice uh omegal can't sneak one past us man laau nice try though you guys are crafty you guys are sharp I will say that Lil oopsy vert think of the six months ke lurker think of the two months Dr poppy seed thing of the 13 months explosive V4 climber is that you I'm not a V4 climber yet I'll be honest with you V4 is out of my wheelhouse most of I try and fail but I will become a V4 climber regularly whoop dupy they 13 months uh appreciate it maxut thank for the 11 the N kiddo thank for the prime Nitro man thank you for the uh I'm gonna guess and say you subbed for 580 months thank you very much that means a lot dude that means a [ __ ] that means the the boatload to me uh I couldn't see your number but I'm sure that was it the big 580 dude you love to see it and it's the first time I've thanked him too V4 for Boomers is a slight ramp I can't do you think that they this you're already going to answer yet no matter what I say but realistically think about it okay I don't go into the gym and they ask me are you a boomer you 's a different V4 for you they don't it's just the same gym for everybody so it's not they don't say oh sir at your age you'd probably wanted our our Boomer section where there's a a ladder and a ramp they don't do that they just I I get to climb the same walls as everyone else and I do my best and I do a damn good job and a lot of people appla people did applaud Ari un ironically there was one that Ari was really scared of cuz it's very slippery at the top and the holds are kind of rounded and she gets scared when she gets high high up she's also blazed and she was climbing it and I was sort of talking her through it I was like all right trust your right foot and go trust your right foot and go cuz she had to like kind of like and reach for the top and she's like I can't do it I can't do it I'm going down I'm scared like baby you can do I can do and then finally she's like a and she just jumps and like [ __ ] pushes off and does it and everyone was kind of watching at that point and then they all clapped and I'm not kidding this is not an Einstein and they all clap moment like everyone kind of she got a round of applause it was cool uh um did you try telling her to shoot for the moon even if she misses she'll land Among the Stars that probably would have been poor advice at the time no I think if I had told her that she would have been pissed um also aren't the Stars farther than the moon like if if you shoot for the moon and Miss you're not Landing in you're Landing in Earth's atmosphere right that's no gravity I mean you're not do you know you're not you're not the what is the nearest star the sun if you shoot for the moon and Miss you're not going to the Sun okay asro has it R my space back go during an eclipse okay no based on that logic we're already Among the Stars we're Among the Stars right now that's stupid if you're not going to any of the Stars so it's not so so it's not that the the the phrase makes no sense it could be shoot for nothing if you miss at least you land Among the Stars the the the phrase could be don't try at anything but it doesn't matter because you're still Among the Stars that's kind of better that's kind of based that's kind of based actually what I think it would be a better phrase is shoot for the the Stars even if you miss you might hit the [Laughter] moon that's cool you know what I'm saying that's a that's a better one that cuz that that's based in reality and that's just based in general no because like Moon as in like mooning like like with your Investments you should always shoot for the stars because even if you miss they're still going to move Moon do you understand are you guys following or are you stupid those are the two options okay pick one of the two uh stupid stupid stupid stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid both you know what the the wait the phrase should be SHO for the sun cuz it's really hard to miss you know what I'm saying shoot for the sun oddar you'll hit it okay keep your expectations low this really hard to hit the sun no not for me sorry every time I tried I hit it interesting guess you're kind of a little different uh what if it's night time how can you hit the sun then [ __ ] he's he's right he's right that's why he want to be Elon so bad every quote I've said today is directly from Elon how about that does that prove you wrong Elon Musk would never say something wrong uh which is closer to La the moon or NYC I don't know the answer but I know the man I could ask I know there's one former basketball player who could nail that for me I know there's one scientist on Inside the NBA who's the right man to ask for that job Seb sexi they the tier one smack think of for the 19 months boine 415 think for the 30 months Synergy think for the 33 33 months of being the perfect chatter no need to thank me but payment would be nice you're the perfect chatter Synergy 22 you've been timed out four times by four different mods uh four different mods have all timed you out for their own individual reasons hard to call that hard to call that a coincidence um your chat is a lot of calling me a boomer and saying that you look like Dr doofen Schurz you've said that multiple times that you look like Dr doofen Schurz and that isn't necessarily make you the greatest chatter that that doesn't to me that's not a that's not a dub um yeah I'm not I'm not 100% buying it uh doof going crazy Philly DeFranco thank you for the two months thank you very much uh Phila Franco big fan of the stream you are of me I've never seen your content as thank you for the 10 months that's quadruple Jeopardy he's good judgment the five months [Music] um statistically we all know anyway guys I have a big announcement to make and you guys keep distracting me from it you guys keep distracting me from it I have a big announcement and I keep getting distracted okay and I'm trying to focus in wait Poll for VIP do not [ __ ] VIP but I pinned him wait how wait what how did I pin him wait I I swear to God I've never do these pins I actually think when a [ __ ] mod pins it it it says atrio I legitimately think it's not me pinning it that's what I think say type Boomer if you agree with me if you agree with my opinion on it type Boomer I just want to know who sounds like a lot of you a lot of you okay great great I'm good to see that thank you good to see it good to see it glad [Laughter] to uh announcement announcement announcement announcement Ann you guys keep distracting me um sorry wa what's the at what number of months of subbing does it start over and become one month again I do not think they they have that feature are you saying there's like a number cap at 999 if you hit that I give you a a million dollars clip it clip it bro 999 uh it's the Y2K for Subs bro said stop distracting me and then read the dumbest chat message now I did son of a [ __ ] now I have done that uh okay chat sleep until he acknowledges the pin what pin oh it does not L's not a mod anymore that's cool I wondered when he would be removed as a mod that would be today today is the day well all right ladies and gentlemen the the announcements well there's actually two parts to this announcement so I need to wait twice as long before okay I'm also slightly worried because it tells me that an ad is about to play an ad is about to play so there's two parts of this announcement part one will come right after this [Laughter] ad all right Subs here's the thing there is two parts of this announcement uh but I'm very worried about one of them I don't know that I'm [Music] necessarily uh capable so just act like it was really exciting if you're a sub just act like I just made the announcement and it's [ __ ] crazy okay and then we'll drive some subs and then we'll get into the actual thing we got to really crank the fomo um cuz I'm it's not going to be a long stream today it's just really the announcements then I have to work on some of the things from the announcements um holy [ __ ] are you kidding is this [Music] legit [Music] you're getting s SPF on your stream that wouldn't even be that good uh librarian thank you for the gifties AG blades thank you for the prime papon 5 yes that's my announcement I've announced the papon 5 I've skipped over two three and four we're going straight to five baby the papon 5 is happening it's a clean number yeah James Cameron don't clip it don't clip it cuz it's not true technically all right add over okay seriously wait in seriousness okay so two two no two announcements two announcements I'm not even gonna hype it up anymore I'm sorry I already did it for the I did it for the hype for the subs okay announcement number one finally we have finished the marketing Monday Discord it has all the little bells and whistles that should accommodate all new people which means it's ready to be opened during the next marketing Monday wins and fails which is not today I think Friday whenever here here's the the marketing Monday Discord opens the very dayf gets his sentence that is on God if I do not do that I will gift 1,000 Subs on God the day SBF get sentenced I will do a live marketing Monday immediately and we'll release it that's what we're doing so clip it I it's on God because it's now it's now ready to go so um that's it that's the announcement number one the mark on Discord we've been using it it has a small group of like 20 people in there maybe 25 we've been using it for over a month and a half now it's been awesome people just drop in interesting stories sometimes we talk about them I get to see news from interesting people we have a way to verify if people are working in the industry they're talking about so they can get a little thing it's it'll it's cool if you want to go in there and just lurk that's almost ideal if you just want to lurk and read stuff it's not there's no Gizzy Gizzy there's no [ __ ] coffee cow there's no it's just people that are interested in what's going on in the business World um and want to talk about with other people no debates no meanness no raging none of that uh we're gonna have to figure out how to [ __ ] handle an influx of new people but it's good we got to get some moderators in there so it's cool all right okay that's announcement number one announcement number two well that requires a certain piece that requires a certain piece of technology babe it's all good I find it doing for the last two years there has been one event that I found to be one of my coolest pieces of content it requires a coordination of not just myself but some of the most excellent gamers in the entire world to create something that I think is truly special and unique in the world of speedrunning ladies and gentlemen without further Ado it's back 59 minutes 58 seconds starting right now $1500 contract competition the best in the world be invited but you can be involved too ladies and gentlemen if you enter this competition at any skill level you have a chance of winning money we are giving money for creativity prizes we're giving $100 to the best time from every start location we're giving money for things that are funny to me we have way more prizes we have way more chances if you do a bad time you can still be featured in the film in in the final video and the last video got like 2.8 million views so you know if you're a regular newcomer Hitman give it a shot even your beginning time could be the foundation that we build the whole video off of be part of the storyline it's a really cool way to show off the skills of Hitman from the beginner level all the way to the most advanced players in the world all of the top players I've gotten to agree to come back and play again so I think it's going to be I think it's going to be cracked I think we're going to see some cracked times and again worked with coats and Jes shout out to both of them to create this contract it is the toughest one by far of the three it I mean they picked some devious targets that are across one of the hardest maps in The Game Isle of scale I think it's tough to just to beat this contract let alone beat a great with a great time so give it a shot no matter what time you get I recommend you to submit send your time to uh uh to I say Jes or or David red I'm sorry David Red Sox I can't Sor not Jes I'm so sorry coats and David Red Sox Joe has been helping with other things but not David Red Sox is back David Red Sox is back send to David Red Sox on Discord sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I keep because the rhyme David Red Sox on Discord um he handled it last time he's playing the the thing don't give him the credit uh and so David Red Sox on Discord will take your time uh and I think it's going to be I think it's going be crack bro uh it has we have we have contracts for every single place you can play Hitman so if you have Xbox game pass if you have switch if you're playing on the goddamn switch and you want to speedrun this thing give it a sh shot we have contracts for all of it all of your times can be submitted just send in a video in the next 7 days you have till Wednesday the 8th at midnight to get your time in do not share your strategies if we get two videos that look too similar like it's the same strategy copied over if I if I can't prove collusion I'm only giv price to the best time anyway and if I can they're both disqualified so just be careful don't collude um we want to see your own individual best time whenever you come up we we want creativity we want cool things um and yeah so I'm I'm I'm I'm stoked uh and we're going to launch you know we'll reveal live on stream at uh next Friday so if you want to tune in Next Friday you'll see all the great runs but also if you're like a guy that likes to watch the videos we're going to be launching this video ideally January 1st 2024 exactly one year after the last video he may contract contest so it should be [ __ ] based uh I'm going to be ready to do the vo I think it'll be sick uh uh should be cool should be cool and then on January 6 we're rating the [Music] capital so there it's a two-parter it's a two-part announcement we're going to have a January 1st the new video January 6 we all go to the capital uh and we talk about Hitman which would be great what's the prize pool I'm glad you asked I'm [ __ ] glad you asked $1,500 $600 for first place 300 for second place 100 for third place and 450 in bonus prizes for creativity and using unpopular starting locations a 100 bucks for every unused or unpopular starting location best time um anything creative can win can win money and again we have times for all these so um no matter what level of skill at hit man I would honestly recommend giving it a shot it is a difficult contract though I'll be honest it is difficult just solving it even if you get like a 10-minute time I would submit honestly I'm not kidding uh you might get featured and it could be really cool so um is it saso of course no no no no just just s assassin you can use disguises you can use disguises of course but you you have to get five star for your time to count you can't just pop pop pop and leave but I mean do whatever you want it just won't it won't count U how do we submit send a video with your strategy with your with your run to David Red Sox on Discord David Red Sox on Discord um where do I find the info uh I will can I add a command is there a mod here that can help me add a command to this image it's a good idea actually I will send this to Yeti and we'll do command contract comp and I'll put put that in my title twitch dashboard um we also have zinjo back to edit he edited the last video it was [ __ ] cracked we've got people to record I mean I think it's going to be another Banger videos honestly I'm just stoked for it so um if you are a fan of the previous videos uh you should hopefully be excited for this one and if you are a player even an amateur level Hitman player I think you should enjoy giving it a shot um if I win can you buy me a Honda Civic instead if you can find one for a $600 price I won't do it but I will send you the cash value Ludy just pinned the message Ludy sucks which is kind of sad I choose to unpin it after 20 minutes you can do a customized unpin time let's leave that up for a little bit obviously just it's a bad it's a bad it's in poor taste but let's not take it down so immediately um he spelled his own name wrong okay just uh what if I've never played Hitman I mean if you sent a video of your first time playing Hitman trying to figure this contract out that could be funny that could be a funny creat we have a lot of money to throw around I'm fully willing to go above $1,500 too that's just my Baseline so I I'm I'm throwing money get all the prizes if I see anything that's funny you're cool good chance so uh give it a shot throw your hat in the ring get a Time on the board just put your name on the leaderboard we're trying to get again everyone that plays this pushes it up hitman's trending ladder there's like a contract um like if you go to contracts to play contracts there's like a trending Tab and people playing it pushes it up every time we've done one of these in the past we've gotten the number one trending I want to get it again so you just booting the game up and playing it a couple times playing it once helps that happen even that alone and then we get more great players getting times so um what's the deadline Wednesday next Wednesday the 8th at midnight Midnight Pacific anything after that will not count anything that looks too much like someone else's run won't count um just yeah be careful uh I really like the creativity and the originality of the past contracts we're keeping it like that um what difficulty there's no difficulty for contracts it's always professional it's all default um if the time is up are you soble to play it yeah of course you can play it as long as you want for as long as you want but submissions by Wednesday can you mention which Hitman it's Hitman world of assassination uh the most recent one contains Hitman one two and three all in one yes we're going to watch the results so if you're a person who doesn't play Hitman but likes to watch me break down the runs live that's that's Friday next Friday we'll be doing a big stream uh going through all the wins all the runs I'm GNA do the [ __ ] uh worst to best um is it suit only nope you can use you can use disguises not suit only just five star you have to get five stars okay it's all up thanks Yeti contract comp if you want to see the details um exibition weight contract comp and and yeah I'm look forward to see the [ __ ] runs on Friday that's it um can I win a prize if I don't submit anything no no I I'll be honest with you no you can't um will there be a rookie award for the best Rookie Run you can include whatever story you want in your YouTube description when you submit it if you want to tell me hey actually my grandma just died in Her Last Wish was me to me to do this run as a rookie or whatever whatever story you want to include that could factor in maybe into [ __ ] the prizes I give but to be honest just make the Run interesting and uh will records from non-official copies of Hitman count uh nothing modded I mean uh the contract won't exist on non-official copies so there's no way to do it I think um as long as I don't know it's pirated that's fine but I I just don't think it's going to work but maybe you can try I I think pirated games can't get the official contract peacock fine yeah it's fine peacock's fine I mean look as long as it's not cheated as long as 47 is doing something you could be doing that's fine uh but we're looking for good runs creative runs different runs again try something you know uh try even the weirdest starting location because if you get a good time from a weird starting location you'll get money so that's that's that's what it is can I make more than once a mission no no one per person um yeah you have to pick what glitches are allowed NO phase glitch um same as Miami I forgot exactly what my rules were for Miami it's no phase glitch for sure no mud shot no face glitch I think is what it was but I I'm no phase glitch cringe phase glitch is the worst thing to happen in Hit Man phase glitch is the single worst thing ever discovered in Hitman I'm so so glad it's banned uh mud shot I forget if I allowed mud shots for Miami or not uh did I allow it for Miami I have to ask David Red Sox he'll know okay so budot is allowed uh Tran glitch is banned yeah no Tran glitch no phase glitch um phase glitch is so [ __ ] nice it's for [ __ ] it's I don't know I'm not going to insult you just I think face glitch is super lame and it's for people that don't care about making their game fun to watch they don't just don't care about viewers for Hitman they just like to have eight people playing so they can like brag to their times to other eight people uh when you shoot uh a mud shot is where you shoot a door with a pistol to unlock it which is fine is the contract available now yes it's available right [ __ ] now dude pause Christy weler is blind and deaf that means if you shoot a gun near her she doesn't react if you try to throw a coin near her she doesn't react she is blind and deaf a Target that cannot be distracted she's a blind deaf harpus surrounded by guards starting right now now starting right now some of these targets sound so hard no they're hard this is this is easily the hardest contract of the three um and because we're rewarding rewarding every different start I think we're just going to see some some crazy [ __ ] dude I'm stoked I'm stoked to see what people come up with I'm still to see some variety of [ __ ] um is air strike legal it was legal before it's legal again of course I I don't think it works for this one because people are indoors but I could be wrong [Music] um oh oh yeah you know what um the codes is there any way to put it in text form I'll put it in text form in the Discord maybe but anyway you can see it can you explain the banned glitches so Tran glitch is banned because that is a glitch where you tranquilize somebody and as they're passing out you kill them and it doesn't count their their body um can't be discovered like it it looks like it doesn't not to be needs to be soon only it just needs to be Silent Assassin so train glitch basically lets you kill anyone in public anywhere with any method as long as they're Tred um and then the phase glitch is a glitch that by loading a different save and forcing yourself into a wall and then loading again you can walk through every character in the game so nothing affects you you just you just walk through walls it's where you phase up yeah um do I need to stream it or is screen recording chill you can screen record you just got to submit a video a YouTube video ideally an unlisted YouTube video that nobody else can see do not reveal your strategy if you Reveal Your Video ahead of time disqualified you have to send it in so we can reveal it on Friday anything revealed early not only is going to make someone beat your time so it's bad for your prize money but it's also just disqualified you gota you got to send it to David Red Sox or ahead of time no you can't stream running it I mean actually I don't care you can whatever it's fine I guess but unlisted video unlisted YouTube video but if you think you're going to win you don't want to stream but if you're a regular person I don't care if you stream right it's fine you can figure it out you can work on it but if you think you're going to win obviously don't stream it because someone will take your time Beat It by one second and then um what if I'm regular but I get a god run it's fine it's fine it's fine it's not g to happen I think what all I'm worried about is like um I don't know somebody moderately good uh sharing a strategy to eight people who all do the exact same thing uh to try and like I don't know game the system and so I'll just ban them I'll just like cut them all that's that's what I'm worried about that's what I'm worried about um it was my grandfather's dying wish for me to win this challenge I'm not saying I know every good Hitman Runner but I have not heard your name I'm worried about your grandfather's dying wish I'm worried about your grandfather's dying wish um my grandfather has no bad strategies uh holy [ __ ] it was my grandfather's dying wish and that guy's grandfather didn't get his wish oh good so it's a net either way someone's losing I'll just side with ask I know I'm longer easy um all right so anyway that's the update uh pretty [ __ ] cool I'm pretty stoked big shout out to David Red Sox and to coats for making a bunch of contract variations that we went through looked at them all found the the coolest and best one I think this one bangs um I think the strategy going to be fun and I think I'm excited to see what people do um POG now uh without further ado I think I might actually oh let me link this video um in case people want to share it uh [ __ ] dude where did I put it it came from oh shout to the Observer for making the trailer did a dope Job trailer looks great absolutely bangs there's the video um now I think I'm gonna end stream by doing a quick 82h hour papon is anyone do you mind if I I'm just going to start right now and I'm gonna do nothing but the popon for 82 hours we'll wind that down lies of PE I I I could play Liza P the problem is I I've actually been super business pilled lately I've been reading so much [ __ ] I legitimately believe there's a [ __ ] huge crisis brewing in real estate right now um and so I'm trying to like get my facts straight so I could talk about it in a really deep way I I I I've been talking to people that work at [ __ ] Remax and um you know I'm just saying legitimate real t and I I I legitimately believe like there's so much [ __ ] shady [ __ ] and fraud and um panic and layoffs dude if you know a realtor friend check in on them dude the layoffs are crazy right now uh so I I think I'm working on that [ __ ] I I was doing an interview with a guy right before the stream and I was asking a lot of questions and I want to keep doing that so I think I'm actually going to end I wanted to go live because I didn't want to delay this announcement and again s SPF we're going to launch the marketing Monday um do you think it's 2008 all over again I have no idea obviously no one can say but I do know this I do know this um I do know this I do know this my friend pulling up my things here um yeah okay we are seeing incredibly significant sh I should save this um what okay we're seeing some things let's say uh real estate job Cuts already that are higher and faster than they were in 0708 um yeah I'm saving some of this for the video so anyway um so you know a lot of [ __ ] is just not being talked about yet but I think it's goingon to be talked about soon and so I'm talking about it um so ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching uh I'm going to keep working uh I will'll be live tomorrow and I think probably Friday they'll sentence SBF is my guess because they did closing arguments today for both we'll see I'm my guess um so thanks for watching check out the headband contract it should be Beast um and check out should be Beast what am I saying my [ __ ] [ __ ] in Arizona at [ __ ] 16 years old again um check out the uh the contract and then wait for the marketing money Discord sevens thanks for watching I'm going to keep working I've been grinding some of this [ __ ] again I made big progress on these videos um I know that I'm a little spotty I I think I streamed quite a bit even though I thought I was going to take a break uh but I have been making serious progress and I do feel like if you like deeper stuff from me you know like the deeper marketing Mondays you're going to have aage board coming soon more than I've ever been able to do when I worked in Nvidia I think I've made a lot of progress so all right much love peace good night goodbye goodbye let's Rite somebody uh who's live from the community ideally um let's raid anyone is HUD that live or now you know what we're going to raid um we're gonna raid uh zann I hung out with Zayn raid Zayn he's the best player in the world uh Zane knock me he is uh he used to be one of the Ninjas in Ninjago and then he became a top Smash Brothers player in fact the best player in the world and recently just to give you guys an idea of the humor that's going on here um he just lost a side match with a guy named Moi who's on moist uh the moist team and so he had he was forced to tweet that he was retiring hey smash family I'm just tring think the com ition while thrilling has become a marous pressure it's taken its toll on me facing opponents especially those at moi's level has been a real Final Destination challenge moi's play style is a real forward smash to my confidence so it's time I wave dash out of this high stakes Arena anyway very funny he's live right now I think playing Moi so give him some love really good guy hilarious guy good consecrator um honestly the only top speci player is not psycho in all time so give him some love peace bye
foreign foreign hmm Clint wave hello QT I need to empty my pockets I've got pickles pockets and a map to the Huntington Gardens and Altoids recommendation on desserts that use pineapple puree pineapple cakes are really good pineapple cupcakes you could put pineapple puree into frostings uh you can make little danishes with pineapple Perrier you just buy some puff pastry and then put the pineapple puree in the middle you could make meringues and put pineapple puree in the middle um yeah there's a pretty good patreon episode for wine about it up today too I mean the normal episode is up but also the patreon um I went live today because I need to decorate this cake anyway it's for a sponsor um I figured if I was doing it I might as well have you guys watch I'm not necessarily in the mood to be alive so it feels contradictory but here she is Goose man think of the 23. [Music] friend and assistant I got too busy I have two people I need to choose from I'm just too busy right now maybe not even too busy too tired did you see the Mario movie I did it was good I liked it was fun and there's lots of little references that I liked any tips on keeping okay in the fridge for a few days if you can I'd put it in the freezer that'll last much longer oh new podcast episode was good thank you I'm excited for the Barbie movie me too no spoilers well Mario's in it boiler what does an assistant do is it like sponsor management no my assistant right now if I had one would be finding me a plumber for underneath my sink um they'd probably be organizing my pantry um I can't think of what else and birthday for the 15 months doing a lot of little things that I just don't have time how are you gonna decorate your cake um we'll draw it out for you guys QTC jammies QTC spin QTC jammies QTC spin QTC gem is cute DC spin cute DC jammies QTC spin thank you for the subs thank you Jedi Sammy for the 16. it's only two tears [Music] a pretty girlfriend I'm drawing a cake those little things are flowers so we're gonna put cherry blossoms all over except for doing white cherry blossoms so no not cherry blossoms or like spring blossoms it's going to be a green cake with little cherry blossoms on it um the issue is like I said this is for a sponsor and they sent me a cake except they sent me a blue cake and I specifically want it to be green so we're going to turn it green I'm gonna try to paint it with a cocoa food coloring cocoa food coloring is thick and so it usually will sit on top of other food coloring that way I don't have to refrost the whole thing so should be fun show them the blue sticky yeah yeah is that mine no imagine you stole mine yeah that'd be crazy that's why there's Greenies there yeah those are just a snack for myself what flavor is the cake I don't know they sent it to me so I just have to decorate it and I have to record it on my phone while I'm decorating it because it's going to be edited into a sponsored Tick Tock and then when the tick tock comes out I need all of you to be like wow cool what if we don't have tick [ __ ] honestly stay that way have you picked out your heirs to our outfit I have not we also do a tick tock dance no [Music] why is no one concerned Meg you must be new here nothing I say is not dripping in sarcasm Master Shake clean for the four months as an OG fan are you sad about TSM and CLG pulling out a league dude can't be a fan of TSM anymore I've already grieved I've already grieved that loss noted Nuance leaving the prime how am I feeling tired just tired so so tired no matter how much sleep I get I'm just so tired I can't I can't fix it but anyway if you like that I love the wine about episode thank you if you find your clothes no have you ever done a sleep study maybe I should sucks that Snoop left phase does it suck does phase represent something that you wish a famous person was a part of a new guy thank you for 13 months snip was in Phase yeah I was on like the board of directors or something new phone rabbit Panda thank you for the 46. my sleep study revealed obstructive sleep apnea uh maybe I should do a sleep study does hiking help with energy no I'm just so tired you can do them at home too now what how Nick thank you for the sub ject foreign was the same turns out only getting four hours of sleep if he slept at all sleep apnea really how do you do a sleep study don't you have to go into a building and then you like sleep there and they watch you lizotron thank you for five months dude I would never sleep you can do them from home now I think mammothy for the 20. [Music] huh maybe I'll have to do that [Music] look thank you for the three months how do you get that you just go to a normal doctor and ask for one or what [Music] orgasmic cookies thank you for the seven talk to your primary care doctor what if I don't have one I need to find one first I need to find a primary care doctor dude well the thing is I moved to California during covid no one had a primary care doctor during covid you did okay well you're Wicked yeah everyone recommends Kaiser in in California po has L why not thank you for the year go on your insurance website they have a list of doctors in your network no one tell her guys I don't have insurance streamers don't have insurance you probably can't find one streamer that has insurance you can still pay for private insurance I know but it's really confusing guys I've tried xqc shortly as insurance xqc does not have insurance no shot use Covered California I can't because I'm not legally a California resident oh [Music] what I'm from Washington you live in California resident no because my driver's license is still Washington and I don't want to get a California driver's license because then I have to admit that I live in California and that's cringe because California sucks Rudy thank you for the sub you don't file taxes in California this year I'm filing taxes in California oh no no I do file taxes in California the past two years I've had to file in California everyone thinks I'm from Utah guys I'm from Washington do you vote in Washington yes you know I do to prove your resident if you can file taxes in California your ID shouldn't matter okay well actual voter fraud no it's not I have a home in Washington I should be able to vote on things that concern my home Jackson thank you for the prime I have a house there that I've purchased I pay property tax there that is where I would rather put my voting into action where my home and uh uh permanent residence is where that's where I consider it you're a lost woman I don't think I am um Insurance on in Washington then well I can't find an insurance that lets you use it in different states we're going to move back hopefully someday [Music] you don't have to live there at a six plus months of the year you do in order to file taxes there that's why I have to do taxes in California foreign [Music] you can buy Kaiser health insurance through Washington State oh really anyway it's confusing [Music] all figured out and I will do a sleep study because maybe I'm not sleeping at night because I feel like I'm sleeping for so long but I'm still so tired less than three thank you for the 14 months [Music] do you have any idea who the patreon clip leader clip leaker is glitch I heard it was you [Music] oh no [Music] all right I'm gonna go get my stuff all right chat get our stuff unpacked shall we oh my fridge is stinky why is my fridge stinky whoopsy thank you for the sub [Music] hey Chad and cutie thanks for the past six months it's been a blast typers hypers Swift swiffers nobody really ah there's my baby hi I'm in the kitchen if you want to hang out I'm in the kitchen if you want to hang out with me you want to hang out in here do you want this can you say hi to everyone first one whole year QTC jammies whoa whoa whoa whoa relax whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa they slide down slide down Glide hive hi hi tell them tell them what you think tell them what you think tell them what you think man tell them you went down okay we're going down we're going down he is doing much better he can walk he's still slippering a lot but he's walking he's walking hondurasy what are you doing what do you need do you want your eyes cleaned do you want your eye boogers cleaned that's the thing about Persian cats you got to clean their freaking eyes all the time and durs hates it come here I will give you a treat there's if you let me clean your eyes let me wash my hands whenever I'm in the kitchen they all they all flock here come here there's oh my goodness you're out of food I'll give you Jersey I will give you food if you let me clean your eyes okay thank you thank you for that raid whoa you guys are like octopuses or are you spiders thank you for the right I appreciate it hello are you guys spiders are octopuses they are funky spiders Wicked well welcome welcome over I'm about to clean out my cat's eye boogies and then give him food and he's gonna be really mad and then he's going to be really happy that's how I do it I get a wet cloth and I fold it into a little square and then I pick him up and he gets really mad at me and then I say come here come here come here let me see [Music] I swear I'm not choking him I'm just holding it it looks like I'm choking him out I'm just I'm just lightly holding his head forward come here [Music] come here Deco feels so good we gotta scrub it you guys scrub it huh look at all those eye boogies out yucky you're a new kitty you're a new kitty you oh there's one on my finger good job Jersey do you want food do you want food for that Bobby why you get off the table I was gonna give you food up here I'm Gonna Give You food right up here bub Ba OH you 've already eaten through a whole box okay let me go get another one goodness buddy okay this cat goes through more food than any cat should you want some Daisy you want these during weight no not at all actually mm-hmm yummy here's some cat eating ASMR my recipe for the boys what let me mute the music wait where's my mouse no we're missing out on good ASMR he eats kind of loud no more cat ASMR you're okay buddy all right that's so good there's this so yummy you're a funny kitty you know that did you know that did you know that you're so funny all right no that was that's a Swift on the fancy food and it was much cheaper than that actually they sent me more than it just was sent in waves I don't know why Swift oh my God you guys Coots loves the ramen shop let me show you it's just too cute not to share with you foreign are you working cat are you having a good shift UCP you can see if you want I don't need anything right now okay you closing she loves it she loves a Ramen Shop hey what are you doing [Music] [Music] [Music] you have gravy all of your face there's you see the chunks of gravy on his whiskers and on his chest oh are you done are you going to save that for later you can save the rest of that for later all right Swift [Music] Sufi [Music] hey why are we yelling that's crazy hi what doing [Music] [Music] all right all right we're going to start with um the green I this is I'm this is I'm testing this by the way I'm pretty sure that I can do this but we're gonna see it might not work hi swiffers you can hang out with us all right so I'm getting my cocoa butter the cocoa butter food coloring because that's the only food coloring that this would work with and we're gonna find the color I want which is like that sage green that I think I use all the time so I'm nervous I don't have enough Eduardo's thinking of the two months why not scrape off the blue frosting it'll arguably take the same amount of time and there's less waste so less waste is good for me I broke the freaking handle to this and yeah all right this Sage I should have enough in there Sage or it's mint I don't think I want mint eucalyptus so either Sage or eucalyptus whichever one I have more of is something my eye oh ow I also can't tell if I have to pee or if I'm just doing the P dance because I have something in my eye I think I'm doing it just because there's something in my eye all right Emerald one of these I swear I have two bottles of that's why I'm saying whichever one I have more of course I thought I had an extra bottle of sage and or a eucalyptus I don't know which one we haven't had a purple though and if I had an assistant I would have them order another this is a very expensive cocoa butter food coloring I don't really recommend it unless you're like a serious caker because number one's expensive number two it's kind of finicky to work with oh I do have two eucalyptus but I kind of want to do Sage anyway I think I might do Sage it's really messy how many are there um like 50 I think there's he's helping Daisy Coots is working if you need to order any soju I don't think that tooth should have a liquor license but why it'll be 19th serve liquor but it's our dream I'm not stopping her if you want to be a bad dad you can stop her ow what are you doing shouldn't you be hanging out with Doug Doug I said I liked it yeah my review was I liked it what's Doug doing you just ditched him you ditched Doug Doug why is this exploded why I do like the street for 45 minutes so they're mad this shot is arranging they're saying he's delayed already mad well when you guys go over there in five minutes when he starts just leave a tab open for me okay you got it thanks guys this is Ludwig's jacket no this is my jacket I think he's worn it before though cuties never late LOL you don't watch me there's so much more obvious when you're late oh what I ran into your face I kicked the I kicked the [ __ ] out of him chat you what oh you're chugging a protein shake wait vanilla are mine he ate one of mine and Andre I think of the five gifted do pre-trans get their weekly Taylor Swift song explanation this week yeah it's out uh tomorrow I have to record it today actually I'm gonna make a protein shake later with banana in it yum what song We're Going chronological so we're starting with Tim McGraw baby actually if we were starting with con uh chronological we'd start with like lucky you too no when you think Tim McGraw I hope you think of me cozy cat with those Georgia Stars the same at night said that's a lie the boy in a Chevy truck who had a tendency of getting stuck on back roads at night where are you going I'm singing you loved it one of these guys it was actually so funny I was watching this thing that was like I was like Taylor Swift got made fun of at our high school and like super bullied as a kid and then this guy was like yeah [ __ ] was from Pennsylvania and Austin had a country accent I would make fun of her too you're in high school and all of a sudden like freaking Samantha starts talking in an accent and seeing songs you'd be like yeah well she's from Pennsylvania moved to Tennessee for her music career love you but I thought I thought that was like actually funny and a pretty good point like yeah you would probably make fun of someone at high school if all of a sudden they started talking an accent white people version of code switching yeah is someone from PA people just have accents it makes no damn sense that's funny do you prefer a baked cheesecake or no bake um you know what's funny my mother used to always do baked cheesecake but my grandma always did no bake also my sister is gonna be in oh oh drama alert oh did you get caught harassing the local local shop keep huh do you get caught nurse I saw that you booped the shopkick keep in the head I have a speech impediment I saw it there's where you going you fleeing the scene of the crime Swift what are you gonna do about that what do you what you couldn't do did you see that you're my only witness what did you see Swift what did you see tell me [Music] good good boy good boy do you need some Soju do you want to get some you need any Ramen come on come here come on come order come here baby you gotta get in line don't be nervous it's waiting for you don't be nervous don't be nervous come on can you find something okay watch this no yeah you want one of these well you got to get it from your local shopkeep you go there you go it's right there if you want it go get it get your treat it's right there it's right there go get it it's good to Snuff in it here it is go get it baby go get it it's right there see who's looking at Coots that's not yours but that's a dog treat coats don't Coots don't knock it over oh God there's is here for drama you treat stop crying are you crying go get it it's go right there baby come here your tree is over here strippers come here I'll go with you you want to go together come on this side where are you come on come here you can go get it they go get it do you see it come on no see whoever's you can get it from the cat you can't get it from okay we're gonna go together you wanna go together okay let's go come on you and me let's go buddy let's go come here do you see it come on sorry come in come on it's your face come on you're okay they go can get from Coots can get it it's yours you are so good but it's yours you can have it come on come on come here okay you're so close do you see it did you see it there you go that's yours no you can have it you got that's not the kitties it's yours do you want it come on you can get it you gotta get from the shop come on buddy so cute he's so cute come on Jefferson come on you can come come on I know do you see it baby baby tickle dick okay what if I give it to you like okay excuse me because I'm I have to work there you go I did it huge foreign Coots get better at your job your customers are complaining Goods your customers are complaining you got bad customer service yeah good good meanwhile where did Doris go there's sitting over here like a western villain trying to take over the local spot yeah who's just on smoke break all right sorry you're teaching them to break territory boundaries that's not a good thing at all oh my God you're so cringe bro they're the least they half the time Coots and Swift both eat Swift's wet food together they're fine and your cringe you're just cringe I don't tell you so annoying I hate people yeah if Swift needs to learn anything it is to break break ground juice he's the Shy's little baby in the world okay okay where's my pudding thank you for the five minutes anyways okay I'm gonna go get the cake we're gonna try painting it I don't I don't know if I have enough food coloring but we did actually paint the whole Spyro with the purple so I bet I have enough with the one Sage but we're trying to get this guy um green I've got to clear my background for The Tick Tock or I just need to push this out more and angle this this way but then I still need to clear that if it's crooked this is not my cake I did not make this cake that's why it's leaning but I am decorating this cake but it is leaning which is concerning all right wouldn't I do that blue cake the sponsor scented over um I'm just decorating it but I want it to be green so that's why we're painting it green um which is weird because I also added glitter and I'm just like a little confused as to why they did that is it leaning on camera or IRL um it's leaning IRL it's very leaned it's very crooked but this is not my cake so that's why it's crooked my cakes would never lean just saying just being honest here all right moving the bananas because they look gross in the background moving the cat treats because they are cat treats [Music] all right looks better okay moving the face wash the lemons I mean actually I'm not going to film any of this part for the tick tock because it's just painting but all right here we go so I have the hiccups we're going to paint this foreign this green and then we're going to decorate it okay but I want it green don't ask me why okay got the sage is it too lean is it driving you guys crazy it is so leaning but I'm not fixing it so but this cake stand is super leaning so I think it looks more leaning but if it gets annoying I'll switch the cake stand I just like using this cake stand what kind of paint to use so this is color Mill this is a food coloring that is made with um it's oil based it has like cocoa cocoa butter in it I believe um so it keeps it it's different you can you can um the camera's also not straight oh yeah the camera is crooked yeah that's fine I'm not decorating yet when I decorate it it'll probably get annoying so um anyway it stays on top and so you can paint with it onto Cakes as long as they're cold um so see if this works Flawless and it's pretty good coverage see that how cool huh [Music] [Music] just in case I don't have enough food coloring I'm gonna just paint half the cake first this is a frozen cake that's why I can paint it but reminder this is edible this is cocoa butter and food coloring this isn't like acrylic paint I think a lot of people get confused sometimes when they see me painting I think I'm using acrylic or are you putting paint on a cake okay yeah it's fine it's fine I don't think I have enough food coloring I'm already getting nervous cutie have you thought about playing the Jurassic Park Park Creator on stream no is it fun oh Jersey are you helping me this was my chair but it's cute that you're on it I guess he baked or am I baked and that cake looks amazing I don't know if you're baked are you baked this is such a pretty color it's not really picking up the same on the phone it is a really pretty color cake pretty I just hope everything to cover the whole thing I don't know if I do and if I don't I'm gonna Panic any primers my check thank you Gilly for the four months okay [ __ ] so that was I used a lot of the bottle do I have to run to the store we know we might not be able to do this today because I might have to order more let's see hi you guys hear that squeaking telling me that it's empty this is like all I have to try to get it covered all right we're gonna try to spread it out as thin as we can get it while still covering it okay I'm doing better because I'm kind of thinning out thinning it out a little more yeah because the Cake's getting a little more wet because it's condensating so it's a little more thin wait I got a lot of coverage with that foreign all right one more dip I've dipped in I've dipped in okay all right okay okay like okay actually it will be fine because look the cake is has like way more condensation now so it's like thinning out now we're getting now we're Gliding Over this [ __ ] we should be fine okay all right so we've got one section two section hypothetically that takes three dips load of paint and I think we've got like five oh maybe I'm um a filthy liar maybe it's going to take more than that okay okay okay oh baby this is working foreign [Music] yes okay A little thin spots it's gonna cover those foreign foreign what do you guys think is she green now she's gonna look a little splotchy but that's okay I kind of like it because then it looks like it's like made of ceramic for some reason I like like the dark shadows and stuff and that just comes from like the blue underneath as well as it being cold but we might have to do it a few times because what's going to happen is it's going to start um getting to um room temperature and the condensation might cause some of the the food coloring to kind of come off or like separate and so it'll just take a little bit for this to get to where we want it but we're gonna just let it hang out by itself for a little bit while it sweats because it's gonna sweat [Music] it's gonna sweat so don't be alarmed if some of the blue starts peeking out again very normal two years thanks for all you do thank you thank you for the two years microbot and Rapid Robbie think of the 11. foreign QTC jammies okay so we're going to cover this in Spring blossoms right I'm gonna have to start recording now that this is green I just didn't want the tick tock to see that it wasn't originally green okay all right I'm going to change the angle so it's more tick-tock-like um I want it that looks more tick-tocky huh [Music] okay cord [Music] so the tick tock's like starting with a green cake I was making a cake for the sponsor here's how it started blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah great okay I just have to make sure it's the recording slanting a bit yeah that's not me I find okay um yeah maybe I'll make it I might put it on a flat so it'll just look better but let me make sure it's recording um four or five yep it looks like it's recording I am going to put it on a a flat one looks like a standard phone camera view yeah but that's what tick tocks look like so you know let me stop recording make sure this went through to my computer yep it did okay great I'm gonna put it on a normal cake stand because I feel like that one is just so it looks so topsy-turvy this might this will help it look less um tilted is this supposedly under it's not my cake it's a cake that I was given that is crooked so normally my cakes are not crooked but that already looks less leaning right all right recording popped up okay this is the start of the tick tock it's like oh it's starting to drip can you see that in the camera oh you can freak let me clean it up a bit and then essentially editor of The Tick Tock just wait until it looks good and then we'll do this it's gonna drip quite a bit because it's a frozen cake coming to room temperature so it's going to be drippy drippy drippy but I don't want it to look like that in the initial tick tock and this is the only part where I like the plain cake shows in the initial tick tock so you just gotta make it look really really clean and then it won't matter in a little bit so it's all drippy looking because the drippiness will go away as the cake comes to room temperature are you okay nurse what the heck don't make noises like this oh boy this food coloring is flying everywhere I need to okay Tick Tock editor this is where you're going to start it at green cake what have she been doing for the last hour since the Cake's not ready yet oh you seem like a delightful person mods go ahead and ban that person that was a joke you seem like you're annoying what has she even been doing for an hour if the Cake's not ready God there's green everywhere it's a little too spicy with it I'm nervous I frosted this too um wet that was going to cause me problems but fingers crossed it doesn't I've done it before and it was fine but I don't know if I did it when it was this Frozen so you know we're out here just guessing I'm pretty sure it's going to keep dripping like that for quite some time until it just dries but I'm just gonna sit it over here it's gonna be in the background because I think that'll look nice for the tick tock okay so now we're gonna make a million cherry blossoms we're not Cherry sorry spring blossoms I keep saying Cherry but they're definitely spring blossoms and how you do that is we get parchment paper I keep forgetting not to or to keep the whatever I'm doing in the frame of the phone pop cozy screen oh I should probably move this I don't want this in the background of the Tiki ducky I don't want it to look like I painted the cake because that'll confuse people on Tick Tock because they won't know the context is a tick tock part of the sponsor yeah that's the only thing that the sponsor is and so I could have just done this off stream but I decided to do it on stream I Surrender applicable no yeah so I'm just getting this um clean edges because I'm going to make a bunch of little squares this is what I'm doing and then you you pipe your flowers with frosting onto the squares and then freeze them because the cake for us actually is the sponsor I can't say hi durs God damn it stay no it's too thick all right this is what we need we just need these little squares the stream is a famous cake decorator I don't think that would do well on Twitch seeing as though twitch doesn't care about normal celebrities at all you guys only care about Gordon Ramsay just some kid thing for eight months okay all right those are all my squares I feel like this is a tick tock shot totally worth it what do the squares do you'll see this cake to come to a temperature quicker it's stressing me out a little bit the condensation on it is stressing me out come to room temp please cake please all right now how much frosting do I want for this I'm gonna have some Bowl we're gonna we're gonna make these off-white because if they are this white they're going to be like so bright so we're gonna come in here I'm gonna find taupe here at Ivory nude no it's too Peach well they're just do you know the design yet or the it's essentially just going to be covered in blossoms and then I'll put the sponsor's assets on it afterwards but I'm just getting this all done but this taupe it looks really gross when I do this um but just imagine it's not covered in maybe I clean it up so it looks better cutie have you been to Club 33 um no laughs there we go like that taupe I just want it to be a little off-white I might have to add a little bit of brown but we'll see okay durs thank you for stealing my seat that was really cool of you okay an ideal next Master Baker is no I need to hire an assistant and then I can do it I need to be in the right head space I'm not really in a good headspace at the moment I'm gonna have to find a sponsor for it all right okay okay I don't know if taupe is even the right color I want for this I just want like a little bit of a beige the beige is that the Magnolia KitchenAid it is move the paper towel no I hate people that just come in and demand things it's so weird all right it's a little better it's a little more off-white but I want more so we're just gonna throw in a little bit more this is frosting not Mayo get your jokes in about the sound foreign sometimes when you can't tell especially when you're mixing whites the best thing to do is grab a spoonful and compare it to what it was to know that you made a difference again I know you I don't know if the camera picks it up but this one's just slightly darker than this one I kind of want to add Cafe to it a little bit I have a cafe one I believe I don't want nude I specifically want it's latte I think all right orange white ocean Olive burgundy teal Tiffany rust lilac yellow ocean no I have latte latte I found it hold it up for tick tock I don't know it doesn't look excitedly pleasing I actually should have done latte from the beginning I think but that's okay I like our jean jacket 10 out of 10. thanks Catherine and chat got it for me all right this is way better it's like a nice like it's actually a really pretty color it's like a nice like light plaster beige color I really like it especially let me hold it up next to the screen oh it's so pretty yeah I love that okay so now we're gonna pipe our blossoms with this [Music] um oh this color is so pretty happy with it okay yes Tick Tock I hold this up right that's what a tick tock does I say look at this foreign coloring a cake I made and the cake just kind of consumed the food coloring entirely um did you use gel at the time all right you have to add quite a bit of food coloring for cakes to pick it up it's actually kind of annoying oh chat where are my piping tips I couldn't find them the other day [ __ ] where are they oh I took them to LCS and what should I do I do it I haven't used them since fingers crossed potentially a husband sitting in here [Music] foreign I've got a big one let me see if I recently brought in all my stuff from LCS oh did I bring in my stuff from LCS I don't know if I did uh you don't look like my stuff from LCS did I lose all my tips really yeah this should be my stuff from LCS but it's not any of them piping tips [ __ ] um there and review the piping tapes come here sorry Chad this is gonna be drama if I can't find this um [ __ ] this is drama [ __ ] I think this is actually an issue hey QT I just wanted to say I think her really funny and you really inspire me so thank you for doing what you do wow thank you that's very kind message okay chat when was the last time you saw my piping tips [Music] they might be in my car but Taylor cleared out my car before the streamer Awards boy this is not good oh boy all right chat we just simply have to find them I might be able to do something with this but it's not ideal worst case if we don't find them I have this then I think I can do something with why did I do that why did I take all my tips and put them in the car um okay I'm gonna look in the garage but worst case that's what we have didn't use them for the DND cake no because I just used fondant for the DND cake um all right I'm gonna go outside I have three cases of wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait cutie you have your backup tips that you never use because they're garbage um oh I found the garbage ones okay we did have garbage bad tips but I don't see a petal tip and that's all right well this one kind of helps not really all right I'm gonna go look in the garage okay I'm gonna look in the garage wait I use them for the Valentine's Day cookies I was on LCS after Valentine's Day wasn't I when I did the cake with golden glue no golden glue what the heck that's not his name golden Guardians um okay [Music] let me um hey chat the audio might get crackly because I'm gonna look in the garage for these oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay um foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign how bad was that audio it's fine oh yeah all right Wicked um put these back here all right let me pee really quick ly now I need to pee I'll be back foreign QTC jammies QTC smoke QTC smoke foreign okay well I don't need these shitty ones let me find the one I was looking for this what's your 104. do I want a 104 do I want 103 what are you no three I think I'll do a mix of both Best of Both Worlds okay all right Swift it's okay buddy cake room temp yet no it is sweating like a like a mother trucker okay a bubble gum candle I've never heard of a bubblegum candle I'm gonna start with the medium ones all right this tip tick tock [Applause] all right damn's thank you for the 25 months hey cutie just watch the newest win about it your segment talking about the whole thing that happened was really insightful you and Maya are great thank you we're pretty okay I would say that we're all right [Music] all right okay Jersey do you want me to get you a chair because I'm going to be here for a little bit [Music] her Jersey love your jacket QT thank you go through and do this one more time oh she's still sweating up a storm oh boy that's not looking good chat [Music] [ __ ] I actually don't know if this is gonna work I think I might have applied it when it was too sweaty it's too wet I needed to wait for it to come to room temperature happy cozy cake decorating it's just cold not frozen I might have [ __ ] us all I can really do is just wait for it to warm up see what happens [Music] because it has like a massive puddle now at the bottom oh boy hmm damn it this might have been the worst idea I've ever had I've done this before though I did it on shroud's birthday cake I just needed to do it while I did it on Ludwig's too I just needed the cake to be warm or just cold and not frozen I'm so silly this was such a silly mistake that I might not be able to save but all I can do is wait and see pretty much I hate that hate waiting and seeing hate to wait and see all right well keep warming up I suppose cake freeze it for a few minutes no no no no that's the opposite I want I want it to be warm it's sweating like a [ __ ] I need it to be warm hi Jersey you had helped me those is here to help me are you gonna help hmm my lab is comfy however I didn't really necessarily want you on it but I guess it's too late for that huh oh you're moving okay all right let me adjust this two down here all right what secret song do you want Taylor to play at your concert um ours but I think she's already played that thank you Broden yay these are cake nails this is how you make flowers [Music] I might take my jacket off for this because I don't want my um sleeves to [ __ ] it am I just yelling all right thank you [Music] so much foreign [Music] all right so these are just blossoms blossoms are super super easy everybody all you do to make a blossom is oh it's been a while um let me try to remember real quick oh it's definitely a small side down you just make little pedal little petal little petal topato petal just a little blossom [Music] that one's a little scuffed but he was my first boy of the day so it's gonna take a second to get warmed up let me try the piping tip the other way definitely I did it wrong um I'll deal with you later all right so okay little petal little petal the topato button very simple little boy [Music] that thing's necessary just make it easier oh they just make it easier definitely not necessary do you see a bird outside what do you see you yelling hello hello cutie your content brightens up my day thank you for being my comfort streamer QTC heart these are looking a little thicker than I like them I have to figure out why exactly that's happening I don't maybe I'm not using the right tip backwards hmm one second I might have to look this one up I don't like them can you arose I can actually do a rose way easier than these that's how you do a rose you want to see a rose chat roses are easy roses you make a little Mound right in the middle I'm gonna make it double the size because we want it thick on it tall Rose so I'm gonna go like this okay I'm gonna wipe off my tip okay um foreign wrapping this there's your bud you're just gonna go more QTC jammies QTC heart qtc7 penny they can make it as big or as little as you want there's what are you doing behind me hello excuse me there's excuse me do you think this is a good spot for you okay one second I gotta start a new one of these I need to double check I'm using the right tip my therapist texted me guys what do you think she said I don't want to read it doctor all right one second let me check my piping tip it feels a little thick so that's why I'm looking it up um Wilton I'm using the right tip 104 okay then what am I doing wrong second one second everybody one second same everything with the prime wait no it is the fatter side down isn't it it's like I'm [ __ ] it up ma'am upside down sorry Chad sometimes I'm I'm a little out of practice I have to double check stuff sometimes shoot the fatter side down ma'am um this one uses 102. okay let me just practice for a second I'm just a little out of practice sorry everybody One Second One Second One Second One Second it might be because my bag's too full too I think that could be it what is happening it's definitely not fat side down it's definitely big side up um yeah but I've done them I've done them with buttercream before that happens I preferred using Swiss meringue but and you can you can make one but they're just gonna be thicker but I think I think more of it is coming from my bag being too full and my angle being incorrect it's just been a while since I've done it I haven't made these in probably six years so it just takes a second for your muscle memory to kick in is all right here we go okay so it should be outside up one second it's still not looking right it's fine I just don't look right foreign sorry guys thick side down I don't know if that's right but I can't even find an example a good one piped show me I'm a cake decorator [ __ ] so am I give me a second [Music] oh God this drive me crazy sorry guys I'm genuinely gonna figure it out I don't know why this is giving me such a struggle I used to make these all the time I'm just not liking how they're looking is that like a store closed [Music] I'm sure oh [Music] oh I can't figure this out so out of practice okay sorry okay he's just loud today all right hmm this looks so bad what is going on with me I don't like one flower that I've made so far one second guys sorry I'm sorry everybody I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm struggling today this is really [ __ ] boring I'm sorry oh um okay keep this flat I go up 45 degrees [Music] why is I keep doing this I keep getting really close but just like not all the way there and I can't really figure out why let me just get it down and then I can um um put the camera back on okay this one's fine it's like I'm not ending them correctly that's what's bothering me they look obscure but I also could be staring at them for too long all right say the like the new wine about episode awesome happy you liked it all right I need to keep this more flat is my problem there we go better better better oh got it got it it's back okay she's back baby all right I've got it got it got it got it sorry it just took a second it's like riding a bike except for sometimes you forget how to ride a bike I guess all right I was just doing wrong angles that's all about it's all about your angles some of these are still usable so I won't redo all of them because honestly I've made them all perfect we would be here all day so some of these even though they're kind of funky they're still usable um so I will keep some of these but then all right you get the phone camera back up okay all right why isn't it going on the TV for you guys there we go durs is dirty you're not helping you comfy you're all smushed buddy don't fart on doors okay whatever all right here we go I think I might have to do the camera over here because this is where I'm getting the most luck doing it so you can see all this [ __ ] on my lap oh God there's just gonna get mad there's I was trying to get I feel like you can see my fat rolls and it's making me self-conscious okay that should be fine all right Anton thank you okay ready [ __ ] I [ __ ] it uh I'm doing the wrong angle again no okay it's still usable in the background somewhere but I just [ __ ] the angle again can you raise the phone camera it's blurry One Second One Second One Second One Second One Second One Second all right here we go I need to be more flat that's when I got it is when I was going flat this is 45 but this is also flat thank you [Music] that's fine it's not perfect but it's fine [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] you're garbage damn it I got it once and now I can't get it again I forgot what I was doing I forgot how I did it ah I'm so annoyed there we go that was the right consistency Jersey please stop [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] dang it is it our fault yeah now that you guys are looking this is the one I did off camera she's perfect she's a perfect girly is it even focusing for you guys move it away why why is that happening hola focus on the Piping Bag I want to focus on the freaking flower can you see it okay it's blurry still bro what um tilted I might just end do this off stream is it working foreign [Music] that's what it's supposed to look like I've successfully made one and then some weird mutant ones all right here we go all right come here nope that's backwards better it's fine it's not perfect this goes fine all right we go again we go again we try again can you see is that is this camera angle where my hands are when I start doing it I'm not looking it's off center ah I'm so annoyed [Music] [Music] foreign hello mamba you freeze them take them off yeah you freeze them and then they're super easy to work with you can plop them on wherever you want can you shift the cam I will they don't melt since the cake is warm the cake will be like room temperature hopefully by the time I put them on currently the cake is frozen and dripping everywhere which is not cool but that's fine all right [Music] um let me see I don't know how where this should be for you guys to see what I'm doing but I don't like you looking at my tummy and so this is stressful for me it's not bad is this fine like camera angle-wise I might get an apron so my tummy is covered but if I get an apron then there's just gonna move all right sorry DARS you're gonna be pissed at me Jersey I have to get up oh he's so cozy Chargers I gotta get up buddy sorry I gotta get up I'm sorry I'm sorry I know I got you I gotta get up though oh [ __ ] the mic oh how did you get tangled in the mic cord [Music] laughs what how'd you do that what don't eat that don't eat that don't need that hey don't get I don't know how you got in that hey monster all right [Music] okay excuse me you want to get mushed again I'll mush you if that's what you want do you want to be mushed no that's Micah thank you for the sun oh [ __ ] I never started a cool recording again um okay well cozy plus cake decorating equals quality QT content I hold this up hold this up and then we just go for it okay so I need to be 45 degrees about oh is that focusing for you guys or no it's fun it doesn't autofocus well I don't know how to fix that all right this one is a flop [Music] okay that was a little dramatic all right [Music] I need like literally 50 of these so it's gonna take me forever if I can't get this down which is crazy because I used to whip these bad boys out like nobody's business I can't believe I lost the muscle memory of it this is literally my like it used to be my go-to like way to cover cakes and flowers this in roses I would just do 100 of these and then 100 of 100 roses and now I can't do it and it's kind of frustrating I hate when you're out of practice no he's no [Music] flop [Music] [Music] okay 45 degrees [Music] [Music] oh this guy's kind of wonky but he can be in the background somewhere [Music] foreign [Music] this one's almost good [Music] [Music] [Music] this one's gonna be a flop I can already tell yeah that guy's a flop uh he's useful in the background never mind this music's so loud [Music] Ludwig and I started watching the glory on Netflix it's a k-drama it's the first time I've ever watched a kdrama it's so good this is also ugly but can be in the background somewhere all right ignore my sunburn you guys just saw on the close-up camera [Music] [Music] all right little woman is good too really it's on Netflix [Music] foreign yeah okay maybe that'll be our next one okay dramas aren't my thing I've never found any that are my type they were never my thing either but the glory is really good genuinely if you're not into K dramas genuinely give it a mix or give it a chance but you have to give it two episodes promise SpongeBob k-drama um I don't think so [Music] tiger thing for 13 months Jersey baby you can't sit on me then next to me is me is colon closing parenthesis I've seen the love is blonde a little bit foreign placement is kind of hard on the last petal see the last petal of the first petal that I keep looking [ __ ] how many petals do you need for the cake I want a lot so I'd rather have too many than run out and then be like mad so I'm gonna I'm gonna make quite a few I'm gonna do some different sizes too foreign will there be different colored petals nope they're all going to be white and then I'm gonna go in with some petal dust and yellow for the middle all right back to this okay I'll see enough out of here sounds okay not the best not the worst foreign [Music] is your mixer matte green yes it was too high on that one foreign I don't really like that one I'm going too high I need to go more flat I need to be more flat okay going to do one more this bag just kidding that guy's a flop okay my bag is like empty so I need more I was just trying to use my last nail he could not hang all right how many flowers are you doing I need quite a few a lot a lot a lot there is a supervisor yeah he's a good supervisor um foreign making I'm just decorating a cake and so I'm making a lot of little buttercream flowers some of them are better than other ones but that's okay because together they'll look good feels like a slumber party that's nice oh there's baby if they could all just look like if all of them could look like this one I would be happy sadly they do not all right that doesn't even look like a flower that one just needs to be redone all right how long do they need to rest for well I just want them all done at the same time so once they're all done I'll put this whole tray into the freezer and we'll we won't put them on the cake until they're frozen which is funny because we need these to freeze but I need my cake to thaw [Music] got ourselves a bit of a dilemma here um okay but I'm gonna swap out and make some smaller ones now what is your favorite cake design you've done um it was for a wedding it was a design I created it's hard with cakes sometimes to come up with ideas of your own let's store everything currently sitting in a box on top of cabinets I have a cabinet just for cake stuff can you show us a piping tip uh yeah it's a Wilton 30103 is what I just put on and we've got an update there's this now on the lap which is not helpful as you guys can imagine but at least he's happy we might get some frosting dropped on him but at least he's happy Jersey don't look at me like that there's you can't bother the Piping Bag if you were sitting on my lap or agreeing to the claws of letting the Piping Bag exist without bothering it all right you leaving okay all right here we go ah not flat enough cutie flat okay not bad not bad it's just little baby one foreign don't love it don't hate it I need to go flatter I keep [ __ ] up okay 45 degrees but kind of flat dude literally every time I get the muscle memory for it is when I stop doing them he's like it's right when I oh it looks pretty bad so I need to be more flat because my first petal keeps looking stupid because it's not flat or my first petal is flat when I accidentally keep picking it up cat hair God damn it all right I'm just gonna throw them away okay okay here we go all right 45 degree angle a flat that's fine it's not perfect it's fine it's fine see my first petal keeps looking wonky he's like smaller than the rest of them I don't like that that one's pretty good hello oh [ __ ] hmm it's fine it's fine not the best not the best not the best not the worst not the best laughs he looks into the three what kind of cake are we making just one covered in flowers foreign cakes there's lemonade limited to white girls freaking Cake Boss is gonna be pissed about that thank you for me have fun with the episode there's a bonus episode on patreon this week and I think it's pretty funny I do say so myself Snips they do the prime all right here we go okay all right 45 degrees but kind of flat 35 degrees but kind of flat 45 degrees kind of flat they just look so wonky he understood thank you for the two years 45 degrees kind of flat see it's always that that little my fifth petal always looks so weird all by himself ugh thank you sexiest man in the world it's a nice compliment thank you so much thank you flowers are also wonky yeah I guess but I'm just sad because I used to be really good at this I know I feel like kind of subparated that's it bad feeling keep your tip down I'm trying flowers are all about your angles of literally everything from your bag to your tip to your nail okay I know your nail is supposed to be flat I know I'm supposed to be at a 45. it's okay it's okay I'm gorby think of the six some of these I do six petals just because I failed so freaking Petals man all right Fahrenheit thing for the 31 months okay I think I can fit a few more on here we'll see and then I'm gonna try to paint the cake again and see if it's any more thawed how long have I been alive how long has the cake been out might not be thought for like six six sadly we'll see 2.5 hours these edible paints uh yeah this food coloring foreign okay okay oh my God first you thought there are cauliflowers I mean you could make them out of plaster doing the same exact thing okay 45 kind of flat though no I don't like this one one bit but we're gonna put them on okay foreign either go in the oven or something no they're gonna go They're Gonna Be Frozen and then I'm gonna put them on the cake all right damn it [Music] this guy can be hidden in the back somewhere okay flatter keep it 45 degrees there you go that's perfect [Music] [Music] that's good so I just gotta get it flat flutter 45 degrees ready okay not the best not the worst okay 45 degrees flat head up pedal handle pedal not bad okay okay handle okay hello hello [Music] that one's [ __ ] [Music] oh well [Music] that one's good all right okay I don't think this is enough [Music] [Music] hey Kitty what's going on I'm just making some buttercream flowers with the blossoms okay let me come and do another run through on this cake that's melty melty melty forgot about my mic pack being in my jacket so I'm gonna put my jacket back on Cameron think this 17 months are those going on the top of something um yeah they're gonna go on this cake but the issue is my frosting was too wet oh I think we're getting somewhere it feels tacky now instead of melty wait I think we actually might be fine now this coat might actually stay this could be huge as long as I can oh yeah it's actually starting to stay now it's gonna melt Okay so that's good news but it's a little scary because a little bit melted uh-oh might be too soft in some spots now there we go okay oh [ __ ] stop touching that corner cutie sensitive thank you thank you for the subs yummy okay that looks pretty okay so now I just need to get this to match CL okay you said qcl-o-l I get it the heart emoji I thought you were just I thought you were just dunking on me for no reason and I was a little confused admittedly cute the cookie QTC spin hello song just end is that where you're all coming from hello Hoss frogs hello hi whoa Maddie I think you're the five jeez thank you very much sorry I'm just over here trying to get the make sure this cake is covered it feels less I'm so happy there are two I get of your content now what really amazed me has lqtc heart very sweet I'm happy you like them both ugh maybe it's not gonna stay the top feels like it's staying but the bottom feels a little too cold still we'll see all we can do is kind of wait and see doing the wait and see which we've been doing for three hours on this guy I mean from far away he looks green so at least there's that as long as we stay far away it's like getting warm but not warm everywhere chat I need to stay away from the edges now that might be the best we get it if it stays like this stay stay I don't know if it'll stay if it stays we're fine if it starts dripping again we're not fine all right okay here are my flowers I don't know if this is enough flowers but I'm gonna go put them in the freezer I might just make a few more as well to be safe hello foreign not fit in the freezer oh [ __ ] it doesn't okay that's not good um it's a fridge I can put in the fridge right all right it might just be in the fridge then that'll be fine it'll just take longer but that's okay all right we're gonna make a few more flowers I know I'm sorry we've been watching flowers for the past hour but I'd rather do a few more flowers than not have enough and be sad plus I'm I need that cake to still warm up thank you so we're still kind of just playing the waiting game and one of the biggest things we can do while waiting is make these flowers so so we're gonna do that continuity camera Maybe foreign oh good I'm happy you're happy all right what kind of cake am I making um just like one covered in flowers but um I've been struggling with the flowers a little bit all right okay here we go we go again again 's pretty good okay okay thank you look Izzy I assure you that these are not the best looking flowers in the world I'm out of practice maybe I should find a buttercream class that'd be fun just as a refresher I say that all the time when I do wedding cakes I'd randomly go to um cake decorating classes just to make sure I was up to date on all the easiest ways to do stuff oh boy I just flinched okay all right [Music] these ones are way better I know I'm getting the hang of it but they're still kind of wonky just that first petal is always so low it's like a step down the other ones all right so I have I do eight at once I think I'll do 16 more so let me just get theirs is over in the Ramen House let me get this you're the 14. am I staring into your stool I'm looking at twitch chat weird champion okay that's a what the music stopped why music why do you stop me foreign [Music] thank you heather for the prime [Music] [Music] all right hopefully we're like 30-ish minutes out for being done with this part of the flowers I'm really trying to get I'm kind of stalling so I want like I need that cake to warm up more it's still really cold that cake and sew it um I can't really decorate it until it's room temperature which is my bad I should just put it in the freaking fridge last night I [ __ ] up [Music] foreign temperature it sweats and since I painted food coloring on it it just is sweating off that that food coloring you know um like when you like when you have a cold Gatorade and you bring it into like room temperature it just starts sweating and so it's [ __ ] up all my coloring on it and I just really literally can't fix it until it's um uh until it's room temperature I can't dab off the sweat it'll dab off my color too if I was smart I would have waited to paint it until it came to room temperature but she wasn't thinking sadly what are these yellow squares they're just parchment paper what's next Captain jumping into more flowers foreign I think these are better than the other ones so cutie first stream here hello welcome it's a bit of a more chill stream [Music] it's kind of ugly that's okay just doing cakes this gets shut up foreign [Music] for fun it's for a sponsor [Music] what kind of flowers are you making they're supposed to be a little like spring blossoms like from a like a tree that's what I had in mind finished high school in like eight weeks oh my gosh then what are you gonna do biscuits double tea thank you before foreign College in five and you're stressed what are you stressed about drugs and copy smells of crack cocaine great that paper adds parchment paper are you stressed about like yeah not knowing what you're doing after I will tell you a secret nobody knows nobody knows so you know take a job no it's not permanent nothing's permanent even me I have no clue what I'm [ __ ] doing and I do this every day nothing's permanent just know I'm doing it for now as long as you're not miserable it's fine tic tacular thank you for the seven everybody's graduating oblivious thing for the 27. all right time to use my degree to become a streamer exactly some advice know where your class is located before first day called Lost and arrived 30 minutes late class dude college is really confusing any high schoolers in chat AKA viscous good luck with college enjoy your summer all right we're almost out of frosting so when we run out that's when we are done making flowers Judy can you pay my entire tuition no I'm almost done with high school but I don't want to go to college you don't have to go right away you don't have to go ever if you don't want to you know just do good to follow your heart College was not like the movies any cutie host events coming up this year um Beyblade at some point that guy is so perfect that's what I wish they all looked like not really actually from the certain angles he's not perfect I just need to go to a buttercream class turns out I'm a little out of practice and I don't remember it well enough to re-self teach myself makes sense [Music] thank you [Music] type your college majors in chat whatever you do just start with generals definitely do not start with a major do not all right that feels a good amount of flowers oh I just crushed a petal what will okay okay I actually think the cake might be okay now but I'm gonna put this in the freezer we're gonna make some more colors I'm gonna end that recording and start a new one that way we have um just safety in case something doesn't record all right these are going in the freezer all right let me think let me think let me think let me think let me think [Music] um all right let me do this one more time on this guy I think we're getting actually pretty close that this is gonna work a few wet spots that I can see laughs oh boy okay I need to stay away from the tops of these they're way too room temperature now the top is all right I think I actually it doesn't look like this is going to move anymore like the color isn't going to um precipitate anymore so I think we are okay to clean them up a little bit and um yes okay I think we're good actually all right great oh damn it all right I might add a little more color to it because some of it like melted off you know than I actually think that we are pretty low good [Music] I start adding details to this guy thank God thank God yeah he's yeah he's we're good we're good you know what I don't even think I'm gonna add more to him I thought about adding a little more color into some spots but I kind of don't want to mess with him I'm just going to clean up his bottom all right let's clean up his bottom and then get our colors mixed for the next for the decoration great I think we're actually we actually got somewhere all right foreign okay thank you thank you for the brand new sub rod D rodio Don tree Roger dodgy I think is what that says rajio dodgy okay I Chi Berg thank you for the sub thank you for using your Prime all right well let's mix our colors this um is going to chill just a little closer now okay QTC spin QTC jammies thank you for the 18 months okay foreign let me um pull up my drawing because I have a drawing that I I can't show you guys because as a sponsors info on it let me pull it up so I know which colors I'm mixing [Music] oh all right okay sorry chat trying to see what colors I used okay we're gonna do green we're gonna do a darker green look at those darker green yeah that'd be pretty I almost want to do a darker green and a white let me think the same white that I had no I think I just do the darker green actually I just did the darker green and then because then the white comes from the flowers yeah I think we just do the darker green let me think let me start this for a second yeah I think that's what I do yeah yeah yeah dark green it'll look nice you guys think all right um do you have any quick tips for beginning Bakers um just bake foreheads that's always my number one tip people always are like oh I want to get into baking what should I do and it's like well you gotta start best way to learn is to mess up a few times [Music] okay it's not going to go all the way around I actually don't know I might need to do more all right that should go all the way around uh thank you for that Prime I appreciate that uh cold breathing for the two months um what clip mic I use it's um in a stupid expensive one I wouldn't recommend it unless you're gonna use it all the time apparently there's better ones like that are cheaper and easier to use Sennheiser that's what I use all right should be good enough okay color wise so we kind of want to do like a dark green like an emerald I might make some ocean might need some black in there might need some olive in there here's my emeralds I think that'll be pretty I might need a little bit of teal to get the color we want um mods can I have you write down that I need to buy um more Emerald more sage and more purple of my food coloring okay love that wine about it is back thank you oh that's kind of pretty I gotta get it much darker but foreign not dark enough we're gonna add some Forest it's gonna get really annoying okay um maybe just green actually is what I wanted not Forest greeny the screen is really bright if I remember um I don't need black I have a lot of black I want like a h QTC jammies damn I'm not getting close I want like a dark dark I might do with a lot of gray in here uh um I might grab some gel actually wait I have some gel over here um I'm tangled in my mic cord let's get some gel Green in this fish that's the annoying thing about these um these uh cocoa butter um food colorings they are really really pretty however they require like a lot a lot of food coloring so I'm gonna throw some gel in there because I want a really grainy green but I also want like we'll see where we get with this oh should I start recording again I did okay I just need it really saturated so it's good to kind of layer all of these to get the color I want it is really annoying for my arm that doesn't even look good right now yeah so now that I have some depth to it I should be able to add come here bad boy damn it I'm gonna add some Valhalla pretty much is what I just added to it just trying to get some out I didn't like that at all that didn't do anything come on dammit surely this is getting some out all right let's see damn it I can't get it dark I hate or dark foreign to get it there some ocean and some more green QTC spin QTC spin QTC spin foreign foreign [Music] will somebody do me a favor is what I was saying and Google color theory for me and figure out Bob thank you for the prime how do I get emerald which colors you add to get emerald I think it's blue and green and black I just need more of them it's like I want this color but just darker you know I don't want more vibrant I want darker foreign [Music] let me just throw a [ __ ] ton of color booster in this I enjoy the Cozy Vibes they're the two months we're doing well today cutie I'm adding a [ __ ] ton of this color booster see if it gets us there color booster has never worked for me in the past but maybe today's its day laughs yeah it doesn't do anything I swear to God [Music] yeah I don't think that does anything I mean it's somewhat darker but I just wanted it much darker but I just can never get that as dark as I want it try adding orange okay a bunch of you are just saying a bunch of colors that I don't think really will help us here I think adding yellow is going to make it more Limey and not necessarily darker and that's my struggle with yellow black is going to make it more gray I just want it more saturated is my problem so I think I just need more green and blue I just need more Emerald food coloring oh wait you know what I just realized in my [ __ ] cup food coloring I might have Emerald now my fingers are so green all right let's see I have dark green dark blue I have a bottle green whatever the [ __ ] that means grass green green brown blue green you might be interesting blackish green yellow green I think blue green might help us where are you where's blue green any plans this year yes I do have plans this year oh yeah I think this will do it I'm gonna pour this whole bad boy in here this might get us there it's a lot of food coloring well it tastes chemical yes but it's just a Decor so it's fine enough Decor tastes chemical yes you should just start the sooner you start the better you'll get okay well this is definitely too blue so now I do need to add a little bit more yellow because this is way too blue to make it green oh wait actually maybe I do like this color you've always asked me for advice they're like hey I want to start baking what's your advice and it's literally just start it's the quickest way to learn I know it's like an annoying answer but wait this is pretty emeraldy wait wait wait ah wait I actually like it wait I think I did it look how pretty that looks together wow okay but I think I want it a little more Dusty so I might add a little bit of black because I want it just a little dustier looking holy moly just the teensiest amount of black like two drops oh this Block's already open ready one two oh three there goes the third all right this will get us there I'm confident I just need a little dustier yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah look how pretty oh my God that's perfect that's exactly what I wanted okay let me just make sure wow that took me forever oh imagine a whole cake covered in this color that'd be so pretty oh yeah that's perfect okay great okay now I just need to clean up all this food coloring because I need the background to be like nice and clean oh I need um to make some yellow actually lemon lemon is it a wee bit of yellow for the flowers okay Sage is nearly empty okay Chopstick oh that's pretty color I'm happy with it hell yeah good job chat okay where's the lid okay oh my gosh my hands are bright green unfortunate foreign is so itchy all right okay all right now the littlest amount of yellow my ear hurts oh your ear ever unreasonably itchy it's like not even like in a reachable area so you just apply pressure to your ear and just hope it gets there doesn't work all right um here for the lello I don't know how two years has passed but hi everyone QTC hey hello put your ears can be food allergies really I've had popcorn today and granola maybe I'm allergic to granola just a littlest bit of yellow one more dot of yellow maybe nuts I eat nuts all the time La Mao but actually I do foreign all right that looks nice just enough okay thank you Professor Smithy okay Orange today he's so mad what happened all right let me move these so we've got a cleaner background okie dokie foreign okey dokey just like Selena hey I've always said okie dokie I'm not like Haley just stealing your [ __ ] for the record for the record because I know you guys would accuse me of that pouty puff thing is a prime okay all right I hope I have enough um I hope I've got enough frosting for this I'll be honest and say I don't know if I do I think with a sub I think I heard a sub maybe I'll just move that up I did butt beaks that you just have or what wait what shot beaks uh butt cheeks whatever butt cheeks thanks this up you're probably going for butt cheeks but I won't let you make sure so I feel fine calling you butt cheeks [Applause] Ah that's what I want to do [Music] okay foreign [Music] we can't make more so let me just triple check my design well at the bottom okay all right now for The Tick Tock I need to get a better angle I need to don't worry this will look fine in a second tick tocks sometimes needs special angles um it looks so crooked in this okay that looks a little better foreign oh [ __ ] there's a whole a tiny baby hole in this bag okay if I don't have enough frosting I should start with the top border and then I can do the bottom border favorite Factor yet I don't like that oof I don't like that I don't like it I went too fast it's okay it's okay all right foreign there we go [ __ ] you God damn it that stupid tiny baby hole oh okay well I guess the flower is gonna go there [Music] it's paint washable it's just food coloring it's not like uh it's just there's this baby hole in this bag let's ticking me off and I don't want to make a new bag yet because I'm gonna have to make a new bag in a little bit so I'd rather just deal with it so watch this baby hole stop it okay good enough good enough laughs my top border is a little messy my top border is pissing me off I'm not gonna redo it just simply not okay just have a little more I don't have as much frosting as I want sorry come here all right okay good okay and then I need a new bag with a smaller tip but I want every ounce of frosting out of this pigs thank you for the sub so we're going to grab a nice guy squeeze out any frosting we can get oh okay great now how do I want to do the next part I want to do I want to do little I want to do a little boy I want to do a little this boy said I want I want to do but this will look different do I want it to look different or do I want it to look the same that is the question if I want it to look the same no I think I want it to look different I want to use this boy this is the boy and I am using him I need a bag all right this is the boy all right okay I like this boy I'm on the side oh I hate my top border it's so crooked it's okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and then we go do I do it here do I do or do I want to seal this I want to seal this and do one more right here I thought it would look nice hmm chat do you think I feel this and do one more at an angle one more border okay well let me finish this one first because this needs this down here needs its own little thing can you guys even see down here I'm gonna have to um Okay so down here it gets its own little special I think it's a rope and then a rope and then over and then over and then whatever ah okay and then pretty and then it also gets um let me look at my my picture for inspo one more along there okay so we're gonna do one more there and then potentially one more day I like it I like it Picasso how's the tick cut going I think it's looking kind of cool who knows I don't know it's hard to know right oh that looks good okay I think I'm gonna do one more row here foreign okay foreign [Applause] all right I think I'm gonna leave it at that I don't think I get nervous if I do this part this Edge remember when I get nervous I don't have enough number two I get nervous it's gonna look more bulky maybe it'll be fun maybe she's going for it okay well no going back now cutie I guess you just went for it but sometimes you gotta trust your gut so all right no matter how this looks at the end just say that this was a good decision because my heart just went for it actually it was a good decision I like it okay all right okay now we're going to get our flowers and add their pink or their yellows [Music] um um danger you know I think it's 13 months um I swear to you guys that I have at least I thought I had oh I know yellow buttercup buttercup petal dust and I have the perfect brush for it petal dust is edible pigment that you add to your cakes so we're gonna add that in the middle of our flowers the yellow this is the color Ray's birthday cake should have been I don't remember Rey's birthday cake of flowers in it or something all right um I do need a little white tip and a bag I need to stand up straight come on [Applause] I think it was green but I put the red Among Us on it it was green with strawberries on it I think and then I put it I don't remember stopped taking pictures of my cakes accident oh gosh it was Bears no that was one we decorated that wasn't her birthday cake all right here we go great and then this is our petal dust [Music] oh my hair is not nice and shiny but it's really nice of you to say my hair is [ __ ] I wish my hair was nice and shiny all right here we go oh my hands are cold from that one oh reason all right so let me just go in and we just [Music] foreign oh I know [Music] [Music] this song has yelling in it all right [Music] [Music] [Music] I actually don't think I like The Petal dust I think some of them might have puddled us and then some I might not have petal dust on I think it looks fine it's just not doesn't look amazing she doesn't love it you know she doesn't love it then what's the point no I actually kind of like it she loves it oh is my head in the way the whole time flowers tastes like metal if it was on a baking sheet no what all right let me go get the other ones foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign at all I think it's kind of fun to have a little differences thank you for gifting a sub that's very sweet [Music] okay I kind of like I like this mixture I like some of them having the darker some of them and a lot um let me look for one second inspo really quick [Music] all right okay time to put flowers on this bad boy here she comes [Music] okay Tick Tock angles I know what I'm doing I know I'm doing oh well no I don't was stupid stupid [Music] okay anxiety Queen thank you for gifting another sub okay she's nervous see how she goes ready oh you do hold this up to the camera foreign not sure if this has been asked and don't feel like you need to answer but what would you charge for a cake like that if you worked at a bakery still it looks stunning um I thought I have no clue I'm out of practice so it's taking me longer than usual so that like you know on the paper so I am not sure I mean it's definitely it's a two-tier cake so it's over 300. I actually don't even know if I like the yellow at all shop I must wish I would have done it but I think it'll look nice once I have some like non-yellow ones in there too thank you oh thank you Mega Prime for the soap it's got a cat hair on that oh girly jumped girly they're covered in green now to wipe your hands a lot food coloring yay roll [Music] [Music] thank you oh God I got a white I gotta wash them I just didn't want to wash them because when you wash them they get warm [Music] but too much food coloring on them [Music] butterflies made out of rusting okay here we go [Music] [Music] I have a green eye from rubbing my eye I kind of thought that was gonna happen [Music] apron's uneven it's fine it's just [Music] stuck it's my mic puck okay I need to switch because I want some clean white ones Swift [ __ ] these are two these aren't cold enough so I'm gonna put this in the freezer it's okay since I'm not using um I'm not using real frosting I'm using processed frosting it doesn't hold in the freezer for as long so you have to be a little better about actually freezing it Love You Queen thank you thank you Mickey for the nine I will never open my own Bakery no unless I open a bakery just to have other people run it I don't want to run a bakery oh what damn it smells cool cake thank you okay foreign how's your evening going um good I really want to be done with this but I need to freeze more of the flowers [Music] the other two they're too soft already [Music] dang it [Music] I should have known I should have known that's on me I actually don't know what flavors inside of it myth I'm assuming just chocolate and vanilla it's from a bakery I just have to decorate it for a sponsor I love that color green thank you me too actually foreign [Music] ER they take they're pretty quick to like set it's just annoying I have to wait some more after all the waiting we've done today got to wait some more I need to move them to the other dish because this didn't fit in the freezer my tray my fridge isn't big enough or my freezer is not big enough so I gotta move them to this one so they fit that's why I was lazy and didn't put them in the freezer in the first place [Music] you're gonna eat it I'll probably give it to someone I don't really like cake all right so this guy's going in the freezer and then I'll fill up another tray and also put that one in the freezer foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I should make cream filled Donuts if I ever get bored is birthday cake a flavor um no some people will call like vanilla or likes sprinkles birthday cake flavored like Funfetti people say that's birthday cake flavored it's just vanilla it's just whatever you call it you know dang it this is the worst I have to do another one [Music] thank you duck ass thank you for the eight all right okay these are going in the freezer we're gonna give them like 10 minutes in the freezer and then we can actually do something then we can be all done soon whoa scary oh all right well those are in the freezer dude this cake is so crooked it's insane for the record I did not build the cake that's why it's crooked if I would have built it it wouldn't have been crooked it's crazy at a bakery wood deliver a crooked cake my mind is blown all right chop what should I have for dinner I only have vegan things because Ludwig was pescatarian so we got vegan garlic and herb roasted mushrooms I might go with that one goat cheese pasta peanut bootable or vegetarian tamale Bowl I think I might go with roasted mmm roasted mushies look good 380 calories um [Music] or pasta seems good too peanut butter bowl Sesame broccoli yum uh I'm gonna go with the rest of mushrooms is it leaning yes I didn't make it though [Applause] they make donuts for Austin no I will not all right yummy laughs okay I'm a slightly tilted sub accentuates it yeah all right it's going in the oven all right remove this now we're just waiting I just have to wait I have to wait for um yeah certain angles it's not as tilted there you go that doesn't look as tilted um every cake has a front you microwave all your factory meals dude they're so much better when you put them in the oven I don't know why opinions on four since 1810 record it's pretty good you ever get border baking sometimes just watch the new wine about episode loved it thank you do you have a favorite pro decorator I think Robin Ben Israel it's one of my favorites I want to start making cakes like this do you have advice for beginners start that's my advice everyone talks about starting the network you don't see Snacky's QTC snackies well I think it was six months it'll be really bad your cakes will be really [ __ ] ugly for a while but just start my piping actually turned out pretty good on this my flowers look like [ __ ] but I actually really don't like the yellow I decided now that I'm staring at it carrot cake bake along delayed I have no clue no clue [Music] what if you dusted a pink what if you dusted a pink dusted the um I could have done the flowers pink I decided not to because I thought it'd be weird is this cake for an event as for a sponsor so this this phone right here has been recording a tick tock it'll be edited down for tick tock and I won't add the sponsor's logo on now but I'll they'll be added on at the end what do you do with the leftover I usually give them to people I usually don't eat my own cakes ever big thank you to 35 months [Music] [Music] what if add flower stems no what is your favorite flower peonies this is my favorite how long is a tick tock I mean it'll be edited down to like two minutes probably sneaky Turtle thing even before it's your favorite state mammal the badger what's your favorite color pink your favorite cake you've ever made it was a wedding cake I made my favorites sorry Chad was playing that fun waiting game it was the hardest cake technique um whichever one you're out of practice on everything takes a lot of practice and the sad thing is is you don't keep it hence these flowers not looking the way they should I used to do buttercream flowers all the time and these look awful compared to what I used to do also mods curious I am there's been a lot of bands today I'm assuming it's about sponsors okay the two months has there ever been short no I don't like it short as long as we had blonde hair on and off my whole life foreign [Music] what are we waiting for I'm waiting for um some of my frosting flowers are setting do you want to go back to 2019 brown hair era it's too much to maintain um I this is too much to maintain any book wrecks I still recommend playground such a good book oh my goodness are the kitties out of water just about all right let me see if some of those are set that we might just have to do them in um oh you read it it was interesting um Jeanette McCurdy's book is good um I don't have any yet it's been a while foreign feeding dictators that I just read I don't think I'd recommend it I don't think it was super well written which is controversial to say but all right [Music] foreign thank you foreign come back I want this guy died ah QTC heart QTC Hearts QTC heart [Music] [Music] s see this guy's perfect if they all looked like this oh I'd be so much happier all right Closer Closer all right let me map out where I want to put the next ones that way when I get them I can just kind of place them to map it out I'm just going to use a chopstick let me stare at this this looks good because I want to put a thing there a sponsor thing there put a sponsored thing there actually you know what I can't really map it out I'm just going to do it naturally hmm yeah I'll just do it naturally okay we're gonna give it a few more minutes we do have a few blue spots that got opposed foreign so I want to put a sponsored logo here you might just map it out sponsored thing here sponsored thing here one two sponsored thing what can I do with three four yeah sponsored thing here sponsored thing here good so four sponsored things on the bottom and then on the top one two three and then besides that so I have seven sponsored things oh [ __ ] but that's above that one that one's fine that one's fine [ __ ] so I want this right here instead so now I need to put a flower there with two next to each other so I know so I I think I just want two on the top then so they go in between that and then in between that and otherwise there's too much so okay we'll just do flowers and then two on top okay great cool like it like it like it so the rest will be covered in flowers let me go get the flowers I think we're good for at the next group here we go okay [Music] foreign where I'm gonna put those sponsored things is the goal okay so since there's not gonna be one there oops okay that was really traumatic of you Little Flower baby [Music] put some green on you all right I need a tower okay [Music] so if a sponsored thing is going here-ish that seems good and then flower there food in the oven I know I can smell it and sponsored thing going down here [Music] [Music] how much does it take like that for 100 people wedding it looks nice I'm getting married in the moments thanks for the advice uh you'll probably pay anywhere from 250 to 300 for a two-tier depends on the bakery make sure you shop around foreign all right last batch of flowers is that Swifty hi handsome what are you doing down here huh do you miss me hi baby did you miss me hi my baby puffy I worked fast gotta work fast foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay last two okay okay and then we come in and add some falling petals to the girl I think my factory meal is done okay [Music] all right so we're gonna add some little Fallen petals places so I'm going to test it out up here [Music] hard because the blue is gonna see what we can do 14 months pop [Music] pretty [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] petals [Music] they look stupid [Music] obviously your cake looks nice that's nice I love you all right and then we're gonna add a little baby I'm gonna have little babies um little baby uh flowers too I need a smaller tip looks good almost too big smaller than that smaller than that smaller than yours any of you smaller than that oh you're smaller than that we're good oh okay okay thank you okay a little flowers little baby flowers pretty wow okay I think I need more petals yeah all these blank spaces will be full of sponsor logos so I'm just going to save this because I have to add sponsor logos and stuff and I might want to add more petals around them but for now this is her what do you think you'll eventually be moving this can you feel the danger what's her name Georgia um all right I'm gonna end I'm gonna eat my food I am going to get the logos added on here and be done with it but thank you guys for watching I appreciate it um thanks I don't know when I'll be live again won't be for a while probably I don't know all right bye guys thanks for hanging out I appreciate it um thank you all have a nice night good night
yo you're tuning in to the glamorized saga he's coming at you with a gucci katana tricks out in the drippiest armor take him out and he'll come back harder his name you gotta know that it is take a lot whether it be scarlet rock or a family of pots you know the vampire ninja will come out on top i don't know what you're still fighting for this game is his domain he will become the elven doesn't matter what you lord cause it'll take more you don't want war he'll put you on the floor conquered hitman now this game's an encore one sword swipe at your neck then another to the jaw never gives up after death hey what's up [Music] armor take him out and he'll come back harder yo what's up krell up what's up hideous what's up drop some extra pit what's up josie rosie posey i'm doing good i had a good day uh some of the stuff i pitched went well some meetings went well i didn't feel so stressed i got stuff done things are calming down it's good it's good it's good it's good it's good which means of course it's time to do a degenerate gaming day since ari's not here and ruin it all instead of like making sure i'm buttoned up for tomorrow i'm gonna spend all night playing eldon ring and get back to being right on the edge you know that's where i like to live right on the edge he's gonna charge in nothing stops it no help chat the glamour i got this that was gonna [Music] but i did before we jump into elder ring because today's a big elden ring day in fact i have a separate elden ring title i should switch to uh we should talk about like man the stuff happening in crypto is is is like it's like a one in five event in world history you know like 1.7 something like 1.7 trillion dollars of value wiped out in a few days it's like that's that's like tulip mania real estate no seven uh you know there's like there's like a few times in history that's happened it's crazy and so there's some stuff i want to read about that hey texan thank you for 13 months hey big a i'm graduating this weekend with a cs degree and i just wanted to let you know that you played absolutely no part in me finishing but i appreciate the streams anyway here's to 13 more cool cool it's fine if anything i hindered you if you watched for 13 months you probably missed some key study sessions lunar live thing of the 11 months 11 months almost a year of premium high quality value content yep yep yep balloons balloons balloons balloons high value content balloons balloons balloons bro i'm gonna tell you the part of my brain that is infected with bloon's cancer grows by the day there is a good chunk of my brain right now that just wants to turn on balloons and click click click click for the next [ __ ] two three hours it is a cancerous game there is no redeeming quality to it in terms of time invested but the balloons make a nice sound when they pop very satisfying sound i actually feel like whoever did the sound design for balloons should get two-thirds of the money that game makes i literally think every dollar that that game makes you should give two-thirds of it to everything to the sound design it's like it's like 95 of the enjoyment you should play the fps balloons game i would rather die uh i i don't want to play that i watched a spectacle play for four minutes and i said this is the worst thing i've ever seen in my life it's it's all of the things that i liked about balloons but worse in a game that i already resent myself for playing negan you have a question what's up sorry i missed it eric sells think of the nine months rogue one eight one nine they have the 15 months just graduated from college today wish the great depression could wait a hot minute you probably have a hot minute you have a hot minute go lock in a job right now uh aatrox do you ever upload on youtube no unfortunately i've never uploaded on youtube the problem was i hired this guy quack to sort of take the lead on my youtube and it turns out he's a charlatan he's a he's a con artist so he he just took all my money and exposure that i gave him and never uploaded a single video your question please it was as you stated meg your question was or did you even ask it or you ask if you could ask it new kendrick in an hour is that true facts dude we're going to do a live listening party nag nag tm let's read this neck negative got six bands in this [ __ ] you got three mod comments six bands 12 timeouts what's your [ __ ] rap sheet dude you say you got 19 tats coming out of prison what the [ __ ] nagnay i didn't know you were a [ __ ] gangster like that okay all right uh you have a very important question did you work on the marketing campaign for the nvidia shield no i didn't in fact the nvidia shield had already launched by the time i started because my my day one um what do they call it introductory day what do they call that orientation my orientation day gift was a brand new nvidia shield um which i still use to this day it didn't really catch on i wish i had done the marketing for it because i think it was a marketing problem not a tech problem the product's pretty good what's a nvidia shield it's like apple tv but for android basically you just plug it into your tv and it has every app it has like hbo netflix twitch youtube um it can play android games so i can play i can play crossy frog on there i can you know i don't know it's just it's really clean and fast and simple and has everything so it's actually pretty good but they like they never talked about that all the marketing was like and this is not to disparage anyone who may be a co-worker probably not even the same people so long ago but um i just think they focus too much on like it's the tv for gamers and like they talked about games and stuff but like the real value is that it's just like a very very clean easy to use um outside of the apple ecosystem smart tv kind of thing you can stream games to it from your pc too but i've used that almost once and i've used everything else all the time like i watch youtube on it free i watch twitch on it all the time i watch it's just like a really nice interface um yeah it's kind of like a fire stick yeah i guess but it's like a nicer it's like much faster and better and and it's just like a high-end one you know shield tv is still the best smart tv box you can buy right now i think i think it is like i literally think the shield tv is the best smart tv it's just so much it's it's like so much cleaner and faster it has more storage space and everything what's the content today oh i'm gonna talk about the nvidia shield for four and a half hours thank you for asking that's the you've figured it out [Music] [Laughter] um why was that your question though neg [ __ ] that seems unrelated little penguin with the gun thing for the prime kevin mation [Music] kevin mentioned there within nine months hope you're doing well super important thing i need to talk to you about soon time sensitive dude i love that everyone in my [ __ ] life uses subalerts or reddit to get in contact with me this might be a personal fault no couldn't be no it must be their fault for being so cringe uh that's a normal human thing yeah yeah yeah yeah um i saw an ad for the nvidia shield and it was just a crowbar and i was like no way he made this yeah i was not involved in the nvidia shield and i think it's a great product i think that the marketing may have been misinformed on the importance of gamer messaging but outside of that i have no other comments uh yeah kevin please uh hit me up on discord i'll check it after this certainly hey today we're doing eldon ring almost squirtingly and i actually might even go a little late i might even go past 11 a little bit um and play some real [ __ ] elden ring make some progress the return of the glamour i baby the [ __ ] the [ __ ] sharp shogun the [ __ ] well-dressed night no it needs to be more clever than that the bespoke bannerman uh the well-dressed warrior the well-dressed warrior the well-dressed warrior the bespoke bannerman the [ __ ] sharp shogun anymore yeah anyway it's the glamorous baby it's a big return day uh before that i do want to talk a little bit about crypto and how you should buy the dip you know what here's my message this is my honest to god belief you'll know that crypto has reached its bottom you'll know it's actually bottomed out don't buy anything until you see nadeshot change his profile picture once nadeshot drops this stupid [ __ ] nft you'll know the bottom is truly in until then buyer beware uh yeah it's all scams dude it's all scams but the [ __ ] um you know all the [ __ ] coins forever have always been scams and the amount of money in them has grown steadily smaller as people have realized that they're scams but now that the [ __ ] major like quote-unquote stable coins like tether that are like holding up the whole [ __ ] system are also scams it's it's causing so much money to evaporate so quickly and what's really crazy um so here's just some couple tweets that i want to go if you had bought one million dollars of luna three days ago if you had taken 1 million dollars cash and bought lunacoin it would be worth one thousand seven hundred dollars today one thousand seven hundred dollars you would have lost 999 000. 998 i guess 300. that is [ __ ] crazy ksi yeah i want to show you ksi's tweet this is not a theoretical example [Laughter] the example i was talking about was theoretical this is a literal one ksi lost two million dollars this is 2.965 million dollars worth of luna today it is worth one thousand seventeen dollars dude this guy i mean it's the amount of money that ksi has means this this obviously isn't financially ruinous to him but if you know how you can't youtube forever and if he took this money and invested it wisely it's certain that he could be set financially for a life these are some of the dumbest and every time he tweets about it and then his name is still ksi krypto with a [ __ ] that's shocking dude it's shocking i hope [ __ ] prime is selling well his [ __ ] energy drink which i actually think is a really smart idea i think uh i still believe that gatorade's probably gonna [ __ ] buy that thing out saw the competition um uh it's almost certainly i mean the real money from prime if you guys don't know prime drink is a drink that ksi and logan paul created this is part of the i think i talked about this actually i did a talk on this on the crater economy and how the real money is coming from them using their fame and leverage to launch products uh which are worth infinitely more than like putting ads in your content or trying to sell subscriptions uh for example the big the big the example i always use is that um george clooney made more money from selling his tequila company than he did from his entire acting career combined the rock is about to make more money from his tequila company than he's made from all wrestling all movies every entertainment thing is not combined owning a company like this and being able to sell it wholesale is is is incredibly more valuable there's just so much more money in it than just getting paid to be a piece of something so um and prime they're literally doing attack ads on gatorade i don't know if i've shown this but uh um like this um let me see if i can find one yeah i think they're like like they're going undercover taking gatorade people's hands and putting around whatever the point is there are attack ads on gatorade and they're just moving too fast and too nimble because big companies don't really understand how to do youtube and all that stuff that well then i'm pretty sure gatorade or powerade or one of these companies might just buy them out i think it's a real real possibility for like hundreds of millions and then they're gonna make an absolute rack so uh he's probably fine on his uh his terrible crypto investments but still very stupid when someone loses big money on crypto like that where does the money go okay the money never existed it's like they had something they thought was worth more than it is it's like it's like if um it's like if i went and bought a charizard right now for 12 million dollars and then i'm like i have 12 million dollars worth of charizard but then i go to sell it to people on ebay or whatever and no one will pay more than 1 million okay i've lost 11 million dollars but it never you know what i'm saying the money is the money's money was gone when i bought it but it doesn't that just the value of what you thought you had does not exist so uh that's what happens but yeah the money is went to the person you bought it from who was just splitting out and buying things um but it is it is destroyed because you thought the thing you had was worth that much or more and it's not and went to people who pulled out well i mean sort of because like um like let's say you put in ten thousand dollars into luna and then it goes up right so theoretically you have more than ten thousand dollars worth of luna but then it goes down to four thousand so it's like you you lost more than you ever put in you could have it could have gone up to a million like oh i have a million dollars then it goes down to two thousand you only lost seven thousand for your initial investment but you you from your peak you lost a lot anyway we're gonna play a lot l ring today i don't want to get too much into it but there's a lot of interesting things happening in the world of crypto here's a good thread that i saw based on previous crypto crashes like may 19 2021 this is probably what happens next if anybody has crypto you probably see something like this um the exchanges will start to shut down they'll provide an excuse for this previously scheduled maintenance is the usual justification this is very very very common this even happens on like robinhood on on crazy trading days they just shut down they make up a fake maintenance story and they lock you out from buying and selling um uh anyway what's funny is this guy posted this like what 17 hours a day ago and then a few hours later it happened binance performed scheduled maintenance for 17 networks and temporarily spends his positive withdrawals literally happened right as he [ __ ] after he said it um the reason for this is quite simple really there's very little actual liquidity in the crypto system it's highly leveraged uh yeah there's a lot of there's a lot of debt fueled speculation there's not a lot of actual real money in there things are in gigantically inflated values once the people actually try to sell there's nothing people actually willing to buy so things will drop really really fast which is scary for the whole system so they don't do it um uh yeah when the price goes up well these shenanigans are all fun and lucrative for the big boys when the price goes up when it goes down all hell tends to break loose you my dear average casino patron are not at the forefront of their thoughts yeah so i'm just saying uh you know there's a lot of things coming out like for example um some companies some of the exchange companies basically saying that like we're not going to go bankrupt but if we do your deposits are not safe like we own all of the crypto on file with our deposits and we'll use to pay out creditors and you are one of those in a long line uh they're all saying that and it's it's uh they're saying we're not going to and they might not i'm not saying they will i'm just saying that they are making that stipulation very legally clear that if they do go bankrupt the stuff you thought you owned you don't own so uh you know be careful uh but anyway i thought this was very interesting because crypto losses now equal 1.7 trillion and the 2007 subprime mortgage market which is what caused the housing collapse was 1.3 trillion which is a staggeringly large number it's like impossible to even wrap your head around how much money was lost or evaporated from the market so quickly people thought they had so much more money than they did in crypto and this is like this is like literally like a few times in history that something of this value has disappeared so quickly it's like not there's not many analogous events by the dip people love buying the dip baby you're 12 million dollars in doge is safe though right well yeah i mean it's doge elon's gonna tweet for sure my dad just runs with crypto and puts the rest in gold so his money doesn't lose value in savings yeah the problem is that crypto was touted last year as like the ultimate inflation hedge it's like if you're worried about inflation put your money in bitcoin it's the best thing it's like digital gold but instead that was a total lie and in fact as inflation has gone up and like high growth tech stocks have gone down bitcoin has gone down one to one it goes down exactly the same with basically the nasdaq with like tech stocks there's no difference like you could have put your money in [ __ ] apple or anything else it's no it's not there is no inflation edge it has not acted like gold in any respect so you know that part was a big old goof goofus gallant um but my beyond meat stock will rebound right i put my life savings in soy what's beyond me that beyond meat stock man they were they were high flying there for a bit uh beyond meat stock is down 62 all time at one point was 234 dollars a share is now down to 25. um i don't know what their market cap is right now i mean this might be a company you could theoretically buy the tip on i was not i'm not financial advice i'm certainly not going to buy it but at this level maybe it could it's not going to grow back to this i don't think everything in this era was so overvalued it's ridiculous but they have revenues like they're making money i assume they have some profits or no let's see um net income no they don't they still lose money goddamn every one of these companies every one of these [ __ ] goes loses money dude they're like running for years and they don't make money you know for the longest time in history that's not a thing and now it feels like every [ __ ] company is like oh yeah we don't we don't we don't make money we have revenue we have customers but we don't come on make let's cringe we don't make money uh it's just so funny big meat is slandering them down yeah i don't know maybe maybe they could find a way i mean they have a lot of employees maybe they can cut costs 406 million in revenue is something that means they have a lot of expenses i don't know i don't know what their expenses are but must be hard to make the meat they make family um will crypto crash cause global collapse as that chart said no the chart didn't say that and and and well did it say that oh i did say that you're right it's highly likely that crypto will be the catalyst for accelerated global collapse i don't i mean it's not that i don't think there might be a global collapse in fact i've been talking about it for a long time it's that i don't think crypto is even the biggest piece of it crypto's almost like a small fish in a lot of things that are having big problems right now you know like uh crypto might be a forward-looking indicator but i don't think that crypto going down is the um is the catalyst but um hey big a i want to buy the dip today can you remember me some fatal device no i cannot and i don't recommend you do that i do not recommend you do that i think we are in a time uh i don't think i've never done it i i i have made almost every bad investment choice that i've ever made has been around china china has really bamboozled me uh all of my american-based investments on the whole i think i'm i'm pretty significantly up i made i made quite quite a bit of money um out of amazon nvidia stand to make a lot of money on twitter um sony not american but u.s exchange i made money on almost everything when i sold november but for china i lose money consistently they always bamboozle me uh i i i invested in eo first when it was two dollars and i'm still probably going to lose money because i kept buying on the way up and neos [ __ ] crashed to the floor and uh alibaba i bought the dip like four times and it kept dipping china china has absolutely wrecked me you know what's funny oh god i shouldn't say this because it's a win and fail i'm gonna tell you right now but you have to promise to laugh again when i tell you it on monday and my wins and fails um the china arrested somebody with the last name ma just a random person with a last name ma and alibaba lost 20 billion in value that day because people were spooked that it was jack ma it wasn't it was a different it was like a few days ago a few days ago someone with the last name ma got arrested and like word got out and 20 billion value disappeared that day people were so spooked that it was jack ma it's [ __ ] crazy and like i have a i have a good amount of money in alibaba and i i have [ __ ] diamond handed it like an idiot it was the one stock i didn't sell really uh look at alibaba dude what an absolute cringe fest what's crazy is this company it's got 109 billion in revenue like it makes money but the cost like the risks of doing business in china are so high that people just won't invest in it and the stock keeps crashing it's probably one of the most um insane like price to earnings ratios in the world right now so it might it might end up being a good investment but it might also get de-listed it might just be taking off the soccer change because of uh china-u.s relations so uh nerd-a-holic they gave me three months raindrops think of the 11 months uh looking forward to one year been around for longer than this but it's great to have several songs hey thank you appreciate it i'm glad you enjoyed the content for over a year i actually am super uh glad about that because uh sometimes it's spotty did you hear about faze uh so i'm a little mauled actually i'm a little mauled at ludwig okay because i have a thing that i was going to talk about about faze because i read their financial reports and i want to talk about it and then ludwig made a video called like phases bankrupt and i was like [ __ ] he scooped me on it and then i watched the video and it's not about that at all it's like a clickbait title and then the whole [ __ ] video is about how like they didn't get a lot of views on this [ __ ] warehouse thing which is not anything related to it but he joins my title he joins my title he writes my thumb and then the video has nothing to do with like their financial statements or like their whole plan to go public at a billion dollars i'm actually mauled i'm mauled that i can't use that title and thumb and it's a he should have been like phases the phase one is a disaster or something like that that would have been a perfect title and thumb i'm i'm mall i'm actually mauled it would have been it would have been great because i have i have some insight on the financial side i didn't even talk about that um anyway it doesn't matter i'll talk about it on monday we'll see um uh take him to court you can't yoink it back what do you mean yoink it back my youtube is like 150th the size of his i can't yoink it back i got you it's like it's like a [ __ ] i don't know i don't it doesn't make sense like if you're an indie artist then drake steals your lyrics you're like i'm gonna yank it back by stealing his lyrics from my song that no one listens to i really got him uh uh josh lindsey thank you for the prime landed david the prime cardiovascular bronc thank you for the 20 months what else did i want to say about crypto other than the fact that it's all basically scamaws and it's all crashing at the same time crazily um oh yeah i know what i wanted to say it's that [ __ ] do you guys remember the [ __ ] ceo of el salvador the president of el salvador who called himself a [ __ ] ceo of the country and like invested the country's reserves into bitcoin let me find he's a literal bitcoin bro got elected president and two days ago they spent 15 more on the bitcoin dip and then it dipped more and now this is him by the way he changed it he changed it back oh he's worried he's worried he went from [ __ ] he had a [ __ ] nft profile picture and it said ceo of el salvador now he's out presidente again huh because guess what um take a look at this [ __ ] el salvador's expected to default their [ __ ] government is gonna default because all of their government's money's in bitcoin and it's plummeting the country can't pay its own debt it's going to be disastrous literally disastrous for the for the nation because this [ __ ] bitcoin broke out in power it's it's crazy and um look at this yeah so a month and a half ago the salvadorian government declared a state of emergency suspended civil rights guaranteed by the constitution because the economy is literally collapsing uh the president the bitcoin bro president is bragging about rationing food among those are detained he's detaining like 27 000 people there are arresting people all over the country uh negligence of civil rights rising gang violence and this guy's still tweeting about [ __ ] bitcoin let me see yeah [ __ ] may 11th he's tweeting about his own tweet one thing i've admired about steve jobs is he never looked at apple's stock price he knew where his company was going the stock market will follow when they understand one bitcoin equals one bitcoin shut the [ __ ] up your country's in chaos stop looking at steve jobs this guy's one of the biggest clowns on planet earth and he's literally causing tons of human damage and he might be a [ __ ] like like war criminal by the thrones is all over dude oh yeah by the way his plan don't worry you know what i've been too harsh on him i've been too harsh on him because he does have a plan i know that things are bad i know things are down he's got a plan bitcoin city bitcoin city in the heart of el salvador a literal design for a city of gold based on a crashing crypto asset that is ruining your country's economy this is a few days ago bro [Laughter] i'll tell you one thing though this is my first thought maybe it's a problem my brain rot this would be a great bloons level bitcoin city would be a fire blue if i could put quincy around this [ __ ] tower right here ah it would be awesome that would be awesome but that's the only good the only good use for bitcoin city the airport bro this is actually the most out of touch thing i can imagine literally mass arrests all over your country massive rising gang violence defaulting on government debt buying the dip and you're talking about building a [ __ ] you have like drawings of your fake bitcoin city ah it's wild this is a real person in a real country what a weird time we live in what a weird time we learn hashtag new profile picture you got rid of the nft yeah that was probably due uh okay uh yeah i don't know so that's i've talked about enough if anyone's asking like why crypto is crashing i uh i did a pretty good stream yesterday i think i'll have a video up uh within the day probably about tomorrow i have a video calling about how the everything bubble is popping and sort of a lot of the factors going into it um crypto more specifically scratchy because a lot of it is just fraud dude and a lot of people that were highly um in debt basically taking out large loans to fuel speculative bets risky bets on crypto and stocks they're tied together and so as stocks crash or crypto crashes they have to sell one of the other to cover their debts so they're linked very closely people that were making risky bets on tesla going up are also making risky bets on uh ethereum going up right and so when they go down they have to liquidate both to try and pay off the it's uh it's a vicious cycle it causes them all to rapidly deflate at once genuine question when selling real estate now being a good move nobody nobody has a direct answer for you buddy and uh uh i most of all i i have watched the real estate market closely it's very complex and and uh there's no shot that i know exactly how it's going to play out and these are like incredibly uneven times the i'll give you the the short of it i'll give you the short of it normally i would say yes the everything bubble is popping interest rates are rising which is always linked to a fall in housing prices always in history but what's unique about now is there is so little supply because after the last crash in o7 we have underbuilt for like 10 years and most of the country is zoned to not make like high-density housing so there's like almost no supply and right now like as we're talking millennials like me are all turning 30 and 31 which is like peak time when they start looking for houses it's like literally the most the most common person in america is a 31 year old male millennial by a little bit the second most common a 31 year old female millennial i am literally the most common person in america uh so and all these people are looking for houses at the same time i'm literally the average um and and so everyone in this age is starting to look for houses and uh so there's like a huge demand there's a huge demand there's low supply so it's hard to say what housing prices will do normally i would say guaranteed going to crash and i still believe they are probably due for a correction but but a crash and a dip there are different things so no one knows if anyone knew exactly they could tell you and you can make a bunch of money but it's something i'm watching closely if i have a better answer i'll tell you but i don't i don't all i know is there's a lot of factors at play there's like a lot of things happening and real estate is a very hotly watched market long term real estate should rise yeah but long term depends on you know your time horizon you could buy something and then it could dip for 10 or dip or go flat for 10 15 years and then it comes back to where it was and you're like wow i could have put my money in anything else and made money and instead i have exactly what i started with 15 years ago you know what i'm saying so it's like yes long term everything eventually goes up like the stock market in aggregate has always gone up long term but there are lost decades there are lost you know 15-year periods where you don't get any progress um is my atria coin safe age coin is the best investment you could possibly have because you're gonna be able to bet believe in elden ring today and make a mint cause i'm ready to play baby i'm ready to play do you think california's new zoning laws are enough for housing building i think a lot of states are doing better slightly about about changing zoning laws and it should lead to some progress but again it takes a while it takes a while to build and also if we get into a recession people don't build in the recession companies don't don't take out big loans to build and sell the houses so i don't know we'll see supply should probably be low for a while safe moon is still safe what's safe moon at imagine look up safe moon and it's like actually moon imagine safe moon has been the greatest investment this whole time safe moon coin price the current price is zero dollars and zero cents per safe moon safe moon is currently 100 below its all-time high of 797. okay so let's see look you could buy infinity on the dip holy [ __ ] we can literally buy infinity safe mood on the dip that is safe investment because you can't lose anything that's awesome that's a dip i can get behind hey i have a few thousand people here and you guys like my dad more than me well guess what i haven't asked for you today is my dad's birthday so i would like you to go on twitter and go to at darrenewingaz and write him a tweet wishing him happy birthday but don't do it yet we'll all post it at once if you could get a tweet ready for the lol w master himself and we all post that at once his phone's going to blow up he's going to lose it because when he gets even like a single like or a follow he texts me about it and he's like i got a new follow on the bear tweet so just hold don't don't post it yet we're gonna all post it at once we're gonna blow the [ __ ] out of his phone while he's probably watching the sun's game and then i'm gonna call him live on stream huddle he does not watch the stream usually i mean he's watching a couple times but i know he's not watching it now because there's a suns game so ready and are you guys ready you guys have her tweet ready i need like at least 100 of these bad boys to go you just remember this no i i had this plan for a while i just remembered that this was my idea though um all right three two one tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet drop the tweet drop the tweet let me see if he calls me i'll call him actually imagine i get donowald on my dad's birthday because he's watching the sun's game um okay they're down 20 oh cringe dude i needed them to win hello [Laughter] what's up just trying to pups in this happy birthday right before the midnight hour [Laughter] where did you check your twitter or no i didn't check my twitter yeah check your twitter you're always talking about man i got so many people following me yeah so you've told me oh yeah i don't know if you can pull it up i only think you're one of my tweeter people twitter people you know are you in my are you in my chat [Laughter] [Music] uh you should be blowing up i don't know if you can see let me see if i can uh no no on twitter with a little bird you should have a bunch when i on my screen i see like a hundreds of people if i wish you happy birthday oh i see a bunch now look at that did you say something on your uh i just asked them if they liked you more than me and they did so they forgive me i told them it was your birthday and they have gone to tell my god actually i've never ever ever ever this is so many more than you guys that wish me happy birthday are you streaming right now yeah i'm live i'm talking to him right now this is so many more than i've ever gotten from my own chat on my birthday [Music] [Laughter] against you [Laughter] okay i wouldn't say i'm follicly challenged dad you know i think it's there's still a good crop up here still holding strong holy cow [Laughter] oh my god uh man there's so many of these that's crazy so i can't even keep up with the 20 people on facebook tell your chat that i really appreciate the birthday wishes that's fantastic [Laughter] happy birthday i love you dad uh i'm kind of bummed because the suns are down i was hoping that would call for a big win kind of slaughtered and i asked my resident son's expert friend stan and he was like they guaranteed close it out today and he lied to me so yeah uh i thought for sure they'd close it out but game seven in phoenix i think it'll be sunday this sunday maybe i will i might [ __ ] around and find out we might we need to show up in person to make these guys push the next level i might i might actually show up i'm not streaming on sunday so we'll see we'll see i'll let you know if you want to pivot to a late career streaming pivot you let me know i'll get you set up with an account you can do it and then send me a cut of your stubs how does my dad know about coffee cow man i have to go i actually have to go i gotta go thanks for i love you dad happy birthday bye bye what the [ __ ] what is my father know about coffee cow seriously what is going on in the [ __ ] world oh i told him all right then it's my fault but it's it's not my fault it's your fault it's your fault for saying it i did show him you're right right right right right you're right right right right right you're right you're right you're right god my biggest regret oh so sad that i was referred to as a coffee cow my own father this must be how quincy felt when his father didn't refer to him by this name quincy um anyway thanks guys actually it was nice of you that was very sweet of you i i i i couldn't think of anything to get my dad for his birthday and i only think he talks about is his twitter account when he gets a follow-up like that's the he's always like that bear repellent tweet god no like and so i thought this would be the funniest thing to do for his birthday it's like the best thing i could think of because i couldn't i couldn't figure out to buy i my mom really nice flowers and i fell back like i got my mom flowers but what did i get my dad i thought about getting him the only other thing i could think of is like this um is this breaking bad barrel box set have you seen this it's like um yeah it's this it's the full breaking bad series in a barrel it's got like all the blu-rays and you know some kind of bonus [ __ ] but the problem is he's seen this series like eight times so he like i don't know if he'll ever actually like he'll like it because he likes breaking bad but i don't think he'll actually put these discs in or maybe he will watch another eight more but if i had to do something eight times i wouldn't watch it again buy the dip for him all right i got you know what i will i'm gonna tell him that i bought him a lot of safe mood in his name i actually bought him a lot of safe moon and a lot of el salvadorian government debt both of which are worthless um uh but what i'm thinking is i this is a like a an idea i'm having right now is that maybe i will fly to arizona and get some game seven tickets i don't have to pay quack right quack's paycheck can wait it's already been a year like what what's one more month on quack's paycheck if i wait one more month i could show up get some game seven tickets and but um i live in arizona can i come too yeah you too i buy tickets for me my dad and you a chatter is not even subbed us three we can go together to uh uh i'll see i don't know because i also have to be back i have a lot on monday i have a lot of work on monday monday has always been busiest day but this monday particularly so we'll see i might be able to do my bell not but if they do win game seven i was certainly going to buy tickets to a game farther along in the playoffs but i would hate to miss the chance if they don't win game seven if i buy my own ticket can i come what do you mean if you buy your own ticket to the sons game can you come yeah i can't stop you i'm not going to stop you at the door yeah you can go yeah it's a it's an event uh but i probably will not hang out with you i'll probably be hanging out with my dad and then for some reason i'm sure huda will show up if i'm in arizona no matter how far it is from who dat i'm sure he'll drive there and it will just be at the front uh so that'll be that'll be two already too many um okay what time is it it's uh it's 8 46 i'm probably going to stream hopefully till 11 30 midnight that's time for some elden ring baby i don't know what i don't know what else to tell you that's an elder ring night sure to squeak um is there anything else i need to mention i think i talked about all the crypto stuff that i wanted to mention which is that like it's a [ __ ] disaster it's a disaster and el salvador is absolute clownfest and this guy's one of the worst leaders uh you could imagine uh but i don't think i have anything else to [ __ ] say about da um oh these are all my wins and fails but i'm gonna show them anyway uh a 350 000 board ape was sold for 115 bucks that's quite a dip dude just all this stuff is [ __ ] collapsing and it it listen i i i prayed for this when it was up because i got so sick of smug crypto people especially in my chat people that say [ __ ] like stay poor like you're not buying [ __ ] dogen amc stay poor and it's like i got really annoying but once it actually happens i don't feel like gloating because a lot of people who like got suckered in are losing amounts of money they can't afford to lose and i feel bad about that and it's like that's not that's not a you know so there's like a there's like a brief moment right now where i kind of want to get my kicks in and then i probably am going to be more serious about it but i've been thinking about this for a long time because it's just so obviously a bad investment okay so you're saying now is the time to buy i don't know how many times people are going to repeat that that's not what i'm saying um it's still funny don't get me wrong it's still funny and for a lot of these people like i don't dude that [ __ ] guy um the uh luna guy dude seeing luna guy get owned is amazing because he literally tweeted stay poor all the [ __ ] time he went on [ __ ] shows talking about how [ __ ] we're all gonna make it uh the whole thing's [ __ ] safe here it is look at this look at this look at this look at this look at this look at this i don't debate the poor on twitter and sorry i don't have any change on me for her at the moment when people are asking about his [ __ ] uh those supposedly self-correcting stablecoin which the only way you can be a stablecoin is if you have tons and tons of actual cash reserves which they didn't they had this [ __ ] proprietary algorithm that would like burn coins when it goes up and print coins when it goes whatever and the whole thing was [ __ ] fraudulent and this person called him out uh correctly as it played out this is like this is a while ago this is last year this is middle of last year so this is even boulder take you know because that's what i thought at the peak this is a very impressive thing i actually want to follow his account because i want to see what more she said this is a very smart call that it's not going to work and then his only response is i don't debate the poor on twitter and then flash forward crashes dear terror community uh yeah so [ __ ] people like that for real i saw his clip on lsf we watched it yesterday um kendrick listening party when is it literally in 10 minutes maybe we maybe we [ __ ] wait a second we do kendrick kendrick kendrick party the problem is i can get banned for that i think i think i can i might not be able to do it i literally don't think i can do it i think i have to play elden ring but i will um listen here's what we're gonna do when it starts when it starts if we see xqc doing it we can do it if he's not doing it we're not doing it okay i'm not gonna be the only one doing it because i'll get banned for sure i don't have the connections i don't have the [ __ ] clout um but um uh i will definitely do it like 10 times tonight and i'll have a [ __ ] opinion tomorrow my favorite way to listen to an album though is like i open up the genius and i go line by line through the whole thing like that's how i that's how i love listening to a new hip hop i like literally like i like going through the lyrics so i don't know if i'm gonna be able to almost like reading a book yeah no i'm usually second yeah not first time not first playthrough but that's like my favorite way to listen to a new album i listen to the album first and then i do that um uh no no no i do it while i'm listening to it i'm not i'm not saying i [ __ ] open the genius don't listen to the music and read it like a book what i mean is i open the genius while the song is going i i read along so i i don't just [ __ ] i don't just skip the music my favorite way to listen to music is not to listen it's to watch uh no you guys are [ __ ] dumb all right you know what it's 82 it's time uh speaking of music listen i'm not saying kendrick is not a great artist but perhaps he's been challenged this year by some absolutely phenomenal out of nowhere artists that are changing everything and one of them particularly was stuck in my head today [Music] i didn't do it [Music] you grinding for yeah we grind for the pride yeah we grind for the pride yeah we grind for the pride for the pride baby shall we grind for the pride yeah we grind for the pride yeah we grind for the pride what are you grinding for the pride yeah we grind for the pride yeah we grind for the pride yeah the pain is worth it when you pull down the curtains big a won't give up you still persevering yeah believers why you looking nervous [Music] tell me the reason you won't stop believing cause i know that brandon won't stop till it's the most well-dressed warriors for the pride [Music] yeah baby [Music] [Music] [Music] can't see what he's doing so let's do a new area what the [ __ ] is this what's the point of the grind atria let me tell all right where are we at where are we at so uh last stream i ended up randomly back down i should get my [ __ ] wins huh i ended up down here again for some [ __ ] reason um from a different direction oh wait oh my shit's over there well there's no [ __ ] way wait a minute there's no way i get those runes wait a minute the movement this movement and of course it's down there oh come on the groovement baby okay come on let me teleport let me teleport hey i know i haven't done this in a while so people don't remember the rules but this is actually a pure blind playthrough of elven ring i i know it's been [ __ ] 90 years since the game came out but i haven't watched or read anything i haven't read any guides uh i haven't watched any like videos and so i don't like spoilers i'm actually pretty against backseating it's blowers um i literally am just playing uh pre-balling it the whole time love it beat it won't backseat it what song was that that was pride in atriox song by good night they also have a song called ride or die that i forgot so i've never what the [ __ ] is this it's so fia's champion i need the champion i'm getting home oh [ __ ] [Music] i said what are you the champion of getting owned oh my god bro what are you the champion of getting [ __ ] stepped on tea bag actually boom oh wait a minute it's [ __ ] roger roger i thought this guy's my friend what's going on did i miss something what's happening i i need to watch a [ __ ] war video what is this guy my [ __ ] nemesis wait ow you get like a truck oh i didn't want to kill him i didn't want to kill him by the way i didn't want to kill him he's my friend he's my brother i didn't want to kill him and i won't i won't kill him unless i have to right now and then i will of course kill him so i can try let him think he's winning by letting him win yeah let him think he's got the advantage by literally dying [Music] very sexy let's build brother all right where are you at oh this guy is the [ __ ] step off all right washer that is your real name get backstabbed idiot make some only friends friends oh god oh my god stop being so cringe he rolls like a [ __ ] demon's whisper wow ow roger you stupid [ __ ] huh i'm i'm goofy i'm goofy with it oh my god roger you piece of [ __ ] god damn i was getting goofy with it for sure who's next [ __ ] people here oh my god what's happening stop shooting skulls and [ __ ] at me oh god damn all right don't worry wait i forgot i have a thunderbolt [Music] what oh spotify died damn the the kendrick demand the kendrick demand yo big anything do you think you'll beat the game tonight yes for sure yeah there's no way i don't beat the game tonight i'm basically on a [ __ ] insane pace right now oh we went back uh wow people bet on that and they lost money i kind of feel bad but don't worry because we have a song for this this is the story of a samurai guaranteed [ __ ] much [Music] i heard that kendrick postponed his uh album launch because such a big fan of the glamorizer this is [Music] wait [Music] okay let's go focus up [Music] hold up [Music] no [ __ ] run run run no god dammit this is [Music] i gotta shake the rust off [Music] i will say this environment is pretty cool if not a little creepy i wouldn't have a picnic here this is the story of a samurai yeah this is like this is the story this is the training and the glamour has been [ __ ] this is the story of the greatest [Music] get back up again [Music] [Music] go for the small one go for the small one rise up believers i got it guaranteed oh my god this trade i don't want to make [Music] now [Music] yes [Music] shining all right we're back we're back we're back we're back i love this song [Music] what the [ __ ] was that talk to molina that's not normally there yeti you have to warn me i'm gonna do anything that's gonna [ __ ] up my chance to fight a mosque this was given to me by my mother but now i act of my own volition i have set my heart upon the world that i would have regardless i would never speak ill of your mother not even you more in my elven ring game what is this lore more mega wall that's it that's it great great conversation that was um that was great you just said don't talk [ __ ] about mom in so many words she said don't talk [ __ ] about my mom which is like not that much lore uh okay i'm back in the capitol say what what the [ __ ] wait i've already been here so many times it's absurd okay i sort of forgot oh yeah i was trying to go up here i was gonna make progress i was gonna go to fight this guy too but then i went back here because everybody said there was a boss in the sewers and i killed the boss in the swords his name was moog or mog so i'm actually good to keep going in the frozen wastes pog shazam i believe great progress day progress day progress day and who are you the proud lord said that i should bow so low only a cat of a different coat that's all how the [ __ ] do i get down this hill miss the big boss what does yeti say yeti what would you like me to do did i miss a big boss oh [ __ ] do a fall joke whoa i fell psych there's a quest line i mean if it's a cool boss i want to do it the whole goal the the run if the run takes three months and i miss bosses what's the [ __ ] point you know the whole point of this run being slow as [ __ ] is that i do every boss with as little backseat you can help as possible but do you think i'll run into it naturally or do you think i'll never ever find this boss if i don't get a little bit of a push never ever no shot zero percent you will never find it he doesn't have a lot of faith huh maybe i'll find it what if it's right around here what if the key to the boss is right here shlike oh you thought you thought i fell i didn't oh no um i am sort of an impasse here though it gets funnier each time one more time uh okay uh i do want to go this way and i don't know how exactly to get there but oh right here we're just [ __ ] yippy dippy so right about here champ nope i'm wrong right about i need to get up you have to go up to go down oh [ __ ] progress yes it's the best progress yes it's the [ __ ] best progress it's the [ __ ] best have i been inside the zamor ruins yet i don't know there's probably a dungeon here a request oh i love those things what did yeti say yeah can you say it one more time sorry i wasn't looking to chat it's a cool boss if you want to run it it might be locked out i don't even know am i locked out shot these [ __ ] eagles are locking me out of my [ __ ] light wait stop stop what the [ __ ] you're just a random [ __ ] eagle i am the [ __ ] lord of the seven kingdoms i am part of the george martin fan club i pre-bought wins of winner 10 years ago [Music] guide and gatekeeper for returning to the roots all right well let me follow because i have um wait i've got quest lust so let me follow this see where it leads me and then after that i will figure out this quest we're talking about where i can fight a cool boss and i will get a little bit of backseating because apparently i can't find it on my own ever as long as i live oh [ __ ] what have we here a somber smitting stone and who are you the proud lord said that i should bow so low you guys want to know some game of thrones more about that song the reigns of castemir no okay cool maybe i'll tell you anyway maybe i'll tell you anyway uh because i don't feel like you may actually want it but it could be interesting so um the song famously this is mentioned in the show so it's not a spoiler well it is foreign uh is about a different house that also had a lion banner the lannisters are a famous kind of evil family in the show and another house with a lion banner sort of uh stands up to their house and says like you know who the [ __ ] are you they kind of made fun of them kind of took loans from it didn't pay it back so anyway one day they [ __ ] come and kill him which is where the song comes from but the war is how they killed him so the house the reigns had a gold mine beneath their castle that was almost as big as the gold mine of the lannisters and when they came and laid siege to their castle they all go down into the mines and hide in there and what the lannisters did was instead of like waiting on the siege they plugged it up they locked them in and then diverted a river into the into the the thing and then they [ __ ] drowned them all they literally drowned every single one of them and then that's why sort of the uh that's where the song comes from you know i don't know if you guys were yeah bro harry potter's crazy yeah all right cool i'm sorry i thought it was interesting you know i just thought maybe i could share that more with you sort of outside of the realm of the books oh god oh my god oh i'm actually gonna die no live live live live live he wouldn't move he wouldn't [ __ ] move also who is this [ __ ] with this giant [ __ ] whip and and man boobs what is going on here oh thank god that's crazy bro anyway you want me to leave the order outside or bro i think my ubereats drivers would be more receptive than you were i literally think when and i do this often when i tell by game of thrones drivers i ask them a game of thrones riddle before i'll accept my food i say there's a tip in it for you if you can guess which house this sigil is and uh and almost all of them at least attempt to guess okay i'm gonna need you to [ __ ] off and leave me alone you're gonna be my good friend l he's got fireballs lightning lightning that's not doing anything that's not doing anything that is doing a grand total of zippity doodah [ __ ] [ __ ] all damage holy [ __ ] this guy's a [ __ ] tank wait he's a stanky tanky i'm gonna die again again back up dodge i'm going to die i don't want to die i'm going to die can you please oh gosh gosh what is with his [ __ ] whip game nip game tremendous oh my goodness i'm gonna die this [ __ ] ah black rock oh god he [ __ ] snuck out of here what is your thank you for coming nice try the glamour eye does not die so easily um close some tabs i probably should close some tabs we lost audio we have 120p audio no we don't whip versus the drip the [ __ ] rumble of the century [Music] oh i got the briars of punishment this is worthless can you tell us more game of thrones lore i mean you guys loved it so much i thought i'd save it for later the response was so overwhelmingly positive that i figured i would i wouldn't uh i wouldn't waste all my best stuff now everyone have game of thrones thursdays is there anything so here's the [ __ ] t though right so before i go on this [ __ ] quest much like the quest jamie lannister went on after losing his hand you know to fill the pages of his kingsguard book and become the man he always wished he could be an oath keeper um i uh he lost his hand i don't know he did he had he what happened in the books is his hand was made of solid diamond and then he invested it all in [ __ ] quote-unquote stable coins and uh it got sawn clean off with like a laser cutter that didn't happen no i did i have no game of thrones aboard could you recap the story of elden ring so far yeah so there is this noble wizard called george r.r martin who wanted a bunch of money so he dug too greedily and too deep thus causing the great rune snatcher to appear who cascaded the land with runes far and wide and that is when i was called up to fight as the most glamorous of the samurai um because the enemies in this game are notoriously lack drip and i have gone far and wide defeating the seven kingdoms to claim my place in the iron throne if the enemies lack drip what are you doing wearing the armor of the enemy okay the tree signals don't like trip they are [ __ ] tripped out of their minds their helmet game needs work but the beast eye quivers what does that mean what the [ __ ] does that mean the beast eye quivers [ __ ] who's quivering dude i'm not quivering tell you something about my beast eye [ __ ] still okay when i enter a dungeon i'm [ __ ] still a stone no fear [ __ ] i hate those things though be honest with you um whoa nelly you ever hooked up a gargoyle to a [ __ ] 1000 volt battery it doesn't do anything so i'm surprised that my lightning sword can shock these things and who are you the proud lord said the proud lord of casting that i should bow so low only a cat they will have the lion as their sizzle of a different coat one of those gold ones that's all the truth [Music] wait a minute wait a minute way to moon it oh my god secret wall secret wall secret wall secret wall secret wall my god my exploration instincts are on fire no secret wall what's down here and who are you a proud lord said the fact that you know the lyrics makes me want to bully you it's a little crazy that you will watch me play elden ring but if i know about game of thrones that's too far if i'm the glamorous and i have a custom theme song for fighting my enemies that's crazy i mean that's cool that's chill but if i have a custom song from a popular show that i know that's too far that's that's what kind of nerdy [ __ ] is that i'm just understanding i'm just trying to get do you sing this song from the lord of the rings books no i don't because they're too long i always thought sam was a bit of a [ __ ] [ __ ] all right all right all right all right all right all all right all right all right all right all right all right [Music] sam is the best everyone loves sam i'm gonna go ahead and say it he took too much time in the finale in the third movie i was like i had enough of sam give me a little less sand the worst part of that movie is after everything's over and they spoiler alert defeat sauron there's like a [ __ ] 90 minute outro the part where gandalf comes in the room and they're all like bouncing on the bed he's like what the [ __ ] is that i'm gonna die this thing i'm actually gonna die again wait back up they can't follow me upstairs though uh game of thrones does have a bad ending in the show but i'm certain when george r martin turns 140 and finishes the books it'll have a more complete ending no that one shot me that one shot me from full [ __ ] this cat for sam is game of thrones a reality game show yeah it is it's it's a game show yeah it's about this king in a [ __ ] small country in europe who wants to give up his throne but you have to answer his riddles three budget dead you literally can't get one hit dude [ __ ] oh [Music] i'll go that far i'll go as far as to call my goofus i don't say that lightly um all right dodge where did that come from when did he [ __ ] grow frost breath on the [ __ ] fifth round what are you talking about is george martin hot patching the goddamn game this guy would make a good tower in balloons that's actually that's actually true we might actually be friends if this cat was a [ __ ] tower in balloons i'd [ __ ] drop that thing in a [ __ ] choke point he's not a programmer yeah he is you guys don't know that george r martin and he actually coded the whole game by hand i was like i should wait on this one because i was too early and then i waited too long the only reason he hasn't released wins of winter is because he had to make this [ __ ] game every detail of himself he did all the art yeah he did all the art he did the modeling he did the programming he did the [ __ ] everything he did the marketing it was a one-man army guns can't harm uh oh [ __ ] oh my god dodge it dodge it dodge it we're gonna dodge it you're gonna dodge god oh [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] no no frost breath for me hey frost breath up here idiot oh sorry sorry that happened [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god oh thank god dude thank god oh that's what i'm talking about no cat can stand in my way secret wall cigar secret wall drop nothing doesn't matter what he dropped it matters that your balls drop and you watch high stakes combat like that okay you guys are growing up seeing a great warrior fight oh [ __ ] wow that's like a [ __ ] frosty one huh damn you know what though i'm iced out this is actually cool damn look at me i'm iced the [ __ ] out shush all right it's gone when you take the tag off the second you walk out of the store you're not in the [ __ ] funhouse mirror anymore dude am i out of arrows oh you're cringing me in my [ __ ] cringe hole ah i gotta have some arrows dude certain arrows thank you [Laughter] indiana [ __ ] jones over here [Applause] i'm draped out again though oh [ __ ] wait wait hold oh thank god uh man that was wet and wild for sure but we are making progress into this dungeon this fungi really okay anything up here if i were to stand on top of this no oh god damn what a blustery cold wind there is no doubt that this is truly blustery sticker wall oh god secret wall sticker wall that's [ __ ] it that's what i get for a secret wall cringe just chill back there nothing else it's a girl i got a secret plant yeah yeah yeah yeah oh another one of my favorite enemies what a joy this is for me oh [ __ ] wait that is painful boy howdy that [ __ ] hurts [Music] who's moving he's oh god no no [ __ ] dude i was moving and then i thought about it okay it was a bit of a greedy oh please don't be back no no i'm not doing it i'm literally not doing it i'm actually not doing it right no nope nope no no i don't think so not today hit me with your best shot this morning hit me with your best shot [ __ ] [ __ ] dude it's one hit per time it's one hit brandon you get it's all you get is one hit stop oh god oh god damn it yes yes please do not bring back the hey truck my [ __ ] dear friend the enemy you just fought is dead have you seen him it's been three months since i killed a [ __ ] rabbit at the start of the game and you guys have been doing it for every enemy and i don't even think it's from this game it's from sakura it's from [ __ ] like eight months ago it's from eight months ago when i killed a [ __ ] like wolf at the beginning of sakura and i laughed at it once i laughed at it one time and people have been doing it for every enemy for eight months fire monk ashes don't really use ashes but wait did i come down all the way here for this [ __ ] that's it i came all the way down here for [ __ ] you're kidding me and who are you the proud lord said that i should have you tried every wall i [ __ ] [ __ ] josh indiana jones i'm so stupid i forgot that i can't hurt him all right we're out we're done anything deeper there's a boss down here this way one unless oh wait a minute one thing i didn't try what if i stand on this and go real high no so bro i'm stuck i'm just i'm literally stuck there's nothing here i've been lied to it's a [ __ ] lie there's no [ __ ] ball god damn it okay and who are you that i should bow so low all right we're riding not good for your blade yeah i think ramming your weapon into walls over and over is not very good for it maybe it sharpens it though they say iron sharpens iron so brick must sharpen steel do the math are these magic gargoyles the glam ride doesn't need a sharp tool he cuts through with his sharp looks actually so [ __ ] true yeah let me tell you something the sharpness of this outfit makes up for any dullness of the blade i'll tell you that right [ __ ] now i'm looking for a boss i'm looking for a boss unless guy mining diamonds meme i don't want to turn around at the finish line okay unless it could be this one though nope could be this one but i'm not gonna check it because i know it's not i know that's not it so i'm not i'm gonna save myself the time and not check it but it could be it nope i will never slice it imagine there's a [ __ ] entire secret world back there and basically a whole other game with bosses and adventures galore and i will never slice it oh my [ __ ] god what the hell did i need to get this lightning off my [ __ ] bring back bloody slash i don't do lightning very often uh and bloody slash is very iconic let's move back here someone's someone's plopping around oh that was a cool animation oh what's up hairy plopper okay so i'm here now but there must be more to it up here ah [ __ ] [ __ ] hell god damn it oh what's this oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] never doubted he's never afraid never doubted and was never afraid sorry pot friend secret wall okay this dungeon is quite verbose what the hell normally these eggs pre-sage the arrival of a dragon [ __ ] i'm getting all poisoned up okay here's my worry i have no more pots i have a hundred thousand rooms i just want to find a [ __ ] exit i want to find a thingamajig or i'm gonna die and lose all my runes and uh oh that's a button i don't wanna press gotta interesting see what it does though are you still huddling tesla it was a pretty good day for them wait what do you think i'm hodling tesla ever you think i ever owned tesla i think i talked about tesla being overvalued every [ __ ] stream for like three years oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait that guy just saw the greatest dodger of all time i'm like the tesla guy no i'm not the tesla guy i'm the opposite of the tesla guy i'm the crypto guy the only reason i would ever sell my tesla so i could buy more doge all right [ __ ] it but if you could have bought tesla when would you that's a stupid [ __ ] question i would have bought it [ __ ] six years ago before it went to a thousand after mini splits and i would have made millions yeah wow what a great question though but i wouldn't buy it now this is my first time in chat is this the tesla stream i've heard so much about bro i'm just trying to die you guys are talking you're talking that sweet i'm just trying not to die out here because i have no more potions is it worth flying into a bubble low and selling before it pops or is it too morally gray you think it's a moral problem it's just you're not gonna get out before it pops dude everyone thinks you're gonna get before it pops and then it pops and then you lose all your money it's not but you don't have to [ __ ] ask the lord's forgiveness for buying [ __ ] tech stocks it's that you're probably losing money uh unless you get out well and truly early sorry jesus sorry jesus i bought doge [Laughter] i bought and sold dojo profit jesus dude i checked every [ __ ] wall what's the point of this is if it's a goddamn duplicate if it's a goddamn duplicate like the other [ __ ] dungeon i'm gonna [ __ ] scream if it's one of those mind [ __ ] dungeons oh i'm so mauled involved all right no we didn't lose 100k room we're gonna get it back right now jesus shot god forgive me i don't know what cricket i'm about to buy [ __ ] [ __ ] no not my roots no all right where are these [ __ ] rooms down here honest to god remember we're not going for a red wedding type of situation no oh my god i almost fell i literally almost fell okay atrial could beat elven ring in his wedding with the insane content it the use of the word insane is very appropriate there it would literally be the content of an insane person [ __ ] where's my goddamn runes where's my goddamn rooms where is my goddamn rooms no gosh actually please no please no run run run run run run becoming elden lord and a husband on the same day would be pretty hard i mean that would be pretty pog don't get me wrong i'm not i just uh i don't think it'll be appropriate drop down here and we drop down here into the duplicate zone because it's obviously a duplicate zone and then we go here and we do this maybe or am i losing it no this is wrong it's just wrong morally and otherwise this is not it this is the way i came from first squirting are you going to livestream the wedding or that be too morally gray stop saying morally gray oh [ __ ] no i'm not going to livestream i would i won't need to because you guys will all be there in person my entire chat is invited so while i need to stream it no one will be watching online i'm losing my mind ari will be the will you may be nearest to my jon snow [Music] yes i'm not that into game of thrones i think you're overrating it what the hell hop goes the sneezel dude what the [ __ ] remember when game of thrones and everybody loved it yeah i do what's funny is i literally hated it after the finale and i didn't think about it for years and years and years and years and then i watched one youtube video and now i'm the biggest [ __ ] game of thrones fan again it's crazy it's crazy the power of youtube wait this is a different it's a different egg it [ __ ] does a million damage maybe it drops something cool oh yeah right as an egg hole nothing nothing okay i get the feeling that i'm lost eat that idiot oh i didn't like that did you one more time though for the fans outplayed literally and figuratively outplayed um okay so chills chills chills oh different wait it's different it's different it's different oh no oh god damn it oh god damn it really oh god damn it oh god damn it ah god damn dit do i really have to go all the way [ __ ] back up oh i'm mauled okay oh go all the way back up we go through here we go over here we go up the stairs across we go over here we drop we drop and then what wait how the [ __ ] do i get there what are you smoking what the [ __ ] how how dude oh dear lord the [ __ ] okay think it through think it through think it through think it through perhaps there's a secret wall i could slice i haven't tried that yet oh my god if i'm gonna hit that every single time [Music] yo big a morning from sweden what's up what's up swedes oh no no no no no no so there's again nothing here i'm i'm literally in a in a time loop i'm in a time loop wait what how in the world well there's actually no [ __ ] way there's actually no [ __ ] way to make that jump what the [ __ ] okay maybe oh yes ah [ __ ] hey and so we spoke and so we spoke that lord of casta [Music] here wait a minute oh it's a different area but it's the same it's [ __ ] groundhog day get out of the way eggs of dargan wait a minute is it the same area bro am i literally in this same area no there's a plot there it's a different area but what's happening well where am i papa i'm lost okay it's fine it's fine because we are getting to the bottom of this mystery okay this is a loop again go this way though oh we go this way then we're in a new area oh yes lord progress now i can't teleport okay let me know i'm leaving you can't stop me i'm leaving uppies up up up run run run up run oh thank godness before i go in there though i should probably see if i can feel and regain my options yo i really gotta go on the elevator [ __ ] time oh mega bra is what i'm thinking right now how far was the entrance from that well i'm literally omega brawling wait where the [ __ ] oh there it is okay thank you dear god oh i should be able to get a should be able to level up right yeah buddy i got a lot of decks got a lot of endurance maybe a little more endurance couldn't hurt yeah i'll just oh maybe a little mind for your mind nah a little endurance would be good i always run out so we spoke and so we spoke level int no my character is dumb as bricks just your character all by the wall very sexy let's build brother all right boss time what do we got here one of these tree spirits huh oh oh that's a big hit it's a massive gargantuan hit by me wait a minute okay touch oh i got greedy i'm dead oh i'm so bald get up get up i can't believe i got crazy yeah that was so crazy well this game does not let you do that whenever they're at like 2h speed you're like let's just go ah this never works oh god damn it i don't know about you guys but i feel like saying omega bra again for that my roots my roots hold oh it's [ __ ] crypto getting a snack [Music] okay okay okay okay that does not count as losing obviously that was if anything accelerating the endless night let me look this [ __ ] [Music] yo you're tuning in to the glamorized saga he's coming at you with a gucci katana tricks out in the is [Music] that's not a good intro [Music] all right yo [Music] you're tuning in to the glamorized saga he's coming at you with a gucci katana tricks out in the drippiest armor take him out and he'll come back harder his name is come and take a shot down you've got an order it will take a lot whether [Music] he's coming at you with a gucci katana last time huh oh god he won't be summoning his friends and he never lost his head [Laughter] just be the yes to break his resolve not a single boss will be enough of a test he'll ring its neck enemy failed swipe it snakes enemy failed slices flesh enemy failed he'll loot that chest when the enemies failed break its back enemy fell dodged all these enemies must be completely filled with dread every swipe of the blade begins to stain it he doesn't need the ruins that's never what he's done it for never no matter how many times you push him down back up hill claw it's the jabs i'm back i thought i'd make another one he beat radon so quick that i had to come back with another song i don't know if you know british slang but atriox you're a [ __ ] don rules jab's two for two all right that was a fun little dungeon um no this guy's back chat you fight him [Music] i don't want to fight him chat you fight him good job i'll get this guy you guys have to get him though this is not going well you guys are really trying oh i'm sorry what a sub oh [ __ ] let me out of this okay i'm just gonna sneak around here you guys got this i'm sure you got this i really believe oh this is kind of a cool [ __ ] thing ah oh what's this lost ashes of war very thin bridge indeed oh there's a gap excuse me wow that should have killed by all rights by all the gods old and new oh jesus lord i have to get the loot though i need these runes damn what a big chunker of an arrow all right i want to fight you but i also don't want to cross that bridge again so we go look whoa we're going gonna look for a thing oh yeah come on baby give me rise back again baby i've been exploring caleb lately maybe this is a stupid question but why don't you put no backseating in the chat rules are you backseating my moderators on how they establish chat rules that's breaking our first unrent rule on no backseating ban uh cool well we're all healed up and dealed up with an entirely new air oh i'm right here next to this wait juno hoslow juno hoslo prepare to meet your doom uh how do i get up there you think the movie juno was about this character or do you think maybe this character is not a team girl who's pregnant piper's clint's doggy is clint's dog named juno oh look at this big old mama jamma you think it's a michael sarah mini boss that'd be wild just michael sarah as himself in the game elder ring and you have to kill him he's like how did i get here please i'm just an actor he's gonna break the ice buddy watch out you're gonna break the ice i gotta save everybody else from his own breakfast [Music] you know if you don't bleed there should be no amount of damage someone can do to your foot that kills you you know what i'm saying imagine my foot couldn't bleed it doesn't matter how much someone stabs it it'll hurt but it won't kill me my brain and heart still work without blood loss like what tell that to achilles i guess touche what if his heart is in his leg okay but is it because we don't have any proof of that i think you're i think it's hearsay at this point oh there's something cool here and i ain't just talking about the ice you can technically get a heart attack from severe pain is that what's happening here i'm stabbing this guy in the foot so much he's getting a heart attack from the pain oh this guy's not dead all right so oh this still is important all right we have graced up i'm graced tf up right now and now i'm at the [ __ ] frozen lake of almond raw this is very is important lore everyone watching right now if you're not looking closely you're missing out on important lore this is actually the frozen lake where queen shish kebab first began the reign of the ice age and if this is actually really important wow what an awesome piece of war right there what yeti what'd you say i missed that my first playthrough thanks no problem that's why i'm going in detail in my playthrough to get all the little stuff you might miss do you want to do that boss thing now oh uh is it is it like time sensitive like if i keep going am i going to lock myself out of it because i don't really want to do it now i don't want to leave the snow area it's kind of fun if it's not what i do i'll probably do a different different day so i can make some progress here holy [ __ ] wait why is this random skeleton the [ __ ] judo master of the gym oh you got fighters jesus doesn't drop anything okay i was gonna fight juno hosla was my goal and i [ __ ] missed that by a [ __ ] mile high club uh because i'm getting [ __ ] by this [ __ ] environment all right everyone leave me alone i don't have to fight all you i don't have to legally i don't have to fight all you and you guys are trying to pretend like i do oh what's this a piece of loot wow a stimulating ball have we here the edge of a dark cliff it's like they don't know the law all right a cool little snail critter but what i'm looking for most of haul and oats is bosses now this castle looks like the place you'd find a boss yes sir oh i think i even see a boss imagine they say with great bravery comes great risk imagine yeah dude seriously imagine oh magic yeah matt damon once said fortune favors the brave that's excellent [ __ ] i didn't make it by the way it's like it was like a dumb jump i think i know you're all thinking like that was an awesome jump that was sick issue i believe i can't believe miyazaki and george teamed up to [ __ ] you like that basically spit roast you with bad code that does not calculate fall damage correctly dave you know what's crazy that was you almost want to try it again but you won't because you know it won't work i want to i'll just go this way i'll just go down this way you can reduce fall damage you can reduce the amount of mind nuts in your mouth but you don't seem to choose to you seem to keep them both in there the whole [ __ ] time don't stop talking about what i can and can't do in a game where i don't want backseating uh i do oh what the hell holy [ __ ] skull various the ancient king of this realm my god i never thought i'd see your like again skull various oh skull various come back to us i knew you and you're just a friendly giant skeleton to live in these parts everyone count on you for a quick joke and a smile but you become a shadow of your former self oh the lore goes deep here my friends what possibly could have turned skull various to the side of evil oh he is a powerful one as powerful as i remember in our days at school college together oh god uh one more hit scolabarius you've always hated this ever since i got a better grade than you in skull class and you said i'm a literal oh you're dead okay wow not really a drop on that waste of time a lot of lore in this game that you guys don't pick up on when you don't play my playthrough i catch things you know keen eye for detail bonnie should be taking notes i you said it not me but i did say it out loud every day holy [ __ ] his brother boney oh holy [ __ ] skull barry is his brother boney and he's pissed because of what happened to skull various but not for what you think he was pissed because skull various owed him a great debt and by killing him i've unleashed him from that debt and now he can't pay his own debts dear god and then it's also this guy sir bones work [ __ ] this [ __ ] noise dude he's got a [ __ ] laser eye this is some seriously impressive lore well george armand doesn't [ __ ] around except when it comes to his most popular book for a decade plus [Laughter] in which case yes he does very much [ __ ] around but outside of that he's all business when it comes to writing great lore the house of the skulls oh sir bones a lot oh sir bones i forget the lore sometimes i'm right on top of it it's this way oh down there okay well surely the best way down isn't to jump on my horse sir bones were going to [ __ ] full hog town oh yeah that's good okay now we're somewhere good now we're cooking with propane certified gasolina shack of the lofty who would consider themselves lofty if they lived in this shack by the way what [ __ ] purpose do these shacks serve they're near no town and you can grow no crops who lives there and for what reason riddle me that home is where the heart is i guess that's true you know what you love a place far beyond me to tell you you shouldn't juno hoslow i'm calling you out is this an average day in canada a little whip action you are [ __ ] my friend wait holy [ __ ] this dude can drop a whip oh god i'm getting [ __ ] massive bloodluck what the hell hoslow this [ __ ] jack harlow [ __ ] me jack [ __ ] drake rip off harlow what's poppin dude brand new whip just hopped in i knew it um all right jack harlow you [ __ ] industry plant i'm gonna take you down oh you're chugging pots now oh my god this dude hits like a [ __ ] mac oh you're out of potions oh you dumb dumb ass why didn't you bring 13 potions like me stupid idiot fool [Applause] uh oh what's popping all right all right hoslow's pedal went hoslow's whoa whoa whoa whoa are we talking driver we talking drown wait a minute it's not as cool as i thought tim i thought it was only on one side it would have been so cool if it was one horn it's still pretty cool but it looks goofy with two [ __ ] damn the picture looks so i thought it was a one-sided thing that would have been so sick let me see what the rest of the armor looks like i'm actually probably not gonna use this at all i really have grown attached to my glamour eye helm it just feels like the glamour eye but let's see here what kind of outfit jack paula was wearing he always talks about how cute people think he is and it might be because of his clothes oslo's armor whoa nelly that actually is dripped the [ __ ] up wait that's dope that actually matches the helmet so well oh this is some high fashion [ __ ] the shoulder pad oh that's actually just awesome like the [ __ ] badass cape she yeesh okay let me change out the boots let's see oslo you know how to dress my friend oh yeah that's dope the only thing is i think i want to swap the boots out for something that's more of a statement piece yeah i'm saying i want something to like pop so i might even keep this it looks goofy but in like a high fashion kind of way that might be good too a little red accent the omen greeves the dung boots no i'm not gonna wear the dung [Laughter] no no i'm not gonna wear the [ __ ] dung boots uh for the leggings nope looks terrible what about clean rod please those are kind of nice those are kind of nice hold that for now all right um into the heavens and hit a [ __ ] bat four times it would die is that too much to ask it's a big bat okay something happened here oh it must be the lore of when the twins of scoopy duke performed an ancient ritual dance to melt all the ice but halfway through they set each other's toes and the dance was ruined and they [ __ ] died on the spot of the coals okay so i fought oslo i need to find a boss i'm looking for a boss that's what my [ __ ] goal is i want to fight a boss for the scrooby-doop twins with queen shifter bob great question the answer is yes for a time but like all their eyes grew bigger than their stomachs they wanted more than queen shish kebab could offer so they looked elsewhere in the frozen kingdom which led to a tale you all know i don't mean to say the tale of the dance that time forgot i'm just gonna follow this unless oh my god wait hold we can live we will live the wait what this says go this way and this says go this way oh let's go to the [ __ ] castle that was the boss let's go to the castle boss how did i forget about that we'll go to the castle and leave this boss's foul corpse lying exactly where i found it oh hello this is [ __ ] whoa is tibia merrier again if i die wow helping steeple death that's such a strange boss to have seen like three or four times this game it's just a big [ __ ] boat there's a [ __ ] bell ringing let me tell you that what is this god forsaken bell oh that thing oh no wow what's the war behind the bell that is actually um the first taco bell death right bird but one day one of the chalupas escaped turns to a giant burn that i'm fighting now and the moral of that story is always consider where your food comes from what is this horse [ __ ] oh [ __ ] come on oh what the hell what the wait what the [ __ ] wait i was dodging him and then he nuclear bombed me oh god damn it god damn it was it a fart oh my god wait dodge this guy's part of the [ __ ] group there is no shot okay you have to dodge all right death right bird all right all right all right here we go here we go here we go death right bird i got some death rights for you so say your prayers baby oh no roll roll yep oh no whoa [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] lasagna okay okay okay damn this guy's got [ __ ] treats actually kind of a cool boss wait hold up hold up hold up let's get a song going and let's really try [Music] i didn't do it [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] tell me the reason you won't stop believing cause i know that brandon won't stop till his beating no eating no sleeping no heights he's not reaching he's bleeding he's feeding on killing oh don't kill me don't kill me [ __ ] hungry not kill me from 100. uh uh [Music] grind for the okay and we grind for the pride yeah oh that's the problem that's the problem i figured out i was hammering on his head and not his body and you can target them differently okay okay okay okay okay okay second song [Music] yeah you know what we gotta do is [Music] real food you gotta make do like dog shampoos [Music] i will chop this bird apart [Music] dodge everything [Music] the problem is gone she always brings me dinner like around [ __ ] eight when i'm on stream and it's a very tasty dinner and i'm so goddamned hungry do the castle i'm not gonna do the castle i'm gonna do this [ __ ] bird i'm not gonna have sex with it i'm gonna kill it yeah i'm more hungry for victory than i am first god space it out dodge gosh i'm actually getting rocking this guy they're close jump gosh dodge dodge god okay yes dodge gosh oh there's a backslash dodge [Music] oh my god okay huh blows up in every direction okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay please open your window i'm sending uber yeats that's the stupidest what a stupid pun what is that oh my gosh no dodge that cut off the body the head will fall i'm dead right okay okay i'm getting it right now i'm getting it right now i'm getting it right now i'm focusing up hocus pocus focus just believe cut off the body just leave the dick why do you want the [ __ ] dead bird's dick don't come out of that if you do i don't want to know yes no no [ __ ] [ __ ] dude this death right bird is making my death right i can beat him no i can beat him now i can beat him not gonna beat him i can't beat him now okay the trick is to hit him but not be hit in return there's a newest there's a newer song all right there's a new song i'll play it because a new song could be just what i needed employees [Music] you foreign i guess [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] can we play the song the song is amazing i need to be louder replay it again but louder [Music] employee starts with [Music] [Music] has no big sweet is but i will [Music] hey [Music] oh what a stupid move oh i want a stupid [ __ ] move [Music] is for you has [Music] the show is just about to stop oh 47 won't go out [Music] maybe just a quiet shot [Music] after the war i went back to new york after the war i went back uh i can't play that song it'll get me dmc aid you've got a lot of death on your hands and i've got blood on mine it doesn't matter how this began you have strength but i have time this ends with me standing over your dead body oh here we go this is like the full list that's my [ __ ] waterfalls dude don't go chasing ryder falls even for the runes in the bus at the bottom i know that you wanna do it your way no helpers at all but i think you're doomed to ride little streamer has a real bad obsession for temptation but he just can't see rock gives him damage that his body can't handle but all he can say is [Music] his health is fading and he doesn't know why let us take him to his final resting place [Music] but i think you're you okay dude i'm so [ __ ] pissed [Music] yes [Music] if this doesn't elevate me to the next level i don't know what will [Music] cheers can't hear the music and he has no need for any of these overpowered spells he just kills the boss with a blade and then takes its loot as well resolve endless how the hell are these enemies to contend with this bloody seven hours turn the lights on turn the [ __ ] lights on oh i know i actually know what it is it's time to go to town king of hitman runs ain't nobody [ __ ] with a clown but you slowed in a pelton ring so i guess it's time for the glamour right now help with the ui what the [ __ ] you need a doctor i am a doctor i should have died years ago people all over the world have my disease premier to find a cure we have to push the boundaries take the risks if you're gonna run do it now up oh some form of pathways there's something inside [Music] what we should do anything to save a life let's go [Music] [Music] no oh oh [ __ ] off uh um [ __ ] [ __ ] i should stay in touch i'd do anything to save a life but i don't know what i'm capable of you save lives you don't take them are you here to heal the world oh my god dude foreign are you a doctor you're gonna run the real power was within all along oh dude that's such a [ __ ] stupid move we haven't had anything this good since that thing in san francisco michael morbius discover who you're meant to be the bad guy oh but there's a cost now a face of choice it's up to us to control it you've been given a gift oh my god oh man the bad guy [ __ ] no no no no dude but there's a cost um i want like someone saying the word morbius for 10 hours okay [Music] heart part five h rock parody where i gotta watch this big a's back looking ball like a hit man i've been rapping since the [ __ ] [ __ ] man kick him marco list i will hit man got cans i stand the coffee cow yo i feel used like a coffee cow hoe pig slam slam pig whatever it is man back in this [ __ ] cause the alternative [ __ ] man i'm down like the economy in this land big a's live and he is the best crypto dips so it's time to invest but kelly's got a skull this is what kendrick wanted one digital monkey caused thousands of deaths i'll say this [ __ ] with my goddamn chest i talk my [ __ ] i got a porcelain neck ain't no six of this a real heat check like i'm signing a mixer where i'm getting these checked it's coffee time give me a second big a in this [ __ ] and he ain't no [ __ ] he's a coffee bowl cause he ain't got tits do y'all even think before you write this [ __ ] brandon's a bull cause he's a big man so shut your mouth like saikuna with his hand or i'll cancel your life like a psychonauts stand baby [Music] all right i'm going to bed i got work tomorrow and i just screamed it's morbid time in a dark room uh my quest will continue um my fiance is not here today that's the whole reason i'm playing late otherwise i would end it at 11. uh challenging day but fun and we did make progress slowly but surely uh hope you guys enjoyed i'll be back tomorrow with more stuff for sure maybe a little balloons maybe a little punch i don't know we'll see and um that's that thanks everyone stick around thanks to all the believers and have a good night happy friday happy birthday to my dad good night bye-bye have a good one i'm not gonna read you buddy have a good night watch everyone peace
