for [Music] fck down there's a bug naked and [Music] alone I talk about it of you now I'm down bad teenage petulent [ __ ] it if I can't have him waffles or pancakes I Go waffles every time every day of my life [ __ ] it if I can't have him still takeovers oer and closer do you like my shirt I miss old damp kitty yeah I didn't shower today waffles down bad I ah hi chck good morning good afternoon oh I have some subbies to thank subby dubies stina rich thank you for the 38 months Rebecca thank you for the 11 amazing thank you for the 22 Sage thank you for the 25 Blue Kirby thank you for the 16 I'm Cobra thank you for the 22 peeking at you thank you for the 17 hello everybody hi oh we're not doing so long London oh it went to fortnite okay I thought it was I thought it was so long London at the beginning that was weird ah burrito thank of the two months I do love this song I just love this album I'll be honest it grew on me you caught me it grew on me guys I have good news it's to [Music] blame your for a treason fornite IA [Music] whoa that's awesome Cass congrats L February that'd be awesome Cass [Music] temporary love you it's ruining my My Life um anyway I was sandwich not invited CU she keeps farting no these are the people that bought this little [ __ ] right here remember Emily At the Gala she was up for auction and we all pitched into buy her except for Leslie as sick and Peach Stars lives in Texas so they cannot come but so it's going to be 5 of us tomorrow it's going to be fun so it starts at 10:30 it's on extra Emily's Channel we're doing fire breathing and then mimosas and painting so it should hopefully it'll be a fun little day maybe it won't be maybe it will be who knows fire Brea yeah C tried to buy too but she was too broke yeah C was too broke which you know but yeah it's going to be fun that's tomorrow and then chat I'm going to be gone for a whole week I might stream tomorrow I can't I have no time I have to record whing about it tomorrow night I might have to record fear and tomorrow night um but my family comes in town so I'm going to be gone for like the whole week I know is that crazy what are you guys going to do for a whole week are you just going to hang out here or what it's Disney week baby my family's here that's Disney every day it's Disney week time to buckle up I think I I think it's so funny that you guys know about my family vacation every year yep my family vacation every year is Disney week it is um eight adults and uh 12 children all under the age of 10 it's really cool here for fries thank you for the sub it's a lot you guys it is a lot it's a lot are all the adults under 10 no wait is it even 10 adults wait it's eight adults wait it's eight adults yeah it's eight adults sorry I had to think of how many siblings I had and their spouses I'm going to cheat on y'all with the llers for the week what the heck thank you for the 21 I'm going to try to record a vlog so don't worry I I'll try to do that I'm going to try to do a cool voiceover Vlog like uh like um Maya does so Master bake was fun well thank you guys I do we do have this fun recap let me show you in a fortnite uh oh I need to close my email what the heck that was at the top there whoa chill chill chill chill the [Music] fortnite all right here you go everybody a cute little recap of Master Baker put together by stream charts they do a really great job at at doing analytics I really appreciate when they do this it's very sweet um another I couldn't tell if I just heard someone knocking another year saw another season of cuti C's much followed Endeavor Master Baker which began on April 17th and ended April 21st it was a big big week for the twitch Mega star that feels kind of uh more nice than it needs to be uh a couple of IRL live streams the torture POS Department the Anthology a secret double album from T Swift was released 19th and contained 15 extra songs of the pop icon you know me you guys know me if it's not baking it's Taylor Swift we cover the we cover the big things here as usual format six content creators face off in the cookoffs for 5 days with one participant eliminated each day the judges for each episode vary with the host cutie Cinderella former professional cake artist pastry chef but that's okay part of this panel fans get to see these six streamers battle it out in prestigious crown for the best cook on her official twitch Channel um it had some cool things so comparison I do have bad news comparison it did do worse comparison it did do worse than last season which is not ideal it's not ideal cuz I did specifically tell you guys I said guys if this doesn't do better we're never going to bring Master Baker back I did say that I said that but it popped off on the VA channel so don't worry it did pop off on the VA Channel we'll come back for a season 4 in the fall uh I think we're going to do a different format for season 4 I've been cooking in my brain um season 4 I think we're only going to do four days and no one's going to get eliminated it's going to be a point system so we're going to try that for season 4 can you use your decco done shot for season 4 no uh John thank you of the Prime no I thought uh I could cast but it's probably not worth it just because they have they just have all the equipment there and we'd have to buy a lot of equipment and I don't know why you're not using un individual mic for the sound why you're not using UND divid mic for the Wilson that's a great question um um fruity mango will answer that for you thank you what the [ __ ] fruity mango good luck my boyfriend said you should eventually incorporate like a bakealong or have some fan have a fan compete I don't know um not a bad idea um but this is my blunt answer to that is no one like nobody like this sounds mean sorry chat this is going to sound mean nobody cares if a fan wins compared to if on wins right drama what's crazy is I put on a whole ass show you guys and I was all the way down here kid I just played valerant I really got to be better I really need to be more impressive we really got to work on it shots fired that's not shots fired at kaid that's shots fired at myself it's kind of embarrassing fortnite top 10 is still a huge deal you're right let's not downplay our our successes here's our chat analytics look at all that look at all these messages you crazies look at save was spammed the most Connor was spamed the second most Nick which surprises me Broden and Sam most popular participants Connor Connor eats pantalones uh I can't move my camera all of a sudden it's not letting me where's my camera camera oh there it is um damn feels bad for C and Peach I guess they just didn't really need well C needed to be saved but Peach didn't really need to be saved at all she was just she just just was good but yeah very cool but Master Baker went well everybody it went well I love you it's ruining my life okay another cool news I I said this but we're switching stream rooms my arms are so buff um we're switching stream room so by next week straw bommy thank you for the sub by next week we are going to be or but the next time I'm live on my channel we be in a different stream room and my kitchen has mold in it smile Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous not as cool as we thought my kitchen's got mold so my kitchen's getting uh worked on for a while okay it's a fruit fly and I kept slapping it but not hard enough to kill it cuz I was too afraid my kitchen has mold um so it's going to be a while before we're back in the kitchen um yeah there's mold and knats everywhere um so the kitchen's being remodeled as you guys know it's being remodeled so it's going to be a while it's going to be a while it's going to be you're going to come back to a lot of changes so don't freak out do you take care of rats uh they live under the house what can you do what can you do how long uh I don't know we'll see I'm gonna I'm G to talk to Nico because Nico is still in town I've got to talk to Nico um and while I'm at Disney and and coordinate with him when he can um uh help me with uh my stream set up and getting them reset up so yeah um but yeah and then we're also so in May we're going to be working on uh the decoden place and the popup place and we're going to try to set up some pop-ups and stuff so it's going to be fun huh I think we're going to have a fun summer everybody you excited Orange County popup panth I'm very sorry to tell you you're GNA have to drive over here pottery class when I don't know if the summer is so fun why do I have homework biscus that's not our fault I thought about using my building for our our paint class tomorrow um but I I'm not it's really a mess so I decided that was a bad idea maybe I should do it no I rented a place place I rented a I rented a spot where we can just set up the paint class yeah there's a paint class tomorrow so it goes from fire breathing to paint class how come you wanted to switch stream rooms uh we just need to use this room for something else it's just bigger so I'm just going to go into a smaller room I like small rooms anyway the big rooms get too messy for me I like just a small room so and The Deco Den we're going to be we're going to be crazy and we're going to um um we're going to do a lot of the stuff ourselves so we're going to DIY it and stuff like that which will be fun it'll be fun like we can design the bathroom together chat and we can like get like a cool we can get like crazy wallpaper and like a cool lighting fixture and stuff like that do you know construction I know some enough to get me byy like I can patch holes and stuff like that but you know the rest we can find out on YouTube I still don't know what decoden means let me show you I've I've keep learning that no one knows what decoden means I love you so when my store opens to the public it's going to be this chat and you can come do you can come you can come if you want you can come and make phone [Music] cases you can make uh wow that's a cool phone case look how crazy that is but what does it mean it's short for Deco denoa which is like decorate decorate phone in Japanese um so you can do phone cases we're going to have like jewelry boxes you could do jewelry boxes we're going to have um Combs so you can do Combs we're going to have uh mirrors I can't really find a mirror oh there's yeah we're gonna have mirrors look how cute isn't that fun you could decorate mirrors the phone cases are my freaking favorite they're so stinking cute can one decorate a PC there that would be cool I'm trying to figure out like pricing for like bring your own item um I think you'll just like cuz this is like the bags essent you can like we have these bags that we provide and then you can like you pipe them on whatever so I potentially just have a way you could just buy bags so if you bring your own item you can just buy bags it'll just be like custom pricing but I don't know uh I don't know how that'll work exactly we haven't figured that part out so how many days is it going to be open I don't know yet that is later M's problem we don't have to worry about that yet cuz I still have to like I have to like hire a manager and like employees and like all sorts of stuff so it's going to be kind of complicated it's not going to be open seven days a week for sure it'll like probably be closed on like Monday Tuesday or something so the popup will be limited time in The Deco Den will be a longer running business yes and then also like obviously like I have the the spot so like if anyone like if I ever want to do another popup we just close it for like public business that day and I just do like you know whatever so exciting I can't tell if I need to pee or not pay Jello has $900 yearly salary to manage the place the hard thing is just like La is just really expensive and so I don't really know what from a business perspective what does a popup be accounted for uh private event um but also like lots of places do popups right um like uh quite literally I walked past like a boutique that was doing like a pet adoption popup so it's like popups popup is just a short word for like a almost like a sale or like a private a private event type thing um like a lemonade stand yeah yeah uh it is kind of complicated but yeah yeah I'm wearing my emo shirt from last night I thought it was cool yeah sometimes people do pop-ups for a few months sometimes people do pop-ups for a day like mine is just going to be you know I'm just going to eventually when I have the place ready so I'm going to get it all ready for Deco Den so we're going to paint it [ __ ] pink we're going to make it so cute and then um you know like if if Will wants to use it for his like hot sauce popup and he doesn't want it to be pink we can like put drapes or vinyl up on the walls or something like if he wants to go like Custom Custom like he can just spend the money um to make it Custom Custom and then we'll take down the vinyl or whatever like that's up to him but I just like the idea of having a space for like my friends to do their fun little popups you know I like I think I want to reach out to fosle at some point and see if she wants to do a fous Cuts popup before I get like any baked goods and any stuff in there um we would have to have like insane liability waivers but like wouldn't that be so fun to kind of set it up as a little barber shop and let fosle do Foose cuts with viewers and like viewers like obviously you would have to sign a waiver that's like yes [ __ ] you can chop off all my hair and emotionally destroy me um but yeah down I have nice hair you won't have nice hair once you leave fosle um so yeah I think I think it's going to be really cool and maybe we could like maybe I could partner with fosle and we can like do it as Charity like her and I can do Foose Cuts you know um so yeah I think it'll be really cool I think it'll be really really cool but it's a work in progress and chat we're going to have a lot of DIY streams in May where we're like building tables or painting or whatever so um so it should be fun yeah fos Cuts not responsible for any physical or emotional damage yeah we're going to that's I'm my lawyer is going to really love writing that waiver for sure but yeah I think it's going to be really cool I think uh it's pretty unique and I'm excited to do it and it's it's kind of itching that little part of my brain that I love itching so I I hope we'll have fun together New Yorkers thank you for the six months and without you guys I couldn't do this so thank you guys cuz I don't have a sponsor for this so quite literally your subs are paying for this content so I hope I hope you guys freaking like it because you are in my brain when I thought of all of this native thank you for the 17 months cuz I like I don't know I want summer to kind of be special like I want it to be something you know let's be crazy let's not just sit at the desk all day I'm just trying to think of more things to kind of um I'm just trying to be I'm just trying to be a better streamer Anonymous thank you for the five gifted Ah that's not armpit hair that's fuzz that's fuzz that's not armpit hair that's fuzz I was wearing this I was wearing this johnmy B thank you for the oh my God what is happening ah JY B thank you for the five gifted goat thank you for the five gifted Anonymous thank you for the five gifted thank you guys that was very kind thank you guys that was nice ah they're still going BC boy thank you for the eight thank you guys me ddb thank you for the Prime thank you guys it's really kind [Music] all right well um we've got about 30 minutes before we have stumble guys with lwig so someone give me the react thing thank you for being a friend thank you for being a friend I'm big how you go up here Boop thank you top all time bloopo [Music] oop thank you thank you guys ddb thank you for the prime you you boy thank you for the the sub okay top all time okay oh boy drama there lots of construction going on in my house all right we don't have a ton of time but we're going to make the most most out of the time we do have okay okay here we go hey everybody it's everybody's favorite time of the year we're doing clip reacts where you submit clips and I react to them with my cool genuine awesome reactions that no one else could do it takes raw talent for me obviously we are watching that we are doing reacts to clips and you can always upload clips and and you if you don't want to upload Clips you can always up vote clips and those are the clips I react to on stream I'll watch anything as long as it gets enough votes okay as long as it gets enough votes we'll watch it and please don't forget to like And subscribe because we're about 10,000 away from half a million subscribers on YouTube and we haven't hit half a million subscribers and we've been really close for like 2 years now and it's because I never push it and potentially if you have an Amazon Prime on Twitch and you don't use it and you just watch on YouTube come over to offline chat and just hit it really quick because we could use it thank you that was Flawless one take Jake pretty good all right here we go offline primes are the backbone of this Community I stand by that a wild scientist appeared with your Prime thank you for supporting the backbone here we go making proud Taylor Swit Sydney come on man I'm dating QT Cinderella you think I'm not going to get that first try why pronounce my name like that what song is this let's get out of this town is how that first sounds like the burn Taylor Swift a that's awesome that's nice I love that guy he's great bye BP thank you for the sub all right let's go next can you just like Ram me really hard and put Sam already died no I'm not dead I'm just sideways I'm like a turtle damn it's hard to drive these things okay here we go wait how do you get back up oh no I'm stuck in a crass so funny oh my God it's so funny I'm going to be honest guys there's going to be more of the yarn potentially much more more of the yarn if you know what I mean am I making a mistake maybe but I love it uh first task first thing me and cutie Cinderella I asked her if my shirts tucked in she says yeah but it's bad I said what she says the clothes are right but your body is bad and weird and then I had to spend the whole day with her uh first task first thing me that is drama Mar mongering okay that's a bit of drama mongering I walk in midc conversation to him talking to Nick and he's like does my shirt look weird tucked in and he's like he's like all panck he's like my shirt look weird tucked in and I walk on he's like cutie does my shirt look weird tucked in I was like the shirt doesn't look weird tucked in your body's [Laughter] weird cuz I thought it was funny uh was it bullying maybe but was it funny bullying yes that's wild that is going to be a 30-hour stream is that his real facial hair or did he draw that on no I'm being 100% that's crazy that she just asked that snuggy bug think for 13 months it's fine I think it's fair uh it's a fair question because it's weird that he can grow hair on his face but not on his his head so it's like it's a fair question so what happened you got yours right you were one off of mine and you were very far off of nck as what was Nick 137 bro what were they oh wait the question was okay in 2021 there was a twitch security breach that revealed twitch earnings per streamer what rank was each of you in the earnings list all three answer soda Poppin was 43 Nick was 137 Pokémon was 39 [ __ ] chat where was I oh I remember I was like number 11 so what happened you got yours right you were one off of mine weird that you remember that cast far off of Nick what was Nick 137 bro okay dude okay I love when sod laugh the triple digit you know what that's exactly look how R's turning dude that's exactly Nick's chat's reaction that morning no I got I was it was 5 hours of that it was 5 hours of that no seriously for 5 hours that's funny I tried to raid cutie why Perfect all right bye everyone let cutie know that I love her oh oh my god wow do you guys want to see the most rant recent Instagram re I sent to Jody oh I was trying to go to Instagram and I went to my IR I went to IRS tax payments due that would have been embarrassing yeah you could say we're pretty close yeah you can say me and Jody are pretty close yeah for the record I sent her this and she replied with this so it's not one-sided okay we're both into each other we're both into each other now the problem was when I sent it to Lily Pichu and she said huh that that was a bit of a problem Lily wasn't ready for that so kind of awkward this is only a precursor to what's really going on cuz in the [ __ ] background I hear yapping oh my gosh I hate this bit wow okay literally meowing some would call it meowing CU on all fours okay we're we're going to need we're going to need a retraction take it back thank you Nick but I need you to admit it was a little funny that's all I get all right all right this is only a precursor to what I've had to have I've had to have Nick take it back before when when we were in Italy and we were at dinner the night before we flew home Nick goes it's our last meal together and I go take that back you saying it's our last meal means that our plane's going to crash because you're saying it's our last meal together and he was like what anyway he's great at taking it back as I crawl onto my mounting of my what am I holding a dut she made me hold a dut dude there's actually so much stuff that didn't make the cut that I forgot was crazy she made me hold a donut and feed her every minute it was like I want another bite of dut please do you it wasn't every minute R mongering this guy what the hell see it in my hand right now anyone watching this might be like what the hell is he holding it was a donut that I was forced to feed her like a little slave boy I'm going to start with as I crawl onto my Mount show shog thank you for the prime saying I'm just my cat's and he and I what my theory was Swift I've switched I now think cat Coots might think I am a Suitor because she only loves me where would she get that idea because you're [ __ ] coming [ __ ] dude CS is in love with lwig she marks her territory on his clothes that he leaves in the house she goes and sprays it she's just you want to you no I don't you want to [ __ ] your cat obviously not he not say I'm just my he's not going to [ __ ] the cat for the record he's not going to [ __ ] the back the cat the cat is she's getting neutered on May 9th so put her in your prayers everybody put her in your prayers cuz I don't like putting them under Anastasia I'm not watching my JoJo sewa dance cuz it's not that good I learned I'm wasn't as I didn't slay as hard as I thought I didn't do enough of like this the Spider-Man moves I kind of gave up and just started doing my dance okay we can watch it karma's a [ __ ] you should have known better I would have never after around and I qu that's where I gave up I just did my dance oh yeah that's a Jojo that's a JoJo classic it's weird without the music but with the music it's slck did I do it just know with the music it was way better your horns away no [ __ ] [ __ ] cook wait what just happened I miss sorry sorry sorry her head oh I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry you can go in front of me go ahead stop go goats go goats I'm sorry you're stressed it's okay I didn't know they did that yeah that's the problem I did not know you had that ultimate please is it on cool down please tell me it's it's all on cool down it's not on cool down no she jumped oh both of them coming in at different directions all good guys goodbye we have it under control all right we're going to get out now of the go oh my God are you good please let's get that get that going oh my God I'm I'm dead I could wrestle all those goat they really gave us the show at the last minutes that was great she they the goats would be fine heading but you if their little hookies didn't just mess you up so bad Winnie oh damn dramatic Diva I think here's a hot take I think we need a woke agenda not for any political reason or whatever just just because like what else will Asen Gold's YouTube look like if if there's no like woke games or whatever like what is he going to talk about like there's only so much World think he's found some stuff talk about from what I've seen so come on like make some woke choices otherwise what are these reactors going to do with this thumbnail you know what I'm talking about oh what like a female protagonist in a Star Wars game on on like the middle and then they go oh dude the boobs are too big in the new Star Wars game oh Bros no dudes so much about puberty and [ __ ] from books and online and never actual people that is very very common I think holy [ __ ] me stay out no no girl relax girl relax that cat you're meant to be in there you're not meant to be out here good God she wants us so bad dude oh my God my Pilates teacher literally told me about how her cat she she said the story up in the craziest way she's like she was like the craziest thing happened last night my cat got let out and then all of a sudden I hear all these crazy noises I check the camera it's getting attacked by a coyote and I'm like gasping thinking her cat died and then she lets me gasp for a Whole 30 seconds and she's like yeah but my cat beat up that coyote and I'm like thank God so stressed I was like why did you let me gasp for so long fellas anyone else do hug taxs on your girlfriend or am I just aware's my hug guy hug taxs he's lying for attention that's my hobby sometimes if I'm working for like 4 to 6 hours down here I'll go upstairs find her and then give her a hug and then leave he never does this fellas anyone else do hug TXS on your girlfriend what weird thing to say who's paying the wait who's paying the tax me or him I don't understand faka faka I know I know I know yeah yeah Asian [Music] bunny I know I I don't get it what happened oh his search that's so funny oh my God that's so [Music] funny oh my God mods will you link me Asian bunny for the for the YouTube frogs so cuz YouTube frogs don't know I got to show YouTube frogs what he's looking at and I know mods you have are on the other screen right now thank you Mech that was fast all right I mean this sincerely my co-hosts what have become more like family than friends huh and I'm going to tell you why uh oh because none of them are any fun at all there are so many fun things that I would do if I had fun co-hosts but they are like my family where I love I love them so much I love them so I love you guys so I love you so much and then you talk about anything real and they're like ew going i' rather die like dude I tried to get them to [ __ ] go to Coachella they're like e oh that's fair oh I don't want to oh no no i s no it doesn't look anything like that s call your mom right now wait you can't call your wait he's adopted he says it like all the time hey at least she's not dead I'm Sor serious I don't he says I'm adopted left anded I'm from Ohio is it a different language was a joke Caroline's still downloading this adopted yes sir's adopted he can't call his mother I'm going to start doing that Tik Tok guy hey guys I saved you 10 seconds he's adopted and he couldn't call his mother that's the joke wait NRE who do you think did fartgate by the way slender thank you for the two months because here's what I told my community at the end of the stream yeah stream ends we all turn to each other and we go okay who was it like we're not going to say anything obviously whoever it was was embarrassed and didn't want to so like it was a whole funny thing but just say who it was every single one of us was like it it literally was not me if it was me I would have admitted to it and I would have even admitted to it on stream so somebody did it but whoever did it doesn't remember I lived with sandwich long long enough to know okay all right that's all I'm going to say I wish that we had been able to bottle it so that you could smell it and identify that's crazy the transfer I'm St of cream I put more in there yeah I guess I have I have two containers what happened it's a it's literally just milk I like it yeah guys I told you it was just milk it's just just milk what happened see what this turns into I think we would have had better chances doing the whole like shake the bag rock salt thing I'm saying should put this in there yeah did they not freeze the container I feel like they didn't freeze the container they did oh they did I'm getting two answers huh GTA oh God it's not GTA it's not at all oh the back door is open nice I'm back in oh no what did you do Sam we are solve mystery she's stuck she's stuck in her own butted I opened the door and then I closed it to fast and now I'm stuck on my underwear look at my stream I made it that game was so hard to play with us cuz we're dumb yeah yeah yeah I have his skin I have his skin I'm not using his skin right now though I'm playing as um OJ Simpson o ELO knows OJ yeah yeah yeah he he rushed for over 2,000 yards in a 13 game season yeah and then he was exonerated in the court of law for acts of violence he did not commit yes Elmo true that's so true Elmo yes no OJ's a good guy yeah em o Emma loves OJ Jesus CH Connor Connor life be like a movie huh but should I dye my hair this color oh pretty nah oh he's beautiful like look like cutie Cinderella you do not look you do not that's how dare you so offensive how dare you my beard is way thicker than his beard way thicker but should I dye my hair this color nah is it me to look like cutie Cinderella you do not look you do not okay uh please you know who's winning an award at the next streamer Awards Janet thank you dare you thank you Janet how dare you drama Oogie Boogie invite revoked oh it's yeah it's real so what makes you think yes yeah you can see the you can see the emotes in chat I don't like that they have so many Taxidermy what makes you RAC in house Taxidermy raccoon with finger guns that Farley is any different from this animal they're going to get Farley taxer made for sure oh can't okay we already saw this clip it's okay is this a bad time to say I don't believe in vaccin why would they cover the [Applause] [Music] stream that's content what are you doing we're they're M Crafters they're like we're going to get cancelled okay you can uncover the camera to a fire isn't TOS is it uh he's on me hold on on oh are you down too please don't be down please don't be down please look Caroline you got to get one of us up [ __ ] [ __ ] you got to get one of us up bad bad Caroline coming out of the woods Jesus yeah that's right that's right spping off a right now hard D broke she keeps Miss oh she got him yeah keep uh keep doing that I think oh carine H oh no is anybody up how do you catch him for the love of God Hur H she got him I got him what the that's [ __ ] right I [ __ ] got the Wendy go a a that's right uhhuh I ran through the woods and it took me 10 minutes and then I got the one to go cuz yall were dead [ __ ] waited for her can't believe it wow oh oh oh oh oh oh wow oh god oh Jesus JoJo see I could learn so so she didn't want to go skinny dipping but s that's what I'm saying cutie CU let's go skinny dipping and then we can trick off absolutely not there's steps to this you know there's layers to that relationship no no Jody I don't want to go skinny dipping and then jerk off together I don't want to do that so so it was like I was standing there and I was like I don't know what's going on that's funny timing L we canceled now before we okay okay look I can tell you right now all of these are me all of these are me [Laughter] that is amazing deeper into each individual performance I want to thank my friend Victor for his help cytheria because I don't know how to write bro I dude I turned this vaguely European guy onto a whole new world of porn I'll tell you right now formula that's so funny I love that he had to research all the names D it's the one place I like getting recognized like I like it the most cuz I do a trip with cu's whole family oh it's dude yay thank you for the three months getting recognized like I like it the most because I do a trip with cu's whole family oh it's dude that is the best time to get recognized ever it's Disney week we go for a whole week oh you do Disney World no no Disneyland they just do this dude I know you look like you you just tasted like one of those damned Harry Potter jelly beans it's like C it looks like you licked a switch game yeah I like her family very much they're a Mormon family this is a tradition they love Disneyland pickle dog in hand oh I love a pickle dog little pickle dog in hand that's an American that that American push poop it is make you scream the eagle Screech yeah yeah every time I get regognize they they start hollering they'll be behind me they like that's the fifth one wow you got to get us a churo for everyone you feel big you like a big man I only feel big cuz I got to like that's a fifth one and she's like I know I know it's the fifth one uh I've been here the whole time yeah it's the one place I like I'm happy he likes it remote what else is there uh lwi said I was confident once and so I think that shows a level of confidence that that excites me proud of his work MH I like this guy he can definitely tell that I'm very awesome oh and I do have one thing that many streamers don't a stream schedule I'll do pretty much anything for the bit and if that doesn't scream passion and effort to you then this might passion and effort but for real obviously a lot of people want the top streamer life the large audience the big money the fans and I'm no different I want that too but I also want to be a source of joy for viewers I want to be like the big creators that are making me smile and laugh all the time and I will not stop until I get there because it's what I feel like I meant to do so yeah that's me for your consideration for otk's top streamer have a good one I'm getting tired at lwig what is this guy doing nowadays that everyone seems to pay attention to it's pissing me off I don't know I have no idea haters everyone's I want to be like l i don't know kissing me [Music] haters boys anyway I uh should have applied for that I could have used that uh we need 3 tablespoons unsalted butter melted melted means they want us to melt it right I noticed these instructions are so like fast like this is the entire instruction for the entire thing so they they've like skipped a lot of steps they expect you to be experienced yeah which I'm not but I have you guys so yeah yeah I don't think you can buy butter premelted so I'm assuming it means like we're going to be melt yeah you do have to melt your butter don't worry we're working on my cookbook trademark this is the funniest text message I've ever seen in my life uh oh dude we have a group thread for the podcast and totally unprompted without anybody saying anything cutie just texted in the thread I'm going to be fighting for my life on Sunday aren't I about the Taylor Swift album dude Hassan's obsessed with Taylor chat in our group chat in our group chat Hanan has sent like four Taylor Swift texts no one's asked no one is asking that is a Swifty having a realization that the internet is a wash with how shitty the lyrics are they're not shitty you [ __ ] bro she just had the realization she's