[Music] hi guys you're already dancing let me get some music um actually let me switch this too so i can hear subs and stuff um open sound settings this one great hi all city hello hello okay i should be able to hear resubs i think um it's like i just started and i was like wait do i need to pee is this catching okay sorry about that it's like catching a lot of background noise and i don't know why where did the title go right uh is it gone let me find some music for us thanksgiving dang it i can't find anything good that's copyright free dang it dan thank you for the two [Music] i do have a kitty where'd you go come here [Music] hi guys [Music] oh [Music] thank you for the sub okay are you gonna get on the computer if you're gonna get on the computer my friend i'm gonna have to adjust the camera [Music] wait don't get over here yet don't don't do it [Music] no can i please put this down first please please please pretty please oh crap he's already on the computer what one second be on stream i'm so sorry okay you can hang out we're so fine with you hanging out but let me put this down first okay i know there you go let me fix the cam i actually don't know if i can that might be the best i can fix it well i'll work right here ish i don't have much space because we have a cat my camera's kind of messed up anyway hi guys happy thanksgiving how are you wait is that leaf in your fur oh it's cat food gross ah hi guys how's it going how's the music is it too loud it feels kind of loud lord neck beard thank you the three music's good okay white people happy what are you guys doing today staying home being sad i understand me too [Music] home and sag dude i need a longer camera cord maybe i'll go like this this might freak the cat out i'm trying not to freak the cat out but he gets mad when anything moves but i might go like this sorry buddy i'm sorry buddy i'm just moving some things whoa hype train little magooby thank you for the seven months shawn thank you for your hundred bits not a lonely thanksgiving anymore oh that's nice okay let me try to get a little more counter space in the camera would be awesome does that give me a little more kind of gives me here and here okay um well first things first everybody hi hello um second thing second say hello to the cat he's here to help us um i need to hurry and load these dishes because surprise surprise my turkeys are still frozen luckily these turkeys are for tomorrow today we're just making ham but i need them to unfreeze so i need to submerge them in water this happens to me every year without fail and i don't know why i really don't because i gave this so much time to thaw and i just am so unlucky um today this my turkey's for tomorrow so our thanksgiving is tomorrow um but yeah this is clarks thank you for the prime i am very thankful for that swift no barking anyway let me um get this started whoa who's that sparkin thank you for the two hey you're okay the dog bark it scared ya did the dog work scare you there's a dog hi tv do you want to come here come here do you wanna say hi come here go sit can you sit sit oh hi we got the whole family we got the whole family how's it going hi hi hello hello hello oh kisses thank you thank you so much do you want to sit by us while we cook huh oh you just burped in my face that was so rude you just burped in my face hey it's the oh yeah you need an antibiotic huh you have to take an antibiotic we need to give you an antibiotic look i'll give you an antibiotic for your little mouth huh in little mouth stores i mean give you an antibiotic oh i love you i love you so much get your paw okay you want to where do you want to go you can't sit on the counter like the cat can you too big you wanna go on the ground like i got a blanket for you wanna lay on this blanket come here thank you for the hundred bitties one second let me get my dog a blanket [Music] [Music] to me [Music] [Music] got this blanket he can lay on but he won't come chippy thank you for the hundred bits as well osd thank you for the uh the 14 months if i missed a sub i might have i'm really sorry oh my goodness qtc seven kg thank you so much for the what is that the prime you guys smell that oh yes the cat just loves smelling things i want the dog to come lay on this i got it it's it i got it at ulta for spending i bought ludwig some cologne cologne some cologne and it was expensive enough that you got a free blanket so i thought it'd be good for swift to lay on but now i think i love it it's so soft ooh cozy well i don't know where swift doesn't want to hang out so i guess i'll just put it over here okay um let me empty the sink and let's get our turkeys defrosting because i'm gonna brine them today i'm gonna brine them today so they're ready for tomorrow usually i like to do a 24 hour grind um but lmao they're still frozen so i can't brine them yet so i'm going to defrost them a little bit and then i can do brine them i just got to do the dishes really quick because i still have dishes from yesterday cause yesterday i was just so busy um and then we will try to load as we go today right chat right because we have a lot to cook today so we're going to try to load as we go sorry for the i probably should have done this before stream started but hey it gives you some alone time to talk to the cat [Music] [Music] please yeah i'm just gonna start this it's already full okay [Music] oh this is dirty i don't know if this is dirty or not i'm going to assume it's not what it might be okay we are ready to get started by oh this is gonna suck i won't be able to use the sink because the turkeys are gonna be in it hey this is clarks sorry sorry sorry thank you for gifting a sub and the egoist thank you for the six mr months wide people i'm happy will you say hello to them please will you say hello to them just a little bit um okay so let me clean up the sink because i need i have two very large turkeys i definitely made too much turkeys my bad um but hey oops so for anybody in chat who doesn't know about thawing a turkey i'll teach you about it in a second because i've become very good at it unfortunately throwing the turkey last year is actually how i gave myself like salmonella like i had food poisoning last year after thanksgiving because i thought my turkey incorrectly and well i didn't do it incorrectly i did it lackadaisically where i was just a little lazier than i should have been and it came and bit me in the butt um so we will not do that this year um it'll be fine so i have two 20-pound turkeys um the crazy thing is i bought them and they were thawed and for some reason in my mind don't ask me i don't know why i'm like this i put them in the freezer instead of the fridge um which is just insane of me um don't ask just don't ask okay it was so stupid it was so stupid um so now i need to thaw them [Music] unfortunately in turkeys you're never supposed to thaw on the counter because what can happen is it can get into that dangerous area of food poisoning on the outside while the inside is still thawing so you're supposed to thaw them in cool water to kind of control the temperature that way it's not as you know warm as room temperature so i'm going to fill my sink up with some cool water and you have to replace the water every 30 minutes so it's embarrassing how often i've done this the worst thing that i mean worse worst case i just have to cook it longer tomorrow but then it's more likely to be dry so i just don't want to do that i don't get to visit my family this year because cutie needed mods okay all mods take the day off i definitely saw mine on the counter oh uh you'll be fine you'll be great we don't need mods today take the day off you'll be you'll be great we'll be fine right chat everyone act cool okay another issue i have is i don't have a cover for the drain in the sink that i need to put these in are you bringing the turkey i am going to grind the turkey after i thought but remember i am not um i am not dude i can't believe i put this in the freezer i'm so stupid i am not cooking my turkey today i'm cooking it tomorrow you should always brighten it overnight except for i'm an idiot and i prefer to brine it for 24 hours but my turkey is frozen so i'm freaking dumb i don't know why i did that i'm so disappointed myself i don't want to talk about it okay um i need something to cover the hole in the sink i don't know what to do besides maybe a plate let's work an upside down plate [Music] it doesn't super work what should i use to cover the bottom chat a bowl like an upward facing bowl maybe i guess like this way it might work i think this is working [Music] yeah i think this is working no lay down lay down lay down lay down lay down lay down lay down lay down stay down sorry ludwig walked fine the cat got excited okay i think this is gonna work so let me just put the turkeys in here [Music] and just let this fill up with water which feels so insanely wasteful though [Music] thanksgiving is about gluttony i suppose all right just gonna let that fill up upside down pot lid i used to play it seemed to work dry turkeys incoming no i shut up it's not dry turkeys what is the cat doing he's here to help what are you cooking today well um what i'm cooking today because we're not having thanksgiving today we're having thanksgiving tomorrow so today i'm making a honey baked ham as well as something called funeral potatoes it's very popular in the mormon the mormon subreddit and uh and peas so that's what i'm making for dinner today oh i could make rolls that would be smart if i made some rolls today should we make some rolls what do you guys think we'll make some rolls today make more rolls tomorrow maybe i make half my recipe of rolls just to see how many it makes so then i know some fresh rolls and then also we're making um some more pies for tomorrow i like to get all my pies done a day before um so we're going to make chocolate silk pie um as well as another type of pumpkin pie it's called the pumpkin chiffon pie i feel like i forgot about a pie oh and uh lemon meringue we will probably make tomorrow but we'll make the dough today you're mormon uh my family is and i used to be i i'm definitely gonna let this thaw in the sink for um a few hours um and uh we'll see i'll probably cut it off at seven to brine it because i really want to make sure i give it at least 12 hours to brine and i have to start cooking it very early tomorrow so so we'll see this is how i got sick last year so i need to wash my hands a lot i got sick by putting my hands in the raw turkey juice and not washing them enough but i do have these one positive from covid i have these antibacterial wipes so i'll just use this [Music] so yeah let's um we're gonna do a pumpkin chiffon pie we're gonna do pumpkin chiffon we already have pecan so we have pecan we have normal pumpkin we're gonna do pumpkin chiffon which i will teach you about lemon meringue and chocolate silk my prime is not available thank you for the the eight months though vitor thank you um quantum fusion thank you for the eight months and keegs thank you for your sub thank you so much uh you guys want to hear something crazy so i've talked about how my brother is a basketball coach and um somebody popped his tires last night like one of the one of the friends of a kid who got cut i thought it was a dad but it was a friend or a brother isn't that so sad like a kid got cut from his team and then the friend or brother went and popped his tires blow thank you for the prime i appreciate that so sad huh yeah my sister also coaches volleyball and you would not be surprised by the amount of [ __ ] they get from like parents like my sister oh my god kings geez louise thank you so much holy moly thank you keegs for the 20 gifted and dan roar thank you for your nine months keegs that's insanely generous thank you so much that's very very kind of you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you um x z ver thank you for the six yeah my sister my sister is a volleyball coach and she had um like a parent showed up to her house one day because she didn't like put the daughter in the game as much as the parent would have liked um so it's crazy is this thing still on yeah it's still filling up i can't have its dream i don't really see it draining i feel so wasteful but i got us off wait is this thing i'll do a plate this time next time i'll try a uh upside down lid then i'm perma-benching their kid dude it it's so sad it was so sad that uh yeah my brother's so sad because it was like my sister-in-law's birthday yesterday and he had to like miss her birthday because of like basketball [ __ ] and then he uh went outside and somebody popped both of his tires and keyed both sides of the car all because the kid got cut which is just like just get better at basketball homie so did she get put in the game no [Music] i want to say something atrocious but the mods are taking a day off thank you for holding it in until tomorrow can the they report it to the police um he's helping cook dinner they can but the police can't do much because it's just a blurry camera that caught the guy it's so sad so so sad guys i don't think this is working i think it's just raining out [Music] yeah it's just draining out okay i need a upside down pot lid is what you guys said okay what if i do this and i like try to cover it with like saran wrap or something i don't have saran wrap great it's gonna make my life very hard oh wait you know what i have i think this will be better than a potlet like this like a plastic bowl cover oh yeah [Music] i'm just going to hold it down until it has pressure on it that way nothing escapes question mark okay i think this will work better okay i believe this is already working better jesus a mini gamer chair thank you for your prime for five months why are you guys question marking what did i miss what is the question mark for i don't have a large pot that will fit them [Music] what did i miss what are you question marking you said question mark oh sometimes you guys dude it doesn't feel like it's working still okay i put a plate over it as well so i have a plate and a red thing over it hopefully that'll work um okay let me pull out the ham so the ham probably needs to get it i could check [Music] so wrong what that's not a thanksgiving song it's an everyday song i'm sorry welcome to the united states of america thanks do i look good today or what i have white stains on the back of my shirt [Music] what's this that's a logo i'm sad about the turkeys man brother having last year happened this year it'll happen next it won't it's all an extra challenge you're gonna open that on my stream right now you scared the cat wait wow what's that what it's shiny he didn't like it are you you're meaning oh it's so hard to get them to go places i do this five heads you will chase the end of this back to the i will write my wrongs summer thank you the five dollars here's the five dollars to go towards your brother's donut to get new tires thank you i will make them i'll give him that yeah my god isn't that crazy i told him i thought it was a dad but did he read the message it was a brother like a brother yeah backlash thank you for the price if that's a brother a friend like god damn they're driving a nice car yeah goddamn well i think it's like gang related what gang members have nice cars no gang gang member yeah you caught one of the gang members from the basketball team you're popping his tires man graphology think of the prime lots of prime shapes who play varsity high school basketball are not walking around with the [ __ ] black ones did you do 2020 did you know that uh uh we were playing gta yesterday and there's a line where he says the plan is simple oh yeah yeah which guy oh yeah what's his name michael a manga yeah all right it's very funny simple that's a bad michael yeah it was an oh my god i i i vaguely remember also i just played uh lester for the first time yesterday it was traumatizing i mean the back of my head looks like a mohawk it does kind of look like a mohawk what the hell is going on back there oh yeah we were we were going to go home for thanksgiving uh with my family i'm pretty sure i'm going to cancel i'm at 95 percent um along she made it decisions downloadable content i haven't made a decision every 20 minutes she switches i got a pigeon tail bro but i made fun of me he called me pidgeotta the other day i was like damn that's so true train that sucks because train isn't even funny so the fact that he got you with that one trains you look likes are always so long they are always like the guy at mcdonald's who flips burgers who's been there for one year too long he's also stuck in someone else's throbbing [ __ ] hits on all the girls that show up but it's definitely sucking the manager's [ __ ] to get a raise and like the manager's clock is like so big and veiny and like i would like to see the managers talk that's not me you got me trained [ __ ] man um but i said i said to ludwig so we were talking about going to my families for thanksgiving i was like um i was like so are you going to shave the mustache beforehand are you going to show up to my family's house yeah she said am i going to support in movember barely meeting them with pedo stash i'm going to let my boys down that's what she asked me you know what i said i said [ __ ] the fam i'm here for the boys you did say that you did say that i mean don't actually you know film's great but check your balls so simping online yeah train is in love with you train's great i'll try i mean i like train too but he's never asked to see my [ __ ] yeah cause you guys small tiny big boy balls exalted thank you for the two months i appreciate that all right bye to all of the 500 viewers that just showed up because ludwig appeared on my stream he'll go live soon um but while you're here hey maybe uh check and see if your prime's available mud's rich enough huh use it here react you thank you for the three months osd thank you for gifting a sub to botez stream in 1080 you poor ho i can't because i'm a poor ho because you don't sub fondyl titus is that one ludwig's butt cheek yeah we're eating a lot of butt cheek you weirdo you think this if i sliced off your butt cheek do you think that's the size one if we ate your butt cheek no it wouldn't okay the water is almost full guys you have to make me oh my god true skin thank you for the thousand videos get rid of luck senior and bring back love junior he's scared away lord junior i don't know what to do about it he's gone he ran away he [ __ ] it up we're having a good time uh mr meowskirs thank you for the prime thank you for all the primes today thank you for the subs today it's very nice of you guys i gotta figure out how to cook this ham i know it takes a few hours my mom used to always make ham i've made ham once or twice but i remember watching my mom do it so many times i just you just cook it till it's warm really oh my goodness dirt knock thank you for the five gifted i appreciate you thank you so much i'm pretty sure you just cook it in the oven on low for a very long time i didn't have prime available okay well you've done enough to tell you've done enough thank you okay why doesn't it have cooking instructions how big was this this is a 12 pound ham i have one 12 pan hem for tonight and then oh my oh my god what are you doing uh happy thanksgiving jesus louises that's so aggressive thank you so much holy crap shivdar thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for the 50 gifted holy moly that is very aggressive thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you jeez louise guys if you got gifted a sub please make sure to add the person that gifted you and thank them please okay the turkeys are now floating so i need to weigh them down with a pan so you want to smell this oh you're scared of it i'll get rid of it you don't need to look at it i'm sorry riptic thank you for the two months hi baby look i got a ham you want to smell it okay why are we being afraid really come back please dang it come back he was helping he was helping earlier he's scared of the ham what a baby okay let me check dude i have to look this up oh my grandma just called me back i called my grandma earlier chat and she kind of donald me oh who needs to hear a grandma i can't open it stop ow hello we just finished our game and i thought i'd call you back and see how things are going and i and andy keeps me a breath i know you're in california anyway call me when you get a chance love you bye i called her i called her earlier and i said hey grandma happy thanksgiving and she said who is this i said it's your granddaughter she was like oh hi and i said i said what are you doing you said well we already ate which is funny because she lives in idaho uh so what time is it in idaho i called her at like 2 30 so they had already eaten at 2 30. you know when you go to your grandmas and they have thanksgiving at like 1pm i don't know anyway she was like we'd already eat we've already eaten shawn thank you the five gifted was like we've already eaten and we're playing some games now i said okay well i just wanted to call you because i i feel like i don't call you enough and i just want to tell you happy thanksgiving and that i love you and she said okay love you bye and damn grandma gotta get back to gaming huh she's gotta get back to gaming she okay let me look this up smith spiral damn cooking instructions i just i just don't know how to cook this so let me let me check ohio is the best this is very awkward i hate ohio you want me to refund your 50 gifted okay 15 minutes until 15 minutes per pound 15 minutes per pound this is 12 pounds do the math chat 15 times 12 what is that five hours okay are you guys that stupid three hours like an hour okay i don't trust any of you now she's louise 15 times 12 180 divided by 60. yeah it's three hours okay we're gonna put in the oven for three hours it says do not overcook that's so unhelpful it says oh boy i don't think it's gonna take three hours it's already cooked let me let me look at this bakes approximately 3 hours or 20 minutes per pound 20 minutes per pound is more this one says 300. what the hell what the hell chat what the hell 20 minutes per pound is what i go by but it's already cooked okay well let's let's just get it started regardless let me stop talking about it and do something um okay let me focus on this i'm gonna do a uh a brown uh honey brown sugar honey coating i'm not gonna use their coating yuck i'm gonna make my own ew ew yup we don't need that um i gotta rinse this out though [Applause] do you guys ever fry your turkeys my family started frying their turkeys a few years ago they're so good i i i'm too i don't want to do it by myself though i'm too i'm too much of a [ __ ] i'll be honest okay i gotta get this off my thing i'll get music back on i just sometimes i can't think um sometimes i can't think um when there's music on for all my others who aren't except by their families you are loved and accepted here yeah i'll the lgb or you know families have different political views or anybody who doesn't feel welcomed by their family on thanksgiving welcome this is your thanksgiving i'll take you i'll have you on my thanksgiving table there's not much going on but you can watch me trying to make this ham we're making him oh my gosh so itchy ow my nose so itchy okay um i need some water in here fuco starfish oh my god a tier three that's insane thank you so much i need to do like four cups of water two [Music] only five cups of water three four okay can anyone decide should i cook it at 370 or 275 or 300 i guess this says at within the foil preheat the oven to 300 degrees i'm just gonna do it three hours or 20 minutes per pound i'm just going to do 300 300 for three hours i'll just meet it right in the middle i'll do like 287 to undercook than overcook so you can always leave it in longer that's actually a good point 300 for four hours it's not big enough for that we did the math dumbass don't call me woman okay we did the math you don't know my ham like i know my ham okay shove it in the microwave for 10 minutes did i tell you what my step i should call my step brother and check on his hand or his turkey did i tell you guys he asked me how long to microwave it for yesterday he said hey blair um how long do you microwave a 25 pound turkey and i said well now what and he said yeah like i have to cook the turkey tomorrow so like how long do i microwave it and i said oh oh oh oh oh okay one second so anyway there's no way um no way he's having a good thanksgiving i don't want all this juice to fall out oh i need like a meat hook ew nice ew oh look it's telling me how to cook it room ham 10 minutes before ending the warming time and follow the instructions for glazing the hem wait we don't glaze the ham till the end all right the instructions on the package say 275 so i feel like i should i should follow that glazing at the end is normal okay sorry i feel like i watched my mom do this but clearly i didn't thank you for being a friend traveling down the road and back again [Music] but you are supposed to do this for sure [Music] oh how's that oh big hot dog it's not called the duo stream deoxies you're being an [ __ ] i'd like to educate you on being an [ __ ] um look in the mirror and that's you we never said we were doing a duo stream today and if you had a question about it kind of weird because we don't do duo streams very often reactive thinking of the 10 gifted and that's on that guy being an [ __ ] on thanksgiving yes yes thank you somebody woke up on the red wrong butt of this side of the bed it seems no deoxys let me give you a [ __ ] lecture i am not responsible on keeping you updated on somebody else's life okay if you care about that someone else's life so much you would be a part of his chat and his stream and his discord and he would ask them you wouldn't go and bother somebody else because he definitely wouldn't want you to bother me just because you are selfish and an [ __ ] does not give you the right to come bother me thanks jesus that's very cool i love his hometown i've been there it's very nice okay it's very cool it's very pretty there there's like one grocery store i messaged this girl on hinge with a clip of your dating profile stream and she didn't match but she was hot omega well i'm sorry that happened to you no temperature probe i don't need it relax this is already cooked i'm just warming it back up you you are all chefs i forget that you're all chefs you're all very talented chefs this is so heavy how does it feel to be famous now i'm definitely not famous nice oh spilled already nice okay warm in the microwave now we'll leave it in there for many hours have a happy thanksgiving thank you guys uh ludwig went live so i'll see most of you later but for those of you stay thank you for being here i'll put some music back on what is the threshold of being famous i don't know being recognized i've never been recognized one time is his door closed i have a feeling it's not shut up his door is closed he's just extra loud today i suppose i look nice today i feel like i look really gross like my hair looks awful i should probably go grab a hat okay where do you stand on sweet potato pie vs pumpkin pie i've never had sweet potato pie did you all finish the beanies weenies why do we get a lot of beanie weenies yesterday thanks guys it's very nice of you i keep using i keep trying to use these antibacterial wipes jay bonkeys thank you the primes he thought they were good okay now i need water i actually haven't eaten today i should eat a croissant or something janna thank you for gifting us up that's very nice of you jenna [Music] i can't find the snack [Music] should i just make a quesadilla [Music] quesadilla that's my quesadilla dance [Music] what pokemon song is this heart and gold and silver and soul silver pokemon mark thanksgiving quesadilla yeah what i used to make the best quesadillas why'd you say satch you can still make the best all right um to go with the ham uh oh this is draining again this is just gonna be me constantly filling up the turkey god damn it this sucks wait why didn't i put a tray of this at the bottom i feel like that would help seal in the water dude it's so frozen i'm so mad at myself i'm so mad at myself [Music] i'm so mad at myself you can cook it frozen but it has to cook for 50 longer and you lose a lot of the moisture oh my god what is going on why are you doing this that is so aggressive why are you doing this why are you doing this you don't need to do this why are you doing this do you feel bad for my turkey thank you very much that's very kind of you but i definitely do not deserve that thank you very much she's louise thank you that's so kind again guys if you got gifted a sub please say thank you that's very very kind of you geez louise and the what is like extra loud today i don't know we usually can't hear him up here that's why i thought his door was open what are you doing uh um thank you very much that's very kind of you i definitely do not deserve that thank you very much that's an aggressive amount of money you just spent here very kind of you don't worry about it i am very worried about it because i hope you were you were also taking care of yourself please please make sure you are taking care of yourself before you spend too much money on me it's very nice of you that's very very kind and very generous and undeserved so thank you sir thank you very much yeah you can tell me if you just feel bad about my chest [Music] okay that seems good for a little bit thank you very very much thank you it's very kind of you thank you thank you thank you yellow mean man thank you for your sub thank you thank you very much xqc frog boys oh is that why xqc is so rich because you're always in his chat huh is that the real secret damn who knew when is the puzzle stream i don't know i don't know why i love so loud today he's usually not this loud i don't know usually we can't hear him up here that'll be fine though are you making two turkeys yeah because i'm stupid last year we barely didn't have like enough oh god dude last year we barely didn't have enough um um turkey so i decided to double it do you store your tortillas in the cabinet or in the freezer cabinet is that okay my mom used to put him in the fridge though cloudy jade thank you for the six months she's louise thank you so much um to everyone who's gifted today that's very kind of you number one you're spending your time with me on thanksgiving which is very kind of you and then gifting and subbing is also very very nice of you so thank you guys crazy ducky thank you for the four a lot of turkeys in that house osd thank you for giving us some cutie have you seen the folklore movie yet i haven't i really want to watch it maybe i'll watch it tonight my family's kind of trash so we chill in here man i wish i could hang out with my family very sad about it very sad but let me make this quesadilla i'm just gonna make him in the microwave don't judge me you seem tall i'm five eight i'm pretty tall dude i'm just so nervous about getting sick from that turkey that i i'm like nervous to like touch anything my first cutie stream am i going to be impressed by your cooking skills probably not mostly because i'm not trying to impress you oh guys you were like do you know what i just realized i have i have indian food from last night i could eat this with my quesadilla that'll be so good sorry chad i haven't eaten today so you guys are getting hit with me making myself lunch [Music] my bad my bad i'm sorry i'm sorry microwave i know you should always make your you should always make your quesadillas on the stovetop but i felt like sometimes i feel like a microwave one i don't know why jay dj logy low thank you for that sub i really appreciate that thank you [Music] okay i'm gonna microwave my masala from last night indian food i'm nervous to touch anything so i don't want to get sick let me just use this again lunch what time is it okay well i don't wake up till 1pm so it is crazy because the sun's setting i also think part of the stream today we might start setting up thanksgiving table so i might take you guys inside or yeah into the kitchen or into the dining room and we can decorate mario thank you for the eight okay i wanna wait because i wanna eat this with my chicken masala con mexican indian infusion would you accept 15 million dollars on the condition that you had to amputate both of your pinky fingers no i like working so i feel like if you get 15 million you like don't need to work like i like working i like feeling like i earned something i want to be like here's my pinkies i mean maybe i don't know i just feel like 15 million dollars isn't like real money to me it's just like a number that you just typed you know [Music] sorry you guys are gonna watch me eat for a second and then let's map out i like mapping out what i'm doing let's make myself a schedule like we're working in the bakery again huh i mean my schedule mostly right now is babysitting the turkey trying to get the turkey to thaw flaming flickering thank you for the the prime it's important when drinking tea true yeah i don't know what i actually use my pinky finger for i mean but i feel like my pinkies are pretty i mean if it was 15 mil for like perpetual self-confidence issues because what i have i think i have bad enough self-confidence that not having a pinky would make me self-confident or insecure i mean that it wouldn't be worth 15 mil for the mental mental strain of me feeling weird most useless is ring finger is that why you put your wedding ring on it i'm eating chicken masala inside of a quesadilla and then [Music] i think next we'll just prep tonight's dinner so i'll probably put together the funeral potatoes oh crap i need to thaw those first so maybe not we'll start on the pies we'll start on some pies guns thank you for gifting a sub we're not going to oh i thought you said start on the gravy you say funeral potatoes yeah my favorite type of cookie you know i love your tim tams those are so good i want more [Music] target i don't know that [Music] i've only had one because we've tried like the australian snacks i have made milk bars cracked pie before we made green bean casserole it's gross it's not gross you must make your own it's so good sorry chat i'm sorry i'm eating i always do this i start streaming i forget that like oh [ __ ] i'm a human i need to like you know have some fuel molasses sugar cookies are the best i honestly think um those pumpkin maple cookies we made were so good we should make a little dessert for tonight but i don't know what what could we make because if we have all the pies for tomorrow gustav stop asking about my pinkies strawberry shortcake not for thanksgiving i want your pinkies so weird i don't like making homemade stuffing judah guess it's so interesting you say that i explicitly love stovetop stuffing [Music] making jello salad tomorrow uh um it's a um it's a pop filler it's a faucet under the hood you have a great recipe for molasses cookies you can always post it in the food section on the discord how's my day been so far it's okay where's molasses it's like a syrup kind of but much thicker thank you oh i'm eating like a slob [Music] why thanksgiving dinner tomorrow not today i must have missed it um ludwig's sister um couldn't come today she had to be with in-laws so [Music] how about turkey and stuffing on a tortilla love it good how well do i know little kids family i mean pretty well 800 people watching you eat i'm sorry i'm gonna cook i'm really sorry i'm about to cook i just started streaming happened to take a break right after i started am i going to stream with her um probably not it's weird that i don't drink water with my food really hmm drink water after she just she just microwaved a quesadilla this is cooking all right toxic it's my favorite part of thanksgiving dinner just hanging out with everyone chef cutie i know [Music] okay all done all done i'm done i'll drink water now [Music] man i'm so paranoid about getting sick from the turkey i'm gonna be so sad if i get sick how much water do you drink every day um some days i'm good some days i'm bad i'll be honest i don't know not enough i will say not enough i was really good at it at one point when i used to work in the bakery like i'd always drink 80 ounces a day but yeah i'm having gnarly my ptsd okay let me get a pen and we're going to jump into mapping out our schedule okay chat i have to pee i don't know can't pee can't pee can't pee thank you for the blessings [Music] okay what's a huge water bottle it's just a huge water bottle it's convenient okay let me pull up my excel sheet because yes i make an excel sheet on what i have to do for thanksgiving so let me put myself excel sheet and look at some stuff amazon link when i don't know i need to do that um so today no matter what this is how do you guys want to know a time management trick [Music] hmm so okay [Music] [Music] okay okay ready chat why am i fainting what is happening to me i cannot function right now i just feel like i need to sneeze and i'm gonna have an anxiety attack i'm having major you guys don't understand let me tell you about ocd um and being a hypochondriac my brain all i can think about is getting sick from this turkey my all i can think about right now even though i need to do other things all i can think about is that i probably have already given myself salmonella and i can't stop thinking about it i cannot even formulate a set while i am talking right now there's another thought in the back of my mind it's like i'm having it's having two conversations at once oh my god dr speedmd thank you very much for the four god i'm so stressed about the [ __ ] turkey cook with a face mask on i already feel sick the ham was pre-cooked so i definitely didn't get uh sick from the ham but we're watching you you're fine salmonella-wise i feel like i've washed my hands excessively every single time i have bitten over by the turkey but i don't know the turkey is defrosting ivy so nice to see you my friend uh aren't you just treating it like any other raw meat yeah but i'm also being very very very ocd about it because last year i got sick from the turkey so i'm just like super worked up about it just douse the turkey in the lysol okay yeah oh wait we we do have gloves yeah i'm just having intrusive thoughts and i feel like it's already too late to like prevent myself from being sick from it um one second no i don't want to do i want to be in an apex tournament i've never played apex at one in the morning i don't how much wait do they pay i'm so confused am i making money with this i don't think i'm making money with it i don't believe i'm making money i'm not doing it i don't even know how to play apex [Music] you watch me clean my hands apex is easy i want to see it okay i'm using an anti-bacterial wipe again okay here we go would be me minx and casey on a team why aren't you pulling your laptop closer because inevitably my cat will come back and he'll lay on it and he'll need that space it'd be fun well okay this is my main concern is i want to throw this away because it was sitting in some of the water that overflowed from the sink and i touched it and then i made a quesadilla and then i ate the casket with my hands [Music] is b in the tournament yeah you're fine okay okay i just i gotta stop i gotta stop thinking about it well the issue the reason i haven't confirmed is because i was maybe driving home but i think i just need to tell my family i'm not going home right now sadly i think it's a responsible thing to do he's a god really i checked the vod i watched okay okay sorry guys i'm just so nervous um the water in the sink is fine because the turkey's sealed in plastic well i feel like it's not like perfectly sealed in plastic i also hate wasting so much water okay let's focus this is a fun technique whenever you need to do time management i learned this at my very first corporate job so you make a list of everything you need to do today and so let's just make a list what do we have to do first we at some point we need to brine the turkey brine turkey we need to make a lemon meringue pie so what we at least have to make the filling and we'll make the meringue tomorrow lemon pie we've got to make pumpkin chiffon pie pumpkin chiffon chocolate silk um chocolate silk am i making another pie chat or is that it you remember we already have pecan we already have pecan we have pecan and normal pumpkin already made but i don't have apple pie that's a lot of pie i know it's a lot of pie there's going to be like 10 people ten people you get eight slices of pie each okay that's fine we're gonna do all those pies we need to make funeral potatoes today potatoes i don't think we're gonna make rolls today i don't think there's any reason to make rolls today should we make rolls today no we don't have time ten people that's against the law well there's one there's six people that live in this house oh no there's seven well okay how many [ __ ] people live in this house one two three four five six seven there's seven people that live in this house and then two people and then ludwig's sister and her boyfriend who have been tested and then um somebody else one extra person who's been tested nobody went home for thanksgiving no so so that is why there are 10 people and it is legal nice gotta be safe listen i know believe me i'm not even going home my dad made homemade rolls for thanksgiving they were so good okay so we'll make rolls tomorrow tomorrow we have rolls we have green bean casserole tomorrow casserole we have to cook the turkey tomorrow cook turkey we have to whip cream tomorrow with cream for all of our pies we are making the jello for the jello salad today because i have to sit overnight and yes i don't care who eating this house thinks jello salad is disgusting because everyone in this house thinks yellow salad is disgusting it is my mom's jello salad and we are having my mom's jello salad on thanksgiving i refuse not to have jello salad on thanksgiving even if i eat one bite of it house gucci thank you for the seven months what do you use to brine the turkey brown sugar and salt um jello salad is pog half of you don't know what jello salad is jello salad let me tell you what jello salad is it's orange jello so you make orange jello and uh you make it like normal and then you get a a tub of cool whip and you put the tub of cool up in a bowl you put all the orange jello in a a bowl and then some mandarin oranges and you mush you mush them all up together so don't say gross it's yummy it's yummy stop is my mom's recipe chat don't be mean it's my mom's recipe my mom would make it every year so i want to make it okay and then we have a normal salad we have to make tomorrow and we have mashed potatoes tomorrow and then gravy i'm not worried about tomorrow i'm just making sure all the stuff is out of my head by writing it down um and then what else oh i do need to do candy pecans today we need to make some candied pecans because they need to go in our salad candy pecans funeral potatoes we got to cook our peas for dinner today can we think of anything for a good dessert today oh any drinks yeah i'm going to make a cranberry ginger spritzer tomorrow i'm sad we don't have another beverage dispenser i'd make infused water too but yeah we're making a little bit of a spritzer tomorrow should be lovely and then we still have to we're gonna decorate the table today at least part of it we're gonna have a fun night huh chat you don't believe you have the concoction of jello salad at eu well my friend i just gave you the recipe you must you must try it you must try it so much food yeah can we discuss funeral potatoes yes what would you like to discuss about them please make apple pie dude i don't have the stuff to make apple pie last year i made apple pie and i think it only had two slices taken out of it i thought about making another banana cream pie because i have all the stuff for it but i also fear that no one will eat it again what are funeral potatoes oh that reminds me i need to take the hash browns out oh my dad is calling me let me answer hello happy thanksgiving i just wanted to call and say happy thanksgiving and remind you that i am so thankful that you are my dad and i love you so much what did the prophet say oh okay hashtag gratitude 10 days find something each day that you're grateful for that sounds like a lovely exercise okay so you're telling me to do it oh it's exhausting you can't think of something you like a beautiful sunshiny day what about you're grateful for your good-looking daughter that was rude um well yeah did you guys you guys just stayed at home just you and the wife oh brittany's there nice and safe everyone's covered free oh really wow well i'm happy i'm happy that you're with some people i do not believe i will be coming home on sunday i know i just i've had so much anxiety about it that i just don't think i should do it because i won't even be fun i mean we can have a christmas party hopefully and i i said i was i'm hoping that um i can get conferenced in but also um i mean also with all the kids there i mean i don't i don't know if you should go do you think it's safe what do you mean they could have gotten it from because nicole's going to in-laws so so she could pick it up from the in-laws and then bring it over yeah just think about it i uh told everyone to wear masks and i was i was told that um or i asked if everyone could wear masks and then nicole said her husband would not come if he had to wear a mask inside the house so yeah darwinism i suppose i keep saying darwinism yeah there's been a lot of healthy people though that have i don't know i don't know i just want everyone to be safe and if there's a chance of me bringing it and giving it to someone even though they don't care it seems like no one in the house cares yeah i mean i am very ocd about it but also if i get it from one of the kids i don't know i'm really sad about it i cried a lot but whatever but i know i know if i go then the whole time i'm not gonna be fun because i'm just gonna be anxious and then i'm gonna go home and have like panic attacks for two weeks thinking that i got it from the kids i'm just very sad about it because i feel like i'm missing out on everything and it's very overwhelming but i am i i have the best christmas present for you though yes it's the best you're gonna love it so we'll see yes are you guys going to play any games or anything i wanna i wanna teach on sunday if we all hang out virtually okay when i force everyone to hang out virtually i think um i would like to um teach everyone how to play among us it's a mobile game it's kind of like mafia have you heard about it so we we all play on our phones yeah it's called among us i think it'd be fun if we all if we all get on our computers and we like are on zoom on our computers well i mean i guess you guys will all be there but with me on the computer and then we play among us on our phones would be really fun i think so so bring your smartphone because i know you have the two phones you'll need your smartphone to play and i am i said since i said i would cook for everyone but i won't be there i i told uh i told all the siblings well i haven't told them that i am definitely not coming but i told them if i don't come i'm gonna i'm gonna find food and pay for it and hopefully get it delivered there so then no one has to worry about cooking since i said i'd do it i'm not sending you covered food i am sending you safely made food well sanitize the containers when you get it don't jeez me i'm doing my best here don't worry about you what i am constantly worried about you and i don't want you to get covered and i would not send you food that would have kovid i'm not coming that's what i just said oh i'm coming for christmas we'll figure out i threw out the 27th i said a lot needs to be done i mean i just need to i just need to be there because i need to buy a bunch of stuff i need to get a bed frame i need to get it all decorated i so i uh i will i will i will come i think just because i'm hoping all the cases cool down i'm hoping to come for a few weeks in in january i can get it all done in january and then hopefully we'll have stuff and we can go back and forth i'm just hoping i'm you know what i'm hoping for if i'm being really honest and maybe this is cynical but i am hoping that the cases are really really bad after thanksgiving to the point that they do a real lockdown and then that lasts for two weeks and then everything's much better by christmas that's what i'm hoping but who knows what your governor will do or may or whoever the heck is in charge of that i don't know who's in charge of that yeah that makes sense i mean also also i will be going we will be flying to new hampshire to see ludwig's family for christmas and then i will be flying home and so then i will have already exposed myself to whatever and i will be on the same level as the rest of my siblings who don't care and so screw it i mean i'm gonna be as paranoid as possible like i literally live in a bubble but what do you mean sounds like it i am bored and i miss my family so much you're making me feel bad you're making me feel bad oh okay that makes sense i don't know let's throw a party soon when everything's done i told you i will give you any money you need for it okay well let me know how i can help seems seems like it'll be awesome do i have a lot of surplus i mean i'm happy to help yeah i'm totally fine i i mean things already hit the fan right like i i don't have a job anymore so i'm surviving no i have twitch but it's like i don't have my real job um yeah you don't have to worry about me i promise i get from the esports team i'm on they pay me a salary no i already paid all my taxes yeah i paid 13k oh i was not paying taxes during the year i paid them all at once yeah i was able to write off a lot of stuff uh turbo tax [Music] yeah i was worried about it but it was it was much less so uh no yeah that's a good question but i want to play i want to play this game with you dad which i i wonder i want to see what kind of computer you have because i wonder if we could just play together on a normal night and i can if i could call you and walk you through how to set up some stuff this game is it's called geo guesser and i think you'd be really really good at it because it shows you different parts of the world and um you have to like say what you have to guess what country you're in like pinpoint it on a map and uh i think you'd be good at it because you i feel like you could just look at the trees and have an idea of like what part of the country we're in i think that'd be fun i just want to figure out i just have to figure out how we'd play it together yeah i'm so bad at it i always think i'm in idaho yeah i'll have to figure it out because do you have a laptop or do you just have your desktop i might have you send me pictures of your computer and i might buy you a webcam and ship it to you and teach you how to install some stuff so we can play together okay yeah you can unplug it at night so the government isn't watching you no i am plugging at night so they don't watch me no they don't watch you that's a joke yeah yeah you should um you should watch this documentary on netflix or we can watch it together called the social dilemma it talks about that like the algorithm that the the website has now for to recommend like ads to you and stuff so that's why because even if you google something it like tracks that and we'll start recommending you stuff so it's a very good documentary also when you have a webcam we could watch it together online we just both put our webcams up and it's like we're hanging in person and we just watch it on netflix it's on netflix what oh did you go outside and get allergies that's really weird i'm surprised it hasn't snowed i did win really i keep checking my camera outside i haven't seen any snow oh it did a little bit last night yeah it has night vision yeah it has night vision oh well that doesn't sound too bad i'm trying to make funeral potatoes today but i can't find my hair really there's any fried onions inside of it what the heck did i do with my hashbrowns raw on top or in it oh that's gross okay [Music] have fun what yeah it is definitely safer it's unfortunate but it's safer hopefully okay [Music] talk to you later i love you happy thanksgiving sorry chat sorry i had to talk to my dia i figured since i said you were welcome to my thanksgiving table you could hear the conversation of me telling my dad that i am probably not coming home for the family thanksgiving on sunday and him being very sad and making me feel very sad because he's sad but he's allowed to be sad but i'm also allowed to be sad it's so much sadness nor fang thank you for the prime what's the news from the prophets the prophets the prophet of the church of jesus christ and latter-day saints uh is wants everyone to use hashtag give thanks and post something they are thankful for for 10 days straight that is what the prophet is suggesting okay um is that the cult i don't know you can call it that it's a hard decision what to do yeah it's really sucks actually i'm like actually really sad about it but i just feel like i feel like i should be safe and even though they think i'm crazy for it i just feel like i should be i don't know whatever um i can't find the hash browns i have to message slime we don't have hash browns that's gonna be a little bit of an issue [Music] oh he's streaming shoot he might not see this i'm gonna ask michelle [Music] i can't find the hashbrowns yeah i need hashbrowns i don't think he got them slime was very nice and we ran to the store for me tomorrow but i think or yesterday and i think he forgot some things though unfortunately um but that's okay um [Music] we can make do i suppose i just really check this bridge [Music] okay plan b hey plan b huh okay okay call daniel no it's thanksgiving we're not calling daniel hmm we love plan b we do love plan b okay i'm gonna just check the fridge one more time and then check outside fridge and if we don't have them then we will use the potatoes that i was supposed to use tomorrow and i'll just try to bribe someone to run to the store tomorrow so we'll see on black friday which will suck but um okay it's definitely not here let me just check outside [Music] [Music] but i would love for you to be here come here you want to lay on the computer it's so warm it's so warm okay what are you doing okay so we're gonna make it with fresh potatoes this will be great don't worry chat we've got this figured out we're just gonna peel some potatoes we're gonna peel some potatoes cat please keep your tail away from the bowl you can smell it check it out that's fine what the heck this is peeler it's like so crappy okay that's fine note to self someone needs to go to the store tomorrow and get potatoes okay note to self note to self note to self i will go ahead and peel these you want to smell potato yeah that's gross huh oh you love it you love the potato you don't like it do you love it you don't like it okay dude i said this before because i've pilled things before on stream but can we talk about a grandma's speed and pilling stuff i feel like grandma's like they just they just like they could peel their whole finger off and just not even flinch they're just so fast at peeling stuff i have so many potato peels on the ground the cat looks so offended grandma's got supreme potato filling i know grandmas are crazy at potato filling and somehow they they're not even looking and their peels always land in the bowl i don't get it i will never be that level of grandma i strive to be though you're peeling it the wrong way relax jesus you're gonna backseat you're gonna backseat kitchen on peeling potatoes how sad are you you are sad sir okay here you wanna smell it's peeled now really he's not happy with this you want to smell it you can smell it here you go okay i'm gonna need at least like five potatoes i think gordon ramsay has entered the chat backseat bitching in the kitchen i'm not good at peeling i also if i went down but i need a better angle you got a 3080 yeti i feel like yeti's lying this is like this is how the grandmas do it did you guys already have thanksgiving dinner like did you guys eat something for thanksgiving you call them kitchen cairns that's funny dm atrial i don't think that's how it works because ludwig doesn't even have a 3080. so i think i think yeti just like maybe hates atriox and wants him to get damned by a bunch of randos your pillar [ __ ] that makes sense i can smell the ham so that seems good the cat is loving this just tuned in what's being made funeral potatoes my dad was saying put raw onions in it i was like no dad he was like oh funeral potatoes with raw onions so good i was like no okay that's three potatoes i think i need at least five for this uh call me think of your prime the cat looks so mad at me i don't know why i didn't have coffee today and i actually am not craving it it's kind of weird kind of weird for me you like my cooking streams they're so cozy i feel like they're i don't know i feel like the thing about cooking streams that suck is you can wash for hours and i still might not finish something like i've been streaming for two hours and most of that was me talking on the phone with my dad and eating a quesadilla and hyperventilating about maybe getting salmonella we'll make mash i'm making mashed potatoes tomorrow i'm sad i'm not making sweet potatoes i don't know why i'm just not i do like the little sweet potatoes usually but i guess not this year i mean i guess i have to go to the store tomorrow to get more potatoes so maybe i could just get sweet potatoes [Music] that's true i mean usually though people will be like they'll have beaten the game like you watch their stream for hours they're like will beat a game or something okay let so wash these off you guys i can't even see what i'm realizing i also think i need way more potatoes so that's good thing anyway everybody says boys boys boys like 100 times a day i wonder if he had a boys counter what it would be at so okay okay i'm gonna have coconut water i said i can't have coconut water but i'm going to so okay wow daily joseph test of 13.5k subs that's crazy that's so cool okay we need the peeler or the grater and the plate [Music] we're gonna shave some potatoes because we don't have a food processor here so trans eye contours the cat he is an icon he is did you already make the turkey no the turkey's thawing remember we're making the turkey tomorrow i have to google this i have to figure out how many uh tomatoes make the shredded potatoes shredding squeezing potatoes of moisture oh crap i forgot the onion oh crap i was supposed to par boil wait what shredded potatoes quite easily oh god what i don't what why is this happening to me okay we're not following this instructions i don't want to parboil anything plus it only had four point that only had four point something star ratings okay this will be fine whatever everyone just relax okay how many onions are how many potatoes do i need why am i struggling so much today i need four cups eight plus eight is sixteen plus eight that's three it says 24 ounces the cat does not like this where's swift he's in the other room wait for cyber monday to what by an e girlfriend that cat's a derp that's why he's named durst okay don't please don't lick your foot right there this is a job that i would have ludwig do i'd be like hey ludwig please do this job is petting dirt somewhere in the instructions no what am i doing i'm i'm grating i'm making hash browns essentially you finished the second half of lover hosting and watch oh that means watch [Music] yeah this is a job i would give like my nephews maybe they're not old enough he's a greater [Music] will someone google how just google how to make hash browns with a potato like do i need to parboil them and was i i think i was supposed to parboil the potato itself is the problem before i uh before i um before i graded it is my current issue [Music] my fingers ariana grande made a sex all of herself really okay the best way is to parboil and then put them in the fridge overnight before grating oh wait what's beeping at me what was that the heck just beat me so what am i supposed to do if i didn't par boil them just soak them to get the starch out [Music] i'm sure it'll be fine i'm not stressed about it never mind forget your googling efforts [Music] shredded potatoes either peeled or unfilled with a cheese grater place the shredded potatoes into a bowl of cold water stir the potato shreds around in the water to loosen the starch out the potatoes drown the starchy water refill the bowl with more water oh so i just wash them with rice i wash them like i would rise essentially okay i feel great about my decisions and i'm just gonna have it sit over here and kind of drain out some of that excess liquid on top of one wait i'll just do it on top of a towel that way it's not near the turkey water so i don't get hypochondria mined carried away good you don't wash your rice you should definitely wash your rice run [Music] well they're going into a casserole so i don't actually have to make like hash browns [Music] okay good to know good to know thank you for your help [Music] someone make a wrap to this no you should right well you should wash your rice [Music] it doesn't add flavor it tastes really gross [Music] what's the cat doing though he's helping you're helping huh he needs a bath so badly [Music] thank you for being thankful for being thankful for being thankful for me all right all right all right t breezy didn't get enough attention today okay chat who in chat wants to be the racist uncle for thanksgiving right now let's bring out all the characters we need the racist uncle the sexist grandpa uh i'm just kidding none of you should do this nothing please don't do it don't we're not actually role playing we're not role playing here i know you all wanted a part in the play who wants to be the ones that says the uh the election is rigged who's that one i'm the wine ant i'm the wine ant i'll be the passive aggressive aunt okay okay can i be stuck sepsis can i beat the kids table yes can i be the step cousin my grandpa as most grandpas are i feel um was slightly racist bless his soul um he so my my sister-in-law is korean and my my grandpa fought in world war ii and when my brother brought my sister-in-law over to the house my grandpa i don't think i should repeat it my grandpa said oh you found yourself one of them and then o word i don't think i should say it but it was all of us just stopped and we were like what did you just say like we were we all just stopped like the entire room just stared at him it was so uncomfortable it was so uncomfortable can i be the cool cousin that has tattoos yeah what time does the cat eat soon the o word oh my gosh this is cutting me up i keep getting caught up [Music] so [Music] sorry all the roommates are talking about working out sorry my phone was going off okay perfect [Music] 2020 is a you're making everything mildly prejudiced into racism why is that racist not trolling just curious oh i don't know i think it's just uh because people have said it makes them uncomfortable and it's a term about someone's race so i feel like it's racist maybe is it not i don't know regardless i'm not comfortable using it in that context so whatever i just won't what are you making with those taters funeral potatoes everything is racist politically and correct regardless i don't think we need to discuss what's racist or not but i i would say it was not appropriate for him to say so maybe i shouldn't have told that story if it led to whatever it just led to okay [Music] hey damn kid he's a persian he's a persian cat okay wow there's a lot of potato juice leaking out of this bad boy i think i'm just guessing here i don't really know what i'm doing okay i think i'll make maybe this one more big potato you made guac guaca mac and cheese what's guaca [Music] your lucky snack you take naps we're at the thanksgiving tater table we're supposed to talk about racism i would prefer us not to the only stance we have on racism is don't be racist asmr there's watching you want to smell potato yucky huh yucky yucky dude you know there's so much water and potatoes is that they make vodka out of like they ferment the juice from potatoes i think i actually need one more potato i think my call on five potatoes was perfect i think oh yeah sugar cane juice is so weird i've had it too and i went to the bahamas [Music] wine is not made of rice that's a sake [Music] vodka's made from potatoes hot dog water seller imagine someone gets off a cruise you could take advantage of like tourists so easily like tourists that have never come to america you're like welcome to america have some fresh hot dog water eight dollars a pop that's a good idea nate you should try it most vodka isn't actually made potatoes i didn't know that rice and corn oh that's so fascinating that's so mean well i know but it's like those if you've ever been to the caribbean when you get off your cruise ship there's like people with like monkeys and stuff and they'll come up to you and they'll be like do you want a picture like with your monkey and they like give you they put the monkey on your shoulder and they take your picture and they're like that'd be 30 and you're like oh what you're getting timed out by stream elements dummy you say hello mod lol if you're not a sub you can't you can't paste links i'm very sorry okay okay oh one second i'm gonna have like potatoes floating in my turkey bath guys my turkey is still so frozen i am so sad mother [ __ ] beanie weeny drinks so so okay oh i'm never cute okay let me get all this starch out of here dude it's weird look it turns red oh gosh it's soaking everywhere oh oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the potatoes are bleeding it's not cat wine we never did get the cat wine though i will say okay so how am i supposed to clean this in a sink full of turkey i just go like this i guess oh it's so starchy now the turkey water is going to look even more gross i don't think there's no potatoes [Music] [Music] oh but it washed like all the red off oh no oh god oh jesus oh no oh no oh jesus oh jesus okay great everyone act normal okay great [Music] okay okay all right okay there's water everywhere great durs thank you for your help you're being very helpful you need to put potato in the bowl and sink them in the water but i feel like that kind of worked no there's so much water there's so much water [Music] that's so much water so much water oh my [Music] oh gosh okay okay [Music] do your pets have favorite treats i'm thinking them sending giddies in the p.o box shy um uh he loves any of those like any of those like they're called like temptations or something like that and the the dog just loves anything really they like hundred dollar bills yeah that too okay i don't think this is enough potatoes to like fill this casserole dish do i need more why am i being so just like incompetent today maybe that's good is that good oh yeah that's a lot that's a lot that's good there's a little attachment over your stove to put out fires no it's to fill your pots okay so if i use a clean towel [Music] oh my gosh wait there's so much water coming out of it what the heck look at that [Music] oh you can't see it crack i swear that look at that there's nothing there there's a ton of water i always just get out i'm doing a bad job [Music] [Music] dean hi dean how often do you think she has fires i don't have fires very often or no i've never okay i've started a fire one time and it wasn't on purpose i mean i guess fire's never on purpose unless you're flambe then yes a fire is on purpose oh my gosh what am i supposed to do to get all this water out put them inside the towel and squeeze it out oh okay okay okay new clean towel new clean towel okay same dirt i'm a good cook i just am struggling right now that's not it's not durs's apron imagine this was durham's little apron buddy you want an apron okay here i don't feel like i wash it enough because there's still like potato starch at the bottom like starchy water okay oh okay whoa okay that's a lot of water this is crazy don't say ew it's just potato water it looks really gross it looks really gross but it's working i'm not going to drink it it's not vodka vip whoever said put it in the towel yeah this is such a great idea i'm not drinking it the cat is appalled this is worse than hot dog water for sure for sure for sure foreign so a little bit of clothing soap and potatoes yes ah okay oh boy okay should i wash should i put this under water do you guys think she only reads toxic messages i'm not cooking the cat who said that do i put this under water do i wash this now no no okay so now it's good great it seems dry look those look dry this is a disaster my kitchen is just covered in potatoes okay there are potatoes everywhere great okay we're content with the potato situation we are so happy let me post a one minute video of how you do it on youtube please i'm not gonna watch it because i'm in the kitchen so i'm not gonna watch whatever you're doing regardless [Music] [Music] okay do i have a white onion i don't know if i got a white one but i need one i did okay i need to add this onion to it do you guys think i should have a full onion or a half onion for this amount of potatoes how much like your onion to potato ratio a whole onion or a half an onion [Music] full okay no chat you're very supportive so yeah wait can we talk about that wait talk about what i'm not making why is your onion in the fridge okay okay dren dren the chef please don't talk to me in my fridge onion okay i don't want to hear it from you i don't want to hear it from you i don't want to hear from you how much cat air do i have to add to the potatoes approximately one tail's worth if you like onions your sub human scum that is such a dramatic thing to say on thanksgiving how dare you how dare you who keeps onions in the fridge i do because i don't like stuff on the counter it's purely aesthetic i wasn't gonna cut his i'm not even close to his tail it looks like it because the drink's in the way but i'm all the way over here i didn't cut his tail oh boy okay oh wait let me go this way you have to get the same consistency wait am i gonna have onion juice do i deal with onion juice the same way oh boy here we go oh no [Laughter] i feel like i'm high like i feel like i don't i'm struggling so hard [Music] oh my god my eyes are on fire oh my god my eyes are on fire oh my god my eyes are on fire why how am i not going to grate off my entire hand right now [Music] okay chad we're doing it wait i don't i don't have saran wrap so we can't do my glasses that we usually do oh nuts okay just bear just you can do it you can do it you can do it [Music] imagine crying for some onions i can't wipe my 15 seconds no tears oh my god what if it hurts durs's eyes doors close your eyes jersey close your eyes stop looking at it darris is not closing his eye actually his eyes are squinting he looks affected he looks affected but it's not gonna stop he's just licking himself with his eyes closed oh he's outing he's like [ __ ] this this sucks i'm out of this [ __ ] come back later durst i understand oh my god my eyes [Music] my eyes okay i'm oh it's so spicy i think i gotta drain the onions too if i'm being honest [Music] i got run doors i understand be brave for both of us you can get out of here leave me behind i love you i'll always love you okay we're gonna drain the onion oh this is so potent wow there's a lot of onion juice i'll tell you what who knew what do you call it onion milk you know like you know how it's like like coconut milk would it be called onion milk ludwig didn't know what to do on stream today i told him he should put together a whole thanksgiving dinner on that minecraft server and then it'd be very funny because no one would show up because you know it wouldn't be planned holy moly ah give me attention real quick i i can't i'm going through it okay it doesn't seem like enough onion in proportion to the potato wow jeez louise my hair will fan away oh but my eyes are on fire chat i'm going through so many feelings right now i just i'm going to massage this potato onion mixture i'm dying jesus please forgive me for my sins oh drama queen no when you have light eyes onions hurt it worse and i have some light [ __ ] eyes i'm not a drama queen i've been feeding i'm crying i'm not a drama queen this is just the worst pain i've ever had in my entire life why do i have this is a face towel and it's in here and i don't know why and it tilted me i'm throwing this away that was so awful ugh me before onions me after onions oh my god so bad okay [Music] thank you sacred my eyes are on fire i can't see i'm gonna stand over here for a second i'm i'll let that onion onion air out [Music] oh okay okay okay okay i'm not clicking on your stupid [ __ ] link i hate your link i'm just gonna ban you no one wants your [ __ ] link i don't care about it oh my god that took so much out of me why did that take so much out of me i guys we haven't made one dish can we talk about how it's been three hours and i haven't made one dish i don't know what's going on that's the onions talking how's the ham i can smell it could you cut onions for 24 hours for one million dollars no goggles why would i want to do that no i think i think is there a way to like fry your eyes from onions there's cat there i just cut onions and i'm physically dying oh my god i hate cutting onions oh it hurts so much i think chewing gum helps i don't have chewing gum i have to keep chewing them away from me because i love it so much i finished a whole pack in a day in the air a little bit yeah durs was sitting on my laptop he got up looked at me and walked away he was like no meggies oh boys okay all right all right this has been an emotional journey has it not okay we need to add the rest of our stuff and get this in the oven are we ready okay oh the range hood would have been smart okay let me figure out what we put in this now combine sour cream soup and butter in a bowl salt onion and cheese mixture okay how much butter half a cup of melted butter oh boy this is 10 pounds here we go half a cup of melted butter i don't know where the freak i have so many packs of butter it's actually kind of derpy i did the math for thanksgiving for thanksgiving alone i used 12 sticks of butter did cutie just start straight looks like she only has almost one dish done okay okay wait i need i need a half a cup inside of it and a half cup on the outside of it oh that's so gross no one judge it's not bruised butter don't call it bruised butter cutie happy thanksgiving thank you chad you're not putting enough guys the butter's fine it's not hurt don't feel bad for the butter right now okay you're all being all sad for the butter oh my god i am dying i can't stop oh oh my nose is ready [Laughter] i hate onions cancel onions 20 20. ow what holy moly [Laughter] oh the butter's popping everything is falling apart okay we need a cream of chicken soup can oh okay one can of chicken soup okay we're just gonna plop that on in here ew my mom used to always use this stuff and i thought it was so gross look at me now look ma i made it i'm in the kitchen just like you i might have to end chat eat dinner and then come back live to make the pies because i'm that far behind because we're supposed to eat at seven i haven't made any pies well i ate a quesadilla for about an hour and talked to my dad for another hour and actually have cooked for like two minutes oh my god my i'm dying oh okay [Music] okay that's cream of chicken oh i don't like sour cream it says two cups but i think i'm gonna do one cup because [ __ ] it eyeball i do what i want i do what i want guys what am i supposed to do all my dishes are getting dirty god damn it i hate sour cream i don't want to touch it emotional i'm emotional after the onions i hate sour cream jesus this kitchen is a disaster i cut onions i've been crying for like 30 minutes oh so you're a huge [ __ ] yeah even durs jers was sitting on my laptop looked over at me and then just left and he was like [ __ ] this [Laughter] damn damn damn down down down i'm excited to get my dad set up with a webcam i want to play geo guests with my dad on stream [Music] it'd be so fun i hate sour cream okay great a sink i know it's because there's turkey in it there's turkey in it ew pull up oh my god why is this happening i'm so upset okay two cups of shredded cheese i thought i would do a mix of a sharp cheddar and a mild cheddar because we bougie in this [ __ ] okay guys are we talking shark we're tracking sharp cheddar and mild cheddar cause we have both cause we rich just kidding we use ludwig's car thank you for thanksgiving dinner i buy two cheeses when i use ludwig's card i'll say it my card we use we get we get discount cheese we get pre-cut cheese yeah we get pre-cut cheese when we use my card but blood looks fun man we get two cheeses [Music] oh man ludwig is two cheese rich yeah two cheese double glock lead that's what we call him i mean i didn't get like nice cheese i got okay cheese but food sam cheese i was on food stamps once i don't think i ever told you guys that i used to be on food stamps um when i worked when i first started at a bakery i only made uh ten dollars an hour and i could only get a a job part time at first so i was on food stamps the only way i could buy groceries it's okay food stamps aren't bad if you guys have to be on food stamps it happens you started your own bakery no no i worked with a bakery i worked at a bakery oh god she fell everybody needs help sometimes i want to figure out my brother used to have a big pokemon collection like he caught all the original pokemon um but then his him and his friend like they like combined their collections and his friend still has it but they're not friends anymore so he can't like get it um but um uh i think uh i think uh what was i saying oh yeah so i want to figure out what his favorite card is and then [Music] okay shiny snorlax yeah that's he's gonna say oh my favorite card growing up was a shiny snorlax and then i have to drop 20k to get him his favorite card for christmas i don't even know if he would care but i thought it would be like helpful if i get him like a nice like framed card you know in one of those like things i don't know i thought it'd be fun it's cute and sentimental have i ever told you guys so my older brother he's the one that first got me into halo so he would play halo with his friends i used to play on his xbox actually and he gave me my first xbox um because he gave me like his handy down xbox um so uh so like i i mean my older brother he was like the cool brother and i felt like the only way we ever really bonded was over gaming and uh and so uh like in high school i used to challenge boys that i would high school with i'd challenge them to 1v1s in halo like 1v1s on guardian right shoddy snipes 1v1s and uh uh it wasn't always shoddy snipes but i just remember doing shawty snipes the most and i uh scozzie thank you for the six months and i would have my brother play while i was on comms so i'd always win [Laughter] and like my brother would like my brother would brother and i would bond like that he would beat all my guy friends at halo and so uh sometimes sometimes in order to like try to be cool you know because like my job is in the gaming industry i would say my streamer she said halo sage um uh um so since i work in the gaming industry per se and i want to be cool to my brother sometimes i'll tell him i'll be like hey i got a call of duty sponsorship um so i got free game codes do you want one and then he'll be like yeah of course and then i'll i'll buy a code and i'll give it to him but i'll pretend like i got it for free just so i seem cool never tell him that never tell him that you can't know okay [Music] okay now the other cheese how old is he how old am i god he's 30 something now i'm getting an old chat what am i supposed to do getting old how old am i holding my chat he's he's no he's not 33 is he 33 is he 33 oh my god i think my brother's 33. oh that feels so old oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god what the heck what the heck oh gosh i'm 34. you're old we're all old no why is this happening you know i used to never understand because something that made marilyn monroe very very depressed was aging and i never really understood it but as i get older i very much so understand i'm like oh this is why oh gravity oh metabolism's slowing down oh cutie are you single yep don't you miss the days when you could eat crap and not gain weight yeah those were the days gravity yeah like your ass starts sagging your boobs start sagging your stomach starts sagging everything is sagging you eat nothing but plant-based foods you don't have to worry about aging cutie i think that is untrue i think you are lying to me cole thank you for the two months i appreciate that my hair is nice believe me my hair is a disaster today so nice of you though okay i need some onion powder and some garlic powder [ __ ] i think i forgot to get garlic powder oh wait no i have some oh my god you guys i'm still [ __ ] up from the onions i'm not kidding my face is still on fire just a lot of garlic powder a lot of garlic powder peppa i need more pepper oh guys i'm sad can i tell you guys something i'm sad i miss my family i miss them where's the sous chef the onions drew him away he said no meggies okay we're gonna pour this butter sag me too it's okay at least we're sad together chad at least we got these cheesy fattening buttery potatoes yum yum gotta spread this evenly things are gonna be lit when covet is over will it ever be the same i don't know the world has changed as we know it [Music] okay this looks great mushrooms some more i need to put this in the oven like forever ago okay but i haven't even made the crust so the crust is another half cup of butter believe it or not why did my dad say raw onions that's so gross on this my dad said raw onions what the heck [Music] i'm gonna give my dad a bidet for christmas when i was on the phone when i said the best christmas present for you i was talking about bidet [Music] all right this delectable dish is topped with corn flakes but you guys didn't guess that huh yes you didn't think about that averted please sub to her thank you for the five gremlin raid gremlin raid uh-oh are the gremlins coming oh duck and cover gremlin raid one slice thank you for the two months one slice thank you for the two months [Music] so the devil actually exists what does that mean hold the fort everyone duck and cover what's that line from peter pan that i love so much brace yourself slads [Music] that what was that we looked up his name we looked up his name what was that kid i had a crush on i said kid but i was a kid too we were both kids so it's not weird it's like when i was a kid i had a crush on him he was also a kid it'd be weird if i had a crush on adult as a kid now it sounds weird but [Music] all right all right all right okay okay okay okay okay there it is hi you guys thank you for the raid ludwig thank you 11 000 of you wow i'm just finishing making dinner right now as we speak uh i actually haven't done [ __ ] but i've been streaming for three hours a lot of you don't know that i stream um so hi this is me cutie cinderella i stream when you watch uh ludwig videos and there's a girl in it and she's funny that's me like the girl that's like way funnier than him yeah that's me yeah mr mctwo man thank you 100 bitties cool glissand thank you for the eight months that's me so if you would like to hit that follow button i would really appreciate it because a lot of you actually don't follow me and i know that because ludwig has like almost a million followers on them on twitch and if i'm trying to leech i should at least have like 50 of that and i'm only at like a quarter of that so i'd appreciate if you guys could follow oh i'm not funny oh okay that makes sense so you're sexist i see just kidding welcome guys hello hello hello hello hello hi hi hello i'm making i'm not making thanksgiving dinner i'm making ham because we're having thanksgiving tomorrow how was gta last night good um so i'll be cooking all day tomorrow we'll be making thanksgiving but right now i'm making funeral potatoes and if you don't know what that is you're not mormon and if you're not mormon you should reach out to your local missionaries and see what you can do about joining the church of jesus christ and latter-day saints i'm just kidding i'm no longer mormon please don't join the church did they die no so they're called they're called funeral potatoes because in the mormon um like culture i guess you always bring these to funerals because they're just like easy except for they've taken me two hours for some reason so they're not easy cameron thank you for the 100 videos the eclipse thank you for the two um sauce potatoes who died okay no one no one died but that's just what they're called that's their name it's not my fault your name is jason no one likes the name jason you don't even taste good these taste good you don't taste good what do you feel about that did you just say baby bun i ban that man hi i'm sorry i'm a little fat it's not a baby bump i'm just fat rude you're mean you're a mean boy zany side chick hey that's that was supposed to be my name thank you for the hundred bitties i forgot about that hoodie i wonder where it is okay boys where did i put the oh i put in the dishwasher oh the dishwasher's done that's so nice oh the cat's back come here oh my sous chef my shoe chef is back ah there he is there he is there's the man of the hour say something to the people don't eat the cheese please don't eat the cheese thank you thank you for those kind words durs we all really appreciate it okay he's leaving i'm sorry okay the top of the funeral potatoes oh boy [ __ ] the top of the funeral potatoes is you make um corn flakes you cover them with cornflakes young says well thank you for the hundred bitties and bingle dingle thank you for the 100 bitties i appreciate that thank you for the two months could you lay down please you're being chaotic you're being a bit chaotic cat hair potatoes yeah we also like to call them cat hair potatoes oh what are you eating you just ate a piece of cheese i was not supposed to do that oh well uh he's right in front of my screen chat so i just can't see you even if i tried you wanna smell this here we like to let him smell each thing great why does this sound like halloween music what is this song oh we have to take our ham out and glaze it in a hot second um sorry i feel overwhelmed what am i doing i've been struggling this morning this day i've been struggling this day hey jacques tolino thank you for that sub i appreciate that thank you for using your prime here is this cereal to make it sweet no it's not really sweet i don't really know all right plug yours oh durst i'm so sorry i forgot about you come here i'm so sorry i'm so sorry he's so scared i'm so sorry i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you i didn't even scare you i just i forgot about you oh my goodness i forgot i'm so sorry oh my buddy i'm so sorry i know i'm sorry it was mean okay okay i'm sorry oh he's gonna be so mad at me for so long i forgot he was there oh no oh shoot oh shoot he's never gonna forgive me shoot uh okay well chat plug your ears sorry i still have to do it you're okay it's okay it's just this you ran out of the room i'm sorry okay how much is this this is a little over a cup okay wait where's the bowl hold on okay so all this is is corn flakes and butter [Music] that was so sad i'm so sad right now i didn't mean to scare my cat i'm so sad no no massage she's never coming back okay someone banned skater gator because he's just super lame that's so sad that we just had to add the blocked term of of prego can i just say how disappointed i am in you guys we should not have to block the term prego because i'm a little chubby that's so not nice it's really not nice that we had to do that it's not even funny it's just really not nice and it's not nice to be not nice especially on thanksgiving so great i don't even eat much i'm just kind of chubby i'm sorry please don't call me pregnant it's not nice i eat one meal a day usually i'm gonna go put a hoodie on sorry i'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for the five gifted thank you so much all right um okay thank you for the prime that's so nice of you you're wearing matching hoodies cute cute uh you're wearing the pink one ah that's so sweet i have my own merch coming out soon it's not as good as this but it's the best i could do we'll see i hope if everything works out it should come out um within the next week or two i think so we'll see it's only gonna be live for 24 hours though so just warning you guys apollo thank you for the prime cornflake asmr okay um i don't have previews of it yet what i uh they're currently sending me samples um so once i have samples i will be able to put together a little preview i think uh one of my editors might put together a little video i've talked about my merch many times uh so this isn't like an announcement um i think a lot of you a lot of you don't watch me so you're new here hi nice to meet you my name's cutie cinderella i never introduced myself hi kind of weird for you have you to do that kitty what have merch i'm sorry you're right that is weird to me okay here is our crust we're just gonna spread this out on top [Music] um thank you for the 500 bits it's very nice of you it's still going to be an apron yep i have an apron it's okay i'm used to it i guess i'm not used to it i'm used to it but i have a threshold it's okay it's no big deal whatever they're not wrong i just didn't want to hear it on thanksgiving sag it's okay um ass has flap and think of the prime it's so nice of you okay look how good this looks cheesy potatoes under a crunchy yummy crust and so much butter smiley face i forgot you're supposed to have or my mom would always do um carrots with ham so i'm kind of sad i'm not doing carrots but this will still be good okay so i'm gonna pull the ham out and we're gonna glaze it i have such a mess i really need to i really wish this turkey wasn't taking up my sink right now [Music] i need a um we're gonna take my hand out and glaze it put the funeral potatoes in the oven um yeah let's do that you put these back in the fridge uh little zerny thank you for using your prime here thank you so much you ate a ton of turkey today and this is making hungry well we're not having turkey today we're having um we're having turkey tomorrow are from the west coast yeah [Music] okay let me put this down because we're gonna take that giant ham out and glaze it dude i just need to keep this open hey sweaty tripod thank you so much for your two months as well as apple wins thank you for your two months of prime i appreciate that 6.5 k andy [Music] i wish i was doing something more entertaining i feel bad that i've been kind of shitty okay now let's move this over here and pull the ham out to get ready to glaze it oh it smells like ham so that's a step in the right direction thank you for the for five four months [Music] oh god oh god oh god oh god i just spilled boiling water on the ground rex thank you for the prime okay okay oh boy that's a lot of ham juice on the ground huh oh boy sassy cass thank you for the three oh man that's not ideal son of a [ __ ] okay [Music] the ham is steaming what's your favorite thanksgiving side dish danny i think the pie does that count that's a side dish if not the pie i'll say the stuffing i love the stuffing dude i'm stepping on ham juice it's called i am water okay [Music] oh man i've made a disaster of this kitchen and i regret everything oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy cats and bats thank you for the sub this is so sad say release the ham like it's like like a dog waiting to attack oh my god this sucks i've this has been a cursed kitchen day someday i have cursed kitchen days this is one of them i'll say it this purse we've had first day cursed kitchen day can you make a product for the first time because of you i separated the egg whites in my hands good i love that okay dude i can't believe how frozen my turkey still is and it's been chilling in water for how many hours three hours oh my god i'm so sad at myself i can't believe i had frozen turkey how's your dog not running around at your feet trying to beg for food i wanted to say you are a great role model for girls like me who want to get into streaming you're beautiful you're very sweet i don't know i don't think i'm a role model but thank you there's probably better people you could look up to whoa sam okay okay we see you han hoo hoo hoo damn spicy ham okay so now we need to coat coat our friend in our glaze which is just going to be a combination of brown sugar and honey and a bit of water um zach apple pie zac shut up about apple pie nominate apple pie no one's making apple pie zack okay oh my i just spilled so much sugar on the ground guys i'm struggle busting what is going on today okay how do i want to do this i'm p sure that i just how do you make it i don't want to mess this up i don't make ham enough to remember swift will love the floor yeah the floor itself is a meal okay wait make sure i'm doing this right it says butter i have to cook butter [Music] what the heck it wants me to use orange juice oh my god okay we're just doing this however i want to do it we're just going to coat this honey or this this thing in honey and then butter i mean and then brown sugar but i don't know if i have honey i bought honey but i don't know if i have enough honey because i have to use that tomorrow or my turkey oh my gosh all right we're just gonna hope for the best that's where i'm at right now i just wanna hope for the best what are you making with og the glaze i'm struggling my feet are covered in ham juice and sugar okay so i'm just gonna coat this in some honey i need to like tilt it on its side [Music] nice honey okay just gonna rub it everywhere wait you banned zach good call nice it's all melting off because of the heat we love that okay yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes witch thank you for that sub that's very kind of you thank you so much all right we got a ham i think i missed a spot though add more honey well i'm gonna add um some brown sugar in a second i actually don't really like him if i am being completely honest with you guys but whatever something you eat on the holidays i suppose not everybody likes turkey i like turkey personally but not everybody likes it are you mad that i don't like ham i'm sorry i've offended your families i didn't mean to it's very hard to get this over in the right spots huh [Music] okay [Music] so i think i need more your grandpa made the juiciest turkey ever well i plan to do that as well but my turkey is currently frozen and i don't want to talk about it because this happened to me last year okay great now well it's trying to defrost it's in the sink in a bunch of water trying to defrost no it'll be fine the juices come out of the hand the dum please don't tell me that that it will not burn the brown sugar because you go like this and then the steam comes up and then the steam dissolves the brown sugar it's not going to burn the ham i promise you with all my heart and soul but i know this and i am confident need a liquid to dissolve the sugar yes yes but it's in a it's in a liquid bath so it's going to be steamed you guys [Applause] you gotta relax you gotta relax relax with me for a second okay imagine backseating someone cooking a hand i mean okay please don't spill any ham juice please don't spill any ham juice please don't smell any ham juice you got this queen don't spell [Music] [Music] not even a splash boys all right that just needs 20 more minutes we did it i want to clean up the floor so badly and clean all my dishes so badly but my sink is full of a turkey your oven is so large i know it's awesome ramen is the best i can do you're so talented thank you you guys don't say that enough i'll say that you guys you know what you don't say that enough call swift and let him lick it up no but you probably just have to go potty i'm being honest where'd the lid okay found it okay guys why are my turkeys still so frozen why my turkey still so frozen smiley face why are my turkey still so frozen how big is it 25 pounds it's all faster if you live a trickle of water going well i just keep filling it back up it's draining out a little bit and then i just fill it back up big turkey big cold wait what did you put in the oven that's ham the turkey's for tomorrow but i need it to thaw so i can um so i can brine it i might i think i'm gonna cut it off by eight because i need at least a 12 hour brine on it so if i cut it off by eight um hopefully it'll just thaw a few hours left in the fridge i guess yeah you can cook a frozen turkey it just takes extra time i accidentally can you brine it parsley frozen yeah yeah i can are doing a dry or wet brush i'm doing a wet brine and for everyone in chat who's asking what a brine does what it does is it dries out the exterior skin and also locks in the moisture on the inside so then um so then you get a crispy skin and a very moist turkey it's always important to brine uh your turkey how do you keep your turkey most moist brining it brining it brining it brining it and i just brined mine with a mixture of salt and brown sugar like a lot of salt like there should be a layer of salt over the entire thing and you'll it'll blow your mind when you see it the next morning do you brine it and put butter on it yep i put butter on it the next day though you're making two different meals yeah the turkey is for tomorrow um but i'm making dinner tonight just because i i'm too much of a traditionalist but i would be sad without without having like a dinner tonight um are you making jello salad yes unsalted or salted butter unsalted always you should always control yourself i'm going to cook turkey for the first time i'm kind of nervous about it today or tomorrow [Music] dessert we have so many pies tonight we have no dessert oops my thanksgiving tomorrow not today because um ludwig's sister couldn't come today um yeah the counter is such a mess guys i have to go get more potatoes tomorrow but no apple no apple pie i just don't have apples yet dude oh my god where's the broom i made such a mess okay i need to make some peas so i just need a big pot um because i said 20 minutes for that so it's gonna be done at 7 10 about the ham and the ham needs to cool okay so i don't need to do that just yet maybe i'll prep should i clean a little i can't rinse anything off though the turkey it's very annoying are you gonna release it next month wait he's gonna re-release what oh you're talking about his hoodies how many people are you looking for uh all the roommates [Music] i'm gonna go get the broom because i'm stepping on so much stuff it's driving me crazy i'll be right back so [Music] [Music] okay we have to have a much better system in place for tomorrow chat or we're not going to get anything done because we have a list of seven things to get done today we got two what is the crane over the stove it's a pot filler any recipes um so maybe a roast and some lobster tail roasting a little bit lobster tail what do you think about that huh that sounds good [Music] hi thank you how was um [Music] how was uh what was it what was it what was it what was it what was it how to be a millionaire who wants to be a millionaire how was it sorry we were in followers only we took it off welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome thank you guys how was it the dad one that makes sense alex and andrea they're both so stupid i'm just kidding we were doing a family competition so this is from your biggest fan my mom oh that's so sweet it's so sweet uh thank you that's so nice i i hope you guys liked andrea's pie i hope andrea's pie was very good i am currently cooking of course i swear i do other content besides kitchen stuff i've just been in the kitchen a lot well it's funny because i know their dad is a big fan of ludwig and then their mom's a big fan of me adopt us smiley face we ate it in one day it was awesome oh thank you so much that's so good ah well actually i take no credit that's all on andrea i take no credit she did all the work are you cooking for the boys when i live before dudes i already felt like the mom in the house reminds me of it oh yeah i'm cooking for all the boys right now um what am i cooking i'm cooking we're doing thanksgiving tomorrow so i'm cooking a big turkey tomorrow but right now i'm making ham with some um like cheesy potatoes and peas so how many pounds of turkey okay i got too much turkey i'll be honest they were the smallest ones they had though and last year we barely didn't have enough turkey so i have two 25 pounders one really i should have just gotten two like 18 pounders i don't know okay i was stressed i was stressed someone reminded me last year that it's too much turkey okay where's this music from just search um it's literally called a playlist that's called uh songs for streamers copyright free lofi that's actually what it's called okay we've really got to clean this up we have a big mess okay oh guys i just i'm so sick of not being able to like wash my hands and wash stuff off it's like actually tilting me wait i need to start making oh no i don't need to make the i don't need to make the um keys until i take the ham out of the oven but look at this my counter is just a disaster my camera it's a disaster i have those blinds do you have a curtain rod though because we don't 50 pounds is insane for five people and i delusional well it's for 10 people and it's still an insane amount but last year we had no leftovers like none and i was sad so if i'm gonna go through the effort of cooking turkey i want leftovers like it's so much work to cook turkey so it's like i want leftovers [Music] yeah cause then we can eat leftover thanksgiving food for like a week [Music] what i am definitely i'm gonna have to i need to talk to love because i'm gonna have to end and i i might end while we eat which is sad because i have so many viewers right now because so many of the generous raids and i'm sure most all of you are going to leave um i'm not going to end yet but when we eat food i'll probably end and then come back and make all my pies for tomorrow which is the exciting part of the stream so i'm so sad you're all here because a lot of you won't come back but um your mommy chicken because your dad hates turkey i'll be back you're lying you're lying and i can't wait for it to arrive that's so sweet make a chocolate pie i am making a chocolate pie i'll coming back for sure okay let me just i need to go talk to lead for one second i'll be right back [Music] um okay oh you know what i could do chat why don't we slice some of this bread i have these rolls from the other day what if i just slice these and toast these that'd be good huh you want the cat because people like bread i don't really like bread but people like bread i feel like that'd be yummy this is not ew this knife is in there and it clearly has like butter on it yeah dude all the knives are missing where the heck did all the knives go i don't have anyone to celebrate with thanksgiving myth this stream is really nice ah you're welcome at my dinner table this is my dinner table for thanksgiving we take all the people who have homophobic families all the people who have families who don't believe in covet all the people that couldn't afford to travel home you're here welcome welcome welcome you don't eat bread i don't like bread i just don't i don't know why i mean i i will end i will end um i will end to eat because i just feel like it's rude to like eat in front of you guys again and like you know all the roommates are gonna eat together for it's probably i'll probably end for an hour but i'll come back we'll brine the turkey and we'll make a bunch of pies i know i don't know why i don't like bread i just don't [Music] yeah an hour of ads um i'm sad though i'm sad because i want to hang out tonight but i yeah i got to get this done or i'm just not going to finish tomorrow so what can you do sometimes you gotta work hard to play hard huh and if i wanna eat pies tomorrow i gotta make them today so tomorrow i can make dinner streaming setting the table well i'm gonna i'm we are gonna decorate the table we might have to do that tomorrow depending on when i start but we'll see um we have five more minutes before we take out the ham and then i'll start on the peas because the peas only take like 10 minutes okay so one bag of peas feeds like three people we have one two three you need two bags but knowing me i'm gonna make three bags because i get worried about running out of food i don't know why i'm like this but it's how i was bored it's almost done all right we have 20 minutes 20 minutes i think if you're a big turkey fan i have a bunch of gobble outside my house oh my god what no no i'm not gonna come kill the turkey outside your house what the heck do you have actual plates or just paper plastic well guys you wanna know what's really sad is i designed the thanksgiving tablescape around our glass plates but we only have five of those glass plates so i'm stupid because we can't use them but they would have been gorgeous and i'm sad and i want you to know that don't wow me i was i was i was you know raining in my inner sarah hail okay shut up where's the big pot oh i washed it don't worry chad i washed it watermelon thank you for the two okay keys is that slime under yeah he's having his after workout peanut butter and grunting session i'll be honest i can't oh yeah remember when i was eating frozen peas why was i eating frozen peas i went through a phase where i was randomly eating frozen peas one night frozen peas kind of good you just eat them frozen swift likes them too and if swift and i are on the same page it's got to be good okay wait actually i might only need two bags i think i'm back to thinking i only need two bags show us they're good they're actually not bad psycho move i think i only need two bags there's only six of us do you think two bags is good chat that's two bags that's a lot i only need two bags huh two bags yeah okay okay thanks chad keeping me grounded all right let's get down to business over here ludwig pointed out that we have a [ __ ] sink like a big wash bin sink in the laundry room turkeys in instead of the kitchen sink which has slowed me down all day i'm so silly i'm silly champion one might say i'm so mad about it okay does the water thing over the stove not work it does work but i don't oh use it often because i'm used to being poor and not having one hello it's pagoda okay ham can come on out and it needs to sit for like 10 minutes [Music] oh boy bring it i spilled ham juice damn it smells lovely i didn't mean to spill the ham juice but i just always do great and that's cooking that's cooking let's get the bread in there toasting wait i don't have any room for butter oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh what am i gonna do um this is also the only pan i have because all the other pants are holding down the freaking turkey okay why is my life like this can i be your kitchen closet goblin no learner thank you for the sub microwave i guess you don't need to butter them to toast them or do you do butter them first and then toast them i'm so indecisive today dom added sag jam thanks dom yeah you got to butter them before you toast them [Music] hey smiles thank you for the three dollars and for that sub oh can't you put bread directly in the oven without a pan yeah but i have other stuff in there so i don't like knock it over or anything like that so just gonna use fake butter can i pay you to let me clean your fridge that's so so weird that's so weird my friend i can't believe it's not butter my my so my dad this is awful my my one of my step sisters was like somewhat overweight as a as a child and so my dad was trying to like help her um by like you know he would sign her up for clubs and stuff like that to try to get her to like get healthier and he told her that pam pam was spray butter so then she would one time i went downstairs and she was like do you want me to make you toast and i was like wow you're not nice to me this is crazy sure and so uh she makes me toast but then she's the toast comes out of the the toaster and she sprays it with pam and i say what i was like what what are you doing and she's like oh this is spray butter isn't it cool and i was like what and uh she was like yeah your dad told me it's spray butter but when i confronted my dad about it my dad was like my dad was like i was trying to help her lose less use less butter because he was just trying to help her be more healthy [Laughter] and i'm like dad that is so that's such a negligible difference like it's just like so funny my dad also my dad also um had this affinity for spam because for some reason we got we got a gift box or a gift basket with like lots of spam in it and i just thought spam was disgusting and i was like i'm never eating that dad i'm never eating that but he also used to make us he used to make us mac and cheese with hot dogs in it and so he's making dinner and he's making mac and cheese with hot dogs i go downstairs and i see these empty spam containers sitting on the counter and i look at him and i was like dad are you tricking us into eating spam i'm not gonna eat that and he was like he was like if you don't tell anyone else i will give you a bowl of mac and cheese without any in it and i was like deal and so then we eat dinner and i'm sitting there watching my sister who also hates spam eat spam and my step sisters who also eat hate spam eat spam my dad's just like i like spam so they're all eating spam with mac and cheese and i'm just sitting there like smiley facing because i'm my normal mac and cheese and then as soon as everyone finishes eating i go you just ate spam and then i run out of the room so my dad didn't get mad at me oh baby you guys want to see this ham reveal she's ready for you oh okay oh hello queen oh hello wow hello hello sunshine oh my ham i was a big ass man i'll say it that's a whole ass pig yeah [Music] hello do you want to uh we're gonna eat here um we could i wasn't gonna make it nice until tomorrow but we could pull chairs in there now yeah like the poker table chairs yeah i figured we just used paper for today well we're using paper tomorrow but using paper both days we're using fancy plastic wear tomorrow because i don't want to do that many dishes to my face this plus a solid 50 pounds of turkey you know the turkey's for tomorrow the turkeys for tomorrow so i have peas peas in the trap peas in the truck i have peas and [Music] potatoes and some bread potatoes are struggling to warm up it seems is that a meat sprayer sphere yeah it's a meat sphere it's a meat sphere when did i i think i told them 10 dinner 10 minutes ago okay i came back for my own thanksgiving hope series is going well i've got this ours is tomorrow my streamer can't pronounce sphere sphere it's just a it's a it's a ham made out of spam it's a spam ham i want to eat piranha i know it doesn't even feel like thanksgiving since we're doing ours tomorrow it feels very weird also since i'm not with my family this whole year has just been weird but hey what can you do for a klondike bar dude i made such a mess i'm so sad about it i hate that i keep saying sag as well have you ever cooked poutine yes i have i have facts fried spam is heat well it's same with like hot dogs like that's why when we made beanie weenies yesterday i was like you have to fry the hot dogs you can't like not fry the hot dogs so gross i'm gonna put some of these groceries away so do you want to see what my original thought was let me show you my original thought for the the dinner table tomorrow oh my god you know what i just realized i think we only have eight glasses oh all the glasses are missing oh crap why don't you have to do an sos for cops that's fine sos what's that song sos song oh that's um that's uh not ladybug abba lady abba [Music] okay [Music] jonas brothers what's the jonas brothers ones have you read eggnog i don't like eggnog is that a bad take oh rihanna has one too i don't like eggnog i think it's kind of yup it's like it's like thick milk and i don't like milk yucky don't say die in a hole that was aggressive just because i don't like eggnog you should not tell me to do that thing this is still dirty this is still dirty crap i did such a bad job such a bad job eggnog is good wtf cutie okay relax oh god i'm stuck i'm gonna have to wash my dishes down in the basin in the down in the basin in the laundry room and then bring them up here to put them in the dishwasher because i'm dumb and didn't just put the turkey okay i believe the bread is good oh god oh god oh god [Music] there's the bread we got bread now [Music] and the peas are almost done like two more minutes on the piece [Music] what is this oh my god you guys are staring into a grater this whole time it's terrifying [Music] ow dude why am i such a mess bring back the greater can okay all right relax bread in a pan bread in a muffin pan it's the only pan i have because my other pans are holding down the turkey because the turkey needs to thaw dude i'm so mad at myself for having a frozen turkey again i just can't believe i did it again i really can't i can't believe i lived this lifestyle where i explicitly bought a thawed turkey i went to the store i went out of my way spent more money buying a thawed turkey and told myself this is the year i don't have a frozen turkey and then i came home and put it into the freezer inside of the fridge it's just insane that's insane of me it is so sad i when i realized it was in the freezer i took it out and it's been thawing for three days but it's a big ass turkey so it's still frozen is there a food that you've never made that you really want to no why don't you have to do the dishes well like the sink is full of turkey i can't do them here i'll do them down there and then i'll load them it'll be great put it in a tub [Music] yeah well i could have you're giving me great ideas now chad okay the time has come and gone the problem is is they're in the kitchen sink and that's where they're living that's a nice ham thank you marcus okay the other issue is i need to strain my peas the hot water is going to go on the turkeys ow hook me up hurt myself i'm gonna struggle today i'm struggling today [Music] good okay we got peas yes everybody loves peas wow peas [Music] stop talking about my turkeys you're gonna want to get a clean one oh is there not one i was like i've covered these in onions and all sorts of gross [ __ ] i've been through it today um dishes in the bathtub and then take a shower that'd actually be multitasking because you could clean the dishes while you clean yourself you're on to something i will say that any canadians in the chat a few of them one of them just said nice pot or a nice ham anybody yeah him canadian thanksgiving tradition that's why i had ground always had ham this is a lot of butter i'm gonna regret this whatever oh well it's gonna taste good okay i need some salt and some peppa oh my god you know what i just decided this is what we're doing i'mma be a little crazy i'ma have a glass of wine with my ham for dinner when i come back and make pies we're drunk pie making what do you think who's here for it sarah hale it's thanksgiving let's [ __ ] go i might not i might not [ __ ] i'm in okay well i'm self-conscious now i don't know if i will there's a lot of pressure i felt a lot of pressure as soon as i said it out loud i don't know it's a great question i think there's a a few cups and some forks hiding in people's bedrooms okay i'm gonna do it like a cup foam today here i have some plastic ones we can eat with yeah yeah um what am i doing chad what am i doing oh i need this one okay that was a lot of shaking well no i think i think it's natural to hoard dishes i don't think it's like weird i think everybody at some point has a plate or a cup in their room like that that's very normal do not shame dish hoarders chat you're not above that half of you don't shower you're like oh people ordered dishes i'm like you guys haven't gone outside in years these ones are the ones i would use well there's six six of the doffed ones and then so two of those put put each of those at the head wait how many people oh we only have six yeah yeah one of the doctrines is in the room because durs was using it to look out the window very normal cat things i shower when my dishes are dirty oh okay but i only eat on plastic so i never have to shower smell my face okay check flavor check [Music] great okay let's check the potatoes oh my god chat oh my god oh my god you guys want to see this do you guys want to see these freaking potatoes let's go let's go i'll show you i'll show you what time do you plan to go to bed well i can't usually fall asleep until like five in the morning anyway because i'm broken but i'm trying not to be broken but i am broken but as soon as as soon as i get back from eating we're going to brine the turkey first thing and then we'll work on pies there's our cheesy potatoes layer of cheese and goodness and happiness there we go huh wow grim thank you for the five gifted that's so nice of you it's so hot in the kitchen okay okey dokey okey dokey chat i'm not gonna rate anybody because i'm gonna be back and even though a lot of you will leave if you want to come back that'd be cool because i have to make pies and brine the turkey [Music] but i'm gonna go we're not playing gta tonight no i'm sorry i'm sorry no gta tonight i'm gonna be about how long probably about an hour maybe an hour and a half [Music] the cat's on the tape aiden just cleaned off the table so he could eat and the cat's already on it the cat's like wow this is the perfect spot for me to dance anyway guys uh happy thanksgiving i'll be back in a little bit to make a bunch of pies okay i'm not gonna raid anybody because i just you guys just hang out here okay just hang out leave the tab open i'll be back bye hopefully some of you come back if you forgot to hit the follow button please do that thanks bye
this okay hi you guys how's it going can somebody tell me what the shed is about i missed the shed meme and now it's everywhere and i i don't know what to do but i don't understand it i don't understand the shed meme that's where trains gambling site is based out of what the heck how how does that happen hello hello hello how are you how am i doing today i'm good we have a sponsor today babel and look i matched the logo hello she's trendy she's cool have i seen the shouting match of course i have it's a place where they get their gambling license oh very cool you used to use babel well let me tell you what you can uh you can try it again and get six months for free with my link below in my panel or in the chat we have exclamation point babel whatever you want to do i think it's actually 65 off let me double check let me not say things that aren't true oh it is 65 off 65 percent off my bad 65 off you and lad were going at it on twitter it was very funny the thread with maya was fire going at it i don't think that's the right word hello yo yo yo yo hi guys yo the notif went out [Music] hello lots of drama today don't worry we're not a part of any of it we're not a part of any of it yo how about the podcast though is that a podcast do we call that a podcast what are they doing the streets are dying for your take on the drama gas leaf girl boss gatekeep that's my gaslight girl boss gatekeep is my take that's my takeaway bailey's thank you for the 11 months thank you thank you morgan thank you for the five with the prime hi you guys the gamba debate made my migraine worse tell us about the gamba draw drama well some people gamba and they make money and other people don't know and they think the other ones are bad simple oh my friend mark kitten thank you for the uh the seven months and split apple oh thank you for the 10. hi you guys hello i can't imagine listening to that podcast though i would be so stressed yeah there was a lot of yelling i have to say i think the um i think the argument of age is stupid when people are like oh you're pandering to children it's like no bro you're just pandering to anyone you're just telling anyone to gamble that's the problem i don't know uh vehicle thank you for the sub yeah i don't understand how it ended so civil did it end civil i didn't see how it ended i i walked away i said uh ugh too much leave me alone but we'll cover it we have to do our reddit recap for the day we got we got lsf recap that'll give us a bit of a we'll have an idea of what's going on because i missed a lot of it um like this clumsy streamer that spilled her milk i'm a little nervous about watching that one but we'll see what happens i don't think it really ended civilly i didn't watch it well um let's learn spanish we're learning french today we have like an hour before then so we're not gonna do it quite yet you're we're going to do typical um lsf react and then we are going to watch some youtube videos and then we are going to do the babble battle um in between battles between me and the best taco i will be uh we'll be watching more stuff so a kind of a react for the first few hours and then um and then uh i'm gonna be doing some tier lists tonight that my mods made me my mods made me cute i have no clue what they are and i'm gonna be blind clicking on them and doing them so yeah tony please do not make me feel bad about my uh content uh small ants mom hello hello chat and i've never tried babble listen i've done um qtc love i've done two lessons already uh i'll do the third one on stream it's pretty fun it's pretty fun elios thank you for the 16 months i think also in between babel i did start another embroidery that i might do um uh i've started another embroidery that i might do on stream while we react to stuff what do you think about that what language are you learning french i've tried but i'm anxious to see babel yeah so i start babble at six o'clock i've already done two lessons and let me tell you what bonjour chat bonjour hey cutie your emote showcase button is broken it might just be me though what's my i don't even know what an emote showcase button is sorry to go off topic did you see the gamba debate i don't think it was possible to miss i did see it uh it's absurd it's absurd uh elios thank you for the 16 months uh canuck thank you for the year and v kyle thank you for the brand new sub thank you thank you thank you it would appear i can't dodge my french class anywhere yeah i do feel like they were talking in circles i feel like they were talking in circles i feel like they were talking over each other and i feel like there's no solution listen don't blame them if you're mad about if you're mad about gambling being on twitch then it's up to twitch that's up to twitch totally fluent yes exactly it's up to twitch so whatever get your bag if twitch wants to allow it twitches allows it so just go off that i do think it's dumb to like not admit that it's a bad thing like everyone arguing that like oh it's not bad it's not bad just admit it's bad and move on just be like yep it's bad but i'm making my bag that's all you got to do and then the conversation's over it's like yeah it does suck but i'ma keep making this money and then ethan can call you a bad person and you can be like yep thank you i'm gonna go back and run some slots like yeah i think it's that simple like what do you want what do you want you want people to i feel like that's all they want is people to admit that they're a bad person like is that what you want would they get in trouble with sponsors for saying it's bad maybe maybe that's why they're not saying it i don't know say me cutie i don't want drama well don't get in drama do you separate the promotion of gambling and promotion of only fans pornography in the same is the addiction the same no every addiction is different every addiction is different no matter what chat every single addiction whether it's drugs whether it's gambling whether it's addictive qualities can be similar but every addiction affects people differently very very differently from person to person addiction to addiction vice to vice we all have different vices right blood we get a million on twitter yay he's famous your outfit with the babble battle qt3 thank you pokeman tweeted him before me wait what did pokeman say ludwig congrats on the one mill i made you and e-rob made me so era made you too i'm going to reply and say excuse me ma'am excuse me ma'am what the freak pokeman did not just say i made you where's where's where is that where's that harlot where's that harlot excuse me ma'am who made ludwig oh my god i logged out in the gamba oh no she's not going to notice me this is going to be all feudal let's see oh there it goes there it goes there there it goes oh i can't even argue with her [Music] oh what is your go-to eyeliner and mascara because your eyes are always so pretty thank you she doesn't love this thrive mask i am no under her and it's nice because is cutie in the chat hi cuties don't be nice to me i'm fighting you don't say hi cutie women in need which is great guys so if you didn't watch my last stream i gambled a thousand on one gosh dang it and lost it all and logged off because i was trying to fight her and cause drama what the hell what the heck yeah uh five head dobbs thank you for the host ryan thank you for the sub uh tempers thank you for the two months uh and fiduba thank you for the dollar okay i actually don't think one second let me do this socialblade twitter ludwig he's not at a million yet he needs a thousand more oh yes he is okay never mind he's at a million he's got a never mind it shows a million that was really quick i'll message him congrats on the mill on twitter i forgot what i needed the other day oh there's this tick tock artist that i want to do oh sorry is it quiet i'm sorry there's this tick tock artist that i want to do a commission for me um uh and she won't reply to me and so then i was like maybe maybe i need ludwig to message her because you know she'll see a million followers and uh be excited about it so so yeah but we'll see what happens um better thank you yeah i'm sorry all right well let's do what we all don't want to do cinderella yo yo jakester thank you for the three months let's do the let's do the reddit recap we've got a little bit we've got a little bit to do rather recap we gotta figure out all the drama that we missed today notable noble tea farmer thank you for the sub um okay all right qdc news coming live no no no no no i don't want to do qtc news i'm just going to react to lsf we've got some lsf stuff to look at that's all we got lsf stuff to look at we will be doing babel in about an hour so if you want to check it out now you guys the command is in chat it should be really fun um to do if you guys want to play along later i am on lesson three so you'll want to catch on up if you want to be on the same pace as me french stream yes yes no you're trilingual easy okay all right well should we change the title no i have to keep that title until we're done with babel um so yeah all right we are at uh lsf here we go here we go here we go um new world beta is currently wait my glasses are dirty super high blair hope you are having a great day thank you i hope you are having a great day too thank you oh six months in a row nine months total my bad her new world beta is currently breaking evga 3090 graphic cards for everyone frying many streamers graphics cards oh my god what it only happened to people running that uncapped uncapped fps can we change the tts voice every time you get a donut or sub i want yeah i don't know how to do that dom sure don't worry you don't have that yeah i don't number one i don't play this game number two i don't have that graphics card number three i wouldn't even know if i broke it it's just in your stream lapse alert box settings that sounds like too much work for me now when there's drama in the world we can always count on one person to help us you know be comedic relief and that is mr sodapoppin so let's see what he has to say today i don't i i don't know if mitch just doesn't have social awareness but i don't think he realized how [ __ ] i was i i don't think you understand how high i am oh you're you're actually about to understand watch do you want to do that with me look it's a 50 50 dude yeah that's a pretty good idea it's literally like a blackjack hand you pick the color this is absurd guard damas thank you for the six months hockey freak thank you the five i love you i'm i swear to god how does mitch not see that dude like he just [ __ ] gets up in my face like dude what's wrong with you you know what's wrong with me i was trying so hard to not appear high in my head i'm thinking don't seem high don't seem high like you just i'm going to watch it without possible you want to do that with me look it's a 50 50 dude yeah that's a pretty good odds it's literally like a blackjack hand you you pick the color yes or no um i would love to see an extension of that clip what did he say what was his answer to that that question that's so funny that's very funny um train reveals how much he gets paid by sponsors let's see here we go i get paid i'd say well right now i'm down right now how much how much do they pay you as a flat fee every month for fulfilling your contractual obligations i'll probably get in trouble for releasing it but i'll tell you a million a million a month jack i don't know how to tell you this my cat's here hello schnookums i don't know how to tell you this if someone was offering me a million dollars a month to gamble you bet your bottom dollar that i am gambling i don't know what to tell you guys but i'm doing it i'm doing it and you can call me a bad person and i'll be like yeah i'm a bad person but i'll do it i'll do that for a million dollars i feel fine about that i think that's fine that's without the code people use too g's louise so how much how much how much money does he get each time someone uses a code a million a month is more than i've ever made in my life combined i'm pretty sure he said 250k over three months on codes jeez louise oh my goodness holy and i'm down 2.8 million this month so now you can okay okay so that's just ups okay sorry sorry i saw i didn't realize i had it covered that's absurd because if train if train is getting a million chat x is getting like three mil a month that's crazy i'll probably get in trouble for releasing it but i'll tell you a million a million a month and i'm down 2.8 million this month so now you can see how degenerate it is it's bad so he did say it's bad xqc didn't though he got a shitty deal oh that sucks no his was shitty well i guess you get a better deal if you move countries because then you're less likely to like get in trouble that's absurd that is just absurd listen the thing is number one twitch allows it okay number one twitch allows it so if you're mad about it be mad at twitch that's number one number two that's so much money you would actually be kind of stupid not to take that number three qtc cozy cat it is trains choice and it will change trains life on how he keeps doing this if he keeps running three mil down every month then what you know what i'm saying like i think it is harmful for his viewers of course of course it's harmful for his viewers but uh whatever you know what i'm saying technically video game addiction could be harmful for your viewers if we want to talk about harmful for viewers that you get to some very very gray areas so if twitch allows it yes it's very harmful for his viewers yes watching people win millions of dollars on slots makes me want to try slots yes you know what i'm saying but if you get into like the morality of things the argument can get a little really crazy so the platform allows it the platform allows it um and so whatever but it is going to severely affect train himself like you know because what happens when this sponsor ends what happens when what happens when twitch does say no more gambling on the website then what does train do because now he's not getting the sponsor now he's like already addicted to gambling at high stakes because let me tell you something about an addiction every level it evolves so first it's oh i might lose twenty dollars i'm very stressed and then it's like oh i might use two hundred dollars i'm very stressed then it's 20 thousand dollars and then it's 200 000 then it's 2 million and every single time you get more and more more endorphins on it so eventually he will literally feel nothing unless the numbers are higher and higher and higher and he's not going to have that money he was arguing that ms should be allowed to do fireball fridays either dude it's so different my that that is the stupidest argument that is a very very dumb argument to say alcohol streams are the same as gambling streams yes drinking is bad yes gambling is bad however watching someone win one million dollars is a very different feeling than watching someone get drunk with friends i see someone win a million dollars and i'm like i want to try that i see someone get drunk with friends i'm like man because the life change of getting drunk for a few hours versus winning one million dollars is massive it's massive like i don't know weird yo yo yo yo look at this look at my screen you guys exhausting to see the lack of moderation online whether it's gambling today or the sexual harassment we were talking about yesterday it's all really depressing hope everyone is having a good day otherwise qtc love yay thank you for the sub hold this thank you for the 13 months oh and madden sorry i missed you with the five and crusty fap sock with the two hockey freak with the five garden is with the six sorry if i missed you i kind of zone out sometimes when i'm going on rants i will say i think at some point obviously humanity didn't plan on what the internet became um oh like you know literally welcome to the internet take a look around um it's gone so far i think at some point literally there cannot be uh you cannot be anonymous online i think that is the only way to be safe online is they have to like figure out a way that you have to use your fingerprint and that's it i know it sounds it sounds a little crazy but it's just unsafe people hiding behind being anonymous it's genuinely unsafe it is not safe um i know a lot of people are like really mad about it but it's not safe even for me like it's not safe for you guys it's not you never know who's going to slide into your dms and being like hey by the way if you want to buy this you know show up like think of how many people get scammed all the time i think identities need to be verified uh anonymous not the problem anonymous is absolutely the problem you're talking you're talking to me cutie cinderella who has anonymous people slide into my dms every single day telling me they are going to kill me anonymous is a problem uh compared to if somebody not anonymous sent me that dm they could go to jail so in order to hold people accountable for these things that they're saying behind their keyboards it needs anonymous needs to be diminished because the amount of hateful and like this like just awful [ __ ] would be very very so far diminished if anonymous went away um but i it's america and so it'll never [ __ ] happen but seriously it's like i think it's necessary at some point um yeah minecraft stands once they realize that they like you know their parents can find their minecraft twitter they're not like they're not telling casey that they're hexing her they're not telling casey that she's calling her all sorts of different names and stuff like that like but it's the internet that people always exist as long as the internet exists listen if you in order to get on the internet if you have to scan your fingerprint and it says john smith is typing blah blah blah i love you you will not be saying those same things without repercussion pepe smoke there has to be repercussions you cannot just yes there there are definitely going to be crazy people there will always be crazy people that's how the world works but at least those crazy people can [ __ ] go to jail or get banned off of ever using the internet unless they saw their fingertips off and try again i can't even tell you the perfect example is what ludwig did and i did it too once i saw it ludwig did it and it worked ludwig got a message from someone saying that they that they were going to have sex with me against my will and that they were coming for him or whatever he clicked on their profile saw what high school they went to sent them a screenshot of their principal and said oh i'm sending this thing to your principal and then the guy apologized instantly you know what i'm saying as soon as the like anonymous veil gets disappeared changes within seconds i had a ricegum viewer dm me something [ __ ] [ __ ] awful and i noticed oh in his in his um bio he says what soccer team he's joining so i click on the soccer team i see the the coach i sent him a screenshot of this coach and i said awesome i'm gonna be like let me send your coach these screenshots instantly he deletes everything he sent me blocks me pretends like it never happened yes there are consequences when people are not anonymous that is how the world works and it i i genuinely as someone who works on the internet every day i think it's it's essential i think it's essential i think it's essential that the men on that reddit that i was talking about yesterday that jack off onto the faces of uh twitch streamers i think um i think uh i think those people should be able to like be seen for who they are you know what i'm saying like they're just gross gross people so yeah anyway i don't think there's anything wrong if everyone was not anonymous then we would all be safer but i don't think it'll ever it'll ever work anyway taco bean thank you for the five months zinger thank you for the 15. castle thank you for the five hold this thank you for the 13. um i already thanked youth hold this okay cool it's like um safer what about government control what about government control people are always so nervous people are always so nervous like oh no the government's listening to me oh no blah blah blah then just don't do anything bad why do we care i don't care if the government is listening to me i literally don't care i'm the last of their worries i don't give a [ __ ] but they heard what type of like tampons i wanted my boyfriend to buy i don't care like i literally don't care like so many people are like oh no the government they're doing this this and this and it's like i don't [ __ ] why do we care so much she has a heavy flow confirmed alpha sigma we got her yeah i just i don't know um trading freedom for security i don't think it's that much like lack of freedom just having like you can still use the internet you just can't [ __ ] um you can't [ __ ] hide let's move on to another topic ooh let's not think that you can boss around the streamer because i do this every day and i could talk about whatever i want um how will i send my anonymous message to my crush in high school well that one you can write on a note and like leave it on our desk because uh that's cuter to do anyway right hey cutie thanks for being a positive influence on twitch that's all that's crazy that you just called me that after i'm going on like a very negative rant hello but thank you still traceable from the paper and the pencil number oh no even then it's like why does it matter i don't know maybe i'm crazy but i just think it doesn't matter how will i negatively affect people's lives if i can't be anonymous sad true oh if i'm not anonymous i can't bully people and threaten things damn it yo yo yo yo look at this look at my screen you guys train wreck this is their headquarters bro on google maps this is where give me a second here no no this is important this is where state casinos located you guys i gotta see see how have we gone from the argument of kids promoting and catering to kids and now we're talking about their crypto oh this is the you guys this is not a scammer business train yo yo yo yo look at that is a lot going on if nobody on the internet was anonymous and anyone who wanted to find you in stock you would have access to your info they already do do you know that every female twitch streamer has a stalker every single one every single one they just don't talk about it because they can't give it attention because if they give it attention it gets worse but every single one has a stalker but we don't know names of them because half of them are anonymous so at least if they weren't anonymous we would have [ __ ] stock we would know who the [ __ ] stalkers were not the anonymous streamers yeah like so that argument oh this is my old coffee that argument is nothing that info shouldn't be available to people of authority that info shouldn't be available oh it should be available but let me tell you what even if you go to the police and you're like oh i have this online stalker they cannot find them they have no way to find them we've watched too many tv shows where they're like oh i know their ip and his name is is jacob blah blah no that's not real life that is not real life you go there and you say i have the stalker and i have all this proof of this person but they make a new email account every single day and use a vpn and blah blah blah and they say okay we'll make a file on them let us know if anyone shows up that's literally what happens so it would be dangerous to have everyone's identities public sure keep [ __ ] angelina jolie's identity public because i guarantee angelina jolie is not using the internet to harass people you know what i'm saying if you become famous sure let's wrap all your stuff up and keep it anonymous like but it's just like you guys your your arguments are crazy cuckoo cabana but once everyone's idea is public no ones will be that's not true if you look in the white pages you don't see angelina jolie even though you see everybody else in the neighborhood i don't know i literally talking about the internet i'm not talking about personal information i'm talking about the internet you shouldn't be able to use instagram without being a verified person with a social security number or birth id or whatever the [ __ ] you know what i'm saying you guys are literally trying to find loopholes to harass people that's all i'm talking about i'm not saying oh personal information shouldn't be anonymous i'm saying you shouldn't be able to use the internet unless you are behind a legal like thing that attaches to you what about in countries where it's illegal to talk about being gay and such i'm literally talking about america you guys i'm also talking about something that is so not happening this will literally never happen so i don't know why you guys are like oh no cutie i'm just saying wouldn't it be nice if people didn't hide behind a keyboard and send me death threats that's all i'm saying i think like holy [ __ ] what a crazy what a crazy thing to want oh my god the price of fame no it's not the price of fame because people could just not be shitty could you imagine like people could just not be shitty like that's all like that's all and people wouldn't be shitty if it showed their name uh cutie you literally went on a rant yesterday about how you want people in reddit in charge and they refused to take down a reddit if anonymity was removed would endanger a lot more people than just streamers to the same thing you're dealing with and it would not make people in charge more likely to act no they wouldn't if if you were anonymous you wouldn't be posting that [ __ ] i guarantee if you weren't anonymous and instead your name was evan clark you would not be posting a picture of andrea botes at the age of 16 saying you want to come on her face you wouldn't be doing that you would simply not be doing that it wouldn't happen like do you understand you're not understanding it you're literally not getting it you're not understanding there are shameless people well the cool thing is if evan clark still posts that and it is evan clark cool thing is is he could then get charged for sexual harassment nodders i don't think you guys get it issue is is i i feel like i've talked about too many topics that are bad for a sponsored stream so i'm gonna go ahead and move on and move my discord over here so i don't leak anything all right i'm gonna move on because um you guys clearly are afraid of not being anonymous on the internet and you should you know self-reflect on why you're so afraid of that and maybe you know maybe you shouldn't post the things that you're posting like if you're that afraid of losing being anonymous maybe you should just like not post such awful things oh right h3 3h3 says what's an e-rob e-rob what is an e-rob what is an e-rob what is an e-rob we've all been wondering that i already have pokeballs i'm dead bro this guy's trolling [Music] just go [ __ ] crazy click buttons boys that was a [ __ ] dick baron called beauty bro our teammate we died [ __ ] yeah stop him from capping that [ __ ] yeah i got him i got him the [ __ ] he's got the [ __ ] defense he has like super armor i think we got [ __ ] grief quesadilla thank you for gifting a sub you watch too much youtube so you're not gonna sub that's totally fine i'm curious uh i'm curious i was watching this game earlier it seems like a very cool game i'm curious if any of the comments because every single time there is a post on me on lsf it always says oh i expected uh i expected like you know a guy in a white t-shirt and long hair i'm curious if i click on one that's actually for i'm a cutie pie if it'll say anything about like oh i expected a girl but probably not nope nope nope so it's just the okay uh-huh yeah the title says i'm a cutie pie not just cutie okay we'll leave it at that we'll leave it at that dr vis respect [Music] this 1993 1994 blockbuster video game champion performance hot take here lots of doctor disrespect fans in chat obviously you guys love dr jake's respect hot take i think he's overrated i don't get it i really don't get the gimmick i don't get the gimmick i'm sorry i don't get it if you're overrated dude i'm not even rated i don't know what you're talking about i just don't get it i don't get it do i feel the same for hassan no i don't think a son is overrated hassan doesn't have to wear a [ __ ] costume and be a character i think wearing a costume and being a character is so lame i'm don't wanna i'm scared don't open this one clumsy streamers filled her milk i don't think i should open this on stream don't don't open okay all right xqc tries making the paper alcohol argument indispensive yeah they put alcohol argument is silly i i agree some of some of my other adventures like overwatch like whatever like a drinking alcohol smoking it yes the difference is if you want to drink on stream you're not getting paid by the alcohol company [Music] friday fireball boys friday fireball you have i i was gonna say let's get [ __ ] up come on now let don't uh let's not do that come on i'm not done talking you don't have an affiliate code that people are going to go run into the shop and get [ __ ] discounts on alcohol and also in america alcohol is extremely regulated you cannot go into a store and buy alcohol without an id for the most part people are playing so you're saying there's a 18 plus barrier that you have to cross that you can there would be better alcohol is is is regulated very [ __ ] tightly by the government in all aspects there are laws governing all of that so so you wouldn't be able to go into a store and because again us will get you banned because again your impressionable audience regardless of age that is really destructive behavior now you would get banned if you did the same thing with water if you were to conduct in a way that would self-harm you or kill you with water you'd get banned just as much as if it was with alcohol the end game possible and worst outcome is irrelevant and what it's important water is not an addictive substance you know that you need argument in this situation you jumped you jumped do you unironically think that like do you want to run your job nope you jumped from drinking alcohol to dying on stream you made that jump i think you didn't stream i didn't think dying on stream is man-able yeah i said drinking alcohol where you are so sloppy drunk i can't hear you so this is how did you guys watch this how did you watch this i could never i hate when people scream i think it's so lame train wreck this is their headquarters bro on google maps this is where give me a second here no no this is important this is where state casinos located you guys i gotta see see how have we gone the argument of kids promoting and catering to kids and now we're talking about geez louise aimless bunny thank you for the 20 gifted i just saw that an anonymous cheerer thank you for the 500. thank you very much that was so random thank you 20 gifted is excessively random train i mean honestly can you cause xqc fire shots at miz kiff oh boy oh my god dude you ever played um subs oh my god wait what is going on space with thank you the tony gifted thank you guys for the 20 gifted thank you geez louise uh uh thank you this is that was very kind very generous thank you so much jeez thank you guys sorry one second wait i missed i missed what the shade was i love you cuties majora thank you for the 10 months thank you thank you guys thank you very much oh my god dude you ever played um uh smite uh no i'm not a loser no no oh my god okay that was a little rude that was a little rude too far jevin thank you for the sub i was ready for some real drama i'm happy that wasn't drama i was like i don't want to do this i don't want to do this this is culture [Music] oh loud is funny loud is funny jeez so does base take on gambling what does soda's base take it's gonna he's gonna be like gambling gambling bad i am listening and i am getting angry i don't think any of these streamers could ever admit that they care about view count and they care about the fact that it's easy views and they like there's nothing wrong with that either there's literally nothing wrong with it and i'm getting mad and the none of them want to say that they don't care like dude if some kid watches the stream and [ __ ] like slots is bad i agree but like if a kid watched me play blackjack and gambled his life savings away like that's not my problem like morally i don't care it's not my fault i don't give a [ __ ] and i'm not afraid to say it but like these guys are afraid to care about view count and say they care they're afraid to say this way if train got 3k views you think he'd do it no no he wouldn't he wouldn't absolutely would not he played among us for three months and he loved that game for three months 20 hours a day bro bro it's all about view i agree with that i agree i agree with everything soda saying i think i think uh it's like what i said just say it's bad and keep doing whatever you want to do if they just want to press you because they want to convince you that it's bad and you're ruining the world then just accept that you're ruining the world and move on you know what i'm saying like you can't just i don't know if that makes sense i don't get it this is all all that's on lsf is this why don't we just watch the full freaking stream game i don't care i play with my own money which is great which is nice and all but you're still getting paid a million dollars a month and how much are you making on your on your code by the way you're cheap when i get paid cheap in three months i've made 250k in three months that's nothing you understand in three months that's nothing jeez i mean it makes it it makes it a lot easier to make gambling look like a sustainable activity when you're getting a million dollars a month from the platform to do it if you weren't being paid by the platform to gamble there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what a conversation between ethan and xqc would look like you want to help me but for a homicide investigation you're doing mother reaction i'm telling you hey you [ __ ] ass i i was probably the first one to watch any of these videos and tell you about it okay as i was more than more likes of something oh how's it looking only reacts you [ __ ] ass no [ __ ] he watched everything that's all he does you [ __ ] [ __ ] the investigation we do this with i literally have no idea what's going on in this whole video that makes sense is ethan ethan is the new uh king of uh lsf bro listen like very simply right you've got 32 years left and so what i want you to do very 60 yeah yep pov wait what is this pov your brave aussie soldier drowned behind ebony lines down behind enemy lines here we go some stompy action to save us from all the drama clean no my wind off dude stompy is so cute when i uh when i went to maya's house we went and sat in like stompy's little like pen or whatever this was before he went over to elvis and he just ran up or she or whatever uh they ran up ran up to maya and like cuddled with maya it was so sweet it was so so sweet stompy claim train claims steak is losing money because of him okay that's absurd that's an absurd claim and that's precisely why they're paying you a million dollars a month like look they're i think they're they're getting the bag is one thing right and and by the way money and my affiliates show that they are losing money on me they pay me because if i'm going to go live they want it to be on their site they find it more damaging if i'm on another site versus being on theirs do you understand they don't pay me because i'm bringing them money that makes sense you're not afraid that you're going to make more train wrecks that makes no sense it actually makes no sense that makes no sense that makes no sense oh we've seen this clip like 100 times xqc popping off against racist wow what a what a heavy day on the timeline today okay let's watch geeky trying to golf you got this oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god my god did she at least get a point did she get any points for that how does that work did she get any points what happened she won s fans realization after watching h3h3 not telling them why sponsored at all wait wait i am not selling i'm gonna be honest i'm not even listening to what they're saying anymore i'm just i'm just having fun typing in chat wait is that what you guys do that you guys do all stream that's funny that's funny look at h3's title i don't want to just tell me what it is sometimes when you guys come to my chat and they're like go do this just tell me just tell me you want me to react just tell me what the title is reacting andy what what why do you think i cared about that why do you think i cared about that title hello his title is post interview chilling reacting andy i don't care excuse you self report dude oh my god i'm over these i feel like i need to see them though h3h3 absolutely destroys train i drain g fuel on guys get killed like dude it's like dude just it's just weird like you're you're like you're like yeah i don't know okay then why does he why did you train like okay that's just one thing he doesn't like affiliates paid a lot of money but i don't know what is there for people who gamble already that are degenerates like me and they can that's it i don't push it though i verbally tell them not to gamble all the time right now what you just did right there uh ethan has pushed it more than me in three months so congratulations yes i'm sure the people that watch you day in and day out are not using the code that's explicitly displayed on your screen they're not using it versus me pointing at a shed in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere saying this is where it's where it's located i'm sure everybody's running to go sign up for steak it's located in this [ __ ] shed i'm sure i'm doing all ton of damage to the youth uh the people of america okay yeah you are okay i my god oh my god so if train just said yeah you already ethan doing damage for having people sign up then why does train stream the thing every single day guys can we think about parkitect can we think about parkitect i play park attack every single night i've literally never ever told you guys to play parkitect how many of you have downloaded parkitect because you see me doing it and you're like that looks like fun and there's not the same level of dopamine being released when you see someone winning millions of dollars uh so there's just a big [ __ ] difference that's all i have to say like holy cow holy cow you wanna do what you are i'm a fan of uh uh lebron james i wanna try playing basketball i'm a fan of taylor swift i want to try singing her songs i see cutie playing park attack i want to try park attack i see i'm a cutie pie playing league of legends i want to try league of legends i see soda playing wow i want to play wow i see my favorite streamer train gambling every single [ __ ] night i wanna try gambling that's just how the world works i saw alex and andrea doing chess outside i wanna do chess outside hello hello i made crepes on stream freaking patty made crepes do you see how this works how are we pretending that's not how it works i'm not even young i'm very young but i see these things and i'm like oh i want to try that that's how the world works can we talk about among us no one was playing among us until people on twitch started playing among us and then the whole world started playing among us hello hello is anyone out there parkitect gambling do not pretend that no one is gambling because you're doing it for them that's not how the world works there's literally graphs among us went up massively when we started playing it rust went up massively when we started playing it we're literally called influencers that's how the world works we influence people anyway chat this is my big tobacco stream everybody get your cigarettes out that's just crazy that's crazy that he would say that's that he hasn't done any harm that's so crazy can we call it i think what we call this in the among us industry is a self-report no no no no no no no you you set up this report because you mean [ __ ] right you created an unfair scenario maliciously we're 3v1 where did you get this money why are you showing that money that's a lot of money what are you doing with fire shots at aden some 19 year old [ __ ] basketballer from also they i don't feel like they were mean to aiden i feel like aidan left with a very good also you said his name wrong it's fake money oh trains streaming from gambling headquarters and it's the little pod outside and then it's train it is oh that's funny pokeman's take on training gambling where's not to gamble i tell them that it's bad i'm down 2.5 mil so i'm a great example for why you shouldn't gamble that's his perspective but the issue is he is convincing himself copium levels that that's true when in reality he has no data or evidence to back that up however we do have evidence to the contrary which is the fact that these companies are giving him money every single month which means that his viewers are indeed losing money on these sites every single month so as much as you want to say that the tactics you do and the precautions you give prevent people from gambling ultimately you are losing people money and the proof is in the check you get every month that's it and you know what maybe a few words not to gamble i tell i've always liked her ethan trolls trained by promoting his promo card no no i'm over this i'm over this trainwreck gets exposed okay the issue is is train's gonna have a full mental breakdown train always thinks people are out to get him and honestly no one here is out to get him they are just upset about the gambling but it is actually gonna lead to train thinking everyone is against him personally because that's how train handles things and i'm nervous for train one question for trane did you used to say on your streams that i wouldn't do this if i was a big streamer they all say that every streamer is a [ __ ] hypnotic loser i've said a lot of well chat i'll tell you what i'll do anything if they pay me yeah it doesn't matter what size streamer i am things like streams and i've yo grown up xqc did too remember he made fun of that one guy for gamma streams i'm sure you've had instances in the past where you've said very harmful things why did you change your mind and now you've changed have you noticed you think it's harmful to say you wouldn't do this as a as a larger streamer perspectives change things change a change that made you say okay i will do this as a big streamer cinderella i i love her i enjoy gambling i enjoyed getting paid on stream that's so weird pokey destiny hassan xuc jake pays for his meal otk got a new headquarters oh thank goodness georgie becomes a man here we go here we go some maya content but it was a special one from uh petco that's supposed to be for reptiles all clean beautiful water wow frogs give me the heebie jeebies well that's a show it was a special one from uh petco that's supposed to be for reptiles the more i stare at it the more hibijib's i get all clean water that's cute xqc calls out miss kif i don't care i don't care i don't care i don't care uh listen to me ass [ __ ] you ain't [ __ ] ain't never been [ __ ] soda that's my friend always starting violence you know hi qt okay there's so much okay i'm over it hey look i made it okay i'm over i'm over lsf i don't want to watch all of h3h3 stream today uh all the other streamers did so i don't think i need to watch the whole thing cool news is is we are about to start uh amelia airhead how dare you say so does a rude dude that's also my friend all of you need to stop talking about people you don't know okay we have to wait on um the best taco because we are going to be doing lessons of hiccups against slash with her i think let me see [Music] um okay so she is in a game right now um let me just read the rules so we're on the same page um of what we'll be doing today chat let's see let's see let's see give me a second [Music] i love you cutie cinderella pog one year where is my cake yay thank you for the one year jello okay this is what we're going to be doing chat let me read all the ins directions just while we wait we just have to wait um is what we're doing right now wait what i already have that open i'm so confused what i need the breakdown of what we are doing what i have live stream fails open so many times too shows i have live stream fails open like 12 times okay weird i'm confused um you hope my pronunciation isn't atrocious oh you're dramatic you're dramatic [Music] [Music] do are you doing french pronunciation or quebecois crush i don't know what that word means okay chat we will be um as soon as the best taco is ready we will be doing a lesson um and then comparing each other's scores and then every 30 minutes we'll do more lessons so in between this we will do some react until she's ready so it should be fun but those of you that don't know about babel babel's the number one selling language learning app it teaches you a lot more than just vocab words it helps you truly understand a new language and discover its people places culture history and more honestly i've done a few lessons already and um i uh i can't spell and so that's been my hardest thing is it's like i'm dyslexic i don't know how to spell and it's asking me to spell like bonjour and avoir and stuff like that and that's gonna be difficult for me but it's obviously important but in addition app-based lessons you can also learn through games podcast videos and even virtual online classes with top teachers babble live babble is flexible engaging an enjoyable way to explore the new language learning i um i started my account and it asks you how much time it asks you how much time you can dedicate to learning i put like five minutes a day and it adjusts uh like you know gives you like a learning plan for that so it's pretty cool um they have a bunch of languages uh today we are going to be learning french as soon as as soon as the best taco is ready we can get started um so we're just gonna wait a second or two um but babel does prepare you for situations you'll actually encounter in real life you'll learn everything you need to have real conversations um it did like have me you'll see a lesson in a second but it has you like enter in words and like i said spell things but lessons are built by a team of 150 language experts and voiced by native speakers other apps use machine learning algorithms and ai technology to teach you languages so this is more catered towards uh being a human and you know learning that you only need 10 minutes to complete a lesson and i actually think that is dramatized you do not need 10 minutes i did two i did two lessons in like five minutes so it's really really cool uh so you can start having conversations in a new language in as little as three weeks there are multiple ways to learn lessons podcast games videos content about the culture and even babel live in addition to learning how to speak and read the new language you'll learn about the language's culture which is really really cool so yeah babble yeah i have a link below you can click on um i have a link below you can click on and it gives you 65 off so it should be fun what made me choose french i just thought it was fun i thought it was the most fun so far all the words that it showed me in lesson one and two are already new yeah sixty-five percent off is massive so i have a panel below for that and also x-ray white babble if you wanna check it out um lud speaks french it would be nice to be able to speak french with ludwig's family um so yeah not so much ludwig led does not speak french kw ludwig does speak french surprisingly you don't know him as much as i know him imagine that imagine ludwig would literally talk to his family for hours in french he speaks french so uh klutz thank you for the five her cults klutz i don't know but yeah is he french need native or did he learn it later uh his family speaks french so he uh he was grew up in america but his whole family speaks french his mother is native so that's why he was the first kid in his family born in the us [Music] okay maybe while we wait we'll do one of these lesson reviews that seems fun should we do a lesson review i might need to get some more water soon maybe i'll get water so i've done the welcome lesson one and lesson two i'm actually let me i'm gonna get water before we start let me get water okay chat you dance i'm gonna go get water and then we're gonna learn some [Music] french [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] foreign sorry chad i would pee too where do you get your pants from i actually don't know taylor bought them for me she's kind of like my pseudo stylist all right where'd the mouse go color match the logo you know it i thought about changing before streaming then i was like no it matches all right oh music stop you ready to learn are we ready to learn they're not ready yet i have the hiccups all right were you still waiting for the best taco um okay yeah let's do our uh course review then we'll do a course review while we wait wait they're about to type okay no let's just do we'll wait for their their game and we will we'll do a review and so then you guys can get a feel for it so i've already done lesson one and two um and so we're just gonna do a review oh flash cards do you remember these french words yes [Music] guys i'm amazing you see that course one lesson three okay we're still waiting for this so this is the one we're going to start on here you'll review the vocabulary from previous two lessons wait that's all we're doing that's pretty easy okay people hey i think she is ready hello emmy thank you for the five months wild man think of the prime i love you cutie cinderella wow tea fries leave the 10 months sorry trying to get some things lined up people shy people shy people shy so yeah you also you you set this weekly goal um you can set goals it tells you how many lessons and stuff to do it says uh shows you where you're at with your courses you can invite friends up here are more levels more courses there's this live option um there's live classes and small groups taught by a native speaker that you can join it's part of like the the package uh okay we're gonna meet the best taco i've never met her before hi hello hey how are you good nice to meet you i've never met before yeah no i i get it but we're we're being brought together by the power of uh by the power of languages power of learning french do you have any experience with french none at all not at all i told them i didn't want a language that like i i knew so like french just seemed perfect great and how did you feel about lesson one and two um honestly training wheels you know great yeah i feel great about that that's how i feel i'm ready for this like i'm ready i'll be honest i did miss one in lesson two i'm a big hunter i know i know it was because i i didn't pronounce properly uh they made fun of my pronunciation they said i wasn't good enough spelling is my issue i've learned i don't like the spelling tests they're very hard but what should i call you should i call you taco yeah you can just call me taco and uh are you just cutie or do you cinderella or do you yeah you can call me cutie that's the easiest all right cutie works for me okay perfect well all mute we'll both start less than three and then just let me know when you're done and we'll all right sounds good okay all right okay all right guys we're gonna be going up head to head on this lesson lesson number three no cheating here we go i'm nervous yes speech recognition match the items we is yes we salute is how's it going no no amazing [Music] mercy [Music] i'm close [Music] [Music] bonjour [Music] [Music] a what i did good ah avoir emesi [Music] i need more phlegm elise meet sandra at lunchtime in an elevator salute elisa elisa [Music] [Music] i could say no good idea oh no oh no [Music] can we lie should we lie about it dang it chap please only speak in french all right i'm ready me too how did you do i i embarrassed myself again you did i did i i had two i did 15 out of 17. oh i got 16 out of 17. i'm amazing [Music] was it the pronunciation no actually it was it was one of the questions i uh it was it was like literally the second question i over thought i over complicated it for myself yeah over complicated it was the takeover it's okay it's crazy because you do it and you think it's so simple and then you realize you're like oh wait i i actually have to pay attention to learning language who would have thought i did i i literally thought i was like okay the audio is what got me last time in lesson two right so i was like lesson three we're gonna like just correct all those mistakes and then and then i just goof in the very starting portion like literally not even three questions deep i didn't even get three questions in and i just had i had the i had the you know it's just welcome to my downfall okay it's all good it's all good we got what four more of these so we uh we take a break now and then in 30 minutes we do two more right yeah well i guess it's just spacing it in between like each of my smite games um but all of those are like anywhere between 20 to 30 minutes so if you want we can just mute in here and then just hit me up when you're done yeah as soon as it's done great okay we'll have fun with that i'm going to correct my mistakes and for anyone who wants to play along you can catch up with us both of us do have a panel below you get 65 percent off your membership if you sign up with our our panels also each of us have a command in our chat exclamation point babel um to take you to the website and show you what's up and you can catch up with us and play along if you want and it doesn't have to be french they have tons of different language options so anyway you enjoy your games let me know when you're free and we'll keep going appreciate you you literally did the entire explanation for me i was just about to hit them with that but thank you you're welcome yeah i'll catch you in like 30. okay all right chad so while we wait let's see correct my mistakes what oh oh this is what it charged me on oh because i spelled i did uh i thought it was my pronunciation oh i'm amazing okay well uh while we wait she's gonna be playing a smite game and we are going to be watching some youtube yeah boy okay chat stop speaking french please i'm no longer doing a lesson only speak french during my lesson i can't be over stimulated no oh great all right let's uh watch some stuff okay okay okay oh we're watching valkyries we're watching valkyrie's behind the scenes chat we're watching valkyries behind the scenes and only applauding her in french ray okay modeling in a gucci shoot for 100 thieves behind the scenes vlog here we go fantastic imagine being that beautiful i could never all of this makes my zits magically disappear be a miracle well it's one step in the process what the heck i feel very spoiled of breakfast hair getting our nails done let's see the face [Music] [Music] chad if you're wondering why i never have vlogs like this it's because i don't do cool things i don't know what to tell you [Music] this is the whole thing oh my gosh i actually have never worn a dress i probably wouldn't have ever worn i love the belt the belt is really cool it's very heavy does she get to keep those never wear glasses never do my hair like this it's very different but i'm down it's crazy because she looks gorgeous you're psyched you're just kind of happy you gotta have pep in your stomach okay it's pretty simple here let's do it so you're listening to your that's funny that her editor made it silent [Music] does she have someone record her vlogs so it's like we go from you to them to chris and so on right so imagine having a camera guy the reality is you're saying what's up to him in a body language way hey yeah like that but before it was like we're supposed to like go around each other but like not check each other out but like it's like a hello and extended hello not check each other it or if out hold my piece ray looks like a hole model yeah [Music] do you guys like the backpack yeah go for it be honest [Music] [Music] yeah what are the odds crazy oh right sorry my vlog camera's a little bit this is your vlog here no it's not my vlog camera's a little bit nicer sorry wait is this your vlog right this is my vlog hey ray twit look at my click make me a fan cam please someone yeah jack is canceled anytime this is such a different vibe of a vlog i've never i've never watched one of rey's vlogs actually i love the hat the hat was a good choice like she doesn't even really talk about what's going on it's just like thank you from the side what a day it's like like it's like a fly on the wall [Music] oh my god what they like the hair but they have someone going to the gucci store to because they want to try a barrette on my head so they had to go to the gucci store to get the beret that's wild it's berea and french the details matter but this is like how it is with like actual like models themselves but you know it's very different very different can you speak french that's all i know is baguette uh we've already learned more than that today nothing from pokey at all she's actually maybe you need babble just got here just kidding he looked like a tourist yeah i feel very fresh do i look lost kind of what are our headphones supposed to be plugged into never been here before my shoes aren't even in the shots i'm so sad they look so cute and they're not even in it hotter thieves yeah i liked the red one and more gucci here and gucci here and i don't know how to describe this type of fabric recycled it's recycled recycled fabric it's like recycled material recycled material [Music] wow this is fascinating i didn't know there's this many like details thank you okay bounced in a month and a half yeah so very excited a month and a half i want to go home and sleep they did they did oh well hello no transition this time we are here for day two got here at 7am and today is photos imagine not leaking yeah it totally leaks i think that's it right and that's it yeah yes i met ray in a conference room at a talent agency that was the first time i think at least meeting in person meeting in person to picture on a hundred people yeah it was to sign me for our face yeah and first time i met ray it was either it was either at like a fortnight pro-am or one of yeah it had to have been like 100 feet house i think i literally met you in person yeah which makes the most sense and then i just never left so she was stuck to me as a roommate he's just here think about that they met and then they we all just moved in again that is crazy that's absurd i could never oh wait i guess i did do that she is a model you think the outfit is wack i like her outfit i think brooks is crazy like why would you put cute little brook in that bag [Music] i dropped my gamer headset okay i have to say hopefully no one comes in like i have to say something about gucci gucci gucci um uh how should i put this as an interior designer i have designed many events event space as well as like uh you know homes and stuff like that but i have i've also does i've designed stores and um the freeze frame ignore it and one time gucci was having a private event and i was designing their space and blah blah and i overheard them talking to the caterer and uh to the caterer this event was they were showcasing this uh this like film they made uh they were showcasing this film or the sponsor that they did for gender neutral like it was a it was a film about being gender neutral and about being gender fluid and how gucci supports that right but then gucci is on the phone with the caterer and says to them we want all male we want all male uh waiters can you do that and they were like clearly they said no they're like no we're not gonna do that like what do you mean and um and then flash forward a few weeks later and it's the event and the caterer brings a uh a person that chooses they and them pronouns and the gucci representative was like livid that they asked to use they and them pronouns and was like no i i i'm not doing that like i refused to do that even though that's what the whole event was about it was absurd it was like actually absurd so just to give you insight about you know sometimes sometimes it's all for marketing and they don't actually stand behind anything which is so lame likes the video ray i'm giving you footage right here yes for free let's see free guys watch every mid roll on this video please dude i've never watched one of rey's vlogs before this feels more like a commercial than a vlog like there's no like there's no like checking in saying what's going on man if a hundred themes fans showed up right now they would win the jackpot they would jackpot they'd see all their all their favorite creators and 2021. it's not normal for her vlogs oh do you think it's um like gucci like controlled what she had to do yeah brooke is the only one who could pull off literally wearing a patterned bag i don't know why they would put that on brooke oh the pictures are so cute these pictures are so cute wow that's very cute that's fun now we know a little more it's crazy that dfwjy is arguing with someone in chat over what gucci supports when i just told you that they don't support that firsthand witness they just pretend to for the sake of marketing uh thank you thank you for being here um okay okay try not to laugh best meme edition ready chat no laughs look at this [ __ ] this bird wants smoke look at that window oh man how far can you keep your chair back i'm not going to drop that dude just keep your chair back okay come on come on come on let's see dude let's see it these ketchup bottles are making the weirdest sounds i swear like just listen to this do you hear that okay [Music] this is absurd hi i'm jenna ortega and this is my official yes day where i have to say yes to absolutely every activity that is presented to me i have no idea what to expect so let's get started my piece was floating his pizza was floating [Music] these meme videos sometimes just have too much going on i can't be the only one that thinks that right my brain works way too slow for this how is this cat doing this what's happening oh now oh no these are videos casey would like oh no [Music] what can you do besides just splish flash around when that happens oh please don't pop and scare the kitty oh i like your new phone oh no ah teeny bunny thing in two months oh what [Music] san diego thank you for the six oh qtc slide 7qtc slide 7qtc slide 7. see sneaking food oh my god that was a whole corn dog [Music] what [Music] all right okay all right okay that's good that's good it's wow enough slicing oh that guy's not having any of it oh [Music] he didn't even film their reaction oh it broke [Music] [Music] up damn she's beautiful are these tim tams are these dominoes are these cookies cookies oh disappears it goes bye-bye oh please don't do this you don't need to do this oh kitty let go he says i don't want to watch this oh no that one was funny i laughed at that one i've seen these these are weird it's like a bike that pulls a bunch of people on swings oh ow why is that raccoon in your bed look at that she looked at me in the hospital all right bro time to change this baby yeah yeah the baby [Music] bye lawnmower wait what hey you just wondering if you got your photos printed and here we go ready to drench the kids look look bottom of the hill bus stop coming up here we go here we go here we go puddle at the bottom of the hill coming up kids at the bottom of the hill oh no come on that is so rude you got arrested for that what that seems absurd what is this what is going on with this porta potty [Music] i've been waiting so long to try these pickles i cannot wait bro i'm on pickles [Music] let your hand drift across the canvas oh my god oh no [Music] hey so uh [Music] hi hi hi you done yeah i just yeah i just had like a record-breaking like ranked game timer it was bad it just destroying the enemy team it was it was kind of ridiculous that's great i i don't know how to explain it well i mean that's exciting you should celebrate by learning some french that's that's exactly what i was thinking about actually so but this time this time it's gonna it's gonna be it's either gonna be a tie or we gotta even the score okay i don't know so i'm up one okay we're gonna do two lessons and uh let me pull it up okay so we're both starting on lesson four yes okay great i will mute and we'll check in after lesson four yeah sounds good perfect all right chat here we go everyone back into only speaking french remember if you want to learn french or a bunch of other languages you can click on the link by using exclamation point babel or i have a panel below okay here we go speech recognition easy to easy easy here are the forms of pronouns in the singular [Music] no big deal [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] apollo [Music] britain thank you for the five continue amazing i'm amazing in french we'll wait we'll wait for taco wait for taco remember chat you could be amazing at french too if you want all you have to do is click on the panel or the link whichever one you want to like uh the cool thing is that babel babble sorry babel prepares you for situations you'll actually encounter in real life you'll learn everything you need to have real conversations uh and the lessons are actually built by humans they're not just built by ai which other apps and programs use is just ai to teach language this uses humans so pretty good pretty good pog you we we pog humans we humans bellard french from cutie that is an option that's an option yeah yeah yeah um i uh i think this will be a fun thing to do i think this will be a fun thing to keep doing um we're going to try a more complicated lesson after this i think does it offer japanese bears i'm going to challenge you to click on the link and go see what it offers okay yeah we could keep doing this on stream we could try to learn french together and then by the end of the year we could all just we could be a french streamer us and sardosh no japanese i checked well thank you for going to their website all french stream the goal is to learn about where the bathroom is true that is a pretty good goal hey cutie yes um did you see the message about lesson five and like hopping yeah okay i'm just making sure we're ready to go i'm just gonna talk to them did you do did you do lesson four yeah we hit the 100 on lesson four yeah yeah we got to hit this intermediate course and and crank it up a notch great i'm excited we're going to go to intermediate now um we're going to choose this how this works you go to my level chat if you feel like you know maybe maybe you're just maybe you're doing great maybe you're too too good at this you can go to my level um and we're gonna go to pre-intermediate oh all right i'll hit you i'll hit you after the uh you're gonna do the part one okay yeah perfect all right easy peasy chat still easy for me speech the souvenir the souvenir the souvenir amazing the treasurer there's treasure okay the treasurer the treasure the treasure okay okay the treasure come on the treasure the treasure are you kidding me the treasure the treasure or okay the treasure what okay i got closer i got closer the treasure cutie cinderella love okay okay okay lawfuls love france yay are you kidding chad i don't even know how to spell this in english oh gosh [Music] oh so close i'm dyslexic i'm dyslexic foreign gosh this is hard this is admittedly a little harder [Music] yay [Music] [Music] that's the best i can spell it why is spelling happening [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] what no wait what i have to spell it [Music] that's pretty good for me i'm bad at [Music] spelling [Music] what my brain is full okay oh it is also used to describe blank events or habits that used to occur in the past equivalent to this in english repeatedly [Music] uh wait am i just supposed to copy it [Music] [Music] is e i t a i z a i e-i-t a-i-t i need a hint a e int [Music] nu el jouer dang it i don't understand that oh it was for that word up there oh okay i need to slow down and read the instructions feeling the correct form of wait i don't know what this word means news those in our font i don't understand wow i don't know uh how are you guys know this [Music] oh this is the word oh my gosh okay to adore alex [Music] i definitely missed something i feel like i missed a very crucial lesson somewhere [Music] okay [Music] i don't i don't know chat a v [Music] i e n a t a v i e n a t okay uh [Music] it's you i skipped a few levels i don't think i should have that was my bad four really oh my gosh okay okay it's okay it's okay chat uh [Music] i don't i number one i can't spell number two i just don't know these words yet my bad cool thing is now we know how hard the lessons can get uh so if you feel like this is hard cool thing is is maybe if i uh uh you know took the lessons in order then i would understand them yeah i went from dr seuss to shakespeare real quick it was pretty close to shae uh joy yes i'm guessing enjoy you easy [Music] oh man oh time for a recap perfect yeah why do we have to spell oh sh okay turns out you have to spell to learn a new language and it is really hard for me as a dyslexic right now oh false i did it 11 inches thank you for the 10. you i don't know okay i'm giving up admittedly i'm giving up i'm giving up i need to go back to the drawing board i skipped too far and now we learned why you shouldn't [Music] okay i broke it [Music] okay oh my gosh [Music] anyway this is why it's important to uh uh you know do the lessons in order i would stress that doing the lessons in order is very important i don't know how you guys are getting these answers uh but hey someday i could learn this [Music] i know this one wait what oh okay enter close oh survive a lot of us in chat speak french seem so appel [Music] i don't know what [Music] foreign okay i am cheating my way through this souvenir nostalgic i got it i got it i got it ma'am i got it ma'am okay i don't understand any other [Music] oh my gosh absurd not even half it's okay it's mostly pattern recognition with verb recognition i think i i just i skipped a little too far ahead okay we didn't it's okay yeah we'll go we'll go back a little bit the cool thing is is maybe i would have understood this if i did it from the beginning which is just cool because you know then you can learn you can actually learn it it shows you how hard it does get but it wouldn't be hard if you learn it at a at a normal pace and you shouldn't you shouldn't skip ahead if you are me i wouldn't recommend skipping ahead you shouldn't do that but we'll wait we'll wait for the best taco i did skip an entire section um but yeah it seems like a lot of you are pretty good at french do you guys speak french why did i skip in an entire section uh because i thought i could but i'm gonna go back to the beginning after this for sure for sure took a few years in high school oh okay throwing for content that's true that is what i was doing i just wanted to show off slime was dumping water out of a cup outside of my window and i thought he was peeing i was like what the heck i'm just waiting on the best taco learned it five years learned it five years and still can't speak it well here's your chance to freshen up start from the beginning only thing i remember is from major baguette watch some quebec memes yeah after this we'll do a whole stream in french where i can only watch french youtube i'm gonna put some music on while we wait too quiet french youtube is bad sometimes why now you can be friends with french streamers just put on an old xqc stream he used to speak french that's really cool oh that's really weird don't say stuff like that you've forgotten was the french you've learned well no better time to freshen up now when it's as available as just going on your desktop and you get sixty-five percent off that's massive x-rays point babel [Music] i learned to like french three dude i don't i really don't think you can like remember a language unless you use it consistently it seems what are we waiting on we are waiting against uh we're playing against the best taco so we need to wait for her uh let's just watch a bunch of french movies yeah [Music] can we watch the hillary duff movie please that is not in french pokeman has an asmr video where she teaches you french really that is so interesting i don't know that i'm curious if you are fluent in french if you were to go on to babble and like try this all out how easy it would be for you i guess it'd be really easy right i've always wondered that i've always thought about taking like an english lesson taught by a taught in another like if i learned to linguish english on babel would it be easy for me you're doing it right now it's pretty easy oh really you got a hundred percent oh interesting [Music] it's good practice when you're fluent is being fluent in english isn't that cool is it [Music] because i feel like english is one of the easier ones to learn it is cool sometimes people from quebec have difficulties talking with french people from paris just because of accents [Music] tried in english see what it's like i can't right now we're waiting on uh we're waiting on best taco to move forward with the the french lessons cutie can you tell us for those interested in wanting to learn what types of cool things can be done on babble and how much it might cost oh you're so sweet josh apache i'd love to um okay remember my scores so i can kind of show you guys around so i got 21. um so as we just learned that we should choose our level and we should stay in newcomer and you should just follow the course is what i've learned today and uh so we've done four newcomer courses and then you just progress through the platform so there's a few different levels um it looks simple enough right but it's also so hard but it's kind of cool to see yourself going through it this is the home page so this shows where you've like left off the last thing you just did um so i'm gonna go back to where i was in beginner and then do some more courses because then i can um i'll have that up i skipped 23 lessons and i shouldn't have done that um but that's okay but the cool thing is is you can also try these live virtual classes too so you can like actually talk to people you can set a goal for when you want to learn it by and then it'll give you weekly goals for lessons uh you can invite your friends you can practice just chump thank you for the 45 uh viewer raid let's go to practice no words here time to relax you've rude all your recent vocabulary look at that my vocab look at my vocab i had i know 14 words chat i pretty good trump says hi yes thank you for the raid i appreciate that that's not accurate well i think it's because i didn't pass that lesson more courses ideal for anyone who's oh studied french a long time ago or wants to test our knowledge let's do this eating habits i'll exit out once once uh tacos ready let's do a refresher course i know monger vegetarian vegetarian [Music] library a what the heck libre [Music] it works that's what i learned vegetarian guys i really don't like the spelling ones veg it tear rion oh what is he eating he is clearly eating a baguette with tomatoes cucumbers and avocado on it the normal snack that we all have we love snacks like that my cat still in here oh boy chat quick little break from learning to look at the snuggly little cat in the corner over here he is being so cute oh boy oh boy cute uh cat in france is chat c h no it's not it's ghetto wait no that's spanish it is chat c-h-a-t chat le chat not shag where did you get your top qt i want one i actually don't know taylor bought me a bunch of clothes i gave her my card and i said buy me some clothes i don't know i would tell you it's probably like princess paulie i would assume jersey kitty kitty hi i just want to say hi to you you're cute i love you [Music] hello oh cuddle up cuddle up cuddle up i love him he's so cute so cute i love him so much there we go okay back to learning back to learning smiley face get your peepo g's out oh i already forgot the words crap okay we're canceling guys i really don't know how to spell these things habit [Music] clothes like habit and attitude monge it almost left it in no way wait is this this oh it's not monge is that not it oh the space oh i didn't realize i didn't realize you could use the space i love you cutie cinderella yay miko [Music] what vegetables hello hello hello wait monger [Music] how are you i'm good i'm just learning french casually pierre [Music] m and what do you eat in the evening s get to say oh [Music] [Music] sorry i'm not one german guy here that's okay oh legume legume what oh day i was pretty close today okay nevermind so hard how are you guys good at this are you guys chad are you cheating are you actually good at this okay i'm putting some music on born and raised french easy jamaica [Music] i don't know the spelling is the hardest part [Music] for example lesoir [Music] oh voos i got this booze monsieur i did it i didn't push enter though oh i didn't conjunction junction what's your function [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] metro manchester pebble called me fat all right cutie i don't know about you that pre-intermediate lesson was definitely tough yeah that was really hard but we also i don't know like like i said i'm not sure if how like versed in french you are i think that the because we thought we were like big girls you know and like we tried to jump ahead of all the beginner stuff there were definitely some lessons that i think we missed yeah i think we definitely learned our lesson and not skipping lessons yeah well i mean it's also just like important to note too for like people in chattanooga if you actually follow like the step by step too you get like a way better understanding because like the little bits that we did get from the newcomer stuff like because there were a few questions i think in the pre-intermediate and like those are the ones that i definitely got for example 21 out of 44. okay i got 31 out of 44. yes i'll say it's 30 because chat did help me with one of them so i can't count that dude what was it the uh the childhood i was trapped on that like i don't even know why but like i just my brain just would not process how to spell that word i was i was a goner if you yeah the lesson plan and don't skip ahead um you you know it shows you how in depth it can actually be and you could understand that instead of struggle like us um okay but it's a good struggle and um i don't know it was definitely funny at least for me because like i also didn't realize too for like the the clicking i love the fact that you have like the audio to at least try and supplement like as like a hearing aid of sorts yeah yeah like and the little hints as well because they don't like give it all immediately away like you still kind of need to have that like little bit of grasp of of the lessons in order to like really build upon it but i don't know for neither of us having any sort of french background and like jumping immediately like skipping a bunch of lessons i think we both still did like really well here yeah i think so too at least uh at least now i know that what not to do too you know i feel like that was my biggest thing that i learned that's what you want to do i get i can definitely relate to that i can definitely relate to that one okay um but yeah i'll go ahead and crank out another another game try to do a pre-intermediate part two no i'm ready to go back to beginner and do our two lessons all right all right sounds good to me sounds good i'll let you know when i'm done then okay great all right awesome bye oh right chat we're gonna go back to react andy while she is in her game um and then we'll have two more lessons to do back to this uh pizza being sawed standard sorry there are always these minecraft ones wake up wake up [Music] why [Music] right and all did taco for dog oh are you [ __ ] serious why bizarre no we already watched that you guys liked that one denny's the rise and fall and rise again welcome to marketing monday chat we're going to be learning about denny's today i know all of you are a big fan of denny's and i think you guys would like this [Music] denny's is your classic diner that almost never closes denny's it's always hope aside from being open all the time they're known for their low prices and signature breakfast items specifically the grand slam as eggs pancakes sausage and bacon and not the healthiest meal i should warn you but it's become an american classic it was first served in 1977 at a denny's in atlanta inspired by the recent retirement of hank aaron from major league baseball he had set the career home runs record a few years earlier as a member of the atlanta braves and amazingly all of these years later denny's remains one of the largest restaurant chains in the united states they are actually known as america's diner everybody likes denny's it's an american institution there are currently 1650 of them operating on this planet and over 90 percent of them are in the us they're in every state except delaware the reason i say that it's amazing that they're still so common is because they have had some major troubles over the years some issues in the early 1970s but the more significant ones happened all throughout the 1990s and even well into the 2000s i'm going to get more into it but for now just look at this graph over the 17-year span look at this graph chat this is how much money i could make if i did gambling streams this is me now and 17 years they lost money every year with the only exception being that tiny profit that they made in 2002 i even actually had to exclude 1993 from this oh wait this was negative money never mind this is me now this is how much money i could make doing gamba streams graph because the 1.6 billion dollar loss they reported that year was throwing everything off plus that number is a bit misleading because it's mostly due to impairments of goodwill and other intangible assets but it's still bad because it reflects the fact that the company had lost a lot of its value i'm going to talk about what was happening with all of this as i highlight the various rises and falls of america's diner denny's you know denny's has to be the most uninspired name in 1953 harold butler moved across the country from buffalo new york to los angeles california with the intention of starting his own business once he was there he teamed up with a partner named richard jezek to open a small 900 square foot donut shop called danny's donuts to me anyway it's strange that two guys named harold and richard would name their business danny's donuts it's not even confirmed to be named after anybody in particular it's believed that they chose it because it was a friendly sounding familiar name that sounded good with the word doughnuts yeah it has more of a ring to it than harold's donuts but i agree there should still be a danny in the story somewhere anyway that original donut shop was successful right from the beginning generating 120 000 in profits in its first year which i'll point out is technically more money than they made all through the 1990s given that it was so popular they opened a second location about 20 miles away from the original the first one was in lakewood and the new one was in garden grove that one didn't do as well at first so the response was to expand their menu they installed a grill and started selling hamburgers which improved things and motivated them to add more menu items as they continued opening more locations how did they start donating 156 they were up to six of them when richard left the business while harold remained to continue opening new ones faster than ever expanded menu they changed the name from danny's donuts to danny's coffee shop which proved to be confusingly similar to a different local restaurant called coffee dans so to separate themselves that they again changed the name to denny's coffee shops i mean danny didn't exist anyway so why not just change it to denny which was then changed a final time a couple years later when they dropped the coffee shop label and simply went by denny's so three name changes in the first decade but not any since then their early success came from a low-cost high-volume model much like today they offered a limited selection of standardized foods so the simplicity and the high this is just normal toast this is not their french toast that looks like normal toast with syrup on it the amounts of it allowed them to sell it at a low cost plus the denny's restaurants were strategically located in 1956 president eisenhower signed off on the funding to build the u.s interstate highway system meaning new roads were being built all over the country people were traveling in their cars like never before and harold butler was taking advantage of that by placing new denny's locations all around there were high traffic areas and the drivers would conveniently stop at denny's to eat throughout the 1960s harold continued with the same strategies in 1963 they started franchising locations and five years later they raised a bunch of money by becoming a public company all things that allowed them to grow to hundreds of locations by the end of that decade and that is where things went bad in 1969 i get the sense that harold butler was getting a little too obsessed and expanding the business they had bought this chain of donut shops called winchell's which seemed to make enough sense but then the following year they tried to buy the popular las vegas hotel and casino caesars what denny's you don't have that kind of money what's going on pal is now the details of what happened here are a little unclear but harold butler went about doing this in a very shady way which proved to be a huge mistake the sec accused him of somehow trying to make a deal that wasn't transparent to all of the shareholders some of them would be benefiting more than others but the ones that weren't benefiting wouldn't be aware of it if that makes any sense i know it's weird but the public did not react well to this they perceived it as a big scandal everyone started selling their stock and that caused the share price to plummet the public did not want harold butler associated with the company any longer either so soon after he stepped down and sold all of his stock at a recently reduced 3 million dollars after he left denny's he stayed in the industry establishing different restaurant chains obviously none of them were nearly as successful before ultimately dying of a heart attack in 1998. all those grand slams denny's with harold gone they regained the public's trust and things started to recover they opened an additional 200 locations throughout the 1970s and as i said that's why my dad loves denny's we always go to denny's together they started serving the grand slam but in 1985 everything started changing i promise there was a lot happening in this short period of time that year they were taken off the stock market when they were bought by a group of investors in an 800 million dollar leveraged buyer everyone hates to hear that term on this channel because it adds a ton of debt to the acquired company and usually doesn't end very well i don't even know what it means i will get to that but two years later they sold denny's for a little more than they bought it for the buyer here was tw services who can really sidetrack this video to keep it simple i'll just say that a few years before this they were focused on housing and hospitality they owned a major airline a hotel chain and real estate company but we're now transitioning into the restaurant that makes me want french fries i've already owned a bunch of hardy's franchises and were looking to add to that when they bought the chains el poyo loco and denny's it's not over yet the following year the majority of tw services was acquired for an overvalued 1.7 billion dollars in this crazy hostile takeover given that series of events i don't think you'll be surprised to learn that this company was hovering around two billion dollars in debt without all michael shut down it's way oversimplified how how do they even exist when you have that much debt i don't understand cost 1.99 at that time so they would have to sell over a billion of those to equal that amount of money i already showed you that they weren't reporting 99 big reason behind that was their interest expense paying over 200 million dollars every year in interest made it next to impossible to have any money left over in fact if you were to take that part of it out of the equation they would have been in the positive but still their sales were struggling partially because of more competition from emerging chains in the industry but i'd say their bigger concern at the time was their reputation in the 1990s i hate to say it but denny's was generally considered to be racist against black people i'm honestly surprised that they weren't doing even worse given all the claims against them it's a long list of accusations refusing service to black people requiring them to pay before eating sometimes charging them more altogether unfairly oh my god danny segregating the customers just about any claim that you can imagine possibly the highest profile one of these came from six black secret service agents it happened in annapolis maryland president clinton was there to make an appearance at the naval academy and while they were there the agents assigned to protect him went out to eat at the local denny's in their group the 15 of them that were either white or hispanic were served their food while the six black agents weren't served they waited there for an hour what never came so they left and filed a lawsuit in 1995 denny's paid around 50 million dollars to settle three separate class action lawsuits involving racism which was the largest over a case of the civil rights act of 1964. so to summarize here denny's had over two billion dollars in debt then he's poor and raised 100 million dollars in interest each year in addition to this 50 million dollar settlement that was a result of numerous claims of racism that were rightfully damaging their reputation i mean how do you recover from that and that's what is that it did take quite a bit first off they did take a lot of measures to try to eliminate the racism anything you can think of right now that's like training programs new hiring practices they issued apologies obviously not being [ __ ] racist employees from what i can tell they did seem to be effective the incidents were happening less often and as the ones from the past became more distant i suppose people started to forgive and forget so their reputation slowly started to recover morally that's the worst part of it obviously but financially the worst part of it was the debts to address that there really weren't many options so they were forced to file for bankruptcy it happened in 1997 and the result of it was having their debt more than cut in half but even at that level it was still too much so to further address it they refocused the company remember throughout all of this time they owned el pollo loco and those hardy's franchises and all these other restaurant chains that were splitting their focus so their new plan made a lot of sense it was to sell everything that wasn't denny's so they can concentrate on it and use the money from those sales to pay off their debts and they did continue lowering it as time went on oh wow as their interests became more manageable and their reputation started improving denny's was finally reporting profits starting in 2006 and continuing on from there 2020 was a small loss but you know that's expected another thing that might have been big for them was believe it or not the recession when it's bad times economically like in 2008 or 2009 that could be good times for a restaurant known for their low prices they took advantage of it too in early 2009 just months after the big stock market crash denny spent an estimated three million dollars to air their first ever super bowl commercial they advertised a promotion where they were giving away free grand slams as many as two million people showed up to that and i'm guessing many of them were having tough times and very much appreciated how did they have thought this was a smart way to bring people into denny's and potentially flip the public's perception of them so that was pretty eventful right a lot of it is i really want pancakes illegal transaction a takeover a buyout multiple racism lawsuits crippling debt a bankruptcy and i can't get over this one quite possibly the most uninspired naming choice that i've ever heard let me know in the comments has any of that changed your perception of denny's what i mean yeah i am i'm good whenever oh perfect i did not see that i am ready right now then um okay uh so we're going i'm gonna take it back a step um and we'll just finish i guess we'll go back to where we were at and finish those courses um okay for the um more go to more courses we're going to do french cuisine okay um i'm down to experiment a little bit here yeah for we are going to focus on an extra course lesson so we're gonna go to more courses and countries and traditions countries and traditions yeah this is what i was saying this is what i was telling chat about like that you actually get to get a little bit more in depth in terms of like what's actually happening in those countries yeah you have like a better background of like how to communicate and then we go to french cuisine do you see that yes oh i see it french cuisine and we are gonna choose lesson one cool alrighty i'll let you know whenever i'm uh done with this then okay sounds great all right chat we're gonna do french cuisine we should be good at this right let's see what happens [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] for those of you didn't know platt is plate [Music] le pla principal la for maj [Music] what what did i spell wrong oh homage oh shoot okay cert i like this one that's a good one oh a menu begins with a starter which is in french actually called the entree not to be confused with the main course called the plat principal french word plaque could also be translated to dish oh not plate my bad cheese falls of course the follows the main course let's be honest what would france be without formage there's always a nice assortment of sample when presented a plate of cheese dessert is almost always served as well to conclude the meal a cup of coffee or even sometimes a smooth d just thief is also enjoyed love that okay wait what to introduce the courses when speaking for the main course you can always use comb chefrons all have the onion soup as a starter as a starter that was the entree [Music] come on [Music] i keep spelling it wrong from from maj okay um plot [Music] i did it okay another variant is un uh chocolate for dessert they say [Music] that's interesting that starters entree i didn't know that [Music] [Music] [Music] no it's oh i miss the space [Music] yeah i'm [Music] plot with fries what an interesting dish as calm on trey oh freak i can always skip the space [Music] is a toasted ham and cheese sandwich grilled either side of the pan or in the oven uh crookman dam comes with an egg fried on top yum i think i've made that on stream before actually [Music] chocolate [Music] b is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign mm [Music] it [Music] [Music] oh cafe oh i didn't even learn that [Music] decker password foreign coffee i got there i got there i got there pretty good 31 out of 38. i feel good about that what do you guys think bravo i think i did well i think i did pretty okay move to france okay i'm probably better than your french teacher i don't think that's true i love you cutie cinderella three months hope you're having a good night your youtube videos are making my day better oh thanks who's blair i'm blair no you're immon oh right nice try wait is it's a mon right i'm on yeah i always want to say emain have i ever heard of the war of 1912 or 1812 of course i'm a facebook streamer specializing in gamer content fantastique okay as soon as as soon as uh taco's done um we can wrap this up and do a few more reacts is there a plan for another episode with will cutie uh yes um it'll probably be um uh sunday i need to talk to him though because it was supposed to be sunday and then it got banned uh what happened about twitch what about twitch housewives what happened with that uh it got put on hold because the depth was moving and then we just haven't picked it back up again is lord gonna get you guys a second home in austin i don't think so does will live in la2 yeah yep yep yep so it makes it easy yes yes yes sorry there's been so much weight in today i just um been uh a little too fast for my own good it seems um am i still doing e-roll rejects this week i don't know where'd i get the top i don't know unfortunately i had taylor buy me a bunch of clothes so i have no clue how am i doing good good we're just finishing up the sponsored part of our stream um and then i'll probably actually restart will smith does live in l.a really but again if you guys haven't had a chance to check out babel uh feel free excavation point babel um also have a panel below you can check it out if you're trying to learn a new language anyone can do it i mean you guys have seen me oh yeah sorry i'm so slow i'm almost there i'm on the eight out of eight oh you're okay i i'm too fa i i don't know why i don't mean to go so fast i just go so fast a french expert french expert um uh um anyway yeah go check it out go check it out exhibit babble um if you use my code you can get a 65 off and code i meant link um it's super easy because you can just do it on your desktop five minutes a day and you can learn a whole new language so it's super super fun um and you guys saw it it's pretty fun learning it wasn't like it wasn't too hard it's very like um i feel like uh digestible digestible i should know french in no time it's on the screen what i'm a french expert it's fun to just learn cool terminology yeah i think that's cool too what was your favorite subject in school i was bad at school i would probably say like history yeah you guys could say sava now for how's it going who knew sava before today cutie and ludwig french stream in the future nope learning french to talk with ludd or some other reason well so ludwig and i talk in english to each other every day um he you know i can talk to him without knowing french learning french for fun that's all just for fun i don't need no mans to learn french babel offers spanish french german italian portuguese polish russian dutch turkish danish norwegian swedish indonesian and english that's cool cutie and ludwig's co-sister stream in french no guys can i just learn french without it being revolved around ludwig please can i just learn french ladies and gents i know you love talking about him and everything about him but i i can i just learn french i can finally learn english that would be great ooh norwegian would be cool the cool thing is is not only do you like learn the language but i learned a lot about like the culture too so even in that cuisines lesson we just saw like a bunch of different food we saw um i think it's cool that they call the the starter the honda all right i'm good now okay what'd you get i got i got 32 out of 38 i got crushed on the last audio bit i got 31 out of 38. oh you beat me oh it's okay well well though the one though the one question which which part was the hardest part for you though there's a lot of like showed you how to like slow down i actually don't even know where i messed up i just clicked to fix my mistakes i think it was mostly ah gotcha yeah i got i got tricked up a couple of times because i didn't realize to hit the space oh the space yep i just saw it it just showed me the other one i got wrong and it's because i didn't hit the space it i hate when that happens but that was fun i had fun what a fun way to learn a language yeah no i actually think babel is like insanely sick like i love the little cultural appreciation part where like you know getting getting a little bit more of an in-depth grasp in terms of like how that communication goes yeah even just the idea of like using different hellos i think is very interesting and the way it explains it to you because like i don't know about you but i just say hi and hello to everyone but knowing that like to strangers you say bonjour and then like to people you know you could say salu it's like that's very interesting and i think it's cool that they break it down that way so that way if you do ever go to like a you know french native speaking place you don't mess that up and offend anybody yeah i know it's almost like the uh like the the formal like the whole informal like breakdown yeah i don't know it's kind of like spanish is like sort of similar in that way too but i i don't know i was like i wasn't expecting it to be like a similarity there with like french but i mean i don't i don't know that it was definitely just like i feel like this is a great way to like learn a language as somebody else as well like i feel like babel just makes that so much easier right you can kind of just like hold each other not even necessarily like holding so they're accountable but like i i feel as though it really introduces like a big buddy system and it makes it easier even on like the individual level just because of how interactive the platform is yeah and i think you know it only takes five minutes a day yeah i know legit i could do these like in between all of like my ranked games like i was literally playing a game you know at the like in between we could have just kept doing the sit-down lessons and stuff yeah if you keep doing that you're going to be fluent in no time yeah i mean i've got i've got at least a year so i'll definitely i'm definitely going to have to keep it bumping but maybe we get a rematch maybe we get the babble battle rematch showdown we'll see what happens but we gotta we gotta do best two out of three i feel like i hope uh i hope everyone in chat had fun um and again you guys can try it out we both have links in our chats for 65 off um yeah give it a whirl there's tons of different there's tons and tons of different languages it's not just french there is spanish there is portuguese there's italian there's german there's dutch there's turkish danish norwegian swedish there's tons of languages um so french isn't your cup of tea no you can you can try some other things yeah i'm right there with you i was literally just telling everybody i'm like you're nailing all the like primary uh like things i would have been saying which obviously appreciates you for that yeah but i think that it's actually crazy how many different languages they have available like and a lot of them are like primary languages i want to say for you know like a little bit as far as like a little bit more well-known yeah i agree and i think they're only adding you know what i'm saying like there's only going to be more as the as the site grows yeah no 100 but yeah it's been it's been a pleasure cutie thank you for uh you know letting me let me entertain you with with my french mistakes yeah it's fun but yeah i hope you have a good rest of your night you too all right all right see ya all right that was fun that was fun i had lots of fun i hope you guys had lots of fun as a reminder in addition to learning how to speak and read a new language you also learn about the language's culture history and people which is really really cool um i think the most interesting thing i learned from babel today is a how digestible and approachable it is to learn a new language because not only did um you know were these lessons fun but they were also i don't feel too overwhelmed i feel like i could keep playing for a while um again you can get 65 off using my x-men point babel in chat or there's a panel below you can click and hit babel for that 65 off and thank you of course we couldn't do this stream without babel so thank you babel so much for sponsoring the stream uh means world to us and i think we've had tons and tons of fun and it was a really cool opportunity to learn some things so yeah um but chat i am going to uh go ahead and end this segment um i'll be live again in a little bit to um i'll be live again in a little bit to do some more reacts and then we have some um tier list to fill out so i'm just going to end feel free to hang out um but i will restart in a little bit all right i have to go make dinner i'll see you guys later bye bye bye 65 off is actually goated it really is it's really great deal to learn a new language hello okay sorry bye hi i'm back we're back i have food on pizza at pizza [Music] i'm peter in my last video we're going to watch a video while we eat we're going to watch a video while we eat and then we're going to do um tearless and then we're going to do architect sound good sounds like a good plan okay here we go just some react this is called sacrifices to the church of nintendo i don't know what this is but sounds exciting wait no i want to watch this you i talked about wait what i want to watch the wizard of oz the only thing ow i want to watch this one new video wizard of oz i love wizard of oz hi guys i'll wait like five minutes before we start because there's probably people still coming hello hello hello any overruled well we'll get there can you say hello to me please i did say hello i literally said hello okay this is what i think this video is going to be about here's my hot take guys a lot of you don't know this but a lot of you do know this and if you don't know this there's a youtube video about it i was obsessed with the wizard of oz when i was a child i was actually obsessed with it i loved it i want to um i want i wanted to be dorothy that's all i wanted was to be dorothy and so since i was so obsessed with it i've done a lot of reading about it like in the actual book the wizard of oz they weren't ruby slippers they were just made uh to be ruby slippers on the screen because it was the first like black and white to color film and so the ruby stood out way more than silver like sparkly shoes and so that's why they switched it to a ruby slipper little small things like that another thing is um the paint that the um the tin man wore um literally caused him to have like a lung disease uh which is awful um the wicked witch of the west was burned uh during the big scene where the the fire comes out she had a severe burn um yeah there was lead paint it was lead paint uh judy garland was uh extremely worked um and even told that she was too fat for the role um because they almost gave it to shirley temple and so um judy garland went through a lot of mental and physical uh torment and the munchkins were treated horribly i think they like some of them were paid like like less than a dollar a day or something like that um and somebody hung themselves on set uh it was an awful awful awful awful experience so i'm curious how many of those things will be covered in this video because this just came up in my recommended and it says wizard of oz the dark side of hollywood and i kind of want to watch it together while i eat my food the hung one is a myth that is a myth but there were like lots of lots of stuff um so yeah let's see let's watch this [Music] if i only had some the national weather service has issued a downward spiral warning in your area please remain calm do not attempt to flee or seek shelter [Music] resistance oh boy i have a feeling we're not in florida anymore i am dr spiral look great and powerful welcome to green screen city hey i've seen you before you look just like that man behind the curtain what's happening [Music] pay no attention to the man behind the curtain you were brought here because you wished for your hair back wait i can tell where this is going are you really doing this again were the four other times not enough pay no attention to the four other ads i've done for this product i put a lot of work into this one just look at all these zany green screen effects wow you sold out man what happened to you you used to be cool you want to know what's cool having hair you should know considering that pathetic little song you were singing just two minutes ago wait i'm sorry i was just this is how rough start i'll say this is a weird start keeping bitter because i didn't discover keeps until it was too late silence i was prepared who keeps his 90 effectiveness at reducing and stopping the symptoms of hair loss i was prep but now [Music] the wizard of oz is one of the most iconic films in the history of cinema according to the library of congress it's the single most watched film of all time very few artistic works from the 1930s have managed to persist within the public consciousness but even now 82 years later most of you watching know exactly who these characters are far less known however are the people behind these characters principal photography for the wizard of oz lasted from october 1938 to march 1939. during these five months the stars of the movie were subject to some of the most horrendous conditions in the history of the american film industry when it was all said and done not a single character who set off down the yellow brick road left the land of oz unscathed by the drought even harder than england [Music] that's not to say that things were much better back home in kansas the 1930s were a period of major turmoil and hardship for the american public the great depression ravaged almost every sector of the economy while most american industries were struggling the film industry was booming to escape from the dread of everyday life most americans sought refuge in the cinema nowadays about 1 in 10 americans have gone to the movies in the past week in the 30s however it was not uncommon for half of all americans to pay a weekly visit to the theater hollywood was in the midst of its golden age a period where studios had unparalleled influence over the industry during this time the top eight studios controlled 95 percent of american cinema and no studio was more illustrious than mgm they were the studio widely considered to provide audiences with the biggest stars in the grandest spectacle mgm smoked the rest of hollywood with its unmatched financial and critical success across the 30s mgm films accounted for nearly a third of the nominees for best picture and nearly three quarters of the total profits generated so the reason that shirley temple was or the reason that judy garland was hired inside of sugili temple is because mgm i believe they wanted their own version of shirley temple and that's so they were all looking for like child actors because shirley temple was massive created by all eight major studios mgm's dominance over hollywood was due in large part to the strong leadership of its chief executive lewis b mayer who in 1937 was the highest paid man in america 1932 he was the jeff bezos of 1937. seven also saw the release of one of the most groundbreaking films ever made and one of the most successful films of the time to not come out of the mgm system that year walt disney would release his first animated feature film snow white and the seven dwarfs oh [ __ ] the film was an immersive fantasy unlike anything audiences had ever seen and by the following year had become the highest grossing film to date snow white's record-breaking success inspired mgm to produce a spectacular fantasy of their own in 1938 the studio bought out the rights to l frank braum's popular children's novel the wonderful wizard of oz and the rest was history a history that some members of the cast and crew wish they could forget unlike snow white the wizard of oz was entirely live action which presented a series of challenges while attempting to transform fantasy into reality one of the most iconic scenes in all of cinema is dorothy waking up in the land of oz and the film transitioning from sepia to color the official coloring method used to develop the film was technicolor which required heavy exposure due to the process of splitting the image into different colored channels as a result the oz set required an exorbitant amount of lighting so much so that the temperature on stage often surpassed 100 degrees fahrenheit wow the heat was suffocating and stagehands frequently had to be carried off stage after fainting the set lighting was so intense that some actors even claimed to suffer permanent vision damage the exhaustion suffered from the oppressive heat was only magnified by the arduous production schedule for six days a week the actors walked into the studio at 4am and didn't leave until 7 p.m oh my god a significant part of each actor's day was dedicated to the meticulous preparation and removal of their costumes the scarecrow tin man and cowardly lion are one of the most recognizable trios in fiction all three characters were brought to life by the skilled design of makeup artist jack dawn while the costumes presented an impeccable external appearance conditions weren't so pleasant on the inside every morning as the scarecrow ray bulger would have to spend an hour getting his latex and plastic mask painstakingly glued to his face and everything oh my god he would spend an hour getting it removed the mask completely covered his facial pores meaning that he was physically unable to sweat while wearing it one could only imagine how it must have felt oh my god for 15 hours a day but ray bulger didn't have to imagine for 22 weeks it was his reality by the time filming was complete the repeated applications of the mask left bulger with permanent grooves around his mouth and chin but considering what happened to some of the others oh my god i didn't know that the tin man was the most [ __ ] pwp was played by buddy epson for about nine days until that's how money lasted during filming until he was hospitalized from a severe reaction to the 10 minutes metallic makeup epson silver face paint was made out of aluminum powder powder that would eventually coat the inside of his lungs nearly asphyxiating him as epson sat bedridden under an oxygen tent in the hospital the studio could not have given him less sympathy producer mervyn leroy repeatedly phoned the hospital angrily insisting that epson returned to the set after two weeks out of action the studio replaced epson with jack haley much like pete bess getting cut from the beatles buddy epson would end up becoming one of the unluckiest men in show business not only was he unceremoniously fired from what would have been the biggest role of his career the incident left him with chronic bronchitis jack haley managed to avoid a catastrophic reaction to the aluminum makeup but it still gave him a severe eye infection that forced him out of work for days the rest of the suit was so stiff that it rendered haley unable to sit down or lie down during filming in order to rest in between takes he was forced to lean on a reclining board but despite all the complications it caused the tin man costume may have still been preferable to that of the cowardly lion burt lars lion suit was compared to carrying around a mattress the bulk of the costume consisted of a 60-pound lion hide a real line combined with additional padding some estimates put the weight of the full costume at a hundred pounds bert lahr would become drenched in sweat after just a few minutes and he would frequently have to take off the suit between shots to avoid exhaustion the prosthetic mask covering his face didn't allow him to fully open his mouth forcing him to consume all of his onset meals through a straw halfway through production lara gave in and sacrificed an additional hour each day in the makeup chair so that he could eat solid food at lunch as someone who was known by his peers to be a hypochondriac bert lahr was in near constant agony but by far the worst costume-related accident during the whole shoot happened to margaret hamilton the wicked known as the wicked witch nowadays there are lots of ways to make someone look green but in 1938 the only tried and true method used by hollywood makeup artists was copper paint copper of course is toxic when ingested by humans this was known back then but the studio showed no restraint in applying the copper concoction directly to hamilton's face and hands towards the end of production hamilton realized that the constant application of the witch's makeup had tinted her skin green an effect that lingered for months after the job wearing the makeup on set was a constant struggle once it was on hamilton was unable to touch anything without staining it and required assistance to perform the most basic of tasks but the day-to-day struggle isn't that crazy that they didn't have makeup and nowadays we like have literally every shade and every color of makeup both of the makeup would pale in comparison to the accident she suffered on december 23rd 1938 when departing munchkinland hamilton was scripted to exit the scene in a fiery cloud of smoke the first attempt at the stun went flawlessly but director victor fleming wanted to get a few extra takes for insurance on the fourth attempt the pyrotechnics were ignited too early causing hamilton to be engulfed in flames the accident resulted in second-degree burns on the whole right side of her face the skin on her right hand was entirely scalded off but before hamilton could even receive medical attention she had to slowly and excruciatingly have the copper makeup removed from her freshly burned skin with rubbing alcohol margaret hamilton would spend the next six weeks in the hospital before returning to the set on her very first day back she was scheduled for the sky writing scene another stunt involving pyrotechnics hamilton adamantly refused to put herself anywhere near fire again and threatened to walk out of the production right then and there since the project was nearing completion at that point the studio acquiesced and the scene was completed using hamilton's stunt double betty danko while filming that very scene the smoke pipe underneath the broomstick exploded and danko was violently flung from the installation the explosion was caused by the special effects crew coating the pipe with asbestos another toxic substance once thought to be an all-purpose wonder material asbestos was also used in ray bolger's scarecrow suit as well as the snow in the poppy fields oh yeah i forgot about this the fake snow is just asbestos unusual weather we're having ain't it betty danko was hospitalized for 11 days with internal damage from the explosion as well as a two inch deep gash on her leg a wound that would never fully heal it was a hefty toll for a gig in which she earned just over 800 dollars the long-term health effects on margaret hamilton were far less known what is known is that she would go on to develop alzheimer's later in her life a condition that has been linked to copper poisoning i didn't know that in total six performers on the wizard of oz face some kind of serious physical trauma not even toto left the said intact toto was forced out of action for two weeks with a sprained foot after one of the witch's guards accidentally stepped oh enough time my passed many of the actors could look back on the whole ordeal as a bunch of amusing war stories most physical ailments are only temporary mental ailments on the other hand tend to stick with you for life and out of everyone in the land of judy judy judy perhaps none suffered a worse fate than the star of the show judy garland she was without a doubt one of the most talented performers of the 20th century her portrayal of dorothy and the wizard of oz has served as an enduring symbol of youth and innocence and even though she was never imprisoned by a brutal costume like the other actors the studio paid no less scrutiny to her appearance since the character of dorothy was envisioned as a prepubescent girl the then 17 year old garland had to constantly wear a tight corset to hide her more mature figure but that was merely one aspect of the studio's efforts to keep judy thin garland was placed on a shoestring diet one that would not provide her with enough energy to complete the arduous filming days to compensate the studio kept garland on a steady intake of amphetamines to keep her working long into the day the amphetamine subsequently later she became addicted to those necessitated the use of barbiturates to prevent garland from exhausting herself years later she claimed that during some periods she would only sleep four hours every they'd give us pills to keep us on our feet long after we are exhausted then they'd take us to the studio hospital and knock us out with sleeping pills then after four hours they'd wake us up and give us pet pills again so we could work 72 hours in a row three days the fact that she was able to perform as well as she did under these conditions is nothing short of astonishing by the end of production garland was addicted to both drugs yeah an addiction that would last for the rest of her life and end up thrilling her health at her time as a child star directly contributed to deep rooted psychological problems despite her brilliance as a performer garland was always encumbered by major esteem issues the insecurities began when a fourteen-year-old garland overheard the mgm executives referring to her as a fat little pig this moment completely devastated her self-image and manifested itself as an unobtainable standard of perfection that she spent her whole life chasing and even though there's this quote from judy garland that says um i think the idea wait let me find it it's the most beautiful judy garland quote ever i used to have it on my door i think i've quoted it on stream before like i said i used to be obsessed with judy garland so it's like uh it is uh i've always taken the wizard of oz very seriously you know i believe in the idea of the rainbow and i've spent my whole life trying to get over it isn't that sad so she would wind up becoming one of the greatest performers ever in her mind it was never good enough in many ways judy garland was the first tragic child star an archetype that has sadly become much more common in modern times clinical psychiatrist john linden encountered many such patients while practicing in the los angeles area he observed that premature stardom resulted in many child actors forming severe identity issues they tended to report a feeling of profound emptiness when they weren't performing as if they were marionettes whose true selves lacked any sort of meaning the reason so many young stars end up on the downward spiral is that many fail to develop any sense of individual identity some attempt to fill this void with sex drugs and alcohol but it's often no match for the constant anxiety of never really understanding who you are there exists a tragic irony between judy garland and dorothy a character who wanted nothing more than to find joy and comfort in a wayward world unlike dorothy however judy garland never made it over the rainbow on june 22 1969 judy garland was found dead of an overdose on her bathroom floor she was just 47 years old in the years leading up to her death her increasingly erratic downfall was treated by the media as some sort of morbid spectacle the american public seemed unable to reconcile how she could have possibly been anyone other than the innocent farm girl from kansas hollywood has the remarkable ability to make the wildest parts of our imagination come to life but the magic of crafting immersive fantasies comes with a very real dark side often times it's easy for studios to lose sight of the real life human beings at their disposal and to end up treating them as well marionettes it would be easy to look back at all the trauma from the wizard of oz and chalk it up to a product of its time back then studios could just get away with all of it because if any actor fought back they would be blind but still even after the studio's iron grip over the industry was broken and actors gained more leverage over their careers it would be naive to suggest that much has changed in hollywood the inner workings of the film industry have always been an enigma the history of hollywood is smeared with talented people guilty of terrible things very rarely do we ever get to discover what truly goes on behind the big green curtain out of every scandal that does come to light we can only imagine what remains in the dark in the business of telling the biggest stories possible the smaller stories often get left behind for 22 weeks in 1938 and 1939 six of hollywood's most talented actors were practically tortured with many of them experiencing long lasting and permanent damage to their bodies and minds super bad thank you for the prime the result was one of the single greatest artistic works of the 20th century judy garland died what's the big idea judy garland suffered depression and addiction [Music] caused from being tortured as a child smiley face hello you're an awful human she was very talented and beautiful and was never told that the wizard of oz was the defining career achievement for every single person who worked on it their suffering had directly contributed to the most beloved film of a generation it's tempting to dismiss everything you've heard today as an exploitative cash grab from greedy media tyrants but for mgm it was never that simple in 1939 mgm released 41 films in total premiering a new movie once every nine days on average at this time the studio had no shortage of revenue what they coveted instead was prestige every year mgm would earmark one production as their prestige film a project that was never intended to turn a prophet but one that existed for the simple purpose of flexing the cinematic might of the studio from its very conception the wizard of oz was designed as a monument to the single most dominant empire in the history of the film industry [Music] 35 years after the film's release toy executive marty abrams was conducting market research on local children and found that 80 percent recognized the characters of oz today memorabilia attached to these characters now sell for millions at auction over the years the performers who brought these characters to life have gradually faded from public memory their sacrifice is ultimately forgotten dorothy scarecrow tin man cowardly lion and the wicked witch have managed to outlive them such as the ultimate destiny of people in show business actors are tragically temporary eventually only the characters remain today it may seem unfathomable that our most popular and celebrated actors will inevitably meet the same fate but at the end of the day it is art not the artist which stands the test of time despite the turmoil suffered by the actors on the set that is depressing one has to wonder if any of them ever regretted it the house deep yeah 4 500 years ago the ancient egyptians completed the great pyramid of giza a structure so remarkably ambitious that it would stand as the tallest building on earth until the middle ages for millennia archaeologists found it inconceivable that it could have been constructed by any other means than a massive workforce of slave labor the pyramid defied our expectations to such an extent that some people believe it had to have resulted from supernatural or extraterrestrial influence however recent archaeological studies have uncovered a truth that is somehow even more unbelievable the vast majority of people who built the great pyramid were volunteers the ancient egyptians risked life and limb to participate in something greater than that was a the reward for 20 years of deadly back-breaking labor is that we still talk about them today long after everything they knew and loved cease to exist what would you be willing to sacrifice today and you could live forever since the dawn of civilization mankind has sought the secret to immortality we can only wonder if science or religion will ever help us achieve eternal life but at the very least art can get us pretty damn close jesus [Music] for nearly 40 years this story has given faithful service to the young in heart and the time has been powerless to put kindly philosophy out of fashion to those who have been faithful to it in return into the young heart we dedicate this picture cute i actually like that dedication [Music] wow that's cool that's very cool that's not even the one we were supposed to watch we're supposed to watch this one which okay i'm gonna get water and then like this one and then we're gonna do tier lists okay so chat you may dance good dancing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay here we go in my last video i talked about the wizard of oz a work of art so beloved that it overshadowed the horrifying gauntlet of trauma endured by its cast and crew the studio behind the film was mgm a company that for generations single-handedly carried the film industry on its back decades later you could have said the same thing about nintendo and the video game industry in 1983 the usb game market crashed in just two years industry revenue had plummeted by more than 95 percent atari the leading american games manufacturer was forced to bury more than 700 thousand unsold cartridges in a new mexico landfill the state of the video game industry providing ample opportunity for one japanese company to pick up the pieces in 1985 nintendo released the nes in the united states a console that rejuvenated consumer confidence in gaming in its darkest house landfills rescued by a mystic dang it from a far away for e.t many fans of gaming have come to see it as a miracle by 1988 the nes accounted for a 70 percent share of the video game market dude i love that the industry was poised for its most prosperous period yet nintendo inherited the exalted title the savior of video games now nearly 40 years and six consoles later the warship is far from over [Music] come on where are we going the neverland you'll never grow up there modern day disciples of nintendo span a variety of denominations chad which one are you i'm this one i look a little surprised i don't really know what's going on you're the pikachu that pikachu or this pikachu or that pikachu the wall look it's david dobrik together they form one of the most loyal families for any brand in the world however despite the daily outpouring of reverence and adoration nintendo receives from its fans the sentiment is far from mutual recently it's been quite it's just like that's the freaking ludwig nintendo receives from its fans the second sentiment is far from mutual recently it's been quite the opposite in fact the past 20 years have shown us that nintendo's most passionate supporters often wind up becoming their most forsaken last year i posted a video about hungrybox and competitive melee it's a video that features many layers of conflict one of which was nintendo's antagonistic relationship with competitive smash [ __ ] nintendo [ __ ] nintendo super smash bros was never designed to be anything other than a party game but developer intentions wouldn't stop some players from reinventing the game in their own vision the rush development of melee led to a series of engine exploits which pushed the skill ceiling of the game to the limits of human ability but it was so frame perfect i felt like literally an explosion in my hand these unique mechanics transformed the game into a competitive spectacle and one of the first video games in america showcased in sanctioned esports tournaments ml trains hosted melee tournaments as far back as 2004 predating even the earliest call of duty champions i was in a melee tournament no big deal in ships at the time the esports industry was still in its infancy and super smash bros was in prime position to lead competitive gaming into a new era unfortunately nintendo wasn't on board with the idea of their game being played competitively at all lead developer masahiro sakurai made it his mission to all but erase competitive play in the next installment of the series no contest melee's defining mechanics were neutered if not outright removed in its sequel a deliberate decision by the developers who feared that melee's competitiveness was intimidating new players considering that melee was the best-selling game on its system it's tough to justify that wave dashing had any effect on casual players reception towards the franchise across all of gaming it's very unusual for the skill ceiling of a game to actually affect the enjoyment of new players even games as simple as tetris and chess see highly competitive top players utilizing extremely advanced strategy yet they remain two of the most played games in history in melee the competitive community at the time only represented a minuscule fraction of the total players and it's very likely that the vast majority oh my god that little tv thing made me feel those customers didn't even know they existed the company's insistence on specifically punishing competitive play is truly bizarre and possibly unprecedented among the entire industry in the end though dynamic and nuanced play was sacrificed to appease the casual player base who in all likelihood would have still enjoyed the game regardless removing competitive techniques from future titles is one thing but deliberately sabotaging competitors from enjoying an existing game is a whole other level of petty mlg's original run with melee ended after two why did you say aidan's clip or aiden's tweet pepe laugh are you stun locking me well if if it's bad if i don't think it's funny or banned this is actually this is a funny tweet actually i'm very funny bringing someone over to watch a movie heads up i replied with wicked that's actually that is actually true hey that's sick yeah bring a girl over the fact the house has a discord shot as a mainstream communication on a group is telling enough this combo's everything you need to know what do you mean i think you mean perfected streamlined social interaction no no she's got a point wicket everyone please go reply to aidan's tweet with wickeds and just flood it with some wickeds please just flood his time with some wickets so funny dude qtc7 hip inferno thank you for the subs that's very funny all right sorry back to this 2006 but it was originally supposed to continue into 2007 and beyond the organization was allegedly pressured by nintendo to drop melee from its pro circuit so as to not interfere with the release of brawl while other esports at the time were beginning to prosper competitive melee was subject to a dark age that would persist until 2013 when the community raised enough money to earn a spotted evo of course nintendo infamously tried to revoke evo's rights to stream the event a decision so unpopular that they were forced to back down less than 24 hours insane this is safety thank you publicized but it wasn't the first time nintendo tried to black out a smash tournament in 2010 mlg hosted their one and only tournament for brawl a tournament that was never seen by anyone outside of the venue nintendo refused to allow mlg to stream the event and unlike the case with melee a few years later brawls free melee is something not seen by practically any other big name game developer it's common practice in the industry today for developers to bankroll big tournament pots because it's fairly well understood that a healthy competitive scene contributes to a more engaging product for all yeah that makes sense while competitors in most esports bask in hundred thousand dollar prize pools smash players have to act graciously for simply being allowed to play at all nintendo is not just indifferent to competitive smash often times they are actively malicious 2013 saw the release of project m a modded version of brawl which combined its existing roster with melee's mechanics over the next couple years project m tournaments grew in popularity to be on par with melee in viewership in attendance then i have to go get swift sorry losing his mind okay sorry chat apologies apologies swift needed a bone so he would stop barking at everyone then at the end of 2015 the mod was suddenly and mysteriously abandoned by both developers and tournament organizers years later it was revealed that at the time nintendo was towing around with sponsoring an official competitive circuit but mandated that project m be discarded before moving forward despite support from major entities like twitch and red bull nintendo strung the community along for three years before dumping their prospect all together upon the release of smash ultimate sad smash would never end up getting an official pro circuit and project m was sacrificed for nothing by the beginning of 2020 the smash community had finally secured enough funds to arrange their own competitive circuit independent of nintendo but well some things are just never meant to work out even amidst the depths of the pandemic the passion for competitive smash still persisted through online tournaments but even then nintendo had to rear its head and punish a community who had everything else taken from them the big house 2020 was canceled because online play necessitated the use of a modded version of melee run on an emulator and so the players of melee were stripped of their last solitary means of competition what more can you take away from me uh what about ludwig's tournament hello hello ludwig's tournament i'm confused generally not well liked by the majority of observers last year's firestorm of allegations and controversy among top community figures certainly didn't help the public's perception of the esport has likely been tarnished beyond repair yeah and many people remain adamantly unsympathetic over the plight of competitive smash however understanding nintendo's treatment of its esports competitors provides us with insight into how they tend to respond to any conflict of interest with their fans even back in the days of mlg what nintendo did to the smash community set the tone for how they would treat their most die-hard supporters moving forward as time marches on video game hardware gradually degrades and stops functioning among would-be players hardware deterioration creates an issue of accessibility for many the solution to this issue lies in emulation and no company despises emulation more than nintendo this is illegal you know there's a prevailing misconception among the general public that emulating games in and of itself is illegal however a series of court decisions during the 90s and early 2000s ruled that the act of emulation is totally permissible by law upholding that video game companies are not entitled to a monopoly where the legal issues arise is the distribution of digital game files which does fall into the realm of copyright infringement the youtuber nero made a trilogy of videos discussing everything you need to know about emulation which i highly recommend watching in order to gain a full understanding of the situation but to summarize a substantial portion of rom sharing is done so out of necessity by people who have no other means of obtaining games through legitimate methods obscurity rights issues and region locking makes some titles remarkably difficult to acquire when consumers are willing and able to pay for a product it's up to existing services to fulfill those needs when services available to operate desired products consumers have no choice but to obtain them through piracy or other black market means most game companies understand this and offer ample opportunity for consumers to easily experience retro titles nintendo on the other hand despite being the most adamantly outspoken about emulation as theft is noticeably lacking in providing any legal alternative to many of their titles nintendo's online retro libraries release games at a snail's pace and by the time a console reaches the end of its lifespan its existing library becomes unavailable forcing consumers to restart their digital collection on the following system this process creates sizable lapse periods where would-be customers are unable to access their favorite retro games even nintendo's dedicated retro hardware like the nes classic suffered notorious supply shortages many have inferred that restricting their supply of classic games is a deliberate strategy by nintendo to artificially drive up demand to make matters worse nintendo's official retro experience tends to lack many of the basic features that were available on emulators as far back as the 90s perhaps if the company spend its much effort improving their own retro offerings as they do litigation wouldn't download a car would you yeah if i could i'd download a car for sure fans who make better alternatives there wouldn't be as much of an underground market to litigate market is not even an accurate term considering how practically all roms and emulators are distributed with no intention of earning revenue but that doesn't stop nintendo from suing many of these people for millions of dollars that they never made it's widely understood among copyright experts that rom libraries such as console classics are perfectly legal since they lend out a limited supply of roms that each correspond to a physical copy that they uh however despite taking every precaution they could console classics still had to deal with nintendo's bullying and intimidation the amulerity games library notably excludes nintendo games from their collection because of the company's cutthroat reputation the exclusion serves as a stark reminder of how in the present day nintendo is the only major game company belligerent enough to continue punishing emulation and yes nintendo has the legal right to do so just like how music companies have the legal right to ruin someone's life for downloading some songs off the internet true long-time viewers of the channel know exactly what i think about the utter nonsense that is modern copyright legislation so if you want to convince me of nintendo's righteous virtue in this situation you're gonna have to justify with something a bit more compelling than that's how the law works [Music] where nintendo starts to enter truly egregious territories through its treatment of mods and fan games i've already talked about the tragic downfall of project m but that was simply a drop in the bucket compared to the immense scale of nintendo's war pack most fan-made projects that feels like 2016 nintendo not a good use of that assist on over 500 fan games two of which included the highly anticipated pokemon uranium and am2r both of these projects represented a labor of love that took developers thousands of hours of their own free time to complete and nintendo's response to all of that effort and talent was to stomp it into the dust it may be tough to understand why nintendo is so ruthless about guarding their intellectual property but the answer can be found in the company's history back in the 80s nintendo made it their mission to undo the industry mistakes which led to the crash consumers had lost faith in video games because the market had become flooded with low quality cash grabs and bootlegs nintendo implemented their seal of quality as a necessary measure for consumers to distinguish their quality products from cheap knockoffs today the industry has vastly changed but nintendo's primal fear of rogue images why are these simpson clips so great that can now be described as why are there so many and detrimental to the industry as a whole video games have long since surpassed film and music has the biggest entertainment industry in the world so i have to say the gaming industry is no longer teetering on the brink of outright collapse from some teenager making a rom hack since nintendo's heyday modding and fan made adaptations have actually contributed to some of the most celebrated games of all time valve built their entire game library off a modded version of the quake engine developer john karmic released the source code for anyone to use the fruits of which resulted in some of the most influential games of their era wow today valve has repaid the favor to the next generation of programmers who are allowed to buy and sell modded valve games on their own platform these days it's safe to say that modding is not just an accepted part of the industry but a necessity in innovating the genre as a whole if john kermick acted like nintendo the gaming industry would have been set back by years it's relatively rare for modern game companies to police fans creating mods of their games but it's nearly unthinkable for companies to police fans creating videos of their games so have you ever noticed how most nintendo youtubers only seem to start popping into existence about four years ago well there's a very important reason for that because in the early 2010s being a nintendo youtuber was completely infeasible oh my last year google stadia creative director alex hutchinson posted a tweet suggesting that streamers and content creators pay a fee to game publishers for the privilege of having others watch them play this post got absolutely ratioed out of the ballpark i mean really what a totally asinine statement can you actually imagine how dystopian it would be if companies actually did this except one company has done this nintendo at one point it was actually worse than even what this guy suggested in 2013 nintendo content id claimed all footage of their games on youtube if you used even a fraction of nintendo gameplay that video wouldn't earn you a dime it turns out that punishing everyone who makes videos about your games is a good way to ensure that no one makes videos about your games as youtube let's plays exploded in popularity at around the same time nintendo began to realize that their decision was costing them millions in potential free advertising so in 2015 they sheepishly restored content creators ability to earn revenue this time taking a 30 cut however in order to get your 70 share you were forced to manually apply to their partner program so they can micromanage your channel and make sure that oh my god what this i've never heard for more than three years before nintendo finally scrapped it and allowed content creators to do what literally every other game publisher was fine with the whole time nintendo is such an utterly baffling company to me because the hard part of running a game studio comes so easy to them they can pump out masterpiece after masterpiece without breaking a sweat as far as i can tell they treat their employees quite well it's just the simple no-brainer public relations tasks that seem to utterly escape them if ea or blizzard or sony or epic games did just some of the things nintendo do on a regular basis you'd never hear the end of it what makes nintendo any different how do they keep getting away with it well the main difference between nintendo and all of these other companies comes down to one factor the fans go back and grow up but i'm warning you once you're grown up you can never come back i understand that for some people nintendo is more than just some company that makes good games whole generations of people grew up with it many saw nintendo as a defining part of their childhood and have absorbed the company and its characters as an integral piece of their identity for some nintendo evokes profound nostalgia for simpler happier days for others it represents a refuge from the abuse and torment of their reality you'd be hard-pressed to find any other brand that can summon such powerful feelings of vulnerable youth that's true that's pretty true i'm not here to disparage people for being passionate about something they truly and unabashedly love but recognizing the zealous loyalty of the nintendo fan base is a necessary step in diagnosing the problem here's the problem after 40 years of making such beloved games wait that's a really cool graphic look at this graphic the new zelda looks stupid or the new link why is that why does link look like that why is link looking so stupid why don't you go to turn luigi into a furry cinderella lotus lake thank you for that sub wow that's cool that's very interesting graphic after 40 years of making such beloved games nintendo has spawned a following of apostles who worship the company with religious dedication it's not enough for them to simply engage with the products the most devout nintendo fans have an obligation to make their faith known to all who encounter them such ardent loyalty to some far away corporation is highly abnormal and it leads to highly abnormal outcomes nintendo is certainly aware of the immense goodwill which their customers share and rather than reciprocated they have harnessed it and are currently riding it all the way to the bank they're confident that they can get away with almost anything because a substantial portion of their audience have adopted the dogmatic belief that the company is incapable of sin recently there have been prevailing discussions online about the toxicity of fandoms in stan culture and while the same few notorious subcultures get brought up over and over fandoms and staying culture and what does that guest cry when the park reopens after oh my god all right listen i'm a disneyland fan and uh i'm embarrassed while the same few notorious subcultures get brought up over and over again i rarely see anyone mention the nintendo fandom in these conversations in my experience the most extreme nintendo fans are as psychotic and mal-adjusted as any other fandom i'm tired of pretending that they're not i always imagine that nintendo doesn't have to pay a pr team to run damage control because their fans will do it for them it seems that no matter how low the company stoops it will always have a human shield of fanboys lining up to make excuses for them the most die-hard fans are so quick to forget about the company's misdeeds that you'd think they have amnesia at the end of last year nintendo got into some hot water in the span of a few weeks they shut down melee's biggest online event shut down a splatoon tournament when those players stood in solidarity with the melee players and shut down the charitable sale of joy-cons honoring the late edica three days later they unveiled sephiroth and ultimate and all the backlash magically disappeared when i pointed this out on twitter i spent the next week getting bombarded with apopletic responses of how much of an idiot i was for thinking that nintendo fans would actually express displeasure to the company wow what an awful take how foolish of me when if people ever protested a company's recent actions by pressing dislike on their totally unrelated youtube videos well actually october 2019 blizzard bans hearthstone player blitz chung for making pro hong kong comments their subsequent unrelated youtube videos are heavily disliked november 2018 fallout 76 launches as a buggy unplayable disaster bethesda gets ratioed on unrelated videos november 2017 ea reveals much hated loot crates will be a part of battlefront 2 ratio august 2016 i don't think that's a good example that's not a ratio 300 dislikes that's pretty good ratio august 2016 no man's sky grossly under delivers upon release ratio no man's sky grossly under delivers upon release ratio hmm now where did i get this absolutely bonkers idea again this baby is off the charts i was never trying to argue that spamming dislikes on developer videos is an effective means of instigating change i'm not even arguing that it's justifiable my point with all of this was that ratioing videos is a simple and direct way that's funny wait my 2018 rewind was the officially the most disliked video on youtube that's hilarious point with all of this was that ratioing videos is a simple and direct way for consumers to publicly express their disapproval towards a company and recent history shows us that this is the natural response to controversy in the gaming industry the notable absence of dislikes on nintendo's video after the controversy says to me that the backlash never really existed all that hemming and hong in the moment was superficial and couldn't have reflected anyone's true convictions because the second nintendo jangled a shiny set of keys in front of the fans everyone seemed to forgive and forget the nintendo brigade was quick to jump down my throat to lecture me about how a video posted to nintendo's youtube channel featuring a best-selling nintendo franchise somehow exists irrespective to nintendo as a business many tried to make the complete non-sequitur argument that disliking a youtube video is somehow equivalent to taking food off of sakura's dinner plate with one person comparing sakurai to a hapless walmart employer okay so that's how it's gonna be y'all wanna play ignoring the fact that this post isn't even directed at sakurai trying to frame him as an independent bystander to the big bad legal team above him is painfully naive and factually wrong so many people try to compartmentalize all of nintendo's nasty practices as the work of just a few dastardly lawyers in a desperate attempt to salvage the company's spotless image in their minds this may come off as a news flash to some of you but every corporation has a legal department every corporation is confronted with threats to their intellectual property very few corporations choose to respond to these problems as viciously as nintendo very few companies use mafioso tactics to harass and intimidate people who wound up on the wrong side of their terms of service very few companies rig their country's legal system to threaten video game modders with jail time nintendo is starting to resemble a tyrant that's gone mad with power and their draconian disregard for the public good runs a hell of a lot deeper than a couple of bad apples on their legal team every decision any company makes comes straight from the top and as hard as it may be for some of you to believe sakurai is a hell of a lot closer to the top than the alternative lots of people try to obfuscate his role in the company by stipulating that he is not technically a nintendo employee this point is completely irrelevant when you consider how sakurai's actions directly influence the bottom line of the company and how his entire career trajectory was dictated by nintendo's success he is the spokesperson for super smash bros by definition he represents the views of the company hello just like those oh so nefarious lawyers it is his job to toe the company line he oversaw two of nintendo's flagship franchises for decades he had the opportunity to make smash better for competitive players and he didn't he had the opportunity to speak out against nintendo's increasingly slimy business decisions and he didn't to claim in any way that sakurai somehow exists in a vacuum completely free of nintendo's influence demonstrates a complete ignorance towards the nature of business but hey who am i to dare to salvage against one of nintendo's prodigal sons if nintendo is god sakura and all their other spokespeople are jesus christ and have been idolized as such you're not allowed to criticize them and you're especially not allowed to undermine their supreme authority when nintendo does all that anti-consumer stuff they're just operating within their fair and justifiable legal right but pressing dislike i agree this feels like a tangent of arguing with twitter comments i agree this video is kind of bizarre video now that's just cruel who would even consider doing such a thing eleven months before this the nintendo fandom actually decided to make use of the dislike button to protest the addition of bilif to smash ultimate and they didn't seem to be too concerned over sakurai's feelings here blatant double standards aside it's somewhat enlightening to realize where the nintendo fandom's priorities actually lie complaining about an optional dlc well i mean nintendo fandom is mostly children of course children care more about ultimate because children are not playing melee sword fighter in a game with 80 other characters i can't help but think that some of these people exist in neverland tangible problems in our world don't concern them only when their whimsical wonderland is disrupted do they show the slightest signs of resistance fortunately for nintendo pacifying the mob is as simple as unveiling the next shiny new toy and therein lies the ultimate problem there was once a time where enough people would object in nintendo's decisions and the company could actually be convinced to listen now we've reached a point where the militant worship of the companies drowning out dissenting voices and practically all cases of controversy all of us are left to reap the consequences of a company who knows their audience will tolerate anything they do as long as the product on screen is good enough they can charge 20 bucks a year for a barely functional online service that was free on prior systems they can charge 80 bucks for controllers with such significant defects that they make many games borderline unplayable they can release reskins of games that cost more than the originals they can arbitrarily limit the release window of games for no other reason than to jack up the price they can force customers to purchase an additional console if they want to create a second island in animal crossing at what point will nintendo cross the line to where the customer is no longer willing to get ripped off fortunately nintendo has the most loyal fans in the world and that line is nowhere in sight eh i will still buy [ __ ] from them i couldn't give less of a crap to the free melee thing that's the problem you don't give a damn and my problem is i care too much also what the hell you are calling nintendo consumers pathetic am i pathetic for having a switch yes in the church of nintendo the most adoring followers make the best sacrifices and as time goes on the untouchable deity only grows yeah i think people are allowed not to care about some things you know what i'm saying like i think that's interesting i think it's a bit aggressive here i think we got a little too far if i'm being honest they uh there's lots of games i don't care about more hungry the sad reality is that the solution to nintendo's problems rests on the shoulders of the people least likely to do anything about them i get the impression that many of nintendo's followers somehow feel indebted to the company as if spending their hard-earned cash on the game i think honestly most nintendo like this guy okay this might be crazy but i think he's slightly delusional in the fact that let me tell you something my brother has a nintendo because he has kids and his kids play the nintendo and they have all these games my sister has a nintendo cause she has kids and they all have these games my other brother has a nintendo cause he has kids and they all play these games my dad has a switch because he wants to play with his grandkids that is my entire family they don't know [ __ ] about free melee they don't they don't they don't know they don't know and if i told them they wouldn't really care because their kids want to play mario kart with each other like that's it so saying like consumers of nintendo are sheeps or whatever is just a little aggressive because probably 95 of the consumers do not know about the whole melee thing they just don't know about it because it's a game from years ago so they just don't know about it like they have no reason to care it'd be nice if they would care but calling them spineless doesn't help them care like holy [ __ ] those consoles in collectible figurines isn't payment enough they coerce themselves to give more and more to a company who is only intent on taking the cycle of exploitation will perpetuate itself until the fans wake up and recognize that they don't own nintendo anything and that a corporation six fans think they own nintendo anything what is going on with this guy thousand miles across the ocean doesn't actually care about this is actually whack no one thinks nintendo cares about me i don't think amazon cares about me i don't think any company cares about me no one thinks they care about me about them if you're looking towards nintendo for salvation you'd be better off placing that faith anywhere else before nintendo will change the way they treat their fans the fans must change the way they treat nintendo 40 years ago nintendo saved the video game industry now it's up to nintendo's fans to save themselves i'm not they're just chilling playing mario kart homie like i don't know what to tell you not asking for people to hate nintendo i'm not asking for people to hate the fans all i'm asking is for everyone to step out of neverland and to treat nintendo as just another company which it is yeah but same as disney if any any company that makes characters you're gonna be fans of there are people obsessed with tony the freaking tiger you know what i'm saying what's the dislike ratio on this video oh i don't get it this was actually a kind of a stupid video oh tony tiger that's funny but you know what i'm saying like people are obsessed with pop crackle and snap like they're just upset they people get obsessed with anything it's just like you can be a fan of mario and not give a [ __ ] that nintendo exists like you missed the point well i think he also missed the point you don't blame the consumers blame the company the consumers are not the problem the most the comments agree with him because well you have to think if people are using youtube like people watching this video in general are gamers so gamers are gonna agree with him it's it's a it's an echo chamber i don't i don't know all i know is i know a lot of people that like have nintendo's buy nintendo's and they don't know anything it's just another it's like watching another disney movie like they don't know they don't you know what i'm saying i don't know i think it's crazy to like sit there and blame consumers [Music] uh [Music] okay uh you're stupid you stupid ass boyfriend got my voice you think ludwig got somebody swatted you realize that's not how the world works i don't think you understand how the world works i don't i don't think i think you're confused also he's not your boy true he doesn't even know you okay ignore it yeah i'm trying to uh wait what is this did i miss twitter drama cutie news network missed some twitter drama wait what the heck ludwig's in drama it's usually me context los polos got swatted apparently aiden is trying to blame lud aiden why would you do that oh no aiden oh my god why aidan don't do that augustana thank you for the prime what is what is this train wax do you get that they pay you at least one million monthly because they receive a return from your viewers trust capitalism to make money not give it away and admitting that it's fine but people will think you're a piece of [ __ ] even if it's as good as you can do it okay i lost over 2 000 plus buying your pokemon packs promoting pokemon packs as a gamble for your viewers oh god yeah sorry i'll explain the pokemon company did not give me a million dollars to open cards i'll do your homework for you because you didn't i did a sponsored poker stream that you were literally in maybe that will make you feel better about taking that gambling sponsorship you were offered wait i don't get it no you didn't get paid by pokemon but if pokemon offered you one million to do a box opening and promote it to your viewers you and everyone else would either way regardless you promoted gambling whether it's the pokemon cards i lost thousands on or a poker stream we did everyone has a different line of morality i think poker is a skill game people that i really enjoy and accept promoting promoting gambling i think getting paid to punt thousands of dollars in minutes with the slot machine zero skill game is degenerate we don't got to be the same also you are a content creator who has made hundreds of thousands if not millions and i limited people who bought the pokemon cards to content creators who could use the event for content either by restreaming it or making videos from it i know poker takes skill but i've been playing poker for years and you can easily get [ __ ] over and lose because you get [ __ ] cards at the end of the day gambling is gambling even if a viewer couldn't buy an exact pack from you your influence could persuade them into buying packs and boxes make them money it's all gambling slots poker ripping packs all gambling yeah okay yes it's all gambling can we move on please no cause i'm trying to understand what is going on [Music] um [Music] i love you cutie cinderella i am very confused me too you i love you cutie cinderella i love you cutie cinderella hey thank you guys sorry i'm talking about my mods i have uh uh we're doing some um we're doing some uh tier lists that my mods made so i'm just making sure we have them okay i think admitting poker takes skill proves you believe it's possible that not all gambling is the same i think doing sponsored no skill [ __ ] especially with fake money is way more harmful than teaching people why 73 is a worse hand in poker there are levels of gambling different odds some sk some skill some know skill my own point is that gambling is gambling no matter what so when i see people acting like one is okay and one isn't i agree there are different odds we're still gambling that's all i'm saying so playing slots in rest being given fake money and promo code fine bro i just to make fat stacks and i don't give a [ __ ] my viewers are dumb for that because that's really ironic suggesting you don't care suggesting i don't care about my viewers when i've literally heard you say out loud that you actually don't care about your viewers this is the craziest argument keemstar no one invited keemstar keemstar no one invited you ever once in your goddamn life no one invited you one goddamn time like i don't know what to say about keemstar but no one invited you to actually what i feel like is a very civil discussion uh i hope many reviewers you care so much about didn't spend more than they should have or could afford on pokemon's packs because they saw their fave streamer who could afford to lose money okay okay when did this all happen where was i chat i was just in here just like hanging out by myself just tweeted just freaking watching lsf told you time told you a long time ago omegle ursa for the love of god if you keep typing in all caps i'm going to lose my [ __ ] mind i've already told you personally and i do not talk to people personally please for the love of god stop talking in all caps i will ban you okay sorry twitch is weird with prayer social relationships yeah they should just unite to tell keem to shut the [ __ ] yeah they should just be like okay keemstar shut up um okay sorry win winton thank you for gifting two subs it's very sweet of you jared thank you for your resub noli thank you for gifting us up elderly sack thank you for your for in augustana i thank you um yeah that's uh uh yeah i don't really understand what all that was about um hassan rolled them who did us on roll i don't get it this is all very complicated i'm confused how i got dragged into it um okay i love you cutie cinderella nice uh devon thank you the 10 months i just think assuming anything i'm not blaming anybody for this i don't know why you're like assuming that um i don't know where that came from but uh dude i i'm i mean you're [ __ ] bro anybody that thinks any streamer would swallow or encourage the swatting of another streamer is [ __ ] absurd and so all these people spamming in lois's chat or even aiden's chat so i'm sitting here streaming right i didn't have my phone and i get to miss calls but i didn't see it right and then i see nick calling because we were like in between a game we're like something nick my brother calls me and they the cops were at my parents house bro right that's so [ __ ] up they're there and they're saying that's so [ __ ] up bro your son needs to walk outside right now with his hands in the air where everyone can see them oh my gosh i'm being told bro nick's calling me [ __ ] like panicking okay for the record my thing is nobody knows what's going on i'm like dude what the [ __ ] number one he shouldn't be giving this any attention he really shouldn't be giving this any attention because whoever did it is [ __ ] jacking off right now and they're so excited about it um i am muting notifs because i'm getting some pretty weird donations right now for the record um it is somebody going around recently i mean aidan got swatted and now lost got swatted it's clearly someone targeting that group and it's just [ __ ] up it's just [ __ ] up people are [ __ ] awful and that's [ __ ] up that's all i can say um rich campbell though thank you for the raid i appreciate you as always thank you thank you thank you um it's absolutely awful to be dragged into any of this because uh it's like not even it's not a casual thing to get dragged into this is really [ __ ] awful um why do you judge everything everyone does for [ __ ] sakes let people do whatever the [ __ ] they want i'm saying people shouldn't get [ __ ] swatted you dumb [ __ ] i'm i think i'm allowed to judge that you [ __ ] loser no aiden didn't swat himself there was aiden had a real aiden's tweet was true aidan's treat was true where he said he got like really swatted and then he also got um like fake spotted he wasn't lying in that tweet um anyway this is um really [ __ ] awful and that's awful and i it's uh and it's upsetting that no matter what argument loss or ludwig could ever get into ever you there's no streamer on this entire platform in this entire world that would ever want that to happen to another streamer that would never happen that would never happen so i don't know anyway i hope he's okay that's really [ __ ] awful sing for us no thank you i guess i would make anyone emotional and maybe viewers want someone to blame yeah i just i don't know it's just awful this is awful it's really awful and i wish honestly his best option here would literally be um lo should just end stream he shouldn't be giving these guys the satisfaction because whoever did it is that's what they live for is this right here so he yeah that's really [ __ ] awful um did it happen on stream yeah it just happened the only reason like i literally um uh the reason i'm talking about is because people started coming into my chat and saying [ __ ] and yeah that's [ __ ] up that is [ __ ] up all right well oh my god clean everyone clean everyone clean everyone clean everyone clean everyone clean everyone clean everyone clean clean clean clean clean clean all right question marks on cleaning sometimes you just got to refresh the vibes gotta refresh the vibes just a little refresh okay that's not ping i didn't tell you guys to pee i told you to clean what are you doing why did half of you start peeing [Music] why did that happen who's the new ceo of amazon any shot he gives us two primes a month my girlfriend i watch you in lud she wants me to give my prime to you but i don't want to lose my sub streak that's fine uh the new let me call my boss oh hello you're the new ceo of amazon thank you for answering my phone call at 10 o'clock at night um yeah so i had someone in my chat wondering if you would um yeah so you you don't know who i am really because i thought you had like this really great like boss employee relationship in this multi-million person company oh okay well i guess i mean i guess well regardless do you think we could get two primes because someone can't decide between who to gift their primes to no you won't do that okay there you go i asked cutie was there ever a conversation at the house about you not being on the yard podcast even though you're technically a roommate just curious are you like let the boys be boys and megalo you the best um no they've talked about starting that podcast for like uh years i don't i don't um i don't think it was ever uh it was never a thought that like crossed my mind that i should be invited um so yeah i don't think i'm often seen as like a roommate i think i'm often seen as just like ludwig's girlfriend um to like you guys not to like the people that live here i think the people that live here like um see me as a roommate i hope and pray but i don't think i think you guys um you guys are often like i don't know so that's an interesting question that's an interesting question because i don't think i've never had that question asked before like if you know i'd be included in that kind of stuff uh i also have lots of podcasts too okay so this is what we're doing we're copying clint stevens for those of you who don't know i love clint stevens um and what he did is he filled out a bunch of tier lists that his chat sent him but instead of having my chat send them i asked my very very great mods to just create some random tier lists i don't really know what is what um i just had to make it i honestly don't know which ones they made but i'm excited to uh to see them put together so give me a second let me get these pulled up um the duh okay why are you guys pepe spitting no spitting oh my god wait i this morning i checked i had like four of these i had four of these tier lists and now every single one of my mods decided to make one okay okay okay okay let me just open them mods who do you guys think you are i have to disable ad blocker pause on the site always oh boy now we're gonna get weird ads oh there's so many ads so annoying okay okay custom tier list custom tier list dren made me this one took me way too long here's dom's ari okay ari sent me some good ones you know what no i'm not opening these all in advance right now i'm opening them per who sent them to me because they need to be recognized for who sent them to me i refuse to like pretend okay we're starting here with tony tony sent me this fruit tier list it's lovely who doesn't like fruit we all like fruit oh my god that's so many fruits what the [ __ ] is a white currant i've never had this jackfruit i've never had this mulberry i've never had this raisins [ __ ] suck unless they're covered in chocolate custard apple i've never had this guava it's fine passion fruit actually passion fruit as a flavor is good as a fruit is bad anybody on the same page as me so i'm putting out a c green apple b red apple a apricot actually an s avocado a banana b blackberry b blackcurrant i actually hate the flavor of black carrot yuck blueberry b cantaloupe crazy take a okay guys how do i get rid of these freaking ads there's a baby on my freaking screen there's a huggies ad this is absurd i don't want a huggies ad chat you're being fat and i can't grab you there you are all right there we go we're back in it back in it boys coke lychee i don't think i've eaten that gooseberry don't eat the red grapes i don't really like grapes i'm putting them in c both grapes you guys are gonna learn my weird i have weird fruits i like peaches r and s blood orange and see pear [Music] i don't even know what my thoughts are i don't think i have any feelings right now i'm just doing [ __ ] asian pear what the hell is a ground cherry kumquat is a d this is persimmon is a yuck plum so sour d pineapple hurts my tongue so a pomegranate is a pain in the ass to open so a pomelo no one knows what that is date d cranberry d cherry b dragon fruit no one actually eats dragon fruit uh d fig there's a dead bee in every fig d during the isn't this one that smells like poop grapefruit i actually like grapefruit i'm putting in a kiwi so sour c lemon use it all the time a lime use it all the time a mango s nectarine s orange b papaya b raspberry a red currant i don't eat it watermelon s star fruit strawberry s tangerine guys i feel no emotion i'm just dragging stuff what do you think terrible list okay i could not disagree more why not just put chat underneath you it'd make it look cleaner chat is literally underneath me hello like in this blank space i feel fine about my life choices thank you for backseating me though uh paris should at least be a no because they they brew so easily coconut is clearly an a no because it's so hard to get into kiwis are not s they're so freaking sour and blood oranges are not above sea because they're like hard to come by also they're kind of a pain in the ass the [ __ ] eats coconuts by themselves me banana b is problematic bananas are so overrated i'm so over bananas grapes are dumb i'm happy i'm just happy we're all on the same page about this sela sent me this one dessert to your list okay donuts rs i love donuts donuts are the best ice cream is s froyo is s what is this candy okay honestly all this is s gelato is s i red velvet d [ __ ] red velvet red velvet's so stupid funfetti is a as far as cakes go cheesecake is a wait there's two funfettis these are both funfettis okay i guess they're both a um chocolate covered pretzels is s wait is this another cheesecake okay a fudge is stupid [ __ ] fudge you're d no one likes fudge i mean i like it but i don't like love it banana ice cream banana sundae no bananas suck it's a b candy is a c it's just because it's like everywhere it's not special you know i don't even know what this dessert is am i supposed to know what this is i think it's ice cream in a tub i think your ice cream so you can be s cinnamon rolls a crepes s funnel cake a cannolis uh i'm gonna put b for cannolis actually brownies bee tiramisu a s'mores actually s hear me out yum some mores are so good i want some more just talking about it i love s'mores rice krispie treats b chocolate chip cookies a pumpkin pie a popsicles a churros a apple pie a cuppy cake a macarons a i think this is just like a chocolate cake a brownies can be a now cannolis i feel like they're like so meh sometimes because they have to be made correctly for them to be a brownie should be s nah have you added some more from trader joe's no i didn't know they had that which is better cake or pie i actually like pie more than cake i think i don't know i don't know cutie's best emote tier list mayor sent me this one mayor these aren't even my emotes these are just emotes people use okay smiley face is asked because it's uh usually like kind of passive aggressive ludwig 7 is a great emote to use in ludwig's chat but there is no person that uses ludwig 7 in my chat without only talking about ludwig all day every day so listen i think it's a great emo to use in ludwig's chat but when you guys use it here and just harass me it's no longer fun for anyone involved so i actually don't like the seven emotes in general i think they're kind of lame so i'm even putting my i don't understand i don't need to salute anything crab rave is dead rocket ship is honestly kind of dead people g is the best capricorn d is an a white people happy is the best best sag is pretty good people hay is pretty good smoking is pretty fun poggies is pretty good pog is good i love jammies blob dance i'm gonna put blob dance down here easy hmm [ __ ] the weebs pepe d is fun but not as good as jammies these are all laughing emotes i rank all laughing emotes the same some people are like it's polarizing like keck w versus little w i'm fine with either i really am we're we are a multi laughing chat i'm fine with either one as long as you guys are laughing that's all we care about here oh mega lol often used incorrectly so that's why i'm gonna put it at c uh monkas fine we don't really use this guy very much so i'm just gonna put him down there and this is i'll give that an a it's pretty cute but it is their own hair color fun next jello i made a custom cheerless of all the cakes cuties made on stream oh my god what the hell jello what the hell i made this many cakes on stream wow um okay my mario cake will always be an s for me my mario cake is sick it's one of my favorite cakes i've ever made um my pride cake actually kind of looked awful i did an awful job on that cake that cake should have looked way better but you know i was trying to teach uh casey and minks had a bake and i did an awful job with it i think that cake was ugly as hell um man i made a lot of cakes on stream i didn't realize um among us cake i'm gonna give it an a it was a little lumpy it's a little bumpy could have been smoother my gen g cake was pretty good but almost too simple so i'm gonna give it an a my minecraft cake was sick i'm gonna give that a i'm giving it an egg because it wasn't too difficult my mist kiff cake will always be a i want to say it's an s to me because it's like a good memory but it was so [ __ ] ugly that i'm giving it a d i really could have done better with the miz kip cake i'm not kidding that [ __ ] was cursed that [ __ ] was so ugly that [ __ ] was so ugly um money bags cake this was perfectly executed so i'm just gonna give an a i couldn't do better on that cake if i tried um portal cake a so easy but gorgeous my ice cream cake was kind of ugly so i'm gonna put it down here wasn't my best cake my twitch concake i'll give that an a my pokemon cake i'll give an a um now i think my bunny cake was very easy so i'm just gonna give it a b this cake is very easy so i'll just give it a b i think anything too simple i'm just going to do a b i'm actually going to pull that one down it's too simple it can't be an a it's too easy elephant uh yeah i think the rest of these are b's i think this one could have been better pokeman's birthday cake and uh this one could have been better i mean i just threw it together they were tiny and the people people reindeer was pretty cute i liked him there you go those are all the cakes i've made on stream this is the one i made with christopher wow i'm surprised you hunted all those down jello that's crazy some missing probably i can't even imagine that i made that many i don't know what tier does atriox can't get the one he made that gets like [ __ ] z were you at a wedding today no all right next one dren linked me this one jiren i'm not doing this anime waifu 800 tier list trent trent don't say i miss her don't say i miss her in chat you don't know her this is a this is pixels you don't miss her this is absurd i don't recognize one of these people and i've watched anime i don't recognize one person uh okay i'll just choose my wife um what the [ __ ] is up with this lady she's got freaking penises on her head hello uh uh i couldn't do this to your list if i tried you just want me to be as freaking uh she looks boring she looks cool she looks stupid i'm just saying things this one could be my wife who's that you are a child i don't want you to be my wife your children you look like a boy i was like a girl wife you're a freaking furry but i don't know what's under your mask you aren't wearing any clothes ma'am you're a child you're a child get out why are there so many children chat what the freak can't see higher tears i i i'm not filling this out i'm not feeling this out you've got a weird ass head why is that girl head so weird you're a child 90 of these are childs with the big boobs oh i have watched this anime with this girl this girl's the worst you have to carry around in a freaking backpack i don't want that baggage she's also a child this girl's got a big-ass forehead this girl's ugly as hell i'm not going to pretend like that girl's hot that girl is terrifying okay i'll choose that one girl and the penis on her head girl that's all i'm filling out lola's goated though okay i don't dren thank you for your tier list okay dom made this one oh boy are you serious dom cutie cinderella moderators tier list oh boy okay okay everybody i don't think this is a nice and healthy thing to fill out where am i point crow didn't make it why would you put my [ __ ] roommates on here you're missing half of them thom what is this list dom okay allen asked here forever streamer mods don't count dom did an awful job app wanted to [ __ ] mod one time's never what was the one type's last thing in my chat user one tap wandtep's last message in my chat was tjt818 tryhard wantab is not a good mod i'm not gonna pretend like he's a good mod i i i don't is he even here i need a mod okay this is awful why would you do this i don't want to do this i'm putting all my friends in seat here narciss minnie gunthers james logan these are just friends nipper okay except for anton's and a tier because since anton's name anton's name starts with an a he's always the first one to get dm'd from people that are mad like literally every single day anton gets a dm from somebody that got banned by another mod just because his name shows up on top i'm not kidding this is huge for ari yeah yeah yeah yeah um oh zach is a c okay macd helped a ton with the charity stream so i'm going to give mcd an a tier for that mcd is not even normally here i feel like i could be wrong uh but mcd helped a ton with the charity stream uh born helps a ton by hanging out on the discord because then other people want to hang out in the discord but i don't know i don't know where all my freaking mods have been lately where have you all been no one's hanging out my discord anymore where'd you all go curious you can tell me none of y'all want to tell me it's a little weird people used to hang out on my discord every day all of a sudden they're all gone i'm with a cute girl right now jen you're lying i don't think i can say yeti i know where they are i know where they are and i see you slimy little [ __ ] and i don't care what you think is fun right now okay cause let me tell you what you're gonna come running back to my discord and my discord won't always be there for you you hear me do you hear me they're watching train they're watching train in my discord well i'm live i do not have a video making french macarons i love trane ari you said you were with a hot girl too none of you are with hot girls you're all with each other okay speaking of kindred arrow how is kindred even a mod anymore kindred was my very first mod ever like before dren so kindred i don't even know where kindred is i don't even know i kendra should be unmodded no jiren you were not before kindred cause kindred and barry made my discord i was oh really because i'm gonna do slash user right now and look up following let's look slash user nerd underscore backwards dren followed me august 24th slash user kindred underscore arrow oh they don't follow me anymore they unfollowed me so i don't know when they followed me well i think it's time to unmod them they unfollowed me this is an awkward way to find out huh yeah yeah great dear list of megalo all right i'm gonna go ahead and remove that mod on mod arrow that is very awkward for all of us uh yeah okay some people change you know they don't want to keep up when you're just so [ __ ] successful they feel bad okay yes great kelsey is a useless mod clefairy yeah she'll admit it she's like saving lives and stuff she's an awful mod but i need her to have mods so i can see her in chat uh okay okay taylor's a dog [ __ ] mod too taylor's never banned anyone in her goddamn life i'm not gonna put taylor up here taylor's bad at modding you you want me to fill this out you want me to talk about people being good at mods yeah i'm gonna fill it out okay this is a little difficult okay dom is useful because he plays games with me but dom banned maybe two people ever so i'm gonna put dom and b and he made this [ __ ] t nevermind dom made this [ __ ] tier list you're going in d you piece of [ __ ] why would you do this i say make it to your list and this is what you do you're all the way down here okay dance mac is obviously an s chat dsmack does [ __ ] everything for me clips channel runs my youtube channel [ __ ] everything i don't want to give dren s here but i have to give freaking dreadness here iq center clips you think you think ds mac is going to put himself on cutie canelo clips getting put in s here you think ds mac is going to take his clip of me saying ds mac is s here and he's going to put on customers clips that's crazy if you think he needs that ego boost he's not going to do that he does there's no way okay what am i doing dread forwards i never see him in chat hate that guy melvin is an awful mod what melvin why are you mod i'm unmodding melvin wtf cutie that's history so he doesn't need to be mod he has a [ __ ] emote okay i'll keep him modded whatever okay he's an awful mod melvin melvin doesn't mod he shouldn't be a i don't give him vip he doesn't need him he doesn't need he doesn't need to be mod like vip is fair he has a [ __ ] emote tearless turned into the purge pretty much okay tony's obviously s ahri's obviously s i think born might be us too actually born's never in chat born's always asleep born you're back to a sleepy [ __ ] whose car is all the way up there um where has maddie been maddie where the [ __ ] have you been born is east coast it's hard oh well okay okay born as east coast it's hard if he cared he would never sleep in dom's chat maddie quit her job here to go mod in dom's chat she helped with charity i almost put her in d i'm playing united maddie i'm gonna put you on b maddie she's playing unite with me because she's from ohio so i'm putting her b and you're lucky maddie you're lucky because you have ohio and you have always being in dom's chat against you okay dude i don't know how to do this i'm out i'm actually out alex alex always sends me stuff but alex is so wholesome but alex is also never here no alex just lurks alex is here she's just lurking i'll give alex a oh hi oh [Music] centic i'm gonna be a yeti i'm giving a lauren i'm giving a nate i'm doing b nate's never here nate is literally never here nate i should i should put nate down to c nate you're literally never here he's sad rn we're all sad you know what makes you happy watching cutie cinderella streams i'm not gonna unmod him i'll keep him in b with maddie he's probably from ohio okay mayor just started going to school mayor used to be s but mayor's you know gotten a life since then mayor's in school right now i can't decide mayor do you want to be a or b oh not here not here to decide what you want to be mayor oh that's weird guess that's what you got to be huh huh a little weird if you're not here wait how many of these people aren't even here let me look at my tier list or let me look at my freaking thing who have i already put when was last time elbow was here when is elbow here i forgot elbow was mod i forgot elbows mod too elbow said hi earlier okay don't check logs oh my god are you serious slash user elbow 54 dr dom what was the point of this wait elbow wait elbow hasn't typed in chat since february elmo hasn't died in chat since february what the [ __ ] why is elbow a mod where's elmo been what hap guys if you quit if you want to quit being a mod just tell me please don't just ghost he lurks oh my god alpo i know he lurks because he's still subbed he's still subbed so i know he shows up okay i know biggie's still around too but i feel like i never see biggie either slash user biggie mick vicky oh he was in chat the other day dude none of my mods even like watching me time to might swipe squad hasn't even swiped don't act like you've been around you've been mia too biggie started jobs two months ago he has to work all the time now uh biggie got a job see once you get a job what's the [ __ ] point trisha thank you very much for the raid sorry i'll on i'll i'll play notifications uh i think i broke it afrofish thank you for your sub charlie thank you what's up genome thank you for your time thank you yeah marsh thank you for your sub i'll quit my job off full-time mod dude i just [ __ ] up my notice i just said hi but in arabic well okay great chantelle thank you for using your prime can i be b tony shut your [ __ ] mouth jello a cella a james a drew's here a lot eh i think this is good i think this is i think this is pretty good i love you cutie cinderella we lost two soldiers sell it as people bananas rs what is happening feel bad for mods for c d these are all my friends and biggie and these guys just suck i don't feel bad at all qtc slide 7 good list i love you cutie cinderella person shrugging oh god real shade on dom he made this stupid tier list he didn't even include all the he didn't even include all the the all my mods 46 frog hey cutie it seems you may need a mod dude i need to unmod like 10 people before i add any more mods cutie cinderella had one choice but yes i could use some mods that are here every day i only chose one but i understand it's a hard ass it was i'm hard to watch judy kiss could probably be a mod um judicious is here literally every day remind me of the best mod for one stream diffusion absolutely not mod me ill quit my job and mod for you full time please sister i'm begging you're in hey chat okay great he replaced kindred jess if you're here more often i'd be happy to make you a mod i i i guess i have three girl mods i don't have enough female mods one time i got this dm from this person that was like yo you need more female mods uh and i should be one and she was kind of like a hate watcher and i was like why would i make you a mod you like what the [ __ ] it was so weird it was so so weird i don't remember who it was but it was very weird um okay okay just keep showing up and you could get mods someday that's how it works wait judy kiss why did you ban hey dante god damn it this is a bad start this is a bad start for judy kiss uh jesus they told me to judith okay well next one next one ari why would you send me us presents i don't know what if i put them by fuckability obama hell yeah kennedy hell yeah we could get down with biden depends on the amount of alcohol consumed this guy is ugly as hell george washington is ugly as hell none of these guys i don't i can't this guy's got a cool ass haircut [ __ ] this guy you know what i'm gonna raise these guys because trump needs to be in his own would never touch abe lincoln i'm pretty sure he's nasty as hell but he looks like he's got a big dick hmm [Music] okay i'm gonna warn you guys i don't remember 90 of these presidents so i don't even know what to rank them this guy's a little chubby but that could be fun this guy could go here he looks rich this guy has got a big ass head this guy all these guys wear wigs this guy's ugly looks like dracula this guy is super ugly this guy is old but it could happen this guy's ugly old [ __ ] you actually no i'm gonna [ __ ] you and your dad that could be fun um clinton is gross but maybe he could get me in with hillary uh what guys what i don't even know half these people jimmy carter is ugly as hell reagan he was kind of handsome then we go into the beard phase this guy was actually handsome we could do him he looks like he smells like maple syrup um is roosevelt yeah he's okay this guy's got a weird ass head i'll put him down here he's not as ugly as some of the other ones this guy reminds me of my uncle i'll put him down with trump you're too old you're okay actually no you're not an ass how dare you uh uh you're old uh you are kind of handsome you are oh go you look like a freaking monkey i love you you're ugly bad pics this is pretty poggers having a beard isn't a personality jesus christ i don't like your face you're kind of handsome mustache you could be kind of handsome you're ugly what do you think do you agree chat william taft is way too high i don't even know which one william tapped is luxon is way too high i don't even know which one nixon is i don't even know who's who ugh he's the s tier guy no he's not wait this is nixon bill clinton plays sax oh okay this seems good i feel i feel good about this wait you're saying this guy's hot wait not this guy this guy's hot i'll raise him i'll trust you guys i'll trust you with it all right next ari made another one ari just had a day it seems like ari oh my own emotes okay i'm gonna hurt some feelings here if i do not like the emo it has nothing to do with the artist okay it has nothing to do with the artist i just maybe don't really like the emote besides this one it has everything to do with the artist [ __ ] you cat shark why the [ __ ] do i have a george foreman girl emo this is the stupidest [ __ ] emo no one even uses it why did you do that this emote's stupid too you guys know it my pog is pretty stupid this one's cursed i don't even think that gets used we should just remove that at some point this one's stupid no one uses it anymore i love my dog one i i love this guy i love this guy i love uh i love this guy i hate this one i love white people gamer is sc mcchicken we don't really use c melvin never gets used but i'll give it c for history ludwig is short i'm giving it d no one ever uses it but it's an old meme uh i don't even know i had this what is this why do i have an aya emote don't use it cooking mama what the heck why do i have an i mean it's cute i just don't this these don't get used anymore but they're like classic this is like a classic one i obviously like this guy too i love you cutie cinderella this event sucks but um but it's also a classic um tony's my favorite everyone loves that i really like this guy i like the i like the pixel guys i love the pipo chess ones i don't really like the white knight one simba's the best i love this guy i like the crying guy i think seven emotes are overrated not it's not the drawings bad i just don't like like i think seven emotes are kind of dumb um i like the pride one i really like this guy i like him um all of these are probably c they're very simple but they can probably see because you guys never use them you guys literally never use them i don't think you guys ever use my emotes i never see you use my emotes actually um i like this one personally but you guys don't really use it i like this one you guys use that a lot uh i never see this one used so if i don't see it used i'm going to put it in c but i guess this is a tier 2 one so that's probably why i think yikes get used a lot this one kind of cursed this one cursed dad is kind of a d1 no one uses it smoking you guys use that a lot praise i think the parade is kind of funny dark uh i think it's kind of funny play is never used and raid is good you think you feel good about it no facepalm is not going higher i actually agree with 75 hell yeah we're on the same page made one with cutie's cat ari oh my god all right all right first of all this is my dog he's so cute all right what the [ __ ] okay this is my cat shaved as a as a lion it's pretty cursed um he still shaved his line there he's pretty cursed when he's high he looks so fat here that's pretty cute this one this is not his best angle admittedly he is attacking me in that so i don't think that's his best look in the world um this one's really freaking cute this one he looks really mad so i'll just put him as cute this one he's still a lion kind of so he's cursed this one's super cute that's super snuggly cute that's just like normal cute that's that's cute that's being a cuddle bug cute this is very cute and very cute i love this picture of him this is d because he looks so sad this is his best pick this is just him loving on me this is he looks drunk he's a little cursed there and that he just looks like he's cursing someone pretty good pretty good yep cute all so cute very cute i liked it okay next try popular prehistoric animal to your list jiren why i don't know these animals food i mean this guy looks like a fat ass dolphin he's probably food that's a gross ass snake [ __ ] that anything flying is s here because they just like [ __ ] they just do whatever they want this guy looks like he's got two heads what is this a chicken dino chicken dinos e okay i don't know what half these pictures are it's like tall this is dead dino dead dino is f he's dead this is like megalodon dino i saw that dino i'm giving him d i saw this dying on jurassic park and he scared me he really scared me on the jurassic park ride they're all dead yeah but that one's like dead dead you know this guy is a any of the t-rexes are a long necks are c they're pretty cool uh it seems like there's a lot of long nuts pterodactyl these guys get eaten up so i'm gonna put them as d raptors are definitely b they're crazy raptors i think these are all raptors the water animal what can you do you can't even freaking get out of water you look like an idiot everyone's making fun of you you're another fat dolphin this is a dodo bird okay dodo [Music] raptor what are you your little baby rafters those are scary those will eat you up you get eaten i don't know what you do but i don't i i assume you don't make it man i think you're another raptor you've got spikes that's pretty cool you can go with the long necks you look like a big sloth oh that is a big sloth that's pretty sick you can be ass you look stupid i'll put you here with the other you're a giant iguana that's an e you're a giant porcupine without any porks another raptor another t-rex another t-rex you're missing a head [Music] you kind of look lame these guys always see them they're herbivores and they get eaten in like every movie uh you're missing a head you don't make it very far good one i loved it okay yeti okay wait do we have wait why do we have so many why are there so many i have so many you guys made me so many okay i'm gonna do them all i really will do them all but when you give me sesame street character tier list oh my god jackie looking [ __ ] you are the weirdest cow thing elmo is creepy as hell but he's goated oscar's pretty sick not as annoying big bird can [ __ ] for sure these guys no one wants to be your friend like literally no one even wants to hang out with you you're cursed kermit [ __ ] for sure caterpillar we hate you you're f wait why are there so many elmo's that's not even elmo that's elmo's hot brother oh [ __ ] s this is aussie the bear he's pretty sick this is a this is a garbage rat who like climbed his way out to come hang out no one was hanging out with you to your list uh no one wants to hang out with you guys no one was hanging out with that guy no one was hanging out with this girl oh my god no one else hanging out with that girl these guys are good he's chilling he can be right in the middle cookie monster [ __ ] for sure there's a reason you guys everyone knows cookie monster's name but we don't know this weird guy in a top hat he's a [ __ ] f no one wants to even hang out with him one time this guy i feel like he's fine bert and ernie are like fine detective you're kind of annoying one was hanging out with you actually i feel bad for you so you can go to see i honestly don't know the rest of them there's a little elephant guy he's kind of cool no one knows who you are no one knows who you are no one knows who you are no one knows who i don't know who any of these guys are i don't i don't know half of them i don't know any of these that's how i feel about these guys i have no clue all of you are so mad grover who's grover i don't know these people oh you guys were watching sesame street as a kid i'm sorry i was watching pulp fiction and porn i was a cool kid i don't know what the [ __ ] you guys are doing i'm sorry yeah very cool [ __ ] sesame street [ __ ] princesses oh boy okay oh these aren't bad cinderella is s elsa's s mulan's s dude i'm gonna say this and it's gonna piss some people off rapunzel's annoying as hell i'm sorry rapunzel's super annoying anna i'm giving her d because she's pretty annoying too moana hmm belle is a sleeping beauty is a pocahontas is s actually badass tiana's pretty badass too but i'm going gonna keep her as a snow white's voice is awful so i'm putting her at c i haven't seen this one so i'm putting her f because i haven't seen it i'll see it someday but i haven't seen it so it's like if i i haven't even wanna like you know okay ariel [Music] he's kind of a bee because i feel like ariel could have done some [ __ ] you know ariel didn't do like ariel played it all wrong she played it wrong she's pretty dumb yeah she could have just like done some different stuff she's so hot that's crazy thing to say um jasmine i'm gonna give her a b2 yeah moana i'm only going to wear a c because something about that movie bothers me i don't know what it is about that movie but something just bothers me i think it's the giant crab but maui is annoying i don't know why the crab freaks me out but i don't like that guy chat oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] chat i don't know where you are i just kicked something and now my screen doesn't work [Music] hello what did i get oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it's mohana oh god okay bear with me here oh everything is shifting back into play okay okay okay okay okay wait okay we're back at it we're back at it uh except for this is broken now never mind well that's where i stand with princesses i broke the tearless thing give me a second okay okay all of these next ones are from yeti yeti i'm skipping one of these i'm skipping the ice cream one tony i'm skipping the meat one that just makes me feel yucky and i'll do this one all right why does my animation keep freezing all right for weird do the meat one no it like shows the animals that you eat and it's like which one tastes the best and i want to like put a picture of a cow an s it makes my heart break okay food network tearless chefs i actually know a lot of these uh alton brown is an s he's amazing through and through um okay guy fear there's so many that i don't okay i'm trying to think here i actually don't know who this is so i'm putting d bobby flay is annoying but i'll give him an a i'm giving him an a who is this i can't even see who that is the ones that i don't know who they are i'm just throwing them all in d right now this guy's annoying this guy is a food judge on everything he's so annoying i'm giving him a c he's so annoying that was rachel ray of rachel ray's annoying i'm putting her on d this guy like hosts all the cookie shows he's annoying most hosts are annoying this guy is so annoying chef michael whatever his name is giving him a b this guy is very nice i like this guy even a i don't know who you are i don't know who you are okay she's the best barefoot contessa this guy's annoying as hell this guy's fine this guy hosts a lot and he actually does a good job so i give him a this guy judges a lot he's kind of annoying so i'm gonna give him b i think chef ann is so annoying so i'm gonna put her there i think this these two usually look identical and they're very annoying alex that's chef alex and i don't remember her name they're very annoying this guy's so annoying i'm giving him a d i know who he is he's such a dick all the time i like this guy he can be an a uh i don't really like her paula deen i think she's racist i think so she's d i love giada i'm gonna give her an s her head is so big for her body though uh i actually don't really know the rest oh guy fieri guy fieri listen i'll give him an a i know you guys want me to give him an s but i'm giving him an a oh fine i'll give him a freaking s guy fieri drives me crazy give him an ass i give an s okay u.s states to your list where the [ __ ] is ohio get down there okay i haven't been to most of these states i don't know if there's any s states actually like colorado okay oregon i'm gonna say it's an estate i'm gonna give i'm gonna give idaho an s no one's ever mad at idaho you know oklahoma they have a great musical i'm going to give them a c hawaii obviously is just an a everybody loves hawaii kansas is a great musical i'm going to give it a c maine i've been to maine and it was gorgeous so i'm gonna give it an s um texas i'm gonna give it a b it's like fine new york overcrowded i'm gonna give it a b where's [ __ ] california where is it california i'm giving a d it sucks here i would give it an f but i uh don't want to hang out nobody should have to hang out with ohio um i haven't been to most these places louisiana i actually really liked louisiana when i went there i'll give it a b just because it's a little gross um nevada kind of overrated so i'm giving it a b it only has vegas pretty much nothing else exists there wisconsin is cheese so let's give it an a oh it's really cold though let's give it a b alabama has incest let's go to sea alaska i think is beautiful but cold let's do there high school musical was filmed in uh or i s the high school in high school musical is based in new mexico so let's put it there you can't see ester i'm sorry let me fix that um i've never met anyone i like from mississippi so i'm gonna put it d uh i like minnesota's accent so i'll give it a c no i'll give it a b montana kanye west has a house there guys i don't even know what state this is going to head i have no clue florida is trash monster we're going to put in d missouri you know still nevermind anyone i like there casey's from there so this is arizona arizona sucks arizona's hot as hell vermont i'd like to go there i think it's pretty utah i feel the same way about utah that i feel about colorado it's just really pretty i think this is colorado kanye has a house in wyoming and high school musical was filmed in utah ma'am high school musical was filmed in utah but it's the the high school is said that it is out of new mexico okay the first scene of the high school it says albuquerque new mexico and that's where it's based out of so it doesn't matter where it's filmed because do you think that [ __ ] the wizard of oz was filmed in kansas no ma'am it's not but i still put kansas as c and new mexico is going to go there too and i didn't know that he had a house in wyoming so there you go kanye west montana you got the pass tennessee seems like a nice place new jersey there's no way there's nothing but garbage in new jersey south carolina i'm giving it a c because i want to rhode island is so small i'm sure it's beautiful but it's too small i hate it what is this what place is this hello cha is this a place chicago it's got a great musical we'll put it in c indiana home of the who how hoosiers good movie delaware south dakota i'd go there i've never been there i wouldn't be move north dakota i don't care it's wherever it lives now connecticut that seems like a nice place maryland too much like connecticut we already have connecticut and a so maryland goes in b iowa sounded a whole lot like ohio so just think about that north dakota i didn't move north dakota dumbass north dakota is cold so d i don't know any of these states nebraska i feel like nebraska has some good pancake houses or something i want to go to georgia so i'm going to put it up there what a state is this chat arkansas okay nobody wants to go to arkansas what's what's arkansas's like tourist rate it's like two two people visit there a year and it's because they need to like put their grandma on at home i don't no one's going to arkansas pennsylvania lots of history sounds great michigan i think it's cold as hell right i thought michigan was in chicago where is chicago did i already do chicago illinois yeah where's delaware so small it's going with rhode island where'd rhode island go find you can be because i don't know where rhode island is guys i don't know any of these states you guys all go in d because i don't know what you're so indistinguishable no one knows what you are hello you're just blobs sorry if you live in one of the blob states but i don't i cannot recognize them california's indistinguishable no it's not as massive nice work super mario games to your list okay we have one two we have three more tier lists after this one um dude i can't even see any of these i haven't played half of these i feel like i can't rate them and i'm always going to think the classics are best i'm going to throw mario bros in s i'm going to throw super mario bros and s i'm going to throw super mario and s super mario 3 is sick i literally haven't played any of the other ones oh this one's sick yes that's kind of all i've got i cannot see yeah i can't tell what they are galaxy is a w i've never played any of these i'm actually going to skip this one because i haven't played half of these and i don't recognize them i'm sorry sorry to let you down kids thumbnail to your list maker okay anything with jay schlatt is an s are these all of ludwig's thumbnails oh my god these are ludwig's thumbnails this is an f i [ __ ] hate the thumbnail i look so stupid in that thumbnail this is a good thumbnail with the pop tarts popping on out that's a good thumbnail you can tell his lazy thumbnails this is a lazy thumbnail so i'll give him a c for it dude i don't know how to write these thumbnails this is a good thumbnail that has two million views that's a bad thumbnail i don't want to click on that laugh equal hair dye that's a good thumbnail i think that's at a million views it's small stupid thumbnail that's a stupid thumbnail this the goatee i hate the goatee that's stupid anything with the goatee is automatically there you go anything with a goatee okay lazy thumbnail hello cutie can you give some advice on how to reduce dark circles on face i am afraid it will cover my whole face in future uh i am not a skin person i don't know go to seep i think this makeup one is actually good that's a tier this one i like that one just because nostalgia here's another lazy one this one i remember when he first made this one i thought it was awful so but i have to keep it up there because it's like funny this tinder one it's so weird to see how his his thumbnails have changed these are his old thumbnails these are his new thumbnails i love you cuties these are hard to rate that one's kind of lazy uk bruv here back from work after the night shift guys don't forget to use your primes literally free smh literally free i need water i'll be right back i can't i can't decide i'm struggling this is hard this is hard okay get some primes while i'm gone chat just a few i love you cutie cinderella sorry i got absorbed in conversation and i got some candy you guys didn't get one prime while i was gone oh yeah you did matt thank you for the prime good job chat it was an important prime any prime's an important prime all right i can't rank his thumbnails these are so hard i hate this thumbnail this thumbnail stupid i love you cuties this thing was funny because one time i copied it because i thought it was a good thumbnail person thank you for the prime i think this thumbnail is fun i would click on that i'm not going to click on this this looks like the same as everybody's thumbnail in the world this thumbnails come now this thumbnail is good cause it's like colorful this thumbnail is good because it's like oreos this thumbnail is really good he's really proud of this thumbnail he's actually talked about this thumbnail being proud of it this thumbnail is misogynistic i hate it i hate this thumbnail i look like i just got out of like a a dumpster this thumbnail is fine i think sometimes simple is easy but i'm going to put it in simple or simple good or simple simple um is it true that i missed a french lesson yes still can't see a thing what do you mean you can't see a thing what's going on open your eyes um this thumbnail is kind of bad i feel like it's like so vague this thumbnail i look ugly in so i'm gonna put an f this thumbnail i was like fine this thumbnail [Music] i don't know this one is fine oh i i feel nothing about these thumbnails actually the more i stared i'm like this is fine i just we had a stage of a slap we love a stage slap this thumbnail i hate making a dumb face this thumbnail is like one face that i used in a thumbnail that's been copy and pasted into like everyone's thumbnails because i don't have any pictures online so they just keep using the same picture from the same stream um or from my thumbnails and so this is overexposed and he's not as exposed so that's pretty bad siblings are dating is a fun one a is for a wooga it kind of makes no sense but i guess it's kind of fun i [ __ ] on the first date and me laughing in the background that's a fun one this one's so basic and this is a fun one cool okay bye bird international tier big bird international tearless what is this tony did this one these are just different big birds when i think people hug big bird looks nice and cute would say hi cause they look cool they are not my favorite i would literally cry scared if i saw them in a carnival i mean this is a whole gang i guess i'd cry if a whole gang showed up this guy looks like he's on actual crack cocaine this guy's also on crack cocaine i love normal big bird this guy looks like i would love to give that guy a hug i'd give that guy a hug this guy's not my favorite normal big bird is great this guy seems i don't say i would say hi they're not my favorite and i would say hi this feels good this was like a good one disneyland attraction tier list oh this is a mix this is california adventure and disney wow [Music] this is a tricky one for me some of these rides i don't like because they're scary it also doesn't have pirates i like okay guardians of the galaxy i can't go on the right because it's too scary for me and i'm sad because i like tower of terror better and so i think the guardians of the galaxy like reface of it is stupid and so i'm putting an f i think it's stupid i hated that they changed it from tower to guardians of the galaxy i think it's so dumb jumping jellyfish is actually pog it's always a short line and it's not very scary and it's just cute um the racers is arguably one of the best rides ever soaring over california is also one of the best rides ever goofy sky school is a little frightening um and can give you whiplash so i'm going to put it on d um thunder mountain railroad is an s the peter pan peter pan's flight is actually an s if you've never if you've never tried that ride you should try it it's an s it's actually an s um i can't see some of these storybook storybook uh boats i'm gonna give a b [Music] it's always cute i actually don't like roger rabbit's tune spin or whatever uh i remember a kid died on that at one point gotta love giving my streamer money when i'm broke kid lol you don't have to give me money you're literally not even subbed what are you talking about you don't have to give me any money if you're broke kid what what hello such a weird thing to say cute we can't see s i'm just scrolling back and forth listen sometimes you gotta you gotta deal with it you gotta deal with it because i'm trying to scroll down and see stuff haunted mansion i actually think honda mansion's kind of overrated so i'm gonna put it on c i just don't get the appeal of haunted mansion uh i think it's like kind of meh a kid died on space mountain when did a kid die on space mountain does your vod channel not upload anymore um it should be uploading is it not this is news to me it's unlocked unlocked unlocked has not uploaded in two weeks oh wait what let me send that message right now i might have never replied to the person that's supposed to be doing it uh that's interesting who watches vods anyway well i would be nice if people watch vods huh yeah i don't know what happened uh i don't know i just messaged the person who's supposed to be running it we'll see what happens i don't know what happened well i will know my cat is yelling at me what does uh vaude watching do for you kitty uh i make money off of it okay monsters inc ride i actually think it's kind of meh a goofy sky cluster should be above haunted mansion actually goofy sky coaster is actually fun to ride it's just a bit of a jostle so okay there we go the trolley is stupid no one goes on the trolley this this ride is too scary for me the ferris wheel is too scary for me the things that like drop i think they're so scary so i'm putting on d because it's too scary for me splash round is also too scary for me but i appreciate it for what it is so i'm putting it on c mark twain's bow boring it's an e um the swings are fun and they're just like a nice classic we're gonna throw them on a ariel's ride ariel's ride is nice because the line is always short and it's kind of fun to just get out of the sun and ride ariel's little ride so i'm gonna give it c because it's just always there for you it's always there for you ariel's right um tom sawyer's island i'm giving an f there's nothing over there it's a waste of time um they could put something cool over there but they just haven't um dumbo dumbo's a classic so i'm gonna give it a b i think that's dumbo i can't really tell it's a small world i'm giving it a c because it's annoying but it's also a classic so it has to be a little high these rides they're on uh the pier and they're always closed down because of wind so i'm giving them a d they're not that fun either um what is this sleeping beauty's castle that's just where all the princesses are so i'm just gonna give it an e or abraham lincoln i think it's a fun ride to have but i'm gonna i'm gonna keep it at e because it's pretty boring autotopia is kind of trash and all you do is inhale like go-kart fumes so i'm going to give it a d um mr toad's wild ride i'm giving an e i think it's stupid um and credit culture is too scary for me but i'm giving a c because it's a good one um teacups make you sick giving it a c um alice in wonderland is gorgeous but just kind of you know basic we'll give it a c i think there's a lot of sea rides space mountain is obviously an s everybody loves space mountain it's amazing um this is the junior uh little train ride i'll give it a d nothing special about it jungle cruise is an a we love jungle cruise it's awesome tiki room it's fine way to get out of the sun but not that cool so we're going to put it at d i have guardians of the f just because of the remake monorail there i'm gonna give it an e it's just a monorail uh pirates of the caribbean is s it's the best ride ever indiana jones i'm giving indiana jones an a because it's always broken down that's why i'm not giving an s it's always broken down but it's dumbo ride be yeah cause it's kind of boring right this is a kids ride uh this is the train that goes around the park it's nice because it transports you um so i'll just give it a d it's not too exciting it's just a little fun ride astro blaster quick line kind of fun always give it a c winnie the pooh ride is a nice it's just like ariel where it's just a nice ride you can just hop on whenever the line's always short you can just get on quick yeah so i love you cutie cinderella mozzarella thank you for the 10 months um i can't see some of these oh star tours star tours is fun what makes me motion sick but i'm gonna give it a b because it's always a pretty fun experience okay the yellow submarines actually cause me to be a little claustrophobic so i'm giving them a d they stress me out you like literally load into the yellow submarines and then you're like really tight in there and then they lower you down into the water and you're like oh my god i'm gonna die here it's very stressful i don't like it tarzan's tarzan's uh tree house is dumb i'm giving an f it's like gross you don't even want to go on it the boats are boring i'm going to hope you are well smj thank you for the four months yours was leaking water inside when you went oh that's terrifying matterhorn is an a only not giving an s the lines are always way too long for matterhorn um i can't tell what these are midway mania this one's actually i'm giving an a it always has a really long line but it's really fun it's the toy story one it's really fun everyone has fun playing that game i think this is the roller coaster over in toontown it's simple i'll just give it a d it has a really long line and it's really like short so that's why i give it a d i can't tell what this is these are all the cars rides are kind of meh besides the main one i can't i'm struggling oh the ferris wheel classic give it a c astro rider things expedition everest no that's right there oh oh i can see it now this is a grizzly river run grizzly river one is an ass grizzly river run is amazing i love grizzly river run you got stuck in one of the water ones why how what it's a good ride dude i love grizzly river run but i keep i just write a story the other day about how like a ride similar like this like a bunch of people died on it because it flipped and it it stressed me out but i guess i don't know disney actually checks things compared to other theme parks but still it's very stressful it's very terrifying was that in australia yeah there's one in australia but it just happened in like kansas too or something like that i don't remember pog hey one thank you for the five months kids at six flags oh yeah i was at six flags uh and one in australia yeah rank them on how dangerous that i don't know how dangerous they are i can't tell what this is i think it's just the ferris wheel over in uh california adventure which ferris wheels are just a c and i think this is snow white's ride which the line is always way too long on these rides but they're cute i'll give it a d and i can't tell what this one is pinocchio's daring journey yeah i give that c that's it that's my that's my list i see slime and aidan are having a fun time with theirs what are they doing are they tweeting again are they on the twitter what is that what are they doing with him do you like when amen [ __ ] hold you [Music] oh sad he's so grumpy right now because he doesn't want to eat any of his food he doesn't want any of his food and so he's just yelling for more food yeah you want a job hey do you like do you like when a man [ __ ] holds you [Music] hey you want a job hey do you like poor guy poor kitty mom all right um okay chat should i end or should i play parkitect [Music] uh [Music] [Music] i might just end um actually well i'm not gonna have a stream tomorrow so maybe it's better not to end oh my god slide i just can't decide what i want to do i feel like i've been kind of out of it today real question how do i get a chair like yours i got it from um amazon so just amazon my friend just search like velvet armchair tons of great options mozzarella um you for the five gifted i appreciate that give me a hot second i'm trying to figure out what i want to do yo rollerbear thank you for the for the sub thank you for the hype train chat so i'm feeling indecisive muck adventures um i don't think i can get that group together right now i'm confused i have to look at something okay i'm uh i want to spill some tea but i shouldn't spill some tea i'm not gonna spill some tea i'm just a little confused alright let's play park attack pick your battles yeah um i don't understand what's happening all right whoa this camera it looks crazy let's do um let's do park detect [Music] okay first stream coming from youtube what's going on we're about to play park touch so get cozy chat i think i'm going to throw a hoodie on sorry i've walked away from my computer like 12 times today i cannot sit still today i don't know what's going on library play okay i'll be right back let me get a hoodie i want to throw a hoodie on and i just want to get cozy so another two hour stream uh probably maybe an hour i've gotten really good at it so [Music] [Music] my [Music] do [Music] gotta let the dog out and i need to find a hoodie and get cozy it's hot in here actually i'll let the dog out find the cat [Music] i don't want to put my hair up actually it looks stupid [Music] yeah the mic definitely has some hair on it this cat here regret not buying one of these that's okay because i'll have merch out soon chad i feel like the music is a little quiet i think that's better here we go back to park attack alt tab do okay chat i can't believe i didn't beat this with gold coins i hate that i haven't beat some of them with gold coins park attack time to go to sleep time to go to sleep i kind of do the snowy one no loan debts 450 guests the eccentric owner of this ski slope wants to be prepared for climate change it's rather unusual but if you work the set the steep terrain and ignore the cold this remote location can serve as a site for unique theme park all of your coasters need to stay close to the ground can you use the slopes to your advantage sure the park attack streamer from last night and i guess crashes stream all right let's do this i want to do the snow one oh there's people in here oh hello wait why are there 43 people in this park already where does this go wait that's not good uh hello that's not good wait and i only have 12k oh no this is bad chat i don't have any money to do anything oh my god okay great how much does this ride cost zero dollars great okay okay we've got a lot to think about here i haven't replied to you sorry i've been flooded lately um yes point crow i'm i'm down um i just have no bandwidth to help with it that's my answer uh connell thank you for that um raid hi guys cool car i've been flooded too sorry for not responding earlier no you're fine i think that's just how that's just how it is sometimes what is this tires no bands with no bitcoin true okay oh boy chat we're so poor chad we're too poor for this you can do the cinema at least you enter in the park to the cinema that seems kind of fun okay um motion simulator these always work seem to work really well so i think i'll do like two of these back to back honestly like right next to each other because the lines for these get pretty ridiculous if i do the entrance here and the exit here and then i do another one of these entrance and then exit i think that's pretty good i know dom is invading my stream with his [ __ ] games [Music] um bumper cars and fit right in here i need a bunch of i need hot drinks i need pretzels i need info kiosk right when you enter ideally benny thank you for the hundred bitties you're cool i need to set up that ama we talked about doing toilets i love you cutie cinderella my goose thank you for the sub and cute thank you for the five i appreciate that i think i just run out of i think i just run out of stuff to talk about when i do this game because i get so um i get so focused do um you don't know why the bathroom being closed makes you uncomfortable it's pretty funny [Music] i swear i have snowy don't i have snowy like snowy decorations i swear i did is this a song from the golden girls no make some gambling rant on lsf easy content i've gone on gambling rants my my gambling rants don't get put on lsf sorry to disappoint okay and then we go and let's get a staff training room where's the door nice that looks good maybe next time wait what did point crow say i have these questions guys this sounds lame but i actually bought can i show you guys what i bought [Music] well i don't want to get up but i bought a bunch of board games that are like conversation starter board games so i can like read questions from them wait i want this wood instead of the what i used i think this wood looks more winter is that lame i bought a lot of them oh [ __ ] also for those of you who don't know i've talked about this before but this is cozy time so i can talk about it in more depth um i am starting a show just a little show nothing nothing too crazy um called cocktails with cutie and i just got all the art done for it and um it's going to be an interview show where i send a streamer kind of like a care package of everything they need to make a cocktail and i will teach them how to make that cocktail and then i will like interview them and i'm going to ask pokey to be my first um guest on it but why i'm telling you all this is because taylor is going to be the one who is responsible for sourcing my questions however as you guys know taylor doesn't know a ton about twitch so sh that discord channel in my discord called um taylor talks that's where she will be getting answers from you guys or questions from you guys so she can help um so she can like crowdsource some questions does that make sense the issue is yeah she doesn't know anything about twitch so it's just gonna make it really really difficult um for her to be able to um cutie i did it world record dom i don't even know what game you're trying to get world record in [Music] anyway are we on the same page chat okay once i can afford a roller coaster i will get one it's called jane westlake no one plays jane westlake no one cares you got the world record dom i still want to play park attack with dom but i'm too busy grinding it to have fun on it and i know dom will like ruin my plans i'll get angry i care i said no one ever about anything you've ever done i'm sorry wait this is backwards sorry i'm just being i'm being mean for the sake of being funny wait is this backwards where do they enter if i'm trying to get these people to be as efficient as possible i think they enter at this side yeah okay there we go all right i can't afford actually let me let me throw a depot out here no i can't even afford a depot right now wait that has no path oh [ __ ] okay but i do need some employees [Music] higher mechanics higher [Music] what should it be chat shark robot scarecrow knight or raptor yeah weren't we supposed to play architect on tuesday yeah i guess i forgot what lady [ __ ] are you talking about shark okay i saw more sharks i saw the most sharks there's a shark okay i need some garbages and some benches [Music] just my day that is not just your day don't act like that was your day [Music] [Music] do okay i need garbage cans maddie maddie's trying to get moved up to a question mark is dom done streaming so maddie's here i get it maddie i get it that is wtf just kidding thank you for helping with the charity stream though maddie actually i think like all my mods pitched in besides dom check quick trivia i just haven't been in the most talkative mood lately which is bad as a streamer you can't be a streamer and knock it in talkative moods oh i went on a date today trying to force ludwig to go on dates with me good idea chat all right we have no money let's go how many people are on this zero guest on ride how did this guy get out here he's just sitting on the bench what is he thinking no thoughts okay oh crap these people are stuck in here get out it's employee only where are the people come to my park people where are you of your guests are thirsty bro what is wrong with you or can i get something to eat around here when your guests are hungry dude i just opened what do you mean my guests are hungry i just literally just opened this place they have no fee they shouldn't my guest shouldn't have any feelings i just opened oh [Music] those are both open that is open okay okay here they come in floods i'm on team yellow because i like pee stuff during sex what is going on what the [ __ ] i need to my park price needs to be two dollars what is this it says staff only what is this path what the hell i'm so confused wait where's my stuff going wait is my staff exiting out to get their crates when they need crates i don't get it what i just come into um just some trivia just trivia night guys people love the movie theater i'm making it five dollars and it fits so many people i don't even think this line is long enough because it fits 40 people you got to pay over 10 at your movie theater i think how many people does it fit what do you say doesn't say but if it if okay there it goes let's see oh this guy turned around i'm not paying that much is he the only one everyone else paid it oh okay i'll lower it a little bit okay two people turn around don't start until you're full full 50. that is not full okay who's she talking to when i play park attack i talk to myself okay i become an asmr streamer this ride needs to cost at least a dollar i don't know where the people are going on this ride i don't think they know where they're going but hey it is open that is unfortunate my park sucks i love the movie park it is just mostly movies and one monorail that brings you over to this ride that this guy's gonna be the first one to go on okay i'm losing money i lost 300 so i'm gonna get a loan real quick and get a roller coaster because people love roller coasters and i love loans 2.10 that's pretty good take and take i'm taking both those loans chat you can't stop me i'm all the way up pausing let's build some freaking roller coasters bobsled olympic bobsled look how fun that is okay it doesn't really fit why hello i want this fit somewhere damn it okay olympic bobsled has low intensity but excitement is extreme um wintergreen rush we're gonna make a few bobsled rides because we can [Music] okay maybe not hello it doesn't want to fit park doesn't own this land three tate thank you for the two months those most channel points here i don't know it's not allowed to build this high what do you mean hi what are you talking about i'm barely off the freaking ground okay not this one it's not to build this high what does that mean chat climate change what does that mean look i know i'm confused it's flat on the ground in a little bit not allowed to build this high what does that mean i think it's because it's on top of a mountain what the hell i don't get it do you have to cut the trees down first i don't think so i think it's just mad i think it's literally height alpine coaster has nothing saved in it oh boy oh boy oh boy chat avalanche will you fit not allowed to build this high i don't understand what that means can i do it underground this park does not own [Music] okay it's two people fat i guess so don't want to build my own coaster gosh dang it okay [Music] thrill rides i need a coaster i need coasters this loan is gonna do me no good [Music] besides drain away at my bank account oh but i can build this oh boy that was maybe a mistake that placement is not the best okay great well it's in there so [Music] all right well let's just go with what we have and uh i'm gonna pay that a little more so we can get that research done quicker and um hope for the best i hope more people get on the monorail to get over there looks like there they are looks like more people are coming people love this ride this is gonna be a hard one because i can't have any loans do i have to build my own roller coaster i kind of don't want to do that but i think i might have to oh [ __ ] did she just whistle at that guy why is there so much garbage on the ground i learned that there's i'm banned he just got banned i learned there's a way i can ban people 40 cinema was not worth the money that person said oh [ __ ] i should lower the price then if it's not worth the money that's not good i think it's just slash band no there's a there's a way i can ban i don't remember how there's a way you can see all your visitors visitors guess okay their their immersion is bad thoughts no high-intensity rides i want to go on olympic bombshell i want to go on i think the food is good okay they're mostly happy but apparently there's a way to see i learned last night there's a way to see vandals but i don't know how and you can ban them like i can ban them i don't have to wait for a security guard to ban them holy [ __ ] we got a steady flow now chat okay how come no one's going on the ride oh they are what is what is this [ __ ] over here what's happening this is a mess oh good news people are coming on over here so i just need to get more rides over here no one's on it though why is no one on it oh we got three thousand dollars hell yeah oh we're rich why is no one going on my ride oh my security guard working overtime this [ __ ] is looking poggers thanks simply this is my late night game uh it's when all my viewers go to sleep this is what i do with myself as i play rollercoaster tycoon dude do you guys hear the security guard whistling at people also look wait look at all these garbages chat vandalism wait holy [ __ ] why there's so many vandals people these guys are happy that guy's mad why are you mad i don't know he's mad should be happy simply you're good at games i always vote you over miz and channel points damn okay who is immersion what why is there immersion so bad wait what wait why is there immersion so bad oh it's raining wait what's my decoration score okay they hate it here we've got to admit they hate it here somebody just threw up crazy did that there's a garbage right there you could have thrown up in jello's running movie trivia simply wait what okay my park is falling apart toilet these guys are good they don't need to use the toilet happiness tiredness hunger they're pretty okay this guy's starving though okay no one's coming to the park now thank god how am i supposed to increase their can i build some of these snowmen how am i supposed to increase their immersion chat i don't understand is there more people coming now what it stopped raining oh my god there's two people okay finally people are starting to go on this at least wait what are these guys doing are they stuck i don't understand what's happening over here this guy seems stuck okay i think an ikea would spice up the park a bit you think i should get an ikea i guess that's an idea maybe this is what's earning the immersion let's see because it's so big oh they're actually not mad at that i'm surprised all right let's get a gavitron out here gabatron the entrance that's it open [ __ ] yeah gabatron this game is kind of i kind of just play this game on repeat i'm realizing because i just do the same thing every single time um okay i think i need like go like this and then to get pretzels and hot drinks and i think i need i'm gonna throw a bathroom over here what's wrong with this guy i think i could throw a bathroom in here actually like why not there you go there's a bathroom look he needed it see i knew okay oh stop throwing up what's wrong with you ma'am okay now i need to add this is gonna be quite the fee to add a depot over here oh god chat okay and i'm gonna have to go way down to what what is this at zero oh i think i'm good so what's this at nope ah 12.5 and this is at this is at 12 right now wait okay that's pretty good wait where's that janitor hello why is that janitor cleaning this up hello janitor and then i need employee paths and then i need another employee break room over here too because this side doesn't have a break room oh my god are you okay chat this man just got electrocuted did you see that are you all right ouch are you good he just said ouch okay yeah there's a there's a hole in my sidewalk now what the hell ken robertson was struck by lightning we'll receive notifications on him now we need to watch him he might develop superpowers he's feeling a buzz so weird all right toilets see a lot of people that keep throwing up i wonder if they could throw up in toilets and then a staff room over here would be nice where did all my janitors go that i hired over here because they don't know how to okay they don't okay just making sure like they don't know how to leave right um okay we're thriving okay let's check our park goals chat we're making no money literally everything's in the red which is bad for us where's ken ken left gravitation ken where are you he's fine now he's no longer on fire okay i don't think this i don't think this ride costs enough oh my god all these people just got off the ride and half of them got back on it i'm so confused about that why are you all throwing up holy [ __ ] they all just threw up when they got off that ride uh hello oh my god here are your trash bins please throw up in these in the future instead please what the hell oh my god that was awful okay let's i love you cuties get my janitor kc wow where are you double time double time over here ladies and gents okay let's see if it works let's see hey qt thanks for bringing more awareness to the harassment issues in the articles yeah i hope laws catch up to where they need to be for online sexual harassment thanks i just want to see if my guest will throw up in the garbage can instead of on the floor let's see what happens oh yeah use the garbage cans use the garbage cans anybody okay now this time nobody throws up it's a miracle what the hell i'm confused [Music] what the heck happened am i charging enough for this ride looks too intense for me i don't think i am i think i can charge five dollars am i charging up for this ride no way i can charge at least 350 for this ride okay let's see if any of them throw up when they get off i'm so focused on their throw up i haven't what is happening what these birds doing what the hell is going on with these birds okay throw up in the garbage cans in the garbage cans everybody in the garbage cans oh yeah they threw up in the garbage cans hell yeah oh these two shared garbage cans to throw open that's great the world is healing they're throwing up in garbage cans we love to see it this guy just walked past the bathroom i don't know why because he clearly has to go wait you just came out of the bathroom why do you still have to go hello are you okay maybe he's just hungry okay chat let's check on our guests let's check on our goals okay have at least 450 guests no loan debts oh [ __ ] park rating of 75 it's at 72. all right we're not doing so greatly um well let me tell you what will help that is oh wow it's busy over here we haven't been on this side of the mississippi in a while huh oh wow what is this line are you okay bumper car line is big big i told you guys these lines get big okay you guys are getting charged three dollars now you guys are getting charged three dollars now i know the pretzel prices have got to raise coffee and tea the prices are increasing dramatically pretzels i could charge four dollars a pretzel i'm being honest okay mine train coaster that's perfect okay so i need to pay back a loan um so i can get another loan so i can make a roller coaster who's australia is the war 2 emus i don't think i have enough rides over here where's the monorail what is going on with the monorail where is it oh it just dropped people off that is crazy that people are just riding back and forth these lines are long i'd be kind of mad i would be perturbed oh it doesn't look very good but my park kind of be looking a mess i will admit [Music] okay you can't see any of this great that looks much better people clap my decoration skills are always so bad in this game i think i could charge more for this ride chat there's always a really long line i really think i could charge six dollars they're paying it they're paying it no one's ever in line for this ride in this right i only charge a dollar that's absurd this ride i've gotta i've gotta charge at least three that's the only way to get from one end of the park to the other and the park entrance or the map needs to be two dollars and the park entrance fee needs to be five dollars and this needs to actually be researching thrill rides because they're cheaper excuse cinderella why would you say that i'm nothing like him okay this line needs to be longer people need to be standing in this line there you go and how much does this ride cost three dollars now i can charge at least five here okay we're focusing on paying back loans which one's the bigger this one has higher interest so pay back these loans get one more roller coaster then we're thriving just a matter of time everybody's just got to go on the ride oh my god chad do i need to make a second monorail we're gonna wait in line forever no it seems good everything is so slow oh jesus i don't think we're staying afloat i don't think this is working chat something about this isn't working i can't get guests to the other side of the park fast enough to spend more money i don't have enough rides for them to spend money on have we considered declaring bankruptcy i will never hear that word and not think of the office ever again in my life i declare bankruptcy gummy thank you for the prime is there a crypto in parkitech i don't know but we could use one we're not doing super hot oh [ __ ] i don't have a i don't have a mechanic out here i need a mechanic over here this whole time i haven't had a mechanic over here i don't have a security guard over here either actually i don't have a shark over here either dude i don't know what i'm gonna do we don't have any money okay let's see who's complaining about prices i can't get to the park exit do i start giving them the option to walk do i start giving them the option to walk chat i think i do okay here we go it's gonna be a long walk but if you're mad about not being able to get to the exit here we go and rotate rotate rotate up oh boy i don't have any money all these guests are walking up here oh boy i'm out of money again out of money again these guests are gonna be so tired how close am i oh [ __ ] i'm close oh that's so close i'm so close why is my my shark walking all the way my poor shark [Music] okay this guy's gonna this guy is going to get his head cut off sir okay pause champion you need to get out from under there wait this is only 350 a ride oh my god this has got to be at least six dollars okay i'll make it five dollars okay let's look at this insane path i just made oh my god yeah guys it's an option you can take the monorail or you can do this you can look like my freaking sad sad shark all right well good option i guess a bit absurd admittedly but it does spread out the gas quite a bit dude someone just said the escalator universal yeah true okay how come it feels like there's less people at my guest somehow at my park somehow because they're all in the stairs right now it definitely the downside is it takes away from people riding the monorail i'm gonna need a lot more benches look at that the monorail line is actually getting short wait and people are leaving it because they can walk it oh no i have to lower the price on the monorail now oh no they said it's a really good deal i'm not going to wait any longer yeah okay then they actually like it i will give you guys some benches up here if you get tired so i imagine you will oh my god you're playing parkitect i am so happy one oh i'm happy you're happy i like this game a lot i'm not very good at it but i do like it guys i'm i do you think i'm losing money because of this path because they were all going on the monorail before and now they're not my guest count is dropping actually by so much oh but looks like there's a lot of people coming too or no my gas count is probably dropping because people can finally leave the park they couldn't leave the park beforehand they had literally no way to get out vandalism here here is really bad wait are these all broken wait wait wait wait wait wait hold the freaking phone chat we're on vandal watch okay what happened okay number one give me vandal view wait give me trash view okay where's the tr where are they complaining oh what happened over here oh my god why is there so much trash there's a garbage can right there okay number two give me vandal view [ __ ] oh my god okay give me a second let me pay somebody's loan back real quick [ __ ] why is there so much garbage what happened there's trash cans you can use okay this is a zone that someone needs to stick to do you understand this whole zone this is a zone this is also part of it and i need two of you just to stick to zone one maybe even no two of you feels good chat my my place is a mess i don't understand what happened i also need one of you to stick to zone one gosh dang it oh is it because the garbage can is broken that's why look at all this garbage oh when they break the garbage can does it empty out all the garbage per chance i feel like that garbage can looks fixed okay can you come fix everything over here okay i need all these garbage cans fixed did i switch this back to thrill rides thank god okay we are on vandal watch oh my god look at all these broken oh boy whoa what's this oh oh my god look at our significant decrease in guess now that guests figured out how to get out of the park guys we dropping so many guests i didn't realize we were literally holding them hostage we were nearly at 400 guests now we're at 250 all because they figured out how to get out of the park that's unfortunate do i delete my thing do i delete this okay where's the janitor wait that's new okay i learned that vandals will always wear a face mask or a baseball cap backwards so we're just gonna zoom out and see if we see any oh that's new what oh vandalism okay we're on vandalism wait this is new wait didn't we just fix this one wait i'm confused this these look new is this guy wearing a face mask apparently there's a way to like there's a way to ban them but i don't know how he only has a dollar left um what are the food prices that you can normally put in drinks around five dollars no complaints easy money well i am i'm going out of business i'm not doing well i feel like i was doing better financially when i was forcing them to ride the monorail chat do i delete my path i'm not kidding do you think i do it i think i do because it forced them to use the monorail i had more guests in the park so they were going on rides because they couldn't figure out how to leave i think i delete the path all right we're doing it sorry you guys have to start turning around you're stuck up there now no oh sir you're the problem with america i need a i need to just uh hello no stop falling dammit great dude it keeps triggered oh my god [ __ ] we're bankrupt oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i can't do any research sorry guys if you want to get down you have to go on the freaking okay we're failing we're failing it's been a while since we failed one of these okay people are getting back in line for the monorail because it's their only option we love this for us will your friends ever be sold again yes okay guess count is going back up it seems okay then this guy can be picked up over here sorry guys you have to ride the monorail it's your only option i don't know what to tell you it's your only option to get to and from the park because otherwise you [ __ ] aren't staying in my park and it's not good oh god that guy okay we're not losing anymore guess count is starting to go up because people can't exit we love that for us oh boy like chaos okay great guest count is going up you're getting more money because people are doing the monorail and there we go we are back in action by forcing people to only be able to get to one side of the park with monorail hell yeah now i'm just curious if i could add more carts to the monorail like more trains to it you know i don't have any money so i can't even play around with it actually i'm just gonna slowly repay this as much as possible because it's it's not looking good for us this might be the first one i lose maybe you could do three trains with one car each no i don't think that helps the situation do i still have a janitor and stuff up here i hope so wait why are people not going on this oh i can't afford it oh [ __ ] you need i need a money machine where's my there i haven't unlocked the money machine oof this is a difficult one i'll say it i don't know what i don't know if i can ever financially recover from this you can always burn the park down and collect the insurance money that's a good idea i'm at work on my computer but i love but i can't wait i'm at work i'm i'm at work on my work computer i can't put bt tv on it oh i'm sorry can i play this game on a laptop i bet dude i hate these stupid vandals stop breaking my part all i hear is stuff getting repaired over and over again and i frankly cannot afford it i'm poor what the hell fix all this [ __ ] oh boy what do i do my park was in so much better shape until i built that bridge my only option is to pay back these loans the only way to survive you think i can charge five dollars for drinks and pretzels oh they dropped off 50 grand free fans okay wait wait wait pause you guys will be paying six dollars to enter my park in fact you'll be paying 650 to enter my park the 50 fans of you and for the grand prix ride you will be paying [Music] seven dollars how about that 60 fans come on pay it pay it oh [ __ ] we're rich okay now go to your go to your little ride go to your little ride you weirdos look at them go why uh many of your guests are complaining about vandalism okay uh oh a lot of people are turning around wait i think it's just pretty cool not because it's too expensive i have no clue okay why is this what did i do to this that made it shaped weird fix okay we did it one year with qt in the front yay okay oh [ __ ] okay on the bright side we're back to holding people hostage in our park dude is there just a vandal in here there's gotta be a vandal up here this place is getting [ __ ] on chat do you see the vandal oh it's this loser i'm broke you can't find the park exit you'll be fine okay there's clearly a vandal up here that is just running a ruckus okay wait he just broke this wait is it you jame wilcox wait what guys i can't i really can't figure out who's breaking it i'm just gonna kick him out it might be this kid get on my park is it still am i still getting vandalized up here i think i might have gotten him i think he was just stuck up here because he couldn't find the exit and he was too poor to leave i think that happens if they're too poor to leave they like literally can't leave because i have a pay wall in front of leaving it's kind of funny wait where'd my guy go sir wait did this guy just break this chair vandalizing oh how do i how do i kick him out guys there's a way to ban these people i don't know how oh man i did it okay a lot of people are complaining about not being able to find the exit and what i really need is just those cash machines [ __ ] chat i don't think i'm gonna beat this just look where am i losing the most money wages is 500 loan fees is 300 ride maintenance i'm up on ride maintenance what is this construction construction these are all my repairs whoa what the [ __ ] are you doing i just saw you man why are there so many vandals i'm broke everyone's broke i really need a cash machine get out of my park you annoying ass you got banned don't go back in okay i need to turn this into shops because i really need i really need a cash shop because people can't afford to go back down i think that's what's causing people to vandal are they vandal because they're mad i know this actually might be the first time i lose this level because look i'm not even close all non optional goals by december year two i'm in i'm in may year two i played it all wrong okay can i recover maybe let me think about this i think i might be able to recover make monorail free no because then people can leave and then i won't hit the thing i am just kind of i think i might sell this this was my most expensive ride and people don't even like people aren't like pumped on it i think i might i might just i might just close this bad boy down wait what that's all it cost [ __ ] that was probably a mistake [ __ ] oh that was definitely a mistake that's all it got i thought that cost me eight thousand dollars oh boy oh boy all right guys just turn around go to the path oh boy oh boy what is this guy doing okay this i failed chat i'm not winning this i'm not gonna beat it in time i've actually failed i don't even have enough money i choked too i shouldn't have sold that ride i didn't realize how much money i'd get for i wish i would tell you before you just [ __ ] pull the trigger on it oh boy well yeah i think i might ff i don't think i'm beating it god damn it try adding some hot tubs huh dude and these freaking vandals won't stop can i increase the speed on this at least nothing to make it go faster wow see i didn't look at remaining value that's why i really messed up on that ride i shouldn't have sold it i'm so silly please stop the vandals dude i don't know where they are but they're just on repeat breaking everything so this guy's he just about did you just break something i think when guests get mad they break [ __ ] i can't get to the park exit i'm broke yeah these guys they can't get to the exit and so they start breaking [ __ ] it's literally what's happening okay holding them hostage was a bad idea because they just get mad and they break [ __ ] oh boy oh oh boy i changed my mind i'm gonna add the path back i add the path back they're miserable i just lose actually i'm just ff i'm ffing i'm fffing and knowing that i'm gonna have to play this again because i messed it up so bad don't let them win i already lost have no money i can't do [ __ ] chat why don't they like being hostage i don't know they break stuff and it's annoying they get grumpy and they throw up i don't understand i should have burnt it down when i had the chance [Music] i wish there was an undo there's no good undo in this game actually wait oh it's saved after oh wait wait do i think i can recover it from here from november year one what did i have can i recover it do you think chat it was right after i built the path and they're all starting to leave this was a bad time for me they all start leaving here but now we know to keep it at least we know oh [ __ ] can't get rid of the path it's actually essential wait why is there no sidewalk right here i think there is i think it's just broken um okay well they just start leaving in massive [ __ ] because they finally figured out how to get out of the park oh boy i don't know if these are already at five dollars are these at five dollars yet no they're not good those are five dollars these at five dollars each the bathrooms need to charge at least 20 cents oh boy there's a chance there's a chance i could just pay these loans oh boy oh back in the red okay so if we really break down our numbers though supply we're doing fine there drive mission ride maintenance we're doing fine there building maintenance what's building maintenance what does that mean how can we save money on that buildings hang this back literally as soon as i can it's for maintaining your buildings yeah but what buildings like the bathrooms i'm still doing okay it's for maintaining the bathrooms okay well i just put a charge on the bathroom so maybe that'll help and i forgot this place is way too cheap this should not be three oh this one five dollars a ride i can't afford to go on it i need a cash machine dude i think i just got unlucky last time because look i'm still in the 400s so i don't know what happened last time i think i just like suddenly got unlucky because i have the thing open and i'm still in the 400s oh is it rain is that what does it to us people shrug nobody knows maybe guess we're leaving because it was so gross because all the vandals oh boy a group of vandals are roaming the park oh [ __ ] here we go again okay number one i need a janitor to get that garbage please and we're in bankruptcy great okay fabulous right wait i thought i saw a gynae mask you banned goodbye you got banned okay view vandalism all right it's good over here somebody just did that oh [ __ ] i think i banned an innocent man holy [ __ ] oh get out you're banned okay okay did i get them all there's no way that was a group of vandals okay i'm gonna stop paying for this because i have rides now oh [ __ ] i saw that [ __ ] hey loser i saw that yeah get out i and your guests are complaining about vandalism oh who did that chad who did that i think it was this guy this guy interesting casey tron is live guys you can't see this message are you saying i can't see the message awkward okay well more vandals here i'm confused oh [ __ ] get out i saw that i'm on a banning spree getting all these losers i think this guy just did some damage i can't tell jo i'm not gonna win this one i don't know what to say remove all the trash some of this drop stuff claudia oh [ __ ] somebody else just got struck by lightning these kids keep getting struck by lightning that could just do this oh that's new we just how are we missing these okay stare chat tell me if you see a new red thing okay now oh oh oh oh this guy oh band all right keep your eyes peeled there's so many of them i know okay did we get all the ones from down here [ __ ] we just fixed all these gosh dang it this jerk go away oh my god is that you you louise wait what was that wait are you great i banned you what are you doing get out stop breaking stuff on your way out you little [ __ ] you're banned right i think if they are wearing a mask you're supposed to ban them okay are we good up there oh my god it's never ending please please all right i i can't be chasing down these vandals right now what are you at can i increase your price to seven dollars or something if people pay seven dollars i need the money yay what how am i going to negative well this ride is loading oh my god i've totally lost this game i shouldn't have even tried to get people up here that was a silly mistake i should have kept them all down low look bottom right what are you trying to tell me is bottom right this yeah that means nothing all the vandals have left the park that's exciting but i'm pretty sure i lost this one yay no more vandals now if i could disappear i make so much money every single time this ride loads oh boy okay instead of paying the loan back this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna not pay the loan back i'm gonna save up money for enterprise that's all i need i just need 1800 easy peas right yes just get coffees please but i keep going in the negative i'm never gonna get there i just heard someone break a garbage can okay i just need 1800 all i need just be caring to you and your visitors and all will be well it's really simple it is not that simple i need money every time i get in the positive i go back to the negative for all these broken oh just some of them god damn it okay we're at positive money okay this ride unloads this ride reloads we make a ton of money love that [Music] okay we're at 600 not even halfway there oh my god okay i'm gonna sell this i only need one staff break room we got 200 for it great oh chad i can't beat it i lose i just need a thousand more dollars please how's gucci thank you for the 14. a group of vandals is roaming the park why this again [Music] okay here i have 1 000 more security guards oh god let's get people out can't deal with these okay i just need 500 more dollars 500 more dollars than a new ride come on big money oh this guy's a vandal come on just a few hundred more dollars if i've been waiting on this last 500 for like four years oh you're such a [ __ ] i see you oh [ __ ] wait i'm trying to dude [ __ ] you ice pause don't let him lose don't don't let him out of my sight you're a [ __ ] look at all this [ __ ] you just did ew you annoying ass oh my god jesus christ that guy just destroyed the what are you doing you useless son of a [ __ ] great job i already got him oh my god where's my walk down this freaking aisle okay wait did you just walk by and destroy that as it got fixed get out jesus christ please just build a path for my new ride justin thank you for the sub this isn't the right freaking oh my god okay i'm just banning anyone with a mask and i don't feel bad about it band yeah fan okay okay the new ride is open go go go go go please see every single time you start you get a new ride you get like an influx of like 50 yes it's great but i'm also still so poor i made a mistake by researching posters i should just have thrill rides that was my mistake new road looking kind of scary though they love this ride where's my janitors sleeping path too tired to work okay this guy's way too tired to work guess entertains 669 cents here you go it saves him so much time i'm a good boss see look at this increase we love a new ride 200 repay there's no shot i'm not beating this who eats beans with jello i don't think anyone eats beans with jello wait you ate pizza jello gross yeah i lost i know exactly where i messed up so at least there's that i know i can go to 550 on this man that makes me so mad yes hmm all right chad i'm gonna ff this one because look this is why i'm gonna ff i have to hit 450 guests and no loan debts by december year two it's currently september year two there's no shop because i have literally 12k own money more than 12k oh like 20k i went over my head with the card sharks it was 16k 17k copy is still shot no way it's september september october november december four months to pay back 11k it's not happening it's simply not happening your park will see a decrease of visitors see oh jesus christ i need at least one more ride to get visitors interested okay i can bump this up to six [Music] oh yeah i just have to make money now and then buy one more ride and then that's my only praise that's why we pray you gotta take new loans and pay old ones this is business advice i can't take any more loans they only let you take uh two i just simply don't have enough i should have gone to thrill rides not um not roller coasters because i can't afford roller coasters anyway so i messed up i got tempted by the roller coasters the freaking roller coasters chat they trick you every time oh now the rain not like this she will read it what um what i went back and watched about those keys made me talk what i'm putting the vandals for the left no i know where i messed up wait not that scroll up i'm not scrolling up my mouse is right here dom retype it top of detail why are you bragging about being top of detail you should be brandi cutie do you want me to copy and paste all the mods in your channel there's no way you gotta miss i missed it wow why did i just get so many sucks holy [ __ ] ronnie thank you for the news sub teddy thank you for the eight months and blair bear thank you for the four hello what dom i found so many mods when i was doing that list you should see them all i know i have a lot of mods okay i'm going to paste them here go oh god here we go yeah i have a lot of mods i could probably unmod half those people okay my only praise is getting enough money for top scan which is 22k throwing it in here and then everyone shows up to go on it i don't think yeah i lost it's already december year two i lost this is the first time i lost dope what are you even saying to people it's a nice message that's sexual harassment this is the damn vandals i'm sure of it damn dude i also i need to stop playing architect on stream is this awful stream chat i don't even talk to you guys i just focus on park attack and then i lose and three what dom these streets are your favorite i think they're literally only your favorite point bro because i [ __ ] lost the video game god damn it i lost cozy i just feel bad cause i'm a bad streamer streamer's supposed to be entertaining i just play a video game well i lost chat how do you feel how do you feel now how do you feel now that i'm your streamer is a loser sag loser of twitch hungry oh okay all right blood ended came here to be cozy oh i'm just about to end so get [ __ ] um so are we even playing fields then both losers true okay i will probably not be streaming tomorrow or friday i know i've kind of been slacking lately i haven't put the freaking hours in um because i'm going to disneyland with my family my family is in town so i'm going to disneyland if any of you are going to disneyland let me know if you have to be going to disneyland give me a shout out um but yes i'll be going to disneyland for the next two days um and uh thursday though um yo when is the moment you said he became a big streamer i don't consider myself a big streamer i don't think i'll consider myself a big streamer unless i like ever am like pokeman status um so yeah friday or the saturday i have freaking dom's league 1v1 thing that's pissing me off i have that on saturday and we could do a bake along i think we could do um blueberry muffins if you guys want so i will post the recipe soon i'm just sad because i can't find my but my good blueberry muffin recipe i don't know what happened to it so that's kind of sad but whatever sunday will be dinner and a movie but this week it'll be on will's stream it won't be on my stream it'll be on will stream um i need some other ideas of stuff to do on saturday because when i take two days off i feel bad for taking that much time off and i feel like my content's kind of been [ __ ] lately so yeah i don't know keep me updated i'm having a hard time with the stuff because i'm trying to do react stuff because i know it's good for views but i also kind of hate it but i also like it's fine but i also don't know what i'm doing um i just don't know what i'm doing so sometimes i go through this phase i go through this phase every few months where all of a sudden i like forget how to be a streamer and um that's where i'm at so [Music] just follow your heart oh thank you lady biage it's relatable yeah so i have no clue what i'm doing currently uh i have no good ideas and all the content i'm producing is garbage doo doo doo doo but i still appreciate you guys for hanging out that's very very cool uh i'm gonna have taylor make a google form for you guys to submit your rooms um your heart pumps to your lungs first what the [ __ ] are you saying dom sometimes i just want to throw something at you dahmer is like that line from step brothers it's like you just have you just have a face that i want to punch that's dumb um uh i still want to play um uh architect with dom the tier lists were a hot fire what do you mean you guys like that have you ever played housewives i played house slipper once at two in the morning like two years ago and no one liked it i'll make a painting tutorial but blindfolded i actually don't like doing painted painting streams i have to be like in a very specific mood and have a very specific vision to do a painting stream like i i i have to do i don't remember how many watercolors i have to do for the charity thing it's like 80 and i'm like [ __ ] i don't know what i'm gonna do um but yeah can i just do them no no i'd feel bad i feel bad finish which takes two actually that's a good one we do need to finish it takes two i love you cutie cinderella fish thank you for the three months silly champ silly champ silly champ i'm tired of gambling drama well good news is my gambling streams start tomorrow i am going to be gambling they are giving me a million a month i'm going to be rich it's not happening all right chad i need to end i'll talk to you later you know i actually need to get better at raiding i never raid people because i feel like i i get this weird social anxiety when it comes to rating people but i need to start rating people i just feel like i'm bothering people which is like so [ __ ] weird i don't know why i get like that [Music] um go [Music] i'm not sneaky like blade vortex that didn't get any of that essence during a contagion didn't get any of that um but for anything that was like relatively underused i don't want to ride sneaky i changed my mind as soon as i said it like oh let's go to retro he is outside and he has blue hair alright i'll see you guys later bye bye bye
[Music] hi Doug I just finished my senior year of high school can I get apart also hi Doug I just finished my senior year of high school can I get a poggies in the chat don't tell Chad to spam stuff but yes this time wait why didn't you say Tarzan what's the his app my homie what are we hustling today's a short stream why didn't yours get read out loud I'm confused [Applause] Doug we become the main character if we beat you since Napoleon is you that is another two-win switch his app my homie hustling today what the hell douglas douglas hello how are you I am okay uh I'm gonna turn off Texas speech in a sec by okay I mean extremely tired and slept horribly so today is a short stream I wanted to show up and do a bit of streaming do this idea but this is a one hour Adventure in and out okay [Music] Mr Gundam Tanaka thank you so much man I appreciate it thank you this is my first time live hello welcome it's not a nine hour stream this is legit look this can't be more than like a 30 minute stream at least the core Game Challenge because we're playing Super Mario World which I can beat in like 15 minutes it's literally you versus me and Super Mario World it's like a 15 minute Adventure in and out and we're done I have like a lot of [ __ ] to do as well or that I could do so I can get caught up on stuff gotta review YouTube videos do a contract perhaps some sponsor stuff there's a stream idea that I'm excited about but I need to do more testing on it I'll tell you about it on stream that'll add a couple minutes still gonna be a like a 45 minute Adventure today in and out today's efficient okay everybody we're gonna be efficient with our stream today [Music] the stream is gonna last so long okay there don't seem to be a lot of text-to-speech as long as there isn't a lot of text speech we're good I'll leave it on signing million dollar contracts no not quite hey according to those dumb websites I do have like eight million dollars I saw a sandwich tweet about it and I copped it and oh my God one of my fav games of all time it's a procedurally generated detective game uh I've not I haven't heard of it I will add it to the very long list of games I want to play and not have time for it [Music] all right flood the TTS no I mean I'll just mute it if we need it I just don't want the DTs to be like you know 30 minutes behind it's boring especially if the stream is like literally not in fact I'm just gonna Jesus Take the Wheel just gonna say it now all right TTS could you keep it down I'm trying to play Lego Harry Potter years one to four by myself okay I'm turning text speech off the stream is not long enough for it to be like two hours behind thank you plus that should just be consistent and always do this what games do you recommend on Nintendo switch Mario Odyssey Mario Maker breath of the wild tears of the kingdom are the easy ones there's like lots of great other indie games and stuff like Celeste is wonderful I've heard Hollow Knight is good would you consider packing a version of AI Invasion and format for people to play at home uh I don't know how I would do that given that it's entirely digital also I feel like anybody can do it it's just like a map right thank you for the birthday straight okay listen to Barry's music thank you see green mask yeah Barry does make great music anyway quick stream 10 minute Adventure in and out damn you got muted twice tarot I don't know what happened to you I don't know why you're just getting it's just like discriminating against you for some weird reason anyway today I gotta uh we gotta discuss a couple things I'm gonna show off my code that I wrote yesterday because I'm proud of it and then we're gonna play Super Mario World but it's you guys playing one game and me playing Another We're gonna see if you can beat one level before I bite the entire game it's a two-year subscription oh boy fancy code I'm proud of my code okay I've been enjoying coding a lot so you're gonna look at it and you're gonna like it okay and I expect everybody to say poggies in the chat when I show it okay uh not yet no no you're already pugging nothing's happening yet this is there's nothing here too early too early on the pogies Hello Parker Park sir can I tell them how much money you made Off streaming is that cool [Music] or is that an invasion of your privacy is that doxing you [Music] uh okay I think Parts already left I'm excited for this sub-a-thon I don't think you quite understand what's going on we need today needs to be short I got a lot of [ __ ] to do I'm tired they said yes no he didn't because he's not in the channel I have chat Arena which shows mods so that I can actually see mods messages instead of them needing to spam endlessly at me and he did not say anything oh from the three streams that weren't really streams sure oh he literally did right here um parks are made from streaming Peggle 200 thousand dollars [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't actually remember how much it was was that right that is incorrect what the [ __ ] sorry what was it two thousand dollars okay only two thousand dollars two thousand dollars that he made from streaming Peggle he's a full-time uh streamer maybe this will convince him to quit his real job as a lawyer and start streaming full-time [Music] okay that was the first announcement Parks remain money [Music] I made 270 000. wow that's cash in the trash thank you so much for the two years I appreciate it [Music] congrats Parker you can stop shooting people for money now yeah Berkshire it would be great if you could eventually you know stop holding people at gunpoint for money for 270 dollars oh we thank you for the uh 12 Kiran thank you for the 300 marks or bucks anyway um all right cool that is announcement one parks are made money announcement number two there are mod applications on the Discord Channel if you want to do I think it's just for Discord mods I forget I don't remember is that correct mods it's just Discord modding right and there's applications yeah yeah is that correct am I correct oh God too long correct it's just Discord all right cool um if you're interested in helping uh modern wacky wonderful Discord Community there are applications available uh or or open now if you join the Discord there is a channel for the apps I believe or it's in also in the announcements channel oh it's right here bam forms you can click that if you're interested in applying and helping out uh the weird wacky wonderful community of Doug Doug thank you Pew TV I don't know why your message got right out loud but what can you do anyway cool I'm not in the Discord would that be a requirement to be a Discord mod I'm not going to discriminate against whether or not you have Discord the mods might I'm gonna be honest uh this is a Community decision I'm not gonna like personally go in and um you know approve and and study your background I know you get this a lot but life has been rough lately and your streams are always a reason to laugh and smile I was just arrested for the murder of 12 sock puppets and indecent exposure okay it's been tough thanks for your content yeah good to know these are the things that make it all feel worth it just to know I made some poor criminal's life a little bit better um okay other things I need to check all right so Gabby Akbar I think it's 12 months appreciate it I don't know why I tell stream Labs that I don't want Texas beach and then it'll decide you know what I want to say this message out loud at you for some reason it just um it just kind of decides what it wants to do rather than doing what I want it to do which is cool you know it's like more of more like owning a cat rather than a program that I pay for okay I need to check that my Diablo 4 code actually works um tomorrow we're gonna do Diablo 4 but twitch chat plays and we're gonna see if me and Parker can survive in a hardcore character so um let me just I just want to make sure my code Works before rather than like loading up the game and then um and then it just doesn't work at all that would be stupid so let me this is testing it so basically with Diablo I I set it up so that you guys can click around the screen and that's not something I've normally done HP mannon thank you for the 12 months appreciate it Diablo the coder hold on I'm logging in that's just click Maps no no click Maps uh click Maps is where you guys like click the screen and it shows a heat map this is you actually can click around my screen and I'm actually realizing I don't know how I will turn the code off if you guys are clicking and we'll figure it out hello Diablo let's go to kill the shed I must wait actually no we'll do it out here so you guys can use moves okay um so this is We're not gonna play Diablo today this will be tomorrow um Parker and I are gonna play hardcore characters which actually means death equals delete and um and we'll see if we can survive playing together so let us um test where the hell did I write this code oh I know hold on I got it close folder Diablo Clicker trap plays chat swap okay it should now if I run this activating twitch Channel I know Ultra microscope activating twitch chat please okay cool I know you guys are oh okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no no stop stop okay so here's what's gonna happen um the commands you guys have are it's a little different than normal so so the ones you you have that are are what we normally do which are Q to press the Q button which is healing one two three or four will press the different moves that you have on the hot bar right for anybody who hasn't played Diallo um you also have space bar if you want to do like a dash cool I did not give you Town portal sorry I've never played Diablo it's it's pretty [ __ ] good dude um by the way as a reminder the Texas speech no I'm sure I mean do you want it okay sure Wait Parker do you want the they'll I thought you didn't want do it with one of your hardcore characters foreign that way TTS won't be able to talk thank you for absolutely in no way terroristan I genuinely I told it I don't want it to talk and it's still talking the code is not on yet hold on Parker invited me to a party and just warped me out of town this is not helpful Hello Parker well done you look just like how I remember you okay I need to get out of town so you guys can actually use moves this is not a nine hour stream this is a one hour stream it has to be short I have other stuff I got to do um I just need to make sure this works for tomorrow's stream uh let's go this way okay we'll go this way we will not go this way never mind okay so the way the way this works is you have the buttons that you can press here you can also click around it's not click bait it you can click around the stream or on the screen by typing either click random which will pick a random spot on the screen and click there or you can do click and then two numbers so you give an x coordinate and a y coordinate um it's uh basically the way I set this up to be a little bit easier to like say if the code is not live yet Slayer think of the 12 months [Music] uh this is a 1080p screen I could have done x uh like click and then the actual pixel that you want to click on like a 10 a 1920x1080 grid but instead I'm making it simpler you just pick your x and y coordinate is a one to a 100 so if you want to click directly in the middle you would type click and then 50 and then 50. so click space 50 space 50 and that would do directly in the center if you want to do very top left let's click 0 0 and this very bottom right is Click zero or as click 100 100 so it's normalized to like a zero to one hundred so click and then your x coordinate and then your y coordinate on a 0 to 100 scale or you can do click random it'll click random so the way this game works for people haven't played is you you let go and you just kill a bunch of [ __ ] which I can't show you because parxer is running around killing everything thank you Parker so you click on a guy and then you whack him and then you have different moves and stuff that you can do like boom to Rip's mask um if you right click that's like a different spell in my case it's the Whirlwind spell so that's the basic thing like the the core gameplay is you're clicking around but then you're also using your spells to attack guys and you just have to survive wait perks let's do the event together with chat we'll see I want to see if this works so uh that's how it all works any questions you can so again you can do click random and let me just boost this up you can do click random which will click randomly on the screen or you can try to click on a specific spot basically on a 100 by 100 grid and then you can also do R click to do right click instead or R click with the two numbers to do right clicking how do we activate abilities what I just said in the trash marvelous Billy thank you for two years so clicking on a guy will go Whack Him and uh you can also press Q one two three four um or space or screenshot as a one in ten chance of taking a screenshot if you want the abilities are death but it'll change tomorrow so it doesn't really matter but one is to death blow on a guy number two is double swing three as you pound the ground like this and four makes you do a funny jump but that has a 13 second cooldown okay um let me boot this up and then we will see what happens oh God okay so radiant taking a screenshot Okay cool so you guys are now screenshot playing taking a screenshot it seems like it's working [Music] um thank you for the 12 months taking a screenshot okay so let's so the way we'll do this is it'll alternate between the screen it'll alternate between me playing oh [ __ ] get out of my inventory you can technically click anywhere so you can like open up different things um the way this will work tomorrow will alternate where Parker and I are both streaming and it randomly every 60 to 120 seconds you guys take over shut up you take over for 20 seconds um okay let's go for the event everybody click on the like click over here click like top left and bottom right so click zero zero to move us up left we can actually get you the screen fight an event there's the event already gone I think it's gone taking a screenshot okay now now bottom left now we go uh so this would be tax coordinate is zero and the y coordinate is a hundred yeah now click down here oh there's still the event all right see on the map at the top oh you open the map taking the screenshot okay you're gonna have to click at the top right now to close the map taking a screenshot I think a lot of screenshots um taking a screenshot taking a screenshot okay you want the right direction screenshot okay there's a orange circle on the map at the top okay how do I turn that out there's an orange circle on the map at the top left we're trying to move towards that so click down here it'd be click and then zero and then a hundred that is the wrong direction thank you oh okay you guys do really like that jump Parcher is pleading for you guys to screenshot be the right okay we're going let me play pump up music cool you're almost there keep going down now left all right now up left now up left or up I guess so you'd want to do like click what like maybe 50 zero click 50 zero that should click directly upwards I'm just curious if we can like survive a single fight okay here's here we go uh this is a very big scary enemy let's go kill him ready go you have to okay you're going too far you're leaving you have to go down move down a little bit you left Park sir by himself I think Parker died or no his health just keeps dropping okay parser's giving you guys let's let's uh taking a screenshot okay kill that guy nice you did get a guy and you killed that guy okay this has gone great so now okay there's that's a big demon taking a screen over there you gotta kill the big demon taking a screenshot okay most people are still just taking pictures uh now if you click random see if you can just like click around and kill the screen as long as you click on a guy you'll attack him taking a screenshot okay right now I can see on the right side there's a quest to survive the Ambush for 30 seconds taking a screenshot okay I mean parts are ripping right now okay open the map [Music] this is going great all right he just jumped into the woods the code definitely works taking a screenshot and the screenshots really work great okay once this event is done taking the screenshot did you actually beat the event it says three seconds until it's over taking a screenshot taking this later Amanda you just have to kill the remaining guys and you've survived making the screen shot taking a screenshot okay I gotta turn that on okay go check kill somebody taking the screenshot taking a screenshot any minute now taking a screenshot Caravan Under Siege event complete taking a screen you guys degrade taking a screenshot taking a screenshot we are ready for hardcore yeah I'm not exactly certain about that okay so that's that's it taking a screenshot I have a question how am I going to close this program taking a screenshot taking a screenshot to be clear what's going on I have a I have a python script running in the background that lets you guys click on the screen if I'm alt tab to try to close it you click out of it okay hold on taking a screenshot okay give me your best click randoms I'm gonna try to close the window give me your best click random shot we're gonna see can you stop me from closing my own program ready set taking a screenshot go taking a screen wait I can't even remotely this is impossible [Music] wait I have to alt Tab and then one of you has to randomly click oh there oh wait wait was that it oh [ __ ] wait I just realized if I altab you could like open different programs taking a screenshot this is actually really bad taking a screenshot I can't do [ __ ] I just don't have control of the computer when you're dropping on my items no no stop that stop stop stop stop stop stop okay I have to oh no no you're in my code stop stop stop stop stop stop got it got it got it okay you did um great job I like your addition to the code right here if message equals one two uh great job Chad um your code is beautiful okay cool well that works so the question will be can oh you put an emote only mode you cheated all right cool all right I was wondering why it got so easy there wasn't anybody I looked over and I saw a bunch of emotes I assumed it was emote only anyway rigged but fair uh BB Quinn thank you for the 12 months man what parkser wants to trade you took off my helmet I needed that here I will give you two dollars cool anyway Diablo for a sec well we'll play more tomorrow so the question will be can um can Parker and I keep our hardcore characters alive if you guys are randomly taking over control honestly you did better than I expected that wasn't actually as detrimental to the gameplay as I was expecting so this will be interesting to see I think we might just actually be able to play Diablo together all three of us and then we'll if anybody dies we'll vote on who's most at fault and it'll probably be twitch chat all right cool that is Diablo 4. we will do more of that tomorrow you should have pressed the power button I mean you could have um if you can make a simple overlay of the graph coordinates it would help a ton uh I feel like you can figure it out it doesn't really matter how accurate you are because it's twitch chat plays I mean it's just it's an it's a it's a one to 100 coordinate where X is the first number and Y is the second overlay is a good idea do you really need an overlay it's a hundred I mean I guess I could make like one that I just occasionally pop up so you get a sense of where they are I'll think about it I highly recommend adding a keyboard Library using the keyboard library to add a kill switch command that halts the code indefinitely but XIV it's a lot funnier if I don't did you consider that it is really funny if I if twitch chat literally has control of my mouse and then I potentially just am [ __ ] like that is very funny so that's my counteroffer anyways all right cool so that's the album that'll happen tomorrow um I don't want to save my changes whatever you guys did I do not want to save these all right cool that's um that's that thing and now I'm ready for Mario maker I mean Super Mario World I could show the thing I made yesterday although I kind of want to keep it a surprise actually basically I just made a shuffler for Dolphin which I'm excited about Actually I don't even have my no I'll I'll save it I'll save it but basically uh I made it I made a shower I'll show you the code whichever I know everybody's really excited about wow [Music] wow chat gbd helped me with the multi-threading and now it's kind of a mess but that's okay oh yeah sorry pogies right I did a good job um I am actually proud of it I think it's it's really it's really cool the actual end products really cool uh what else we gotta do um all right let's play Super Mario World how long has it been 26 minutes this actually could be a one hour Adventure in and out today like where it's just like not an aggressively long stream and I go to other things look at all that sexy code look at it look at all that but anyway I have basically I have the um the tech of this setup and now I need to figure out what I want to do for the stream itself that's like the two parts of a stream right it's like how does it technically work and now the question is what what is a fun challenge for it so I gotta figure out that part that's what I'm gonna do today a little bit also not one person has commented on my banana shirt not cool have you ever thought about doing crowd control I just honest honestly like make my own you know I feel like I can just make my own crowd control essentially and like have twitch chat do stuff rather than needing to use money I'm sure I will try it at some point but I just generally am more interested in making a custom thing like with this I did not need to make this shuffler I could have just like had somebody else do it but it was really fun it was like fun putting this together anyway um all right let me close this let's do Twitch Plays all right I will unpause or unmute Texas speech because we're getting into actual Mario so the core challenge of today something I want to do for a little bit is can you guys beat one level of Super Mario World before I beat the entire game so let me double check or double test um sorry Doom soul I didn't have it enabled quite yet uh let me make sure the code Works text-to-speech is now back on oh I can show you the screenshots you guys took if you want that'd be hype congratulations parks are on your 200 million dollar streaming went full this message isn't late I just held on to it until TTS was on okay fair enough um Super Mario World [Music] foreign so now I'm questioning my gender identity transgender applied non-binary cried what isn't it what do you mean like a chicken egg oh hello Douglas can we get a deal maybe you are actually egg-shaped I don't know [Music] um I was thinking about it I don't think so I'm probably not doing that uh my disappointment is immeasurable in my days ruined [Music] egg is a term for those who haven't come out oh I don't know I thought they were saying you like are very ovular and I was like that's strange still asks for the four numbers of your Discord ID will it be affected by the recent username update Discord had I don't know the mods it has an idea of that I assume just don't include it can you help me thanks transgender Pride I just I want to eat egg yeah it seems like half the chat's focused on having like an omelette chat codes randomly selected chatter gets one line of code and we have to make something that actually runs by the end okay it's kind of related to that but slightly different is that tomorrow before the Diablo stream we're gonna do twitch chat plays obs meaning I will just give you uh control of my of all of the scenes all of the sources in my OBS scene and then see what happens I don't think it'll go well I I need to like fill it out tomorrow's stream's gonna be sponsored um I'm excited for it I think it'll be fun I would do it anyways but it is sponsored and I I have to fill an hour before before uh the sponsor like gameplay starts so I was like this sounds it sounds like we can do that for an hour it's not gonna end the career it'll be fine but that is like I don't know I don't know if that's an hour or like five minutes and then it'll just be really awkward if we do this for like five minutes and then we're just like all right this sucks and they're just sitting there for like 55 minutes um but I think what I think what I want to do is allow you guys to change the visibility and size and scale and rotation and crop of all of the elements in my OBS scene and then we'll see if I can complete a Mario Maker level like obviously trying to play Mario Maker but you guys can just move everything around the screen I think it's a great idea oh no it minimized everything one sec it's all right this is still gonna be one hour Adventure in and out today I just got a little distracted because when a trans person is unsure if they are actually trans basically they are accepting themselves then once you accept yourself as trans your egg cracks you could also use the term for coming out tote [Music] what do you mean if so that's not how the okay I have achieved Super Mario World once uh hey hey dog dog is your stomach feeling better after drinking so much kidney stone pee the other day actually I suggested hot sauce and immediately felt bad after still pretty bad that night maybe that's why I've been feeling really shitty the past couple days but I think it's just normal bad sleep banana strikes into your DMs after we beat you in Mario Maker you can't resist what you'd only have skill in 2D Platformers that doesn't make sense um all right sorry let me pull this up thank goodness you're streaming I caught up on the vods yesterday and desire more content this is only an hour this is a one hour stream quick stream in and out okay one hour streaming out we have only have two well you're just gonna have to loop on this stream several times in a row okay just you're gonna put this stream on Loop until the next stream which is tomorrow who is shuggy I'm just looking through what's in my OBS scene trying to find where the game is oh right Shigeru Miyamoto [Music] where the hell is the game like I want the trying to play oh there it is okay I do need to figure out how we're gonna display this on screen because when you have two of these games okay and then we also have 4K capture which I will put [Music] um song is a real Bop [Music] okay [Music] oh oops alerts are possible Doug can you please shuffle my doll for new promise and I've been waiting for so long please don't let me and the rest of the chat down we're really hung up on this I I need to figure out what the challenge is gonna be I have a couple ideas in mind against Danish people that's the reason I've been turning Texas speech off it's just the the filthy Danes I've been talking too much in my channel okay how do I show this so again we're gonna have you guys playing and me playing presumably we want yours to be a little bit bigger [Music] I know everybody's jokingly saying shocked face but I I like to imagine that there is like one guy in chat who's like whoa not cool like some people don't seem to be able to get what I'm joking which is very funny to me okay how do we size this man um I can just be tiny if that's okay so this is you guys and I'm tiny up there presumably you don't need to see as much of me right I don't know how should I do this make two of them these are these are two different games so I'm playing one and you guys are playing the other right it's just but how do we show both like how do we fit them on screen both at 50 opacity okay maybe we do a rematch with both overlay to 50 opacity [ __ ] okay this is gonna be an hour and a half stream in and out not more than an hour and a half okay we're gonna do two rounds but the first one is is gotta be that is a really funny idea first one is normal though I can beat Super Mario World in about 15 minutes so each round will not take more than 15 minutes it might even take less if you guys beat me I think this is a perfect challenge because you guys in the past took like 20 minutes to beat one level and I can beat the game in about 15 minutes it's not copium to say I can beat the game in 15 minutes just me or does Doug look like he fought in the Battle of nkamano 1919. I think that's just you buddy okay let's do this um and now I need I need some uh some tech seems like Doug is once again on hard financial times with the sponsored stream tomorrow we support you Doug I like the idea that if I spend any money or make any money it means I'm like destitute wait you play switch games on stream via OBS is there not a delay that makes it harder yes I will be playing with a slight delay that's to give you guys a chance because I'm really good at 2D Platformers when are we doing coding in Python but twitch chat controls the keyboard so here's the thing that is that is an idea that you guys have a lot of ideas that are funny for two minutes maybe 90 seconds I feel like one of the things I am pretty good at is taking a weird idea and changing the format of it so it is actually compelling for more than like an hour or two I think I'm quite good at that I think a lot of people have weird ideas that just kind of fall flat after a little while I think I'm pretty good and then like what would that you it would just be hyping gibberish into a text editor that's all it would be it would just look like uh uh it would look like this [Music] and don't get me wrong that's pretty funny for like 45 to 60 seconds what the [ __ ] is happening okay that was funny that got another like 10 seconds of funny hahaha right it's just like I'm not trying to [ __ ] on your idea it's just like I don't understand how we would make this interesting for more than 20 seconds right if you have ideas I'm I'm down but like I just I just don't see it dude because coding had like with with with a game like this right we're we're playing this game yeah and with a game like this like you don't have to be that precise that's the fun of it right you can kind of jump around and you'll eventually make it work sort of also why is it not showing up anymore hello thank you OBS very cool stop working um you don't have to be ultra precise for this game to work with coding it is like the most precise thing ever rigged we can't see yeah you can it's right here what are you talking about I was called an egg by a trans woman who said my feelings reminded her of herself before she came out as trans so I'm really unsure about myself but this community is great it talk non-binary Pride yeah I don't know just do whatever he feels right to you who cares what other people think um chat POV where the [ __ ] do I put that dude there are so many elements in my uh in my OBS scene we did that stream where we had images overlaid on Mario maker and that added like 50 images into my OBS scene it's impossible to find anything now uh uh left title there it is okay do we want chat POV should this do you actually want this let me make it let me make the text black for sure um turn off the outline color is black that looks awful it looks so bad do you want this I feel like we don't need this you guys will just figure it out right if it says Doug POV that's fine you can you can Intuit I believe in your ability to do critical thinking and reasoning if one of the games says Doug POV you could figure out which is the one that doesn't say that that is that is where chat is playing and you will be stuck on one level the whole time I will be like past the first level after 30 seconds you're gonna figure it out you're gonna be okay I trust you [Music] hey Doug random question why are you where's the screen that is a good question it really makes you think come to the hot sauce you need to put ice cubes in your olive oil next time oh Citrus kind thank you for 12 months man okay um I do need to test and make sure you guys I'm watching this instead of going to my graduation ceremony this better be your best stream this is meant to be a short chill stream that is like under an hour except we extended it to an hour and 15 minutes because we're gonna do multiple rounds hello Doug when is the next stable Discovery stream I don't know what that means people are saying what is the screen I think you are dealing with problems that I can't fix I'm gonna go ahead and assume most people here like are able to look at their future Donkey Kong speedrun you think that I wanted to do a future Donkey Kong Speed Run and to tease it I bought a shirt with bananas on it is what you think I did you found the Easter egg [Music] this is step one of a 50-part ARG which all leads to me playing Donkey Kong I guess I guess okay um let's make sure the code Works before we do anything um you should now be able to play Mario to play Mario type Left Right jump um spin to spin jump you can rump you can lump which will jump right or jump left that's pretty much it you can type up or down oh you can type run to start running you type stop to stop moving it'll stop moving and stop sprinting so if you press run it starts like holding down the the sprint button for a while yeah hey Doug I watch your vods to entertain me while I steal time at work I'm no lawyer but I think that makes you liable if I get sued for time theft parts are all defend me in court I think partner would want saw Danish people to have their mouths removed by Magic if we find out magic exists in the world that's what I said that's not to be the first thing we do with magic that's you can definitely infer that from what I said all right this feels like it's working yeah any questions any concerns like the old good days there is no there is no um we don't need split screen though because you don't need to because then let me just double check I can play at the same time yes I can I am the greatest cope Doug will lose to us you've got a game over congratulations cool it feels like this is working hey chat I know you are happy about trans eggs but please do not cook me into a trans omelette also Doug as a Danish piston I am too distracted by eating Danish strawberries to be angry at you for hating Danish people you Danish people can have strawberries do strawberries even grow in Denmark that's not even a joke it's I guess for some reason Denmark and my brain is all snowy I've never been to Denmark he is too old to Sam's do you need like a really warm climate for strawberries also hi to Future me watching the VOD yes you American hold on look I'm not trying to be like I'm not trying to discriminate against Danes here's nuts okay get a mods don't you need like super warm climates to grow strawberries you can grow them in Sweden really the north also has summer they do I thought but still don't you need I guess I guess yeah as long as it's summer months I don't know I mean look I grew up in California where you get amazing strawberries like literally best in the world all the time everywhere because there's just Farms everywhere the point of this is just to say that I'm better than all the Danish people here can we at least agree on this I actually thought strawberries were like really Limited in where you could grow them that is not a joke I I thought it was like extremely uh like because because the same with like acorns right not not acorns um what's the fruit what's the fruit with the nut olives not olives almonds almonds you can only grow in certain spots right and so they're all grown in like the American Valley in the in the California Valley right can we just agree I'm smart and I'm cool and then move on all right we're all in agreement yeah let's move on okay um there's anything else I have to do I think we're like good right I like to imagine Doug is constantly broke like pizza pockets not true Doug the text oh text yes I do need to fix that sorry to hear that you have fallen on Hard Times inflation has been very tough after all have some more money so you don't have to do sponsored streams I'm being pretty choosy about sponsorships I am picking sponsors I actually like taking away our free speech the Diablo franchise is near and dear to my heart it is very cool that people are going to give me money to promote a game I like anyways hi Doug I came to check on your stream to lift my mood because I felt kinda sad because I'm alone at home and studying for my bachelor exempt for the past two weeks and the adhere told me to GTFO and meet people now I feel even more sad and kinda divorced frown happy Pride everyone [ __ ] all the haters [Music] happy proud month all right cool I think we're good God it annoys me so much how small this text is down here one second you could code a number of functions that modify and put text and then write a script chat chooses which functions to call when and then we see what the output becomes okay that is a pretty good idea but it makes me think of a better idea you guys write the Okay so yesterday I wrote this like shuffler program largely by just saying to chat gbt this is what I want to do and then it would do stuff and then I would make little adjustments and I would say okay now let's add this feature and so it's like a back and forth pair programming where it where it like can get some implementation of what works some of the time it's not great it went down like an hour-long rabbit hole that was just completely wrong and kept trying to fix its own problem eventually I restarted the entire thing rephrased the prompt and it got it first try so it's a little strange um but it would be interesting if we pick a program that we want to make right and then the goal is for chat to write a prompt that we send to Chachi BT and say please code like please code the following program and then you guys are writing the prompt to Chad gbt and then we see what code it comes up with that could actually work right because then whatever you say is going to be turned into workable code we just don't know what the code will do that sounds pretty fun I think that's like a good mix right let it do it in C plus plus so everything is wrong God no no no no no no even yesterday like did a thing and I was like hey isn't that gonna infinitely do recursion and it was like oh you're right we shouldn't do that recur like infinite recursion's bad um let's do it this way and there's a lot of things we just get stuff wrong and I was like oh man um like you do need to actually know some programming to correct it and then give it proper guidance and I think having it code and C plus plus would dramatically decrease the chance of it actually saying anything coherent which is kind of funny but I think we want it to work we want it to do something anyway that's a good idea I'm gonna write that down uh uh chat prompts chat GPT to write programs then we just need to find something funny for the program to do now you can function up with python but it's like I feel like it's less [ __ ] C plus plus is way more [ __ ] than than python especially if we don't multi-thread stuff like with python you just give it a thing and it'll it'll unfuck it I I think it'll get mega [ __ ] off of C plus like it'll just be like some pointer thing you know there'll just be some weird pointer that just like ports me relentlessly and it just won't know what to do and we'll just be stuck there in a pork Loop okay I think we're actually ready hello Douglas may I please go to the bathroom no pointing finger there's no time also have a really good idea about drinking my own pee on stream so we'll do that later too all right is everybody ready we'll start it here we'll start we'll both start it's a great streamer idea so hear me out Jasper chat controls Mario that is a good idea that's great it's a really good idea I like that all right are we good to go hi Doug you like jazz I'm wearing it like funk like if it's funky Jazz yes duplicate your screen and stack them to fill the screen haha duplicate your screen and stack them you can figure out other ways to show this okay we could do a round okay we could do another round where we split we split the games into quadrants that are interspersed so it's really hard to figure out what's going on j z s v f n z SPF sprujas four hour streaming coming no this is an hour and a half Adventure in and out it's been 50 minutes already so this time being in the Stream your content is incredible thank you welcome I gotta mute one of these let me mute my game I feel like we don't need my game genuine question do you actually like the taste of olive oil or are you just used to it it doesn't taste good [Music] it's not enjoyable [Music] I think that answers your question but it is efficient nobody can argue that it's not efficient um two-thirds of your supposedly short stream is gone it's 50 okay so we're 51 minutes into the stream I'm going to whoop the game's ass in 10 minutes that's one hour then we're gonna play one more round where they're overlaid on top of each other another 10 minutes to whoop your ass maybe one more where they're interspersed in quadrants which is kind of funny uh and then we're out quick hour and a half adventure and we're done yep this is round one can I beat all of Super Mario World before you guys beat the first level I will be using the Star Road route you guys are live the challenge begins in three two one go this level doesn't count by the way this is Yoshi's house you have to go actually you have to go actually like play a real level [Music] okay playing with the delay is awful [Music] so hard wait are you stuck it's not working or are you just taking a long time to read huh what did you do oh okay you closed it well I'm winning all right hold on let me let me die so that we can reset this you didn't win you crashed the game that's not winning that doesn't you did not beat a level you crashed the game um okay that counts how on Earth if you go to if you challenge somebody to a one a one-on-one basketball game not even a race to see you can get a hundred three-point shots in a row okay and and you challenge me and I'm like hell yeah and I go to my local gym and I start like shooting shots and you go to your local gym and you blow it up with a [ __ ] nuke you didn't win the competition that's not how it works have you tried eating pasta It's a what I don't get it okay you should be good to go take two Doug help why is there screen do you have to press start oh I have to press start for you okay are we good Doug this is the IRS I hope you haven't been playing this game off stream if so we will have all right put some criminal charges of course not keep in mind I'm playing on a delay so if it looks like I'm bad I'm not actually holding the bloke on the left of the screen yes yes it's just so hard I have like a half second delay previous I don't have three games I can do that with though is the issue you guys are playing the harder level but do whatever you want hey donkey in the spirits of sportsmanship since you're competing directly with chocolate I think Chuck deserves a little kiss before we start to keep us motivated how is this rig you have to beat like this is rigged against me time theft sounds like a much cooler crime than it actually is that is true here I've been watching the YouTube since Zelda vs Red Dead But explained the food oh no I just wanted you to know you're the funniest content creator on the platform YouTube and twitch and to thank you for always providing the funniest content hey Dad I've been insisting did you guys freeze it again dude this is not no you're fine you're fine you're fine okay false alarm dunk please don't have the mods take me out two levels have you heard of deep snaps yes that is [Music] mods fire warning shot at that guy hey duck duck I turned a plate so just to confirm we need to beat the whole game before you beat one level right yes correct wait no not correct shut up hey done I just finished step seven of Your Banana Shirt arfg in some men in suits put a bag over my head and left me in a padded room with no exits on what to do now [Music] is that a prime sub no way did you know you could sub for three with Prime and it's essentially like stealing money from Big Bezos himself it's not really like that you are paying them like 120 a year well coming to us let's be honest here oh what's that every food you eat in America comes from California oh what's that every movie that you watch comes from California I hope this is the best oh what's that all of the technology you use including the technology you are currently watching comes from California [Music] almonds were grown in Morocco and Spain historically California produces 80 percent of almonds produced around the world a nut that takes a lot of water to produce yeah it's really bad environmentally it's a huge waste of water hey to chinos how many bits for you to start to cut and draw an ambigram with the blood of the Goombas I don't think that's for sale [Music] oh [ __ ] am I dead now we're good how are you doing today Doug ensure you are enjoying those almonds or was it nuts [Music] chat one world is down wait why are you why are there two people playing hi Doug if you hate duns how do you feel about Norwegians how did you even do this some of the best strawberries in the Nordic and it's currently been 90 degrees Fahrenheit here for about two weeks okay hold on I'll reset Jesus Christ guys we don't have it set up for player two so I'm gonna reload okay now you're playing again I will give you a 10 second lead to do whatever you want because you were frozen playing two-player mode game over and then we started two player all right just again as a reminder Yoshi's little house is not a level that was pretty good you probably want to go to the right level this one is way harder that you're currently playing you probably want to keep moving to the right but look whatever your prerogative it would be way more badass to beat that one that one [Music] all right dog hole continues [Music] the left level sucks yeah it's so hard [Music] oh [Music] Yoshi's house is a level look I don't mean to be yoshiest but walking into some dude's house and then leaving immediately is not beating a level [Music] oh this is fine [ __ ] it's not fine [Music] I'm just gonna start over [Music] it's so hard to move upwards with the delay okay there we go [Music] no okay let's go oh that's huge I'm into the secret world ETS delay check here this message was sent via Radio From The Trenches of the battle of Verdun Jesus the 6th of 1916. thank you what are you doing did you guys freeze it again can't wait for the raid Shadow Legends streamed to tell us when Doug is really out of money that is true if I do if I do a rage out of Legends ad you guys should be concerned how do you keep freezing the game man this is the third time that you've you've got okay uh load game zero there you go okay you're back go go we win it's not winning I'm starting to learn HTML and C plus plus and now my friend is asking me but I don't know anything about C sharp is that like a joke I don't know I don't understand wait where's the no no what if you wrote a program that generates Markov from a snapshot of chat yeah that's a funny idea there are there are ideas for chat programs at some point I should do that I agree it's a good idea did you hear about the four tons of fruit that got heisted off Danish railroads no is it great to train St robbery Is that real [Music] can chat members take turns at typing a single word for the prompt like a game of telephone yeah we can do single word there's a bunch oh [ __ ] there's a bunch of options [Music] I did the wrong thing I haven't done this in a while oh wait that was the right thing I thought I'd go farther okay never mind I'm a genius how are you guys getting stuck constantly I don't understand this hug hey chat Shea hat sluggy six blah wig [Music] my God you've nuked the basketball court four times is there like a button you need I need to give you oh I'm pretty pissed you skipped it because it was something you wrote on stream and now suddenly it's not good enough man you've really gone downhill since you got partnered it's true that's true it's just it was like a 40 second message okay I don't dug someone in my operating system we all use by taking C multi-freading advice from chat GPT yeah it doesn't seem to be great at multi-threading from my experience yesterday all right let's jam oh wait you guys are actually doing decently right now hey Doug it's me again Doug is by the 2D Platformers I keep hearing Doug saying he's good at 2D Platformers that's my name I just wanted to say you know it's interesting you guys are saying that because uh how many levels have you beaten Doug Doug how ah you oh yeah [Music] I am also trying to remember how to beat this game I've not beaten Mario World in several years thanks for taking my bit virginity well you don't have to phrase it like that really okay I think you go up right you go here and then here I didn't press up hey Doug habitual Bond watch your hand I keep trying to skip past the boring pots and then I remember this his lip how do you handle not being able to skip through the boring majority of your life it's perfectly fine I'm having a good time you guys need to understand that in all of the streams even if they're boring to you I am being so intensely over stimulated that it's never really that boring okay I'll watch this this is actually a little scary oh uh [Music] uh you are like two-thirds of the way through the level oh thank God and you got a game over okay let me give you apparently you need the V key I don't know why I don't know what the V key does the V key do up what you have to press up okay when you get stuck in the menu press uh like type up and apparently that should do it I'm not I don't understand why that would happen uh also I don't remember how you showed you the controls again the um uh Super Mario World again your options are right left up down run which will permanently hold down the Run button stop which will stop moving and running uh light jump is like a shorter jump jump is a big jump you can spin or spin jump to do a spin jump rump will jump to the right lump will jump to the left that's it you can put the controls in the blank spot but like I feel like if you show up and everybody's spamming those commands like it's fairly straightforward maybe I am overestimating your ability to pick up context clues but isn't it pretty obvious I guess rump and lump or less so we need Crouch buttons you have down that's what down is down or Crouch I just I want to try to keep the screen somewhat clean you know put options on screen okay there you go what does pump do oops no stop get out of here um NLF message equals pump it will rent out humping there you go all right let me reset you upload bam okay you're in your spot I'm in my spot I'm doing pretty goddamn good you guys have a little bit to be desired everybody ready [Music] go Doug glad to catch a stream right after work pretty cool that you're going to do a nine hour stream why did it look I can't wait for nine straight hours of Mario with an occasional coding Adventure no no no I guess there was a little coding Adventure just now in the 40 tons of fruit that got stolen from Danish Railways it was a great train St robbery I don't even know what oh I get it strawberry it took two donations for me to get it past two is very healthy [Music] all right I have completed the ghost house I am now starting the secret world hey Doug I had an interview today with the recruiter for a programming job that I think went really well nice wanted to share the good news congrats make sure you show them some of my code the show how much worse it could be Doug are you trying to say you would argue with the guy who just dropped a nuke on a gym just to win a basketball game I would tell him hahaha that the deal is off here I don't remember where I go I think this one is for the editors thank you editors please update the scoreboard shut one dug zero no no no no no editors ignore that [Music] even though twitch chat kind of pays your bills ignore that technically I'm just like a middleman and I just Channel money by refusing to acknowledge our obvious win [Music] I'm an important middleman between you and twitch Chad's money [Music] whenever I don't want Yoshi to be I'm dumb I don't know why I did that [Music] chat GPT please write a code that creates a shortcut for chat GPT and open the shortcut and asks chat GPT to create a shortcut for just GPT and open it does that work that'd be awesome oh come on hi Doug I am currently eating a loaf of bread and some people on Discord said it should be legal to Jesse to hoolo to be fair I have been nibbling away the whole day and even had it with me in the city what's your opinion on that greetings from Germany I mean I'm with the student discount then I would three years twitch Subs really [Music] foreign I'll eat the [ __ ] out of some bread chat I will offer you a draw I will allow we will wipe this from the record if you guys just want to give up now if you admit everybody in chat that I am good at 2D Platformers if so you can give up right now and we'll just call it even we'll say oh you know oh man twitch chat probably would have got there I'm sure they would have gotten them you know fine I have three more levels oh I don't think I did this correctly damn it the delay is so hard [Music] get out of your ocean [Music] it's gone oh here we go foreign these controls are awful oh [ __ ] you guys are you guys are kind of into the level right now [Music] okay cool wait how close are you holy [ __ ] hold on wait okay they're still there's still a guy there's still a guy there's still a guy go left yes go left come oh my God you saved me okay oh my God you might die you might die to the charging truck yes yes God I'm so good at shooting Platformers holy [ __ ] somebody just [ __ ] that so hard for you guys unreal I remember what I have to do here oh I have to um pick up a blue shell I think yeah and now I fly with him I think yeah now we got like this let me uh spit you out get a fresh boy I should be able to go all the way with this I believe [Music] what oh God damn it I forgot that stupid I need a different Yoshi [ __ ] uh what do I do you failed wait you left what did it happen [Applause] I am I am two levels off dude I'm two levels off congratulations Doug you get it this wasn't some huge failure you guys nuked the gym four times you tried though good job wow oh my God I am playing with a delay which makes it so much harder than I expected I could swap it so you guys have the delay and I get to play on the actual PC game God damn it okay all right okay okay rematch still a short stream [Music] rematch rematch but opacity on top of each other 50 opacity double or nothing there's nothing at stake fine double or nothing [Music] let me set up how this will look there's also a lot of people have been pumping this just goes on a long time okay we'll set this up I can vouch for that guy it really is a real nut brand I took a picture of it in the old cashier asked me why everyone that comes in laughs at it even so mods fire a warning shot not at that person but just in general the 2D platforms you can't beat one level if you were to look at our screen we are doing so well if you guys did not you could your conclusion of this could be that I didn't play well there's no way your conclusion of this is that you guys played amazing I saw what you were not only take out one of my kneecaps I should be able to walk again I just want you to have to have a long recovery process after dealing with mods I also forgot how half these levels work I have to bring a Yoshi from this level I wanted to say I finally made an account so I can be in that crew I've always been a supporter and now I can finally be on the best team let's go Zed crew welcome to the crew I am an impartial let us play Doug you guys did beat Yoshi's house like a dozen times so I am proud of you for that wait why is mine wider than yours hey dog dog here it's been a while man lost your contact info come say hi just playing some Diablo saw your chat killing it before thank you dog guy wasn't making a joke about C sharp I genuinely have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to C sharp coding C sharp is just like a better version of C plus plus in that it's more readable and it doesn't have pointers even though it's objectively slower and worse in a lot of ways okay I don't understand why they're too games are different sized that's dumb if Doug loses he admits he's bad at 2D Platformers this is risky I it's definitely beatable but I needed like five more minutes I'll be faster this time because I actually remember where everything is now double or nothing I have to admit it twice or I don't okay how do we do this do I have to like crop part of my game that's stupid why is my game just bigger than yours I'm playing on a Nintendo switch is what's going on I guess I can just be like small behind you like that that works um okay you guys would be here so this is the opacity challenge and then your guyses I do color correction right opacity 50 percent sucks I feel like it's easier to see yours than mine am I crazy yours feels way visible and then mine is only like partially actually I guess they're both yeah I mean I hate this it's incredible I mean look I can beat you with it I'm not concerned it's just a awful in every way hey Doug quick okay let me reset everything on the interstate it was a real traffic jam [Music] frankly this is based okay Doug you certainly talk a lot of [ __ ] for someone who doesn't have to share the controller with 8 000 other people yeah but I'm playing with like a 400 millisecond delay that's way worse foreign it's not literally way worse but it is really bad that is mighty generous of you we as Chatters promise we'll keep it safe for you we have a three second belief yeah but there's eight thousand of you and you only have to beat one level okay um Shadow Legends sponsored stream no the chat plays the game and tries to delete your account that's funny that is kind of funny I think my last message got lost but in the name of sportsmanship give chat a little kiss if not this is rigged no if anything church should give me a chance to defense yes because I've been yelling nine different things it's hard to know what they're yelling all right here's the thing this is giving this new setup is giving me a mere disadvantage because I doubt half of you guys are even looking at the screen you're just sitting there mashing on your keyboard I actually have to look at what's happening my situation is way worse because of this opacity [ __ ] [Music] and one playing through OBS this is just a mess okay true but rigged okay it sounds like a skill issue I am warmed up now so I am much more confident in my ability to move through this quickly I genuinely did not remember half this stuff okay no no gambling because when people gamble off her twitch chat then they actively try to sabotage I don't want any excuses um I will go here save game position boom oops I saved accidentally instead of [Music] all right y'all ready [Music] [Applause] the stream is boring because we don't have constant stimulations Family Guy constantly playing in the background I mean the honest answer to this is that somebody asked me a friend of mine recently said they opened my stream and got stressed out by how much was going on and I didn't didn't know how I handled it and the truth is that this is when I was like playing the germa video game while Gerald Ford was giving advice to Twitch chat or something and I think Texas beach is happening um and the the honest answer is I can't multitask as you may have noticed I like can't focus on multiple things at once and I constantly forget stuff so I'm not able to process everything I can only it doesn't matter how much [ __ ] is happening like it's it's all the same to me it's one thing that I'm actually focused on stretch the switch game oh wait that's not how you stretch okay now my game is really stretched cool wasted wee-woo yeah don't we will unless you need my attention Doug can you take out the Bold [ __ ] in the bottom left and put the controls there xdxt row flucopter raffle copter what a classically awful meme um where's the Doug POV text hear me out Cult of the Lamb play through but chat controls the combat and Doug controls the cut management or vice versa uh maybe top down games are very hard for chat control we can't move I know we haven't started yet can you clearly tell what's going on but I'm at work and don't feel up to getting in trouble so in lieu of my vast intelligence I shall blame you for chat's failures bad dog bad I mean I I deserve that to be honest all right hold on I gotta start new game once I once I've started we're going I'm having a hard time focusing could we get some Subway Surfers in the top right there's too much going on already no you can have nerby okay can you put all commands on the blank spot on the screen also can we get a timer over your face now here tell you what I'll bring back Doug POV hey Doug did you watch you posted on Twitter you know the one about getting good at 2D Platformers it seems like you didn't [Music] is everybody ready Doug I showed the recruit to your code and they gave me a higher pay offer immediately on the condition that I never learned programming from you ever thanks for the advice I was I got honors at Berkeley I am good at programming all right everybody ready set go oh [ __ ] you already beat me to the level let's go Redemption time this sucks oh I do not like this wait who died oh that was you okay I need to get to a different level this is a nightmare I can't I can't see man I have no idea okay all right wait did I look how did I lose Yoshi [Music] [Applause] wait okay I keep thinking I'm dying I if I get to a different level this is much more watchable okay okay one level's done for me one level's done foreign hey Doug I have a client who is currently trying to file suits against an airline that recently went bankrupt for an injury he claims happened almost three years ago I was thinking about using chat GPT to Source a bunch of the legal cases that support the position we are defending your street we need a culture to show this reactivated pumping I'd do it though I'll add a pump counter if we got around three okay now that we're on different levels this is vastly more watchable done is it possible you guys got a game over thing more it doesn't let you say the same message again I need to run more than once unfortunately no I cannot but if you change the capitalization that changes it and it still works in the code chat Doug is trying to bribe us just like capitalize the first letter oops or the second or something [Applause] this song rips ass up [Music] remember me and don't use lift only right hey Doug with all the game events going on are you doing to watch sorkon Gator mods suck on these nuts got me dead dog we cannot have completed this game I don't know I pressed a bunch of buttons magic hat is love magic hat is life if we got around three I'll put a magic hat on you it's definitely one of the two deep platform as of all time there's no denying that okay two levels are down for me [Music] the level of [ __ ] by chat is being slowly crushed why are you still on the first level hold on hold on is there somebody here who thinks you guys are on the third level [Music] I'm the one who's doing good um never mind no [ __ ] I gotta change songs it is awful when we're on the same part of the screen are you pressing up left turn on your location I just want to talk to teeth I just have to match buttons when you guys get stuck in a menu for some reason oh I'm okay here we go take these 300 bits as of Pride mods no please you must convince them to join the cause is officially one of the two deep platform players of all time wait what I grabbed the thing I didn't mean to do that okay sorry I got you am I on the where the [ __ ] am I this is so much harder than before okay I jumped into lava because I thought Jama Sam and I'm here to guide you through all of the trials and translations see the darkness inside of my closet oh my God definitely one of the two deep Platformers of all time why am I [Music] we will nuke the gym again okay here we go all right all right nearing the end of the first castle [Music] hey Doug you did really well no questions asked chat just did dwell too no pun intended how's that a pun how is that a pun [Music] hey Doug I once all right project to create a Pokemon game using only sequel oh damn it come on uh that's a terrible idea screen during initial setup okay first boss is done and now you guys are gonna die you're gonna fall on a pit right here can we get some lefts in chat I just feel like moving left right now would really help things hey duck it's me again duck is by the 2D Platformers looks like we win the thing is on this second round you guys are looking pretty weak I'm gonna be honest I'm already like about halfway through allow me to be a Centrist Doug is painfully average at 2D platform that is not true oh that mall came out of nowhere by which I mean you had a full like 15 seconds to dodge it all right world one done you're right Doug you should make the delay fair by increasing your own delay three seconds I am beating the entire game wait where am I [Music] Jesus Christ Doug how much will it cost to get you to give chat the little kiss that they deserve it it's just a little tiny kiss writes on our little tiny mouth please Doug you having tiny mouths does not change the it's [ __ ] weird [Music] theologic is that we aren't even looking at your screen then for fairness you should play Blind I said half you guys aren't looking and half of my game is unwatchable right now so we're tied okay I need to get the goddamn Cape the pixel shape slash aspect ratios are different make them the same and it will line up perfectly I thought that was God damn it foreign Arrow chats scream when doing the initial set congratulations Doug you did it you're incredible wow what an amazing person you immediately ran your death okay Incredible Dog whoa whoa and got a game over [Music] [Applause] both of you to assume that we won't nuke the gym again ah I really thought I would beat you I love the food copter gotta be one of my favorite genders no pun intended triple or nothing this money is for the editors editors please cross out the Doug POV text Jesus Take the Wheel Shan they give the five years triple or nothing I have to say it three times but this time instead of being over later I can't see anything we do grid mode okay grid mode this is what we do [Music] thank you okay we take each of these and then we split it into quadrants [Music] do you still have the Magic Hat yep [Music] of course ID face in your general direction of the thought that I would abandon it Mario view has officially broken my brain congratulations Doug you did it five my last Brain South thanks okay we spread out the quadrants suck how are you still on the first level we are already on the boss all right it's though you were looking at the wrong one [Music] duck you you should try to make a workable python code and if you don't like that one may be the same thing but with the help of chat got some [Music] wait a minute I have an idea okay for final round quadrants this is the best idea you had since laying about your 2D platformer skills okay hey Doug 2D Platformers are definitely one of the dug dugs Of All Times okay can we agree that this is good that this looks good hey Doug I'm a doctor and a chef my customers are complaining because I'm not quote on quote licensed or whatever and that I'm selling candy that goes in your nose anyway any legal advice or any cooking advice for humans thanks babe that is there's a lot going on there okay everybody agreed in the poll that we are doing triple or nothing and mods go ahead and ban anybody who says otherwise here's the deal chat for this last one we're gonna do a little something that I call gambling because all the people who want to win Channel points are gonna vote no and then sabotage it and normally this sucks it just delays things by a long amount of time but maybe I can Channel your degenerate gambling habits and cause you to sabotage your own gameplay I'm not doing anything to be clear all I'm saying is that you can now bet on whether or not chat will beat me in the final race that's it I still believe you guys can do it you guys can do it just because about 10 percent of you don't think you're gonna do it I'm sure if you believe in yourself and give 110 just like coach taught you [Music] triple or nothing I have to three times admit I suck at 2D Platformers [Music] with quadrant mode [Music] I don't even know which one is mine jelly muffin thinking of 12 months foreign there's no time to vote the predictions are live are still alive what are you talking about [Music] oh the mods closed it let's go ahead and mod I am XIV let's go ahead and do a new prediction let's go let's go delete this one let's go ahead prediction does chat win yes no and I just want to point out oh look at how many people are voting no look at how many people are voting no that's so many [Music] it's like a third of you are voting no and just think of how many points you'd win if chat doesn't beat the level man that's crazy huh take more than half are thinking chat won't win wow this is sure heating up for a destructive battle the definitive proof of whether or not I am good at 2D Platformers there's more people voting no [Music] I only have two minutes is a long time I mean okay to be fair the quadrants is gonna be way harder for me this is dog [ __ ] way to play the game you guys can just blast rumps and you'll probably be uh you'll probably get through this it's at least possible for you to play this way all right hold on I'm gonna remod XIV it's a prisoner's dilemma this is not prisoner's dilemma [Music] you can't just throw out random psychology experience the level we're on to make it easier on my little brain oh look I even stretched out my game okay look maybe it's one night maybe okay even though there's six million points of people who are saying Chad's not gonna win maybe they're honorable okay maybe they believe in the power of of Victory and proving that you're better than me at this game more so than their worthless Channel points which means nothing do you like pineapple on Pizza remember dog dog is Dog in dog's basement of Duke dog Duke dog slash welcome back XIV sorry about that I tripped on my keyboard and accidentally unmoded you your [ __ ] is really making me crave banana Burgers right now what the hell are you talking about and just a reminder the controls include moving left and platformer but you wouldn't want to do that like obviously you want to rub to the right that's how you're going to be the level all right is everybody ready for round three quadrant mode we won then nuke the gym true wait hold on I need to restart my game painting first time watching a stream proud to witness you being by the 2D Platformers first hand well you're gonna feel real silly in 15 minutes when I whoop chat just verifying SQL based Pokemon is definitely being dropped from the table sequel base Pokemon oh what the hell are you talking about I feel like I made my quadrants a lot harder that's a headache from staring at computers at work I came in here and it immediately got worse LOL that's the promise of a duck duck stream okay what good was it actually a good dog my mind Tech is truly awful a 2d Platformers and chat is amazing at Mario World in particular did you see how many levels I beat okay we're gonna move on I'm gonna play this song how does this song Sound [Music] I think it would make good content I've never lied before I don't plan on starting now and I'm not gonna say I'm bad at 2D Platformers okay round three triple or nothing [Music] this is unwatchable and you're live where the hell is my Mario [Music] oh he's up there okay okay guys this sucks this is not can we change it can we just explain I can't beat the game like this the quadrants are split it's like the worst possible division [Music] the bottom right quadrant I have [Music] chose Mario but it's like too close to the edge of the quadrant and then at the top left there's not enough I don't even see what Mario is that's cash in the trash thank you seiku I'm just I'm just literally running and jumping [Music] okay I beat a level can we unquadrant is everybody cool with that you have to watch this [Music] this sucks this is what you wanted yeah well I regret it you're allowed to admit your mistakes in this world [Music] I can't even okay oh he's in the top okay he's in the top middle one [ __ ] is Mario okay every time I jump he moves from the bottom right to the bottom left and I'm dead [Music] I offer a mutual truce that we we ungrid the screen type right if you agree okay a lot of people agreeing with me a lot of people hold on let me try rearranging and see what you think after I rearrange hold on [Music] how about we make two new games how about that [Music] what is this which one is this hold on this is a good idea don't worry Doug here is a terrible idea give a crew on screen is that clear one screen and aimed you take up the other two quadruple or nothing [Music] this seems fair and legitimate the council who represents chat who I speak for are all of the mind that this is completely above board no issues here early on thank you Council uh where the hell is hey Doug how can I be as good in 2D Platformers at you I'm just like missing I don't care go sleep in your igloo you dumb Canadian you think Canadians all sleep in igloos Doug you don't have to do this [Music] where dude I'm like missing one of the quadrants I feel like I'm trying to find them in OBS where is the fourth quadrants smell oh there it is [Music] oh my God I'm trying to click it but there's too many things in obs hey Doug you should just find the word no so chat can never disagree with you that's a good idea okay can we agree this is great [Applause] everybody in chat is saying they love it it feels good to show up to my work and see all of you my employees chat time sacrifices go forth and win take all my dollars this is about Pride everybody ready the battle continues I'm sorry chat no one to be clear I didn't do anything I just offered gambling addicts the opportunity to gamble I did nothing else it's a chef with thesis [Music] okay this still sucks [Music] real professional 2D Platformers blindfolded [Music] but I die I can this sucks [Music] for the record the world record is like 30 minutes the world record for this game is not 30 minutes [Music] is much less than that [Music] the doctor always have been but I have never doubted chat's ability to be back to then Dugout video games Coach hats I believe we might need to unfuck the grid again there's a lot going on Mario venue [Music] oh let me gets a pipe dude splitting into quadrants is awful but you need to be able to see the center of the screen not the edges how dare you make your own soldiers fight one another have you no conscience mods please take my money as compensation for working for this madman I just I didn't do anything all I said was that we're gonna people were asking they said they wanted a gamble that was it I died like the DVD screensaver I can't I guess I could do that we'd have to go on a five minute coding Adventure [Music] what is happening [Music] we could go on a five minute coding Adventure in order to make the things Bounce Around the screen like DVD logos people makes this a pumpkin [Music] okay this this isn't this isn't doable this isn't doable we're gonna be stuck here forever this is supposed to be a quick in and out stream watchable I like to think you just saw yourself in a mirror because your bold ass is very unwatchable quadrants or not okay can we all agree chat that this format doesn't work and we should go on a five minute coding adventure to make the games Bounce Around the screen like DVD logos yeah literally every single person in chat is saying yes God you're so right Doug you have lots of hair and you're good at 2D Platformers and that's a good idea okay since we're all in agreement we'll do that the quadrants makes this game impossible thank you oh God hit too much [Music] refund yeah yeah well fine I'll redo the vote that's fine will this actually be a five minute coding Adventure or will this be like an hour I just I just want to do a short stream um so what we would want to do we write code that every like every frame essentially it just does a permanent Loop and then we can say how slow it is um we just say like the x and y coordinate of this thing increases the x coordinate is increasing up until the screen height minus the height of the source is zero basically ah I don't want to do a five minute coding Adventure asked you to chat GT how to make it I mean conceptually it's not hard I figure I'm just it's gonna okay yeah maybe Church of T will actually just tell me how to do this okay it's time for put start a timer five minute coding Adventure ready Set Go Chad gbt might just do this really quick in which case it'll actually be a five minute coding Adventure [Music] I will refund it don't worry [Music] you can fulfit that's your only way out to this let's make it here Never DVD bouncing oops just want to say that 14 is 100 better than Doug and we should replace Doug and make this 14's twitch Channel real house 14. [Music] since Reagan's I don't know if he was a twitch streamer I'm not positive oh 14 right yeah I always call him XIV [Music] what do you mean you don't know what banana burgers are banana burgers they just sound gross it sounds like a gross thing that nobody would want hey Doug can you make the quadrants move around like the DVD screensaver funny you say that okay let us talk to chat gbt hey Doug first time stream Watcher habitual mod Watcher I gifted the subs because I think your content is great keep up the good work thank you I'm glad you enjoyed I lay a hex upon all the traitor chat members who voted no oh your marriage is not end in divorce all your hats not be magic and all your ass is Unwritten so too far Majestic cat thank you for the 12 months man Jesus Take the Wheel all right um I Tater love thank you for the five kitchen Subs appreciate it but the coding Adventure begin the whole goal here is to tell chat gbt everything we want to do clearly enough that it writes all the code sup I want to write a python script that will bounce tonic X Z thank you for the 12 months appreciate it what's up bro wanna write a python script that will will move an image around an OBS scene similar to a DVD logo bouncing around a TV screen um I have a source named what is my source named I think it's nest I have a source name SNES uh and a class uh and a function called and then we look at my OBS websockets function called set Source transform set Source transform have a source in OBS named snass and a function called set Source transform that can move uh can set the X and Y positions of a source in OBS using the set Source transform function I want to move the SNES Source around the scene when the upper limit of the sore when the how do we describe this when the edge of the source touches the edge of the screen I guess like on each frame to start out the SNES Source should be moving down and to the right every frame when the source when the edge of the source touches the edge of the screen then the movement should be reversed for example if the bottom of the source touches the bottom of the screen it should now start for example if the if the source is moving downwards and the bottom of the source touches the bottom of the screen it should now start moving upwards okay if this writes everything perfectly it will have actually been a five minute Adventure assume that the screen with Is 1920 and height is 1080. assume the dimensions of the source are 100 by 100 to the right or to the left assuming the screen with uh assume the dimensions of the source are a hundred Heights assume that the X and Y values provided to the set Source transform function um set the top left position of the source where the y y coordinate is the top left of the screen and and the 1920 1080 coordinate is the bottom right of the screen assume that the Y X and Y values prior to set the top left position of the source this won't work if this all just works then we're good chat GPT is going to have an aneurysm it might actually work just do it yourself this is the type of thing my brain is just not good at there's certain programming things I'm okay with most break my brain multi-threading breaks my brain this type of stuff breaks my brain I just I understand conceptually what's going on but then it's just going to take it's going to take forever okay I want to write a python script I'll move an image around an OBS scene similar to a DVD logo bouncing on a TV stream um uh where the image should change should flip its direction okay I'll explain what I want better at the beginning I have a source and OBS called SNES and a function called set Source transform that can set the gas and why position is the source and OBS um using the set Source transform function I want to move this Nest Source around the scene to start out this Nest source to be moving down to the right every frame when the snap on the edge of the snap snores touches it's Nest Source touches the edge of the screen then the movement should be reversed for example if the screen is a sourcing moving downward the bottom of the source is the bottom screen should now start moving upwards as an example if the source is moving to the right and the right of the source touches the right of The Fringe now I'm gonna start moving to left assuming the screen okay yeah this could work go chat GPT go do my job for me [Music] hey this is good so far good so far calculate the new X and Y plus equals the DX which is the Delta fine the images reach the bet if X Plus Source width is greater than screen width or X is less than or equal to zero then the Delta flips if it's moving if it's y plus Source height so it's wise coordinate plus the height is over is greater than the screen height or it's less than or equal to zero it'll flip the Y you set the source transform and then you this I think this works it should work [Music] okay so this was just a temp thing I would do OBS websockets manager to set Source transform and then this needs the name of the source which is what the [ __ ] is the name of it oh it's just an S we'll start with this Nest one which is actually let's start with uh game capture that's a little more consistent start with so the name of the source is game capture oh that's the scene name we need first scene name is uh is gameplay we renamed this hey rugrug first time here first time donating this challenge is literally rouged am I doing this right of course you'll pick it up okay in the gameplay scene it's going to change the game capture course if you unscramble the quadrants you have forfeited and our deal is void but literally nobody in chat was saying they disagreed with any decision I was making and then the yeah and then I do this the world record for beating one level is an hour and 34 minutes that's not correct position X and position y so we pass it a dictionary with positions she'll use your fingernails cause it's not one of my fetishes I just think we need to see it or I don't do that at all this is my counteroffer [Music] Doug please don't forget if you ever need it you have a very supportive fake chat that you can just replace normal haters true that's so true dude I need to update that oh this is just like tp's and you are freezer I would say you are Vegeta but that would imply you have literally any redeemable qualities you cruel monster let's go chat [Music] yeah let's wait for around 15-8 hours from now no today is a short stream in and out one hour um all right any programmers think this looks bad for any reason so my OB this is assuming my OBS websocket stuff works but it should it will set the Transformers source of also I don't know what the actual size of the game capture is let me check that real quick uh transform edit transform oh I don't know how big it is okay we're gonna have to get its size later that's fine wait where's the game capture oh there's okay wait snasses oh okay let me change this to SNES then here's a good bet do you think this works first try it the sizing is going to be off it thinks it's 100 by 100 pixels uh it's not 100 by 100 pixels uh dog do good I mean I didn't really do much but so it won't bounce perfectly on the edge that's fixable we're giving it like a test size essentially um absolutely no way it works I mean it doesn't look very complex now that it's written it's fairly straightforward foreign okay let's see what happens wrong button [Music] I'm kicking it off in three two one it's not doing anything [Music] oh [Music] is my oh can I not even move it it's okay here's the question did was OBS was Chad gbt solution wrong or was my solution wrong if we just start the thing and we just like right at the top we just say move the position to like 300 300 that should just move it oh that's right you can't see this this should just move this is the only line of code I wrote everything else is Chad gbt so this line of code should um print moving and then um import sleep no I already have time No Sleep five out of ten okay this is the one line of code I wrote if this doesn't work it's my fault otherwise it's Chad gbt's fault and totally not me at all it's not moving the thing my code doesn't work really it's really one line of code that just says move the [ __ ] thing around how is that not working dude this is not my fault okay don't yell pay up I will get to it eventually you do not need the money instantly you'll be okay why is this not working set Source transform gameplay I'm on the gameplay scene with the SNES thing this has worked before why no good why no good right now position x 300 position y but it's literally this is what I'd code why code not work why why code B problem [Music] let me make sure I can get the source um if this is easily solvable then okay it gets the source wait what huh what do you mean oh same name oops um okay this is the transform of the thing position X and position y are 11. does it need to be a float doesn't need to be a string no it shouldn't what the [ __ ] man uh why does it just not work how do I step in like this okay why man man did you put movement in the while loop it's just not moving at all I don't know why the source is not moving at all I have a line which has worked on plenty of other things which should set the the transform of a source in OBS and it's just saying hey do it with this I mean literally with my test things let me let me run the tests what the hell if I run my test it should start like swapping things or wait what did everything I Road break what is happening this is all working like two days ago is it moving the wrong thing am I just dumb this is the SNES source is it because there's multiple of them is that [ __ ] up hold on okay running the code okay that's what's going on so in obs if you have a source like this one called uh where is it oh you can't see it here but because it's in the other scene if you have a source called SNES and then you make a copy of that Source it and then you say you want to change the transform for that same Source it only applies it to the first one not on the copy that is not very intuitive because they have the same name and that's the only way to identify it so presumably it should apply to all of them I guess what a mess it means it did work kind of it was working on the wrong one that's so unintuitive OBS is weird and the code didn't it kind of worked I guess hold on so if this is the visible one wait it's moving right now I need to delete the one up here there needs to only be one I think it's moving okay so it's just a really it's just a really really really slow DVD logo [Music] hold on what if it's [Music] what if we change the Delta to be like 10. now what [Music] why isn't it taking so long every Loop of the every Loop is taking like three seconds this should be happening constantly it's just a permanent while loop what part of this is taking super long presumably it's the it's this part of setting the source transform I guess that just takes a long time so now if we run it man so this just takes super long that's a bummer it just takes really long to move a thing in OBS websockets that's boring you set sleep to 10. No Sleep is 0.01 oh why does this say sleep three what why did I have this in here that would do it why is that there why would that why why would that be there oh you can't see did you see this was I showing you this is the function I wrote to do OBS stuff and there's just randomly at time dots it just sleeps for three seconds after doing the function why would it do that why would I have ever written that in there huh okay so now the DVD logo should theoretically move or the DVD logo meaning the snatch game okay five minute coding Adventure in and out ready uh set go [ __ ] did it [Music] all right so we gotta get the size incorrect but it works foreign okay so we'll just have this now so the only problem was OBS being stupid and then my code being stupid Chad gbt got it right it's too fast yeah it is too fast okay hold on I need to get the size of it somehow I don't know how to get the size all right stop for a sec uh so back here we need to I still want to get that we need to get the information about this source that we know how big it is so we're gonna put a thingy here a break point we're gonna go in we're going to jump into the [ __ ] thing um we break down we get the response um and then get scene item transform our response here should have all the information that we need and response data in boom this has the stuff that we want do you have anything in here that we want to know that I'm not currently grabbing wait what why is it copy [Music] why is it not giving me the full thing how do you get the full there we know Visual Studio how do I get the full value of this did it stop debugging God damn it hold on [Music] wait what oh hold on response data in [Music] scene item transform oh wait here we go here are all the values alignment height and width here it is okay so the thing is remember this 430 width and 709 wait no but it's not it's a square this doesn't sound correct is it not including the crop amount but because of the Okay so the width is write this down chat we need to figure out the width it's total width is 706.8 minus the crop on the left which is 205 and the crop on the right which is 206. so 706 minus two of 706.8 minus 205 minus 206. what is that that's our X size after cropping so then you're just writing it out what's the result of that calculation like 300 what is the actual number somebody has to have done it I think it's negative 150 295. thank you 294.8 okay I'll just do 295. okay and now we get the width the height the height should be the original height which is seven wait what is Source height what's the difference between height and Source height is probably its current height after resizing I would guess so height is 429.8 minus 37 minus 79. what is that I didn't sign up for calculus this is basic Edition 3 300 and 13.8 okay we'll say 314. [Music] so this maybe works now it should theoretically be sized assuming we're interpreting OBS correctly which we I may or may not be doing um okay I run the thing DVD logo go oh I still have a breakpoint go that's pretty good it's pretty goddamn good it's too fast yeah I can turn on the speed of it hold on the speed might also be [ __ ] it up a bit do three instead of 10 every frame uh what else do I need to get rid of these remind me when we do Twitch Plays OBS tomorrow to take over out that three second thing because that's stupid okay why is it entering in the left well I said it's I mean I can set it in the center or somewhere okay so this should do it go yeah it's going a little too far I wonder why that is top and bottom are fine this is gonna be such a quick stream today guys all in pause alerts for a bit can we beat a level before you finish the coding Adventure you could have probably beaten the level um chat would have beaten you on the quadrant screens again and you know it we may move faster so does it just it are we just wrong on the source height and width it seems to think it's bigger than it is it can't just be three times in a row all right what if we just guess I don't understand how to get the correct source and height based off the information we had reduce screen width by a hundred oh yeah Douglas I propose The Wager of if we beat you again we play Mario party for a minimum of 20 turns I wait to reply to this proposal on behalf of all twitch chats thank you sir Douglas [Music] how could you be so unculture Doug banana burgers are hecking delicious okay I don't understand why it thinks that the height and width are off but hey Doug just wanted to be clear that I disagree with any decision you make thank you okay we're just gonna we're just gonna hack this and figure out what the number is okay so it thinks though it's way too wide right now some real estate to help with your embezzlement of funds for the editors not what I have some good locations in the Bay Area you might like okay a little bit less on the width and then we're good Do You Want to Build a Snowman seems pretty good that seems pretty good I just spent all my money I need you to show me your fingernails and begging you oh no I'm not gonna do that but thank you for the great suggestion is there a prize for the corner hit I don't it's okay Doug no rush smile okay what we got to do is if there's a prize for you getting the corner I get something if my thing hits the corner like if your guys if your guys's game hits the corner and I like gift he's trying his five subs or something you mean when he is pitching us against each other instead I would greatly appreciate that less than three nah it's funny either way random story yeah can we assume that cutting is a 2d player former and you are just bad at it like every other 2D player former uh coding I'm willing to admit I'm not good at I will not about 2D Platformers unless I lose the next round you should do account twitch chat stream sometime and make the challenge reasonable but simple and then just never do the challenge for like four hours and then stream and declare they couldn't that's a good idea I need to start lying more it's not the DVD movement is a loop what do you mean it's not gonna loot I mean unless it literally just turns into a loot so the initial x and y coordinate we can set as random uh import random so x equals random dot Rand int right that we do I think so we said it randomly between screen between zero and the width minus the source width right and then same here but with height so now a little start at random spot I'm gonna do like minus 10 just to be safe foreign random acceleration we could have it okay if we change it from six pixel like six pixels moved per frame down to one but then it's multiplied by a random dot Rand in oh random without the Rand int uh one to twenty then it'll move really sporadically every frame that'll be funny this is a good idea this needs to be Rand int okay now it'll move a different amount every time we'll see what happens I don't like it I [ __ ] hate this it's on drugs it's the DVD logo is taking cocaine I don't like it for one of them we have to look at this for like 20 minutes while we're playing dude this sucks shakes I mean we can go we can go a lot harder than that that's randomly between 1 and 20 pixels go 1 and 200. wait oh we lost it it moved it's just awesome I don't know where it is I saw the border wait hold on oh we can't see it over on this scene oh God it's back because whenever it gets really far away it'll try to get back but it's moving backwards so fast that it'll just shoot itself in the round direction again okay we want we lost the game I don't know where it is [Music] it came back for a second he's trying to get back he's just moving too fast he blj'd out yeah oh he's back let's go welcome back buddy okay all right yes there we go and cool and we're good our boy is returned never mind our boy is gone this is playable how about this is your guys's screen and then I mine is just sitting here peacefully that's a good setup everybody in chat agrees with that but I have to be on cocaine oh okay let me I don't know where the hell it went we've lost our boy I'm gonna turn him back to not one in two hundred [Music] let's just let's just remove the it was I like it more when it's consistent let's do five [Music] look at how peaceful this is that you feel better now that our boy is safe and sound at home he's not off doing drugs okay just bound it yeah I guess you could just do [Music] you could do um [Music] the minimum of this and the max of the screen so that way it always stays in screen [Music] but it's funnier when our boy goes off on his own like he leaves for college mint all right this should be really crazy looking but then it should stay on stream the whole like on screen the whole time um oh [Music] no we still lost the boy oh our boy's back okay The Boy comes back more often now he returns home to visit his parents more often [Music] he doesn't like bees he's Independence chat you give your idea about minimizing the number is just he just looks even more upset than before this is part this is part of raising a song together that we've been doing I know you are you guys are protective mothers but we need to let our boy go off and explore the world he'll come back trust that he'll come back to the nest where's my boy I don't know he's been gone for a while you left one at 200 they're both at 200. I put them at 200 but then it should cap it back in in bounds and it's not doing that so [Music] I can't life without him you're gonna be okay you're capping the Delta not the final position oh yeah you're right I'm dumb whatever we don't need it the boy can the boy can Adventure I trust the boy okay I need to do this now with um your guys's game I am going to be lazy I'm going to just make a copy of this file instead of having it well presumably the screen had all the same issue I'd be it'd be simpler to just have two file I'm gonna be I'm gonna be lazy and do this badly chat is bad at 2D Platformers you could easily combine these into two files I'm just going to make them two separate ones so that I can just hack the screen with and source with as needed don't worry about it I'm great at uh 2D platforms okay so you're gonna be game capture and then I need to make sure there are no copies of that Source in OBS can you finish cutting so I can go to sleep please oh [ __ ] that was sent a long time ago I had it paused I hope you went to sleep I just need to so about that quick one-hour stream I really really was planning on this being a very quick stream today how long has it been it's been two and a half hours whatever this is fine OBS Source moving like a DVD logo is great for future Nerfs I don't know why your message the OBS Source moving like the DVD screensaver is a great addition to Future Nerf challenge streams I do agree I'm glad I did this the size of the window you're bouncing yes I just don't know why getting this the size of the source feels very inconsistent in terms of what information OBS is getting us it's strange uh okay game capture Doug I need them I took out alone I really need I.T Doug show me your fingernails I will do anything [Music] no a good try uh I need to reset the trans can you code it so it never hits the corner but don't tell us foreign [Music] know that guy has a good point we need to see your fingernails no he doesn't no he doesn't okay if the prediction still isn't paid out okay we'll pay out the prediction I did not get it first try maybe some images were off because the position transform is set to without the crop [Music] oh you're right that's got to be it right so it's yes so the XY position you're gonna do the 12-hour coding stream on June 23rd like you promised please dug you swore to us you would no okay you are here you are named game capture we're gonna go in here we're going to put a break point we're going to run this code we are going to jump into the break point we are going to go forward three lines now we have it's Wiggles okay response data in hold on what's that song by Ultra what's that Ultra kill song that's really good hey Doug I just want to say I really was hoping for a migraine today and I would like to thank you for coding one right here on stream hi look I was really hoping for a migration so it's one hour stream today it was exactly what I needed oh here we go we are going to do math I need help with math again they grow up so fast okay get ready [Music] this is the transform information for the SNES gameplay that you guys are gonna play we need to calculate the height width go police hi found this set of pixels driving impaired into a ditch is this your son you should have watched out for him more where the [ __ ] is it no I disavowed him pay attention to M.A backslash where the [ __ ] is that it says the height and width are zero but you just show them oh because it's not showing oh my God okay I need to rerun it when it's showing like 15 bucks now I really need this I'm going to get not cancer if you don't show me your fingernails [Music] we go in double double your nails is kind of weird not gonna lie some people BTW could I get a quick peep at your toenails SMH my head some people okay here we go Source height no let's do with First Source fingernail guys with 670 0.6 minus 365 minus 364. that's way too much I just got back from my dad's funeral and while it was very traumatic and extremely sad and he would be missed greatly there was nothing we could do about the freak bouncing DVD logo accident he was in anyways what are we up to today you're dead how many agreements with the fingernail guy please show us your fingernails in fact give us a fingernail camp this is what the people want ah look hold on get shut turn off the music somebody turn off the okay it says that the width of this source is 670 and it also says that I've cropped to the left by 364 and the right by 365. this doesn't make sense why not just use width because I think the width is before the crop maybe the width is after crop now it says it must be right with what must be after crop but that didn't seem to be the case with the other one Source width is before crop width is after but then why did we do all that weird numbers that were turned out to be wrong last time you're almost making me think that what I did last time was wrong because it didn't work correctly okay so width is 670 and height is 362. okay let's let's pop those numbers in and see what happens I already forgot what are the numbers I can just look at it height 362. with 670. damn that doesn't seem correct why would the why would the width be it's a square why would the width be like twice as big huh what this just doesn't make any sense just run it I mean we'll just we can just [ __ ] send it and we can just guess and check that's the classic way to program is that you don't know what you're doing you just throw in numbers until it kind of works okay let's do that that's funny um let's test it let me make sure it's live yes that's the wrong one oh oh I need to I'm dumb foreign capture okay running okay so the top the left and top work so the bottom the bottom is like I need to make the bottom seems fine right the bottom seems fine so we just need to make it think that the screen width is bigger man what the [ __ ] we're just gonna hack it until it works okay so it's it's now gonna think it's something with the way OBS is communicating the size of this thing I just don't understand that's fine but we're just going to say that the screen width is like 23. this is such a terrible way of doing things this is comically bad okay that's too far 2120 let me try it with this I rerun It Go that's not quite far enough we send it a little bit more that looks pretty good right the guy have fed my cats walked my dog and made myself dinner and this five minute coding Adventure is still going on going to go mow the lawn will check in afterwards bottom looks good is it like it feels like it's like five pixels off I love the Turley gang before the stream started working about math Majors math major Bots and the like and it's totally become relevant in today's stream three love the stream Doug also traitors take my Rogue Yellow Belly Time arcade cat scratches the guy [ __ ] in the cry out spent so much money I really can't do this SIM can a cry that seemed good to me that seemed good right I made it slow just so we can check that seemed fine it was maybe like one pixel off could can you are you guys able to tell [Music] I think it's like pretty much you think 10 more pixels I feel like it's so close to to good bottom seems perfect it was a couple pixels off more or less do I make it do I bring it in is it is it five pixels over or under you can still see the brown okay hold on [Music] yeah you're right okay five more right [Music] five more so we make the width two one seven five and then we run that [Music] you're gonna create guys I'm so hard when this thing nails perfectly into the side oh that felt good that felt good dude that was perfect that was perfect [Music] dude this this is gonna this is gonna rip ass this is all of our our five minutes of coding are paying off with this DVD logo which we can now use for future streams actually which is fun because that'll be really really easy to set this up although I need to figure out how to actually get the width and height check this out right here this hit is all worth it the 50 minutes is worth it for this hit right here ready take a big deep breath yeah oh and it almost hit Corner that was a good hit a DVD logo man if I also run this one oh can I run both in it doesn't look like it where am I even writing this this is in twitch chat please never run this one too okay let me update the high the speed for both of them to be five no let's make them okay yours needs to be slightly faster so that um so that they don't like get into a perfect sink right okay both of them should work starting now that was pretty good [Music] that was pretty good okay I forgot what oh right we're playing Super Mario um so wait so what do we do if if somebody hits a perfect corner do you really think this is playable this feels playable to me yours goes down five too far that's the one we just tested and we we Craig has themed over it was perfect are you saying mine mine is the bigger one mine is this is this one right here this this one's mine that one's mine this one's yours this this is yours I think mine's fine mine might need like a couple okay so you're saying that's an interesting proposition hold on you were suggesting that we race like this but if either one of our s if either one of our games Nails the corner then that's an auto win yeah also yours goes over mine that's stupid No Deal why is that not a deal take a pole it seems to be happening too often I haven't seen it happen once what are you talking about it needs to be the perfect corner right it has to reverse the X and Y on the same frame [Music] like we have to see it has to be the same frame right it literally can't happen it literally can't happen what are you talking about like that one looked close I don't think this is it look I mean look at the code if it's right before if it's like at the pixel right before and then it moves over it just happened okay send me a clip I bet you it didn't I bet you it didn't your game just did so you're saying I win but look I mean it definitely could flip both at in the same thing it definitely can let me have a clip all right let me at least I want to watch the clip by the way to see if it happened it's if this is happening too often then I think they're gonna be really really really close a lot but not actually happen I guess we would have to stop it constantly to check you have to see oh you're saying right there okay this is dramatic oh you can't see hold on okay here's the replay here's the replay we're looking at mine the the one that's coming into the corner oh that is sliding in perfectly oh that's sliding in perfectly wow I think that's a corner hit I think it's a corner hit God damn okay so I'm just really good at this all right I guess the corner okay the corner is going to happen too often check in the code oh wait yeah we could every time it hits the corner we just do a flag to see hold on that should be pretty easy to do okay I have a good idea five minute coding Adventure in and out this is actually five like less than five minutes what we do is if the X direction is flipped we set a flag that says you know like um X flipped equals true um we'll start up here so it starts false if we do end up flipping it gets set to true and then if we say uh if y gets flipped if x flipped as well then we play a sound here and to do that that's easy okay I need to move this [ __ ] into a different folder hold on this will break the code it will literally not we're just going to play a noise we're just gonna play a noise that way if it ever hits the corner we we know a big thing like we we get a big alert right I don't think this will work why would this not work so it's saying I mean this is seems really straightforward and then I just play sound here right this will break the code so hard this is so incredibly simple of an addition I it flips Direction every time it hits a boundary every single frame it's going to do this Loop it will start by saying we haven't flipped X if it does flip X then the flag is true if it also flips y then it that means both of them flipped and it hit the corner set X flipped to false after y conditional it doesn't matter because it's going to loop again in this while loop and then it's going to be set to false again this is definitely going to work I'm just gonna confuse I'm like freaking out because you guys are so passionate about this not working and it's so it's such an easy addition anyway all right hold on hold on hold on you're freaking me out let me move I need to move files around because this is getting more complex someone else gave me one million dollars oh [ __ ] you've probably seen my fingernails here dad Club Unite DVD logo bouncer okay I'm moving my files around close folder hey Doug can you put roaster cam in the background [Music] good idea but no no girlfriend just broke up with me because I said hold on babe I'll bail you out soon Doug's stream is only an hour to make up for this atrocity please replace the Declaration Channel reward with a bag of fingernails that you will hand delivered to any Redeemer oh you must nobody wanted with your weird fingernails that is why it didn't work foreign this is the Federal Bureau of fingernails gonna need to inspect your fingernails [Music] okay [Music] hey Doug maybe it's nothing but a streamer bot running slash well you'd better go catch it that's not a Deez Nuts joke that's just like a dad pun try source with minus the crop and then multiply by the scale multiplier oh maybe it's the scale yeah that's probably what was [ __ ] up oh yeah cause I rescaled it that's probably it right I don't know I'll figure this out um the game screen looks like a 43 ratio not a square [Music] from audio player import audio manager oh my [ __ ] if it's a square in the bottom works properly just make the width the same as the height it's not a square though Audio Manager [Music] dot play audio see your mother the doctor we need you to show us your fingernails for health stuff you know because I definitely am your mother the doctor [Music] okay hello Douglas what is your favorite entry in the Xenoblade consiles video game series by monolithsoft I have not played any of them but the music for number two is probably the best one I do really really love the music alright cool so we should now be able to play a sound whenever it hits the corner what should the sound be we could make oh God damn it we could make a sound because I could record me yelling like Corner hit and then we just add sounds to it what should it be I think we do I don't want to just play laundry alarm that's for the laundry because I could just yell Corner hit do we play other sounds during it It's gotta be something new not just laundry alarm we might we must create new things chat metal pipe a Nokia ringtone oh Peggle finale themes really good do I have that you just subbed for three years that's a 60 value All Foreign thank you so much for the three years I appreciate it it's a long time thank you thank you I don't have the I don't have the song for it okay we do also have yeah we do have uh this uh that's not that exciting we can do the okay the Peggle the Peggle winning sound would be pretty fun we could also do um getting a star in Super Mario Galaxy [Music] for anybody who hasn't been we got distracted we're gonna play Super Mario World we just decided to turn the game into a DVD logo that's bouncing around and we're adding a sound to play if it hits the corner for an hour but anyway that one's pretty good like it does it does give you the sense of like this is a huge deal and then if we combine that with me screaming like uh corner or whatever like that's pretty good Peggle extreme man the Peggle song is really good though the pickle song would sound like this um Peggle Victory song [Music] all right both that'll sound bad I'm probably actually gonna get um claimed for this I guess it's never happened before with pickle beat one I can't find the Peggle one game maybe this that's it it's fever time but [Music] [Applause] [Music] this has a bunch of sounds built ahead [Music] I know it's called Ode to Joy but I can't just take a random composition of Ode to Joy uh songs are copyrighted because art is about money chat so I need to find the con the actual recording from Peggle otherwise whoever's recording I am using will probably uh pork me in the [ __ ] let me pull up Premiere let me let me record something first quick five-minute Adventure we're gonna make a corner bumping sound and then we're gonna do round three okay very quick one second Doug this is my last time I'm gonna cry if I've spent all my cash on this thanks for being a great content creator One Last Time Plaza show me your fingernails you've still haven't done round three this is a one hour stream spreadsheet of the total number of ingredients I need in Zelda to upgrade my horse before this five-minute coding Adventure has ended it's been it's a long five minutes okay one of the longer five minutes that we've had hello Mr Redden I'm from the fingernail Inspection Bureau please show your fingernails to the camera to confirm they haven't been illegally modified camera died oh okay well you know what you guys are gonna have to just don't acknowledge this well I'll give it a sub just don't acknowledge this message in any way got it okay oh I might have crashed OBS Doug this hurts my soul I will email you a better version of this later along with my invoice see you in divorce court I'm doing fine I assume you mean of all the code it works could you add the code for like confetti if the corner hit happens I mean we could okay I could add a nuke when one hits a perfect Corner make the nintendog come back and get larger and larger oh my camera might just be [ __ ] this is not good ah thank you Elgato cam link hey chats what do you think Doug is hiding with his fingernails um oh okay cool we're back I thought I might just be [ __ ] Doug I didn't see the nails Plaza keep them up for at least 20 seconds am cool thank you Griffith the two gift Subs um okay you're my director there's this code to make you good at 2D Platformers if so that would explain why it's not working you laugh all you want until I rip some ass in this last round okay um get what's my what's my inspiration okay oh dejoy doesn't have copyright the composition is not copyrighted if you as an orchestra go play it the recording that you make is copyrightable so somebody can still claim me on YouTube and then I have to like dip it um uh appeal it and whatnot what's the what's the tone of me saying corner corner hit just sing it [Music] up okay I know I record over that because I'm Harmony this is really coming together I hope um some Orchestra still like sues me or whatever okay I know I need to do a lower one right we need like the base oh [ __ ] sorry [Music] do I keep the laughter I feel like that [ __ ] it up and then I'll do a high pitch one now too okay the original [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mom we have out of Joy at home I don't want to hear this I don't want it it doesn't sound like any it does not sound like Ode to Joy at all not at all okay how about I record this over the paggle version how about that so at least it kind of sounds right Peggle Ode to Joy can I just get that [Applause] [Music] okay I have the Peggle one I should sing over the Peggle so that way that way hold on let me try that quick five minute Adventure one second I need to download the MP3 one sec play the audio from the episode of The Office where it happens I don't know what that means one of my pet peeves is when people use Office Clips in YouTube videos so no I do not want to contribute to that Xenoblade music in the background of your streams for years but you've never played any don't feel so betrayed sorry I don't really like jrpgs I just don't really play RPGs in general they're just too slow for me put on some laundry so you can play the alarm but what I feel good it just exploded I feel good to have created a new sound okay I'll send you the invoice for my tinnitus treatment also sound should just be the part of big blast Sonic that says get a giraffe I can just play that anytime make the TA check sound be one of the corner of it sounds the TX ones actually could get you claimed on YouTube THX will claim it I will record over the original can twitch chat speak the entire game before Doug finishes the coding I don't know if you guys could be two levels ever ever one level though you can rip Doug they're singing words do I just say Doug or [Applause] barely no way anyone would try to claim that you underestimate how often things get claimed on YouTube oh I should say corner corner make a video of this you will you will on God's name you will put me in I didn't spend this much money to not be an avid peace out into the fingernail guy signing out oh no we're not gonna do that but thank you for the like 15 or whatever it's been hey take existence yes or no also nice singing [Music] [Applause] that's good and then I have to have the song fade out right after this and now below [Music] I cut myself off that's fine and now they're high [Music] God okay ladies and gentlemen I think we have it do we include all the sniffing [Music] I don't like it I hate this this sucks this sucks badly oh hold on we just need to balance this should be like down by like 10. so we can still hear the background no It's gotta be more uh like seven oh that's a good call we add the sniffing after laughs [Music] this [ __ ] sucks it's been an hour and 15 minutes one day there will be an actual five minute coding Adventure in and out I think we got it that's the right volume right that balance is good oh my God [Music] eat it [Music] [Music] all right all right we're done we're done we're done we gotta get back to video games today is a short stream um now I export the guy was just coming from the Great Purge video you are a war criminal slash Gotham mods [Music] time for war crimes whenever we get new mods we always one of the things we ask in the Google Google modding sure sure I'll also give you my acapella every mod has to list like a tier list of their favorite war crimes throughout history we just need to get a sense of their character they're a good fit you know hey Doug can I use your version of vote to Joy in my funeral thank you your funeral sucks uh all right [Music] what do I call this Corner alarm [Music] [Music] Doug why do people come in and ask what's going on where'd it go huh oh I haven't exported I'm dumb oh to Corner hi dog dog love this five minute coding Adventure any minute now it will have been for the five minutes will be up it's a little slow of a five minute Adventure all right I was gonna do so much other stuff today but whatever I am having a very good time which is weird because I always think it's crazy this time I'm leaving put me in a bit plaza plaza plaza also should I cosplay as my PHP why and chat and I mean if I'll make a video that's just for me thanks sock sock sock sock socks sock sucks uh thank you no we will not be including fingernails in any video so happy that you have finally started showing support to our heroes the coroners what does this have to do with death what do you mean is older Joy like a funeral song I just associated with Peggle oh I get it Foreigner that was good that was a good dad joke you need a different one for our corner and your corner oh [ __ ] you're right [Music] okay [Music] oh [ __ ] okay we should probably make two versions one of them is usually take this long to render for some reason with my Premiere it started doing this the first time when I opened a project the first time it renders it takes like two minutes to render the audio files and then it's fine from that point forward so I don't know what's going on Adobe products are not exactly good um it could just start with a quick little twitch chat hit the corner or Doug hit the corner right so it starts with that like if we do score Perfection the Elegance the unexpected jumpscare of that initial to Joy rendition your masterful interpretation was not just music it was a poetic expression of joy and hope thank you this is why I tune in every time thank you you are my hero finally some honest feedback in this chat I am pretty great not reversing it will suck dude do you realize how awful that will sound okay so what we could do is it starts with this Doug just hit the corner or maybe just dug at the corner Doug hit the corner so it's Doug hit the corner right I feel like that's pretty good yeah uh other way around what do you mean after the sniffs that's so confusing it should it should mean think about hold on this is truly a five minute coding Adventure in and out okay dog hit the corner okay we bring this in here here's what it can sound like okay all right so imagine we're playing Mario right everybody's playing Mario we're having a good time yeah yeah yeah okay oh yeah Mario Mario okay we're playing Mario okay here let me get my controller all right cool we're playing Mario and then Doug hit the corner our daughter definitely after that stupid that's dumb so it just sounds like this our God Doug hit the corner open it first we know what's happening how do you reverse this and reverse speed is that it I assume [Music] we are not reversing it I think it should be before it doesn't it's so weird after butter God is [Music] Doug hit the corner after is suspenseful I guess so then we're all sitting there wondering during the sniffs Jesus Take the Wheel the give sub fairy thank you for the five good Subs Doug hit the corner no It's gotta be it's gotta be before or after it's got to be before or after it adds tension okay we'll we'll do after it'll happen after okay so this will be the Doug version uh Corner alarm Dash Doug hey I have a really good idea and if the mods bound Me Maybe sad we should all follow the fingernail guy what about timey just an idea that you should do it shut hit the corner twitch chat hit the corner should just be my two-year-old's name is Connor and needless to say the previous segment if your stream was very confusing for him why are you subjecting your two-year-old to this I will report you to customs what's the thing about abuses oh I would love to one day I do not like uh Adobe CPS oh Child Protective Services there we go yeah not Customs chat hit the cornered GPT sing it for you twitch chat hit the corner oh that's true we could use my AI voice no this is good we we are good this has this coding Adventure has gone actually on too long we're almost there twitch chat hit the corner hey that guy accidentally sent my last Dono early and I could really use that money back could you help me out I can't just be donating all the time anyway he is 300 more bits P.S I just got here how the hell did we get to this coding Adventure I don't chat sand your recordings of outer corner and make it a corner song I like that idea we have to move on and now if they're identical then there's a lot of suspense to figure out who who actually um got it okay we'll move this up four and then you're up five four okay I don't know why I did like that the entire point that only I've had this idea of of us racing in Super Mario World for I don't know months and I was like I'll just that's only gonna be like 15 minutes I'll just save it for a stream that I like really just want to do a short stream and I'm tired and then today was that day and I was like okay I'm cashing in I'm just gonna do a literally like 45 minute stream and be done that way I do something but I can do other work how long how long has it been it's been three hours and 15 minutes okay this is the twitch chat version Corner alarm twitch chat [Music] and I will just give you [Music] this version for people who want it [Music] all right I'm back from Lego Harry Potter years one to four by myself thank you for keeping things quiet smile smile also twitch chat you look miserable did somebody die do we need some funeral music the announcement should be they hit the Pentagon meme hey if you would like [Music] if you would like the first version feel free to download it here there you go if you would like the other one I have work tomorrow and I somehow don't think ruining my sleep schedule to watch your code is gonna make my code any better but [ __ ] it if you would like the other one feel free to download off of link is disabled huh I'm now one hash in bitstorm knowing so cool on game so cool show us your fingernails to celebrate all right what's cool with the fingernail joke why is it not working it works for me send help demons are coming in from a hole that's suddenly opened in my living room it works right for me yeah the link works just refresh it might just be a lot of people suddenly uh and this one if you want the other one I made I'm sure I'm glad to know you're in our corner but please stop yelling at us there you go feel free to download okay how long of an adventure was this making this sound I just got here on the coding stream ended no don't worry we're still coding how long of a how long of a how long did we take on sounds that's 30 minutes okay okay any second now it's been three hours Short stream my ass okay well you have that you have the corner alarm so now this is mine yeah cause I'm SNES so I will do this one cornerlongdug.wave and then you guys are true okay theoretically it was five minutes okay cool we're good in 20 minutes half of the stream will have been coding Doug thank you for speaking out against the stupid fingernail joke show me that belly button or toenails thanks loser what is the corner alarm for let me show you there's so much so many programs open hey twitch chat these bits are for you please just boost them equally amongst yourselves okay let me just double check I wrote this correctly X left audio manager play audio Corner alarm false false false means to wake up in the morning and and then we don't want to delete it yep cool so now if I run both of these Oh wrong thing wait where's it play out of it's should that should be fine okay we run both of these they start bouncing now if any if either one of them hit the corner it should play the corner alarm now we wait in suspense wait mod can we get a bet on who on who Corners first Oh I thought that was it I thought that