going to have to fight us off from this is her Vietnam dude him gim 3 thank you I hate them Tina hold okay and then you have to tell Leslie stop and go okay mhm okay mhm okay keep going don't be afraid stop 100 okay why are you so generous with your por she said don't be afraid all right go ding it feels so weird and po T I always get really sad listen anyone can do all the videos in the world do whatever videos you want but whenever people do baking content and they don't invite me my te's gone cold wondering why I got out of bed at all morning ring on my window and I can't see it all and even and if I could it would all be and it remind me that is not so bad not so bad like a factory ailed Machine Stop yeah yeah and then we pour once again yeah I'm the squid bird I'm the Squidward meme I think it would be funny if I just did blind deaf mute baking versus the three of them like we're in the same kitchen and they do their thing and I do it my thing and we just see what happens throwing that out there throwing that out there buy a hat and not cuz I like hats but because people recognize me less without my hair do you do the VIP tour at Universal at both no I I've done it but we were just walking we just want to go to Mario Land youg dude Universal sucks ass raw dogged it and I got recognized once and I was like and I was like see need my hat and then cu's like she's live she's like there's barely anyone recognizing you like oh look at the Swarms of people here yeah I kep I kept doing that whenever I'm with Lew and he thinks he's going to get recognized I'm like oh crap guys move over get out of the way Ludwig's coming through move over hey guys with the big shot like the lines lining up for your brother and so I buy the Bowser hat which makes you look like Bowser is it like have a spiky shell I have a picture of it I can show you on my phone zipper I'll send it to you later or maybe Archie I'll send it to you so I I wear the Bowser hat which look makes me look very Charming this is the Bowser hat a the Bowser I again I've been recognized once before the Hat I put the Hat on instantly people start coming up to me God because they're looking at the weird [ __ ] in the Hat and they're like who's wearing that hat oh it's that white guy from yeah and buy a hat and not yeah it was insane people kept staring at him because of was dumbass hat and then coming up to him anyway thanks for watching the Clips we've got [Music] to what's up you L all your points though okay okay okay no that's fine that's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine oh that hurts nothing hurts more than a centipede in the a [ __ ] is that no that happened to me last is that a Taylor Swift song no sorry I saw Taylor Swift I had to click on it okay it's time to play stumble guys with wood wig my te G cold I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all uh do you have can I send you the doc uh Cass and will you make my title correct please please okay casses okay Beast [Music] oh wow okay all right okay everybody all right okay all right okay everyone relax we've got the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collab in freaking stumble guys that's right I hear him yelling and not answering the phone when we have a very important business meeting right now hello oh hi hello why are you yelling down there cuz nobody thinks I can shoot 1,000 three-pointers in a single day just do it then idiot yeah you're right just just do it just prove them wrong yeah okay they said I could never beat jinx's viewership and I prove him wrong every day I go live every day I prove him wrong so many examples I feel like everyone said that I'm not as clever as sketch but every day I say what's up brother and I prove him wrong how would that make you more clever than him he says am thanks for bringing it up you're amazing thank you how you doing girlfriend don't call me that this is a professional setting we're working how are you doing co- streamer Hello I'm I'm good I'm excited to play uh stumble guys with the teenage mut and Ninja Turtles whoa cats out of the bag it's true hello chat we are playing stumble guys which has new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle characters who's your favorite turtle um Donatello I'm a Michelangelo guy myself isn't Donatella the nerd yeah am I crazy you like the nerd guy yeah then why did you decide to date The Jock guy o this is a sponsored stream I cannot say what I want to say to you why' you decide to date an athlete then if you like nerds uh well you know there's a few so I I have like about two athletic boyfriends I've got one smart boyfriend I've got one really rich boyfriend right now yeah I've got one wait which one am I uh H I forgot to mention you I'm not even the rich one what do I have going for me it's a great question it's a great question all right well updating the game right now can't shoot a thousand free throws that's for sure well I'm going for threes so not worried about free throws you know hey you were good at free throws I'll say that yeah I am uh all right I have to go to the bathroom real quick to get water insane I'll be right back wow you don't take your job as seriously as I do it is true oh all right BRB it is true it reminds me that it's not so bad it's not so bad bathroom for water yeah he fills up his water bottle in his bedet it's swipe.com by the way what he does yeah I've got a bit of a QR code today I don't know if you guys noticed bit of a QR code if you're interested over here uh to scopely uh they're sponsoring the stream with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collab in stumble guys we're going to be playing some lobbies that you guys can join if you have stumble guys get it get it bricked up get it bricked up why did bricked come out of my mouth sorry I was thinking about my boyfriends again get it booted up get it booted up uh use this QR code right now right now everybody we're going to play some custom lobbies and I want to play with you that's right yeah guys I want to play with you sorry in stumble guys I've been really down on Subs you guys know how it is you got to do what you got to do you got to talk how you got to talk you know anyway if your Twitch Prime is linked to your account maybe drop it off here otherwise you know it's just a keeping billionaires rich don't keep billionaires billion okay I was about to ask a serious question but you answered it God all right I got a tweet I got a bit of a sponsored tweet to send out right now bit of a bit of a spons a tweet te's G cold I'm wondering why [Music] he doing his Instagram story does he know we can all hear it that was crazy um one second wow thank you for those primes I'm rich hello we all heard you do your insta story in the bathroom no you did that's so embarrassing yeah it was pretty embarrassing why would you bring it up cuz we all heard it and we heard you let out a little toot no you did not hear that yeah we did you're lying I tried to talk over it but chat noticed I feel like you didn't try hard enough I did but then I was like what is that sound you that's what you said you said what is that sound and then you went oh it's a big to and you just kind of outed me yeah that's tough you shouldn't be toting on stream like that you should close the door to the bathroom D I have so many characters in this game did you leave the door open always get new skins don't mind if I do uh who am I running yo maybe I run Shredder you said you're going Donatello uh this just in the midwest is facing extreme tornado outbreak right now Chad who do I run it's highly contagious everyone go to your basements Shredder's kind of cool oh apparently they're not this just in apparently they're not no I'm not going Donnie bro I'll go Leo is there no Michelangelo what was that there's no way they they left Michelangelo out ah there's ladwig's voice again oh my gosh that was terrifying what oh my God I just almost leaked my entire address your home address yes okay Leonardo this guy sounds a little loud no there we go you look like clar all right we're supposed to do oh my gosh all right chat basically right now we're going to do custom lobbies yeah yeah I was telling chat to open the game up with the QR code check get the game up check the QR code we are a dynamic yes I said it in a sexy voice though for fun okay yeah I'll use a sexy voice uh uh if you guys want to come play with us maybe you could come play with us you could play with us together insane why why is it insane that that's your sexy voice okay it's French H accent list parasocial afternoon of your dreams come on a double date with me and ly buddy well don't well I feel like it's less and if you use your Prime it's like we're holding hands that worked that worked for me that worked what what Rarity is Leo do you know there he is he's legendary all right I am going to get a Lobby rolling and then I'll invite you to it wait I got to get I'm getting my my cool new [Music] skin custom game we'll do three rounds no AI stumblers I'm excited to play with you guys guys but you got to let me win okay don't be weird they're going to kill you for sure my team my no you never you're just like squeak squeak didn't believe in his chat either that they'll let you Inn sometimes they wait at the end so I can get through how do I Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles okay which category they're in ABC d e f g h i j k l p QR s wait I'm out of my gems I need more gems QRS it's not [Music] X oh we're disabling special emotes that's smart you can do that's sick you can do that now crap that's how I used to destroy the children uh all right you need a code um crap I'll give you the code if you're on desktop chat yeah just tell to you crap I used all my gems are you ready I'll give you the room code first sad sorry I really want a turtle skin but I I used all my gems and I don't want to buy some gems right now cuz then chat will steal my credit card information like they always do what is happening all right sorry I'll just be this guy for now um what's your what's the code lwig I messag you oh just tell me I'll type really fast 358 179 I'm not that fast turns out I'm in wait is it mad at me she's first I invited you to be my friend chat here's the code boom I'm on us West come on in guys come on in oh I got gifted gems Us West [Music] enjoyers ever try again oh we're full sorry you can't play with us I clicked a random person to make room for you who I don't know their name was player something something I didn't trust him oh all right we're in yay this is just any map for this one it's just any map yeah we'll do any map but then we're going to do the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles mhm mhm later mhm mhm so [Music] awesome uh we can win o this is fun super water park o fun it's kind of tough all right move over everybody let me through you got to switch a US West you're not on thank you austino he waited for me to pass thank you oh thank you oh I flew a little bit that's so embarrassing oh crap God I'm trying to [ __ ] Flex my girlfriend that I can win the game and I do that guys let me thr through is it going to coming through guys coming through 16 qual coming through coming through guys all right everyone slow down everyone slow down coming through coming through coming through excuse me coming through coming through is there an advantage to going laout a Flawless oh never mind oh there is lava route that's a huge clutch really lava route scrip skip I think I think it's a skip I think I'm in first or like high up I mean CRA oh not like this crap oh wait surely the Finish Line soon chat okay all right guys wait for me two people callling is a little stressful NGL oh my God oh my God yep top five I'll take that I'll take that okay everybody wait at the end for me let's go girlfriend you guys could just wait at the end everyone wait at the end please if you could all form an orderly line at the end that would be much there's so many people in front of you guys stop how are there that many people in so bad at stumble guys heab there's so many people in front of you I wasn't even close I'll watch you play I'll watch you play that was a warm up don't say here we go chat oh man Frick I got this i got this give me a stumble ball we do a stumble guys gaming day about once a month and I've never won two one I'm going right but we're cheering you on go go go spectator P honest to God don't know where to go that's crazy that's crazy oh dang oh wait that's fine I guess ultimately that's crazy though what's this I've never seen this map before you just climbed this is like the based off the Oh no you're such a POS you are such a POS hey don't call don't call go call viewers that word if they hit me I hate them yeah but they're good guys that's oh let me dive there for a six that would have been cool o nice it's like the the freaking people who built the damn wow you did it what's that building called the Empire State Building right is that building that like famous picture huh they're sitting on the rafter of it the that's like with the yeah all right come on still in the game job good job the guy who's building a Tetris puzzle is kind of stressing me out this is a classic all right boom boom boom winner I'll eat your firstborn Kronos chill why did we all decide to go right dang we are really not a part of the team it seems ooh in front I see now uh-oh where's he going to go oh wow oh drama you should have been less greedy Drama Oh I should have been greedy three times D I actually have won choke a clock choke a clock no there's a guy just chilling wait for me wait for me sir yeah oh my gosh said people wouldn't wait you said people wouldn't wait that has to be one of your viewers what a hero that's got to be one of mine we're all family over here what a what a danged hero right chat one in chat if we're all family leap and luy say who you are I'm the I'm leap and ly oh sorry we're just being family over here we weren't listening to you did you hit play again yeah I do not see you per chance I'm in are you oh you're not in the one I'm in wait how's that possible oh yeah you are yeah we're in the same one we're good yep ready for me to boot it up as it let's oh uh someone left oh someone's back in let's go um booting it up okay this is my one for sure back to back maybe I almost wish I earned that I'm not going to lie wait you didn't change the maps it's random oh I think it is at least squeaks when I play with squee he always changes the maps are you comparing me to squeaks in a negative way right now why would you do this to me watch out everybody I'm coming through watch out things are getting no way no way no way oh crap this is a strong Lobby what no way I think your viewers might be pretty good they are oh crap I was doing so good definitely take lava path I didn't I don't know what lava path is I wonder if I can Mario skip nope I'm not going to win anyway so I might as well try ready to try again chat oh that's crazy Oh I thought I didn't Co that was insane I did the coolest thing ever not that I wait you could actually make it guys wait up oh I couldn't chances are lowering I already lost oh chances are zero I did not see that it's all right I'll watch the last one I'll watch don't worry ah okay all right all right it's the same ass it is the same one you want me to back out and make a new one man I'll back out I'll me back out where squeaks let me back out is there an easy way to back out Escape no I I'm doing it oh boy is there no I think you have to actually Al at four I'm pretty sure I remember now no okay push let's go what did I do that did it make you go back did you quit out uh I quit out yeah I was just trying to I was trying to get donatell if you lose you can leave all right I'll intentionally lose it's against my nature but I can do it guys if you haven't looked [Music] um you can check out the new stumble guys and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collab we've got a link in chat to download the game if you're interested check it out it's a fun it's a fun we're going to play the custom um collab map soon it's going to be awesome all right I'm out okay uh I'm going to need a new code all right let me make a new Lobby then okay little custom game 32 stumblers I would like to disable all emote usage and let me make new maps yeah guys the the QR code on my screen is to download the game so if you want to come play with us yeah you got to do is download I'll say the code out loud then you come join and then it's basically a type competition what I I almost started a game without you could you please not I didn't all right create and lwigs got teen ninja turtle skin on I don't have it wait actually you want to play the new map um let's do one more and then we'll do all right I'll do one more and then we'll do it and then we're going to do it CH we're going tood slide through the sewers as we race to get home to the turtles layer sorry are you ready yep 3 32268 I'm in come join us chat wow you guys are that filled up fast chat if you don't make it into our lobby go play a lobby while you wait and then maybe you can get in the next one kick kicked one person drama all right boom Chad if you do win the lobby you get 500 GE gems from the devs I think you're wrong I think that's just when we're doing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles no it's C some parties okay I just have to pass the info along okay the winning account okay what are we doing what's the point of this you don't uh die oh uh I died where am I I somehow made it back yeah I don't understand what the heck is happening just don't die okay polia oh crap don't die wait you get four lives chat stop pushing me into things it's not nice oh boy oh boy oh god oh boy oh boy oh my God there's a shark that's crazy I feel like you shouldn't be able to transport a shark call me old fashioned oh I definitely got ran over there okay I've got two two lives left all right I got three Mass police bit of a police spree it's all right we live in LA we got this uh unwinable situation no you just dodge there's now giant explosives okay it it's actually just I have one life oh I made it I qualified that was horrifying I'm good let's go chat round two very Wicked whoa that Banana's naked what the heck yeah he is a little in the nude did it freeze yep but maybe it's just loading oh it's just loading it's going now all right we are so back Cannonball chaos wait this one's tough is this this is usually like a winning map no oh crap I wasn't moving I was pushing Q instead of w guys wait up wait why is it like way more insane the naked banana is kind of good oh boy oh dang it I think I'm in the I did a mess up I did a mess up is a weird sentence all right wait up guys I think I'm in last place oh boy uh guys everyone stop here stop here every everybody stop that's not everyone stop hey guys wait for me oh oh lucky that was kind of close but okay all right LG and then we go Turtle yeah I got eliminated but we'll watch we'll watch chat I got a 24 second latency I'm not getting in red I'm going to say you have like a 3 minute latency we did that so long ago ooh yeah why why is it so fast it happens sometimes it goes really fast okay this is a good level this looks cool I haven't seen this one this I can actually win a paint splash really let like get the OG one I don't think I've seen it okay nice uh-oh that was pretty good that was pretty good oh that's looking spooky oh you're being crazy that's so annoying you're still alive they just need someone to mess up he got such good luck he's pooping he got such good luck I can't did he know man the banana actually had a line that's crazy B we can't even see your name you can't get your freaking gems we can't see your dang name going through portals he's a pro I don't think he needs it I I was actually cooking on that one too okay I escaped all right uh leave new party these are the skin chat if you go to C if you you got to you got to have the stumble pass and then you can unlock the where'd they go the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle skins am I crazy I'm not seeing the map right there I want it so bad I want Michelangelo is the only way to do it to be in a Lobby together oh no it's called turbo Temple [Music] tornado Temple Treasure Island turbo it's not turbo Temple is it I thought it was Turtle T tumble huh sorry trying to find the new map to play it we got to get to the the turtle layer oh it's showdown events I like stumble guys cuz I can play with all my friends and I can play with chat oh my gosh the code is 631 647 w w wo wo wo wo wo that what what excuse me wait huh I'm not time 631 647 uh there's an error game full wait 631 64 seven there it's full all right all right making a new one ready it is 85684 I'm in nice okay hold up I got to watch out for Carno this this is the this is the teenage Mt and Ninja Turtles clab we're going to slide through the sewers and race to get home to the turtle layers we have to avoid the Foot Clan who will try to block your progress and bump you off the path grab a slice of pizza on the way to boost your speed and take advantage of shortcuts to beat the rest of our friends oh I just gave you guys all my secrets kind of did give all the secrets crap I'm excited okay here we go whoa we're in the sewers guys let me have the pizzas easy did I grab that okay I didn't get a boost but turtle and hair that's CRA that's a crazy skip oh that's another Cate they got some good skips crap I keep missing these skips you're talk oh crap oh crap oh I missed the pizza for oh that's another dude this map's got some skipp I keep missing these skips me and youer oh man Parker you messed up Parker me and Parker both mess up oh crap crap crap crap that was good I'm scared H chat I'm scared about a no finish oh the Foot Clan wait why am I collecting the pizza again it boost you crap nine of 16 already finished bro oh no I see you in the air that is so sad you were the last one oh I literally was oh man that was sad that was sad another slide clean off from our Turtle goo dang it I really wanted to play I guess I'll watch makes me sad makes me so sad I guess I'll just watch now wait which Ninja Turtle are you again I am Leonardo oh that's [Music] cool okay that was a mess up why do you like Leonardo uh cuz he's named after my favorite Renaissance artist wow I like Michelangelo I thought you like donatell I'm over him I've moved on everything phases play donatell I don't have a skin but I really want it nice good job you qualified I man I put so many hours in this game yeah they're all named after painters so if you don't know which um Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle you like you could just choose the painting you like I'm farming chos you call them chos by the way what's a Cho an achievement no none of us call him that you never been like yo I'm farming chos with the boys me and the boys are farming chos together dude if freaking if freaking jinxy heard you say that oh you'd be so cringe he wouldn't POG yeah or W jinxy would be like what me and jinxy farming chos together no he doesn't say that you don't know him like I know him oh my gosh he responded to me I asked him for something I was like oh my God can't believe you answered he responds to First J situation this is it such a jover situation whoa i' never seen the lava skip until you just did it oh that's going to change my game the next time here's the lava skip yeah but I kind of had a crazy skip remember that chat I skip off at the end of the see where you're going you can jump off the end and land on a different one I tried to see the vision I don't see it it wasn't there it was somewhere else why are you lying to me cuz I just don't know what it feels like to win what if I so I don't want anyone else to win oh that doesn't work either okay okay run it back run it back lay an egg congratulations an impressive performance to be [Music] sure ready oh I'm claiming my rewards oh actually let me change my emote teenage mute Ninja Turtle customize my emotes I would like to change the oh crap I played Without You wait why unlock you unlock all the Ninja Turtles real quick you oh cuz I'm playing Turtle tumble again um you unlock all of the Skins real quick and I'll come join you cuz there's no way I qualify you know just give me a second sure this is my time to shine against the normies oh okay all right let me see never lucky this is big for me are you getting the Skins yeah nice will you be um donatell for me you want me to be Donnie the nerd yeah I'm back into donatell he's so back baby dude I'm so I just built different I accidentally played alone and I got first it's just Chatters honestly holding me back back what are you chatting about what are you yelling about they got Smurf and smurfed and SpongeBob I'm looking on all the skins that I don't have tell me about them cuz I was flexing on how many I do have oh dude I'm missing so many they got freaking planked in and SpongeBob in his underwear man [ __ ] someone in my chat said your chat's being mean is that true to who I don't know drama though huh someone just said Mr breast holy [ __ ] yeah they got doodle bob I want doodle bob wait it says Get It wait I want get it can I spin for Donny oh mean in the game no uh you can't spin for Donnie you go and you go and get the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pass get it here offer ends all right I now have Donnie ah I put him on oh crap all right I'm spinning for special ugly drawing or maybe I go for an elemental maybe I go for a Mythic now let's go for the ugly drawing dude so many dupes what I don't even see the ugly drawing am I crazy chat like when I'm spinning I don't even see it come up oh there it is it's a special where are you um I'm on the last I'm going to about to get my first W wait you're about to win yeah that Lobby I accidentally got into like straight up actually first win oo I got Rizzy bear oh crap oh crap things are looking a little scary right now oh boy yeah yeah yeah come on dude what that's crazy I keep getting Rizzy bear okay I'm ready I literally can't stop getting Rizzy bear you won yeah I won congrats beast mode yeah I won not a not a big deal not a big deal but I I got Michelangelo chat everyone if you if you can put on your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle skins let's try to have the most ninja turtled Lobby [Music] ever all right Rock The Ninja Turtle skin if you got it you can get it for free with a stumble pass you can get the stumble pass with just straight up gem okay Showdown event the code is O I got Stars the code is 476 978 wow some of you guys beat you guys are so fast I will say friend Paco is fast okay how did I lose host ability that's is crazy yeah dubo took host from you okay oh okay got canceled I'm not in me neither all right ready yeah it is 556 492 also big big thank you to scopely for sponsoring this stream thank you thank you scopely all right you're in you're in we are good to go bu bu bu bu okay now oh dude no all right one more time one more time this time I far 182 [Music] 670 all right I'm going to kick someone just to make sure it [Music] works no we broke it hon message press play on it at the same time one two three play this is not going to work lewick maybe it will you did it for The Showdown one right uh I don't know what I did it for I just push the big play button hit cancel cancel I can't yeah yeah I can't cancel wait oh yeah you're supposed to do it for the TNMT this was your idea you just told me to push play I thought you were going to play the TNMT on Pizza you just said push play are you in a Lobby yep how about we just both win together then what do you mean let's just both get a dub right here um Okay so you're in a Lobby I am in the TNMT Pizza Lobby ooh that's fun no it's not when you die mad cuz bad yeah a little bit dude do you see force and played League no how is it he I think got iron three honestly I don't care about any games besides stumble guys been saying I'm going pro that was a good skip oh crap well it take second that's okay second uh probably going to end up 15th maybe 16th the foot Warriors oh yeah we're being silly it's called The Foot Clan dum dum where um we could just play with friends we could just play with each other no oh like do it in together not a private lobby yeah we'll do that after we both get our individual W's let's get our both individual dubs and then do that hey are we feeling swaggy today plus threes in chat for anchovies plus spinach on Pizza o wof I am not dropping a plus three anytime soon I wouldn't mind spinach with like a white sauce what I like spinach on Pizza yeah me too oh crap but I don't think antres are oh boy what is it what is it they baited me oh it's the it's sliping slide I'm get to sliping slide oh crap Ione got so much better at this game oh never mind I'm the best bro huh all right first again first again you're just beast mode yeah I'm really good it doesn't seem like it for some reason when we play with viewers but I used to be somebody in this game that's weird that you win the viewer lobbies but lose the public lobbies maybe cuz they're all throwing for me yeah leaping ly what do you think about my new nickname leap and ly who gave it to you uh squeaks oh frick this is not looking good for me for falling to my death a lot okay oh no oh crap okay well I don't think I get the W here unfortunately oh crap okay come on get out of my way I thought I could make I did it backto back winner winner winner chicken dinner okay I'll wait for you I think I might win they're going to call that the lwi skip for Generations tokens too bad oh that was beast mode leap and ly does it wait you got a crown too I've got two crowns we're amazing all right I'm back I have won the TNMT okay play with friends okay let's try a let's try a party one more time all right ready mhm the code is 468 281 D that was sick I invited you be my friend by the way if you want to accept it oh I can after this game lwi L's you've been kicked nice try buddy please please please please please please please please please please it works yay you didn't choose different Maps again but that's okay why choose TNMT yeah but what about the second and third map uh well it's just the TNMT Showdown so you play the first TNMT map and then it's like uh you always do the slide map after I don't know when I played with squeaks we never played the same Maps dude I don't know what this thing you're doing is but I'm not a fan well I'm just saying it how it is can't win around these parts except in game ready let's go move move guys guys get out of here scram move wait you can go all the way through that wind tunnel no way I'm going to try this shortcut I haven't tried it yet move over I just needed some warm-ups and now I'm locked in this is an amazing shortcut ooh I don't know the shortcuts I'm not dealing with the shortcuts I'm just doing what I can do as who I am as a girl cuz I am just a girl after all I'm just a girl how am I so far behind I've been cruising that was so foolish the Foot Clan all right it's all right I was experimenting whoa Shaq and Kobe qualifying in the first round want to fly away whoa you can kind of sing yeah I've been saying not as good as squeaks though he sings a lot better that's not true he's awful wow wow jeez all right okay super slide super slide is this the one I have the shortcut on chat I've got some almonds in my mouth I'm ready to party oh crap yep yep eat my dust stumbl Le what did did such a wide birth get in there kid oh frick oh frick come on girlfriend no shut through the heart Le's lines are too good yeah but he doesn't know about the lwig Skip it's about to take over the game dang it if you want I can show you my cool Skip it's really cool CU did not lock in Bazinga what was that you got me we oh what was why did I just hear Bazinga they squeaks got um voice like emote added to this game do you see my skip yeah I'm watching God I can do it every time what the was with that wow are you going to win this yeah I think my lead's insane with my Skip it's actually an insane one yeah I don't see anyone close to you yeah you're it's yours it's yours to take wow Dam that's gets [Applause] crazy actually good how are you so good guys stop I've only put like hundreds of hours into this game before I was ever sponsored wow all right you want it to switch to something uh no I oh I just wanted to make sure we could do that we could we I'm happy happy to keep playing custom lobbies do you want to keep playing TNMT cuz it's the only one what we can do custom lobbies with some different Maps Okay let's run it let's run it party let's run it custom game three Maps is there a map you like no I mean yes like I like them all but there's not one specifically that I would call out oh I want to do the jumping one what's it what's that one called chat block Dash block Dash with a B B Block Dash block Dash Okay block dashop okay we'll do block dash for our starting one except for number two we can wait I don't even know if I know what block Dash is it's the one where the blocks come at you and you have to avoid them oh boy okay that's not the one I was thinking of but I can swap no it's fine uh thank you for the 21 months then we could do stumble soccer huh stumble soccer how do you do that it's like the soccer one okay and then we could do what is the final one honey the honey she wanted honey for the win honey is with an H H is honey if I don't get there though let's do that as a first one next time I'll just do first one right now okay A B C D E F G H is honey there it is uh and then we'll make the final one you don't even like block Dash so I'll switch it to Lava land that's a good one thank for the prime all right ready for the code um almost almost yes wait what's I messed [Music] up okay the code is 936 [Music] 813 dude Paco is Speedy to the jump yeah he's good Paco I got to kick you for someone else a that's sad next time not this time though okay yeah I'm pretty good at this game people have been talking about [Music] it don't fall oh man I've never played a 32 okay not falling what does this sticky honey do just slows you down oh crap oh crap you you didn't fall did you we're going to have did you die yeah I just jumped off the start at the very beginning on accident girlfriend no it was an accident it was an accident you want to restart uh you I have to go I have to tinkle so one second Bazinga all right where are these bazingas coming from someone tell me where these bazingas are coming from it's going to drive me mad I just keep hearing it all right okay this is a good game I've never played it with this many though is this normal is it usually an eight person no I think this is this is normal yeah I'm an offensive threat and it's an instant good start yeah easy good hit shrimp cakes Center It Center it shrimp cakes Center shrimp cakes no that was actually a great job by shrimp cakes that's a goal no they stopped the threat no I know you could go too high okay wait I'm actually throwing a bit that's a good Center we got two centered how's it going you dabbed they're going to hit it back here I'm ready for it I hit it the wrong way shoot I hit my kneecap we're so back what wait they have an allout offense right now wait they caught up someone help nice what are