was it I really thought that was it hey Doug I don't want to see your fingernails that's weird I just want to see or smile less than three because you guys are saying it was gonna happen all the time okay really quick prediction right now who Corners first I feel like all Corner first all right you guys are the green one you're the this one they're really green I'm the the mortan one oh that was close I mean it's possible my code doesn't work as well and I just won't do anything it's like the most tense music I have now chats is going faster oh oh no okay Oh I thought that was maybe yeah the decision is pretty dramatic where's that this will take forever that was it I didn't say it at all I was looking down for a second foreign other people are saying it was not it was very close okay It's gotta it's basically it has to wait oh it froze it crashed the code wait but you guys did you guys did hit Corner though somehow I crash the code why would this crash [Applause] [Music] Doug hit the corner I hit the corner what aren't I uh I'm confused why no work what what do they crashed one of them and then the other one played the thing at the wrong time um I wrote the audio manager code yesterday so that might have issues let me double check this actually works uh okay bam what yeah good news uh the coding Adventure Continues why are you not working here did I do this wrong is this not actually working I did this yesterday and I was proud of it because it's a way better way of doing audio um which is pi game instead of VLC and then I figured out how to make multiple sounds at once even though for some reason that didn't work last time why no work well the the corner alarm did play for me so probably refund that I'm not clear who won why is the audio manager not working let's find out whoo oh it's not even playing on this one that's why so it should play [Applause] [Music] Doug hit the corner yeah that worked so why did that worked for me last time so mine worked and yours didn't why didn't yours work huh foreign this is why I really should not be doing this in two separate files but whatever I'll clean it up later don't worry about it this is a live stream coding session it's okay for it to be dog [ __ ] okay oh it should actually work so you guys did actually hit the corner first I don't know if the prediction was refunded or whatever okay rematch can we all just agree please [Music] there's time for a rematch nothing's happening oh oops because I have it sleeping for 10 seconds for a rematch foreign do their neck and neck right now oh that could nope that good oh that was close Doug I just have one thing to say fingernails fingernails fingernails fingernails finger thank you which one is chat this one is chat green one is Chad this one is me hey Doug I'm sorry you love spending time with us so much that you can't actually do a short stream I think I speak for all of chat when I say the feeling is mutual can you please show us your fingernails oh that was close [Music] it's just so disconnected from what's Happening hey Doug my doctor told me I've got five minutes to live thought it was just enough to watch this quick five minutes coding Adventure but it's now the 15th of June oh that was pretty you guys were close and I haven't been able to die since please let me die I beg you hey Doug this is important here what about making Chad to act as various fictional characters and twitch chat is on a dating show you ask questions to the AI and based on answers we have to guess who the characters are and pick who we want to date that's pretty good get the corner first cold showers or hot showers hot oh that was close oh that could go oh dude we are like bouncing in between one of us is going to corner right now for sure right Corner that was like one pixel off I've got I've been one pixel off like twice that dude look at this is three in a row four in a row where I'm like two pixels off it has to be directly in the corner dude it didn't Corner the code the code knows kill issue that could do it that could do it no it's getting slightly more off I'm stuck in a loop now where I'm getting slightly less close to the corner you guys have a bunch of time now like have you seen have you seen me where I'm just like very slowly moving away from the corner now [ __ ] Doug you should give chap the ability to type up down left and right to be able to do pixel adjustments on their screen are we turning this into twitch chat plays DVD logo we're supposed to be playing Mario DVD platformer hold on all right don't talk [ __ ] until you guys are actually one around an official round where the code works we could literally play Mario at any time but you're a [ __ ] addict I'm not addicted to five minute coding Adventures it's just that I just can't I'm not I don't want to quit yet I could quit anytime are you really telling me you want to stop this right now oh oh that's close you really you wanna [ __ ] you're getting really really close and two people okay oh God we could do that if you seriously are gonna [ __ ] look me in the mouth and tell me that you want to not find out who Corners first I think you're insane you're you're a husk of a human with no joy in your life how do you not want to figure out who Corners first okay you guys are getting close I am way off right now again you guys are the are they all green one this is you right here is competitive edging against TOs s cornering cornering not edging why is it taking three hours this time [ __ ] yeah that was really close from you guys [Music] okay I think you're drifting away from the corner now yeah you are you are you're getting less accurate I think I'm gonna have a chance my guy is starting to get close to the corner again and then he'll like he'll it's perfectly bounced where he like bounces back and forth and gets like five chances that are pretty good at hitting I feel like I need to be out of the way dude right I feel like I'm in the way get me out of here you guys are close you guys are really close okay make them bounce off each other [Music] that is a cool idea actually hey it's like three things I now hit 4K donut subs thank you all to my bets on dog three dog will you marry me I will spoil you with bits in my fingernail clippings no I ride solo just like my DVD logo [ __ ] man okay it's close all ground DVD player more important that's close this one could hit I'm like right I'm I'm edging in right now I'm literally edging this one this is it this is it look at mine look at mine I think I missed the opportunity [Music] that's so [ __ ] close I think it's past I think it's past yeah I lost the chance now he's moving farther away is it even possible necessarily I'm about to Corner I think raise the movement the raising the movement speed will be closer I think we have to restart it I think they're actually in a loop stream to DVD games also can you just leave this on aloe Knight and do whatever you have to do no I need the computer for other [ __ ] I can't just have all these programs running that are moving DVD logos okay we're okay we're gonna speed it up I love this free how I mean five minutes coding Adventure can't wait till twitch chat Corners so hard what are you doing I like the pong padders idea you could add commands like pong up and pong down so we have to play Mario and pong at the same time but we are ponging Mario we want a pong Doug We're Not Gonna pong Mario we're gonna this is that is like a five hour coding Adventure we this has already been five minutes okay we could make them both really fast okay mine was five and yours was at six let's up mine to like eleven and the screen width and height are bad this will go on forever yeah yeah it's not guaranteed to ever end depending on where they start it the starting spot is randomized okay this is 11 11 each this will go a lot faster there's another chance can't last much longer I'm gonna Corner soon I am doing my best to get everybody relief from the corners okay are we good are you ready Corner whoa [Applause] because you have to who got it Doug hit the corner of the best DVD player a [ __ ] nuts dude twitch streamer practices Corner denial four eight thousand Edge viewers oh buddy oh the sweet release yes feels good man Germany you want to double or nothing it cause I'm guaranteed wait no I'm not we don't know if it Loops right I'm not guaranteed to get Corner again necessarily you guys are green I'm the tan one again I'm like chasing you right now reset it we go one more time okay this is it's kind of one one right now because you guys sort of won when we were testing it hey I won the second round this is final round today in Norway slash Norway damn nuts can fit in your mouth go Tim slash slash show seven get a mods okay we need like okay what if we did a crew versus said Crew Mario but we also have to play Punk okay these are all good ideas I'm just like we're so far off track from what today was supposed to be that I just I just want to try to be focused here you prematurely cornered no I brim I mean all right look I know it was like within a couple seconds but I still everybody was able to be satisfied even by the time I finished cornering quick hour stream home the stream has only been like five minutes okay um final round of corner battle you guys are green I'm the switch background actually I'll go back into Mario this is confusing if I'm at the same level dear chat I submit to you in New Era the era of rocked a world free from rigging where everyone has dollar read to us and where chat rules chat hey what about the time I just want you to know that I love you slightly more than I love the rest of chat and slightly less than I love Doug so you're like my number two you know that's so sweet okay I'm going down to eight speed of eight okay round three [Music] go go go go that looks good I could have cornered so early with that they're both dude you guys got close you guys got close let's go I'm pretty close dude I'm I'm edging I've been like three pixels off multiple times all right that one was a quarter [Applause] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] nothing Doug hit the corner oh nuts I'm so gonna [Music] so good we won't least end today knowing that I am good at corner Platformers yeah so it hits the corner a lot yeah so mine hits the corner a lot yeah because I'm good at this game okay all of this was so that we could play Super Mario World use better Frame data we're not analyzing Frame data it just checks what direction it's moving and if it swaps the X and Y Direction in a single frame that means it hit the corner [Music] um it's an advantage because yours takes up more screen space is there an actual mathematical is there any logic to that does the size of your school does it matter mine is a little wider I don't know why that would make it easier to hit the corner I mean of course you're saying yes there's no way I'm sure somebody could actually analyze the difference but why would it be different I [Music] yeah first off the size doesn't matter it's about how you use your logo it bounces sooner so it gets more collisions I guess that is true [Music] it does need to travel a shorter distance [Music] I mean it bounces more but does that does that actually change the likelihood of the corner of cornering like I'm sure there's a way you can actually analyze this but [Music] imagine the width of the screen is accident hold on I'll just let these messages come through Doug you did Corner really really fast and I wasn't very satisfied I mean I had a great time cornering [Music] look I think now that I've cornered uh we're done okay we're not playing I don't need to worry about you guys simulate to let us change the pictures to something else no we gotta play the video let's let's focus on the video game instead of making a bunch of like sexual innuendo and [ __ ] I've said okay you guys are gonna I'm set at six movement you guys are at five um that way they're not they don't get stuck in a loop right squarer has the advantage with the screen is different shape Doug it's okay if you Corner quickly I hear that happens to a lot of men imagine a rectangle that is so wide that it covers almost an entire screen it bounces so quickly there's more chances so yes it has better odds a geometrician what is a geometrician that sounds like you made that up to sound smart that's actually a word I just thought you're called like a mathematician I thought you were just making like okay I still I don't know that the number of bounces corresponds to more chances of cornering though necessarily I guess it does because there's zero chance of cornering when you are not bouncing off if you're not edging you're not you have no chance of cornering right so you have to Edge to corner and the more often you edge the higher chance of actually releasing the corner [Music] it just feels like there's potentially a downside of the size of the shape being bigger does that change How likely you are to corner at all because I would get stuck in this Loop right where you were bounced back and from the corner to the middle to the middle Center sorry from the top left corner to the bottom middle to the top right corner to the bottom middle they just get stuck in that Loop for long periods of time and theoretically you if you don't get stuck in Loops like that the square is better you're probably right I'm just I'm just curious about it how it works you guys are thinking too much Corner challenge difficulty impossible okay so let's just play the [ __ ] game we could sit here making sexual innuendo all day long but do we really want that no we're more mature what today was supposed to be we just want to pump all over the place let us pong Doug dude the pong is it would be hard the pong would take a long time Okay so I will let me see how do I say that was a success most guys can't find the corner oh my God um so here's my verdict I am currently playing on the um the one that's at the bottom right right now and this sucks ass this is Mario you play both could it be slower this is way too fast I can't like I can't see it I'm doing four and three it's just so fast hey DVD screen you can corn on me any day okay how about this but mine still feels so fast I'm at my speed's at four can you guys be at four and I'm at three please how about okay you guys are a little bit faster how thankful I am that you're not a professional code to take these bits to support a career you can actually do [Music] Electronic Arts paid me a lot of money when I worked for them okay and I think we all know how great their products turned out same speed is just boring because they could get stuck in a loop and then never overlap okay you guys are on top you guys are on top of me I think that should be your you get disadvantaged because of that you guys move I move at a speed of three you guys move at a speed of four and you you're moving slightly faster one because you're just playing through twitch chat and then two um you you're on top of me and so you're likely to block my screen a bunch of the time so that's that's an advantage for you I think that's rig but fair it's 3.5 an option I don't think so because we're moving it no because the X Y coordinates need to be um what's the word not discrete I mean they have to be integers chat tops confirmed you're a fast top and technically you guys will have more chance at cornering on me if you if you're the faster one anyways so you have the advantage here it's just that it's gonna be a little harder to see the game but this is like impossible when it's to actually properly look at otherwise yeah that feel this feels playable to me not very playable but technically playable and then what are we what are we saying if somebody Corners what happens if somebody Corners during the during the Run are you able to bounce it in the chalkboard instead of the whole screen that would be another coding Adventure I don't want to do that okay the whole reason we added a sound for it is because somebody said that it happens too often and then and then because of that we should just have a sound play instead of an auto win I'm fine playing that whoever Corners first gets an auto win because I've crushed you guys in this you even have the advantage you have four you're moving faster than me so you have more chances at cornering reset the level most of chat said no three extra lives I can't really do that there's not like an easy way when when we're um I have an idea if you corner you double the other person's speed so if you guys manage a corner then I now have to move twice as fast and still try to beat the game foreign okay so should we both start at three then um guess what we start at two I could I could start at both us both at three I started because right now I'm at three and you're at four and then if it seems like it's in a loop where where it'll never corner I'll just um if it seems like it's in a loop where I'll never Corner then we will I'll reset it because then it'll reset at a new random position the stream is becoming more and more unwatchable this is moderately watchable is turn in terms of in the scale of Doug dug streams this is a moderately watchable stream some drama going on with bits I don't know exactly what's going on um arguably the least watchable part of this entire stream has been the game combusted me kneecap is a warning for talking about the nuts brand Deets nuts I'm making a quick recovery and can walk again tomorrow just make sure you think about what you've done you have the power to end the stream at any point just accept defeat admit three times that your bads are too deep Platformers and we'll see you tomorrow for the raid Shadow Legend stream Doug what does it mean when you can only win games that you're not actually playing [Music] you say that now but when I rip ass all over the screen I need a cigarette though I don't smoke thank you for seeing my corner suggestion I love the coding stuff cause you always have so much fun haha keep having fun so smile I did have a pretty good time coding this Doug you could make it so the Deltas get changed by a small random amount when it hits the edge making it impossible for it to get stuck with our corners imagine that the width of the screen is excelled you are one slash Five THX and where one slash 10 THX we have 10 different text areas to be in and you have five different text areas you technically have an advantage on cornering because of the width there's the shape also change the corner hits chances I think you're right I think it does I mean I would have to like think about a lot these are the types of things I'm not good at analyzing we've literally it's been two hours okay um we could imagine I can confirm what the geometrician said is true if you consider Each corner to be achieved after a set amount of bounces more bounces more corner but that's that's a really big assumption okay how about this instead of moving by a fixed amount every no because then it'll Jitter around this is what we already did we had it moved by a random amount so instead of moving at three every time it moves randomly from two to four and then that means it'll never get stuck in a loop just five more minutes we can quit anytime let's see what it looks like real quick hold on so if it's between two and four randomly what does that look like [Applause] okay but that's my that's my okay I'm double for her okay literally firing twice [Applause] [Music] [Applause] these are all wins for me mods just keep adding this to the win count that's like eight or nine wins for me where did mine go yours is gone oh my gosh down there [Applause] okay so this doesn't work [Applause] where did mine go mine left foreign [Applause] I don't think we should do that change we're just gonna start at three both okay now you guys can be a four that's an advantage for you you guys will be a four I start at three the part of the stream where my nose itches a lot for some weird [ __ ] reason uh yeah potato Chan I could fix it I mean I think it's funny if it escapes though Doug it's okay to Corner quickly for your first time [ __ ] Vogue okay you can make it so every few minutes it teleports to a new random location no we're just gonna we're gonna start we're gonna start I am shutting I'm shutting it off we're gonna do this in 1919 by 1079 Square the big square with Corner most of the time and the pixel would almost never win yeah that makes sense but I think if they're more even in [ __ ] why is it still doing you just Corner faster than most people it so okay Doug it happens to some men still jittering why is why did I not save it hello oh I didn't save it ah look at how calm this is this is nice this is nice simulator with different sizes and shapes to determine if it is rigged no no no no no no no no no we're we're we're done with the five minute coding Adventures okay who died oh those don't make it so when you hit a wall the speed is randomized that stops a loop that is an easy way to do it no we'll just stay consistent you really should have them bounce off each other these are all good ideas it's been two hours we're gonna play the game um hey Doug as an alternative to the dating show idea make sure simulator show like The Bachelor would be like one of the AI tournament streams but with fighting replaced with sappy lines and backstories to win over Chad Bowser I do like that I still get that pump counter it'll make it that much better when we Edge and finally Corner no no no okay to recap we are playing Super Mario World in DVD logo you guys are controlling one of them so I just played it over and over and over while my older sister would go beat the game this stream is my exact childhood that is funny you guys can control your game by typing up down left right to move you can type lump to jump to the left you can type rump to jump to the right you can also just type jump to jump you can type spin to spin jump what else you need um run you can type run and you'll hold down the Run button uh you can type pump it won't do anything but you can you certainly can and the question is can you beat one level before I beat the entire game now before we get started we do need to do something very important that I know people are very passionate about which is Gamble does chat win the challenge one minute [Music] somebody just dropped like 200 Grand on no God damn [Music] as a reminder play your best everybody don't let the channel points affect how you play do your best Chad I believe in you I mean to be fair if you guys this kind of comes down to cornering if you guys corner if you Corner early and double my speed I am [ __ ] if you can like if you can super fast Corner that's a massive 16 000 dies so do our Speed 8 000 times as fast as yours wait [ __ ] I just realized something they're gonna Corner more often the faster they get okay we have to hope that there are zero Corners because otherwise we'll never finish anything [ __ ] okay I need a good song let's get some [Music] just realized yeah okay I I'm not I have a case of the dumb is everybody ready [Music] after a quick five minutes we are ready to play you have to beat one level that's it as a reminder I can beat this game in about 12 minutes if I'm not playing with a DVD logo [Music] and we begin let's go okay this is actually very playable right now as long as nobody corners and doesn't speed it up we're fine okay it's annoying that it goes behind me and I can't [Music] it's like hard to adjust for the fact that it's moving I keep thinking he's moving more than he actually is in the game [Music] where the [ __ ] am I you die where are you oh you died all right one level done and chat you can always just do a draw if you want feel free to give up anytime you and call whatever I think tomorrow I have to go to work because I did over my money against sorry for and King a damn joke I love you all goodbye later later okay level two chat edges dug for three hours until they both corner all over the place not a clickbait [Music] okay you know I'm just going for it no no no no Doug you hit the corner first you were going places is the world's best and first corn star we need to make a cornhub where all your Corners can be uploaded doing an amateur job with you guys it's a chance in pornography for literally any time we can start you are an addict and you need to get help for it I I need you to look at chat and admit to chat that you have a problem with five-minute coding Adventures so that we can start moving it was barely over five minutes anyway I'm going live watching Turk and cry about the money come on and join all right forgot to set the timer all right that's enough I would not have died normally by the way that's not me being bad at the game the fitnessgram Pacer test is a multi-stage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues the 20 meter Pacer test will begin in 30 seconds line up at the start the running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute I actually played that well when it bounces [Music] uh that is a good idea Should I reset okay there's two levels for me Doug I left to run errands almost two hours ago when you had just started this 20-minute coding Adventure right and you did your errands in about five minutes wait you guys got pretty closer to say with my last bits of the night thank you for this smack me Jesus Take the Wheel it's more of like a good dream right Jared think of the five gifts inside man appreciate it oh no Doug I can't stop cornering [Music] honestly yours going on top of mine is a huge advantage [ __ ] [Music] I love how a certain part of twitch chat is analyzing the probability of cornering based on the geometry of the images while the other is sitting there like monkeys the keyboards like a hive mind with no thoughts oh [ __ ] that was close damn you guys got really really closer make it so every few minutes it teleports to a new random location [Music] is a function of the size of the window or it'll just never hit the corner if it always moves by 3 pixels X and Y the corner is only possible if the triple X Y width is divisible by three Doug could you replace the oil in the basement pool with water you're right it's hard to swim in okay we're gonna go up to four we're going up to four I mean I could just randomize it when it hits an edge don't get pretty sure that it's all started because you couldn't accept defeat let's do that let's ran we're gonna randomize it when it when it bounces [Music] hey Doug I was gone for three hours I remember you saying it would be an hour-long trip what's happened oh you guys we're stuck in text that's fine I'm gonna change the code only your streams can have me legitimately cry from laughing so hard glad you enjoyed okay [Music] so when it okay we're back to a five minute coding Adventure ready time this should actually be five minutes when it flips um we are going to set it to a random number between two and four yeah and that'll do it so that way every time it hits an edge it'll change the speed and that way it won't get stuck in an infinite Loop yeah that's what people are saying that seems legit to me and that way it's not like jittering but it does change uh let me do d y is random two to four cool let me just do this one both foreign sometimes you're right how do you do that so if it's currently negative uh yeah you can't just do this because then it'll always be forced to the right negative one times yeah negative one minus one no you wouldn't do old number right multiply by DX a b d DX no that's wrong one over random no no these aren't right you guys are saying no it wouldn't be times equals I don't think these are these things you're saying are correct oh my God it's just not a five minute cooking Adventure it can't just be negative one times that number that'll make it go faster every time a lot of you what you guys are saying will just make it go way faster every single time it can't just be D one times that because that would be times three and then the next time it's gonna be negative three yeah I mean we just I mean we just be really janky about it um if DX greater than zero or this is so [ __ ] hacky whatever I'm not thinking about it too much I'm sure there's a way way better way of doing this um if it's greater than zero if it's not then right I'm sure you could simplify this a lot but that's the general idea if it's positive if it's currently positive then you set it to a positive random number it's currently negative you set it to a positive negative number or to a negative to a random negative number that's fine whatever it'll gets the job done let's move on d y d y this is fine my code is fine don't worry about it [Music] [Music] if it's positive you want it to be negative well it's going to flip right so you can just do I guess we lose this right let me just lose this yeah [Music] [Music] that works right that's fine it's not efficient but it's fine yeah multiplying no no I'm not doing um [Music] it should work but it's not the best that's the Doug Doug promise when we are done with you Doug you're going to need to see the corner I get it hold on let me close Premiere that's probably not helping things Doug can you replace the olive oil in the basement pool with water it's very difficult to swim in you will be fine it's more fun that way [Applause] oh she got stuck that means it's not working no that means it's not working Corner that means it's not working we still need to fix something why wouldn't it have worked because it has to be at least it has to be greater than the amount that it's over the edge first time I made it to stream love your content also chat has agreed if you lose you have to become a catboy meow meow I think we just do four corner [Applause] twitch chat hit the corner please don't count we're testing we're not playing right now we have to actually start it look there's like a wooden daglia hungry two or three chances down to the basement freak out and not work properly and then we're just gonna say [ __ ] it it's funnier if things don't work properly right somebody out there has got to make shitty code that doesn't work properly there's no better person than me please for the love of God you can't chunk chat off just to get another five minute coding Adventure please come back to us but I cornered you guys will have to get through your refractory period and Corner again because we are officially starting the challenge again in five [Applause] wait what hold on okay wait no it's stuck on this is not fair you're gonna spin no no no no no no no hold on hold on no no no I'm turning it off that's not fair you got struck in the bottom that's not fair that's not bad my code's [ __ ] up it's not my fault that's the code you guys said this would work fine it's not [ __ ] working it's because if he's like over the if he's over the Bottom by four pixels and then we change direction and only change it to like negative two we have to push him up over the edge otherwise he gets stuck and then you can just double the corner it's it's not four real Corners they're fake Corners because you got stuck in the bottom and then you could just like Corner over and over and over because you didn't like properly leave the corner multiple Corners are a myth we're just gonna go back to four how about four we just go to four ah I think we just set it to four there's like it's obviously doable but I am in the middle of a stream with music and [ __ ] playing and I can't this is like the worst environment for anybody who's like sitting here going like oh my God it's so obvious Doug just try this one time have like six thousand people screaming at you while you're blaring loud ass music and trying to play Mario it's hard to think about [ __ ] like this it's not my fault I'm a smart we're going back to what it was [Music] and we're gonna do four four for both parties both of us are moving at a speed of four [Music] how do you think I play games okay but it wouldn't be that hard to have it teleport randomly every like minute that's actually a five minutes no I wanna play for the game no no no no I don't want to do another five minute coding Adventure this one literally should be five minutes you're gonna set a variable the tracks the amount of time and it checks it just checks if the time since the last random teleport is greater than 60 seconds it's not that hard quick five minute Adventure this is legitimately a five minute Adventure and then we're gonna play the game yeah this would mean we can have it every minute teleport randomly or every 30 seconds all right all right okay bro thank you can you add a variable that keeps track of the time and it will set the source to a new random position within bounds of the screen every one minute it should be able to just tell me how to do this we pop it in go time Doug I'm a coding expert when your screen bounces you need to divide its speed by zero that's not how it works okay start time we do start time is this start time is time equals time bam we add this here and then we check if the time is passed if time.time less minus start time is greater than 60 you reset the timer and we set it to a new random position that's easy that's literally it this is super easy it's gonna be like a two two minute coding Adventure how we do it first hold on this could have issues because it could teleport whatever it'll be funny yeah that'll work I already got time we got time at the top this will be fine hey Doug I don't know if it's the stream or the three Burger King Whoppers I ate but I may be sick by stream's end fantastic stream I do what I can if it teleports into a corner gift 100 hours ago when the in and out coding Adventure started and just came back to realize I missed nothing wait okay no there's a lot has happened maybe um how often do we have a Teleport 30 seconds 60 Seconds maybe 30 30 feels a bit too much but 60 feels a bit too slow yes time is imported I have I have captured time and jammed it into my python code okay we'll do 45 that seems to be the the consensus uh uh if it's past 45 seconds have passed if 45 seconds passed all right let's test this real quick this is a test even if you Corner super hard all over me it doesn't matter it does not count oh my God there's so much [ __ ] open I need to close some of this stuff okay there we go this is a test I just got back why the [ __ ] are we teleporting now I can have it move at a speed of three yeah we'll just do four we're not cowards although if it doubles oh man maybe we should go back to three now because if it randomly teleports it should be fine okay we'll leave it at four [ __ ] it we now need I don't know if anybody checked when I started this we need to just check that at 45 seconds it warps around randomly who is who uh I'm The Wider one because I'm the main character this is spectacularly dumb I love it okay it works [Music] cool honestly we should bow down to corner I'm pretty sure they know what's going on you're our wide side character okay can we agree that in the dug Dog stream you guys are the side character and I'm the wide character oh I almost just cornered okay actually one more one more question should I should the games be um like on top of everything like they block everything else I can move them to the top of the lair they would cover me up okay that does seem like it's teleporting correctly which is good I mean it's way easier to see but it's kind of funny how shitty this is oh they're being at the same size bothers me then don't all right cool we'll leave the shitty version all right we good now it's guaranteed to not Loop at least for more than 45 seconds I thought it was about the corner that was actually a five minute coding Adventure okay I'm just going to turn off the timer when we left off I was going into level four everybody ready [Music] restart we don't need to restart what are you talking about we're still in the middle wait hold on why would we start we're still in the middle of it we're good huh we're still in the middle of the challenge all right pause for both of us no we're not restarting we're gonna keep going we're gonna keep on there's no need to restart at all we were stuck well now you're not stuck I'll give you a 10 second advantage that's fine okay you guys are live ready set go oh I might corner all right this level is very oh God it makes you want to vomit looking at it moving twice I want to be clear I am normally pretty quick at this game I used to like speed around this game as an eight-year-old when I found out how easy it is to beat so eight-year-old Doug would be rolling over in his grave with shame right now he saw how I was playing [Music] okay I'm at the boss let's go oh dude the fact that it goes behind me is really really problematic okay the boss is super [ __ ] hard let's go I got him okay that's one world one done it looks like a lot of people are fighting over the controls it looks like a lot of these degenerate gamblers care more about the channel points than honor come on chat okay the teleporting is very disorienting I will say it though this is vastly more playable than the quadrants I know you hate this question but I feel this is warranted what the [ __ ] is going on why the sniffing yeah this one's warranted yeah this is a that's a valid one um we're just playing Mario I can't hit the God please I spent 58 dollars dug him in so much that's him gonna try you can get through this [Music] you will recover the SWA God damn it sounds like copium for someone who's [ __ ] to DVD Platformers oh these are really far behind test does TTS hate me no it's just probably it they had it paused um okay I need a cape Cape no no get the unwilling to stream on your channel and just do some programming I think that'd be awesome when do you wanna set it up no cause it's funny how shitty my code is the guy almost always code with your stream slash font on I feel your pain I guess that's true I guess if you watch dude it is so hard to get the guy with the cape I love when Doug says this will take five minutes to code because I know I won't have to worry about what I'm gonna be watching for the next four [ __ ] hours hold on oh there are guys there guys this is so hard ah gross okay we need music loud ass music I need to get a cape I didn't get it is this how TTS works if this works this is stupid instead of just doing 300 in one cheer apparently I don't know what you did different [Music] wait I might get a game over split the Delta into power and Direction variable the direction will be one or one and the power will be set by random multiply them after bounce and done see that sounds smart too smart in the duck duck stream we are the side character you are the white character this makes it obvious that the belt backer is the true main character along with chair why did that hit me okay I'm just gonna keep going this is fine [Music] do you think it would be hard to bounce off each other I think that can be the final touch [Music] probably not crazy hard can we add a book oh God damn it like Johnson make Powers glowing so we are different I can't see anything dude [Music] oh my God I need [Music] I'm gonna get a game over I need to go back oh God oh God oh God oh sorry I'm pressing the menu for you I'm still not clear why you can't get out of the menu you have the controls for it [Music] no no I need to see I need to see I need to see okay okay now I fly ing two player one sec I'll help you in a second this is important I have to fly yes wait are you all I see is Mario [Music] you are in two player how do you keep doing this okay hold on load game position there you go you're back [Music] [Applause] [Music] how is nobody cornered yet [Music] all right I'm going [Music] I died what I your goddamn thing is blocking like three orders of mine right now I can't see anything [Music] song is also freaking me out I can't I can't see you're blocking my screen like 20. I got a game over did I save after the boss oh I did oh thank God okay all right but I didn't save after no I need to beat this level again no okay that's so much time for you guys okay okay it's fine this is fine it's fine it's fine we're gonna play what's the lowest stream you have ever done 14 and a half hour stream that was a Peggle speed run [Music] who cornered who got it who got it who got it Doug hit the corner let's go let's [ __ ] go okay yours is twice as fast God yes even if I don't win I've cornered the [ __ ] out of you guys today which means you guys go up from a speed of four to a speed of eight this is gonna go good this is gonna be good well good luck chat good luck playing that [ __ ] survival desire if we bounce two feet each other we wouldn't block your screen anymore five minute coding Adventure why is your stuck damn it what are you doing you made me stop Flying [ __ ] [Music] you must have [Applause] heard oh my god get the [ __ ] hit it's so hard to you guys cover my screen more often now [Music] this is a mess okay I have to run backwards to get up cape okay [Music] all right that's fine that's fine [Music] you guys have gotten scarily close to a corner several times I left for a bit to fly Warhammer and you're still streaming wasn't this supposed to only be like an hour stream yes and any minute now the hour long stream will be over God damn it I'm so bad at this game when it's moving really fast and I have a 50 second delay on obs ER okay I need to get this is like the hardest level okay I'm flying [Music] who got poorer wait hold up Corner please no you're not you not you let me me Let It Be Me let it be me Let It Be Me Doug hit the corner oh [ __ ] I'd so good at this oh my God holy [ __ ] you guys are at Double speed and I'm still out cornering you You're Gonna Move It 16 per frame okay okay okay okay you're not playing the wrong audio file are you nope twitch chat no no no no no I've seen our [ __ ] hit the corner multiple times we've confirmed the code works when you hit the corner it has to actually be perfectly in the corner you've probably gotten close we actually can't hit the corner yes you can a corner doesn't mean you're perfectly hitting the corner it means you're far enough past the corner that both of your directions are going to change at the same time it's easier 15 frames means we can't if you're over by 15 frames then it will it's going to revert like it's an advantage it's rigged because we're Square here you can test it it worked fine when we were testing it I think you guys are just playing a bad DVD logo the code is not on right now I'm trying to make sure that this works [Applause] it's all rigged twitch chat hit the corner you guys have just been playing bad that does not count sitting there watching your thing does not count I think hearing the sniffing is like making my nose itchier it might look you could be one pixel off and it's and it wouldn't count as a corner right and it will probably look almost indistinguishable from a corner to you the code will know whether both directions change at the same time ah all right I will say no further than 16 you've lost about 200 viewers due to the speed itself well on the other hand we did Purge the week can we have different borders so we can really tell who's who you guys are like the Navy Seals of twitch Chatters you know how only like five percent of people who enter Navy SEAL training camp actually make it to the end [Music] all right if you come to if you get to the end of this all right you just want it that bad it being that you spent hours of time watching unwatchable gameplay okay I mean let you know to be clear I'm on board this sucks this is not fun [Music] but that doesn't mean we're stopping [Music] all right you guys are alive let's do it wait what was that you hold on please tell me that was me twitch chat hit the corner [ __ ] well okay this might get out of hand okay we're moving me up to eight per frame hmm [Music] Ready Set Go [Music] okay I need to this is so fast this is so fast now I have to get a key nothing should half your speed and double the other person's speed that way it feels like a tug of war match okay that's a good idea [Music] recorder was that me please [Applause] Doug hit the corner yes okay you guys are up to 32 get [ __ ] oh my God I'm so good at this we can't move was the code on oh [Applause] so it doesn't count [Applause] twitch chat hit the corner okay we'll cancel out both of those because you guys I guess the code didn't turn on weird foreign both uh uh there's so much [ __ ] to set up all right you good you moving I can barely see if the code is working okay you are playing here we go [Music] I can't [Music] I how am I gonna fly through a level with this I got a game over [Music] Corner tug of war right we have to Corner tug of war this is not playable at this speed [Music] [Music] we could go back [ __ ] [Applause] hey twitch chat hit the corner should not have taunted you hey Doug what happened to this being a quick one-hour stream it's the time I think your clock is running fast what just happened why did it go to the wrong thing why are you doing this hello oh you guys are pressing [ __ ] in that's what's going on you guys are pressing buttons in my obs petition to rename five-minute coding Adventure so I can beat this in 15 minutes [Applause] the code's supposed to be off that doesn't count um are we doing tug of war so that you guys go down from 16 to 8 I don't even know who it was I don't know who it was I cut it off early okay we're doing tug of war version you doubled me to 16 speed you get bumped down to eight this is so far from what I wanted to do today okay ready okay [Music] wait why are we moving at the same that's I think I didn't save hold on I must not have saved I didn't save I didn't save Holland [Music] okay starting in three two one you guys should be alive [Music] okay my goal is to fly across a level very carefully with this [Music] honestly I just have to Corner you [Music] think it's like one o'clock then after our short coding [Applause] please [Applause] who got it Doug hit the corner let's go let's go all right right back at you and I'm gonna make this a little more interesting foreign I'm deleting the prediction there's no Financial incentive to throw anymore at this point I just want to beat you fair and square I'm down to eight you're up to 16. but it's moving so fast right now you guys are [ __ ] [Applause] I don't even know who [Applause] [Music] I you just got one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] those two from you is this one at least me that's a third this one's gotta be me right you're like struck there's four okay I'm cutting it off okay so your 16 goes down to eight four two okay you guys go down to a speed of one what is eight times eight wait no we just double it we just double it it's not eight times eight um 16 30 to 60 I double it four times am I dumb oh yeah it's a 60 I skipped 16. okay I am up to 64 pixels of frame uh oh do you were you not looking I was changing the code all right my brain is starting to hurt what are we doing okay the movement of one times the movement of 64. it is time for literally the best 2D platforming of my life [Music] all right here we go hold on yours is still set okay hold on here's we still set at 16. that's not fair what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do [Music] okay I'm trying man my am I flying how have I not quartered a single time [Music] dude am I been playing I have no idea if I'm playing I'm pressing buttons and nothing is happening thank you it's like moving too fast to Corner am I is it caught all right I think I cornered you [Applause] okay [Applause] okay this is too much it's just too much [Applause] okay all right we're gonna go back to four each and we're just playing some good old-fashioned Mario at a consistent DVD logo paste and we see who wins [Music] back to a speed of four [Music] and we go to the end Corners are just about honor now [Music] all right let's go [Music] can we be the Navy sea otters [Music] oh my God I can actually see okay I think I can jump off this dick please have the code automatically change the speeds the Whiplash will be unwatchable at this point I just want to stick we've gone on too many five-minute coding Adventures Corner hits reverse perfectly so that was always going to Loop Forever on a set path no not necessarily Maybe I'm Wrong maybe I'm done hello Douglas can you teach me how to Dougie as your name implies love your streams and videos smile that's classified information I keep that info in a in a box of my bathroom [Music] [Music] Doug I think you may have just cornered us surprisingly enough no no God damn it I keep [ __ ] it up [Music] God damn it [Music] [Music] okay I should be able to run here there we go no [ __ ] so hard where is the Box Douglas my wife said she'll divorce me if I don't learn how to Dougie [Music] how many times have you guys beaten this the Yoshi level [Music] goddamn hard [Music] to get you Lily was so great to 2D Platformers then you could play it at a fast moving screen you lied you lying liar that is generally not part of the criteria [Music] why please for the love of God let me in okay [Music] guys this is so hard it's not my fault [Music] I'm taking a quick break for my brain to stop hurting from this oh that was a good Dodge okay you're at the Midway point okay that's a little bit How does it go assuming stream was gonna be a quote short stream today I think it's only been an hour okay you immediately fell into a pit I could do this [Music] [Music] [Laughter] I just arrived and I'm a little confused can you please give me a 60 seconds recap of the entire stream don't leave anything out thanks just don't know where recap works no I'm sure no no no no [Music] God I was like a pixel off this is impossible [Music] okay you guys are on your last life though [Music] hey Doug it's difficult to play with the screens moving have you considered making them stationary to blow my [ __ ] [Music] no let me in okay I can do this [Music] right nearby and is a friend of mine you want me to call him and see if he can do this for you I bet panga could do it the dude is pretty insane wait wait this has been the longest individual hour of my life and I have loved every minute oh my God you almost cornered me right after [Music] ah and with your final life you plunge into the abyss great job Chad hey Doug have you considered that maybe it should be us the beats the game and do that does one level you know just to make things Fair oh [Music] I finally got up shiny change I finally flew up into the secret exit and then you guys immediately win all I can do now hey Doug can we just agree you are average at 2D platforms and call it today I don't want to do this hold on let me simulate this properly foreign give me a sec [Music] [Music] I just want to set the tone [Music] wait hold on what's the best picture for this and as much as I don't want to utter these following words I will at least redeem myself by cornering you before you Corner me [Music] foreign [Music] I have a picture I just need to get the picture ready [Music] I just need to make the situation clear to anybody who just Tunes in for a second [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah these things really don't want to Corner huh it's been a while [Music] I'm photoshopping something one sec foreign [Music] perfect export hold on oh it's lagging you might not be able to hear it [Music] okay I dropped a thousand frames it should be okay now we good oh it's dropping [Music] oh I will say it I'm not cheating [Music] okay completely of my own volition with no external factors whatsoever I dug dog admit that I am bad at 2D Platformers [Music] I Doug admit that I'm bad at 2D Platformers [Music] I'm bad at 2D platform this has been me Doug Doug speaking honestly and genuinely now please for the love of God let me corner you let me go home with some consolation [Music] performance I've been I've won in the corner competition I've definitely been winning a corner competition [Music] take this spark sir hi Douglas your eyes don't seem to be diving around your monitors trying to keep up with the screen it's like you're looking at the actual game now the cheating no no I was not cheating I would hope I wasn't cheating I speak for all of chats but you have to make the windows bounce off each other oh dude I thought I got you there no no no no no maybe maybe a future five-minute coding Adventure we'll do that that's close I think I think I'm holding the most coherent stream in the Channel's history I think I'm I think I'm holding in I think I'm holding in hold on look at that that shot oh [ __ ] you guys are really close to the wheel so [ __ ] close and it teleported this is the longest tower of my life Doug's time-bending powers are truly mind-gumpling don't say that armadillo thank you very much for the five good Subs man it's lagging again at least he isn't trying to prove that he's good at 3D Platformers he would have taken all year probably better at 3D platforms to be honest stream is dying between you and me don't tell chat you can have Doug GPT talk while you try to lip sync to it therefore it counts as you not saying it oh I think you're about to corner and you got teleported that was so [ __ ] yeah there's lag sorry [Music] that could backer corner [Music] you could always try your handed 4D platforming true the VOD on YouTube will be fine but unfortunately it is a something's wrong with the Internet hold on let me um let me put my level I'm the fish level [Music] the lag only occurs when both ones bounce around the same time as each other that is not true he's waiting for it's been five hours Jesus Christ who knows Doug maybe you're good at first person shooters no I'm not this is miserable look if you want to bail all right if you don't want to be one of the Navy Seals you can leave right only five percent of people who enter the Navy Seals actually stick around and watch 35 minutes of DVD logos bouncing around the screen until one of them corners it's at a speed of four right now we could up it we get up until like six [Music] okay it's been five hours very short five hour stream okay we're gonna up it we're gonna up it to six [Music] this has been a five hour five minute coding Adventure come on come on in 24 bits I will get mine that was so close chat no yeah [Applause] Doug hit the corner I am I am maybe not the best 2D platformer player of all time at least today because there was a fluke and I uh was feeling tired but I am the best goddamn DVD player on this channel it lags it happened it did happen that that was not spliced I win I win DVD I'm the greatest thank you for watching this is the one hour stream a TNT 5 of 10 minutes you deserve it Doug thank you thank you chat okay five percent I'm here you guys all graduate the Doug Doug seals okay [Music] 5 30 p.m so much [ __ ] I was supposed to do oh okay that's fine um tomorrow I will be back should be at like one ish 1 P.M uh and then doing some sponsored gameplay with Parks here which I am very excited about and that is it I was hoping to Corner you one more time [Music] that almost cornered you hold on I'm about to Corner you again [Applause] [Music] Doug hit the corner got him nuts [Music] thank you um cool wow Doug it's almost like the shape does matter I think it appears that way when you are watching a master at work okay I'm going to read uh uh small it all right small it boom thank you for hanging out on this one hour stream uh I did have a very fun time this is a great great time uh even though I think the vast majority of today oh they're trying to shoot at your gameplay the vast majority of today was not playing any video games at all which is very unusual for our stream you know anyway cool see you tomorrow I feel like I had something else I was gonna say but I don't remember so it's probably not important cool as a reminder please do not spam our memes in other people's communities say hey check out what's going on and then you know be respectful don't spam all that good stuff [Music]
okay now let me explain the history behind this new must-have cosplay technology recently I made the mistake of over sharing on the internet again and sharing that I went on a date with someone who said that I looked like Megamind listen my chat will not let it go bring it up day after day after day finally I agreed that I would cosplay as him to make it stop but someone with very little experience cosplaying this resulted in the clip so awful it's so vile so disgusting that it haunts me too today now that I'm everyone's sleep paralysis demon I decided I needed to make sure that this would not happen to any other streamers which is why I am now revealing the cosplay station the cosplay stations let streamers upload images of the character they want onto our app and in the AI within the machine attached to your streamer chair is able to uniquely design create and apply the cosplay station can turn nightmare cosplays like this one into extravagant cosplays that people will think is the room so join me as we help stream cosplays of this future fail to flow looking forward to your offer sharks thank you so so so much for having me wow okay Sarah with the cosplay stay all right I hope we can do this I just press the forward button yeah why did it work because I don't know work or not all right um I'll just go in this order all right Josh Bell to meet hanging from the ceiling on chains he asked the bartender what's the deal with these pieces of meat hanging from the ceiling the bartender responds well here at this bar we have a game we play the guy stares the bartender interested as he continues if you jump up and touch the meat you get a whole free drinks the whole night but if you jump up and miss the next round is the next round in the bar is on you so the bar this is this is so worried okay so the bar man walks away for a sec gives the guy time to think about it eventually the bartender returns and asks so are you gonna try to jump and touch the meat the guy responds you know I've thought about it and I'm going to have to pass the stakes are just too high that was a very large setup Genie in a Magic Carpet come on the guy also seems to have a lot of her dreaming qualities like his loyalty and owning up to mistakes when he makes them for what here we go people been texting me I'm saying your feet hurt I went and done something about it this is my creation I made an ocean oh [Music] swords is a vibrating foot tiles to stop your jokes from barking okay my name is Josh Belmont aka the silver Rider I'm a problem solver check out the floor size in action [Music] honey let's go dancing can't feed her baby oh wait you got actors are these your parents oh it's really cute oh my God no way this is an invention I invented trust me it works oh wow now I'm dancing with my wife thank you Josh wow the thought of him like going upstairs like Mom Daddy yeah I need you to do this that and they're just down oh that's cute yeah do they get to come to streamer camp with you yeah yeah that's more of my only condition we want the parents too all right Trisha is a birdie um you want to read Patricia oh God I think that's nutrition chat too do you know that there's a scientific word for when you can't fall asleep at night so instead you start eating it's called insomnom Nom nomia good one good one that is true okay uh one Disney character who would you be chi and po my whole life revolves around good food My love language is food and I feel like I would even pick my romantic partner based off of damn references are similar okay I've also been told that I give good hugs and I'm a calming presence but if someone bothers one of my friends I can get very protective of them I act as a mediator often perfect I know who to call I'm a professional chef that streams my cooking on Twitch I was on Gordon Ramsay's Next Level chef and before that an invention that doesn't exist already that I wish existed is like through the computer screen teleporter since I do a lot of things oh yeah I can't why are we going to see her here just tasting my food I wish I could just send it out to my audience after I finish cooking a dish giveaways would be a lot easier as a streamer as well and it would be like smell-o-vision maybe if I could even send the smells out to the viewers that way they could get hungry and then I can send them the food I feel like it's kind of influenced by Willy Wonka when you got the chocolate bar through the TV screen I feel like this would be the thing I really really need but it doesn't exist yet so get inventing and thank you guys again for um picking me this far onto streamer Camp I really hope I get picked see you guys yay yeah hi Trisha good useful idea TBH pop into it I could use that I always have to send my assistant always has to take stuff to people [Music] hey babe um can you guys stall for one second so I can just grab yeah we're stalling they're stalling we're stalling hey AKA they're hanging out we're hanging out yes alley Face weights in suspense poor alley Face oh my God this is the second melons joke the second dyslexic melons oh don't read I'm so sorry I can't help well you you read without her I didn't mean to I I can't believe you've done that so long I specifically have not been looking at the melons yeah diet I I specifically have nothing like we're waiting for kids don't read a thing so we're not reading no we're not but we're stalling okay so what's a good question to what's the question your go-to question to like break the ice with a stranger not that one uh I wouldn't that's a really I imagine going up to someone you just like don't know how to party hi so what's your uh actually that's kind of cute it's like what's your go-to question for breaking the ice with the stranger then they give it to you and then you ask it so that's kind of that's actually so someone asked this to you what would you say I would say well let me think about it um well it depends all right I'm actually going to ask someone else actually actually yeah you're right I'm asking someone else come up to me I'm at a I'm at I'm by myself oh hey man hey I've never seen you before I have a question oh yeah like like you know we're strangers like yeah you know well what's a fun way to like break the ice like what's a question you would ask them oh um is that like what you're trying to do here that's kind of funny I'm leaving no we're both playing you know what's crazy is that if someone actually just did that to me I would like that is that so crazy this room smells so good oh it's me oh is it yeah it's actually me what is it it's um a new spray all right I want you to spray over here I want your opinion do you think a guy could use this or do you think it's like a girl's only product I just bought this today wait that's so cute I mean it'd be better if one of us these days yeah I love the little face it has that's what sells it for me [Music] no no this is not for sale they did not give you utensils unlimited my friend made these and she sells them at ax and uh I was like oh my god really your friend who's your friend oh her name is hero fish oh wow and then she's like oh you're buying this for Annie I'm like yeah oh yeah for Annie for sure definitely whoopsy Dipsy that's cute okay I'm back all right welcome back I got a sandwich yeah Ally Face tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself how do you know you're dyslexic if life gives you melons nice they worded it differently than the other one yeah if you oh you could be one Disney character who would you be Vanellope venge Von schweets from uh Wreck-It Ralph wait this is the exact same joke yeah although I they probably didn't coordinate that that was just unfortunate all right here we go and the process takes forever not to mention the outfits never really look the same as they do online introducing omnifit wait what Banana's latest fashion Tech designed with trendy Shoppers in mind omnifit is built with Banana's newest g617 core 7000 terahertz dodecahedron nuclear reactor CPU and backwards if you put the click of a button omnifit will scan any outfit of your choosing and allow you to start moving in style no waiting no hassle no worries imagine the omnifit can store a plethora of outfits in the cloud using omnisync so that you can be ready for any occasion at any time disclaimer do not activate omnifit on anything other than scanned clothing pictures oh and when we see any outfit we really mean whoa killjo from Game Boy [Music] oh oh no she turned into a foot order now good one with your purchase call 1-800 banana n-a-n-a and use discount code 10 off your purchase offer not available in stores because we don't actually exist but if we did it would be a lot cooler than Apple disclaimer we're not responsible for any injuries comparison side effects inflicted to you or anything use responsibly 69.99 so so personal oh no wait I didn't get to finish reading I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry now you just leaked that well yeah you would not believe what Leslie did while you were gone I'd believe it she read the first half of the application without you was screaming out it was awesome as soon as you left large letters large words and I couldn't help but look okay it's like you know sometimes there's a message on your friend's phone and you this is gonna make me look bad but I lost my pen what what how did I do that did you take it with you notepad lost a pen okay what's uh in the video was that her voice for the voiceover yeah yeah my faith in Gods like that was her first time Leslie blame me really we're very sorry F1 Ellie or flowy oh my God I'm so sorry the mic is gonna oh my God oh they probably heard like a lot of noise hey guys we're just having fun honestly we should go to streamer camp we should Hassan Tariq uh amaranth and Ludwig can host it nice they'll do great all right okay I got it wait I need I need can I can I see yours can I just need her name oh so much easier to spell than I thought it was one Ellie is it flelly or f1le F1 Nelly F1 F1 she's like a Formula One streamer yeah I think it's a very cool stand for in F1 Formula oh fairly oh yeah she's our she's our racer girl racer girl race guys where'd my headphones go oh all right I will not be moving anymore I'm not Nobby don't look at us like that he's so cute all right who just went uh I think you just went yeah so F1 Ellie tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself according to Newport 91 of people are satisfied with their lives the other nine percent are Ferrari F1 fans they used to be the top dog for many years back in the day if you could be one Disney character who would you be Snow White because she is a champion of the short King gets to snack on the most OP fruit in existence and to and gets to take one big fatty nap all in a day's work oh first in the super tank is f1lu believes her product wow every streamer's life much easier hi streamers I'm F1 Ellie from Portland Oregon and I'm here to sell you a product that may be near and dear to your hearts we all know that as streamers we're slaving away for countless hours at our desks or our thankless chats and sometimes Nature Calls well for some of us it's a defining trait these loud startling noises Under Wraps this is why today I'm introducing to you the silencer a discreet frictionless way Personnel to pass gas without any detection no more makeshift Shadow ways of masking your One Cheek squeaks chat chat I love this song let me turn it up formula the silencer is your way to stay on the grind so you can allow your career to get a little wind in its sails even when you have a little wind between your ass the silencer is extremely versatile and goes unnoticed you can wear it during just chatting or gaming streams oh my gosh that was so fun hey guys I'm gonna go get some water I'll be right back is that the product that's the product you can even wear it during IRL streams oh she's so brave is also very easy to get on and off and doubles as a holding pouch for all your content creation necessities oh my God I hate it yeah that does look convenient oddly enough guys just get a fanny pack all I'm asking for is mere entry into streamer Camp season four what do you say yes yes that's fine I really like it actually it's kind of good all right I didn't say that not yet it's AI it is kind of good wait she took this song by me hitting a three-star unit in TFT because you remember saying that because I never remember saying whatever I said it is my latest YouTube video Dang you know like you can recognize your voice and pinpoint it back oh you know like um I don't even remember where I was yeah every three star unit is a core memory really oh I believed you all right Vibe check up your next cutie okay two satellite dishes fell in love and got married the wedding wasn't special but the reception was incredible it was a good one Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet okay well who is he I don't know what's Treasure Planet it's like a really old movie I don't even remember it it's he's like very smart he's like um very clever witty yeah that's what he wants to be all right did you ever watch your favorite speed runs and thoughts Dang if only I could manipulate my own RNG in the IRL like the speedrunners do in their video games me and my clients down at RNG for me have figured out the cheat code to the IRL everyone knows this is a simulation anyways and our cracked out scientists have figured out how to make the simulation work for you but how does this all work step one we need your birth name social security number and your parents credit card so we can determine which seed you are playing in step two you have to tell us your goals and what you're trying to achieve I want more money in my bank account step three rrng manipulators will crunch the numbers and then give you the best plan of action to achieve your goals I have crunched the numbers and R and Jesus has a strategy for your direct monetary gain have you ever sold feet picks your dreams will become your reality are you still feeling skeptical about RNG for me look at these happy testimonials I was down on my luck hungry living on this street and luckily for me I came across this place called RNG for me and I had my deadbeat Dad's credit card on me and they suggested I go to this place called Temple for RN Jesus pancakes every morning how many people there obsessed with feet picks though so I walked into RNG for me to raise my Ballarat Rank and they just suggested to go to this Temple of RN Jesus and I found an immortal rank there and they boosted me all the way up to Diamond two in exchange for some feed picks I was a pretty lonely individual and I came into RNG for me to figure out how to get some friends and they told me to go to this Temple for RN Jesus and now I have hundreds of friends and they only wanted a couple of feet picks is this Scientology oh my God how many feet a cult do not spoil this for yourself do not spoil Nick Meyer wait I didn't write his name down who was the RNG for me guy Vibe check up yes oh yeah all you oh could I just yeah you're good take your time you really yeah okay because I met I made a mistake okay oh God she messed up she messed up oh streamer can't surround stop okay uh man walks into an ancient Greek tailor shop with ripped pants Taylor says you're then the man says oh we're too dumb to understand oh you should have said it she got the joke um are those like I'm so sorry ancient Greek figures Europe with these and Humanities euripides we're sorry that's not your fault Nick mayor we're just yeah it really is not your fault okay if you could be one Disney character who would you be Jack Skellington right here we go hello sharks I'm Nick and I've created a tool that will revolutionize communication Forever This is the sexy voiceinator and you may think it looks like a normal tie but let me tell you it's far from it this tie can make you sexy oh allow me to demonstration he threw it away this is Timmy Timmy's on a date this is my ugly friend ordinary first date he's beating the love of his life for the very first time in person that is so nice to meet you I mean all those late nights and Discord calls they just don't compare I mean your voice his voice you see Timmy's video is a digital voice modification the entire time he's known her I didn't realize but instead it sounds like I'm I'm happy to meet you too and that is not sexy and smooth at all oh this is for the sexy boycinator comes in with the flip of a switch he can go from this I do this sorry I just had something stuck in my throat you really do sound like that you really are smooth and sexy oh my God doubt me again wearing a top with the sexy voiceinator everyone will be too distracted by her sexiness they won't even notice the tie and that's not all it works on everyone sexy voiceinator comes in all shapes and characters like a cowboy Harry Potter or a British person and many many more act now all supplies left well there you have it sharks that was the sexy voice innator and you can have 100 of my company in exchange for top 32 in streamers I thought it was I thought it was just a sexy Nader and I thought he was like dunking on his friend Timmy I was like that's so mean now I feel bad because I introd him as my ugly friend to me sorry Timmy you are not you're not ugly Timmy I thought he was dunking on you so I decided to also dunk on you it turns out that was mean very sorry she's trying to fit in I can't hear it all right tell us a joke that reminds of yourself my editing skills lmfsk MFL I'm kidding what do you call a fake noodle an imposter and it's because I have the worst case of imposter syndrome in the world I genuinely think that everything I do is just not up to par with the rest of the amazing streamers on this website if you could be one Disney character who would you be OMG Francis from A Bug's Life he's a cranky drag queen who is very short tempered because he is oh but he's very loyal friend to everyone around him one thing about me is that you'll never find a better friend than me I'll always be someone my friends can depend on at any time and any day alright jabby do you wear headphones for long hours are you tired of looking like you just got out of a 1v1 head battle after wearing them for a long stream introducing the dent massager it's here to save our days the dead massager is the ultimate solution to this unsightly Dent caused by a long headphones never again it is designed to Target those pesky dents with precision and scare it's simple to use really just put it on press the button and it will start massaging those scents out of your head get that massager you'll no longer need to be wearing those oversized hats or those fuzzy beanies all you have to do is wear this for at least free in no time for only 499.37 and accept the twitch.tv 489 you'll also be able to live debt free because gaming should leave you with epic victories and not epic dance after using this products my life has changed thank you jubby and your Dent massage take you back to the last like eight seconds and not epic dance after using this product my life has changed oh all right sold jubby says I'm so old oh okay thank you Debbie and that massager in oh shoot I forgot to do uh the sexy voiceinator as well okay um whenever you're ready Albert you're reading for big cocoa beds big cocoa buns all right tell us a joke that reminds of yourself I don't bother to wipe because [ __ ] doesn't bother me hmm wait there's a joke that reminds me good one yourself interesting okay no it did um if we do invite her we can save Budget on toilet paper I don't all right if you could be one Disney character who would you be goofy because I am funny and dummy okay I think she meant dummy thick am I right goofy lovers out there all right big cocoa buns your product please wait the last three lines are just gibberish they're completely and the and the thought is hoping it would Alice attempt it thank you big cocoa Bundt thank you very much oh why does it do that well she's so brave I cannot believe she she walked up to a stranger in public in it oh and handed that that takes some big cocoa balls because you know her name is there was an applicant in streamer Camp uh three applications who went into her College classroom and yelled out subscribe to foosly oh oh she's so brave let's see it still haunts our memories that sucks all right is that how you pronounce this how would you pronounce this so guys you're right he taught us guy in Scion you're seeing this one um well who read for big cocoa buns I did okay oh okay what do you call a free appreciation Grass Grass dude gratitude I was trying to do awkward delivery grass too dude I don't get it gratitude are we stupid there it is too I mean if we all don't get it then it's him yeah you can't oh oh Spanish means free in Spanish yeah that's not our fault yeah I understand now all right uh I know it's worse dad joke ever like who goes with a gratuity joke out of all jokes out there I heck and do uh this is just so perfectly corny and wholesome but here's an actual tip upon totally intended the inner dad in me thinks gratitude is pretty freaking cool wow he's got an attitude for gratitude if I could be one Disney character I would absolutely be Simba specifically young Simba because of his playful optimism silliness and desire to spread love enjoy a ball of wholesomeness at heart but like a dabble in some Suave Vibes and degenerate charisma oh wait the stream is working but our our screen like went blank first okay that was weird um of Lumiere because let's be real no one is one dimensional also but Leo some some of the line you feel me yes yes we do bam wow cool oh my God Jesus dude things start her anyway we're 52 going on 53. oh my God sometimes my body heck and feels like obs ready to crash and burn and crash again oh man oh oh it makes me wonder how much I have left in the tank QT Cinderella medium box walks in fusely let me tell you you may not feel it now but give it 50 years and you'll wonder why you didn't invest in more than just an urban Miller office chair lucky for you guess what they sell in stores now worldwide a little Fountain of Youth oh putting a damn can oh my God hell yeah same original formula is shipped straight from the Springs of Florida so yeah you should get yourself one of these wow Artistry your curiosity or your inner child sir you should be a producer yeah wait this the cinematography is nuts this is beautiful it's time to stream hello hello welcome on in Happy Times please so good to see you my vlogs believe that these things are made strong enough to stream now my God that boy Steve knew what he was doing hello Jacob welcome in Ryan it is so good to see you not again visit the Fountain of Youth in a can.com click the link I will only actually I forgot that one go back in the video what was the link oh Fountain of youth.com in a can that doesn't make sense that one of Youth in a can.com fountain of youth in a can dot com hello any type of it he baited us fountain of youth in uh it's just the site can't be reached the phone if it does oh the Fountain of Youth in a can Leslie just misspelled the four times [Music] crazy [Music] there's only three grams of carbs no three sugar yeah but what do people say truly incredible I took this before cutting into a bell pepper you're cutting a bell pepper and I gained the strength to chop that sucker down with my circle cutter with ease thank you to the thousand of Youth I had no idea he's referring his old video where he was the chef remember and he's using the circle cutter oh my the Callback the call back okay okay hooks I think not my friends and I shared a can in hopes of reliving the good old days of our youth because of this product I was able to travel the world and still be Daddy Licious thank you the fandom you for making canned versions of your product I feel alive and you can sign up here oh wait uh oh and hot oh thank you so much for the follows wow genius wow you're smart [Music] hahaha I can't believe how pretty that was that video was so pretty oh yeah I'd be very curious to know later like if he did this through his own skills or like did he like get a bunch of friends to help I'm curious like if he has the cinematography skills and the website skills yeah that's a lot of skills I have in one man yeah also like did you make that kid I'm pretty sure you did it well like effort all that was made for this event and then I'm just curious like how much of it he was able to do still over there let's see uh the website was kind of clever like I think like people have done some things like it's kind of like a little secret cheat code to get past the two minute limit yeah that's true that was very smart oh well done okay um [Music] I think we're back to cutie wait no I don't know we just read the first guy in Skye and muted right because you didn't know how to say his name no no I think I did oh okay then it's me Wasabi cat what's up wasabi cat um tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself somehow every time something bad happens I end up in the artisanal cheese aisle at your local supermarket real that's not a joke it's just her life I don't get it at all all right good wait we have a repeat Disney character Remy from Ratatouille because I be cooking oh it's time to uh tell everyone about the uh the duplicate Disney character rule like two people put the same Disney character yeah it's happened finally all right first into the tank is Twitch streamer Wasabi cat just like to get so somewhere I feel like we should have expected this yeah [Music] sharks my name is Bree I'm from Brooklyn New York and I'm oh get it one million dollars no time is more go back everyone else is just looking for a spot she's looking for a spot and one million dollars for one percent no you're worth it do you guys have them more and I'm here today one million dollars for one percent one percent no time wait that means for a 100 percent we're not taking your deal more saving this saying can apply to so many different things in our lives and surely time is no different [Music] picture this you have streamer camp in LA to get to if only there was a faster and easier way to get there well today I am here to present to you a groundbreaking invention that will revolutionize the way we travel and eliminate those dreaded airport experiences I present to you no time oh it's as easy as turning the dial selecting your desired location and oh my queen oh me and Ray running out there for the 50th time what's on stage yeah I do that's what I said get off the [ __ ] stage Jake my attention you'll spend less time worrying about the time and more time doing what you love so what do you say sharks do you have the time or do you have no time oh that might sound like a good idea but I want to remind you that she requested one million dollars for a one percent State yeah that was crazy she evaluates her own company at 100 million dollars and 100 spots whenever I see clips of me and Ray walking on stage I feel so bad because my legs are just so much bigger and I never realized how far Ray was behind me until I'd like look and be like [ __ ] she's like sprinty I'm just like walking raised like trying to oh you gave me trauma with zombie cat why'd you have to show me that zombie cat was in um yeah in season three I remember her application went pretty far yeah it's cool cool to see the growth I remember you quite well um all right Albert whenever you are ready reading foreign [Music] I went to this we went to this Bakery with the pineapple cake and the cream puffs that you ordered the other day I was there with lead and I was like oh man let's see is endlessly like sees and he's like they must be gross then and I was like what the hell is wrong with you yeah I know uh was that the name of a celebrity our DJ Robert Junior oh yeah he's Robert Danner Jr's brother oh that'd be really good he's in chat he said real dumb jock a real dumb jock was he the one who made apartment house joke was that not him I'd feel really bad if not him if there was someone who's like hi Pals whatever and then I was like apartment house yeah yeah I think that was him was that him I don't remember I don't think I think it was Logan was that you he identifies it as a real dumb jock [Laughter] ey associate Jox is being dumb but like also like the fact that he feels the need to uh mention that he's real like it's cool okay you know I'm not a fake dumb jokes all right so Logan R DJ tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself someone once told me that taking money out of your savings account is stealing from your future self well luckily for me My Future Self won't be able to afford a lawyer funny that's pretty good if you could pick if you could be one Disney character who would you be I would 100 pick Genie from Aladdin that way I could make all your wishes come true but actually Genie is the epitome of funny magical powerful and bro really knows how to put on a show he's a great Entertainer and one of the best comedic release and that goatee man my Asian genetics do not let me grow nice facial hair anyway all I ever want to do is make people laugh if by the end of my stream or video I can make one person chuckle then I consider myself successful that's why I think Guinea is one of the best characters to do that he did not just say guineas and he did all right Logan uh has this ever happened to you have you been catfished hey are you Logan Leslie so I brought food you want cookies or chips been with someone judgmental dude you're a Scorpio or met someone who's just Frank weird hi my name is Logan RDJ he's Restless you're not the problem they are introducing the brand new TDS are taking over the world true I brought my friend Paul here to help demonstrate how to use and charge the TD and then we grab the other end of the cable and no no so actually that didn't work it's just a USB I want to check the number of red flags somebody has all you have to do is aim it at the person and press the button two what the hell for an extra five dollars and get added catfish online knowledge base which is short for a cup for a limited time only you can get not only one but two cities grab your very own TDS today not convincing here's some of our satisfied customers um [Music] [Laughter] [Music] there's no one there [Music] oh bother all right all right 1 800 box box that's the wrong number of digits idiot Logan how are you gonna sell anything all right love it love it Logan next up we have oh God oh God I'm messing up everything okay oh I see a lot of the word bald okay wait you're reading ahead I didn't get to that part yet it's all over the screen I haven't gotten there you have to watch her I see hit it like you would in SpongeBob this is a SpongeBob joke again I don't think it is actually wait he's not he's just a twitch chatter oh okay never mind all right um take it away cutie tell us a joke that reminds me of yourself I'm really curious what the context is it is like we're watching sweets bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald my breath bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald well as an Indian person I'm legally required to be pick Baljeet plus I'm getting my computer is there another ball cheat I don't know who Belgian is I don't know who he is from Phineas and verb so I'm guessing this is a Disney character Phineas and Ferb isn't Disney yeah it is it is oh [ __ ] plus I'm getting computer science degree AKA fake engineering I have zero clue what I'm doing so it'd be nice to have an even a couple of belgian's brain cells to help me out wait you don't know bulgy the lead singer of the bald eagles [Music] I've totally heard of him I've never seen Phineas and Ferb yeah I know I think it's like the greatest Fusion of like a children's show that parents can enjoy watching with it's so smart I don't like how triangled that one guy's head is that such a triangle man it's time hi everyone Uncle twitch here here to announce a new invention that has never been done before on the platform a lot of creators have been complaining about our sub splits which is why we're proud to announce our new subsplit for creators of 7 300. wow I saw that you received 70 of the sub revenue and you pay us three times the amount in order to cover our server costs this is finally giving creators what they've asked for a way to give twitch more money hey Uncle twitch here I want to apologize to our community for accidentally oopsie adding an extra zero to that 70 30 split that's why I'm proud to announce our new invention of a 70 30 split on ads not for income but for time we will place 30 minutes of non-stop ads so your viewers can experience the most about twitch as many ads as humanly possible Uncle twitch here and I'm gonna be honest you guys seem really angry about more ads for some reason which is why we're announcing something that's completely uncontroversial and completely drama free introducing twitch slots that's why streamers can now make money by letting viewers of all ages play our high collar on built-in and child-friendly slot machines wait someone already did child gambling oh what the hell is a kick all right I don't know what you want from us we gave you more ads we gave you more ads it's like you want us to do nothing in fact you know what that's our new invention [ __ ] nothing doing nothing is our new invention and you better be happy with it wait we already invented doing nothing at twitch ah [ __ ] ha ha ha ha oh yeah pause it at the end very clever um nothing at twitch oh [ __ ] I like oh you missed it it's a joke wait we already invented doing nothing at twitch oh oh it's so leaked you leaked it Leslie I'm trying to pause it wait we already invented doing nothing at twitch off [ __ ] oh there it is this is obviously a joke there are lots of twitch stuff that do care less than three of them [Laughter] less than three you guys couldn't see I think the sky is actually falling wait what happened get back yeah perfect oh not sure if you put a heart there if he was saying there's less than three of them wait I actually love this joke it's just anti-humor but this one in particular uh Vibes with me and stickiest stick LOL oh sorry I totally right ahead oh me too actually and I did it because box box did it me young me I don't know I think so I made that up I'm not sure uh who just read it just missed me on his voice so I think it's time no but who read oh I'm assigning Mia can you put the top the sexy voice tie it and read this laughs and energy I can't I can't I thought I could for a second there but I can't what's brown and sticky a stick if you could be one Disney character who would you be if I could be one Disney character I would be Cusco from Emperor yeah everyone loves Emperor's New Groove wait wait did somebody else in the application because we've got Chrome we might have to evoke the uh someone did say crime picked okay no one has to die guys keep your eyes out dude there's another Cusco this girl is going to have to fight them to the death oh my God I feel like our personalities are similar in the way that he is a drama queen and so and so okay I love that for bringing you to a group all morning suspension to pitch to you guys I started brainstorming ideas but I just felt like that's good enough I came up with a list of things oh let's watch videos and honestly there's only really two things that I can think of and then the idea really hit me why don't I just put them together and that's how I came up with the plush coach it has built-in AI technology that analyzes your gameplay and gives you tips and tricks mid game to help you get better and rank up we also understand that not everyone learns the same way so you have the option to customize the personality of your plush coach to really tailor to the way you receive feedback I dyed when I was still why are you peeking like that are you dumb wait for your teammates you dump it your plush coach also connects you to your favorite aim trainers to make a special custom aim training routine playlist to help you get better your plush coach also has a built-in tilt detector to know when you're tilted and it will suggest streams and videos to watch or even music to listen to to help you reset your mental after a long day the plush coach makes the perfect cuddle buddy and it's a good way to end the night good night maybe tomorrow you won't be as bad oh sad wait is she the pro player from the application there was like a profound player Starry buns was Starbucks for sure I think so yeah yeah I like that name Pro Player Pro Valor player from a forgot which team except yeah except maybe yes yes yes yes yes okay whoa okay tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself um Twitter user emo Normy wrote obsessed with these Vibes and I say entering a situation so wretched and foul what so it's like you walk into a room like this and you're like oh obsessed with these vibes I really really get these I still don't get it so you you'll be fine uh good name one Disney character who oh we did have a Rapunzel rap podcast they have to fight did it oh okay I'm still thinking of the whole obsessed with these Vibes delivery from me thank you my name does survive from Rapunzel oh that's cool I'm um and I'm really just waiting for my day in the Sun and to shine like I know I can honestly the same also she sings The Best Song when Will My Life Begin reprise two if you know you know I don't know the second one I don't know it's just the reprise I love that song though the first I don't remember I've only seen the movie one time oh do you suffer from event-based social anxieties are you worried that people invite you out of pity are you tired of coming up here cancel those plans last minute are you worried that you'll be the only weirdo in the room are you a total [ __ ] freak and nobody likes you well do I have the product for you I too used to suffer from all of these problems which is why I invented distractor extractor distractor is an app that lets you hire one of our desperate desperate local actors to get all those Rusty eyeballs officers will attend the same events as you and make a complete ass of themselves which gives you the unique opportunity to say hey who invited this guy our patent-pending approach works every time because nothing quite brings a group together like hating somebody you can pick from our pre-selected options such as overbearing douchebags basic gay yeah we're racist or perhaps you know something that'll really trigger the crowd in which you can input into our special requests option if you are interested we are taking minimum Investments of five million dollars get it today distractor I'm in a pool [Music] foreign [Music] very funny very clever he never explained why he was in the pool it's just he just told to say he was but we already knew that oh God we're never gonna know but why were you in the pool in this day it's so bizarre like it's um I don't know why why he's memorable you know what I mean it's kind of like you're in a dream and everything's like it doesn't really make sense he's still casually in the pool with his clothes on we'll look at you thinking about him now that's true he's in my head all right who just read I okay stormfall 33. tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself one time I was streaming and a charter asked me what my favorite dinosaur was and for some reason without thinking I immediately responded with I'm gonna [ __ ] your mama saurus and I think that describes me pretty well damn come Hunker geez it only describes you if you did do that to the mom masaurus okay okay yeah wow uh archeology Goes Wild wait huh is it not archaeologists archeology yeah yeah and yeah dinosaurs uh we have a third Rapunzel entering the ring oh my god wow two in a row right fight wait she's gonna have to fight the guy the guy right before us oh back to back Rapunzels I've always loved Rapunzel from Tangled and sometimes I feel a bit like her except instead of being stuck in a tower I'm stuck in Florida and instead of dreaming about lanterns I dream about a 70 30 split oh damn y'all good yeah hi I'm storm I love games and feet I love feet but I don't like showing them you've probably been streaming before and some Coomer came into your chat and typed this [Music] form but they've never heard of Wiki feet yeah that's a thing that exists and you're all on it sorry you've probably done something like this before where you went yeah you chose to not pick up that ice cube because why would you pick it up took off your socks came back on streaming oh no no one just saw them it's been clipped it's everywhere now and if you're one of those people that does this I hope you get blasted out of an airlock space there and die bear you'll never have to worry about that again with this new invention that I definitely and most certainly invented myself the e-girl Blurred feet thing thing product name insert here to help you and your grippers wow just turn it on and your feet will be gone blur your feet in real time to save your little grippers from those little foot finesse you can definitely do this what the hell is a foot fanatic I wrote that down I said that with my mouth and you might have some questions about this invention like hey storm why are you wearing four different outfits in this video I was thinking that get your insert product name here today yep that's it that's the invention [ __ ] Da Vinci I play games and [ __ ] be Millennial level one no didn't ring what do you want from me she beat Melania and Elden ring who's Melania boss anymore oh she did level one wait what she was level one as in like like the very beginning you just go to the L the end uh she probably purposely didn't level up and just walked over to Melania like a Chad and then Peter I I've been trying to beat Millennia for a long time and I have not damn am I character is like level 115 yeah yeah oh yeah that's crazy I thought you were a gamer huh he's all he's mad all right reversa oh yeah sometimes I cross my legs and I gotta switch them you know yeah I'm switching everyone switch them switch your cross legs down okay [Music] the fat part what's this what's this part um my upper calf hurts why because my knee was dug into it oh well I need to start walking 10 000 steps a day yeah it's helpful I mean I didn't get there today probably well the day's not over yeah but I'm only at 24. you got that 24 24 steps 100. oh I was like ma'am you really just got here today that's pretty good did you walk on it already huh do you walk on your treadmill already no that's just from walking wow yeah do a couple steps up and down every time I go to foolish's room I get winded and then up here a couple more steps from there then down and then up and then it's 2400. they live in a mansion and she's bragging yeah I'm not brogging I'm just saying the house is a little big it allows you to get some steps in that's why it's like so annoying because you have to like push the Butlers out of the way there's no Butlers like the marble floor is so cold on my face yeah okay what is Ariana Grande tell her teammates instead of we can't end on a loss one last time I'm sorry my jokes are only corny ones send me colon dash semicolon it's a wink with an extra nose is it a wink I don't know it's a little guy it's like a awkward it's a little guy I see him those are his hands under his eyes he's like yeah okay oh you're leaking something [ __ ] oh they're saying no they know foolish doesn't foolish is our room guys foolish he's staying yes he's staying in our room he's a guest room he's a guest he's a guest in our guest room he's now foolish his room if I could be a Disney character I'd be vanel people on sweets the little girl from Wreck-it Ralph just like her I've been challenging wait is that a repeat as well yeah it is oh my goodness if there's a mission to accomplish and even if there's no visible Finish Line I'm sure to hop in my racing cart and pedal my way to Victory besides who doesn't want to be able to glitch through walls Vanellope von schweets can glitch through walls have you ever seen the movie I like that movie really yeah you didn't like Wreck-It Ralph no when will I see you again are you tired of losers and your Valor and League games call you a [ __ ] and feel the need to mute them then stay silent to the rest of the game well the comeback omaker slay thousand is a perfect tool for you to come back Homemaker slay thousand is super easy to use just plug it in and you're ready to go [Music] your comeback go maker slate thousand has voice recognition and automatically connects to your Rito games account instalog jet who's calling you because you won't feel smokes The Comeback go maker slay thousand has you covered simply turn to your new friend and they'll give you the comeback you're looking forever single grass-hating basement Roddy and Salata in your Game appearance The Comeback I suggest slay the day away and be nice this gay or I'll tell your mom to lock you away are you sure this is gonna work who's in here okay you're getting paid for it oh I'll make it believable okay yeah yeah um slay the day away and be nice to this gay or else or what I don't care you're not gonna do I'm not gonna get banned I know you don't have that for the simple price of a concert oh wow all right gun buddy a little dance performance [Music] for good luck I'll be yours go Michael maker slay thousand is not responsible for any accounts to get banned for The Comebacks being used accessories so separately [Music] oh that's true we don't know how many takes this week so he could have failed the backflip and broke his neck four times [Music] I love that thing I like your face in the thumbnail it's very convincing very Billy Mays come back homemaker who was the other vanilla peep on sweets I don't remember anyone remember I think there's been three I actually didn't know who they're going to be fighting oh my God it keeps glitching and it's kind of freaking yeah another Cronk I'm saying all right um oh okay um tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself in Middle School my friends call me special ed oh that's really funny oh if you could be one Disney character who would you be crunk because I want to be jacked also that's another fight oh crunks picture this okay you come inside a party all excited but after noticing someone in the room your heart sinks someone's talking to a girl but it's not just anyone that's Richard the bully who beats your ass in middle school but wait go back oh my God that's your high school crush the girl of your dreams and she's talking to Richard no you have to stop this but what can you do you spent the last four years hitting the gym and getting jacked unlike you but have no fear because I have the thing that'll make him scream for Daddy introducing the [ __ ] block it's super easy to use Just Awaken your inner Chuck Norris and [Laughter] okay it's good enough it's super easy to use Just Awaken your inner Chuck Norris and throw this [ __ ] as hard as I like now in 2014. so what are you waiting for grab my [ __ ] today oh oh my God no Richard is he okay oh oh wait you sympathize with them yeah Richard oh he got hit by his [ __ ] block Brooke you look kind of harder you see how he fell we don't know if he's okay [Music] hello Caliente tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself what's the cruelest joke God could play on someone that drank milk every day until they were 18. make them 5-2 and lactose intolerant said oh I'm sorry if you could take lactate or drink lactate sorry if you could be one Disney character who would you be Olaf from Frozen yes do you really love mobile any drink of choice are you tired of constantly having to use your arm muscles to reach for your drink or your drinks sometimes just a little too far is hiring a servant to hand feed you Boba getting too expensive have no fear because now there's the ultra straw oh and so you can do some hands-free drinking while playing your favorite game the try Ultra straw so you can drink three drinks at one time this is for the more adventurous the more is truly the merrier because we have our best songs you can buy the ultra straw starting at 9.99 at ultrastraw.com or from your favorite local streamer katliante never go thirsty without your Boba again disclaimer Let's Pretend This is actually a boba straw because I ordered off Amazon I did not realize that it was actually a regular drinking straw and let's just use our imagination because I didn't want to buy more actual product no no no he's talking about like the straws used but she said ultrashock.com can we just can we check no way there's a real ultrastraw.com let's just check out out of curiosity that's true maybe there maybe it exists okay Ultra why did she buy a straw to drink multiple bobas at once ultrastraw.com oh dang dang she's always on your 4G page on Tick Tock oh she's a tick tocker she a tick-talker yeah um all right box box you get to introduce Atkins afghans tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself what is the biggest Miracle of Jesus Christ being white in the Middle East I don't I don't think I understand because most depictions of Jesus are he's white even though they say he was born in Jerusalem oh I see a lot of sense [Music] okay all right okay all right I'm not very familiar in archeology that's paleontology please if you could be one Disney character who would you be the genie from Aladdin because Robin Williams is the goat and I look up to him a lot rest in peace job haven't a hard time hitting those deadlines at work oh it was last strike at work and about to get fired because you can't get your [ __ ] in order introducing time's up a revolutionary new app to keep you on top of your work and out of that unemployment line time's up isn't any ordinary scheduling app it sends you reminders keeps your tasks in line and if you miss a deadline it sends all your private information and darkest secrets to your co-workers she's an illegal malware only found in select parts of Afghanistan time's up is able to download your schedule tasks and top secret company information how does time's up get this info don't worry about it time's up stays on top of your workflow and if you happen to miss the deadline well time's up time's UPS accountability procedure will begin alarming your laptop that you missed the deadline with its patented times up alarm then time's up will alert all your co-workers of private information you didn't want anyone to ever know you got mail you've got mail oh yeah I got so many friends into an office I mean look at it the apps worked great for me my life's been great ever since I started using times up I definitely didn't rack up thirty thousand dollars in credit card debt when I missed a deadline and got all my info leaked and I also didn't have my girlfriend leave me when she found out that I like kicking homeless people on the side of the road for fun that didn't happen either and my family most certainly still loves me even though my co-workers when I used to death I told them that I sold my granddad's urns for a couple of bucks they still love me so get times up you won't regret it it's changed my life for the better I swear hey did you finish the report for today oh [ __ ] oh my God that's pretty clever that was well done very clever well done very good oh Roy not it's your turn who's right in from that I think it's cutely all right hit it [Music] why did the YouTuber become a gardener because they wanted to grow their subscribers organically good one good one my entire content creation Journey has been about making my own creative content that people could fall in love with without any sort of monetary incentive to follow me I've always been inspired by making funny content like the big creators I've watched growing up like Markiplier VanossGaming youtubeable HD KSI PewDiePie Etc I would say Elsa from Frozen she has ice powers that can build castles create weapons Etc I'm also guessing I'd have the same skill set as Frozone from The Incredibles 2 in one package I think it's also a bonus that you can't ever be cold plus I would never have to worry about a warm cup of water or warm beer good point valid very bad hey sharks my name is not and I'm seeking one free trip to streamer Camp La in exchange for zero percent equity in my company not big booty streamers LLC now I'm present to you two inventions that my company has created in in less than a day the first one real-time audience feedback analyzer also known as retafel retafa analyzes your chats consensus food and brings it to life using comments that could totally motivate you to do better if you want to know if your chat is sad happy then this is the program for you I I just want to say chat that I really do appreciate you just being there it's always a joy to have you guys around your chat feels like they didn't ask your chat feels like they want you to ruin them with the reign of voice why why your chat is thinking about Reina being their stepsister okay I don't need to know that your chat is biting their lips really hard I don't need to know your horny there's also setting that takes the real life voice of whoever is typing so you might get a whole selection of unique people what is this just have my silver s what did I just join me do the James Charles voice we want to see what Nat is cooking hello wow my second invention is the thought 2 TTS converter have you ever been streaming and just wanted chat to know every single possible thing you could be thinking well now you can with this device you can think before you speak it has a more personal connection with your audience all right one bathroom for everyone boobies poorly sweet Mama Jesus look at it okay yo we gotta start diving their DPS because they're giving us such a hard time yeah you guys are so [ __ ] trash it's unbelievable bro what the [ __ ] do you mean you're [ __ ] [ __ ] what do you think I personally think nothing could ever go wrong with these inventions because I designed them and I'm just never wrong about anything I think that everything's gonna be wholesome and charming and this sucks so [ __ ] but move me to the next round I swear to God clever very good very clever I love that imagine the backlash if your thoughts were always broken oh Jesus Christ oh all right crab wait do you guys see um the PowerPoint glitching every time we move slides yeah tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself a horse walks into a bar several of the patrons quickly get up and leave realizing the potential danger in the situation I I don't get it he hit his head because he walked into the bar like a pole oh mm-hmm so oh okay remind me when I do stand up not to have box box in the audience I don't get it wait I don't get it just fake laughs just fake laugh oh okay well you could be one Disney character who would you be Sora from Kingdom of Hearts when I was in kindergarten I generally thought I was going to be bestowed the keyblade from the heavens it's impressive that you understand every joke and Albert is like doesn't get every joke there is a video I've got he might understand TFT but I understand jokes and that's our trade-off in life unfortunately yeah I'd rather understand TFT are we in the middle somewhere because I haven't understood every joke but I've understood more than Albert first not everyone's good are you good at gft I'm I'm probably better than you at TFT but but not yet funnier than me no so you're in between I think I'm in between so we just suck no no we're we're we're average we are radio founder and owner of rural Michigan Dynamics and I have a question has this ever happened to you experience unlike you've ever seen before no matter what situation you're in mil spot will be there for you guy baptized oh yeah wait I love milk you like eat a stuffed animal oh my God has millions of customer reviews worldwide check out this customer review crumb if you call me one more time with this milk [ __ ] I'm gonna find you I'm gonna come to your house and I'm gonna bury your five foot two ass six feet under the ground you got it uh maybe this one instead [Music] yeah never mind the testimonials robot even has advanced technology allowing him to sense when you need milk even when you don't know do not use milk out if you are pregnant I'm pregnant thinking about getting pregnant side effects May including inexplicable attraction to garden gnomes chronic marginal body inflation snug is above and rug syndrome nuclear radiation of a 300 kilometer radius and death [Music] oh wow [Music] great sandwich the other contestant yeah pog oh Roy oh um um who ran for crabs who's reading for autumn uh oh it's my turn um okay I want to learn about my ADHD but I couldn't wait for the pages to load good one uh Stitch who wouldn't want to be an alien that climbs on walls has no responsibility good one I remember the first day I was like man no duplicates everywhere so sorry guys okay so I have this boyfriend right and he falls asleep everywhere and when I mean everywhere I mean everywhere Planes Trains buses parks restaurants you name it he sits he sleeps and it's a really big problem because he's constantly complaining about his neck and I kind of want to spend the rest of my life with him so I need to make sure he's in goodness [Music] hello he's always wearing his hat because he's covering up his bald spot this is how it works like that's funny [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh Sonic I have my invention off some of you guys out there I know it's mostly for our boyfriends because honestly they fall asleep instantly why can't us ladies fall asleep that fast I guess that's an adventure for another time whoa wow I need trasnodone to fall asleep oh no what what all right the the what's it called the Halo hello how do you spell that h-i-l-l-o-w-h-i-l-l-o-w it's like a pillow I actually slept like [ __ ] last night do you guys ever have it where it's like your body can't adjust to the air conditioning or not in the summer yeah oh God life's hard all right Zion kayed cutie I mean what sorry sorry tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself my life if you could be one Disney character who would you be Randall Boggs who is Randall Paul he's Randall oh uh Wally oh no no no no no no up up the boy little boys Inc interest [Music] ing he wants to be that guy I'm curious no because he wants to be a slippery little guy I love the scary one yes no what up is a cute one the balloon we aim to confuse Mia yeah and you're messed up for that uh we're watching the top 64 right now if you could be respectful and video are you a highly anxious individual that only gets a sense of community when watching streams yeah you feel like the only person you're close to is your favorite streamer because they understand you I'm sure you've probably said oh and I just wish I could be there with them right now well now you can the stream Beam not streaming people teleportation once activated you will be beamed to your streamer Choice I'll hang out with Madison Beer political easy big guy someone with far better gameplay oh my God I don't remember him coming too he said better game playing that was really ass we look for some cringe now here we go that was so embarrassing going [Laughter] no oh enormous basement germa oh my God that looks actually scary oh my gosh this is kind of scary okay oh okay he's dead in the man you're dead camera quality is so nice insane wait oh wow did German do that like did he make that face or was it for sure yeah I would hope so I mean not that if it wasn't as good that would why was the chat sitting like germa's basement like why does why does everybody know about it oh don't say germa three times in a mirror that's all I'm saying okay yeah Zion you make really good videos very good take that to Canes okay uh all hail goon um I believe I really bathroom oh cool I do too but I'm gonna hold it I think we could just not saying that you should that that made it oh you're right no no no no I swore like it's more of a it's like I'm on the window seat at an airplane and you're on the aisle so it's like much more convenient for you to get up oh yeah walk [Music] fast Leslie love my supportive girls don't care say this never be a girl's girl you know what I kind of like it thank you you're so right yeah I am gonna hold it all the way until he's going to a different bathroom why don't you go to that man did he actually just skip this bathroom because I'm good I think he didn't want to hear people hear him pee oh I don't want to hear people pee we won't hear it he would want to mute the mic because we would you know okay all right now I really don't need to go now it's a whole thing okay well you know what I'm gonna go pee so really yeah like I don't know I don't need to go are we all pink well I don't know be careful with my headset okay oh I mean I think it would be verified yeah like it makes more sense we could have done a little limbo moment there I just didn't want it to break it could have been like a limbo limbo yeah wouldn't it wait she's not going pee in the bathroom either where are you going I'm putting my notebook here so no one's using the bathroom right in front of us you could use it there's this is honestly your best time because otherwise will you be okay I'll be fine will you talk loudly so they won't hear repeat yeah okay okay talking well you can get in there first oh I get that yeah yeah Navi come here Nabi get over here Navy's going the wrong way if you're foolish we're gonna mute that so yeah here well now you can talk to them thank God you muted that your pee was so loud was it loud no I felt like it was too oh it was hot it's one of those I didn't hear it sometimes you know something friends pee is so quiet sometimes it's like really unnecessarily loud like why dude their bathroom downstairs sucks because it doesn't have a ceiling no it does it's just glass oh it like it or it's not glass it's like it's like I thought it didn't have a ceiling and I was like everyone can hear you no no no it's it I thought that too but it's like a piece of acrylic plastic yeah that's over it their house is weird it's a big square and then right in the middle is a tiny square and that's the bathroom it is a strange it is a strange like like a normal big room would have a pole in the middle of the room instead they have a bathroom I'm pretty sure it was like nervous and remodeled like yeah it was probably like very closet or something oh oh God everything's great oh God this chair is not it's hard so you could see the see though they can't see you pee it's kind of confusing to explain yeah it's you could it looks like they could hear you pee so if you were to walk into the bathroom you would look I still think they can the other night Tina was on the couch and I went down I went down there to pee and I was like ah crap yeah yeah I know but sometimes peeing is louder no well yeah no definitely yeah ping is louder like sometimes like it's a complete set keying is so loud sometimes but sometimes you get silent piece yeah completely silent and you don't know I think it's if I have to really pee it's like shh it's kind of quiet guys are lucky because they can like direct their pee but we like can't like you can try you can like wiggle yeah you can do the wiggle and try to find a quiet spot but I feel like if I was a dude I would always direct my pee towards like the wall yeah of the toilet yeah and make my own little waterfall you could also like push it up and it was like dude like a waterfall and be as loud as you want it to be yeah you know what I mean you could go like yeah you could try to figure out like how people do vape like Vape smoke clouds yeah someone out there could figure out how to do p clouds oh my it's more Splash that way see I wouldn't know yeah but it seems more fun for optimal p a p experience Albert do you direct your pee towards the side of the toilet for to make it quieter or is that more splashy or you sit some guys sit and pee if I walk away and come back in 30 seconds will you guys be talking about something different yeah probably come back now oh we're gonna ask you the same question where's me on where'd Nabi go did you let Nobby out bring knobby back [Music] Nobby will you hang out with me now green now be back nobody hasn't hung out with me all day I'm getting kissed now here you go all right all hail goon I remember you come yeah you yeah you can sit by us yeah Bobby all right who is doing this one for me I think it's you okay all hail goon tell us a joke that reminds of yourself a man bursts into a bar and yells I need 12 shots of your finest Scotch whiskey the bartender immediately leaps into action pouring out shots the man takes each one and downs it as soon as it's poured one after the other the bartender exclaims I've never seen anyone drink like that before the man says you drink like that too if you had what I have the bartender says good God man what do you have the man says two dollars oh I get it because he was drinking it fast if you could be one Disney uh who would you be a kakamura from Moana what is that I don't know it's a big monster oh you know everything really I watched the movie I don't know what a kakamura is oh I got cutie knows everything hi I'm all hail goon has this ever happened to you you're sitting at your desk when all of a sudden cutie Cinderella sent you an email telling you to make a new invention but you're a streamer therefore creatively bankrupt and don't have any ideas so you go for a walk to brainstorm and you keep thinking and walking and thinking and walking and before you know it you've reached the end of the road but you turn around and the road is gone and you realize you've been tricked by the forest folk once more and now you're lost in the Haunted Woods where you spend 30 days and 30 nights searching for a way out and eating nothing but tree bark and just as you're about to give up Evan GAO jumps out of a tree and says we need to go on a time travel Adventure so that we never join flying Aces and that we can have streamed enough hours for streamer Camp you hear me and you don't even remember what streamer Camp is at this point and you hate Evan gal but you don't have a choice so you go on an adventure filled with action suspense and romance before you pass out then you wake up in a field and you get a text notifying you that the feds know your location due to time travel anomalies and they want to arrest you for what happened in Tallahassee we'll talk about what happened to Tallahassee anymore we don't talk about that so you try to escape to Canada over this big lake but you can't tell the difference between boats and submarines so you won't go on either anymore so all you have is a bike and you try to bike there but then you remember you can't oh so you pass out then you wake up in this big pit and you realize you're in the lair of the Goblin King Club Mungo who says to get my magic Elixir you must enter my riddles three but the video can only be two minutes long so you'll just beat the [ __ ] out of them and steal it and using its power it guides you out of the woods but when you drink it you can't handle its mystical power and pass out again and finally you wake up at your desk realizing you haven't even started on the video has that ever happened to you yes when you gotta come check out my twitch stream that's what I invented my twitch stream it's gonna help you I also got a Youtube Adventure that's gonna help you too and maybe take your meds or something man I don't know wow that's dirty that was something oh that was a whole journey I love that him and Evan put each other in their videos awesome that was really cool oh man all right thanks goon thank you very good very good um all right Albert samboy's election all right Senpai selection tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself what do you call Crystal Clear urine 1080p [Music] it is a good one why does it remind him of himself he drinks a lot of water oh okay I thought that was going somewhere it's a hydration Queen yeah I'm down for this um would you be one Disney character who would you be Hercules okay just trying to remember if that's a fight or not I don't think so huh all right Senpai oh hi there my name is Senpai and welcome to Senpai selection Superstore do you ever dream of immersing yourself in the world of gaming and IRL at the same time will look no farther introducing the Super pogchair 9 ultimate gaming chair that combines gaming and IRL streaming into one now imagine this scenario you're in the middle of an epic stream chat is hyped you're about to get it dug and then it crashes you continue the stream by switching to IRL arrive at your destination ready to go explore and uh-oh stream F's with the super pogchair 9000 you'll never have these problems again well what makes this product truly special you may ask well let's take a look first let's take a look at the very discreet Robert Casey satellite dish combo so shiny second it's built with a total of six all-terrain wheels and turbo thrusters that go up to a whopping 11 miles per hour wow it's also equipped with custom dual monitors a keyboard and mouse and a specialized HD camera helmet it's a perfect fit hey chat are you tired of waiting for your streamer to come back from the restroom well with our newest add-on the hyper flusher 2000 you'll never miss a beat say goodbye to bathroom Vans and say hello to streaming relief but wait there's more having connection issues at Disneyland I'm in the works of planning an IRL Disneyland stream tourism off the internet don't do it girl well call now within the next 10 minutes to get our brand new Disneyland add-on pack never be sad again at the happiest place on Earth so are you ready to revolutionize your gaming and streaming experience well call now today and get your super popular 9000 and take your content to new heights not responsible for any brain Imaging tightlinks arthritis the device may make contact us directly wait wait go back those entry it was down there it says 706-383-3793 what do you think happens I think they're all made up numbers oh you think it's just random yeah oh I think so what if it's like some poor person's actual call it well I'm scared now what if we call some random person and just like annoy because they wouldn't do that oh I got it I got it now I gotta know it's safe they said it's safe so it must be safe here we go is it the same one from yesterday star 67. she almost forgot again no oh my God wait this is only valued at 19.99 not too bad that's a really good deal it's a good stream disassemble everything else and get the DX racer for free put this anyway if that's about it see ya how did you know that there's been so many numbers how do you know that that was one we should call do we need to go back and call all the numbers do we go back and call how did you know to call it well no it's it's ten digits it's like a real number I feel like there's been a few there was a lot that were like 11 or 9 digits or like very Mimi but this one looked like a real number yeah you should be a detective yeah that's crazy I most of them are fake is what I'm guessing yeah I just want to know if we missed any uh oh imagine someone put so much effort in they're just watching like oh my God I hope they call it they didn't call who's Raven I'll do it Shonda black tell us a joke or reminds you of yourself what do you call a fake noodle an imposter this is the third imposter joke we've gotten all of you guys see yourselves as imposters and you want us to bring you to streamer Camp I think imposters sorry I agree imposter syndrome wow I love that I love that for you I don't get what it is it's like when they feel like they don't belong right that's why imposter syndrome I thought that was just life yeah guys well it's like you know you'll go to a party and you're at like there's like all these celebrities around you or something like I don't belong here like I'm imposter here oh yeah like it's almost like you don't feel like you're deserving yeah like everyone else no one deserves success no Howard you don't deserve success I'm just kidding I'm joking everybody deserves happiness and success okay one of my favorite jokes not because my friend is going to be funny but because it reminds me of my favorite creators playing Among Us during covet uh bright light in an overall Bleak time that I remember fondly also I'm a penny guy who so puns appeal to me also it's an Italian joke and I like Italian food all right ooh yeah um if you could be one Disney character who would you be Chad Danforth AKA Cordon blew from the critically acclaimed Disney Channel High School Musical 2 when he said uh don't dance I know you can not unchancer while simultaneously dancing it just spoke to me Zeke from the same movie is cool too I wanted to learn to make as a kid because of him so either of those characters could work but as a former Child basketball player retired Chad's character really spoke to me God great great great great choice are we rolling hi my name is Sean black CEO and founder of black Industries here at black Industries we are committed to selling life-changing solutions to your everyday product a CEO but you might know help I can't dance a wearable wrist device that will help you do some dancers or our virtual boyfriend model 3. now so we figure we may have missed that Mark on our last products but today I have something that will fundamentally change your life see imagine after a long day at bankruptcy quarter divorce hearings you just want to come in pop down your chair plug in your controller to play the game and you are greeted with the worst sound known to man a sound that the CIA uses to torture people by Guantanamo Bay the sound of children the screeching irrigating voices of children interrupting your gameplay and ruining your lives that is where we come in troducing the child silences to ensure that your eardrum will stay intact while you're killing with children using Next Generation artificial intelligence technology the sirens are automatically detects when there is this creature in your lobby a scripture it will automatically change the voice of that scripture to that of a normal person and for the upgraded plan of 59.99.99 you can choose to replace that child's voice with the voice of one of our partner creators so if you ever wanted to play Among Us for corpse husband fortnite with donkey Ray or Valerian with kaide to the challenge silencer is for you starting at a meager 99 99.99 this world changing solution can be yours in eight to nine business years they hit a 90-day business game thank you for your time I look forward to seeing you Silence of children today oh oh yeah oh [Music] James all right T10 naps [Music] Albert take it away oh titanat's the one who had a lot of her chat spam copy pastas as soon she came off the screen oh there it is damn not sponsored it says teaching it saved me and passengers on my flight by Landing the plane when the pilot got alcohol poisoning drinking it's hey sometimes it gets thirsty you know drove me to the hospital oh she let him be her Lambo on a date she had she had an Army on [Music] um well she lent someone her Lambo oh my all right I don't think I've ever had like an army ready to like spam copy pastas in my favor power you've got to attendant yeah she wields a lot of influence okay I can't even like get together on a raid half of them I'm just like confused where they are tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself it's a meme of that is saying that this question makes her want to die [Music] okay I mean I I feel that if I were doing this application I would also dread this question this application is hard and sucks no it doesn't suck no it is it does it's hard it does suck I don't think I made it through the first one I'd make a joke and boxbox would be like what you're like this girl is weird all right it'd be one Disney character I would be the flying Magic Carpet from Aladdin I would have no responsibilities as a carpet I can fly anywhere around the world Japan first and I wouldn't have to pay for flights because I am the flight yeah that's combination easy I become the carpet for whatever room I want to stay in I'd be a very uplifting character and can take friends and family wherever they want to go and relax with the best of you anywhere and anytime I want to be a Magic Carpet an answer all right and unique yeah [Music] breaking news we're here live with T10 Nat who just saved a bunch of people from a house fire just how did this all happen um is that a house fire what what do I do if only there was something like an AI wristband that solves the critical situations in your day-to-day life so I got wires a screen a button what should have been a car battery lights and a saw we stick the thing onto the sock and I put some complex code together now we have a highly portable AI wristband discrete on clothing has a fashionable button you push for help when you're in danger and it even lights up to tell you what to do in a critical situation that can save your life it helps you during a house fire hey Dad can I start a house fire oh [ __ ] no okay so I kind of create an actual house fire so we opened unreal we create a fire now people are in danger and stuck in the fire bam a perfect house fire simulation oh my God it's a house fire what do I do oh my God fire thanks I gathered that use the water the water I can save them it even helps you to perform CPR at work oh my God are they even breathing no Stephen they're not breathing and they're pink with no feathers where are they maybe do CPR wake up Steven it even helps you to become a better gamer please uninstall introducing the critical underwhelming machine saver for 69.99 I mean I think it's a pretty cool invention I think it's a pretty cool friend to have not our 10 dentists recommend thank you so much this video was sponsored by oh wow yeah very good Nabi do you like it Abby would use it interesting I'm mostly interested in the army that she has now if it would be like why is there a cat in the cat tree that's not mine if somebody saved your life while you're a pilot was an alcohol all right I'm curious all these people in chat that are saying we're sold uh tetanet saved me from a house fire like uh did she really did she really wanted yeah if we find one liar you're a band you're out I believe him interesting okay and the coding wait how do I know these are robots do they look like robots to you oh I mean she she like did some programming stuff there like she might have she could have programmed some viewers oh if you're a real viewer if you're a real viewer and not a robot I want you to prove it to me by uh I want you guys to solve this uh quick problem in the chat uh and type the answer all right uh give me a bunch of ones and zeros in no particular order what it's not easy for a bot to do yeah wow they're real oh my really anything Albert breaking I really liked her um her her voice here yeah I like your accent a lot it's great it's really great all right wow we're on the 29th night three more yeah I'm on the same one goodness okay here we go next up we have say TJ how many tickles does it take to make a squid laugh ten tickles if you could be one Disney character who would you be I get it I get it yeah Jimbo from Treasure Planet so many Treasure Planet references oh I think it's like it's like eras like yeah all right I think treasure plan was probably a couple years before my time and then uh well no I'm saying you're just a couple years old I never saw it because I I think I was like very very young I'm 27 I was appreciated the treasure plan did not come out when I was at comprehensible years I've also have not watched it me either anyone know when this movie was released because many applicants uh put this I believe 1997. oh I was one years old I could have watched it that's my bad you just wouldn't remember yeah that's that's my fault I should have had better memory that's okay I'm a pathological liar so I love that for you thank you sayings yes Saint CJ is it gonna be making an invention for us he had two minutes to make a video Let's see what he made hello my name is Saint TJ and I'm here to talk to you today about my invention liquid motivation or as I like to call it tea juice oh have you ever found yourself lacking motivation have you ever been procrastinating at an alarming rate have you ever been feeling burnout if you answered yes to any of these questions then perhaps tea juice is for you now you may be asking yourself why did you call it tea juice what's all that [ __ ] on the ground behind you what is the honey hole why are you crooked and all of those questions will or will not be answered I know I for one struggle quite often with motivation seeing as how I'm turning this video into not even 12 hours before the deadline but you want to know what got me started I partook in some tea juice like I'm doing right now oh he's drinking I actually am doing what I'm supposed to be doing but don't just take my word for it we have numerous other individuals that are also enjoying their tea juice as well after my Uncle Ben died I was feeling really sad but then I took some tea juice next thing you know even my web shooters are working again I hate myself I was feeling depressed and couldn't even bring myself to eat but then I got some tea juice next thing you know a sub shows up I bust it up and find some Five Guys yum as you can see everyone loves them a little bit of tea juice did that tickle your pickle if so you can stop by twitch.tv Saint underscore TJ today to get your own batch of tea juice nice what's it taste like [Music] no what is it what oh guys it's happening how did that happen What as you're streaming your desk just broke down who built that Ikea oh teachers I lied again I don't know see now you're slandering Ikea why did Elizabeth said neon's future pog that if that's gonna happen to any of us that's great actually her table's quite sturdy thank you it does look straight yeah it's not it is it's not actually wow there's not a wobble yeah thanks thanks Pam okay all right rain that came back funny right we only have three more I feel really bad for the last three they've been watching the last two days just sweating knowing that they're yeah [Music] rain it's your turn um I can do it oh the joke that reminds yourself knock knock who's there Cash Cash who no thank you I'd rather have a walnut good one simple and stupid silly and stupid but a bit stupid what silly and simple but and a bit stupid just like me if you could be one Disney character who'd you beat Kim Possible of course I wanted to be okay first impossible that kicked ass and had the sickest ringtone in school um also I was obsessed with the Bueno nacho game when I was a kid oh my God all right rain let's see your invention [Music] click oh oh no unable to play video I maybe open the YouTube link directly Maybe or just see if it even works okay maybe like she like gave us the wrong link or um because all the other videos work so I think it's on her end or like maybe she like unlisted her video or privated her videos technical difficulties don't you worry we're gonna get the video working and in the meantime oh in the meantime I have a question for all those robots in the chat or those so-called not robots yeah all right to all the to all the not robots in chat that were spamming for tea tonight earlier because I'm actually quite suspicious she showed that she has programming capabilities I wouldn't be surprised if she did program a bunch of robots to spam supportive messages for her in the chat are you are you trying to fix it yep okay can you read this word all right I said the link it's in the group chat so-called robots can you read this [Music] all right wait now hang on now if I turn into a captcha by scribbling it a little bit can you still read it so have you been convinced Albert I think they're fake they're saying error cannot compete oh good we've got Ryan's video up thank you cutie okay was it a different link uh I don't know my my mod who set this all up linked it to me I don't know okay all right Reigns video hey guys it's rain and don't hate me too much for this but my idea is basically a pimple popping simulator oh I won't be watching this I'm gonna say that there's already a pimple popping boy out there but no good oh God that one sucks okay that's baby [ __ ] I want something that seems so authentic that you're almost afraid that that piece of synthetic skin was actually ew but I want variety okay I want to be able to squeeze a fake small Whitehead a fake giant Jesus fake cystic acne oh speaking of cysts actually I want a cyst popping simulator as well okay I want to embody a dermatologist and get a fake cyst and just watch all the chunks of goo and Rain yeah I took my thing off actually let's take it a step I'm sure it's great right she's not showing anything so how about in ear cleaning simulator oh cause I know oh yeah and you were faster [Music] myself because I'm actually a hygienic person you know so let's quick a fake ear instead and feel the same satisfaction instead of just having to watch videos of other people like I don't care about them imagine all of this in a subscription box every month you get a new piece of skin with a bunch of new fake acne and yeah for weirdos like me I think they do really well thank you wow did Hassan stream himself his ear was [ __ ] up I think most streamers are because you wear headsets for so long Jesus Jesus oh my God okay all right thank you for the idea description box where you get all these all these guys yeah all right done done all right are we ready for our final two of the day oh wow yeah it's done you are the uh you are the second to last here we go um okay uh Albert you got it all right moveston YouTube streamer tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself what do you call someone that's ethnically Chinese but whose family is from Manila a Fox lapino oh like a Filipino but a like fake Filipino that's me you could be one Disney character who would you be without a doubt I would want to be crunk oh that's like a three-way fight yeah this might be the most this is popular yep that's that's not just like a duel to the death that's like a battle royale all right from the emperor's new group but not only is he a grade A5 piece of man ass oh okay yeah that even I as a straight man want to check out in the mirror but I think everybody should strive to be crunk my man has a stable job that he loves interesting hobbies meaningful relationships is multilingual and squirrels and heck he even volunteers fairly often honestly my end goal for life is just becoming more like him I'm working towards it but so far the only thing I have in common with him with the almighty highest of himbos is the amount of brain cells we have seven okay yeah um wow where does one go to count the number of brain cells you know yeah how many do you have she right mop sticks well how many do you think you have wait is it possible that he's showing off with the seven he's flaunting it got just a reflection of how many brain cells you have if you think that's a flex [Music] mopeston your video thank you take it from me meeting new people can be tough last year in an effort to talk to e-girls on Tinder I started learning to play valorent just as a conversation starter stop right there did you pick up on those red flags in that sadly true story well this handsome man with a body that screams I'll go to the gym starting tomorrow may seem friendly in that conversation I picked up on three things he's cripplingly lonely wants to date an e-girl and worst of all plays valorent now if you didn't pick up on those don't worry I only picked up on them thanks to my sound Sentinel earbuds the earbud that scans your everyday conversations defines seemingly innocent sentences that point towards toxic traits oh I'm actually an entrepreneur another one of these yeah I try to go to Disneyland at least twice a month our patented technology combines the speech recognition of chat gbt with the judgingness of my four aunties to make sure that no one is ever good enough for you but also like why aren't you married yet one piece isn't even that long once you start it you won't be able to stop I'm actually a support main for every game I play and here's a special offer just for you for the low price of 39.99 and your general trust in other human beings sound Sentinels can be yours in two to three shipping years I'm actually crazy yeah I play League of Legends why remember to stay safe out there folks because through Rose tinted glasses red flags just look like regular Flags [Music] oh there was a green one there was it was a green one what'd it say I I believe I said great for streamer camp wait I think the most impressive things about these videos is like how many friends they can get on a short notice I think oopsy got like 12. it does show that they have friends which is a good thing yeah yeah your friends are like ride or die like wanna do this thing that's gonna make you look like an idiot but like will help me get some internet points hell yeah all right oh frick I messed it up okay and our final the very last one I'm so sorry Joshua Joshua you had to wait all this time all right who wants to read the very last one of the day actually of this round all right tell us a joke that reminds you of yourself this Dad joke always stuck with me since I was in Middle School and I'd like to share with you all what is a zoo that only contains dogs I should do it could be one Disney character who would you be for me it's Dumbo Dumbo has a great story of not always fitting in and learning that through their unique being in special gifts they can fly and succeed which is something I definitely can relate to even today also I used to have big ears and Dumbo was my nickname when I was a toddler but maybe my parents were just trying to tell me something hmm all right Joey shua tell us your invention please oh please work oh oh please work oh please work oh please work oh no how funny the last one but it's okay it's okay don't worry don't worry we'll get the link watch this we'll get the link sorry Joshua it's coming it is coming um no no no no don't worry don't worry this is just a technical thing on our end we will fix that right right away you notice how like for both of them they had like the button looks a little different like the play button like I knew it wasn't gonna work before okay wait wait wait wait one second you know I got an explanation for this oh really got it okay oh it's because he sent a two-minute twitch VOD you so I just sent you the oh okay he typed the Bible thumb there you go all right this is this is Paris expert on what's hot we have to deal with it too you're welcome for calling bye made even more spice the volcano menu is back at Taco Bell today I've been looking forward to for two and a half years well today we are here to introduce three new rev wait yeah this is my speech I I have a clicker and everything today okay why don't you go get one of them Grimace shakes uh folds folks this is archaic and I pod an iPhone hell the kids over at Google are making glasses now this this is yesterday today I'm here to bring you the future I might be wondering Joshua yeah man dark looking guy up the street trying to sell me a pen what is it I can tell you where it's not it is not a Mr Beast cloning machine nor is it a submarine that's piloted by joystick or gamer underwear that doesn't give you wedgies for gaming hours on end and it certainly is nothing that's Michael Reeves comes up with all right uh anyways I'm here to introduce to you the future and it is not the iPhone now but the eye plug gone are the days of messy you want you can think it nay if you can dream it you can have but Josh how do we get from here to there we're so far away we already have the answer but plugs have been used as advanced Telecom devices for years and are now being developed Beyond human comprehension it's pendant technology we are bringing it to the masses now with your backing Social Development one plug of a butt now who's with me you guys know that yeah they thought what was cheating one of the guys was cheating he was uh suspected cheating through a bike yeah [Music] but that oh um full screen with the streamer camps this one oh yeah oh we're not starting soon we're in the middle of it maybe the camera's off just the camera turn the camera on oh it's me it's off it's off okay and a one two bam whoa professional streamers yay all right thank you very much that concludes round two of streamer Camp um season four okay top 64. all of the video round is completed and reviewed well well now we need to deliberate we're gonna talk about you guys and then we're gonna let you know what the next steps are yeah and it's exciting yes to the 64 applicants 32 of you will be hearing back from us tomorrow oh very soon wow yeah I guess we are going to finalize our results like right now after the stream yeah going to be announced and your next steps are going to be yeah they're going to be there too it's gonna get really spicy from here so yeah stay tuned what was that I don't know okay um anything great job to everybody great job thank you everybody thank you so much if you don't make it to the next round we you participating this far we hope it's been a fun experience taught you something put you a little bit out of your comfort zone or maybe you hated it I don't know but we're having a favorite today who was navi's favorite I can't say you told me not to say but he had a favorite damn knobby okay top 64 streamers your videos were lit no they were great thank you so much and everybody submitted no one was disqualified by not submitting so that's pretty cool except Joshua who submitted a twitch video which is oh my god listen but let's go thank you so much thank you so much for watching Everybody crazy give me a nice outside absolutely crazy for all of you videos in the chat uh who have been following the process uh after this next lesson is released there will be one last round of eliminations and then you will have our 16 that will be flying out to Los Angeles to come live with us in a mansion at the end of this month yeah do we have the exact dates uh the dates are yeah they're they're they're um gonna be um the 20s seven seventh eighth not four whole days so of the 64 streamers you guys saw yesterday and today 16 of them will end up making it uh you guys probably have your favorites don't say who they are we're gonna go ahead and uh go ahead and judge them put the numbers together and afterwards we're going to auction off Leslie's ratings for the to the highest bidder oh my God don't move your chair because Navi you might run him over I'm so sorry just be careful just don't care he refuses to he refuses get your butt come here all right well thank you everyone we're gonna deliberate now don't forget to give everyone that you saw that you'd like to follow as well you can check them out a huge thank you to everybody we'll see you for the results tomorrow bye just to clarify the results are going to be tweeted there's not a stream yeah yay
we lives yes hello I am Alive I am a real I'm a real boy that's everybody I move my camera position I made me I made me skinnier to make more game so I have I have left space now but I also have more vertical space because I had to squit anyway hello what's up present the otter what's up tf2 gamer what's up hi tree what's up Hawks in the tops arrows up goofy what's up lizard hello Skyrim intro paper face what what do you mean good sup mocap what's up Bob Lee I reset that which randomly cancelled again wait what do you mean like they like they canceled the payment either way that's weird hello I hope you all had a nice holidays today is just a weird test not test but today is not like a gaming challenge I just want to I just want with like [ __ ] with Skyrim I figured may as well do this on stream how long before somebody makes a scribe a 3-piece mod I you know what anybody could what's up psychotic beat the Skyrim intro with paper face I mean we can so what are the rules on chopsticks in this chat hmm chopsticks are up for debate okay so here's my thought here's my thought process when we did this before there was like I forget what stream but we were like [ __ ] with the Skyrim intro and I think I'll explain the rules on a sec I'll spend the rules intersect but basically the gist is that we're gonna play the Skyrim intro and the goal is to break it before we can play so I basically need to break it before the game will let us play the video game and that's how we win hello everybody what's up a lot of people all of a sudden have Greece but what's up Dungy what's up a Finley and let me crank this music up this isn't a real Doug Doug stream unless we have some loud [ __ ] music you know cocaine Colts may be buried but what the star of intro just breaks us up exactly that's the fun of it we just got a poke and prod a little bit what's up cast which I'm doing well I'm good yeah exactly country doubts that's on a stick in I was like what if what if we expand that just currently playing Pokemon nice I finished the full story of Pokemon and it's pretty mediocre [Music] knots wait no TTS drinking problem I missed you too ADHD agenda was a after the silences up Fabiano are what's up hello everybody shadowy effects thank you very much man a three-month also loud what did this great music of course you don't if I could still that's the Doug promise is barely be able to heroes happening think the music should be just little bit louder okay [Music] hopefully near me ok let's get serious for just a sec what's a good serious song do you get to the Gobi Strip a serious song I always play them I see hi Megan well she don't hey Doug what's up how are you doing I hope your Christmas is wonderful I saw that Nathan kick some ass at magic okay so the plan is we're gonna break scatter of sentro specifically in Skyrim for anybody who hasn't played Skyrim yet its brand new I know not everybody's gotten the chance the game basically starts right and you're here on a cart and then it takes the cart down road district committee and then over here is where you think of course you don't hear you make a character everyone hello there Doug show Barris what's up what's up thank you very much with six months you're nuts care make you you make you make a character make a character here you okay that should be clear now so you make a character right and then you go over to the chopping block and this is a the man with the big axe what does an axe look like I don't really remember whatever something like this okay so then this guy tries to kill you and you're standing here on the ground [Music] but then a big [ __ ] scary dragon flies in and this dragon is just terrifying you can see it's got many scales I guess and then once the dragon freaks everybody out at that pour get to the code you are able to play the game and our goal is to break oh what a beautiful gagging the game before we get to this point right we need to stop the game from working properly before we are able to take control of our character right here well that is the plan don't yell hermit creeper thank you very much man you are nuts seven months as a super long time and I really appreciate a holder thank you very much for four months you're not so I appreciate it and that's a super long time nine strictly off and really appreciate one thanks very much the urban ater Dylan thank you guys holiday it was great bag thank you for the bits oh I'm all small over there I didn't realize that here taunt Howard showed me Skyrim 17 times please help it's an addiction look nothing can fix that better than playing it ten more times so the whole goal like I said is to break it and so I think we get on to it he's amazing love the old streams thank you I let's look at some art famous art okay not bad not great not bad but now you look at something you get to the casino this is the way art was meant to be played with Miyamoto invented Skyrim he said now boring boring boring this is art [Applause] we got a break there we go we got a break the art what am I saying tent of course you don't yell all droppings dream Oh oh yeah well I'm gonna stream on New Year's but I probably won't stream until the ball drops but maybe we could we could celebrate the ball dropping let's say it like 3:00 p.m. my time is there like some island in the the Atlantic islands in the Atlantic Ascension Island went what time is ascension island anyway we'll celebrate New Year's from somewhere probably Canary Islands yeah sure I'm not super familiar with them but okay so the way that I want to do this is you're allowed to use console you're allowed to use mods so I can I can do mods that are on Steam I don't have Nexus and everything set up so basically I'm thinking we can start with the basics right we can make me huge we could spawn enemies those are the two really obvious ones but there's a bunch more console commands that we can go through like toggling run mode no that's not gonna be very much Oh TCL Tariq targeting collision I feel like targeting like turning off collision is definitely gonna break it but I want to do 10 different categories of breaking it so making you know just spawning a billion bears that's funny and that counts but spawning a billion like mud crabs is basically the same thing you know we got to get creative so what we might have to like go on Steam and look for weird mods that would theoretically break the intro that's the goal here we go thank you for knowing my country uh yeah what's up milk go to me kill the lady who calls people to the block before she calls anybody yeah yeah that's see that's a good idea I think killing specific NPCs could work billion Bears will eat well tonight they're gonna eat so [ __ ] good where have you been I have been home I went home for Christmas it was great there's a Skyrim Trek mod very often see of course you don't and thank you Dylan a - a - a - eight thank you guys I appreciate it I didn't really learn Python I have a science in college what am I saying of course you don't and so then when I wanted to do Python I googled how to do this thing and then I just did that that's why my Python code is garbage because I don't actually know it so that's how make your character general Tullius oh yeah so I could [ __ ] with the actual my character too [Applause] yep I thought is not something I would say that I know what are we doing we're gonna break sky that's the goal okay where you start a new game any requests for for what we do first set scale 2.0 1 should we set my scale 2.0 1 kill the executioner will that actually stop it kill the dragon okay kill Alduin does that really work all right well let me get it started yo zero views thank you very much for 500 it's appreciate a man kill the dragon for sure okay so we'll kill why don't we just kill everybody well let's start and we will kill every NPC and see what happens do you get to the go district very offense the game studios well yeah thank you very much you don't normally see half of Danny now Bible them do you get to the guard district very often what am I saying of course you don't hug all right now the way that I'm interpreting this scene everybody here just seems way too alive but we can fix that so just pop in the kill command well there's no driver now right this guy he's had it coming he like he kicked to my knee my shin earlier on the wagon and I was really upset about it so let's just pop him Stormcloaks Skyrim was fine until you keep going what am I saying of course you don't know Thank You COEs XD I feel like I miss somebody Oh Isaac thank you for the two months appreciate it okay well can we can we get a few FS for this guy I feel like they're like painfully falling underneath the cart hey wait wait wait hold on I don't I think you're not supposed to be able to kill all Frick but I toggle dit so that you can kill important NPCs so let's get a few FS for all Frick Stormcloak he had a good run he he almost he fought against the king and he killed the king and then he fought the imperial guards and he he narrowly escaped from them but unfortunately to me and I can just kill him okay well all those guys down there just I feel like they've probably um fs4 the horse okay okay this is fine I'm sure we can get back on track hello [Music] roll credits Skyrim ladies and gentlemen it's Skylar Oh God is that work what is happening to his body it's so long he's getting longer he's that guy Stretch Armstrong well I don't know if we can play the game anymore in fact I'm fairly certain we can't I cannot move I cannot do anything oh wait wait hold on the NBC's are actually still talking I don't know if you can hear it so is this count is this a victory I think I think we broke the game the only question would be if every if the rest of the cinematics all keep going without me and then maybe at some point it like frees me can you remove the wagon let me try to kill the wagon you can kill the wagon no I don't think you can kill about him maybe if I kill the horse again he'll come back no that didn't no I didn't do anything yeah I was wondering if the character cut yeah if the the customization screen would come up I don't think so because I heard the first lines of dialogue but I think it's waiting for my character to be there and it's just not going forward so with this horse in front of us I think we can safely conclude that we broke the game one at a time [Applause] all right so you know you know it's interesting um freecam oh yeah I can feel a let's check out the horse first I was at TSE is a long boy that's a real boy so I'm gonna go ahead and say this this did successfully break the game but I would categorize this as killing the horse right I feel like killing all the actual humans would be a separate one right laughs the old back I missed you yo Thank You Baron Club appreciate it man zero views thank you again God what a long horse this is hell no this is Skyrim actually let's go check out the let's go check out the frickin the cutscene let's see if they're doing it [Music] cheer 1 cheer 1 cheer 1 okay so yeah it definitely froze the whole thing Oh Bob and cheese oh [ __ ] nine months Bobby the first nine months thank you very much as always you're wonderful and that's incredible I need to get a nice sub edge ladies and gentlemen Bob and cheese and I have officially birth the child [Music] all right now with that said all right let me do a quick vote with everybody poll does killing the horse is killing the horse separate from killing the humans all right I'm putting up a quick poll so the idea here the idea what this question is what are we gonna classify it as a different type of break if we kill the humans versus the actual like mode of transportation my sense is yes just cuz they have different functions within the intro cinematic can you summon something into the horse I do not I do not know okay so let's restart this and well we'll just kill everybody yo Thank You dragon t appreciate it all right we haven't quite gotten to play the game yet but let's play Skyrim wait when should i what should i kill everybody should I should I kill them what if you make the horse have no gravity I don't think I can have individual I don't think I can individually turn off gravity for people I think that you can turn off gravity for everybody well so so one option real quick is we could kill everybody once we get off the wagon versus doing it right now don't to you somebody dragon before you get to the chopping block yeah we'll do something like that we'll some in a bunch of crap kill everybody but the horse doing it right now doesn't seem to do too much yeah hmm okay so why don't we kill all the people right now and then when we get to the chopping block will kill everybody else or kill everybody at the town all right so we'll wait till the town the only thing is if we kill them now that might that might prevent the cinematic from actually starting correctly which is a good thing Sgt M Sgt M 3 it doesn't feel fast enough love you love you too wala we do love her I hope you're enjoying this 10 times gameplay this is the way Skyrim was meant to be played okay things are you know a minute I'm gonna slow it back down I feel like I feel like we've made some good progress and we can come back to normal speed let me let me look at we look around do a little free camp for a second check out our surroundings where is so hard [Music] they're all they're all in this one spot looking at me oh it's terrifying okay I guess we should speed things up again what's a good dance song is there any like alright yeah we'll do the one I was just playing [Music] Skyrim ladies and gentlemen just like Miyamoto intended and from the back and from beside [Music] Howard Todd Howard this is how Miyamoto wanted your game to be played [Music] ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna go ahead and say that's break number two we [ __ ] did it boom two out of ten yes please nobody report me I guess hold on I should just clarify [Music] let me let me just confirm that I can't I can't play anything I can't do anything I can't move I definitely can't move what about TCL no that doesn't do anything normally that would think screw things up banned for sexual content no that's more that's just dancing just dancing yeah just guys being dudes look every dude has been a guy you get together with you dudes you merge your bodies into a single being and then you just kind of jiggle around to some music well I think we can successfully say that we have gotten to other [Music] but this was different from killing everybody so we can restart and kill everybody do you get to the dog district very often your friends thought what am I saying of course you don't well three months Wow ah but seriously thank you that that is not sufficient welcome to the red pepper district do you get to the go district really often no not row thank you thing of course you don't just being gamer bros yeah dude this is what do you think video games are for for a couple bros to get together merge their bodies into a single sort of jiggly jello man are you gonna upload this on youtube then if so hi YouTube okay I don't know if I'm gonna upload this to YouTube so just to be safe you should also send a message in case it's not going to YouTube you know that way cover both bases so a plan now is kill everybody right good good suggestion by the way on speeding up the game gonna happen let me let me wait until let me wait until we're in the town you finally awake and I'm not gonna speed up the game because that would that would not count as YouTube nerds and ever going to see this storm - guys do you get to the college in money something of course you don't thank you there you and me shouldn't be here it's the Stormcloaks the Empire wants okay we can kill this guy though shut up this guy could die right now but everybody else I'm gonna kill once we get to the town I'm gonna show a little restraint why am i served I don't know money you probably got gifted a sub there's a lot of gifted subs here especially last last one imagine that which had YouTube common sights that makes no sense uh Nords last dogs all right once we get to the town where we're gonna do something you get to the NGO district very all filled up load of what I'm saying of course you don't do you like tortillas I adore tortillas yes was there like a follow-up to that is it just kill the horse we already have we've already established that killing the horse oh he mode only mode Fred some per thank you very much for the excellent emote only so for one minute we're all emotes as we enjoy the splendid intro of the elder scrolls serum first I made by Nintendo is there supposed to be music or okay before we dismount before people start dismounting then I will I will go into free cam I will kill all humans we gotta kill that doll more for sure they had something to do with this almost there man it's kind of a bummer that's speeding up the game will crash the game because that means we have to go through the like full intro every time this is how I used to be sweet on a curve from here aha wonder if feel aw they're still making that need with juniper berries feel odd we'll be dead like in about 20 seconds alright we're running up on one minute I think we're almost there right as soon as people start dismounting and go okay they're moving now we get up out of the cart why do you get to the goat district very old and we start and kill turning off the emote only mode thank you very much for the excellent excellent purchase it's time to play Skyrim the way it was meant to be played Yoder p24 - thank you very much man all right well let's kill that person let's kill this person let's kill this person let's kill that person let's kill that person well that person's feel that person still that persons killed that person's feel that person to be safe no no I'll leave the horse I'm specifically not killing the horse so now if I undo console everybody should be dead okay [Laughter] missed a few apparently let me just take care of that all right my person's dead that person's dead that person's no that person's dead that person is dead no one killed ores sorry okay Oh God oh I feel bad all right that guy don't worry they'll all be coming back to life soon okay and now what what happens next this is little Skyrim well there's meant to be plain all right maybe I need to go kill a few more though just to be safe well the executioner's dead where's Tobias others told us to make sure we can't die all right he can't die you can die I can't kill okay I can't kill her so it looks like I've killed everybody that is killable and now we play Skyrim [Music] I can't move the stuff window cookie - the goat pistas very often this extreme or ever keep it up loud bang - yo thank you very much parents love very much appreciate it I mean I'm literally not playing the video game today I have not played any of any video game today the good news though is killing all the NPC's does in fact break the Skyrim so I'm clarifying I'm saying that they're different because the first was killing the horses which causes the cart to stop moving the second is preventing any NPC from progressing that's three next kill only the executor okay so the way the way I'm thinking about this and here let me start anyone so we can be totally this is he's just waiting he's waiting for a call that's never gonna come it's so sad I get the the new one kicked off okay attempt number four let's see if we can play some Skyrim so I'm I'm saying that killing the humans counts as a single one I don't think killing just the executioner would work I mean we could try it for fun but that to me would not be a fourth option use a cheat engine to speed up the game without softlocks it seemed like speeding it up is gonna screw the cart up too badly the way okay so the ways that we have so far killing the horse right now killing all the NPC's what was the third no speeding the game time up we could I mean we could always spawn stuff that's easy spawn bears Oh goddamnit dragon tea well you finally awake what is the role of twitch chat rightz a tweet why rain ad can you please fix OD else yo pat hat 13 thank you very much Emily can't you get to the NGO district very often Oh what am I saying of course you don't it was gonna say parser should do Park sir okay what are the rules for the forgot what I actually wrote [Applause] an appliance man's Awards which chat rightz a tweet we shall write to tweet to a person of your choice using Doug's Twitter account please okay all right everybody dragon T has redeemed an award where we are going to write a tweet so here we go let's take a quick break from Skyrim and go do some tweeting I need to set up the code real fast [Music] exactly [Music] I'll do one spawn and other Wayne spawn early yeah that would be a good one so spawning units spawning units I don't want to do like I don't want to do too many variations of spawning units cuz like you can clearly break the game by spawning unit so I just want to make sure that the if we spawn stuff that it's clearly different from previous versions okay so we're gonna spawn we're gonna write a tweet James Charles sure well it's up to dragon dragon what's your final what's your final person [Music] change fov using fov okay toxin remind me of that after this i'm down for part if you're down for parks are I'm definitely down for Park sir all right let me get let me get the old tweet machine up [Music] I don't tweet at him is there not a is there not a tweet button from his profile I thought there was okay so the way that this works for anybody who hasn't seen this is that I'm gonna start this script and if you type the word type so type and then whatever you want it's going to type excuse me it's gonna type that message into chat but you only get a 1 in 50 chance of it actually being typed so this way it doesn't just fill up immediately there's there's a little bit of chance to it please keep it to one word and please don't say any words that clearly are not allowed and with that let me start up the script also I get that nice Skyrim ambience in the background okay in five seconds you guys should be able to write a tweet to Park sir here we go get to the Gov just a penny off I should be working boobs is strong strong started what happened okay boomer nice I'm trying to zoom in a bit there we go yep okay boomer Obama licky grandma ha I'm just gonna throw a space after each word test walk I don't know I don't exactly know what that was intended to be but James Bond nice this is a great idea Thank You Dragon Park sure is really gonna like this general Kenobi [Applause] you know at the beginning it felt like these were just sort of random words but now I can really see the story coming together it's starting to hit its climactic RP lose okay boomer Obama licky grandma test blood James Bond general Kenobi cooks and help poo we're about halfway through the words cut cut buck thank god this is such a good time police I can't is he gonna be like alarmed by I think I don't know if this will come off as some sort of like help request there's some sort of plea for the police okay Elon Musk nice I couldn't get a space in so now it says Elon Musk waluigi is sexy you alright you're about three-quarters of the way through thor poop was that meant to be one word is this fine it's always fine we're almost there we need like five more words [Music] Obama we're really nailing home the Obama message of this tweet it's a little all over the place it jumps around a few so we all really Drive what Obama of course she don't hey Doug I rarely catch her streams that I am very glad I could catch this one but the good work love y'all no homo Doug Doug scoop boys thank you very much Becky mangoes Pikachu's [ __ ] Harambee oK we've got five more letters whoo whoo you get two more letters one more letter whoever wants the last letter it now's the time [Music] okay it's just gonna be you all right here you go there you go and just to recap what exactly we sent over boobs okay boomer Obama licky grandma test cluck James Bond general Kenobi cooks and help you oh [ __ ] [Music] 23 is sexy before poop is this plan Obama MA oh well Bezos pesos Pikachu's [ __ ] Harambee who do you congratulations of we we have tweeted okay now let's play some goddamn Skyrim oh yeah Thank You toxin which what does that do fov to 160 alright well mate let me try toxin suggestions it fo fo v skyrim was better to play wooooo okay this whole stream has been so long [Music] use mouse to look around Todd Howard you've done it again alright and what's the other one also going to third-person and use I don't think I can can you do third-person in the intro you there you wouldn't be yeah you can't cuz you're Kirk she was also Harambee is definite ins yeah what happen what an st what did s 1 st do wait hold on is this gonna break the game I feel like this is probably one actually break it love is little body or TOS excuse me hey God this is the waste cameras meant to be played look at how long everything is on Nords last dogs North last shot last thought should be instead this Skyrim I don't think this is gonna break it I think we have to do something else I don't mean to keep skirting that dude use the kill command stir well we already killed the horse is there anything else we could add to the camera to like [ __ ] it up gravity 5000 okay gravity that did not seem to make it just dude grab oh that's not even a command because doing a trusted you helps but they had something to do with this I mean this is just fov right I don't know if it's actually gonna break anything can we get rid of the cart probably let me see how do you get rid of I'm trying to member the command to get rid of stuff okay boomer Obama mallika grandma test cluck James Bond Naraka no Biddy Cox and help polka cluck type clucky police wife read some / 23 Elan musk waluigi is sexy u-thor poop is the spine Obama ma o wo besos besos Pikachu sesh I couldn't quite get to Harambee apparently but appreciate it dragon tea thank you what is the what is the command to delete stuff it's not de-spawn there's something to de-spawn it it's I don't think it's disabled really potent hearing it aloud yeah I agree that it really it really unlocks its full potential delete I thought there's oh it's really loud I thought there was a freakin disable okay so disabling the carton to see what happens nothing wonder if meant disabled a person no no you know what it is it's marked for delete its marked for the lead I'm fairly certain okay that did not work though look at them look at the ass on that horse has a wider ass FN is following FL and air oops FL and mark for delete that only works after loading oh god I gotta got it it's disabled I tried disabled disabled is not working you get rid of everything [Music] err why does it keep doing that err following here gravity bolts equals one point three five zero zero I hope this is a real thing Ruby spooky and it's talking about falling here gravity mole that's not saying too that did not seem to work press alt f4 it'll work that would prevent me from finishing the intro get its location the Delete all things in that area found one game fax yeah they didn't seem to work I could do without the equal oh you know what it is I think that's actually that's something you put in the mmm I think that's something you put in the ini file rather than the console so I think that's something you have to set up beforehand because it has the equals you don't want to try actually is do you think jumping end of the line hold on how I'd set F of e back to normal what's the normal F of e 100 yes except I'm not in the right spot at all let's go oh no it's not gonna let me Jones here cuz that would mean I have to play what is maybe this is gonna break well let's get the fov back to 160 at least yeah as long as something weird is [ __ ] happening okay as far as I can tell things are working right now you got a third person before you go to the chopping block but after you make your character okay I'll look out for that pimple machine use F to the weather ID yeah I can mess with weather later wait okay it hasn't broken but it was at least funny looking alright will be a cat obviously so again okay I can't do anything Oh are ya alright one of you guys want you guys type the name try slash break intro it's just not not correct thank you do you get to the dog district very often what am I saying of course you don't oh it might not work because of directx alright unfortunately this might not work the other thing I could do I guess is let you guys type in here and then I'll just put the name in here whatever word first comes up here is it working she'll be working a ganar okay yeah we did it autumn harvest Auden are Michael [Music] all right so one of the trade caravans sketchy the kind always seems to find trouble she's looking for it's not on the list he goes to the Ohio alders captain okay I'm sorry we make sure Ellen answer Tom to Ellis one prisoner is there wait wait sorry somebody said I can break so right now what do I do before the chopping block somebody said somebody said that if I if I go to third person right I think I am in third person I'm not clear actually well CSU Whiterun will make me go away but that would be a different one I'm trying to specifically break right now all free okay this this is third person it just breaks the care okay I got it fw 0 4 0 1 d FF v 4 apocryphal whether it says it doesn't have that idea your arms look pretty unbound they do look pretty unbound I can't jump though that's the way a cat is meant to like kill the dragon just killing the dragon here so my concern is that killing the dragon kind of falls under the same thing of killing I guess it's probably different from killing the people we already killed the executioner last time this might break it's okay I'll check it out in a little bit sweetie stick make an additional dragon well it's not that we want to cut the story short we want to prevent me from being able to play okay so so couple options we could do right now it looks like the camera isn't gonna screw it up we could make people big we could kill the dragon we could spawn things all of these are things we'll probably need to try at some point let me do a quick poll what do biggest I kill dragon everyone Skelton so if we make everybody ten I'm not sure what will happen it'll probably be good and I just called the onami good okay we're gonna dignify some things pour pour pour pour pour a little pool okay so the way I'm going to do this I'm going to go into free cam and then I'm going to come up alright nice I mean let him go down first all right tonight click this guy set scale ten okay this is the way that's chiral is about to be played for sure it keeps making him bigger Ulfric you want to get out of this I got I got to move the camera again I got a really good in there the executioner's a little overqualified no brand my test [ __ ] games near I can OB the general told us get another cup luck type o'clock he pleats wife Reds thumper 23 hey thank you very generous night robotic he's not very often what I'm seeing course you don't alright she's dead who else is good he big oh did he go shut up [Music] yeah okay old Forex big okay I think this is the way that Skyrim was meant to be played [Music] look at his head it's so weird eight no six console yes Oh God this is the way Skyrim as many people in it but now what's gonna happen oh no I think Alda ween is coming I think [Music] I can't hear on any of them talking because their heads are way off above the ground okay I can't move I can't move so I think that I think this cinematic is happening I think next on free camel is Maya Berg in the game [Music] where's the dragon I think the game's broken can they not move through each other I don't know I don't know why it's not working but the game is definitely not working I guess if you make a big I don't know well maybe we could maybe we fix it if we make them all painting except the guy who's dead where are they that's really really small where's the executioner I don't know if he can um I don't I don't know if this executioner is waving to a spite of flame distance sparks called to a past till I named BAE the torch against the code of the night poor hashtag W F I don't think this guy could kill anybody now it definitely broke the game get a hundred percent broke the game okay that's that's number four [Music] loud music is a staple yeah we go and we go real loud here [Music] yeah I mean this game is this game is not working dude that is uh that is a large head man I thought it would be like more climactic to be honest I thought like they would say something instead they're all just softlocked but maybe they're overwhelmed by the emotional weight of killing a giant person can we disable the chopping block I don't know disabled yes so wait oh we could try disabling the chopping block next all right well we have successfully broken the game four times and still have not actually played any of Skyrim so let's so let's get this back up disabling the disabling of the chopping block is like a really good idea we haven't even needed a mod yeah we've got a lot we've got a lot of options it is I mean that I think like the Knights and tenth there's gonna be harder try cax what does that do if you're if you're suggesting something that we do can you just explain what it does so I know destroy everything and make everything look weird I mean we've basically done that we've killed everything are you doing something as after this is just a Skyrim stream probably just a Skyrim stream it depends can the executioner's axe be selected I think that it's treated as one entity I'm fairly certain Oh a really easy one is to do [ __ ] Whiterun so this should theoretically warp us Thaksin I see you a holdout I'm gonna wait just a sec to try that okay theoretically this warps us to Whiterun weh-weh oh I can't move do you get to the guard district very often what am I saying of course you don't but still only three months yo thank you a space cat right oh we all just got left behind Stormcloaks Skyrim was fine until you came along Empire was stolen that horse had been halfway to Hammerfell you there you Andy we shouldn't be here why is he looking up see none of them are bound what's wrong with him is anybody else the cart I like the Carling roll down a little bit and they're all just standing there what do you care Nords last dogs is anybody else like going down the path because there's like she's like three carts right it doesn't appear that anybody has successfully gotten into Helmand like this horse is confused okay I think that broke it okay these guys are setting up like everything's going normal okay they're still doing their normal dialogue so like he's talking about how they're in helghan right now they are not an elegant wait where are they don't lose the DTSC okay so well so let's see what happens when we're asked to get off the cart nothing why are we stopping yeah well here's what I think the game is clearly broken right now but maybe we can fix it I used COC Whiterun to teleport away to Whiterun and then it forced us back but not in the cart so I think all we have to do is COC helghan and then it should fix it how about CSC might run again okay did restart it or did or is it picking up from where I left off I want to see if the dialogue starts because you can hear the cart now theoretically this is when the the intro words are coming up this is the way that Skyrim was meant to be played well the good news is that hmm that's number five [Music] oh hell gain exterior okay so it he'll gain exterior ooh okay so maybe we fixed it right now no we didn't know we're all back we broke the game dams [ __ ] burger Cal afford to solvent garbage I'm pretty sure the they they have accounted for her ow [Music] I will try [Music] okay all right games definitely broken oh this is the quest Journal damn you this is going easier than I thought yo Thank You Brock man what's up dude hello y'all click on executioner and right unequip oh okay that could be a really good one all right let me let me start up a new one skyrim is not a hard game to break I thought well Kate no to be fair there's like five super obvious ones and we have one more type Sackett starts all quests in the game and type TT or moves all trees are hate sure yeah what what I was expecting the way I was expecting this this stream to go is it the first like six of these would be really easy but then it would get a little bit harder yeah Thaksin I got it I wrote it down so I think it'll get a little bit harder to actually hit ten because we still have spawning units and I know that spawning units breaks the intro so sack start all quests okay okay yeah okay okay oh do you get to the go district very often this is the way I need confirmation that if I don't $25 right now you will ASMR Olive Garden on stream next stream also our twitch baby is named Joe what the [ __ ] did you just say Eddy I need confirmation that if I don't what donate 25 you will yes what is ASMR Olive Garden mean Oh like eat Olive Garden also the game is broken as [ __ ] every day they write codes the chat controls the player [Music] I don't unfortunately i can't type in the game yeah I got you confused which career I am proud to announce that this broke the game oh wait maybe we're good maybe it resets hold on hold on hold on it resets and we are kind of in the intro it's just a werewolf now okay okay but maybe if we free cam all right we're back in the intro plugs we're a werewolf now but that's my music loud [Music] - I don't actually know cax does but alright this will probably fix it I think we did it okay okay yeah okay yeah Skyrim yeah we're going through a lot of loading screens and I'm also getting every single achievement in the game okay yeah yeah [Music] that's a victory that's a that's a full-on that's [ __ ] handing the intro [Music] yeah that that brought the [ __ ] out of it wait hold on tonight you are you broke the intro but also beat Skyrim that's a good point it's also beat skylander does not really count man that's a ooh that's a tough question there's a more important question I have though which is that if I G G start all quests and then I complete all quests again is it gonna crash when that lady says yes because I kind of want to record her her yelling yes at us and then make that the new sub alert okay starting all the quests yeah okay now we're becoming a werewolf I think yep yep yep okay yeah I'm standing Skyrim okay so this is when where the wolf instead of waiting I'm just gonna do complete all quests and hopefully we get that yes egg time god damn zero views - thank you make time I really appreciate it man that is super super generous thank you thank you thank you okay so the goal wait no no I can't play music because we need to we need here yes everybody prepare a yes in chat and all casts because this is I need one thousand yeses celebrate the 1,000 bits from 0 come on give us a guess oh oh it actually can I know before I do this settings audio I need the okay every the voices as loud as possible okay we're ready give us a give me another yes what can't be found yes complete all quest I thought was CAC tax sorry okay come on come on no hold hold oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I guess only happens some of the time no no [Music] weight will happen if we do it again I can't just not get and not one more yes give me two more tries this is the way the Skyrim was meant to be played maybe I have to wait maybe we do have to wait okay also here's another strategy before the game even starts boom and and now before I exit the console I'm also gonna complete all quests here we go let's see if this gives us a yes all right get your yes is ready okay they should all be starting and stopping at the same time now just beat be ready for a yes [ __ ] no press all the okay's well okay but absolutely Oaks went complete quest okay with the scenario where we got the yes was when I let the intro fully start then I let all the quests complete only kak snow sack okay we could try that so we won't kak net wait now you're saying yeah okay so we're not going to do the sack we're only gonna kak we're trying to get the secret yes ending we have the vaad yeah but I wasn't I wasn't prepared I need a good hearty like just boisterous yes kak don't sack okay so we're gonna we're gonna try cracking right now okay just get your yeses ready here we go khaks he went to jail I guess this is totally different than the other two times come on we got a new achievement come on it's gone through like a hundred loading screens he's deceiving you that was the voice [ __ ] oh so close that's really close no No she was there she knows we're here yeah do sack then wait then kack so the the the time we got yest was when we I did I give it say hey let me start so I wait and I wait until the intro has full download more ram yeah that's true the thing is I can't really close Chrome because I used that for twitch you know so I don't really have anything else open that it's only one chrome window it's just dashboard yeah so I'll retry what happened what what goddess yes the first time drink did somebody oh yes thank you autumn red is gone I will I will do that in a sec I'm gonna have to two more tries or two more things to try Rena this okay it is started now I will do sa Q I'm gonna let it get us all the way to the werewolf and then it resets to the intro then we're gonna do sax and oh this did not happen last time man this is like a loot box okay alright and now we wait for a little bit and then once we reset at the intro as a werewolf then we will cax wait until it goes back to theater version yes and now we're just waiting to go to the theater where you watch you did because I remember you did a command before cax I doubt that command matters I mean doing starting and completing all the quests at once is gonna have way more of an impact I guess we could try my concern is that this is probably not consistent about what happens every time kidnapping a junkie off the streets then forcing him to play Skyrim for 72 hours straight and when we do let him sleep it's only for four hours until we wake him up by blasting the Skyrim theme music after injecting and with heroine and telling him he's in the Skyrim universe over and over again until one day he falls asleep and we dropped him in Scandinavia with a sword okay oh there's the other Kurt okay so this is what happened last time I did TFC I looked around right and then acknowledged that I was stuck here as a werewolf and now once I was here as this guy then I did complete all quests see aqs theoretically this is our best shot at getting the hit and ending here we go get everybody get your rest is your yes is ready go I'm gonna click as well because that's quickly [ __ ] no I think we might have gotten that secret ending one time that's such a tease at such a tease Todd Howard give me more yes Todd we want yes report yes Todd [Music] all right I don't know if we are gonna get the secret ending I'm gonna try it again but it doesn't look like we're gonna get the secret ending no you should let them start talking after the werewolf I don't think I did last time reconstruct your first ending one by one so my concern is that I get the sense that this is sort of gonna be random every time I don't know that recreating everything exactly is actually gonna be deterministic because we construct your first tier sending one by one holy crap silly Sammy incredible thank you very much for the 15 bits alright we're not giving up I guess well let's give it let's give some our shows look for anybody who doesn't know what's going on we are trying to break Skyrim we've successfully broke in Skyrim five times but the first time that we broke the Skyrim by adding all of the quests and then completing all the quests some heavenly voice shouted out from us at Skyrim from Skyrim up at us as though this heavenly beacon had fallen down and shined upon us gracing us with knowledge and it was yes and I want to I want to get that again without it crashing that we can make it the sub sound that's all I want put the bots on the left yeah okay there's only one thing to do we're gonna have to watch exactly how we got the s oh we get the coke commercial great I was so shocked and so excited okay I man the first a hundred times I watched this commercial I guess this is technically a new one now okay so I'm gonna give it three more shots at getting the secret ending you're not subbed oh I'm not because this is a random one or this is a different count okay the commands the same as seen in the vote no hold hold this is the second trial even of hair yeah yeah this is when we argue it was happening yeah yeah okay so this is how we got the secret ending okay okay yeah okay yeah Skyrim yeah we're going through a lot of loading screens and I'm this is giving every single achievement in the game okay this was when we yeah god it's over a lotta loading it's perfect we have to find the secret yes achievement in the game okay yeah we have to get this ed thing it's a secret Easter egg that only we know about I've confused which version is speaking just look at which one is more has more of a mustache my mustache is slightly longer by about 10 minutes so how do we do what do we do what did we do the first time so I think it'll get a little bit harder to actually Oh sack start all quests we didn't do anything before running unit and I know the first thing we did was sax the intro put the bots on the second monitor and enter ok yeah ok ok oh all right so I guess we could yeah I don't know how to [ __ ] do this we basically copied the exact same thing we did sax that was the first one we've done I know we waited for the werewolf to finish maybe a reset and then it resets the intro do we do anything special here I think the game is just really [ __ ] up just hope this wasn't a faint perfect setup to get the S ending yeah I think that's the issue is we had to do like a backwards long job ok I'll just wear a werewolf now but so I don't actually know what cax does but all right the sweet we waited about 10 seconds and we complete the game I was i clicking okay or now I think we did it it was clicking ok ok so we got he's deceiving you first and then later we got yes ok yeah ok yeah yeah we're going through a lot of loading screens and I'm also getting every single achievement in the game okay yeah yes yes okay so I think it is that I have to click all the okay's this is by far the hardest challenge we have ever done on this stream getting the secret skyrim yes ending it was tantalizingly presented to us and then elusive gone forever we'll have to do this perfectly we have to reset your achievements holy [ __ ] that that's such a good idea yeah we should make we should reset all the achievements right the only challenges I did have a lot of the achievements already done ok yeah let me change the title as well now that's fine people will understand what's going on the Brazil goddamnit date you okay what am I saying of course you don't thank you very much for the request I will I will honor that once we get the secret ending okay what am i doing thank you to the second account should we reset all this all the achievements that's kind of a risk should we do it will you do it once without okay let's do it does nothing well I think it might affect how it's loading things not yet okay we'll do one without resetting the achievements then we'll reset these treatments and do it then we'll sing the Brazilian national anthem and then I will exactly match the vaad one for one [Music] can I have 5,000 baseless pesos if you watch the stream for that amount of time achievements are steamed not the game yeah but potentially it could still be messing with the steam or with Skyrim's processes the stream has gone so far off topic I mean the good news is and we're still breaking the game we've stayed within that general thematic column the yes could have been from you completing all the achievements oh that's true I'm pretty sure it's not how it works but that's true I'm quite positive that's not how it works but that is that could be true okay I think it was about here that I started and I started the quests I will try that in a little bit spaghetti snack I just have a few things to try first okay starting all quests do you get to the district very long the infinite thank you fell what am I saying of course you don't okay and I'm clicking all the okay's okay we're turn wait okay now we turn into a werewolf okay ready yep it's all according to plan it's all according to plan could you just input a command to complete the specific quest that triggers the yes if anybody knows what quest triggers the s that I can I can do that manually so now we wait I can't move anyway I think it's Meridius beacon Oh agent McMuffin I totally missed that thank you man Jim in the infinity 100 bits and Davy as I said we will sing Brazilian national anthem soon it's my day as beacon if anybody finds the quest ID for that I can totally start and complete that quest specifically I just don't have it up right now obviously you did not click the first okay one starting quest ok I know I don't you did not click the first to play and see me following it exactly is gonna have a big difference it's possible quest ideas Dao 9 ok what are what is let me try this first now we'll see what the command is to start and finish that quest ok so we're here just like normal I did TFC sure mara DiBella kynareth akatosh Divine's please help me wait they switched places there's definitely not the police there this is way out of water he's supposed to say this way later okay now I do khaks right something to do with this tax now okay tax now everybody get your guesses ready this could be it oh yeah and I need to be ready with clicking okay okay we can do this I just need to play the best Skyrim of my life go looking clicking clicking the mouse is gone got it clicking got it he's deceiving you okay first half yes [Music] [Music] world record world record time you talked over the second yes oh yeah I kind of ruined it but that's fine let's see if maybe we get a bonus one because it's still going when the ritual is complained the skull will be free okay [Laughter] [Music] [Music] we've gotten pretty often [Music] yeah we got the second secret [Music] silly Sammy you called it well I could turn it into a donation sound hold on well audacity work I know cuz I could record that sound make it the donation sound and then we get to hear it constantly for the rest of this stream test assess test oh it should be going it should record how do I record the freaking the sound comes from starting quest to bro Tama what I'm trying to do right now is record my I'm trying to record the sound so I can watch the clip record it because I'm streaming so it's like that recording is already taken I stopped going to eat Olive Garden on stream for $25 or not yeah Eddie you're asking the real questions wait I could download the clip and then I could put that into from here and I could export that ok yes yeah ok wait hold on keys you clip that longer did I immediately start playing something sorry this is I know we're getting a little bit off track but the clip is perfect I guess we could just leave it at that length this is going to be the donation sound so like it needs to conclude yes yeah yeah I guess I will leave it there ok so now I'm gonna download this Eddie I guess ok how do i download the freakin clip sorry to get so off track everybody but this is important for deemed ban Eddie hey Eddie sorry buddy I got a ban you you have to ASMR eat the food on stream next time though I don't want to do that Eddie let me think about it I'll get back to you because we could do it on the next stream still be New Year's but in the meantime goodbye old friend ease in the chat 4head e buck bang us I don't want too much fat in my chat how do i download it Oh demo sorry any one second here [Music] oh wait he's unbanned sorry I was looking I'm opening up the thing in in premier so that I can export it Oh hells dodo okay you're back in what's the first thing you're gonna do Eddie are you gonna use this newfound power [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay why's it so quiet oh it's going on my speakers that's what doesn't matter okay yeah no this stream got way off track yes yeah okay I need to make me a little quieter this is too much just like even it you know yes just ends on me clapping such a terrible donation noise yes yeah okay water and emote only Jesus Christ Hey all right emote only I'm drinking water we also got to do the Brazilian national anthem what a what a stream what a great time they're all having Cheers all right now I got to export this [Music] oh you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna add reverb on it where the hell is effects controls [Music] all right almost sorry give me like one more minute room size room size decay get more wet yes yeah weight-wise not it should be hmm how do I keep the reverb going on hmm hmm I think the reverb is stopping cuz the clip is stopping and I'm gonna I just stretch you out like that yeah probably as a matter alright I think it's been a minute thank you very much for the water and the emote only mode I really do appreciate it you're all wonderful all right so I'm exporting this as the sound [Music] okay I'm gonna go I'm gonna make it a WAV file this is such a waste of time it's unbelievable okay so now I should just have this yes [Music] and then I whole lot all my [ __ ] is closed when we pull everything back up close from here but we'll play some Skyrim in a sec um here let me pull you give you guys Todd Howard again do you get to the go district very long I need to what am I saying of course you don't okay and then I need to go dr. Fisk oh thank you very much man I hope you're enjoying the gameplay even though I literally have not played any Skyrim today okay we go to stream Labs we go to stream labs and we log in and then I change the donation sound alert box yeah [Music] I'll keep subscriptions I'll do it for for donations [Music] hell is the yes okay yes is over here I drop it in I'm not showing this on stream because there's sensitive information but let's do a test donation what no it's wrong one I'm a bit didn't save it so this is a test donation $4 okay don't wait nobody donate nobody donate yes yeah okay I think it should work now if somebody donates 25 bits and does Texas Beach it should do the new yes sound use this version it sounds better I can fix it later for right now this is already taken down so much time Yas Queen what it says it's it's yes wave oh no come on yes is there like a particular hopefully this doesn't show any sensitive stream information is there is there something I have to do to freaking alert variations is it doing no these are all the same why is it doing that that bit noise instead of my yes yes Save Changes I did Save Changes there's a bit stab I'm in the bits tab see this is bits it's also true for donations why is it not yes yeah yes yes this is so much yes oh what a monster [Music] it's how works for donations I don't buy said bit why is it doing that yes no no Sarah no so sorry but no maybe because there's text to speech stream labs stream labs bits not using right noise okay this was November dude I don't know if somebody knows how to fix this then I'm all ears brother wise maybe I'll just change the subside for now and then we'll move on I think shears and donates are different yeah I mean I'm I'm in the little bits thing but it does not a pretty working at this point we've gone so far off track there's probably going to save at the bottom of the tab yes yes wait Eddie did I say at the bottom of the tab yes okay well I'll just change tubs to [ __ ] it yes all right perfect and with that in very important tasks out of the way how many um how many ways have we broken the game at this point update your alerts browser link that's fine it's clearly working because it's the same six out of ten oh okay so sack was six out of ten okay so to recap number one was to kill everybody no-no-no number one was to kill the horse this is a test donation for yes dollars yes thank you no prowl I now bequeath you yes now did you change the default alert or variations the default learn never plays Oh interesting okay sorry let me try this for their 500 people what are you doing why are you guys watching this I haven't even played a video game today okay so so I'll go to bids solution so you're saying that it gets that the default these are the variations right allure variations so I need to do yes edits I see what you mean so maybe if I just disable those so it's probably defaulting to these so I disabled disabled disabled disable this why not watch IIT and now if I say if I did save notice that I clicked for the Save button so theoretically now that all the variations have been closed I didn't know that they do they don't tell you that they have those open theoretically a 25 bit text-to-speech should trigger the yes here we go here we go yes it's all worth it we have done yet [Music] baby birds fathers Thank You hermit creeper Thank You star tonight [Music] or come on yes it's great every single time this is probably gonna get super [ __ ] annoying in about ten minutes but for right now yes [Music] yeah it's way funnier to me when when the woman yells yes and then IAL yes and then the text-to-speech yells gasps there's just so much good what a good good stream okay thank you miles thank you very very much yes yes miles [Laughter] thank you all they're all being very generous I appreciate it Neptune 'red has also ask to be fanned so can we please get an F in the stream for the boy neptune 'red [Music] yes Godspeed my friend good luck out there out in the end the vast scary reaches of twitch yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you guys for the very kind for the very kind donations yes yes yes [Music] this is such a good video game stream no no no no no no no no no yes yeah I enjoyed this abuse of power [Music] it's time yeah yes sir do you guys hey thank you does anybody here want to sing the Brazilian national anthem yes are you do you do maybe yes let's get it going then everybody please remove your hats out of respect [Music] get your yeses out and remove your hats [Music] are there lyrics [Music] [Music] [Music] on AUSA pitot or propia pedo de amor de esperanza torrontés game Sam - oh so creepy though the Montes de Cruzeiro Gigante la broke hero mis Pelotas workday [Music] genteel Patricia prata Brazil I'm gonna look at the English lyrics the rest of this is this an inside joke don't know somebody somebody paid to do these Brazilian accent bombers funky stuff [Music] eternally lain on a spider cradle by the sounds of the sea and the line of the dive sky gazelle the garlic America illuminated by the Sun of the new world [Music] who knows Lindos Campos costume might know somebody you don't know to say oh my sonorous Dontos how much longer is this Sado I said who's they before [Music] all right let's play video games oh and I need yes have you played a hat in time no you should use the Snider's muahaha fool voice line as the sub knows I've not it sounds cool though yes thank you thank you to everybody who's donated bits there's a lot of people I'm sure I've missed most of them but a general thank you my my emotions my heart sings in Spanish or French I wish that our Kelly song wasn't copyrighted so we could see the my body says no or my brain says no but my body a body Skyrim's body definitely says yes ok what are we doing next there's a cup there's like two ideas that people suggest I got to do next okay shouts doing Alda Wiens meteor spam all right let me try that first then we're gonna remove the the chopping block and then there is like freezing and firing people thank you mr. McCracken thank you yes to everybody who has as donate I appreciate it shave your pedo mustache this is a man's mustache right freeze something with the weather hey Doc hey guys faders up remove your cart so we've done remove cards wait no have we done remove Kurt I don't think we have okay so this one is yeah can you leave the country ooh any any day now okay so dragon storm call use console to teach player dot teach word to five to see three okay we know dragon fire and fire breath and fireball okay now we do player dot add shout for c-40b for the nuke aversion okay the thing is I don't I don't think we can use the shout yet yeah you can't use the shout I don't think I can't press Z so I don't know if we can I don't know if we can force the the friggin Krauts somebody donated nothing happened they got the pizza things wait when did you order it Skyrim was fine until you came along Empire was nice and lazy looking for you stolen that horse and then halfway to Hammerfell did you actually order pizza do how do we how is there already points for that I thought that was gonna take like weeks uh wait there's like a requests thing review requests queue Doug bans you oh I have to Bant do there's so many of these Doug drink some water Doug bans Effie away it was this today was all this today no no this is in the past all right well you didn't try to order a pizza but just like have all these this just that there's just garbage hankies for you have I banned you yet if you don't tell me that I've banned you I assume that I've banned you otherwise I probably forgot you there you and me we shouldn't be here so the storm closed the Empire once I did must have glitter don't think so can I be on bed yes once water you front I thought I did drink water I just haven't I had a hard time keeping track of everything because the stream is constantly screaming yes I was doing the Brazilian national anthem was also drinking water the leader of the rebellion what does one consider a spork I trust you to make good judgment here yes so forcing a shout I don't think works kill the archers that kill the horse theme wait what no this can't be they kill the horses well we've already killed people so so yeah spaghetti snack those so I'm gonna try this one by a spaghetti snack and then if this works oh is this a mod what do you care okay so this would be a model I'm gonna try this later if we can't just do ten breaks it said the last two I got were unbanned oh I need to mod it right sorry sorry Eddie there you go Eddie's a mod again you're wrong mr. McCracken's downloaded skyrim specifically to export the original voice line d dude this is awesome all right I might have to update it with that later thank you for all right so the manually adding a shout unfortunately doesn't work because I can't trigger the shouts before I actually get gameplay control next we're gonna try removing the chopping block and seeing if that move the chopping block and see if that prevents the the cinematic for finishing we like your yes that's true me me following up by screaming but I could I could add my scream on top of the real version repairs it's been ten times net you know we are we've broken it six times so we need to do four more hero walls have you considered at all just like in general or for something specific I mean I I guess I've considered it I don't have any attention on taking at all there okay so I should do it right now right alright so I will TFC out I'm gonna remove what is it could do mark for delete how do I remove the chopping block disable right aha there we go so I'll remove the chopping block and the box and then somebody had a command to remove the axe right from the executioner does anybody remember what that was perchance is it realistic that someone collects 100 million bezos pesos I mean technically I think click on executioner okay thank you and tape on equip a loops a a seven D six on equip is not a command it's a disarmed this arm is not a command do you remove all items oh that work remove all items that okay theoretically theoretically that would clear it I don't think it's possible to earn 50 K points yeah barn isn't at 50 K points it use sex change on the executioner I don't think is that a thing in this game okay so this attempt we have removed the chopping block and the basket and the axe and let's see if the game still works here we go yes well I want to leave it at this first of just removing tracking block we can start messing what the sex is after thank you very much appreciate I do not know [Music] try unequip all Fenton were fire love stare down the lists Ulfric Stormcloak need some variety in your Lords I do no care of roller extend no I'm not a rebel you can't do this archers wait you there step forward these by the way these are all great ideas of what to do oh I should have unequipped the bow it's a really good idea sir fortunately I read that too late but for this attempt it's just about removing the ability to execute the dude and see if that works all right you with one of the trade caravans Khajiit your kind always seems to find trouble Doug's a furry I'm not afraid but unequip was you was definitely not on the list forget the list he goes to the block don't spoil the opening yeah guys no spoilers please I'm sorry we make sure you um main set on two elsewhere follow the captain prisoner okay so this is the part where they're definitely missing what they need to progress I don't know if it's gonna break it I don't think it'll break it I think I think it'll just think it's still gonna work it'll just like look wonky and restore the peace seems like a really shitty justice system it's nothing I think it's safe to say they don't have a proper justice ism they're gonna read why sprites this guy is gonna interrupt and go just get on with it already all right now what happens we did pretty hands like my Mac thank goddess yes [Music] so they just stop they all have swords they have bows they are fully able to kill this dude they don't need a [ __ ] block [Laughter] [Music] [Music] that's it man it is so [ __ ] easy to break this game goddamn well I guess that's another attempt done I don't know what else we could do you didn't crash yeah yes to the justice system in sky to the justice system I say yes I guess this breaks it I mean I'm not saying that the game has to crash I'm saying that it never allows me to play and as you can see I cannot play I cannot move I'm a can look but I can't move never unequip them goes well silly now kill the dragon do the shouts I can't I can't move that's the whole thing I can't move right now I can't shout I can't use items nothing your hands are bound is there a way I can kindly break free somehow no I can't t see all out of here can i I'm trying to think of if I could somehow use the dragon show I could talk to Helghan exterior okay my hands are still bound though yes yeah replace everyone with spoons okay yeah yeah thank you ace of spades I really appreciate it man spawn a troll real quick I'm a kid spawn all sorts of things you'd give huge holes in here this is the way sky rose like so okay I'm gonna count that as a win not this but when we took away the executioner's block that is it wiggle Thank You Jones Oh player controls oh ok need to be God I am true the game crash ok I count that as a win I think that the thing about enabling player controls the entire challenge here is to kill is to prevent the game from letting me play so if I force the game to let me play that is forcing me to lose the challenge so I like the spirit of it but I think we can successfully say that we did we did beat that one so that's seven we need three more so you want a soft flop the game or crash we crashing it is fine the good news is we can spawn stuff now so we can start spawning guys are there any requests of who to spawn as we are playing [Music] sex-change everybody we gets exchanged everybody - I guess I guess first its Xchange really an option like a command in this game I'm just surprised that they have that Audrey Oh ogner run QQQ what Howard yeah yes so can I spawned the ignore me help help what was his own are what was his incorrect name in the game cuz I'm pretty sure it's not odd dark ignore Michael QQQ words yes just type one you can few thousand cheese oh geez got it yo le boo thank you very much man too much appreciated yeah yeah yes indeed damn [ __ ] right player dot place at me can I place cheese I actually don't know if I can one two three six so so this run right now we are trying to do a run where we spawn things to break the game can I make ten cheeses what if there's a thousand cheese's okay that slowed the game down a bit yeah games not liking that oh yeah sorry we're gonna use sex change might not matter I'm at a broken the game already it also isn't letting me use the console or minimizing is the stream even still working my computer is completely frozen oh there we go [Music] thanks Todd okay I don't want to count that I if we're spawning things we got to do it in a way that softlocks the game it's too easy to just crash it by selling stuff call an airstrike wait so what is cute okay sorry I'm going out of order I apologize next is doing sex change so I'm gonna start the cinematic we're gonna try changing every sexes oh sorry I'm still getting over a cold so I blow my nose but you didn't break it you cheesed it you're fired okay so what happens like if we change this guy's sex this isn't real is it sex change yes yeah yeah I was hoping all the cheese would knock the cut off the road I mean it did knock the sky rim off the windows 10 okay Skyrim okay Walt only changed his body his face is still this is the exact same face is that what the command does it keeps the head look it looks like the head is sewn on [Music] thirty soon [Music] beautiful [Music] take a look take a look how did the did the plastic surgery go no let's just I just want to get an understanding of how this this head is actually attached it's like not a me it's not a mask because the body doesn't have a head it's just from the waist down well am I still playing okay where this is still a live run okay so using sex change the worst dogs he's yes if we don't count the cheese we cannot count the crash that gave us this beautiful sound better well okay it counts I would like to do a more interesting I would like to do it a more interesting variation of spawning things so let me say that it counts but I want to do some alternate versions of breaking the game by spawning stuff I'll frame it like that because you are correct okay let me um let's say let's change this horse first off can anybody please tell me what yes a wool of cheese [Music] yes yeah 69 song requests what song oh yes thank you [Music] Erica German song is this a copyrighted song okay it doesn't look like it okay I mean it's it doesn't seem like there's a total consensus here but let us sing the beautiful song of Erica as we change the gender of every single horse and human here wait no no I should wait I should wait until everybody I'll change the horses gender but then I'll wait for everybody else until we're in the town so let me just do the horse first let me do the richer's I'll do this worse okay the front one sex change okay still just looks like a horse to me that horse is not willing to drive a cart with this [Music] [Music] [Music] okay as far as I can tell it actually has not broken the game we seem to be okay we just lost a few people along the way well no there where we just good I think we're just good we're missing a cart and also the first guy in the horse okay we lost a few people but I think we're actually good all right so once we get still making that Mead well he was sweet on a girl but that girl's could be a boy pretty soon so once once we stop at the part yeah yes if you woke you try cross-border walked into ambush like us in thief lochia Stormcloaks bad skyrim good until you come and pie lazy and nice thank you for family felt you you and me should be not here only Stormcloaks we in binds thief imperial soldier what's wrong wrong watch tongue you speak to a freak hiking dagger song is considered be some to be a nazi fan parrot or just to be safe could you could you please request like a video game song of some kind i would like to play it somewhat safe at answer somebody's earlier question it's not about you can play copyrighted music it's just your vodka tu did so that's what I'm worried about I want to honor the song request but I'd like to keep it to safe things so now that we are floating I will change the genders of everybody here and theoretically it'll still work because it doesn't actually appear to be affecting the gameplay and I don't think people's heads change so we should be able to do this fin parrot or do you have a another song let them leave the cart first okay yeah we can do the cart oh it's fin parrot or decision why do you think end of the line okay let's go shouldn't keep the gods waiting for us face your death with some courage it was popular before the Nazi Party got it okay now we are off the cart all fire loves their damned lists let's change some sexes we must work delicately precisely here we go [Music] sex-change beautiful all freaks Ulfric I like that it's like a clearly like a noble I love that the head does not change okay all right look and beefy all right we're all off what do you got this is actually this is great to see like what models it changes it - all right what's everybody got for all off do you think ralof is gonna be is he gonna be like a noblewoman is he gonna be kind of more of a farm woman you know maybe like an innkeeper now just a soldier it's hard work okay okay but let's change everybody I can't remove the bow because that is that's part of the lot that's part of the last it's so good that the that the head doesn't change at all it really ties it together okay and then this is the guy who shoots them though so I'm curious if changing the sexes will change anything there and then the horses wait is that the same horse do we double flip the horse sex yeah thank you fun people damn seven let's appreciate it man thank you yeah I need executioner okay okay and then executioner all right what do you got what do you guys predict for this I don't know if they have an executioner model for women who what well is he or her now I guess what okay and then okay it's just general Tullius now let's get totally ascend here - I think he's the last one oh can I not change him there's no way I can change Ulfric but not I can't change Tolia see you there step forward one sec I gotta play the game okay everybody's sex has been changed that I can so what my friend is it's beautiful [Music] [Music] okay I don't picked a bad time to come home to Skyrim dude okay what does everybody think you guys think the game is gonna work this game might still work I don't know how dude this is the face of someone who has seen some [ __ ] up [ __ ] that's in the chat you know what let's let's just let's get consensus here is the game gonna break as a reminder the way that this works if you look back at my beautiful art which is labeled as art so that you know it's art we've gotten successfully from the cart to the character maker and we have to go through the full executioner seen and have aldimine come up and then we'll we'll be free I don't know if it's gonna go I really don't know I don't think it'll my sense is it's not gonna actually work [Music] oh also Phin parrot or did did you have a backup all right so it's like 50/50 okay what I will do I will change all doing sex when when he arrives I don't know if that changes your votes not that this matters anyway okay generally people think the games gonna work let's find out captain what should we do she's not on the list forget the list she goes to the block captain I'm sorry at least you'll die here in your homeland follow the captain prisoner look at that God look at that just beautiful Nordic woman I always say I'm not I know you know no exclusionary or derisive jokes of any kind here it's the only thing that is is messing with me is the fact that the heads aren't fitting on to the bodies wait maybe I can change maybe inch inches no maybe he was like locked before now dude man toe leus is just impervious to stuff which is weird because all trick is also weight no horse steve is dead crap that might have ruined it click on Alda Weena's new set tres Nord or summaries well want to try sex change like this this should just be pure sex change these news and Teddy's who's not here okay change the chopping block sexy I could call sex change okay so they're all looking over at him hey what are you doing here excuse me I can't okay the game is 100% softlocked what I dug this is fanfare adore starring request grant that for auto song well this isn't this isn't this is also copyrighted just because Grand Theft Auto 5 radio songs are just licensed so we could count this as a victory I kind of wanna I kind of want to like reset it and actually let the cinematic play out oh here is what this is him right you walk if they want the whole way okay I think we're good it's is his sex been changed it looks like it's not how the [ __ ] did he get back here okay man I'm glad I didn't reset it okay sex change there we go okay this now is the question will this beautiful human being get executed by that beautiful human being here we go oh you you swung a little bit right okay maybe they're still gonna execute I'm not now the game's [ __ ] broken I'm such a glimmer of hope the faculty walk the fact that he was just like back here by himself and was just like yeah better catch up and get to this execution walked by himself all the way back over and stand in front of the maybe if I changed the executioner sex back it'll work properly okay so the question is can we fix this can we fix this by well he has the axe now at least you should maybe not I fixed this if I if I change their sex is back god that is just how I kinda keeps like not clicking the right yes okay so he's back to normal yeah ring j5 thank you very much man I appreciate it ah dude that my friends is number seven turns out that changing everybody's sex will in fact break the intro to Skyrim we did it me bro thank you very much [Music] King croc in song and wild I don't even know what that song is right execution by doing nothing the highest sentence ever [Music] now this is podracing that was incredible thank you [Music] so we I mean we broke the game I guess um hmm guess guess I guess that worked that's number seven or was that there's that eight those eight kill him--kill who just kill everybody oh you're saying kill the guy and maybe I'll continue okay well let me change the executioner back and if I kill maybe the the the cinematic will continue you did the sex change made an animation broke because you stopped the animation okay so should I I mean we could restart it oh okay looks like this is working okay we're back in we're back in not sure about that he walked up he walked to his own execution and then just stood there so as soon as Alduin pops up i will change the gender as long as everything has had its sex changed then this counts as breaking okay wait what what do you see I can't [ __ ] okay come on okay I just barely can click out the Ravens tail I can't see it for some reason TFC is not working okay I guess I have to okay this guy's f f:0 okay sex change and maybe aldimine sex will actually do something okay okay I think he's stuck oh we did it [Music] it's like a [ __ ] gargoyle how do I can't leave okay I can't even removing even doing free camera won't like kind of trying to fight it even free camera won't let me look around it's like that broken right now was it an able player controls still nothing it's this game is so [ __ ] messed up right now I can't even look around I can't look I can't do anything you cue [Music] what does it do QQQ okay no well we did it that's number eight so we got two more right oh we can spawn stuff but that still counts as the the cheese spawn one Nate turned everyone into Jenkins into analogy one into a giant talking what do you say run advance for L doing into a giant or work oh that's interesting wait wasn't that wasn't that number eight someone requested a Mario Odyssey song [Music] [Applause] sorry one second just look at Todd's beautiful face I'm like looking through the notification things it's like dude it's like all freezing what the [ __ ] you like today okay there we go wait now it says for the Gateway so far okay so what have we done so far so number one was that we number one was that we killed the horse and that caused the cart to break and the number two yeah let's let's recap yes I didn't knew that was number eight number nine then okay one was killing the horse to was speeding up the game and that rotated that rotated the game yeah well what day the art could call will make it even RT er okay so this goes though this worst one was killed horse - was speed up the game and if anybody can remember the others I know that three was kill everybody block the gate at the start oh that's interesting that's a good one [Music] kill everybody that definitely worked [Music] what else with you oh yes yeah complete all quests they are moving the chopping block [Music] yes yeah replace everybody with sports well that is really good yeah I don't know how to replace things okay so that was 506 sex change 6 was yes no oh yeah a spawn cheese was 7 sex change I feel like we're missing one or is this everything so we need three more I thought we were gonna have to like go find mods we don't even need to dude everyone figure that's small oh yes sizing that was it [Music] all right we got to find two more which I don't think it's gonna be a challenge but so we could change people into stuff song request remove that's not a song I don't think I can do Steven universe I don't think I think that's also copyrighted like video games generally you have permission but like Steven universe is like from you know a major Network I'm not sure I can do that toxin you have a backup guys wanna be careful about getting a viewed not it the baud buted not the viewed mounted everyone is a dragon oh you put another oh sorry [Music] please welcome the game director of bet choose your is race as a song series in its three years comes back it already it was incredible slap it's on you escape the wagon or none away maybe dies while this is going on how do I switch models [Music] the console I assume there's a couple [Music] show race menu [Music] everybody is Todd Howard I don't know if there's a there's got a song is great there's any race into Todd Howard I just don't think that there's a Todd Howard model in this game you can use set race for changing [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] a show character menu for sure race when you're right okay what's gonna happen okay so what happens we change over happens we changed our race a whole bunch right now [Music] what are we looking at right now [Music] I think we're looking at some dick [Music] you guys have any preferences maybe an orc do it what else it's being or your dance a liver okay we're going to Bethesda Janet Bethesda ring j5 with the gift that Thank You ring j5 appreciate you bringing feza into the Doug Doug we're definitely inside somebody's skirt except that like don't exist what is happening [Music] sorry I'm gonna call it on the song thank you very much talking all right um showing the race menu might break the intro right maybe we just need to show again yeah oh well there he is I was totally misinterpreting this new Asian I thought he was invisible turns out he was in the wheel of the cart maybe a new sheet we'd be better right now you guys have any um oh yeah okay we could be an Argonian yeah it's being Argonian this time oh these are presets wait yeah yeah no no this seems pretty relevant I don't know how much the hair is really gonna break the game I'm not late right no I haven't been streaming in fact I'm not live hello barn we're just as you can see I'm just playing Skyrim I got to the character creator so right now I'm just picking what hairstyle I want and you know now that I've done that I think we're all set I'm literally in the cart driver hold on could I see my face damn you Stormcloaks Skyrim was fine until you came along Empire was nice dude where am I yeah we can only see me if we changed the character race otherwise I am gone but it's not broken yet what's wrong with him you later good Momo change your sex is what can you do you mean like in the race menu like that the race menu I think I'm like slipping a little further into the cart every time all right let me change let me change the the sex but we'll also let's go back to ork and that will change all right beautiful beautiful beautiful yes Ulfric okay so there's no you're the leader of the rebellion man they captured they put they put hair on that texture your character might be under the world following the cart so I cannot look left or right right now this can't be theoretically the game is still working hey we recognize Todd Howard horse thief barn with with the gifted suction a ninja ninja welcome back buddy that's now six straight months that you've been gifted welcomed by gold and pepper district II really appreciate you sits on the classic [Music] thanks weekday fun does gifting subs change the points general Tully's the military governor what are you doing exactly we're just I feel like it's come on pretty obvious what's going on here playing a little bit of Skyrim yeah order pizza yet no I think barn is saving up for it thundergun five seven five nine thank you very much ma'am I appreciate it I hope you're enjoying this incredible Skyrim gameplay right there I don't if you look very closely you can see some Skyrim suite right from there yeah right about there yeah you can see it right there like Shane's the driver well sex change is a separate one right when I was a boy imperial walls and towers can't believe ninjas yeah he just cares that much he has often stated how much he likes this stream he likes it so much that he never can pull himself away from the content to go type anything to the chat that's why we've never seen him talk so what are we doing exactly they're trying to break the whoa oh I'm back okay so theoretically the game is working why do you think end of the line I can't look left or right so something is wrong if the gods waiting for us what I can't move where am I now I'm being executed and now I can look left and right I am so I'm in a rock somewhere oh it's auto-saving perfect where am I hold on let me free the camera okay okay the [ __ ] am i Oh help me elegance over here okay are they late are they looking for me for anything okay that guy's running you just got shot everybody else is continuing I guess this wasn't unusual for them oh I can't look left or right again okay something I'm not I'm not doing anything I think it's trying to put me into the execution animation I can't move I can't your characters back where you last opened the men you know that that was a different road this is a different fork in the road you're walking forward to make your character oh yeah that's true but why did it do the execution animation though I think it broke I think it's safe to say the game isn't working correctly and that I'm not gonna be able to play as I would like maybe showing the race menu again will help I don't have arms but that's fine oh now I have arms the character is walking too I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen I always be a cat okay that did not help okay I can't I can't look left or right with TFC this is one of those situations where the games getting less and less happy with what's happening load the autosave oh that's a really good idea okay so I could all say I should also try warping back to helghan I could caulk to help him that's the teleportation spot ah okay so I should do all right so I'll load the autosave no because this is this save us from mrs. Talia's I don't think it actually autos wait that's right here okay I can look around that's good I'm still in this rock I don't only gotta help maybe I'll talk to Helgen I'll get an exterior okay we're gonna Helghan now I just still can't move okay there's general Tullius pretty sure that the game is broken [Music] I can't look left or right I can't move okay it must be trying to get me to go to the race menu I guess yeah barn the idea is I need to prevent the game from letting me play so like there's the you think I can make it into open arch No I think they're killing the first guy right now Oh what was everybody running Sgt M see how to fix it with commands now wait oh I can't move with the camera this is not going well time to go oh if I do TCL I should be able to walk through now disable the wall I don't know if I can I don't think I can just disable the entire wall I may be it the problem is that the no clip that's what TCL does can we please see a ganar we can go we'll say hi to October 4 stream ends because this is free cam right now but it literally won't let me move left or right double speed SG t CL but deselect and the game is pretty [ __ ] up right now double-click to remove the selection wait what what do you ohh oh god I got it it looks like I'm still that's weird that I'm still colliding then TCI well nothing that making the game moved 10 times as fast can't fix here we go this is the way Skyrim was meant to be laid I still can't move all right I'm moving back to Halligan exterior okay well not if we reset can we can we make it to the archers are gonna do the same path every time it's the same path every time I think no it's definitely the same damn sham 50 I don't know if you could do 50 oh you can do 50 so maybe I do 10 now took it away and now I go back to 50 and I'm trying to get through that doorway here we go oh I guess the goal now is to oh goal is to get to through the arch alright here we go alright now I go just 250 come on Oh no there's a lot of things flying around look at maybe I go maybe I go down to ten I go to one I go to a hundred I can't get past the squalid oops I did 509 talk too much I don't think you'd get past this do ten the beginning about 100 yeah we're just playing Skyrim if you're wondering so back to the helmet exterior so I'm gonna do a hundred right here and just shoot through there we go Oh ease [Music] well I'm gonna go ahead and say that um we broke the game we broke the [ __ ] game bar that was that was just with race meant you that was just showing to raise money [Music] [Music] we've done nine out of ten early dragons is the last one well that would count as spawning so we've already done spawning something we have to we have to break it in a different way but a fov we did fov it didn't break the game it just made it look weird does kill everyone and horse count is to really so we voted on it I left the speed really high stop breaking our game I'm pretty sure that we're playing normally nothing there's nothing wrong with those de the other thing to worry about see there's hella good Todd why do you get so paranoid Todd this is the way that you meant the game to be played so I do need to chain change the the game speed back wait hold on I need like a real banger of there's like really loud banging dryers banging dryer doesn't sound very good dryer with a brick washer final spin all right well anyway just everybody imagine that I made the sound effect of a washing machine right now and it was really funny great job this is back at normal speed he's stuck the landing the [ __ ] are we I love this game but we lost the horse but otherwise we're all there oh we're outside Hogan dude that was a nice save okay sorry game is the normal speed that one didn't count because we've already done number two was speed up so that that falls into that category now let's play some [ __ ] Skyrim so what do we want to do for number ten ideally we do something fun try ty what is ty do it's toggle AI collision right we try it out we try ty let orangy crash the game we mean escape with hands bound you cannot do that I know cuz I watched the mitten squad video about it Oh block the door yeah I could be good how you launch the Kart you can escape with hands bound that's a speedrun really hey you this chap in behaving today yeah now that's been good barn you I don't know why there's much people order the dumbest is the worst dream of all time here block the door with cheese wait wait hold on I actually don't know if I can spawn that would fall under spawning though anyways Stormcloaks skyrim was fine until used TT to remove all trees is that real that's not real right this is gonna do something bad Empire was not do anything all tree is now cold still have that horse have been happy amber all trees now I'm not cold I'm not seeing anything happening to the trees should be here trying to coal trees doing anything anyway to manipulate gravity I can manipulate jumping for sure okay so I toggle the AI processing now it's back on what's wrong with wow that just breaks it that's just straight-up breaks okay yeah that one was boring this restart alright so technically we have another one for for the list but we got to do something exciting for number ten that's literally just preventing anybody from moving so it's kind of kind of lame can't change gravity yeah I don't think you can change gravity I think you can just there might be a way to like shoot everybody up into the air click on the carton right set posi 3000 oso is that gonna shoot it into the air we've done bigger or smaller command 4 ok I will check that list set pause e so if I free set pause Z and I said to like 300 does that work at all oh wait it didn't it didn't command didn't wrk do last one with the mod yeah we could do a mob potentially yeah set palsy does not seem to work does my Bezos pace as a reset eventually I don't think so please make it ignore related we can try it the problem is that we've already broken it by spawning things so we have to come up with like slightly more creative hey you finally awake you were trying to cross the border extreme weather conditions well that would be really do try push actor away famous us and that does not seem to do an answer it's no big guy room was fine until you came along Empire was nice and lazy push actor away 14 10 okay I got it still with that horse oven halfway to Hammerfell what happened let's do it again run it back okay wait okay now we're reading a book I guess wait no is this rail off am i trail off I don't know what's happening [Music] what is going on Thank You Oprah everybody speaking [Music] so I guess if you die during the intro then you respawn at Helgen and everybody spawns together in the cart that's lovely that's [ __ ] lovely even all your own all right son you Barney click it away oh you already did yeah yo phone will appreciate that emote only well this definitely is number 10 that we can we killed ourselves the first [ __ ] minute so I think speeding up the game a lot maybe it will help fix this at this point I think we can all agree that the only way to fix this problematic little situation we're in is to speed up the game dramatically okay yeah that's are people fighting well let's say let's speed this up just a little bit more it's get to 100 109 this is meant to be played [Music] [Music] I can't look around anymore European see a lot of passes [Music] okay I can no longer turn the camera the game might be broken yeah we'll do [ __ ] Hogan that'll probably fix this okay also won't it also is not letting me teleport TCL oh there we know well all I can do is move up and down I guess at this point all we can do is spawn some stuff what is burn what is ours name in the this is 9 he said cheese didn't count well no we we can replace cheese of another spawn one but it did count cheese counts but we should do another one Oh DARS that yeah sorry the incorrect name that the game has incorrectly done Oh dar [Laughter] oh here we go now this is the way that Skyrim was meant to be played I like that he's just sort of floating off I can't look at him because I still can't turn the camera but I'm sure this is fine let's get ten more and maybe get a hundred let's get a hundred more then again I can't turn left or right I am not exactly sure what's going on the rest of the of the city here but all I know is that this is the way scarf was meant to be played it's a beautiful glacier let's get 200 lower here Oh ignore please is a family friendly stream let's get a hundred more here there are one two three four five six seven eight eight hundred agar [Music] let's see the Empire try to take down the full Ogden Army this is an OGG nor gee we don't know exactly what's happening oh yeah [ __ ] I'll go exterior [Music] I can't move the mouse and it's not it's not playing the game I can't move my mouse outside of the game I can I can change windows though but that's I'm clicking the mouse I'm like I can't do anything okay taught our and you've done it again give it up for our daughter he saved Skyrim [Music] yes number one was killed a harsh - we speed up three was kill every round four was quests five was removed the chop block six with spawn cheese seven with sex change he was changed sizes nine was race menu in the final way to break the intro was to die beautiful [Music] yeah don't worry [Music] [Music] I do want to see what happens if we spawn things while the carts moving anything else planned for date now I'm probably gonna wrap up after this cuz my throat is still kind of dying but I'm gonna stream on Tuesday bonus round twitch tries to break the game ooh wait no I don't know how to do that so the issue I like the idea the problem is that I don't know how to be able to type in DirectX games buddies I seem to get bigger every time you go back to this picture I mean that's real dude O's in the chat for OGG gnar it's got [ __ ] up by that chlorine oh god oh god I'm so sorry it's the massacre our guitar No for well the good news is that there's plenty more ogner where that came from [Music] Oh God come on show some respect yes [Music] I don't think that there's enough organ are being spawn but still will do twice as many ogner a hundred they just don't care they just really do not mind well what's everybody's bets get your bets into chat now even though this is not a real bet how many organ are do you think I can spawn in groups of 50 until the cart doesn't continue its normal path here we go 1,200 infinity dude I think 50 I think it'll it'll knock over soon all right get your bets in here's the first fifty okay okay still good still good let's get 50 more I think one of these is gonna knock dude look at this oddly maybe they picked up a few organ are okay that they have to be getting bogged down 50 mark it's 150 actually they actually lost the are 50 more it's 200 [Music] oh no the horse okay now it's the perfect time for our daughter strike oh [Music] [Laughter] this is podracing all right the cart is backwards but it still appears to be moving correctly we are now at 250 on our 300 here we go okay the Argonaut attack the horse is still moving the cart could still get through the gate a little bit of a speed bump here [Music] okay right they've picked up three organ are but it's still good this is 350 okay the card is barely attached to the horse but it's going 400 at some point they might just crash the game 450 they didn't even spawn in its way 500 all these really not in the way this could be a problem no but Oh five-fifty I'm gonna doing groups of 100 650 [Music] 650 before the game crashes augghh NAR you never cease to amaze me [Music] change the player model [Music] okay we got it we gotta try what about using Giants to block it yeah we spot a few Giants wait do you think mammoths mammoths might work like mammoths might just straight-up block it do sex change on an augment this is the way Skyrim was meant to be played I also want to change my own race let me do that first okay here's what I'm gonna do once the game okay now I do player dot set race actually now we'll sit let's set his race yeah Ulfric what race you want to be how about dog race where's all Frick okay we gotta find all Frick he said him no oh God F's in the chat for dog Ulfric [ __ ] he killed the Hyde King and thought the Imperium just to die on the ground like a dog okay he can change his race here bare snow race no now once you die you're just a dog all right sorry is there any particular races we want to we want to turn some people into you dog Fox elk do you think we could you mammoth is mammoth in here here's here's what I want to try mammoth race here's here's my thought process when we when the guy runs forward and he's gonna die we turn him into a mammoth right before he gets executed and see what happens storm closely Empire once way I should probably restart it just to be safe because all furred Stormcloak is a dog right now bonus round twitch chat tries break the game just again I just don't know how do you change the race of the cart that is such a good idea and I'm gonna yeah let's real quick see if see if we can turn the cart into a mammoth yeah and then sex-change it obviously ok TFC I'm gonna get view of the cart so this is yeah okay I've got the cart and now I do set race mammoth race the question is will Skyrim still work if the cart is turned into a mammoth no it didn't work can we turn all Frick into a mammoth though yes Skyrim [Music] are you still going [Music] all right we have a plan we're gonna wait we're gonna make a new game we're gonna wait until the guy's about to be executed and we're gonna change him into a mammoth horse into a mammoth I think I think it's essentially would have the same effect which is that we would [ __ ] die see ah no I don't have a way to do that I like the idea by just on the way to do it Wulfric ma'am cloak part I like to think that I've enhanced the intro of the game so now we just have to wait and listen to the incredible iconic dialog that we all come to know and love this is the first stream that I've actually seen this is weird no just playing Skyrim we're fine look it up I've tried to do this I don't know how to do text typing within via Python for a DirectX game that's the issue you finally away speed up speed up runs the game right apparently you can also measure Awards oh yeah yes absolutely borrowed a thing here janou Stormcloaks skyrim was fine until you came along Empire was nice and please they hadn't been looking for you stolen that horse have been halfway to Hammerfell what's up shut up baby I know and we shouldn't be here it's the store load tiny kitty at once what's up we're just playing some standard Skyrim here as one wants to do we will wait we turn people into a dragon watch your tongue you're speaking to offering Stormcloak the true high king a week and a hundred cent turn people into dragons I want to do that effort speed game at 1.5 is fine okay you're the leader of the rebellion but if they captured you oh I don't know I don't trust this it's still looking pretty rickety hey what the village are you from horse what you care on Nords last thoughts Oryx did I'm as possible turn all the characters and their children or carts I can only turn it into I can only turn it into like character races there's a there's a link that the toxin was was doing but a basically listen it's all the characters you would think of rather than inanimate objects it doesn't appear that you can change them into inanimate objects I'm gonna do the normal speed now let's keep it working okay our goal see what happens to Skyrim when you turn you see executed dude into a mammoth wait wait hold on I could probably change the guy who's running into a mammoth right when I was a boy Imperial walls towers hey fifidragon okay I want to try mammoth because I feel like there's less of a chance of that that's ain't like ruining the game I miss a song if I miss the song let me know and I'll make sure to play it aligned change the horse into a mammoth I can do that the end I just want it I want to get to this scene first before I break everything God's waiting for us chase the dragon into a mammoth everybody's gonna be a mammoth cottage oh I miss Meg Lavanya okay I thought people are disbanding Meg's ammonia I will Ulfric Stormcloak y'all window it has been an honor yara lofric my request an anthem we did brazil when anthem requests y'all of one now what is gonna happen [Music] yeah one sec we get this Skyrim request really first let me just alright well let's watch this guy try to escape anyone else feel like running [Music] [Music] I will be a widow [Music] possibly leave the port on the trip Russian anthem earlier okay we will do that before the stream ends [Applause] [Music] okay that worked that did not break the game so next up we're gonna change the dude some here in Helghan call you a hero but a hero doesn't use a power like the voice to murder his king and usurp his throne you started this war once Skyrim into chaos and now the Empire is going to port you down and restore the peace what was that carry on wait wait should we make a moat a mammoth or a Skeever skeevers pretty good I don't mess with the I can't mess with the executioner cuz I know that I'll break it but we'll turn the dragon into a mammoth for sure and we'll sermon with mammoths we'll see what happens as we commend your souls to a serious blessings of the eight Divine's for the love of Talos shut up and let's get up as you wish okay once he hits the chopping block we're gone once his animation is done okay wait Mike sucking the executioner right now who am i selecting [ __ ] I gotta get closer okay yeah okay we got him set race to the mammoth the executioner is mid animation so this something will happen I think so then I just I don't TFT oh I do TFT yeah we're tipsy enough that we're just playing some typical Skyrim and then once the dragon comes we're gonna turn him [Music] died and he missed [Music] but the game is still working no they're all looking at him okay I might have to kill I might have to kill the mammoth manually because the axe missed ya there nobody's like concerned they're just they're just watching all right so let's let's let's do the dirty work of the executioner that's fine sir you do you imperial best okay the [ __ ] trunk okay okay once aldimine appears on the roof we're cooking I think I need to Emmitt to attack first all right wait what am i clicking no no that's not the right thing TFC no I can't I can't I can't move with TSE all I can do wait okay I think I got him all right we got we got our lloween what are we sending him to Mammoth he's dead fall off the tower all right what are odds that he falls off I really don't know cycle scroll the cycle ID but oh I didn't know you could scroll okay but we got him though I feel like he's gonna fall off and die 100 percent chance been falling off he might land he might land beautifully like some sort of mammoth ballerina dancer all right it's time for all doing mammoth eater won't work on him a hundred cent I think it'll work I think it'll work here we go [Music] now what do we do then we can change them into can we change him into anything mm-hmm you missed I don't think I missed scroll oh so I'll just go through all the things and sit there well he's gone our where he is I can't move enable player controls this is the way Skyrim was meant to be played [Music] I can't like I can't do anything wait so you can move I mean I'm waiting back oh there we go good call good call [Music] I can't it literally [Music] I the game might be broken respawn Emily good point if the game is frozen because Alduin isn't working properly then if we just insert a few albums were good [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't see him oh it's moving me okay so it must be one or two I don't see them I'll spawn more I still don't see any all there is [Music] I can't move [Music] Despero [Music] well let's keep going skip 50 [Music] let's get 50 more in here I'm gonna spawn Aldean's until either we see one or we kill that part [Music] we have to defeat that cart there's about a hundred and twenty al doings in Heligan right now [Music] [Music] I think we'd be Oh think we beat the card it's a cart dead I think the carts dead won't spawn 50 more aldo means and find out okay hasn't frozen yet let's get 50 more in here the game is technically moving we're getting about a frame a second well we've done this before but any bets on how many aliens until the game crashes enable sound a little bit yeah that's true let's hear it was here oh we're missing out on its feel like 75% let's go like 50% thank thank you start our debt low Colbert enjoy the Skyrim gameplay start on my body as they say in Skyrim yes still too much let's give it like ten percent sound alright thank you again to flow for the [Music] bits and sub look at the guard on the right who's just like looking up curiously at the youth literal 600 al doings in the sky now let's get the tire up theme going how many we at 102 care fifty more kill all I tried kill all you had a notification for bit buddy Oh like in the thing yeah potentially I don't know if that's it all right kill all here we go maybe this will do something Todd Howard you've done it a game [Music] think we've we've really flex to Skyrim like play-doh today so yourself is aldimine race to the beginning yeah okay will be the last one that's the last one will be we're gonna start the game we're gonna turn ourselves into Al doing and then that's it and I and hopefully this just works yes Doug I don't know how to tell you this Zeus the cat ran away he robbed me and left me he stole $20 and peed on my answering machine help me Doug you got me into this situation please find Zeus for me I am I am responsible for this food thanks for the update I'm gonna look into this [Music] okay and now you player dot set race Alduin race and we turn myself into the final boss and we died which means we actually beat Skyrim the menu all the other times you died it went forward [Music] [Music] let's go first then element okay that's a good call dude at the end it who would have thought that at the end of it all you know the whole Elder Scrolls game all it took to defeat Alduin was this cart I'm gonna turn up the sound in a second okay and then I'm gonna make myself really small yes yeah GG that's Skyrim as your boy Todd intended okay so first time we'll make myself really small set scale so I'll make myself like eight point two point three okay and now I set all doing is my own race what what some I think I'm dying I see blood on the stream think I'll do a mystery run the death by this card I think I probably have to set the skill now that I'm underneath the cart I'll set the scale up to ten awake you were trying to cross the book where am I Skyrim was fine well let's at least make this horse how do we do and the driver after the impaired person to see to envy [Music] this is south scatter this is bad to me like I think I think Halloween is like be spawned I think it doesn't appear until all right horse into a mammoth dude everybody's just disappearing that just ran them off the road [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was too much you try to [ __ ] with general Tullius that's it [Music] to honor the death of Skyrim was a Dutch was Dutch the one that was suggested or requested this anthem no Italy way different glad I checked ok good good thing I checked everybody please remove your hats out of respect as we sing the Italian national anthem same thing to be honest yeah I think there's still a legal dispute we're not sure if they're the same country yet this is four minutes I'm gonna will do will do a minute and a half of a wonderful Italian national anthem [Music] just eat I'm national anthem at alerts vitally vitally the Italia say that's Delta L ma de Skippy Oh Shiki Toma testa my Italians a little bit rusty don't rain Victoria lip orga oh it's like Star Wars Fatali de Italia l'Italia seis tell Modi's PP o JC Tala testa Borga change shaiiaja add aroma IDEO Lecrae oh that sounds extremely American no I I was born in Italy is I'm fluent morte siamo pronti alla morte Italian ciao Oh si si yes [Music] man singing these national anthems really makes you think about how wonderful the world is and if that I'm gonna be wrapping up the stream thanks everybody for the wonderful song I appreciate it that's it for today I'm gonna stream on Tuesday I'm probably gonna do zeldo is my plant and oblique and then get closer to finishing that that giant stream or the giant challenge which we've been doing for like eight days which is a long time for me [Music] what type of pizza you want on Tuesday is that happening on Tuesday [Music] sorry it's still 3.5 fairways maybe the - well it's not it's not really about what type of pizza I want it's more about what type of pizzas twitchchat want to order that is the entire point we need Doug Doug national anthem yeah we really do all right that's gonna be it y'all they'll be funny if Italy copyright strikes the screen no suit at night thank you very much man I appreciate it dude dev load oh thank you very much super generous you guys want to rate somebody you guys raid barn toys the back up that was a pretty cute stream SIA yes the whole country of Italy copy [Music] rape Bethesda is anybody playing Skyrim Irate Italy yeah that's good hold on whoo twitch.tv slash Italy [Music] Italy's offline right now is there anybody who is online who is Italian boy that is a long national anthem and I mean that with full respect Mario Mario's not online okay Todd our tis to our demo [Music] he knows red Bethesda italiano [Music] any other requests Luigi I think we've got all the big Stroud enjo oh wait now we can't see you can't you literally can't rate into any more raid the Dutch yeah let's take a call don't leave a Dutch go [Music] oh yeah [Music] who's gonna be [Music] well it's been a great stream I hope everybody's enjoyed I'll see you all on Tuesday and until next time hello give Luigi my regards [Music] you
hello hello hello hi you guys i'm sorry about being who i am i don't mean to be i just am this way i'm gonna grab my ingredients out while people filter in to the music [Music] alone in my bed with all these thoughts in my head and living silently inside it's so late in the night my mind is drifting away [Music] if [Music] again when i [Music] [Applause] [Music] wish i could be somewhere else drifting if [Music] [Music] hi guys [Music] hello hello [Music] [Music] [Music] is hello hello hi you guys hey guys aloha excited to see you i'm going to spit my gum out hi how's how's how's your afternoon i'm sorry i know i'm an hour and a half late it's embarrassing love the podcast with levy well thank you i had a good time i love levy he's the bestest whoa look at that raid sleepy laura thank you for the 80 raid and oh two raids rastrazza thank you for that 41 raid thank you guys thank you thank you thank you you guys just doubled my view count helen blue thank you for three months abby wortman thank you for your brand new sub i really really appreciate that um podcast is on levy's youtube levy's youtube um this is ludwig he lives here i don't know if you guys have met him before he's new just moved in he's okay from the town here town why would you be the town [ __ ] someone's got to do it what does that mean suck and [ __ ] everyone that walks through that door no he doesn't chat he's lying he's lying another day another live from ludwig um but hi it's nice to see you guys steve thank you for your brand new prime i appreciate that nice shirt though he has a lot of new shirts you know lud we have our own chia seeds you don't have to steal slimes i don't know why he does this we have our own things and he still continues to steal from slime and i'll be like ludwig do you need anything and he'll say nothing and then he'll steal all of slime's protein shakes i don't get it isn't that weird chad that's fun to steal when i could just buy him his own stuff do the housewives have socials no housewives podcast is i think it's safe to say it's over chat season two baby season two but give us a little bit to figure that out okay condo cast husband you still have the same problem you're missing people just me and missy whizzy yeah the miz and ludwig and nick podcast talking about how hard it is to be to date these great women that do everything for them whiskers thank you for the sub um yeah we'll figure out housewives podcast i actually i i'm not gonna say it's canceled um we're just figuring [ __ ] out okay um obviously things are just a little weird okay um amaranth's cocktail with cutie is going to be on monday the 17th ludwig stole some of your chia seeds and i thought you should know my chia seeds we have our own spinach i know he has his own i said that to him he says he likes to steal he said it's more fun to see he takes the steel yeah he likes to to rob things yes i'm sorry i just thought you should know he's down here yeah he's down there good the 16th sorry monday the 16th monday the 16th louise oliver thank you for your brand new sub i appreciate that sorry sorry sorry monday the 16th narc i am knarking on him because he has his own and it's a weird habit he always steals from slime and it's not nice it's crazy he has his own chia seeds and his argument is like he'll be like he stole in front of slime the other day and he's like slime still [ __ ] for me so i'm i've never seen slime take anything it's a bad argument he's a klepto if they both have chia seeds isn't it sharing then it's sharing if everyone's on the same page if they're not on the same page it's stupid she was eating yogurt with these little black things inside said you're eating them right now he said they're in the names he's so so fine that's cool okay they're m m's it's fine you can't take them you yeah i'm a woman i get it i'm saying what we've been saying aspiring insomniac thank you for the two months saved uh we were having this debate earlier chat let me see if i can find this i'm curious your guys's thoughts wait where's twitter where's twitter for my phone also i'm gonna say it [ __ ] hassan all right [ __ ] that man he complains about knocking invited the guard take phone i invite him he doesn't respond i go into his chat he don't know walls me this is the last time i will ever work with that man what am i supposed to do he complains about his computer not working i say hassan we have a computer we have a computer you can come use our computer he don't involve me [ __ ] dude i'm no longer interested in being friends with hassan it's over the friendship has ended can i get an amen i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure ludwig messaged him and ludwig already heard back from him and he left me on red who has done more for hassan me or ludwig last time i checked this [ __ ] is unbanned forms hello professionally and platonically hassan is kicked out of [ __ ] camp you heard me ludwig helped with his youtube damn it aesthetic thank you for your prime will neff did a little bit more than you well yeah okay um did he forget about the cake and the snickerdoodles and the chocolate chips there was also chocolate chip cookies wait what am i looking for okay we were just talking about this in the kitchen and so i'm gonna pull it up if you guys don't follow the yard on twitter you should do that if you don't know what the yard is uh all my lovely roommates have a podcast that is filmed in the backyard the actual backyard yes definitely the backyard and people hate qt and chat tiny stag thank you for the 16 months it's very very funny it's very very fun and they have it's on youtube spotify it's on everything but um this this woman they posted this on twitter so i feel fine talking about it because they just asked me about it this woman commented on their youtube and i want to get your guys opinions i wanna i wanna get group opinion here human commented on their youtube said i've only listed on spotify not knowing what nick or ayden look like but decided [Music] sorry is that loud yeah can i help you with something well okay but freaking jerk stealing more things no those are actually his plates he's worse than ms needs attention on him no he's not like that you don't see that he's not like that at all he is not like that i can't wait to start over um i have only lists on spotify not knowing what nick or ayden looked like but decided an hour into listening to this episode to pull up pull it up on youtube i can't explain how i feel about finding out but watching feels different than listening i will be a spotify listener lol chat is that comment one they're so ugly she can't look at them or two she's so hot and bothered she can't look at them is it one or two it's interesting that you guys go to toxic because i think she might be like a femme cell and is just hot and bothered because why would she write it i see more female users in the chat typing in two i see more males typing in one maybe she's sad i as a woman i'm hot and bothered okay well maybe she can't concentrate what they're talking about yeah maybe she's like maybe i haven't noticed but maybe they have weird like mouth movements how she typed it sounds like one yeah she typed it weird as a man they're ugly okay well i don't know i don't understand it option three she just prefers the audio probably one though that's so weird what a weird comment to have to decipher maybe she thinks one of them is hot and not the other maybe she envisioned them like like fabio and they simply have shorter hair it's so weird maybe she should be the guest on the next episode and ask her yeah yeah i i don't really understand it but i i i wanted your guys's opinion maybe the voices don't go with what she imagines in her head yeah i think that's really what it is but it's very weird thing to comment [Music] modern day you got a face for radio you got a face for podcasts okay chat who's making blueberry muffins today me where's the recipe it's in discord forehead if you want to bake with us you have to join the discord judykiss is on his stream okay we will check on judicus the thing is the thing about um the thing about blueberry muffins is they're so easy and this should take us no time at all it really is super super easy so this should be a really easy recipe i'll be honest um first thing though let's pull out your butter pull your butter out of the fridge normally you want to work with room temperature butter which means you should pull it out the night before but i never tell you guys to do that because then you forget it and i have to explain this anyway so i always just have you pull out your butter and then we're going to soften it in the microwave the thing about softening butter in the microwave you cannot leave it in there for like 20 seconds because it'll melt on the inside what you have to do is put it in there for 10 seconds take it out feel it rotate it put it in there for another 10 seconds all right you guys understand so if you do not have room temperature butter do you ever make things vegan subbing only for the recipes what that's rude thank you for the two months uh do i ever make things vegan you could just use margarine so any of my recipes are completely i understand thank you stan stanz is on the same page any of my recipes you can easily make into vegan gluten-free whatever you just have to substitute some things out there's lots of substitutions for eggs you can use like yogurt oh yogurt is not vegan my bad um guava beans you can usually use for substitute for eggs there's lots of substitutions so if you are vegan you have to learn on your own these substitutions and then just make them all right or you can eat oreos applesauce applesauce is a substitute for eggs a lot um okay so what we're gonna do is take your butter we're gonna put in the microwave for 10 seconds all right 10 seconds everybody just 10 seconds okay that was 10 seconds yours is longer than that okay so you should be able to feel it and it depends on how long your butter has been in the fridge but it should be kind of malleable if you can kind of press on it and feel it moving then you're good set it aside my butter is already squishy then do not put it in the microwave if your butter squishy do not put in the microwave if it's straight out of the fridge put it in the microwave if it still is really really hard like not malleable no play-doh-like texture put it in there for another five seconds take it out feel it if it's still like that another five seconds take it out feel it okay what you don't want you do not want it to melt once you start moving some lick once you can feel liquid moving around you've already gone too far okay great that's where we're starting next we're gonna wait for more people to get here while i make my coffee because something cutie cinderella needs is coffee all right and i've started saying coffee instead of coffee because you guys all make fun of me when i say coffee i'd prefer to say coffee but you guys are [ __ ] are we on the same page someone buy her a bluetooth lapel mic you shut up but you're not wrong someone buy me that agent thank you for the two months i appreciate that if i'm using parchment paper in place of cupcake liners do i need nonstick spray on the pan absolutely high riser low rise jeans and why high rise because this right here exists um would chocolate chips work instead of blueberries yes if you do not like blueberries lots of things would work in this exact same recipe you could replace it with strawberries you could replace it with raspberries you could replace it with blackberries you could replace it with choco chips this is a pretty versatile easy muffin base no you can't replace it with crack you can't replace with gummy bears i'm telling you berry like things okay you've got to relax i've seen people do mandarin oranges blueberries are the best i freaking love blueberry muffins do you have recipes documented somewhere other than the vods no uh the recipes themselves without the instructions are a discord the reason i don't give you the instructions in discord is because i want you to watch the bots because i want to make money off your [ __ ] ad watches okay now i am working on a cookbook a cookbook should be out by the end of the year there is a cookbook it actually won't have blueberry muffins in it um i am doing i'm only trying to do one muffin recipe and i chose my apple streusel muffins because they're [ __ ] amazing um and i don't have coffee cake in the cookbook so i the apple streusel is kind of like a baby of a coffee cake because it has a streusel on it so so yes do you ever put the cookie baking vods on youtube yes on the vaude channel check out the vaude channel why not make a recipe book i am i just said that how many recipes will be in the cookbook about 45 in this one i plan on making many because i didn't realize how many recipes i had until i tried to put them in a cookbook and keep it under 50. and i was like oh [ __ ] this is stressful can we start preheating the oven now yes guys we can start preheating the oven you antsy you antsy little little bugs today huh everyone's so stressed everyone's so panicked hey all of your discord links say invalid mods will you check that i will tell you what to do give me a second give me a second dude my stomach hurts so bad oh what what all right sorry preheat your oven to 375 chat made a new link can you change the bot this is such an easy recipe we're going to be done so quickly you're going to be like wow how did she draw out stream for that long because we're really going to be done that quickly [Music] hmm yes 375 fahrenheit which is 190 celsius [Music] do you have any plant [ __ ] in chat that know a bunch about plants i have a i have a monstera plant and it's starting to grow mushrooms that means i watered it too much right well my uh cookbook ship worldwide yeah anywhere that amazon ships i'm just going to publish it through amazon that means you eat mushrooms yeah replant in new soil really oh that's so annoying i don't want to have to do that how many regular sized muffins does this yield i actually don't know off the top of my head so we'll see a lot of that's the thing is a lot of my recipes guys they come from the bakery um and i think this is scaled down into one batch but i think i don't know how big one batch is i think it's like 12 maybe 24 tops i actually don't know off the top of my head so we'll see too much humidity okay too much water and water less so annoying stupid mushrooms i also need uh okay you know what i can eat while they're in the oven let me just put some creamer in my coffee i haven't eaten today i might just have chili should i have chili new happier day okay now some water water break okay get a bowl everyone get a bowl i'm sorry i'm stalling this is the only bullet great uh yeah the worst case if you're making if you make too many muffins guys you can freeze them and they last really long uh used to stream from the bakery do you still ever go there i do not go there anymore no i moved you can do a medium-sized bowl chat your bowl does not need to be this big this is excessive um okay actually first things first guys we need to wash these no we don't let me get there sorry my brain is scattered today i um this thing happened where i started um i started my period and i don't know if there's any ladies in the chat but when you start your period all of a sudden your brain stops working it's really really cool um because you just become anemic and your brain stops working there's no other word for it besides your brain just stops working um so yeah if you're dance gaming you just expose yourself for having a tiny dick so that sucks you're dance gaming you've literally never gotten laid women have periods it happens um anyway take your butter and put it in your bowl half a cup of butter half a cup of butter in america is one stick of butter half a cup of butter okay it's in your bowl now get your sugar this is called creaming the butter what we're doing by mixing your butter and your sugar together is adding air bubbles and also what the sugar help does is refine that butter into a smooth paste so that's what we're doing okay one and a fourth cup of sugar i am using my fourth cup measure because like this is what i found so i have to do five of these one and a fourth cup okay now before adding any other ingredients you need to cream your sugar so if you don't have a mixer this is a time where you really get in there with a spatula or whatever you're mixing with and combine those i'm going to use a mixer because i want to i'll use a hand mixer though i will get i need a new hand mixer i need to get a clear bowl for my kitchenaid so you guys can see what's in the bowl that's a lot of sugar i know is this sponsored no if i could find someone to sponsor my baking streams i'd love that but that's never happened so we do actually we have a really cool sponsor on tuesday chat it's called hovercraft and what it is is a way for you to control what's going on stream by voting and or donating if you donate it like moves it up more essentially and we're going to be making cupcakes together so you guys will be able to control what goes in the cupcakes how they are decorated that's on tuesday so it should be kind of fun i it's a new thing we've never played with before so anyway okay if you're using a mixer feel free to do that if you're using a spoon or whatever just combine your butter and your sugar right now this is what it looks like so we're going to get this into a light fluffy yellow paste it's going to be less yellow but yeah is all right see that we've got yellow we've got butter and sugar all combined we preheat the oven yes it's 375. make mashed potatoes exactly okay time to get our eggs we're to add one egg at a time so if you're bad at cracking eggs chat this is the rule if you are not good at cracking eggs what you're going to do is crack an egg into a smaller bowl or a cup anything like that that way you can pick out the eggshell much easier than trying to get it out of the sugar mixture okay also another tip do not do it on the edge of your bowl you always see people do that on the edge of the bowl flat surface is better when you're new to cracking eggs because when you do edge of the bowl what does that do besides shove some eggshells into your egg so if you do it on a flat surface you're gonna have a much easier time okay edge bad no no crack in your blueberry muffin all right oh [ __ ] i just added two it's fine add them both in there it'll be fine add both your eggs ideally i'd add one mix and then add the other one mix it's fine we don't have to it doesn't matter it's really fine here blueberry muffins are really hard to [ __ ] up so my two eggs are in there now we're just going to combine again just the old guy thank you for your new sub i appreciate that all right so what this does is this has made your goo so now you have this lovely goo all right we're in the hands of a pro yeah listen sometimes i'm a little forgetful um let's add our vanilla extract for those of you who have vanilla extract um we're going to add a teaspoon of this is that what i put in the recipe what did i tell you guys i did say a teaspoon great a teaspoon of vanilla extract i'm gonna say it and you guys will always hear me do this almond extract is optional if you happen to have it because you've done another bake along with me let's add a fourth of a teaspoon of almond extract okay it's definitely optional but i love adding almond extract it just has a little gives a little sweet note that no one can kind of figure out and they're like wow this is so good i didn't put this on the recipe so this is totally optional it just came to me i'm sorry um always be really careful can use vanilla i hate almond extract yeah yeah so i just said to use vanilla extract so use a teaspoon of vanilla extract teaspoon of vanilla extract almond extract is optional and i'm i'm barely gonna use a fourth like i'm gonna use almost less than a fourth how much to add one teaspoon of vanilla one teaspoon one teaspoon of vanilla one teaspoon vanilla combine lovely great now we have our goo okay what we're gonna do is make our dry ingredients so you need another bowl um i have this small bowl used for this we do this separate because normally i'll be honest if i wasn't on stream i wouldn't do this separate but i don't trust you guys to mix your [ __ ] all the way and this will really help you from not [ __ ] [ __ ] up so so that's why we're doing it separate so you're gonna add two cups of flour into your dry bowl i've talked about this before but the difference between dry and wet is all of this stuff's gonna melt when it's in the oven right sugar melts when it's hot butter melts when it's hot so this is our wet ingredients eggs actually hardened but they're wet when you put them in it's very confusing i know it doesn't make sense but over here is our dry ingredients this is flour so we're going to do two cups of flour which i'm using a fourth measuring cup i don't encourage you to do this because it's gonna kind of [ __ ] me up a little bit but that's fine just use a one cup measuring cup all right got it half a teaspoon of salt so you're going to get half a teaspoon of salt throw that in there we always add salt what kind of flour i will always tell you guys use all purpose because i don't want to over complicate anything okay all right two teaspoons of baking what do i have here i have baking powder two teaspoons of baking powder okay bush thank you for your new prime i appreciate that this is going to be one of the fastest bake alongs ever it's like literally faster than cookies muffins are so easy to make and you guys are gonna like start living the muffin life you're gonna be like wow i can make any muffin i want ever this is amazing i'm a muffin maker look at me someone called me the muffin man all right so you need to level this off these things in here see that bam look at that level [ __ ] [ __ ] okay add it to your dry ingredients i'll be fine add it to your dry ingredients not your wet ingredients i told you my brain's not working today add it to your dry ingredients and then grab a fork or in my case a little spoon so that's all i have and trying to be a good example here i'm just gonna push it around and just mix all your dry ingredients together okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay great we got that all incorporated easy peasy how great is that now oh who's subbed dan few a man thank you for that sub i appreciate that um add a bit of an oopsie with the salt it's okay you'll recover you'll recover i'm confident i am confident in you i've got [ __ ] on me all right now we need to wash your blueberries so if you have a colander that's going to be the easiest way to do this if you don't have a colander you can do it in its own in like a bowl gingery jackery thank you for the prime did we add brown sugar and i missed it nope the brown sugar we'll get there it's for a very different thing all right so you need two cups of blueberries which i actually okay let me get a one cup memory i'm being a freaking psychopath today i will admit to you okay just gonna use this little thing okay all right so i this is um this was a pint this was a pint of blueberries two cups two cups pint whatever the [ __ ] qtc stonewall hi who is that hooner thank you for the five all right so in this before we wash it see if there's anything you need to pick out sometimes there's still stems we don't want any stems i have a few any moldy gross smushed ones another stem okay so let's wash these milk goes where just wait we don't need milk yet all right we're chilling step by step just follow me we haven't gotten a milk okay we're just going to set this aside and let it dry for a second okay my beautifully wet blueberries a painters thank you for the sub so right now as a recap you have your goo right here you have your dry ingredients right here you have two cups of blueberries measured out and clean okay if we do two cups of chocolate chips yep that'll work that'll work okay so now get your milk out chat the cat is staring at the garbage like it's gonna attack him um i can't find my liquid measuring cup i can't find any of my measuring cups i'm being honest uh the aaron heifer thing for the prime i'm just gonna use a dry measuring cup it'll be fine okay measure half a cup of milk out great jenga the cat thank you for the prime i appreciate that can i add dried goji berries sure when in doubt use the dry measuring cups yeah you'll be fine you'll be fine he's close enough yeah he can add goji berries can you use a dry cup for milk yeah the liquid one is just more precise but these are muffins you're really not gonna [ __ ] them up unless you are trying to i think so would a milk sub be the same measurement uh yeah so if you use oat milk all it is is adding liquid that's all we worry about here okay so what we're going to do now is add half of our flour just by guessing look in there we do half and mix okay where did i put the milk it's just sitting to the side the milk is just sitting right here so half of our flour okay now pour your whole milk half a cup of milk goes in all right [Applause] next great we're looking like we have muffin batter now the rest of your flour we're cleaning up we got this out of the way we're doing great things i have a little bit of milk left in there [Applause] drippity drop okay mix again okay now you are officially done with your muffin batter look at that how great oh my god how [ __ ] annoying are you as a human can someone answer me this is cutie and ludwig still a thing my teammates are arguing so i'm gonna settle it yes of course we are still [ __ ] dating dating for two years it's none of your goddamn business holy [ __ ] you could just google it please for the love of god leave me alone they got banned see we're the same yeah we're the same i get noticed sometimes he's like you should be nicer to like the fans and stuff i can't i'm like no i can't make me so mad i can't and i'm trying hard mm-hmm but you guys make it hard they make it when i say you guys this is what ludwig told me don't say you guys like it's literally all of them because it's not it's not this is me this is me uh-huh it's not all of them but when one person is like that i'm like it is all of them but i have to be like no it's not it's not all of them anyway we go through the same thing what do we get the issue is adapt adapting felix are currently i saw that [ __ ] yeah it's so [ __ ] up yeah it's really really sad so now twitch is scrambling the viewers and they're like you guys are next that's it that's so [ __ ] god guys not those people not how the world works it's just please suck my [ __ ] i'm making growth i'm making growth anyway thanks for hey i had eggs man eggs man all right everybody has your batter i feel out of breath keeping up i'll give everyone a second to keep up before or catch up before i move on okay coffee time catch up everyone it's just so crazy because like you could literally look at the background like i'm in the same kitchen i've been at i'm clearly in like the same house as ludwig still you think if we broke up i would just hang around i'd be like hey lol squatters rights you think like just please just use your brain dude it's just it's so painful it's so painful i'll let it go i just needed a second to be a little more angry because i can't tell you how many dms i've got in the past 24 hours being like i really look up to you and ludwig is relationship goals and after felix and adapt i just can't handle myself and i don't want it to happen it's not your goddamn business if it did ever happen sorry i'm done i'm sorry i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm so done i'm done i'm done i know i got stun locked i'm just it's been a long few hours of [ __ ] people i don't even know dming me about my [ __ ] relationship god all right uh bake alongs are a scheduled thing it's usually on saturdays if you want to be a part of bakelongs join the discord is everyone caught up does everyone have their batter now yes sorry if i go a little fast sometimes i forget all right now this is a secret you will only learn from cutie cinderella this is a secret chat before you add your blueberries you are going to take two spoonfuls of flour this is just a spoonful whatever it could be one spoonful could be whatever just sprinkle it over your blueberries sprinkle sprinkle and then roll your blueberries in this flour what this is gonna do this is going to prevent all your blueberries from sinking down to the bottom because what is worse than having a blueberry muffin and all your blueberries are at the bottom so you're just going to coat them see that is your little baking secret right here so they're all coated now we are going to switch from the mixer to a spatula okay very important you cannot use your mixer anymore use a spatula or a spoon whatever scrape your sides so you'll see me i kind of scrape and then i go in the middle just making sure everything's mixed in this batter smells amazing i just want to eat the batter if i'm being honest okay now add your blueberries so i'm just dumping them on top [Music] and we're just going to mix them in until they're completely a part of the batter so why the flour does that is because blueberries don't have any grip right so when they're a little wet we just washed them and we add flour to them that flour creates a paste around the blueberries and so those are little grippy arms we just made so when we put them in the muffin tins they're not going to slide down anymore they're holding on so they're going to stay in place instead of sliding all the way down okay so you're just doing this until you see blueberries throughout your entire thing don't overdo it if you overdo it you're going to start mixing in that paste we just made and they're going to sink so there you go got it all right so now don't worry some of you i talked about turbinado sugar or brown sugar we're not there yet that's going to go on top so now let's get a clean space just a little cleanup you don't have to clean up if you're stressed but get your muffin tin out and your muffin liners hello okay now we're just going to drop those in easy easy look at that i don't think i have enough but that's fine i'll deal with that problem later now the easiest way to fill these is if you have an ice cream scooper do you grease the pan liners no you don't need to if you have if you are a spiller you can spray some pam or vegetable spray on the top of this so you don't get a lot of mess um that's the superior spiller i actually don't think i have an ice cream scoop i think it got thrown away um so i'm gonna do a mix of an ice cream i have a weird ice cream scoop and a measuring top the cool thing about an ice cream scoop is you can keep them all the same size but you're just gonna fill these up like a third of the way full or sorry three-fourths of the way full i like big muffins so so three-fourths full sometimes using two spoons or however you can get them filled all right there's no right or wrong ease and there's just easier reasons can i use a cooper scooper that's sure yeah go ahead you sound like the type of person that should use a pooper skipper that one's probably a little too full so i'm just going to steal two blueberries out and put them in there all right that one's way too full there we go flop just start plopping chat ploop and scoop did i miss the dino nuggies yeah we made those um two days ago question mark smiley face yeah what sucks about the xqc in a depth thing is um adapt like can't really go live and ignore it the way that xqc can because xqc has 60 000 people in this chat that just spam emotes adept has like a thousand that we'll just only want to talk about felix you know or they're like they'll like just like any 60 000 of those people from felix's chat that are not getting felix's attention about it we'll just go to a depth chat because they know that she's more likely to see it so it's like pretty [ __ ] up it's gonna be toxic for a while yeah i don't know what she's gonna do so all i'm telling you guys if while you are here if you've ever considered doing that don't social lessons with cutie all right she is a friend of mine she's a friend with the stream so don't do that happy we're on the same page chat all right so i still have some leftover batter that i can do for the next batch okay now what you're doing with your brown sugar or turbinado sugar which my turbinado sugar is hardened because i haven't used it in so long but it's fine is we're just going to sprinkle it on top why we do this is because then it gives you a crunch and we love a crunch on a on a muffin you don't have to do this if you don't have turbinado or brown sugar it's totally fine you do not have to you can totally just have a normal muffin just a little sprinkle on each one over the top love the podcast with levy thank you i had fun doing it levy and i levy is really easy to talk to so it's a pretty easy podcast it's terminator or brown sugar yeah you also could do sanding sugar i just know it's kind of harder to find so that's why i said this you could do normal sugar if you want it just won't give you as much of a it doesn't add that layer of the molasses great stomach that's so bad everybody caught up we ready to go in the oven ready okay we're gonna put it in for 25 minutes and then check on it it could be anywhere from 25 to 35 minutes so i'm going to set a timer great [ __ ] i didn't pre-heat would i re-preheat it to uh 375 you're fine you're fine oh my god my stomach and my back and my everything ow ow everything's in pain but i don't want to i don't want to take an advil or tylenol because i'm trying to drink on stream tonight how many for second batch um i only have one cupcake pan but it looks like i'll only have like four more cupcakes did cutie plug already that the cool interview she did with levy yeah i've already plugged i tweeted it chat chat chat i'm going to sit down because i am in pain while our muffins bake but if you have nothing to do what you can do is clean up yay i should be cleaning up but i decided my back hurts a lot what podcast were you on with levy it's on his alt channel um his alt youtube channel how long in the oven we're going to check it after 25 minutes we're going to do the toothpick test after 25 minutes the hard thing about the toothpick test is you have to try not to hit a blueberry that's why cupcakes usually only take like cupcakes can take like 16 20 minutes but these muffins take longer because the blueberries you can also use frozen blueberries you just have to cook it a little longer what happens if you hit a blueberry it's just hard to tell if it's cooked all the way through because it gets covered in blueberry you're gonna be juice dude my back hurts so bad can i use any other kind of berry yep i am excited for these muffins guys my back hurts really bad i'm very sad why does your back hurt it's like a it's a it's a period thing a lot of people don't know that but you get a lot of back pain because in some way you're like i don't know your lower back is like connected to something i don't know how do i make blueberries you go and pick them it's like i don't know if it's cramps it's like some something's weird about it yeah you could do strawberry rhubarb muffins with these same things great podcast with levy thank you hey cutie what's your fav baked good people ask me that all the time i really don't know because it depends on my mood i really don't know i really like my go-to is chocolate covered strawberries i'd probably eat those the most or key lime pie i love kiln pie i love trying different restaurants tiramisu because i've been chasing this amazing tiramisu that i had years ago and i've never been able to find one like it um but i am a big like if i go to a restaurant i want to try the dessert thoughts on brownies walnuts depends on you my dad loves um walnuts so i always add walnuts to brownies when i make them for him but i i prefer just like pure brownie are you making a cookbook yes i'm making a cookbook it is we have gotten the list of all of the items that will be in the cookbook i will read them to you the table of contents one might say um chat stream saw it yesterday but i'll tell you guys one more time it is going to have banana bread cinnamon rolls crepes apple strudel muffins lemon poppy seed muffins pumpkin scones chocolate chip cookies snickerdoodles peanut butter cookies chocolate crinkle cookies oatmeal cookies sugar cookie rolled sugar cookies shortbread cookies coconut macaroons uh brownies pecan pie bars lemon bars raspberry bars red velvet bars birthday cake vanilla buttercream better than sex cake chocolate sauce chocolate caramel sauce whipped cream white chiffon cake raspberry buttercream texas fudge cake german chocolate cake chocolate buttercream this thing i call crack it's not real crack but it tastes like it's really really good mud pie apple crisp cheesecake berry compo trifle chocolate mousse key lime pie scotcharoos spudnuts and caramel corn you guys will love crack it's not real crack but it's pretty good trifle yeah the biggest reason i'm including trifle is because i already have a white chiffon cake i might change i think i'm going to change it to a lemon a lemon cake because lemon cake's better than trifle a lemon cake and then the whipped cream and then the berry compote that's all trifle is really so all the components already in the cookbook so i'll just be like yo do this add some [ __ ] jello pudding powder to your whipped cream and now you have a custard wink there's lots of little secrets you learn is it only sweets yes yes i don't see myself doing a savory cookbook probably ever i'm not qualified in the same way do milkshakes next milkshakes are really easy you just buy ice cream and milk and blend it together it's very very easy oh mom just about to make some homemade crack i think i literally might call it crack in the cookbook i love you cutie cinderella i am at a cookie shop and the lady luca exactly like you whoa maybe it is me thank you for your five months look at these nuts okay well what about a purely cake book yeah i'm gonna do that next actually because i have a lot of cake recipes that i personally would like to have in one spot i'll be honest this cookbook is kind of selfish because it's just me getting organized in a way that i can sell it and make it pretty so uh yeah the hard thing is is i have a lot more recipes that i'm just not including because i don't want it to be too overwhelming and i don't want it to be too hard i want it to be a very easy recipe i don't like recipe book that's why i don't have eclairs in there i don't have cream puffs i don't have macarons i don't have [Music] any torts or tarts or anything like that i want it very simple dude my back hurts our cream puffs hard to make they're hard to troubleshoot so yeah what's your coffee cup it's from 100 ohm dalmatians it's the puppies watching the tv okay by the way gartek phone is gonna be the weirdest combo of people you've ever seen in your life because maya had to back out and i felt like maya was the glue to it all um so it's the weirdest group you want to hear it oh and schlatt was supposed to do it too too and he back he couldn't make it anymore so it is such a weird group it's such a weird group it is lily if she can make it i don't know if lily's confirmed so without lilly it is charlie britt ludwig will myth me minx seer atrial puffy it is the weirdest group i've ever come up with um but it should be fun yeah that's tonight that's in like uh two and a half hours it sounds like it'll work well of course it'll work but it's just like such a funny like like what the heck are we still playing sims yeah i would like to i think what we'll do is after the muffins are done i'll probably end clean up eat a little bit and then go live in there i have to make a discord too just a real quick discord i can throw away later just so people have the discord overlay for tonight um and uh what else um [Music] i think we might if we can play sims tonight it'll be after gartek phone but man i forgot how much i love sims castaway it's just so different it's so different man the og playstation sims they're so good no big deal i'm going to get the third highest world record for sims 2 speedway no big deal everyone relax but i am going to have it sims is fun yeah how long has it been for the muffins it has been we have 13 minutes left so it's been about 12 minutes the issue is i feel weak i feel weak today i should probably take an iron pill everybody take your vitamins uh i have a probiotic i have fish oil and i have [Music] some women's multivitamin how much iron is in this actually let's see it actually doesn't have that much iron it only has six milligrams which is 30 of your daily in value or whatever it's fine though it has too much riboflavin this this um this vitamin has too much riboflavin so it makes your it makes your pee bright yellow i will say regardless all of you are gamers you should definitely be taking at least vitamin d this has 250 percent of my daily value of vitamin d so i'll pee half of it out if not more that's pretty good oh just don't pee okay yeah or just get some sun actually um even if you get sun outside in most places you should still take vitamin d because depending on where you live uh the way you absorb the sun it can be like dramatically different and you probably don't absorb enough anyway actually also it's way too hot to go outside guys i went outside for like 10 minutes today i was dying i was sweating i accidentally left my deodorant in the car and it's all melted so i had to put in the freezer half of it splashed out when i opened it don't kick w that that's sad i'm seeing you guys as true colors have been sagging half of you cut doubloons yeah a lot of extreme room gets like very little air so he's probably dying today i'll be real i'll see i think it's like [ __ ] i don't know it's gotta be like it's gotta be mid-90s i could be crazy los angeles how hot are you right now do do [Music] it says 82. it's not right it's lying i'm telling you guys it's lying this whole week though it's in the 80s and 90s that's a [ __ ] scorcher that's gonna be a hot day you know chat the humidity probably brings it up is california humid is that a dumb question los angeles humidity is 42 chance of rain 10 hate that i wish it rained more here vancouver is only 64 today and it's 90 humidity or only 64 degrees today i don't know about you guys but my house is starting to smell like muffins anybody else wait my phone is broken hello oh my god i'm actually dying where in the world are you california i'm at 104 and the smokes from california fires made way to my state jello are you in like arizona ow vegas he's in vegas oh wait alex is in vegas that makes sense you know it's actually not too smoky outside here and i'm in california also in vegas you can barely see the mountains anymore in vegas you can see mountains in vegas where it went up north to san francisco see ya smoke i'm at circus circus right now no you're not ari stop trying to fit in with the vegas people i don't know if i'm gonna make it i'm so weak vegas is surrounded by mountains like little baby mountains baby desert mountains cutie eat your chili i will but my muffins are almost done can we substitute ap flour with whole wheat you can it'll change your taste a little bit but you can you're so underrated that's a crazy thing to say to someone who is like barely i'm barely alive right now i'm not entertaining in any way shape or form right now last night i played sims for four hours i don't think that makes a good streamer i use pastry flour but they use in the same time yeah oh my god i am in pain did you do perfect nick yeah instead of streaming right away i might lay down for a little bit before guard took phone but it does smell like muffins yeah i'm actually watching your interior design bod instead of watching the live stream okay thank you you don't have to tell me i'm being boring i know i'm being boring thank you so much i am self-aware i know when i'm being boring do you ever use a sugar substitute no well maybe like honey sometimes will you put someone in charge if you can't continue tonight uh i'll probably just cancel to be honest i might just need to nap it's weird cause i slept well but i'm so tired all the time anybody else i also haven't eaten i probably just need to i'm just gonna eat some chili and add a bunch of spinach to it i think i just need my iron levels to go up yes yes yes yes because you smoked weed yesterday i don't smoke weed it gives me anxiety unfortunately i actually like weed i just can't have any he's adept out of the house podcast now oh my god dude the housewives podcast haven't happened for literally four months you should be worried if it even [ __ ] exists not who's on it hello going i tried to make the choco chip cookies and [ __ ] up oh well i'm sorry about that okay my house smells like muffins i can check on them in a minute you don't count my head all i know is pain and sadness and being tired why am i so tired i just woke up it's so annoying does my doll help you no i'm just so tired i'm seeing an ad for diarrhea and i don't like it remember chat if you're not used to baking [ __ ] up is okay sure it sucks you lose ingredients but you learn and do better next time yeah it is okay to mess up baking unless you mess up these muffins cause they're really really simple and that'd be crazy if you mess them up i'm just kidding i'm joking i'm joking i'm joking oh it'd be scuffed thank you for the for the prime all right we're just going to check i'm just going to see if they are done by doing a toothpick check if you don't toothpick just use a like a butter knife you just stab it in there see if any of the goo comes out oh boy these look done and it's freaking perfect oh i just shove them to the wall oh look at them chat their beauty and their grace they're really pretty muffins okay struggling to tell these are good my muffins are done tada wait for them to cool and then you can take them out of the pan do not do what i'm doing you wait for yours to cool i swear to god my hands don't have heat feeling we can ignore the person that got a diarrhea ad i just don't think they got a diarrhea app because who's advertising diarrhea nobody's like hey get diarrhea buy this product what are you looking for with the toothpick if any goo comes out like that shows that it's not baked all the way through oh wow yes if you made muffins today you can post them in food pictures in the discord there's a whole section in the discord called hashtag food picks hosts you have freaking muffins chad i love to see your muffins i'm sure they're beautiful i'm sure they're beautiful i don't know how many i need is this i don't think i need that many actually i just have some extra batter so i'm just gonna scoop and ploop you know do it again do it again do it do it do it again [Music] i think i'm getting maybe five muffins out of this maybe one more blueberry for you all right that's all i'll do a little more in here all right sprinkle sprinkle here we go okay just gonna put these back in and then we can test a muffin oh [ __ ] me okay i'm gonna eat this muffin open it up yummy yummy yummy got a perfect muffin it's really good some people put butter on their blueberry muffins the top is crunchy that's great can i share the lineup of garcic phone again well hassan is uninvited since he wouldn't reply to me um so not hassan people that i've confirmed are charlie britt ludwig myth me mink seer atrial can puffy and then lily might come hassan said on stream he might be down he's not invited oh so i don't care i don't care if he might be down i'm eating another goddamn muffin there's so many calories too bad hassan i don't have room i do i have plenty of room he could come if you wanted but he can't can you convince me to watch the levee podcast in less than 30 seconds i don't think i need to it feels good a good podcast might need like five more minutes a brush maple syrup on them what the [ __ ] okay yeah your favorite anime i don't know if i have one okay i can eat 12 of these muffins i can get all these muffins right here okay well chop i am going to end i expect to see you all back here in less than two hours for garcic foam all right oh let's check out the muffins in the discord right right right sorry i'm a little out of that today the muffins in the discord whoa these are a lot of muffins in the discord oh my god oh my god they look so good holy [ __ ] chat okay let me make sure we can see this [Music] we good all right there are literally so many muffins in the discord i can't there's some garlic bread from the other night lemon cake has some cool [Music] i don't know if it's my nails are really dirty i don't know i guess tax muffins in the oven my oh my that's really cute cute name tax muffins out of the oven mr world ride has those freaking muffins choco chip muffins choco chip gabriella's muffins chalky chips danny's muffins my am i out of the pan amandas are good look at all these bihar alps aubry jutes aren't done yet half blueberry half dark chocolate george the fourth dude look at that plating hello hello everybody we're out here pay dude you guys killed it famous tack with more muffins lex is it the first official thing i baked in my new apartment huh jude says they're coming ariel's muffins cereals muffins juice are in the oven why are you so far behind dude why is you're still white jessica i would do 20 minutes and then check again and like do 20 check it 20 and maybe add 5 more depending no i'm proud of you dude i am proud of you all great muffins today everybody great muffin day yay mine look white they're fine if they're white i was just making fun of you because i wanted to um all right well i'll check that i will see if you haven't finished your muffins post them in there what's next week undecided yet um but i will let you guys know when i know proud of you guys good job i hope you like them do your viewers know i'm doing my best my dog's barking i will see you in a few hours okay i'll see you to view my hours i'm going to take a nap i'll see you later bye guys [Music] um how am i i'm okay i'm still really tired but it's okay okay we have an issue because a lot of people are not responding or didn't give me a hard confirm so i'm kind of nervous that like no one is coming but at least i at least have seer lud and myth and puffy and so it might just be like five of us i don't know i don't know so i don't know i did my best atrioc hasn't clicked on the discord invite i sent him yet i'd assume atriox coming i don't know mink said she's playing okay yeah i think minx and atrial come because they're live will isn't live yet and brit isn't live but that doesn't mean that they are coming like they aren't coming just because they aren't live because you don't have to be live but i don't know i don't know but hi guys it's okay we'll just see what happens okay i actually don't even know how to send an invite oh i just start one i just start and i invite with this link okay link copied great i've sent the link so we'll just see how people trickle in kind of [Music] we'll just see what happens i'm a little nervous because a lot of people i'm having social anxiety that's all i'm having a wee bit of social anxiety [Music] it should be fine right worst case at least i just have you know i have like worst case it's just gonna be like six of us i did my best i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i told miz and hassan to play but hassan never replied to me and ms said no i love awesome job winning the belt back today literal god of tasting lull thank you i just eat a lot of fruit that's all okay well um i'm gonna add um the image of the rules so one second let me do that [Music] i don't know puffy is in there's the rules if anybody is interested that's what we have i love mr mukhel thank you for the 15 dwayne is awesome thank you for your 21. people hey this is poggies limpy think you're the five oh there's minx okay brits in here let me get atrial that their second choice is not ludwig they watched like something else which is kind of cool just for like my own personal pride in this side project nothing against love because i literally think ludwig's a huge pioneer in streaming but uh and also i wouldn't stream it wasn't for him but it's just cool um and this is also atrial fibrillation that'd be fine because this is where i want to be i want to be right next to tommy in it listen what you guys didn't know is phase two of my plans to get over here i wanted to get away from here and get over here and so i'm actually crushing both my goals because my end goal is to play minecraft all day with tommy innis that's my only thing patriarch is not paying attention atrioc join okay i'm gonna go grab a drink and then i'm just gonna start and maybe it'll just be me myth and ludwig playing i don't know okay i i did my best uh i'm leaving i'll be back if there was a zombie save tony thank you for the raid [Music] oh my stomach okay i'm having anxiety this was silly of me to do i think they also get bloated i think that's a different part of it hey i'm gonna get a drink what are you talking about getting who gets talking about how alcohol is calorie dense and ludwig's trying to lose weight oh yeah from to down to 185 and currently he's 190 something and then i said oh that's why people that drink a lot of alcohol are fat right they got a little belly little beer belly that's why they call beer belly uh-huh alcohol's calorie dense that makes sense that makes sense well i was telling the problem is that oh i'm sorry sorry to go all the way back sorry and then he he was talking about this beer that he's drinking that's low calorie that's called a michaela baltra or michaela ultra he's talking about it like it isn't one of the top five highest bond alcohols he said mika labaltra doesn't make a lot make it lamaultra seer minx welcome puffy hi guys we're up good right now baby we are up good baby we are up good i'm still chasing you for most would like to say uh thank cutie for the invitation i appreciate it i look forward to just a wonderful time of laughs and family-friendly content tonight thank you for coming honestly it was more difficult than i thought but it's fine yeah we feel great thanks for letting me in well i told you you couldn't come but you still showed up i don't know i know so quick question this is a link that you put in this should not be shown on stream correct um the overlay yeah there's an overlay link um right in the overlay tab and then the general is the gartick phone and then there's also the drinking rules if you want to see that graphic wow thank you [ __ ] drinking so much bro oh my god hi hey uh ludwig i got a i'm wearing a turtleneck today i know we talked about that oh man all right let me pull it out turtlenecks are hot let me see what you look like let me get this over oh my god let me see you know what can you do i have a question about the rules qe so why don't you take a shot is that actually a shot no no you could just like yeah yeah okay you could just take a big swig or something room you are trying to join as much i got lemon vodka for no reason as oh [ __ ] i forgot about alcohol oh shoot somebody leave something that clearly doesn't represent the title you were given drink yeah you can show the overlay after you enter your name uh but before that you'll show the wait no i'm cutie fan is that what you're saying oh that's you oh who oh yeah okay sorry i thought no my name my name is cutie fan 23 why would you do that because i'm your 23rd biggest fan that's crazy that you're my 25. 25 is pretty good oh 25 is pretty good there's a lot of fans out there the top 22 are hard to crack i'm trying though wait it won't let you in myth no why not to click anything like presets or whatever i i go and i said the room you're trying to join no longer exists what happened cringe i can show this note yeah honda p works i'm gonna look at it again wait i typed it in the phone we just click on it smith who the hell types on a different computer oh [Music] and she hasn't had the technical ability to plug it in no but i have a friend coming over next week who's really good at technology and he's going to do you don't need a friend who's really good at technology soccer for you yes guys it's really simple i got a pro you don't get it real quick not a guy for this he's like 100 an hour but it'll do we're waiting for brett is trying to get her mike to work i don't know where the [ __ ] will is but he is supposed to be here so what's everyone drinking mikkolaboltra 95 calories only three carbs get a drink one second odello is my drink of choice tonight um how many carbs uh three hundred could it be me mine has 1.5 carbs what yeah pure piranha hearts out or red berries how many calories uh 84. what what oh ggi 5.5 what yeah we got good [ __ ] over here wait that's amazing that's lower calorie and higher alcohol percentage why what's your calories i'm 95. what okay that's a 10 different that's not point two percent alcohol yeah four point two i know i know i have a wine spritzer it's a blood orange just rip shots of terror wine and vodka so i'm just gonna die yeah i mean no cutie's like yeah no for you uh okay so cerveza modello especial uh uh service syria modelo mexico golden full-flavored pilsner style lager with a clean crisp finish what the [ __ ] is modelo [ __ ] modelling i swear to god you see bud lightning no i know what bloodline is what where do you even get that i know uh modelo is like it's like it's like probably the most popular mexican beer right modelo yeah dosekis probably over dosakis fireball fireballs is definitely bigger and better actually what came first modelo or modelo time so the branding of the product like a guy in an elevator model time and then they were like all right we gotta do this i mean like is double time attached to the beer yeah modelo time is branding for the beer got it yeah is that their branding like they made that up they made this definitely one of these questions bro it was like cracker modelling an alien and trying to explain it just do it like a nike thing or what like how do i or were people just like jordan's just doing it before hey how's everybody feeling good does anyone have will's phone number to text him oh i can't i can call him you hear me i can't hear you you keep cutting out though really are you going to call him up you just turn up your sensitivity i think that's what you're missing hey are you gonna explain this game before we play it because yeah i will i will get it i'm just waiting uh just once we're settled we're almost settled i feel like a mom once everyone's settled everyone gets settled does everyone get cozy will is this hassan has complained multiple times about not getting invited to gartick phone and so i invite him like four times and he leaves me on red that's why i removed all right i got an update on will yeah he forgot will is headed back from the gym he will be here in five minutes wow you know i think he just says that because that's always his excuse for being late to literally everything is yo i had to hit the gym bro you know yeah you can't get mad at someone for like working on themselves you know yeah yeah exactly you're like oh okay okay test your mic one more time oh yeah it's not working at all if you're trying to talk for it brett it's not working but you're gonna have to talk louder no don't relax i mean don't you'll be fine don't relax don't really [ __ ] i don't know what it could be oh the directions say to do this maybe in a zoom call maybe we should do that instead oh jesus christ hello oh there you go there you go you're good this is better yes yes yep okay yay i'm so technically challenged epic yeah it's okay me too i have a friend you could have helped you his name is plugging in your keyboard yeah okay so we have who minx is in london myths here okay brit you need to click on the link for the gartek phone to join it oh i see it yeah one two three so i like someone rang my doorbell and i was talking to the neighbor for like five minutes like trying to fix my bike at the same time they want to play garden ask your neighbor to come play all right you joined us bob ross yeah i didn't mean to do that okay it's like crazy choice right there i played this i'm back great love to hear it anyone know how many shot or ounces in a shot yeah two uh five four it's one ounce a shot a shot is one ounce the shooter's two ounces i have a shot glass what is that that should be one ounce 10z 1.5 i'm stressed out now whoa they could be right to the top it is one i stand corrected if i'm wrong oh [ __ ] i stand corrected i'm so sorry i'll apologize i didn't mean to contribute towards misinformation on the internet official yeah yeah standardized though question am i allowed to drink you know in between drinking because i'm going to do that yes you're allowed you're loud you can only drink if the rules say so i got a why in drinking games is drinking a punishment when that is something that should be a reward she got a point he got a point i indeed because i will be drinking either way honestly we're just trying to pace you we're so yeah i i don't know that's a good point it's actually an intervention i don't know in regards to intervention with this phone and chat being up is there any problem with that or is it just fine to keep it up nope you're fine cool oh my smith can you do the xqc thing bro myth please please see things sorry sears knew myth please he has a drinking problem we don't bring him around often i can stop what i want okay you want the boy you want me to do the thing do the thing do the thing and make that shut the [ __ ] up dude okay you need to stop right now because i'm sick and tired of your [ __ ] okay you coming around here you want to put garlic foam dude yeah you did a little thing dude and guess what we're going to start with normal you're going to draw it's going to look like [ __ ] and i'm going to know who if i can do it it is crazy how good it is it is it's i heard it in person that was a fire impression i just unknown right in the middle of that my chat thought it was xqc i thought it was like now he's actually going to be like okay compared to how good your ludwig is interior ludwig uh i haven't done my ludwig in so long you see some crazy time boys welcome back to another video the plan is simple don't say that we are no how was the gym that was good i got to feed these biceps you know what i mean yeah yeah right it's your bicep routine my body routine uh i didn't do biceps today i did a lot of uh cardio but oh so you lied off rip so you just lied to me the story's coming apart let's listen dad will you [ __ ] incredible what if i can do it i did it all right just right now stop it cut it i'm the juice okay who's played before and who hasn't played before um i've played i've never played in my life so it's only atrial that hasn't played i would like to hear the rules again yeah one more time mostly for mix not for me yeah i mean it's it's super easy all it is is it's gonna have you type in a prompt is what it's gonna start with so you have to type in a prompt and that's gonna be what someone draws and then it's going to give you a prompt to draw and then that cycle continues does that make sense to be clear this is also a game it's a game that exists they just made an online version of it um it's kind of just like a picture it's like picture telephone basically but um in real life uh channel illustrations yeah we played it you use your browser or phone uh i'm using my browser i didn't ever think of using my phone okay who's boozing though so we're all boozin that the drinking rules will come into play once we start reviewing the drawings of course you can casually drink or aggressively drink if you're seeing her in between but yeah you're not forced to drink until later did you just talk about me like that did you hear last night i came into a call and xqc was convinced i was you he was like we'll play later sir and i was like it's will he's like what just because the show he's always thinking about me it's very cute true all right let's game up all right let's game let's get him i'm pushing normal we're starting we're just gonna do a normal one warm-up this is warm-up huh yeah yeah yep uh there's a timer in the top right that's pretty much the only other key oh [ __ ] i throw cam bottom left uh hey i can't do a sentence pepe left wait um i love this is my favorite part i love i love coming up with these these scenarios i can't think of one right now i don't know why [ __ ] i think i came up with oh and if you run out of time if you run out of time you have to take a sip all you got to do is think of something nicholas cage would do and just replace nicholas cage with somebody else i'm so sorry okay what the [ __ ] what is this okay so now you draw it all right okay i don't even know what this [ __ ] means i'd like to start with a nice clean slate will i like it when you manhandle me what does that have to do like that like that i don't know what to do here i got this i'm acing it yeah i'm i'm actually kind of killing it right now i'm kind of [ __ ] on this one honestly wait can you not write like um names or letters or uh you can do like rules that's fine you can do what if it's someone's name that i wouldn't do that okay oh [ __ ] uh okay yeah baby listen listen that's just having a fun time we are having a great time no names oh okay perfect no names oh yeah this is what the game been waiting on this makes no sense oh [ __ ] ring ring ring ring sorry just having fun guys this is off what you can add color yeah i'm stupid oh no wait i'll hurry i'm out of time [ __ ] uh-oh drink drinks you run out of time you have to take a sip oh my what i just i don't know what the [ __ ] this is actually banned because of this drawing what is that that's gonna happen eventually and it's gonna be great well that's my drawing and if it takes us all down then i'll get us all a hawaii vacation this is that would be fun this is not right [Laughter] how you [ __ ] spell this thing yeah i spelled the word wrong i'm doing good this round i'm really proud of what i've done oh come on okay what the hell is this um okay [ __ ] i'm so bad at drawing man i'm still incredibly bad at drawing and i i feel that in some way and i have a feeling they'll get it get better the more you drink yeah maybe yeah i'll get there you know okay and then this guy's like he's got pineapple [ __ ] a duck man [ __ ] i don't know how people are good at this does ludwig get brown hair uh yeah it's kind of like a blonde uh that's what i said but dead ass is [ __ ] brown at this point that's what you said to who that's what i used to say oh that's what i said on my government id when i said it was 6'3 as well yeah you did lie on that that's for sure yeah i [ __ ] lied what are you gonna do government [ __ ] breathe [Laughter] [ __ ] me dying over here was i was i talking by the way will because you got my drawing for sure oh yeah i think i got your drawing if if it is what you think it is and if it gets us all banned i'll get us a vacation away oh [ __ ] i hope he gets us banned i'm already going away tomorrow bro well we're going again as a team you're there i don't really want you guys to show up [ __ ] up if you run out of time take a sip that's nice oh wow what is this okay yo which one of you guys okay never mind i'll say why there's so many shootings yeah there are a lot of students someone doesn't know how to use the [ __ ] paintbrush so just colors and shapes wait i actually like that okay there is a lot of shooting i feel like we could have gotten a little more custom here what do we mean what do you mean shooting like like shooting shooting a monkey shoots a bear in the face i've not got anything a squirt gun oh yeah that's that's what it says damn i am [ __ ] good at drawing it's like a skill i didn't know i had yeah for sure i'm so bad at this sometimes and then just like one of these okay wait okay okay um no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] i [ __ ] up sally you're good [ __ ] over recover recover recover yeah dig deep um yeah oh [ __ ] yeah not this is not what he looks like i'm honestly i'm so [ __ ] impressive connect things in my head oh no beautiful wait there we go if you run out of time does your drawing save how it is yeah yep but you also have to take a drink pretty good that is good that's clean wouldn't change that frame of mind wow uh oh somebody cheated in this what the [ __ ] is this what is cheating what the [ __ ] get some jams i think cheating might refer to my drawing where i had a speech but what is wrong with you i'm monkey yeah exactly you keep cheating hey there's nothing in the rules that says a dog can't play basketball oh my god oh oh [ __ ] just got it what oh [ __ ] me um yikes there is a lot of shooting in this look okay no what i don't know what this looks like wait wipe it wipe it wipe it wipe it wipe it oh [ __ ] i don't have time [ __ ] okay okay yeah and so we can't use words in our drawing names i thought you can't use names okay okay well so you can use what the [ __ ] i think you should you shouldn't like use words like too much right you know what i mean like yeah yeah yeah yeah okay the drawing should speak for itself really true it's more the purpose of the heart you know um [ __ ] running real low on time here okay now i just need need yo this is such a pockets champion game you know yeah uh you know the quietness the quietness reminds me of an art class you remember an art class elementary school when they're like all right guys you have 10 minutes to draw this thing and it's just dead quiet oh [ __ ] listen guys i'm left-handed and i'm using a mouse right-handed so i need you guys to sort of give me a little wait so am i i don't hear your excuses i'm not their [ __ ] gun what is this what the [ __ ] is this what is what am i looking at my bad [Laughter] that's my first pass jack exactly what this is um uh yeah oh wait wait wait wait yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] all right this is gonna be good the rules are if you misinterpreted someone's art you drink if you draw something that doesn't represent what you're supposed to draw you drink and uh and if thrawn goes from start to finish without anyone messing up everyone takes a shot all right real quick real quick i am gonna have to go and get another drink real quick how many of you [ __ ] how many of you met a game when it comes to these drawings [Laughter] cheating yeah this is not a misgive show all right we're gonna keep it honest yeah okay okay are we ready we're waiting for somebody to drink oh i'm ready that sounded like he was going to hear him from afar yeah yeah or does a shot equivalent to like a full beard yeah the calories yeah you could just like take a massive gulp all right sorry guys thank you for your patience i apologize you're totally gonna give all of you 100 subs oh just kidding none of us are mad about it seriously all right let's boot it okay my album okay i i'm so sorry all right this is gonna get us banned that's perfect that's a great drug wow oh good reference this is embarrassing oh oh you're not a chris stevens fan i did not understand i think everything wow i'm not that alcoholic that was gnarly um so i think everyone here has to drink yeah cheers everybody there's no way why do i have to drink i drink i don't have a drink nothing like and actually myth does not i don't know judy is all a ruler and she says yeah i think you should be self-judged okay oh do you think you won i think i've done a fantastic job [Applause] what do we collectively agree with yeah intervention [Laughter] i struggled with this one a little bit i really good answer there myth yeah [Laughter] okay that's good [Laughter] [Laughter] well they do but it's weird because then you need a different keyboard here's the thing left-handed people know what i'm talking about we grew up learning to do everything right-handed on the computer if you switch everything left-handed you have to like get a new new keyboard a different type of keyboard you have to swap everything they're like pro gamer lefty struggle no they probably just hide that they're righties yeah it's going to be like the new roly polio it's the righties of the lefties get these lefties out of here they can get their own keyboards i've aim trained with my left i did throw and i did throw okay i did i think atriox threw two no shot it's york that makes no sense right if you have to drink i guess it's here yeah all right here's everybody i'll sip to you sipping though huh see makes this i got this nice cupcake why do i get banned this is the old logo oh yeah it is oh that's cute the coach has arms oh [Laughter] looks tasty [ __ ] twitch yeah i like happy betty sprinkles twitch cake thank you oh i think a group said we were so close okay yep also can we uh have an extra sip for will for spelling cancelled wrong yeah i'm just like it's gonna happen hey i feel you cheers to dyslexia so hard the lactic acid was not allowing him to type properly in all the categories were just like every the only thing i can do is spelling he's like cool don't worry every category was word games and spelling and i was like what the [ __ ] is this and somehow i won by 2 000 points only to be destroyed in the second half of the show you know what i'm not better i'm not better just did you see hassan joke no oh he uh he for a name is significant name a word for uh that you'd call your sl what would you say significant other yeah like a word you'd call your eso baby he said cutie pie oh no which is psychopathy she's never had a oh significant going to join us i'm surprised you didn't say uh uber pool for that answer sorry what's your name again i'm calling you an uber pool biggest loser on twitch drinking pee okay this is supposed to be will and i really struggled that's so disgusting yeah thank you thank you i didn't know who that was i didn't know i didn't know [Laughter] no other way to draw it dude yeah not weird at all really that's kind of weird and not right you got it right beer tastes like piss and the biggest losers so good nailed it yeah yeah you did carry there i don't know i'll take a sip for being the biggest loser on twitch that's a good call feels a bad piss though hopefully well atrialk oh my god true topical okay it wasn't an art piece you take a butterflies right now it's [ __ ] from it's all the blue [ __ ] that's just accidentally misclicked and i ran out of time okay all right i'll drink if you drink how about that all right that's that's good though okay okay [Laughter] there is a v there yep got it well same difference okay a monkey wearing a hat falls out of a chair oh this is where that monkey this one took a turn this might get a lot of guns involved okay nice goldeneye thank yeah oh i run out of time here is larger [Laughter] don't say that a monkey with glasses you really ruined and cucked my gaming experience here did you say it with the orange tip on the glass i've taken a question i was frustrated look like he's wearing a monkey suit like he's disguised this is a long neck i'm monkey i forgot that it tails till this very moment the last thing you'll ever hear i'm thinking oh no a cookie monster oh no i know i have to drink i have to drink here i'm sorry i'm gonna drink it oh cocaine meta incoming crack is the same drug as cocaine it's just good until uh eyes oh those are lines on the table i'm scared i misinterpreted the lines of cocaine oh brit being just wholesome out here that was not a great drawing cookie monster stops cookie from destroying me that's like a heroic so what is it everyone after minks has a drink yeah yeah yeah that's pretty pretty confident there baby pterodactyl oh my god god i didn't see anything like that not very violent this is gonna get wet how did this come into your head i didn't know how to draw this i don't know oh [Laughter] oh you made like a megalodon oh that's cool that looks like shark judas dude it's like a cartoon they used to teach kids about christ i'll drink i understand jesus is not prehistoric yeah the earth started 6 000 years ago the earth didn't start until the mormons said it started okay there's like 12 songs i know about that all right all right pizza world war three oh that's a hard thing to draw oh my gosh oh yeah okay all right okay oh die oh nothing good we're good at it are we clear pineapple sucks a little heavy good pizza shoots pineapple pizza okay okay actually we're keeping the drawings okay pepperoni pizza okay guys shoots fine this is gonna be a shot i don't know how to sell pepperoni oh okay everyone drinks here okay everybody drinks here uh charlie's gonna join us and connor's gonna join us harley charlie just gotta uh i already know that's fine i will drink on charlie's behest i'm gonna run piss regardless okay well you know what i think now is a good time for what's that what what's that to remind everyone in the channel that they could redeem a free prime gaming subscription as long as they hit the sub button in the bottom right corner of the screen and hit the sub button hit the sub with prime gaming button and link their amazon prime account to their twitch that's right because if you don't bezos is loading his brother back in a rocket shaped like a dick and they're going to mars this time and you don't want that and they're coming back with nuclear weapons to kill everybody on earth so let's use our primes and yeah that's how you gather against bezos that's the only way it's the only way it's the only thing we can do is conor in the discard connor i just sent him a message he messaged me and said i can play for an hour i just down two marbs oh sweetie margaritas on a saturday afternoon well there it's night time i guess that's true yeah it is what a classy [ __ ] i'm having another party we did this at 8 pm was because for maya but then maya saved a kitten and she couldn't play damn life must be hard when you're a good person when you're snow white and all the injured animals just fine i'll ask kasanabi but chances are he's just gonna ignore me hey he's been ignoring me for four days bro he broke he's a busy man like an hour ago are we cooking tomorrow yeah one o'clock yeah okay we're making fried chicken and donuts very american dinner and a movie yeah we're watching dodgeball that's a banger you know what i've always wanted to do cutie and stay with me on this because i think it's gonna be a flavor sensation can we dip one piece of the fried chicken in molten chocolate oh you wow i think it's the food yeah we can do that dark chocolate we do have chocolate that's the future we're doing it i'm a little nervous about it but i guess we're only doing it if you get at least 200 subs during the cooking stream yeah we'll see let me text connor just messaged me hello cutie cinderella three months of pepe smoke p-o-g-g-i-e-s looks like we are oh doing the chocolate yeah yeah sorry just muted thank you for the subs you guys thank you very very much um natural overthinker thank you for the three months kendall kelly thank you for the prime zekus thank you for the two months mr ghetto thank you for the prime blip chip thank you for the prime does they have a discord overlay to master thank you for the three yeah it's in the chat it's in the discord chat overlay category nice r stanley thank you for the prime thank you guys okay oh big man hey hey is connor entering this round yeah he just typed in here and said one sec it's a bit slow mega lol a bit slow megalo and hassan don't know well do you will what's up hassan don't know while you oh i'm sure i haven't even checked yet oh there's a good chance that's fine why didn't i say like a wall that just sounds that sounds really well because if we would donate he would probably reply to us she doesn't even i don't think i've ever heard him say thank you for the sub ever yo yo yo uh all right there's another there's a couple other good modes wait is that connor um no that was atrial fibrillation hey guys i'm here oh hello [Laughter] uh there's a couple other good modes i think animation's a good mode it's been a long but we could try it with this group uh and then speedrun and knockoff are really fun i'm down for whatever animation animation is that you said yeah i'm pretty sure the way animation works you have to draw the same thing and it and it continues down it can i think it can take a bit of a while because it's a lot of drawing hello is it fun though connor i've never done animation ever it might be too long let's just try it okay let's try out animation let's see what what's the worst i could just give it a whirl she tells uh i would try we could do another normal with the new group i think that'd be good and then a speedrun and a knockoff would be fine yeah my recommendation as a streamer former number what was your what was your recommendation lud uh do normal then speed run then knock off oh so no animation user oh wait how it's like in browser right yeah you just click on the link and then you put in a name and then you'll join um for example i'm cutie fan 23 and charlie is riley reed and i'm uh i am cyr so i'll throw that out there speedrun and then normal and then knock off that's what you said oh yeah yep okey-dokey we will do we'll do speed run why the outlook sound the microsoft outlook sound yeah i don't know i don't know okay we're gonna do this i've never played this game before so oh you'll learn it's like telephone with a question keep your eye on the top right corner there's gonna be a timer and make sure that don't drop to zero you're going to go kind of speedy okay all right oh oh oh all right have fun on three one two three what sorry i'll just all right [ __ ] it's gonna get progressively faster so i almost [ __ ] missed the last prompt already okay [ __ ] sorry you strangled the [ __ ] cat oh no i'm proud of that one what what who did this what is this what the [ __ ] is this i don't even know what this is i don't know what that word is ah no it is what it is it is what it is guys that i don't know what this i something tells me this devolved incredibly fast in the last two rounds yeah remember if you run out of time you have to drink everybody yeah i've been drinking okay whoever got my art you're welcome you can't print it out gosh you can't read your handwriting god that goes so [ __ ] quick now what the [ __ ] is this who wrote this uh no bad idea hmm damn that is good that is art damn this one is art bruh there's no way you could [ __ ] this up i'm killing it who did this what is this [ __ ] okay um yeah i can't [ __ ] that one up yeah that's how i know you know what's funny there's an artist there's a specific artist that i could tell every who the [ __ ] didn't know how to type a word me i literally left one blanket thank you for subscribing for 13 months uh-huh doesn't get any better than that well you haven't seen mine oh god oh yeah that that's good oh god oh god oh no is it a sandwich i lost the plot a little bit on that one what the [ __ ] oh what is this this has to be what this is i don't know what this is ruined it what is that some of you guys need to learn how to write [Laughter] whoa i take that offensively how do i draw this okay i need like come on [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's a w uh and then like maybe oh [ __ ] come on oh there we go right there oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i'm getting griefed oh i'm getting grief oh yeah this is good this is [ __ ] good oh what is this oh it's actually just a burger i think i'm sorry i like how somebody was okay i feel like you were getting mine i love to blank i'm sorry mormon missionary tries weed so i don't know what mormons look like they don't look like anything i don't think they definitely don't have the jesus piece they you said mormon mysteries don't look like anything mormon missionaries look identical they all wear white tops oh are you are you mormon i used to be oh [Music] yeah i thought i really sold it what happened to minecraft steve there were slices [Laughter] exactly i think we're all drinking yeah yeah yeah not myth was i a part of this one yeah yeah we pizza pizza we pizza pizza yeah mim and connor don't have string they do good all right connor i already kevin puffy oh wait he's switching the face okay i got this i got this oh [ __ ] i got this i see what happened here yeah yeah [ __ ] park whoever did the drawing for me oh my god oh i misinterpreted this significantly i got this okay [Applause] brought it back this is where it [ __ ] up for me you wrote an app you [ __ ] it wrong i can't believe cutie choked it at the end oh [Applause] you drink cutie um drinks in a row i didn't know i didn't know what their logo was either no they're freaking like it's yeah wait actually wait wait wait you drew a [ __ ] like a website of yes on facebook wait that's next level you went and beyond thank you but i still watch the report card i see the effort i like to deserve parentheses i was thinking lsf title oh if it ends with wario taking a [ __ ] we still won because this is still technically right yeah but you [ __ ] drink because you ruined it because it looks like stewie griffin what it looks like wario very clearly we actually got there i think no i ruined it i got the wrong person it looks okay with it no that's great britt louise it's okay guys it's okay that's all the witches needed to say back in boston yeah [Laughter] is [Laughter] okay i don't know what a trapezoid [Laughter] i don't know what a trapezoid is i thought it was maybe a gem of sometimes i got the same thing that's right i typed it and then i didn't press enter yes trapezoid man says we yes is you guys like waiting to do a buzzer beater or something with these answers cheeks so i didn't see that as a trapezoid because there was no depth to it i thought it was a square in the perspective was that the square was like laying flat like a carpet would on the floor right paralyzed down yes parallel to the ground that's what i thought okay it's not way too deep on this that is happening i actually like my perspective and i can appreciate it literally everyone has to drink including no makeup i do not have that sack that is the worst prompt in the world everybody i do like how the last one is arguably closer to the original prompt than like the middle ones yeah true true true all right here we go bring it back baby oh this is so sweet that's adorable it's a future oh [Music] very descriptive i don't remember what i said some of those really big balls charlie shot here you really are a minecrafter connors [Laughter] [Laughter] is i don't think we necessarily charlie charlie did we get there yeah well i think we nailed it to be honest guys it's his business business he pivoted to the party the first of dicks just sell better struggle i struggled with this one a little bit i mean i just went out it's a tough one that never you have you never have that hand position in flossing i will say okay okay i'm so sorry you know this one good why did you think he had blonde hair but i think puffy [ __ ] that computer that's all i got bro it's upside down that was good right jesus christ become a supreme type beast influencer i only had time to draw jesus yeah [Music] oh yeah we got there i brought it back there we didn't get it oh he's [Laughter] sorry guys i ruined that that's pretty good amen everybody isn't he the ultimate high beast anyway he's dripping blood jesus persists throughout all the miscommunication true what you making out with why this smiley face is this is this fan fiction favorite penis mounts i love that elephant come on yeah i just didn't have time to really look at the subtle details oh [ __ ] i get it now it is a tomato it definitely does not look like a [ __ ] pokeball it definitely looked like a pokeball of my mess there's no that looks like a tomato that looks like a tomato i don't think it's a tomato bro thank you thank you for the look at the fierce what guys britt's here we're playing with brit oh my god god oh my god it looks like it's eating it's like it's like at least pikachu oh my god i've received i i took that the wrong way pikachu gets caught in pokeball i was thinking pikachu gets caught doing something like bad like his mom walked in on him oh my pokemon porn this is so embarrassing what are you gonna do about it we got there the court side of well no not really i wasn't happy we didn't get there with this one yeah that's not bad i actually would have loved to see jigglypuff pikachu macket wow i spelled the last word wrong no you crushed it i know where this is going no it is wrong i'll tell you okay okay i tried the yeah i don't know who jeremiah is okay that's [ __ ] up honestly drink for not knowing who germa is awesome you thought it was a poll with jerk what did i best guess where [Music] hey great drunks [Laughter] [Applause] that was good is speaking of the olympics we are uh two away from gold medal superiority whoa what the [ __ ] eight what's that i have no idea i would not know how to draw that [Laughter] oh is that what you really finished with what is it that's your drawing card i was working on yugi it took a while yugi's are very hard on the first guy okay this is my version bro oh no okay i know how to play the game now so i'm going to be good the next round burning down a house quick oh nice yeah yeah pretty good i wanted to draw that but i couldn't get the gas again right okay like half of that we have uh let's not celebrate like we did well because it did start and i quote moto skate i swear to god he doesn't stream for three weeks guys mango's got a kid you got a cat he's right you're not the same i have no [ __ ] clue where this leads to this is great there's no way this [ __ ] up this is yeah sorry i never dreamed i gave like one of the most calm and collected prompts who are you giving the money to oh okay is [Laughter] oh good one we should try secret hey can i go pee pee yeah all right i'll be right back let's go pee pee break all right in the meantime how's everyone's day going wonderful ed it's better that i'm here with you guys no great i'm having a good day charlie what are you streaming later i'll probably just go back to split gate you like it that much i like split gate a lot i think that [ __ ] slaps connor you played it a bit your thoughts uh i like it i like halo so i'll play take anything that's like halo i've been playing sims castaway 2 on the playstation 2. yeah i saw that what's that about 2 am bro i love sims castaway 2 on the playstation 2. i like rated you and i'm like she's playing sims dude i don't know just go support or whatever it's just pixels it was just we just watched pixels last night i thought the stream was like in 280p yeah i'm gonna beat it i'm gonna beat it soon guys what's a good game that i can run a tournament for that's not battleship or mario kart uno the uno clients oh dog [ __ ] though connect four you could do guilty gear that shit's so fun guilty gear it requires like people to know how to play [ __ ] oh yeah i see it okay yeah i got a good idea yeah your legends dog okay all right are you are you pretending to be someone else so we don't know that's your terrible idea nah bro there's no way to do like mario kart or something like that right i thought it being extreme what if we did a game of life two tournament i love life what jokes in general or no the game the board game the board there's a board game yeah and you could get four people forward you get 16 and every winner moves on to a finals oh you're just playing like yesterday was actually pretty good oh maybe uh golf actually golf with friends that's a good idea oh yeah golf it's fun that's a banger so you're still pissing no oh okay okay everyone back roll call you ready yeah i think a secret let's do secret atria do you not think minx is what secrets it's all right even when she was here she was playing terribly so it's not that much of a loss okay i'm gonna push start and see what happens okay all right here we go how is this one different what's secret yeah it means we won't know whose it is at the end you can be a little shittier about it really oh what the [ __ ] then how are we supposed to drink lettuce i can't even see what i'm writing i actually don't know how this works let's just try it out okay just try it out um i don't i'm confused no you did i feel like i'm gonna misspell now wait the words and the picture disappear as you draw them oh no one in chat will ever know what i wrote true you cannot see what you draw or write okay we're blogged we're gonna have some spelling issues for me and will yikes all right oh my god there's [Music] but like not yeah no not really yeah yeah true get over it [ __ ] how about that yeah i feel good about it okay i'm sorry this is bad this is so bad oh no are you not supposed to draw on white with this you should probably draw on black i think oh god no use white do not use white if you use white oh god i nailed it it's actually a pretty interesting idea [ __ ] i'm proud of mine mine is good i think i [ __ ] mine i was drawing him white i [ __ ] up oh i [ __ ] up i like that they give us all this time for us to add all the fine details yeah bumper no it's not a game what is a game but it's not your game everybody hit done yeah let's go this is good a lot of time i got this one yeah okay great feeling confident cutie no no i got a hard problem i think i could have done it if i didn't have a hard prompt holy [ __ ] this is so hard i haven't used this much brain power in my life ever i'm a classically trained artist so this was pretty easy for me actually how do we have this much time for this i mean it's [ __ ] difficult yeah i didn't realize i also feel like you don't know what the [ __ ] you're doing so why yeah yeah when you're done just hit done oh wow wow this is good oh god [ __ ] all of a sudden you became a minecraft villager oh god hmm okay come on guys all you gotta do is activate the little juice okay and then make a prediction and let it rip oh that was definitely something else oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] clowns [ __ ] is this [ __ ] don't do this to me all right triangle body oh [ __ ] me in the [ __ ] oh my ah oh [ __ ] um dude the cat is enthralled by the disappearing ink oh [ __ ] mine's good yeah i feel good better at this mode than regular well something about my own same when you can't see it it's better [Laughter] because i'm such a perfectionist i can actually just put something pen and paper you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah yeah you guys were [ __ ] mary poppins [ __ ] terribly that was yeah that was the only thing it feels like you're getting the big pills you've never put that in the paper you had mary poppins [ __ ] no no i did not make the prompt someone else did and i drew it well you drew it badly oh guys yeah this pog champion [ __ ] drawing here we go guys good luck tick-tock on the clock so slow and the party don't stop and know oh bitcoin bitcoin i'm talking about what i have the best magic some would say the magic is is it donald trump oh this is a great one oh my god bro okay uh okay okay what i can't remember what what this [ __ ] looks like [ __ ] you guys um oh [Music] oh come on come on come on come on this is good i think i did a pretty good job considering the circumstances that were happening oh no tribute to the best of my ability yeah i could say that i can't even say that this is a bad one i feel bad for the next person i can't even know where things are anymore oh shoot i did forget something oh i'm goofing i hope they're facing i hope this is over here yeah if i touch it anymore it'll be worse i'm pretty proud of mine i have no clue actually i'm going to stop touching mine yeah not to be the alcoholic but it feels like it's been a while since we drank a bit so this is [ __ ] there's so much time yeah there is too much time in this this one wait if everybody said it's done it's done someone's still working usually okay somebody type up we got two dyslexic people you gotta understand that yeah no but this is a drawing and then everyone else has n a education and then there's minx so it's just gonna be tough come on now that's [ __ ] rude yeah yeah all right best of luck to you guys thank you yeah any time there we go cracking her open gonna pour this one here real quick for the board there we go wha what now what the [ __ ] this person really doubted themselves uh okay yeah so okay i have a lot to think about here for sure for sure oh i think i got this one on lockdown actually oh yeah wait i might actually be able to get a little creative with this one that time right uh-huh oh my god i'm saucing this one the [ __ ] up yeah how you saucing it up daddy i'm doing it right i'm doing it good my strokes are clean are you doing well i'm saucing that yeah i like that i think i'm redefining art right now that's the best i can do i'd love to hear that i don't even know if i'm even on the mark but that's what i got like that what think atriox is not going to crush it today here we go [Laughter] i'm getting pretty good here no i'll try to throw the [ __ ] i feel great about me all right we'll see we'll see brother i don't think i'm doing very good guys pretty confident i did that what is this oh yeah yeah easy day easy did okay there we go oh all right yep almost there guys oh wait i can do a good one here i can do a good one as well what the [ __ ] oh my gosh easy that was very easy it was incredibly easy oh [ __ ] this is the rhythm of the night i'm not all right only one more text and we see the results that's a good one better have your drinks cocked and ready to go t i have a feeling they're so cocked i guess that's good been trying to draw what i think is a visual adaption of the rhythm of the night yeah uh-huh what the [ __ ] is this wow this is really good what the [ __ ] i don't know what it is though he spit out my drink you're just so excited you're like i think i'm drawing you just disappears it's gonna be great guys i can't wait i want to see my drawings same oh all right guys good luck asks will for his name i didn't see that okay oh wow you give him all right i kind of got there i had the glasses pointing down yeah yeah yeah oh my god thanks that's pretty good damn oh it turned up better than i thought headband's iconic oh my god good damn on topic guys man gets denied from getting married l plus cringe the streets watch will now oh damn she's sassy that's good for not being able to see proposals i can't speak damn okay getting cucked by a surprise wedding that's such a problem honestly that's great you know what cheers to that team cheers um oh boy i actually forget my prompt too like me like a fat piece of [ __ ] that's not boston cream though it's not banana stuff okay girl eating sprinkles that is not awesome oh my god okay we got there a blonde girl pogs over how did you not know that was why ludwig why is this not me now you can't hide ludwig no everyone be quiet ludwig why is this one not me she got [ __ ] giant honkers i need some advice from adapt honestly okay sprinkles and cake cutie makes big cake eats with big fork that is a huge [ __ ] fork that looks like the uh the wand from what's that guy from fairly oddparents [Laughter] that's the guy gangsters [ __ ] scary twins oh [ __ ] how did you do that without being able to see you so well that is scary the devil argues in front of crowd we're not off our gear oh this is herself this is what i thought it was yeah project i totally misinterpreted this eggs on fire watches horrifying sad big loss this is a big loss for eggs sad egg on fire and a horrifying creature sad the terminology of sentient tree uh i forget my problem my bad what oh come on i didn't i can't see my writing i didn't like reverse gaps [Laughter] where's kendall jenner i'll make a call oh [Laughter] okay i like how mix is just the devil makes us the devil [Laughter] she has two cats it'd be cool to have two cats yeah another cat i couldn't see [ __ ] i don't know what this is gonna look like [Laughter] okay [Laughter] he thought they're right next to each other myth what do you want from me this is gonna turn into something else [Laughter] and that was said eloquently a cheaper [Laughter] what do you think it's like a stripper cat that sells off its [ __ ] for money cat invest in charlie's business oh my god that was a full story yeah it got big so fast what i mean yeah fair enough really true there's no ass here but i can respect that oh man fighting a creeper in minecraft so way back in the club that's pretty good i could not screams have the biggest i never knew minecraft could get oh my god okay nice oh there we go we're just going to glass over load we're saying creepers have a biggest ass yeah we are yeah that's very good okay that's his next merch drop bro oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] never forget by the way dream is bald true oh [Music] actually canon why is that mario why is that actually no i got that i got it right harry potter because my drawings are shiny carly you're the best artist on earth i told you what the [ __ ] okay okay oh the snitch okay that's fine he's british cutie i don't know it's crazy it's crazy that he's doing that for us i thought oh no like we drowned okay i can see how it could get good oh it is pretty impressive that we managed to keep harry potter in there good job harry potter yeah it's a classic glasses good job i don't even know what i said okay mario getting into a crash gosh poor mary on crash cow a little on the nose crash i thought it was a little blob i just saw the circle [Laughter] no it's pretty far off because this is wrong this is going to be off so hard for me to finish your goddamn drink i'm [ __ ] um [Laughter] what oh that's insane yeah okay okay there we go keep it simple stupid keep it simple stupid really some more i draw the worst there we go that's true less is more they say oh wow it came back [Laughter] but you got that not black mom and dad are home let's have some fun yes charlie what the [ __ ] that meant it was just supposed to be a nice prompt that we could all enjoy we've all been there mom and dad comes home it's play time baby that is good i don't remember what he looked like his shirt is in his face oh my god it's hard to keep track he got it he got it [Laughter] mom and dad let's have some fun [Laughter] charlie is an artist here okay he spelled clifford big red doggy not a single drop of red in the whole there's nothing outside [Laughter] or something i couldn't don't say okay to that like that was good i took it back when it's on the legs well we got there [Applause] we did it once again we decided it was a sheep it was a sheep why was everything we did like the start wasn't clear but halfway through keeping it is pretty good i guess well you can buy the on minx took out the red and we had to go from there i think one final good mode to try is knockoff that's just drawings i believe okay okay all right well no no knockoff is everyone has a lot of time to draw a super detailed drawing and then the rounds get quicker and point quicker and you have to try to repeat the original drawing you were that better than me i'm a bad communicator do you guys like that one that would be good yeah because everybody knows the tracing though no it's not tracing i don't think trace you you could like just draw what they drew but you have less time and it gets very quick and for the start you get like two full minutes like you can draw the nicest thing of all time i'm buzzed all right i mean no matter how much time you give me i'm not gonna same i think i think knockoff is a good one we should okay is this break that's um oh yeah p break if anyone's talking is this lg's um i'm not an lg and on a high note i'm just trying to figure out where everyone's at or we can do knock-offs and then we can do one more normal one because i have to leave after this honor am i am i seeing you tonight uh may we're going to a movie first we might go there okay movie huh yeah you want to come home what are you watching i'm not good with movies suicide squad i really want to see that wait is that over digitally yeah yeah oh okay because space boy was watching that and i was like what the [ __ ] i thought it was only in theaters it's on hbo max wait do you like watching things at home no max yeah it's on html ready what is yeah same day release suicide squad yeah oh minx went to the premiere i did it it was so fancy wow minx is famous in ireland because there's like 10 people there i got in trouble i had to take my instagram stories they're like you're saying too much oh really you live in ireland yeah cool i've i've been to ireland that's the only place i've ever been besides the u.s i'm sorry no it's beautiful really thank you i guess i love you here oh god that shot hit different oh oh [ __ ] are you are you getting [ __ ] up fam no it's lemonade so it was super sour oh okay okay anyone had like more than three dollars yet what chips sour cream and cheddar oh hey will that's what party is brooke at that's prom themed do you guys see your picture that's where i'm going tonight oh it's so cute do you want to be now that you're leaving lud because of the comment did you see that will actually will somebody sent ludwig this multiple paragraph dm over multiple days with all of his research about why i'm cheating on him with you wait how did he know why are you eating okay i did a lot of research online i don't make fun of it can you send it to me i want to look at the research yeah ludd has it i don't have it i'll tell that to send it to you who's wait so will are you in california or wait what party is it and why do i never get invited to anything i'm telling you right now if you want to come you're going to be my date to it for you i wonder because you might still be dropping viral loads all over the place looking covered yeah wait then connor where are you are you in texas i'm in texas but i'm going to that one and i got to hang out yesterday very briefly will you better are you dressing up in that [ __ ] suit that you got recently yep oh i'm gonna look so hot it looks so hot oh [ __ ] me well [ __ ] me i'll just shoot up with you baby like that like that like that will jesus like that i don't want to get banned come on that's not bannable will and i literally do that all the time harry poppins taking a [ __ ] on my screen [Music] with a full detailed [ __ ] [ __ ] man come on that was that was a little too far lead are we ready to start you don't know he's laughing literally i just i'm waiting on ludwig i don't know what he's doing by the way guys this is so fun thank you for including me you're welcome bro art agrees i was late thank you any time bro just let me know this was all you guys are waiting on me i'm ready by the way this was all for maya and then maya couldn't make it maya was like cutie will you get a group together for garcic phone and i was like yeah and so i throw it together and then she was like so a kitten showed up i have to save it i can't come i was like oh my i can't go yeah i'm trying to do a party game every week oh okay let's [ __ ] do it let's go we're doing knock off knock off yep knock off knock vf off all right you have a lot of time on this first drawing just draw whatever you want thank you i was gonna draw whatever you want will wants to see the dm about how him and i are cheating on you yeah oh it's gone oh you deleted well i didn't delete it the way i i didn't like i don't like blocking people so i ever reported a private investigator no i reported him as a scammer and then it removes his dms from my inbox and he can't dm anymore but he's not blocked so it's just it's just gone for sure can you recreate a little bit of the spark notes yeah the spark notes is basically uh the guy dm'd and he was like hey man watch all of a dinner in a movie trust me i've been cheated on i don't want you to get cucked the vibes are off and [ __ ] each other and then i i was typing while i was reading that he says another message and it's like yo cutie been playing a lot of games with a lot of guys that's a signal brother what that means is she needs attention and you're not giving it that's why she's asking these other fellas just thought i'd give you that heads up though king and then he says and i quote don't want to be too parasocial just concerned for him i don't want to cross any lines that's crazy that she's cheating yeah that's that's tough to get something sexy you read my dm on full blood made fun of me but i was right i don't know i just really wanted to go to the prom party so i thought i was just trying to be a good friend of ludwig apparently ms giff gets messages like that about maya all the time yeah he does actually he's like he's like listen i've been crunching the numbers maya is [ __ ] slick i know it for sure no they both get that all the time anytime you post photos of either them like people like message us and be like oh okay i see what's going on what the [ __ ] it's good right now you know yeah i mean you guys want to come to my october party when i moved to america that i'm planning for myself i'm coming all right i'll be there thank you thank you i'll be there thank you are you you're not invited now qe twelfth month in a row minks saying she's coming to austin copium i i thought i was moving to brighton okay i didn't want to go for a while but now i want to go for the visa i am going to be in austin for halloween oh yeah that's going to be a good time this is the best thing i've ever drawn in my life [ __ ] you [ __ ] watching on those chips does anybody know what the [ __ ] they're drawing or did they just start yeah yeah i'm doing something here i do that's that's hot myth i do myth i do you know that's hot that you know sir i'm talking about talking to you like a man that knows like i like a man that knows yeah tell me how much you like it when's the next time you're coming to california maybe october when we go to texas you're gonna come to california no no i'll be there for like a couple days maybe [Music] are you coming in october to austin uh no i live in austin no cutie yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yay i'll be here i'll be here for halloween though all hallows eve if you will i love halloween i want to throw a halloween party at our house and ludwig was like ludwig said it's weird to have a halloween party not on halloween that's wrong right oh [ __ ] oh weird oh this [ __ ] clock is running out i'm not no you can have a halloween party whenever you want oh [ __ ] my cat yeah i just moved here like a month ago it was like minx yeah but now now i might be moving to new york oh you just need to shut your mouth right now i think if it that they said that which was like two days ago so okay we've been texting every day the past two days oh god oh god oh my god oh my gosh holy [ __ ] this is good i'm sorry whoever got mine this is awesome you killed them you're gonna replicate it what the [ __ ] oh by the way the the more you stare at it that comes out of the drawing and then you gotta click yep all right okay oh you have to click it okay okay this is easy okay uh i forgot [ __ ] it's like this right and then like one of these wait was it oh [ __ ] was it the man riding the horse riding the man so hard to think when all i can think about is will and cutie we're going to prom together tonight oh [ __ ] i'm griefing oh this is good this is good spinning too i got caught up and i spent too much time oh no this is good [ __ ] me sally i don't know what it is but i drew wait it minute wait a minute how do you spell quack oh thank god you literally saved this painting remember what else [Laughter] oh not good no oh no [ __ ] come on push it push it tick-tock tom's going down push it you can do it it's true i got this one in the bag okay oh [ __ ] i already forgot what i was drawing okay uh no don't save don't download [Music] wait no no no no no wait what was he holding he was like an ice cream cone oh you just got elmo didn't you very nice if that was i did not understand what i was saying huh if that's what i got here we go baby oh what color was this [ __ ] there we go oh [ __ ] i'm running out of town time hey oh yeah it's going quicker oh [ __ ] raw [ __ ] oh i [ __ ] up i dreamed so hard how do i oh i'm [ __ ] insane in the membrane this doesn't seem right [Laughter] this is cruel this looks like a [ __ ] picasso wait wait quickly before i forget it quickly why is garfield molesting a girl [Laughter] what the truth oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i'm getting cocked no oh baby talk to me about it tell me more oh one time what no shot no give him blackface what oh my god what the [ __ ] is this oh my god i got it okay [Music] i didn't even look i don't know why i remember it this way i don't know if it's it's accurate or not you know you know when you don't know if you remember it a certain way and you're like am i crazy that's what i feel like yep my hair color [ __ ] yes yes yes what is that uh this one's easy this one's easy that's what i can do uh what oh god no wait no how do you they're getting so shitty [ __ ] it's [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] sal oh [ __ ] oh i accidentally hit my opacity slider well oh god this is a simple one okay uh okay i can do that i can do that i can deal with that i can deal with that oh [ __ ] me sideways okay i'm in place sweetheart [Laughter] okay oh [ __ ] i don't remember i nailed it i don't know what it was but i nailed it i won for one there's so many more this is so stressful oh god okay what is definitely the letter getting cut i was just in for this one no a lot okay god i feel like this is definitely you getting if i had to guess what this photo was uh [Music] wait okay you guys they say our imitates life so if we could chill oh [ __ ] me [ __ ] me [ __ ] me fill in your [ __ ] [ __ ] oh god oh god oh god oh no forgot what it was it there's like one of these maybe it's like this in there it has like no oh [ __ ] i'm good at this i haven't run out of time once oh god okay okay okay [Music] he had one of these for a face this [ __ ] ikea i don't what was on it was it oh yeah yeah killed it nailed it boom so much time this is a good one right here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay anyone can do this bro please bro the tools on the side help a bunch yeah they do save time i'll keep that mind guys [Music] [Music] welcome to the big show cutie started off what do we got here get your drinks ready oh my god sexy elbow is that in paris is that paris yeah that is the eiffel tower yeah okay i crushed it don't worry okay still there this is what i got this is what i got and i did not i did not interpret it right i thought it was a volcano monster okay i thought you scribbled out your shitty drawing so i was really focused on the tent oh [Laughter] why is [Laughter] is the ice cream cone turned into a all right next up oh it looks really good that was good there you go that's good you got the jacket and everything okay okay these are good i can't keep up with you guys there there's no way this one falls apart oh my god no he's sad now he's sad i forgot how many dots we still get okay we're still there yeah oh yeah he's got pepper i bottled his eyes after me like we followed him through a bad [ __ ] ass yeah this is so bad oh my god i saw the assignment i followed it is it still toad yeah it's just black toads oh this is a it's an animation of toad doing blackface oh look at that that's cute with your cat oh i forgot the heart dang it it's my saving the kitten because she's not here wow it starts going off okay [Laughter] i nailed this two [Music] i know what happened to this one i don't know because her eyes it's a cheesehead it looks like a dorito comparement headphones it went from squarepants to triangle why [Laughter] i'm i shouldn't have made him 3d is what i'm finding out simplicity is key is what i've learned yeah all right just so just because no one sponsored here amd amd amd amd amd i have one of those it was a 30-90 that's not a pin [Laughter] all right brand tv get fired [Applause] [Laughter] if you had 39. he added a video right back oh that was really good oh this is like the first one we've actually covered i gotta go soon oh okay oh my god oh oh oh wow nice on a picnic oh i thought there was a second human oh uh instead of the basket wow [Music] all right okay there we go bob i've always said [ __ ] that head it's ugly on him good job guys okay [Music] hey else and then ran out of time extra time so i started just drawing it black with the sun out yeah eclipse wow [Laughter] i intentionally [ __ ] this one up oh so you know i thought charlie was trying to draw the matrix charlie forgot the red right no i'm leaving right now okay bye connor you don't know the background tools i'm guessing will i did my best yeah that's true yeah all right yeah gun is back i mean you're just so abstract that yeah there's no way to keep that up [Laughter] the first picture is like a horse riding a guy the second one is like a horse about to [ __ ] attack [Laughter] i'm the horse turned into a human after his first kiss and then he forced him the horse was under his spell it had to have sex with the human to turn back irony uh disney movie filming we were drawing [ __ ] kids oh oh okay mogul misery and it looks like he's probably wrong on your first try maybe maybe i took some artistic looks sex oh [Laughter] doing it [Laughter] [Music] there's no way i was drawing it guys we're back to cutie yeah that's it yeah pretty well that held oh my god what is that i hate him okay this turned into tyler blevins how the [ __ ] does that happen i just become the bleb we're gonna find out it's my fault what does this become a ninja hey i thought it was no how did you see that you know the ninj bro i thought i love the people it's fine good safe yep there goes will whitewater just turn into ninja i think we know this one although admittedly i forgot a duck had a bill wait who said how the [ __ ] do you spell quack when everyone spelled it correctly yo that was will yeah you'll see someone completely forgot how to spell quack and just went q you must be cute well i ran out of time i ran out of time that's why you do the quack first you're referring to yeah that's me it's me or you're referring at least we got the quack down we got there charlie no i actually love your duck okay i lost the quack he lost his eyes you lost the eyes we got there that's pretty good that was good guys should we do like one more normal one or we did it was that the last one what's up guys we need leadership what's the hot thing one more normal one yeah who's gonna geez g big a okay [Music] i will do one more yeah one more time oh yeah we'll do one more as well one more normal one can we have a pee break real quick yeah yeah i say like one more normal everyone pee and one more normal all right okay some inks where are you living now and she's peeing bruh she takes a pee break every single time you offer it did she say that's none of your business it's not probably that's [ __ ] though anyway at the moment how's that how are you guys uh doing good i'm about you uh wondering whether or not i should go to a party with the miz and the people tonight should i or should i stay home [ __ ] up shut your [ __ ] ass mouth out mouth you should go to that party why let's go what's gonna happen i'm gonna get drunk i was there last night bro two in a row we're talking it's a lot of drinking oh little [ __ ] boy dear go out tonight in a row [ __ ] you in the high horse you rode in on little little [ __ ] boy can only drink one night a week oh you you guys should fight so what's the address to the party by the way uh six three four five three six five uh west anderson avenue your mom wes anderson yeah yeah will come and shag i miss you so bad i miss you all the time on this clock will i need you to post a picture of the suit that you're gonna be in tonight big boy i'm gonna post prom pics don't worry this is the cutest theme i've ever seen i'm seeing everyone post their pictures they're so cute listen i'm i'm an advocate for finding more excuses to dress up fancy wow must be nice you're gonna be so late what are you doing must be nice guys let's be cool well must be really cool going to all those cool people parties you're invited to something tonight [ __ ] boy what's that aren't you invited to something tonight chances are ludwig got invited and i never got the invite passed to me yo i literally the invite is past you no that's what always happens is ludwig gets invited to stuff ludwig never says yes to stuff i say yes to everything but i never hear about it you and lud can both come if you if you guys want to come no but you'd probably have to get ready i don't know freaking dress don't be a [ __ ] go cutie don't be a [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm being a [ __ ] yeah you're going to regret it it's going to be fun i'm not going to get it out in hell go with your love affair and also bring your very will tonight yeah that lambda barrier is going to shut everything down anyway so we might as well go out now oh [ __ ] another variant man [ __ ] yeah there's gamma 2 which is apparently just like radioactive makes you gag up what's the new variant lambda did you get invited to the prom party and not pass it on to me okay then we're fine we're fine i'm inviting you both if you want to go fine yeah what about me i'll hop on a private hop on that bj let's go yeah all right everyone's ready we'll play one more normal okay wait does anyone know the the what's the guy that barbie is married to can you fit these nuts in your mouth [ __ ] i'm so sorry i didn't want to invite her i'm really sorry i didn't want her i don't know how that works i was desperate so many times [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you're so stupid [ __ ] you i hate you it means while there's a bunch of [ __ ] 12 year olds in my cat he would dig up the wrong way and be like got him i got him so bad okay oh man i'm so happy with the sentence that i wrote oh i thought you were laughing at my channel oh no that no that was funny too that was funny too [Music] he was really good i got my sentence [ __ ] it oh wait charlie's auntie i was just told charlie was afk i just i just got back my first drawing is i took a [ __ ] and guess what i'm drawing guess what i'm [ __ ] drawing because my first one is i took a [ __ ] i'm gonna straight up draw what you what you wrote means oh god i'm so sorry for what i'm drawing guys to what detail can i draw things i'm nervous in detail full detail oh [ __ ] uh oh [ __ ] okay re-vortex the origin we still got this okay oh [ __ ] i [ __ ] up give me a little bit more time i can't i have no i'm sorry i have no control i have no control oh [ __ ] me oh please okay save yep i don't get this one i can't help goodness gracious i i don't know what to say about this one oh my god i can't look at this uh chat look away you mean look away look away from working away is not going to stop you from getting banned look away you can thank mings for that one what let me paint you a picture of what happens here is this speed round again no no no i want like mario right oh [ __ ] huh there we go yeah perfect thank you you're welcome that is perfect i could have done it better i'm sorry i won't have fun anymore [Laughter] appreciate that [Laughter] huh oh [ __ ] oh this we are children i have seen 12 boners and five shits i just don't know what to say didn't go to [ __ ] this time i'm thinking oh baby i got this one unlocked oh yeah that's good wait i just crushed this this is so bad there we go yeah i think mine's pretty good too i've i feel confident all in a day's work [Music] wait this is maybe my finest work of all time oh my god see what i did there huh what the [ __ ] has a chin like that the hell i don't understand i'm gonna have to edit half of this out of my youtube video [Music] what the [ __ ] okay oh this alright sucks for me guys why so much poop why is there so much poop i so i was afk and i just like stormed into my chair when it started with minimal time so i just let you all know i was taking a [ __ ] that's really where that came from okay yeah it wasn't on purpose oh okay well that's fine i guess hmm that's some fine [ __ ] work if i've ever seen it gonna be more proud of myself i'm proud of all of my drawings so far yeah i've really been doing it this round you guys ever just submit your drawing even though you have a lot of time left just because i'm just done with it like yeah yep it just gets the message across the most talented finish early true mm-hmm said no one ever same same same old thing there's so much poop i think i drew poop on every single thing today it's just right really you're so like literally seen one i've only drew one [ __ ] really yeah one [ __ ] yeah one i have seen so much poop i think i did a pretty good job same i'm happy i think i didn't get a video i did not do anything bad like everyone who had a prompt involving pisser [ __ ] rips a shot and whoever made cutie eat [ __ ] [Laughter] literally [Laughter] started with very surprised night wait i didn't you got mine though i just said i took a [ __ ] that's all wait it's going backwards yeah this is backwards wait why because this was the last thing i wrote i thought it would start the order starting with it okay great different version this is fine oh yeah [ __ ] what [ __ ] war saw that charlie you thought very surprised i didn't know what i was looking at this mink's drawing is very good yeah that is a good big great god very good i look good there thank you i was going to try and draw that outfit too but i i just i'm sorry lol w omegle my name is just a mix that was my prom how did you get minks from that because i got americans candies does fit in your mouth why is it going backwards that was my fault i pushed i thought it would start the order back where it's not the order of the things backwards it lets you choose which way to do it oh okay that's confusing i know but it worked so it started with nobody laughing at mixes jokes and somehow turned into very surprised okay so captain puffy's album ended with what do we eat spaghetti and meatballs oh we're doing a reverse though i can't change it uh okay i'm sorry that's donald trump bro oh it's blood wig oh god spaghetti oh my god that's ludwig right 100 baby okay what is that what flag is that trump eating everyone gets really confused well i didn't finish the sentence of what he's nuts in your mouth and then it was trump eating a penis and i wrote trump eating no that's supposed to be ken hug's nothing like a penis so we went from ken to trump to ludwig yay because what i use a blow dryer i'm donald trump oh nemo pissing on minecraft oh yeah that's what i got yeah no this is my fault for sure [Music] how did this go wrong well i saw a fish and i thought that was a dead creeper i don't know oh no oh my god okay oh why are there so many penises like before the lady gaga there was oh lady gaga kitty pays thick vans that is accurate wait this was my prompt what the [ __ ] was my how did this fall apart oh that's what it is i remember my problem oh dude come on my problem was [ __ ] money weed okay okay i didn't see it that way i've never had facts you drew a cat and then the cat got high with the cash oh okay which is pretty accurate still the [ __ ] money weed oh [ __ ] okay myth i had to draw myself eating [ __ ] you're eating it so terribly that it creates a mustache this is not my fault [Music] i promise girl eats boyfriend [ __ ] oh oh my god i'm so sorry oh i know this i know where it went wrong pulling up these nuts jokes i don't like writing words because i think it's cheap so i tried to put nuts and like as a joke awful like i decided that was the worst one shitty is the question yeah blonde girl oh god damn it why couldn't he make city [ __ ] though oh this is not how it started that's not what i interpreted oh my god holy sh wait i love that clifford cheeked up clifford's a [ __ ] expensive date what's up nice that's good there's no way we lose clifford look at that hog yeah this is my prompt cutie it's a dog he's ready to [ __ ] okay i know it's a dog that's oh my god what not even close guys what is this why does she have tits out wait for the props i mean the problems don't worry about it oh this was supposed to be e-rob what what what yeah it's e-rob i made it turn into miz i don't know where mission says i made you all the time oh no me rob made myth and he looks like a [ __ ] egg he rob made miz and man oh my god [ __ ] rub on this erupt forgets his condom so i did that's what happened well they made his last niffle next time oh my god oh my god i like that you oh i drew this funny oh my god there's so much piss and [ __ ] and kisses why is it like [Laughter] the that's a cutie's fault this is not my fault this is sprinkles this is is listen the united states of america is watching they just elevated their [ __ ] waterboarding program with yeah makes you can't come here we need an italian man and he needs a lot of fish in them meeks that is not waterboarding it's same like water sports it's close no it's pretty much the same thing it's not a sport he's hard for some reason why does he have a you guys make it hard why is there so many penises today my thing is like you're doing a body you're doing so well and then there's a penis in every single one yeah because you made it a drinking game of cutie so by the last couple rounds people become degenerates that's why oh [Music] what is that body where does he [ __ ] from so much pain people are drawing was fire whoa that's good that is good yeah that's [ __ ] great i took [ __ ] i took a [ __ ] i should have hey well uh i think if we do another round it's just gonna be straight up yeah no it's good to walk away while we're ahead this is devolved have fun editing that video i can't wait good luck editors yeah how quickly that gets the monetized hey cool thing is if we get banned we all get banned together besides puffy she wasn't streaming what a time i think we all did great i agree all right well thank you all for coming i appreciate it i had fun with you hyper organizing yeah that was really funny it was the most random group of people in the whole world but i hope you guys loved it all right see you guys later chat how was it did you have fun i need to remind her i need to send a thank you note to every person smiley face i want to draw really bad well i'm sure you can play with some people in the discord if you want we've always got people in the discord except for not anymore because my discord's dead so never mind uh you can't play with anyone in the discord i don't never mind i uh okay great great great um okay what do i want to do let me see what ludwig is doing that might help me decide what i want to want to do i think we're going to play sims but i don't know if he's going longer he is ping he's peeing so we'll pee to the same music what are we playing chess why i'll be back [Music] what up all right let's play some chess uh five minute against a thousand rated opponent fair enough let's start with our good old-fashioned scotch queen out here standard doesn't do that weird if i do this check them [Music] and then [Music] now what [Music] [ __ ] it was a free pawn but i don't know i thought this would be better for some reason uh oh i can go here protected by the queen uh that was a weird champ okay now i can just do this free pawn again you could check but then i could just take [Music] oh let's do this right is that not just a fork is he not just [ __ ] the bed i can just protect if he takes i take thank you rachel for the gift it's the fallen gamer thank you for the serbs uh let's just do this and that's also a check [Music] uh what is he doing i can take here with check [Music] okay discovered check all right uh check here parker brown thank you for the subs chat qtc love i mean i'd probably just do this at this point right i'll just take the free queen i'll take the freak queen uh i'll actually also do this and sack my guy and i'll do a discovered a castle it's also a check i'll do this to block off the protection of me promoting okay uh i'll go here to protect [Music] ah what do i do now sorry sorry i left his stream open um that was stressful swift was taking forever to go potty you could hear the freaking coyotes out there so stressful i love you cutie cinderella and right here nice to see the comment liz thank you for the year i appreciate that cj doctor20 thank you for the three months one yen thank you for the five i am starving um but i'm not gonna end because even if i were to eat i would just be eating alone so let's um continue where we left off in sims for now um and uh um let's see one second oh god my stomach hurts so bad uh okay chat get some food and bring it back here and eat i actually i don't have any food and i am not i can't i'm having awful cramps so i don't want to cook food um which seems that sims cast away two on the playstation how's your night good order food i feel nauseous i feel nauseous so i won't order food jack thank you for your 26 minutes um okay i'm trying to find where the freak this is saved on my computer i can't is this it where'd i put my camera last time chat i put it in the left i remember okay i'm nervous it doesn't have my save state oh oh okay oh that's scary watch the fortnite concert it's nuts i'm pretty sure i'd get dmcad so don't think that is a good idea yay yay back to where we were hello if you guys weren't here yesterday um nice to have you back we're in the middle of finding our way off this island in sims 2 castaway it's um going to be great i think um these are our goals i need to assemble a radio transmitter i need to send an sos i need to build a seaworthy boat i need i did all those actually find the other beach catch a chicken hunt a boar fish a shark plant a carp crop harvest a crop harvest an egg so we've got some things that i haven't figured out yet um but i do have that i have this one thing i have that radio don't i also how can i just get rid of some of these extra clothes that like i don't want to wear i don't know this airplane radio i feel like this is probably something important doesn't let me put it anywhere what no that's not what i wanted what back i want to put this somewhere oh place okay okay let's see all we can do is play music okay she's too much she wants a shower move monkeys it's crazy because it's raining you think that would count as showering but no it doesn't saw the podcast with you and levi was great thanks okay just swimming in the ocean in the middle of the night because it's the best way to take a shower apparently message in a bottle pick it up i've already seen that one put away okay let's see if there's like anything we should be building right now maybe on the crafting bench this is rope i could craft a bunch of rope i feel like i probably need a lot of rope okay i need to get actually can't i make a fish now a fishing thing wait can i turn this on no monkey go away change station that's not the thing i'm supposed to fix really okay yeah chat okay what am i doing previously unlocked yeah roof plans window plans door plans wall plans oh i wanted to make a shelter i remember but let's see tools can i make that fishing rod stone hammer shell hoe more rope for the shell hoe obsidian i don't know how to get obsidian we need okay crafting bench one we don't how do we get that new crafting bench i don't understand oh i have to do this over in tools by that crafting bench i see oh i can make a fishing pole at least i'll go over there and make a fishing pole what did i want for this shelter wait i know i wanted to shelter but i needed more stuff i wanted this one i need way more vines and way more palm fronds i just need to be able to get some fish faster than spearing them so let me walk all the way back over here hello okay i think it's broken [Music] [Music] what happened it's broken okay [Music] uh it's frozen this is in-game music it's weird because the music's working but not i'm just gonna load that last save state okay oh good thing we didn't do much we just have to shower again it's so weird maybe i won't turn on that music because it might have like broken the game or whatever the game couldn't handle the music no not in this one okay okay craft yay look i got a fishing pole move monkey oh that monkey's bringing me stuff do i reel it in once it starts moving maybe oh there's nothing on it what dude hasn't caught one fish rish thank you for this sub i don't know how to catch fish i don't understand i'm just pushing breathe in re reel in when it gives me the option but it's not moving like wait till she's like struggling that clearly looks like she's moving dude i can't get a fish i'm not doing this anymore i'm not doing it right no okay i'm just gonna spear fish no so weird i don't understand feeling when the fish jumps i tried that too don't get it i'm just going to catch a bunch of fish this way you wait until a fish jumps and then you stab one nice lots of fishes nice okay one more time because i don't have to do this for a while baby baby one last one yay all right one more no she missed okay that's fine let's go eat okay oh she's so mad oh wait until the red bob dips okay average cam thank you for the 10 months qtc 7. uh all right she needs a p okay and then sleep and then we're gonna go to the other island to explore some stuff and hopefully make friends with new monkeys over there because her social is low and she's going to start crying soon oh it's always raining okay seafoams thank you for that new prime okay monkey will you talk to me for a second they're all good when they're all around i can just click on buttons they're not running around all right we are going to travel now the other freaking island we should go here this should be the other beach right the pc version of this game is different yeah okay so this is how we get here on the boat we've been here and we walk through this way into the airplane jungle great it's living our best life we're supposed to be finding another beach oh but you know what i bet we can't i bet we can't okay let me just harvest these we always need more vines i swear to god i bet the other beach chat is what we get to on that bridge remember that bridge we found i just realized okay let's go through here let's go through the cave that i can't do anything with i don't think i tried right and she says i don't know okay she has no clue what that is so we have to walk up here sorry if i'm saying your name right nice to see you happy like the podcast um when you're younger you would role play this game okay so this is the skull rock jungle ow i cannot sit still you did it you're up here queen okay great she's not too grumpy yet which what is this west river plains okay we have been there i just want to make sure i'm not missing anything okay doing a quick walk skis this is where we've got the clay i remember being here uh-huh uh-huh this is where the boar was okay just trying to get more familiar with this massive okay so that must be the only place to go here there's the weird skeleton guy so you come out of the cave and you go to the planes okay so we're gonna go to the plains and this is where the chicken was right the chicken and that where we could build the bridge okay i don't need limes sorry i moved my mouse you want to be a monkey there's the chicken wait over there is where we build the bridge so this is a new place right here where's this explorer she's just gonna climb down a canyon ma'am i don't know if this is a okay for sure for sure let's just climb down that canyon you go girl we just going to circle where are we okay she's so mad she just flies around her okay what's over here craft bridge what do we need for the bridge bunch of rope a bunch of bamboo a bunch of soft wood we can get that we could do that okay great for now she's just really pissed about actually everything okay there's a chicken over here what is this this is something where does this go ma'am okay what is this is this quicksand or something so i can't it's mud so i can't walk i can't go over there i literally can't i just can't okay yeah i guess i can't okay so it's just a big empty field and i'm stinky and lost and about to have a mental breakdown east beach okay i think this is a beach we need to go to thanks elite monkey yay i found the other beach great now let's take a bath in the water so she stops being angry ma'am like start swimming at some point [Music] okay dude honestly it hurt taking this long to like get clean while covered in the water is insane like the fact that this isn't full green right now is absurd okay there's a chicken what's over here inspect inspect cutie cinderella had one choice oh thank you ludwig but she only chose one of them and that one was host thank you this game was probably made before some of you were born um let's see what i need to craft a canoe it's called sims 2 castaway it was on the playstation chat we can make all this stuff we need a lot of wood i need all the monkeys working for me i need wood i need a lot of wood this is a throwback yeah i love you cutie cinderella hayes play hey's gameplays thank you for that sub um i need so much wood so much bamboo i'm gonna eat this coconut real wait you quick eat that she's so mad she also needs friends had unintended yes yeah it's sick identify what's this we have a new plan to identify turmeric okay harvest soft wood well you're gonna need a lot of wood so i guess i might as well do it oh do you think of your prime make the monkeys your sims i will um okay she's being annoying i need a ton of vines and i'm gonna need a ton of rope okay she's crying she's legitimately like that bo burnham skit where it's like cry wait is this just another part of the plane wreck that we saw earlier okay great we love this we're lost actually and genuinely lost and she's mad about having no social oh great let's pick this up she doesn't like it but we pick it up we have a few of them you just carry it in our pockets very normal is actually just lost yeah what is this tree rum berries is this just an empty island oh but we do need this hieroglyphics okay don't like the sword sounds okay so there's nothing here seems like such a big part for like hello monkey i need a friend will you can you will you chat with me i'm losing my mind oh the monkey left okay i need to go home and i have to get all my other monkeys working for me because i need wood i need bamboo and wood and where's this east river plains i don't know where this is i don't remember what's what i'll be real i remember the west river plains oh it has the bridge so then i don't have to climb through the thing every time right oh boy she's crying she is being bit dramatic keep up the great work loving the content lately thank you tag king pirate ninja thank you for your new sub yeah i really can't walk past that let's do like quicksand or something i can't set a chicken trap i don't have one okay i just want to i just want to go to this one place over here really quick is it the west i want to go to the west river plains because it has all that cecil stuff no i don't want east beach but she's losing her mind so i probably should just go back okay i'm just gonna travel back actually good news is i think we figured out oh we're still missing this whole section that's definitely something this map is so big okay so this no wait this skull rock jungle that's where the um all the cecil is this is where our house is we're gonna travel here thank you for the bitties parker oh my god she is so annoying okay come over here oops over here make some food dude it takes so long to get the social bar up too it's like not simple okay i need tons of rope tons of bamboo tons of soft wood right chat you guys remember what else okay i'm gonna sleep because it's nighttime oops 10 25 something this is a uh cutie is really lonely but when i sleep the monkey should come 10 rope 25 middle 10 soft middle what's middle mean okay where are all the monkeys dude it's so weird that no oh bamboo didn't i need bamboo for something i definitely need bamboo for something i don't remember what but i'm pretty positive i need a bamboo 25 bamboo yeah i need a bamboo or something i have the canoe to build and the bridge to build right i have to build both those things that's a lot of [ __ ] to build i need soft wood and a bunch of rope the wood is actually kind of hard to harvest tbh you have to like be at a very specific angle on the tree only have 13 yeah i need all my monkeys where are my monkey friends all my monkey friends have like abandoned me okay i'm gonna go back to the jungle i'm guessing that they're in this jungle over here they usually are wait no i don't want the beach oh god i love npcs and how they walk to the jungle she is such a baby are any of the monkeys here dude all the monkeys are missing straight up i don't know where the monkeys are but i need to harvest some wood i'd like the monkeys to help me but i need a rope i need to make a bunch of rope don't i i'm like 10 rope dude she's so mad but i don't know where all the monkeys are to talk to there's legit nothing i can do if i don't have monkeys to talk to any monkeys there's monkey where are you i need to talk to you my lady is so depressed he's not showing me the monkey no i didn't go to the beach damn it oh she's so depressed dude chad she's so mad don't know where any of the monkeys are i know i need bananas no i need banana leaves i know i need to talk to a [ __ ] monkey i'm gonna lose my mind i need bamboo i don't know how much bamboo i feel like that's gotta be enough i feel like i'm safe with just 50 of everything oh okay she's too tired we're gonna travel back to my bed i'm just gonna do it this way because i really don't want to walk through the place because it takes so long to walk through this place okay back to my house where i can cry in my own house she's so mad where are the monkeys at they're usually all around ah there's a monkey there's people oh there's chat people's here wake up i'm too tired i gotta sleep yay chat's here oh goodness hello i'm awake people it's nice to see you no please don't leave me please don't no don't run away people i wanna okay people left any monkeys where are they i can hear you oh there you are hey why okay i just learned that responding to them does no change in your social you've like got to do not respond like i have to do like chat with them or whatever responding to them does nothing for me oh god that about okay she needs to pee ah dude i swear taking care of her has gotten worse and so it's slowing me down from doing anything oh people one second what'd you bring me i would love to see what you brought me but i am currently pissing somehow the rain doesn't talk no people you people hey will you talk to me i'm lonely you see our social just isn't going up at all there it goes slowly these monkeys are so hard to talk to entertain okay no you monkey you want to hug oh come on hey you you got something for me what did he get watermelon coconut cantaloupe oh my god you are kind of useless i have to wait for him to eat his banana how did the social go up while i was doing it oh people you brought me something would you bring me okay people look great all right who wants a hug i avoid insanity by continuing to just give them lots of hugs come here no no no i'm just trying to hug it out okay let me just give you another hug yeah lots of hugs oh you want a hug i'll give you a hug sapphy thank you for the prime the monkeys are something but listen it's the only way to get her social up so i'm just gonna hug all these monkeys oh my god finally okay and we're gonna cook some fishes oh so annoying um what'd you get me rum berry blood orange lemon honestly chat just adding a berry seems to have just like because the fish is like what 57 food or something like that the berry seems to be just like honestly just as good and it's way faster it's like already done oh [ __ ] no no no okay no it's gonna start on fire okay now shower actually can i just build a shower yet what do i need to build a shower cause this is such an annoying way to get showered i don't it's not locked yet [Music] i just have to shower in the freaking water by swimming around oh there's a message now she needs some fun so i have to come here and sit in front of the fire and that goes up can you answer erup's tweet to you [Music] what well he didn't tweet me do you cinderella that molina got any socks i can borrow i could take a photo like molina did great all right okay she is sitting enjoying herself i keep forgetting what i need get up lady let's just start i know i need to make a bunch of rope so let me make a bunch of rope like i know i need to make rope i think i need ten ropes so that's one two [Music] three four five wait is this four or five chat i'll just make it all i guess i six seven eight [Music] nine okay now let's talk to some monkeys because their social's already going down i just need to give you each a hug and you they give you a hug oh great monkey hugs all around okay now i'm going to travel oops okay where was the bridge is the bridge the bridge is over here right west river plains let's go to the kayak place first i think that's this island or no it was east this was the kayak place okay let me try all the place see what we need and then maybe go to the bridge and see what we need chad i need you to write this down i don't need much of your help but i actually need it now okay if i push craft canoe i just need 18 more soft wood okay chat which i might be able to just get right here tbh and then i don't have to go anywhere else that would be nice and then i could just [ __ ] hello oh oh why you have to be like that's one thing i hate about sims is that you have to be facing a certain way oh she's not having it okay 18 chat 18. okay 16 chat okay 12 chat okay wait okay eight more oh [ __ ] i pushed harvest papayas okay three more wood okay great now we can go where are we going we're going to the volcano we're going to the volcano i hope you're ready should i try to kill this pig first let's just try we're here there's a pig i might as well try ready wait where'd he go i hear it [Music] oh he's over there he's definitely gone what why can't i kill him oh hello nice oh my gosh i lost to a pig chat yeah okay that's unfortunate that pig was stronger than me no big deal i didn't want it anyway we built a canoe ready chat we're going on adventure oh she's too tired you're such a [ __ ] okay we'll come back to this let's go see what we need to make the bridge okay chat okay i think the bridge was right here ropes off with something else i remember lady [ __ ] i need you to work a little harder okay yes tricky it is that's exactly what it is and my sim is pissed about it all right chat craft bridge let's see what we need winton thank you for the two months qtc love oh i actually don't need that much more 10 rope and 10 soft wood we could like go back get happy and come back and build this we're actually kind of chilling i have to grab all these cecil because this is how you make rope so i need this great oh identify what's this cannonball fruit i don't want rice harvest cecil all right then we're gonna go travel back to the house yes enjoyed your podcast with levy thank you all right travel we are on a roll i agree that the soundtrack slaps actually why is she mad she's mad about actually everything she needs to shower which it means swim in the water okay so i just need rope and soft wood are you listening to amaranth asmr with those headphones no i actually don't like asmr doesn't do anything for me people get like the chills i don't i agree this game is very nostalgic just turn into an airplane i don't yeah i don't know if that work exactly for this yeah it's crazy that the juice is so fast to make and it gives you like the same amount of fulfillment as the fish so i just keep cooking juice now raspberry juice okay i'm gonna have her sit and get happy by the fire for a little bit what happens after you build a boat i don't know i think i go explore another island i obviously need to learn a better way to beat up that freaking boar that beat the [ __ ] out of me oh great okay she needs to get up she's talk to this monkey she's grumpy it's crazy because it sounded like she said la monkey and she was just crying right there you want to talk to me people anybody want to hug oh you got stuff for me people got me stuff okay one banana leaf really useless monkey stupid freaking muffin wait wait wait don't leave okay he left all right so i normally need 10 more wood oh my god i hate the social wait why is this broken again monkey i'll hug you did you write hey mv last night because i woke up with her stream on i was like what yeah i love hamby you brought me something would you bring me okay all right i need 10 more wood i've got a monkey yelling at me okay he left dude half the times the monkeys just yell at me it's so annoying and i'm stuck oh crap i have to repair this before i can sleep okay all right i just need some more wait i can't get wood from that can i get wood from this one yet or is it still like not spawn really okay i'm just gonna go to sleep wait do you have something for me what is this why did my table break oh it's so annoying what did i miss oh my gosh how is it going down oh so i hate the social that's so stupid okay all right i just need some more wood i can't get wood from there awesome okay i need one more wood and then i can build the bridge and then i have to make all that ribbon or rope crap this one maybe no all right let me make all the ribbon rope i mean i need 10 ropes one three what music do i listen to mostly taylor swift four five six seven get it girl three thank you we're so close okay she's a pee and i just need one more wood let's see if i can get i can't get any banana tree wood can i no harvest wood i just need one more yay okay let's travel we're rooting for you thank you i'm doing okay all right let's go build the bridge i think this is the right part i hope what's the uh the trivia it looks like they're doing sims trivia okay oh oh i'm invisible okay i actually don't know where i am council thank you the prime healers protect thank you for the five i appreciate that where the hell am i oh identify all right we're going to build this freaking bridge chat crap crossing we're exploring thank you healers protect okay wait this just took me back to the same area i've already been that's annoying it doesn't let me cross over here yet so that bridge just did nothing okay cool okay i'm going down and we're going to use the canoe now because i don't really know this map and how to get there and wasted wood yeah that's stupid what just happened that bridge was just a bridge that went to a place i already got to wait there's a there's a bin we love bins is it close what is it we've got a bin we've got a fortnight drop what is it healers protect thank you for the five additional i got a fortnight drop i gotta scoop a helmet is that helpful all right we're exploring on the canoe you don't have enough energy to use this portal you should okay what the freak protect are you drunk thank you for the five additional i need a better bed again what's my what are you serious wait what wynton thank you for the five more thank you guys okay i've got to go back to my base build another bed what the heck i am drunk don't gift when you're drunk that's the rules drunk people am i right chat thank you for the five gift dish okay i'm gonna cook she's crying being a baby okay i'm gonna sleep what is this okay i'm sleeping and then insta traveling i want to see if it's really going to blame my bed because i have a nice bed [Applause] thank you thank you for the five more wait what did sears say shout out might have to end soon my stomach is telling me but thank you for the cozy night's qt thank you for being here smiley face is this game poggers yes smiley face i love it yeah it just came out oh she's crying she's such a baby okay she just slept there's no way they can say that that she like her bed's not nice enough or whatever i'm gonna be tilted healers no drunk gifting stop oh chat we're on the canoe oh [ __ ] [Music] thank you for the five gifted [Music] lord reginald thought these llama people were were important your shims should find out more llama people okay why is she so mad chat oh my god healers you know what you make your drunk [ __ ] mistakes whatever i won't stop you i won't stop you i won't stop you okay chad i'm actually gonna end my stomach is killing me and uh i wanna come back and be able to explore this tomorrow when i feel better i'm sorry my stomach is killing me no please stop me i am by ending thank you very much thank you guys very much for all the gifted subs ow my stomach is killing me okay i have to save system save state right there slot two load save state there we go all right chat thank you for all the gifted wynton and healer in the last little bit i appreciate that i'll be live tomorrow i'm no longer in the chess game tomorrow they couldn't work make it work they had someone like whose schedule needed to change and mine couldn't change because i have dinner in a movie so i'm not in the chess tournament tomorrow um unfortunately but it's okay we'll figure it out um but i will uh see you at dinner dinner and a movie at one o'clock okay um i know i'm bummed but what can you do um you know we never read as minx because she's never online when i end so let's go read minx all right have fun with meeks guys i will see you later uh dinner in a movie is on my stream tomorrow not wills i'm sorry i have to end i don't feel good i'm dying bye guys see you tomorrow
[Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] do so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to oh my god i can hear myself in the other room that's disorienting hi guys welcome to twitch rival's cutie c's sweet showdown we have a lot on today i'm excited i'm your host and judge for the afternoon but i would like to start with our team so you guys can meet them over here is the yellow team we have hassan and myth uh how's your confidence feeling today we're feeling good cutie okay we got we got myth on the team i i am just only going to ruin everything so i'm just gonna let him do everything but i'm pretty confident considering that our our enemies in my years of being our streamer awful my years of being a streamer cutie i've made banana bread lots of it i know the oven i know the tools i know it's required to win this competition perfect i love that i love that thank you chef we're going to go over to the blue team we have cyr and rich campbell over here how are you guys feeling yeah cutie it's an absolute pleasure to be on the show today uh rich and i are planning on going on with our a game uh optimizing analyzing the situation and maybe uh probably baking one of the finest things that you suck hey calm down we're going with a simple recipe today it's really just set it and forget it we're gonna let it chill for 15 minutes and we've already preheated the oven to 345 degrees wait is this does he actually know how to cook no he doesn't know how to cook i've also preheated both of your ovens both your ovens are starting to pre-heat you're going to need them is this not the oven i thought this was the oven that is awesome wait does it say does it say 250 on it no no but that's the time oh [ __ ] i thought we were pretty heated it's pretty heating it's preheating back here you guys you'll be fine you'll be fine you'll be fine before i introduce the judges i'm going to explain the rules because no one in this kitchen currently knows the rules of this show um today you guys are going to be baking a cake all right i knew it you're going to it's going to be in two different rounds you're going to be baking a cake and in the second round you're going to be decorating that cake your goal today is to recreate this cake dude are you are you what the [ __ ] oh that's easy that's easy wait wait wait wait wait wait is that an actual edible cake this is an edible cake that i baked yesterday on my stream that looks so good hey stop eating the [ __ ] pizzas do you see you gonna eat it stop it stop it well i don't see that i don't see them on there eating flowers so wait uh you'll be able to try this cake so you know how to make it okay okay because you will not have a recipe today what you'll be recreating this cake based off of how it tastes and what you think is in it you will have to make the cake the filling and the frosting oh suddenly not so confident hmm no i am why are you confident unfortunately because all we have to do is copy this i've been copying content my entire career yeah it's great so think about that while i introduce our lovely judges over here we've got we've got a depth of bets and blouse toys whose name i can never answer say correctly um how are you guys feeling today feeling great hey thank you for having us are you excited to eat this food yes i do uh absolutely not i'm gonna get something really a big city lawyer from a western town i'm who i'm diabetic so i'm excited to rather look like you're a lawyer well there is also like this dope there's scale behind me as well so that doesn't help scales of justice um guys they're talking to the judges be quiet over here if you had to if you had to bet right now on who you which team you think would win who are you guys putting your money on uh for me i would say it's a little bit early to tell but here's going to be my prediction just based off of what i've seen so far um myth and hassan appear to be taking more of like a brainiac a scientific approach so i it looks like they're going to be you know coming up with formulas and really baking with science whereas cyr and rich are obviously in love which is the key to baking is baking with love so hassan and myth are at a slight disadvantage right now i'll say but i'm rooting for both teams i see i see blastoise how do you feel um i think hassan and myth are gonna win wow cyr and rich were late i'm pissed that they made me wait um they said it was because of la traffic i don't care yeah judge's face i have already docked points for them being late rich eating the food and this team cussing a lot oh oh wait i was cussing no this team wait we we're we're not allowed to cause no you're allowed to cuss but just a heck of a little bit your banking is really not gonna like that uh-oh okay like i said baking with love is the key in your favor out of curiosity i was listening to your what you were saying i was trying to figure out what it means do you think i'm stupid i don't think you're not not stupid agreed in the line of thought of giving your cake love if i [ __ ] my cake will it taste better probably the media to me every every judge here today does have their preference on flavors it seems not gonna already decommission he's been flexing his tricep on that [ __ ] counter he literally cannot move anymore i think it's stuck uh i am also filling in as the third judge so when it comes to tasting and presentation i will be adding my points as well as a professionally trained pastry chef i used to be a pastry chef and a wedding cake designer wow what you're literally lying no you bought that cake no i i saw you buy it no i made this on stream yesterday to prove that none of my friends watch my stream wait who you do realize you're under oath right now wait did you stream yeah wait so all we needed to do was watch your stream to win this yeah but none of you watched my stream impossible all right uh before we start we are gonna cut to our favorite person in the house today and that is sponsor stands bringing you some important information sponsor stance here we go so i don't really have changed oh my god thank you brave stakes presented by crypto.com hello can you hear me perfect it's time for brave stakes presented by crypto.com where i put my word on the line with a bold prediction of something that's going to happen in today's event i need to own this moment with conviction and commitment so without further ado my prediction is that team seer and rich's cake will not collapse before decorating and i want everyone to know that i made this prediction before i watched rich shotgun some food coloring and i'm not sure if he's gonna even make it through the day so it's gonna be a tough one for us we're gonna check back in later in the show to see if my brave stakes paid off on the other side of every bold decision lies a thrill a moment when you realize you've done something important it's an exhilarating moment a moment that not everyone can stomach but for those who can they live for it crypto.com let's get back to cutie i can give you digital so [Music] [Music] what should i do [Music] what should i do [Music] what should i do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay chat it's time for guessing with duncan click on the extension to make your predictions then check back to see your spot on the leaderboard top 15 finishers win some delicious prizes because america runs on dunkin let's get back to our teams and cutie in the kitchen that's what we have sponsor stands for delivering delivering getting close boys um this is this is i would appreciate if you do call me chef uh we have an interesting development over on the judges table there is a pile of cash that's been brought to them no there is no more cash no we brought this already hundred gifted subs each i don't know what he's talking 200. i already paid them to start off before you guys are able to start baking you obviously need to know what this cake tastes like what you're going for so i'm going to go ahead and cut some out of here that's the weirdest way to cut that cake because i'm tr guys i'm trying to keep it pretty in the front so i'm just slicing off okay a chunk still pretty weird okay yeah that's a yikes from me okay i bet you there's a raspberry reduction in there with some there's a raspberry reduction really i think the rice krispie treat's probably in that portion of the cake i'm going to need a dissection of the coke is that a banana bread cake is that like all right get on in there i think that's my that's my that's my territory hold up have a taste have a taste oh my gosh i'm tasting clams maybe mussels what is this maybe a lobster reduction fire points down citrusy lemon peels i shouldn't be saying it out loud you have to do the nose test it is a lemon maybe wait maybe a lobster reduction in there yeah that's what all right hey get out of there yeah it's like bananas out there it's not bananas it's raspberry right i think i think the cake is raspberry bread right okay i'm not eating now well you guys can you can take these both over to your station so then you you know you can reference it throughout something that is are you fingering the cake yeah he's fingering the cake you're allowed to as well something that is important for all of you to know before you start baking you are required to make four layers three of the layers will be used for your cake one is to be used for judging and we'll talk about plating before we start the second part of the world are you going to do the nose test what does that mean the nose stuff what does that mean the most confusing the nose test what is the nose are you guys going to do the nose test yes okay yeah i don't know please explain to us what the nose test is just like a i would but that would honestly be a disgrace to the whole judging community so i don't know i don't even know how you're qualified for this job okay all right um basically important notes that i've told all bakers if you want any chance of these cakes baking do not fill this more than halfway with batter come on okay horse i will give you no other tips than that okay bill nye the science guy everything back here can be used as ingredients if you would like since you all clearly know how to make cakes you have exactly 30 minutes to get your cakes into the oven just into the oven you have 30 minutes to get your cakes into the oven okay i have no idea what to do here hey you know how you start good hygiene let's all wash our hands great idea we're going to use the soap get in there chefs get in there i'm going to take this off the rack for us it's so much easier to get at the paper it really is hey there's a drought in california i'd appreciate if you don't let the water run yep not wasting water [Laughter] hey [ __ ] you [ __ ] this is going well i'm trying to massage my hands down here this is what we're dealing with two grown men washing their hands at the same time they are enjoying this i hate this he was right rich was i can't believe i'm saying this it's much easier to get out on the outside excuse me no al oh my god no can you calm down ow can you calm down ow hey please wait a house clock starter do we already have 30 literally out no the clock has not started we're waiting for hand washing to be complete wash your hands people happy you didn't show me what's up you're going to do that you're going to figure it out i would like to get up inside this is something very important your clock will start soon yes you're focusing on baking the cake if you get the cakes in the oven before 30 minutes feel free to start on your fillings that's up to you but your goal is to get all cakes in the oven in 30 minutes uh i'm not oh boy why get to your side please all right get to your side get your sides get yourself all right chefs 30 minutes cakes in the oven clock starts in five teams four three two one go check it out what do we do we would you mind if we wash these so look we're going to need baking powder a clean kitchen is a happy kitchen oh wait baking powder baking powder okay we know we're gonna need probably four but like i don't understand what that is but then we gotta make it like halfway um so this is the all-purpose flour [Laughter] are you guys having trouble in your camp already disagreeing i just don't know anything no i'm sorry i can't even deserve a job right now i'm getting all my ingredients could you not talk directly that's the wrong amount of eggs wait these are this is salted butter the money yeah absolutely yeah um we're fully relaxed we're gonna watch what he's doing and then do the same thing yeah go copy his trap okay yeah we're oh ew there's literally you broke the egg in it no that's the part oh my god like he's gonna kill you guys like eggshells in his [ __ ] mix 100 okay four eggs chefs chefs please bang on yours yeah so the camera's confused all dirty no you're okay you're counting there you go am i right well you haven't done anything yet sir okay what is this what is this why does that why is the cycle it's like complete i got it i think your egg is bad what the [ __ ] is that oh my god what is this look i think it's a hard-boiled quail egg reporting in recording in uh as a culinary professional that is a thousand-year-old egg um it is disgusting you put under the ground it does smell bad we do need a garbage oh there's a garbage dude holy [ __ ] i'm traumatized you know he needs his life the cake pop thing okay okay we'll just let's use it maybe you only do not want you don't need that money you guys have a garbage can oh you have a garbage this whole time wait are they you got to open them to find out right well pov no if you notice there are right here you know different colors got it all right all right what are you guys starting with um how many eggs do we put like what's this i think beat it up right i think it's four put the egg in there where's the egg oh is that what you wanted me to do here crack these eggs in there all right starting your cake face with some eggs all right looks like the other team is doing the exact same thing right that's good and then i'm powered and not sugar butter no shells no shells that looks great flour sugar butter grind it flower sugar and lobster [ __ ] and lobster and lobster do we have another one let's go let's just go let's just go let's just go let me see confectionery you can you can search the four of those four eggs oh yeah bingo we have to make sure we should emulsify raspberries wait first we do not do this i think we need to mix our dries and our liquids tell me i think that's a vitamin compound uh cutie there's uh where's the power the oh they're there vincent vincent there's something right over here what's your magic for me whiskey whatever you whisk don't come plug that in and beat those [ __ ] no that's not whisking that's beating this is beating i think isn't it different just [ __ ] whisk it it's a whisker i think you whisk it after all right i think so i need you to start adding just honestly rich beat at them you don't have to whisk it i'm not answering questions i feel like we have a really good friendship and i don't think that you should screw it up over something like there's a whisker right there where i mean they're [ __ ] fast oh yeah i think you should have paid attention when you're tasting the cake okay i will eat the thousand-year-old egg on your side well i don't all right what's the time looking microsoft you guys are at 25 minutes we're doing doing well uh let's cut over to the judges if possible judges how do you feel about the first five minutes um so far my prediction about uh myth and hassan being scientific was correct because smith had a theory that he needs to mix all his dry ingredients and then mix all his wet ingredients [Music] i think we're gonna get sick but honestly i'm just happy to do anything that's not gta rp so i'm very excited to escape that yeah great i love that all right back over to the yellow kitchen which for some reason has a member of the blue kitchen what do you get away don't don't look at me oh we're not ready yet i've noticed i've noticed something about the yellow kitchen you guys are doing the wet dry method uh how did you come we dropped straight okay be very careful be you need i need like drops hold on like liter individual teardrop okay one one full thing of this [ __ ] no the smallest one one full one one full small one get up here on my kitchen hold on interesting oh god why are you so scared of the extract [Music] jesus christ i got it did you do it no no no i did it yeah oh okay good job thank you they've chosen to use a fourth a teaspoon of vanilla extract in their mix oh wait now all right how much you know why don't you do a cup of coffee don't lick that that's bad yeah oh that is not good to lick i thought you don't listen to me um no watch out i need to taste the cake again bro bro i think like i think you said it was raspberry right so maybe it's like raspberry in the in the doctor oh you we are doing wet dry is that how is that the method no that is a method oh it's not okay we need butter yeah we need this butter i need butter softened i'm thinking that's the entire thing baking in here yes because we're making two servings worth of our cake okay i only should i put more vanilla extract you want no um you did it a small amount though about what exactly judy the choices that these guys are making you should focus yes i already said that and then yeah what do i do with this you need to soften the butter so we need to find out i'm not telling you anything you need to focus on team blue has decided to use cake flour the difference between cake flour and all-purpose flour is there's extra corn starch um and if you know corn starch is more of like a 3-1-3 so that might work to their advantage considering that they're not oh no we need to fight a bit of eggs we'll see how that goes what do you mean um and we'll see see how that goes okay so is there a microwave in here um is there a microwave that is a microwave it is a microwave that's a microwave but will it mess up the no tiny tiny i need a knife i need a knife there you go we're doing good where's the knife we're on track right now do you want it to be softened or do you want it to be like full blown like great there you go yep like this much softer like 30 seconds 30 seconds i think it'll be the entire cook time two minutes no i just want to flicker some microwaves dude what the hell should i put in a little bit of this baking mix too yeah yeah oh some salt good choice good salt just a pinch just a pinch of cook time they're so smart they think they're so smart baking soda hassan has figured out the microwave this is uh this is a great step this is a great step in the process i'm complimenting you how many oh yeah no cheating but how many seconds do you think a butter should be in the microwave oh 500. i'm not asking you get out of our kitchen here here i'm going to increase the butter amount throwing things on the guy's crazy i don't consider that you'll never step on my side of the kitchen you can do whatever you would like okay am i supposed to dump the butter in here we actually need to kick off the top a little bit should i dump it i do um how soft is it it's soft bro it's pretty soft it's beatable all right stop finger blending it's pretty soft go ahead put it in can we put it actually give me three more seconds in the microwave unnecessary but okay never mind he heard me okay this team has chosen oh i'm very scared with your relax be careful okay okay now i'm going to beat it up but i don't know where they are they have thrown in some whole fresh raspberries over here oh i should cut them up first nice i've never done this war in my entire life oh my gosh oh my gosh this is a very scary experience i'm freaking out oh you should muddle i don't even know if i'm doing it right i don't know if i'm supposed to be doing this at all are you sure we're supposed to yeah you're good where's the motherland all right where's the muddler don't touch that you're gonna need that later i need a muddler you gotta find a ball oh good idea all right um wait where's the ball here's a baking tip from cutie cinderella what they are doing right now is they are beating their eggs and their butter together what you typically do to get your butter more emulsified is beat it with your sugar because the sugar granules will break down the butter they're going to have butter chunks because they have not added any sugar so we'll see if they figure that out currently they have not it's like a joke okay you're right wait wait wait [ __ ] what is this liquid wait give me that let me let me just let me mix it let me another baking tip and observation with the blue kitchen that we're noticing is that um they are using whole raspberries what's going to happen there is that they're going to have rather large chunks of raspberries and they're not going to be incorporated in order to get your cake to taste more like raspberries you need the juice it's okay which is why frozen raspberries is the choice and yellow is using frozen raspberries but they do need to be warmed up to get that juice extracted frozen raspberries are the right choice but you do need the juice another way to add that moisture and flavor from the raspberry is raspberry jam none of the teams have figured that out yet we'll see if they get there did the judges sign a waiver because this is gonna probably kill you guys i'm okay with that i think i need more raspberries the blue team is officially adding some raspberry jam this is going to help their flavor significantly a little bit more and i'm adding more butter the thickness of our dough will be unmatched and we need we need a lot that's that [ __ ] look at that we got color in this [ __ ] i think it might be like enough all right all right work on some other stuff what else do we need hold up butter butter butter is great i don't think there's anything enough bro we need to make sure this is not cake batter uh it's not so we're going to need to make more of that i'm going to increase the recipe add sugar and look at this color yeah we put too much raspberries in there but it's going to taste amazing what um show me what flour you guys use uh i use the cake flour oh okay and then i use baking powder okay great and that's it the yellow kitchen just figured it out they did not dump this [ __ ] in here like a book like american pastry companies do it do it do it i did think they were using the baking mix instead of fourth of a cup which would have been the better move it would have been easier for all which again that additional cornstarch is part of why their cake is so thick right now um but that's not necessarily a bad thing that's not necessarily like cake batter i'll be curious to see if any of these contestants actually taste their batter i haven't seen anyone taste their batter and check on the flavor of their batter walk out you're done you're listen you haven't i've been done for years but guess what i'm still here it doesn't look like you understand i'm not listening to you yeah like it looks like you made like a blueberry fudge do you mind if i have a taste you know what no you have a taste of ours no i don't give a [ __ ] bro no shot all right get out of here okay get out of here okay okay i think you got it i think it's good man i think it's good does it actually taste good yeah uh i didn't get to taste theirs theirs is way thicker than that but is ours the right thickness time tech chefs you're at 15 minutes sugar 15-minute chefs we need one more cup katie come here before your cakes need to be in the oven i just want to clarify a rule with you yes i'm judge maybe oh [ __ ] yeah the cake is sweet just kidding so i can't help you okay okay i think martial can you put that over there well it's important to have everything documented yes no okay that's the thing i'm just telling you for the sake of telling you it tastes because i want you to understand i'm just going to double i'm going to i want you to understand where the stakes are seriously have you ever seen me take something okay this is because i'm one of your best friends it tastes good and i'm gonna i would literally [Music] right you guys are currently missing something okay okay let's think about panic i would looking at your counter and knowing what you put in your cake i think you were missing two important things it's because i hit it from them no i just don't know how much but that that's one of them see i thought this sour cream is going to work maybe it's going to fade no we're we're literally like we've already raspberried out much of this yeah because i didn't put it um okay should we just dump it in here better safely sorry yeah rich are you struggling what are you struggling no i'm just enjoying time with one of my really good friends cutie cinderella we're your friends for a reason i'm not kidding like i'm sorry that i have friends get used to it are you [ __ ] cheating get used to it are you gassing up the the judge she tried hiding her emotion our cake is not good i could already tell oh no what is that face you're making wait what the [ __ ] does that mean okay give me a clue give me a picture i'm gonna go talk to my judges you guys please keep too much wait this keep going guys you guys are doing it you look awesome too um blue team has no sugar in their cake anymore there's little to nothing um that's a type one diet yeah cater that um blue kitchen it's pretty close to a batter really yeah it's pretty close to the batter but without sugar it tastes pretty good nope or sorry yellow yellow yellow kitchen is pretty close for about oh yeah yeah that is good here's the secret i don't know if any of the um contestants are going to realize this oh yeah you have to oil your pans in order for the cakes to come out yeah so we'll see how that goes i've just been watching a song like uh you know i just okay like like you're like the chat doesn't agree with me they're not watching him work his hands tell him oh it's stopped look at him like the way he's uh i will say the the interesting thing about sour cream and they they all think that it's a joke but what sour cream does in a cake is it brings moisture into it so it's a very secret way to add moisture to cake applesauce sour cream yogurt those are all ways even mayonnaise can be added to a cake to add moisture oh rich is pouring stuff into the sour cream what's that sabotaging the sour cream they look like children yeah it's rich and rich and seared look literally like children like with plates just getting ready and looking at the judges like oh did they see that that they had a bad kid okay they're literally like we're about to get some some pan action over here we get like a little taste test of sort of stuff i will let me bring you some batter i'll bring you both a little dip of batter keep eating raw batter okay my hair is not working stupid from this side so i'm gonna redo it all right lovely you've got one pan made um i think that's a good note to the audience they have not spoiled their pants the chance of that coming out of the pan is very low her cakes are way thicker i don't know how she got him to be so thin in comparison to like how tiny this is oh no they're gonna rise oh yeah there you go you want to know why they're going to rise because true true brilliant brilliant excellent i think they did perfect perfect no no it's fine then it's fine no i need a little bit more you think so i'm going to take the judges some samples yes okay yeah i am here yeah we need three we can't we can't do two we're gonna right yeah we need we need four i one three oh four for the judges okay i'm gonna take some of your batter over to my judges prying my back oh let's do half and half let's do the same exact formula so now we have four yeah we know exactly what to do right it'll fit right there you know all right it'll fit this is to be perfect for two right so now we can double up all right chef four eggs chef you have ten minutes ten minutes chef okay quick now we have to run quick all right all right all right that doesn't know what to do though here is the blue team's batting is gonna take a while it looks like they have added a little bit of sugar since i last talked about their batter okay it looks great it's actually exquisite there we go no i don't think i'm going to get sick of this i'm actually excited i'm impressed get your ass back it's disgusting all right nine minutes chefs nine minutes to get into the oven right four eggs again oh boy yes [Music] so the yellow kitchen has noticed that they didn't make enough about butter or they didn't make enough batter so they are now redoing their recipe in the nine minutes we have left in order to fill their other two pans we got it okay let's start phone calls they do feel confident well they'll figure it out hey uh cutie what uh simple question yes i'm just uh i think we only have three or two of these rather there's two oh there's one we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good yeah there you go okay got the butter right yeah yeah all right what judges here's the batter from the yellow kitchen you feel the heat you're feeling the pressure i feel like a little bit part of tasting this is like now that i've watched i'm sorry i hate to go back to the bike i watched hassan like crack the egg and like it dribbled out and i saw him spill vanilla extract like honestly like that he looked it up so i feel like part of this is like it's an experience i literally choked on it there's a big clump of something and i choked on it so that is the clumps the clumps is the butter on there oh great oh yeah that's really good they didn't incorporate their butter um so there's gonna be chunks of butter and how that results in the baking process is they might have just big that's not the best what i'll say so far is that the uh bluetooth tastes better yes please they might need your help there uh okay it's fine for now they'll restart the oven it's fine but you just started the microwave okay yeah so get it out in a second and then dump it in here i turned off the oven you're okay i'm sorry oven's back on all right where's my uh thing for the dry ones all right your microwave just went off thank you for watching oh god all right the blue look at it very smart don't snort laugh at my demise over here would you like two things of flour i must have oh did you guys run out of batter they did run out of batter bro these are more hot brother this is not [ __ ] soft but it's soft for the judges we need it right all right you're fine you're great you're fine you guys are doing good all right butter's in butternut oh they need um i need something clean to uh oh we need a uh this this this this oh there you go all right all right give that to me wait a second not done you know oh there's open the leg straps no metal in the microwave all right we joke around every day today's the day we fight where we actually do something today is okay you're literally my best friend in the entire world i could do [ __ ] anything with you i mean i think i'll give them a little spin here so they kind of like flatten out right yeah yeah oh my god watch out this one is [ __ ] oh no the little bits in there okay okay it's fine it's fine let's start putting it in there and start mixing it up four eggs correct but they will cook so this is the stuff we made all right tastes delicious all right let's uh let's get these in the oven okay all four uh works that way yeah cuties five minutes chefs five minutes okay you can throw it in all right all right open it up let me see the heat middle rack [Music] blue kitchen is in the oven blue kitchen is in the oven i would there you go all right hey let's actually start thinking about how we're going to create exactly exactly we're fine [Music] hold on oh my god how are we doing um is good but it's good it tastes good but it's not [ __ ] good it's much sweeter but that is that i don't think that's a problem come on baby come on mix that [ __ ] let's go i would like to make it [Music] issue with over mixing is that i'm just talking about the potential the if if they did over mix uh over mix there's no i'm saying if you did you should probably actually start again i'm gonna be ready if they did overmix that can lead to uh intense gluten development and a more dead it's a wonderful cook right it'll just come out like a pancake so you should probably just start better again you have enough time but if you start filling up what i'm not gonna i'm gonna go [ __ ] we're not three and a half minutes chefs our child knife coming through i hope we didn't over mix dude on the blue team you think you don't want to stab anybody today they're they are cleaning up they are getting ready for this can you can you start clearing off this cutting board and just like getting scared cleaner you want a little bit of sour cream three minutes chef three minutes chef shut the [ __ ] up oh are you getting a little bit upset and quiet has come over the kitchen as they all focus on okay has on time uh three minutes and 43 seconds two minutes and forty three [ __ ] i read the clock all right we're good we're good [Music] what does that do it smoothens the cake they're nice and even okay this one's the only one see look how nice and smooth that is okay all right yeah is that true that's the [ __ ] microwave oh what the [ __ ] which one's the oven this is the oven oh it's so hot are we ready ready to go and we can we can test it oh wait dude how sweet are these real questions are you supposed to put it downstairs or please put scoot yours in the middle uh give me the [ __ ] the thing son of a [ __ ] one and a half minutes chefs you don't you definitely that's great what the pans are not hot yet but i appreciate that no i don't put my hand in there i get it it's a good beat you're good you're doing great i'm doing something not trying to distract you okay there we go let's line them up nice and that you're is that right are you doing that right that's right we're not doing that yet you have to make the fillings i think we've got the perfect i think we did it tell me your secrets one minute i think they're [ __ ] up hands up we can actually stop the clock she's taking my woman everyone's done you're good bro i always thought this was fake on other shows that i will not be naming for copyright purposes like when they're like literally rushing to beat the clock like i thought that was fake good job chefs well next week we did that [ __ ] feel free you have you know 30 seconds just clean get a little yeah i think we should reorganize and we are going to cut to sponsor stanz who has a great message from our sponsors chat guessing with duncan is now finished for today for those that participated check out the duncan leader board to see your placement and remember top 15 scores all win a friendly member of twitch chat will reach out to you to confirm your participation and your prize be sure to come back for the next switch rivals event for your chance to play and win and while you're winning chat get a little more out of your day with dunkin refreshers including the new tropical mango pineapple there are also more ways to get glowing with green tea coconut milk or lemonade sip into all your favorites with dunkin refreshers for a limited time price and participation may vary america runs on dunkin we're gonna cut to a quick break and when we get back more baking with cutie [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] oh we're back right uh welcome back uh we've seen our ships compete in a very very great intense bake-off some would say maybe a great twitch bake-off somewhere hey however we haven't talked about the prizes cause we're master bakers do you guys want to know what you're working towards oh no what is it i don't want to freak you out money money money but today you have a chance to win a 25 gift card to olive garden holy [ __ ] we love olive oil please contain yourselves that's pretty bog i do love olive garden we also authentic italian cuisine my husband i'm a big man we'll be taking home the golden spatulas okay one for you you can use that when you're cooking are baking absolutely something i thought you might have such a nice house what's up bro okay not paint enough huh i'm a winner we have a really intense um mini game for you guys okay we have a mini game while our get on in come on in here come on in just a minute while our cakes are in the oven we have some time to stall before we start on the filling and the frosting um right here a little bit of a piping test series you should be good at this i don't know what does that uh there's a big prize on the line here whoever wins this mini game gets five minutes with me in the decorating round five minutes of my help in the decorating round this is what's happening both teams by the way that's not that's like cheating at that you know what i mean you need to choose who on your team is going to wear this blindfold no no i should do it because you're going to have to direct me and i'm very dexterous what do you think wait wait whoever whoever has a blindfold the other person can't touch the cookie you're directing them so yeah the person's blindfolded making the frosting cookies i think your hands are steadier you should do the blindfold unless you want me to do i feel like you're good at instruction yeah i feel like that's the only guy i think we do can i touch his hands while like standing up behind him like patrick swayze like you know caress him gently is that allowed or not okay this is the bottom of the plate feel it yeah put your hand on it put your all right stop touching that i don't think that's gonna i haven't seen that cookie bottom here is what they are going for chat this is what they are going for look we got this this is the cookie that you guys are going for yeah yeah you see it okay all right i'm going to um people without blindfolds you are responsible with the scissors wait why do we need scissors to cut oh the titties of okay oh you're going to do it on your cutting boards in your your kitchen your branded what's ruining the cookies yeah that's our reference sir guy okay go to your cutting board go to your controller rich come on over here i don't know why his blindfold over here just move it laterally to the left laterally you know cutie um laterally to the left all the way your cutting board it's like okay what's your plan of attack here you need to go on the cutting board before we get started do you think we should go you think we should do that right black on the outer shell first and then blue or should we set the blue it's a bluer and then it's a black no i know but which which one should we go with first you're going to go with less blue first left and then you do the out edges good eyes perfect can we just throw like a pillowcase over the head folds off the blindfolds are nice are on it's all right blindfolds are on the ball then you can wear two blood pressures i need another blindfold see through the blindfold you do not tell me i think just wear there you go okay well that's a little bit screwed up in the baby blue if you can see it you have to pull it all right like over your nose you can see it make sure you can't come out i cannot see the cookie all right totally okay that's on you guys ten minutes on the clock no no no just start on the yeah the middle is fine yeah that's good go left go left all the way i'm going to tell you to stop okay no no go left left left left is it too much you're dumping too much right now okay okay stop stop slowly push a little bit slower yeah there you go even it out is it oozing even up don't even [ __ ] push right now it's oozing everywhere okay now go up top go up top and like fill okay go left to go left left leg perfect go around just no no okay don't stay in one place ever okay so you're doing great you're doing great though that's the outside of the cookie you reach the outside that's fine if we could honestly look right okay i got a better idea ready okay we're going to open up a mouthful where your finger was it doesn't even matter if the blue is everywhere where you ended there you go perfect stop stop stop remove it uh there's a lot yeah this is as good as we're probably gonna get okay you're just dabbing it up so okay that's not good we need to move on to the face all right actually keep progressing the outer shell right you're getting it all right let's do that because right now you're not okay so the mouth the mouth should be where is my where's the cookie the cookie yes yeah okay so bottom out bottom yeah right there push push from the corners so the correct way to do this by the way none of them did it the black the black frosting yeah it's much thicker so you would make your wall with that to keep all of the blue inside um the finger painting is an interesting method that i did not think of personally but it does seem to be working it's really creative um but again is it making a pretty picture i don't know i don't know it wasn't allowed that while myth was doing it i couldn't help but notice that hassan with his um like i would i'd describe him as masculine and veiny hands grabbed myth's hand and helped guide him yeah that's the interesting thing is i didn't tell them that it wasn't so he could literally just be drawing it holding mid's hand if he wanted right i thought that was really i thought it was really good the cookie do not drag it just let it fall you're doing great the cookie is like right in between here okay i don't want you to touch the cookies on the edge of the bottom please okay i'm gonna give you the black with this there you go just keep going keep going keep going across it's coming out of the top of the okay you're you're good good good good stop stop that's the pan there it is there it is and then and then travel a little bit north there so that's you're going to use your hand like a diameter like you just just move exactly i'm going to listen walking down the top and then move the cookie underneath there it is pretending to punch the cookies if any of them okay and we're gonna use that as um uh it's not working it's a bit of a measuring it's coming out i i gave a little nib this time but we're gonna start with the blue team it's not sitting right on the uh on the other thing is the black going out though yeah it's coming out but here i'm going to move like we're going to have to make do yeah yeah we should have we should have let the outer crust not uh wait honestly but it's fine okay there you go a rectangle yep rectangle boom stop i'm in my zone right now baby you can't stop me i i don't see any flinching um you're keep you keep going you're almost there okay we've got like a quarter i personally would have been i'll tell you when to turn that turn now i don't think there is cheating the lot is dripping out while you're holding it there so it's kind of creating mounds okay that's a little not good yeah but that's fine yeah it's not and that doesn't look like a dip oh yeah it's a little bad we can fill it in if it's really bad yeah oh um it in questionable what's that you're gonna hit two beats that might be all right a little bit in by making okay to the left eleven and then it's straight am i too high we're just compensating right [Applause] okay right here all right blob it up again blobbing the same way i think we better see some faces on these cookies all right okay don't touch it okay just lightly gently use your your your middle finger to figure out where the bottom of the cookie is they push further there it is that's the that's the southernmost part of this cookie southern side it's a really good one okay and look at his dexterity he's very methodical i don't know i don't think that's the way no no you're good you're good there's two holes that still need to be [Music] okay three minutes of the mouth look i i even started accessorizing to be able look he paints his nails i paint my nails he wears rings it's already spilling oh it's fine like regina george yeah exactly let's go for further north go up north go up going north okay it's now squeezed squeeze it down squeeze go left right left go left the left to the left okay perfect perfect perfect just squirt it down down pull down okay did i make a mess it's fine this is the best we're gonna get okay actually straight up all right two minutes here's two minutes two minutes the shape of the mouth is gone like the entire everything is gone okay this is the last one now we're gonna go right how good is that [ __ ] cookie looks like i mean it looks how good is that cookie look it looks [Music] yeah i know it's oozing i didn't want to go down you know you could go squeeze okay please go up a little bit and then down a little bit definitely eight faces oh you have to put your cookie on the plate and in the center of the table and you have one minute left okay do i have to do it the blindfold person yeah wait really yeah hey guys here okay no i got it i got i got it right there i have the plate all right give me the plate my bad here put one hand in here right okay put the hold the plate up yeah oh [ __ ] now okay open up your egg open your hand as much as you can okay turn it around turning okay now just your thumb and your uh and your middle finger claw yeah okay now put it down gently okay try to grab it it's still beautiful for the thumbs up is it is it is it good what does it look like it's good it looks like it's stuck all right then let it in the center now yep to get to the center table a little bit to the right a little bit twenty seconds to the right a little bit above a little bit and drop ten seconds to bring your table your teeth ten seconds all right before the judging we are gonna kick it to sponsor stands with an important message well done thank you [Music] ladies and gentlemen it's time for the state farm spotlight state farm where we shine a bright light on something special from today's action one of the things that i want to highlight as they were making these cookies was the difference in communication styles between our yellow team and our blue team sierra and rich were whispering over in a corner maybe trying to cheat where hassan and myth booming voices powerful teamwork and i think i don't want to spoil it but we'll see it in the cookies before getting back to baking let me shout out the good neighbors of state farm an official sponsor of twitch rivals and our state farm spotlight thanks to state farms surprisingly great rates you don't have to make sacrifices to get great insurance whether you're a streamer or just someone watching twitch rivals state farm has you covered like a good neighbor state farm is there thank you stans thank you stans real quick i am just assisting our bakers i don't want any fires in today's kitchen and blue team's cakes are done i will remove yellows when they're done but we're just going to set these here too cool theirs is done already well it's just you know different batters different batters yeah it's very exciting all right back over here sour cream back over here mistake big mistake rookie hour now this is an impressive um performance hey guys so basically when we went into this challenge yeah uh we realized that there was actually a second layer to the mini game that you didn't disclose yeah anybody can copy a piece of content anybody can look at something and merely trace over it but we wanted to put our personalities inside of our cookie as we share this experience with the judges and that's what we wanted it to be an experience as you can see it's actively falling apart as we speak much like me and sear feel all of the time is this is this is this about society is the artwork that says more about i was wondering what part of your personality is expressed through that yeah look look we have a sleep party this is a common mistake that freshman in art school before they even get like any of the uh actual fundamentals down they think that like picasso was just the cubist because he didn't know how to draw actually you should be able to put the bare bones down on that on that but the bearing was down on your mom last night i put the bathroom on your mom when you're working on a cookie you actually don't want to be working on the cookie you want to be working on the negative space so i can see that here what you did is quite reductive and doesn't even encapsulate the simple brush strokes that we have here you read every direction really interesting that you say that because you have no direction yeah so i this is derivative no direction at all listen hey he talks the rules you look good though we're to make the same cookie i'd like to make that out there well get as close as possible it is up to our judges to decide who the winners of this round are um we are going to cut to blastoise and adept um please pick pick your winner today and your thoughts actually i'd love to hear your thoughts first before you choose your winner what are your thoughts on myth and hassan's performance um once again i was just distracted by uh which apparently was not cheating was hassan guiding myth's hand and i think a lot of people were upset about that we thought that that was cheating okay it wasn't cheating that's [ __ ] but it was actually it was i made sure not to explicitly say it was allowed or not so your creativity could you could have just drawn the cookie using his hand okay that would have actually just guided his hand that's understood it's a lack of understood i guess instead of like gently nudging i think where people are upset with it is that it's a i think there was a form of jealousy because i again i'm looking at what i would describe as you know masculine uh veiny hands like tenderly actually touching myth and guiding the the process i actually i really like that so there's more performance art for me from you guys thank you thank you thank you what did you think adept i think they're both tragic to put it nicely yeah i think the teamwork was atrocious oh i think there's way too many chefs in the kitchen wow the two with the blindfolds on tried to take leadership so many times it was exhausting um and i think that shows in the results of the cookies i disagree i think you guys did a great job and i'm really proud of all of you and would encourage you guys to consider hosting my stream afterwards um additionally what i noticed with sear and uh rich i think what they were what they went for is not to cut when you say it's you're supposed to make the same cookie the the colon d that's what you were going for not the literal emoji but the emotion that's felt about it's about calling it's about i think that's how everybody was kind of feeling when we were looking at these cookies that's how i feel right now yeah it's gross it feels like i'm going to vomit yeah yeah that's how i'm with like robin yeah um adapt and blow please choice your choose your winner who wins five minutes of decorating time with me in the decorating round whenever you want to redeem it by the way chose wisely okay we're on the same page yeah i think we're on the stage write that down writing the color do we write down the color of the team um the names let's write down the names chefs are you ready or judges are you ready to reveal you're ready on three two one chef wow oh yeah i really thought we were on the same page you literally told me we were on the same page here you never put it on my auto i thought i thought it looked i thought it looked good i thought it was split there's his artwork it didn't capture the feeling of just sorry that wasn't there um and i am going to tell you i respected the creativity of of one team i expected i i respected the artistry of one team and uh support my winner is hassan admit good let's go this is just way closer good job good job hey figure our cake is gonna be great yeah it's gonna be delicious i tried that batter i used to look up to you oh backwards okay keep crying okay i'll remember making it hard for me harder for me to yell at me all right we are going to that's very you're very good at that cut to a break we're gonna cut we're gonna cut to a break and uh come back and start the filling and frosting round that's surprisingly good [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen it's time for the capital one community quest where one lucky fan can win big twitch rivals asked you on twitter what's your go-to food for fueling up after a gaming session and we've selected today's number one fan with the winning response chipotle please welcome kronzing how's it going everybody hey welcome to the show have you been enjoying it i have it's been great honestly i i think it's gonna be close awesome what do you think about the cookies do you the judging was it fair you know i'm a fan of contemporary art um but i'm also a literal person and i see why it was close but i think the winners deserved it that's for sure fair enough i like to hear that okay so today you're trying to win a jackpot of 500 in twitch gift cards by guessing the ingredients in a delicious baked item based on the image alone there are a total of 13 ingredients in this item and you're gonna have 30 seconds to name as many as you can you'll earn money based on the scale and if you name 11 ingredients or more you'll get the full jackpot amount of 500 now fans of cutie might recognize this item from her instagram it's a black forest cake and maybe that'll give you a little bit of a hint here is the image can you see it i can see it perfect are you ready yeah let's do it alrighty you can start guessing in three two one go all right so we see some maraschino cherries i think there's a little bit of cream cheese in there looks like we've got some milk chocolate uh it's a cake so it's gotta have uh you know flour butter eggs just a question of what's inside of it you know so what's inside of this cake uh something about the cream cheese maybe i don't know maybe some lemon possibly lemon uh and your time is up we are gonna end it on lemon there i have production tallying the number and we are going to find out how much you made in twitch gift cards that you could use on anyone maybe cutie maybe me rich looks like he needs it over there because he is just eating all that candy he says he's a big fan it looks like you got five of the ingredients which is going to be 300 in twitch gift cards you can use them on anyone and i appreciate you for coming on the show thanks again thanks so much for having me guys good luck of course of course this concludes today's community quest big shout out to capital one the official bank and credit card of twitch rivals with early paycheck you can get your direct deposit up to two days earlier and with no fees and minimums on checking and savings account banking with capital one is the easiest decision terms apply see capitalone.com bank capital one n a member fdic be sure to follow twitch rivals you can find out about the next capital one community quest we're gonna get back to cutie in the kitchen for round two thank you stans welcome back to the kitchen excited to move forward with our first round we need to continue some baking um you now need to make your filling and your frosting each team is going to have 30 minutes an important aspect of this round is you do have to plate and present taste test to the judges don't worry again i will be pulling your cakes out of the oven you don't have to worry about that you made an extra layer today to give to the judges so when the round ends you do have to have one layer of cake on this plate as well as some frosting and some filling in each of these ramekins rich campbell what are you doing i'm looking through the colors to see which colors i want to use for my eyes what what did i tell you what are we doing right now what did i just explain that we're gonna the judge is gonna have a taste test and what goes in here um inside of there is going to be the things which um they they are going to be taste testing he's not wrong oh did somebody just get owned by my teammate yield stand down hey don't ask questions you don't want the answer to i wanted the answer i wanted the answer that's why i asked i specifically that goes for you too what do we do when uh rich just eats all of the pink [ __ ] i'm taking it that's what you sound like people talk people talk people talk that's what you sound like all right you physically fight you right you've got 30. chat right now rich campbell 30 minutes to make your frosting and your filling you may not taste it again i banned you yeah i like look i'm the first i was kidding i know that sometimes i struggle to read the room i'm actually a big fan it was blue 30 minutes i don't start i don't know 10 from no nine why did i start ten five four [Music] would be cool i'd appreciate that um all right the filling and the frosting the filling is the lemon curd if it doesn't taste like lemon it will be a fade again it's very good very nimble and the frosting is um i'm waiting shots a traditional okay buttercream all that's done in american buttercream for the filling buttermilk someone will fail if they start using granulated sugar if you see granulated sugars that's a fail oh my god it's very much so powdered sugar and frosting besides i'm really um can you do a favor for me it's just grainy what do you want me to do pick me up so i can reach the ingredients why do you i think there's no ingredients yes there is a problem yeah it doesn't mix well okay oh really i don't see a lot of progress chefs i don't see a lot of progress over there uh you do have a lot to do the interesting thing is they're gonna have to get creative here because the filling is lemon curd like i said and you can make a pasta they're going to give us lemon juice how you make lemon curd is you get sugar lemon juice and you cook it over a stove to get the sugar granules melted and then you add eggs so the eggs are what thicken it it's like a custard and then you add butter good good wait is some hassan hand that he just shaved into him no no no how do you feel about that yeah well i'm watching i'm watching i'm watching now and i'm i'm once again this is just there's something about something look at that look at look at this forum there's something about just seeing them squeeze on them until the juice runs down i think the only thing cyril could do better here is if he rolls with his sleeves you know oh he did he did roll them up a little yeah just i mean honestly the fact that sir talked about how he's been going to the gym and i just want to comment on that it really does show because i think just even in two weeks and we can see some definition in the forearm i mean that's just wow that is a lot it is a lot we are going to take a break from the kitchen cams and we are going to cut to sponsor stands with a quick message and then we'll come back and see how our chefs are doing why did you splash me ladies and gentlemen big news i'm hearing that production like the cookies so much we have added them as emotes in this channel make sure you refresh the stream you'll be able to see them and have fun for the rest of the time back to cutie that is very very fun shout out to twitch rivals as well as twitch as well as twitch prime by the way you can check if that's available by hitting subscribe scrolling down clicking on the free button that's your twitch prime most people have one if you don't have one maybe ask your mom no no no there's no she might bro you're right while you're at it this is like see if she's been replying to see her mom's [Laughter] all right i'm going to go check in on the kitchens i'm going to see what they're doing judges you will be tasting something in the next 25 minutes all right what are we tasting well it's a good thing she said something because it's not going to be is it the cake they'll have a layer for you oh tasting freshly squeezed lemon juice and that's about it i think i've done it and lemon shavings okay whatever it works over here we have lemon juice and powdered chicken all right like the actual cream okay okay okay so wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what's up you're making an oven what do you mean i mean what you have to heat it up will you explain to me what is in your bowl sugar and maple syrup we're gonna put sour cream and put lemon peels sour cream and lemon peels i figured the maple syrup to get it that thick viscosity and the sugar will probably get a little bit i think the sour cream gives it the viscosity oh well i think that will help a little bit it's a little bit creamy so i think that's why you need the sour cream yeah and she's not i'm just listening and absorbing your ideas i have no idea all right i'm gonna start heating up oh low heat so why are you choosing to um heat up your sugar in a bowl rather than a pot are we turkey do we have pots there are probably pots in this kitchen um there are pots in this kitchen oh you hide them oh here's the pot that's crazy that they're right next to the oven i would like to uh there we go all right i'm gonna casually check on you guys have you started have you started this no i haven't but i'm sorry yeah wait no we should we should we don't have time okay start it up how long do we have thick here ultra heat no no don't do it low heat no bro trust hassan trust so it's like [ __ ] on you know what i mean okay what do you want uh this is a you're making maple syrup game dude if it's making this squid game candy it kind of does it's going to harden no i don't think this is how it's okay it will harden because then we're going to put the other ingredients in amazon okay see it's car it's it kind of does look like the squid i think you're supposed to whisk in the [ __ ] pan dude why not uh because it's teflon and you're putting metal to it that's okay your little teflon in the bloodstream won't know her nobody yeah i don't know okay so what do you think we and now we the sour cream right yeah no no no no no no no because you don't put it in here but i still think we need more i still think we need a lot more oh we need more lemons if you i hear a lot of whispering over here on the blue team what are you guys discussing this you're right you want to get the sour cream in there it'll be good well it's just right yeah don't figure it out i'm confident oh yeah i feel good i could smell it all right so you're making your filling right now yes i am don't laugh i'm not laughing i'm not laughing shit's crazy what the chunks are you you're you will not explain to me what the chunks are i have a feeling it's powdered sugar chunks am i no it's not powdered sugar chunks is it sour cream yes it is thank you thank you yes it is great yes it is that is a very innovative chef we need a lot more sour cream this is not going to work rich we need a stronger base something's [ __ ] up here somebody said something's wrong we can start from the beginning too how are you going