you doing guys we won okay I'm like a David via Striker I just like to sit up top hit a few goals in oh nice work where are we going another Cho easy that's what I'm saying wait what did I pick for the third map oh yeah lava ooh fun I want to play this I picked it specifically cuz I secretly turned emotes back on so I could cheese oh o it's sometimes I'm watching the wrong person I get a little motion sick oh you died it's crazy that's crazy I didn't think it was on fire I thought it was just like mildly warm all right I'm making a new Lobby okay you like honey drop do you want to change any of the other games will you start with the lava one and then do honey drop so start with lava yeah into honey and then a new final game yeah okay so we're going to do lava land then we're going to go honey drop a b c d e f g h a little PE we're going to get rid of stumble soccer and then our final game we could do maybe what's good we could do I don't love space drop actually we can do a race one dude I was watching I was watching the wrong like essentially I was on one person during the lava game but I was watching someone in the back background and it immediately made me motion sick am I old uh that I never about you first off possibly uh do you have a favorite third map that you want you choose kind of not okay I'll choose sure I'll go someone said block Dash they keep saying dash for the ends all right we'll do block Dash endless could go a while could go a while oh it is 38192 oh crap 3819 02 oh it's too full wait give me a second try now I'm in no baby Yoda you are not playing with us you are not playing with us buddy yeah I wouldn't dream of a world where you're playing with us why they're like a pro baby Yoda don't they're literally in my chat there's no Universe baby we're not doing this we're not doing this no no no no no I'm here for a relaxed beautiful time fun lava land okay guys move over oh I turned turned off the dang emotes oh frick did I no you didn't oh frick are you live no I was so excited about using my emotes that I got distracted can we leave can we start over yeah okay sorry I was too excited to use my emotes it's okay it's cool I'm hitting play again same room o crap I left it what was the code it's 2344 41 okay I'm in there we go should I leave wi about it or kill them you can leave them they're just having fun baby what did I say you think I'm going to miss the bright red [Music] name I'm not leaving him leave him he just wants to play make a Smurf undercover beating these streamers during their sponsored stumble guy segments what's up it's B Yoda here okay okay focus every Fus oh crap oh guys hey stop what you're guys I fell okay I'll reset more time okay okay let's leave this time I'll stay in the lobby all right I'm hitting play again in now yeah you're the host yeah the host code on the screen 58476 n make sure you kick baby Yoda make sure whatever you do kick baby Yoda I don't see him he's the bright red name that says code baby Yoda yeah baby yod you can't play with us he's he's a he's a he's a he's a problem sorry baby Yoda I'm hungers remember when I asked you if you wanted food like an hour ago that was 3 hours ago oh all right come on we got this okay guys this is my time to shine ooh I just always fall you know did you just fall almost but I didn't it's just really hard I'm just kind of like flopping around a little bit guys can you guys jump in please cuz it turns out I'm not as good at this one as I thought I was oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap guys fall in really fast dang it you know what I left for you did you yeah you you know what maybe we I'll remake a new Lobby this time I will remove the emotes I think that would help us yeah it would all right ready uh yeah new code is 671 826 okay okay loser wig that's not going to fly that's too far actually too far Coco I don't trust you I don't trust the players I think they're secret baby Yoto accounts okay all right no I'm good okay this is the one so-called super gamer scared of a baby Yoda yeah look I don't go into his jump King runs and then jump so you know I got kicked I'm sorry chess things I panicked it was a fear driven kick hey guys make way for fudge there's no way I just saw that you know what we have to remove lava land I shot yeah I Shot The Gap okay okay all right all right come on we got this are we leaving we are I am leaving for you okay okay we are ditching I don't know why keep diving chat leave me alone I'm doing my best no Lava land yeah okay yeah no and instead we will replace it with a second honey drop oh honey drop honey drop honey drop yeah we can yeah triple honey drop it's the honey triple threat and this will close us out today Yeah the code is 336 311 I'm [Music] in I got a weird feeling about this guy why his name is not baby Yoda uh he's innocent all right I'll let it slide this time okay here we go guys honey drop whatever you do jump don't jump off the side instantly I won the game you left we used to dream with Times Like These okay here we go good advice whoa excuse me excuse me excuse me guys I'm just slipping and sliding on my t tum okay Frick oh boy oh freak okay did you die nope I died this time haha you have to watch me die freaking no watch me watch me God leaping ly loser wig made it in boom boom boom all right come on let's go cutie Cutie cutie Cutie cutie in the front cutie in the front okay here we go are you the bear yeah personally this could be just me I'm rooting for the gay bear I am the gay bear oh crap all right wait a lot of people on the bottom floor stay up here you playing a no jump button rule no I'm just I got stuck I don't know what happened four left three no oh frick I don't know what's happening I kept like glitching all right come on one more that didn't count okay okay actual actual LG and thank you very much to scopely that rhymed for sponsoring this stream loser wig you're out get your ass banned oh crap I forgot to leave sorry sorry sorry sorry 368545 oh one second I'm not even close okay I'll make a new Lobby oh wait I'm in Oh no you're in she's in all right let's check no snitches in my Lobby who else who else old Yoda no [Music] okay all right LG's LGS LG's guys it was fun playing with you the QR code will helps you or shows you how to download the game if you want to play because I think it's crossplatform right chat oh frick all right come on babe we got this light work I wish I didn't dive I wish I didn't dive oh frick bottom floor already scary me too oh oh my god look we're staring horrifying you look good you look good out there yay friend Paco still crushing with a Mr Beast racks yes it's free on mobile PC and console so woo thank you baby Yoda okay that's impossible did you get eliminated oh crap o well this be uh figured out what I'm doing come on lock this in oh craps you win I got in I'm still in okay everybody jump off so I can win please smile everyone jump off if you hear this it is cutie dub season come on just go jump off the edge exit down the side of okay I noticed you're not doing it guys you got to jump off the edge with style preferably Boo Boo Boo okay we got one down and they are destroying the land beneath sometimes you just go a little too far A little too close to the Sun dang it all right let's take a look let's take a look at who will win Hannah Atlas gobus Lobster uh I'm team at I'm team Hannah oh Hannah died I'm team Lobster Lobster is up top looking good a lot of time there okay now you're falling into gobus Atlas kind of wasting all the tiles over there though I don't love it you had so much time oh Lobster set up for such they're on the same island though goober should go cut him off oh Lobster's doing it smart you can make that jump you can make that jump no GG gobus well played good job gobus oh man all right well thanks for hanging out with me today goobers in my chat said yay all lcase uh well played to me and you three crowns each guys don't forget there's a link in chat to download the game there's a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle collab going on right now in stumble guys you can have all the skins of the different Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles it's very cool they do these uh events all the time they always are adding new skins and new emotes and it's really really fun check it out you can play with your friends [Music] thanks to scop Le for today all right GG you staying live yeah what are you doing uh I have to record a MoGo mail what I have to record a mogul you just went live for this uh yeah wow [Music] okay all right goodbye love you goodbye never works bye I love you goodbye I have to hang up on him all right well that was fun big shout out to scopely again that's really fun I always love when we have a stumble gu sponsor cuz it's a fun game that we love playing together it's awesome it's awesome some saome you're in the final I'll buy it because the sponsor it's free preo I'll donate to them well you could buy some skins yes tortured poets Department enjoyers in now we've got to finish our tier list I have a knot one second I want to go to a buffet and eat 50 California RS okay biscus that's fun um I got this thing where is it oh it's right here ow look what I got I can't reach it I got this for my knots and my shoulders ow I don't really know if I'm using it right don't say old lady problems ow ow ow is there a vid of the tortured poets Department listening party it's on the wine about it ow why is kitty massaging her back with a fence ow uh no I'm just going to end and restart Cass ow ow anyway I got this I don't know if it actually helps but I have it l got it for me I'm a little motion sick that was weird I've never gotten motion sick from that game before why not just tweet it out tweet what out hello wow thank you
alan greenspan the federal reserve chairman coined the phrase a rational exuberance to describe a phenomenon where investors were pumping the price of the market with little regard to actual underlying fundamentals fast forward three decades or so we've reached new levels of speculation meme coins are worth more than entire car companies a car company who loses money is worth more than all the other car companies who make money combined and yet alan greenspan said only a few years ago that he sees no irrational exuberance in today's market you foresaw what was to occur in markets uh long before it actually happened when you said irrational exuberance mr chairman do you see similarities between today's market and what you saw back in the late 90s very little well there you have it guys no irrational exuberance i agree with chairman greenbacks this isn't irrational it's complete insanity you guys are absolutely killing it this is what i'm talking about i stopped checking my truck's wallet man going you guys are insane no we aren't insane you're insane that's tick-tock sort of the millennial version of the bloomberg terminal in this walking panic attack he's talking about something called safe mode a cryptocurrency that bills itself is safely trying to get you to the moon for anyone over 45 years old by the way to the moon is slang for like your investment made a lot of money now this cryptocurrency launched a little over a month ago but it's already worth more than a billion dollars in its market cap actually i think at its peak it was worth six billion dollars but don't worry guys it's not a bubble now in this video i'm going to be addressing the newest in a long line of meme coins like dogecoin but they're a lot more like safe moon that have popped up and similar coins like hogecoin there's safe mars safe galaxy safe star safe anything cosmic okay just know that and just assume i'm applying this analysis to all of them because one they're gonna come and go but the scheme is the same forever because yes they're all slightly different but their destiny is the same and i'm gonna try to tell you why hola mi gente and welcome back to the channel this is sean what's good what's good and welcome back to investing with jax welcome back everybody to a safe moon price update on this video we are going to talk about dogecoin and we're also going to talk about safe moon all right moon boys listen i know you guys are in the crypto space and it's the wolf here jb you know i'm bullish on crypto these days i used to be a bear now i'm a bull ah yes what could be wrong with taking the advice of a convicted felon who got in trouble for yes hyping garbage but i think we all agree when jordan belfort starts shilling it you know it's bad now all these tokens we're going to be discussing today are kind of colloquially called meme tokens they're structured not to be useful necessarily as a currency but rather to maximize something called pumpamentals papamentals are the feature of a coin to generate hype virality buzz with little regard to the usefulness of the coin buzz for its own sake the reason you name a coin after a meme it's just a joke it's to attract the hype which is why rather than having a white paper which is actually about something the whole project is built around things like to the moon or becoming millionaires or more specifically in the case of safe moon one of the things they did was the first things by the way was confirmed a dogecoin trading pair because what better way to pump a new meme coin with an older meme coin and then later in their white paper they talk about begin architecting the nft exchange as well as video game integrations like there's no real good reason for video game integrations and nft exchanges as your first move as a currency unless it's a publicity stunt a gimmick to attract hype for its own sake now another common pump of mental technique is minting trillions of tokens to keep your token below one cent psychologically this makes people feel like it's affordable and easy to own whereas most people feel like one bitcoin might be way outside their budget what's a hundred million times zero again i forgot the other factor here is that it gets people thinking about oh my gosh what if it hits a penny are you guys so this is safe moon safe moon check it out look at this current price right now all right so let's say you invest only like 30 right so you take that 30 times the current value of this coin right now and you get about roughly 19 million coins so let's say this thing goes up to about just one cent your potential almost 200 thousand dollars now what this tick tock man doesn't tell you is that in order for safe moon to reach one penny that would make the market cap of safe moon six trillion dollars triple the entire crypto market so what sounds like super simple uh would break crypto now the other papa mentals are things like they all say they're deflationary currencies they're burning tokens a rug pull is impossible there's no way you possibly could get gypped off by this coin guys but one thing these all have in common is that the only goal of the crypto project is literally just to make the price go up literally in the name safe moon it's like it's telling you it's a scam look what do all get rich quick schemes do they all say two things they say i'm gonna get you rich and this is definitely not a scam that's what all scams have in common i'll get you rich fast and it's not a scam and safe mood is literally telling you both of those things in one name it's genius like like they're like we'll get you safely to the moon don't worry this rocket will not explode we safe are to the moon imagine for a second like the us dollar the only reason people bought it was literally just because everyone was hyping the fact that if enough of us bought dollars the value would go up instead of like actually to buy things and the whole value of the asset is the price goes up isn't that a ponzi scheme i mean literally your whole thing is like i gotta get as many people in otherwise i'm gonna lose money if i don't get more people in i can't get my money out that's the whole thing nothing actually behind it and at the end of the day all these cryptos have more in common than differences which is why i wanted to address them all at the same time like they quibble about our development team is you know more open and they give amas some are literal rug pulls right some are just moon shots but all of them have one thing in common they're all just trying to get the price to the moon it's a giant gamble there's nothing serious about it if you're doing it to gamble i have no problem with you but as you're putting a thousand dollars into safe moon ask yourself would you put a thousand dollars in the lottery tickets if that's the kind of person you are fine go with god but you know a lot of people wouldn't do that but they feel totally fine and like they're they're missing out if they're not doing that with safe moon but okay look you're sitting there and uh maybe some of you still aren't convinced so let me try one last ditch effort to try to convince you that maybe this is gambling and maybe a bad gamble there's no rule right that when people are talking about something it's over when your grandma starts talking about bitcoin is it such a good buy probably not right when everyone talks about something the chances are the opportunity's mostly over so look at the people who are talking about safe moon hyping it to the moon right and ask yourself is this a bubble jake paul lance stewart ben phillips you know icons of financial advice okay they don't understand just let him go dude how funny would it be if that's what convinced people they're like hey a coin that launched a month ago being worth a billion dollars i wasn't on board with it being a scam but now that i know jake paul is involved i'm out what if that's what got him like literally jake paul being involved you're like well i was in till that moment he got me there i hope you enjoyed the video diving into these cryptos is fun for me uh let me know if you get anything out of it am i preaching to the choir here is everyone who like actually likes these things like no no no no no like fud foot foot either way whether you're invested in dogecoin safe moon meme coins whatever there's one coin one stock you can always pump costs nothing pump zilla guys to the moon like and subscribe it's free respect the pup and uh i'll see you guys in the next one i know what you need this ain't what it seems nothing but a trick trying to sell me on a dream but that was where you lost me wake up and smell the coffee
foreign hi foreign music in it hi hi guys hi shut up shut up it was Tom's Diner is that song chat watch this you want to see something crazy I'm not looking at you right now it's AI isn't that weird I'm not even like slightly looking at you guys I'm like looking at Coots on the floor right now isn't that weird oh it just glitched try to cover one eye there weird huh it's kind of sick though it's just because I just used it to record an ad read a glitch you see it glitches every once in a while isn't that weird creepy when your head is pointing down oh it glitched no no he's like crazy [Music] it'd be good for online school well no you're right it would be because you could like be looking at another dude when school comes back they'll never know what I'm looking at I can't wait to cheat on schooled isn't that crazy no they're glitches it also makes my eyes weirdly darker Victor thank you for the 21. it's I will say I did um I'm turning it off I did just use it to do an ad read it was so sick because I could just have my script on and then I just read my script oh weird huh Victory thank you for the 21. tons of coffee you think of the 11. extra Carl think of the 11. race think of the seven isn't that weird I don't know if flip cam makes it look weirder oh is my camera flipped right now I thought I'd turn it back no oh no it's not transform I mean it's still like look it's still weird Coots what are you doing in the closet get out of the closet what the heck that's what prezzo's that was me being prezzo's parents isn't it weird I'm not even looking at you guys hi oh glitched oh there it is we're gonna switch to my AI eyes they don't have my shade of blue they replace it now you guys will know when I do YouTube ad reads because you'll look at the color of my eyes wait where were you looking I'm literally looking at my computer's I'm looking out the window right now I'm looking out the window I'm looking at my craisins in my hand I'm staring at my Craisins it's so cursed your eyes turned white for a second oh yeah no that's just a reflection I really is this late night League or Hogwarts Hogwarts you hate it why do you always get so mad all of a sudden whenever I pick her up recently she gets so mad hey why are you like this I wonder if it'll do it to her Coots who doesn't I mean when it's close up it's it's still very convincing look oh it makes my eyes like green how weird huh big milk man think of the bitties it changes yeah it changes my eye color and it glitches it glitches more when you're up close let's see it's so weird what are you looking at I'm looking at the screen but then it glitches and pulls them back see that angle particularly looks like it's hard for it anyway I'll turn it off how weird it was it was actually so great um it was so great during my ad read I'm not kidding this is the first time I used it it's the second time but it made my ad read so much easier anyway hi guys can you pick where it focuses or just chooses it chooses it chooses to look at the camera what have you guys done today League no no we're gonna we're gonna play The Wizard game great stream of Ray earlier oh thank you how does it know where your camera is um I don't know I'm just switching it on and off two streams yeah Kai Senate knows scissor you should invite her to stream rewards for music it'd be awesome I don't think it's that simple Jonathan thinking of the nine months I think we're actually good uh with music I'm 90 sure I'll know for sure by I think Saturday but I think I'm kind of locked you can tell because your eyes literally snap to the camera yeah I don't think even if I did that okay this is real and this is with AI weird huh too fast you hate it you look stoned with it really why and trying to get like Billy eilish eyes but it doesn't really work AI eyes look dead it's weird when you blink they kind of like roll I don't know it's also giving you very subtle eyeliner oh really I oh I think you're right or it just makes my eyes darker and it's giving that illusion because definitely the like around my eye is darker like around the actual Iris because I don't really have a thick black line around my Iris music wise for the streamer awards are you going from streamers that do music to perform or possibly a famous artist unless the costs won't work um I prefer streamers because it just makes more sense um also yeah we don't have a ton of money to work with so cat Mike thank you for the 11. um anyway what is this playlist it's the 90s hi you should make a playlist this is not my this is a playlist it's not my playlist but it's a playlist Spotify do one during the ad thing Spotify do what oh no didn't you have some playlist thing you're talking about a few oh Spotify does list or um Spotify does mixes cutie what do I do in a cyclone is coming to my house in a few days I don't know what's I don't even know what a cyclone is did Nick get you a new mouse no what's a cyclone Roman laughs they give the prime or tornado how do you know a tornado is coming it's our hurricane it's a hurricane just find it a nice man it'll settle down what's your impression of the Harry Potter game I kind of love it Gabby flowers thinking of the Prime um I will say whenever I do the Harry Potter game I am gonna have the Trevor Project donation up because why not why the hell not um until we beat the game I figure that's a it's a good thing to have up while we play the game glitch they give five gifted I would rather um Patrick thank you the five I would rather be raising money um for the Trevor Project then um like not do anything at all and just play the game so since the game um since some people feel hurt by the game um I would prefer to at least do some good out of it um and yeah so I'm going to turn that back on I've raised the goal to 8 000. we don't have to hit that tonight whatever we want to do we might as well just raise money though while we're playing this game that's how I feel about it um and we'll also play it unlisted that way you know they don't benefit from my extra 900 views in their category why the hell not so why are you streaming so late um you must be new if you think this is late for me this is pretty normal pretty normal for us over here [Music] um how long do you think you're streaming tonight um probably two hours probably go till about 2 A.M dude Twitter like broke today like multiple times let me see um someday she'll stream earlier I know honestly I was for a good for a week there you have to admit casts for one week I did so good I even had YouTube videos planned each day um I was shown up I had a plan and then a bunch of AI porn of me came out and who did I Resort back to to chaos uh that really that really threw a wrench in some things huh um Twitter has a tweet and follow limit as of right now what does that even mean wait was I gonna I was gonna Google something oh I want to look at streamer Awards I want to see how many um seats are open still Ticketmaster I think there's quite a few I think there's still like 700 seats available if I'm not crazy this oh wait this is dear Evan Hansen is touring where pause I've wanted to see dear Evan Hansen oh no events in L.A wait there's some in San Francisco if there's someone in Arizona [ __ ] none in La really oh they're going to Washington maybe I should go to Washington and see dear Evan Hansen why the hell is there none in L.A why are they doing this to me thank you for donating 50 and uh Cayenne thank you for the 15 months unfindable think of the 14. hope your bucket's doing well today you know what slowly but surely slowly but surely until I found out that dear Evan Hansen isn't coming to La for God knows why that seems crazy to go to San Francisco but not La I'm pissed I'm livid road trip to San Francisco I was just in San Francisco not that long ago oh I went on Ticketmaster to check streamer Awards but then I got distracted by dear Evan Hansen I'm cringe um stream Rewards I agree oh oh [Music] look chat that's pretty good I mean I will warn you this whole section right here this whole Chunk from here all the way back here is a hundred seats I had to set aside for sponsors so I don't know I don't know if that super counts but we've sold at least 20. hey cool are you thinking of dropping ticket prices um potentially if they don't sell out like just to like you know um see what happens but I I have nothing I I kind of have limited control over the ticket prices the venue um or I can't contractually I can't say what the cuts are but just know that there's little I can do um but worst case um I'd rather like lose money on tickets than have an empty like where are all my icons did Nick do something on my computer all my icons are gone durs is spitting on me instead of League of Legends did Nick make the icons disappear right click view show desktop icons I guess I don't need to it looks kind of nice it kind of looks nice TBH I like it all right well it's just gonna be a cozy night in gamers are you excited to hang out Boop plantopera thank you for the year capsized thank you for oh wait a pair a reset for your cap size was just highlighting their message getting rejected tomorrow oh that's interesting cupcakes thank you for donating I don't know how to tell either capsize I bet you've got it I also feel a lot of people see the streamer word Twitter nonsense um no no it'll it'll um bump up once voting starts I think also Amro I think um maybe on voting since so many streamers will be voting live on stream I wonder if we could put a link right up top or like a pop-up that comes up that says tickets are still available or something probably both is there a way to do both is there a way to do like a like tickets are still available to attend in person since there'll be so many people going to the site for voting that week on the same page as voting okay Emirates got it Chad yay Drake's in Chad for amroot do you guys think I'm ever gonna be like professional with the streamer Awards I was thinking about it because I was talking to some um professional musicians I told you guys this and I was like whoa these guys like think I'm like professional professional we're not there yet but it's just funny to think like well one day I not be able to be like hey amroot do this I'll have like to send an email or something that sounds awful Calvin think you're the 18 months no Amber don't say Amber's getting fired I'm just saying like do it you have to be like professional and be like send an email yeah Emery will be their boss Emery will tell them what they need to be doing guys Emirates never getting fired by me I the award show literally wouldn't exist without amroot how do you prepare for it it's a great question I asked what she said about Christine Christine quit I didn't fire her you monsters job security he fired who stop I'm eating Craisins I sent the job offer I already sent a job offer for the person that would take Christine's job so I'll let you guys know if you have a new friend a new paid friend soon just replacing her like that whoa guys I'm gonna play I have to I need an assistant maybe she quit because she didn't like you guys do you think about that we need some time to mourn though I need stuff shipped out what do you want from me all right ready chat foreign oh is it too loud here I am did you fix settings no what settings what setting should I do Joe the [ __ ] is an owl post dude is it from my dude he legit has a crush on me come and see me I've discovered something in the locket we found at Green Gods bruh you're my professor this is not appropriate he's so into me someone said your Hogwarts Legacy regular performance mode and set Graphics back to high okay my Graphics were never on high my Graphics were on medium how's the hot werewolf BF oh he's good you know it's just normal things wait what wait Jello I already forgot regular performance mode foreign dude I would love to play this on freaking the best graphics I wish I could I would love to see it thank you for donating wait where's regular performance mode oh just this foreign you guys really think I can pull off high I've I've never done High chat I don't think I can stream category enlisted yeah I did that on purpose just try and see what happens okay wait it doesn't look any different does it what looks different it's better I don't see a difference oh [ __ ] I always break that pot I'm [ __ ] running how nice to see you my young friend revelia what's this I can just Place stuff in it should I flu powder to him or what yeah why did my thing why am I so fast all of a sudden I've never been this fast before dude this is sick where is Sebastian I've been wondering TBH it's a little choppy Pavilion I don't see anything rebelled thank you Bronco oh I went the wrong way I forgot what I was doing I'm bad man this school is big oh yeah dude I'm amazing yeah I'm just so good I'm like accioin in this [ __ ] where where the [ __ ] am I supposed to be going wait I'm supposed to be going up wait how stupid am I oh Rex thank you for the sub I definitely could have flew powdered regora thank you for the sub foreign I hate when they look at me I definitely should have flew powdered rebellio you can't get in there right now foreign all the way to his office this feels like very personal but okay did I sleep here wait what just happened hello uh hi professor I'm glad to see you and I you thank Merlin you're in one piece I heard about the attack trolls in hogsmeade sir the trolls were wearing armor it had that dark glow like the dragon collar Goblin silver Brown Rock used it to control the dragon but how I don't know and why send trolls too they were there because of me I overheard ran Rock talking with Victor Rookwood ramrock was in hogsmeade man what's Rookwood the trolls were ranrock's distractions so that Rookwood could get to me and he would have had sirona and the patrons at the three broomsticks not intervened great news indeed if Frank Rock's goblins and dark Wizards are after you they want what we found in that vault oh I wasn't paying attention uh um they're after the locket you said you discovered something in it yes yes I discovered an inscription okay when I read it aloud this map appeared clever enchantment it's a map of Hogwarts to be sure but I do not know where it leads follow it goes to the library nice and a bit beyond right now I'm distracted you would see something shall we go I appreciate it and I'm eager to discover what we may find there as well but if our experience are Gringos let alone what happened to Miriam taught me anything it's that the path we're on is terribly dangerous I'd like you to work with Professor heckett a bit before we continue but sir how dangerous could the library be perhaps only after a book perhaps we are only after a book but we should be prepared for anything once you've honed your defensive magic further come and see me I'll let Professor Hackett know to expect you am I still going to talk to him oh no there's gonna be something in here I knew it give me whatever's in that chest bish okay okay money I'm getting rich but the only way to make money is like stealing it breaking people's [ __ ] huh rebelio what's this as if my schedule isn't just enough the ministry has charged me with arranging a rather inconvenient arrival of a new student at Hogwarts A fifth year if you can believe are they talking [ __ ] on me Professor Weasley insists that they need an escort and mentor to help them accliment before the term begins I have assigned the test to you please see Professor Weasley for details hey talking [ __ ] on me I'm living holds meat against trolls you know there is such a thing as trying too hard protago [ __ ] I meant to lumos but you know me okay travel broadens the mind can I flu powder what do I think I'm doing where am I going okay watch this I am going to the astronomy wing and I want a flu powder there oh yeah I'm flu powdering right here travel oh look at me go dude oh I'm I'm doing great now also I don't think they have my PC listed rebellio rebellio are you having your own wand dumbass perhaps you can help me don't look at me like that boy can you help me you must learn the fire making charm I'm trying I thought that's why I came here did I go to the right place chat I'm doing an awful lot of walking for having traveled to the place I thought I was supposed to go but why does this look is this where I was where am I this is the same room right smoking weed what's going on I don't think I'm ready for this just yet what the [ __ ] did I just [Music] what is my goal in life how do I learn the fire making charm you'll just select a different Quest how do I see my quest foreign oh okay got it I don't think I can do this now best to come back okay I can't believe I just flew powdered to run back over here what why am I like this foreign that's crazy okay well I'm clearly not capable of flute powdering whoa that guy just took off his robe no he didn't am I going the right