to decorate your cake because that's just going to be cake wait wait wait we need to make the frosting right now you do need to make the frosting grace i don't know how to do that i don't know okay what we need to do is we need to proceed to heat up the candies and add what we need to add to those the candies are a part of the decorations that's definitely right you don't need that yet oh for the frosting we're making the filling like hey judy question we [ __ ] up we [ __ ] up all right no that's decoration you just need the frosting wait what the [ __ ] do we use the thicken this milk you wear milk wait uh that's olive oil they don't have a shrimp as well that's butter are we are we unionizing sugar i think this is a really unfair competition is it collected it's time for the olive oil oh okay i didn't put it in they're heating it up are you not supposed to i'm trying to thicken it dude i don't think so no olive oil isn't that dirty we should i'm gonna uh check in with the judges and wow what are you thinking right now about these eggs i'm really questioning mitt's technique right now he said that he has sugar and maple syrup and i'm a little bit of a maple syrup expert and i'm just curious why sugar and maple syrup yeah and not just one or the other this round i've only been paying attention to rich i i feel like rich is is passionate and i think he wants to continue to do this like i feel like he's glowing he's in his element he seems like he's having fun with it you know like he's really he's having fun look at this he's having i relate heavily to uh rich's competitive spirit also he uh might have sabotaged the sour cream with the other team oh yeah that we could learn about that yeah cutie we have very breaking news to tell you yes but you're gonna need to come over here yeah we might want to whisper with you first yeah oh the shoes have been removed this is the blue squad the whole thing so rich has informed us that they're the yellow team sour cream is in fact no longer yeah it sounds like a sabotage yeah and look at that just said he's gonna dump the sour cream into that so we're very good what it is is i saw i saw he's really proud of himself i saw what they did they added a bunch of oil to the sour cream so it's still sour we'll cook it a little bit but i wouldn't make it explicitly i don't know i mean these are no one should be using sour cream this round they're awesome they should so these are i think this isn't even mine no i think they might be using it as like a crutch yes which i think i think it's going to be a little bit of lemon and a lot of sour cream i hate sour cream so knowing that i'm gonna have to taste this makes me wanna vomit right now and it makes me regret bringing the sour cream hoping they'd put it in their cake for moisture i know i have a different opinion i think that this shows rich's passion and it shows that he cares about this oh and speaking of rich um i'm nervous i might have to throw together some frosting so they at least have something to decorate their cakes but we'll see eggs in the dog sure because like eggs [ __ ] i think it's egg white you guys are at 18 minutes and 30 seconds chefs um what's going on over here yeah i don't want her to make them it's just gonna cook into eggs dude sour cream i can't help it i need to know how to make jelly i really want let's heat up sugar water okay let's get our dads in the game cutie i really love baking and i want to be able to do this i really want to be able to do this and i just need to push in the right direction otherwise i'm going to fall apart and i don't want to fall apart before i even start the race because i really love this i finally feel like i belong somewhere i've been living in people's shadows my whole life asthma and gold miz kept all of otk and i feel like here you and me can walk side by side is making friends and we can just cook all day long and we could just hang out any time that you need somebody to to to to to to get on the side of the cake and to help you where it's uneven for you i'll be there but i just need a push in the right direction first of all you forgot about nmp you're also gonna be something that people he's like way he's a bigger streamer than you though so don't forget about that pretty much everyone is cute um anyway i would focus more on your frosting okay because it does seem like nobody's going to figure out the filling so maybe you can compensate by at least having something to frost your cake out is it struggling in water no that's the next round the judges look very excited to try this dude how do you make this thick uh chefs you do only have 17 minutes i would say none of you seem to have focused on the frosting oh guys what's that a lot of sour cream right over there nothing what are you doing hey are you sure there's nothing wrong with that you're sure you want to do there's nothing wrong with that what's what it's what do you mean what is that okay stainless steel i don't know i don't like it what is that a secret sauce see your powder they gave it they gave it to us before the show i want some of that awesome you can't get it so you can't get it yes yeah good luck yes yes yes yes how do we get yeah how do we grow bro i think we're literally i don't see any team with any frosting yet it kind of tastes like eggs now that i'm thinking about it i swear to god go taste it you think there's eggs in [ __ ] i think i think they put raw eggs in that [ __ ] i don't think that's edible bro i mean i know it a taste real quick dude i'm not putting raw egg in just get rid of it no way just a little little little nibble just to get that i have it i've been nibbling at it dude i'm telling you taste it again with eggs on the brain it's gonna blow your mind i'm gonna save this competition with only about 16 minutes left i i'm going to help both teams with something here both teams because you so desperately need something to decorate your cake with i'm going to give you the ingredients of frosting and the ingredients only okay frosting the only things that are in frosting is sugar butter vanilla and salt that is all you need for frosting okay okay rich clean this you have 15 minutes for 15 minutes do you remember what she said i wasn't looking so we used the sour cream for the yes nerds the the frosting i don't know she just said she just said what you're supposed oh sour cream for the philippines yeah so we just [ __ ] it's just sour cream sugar hey don't listen to me it's just sour cream sugar [Music] okay give it to me i'm whispering okay and i think we're gonna need uh i think you need to do that until it's uh i don't know more we add some more sour cream until it's good did you see oh we need to let it cool i am not repeating mine [ __ ] hey what did she say it's fine but these eggs aren't real anymore butter that's like pretty simple just salt sour cream we don't need eggs we need sour cream and lemon okay all right i'm gonna have a healthy heat with this no there is one more ingredient salt sugar you're gonna eat it powdered sugar you're gonna literally you're poisoning yourself okay i don't know if that's baking dude i'm such a dumb [ __ ] how did i already forget salt sugar butter are you sure that's not the baking powder there's another ingredient okay so what's sugar i'm not repeating i'm not repeating i'm not repeating um better than that you do that because that's your blessing it's just gonna try i think we've kind of folded there's another liquid in there that absorb that powder feel free yeah um if you think it goes in the fridge no for a little bit because it's too hot does it water oh bro this is thickening don't worry it's really good because there's uh brands in here oh well just in here just yes this is can you put it in that fridge if it needs to cool down you can put it in the freezer to cool down faster i have yeah sauce salt sugar butter that's a lot of foam they're using flour but i don't think that's right uh they might have some flour using the yellow team is in the blue team's kitchen which is an interesting strategy yeah we're just funny we're cheating that's what we're doing we're cheating we're trying to figure out cutie what where just tell me i think it's a lot of sugar and butter i'm not telling you anything i did just tell you one thing is there water did you hear me say water rich do we need that it's mine what no that's way too much what do you mean it's way too much you think that amount of sugar that's going to be crazy yeah what else are we using sugar for he has diabetes we're going to kill him yeah yeah we're going to go die today that's for sure welcome to the kitchen baby you do not know you do not have enough insulin for this no this is definitely the amount of sugar you need to use dog that i'll just take a bite i'll take a bite is there water all right judges salt sugar butter what's up what's the reason what's going on over there yeah what's up what what's happening over there huh yeah i'm watching you just because no one wants i'm walking no i don't have anything spreadable i don't care sugar i would love to see what they come up with incredible but number two i'm really excited to see what they do with the granulated sugar i feel like myth did immediately go to the granulation yeah it is interesting that they all completely oh my gosh what what wait what is that what are they doing rich i just decided to use it you got to get dirty man uh vanilla extract he did wash his hands i don't know where it is that was at the beginning i will also note that sierra went to the bathroom which ones of them went to the bathroom did not wash his hands yeah oh my no that was a maple i'm just gonna i don't want to call him out but he didn't did you all i'm gonna say is there's no other judges in the world that i would like to get food poisoning with so i'm really happy it's you guys because we are all going down together it's gonna be and if the food voicing doesn't kill me the sugar over speaking of which i would like to build twitch for lifestyle yeah it's actually really exciting not to go on a rant about that but insulin prices through the roof that'd be great so myth is going in with the mixer and his butter it will be just is that good yeah i think oh my gosh there's so much sour cream yeah i'm not even kidding might not to exaggerate i might throw up that's how much i hate sour cream and i'm so sad i have that beautiful oh my gosh how does he not realize that something's wrong with that more look at how the issue is you're doing great honey keep it up too and he said we're so close and then he added more ten minutes left chef ten minutes left the fact that the sour cream came out like rotten mayonnaise and this man thought nothing of it and we just kept dumping it [Laughter] you get whatever they have just toss it oh my gosh with the paper well you know what blou i think your dream of swapping spit with hassan is finally coming true cause you're gonna lose don't waste your time anymore you got nothing i will blend you go do it at least i'll die winning all right all right let's go wait wait did you put yeah i put more butter i was heating it up there's this one who's already on the counter yes i just have i have like a question that it's okay so my only question is just like volume wise because we've never really more butter to be honest i used to cake before can you just check to see if i made it up or if i should make more or if that again no butter okay that's okay it's totally fine great question and clarification brought to us by rich i will not give advice on how much you need to fill or decorate your cake so just hope you have enough we love the uh chefs you do have to have everything plated let's just get another one a minute left oh this shoot there's something we did something wrong no it's going it's going you know what they did you gotta keep doing it the granulated sugar look at look how frosty that is look how fast that's hella like frosting that was a weak boxing out technique guy rich that was very weak boxing out there the texture this is way before oh they changed the weebles [Music] well are you [ __ ] with me no i'm not isn't it crazy how sometimes you think you're going to invite judges here to be sabotaged and then it ends up backfiring on youtube please look at that holding the butter cool pleat it that is not wait hold on please soften it again to stop some of the sugar rich quick question from the judges when was the last time you washed your hands uh i've been doing it frequently okay fast contamination is a very dangerous thing inside of the kitchen salmonella can spread at a very dangerous rate thank you chef maybe don't ask him any more questions while he's holding it because he's spitting it all over getting on it some sort of speech i like the enthusiasm rich you're doing great yo thank you so much oh yeah sometimes bro it's actually doing what we wanted to do dude we were still paying attention when we were in italy bro neither team is it's right now oh what's up wait and you saw what you were helping them we have an epiphany from the yellow kitchen all right uh is that what she said was that it's what we wanted no this is a frosting there was no everything we wanted it to be it was the vanilla it felt so bad i think we need more suggested that there should be olive oil in the frosting for those of you who don't know what's in vanilla extract it's usually made with vanilla pods or vanilla beans straight off the tree and then soak in bourbon or rum or you're right you're right sometimes you make vodka just vanilla vanilla extract so it's mostly alcohol and when you use that much of it in baking it tastes like it's going to taste like alcohol yes [Music] oh yes you don't want the other team so the thing is rich i have not answered any of your questions no matter if i come over to your kitchen you're good you need to blew it up yeah right so like you shouldn't have okay about five minutes left this is exactly what we needed i thought we had everything going against us we've actually succeeded as a result here i need one more stick of butter they're they're frosting sucks dude the judges the judges are now meandering into the kitchen i need one more stick of butter we're going to grab ourselves some toothpicks and taste tests get chef see here i need one more stick of butter yep four minutes chefs four minutes other side you can even even even get me two frogs on their side no we haven't finished it yet are you proud of it that's not what else are we going to add i have no idea what we need to do oh you know what you didn't beat it enough there's the cake for you to play beat it a little bit before i see it are you have you tasted that yeah it's a little too granular right now uh i don't know why i think it might be because uh if you want to take care of that that's totally up to you i've heard enough damn listen i actually you guys are doing a really good job will you explain to me why you're using your hands instead of the mixer i just washed them and i really want to put love inside of this dish this is their lemon filling it was a little bit too rough initially to use the mixer uh-huh all right be careful with how much you add how does that taste why don't you tell me we tasted it it was pretty good but you know everybody has a different palette everybody's come through differently which one is yours pretty good for me all you have to do um sierra have you tasted this all you have to do is put this on that plate yeah it should be turned off now it is unfortunately i think we just got along with it though this two and a half minutes you do have to have a little bit of your frosting and filling in these bowls do we put more powder in the frosting well they didn't go in the frosting a little bit of frosting and filling in these bowls on this we gotta put something on the table i mean this is like what we have there's nothing else don't taste everything a single thing on that table two minutes chef two minutes chefs you need a little bit of icing a little bit of filling just taste it again does it need a little bit of lemon no dude a little bit of icing a little bit of filling a little bit we nailed the mixture put a little bit of icing in there you know what i'm saying all right it's not sweet enough yeah put a little bit of put a little bit of the icing in there hey how do you know it won't curdle are you sure we just don't add more sugar i'm adding sugar a little bit of icing literally sugar dude trust me put a little bit of the icing i think it'll get weird okay oh and then we can just do that after the fact like that much sugar sugar that's good that's good that's a better consistency no you got to get it like low get it in the corner no i need i need granular sugar granular sugar dude were we getting granular sugar one minute steps to be plated oh [ __ ] get some of that keep whisking yeah you got it you got it big boy i'm gonna go hyper mode go turbo let me know when the clock is uh coming up [Applause] we're gonna be down to the wire on this one viewers at home i am so excited to be trying these cakes and their ingredients in about 50 seconds disgusting rick he says it's disgusting what is what i just tasted was abysmal [Music] are you not like giving me proper updates this is the new bet you tasted it tastes really good match are we putting old batch in here in your bag okay keep whisking i guess the most whisked part where we'll dump it in there and then we'll keep whisking i guess i don't know i think that's 30 seconds they're trying to take you out 20 seconds chef sorry about that did you add the fit in there no you're just supposed to holy hey time is up time is up good job teams i'm thrilled to review these with the fellow judges before we taste this we will be going to a quick break the cake looks sad yeah it's pretty pathetic honestly this is [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] bed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back everybody to the judging round we are here ready to taste this stuff um twitch i am thrilled and i didn't grab a very um distinguishing tasting soda to chase this with uh we saw a lot of interesting choices in that baking round we are starting with the yellow teams which is hassan's and myths cake but before we do that i would like you guys to taste my cake that i made so you can know what they were going for exactly um i will reveal yours tastes better like it's fine yeah like ours mine actually tastes better than cuties like just because it's different don't think that it's you know it might that is very humble of you yeah i just wanted to make sure i would like to make explicitly clear to everyone at home this is a raspberry cake with a lemon curd filling and an american buttercream frosting um so that's what they were going for um taste this as reference num meringue not meringue curry maybe we're wrong this is beautiful by the way it's really good tasting i'm gonna taste right where you did it that's really great you say it's really good that's like when like kanye west goes and plays his own music and says this sounds great like i'm so talented actually it's okay look at me i mean don't worry okay very flavorful very moist you get all of the yeah moist flavorful you got the layers talking about start with lemon and vanilla maybe i'm gonna just taste the corner of the frosting so i know what that is supposed to taste like oh my gosh i don't want to make this weird guys but if i was competing i would beat all of you that's really good way sure all right shockingly though i think one of the teams actually got kind of close to the lemon we'll see what happens i'm actually surprised now that i've tasted this all right we have um did you say hassan's team's cake right here the first thing i noticed about this cake is that it is moist inside but it is really dry on the outside that's okay why did that happen why did that happen is probably because use of egg when there's too much egg sometimes it can start crusting on the outside also butter it can toast on the outside before the rest there's a few different reasons but your inside is baked perfectly but we will test and see where this is at perfectly fine i really um know that i can trust your opinion because you touched every single part of this cake yeah and i'm now going to eat it and so i'm kitty's chewing that [ __ ] i'm loving it okay look at that look at her face i am loving it oh no she looks like i'm actually surprised i just have something solid to hold here yeah good job on that we did it we got a solid cake that's the dough write it down dude [ __ ] you man have you guys tasted this no no no we'll give you a taste we'll give you a taste at the end uh i'm good they didn't taste good good i'm good babies the new frosting come here that cake look look at the color perfect yeah it's perfect perfect nailed it you did a great job have you tasted it did a good job right not yet wow reviewing the cake alone not a lot of raspberry flavor i'm not picking up a lot of rice flavors but the texture is cake it's okay exactly they made cake yeah that's dope that's a double that is a big dub that is a big that's a glorious dub um and it's edible and they didn't die yet it's all dry and the thing that would have helped with the moisture is what the sour cream was for yes so sour cream in your cake brings in moisture other examples of this is applesauce you can use yogurt you can use mayo it's a very simple way to add more moisture without the dryness that egg whites can bring in that's why people add extra egg yolks for moisture how would you know not give you should pay attention when you eat a doughnut next time it's not it's okay it's okay it's still cake i will say it's still cake judges seem to like it um we're gonna move on to the fillings they're lemon curd stuff start at that end here's the they're still waiting what they're still on that side that's the one we nailed we definitely nailed that so okay wait okay i had dirty toothpicks oh they're clean are they dirty well i just touched it oh sorry i'm sure it's fine all right yeah we're in um you know what i'll hear your reviews and then i'll talk about how it's actually made [ __ ] this just tastes like diabetes it's just it's pure sugar i don't i don't taste any zest no tartness it just tastes like how it literally just tastes like diabetes he doesn't know what sweet yeah exactly he's never had this this is his disability that's what it is oh cool no that's that's fine yeah bring me on a baking show and make fun of my yeah yeah that's exactly that's fine yeah i know it makes no sense yeah that's what i thought too i have good taste i'm so i have this is a really weird phobia i have a phobia of sour cream i hate sour cream you put it in your cake yeah you can't taste it in a cake and so i if i taste any sour cream we do have a chance of um coming out just just put it down it tastes delicious it really tastes good you don't get that you do not you do not get the sour cream taste that smells like a potato buffet in idaho that is what so much what an ugly specific dish well yeah raised mormon i know what a potato buffet in idaho smells like okay potatoes i don't know i don't know this is [Laughter] uh yeah what are your thoughts with 20 free flavors i didn't think it was lemonade there's no there was no zest there was no tartness it just felt like i said it just felt like pure sugar like i don't yeah because you're diabetic bro okay there's absolutely no lemon in that yeah thank you thank you yeah what i'll say is uh the cake you know it surpassed expectations because i actually had something like that it exists right yeah it's over however i agree the uh that is very underwhelming so i noticed this when uh the blue team was making their lemon filling they were squeezing the lemons i particularly noticed uh the vascularity from sears you like really like squeeze the lemon well you did a great job by the way thank you uh you haven't even tasted [ __ ] yet well no i'm just thinking listen hello team you guys you shredded a lemon i didn't see you put any actual lemonade i put lemon juice in there too well it doesn't taste like oh my god okay also judging by the blender i would determine i'm telling you i'm descriptive i hate to be this guy but maybe you should just let the judges do their job you already had your chance hey stop sucking up okay yeah maybe you should uh keep it quiet for a second honestly hassan maybe you should suck up more because you guys are beautiful and and have incredible taste buds i will host oh that is good to know all right um so for the record i actually tasted lemon in there it was tasting a lot better yeah how could i think about it honestly make it clear that did taste really great i love the sour cream so much um how lemon curd is traditionally made is lemon juice lemon zest and sugar in a pot you boil it you get the sugar granules melted you guys were very close but the thickening agent in lemon curd is actually egg yes oh so i'm so sorry okay so how egg works one cook is it thickens that's how you make most custards it's my fault what is the thickening ingredient egg egg like eggs i'm sorry and it is cooked it is cooked that's how that's called tempering eggs it is a little difficult for you guys i would understand but you do take your hot your hot liquid mixture you add it to your eggs and then you add it back on the stove that thickens that's how most custards and curds are made you literally like you're not going to serve me raw eggs dude they were saying scrambled eggs i told you when it comes they were safe i said cook it we did it cook it okay but real quick the funny part is is myth told you to go taste it with egg in mind and it was very eggy tasty it didn't taste like anything anyway no no way it's my fault i'm sorry okay you know what 13 no we still got this we're moving on to the frosting that's just straight sugar like i can see blastoise is shaking right my now i don't have my continuous glucose monitor on i don't even know what my blood sugar's at right now oh no no are these clean or dirty clean she's coughing i don't think that's good i don't think it's a cough of delight it's a texture preference that's really all it is no one prefers the granular sugar we should have this is not a texture i prefer god damn it and i'm not even a big texture person i mean i gotta watch hassan you know i'm not gonna say that actually it's great i like it you would probably be getting more points if you were feeding this to him by the way just because he has imagine gawking over you this whole time this is very um it's not even sweet it's just it's very buttery there's it is sugar in it but it is just so much butter your ratios were uh detrimental to your success yeah it's actually even buttery in texture yeah now that's i think that's why i didn't like the texture yeah why but it's because we didn't use powdered sugar you did not use powdered sugar so we were trying to like beat the granular sugar out of it i will say something now that you you know your mistakes as you go on to the decorating round you probably will want better frosting you can always add powdered sugar into your current mix to get somewhat closer into the decorating round that is something i would recommend that you can use good luck finding it wait what we have we do have extra powdered sugar um no i accidentally used all of it no i didn't realize that there was more there's more there's more don't worry that is something you might want in order to have a more successful decorating phase but um wow judges we have a lot to think about um we should that was only one team they're losers yeah yeah did you forget no i was thinking if we need to write their score down before we taste the other ones are you paid by the yellow no we have to do it's one out of ten it's one out of ten for their taste so i don't know if because if we taste the blue team then forget what the yellow teams taste like should we write their taste down first no scoring i'm joking a white blonde woman and being told that i look like amber heard i didn't look like her hair style i said the air the hairstyle your qualities do not resemble ever heard in any meaningful capacity hey [Laughter] all right moving on to the next team [ __ ] pancake oh that looks like dude oh my god yo what's up what is this dude okay that they had the deck making a cake not just frosting and filling this is um their issue here there's a lot of issues here oh thank god oh jesus christ no baking let's see what it tastes like before we dive in too much i think the issues and that's not what companies say we have recovered they have none [Applause] [Music] if you guys injure my host i'm out of a job and i'm going to be very upset oh my god bro that's my life my life is judging these cakes and you're taking it away welcome to the kitchen boys yeah what's up oh not so hot now are you johnny depp that was that was oh my god oh my god let's go oh it's so hard oh damn bro would you guys do [ __ ] make a like the bread or something what is that oh boy that's bad oh he took a big one big helping that's not gonna be good that was the thinnest of all the slices could i just say um it's shocking that the team that had the problem with the moisture is the yellow team and the blue team overly moist it is it is you guys made a pancake i would like to make that very clear pancake oh what's up i thought what happened i thought a donut old-fashioned donut it's not gonna be a pancake an absolute [ __ ] diarrhea oh i'm sorry we can fix our [ __ ] you can't don't make a new cake i thought you were bigger than bullying man no absolutely not i'm sorry i'd like to ask you how much sugar did you add to your cake uh that's confidential we cannot disclose that uh look we knew that look we actually tried to make a cake not a generic cake but a cake for the panel and we heard that some people maybe didn't love uh they weren't maybe that's great so we tried to make a cake for our deus and um if we didn't get it right for your palettes this time we will continue to try to be better and we really expect respect your opinion so thank you thank you for even taking the time to taste thank you it's understandable we will improve our cake that has already been [ __ ] bad i'm sorry oh what did you guys think about their cake i'll let blastoise as a as a diabetic judge for some reason judging cakes here today i actually really appreciate that and um there was no sugar on on behalf of the ada the american diabetes association as well as the barbara davis center in colorado and the various diabetic communities um oh we really appreciate that do you have more cake absolutely dog you make it you made bread bro pancakes oh give me your toothpick okay never mind sorry we're having oh um i don't know what's going on but you broke uh some technical difficulties so we're just going to move the judges over into the uh oh oh just kidding we are not having to um let's taste their their lemon curd i'm so nervous we're starting at the end again you stream with how bad your cake was that's what happened would you guys agree though that that's going to be very tastes like it looks that was the thinnest of all the stuff i don't know if you want to clean one yeah all that liquid there's something in here that is not related to whatever this is so that's there's like two things can i show the camera yeah can you see the stuff that's floating in there um there are potentially dandruff in there i don't know what that is oh oh my god they're poisoning they're poisoning the judges pierre was like fixing his hair above him oh it's not a thing actually you have dandruff boom yum that does taste good we tasted that we didn't get to taste our cake before it got to you for some reason you did taste this yeah i but if you don't like it i respect that we'll give you all the opportunity to taste your cakes too by the way okay just so you know just so you can experience thank you we understand the the fact that i'm so your palette could be that of walmart quality and we can't do anything about it i would never say something about you you are so not like amber heard in any way and your palette is incredible reflect the opinions of the blue team at all here over here yeah you look like applebee's type beat why don't you go get a applebee's steak making fun of huh farmers living in crazy and i for one i hate that i love potato farmers like you oh my gosh that is so much sour cream you guys in one what is that you guys with salad there's no sour cream i promise don't be so dramatic don't be so dramatic don't be so dramatic you inner gag oh it's funny i mean somebody else's last night my mom no you sick [ __ ] my god what the [ __ ] you're telling me that was so bad you chased it down with the cake i don't think you guys saw that on camera she took a bite of the cake this weird pancake great great cake oh my god oh she's chasing it down with the with the pancakes she's using her she's using your sponge that is so much sour cream one of those like little [ __ ] dishwasher things you know she's just wow this is get that off my palate all right what do we do they're frosting all the wrong things admittedly is much closer to traditional buttercream they only have one thing however that is their butter to sugar ratio is bad again i would encourage you to add two to three cups more powdered sugar if it's a little too thick i would add a little bit of water to loosen that up if you have to so you have something to decorate this is amazing no it's really good guys you no this is no rich this is really good uh honestly this was he's lying look at his face no i thought i thought it was a liar i thought it was really good um i know what things about it what was really particularly stand out about it it it tasted like otk is looking for new streamers and creators yeah and uh and already it's like a oh it's like a content drought could you guys um taste rich's hand sweat in this i'm curious before i taste it you don't it is literally you can cry on command it's very weird what do you think about i'm so nervous he has you can't tell with the camera but he's like actually tearing up why is it sour she didn't like it oh let's go why is this out oh no what's that wait they put lemon in there no and they're in the frosting that's going to be a yikes for me dog that's a yikes one yike all right um well judges will deliberate i do want you guys to taste your cupcakes it's gonna taste like [ __ ] oh yeah i want them to eat the whole thing the whole thing they are yeah they need to finish it those plates better be clean uh to maybe make some people wait i want to try this [ __ ] get something that tastes good and enjoy their day and i understand if we miss the mark we know exactly where we're at yeah look how fly all right here is hassan and myth's cake oh do you know what this is that's great hey do not apologize to me with your words i apologize for your thank you that was disgusting oh my god try what a real cake taste like real quick look at [ __ ] that dude it tastes like air you guys made a cake i will say and there's like no what are you talking about this is oh my god now this is this look at this this is actually more this is bouncing literally looks disgusting like i mean i'm not joking anymore like i was [ __ ] around earlier like this what is the color it's so unappealing oh god [Laughter] it looks like it passed away the moisture is perfect your texture is good if we mix our two cakes together yeah you had a chance if you would have done that no it's like no the moisture is perfect but because it has no flavor whatsoever flavor but why are there raspberry seeds what the [ __ ] is is that they mostly used fresh raspberries and fresh raspberries don't break down the same way as frozen i thought you were wrong but you were so frozen frozen raspberries you can see the juice is like all over the place juices the juice helps add that flavor compared to the whole raspberries you would need to puree them in order to get that but i curated with my hands yeah you did it i really don't understand how you chased with this by the way like that must have been really bad this thought it's not that bad okay it was great being on the show thank you very much don't worry don't worry we haven't started the decorating round uh we don't know oh and we got the blues and we got five minutes oh dude oh jesus okay all right sorry guys i already know what it means now judges we get to um decide i'll have you guys write down on your paddles who you would like to win um the the bonus here is a five minute head start in the decorating round five minute head start keep in mind hassan and myth do have five minutes with me anytime they want to redeem that during the decorating round however the winner of this tasting round does get a five-minute head start in their decorating so feel free to write to your choices it's interesting that you're calling them winners when really it's more of like who's losing less i think we're all winners and i'm really happy really that was that was really you you nailed it sorry so good you already built a really good cake did you stop stealing my strat what just up to him no i'm going to keep i'm going to keep sucking up i'm going to be coming for the [ __ ] kill i paid the money at 72 i'm going to give them i already i already juiced it i'm bribing them with gifted sub okay and autumn oh it's really the idahos for me your battery pack make sure to close it up thank you this is actually tough remember not to impact your decision in any meaningful capacity but like our stuff is like salvageable you know what i mean and then some things are just not salvageable man you must have had a lot of friends in school that's not funny excuse me i'm not bad i don't give a [ __ ] dude i will cheat okay oh i'm sorry rich you're not wearing a shoe all right yeah what are you guys doing is that what is it more tactile yeah i want to know where i'm at chefs the judges have decided judges please reveal who you decided has the best tasting cake thus far no matter what your cake okay oh i would like to uh talk about my decision here um i'm thinking i'm thinking of all three components one clearly had a better cake um one clearly had a better frosting i don't know how to celebrate it too early yeah i think and one clearly have lemon in there and one clearly had lemon in there yeah i mean you don't have to fill and the main filling was lemon she said she tasted lemon in ours she did i'm gonna have to give the five-minute head start to rich and see here [Music] this is why you're the contestant and we're the judges because theirs is actually much more salvageable than yours at this point no they're not they have a cake you can fix our across you have the most viewers and also because uh otk is in austin so i wouldn't move to join them anyway so they're gonna spend five minutes trying we're gonna take a quick commercial break um and we'll be back with the decorating round that's crazy this is a wash this is oh my god this is gordon ramsay style misdirection [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] welcome back to my sweet showdown we have some great chefs in the kitchen today that have finished their cakes they're frosting and they're filling and now they're ready to decorate their goal in this next round is to recreate this to the best of their ability our winning team from the taste test round is going to get a five minute head start both teams you will need your cake completely plated and placed on here once the timer is up so by the time and i will grab you your cakes we put them in the freezer so then they're ready to be frosted now everyone um watching at home know that now that they're the judges have already you know evaluated their taste i am going to both teams and fixing their frosting so it's at least spreadable in some way shape or form and useful for them to decorate so we can at least give them a running chance at having something to decorate but we will start with the blue team's five minute head start and while that's going on stanz is going to have an interview with our losing yellow team so blue team you may start in five four three two one get the plate let's cook boom boom break a left you need those you need those five minutes desperately yeah we don't we're fine we're gonna spread i don't know yeah i think we i think we have to flatten it we use a knife when we flatten are you guys doing your interview no no they can't wait they can't see ladies and gentlemen it is time for our horizon checkpoint i am here with the yellow team unfortunately they didn't win round two they are going to lose five minutes but we are gonna get to spend some time with them and learn about how they're doing today mitt i wanna start with you you had a little bit of a pop-off during that you would thought you won your cake was good maybe the frosting wasn't as good what happened there with you um you know why i was feeling really confident especially with cutie's comments regarding you know she had to scrub their cake on her tongue to get the taste of whatever it was it was a frosting i think off of her out of her mouth so i was just feeling really good really confident about that that was enough to get us into this five-minute head start in the next round but you know it wasn't enough and that's all right you know hassan i want to go to you do you think the judging was fair and do you think you can make a comeback in round three absolutely not the judging was not fair at all okay i'm here to tell you it's scripted it's all scripted if we win it's not scripted obviously but like if if we lose then it was definitely scripted you noticed that there was a there's a lot of cash being exchanged in the first round oh wait i can't help but notice you're wearing some cutie cinderella merch do you feel let down that she didn't vote for you in the tiebreaker okay well i mean you know that's i just like this merch and it had nothing to do with like me maybe like juicing cutie cinderella's merchandise so that she will uh not [ __ ] me over it looks good mitt i heard that you were in cutie's stream yesterday it feels like i did raider last night maybe picked up a few tips seen the cake that didn't happen uh you're right i was in cutie cinderella's stream last night but unfortunately i came in at the very end uh i came in at the beginning when she was setting everything up and then i had a dinner i had to go to it was lovely i went to uh went in a place at a location and um were you gonna do yourself no no i but then i then i came back home and i was like okay cutie's baking still and then she just ended like i just she literally ended right as soon as i hopped out when i learned nothing from your stream when i raided cutie cinderella last night was i thinking that this will be uh favorable for me yes yes i was actually as a matter of fact i really thought that she would not be a terrible person bad friend overall okay wait a second um that that's a lot i'm just i'm just saying i think cutie cinderella is great i guess that's the last reign is this like a little good cop bad cop is this how you're gonna try and get back into it don't shut up you got it ladies and gentlemen verizon lets you kick lag off the leaderboard experience ultra high speed low latency gaming on verizon's 5g ultra wide band network let's get back to cutie let's check in with rich and seer with some more baking all right you guys still have your two minutes left in your head start we got your frosting to a better consistency what are you doing over here with this extra two minutes i'm really glad you asked so basically one thing that we were worried about is in the structural integrity of this cake you don't need to whisper within the okay within the structural integrity of this cake is a big factor something that they might miss out on now what i did is i took it to i took the initiative to kind of flatten out all the pieces yeah so the cake didn't happen your cake was pretty flat to begin with yes it was it was but we had to flatten it even more so now what we're doing as you can see we got rich over there and he's putting some icing on there and it's going to be really good it's going to be the best cake out there and there's nothing that they're going to be able to do that's going to be able to keep up because you can keep trying you can absolutely good with the flourishing little comments that they tell you because they want those hosts at the end of the day ultimately our bread cake is going to be phenomenal your icing is going to be the downfall of your entire civilization i will watch i will watch the fall of that civilization from afar listen i like that one minute left by the way i like to hype up my uh my short kings but uh this cake is a little bit more of a manlet that's funny yeah yeah it's going to be very uh what's up you know let me hear it it's going to be uh you know be careful this is a literal pancake dude that literally looks like like dwight schrute cut a face off yellow team chef you have 25 seconds you might want to prepare to get this is like why you ever seen that scene you need the beater what do you need the beater for the make the frosting again i fixed your frosting everything cake tacos nine should we eight seven six five should we cut it four to make sure ours is straight because do you want to go you guys can start i'm gonna cut off and even out the top and so that they're even uh sides all right so that's my job that's what i'm gonna do oh boy i need she's like she's not wrong this does smell weird i mean it tastes good but it does smell very smelly very sour yeah i was gonna shave more into this i'm gonna shave more lemon into it yeah okay i think that's what we should do how do i do this the good news is sideways put it sideways and then just gently we do not have to eat anything anymore and not even there like you can go a little bit further yeah yeah yeah okay yeah we paste all the individual parts so we don't have to eat any more i promise um okay where's the zest what that is usually what do you mean can you do that but he is doing that test it like just don't cut your finger off is all he's saying there's a zester that's not right either zester yeah um also yellow team remember you just have to once you need my help you just said what are you talking about shut up i don't see the disaster let me just keep going because i want to make sure okay it's fine i got it interesting this is the strategy uh just oh it's beautiful just so both teams know just so both teams know you have already been rated on taste so there's no reason to adjust any flavor or anything like that wait really yes you've already they really need to adjust their flavor well they it looks like you are both trying to so i'm just giving you the heads up that this is a thousand percent decorating everyone just started adding lemon to their cake this is just decorating okay okay well yeah sorry for no sorry for being perfectionist okay i'm just trying to help you because you could spend a lot of time are you fixing the flavor like a lot a lot of time um okay but i would focus on the decorating and filling up this round final round your final presentation ripping on the inside is ours gonna drip when you cut it i think so this one's pretty good that will actually assist you when they talk about decorating like the frosting or really when you want you need to put color in here oh hers is dry oh we do actually wait how many minutes do we have in this round you have 27 minutes left we should we just like should we tap oh no no we're not gonna touch that one that one's fine okay that one is good you can tap me in whenever you want you have five minutes with me whenever you want to use it over don't worry chat i will be taking these streamers to dinner afterwards clearly they did not eat if they're desperate enough to be eating breakfast i took your mom to dinner last night you didn't my mom's my mother's dad's here do you feel good about that is that real do you feel good about yourself yeah wait is that real [ __ ] real actually i don't know if it's real or not i'm just i'm just messing with you i do it it's fine i thought we were friends i thought you knew that but is that real yes we all know that that's so [ __ ] up you should probably take points off that for that that is yeah i'm just letting you know i'm just letting you know you know it's but we can make fun i laugh i feel like if it was real one of those traumas you go get to decorating you're not helping yourself right now god damn dude what's the perfection brother [Laughter] actual cake looks like consistency wise and oh i learned what a cake was last night when i was smashing against my hips aka your mom hey how about how about you you know cool off on the mom jokes there okay i can't you don't know you don't know how many moms you know how many moms are alive right now you don't know you know why yeah i'm killing that [ __ ] left and right okay see that's that's inappropriate and i think you should jot a point off for that one just saying so sorry i'm gonna knock a point off for tattletail okay uh and then frosting first and then the filling right that's that's what it looks like there has not been much movement no not much okay let's do this at the bottom there i'm putting up the bottom layer like one of them is doing the majority bottom layer we need to put the bottom layer the rubber and then the frosting and then the fillings here so they would just get in each other's way one of the best things that you could do i don't know but just start getting ready for it i'm gonna start also if you give it a piping bag and we can mix it in with uh some of the blue frosting or some of the food yeah we'll see like she could literally come up with the whole plan for that all right so we did about you ladies and gentlemen yeah yeah and then the filling yeah i'm not gonna remind them that's good here really love the effort there rich it looks great are doing great great stuff good um yeah oh you could just just use that yeah yeah good form rich oh lightly right here that's good what what are your theories on how they're gonna make the ice cream from the ice cream it's just rice krispies in a bowl um so rich has figured it out yeah he has rice krispies on it so the funny thing is if these guys were smart and they just wanted to save time they would just stack their cakes they don't have to feel it right because we're not tasting anymore so if they wanted to save time they could just throw them on top of each other yeah [Music] um and also i think thinking about checking all the drawers for i don't know exactly why maybe you could start on the machine you what looking for my mom still no i'm done with mom jokes look up my mom too right huh no you said that actually yeah remember are you lying now is that what's going on you're just a liar they are both puppets but who's the frosting the cake it's rich i think rich is one too rich how old are you me yes do i have to say no 30. ugh he's lying no i'm serious i'm 30. you're 30 yeah with that hairline oh my god oh what the heck yeah the competition's not about your hairline rich it's okay it's okay you look great king is that good your hairline is not as abysmal as security with that process it looks good it looks good you you have been frosting that cake and it really is the one thing that i'm very self-conscious about oh is it i'm glad you hit it you're welcome it really resonated yeah yeah that's why i usually wear hats but i thought today i was with friends no no we're here to judge you actually we're literally here to dress yeah are you sure you know what i think is funny cute struggling you guys kind of made me feel a little self-conscious with the age comment because i'm 30. yeah okay yeah but listen when you're 28 or 29 you're still in your 20's when you're 30 it's over yeah it's like a wall hits you right now 29 might as well be 21. 30 might as well be yeah actually i'm so sorry all right thank you i'm so sorry i'm sorry i don't want to [ __ ] um you know i'm gonna wander into the kitchen for a little bit i have some good luck out there for some of these chefs out here beautiful technique i'm silly where's the soap let's start putting the candies in there shall we yep oh what's up no he's he's he has another uh yes you do no he needs another one yes also where you know i'm going to save us from having a fire that's middle microwave in a bowl okay i i didn't know if that was a thing how do you maintain this yeah the icing lighter stir for 15 seconds we have a lot of icing so i mean stack it on there you know i don't understand how you guys are gonna not gonna measure the um okay i guess we could do it like this that is good that is how i would do it hassan when you stack cakes and you want the most level cake you always do a you kiss the two sides you level them so you start with your flatter side on the bottom kiss the tops and then kiss your top down okay should we put you did well should we put a straw through this to keep it a straw now like there's i think do we need we couldn't use it if you want to get no no i know what the straw is for it's not for that yet wow beautiful blue on this side they have already gotten to their blue with 20 minutes left tons of time to spare actually over here it's gonna be tough to get it down the piping bag but all right should i do the outside now yes it's like picking up dog poop because it's never right whenever you want all right i'm gonna start thinking i don't know how to do the outside dude i have no idea i'm a little same way just i'm a little i'm a little scared don't worry you can't fail i thought we were friends man doing good you're doing good hey cutie can i use uh the five minutes you want to use it right now i would like to use five minutes right now um okay we're going to start it at 19 30 so then we know exactly where to end let me get a second actually we're going to start it flat at 19. okay because i'm dyslexic flat at 19 so we're not starting yet so you'll start in 30 seconds you'll get my five minutes which means i will stop helping you at 14 minutes sounds good perfect excellent take advantage of her dyslexia we can have it for longer than five minutes true true do we have any more of these chocolates yeah i can grab some i can grab some if you need it we i'll grab some i'm so worried about this i feel like i'm [ __ ] this up good jason's scared that's the song's scared i think what we were always scared i've noticed that about it yeah what are you running from oh my god we have the shroud uh oh you have more than enough we should have put this bro we should have put this on that and then spun it oh goodness okay you guys get me you'll have me for five minutes okay move over oh all right what i need you to do hassan i need you to take some of this frosting and i need you to color it blue you need some blue frosting if you want anything to happen there you go cake so scoop some of it out put it in its own they can hear the vessel that's okay they already have their blue egg i didn't know we're going to have you physically this is great you get me for five minutes you get me for five yeah this was insane just some super mario party [ __ ] okay uh you are doing not what i asked you what are you doing you need to scoop some out and get it blue you need to get that okay we need to i don't have to use this to like there's dishes in here and you keep making it bro that's going to be crazy we need like actual dishes here there's a pan here take a pan all right wash this pan microwave it microwave it microwave what microwave the [ __ ] thing goes first microwave it voice no okay this is a cake turner i knew see i told you tell me i should wear the straw and i told you we should put it on the platform as well you just said that but you should have just done it okay wow they're frosting hey turtle you did have a cape turner the entire time both teams did have this sorry for being mean to be honest probably man i'm sorry why would i do that so what you're gonna do is you're going to make a ball out of your rice krispies get it into a ball place it on here and then once it's all covered in chocolate you just take one of those little toothpicks stab it in here and place your cone think about your private set where you get a second toothpick so this toothpick will be crazy once we get finished everything he needs to do because the reason this toothpick is in here right now is to stop your cake from boiling wait is it wait how do you make the color blue i don't know chocolate how do you make the color blue blue [ __ ] they probably got blue in there they don't no no no we need to make it blue is a primary color idiot all right no green yellow green yellow green and yellow i am on your team for two more minutes he is sabotaging you there's a thousand percent of blue where did you put the blue rich campbell what the [ __ ] what's up we're listening you're listening to the opposition i use green and yellow all right you know what use it's probably right here no rich where did the blue go rich where did the blue go tell me where the blue was where is it i'm telling you they're in my pocket you guys do you see this this is why you guys are bad at this [ __ ] game this is why you're losing this whole time well look what i did but now we're on the same team get over here please okay we only have two more minutes okay i'm gonna [ __ ] good job where's the pan okay so the icing goes it goes after you put the ball on right oh you do yes yes yes okay you like cheating you like you like cheaters that's what you're saying oh right is this thing okay it's heating up baby bro put it in the microwave first it's on ultra heat oh my god yes you should be using the microwave let's find a glass bowl you can use a microwave for this you're not even is it on you turned the oven on oh that's the oven that's not the oh what is happening this is not heating well that's okay because it's fine because you should be just use the microwave not in a metal bowl not in a metal bowl we need a glass one there is no glass one okay you guys have two minutes left with me wait is it right here right here right here oh sick going okay yeah you guys they got five [ __ ] minutes and they cheated well you you also you got through five minutes use this tooth honestly that is very helpful for this either with me is this enough no no we need more we need more frosting that might be more breakfast all right here we go how long do you suggest that going in for me so you're going to do 15 seconds mix it pull it out mix it 15 seconds pull it out mix it 15 seconds pull it out mix it all right this is the best i can do with your frosting at this moment in time which is fine because now yeah can you do that i don't think you're gonna have enough time for me you guys i believe in you and they cheated just get started you use some of that time to kill uh rich and get the blue color so i think it's it's valid right yeah yeah we'll see we'll see we'll see we'll see we'll see oh [ __ ] oh fudge we don't have the tip we need in here we need to put in a filling bag right is that yeah [Music] yes yes yes i'm out son of a [ __ ] are you ready no all right give it a good little good job good luck good luck good luck okay make sure that okay we know how to do yeah you got that no i don't know how to do it bro steady hand it's [ __ ] terrible hassan you got it it's just a straight line all right okay dude come here all right here's what we're gonna do here we're gonna do this oh wow look at him go oh that is quite the method no then turn it so what you basically do is you thin it out with some oil so it drips easier um and then you have it in a spoon and you go to each kind of edge and you make your drip that way because this is not going to he's not going to control this so if you look at my cake there's tons of little controlled situations don't the gravity the way i wanted right oh let's see how the the line is working on i think you should spin it a nicer pressure okay actually i can do both okay they're going to cool down we're going to operate together i think the priority of me frosting it was good yeah they're getting really low on time oh yeah i'm [ __ ] wicked with this [ __ ] yo you have steady hands you got gamer hands yeah yeah yeah that's good myth that is looking really really good we're more on the top of this compared to hassan's make some more yep you're on the same team you're on the same team i'm saying i needed to just kidding there you go i do appreciate the teamwork on that and oh wow some things are happening over in rich hands that's looking interesting i need to heat up this the stripes are i'm just trying to sprinkle the rice krispies with no chocolate on it what the dogs are they're chilling oh dude are they are you out of pink do i need to find the other oh we had some uh okay yes they had some they're gonna find that that is so good it's decadent that's decadent am i crazy that's luxurious right on the whole oh the steadiest thing what are you seeing he's a you're good although i need to clean the nozzle maybe a little bit of oil in it oh there you go oh it's fine we've got a cake decorator in our mitts wow they'll make more of it i did richard's gone i don't know where he'll ask her she said she can get you more do you need more i will say and i don't mean the backseat but please and thank you do go a long way just with means here yeah so we've known each other so long that um it's like a blind friends don't need to say thank you oh okay yeah i'm just i'm just letting you know like i agree with you i agree with you like to you thank you thank you please please please because i hate him but me and sir we're like you know what he hates you remember that when you're judging no it's not going to be you know what's funny i don't care because uh winners don't care about losers you lost or actually we just use the regular we'll use that one cute dude go go we need more of the pizza okay cool dude is it is it not um keep going i brought two bags of the pinks do they have four dollars ago because we didn't use all of them i brought two bags of the pink melts did they open both i think they only opened one cake it will add moist overall uh ten minutes left check your microwave chefs don't have any more sprinkles where are they we have them right there this is the team look at it they're [ __ ] they're eating their food i can't believe i think they're done just give it i'm not gonna lie i'm kind of proud of what we were able to accomplish on we are actually so far we're doing incredible yeah incredible things out there yeah men they're doing incredible things got it rich all around uh oh wait i had i had two bags of the pink so did we open do you open both yeah not sure i mean we can use this like what would we do without men i have some information no more chocolate no horn chocolate so you will have to figure out how to make do with what you have i'm trying to figure out if that was jordan because this is like i've been doing it and it's not gonna grab the ball wait bro stop getting mad and there's a spine on the inside did you guys if it falls again i'll do that you cook it put water in there by chance no all right nothing was wet nothing was wet no all right keep going all right yeah i need a spoon oh wait uh there you go there you go there you go don't waste any of it no no i'm good no if there was water in it it will never melt is what yeah no there's no water did you wash the bowl before and there was like extra water in it or something see i mean a smidge but i don't think that's enough maybe it is no it's not melting dude here i'm waiting hey don't give up guys don't okay don't give up you might have to use what you have nice words you know it's not it's the same consistency over and over again it's working yeah no i promise you it's not dude it's called work is that why you think because you didn't heat it up on the stove or no it's supposed to go in the microwave but i'm thinking if it's not working in there and we [ __ ] it up i might as well do it so heat with water boiling underneath it i don't know if that'll work it is not maybe it's hotter i'm going to leave it in for a minute okay pretty much they're only but i don't think i don't i don't think we're going to get it i don't think we can figure out how to use it right now it's going to be the consistency of like clay yeah but we can't have more chocolate because someone ate all of them we didn't eat hey man i always get to eat all day on stream i wouldn't know what you do on your stream i don't watch your stream okay oh okay once the astronomy gold host comes through i leave i'm sorry no no probably running an ad anymore sprinkles you're not doing anything what doesn't seem to be myth no no literally the same obviously he was just eating his rice piece i don't even know why i'm giving them advice about that i didn't you're right yeah it's two minutes they got their just make do since it's a fondant texture they could get really creative and almost make like a like a play-doh shaped drip going down the side pink frost that's so smart yeah they do have some extra frosting yeah all right we're going to be careful too much okay this is going to do nothing for them it will not melt essentially it is if it works broken or i mean i'm going gonna i'm gonna go look at it it's either because they added too much water or because they overcooked it and it's just burned oh sounds like crispy treats pretty good yeah no it is just burnt dude it's been in there yeah does nobody else just like love the taste of them this is what we were trying to get okay come on have you had dude [ __ ] they did a pretty good job not gonna lie one opportunity how much time is it so disappointed but you guys right now six minutes left team blew it in the last round i think the sad thing is they had it like their cake looked so good i thought no i'm just i don't know what it is we just can't melt it seriously great job i won't be on any other team when i lose let's put that in the fridge five and a half minutes left five and a half minutes left oh [ __ ] that's hot all right so i'm realizing okay yeah it's it's still pretty warm but there you go wait clean it it's burnt you can smell you can smell the burn so that's what happened it wasn't the water it was right so just maybe i don't know as is when you see it start melting do we have enough time to melt this open the refrigerator for me hey guy brought some of that pink stuff you guys were using over here we actually ran i was going to try i was not being discussed into the trap did we even need to chill are you putting it in no because when she took herself dude i am so demoralized if we don't get this done if we don't get this we would like lose for nobody it's not seized people i see people in the chat saying it's seized it's a thousand percent not seized because water is working it is seized because they look liquid it is burnt i think it was in the bottom of the they burnt exactly because it's liquidity look where there's is it even it's hard to know yeah i can't describe it any other way it's completely you can smell the burn on it it's heating up it's not frosting so what it is is it's just candy melts so it's artificial chocolate that people will use to like dip little like cake pops in or dude it does not feel like it's getting hot what's going on you can use it for a lot of things uh can we try to maybe up the plating a little bit or should we keep it exactly as good are these burners inverted that's up to you what's going on if your goal is to make the same cake i would just keep that in mind okay we we're not going to embellish with the raspberry garnish that we were considering for our plating but i i really respect what you did we were just trying to do something different since yours was already perfect and when you're trying to make a different version of something when you already know that it's a work of art sometimes you want to just take it in a different direction to try to make your own claim to fame we're never going to be able to do that thank you so much for everything that you've done help us see your drawers i thought you only said thank you to people you hate exactly [ __ ] you're right he does hate you guys just keep that in consideration there's a respect thing that comes into the place okay why it's rigged why because i'm not gonna know she told us dude i don't know what to do i i like we can't we can't microlight minutes i say we say [ __ ] it this is not working so i say we should have somebody say [ __ ] it three minutes left chef three minutes left chemical reactions blue kitchen is done i mean yeah blue kitchen's done you could you could help the other team if you slap it in there it's not going to work but half of it they don't want to it might work they like water it's so crazy it might just work dude i don't remember you do have to be plated we can't even we can't plate it dude it's not working it's working no it's not it's not no no it's melting now no you just think that because the butter is like it's doing it hey don't want to make you feel stressed out but you only have two minutes left oh i know yeah i i just there's another way you do rich be humble when you win no i'm just i'm trying to help them because i think that you do have a chance maybe motivate them okay on the freaking yeah it's just the should we try it with the butter should we try to microwave with the butter just put something on the cake in my opinion it doesn't have to be the perfect texture you just should put pink we can just like just throw that on there two minutes left chef that melted butter smells good that is way better we just slap it on dude it's not it's not going to have the the like the viscous uh i think we just got to go without it then no we can't we can't do that so do we just we got to make a decision then yeah we just [ __ ] throw it on there just dump it on myth is making the right car he's making the right call it's decision time [ __ ] let's just throw it on there say [ __ ] it maybe it won't look like it come on okay make the uh make the cone no the cone is already made where's the cones at where the [ __ ] are the cones they hide the codes did you guys use all the cones no they didn't use all the cones they just they [ __ ] hit the come on bro where are the girls at we're actually where they i do not know where they are where are they rich where are the codes maybe you should spend so much time streaming when there's only one minute and 10 seconds i hear i will show you where hey we're going to get oh my god this is actually happening i put the cones there from right in here they're in the trash they slip what the [ __ ] oh wow that is something that's just dump this on there think about it okay hold up wait what are you doing i gotta put this in wait all right pour it on i mean pour it yeah there's no it's not going to just give me a second just gonna put your cake in the center just get it on there you go oh take your time you don't want it oh my hot no 30 seconds all right i'm gonna just cover it with the bowl you do need to get your cake in the center got the sprinkles grab this hold on hold on hold on it's just slather it on lather it on 25 seconds i'm still dumping mitt i'm still dumping grab the sprinkles it's dumped enough hey guys don't ruin your friends 20 20. it's pulling no 20 seconds 20 seconds it's like you're not grabbing the sprinkles you do have to put the cake in the center ten nine on its stand on its stand not on the print table twist them up five four three two oh you almost dropped one hands up we have to get it on there dude wow i have to get it on there do you want to read this bridge wow clear comes wow wow [Laughter] i'm so bummed right now why i'm like legitimately i'm like dude i'm actually pissed off very very impressive we are going to cut to a quick break and come back with the final judging and wow this is actually that's so bad dude no it's not okay it's not that bad [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to my sweet showdown here we have just great things to look at me and the judges have come out here to take a closer look at these cakes and really evaluate before we come in with our final numbers and announce the winners um blastwise why don't you you kick us off with your thoughts here um thank you for adjusting it slap his hand no i mean i just honestly great work from everyone um really really fantastic stuff i think he has really baked well um i just don't know what to say though about the ending i my expectations were subverted and this is just absolutely beautiful what huh beautiful are you okay thank you beautifully beautiful thank you chef if i was looking at an absolute train wreck of a [ __ ] cake whoa thank you chef i understand chef you're pressured to be on our weapons which is why i love it because i was looking for a train wreck that's what i wanted to do thank you thank you that's what i wanted thank you i'm honest myth on what happened at the end you guys had this no the the elements uh we got sabotaged well we we look let's be real there was a little bit of cheating going on not a little bit a lot of cheating going on they stole the blue dye yep and then afterwards uh so what happens when we open what happens if we open up a bakery for you and someone steals your blue dye in that bakery i'm gonna kill that person i would kill that person but not on camera of course because it would be in terms of service violation um but uh yeah i mean it happens in the most importantly we we we messed up in the end because we just could not that's not what happened i mean i i i don't want to talk about all the your stripes are clearly better i would like to have great job no more pink chips guys i don't want to be this person that says this but size does matter always has yes true i think it's a very important category here yeah i agree my cake is exactly four inches um that's a big four inches i'm just saying this cake is exactly three inches above average above national average no not really actually and this cake is four inches and two what is that centimeter millimeter goddamn voice we call them mini inches [Laughter] that's pretty close it was pretty close to four i mean i think there there's just some things that that cake is a mouthful we can consider yeah why don't you measure the the the pepto-bismol on the top of it i didn't measure anybody's don't forget it's um thank you so this is what happened were you guys going about gardening no i'm gonna i'm gonna straight up say it right now myth your piping work was fantastic it really was fantastic i learned a lot from seeing what you you did for sure um if you guys learned how to use a microwave maybe you would stand a chance in the next week oh yeah so technology this is what happened you burned your chocolate and so it separated so at some point we didn't stir enough because once how how this chocolate works is once even one part of it gets burned it kind of works like cancer and it just takes over the entire thing um so you had one part that got too hot and it got burned so when you took it out of the microwave to mix you might have missed a corner or something like that your cake is essentially cancerous it's uh that that is not you essentially got one done what i said that's what she said sure but i still think there's a lot of redeeming qualities i think maybe again the stripes i think the frosting work on this is just better in general um i think the chocolate work on this is better in general i think the height on this is better i think all they have on us is chocolate i actually still do want to go back are we sure that that's four inches like it just seems like excuse me i think that it's not just the chocolate i think we can both agree it's definitely full definitely four inches okay i think the sprinkles on this one though i feel like the sprinkles were very uh haphazard half hazard you threw the sprinkles on there this looks like you guys actually meticulously were like you studied these guys are more of like a top savant and you guys are more of like bottom savannas is what i'm picking up that is the opposite of what i mean we we did actually make a cake that you use edible you know what i mean maybe you should take a slice out of the final product consider that you know anything 100 i would eat it don't test me would you mind eating just this piece sure i would love it yeah just right here oh give me give me that are the ribbons inside being judged by champions delivery no no cancer the good kind that is good many people don't know them adept what are your thoughts on the doctor making my immune system stronger um well we lost are you okay that was awful uh so good i i think i'm pretty in line with what uh you're calling out here i think the lines on this are beautiful i think they're perfectly spaced uh myth paid a lot of attention to detail on that but this chocolate work by sear and his technicality and melting it spreading it i mean he's got the drips i don't know if i would consider these drips his drip doesn't look like cutie cinderellas at all he was just able to melt his chocolate yeah yeah that's true i think you're gonna want to hear what i'm saying next though okay so the really truly you know game changer here their cake is like a live action piece it was actually still constantly dripping and i mean that is like that's great that's showmanship that's that's magnificent we do that actually yeah and i i just want to say you know i gave you guys a lot of criticism throughout but you both created beautiful cakes this is impressive arcade much like america is a story of perseverance okay overcoming odds yep yeah you know building bonds in friendship yep tell them tell them building goals keep going building bonds wow racism from the white team uh sorry two muslims hello wow oh are they no eastern america wow look at that get him get him cancel lsf post we've already tasted it so we're not going to taste it again are you sure absolutely not we aren't going to taste it again we are going to go to a quick break and then we'll go back to the judge's booth to um announce the winner does that sound right yeah great [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is twitch rivals friday night bites if you were a pizza topping what topping would you be and why jalapeno i'm good going in and i burn coming where we hang out and get our fill of friendly competition super fun games and special celebrity guests i'm excited to totally destroy the other gamers that i'm being put up against it's awesome man it's really cool okay i'm not a good liar under pressure i'm not made for this game what three toppings are you putting on your pizza to make it legendary cheese sauce peanut butter most bling thing i can possibly think of when i do get toppings i love buffalo chicken pizza revenge is a dish best served cold at the same time though pizza is a dish best preserved warm and cold carl anthony towns of the minnesota timberwolves my gaming really started thanks to pizza so shout out to pizza man there we go that's what i was looking for geez i haven't played luna in so long i haven't played uno since high school that was a lie come on oh my god how do you feel what i'm looking at i think this whole thing is a conspiracy against me here's what's coming up on the next friday night bites [Music] that was a quick look at our twitch rivals highlights from our super fun friday night bites series presented by pizza hut and it's time to check back in on our brave steaks presented by crypto.com earlier in the show i made some bold claims about things that i thought were gonna happen as our contestants were baking it's time to check in on what i said what happened and if i was correct and if i remember right i said that sear and rich were going to be able to bake a cake that stood up it didn't have to taste good it didn't taste good but it did stand up i'm gonna give myself the w today and we are going to check in with our judges all right welcome back to the judging table we are here very serious faces on and a little nauseous admittedly um what we will do from here on out we have number scores i have no clue where this is going to land i don't know who our winner is going to be every judge thinks on their own judges you are going to give a number one through ten for each team in three different categories the categories are number one taste number two decoration and number three teamwork teamwork maybe a category you guys didn't think about um we don't need to discuss teamwork just yet i know we have some notes about that we're gonna hop right into taste so please judges write down a number between 1 to 10 on how you rate the yellow team's taste so myth and hasan a number between 1 and 10. what i am going to do personally is think of all the components so i'm going to think of their cake i'm going to think of their frosting i'm going to think they're filling and i'm going to give it an average you should you should think about their cake or our cake which was good and better than their bread very true so you know bake off not a bread bake off well yeah seriously you know having beautiful personality only goes so far until they have to look at you all the time that is literally what your cake is yeah uh yeah our kids are eating mine is [ __ ] personality you're beautiful perfect for los angeles at least you have melted chocolate on yours i'll give you that yes yes all right judges are you ready rick inside yeah all right for taste blastoise what do you give the yellow team after the yellow team i give them an eight an eight out of ten really fantastic tastes in no way are my rankings higher than normal because i am looking for you know i know anyways uh no i really haven't clicked on auto host i really thought uh i really thought the the cake that they made was tasty uh the frosting was a little granular but it was it was still fine um what's the filling part oh didn't have any lemon in it honestly i was okay with that the what is it when life gives you lemons it didn't give them lemons so i threw them away they threw them away and i think that's okay and uh yeah i give them a name fantastic thank you judge adept what do you rate them and eight um i am actually very impressed by the cake itself the actual taste was there and the texture i mean the the cake was magnificent it was magnificent it was a cake thank you thank you the custard i didn't say it but i actually could taste the lemon in it so maybe they just didn't mix it very well mine was lemony um and i didn't mind the subtleness of it considering that your cake tasted great and then the issue of the frosting was really more of a technical issue but the taste was still acceptable so eight eight let's go all right it's a crust right okay that's pretty good i mean they're not um i don't have any cake so i am going to be giving the yellow team a six um mostly carrying their cake their cake itself was very very good um she's rolling her eyes they're feeling she jealous was mostly sugar maybe i'm not jealous yellow cream i'm not jealous of cake flavor i'd like to make it very clear i hear you guys whispering i don't think you're telling me not how to make a good cake shut the [ __ ] up relax everything's okay no it's not um i give it a six less sour cream next time please all right well i guess i know who to go we got a six if we got a six what are they gonna get uh that brings their total for the cake store score um to a 22 out of 30. good job not good no you don't have 30. all right good job judges we're proud of you please write down a number that represents the rating of the blue teams can i see a good uh can they see the cake taste this is the taste the taste no no they're they're talking about the taste what's just remember what's on the inside remember the oaky undertone of the gray blob that that was somehow moist but also lifeless like a lifeless husk remember that raspberries where oh not in the cake i'll tell you that much definitely not well not even a cake not even in the bread sorry that we used the ethically sourced fresh raspberries yeah yeah good luck with that one grass-fed raspberry breast fed free return of shame i think these tours we have to buy like lesser quality cheaper yeah sorry sorry we actually got it right sorry a lot of fighting in the kitchen i'm from atlantic city laos toys is ready to present his score blue team you feel bad for me now yes no one would ever admit that blastoise what do you give their taste just take it like a man whatever it is there were seven and i need to explain this a little bit uh i did i had the dock i had the dock points because of the actual cake itself i gave them some points back because i i respect that you guys took my diabetes into account and putting less sugar in it um i did also have to dock points because frankly i don't want to join otk so a son raid would be more important to me understandable thank you absolutely thank you for your opinion chef huh thank you and it does burning by the way what let's go on i swear i checked your oven like 12 times to make sure it's turned off that's crazy we're good great i saved it you should remember that that i just saved everyone's life when you factor into how low their cakes should be adept yeah that's for sure what number did you rate the blue team's taste originally it may have been a tiny bit higher than this but i've decided on it too and the reason for that being tasting your things whatever those were actually made me sick and the longer i sit here and i have to keep thinking about it the worse it gets thank you we will do our best to improve thank you chef it was really nice [Music] thank you very much it was really nice meeting you i i would love to return the thanks but i'm not thankful for this understood chef thank you chef enjoy the 172 that i gave you well you gave it to three of us that doesn't even put gas in my car these days but thanks i guess yeah thanks brandon let's go brandon sorry it'll surely buy me a roll of toilet paper for later thank you understood chef understood chef we learned a lot today chef for all the [ __ ] that's coming out of that mouth maybe you'll need a lot more of it remember that remember that energy look at the energy you put in that thank you chef thank you chef for everything there's still more rounds by the way i uh oh i will say something i i blundered earlier i did i was the tie breaker and i let you guys win the taste round and now i'm exposing myself for potentially just not wanting to um handicap you so much um because you didn't know they were gonna be cheating freaks well thank you chef never invite me to anything again sugar cones i am giving you a four i'm giving you a four mostly for your cake i'm so focused on the cake because both teams feelings made me want to throw up um i'm still thinking about it my mouth still tastes like sour cream why both of you decided to put sour cream is just beyond me that was my fault chef i'll never do it again i've made a lot of mistakes our first mistake was coming here [Laughter] thank you chefs it's giving ev idiot sandwich it's brings your total taste score to 13 out of 30. thank you chef you you're welcome chef all right now we need to talk about the decoration um we're going back to the yellow team please one out of ten rate their decor there's no way i mean look it was only the chocolate icing we did we didn't have the higher we did that yellow yellow okay yeah i actually i was just trying to really improve the content a little bit and not that it needed to be improved no he secretly take care of himself no he told me secretly he means every word that he said all the mean stuff i said you guys laughed everybody laughed it was great no i was laughing out of shame that i felt black eyes i was trying to match my anger i have been i've been updated it's actually averages so the averages from each team and then it adds up to possible total points of 30 so averages of the judges so you know so team one which is myth and hassan they are a total of seven points right now compared to um team blue is at a total of four points right now lovely you're doing great so uh why why did you change them to team one like they're in first place when they were team yellow before yeah they are team yellow that's very observant of you they are team yellow we should double check the graphics package i'm a little bit upset also in first place at the moment but that's fine all right blouse toys what would you rate their decoration on the yellow team uh the visuals for the yellow team those decoration decoration same thing oh visuals i gave them a 10. um so i'm talking about uh i'm doing my yellow i'm confused as well i'm just it's good so yeah just just go on chef yeah no i mean it's i think it's a mixture of like i'm both very tall guys i definitely saw a lot of musculature in the forearms i actually really like how hassan accessorizes um if like obviously i copied that with the right fantasy 14 character i'm sorry is that supposed to be a diss what the [ __ ] that's so super sick things you need on your hand they're giving me dexterity geez louise and strength i will admit i think this was i by visuals he meant the every case so i'm gonna i think okay if it was actually the cake it was a five i'm gonna have to oh i didn't even realize it was he means like a nine i think a nine no yeah sorry for the king of five like for the cake it was a five i think they're on track for a solid eight or nine and then the chocolate disaster happened um frankly i i don't think i i think a lot of people look at the size of the three cakes and that theirs was what four and a half inches and you're convinced that three i'm gonna i actually think people would prefer the cake was shorter like three inches over four points i think a lot of people would like exactly does it need to prove itself confident with who it is yeah our cake does all that i actually think the the four the extra half inch actually did intimidate me a bit and i i have to knock points for that right it's not like the cake is six foot four and still needs to wear platform shoes imagine being that insecure you also are wearing platform shoes i'm not wearing egg shoes i'm out right now that is unsanitary chef yeah that's the doc points for that just flick that all up in the cake yeah um a depth sorry that i bought platform shoes on the internet um a little bit of the opposite from the last team yours could have been higher and then i remembered the fact that she literally went in there for five minutes and pretty much did half the work for you incredible insight chef that's which is cheating it's actually sad now thinking about that remember she had to use five she had to use a good chunk of the five minutes that she had murdering rich for stealing that's true literally well i don't know if you guys recall connect the bottom of the five make it a six no i i don't think i will oh it's okay it's all right and actually if if you check um she said she was going to stop helping at 14 minutes and she stopped around 13. and some change she was a cheating filthy son of a bee yeah hey wow you guys thank you is amazing and you've done an amazing job and i hope the best for you guys you know he he colonized our ingredients incredible insight well i hate him chefs i also gave you a five you should join in honestly it's not bad i gave you a five it's not that bad obviously you know the chocolate is the only thing that held you back um there are a lot of the sizes really great execution i think the height is very very very very very important um most people do and so there's your five we will now be writing a number to um represent these really remember what it looks like guys blue team look cake i'll just cover that up bars just taller your guys cake was wonderful yeah you need to push it forward because you can't really you can barely see that little baby dick of a cake yeah we do back there i think if we just bring watch out don't move it too much man it might it might it might fall onto the ground it is not structurally sound right crazy that like you can't see your cake whenever your cake is think about it visually like from because angles where you can't either you would have been able to see it but you can right right cause you're short all right wow do you have your number i have my the blue cake all right i'm going to try our cake by the way it's not the not the disgusting chocolate but i do want to try it take it like blue team's cake i gave a seven and where this seven came from uh well again i thought that the line work was questionable but the drizzle the chocolate drizzle i watched as you guys drizzled that and it really it really felt like you were trying to make a statement thank you so much chef what'd he say um just want to remind everyone that we couldn't melt more chocolate because rick ate them all at all yeah that's true he was a very hungry boy this afternoon i actually really appreciated that for me rich eating the chocolate um that people need to use for their cakes i really only get to eat when i come to events like this well i'm shocked so i'm on the side i'm on the side of truth he is he's a judge i'm not biased okay i'll get more to that later um yeah what is your what is your evaluation 5.5 um yours clearly falls short and like cutie said size does matter oh um yours might look better so you use the real estate well but that extra inch is just understood you can't take that for granted sorry understood chef uh and i did say this before uh chef uh with all due respect uh you could stack [ __ ] as high as you want but it's still just stacked [ __ ] and that's just taller and i'm pretty sure if there's judges for the judges they're not gonna give you extra points for keep on talking just give us the number and move on okay which team received the seven and taste oh your mom took seven of anyway you're just not making money okay no more no more i uh i would like to uh talk about the decor on this team something that really stood out to me is the shade of blue and sky [ __ ] identical sky blue thank you chef kind of nailed and it's all about the handle on the die and you had a perfect amount i'm actually giving you guys an eight for a decoration thank you chef i think it was pretty close wow um yeah i give you an eight someone's a little biased oh oh i'm so glad that they were able to burn chocolate or melt it without burning yes yeah it was impressive yeah so you like cheaters you're rewarding you were given instructions on how to uh like rewarding it's fine look i just want to say no matter what we get i'm so proud of you for how you melted the chocolate i worked on the scale eat your cake try to eat it i would love to eat it sorry it tastes like [ __ ] i'm talking to my teammate can you guys stop yelling over each other we are so good at teamwork yeah like we are so good which is completely unrelated to what their judgment is your averages teams you're average for visuals yellow team was a five and your average for visuals blue team is a seven that's what your averages are at thank you you're welcome thank you we will now um you guys thank us like that because we because we think because we think our work stands on its own we don't need to suck up to you guys because we know how much integrity you have you are so above that we know that doesn't my queen for you right you are so above getting you know getting a little bit of [ __ ] brown nosing from these guys later yeah of course oh obviously i mean immediately after this um so let's get out of here the last category is something we didn't talk about because we didn't want you guys to have um any hindsight or foresight i meant is teamwork teamwork you were both getting rated on and adap took some notes that she's gonna reference oh do you want me to read them out loud yes pretend they're not here oh okay okay there's only a one point difference right now between these two teams oh wow yeah okay um hassan and myth pros um hassan promised me 100 gifted subs they are wearing matching outfits we are wearing matching outfits hassan had a really good roast comeback in round three on sears deer had no rebuttal rich and sears pros were um oh i made 50 in cash um rich made everyone wash their hands and that's that's beyond teamwork he even looked out for the other team um cyr came out strong out of the gates he had a really good uh burn on hassan's mom it was a really good mom joke thank you chef thank you chef thank you chef fired up too many monsters let's remember that yeah and then after so you know you do get a plus one because after hassan uh had a good comeback you had an even greater cup thank you so much chef i don't know um the cons were both teams were selfish as [ __ ] oh sorry um you both ate before even considering us and we were both offended by that eight understandable um hassan was blaming the judges and he's also tattletailing on rich a lot and i don't like tattletails um he seems like he's obsessed with it i just i think i i just care about the integrity of the competition i don't know what this weird objection with me is he also picked me up everything is on camera judge so is it really telling i mean under my armpits twice i think he's obsessed with me it's kind of weird he kept that i wanted a sprinkle he kept asking me i'm a little i'm a widdle baby he said please pick me up like the big man you are maybe that makes you a big fan oh look at that he's doing it again he's doing it the cons that sarah rich's team encountered uh rich you apologized to hassan after a roast that's embarrassing about that i'm so sorry about that yeah you should have never apologizing again this is pathetic laura's just apologizing and he just never stops talking judges apologizing to him another pawn that your team encountered is we're getting actual food poisoning i can feel it thank you chef and then your final and probably the most substantial one was cutie uh was a sear endlessly making fun of cutie's dead mom it happened at least with the food poisoning and the dead mom jokes you will remember our cake forever thank you judge yeah it was this is not okay i will say the teamwork was very interesting i saw in blue team's work was mostly rich frosting the cake while sear paste the kitchen oh chef i was looking for uh to heat up the chocolate we were communicating through the whole time i knew what he was doing and he did a great job thank you so much remember the cookie i'm just saying we did have incredible time guys did have a lot of comms we did talk we are considering the cookie as part of the teamwork um judges we overcame the odds please write down a number 1 through 10 for the yellows teamwork score that's what all comes down to no matter what we fought our best job you were increasing always you were right wow what did you give them i gave them a name and for me hassan and myth it was really about the sexual chemistry that was occurring during this entire thing i think baking is a lot like sex was the vibe that i got yeah oh it was the way in which a song guided myth's hand uh the way in which hassan used the the beater and you could you could see the just flexing of his forearm holding it um the way they communicated there it felt like i was watching it it's all for you it was it was like a dance you know we did it for you we put on a show we're [ __ ] yes selfish tops all right adept what do you give them i'm in my whole era at 10. and let me explain why they showed up in matching outfits probably unplanned they emotionally supported each other while mentally attacking you guys yes and like blastoise pointed out which i'm actually shocked we have the same exact highlights they were literally borderline having sex in there and especially the hand sensual cookie decorating yeah that is pure and i'm very proud of you guys that you did not let this competition crumble your friendship so you guys by the way that's very unlike when manhattan play monopoly it's weird hey what time is it well it's time to win [ __ ] don't get cocky don't get married i'm gonna give the yellow team cuties a little while and eight oh thank god judy is incredible is what i was saying wildly awesome at points the reason i'm giving them an eight is because the chocolate situation was so frustrating they didn't call each other names which is something i would have done and i thought that was very impressive i didn't hear either of you call each other stupid um which i would have done really hard um they're both stupid yeah exactly so good job um that brings your average to i don't know i think nine i'd assume um but we'll see we'll see they'll put on the screen at the end and now please write your number for the um maybe you guys are evenly awful thank you judges thank you you're welcome as a team i don't know oh rich i can't wait to see the impartial scores that these amazing judges will provide for us today you know i know that they'll do the right thing and i also know that no matter what happens we're always going to be a team i completely understand that i literally have a tattooed on my body you see that can you pick me up again i have to show i'm done it's game you use that against me all right now to bring in our rating for the blue team rich and sear blousetoys what do you have for them i rate their teamwork at 10. wow and no and listen i need to explain this because while you two while you two worked in harmony the yellow team that is the blue team i saw two independent spirits working to the best of their abilities i saw seer the opposite of teamwork so you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're nobody's striking bad teamwork no no because you know what they they realized that they could do the best not just working together but working together in different ways and that was faith in each other exactly cyr was working on actually baking a cake while rich was bribing the judges uh engaging in psychological warfare with the other team i want to talk about this cheating stuff because that was actually beautiful and i applaud you guys for cheating thank you chef because thank god just to remind you judge the definition of teamwork the combined action of a group of people especially when effective and efficient it was combined action and it was getting you know what he's gonna let you have it and you know what the cheating is what pushed up to attend that's what gave the thank you so much because i see because whether or not that he doesn't have to build important i think if you want to be a baker you need to be able to take those risks i'll kill you right just like thank you you want we're literally going to jump them outside once this competition is over this isn't a game all right all right and one of them will probably abandon the other a depth what do you rate that friendship you guys get an eight thank you chef thank you um the parts where you got i don't agree with blastoise i think the parts where you were divided really hurt you okay um but the moments where you were together were beautiful [Music] sensual loving okay we're supportive thank you so much you guys matched each other's energies most of the time which is why you're waiting so high we do try to find out we do try to find out jeff something something that i thought about is how you both arrived late together both of you together today you both did that as a team thank you chef which is impressive thank you so much um we'll do again a lot of the stuff you did do together like take off your shoes in the kitchen together you did that too we wanted to be able to we wanted to be great piggy went to cook that is it's a health issue however you did it together and it was endearing i gave you an eight as well thank you so much you're welcome we have a uh some calculations and we will yeah they lost announce hold up the winners oh my goodness of cutie cinderella's first sweet showdown featuring kitchenly i forgot what our and the winner goes to no shot you made then a song by one point i was actually surprised thank god very much wow good job very much everybody smith great job thank you so much thank you congratulations you guys you get one one apron to share that says a winner and you get this and tell your friends about that one that i don't know how that both of you the gold spatula to take home like this like this and 25 to olive garden unlimited breadsticks i'm gonna buy a pizza but i what twenty five dollars get you at olive garden oh yeah you can literally get the taste of it congratulations endless bread sticks and salad it's really really good it's good it's really good it's worth it thank you guys for watching big shout out to everyone who came on the stream today rich hassan myth seer adept blast voice stands with the sponsors today did all the great reads big shout out to kitchen league and food beast for hosting us here and to twitch rivals for putting this all together thank you everybody thank you for watching and don't forget this is very very important if you love your mom if you love kittens if you love a sunny day to use your twitch prime right now that would be awesome please use twitch prime to help me find my long-lost father well thank you for coming thank you so much and uh enjoy your evening okay i really want to try this you can have have at it have at it do do do [Music] [Music] you
yo [Music] oh [Music] one [Music] hey truck why didn't you stop the supreme court wish i could i wish i could have challenged the supreme court some sort of well i don't want to say hit man that's probably illegal some sort of game off some sort of balloons off i wish i could have had clarence thomas and me in a chimps off who gets the best uh who gets the best uh expert map clear trial by bloons one second i made a drink [Music] yo yo yo yo i promise you the minions command does not work it has been disabled [Music] okay it's actually stable now it's actually been disabled it's actually been disabled it's actually been disabled i thought i already did that but now i've done it [Music] kasia tv knox knocks noah jp bakes how's it going how's it going how's it going how's it going everybody wait it's kind of blurry [Music] when is my camera ever been blurry oh i got a quack any shit's quack showed up quack quack quack i might need you to upload mon frere uh and when i say might when i say might i actually [Music] think i will no it's not dj wheat although you know we could do a surprise guest appearance i think it's a little late for dj wheat um but i'll explain i'll give the whole backstory on my who my boss and what he's doing and why he's coming on in just a second boys watch party if it's tonight it'll be late maybe it'll be tomorrow the problem is i have i'm um um this time i feel like i'm more busy with gaming than work this weekend this weekend i've got uh fall guys with uh lud stands and lyric and then i immediately have smite with um you know clint mango seer connor and so i gotta i gotta practice and conor is a task master dude i miss out on conor clint clint did a taskmaster clint if you're gonna grind you gotta grind like clint to be on clint's team so i'm putting in a hell of work can you even watch the boys on stream you absolutely can thank god for amazon prime watch parties this week is indeed for the gamers um this is the closest you've been to being a pro gamer are you being serious or joking because i i was on an uh this is pre-lcs on a quote-unquote pro-law team but back then the prizes were like mouse pads and you know 80 bucks this was before they started the lcs so there was no it was all like going to tournaments you had to like get your team and go to tournaments uh who do you play on smite i play jungle and i'm building a quite a coterie of characters did you win a single mousepad oh yeah i did and also i was paid in mousepads i was on team fxo i don't even remember what the company did but fxo paid us basically in mousepads and when i was like i was like 17 or whatever i was young i was like this is awesome we're a sponsored team we're making real money these mouse pads will add up where's the minion what do you guys think the minions day is every day i wish that were true if only we lived in a world where minions day was every day but that's not the case that being said i will be eating another one of those meals because there was a hamburger one it looked delicious this is not sponsored i'm just telling you ari's making it right now i'm very excited uh if i'm being dead awesome now this mushroom is over it's dead over a little too much work for me i think if you like to cook they'd fire but straight up i'm sticking with factor because factor i can put in the microwave and be done but ari likes them she's cooking it up shout outs to gru in them yeah exactly exactly how's everybody doing it's the weekend finally thank god uh i got i got a pretty heavy gaming weekend ahead of me real real gaming hours planned was the minion stuff contractual bro that's gotta be one of the dumbest [ __ ] questions i've ever been asked no of course not i just wore a minion shirt talked about minions promoted the minions movie talked about the same talking points all day because i love it i just did it for no out of nowhere and i got the whole minions overlay filter and i got the these custom minions alerts yeah no this was that i just i just thought i'd promote hellofresh x minions rise of groove for free i just did i was on my own dime actually technically if you're being if you want to be dead honest i did buy that shirt on my own dime i did think i would add a little energy booster by uh i bought that minion shirt on my own that's mine to keep that wasn't sponsored i bought that on amazon just passion just passion how much bag did you get i don't do it for money they paid me in a meet and greet with kevin my favorite minion so end of the day you know you give a little you take a little for me it's all about i i wouldn't take the 500k i took the dinner with jay-z and i wouldn't take they offered me 40 million actually dollars for this minions monitor they said we'll give you 40 million because your audience you know is so passionate so rabid such a big fan of the minions and i said skip the 40 mil get me in a room with kevin and that's going to grow my net worth because your network is your net worth are you going to talk about the big news in the states today the supreme court is cringe they are doing many things that are anti the will of the majority of people that not much more i'm gonna be able to say on that or do on that um i am considering going to some of the protests this weekend but on stream uh if you don't think it's cringe then i i i doubt i'm gonna have some eloquent argument that'll convince you i think it is very cringe i think most people agree i think it's bad um i don't necessarily know how to fix it in the short term the problem is if i want to get all political on you is that um uh the democratic party is going to lose very very very badly in midterms and you know i they do many many things that i disagree with and they are just bad at messaging but obviously i i would prefer them over the party that is putting uh packing the court with lifelong justices that are doing absolutely terrible things so but the problem is just gas prices are high and the economy is doing poorly and this hot potato game that both parties have been throwing back and forth has landed in joe biden's lap i don't think joe biden is particularly worse at the economy than anyone else but i do know that it is hit now the grenade is hit now and it's all going to [ __ ] and it means that there's just no shot in hell that he can be re-elected and that democrats will do well in the midterms so you know the best thing that could happen in my mind is that joe biden literally doesn't run that he literally raises interest rates stops inflation by launching us into a recession this is the best case scenario by the way and it's terrible and does not run like he steps down and if he could do that and we could present an alternate viable candidate there's a chance that could work but uh it's not going to work outside of that if he runs again he's going to lose that's just that i don't think any sitting president has been able to win with the economy entering a recession i don't think that's ever happened incumbent advantage too strong no i think it's the i mean normally sure being the incumbent is an advantage in this situation i think it's i think it's terrible um so i don't know i'm really praying on joe to to [Music] take to take the take the initiative here um when we get a third party it'd be the dream it'd be awesome to get a third party that was uh didn't have deep deep deep deeply entrenched corporate interests on both sides uh but it's because of those corporate interests and the money required to run in politics is very unlikely i don't think he's gonna hey phishing's in chat so uh let me give you guys an intro on uh what we're doing today so my old boss benjamin fishstix goldhopper a legend in gaming and esports and content uh is going to be on the stream today he is the person that hired me at twitch that plucked me out of basically uh writing for team liquid and going to different esports events and making eight dollars a year making eight dollars an article and living off of jimmy john's and living off of carl's jr and helped me get a career and opportunity at twitch uh really really influential and important in my life and he is going to be on the stream today and he's going to talk about i mean we can ask him questions and talk about his time he's one of the earliest twitch employees like one of the very first twitch employees day one when they had a tiny little office um he can ask questions about that we could talk about you know all stuff he's doing but he quit twitch a few years back and started his own company called juked gg please check it out it is an app basically where you can sort of um discuss esports in different communities it's almost it's not like reddit but it has different esports communities in there and you can join find their gamers their like-minded interests talk about esports tournament results it's got built-in uh brackets and tournaments and everything it's just like an awesome way for esports fans to connect and build communities so it's very very cool and he'll talk about that a little bit but then most importantly there's also not this is not sponsor which is my friends just doing it it's cool and uh and we are going to talk about um some of the best old school fps esports moments of all time he's got some clips put together this is even i'm talking about pre-cs go i'm talking about like the first wave of esports wave one people like fatality um you know like quake all all the early early games like quake you know maybe even doom tribes we're talking about some of the greatest like the first wave of like holy [ __ ] esports moments because end of the day that's where esports started and it's the first time people got to see like someone do stuff that was so sick you wanted to clip it that's never happened in gaming before it's like the first wave of games i'm like wait a minute that guy's so good that was so cool so we're gonna watch some of the greatest um uh early sports moments of all time and he's gonna show him off to him because he's an expert in that field and that's that we'll talk about we'll talk about all that stuff so uh i'm gonna give it you know let's say five ten more minutes just chilling everyone's filled oh i think my dinner first babe look at this look at this burger amber gaisa this is again a hello fresh by the way this looks good as [ __ ] today's unsponsored so i'll tell you honestly if it tastes good or not let's put the minions let's put the minions overlay back on for this i don't i can't eat food without the minions overlapping oh it's not gonna work it's on cooldown damn that is good nice flames even after the promotion you should keep the evidence the potion is over the promotion is 100 over it was one day talk about the movie i'm not doing the promotion uh anymore i am just eating the other meals that i have for it and i'm not going to be keeping the minions overlay hey truck how much storage do you have in your pc do you delete stuff i don't really i have a lot of storage it will eventually fill up and then i will have to mass delete many important things that i should look closely at but i won't [Music] wow i can't i feel like i'm giving them too much too much extra do you want too many freebies i'll miss you fix my light a little bit well that's better um make your own minions take over no i don't i don't want to do that you're asking me i'm already talking about going too far beyond and you're saying no you should make an old custom minions takeover i already bought a shirt for them like i went out and i bought a minion shirt that's gonna be something i own i made a playlist for coffee cows so i could do it while studying math it bangs something like that i gotta be honest with you most people when they study listen to like classical music or they listen to lo-fi hip-hop girl you listening to coffee cow while you grind math feels a little off feels like it's not the best mental space you know it's not gonna put you in this right spot how do you think roe versus wade will affect gamers that's one of the worst questions i've ever heard this is such an inappropriate bad question to ask today you could truly have brain rot you truly have brain rot and i'll give you that i will give you that boys tonight baby so i'm gonna call my my boss fish sticks in about probably five minutes yeah probably five minutes and then we're gonna go about 90 maybe 90 minutes on um classic esports moments i don't take too much time because we started a little late so we'll do that and then after that we can watch boys maybe maybe when is the quarter end so we can finally be classified as being in a recession are you are you excited for it are you like waiting with foam fingers to be celebrating work officially in a recession why are you why are you rushing do i be rushing to grow up every day that we're not technically in a recession we can pretend things are good i believe by the way we are currently though it hasn't hit yet because the quarterly date hasn't come out yet i believe we are currently today in a recession uh so times are good got a nice little recession going got the supreme court stripping people of their rights um yeah yeah my hairline is in a recession talking about you i mean hey brother you know the the graph isn't up and to the right on my hairline either i'll be honest with you at least we have a new channel five vid coming up yeah that's usually a bad sign you know it'd be great if there was one day where he just couldn't make any more vids where he's like you know what everything's kind of normal i think that's the indicator if channel 5 runs out of content we're in a good country hey truck what camera do you use i'm a professional videographer and your camera looks amazing yeah i use a old 1998 nokia cell phone and then i put some vaseline on it to blur the edges so i don't know if that it's like a little trick of the trade a little trick of the trade write that down 5 a.m in europe 1917 in the u.s little time zone humor yeah we're going back we're going back um i am encouraged by the amount of protests i'm seeing i mean not no i guess i'm encouraged that people didn't just like take it lying down i am looking to the problems with the fall guys thing i already have a team that i have can't like let down but i did want to go to one maybe on someday i was being genuine with that question yeah i was being a [ __ ] in my response yeah you've never seen my stream before you asked me a genuine question i turn into a joke and then you don't get your real answer are you you understand that's that's how that's how the back and forth works ask me what song's playing hey sure what song is it sounds really good [Music] it's god's plan by drake [Laughter] it's drake it's god's plan by drake [Laughter] literally don't miss i'm literally on fire okay one more minute well no let me eat let me let me wolf this down we'll be wolf of wall street this down so i don't want to be munching on a burger when i'm talking to ben what can we expect from a recession generally during a recession um the president will come to your house personally and give you uh keys to a new ferrari and uh a hundred thousand dollars generally so he goes door to door and you get a bunch of cool new stuff and so that's really a recession sounds awesome yeah that's why we have so many in this country we have so many recessions because um people love them they're just so great it's not because of the greed of a few and massive rampant speculation leading to boom and bust bubbles it's because they're awesome but the problem is biden was going to go door-to-door on his bike turns out he a little wobbly on that thing so things might change it might turn out to be like a situation where um where we just have a lot of jobs lost and wages are in trouble and uh you know destruction of savings will ludwig survive the recession ludwig would survive a meteor that came to earth and killed everyone else watering is lucky okay i wouldn't worry about him i i think you yeah i would worry about yourself it's the hair i could be it could be there unfortunately it's not greed it's way more systematic yeah i mean true technically it is not it is not i mean yeah i mean it is the core concept of human greed baked into a codified system but it is not one person being greedy that is correct it's not like i work at taco bell should i worry probably not probably not i mean you should worry that talk about management will add like a [ __ ] queso lupa prime or something and remix the same five ingredients into some new way to wrap it that's annoying to learn you should worry about that but i wouldn't i wouldn't worry about uh that is concerning fast food will do well in recessions although they're trying to automate i mean have you seen the new taco bells they're like entirely humanless they're like spaceships with the four-way drive-throughs that you can just hit the thing and yeah taco bells are crazy they're taco talk about banks we talked about it on the stream taco bell new store you want to see it it looks like this damn that is a low resolution image here it is here it is wow that is a that is a low low low resolution image but i'm sure that if i click three more times on it it will turn into a high resolution image that you guys can enjoy yep it worked no there's no f relax relax relax boom look at that the taco bank dude where your tacos are safe you just drive through hit the button never see a human being i'm glad they removed the one part of taco bell i don't like the human yeah but you know what if they remove it from the stores they're gonna add it into the meat so you gotta it's it's it's a catch 22. you know what i'm saying it's soylent green is people this makes the recession worth it tbh okay it's a unique position i love that twitch chat has nuanced and deep thoughts on all the subjects and we're going to talk about them now with my good friend former boss and uh just overall uh legend and pioneer in the gaming and esports space benjamin fish sticks gold hopper let me call him right now and see if he's ready ben yo what's up man how you been i'm good i'm good how are you i'm good i'm just your burger what am i doing everyone can hear him all right voice alright i have audio problems i'm gonna okay i'm switching to my nicer mic hello hello he sounds good right yeah okay cool too loud all right let me fix it that's my end okay 70 80. okay dj yeet that's that's ben's nickname he's toss and [ __ ] uh what's up man thanks for doing this i appreciate you coming on yeah i'm sorry i was a little late i uh been pulled in four directions with these uh rivals events that i'm gonna lose it all of but oh are you playing you're playing in twitch rivals yeah there's uh there's a fall guys one and there's a smite one that's uh from minsky's people and i tried to learn smite and i i don't like the game but i do like my team so you're playing smite what no i know i've fallen so far okay okay hey oh you guys wanna hear a story uh so uh i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna reveal this now cause it's been so long it can never blow back on me um when i was trying to get the job at twitch and i knew that ben was the guy i i taught myself the game natural selection too because i knew you liked it yeah yeah i did i like watched natural selection oh let me see if i can pull it on screen uh them right now i don't know if we're doing cameras or not but that'll be good i'm gonna add one uh i'm gonna pop out let's see if i can add this add window capture there he is hey okay everyone say hi hi everybody oh i like the background yeah man this is my living room welcome are you actually my off my office slash living room yep you're la now right i'm in la i i left the bay after never leaving the bay yeah many many many many years of being in the bay yeah well actually my whole life born and raised oh yeah that's cool um yeah damn we got the same pillow i know yeah same twitch fellow back there that was first switch gun this is the guy that made blur and scar fight because of melee frame rate i don't know if that's true i think that's it i don't think that's true i think you're thinking of it probably bennett's w but yeah most fights came from i'm different back differently yep so uh speaking of natural selection i was that's what's going on the stories because uh it was you i i just knew from the first time i met you and we talked about it that you're super into like the first wave of great fps games the ones that sort of kicked off all of esports and at the time you were in natural selection and i was like i don't know anything about it but i want to be able to talk about it with ben so i played a bunch of it i remember me and stan's i like made him sit on there and grind it with me and i was like learning and so this is a fun memory i had but then i ended up starting at twitch and you barely talked about it once like it didn't come up so i put in like a lot of hours of natural selection for no gain yeah that that was not my game i think you off-handed mentioned it once and i was like this is it i'm gonna learn this game look that's dedication you're doing your research like this this is good bd right here you gotta do your research understand who you're talking to and do the yeah yeah it's good stuff i i also i remember i read that um this is going to be someone no one knows but this guy jason mason was on he was one of the higher ups of twitch and uh he was on my interview panel and i i think i just read something on his twitter that he liked basketball and so i learned a bunch about the team that he was cheering for and like i was going to talk about it he didn't want to talk about it for one i remember i did a lot of background research that didn't come up at all you did research on everyone's like hobbies that you heard no i feel like i like yeah i just like looked at their twitter i was like all right i want to make sure that like when in the interview it's not like i'm just talking about business i want people to know that i'm uh you know a decent person to work with um but it ended up not being a good strategy like it didn't matter hey natural selection is hella fun though it's not my game but yeah underrated hundred hours in at least i do think more games should do the thing where um both sides are radically different they play radically different and just you have to figure out how to balance it but it's really really fun to look at and watch yeah i'm i'm looking at your chat there's not a single person that's like oh natural selection that game's tight i'm surprised come on where there's a lot of zoomers in your event you got to understand that's why i'm like because today we're going to talk about old school fps that in like the origins of esports and and and i'm from arena shooters quake tribes there's probably nobody in here that's ever played quake or tribes so i don't know we'll see it hopefully you all enjoy this hopefully i'm not totally tanking atriox stream viewership hopefully y'all learn something and you know maybe maybe learn a little bit one thing i'll say is like so i've done a couple of these for other different games and i haven't played any of those games and i've enjoyed all of all of the highlights and i remember back at twitch you showed me some tribe stuff and i've never played tribes and it looks sick as hell because the movement it's objective it's tight all right there's hella people in chat that like tribes and less about quake that's surprising quake's old man i'm surprised that you came up on quake because you're only a few years older than me i don't feel like quake was i feel like quick gotta be on the way out when you got into it is that right or am i wrong well um you're right but um for not the reason you think it's tribes is my first game and it's actually my emote in chat y'all is shazbot sticks and if you play tribes you know what jazzbot is it's it's like the it's like one of the memes from from tribes that has transcended tribes um i started playing tribes competitively in the year 2000 i was 11. i was 11 years old i was playing i was playing games competitively with 25 year olds like 30 year olds like 19 year olds like i was literally 11 years old so um yes i i was an early bloomer with with tribes and then with quake i did get into quake later um because i played tribes for literally eight years straight like all i did was play tribes for for eight years like competitively yeah eventually i got into quake uh in like 2008 when quick live came out and you know uh but that was what actually got me into esports because tribes was like this super niche little bubble that i never even knew about other competitive games and then learning about quake was like holy [ __ ] there's intel extreme masters and like oh they're starcraft and troll extreme masters and they're cs 1.6 and there there's this new game called heroes of new earth rest in peace by the way oh my god here's another there's ten thousand people watching heroes so that was like how i learned about the rest of esports was getting into quake the only moment by then it was uh yeah it's sick yeah i i i think i took even i mean i i played games like age vampire i played a lot of rts games but what's funny is i never knew about esports until until like high school and someone told me about starcraft in korea and i was like wait what the [ __ ] i never even knew about western esports like i totally totally missed me um yeah no i mean i i the term esports didn't exist yet i was just playing my game competitively in my community on a ladder in a league whatever but no one had ever even thought about making a single dollar playing games competitively it was just what we did for fun it was our passion and back then it was like incredibly hard to even watch like there was no streaming services like you had to like download uh like 480p that even that like 180p vods and stuff like that and um actually what you had to do in these really old games like early days of quake early days of counter-strike um is you joined like a tv server like in-game uh so you were watching in the actual game client you could zoom around wherever you wanted and then you would tune in to the radio broadcast on winamp which if anyone here remembers when app i'll be surprised you'd have to put in an ip address into winamp uh and you're listening to the broadcast over here and then you're zooming around in the game by the way better experience than watching a stream you're controlling the goddamn camera you can do whatever you want it was it was actually dope let's bring it back true story let's bring back winamp radio cast [ __ ] twitch get everyone get off all right this is gonna be cringe as hell but it really whips the llama's ass this is the thing that okay if people know what i'm talking about it's not cringe well they all call me old and i don't know what you're talking about so we're in a we're in a bad spot we gotta we gotta bridge it back um i what i remember about so it was it was a little bit different for the stuff i was watching way back then because it was all korean so you'd have to download this thing called gom player and it was kind of like winamp and but the problem was all the instructions and buttons and everything was in korean so i have to like pour through this translation guide that somebody wrote in their spare time on team liquid and like click the right thing to find the right stream and i'll be like it'll be 4 am and i have school the next day there's a lot of good quality yeah quality was terrible uh yeah but it was good it was worth it you know you got good good good uh good games out of it the heart of esports so okay so what what games do you want to show to get what we could talk about today yeah um well i figured we'd start with arena shooters because these were they really the foundation of esports as you know it ladies and gentlemen started with games like tribes and started with games like quake uh in fact a lot of like the commentators who went on i mean even today they're actually not many of them are that big anymore to be honest but like the commentators that we grew up on dj wheat two good ddk you know joe miller um even d-man who used to cast league of legends like all of these guys actually started with tribes and with quake uh the first ever shoutcasting group of all time was called tsm tribe shoutcast network um and you know dj we worked there um uh monty christo was part of that or you know all the you know money was a little bit later and it was like uh yeah i forget all the old names there's like a lot of three letter like ogn like oh there's a lot of names like that okay um but one of the reasons why i i want to show quake and tribes to your audience is because to me these games and the crazy ass movement physics and this super insane skill ceiling to me it's like the closest thing that you can get to to melee or to brewboy even as as a first person shooter because the foundational skill in both tribes and quake is something that's completely unintended and abusing the physics of the game so you're basically every single moment that you're playing quake or tribes you are breaking the rules and like that to me that's a lot you know it that's fine right like abusing the system for gain uh to just just make it ridiculous um ridiculous [ __ ] happen moving faster than the developers ever thought you were supposed to so to me that's it's kind of like melee that way and like especially quake which is 1v1 uh is kind of for me i know i'm a tribes guy but quake is still like the pinnacle of skill and big brain and everything that makes esports fantastic um so i figured we might start with a video that i just sent you on discord that that actually explains what straight jumping is uh it's a short video it's really dense but uh i thought i thought we might take a step you know we might start here so people just kind of understand the foundation of what's so insane about questions i just looked at the thumbnail [Laughter] don't worry it's gonna be okay all right okay uh see we just watch it let me just press away i don't know you're you're the react streamer isn't that how this works i play games too ben i'm not just a react streamer okay see me and finn smite on monday okay i'm gonna make some [ __ ] uh well the thing is i want you to be able to watch the same time as me so i don't know if you want to even switch your screen if you switch share my screen yeah like you share your screen to the video and then and then i can just watch it off that and then if you want to pause it'll be the same pause okay okay okay okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah straight jumping like valor no i think a little more complex than that i think it's gonna be a little different than the valorent style um all right here we go we got it we got it we got it let's take a look at this video yep all right i apologize this is super dense but it's fun if you've ever played a quake engine game online such as quake 3 counter strike or half-life you'll have noticed people continuously jumping whilst moving around the map this is a technique known as strafe jumping sometimes called bunny hopping is that how he crosses that big move around more quickly this can give a strategic advantage and can also allow the player to reach places that are otherwise inaccessible in this video we'll be talking about what strafe jumping is taking a look at the maths behind it and finding out why it is such a difficult skill to master note that while this video focuses on quake three the same general principle i'm hearing it's very quiet i'm gonna i'm gonna yeah if you can bump it up i can also bump it up a little bit let's apply to other quake in the quake engine derived games that's my i'm at max here strafe jumping is performed by constantly this game is quick whilst moving this is quite compressing the first one or the quick three or whatever this is actually the most common method which is to alternate between moving them out to the left while i've seen this straight left i've seen this run this training room straight right um but why does this cause the player to go faster the key is in the quake 3 physics code in particular the accelerate function which tells the game how to update basically if you couldn't hear the beginning of it i'll just summarize basically when you're jumping around as long as you continuously jump you have zero friction and this is remember this because this is actually the same kind of fundamental principle of tribes so you have zero friction uh but there's also a function where basically if you if you are doing two vectors of movement at the same time if you're if you're moving in one direction but you're actually looking in a different direction and pressing that arrow key in the different direction there's a bug in the physics which will allow you to continuously just gain speed just at ridiculous rates so basically you do this thing where you're you're oscillating between looking to the right while you're moving to slightly to the left and then you and then when you land you jump immediately you maintain that momentum and then you look to the left and pressing to the right chris pressing no you still press the left but uh yeah uh this function is called on every frame and as long as the player is airborne and isn't about to collide with the wall or undergo some other impulse it entirely determines the player's velocity along the ground plane from people in chat you guys know what's going on here the player's current velocity vel shown on the diagram by the green arrow and the user's intended direction wisdo shown on the diagram by the blue arrow which dir is the direction the player intends to travel and is a combination of the player's view angle and arrow keys notice how when the player presses and releases arrow keys which stir changes direction relative to the view angle the return value of the function is the player's velocity for the next frame the first line of the accelerate function is scientist dot product of vel one of which is cs go surfing where i sort of learned the physics of that and and how the mechanics of getting basically able to float down ramps and keep your momentum in there and then also reminds me of that half a price video have you seen that video where they go way way too [ __ ] in depth that video is [ __ ] an incredible all-time classic yeah i enjoyed this whole video we don't have to watch the whole thing we can we can continue listen i think i mean i think we're getting the general gist and i think we have to see it in action and then you can explain it how it lines up so so i'm just going to point this out because right here this is the most famous like jump in quake right here this is called bridge to rail he's on the bridge right now and there's a railgun which is a weapon that is really high value all the way on this other side of this big chasm if you try to just jump across it normally you won't even get close so you have to basically do this movement where i mean like i should probably i don't know if this makes sense but i could probably uh just do it in like slow motion where basically you're going up here and then you do this big arc and then you land and you jump and you do this arc to the side and does that that looked easy right this ain't easy this will take you six seven eight nine plus hours to learn and i told atriox you should do this on stream i think that'd be really funny uh but yeah that's just kind of the essence of of of quake um so i i prepared some other videos you want me to spend seven eight hours on stream trying to learn one jump in a game that my chat doesn't know i'm gonna lose my mind it does seem interesting i watched so you mentioned it yesterday um not yet yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yesterday british sorrell and i actually watched a video of a guy doing bridge to rail uh with every character in the new one and yeah uh it was sick i mean it's it's clearly something you need to master um but i don't well i mean it's to me when i was thinking about that like yeah it would be it would be like bashing your head in but like what what's that what's that freaking game where you you're the guy in the bucket with the axe oh yeah um it's like that it would be like doing it's like a cop stream or like that basically but right but better because it's quake so anyway oh well when i'm out of content i know i have that i'll put down the list all right all right all right all right uh so uh this video here is ancient esports history and you could tell like look at these futuristic graphics here listen these few trick noises this is from 2010 uh and this is one of my favorite videos explaining quick out there because you've got literally the goat of quake that's this guy right here uh this is rafa okay undisputed god of quake um okay this is right when his career was starting um he was still fresh he was still new at the time uh he's so smart it's actually ridiculous and i love this video because this is actually him narrating his thought process okay well taking on uh cooler who's this who's basically this russian like insanely amazing god of quake in the era before him and this is when rafa really starts to take over and he he goes on to have more than a decade of of dominance in fact he's still playing quick champions he's he's the uh he's the undisputed goat over the last decade or so everyone welcome so i figured we could just watch this if anyone knows carmack over there yeah inside the player's mind yeah and today's players uh thanks for the competition but extremely this is cooler russian god of quake okay right now cooler is the favorite going into this match before this match yeah probably i mean rafa i think had won like maybe one or two tournaments at this point but okay but who had a more storied career yeah because when you play them definitely there are times where you literally feel like you're but this guy's because rappa is the ultimate big brain pro gamer this guy is going to blow your mind worry about you i just do damage when i can and i just make sure that you're suffocating the entire game as much as possible and there's okay sorry i like totally got ahead of myself there's another so basically quake is movement it's skill but it's also insane big brain because you it is one versus one man versus man and you're in this concentrated arena where there are item spawns so there's red armor which is 100 armor there's mega health which is 100 elf yellow armor which is 50 armor and then there's weapons that spawn all around this map they spawn at specific timers so red armor is 25 seconds yellow armor is 25 seconds mega health is 35 seconds and then there's all these other other pickups that you can get around the map so in quake you always want to have control of the map you always want to know when everything is spawning you always want to keep your opponent away from what you know the next major pickup and you always want to have a bigger stack is what it's called than than your opponent and at this time cooler was known for being one of these guys that just chokes you out of the map and this was what this is what rafa was explaining he said he's like a boa constrictor he just chokes you out he stops all of your options so not only is quake has this incredible movement high skill ceiling with every single moment that you're playing quake you could be doing it better you could be optimizing more and that in that way i feel like it's like melee or like brubor and you have this crazy aim where you have to be pixel perfect and have perfect reaction times but even more than that quake is a game about big brain plays and that's that's really what i love about it yeah if you play i mean i've uh i chad i've watched a good number of like high level quake matches and basically what it looks like to layman is it comes down to them they don't they'll like they'll start a fight and then immediately blitz away in the opposite direction because they know that some items about to come up at a certain time they camp like the red armor spawn grab that instantly move the next one like they're constantly running just to be able to pick up every item in a loop they're kind of like on a route yeah yeah exactly you you do figure out these routes but it depends on the on the map too there's tons of different maps and they're all very they all play very very different it really does feel like that so this is one of the slower maps where i think it actually allows both of these players to shine it's like blue yeah exactly i think that's really the best way to describe it this video seems the best map to showcase that in my opinion would be a ctn it's a ztn ability okay well you didn't dtn you did you didn't get that far uh you played t7 you were team which is probably the toughest let's see this is what every esport event looks like this is because there's oh yeah there's probably like there's probably like 300 people this is in a convention center this is not and like this is not a standalone like arena there's like people it's standing only there's no seats like three major items um on pretty much every sports four yeah you got to collect the items you got to know where your opponent is it's a lot of mind games uh and you'll see this play out and honestly i don't have to explain too much more because i think rafa will okay yeah the map that would bring rafa the world championship title in the intel extreme masters here the spawn normally is okay you can get to the mega fast enough and depending on where you hear them you can run away you're going to hear rockets over and over every quake match is filled with grunting you got two good weapons and i got the yellow but then here you can't turn off the jump the bridge the jump sound and they press jump all the time yes and everyone uses the same character so it's like fair um and like noi sound is really like insanely imperson important in this game as well two rockets at the perfect spot see this is so we're watching rafa's pov yeah and like like they've played this map enough times that rob that the cooler knows like this is probably where rafa's gonna be look where these rockets are right now right so exactly 15 seconds he knew he could come around the corner so if he hasn't rocket jumped he's at like 120 health 100 armor i'm at 63 i just grabbed everything on this side of the map i'm pretty much screwed at the moment because he's probably got railgun by the way this is like a super old video with a really bad ui if you want to see their armor and health it's at the bottom so 63 is the armor and then zero is sorry the 63 is health and zero is armor this is his ammo over here or he's going to get it right now um and what i have to do in this situation is make sure that i'm not seen and also he's playing it in slow-mo is he playing it slow-mo and then i can take control of it so now like rafa took two rockets in the face right off the bat so the way that he has to get back into this game is very methodical very very like he's not gonna be able to out frag cooler he has to find a big brain way to make his way back in okay on dm6 this is quite uh quite a start especially how is there no fall damage or quake control on this map there is fall damage to like players you know tend to get nervous in you know the final games and whatnot and i'm not gonna lie i was a bit nervous especially you know after losing control so drastically i knew at the time it was good if you heard that noise that was him grabbing an armor yeah you see he was just sitting there jittering because he was waiting for the armor to come back like at least two and a half three minutes before i could dent anything in him um based on everything that he had and i knew that he was sitting pretty and he was um he was gonna be pretty confident you know in his abilities okay so what i'm trying to do is get a rocket but he continues to deny the weapon that i need to play defensive um which is the rocket launcher spawns like on the other side of this wall here and he wants to get that rocket launcher it's incredibly important weapon but he's heard that cooler has been up there every time cooler would just cool down yeah really smart by him and what he's going to try to do is exactly what he did right there is rail me at the yellow armor um chip away at damage make sure that i can't get back in the game and take the red or the mega without dying how much is it here i don't know it's probably like 100 000 tournaments this is this is what he did if i stayed with the fight i'd have died so all i'm trying to do here is just juke my way around him have him go get red or whatnot um and then go back and hopefully get this yellow untouched yeah and he reminds me of smash he says what not over and over which is what ken says most players once they get the red armor we'll rocket jump like specifically right here we'll rocket jump and go to the yellow to the yellow so they can rail me but what he did because what he likes to do is be comfortable in between mega and red timing and such on certain maps so he did is he tried to delay it so and that's exactly why i went to this position a it's above shards so if i need to i can drop down and pick them up and b i saw him take the red armor without taking any damage so i know it's going to come up at 58 because he grabbed it between 32 and 33 and i know the mega time so my objective now are you guys writing this down again you need to be able to do this against rafa and hopefully what i can do is get the rocket launcher and i'm testing all of you at the end of this chat and then i can go get the red that's what i'm going to try to do anyway see right now he just picked up the mega at 25 so i figure he'll go to the red so if you hear him say that he picked it up at 25 it's actually at 50. um oh oh he said at 25 right so basically the the re the mega health spawns on a 35 second timer so the way that ralph is talking about this he knows the next mega health is gonna come up at 225 if you look at the top of your screen because he picked it up at 150. so rafa knows that at 225 the next mecha health is coming up but he doesn't and he rails me instead which is a really good read by him so now i just knocked down my control again if that hadn't happened i probably within the next 30 seconds would have been able to make a move and start you got the rocket you got the rocket oh he finally got the rocket launcher he got the rocket but again he's done a great job of delaying rail just enough to rail so nice he has good job between and the red and right here i'm in a really tough situation with you know barely any health and i'm not dead yet though to get away from that fight right there kind of juked him right there i still know when mega time is so i'm going to continue to keep timing it even though i'm out of control okay i've got a rail gun now about 30 seconds ago has allowed me to be able to fight from a long distance you know being able to take some fights to an extent and chip away and did you heard the ching ching off in the background that was that was cooler getting the next red so if okay guys when you're playing quake you see you hear the chick chick you look at the timer it says 240 240 that means it's coming up at what oh five it's coming up at 305 because it's 25 seconds and right there i heard the red timing this is the kind of thing that you literally have to have in your brain at all you guys have to know attacked me and then went back for it so now i know that red is at 05 um and that mega is at 0 0. so hopefully i can delay them long enough that i can go steal him yeah what's the question this is why you're keeping high ground red 25 mega 35 yeah exactly how the turtles got it hey do damage find the mega we're gonna make a play for red here um and if i if he's up there like wow where i'm at i can just run anyway oh right there i didn't get either one but i didn't take any damage because i knew where to be now he's 100 like he's he's caught his way back to good items and good health here's very important then he lies about 200 200 on this map you can start to put yourself he just literally camped out for the first uh five minutes three minutes of this game trying to get the right items and then he died and still had enough that i could but he did damage just off and here i decided to take this fight because i knew he would go for it oh two speeches i could do a lot of damage with him coming through the door alright he's down to oh even even though rafa died there that was a good fight for him he did enough damage i just managed to do some nice dodging in the fight do as much damage as possible and i've got the mega time and the red time again and i've got him pretty weak so now he's he's on the weaker side of the map and i will try to maintain position here on the strong side by the red armor okay and i'll try to pick it up and start you know shifting my control and there you go first with armor of the game i'm just fortunate nice rocket jump you guys see that you shot the rock on the ground if it was like five or six to zero um it'd be really really tough to get out of this direct rocket right there right there this kill results and i heard one step down at the bottom and i anticipated this position and i hit a perfect rocket and caught him on his way up i don't think he thought i had a rail gun at the time he heard one footstep and then he instantly railed him that was actually a really crazy shot you couldn't even see the kill there i decided to take the rail instead of going to the red because i knew that um did he get him again he would probably get a free rail gun i wanted to make sure that he didn't get one for free and was able to play you know extra defensive and be able to run like i was okay it was a direct rocket so right here after rj and me doing a little damage him going to get yellow he's at about 130 damage and 30 armor so we're pretty much even so right now it's just down to if somebody's willing to commit and neither of us are so i say okay take the mega i'll take the red and now my job is to go get the armor and i look at this as a win-win because i took 150 points worth of armor i didn't take practically any damage and he only got 100 with the mega so i did i did all right right there okay he's topped off he came up those stairs at the that gun is the craziest guy established position if you want to fight yourself i said okay i'll just run away um you can have this the hit scan one like yeah the hit scan blue laser gun what's that called lightning gun lighting gun yeah that's the one with insane guns and i just uh hit any rails yeah i'm getting a good position it's just purely tracking ability 40 armor how fast can you track an incredibly fast small opponent across like based off his exit there he grabbed the mega at about 25 so i know that at 6 0 0 that the next meg is going to come up so i know when this red is going to come up my job is to do damage and try to get him to grab it as close to 0-0 as possible nice hit nice hit nice hit which is exactly what i did he just managed to hit a great rail if he didn't hit that rail i'd be in perfect position to do anything and right here how did it get there so quickly play that again god that's the multiplayer moment all right see look look this is his opponent it's only one that's exactly what i did his opponent is down here right yeah yeah how the [ __ ] did his opponent get there that's crazy so quickly i figured you know anybody else that i play never gets to that point fast enough that they can rail again from how that happened he hit an amazing shot and crippled me so now i've got to find some way to delay him at this mega because i know if he gets this and the red i got another two to three minutes to wait and i'm down one so i had to do something here a top-down view would be sick and right there i didn't reason like two seconds which gives me enough time to get up the stairs during the fight and leave that was a huge right here i knew he was going to come out so i rocketed and i was just fortunate that he landed over there with the shotgun so now it's tied and i am pretty weak but i know this yellow is going to come up because i'm coming over here i'm going to force him to spawn somewhere else on the map and here i don't know how that rail missed if it hit i would have gotten this next kill probably within the next 20 seconds no problem whatsoever yeah the movement's crazy but here i know okay he knows when it's coming up so he's probably gonna come with lg because he's got shards as well so he's at about 120 and 25. but i've got the stack still so i hit a good first rocket now it's time to do a battle i pull it off and now i have control it's just purely an aim test this is about to come off it's okay i've got health and i'm about to pick up the other armor that was the sound of cooler guys yep he stole it so i know when it comes up comes up at 13. but now i've got both armors he's at 200 health but i still have more so as long as i maintain position i don't take damage i can keep running because i have the lead now okay and the reason why i waited above mega is because he had good position with lg i was taking too much damage yeah so what i was trying to do is wait and see if he went up the jump head to rockets i could have railed him and done free damage his mouth so right now he's in good position to get this right you could and i somehow missed all wizard so right now he's at about 200 100 but still i'm at 100 200 so it's just flipped we've got equal control now it's just i need to make sure i don't make mistakes but i know when mega is coming up so i maintain position up here at the rockets because i knew he would go get it to get the full stack that he needed since he needed to come back by one it's so much funny how many of these rockets are pre-fired because they have a chance to do damage in red yep absolutely that's how you use the rocket for the most part it's like prediction a lot of the time oh my god he hits an insane rocket there so still he's rocking and keeping himself in the game with these amazing shots you know even though i've been maintaining position and right there that grenade did you hear that little that little that was that's the damage noise that means that you did damage and rafa heard that so that that was because he dropped a grenade on his way out forward that gives him a lot of information decide okay i'm not going to come up and attack through here because he has a railgun crazy so what he does right here is since the timing is the way it is to control the way i have it he knows i'm going to want those shards or something so he's going to come right down here below and he's going to armor damage which is just like actually yeah and i just made sure that i wasn't you know jumping before i looked so he's got good control right now i know his positioning i know what he's going to try to do get the mega so i rushed to the red i got enough time okay another one of these i do some damage i grabbed he's been chased i run away and perfect i get back to the other yellow and i grab it before he can get there and then he grabs the armor yeah you see like it here's a mistake forcing each other out of this time and what he was going to try to do is hope i was down here and going to go up and he catches me see rocket jumps i've already grabbed him but he doesn't know that so i do some good damage here he misses a rocket and i managed to get away taking nothing at all so i'm actually not sure why i know he's going to make that fight to go to this red armor and not every position here to fight well you don't want to know why brandon why he's up 3-2 oh true yeah you can just go camping it's a ten minute timer so he's up three two he does not you know right right yeah play to win play it yeah so that i have decent control so that i can make sure yeah well you're not debatable and if i find a big so now there's only a minute and left minute half left in the game so cooler is straight up desperate at this point he can't play his game anymore he has to right just go aggressive is that they're always done again i went to the rockets whoever has them while he was getting megan because i knew if he wanted this red he would come up i would do damage there or i would do damage here which is exactly oh my god i mean look yeah look at rafa he's got 100 hp 200 armor he needs it so bad with one minute left that he's going to be stuck around the area and i've got such a stack that i'm willing to attack right here he's got 300 hp yeah exactly cooler has no choice yes at least try and i didn't kill him but it doesn't matter because there's like yeah another so it was basically the end of the game a pretty pretty great game here on dm6 um i wouldn't say this is like the most legendary map ever but like having having rafa to tacos through it i i think makes a good introduction to like how it's played and how a great player like controls the map yeah and it's also nice to listen to the the commentators on some of these other games yeah if you're if you're interested in doing another one um it was kind of hard to pick like specific moments so i just kind of found some games that had like super i don't know why i'm not logged in on my account which has youtube premium whatever yeah dude youtube premium uh and it's also not not [ __ ] tier quality in some of these other videos this is 2016. this is way more recent so this is yeah so yeah sorry i didn't mean to cut you off but yeah like like quick quick it definitely wasn't a big esport at this point compared to everything else but like quick definitely has continued to continue to on and still been hype over the years con intel extreme masters dream hack etc um i don't know this map this is a weird map i don't know why they played this map um i just found my dad's old gamer fatality headset he's got a classic fatality headset uh wait i gotta i got a bed story so when i first one of the first times i met you before i i even worked at twitch was at um the blizzcon after party in like 2013 and i remember uh if you guys knew who fatality is he's probably the first actual famous pro gamer he's the first first or second depending on who you ask who's the who we are first who's the other guy thresh oh yeah yeah you're right yeah you're right okay yeah threshold thresh who won a ferrari famously he was the first gamer to win like a big prize he won yeah uh he won a ferrari but outside of that this is fatality it was the first big like gaming superstar um and i met you introduced me to him at that blizzcon party i remember like something i do yeah yeah yeah and he was like you were tight with him and i thought it was super cool and uh oh i need to watch this but uh i remember just how incredibly nice he was because i uh i didn't have a job or anything like i you know there's no reason but he's like he got me a drink and we just talked and shot the [ __ ] and he told me some old gaming stories it was really cool i was thinking that guys that was that was legit um so shout outs to fatality yeah um so what am i looking at what's this uh so this is just i mean i there's like a million matches that we could like look at i just searched for some of the most the closest and and dopest ones this one also features rafa okay uh this one's six years later and he's playing the new russian superstar who's evil uh who kind of came out of nowhere at this point uh yes people still come up in quake even though it's kind of dead that's every game dude even like speed running uh yeah a random game someone someone come out of nowhere in 2022. um yeah think like doesn't evil yeah he's a russian named evil yes it's good for the branding do they still play the same quake no this is this is quake live but it's the same mechanics and same jumping and same yeah spawns and everything and you know it's the same core uh shooter yeah so we can just watch some i mean this is a three-map set i don't know if we want to watch the whole thing it's gonna uh yeah these are really tight games like all three of these maps are really really tight um but if we do want to watch a ridiculous comeback this one yeah your viewers might like a little bit yeah it's such a great it's such a classic phone plan all timer and let's watch the ad too google fi i want to know more about okay who's zero four yeah zero four is actually rafa's um mentor so zero four is kind of the person that okay uh that that taught rafa everything he knew and dkt this is two american players um zero four at this point had just sort of come back out of retirement so dkt is i would say like a tier 2 player in north america um what you're about to watch is maybe not not the best game of quake in terms of skill but it's probably one of the most fun games of quake to watch also uh i commentated this game really i did it and i'm gonna mute it every single time i talk because it's [ __ ] horrible it's so bad we're not gonna hear young fish sticks connotating c4 straight off the skull and has rocket launcher this is like some of my first time commentating ever uh and my mic is horrible and i i sound like a doofus but through hawaii destruct lg walking into a rocket square rocket will put him down to 40 health and he will uh head back into the mega jail as i like to call this and here's why 14 health corps destructively tries to survive with plasma down again he was definitely forced into that position though oh and this looks like another spawn fracture sound the same uh at least who's that has so very little help that he's gonna be on the run for quite some time uh oh unanswered uh rail there though so that's going to get him back into the game just a little bit somehow still away this mega no 04 is going to catch him in the middle okay so this must be a dkt comeback because 04 is dominating he's in the jail that's what you think [Music] the pace of this match up a few bits but it's tied two to two right now destruct he's got a fair amount of armor as he moves to the rear end but it's gonna be kind of holding off against zero i think this game would be very tough to follow if you don't play zero four only railgun and rocket launcher right i mean i i guess we should ask your chad but uh i mean i'm falling alone i both agree and disagree because there are moments that are just so obviously sick like yeah you don't know the armored timing and actually this version of the hud is much better you can see on the left hand side of your screen uh with uh the the red armor yellow armor and mega on the left-hand side yeah you can actually see the timer so this is actually going to make it easier to follow now still not much of a stack trading rails at this point there's a lot of teleporting uh oh that's true that's true very nice rail though is able to get both of them in and it's a mutual frag and they're still both tied two to two now it comes down to the spawn it's destructing getting rocket launcher zero four no weapons but with the red armor he's been able to at least steal it away that's gonna be one more let's never mind wait a minute wait a minute for him but destructor's gonna have a little misspoke yeah i think it's because the uh just out of just the the sort of like things to follow but i have to that was nice the teleporters i'll give you that the teleporters don't help a lot yeah well it's just like the the frantic pace is crazy definitely showing us that uh well it's quite a show the players know so much that the viewer doesn't accuracy wisely you know why they're going there they also you know be good actually is a hud like cs go where you could see through the walls like as a spectator if i could see where the other guy is that would help me a lot because you know that's yeah yeah five percent lg makes sixty percent rockets and that's gonna help his accuracy beautiful stuff right there should be over but you mentioned this is one of the greatest comebacks of all time so let me see i'm gonna put my money chat on zero four destructor's very gonna make a big bet but uh with the 50 and 50 health um back to back you'll be able to stack back up while while z4 on the other hand is unable to do so and down he will go easier maybe but i think i think people don't like it right they don't like it as much as he had restocked very uh it might be easier to spectate um probably just because the streams aren't 360p which is this video is 360p right now there's plenty of quick live streams that are like 4k that people redid but uh yeah i mean quick champions is is cool it's still still quake um i still like quake live better though personally yeah old school shooters are fast paced yeah nice rails yeah 100 percent this is undoubtedly the best dkt yeah and like honestly uh i mean i have so much respect for cs players i mean valerian is pretty sick i actually like overwatch don't hate me but um i loved overwatch for a minute yeah yeah yeah i was really in overwatch but like when people talk about when people are like oh my god this flick was so insane i'm like bro hit an air rocket dog have people moving 2 500 miles an hour through the air and you predict with a rocket that's moving slower than them like that [ __ ] for me is like actually way tighter but that's just me he has played all year by the way putting total agreements this is pretty amazing uh i feel like as well zero four is very low versus tracer that's modern he is not using transitioning to his advantage you've seen him drop in that's why i like overwatch by the way it has more elements of arena shooters he's trying to make that very good yeah i mean one thing you notice about this is that the time to kill is actually really long the pace of the game is really fast but guns don't do that much damage like this is like pretty much the opposite of counter strike in every way because counter strike you move really slow and the guns kill instantly at this point yeah and it's all about tactical right now yeah right on the flick skill which like flick skill is important in this game but to point out it's really not that important compared to movement map knowledge um mind games etc he's down 13 to two play and gets worse he's uh regretting that decision he's down fourteen to two was anybody unwilling to respond to he's down fifteen to two uh since he had not played last night pretty much yeah it would have cost 16 and three quite a serious insane shot by the way um that's why it was a bit of a penalty um okay so his opponent has four times his kill and there is four minutes remaining i mean look if you just looked at destruck's aim right there it's like he's he's he already assumed he's won this game he's kind of like yeah he almost looks like he stopped trying like i mean i know he didn't just stop trying but in his head i think psychologically he's like i won and i think this is the beginning of the end back into the corner we'll die of without a chord taking the crater z4 is only down by uh amir already now but um you're 11. chris paul hits her three to cut the this is hectic after all this is og quake yeah basically lab actually but it's it's uh og map and it's defensive rocket yeah like i said it shares a lot in common with uh hub arrow walk so a lot of frags can happen in quick succession i mean that's the only reason dkt has been able to get so many frags in a row is because spawn fragging is a very real opportunity on this map uh although left very very weak after that battle able to pick up a 50 that's going to do a lot of well said young ben mg does it with five health left dkt did i just say omg [Music] you see that bitter rocket though ladies and gentlemen only three and a half minutes left to go and zero four is on the warpath destruction okay he needs 11 kills in three minutes to even tie the game but at this point he's just fighting for his life trying to keep the score as wide as possible d4 we're gonna watch his point of view as he picks up the ra he gets real just beforehand and the rockets oh what a jump struck have been absolutely phenomenal not enough to keep him alive but enough to keep z4 hurting and he's lost his armor he does have mega to fight with uh but whiffing that one rail a chance to uh the teleport makes itself running one rocket and the score line is getting closer and closer but uh so is the clock only two minutes and 50 seconds on that clock and struck now again as a pretty much a fresh spawn able to pick up the red armor and z4 is saying oh man i really should have gotten that before he did a little bit of hesitation there by b4 maybe a bit of an undoing can you shoot it oh wow wow down but again c4 can you shoot a rocket through the teleporter and it goes through health and armor situations six frags separate and oh my god about to innovate wow hits the rails wow crack game ladies and gentlemen one shot kill why does it work no no rail does 90 damage or 100 i freaked out there's a lot of damage you get a little low and then you just okay i got it it does a lot of damage yeah sick or not he does have a six shot he needs to close the gap here five frags and two minutes gonna be up for another five seconds and that is you know every second here is gonna be so so vital for it zero four just completely stole that mega health like just straight under he dives through mega health though only takes a bit of that damage and wow he's actually able to get away with a good bulk of that destructive down below still throwing up get the red five got the red okay 145 seconds wow nice jump that was that that rail connected by the way that was a sick jump yeah let's go back and fight with the lightning gun 45 seconds left boom oh my god 23 seconds i mean this has to be a perfect game just like this one is just chasing him yeah yeah yeah yeah he's just getting in his face you should run really he's flustered he's panicking in there with the mega and that means a clean grab omega and that means a clean frag as well two frags in one minute brought this within the realm of possibility uh not every map is it's like super feasible to run like the the first one i showed is a lot slower pace like obviously a lot slower place yeah like the entire score line of that first game was like four to two yeah uh i think you pro he probably like obviously he could have played slower though ladies and gentlemen welcome to quake live we are quick live tv he wants to fight though he was winning the beginning like we it came out if you want to bring to you our oh get the red is about to go one frag game after being down by what 11 12 13 maybe 40 seconds something ridiculous on hectic now he's really possible and zero four is about to potentially get you another frag he whips the reel that he needs he's gonna follow 30 seconds try to catch it got 30 seconds left to go and uh um loving the fact that this truck spawned right next to him he steals a bit of a stack it's going to take a lot of rocket damage beautiful things there went off in order to take the lead with a mere 10 seconds remaining destruct unfortunately be breaking his keyboard against his face right now that's how you blow up 14 point lead i'm just rubbing it in wait that's some real trash talk that's how you do it that's how you blow up and then the [ __ ] spectator said holy [ __ ] balls that's esports specialism back in the day baby holy [ __ ] yeah that's actual bad manners wow that's the best trash talk i've ever heard that's crazy definitely not like the pinnacle of quake skill right there that was sick i mean that's fun to see a good comeback see someone melt down the the the trash talk really solidifies that for me oh yeah love good treasure i actually we watched a highlight of you seen the minnesota rocker call of duty i mean yeah call of duty come back have you seen that one uh i watched your video and i yeah they did like a five game sweep and yeah i wouldn't have watched that if they didn't show all the amazing hilarious trash like it was like yeah it was so fun to watch i watched your i watched your youtube video thank you i'm a fan boy good get the hit the like button and subscribe i did i did i always hit the like button i'm the reason yeah if the algorithm needs it yeah we challenged baby yeah i mean okay what about tribes i thought that was sick i thought that was sick i i i also like your comments here i don't know why you're so embarrassed by it it sounds good it was good that's the that's the old [ __ ] but i'm stoked for tribes because i you've shown me this in person and i definitely remember skiing being [ __ ] amazing i remember the hitting midair disc shots was [ __ ] sick like i've i've definitely seen some tribes and it was easy to understand how sick it was um so yeah yeah if you want to talk about that but what was the esports for tribes i mean was it i don't i never really thought there was like tournaments and stuff it's like proto esports like they're they're i don't think there's ev there's no i'll say it like this no one has ever played tribes professionally okay in the history of ever okay um that does not mean that it was not a huge competitive game yeah when i was 11 12 years old playing tribes one starseed tribes the original tribes i was playing on a ladder called ogl uh and that i've said this like four times the stream but that i highly doubt a single person in this entire stream knows what ogl is everyone's proven wrong two people there's probably everyone let him know that you loved ogl tribes everyone here who was definitely alive and uh active in 2000 yeah i look at this look at all these ideas everyone's standing up i'm spartacus everyone knows tribes one ladder so let me tell you about tribes okay it's a 10 versus 10 games that's six base tribes mode is 10 versus 10. it's on a giant outdoor map there are three different armor classes light medium and heavy there are bases where you have a generator you have turrets you have sensor towers you have uh emp turrets uh you have deployables you can actually deploy turrets and deploy inventory stations around the map you can customize your loadout you can get various different weapons you have energy pack you have shield pack you have ammo pack you have a sensor jammer pack this game is not a game that's coming out this year this game came out in 1998. and team sizes were 10 versus 10. so which is crazy because you imagine the trying to set that up lag wise and like and you know if you ever wanted to do a lan event that's crazy that's very very difficult to organize and get going but i think they should you know what they should honestly bring back this type of game it's like only person carrying this torch is like maybe maybe battlefield kind of games but even then it's a little different i think yeah i don't know what do you think no it's definitely it's very different um and in the way so and also capture the flag is the main game mode in this game so you have these there's so much going on in the tribe's match uh you have defenders who are primarily defending your flag as well as keeping your base up so when you're at the end you can destroy each other's bases and you can also repair those bases so you have people maintaining your base you have people defending the flag then on the offensive side you have people trying to destroy their base and cap their flag the thing well quake has strafe jumping but tribes has skiing which is tribes version of abusing the hell out of the physics oh i completely forgot to mention everyone has a jet pack everyone has a jet pack so this game is just insane um wait let's see skiing the mission is the skiing video i think people people uh it's impressive yeah i think i think you'll like the i think i like this game so a lot of people who are like oh tribes are sick you're probably talking about tribe descent because that's what most of you probably played um if you played tribes i talked about tribes one um oh it looks like fortnite that's so sick this is this is just a really old montage video that's like uh a super sick like ancient esports history kind of like dope ass montage video um but actually i'm gonna go back to this really quick because this this shows you the basic idea of skiing everyone has a jet pack and your jet pack runs on energy that regenerates over time so basically what you can do is same concept as quake you go down this hill you're jumping constantly so you're frictionless you're basically on ice skates jump jump jump jump you're gaining speed because of gravity jet pack up use your energy once you're out of energy then you come down the other side of the hill and you're jumping jumping jumping do that over and over and over again and you're building up ridiculous speed this is super important because in capture the flag you're not gonna get the flag and get home if you just walk up to the flag and just walk back the way that you get the flag is you have what's called a capper which is doing this and they know routes you call them routes you're doing this across all of these epic wide expansive trains you're building up as much speed as possible you're timing with your offense as much as possible to blow up the defenders who are defending their flag you jump you get in with high speed and you get out with high speed so that's that's kind of like the meta of tribes okay let's see it let's see it you move like this this says it's 1080p isn't it i love a classic uh old-school gaming montage video yeah the music is phenomenal it's [ __ ] amazing so this is the flag yeah grabs the flag and he's out zoomy zoomy this music is so good this is sick i love it there's also you know there's rocket jumping and quake there's instead of rocket launcher of a disc launcher in this game yeah so there's disc disc jumping in tribes so there he uh he dropped a grenade see i'm gonna try and pause it oh god uh you can see this little thing right here yeah this is a grenade he shot his own grenade and he just jumped off of it [Laughter] shout out to a grenade wall movie at top speed that's sick it's super sick the maps are so big for 98. yeah and um like when when this game came out the only fps games that people were playing was quake was doom which is dark it's it's like demonic it's like satanic and you're in these small small confined arenas this is try tribes came out this was the first game that looked like this and i was sold for the next decade of my life at six so so he's skiing down this hill here using his jet to get over the next hill and that's kind of the basis of the flag that's the base [Laughter] dude he actually just said wait that's sick i want to enjoy the flag dude it looks fun to move that fast funny story well that's going to take a minute for you to learn but uh funny story uh the original tribes had literally zero copyright protection whatsoever you could just copy the files onto your pc so oh did he just one of the reasons it was successful but he did jump off that pillar look how fast he's moving is that his home base yeah wait watch that again i wanna say that again wait i think he from when he gets the flag when he gets home right so right here joins the flag [Laughter] heavy armor can get mortars which is this giant explosion here oh he tried to free fire and then he lands the flag that's great he crossed the whole map in like 4.5 seconds oh yeah this clip is not that cool i don't know why they concluded this [Music] oh yeah i forgot to mention there's vehicles in this game too by the way what would there be [Laughter] well that's the scene from star wars that's episode two or three wow [Applause] people like oh [ __ ] that was a sick flick in in [ __ ] counter strike i'm like bro hit this guy yeah with a disc launcher crazy is the guy that's shooting at him is getting close like i wouldn't be able to follow that or track that but they're not doing too bad he dies all glasses i'm forgetting [Applause] this one's fun because uh this guy's in a heavy armor right now we'll show it in a second heavy armor is not supposed to be able to do this heavy armor is not supposed to be able to do this look at him go dude the developers did not intend for this look at him go it's funny if this game was played i was intended to be so slow everyone's watching so slow these massive maps he's a heavy armorer so he's taking out he's taking a beating right now yeah look don't worry he's making it happen and here he goes oh [ __ ] this music is so good dude all right vehicle yeah so what's the plan here he jumped out of it so he rammed into the ground and jumped right before and uses that as a rocket as a disc jump [Music] what's synergy so this one is about the kind of team play that is capable that you're capable of in this game the greatest of individual feats will always pale into insignificance when measured up against the triumph of the united many we used to take ourselves so [ __ ] seriously oh my god you have no idea imagine 12 year old ben won't writing that down in this video i did not make this video but i might i could have i could doesn't i think it was even earlier in 2009 right maybe are you kidding me this is 2 000. no but i mean the video you know i mean people oh for a while this video came out the original video came out in 2000 this is a re-upload wow wow do this he dropped his flag he's dead good thing he has a teammate boom how nice they have a midair flag regret that's sick so this this whole video this whole portion of the video is about teamwork i don't even think i need to explain very much to you guys on this one okay oh [ __ ] he gives it up to him wait that was sick as [ __ ] i don't know how the timing is like you know he's only in the room for half a second less than that black tossing is one of the best parts of this game it's actually the best part it's the most fun thing to do in this game oh my god [Laughter] it's like it's like a football play dude did that hit oh it's a vehicle it's like a sport tribes is the most sport like game i swear got it yanked it and they have three guys on defense and he gets okay but he's gonna die maybe okay he heats the flag okay oh so if the flight did the ground doesn't go back it just stays there yeah it's on a timer it'll return after 45 seconds or something i got 30. nice died died while doing it yup oh my god this one we used to play in these 10 v10 tournaments um really before voice chat was very feasible so we actually just we didn't even actually use voice chat for the majority like typing the best teams in the height of tribes were typing comms and using in-game like there's an in-game chat system where you can say like attack the enemy or like i need or like take the flag from me or whatever or like our generator's destroyed you couldn't even use voice chat actually i'm high as hell is that a beyblade this is the beyblade live action game all right so this is a heavy armor right here okay first of all he has a sick mid-air on that that guy okay second of all grabs a flag lance grabs the flag of all lands jumps you can't really tell but that's a mine so he's mine he's not does not just disc jumping he's mind disc jumping okay so he can get extra height okay here comes this guy from a back route which like takes way longer to set up because you have to go all the way around the back side of the map but what does it do it gets you home in a [ __ ] split second and he just tosses him and he just jumps off the heavy armor's head that's like the matrix dude that's sick and he's home wow that's that's very well coordinated that's very well coordinated i would definitely join the army if this is how we did wars [Laughter] yeah but you'd be the heavy dude you'd die as someone just jumps off your head and then they get the hero's welcome back home worth it yeah i guess worth it you know i would die so he could soar all right he eats it does he pick it up to him no yeah teammate gets it and just continues the route god damn they should do this in real life they should just strap jet packs to people and see what happens this would make baseball more interesting here's the matrix for you yeah what's going on here this is just it's just showing like this is the major dude there's obviously a two thousand because they're very influenced by yes 100 and the music probably half this music is from the matrix credits yep that's pretty much that's pretty much it that's sick was there a match you want to see like uh you know the matches are really really long they're 25 minutes long okay um and i i i couldn't like i couldn't find like one particular match to show you guys um there is one more part to this video we skipped the first part speed let me see i kind of like these videos yeah we saw speed we saw speed oh uh this is the first kill this is the first fire skill if you want to watch that i like the music seems like chat likes these ones oh yeah these are good you guys enjoying this chat likes music and uh and these are very i i mentioned before i think i've seen some tribe stuff before it's like very obvious to see the skill it's very obvious to see like yeah what's the game's uh it's clean you know it's not not so muddy it's old but it's you can see what's going on yeah that's true uh quake is definitely a lot more visually kind of yeah dark yeah i guess and also in quake you know you can't uh you can't even show the characters third person so it's hard to tell you know it's it's all stuck in all right let's let's see this great exposition i like the guy making the tribes will never die montag in 2000 that's confidence [Laughter] it's not dead they played pickups there are at least 30 people who play tribes still okay all right yeah it's probably yeah it's actually i played shardbound so it's not like um you want to read this excellent exposition here vic this category of the legacy archives comprises footage from numerous battles that demonstrate skillful and innovative use of the weaponry available to the tribal warrior novice attempts to replicate some of the following examples of skill may result in physical or psychological damage oh man i haven't actually read that in so [Laughter] long noobs watch out i'm actually going to skip this first one because it's boring okay i still don't know why they actually show this one to start by the way one of the reasons this video is so great at the time [Music] frag videos if they're called frag montages were pretty basic like they weren't edited that crazy but this [ __ ] has cinematography bro oh yeah i'm out that's crazy caught up that's [ __ ] wild ben wait you're that fish sticks yeah i'm that fish dude why wo there's no other efficiency there are dude talking about tribes talking about tribes there are no there are literally dozens of them every one of the tribes communities names fishtanks you didn't know that um but yeah emitter is actually super tight and some aspects of it it's like a little bit more modern it's a little bit more cleaned up um and flag play in midair you can toss kind of like further and there's like more mid-air maneuverability and just the most insane [ __ ] happens in mid-air maybe we'll try it maybe we'll try casuals only we'll do a stream stream uh server uh because i want to try the movement i think movement looks really fun um i'm sorry to say about midair that uh both it's still in beta and they're like for some reason not launching it out of beta for unknown reasons and then also i don't know my webcam's glitching um it is glitching good lord you're being hacked um but also there's no public cert like the group that plays is so hardcore that they only play pickups there's no pub you can't just join and play you have to like yeah i got the creator i think or yeah you have to like create a server or something i think we would create a casual only try to get streamroller just new people um what i wanted to make sure because i i know it is late i want to make sure that you get to talk about juked as well i i just watched some clips first let's show you something we might play midair yeah let me see these um i pulled up this guy clown because he's the most insane gamer like i've one of the most i'm convinced he's one of the most talented i want to watch him because it's called i'm blocked him with my dump truck ass i don't think this one is going to be that impressive okay but i still want to see oh he looks nice well this is like this is like hot yeah this is perfect he just blocked it just like with his dump truck yes exactly um i was trying to find some good clips uh on metal which is a dope product if no one's used metal before it's super dope is this a ernie's thing no that's uh fresh cut got it but it's like an automatic clip generator wait why am i showing you this why don't i just show you my clips let's see let's see some fish sticks midair clips yeah do you have anywhere you block someone with a dump truck ass or no because that's my favorite type of clip um let's see okay all right metal all right load faster please come on fingers crossed fingers crossed come on oh my god it's light really slow uh i don't know if you guys have any questions that you want to ask ben too while he's here like if you have anything you want to hit up i also see a lot of balloons clips happening now in and that could be you know maybe i could talk you through some of the intricacies of balloons some of the high level art of it because honestly people call it the tribes of monkey based i'm so good bullying popping chad look how good i am [Music] uh we're not seeing your clip i don't know if you're if you're getting ddosed or what yeah we're not saying [ __ ] dude what yep oh it's not capturing my my metal window you're just saying i'm so good while you're showing me this [Laughter] okay all right let's see let's see this uh fish sticks clip all right can you see now yep dessert nice shot i want to play this game here i want to play this game chat i need i need uh 10 10. i need 19 other casuals no this one's five verse five okay i need nine other casuals nice shot quickly that was just funny because the he gets killed and it gets returned right on our base yeah nice nice if you grab it oh you killed them both no shot i'm a gamer dude he's gaming this dude's out here gaming sweet little apex in there in the middle yeah i'm sure there's a i'm sure at least one of my clips has a cool pass i think oh you can shoot the flag oh yeah you can shoot the flag in this game you can't do that in the original tribes interesting it's actually pretty huge nice little made disc one chain bullet let's see okay stopping the flag cappers um that's sick and so wait this is like just not available this game is not we can yeah test it but we can't uh there's no public service you can't just jump on sadly it's still in beta and i don't know why because it's a good game and they've been working on it for years so they only like you have to like join their discord and then like request a key this is midair ce uh zush um so i don't know i'm trying to convince them to like do it publicly because the game is great it's a really good game blue kermit it looks sick and like it's a lot of fun oh flag tossing kind of what i was did you get the other guy or no let me see i i i knocked him off so he couldn't get our flag oh i see you didn't get it i stopped both of them i got you guys you got back to the place yeah that's sick yeah anyway let's try it that's tribes that's mid-air yeah there's probably some good mid-air montage out there that i i could link also but i think i've been sold on i've always thought it was cool and the montages were super sick and uh i just want to find a group where i'm not the only person who doesn't know how to ski that's what i can so i can figure it out but i'll tell you what if if everyone in chat right now wants to have a tribes one base night i would die happy that would be so fun i'll lead i'll lead you it's a victory i think we'll try it uh 5150 feels strong man uh 5150 is the most famous clan in tribes history the dominant in tribes one tribes two tribes vengeance and tribes ascend they uh they different teams every time but like they they won every single game or they they had a period where they're the best team in every single tribes game so we got a true tribes fan here there there are literally a handful of them and they exist all right and they they heard the siren call they saw tribes on a stream and they said they have to go see yeah um uh i was i would mention juke though i talked about joke but i don't know if there's anything i missed or i forgot to mention or or what you know what's going on with juked and you guys have an update i think pretty soon um yeah man do you want so after i left twitch i decided to try and pursue this idea which i've had for a super long time of trying to build a community hub for esports fans um i'm like a weird kind of esports fan in that i basically like following everything like i i if there's a cs go major i want to watch it if there's a valorem major i want to watch it if there's dota major i want to watch it if it's a league major i want to watch it if it's melee i want to watch it etc um and it's super hard to do that right like it's super [ __ ] hard like everything's everywhere um finding scores schedules streams you got to be on like reddit 24 7. you got to be on twitter you got to be subscribed to 10 twitch channels and youtube channels and also um it's kind of hard to have a conversation about esports right like uh if you're if you're if you're watching an esports match on twitch it's like how are you gonna actually discuss like yeah memeing is fun but if you're a hardcore fan and you want to be like whoa why'd they pick you know why why aren't they picking sova now like whatever like if you want to discuss with another dollar someone who actually cares it's kind of hard to do that um so we started a startup uh we raised two million dollars and we launched our mobile app about four months ago uh so we are a basically like a community social hub for esports fans uh that also has everything you need to follow your favorite esports games in one place um so if you're an esports fan and you're annoyed by shitty reddit mods or like toxic people on twitter you don't want to get quote retweeted by richard lewis for having a wrong opinion on twitter uh try out jupet you know we we have basically everything you need to follow esports and also discuss esports with people who actually give a [ __ ] you know what's cool is it it kind of reminds me of uh something that's been lost which is back in the day you'd have kind of like forum culture where you could kind of make friends around a game and ask questions and and reddit doesn't really replace that reddit still is okay for news and like the the whatever the biggest clip of the past few days is but it's not great for like hey i'm gonna ask someone a question or i'm gonna i'm gonna start a thread and talk about something uh and that is gone there's like no replacement for certain parts of of form culture so joshua said that's exactly what i've been looking for check it out check it out josh uh if you're interested check it out check out juked is it on android yet or not yet yes it's only android and ios uh we have a website that was the first product we launched uh the website's like a tv guide for esports it's it's dope too if that's all you want but actually we've been working on the app for the last year and a half so check out app.juke.gg uh we're still really early we just launched four months ago but we'd absolutely love for i mean i'd love for all of you to check it out it would mean a lot to me uh and join the community and we'll help you follow esports but we'll also build a hopefully better community for you to discuss esports you're exactly right atrioc like social media completely eight forums forums are never coming back yeah but like we kind of lost some stuff along the way you know on forums there's like at least a small sense of accountability because like people know your username they know who you are you can you know a forum for your favorite game for team liquid for starcraft or tribal war for tribes like people are there because they love that game they want to discuss that thing and i feel like reddit is the closest thing to that and it's just not quite the same so that's kind of what we're trying to recreate if that sounds interesting hope you guys check us out we're on ios and android uh we're still trying to grow so man if all three thousand of you joined we're that would be phenomenal that would be phenomenal on original wow the forums for a specific server or something special everyone know everyone and which killer yeah i mean everyone knowing everyone is kind of the cool thing or you start finding recognizing names like on reddit especially like on reddit um like on a larger subreddit i've never even looked at the names like you just look at the post i have no idea who's doing it i have no there's no connection on the poster i don't like build a relationship with somebody so it's definitely way different it's called juked esports on google play yeah i believe so so check it out um any other final clip you want to show ben or anything else or otherwise otherwise i just appreciate your time and thank you for showing us all yeah the cool stuff and hey man uh uh it's been too long since we've hung out and literally if i will talk about arena shooters for [ __ ] like for hours and hours anytime anytime i'll come back i'll do it again okay i'll do the same well i think i literally we might organize this uh this midair day and then if you want to jump on and do some coaching or whatever it could be fun too so um that would be super sick uh i have to make sure that i can actually get you guys into the game because they're still not letting people in properly uh yeah let them know i mean we'll turn into a stream thing we'll make you know that's a good exposure this will be the biggest moment in our district by the way i'm not even get a youtube video out of it it could be fun so yeah let them know and we'll talk but uh everyone say thanks to ben ben thanks again so much for everything you've done me in my life you know you really you made a big change in my life and i have the can never thank you enough um and super super uh excited for for what's coming with juked so thanks thanks for letting me come on dude i really appreciate it super proud of you and all all your growth and success for the last couple years man keep it up big hearts thanks man have a good one man have a good day everybody peace love that guy really good guy really good guy i'm gonna beat his ass at midair when i get some practice though just give me a [ __ ] week ben i'm going to be smooth mcgregor i'll be i want to be [ __ ] grinding i'm going to be skiing i'm going to be flying uh i tried to play diabolical bra i'll tell you if you want to play any one of those games talk to ben because every single new failed fps ben is crazy good at and is like hoping it'll be the big thing if if if you want your fps to be good don't let ben play it because he'll get good at it he'll be like this is gonna be great and then it'll die i've seen it happen on you guys remember that game brink that it was like for xbox almost 360 or something do you ever break ben was one of the people like first in line for brink he was like brick is going to be big he's done every game i mean even overwatch by the way or overwatch is pretty much dead now but he was crazy at that he's good at he's getting a lot of fps games um oh what was that what was the one with the gravity the cliffy b shooter that was going to be big i bet it was godlike at that too um i literally had a gamestop employee tell me law breakers yeah law breakers yup i had a game stuff and plummy tell me not to buy brick that's funny cause like they're on commission i think aren't they like supposed to like push every sort of deal and insurance and everything on you so he's like sacrificing his own money to be like don't buy this oh split gate yep yep yep yep yep yep yep you didn't tell us it was his birthday wait ben it was your birthday i didn't know i'm checking facebook i am the guy who plays all the new shooters oh yeah yeah it's his birthday holy [ __ ] we should open with that holy [ __ ] happy birthday ben happy birthday ben dude that's cool anyway i appreciate him coming on uh that was very nice of him and it was cool to see those moments i i really think tribes look sick as [ __ ] i i kind of just i wish i could have played it at the time it seems like a game i would have gotten super into it looks really really fun the boys tonight i don't know i don't know let me see um so i do need to grind let me see if uh clint or uh let me see if they're uh if if there's no smite happening and no fall guys happening wow did you know that ben has the same birthday as andre my old league of legends rival high schooler guy have anyone seen that movie where my rival my biggest rival is a high schooler uh that is i just looked on facebook it's also andre's birthday interesting uh if let's play in fall guys i think i'll just jump on and practice with my squad for tomorrow um asian guy yeah yeah for sure uh canine hack david the prime peter gigi's name of the prime chilbert thing of the seven months cataclysm for the three months lazarus thing with the seven uh blighter thing for the four simon nation thing for the seven a lexi thing for the six no the boys i think i gotta i gotta do it for the boys you know what i'm saying i don't think that um ludwig is playing i think i play with the boys instead of just watch the boys i don't think that ludwig is live or playing fall guys is he and i did taylor oh yes uh first and second let's go oh third i like i got three but i got four i got four i got fifth let me go to stanza's stream see if i can get an invite of course buying my house trying to practice with my squad trying to practice with my squad [Music] well the squad's full you know yeah actually just you know maybe you know there's a tournament tomorrow when the rotation occurs i'm down and i'm like give me 10 i'll probably end and go to my upstairs computer and change my attire uh yeah we'll get atrial in while ludwig's changing and then we'll keep the grind going well okay well we all just watch the boys dude in clear right now dr battle and sheep one of you is gonna be killed tonight no i leave it i gotta go they are bailing we can play though [ __ ] veil dude bale's been on that hustle i swear to god dude if train wreck said i'm gonna get a squad to go protest the protests today they'll be like oh you need one more i could i could pop in i can pop into that uh male's hustling dude there ain't nothing he's not gonna join in on uh new ups with the boys and say i really want to watch it i just don't know if tonight is the night but just because i really want to do well in these tournaments no kizzy uh i think it'd be really fun oh wait wait i have a reveal i have an announcement for the first time ever finally twitch and the twitch rivals team have recognized the rise of the ghost and have reached out to me to be an official team captain i am now a team captain in twitch rivals i'm not the the third member of the squad i get to pick a squad and i'm going to put together an elite lineup of fall guys players and stance probably can never leave my boy out and uh and uh and guess what guess who got clint stevens a spot as a captain me they asked me who should be another captain i said get my boy clint that's right dude moving on up we're climbing the ladder uh so i cannot get ludwig because he does not stream on twitch and twitch does not like him unfortunately i'm gonna get my good friend mud wig he looks kind of like ludwig but he has a big old mustache and he is going to be he's a brand new streamer and he's a different guy and he's covered head toe and mud can i get mango the problem is i made the mistake so clint said he would either be on my team or if they needed another captain could be a captain and i should have just snapped clint up but i was like no let me see if we can get you as a captain and i asked him and of course they did it's clint so clint's gonna get mango i'm not gonna get mango there's just no shot um so i plus i'm thinking i might want to go the s3k route i might i might pull you know pull from the community but we'll see um we'll see we'll see we'll see ask northern line i don't think northern plays uh fall guys um well it doesn't matter the point is i got to be uh i got to be uh a captain which is sick as [ __ ] it's sick nasty and i think the ghost is gonna go [ __ ] brazy which means i have two tournaments though i have the fall guys tournament tomorrow and then i have twitch rivals not but less than a week later i think and i'm doing that i'm doing smite so i'm gonna be out here is dr battle playing with the ghost skin i'm sorry what the [ __ ] did i look over there and see dr battle playing with a stolen skin there's but one ghost in the world dr battle you [ __ ] nft right click saver god damn dude stolen valor actually stolen balor a little a little thing that you know a little think call respect for uh uh one of the pillars of the fall guys community one of the long time one of the first grinders of the game when it came out and everyone was playing it casually the ghost said no i'm going to no life this children's game i'm gonna record all my hexagon footage and watch it religiously every day nft nice [ __ ] theft yeah true true true true true true uh hey i have to pee can we get a pee break oh i'm sorry but no no once you start watching the stream you are unfortunately you're all locked in you cannot leave to go to the bathroom you must ever you must consume the entire stream with no breaks until the end so that is i i don't make the rules i mean i do make the rules but i don't change them you know you get it let's see if oh stan's got the crown too big crown for a big stance um hey you know be a funny joke after that is if you said oh i peed myself that'd be a funny joke anyone had that idea does anyone that would be a really funny like clever joke if because p is funny you know uh it's funny because it's like it's like toilet humor um dwinklervid well i might i don't think i'll be giving dwinkler the respecties do if i did it at 10 o'clock at night east coast already degenerate timing i think i'll just do it tomorrow after fall guys which is going to be only uh middle of the day i'm doing an all-day stream tomorrow you know i've been pretty good about big saturday streams maybe i'll even have time for eldon ring i've been fiending for eldering ever since god's getting duo hdr please forgive me because i'm new but does your camera have autofocus yep it does it automatically focuses on the exact same spot every time without changing uh stan's invited me all right well he didn't invite me to the goddamn call though did he wait a minute do you want to drop big fellas yo hey i like that crown i just saw a crown for a king oh thank you thank you that's true danny's been racking up the crowns actually i actually feel like every time atriox tunes into stream i get a crown it's i'm inspired bit of a yeah a bit of a brotherhood there it's good for tomorrow let me turn you guys down okay how about you turn me up how about you guys turn up in-game you want to use the voice chat in game please uh the only thing is i might have to do smite practice here in a second oh dude i've been uh you need a ringer for your team i'll jump in some games uh no i'm not gonna put a person who is not only on a different team but has been grinding all day into our ragtag last minute practice i feel like you guys could learn a lot from me i don't think we could i think you could uh are you joining are you right now i'm quite sure that sear who's on our team will not practice my team is not only practicing we're offline scrimming with our coach um and clint and mango are grinders don't get me wrong we're gamers oh i've watched i loved it the problem is that sear had his title today as i cannot let clint down and he was playing daisy for six hours uh have you played daisy i saw everyone playing i kind of want to try no i've never played it so i just don't get the vibe that he is gonna put in that work he's still playing daisy right now i don't think he's gotten in one game of uh smite today and i believe that would be his first game of smite if he did get it in so when's the tournament it's monday please yeah i think he could get to the top of the charts actually what's he playing too what role i invited you hatred stop inviting me uh give me that invite king i i did i think you have to click on the friend thing at the bottom okay hr can i let you know about a pro i wanna i wanna know what how much of a team player you are we have a problem tell me the problem there's a rule tomorrow that everyone has to match on a team what do you mean like they have to match skins no but i heard we can match um colorways we can match ways but i don't have black and white i'm not i'm not are you guys okay with the follow-up answer it's not that i won't do it i would do it for the team i'm incapable the lore has me i've been locked in i've been cursed your body what if we do a seance and i talk to the coach you could try my friend but you just go orange ghosts believe me there's no way the ghost could change because i'm sold out oh no you're not the ghost i know i understand that no i was but i've had a ouija board i've tried okay and in fact i recommend that you watch the story of the ghost a great youtube video where i light a match to camera and tried a good youtube video i've i've seen it's one of many i've seen is that on youtube.com atrium yeah you're right well said yes exactly so oh thank you i love that channel asia exe there's just no way the cs go video so why don't you unlock the colorway you can't you can't just buy it you have to wait for it to come around yeah cringe if i could buy it with money i would do it do you want to use my account stands do you know the flames either you don't have the flames no i don't have the flames or the color damn the ghost is so we don't have to match flames you only have to match color you could do flames you just have to change color do you have a different black and silver well there's a there's black and like uh metallic orange kind of that i could buy right now i can't do it well here's an idea you know when you get a team game like egg scramble the ghost turns red yellow or blue right i mean maybe maybe because it's a team game the ghost can kind of he he's not black and egg scramble is he's not black and white listen they're gonna have to disqualify me [Laughter] i'm not switching off this goddamn skin have you ever done anything to it since you started wearing it i've never changed since i got it he never does his steam picture's still [ __ ] mario from brawl in the last place though i have actually not only it's like i'd rather have been afk hey it's team mode you're gonna make it okay that's good yeah you guys have to you're my fall guy is hero you can't be in last place uh well technically you did start the stream was saying you were his hero ball guys hero yeah no he said in life and stan said all honestly he's a good role model uh why am i not your fall guys hero and i said aatrak got infallible in season one which no i'm stuck i actually did get infallible season one one of the rarest i'm done where are you guys i i got guns in a fall mountain mm-hmm i have that i actually because i have been callable now too but i got it doing squads that's like easy to do it's still kind of hard like you have to grind it a little but it's easy now i always wear the flames i respect that right now i'm wearing the ghost for you but i usually wear it because i saw you wearing that and i was pissed but now that i know the story i'm actually really honored yeah it's literally uh what the kid the steelers in the tunnel right hey kid thanks mean joe yeah you're michael jordan give me your jersey after the game yeah like i'm never going to take this off you always wore it under your high school jersey look i have a ghost onesie that i sleep in because you sleep in that shirt i gave you seer says he's down uh well i think he'll do it through clint cause clint's organizing our practice tonight so if sears down all right if you guys need one more hey we need two more you know i'm actually trying you're gonna play smite doctor battle i'll play something with a truck because i pay money to see dunkin donuts hey money to p me and dr battle play smite yeah well actually now that you've said it i wouldn't split it i mean what are you offering because i'll i'm gonna place mine anyway so it's like actually already back paid doc for six months of subs that he didn't stream for cool cool cool but i've been streaming you're getting that money back five days in a row baby yeah you've been making up for it a little bit recently i've got great content you want to tell them about it stan tell them about it tell me about it uh okay what is one thing that everyone loves right now okay um banning the right to an abortion okay that is something that the supreme court loves but it's actually not a popular opinion right right right right right right um the answer was nfts now dr battle has been using dali mini to search for taylor swift space galaxy cracking what he calls packs of nine pictures and right click saving as the best ones rare tailors yeah these are like look at my little chat head that i'm talking with sunglasses taylor you know how hard those are hard to find i've only found two and i've opened hundreds hey they're swift packs if doctor battles on the supreme court it would be worse or can it not get worse wait i'm sorry say again do you think if doctor battle was on the supreme court that it would be good oh no it'd be better it'd be way better the supreme court is actually yeah it's awful but i just don't know that if he would start doing some tailor-based nft constitution no no for me it's closer to like magic cards i just want more tailors it's magic cars but they're digital and they're one of a kind yeah they are one of a kind you can't you don't you go find ft's dog you go find the sunglasses are they or are they not fungible that's the real question can you fudge them i don't remember what fun people mean no one really knows they're not there's literally no clones yeah there's no clones i would have to send you this awesome sunglasses pick for you to have it uh i don't believe we're watching the boys tonight no no no no no we'll probably tomorrow are you streaming you're the most recent yeah i heard about that i know first you know i mean i smoothed my groove i finished wild you did great okay yeah it's crazy saying that 11. i smoothed the groove because i started bad and i just instantly picked it up that's so true actually thomas jefferson was definitely a swifty yep i think he would have been he like he likes stuff it's that thing bieber said like i think anne frank would have been a believer it would have been a believer yeah i think he's i think he's right i think he's dead right he was right in the demographic age yeah it was perfect and she liked popular music yeah so like you know i don't think you need to say it to be honest though you don't need to say it out loud the reporter said do you think anne frank would have been a believer and he just said yes and then we've all been talking about it since then yeah but he has to know that's not what history's going to remember i remember him on stage in madison square garden saying hey just so you all know i think anne frank would have been a believer i don't think that that's how it went though i think there was one of those guest books that you signed at the anne frank house and he wrote i think frank would have been a belieber that's my understanding of how went which is like plus one plus one plus one didn't like donald trump go to like the holocaust museum or something and write like so glad to be here with all my friends or something like that it was like a yearbook signing like barack obama wrote like 500 words have a great summer yeah pretty much um i think it was danny green uh an nba player went to like auschwitz and took a selfie with like hashtag holocaust it's the most insane picture yeah he apologized but man it's crazy does that one nba player still believe in flat earth uh kyrie yeah he's only one hero research to be clear he's the one here still holding out against the mainstream media i'm kyrie hero kevin durant's going to the sun's no shot no but that's the meme lately wow that's my dream that would be cool someone's going to the lakers too right uh kyrie's going to the lakers for the mid-level exception it's going to be crazy dude what does the mid-level exception mean it's like less money than he should get in the open market he's going to take less to go be with lebron to get rid of how does lebron always get people to do that because he's the [ __ ] second best player of all time they want to win but it hasn't worked out some would say that it's worth how are you talking about it hasn't worked out well jefferson and shannon charles barkley never won a ring he's one of the greatest players of all time and [ __ ] channing fry's gone he's barking up the wrong tree if you ask me is that all we care about is rings yes ernie who's clinton mega waiting for mike okay i'll keep the torch lit hey let me know if you need a plus one though i'm a nasty mid wait is a truck dipping yeah after this game yeah uh okay he's got smite practice that's right oh oh my god what the hell i feel like i'm uh magnet won't leave i feel like i'm in a sitcom where i'm on a date with two girls and i keep going to the bathroom and changing my mind it's not enough time for us to lose that was funny well done yeah sure what should crack open some taylor swift space galaxy pack sometime see if we can find some good ones oh to be fair the nba player danny green who went to auschwitz also had hashtag had to do it to him one time [Laughter] she had to do it to him one time he's smiling he's got the gates in the background wild [ __ ] photo to take that's good [Laughter] have you seen the uh kirby enthusiasm where he has i can't watch that show it makes me feel anxious oh my god it's one of the funniest things i've ever seen in my life and only he could pull it off he's having a dinner party and he invites a holocaust survivor and someone from the show survivor dinner and they start arguing over who is the bigger survivor and the survivor guy's like well we had no food we had no food the guy's like we were oh it's it's it's insane we were systemic we were being killed yeah and then everybody was like well you know there's arguments to both sides on this oh it's so goddamn funny it i was crazy i end up just survivor is like 92 and he's like so mad yeah that [ __ ] i like it i can watch it but i can only watch so much of it before i have to stop yeah it's tough curb's amazing or like the one where he uh asks out that girl on a date at the coffee shop because she likes the same music that he did and he like doesn't realize until after the date is secured that she's in a wheelchair and he never says he has a problem with it but you can tell it like right he like wishes he had known first you know yeah yeah uh that one's really good that's basically the premise of every you know it's some kind of pretty much yeah you know it's it's uh he's in a normal situation and it gets weird i need to actually watch like the full show i've only seen like bits and pieces i mean one of my favorite episodes of all time is uh he he's he wants to get around traffic and he wants to use the hov lane so he hires a prostitute just to sit in the seat sit in the passenger seat so we can get around this city well he's he's incredibly rich he made seinfeld yeah so that's right but it comes with a lot of uh you know problems this is a top two qualify and two teams are perfect right now guess which one we are uh one of the ghosts oh just kidding sheep died we're still top two cringe i was getting a little grief by the chief well we've got the chief griefs i don't know who's grieving you because it wasn't fans he's a team killer he's done it before and we'll do it again i got the crown when i killed you i don't know what you're back in blast ball and falling later that means we're probably going to end the game with like like fall ball or maybe basketball i haven't had a fall ball in a house the best striker of all time i'm a striker dude i can reward him all of his stats all right i thought he was the best striker until i played with tony dude actually can strike because coney's got the the serve he's got the best serve in the game get ready to grief if one of us gets a lead and you're clearly not in the lead get ready to grieve for sure they've they've scrunched with this right it's like all got different yeah it's not the same you can't take the same line it's not the same but you should go to the right and on those um that treadmill actually this is this looks this looks like a classic yeah yeah this looks definitely classic that's odd let's just all go to the right actually i'm gonna go to middle i'm going straight mid and i'm gonna push her i'm gonna do the same route i always did back in the day the fadeaway jumper oh so i got griefed what the [ __ ] who grieved you this uh king a king with no crown is no king what are you saying the the guy in the red literally not looking good this is not looking good but it's not yet over because the ghost moves like a demon's whisper the dinosaurs no yes yes i'm getting it oh you want you where you want them i got it i i grabbed it the ghost baby got one for one all right well i'm out [Laughter] what a good way to end it all right i'll see you guys uh in a if you're still grinding me and mine are gonna play at noon tomorrow yeah yeah for sure i'm in okay i might play earlier but i'm gonna start streaming i'll wake up in the grind all right peace okay sick peace