way no Rebellion hello there perhaps you can help me who I don't want to talk to you Arthur I'll be honest you're cringe wait I'm not going the right way God damn it okay it's a little hard to tell if you're supposed to go on up or down dude I should have flew powdered I should definitely have a thing should it not foreign okay she's sad I'm kind of interested are you all right don't you know who I am no so no be an oak the girl whom everyone at school hates I'm sure there's a reason everyone hates you why because Hogwarts is full of bullies and spoil Sports okay Leander Pruitt's one of the worst that no Talent Moon mind I wanted to make some new friends and so I bought my collection down to the common room my gobstone collection that's his I was hoping someone would want to play Not Me with gobstones little balls like marbles Grand game and if you lose they spray you with a foul sauce oh sad payout thank you for thank you very much for donating um sounds awful you're crazy much interest in a game that sprays you with odors only if you lose which I never do or at least not often people can be so cruel just because they're sprayed all over with smelly gobstones spit it's their own fault for losing oh okay Imelda is one of the worst losers ever written a story why is she still talking about and now those poor losers have taken my gobstones and hidden them in very high places all over the world I don't care yeah sounds as if you caused a smelly situation and they responded accordingly well Pamela I think with a hundred dollars anyway I can't work out how to get them back I'm not helping you I don't think I know the necessary spells yet I need someone perhaps a selfless and talented fifth year to help me no I'm not helping I'll see what I can do no I don't want to take the help if you do find all of my cup Stones do come and see me again I'll be back to playing snake pit and Jack Stone by myself thank you for the donating I didn't agree to this ah no no I'm not finding your gobstones take me back to my other Quest I am literally on my way to do something else get out why did I talk to you God damn it I'm not looking for your gobstones oh it's a d-pad to change it oh okay hey professor you've got eyeballs behind you they're kind of cringe I'm here about the new spell you wanted to teach me thank you for the donut a professor fig indicated a certain uh offensive magic assignment [Music] handy for lighting torches burning away spider webs and when necessary defending against those who would wish to do us harm sounds versatile quite but before we get started I'd like you to complete a few tasks you may be surprised by some of them astonishing how much students don't think their professors know Liz thank you come and see me then we shall begin working on and send you you know where to find me once you've finished dude bro what the hell is crossed wands seems crossed ones isn't as secret as it's believed to be do I have to can I have flu powder just keep running why is this classical music playing everywhere where am I why can't I follow the [ __ ] map literally ever I have no ability to follow the map sorry that lagged a little bit I cannot move the camera while I'm running I cannot be enjoyable to watch play this game all I do is hit on Sebastian and lag oh revelia how do you not have a rebellio so confused I'll change it after here I've come from the toilet bowl where she said I could swim did you practice your bowl as long as we're only one time per week I can plunge the boy's lavatory not for the mink please you'll make me late bro game is more accurate you can find me inside of a jar the games were accurate than the freaking movies um okay I gotta I gotta yeah I gotta change the settings now clearly we gotta go back he's containment job I'll try medium Revenge to wreak havoc and harm it was granted my privileges be handsome indeed Pavilion or I fire up the cannon and so she agreed haunted toilets they're not with him that if I behaved please have a crush on this guy also wasn't Peeves in the book bye peeves that was cool hello foreign 's just over there Sebastian hey what's up babe hey Sebastian hey he's not even looking at me I hate him what is this revelia you are rebellio wait what does blue mean you're blue why are you blue I don't know blue means all right well I tried jumping that didn't work so clearly it means nothing what am I doing hello guess we're talking what do you have in your hand Sebastian told me to see you about a club oh do I need to change it is it still alive I coordinated deals for crossed once uh do you think they're the sauce thank you baby so you must have really impressed Sebastian I did take him down a peg I seem to have a knack for Julie yes you've come to the right place how does cross ones work exactly you show up I match you with other Duelists and whoever is still standing in the end wins it's our way of determining the school's greatest and to liven things up the winner is awarded the prize interested yeah of course dueling's an entertaining Pastime I agree besides in crossed ones you could deal with a partner if you like Sebastian next time you'll need to partner along or Jewel alone so care to step into the ring yeah get me in the ring come on Sebastian let the fireworks begin laughs will make you regret signing up your cringe for sure um I don't really remember anything potato oh I forget levia levitation spells I forgot about that I'm sure I'll do fine oh [Music] windows YouTube bro okay [ __ ] what am I doing that's wrong can't you try another round yes don't count me out yet okay okay I don't remember how to Leviosa levios is a right let me have some not a which how do I potato I don't remember oh I see let's go foreign potatoes why potatoes live okay [Music] okay I figured that out [Music] [ __ ] you okay wrong way love you take a potato [Music] okay okay I kind of got it I got it I got it do you think Sebastian thinks I'm hot nice work definitely not change the levels and you could be the next school Champion brilliant Count Me In I shall in fact the second jewel is ready when you are and as I fully initiated remember you now have access to the official crossed ones training dummy very good way to master spell combinations come and see me and I'll set it up again congratulations on your first time my computer is not okay I thought okay cutie crash no no no I just have to change it back I just was effing hard foreign this game is taking 7 000 memory oh hell yeah oh it's going good do you have Ray tracing enabled Chuck you think I know what that means thank you for the two months okay okay so I need to come here and I need to choose Ultra and then I have to go back and go back to low oh I'm such a pleb I hate it and low it's Layman low is there another computer in the house I can handle it better maybe but does it I didn't link it to my account so I don't know um I don't know if it um would pull up on like Ludwig's computer scroll down did I need to go scroll down I gotta fight this I gotta fight somebody Sebastian hi oh hi Sebastian hi next time you need a partner for cross swans don't hesitate to call on me oh okay oh my God oh my God okay oh my God okay um I'm ready hello Lucan is the next round of crossed ones all set why yes it is I've got a great match lined up thank you for the prime uh yeah ready ready let's do Sebastian play with me are you dealing with a partner um Sebastian yes Sebastian then let's get to it who's Natalie anyway ready to get thrashed apologies in advance wait why are there three people uh Sebastian Sebastian okay breakthrough Violet Shields with four spells like summoning okay I'm not super positive I'm gonna pull this off but potatoes this potato potato potato oh you little [ __ ] seriously that's all you've got potato ES I really gotta stop rolling around so much lumos I'm the wrong girl wait [Music] how do you rotate how do you focus someone else [ __ ] okay so how do I focus someone else that's why I keep messing up Frosty laughing to the sub oh glad I didn't bet on you that round shut the [ __ ] up again yes I'll give it another go got chat how do I how do I okay Target lock by pushing r oh that's how I change targets it's down here oh why do I keep rolling around okay I got it now oh excuse me I'm just standing behind him it's one at a time there we go damn it thank you damn it I'm pretty going I'm pretty going delay is pretty bad [ __ ] I'm just gonna have to end Rocky finger the prime yeah I want to go again I'll give it to another go got this job hear it I keep lumosing when I'm trying to potato I just might not be able to stream this game my computer might not be aware confringo like a winner foreign there we go okay are you playing on PC yeah Bravo I gave it to my all you did indeed the other Duelists have already taken notice of you but after that last round they'll really have it in for you you'd better keep practicing if you want a chance at winning or at least surviving the next round so should I keep streaming or no see you then because it's like a Greek Stone so just complete a round of Spell combination practice with Lucan can may I use the training dummy of course I'll fetch it and give you a list of combinations to practice okay cool ready to have a try now yes that would be wonderful be sure to cast all your spells before the dummy lands if you need to stop practicing before you finish all of them let me know a quiche cast right okay I'm getting better okay one two three four right okay got it got it one two three one two three okay I'm getting good so that's enough practice you looked good out there thank you Lucan I say better to discover one's weaknesses during practice than during a duel you'll be a fearsome Challenger now thank you oh my God Sebastian did you see that [Music] that's wait you can't imagine convenient travel was before I invented flu powder shut up that's right barrel roll see me rolling through the castle better look out ah yeah look out lumos oh [ __ ] lumos there it is I really should use flu powder Ed way closer I just don't trust myself ever since I messed it up revelia nothing over here [ __ ] okay all right okay all right okay okay all right teacher I'm ready I trust Mr brattleby was able to accommodate you and that you found success I finished I did the tasks you gave me Professor Hackett glad to hear it then you should be ready to learn and send you should be Professor yes I'm sorry to say I visited enough careless colleagues at cinemagas to assure you that fire is a Fickle servant your spell casting has impressed me thus far thank you please maintain Focus I would rather we not end today's lesson with your robes aflame let us begin and remember focus on the proper wand movement concentrate and keep your wand so steady foreign I'm amazing what good work I have to equip it what's this one do that's repero I mean I guess we'll put it in where apparel is we don't really need repair right what's this how do I equip it I'll hold RT to assign I'm holding our t oh right that feels good 5K yeah we've raised 5K project we're dope now what in quest log okay okay chat this time for real Ferrell we're gonna use glue powder and we're gonna do it successfully and it's gonna be cool okay TJ thank you for this uh what are you up to let me check the Trevor Project goal is it not showing at the top it should show at the top okay so if we come all the way over here and my thing is over there we're just gonna travel it should be easy use your new spell first oh too late pause Jim pause champ why does the ministry require animagia to register I did it wait no I didn't I did better did I still feel like I'm really far away really nothing rebellious there like I say that every time midnight thank you for donating I'm always laying on the ground hello sir you'll be pleased to know that I worked on my defensive magic with professors right thank you for the three months because when I've taken rather well to your new wand yeah continue to work with her and your other professors to improve your skills that said I don't wish to postpone our visit to the library any longer so shall we proceed yes fig I have work for you come Headmaster I'm with a student in my schedule your schedule will wait indefinitely as will your student I would think that after all the trouble you caused me with ozric you'd be eager to make a mess of the world five minutes I'm not sure just chatting because I'm playing a game I'm not streaming under the games due to the Restricted Section will have to wait a bit longer I'm gonna go without it we have no choice it would be unwise to provoke our illustrious Headmaster further I shall find you when I've completed whatever toils I must endure Dr Sebastian okay where is he Sebastian I'm coming baby Sebastian mentioned sneaking into the Restricted Section perhaps he'll have an idea Sebastian oh Sebastian I'm coming you want them listed you have to set it stream elements commands don't work just set on list anymore what the [ __ ] I guess just [ __ ] I don't know what to do I don't even remember how to get back to the Slytherin common room if I'm being honest Transfiguration no child of mine should receive less than outstanding what are you even doing in that club damn she's gonna yell that oh hey Sebastian it's me Sebastian there you are there you are promised me an explanation for what happened in the three Broomsticks not many students have Victor rookwood's attention what was that all about I'm bringing him in on my secret I like him seems he's working with ran Rock and ranrock is after something I found at Gringotts ramrock and when him and I have secrets together fig and I ended up there after the dragon attack it's quite the tale fig had this portkey to Gringotts I'm not sure I follow listen to me anyway we ended up in an ancient Vault where we found a map that map leads to the Restricted Section you can't be serious deadly serious Professor fig has insisted that I not tell a soul about any of this I've probably said too much anyway I want a smooth Secret Safe With Me whatever it is thank you Sebastian clever enough in our court in the Restricted Section and I am meet me outside the library tonight and tell no one see you tonight I'll meet you later confidence is key everybody conference is the key well we'll figure out how to turn Sebastian into a werewolf oh this is romantic stop hello oh my oh [Music] my God look at him Jesus see that that's the door we need to reach oh there's prefects in front of it they're cringe and those annoying prefects would love nothing more than to Rattle us the Scribner so don't let them see us understood I can be sneaky what if we kiss hold on now there's a spell you should know the disillusionment charm good for getting places you're not supposed to be cast it and you'll appear as little more than a trick of the light just as long as you keep your distance and stay quiet you mean I'll actually be able to turn invisible something like that it's not as foolproof as a cloak but those are expensive and spells spells are free oh [ __ ] Pepe has pants foreign where's X avoid being detected okay how do I place it somewhere chat oh [Music] okay do you guys okay I'm gonna replace it with lumos where is it wait where is it oh it's right here I hope I don't need lumos I'm silent as a grave oh my God we're so cute together am I [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] see you later nerd don't whisper me Sebastian don't they see me I'm amazing at this they had to have heard that didn't hear that that's crazy it's crazy if they didn't hear that shit's still here quick behind the bookcase okay me and you Sebastian okay let's do it let's do it sunshine oh [ __ ] you told me the librarian would be gone by now usually but it'll still be all right do you see her desk behind that they're talking so loud the key is in the drawer of that desk now here's what we're going to do I'll create a distraction to draw her away you focus on getting the key I'll meet you outside of the restricted I said I'd get you in and I always keep my word she's so sweet child I'm in love with Sebastian okay don't make it weird don't make it weird but we're in love what Sebastian there's someone there she's not reacting she he exploded something hey here it is I feel like this is too easy hey handsome that wasn't so difficult after all now to find that book it was a little loud revilio oh that one's Charmed to look more useful than it is it's fooled me twice never judge a tone by its cover I say okay I won't touch it [ __ ] oh we gotta go down okay yeah for sure what use basic cast while depict depict sorry I had a stroke I'll be fine use basic cast wall detected to lure a 30 figures and enemies to desired locations LT grants Precision tell spell targeting targeting okay okay ghost don't let her see you what wait what did he say what wait I don't hear what did he say to me chat he said what what am I supposed to be afraid of huh what oh that ghost oh [ __ ] okay easy peasy easy peasy what easy peasy just go when in doubt just run should be in the clear now no need for us to be skulking about what why why did you just say we're clear now [ __ ] he said we're clear now so what is it you've been looking for I'm looking for a cure to help my twin sister and so that she can return to Hogwarts because Merlin knows everyone else has given up why do you think you'll kill very things nothing that can help Anne no we've tried everyone from nurse Blaney to Saint mongos but I can research on my own no need to concern yourself with that right now let's focus on what you're after which is what precisely I'll note when I see it cryptic well wouldn't you like that jeez where are we We're Gonna Knock stuff over and make a Ruckus oh peeves call me his girlfriend please exploring we'll get caughty paves don't hello I'm going to tell please please don't tell blasted stop him or at least get to the librarian with a good excuse for all of this don't get in trouble wait I don't want you getting into trouble for me I have a way with the faculty when it comes to disciplinary matters besides I like having friends who are in my debt now go good luck in yourself I know how I could pay you back now where's that damned Poltergeist got to I know just the spell to repair this armor oh [ __ ] I got a repair chat how do I switch I got rid of repairow I really feel like I could have walked around that but okay foreign am I going the right way I'm in the freaking Chamber of Secrets where am I Jesus it's dark of course traces of ancient magic the comma's back I'm gonna have to fight foreign what about your wolf eggs he ain't here where is he at why am I alone where's Sebastian for the love I came on this adventure was a badge Jinx I went oh they got pretty can I open this yoink purple here I already got the other thing all right going in like this lead actually so well we're still dating [Music] bet oh wait I'm a genius who would have thought not me for sure okay there's some bad guys surprising Gods at the ready wait am I supposed to I'm gonna have to be whoa whoa whoa [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa I didn't know we were fighting right now ow go Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus dude bro I don't have any more spells how do I get more of that yeah I'm gonna retry for the love how do I get more pots okay I need to all surprising oh [ __ ] oh I can get help now great foreign [Music] oh [ __ ] you're beautiful but I need your help gone huh not ideal oh [ __ ] Gotta Wait oh what foreign oh it's just timer it's a timer it's a timer it's a timer okay okay all right how do I go faster I just roll no [ __ ] go that's why was I shooting so much this must be the way forward to wear what's this trick gonna be there best keep my wits about me these triangles have got something can I just oh oh [ __ ] I say okay oh chest okay oh you're kidding me oh this is tough away this is not good for us as a team uh oh [ __ ] but I know Gladiator I can't switch very well for the help where's the health y play music no there's my help it's right there fish oh I'm dead there's no way no I'm so close oh so close damn it okay okay okay okay I'll be better this time I feel like I'm getting better I'm getting better I'm getting better all right do I die more than most people you've watched play this game be honest I just I get really bad at being able to switch okay how I dodged it oh that's nice if I throw them off the thing are they gone oh [ __ ] that's my face [ __ ] it no okay that was bad all right let me just restart I got it this time don't worry okay everybody relax this time for real ready and then I switch over here oh yeah that's called banana thank you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you no [ __ ] [ __ ] jump bro oh I really can't seem to figure it out huh all right thanks hush Mary okay this time this time don't worry Chad this is the one yeah okay all right so I just need to get better at targeting let's go like that and then I Target you put some combos in there and then back to you and then oh yeah oh you've been a [ __ ] true [ __ ] stupid potatoes thank you [ __ ] go Google no no get up get up no let's go bro potato oh you [ __ ] not like this bro oh you little [ __ ] Corey thank you for donating 15 dollars it is a book after all [Music] that was huge Oh Come book but that's nice well that's sad oh those are dope [Music] I feel like this is my third job they are preparing everything oh [ __ ] that kid got a cold from all the rain foreign [Music] you wanted to see me I had mistress Fitzgerald Professor Rackham this is the Dora Morgan Arch welcome Professor Rookwood yeah Professor Bacall we understand that you are adjusting well to life at Hogwarts I am I am glad especially in life of your unusual situation starting as a fifth year as it happens it's me I was also admitted to Hogwarts as a fifth year I've never heard of another like us miss morganock when we spoke yesterday after class you asked about the beautiful swirls you saw years ago when we visited your Hammer I recognized you all immediately I thank you enough for what you did we were glad to help and yes I did see swirls of magic everywhere that day my father insist it was My Imagination Running Wild but exactly real to me it was not your imagination first of all Professor racks can see them too but we've never known could be too cozy dog to understand what Huey Jackson Whisperers or traces that appear when a particular form of ancient magic is wielded ancient Magic few are capable of wielding it Hogwarts itself is a stronghold of ancient Magic so if I can see traces of ancient Magic the proper training but let us not get ahead of ourselves Miss Morgan before I can train you to wield such Magic you must first master all that Hogwarts has to offer yeah we're just chilling like we're not like stressed about it it's powerful it can do great harm in the wrong hands it must be wielded by a select few such we ask that you not speak to anyone about what we have discussed here today Sebastian am I going to get detention sneaking in the Restricted Section again I had thought we were through with this Mischief clearly detentions are insufficient I'm afraid I used to take this to the Headmaster but is that being said peeves informs me that you didn't come alone tonight someone has coerced you I would have you tell me he's ugly man you're a bright boy don't waste this there was nobody else I came alone He Loves Me Oh Sebastian oh my God what will your uncle say bro he loves me if this was Sims we'd be woohoo in my mouth wait should I not be concerned that I'm in here I'm also in the restricted Library anything to revilio oh let me in how do I get in there how do I get in there how do I get in there turns out I can't oh I gotta go out this way all right anymore oh potato and potato to you too uh uh local thank you for the 18. wait am I going what do I always think I'm going the wrong way wow this is nice have I been out here before foreign powder a little better blue thank you Patrick for gifting a sub to Draco Malfoy you cannot be serious goblins working with Rookwood makes no sense who is this who are you the unorthodox why are we telling our secrets to this guy an orthodox it's inconceivable it's ah fig you have a visitor yeah I'm sitting right here hello sir I was able to search the Restricted Section while you're with Professor black it was a book we were after here you go what that's wait you access the Restricted Section but how but how thinking on it perhaps it's best you spare me the details fair enough in fact section as it appeared on the map I want to hear everything first let's have a look okay oh page is missing oh dear some of these Pages seem to be missing it appears someone has got to the book before us still I will need time to study what remains perhaps we can still Salvage something why am I being looped into this I'm just like a kid hello Hogwarts I think I know sir I saw two more memories where I found the book another pensive godric's heart the man we saw before Percival Rackham was a professor here the first memory showed him and three other professors using ancient magic to restore a hamlet from a drought Miriam was right and the second memory in the second they were talking to a student who started as a fifth year like I did she could see traces of magic too why those memories perhaps this book will explain now I'll have to take it with me to London the Headmaster has insisted that I speak directly to the minister about George's death I understand I'll see what I can learn about the missing pages while you're gone good don't neglect your studies your wand work is improving by the day but you'll want to pay attention in herbology and Potions okay there's more to Magic than spell casting plenty to keep me occupied while you're gone you've done exceptionally well I look forward to seeing all that you've accomplished when I return He Loves Me Oh and don't neglect your friends you may be surprised by how much you can learn from them as well thanks I'll spend more time with Sebastian don't you sweat it [Music] what's my next object oh I meant this oh I don't wanna I don't want to help her what am I supposed to do what do I do live as a student I was living in a meets me in lower hogsfield as soon as possible thank God as long as it's not that girl oh I've got to go to her biology class see you later huh what it's time to prove your dueling metal and see if we have a new school Champion meet me at the usual place for the final round of crossed ones shut up training dummies still available looking shut up Professor fig and Jesus have asked that I teach you an additional defense oh my God please complete the assignments I have given you and then proceed to see me in my classroom can I have a minute please oh I have to go here no way there's got to be a flu powder select the world map oh what the hell is this what dude the map is so big what the [ __ ] okay well I'm gonna go to herbology first I didn't realize what the why is why is this one why is what the oh my no wonder this game took so long to make what the hell can I is there any flu powder somewhere closer per chance this is my closest blue Powder okay I'll go to it I suppose Geez Louise I hope Sebastian's in my class what am I missing what do you mean I don't think you're missing anything we're chilling we've like been chilling we're like pretty good at this game she's being a little over the top foreign again I'm ready for class [Music] oh my gosh cutest teacher ever hello what are we getting snacks good morning Professor garlic okay what wonderful it is to see you see you again Lenora dear you'll need these for today's class um treat for your auntie Hershey doesn't give it to her auntie if she's stuck at Hogwarts guys look at the way Sebastian's looking at me [Music] to Growing together how thrilling it is to have everyone back together again this year will be filled with enchantment and excitement but the most important thing cultivated in her biology is knowledge The Prudent herbologist is no more afraid of the venomous tentacular than the bouncing bulb [Music] okay now then today we will be acquainting ourselves with the mellifluous tuber known as the mandrake root Akio I'm running a fan think about the professor in the empty already let's see if we can't make our fibrous friends a bit more comfortable shall we first let's protect our ears Chapel years now everyone grip their Mandrake by the tendrils and give it a firm tug [Music] [Applause] it's kind of cute though okay you would think quickly [Music] you think if they do this all the time that they would have the roof the soil should envelop the root like a warm dirty blanket put Ting the Mandarin oh never mind they just apparel I'm very sorry about that yours was a bit mature I'm afraid what does that mean all right then off you go good work everyone why was mine mature mine looked like everyone else's now for our next ask will be planting dittany at our potting tables started I need to have a brief work I wonder if hippogriffs hello Professor garlic yes professor firstly well done with your Mandrake thank you they can be rather difficult to get a grasp of I enjoyed it actually I enjoyed it I couldn't help but catch your enthusiasm how kind of you it seems you're already taking contract to Fresh soil now as I mentioned next we'll be planting destiny a prepared student at bloom I've arranged for you to have your own potting table here in the classroom thank you it's easy to spare one on such things there now donating return to harvest them later perfect with soil sunlight and a bit of magic they will take time to grow let's see how to balance my staff thistle Arrangements this game any good I'll be honest this is the first game that has excited me in years this is the respirative properties make it a vital ingredient in the wig and weld potion as you all should know oh [ __ ] you know what [Music] that's it done once it can be harvested your destiny will be ready to use in wig and weld potion I'll let Professor sharp tell you about that now what say we Branch out introduce you to a different sort of Flora the Chinese chomping cabbage you'll find that some plants are better suited to uses outside of a cauldron the cabbages do get testy without something to chew fortunately I have a dummy for them to gnaw on be a deer and let them have a good jumping yes Professor they're in the other Greenhouse it's just at the end of the Footbridge leading out of this room why am I in charge of this it has kindly offered to accompany you come back and see me when you're finished oh and mind your fingers they do bite why can't someone else in the class do this wait foreign oh yeah I'll go first nice work in defense against the dark arts by the way excuse me your Jewel was Sebastian and he's good thinks he's really good but you outright slaughtered him it was brilliant oh wow thank you guys I am just in this place myself I mean I would have if Hackett hadn't stopped me didn't she stop that dragon skull from crushing you typical Slytherin trick dropping a drag here we are home of the Chinese chomping cabinet Slytherin go on grab a few of those cats now see that dummy just toss the cabbages off it they'll do the rest I want all the cabbages what do you mean toss it hold lb look at that [ __ ] I'll talk about anything they can get back my mouth's on mum targeted some of her garden last year to keep the Gnomes out did save her the denoming but they left her honking daffodils in tatters it's a grenade vicious little bastards aren't they my kind of plants not like stupid booba tubers and bouncing balls we've had a plants that have your back in a fight not saying you can't go it alone but well imagine that wasn't a dummy I was already imagining trust me Leander I was imagining it the entire time you were I mean of course you're uh not someone to be trifled with thank you I see that doggies has more of them if you're Keen other kids too I don't know once your parents wouldn't plant in the garden guys get the idea this guy's got nothing else don't worry take your time I'll see you back in class okay uh yoink yoink yoink and yoink thank you very much take all of those see you back in class slowpoke wait oh slow poke oh where am I how do I get over here how do I get so lost every time is that helpful reminder as to why we should always wear our Dragon hide gloves I attended to the Chinese chomping cabbages Professor remarkable plants aren't they I hope they weren't too much trouble oh don't see any bite marks or missing digits yeah we can't change the graphics quite green magical plants have so much to offer I'm eager to learn more I'm glad herbology is a bountier subject tend to your garden and it will tend to you thank you well I suppose that's everything I still enjoy checking in with my new students I have been revelliowing rebellious it's me my round hearing to make anything equal we must first understand it velio oh [ __ ] I found something I've rebellio to something money I'm rich how come when I find money it's like two cents this place is nice I don't want to talk to you what am I even doing I need a quest should I go to potions class or should I go here how do I go here I didn't really pay attention hello wait what happened wait what wait what just happened how can I how do I get there what does Waypoint mean I have to walk here Michael's leave the sub you're gonna have to run or do a flying lesson okay I'm gonna go to potions instead I'll be honest we're going to potions we're not doing that [ __ ] oh but we could still flu powder oh how do I get that other Waypoint removed damn it ah come on okay I'm too dumb I can't get it always wondered what the other house is there something in there everyone knows whoa whoa oh [ __ ] do you think it's painful shouldn't there be auras or someone from the ministry guarding the school after the incident in Hogs me these are my friends are all walking together hi guys I'm with you he knows more than he's laughing on about a little laggy Solutions is one of the most challenging and hazardous subjects taught at this school as fifth years you will be required to reach new heights of both discipline and intellect you will begin this term by brewing a wig and weld potion Mr takar is this my healing potion this particular potion might come in handy yes Professor sharp the Wigan welcome thank you I need this even heal a variety of injuries we know I can heal some injuries but not all point for Ravenclaw before today's class is completed each of you will have brewed a wig and weld potion of your own okay ish you never know when you might need it please begin a strong even motion when crushing your ingredients please be meticulous when adding powder to your potions one errant sneeze I'm not doing anything it could be disastrous what's [ __ ] clump why is my spoon so big yo pimps thank you for the sub I see most of you have not forgotten how to stir I'm already done [ __ ] hmm not an easy potion to brew well done and from what I hear of your recent exploits in hogsmead you'd also do well to practice Brewing the defensive adoros potion Professor Weasley had you acquire the recipe from Jay Pippins correct yes sir good for the moment you can find the ingredients you need in my office okay but in the future you'll be expected to provide your own ingredients some can be harvested from the plants you grow in your herbology class and rarer ones can be purchased others however may be harder to obtain and will require you to be a bit more resourceful I know what he's saying get them from sebastians you know what I mean [Music] my eggs considered keeping me home from school this year after the rumors of a goblin Rebellion again wait what am I trying to get did I hear Professor sharp say that your permission to go into his office yeah put me in well everything you my friend have been presented with an extraordinary opportunity okay I'm Gareth by the way Gareth Weasley Prodigy with potions if I do so so myself pleasure to meet you wait are you related to Professor Weasley she's my aunt keeps too close an eye on me for comfort but she can't be everywhere listen anyone with a troll size brain can Brew in a Juris potion I'm working on something that's certainly be spectacular I'm just missing one tiny last ingredient that was about that extra spark nice correct that's where I come in you're as clever as I'd hoped simply need a single fupa feather as you'll already be in Sharp's office with his permission perhaps you could grab it for me okay you won't fupa feathers aren't that valuable sharp won't even miss it I can't get enough to worry about collecting the ingredients he wants me to get I'm afraid I can't help you I understand I'll sort something else out Chad should I have done it I felt bad honestly if it was Sebastian asking I would have done it foreign eggs right all right whatever can I have anything else oh what is this I got him yoink those are mine now foreign always has a few potions on hand all right here we go potions are two things that cannot be rushed patience can be thorough oh wait I just want to wait here potion that enhances the drinker's defense by covering them in a durable Rocky skin okay and I just wait a little mean it's crazy and now we add the mallow suite and that's odd what's happening where are you wait it's not supposed to oh [ __ ] what happened well done Gareth do you want the feathers I got them what now Mr Weasley sorry Professor that'll be points from Gryffindor again turn to Professor sharp okay I brewed an address potion as you asked Professor glad you managed to stay on task not every class is so eventful I saw Mr Weasley speaking with you earlier be quite persuasive glad you managed to resist I still you've done well today I confess I was skeptical given the advanced nature of this class and the fact you're a new student I'm glad I was able to meet your expectations a rare occurrence and you do well to remember that you're not a potions Master quite yet in addition to having a solid grasp of how to combine various ingredients you should gain an understanding of the ingredients themselves pay particular attention in herbology the plants you nurture there are often essential to the posters find a safe location in which to practice Brewing you cannot leave a hot cauldron simply anywhere why and you can keep that Flopper feather this time oh that'll be all he knew I took it that was awkward okay I think each of us has had enough excitement for one day passes dismissed great oh that was just great huh instead of term I value all right now what I don't want to go that place I want to do the closer who's Natty oh this is Natty how do I get there Chad I don't know how to get there I have to walk the whole way just okay I guess I do I'm I'm gonna I'm not gonna make it go walk for five years oh [ __ ] I'm so sorry everyone avoid that that's dangerous oops my bad I love switching spell this cannot possibly be as difficult Oh wrong way my bad fly how anything for the prime dude I'm gonna have to walk for 12 years hmm hey ghost which way am I going wow this is pretty well I'm on an adventure the hell are you doing you good down here wait where am I going why does the path keep changing no it hasn't given me broom lessons so I assume I just have to run just running just a running here we go can I unlock this one at least where am I where is this no I thought there's blue Powder over here Sebastian was with me you know guys what the hell is that what the hell huh hello can I do something with this oh [ __ ] nice okay oh my gosh mushrooms dude I'm freaking harvesting out here oh yeah I can roll I'll roll all the way there oh guys more mushrooms I don't know any of these four but I want them wait did I go too slow and so I didn't catch them Mac thank you for the brand new sub scribe nothing okay oh some more Moonstone coming up that's right oh foreign [Music] I don't know if it's like necessary but I feel like I should hi owls I'm just going a bit of a run malicious demise thank you for the seven dude isn't my job so weird sometimes I sit here and I pause and I remember all the nights I used to play League of Legends where I had two viewers and this is crazy sad thank you for the three months what a weird life I have I'm just playing a game that I really wanted to play and I just have people watching me do it it's so crazy the hell what a weird life I want to kill that chicken watch this I couldn't Leviosa the chicken oh I accured it beautiful come here accio this I missed I missed are you okay oh he's good oh he don't run I'm nice can I light this place on fire no it didn't really do anything sorry Rebellion I'm supposed to tell me if I can do anything can I have this pumpkin I just broke it oh let me in something in here oh there's some money go chest money I'm rich all right see you later goodbye world this could prove dangerous if I'm not careful oh don't worry got potato on my side watch this I'm gonna surprise them oh the better hey guys it's me hey friend it is good to see you my friend hey hello nutty how are you I am well thank you this is a big ass dragonfly and I saw what happened with Rookwood and Harlow at the three broomsticks I have been worried about you I'm all right at the moment oh I'm chill don't worry I'm a boss ass [ __ ] cause I'm hot I don't trust her I only trust a bastard I've never met Rookwood or Harlow perhaps they mistook me for another student hmm a bit odd the two of them pursuing a Hogwarts student so intently but whatever the reason you were clearly in danger sorry Natty I only told my boyfriend are a threat to both of us to all of us which is why I wanted to speak to you everyone has been talking about you defending hogsmeade from that troll attack thanks I'm a big guy I shall never forget watching sirona stand up to Rookwood and Hollow in the three broomsticks both of you have inspired me to take a stand of my own hell yeah sort of stand men like Rookwood and Harlow are the reason my mother and I left mati billyland I am not going to stop by and watch them destroy my new hot word glad to hear it Rookwood and Harlow are a dangerous pair and you should know that what is it yes dragonfly behind my head they were seen in hogsmeade together other more reason they must be stopped rumor has it that Theophilus Hollow runs rookwood's day-to-day operations down with crippled rookwood's entire Enterprise that may be true but shouldn't officer singer handle someone like Harlow I spoke with her she was polite but perhaps understandably would not discuss details with the students cringe I overheard some of Rookwood zlat talking about a massive poaching operation that Hollow is planning I was thinking try to get the evidence that officers singer needs all right but how I am going to watch and listen find out precisely what Hollow is up to I shall reach out when I know more in the meantime remember I am here if you need me thank you Natty be on your gut wait you're leaving me though what what's going on here freaking episode of Judge Judy what's happening um I'm helping this stranger stranger what do you need roll roll roll bro bro okay well okay can't affect that guy I guess so never mind bro jump roll I must have come this way think wait what's in here oh I want to get the chest no idea who did you think I might have seen I've been busy with my research I do not have time to Victor Rook would don't give a dog Maria thank you you okay Johnny you leave her alone why are we stupefying I refuse to be treated in this manner Tim Wombo Combo what the that's a Death Eater your eyes oh okay you're being a little aggressive here [Music] let's complete the battle in time oh shoot I need to defeat 10 dark Wizards such an ass just happened I've never been accosted in such a manner then so close to Hogwarts did I lose are you all right I can't tell if I lost I am thanks in new small parts to your excellent defensive skills [Music] they seemed quite keen on you it's a long story but thank you for your help hmm well you've avoided them for the moment prayer warned me things were getting dangerous let's get moving on my research before they return who's Bria you mentioned someone named Priya yes my wife she's the one who piqued my interest in Merlin gave me a book when we were students maybe she's not into me typical hard-working Hufflepuff brilliant potionaire has her own shop in Nocturne alley she's a traveling vendor here's what's going on in the highlands before I do you're a researcher yourself At Your Service historian and archaeologists specializing in Merlin's work and life Marlon of the legend of King Arthur the very same Merlin attended Hogwarts you know and I'm studying some Curious fixtures he left here centuries ago fixtures these Vine covered pillars dozens of them all around the area I've taken to calling them the trials of Merlin I believe he created them as a diversion for his fellow slytherins terribly fond of puzzles and enigmas I can see why you're so interested in Merlin I'd be Keen to know more about the trials I'll let you in on a little secret no one has yet managed to figure out how they work but I believe I have just unlocked a crucial clue I suspect that mallow Suite is an important component in getting the trials to work Malu sweet versatile herb Merlin repeatedly mentioned it in his writings I had just arrived to test my theory when I was so rudely interrupted you see each swirl in Merlin's right he just doesn't stop talking Center that started me thinking what if mallow Suite is meant to be placed at the center of the symbols precisely would you care to do the honors we can see what comes of our little hypothesis I brought a trunk chock full of mallow Suite with me it's just over there by my tent okayish I was gonna steal from this trunk anyway okay trunk yes take plenty even if you already have some I have the Mellow sweet okay lovely now notice the vines on these pillars here as well as the stone swell on the ground each trial has these features place the mallow Suite on the swirl and we'll see what happens okay what why do I have to go here oh come on did you see that the vines disappeared what should I do now Hmm this is Uncharted Territory I am curious about these pies okay so clearly these are the pyres clearly I ACO them [Music] don't accio them hmm solve it okay can I just hmm oh I love yosa them clearly I stand on the thing spell might help us here yeah I know ma'am I know really what incendia I knew it Flames make the pie sink okay okay wait what cures suppliers are back where they started what and I don't do in the right order oh I have to do it nope you did it oh gee monks thank you for gifting a sub Larry thank you for the brand new sub milio okay well what the hell hello Nora I take it we can call that a success we can indeed however I now have even more questions yeah I feel like work I must review my notes I may have missed something are all of the trials like this one oh not precisely well I think each has those Telltale Vines and the swell on the ground you should feel free to solve them as you come across them okay I have what I need to continue my research that's exciting my guess is that each will also require mallow sweet can I have more that you can find in hogsmead should you need more son of a [ __ ] I really must be off such a pleasure to meet you and do be careful out here now I've got what I needed I shall return to the safety of my notes and books wow I'm amazing oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] everything is Slytherin what scrope knows about the old book you found for Professor fig scrope can help you and you can help scrope get to the Courtyard past the pendulum if you don't know it you'll see it easy enough and don't tell anyone what you're up to especially well I feel like I'm supposed to be over here what what foreign what what hello can I help you oh thank goodness yes my name is Grace pinch Smedley of the bath pinched medleys I was hoping someone would come along soon I was about to defy my father's wishes and would never have forgiven myself you see I need to retrieve something from I'll get it might you be the one to help me yep diving into the lake sounds like an adventure oh I see the mermaid's really bad Splendid precisely the response I'd hoped for what do you need help retrieving years ago my grandfather who fancied himself quite the astronomer set sail from hogsmeade station for what was meant to be a quick stargazing cruise with my grandmother okay wrap it up Sydney I'm so sorry what happened to them we can't be sure why would they we only know that neither they nor their boat made it back to shore they were presumed drowned father was so distraught that he forbade our family from setting foot on or in the Black Lake ever again but you're kind of like on it family astrally vanished with them that night I'm gonna keep it if you could dive down and retrieve it I may be able to bring my father some peace yes I seem to think I might have heard of the bath pinched medleys why would I know of your family that's like asking why the sky is blue or grass is green okay you're a [ __ ] a pinch medley name is synonymous with intellectual curiosity we are known for our contributions to science and art I'm surprised you haven't heard of us frankly but with all I plan to discover about the world around us those that don't yet know the name certainly one day will okay it sounds dangerous especially for something of mere sentimental value I understand but I'd be forever grateful of course you may discover much more than the astrolabe true anything else you found would be yeah send me down there I've cross-referenced the vessel's last alleged location when we go to the Lake's topography don't really keep it and tiegel my best guess is that it's just over there about a furlong from the dock it's a furlough it would be wonderful to have my grandfather's astral laid back I don't want the [ __ ] astrolators I do hope you find the astrolabe it would mean so much to our family it sounds as if her astrolabe was just Northeast of the dock and I should dive down and see okay let's go I died I'm a swimming girl look at me go chat it's so dark lumos there's definitely stuff in this water that I should not be swimming in where the pinch Smedley family astrolabers uh probably that oh this looks like something oh oh it's gloves okay oh right over there take me there okay a scarf great okay this is the one for sure okay goggles great love this for me all right that's the one for sure oh I got a potion and I got their Astro blade I should let Grace know that I found her family astrolabe I'm not gonna do that this is mine now imagine man I'm so nice of this Grace girl why couldn't she just a seal the thingy that's a great question I don't know why I decided to help her terribly difficult no I'm fine I'm a big girl can I have the Astro blade ah man I'm active [ __ ] it's dark hello Grace I followed your bearings on a dive in the Black Lake oh how incredible did you find the astrolabe I did find it however I've taken a liking to it so I'm going to keep it what but you can't it doesn't belong to you Finders Keepers Grace I can't believe this father's stupid oath just cost us a Priceless family artifact I hope your new astrally brings you nothing but sorrow if you can even work out how to use it I'll give it back Grace you can have it no I should have done the diving myself father's wishes be damned I'll give it back Grace I feel bad Grace you can have it Grace you can have Grace do you want it Grace honestly do you want it you can have it happened oh can I flu powder wait the chest in here epic Justin think of the two months I'm not sure how I'd fare in a little place like this what the [ __ ] was that revelia level walk okay creepy noises uh gels soccer thank you for the prime now I feel bad chat why is it glitching ugh how can we have such a struggle choosing the stupid flu powder okay so you choose it and then you I don't get it chat what am I doing wrong click the first flag foreign how oh the flag oh oh great okay thank you I feel bad for taking the Astro blade I don't even know what it is chat wait what are these what are those Rebellion ancient magic things weird oh I need to be in this Quest there we go I'm running oh wait revenia Rebellion moment scrope knows about the book you found is it missing something scrope does not believe it's safe to speak out in the open scrub has left another note across a bridge among a circle of rocks take care till no one can I tell us the question who is scrape someone called Sebastian please search for the next note I found it oh I know what I have to do Olivia so let me agree [ __ ] uh no get down almost there head for the pumpkins just down from the stone circle look inside one of them you may be able to help pour broken hearted scrope okay here just the place talking in third person screw I'll bring this with me what is that oh you're an owl oh levioso damn it all right pumpkins running I'm running look at me go stupefy foreign oh sorry about all the pumpkins turns out I just need to destroy this one the young Slytherin must be exceptionally Curious by now meat scrope at the water's edge by the Broken docks I was literally just curious Edge hmm they said better not be a trick does he know that I have an astro blade because like you know I can do some stuff with that I don't really know what but some stuff Pavilion okay nothing over here foreign thank you for the five months hello screw where's your ear thank you for coming all this way here the name scrope the scrope serves the Headmaster I've been in the black family for years apologies for the abundance of notes the scrub wanted to be sure you weren't followed what's this all about your notes mentioned the book I found in the Restricted Section subscribe can tell you more in exchange for your help but no one especially the Headmaster can know oh don't worry I only Tell Sebastian happy to help especially if you can shed light on the book scope is grateful this is gropes like mistress Apollonia black may she rest in peace was a student at a Hogwarts her over 50 years ago before she died she spoke with passion of pages ripped from a book scrub suspects she took them to her private Grotto because she was delirious at the end poor thing Miss took Belladonna for Elder Benny's but how do you benefit if I find the pages scribe believes that a treasured black family ring is also in The Grotto scrub wishes to give it to the Headmaster Apollonia for bad scrope from entering The Grotto long ago scrub continues to honor scrub would not dare ask a student for help alone you were looking for those pages scrope thoughts you might also find the ring I'll go it seems this may help us both I shall do it scrope is relieved scrope hoped the young Slytherin would be willing to help and take that are there any streamers you know that's a Hufflepuff a place it's on the piss game good luck I want to make fun of them scope will wait right here for you the best of luck finding your page Aussie boy thank you for the donor that's it that's funny me uh oh wait it showed something could look for me did you see that what's that foreign what the [ __ ] are these incendio oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you got my butt oh okay guys I don't win this can I just run from them I died Levitate by its tongue foreign dude bro get up if you're gonna get [ __ ] oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy okay I don't win this can I just run oh my God I'm dead okay the next time I'm running I'm gonna see what happens okay here we go here we go here we go just gonna go right past them fish go okay okay was invisibility working you need to kill guys let me just try one more thing let me just try one more thing [ __ ] get up chill ing foreign I've got these photos I got past them did it Wicked starting with three months why would I need a piece of toast that's where it goes what oh did skirt them give us that I guess that I don't say here froggies oh you said there's nothing here wait I have to pee can you pause why did I have to push it before I went in there pee I don't think I had to pee okay I'll be right back foreign foreign go get water too I have a cup of water right here okay here we go my toesies are cold my toesies Chad posies okay Rebellion there's so much to Rebellion could it be a visitor who's this oh it's nearly had this neck why is he here oh I guess no this guy's completely headless the names Richard jackdaw I was a student just like you about a century ago how in the world did you find this place sent me said I might find a black family ring here ah sorry to say I sold the ring a long time ago oh poor scrope still holds a candle for Apollonia I reckon can't say I blame him all these Treasures just to impress her alas twister no avail I thought a secret map I pilfered from peeves would pique her interest but she simply rolled her eyes give it to me what would I want with yellowed old Pages torn from a book not my finest moment may I have I'd like to have those pages if you don't mind they're not here I thought if Apollonia wasn't interested in the map on the pages perhaps it would lead to something that would Intrigue her so I followed the map to what I can only describe as an enchanted Cave of some kind and you see what happened next here's an idea why don't you meet me at the edge of the Forbidden Forest and I'll show you where to find the pages I think I can guess how you died but who did it to you I was having a look around when I suddenly sensed a refreshing Breeze after that I felt well light-headed that's all I remember hence if you do visit the cave be prepared I can't tell you what for specifically but you seem a perceptive sort uh Beware a light Breeze sausage why did I need the toast to get in here oh that was apollonia's idea seems some squids love toast they should have taught you that at Hogwarts okay I feel like I'm learning a lot how is it possible to steal from peeves a poltergeist I didn't steal the pages from his ghostly form I merely found them in his wake of Destruction he has a boncho for Wrecking things books bottles suits of armor whatever's sure to cause the most chaos he dropped them after a particularly aggressive romp through the library I suppose if that's the only way for me to get those pages I'll meet you at the forest I'm sure the pages are still tucked in my waistcoat if you don't mind the sight of a well my decapitated skeleton they're yours for the taking what the hell Rebellion what is this they have it okay I have this uh what the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean lumos I need lumos is that what that's telling me to do hmm a map it doesn't appear to be connected to the missing pages best hang on to it for now that's all I come in here and there's nothing else that seems like such a long journey geez what are you doing right here okay well now I have to get past those bugs kill me foreign maybe maybe they left praise no they didn't no [ __ ] okay nope we gotta go the other way no no I'm not coming over here right okay foreign no I'm not gonna die because that was so [ __ ] scrub I've got bad news sorry hello scrope thanks to you I was able to enter avelina's Grotto the toast was the key I met a ghost there Richard jackdaw who's agreed to lead me to the pages I've been looking for oh that boy was never good enough for Apollonia what what of the black family ring I'm sorry to say that jackdaw sold it long ago sad news indeed she'll need to think of another way to impress their Headmaster well scrope takes some consolation in knowing that the young Slytherin found out thank you again scrope you're a credit to ourselves Okay so [Music] I need to get up there huh oh I need to learn a disarming charm why what are you oh we use that stuff for clump s Don't Mind If I Do this looks intriguing Rebellion all right what's that okay to this pot nothing good thing I broke it I like it back all right we are definitely flu powdering jeez I'm far away um foreign quests are how do I learn that spell oh I go here what what am I supposed to do material thank you for the Dono and Rave thank you for the prime what huh that is a little confusing to me I'm just gonna go there I guess it says I can't I can't go to the forest until I learn Expelliarmus Expelliarmus successfully avoid enemies by Dodge rolling Cass and send on enemies how do I find enemies in the dark Forest oh yeah it showed me mountains is there anything with mountains foreign Fable drafting for using your Prime and AJ thanks for using your Prime do it in a dueling challenge I don't remember how to do the dueling challenges how do I go to Dueling I don't remember what's this foreign there we go that'll help me that'll show me the way oh thank goodness I always do that just need to travel there okay there we go all right we figured it out do you guys think Sebastian's gonna duel with me do you think per chance yeah thanks hello Lucan is the final round of crossed ones ready big match today it all comes down to this the moment that we find out if you're training and dedication I feel like I've gotten better ready for a shot thank you very cherry I certainly am brilliant are you dealing with a partner yes yes Sebastian then let's get started thank you we can make this a real Victory oh I hate this guy that's the spirit okay we gotta [ __ ] him up chat [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay I messed up [ __ ] okay okay that round shut up okay to try again yes I just really need to figure out a switch targets that's my biggest problem because I see them all and I get overwhelmed and I don't understand thank you the answer you're better than that damn it oh good dude shaved Market theme of the Prime guys try again yes wait what yes I'm ready now good luck out there why was that not lit up okay okay I got it [Music] what I incendio start me over Sebastian don't look me any good to try again yes yes I'm ready now very well good luck out there hi Coots I put a potato oh God I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] mind [Music] okay let's try again yes I'm ready now very well good luck out there son of a [ __ ] okay here we go foreign damn it how am I supposed to keep track of everybody too many people okay I got it this time okay let's try again yes I'm ready now very well good luck out there okay this time oh my God I'm losing my [ __ ] mind no I don't have my gear up here I'm fine the problem is me I'm not yes I'm ready now freaking yeah um I'm blocking on the wrong person every time oh you're the wrong person supervisor there goes my way surprise um it's the stupid going invisible [Music] okay let's try again yes yes I'm ready now very well good luck out there okay this time it's time for real wow videos [Music] how am I getting hit my potato is up my potato is up my potatoes up Chad my potato guess you try again literally up yes I'm ready now very well good luck out there okay how much don't try to winner how I'm protagon potatoy Jay thank you okay are you better that time yes yes I'm ready now got it very well good luck out there got it got it okay what the [ __ ] is dude thank you you really don't get it [Music] come on Watchers give two hours shut up I've got it this time for real foreign wow I'm pushing the stupid [ __ ] thing videos let's go dude I am pushing potato change your spells shut up yes yes okay if I fail two more times good luck out there I will change my ways okay I'll change I'll level up my items and I'll just change my [ __ ] take it yourself confringo okay I feel better [Music] okay let's try again yep okay this is my last try before I change anything very well good luck out there thank you I forgot about this this whole time wait how do I use it how do I use this free though incending that's so close all right foreign no no I don't think so not right now understandable but don't take too long we'll be waiting okay how did I throw how do you throw the stupid yes thing how do I throw the dumbass stupid how do I throw this okay good how do I throw him okay oh now I do it God damn it all right um where's my dumbass outfits oh right there okay what's this guy offense 11. Health 360. this is how 380 off oh it's the same okay all right did that My Fit defense five throw me in it changing my that my handwear offense plus 15 okay I look stupid as hell though okay defense Plus 19. put it on we're ready to fight dude huge I don't have any I don't have any of that okay that was the biggest thing I need you can set appearance look like normal if you want oh how prefer that it's fine uh thank you for that thank you for that is that a Prime thank you for that Prime okay all right I'm ready hello Lucan is the final round of crossed ones ready Look Who's Back ready to redeem yourself I'll do that later I certainly am brilliant are you dealing with a partner Sebastian yes Sebastian then let's get started [Music] we can make this a real Victory shut up that's the spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign losing my [ __ ] mind can I not can I why can I throw one of these Flex bumper chat please you don't even do anything what's the point of those wait those cabbages didn't even do anything [Music] okay let's try again yes I'm ready now very well good luck out there thank you for the sub holy [ __ ] okay I'm not going to bed until I beat them okay chat all right Defender okay I got better though don't say 24 hour stream shut up [Music] okay to try again yes I'm ready now very well good luck out there okay incentives thank you results what's wrong you're [ __ ] kidding me okay let's try again yes I'm ready now very well good luck out there foreign let me use it no who's hitting me from behind Sebastian do something Sebastian [ __ ] do something do something Sebastian try again yes I'm ready now very well good luck out there I love you come on Pringles you feel better than that [Music] [ __ ] it's a big hit that round wow what a victory you've won the tournament thank you that was nothing I'm just getting started if the best due list in the school weren't enough competition then perhaps you should consider transferring to Durham's drank now to the victor goes the prize and so it is my great honor to present you with this simple Jesus elegant token of supreme dueling accomplishment thank you it's been an honor you wondered he crowned the tournament winner I suppose I should get back to my schoolwork wonder how my herbology plants are doing I have intended them in ages neither guys what is the point of that cabbage I thought it was supposed to explode and beat things up [Music] I've never cadaver this kid what are my stupid inventory anyway what does this do I just took it from Grace that's fine that's fun it attacks on shoes on your I mean enemies well why isn't it working wait what should I be doing foreign sorry Chad I'm new okay I'm gonna look I'm gonna do this good by myself I click on the map wait I don't have oh no I'm here I want to go over here um click on the map I want to go to potions or defense against dark guards and I travel handy resource indeed your Field Guide I'm most pleased to be included wait how do I change my outfit chat oh [ __ ] now I'm the goggle girl Sebastian's Never Gonna Love Me [Music] foreign I love this teacher she's the best we're always learning in her class huh [Music] Sebastian's so cute Jello don't get me started okay wait how do I change my outfit so I look normal foreign oh okay but I still get the bonuses and stuff right foreign oh I look swaggy look at my outfit chat I look good I look good look at me Sebastian's not going to be able to resist me I hope you raise me I had to ask you I don't know Professor I completed all of your most recent assignments well done then you're ready to learn Expelliarmus attention the disarming charm May often be all you need to defeat the most powerful dark witches and wizards you might encounter spell casting requires a focused mind and a steady wand thank you huge I get so scared of when I'll fail one of those because I will because I'm not very good at pushing buttons the dummy is in practice [Music] what I talked to her about Professor do you have a moment I do what is it I wondered did you attend Hogwarts I did I am a proud member of Ravenclaw house why do you ask I was curious as to how Hogwarts has changed over the years I see well the castle itself as I'm sure you guys is this is full of surprises is she the girl from the memories as for the students well they seem to get more capable every year although we got up to just as much Mischief in my day as you seem to now I used to look the other way at all sorts of rotary when I was head girl I can tell you however that I did once admonish yourself but enjoying a sugar quill during a lecture I I didn't realize that you and Professor black were her students here together appearances can be deceiving you see I was once wounded by time itself what does that mean time itself I never would have imagined such a thing oh well it was the risk I took with my prior position you may you all may not have heard that I wasn't unspeakable at the ministry for years an unspeakable what as you might suspect I cannot speak about what we did must I said just say the job was not without its hazards I hope I've satisfied your curiosity for the moment you have thank you for speaking with me Professor keep up with your wand work one must always be prepared for Mischief both inside and outside of the castle okay foreign that's right there [Music] one day yeah [ __ ] that [ __ ] up revelia I've always said that travel broadens the mind what the hell is that dog Cali thank you for the sub I hate that Bell when I can't figure out what the freak it is oh you guys are smoking weed wait is that Sebastian or do I have it mixed up with another guy no that's not Sebastian whoa what's this oh I'll have some tea oh this is lovely wow this school's great what am I doing okay I'm gonna do one more thing I'm gonna do one more Quest oh [ __ ] I can do this now oh which means we should use the map yeah I use flu powder guys like whatever you know it's not a big deal how nice to see you my young friend what the hell can you guys shut the [ __ ] up [Music] I have a feeling I'm not supposed to be here oh no okay oh what is in the woods over here I'm gonna say dangerous Ministry of magic what's in the water is it one of those bog frogs oh it is oh boy get away from me bog frog go away okay just because I don't want to be seen right now nope wait I want to go see this must be the big spider over here there's a spider web I want to go see it let's look at it chat I'm invisible