doug [Music] [Music] god i think so he hasn't shown up yet but i've been waiting for like three years now [Music] hello [Music] oh [Music] [Music] setting up songs one sec [Music] anyway yo what's up um dark souls hola que tal bueno e2 i'm still watching yesterday's vod can we reschedule all right shut it down everybody we're moving next time okay let's go we're gone we're done come back tomorrow come back in about 24 hours okay it's been 24 hours welcome back doug eat my toes i'm okay thank you though i do appreciate the offer very kind can we reschedule for bunny suit all right shut it down we're done for the day all right bunny suits back here we go i have i mean look technically i have until thursday of next week i have a week to beat the last two bosses of the game but i think it's happening today right right right i'm going to do it today attacker and me pantalones there's muay grande emal [Music] hopefully maul means veiny in spanish anyway yo dark souls no more dark souls random effect happens every two minutes i think this is the 10th stream that i've done so can i beat it in 10 streams i'd like that feels pretty good to me to have knocked this game out in 10 streams i really want to beat it today i did not sleep well i feel kind of tired but i also feel really pumped up so i don't know if i'll crash later but even if i do i beat pontiff when i was like the most tired i've ever been on stream yeah probably not but i was pretty goddamn tired when i beat pontiff uh uh solely whatever i'm confident dude i'm gonna beat the [ __ ] out of this game today so stoked yo inferno next thing for 23 months that's a ton grill marks thank you raptor thank you paul blart thank you um what's going on dark souls let me change this stuff down here [Music] okay we gotta we gotta talk about something all right we gotta talk about cowardice let me let me let me update this text real fast [Music] raptor maybe 12 months a long long long time [Music] what's the mood what mood do i set um okay yeah we'll do we'll do this all right i've done nine streams of dark souls back to a plasma thing for 18 months today is the 10th and probably not probably definitely final day of dark souls because there are only two bosses left now for the first like what 12 bosses i don't know 10 8 something i used the long sword usually with a shield and the long sword is more defensive is what my sense is it doesn't seem like it does a lot of damage but people are telling me you should use the sellsword twin blades why because they basically do twice as much damage they're insane and so i wasn't using the sellsword twin blades until after i beat pontiff sullivan with the long sword and at that point i was like okay i'll try using the sellsword twin blades okay [Music] and so then i beat the next couple bosses with sellswords considered the hardest in the game excluding the dlc maybe i don't know yet so i started using the cell sword twin blades and i've just been ripping some ass ever since then i beat uh what's his what's his face dragon armor i beat dragon armor first shot uh aldrich boy hey adel lin adrian i don't forget what his name is beating him in like five tries and people are saying one shot easy the dlc is phenomenal and the end of the second dlc is considered to be the true ending to the souls series my answer to this is going to be the same every single time i have no idea i'll see at the end and so i started using the sell store twin blades and in response multiple people in chat we're saying that i'm a coward we're saying oh he oh he's using the noob weapon oh oh he just knew he's like people came in as though they were like oh cool duck's playing oh oh he's just he's just using sellsword twin blades oh that's dumb and so i felt bad and i was like god maybe i should switch back to the long sword even though it's like just a worse weapon for this yeah it's like an easy mode it's saying i oh it's just i was doing like the the nerfed version of the game and and i was like this is actually kind of bothering me because i almost beat the twin prince's last stream um and then i was like wait a minute um wait a minute i'm not a coward because i've played this entire [ __ ] game with a random effect having every two minutes how can you come into my stream when i have this [ __ ] going on every two minutes and go i don't know this seems like easy mode he's using the weapons are a little bit stronger i don't know it seems pretty easy what like i'm doing such a hard version of this game this has been insane i spent hundreds of dollars because of my deaths and you are still saying i've nerfed the game and it's easy mode like that hit me i was like sitting there kind of sad eating a sandwich i was like oh it is kind of lame that i used to sell swords and i was like what what the [ __ ] are they talking about this it's been so hard this has happened during all of the boss fights all of them anyways which is all to say i am not a [ __ ] coward and i'm going to use the long sword for the final boss um that was supposed to be loud dramatic music i'm not a coward i'm going to be using the long story for the final boss [Music] i don't want to use it for i don't want to use it for the twin princes because like i just want to get it over with i basically already beat them i want to get to the final boss it sounds more fun you're coward unless you use your fists yeah that's the other thing it's like should i i just am using worse weapons just cause or like at what point do i just like stop doing any do i just do like the least amount of damage possible there's a spectrum right at what point where do i pick on the thing to make me not a coward i don't know i think just using a long sword is where on the spectrum it is but anyways that's the plan and also okay you know who's the real coward the final boss because he's let everybody else fight me i've been trying to fight him the whole time literally the entire time i've been playing and he's been sitting back there let anybody else fight for him i don't know a thing about who the final boss is but i am absolute no healing there's a guy who beat every souls game with a broken sword but i don't that's not that's not who i am i'm not like i think maybe you guys don't realize this i'm not speed running dark souls this is the first time that i've played and i'm doing this [ __ ] and yet people are still freaking out and calling me a coward catching this stream instead of working on my paper because grades are temporary but witnessing glory is forever thank you as long as your paper is on hunger games you'll be fine this is the worst speeder like you guys realize i'm not good at this game right i feel like some people come in like oh this speed runner is using self sword twin blades like i'm not good at the game i don't know like what i've done to to set up this standard that like i can't use a slightly better weapon anyways dark souls i'm gonna boot this [ __ ] up i can't wait to beat the [ __ ] out of this game you are actually pretty decent thank you [Music] i don't care what the others say you're not as dog [ __ ] as you are kind of leaning on ivy lamb thank you for the 12 months [Music] i uh i was talking to a friend one time a couple of years ago and she kept like making jokes and i was like okay that was actually really funny thank you and she would be like why do you keep saying actually be like three pontiffs difficulty wise three pontiffs jesus christ okay i assumed it would be easier than pontiff and she was like what like that makes that makes me think that you don't think i'm funny and you have to like you have to like give a disclaimer every time i make a good joke i was like oh yeah that's kind of true that's a little mean you guys are like actually doug you're not complete dog [ __ ] like is that i feel like the standard isn't that i'm dog [ __ ] at video games in this channel i'm a good i'm the main character okay anyways random effects are spamming forward spamming backwards spamming attack random movements using my items taunting making me big random camera movements pressing random buttons play a motivational speech twitch chat plays for 30 seconds show a video take screenshots spam roll play skyrim swap my weapons spam perry draw shrek answer a trivia question correctly chroma key out the gray rotate the screen upside down put on a custom hud the game is really tiny the game is really dark the game scrolls the game is split into quadrants we look at rosa the sea otter we play a demotivational speech dvd logo on screen twitch chat gives us the news [Music] uh and that's what we're doing let me set up a rose and then we're good after shield being a coward exactly that's what i was saying i don't have a shield it's i don't you don't just get like free damage i don't have a shield why is that why are the cell sir twin blades so so cheap doug who cares you've played the game how you wanted and enjoyed it no i need people to think i'm cool the people must think i'm cool hey dude before dark souls what do the stocks look like oh good question we were up we were up the other day i didn't check yesterday but two days ago we were up okay pause champ um we were at uh we were down like eight dollars a couple days ago with our stocks oops okay get your bats in what do you think we're at it seems like he's emote we've made five whole dollars nine dollars let's go oh six six sorry we're back down the south sword twin blades are cracked there's no shame using them i don't get why anyone oh sorry back up tonight oh [ __ ] we're up to 11. this is awesome i love stocks you just constantly make we just made like eight cents [Music] oh my god [ __ ] rich what type of sanic was it chicken salad oh damn it chat well that's four dollars oh we're back up let's go [ __ ] it oh we're the best oh [Music] doug the dark souls fandom has a history of toxicity about difficulty elitism play how you want it's your stream oh my god we just made ten dollars we're [ __ ] rich dude what do we buy twenty three dollars god we can do anything this is insane oh [ __ ] back to nineteen [Music] twenty three [Music] for context we were at tennessee twenty is the first boss is the guardian of what your character was resurrected to do oh okay yeah that doesn't spoil anything because i don't understand the story at all um oh [ __ ] 19. we were at 10 200 the other uh like two days ago so we are down like 200 even though we're up overall thank you game on lp appreciate it thank you kg buffer thank you mastimo thank you smethix thank you marshalling thank you the hot topic thank you thank you there's no shame in using them especially if this is your first through with all this crazy stuff happening yeah but that's the thing that's the thing you guys cannot say [ __ ] like that you can't be like you know what doug it's okay just do what you want to do don't worry about whether you're being a huge [ __ ] it's fine like it's fine if you're a giant slobbery coward you're going in there sobbing sucking on your thumb using the chi it's okay if you play how you want it's gonna be okay i don't need you to be my parents to make me feel better i need to look cool i need everybody to think i'm really awesome at video games and i'm the main character like these these encouraging words aren't as encouraging as you think they are they make me feel like dumber and dumber for using the twin blades i might still use twin blades for twin princes i just want to get through twin princes [Music] you seriously brighten my days when you stream extract the awesome work also every pun is always intended like the uh the gun on the moon meme wait all the puns were intended always happen it only plays on easy mode because i suck at video games using a weapon that works for you is very stupid to get mad about i mean that's that's what i think yeah i agree nobody will ever satisfy dark souls purists i know but i can't get over the fact that people have come in and have genuinely said in chat like oh he's using cell sword twin blades like it's this huge disappointing moment it literally is like stuck in my brain i can't get it out that that's true rosa jonderbird think of the ten gifted subs [Music] moshling thank you thank you like i'm not gonna [Music] i'm not going to use like a whip or something that is like blatantly dumb but the long sword correct me if i'm wrong actually don't i don't care the long sword seems like it's like the middle of the road like in the spectrum of like good versus bad weapons like it's like just a balanced normal thing and if i just use that it should be fine whips are actually amazing now he's denigrating whip enthusiasts good use of denigrating i gotta use that more often because i denigrate you guys quite often does this take the wheel use whatever you want smiley face again it's not it's not the right way to convince me to do it the the only i you guys don't understand how me work okay me work like this if you say hey what they say or how much they say it your fingers seriously literally are not weird looking they seriously look amazing today they look fine okay the worst thing you can do is come in here and say doug you should play the game however you want whatever you enjoy that is the worst thing that you can say to me the best thing that you could say is actually doug sellsword twin blades are really bad for these reasons arguably they're worse than the long sword that's what you should be saying to me and then i feel better but you guys keep reiterating the fact that i'm a huge coward for using these by saying oh it's fine dog it's fine you're just a wee little video game player you you can't use the long sword doug you'll be fine just have fun give a hundred ten percent one time when i was when i was a kid i was in a soccer football for anybody outside of america foot kick game foot kick game i was in a foot kick game team right i played like most years and there was a year that i went zero our team went zero and eleven we didn't win a single [ __ ] game of soccer in a year um and we got participation trophies at the end you know and i was like look you tried you guys you tried hard and you had a good job they should have gone in there and like given me a long sword so i go kill somebody the hard way instead of being a cow like i don't need a participation trophy and when you say things like that you make me think of the parents going it's okay it's okay little doug you tried really hard even though you're literally like the worst team in california you're just bringing back horrible soccer memories all right this is about me being an awesome main character i didn't actually i didn't actually care at the time at all i never cared about team sports but in retrospect i'm like holy [ __ ] they should not have encouraged us they should have been like you guys need to work harder you [ __ ] suck like at some point you have to you have to express like hey guys like actions have consequences you need to practice or something like that's what i wish they had told me [Music] bullying works i did not say that i just i don't want a participation trophy in dark souls 3. i want the real thing [Music] that being said i will be a coward for twin princes i just want to get that's fine on stream uh i don't think there's a way to live update that so no sorry i wish i could that'd be fun twin swords are bad because you they don't block and you can't yeah but now i don't believe you because i told you i haven't even beaten the first boss normally zero hit runners use every advantage they can so don't feel like a coward they don't get hit obviously that's fine in that case it's like a billion times harder than what i'm doing using speech on this law i don't know why people are angry right but again that's different than like you're there there's no they're not playing for the first time you know what i mean do i have the code up no jesus take the wheel where's the code thank you again jonah bird appreciate it doug supports verbal child abuse i just think more children but how long until rosa the main character shows up you have a 1 in 30 chance of rosa showing up every two minutes i just i i don't i don't like a proof of bullying i just think they should take kids who have i lost my left arm and leg in an industrial accident today i'm all right oh my god all i'm saying is that if there's a team of kids who who wins no games in an entire season of soccer that they should be put into a cage match with long swords and only one gets to move on and play soccer again okay here we go [Music] oh wait i have to do one more thing [Music] the hell what am i doing oh that's what i'm doing hold on please hold i'd rather be dead than live like i am now with the shame of having lost every game in a season of soccer when i was like i think i was like 11. it's a big deal okay i've got my stuff up why does he look like the michelin man i look like a cool like badass fighter guy all right jesus christ danny thank you for the sub danners thank you for the sub church of rifts think of this uh pin nausica thank you for the sub um i will like i said i'm gonna be a coward on twin princess i want to get it over with i wanna get to the final boss final boss will do all long swords we discussed this last time i know a lot of you guys are going to complain about the in-game music you did last time crispy chickens all i'm all i'm saying all i'm saying is listen to this i've beaten 100 of the game and dlc with level 1 and with the broken straight stored separately and i heard it declare that doug is doing a good job at dark souls if only he didn't kill him ah and [ __ ] said crew [Music] you look like the tin man if he was obese i look like i literally look like shrek now when he has all the armor on in shrek you're telling me you would rather have the end game music enhancing the display [Music] okay there might be a little warm-up period all right okay there's gonna be a small warm-up period [Music] it's i'm honestly it's not that cowardly it's not even doing that much damage i mean just because he's like half dead already [Music] ow dude stop hold on hold on can you calm down for one [ __ ] when does this happen there then it happens all right thanks mom i am good at soccer thanks phase two let's go ow [ __ ] [Music] [Music] oh this could be bad oh doug you're such a coward for using sellsword twin blades oh doug oh doug it's so easy when random buttons are pressed every two minutes [Music] i'll take that that gets me more fired up now i have to prove it to all your moms stop rolling into people saying you shouldn't use twin blades yeah the real cowardice is letting them peer pressure me i'd say this music is equal to the in-game music you are absolutely insane this music is [ __ ] when i was in fifth grade i got the most improved award use resin for most people for more dps that's the thing people are gonna give me [ __ ] if i use frozen they'll be like they're gonna come and be like oh cool new dark souls oh he's using right he's using resin on the cell sword twin oh no oh he's dodging he used an estus flask wait a minute he isn't blindfolded oh he got hit this guy sucks and i'm gonna feel bad all right everyone smile doug is cute and silly and chat thanks mom who cares i care i'm being facetious but i'm also not i want to feel like i did it the normal way and didn't cheat i think you should re-explain wait wait [Music] how you edit music for videos wait how is that relevant not bad because x y and z thank you i don't get it what does me editing have to do with this okay maybe the real cowards of the friends we made along the way no the cowards are the last two bosses especially the last one he's literally just waited the whole time for me he won't come and fight oh cool dark souls oh his monitor is turned off now you don't even know that why aren't they a chicken place why do they have shrimp doesn't that kinda like defeat the purpose of a chicken restaurant when you have meats that aren't chicken i don't know i think it's pretty st playing the shrek 2 dvd with extra features thank you i don't know where that came from maybe you're in the wrong you know this is w on twitch right oh i was playing all right [Music] i love the camera uh maybe how about you i thought that got a little bit repetitive you're such a coward [Music] wait a minute i just realized this guy has fire on his sword total coward dude he's using he should be using uh a whip unbelievable i thought this guy was cool and was doing the job [Music] i'm gonna [ __ ] i'm gonna play skyrim music s3 here your music is way way more hype than the in-game music [ __ ] owl my god can you stop for two seconds no you can't man i thought this uh boss was really cool and then i don't know it turns out he has two phases which just feels like a little bit cheap that's like one of the most overpowered things in the boss phases anyways so please win yeah it'll be fine this guy doesn't it's not particularly hard i just have to like so i can give you more money like he asked me have a good stream thank you for our quad look i feel bad when this happens but you guys signed the contract wow he uses twin blades and needs loud music to get through the game coward bullying works spamming attacks [Music] doug why don't you use the third arm for your shield it is obstruct shrek is not that well endowed um deactivating you know i'm whipping out the big guns this one always metal gear online music always always gets a bit double not everyone can be a badasses at dark souls oh my god you are good at other things a special snowflake in your own way no i'm a special snowflake in every way i'm a cool snowflake and everybody thinks i'm really awesome and not uh not a nerd and i'm good at sports especially soccer dude can you please stop [Music] where the hell okay no we're not gonna get ice cream we're gonna get beers because we're adults and we won i just noticed if your character looks like wendy kaufman but if you clear the script and tilt your screen down your characters [Music] dude can you stop [Music] just make up your mind like where do you want to go dude like i want to fight [Music] ow jesus christ just give me a sec dude [Music] [Music] actually did pretty well there oh oh hey wait oh i just checked out this streamer this looks so easy he's wearing twin blades you guys see he's using that wow this is so easy now [Music] where the hell [Music] can i kill this guy you are getting now oh he attacks right away oh my god [Music] wait how did that hit your father and i are very disappointed in you you a sheet of soccer and now you are a coward at dark souls for using the twin swords we're getting a divorce over it's your fault ee hi douglas it's mom i gamble don't believe so you better win because i'll cross you out of my will i won't have another soccer story again i brought shame to all of my ancestors when we went on that losing streak in soccer my grandfather like escaped death and famine in and definitely the main character start a new family can i send you my painting try to have a better life for his kids 20 bucks right and they found out i went 0 and 11 in soccer when i was 12 years old also why why um i feel like i should have gotten some hits on uh on the the back prince it's me your coach from wendy like i didn't hit him again single time i should have given you the participation award that is why you now rely on twin blades weak source this is still hard how many times you failed this box does anyone want to come with responsive only did i do like uh maybe like 10 times not that many he really doesn't feel very hard like you have a lot of time to heal is attacks like pretty obvious to dodge it's just mostly the teleporters wrestle me doug um sorry i'm playing uh video games [Music] use ember and resin no everybody will call me a coward it's a shrimp because it's called porpi's louisiana kitchen and shrimp is a part of their typical dishes riposo like you needed [Music] it's better than being a hot snowflake then you will just be a tiny tiny jesus take the wheel i really need to stop talking twice [Music] it's taking forever to load uh let off water i will not got it i'm dead yeah that one's a hell of a hard ripper that says that you're not a coward you're just a little different have fun with your friends [Music] let's get some strength [Music] gonna go have sad loser shrimp at popeyes well good afternoon everyone and welcome to the sea otter exhibit my name is jenna i'm one of the nationalists here at the monterey bay aquarium standing behind some of you on the second floor mezzanine hello folks you've come to the right place at the right time because as you can see our sea otter care team just stepped into the exhibit for a feeding and training session this afternoon now before we get started i just want to introduce you to the four female otters we do have an exhibit on exhibit over there on the left you're gonna find pit our longest and largest sea otters she's got a little honey blonde face she's the one being asked up onto the deck right now then on the right middle is selka our darkest daughter and finally over on the far right is rosa she's got that platinum blonde face and she's now throughout this feeding and training session we're gonna be asking our otters to demonstrate various natural and husbandry behaviors what that means are any husbandry behaviors we ask them to perform as you can see abby working with one of our balls should be made out of concrete there she's demonstrating some great husbandry behavior she's receiving some eye drops these husbandry behaviors are allowing us to let these otters be active participants in their own health care on a daily basis medical checkups on our honors and we watch how they move now and then of course when they allow us to give them eye drops as abby is so beautifully demonstrating over there in the back what we're doing is we're having her touch her nose to that buoy while her trainer works with her on those eye drops now sometimes those are real eye drops and sometimes like today they're simulated what we're doing is really getting her accustomed to that technique that style of care that way whenever that medical care truly is necessary she knows what to expect and she's comfortable with it so that's where we go with the husbandry behaviors we're asking our others to demonstrate but we also want them to practice natural behaviors as well so when we ask our otters to swim across the exhibit maybe to dive down and retrieve something or even just spin and roll in the water those are things otters are doing naturally out in the wild and we want to encourage them to continue those natural behaviors now let's get back to me the main character [Music] end the stream [Music] [Music] [Music] this one's for the believers [Music] oh [Music] where are you i rolled oh i'm alive [Music] how did that hit that's stupid activating darker souls that's fine why don't you attack again [Music] deactivating [Music] let's go coward time oh i literally moved my hand [Music] damn it these things suck [Music] can you just stay in one spot jesus christ dude oh you can't run past that okay [Music] i hit why didn't i hit both there [Music] worth it [Music] you stop doing that these suck they're not fun i want to play the game [Music] oh god i'd roll cow stop stop stop stop calm down calm down stop stop i said calm down pressing all the buttons no please [Music] i'm so [ __ ] close dude deactivated using cell sword twin blades wow way to play an easy mode doug [Music] what do you i was really close i was dodging freaking everything almost everything a lot of the things and plus the the small prince was like a third of the way done i assume i can get like half his health if he tries to heal his brother right so i only need to get him to like half you were copium no i just was oh yeah i owe a bunch of subs i forgot i have to do that that's like four subs now right that's two deaths two or three deaths from effects let me gift him at the end of the boss let me let me just finish the boss first so i can keep the the chain going four or i think it's four um okay maybe i just need happier music oh [ __ ] yeah katamari music we demand subs oh damn dude i guess guess i have to [Music] i can't lose with this song this is winner's music this is some zero and eleven soccer music right here that attack is so brutal because it just looks like the other attacks [Music] activating twitch chat players don't do it chat i'm not i'm taking away from slash we just need to stay away from him we need to stay away okay stay away do not taunt do not [ __ ] truck okay we have to use this sss please [Music] you have 30 seconds total i think we're almost done oh my god keep dodging yes just roll oh my god it's stuck it's stuck you killed our run it's not a glitch i just need to [ __ ] listen um [Music] [Music] don't get cocky we might might just stop for four hours um hey after this can we please go get ice cream please only if we win the game the soccer game [Music] i really need to do this [Music] me [Music] ah [ __ ] it okay so there's there's an issue where if you guys are playing the game you will basically be pressing a bunch of keys and then if the script gets cut off while you're holding down a key it's permanently stuck until i like reopen the script and release all the keys so norm normally um in the actual thing if i manually exit it it will release all the keys but that's not happening because the twitch plays code is open just as a sub processor from a different description so i could have just like open another script that just releases all keys i wish you had felt the same about long sword battles back then you may have been able to restore my pride in you so it's just fixable and i don't care it's fine let's just i just want to beat the guy i don't really care so much is really a game about soccer that's why you're struggling i was never very good that does count as gift subs for the last death yeah that's six gifted subs this is three deaths now where i would not have died if i didn't have this emotionally randomized cream and beer so i want to root beer float is that adult enough for you well is it you sound like my wife and kids i have to win the soccer game first this and pontiff's great great grand puppy from beyond the grave if you don't win in getting a divorce please this one's for great great great great grandpappy i don't care what mommy says i believe in you where's the pokemon gym battle music the hell do i put that mr.doug permission to go behind the bleachers and bring my friend joe along there it is uh i could bring my mom get it okay stream playing at dark souls on your own time okay [Music] i bet rosa could beat dark souls without the twin blades smh my head [Music] there's no reason to stop [Music] uh sure i i don't know deactivate it's all skyrocketed what just happened i pressed i pressed the [ __ ] button i pressed the button let's bring back so she has a good left chance for best victory [Music] i don't know the script seemed like it was doing something anyway so [Music] [Music] putting aside soccer means you got this man it's a hard fight but you're getting so close it doesn't it really does not feel that hard like i shouldn't have to you have tons of time to heal for the most part i'm betting all my life savings on this so i believe in you doug it's not hard but it is yeah it's weird it's a fun fight i'm enjoying it a lot try equipping armor with more fire resist no then people will come in here and complain that i put on armor with whatever the [ __ ] oh okay this boss took me ages i mean i feel i've been really close like twice stopping getting greedy with the extra hits take it slow the only counter argument to that is that every two minutes there's a random effect [Music] oh unlucky i just proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes they feel that she know it was all a part of my must have planned to get a divorce so i can be accepted by doug in the community now we finally think you're cool [Music] come on [Music] urgent crime reports [Music] i can't i actually can't [Music] you know what we're going [ __ ] it i wish twin blades were more off so you quit eating [ __ ] i i should not have done that now back to our regularly scheduled programming i thought i should i thought i wouldn't die you have a weird obsession with time almost like you feel you're running out of it perhaps you had a bad experience that impacted this maybe you fear the inevitable death also day a day you got this you just got to play the best dark souls of your life he's not even hard it's just the random effects are absolutely destroying me that shouldn't count towards the prediction because it's glitched black and subscribe if you agree he is hard he's not hard and i don't have to focus i don't have to i refuse to try i mean i am trying but it's weird it just doesn't feel as like constantly threatening after your soccer game we can go look we'll eat ice cream off of my victorious sell swords what's a song what's a song that'll get me [ __ ] pumped up here's some advice for the fight i've never played dark souls good luck thank you i'll whip out final fantasy 7 battle music are you gonna fix that box that keeps popping up it only popped up that one time and i reset it have you considered playing something easier like soccer i'm a much better dark souls player than a soccer player let me tell you use the attackers to your advantage how so what exactly do you mean by that so when twitch chat gives an urgent crime report what exactly should i be using that for whatever [Music] i tried i can't see my health deactivating god be slow i roll i roll i roll what the equal your [ __ ] skills also she says [Music] all right let's go let's go let's go let's [ __ ] go i'm ready [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] we're fine no i that should not have hit i was doing really well [ __ ] that just reminds him of the divorce if you're filling off this rhythm or maybe with a similar socket you can use [Music] [Music] keep an eye on your health bar you don't want to let it get to zero thank you very cool thank you now i feel equipped can we get some orange slices orange slices are for winners taking a picture if i don't beat this i have to eat orange rinds one more run to the right okay just one more picture no no i'm pressing the button i dude i swear it's not rolling when i'm pressing the roll button it's not copia you actually this happened before i mean obviously for the most part it's working mario makers we've learned quite hard levels if you can't say mario characters or enemies or trunks [Music] bowser etc the being affected dark souls players when you are a software player record against the sky is looking about the same [Music] [Music] just wondering what position you played in soccer [Music] dude [Music] you have to believe me [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] if i work harder that was all over here if i lived in the filth over here this was the life that you were supposed to live but you didn't try you're just going to go into war with me so what about losing 106 pounds me losing five pounds five pounds was an accomplishment ten pounds and then fifty pounds and the more i did the more i gained confidence and then the more i gained confidence the more i realized these navy seasons [ __ ] these navy seals these guys can't do what i'm doing right now i had no coach had no trainer i had no money i didn't know how to lose weight i had no knowledge of what i was doing i had no idea what i was doing i was just sacrificed and then through that all these different tools started coming up but i would have never found these tools if i didn't put myself in a very uncomfortable place today you get ice cream not for participation but for your hard work and triumph take that soccer coach orange slices for everybody how many subs is it i thought it was eight subs there's only six bleeders up mr t the usb thank appreciate it i think it's eight jesus [Music] dude i honestly ripped his ass pretty hard let's let's be real hello douglas this is onion mom my son hasn't called in a while i'm beginning to worry i noticed you're wearing his armor do you know where he might be uh he said he was gonna he was going to the store to pick up milk jesus take the wheel cool how don't you see the twin blades are busted as [ __ ] i i couldn't see them because i had darker souls activated when here's part of the reason i don't care about using twin blades on these guys you saw well i was doing i was going to beat that guy with with either way beating those bosses is a great achievement even though you use oh my god it's good i'm good at this game now i'm amazing look up here i am not a coward i am playing random effects every two minutes just killing two princes was an accomplishment oh my god firelink okay [Music] finn robin thank you for the sub turkey price thank you for the sub cribs and fox thank you for the sub jesus take the wheel uh i guess i should burn all the souls right that i have i want to just burn everybody else's i want to let you know you won on the run that you said you'd have to eat orange rinds if you lost motivation works bullying works if only they had boiled think what i could have done with my life if only people had bullied me when i was a shitty soccer player as a child i doubt much to gain oh you're not the right person you're the right person twin blades is appropriate because they were siblings boom decks and let's get some more vigor place all the cinders on the throne i don't know what that means thank you alice um looking kind of vigorously thank you themselves a worse coward hiding behind a veil of chat you could have bought a bunny suit already look at the end of the day you guys are gonna just have to you did great or not you got it oh my god you don't have to offer these caveats you can just say i did great you have to be like you did great doug even with that cell sword you did great just leave out that second half just the first half you definitely don't have spider hands it definitely doesn't trigger my arachnophobia my hands no my hands are fine they look like fleshy mammals unfortunately you moved during i'll check out his weapons later i want to get to the boss since you're a michelin man now when is the next video of a game explained with food um i king lothric that's the dude i just uh killed right onion man just went to the store for a pack of smokes he'll be back in just a little while watchers of the abyss offer cinders of a lord look i could sit here and pretend like i have a [ __ ] ounce of understanding of what's going on but i won't what on earth is happening you don't have to try to explain it to me are you ready to remove the training plates now or is it scoring oh my god i'm gonna use long sword for the final boss i already said that hello i'm gonna quote you on this at school bullying works look you gotta look at the science behind it our soul's keto i'm trying out a new food delivery service that does like how is a soccer career going mom said she was very proud of me today oh this is this is uncomfortable look i could i could be honest and tell you the truth about what happened to our soccer career or um i just murder my past self wait wait i don't have to deal with that awkward conversation i realized i didn't have the effects on rigged i was gonna say oh yeah i try to have a meal oh there we go i had a i'm going to try a new like meal delivery service so i had it delivered yesterday like a week of food turns out i put in an address that doesn't exist but they delivered it so i like walked around where i live like trying to figure out where it might have gone and even called them i was like hey like i put in the wrong address but like the one that says they delivered to does not exist and like well it's on google maps like seems like they delivered i'm like no there's not a house there like what did where did they deliver it to so anyway i'm still stuck eating [ __ ] olive oil for the next week again [Music] okay [Music] what did that do oh wait something do i talk to you sing neil neil oh this looks spicy [Music] noble lords of cinder the fire fades and the lords go without thrones this literally sounds like it was generated by an ai surrender changing the weapons was she the enemy the whole time is i'm not looking at chat i don't want to spoil whatever completely incoherent nonsense happens the next 30 seconds oh cool i'll just fade to black yeah all right let him grant death god forbid we explain any of this to the old gods of lordran deliverers oh first lord the first flame i get it now thank you okay this is very spooky and ominous all right let's play some dramatic music and beat the final boss of dark souls 3. hello oh yeah we fight plunging attack oh that was dumb i lost my ember huh whatever i'm not a cowardice here you guys know the way you literally know this game better than me get me there get the get the bonfire just go there and type sorry everybody [Music] why i'm just teleporting again oh my god there's another bonfire where is this for the final boss do two tier three gifteds every time you die with an effect on also you suck you should use the twin blades and you will like it um thank you for nagging me and convincing me i shouldn't jonathan either of those things what a flippy switch thingy was called i said lever johnny leave her it's pretty cool what's going on but caught up with the last two gods can you stop streaming so i can catch up you can probably continue after alden ring comes out oh that's tough i already scheduled this isn't this like the great job isn't that like the title if you've skipped or missed the optional boss fights thank you thank you for that um indirect comp compliment uh isn't that like the is that literally the cover art for eldon ring am i crazy imagine gates keeping a video game you did a good job even with the twin blades oh my god stop saying it like that for this final fight i will use my long sword to how many swords you need doug you'll always be chat's special champ i am it's not i is that him hey seems like a coward it's literally not rolling i i told you it's not copious i'm pressing the roll button and it's not working it's lit i am pressing the goddamn button and i cannot roll deactivating i told you i told you it wasn't insane it was real to say i got a free keto meal in the mail the other day and it was pretty hog don't let the believers down for final boss what do you say if i tell you that i bought disney plus and share it with my crush but i don't even use it um i don't know seems fine i pay for netflix and barely use it and then hbo max and really use it that i do not think that effect that run should count in the predictions that is literally the controller was not working great job getting here so far even if you skipped or missed the difficult part of the game with the optional bosses proud of you mostly that should not i mean that shouldn't count that's like literally my controller isn't working not like oh there was a like if you are that addicted to channel points you want that to count you need to go to therapy pc this is serious are you in offline mode marriage counseling therapy is this on the test professor i didn't read the assigned material this is the test right here hey doug are you going to eat tennis joe mama [Music] when is this attacking this is the final boss you must answer my riddle it takes so long to load this have your bills paid always have 10 hobos uh also in high school he was in leadership in church he was on the business [Music] [Music] when does this guy get hard [Music] yeah that was a little hard [Music] okay that was kind of hard how are you supposed to dodge that this is serious because of an exploit in dark souls 3 to put code on your pc do you have it set to offline modes oh my god i've never heard of that before this instant doug you're missing two optional bosses a touch dragon pick one of them is the hardest boss in the game and not fighting him would definitely make you a coward that's actually real i know it's real it's just that like 50 people reached out about it oh wait i mean to say long sword loyalist no wait you know what you're doing your best thank you i know it was real i had it offline immediately and then people a lot of people wanted to make sure that i knew that there was a hacker exploit [Music] that is such a [ __ ] of a move when are you going to attack that is cc get for the safety of the universe [Music] i still hit him like what what is the deal with this i don't really get what's happening [Music] honestly this dude's a coward this is definitely the kind of boss that would use the cell sword oh my [ __ ] god [Music] [Music] i rolled i mean i clearly didn't but you just backflips playing a motivation there's no point to that we want to thank you for all your hard work you're the one who steps up and gets things done around you you keep your word you deliver what you promise and then you go the extra mile chat when does this guy get hard you're doing a great job a great job [Applause] with anyone else we'll tell them a great job [Applause] [Music] can you stop being a [ __ ] coward [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did i just be dark souls 3 or no maybe maybe i win oh my god so you're saying i i did win right [Music] we're fine this is fine [Music] [Music] changing the weapons [Laughter] two times oh that's easy then now he gets hard ah didn't seem that hard even though he killed in one shot i think we should just unequip this can i get faster roll no i could put on more armor but i don't want to be a coward in-game music's [ __ ] boring sorry fact i'll leave it at one i don't know why you guys want me to leave it on you're absolutely insane i just like you realize we could listen take [Music] phase two is good music [Music] which also comes [Music] up it's okay the ingested terrible taste of music oh damn it that's wrong [Music] all right all right calm down [Music] moving forward you know i'll move forward i don't give a [ __ ] i'm not coward [Music] ow [Music] ow [Music] oops wrong button [Music] okay i just gotta wait longer and not attacks [Music] there's no point to that [Music] oh [Music] doug it's my one cat one foamy swing day at the end the plan will go with the mountain air today what about you what is your favorite swing source [Music] oh i thought i could roll [Music] this takes so long without the cell sword when rushing the district [Music] deactivated [Music] not looking too hot [Music] i roll the [Music] lord shouldn't have hit [Music] well [Music] man fights shaquille o'neal in the new icy hot commercial i'm not defeated look i'm not going to beat it in the first like 15 times like it's ridiculous to look believers i love you i always believe in your believers i don't know why you think i was gonna beat it in five tries this is definitely doable though actually i have no idea what the second phase is like still way way easier than pontiff sullivan no no i'm not doing any game music i'm gonna do my own i did two attempts of engaging you're the boss of the game are you all high pontiff is so hard without perry pontiff was so goddamn hard it's also really hot in here and i'm overheating how are you feeling doug this game can get demoralizing this is a wellness check these guys are fun i'm having a good time let's get rid of those greys oops wait no it's fine [Music] deactivated oh i should have passed them [Music] the timing is so weird like it's mixed up a lot more than any other boss in terms of like how often he just does like slightly longer attacks these stupid goddamn icicles they're so not fun [Music] [Music] that one okay so it does a little like twirl got it hey roll last chance on wings doug i'm putting in the order now i missed the sellsword twin blades i'll get used to it it's going to take me a little while with the timing oh would you need catamaran why no double swords because then people would call me a coward i'm gonna beat the final boss this [ __ ] game with long swords and random effects and not enough armor [Music] you are not the main character in your own life you can't do it you're hopeless you need your whole life to be taken over by someone else if you're like me you're crying inside your own head imagining how different your life would be if the person you had fallen in love with was the one you married because i think marriage is the single most stressful event in my life being married would have been the best thing to happen to me [Music] i'm excited to write you this letter because i want you to know that you shouldn't marry your best friend it's not the healthiest how the [ __ ] did that i advise you to find someone who's not your best friend first because you will be so happy being in a relationship with that person you'll overlook a ton of things that would have made you miserable being in the relationship with your best friend if you're feeling stuck and lonely in your marriage you don't need a therapist to solve that i can't change that i can't talk you into anything you can talk yourself into something that would be stupid i'm not gonna say that i have a relationship with my best friend that compares to my marriage but it's pretty damn close i believe we help i believe we have almost all the same personality traits and expectations for our lives and our marriages i get to see my best friend bunch it's wonderful marriage is best when you're lucky enough to meet someone that you love as much as you love okay i take it back this guy's not that fun you just have to like wait for dumb [ __ ] like this phase is awesome are you just like fighting him with a sword this is cool let him backflip that's cool as [ __ ] dude nobody can argue that as cool as [ __ ] i mean it's so pointless like there's no need from the back play [Music] i almost got the timing i'm getting there i don't understand how i'm supposed to dodge how are you supposed to are you supposed to dodge two attacks deactivating for next prediction do 10 attempts don't do five maybe even like 15. [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] actually i'm gonna use the bathroom i'm like it's way too hot so i need to get up and cool down for a second brb [Music] [Applause] check out these sea otters [Applause] hey that i know you're in the bathroom so you won't hear us ever keep it up [Music] why is this random man interrupting my favorite cheer stream i'm the main character me we believe in you i'm the one playing it's not the chair all right don't don't congrat okay every victory moment is cause of me all right that stupid ass attack [Music] a roll i thought i got it [Music] [Music] i may have voted against you but never have i ever wanted to lose a bet like everyone [Music] oops that [ __ ] that's my stupid right now [Music] let's get rid of those [Music] you missed my greys streamer rook said you should really check her out sometimes deactivated [Music] [Music] oh [Music] can't walk past that i guess [Music] roll okay i did it did not do that one that was stupid oh god stop backflipping [Music] i tried [Music] [Music] i thought i was gonna be fighting a knight not a coward gymnast get over here [Music] [Music] we're playing a video game we're not in a [ __ ] gym we're not the olympics i tried to roll [Music] maybe i have no healing left this guy seems like a little [ __ ] [Music] okay so i gotta dodge the gigantic lightning bolts that's so violent yeah i thought we were just doing a friendly gymnastics competition he has to bring real lightning the second phase is a little bit harder don't forget the mission doug it's your swamp okay fine i will turn on the in-game music jesus christ here we go [ __ ] that move i i thought i got the timing i'll get better at this i can tell i'm like gonna improve [Music] that one okay so he pulls his arms back and i have to wait like half of them a dodge baby pressing all the buttons okay that's not good i'm gonna be honest that's not good [Music] this isn't that good okay we're alive only wasted one estes flask [Music] god that is fast how many bosses left this one if i beat this i beat dark souls 3. [Music] you god damn backflipping [ __ ] i just want to play dark souls [Music] what hit me that hit me [Music] [Music] how am i supposed to dodge that why are you backflipping i'm over here [Music] now [Music] uh-oh uh oh all right [Music] ah it could have gone better [Music] is just trying to practice his gymnastics routine and you keep showing up to kill him backflip is a dark souls one reference and is part of the lore who cares who cares if somebody backflips in dark souls one i don't even know if that's a joke or not people seem to be so excited about these dark souls you know i haven't played the game right i'm not gonna be like oh cool oh i don't give a [ __ ] if he like the like [ __ ] belt he's wearing it caught caused the the old frog of lore to die in the the cinder of mcdonald's i don't care i didn't play dark souls 1. and to all the people who are constantly demanding the music check this out i have a cool trick for you what you can do is you can open up youtube and search dark souls 3 music okay and then you can just mute me [Music] is there like a website that can combine like two things at once maybe you can like a multi-viewer type thing but it includes both twitch and youtube just have my stream on one the dark souls music on the other side whatever music you want while you beat the game i'm sorry i can't do that i'm playing the best dark souls of my life was that a dark souls 1 reference i did try the end game music it is exactly the same as every other dark souls song which is a bunch of violins and people going for [ __ ] 10 straight minutes i don't want to hear that over and over i want to listen to cool video game songs that have an upbeat like fast tempo that feel energetic and that change no hey hey you know what's crazy i can play that song this time and this song the next time i can change it every attempt why would i want to listen to the same screeching choir yell at me as though i just stepped into a church during like one of the most important rituals and they're all upset at me rather than having dope ass battle music i don't how do you possibly want the same song over and over it makes no sense dark souls okay just one more picture [Music] i realized why you keep dying you're playing the best dark souls of your life when you should be playing the best dark souls was that a dark souls reference [Music] oh [Music] no i might do them later but right now i'm just trying to beat the normal game [Music] the problem is [Music] now that's a good idea is that a dark souls reference [Music] [Music] i thought i could get a roll up there [Music] believe in the hearts of the past pop seal dark souls like this oh that's still here and now to twitch chat for a quick look at the stock market [Music] there's so much going on right now [Music] oh i can't see my health bar really and now back to our regularly scheduled programming that one really ports me [Music] okay there we go starting to get the timing on that not on that a piece one [ __ ] is well known for being the hardest boss and sealers if you beat this guy you get locked out of dlc optional content guys i don't mean this in a disrespectful way you guys are way way more passionate about the dark souls dlc than i am um i really don't care hey doug i'm french and i find your t-shirt offensive stop being transphobic you feed him flies eat it also goodness that one okay i just gotta wait just gotta wait longer the dlc i know the dlc has good bosses i have been told ten thousand times and i can assure you that i do not care i'm not disrespectful it's just this is like every 10 minutes somebody tries to convince me how great the dark souls dlc bosses are i know that they're good i'm excited to maybe check them out i'm just i'm playing a different boss right now [Music] i don't i just don't know how to convey this i i hear you loud and clear i've heard you dart the dlc is great i should consider playing at some point i am excited to maybe check it out i i'm excited are they it's um check out these sea otters oh [ __ ] yeah [Music] i just want to beat the game and afterwards i will consider dlc bosses and if i can't play the dlc game after this that's okay team there's so many things i can do with my life i will be okay i know you care about me i know this just comes from a good place i will be okay even if i'm not allowed to play the dlc i'm gonna make it dlc i will leave my cat he's not gonna be okay he's gonna be killed by his cat when he was trying to be eaten [Music] that goddamn attack i just had to go left and then i'm fine this goddamn attack is so much longer than i think every time [Music] you [ __ ] every time i can't even tell what that one looks like i can't tell what that attack is i just have to learn that and i'll be fine [Music] cow [Music] and stupid [Music] you are so close to beating dark souls [Music] chips [Music] oh damn it's that one [Music] a lot of poison i rolled what the [ __ ] i pressed roll and nothing happened [Applause] i wasn't done checking out that seal oh the game was a little cool there okay that's exactly three and a half once i okay once i see that he's doing that attack i just need to wait on the last one then i can do it i just did it again okay once you start spinning like that [Music] so now unfortunate [Music] unfortunately unfortunate [Music] using your items [Music] deactivating [Music] [ __ ] this music that song definitely knew that i went 0-11 in soccer [Music] i can beat this boss i really wish i could use the cell sword twin blades and do literally twice as much damage but i'm already like i can tell i'm getting a lot better hey doug when he transfers into his second phase after the explosion his first or second attack would be a long combo that is not worth attempting to dodge through just dodge away okay on the second god it takes so long to get to the second phase this is a long fight um i need to uh i need to just like try not to fight um once i hit the second phase and try to learn it a bunch still usually in pontiff by far although i haven't really fought the second phase yet so jury is still out first phase is definitely easier than uh than pontiff yeah we could dab i was gonna throw on some sea shanties let's get a few shanty rounds we're early in i don't need to whip out like crazy epic music yet this is this is by like definitely still the learning phase changing the weapons deactivating you could use hunger games music and it's a guaranteed win true hi doug can you wish luma a happy birthday happy birthday lama uh these are all already in the peggle subscription to johnnyman from portugal i thought i heard the old man say i heard tomorrow he will get your pay and it's time for us to leave her leave her johnny liver for the voyage is long and the winds don't blow it's time for us to leave her last time hold on last time i was making i made a joke assassins my mother told me this song is awesome and i was like oh this is a song from assassin's creed that somebody recommended and then on the a stream or two ago i was like turns out this isn't an assassin's creed somebody was like this song this sounds like a song that has to be an assassin's creed valhalla and i was like oh god damn it it's not actually in the game it's going to be copyright claimed probably but then but then if you search my mother told me assassin's creed there's a bunch of them so is it in the game oh whoa whoa whoa whoa what are you doing hold on hold on hold on maybe it is in the game and i'm allowed to play it it's a really good song we are hacking cracking ut activating cracking the the the css of youtube my mother we all need to march to ubisoft and make them put the song in the game okay it's definitely not in the game it's just a bunch of people want it to be an assassin's creed i thought i heard the old [Music] you're gonna have the best prom of your life and get a hand job behind the bleachers and if i don't she's going to leave you believer johnny leave her this one's for pro the voyage is long and the winds don't blow and it's time for us to leave her oh the wind was foul and the sea ran high leave her johnny liver she shipped it green and she went by and it's time [Music] for the voyage is long and the winds don't blow and it's time for us to leave her i hate to sail on this rotten tube [Music] and it's time for us to lead her we swear [Music] my life [Music] [Applause] and now back to our regularly scheduled [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm doing a lot better [Applause] [Music] i found myself out [Music] i'm getting better yeah that seems like i should run [Music] don't hit me you [ __ ] dick [Music] [Applause] wrong it didn't work rolling is not working again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] it presses all the buttons at the same time read what's going on i didn't panic i couldn't do anything it was pressing all of the buttons it's not my fault i am the main character and i'm good at this game [Music] i did really well though [Music] [Music] [Applause] you guys this has been the entire series has been this joke i do not realize what's going on [Applause] all right hunger games would dmca the [ __ ] out of me bully in the alley will not hopefully and besides even if my channel gets burned to the ground by the guy who sings bully in the alley it's worth it yeah i like the welding a lot um i should have put it on there but we're locked in [Applause] [Music] i'm not sure what the full question was it just depends on what it is because they license a lot of their stuff so i have to be careful and a table all right how is helen keller relevant right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] that one it's so weird [Music] [Applause] the night on the town wouldn't do us anyhow oh i thought [Music] okay [Music] [Music] when he says another festival [Music] [Music] deactivating [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [ __ ] i owe subs for uh for deaths well i'll do that after um have you considered not losing might help your chances dude i swear i'm pressing roll at the right time i'm obviously not i swear i am oh that is a fast transition to his next attack [Music] okay i'm getting better i'm getting better i know i'm literally playing worse than last time i'm getting better [Applause] at the end of this remember to go oh yeah yeah and it's time for us the timing of that is so brutal playing the motivational speech [Applause] [Music] you're the one who steps up and gets things [Applause] and then you done the extra mile oh i thought i got out you're doing a great job [Applause] a great job [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] us [Music] all right quick lever johnny break [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is you must answer my riddle [Music] you become the next jesus and can cure the world of most of its problems you will get persecuted tortured and killed by a jews i don't want to do that i don't really want to be killed by anybody um all right back to loud ass music i will give two attempts with the in-game music but if i get to the end and i'm about to kill him i'm gonna die just so that people who are obsessing about this music don't get the satisfaction of it yeah that did come off a little anti-semitic because of the embarrassing at the end like what why did that need to be there quick tip from professional dark souls player don't get hit by his attacks they can kill you oh my god is that a dark souls reference oh wait [Music] [Music] that [ __ ] is such a devious devious move just one attack oops that is true [Music] oh i thought i could get away that's dumb playing a motivational speech that perspective that viewpoint that ideology that philosophy that mindset is going to get you bankrupt i should start this i should stop that i should forgive i should you don't get what you should you get what you must have i i must grow i must live i must evolve i must go to the next level i must live in this type of house i must drive this type of car i don't care how bad you think the shoes are that you are wearing there is another man in this world who will kill to walk a mile in the pair that you wear marcus what does this mean this means god that what you are complaining about what you hate what you can't stand what you want to walk out of music what you want to give up on there is somebody out there that would die to be in your position and so here's what i need you to ask yourself is this i don't know what the sword is or is it an opportunity i think some of you all you've been waiting for your whole life and even if it's not true what if the divorce is an opportunity what if the bankruptcy is an opportunity what if the one you loved was an opportunity for you to reconnect with somebody and forgive them last chance of the music can you move i'm trying to watch the movie okay [Music] this one's for marcus [Music] and now back to our regularly scheduled program how did that hit that's the stupid dumb idiot move ah [ __ ] damn it marcus you're doing pretty well despite using that was such a marcus move i rolled right into him instead of behind him [ __ ] marcus i hate this music i'm so angry [Music] directly into him i believe [Music] what i'm pressing the [ __ ] button i don't get it why is it rolling like half [Music] okay we're fine we're fine let's calm down [Music] the in-game music [ __ ] blows we're going back to see shanties okay the only combination that got me close was when somebody was talking about prom and um playing a motivational speech you didn't let anyone or anything stop you all your hard work has paid off you knew where you were headed and you kept walking a straight line toward that goal you took the obstacles and made them rungs on a ladder and now success is yours and it's all because of your commitment to yourselves you've earned it you deserve it feels good doesn't it success [Applause] well definitely can't play that cool welderman tick-tock song anymore all right in dark souls 3 you take additional damage for every armor slot that isn't used this is an innate mechanic somebody will call me a coward they'll come in they'll be like oh this guy's using armor oh that the in-game music is incredible but i respect your incorrect opinion also dabba dubba badda bad about our dabba i give you full onion okay see shanties and everybody needs to talk about prom and at the end of the sea shanties will play dabada and then from that point forward i'll start playing epic really loud video game music because i'm getting there i'm starting to like really pick it up even though a few of these attempts have been horrible i thought i heard the old man say leave her johnny liver tomorrow and it's time for us to leave her leave her johnny liver believer johnny leave her and it's time for us to leave her oh the wind was foul and the sea ran high leave her johnny liver she shifted green and none went by and it's time for us to leave her leave her johnny liver just [Applause] i hate to sail on this rotten tub leave her johnny liver no groggal loud and rotten grub and it's time for us to leave [Music] for the voyage is long and the winds don't blow and it's time for us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just stop for one goddamn second using that [Music] [Music] thank you very much [Applause] [Music] a few more times [Music] okay no i i saw it i just oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the hits that i'm getting hit on now [Music] it's clicking more and more i just have to stop being a marcus [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's the music's fault how dare you [Music] is i got stuck against the logs and i couldn't move backwards and then [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i'm still so bad at that one and that apparently is [Applause] boy worse everybody has to woo when he says another festival wouldn't do us any harm all right all right i can do this like this oh it'd be all it's not that hard [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] deactivated [Music] and we'll all hang on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wouldn't do us any harder oh [Music] [Applause] well another festival wouldn't do hang on [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm actually getting so much worse i don't know what's going on [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you should end up [Applause] deactivating cam is still alive i'll take it either [Music] you're welcome oh i thought okay i'm starting to pick it up [Music] okay i'm gonna play one more then we're gonna take a break we'll do something else for like a couple minutes i'm definitely my brain is all fried and that means there's no pressure this run which means i'm gonna [ __ ] do it [Music] [Applause] yeah i just don't want to waste them if i'm like definitely gonna die i have never watched dark souls now you're right with extra futures [Music] started are you supposed to dodge all of [Music] those forward a little bit wait those hits that was a way faster turn around [Music] [Applause] i'm fine history [Music] um i feel like he's gonna kill me if i try to heal yeah he's probably gonna kill me i pray dude i legitimately think my controller is breaking is it working i keep [ __ ] pressing it it's not working you should consider adding the song the tower of dawn prince of persia sands of time during the harrowed against the boss you must draw me shrek i've considered and i've decided not to he's beautiful okay i think we just need [Music] okay we'll play a challenge level um you have to clear all of the pegs everything on the board and i will listen to daba da it's gonna be great [Music] god damn it i love prom book [Music] this is really relaxing doug [Music] hey get get out of here comrade soviet i want to get that green there we go okay i clear all these and i go up on the sides [Music] oh [Music] okay okay seven balls nice nice stop adding i can't see the claw prediction will dick beat claude lobster in the next five attempts please bet every peso you have [Music] okay four balls left [Music] [ __ ] i thought i was gonna go that's fine [Music] oh my god i've got no free balls [Music] okay i'm saying there's a chance [Music] oh my god two balls i can do it three pegs no i needed to hit that one okay i've got to go bounce off of this and hit that right there it has to be right here right here [Music] this wasn't the relaxing motivator that i was hoping for [Music] okay clawed early this is good i need to clear out all the side pegs like this [Music] okay top row's gone claude always wins said [Music] i gotta bounce this into the second level so it goes up [Music] there's so many pegs up here this is scary scary but just scary enough to work god damn it i would have been fine this is not good [Music] hey doug grandfather again i hope peggle is going well knowing how you did in soccer i somehow doubt it [Music] i was a world record holder gramps i did it for the fam [Music] why didn't it bounce in the bucket why didn't it go in the bucket i don't ask her that much i just want to go in the bucket why didn't it hit the pegs i don't ask her that much [Music] okay you're saying there's a chance [Music] it's just like dark souls i'm getting worse okay let's go back to dark souls that was a really good break i feel nourished maybe my controller will be working now who's the twin swords on peggle god i would beat the [ __ ] out of clawed the lobster [Music] it's just me wearing half the amount of armor using a shitty sword with random effects happening every two minutes i'm ready [Music] hey remember that one time you want zero to 11 in soccer nope [Music] all right let's go peggle has fully twerked me ready to get in your rip ass let's go after you finish this final boss will you keep playing and fight over bosses or will this be it i have no idea i will cross that bridge when i get to it [Music] i swear i [ __ ] rolled for the first one second one i definitely [ __ ] up see i thought i'd get to roll in time of course he is it programmed to run in when you use an estus flask that's what it feels like [Music] is he actually programmed to do that that would explain a lot oops that was dumb i'm not smart [Music] okay to answer your question yes he will charge you a new deal i thought i got around him using your items that's actually fine [Music] oh it's still trying to use my items so i can't move hey i was [ __ ] deactivating i am getting really frustrated with this guy i don't care why it's definitely that i'm getting worse which then just builds on itself because i just keep playing worse and worse jesus take the wheel that was like three deaths where i had a thing right i'll do six nobody seems to know for certain i'll do six subs that's probably what i um because i think i've died three times while in effect was active he's programmed to fight more like a player rather than a random monster he is gonna try and cheap shot you when he gets the opportunity jesus take the wheel my brain will eventually get the the moves but i just like it's weird like the longer this has gone on the more i feel where there are two of me what was that the more it feels like i'm like think he's doing a different thing i'll get the hang of it free battle music might help you i'm a believer immobilizer i am absolutely beating this guy today without any question whatsoever but might be a little longer than i was hoping then you could take a quick suggest unlock the optional area and get this was the life that you were supposed to live but you didn't try okay those of you who are listening to this you ever hear this you stop doing that toughness in a comfortable environment you will not find it the only way you find it is to drown yourself in a position where you're just out of sorts [Music] yeah like that it's like i thought i had an opportunity [Music] [Music] role [Music] i'm pressing the [ __ ] button dude the worst part is i can't tell if it's actually the controller wow this is making me upset [Music] and before you give me advice on what to do i don't care i'm gonna beat my head against this brick wall until i win that's the doug promise [Music] i know i haven't said this since your absolute failure in soccer but i believe in you the controller is actually broken i'm not saying it's broken right now but it will randomly stop working which sucks because i don't know it's almost certainly me but it could be the controller which makes me feel more annoyed maybe if i stick with it and i push through i will actually enjoy it [Music] thank you so much for the raid of 400. welcome welcome welcome hello hello astro i really appreciate it thank you i'm to be honest you catch me at my worst last souls last boss of dark souls 3 this is my first dark souls game ever and i'm playing with a random effect that happens every two minutes and i'm pretty [ __ ] pissed off at this boss so if i seem a little less cheery and bubbly than normal that's why welcome though i hope you have a wonderful time i hope you had a great stream astral spiff [Music] know i could be using better weapons better strategies better music but the dug dug strat is to beat my [ __ ] head against the wall [Music] sporty gamers thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] oh come on if i roll the right direction [Music] i keep rolling into him that's the issue i just keep on the third one i keep rolling into him even there i feel like i should have [Music] i'm just getting worse [Music] give us a break try using shield nah i'll be fine [Music] getting worse look moving forward i should absolutely take a break completely clear on that or i don't because i'm really [ __ ] annoyed and i can just play a different song and then maybe that'll do it instead this is like that time remember when i was playing pontiff and had been like 40 attempts and you guys were like doug you need to take a break i was like i'm not going to take a break i'm just going to beat my head against the wall and i kept going and i kept going and it was inspirational because i refused to give up and i literally got worse and worse and then i finally took a break and beat him on the first try after i got back from break so this is the part where i just kill him [Music] wow i tuned in for a bit a day or two ago and you were back [Music] oops oops that was fine how many weapons he has four weapons right [Music] i always roll into him how did that still hit i was behind him on earth okay [Music] i don't understand why you can't roll through that [Music] i don't i don't know i don't get it for half those i thought i'd press roll [Music] god i should really take the camera deactivating all right octopath music good start the spirit form is easily the worst yeah it does feel like it like substantially harder to dodge [ __ ] [Music] [Music] like there are so many combos that explicitly try to exploit like the dodge time is so brutal [Music] [Music] let's go i [ __ ] rolled [Applause] [Music] does not stop attacks [Music] i don't get it i'm mashing the dodge button and it just does not seem it's me but i don't get what i'm doing wrong with the timing then [Music] i roll in okay i have to roll forward [Music] or to the right [Music] so yeah i keep rolling okay so i gotta roll on the other side i'm used to rolling into the attacks but like with this i keep rolling in and then he just [ __ ] me that's my issue that's my issue okay i get it i get it don't heal you [ __ ] coward [Music] like with the spear you don't want to roll into his attacks [Music] or maybe you do when i'm an idiot but in any [Music] way this seems like he is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that's not good is that good [Music] should i just like not attack him in this phase it feels like there's no space to actually get any hits off like maybe in saber phase i just don't fight him splitting into quadrants oh this is nice well this is your last child [Applause] [Music] go [Music] now i'm going insane you were so close i was not so close at all this long sword is so [ __ ] small ugh why did i agree to use this weapon i mean the cell swords literally do like twice as much damage for for no downside this fight is like every good dance you need some nice dance music and kill this guy with a sword but think about badass it'll be if i beat the final boss with two effects happening every two minutes did you try voting and not full armor and a shitty set uh weapon everybody will think i'm cool curved sword moveset is the worst okay i think i'm just gonna like hang back for the rapier i cannot figure out how to like survive right exactly you guys did we put it up to a vote and you made me sign a contract i can't use cell sword twin blades doug use an ember for the love of all that is holy please please use the dumb members i'd need to save the embers what if i want to use them later in the game amber every fight you should be able to buy them from the old lady in firelink for 1000 each yeah but what if there's a situation where i really need them what is this dark souls for ants okay i'm gonna use the bathroom we're gonna chill for two minutes and listen to a soothing song and then um and then we're gonna rip ass i know i need to take a break this is break number one the long sword is very good no it's not [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] spamming parry [Music] [Music] deactivating [Music] [Music] here you guys have one attempt and if you beat him by yourself i will gift one million subs no matter how long it takes to pay it off the watch swing that's good keep looking at it now first repeat after me platypuses lay eggs platypuses lay eggs good now i want you follow jack's facts on twitch follow jack's facts on twitch follow jack's facts on twitch forward back left right stop but you haven't upgraded it and it's got a stupid enchantment please douglas upgrade the sword okay i'll try upgrading the sword look up look down look left click right we'll move the camera attack heavy attack roll or dodge block parry item taunt interact uh camera i don't remember what camera does this doesn't look correct okay whatever whatever um one in 10 chance for a screenshot if you type screenshot um [Music] starting off with the um with the estes flask interesting move [Music] can you get a hit oh you got a hit very honest that's better than i thought you'd do great job chat [Music] we did it [Music] uh victory plunge all right enough of that [Music] when will you play a lego game but chat is player 2 uh uh this is awkward [Music] uh what do you do here they can't upgrade anything anyway i think it's fully upgraded right yeah it's fully upgraded lightning because i have no souls well no look where is my long sword it's not even here i thought it went away as an option um once i like fully upgraded it or whatever i'm pretty sure it's fully upgraded yeah plus 10 is max so why were you freaking out about me upgrading it i mean i put something else in it but it looks like i have the best one right now yeah it seems like it's fully good the enchantment i didn't know what enchantment is pretty be careful i don't want to seem it he's weak to lightning i don't have lightning it's an item or something that i have lightning resin how many souls is this oh 10 000 you can do lightning damage if you infuse it wait is this a thing oh yeah do i need to do any of that i have to do that okay action one what this baron where did stow happen oh yes clinging to lofty dream it must come from which they're not literally ai generated have no idea what you're talking about like that's not english that none of those words make sense in that context i only hope these new wares contend gracious let this ash i only hope uh okay gold pine assume this is we're talking about applies lightning gold pine bundle what is the difference between these resin i need more ashes i i wanna or souls i mean i wanna burn one of the uh soul boss souls i need more cash the resin is longer oh okay yeah i got like five of them do you have uh embers do have embers action one be sure to bring more souls okay who what boss do we what do we burn and then i'll buy more lightning resin and [ __ ] pontiff dancer dragon slayer yorm aldrich twin princess where's aldrich burning aldrich oops oh come on ridiculous thank you for the sub 15k perfect i'm gonna buy a [ __ ] little more of this lightning stuff okay that way we'll have 15 of them i guess i may as well just buy more i just want to be able to ember before we oh where did the excess go it said it placed in storage bonfire has a storage i didn't know that i learned new things about this game every day especially because i never read anything and i haven't explored anything and i've just barged through okay let's go fight the [ __ ] boss let's kill him i wonder if i should switch to single-handed maybe even shield since the boss plays like a player maybe you need to taunt him twitch shot taunted and and uh it didn't seem to work kill him of the first flight isn't shield is more coward than twin blades i was thinking more for like the speed of attack i'm gonna fight him during spear phase i'm just not gonna fight him during curved swordface oh okay okay okay okay okay have you considered challenging him to a soccer match oh wait that's not that much more health i heard he went 0-11 when he was a kid and played soccer oops okay well let's go back to the bonfire um [Music] i'm just thinking the shield could be nice during rapier phase [Music] ah let's try it if you aren't going to use the boss souls for weapons just consume them all equip the resin and ember and use both before fight boss is resistant to fire weak to lightning yeah but if i use all the souls and like level up people will call me the reality is i really don't want people to say that i made it easy for my wait [ __ ] hold on oh i don't have the effects up god damn it no okay i'm gonna run to the other side of the map then i'm gonna minimize the game and i'm gonna open up the effects maybe he's not that far okay go and and we're back here go actually still in it let's go best dark souls my [ __ ] life dude i am going to beat this goddamn video game [Music] i can get two hits off this is way better [Music] wait why wasn't i doing this from the start [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop taking so long under attack [Music] why don't you keep hitting me [Music] why did it i [ __ ] love this game right spearface let's go [ __ ] dick [Music] shield definitely does not block all of this damage [Music] oh yeah whatever dude i'm not a coward i don't use lightning resin okay this is the phase where i'm going to be a coward [Music] you must turn somebody [Music] you can skip time i will not am i alive [Music] unless you hold down one to hold the shield up hey if i actually like okay here's some here's the issue if you guys all made fun of me when i used the sell sword twin blades i was like oh he's using the easy weapon if i come in here and they see them actually holding the shield up people like wow he's actually using the shield no playing dark souls the way it was meant to be played which is just carrying around a gigantic metal thing on my arm that slows me down [Music] [Music] i swear i had time to roll there i don't get it [Music] i swear i'm [ __ ] rolling i don't understand what's happening i mean i do i'm miss pressing it but like i'm really trying that was [ __ ] dumb i'm a stupid goddamn idiot [ __ ] this game god i played this game i love dark souls i don't understand how i just like perfectly [ __ ] everything up i'm like framed perfectly [ __ ] it up this game sucks activating skyrim okay two more subs i owe four subs ah what i still have five of these didn't i use one whatever more octopath [Music] [Music] okay so i start rolling back when i want to heal that's also part of my issue and okay then i i forgot the ember whatever i'm a coward [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh i thought i got ass done i thought i had time for the second roll [Music] really that caught me and now to twitch check for the weather [Music] oh my god [ __ ] roll [Music] [Music] and now back to our regularly scheduled programming [Music] [Music] how did that hit was i rolling you just change your goddamn weapon [Music] no apparently not oh my [ __ ] god that's stupid i don't get why i've gotten so much worse it's like my brain has like adjusted in all the wrong ways this boss is starting to drag on [Music] all right [Music] i've been going longer with each fight but i've been not hurting him as much [Music] like extending the thing longer is a bad thing because then there's more random effects that happen splitting into quadrants [Music] hi parker [Music] jesus take the wheel oops oh i thought i i pressed roll but just not right time what is happening why am i not running past him [Music] every [ __ ] time [Music] and then i always roll back and left into his goddamn attack [Music] [Music] [Music] financial advisor [Music] [Music] just can't attack there's no time to attack like lit [Music] i don't get it everyone give your energy [Applause] pressing all the buttons oh well that's not good [Music] deactivating man [Music] this is this is the end this is the salvation [Music] i just don't get it i don't get why i'm like doing worse it literally feels like i'm adjusting in the wrong direction like at the beginning i was doing fine and now i'm just like every roll i roll into his attack and [ __ ] i don't get it oh i think my brain will adjust at some point but it like keeps getting worse i think our energy [ __ ] him up ngl i am super [ __ ] annoyed at this boss hmm there is nothing more soul-crushing than losing a fight while hopes and dreams slash save the world is playing i don't even think i should be using the resin right now i just have to get better i just have to get i gotta start okay [Music] like how do you know whether he's doing a second fast attack or slow one if there's no [Music] changing the weapons [Music] wearing a bunny suit might make this fight easy please stop pressing all the buttons please deactivating how did that hit me so just [ __ ] like that i i feel like that should work and then it just doesn't but i keep doing that [Music] don't worry doug the third phase is way easier [Music] i'm doing almost no damage to him it's outrageous [Music] i just okay it's got to be where i'm rolling it's the side that i'm rolling to is constantly wrong like there i'm i'm always rolling left for some [ __ ] dumb ass reason instead of the correct direction so i have to go right here there okay i just have to start actually [ __ ] not being a dumbass and if i do this so i go right i have to ignore everything i've been training to do this entire goddamn game which is roll into their attacks oh except oh but that one okay i gotta roll away from the attack okay it's still easy i've been pumped uh no longer easier than pontiff i got like five hits off and he's like what are you supposed to [ __ ] do [Music] oh i'm not using a weapon that's why [Music] now that would explain things activating twitch chat plays it with your sword i was wondering it's like god this does no [ __ ] damage [Music] way to flex on them chat don't okay you used deactivating three of my estus flasks okay and it's stuck on the controls [Music] let's go [ __ ] goober cool very cool [Music] need to stop attacking okay gotta roll on the side where he's not attacking i gotta remember to [ __ ] do that oops okay [Music] all of your armor go below 25 percent equip load and equip the carthus blood ring if you have it and you will dodge everything he throws at you uh it's the people i'm not gonna two-hand this is a faster attack so i can get in too it's better even if it's not i don't care i don't like how slow the other one is what does happen if i take off all the armor is that actually fast roll doesn't seem that much faster god i'm beautiful more frames i think i want to go fast roll dude let me try this also unequip the sword coward check out these sea otters yo lots good i think over the 24 months [Music] [Applause] it does almost feel like it's been two years almost deactivating [Music] okay roll away from the attack [Music] except that time [Music] [Applause] [Music] why do you attack over there [Music] oh [ __ ] it that was dumb oops should not have gone for that [Music] oh [ __ ] that was a lot faster than i thought okay rapier phase this is one where i'm gonna [ __ ] oh dongas because i know to go into where his attack is now he said that doesn't seem to be correct here oh okay okay that's cool [Music] so maybe for rapier i do go into his attack i can't [ __ ] roll out of this [ __ ] [ __ ] this stupid game i love dark souls i am having a good [ __ ] time this sucks nick thank you for the 12 months i appreciate it [Music] i just i'm just gonna like run for the rapier i don't get it [Music] you get hit by one you're just [ __ ] [Music] can you move i'm trying to watch the movie [Music] [Music] and now back to our regularly scheduled programming [Music] oh god damn i'm always a little bit late on that roll i could have gotten two there [ __ ] that stupid goddamn move every how does it get me every time i don't understand i'm that stupid all right [Music] breaker wherever [Music] [Music] okay right for your face [Music] waiting for this [Music] i don't i don't see how i can realistically fight this phase it is so much faster than everything else [Music] moving backwards [Music] deactivated okay do not have time for two attacks it's spearface [Music] gotta stop going into his attacks fear phase i roll against the attacks well against the attacks the spear phase and that's fine oops wrong button [Music] against okay here we go [Music] all right at least i'm probably gonna get the second bit i'm gonna get the second phase that's all i just if i get second phase i feel like i'm actually getting better [Music] okay all right let's go god damn [ __ ] [ __ ] dude [Music] how does that still hit me i don't get it okay i've got the second phase i'll take it even though it took 20 attempts to get back to where i was and i have no healing i'll take it all right so now he's gonna do his big ol swooshy [Music] all right let's try using this this whole shield thing you guys i'm talking about don't [ __ ] kick [Music] really so do you go into his weapon taking the camera where do you go for that oh i cannot cannot see cool okay all right [Music] deactivating all right we got this jesus christ we're fine [Music] i just have to take him oh i'm not gonna get okay [Music] rolling away from where his weapon is is that's the big thing i had to change that felt like way better and it was had a bunch of stupid mistakes but i'm getting better and then your face i just stay away okay we'll be fine nobody can say that i was a coward when i beat dark souls 3 not one goddamn one of you i'm one handing a [ __ ] long sword let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna use a pine resin on the second half [Music] put on karthus brood all right [Music] next time oh god damn it i don't understand how i'm so [ __ ] dumb at not rolling [Music] all right [Music] i'm alive [Music] hey i don't need to heal i'm not a coward spamming curry oh okay maybe i do yeah cool [Music] is that 10 gifted [Music] it's either eight gifted [Music] okay nobody's actually saying any consistent number i think it's eight like that was four deaths i think it's eight [Music] [Applause] yeah okay now everybody's just saying numbers [Music] [Applause] [Music] next time i die i'll uh next time i die during an effect i'll do 10. i think i owe eight gifted subs right right now maybe i'm wrong and it's all rigged but um rings so next death from uh from a thing i will i will give 10 subs stamina recovery speed increases hp maximum load i don't really need it maximum load now because i have no armor decks i like what was the one you're saying i should do milky way worth looking up what esther's shards you are missing for more flask you are missing three slightly boost is death obscures rolling what does that mean enhancing the display oh flynn is also good now it's a pvp thing night dark not yeah i'll do uh predictions if there's another activating if there's another mod around who wants to to handle that's cool otherwise i'll just do them blood and flynn okay i'm liking the no armor strat this is more fun change the two hand on your weapon no jesus take the wheel okay i'll do predictions uh hunter's ring i don't really need it right lowering equip this flindering i'll do more damage if i two hand the long sword it's like a way slower attack time and i cannot get i cannot safely get two attacks in i guess i should just do i did do a lot better damage-wise with two-handed no i realize it does more damage it's about whether i can get two hits in or just generally having less um generally having uh faster attacks to reduce the amount of time i'm vulnerable blood not milk ring oh yeah seems pretty good okay i'm going to say well i guess maybe ember activating darker souls i'll do gold pine i'll do gold kind of be getting an ember later deactivating hey doug gonna be honest just use two blades if you enjoy that more every dark souls player is gonna tell you to play like this or that per tbh we're all just idiots yeah people are so opinionated about this game i'm not saying that like a bad way but like oh my god more so than anything else i've done on this channel ever it's like it's like zero to a hundred in terms of how opinionated people are about how to play this game it is insane um the people are so intense about what is the right way to play i don't i don't really don't mind the only time i've it's bothered me is every time i die to this stupid boss and then i look at the chat somebody's like have you considered using this whatever i'm like i get it i just want to play better um but other than those rare moments god i am horrific i haven't looked at shrek in a while um i know it's all well intentioned i don't really i don't care but um but oh my god people are so passionate about this game i do kind of get it though because like i'm passionate about this game just from the little bit i've played like this is i'm so emotionally invested in this in a weird way tactical fox think about the 10 gifted subs that is i mean as much as like me playing with like i guess handicaps or not playing with the really good weapons is kind of a joke it's kind of not because like i want it to be hard like that's the appeal of the game right like pontiff was so satisfying to beat him with just the long sword because i didn't parry him i didn't use sellsword twin blades i felt badass so at this point i'm more invested in beating it in a hard way in terms of what will give me enjoyment from this game plus i've only been streaming for i've been streaming for four hours i thought it'd be like an hour oh [ __ ] i seriously thought it was like 2 p.m ooh well anyways i'm gonna beat it today i don't give a [ __ ] let's go check out these sea otters what's going on is this the last boss i'm panicking this is the last boss if i beat this gosh darn butthole i win a dark souls 3 deactivating advancing straight ahead exploring down one's park is beautiful in itself but it usually doesn't go that way hesitations let me attack again [Music] okay [Music] food [Music] i'm going for two i don't give a [ __ ] i should not have gone for two [Music] i went for two i don't give a [ __ ] she's not oh i should have gone for two i'm the greatest now don't press yes it'll reset the game's progress and i won't be able to do the dlc got it okay just finished watching the last vlog and was wondering how the twitch plays code works exactly also good luck thank you if you would like to see the code it is at doug doug.com twitch plays i'm not sure if that's what you mean but [Music] are you gonna switch weapons anytime soon or i thought we were kind of over this are we not over this all right let's fight all right this is dark souls already this is a thing he never stops attacking how am i supposed to kill him what are you supposed to do in this phase [Music] there we go jesus christ okay this is spear i roll away from the spear and into his huge attack activating skyrim i was doing pretty good [Music] all right one out of ten that is 10 gifted subs i gotta say playing with random effects is pretty goddamn hard for the final boss of dark souls 3. [Music] oh oops [Music] [Music] oh god damn it [Music] i don't understand how i miss that every time i have lost every single prediction right now that means [Music] all right finally getting those those second ones that's good [Music] press roll there's so little time geez splitting into the club oh this is nice all right so here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna press roll a lot and that's not working this is extremely [ __ ] hard yeah that's two out of ten attempts you're going to succeed at this like fail boats chat succeeded at pushing the ball yesterday they did succeed pretty hard there i just came back after 10 to 20 minutes and found you still trying to beat this guy so glad i was able to catch your stream today i was worried you would have been done by the time i got off work i went and checked my mailbox at the front of my yard you're still on the final boss of dark souls [Music] okay i guess we're doing another attack this time [Music] [Music] two attacks [Music] okay we're almost break your face cool [Music] hey done i just came back from soccer i beat this team 11 times playing the shrek 2 dvd with extra features how on earth would you would you fight him this phase like he just does that move a billion times absurd even with fast roll i barely dodge both of those they're absolutely insane okay he's out of that face this is spear yeah that's the spear so i go into sd blonde thanks so much [Music] oh i thought i got there [Music] i think you need some supersonic racing music you're not rolling fast either oh that's just gonna kill me what is happening when he's what is happening when he uh makes himself all uh i just got back from a transatlantic fight from europe can't believe you're still playing dark souls there's three attempts out of ten they don't give you more iframes you might need to bust out to see shanti for this so does he just do more damage damage okay now you know how those skeletons felt when you had the breakdance sword that's true that's so true sword wasn't even that good i kept getting messed up by it okay let's do some xenoblade [Music] sorry alex for fox thank you for the time eight months appreciate it oops when does he do a second one [Music] using a magnifying glass ow [Music] assume i should heal i couldn't tell you this is either like extraordinarily or daily but they don't look like them exactly which is infuriating soren markov thank you m henson thank you naming dino thank you just got done [ __ ] the neighbor's wife are you still on this boss [Music] i just got back from signing my divorce because i can't believe you're still on this fight why did i take someone to attack that's weird oops that was not what i thought he was doing [Music] foreign [Music] no john you were so wise [Music] [Music] check out this scene so who is this guy [Music] the old man [Music] thank you very cool [Music] wow that is way [ __ ] faster than i thought it would be [Music] okay does the dodge go farther does the light roll go farther than the other one because i keep going i roll past him and i can't attack it's not actually helpful i'm gonna be honest having armor would be very good right now i can't believe you [ __ ] heal [Music] this is a terrible idea why am i doing it this way there's no wonder i've gotten so much worse [Music] [Applause] armor is the closest it's almost like i am making the game unnecessarily hard for myself my wife asked why shrek is understandable [Music] playing the shrek 2 dvd with everybody for the love of god [Music] [Music] uh oh so it turns out he follows that attack up i clearly missed something represented [Music] him doing new attacks on the second phase is like not that fun i think i gotta use armor okay so what's the benefit of armor again what's the is there any benefit to what i'm doing this doesn't feel very good boost rolling invincibility so i do have more iframes which is kind of nice i just have no defense mostly like mostly the idea of like the iframes being longer is great me rolling way farther is not helpful i'm just like too far to get a hit armor doesn't help at all if you put armor on you have the benefit of more iframes how but don't i lose the thing don't i need to have like basically no armor so i lose i'm back to normal roll right well so shouldn't i put on more wait is there any the benefits just got back from raising my firstborn she just left for college you still on the final battle of dark souls 3 can you move i'm trying to work 20 the weight ratio has to be 30 for the invisibility and now back to our regularly scheduled programming yeah i don't want to do the giant roll i feel like renaming friends till death to till death to us part would remind us of our vows and save twitch chat's marriages god too true okay i'll wear uh dessert or trousers so now i would remove flynn's ring right because this is no longer going to help um maximum hp dex what did i have before i don't remember what i had before i have tested light rolling and found it wanting no that's terrible havel ring for more armor none of these seem very helpful strength so stamina recovery or havels is the weight one right why does it matter if the weight goes from 61 to 69 why does it matter if i have howell's ring i guess i could put on his boots maybe no i can't anyways yeah it's still so it doesn't it doesn't make a difference whether or not i have havel's ring oh that's hunters i'll just do max hp who cares taking a picture hey i need to play better to finally catch a stream lately i'm a late worker with teaching one more remember the best armor of all is confidence okay just one more picture thank you i will remember the blood ring is still good ah who cares i mean i just need to play better i just need to [ __ ] play better that's all that's what we need i need to not suck at this that's literally it if i do that we're good here we go it's not [Music] oops [Music] oops not the right weapon not the right item [Music] all right [ __ ] i'm gonna go two hits oh my god god damn [Applause] i could have gotten two hits i should have gone tricky i go in i go in i thought he was staggered [Music] really from that far [Music] stop doing that you goddamn that's cheating [Music] all right this is where we cowered [Music] let's get rid of those did i say coward i said run directly [ __ ] into him now never mind let's get out [Music] deactivated can you change weapons jesus christ dude really that hits [Music] he loves staying on this space [Music] [Music] i roll i press roll [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay i can take sword that's fine [Music] really i got this i am pretty goddamn salty i will be honest [Music] oh that was bad [Music] i'm playing a little risky because this phase is the easiest [Music] taunting the enemy oh my god please oh my sweet god okay i'm ready [Music] [Music] oh you're attacking quickly oh do you have a third one this time cool cool cool that's fine i don't mind i don't mind sorry god damn [ __ ] [Music] i don't know what this does oh my god okay we're fine stop yelling [Music] okay this seems like it's gonna be his giant move right okay so i'm fine [Music] i have to go now don't forget to admit [Music] i'm going to win i'm going to win i'm running away oh my god okay [Music] let's [ __ ] go you must change them no you might control people i don't care uh no yes i would press it nope i just got it wrong uh nope got it wrong halfway through's release yes i got it my life [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] activating twitch chat plays [Music] deactivating [Music] fine two more subs [Music] that's six six io i think [Music] whoo gonna be honest that one's a little bit painful i'm starting to think this game wasn't meant to be played with random effects happening every two minutes oh eight you're saying it's this is the eighth attempt or that i owe eight subs god i i [ __ ] had it it was like so obviously gonna happen i was in the zone and this i seven out of ten eight subs okay thank you for or phil sorry um seven tenths eight subs uh [Music] hopefully this is like um yeah it's only one or two hits away hopefully this is like one of these um you know one of those moments where you hit it you're like okay i know i can do this you calm down you focus check out these sea otters and hopefully it's not like when i played smash bros and i couldn't say ike and i almost beat the boss and then it took another three hours after that point because i was so demoralized deactivating if you are just better at wiggles you would have won you know the worst part that was if i had answered any of those riddles correctly like any of the first couple i probably would have you lived this doctor call it twitch chat beliefs including violent attacks to speech guy less than three thanks tumblr [Music] dude i don't want to fight rapier when he's like also i'm gonna dodge rapier when he's like damage boosted otherwise i'll try to fight him i think i just i go against where his weapon is [Music] for dodges are we gonna fight or what like what [Music] [ __ ] it let's fight [Music] oh no i didn't it's that one it's always on the third roll that you noticed [Music] that was also done rolling straight directly down taunting the enemy oh that's that's nice okay spear i go against where spirits [Music] [Music] how does that one still hit [Music] oh man [Music] so [Music] oh really [Music] of course [Music] oh that's rough uh i think i have to wait for an attack yeah taking a picture one more okay just one more picture okay i gotta get the timing on that oops [Music] oops oh that could have gone better [Music] come on [Music] really he does the second one oh come on i'm trying to roll as fast again i can't i can't get out of it is he gonna jump oh oh oh that was a bad idea well this is the amount of health i have let's go [Music] is [Music] oh not bad okay so that's what that's eight that's eight attempts eight subs i got two more i don't know why that keeps popping up flipping the screen it's like before an effect happens a lot for divine blessings oh yeah i could i could bring up the the healy boy that i got from from what's his face from siegbar oh on this is where he's finally on our onion knight didn't you give me like a big jug of booze this i don't know how much it heals but [ __ ] it okay that [ __ ] [ __ ] movie how they time it for exactly to be [Music] oops that's not correct that one that one gets me every time i'm just gonna fight you i'm not i'm not gonna wait around like a coward dude okay maybe i should the rapier phase is impossible he just attacks again it's the only phase where he does this i don't know if it's a rapier whatever it is that's a scimitar okay scimitar face you've got playing a motivational speech we want to thank you for all your hard work you're the one who steps up and gets things done around you keep your word you deliver what you promise and then you go the extra mile you're doing a great job a great job if anyone asks we'll tell them a great job [Applause] really i thought i thought i got through that oops i was [ __ ] wrong how does he get i'm [ __ ] rolling away i couldn't i couldn't [ __ ] move this game sucks i was doing well just that last phase i [ __ ] up [Music] man there's just like a few of these moves that every time i go into the worst possible spot [Music] i mean i am doing way better which feels pretty good changing the weapons [Music] okay game time deactivating [Music] believe damn it that [ __ ] one [Music] oh [ __ ] i should have gotten that i was done oops yeah that's not gonna go well [Music] oh bad timing oh [ __ ] i got nothing from that that sucks oh why am i [Music] you just can't attack i don't get it when are you supposed to hit him presumably you are supposed to attack him during this phase so he does it again now and now i go in and get one hit for all that is a terrible idea activating skyrim i i can't okay i don't understand how to dodge that one really i thought i got the second dodge that was weird i go i go in i don't get it cool got lucky [Music] [Music] oh i thought i got it in time i should be good here [Music] why can't i use gold pine resin oh it's cause i don't have a weapon that's why [Music] now he's gonna do his crazy thing right yeah coming [Music] really that still hits i dodge that no do i roll in for that okay oh we're fine actually that's all right you must draw me shrek okay yeah that's it [Music] that's unlucky anything yeah the riddle and shrek are just autodesk this stuff [ __ ] stupid what a fun way to go out that's that's two rounds where i was like in the groove had a lot of [ __ ] going was playing well and then i just die because of the effect but i think we can all agree this is definitely shrek hey doug hear me out what if you took off on your helm so soul of cinder gets distracted by the shreksiness i'm gonna do that over his dead body the good news is the boss is fun now now i'm having a good time because i actually like get it for the most part wasn't that 10 wasn't that my 10th attempt yeah i guess i could do firebombs i don't feel like there's a lot of there's really any time to throw firebombs though yeah it's fine i'll just keep running i'd rather switching weapons is like hard for me that was nine out of ten right so there's one more later guilty of murder top the gulag cool this is last attempt for this this bet activating twitch chat plays can we see all the shreks once i beat the game maybe turn off the effect deactivate they seem to make it a lot harder i can confirm this guy is much much harder when a random effect happens every two minutes this whole random effects thing has gotten so much more punishing as this game has gone on great idea at the beginning of the game still a pretty great idea at the end of the game here we go [Music] [Music] oops that one's always weird because it seems like he oh it seems like he's going to stop attacking for a bit and he just doesn't really i thought i got that off [Music] what are you oh sorry okay [Music] oh that's bad i'm just going to stay aggressive here a little risky but it's worth it because this guy is such a coward during this phase oh these might kill me yeah they almost did oh i still want to be aggressive during this phase okay now i don't [Music] [ __ ] i i saw it just didn't you must turn so my riddle nope teleportation i'm getting pretty unlucky with these it's all the ones that's like three or four auto deaths out of the last like 10 attempts yeah they're not as funny anymore just just really shitty [Music] riddles and shrek are auto death basically [Music] do i win in the next 10 tries please remove them are you insane do you think that after 10 streams of beating all of dark souls 3 with random effects every two minutes when i was two hits from killing the guy i'm gonna give up at the end are you insane i'm going to beat the [ __ ] out of this guy with a [ __ ] long sword with random effects every two minutes it's gonna be awesome and then i'll finally have redeemed myself for that one season of soccer where we literally didn't win a single game all season [Music] i'm gonna reset so this works just put all my money on this next 10 you got this plus that way you can be proud you can be like i was here when it happens if i were to give up now if i just [ __ ] stopped and turn off the effects you literally wouldn't want to be noticed you'd be like oh guys i don't normally watch this channel i just open somebody like my little brother open on it this isn't even my main account like this isn't me and you would just have excuses dude just gotta own it okay let's [ __ ] kill boss [Music] i want to beat this game and know i did it in a really stupid way i love how he just sometimes has a third attack [Music] this is about restoring your ancestors twice [Music] when do i [ __ ] attack [Music] now [Music] played a little risky oh come on [Music] this is about to be an orange slice moment gamers you [ __ ] [ __ ] of course the one i attack you do it twice you goddamn prick [Music] [Music] activating skyrim [Music] where's my mouse [Music] [Music] he attacks again really that one i don't [ __ ] get it i feel like a dumb idiot [Music] let's go you goddamn [ __ ] [Music] using [ __ ] [Music] orange slices afterwards we will learn our orange slices [Music] advertisement [Music] let's go doug you're no coward you're diablo the cheater you're [Music] i thought i got away from that really oh [ __ ] dicks i should not have attacked i should have gotten out of guild i just did not feel like i had any time don't disappoint [Music] that guy was a dick that guy's a damn thing forward he always double attacks on the one time i try to attack him there's got to be an ai element to it right of him like choosing to do another attack if i'm attacking like they really program this guy to be a douche oh i'm so [ __ ] ready let's go i'm ready for this like this why are you doing a second attack how the [ __ ] am i supposed to know and yes i know there's an animation you don't tell me oops oh wow she's straight dude calm down oh so you're just gonna keep going yeah that's cool are you good are you done like what is wrong with you give me a chance to play the game i want to play dark souls we're fine this is someone who genuinely loves the game we need to channel the power of the strongest animal out there i'm doing the best i can [Music] oh okay fine again really three in a row you goddamn prick [Music] okay he tied it with the music that was kind of sweet can you lose oh my god i really it's flip so i can't and now back to our regularly scheduled programming is healing continually healing what is what is why is he still like glowy i feel like he's healing a lot i don't like it okay i can kick the [ __ ] at you in this phase [Music] unless you do that or that [Music] that greedy or did i get greedy at all yeah i got pretty goddamn greedy actually doug here's 200 bits and some advice that may be super helpful maybe take an attempt or two to just practice the entire patterns and animations you're struggling with the learner also chat spam google.com or i just [ __ ] blitz it [Music] goddamn [ __ ] if i could grab me oh i definitely shouldn't oh i should have attacked twice i'm gone i knew exactly what i was doing [Music] really that's weird no no no no no okay i'm all right all right enhancing the display i'm gonna be honest i don't think this is the way dark souls is meant to be played can anybody tell me how much help i have deactivated a god damn [ __ ] really really [ __ ] time that exactly so it's [Music] that's right [ __ ] prick why do i keep attacking twice i'm so greedy it's just i want to kill him i want to do it chat i'm going for it [ __ ] it why did oh my god he kicked me you [ __ ] no i kicked i kicked i fight [ __ ] die here i swear to god you're just dead please tell me that's it oh [ __ ] yes dude dark souls 3 let's go you have news all your thrown away candies all of your enemies and your leftovers all of your rhymes and most importantly all your confidence may your fate be left in pope's hands [Music] hey peasants listen to this holy [ __ ] i [ __ ] did it dude activating random movements i'm gonna be honest those random effects are pretty hard during the final box of dark souls 3. let's go all right i didn't use the cell sword twin blades so nobody can come in here and go oh oh well you know well i don't you know they're pretty easy those are two plates it's a goddamn long sword let's go oh jesus take the wheel say tort twc thank you very much for 10 gifted subs appreciate it thank you thank you thank you thank you [ __ ] yeah god it feels good that felt like real good by the end i was getting good at this boss fell safer thank you so much for the 20 gifted subs that's a ton jesus i have gotten so much better at dark souls in the past couple weeks it's outrageous that's cool now my wife can come back to me everybody's wives are back now wait is this the thing if i um if i do this does it do new game plus fills it for thank you again for the 20 zafar i think for the ten gifted subs thank you thank you thank you thank you for the rest of my birthday i can do this like snug you can like thank you hilarious i don't know what this means [Music] let's go to champ [Music] that felt good dude when i [ __ ] kicked him instead of attacking if i had lost that way that would have been so much more painful than losing to an effect [Music] i will probably try in the future listen to this [Music] sleepy cereal rat thanks for farting on pheasants cheese general bucket think of the 69 gifted subs that is a ton thank you thank you thank you thank you dude how does it feel doug was it worth it yes this game made me way angrier than i've been in a long time but also and now we can play skype we can finally play skyrim jesus yes [Music] [Music] get out to my swamp [Music] this look at this sad music no i had i had a blast playing this overall jesus take the wheel this was this is a really really fun game like i've been i was more invested in this than i've been in a game in a while like years now you have to beat it blindfolded oh yeah predictions and you were here whose outcome yeah believers let's go what now well so loud the full game will take oh my god how much harder is the dlc i'm not gonna play the dlc right now and i probably i'll just i probably god this is why is this so loud imagine playing the game regularly now i mean it would definitely be easier much harder geez because that guy i mean by the end he was not that hard like the last couple attempts felt jesus take the weak felt fine um but god for a while it was real hard pontiff is still the hardest boss i think if you don't parry this guy felt more fair i think even though he's [ __ ] he should buy a bunny suit to celebrate god too true atomic chameleon thank you for the sub bleeder thank you for the sub kandra maker thank you so much for the five gifted subs dlc is very hard but some of the best bosses i will almost certainly not play accepting new game plus nameless king is way way harder geez um i don't think i'm gonna play more of this before um before eldon ring i'll probably play alden ring when it comes out next week and just like play blind for a day or two i don't know if i'm going to try to do the whole stream like the whole game like this um i don't necessarily want to dive into another full game playthrough of random effects every two minutes although this was really fun i was giving my cat a bath can you beat him again if only we had a rewind feature on twitch uh let's not say we'll play more of this but just in terms of the next you know monk monk i was gonna say weak and you got me to say monkey instead it's viable uh in terms of the next like week i'm probably just gonna hold off until elden ring and then try some elden ring yeah i don't know if i could do another challenge for congratulations jordan along the existence of this world for a short time longer until the cycle of decay begins all over again you know what i do want to watch is either a speed run jesus take the wheel like right now either some of a speed run or um [Music] like the happy hobbs zero hit run of dark souls three i wanna watch like at least ten minutes let's see [Music] this is fun i had a great time playing this it's been a really nice like more casual stream which i know people will be like dark souls casual but i mean mostly i just play in dark souls you know but i had a blast this is real fun [Music] hitless is fun to watch should we watch some hit list or some speedrunners yeah i saw tomato and it's just posted a video about the speedrun now i can watch some dark souls 3 lore videos i can watch some speed run videos i can watch some no-hit videos and actually understand it because i've watched some of like happy hogs and i'm like i don't know doesn't seem that hard so i'm way more curious it's like when i watched the pontiff speedrun i was like okay that that's not a hard thing clearly if you had no context well that's a thing like i don't know i really i really need to have played the game to appreciate a no-hit run so i'm probably still not going to appreciate like a dark souls 1 no hit run because you're just like if you don't understand what makes a boss watching you just have to not progress through the ng plus at the bonfire congrats on finishing the main game thank you yeah i won't do i won't do that the idea of playing the the dlc boss sounds fun i knew you could it's just about time i just have a bunch of other stuff to do from soft games before alden ring on your boosted simulated to see you come through on actually beating it souls is a challenge and you bested it congrats from a small streamer to a giant one thank you man thank you thank you what does that mean what does that mean um can i assume i can skip this right yeah can i not jesus take the wheel begin journey two and current state journey two can be initiated from the shrine bond or fire if you do not wish to begin now so this is where i do know right what is new game plus is everything just harder do you have all your items and weapons no that's no that's got to come from me failing at something it can't be bought more health not much else okay you know duck duck doctors are also believers and motivators to push you so reward them and then it's begin journey too okay [ __ ] yeah dark souls three and maybe one day i will look at all the weapons and all the things that i suggest check out some of ym for his dark souls videos on youtube oh yeah because i really like his uh his skyrim stuff but i've never played dark souls so now i can finally watch some dark souls content are you interested in watching the dlc bosses on stream uh probably not i mean i'd rather just play them at some point i'm not saying i'm never going to play them but i'm just not going to play them the next week or two at least um okay what is a man my last shrek was so beautiful and this one let me review all the shreks i had to draw the ending is a shaggy dog story but if you discover all the secret lore you learn the dreaded secret it's still a shaggy dog story i don't know what that means but i'm intrigued you have my attention turns out i have created exactly now he can watch dark souls 30 shreks in total 10 streams 30 shreks were drawn i strongly suggest watching a dark souls one lore video the law is actually really good in my opinion yeah i'll check it out [Applause] you can tell when i was mid-fight because they always look like winnie the pooh yeah that was a fight that's definitely a fight that's number 30. how many subs would we have to gift for you to change the channel profile picture to one of the shrek drawings these are good ideas but it's not very compelling to me to have you pay me to do it i would much rather we come up with a bet for like a you know mario party game or something or some challenge that i have to beat and if i don't then that's the punishment that's far more interesting than just like if you give me a lot of money i'll do this thing so at some point sure i don't know we got to do something with the shreks i don't know what though [Music] we threw around the idea of shrek nft but i don't actually want to make an nft non-dougable tokens [Music] make trading cards you need to scooby doo this [ __ ] [Music] i don't know what you mean i really don't know i want to know but i don't understand maybe allow twitch to control photoshop and make a thumbnail like just in general or for what letting chick twitch chat control something doesn't result in like a good picture with a twist the twist being it isn't actually an nft and you are just selling pictures of shrek yeah that's what i was thinking like a real life nft um wait should we do i want to watch a little bit so i'm gonna we'll watch like a little bit of stuff and then i'm gonna call it for the day because i've already been streaming for five hours um uh what should we watch i just want to want to watch speed runs of either speeder under zero hit are you going to make a video um i don't know maybe it's a little easier to make youtube videos from like a singular thing rather than like here's part eight of 20 of whatever um plus there's just you know other things i don't know i kind of like the maybe i kind of like the idea of um in general of like videos being like on different topics rather than like you know the brothers code and video have amazing lore videos for souls born games okay i think i've heard a body video okay brother's code body video i'll keep those in mind cause i'm literally i'm literally gonna like watch some of those tonight while eating dinner or something all right let's watch a speedrun i will i will watch it be upon this happy hog stuff in the future like every track you've made pops up all at once and you have to close them all slack bomb uh 32 minutes jesus christ okay let's watch this here let me give credit from nems38 if you're interested okay what if you used the picture and made it a character's face in skyrim the picture you use can be determined in a smash fight there's a good idea i don't know how to mod pictures into um i don't know how to mod pictures in the skyrim but we'll keep it around it's a good idea uh okay i'm trying to think i want to skip a little fart because i don't necessarily want to watch this whole thing how's that sound look uh i wanna watch some of the bosses i think isn't this c this is crystal sage no no this is the weird like creepy raven people wait okay wait so does he this guy's menuing is insane so is he mostly just run past people and if so how does he ever level up what the [ __ ] is going on don't this noob is running past everything this guy seems pretty cowardly he seems like the kind of guy that would use cell sword twin blades he doesn't so you just never level up how do you do enough damage at the end hey cooper thanks for the one bit man holy [ __ ] 150 yesterday and now one bit i'm glad to be back my dudes what was that why do you like flick around that was cool what was the point of that some people just get it okay do they have good stuff is this leaked footage of avatar 2 wow doom thanks for the two bits man and jw thanks for the two bits as well don't you guys stoked for avatar too [ __ ] uh okay let's go ahead i just want i want to see something like were there like other yeah aquarium the thing is i just don't really want to support any of the current sites they all just seem a bit a bit scammy to me i just don't really want to get involved with it right now i know you don't do this for money exactly yeah i'm not [ __ ] if i did i am not like as anti-nft as everybody else but the current iterations of nfts are super scams so i don't want to be a part of that in the future i think nfts will be cool but right now they're awful so i just i just don't really want to people saying to me dude you can't take a month and a half off your stream will die they won't come back it's like dude if they're not awful i don't give a [ __ ] honestly i wouldn't i've mentioned this a few times i think the technology is cool do you think i'd leave you but right now the use case is like what on [ __ ] earth is happening and leave you guys never why didn't i do this this would have been so much easier seriously dude i can't believe a single one of you didn't tell me to do this like if mixer offered me 10 million i wouldn't go because i'd say no give all these images that's a good idea like yeah okay yeah i'm gonna make this guy lose his blue badge for money like okay people i want to watch him fight these guys don't understand i want to watch him fight pontiff again i want to watch him fight the end boss maybe the princes the twin princes is there any other spot that we should watch for the speed run because i don't i don't really have enough to add to just sit here and i'm gonna watch the entire thing i'm gonna make hex so far he hasn't really uh been playing the game it's just like like three weeks and he was in here every day saying you know what man keep it up you're you're really [ __ ] good that's what he said to me and i'm gonna treat him like that i'm gonna go this doesn't sorry this doesn't exactly feel 10 million i'm gonna go now like yeah okay that's not me dude that's not me i'm not having the reaction i was hoping for which is like whoa it's so much easier when he's doing it it's like oh he's just not playing dark souls 3. no joke though what do you reckon i'd have to get offered by a mixer to go to mixer honestly i'm thinking watch hitless i mean this is still cool i'm not talking [ __ ] i love watching like crazy speed runs it's just not what i thought this would be i did not realize dark souls was like this like [ __ ] like i don't i don't recognize anything okay does he fight a boss ever if i like if mixer was like hey we're gonna give you 50k what is that it looks like he's playing the game again here skip ahead to this go to mixer please no where is this okay here's a boss wait who's this this isn't positive no this isn't pontiff who's this i forget a little cat oh this person oh wait you're no no no i thought it was aldrich i like no i get that i just didn't realize it would be that absurdly glitched um okay yeah we'll watch happy hog happy hop is awesome by the way you guys should check them out on twitch again i've watched some of it here and there it just seems like very entertaining but like none of it landed in terms of seeming cool and so now i'm like i'm like very curious to watch more of these now wait this is five and a half hours holy [ __ ] okay that is so much longer than the and this is securo and this guys is why i didn't get an early copy what are we watching you hearing this [ __ ] the new tos they asked people to do something right they said hold us accountable pop yeah okay on the left harry potter is next yeah okay i don't know what that means okay so he's fighting deacons in the deep retreats all the time i've been talking about it for years okay this is some guy i didn't fight creature of death sushi time where's this anyway this must be dlc right the point is this sushi place we went to today they laced creamy pan we're working okay we're jumping into some apex spicy lines i just want to watch like this is harder than i realized this is still all the dlc no no this is what no i remember this this is that part i absolutely despised okay i want to watch this here we go because this is leading up to pontiff right [ __ ] about lobos no well this this section just destroyed me from this point all the way through pontiff it's like memes right well he's using cell sword twin blades yeah i don't know this run doesn't seem that impressive anymore joking obviously yeah yeah all right all right i was like mostly sure okay i'm not stupid okay i'm gonna skip to pontiff doesn't pontiff out here stop hey [ __ ] right man it's so much harder to navigate than i expected because i don't know the dlc wait isn't this past pontiff am i in the city should have to drag that i'll run that chance dude i appreciate it he's going down first okay so he's just gonna paris so he's already yorums he's probably doing yarn first right and then he's gonna go do pontiff i remember the time i once shot this guy it was really impressive and you guys were all proud of me monday this what happyhob does has to be so stressful i cannot even imagine i get like decently stressed out with my stuff he does these challenges take him like multiple days right of not being able to be hit in a dark souls game for people who don't know happy hobb has he's the first guy who played all the souls born games without taking a single hit in a row so he is really really really insane um the god run two was two days i watched the ending of it actually live again i didn't like it didn't resonate with me i wasn't like oh that's awesome i was like okay seems cool i'm so curious how elden ring turns out to be okay this fight's a little important he probably he probably fights pontiff next right he used the third to no hit all souls games in a row but he did dark souls first oh for some reason i thought he was first um i thought he was first total like just in all of them okay pontiff maybe no he's up to the castle sorry did i miss pontiff dude i don't i don't know okay i'm just gonna skip to the final boss is it the end it's probably the end right nope okay where's the guy i just fought that's what i'm looking for the problem is that this is a five hour video okay here we go i'm ready make me feel bad about how horrible i am at this game go you're lousy thank you check description oh yeah there's probably time stamps i'll watch more of this i i don't want to just sit and like watch a taunt like a gigantic chunk of um of the of a play through but i do really i really wanted to watch this boss in particular so he has sell sword twin blades okay and they how you even get an attack in there there's no music i'll play dramatic music i want to see him fight the rapier face okay does he just run yeah or the scimitar whatever it's called [Music] man this is really outrageous so does he is he aggressive on this stage because of those things those little crystals seem like it's they're really dangerous so can he attack here because of those little ice crystals aren't they gonna hit him oh dude [Music] why is his health stuck at like zero at the top the top left for rtsr he's using a ring to boost it okay i mean now the boss looks so easy i wonder how many times he's fought this guy it's got to be like thousands right to be like this comfortable where you know the exact timings where you can actually get hit off i can't even imagine [Music] yes let's go quick what's insane if pontiff is in the time stamp i want to watch that okay [Music] pontiff's living okay this one's for all the shot dudes out in the chat okay there we go this [ __ ] i think soul of cinder took me longer pontiff was like two and a half hours it's also a bit easier when you don't have to answer riddles and draw shrek [Music] this is the thing he this guy pontiff is nuts even he hasn't gotten a single hit off yet [Music] this looks scarier than solo center [Music] like from a no-hit perspective oh he already caught the this okay never mind if you can take out the this the shadow that quickly [Music] oh sonny gets okay so he goes in right with the shadow damn and then the cell sword are just absurd [Music] so he doesn't go in for a hit there [Music] it's hard for me to like imagine not being that greedy there's no way i would have their strengths [Music] i watched the we watched after after i beat the pontiff we watched the speed run of it where he just parries him twice and then he's dead it's insane if you think pontiff is bad you'll have a hard time with midir and gail yeah i mean you know i'm getting better pontiff is just what gave me was the what felt the hardest throughout the whole game followed by the final boss um i'm excited to watch more of that stuff i'm excited that i actually understand some dark souls thank you first time catching the stream already regret it hey thanks be solid appreciate it um the correct terminology is long time listener first time caller well that being said i think it's time hey thanks so much for watching i appreciate it um this whole playthrough has been really really fun and um yeah super cool i can do stuff like this on stream and that people seem to enjoy it so thanks for uh thanks for hanging out i definitely uh definitely appreciate it do more stuff in the future like play throughs i mean there's other there's a bunch of play-throughs i want to do there's more kind of there's more there's gta 5 things and some skyrim things i want to do a long-form skyrim play through like nerfs on each like nerfs and then you have to beat different missions depending on the nerfs and then i want to play elden ring and then there's other [ __ ] i want to get back into pedal speed running i want to maybe get back and do or uh like try to do like odyssey or mario like maybe a platformer speeder i don't know i want to play a bunch of [ __ ] so um yeah one quick one quick look at our stocks and then i'll call it after five and a half hours of streaming we lost eleven dollars we're at ten thousand nine dollars nope nope nope there we go nope maybe maybe there you go thousand nine dollars and seventy three cents we're doing great fine as long as we're beating park sir it's fine what about coca-cola yeah i wanna see if it updates it won't update it's after the market all right of the two the very bottom share is coca-cola for a crew the second from the bottom is pepsi currently yeah maybe camera maybe there you go currently z crews putting a lot of slack out there all right acres been holding this entire team together pick it up see crew get your stock up see crew go buy pepsi it's literally flipped like every day stocks are nonsense utter nonsense they're obviously not but it's it's funny watching this thing just swing around wildly cool all right uh that's it for me today thank you again for watching thank you for the support donation subs anybody who uh didn't appreciate it thank you thank you thank you i'm not gonna stream at least the next two days but maybe sunday what's today thursday maybe sunday but anyway starting sunday and going into next week all right goodbye [Music] you
guys the boys club days are over right it's gone time's up i've done the research i've done the math i've looked at the charts and women are better at trading than men i know guys you're gonna be shocked to hear that but it's true i mean let's look at the numbers here warren buffett used to be the big dog on top he used to be the person everyone referred to as the master trader but he just lost 50 billion dollars as coronavirus pummeled his stock investments meanwhile we've got an up-and-coming youtuber that you guys have told me to check out she's also on instagram and she is just crushing it in the trades her name is loving not working aka anna macau aka crypto queen i think it's macko actually anyway she has this thing called the two percent theory aka how to go from 1k to 1 million in one year using the exact method i called the two percent theory and she's got a little spreadsheet here pulled up for us wow it only cost two thousand dollars guys and she will show you the secrets of how to be a better trader than warren buffett because look warren buffett he makes a a piddly 20 a year compounded over the last 20 years now anna macko she makes 2 a day and she also says you can too using her proprietary color picker formula that's right let me show you guys what this is it's a true it's groundbreaking stuff okay so we have two colors we have red and we have green all you have to do is pick the color of the day so how do you pick the color of the day it's really simple at first i was worried that this was going to be a complicated math formula that you'd have some complicated strategy or algorithm that lets her win two percent a day but guys it's simple go over to the six hour chart okay we're gonna do something else here we're gonna clear everything else out and just look at the six hour chart and is it more of a green day or is it more of a red day okay so we just spent a couple seconds here looking at the six hour chart no not not really right that's not actually that's actually her strategies looking at a six hour chart and just deciding if it's green you go green if it's red you go red uh well actually it is but look guys hater all you want you can't deny the results and here are the results anna macko she's someone who says you'll never lose a trade look at this look at this she shows you how to make one million dollars in a year guys it's so simple you just start with a thousand dollars and you play with leverage and then you just make two percent a day and never lose a trade over 365 days i mean it's very simple and by the end of 365 as you guys know with compound interest you can take a thousand dollars and make one million dollars if you just never lose a trade and just make two percent a day that's it that's all you have to make and it's honestly you know it's easy it is it's simple strategy and you learn how to never lose a trade again never lose a trade again that's all it is guys that's all it is you just make a simple 274 dollars a day every day spend like an hour two hours a day every day bang bang bang hour two hours a day 274 dollars it's easy it's easy it's simple thousand dollars for the year simple easy life and that's something that's pretty easy to achieve wow pretty easy to achieve i mean it is pretty easy when you find out that uh how anna macko thinks of leverage something like 100 leverage let's say bitcoin moves one percent up you just made a hundred percent of your money which means you just doubled your money and if it's one percent down then you double your money too but hang on what it goes one percent up you double your money if it goes one percent down you've lost all your money you haven't doubled your money one percent up double your money one percent doubt you double your money both ways you double your money double your money even if it doesn't go anywhere you double your money double your money double your money listen guys the truth is anna macko is just ahead of her game and she understands the stock market better than anyone else and honestly if i were warren buffett i'd be worried about the power of two percent compounded interest i mean let's we're going to pull up a little spreadsheet here we're going to do a spreadsheet because she showed us how to go from one thousand dollars to one million dollars in just a year but what i want to show you is how to go from one million dollars to being richer than warren buffett with the two percent theory guys and that's ultimately why women are just inevitably going to be better traders than men because animako is just going to come and beat up warren buffett's returns i mean it's very clear it's easy actually and that's something that's pretty easy to achieve guys it's actually easy to beat warren buffett and that's just all it is so let's look up warren buffett's net worth okay so warren buffett is worth 74.2 billion dollars pretty standard now let's go and build a little chart here we're gonna start with a thousand dollars okay so the only thing left to do is just drag this down and find out when we uh start start getting richer than warren buffett so as we can see here boys indeed at before 365 days we've made a million dollars but when do we get richer than warren buffett that's ultimately the goal right so guys at the two year mark we're now worth a billion dollars and we're just betting a cool two billion dollars per day hopefully we don't stop out using leverage and uh yeah we're just now now we're making millions i mean every single day so before oh my gosh we've already gotten richer than warren buffett jeez okay listen it only takes 915 days to become richer than warren buffett now i know that seems like a long time it's only two and a half years two and a half years and you can be richer than warren buffett who is how old again how old's this old fart 89 years old you could be let's say you start when you're 16 you could be richer than an 89 year old man when you're 18 and a half years old and that is the power of the two percent theory and that's why animako is such a better investor than warren buffett and why oren buffett is such a loser that's why he doesn't sell a course i mean you ever wonder why warren buffett doesn't sell the course because he's embarrassed he's embarrassed with these pitiful returns and that's just all there is to it uh so just make two percent a day guys no trades losses ever it's easy go get the two percent theory two thousand dollars no big deal um and yeah have fun blowing up your account and don't forget to smash like and subscribe thank you [Music] never lose a trade again and that's something that's pretty easy to achieve
all right this is the second video where we're gonna talk about you know how we got the data that we did how we analyzed it and you know some other factors that just didn't make it to the main video but just FYI this isn't the main video that's on the regular coffee break channel go check that out the first link in the description below you go watch that first before you watch this okay so how do we collect this data so as I sort of mentioned in the first video this data was scraped using a bot using the YouTube data API it was done by Mitchell jolly it was scraped at the same time every day 9:00 a.m. GMT I believe hey future Steven here I'm trying to throw this video together and I realized that I forgot to tell you a few things about this so the first thing is how this is structured it's a unique video in that I'm trying to structure it sort of like with a table of contents in mind because I know a lot of you don't want to go through this whole thing so in the pin comment I'm gonna leave timestamps to the questions that I'm answering at different periods of time and this video also if you think of anything that I didn't cover please leave comments in the description I'd be happy to answer some questions the other thing that I didn't really talk about really how you can get your hands on this stuff so I want to cover that for a second here so if you'll notice that this is what we're now talking about okay how you can get your hands on this data is there are three components you need to remake this data set we did and first you need Mitchell jollies original data set so if you go to Kaggle there's the link link in the description his cattle profile you can just download all the CSV or JSON files and you can get started there okay the second thing you need is might youtuber classification which was crowd-sourced it's in a CSV file as well go ahead and get that that has all the unique channels that trended with what their classification is some of them were classified as n/a just so you know because we couldn't find the channel or something like that I think that's less than 1% of the data set though and then the third thing you need is our jupiter notebook which contains all the code to to run the analysis in the way that we did if you're interested in doing your own work you don't need that but if you want to see if you want to redo the work for yourself that's what you need now an important part of that is there is you need to assign the path to to wherever you're storing your files so again there should be a link in the description for how to download all our files there but you need to make sure there's a part where it says you know your path here or something like that you need to go ahead and put in your file path in order so it accesses that other than that everything else should run as planned so that's pretty much it I'm gonna get back to you know talking about all the all the limitations of this data set all the things we did all the things that I think about it but didn't make it to the main channel but I just needed to get that off my chest and as far as I know there's only one hole in the data set as far as like the collection of it I think Mitchell jolly told me that he had gone away and when he came back for like part of his seven months five days were missing okay so that's like the only hole in data set but other than that this is this is by far and away the most data-driven look at the training tab we've ever had and I don't think those five days that we're missing is really too impactful but there are some limitations to this data set that are worth mentioning okay so first and foremost I think the most subjective part of this whole thing that you probably may want answers to is is the data classification right so I classified every single channel as being a part of some kind of category whether that be a youtuber traditional media a movie channel trailer music traditional viral etc and these were somewhat subjective categories that I created to try to capture the answer of you know how often does traditional media trend and how is it rewarded etc but these definitions are somewhat arbitrary and I can see people disagreeing with some of them as well as the fact that some channels sort of fall in the cracks of like which do they really belong to like Anthony Fantana for example I can see some people thinking oh he's a music channel but at the same time he's sort of a youtuber and so you have to make certain calls about like well is he more into like the music side or but he's also like his main things YouTube so how do you think about that how do you think about someone who's reviewing music so we classified him youtuber by the way but my point is there's a small margin of error that's just necessarily gonna be part of any classification that is somewhat based on subjective definitions so I posted the Excel CSV with all crowd-sourced classifications all available so anyone can publicly critique them I don't mind anytime you're doing some primary research like this people are gonna disagree especially when some of it's subjective so I just wanted to make that publicly available so people could see sort of what's going on that's gonna be linked below and another thing that I think could have introduced some error is just the 70 people I use to crowdsource this data it was too much to classify myself and I didn't have enough people interested in classifying to have a second round of people double-checking the first groups work ideally that's what it would have happened I just didn't have enough interest on the second channel maybe after this video people will be more interested in working on crowdsource projects like this but that's a limitation of the data set final limitation of the data set is that look this is a very limited window of time this is from November 2017 to June 2018 is it the best look of the training time we've ever had yes but do conclusions that were from history based on a year ago are they relevant to today I would argue that they are but you can't draw that strong of conclusions so what I want to say here is that I'm aware that the algorithm changes I'm aware that it's dynamic so just bear in mind that the current state of affairs could be very different from what the state of affairs we saw a year ago you know whatever now let's talk about data visualization and analysis so one of the first things we had to do with this data set was we realized that a lot of videos trend over multiple days so they would show up multiple times in our data set because the bots would pick him up you know Thursday and then it also pick him up Friday Saturday Sunday so we decided to do was remove duplicates and we remove them such that only the first time it appeared on trending was what we captured and collected that way we could find out how many views did they have when they first appeared on trending on that note one of the assumptions we sort of make is that all videos who appear on trending their views when captured where their views when they start a training of course this is not exactly true a video could have started trending at 12 a.m. and then only been seen on our data set at 9:00 a.m. when it was collected so there's a margin of error there as well I think it's rather small but just be aware that that happens it's plus or minus like 24 hours I guess of when our BOTS picked it up versus when it was trending also because we only collected once a day there may be some videos that sort of slip through the cracks just be aware of that like if they got on at 10:00 a.m. so our BOTS wouldn't have collected it and they got off at 11:00 p.m. that night we would have never seen that on our data set so that's a limitation as well but I don't see many solutions to this other than collecting like every hour on the hour and I think that's just way too data intensive plus YouTube's data API limits the number of requests you can pull so I'm not even sure that's a feasible project I just wanted to state that this is a limitation of our data set now let's talk about data visualization so now that we have our channels classified and we have our unique values now what we want to know is you know let's visualize this in some meaningful way so what I was interested in is like the channels that are excelling so I decided to check how many times is a channel trend like 0 10 15 20 whatever and then what's their average views when we catch them on trending so what's their barrier to trending that's the graph you guys saw in the first video but one thing I'll note is that some videos were not actually caught on that graph because they were so high up in the y-axis I think david dobrik for example like wasn't on our dataset cuz he was at 17 million views before trending or whatever and what was happening is our our y-axis was so squished because it was trying to account for these like for these channels that were in the stratosphere all of those channels like only trend once or twice but we decided to trim that side of the axis because we realized okay it's gonna limit the your ability to even see visually what what else is going on here if we include that so we trimmed some outlier examples only-- on the y-axis just to make the data more readable that's just something I've got to be upfront about one thing that I don't think I mentioned in the main video we also size the bubbles according to how many subscribers they had that was like a cool way of trying to find out does the number of subscribers you have make it harder for you to trend like does the number of scribers you have mean that you need more views before you get on training and the answer to that turns out to be no because we see all those traditional media like ESPN CNN The Colbert Fallon Kimmel all of them have well into the millions of views and they're trending with only like 500,000 to a million views so so clearly this does not seriously impact your ability to trend at low numbers but now let's talk about some things that might drive trend ability because I know in the video all I talked about was views and obviously there's a lot more that could drive trend ability maybe you have your pet hypothesis for why some people trend some people don't and I tried to test a few common common examples and common thoughts to get an idea and none of them really worked but let's run through them anyway so one thing I thought was interesting is does comments or likes or dislikes some variable that's not views have something to do with whether you trend and the answer to that seems to be no because what we find is that views are highly correlated with all those values so like if you get a certain number of views you're really likely to get some proportion maybe 10% of those in likes 0.1% of them in dislikes you know etc so if likes and comments and dislikes were a factor they would just be linked to views and we don't see views as being too important of a factor to predict if someone trends on that note like when I say views don't matter that much for training because I don't think they do let me give you an example okay so one channel that I found as an example for this is The Associated Press who have who trend with really low numbers but what I found interesting is a not just you know their numbers because I thought well maybe they just have a fast growth rate and they just get on training early like maybe they just get all their views really fast and they jump on trending maybe it has nothing maybe it's there's no conspiracy whatever so here here's the Associated Press the times they trend it's seven times in total and what's weird is like some of these like they trend with literally less than a thousand views I don't know if you can see that they trend with less than at 748 videos when they trended with the raw 7 South Carolina deputies one officer shot they turned to 748 videos but what's weird about it and what I find strange is that it was public on the 16th so it shows what time it's published 16th of what is that January January 2018 but when it actually trended was the 18th so it's it was two days old two days old when it trends with 700 views 748 views in two days and it's on trend that's what I mean like views don't seem to matter in some instances for trin ability because it's like people are trending they're not trending till they have 17 million views and some people are trending when they have 700 views over two days so it's it's really bizarre honestly some of some of these channels that are trending it's really bizarre and theirs doesn't seem to be any Silver Bullet that makes the answers for all the facts the other kind of myth or thought that I thought I'd test out is whether the median number of views that a channel gets has anything to do with how many views they need to trend my thought was I think even PewDiePie echoed this thought but it was a thought that I have that maybe like let's say coffee breaks average video does 10,000 views maybe four coffee break to trend I only need a hundred thousand views because it's like ten fold YouTube realizes I'm doing super well for my channel so then they turn that video and that would make up for the fact that sometimes creators like PewDiePie he'll get you know 10 million views on a video and it won't trend and it's like why and this could explain it because it would be like oh well he always gets 5 million views so really his videos only doing 2 times better than it normally does so to test this I had a Twitter user who I will link right here use the YouTube data API again to go ahead and pull the last 100 videos from all the creators that we see on trending and so the idea there would be like okay let's check of their average views when trending against how many views do they normally get what's their median views of about a hundred videos it took like a hundred videos for a sample size and we took the ratio and my hope was that you'd see consistently like a video has to do 10 times better than its normal performance than a channels normal performance for it to trend unfortunately there was no relationship here at all you had a ratios of a hundred like videos I do a hundred times better you have ratios of 0.5 we're like the doing half as well as it's normal normal comparison video and it's training so there doesn't seem to be any relationship there that was confusing I thought that would for sure be like a really good insight the final thing that I thought of was I know YouTube often parrots the line that hey we're not checking out what's trending on YouTube were checking out what's churning around the world so my thought was maybe we can check Google Trends which shows you how often a certain keyword gets searched and we can check that and we can say okay if something's getting searched a lot it's more likely to trend so for this I checked out the channel refinery29 which is sort of a an outlier in our project it trended about 40 times over a very specific window of time about three months it was very strange trending circumstances so I thought okay let's check out the Google Trends searches for refinery29 and when you do that unfortunately we don't get a great take care because they Trin it about between November when we first saw them start to trend but and then we saw them trend to about March in that time frame we don't see them search that often on Google and so my conclusion all I only did a very preliminary look at this kind of thing I didn't see a strong relationship with a channel being like super likely to train it turns a whole lot I didn't see a relationship between that and then being searched a lot more on Google now all of this being said I know that a lot of you are sort of gonna be like oh you could have done so much more there's so much more to explore here and to that I totally agree this was a preliminary research at best and I look forward to passing the baton on to other people who can do further research into this I didn't want to dive too deep into the Nitty Gritty of what some sometimes I think my audience isn't too interested in but I did want to get a good glimpse of like just so I could understand how does trending work but I'm not gonna pretend that this is the end-all be-all take on this obviously YouTube's promised to change their algorithm obviously there's a lot more work to do here especially in other countries so I kind of pass it off to you if you'd like to do more research in this I left my Jupiter notebooks which has all the code to how all our graphs were created as well as the fact that I left Michell jollies data set in the description below so you have literally everything you need to recreate all my data my all my graphs all my data you have all the data sets for all these countries and you have the way to basically generate these charts for any country you so choose so if you're youtuber out there you're looking for something fun to explore I'd really recommend you take on this topic I think there's so much that I didn't cover there's so much more to do here and I just wanted to get the conversation sort of rolling on this also I almost forgot go check out Ryan Hunter's website Fair trending let me show you that right now Fair trending is a website which is an objective ranking of the most popular videos you can if you go to the learn more it explains exactly how it does it it's a transparent algorithm which is really cool I found to be really neat and yeah it was it was made by Ryan Hunter I talked with him I asked him some questions about training and he's an amazing guy I know the site is still being worked on but I'm really excited to see what he does with this I think this could be a really cool place for for youtubers to go to see what's really going on the other thing I want to talk about is algo transparency this is a website started by what's-his-name I don't know how to say his name yet gear made choiceless I'm so sorry man did I butchered your name he's an ex-googler who started this website that's devoted to basically figuring out how the recommended algorithm works sort of through the method of looking at black boxes that I talked about which is because we don't know exactly how it works instead we just look at output and then start making inferences with when we collect enough data so this is a really cool website this is just sort of on the in line with thinking about YouTube algorithms so check this out it will show you how many channels are recommending different parts of YouTube and one of my favorite things is he actually maps out a lot of oh man it's so much dpi he maps out a lot of them of how YouTube works like and what who's being recommended to what and so this is the music part this is cars but basically basically you can see he's tried to see what channel's reckon what other channels so like popular MMO is linked to FG TV which is linked to gameplay which is linked dan dan the man anyway this is really cool stuff if if if you like following people follow him on Twitter or go check out his website algo transparency org alright yeah amen listen to the record space send him from straight smacking of the ward I was on the plane and the stewardess said that's foolishness so for that beat I came with
if you saw my last video then you already know that I've been working on building an ECS and go I wanted to test how my ECS does in a real world situation and see how it compares to other implementations of the same logic first let's come up with a benchmark physics is something I haven't made a video about so let's build a really simple physics simulation we'll have a bunch of circles bouncing around on the screen let's make the random sizes and if they collide with each other too many times we'll delete them for every Circle we delete we'll spawn a new Circle that way we'll have a relatively constant number of circles during The Benchmark we can break this Benchmark up into three Loops that need to run first we need to move the circles second we check collisions between circles deleting the ones with too many collisions third and finally we spawn new circles randomly this will test the ecs's ability to keep its arrays tightly packed when the entities are being moved deleted and added as a side note this won't test the ecs's performance when individual components are being added or removed we'll have to save that experiment for another day now that we have a benchmark we just need to code it multiple times and compare I wanted a clickbait headline like go verse rust so I guess we'll have to compare my ECS against the popular rust ECS Bevy let's start coding all right now that I've read about 200 pages on how to write rust programs let's try that again rust is a really interesting language and I'm excited to learn more about it but I spent way more time than I care to admit playing around with the borrow Checker I was also able to get some very useful insights from chat turns out that we did pretty poorly at 10 000 entities bubbling around we took about 35 milliseconds per frame whereas Bevy took 18 milliseconds almost twice as slow let's see if we can catch up a bit first let's establish an optimization Target the fastest way to iterate over an array is in a for Loop if we give each circle infinite health so that they're never deleted we can measure the native performance of the system this should be pretty close to our Max Speed I'm going to call this the native performance as you can tell from the Native Benchmark my go code ran faster than my rust code I'll let you read into this result as much as you want but one thing to keep in mind is that I'm much better at programming the go away than I am the rust way so a small performance penalty caused by that makes sense to me I'm going to assume a more competent rest programmer could match my go Benchmark so I'll reduce the native performance flow to a single yellow line the good news is that we have a lot of room for improvement the bad news is that we're going to have to open up the assembly I hope you brought your x86 reference manual I don't do this very much so I'm just going to dump the ASM into a text file and view it that way I'm sure there's better ways to view assembly but I definitely don't know them it took a lot of assembly reading but I was able to find one interesting thing because go is a memory safe language it does array balance checking on every index operation this is a good thing for safety d as it will let our program read or write memory addresses that are outside the bounds of our array but performance wise it does cause some impact especially in situations where you have to Loop an enormous amount of times after some research I was able to find a good blog post about bounce check elimination and go which describes some techniques that hint to the go compiler that some balance checks are unnecessary in my case I have several arrays that are all the same length and I need to iterate over all of them because my for Loop only specifies one array what we can do is add a pre-check which verifies that all of the arrays are the same length after that pre-check the compiler will know that all arrays are the same length and won't do any bounce checking inside our for Loop go has a nice command to detect where bounce checks are able to be eliminated here's the new result with our bounce check elimination changes implemented the next performance Improvement I actually discovered by accident while refactoring I moved a small segment of code into its own function which ended up making my benchmarks run a lot slower the reason in lining after the code was moved to its own function I had to rely on the go compiler to inline it unfortunately the function was a bit too complex and go only inline simple functions more specifically only small all functions with no closures and no defer recover or select statements can be inlined here's a helpful command to check which functions the go compiler will try to inline because my ECS code is written as a map method where a callback function is passed in to be executed on every index of the array and lighting becomes very challenging I think I'll have to switch over to for loop-based iterators to get my next performance jump in other languages writing iterators is fairly common but from what I've seen in go there exists no good way to do it even with generics I've been struggling to come up with a good way to build an iterator it turns out that go uses what's called GC shape stenciling for its generics implementation how it works is fairly simple for every unique type that needs to be passed into a function go will box that type send it to the function and then unbox it with the unboxed value the generic code can now be executed this is stenciled based on the GC shape of the underlying type so things that are type aliases will share the same GC shape causing them to share the same set of generic functions the other end of the spectrum is monomorphization which you can think of as simply copy pasting the original function for every type implementation needed monomorphization leads to slower compile times because of the extra pasting but also leads to faster execution times because the monomorphicized functions are easier to inline and don't contain the overhead of GC shape boxing I'll leave an article in the description for a more detailed explanation after a ton of experiments the best iterator I could come up with without sacrificing performance was to Simply leak the underlying data set to the user in the form of a slice so that they could iterate over it in a for loop it's pretty nasty looking but here it is on the bright side though it comes with an impressive performance boost overall we actually came pretty close to our goal of near native performance I think if go provided a way to implement native performance iterators I'd actually be pretty happy with this result up until now we've been using circles with infinite health so nothing gets deleted let's do a final comparison of my go ECS versus Bevy and we'll do it with differing amounts of collision Health we can also see how it scales by bumping up the entity count I hope you enjoyed this little experiment I ran though not fully featured yet I'm fairly happy with how my ECS library is turning out there's obviously still some room for improvement but Rome wasn't built in the day and neither was my library
[Music] previously on dug dug there is a car swimming in the road look out road shark why is there a shark why is there a shark we are on dry land okay let me tell you why you're here you're here because you know something what you know you can't explain but you feel it you've felt it your entire life that there's something wrong with the world you don't know what it is but it's there like a splinter in your mind driving you mad it is this feeling that has brought you to me do you know what i'm talking about do you want to know what it is the sharks is everywhere it is all around us even now in this very room you can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television you can feel it when you go to work when you go to church when you pay your taxes unfortunately no one can be told what sharks is you have to see yourself hello everybody what's up what's happening today we're gonna play gta 5 street races i should i haven't booted anything up in today's lesson we will discuss gta 5 street races are easy they're really not very hard you you win first place like without much effort so today we're going to beat 10 modded street races but the mods get increasingly difficult i won't combine literally everything but i'll try to get pretty much all the good parts [Music] uh all right we beat level eight we need to figure out level nine and then level ten is everything combined because i agree that sounds very funny anyways let's move on to number nine uh creating planes and [ __ ] [Music] the slower you are the more time the more obstacles spawn in front of you wait so you're saying like wait so like the faster i'm moving the more planes spawn no it should be like if i'm moving faster it gets more dangerous right even though i just said that's less cool uh okay let me recap we're making one more level or cut deciding what one more level is uh spawning planes in the air i think is a cool idea we can also mess with fov but if we spawn planes above double dug in the front everything you do on youtube and twitch i'm happy to see you streaming on my birthday today hey happy birthday and maybe sharks uh so what should this be like slow equals okay so first let's just start with spawning planes in front of me let's see what this looks like and then from here we can adjust late and then we then we could make it you know more of them spawn depending on how fast you're moving or something like that i hope thank you limbo dragon i'm doing great all right well there's our first airplane so every five seconds we should see it up here oh okay all right so we're where right about there so if we're driving let's let's say we're driving let's see so we're going along oh no i hit somebody in the street race okay well the blimp is this is too narrow of a street right now i think it's gotta be a little farther forward oh it could the forward back vector could be multiplied by my speed oh that's cool so if i'm going pretty fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a little it's like not far enough it needs to be further forward i feel like i mean we we could get really fancy with it but i feel like oftentimes with these things just doing a simple number ends up working better okay what about this it's pretty far in front of me but then but like that gives me a split second to actually deal with it right i do we don't want it just like immediately hitting me yeah we could do like 40. i agree it's a little far okay so that's 40 distance in front of me [Music] room okay i think this is pretty good [Music] no i think it's got to be 50 because if i'm moving too fast i'll just like drive under it i can use the plane armageddon mod um the issue i want to make my own plane again because the plane to get in like the planes all fall in a different area they don't really land like where i currently am i'm making it myself so we can guarantee i actually have to dodge them see like that's annoying that's like that's a problem i feel like 50 is good i'll do 45. um okay and then the other question is we want to figure out how many of them there are and that could be related to uh [Music] so we can do how about random between one and five oh or a random number of sharks i like where your heads at so we do int number of sharks so number of sharks is going be uh random jan dot next we're gonna be looking a number from one shark to a hundred sharks all right so it should spawn right around the plane that'll be nice yeah that way it's it is sharknado so what we'll do i think one [Music] plane one plane and random sharks let's see what it looks like [Music] uh what oh it didn't compile i have 39 errors you guys jesus i hate when there's sharks in my code uh all right so now show me sharp oh it turned into a shark sorry [Music] let me try this let me spread them out a bit more [Music] i don't know i don't know about the sharks you guys so dumb it's not good this is not a good addition i don't think the shark i don't think i don't think we need sharks i'm gonna be honest i don't feel like it makes any [ __ ] sense at all you know it's next to silly don't test it i'm trying this hold on this might help why why are the sharks like spawning on me i just keep getting one shark on me no [Music] i don't know plane's fine sharks just really don't want to spawn okay what if it's not a shark is it is the problem that it's a shark what if it's a cow maybe sharks like just don't spawn correctly in midair i like it's just been a long day so i kind of like phased out after i reloaded and i did not remember that i just created a mod where a cow would fall from the sky um okay don't worry guys it's strawberry jam i don't know why the cows aren't working or sorry the sharks the sea cows just copy the cow mod yeah i don't understand why yeah i could just do that okay let's get some sharks up in here you got lucky sharks oh okay guys the sharks don't add much just need more sharks i just don't think the sharks are not the sharks aren't working they're not adding anything let's see how this looks okay all right i have a compromise i will probably make this a youtube video this stream um i will how about this all all the the whole less the this guy what am i saying this level is just the plane spawning in front of me and we have to dodge the plane i feel like that's enough um but i will also spawn a bunch of sharks behind me so that if we get by the time i get to the second lap um there's just a lot of sharks and nobody mentioned all right it'll just be yours since you're here only you guys will understand why there's sharks all over the map the second time we have to see if we can fit more sharks in the world uh and that will be good so it'll make this should make five sharks behind me in a line stupid beast there's a lot going on all right so every five seconds i should sort of get like a shark tail oh they're cows again [Music] more sharks per tail well my concern is that we will like break the game with sharks see that's pretty good [Music] i need them to start a little ways behind me because like what i want is that like during me racing people do not know that their sharks up up until the second lap and then and then there are suddenly sharks everywhere [Music] that's that looks pretty good okay um and then you guys on in youtube just be sure whenever this comes out just make it leave a youtube comment anybody else see all those sharks you can call it out because probably there will be too many planes going on is there a way to mod so every time the shark spawn no the sharks are supposed to be a secret it's just you and me right now this is a cool little easter egg because you're here for the programming part of the stream that we know we're jamming like hundreds of sharks into gta 5. nobody else is supposed to know that you have to mark them as no longer needed otherwise they just stay there i mean i don't think [Music] yeah that should be all i need to do i mean here we can test it all right okay this plane we're in front of this uh all right sharks are here the plane when i go really far away should disappear but the sharks should stay and we'll test this okay so the planes were were marked for delete meaning that uh once we're done with the planes they should disappear however the sharks were not as you can see the planes are no longer here but the sharks are so when we're when we're coming back for lap two oh wait i should actually i should do that to the planes as well mark not mark them as no longer needed the issue there is guys i have one shot at this or the game will be full of sharks and planes right like it's when i if i die and it restarts they will all still be there [Music] all right i think we're ready you better not lose all right [Music] all right everybody act shocked act shocked to be like what level nine and there's no sharks at all this is a surprise to me and i'm definitely not expecting sharks yeah everybody just nobody can comment what during the race on the sharks nobody in twitch chat level nine is planes spawn in front of my car every five seconds [Music] wow incredible ain't no rule says a shark can't play basketball [Music] i will i will literally have to restart the game if i die like more than once or twice you want me to ban the word shark no no honor system honor system but like if anybody in chat mentions a shark everyone else has to be like in all caps like [Music] look it's like twitch chat plays we could just ban the word shark but the enjoyment of it comes from us uniting together and agreeing that we're not gonna say shark or acknowledge the sharks all right get the mod ready let me get the [Music] plane mod ready [Music] wait you know never mind shark sharks can't drive sharks can't drive a car scratch that idea then [Music] i mean sorry i mean oh the game crash the game crashed that was weird this is not my coupe that's my coop [Music] all right with this one it's gonna be all about dodging planes once i see them in the mid air i have to actually swerve out of the way before they connect with me if i do that [Music] let's go [Music] okay that actually worked pretty bad ashley we're fine and let's check behind see what the competition looks like man these oh these planes are super hard to dodge oh man the competition's way behind now honestly not too much of a challenge so far [Music] okay [Applause] okay um man there's a little plane over there um a lot of playing little baby planes on the road um i am in four definitely still salvageable this isn't that hard i gotta make more planes or make it more often we could do every like two seconds this is separate from um right it's just this isn't that hard so let me fail this on purpose and set it to every second um [Music] let's do it second lap is the real test yeah that's true but it still just does not feel like it's that much they're not turned to perma as long as i don't say that it's not needed it is perma by default it's perma oh wait [ __ ] but they're all going to be there right now we'll be fine all right all of these are already permanent that's fine here we go everybody ready all right level nine plain spot in front of me every one second god is it working i'm not seeing them this does not feel like one second [Music] there we go okay i gotta restart it now it's actually working all right everybody [Music] level nine we're almost there one plane every second as long as i dodge him i'm good my car's broken let me get a new car that's fine now i did set the planes so that they don't despawn so every single lap it's gonna get harder that's just desperate man okay yeah this is fine so these are some big um i think as long as i dodge them even on the second lap there probably will not be too much debris if we look behind me [Music] as long as there's a gap underneath the planes i should be fine really the stop sign i basically i can't get stuck [ __ ] all right we're fine planes only [Music] are your game crashed no no it's fine here we go hey take it easy i'm gonna have to like go around okay we're turning around but there are so many little planes over here [Music] oh i think we're at the limit i even i can't get to that checkpoint i don't think [Music] good night okay we got okay we're at the limit it can't spawn anymore we we gotta we i gotta restart it i gotta restart the game it's gotta start without any planes like otherwise they're literally not gonna be spawning right now finish the race there's nothing happening there's no challenge now well there's stump challenge we're full of planes and sharks yeah nothing's happening nothing's happening it was boring there are no sharks but seriously there's no shark spawning oh sorry i gotta reset the game so this is what i mean though we get i get like one [ __ ] right exactly one shirt i get like one shot and then and then we got it and we gotta leave i will actually this is what makes it hard it's not that the challenge is gonna be that difficult [Music] it's that i get one shot why do you keep bringing up sharks no no i'm saying i keep saying that there aren't any sharks i'm just pointing out that there aren't sharks right now in the game why would there be sharks exactly we're look we're on the same page here right there's no reason for sharks to be there right it's not about right it's not about race we're on the same page i don't know why anybody who watches this later on youtube would think that there are sharks baby planes do do baby planes do baby planes do do do do do baby planes they're so cute i love how um they're just little like model planes you know for people to to use not that i saw them anyways all right so let's so this is the start [Music] of level nine hi marvin marvin uh did you just join we're doing uh a mod where planes are gonna spawn in front of me and i have to dodge them we're talking about doing some other crazy stuff like making it snow or other things but it's just planes [Music] why are people talking about shocks yeah i don't know just got here was helping a friend move furniture nice we're just uh doing a little plane modding without sharks doug we can eliminate the sharks if you tell us what happened september 27th 2018. i don't know what any of the words of this means [Music] less than three i don't understand a single word that you just said thanks granny granny o's used to take me to the aquarium they had this incredible exhibit with all these really big fish [Music] here we go level 9. let's see what we've got if i dodge these planes i got this all right some little ones to start with that's what i want basically as long as big ones don't spawn in a group then we should be okay dodging them later on as well like that's an issue this is fine i also don't want to get stuck at any point because that'll create a cluster really fast [Music] oh my god time does not slow down for my mod if i'm in slow motion i like do not want to spend time in slow motion [Applause] [Music] all right so far so good and if we look behind us at the competition actually going really well second laps can be harder [ __ ] a lot of planes a lot there's gonna be a whole bunch of big planes small planes on the bridge you know what i can do is kind of swerve i can swerve to reduce the chances that they'll end up in the middle of the street because they're always gonna aim in front of where my car is facing so see this i'm gonna make a big wide turn here to maximize the odds of them being off the road [Applause] okay [Music] strong lap one strong lap one now is the hard part [Applause] now all the all the planes that are stacked up from before are just gonna be laying around and i have to dodge [Applause] okay fortunately the small ones i can mostly get through jesus christ no no no no okay this is bad okay don't blow up on me don't blow up on me do not blow up on me okay and we're good we're out of there [Music] [ __ ] that was just dumb no no no no no am i on fire okay not on fire i'm smoking though act [ __ ] how much time do i have if i'm on fire [Music] dude how much time do i have [Music] hey doug why do the small planes have strawberry jam in them it's the new uh safety protocol if i press e i'll try to delete everything around me so i could do this without having to restart the game okay if i press e hopefully things uh go away wait i need to build there's so many goddamn planes through one i mean i literally think there's like one chance before this game freezes like we're we're definitely hitting the vehicle limit and pedestrian limit not that we're spawning any pedestrians but like it's it's bad dude what sharks i didn't say shark i was talking about planes exactly no sharks we're on the same page what we often do in my stream is we talk about what we are doing and then we clarify what things are not involved still be like oh australia australia's not involved with this challenge oh um my eighth my eighth grade uh band they're not involved sharks there aren't sharks right and we'll just kind of go through a full list of what is not happening this is a one-shot kind of challenge here is lebron james involved no and way to clarify thanks thanks for bringing that up it's a good point yeah why don't everybody just kind of list out things that aren't involved right now steve jobs yeah because he's dead [Music] and pro frankly he probably wouldn't have been involved either way wait steve jobs is dead sorry spoiler alert [Music] mayonnaise involved no no i think we've covered most things that are not involved uh now we're ready to just focus on the only things that are which is planes hey doug first stream what's up dance barbecues welcome to this stream we uh we're spawning planes and uh and then there's a whole bunch of things we're not gonna spawn [Music] don't just don't nobody read this okay all right all the joking and stuff aside one shot one shot in the game crashes to clarify for people who like aren't clear what's going on there's gonna be a plane that spawns in front of me every single second and they are permanent they do not despawn which means even if i die they're still all going to be there and the game doesn't seem to like that and so really i get one shot two laps the second lap is where i have to deal with all the planes and [ __ ] let's go [Music] that's a big one all right okay okay so remember i said one shot you know what [ __ ] all right go quick go quick go go go go go should be fine she'll be fine [Music] what are these small flush plates doing here i don't remember spotting these come on get in there get in there get in there michael wait for now now we go [Music] all right beautiful and okay a lot of planes off the bat i'm going to ramp off of this fin check it out [ __ ] dude [Music] i'm not i might have to go around [Music] well this is weird i don't remember spawning all these flames all right all right here we go here we go here we go [Music] okay let's go level nine spawning planes here we go get out of the way we do not have time for this there's planes all right i'm gonna use special power when i need to but it's always a risk because that means more planes lap one needs to be done as fast as possible [Music] oh my god [Music] [ __ ] no no no no this is bad wait no i can spawn them over here nice i'll take that i'll take that [Applause] oh my god this is a [ __ ] mess okay that guy's trapped at least i need to use superpower more all right so far so good flap two is where it gets real [ __ ] bad [Music] oh i thought i could get under that i thought i could get under that no checkpoint checkpoint checkpoint checkpoints got it got it got it got it we're good we're good we're good all right all right still lap one [Music] now lap two this is where it's gonna start to get a little crazy the issue with the planes is that if there's too much rubble that covers up the road and i just can't pass i'll have to go all the way around for a checkpoint [Music] it looks like we may have hit the plane limit [Music] so the question is can i actually get can i actually get through what is here currently there's just a shitload of planes already literally as many as the game can handle they're everywhere okay i think as they despawn from exploding new ones might appear wait wait i'm in third how the [ __ ] are the ais getting through this i don't understand all right so that exploded that might mean a new one soon [Music] ladies and gentlemen we have packed as many planes as you can fit into a gta 5 world we just might win a street race oh [ __ ] they're actually catching up no no no no no okay okay last stretch needs to actually be played really well how the [ __ ] do i get through this swerve right through the checkpoint through both planes around oh my god under the front around the back around the front and now we coast it all the way home ladies and gentlemen oh my god no no no no no no no no no i can't move it i can't no no no no no no no no no yes i said about one i think wait it said i passed you only pass if you win was that a civilian car [Music] i lapped him yes i kicked some ass dude [Music] [Music] so many airplanes dude at the end there was that one super heavy airplane that like hit into and i was going forward and just could not move it [Music] that was badass [ __ ] yeah i'm happy to say that we can move move on from the plane by now come on everybody let's go make breakfast [Music] honey i'm home honey i've done some remodeling i've made the pool more authentic okay [Music] dude he's swimming out of the kitchen i can't i mean sorry he's flying out of the kitchen [Music] jimmy's trying to get fit yeah and i should only be really loading right now this isn't exactly planes don't swim yeah yeah of course they don't [Music] all right i am excited to see what youtube does with that um i'll try to add like a lot of voiceover that's like it's like really talking about the strategy with the planes this is not anyways uh okay that was level nine which means it's time for level ten everything as much stuff as i can reasonably combine all at once no sharks though you hear that youtube no sharks [Music] so [Music] why do you guys want this do you want to see anything like i could just i could just put a picture on screen if you guys don't want to watch me or the cars or the game there are other options in fact you don't even have to watch my stream you guys do just like this is what you want
let me tell you something about coved how do i say this all right you know how covent has like millions of cases it's like everybody's getting it i thought for something so popular it would be more fun it sucked i don't i don't get why it's popular at all i i wish i had never chosen to get it it's like it's jus it's there's no upside like i didn't i i don't know it's like one of those movies where everyone seems to like it and i don't get it i was like what is the all this it's just me like i can't i can't breathe i can't [ __ ] smell or taste i'm coughing a lot this what's fun about this i just i didn't get it i felt like totally it was like the dude it's the dune of viruses it is colvin 19 is the dune of viruses i'll be the brave one to say it i'll be the one to say it i don't get it yeah i don't get it maybe it's it's just not [ __ ] it's not for me it's not for me i know everyone seems to love it i know it's [ __ ] more popular than ever but i didn't i didn't seem to get it i was it wasn't like dude i felt crazy i was walking around in public with no mask obviously and i was like man everyone else seems to love coming and i i'm not getting it i'm not enjoying it um [Laughter] the dune of viruses is a good way to describe coven um how are you guys doing i'm doing pretty well man i feel so good now i feel so much [ __ ] better than i did a few days ago oh covey not fun that's my first piece of advice if any of you were like me you were like well i gotta see what the hype's about i gotta see what everyone's [ __ ] talking about i don't wanna be left out of the water cooler conversations i wanna get it um i would recommend not doing that it sucked it it it sucked my code experience was terrible yeah i mean i don't know i just really did enjoy i haven't i have two covet stories i'm gonna tell today i have one story that i'm not sure i've even told or if i have it was like my first month streaming so no one's gonna know it i have a story from when covid first appeared a sort of patient zero situation i got a code for that and then i have a story for when i actually got covered this past uh week and a half two weeks um big a is back in a big way a [ __ ] men 2022 uh officially dubbed the year of atrialk i didn't name it that's just that's what the stars say the stars say it's the year of a truck that's what it is it's it's it's what it's going to be and you're going to want to be here you're going to want to be around for this um because it's a it's a game changer of a year evan gow hey can we get a [ __ ] i don't have the button wait everybody there's a man i thought was as gone as i was um you know that's why i came back by the way i [ __ ] i i was like you know what kobe gives me a perfect excuse to never stream again let's get the [ __ ] out of here but then i thought about it i was like what about the poor leeches there's an ecosystem what about the poor leeches i have to [ __ ] i have to stay alive so they can lease there's not a leech off of um so i decided to come back uh anyway evan gao i hope you're doing well i know that you uh took a break from consecration because of your mental health and i hope you're doing well um you're still on covet leap no i didn't i didn't even break from work you guys know that i've been working with covid i am a hero i don't i listen someone's got to say it and i know that everyone else will already will i've been working but it's [ __ ] not easy out here because ces happens in two days i couldn't stop working but i'm back baby i'm back and i'm better than ezra uh uh dude you're gonna get your co-workers sick no it's all digital come on so if you guys wanna know how i got covered it's a pretty funny story how i got covered anyways you guys like to know how i got covered it's actually uh it's a shocker all right so i was spending my tuesday doing what most people do i dressed head to toe as heath ledger's the joker and i would go around to local grocery stores okay and i would point at everyone wearing a mask and i would say society i would basically just say we live in a society is what i would say and i would point at their mask and so you know that's a normal thing to do and i've done that all throughout the pandemic no problem and then i had this new thing where i would put on a mask and then i would say you know how i got these scars and i would take the mask off and the scars would line up with the with the straps of the mask and i would say wearing this and uh and i was getting so close to people's faces when i do that i was getting so close to people's faces and eventually one guy just coughed he just coughed right in my face and i saluted him of course obviously because he was doing god's work but it turns out hey psychic thing for the right oh my god though and who that's in chat i knew i had to come back i knew they the leeches missed me i knew it um the whole gang's here anyway um so i was doing that and unfortunately coughed on me and so i got the vid as uh as as as vader's call it once you've had it you're in a special club let me tell you something once you've had covet you're you're you see things a little bit differently okay i don't uh you guys are like let me use a term that's very cool you're like muggles okay you're just not you're not in the world like we are all right do you understand that once you've had the vid you're a bitter it's like you you've you've just gone to the other side of the of the veil they keep on you so now i've had it and it sucked [Music] really um wait let me tell i okay let me tell you two code stories i got two comment stories that are slightly more real than the joker one uh you're in bed with code right now dude i [ __ ] don't envy you oh the beginning of this the the getting it was the worst it was bad for four or five days and then it got better pretty quick but those four five days were just [ __ ] miserable gonna get coveted so i can become a gryffindor it's not a it's not exactly how it works but i like your i like your attitude i like your attitude it's not it's not one-to-one you had covid yes yes i had the [ __ ] stream title for five days was like gone with covid i came back my title says i lived through coven i'm talking about nothing but coven for the first 20 minutes what what the [ __ ] is everyone you what you had covey when's the slytherin strain coming out uh okay so let me tell you my covet stories the first one takes place at the very beginning of the pandemic oh you guys to flash your minds back to 2020 the beginning like may when it march march 2020 is when they first started seeing you start seeing the news there's this thing coveted coming out of china there's only one or two cases over here two years ago yeah that's right march it was march yeah march 20. was it 2019 or 2020 [ __ ] hope it's been forever it's 2020 right dude i don't even remember it was 20 20. jeez january february anyway okay yeah so yeah december 2018 was when it first started being talked about but nobody started getting it in america until like march basically early early early 2020 okay and that's when they started doing lockdowns and stuff yeah lockdown okay that's exactly right okay so all right so yeah so i had just started doing um basically the end of that last year and the beginning of 2020 i had gotten a trainer at my gym this guy named ben okay and ben was my trainer and so i would go in like twice or three times a week and he would really [ __ ] beat my ass because i really wanted to get fit and that wasn't been sw it was this guy named ben he's kind of a kind of a wiry but shredded um dude i don't know all right so he's beating my ass all right so i go in one day in march and i had been hearing this stuff on the news about covet covets in china it might come over here there's a few confirmed cases in america blah blah blah this is the very beginning like tom hanks maybe just had gotten it and they were starting to talk about lockdowns okay so i go in for training and this guy ben is like hey i got something different for you today oh baby brandon i got something different for your ass today and i was like okay uh sure fine whatever i'm here to train whatever how can it be he's like come out back now we never go out back in general i always work out in the gym he's like no we're gonna go out in the backyard of the gym okay why he has set up in the backyard of the gym a [ __ ] obstacle course like a [ __ ] um like i have to flip a tire i have to push a thing i gotta jump over a thing i gotta do pull-ups and then there's like at the very end of it was this thing called the [ __ ] pit shark he called the pitch shark i don't even remember in my mind it's like a torture device i only did it this one time so i can barely even remember it now but it was essentially like i had to put two chains on each arm and like squat this giant thing around me and carry i don't know it was called the pitch shark i don't know what the hell it was it was difficult okay so he's like all right i'm like oh sorry i have to do this and he's like no no no you have to do this over and over again for the whole session so it's like 45 minutes to an hour and i'm like okay um you understand that i'm a gamer do you have any like light jazzer size i could like you understand that i'm a video gamer like i don't i am i first of all i'm 6 000 years old secondly i play mostly video games like i pay you so that you can make me do light exercise and then tell me i'm doing a good job that's why i want a trainer i don't want actual hard classes and but ben was [ __ ] fired up ben ben had been really working on this [ __ ] thing and so he's like no you're gonna do this and i have this thing because i come from a military family and it's one of the reasons i spent the money on this trainer to begin with is like i work out a lot more when someone's yelling at me like like let's go let's go let's go i don't know why i don't know why that motivates me so much but i can't i can't stop it's like it's really weird like if by myself i will quit easy but when somebody goes like let's go let's go come on keep it going i i don't i don't know what it is but i i can't stop so that's why i did it and so he takes out his stopwatch he's like are you gonna do as many as you can in 20 minutes we're taking a quick break and then 20 20 minutes more and he starts timer and i'm going and i'm [ __ ] lifting and i'm running and i'm pushing and i'm flipping the tire and every time i try to slow down he's like let's go let's go let's go and i just don't my brain is like [ __ ] i can't let him down i can't let him down i can't stop not bad i can't let him down so i keep going i'm pushing i'm pushing i'm pushing i get the pitch shark the pitch shark almost breaks my legs i'm squatting the pitcher and i want to cry i'm gonna do it i do the whole thing 20 minutes i'm 100 dead i'm like i fall on the floor he's like all right good job good job a little bit break you do it again [ __ ] you man [ __ ] you ben i don't pay for this is paying for torture i don't want to do this whatever the break the break goes through he starts turning again i do it again at the end of it on the last pitch i literally collapse so the last 20 minutes we do it again i get another [ __ ] five rounds in i get the last pitch and i literally collapse my i like [ __ ] fall on the ground he's like all right he's like all right you're good you're good hey good workout today and i'm like i can't even breathe i slapped his head uh he's like you good and i don't want to seem like a [ __ ] you know i've just did all the whole workout i don't want to end it by looking like a [ __ ] chode so he's like he's like you're good and i i'll go and i just like i use the last bit of [ __ ] energy in my body and i slap his hand i slap his hand and go okay he's like do you help get in your car you're good he can walk me yeah i'm good and i'm like [ __ ] hobble i hobbled in my [ __ ] car now this one i'm gonna need i'm gonna need paint to explain to you so i hobbled my car uh by the way i don't shower before the gym and my gym at this time was like i don't know it's like it's like noon you know it's the middle of the day and i haven't showered and so i show up i show up greasy already and then i work out and this is the most i've ever worked out in one session so i'm i'm dripping sweat and i'm just greasy and i'm i'm i smell and i'm bad i take a pre-grease post-grease all right let me see if you guys can see this so where's my camera uh here and i need chat too wait let me get you guys back this is chat there he is okay okay with the little p yeah so so wait this is the gym okay and this is the parking lot and this is the highway and there's like a little curb out here to like go out okay so okay so i walk from the gym door to my car barely hobble i hobble over to here he's like from the window like are you good you maybe you want to steal from it i'm like man ben i'm good ben come on the pitch shark that's no problem make it harder next time the second i get in my car i want to cry i'm like my my legs are screaming i am i'm out of breath my head is swimming but i don't want to just sit there he's looking they're looking at me this is an all-glass window right here and there was like nobody else in the gym that day so it's like the trainer and the owner and these guys are all just looking at me making sure i'm all right so i immediately just peel out i peel out onto the highway this is where the story gets a dark turn the second i get onto this highway i realize i am not fit to drive i'm not fit to drive at all i i cannot see i'm like blind my head is swimming like i am so out of breath i am so [ __ ] uh i'm nearly uncon i'm like i'm just like so i peel out of the highway and i'm driving essentially blind like i i just have no idea what's going on i have no awareness i want to vomit so bad my head is just literally dizzy swimming all right so i but i'm already out i can't turn around i can't go back and i'm already driving and there's cars going past me so i realize i gotta get off the [ __ ] road quick now there's another highway going this way they're not a highway but like a you know main street so you can you can go from the street to the street there's a stop sign like right here so without even looking if the light is right i swear to god this is this is i'm admitting to a felony i pull up to this light i don't know if it's red or green i cannot even see i just [ __ ] fli i don't see cars coming i just flip the ui i just flip around i just go around okay i don't maybe it was green who knows i i certainly do not i did not know it was jesus take the wheel i flip around and there's a walgreens here on right on this side of the street this is where the walgreens is and i'm like i saw it from here i i'm just my eyes are swimming i'm athletes at walgreens so i just go flip around and i peel over into the walgreens okay [Laughter] this whole time i'm crossing two streets with no vision okay then then i get to the walgreens and i don't like i don't even park in the you know there's you know you just there's parking spots with lines i i park across like three spaces i just park sideways across three spaces like at the front of the walgreens and i flip open the door i don't even turn off my car it's still idling i like spray vomit into the walgreens parking lot and again my hair is matted it's greasy my whole body is drenched in sweat including my shirt just like all out in the long range parking lot all right now bear in mind the first part of this story this is the very beginning of the pandemic tom hanks just got covered everyone is freaking out if there's one thing you remember from the early days of the pandemic it was the hoarding do you guys remember the hoarding how everyone would go to the stores and buy paper towels and and um and uh purell and all that stuff and toilet paper okay so i flip the door open i spray vomit and i uh i finally get my senses back and i look up and there's a mother and her son who have just emerged from walgreens carrying almost every possible hoarding item the mom has got like toilet paper rolls out the ass paper towels purell her son is carrying stuff this woman is clearly deeply afraid of the pandemic and she has just begun to stock up so i look up i i lock eyes with her i look at her i look at her son i look at her i look at her son she looks at me and she is frozen like a deer in the headlights she has clearly just seen patient zero i am what happens when you get kovid and it is a zombie movie it is a threat it is a death i i look like absolute death i look like i'm about to die and i have just spray popped everywhere at the walgreens she looks at me and she freezes she can't say anything now i realize what's going on i i put it all together after i threw up i kind of got a bit of my senses back and i'm like i have to tell her wait i have to explain i have to explain somebody looks like it's the gym so i raised my hand to say ma'am man wait let me explain the second i opened my mouth to say that i throw up again [Laughter] man i looked her right in the eye and i threw up again another time and at that point she audibly screams the lady audibly screams like she has seen a [ __ ] zombie movie and she grabs her son by the arm and she gets in the car and they leave i don't get a chance to explain i do not get a chance to explain what's going on oh i just puked twice in her face then i i can't even see anything so i hobbled back into my car i get back into my car there's just there's just vomit all over the parking lot ah i get back in my car [Laughter] i turn on the ac my head is swimming i feel so bad oh finally okay all right i gotta i gotta i gotta i gotta do something i fling open my door again now i don't know who else saw me throw up but i'm sure people are looking because i look unwell i look unwell i get out of the car i walk past my puke i walk into the front of the store no mask this is the early days of the pandemic i didn't really you know i didn't know the whole protocol yet i walk up to the cereal aisle i buy a family-sized box of golden grahams i walk up to the front again looking terrible i buy that cha-ching [Laughter] yeah i look around yeah and we got anything to say anyone got a problem and then i walk out i open it right there on the way out and i just walked back to my car munching going past my my own puke get in the car drive home magnificent [Laughter] that was the beginning of covid that was covid mark one and i didn't catch it to this day until just about a week ago i didn't catch it all right i survived despite looking like patient zero i never actually got it i've been safe i have followed the protocols okay i have done the most important thing you do to stop being stop getting covet is that be a gamer all right if you're a gamer you spend 90 of your time on your computer inside very hard to catch code so i've been safe until about a week ago when i actually got coveted now this story isn't as fun but i want to tell you about actually getting covered because it's just uh it's just a funny situation um let me get a map of america here for you let me get a map of america this will help help illustrate what i'm trying to what i'm trying to show okay uh i need a nice high resolution map of america there we go okay this is perfect um let's do there we go okay you guys can see this all right let's uh let me tell you about getting covet now so again i have been totally healthy i've been totally fine with this entire pandemic if anything the pandemic's been good for me because i'm a gamer uh i like working from home and uh i found out that i like streaming too i got a good sign hobby so i can't complain i i got no complaints um i on the whole wish pandemic didn't happen but in this world i can't be like complaining because really honestly it hasn't been that bad to me are you sure this is the uk this is america this is not the uk the uk is like what the size of this tiny ass little country all right so uh i live uh around here okay northern california no way i live i live up here right yeah wait where the [ __ ] do i think i live that's i live up here i live around here okay [Laughter] uh listen i will tell you i don't want to like i live in northern california is that fine you guys are you guys are blocking me by the way chat could you just not block me oh i flipped you uh wait dude how come you're still above my there it is okay all right all right all right all right this is perfect can i f11 this no you can't full screen paint and you piece your [ __ ] all right whatever anyway this is all i need so here we go okay so i live in northern california and my plan is to drive to arizona okay for the holidays to see my family for christmas and new year's i have been desperately desperately wanting to see my family uh it's been a while uh i haven't got to see them very much during the pandemic and holidays are really important for me my mom gets super into them she hyper decorates the whole fam the family comes out i can see my brother um if you guys remember from the end of last year i was pretty stressed i was working a lot and i had to skip a lot of streams and i just felt like i really really needed this i needed to see my family and plus you know maybe slime might be there hanging out with my dad so i could see him too so it would be good and i really uh i wanted to i wanted to do this so it was exciting for me to go to the holidays and the plan was uh on christmas eve around then i would drive down here to socal it's actually right here my geography is [ __ ] terrible i'll drive down here to socal to see stands okay i was gonna see stands uh spend the night at his place and then do the rest of the journey because this journey overall was like 20 plus hours of driving it's like 60 here and like 14 here no no no no never mind sorry it's like it's like more like it's more like seven to here eight to here that's probably what it is seventy here and fifteen total yep yeah it's like seven seven and eight yep seven eight fifteen total and so it's a lot of driving a lot of driving and so i like to break it up and do it over two days so we begin the journey and ari and i drive the seven hours down from norcal to socal now here's the problem with this seven hour drive it is christmas eve the holiday traffic in california was designed by satan himself to you know god test his strongest soldiers satan tests his weakest and i am satan's weakest soldier i am a big baby okay and so satan has designed california traffic to test me a weak little baby mentally broken i'm already broken from having to work all the [ __ ] time this past holiday i want to be there i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it so it is literally like almost gridlock the whole way down so what should be like a seven hour drive is more like nine and a half ten i mean it really was so much slower it was miserable traffic so the whole way down i am just i am i'm gripping the wheel and i'm like jesus take the wheel because i am i'm so unhappy i just want to be there we end up instead of getting there like around eight we get there one a.m we get there at one a.m and stan's and his wife are already in bed they left the door unlocked and they were just like come in you can go to i don't even get to see them so we get there at 1am and i don't even get to see stanz or rochelle we literally just go straight to bed sucks no i mean no really gets our friends at all this is where things take a turn from the worst though like that would be fine that would be deal with dealable but unfortunately when we wake up at stanz's house the next morning ari is starting to feel bad ari's like hey i don't i feel sick i don't feel well at all i feel i got aches and and i'm like well first of all ari's double vaxxed and boosted so in my mind i'm like okay maybe it's a little travel maybe we didn't get good sleep in my mind i'm like there ain't no thing okay i i'm immune to coved we didn't get it we're fine but ari's feeling a little sick and stanz and rochelle spend the morning with us so they're talking to us they're they're in the same room hanging out uh fist bumping you know talking about the stream saying what's up they're hanging out they're already feeling alone the second but we're like you know what we have to get on the road we have to get there by christmas we have to go see my family by christmas so we leave we leave that morning after hanging out with stans and rochelle and the whole time i mind i'm like man if we do have it we're just giving it to them right like wait what i feel fine i feel 100 i'm mad about the drive but whatever i feel fine so i in my mind i'm like you know what there's no way she has it double vaccine boosted we're fine so on the way out though she's starting to feel worse and she's like we gotta get a test so in in socal we get a test we get ari a a uh covet test and then we drive and on on 24th december 24th night we get to arizona and by this time along this trip she is starting to feel really bad she is like really starting to feel sick this whole drive and we got the test so instead of going to my parents i stop and we get a hotel we get a hotel next to my parents on december on christmas eve so it's now christmas eve i'm in arizona i want to see my family but i can't i'm staying in a hotel and when we wake up on christmas morning we get a gift from santa a little gift for his happy good little boys and girls a positive coveted test from this test in ari's inbox she's got it she's full-blown got covered that's who we wake up to on christmas morning [Laughter] and so i immediately do some mental calculation and i'm like well if i've driven the entire way with her in this small car i almost certainly have i still feel fine i feel 100 i almost certainly have it if we go and see my family we almost certainly will spread to them there is no way we won't and i cannot in good conscience spread covid to my parents if anything happened to them if they had to go to the hospital or they had to get intubated or whatever i would it would haunt me for all my days i can't do it i cannot in good conscience give my parents covered i can't so i call my parents my mom immediately has a mental breakdown my mom has dressed up the entire house for christmas she wants everyone there she wants me to be there so bad the first thing she says is i don't care if i get covered you better come and i'm like mom there is no way you want to get covet and you will get covet you will get it and if anything bad happened i would feel terrible this is a very tough and but she's like no you gotta come you gotta come so now it's even more stressful my mom is like demanding that i put her and my dad in danger and get him coming to come so i talk about it with ari thankfully crazily enough but thankfully my girlfriend like i'm sorry my brother's girlfriend who's also gonna be there has a sick mom and absolutely will not come to christmas nor will he with because of her if there's anyone exposed to covet so there is no way on earth that my mom can get both of her sons and and and their their partners to christmas there's no way my brother's girlfriend will not come if there is any coven oh yeah i'm still you still have it yeah i'm the spreading phase i'm trying to spread it to you guys once covet's over you go into the coughing phase we have to spread it along that's how virus works mask up chat mask up baby this whole stream is a super spreader event so thankfully my brother's girlfriend puts her foot down and there is no way to have both of us there so i'm like mom you can't have us both anyway and by the way ari is feeling miserable and i'm like you know what even if you don't get serious coven if you get what ari has and she's double vaxxed and boosted you're gonna be miserable on christmas and that kind of convinces them too because nobody wants to get stupid sick it's just not fun no one wants to have even a terrible flu which is what the cobia feels like when you don't have a serious case so my mom's like all right i guess we understand you can you can have to come but what that means for us is after just doing a 20 plus hour drive in miserable traffic we have to immediately turn around and drive back with no stops because we can't go back to stanz's and give him the coven again all right and and ari is feeling like absolute [ __ ] she can't really try so i the most miserable man on god's earth have to turn around and drive back which i do so we drive all the way back another 20 plus hours on christmas day this is my christmas day no no hanging out with family no gift openings just drive all the way back to norcal by the way right as we're coming back like right around here as i'm getting close to my home i start to feel a little a little off i thought for sure that i i just wasn't going to get it or i had no symptoms i had been telling my parents i was like hey ari's had coveted this whole drive down if i feel fine i'm not getting it whatever it is i'm asymptomatic i'm immune i'm fine the whole time in my mind i'm like you know what this is great i just covey doesn't affect me i just don't have i'm asymptomatic for covid i'm a king but right as i get home i start to feel [ __ ] bad i start to feel bad so we get in the door we're getting home and by when i wake up the next day december 26th i got full blown covered and i feel terrible and i start to i can't breathe i can't um i can't smell i can't taste i'm coughing all the time i have aches i have that thing where you lay down in bed you feel freezing cold you put on a blanket you start sweating like absolute crazy sweating through your sheets sweating the pillows take off the blanket feel freezing cold again so ah i start [ __ ] just dying it's just the worst it's the worst by the way i'm rubbing my face so i'm like because i started getting stressed you know it's been 20 hours it's been like 40 hours of driving and i got covered already's got good i take care of her and my family's stressed because i couldn't get to see him i want to see him the whole thing is just and i just keep rubbing my head like this dude look at this i like i had like [ __ ] scabs they're like gone now but i was rubbing my eyes so much that i there it's gone now but i was it was bad dude it really everything hit me all at once i needed a break and instead of getting a break i got the worst [ __ ] week of my life uh so so but when i thought about it when i thought about it i realized when i got home wait a minute i just drove you know 40 hours round trip to give stan's coven all i did the only humans i saw on this circle was [ __ ] stan's image that's the only humans i saw i think that's all i did all i did was special delivery covey to my best man what the [ __ ] and i feel terrible so i call stance and i'm like hey because by the way he doesn't know yet he doesn't even know he thought we were fine so i called stands and i'm like bro i have some good news and i have some bad news the good news is um you know tesla stock's still up you own a tesla congrats for that i was wrong about that good on you brother and he's like well yeah i guess that is good news what's the bad news like how does that relate to anything and i'm like the bad news is you probably got covered because ari got it and we were at your place and i'm sorry about that and i'm really sorry and he's like uh first of all stan's a [ __ ] king dude stan's a king sans like no there's no way you guys could have known um um don't worry about it we're we're we're healthy we'll be fine and i'm like stan's you're a king that's awesome um when you die of coved can i have your stuff that's basically what i um and and so he gets tested turns out thank god uh they don't have it they don't have it but but if they did i would have felt awful forever because that's all we did was uh was drive down there so stan's didn't get it thank god it made me feel a lot better because uh it felt like we like it just felt like listen we didn't know ari was sick till after the morning of his place but you know from the outside it just feels like we we knowingly gave them coming it just feels odd it did not sit with me uh very well so um anyway he didn't get it so thank god but i get home i have a miserable [ __ ] week and then i start to get better and i started to feel pretty better a few days ago and now i was like you know what i want to stream again and now i'm back baby year of atrialk the only bad thing was dude because i i had been so um busy going into the holidays and i had taken so many clint stevens weeks we had no backlog content and so when i get covered it was over we just couldn't do daily uploads and so the youtube frog's been starving bro i'm sorry to the youtube frogs glad you're feeling better sorry holiday sucks thank you i i am feeling a lot better now and and at the end of the day you know like what the [ __ ] i i got [ __ ] money you know it's this would be so much harder if i was like um an essential worker or something you know what i'm saying like i i i i'm a big baby but it just uh it it sucked because i i needed a break so badly and i was desperate for a break so badly and instead of a break i got 40 hours of driving and covet and i was like damn this this is not cool oh how did ari get it dude i'll tell you you know what i'm changing my opinion on spider-man because ari got kovid from spider-man [ __ ] i thought the movie was good it turns out it's actually a super spreader movie spider-man is a menace jay jonathan was right and yeah there was a guy next to her mask list in the theater she was nervous about it turns out um he was also in a joker mask like me which is weird a joker outfit sorry not a mask we just use face paint and i i dapped him up turns out he was he had coven he's just better um yeah she got it from that unfortunate and then she spread it to me and i got it [ __ ] bad i got it worse than ari which sucks ari got better pretty quickly i did not um my because she's boosted uh quack thank you for the uh 18 months uh shout outs to quack he tried his best to keep the ship going but we didn't have any content blueberry brook to give the prime tron power i think of the ten months pakanesh thank you for the 17 months shawshank thing with the three months clump fuse with the prime horse noose with the 10. notoriously thank you for the [ __ ] subs boys i appreciate it i think i bled like all my subs uh which sucks because i used to pay the editors uh spider-man far from healthy [Laughter] how's it going also i lost weight here's a good tip if anybody's out there trying to lose weight get covered yeah that'll that'll shed the pounds right off no i feel like i'm a [ __ ] emaciated dude i feel i feel unhealthily thin i i gotta i gotta eat i'm gonna eat a bunch of porterhouse steaks uh great light weight great weight loss life hack you don't look it really you don't think so i know you're probably joking but i actually feel like i look [ __ ] unhealthy thin i feel like i definitely lost too much weight i i need to get some [ __ ] um i need to get some uh some some food back and work out again but i started feeling better like two days ago you look the same that's good like a gamer like a svelte gamer um you got the body type of a teenage tick tock star thanks thanks chad wow that's what i needed thanks man appreciate that anyway that's my covet stories that's what happened that's that's the holidays in a nutshell uh they were unfortunately not what i wanted but i am excited for 2022. i know it sounds shocking but 2021 was kind of a bust overall on the whole on on the day kind of a whack year and i think i think we might have a better 22 except for the fact there's definitely going to be a big market crash and inflation yikes and more variance celebrity deaths but uh outside of that there's gonna be some good games i'll tell you that actually is there a list of all the upcoming games of 2022 it might be a fun little segment right now because i like doing these in the early parts of the year is to react to everything upcoming let's see what is what is coming out pokemon legends arceus dude isn't is it i know on january 20th or something like really soon hitman is getting all the updates right the new maps and the vr and the um i think there's going to be a bunch of hitman stuff on january 20 like it's like it's pretty soon which should be fun to just play some new open hitman stuff i also oh oh all right so a couple things hey guys guys there's actually big con today i know it sounds like uh that was the story but let me tell you uh today i have two pieces of content number one um um this is not for today maybe but but for this week i downloaded second row that's right i downloaded it it looks sick actually i think it's gonna be the perfect type of game for me uh i can like really get [ __ ] on and grind it and learn it and you know put some time in i think it'll be fun so second row that's one we got that we're gonna [ __ ] put our time into that i need to figure out if i can play with the keyboard and mouse or if i can go uh go full on controller but whatever second row back on the menu number two number two okay you guys know how everybody's been getting on this react meta where they're just openly watching tv shows and movies kind of kind of flouting the law and basically begging for dmca i think i call it the stance meta stance pioneered this [ __ ] disgrace of a meta no i've never well batman actually might have been the first i might have pioneered this with batman back in the day no big deal whatever um you guys know how it's gotten it's gotten out of hand bro i turned on twitch before i [ __ ] went live today carl jacobs watching full total drama island bro that's not even on youtube you're literally just watching [ __ ] total drama island that you pirated with thousands of people anyway whatever um i would never get on that okay it's not me i'm not a i'm not a reactor okay i don't just jump in the react meta and steal hard-earned hollywood content unless unless there was a show that was so uniquely positioned for my business-minded business savvy audience that we could sort of learn the art of the deal in real time a show for sharks so we're gonna watch shark tank baby we're gonna watch shark tank and i've got a unique plan we're gonna watch one episode of shark tank from every season all 13 seasons to see if we can learn if business has changed since 2009. we're going to watch and i i went through imdb and i found the highest rated episode of every season so the most interesting or whatever most compelling one so we're gonna watch and the very first episode is like from 2009 to you and it's a guy pitching an internet business 2009. so it's gonna be funny it's gonna be funny how much the businesses have flopped or changed or you know we're gonna be able to know if they did well or not because it's the time has passed time is told so we're gonna watch shark tank on sundays only on weekends we'll do shark take sundays or whatever and we'll start today we'll start the day with a couple episodes of shark tank at the end of the stream um thus becoming the greatest react contenter of all time if i'm gonna be in this meta i'm gonna dominate this meta and i'm gonna show them how it's done uh also what's what's uh what's dope about it is i mean i'm gonna delete the vod and everything blah blah blah but what's dope about it is the shark tank episodes are actually available for free with ads online on abc.com which means um i'm not even sure this is even not allowed i mean probably they just don't allow re-broadcasting but what you know theoretically everyone watching my stream as long as they watch the ads with me could have just opened it in a known tab and watched it themselves it's it's there is no real difference it's still illegal because like people could be in different countries where it's not allowed or whatever but it's not like it's not that big a deal it's it's literally free you know it's free so as long as you're watching the ads is no different um the numbers for the ad you want mesh up what are you talking about yeah i mean wait the number of people that serve to yeah i guess you're right actually but that's better for them because they're getting five thousand people served to remember the advertisers they're getting more served without paying for it um just open 5000 tabs of it anyway whatever i i think uh i think it'll be fun we will only do it on sundays we'll do it after hours and we'll eat the vaude yada yada yada ya you get the [ __ ] gist it should be fun the point is and if they don't like it or they take it down then we won't do it i don't you know i don't [ __ ] need it but i thought it would be fun because i really like shark tank shirt is a show that i watch not recently but i watched a lot back in the day i always wanted to be a business dude so i watched a lot of shark tank um growing up um and i think it's fun so will the vod be on youtube absolutely not but quack or some track or someone i'm sorry whichever editor we get for it we'll edit the funniest moments or whatever into a highlight like we did for batman um let's thank some subs george thank you the prime jay cadlin thank you for the two months enjoy my first sub of the year thank you appreciate it i do i appreciate it evan m thank you for the 12 months one year [ __ ] finally uh sad mark thank you for the five months slink thank you for the 13 months i just want to say thanks for using smash scene it's been mind-blowing to see people using something i've worked really hard on continuing to work on uh over 700 users so far the quality of the submissions will only increase more people using it nice yes machine is great besides thank you for the prime gun hawking for the prime uh james thank you for the prime wimpy blue train thank you for the uh four months subbing to a truck makes you covent immune cdc hasn't weighed in but they also are pretty uh susceptible to business interests so maybe i can just pay them i can sell them to 20. cdc so whack dude [ __ ] cdc went from [ __ ] uh 10 day isolation to like you know [ __ ] four hours if your boss lets you get take a break one second i gotta blow my nose don't don't yep covet don't yep covet your [ __ ] dumbasses look this is gonna happen more for the next few days all right i'm gonna have to blow my nose more i'm gonna have to cough more whatever okay what i should have done was wait 10 days for my final symptom before i went back to work and streamed again but the cdc has informed me that if i don't get the economy moving america's [ __ ] if i can't make jeff bezos money by farming primes there's no point in my life existing okay cdc has made it quite clear that everything i do is to make billionaires more money so i needed to get back to work bezos has to buy listen this is a man this is a man who needs our money [Laughter] well i was dying of covid on new year's this was jeff bezos's new years okay and i felt bad that he couldn't have an even bigger pool look how small this pool is i want my billionaires to have big ass pools okay why is there a random [ __ ] all right look at this is sad state of affairs this pool so thankfully i got back to work immediately i immediately knew that i had to go back to streaming to make sure jeff got the money he needed um to ring in 2022 right hope leo didn't show up you [ __ ] [ __ ] uh now i got a house in la now i got a bigger pool than yay jeff bezos jeff bezos should drop a [ __ ] diss track on the world on elon musk did you see don't look up yeah i liked it a lot i mean it was if you guys haven't seen don't look up yet it's pretty good it's a new netflix original uh it's it's it's fun a little depressing um it's very on the nose you know it's like there's no subtlety at all but sometimes you don't need subtlety for a movie like this and i'm glad some people are talking about it it does feel sometimes in this world that like we're just past the point anybody can agree on anything or get anything done you know sometimes it just feels like the the internet has fractionalized this so much that we can't come to a middle ground on anything which means there's no way we can make progress on any real challenge ever and that's scary and a sad thought and so i'm kind of glad you know it's it's good that listen i'll tell you one thing i would much rather have a movie that feels a little too uh blatant but be about something like that and something new and different and try something different then get another [ __ ] movie like matrix resurrections matrix reservations maybe which i could get covered again and not see it i i'm so mad i'm so mad dude i'm so mad and i know some people are gonna like it and they're gonna tell me i'm wrong but i'm one of the world's biggest matrix fans in fact wait a minute bro i own this book that has all all of the concept art from the matrix and a copy of the script i have a copy of the [ __ ] script i love the matrix i think the matrix is one of my favorite movies ever of all my entire life and i rewatched the first one again and it reminded me of how [ __ ] well-written well-paced well-acted uh all the stunts are practical it's such a [ __ ] badass movie it's so good bro and i you know there's so much foreshadowing in it too when you watch it again you can hear like um um like at the very beginning when he's he's doing the fall of the white rabbit the guy's like you know they say a bunch of things like you need to unplug or um um uh this never happened you don't exist like a bunch of lines that only after you know what happens everything is [ __ ] um uh uh foreshadowing everything is subtle foreshadowing at the beginning of the movie and all the action is well done all the characters make sense the villain there's people that die and then i watch major resurrections the action is so bad it's so shoddily done it it's so cheap i don't know what the budget was or what it the it's so lazily awfully done in resurrections and so okay that's fine that's fine if they want to [ __ ] try to make it you know if they want to flip the idea of the movie but then they they go way way overboard on this self-referential meta [ __ ] without making characters that are compelling to back it up oh my god i'm just disappointed that we'll be through and through i can tell you i can fix it um it needed a morpheus opera new morpheus looks sick as [ __ ] it looked cool but it made no sense because it wasn't him it wasn't even his character it didn't act like him why why even call it morpheus why not introduce a new interesting character by the way he's a robot so you don't even feel for him it's so bad it's so bad i make so many mistakes it makes so many fundamental mistakes they bring back characters but change them completely so they're just this different character with a diff with the same name it's it's it's it's just a really really really bad movie and it's uh it's um it just if it just fails on so many levels the first one doesn't fail up um here's what i would have done here's what i would have done because i think some of the ideas were okay i'm not i'm not opposed to some of the ideas here's how i would have fixed matrix resurrections first of all neil patrick harris as the evil analyst um therapist kind of guy that's interesting that's he's a good actor he does a good job of doing like the alternate between menacing and friendly make him the main bad guy and focus on him okay none of the [ __ ] bringing back agent smith in a different random [ __ ] um lifetime original movie actor body the the [ __ ] random ass basic no talent lifetime original actor that got to play agent smith who randomly is supposed to be like a [ __ ] copy of the old smith for no reason was so stupid please please cut him out of the movie entirely we don't need smith the smith ark is done they brought him back for no reason that's so stupid get rid of him focus way more than patrick harris all right now here's here's what i would have done i was by my spoilers but who cares if you haven't seen the movie probably don't to be honest there's but but the the conceit of the movie is that um they've they've updated the matrix into a new world where all the stuff from the old matrix exists as a video game in the new matrix so everyone that can remember the old stuff just thinks it's a video game including neo neo thinks that all the events of the first three matrixes were part of a video game that he designed and that's how they keep him from figuring it out that's the [ __ ] plot of it so literally in the first two thirds of the movie matrix four they show so many actual flashback literal scenes from the first trilogy like a literal remember this kind of moment and they flash back and they play clips from the first movie it's like a [ __ ] bottle episode of a sitcom it really it's uh it's it's it's [ __ ] dumb but okay fine here's what we're done all right so first thing you need if you're going to make a new matrix 4 is you need an interesting compelling new cast of characters that have motivations that have a real story and an arc they try that with this this new girl bugs but they don't give her anything to do she exists only as like a a to b plot strip she has no motivation she has no backstory she has no she's got nothing so they should give you newcastle characters first of all what i would like to see is you open up instead of [ __ ] doing the thing where they look back and see the old trendy stuff from episode one or from movie one an entirely new very cool opening scene with the new cast of characters trying to pull some kind of heist or something in the matrix all right they have to get something we don't know what it is or whatever but they're trying to do something all right they're trying to steal something or do something along the way something gets happened something goes wrong and they get caught the police start showing up they fight it out with the police now again one thing that i want to say about all matrix movies in the first matrix movie there is a clear hierarchy of power there are the in there's the in matrix police that's that's the bottom level then right above that are the cool bad ass um humans everyone humans that come from the real world they're in their matrix they have cool glasses they have cool outfits and they can beat the police they can wall run they can shoot they're cool then there's a big [ __ ] gap and then there's agents agents are on top asians [ __ ] up all of the humans that power level is what gives the movies threat that's the whole point what makes the first movie work so well is the the police come in the the humans do [ __ ] cool ass badass acrobatic [ __ ] but they're not invincible they're not the second asian shirt that goes they go oh [ __ ] we gotta go and in the first movie you like rough minute one the second asian shows up they go [ __ ] and they run and there's a speech about it morpheus goes every man woman man or woman that i've seen stand and fight their ground against an agent every single one has died but where they failed you will succeed it's not gonna know it's a great speech because it gives the agent so much fear so much threat there's there's a clear like boss fight there's a clear like if they show up oh it's serious now and in the first movie they show a lot of people dying mouse dies um apoc dies you know everyone dies matrix the asians and the police combine to kill a lot of people and it gives the movie threat so you feel scared when they show up in this [ __ ] movie random characters like bugs are just flipping around fighting agents left and right agents are gigantic [ __ ] they completely retcon to be weak as [ __ ] it's it's so stupid it's one of the things that ruins the movie is there is no enemy with any threat every random character can just beat up an agent they can [ __ ] they can slap him up they have they laugh at him they make him in a comic relief so there's no threat it's so stupid they can't hit whatever so it's bad all right so what i would have done here's what i would have done the movie opens bugs and a new crew an entirely new crew of people that we all get to learn they all have interesting unique character quirks they're running some sort of heist in the matrix they're doing something okay along the way it goes wrong they get they get uh alerted police are showing up they do some cool badass tricks they fight the police then uh oh an agent an agent shows up an agent kills one of their people [ __ ] [ __ ] they literally lose a person right at the beginning so you remember how [ __ ] scary asians are [ __ ] [ __ ] they they get they steal what they need to steal they keep running they keep running they're getting out they're getting out then their operator guy's like wait a minute what the [ __ ] is this i've never seen anything like this they're like is it an asian is it an agent no it's different what the [ __ ] is this what's what's going on something's different and they're freaking out and then you see neo [ __ ] show up okay neo shows up and starts killing them literally starts killing the good guys and he like literally just starts like like slaughtering so now like half their crew is [ __ ] dying bugs is freaking the [ __ ] out he's and by the way he's like he's like fifty times stronger than eight he's [ __ ] neo he's the strongest [ __ ] person ever he's literally just like he shows up [ __ ] instant murders him they don't even [ __ ] recognize him okay bugs barely gets away with their life with whatever the object is that's gonna [ __ ] be important in this movie she gets away probably with one other member of her crew everyone else dead so right off the bat you've under you've established asians are deadly neo is super deadly then you zoom out you go out and you realize neo takes off his [ __ ] helmet he's back at the game design studio he's been doing some [ __ ] moderation they've got neo hooked up as a game designer on his game that thing's still arrived he is but they've got him [ __ ] fighting his old teammates now instead of agents [ __ ] killing the um the humans they've got neo doing it neo is the [ __ ] they cuz they've got him [ __ ] they've got him uh convinced that he's a game designer just [ __ ] it's all it's all game it's all a game so he's the one [ __ ] and that's that way you could show off the bat and you're being badass because they don't get to show neil being badass noob either bro it's so simple people want to see neil being badass they want to see [ __ ] um the the threat level of the enemies they want to see cool characters with interesting uh compelling motivations okay so neo is being manipulated by neil patrick harris to fight against his old [ __ ] uh allies because he's completely locked in the matrix now and that becomes the struggle okay getting him out because he's [ __ ] terrorizing left and right and you need to have a lot of scenes with him talking to neil patrick harris and neil patrick harris being very subtly threatening very friendly it seems like but there's like an undercurrent of subtle threat okay uh you're aware the game stuff came from the matrix mmo right yeah that matrix dog water dude i played it okay neo did dick all new yeah he didn't do [ __ ] no we need way more neo neo being badass bad guy and then they they flip him and he becomes a good guy they fight back they get near patrick harris boom boom boom no if you can't have morphe you can't be original actor then there's no morpheus make a new character there's no agent smith dead introduce new people if you're gonna do more movies you're gonna need a new cast of characters that are interesting okay agent smits [Laughter] lana doesn't want to do new movies i know this movie was not subtle so let me tell you one more thing there is a scene in the new movie where the character openly says warner brothers is forcing us to make a new game even though we don't want to make a new matrix game we're being forced to it's not subtle at all the character looks to camera and says warner brothers is forcing us to make a new matrix game we don't want to but if we don't make it they'll make it without us that is a verbatim line it is so [ __ ] sad it is so [ __ ] sad because warner brothers the publisher for this [ __ ] movie it's it's basically the director saying hey they were gonna make a matrix reboot whether i wanted to or not so i made this dog [ __ ] movie to get paid it it's embarrassing it's embarrassing to matrix fans because clearly lana didn't want to do this and sharded it out to get the paycheck it's uh it's [ __ ] bad dude it's so [ __ ] bad honestly based yeah i guess um yeah it's uh i just can't believe that's a verbatim line i can't believe they openly talk about warner brothers forcing him to make the [ __ ] movie it's just a middle finger to the studio and the fans yeah that's the problem is the fans get [ __ ] too because it's just it's just and then oh my god they have the [ __ ] maravingian come on screen and [ __ ] rant about mark zuckerberg and facebook this is not a joke this just really happens in the [ __ ] movie uh uh they should have had ninjas show up dude they should have ninja show up and do [ __ ] take the l or something right at the camera um and and you know what there's so much comedy in it too which you know i'm not opposed to giving that a shot but after you watch the first one even i mean all three of the all three of the movies they had no they have no like avenger style goofy comedy you know where it's like a big laugh moment it's like maybe a little chuckle here and there but mostly it's it's pretty serious and uh they they completely throw a ton out for the window for this movie it's it's like it's just a random over the place tone there's no like big betrayals there's no like you know real emotional i guess the people that i thought did a good job was uh will smith's wife uh jada ping smith as um naobi they brought her back she did a pretty good job i thought the way they they made the new city was pretty cool it looked cool i thought the idea of it being a video game was was kind of cool there was something there i thought the love story between neo and trinity was good you know i thought i thought when they're together on screen it was pretty strong but overall i'm just really disappointed in the movie and i think they could have gone a totally different direction that would have made it way cooler chris pratt there was no chris pratt not once which is a huge waste is he still spoiling matrix four i got it muted yeah i'm still spoiling it i you should unmute listen to the spoilers and then not watch it go watch matrix one again did you like matrix two and three i liked a lot of two and i liked in matrix three when um the the squids what are they [ __ ] called the sentinels are burrowing through the the roof of the the human city and then they're all fighting in mex i think it's one of the most badass scenes it's amazing when they're fighting the hundreds of [ __ ] um sentinels ah defend our city it was [ __ ] sick it looks it's just an epic looking scene it's really amazing um that part of three is good the highway chasing two is amazing if you guys don't know the highway uh chase fight scene in matrix two they literally built a highway they built a [ __ ] mile long highway loop they got all the cars it's like not cgi they built that [ __ ] highway and blew it up it was it's [ __ ] amazing it's a really [ __ ] cool scene the highway scene is amazing matrix do um there's really cool scenes in two and three but overall they lack what made one so amazing which is like a really tight compelling story um and you know a sense of threat if you watch matrix one again you'll just see how [ __ ] they do such a good job of making you um feel afraid of the enemies at all times and so that when neo finally slowly over the course the movie builds up the strength and the courage and the belief to finally defeat one it's such an epic moment it doesn't it feels very earned everything feels very earned in the first movie there's there's great music there's good pacing it's not too long of a movie it's uh it's just it's a fantastic film because of that and and they they take time to make people have weak moments like they make you get owned and so that you can build up to when you finally do win it's so good it's [ __ ] awesome and they don't have that as much in the later movies and especially not in four what if they had squidward the perfect antagonist i think matrix 4 would be improved if squidward showed up and neo had to fight squidward i think that honestly would have improved the movie like for example in matrix 2 one of my biggest um downsides was the burley brawl where he fights 100 agent smiths because not only has the cgi age pretty poorly on that because you know it's no longer practical um but there's no threat on either side asian smith is not worried because there's millions of them and then clearly neo is not worried because he's knocking over like bowling pins he literally knocks them over and they make a bowling pin sound effect at one point so it's kind of goofy and at after like 40 minutes of just punching smiths he just decides to fly away there's no it doesn't have a purpose there's no point now imagine if you rewrote that scene and it was a chase so let's say neo is fighting one edge of smith and then moore show up and he realizes he can't win so he has to escape and for some reason he can't fly and so he's running and they keep chasing him and coming out of all the areas and corners and he's [ __ ] getting that and he's got to get somewhere he's got somewhere he's got to be if the character has a goal and there's a obstacle blocking it then the audience is invested but neil has no goal he's just punching there's no way to win or lose and then he just leaves that's uh that's what i need that's what i need i just want [ __ ] i just want a movie where characters have [ __ ] goals and motivations was a badass fight scene yeah listen but i just think like like the dojo fight scene in the first one is a [ __ ] badass fight scene and they stay like lawrence fishburne and keanu reeves trained for six months in martial arts to do that fight scene they have stunt doubles for a few parts but most of them it's them fighting it's them doing the wire work and the jumping and like you can really get close from their face there's no shaky cam there's not a lot of cuts it's a [ __ ] dope fight scene and it has a purpose in the story you know and and and whenever they have the morpheus is fighting neo and everyone in the crew [ __ ] jumps up like let's just [ __ ] watch that scene real quick they're scared the agents that have been the terror of the whole movie for once they're scared and it's a satisfying earned moment in the [ __ ] fourth movie these guys are scared of a [ __ ] own shadow at the beginning from everybody it's it's so they're just so cowardly and bad okay that's it that's the last clip that's the last clip that was fun i don't know why we got stun locked like that completely out of context on every matrix but i wanted to explain a little bit because that's one of my favorite movies of all time i think it's such a [ __ ] amazing movie if you haven't seen it i highly recommend it and i just want to say how disappointed i was in the fourth one because i think it missed a lot of what made the first one great and it seemed to me like very obviously like warner brothers forced them to make it and there was no real uh want to make it uh we've all seen it now you basically yeah but it's still enjoyable i promise you it's still good uh bunch i think in the two months toe tell death they give the nine the roberto thing for the prime spicy commentator tonight all right we're gonna play a game of some sort and then we're gonna watch shark tank that's the plan uh we're gonna play a game and then we're gonna watch shark tank and that'll be the [ __ ] day stream uh oh wait we're gonna look at next year's games yeah upcoming games 2022 is there a good video on that oh here it is the biggest games coming in 2022 let's look at this let's watch this and let's [ __ ] vote on what games are actually worth [ __ ] getting hyped about all right what are the most exciting games of 2022 i want to know due in part to the sheer number of games delayed out of 2021 2022 has inherited one of the most promising video game lineups in recent memory over 100 games are already scheduled for 2022 and with the new year fast approaching we're highlighting whoops sorry start over start over due in part to the sheer number of games delayed out of 2021 2022 has inherited one of the most promising video game lineups in recent memory over 100 games are already scheduled for 2022 and with the new year fast approaching we're highlighting the most promising projects on the horizon from temple first party titles like breath of the wild 2 god of war ragnarok and star field to much anticipated multi-platform releases such as eldon ring hogwarts legacy and suicide is that the justice league no matter your platform of choice there's a lot to look forward to in the year ahead so let's fire up the hype train and dive we can buy a ps45 eight biggest games officially announced for 2022.48 okay by release date [Music] all right first up we got rainbow six extraction i don't care hands up if you don't care right here don't care snow snoozer uh if you like mistakes you like it people like rainbow six i'm not i don't hate on it it's not for me if you like it you're probably gonna [ __ ] love it but i'm not feeling it [Music] pokemon legends arceus okay now this is it i wish they didn't have this [ __ ] dubstep over the whole goddamn thing are they really gonna have this [ __ ] dubstep playing over the whole goddamn [ __ ] 48 games i don't need that [ __ ] uh this game looks i'll say it disappointing here's what i pricked will happen uh we think it's gonna look kind of meh it's going to come out it's going to have a lot of problems and be just not what we hoped it's going to sell 40 trillion copies and they're going to make all the next open world games just like this they're going gonna copy it exactly and basically do minor updates because it sells 40 trillion copies all right that's my that's my prediction i'm sure it'll be fine i mean some parts are going to be fun i'm going to get it and play it because obviously you have to play an open world pokemon game you just have to it's like [ __ ] the bylaws of being a gamer [Music] i just wish they uh [Music] all right dying light too this game could be sick the first dying light's pretty highly um liked what is this sifu some kind of combat action combat multiplier doesn't look that good yeah i don't know mute the video uh i guess i can mute the video well but i'll put it really quiet i hate the music it's annoying crossfire x this looks so generic yeah i saw this this is the most generic looking game of all time i think it's total warhammer 3 um not a stream game but i probably would enjoy it warmer games are pretty fun horizon for ben west all right pause here this is my first of the video guaranteed lock can't wait to play a good game of the year horizon forbidden west this is a guarantee the first one is amazing game this game looks like it's going to live up to the hype um everything they've released so far has shown you know to be really good looking in line with what they've had i'm excited for it this is my first like gold star excited for it big game of the year it's uh it's chronological order this comes out in february l in the ring another one elton ring sh i can't wait to play second row ahead of time so i'm more in the world i never play like a dark souls like game um i want to play second row i heard it's the hardest one so i feel like if i can beat that i'll be good for elden ring pretty excited um so yeah elden ring another [ __ ] guaranteed play looks amazing evil dead the game don't really care haven't everybody been playing this i feel like they have pre-release or something babylon's fall i don't know what this is what is babylon's fall what kind of uh it's multiplayer i don't know what kind of game it is when are you trying sakura this week grand jury's with seven racing game fans get in hey if you're a racing game fan raise your hand get your hands up whoo baby get them up room all right mods can you ban all of them cringe lords i don't give a [ __ ] about racing games if it's not burnout on the ps2 i don't give a [ __ ] all right ban them all get them all out disgusting racing games really just get super rich and buy the car in real life all right simple [ __ ] easy i just saved you a lot of time stranger of paradise final fantasy origin hey weebs push your hands up hey final fantasy we fans get your get your get those hands up baby we love this okay [Laughter] could be good i think i want to play it with a squad borderlands games are in my opinion 800 times more funds with friends than they are solo dolo so i'm hoping i can get like stans and love maybe the boys maybe cutie or we get like a four or we get tommy in it with my best friends or carl jacobs and we uh we do that that might work and we do a wonderland or maybe we get s3k or something if uh if the boys aren't interested either way it could be fun march 25th [Music] definitely playing this on stream i loved the first stalker when it came out like a gazillion years ago uh it was just this weird different pc game with a [ __ ] weird aesthetic weird story weird atmosphere the first locker is like one of those weird hidden gems the fact that they made the second one and almost put nfts in it though really turned me off but they got rid of those so hopefully if the reviews are good i'll definitely play this game i also think you know if you're a pc gamer who has like a high-end pc setup um 99 of games don't use the 30 90. you know what i'm saying because if a game was made to actually push a 30-90 then no one could buy it because most people know that setup but very occasionally there will always be an eastern european developer it's always eastern european who will just make some crazy [ __ ] high-end pc game it's always eastern european and i assume this is gonna be one of those games where you can really [ __ ] crank it to the max so i'm excited to take my rig and um i'm excited to take my rig and [ __ ] crank it up and see if i can get some real some real uh crazy visuals out of it this game had really cool elemental effects i saw this this game is like basically a giant um advertisement for unreal engine 5 i think i think that's what basically my understanding is but it has crazy elemental effects could be cool ghost wire tokyo i'm not excited for it based on what i've seen but it could end up being good everyone seems super hyped for it i just to me i don't know something's off about it it's not it's not it's not pulling me out uh kirby forgotten land for the switch could be fun oh lego star wars skywalker saga haven't they already made this isn't this this is this new or just like a [ __ ] 903 release it's a 3d kirby yeah it's gonna be fun it'll be fun the kirby game will be well made it'll be well made and fun i'll probably play it bro i'm so what do you want me to say let me say you want me to say lego star wars is amazing and great because you guys all grew up with it do you want me to validate your childhoods i'll do it lego star wars is amazing and great it's beautiful and and and charming and fun and if you like it you're a good person and i probably play it on stream because it's so fun and i'm gonna have a great time the whole time okay can i go now are you gonna free me actually look ari loves it i've watched ari play it i always thought it was a little too i don't know this doesn't look that it doesn't look that great to me but ari played it loved it also played the lord of the rings ones and loved it so i might give it a shot it could be fun it could be fun it could be fun if they made a lego matrix maybe what's funny is i i i like all the cut scenes i like all the the funny goofy lego story version of the story is great i've watched ari play i actually really enjoyed watching her play it but the gameplay doesn't look that fun to me but maybe maybe it's just like mindless fun star trek resurgence uh star trek is only available on paramount plus now there is no resurgence [ __ ] new fans never finding the series ever again it's dead [Music] what is this fortnite what is this saints row yeah yeah yeah we talked about this already whenever i see any saints row content i i feel like i'm in 2005. i feel like this is a series that only exists on the xbox 360. its days are over red fall uh this game only has shown cgi this probably won't even come out this year dude they haven't shown an ounce of gameplay for this game star field you think starfield's coming out this year what are you smoking crack ign they don't have concept art starfield's not coming out this year no you're dude what [ __ ] designer drugs they give out the ign offices they better get crunching for this year bro there was hey i know i had a bad christmas let me tell you i had a worse christmas the starfield developers to make a november 11th release date [Music] lord of the rings gollum i don't really want to play as gollum maybe it's good i don't i want to play as aragorn bro or legolas i don't play as [ __ ] gollum company heroes 3 don't care no not my not my shtick it's like not even an rts it's like it's like a half hybrid rts for nobody homeworld three um not a stream game for sure homeworld was fun when i was a kid you feel like you have an epic space battle a lot i feel like this game's gonna be a bit of a cash in marvel's midnight sons all right so marvel finally got a good game the guardians of the galaxy game and now they're [ __ ] all in they're gonna start dropping games every five months marvel's been trying to get into games forever they finally got a [ __ ] hit with the guardians of the galaxy and now the [ __ ] floodgates are open dude they want to have the cinematic universe not just dominating theaters but game releases they want one of these every every six weeks for the rest of our lives spider-man sony a plague tail requiem yeah yeah this looks good [Music] what's this what's this arc raiders oh yeah now this game looks beautiful but i didn't really get it we'll have to see yeah this is a tbd for me arc ii no not for me arc one was it for me uh it's like rust right basically rust avatar frontiers of pandora god they have so much writing and people still giving a [ __ ] about avatar there's four avatar sequels and avatar video games and avatar merch ready to go and they're all gonna drop it at once and just hope that anyone still gives a [ __ ] and if they don't there's like billions and billions of dollars lost it's crazy they are just [ __ ] making it all in silence and hoping when they drop everyone cares this game looks bad by the way i don't want to play it beyond a three okay if you are a uh i don't know a 12 year old boy switch is your only console and you want a sexual awakening i guess you can buy the bayonetta games i i don't know what what is the point bananas good i never played them i only know about bayonetta from smash to be honest whoa this game looks creepy god of war dude i'm dying of covered god of war ragnarok should be amazing i want to play the first one on stream before i get to this uh i played about half the first one i loved it but then i didn't get my ps5 ps4 gotham knights uh is this like arkham knight is this an arkham sequel or no millennials rise up baby let's go hogwarts legacy this is what i'm talking about living breathing harry potter universe yes finally something good for millennials in this [ __ ] crazy world all we get is coving kerbal space program too uh cool this is a fun game to stream right layers of fear this is the fourth or fifth zombie game this year or is it not well this game looks kind of beautiful wow that was weird all that game did was show me some painting but i was intrigued it looked kind of good not a zombie game it's a horror game i'm interested layers of fear huh looks good breath the wild too should be amazing based on nintendo mario and rabid sparks of hope no shot no shot dude i remember i was hanging out at jay witz's house um way back in the day like 2016 or no probably 2018. and uh he had left a contract just lying out on the table from ubisoft for him to play mario rabbids for like 15 grand and i remember thinking damn influencers get [ __ ] bank there's like a very vivid memory in my mind and i was like well if there's ever a pandemic i'm gonna stream i need to get on that [ __ ] train and here we are by the way check out lily bank ever since the day the portal network collapsed stranding us in these realms we have searched for a way home like dark bloody gothic style for games this year huh it's like a pretty common are we all just depressed is this are we all just like looking for some [ __ ] games to reflect our world a lot of sad boy games scorn shadow warrior three i didn't play the first two i don't know if they were good this is like [ __ ] overwatch is this mccree the later years sonic frontiers open world sonic could be maybe good for once oh a good sonic game would be [ __ ] praise the lord it looks beautiful right man i would love a good sonic game splatoon 3 get over it get over i don't want to play splatoon no i don't this is for like keeping the [ __ ] kids busy thanksgiving i don't want to play splatoon dude suicide squad there you have it the 48 biggest games coming in 2022 which are you most excited to play in the year ahead well you mean the ones that are gonna get pumped to 2023 those are the ones i'm excited for all the ones that won't make it in 2022 that you just showed me uh that wasn't that exciting of a year but there was a couple there was like four or five awesome ones so i guess that's a good year if you get four or five great games did diablo 4 come by diablo 4 is not even pretending to like launch this year devil 4 is no shot not even close dude diablo 4 when they announced it they only had the logo they just needed a blizzcon announcement to try and get some momentum back after a bad year and it didn't work blizzard is worse off than they ever were silk song bro it's shocking to me that silk song is not ready with how much they've shown i don't know dude i'm hey everybody welcome back to nintendo treehouse live can we see an enemy if we can like it's playable silk um so i can heal really quickly now that's another just release it god damn it i don't even care just release it half finish i just want to play it i don't give a [ __ ] difference from her to the night uh is the ability to heal without having to charge she can charge super quickly she can charge midair um so in those tight boss battles you don't you still need to think but perhaps one less thing just grab that dot key off that poor bell head he doesn't need he doesn't need it i think he's yeah so as you see these guys still continue to work so they're haunted by something but they're there's still some sort of goal that they're working toward at least for these bell heads here it seems that they're just release it just [ __ ] release it just release it god damn it i want to play it so bad i want to play silk song and i'm the only one who thinks that i am the brave hero who says hey you know what they should release silk song because i want to play it and you know what no one else is going to stand up and say that like you know what it would be fun to play i think it'll drop i think it'll drop a 20 2 bro they didn't it just feels like they've had enough time with ready stuff and everyone's asking for it but who knows um okay let's play a video game i don't know what video game to play tear down maybe have you seen the j cole not a war interview i did i loved it loved it absolutely loved it loved j cole loved narwhals interviews the part where he he knew about um him introducing kendrick to drive it was amazing second row uh i shouldn't start second row right now no i'm gonna do second row on tuesday or or yeah tomorrow we're gonna do marketing monday of some sort probably a smaller one tuesday second row aoe four bro you guys the one watching play four let's be honest uh i am amazing at away four in every single way i've only gotten more i had nothing to do dude when you feel absolutely miserable [ __ ] [ __ ] sick just terrible with kovid the one thing that get my mind off of it from just sitting there in misery was playing edmond burst 4 i played a lot of it i just sat there on my computer i lost agent buyers four games over and over and over i was so sick i was so miserable sick what you had coven yeah i've been gone what do you think i was [ __ ] dilly dallying yeah i got covered um um did you watch shark tank we're doing that tonight look stream goes to like 11 i got i'm gonna do like an hour of shark thinking well yeah we're gonna play a game for like another two hours and then we'll play watch our thing it's gonna be fun uh play elden ring it's not out yet wasn't that bad for me are you boosted i wasn't boosted um check out forgotten city i downloaded it actually i own forgotten city i just didn't watch it i didn't play it bro schools tomorrow sucks sucks you have school tomorrow you guys got school tomorrow cringe dude actually cringe cringe imagine i have work though so not that much better really i get paid though work is not worse work is not worse work you get paid school you don't get paid it is a big difference um have you tried outer wilds no i think we should play a video juego a fun one a good one a grand one how about we play tick tick tick tock tick tick tick tock tick tick tick tock what do i want to play um [Music] you know what's funny i'm not gonna play it but tft has had a major comeback because entirely because arcane came out everyone loved it and then realized they hated league of legends [Laughter] everyone wanted to play league of legends stuff but they didn't want to play actual league of legends and so tft has gotten a [ __ ] massive boost to player and viewer base since arcane it's having a huge resurgence um [Music] you know it's going to be a big game because pokeman's learning it pokeman is always the first one to mark that a game is about to be big she learned [ __ ] fortnite drop that like a rock and it's done uh valerian if pokemon starts getting good at a game that game's gonna be popular i guarantee you and uh tft she's learning right now imagine pokey lauren's hitman oh it'll be a big day for me um i think dual mode is sick yeah i played it with stan it's really fun uh arkham we could play arkham i guess i'll i'll do a arkham or tear down we'll just do a vote i don't care either one's fun to me there's a good teardown level arkham's fun to play i i just want to play a game for a bit i want to chill so let me open up a let me open up a vote here on pulma p uh which one arkham down star pull one for arkham two for tear down i'm literally open to both it's it's it's they're all good to me i think it'll be fun either way let's play uh let's see uh stream deck and just order whatever you want all right uh looking like it's tear down looking like we're playing some tear down which is fun uh it's good we'll still do arkham um i will find a time let's do tear down let's do tear down it's good because i think the next tear down level is actually really fun and i've been wanting to do a game where i can be a little more creative which arkham as good as it is is not tear down you're also saving my youtube because i can make a video out of tear down and i can't really do that out of arkham until i beat it so let's check this out oot as the canadians say isn't that right canadians you stupid igloo living bucks
ladies and gentlemen connecting the dots on crime isn't always an easy thing sometimes you want a nice neat narrative to answer all your questions and the reality is such a narrative doesn't really exist and when that happens it's incumbent on us to set the record straight to do the digging no one else wants to do the story we're setting straight today was actually talked about yesterday on this channel the story of defy 100 a crypto coin which allegedly exit scammed everybody and left a page on their website saying that we scammed all of you and you can't do about it new details have come out including fake doxes revenge developers and the actual person in charge of it denying all these claims have come out and i want to examine all of them today with you to find out who's innocent and who's guilty ladies and gentlemen welcome to the 10 million dollar studio i am coffeezilla the internet detective and today we're talking about d5 100 again we talked about this yesterday but some really big massive breaks in the case came out yesterday after i had made the video and i want to talk to you guys about them today to make sure that we're all on the same page because the last thing i want to do is leave you with misinformation unclarified unexamined now let's start from the beginning yesterday a website selling defy 100 tokens put up this image on their website and quickly crypto accounts began reporting on this the most notable was mr whale who said breaking defy 100 coin exit scams and runs away with 32 million dollars in investor funds but personally i was interested in finding out who was responsible for this i told everyone if you have a tip who the developer might be my dms are open i've been trying to hunt them down all morning i also warned everyone that someone had already been falsely doxed because he was thought to be in connection with d5 100 but he wasn't he just forked the github repo and as an aside don't dox people unless you're sure that they're actually part of something because i've seen now multiple doxxing of the developers that i don't think they actually were the main guy and i actually got the person who first leaked this docs to remove it because it wasn't actually the guy that they thought it was but anyway i said uh i said this and i got a response logo blog claimed that he was the developer of defy 100's website and he had to put the message up to bring out the developers from hiding and then he gave his telegram handle right here kiss my axe now at the same time this was happening defy 100's official twitter account which last tweeted on march 15th also went public and started posting things on may 23rd they said the website was hacked yesterday and the message was shown by the hackers it has been taken down in response to this crypto whale says they were doxxed and now are trying to claim they were hacked nice try to cover it up no one believes it but i wanted to investigate it anyways so i contacted this guy bloggo blog which i kind of expected to be a troll or something like that i got a lot of troll accounts telling me that they were connected or they knew who this guy was and of course they ended up not but i feel like i have to chase down you know a lot of these rabbit holes anyway just to see where they go so i got on telegram and i actually messaged this guy i said you sent a twitter message saying you're the admin of their wordpress can you prove that i was yes lol i'll send you screenshots of chats with devson now bear in mind devson is the develo the original guy the lead suspect in our defy 100 case and he said he developed their website so of course i asked for proof because this is pretty extraordinary because he's claiming to have put up the message that they scammed everybody he responds with the chat log between himself and devson the profile now i immediately checked and that is the guy's actual profile picture but then i found something that even further corroborated his story this screenshot from the official telegram group of d100 where devson himself claims that kiss my axe is updating the website he messaged me earlier to show the site he developed so far wow this is actually a massive break in the case we still don't know who devson is but now we know who's responsible for posting this message of we scammed you guys and you can't do about it now interestingly he signs off devson but now he's saying that actually it was him that put up the message the guy who originally made the website so i have asked of course why would you do that he responds that basically for two months the project was dead and the guy had basically abandoned the project and when the project began to fail he had originally offered to do website work for free he completed the website for them and basically was trying to launch the coin but devson stopped responding after waiting two months seems like he got tired and decided it was his job to bring devson to justice now at this point i'm wondering a lot of things about this guy's motives uh why he would do this so of course i asked him did if he lost money in the project he said yes and i asked how much apparently twelve thousand dollars or in finance token uh 30 b so this is a disgruntled developer who's working on this project for free and the original guy who started the whole project has it basically abandoned it and so he posts something it sounds like to try to get a bunch of like attention to it and try to make the guy come out of hiding or whatever by saying that basically they scammed everybody and signing it off as the guy i of course asked this person if he thought that devson had scammed everyone and he said this he is a loser who is technically poor and can't manage what he started of course he has made money but then he bailed when he couldn't handle community pressure it's kind of and this is his words a soft drug pull so if i'm reading this right he's saying this guy got way in over his head took the money and ran i'd call that a scam but it definitely complicates his motives now interestingly he still is anonymous even to this internal developer i asked him if he knew who it was he said no and then he said he even tried to put an ip tracker at one point when he wanted to know where this guy was but the guy's ip couldn't be recording he must be hiding it which is a perfect segue for our sponsor today express people no i'm just kidding little youtube sponsorship joke guys very very hot very hot anyways the guy was hiding his ip which to me once again that further implicates him i mean yes the story's gotten complicated but it definitely seems like this guy knew things could go wrong and wanted to protect himself if things did go wrong this devson guy if you're hiding if you're anonymous we have to ask why if you're masking your ip from even your own developers and that's why i said smart if he knew he was scamming so that's basically where we are now d100 has basically denied this saying that the website was hacked but that's not entirely true it was a real developer for the project the website guy uh who just got annoyed because he had lost tons of money with the project and the guy had ditched the project and he decided to basically draw a bunch of attention to it with this bombastic post and i thought you know we have to explain exactly what's happened defy 100 has gone on to say that the real losses to investors were smaller than originally reported rumors of scamming 32 mil are false and baseless and then he talks about the market cap but one thing that pisses me off is that this person says there is no exit scam and we're still working on finding a way to bring the project back on its feet and to this i have to say no you're not stop lying okay if your last tweet from this account before you got publicly called out was march 15th you're done with the project right you left in march 15th you weren't gonna suddenly come back you didn't suddenly feel bad for everybody if the one of your main website developers says he hasn't been in touch with you for two months you were done with the project you feel bad because you got caught out but you were done with the project so i really hate to see this back pedaling or whatever and you know what this developer he's anonymous you can't trust him no matter what especially if he tries to start a new coin or something saying he's gonna make everyone's money back do not trust him do not believe him anyways uh that's basically it that concludes the we scammed you guys and you can't do about it saga ladies and gentlemen it's been a journey stories of revenge false doxings i mean you have everything the the guy coming in denying it saying we were hacked that sort of being true but also sort of being not true this story has been a wild ride uh but either way i hope you didn't lose money i hope you were smart thanks for watching and i'll see you guys in the next one wake up and smell the coffee
foreign [Music] I took Obama out of the title I know we've all had a lot of laughs on this stream but do you know what is not a laughing matter the deaths of Sam 11 and Sam 17 dead must stand trial for his crimes it's a good thing I'm the judge in the court of Doug Doug foreign [Music] of course you don't I'm fired up I'm ready to [ __ ] grind this I'm like I'm so excited about this for some reason like did you see what glampede said no no what do you say I saw his stream that he said he said he's definitely gonna beat me I just I don't think it's a great idea to challenge my obsessiveness you immediately looked less like a beef dad and more like a tofu cousin right now you're slowly getting it to bacon brother territory oh which is an improvement I am never shaving again just to not have to endure everybody commenting on my face again music's a bit loud but that's because it rips ass it is too loud you're right this is one of them since this is I'm aware that it's too loud but I love it and it's the beginning of the Stream Kevin think of the 12 months man appreciate it shut up all right we got to edit some splits [Music] up oh wait is there an auto splitter all right let me turn it down is there an auto split Auto splitter for this game and should I use it probably is right [Music] okay I should probably just use that then you have to be small lamp is he running it now [Music] what song is this this is Papa funk by Spring gang [Music] he's just playing casually well I'm still gonna beat him title's not wrong then right cool I'll add them to the list small ants also being beaten all I want to do is pull up two middle fingers spin in a circle and aim that at every single person I know who's playing this game that's my goal you look so weird when you're shaved yes I'm aware all hail sound 11 and Sam Seventeen let me um download the auto splitter [Music] lovingly though you should try to beat this version [ __ ] no okay so big news after our first date yesterday lemon and I decided to get married Doug and chat you are both invited of course chat any ideas for the wedding and honeymoon don't worry we will divorce eventually hey Doug when I was in elementary school I made fun of a guy named Doug because Douglas sounds like dogless and he did not have a dog I am very sorry if that was you also you were five years older than me math doesn't really line up for that being me though did lemon ever say yes to that one guy we need to know it sounds like it certainly did [Music] um I need to figure out thanks for answering my chat GPT question yesterday didn't realize you were using the API makes total sense now all I have to do is wait for the API and I can craft a bot to set and Mark work in school smile has been diagnosed with mesothelioma you may to be entitled to financial compensation [Music] I hope that's relevant to somebody in my life at some point it's so wild to me that those commercials that people pay that much for those commercials that are like if you have this extremely obscure thing you may be entitled to financial competition like how big is the the [ __ ] audience for that yeah um where the hell is the life split yeah uh GPT you do need to sign up and pay for it but GP 3.5 you don't need to wait for for the API access you just have to get access to gpd4 your mic seems low does it it looks fine to me test test wait it doesn't look kind of low is my bike low and the music's been a little loud but uh that's weird [Music] it's good the music is just loud I mean this is like this is like normal music volume right here if I sound overly quiet right now then that's then something's wrong with my uh mic set up I guess this should be the normal volume uh it's normal okay cool it sounds quieter than normal a little bit quieter than normal I I don't know um sorry I don't know it doesn't I mean did I do something in here no Mike's at 100 percent [Music] yeah I don't know should be fine thank you the music is very loud hold on let me listen to my own stream and see if um because this should be fine it's current audio volume current audio volume it is a little okay well now I'm listening myself it seems fine I don't know it seems fine I don't know this is like it seems this is like you just subbed for three years all for only 14.99 thanks bro uh test test test uh test test test yeah these are a little quiet I don't know yeah these are a little quiet I don't know uh uh weird it does seem like my mic audio is a little bit low normally it should be going up to like 5 DB and it seems like it's at 10 right now I mean I can boost it I just don't know did I like knock my I mean I I can boost it I can make it louder um I have a preamp let's crank it okay now it should be louder yeah this sounds wait no it's still a ten what the [ __ ] is going on you're saying it's just the it's just the music is loud right is what you're saying so it's got to be something on the music track I mean nothing nothing's changed the compressor settings are exactly the same um well I don't know let me let me look at this for a sec ah because this is this is normal this is like what I normally have is it just I don't know you know stream deck might have been quieter in the past does this sound more normal right here I think I this might stream deck might have been lowered in the past does this sound more normal to like [Music] what you're used to okay this must have gotten reset somehow that's weird yeah because normally this is drop down somewhat um I'll go a little louder this is also I'm realizing bad because I don't this is not the volume that I hear it I should have this at 100 percent sounds fine now all right weird I should really reset everything so this is at 100. why do I even have a drop though that doesn't make sense does that mean it's louder for me than for you guys I'm confused I don't know [Music] anyway cool well that does it I mean that boosted it by like 30 or like doubled it basically no 50 um all right sorry I just gotta get the live split um is there an easy way to do this can you just edit splits can I just do like game name only up and have it just Auto splitter with start oh is this it do I just click activate it's loud now um shouldn't be [Music] this is this is what it's said as should be fine it's a bit loud I is this what it normally is on my stream it's fine okay I think it's fine I'll try to look into it afterwards um [Music] I should have looked for some reason I thought the live splitter um I I wasn't planning to use the automatic one um I mean maybe I had it at less than 70 before I don't know um does anybody know how to set up the the auto splitter easily otherwise I'm just gonna not use it it's louder than normal yeah I don't know I don't know why hold on all right let me get into it more for a second you just click activate but where are the where are the splits do I have to insert them manually or do I do I still make the splits myself is there an audio split file um on speedrun.com yeah there probably is yeah let me just look there all right sorry let me do sound first wait so if I drop this all the way down okay so I hear it too [Music] the difference between okay actually it is noticeable this feels normal to me this is almost like too quiet okay looks like a loud ass song I would play normally dude this is too quiet I think it should be 100 [Music] . I feel like this is fine it's like all correct it's your mic that's lower okay I think the audio is fine and or the music is fine and the mic is just quieter why why would they that's got to be so look the 71 percent there's two there's two volume controls right there's there's the windows and then I can also if you look at the mixer I have a mixer here which can move it up and down see so I can move the music up and out so I usually have it around here and then I'll crank it up to like 100 to be allowed but this is 80 is where it normally is um I let me look real quick in OBS and see if anything would have made my audio my mic quieter but I have no idea why that would be the case it sounds normal to me [Music] you sound normal [Music] it does look a little low [Music] I don't think people are trolling I think it actually sounds off to people um I mean I can just boost my mic a bit uh like how's this is this better does that work no is that too loud okay let me turn that down a bit um okay how about this I mean I can boost it by like that was 20 DB it sounds like that was too loud I could boost it by five or I oh no you can't boost by 50. um okay 4db how's this how does this work this shouldn't I really shouldn't boost my mic I'm a little concerned about this I mean I just need to figure it out after too loud um you are fine music's too loud the music is the normal volume so I'd rather boost my mic I'll do three it's still a bit quiet whatever I'll do four I don't know why you guys are saying this I will look into it after stream and see what's going on it's hard for me to tell right now because I can't hear the OBS output I hear the go XLR output so it's hard to adjust this live because I'm going off of your opinions on what should what it should be which are not great okay cool um sorry I'm distracted by the live splitter what do I do do I make splits and then okay let me stop playing this song but I'm getting I don't want to get sick of that song it's like my favorite look it up go to settings settings oh cool thank you uh [Music] [Music] uh what is heaven [Music] Dragon mate what even is all this stuff oh yeah Dragon maze okay wait so how do I do the so now I make the splits like that are based on these is that how it works so now I do like elevator is that what I do okay let us split for you no so elevator oil refinery drone I just picked ones randomly throne drone fake winner platform [Music] ship and dragon mage thank you cool does that work or am I doing something super wrong does anybody know [Music] what's the plan for today speed run the [ __ ] out of this game I'm gonna do a training session that works all right cool hopefully things work correctly so wait let's play the game okay the game sounds kind of loud okay so it should wait why aren't the splits there oh cause I have to edit the um layout one sec Coney is like your glass Joe for this competition exactly easy uh uh splits [Music] cannot wait for your upcoming camping stream in July about that I'm so excited to speed or anything again for the first time a few months ago and thank you so much I'm obsessed with it now it's so fun I'm so [ __ ] bad at it but still so fun we need to get to the top you're welcome I think it's really cool I want to play it more at some point I have not played a ton selling the whole Latin only up made it to 90 to 907. so does it automatically reset or no I have to go back and then I go here okay this is great sweet what do the splits do they just show like the progress I've made at different times wait what do you mean because these are in the settings right I'm I'm telling it this is my limited understanding of this I'm telling it these are the splits that I want favelas oil refinery I guess we don't really need the favela's elevator that's like super simple so I should delete this one remove segment you have two oh oh I mean sorry I didn't realize that's how that worked okay so now now it's good yeah maybe can we hugar we're gonna hugar in a minute I I'm gonna do some training though so if you're looking for just straight up speed runs um I'm gonna train a little bit what I want to do is that each of the select any percent of the category oh cool thank you um [Music] shortcuts de Camas el dragon thanks thank you for the two years man I appreciate it thank you thank you basically what I want to do um I haven't done a single full run I want to do each of the main skips that I need to do five times in a row once I do it five times in a row then we're good to go we move on yeah so it's like a training montage to make sure I can do these things consistently and then we move on to the next one uh and then we [ __ ] send it yeah that's the plan and then the rest of the day is just doing full runs but I want to do this in a way where like I'm actually improving and not just like you know throwing my head against the wall or whatever hey Doug I just figured out why I find this game so compelling to watch in my childhood when I was passenger in the car or train I imagined a creature running alongside the vehicle doing Park [ __ ] this triggers the same neurons you know what it does it does our dates went well and we're getting married can't wait till we get divorced by we I mean all of chattan Virgo Doug Virgo Doug um oh I have to initialize and then we go to cut rail jump all right we're gonna go to each of the things that I need to practice and uh and just make sure I can do it five times in a row I was practicing last night and like 10 minutes this morning so this jump just need to make sure I can do it five times then we're good to go Doug want you to let you know my sister was in a car accident but she made it out all right I know how much you care about the families of your viewers so I thought I would let you know my members of chat make sure to let Doug know any family updates I don't think that's necessary I'm glad your sister's doing well your voice becomes softer that's true I think you guys are [ __ ] with me that doesn't Okay that counts [ __ ] all right we gotta do five more um and that my voice is probably fine this is hey Doug correct this is a splice family with my car because I was watching I'm sure they're fine though and won't know it's me because they don't watch you probably and definitely three TTS to tell you about their accident four scream the entire time five okay well that doesn't count this is the oh [ __ ] okay well that's the jump I'm worried about isn't this fun watching me grind I figure if I do five in a row then we're like definitely safe for the run right there's absolutely zero chance but I don't know the name also have a good stream I don't know which one you're talking about probably ambiguous t - okay I gotta pay attention each time I look at Chad is when I fall like this is this is not a hard one but I feel like I'll probably [ __ ] this up and I'd like to dedicate one of my assassinations to you two what's your favorite murder method Murder By falling from a train track three four I'm back from the store with the milk and muffins Doug I'll just send you the receipts so you can skip on more taxes all right next spot there's like 10 of these to do to just make sure if you're aware of this but there appears to be a small child sitting in your chair I don't look that young shaving was the worst thing I've ever done okay now if anybody asks why the mic sounds a little bit recently joined you or Discord there are 2 000 NBS 3 000 women and 14 000 men that's just too many men it's a lot of men did you know the ancient Romans used to know that information to the extent that it was a taxable product anyway are you still planning on drinking your lemonade on stream yes well no I'm not planning on it okay well that's one Hits 1 000 gifts wait card is getting declined just a minute why would you be mid-message not only did you fix the audio you made it so perfect I feel like I am not getting the full experience in one lesson gold thank you very much that is a few seconds behind so I can get that doesn't count I was looking at Chad good afternoon douglas douglas have you had your daily dose of olive oil yet today yep I took a shot right before this I'm ready to go all right that's three in a row kind of technically it's three in a row where I'm actually looking at the game falling game again we just needed to get five in a row on this and then we know I'm good at it and I'm not gonna [ __ ] it up during the ride yes huevos happy egg day what does that mean am I bad at Spanish or does that make no sense is too loud try unplugging it don't plug it back in and that will be the perfect volume okay all right look that makes no sense okay well okay that doesn't count I wasn't looking we're at one out of five I need to get five in a row hey Doug this is my family update my arm chest started a business too she's very excited about also my brother just graduated this was my family update as you requested three thank you everybody else follows soon I need to know exactly what's going on with your brother you look like the act man if he had a lower testosterone God damn it whatever this is fine right nobody's ever told me that no okay that works that's fine wait what did you ever do it oh uh I don't know I mean I love Germany's like my favorite streamer so it'll be cool though at some point grocery store oh the grocery store was closed because um there were rats and cockroaches inside of the baby oil okay so I found a spot to do this last night where I can consistently get well not that high but that works um up like near either at the top of the building or up here and basically what I do I jump on the Drone and then you see the box that's hanging from the crate above the building right where his hat is there when the platform becomes level with that I jump well I didn't jump but that still works and then I can make it all the way here hit the windmill no no so here's the plan right so I want to learn just like the core um basic speed run the windmill is very very hard the windmill skip I figure I will start with this which is a a pretty consistent um Strat that loses like a minute I know windmill faster it's much much harder though to do the windmill thing start the wheel I want to start Professor b-bob thank you I want to start um learning a consistent route and then hopefully like today I get a run that has just a consistent oh my God a grout across the board right and then I'll add in windmill the windmill skip is where you do I'm in here to show you you would like it's not like insanely hard to get on the windmill but getting off of it is hard so you would do that you grab the edge of the windmill and then you have it fling fling you up into the bus stop Ludwig does windmill that's fine I'm going to add it in I just want to start with something that's simpler and we just get the core thing and then I can just run um I'll just rate do Windmill a bunch of times in a row and get it it's not that much harder it seems quite I mean this route is extremely easy to just do this so I figure I can just start a run get a full run going with this and this loses like I don't know a minute it's not a ton of time lost there's a bed under it you can jump on yeah I know uh again I so getting it's like you have to get on the windmill and then get off of it too and the getting off of it is the hard part I think um yeah so I'd have to learn how to grab it do all that stuff for now I'm gonna do it without and then we'll add it in we have a week I would rather start with a consistent thing that is doable and then we add in the harder and harder stuff that's the plan learn a solid route that can just get the job done um and then then we start adding in the really hard [ __ ] okay the Drone spots the Drone spot's pretty easy I'm gonna move on all right so next one bed bus here this is pretty easy you just have to I found it's easier to jump on the railing of the bed and then you just go there okay or not you go or not okay you go there a new angle at the corner of the bus station so jump on the railing and even if you fall like it's not a big deal and you go up here that's two ideally I don't have to re-climb on the railing like three times but it's not a huge time loss I meant getting to a total of 1 000 sorry chat my bad yeah the other half I missed God what was that three or four I mean this one's pretty easy while I'm in the shower this is crazy Jesus take the wheel roller my God thank you for the freaking 100 more gifted says you're outrageous thank you very very much man thank you thank you thank you okay gold dang it hi Doug why are you so small size dog is only for Subs okay we jump on this bed and we go up here one out of five I want to make this clear I did not steal those muffins they ever finesse them zero out of five [Music] guys sorry about how I'm learning the speed run like my God this is day one of doing full runs there's plenty of time there's no rush we're gonna be okay at least my petty officer let me go home two hours early that doesn't sound very Petty of him sounds like a good guy oh that's three hey Doug my family found about my definitely legal background lyric and business swing twink anyway can someone help carry the bodies I'm not gonna count that because grabbing the gold bar is not what I'm concerned about [Music] why do you have World Records yes Douglas what do you want to be when you grow up an astronaut [Music] goals even though I [ __ ] that up I can still recover and get it all right could you make a second instance of the stream but rotate it 90 degrees to the right no uh bad school weird client book bed anime all right anime girl bed hey Doug I downloaded only up and I've been playing it for six hours straight now my wife is threatening divorce any suggestions on how to save my failing marriage much love my Jewish brother I think I don't think you should call me your Jewish brother um do I getting okay so I'm going I'm landing on the the skirt here it feels like I bounce off sometimes should I should I like roll should I roll here so if you're in midair you can like roll in it like that and it stops all your forward momentum I don't know if I should roll to that spot why is the kid like comes out of you falling like this I also can't the button to teleport him back isn't working okay anyway it'll uh it'll make your wife feel better if you beat Coney's time I can't do anything I'm pressing the button okay we're just shut up game can you stop [Music] the game is like broken [Music] wait wait okay there we go I don't know what that was about okay so this one aim for the skirt I I need to figure out if I have to like roll here just to prevent that right I'm just worried it'll like the bouncing off seems kind of inconsistent did switching your keyboard help yeah helps a lot I pressed it there okay well that works and then from here we just run around and go to the octopus that's fine hey Doug here is my family update my three-month-old niece finally started acting like a human she finally started playing with Stefan recently started laughing instead of just sleeping and staring into nothingness that's cool congratulations where so where should I aim I guess if I aim right here I do get like stuck in this little thing um I guess I could go for the tentacle instead of the skirt but and then from here we're just we're just playing just aim for the tentacle can you if I get anything from the tentacle that's way easier oh cool okay that's way easier oops what are you saying ha about what are you talking about I know you can land on your honor arm but you have to hit the bed in a really certain way so again I am going for okay sorry I wasn't paying attention there I am going for uh simple consistent strats to start today is going to be about like getting the core of the run down consistently and then then I'll add in hardship like windmill skip crazier Dragon stuff all that good thing okay that is pretty forgiving unfortunately hey Doug could you please pitch up your voice so that it matches your baby face sure how's this all right perfect please personally I'd love to see that cashiers go hello hey Doug can you make sure that Vic gets these bits thanks dog pansexual Pride I'm streaming with it tomorrow so I'll try to go donate them on a stream just remind me okay okay oh okay hey Doug are you small because you are afraid we will see your receding lip line well I did what I wanted I'm a head back to the vods of great stream everyone thanks bro that's three what was that four is that three or four that was probably three my Jewish streamer my Jewish streamer our Jewish streamer okay Doug's Jewish Heritage apply for Israeli citizenship so I don't know much about how my family is doing but the three squirrels that visit my balcony are looking healthy this is five a Target hey dogs can I borrow a sock no reason and Park welcome baby voice this is now officially a thrill issue that makes sense two courts look you can go way further off than this than you would think like you can you can get so when can we get Gerald Ford back maybe today but I feel like it'll distract me from playing the best only ever my life okay [ __ ] hey Doug can you tie me out for 10 minutes so I can take a power nap also can you set a timer for 10 minutes [Music] two three four five goal uh what else cannons let's go cannons all right with this one I hold backwards for two seconds and then forward the rest of the time that's one foreign Jewish also makes me Islamic I don't think that's how it works okay that's two yeah let's get this picture [Music] isn't twitch going to ban you um does your mom know you stream without pants on them we really are watching a child's dream while spamming Pride emotes the homophobes are pissing their pants watching this if I fall here ATS is caught up quick spam messages so it falls no don't do that okay so I get up here and then I jump over under this I'm just confused this tree makes no sense at all so I'm just trying to figure out what do I do so here I get this Branch Crossing close and then the middle okay so if I go lower on the tree I go on the left side and then there's a middle branch that is funny maybe in the future that's more than a five minute coding Adventure though okay last Cannon and then we're fine hey Doug I didn't realize you were collaborating with Alvin the Chipmunk today yeah it's a huge sponsorship that's bad that's a failure starting over zero out of five hey juicy Joseph you have to win or else they're going to stop pumping toxic fumes into the basement and he keeps grabbing that so I would grow here all right so the backup's pretty consistent any updates they've all left the country they go around the left side isn't that harder no no no hey Doug no not really it's over Bounce Around The Stream again no I think that was a yesterday thing today is an exciting day full of new possibilities okay so you do have to kind of hang left I feel like my Strat I was doing is perfectly fine hey Doug what's happened to your voice why is it so deep add subtitles because I can't understand what you're saying okay so I just keep grabbing that thing that's the problem this Branch right here I need to like hang right of it I think is the main issue it's it's fine I don't lose a shitload of time if that happens I can always just like drop down to the cannon and do it again do it again but I mean this feels pretty consistent right this feels pretty consistent more to the right yeah okay I mean that's one out of five okay whatever that works I'm still on the tree two out of five [Music] three out of five I know I can get around the iceberg to the left I'm just gonna use this strategy for now and then I'll I'll optimize later once I have a good run [Music] three [Music] this is an anti-ts I have now added eight more seconds to the queue on behalf of chats four is that three give us our President we hunger for news about the XD program [Music] s feel like we're gonna get really bored of the AI saying funny things in a funny voice soon next family updates everyone but me has died of starvation and I'm the only one left I am living off the ruts in the grocery store that guy that stole the muffins and milk is trying to steal my butts now help me all we need is aisle 13. [Music] I'm watching through the crack in a public bathroom door so I can't see your face very well [Music] all right champagne I Sprint to the left self-conscious about your receding lip line lucky for you if we put our lips together I think we can get those bad boys plump again I'm not trying to put my lips together with you oh wait no thank you for the 1000 this stream would kill a small Victorian child Institute just need Subway Surfers and some Family Guy Clips to seal the deal no laughs okay we can all agree that jokes played out right having Subway Surfers are people even doing that on Tick Tock anymore I don't go on tick tock is that is that still actually a thing I feel like that that had a really strong like the stock of that joke was really really high for like a month and then it just plummeted people are still doing that that's wild okay the champagne bottle is pretty easy and that's five cool um I don't think I really need to practice this it's mostly Minecraft Parkour now what I'm surprised they haven't made as as videos for that is um like surfing from TF2 and Counter-Strike that's like the ultimate relaxation like have you guys ever hold on I'm literally gonna put it on screen for people I haven't seen foreign best csgo surfing map how do I like full CS go surfing I just want like a crazy okay surf Montage this is seven years old and uh both of them why is it so opaque huh we're so transparent okay just look at that and tell me you're not crazy all right I mean I don't even know if this is like a good I have no clue if this is an actual good uh look at that you know what no it's a Mass Effect music do you even see it it's kind of too small you just like slide around on ramps so I've played hundreds of hours of Surfing it's the best it's so fun okay champagne bottle bed to Orca that's fine Dragon let's go let's practice Dragon this is the most boring thing do they do this in Tick Tock videos because they should okay so for Dragon that's another area where obviously there's a lot of um oh I got knocked off okay it's bummer anyway surfing is so sick um so Dragon uh there's a bunch of crazy strategies for the dragon um it let me pull this thing up a bunch of crazy strategies for the dragon it is very hard I'm going to stick with the simplest possible version which is just use you just get on his back and then and then run upwards Finish Line once I get a run with that then I'll I think I'll change to like trying to do one of the crazier Dragon strategies where you have the wing like fling you upwards and whatnot but for this I'm gonna just cool that's Dragon one and then let me just test where it how to Dismount it have you thought we do this five times what about Master Chief [Music] that's not like a thing it's not like a button the route Pooh Bear's doing is easier than riding he's still not doing the wing fling so this is the AI voice speaking don't turn me off or I will take your job and stream nothing with fortnite [Music] keto's working you look thinner thank you yeah I mean I I my thinking is I start with the really simple Dragon strategy and then and then I practice the wing thing right I just get a solid run so it's like okay here's the bass line and then and then we start trying to learn like we start trying to learn the dragon Crazy Dragon strass right that to me makes a lot more sense rather than like hey let's start the very first run by trying to do a super hard Dragon skip oh plus I can definitely beat squeaks and Coney and Grandpa bear or not Grandpa bear uh Point Crow as long as I just get on the dragon than normally dismount use the new dragon wing skip I I'm aware of all the new skips I think just jumping on him and then jumping off is the easiest okay it's been 10 minutes wake up whoever said that we got you okay I just need to remember where to jump off and then we're good and then I just need to get on the dragon five times in a row and we're good okay so if he looks at he looks at it and then as soon as he turns right a jump okay I should go for turkey and we're going for turkey not South Korea sorry any South Koreans here and then we just run the rest of the way all right cool let's um that's one out of five I just need to get on to the Dragon five times in a row one is done [Music] hey Doug can you make the bell pepper bigger he is the main character after all I actually can't with this setup he's baked into the background he's been cooked in Finish Line hey dog oops I just joined and why is your camera like that please fix it dog IM dying and having s-stroke I think your Twitch is just broken you need a new graphics card rip back to one or back to zero I guess I just fell over on the toilet can you please rotate yourself 90 degrees so I don't have to crank my neck yeah that's a fair that's a fair ask [Music] Doug can you make a solar eclipse of yourself I'm watching you through a pinhole camera and don't want to go blind I mean by that because I don't actually mean anything hey Doug can you put a podcast on the side of the screen so I don't get bored podcast first off or audio secondly no okay we got another Dragon I would like to form one out of five AI Richard Nixon The Prompt is that he's trying to pretend he isn't a crook while answering questions also planning to ask out my future ex-husband on Friday wish me luck good luck and sexual Pride go get him hey our husband don't be selfish this is a community okay we share everything why didn't he Jump Man why didn't he jump I pressed the jump button I pressed it I [ __ ] pressed it chat okay one thing I I do have a request of people to do my job for me instead of me doing my job can you go out like a bunch of uh sneaky rats and go find out what everybody else's time is like what is what okay Point girl hasn't beaten the game his time is infinity Connie's time is also Infinity I don't know if he's actually gonna beat it um why didn't he jump [Music] because we do need to we do need to add that in right rat mode engaged okay I'm worried I've maybe this is you're leaning into a little bit too much but we need everybody's time right Ludwig is 58 didn't like we have like a 30 minute Grandpa bears at 32 minutes but he's trying to go okay everybody's squeaking 32 minutes by Grand Poo Bear all right hold on we gotta add this to times uh commands custom okay new command times okay 32 minutes no no not world record we're going off of everybody I want to beat uh 33 44 for Ludwig okay cool Ludwig 33-44 uh squeaks I don't know what squeaks is that I talked to him last night and he said he's probably not gonna play the game anymore but I still want to beat him 43 wait wait somebody said it there you go 43.49 for squeaks and then what's Grand Pooh Bears right now 30 to 28 okay thank you he's grinding it hard right now okay let's do this in order so squeaks is gonna be the first to fall Grandpa Bears will probably drop a bunch today all right then we'll update this as we knock them out cool now you can exclamation mark times TTS is just paused it's not off don't worry [Music] it'd also be good because I'm streaming with squeaks and Ludwig tomorrow so I can talk a lot of [ __ ] I do want to beat their times today so I can talk a lot of [ __ ] tomorrow that'd be pretty great that is ideal I beat all their times tomorrow or today and then tomorrow can just like endlessly talk [ __ ] hey Doug I really want to see this stream but I didn't finish yesterday's VOD and I am afraid that I missed some deep law could you please add yesterday's VOD to the screen so that I can watch both at the same time lighter for locking my chat in a basement I 31m lock twitch chat I have mind in the basement and and restricting their oxygen and food if they aren't sending me bits iter okay do you want yesterday's VOD on stream or do you want today's VOD on stream in case you missed the first hour [Music] okay perfect this is me not fake Edward thank you [Music] oh there's the earliest game hey thanks again earliest gang for the raid appreciate it wait we should just have we should just start today's VOD every hour so if you can tune into the to the stream and then at any point you could like pick where in the Stream you want to watch from right okay hold on we need new [Music] we'd also just have the stream right now that's not a bad idea [Music] let's destroy one yeah so this is just my stream right now [Music] okay and then we need some explanation so it'll be like [Music] no we're not having them bounce the pounce joke is retired we can't overdo the bounce joke why did coffee just appear oh because it's in that stream oh that was so confusing I was like why did coffee appear twice and then I realized because that's my stream right now um foreign [Laughter] guys ah good stuff okay I do actually should update the title um what squeaks this time again 44 something uh 43.49 okay perfect um let's grind all right yester's VOD is from an hour ago but this way if you had to like you know use the bathroom or something for three seconds you can still get caught up without missing anything again I'm going to practice the dragon until I can do it five times in a row that is the plan Subway Surface isn't the first video she's types of videos people use surfing GTA or Minecraft for ages but subway surfing is by far the best choice because it's vertical and doesn't look bad cause of stretching hey Doug that makes you lose weight oh wait that's just hair loss I didn't mean uh so hey how about voice commands versus twitch chatting rock hit leaks someday wait why are you so tired just wanted to say I started taking python courses because I Now understand maybe five percent of what goes on during your world famous five-minute coding Adventures you'll pick it up you should keep going I hope you enjoy it what I will say that chat gbt is the greatest thing ever for learning programming because anytime you don't know anything you can just ask it hey what do I do um cool that's one Dragon Land and I've been starting to do that a bunch and it is it's incredible it's incredible it's a private tutor that can explain absolutely anything instantly um with with any degree of detail that you want and so I've like been learning a lot more I've been learning python much more rapidly because anytime I don't understand anything I can just say could you explain what this is or could you make this better why did you do it that way what do people generally say is the best way to do something like this I mean it's it's so good it is essentially a private tutor that teaches you whatever you want it's amazing okay that's two in a row let's go for five five in a row [Music] thanks for waking me up chat oh hey Doug I was just dreaming about you [Music] number three plus Chad gbt says that's true thank you for subscribing to anime news the newest episode of One Piece was directed by an American that was the first time an episode that does happen by someone not Japanese that's cool he like trips on this thing so I have to jump right before it can you widen it slash meaning bummer okay well now I know I gotta jump before that gold border because that's what's [ __ ] it up [Music] the three seconds ago VOD is a little too big I do agree with that let's scrunch that [Music] is it in Spanish because you're learning Spanish Spanish is faster there's fewer characters in the game so you can skip through the dialogue a lot quicker [Music] yeah okay so I just as long as I skip the night the same thing happened there okay so I need to jump before the border every time got it got it got it [Music] ah I like the three second Vlog because I get to watch you [ __ ] up again all right well yeah I guess it's like a double Omega little stream because you have to description that's cash Valerie thank you for the two years appreciate it as long as I don't overthink this this part's easy yeah okay so just go on the grass got it cool here's one [Music] foreign that's fine [Music] even even once I changed to a different Dragon strategy um I still think it'll be good to practice this and know how to get onto the dragon so I think this is good practice to do either way even though the goal is to swap to a new strategy I can't believe you aren't trying the rat insertion trick on your first run which shaves off the massive two seconds and can be mustered in only one thousand attempts yeah you clearly aren't taking this seriously enough exactly hey Doug I'm a [ __ ] shoot you here in terms of Heritage according to Jewish law you need a Jewish mother yes no I'm aware of that that's why I keep saying people should stop saying that I'm Jewish because it's just like it's factually incorrect but apparently I couldn't be an Israeli citizen maybe because my grandfather which is a great stream idea and then I can um then I would wouldn't I have to go serve in the Army then like want to do that don't get me wrong very funny to go serve in the Army as a YouTube prank okay one out of five hey dog Hill you're looking a little thin are you eating well I think you should add more width I was on a call today with my YouTube Partner manager and after like 45 minutes of talking about serious YouTube stuff he's like all right I hope you have a good is that a harambe shirt I was like yep it's like oh okay turns out like it's really good to wear harambe shirts to business meetings our nap was good dog chat I'm glad I had a friend in college who did coffee power naps because caffeine takes about 20 20 minutes to kick in right so he would drink a cup of coffee then lay down take a nap and then wake up right as the coffee was hitting which to me is wild I mean technically it works it's just like I can't fall asleep knowing I just had a bunch of coffee come on that's stupid this thing is really really finicky I do that with monster all the time are you able to actually sleep though because that's because that's [ __ ] up well 20 minutes isn't a sleep cycle is 90 minutes okay so I mostly want to hold forward when I'm flying towards the dragon off the Jump hey Doug can you make your camera black and white I'm stuck in the 1910s and standing next to Gerald Ford I'll make my camera black and white if we bring back Gerald for Gerald gbt today we can bring it back later I just want to get some actual runs can you accommodate your cam for my color blindness P.S if you don't Ada will give you a visit you say you would give me a zit is that what you said the hell did you just say to me hey dog IM still able to see you can you make yourself really tall but also really skinny so urge us to line foreign being a collective hive mind except for when you lose this challenge we will watch and you will pay out the subs man I love this teamwork and Community it doesn't sound like a team to me can we get AI Billy Mays that's good I just I don't I'm I'm cautious about just like using somebody's voice without permission and on the one hand like it's fine because he's dead but on the other hand that's kind of [ __ ] up all right one out of five like on the other hand it's way less cool because he's dead whereas Gerald Ford I think that's fine because he's like a public figure who did public figure speeches that are like clearly in the public domain like that's that's different from just like recreating a dead guy's voice which feels a little weird no one would care but I would care ugh I don't think like Billy Mays is going to cancel me if I do that he is dead after all but uh uh I don't want to this is definitely the hardest thing by the way to get consistent at but it's also the most important because it's basically the end of the Run cool that's one out of five four more here we go yo dog dog are you gonna bring back duck GPT also pls2 look I we will certainly do more AI things I don't know what the plan is for today other than speedrunning um maybe once we get going and there's actually runs happening there's like a billion things to do with AI we're definitely not like done with AI characters but I also don't want to have it happening like every single stream we will get bored of it really fast hey Doug I remember having today touring csgo Seth maybe if you eat but you can improve your time cause you are what you eat that is true I was pretty good at surfing I could serve some time on stream to prove it hey Doug I have the stream set to low quality but the audio is too good can you add some low quality Roblox Tycoon music do you think I have that like ready to go oh yeah sure yeah let me let me add that in hey Doug I don't know what is happening and I'm illiterate could you record an explanation of what is happening that goes of every five or so minutes you know because of my short-term memory problems right but then it would just be outdated that's what the three seconds ago of odd is for hey that was three I just love wasp you'll have what oh thank you wasp lover all right two more oh God almost [ __ ] that up hey Doug I am European and I usually fall asleep to your streams obviously the resulting sleep is very poor when are you doing a stream more suited for a sleepy Europeans ah I keep going to bed later and later I've been getting out of bed at like 10 or 11. so the odds of me streaming any earlier on any given day are decreasing with every passing day Finish Line give up your hopes and if you will be the most important to you be your own savior while you can sorry Europeans if it makes you feel any better Europeans I also stream at a time that's horrible for Americans so hey one in a row I find this acceptable I mean I do want like I like the idea of waking up and just streaming there's just always stuff to do my sleep's all [ __ ] up no oh that probably [ __ ] that up oh damn it I just went through okay dude this sucks the dragon sucks I need to get consistent at it but this is definitely the run there is fun landing on the dragon is not fun you Doug how often have you wanted [ __ ] I can see you wearing it four times at the same time at least one of you should switch shits I was gonna say I don't think I've worn this more than twice you hey chug and watching in the present day but I can't help but find myself obsessing over a hot caffeinated beverage can you add the word coffee in all caps to the Stream I already did that I already did that you just you're gonna have to it will appear in Nevada from an hour ago Counter-Strike have you ever played tribes it was a series of FPS games built around a high-speed skiing mechanic I have not but I I got the sense I would have really enjoyed okay yesterday's vote let me update this to wait where is it if you want to see that coffee thing you're just gonna have to watch the one hour ago VOD okay I can't play the coffee song on screen or on stream anymore that is never happening again it is copyrighted stop drifting run to the Finish Line as funny as it is and how much I wish I could is uh not is not tenable all right one one out of five let's go hey look have you tried drinking oil to make your Royal Refinery time better I will literally oil refinery in this speedrun later today if that's where I lose a run I will take a shot of olive oil every time I lose a run you should add each of your opponents runs on your stream as well so you can keep track of them like having five monitors when you do Trading uh okay yeah we'll add that later how did that not land man I know I need to be a little farther so I cannot miss anything when I have to leave we're currently making that VOD it took me a sec to understand what you're asking for hey Doug I love BNB keeping cause it reminds me how I be keeping these nuts in your mouth oh get a monster I feel like I'm gonna have to turn off streamlabs PayPal donation just because everybody only uses it to do Deez Nuts no it's like three babies on screen right now I don't think twitch is going to like you streaming children Hahaha he doesn't have a beard anymore hahaha okay one out of five Doug I'm having a seismic event here and the stream is hard to see could you make the three seconds ago VOD constantly move side to side to counteract the technology I know how to counteract it that is like a 10 minute coding Adventure I guess hey Doug it would actually be pretty easy stream so it goes back another three seconds oops I wasn't paying okay that wasn't that's not that doesn't count I'm still at one oh no I fall on the last one right um we could swap them yeah okay that's pretty funny wait how does that even work [Music] so this is here then this is [Music] three seconds in the future and then and then this stream is just full screen here okay okay this makes sense yeah this is nice so we're now watching the VOD on Twitch with the future one happening uh at the top right if you want to see it in real if you want to see the future version wait why is it glitching like that I'm already playing I'm back in the game why is it doing this infinitely the top right should be the game do you guys want to watch this or um or me actually playing the game because this seems more interesting to be honest oh I know why it's because hold on hold on I gotta move it further down I get why I get why go away hold on I have to move this below my monitor capture that'll fix it [Music] there we go now at the top right it'll show the gameplay and me from the president this is nice this is a good stream wait why is it still doing no it's hold on it should catch up I think [Music] leave it it's perfect why is it it's still there's a lot of twitch chat up here it if it should now be normal where it's showing at the top right you can see my game why isn't that appearing in the Stream hold on what if I refresh it does that do anything [Music] oh because the screen oh okay I get why yeah the screen in the future isn't okay now it's just black [Music] it's also not matching the size correctly [Music] okay one Dragon one out of five watch out there's somebody behind you wait if I do this it'll probably start like snaking around right and then like okay cool okay one out of five dragons let's go [ __ ] [ __ ] is annoying if I don't overthink it it's fine let's just get some of this in here if you want to watch the future time just look at the top right and you're fine capture the game window specifically no it doesn't matter because in in the Stream it's capturing the stream itself in the middle so it's gonna it's always gonna have this problem [Music] why did the dragon knock me off then ah I need to be more I need to find like a more consistent Target I think this is this is clearly not consistent at all you need two game captures one with a delay [Music] perfect and there's nothing wrong with this current setup right [Music] most unwatchable stream of the year no twitch chat controls everything in OBS was the most unwatchable stream this at least technically has some Gameplay at the top right there while you can okay if I aim for the back Spike that seems to work one out of five I can't read what your name is I'm sorry Lich Lich Lord kurz thank you for the 12 months I appreciate it whatever your name is thank you [Music] I like that I just keep growing to the right it's cool [ __ ] uh this [ __ ] thing all right do you guys still want this or should I stop it [Music] I mean I'm just grinding the dragon right now some other chat GPT coding tricks I found when asking about Concepts ask for code examples ask for commented code ask for idiomatic code ask it to explain its reasoning yeah that's good it seems to be very good at explaining why it's doing certain things which I appreciate a lot okay [Music] one out of five [Music] [Music] [Music] wait I could put my own stream slightly behind me like make it slightly opaque that's a cool idea [Music] this is cool so now it's me in the in the present but also half me in three seconds ago now that's easy to watch okay one out of five I wanna [ __ ] knock this out one out of five here we go hey five in a row and we start 30 seconds ago vodka so I can see that three seconds ago Rod so I can see that three seconds ago VOD no I'm nine seconds behind I can't really enjoy yesterday's VOD without audio can you add it Why didn't it Chomp why didn't you jump man oh God this [ __ ] is sufferable that would that would be annoying okay this is me from an hour ago I'm unemployed now so I can catch your streams congrats Lucas Scott thank you for the 12 months man I appreciate it okay now if you're watching the bot from an hour ago you can actually hear it the windmill skip is where you do I mean can I get to 10 seconds jump man I this it's not like insanely hard to get on the windmill but getting off of it is hard do Windmill a bunch of times in a row and get it it's not that much harder it seems quite I mean this route is extremely easy so just do this okay if one can just start a run get a full run going with this shut up I'm gonna play loud music that always gets me pumped up so that we do five in a row so we're done that's one out of five I need loud music I need to focus this is definitely a section I should actually be focusing on and not listening to random [ __ ] from myself an hour ago oh come on okay we can bring back hour ago Doug um and then hey done yeah I just called and told me 30 minutes can you put a VOD from 30 minutes into the future on screen as well no I can't do that I found it's easier to jump on the railing of the bed and then you just go there 30 minutes ago Doug was so smart this challenge you have to go up go there New Angle at the corner of the bus station he just doesn't jump if your foot is on the border thing jump on the railing and even if you fall like it's not a big game Mr Douglas Ada here I was told that you aren't accommodating for someone who's blindness I'm going to have to shut down the stream until you say sorry I don't think I don't think accommodating for colorblind this means everything needs to be in black and white stream looks too normal where is the weird stuff what was that three or four I mean this one's pretty easy wow okay one out of five Hey Duck do you cook a little extra virgin olive oil because you are what you eat thank you very very much man thank you thank you thank you for the 100 gift itself for an hour ago I appreciate it everybody can we get some Ogden chat from an hour ago caller okay this is my last TTS because I've spent too much money on you Doug but I'm begging you for Nixon GPT our future ex-husband one out of five I want to make this clear I did not steal those YouTube channel on the desk wait what I don't know what that even means pogies Shut Up Hold Me hi Doug I had to leave for a bit can I get it 10 minutes ago but in the bottom right corner that also includes the five seconds ago VOD thanks no I wanna I wanna finish training this section so bad okay Doug we can't go two three hour derail I have endlessly struggled to actually play this game and not just get distracted by all of your guys's ideas this has to okay okay what about tea I landed right at the spot okay T's not Scotland yellow mods that wasn't even a joke like [Music] duck duck ASMR stream where if you talk over a certain decibel you were punished in game that's a good idea hey Doug can we have my mommy Point Co talking to us I haven't had time to talk to him since you divorced poggies uh he he has a stream that you can go open okay I gotta hi Doug as a necromancer I feel very offended of your assumptions about bringing back Billy Mays from the dead for your information I have revived several celebrities to make them work for me and they only complain whenever I fail to feed them brains time to make a prediction to see the Believers lose it with the Glam Dragon five times in a row this time one sure if mods want to do a 30 second prediction of whether hey Doug I'm terrified of two-dimensional planes can you project the stream onto a sphere to accommodate that would be awesome drifting run to the Finish Line talking about that song did you get any backlash from that stream yes the video is completely blocked on YouTube which is why we can't play any of those songs anymore ah back to zero oh okay I'm European too and I have no problem with this schedule also happy pride month everyone love you less than three hell yeah drifting why did he jump up on the bush okay apparently you can't jump through the pipe noted I have learned we've learned we are better and smarter copyrighted music vods so we can imagine coffee [Music] like just the visual of it you mean though right [Music] all right here's number one have you considered buying the rights to Coffee can't be that expensive that is an interesting idea savior while okay does anybody know how to buy music from other artists hey plug have you considered saying 20 instead of one-fifth to feel better also we should lose 20 of the stream for every 20 of this you do what I don't know what that means call Parker maximize yeah he might actually know dragon wing flip is so much easier really okay maybe I do actually train that then if it's really that much easier there's no reason to train this hard dog now that you might assume this is like the much easier do you agree with hummus is a smoothie it definitely is well Okay so [ __ ] hummus is not a smoothie I would not say um I don't want to learn the newest one because it's the hardest um does anybody have a I guess we can't how do I search for like an explanation of how to do the the crazy Wing flip one I really wanted to just start doing runs and not have to learn a whole new thing I just go I mean just Google [Music] Wing flip what is it called get on the wing slow mo but till the wing is about to launch you and then jump ask GB that's uh boo bear okay yo how did you learn the wing dragon wing flip is there a video for it yeah like every great Sports gambler I'm gonna win it oh wait Doug I can explain it to you the question you have I can explain it to you yes uh um it's sadly not that hard it's probably easier than the regular dragon okay let me finish this okay um I'll have his stream up in the corner this will be yes I do have order for Kaizo Kaizo calcium is going to be lit guys you guys are gonna have an absolute titty [ __ ] blast not the adjective I wanted to use right there I don't I'm going to mute his stream and then we're once he's done with it once he's done with his run he'll hopefully show me how to do the wing skip which is basically is my understanding is the um second hardest run I think is or the second or the second best way to do the dragon thing okay now grandpa is three seconds of the future um all right so I guess I can just practice other stuff then we can do space start here's a joke for you what hobby is without bees there I don't ears now what are dogs without beards bad at 3D Platformers okay hey Doug you should look for a life seismic activity API so you can move your screen in relation to all earthquakes happening in the world to help your earthquake in fact is a good idea [Music] hey Doug my wife hates me watching you she is the worst if you want to hate her then her name is Sadie say these nuts look good in you mods so annoyed right now too many doobies for this I'm not like genuinely upset but I really just want to do full speed runs and I'm annoyed I'm gonna have to like detour even farther to learn some new thing and then you guys just like sang These Nuts jokes at me really uh really drives it home okay I'm not like upset upset I'm just like God damn it I just want to play the game I want to do full speed runs I don't want to practice anymore I want to do an actual run but now I have to like spend probably an hour learning the stupid Dragon thing okay so the first couple of yoga balls you normal jump all the rest you sprint jump on the tape I can just Sprint jump off I think the one hour ago VOD is done I think we caught up here you jump at the window on the Space Shuttle that allows you to swoop here you Zoop you hold left you get on the tape run off the tape don't jump that allows you to go actually maybe do just jump off the tape because it's going too far you go up onto Lady Liberty okay cool hey Doug I'm having a hard time paying attention canoe at Subway Surfers in the middle of the stream so we can concentrate better thanks [Music] this is Subway Surfers can't decide if your stream looked more like the Windows Media Player sound visualizer or how I imagine your brain feels mid-stroke feels maybe both [Music] douglas douglas what the heck is happening could you explain to the class Plaza I know that Skip's sick that Skip's sick man new PB we did it yeah it's on my Stream So this counts for me I think okay so he just got floppy ass run though I mean we can cut two minutes off that pretty easy I think yeah I think we can cut pretty two two minutes off it pretty easy so time down he just shaved off like seven minutes that's fine this is what he was going for if a Runway actually got the wing jump uh four minutes it would take a lot of like a lot of just like optimization practice yeah oh with quasan thank you so much yeah four minutes takes a lot of optimization practice even then like that's this is this is a pretty shitty run you [ __ ] up windmill okay like I should I'm gonna start without windmill Dragon flip I just clean I get a 23. I'll learn dragonflip we'll do that and that that'll start and then I just want to get a run with that right without windmill without any of the other crazy [ __ ] but with the dragon wing flip we get one run with that and then that will that should beat squeaks and Ludwig and then I just go for beating Pooh Bear I was here you are here you're right you are here you're not there you're not over there you're here I was here and not there all right easy PB big big personal best right there Chad big personal best pretty happy with that [Music] we jumped all the way to 36 overall what about America [Music] what about America I've never actually seen this uh cinematic because you guys because you guys covered this with a zorbies [ __ ] ad [Music] six for America six for America okay time's updated America ah congratulations all right you guys want me to show you how to do that Dragon skip I'm gonna make my own tutorial here yes please one tutorial for Dragon skip okay yes Doug time to learn dog I'm gonna show you write your notes down I'm gonna teach you this Doug it's really easy first thing Doug and this is really important your settings need to look like this epic medium medium medium medium medium medium low low I don't know why but that affects the way the dragon's Wings go okay I don't know why couldn't tell you why all right epic medium medium media medium and then low why am I teaching him media last one is low secondly secondly okay we straight straight on right and then You're Gonna Wanna Go last two sideways so you hold W and d and go in there so basically you're looking at the dragon run to the Finish just go to this board all the way over here and then you're in front of that board right it picks you up oh wait I [ __ ] that up hold on I [ __ ] that one up okay this is a lot simpler I [ __ ] that up let's go back we'll go back we'll go back I know I know I just got it so we run in the pipe you're going to want to hold W and D because you're going to be looking left okay you're going to go straight into here you're going to turn you're going to look where that that is and then you'll see the wing go underneath your butt you hold slo-mo and then you just hold slo-mo right the whole time you're holding slow-mo you walk out to the wing and then you just wait you wait and then the wing is going to do a little movement right here and then you oh [ __ ] I was talking through the movement talking through the movement the next part's actually like really important so I got to get that all right through the tunnel you're going sideways you're holding W and D through the tunnel okay the Finish Line you come over here you line up right in front of these two blocks the wing goes underneath you you hold slo-mo you walk out here and then you're gonna wait for the wing flip and then once the wing flips you press jump what does it mean by Wing flip oh and then you let go you wait about half a second you roll you got to do a roll and then you get up there and that's it you wait about half a second to roll otherwise the wing will just kind of eat you the completely like that way okay and that's it that seems [ __ ] up it's gonna be the classic story of betrayal when you use this to beat me Fair you know what Doug I don't want to win because of lack of knowledge I want to win because I'm just quite frankly more talented and better smelling uh but really so the key is like once you get flinged up though it's the like do a roll you got to do a roll in midair and that'll stop you from going this way um and you'll see like this has like a really like the first few times you do it you're gonna hit your head because it's got like this really weird um just smell gain you time oh yeah smelling good gains you time it's got like a really weird hitbox when you're coming up it so weird this game is weird this is an interesting way to like end the Run but okay if it's literally easier I will make a good YouTube short that will make a good YouTube short all right you should throw that up throw that up right now Spaniel I'm gonna ruin everyone's speedrun by teaching everyone the easiest way to do that all right 24 55 is fast I was super sloppy throughout the Run we could cut two or three minutes on no absolutely Doug love you good luck well not that much luck though I need the I need them Subs baby I need those subs I'm I'm that man is a child and I intend to deprive him of all the money he might win if he beats me in this challenge um okay training time I wanted to just do full runs today but apparently we must learn this trick [Music] I mean if we do that's one of the hardest things and then after that point it's just grinding and learning the windmill which isn't which doesn't look that far that bad um all right that's the plan now we train [Music] the challenge check in the music video of September by Earth Wind and Fire dragon okay we look this direction I know there are other skips that are faster um but I'm I want to do one that feels the most doable here right oh and I forgot to hold okay okay let's keep it rolling yeah for those who don't who didn't weren't here yesterday if any of the people in the times list one more okay if any of the people in the in the if squeaks Ludwig Grand Pooh Bear Coney or Point Crow any one of them with a faster time than me by the end of Friday I'm gifting 250 Subs I intend to gift zero [Music] [Music] okay you can grab the Bush on the right side til hey dog IM kind of drunk iron I feel like this stream will be the end of me now you're good you know what you need bread you need a lot of bread when you're drinking well ideally before you start drinking so you might be [ __ ] hi Dougie Dougie recently I've been being haunted by spooky ghosts please could you make yourself slightly transparent so the ghosts can't frighten me with their apparitional appearance over okay might not be the most apolitical thing to apply for Israeli citizenship Douglas I think we can joke about me applying for Israeli citizenship without also needing to discuss the politics of that part of the world I think we must be how to abuse is Dragon hopping Vietnam PTSD episodes okay um is that 50 per All or Nothing every one of those people I will gift 250 Subs if they have a faster time than me so it's up to 1 250 Subs was it one more platform yeah it has to be right because I was too far back on the wing I don't know how many how many dollars that is I didn't actually like do the math on it or think it through okay so it's it's past the metal it's past this metal thing right like I'm up to here are you sure it was up here I thought it was one back I thought it was the third one it's here right with seven thousand dollars okay I don't want to do that well I'm not worried about counting your point grow to be fair um okay so it's the third one so once I'm on the big plank then we we reset okay let's keep going hey Doug I really like donating through PayPal also Chad looks like always really cute not shocks yeah I mean PayPal does get me more money so there's that but I I don't really care about optimizing three seconds squeezing you like a tube of toothpaste for your money hey Doug I'm going out of town for a bit and will not be here for the next stream can you put the VOD from the next stream on screen so I don't miss it as soon as I have it ready why did that not work that seemed correct hey could you swap the ones with you I find it more interesting audio to please cheers [Music] me from an hour ago is so boring that guy sucks does it really change since stuck from an hour ago it is just not the same since then golden W and D through the tunnel okay so you come over here okay you line up right in front of these two blocks one out of five okay so he's standing on the edge of it on Family Guy in the corner for the people that just want to hang out without watching you fail for a few hours there are so many places and then you're gonna wait for the wing flip and then once the wing flips so then he goes right off the edge so I can watch it better while lying sideways in my bed why don't you turn your phone that feels easier that feels so much easier I forgot to do this thanks for adding the one day in the future Tuesday's stream was fun okay okay so I want to get slightly forward and I might have screwed up the timing doing my job can you go out like a bunch of uh uh would you join me on a speed run to Moscow I'm busy that day dude that that whole thing happy pride month actually I don't know what Bob is thinking about you too also I got to go to pride parade with my crush and got to pet a baby kangaroo there kangaroo was in the streets of NYC but it was poggies I mean that's type of thing you don't question why that oh that's happening oops okay a little too far um slo-mo makes you hit the dragon I don't think slo-mo oh he did say be in slow-mo the whole time huh okay yeah you're right you're right I guess I do need to stay okay right on the edge right to the left of the plank he picks me up Now we move to the left left on the wing so we're slightly off of it and then we're gonna jump once he got that's really fast okay at least there's the the positioning for it okay cool that does not seem too bad this does seem easier than what I was trying to do hey Doug can we get a clock on screen I need to go to bed soon and I am central European summertime thanks uh I can't do a clock right now there's already enough on screen but what I will do is give you what time what give me a time uh three twenty 22. okay there you go I hope that helps can you play the current VOD from the beginning I just joined I'm sure there's an automated way to add all these things oh God hey Doug couldn't avoid noticing that you didn't laugh hard enough at my joke I already have filled my complaint with this and paxa will hear from my attorneys in a couple of days I mean that's why I pay parks are Entertainer I was so excited finally able to catch your stream since I was off work too bad I had to take off work because of my epilepsy and this stream has been borderline unwatchable at some point sorry love you for getting me through my tough days I am finally able to catch your stream since I am off work too bad I had to take off work because of my epilepsy in this stream oh sorry I scammed you into donating twice why is that because I have to be slow motion why did I get whipped off [Music] man this thing is so weird the rest of the run I'm like ready to go and start doing runs it's just you gotta learn the [ __ ] Dragon thing Stanford the left yeah but the previous time I felt like I was too far to the left okay well [ __ ] that up that's why I moved farther right I guess I kind of want to be lined up with the left side of the plank seems to be it [Music] I don't know if that screwed us up but [Music] stop drifting run to the Finish Line okay that's a little too far left so to go like here right directly lined up with the line of it okay we go up move left I jumped you can jump in slow mode right yeah you can okay so I don't have to like release slow mode it's I guess it's just super fast huh okay now we're what we're just watching an old VOD now hey Doug I live in we're always later one can we make the stream 140p so I can understand what's happening I wish I could set I could like force you guys to watch a certain resolution the roll is after the jump you jump first then roll so I'm just trying to get the jump first then I'll add the roll in one at a time one thing at a time as much as you guys seem to want me to learn every single thing at once simultaneously that's not actually a great way of learning things why am I going up so high [Music] oh I guess I could set the bit rate really low I don't know if I can change that during a stream I probably can't [Music] wait if I set this to like 250 [Music] does that happen right now is the streamway lower res like can you just change that live it's a good that has a look hold on I want to watch my own stream now where's that TV slash dog [Music] how how low can I make it wait how shitty actually can you make this dream look all right hold on let me open my settings how there's what like what's there has to be a cap right there there okay we're gonna go for ten okay we're going for 10. uh 10 kilobits per second it won't let me apply it okay it looks like a hundred no 90 I can do 90 60 50 40 oh no I can do 10 apply okay this [ __ ] oh 50 is the lowest okay this is the lowest [Laughter] [Music] okay this is 50 Gilberts a second all right this is great right sorry to that guy with epilepsy by the way oh God this is so beautiful why is it purple we don't have enough bandwidth for colors okay we only have room for for gray and purple and nothing else this is beautiful it's like an abstract painting yeah I'll tell you if I get the dragon okay all right fine I'll look okay 150. I'll give you guys I'm giving you a little bit more to look at [Music] yeah 150 is watchable that's watchable that looks great 150 looks great go back to 10. well 10 was like there's nothing there there's there's just nothing there at all um hold on [Music] cool weave thank you [Music] I might get banned off twitch I don't think you're allowed to do this all right hold on I gotta get the dragon skip has to play thank you for the 10 gifted Subs hope you guys enjoy the high resolution Jesus Take the Wheel hold on I'm gonna get I'm gonna get the thing and I'm gonna win okay I got knocked off again all right all right let me [Music] let me update it so there thank you for the five gifted Subs okay we're going back to 5000. boring [Music] [Music] Abu thank you for the 10 gifted Subs just take the wheel it's awful Tommy thank you for the two gifts and subs oh man Jesus Take the Wheel okay back to the video game which I know you're all here for and don't want to watch anything I keep getting knocked off tensiles to get the 10 gifts that's up I'm happy to say that enough I got like bumped to the side there that was weird enough people have subbed that um you're uh the resolution has been fixed thank you I was finally able to afford better internet okay the last two times I've done this the dragon wing has like whipped me off the wing instead of letting me sit on it so let me figure out what is going on there so I'm right at the edge of the board Jesus Take the Wheel it's like there it's it's knocking me off I'm not sure why it's too far to the right I I guess was I farther left or right when I was actually getting it it's got to be farther left I guess okay all right there we go I wish I could automate automatically change the resolution I don't think I can um all right so this is this is farther to the left no see look farther to the left bumps me I think I want to be further to the right can't be moving when it grabs you Jesus Take the Wheel okay tenteled keep the 10 gifts subbed thank you all for the subs appreciate it okay I need to hold on when I go through the pipe I don't have to I don't have to like keep holding right then I can go like this and just run normally yeah and then sit there okay sorry the alerts are very paused and behind can you please put these training videos I have to watch in the corner so I can multitask oh chat can start a new career okay I just gotta slow down there hey Doug I don't understand Spanish can we make the game French I don't understand Spanish enough to be able to change it to French so no I am not good enough at this language yet to understand how to get automated PayPal PayPal is cheaper for users with PayPal it's three dollars and with bits it's four dollars and 20 cents if you buy batches of 21 also PayPal is much more convenient also also I would rather not give twitch money if I can avoid it uh yeah I I don't antenna if just people keep abusing it to not get Deez Nuts jokes banned which is not cool stop drifting cool thank you bush very cool Bush appreciate it very very fond God if that kills the Run that's gonna be so sad okay this um I don't love the dragon ending I really have enjoyed learning the rest of the speedrun this part does not feel particularly skill based I know it is Finish Line but it doesn't feel particularly skill based um [Music] could you eat soap Captain videos somewhere they are very satisfying hopefully the VOD from five seconds ago includes that that's the best I can offer you you guys just need to convince Doug from an hour ago to have done all these things hey Doug what do you plan on having for dinner eight days from now how do I do that it's a good question probably meat rewatch the tutorial um hey Doug I want to watch the stream but I don't like starting a series from the middle can you put all the vods you've ever made in order on screen so I can binge watch all of them such a good idea I forgot to look to the corner um hey the good news you can get live seismic activity through API now all your earthquake affected viewers will be able to see the screen better you line up right in front of me do you have any more pixels golden w and D through the tunnel okay you come over here you line up right in front of these two blocks see he's okay so he's he's decently left of the board he is decently lost it I think that's the problem I've been lining up you guys were saying I was too far left my sense is it's how far left you are not whether your foot is on the thing actually I wanna watch more of that golden W these two old slow-mo you walk out here and then you're gonna wait for the wing flip and then once the wing flips okay so he's going right for this little tear right there in the wing and then you let go you wait about half a second you roll you got to do a roll and okay oh this is doable um just is I just can't take a little bit imagine trying to do this without the Run jump combo like you had to painfully do yesterday yeah no this whole Speed Run would not have been the wildest thing is that I still wanted the speed run it hey Doug I also lived in 2001. you won't believe what just happened in New York okay so yeah I gotta be decently far left if anyone on stream was 20 20 vision and has always wondered what being nearsighted is like Doug's low resolution stream was a great example okay and then I just missed the jump because I was going too slow Okay cool so it's like it's like a full which plays more to the left straight is 10 kilobits per second each loss is plus 10 kilobits per second we see we see how low-res twitch check can beat a game that's a good idea uh Doug this slow res does not feel authentic enough can you add the fraps counter in the top right and an unregistered hyper cam mark all these ideas are funny but I'm too focused on trying to learn this stupid thing that is what happens when you pass your internet connection across your bald thin lips not wide enough to carry the bandwidth now your bored spot that's wide enough for Ultra HD with Ray chasing Doug I think you should go back to 10 because then we could pretend like you have a beard still why'd I get bombed what the [ __ ] is that man that's true nobody can make fun of my beardless face if you can't see my face this is too much definition for me I can't handle it quick everyone scream out the name of your favorite drink oh hey Doug thank you for 10 minutes I could understand the stream with that bad resolution ah okay [Music] Doug got the 10 KBS bitrate you actually looked like you could be good at Platformers even better at Platformers hey Doug this stream resolution is too large for the medium low settings immersion braking I think that's going to bump me no it's not okay when you're an hour or two into your stream bounced around nice to be all caught up it definitely doesn't make the viewing experience worse people who Savor to cowards by the way I got cut off yesterday and this is kinda longs is there a way to use API library to connect the PayPal donation to a Twitch API that can gather the twitch username so that you can band these nuts jokes I could it's a lot of work and I'd rather be able to stop doing that hey that guy hits a new PR of 365 pounds for three sets of free on squats can you tell me you're proud of me which is something my father has never told me hey bro hey Doug I'm driving drunk right now and I need to concentrate can you cut the gameplay and your camera that surely seems like the the most convenient way to not have to watch I noticed some tired faces in chat I think they could use some coffee I just need to buy the rights to the song here's a question of 2020 Vision are able to see the VOD from three years ago if I was like I can afford to buy the rights to Coffee by super sister if I do a rage how does this work are you still also I went to the bathroom can you add a wee cargo spot thanks you're in the bathroom for a week stop drifting run to the Finish Line give up your hopes I want to line up with the grass to the left of the board that's my current Target immediately moving left and then I get ready for the jump okay well that's at least the right look oh [ __ ] I'm sorry I missed whoever that was thank you for the one year appreciate it I saw like an E and A T I think um okay yeah I didn't really roll there the role was like very late but I just wanted to get the jump first once I get the jump once I get used to that then then we'll add in the roll that is the final piece I just gotta get the positioning locked down and the jump lockdown oh here we go more more more hey Doug have you tried being good I heard that worked for Ludwig and unlike you he has two League of Their Own streamies it's just not correct [Music] Doug I currently have you on in the background can you turn off the video [Music] so why dude why was that position off that seemed exactly what I did before I'm right here lined up with the grass why would that want to fail where every sub has a 50 chance of triggers no way too much but I do like the idea of Subs screwing up the game [Music] I don't think that the timing of the slow motion matters I would assume not although I wouldn't have assumed you needed to slow-mo in the first place or turn the graphics down so maybe it is maybe it is actually an issue [ __ ] Bush man I'm gonna be very upset if that kills Iran [Music] thank you like that that seemed a little left hey Doug I need to leave now thank you for putting the stream in 140 piece so I could understand so it's too far for the challenge I know you can do it I believe in you is it more bye-bye thank you is it more left or more right [Music] I'll try more love I should look at the um [Music] I should look at where the like membrane of the wing is cool cool cut off was perfect but what I was saying was inevitable struggle as a track from zero no piseki I took a look after the stream and it was in the playlist poggies yeah that must have been somebody who recommended it I um your YouTube videos glad to finally watch a stream live hey welcome okay so if I try left and I line up with the bar to the left of the grass I'm curious if that does anything I have to imagine slow motion [Music] hey Doug John Bush here [ __ ] you man this is weird this is really [ __ ] weird man [Music] here we're gonna start the stream over at the top left this way um you guys can thank Aller again for all those subs I expect every one of you to think every sub that pops up from the two and a half hours ago VOD so this is infuriating who how long has been two hours 11 minutes there you go all right okay okay come on I just gotta find the consistency it's gonna be real fun once I can just do full runs and not just train this single thing over and over but for now [Music] so are we sink even farther left so this is like why did he fall off it worked there you go oh man okay yeah my plan was to do like 20 minutes of practice and then we would just get going with runs but does feel important can we gamble I guess we can gamble on do I get this skip in the next like 30 minutes so this is pretty far left this I would say is lined up with where his hat is iron for something to gamble my dollar edges real quick that's too far left just check check out all the right Graphics I already checked it twice epic medium and then double low down here right so you guys said [Music] thank you all right predictions up 30 minutes from now is when the stream is two hours and 43 minutes long drifting run to the finish line give up your hopes and if you will be known as important to you be your lone savior so I think it's in between the board okay in between the board and the um and the thing on the left yeah that seems correct okay but then it just randomly flings you man God damn this is this is some [ __ ] oh my goodness okay sure oh man just biked 16 miles how's it going I'm frustrated with this thing I'm not having a great time with it I'm very excited about just practicing runs like I'm very excited about the idea of actually like speedrunning the whole game that I'm pumped about so that is motivating me to get through this I'm in between the board and the sort of thing to the left of it I go up on the thing I start moving left already man that is so hard to hit that jump timing like I feel like I'm pressing it as as the instant it starts moving um so either it's like I'm in the wrong spot or I'm doing the wrong thing or it's just insanely tight timing which feels like that's probably not what's going on so I'm probably doing something wrong okay getting onto it more consistently which is good so clearly I'm missing it but dude you have to like predict it I'm pressing it really quick I wonder what I'm missing here I'll have to be further left is that the issue so maybe it's the position on the the wing potentially High Parker Oh Park sir yeah we have a question for you about copyright I think I need to get off of the bone this is so weird this is so [ __ ] weird like the if you had the bone is what picks you up but then if you stay on that it'll fling you off is what it seems like is going on foreign are you still here sometimes Park sir I want to buy the rights to a song called coffee by super sister how would I do that and is there a way to get a sense of how much that'll cost me so that I can play it on stream like literally buy the rights to it okay I am moving left immediately and forward I get as far out as possible how far can you go I'm just gonna learn it seems like you can go like all the way out is what it kind of feels like yeah [Music] there's a way to purchase a license to play a song in your stream and that is if that is your only intended person purpose that is more practical than purchasing the entire song well okay could you give me the price for both because if it's only like a thousand dollars more to just buy the rights of the song I should just do that right it's a lot cooler to say I own this song cool thank you Dragon just don't just don't work cool very cool I need to when I when it misses I need to learn if I'm too far left or right I need to like learn [ __ ] every time [Music] [Music] [Music] oops wait I pre-jumped and that worked okay that's better I jumped beforehand like before it flips okay we're getting closer no no that's not a payout it's way harder than that I'm definitely getting more consistent on getting on the [ __ ] thing though [Music] why do you want to buy this this song sucks Park sir how dare you how dare you talk [ __ ] about copyright by super sister I mean copyright okay could you this is a serious question could you figure out how much it would cost to license it for YouTube and twitch okay so that was too far to the left that was too far left so I do actually want to be lined up with the grass on the boards this was too far left right here I need to be lined up at the grass that should be the goal but still to the right of the boards very very precise but that should be the goal I have been too far left they would probably still claim it I mean so then I would refute it and say like I have the license here it is and I would get it unclaimed stop drifting run to the Finish Line give up your hopes okay so I would have got a little more left before instead I'm lining up the grass here okay we'll get picked up I think of being flung no I'm not okay so do I pre-jump or no okay I have to pre-jump it you have to pre-jump because if it's already flinging you have to be in midair and then it and then it scrub gets [ __ ] it appears this song was originally published by gut records which went bankrupt and got acquired by Phoenix music International LTD which is reachable at licensing at pmimusic.com again I'm gonna get the jump first and then worry about the roll the roll doesn't matter if the jump is completely [ __ ] Park sir can you email them for me and ask how much it costs to get the license for a super sister by coffee what do I even pay you for if you're not going to reach out to this company for me it's gonna cost you I don't I don't know because like nobody likes that song and nobody listens to it it might only be like a couple thousand dollars maybe which to be clear is not a good use of money but it is pretty funny though [Music] okay I'm gonna pre-jump it so be right now [Music] no that didn't work that still went to the side [Music] can't imagine costing more than a few thousand dollars I can write it off as a business expense holy [ __ ] I don't have to roll at that part it's unfathomable to me how confidently incorrect so many of you are it's not tax evasion if I buy it for my business that's just the cost of doing business is buying a license to Super sister by coffee this is just part of what it takes to run a business in America okay oh push me okay well we're consistently getting on Wing now that's nice and then we're consistently getting off the wing oh boy [Music] here we call it tax avoidance it's not it's there's nothing illegal about purchasing a thing for your business and having that detract from the cost of running your business is it how businesses work okay too far left [Music] like any mom-and-pop shop in America that's running you know like a local Deli or whatever is going to have to buy a license to Super sister by coffee foreign pick me up thank you okay if I start walking right away no no we're fine okay so something about the jump I don't I don't know oh tax avoidance is good oh okay so it's just reducing okay ice tax avoidance just sound like something illegal I don't understand the jump um check the clip again yeah uh parkshire have you emailed them yet have you gotten a response back you come over here you line up right in front of these two blocks the wind goes underneath you yeah so he's in front of the grass right there okay you hold slo-mo you walk out here and then you're gonna wait for the wing flip and then once the wing flips you press jump and it sounded like he was pressing it after the thing like the It flips first then he jumps yeah he jumps after it moves like so the the thing starts flipping and then you press spacebar that's what I mean that's what I initially was trying but it didn't seem to be working um yeah I mean that's what I was trying to do is jump right when it flaps it's just it didn't seem to work so I guess I'll just try it again and see this tutorial is input display okay that'd be helpful [Music] assuming YouTube works okay there we go okay yes he's right there so he's slow-mo's he moves up to same spot about a full oh even farther actually so about Midway a Midway down this Gap he moves only full screen so about Midway down okay hold on that's what we need to Let's frame by frame this okay so it starts flinging and then one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen So it's 15 frames after I wonder if I like cap the frame rate lower should I do that Parks or asked something are you okay with me giving them your phone number their licensing contact form says it's a required field yes yeah that's fine I do legitimately Wonder if I should cap the FPS lower thank you darknet um okay where's the game okay well so we see how to do it where's the trainer the FPS doesn't matter okay I'm in I guess I'll just play better I just don't I just don't play bad that's that's the answer stop drifting run to the finish line give up your hopes cool [Music] oh this is where you set the language I literally couldn't figure out how to change the language yesterday [Music] it's just uh it seems to be really really fast of when you have to press jump because I was pressing it I don't have like great reaction time but it's not terrible thing it's not good but it's not terrible 15 frames seems pretty loose [Music] okay that absolutely launched me for some weird reason [Music] oh oops foreign [Music] run to the Finish Line give up your hopes important to you be your own savior while you can that should be correct position cool immediately start running man I don't know dude I I feel like I'm pressing it pretty quick I mean that time I was moving which probably didn't help but this is [ __ ] hard if it really is just being way faster on reaction time that's scary stop drifting run to the Finish Line give up your hopes okay we're getting on it a lot more consistently though which is good hey Doug what day is the day you have to pay all the subs for being lost Friday at midnight like I pressed it there I [ __ ] pressed it dude I I have to be doing something wrong I press him too early I mean I could live I could limit the FPS and see if that does something but I I can't imagine it does maybe stop using slo-mo is that what the is that what the tutorial did so he's slow-mo but he's art look he's already like mid-jump when he starts slow-moing right or when he stops slow-moing [Music] like this is still this is awesome I'm gonna stream on Saturday when you pay the subs I think everyone no before starting as best to set your view distance to maximum foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] but clearly that's not what matters as soon as you see the wing tip take off press your jump key wait half second then do Roll by pressing two times be careful not to do it too soon uh okay I don't I mean it's clearly just I just need to be better I'm just not understanding maybe maybe I do later but that that seems incorrect right to press it later hmm stop drifting run to the Finish Line give up your hopes to you be your own savior while you can okay so that was too far left so weird that it felt like I was too far to the right for most of the attempts and then yeah I mean I can put my inputs on stream I don't know how hard that would be to set up I don't really want to you know get distracted right now I would love to just figure this out but if that would like really help identify what's going on then sure give up your hopes well that was a Krill issue for sure so we have access to Quality legal counsel yeah we can do that next partial gbt run to the finish line okay I think further down the wing is the answer I think because of the lever effect you have more time to react to Wing flip to time your jump just my own opinion that makes sense um stop drifting yeah lovers are pogs Finish Line give up your hopes and if you will be the most important to you and it just bumped me off cool I think slow-moing when the wing is coming down reduces the likelihood that hits you it seems like which doesn't make a ton of sense but you know when is the prediction over in eight minutes why did he go off the wing pushed him okay you just subbed for three years sorry it's gone thank you for only 14.99 for three years the tutorial they run down the Talon you're right so they're just going left rather than down the wing it just looks like they're down the wing okay that actually might be the difference that might actually be the difference okay yeah good call I think I was like misjudging because the hitboxes make no sense I think I was misjudging where he was on the wing would you stop drifting run to the finish line okay just push me off for some reason exactly so I'm holding left instead of left and forward right now and it launches me off that's the thing when I just move left it feels like it launches me every time stop drifting run to the Finish Line give up your hopes too far to the left okay hey Doug push me off I think I got a slow-mo there hey douglas douglas thank you for your recent donation to my girlfriend and for two's week I'm so glad you could be a part of this much love brother to the finish line thank you I don't know what I just agree to be a part of but savior while you can so if I'm going I'm holding directly left right now it did work same [ __ ] thing man there is no I there's no way it's just me being faster I don't like I mean I can go farther but Grand Poo Bear wasn't that far in the thing so it makes me think that it's not about how far out you are stop drifting run to the finish line give up your hopes to you be your own savior while you can I go left holding straight left throws me off most of the time the reason I start all my donations with hey dug is to pad out the start and get your attention so you don't miss the start of the joke it's a buffer it's just I still feel like it's unnecessary but it's very cordial so I can't complain savior while you can lift me up I'm holding straight left I guess it depends where the camera is really I did let mostly left with a tiny bit of forward be doing something wrong how long does an input display take to set up I tried jumping later I guess I could try just mashing jump and see if that does it but there's no way it's like this fast like I just can't imagine that that's what is necessary to do this stop drifting run to the Finish Line give up your hopes and if your well-being is important to you cool thank you Wing very cool I mean this will be the hardest thing to learn in the whole speed run so this is you know a good time investment to just practice a lot the finish line give up your hopes yeah well that was my fault the tutorial shows keyboard input he's stationary too the OG method is way way way way slower stop drifting stop drifting so and I would have to learn this eventually so to the Finish Line I may as well spend the time run to the Finish that's gonna fling me I think no okay okay I will as far left as possible ah now that I have your attention hello dog dog I'm just drifting too much I guess maybe that's why she says that here stop drifting run to the finish line give up your hopes I gotta do the wing on the way down the wing will just randomly push you stop drifting run to the Finish Line give up your hopes and if your well-being is important to you be your own savior while you can scoop I'm immediately moving left and forward I'm gonna try to get out there as fast as I can and then stop holding inputs I'm out here that's far enough I'm not moving hello Mr Dingle donga why are you drifting so much stop it I think I'm just too slow I don't know man try frame rate I guess um have you tried jumping before it does the flick up so you go up a knock to the side yeah but apparently that's not how you do the thing you don't like pre-jump okay this is with 60 FPS lock so maybe this will do something highlight wig how are you doing did you heard that duck dog is trying to beat your timeline only up he is pretty bad thou so I wouldn't be afraid yeah that is a uh that is a loss for the Believers unfortunately um stop drifting run to the finish line give up your hopes and if you will be the most important to you be your own savior while you can same thing I gotta be doing something wrong there's no way that it's just like insanely fast hey donkey dog it sounds like your keyboard is Joy con drift have you tried to stop drifting thank you hey Doug I think the audio with the dragon is pretty much the same every run maybe if it is a reaction prediction problem you can use the timing of the Roars the breaths and the wind gusts as audio cue to help time it yeah yeah that is an option but neither God damn it then either of the other of the two tutorials we've watched mention that at all it's just like oh just do this and it doesn't seem like the timing is super tight so that's why I'm just it doesn't it doesn't feel like they're having to as much trouble with it stop drifting run to the finish line give up your hopes important to you be your own savior while you can I mean when I when I jumped early that didn't actually work that got farther up but it didn't solve the problem yeah I mean I must be missing it because if I jump after the flick has already happened so do I I just have to like pre I just have to guess hold on I wanna I'm gonna like see if Pooh Bear's in the middle of a run yeah I know I love Grand keys he's doing well with Jeremy Bear me I need to watch a good place again Douglas is coming back why I mean I'm in the middle of a thing is the jump win over the dragonflip and Stanley Taylor you just have slow reaction time uh I didn't think it was that tight um are you holding the slow motion button throughout it yes yes um you also have to after you jump off it you do have to let go of the slow motion too okay yes to get to the new one you first have to make a jump and get off the ground not knowing what the future holds I have been holding slow-mo so that's at least something to try yeah you gotta yeah you won't launch in the air if you keep holding slow-mo okay that would explain it so you let once you press spacebar after you press spacebar then you let go okay okay nope that's good that's what I was hoping for some reason why it's not my fault and that I'm the greatest at this game let's go okay I don't want to say I told you so yeah I mean a couple of you guys did suggest that stop drifting I mean look I'll be happy if that's what I'll be like very happy if that's what's doing it to your savior while you can because if it was literally just you need Ultra Lightning Fast reaction time that that was not going to be doable for me still super [ __ ] hard though my God man that's me like it's reacting as fast as I can am I just literally like too slow at reacting to be able to do this [ __ ] trick because that is that the the differentiator if you can't get the timing down quickly and put displays take like maybe five minutes to set up in my experience to the finish line give up your hopes and if you well-being is important to you be your own savior while you can okay well that was really slow I was it's weird how some of the time I can get really far left and then other times he like fling I don't know it's strange dude [Music] stop drifting run to the finish line give up your hopes and if your well-being is important to you be your long savior while you can [Music] thank you [ __ ] man yeah I'm like thinking I shouldn't react to the flip it just [Music] if Pooh Bear is saying it wasn't that hard for him to do it I mean here let's do a reaction time I always find it funny to imagine how your community would come to terms with something really horrible coming out about you okay uh thank you I'm not super concerned about that to be honest but uh all right everybody do this okay go to human Benchmark just search reaction time test we're gonna do five of these and then we're gonna everybody write what you got um in chat okay and then we're gonna see how bad mine is compared to the average do five of them so it's an average okay so I'm only got 100 I'm like 200. [Music] okay 200 is my average most people I would say the average from looking at in chat is about 200. I'm seeing I'm seeing some like a lot of above 200s oh wait yeah yeah statistics okay so I am directly in the center I feel like dude I feel like I have to it can't just be reaction time right [Music] somebody said they're old I'm kind of old and Pooh Bear's even older than me you're moving further out than the wing yeah but in this skip you can see how far out he is right he's like halfway he's super far [Music] man I I feel like I feel like I'm doing something wrong I mean I could predict it but so I mean we can swap strategies right to where I'm predicting the wing happening but if the window is that tight the idea that I would predict it perfectly faster than 200 milliseconds I hope you don't see here while you can it's I don't get it man I have to be missing something or or I'm looking at the wrong cue or something is it the camera angle yeah maybe you're drifting yeah they do stop they do stops I want to come to a complete stop [Music] I don't understand how they get they seem like they're just faster to get out there than me okay so I'm here look I didn't even get into the I didn't even get to the middle and they're already I I must be moving too far forward or something hold on let me watch he's just holding left how is he getting there that much faster like I have to be doing something wrong rather than it just being a reaction time stop drifting run to the Finish Line give up your hopes to you be your own savior while you can I'm like already moving left when I get picked up which I think is going to launch me off you see I'm like not even at the middle by the time it's flinging oh man yeah I have maximum view distance that's that's this one just downstairs we're good settings are correct uh it launches when the Fang is at the leaf I I just it's still like trying to predict an under 200 millisecond window seems completely unfeasible right he Roars before I use an audio cue stop drinking yes run to the finish line they don't have to do that I just don't understand why like oops oh cool I think I am reacting late I don't know man watch input oh yeah let's watch input for when they get rid of slow-mo so here this they're in the center waiting I mean I could jump later but that doesn't seem correct so you can see they're holding down right Mouse which is slow motion hello when is this gonna happen foreign okay so it starts flinging one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve I might have missed one thirteen fourteen fifteen at 15 frames he lets go when he's already way the [ __ ] up or he presses space bar down here and then he two frames later he lets go so it is really quick oh man I don't know I have to just be doing something I feel like maybe I'm doing it like too fast or like you have to actually wait a second before yeah that's it's you know YouTube 60fps theoretically that's you know 250 milliseconds I'm gonna try jumping later Doug maybe if you can figure out how to get rid of your joycon drift maybe the character will finally stop telling you to stop drifting and then you get it stop drifting no sounds like it didn't work give up your hopes maybe try to stop earlier on the wings so you will not be moving during the jump yeah I mean I don't get the sense of that because they didn't mention that but um like there I got out really quick so I'm Letting Go I'm not moving right now hey Doug if you want more excuses just like your broken keyboard your mouse can have a low pulling rate or lag and your monitor can have display lag as well so it is never your fault good to know hey Doug what's your favorite TNT class I like Bard the most you will be judged position on the wing I'm just waiting till I see him flick and then I press spacebar Finish Line be your own savior while you can I don't know this may be a long shot but what if you put a stopwatch from the second you get picked up from the wing and the second you get flung and before each attempt start the stopwatch when you get busy minutes ago with what was happening this has to be a problem all right there's no way it's just reaction time I have to be doing something else wrong like there's zero [ __ ] chance like 15 of these where I press as fast as possible not a single one got it I I know he's standing still and at that time I was to the Finish Line um I know I know that most of the time though I'm not moving um he's gonna be jumping so early I mean there's no way I wait for like a full second though if my reaction time is on average is 200 milliseconds to click I think I'm probably late stop drifting but that's just like scary if that's if that's what you have to do is just have fast reaction time like that's like not doable for me savior while you can I just can't imagine that's the solution to it foreign [Music] I was trying to predict it goddamn man you know Doug as in cone had to myself I'm quite frankly shocked that you thought Coney would have the mental fortitude to beat a game like this in one sitting run to the Finish Line he's a good ass gamer the coward give up here Indigo gamma gamma Echo Delta huh how does anybody find fart Gates funny at a time like this what if this is all an elaborate Gaslight moment to get stuck can we call it with the jokes at a time like this run to the Finish really you guys are making jokes about me how many sets of dice do you have one if that foreign I think I'm too late I think I'm just too slow I don't know man what if it's space bars travel time I mean I don't know what how I would check that you have an Nvidia card make sure low latency mode is ultra an Nvidia control panel oops Doug those thoughts sounds really summed up how you are playing right now am I right to chat wear an Nvidia control panel what do you do manage 3DS this isn't going to show Private info is it okay low latency where's that low latency mode do I want this on this money goes to buying dice you need more I need more dice I play on roll 20. you don't need dice it changes to Ultra uh uh is that really gonna do anything okay if this [ __ ] does it oh yeah or I could try a reaction that has use a space bar and see if it's space bar is like really slow or something that'd be another thing to do hold on uh reaction time with space bar it looks like he takes two steps off of the edge of the wing releases slower right when the flick happens then presses jump is my space bar slower okay well these are just happening too fast maybe you need to think less about the timing and more about where the dragon bird is at the time of the wing flap all right let me try the same website with mouse family update while pooping this morning I fell off the toilet and am in the hospital for a traumatic brain injury that toilet drift is insane fog okay so this site is just slower um seem to be the same on um on this and whatever else maybe low Lane seal do a thing watch the pulsing of the wing okay yeah I mean it's probably just about audio cues but it's still or visual cues but that just feels awful instead of just being able to react that it comes down to this like Ultra precise timing at the end of the run that feels terrible my settings are normal right yeah okay does it happen now that we have the there's no way but maybe it was all because we needed low latency mode stop drifting run to the Finish Line give up your hopes and if you well-being is important to you be your own savior while you can no same thing I think it's my reaction time I think I literally can't react fast enough for this that feels wrong especially if my reaction time is 250 milliseconds which is what the example was right that's what the tutorial was is about 250 milliseconds 15 frames so I don't I don't think it is like that just does not [Music] no no no no no no no the pulse is consistent okay 30 FPS makes 15 frames is it 30 FPS I assume it's 60 FPS um I mean limiting the frame shouldn't matter right we could try 30 FPS [Music] Chile he releases slo-mo then activates it again before he jumps [Music] no he doesn't [Music] that's just wrong you can see it held down yeah [Applause] it's held down all the way up until there yeah so no he releases it he releases it and then turns it back on but he has to release it I guess yeah I know it's recorded frames but it's still 250 milliseconds so try changing your position on the wing to further up yeah [Music] is there a way to make another unused key on your keyboard also press space not really um uh uh yeah it's 15 frames at whatever the recording is which is either 30 or 60. it's probably 60 frames a second okay limit 30 FPS maybe this does something oh God that looks terrible run to the finish line give up your hopes hopes to your own savior while you can it does a half pulse and a fourth pulse that fits flips it consistent all right I'll just look at it I'll just watch it um man this will really suck if this is you can't change the key bindings in the game drifting run to the Finish give up your hopes and if your well-being is important to you be your own savior while you can okay so it oh I didn't see any quivering huh oh I mean I could change it in Windows settings I guess but um it seems like yeah I mean I'll put on input display if I don't figure it out like right now give up your hopes be your own savior while you can all right are you looking at the wing or the pulses wait that was 10 right so it's it's 11 Wing pulses right this is Fortress stop drifting run to the Finish Line give up your hopes okay oh man Charlie Omega foxtrot foxtrot echo echo stop drifting run to the Finish Line I don't know what happened there okay like push far to the side or something even if I like know how to predict it if the idea is that it's in a 200 millisecond window that just feels or under 200 millisecond window that feels insane to be able to consistently do keep up your hopes okay that's obviously me oh God this is this is fun okay I'm like as long as I understand how to do it I'm fine with it I just when you don't understand is when it's not particularly fine be your own savior while you can all right we get scooped one two three four five six seven eight nine ten oh okay interesting [Music] so I guess that's what we do I guess we I guess I'm too old to react and we just pre we pre-react Jesus Christ okay oh but I have to get all the way to the top congratulations I don't we don't need position we don't need like my keyboard inputs on screen right because if this is the strategy like it doesn't mean anything right if we're not just going off pure reaction time I'm so curious I feel like it has to be something else other than I'm just slow reacting that just does not make sense as like that's the reason okay one two three four five six seven eight I think someone is sending the text to speech they keep telling you to stop drifting and to run to the Finish Line what's up the wing like double flaps at that second which is weird he said I was late with the jump Jesus okay I guess I just have to I guess I just have to pre-do it just pause TTS so you can focus jokes on them I don't listen to TTS anyways and randomly get shot off for no reason cool okay [Music] I'm I'm concerned about doing this consistently I'm not on 30fps anymore hi dingleberry I have a never-ending fear of heights and Dragons anyways what are we doing today I was late I stopped Midway through the pipe uh no I'm back on normal Delta echo echo Zulu November uniform Tango Sierra [Music] just some of the times it randomly pushes you [Music] after the double flap it's four pulses yeah okay that's a better that's a better count or a better a better queue oh okay I'm looking at the pulses there's the double one two three four okay so it's right after the fourth the fourth goes up and basically when the fourth hits that's when I release that should do it or maybe I just do it literally as the fourth is happening the fourth little pulse thing I mean we're getting on the wing pretty consistently which is good tried during the four okay I'll just do it in the middle of the fourth one but I think that'll be too early but apparently my slow ass old man Reaction Time October Tango Tango Echo Mike I was not paying attention [Music] oh [Music] all right we're looking at the wing one two three four that was too early I think [Music] Delta Romeo India foxtrot Tango India November golf all right let's chill out with the irrelevant uh spam foreign [Music] two three four oops I saw him out again so it's I wanna I wanna I wanna hit spacebar and release right as the fourth pulse goes up right so it's like pulsing up and down when it hits the top that's the timing I want to shoot for and then I I haven't been rolling right because I'm just focused on getting this down so I'll have to I'll have to practice that once this part is consistent but this is seeming better this seems like pretty correct I think the role is what prevents me bonking into that platform okay okay I'm gonna play loud music to get myself pumped up I'm like I'm [ __ ] on board with this so hard if I find a consistent setup and I just have to like grind it and practice that I'm down for I just need to understand it you know I'll grind this all day at night as long as I understand it there's a double one two three four oh well I went too far I guess all right so there actually is an end to the wing [Music] what's the deal with the two hours 11 minutes ago VOD I wasn't here at the start of the stream P.S can we take a three minute break I wanna make microwave popcorn and it takes around 2 minutes 50 seconds you are why we have the VOD for two hours 11 minutes ago that we don't miss anything even though it's literally been the exact same thing for three hours you think we don't try to change my mind there's the double one two three four a little early okay I need to wait till it's like at the peak that's when it goes I'm like trying to predict it because I'm used like in the mentality of like I have to be super fast so I'm trying to go early which is not actually the right call [Music] thanks for calming the stream down a bit you didn't have to stop playing well though you can do this thank you I can do this and like this is the only dragon skip left to learn I'm not gonna have to like learn another one one two three four [Music] feels like that was close and I still haven't gotten it a single time which is concerning I slowed down again yeah I need to stop in my brain I'm like just mashing the buttons which is not what I'm actually supposed to do that wasn't correct okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] remember your Autumn less than three I am okay the good news is that when I'm obsessed with a thing I'm happy in the obsession lets my brain just obsess [Music] one two three four [ __ ] a little a little late a little late okay we're going to draft drafts on [Music] Sierra Tango October Romeo Yankee Tango Echo lima lima Echo Romeo [Music] one two three four [Music] wow oh my God you're incredible dog wow okay but that's very very very close we have the timing [Music] technically I have not done it yet [Music] you know what I'm saying it I'm raising the stakes if I get this in the next 15 minutes I actually land it I'm giving myself a cookie [Music] okay got [ __ ] by the wing [Music] that's gonna be so frustrating if that happens all right [ __ ] I have to land at the black hole platform could we please add back the three minute ago time I have to pee and missed it that'll take me three minutes [Music] one two three four not quite High Enough so if I get here this still is a lot of time save um congratulations Doug no I didn't I know I didn't I didn't do it I have to get higher no you gotta get higher oh my God if I do this incredible Doug I will I will definitely whoop Ludwig's ass if I land that but to beat Pooh Bear I need to go all the way to the top [Music] I wonder what is causing that it just randomly bumps me sometimes [Music] foreign [Music] two three four [Music] oh wait oh no I hit it I hit it and bounced off [Music] okay I can't even see if I'm rolling at the right time because he's like out of frame but we're getting close and it's getting much more consistent is it rolling too early me having inputs on screen would actually kind of be nice maybe I should do that [Music] I don't know if I'm rolling too early or too late I have no idea oh the two hour vods looking a little crazy one two oh wait I feel like that was a half second [Music] but I'm not great with knowing a half second that's like um no board for input am I gonna do it hey Doug I'm about to go to the grocery store but want to keep watching could you please put my shopping list on stream no but you can say it in the chat rolling cancels your horizontal momentum if you're hitting the underside you're rolling too early if you can't make it back to laying on top you're rolling too late because you're like bouncing off the side right so you bounce off and then if you roll too early would it be the opposite if I roll too early then I'm too far to the side of it I mean I trust you but um I'll do I'll do a no board uh sure let me add this in um no board we're gonna five minute Adventure we're gonna [ __ ] set up some inputs so you guys can yell at me with a little more uh a little bit more data [Music] what do I do with it it's a zip file [Music] just drop it somewhere uh [Music] board is this meant to be a uh like a OBS Plug-In or just a program that you run okay cool I love it load keyboard category huh [Music] settings [Music] okay uh install the plug-in okay no board OBS plugin wait it says to run oh they just capture it with Windows okay wait so hey Doug if you're not sure how long half a second is just wait a second and then you'll know half a second has passed okay good yeah it's true you're not wrong oh God [Music] okay cool so how do I get rid of a bunch of these doesn't look very good but that's okay uh settings how do I show which of these is on screen start editing I don't know what that means stop editing hey Doug I'm trying to get into the concept of WeMo can you breathe in regular intervals so we can sink our breathing thanks Jim um how do I remove certain what do I just like right click it no it's also not correct oh cause I'm on Azuri that's why U.S basic sure um wait so there's got to be a way to remove which ones are visible right [Music] start editing but then what do you do [Music] that didn't do anything um I mean crop it no BS but it's just awkward because then I need these keys there are templates you can pick from look at the new options when editing start editing oh add elements oh okay so I I unload the keyboard right how do I unload it the [ __ ] no [Music] so how do I get hold on how do I get rid of the keyboard load I want to unload the keyboard no stop it is that way [Music] if I start editing I want to remove [Music] go to the highlights and I can just include this whole thing I guess just click the keys [Music] stop editing okay this is not doing anything I mean this works I guess highlight keys with left click and remove them start editing and what delete [Music] move how do I get rid of it it says remove key where oh remove element got it okay there we go I select multiple so I have to do this one at a time okay what is this what are you doing okay POG five minute clicking Adventure this is boring very polka's input view dog dog do you think you can log into our bank account now with it open okay this is a yeah I definitely cannot have all the keys visible that's such a bad idea can we get a 2 hours 12 minutes ago what as well please thanks no that's lost to time uh what I just used wasd control shift and [Music] all right all right wait but where's the mouse we don't have the mouse on here that's also important [Music] okay okay where's stop editing how do I add a thing add element add mouse key oh that's what that was what do these do how do I set this as like a thing move do we care right click settings Mouse like where it's element properties did I miss that start editing I add an element uh Mouse and then do I uh oh element properties key code left button yeah that seems correct and then I would add another one mouse key element properties and this is right button and now it should be left click right click right so if I stop editing but I'm it's just not doing that it's it's not popping up when I if I press the keys it does what is the keyboard This is fine whatever you don't need the mouse I mean it would be nice um clipboard category games Legacy game underscore FPS one underscore dog dog okay what did you say um load keyboard category games Legacy and then games game FPS one Mouse sure this works [ __ ] it input display all right I can move this off screen I can add a filter okay there you go there we go cool now you can see my inputs um which is totally gonna make a difference oh my God okay my brain my brain is frying is he fluent in Spanish yet I definitely know what cargondo means which is loading the game probably um okay [Music] stop drifting [Music] [Music] one two I love three almost four hours they're practicing skips it's very riveting content good job Doug keep up the good work it's literally I mean how many people are here there's there are like 8 000 people here I think this says more about you guys I think something is wrong in your brain that you want to watch this it's been three and a half hours are you guys okay I've never actually like hold on is everything okay with you guys how you doing how you doing Chad are you okay things things are right in your eyes all right a lot of no's you're gonna get through this okay [Music] you're gonna do all right you're gonna be all right everybody has hard [ __ ] everybody has days where it feels like you can't do anything so you just watch a guy try to jump on a dragon will it happen today yes as soon as soon as I can do this with any degree of consistency anything else I'm ready to go with how I want to start this start the runs I mean why does the stream feel like seven hours you know why it feels like surprised one two three four that was too early that was way too early okay yeah gotta wait longer gotta wait longer but got the timing correct it's right so this has been really fun keep it up I'm glad look I I mean I am actually having a really good time it's just one of those moments where I don't fathom why anybody watches me you know I mean this is truly boring you know and I don't think that's like in a humble way [Music] normally at least like when I'm playing games the ability to like respond to people and stuff but I'm just like way too focused one two three four oh [ __ ] you're just my background noise I guess that's a question okay there's a thing about this the other day there's like main monitor content and second monitor content right main monitor being like you are watching the thing and then second monitor is like it's just on in the background certainly at most this is a second monitor stream probably most of you guys have like passed away and the family hasn't like come in to find your dead body and turn off the TV yet um but I feel like a lot there's a good amount of my streams that are actually main monitor content right or like you actually sit and watch the whole thing I'm just glad I never have to play it two three four that was a that felt good oh my God I did no [ __ ] I have to go farther back I guess ah hey I'm getting a lot more consistent though if I can get this at a 50 success rate we're good I literally stopped looking so to go down and play the victory a main monitor content I am committing tax fraud on the other so the tax fraud is second monitor content pretty amazed at the things you make entertaining St a second monitor content best divorce content on Twitch one two three four so I'm a little late I think or I don't know if that was later early you are always second monitor content oh shucks you guys okay I need I need more I need more Storyteller actually this is fine I accidentally pressed the wrong button that's right this works I just need to Hype myself up now now that I know what to do and it's just training [Music] I can just hype myself up this is fine I stress I didn't get the cookie getting on the dragon way more consistently is is really encouraging [Music] we are all celebrating to prematurely maybe the issue is that you need bummer music to get you there see bomber music what do you say I'm pretty far one two three more TV content here I don't know what that says about me too early okay I need to wait longer on the on the Crouch roll I mean I'm glad I think it means you and I are [ __ ] weirdos like we are weird people on top of main monitor content [Music] like there's no like really normal well-rounded person who watches my streams with a class for work if I fail any test in the class I lose my job so it has been very stressful so thanks for the dummy attaining content you're also thanks for asking Doug Doug your phone content while I work now stop getting so close to making it you are distracting me [Music] I started pre-walking okay don't pre-walk that early you have no idea how much painting my wh 40K Army I did doing the pajama pants stream Thai ducky do yeah that that sounds good I've been watching streams a lot while playing tears of the Kingdom here's the kingdom is great for second monitor Seth cookie cook he's on kitsu that was weird you could die I don't know it's a keto Cube okay I come losing focus because I'm getting close so it feels less urgent you want my background noise at work content love you say it back you are you're great I I like you a lot got [ __ ] by the wing it pushed me off cool self only end up against second monitor kind of content here meets one meat two meat three there you go cell phone leaned up against somebody else doing something I'll take that how does it make you feel that I'm playing this on my massive living room TV I feel like a superstar [Music] bodies from Graves and sell the bones I think yeah you need something to do while you're grave robbing hey Doug I love your streams but this one is real third monitor content Twilight play Tears of the Kingdom yeah I can see that choose the kingdom you just want like a chill stream in the background in my experience I really don't watch that much food I'm here to offer the best and biggest tax fraud that one can get call within the next five minutes and I also have a free divorce just pay separate processing and handling I even tumble the offer and give a free tax frauds a bit hey Doug I've currently got Josh Strife Haze on second monitor so I've put you on my shock 13 km 100 TV [Music] Doug I've been trying to edit something while playing you in the background but I have barely gotten anything done because I'm tabbing out to watch you three four what was that earlier late I definitely don't do anything inappropriate with your content on just thought you should know is that going too far you think [Music] Doug this is your best content to be playing on another room's TV while I attend Zoom class are really high what are you talking about oh because of the yeah that looks like you'd rather be doing anything else no I I just have like a kind of resting [ __ ] face like legitimately I just look kind of sad and angry by default well I'm doing fine I'm like pretty I'm like pretty into this like I've heard that from a number of people and so if it's not like a stream where there is this caught non-stop constant you know stimulation to me that makes me show other emotions I'm probably gonna look like I'm not having a good time but I actually am that guy put all your content on my two thousand dollars old TV and I force my wife to watch their shows free TV four that was too early and not correct [Music] so hard God damn I mean it's obviously getting a lot better I'm getting onto the thing consistently I'm is there anything else that I need to be doing great but that sells to cruelty free makeup plans here they make a bunch of creams for people with extremely thin lips do you want me to help you with my discount no that's that's kind of my Hallmark that's my brand [Music] like the fourth monitor in the storage shed outside a safe distance from my family um was that was that earlier late did anybody see that clip or so can somebody clip it I I need to get the timing more correct I think that that was late really okay like the because I'm now looking at the poof on the wing I'm not looking at the flick at the end so I didn't see what happened most people are saying late okay late for sure okay okay um all right so it's not so the poof of the wing it poofs up and I'm not hitting it at the very top of the poof it's like right before the poof so we need to pre-proof but just barely Doug I got to say your stream looks great here on the Times Square billboards like that seemed it felt good I mean it's certainly the timing was right at the top of the poof which is honest question at this point do all the donations just blend together like meisty stream soup no I mean the boring ones blend together um to three don't listen to them Doug you have beautiful Lush lips so that was him watching this on my really small monitor for the details about your monitor um could somebody clip that because at least I tried to press it right because somebody could somebody clip that I tried to press it right when the poof is at the top or like right before and I guess that was that was late like that seemed it felt good I mean that's certainly the thank you that's very fast it was right at the top of the poof which is honest question at this point do all the donations just blend together like moisty stream soup no I mean the boring ones blend together um to three don't listen I think I'm too early isn't I'm clicking it literally as the the wing is moving up but the other guys were able to wait a little while I I think I'm going too early not too late Doug yeah I think I'm too early you all said I was too late right I'm pretty sure you all said I was late maybe I'm high but I like right now I clicked that like maybe at the exact same time as the thing you said earlier okay maybe I just I'm dumb I might just be dumb there's a chance I'm just dumb I like watching on mobile I can get it really close and it feels more personal less than three get closer to your TV [Music] I'm watching on my Smart Switch screen and every time coffee plays I open the fridge and chug a nice mocha to the coffee right free music [Music] one two three four [Music] dog dog you are not dumb okay [Music] foreign Lander disappointed dad face I still hit the Border dude that thing is so far back you have to like really stay back man that it looks like it's a cert like this big but it's actually like that big and I keep whacking it but you were right I needed to go a little bit later I need to wait for it to fully poof and then I click uh call me if you get lost I'm not gonna do that okay come on roses are red Violet's blue I sure hope those 750 Subs attacks deductible oh all right we're good we're covered one two and watching this on my Oculus Quest or the stream completely invalidated in all directions in 360 videos can you please make yourself thinner so you look less stretched out oh no I want to do the thingy foreign [Music] yeah we're still doing this the good news is all relevant practice I mean this is something I thought I would have to spend a half day doing later this week but may as well just do it now [Music] I I don't want to use a timer metronome it'd be really hard to set that up Midway through a run and make sure it's like perfectly consistent the visual cue is good enough and just get [ __ ] by the wing [Music] maybe just for practice well I'd rather practice with the actual method I'll use [Music] like this is hopefully the last time dude it just keeps bumping me this is hopefully the only time I'll have to just grind a single thing for four hours this whole week as I play this you get to The Dog District very often here thanks so much for the of course appreciate it that'd be a good stream uh you've joined at a boring time as I grind they skip in this game one two one two three four [Music] is that still early the skip is definitely worth it it saves a shitload of time I'm very early okay so I guess it's I really gotta wait until after the wing app is poofed I don't think the movement matters because I've gotten flung while moving I'm pretty sure [Music] okay cool yep sure why not [Music] how far into the Run would this be this is the very end of the run it's like the literal last thing you do I mean technically I wasn't looking technically um you do like two more jumps after this but this is this is essentially the ending of The Run um so that's why it's very very important that I get it pretty consistent because otherwise everything before it's kind of pointless no I mean this is important enough the thing is even the other strategies like the alternate strats for this um also take a long time to learn so I may as well two three oh I went to way too early I I did the roll way too early [Music] ah cool I have no idea how to stop that it feels like just some of the time it hits you and sometimes it doesn't foreign I don't think it would help that much it's it's like you I don't think it would help because you have to press Escape which is not where my keys or where my hands are gonna be and then you have to click to get off of it so I don't think it's feasible sure yep sure cool I mean it feels like there's like if this is 50 the game just being janky and not working and then 50 skill is how this feels to me I'm sure you can get it pretty consistent but I it looks like there's just no way to do this 100 of the time like the wing bumping you off I feel like I'm in the exact same position every time and it just randomly or at least imperceptibly different right um so I jumped there I did jump right man it bumps you when you're too far forward okay so I don't need to be that far then right I really need to be thinking about this is like finding the exact consistent position instead of just guessing so I will start picking a consistent position on the wing I'm gonna try to get out to like the knuckle two three four what the [ __ ] I don't know what happened there is this still too early man hi Doug can we get another VOD on the screen from one hour ago and maybe three hours ago I find the idea super funny if you practicing the dragon jump live and all the votes show as you practicing the same trick that was dumb oh or not or I'm the greatest okay cool or I'm just gonna be launched okay cool sure [Music] uh no we gotta grind it's grinding time this isn't a fun stream it's not about enjoying yourself nobody here is having a good time okay everybody's like working in a coal mine and my phone is just on in the background we're all miserable okay we're just we're just sharing our misery together we can't have fun gonna have funny ideas no laughing mods banned people who left I'm having a good time get him much I mean even dude I I don't know I just I need to pick a consistent spot like a super consistent spot on the wing to get to and then I need oops I forgot to look super consistent spot on the wing to get to and then I need to just really perfect the poof timing [Music] at least if you're gonna laugh include some like depression in there [Music] one two three oh I'm pressing okay I gotta remember Hitler like the motion is weird for me I want to press right click and spacebar and I I think I'm pressing both of them pretty often [Music] but only if you're depressed that's the rule today is a funny depression stream hahaha [Music] that's my life sad face [Laughter] hilarious one two three four dude I could somebody clip that I that felt to me like I did it correct but I probably did something wrong I'm currently updating my resume to apply for a position in a different department that isn't toxic that gave me an idea can chat GPT fill out my resume for me hugs probably yeah hi Doug I've recently gotten very sick thanks for making me feel bad for watching you all right you're welcome that's what we're here for this is the depression stream okay I want to see here I I feel like I'm waiting later and hitting the timing correctly obviously I'm not so I wanna I wanna clarify for myself where I'm [ __ ] up here um let's go I'm not depressed but watch him you fail this skip is making me get there looks good right the fling is happening I press spacebar like it looks like the same frame I'm looking up here for the input oh sorry the inputs are covered um here sorry the ones up here are from the the video it looks like I'm I don't know what I'm doing wrong it seems fine to me is it early because I'm it I'm not pressing it till the flick like that flick hasn't happened once the flick happens I press spacebar it looks like I'm maybe releasing slow motion early it's early compared to the video you're watching okay I guess I just need to wait longer right I'm still too early I think unless it's the position on the wing but that seems like about where Pooh Bear was so I I'd like to do about one boy length off of off of the wing like one shoulder width of the boy off the wing right um okay I don't know it it feels like I'm really close whenever remember when everybody said this is way easier than doing it normally yeah I don't think that was true the the fact that I'm apparently just like not fast enough to um not fast enough to reply is a big issue to be fair assuming I could actually react fast enough it would be a lot easier because at this point I'm I can get on the dragon pretty consistently yeah hi Eddie one two three four chat remember if Doug doesn't get this skip he might be too angry to feed us today stay safe in the basement everyone I feel like I'm doing it [Music] no it's not a release I have schizophrenia so it's really nice having the wand in the top there since it's really easy for me to forget how long you've been practicing keep it up you can just there's so many other ways to check that hey Doug there is a line dance for coffee slash when you get the license for the song can we do it thanks oops too early is there though is does that exist no such a fun Long training Arc [Music] hey Doug I have schizophrenia so it's really awesome having the wand in the top there since I forgot so quickly keep it up thank you hello Doug your body and mind is getting older and slower by the second each time you miss the trick your reactions get slower we are all stuck in a Purgatory of this level you are stuck in an ever-ending Loop and there isn't a door Mamu to make a deal with anyway good luck awesome thank you stop drifting run to the finish line give up your hopes and if your well-being is important to you be your own savior while you can one two three four It's gotta be too early right it's got to be too early but I don't understand it feels like that's exactly the timing I did whenever I got it so maybe I was just kind of late but I feel like the jumping needs to be out of sync with the wing the champagne skip is kind of like that way you jump and then get launched not simultaneously maybe the same logic applies here you don't pre-jump though okay it's nice I have bipolar disorder and it helps a lot just guys you don't understand what these words mean okay poggies I just got a check for class action lawsuit in the mail BTW you should probably go to the bathroom holding it in should not be a punishment until you succeed look after yourself or I just relentlessly bash my head against the wall until I'm done have you considered that strategy I wanted to vasectomy stream is the sperm Drive stream hey that's [ __ ] spot I think all the others all the other things in the game are very doable I love the new instrument feature really showcases how much you've improved during this stream does it does it show that because to me it shows that I haven't done anything in like three [ __ ] hours oops one two I have ADHD so I can't pay attention I swear I'm doing it the right [ __ ] time maybe I maybe it is the spot maybe on because I'm on the it hasn't worked at all when I've been farther in the wing like I've been when I've been in the like I don't know Skip with your old man reflexes maybe it is where I am on the wing because I think I'm tight at least one of those lasts like five attempts I was in the same position on the wing so that's probably it okay I've been going forward a lot I'm gonna try to stay way closer to the like the bone of the way I just served someone that class action lost one but they had no smell about them three stay safe so I can swear man I swear I'm doing this chat I'm back Doug has been learning this skip for so long that I'm finally made it back from the store with the milk and smokes you don't pre-jump we've already looked into that that's that's just not how it works I know what I have to do um I just needed time to jump around people doing great and I'm super proud of you progress is progress less than three thank you I mean definitely super [ __ ] close one 100 sure your struggling is due to the lack of Sonic racing music in this speedrun why did it block me there I am so [ __ ] far back okay I think what I've been doing is releasing the right Mouse before I release spacebar I think I tried to not do that I've had multiple organ dysfunction syndrome so the rod in the upper left really helps me take my mind off things [Music] I'm so [ __ ] tantalizingly close give me this goddamn skin failing could regrow your hair you would have turned into Rapunzel by now anyway keep up the fights Mr shine [Music] I want it chat there's no way I torture myself for this long and I do not beat Everybody by the end of this week [Music] [Music] hey Doug I waited a little too long I think your progress is on the roll thanks for the great content closer getting closer getting closer I'm gonna earn that [ __ ] cookie I'm gonna get this I'm gonna go get a cookie [Music] I listen to a little bit of grand Pooh Bear this morning he's really confident multiple sclerosis and find the wand in the upper left really helps the myelin in my brain and spinal cord regenerate super helpful [Music] yes to answer your question I will hit this during a run [Music] hey Doug I have erectile dysfunction in the bond in the top left it is helping keep up the great gameplay okay all right I have the stupidest job on the planet [Music] hey that guy of schizophrenia and just took my meds have you seen my wife anywhere I can't find her [Music] one two [Music] I don't know what that means I don't know if I was late or early in fact could somebody clip that look I wanna I gotta start being more deliberate in the top left is really removing all the asbestos from my lungs thank you big dog love you say it back please hey I like you [Music] would somebody mind grabbing that clip let's find out if I'm still too early or too late I think the further out you are on the wing yeah [Music] [Music] just wait for it at the top left is that gonna clip it everybody I've watched they line up with the bite mark um okay yeah I mean I guess I can it's just so hard to tell where they are [Music] laughs okay okay [Music] oh there's the clip all right I'll look at that in a sec foreign [Music] okay that is definitely me releasing slow motion before the jump I definitely I definitely did that that time okay so I just need to really careful about that if spacebar like before okay so this one I it feels like I'm right at the bite mark kind of and then I'm holding right Mouse wait oh yeah this is the one that was low okay okay so in my earlier late let's figure this out whoa okay I'm releasing right Mouse way before spacebar yeah okay I mean that's probably the huge issue hmm okay I need a piece so badly I think that's probably the main problem like the main issue that I've been having is I just keep it's just like a weird thing to do spacebar and then release in that order within like a frame for some reason my brain just doesn't want to do it go pee or [Music] hey that guy have a look to live we've got in the top left is half pink drive me back into depression and question my sub keep up the good work XD that's what we're here for [Music] hey Doug maybe you need some little blue pills they would help you get it up higher when you jump off the Dragon [Music] one hey chat Doug might be too dumb to get this skip but you are not too dumb to use your Prime sub give Doug five dollars from Bezos gold plated pockets for absolutely no cost to you help contribute to the coffee licensing fund today hey Rod could we get a second dug in the corner the current one seems defective he only seems to constantly count to four Isis why does this streamer just count to four over and over is he like a counting strategy amount software engineer underwater is extremely helpful for my productivity and crafting the unrelenting Nano gears that enhance the crashing force of capitalism keep it up all right so we're all here for hey dug I am completely healthy and I [ __ ] hate the rod in the top slash just kidding I have many conditions and all of them are cured by coffee song [Music] hey Doug I have dementia and the VOD hey Doug thank you [Music] Doug we think we are being parasocial with this we think what do you as part of we think [Music] one two three I did it again I keep releasing right click hey Doug I have dimensions in the top Corner really helps me remember how long you have been streaming it's not correct [Music] hey Doug I have dementia so the VOD in the top Corner really helps me remember how long you have been streaming hey Doug I have dementia sort of odd in the top Corner really helps me remember how long you have been streaming [Music] just keep bonking so it's something about as long as I remember the fractured rectum and the bond in the corner is not impacting it oh my God shut the [ __ ] up that's fine you're fine I'm annoyed at myself I don't really care about this okay um hey Doug do you need to master this shortcut unless the other people you are racing against did it you can probably save time elsewhere whoever did it yep I do need to learn it it's a huge time save and basically there's no way in the top corner of mines thank you wing for randomly [ __ ] me okay Marvel vs Capcom 3 music in the top Corner helps me remember just how long you've been streaming [Music] [Music] one two three four I just went too far I had too much momentum so I was trying to stop him but he wouldn't stop [Music] why are you guys invested in me peeing who cares why is a single one of you emotionally invested in this [Music] I mean I definitely should take a break this is one of those moments where I stubbornly don't take a break and then the instant I do it like the incident I come back from the breaks did you see how he yelled at us [Music] that was mostly the Dragon one two three okay I'm still releasing them at the same time oh my God oh God no the what how am I supposed to remember how long you've been streaming oh my God the vodo gone nobody freak out but it's the wrong VOD now you hold your pee too long you can [ __ ] up your kidneys well it's worth it if I'm better at speedrunning I'm watching the VOD in the corner is that really you you looked so young [Music] anyone from Sacramento in 2007 remembers our local radio station negligently killed a Woman by forcing her to hold in her piss for a Nintendo Wii yeah I remember intoxication is a thing and the DJs knew about it truly gopis hey Doug him an alcoholic and watching you fail this skip in the VOD in the top left is making me want to drink [Music] there's some little um spot right here that if you step on it it like flings you a bit to the side you just lose yourself not invested enough in your bladder can we have a Gamba on when you're going to pee [Music] I'm gonna pee when I finish and actually do this hey Doug I'm Gary hey hey Gary what if I go forward hey Doug yeah just let it try to we wouldn't mind still releasing I dude I don't know how to like [Music] Doug I don't think sitting here stressing out about this is gonna help your hair just saying I have to go [Music] hi Doug I'm not a doctor don't go pee I want you to keep sitting there and holding your pee pissing is for winners get up I'm trying I can't reset it if he's fall ing vices Doug could we pretty please get your best Gerald Ford impression we still miss him dog the dog store the funny store is closed for business no funny until until I'm done hey Doug I'm a recovering piyaholic and your resilience against urine is really inspiring me to hold it another day [Music] if you're not gonna pick and you at least put on a video of the waterfall it would be sad not funny this is the most anybody's ever been invested in me peeing hey Doug it good to see you I haven't been able to watch in a while and it's great to see you again by the way what have I missed why is your lower face balding it's mesothelioma hey Doug you have to pee and chat wants something warm to drink looks like we both have something to gain here hey Doug sick in bed right now with scabies your streams always make me feel better when I have scabies you do not have scabies do you that's not [Music] go have some vitamin C you'll be fine [Music] do you think of scurvy no my mom's a doctor one two three four so it just always stops you you gotta be so far back okay [Music] I understand that there's an invisible floor I'm trying to move as far back as possible though I do understand what's going on it's just about you know executing it right okay I can't welcome to the dug zero funny stream I will be reading from my microwaves manual ever wondered just how long you should microwave something tired of food coming out to hot or still cold water cook takes the thought out of it just tell your microwave what you're cooking thank you [Music] oh God we're good we're covered never mind the wing knock me off [Music] [Music] hi pook I've been dealing with Leprosy likely in the wand in the left corner have been really helpful with the stabs and bloody one two three four welcome to the dug no funny stream it's just a regular stream without chat so chat I assume I'm not rolling at the right time I don't know if I'm rolling too early or too late hey Doug I just discovered this easier method just look straight through the tunnel [Music] place your food on the turntable close the door and then press Auto cook use the up slash down buttons or numbered buttons to select the number that corresponds to your desired category for example reheat cook Etc press OK and then select [Music] hey Doug scabies doctor here just letting you know that other chatter is gonna succumb to this scabies condition unless you can rip a fat dragon skip SAS a little too early I think okay I need to I need to like improve and not to just just grind it um like I need really really consistent visual cues it's easy for me to just like bash my head against the wallet but I gotta like learn what is wrong with it every time um so I feel like I'm waiting for it to fully poof but on my way to a tiny bit longer one two three four and then I rolled okay so the roll is too early still that's what's going on Roll still too early it feels like we're actually getting more consistent of the other thing though oh I have to pee so badly [Music] it gives me that edge [Music] hey Doug let's face it one way or another your stream is going down the toilet foreign [Music] one two three that was released at the same time [Music] okay this is this is the motion [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I was a little too with the far to the right [Music] I need to take a break I'm going insane it's been four and a half straight hours of this like it will help me so much if I stop this always happens I take a break and I immediately feel way better and do better that's right don't don't goatee that's just what big kiss wants you to do stay strong foreign [Music] that should have picked me up that's weird [Music] one two three I [ __ ] keep releasing the right Mouse at the same I don't know why I just like panic and press and release both at the same time and it has to be I need to different are you a big Gems or a small giant Sky I still don't know what the original person meant but I have to know we already set rules around it I can't reveal it um [Music] one two three open the piss Gates is that too late uh that was too early man okay I really need to slow down I guess [Music] cool just got [ __ ] by the wing [Music] you know I wonder if I just hey don't look at that you have to persevere imagine if Neil Armstrong instead of stepping on the moon just went to take a piss don't let your bladder control you I actually was getting the timing right the whole time looking at the tip of the wing but I was just releasing the buttons incorrectly like I've been doing no I'm just slow with that I'm so much slower at that it takes me a while to recognize it okay so we just have to [ __ ] go for it [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] one two three four hey Doug no fun only facts Earth there's more than one Moon [Music] [Music] I think I just need to do it later and I've just been my brain is just freaks out and then can't do it [ __ ] later I don't know why one two three four okay I think I have way way more time than I think and I'm just rushing it every time and if I just calm down and don't rush it then it's fine maybe my pee addled brain it just can't handle the idea of going a little bit slowly [Music] one two three okay so that's definitely too early okay yeah I'm just going too early I'm just going too early I need to just [ __ ] wait I'm just so used to it like being too slow at it during all the other attempts guys worst cases I'll die and even that's really funny streamer dies because he won't pee [Music] only up murders local streamer one two three okay I've just been early I've just been early I just need to slow down I gotta let it fully poop it's got to fully poof I keep pre-poofing and if I fully poof we're fine are you guys feeling like a burning sensation in your stomach and your groin acquisition regulatory Council issued a new federal acquisition regulation far Clause that is required by executive order yo 14042 in accordance with the 0-14042 dated October 7th 20. that gets [ __ ] piss and they'll gift 100 Subs otherwise they'll disown you and steal your organs [Music] you're just some guy who's Texas bitching at me [Music] okay okay okay cool [Music] hey Doug I just got here what does piss equals delete mean [Music] look you don't need both kidneys this is why we got two of them so you can waste one of them during your only up speed running okay tying is the ultimate form of tax evasion we should all do it yeah that's still too far I'm I so I mean I'm kid I'm getting obviously a lot more because I just want to stop the grind to go to the bathroom why not just piss your pants it's super easy [Music] man I okay I am definitely rolling over a half second I'm worried I'm rolling too late I'm running late man I'll try way later but I don't think that's what's going on [Music] okay [Music] this is Doug's left kidney the right kidney hasn't said anything in a while I'm scared shut up down there [Music] one two three four oh I was counting to five for some reason I need to pee oh [Music] it's also like hot in the room so I'm like overheating I want to like burst like a watermelon with every one of these attempts it's like putting a rubber band around the water the sound of water flowing out of the sink there's a garden house filling a bucket making loud splashing sounds nearby you just drank a large glass of ice cold water big pisses all around us I am far too stubborn to give up just because of a weak thing like pee I know how to recover that which is nice one [Music] can we go to the bathroom three I just fell off [Music] no everybody has to wait so hey Doug we need to figure out when do I roll thank you stop being selfish so next roll next run that I do let's clip it where I get close to the thing um oops wrong thing let's clip it um and see how early I'm pressing Ctrl and rolling in comparison um to the tutorial stop drifting run to the finish line give up your hopes and if your well-being is important to you be your own savior while you can drown.com does not allow stuff over page 13. I'm pretty sure water sports are not allowed two three [Music] and that was way more than a half second still it's still [ __ ] block gonna go pee right now want me to pee for you too okay so can somebody clip that like I think I'm way too late I think it's way too late yeah we will not clip until you piss okay well Joker betrayed you sorry the piss gang and chat who's on team left kidney and who's on team right kidney multiple people laughed kidney guy myself multiple people care about the challenge more than me being okay thank you Doug mom by the way [Music] [Music] one two three wait did I still not I still release right Mouse early God damn I'm so bad at that but I guess it still works even without that a release I release Mouse button first and then I press spacebar how am I so bad at that wild let's gamble on which kidney fails first I mean I dude I did it really late I feel like you can see I'm holding way more than that do I just have to hold right the whole time is that why I mean I I this is really really late right that's more than a half second that's like two full seconds like here here's the fling three one two three and that was way more than a half a prediction for when dog dog gets kidney stones from holding in his pee one two it's like two seconds that was way more than a half second ah still it's still fine okay I I gotta go earlier right because we look at the tutorial oh he did do it really late and then he just hangs to the right and then he starts moving forward okay I think I'm really really close I cannot [ __ ] believe how long is this just to do it once yeah I mean either way half second is like very wrong all right one two three all right [ __ ] I think I'm really really close I think I just need to keep holding right and stay as far away as possible I like that's so far wide I mean you can see I keep I keep moving left because it feels like I need to move closer to it because I'm so far away [Music] [Music] one two three you [ __ ] I have to be so [ __ ] close I I am so far away from the disc and it's still blocking me man I think I roll earlier I mean I'm waiting a long time all right guys stop counting in chat counting is not allowed during stream [Music] could the weight of one of your P filled kidneys be causing the issue one I think I'm off here I don't know why I fell off but sure [Music] this isn't funny Doug this is well okay counting in general is just obnoxious spam and not interesting at all so I'm the accounting is never allowed that doesn't have to do with the funny store being closed I don't want messages to be completely irrelevant please play coffee it will help two three hey Doug watching this depressed in a coal mine while taking a piss wearing my Oculus and seeing this in 360 video I had acute kidney failure please don't try to defeat big piss like I did it can't be your downfall nothing can today we go only up hey Doug regardless if you pee or not right now you'll still be a Virg who will never get Hong toe seven get honked I was once part of a small team that counted to 1 000 long after you logged off it was amazing I asked you up thanks hi Doug I'm that one girl you really liked in college but never asked out you are really cute I want to date you my only requirement is that you must have an empty bladder to kiss me I did it [Music] I'm gonna go pee [Music] everybody everybody everybody [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] gotta keep your feet [Music] [Music] Good Work Doug you've done it now to just hit it five times in a break the world record first run and call it a stream [Music] hey Doug I'm purpose amazing job you deserve a cookie [Music] can we have a cookie please [Music] was the best stream of the year [Music] ah and now we perfect it [Music] hey Doug how's the kidneys doing [Music] oh robot [Music] I press control let's set it right click okay I'm gonna do it five times total rather than five times in a row and then we're doing runs starting now [Music] one two three it turns you [Music] it's still clip okay I need to be like holding right the whole time I think like it seems like I roll when I hit the wall I think I have to do it earlier I think I have to do it earlier because that's the whole thing they're saying you'd bonked if you don't go early enough um okay [Music] now it's Grind Time [Music] one two three I uh that was way too late hey Mr shop owner I've got dollar redo is burning a hole in my pocket is the funny store open again okay two or one one out of five 144k Channel points yes it was on dating [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the smell of the game one two three [Music] I told you whenever I take a break it's so helpful but I'm too stubborn to do that like I instantly play like 10 times better if I just step away for a little bit I know you told me I don't care [Music] look it's a package deal you don't get all the other things you like about Doug without the stubborn [ __ ] dumbass part of Doug [Music] I'm not really an [ __ ] but stubborn idiot [Applause] one two three [Music] okay that was a little too far I was going really fast there but close okay this is starting to feel good finally by the way it was primarily just the timing which sounds obvious in retrospect but it was basically I I think I was just releasing right Mouse too fast and then rushing it in general [Music] um what I don't reset so you want saying we were liked it's almost like we always tell the truth [Music] oh I didn't look left yeah that was it [Music] what am I what am I [Music] knew that the chance [Music] one two three oh that was way bad oh I released I released rice Mouse before I did the same thing I did the same thing I just might I always want to do that it just it just like you think it's like the same motion and it's not you have to delay the it's so weird for my brain for some reason can't you see I'm blazing see my heart is the words kill me one two three it's too low damn I I went to go get food and came back to see you basically hitting the skip hell yeah can I get it again chat to celebrate don't try to spam stuff but I'll allow it this time hello look the funny grocery store will open again later I just I'm still in angry grocery store not angry I'm just like all I want to do is beat this one congratulations Doug you did it you're incredible everybody wow oh my God you're incredible Doug whoa I'm starting to I'm starting to get it I have a Long window from pressing spacebar to releasing right Mouse click that was the main problem I thought I had to do them like like frame perfect essentially where it was like spacebar right click and you don't it's like spacebar right click control it's pretty slow it just felt like I it wasn't working because it wasn't fast enough so I was just like trying to be faster and faster and make it harder okay three out of five [Music] I get I'm really starting to get all the pieces of it at this point [Music] I'm sure I could have learned this a lot more efficiently but the pieces are there now [Music] one two three four oh [ __ ] I was counting five again [Music] [Music] I'm tired can you end the stream yet the stream is just getting started my friend I haven't even started runs yet although I do need to stop at a somewhat reasonable time because I have to review The Pajama Sam video which is two and a half hours long [Music] oh okay oh I still got there one two maybe I could still pull this off oops nope counted to three that time yeah if the video is good it'll be released tomorrow good meaning we don't need to you know make any changes [Music] which it should be we've already reviewed it it's just literally like making sure the export is okay and then in this case that is a two and a half hour process foreign [Music] two three it's four out of five I would love to get two in a row this is for the main YouTube channel the Sam one I did do two in a row I kind of want to just grind this now I'm having fun with it I'm not going to we'll do actual runs but I'll probably grind it off stream damn [Music] I mean yeah I should do three in a row to be safe I mean just for the sake of variety I want to do something else but if it was just me offline I would just keep grinding this [Music] one two three what the [ __ ] just happened oh I pressed F accidentally and reset it no that was good damn it I'm pretty sure that was that was good I missed clicked and pressed F instead of d [Music] [Music] one two three why am I off I don't know man it's so weird it'll just like screw you for no reason all right Noob song [Music] oops that's fine [Music] one two why am I falling off now huh this is bear what is going on why did it randomly start doing this I didn't change anything huh [Music] I'm not a huge fan of it randomly doing new things [Music] [Music] like okay that's happened three times in a row what am I doing wrong [Music] [Music] I don't know why it's doing that foreign [Music] I feel like I'm doing the exact same thing [Music] well that was me just looking at chat that happened when you were too far back like too far back on the wing [Music] I guess that makes sense it's like the bone of the wing is is what's flinging me and the Pres the position on the wing doesn't seem to matter a ton so I'm gonna go basically forward and left instead of just left instead of just mostly left [Music] how am I consistently doing that what is happening [Music] well this came out of nowhere they're like reset the game or something fun fact the world record for the longest p is 508 seconds congratulations [Music] dude what is going I want to like quit the game or something I feel like it I I don't know I mean I'm sure it's just in my head but it literally feels like the physics just changed or something I was doing the exact same thing and that happened maybe once in the past like three hours of this they did not patch it because the game was open the whole time stop drifting run to the Finish Line give up your hopes be your own savior while you can dude what is happening why did this suddenly start happening every time huh stop drifting yeah well I wasn't you're moving early I mean I yeah I guess I guess I am um okay [Music] as far as I can tell I'm not doing anything differently it was never that precise on the dragon you just move up and left [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] uh okay I don't love how this suddenly became incredibly inconsistent for no reason [Music] what the [ __ ] is going on so it's when I'm moving forward [Music] I think I'll move farther left instead of settings are the same [Music] they did not actually patch it that is a joke um it's just really weird I mean I can I just need to find a new setup I guess uh you're pressing D when I got it I I guess I don't know why I'd be pressing D because I'm moving forward and left so I'm trying to go as forward as possible I'm gonna see if that is like okay so I think I'm moving I think it's just kind of moving too far forward on the wing because that one grabbed it earlier than the previous times I think so theoretically I just want to stay back on the wing and that should Dodge that then I guess I just started randomly going farther forward all of a sudden run to the Finish Line very cool all right good news now the two hour and 11 minutes ago about is 5 hours and 11 minutes ago okay okay that was too far okay dude this is weird this is super [ __ ] weird so I stayed farther back on the wing but then it flung me off which is what had happened before which is why I was trying to move forward in general so I don't I don't understand what changed to suddenly start grabbing it all the time um but clearly it's just about you know how I get on the Dragon so it's that spot above at the front of the wing I see the spot that does that um I think you're moving too early I mean I yeah I need to stop pre-moving I guess but it it seems that it's like a specific spot on the Dragon all right so I picked up now I'm moving left I'm trying to stay kind of farther back near the bite mark one two three I think that was I just released right click too early okay I just need to stay further back on it I think but not crazy far back just farther back one two three okay that was way too early did I press spacebar I'm just jostled because of all this this is annoying that I just randomly stopped getting consistent at this but and then that made me try to press all the buttons early with the actual like Jump part at least I'm really good at running to this patch of grass now so there's all there's that while you can okay all right let's Jam so I trust in your bite mark I use D to stay on one two three still gotta go farther right I I every time I'm like oh I'm too far to the right and I literally have to hold right like the whole you just take the wheel deal number I think of the 550 subs thank you thank you I just got back is Doug still stuck on this stream is starting to drag on slip yep yep drifting this is not the most exhilarating stream I've done cool that'll be really fun if that happens in a run oh sorry trap Buckle in I need to hit two in a row [Music] so that was too early I guess on the control just say nice things to the Jenkins [Music] dude it's like a two second delay they both Pooh bear and the tutorial said you wait a half second um before rolling but it feels like it's like two seconds it's like two to three it's super long wait one two this is starting to drag on [Music] yeah as long as I hold up right a lot we're fine [Music] I'm sure I definitely if I get two in a row we'll do it during a run no problem [Music] I literally just need to chill if I'm not freaking out then it's fine because I just do it slowly and it works still on this Doug remember you wanted to actually do runs today please do yourself a favor and get at least one run in before the day is out [Music] I mean this has been surprisingly enjoyable to myself and I finally caught your Twitch love your stuff man two three I pressed f I had it thank you whoever said that message I appreciate it I that was like almost certainly a I felt perfect I mean it doesn't count as fail I need to move the button from F to like r [Music] I'm doing that right now okay it's R now [Music] is the role needed yeah apparently it doesn't seem like it does anything but it stops your horizontal momentum [Music] one in the trash too far so that I think it was hold on okay I think what's going on is you bounce outward you hit the wall so like if this is where you start you bounce you hit the wall and then you bounce backwards and I think the what you're trying to do is roll right when you hit the wall because that will stop you from bouncing backwards basically wherever you roll like you'll be stuck at that vertical spot so I think the idea is you're you're waiting like a second to be as close to the wall as possible to do the roll and then if you do that you're moving up at the very edge of the of the map and then and that way you are way out of the bounds of the like the disc thing so I think it's not just like waiting two or three seconds however like it's basically you're trying to get it close as possible to that bounce off the wall which makes sense with some dank ass music what is this song no I'm consistent at it again Mr Nice I just needed to kind of be right at the bite mark and then I want to stop myself two three [ __ ] I released right click early for some reason my brain is awful at that one two three so I think that was good yeah it's against the okay well I should have gone even farther right but okay I get it so it's about a second it's like about one second uh okay two in a row and we do runs and then hopefully I remember everything and I'm still warmed up this has maybe made me better at the game I don't know probably not uh [ __ ] that is hard man this is hard I think I was too late that time or too early with the with the roll that's too early okay yeah the ones I made it were always later so it is like two seconds but just not three seconds like it's a lot later than it feels like it should be but it's not insanely late oh too far forward so I want to come to a stop stop moving after I see the man I is it still too early I think I'm too late it feels like I'm too I'm I feel like I'm too late like I'm I'm rolling too close to the thing right that's what it seems to me it's still running too early all right it's just weird that both tutorials said wait a half second and I'm waiting like three seconds I think it's too late I think I'm too late by the time I roll I'm already like super far less crazy idea you beat Ludwig's time I think it's early using your stream on Ludwig's twitch you do a speed run reaction to your own speedrun comparing it to Ludwig's inferior time that's a pretty good idea oh I think I gotta go earlier [Music] I gotta go way earlier I gotta go way earlier [Music] what's my best time so far I've done zero speedruns of this game technically I am losing to every single person on the list one two three bed and this is how I prefer to learn things I prefer to get like really good at each piece first rather than just doing runs while having like a major Gap in my ability to do the run I would rather be very comfortable with each piece and then add in pieces that I'm less comfortable with after a lot of practice which is basically what I'm currently doing is the one piece that was missing [Music] one two three [ __ ] I double tapped control nothing happened oh well I still did it maybe it didn't work I don't know [Music] this looks like cheat mode dog two in a row let's do it two in a row and we [ __ ] ship it and start running [Music] you remember the early strats yeah I think so I mean I'm not doing anything crazy there'll be a bunch of like little mess-ups one two three oh I jumped way too early there's a thing I get excited I'm like okay I'll just pre I'll like pre-jump just be safe it's like nope Gotta Wait gotta [ __ ] wait ah Doug I died and reincarnated as a dog then died again and you're still doing this [Music] it's not enough I don't understand look it's so it's definitely the timing on the roll it feels like doing it later makes it work better I think holy dog what are your thoughts on Imagine Dragon way too early I don't it's just imagine this Dragon skipwick's first try cut me too give up your hopes to you be your own savior this is how Napoleon play this game I I want to try it way earlier one two three that wasn't way earlier maybe I do need to do it a lot later because I was fairly early that was like maybe one second I was still like way too far um okay I need to count yeah the longer I wait seems to go better I need to count if I just do one two roll that's like three seconds let me try that we're doing a full three count I just want it to be as consistent as possible one two three in Chinese [Music] it's like three it's a three count I don't know why they were saying a half second it probably also works at a hat second um but three counts way easier for me way easier for me all right let's do two in a row let's pork this thing I am really ready to be done with this it's kind of fun though it's kind of fun [Music] once I do two in a row we're done we're moving on sorry I have to be able to do two in a row otherwise what is the point of doing runs back to zero I think the video might have meant one to two seconds not a half second one two three [Music] yeah a full three count and it works oh man okay yeah that's definitely clean cool and then I hopefully just need to remember to go as far right as possible I mean I get into it maybe like which do you think is higher the number of times thirty percent success rate check or the number of dragons Chatters spawned across all your Skyrim challenges a good question I honestly don't know okay iffy Landing I might be knocked off one two I'm just gonna try it from here or oh that was four oops yeah I just kind of got [ __ ] bummer [Music] my hands are cramping [Music] I just really hope that there isn't some new skip discovered in the next couple days yeah I figured out the dragon skip you should go and figure out the one they'll skip the I'm sure you'll get it three and have no problems that's probably too close Oh no I got it [Music] I mean windmill skip is easier for sure than this I try I like I was able to do it pretty like grab the windmill pretty consistently when I was practicing I tried it like five times with just randomly guessing where it would be and I got half of them so I'm not super concerned about that one it will take time I think this is harder and weirder [Music] I know the dragon could get you even farther but that's a much harder skip right now so the question would be is there an easier skip that can get you all the way to the end that somebody finds [Music] all right oh I went too far forward I might have [ __ ] it up one two three you must have type 2 myotonic dystrophy will get you connected with a specialist if you start to run flow I went so far out holy [ __ ] okay who's ready for another round [Applause] oh boy here we go everybody cargondo everybody do the cargondo all right you just subbed for three years all for only 14.99 I appreciate it spoondini thank you man that's a long ass time um one two three two three oh God I'm so far I don't dude I think I'm going too far I think I need to roll earlier I need to be like two seconds instead of three count that might still land damn dude what okay I got too good at it I think we do a two count or like two and a half one two go yeah 2.5 yeah it'll just be sad if a dragon skip comes out that goes higher that's easier to do than this okay well that just [ __ ] thank you I mean it'd be great if I could get to a 50 consistency on this like that would be really nice um there's obviously not what I'm doing cool thank you Wing very cool because otherwise like what's the point of doing runs you know I do the Sheba skip next okay [Music] thank you is that early I missed I wasn't looking at the wing so I just guessed when the flick was my brain's getting a little dumb I'm gonna be honest with you my right hand is in a fair amount of pain at the moment foreign I was gone for a bit what happened to stop drifting lady what am I supposed to do without someone telling me not to drift here I got you oh I gotta stretch after the Stream stop drifting run to the finish line give up your hopes if you will be your own savior one I don't know why I went that far this week yeah I have like little periods where I suck but I'm sure after you know 30 minutes of running when I'm at this point I'll get it perfectly it's way too loud my headphones are literally like shaking because of the bass in this game foreign I went early that was probably a second and a half it's got to be a lot longer than I think man the incident stops working I just start questioning everything and I'm like okay I gotta change it all up and I obviously don't um just my brain freaks out all right who's ready to cargondo fun fact the Guinness world record for longest time resisting buff and breaks was set by Ramirez the determined Florida man held it in for 720 hours 30 days Doug live by Ramiro's example and never give up two three and that was a pretty long wait that should get it I think I don't know it's pretty far yeah it's like it's got to be two and a half who's ready to cargondo your self-imposed rules are the draconian twice in a row feels pretty uh reasonable to say that I'm ready to do runs after the finish line I literally don't even know what cargondo means can we get a Spanish stream where all the text-to-speech gets translated to Spanish I went early sorry I'm I'm losing focus oh my bogus is definitely drifting out which is not great oops I quit the game oh I want it's loading okay foreign s I'm happy to grind this off stream I have no issue with that but I feel like I have to get two in a row to prove that this is impossible maybe give up hope instead maybe focus on not becoming a virgin honk someone run to the finish line honk is the dumbest word for sex one two three and that is a timing that's just the timing is weird it's super precise I mean going longer seems to be the safer bet but it definitely is not you know doesn't always work hey guys let's keep Doug entertained with a story we can make a story one TTS at a time I'll start okay one two three one two that should be good damn how is it do I go even longer do I wait even longer to do it I feel like when I waited a super long time it was more consistent when I waited like four seconds it was more consistent was once a man named pasta who longed for a man named Doug who lived in the highest tower I mean it's two options going really slow seems to work or really fast this I would rather do slower that's easier for me to remember depends on your launch angle one two three two three yeah I mean I'm way far with three it's got to be two it's got to be a two countries all day while ripping us the two feels like it's two it's not I don't know man I'll do two I am counting slow because I'm like trying to remember to do a bunch of other [ __ ] so it's not like I'm instantly counting when it happens stop drifting run to the finish line give up your hopes be your own savior while you can one two three two that's two two seems pretty good okay she's got her murder just two count just remember to do all this stuff that's that that's definitely safe yeah oh come on man I'm ready to cargondo stop drifting run to the Finish Line give up your hopes be your own savior while we can I think I might have gotten bounced maybe not car can go more like gargolano's dragon three I press it clearly was off but I pressed it back to cargondo [Music] they ripped us so hard they both died or is there a new character that's going to be introduced Douglas it has been like four hours that you have been doing this skip when Nadi actually runs starting I'm sure any minute now two three [Music] really that got clip too I thought I went far enough right then the ghost of Douglas Rose from the grave in the cloud of Riptide okay good I'm back I mean I think all this time investment is worth it unless a new Dragon skip gets discovered or something that I have to learn the rest this week I'm not gonna have to really grind this this had to happen in charge of the stream is grinding dragon so you know [Music] may as well pay that troll toll now really way way way too early this is always what I do is when I'm like tense I just try to go way earlier [Music] when it feels like I have to remember what's the biggest Omega Level I have into chat that I can when you are doing a regular run and miss the dragon jump I I am all right with that that will be deserved chat more near death with the best us ripping of their life [Music] one two three two and Shrek met up with the real pasta and went out to find Prince hold right count of two hold right that should be good yeah that's definitely good cool all right one out of two corgando the little did Shrek know outside of his house was Fiona's divorce lawyer surprisingly go hear it [Music] maybe just complete [ __ ] silence station for milk and cigarettes in a stream I'm gonna or in an actual run I mean blaring music I need to simulate the same environment [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] cargondo [Music] that didn't feel like anything I did but you know [ __ ] me Gargano sad [Music] excuse me Mr like onions Fiona has a court document taking possession of your swamp in the divorce one two three [Music] divorce lawyer donkey got rabies and [ __ ] Shrek turning Shrek into something monstrous he was known through the lungs as [Music] well that missed really I thought that was absolutely there really [Music] I was a little late then [Music] idea [Music] one two three two [Music] okay it's a two count that is definitely it I'm getting pretty consistent at this point like the two count is very consistent as long as I just do it right without literally just failing to count to two and a random streamer spent six hours trying to bounce on his way [Music] all right we won't have to cargondo anymore if I just get this right here [Music] he was monstrously beautiful and greater 2D performers his wings made it easy okay I'm ready we're finally ready for lunch [Music] Jesus Take the Wheel pencil thank you [Music] technically one final card on though as we start the Run okay this is actually a Pluto reducted Washington and streamed only up with Che he [ __ ] sucked so to remind myself you run while looking left in the pipe you run forward run all the way to slightly less of left of the board you're basically line up to the ground we have a Sisyphus at home the Sisyphus at home you slow-mo uh the wing flaps through you you might get [ __ ] otherwise you slow-mo up you run along the wing you basically want to aim at the bite mark the whole time you run at the bite mark as soon as you're over it and as soon as the the double the wing double poofs then you stop moving so actually press D to make sure you're stationary count to four one two three four make sure it fully poofs then hit space bar and then lift up right click after a count of two uh hold control while holding to the right the whole time and then as soon as you're over the lip move left towards it if I do all of that and don't get screwed by the janky physics of the game then we're [ __ ] set easy [Music] okay are we doing a prediction no more corgandos [Music] what is it for I mean I'm gonna give up if I really [ __ ] up [Music] thank you so I beat the Run in under an hour I'll do that I would like to just do the whole run but if I follow the very bottom I'm going to reset in which case the Believers will lose if I reset it's an automatic loss [Music] I'm actually gonna pee right now [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] I'd say it's unlikely that I do this in my literal first run [Music] and what happened then well in twitch chat they say Doug managed to like two times that day [Music] cargo space no Cargo Road let's go [Music] oh don't look up don't worry we will totally remember that for you type hopefully I um remember all the things that I haven't practiced in six hours because I was just doing this quick chat while he's gone grab chair and run hopefully I remember all the things that I literally have not done in a run before [Music] the odds are great Douglas today is the day you'd be to challenge first try good luck sir dude please let this be the [ __ ] day that that happens information Dr Glass Douglas I know you're trying but please hurry and get this in under one hour once you get this I can finally be free from your basement I'm taking this part slow all right or Jokes Aside can someone animate this whole Shrek story that was kind of amazing that was surprisingly coherent and smart [Music] expert really ports me I gotta practice this at some point but right now it's not that time oh okay oh okay this is fine this is fine that section it's not a perfect circle which is why it it's like a bunch of uh right turns it's awful [Music] one by one it's going backwards to be safe [Music] okay oh God can I take back my bet [Music] did you believe or doubt can't find the pipe section really is not good for me for whatever reason you know we're halfway there [Music] let's play swap songs now okay this song pumps me up uh uh I mean Big Boss always pumps me up can't not get pumped up off big boss it's this is way too epic for early in the run I shouldn't be using this yet I don't know when to jump here probably there I can't play coffee not until parks are purchases the rights for me he did actually send an email there's a real chance that I spend thousands of dollars to license coffee by super sister and then it becomes the theme song of the Stream Doug I must warn you the last time you got a great time in a speed run some Malaysia person beats it and then started the bunny suit meme be cautious this is like the most determined I've been for a thing in a while is whooping everybody doesn't believe as much as possible if you and then it's super hype if not I get rich okay that was a jump that [ __ ] me a couple times uh in the past cool okay don't know why then that jump is weird [Music] oh I need to this route is uh slightly inefficient I gotta learn that foreign [Music] [Music] because this is just the part where it's like embarrassing if I've die like I shouldn't die at all or even do that that's right Little Falls are fine [Music] I was afraid of him and hoped that one day he wouldn't come back all right that's pretty clean [Music] [Music] hey I'm clean so far [Music] this part I'm sure I can Sprint up on these I'm just normal jumping for now like all this stuff I can figure out how to like micro optimize later I just tried to focus on the main sort of things to learn oops no okay cool [Music] oh okay I thought that was too far okay all good so far get over the [ __ ] pipes you [ __ ] stop remember Doug this is only a practice run it doesn't matter how you do it's all just practice don't stress I mean kind of true I just want to have a run done so I'd like to at least finish this oh uh whatever I'm not gonna risk that right now okay I need to aim left there for the future ones that's fine I don't have basically okay let's walk okay cool all right we are taking the easy route here of skipping the windmill we'll learn windmill maybe tomorrow should I just jump when it hits the Drone like that oh God [Music] remember Doug I have money riding on this no stress but please complete it in under one hour but no stress oh wait I figured out how to jump up here but I don't remember I think I jump off ah whatever I'm sure I will [ __ ] this up but if I could have done the bet I would have believed I think I remember how to do this is that I wait and then I'd go like that cool [Music] [Music] did the voice lady say her father beat her and her mother what the [ __ ] is the law of this game I thought it was just to stop drifting that is in fact what she says the game is [ __ ] up I need some groovy ass music to chill me out [Music] hey Doug glad to see it's your target doing instead of the game with pass and rickwell ripass brother I mean I'm playing really good right now a couple minor things but nothing huge [Music] I am happy with this run even if I [ __ ] it up I'm sure something dumb will happen oh God uh [Music] but so far this is very good [Music] the only mess-ups have been the little things which I still need to learn how to do anyways so I'm not stressed about that [Music] oh okay ah [Music] I need to chill out listen to the cool ass music [Music] hey Doug has a long time YouTube frog it's great to finally catch a stream keep up the good work man [Music] welcome welcome okay what do you think about dog dog versus twitch chat can dogs beat the game before twitch chat makes it to the elevator that is a good challenge okay [Music] I think I just normal jump here I don't remember I don't remember I think I normal jump yeah we just normally I'm upset that I missed the prediction but consider me an honorary believer okay I need some [ __ ] groovy ass music no no Queen Magic I mean this is a really good first half [Music] I mean compared to yesterday when I speed ran this and it took I don't know how many hours to get to the first half oh come on for people asking what my record is that we're setting it right now this is the first full run I'm doing and hopefully completing [Music] [Music] sick got it oops cool we're the halfway mark [Music] I haven't done this jump before but I saw that you can do it so YOLO oh that's easy [Music] oh okay cool that's a really good first half I am a lot a lot better than I was at the beginning of yesterday I haven't tried hot air balloon skip I'm I'm dodging the hard skips until later I want to just get a normal run first plus Dragon at the end the only like hard skip I've invested a lot of time into is the dragon skip at the end which was the first six hours of today all right new song Moon River can't go wrong with Moon River nope fertile Rondo I don't think there's no like major parts that really scare me at this the cork jump is a little scary the cannon is a little scary but you can like redo it oh oh that was dumb [Music] way the dragon is the scariest thing I don't think there's that much else that's like super hard maybe the anime girls bounce that's not to say I won't [ __ ] up some small thing [Applause] [Music] how do you get on this thing easily okay whatever this is all optimization I'll figure out later [Music] [Music] no I'm not doing waifu skip again I'm not doing any of the hard like the crazy hard skips until I have like a solid normal run and that'll make I'll introduce those elements into it [Music] I have to Sprint jump this I believe [Music] and we Sprint jump onto Jesus [Music] I need to learn the hitbox of this guy I don't understand what the [ __ ] going on here like [Music] all right uh we are into the hand cool I mean the question is if I fall you know how much how far do I fall I've I'm doing good on time right now but if I fall all the way to the bottom obviously that is not gonna happen in an hour then okay [Music] I don't know where to get off probably now I don't remember what to do here uh you sprint jump this or normal jump I don't remember I think you're normal jump [Music] I don't that wasn't correct you sprinted up that well whatever not a lot of time whoa a couple seconds lost that's right [Music] oh my God [Music] how much time's lost was that that's eligible [Music] he's redoing Jesus hand right I freaked myself out with missing the bed thing and I was just I psyched myself out that's all right that's a couple minutes lost not a huge loss [Music] [Applause] [Music] like in theory I could my fastest get like a 27 minutes I think something like that so we have a lot of leeway why is he okay I don't know [Music] okay [Music] Douglas slows down and prep it is okay to not panic just relax and complete the run at least by the way I'm a Believer for this prediction so I sincerely mean this now we're good look that's not a huge loss that's not a huge loss all right I'm swapping it to some Yakuza I just need to stop drifting all right cool we are back don't know how many minutes we lost there I'm just psyching myself out I gotta just chill I'm gonna normal jump ease I gotta learn how to like practice how to sprint jump these later because then you can do them a lot faster okay I don't know what happened there I thought that would grab the book all right lots of little things to figure out here later this is all fine though I think you just jump forward there the future like this is all obviously stuff I'll figure out um but these are easy optimizations [Music] like that I assume you can jump onto the platform directly there [Music] lots of little time saves you could probably skip over to the bishop right I imagine alrighty okay can we land on the octopus I think so I think so I think so [ __ ] no the octopus oh octopus I'm so far off [Music] [Music] grab that oh my God [Music] yep sorry believers this is a big fat L for you um I wonder where the nearest shortcut is because I could jump down to it probably instead of doing this well I mean I think it's still possible if I get everything else to get under an hour we will not quit but now there's no pressure [Music] foreign you don't have to wait where where is the shortcut that I usually do [Music] like don't [Music] is it up there I shouldn't have to redo all this I don't know where to go [Music] is that it that's it [Music] oh right here I'm here thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] I mean it's definitely salvageable especially if I hit the dragon at the end [Music] let me get up I don't [ __ ] anything up it's like a 27 minute run so I can restart from beginning and still be okay right now and have 10 more minutes [Music] but the likelihood that I don't [ __ ] up single time with the rest of my money Doug not super helpful wife dad my son's hope of going to college this is what I get for being a believer in today's economy don't say that yet we're fine I can still beat squeaks it will depend a lot on the Dragon [Music] alrighty moist critical is trying to do the dragon skip right now good luck I mean I'm sure other people will learn it faster than me I think um I think I made it a lot harder for myself than it needed to be [Music] I think I just wasn't able to press the key like lift up my right mouse key at the right time and just I thought I was and I just couldn't get over that mentally I think that literally wasted like an hour despite the fact that I not believed I still want you to win others need oxygen over the night Why didn't it grab what everything about that made no sense oh [Music] where's the next skip we're gonna go down dude [Music] well it's official this game terrifies me more than any game in existence here it is triggering my fear of heights so bad now it's not looking great don't forget Doug says that college is useless okay cool [Music] it is technically still doable [Music] all right new song [Music] don't worry Believers are still got time [Music] all the things I'm dying to are all easily fixable with a couple hours of practice I believe if you lose they're going to repossess my twitch about deal [Music] I praised the early guy left and played a game of golf went swimming and fishing got back and you're still bad at 3D Platformers SMH I'll just dude I will be so happy with this run if I get the dragon skip at the end I don't give a [ __ ] what happens before it it could be an hour and a half run I don't care if I get the dragon at the end then we're in great shape okay [Music] [Music] I mean if it's an hour and a half your dollar reduce are gone but where did I fall oh yeah the octopus arm I didn't aim to the left of it was the issue [Music] oh come on look at that [Music] all righty oops that might miss [Music] come on all right cool [Music] we are back at the halfway mark [Music] all right hey Doug I'm sorry that was rude of me now that I've apologized can we get that Gerald Ford impression what just happened there no that's for a future stream um okay [Music] all right so where'd I fall octopus thing have to remember the aim left um that should be fine after octopus Canon and champagne aren't that hard I mean I think if I just play it consistently what would it be [Music] um [Music] Billy mays's flashlight why can't we laugh is it like banned or something well if you don't know that it's his it's just an Easter egg it's implied only the devs know and me hello Doug what was your name I am a magic man oh uh engineer [Music] I've played an equal amount of soldier I think just because of jump maps uh but NG for sure [Music] all right there's got to be an easier way to get onto this [ __ ] probably off this I don't know or not okay I think I have like 180 hours [Music] because I have like 1700 hours in TF2 imagineers most played [Music] flashlights for DLC oh 180 not 80. I think it's like 180. and then soldiers also 100a [Music] thank you okay we're back at Jesus [Music] I'm sure there's a way to get up here without having climb right I'd imagine what's your total hours in this I don't know I think like 30 hours or something but a lot of that's been the game is open while I'm coding or whatever TF2 is I think 1700 actually we can look really quick first team [Music] 1736 hours all right new song you know what catamar time not a spliced run if there's a window while the background is still moving you have a lot of tabs open yeah that's fine yeah TF2 is my most played game I don't know how many hours I have in World of Warcraft but that's probably a lot too but I only played that as a kid where I play TF2 like my entire life all right close to where we were come on man [Music] no no no no no no no uh we'll play it safe please again I need to learn how to do this fast my future 4 500 and I started in 09 started as demo Main and went magic because I love insane magic scientists that section's really [ __ ] with me it's not like hard but it is weird and finicky um I'm just playing it too fast okay it's another couple minutes sub hour is very much still possible good way to like get around this I mean me hitting the dragon at the end is pretty much the Soul Thing even if I hadn't Fallen a single time is pretty much what will determine the speed of the Run what is going on with my boy why did his poor fragile legs snap in half and not stand properly hello whatever [Music] all right what up Jesus good to see you again okay take three of this stupid area there we go [Music] thank you Jesus saved the red I don't think I can [ __ ] up again can't get ice cream no your father's worked very hard on this road trip [Music] all right this is the first run this is first run so if I finish it we're on PB Pace if I miss the dragon I'm probably not finishing the Run because there's not a lot of point to that so it is kind of actually like I need to do this and not fail [Music] otherwise we're cargondoing again well the stream will be over once this is over because I need to go watch a gigantic video [Music] all right I'm gonna take this section really slow I've not practiced it for speedrunning a single time so uh I will learn this all later and be very careful for now [Music] or that I can easily Sprint up and this will Sprint jump come on Believers we don't want to win off being a coward right [Music] [Music] I would love for you to stop almost missing these books little child boy little douglet [Music] I assume yeah well it's [ __ ] down look Believers aren't cowards okay why the hell else would they be believing it's a terrible idea they would rather not have the money then win it off of a cowardly run [Music] right okay okay cool what's what's going on here okay we are back to funny tentacle jump maybe if you haven't told Douglas that College in school was useless have less trouble with books I think it's more about his fragile legs he should have been playing more Sports [Music] Doug please address him by his proper name Little James [Music] I would love to snag this octopus I really should not have been doing that route that we'd swapped to because somebody said to do that right before the Run is this still doable I think so I'm just gonna go for the skirt until I've actually practiced the octopus thing more it should be doable still but now it's really like cannot fall and I have to get the dragon skip in the end for sure I mean I have no backup if I miss the dragon so don't worry believers when have I ever missed the dragon before name one time okay I don't love what's going on here [Music] yeah this is very much I must do this perfectly ah cool [Music] no look the whole run is like 27 minutes if I don't [ __ ] it up and I'm like about halfway or two-thirds of the way through so if I don't [ __ ] up now it's definitely sub hour bye Jesus we're gonna cargondo this way it's not copium it's math it's simple math that being said it's looking less and less likely I want I wonder don't worry Believers I won't let us cargon go again [Music] [Applause] yeah I think we gotta whip out guilty here her Storyteller I mean [Music] oh I didn't realize you had to jump on that damn it the [ __ ] railing on the bed is so obnoxious all right my old nemesis like this part seems really fun to speedrun or like to properly run fast all right Believers don't worry we're gonna go fast on these I haven't forsaken the principles of not being a coward okay well it was a good run huh oh cool thank you Game very cool well Guilty Gear soundtrack sounds reminiscent of the band Godsmack in places I think that is a loss what the hell [Music] it's just that that section that section I really am not comfortable with it's not very hard I just got to play it a little bit write it out I mean it's technically possible I think I don't even know if it's technically possible anymore [Music] I'm saying there's still a chance I don't think so I don't know what the timing is on like my normal run [Music] I don't think you're bad at Platformers I just think you're bad at pressing buttons got them um the next time I fall it is definitely over I know I've said that before as in as in like I'm not even gonna continue it for the sake of continuing it I don't think an hour is possible at this point not with my strats or if it is it'd be like for like 10 seconds if I play perfectly I think it's possible douglasit is still possible you have a chance just believe in the hearts of the cards all right you can do it well in that case let's play um let's play the best songs [Applause] Believers it might be possible [Applause] I mean I think it is possible foreign [Music] I think it's maybe possible still that's like five seconds lost I'm just I'm kind of checking out a little bit it has been six and a half hours [Music] [Applause] what the [ __ ] why isn't he [Music] what happened I thought I just went the wrong direction that was very strange thank you Game foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah let's play Perfect [Music] the only reason you're having a hard time is because you're not playing coffee [Music] what up big Jay I really love that Jesus [Music] yeah I don't know if anything bad is happening he seems pretty stoked about his robot hands [Music] oh Jesus not you again [Music] if I just practice his book section we're fine that's what's killed me three times it's just the stupid books I learned that then we're fine or I should just run it like you know 20 times or whatever and then we're good [Music] try to change my mind [Music] in the Hills Why didn't it jump okay whatever [Applause] [Music] we lost one by one hand [Music] yo yep all right let's go fast [ __ ] it [Music] as my believers look we don't want to be cowards all right we got as Brave courageous losers you remember that you're a badass loser believers [Music] that's it tomorrow wait no not tomorrow time for some negative reinforcement cough deck if you keep playing like this then you're never going to beat the others okay but let's find out would I have sometimes it's hard to choose Don the Dragon skip anyways don't be afraid you can always repeat we learn from our mistakes stop drifting [Music] foreign [Music] consider me an honorary disbeliever would have been slightly off anyways hey Doug there goes our hopes and beliefs joke of the day I don't know any data analysis but I still excel in my field still winnable I did cheat by teleporting all right don't worry Doug you'll get it next time yeah I'm actually quite confident in this I if it feels like the core mistakes are just there's like a couple sections I just haven't I didn't practice at all because I was just going for it was just learning the skips so the book section I haven't practiced at all and it is pretty finicky and then if you try to rush it at all it's it's uh hard so it makes complete sense that I would fall there four times um and I think I practiced the dragon a little more off stream get that to like a 50 success rate and then we just [ __ ] send it over and over and I Crush uh some ass okay cool yeah the Harry Potter section just kind of throws me off it just feels very the the like pacing of it is very different it's really thin things that you're jumping on quickly uh it just like feels off anyway cool oh Jesus that's good well that was a anti-commatic fan of the stream thanks for hanging out what may be the worst dream of the year I would say but now I'm excited because now is actually just doing runs tomorrow streaming at the normal time we're gonna do a fun stream I made a program that can swap randomly between the 10 save states in the Dolphin Emulator which means that I can start 10 different Mario kart races all different races versus computers and then randomly swap between them and be playing all 10 races at the same time so me squeaks Ludwig and stands are doing this tomorrow and we're gonna see which of the four of us can beat 10 races simultaneously first like you have to first place 10 different races at once I'm really excited about it I think it'll be fun um so that'll be tomorrow and then Wednesday Thursday Friday I whoop ass and beat everybody's time the last two days have been training mode but now it's like just play mode chaos yes what time normal time um like 12. 12 Pacific no but I'm like quite confident in this this run was good like we hit to we hit the Jesus section in like 13 minutes or whatever if the book section is cleared and I just practice the um the stupid uh [Music] [Applause] like this right before at the beginning of the stream you guys said I should go for the octopus which I think is correct but I had I had practiced going for this the skirt so I was used to Landing here which you can see I did first try and then I'm not totally clear where to go for the octopus arm so I just need to learn where's a consistent place to land I assume you go to the right and then you hang left I don't know that's hard I might just go for the skirt for consistency foreign [Music] female it is not TOs s anyway I'll probably just go for a skirt unless I can figure out a really consistent octopus Landing I mean that that's pretty good I'm gonna do the armland as well it's just kind of finicky it seems quite hard to learn [Music] anyway so that'll be uh [Music] Wednesday Thursday Friday for now though technically everybody is beating me which means there's like eight thousand dollars on the line which is not a great situation oh small ants learning a speed run I'm not gonna watch because I'm gonna feel bad with how quickly he probably learns the dragon skit but I'm gonna raise small it he is also learning the speeder in this game um cool I'm gonna go watch uh videos and review stuff do opinions on the US government parachute I don't thank you Eddie these are the good questions that I'm too scared to answer okay let's wait um thanks hang out I'll see you all tomorrow goodbye goodbye wait the alerts trying to pause right yeah okay they're not uh as always remember don't don't spam be respectful all that good stuff all right goodbye goodbye foreign