so we can oh [ __ ] there's got to be a lot of spiders yeah okay we're gonna get out of here foreign I have to go across the bog thingy to get over there there's got to be another way besides the river I'm just gonna keep going this way oh what the hell look chat dear what are all these signs say dangerous well extreme danger it can't be that bad there's chickens and squirrels squirrels act cool what's up here I'm gonna see what it is oh yes everything's level nine must have been quite stately in its time oh that looks nice repero chat I'm only level nine I don't think I can beat these things wait what's up there I just want to see what all the scary things are oh all right let's go see I hope you have your Affairs in order just out of curiosity wait how far up is it what what's up here I'm too curious multiple parts wait can they see me [ __ ] and we're just gonna stay away from that we know the cemetery by the time I retire okay yeah don't worry we're just gonna stay away all right stay away yeah I was looking for one of those hot Senators but I guess or maybe a werewolf but you know I I've got a new boyfriend his name's Sebastian and he would be bothered if I was hanging out with the werewolves anyway so I just you know I'm chill ing chilling chilling here I am as good as my word hey Jack we meet again Richard jackdaw I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to see you it took the cunning of a Slytherin to track down these Pages well said now where do we go from here follow me I shall lead you as far as I can but I fear I may remain a tad reluctant to revisit the scene of My Demise yeah that's fair keep your eyes open for a bird bath when you find it safe intramuros intramuros I think it's Latin or Greek as you can imagine I never paid much attention in school shall we aside from the bird bath anything else I should look for indeed a few landmarks a stone bridge a waterfall and if I recall a lake you'll see you've been very helpful thank you Stonebridge a waterfall Lake okay hate the noises of this Forest not a big fan surprising how much of this is rather unfortunately coming back to me I don't see any enemies so I feel good about this oh I see some the spiders up here huh yes you know the closer we get the more I'm remembering probably best I leave you to it it's [ __ ] okay um sharp eye out for that bird bath had you is that Latin Greek nothing to do now but keep going yeah yeah yeah okay well there's something up here it's gonna avoid it what is down here what the hell the waterfall for a thief jackdaws surprisingly as good as his word which I'm not really happy about that rebellious what is that claw over here that it shows shows big claw over here not super interested in figuring out what that Claw is oh [ __ ] we're down by the claw like stay away from the claw okay I don't really know oh oh hello handsoms chat you see them okay come on okay yeah they couldn't see me don't worry something oddly solemn about this place I mean such freaky creatures Stags bags oh we found it there it is just as jacked all described off on another adventure are we okay intramuros opening up I guess I'm going in just poker thinking you don't know aren't you a little far from home oh God knew you'd eventually lead us to whatever it is you're hiding wait yo everyone needs to chill everyone needs to chill because my stuff isn't set up so like give me a second time all right handy resources and most pleased that was an impressive no risk those loyalists will report back to Round Rock now let's see where Jack door has led me okay all right okay I'm scared I'm scared happy about this about this I'm out of water why am I Whispering I'm scared I wonder how big this place is whoa ow they poked me little [ __ ] incendio foreign but it doesn't stay lit for long I need to light all three before they time out on me um just add the barrel roll what's up what is this that must be where this one is impressive okay someone didn't want casual visitors down here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] me there's spiders foreign see them [ __ ] eat this [ __ ] you I wonder if any of my spells will help me through this let me see the firewall oh [ __ ] okay all right I was I got a little melee in there that was my bad oh sorry I thought you had three dollars okay okay just quick retry all right well then uh I mean exfoliarmus isn't gonna help me is any of these gonna help me no but I mean I might as well put that there all right thank you sir okay oh God oh gosh I'm not going to touch those radiation okay revelia um where am I going I just came out of that hole no way I'd have to go back out the hole really I'm just going backwards aren't I am I crazy am I going backwards or is this a new hole oh the number's going down so I guess it was I wonder if any of my spells will help me through this shut up wait am I lost no I'm not going the right way God damn it all right never mind I hate when that happens she just needed to go down here so I didn't have to go in the freaking spider hole that I went down anyway annoying oh boy well if Jack Doyle could solve this who can I here there's a victory that came down too soon perhaps the next symbol is hidden somewhere revelia stupid as hell I can't reach it oh here stupid [Applause] remarkable oh which way should I go I hear spiders they hear spiders wait these are dead like no they're not that's a dead one that's a dead one oh boy that means there's gonna be a bigger spider oh it's a good thing jackdaw didn't fall down there why is she saying it's a good thing jackpot didn't fall down there bro bro okay I I was caught off a guard on this one bro stop here we go damn it okay I I got [ __ ] up on there bookmark he told you the 23. I I got I got my start my footy not the beginning was messed up this is my this is my bad no really it's a good thing Jack Jordan didn't fall down there anyway it's crazy that she's like it's a good thing he didn't fall down there because he lost his head I don't know which I don't know what's worse thank you for donating 25 dollars here I'm coming oh where are you still here foreign I just thought jackdaw would have been interested in this loot but there's no sign of him he lied about ever coming down here just poker thank you for the sub how come it feels like it keeps getting further away from me okay okay oh I see I'm supposed to float over on that thingy I get it now I get it now I get it now oh anything else [Music] okay don't mind if I do untouched chest outdoor wasn't very thorough in search of this cave your gear slots are full or cell access gear oh that sucks I can't I have to go I have to go somewhere to sell it I can't just sell it throw away cheap ones you just throw them away oh you destroy them I have to pee on my back sorry chat I was supposed to end but for some reason I'm still going foreign all right how do I know it's full or not also what do I do is bad are they in order of worst to best anybody know oh it looks like it because that was the cheapest okay so we pushed destroy okay so now I have more space there but I don't know it's full oh I see now it's at 1920. I get I get it okay okay okay makes me think I'm gonna get in a fight if I'm collecting potions okay now I got lost Where'd I come from I came from over there so okay wait but then yeah wait do I leave here is this not the way I was going did I just get distracted by a crate I'm so lost I don't think you're wearing the best gear you own really no that's where I came from there's no way further to go is there it seems crazy if I jumped down I really just collected the mushrooms because I don't know if I was bidding down there I've definitely been down there okay you're not supposed to go out here am I am I supposed to go down oh I'm down now so I guess we'll see huh I guess it's this way I can't squeeze through that already came from there oh I supposed to pull myself back and get off there Maybe okay we'll see I already got off there did I go I already got off here but I didn't get that one that's my fun I'm glad Richard jackdaw left a little something behind for me but what could he be damn it okay I need to equip these foreign why is this locked oh no those were worth two hundred dollars [ __ ] hussy Press thank you for the three months oopsie damn it damn it I just got more quidditch gloves I wanted those glasses I thought they were cool okay that didn't actually do anything for me wait did I already come here chat why am I so lost I already came here right revelia yeah I already come here okay so this is the this is progress is coming this way stopped there I got that okay can I go up there okay then I definitely go down and I just start going this way I guess okay going this way now oh this is new there it is Bridge it's almost complete oh [ __ ] Fighters back here eight legs is simply too many oh these are Big Boys okay listen up this is too much here tiger okay I'm [ __ ] up okay you know if I start off oh [ __ ] I need to start over give me my things I was fighting like bad okay okay I got it I got it I got it that was my bed if I don't start off right I just don't do it right oh that's so annoying that I have to do this again how there it is Bridge it's almost complete more spiders is thank you foreign amazing not rebellious India ah let me okay I can only imagine how these spiders have multiplied since jackdaw came this way [Music] fruit is lazy thank you for the sub scribe only to look around for the symbol is it another one Rebellion what oh it's over here oh my God what no way okay where is it perhaps the next symbol is hidden somewhere or where it's got to be that one down there no yeah oh maybe I just didn't hit it well the Headless skeleton in sight okay I'll help myself to this back here oh there's a big boy the big boy at the end of the eight shot I saw him should be getting closer to jackal's remains and those pages I don't want to fight we meet again Rich injector thank you for keeping these Pages safe all these years here it is the map that brought your doom Jack door hmm is there something Beyond this room that's just that's simply this is I'm gonna tell you what this is simply too many questions these guys I'm scared Windsor thank you revelia that's annoying what's happening in gringos and the restricted [Music] where am I oh no the room is starting to flood how am I being protected what sort of magic is this I can only hope this magic protects me until I'm able to make my way out of here foreign what is this place [Music] [Music] can it be I don't know hi it's you has someone finally found our map chamber I recognize you from the pencil your professor Rackham I am indeed I must confess that I am surprised to see someone so young standing before me I'm the same age that you and Isador morgenark were when you started at Hogwarts you've paid attention and might I presume you share our ability to see traces of ancient magic yes sir I do as you have likely realized by now our ability gives us a unique relationship with all forms of magic we can access expressions of Magic the few others can opportunities will arise that allow to sharpen this rare Talent do not squander them I won't professor thank you we have much to discuss but first a map found in a certain book LED you here place the book on the pedestal I don't have the book with me sir hmm that is don't tell me I'm gonna have to get the book I'm afraid we must pause our conversation until you return with the book foreign are you kidding me is there a flu powder here foreign [Music] it better be a secret way to come back I found the pages and the map chamber why would I need the book what are you up to thank goodness there's flu there's there's flu powder huge where am I how the hell do I get here though where is this gonna put me out I'm back at Hogwarts I wonder when Professor fig will be back I did promise him I wouldn't neglect my studies while he was away suppose I have enough to distract myself with till he returns with the book damn it how the hell did I go back to my room all right Chad I'm saving here gotta save I've got it we gotta stop this Pumped Up Kicks they do the seven months five hours we've played this game for five hours all right chat that was fun I do really like this game I do plan on beating this game I'll be live at some point tomorrow okay thanks for hanging out everybody I was just getting food sorry it is 4 AM I think we should go to bed and chat I think it's time we go to bed my head hurts looking at my schedule for tomorrow pause champ I have a 10 A.M meeting she's got a 10 a.m chat oh Chuck sent me a bunch of stuff I need to change ladies and thank you for the sub um but why am I trying to read my DMs right now I'm Delirious I'm like reading everyone I'm like reading your DM and I feel like I'm having a stroke even though I know it's all laid out very clearly same with Chuck's DMS same with my writer for streamer Awards DMs I don't know why I open them I'm half asleep why are you opening them what are you doing why are you opening these DMS right now you can't even think straight I got in here because I wanted to see what time my call was for tomorrow what am I doing with myself why am I like this first call is 10 a.m oh [ __ ]
on water and cereal when you don't have milk oh what the hell what what a massive who dat raid my god kung fu panda two later no i don't i don't have the freedom that who that has to watch full uncensored movies on stream um but uh thank you for the raid appreciate that massive massive [ __ ] right did you see what you guys did today did you guys watch kung fu panda one um no oj in your cereal i've done water in your cereal in in college uh pickles because getting and acquiring and keeping milk is hard men i mentioned they were the five months uh me think of the four months maltese i gotta thank you already go saints thank you for the nine franklin bluth with the one [ __ ] year thank you very much theo with the 14 months duck slave with the two monad dota old school dota player people used to put the name of their game in their username a lot back in the day more previously like people used to have like winter starcraft for example people used to put starcraft in their name or dota in their name or ssbm in their name xqc overwatch you don't see it as much people don't do it like um people don't do it as much for uh a truck hit man i mean i've got a lot of games all right valerian people do it that's so weird it feels odd it feels like it was a bad idea at the time and it was only aged poorly um you should try novel ai it's basically an ai that writes some story parts for you isn't that terrible isn't like the death of writing once we train this ai to write better stories than humans we're kind of [ __ ] husky starcraft is another good example um is this really gamers only yes today's a gamers only day i think well actually maybe i'm dead wrong because i might be read a recap so i could be i could be dead wrong but i am gonna play games definitely a big focus today is gamers gamers get in um you said we could watch fear of cold today i saw a lot of things fear cold might be a post-marketing monday monday thing maybe we'll do it today i don't know we have time but time comes quick husky starcraft made it big managing his girlfriend what is she again what is she's an influencer of some sort i do remember this but it's such an old story i remember it now um league players fear of the sun ah yeah yes that is another video that could be deserved to make seafood definitely not zero percent chance zero percent chance of seafood i will 100 i haven't even installed it and i have to install it to get it ready sifu's not going to be shiva's not going to make it in gmi as the crypto heads say uh sifu's not going to make it pre-elden ring there's only you know what i found out literally today l in the ring comes out like in five days elden ring comes out this friday where did the time go i think it's friday at midnight too this is bad news this is bad news dude people in chat think you're already planned for it what does that mean what does that mean already plan for it go sense thank you for the uh uh nine months what up wish me valor at luck all right i wish you valor luck i hope you don't get quack on your team let me tell you if you are trying to win a game of valor it there is one person you don't want on the squad [Laughter] uh i've been doing this extended bit where i make fun of quack's violence ability and it's like the greatest joy i get in my day and he's starting to what's funny is it's starting to really get to him [Laughter] it's a bit i mean the bit is that he's even worse than i'm saying it's like i'm trying to pump him up a little bit um truck just saw the new video now i have a crippling depression that will haunt me for the next 20 years well the video came out two minutes ago and it's at least a 10 minute video so you really sped run that depression because you didn't even watch the video i've been trying to get you out to sight and out of my mind i should just sing the song i literally hit the high notes perfectly vo sleeps thank you for the 15 months 15 months no thanks streak i'mma get to 20 wish me luck [ __ ] you vo sleeps thanked thanks your ass in fact everyone at vo sleeps and give them a huge thank you for their 15 months of support everyone at vo sleeps thank you oh let's make a big deal out of it let's [ __ ] make a huge deal about it how would we ever survive this stream without vo sleeps i wouldn't even go live i literally wouldn't even put out any content if vo sleeves wasn't here supporting us from day one months ago at the hill sleeps you are the greatest person on earth be bigger than that okay be bigger than that not just to thank you tell them how amazing they are uh hey are you gonna restock the enron hats i would say no but i spoke to aiden recently and he's like seems to think we could and should so there might we might actually we might actually bring back uh the n1 ads at vo sleeps thank you so much you have saved my life on multiple occasions i have vo sleeps thank you you are so amazing oh my god at vo sleeps you changed my life keep up the awesome work at video sleeps drop this crown king i want to be like you when i grow up if you haven't been tracked best man [Music] big guy i saw your face on the front of nvidia's broadcast download page and i was shook why are you shook you were shook that shook you you were unable to function after you saw an nvidia employee on one of the nvidia marketing pages that that doesn't seem you know what it's been there for [ __ ] like a year now so it seems unlikely holy what the [ __ ] what the hell gweck with the 50 bomb it's no vo sleeps okay let me be clear it's not exactly a vo sleep level contribution but absolutely quick i really appreciate it thank you so much uh extremely kind of view 50 bombs goddamn i don't know i don't even need content yet in fact you know what why don't i just turn the stream off i got a 50 bomb already i didn't i just did the intro i thought i was gonna have to really [ __ ] farm for that 50. uh good stream sevens sevens goddess quota it's funny because mango has a quota i can't remember when mango said this but i was definitely watching and he was like yeah i definitely i have a number i'm trying to hit every day and i basically stream till i hit it i can't stop um um what is 13.2 k agercoin worth in usd i'm thinking about cashing out well the usd is undergoing rampant inflation but atricoin has stayed solid it's almost like a digital gold so i would i would recommend not cashing it i would hold all your assets nature coin and you know you get double atricoin if you prime it's actually a fact so really when you think about it converting your us dollars into a sub to get more atria coins is actually a really smart way to avoid inflation get your family protected um how is everybody doing does everyone like me not have work or school tomorrow is it a holiday for everybody i'm so out of touch on holidays if it's not an nvidia holiday i don't even remember it anymore yes yes sir yes sir oh awesome that's dope yes i got fired i'm sorry to hear that maybe your boss sucked and now it's kind of a good thing that you don't have to work for him anymore but i'm sorry to hear that um no holiday but i don't have school all right well whatever if you don't have something to do tomorrow it means dude it's just like it's such a rarity that's such a beautiful cherished rarity to have a true open sunday a sunday without the sunday scaries feels good and i will be respecting and honoring it by playing a lot of video games sean didn't think of the 12 months one year proud to be geeky thank you for three months i think that name is dated i don't know why i enjoy roasting chatters names as they give me subs but i do proud to be geeky is like such a you know like the biggest movies are geek movies now everything like it's it's not it's no longer relevant everybody in schools plays game like you know what i'm saying like there was a time when being into that kind of stuff would be something you'd have to be like different about but it's just it's like all mainstream now nerd [ __ ] is mainstream um if anything if anything i think right now in modern day times you'd be weirder to be like really into sports [Laughter] like let's say you're in middle school or something middle school early high school like you'd have to be like proud to be a [ __ ] proud to love football you know it's like that's the [ __ ] crate holy [ __ ] they said another quack [ __ ] bomb no no i rolled him um that that is rarer if you're into fortnite and [ __ ] marvel comics you know i'm saying that's normal that that there's no pride needed most people just big on both i disagree from the numbers i've seen i think um sports participation and viewing is dropping dramatically among uh gen z and especially gen alpha [Music] that's another classic people just try to hijack the convo bro we're talking about geeks and nerds and marvel and football some guys like our roth iris a good idea or should i invest on my own it's not that i can't answer it it's that like you just you [ __ ] you don't look around it doesn't matter what i'm saying or what chat saying you're just like i'm gonna force this question through i'm going to force it down mid we're going to launch this bomb into the [ __ ] room we're going to see if it [ __ ] no i don't want to talk about roth iras right now uh windy effect they were the five gifted very very nice of you no yours is winky fake that's an odd name winky face like you fake wink chas x name in three months team crees thank you for the 14 um bananas so random i'm sorry i take it back proud to be nerdy your name is not dated banana's so random your name is dated you take the new [ __ ] crown banana so random is [ __ ] holds up spork early 2000s internet hey truck thoughts on mozart okay these are doing on purpose now all right i can't i can't even call anything out this is where this is why streaming is the hardest job in the world by the way this is why i'm a [ __ ] modern day hero i i'm more important than the marines to keeping this [ __ ] it's whenever you call out a behavior in chat people well troll face do it more i thinking it's the funniest thing that they've ever seen in their entire life [Laughter] uh [Laughter] [Music] if i donated would you think my name is silly maybe a little goofy um i didn't see your name i only saw the chat message so i don't know but i don't do donations it would just be a sub um hitman tonight perhaps possibly i do need to practice i'm really thrown off actually i'm really [ __ ] thrown off my entire world view and schedule and timing is thrown off because i realize i only have five [ __ ] days until eldon ring and my whole i kept thinking i have so much time until all the ring to do all this stuff i don't really have much time at all so i'm unsure how i'm going to approach it i'm unsure i'm gonna approach it i really don't know excited for the hitman contract youtube video it's gonna be a banger assuming quack ever gets out of bronze and finishes it um do you give me permission to backseat an elden ring no of course of course not come on if you've watched my stream even for one minute the thing i hate in most in the world is backseaters if i were given permission by the devil to redesign hell i would dig a hole beneath murderers and make a [ __ ] deeper layer that goes for backseaters okay [Laughter] and that's where i would stick them they'd have to go they'd have to [ __ ] no literally it would be like an escalator down as they're sent to hell and they'd have to see like the worst [ __ ] most heinous criminals of all history cannibals murderers and just like they keep going down deeper uh yeah it's gonna be like hitler hitler and backseaters down there in the [ __ ] ninth level backseat is worse than hitler now they'll be the same level it'll be hitler and backseaters hitler was probably a backseater anyway actually hitler notoriously backseated all his generals and severely negatively impact germany's ability to win the war so he was actually a terrible terrible backseater backseater is talking to satan you know actually you could burn me a little better if you use the hotter flame if you use the blue part of the flame it'll actually torture me more yeah no i watched i watched someone else do this and actually what i oh [ __ ] hate backseaters dude i hate him hate him as a history professor i did not expect to be hearing about hitler being a backseater today but if you weren't history professor you would have expected it or you just want to drop that in um [Music] i think as a history professor you should know that every conversation on the internet inevitably devolves into someone mentioning hitler it's like one of the earliest rules of the internet west coast i think of the three months gift my name keith thank you for the six months fluff puff guff thank you for three months ducks galore with the seven uh chuckle locko thank you for the uh four months um hot tape yeah rule 34. uh [Music] i love golden grahams i love going grams thank you for the gift these black rock holdings wait isn't blackrock holdings the major gigantic investment firm that's been buying up houses across the country from middle class families are you driving me five gifted that's hype dude you know what they're not so bad i know i've said some things about them in the past but they're not so bad real recognized real so true monkey nation they have the 10 months cowboy garfield thing cowboy garfield cowboy garfield that's me this sounds like a [ __ ] um i assume that there's going to be a summoning salt about you and you like actually have the world record for some game it was then that a new challenger appeared cowboy garfield had a three minute and 28 second run that absolutely turned the world on its head uh b is for brought thank you for the two months boolean thank you for the five months con dad dave with the four null eleven rifles burst with the five gift sorry i missed that um what are we doing today we're playing games video games i don't know if you heard of them has anyone ever heard this new [ __ ] thing called video games it's like movies but you actually have personal control over what goes on in the screen they're kind of crazy they're kind of blowing my mind and so i'm going to be playing them today as part of a unique take on this website most people on twitch only know it as a place where you chat i'm going to try something different i'm going to try not even having my cam full screen and actually having most of my content be video games it's gonna be a [ __ ] game changer and it could be the future of twitch it could be the future of twitch depending on the game choice though i did wanna you know what i'm gonna be honest with you guys it's terrible for viewership it's terrible for viewership but i don't care on sunday because i don't stream on sunday i perhaps will play at the end of the night tft with stans because i want to get diamond and tft i'm like two three games away assuming i [ __ ] stay goaded so if you want to see me and my best man just dance and play a game that um in general is hard to watch if you don't understand it then well stick around to the end but i'm not going to do at the beginning instead for now i think i'm i actually want to play hitman is that [ __ ] crazy i just i i kind of resolve to only grind hitman off stream but i'm running out of time i'm actually running out of time dude i have only five days i actually only have five days what's really throwing me off is what it is any developments in the new mumbai no unfortunately there was no progress there was no there was no solution to be had um any grinders any grinders oh you know what before we do any of this [ __ ] though before we do literally and figuratively any of this [ __ ] and i mean any of it um i had something really really really really really really important to tell you guys about it's actually it's actually kind of serious it's actually kind of dark so okay i'm gonna try and tell you as best i can but there's no way i could convey it to you through words unless they were set to music as we always know before we go to the right we sing the iconic reddit song sing it with me chat it's time for already with h3o so let's go see what memes are at the top are this week's post fire or flops so go join r oh by the way physics live i'm gonna rate him at the end of today's stream if physics if you're there if you're live at the end of my stream i'll rage you on god but you can't call me that's the rule you can't call me during stream but i'm 100 percent down to rager welcome to the reddit dot com slash r slash atriac it's the fastest growing subreddit in the history of the website and in fact i believe and i've never used this bit before but i believe now that we've hit 21.7 k members we are officially the number one subreddit on reddit we did it we finally [ __ ] passed our politics our news our [ __ ] pc gamer we passed them all we passed our gaming we [ __ ] did if you check the charts we are literally the number one biggest subreddit on reddit nobody has bigger than 21 700. [ __ ] this is huge for me we had lost it recently but we got it back uh well deserved good [ __ ] thank you no problem hey you know what i couldn't know without you guys about the community and um this is just really big i knew i believed you know people said it was impossible because it couldn't be done but i thought you know what maybe it can be done with the right squad the right crew working together all rowing in the same direction the impossible could become possible and that's why i'm gonna go proudly over top of this week what do we have was we're playing the stanley parable and marketing mondays how did i not notice this when i played the [ __ ] game that's like a free joke that's crazy unless they added it later holy [ __ ] they knew maybe they predicted it you know what's weird is they follow that with termination tuesdays which is what i should bring around maybe after marketing mondays i will do termination tuesdays where i'll be banned half the chat half the chat we'll do a thanos snap and we'll just ban half the chat on tuesday that way we keep our circle tight you know uh but today's sunday nobody has to worry the curse timeline and you [ __ ] found an old photo of my nvidia orientation day and painstakingly photoshopped everything in it to be amd a valuable use of your time to be sure uh i don't know why i took a photo of my passport thank god it wasn't like anything leakable um i remember this specifically um this day because we were all in this big uh conference room and i'm here on the edge of the desk and the guy next to me was um uh this is just smart looking older gentleman and uh they asked us to go in a row and tell us a fun tell the room a fun fact about yourself for orientation and um so i was like oh yeah here's my fun fact um i love esports and i once competed in some tournaments and or something like that was something about gaming dude it was kind of goofy and then the guy next to me goes um my fun fact is nvidia's ceo jensen huang saw my award-winning paper on ai thermodynamics and actually called me personally to apply for this job and i'm going to be leading up the [ __ ] head and i was like what the [ __ ] bro really right after me right after my [ __ ] fun fact you're gonna hit him with that it was so [ __ ] whack dude it made me [ __ ] it wasn't fun at all it wasn't fun at all certainly i look like a [ __ ] clown look like a child it was so [ __ ] annoying so i just sit my orange juice angrily the actual curse time was a dragon blizzard true i did turn down a job offer from blizzard a 2018 job offer from blizzard to join nvidia which was a phenomenally good choice that was truly a phenomenally good choice my god my god dude that turned out well on like every level i mean even if blizzard had been a perfectly fine company which it turns out it was not um nvidia stock went up like 800 since 2018 so like it was just f it was a great choice on many levels and i'm very very happy that i trusted my gut i trust in my gut and i also have a really good boss in a minute to be quite honest he was one of the main reasons i went up vote uh gecko made well the report says it's targeted harassment at someone else and it probably started wrestling at me gekko i'm not playing chess with you i'm not playing chess i'm not doing it there is no world where i do it because i don't want to play with mario so i'm not going to do it here you want gekko if you want to get mario played find a way to get 2 000 subs in my pocket because i'm not doing unless i get 1000 subs and that means i'm not gonna do it all right um only q4 my class isn't ready for the q6 gambit at asu marketings oh my god you're in the asu marketing sim and you named your team atrioc that's a [ __ ] gangster there's a non-zero chance it could be the same teacher right that's not crazy professors teach for a while um it's bikes yeah they change the game they no longer run the laptop when i am aware of that they now do they did like um they've done a bunch of stuff people tell me because people that see my quarter six gambit video and are in school are a lot of them are still doing this game and they they all dm me and they're like yeah it's not it's not uh laptops anymore bro it's bikes or what's you know they've tried a bunch um but anyway that's [ __ ] cool and it looks like you're kind of crushing you have 47 market share baby um dominating the mountain bike category dominating the speed category have a [ __ ] lead in the recreation category let me see your quarter quarter by quarter um third time's the charm i hope this post bruh what is this like leaning up against the wall okay i got a i got a ice cold bottle of coke a cola mexican coke and i'm leaning up against the wall i got my shades on and there's like a wind blowing and i'm like damn i think i look pretty good right now ari's getting the tacos right ari's getting the tacos and i'm just like cute i'm super relaxed and in my mind i'm thinking like i think i look like [ __ ] james bond in my mind i'm like damn i'm like looking like james [ __ ] bond right now and then ari immediately right as i think that ari walks back to me with the tacos and she puts them in front of me on the table and the first thing i say is yummers that's fire bro man i need to work with some people i want to do more animations in my [ __ ] one of our like when we do the highlight videos for the month it'd be fire to throw this in there uh fiji water we gotta talk bro this is hype i'm always trying to work and work with talented people in the community i'm always trying to do it for now i need to talk i need to get back to you i'm trying to do a thumbnail without reno uh fiji water thank you i had a fiji water today actually maybe it was fate the first result for dream images on google is glizzy man himself i don't have to call me the glazing man but yes this is true we already revealed it that i am actually dream by day when i'm in a video play by day dream by night a truck by late night it's a lot of it's a lot of work someone's got to do it it actually is yeah it literally is which is crazy it's shocking uh but true the marketer of monday wow you really captured my good side thanks man wow thanks man really appreciate it very flattering photo um that you drew here uh fady illusions thank you for the art i do this unique crag you put into my forehead um love it i love this this whole thing very a true james bond lookalike yeah thanks man i appreciate it the legend is coming back hitman three sincerely go is this a custom ghost skin for hitman with an enron cap wait wait wait wait wait wait what and glizzy socks i'm not interested uh this is fire wait if this is if this is in game and i can use it send it to me i won't use it for every game because i want the clown to be its own thing but i will definitely use it for like elusive target or something damn if it's real anyway otherwise this is super sick the [ __ ] enron cap looks awesome if i ever had a i don't know if this would be allowed but if i ever had a drop in a game like you know like when they did rust um and then streamers got drops if i ever had that this would what i would want a [ __ ] enron cap in game would be so sick i actually tried to buy um there was an ebay auction for the enron code of ethics it was a manual that was the enron code of ethics uh from back in the day but it got too expensive it was it i was gonna put like a few hundred bucks in and it i think it got like way up higher than that so i thought it would have been so [ __ ] sick to get the actual enron code of ethics would be [ __ ] awesome what the [ __ ] is enron it's uh it's one of the greatest frauds in american corporate history it was like the fourth biggest company in america at one point and turned out to be entirely fraudulent was making almost no money and pretending to be making a ton of money and they exploded and yeah um which is why it'd be ironic to have their code of ethics you understand uh all right laid to the train and messy but have some sakura trioc art this is [ __ ] good taro bub whoa whoa whoa whoa this is crazy we should use this wait terrible can we use this with credit for the thumbnail actually i should pay you we should talk this actually goes hard in the paint reddit kind of cracked today on art i would love to use this as a thumbnail for the next secure video which is posting i think tomorrow holy [ __ ] yes you can use it with credit oh [ __ ] yeah tarot doodles in chat tarot doodles thumbs up hearts amazing yeah i would love to this would be a sick thumbnail for the next video would love to use that um and yeah actually reach out on discord we should we should pay we pay for other thumbnails that are much worse than this we should pay for this one reach out we'll figure it out um i'm not paying for this i'm not paying for this hand safety thought i'd drop this here and it's my fiance with stanz's face photoshop on top of it one of the most beautiful days of my life when i proposed to my fiance ariana and instead you've you've made it horrifying with uh this image of stans although i will say um you know it's like it's like i like tacos and i like spaghetti i don't want to mix them together i don't want like a spaghetti-filled taco stand and ari two my favorite people in the world love ari love stands don't want them together spaghetti tut is that an icarly reference no i'm far too old for that no that's happenstance but everyone seems to love it so yeah it was definitely planned for the zoomers it's not not an icarly reference i have not seen icarly i'm not a big icarly guy um so let's move on everybody just leave it all to me let's move on um i've got my pet ostrich and let's move on to the next thing i've never seen i carly my life [Music] what is this [Music] this is so stupid nobody actually wants to watch paper mario you you know it's like i've never tried it's bad people don't watch it they only like the meme of it nobody actually wants to watch it there's no [ __ ] joy in it it's all cubing together it wasn't this is very you got me though i didn't recognize what it was i wasn't good at it 2 13 22 number one be popular twitching ray truck no big deal i don't look exactly like this right i don't i don't look like i don't have a giant troll face for one that's that's that's the first part of it not pretty close um two streamer friend ludwig challenged you to a brother's bro that is a spitting image of ludwig to be true number three you challenged him in league february 13th 2022 the league incident yeah okay you know i did like first of all the big flaw here is that there's a fizz if i was able to use fizz there wouldn't be a [ __ ] problem but ludwig made the rules as it goes it's a [ __ ] 1v1 on [ __ ] the aram map 100 cs account tower doesn't count random champions [ __ ] cutie talking to my ear um this is loss yeah uh but yes i did i lost i lost league it shall haunt me at the end of my days unfortunately what's unfortunate really the worst part about it is upon review i knocked him out of my own hole i tossed the six w and knocked him out like i had the win and i knocked him out of i was just spamming i was just spamming buttons i haven't played ziggs i don't know [ __ ] ziggs i just threw everything at him because i thought he was low hp that's insane i have to persevere you have to get back up phil is 100 a glizzy gremlin you can tell by his uniquely glarkety writing style you have a problem you have a problem you need to be able to speak normally it's not going to help you in life um what is this phil jamison mario the idea versus mario the man let me get a full screen on this philosophy 101 okay this is just this only not too long ago everybody knows mario is cool as [ __ ] horrible opening i know decently strong opening to be honest um but who knows what he's thinking who knows why he crushes turtles to save the princess also because the teacher knows about mario in a big way and why do we think about him as fondly as we think of the mythical non-existent dr pepper per chance you can't just say perchance i believe it was kant who said experience without theory is blind but through that experience is mere intellectual play mario exhibits experience by crushing turts all day but he exhibits theory by saying let's go keep it up baby when mario leaves his place of safety to stomp a turdy he knows that he may die and yet for a man who can purchase lives with money a life becomes a mere store of value a tax can be paid for much as a rich man feels any law without with a fine is a price fine we think of mario as a hero but he is simply a one percenter of a more privileged variety the life kind perchance a hundred thousand percent better than matpat [Laughter] because he didn't stop halfway through to say it's just a theory 14 times and he didn't have a [ __ ] 90 minute intro he got to the [ __ ] point so you know what start a youtube channel phil jameson you're heading to the top that was his midterm bass dude upvote change the game a hundred up votes and i named my son ray tracing well he's actually an actor wait raymond phillip tracing jr is an american actor that is known for his roles in metro exodus control metro exit is the biggest ray tracing game that's actually crazy oh it's fake oh it's fake oh i believed it i believed it no it's not real dare to believe i guess in this crazy cruel world and you'll get shut right down believe in little magic a little spark believe that they could be different and i guess the internet will just shut you down close the door that's society for you if it was real though i would literally try to get him in a marketing campaign the reason i was so excited because i was like damn this would be really funny we could definitely make like a short [ __ ] video with ray tracing playing raytracing if he was actually i thought i was already thinking of the [ __ ] marketing material but uh no it's not real sad uh we already saw this but it is amazing didn't we already see this i can't even remember maybe i've just seen it either way it's [ __ ] amazing well no i got these kills avraham's been dropping [ __ ] fire fire fire art um uh in all the recent recaps this is fire um and again might use it for a thumbnail we're working on some stuff together big up voties luckily only two of these cause death is just the ranking of the biggest nuclear bombs why does this have 300 up votes on my subreddit what this doesn't oh it's the ziggs r i literally didn't get it i really didn't even check it oh my god i'm not even reading i'm not reading it's just 70 omega i lols get it oh my gosh reminds me of icarly [Music] very funny very funny 50 megaton 70 omega lols very funny you know actually the the mega inferno bomb was very well placed if anything the omega will come from my w which knocked him right out of it true yeah this is a classic icarly moment for you guys too thank god fellow icarly fans can check in on this one when i think nuclear bomb humor i think icarly um uh i deleted this like a million times people kept posting it it's literally just from some other [ __ ] subreddit fun age drug fact in his debut with the red wings he was the first ever player to not wear gloves in the nhl that is not me and it's those aren't even i don't even know what those are but those are not hot dogs and also i wouldn't play on the [ __ ] canadian red wings it's all false not a good post not a low w good post okay yes let it out it's detroit see i don't even know how could i be this guy if i don't know what team it's on i didn't think anyone played hockey in america that's real we have hockey teams in america detroit's basically canada yeah that's a good point detroit's basically canada i think we give detroit to canada i'm actually really impressed how many hockey fans are in your chat i'm not wish i had fewer at this moment um america is one of the best hockey countries i yeah i was joking i understand that we have some hockey teams in america i'm aware i just you know i'm making fun of hockey the sport you understand i don't think it's a okay all right um uh gekko made go gekko i wonder if this is gonna be about paper mario or playing chess [Music] damn that did bring me back to where i played mario and no one watched give me some fond memories uh definitely not gonna play it some people were here for this though this was actually a scene in the game that was pretty fun they are playing the artierock song at a coffee shop little do you know song they are playing it right now artiok moments thank you artriak 175 people uploaded this that's shameful 175 human beings read this and get this and this needs to be higher this means more people need to see this uh great yeah it's a it's a song i didn't i didn't invent it it's not my song unless they were playing the psychic version that would be crazy if they were playing the psychic [ __ ] cover at the coffee shop that would be interesting if they were playing the popular song that's not that i got from tick tock that's not something for big a to consider before it gets too settled with ari uh money tips my nft versus your family cost hundred thousand dollars valuable gaming time true asset yes no it's a liability from buying food resale value 7500k so down even in this fictional example i would lose money or break even on my nft zero dollars okay unique yes generic liberals wow how to acquire mouse click attend extrovert cringe fests that is one of the big weaknesses of getting a family is having to go to extrovert cringefest is it a cool monkey yes no the data is pretty clear here the data is pretty clear here but i've already attended the extra for cringefest and i already got the family well at least the beginning part so these parts don't matter as much maybe i'll just right click save this nft and get both or get you know here's the whirlwind i'll get ari deeply into nfts and then we can do it together and i cover twice as much ground because i can only look at so many nft pumping up discords per day but she can double that and then eventually we can acquire even more monkeys apes lizards iguanas and other such differently colored animals and eventually we'll break even yeah that's the goal uh a tribute to a hero chatter four minutes long there's no shot i'm watching this i think it's about the guy i banned for being annoying when i was talking about pokemon gens and i said i wouldn't unban him and i'm not going to so that's that um being annoying bro it was being annoying stick to my guns a structure play for mario age struck should play paper mario and this is the bottom of the iq scale h struck should have the choice to play whatever games he wants and the stream shouldn't control that and this is the middle of the iq scale and then and then the geniuses also say attract paper mario that is interesting you know what's funny this is true i'm gonna say it this is true as in point one percent of people on either side added together so point two percent of people will actually watch what happened mario that is correct if i switch to mario i will have exactly point two percent of the viewers so you know what this holds up i don't know what the iq stuff that's me on the left [Laughter] [Music] i don't even like football not being excited for the super bowl sad being excited for the super bowl for football being excited for the super bowl for the ads mega brain be excited for the super bowl because you know marketing monday will be a banger that week gilgi giga galaxy brain uh it was really fun i think i think there wasn't enough great ads to make it super pop or like even memorable bad ones the the funniest bad ad to me was metas and the funniest good one was probably the larry david one but it was still good still fun and the video is doing really well so i'm happy um for sure uh i thought yeah i thought meadows was was hilariously bad um are you gonna stream jump king or beat it offline no i'll stream it when i if i do it oh the avocados from mexico was funny only because they literally got banned from importing avocados from mexico after they spent [ __ ] seven million dollars on super bowl head that was that was fire if yeah if if i choose to play it it depends on how long i play old ring um brandon paper glizio smoothie king ewing brandon ewing the smooth this is this is so um unfocused this is unfocused what you've done is you've mad libs a variety of things related to the stream and put it all together there's the ghost there's a a there's glizzy hands there's the smoothie king there's paper mario and it's like okay is there a goal to this or is it because it's kind of cute and i like it this is not even going to play with mario if that was your goal paper with rtx on yeah i'll play it then if you put rtx on paper mario yeah i'll do it 100 guaranteed it is art though and i will say outside of these horrendously glycified fingers which bear no resemblance to reality um everything else is amazing i love the i love the big a hat this is their bohemian rhapsody oh here's a well pineapple dude explained it quite well chat as a bunch of monkeys caesar mario and activates their neurons paper mario good really summed it up which is crazy because if it was gameplay of me playing it the monkey's looking away but if it's a meme about me playing it hypothetically knowing that i'll say no they love it yeah yeah interesting interesting was that a blues clues reference no it was not a blue i'm not referencing whatever your favorite kid show is i promise you when i'm just talking normally i'm not referencing [ __ ] whatever show you grew up with i doesn't matter what it is big a you are wow with the references today no it's not a legend's hidden temple wherever it's not a clifford reference not a jimmy neutron reference hype video for the biggest esports happening this year it doesn't seem relevant to me but i'm kind of interested csgo [Music] uh today we're fighting against the greatest north american league of legends player of all time oh you froze me i got one more deal i want it i haven't oh threw [Applause] what i actually threw [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay yes yes yes yes yes we've can't believe you [ __ ] you baited me i'll give you that what the opening baited me i definitely i did not expect it to twist by the way i don't remember this this is badass they had faker on stage in a throne when was this does any leak fan no lck promo this is cool as [ __ ] i love when they make [ __ ] um um above beyond like iconic stuff like that instead of just gamers trot out in play uh that's [ __ ] fire i wish i'd seen that actual good gaming chair looks like it'd be tough to lean lean in um okay okay okay okay oh here's some fan art uh a glizzy finger on a glizzy trigger forehead phoenix hitman h crossover why don't you give me one glizzy finger isn't that weirder than just that only single one of my fingers is glizzy uh but the artstop i like that i like that i'm part phoenix part clown it's a glove with one hole thank you that for devouring the lore uh i followed atriox home that's not something you should be excited about okay that's not something you should put in the right and be excited about uh the license plate says da big a which of course which of course i would never [ __ ] do of course i would never go to the [ __ ] dmv to get a [ __ ] custom license when it says duh big a well quit following me around quit following me around buddy time to cancel hdrack for being the derogatory lord what does this mean i'm not gonna click it it's from our tender uh glizzy's favorite magazine edition and it's playboy women of enron this is actually very real um and it was after it collapsed uh it was like enron went up in flames and everyone got fired so a bunch of the women that worked there did playboy which is almost kind of sad because they lost their [ __ ] 401ks and they lost their money and they lost their job and so they had to i mean it's not like a great story and in the end you know i don't blame them for doing whatever but then a bunch of uh like talk show hosts like made fun of them and like they didn't commit the fraud i think jay leno said like um yeah he's the only thing these women have left the shred is their dignity and it was like they didn't shred the documents there it was it was like [ __ ] you jayla know you piece of [ __ ] yeah so it was from very [ __ ] late 90s early 2000s [ __ ] [ __ ] hmm um hi rochelle zoomers hate leno i can't believe zoomers know who leno is leno's been off the air since zoomers since zoomers didn't watch tv so um and we still hate him true true true true true oh the conan conan yeah that makes sense we know back in the day he screwed over letterman uh that's before my time but i read a book about it which is really fascinating yeah leno leno ben [ __ ] screwed people over over his life um [Music] thanks joka miz appreciate that um if you ever wonder what marketing degrees do just watch a commercial for a competitive cooking show they make it seem like someone had a panic attack sliced their hand off and took their last breath when in reality some guy just dropped the tomato or some [ __ ] yeah i really noticed this watching um uh hell's kitchen on stanzastream all of the like on the next episode promos are like so dramatic and then you find out in real life like none of that happened and it like makes it seem like there was fights when there wasn't fights this is generally this is generally reality tv editors not marketing degrees but it's um i definitely noticed that when i saw what i'm saying stream i'm so hyped and i just want to say thank you as someone who recently started streaming hit me because of atrialk this meant so much to me to see a truck feature by run and say nice things are super meaningful as i'm trying new things again thank you hey no problem king congrats drake drake drake drake love to see some runners um i thought this is about big a at first instead of imagining harry potter without jk rowling read a different book for adults you're 45 years of age and recently got promoted the head of mark damn roasted millennials huh those aren't 45. you change this to 30 32 put that in the 30s range this is spot on um i love harry potter not gonna lie about it not gonna change not gonna change thank you for the vegetables ari um i'm not gonna eat these vegetables you just brought me i'm gonna eat instead my golden grahams but i'm glad you're bothering me don't love jk rowling do love harry potter won't lie about it a tree awk great my face on a tree well done extremely high quality content love that we got 60 plus human beings that bought it absolutely fire ari finding out big a is going to be grinding hitman again and in this case i'm hood at doing the [ __ ] smug smile ari is me looking defeated and chat is ari throwing up the piece the gang signs this is meta is this meta but i think accurate actually i think accurate use of the meme and actually pretty dope i'll give it an upvote actually clever uh billboard creativity's still going strong i've seen this a million times but it is cool bunch of knives the shadow spells out makes out dracula's face yeah that's cool i love a good billboard what's good about a good billboard is uh like i said the amount of people it reaches in person is almost none people that'll notice this very small but people take a photo of it and share it online you can reach millions everyone says how cool the billboard is we make a clever enough billboard it's just a [ __ ] it's basically an online it's like a social ad um which is clever um time for the ghost and svk to make a comeback a fall guys tournament i could get the s3k squad to do uh let me talk to alpha red is this recent no this is two days ago yeah i'll see if he wants that squad that could be interesting that could be interesting uh when big a fails the elusive target arcade the three times in a row no targets and it's this meme yeah i mean there are targets i just didn't get them um we saw this already we saw this already right did we wait the smoothie king must become the origami king and it's a video why i kiss quit streaming and it's me in jail with a pile of coke i was forced to play this game me i would use this thumbnail blinking mario this reptile challenge oh it's in this order that's in this order i get it for okay i get it i gotta go get it he challenges me to chess i lose i play this game and then i quit streaming to do coke in jail that is the future so why would i do this this is exactly the future i'm avoiding i'm not going to play chats with you because then i'll end up in jail it's a warning you really brought the coke to jail what's crazy is that i filmed it and uploaded a youtube video about it i smuggled this much cocaine into jail and then still managed to record that's crazy adriat cap in a linus tech tips video gotta represent oh ethan smith looking good in enron hat hey yo well maybe bringing these back we might be doing a a additional run of enron hats at aiden's suggestion because we can make more and the demand is there and he gets messaged about it and i get message about it so we might do more we might do more chem class crazy bro what is this alien periodic table scientists have made radio contact with weapon just blank on omicron in order to learn more about the earth the omicronians have decided to use earth's best database reddit this is homework there are four non-reactive gases there are euforium amogus cardibizium and thanos amogus has the greatest atomic mass and euphorium the least the most reactive metals are chad menegine krypton and musk on of these krypton easium creeper and ripostium this is terrible this is terrible the metalloids were twetanium bidenese buying these nuts professor depression this can't be real [Laughter] the professor named one of the [ __ ] medals depression and we be on this can't be real bro this is so sad dosia cats again is important to aerobic life on earth ticktacium and hulujin boomeros b b teasium roblox on and doge netflixium oh this is twitchium and disneygen this is obama it sounds so weirdly real everything else this is insane if real i'm blown away this is still harder than asu this is harder than harvard bro deciphering this and making it into real [ __ ] homework problem is hard as [ __ ] drake's down to earth teacher that finally gets it if teachers were like this i would have learned in school you know what i'm saying if teachers cared like this i will learn a thing or two this is the cool teacher brandon sigma lacks glizzymon ewing and you have photoshopped parts of the genesis photo onto snorlax for no discernible purpose or gain and yet you did it and yet you did it not a bad hairline to be honest take it this is not this should be part of my day this is my sunday all right this is my sunday this is a day of rest of relaxation and gaming i shouldn't have to look at [ __ ] the glizzy mcguire movie i should have to do this this shouldn't be part of my [ __ ] day down vote what happened to enron 2. the year was 2012. right over 10 years had passed since the great collapse of enron and from the ashes and rubble enron 2 emerged it is unknown if this company had any funding or relation to the defunct organization but there are theories about this connection which i'll touch on later they first joined the computer sector primarily selling laptops for business people on the go and through the first year of existence they took a significant portion of the market however after their sixth quarter everything changed the company took a huge risk a gambit some might say by overdrafting their finances by an estimated 3.7 million dollars in what can only be assumed to be an attempt to revamp the research and development department and try to become a more pivotal company in the sector one of the founders said on record fight for every single market in every single city and they did just that after this risk the company saw an incredible amount of growth and profits became astronomically higher than they had previously recorded some believe that this is where the overlap in name with the scandalous company becomes more than just a coincidence within two years enron 2 had become a dominant force in the laptop industry shortly after the company dissolved and the founders vanished this raises even more red flags of potential malpractice you know what's really funny in that video at the end of it i make a joke an obvious joke that this stoner friend of mine from that group um went on to become ceo of wells fargo by the way he would he he's my age so he would have been like 28 when i made that [ __ ] video and he makes 50 million dollars here it was an obvious joke and many people thought it was real and in fact for i don't know if it's still there but like if you googled his name it was like is eric or whatever the ceo of wells fargo it was like a popular google search if that guy was actually [Laughter] people believed it shocking the main theory circulating the internet is that after enron 2 grew substantially in the latter parts of their existence the founders bought a cast and the crazy thing was he actually was yeah it totally was in the alps and the company was dissolved after that the questions lie that if the company did in fact have ties with enron were the profits real or created through dumping losses to other entities like what had been done previously the disappearance brings with it suspicion of wrongdoing and there are claims of this backed up by valid reasoning this company joined a very saturated sector with many big players taking much of the market share such as apple dell hp and lenovo to not just compete in the market but to succeed is extremely difficult and they seemingly did it with relative ease at this point there is not enough evidence to surpass reasonable doubt of wrongdoing but there has not been enough follow-up about the disappearance of enron 2. a suspiciously named company with a suspect history and a proper investigation should commence thanks for watching and if you liked what you saw be sure to subscribe thanks man i'll get right on it i'll get out you know what you're right we should get a deeper look into this i know this is a joke but how did the game work i think explain it in the video uh the the game allowed you to take on debt it would just give you a warning that you're approaching the limit of what makes good business sense but you could take out massive loans and since we knew exactly what everyone else's laptops did because we did insane research we just took out loans to make every we built an office in every single city and we built every single possible r d and and then uh it worked we dominated we just took out massive debt does this work in real life worked for uber actually it works for almost all modern [ __ ] tech companies um i made an atriox s3k classic sitcom yo intro yo yo yo big day big day today [Music] shaved his head bro he had such crazy good hair oh my god the folly of youth dude [Music] you gonna that was cute thanks for making that that was great i think i'll play it for the next x3k stream we do [ __ ] seems like never because the guys are [ __ ] disbanded apparently dark story of s3k um i found this cool new personality test that shows your deepest darkest secrets what do you guys see personally i see my parents fighting that's stupid hey react to his 20-20 predictions i was gonna do that for my 2022 predictions but i've delayed too long so now i don't know what i'll do i don't know what i'll do but i think i got some i i think i got some good ones right um worth doing i've already seen this but it's awesome big a's it's not a diary diary and you photoshopped my journal my [ __ ] hitman journal that i've been using [ __ ] to study my strategies very real [ __ ] very important serious journal and you made it into diary of a wimpy glorc glarcator not that glarketer's a word but you did spell it wrong a novel in assassination over 200 million targets killed same hat and shirt okay hey you got me it's disgusting uh okay what is this propaganda poster of the smoothie king 28 to 31 big a era not vote um wow aidan's stealing my thumbnail face whack dude chain grab me some more i made a game for atriox what the hell i have to download it wait a minute what is this place they mentioned try left flicking the mouse see what happens okay oh the bigger the arrow the farther i go right click what does that do and anything huh this is a certified never mind i should get to the top i think something is waiting for me up there this is really annoying i don't want to do this oh god damn it dude i don't want to play this game i don't want to play this game okay gamers only love it beat it won't backseat it there's no way you love this and beat it i don't want to fall down again oh okay okay okay okay okay no okay yes yes can you make this i don't even think you make that one [Music] [ __ ] [Music] is this just what jumpkey is like [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] thank god this [ __ ] music's a banger [Music] oh [Music] overshoot it a little bit [Music] yes yes [Music] yes [Music] what [Music] yes yes [Music] oh lynn okay yes yes [Music] yes [Music] oh the clown ah [ __ ] oh nice [Music] overshoot massive overshoot [Music] [ __ ] okay oh no [ __ ] [Music] i lose the clown suit is that a [ __ ] glitch oh bad oh bad [ __ ] oh god dammit god [ __ ] damn it dude what a [ __ ] angle oh no i'm playing tilted oh not quite tilted oh so bad [Music] come on come on come on [Music] god [ __ ] damn it [Music] oh [Music] oh my [ __ ] god oh my i'm gonna beat this [Music] i should have ignored this for ios for five months you said i should have ignored my life [Music] remix [Music] [Music] oh no no no no no no no no no no focus focus focus focus focus focus focusing right now focusing right now focusing right now i'm focusing right now [Music] focusing only smart jumps [Music] [Music] [Music] come on oh you're cringing me [Music] you're cringing me you're cringing me up calculated lose my [ __ ] mind i'm gonna lose my [ __ ] mind i'm gonna lose my [ __ ] mind bounce off the wall okay straight up here we go oh son of storms [Music] overshoot or not [Music] okay back that's okay [Music] okay [Music] big break point okay [Music] okay i shouldn't fall from here i have a pretty safe zone i'm gonna go [ __ ] brazil i shouldn't fall from here because it's like a checkpoint [Music] insane wall belts okay still works [Music] clean clean clean oh undershot i understand like a [ __ ] idiot oh my brain cells they must have all [ __ ] exploded at once why would i think i could undershoot there [Music] come on okay all bounce for the fans [Music] okay juice progress [Music] yep overshoot ass overshoot yes overshoot [Music] overshoot oh you bounced you cringer okay [Music] this is big literally get back any time i want to on command okay overshoot let's overshoot [Music] over [ __ ] over [ __ ] okay [Music] overshoot oh [ __ ] perfect perfect straight up bounce off okay just look at the clown invisible clown skin like a [Music] butterfly that's a painful it's a painful shot [Music] [Music] oh he's so [ __ ] he's a crazy man with it he's starting to see the code [Music] is that what i'm climbing towards a hot dog truck [Music] [Music] [Music] let me go off the wall off the wall [Music] [Music] not the wall [ __ ] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] whoa good job [Music] okay [Music] hello would you like a glizzy sir oh i see you already have ten never mind thanks man i thought i cried into this [ __ ] game for that [Music] get the [ __ ] text on my screen get the text on my screen [Music] do [Music] it's [ __ ] gay [Music] [Music] smooth sailing smooth sailing [Music] smooth sound [Music] undershoot [Music] [Music] [Music] music bangs on okay [Music] [Music] what am i doing why do i keep doing that why do i keep doing that wait do i have a [ __ ] brain problem what is going on why would i ever think that would work twice [Music] for real damn bro when you have [ __ ] bronze valor players calling you bad and you know you're having a bad day when the hard stuff bronzies start coming in [ __ ] talking [ __ ] you know you must be not doing well this game [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh wait you can walk you don't have to look at this movement that ruins things actually knowing that i can walk is throwing me off [Music] nice nice [Music] this is the hardest jump this is the hardest jump so far maybe i could i don't know did i get it last time [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's like it's just a [ __ ] [ __ ] it's like a short hop like right in between the clouds right here that's not it but now we know now we know now we know actually learning improving okay okay look at this [Music] oh [ __ ] thank god this part does not have a [ __ ] punishing fall there it is there it is what if i could make it from here [Music] i kind of don't want to risk it because if you [ __ ] up you go farther down [Music] oh i almost squished the game i almost got the running animation while falling so i can just [ __ ] climb my way up [Music] oh no [Music] okay [Music] well guys this song's bad next song this is what i need [Music] nice [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] back straight up [Music] is [Music] i'm actually getting a picture all right spark jumps smart times [Music] smart jumps from a smart player [Music] smart jumps from a smart player yes i wanted to be here want to do this like that specifically but [Music] [Music] how did i get down here how did i obviously get down here i don't even know i [ __ ] fell down here [Music] come on god one time god give me a lucky break why do you give your hardest battles to your strongest soldiers what if you gave your easiest battles to your strongest phone because they didn't break you saw the soldiers [Music] [Music] i over shot i actually i keep pressing wasting i keep pressing wazzy it makes me want to [ __ ] scream i keep pressing plastic i'm gonna lose my mind okay focus okay no wasd at all no wasd there it is here it is here it is yes no overshoot we didn't overshoot we don't overshoot overshooting is that in our [ __ ] vocabulary nice little don't overshoot a little undershoot would be nice oh we still overshot despite aiming i'm overshooting every time oh because i'm too strong i'm too strong of a person too [Music] strong-willed oh my god nice overshot overshot every day of the week lied light about that actually [ __ ] perfectly they fit okay here we go another one for the fans another one for the fans nice little parabola there now i need to [ __ ] nail this i think right here should do it nice [Music] oh he's back he's back with a vengeance they couldn't count him out [Music] okay that's fine as long as you don't fall from here what if we aim with the star stand on the edge and with the star where does that get me oh it's perfect stand in the middle and with the star not even close okay stand in the middle aim at this star oh we use the stars we use the stars as lineups [Music] okay oh i'm overshooting every time that's actually huge for me uncle whoa [Music] okay okay a little momentum a little wind in your sails chat sounds like someone getting a little bit of wind in yourself a little momentum going all of a sudden everything can turn around for you in a moment's notice oh aerial drift you slam against the wall then you get aerial drift wait that's so interesting that's actually so interesting this makes me want to die this makes me want to cry who may just [ __ ] gave my [ __ ] egg every second of it [Music] [Music] okay with the nvidia i got that one stand on the edge of the nvidia aim at the cloud top perhaps there's no show that works so aim there zero chance okay go up here if we're standing on this we aim right there [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] [Music] i'm sorry what they told ludwig when he was trying to apply for the role of tyrion uh next over here right here yes okay full screen no full screen oh i was dude i literally wasn't like a [ __ ] nincompoop all right straight up put yes yes queen oh yes now we're cooking with gas okay overshot it by a million a thousand million miles it's fine i'm overshooting i'm consistently overshooting so what do you do to counteract that shoot even harder and that way when you overshoot the moon you'll land amongst the stars that's true [Music] oh my god i'm under shooting [Music] yeah okay a little over oh barely caught it okay i'm always overshooting this so get to the edge and let's undershoot it a bit [Music] okay that's better better to undershoot okay okay wait it's actually better to undershoot [Music] yes yes okay stand on the edge aim at this star [Music] freebie aim at this star [ __ ] i was in the right spot [Music] stand on the edge aim at this star stand on the edge aim at this star oh my god [ __ ] gang [ __ ] okay aim at this star [Music] okay i just want to go full send back to the yeps okay we'll send okay it's full send full send [Music] straight up wall belts can i get this straight up okay this one was a real [ __ ] pain oh clean [ __ ] jump clean back to the glizzies back to the glizzies okay okay [Music] i think i [ __ ] oh [ __ ] me with a [ __ ] rake [Music] get back [Music] nailed it twice in a row just a flex song i went down just a flex on him [Music] [Music] time to flex on [Music] [Music] all right [Music] no you're kidding infringing you're cringing me [Music] [Music] technique [Music] foreign [Music] is the hardest [ __ ] job right here dude i hate this job i need to just figure it out i need to like [ __ ] pick a spot and learn it because i'm [ __ ] molding at that jump you can't move while falling only if you hit a wall okay we're back i just don't want to fall and down importantly to me i don't want to fall down okay i need to figure this one out i need a spot so if i stand right here on the edge right here right in the middle edge of the cloud [Music] okay a little bit left at the edge of the cloud actually might be something there a little bit left of the edge of the cloud [Music] oh no [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] center let's go right let's go right there [Music] oh it works oh we solved it oh we actually solved it okay that's huge that's massive that's massive [Music] okay that jump is no longer a problem i will never fill that jump again as long as i live what about that jump that should attach up available easily i'll prove it right now we're gonna get to that jump and we're gonna show you that we've solved it literally solved stand on the edge go to halfway go to a third way let the chopper sing oh yes dude okay you can solve these jumps dude why do i keep doing this to myself [Music] yes dude [Music] beautiful song beautiful song for a beautiful victory [Music] ever been [Music] okay [Music] actually so stupid [Music] okay [Music] pure art [Music] don't don't don't okay [ __ ] what am i doing what am i doing oh i'm throwing relax relax relax relax relax relax relax [Music] relax that was so [ __ ] soft oh that was so [ __ ] [Music] oh joker moment [Music] so [Music] don't worry chad i got a surprise for you i'm sorry uh they haven't paid out yet have they sorry i got a little surprise [Music] we got any mods in here mods haven't paid out yet right oh you guys did oh because if you haven't uh a little surprise for the doubters there's another bet well that's stupid it doesn't matter now you guys paid out way too fast [ __ ] i hate this [ __ ] game okay all right i got to focus i gotta focus well i wouldn't bet believe thinking i'm gonna pay out because i'm not going to now obviously uh [ __ ] ah okay i'm back here in [ __ ] nvidia i hate this game this is designed by satan okay here we go s3k easy sad s3k drop here jump here beautiful actually beautiful artfully done stand on the edge aim with this star yes stand on the edge and with this star yes um i don't remember which one this was is it this star yes full send yes full send [Music] stand at the edge aim at the start stand at the edge aim at this star stand at the edge aim at this star full send full send okay uh full actually start looking at stars foreign full send this one's just a full set i have so much room full send full send full send okay straight up eat off the wall straight up stand on the edge and with the middle go to a third straight up back to the glizzies full send okay full send no it's not that was not a full send what do i keep thinking oh is that a full set at all okay off the wall it's fine straight up middle third straight up full send not a full send not a full scent and i nice little medium send oh that was actually needs to be a little shorter than that okay straight up yep yep yep nice little short bomb yep nice little short bomb yup it's full send actually stupid oh no okay okay okay no problem boom yes okay straight up okay there we go yep yep okay it can't be a full set but it's like a pretty close to a full cent yep okay nice little short one yep this one's really hard oh it was like this and right here and right here right here i think it's right here yep okay i need to cross the chasm but i can't overshoot i always overshoot let's try aiming right here oh yes okay okay okay okay okay okay so that was like this so this is more like this oh a little short okay a little short but i get it i gotta get it okay oh a little short oh oh thank god for the glizzy mobile thank god for the glizzies bro okay straight up yep a little one yep oh okay it's just a little tiny one cutie cinderella quoted on asking what kind of guy she likes [ __ ] over here okay over here right here on this one okay uh okay here we go ah here we go here we go here we go okay okay okay okay um okay how do i clash again i did like i did like this i did like this or this it was not good enough right right here oh okay not bad though not bad cause i can always get back so like right here i'm stupid as [ __ ] dude what a stupid [ __ ] thing to do oh my god my stupidity knows no [ __ ] pounds oh god damn it dude god [ __ ] damn it why am i making these [ __ ] boneheaded plays all right but we're back we're back back we actually don't miss any of these because we've created a formula a surefire system for success yes yes much like investing in dogecoin this character only goes up boom okay okay yes a little baby one yes a little three one yes i had i had a lineup for this but i forgot what it was i had to line up but i forgot what it was is it this nope so it's like this but let's go up like here edge of the gray perfect oh so perfect little baby one oh not a baby one at all damn that was [ __ ] stupid of me think about it before you [ __ ] press the [ __ ] button ugh glitchy mobile thank god oh i'm actually leading my future away over here not here but here yes little baby one okay then right here yes and then right here yes and then i keep forgetting my lineup was it right here no it wasn't it wasn't that edge okay okay okay okay what's it was it right here is the same thing i just do the same thing twice was it right here oh my god i don't remember my lineup dude oh i didn't [ __ ] take a screenshot okay okay it's fine this is fine okay right here right here to the edge and i just tried this look right in the middle maybe right in the middle it's not that it's not that so maybe don't do that anymore because it doesn't work okay don't worry don't worry oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] okay sorry hey well he easy does it hey we're just we're just having fun here though and we're all we're just chilling okay all right let's go let's go right up here no problem no problem everyone's having a good time everyone's chilling nobody's screaming obscenities late at night in an apartment all right over here got that lineup disowned got that line up dis out don't know about this one though let's go boom and that's how it's done and that's literally how it's done and i'll never forget it now if you'll never forget it i'll never forget it i'll never forget i'll never forget it that's a line up it's in the books that's a lineup that's in the books for this one let's try right here yo but it doesn't matter we're not we're not worried we're not worried because we have lineups and when you have lineups the game is free stand here stand here go to the middle press the button yes dude yes yes dude okay now with this one let's try going right there so far falling out so far [ __ ] up okay uh right no i forgot i forgot it i literally forgot it i forgot it i forgot i forgot it i actually forgot it it's right here okay okay okay good good good good okay i actually didn't forget it i was just testing you guys to see if you think i would forget it and i didn't yes yes yes yes yes yes all right this one let's go right where the [ __ ] rubber meets the road and the follow the road rest what am i saying west oh my god it worked okay this one straight up nope not even a problem is that stanzee stanzi boy i'm so excited to see you hi i'm stans and i'm sad because my creator does know how to draw me and you're also shorter than me stunty boy i can't see the [ __ ] roof i can't see the roof i can't see where i'm going oh i'm literally gonna fall because this [ __ ] guy won't let me see the [ __ ] roof please get rid of the stan's dialogue please please please please i read it already i know what he said oh yes oh yes oh yes okay for this one i'm gonna try let's go to the edge of the gray and then sparkle on over until our line hits that gray that wasn't it but i learned something from that that my lineups need work okay stand on the edge edge of the gray here what did that do for me it wasn't good enough so let's go farther to the right king [ __ ] king [ __ ] okay for this one let's just aim right here yes dude yes dude okay this one let's aim right at the rubber meets the road um almost it almost it almost did almost okay so this one straight up no problem this one walk over here where the gray and then to the wait that was like this right but then over here yeah okay yeah and then this one i was aiming at this and that worked and then this one i go to the edge and i aimed it right here and it didn't work so let's follow the road a little bit yes okay and then this one we will aim there yes and then now we'll go straight up gasp okay that's fine because we already have a plan for this we go to this we follow the road a little bit and then this one we're waiting for this [ __ ] scary okay and then we go straight up wow oh okay that's fine we go straight up [ __ ] we go straight up okay this one i think i need room to fall edge of the gray oh my goodness gracious that was a good jump okay bling bring bring back the clouds uh this one i probably could eat off the wall huh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] straight up oh it's army how do i get there i did it i did it give me the crown you finally made it now stop playing video games to pay attention to me there would be no jk that is she would not add jk she is out there while i'm screaming at this game in here oh there's a little bonus i don't want to play any bonus i'm done we made it okay [Music] wow what a fun game thank you yet again for submitting a game that wasted my entire day on the reddit uh this reminds me what was that last year i played the ghost adventures or something do you remember that where it was like you step on a block and it would freeze it was called sheesh oh my god that game was so [ __ ] annoying that took my whole [ __ ] day uh anyway that was fun under hacker thank you for making it yeah we did it this is a pal uh i had one more thing i want to show you guys so to conclude the reddit recap if you guys forgot what we're doing it's a reddit recap uh i wanted to show you this post yo big ass maybe up your alley and it's golden graham s'mores remix which is interesting because that's what i've been eating the whole time the entire reddit recap i've been consuming golden graham s'mores plot twist holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] uh they're not that good to be honest can i be honest it's just i should tell you this is not an ad these are i don't the marshmallows are terrible it's not like any sort of mix this is what it is can you see it's it's just dried golden graham cereal dry cocoa puff cereal and then like the nastiest mushrooms you could the crunchiest mushrooms you could ever have christopher nolan couldn't write this mushrooms i replaced the marshmallows mushrooms adds a little bit of a kick adds a little bit of a kick all right well um that's the end of the recap might as well be [ __ ] mushrooms without a [ __ ] taste um [Music] so no time for hitman no shot we have a little bit of time for maybe one tft game with my boy stanz to see if we can make it to diamond let's see if he wants to do it but that's probably the end of the um um good let's call him right now let's call right now mike's [ __ ] no it's not no it's not mike's not [ __ ] you can hear it hey let's see if this is don't allow me he says live [Music] oh he's literally just joined a game oh he actually literally just joined a game oh he actually literally figuratively just joined a game i'm not gonna get to play with my dog oh this makes me want to cringe this makes me want to die this makes me want to oh i'm sorry you joined the car ah excuse me can i help you i thought you were donovaline i would i was a new song that just came out by the band good charlotte and i was singing i'd love to hear i'm a big good charlotte i just well um better if you hear them sing it because i don't i don't know a great job so yeah but no you're already singing it i know you're willing it makes me want to cringe you know and that's that's sort of the high note i wish i did um here's the deal lucille ball um yo pickle rick cardo is home and i want to play tft who's ricardo isn't that what he said lucy i'm huh yeah you're right he says honey i'm home doesn't he say lucy oh you have some splaining to do that's what i was trying to explain yeah it's not ricardo isn't it um it's rick ricky well that's ricardo there it is ricardo same thing yeah yeah yeah we got there yeah yeah yeah i did just start a game unfortunately yeah it is unfortunate yeah um because i don't i don't have anything to do to stall until i get there you can watch my game and commentate i've just looked at you okay i was just giving options you know what i mean yeah i appreciate that that's the first option do you have any other ones because i tossed that one out immediately uh you could do an impassioned plea for more people to follow my stream can i tell you something if you see what's guys toast um viewer thought oh you cut out right when you were talking second did you see disguise toast viewer-thon yeah is it just me or is it literally just gonna be like he stays at his average the whole time and the second it passes it it's over uh no shouldn't it slowly go up that's what i thought but like it feels like his viewership is just his average like he's around 14 15 k and then once it gets there it's just gonna end like it doesn't feel like it's gonna be like a [ __ ] subathon where it gets like 50k people because they're trying to keep it alive uh big a trade sector thrill the hunt two or true twos i always take trade sector because you make that [ __ ] special i think trade sex is disgusting it's disgusting you can get some [ __ ] true twos is terrible uh it seems like you get two two stars what if they're good too if they're bad then you just why did you get nine what if they're good though that's anything could be behind the door even if you're thinking about numbers if you do a thon you're thinking about numbers if you do any sort of thon then you're not you're not doing it for the [ __ ] love of the stream you know you're doing it so true hey talk to him hey lsf big a calls out toast no no no no no no no no no no no no no that's what it is that's what he's doing that's what i'm doing i just don't i don't i don't get the point i feel like he just like had this stream did he sleep on stream or no does anyone they're saying he's rerunning old streams he's is he not even there is he live or no i don't know oh he's literally not on stream right now i'm so wrong i thought he was 24 7 live and i was like what this is not gonna i don't know it just felt weird okay he's just playing a video okay i'll take it all back um he doesn't stream on the stream tell me why he just plays videos seems crazy to me but people are telling me he used to have 8k so this is really working they're telling me you're dumb as hell toast does not used to have ak that's [ __ ] cap on a stack oh yeah 15k plus andy on the right i think i got an innovator for just a better innovator and i got the morelos tell ya all right well you you just says [ __ ] with no info and acts like he knows that's a true streamer that's goated dude that's the way to be baby uh-huh all right come back when you're done uh okay we'll do don't be offline though toast average monthly viewers are 13 and 16.5 in the last three months so he's under his monthly average i think i'm dead on dude i literally think i don't know we'll see i just think it didn't need to be in a thon at all i think it meant nothing uh don't even we already watched it one hitman remember we wait i'm not gonna do one run the zelda pose from earlier is called zelda music to relax slash study slash work slash game 2. people were asking if you want that zelda playlist it is zelda music to relax slash study slash work game 2 it covers all your bases one run okay one run right now one run baby one run here we go we're gonna get the world record right off the bat here we go time hitman world record incoming you were here let's go baby let's go mm-hmm [Music] oh splits we got them splits we got those put them right up here in the corner um wait oh i lost chat chat down here you were here we're gonna get first try literally first try world record there is no shot this goes wrong i'm blurping okay here we go move this out of the way [Music] okay destination [Music] perry showstopper uh-huh let's go here we go first try here we go on the first try we're gonna get it welcome to paris 47 okay here we go step right in what enjoy your evening here we go here we go we're gonna toss our briefcase okay okay wow second try though imagine we did a second try welcome to paris 47 imagine that'd be crazy it'd still be ludicrous that was a bad lineup imagine we do a third try though a little third try action welcome to paris 47 that would be nuts people be talking about that one where when a truck logged on and got on his third try everyone would [ __ ] lose their [ __ ] dude they'd pog out of control and all we have to do is land this briefcase right here uh-huh take out my debt not terror press the button well done uh-oh we're off to a run we're after the races what the hell i didn't think it was possible oh my god oh my god world record pace um [ __ ] dude it's still doing that thing [ __ ] remember that guy that fixed it last time and told me what to do could you tell me that exact same thing again manual input it was manual input oh my god but where did you find that again where was manual input oh you're so right that that's what it was but where was it found where was it found manual input manual input manual input manual input manual input edit layout then plus button then what timer no it's not the plus button manual game time no that's not it edit layout plus button manual game time yeah i have that on there but that doesn't do [ __ ] for me if i press one does that work no it doesn't work um control start oh there we go king all right oh this is a good speed run this is a [ __ ] good speed run so far all right here we go whoo 16 seconds ahead baby let's keep this gravy train rollin let's keep this gravy train rolling let's keep this gravy train rolling it's the world record maybe we're just not gonna get a [ __ ] we're gonna keep on cooking it it's the world record we got a gold split off the rim [Music] imagine imagine my first try this whoo don't even have to imagine really the way i play pow pow pow oh he's cooking she's not moving she's not moving oh she's not moving oh she's not moving no red it is red it's not red guys [ __ ] relax it's not red guns you fools you absolute fools red guns look at the color of those guns red guns oh paris we gotta go back to paris we gotta go back to pear oh all right we're gonna do still stands is ready you know what that's the plan we're going to run hit man until stanz is ready almost had him i know it's so close uh it is um a little bit laggy i am noticing i wonder if i need to turn my settings down for when i stream i like to record at absolute max but it's not welcome to paris 47. i'm getting a lot of stuttering wait i'm getting a lot of stuttering okay is tft when stan is ready yeah yeah the stanza's ready i'm [ __ ] blast in a tft game like my life depends on it bad throw does that possibly work you gotta hand it to him no it doesn't ham glow welcome to paris 47 enjoy the show okay dude it's actually too stuttering it's gonna be a problem on later levels uh uh i usually contribute with no stutter so i must be must have cranked something up viktor novikov is next you ah hate that shot why are your armpits sweating gamer grease you know it is maybe you don't because you never [ __ ] welcome to put in the honest days gaming in your life okay whoa on the way did the paris strat change step right here enjoy your evening if you know enough to ask then isn't it obvious like if you're if you're familiar with a parish strat that you watched before well done 47. viktor novikov is next this party went crazy there's a crazy clown at this party everyone out that's how paris became not the fashion capital of the world i need to fix the stuttering this is like really annoying let's try high see if that makes it you know what it probably is though it's that i'm doing this actually this is the problem there welcome to paris 47. yeah it's probably my 684 chrome tabs but i didn't close if i had to guess you gotta hand it to him well done okay nice little shot on goal here dude that's so annoying that shot is annoying this is an annoying shot turn off the dogecoin miner but then i'm gonna get rich think about that it's actually stuttering like [ __ ] crazy imagine not using firefox do you think that if i had 680 firefox tabs it would not have a drag on my pc i think it's the amount of tabs on the browser well done 47. victor novikov is next it's insane how much more consistent the bomb is then the [ __ ] shot now head towards the next all right we got out it's probably a 48 though four five six oh seven all right did you call me a jester well i am in a clown outfit i can't entirely blame her 47 right okay okay microsoft edge is goaded i'm not going gonna convert to microsoft edge thank you for the suggestion bill gates i like chrome my chrome's all set up nice oh [ __ ] huh we still have time hurry hurry she running run run your [ __ ] oh she's so slow and late okay not bad not bad not bad not bad not bad what are they shooting at it's not a real it's not a real um shot you [ __ ] back to the beginning why don't you just snipe her from the start her body gets found unfortunately on occasion uh what time is it i really want to play tft i'm only doing this as a little bit of grind a little bit of practice before tft does drop anything actually do anything yeah it does when you're holding a gun you're um the amount that yellow bar fills up is very fast welcome to paris 47 so if you drop a gun in the air and pick it back up you can actually reduce the rate which with somebody spots you it's kind of sick and it's pretty new um for being incorporated into strats none of the old routes have it some of the new ones do victor uh let's shoot you saw me who saw me i'm killing him whoever saw me oh never mind his body right bro i hate this because like literally the [ __ ] tip of his foot look at this look at this the tip of his [ __ ] achilles heel got hit by like what a tiny piece of debris and he fell down dead he's a bodyguard bro it didn't fall on his head oh my toes i'm dead welcome to paris 47 don't yell at a man for having an achilles heel you're looking for having it enjoy your evening amelia he's literally achilles if his heel gets touched he just then the bomb is dies consistent and this [ __ ] shot is so not did he die again bro he died again and i'm waiting extra for his dumb ass look at his [ __ ] heel my god dude you're a [ __ ] mile away from the chandelier you're so [ __ ] whack my uncle died like that he died from a [ __ ] chandelier falling five feet away welcome to paris 47 oh my god the lag is getting out of control i had to fix this before my next stream because i've played hitman recently with lincoln's and there was no lag so it must be the tabs it's got to be the tabs what are you propelling the bomb on a dolly's room another bomb yes there's gonna be a video on it it's a [ __ ] shirt strategy so the video might go up tomorrow to be quite honest with you victor navikov is next okay i didn't hit i didn't hit all right new plan new plan new plane watch us how's that for a chandelier [ __ ] how's that for a chandelier how's that for your achilles new strat dude new strat welcome to paris 47 rock was editing it today before her after he went 0-13 in a game of bronze valorette just a question was it before or after he went 0-13 and called himself the igloo elite welcome to paris 47 sir enjoy the show jeez you see i'm bronze and valerian but i beat eric 1v1 in a knife fight so that kind of makes me radiant well done 47. victor novak is shot i think if you shoot a little bit off to the side that's probably just bullet spread we gotta run we gotta run we gotta run we got a run we got a 47 second run also word out in one minute i'm beating like two pros and knife fights and you start to add that up have you seen the runs before someone's left it's the same it's the same it's equidistant around the fountain left side's kind of nice because there's not as many people there but right sides kind of nice because there is a slightly less chance of being seen the guard on the left is a little more trixie um all right let's [ __ ] let the choppers sing how many hours you've spent in paris in your life in real life a few days in hitman a few months oh i don't think that shot hit it's not necessary but it would have been nice yeah you saw me [ __ ] you could have learned french so much less valuable i got a million view hitman video or i could know french [Music] quit eating mushrooms in pb there's no pb it's golden grams mushrooms or marshmallows whatever you prefer and cocoa puffs it's absolutely healthy i can't think of anything healthier for you than this i'd pay to not know french is that here they understand me now you get it bro i would literally spend money to unlearn french welcome to paris 47 okay the stutter has got to go boom baby boom baby boom boom boom boom baby boom baby boom boom boom here we go enjoy the show in the house on the time toss the briefcase pull your thing out press the button hide [Music] dare i say a 45 dare i speaketh the word aloud a forty five six no almost seven okay six is good five or six that's the sort of what you're aiming for um okay 46. okay bon voyage yeah pillar clipped me a bit i didn't you're supposed to not clip it the paris route explanation is going up on youtube tomorrow maybe but i think tomorrow good night overlord tape oh could someone change the game title too boom boom boom oh see me see me see me see me see me run run oh good good good good good good good timing oh she's running okay in fact this boy quick ah did he see me this might kill him [ __ ] it oh it did oh oh [ __ ] two targets down now destroy the virus field lab you made it the virus prototype will be close by okay that's good okay uno twenty okay okay okay okay okay okay eat the securities in the dark about that okay we kind of have a run [Music] this is all correct snorts g fuel this golden graham is my g fool huh stanza's doing this game oh okay then i'll abandon this run to marrakesh 47 it'll probably end here the situation grows [Music] so uncomfortable for me because i can't even cancel it [Music] why doesn't he abandon the call he knows for a fact he knows for a fact this is bad okay thank god bro just let me finish stains if you're listening right now let me just finish okay the run will end soon stance okay that's on purpose stance on purpose [ __ ] you okay [ __ ] you actually that's on purpose you for a factor listening actually [ __ ] horseshit maneuver actually horseshit maneuver dude i can't focus i'm trying to do a [ __ ] [ __ ] world record run i'm so mauled i'm so bald that he's doing this i'm trying to focus dude [Music] [Music] suck my nut stance suck my nut stance [Music] come on come on [Music] ice in my veins [Music] aha [Music] yes hey stance hey hey what's up man what's up well you called me 14 times what's up you told me to call you when the game was over we're just kind of in the middle of uh on pace world record run so if you just wait a little just a little a little bit of time oh i mean well there's no way i could have known to be here give them a call and so i was like oh hell yeah let me get this guy because i just [ __ ] rushed okay all right well i'm gonna call you back and literally probably i'll rip on the next one and i'll call you in about 30 seconds but just let me try it and i'll call you soon [ __ ] dude [ __ ] welcome to bangkok ken morgan has booked the queen [Music] [Music] still i'm sure you can find your way into his inner circle after all today is jordan cross's 27th birthday the age when rock stars die good luck 47. i didn't even look it was a fast or slow jordan because i was [ __ ] oh it's fast oh it's actually fast who cares both targets down now head towards an exit hold the [ __ ] phone dude what what the hell why is he not moving oh oh my god dude that guy the [ __ ] guard wasn't moving he should be way down the hallway wait what the hell was that thankfully i [ __ ] waited but that guard would didn't move wow that should have been a 36. ah i'm gonna [ __ ] actually murder him i'm going to murder my wedding i'm gonna pretend it's a wedding and instead it's going to be a red wedding where i murdered my best man i am going to poison him at the wedding [Music] at the wedding [Music] imagine this is the world record run and i have to [ __ ] how am i gonna make a youtube video out of this every [ __ ] third [ __ ] second he's gonna have a call in it all right well this one has a very low success rate so this is probably where the run ends and i can go play tft uh these are the items yes these are the items i'm actually not focused i'm so out of my zone and this this is like the [ __ ] most focused level in the whole game oh a little slow come on come on come on come on come on come on ah i try the next shot imagine what happened they found the body they found the body oh they did dude she fell that way that's annoying plumber ezra berg has been eliminated i didn't kill anybody with this right it was just her damn that was that was [ __ ] perfect yeah only she died everything went great except for that body getting found all right tft with the boys new colorado uh yeah for this one hey what's up man let's [ __ ] go he did i knew you could do it i'm so [ __ ] torx for you man oh congrats well thanks um thanks it means a lot i didn't actually i didn't actually do it i didn't know wait you you didn't get it no i didn't get the word oh tempting oh [ __ ] oh i thought i thought because you were being so serious about it that like are you i just couldn't answer your calls because i was oh that's my bed no no no i was i i called again sorry because that guard was kind of cringe he's supposed to be walking down the hall that's crazy and so i just i want to check in on that guy you know because like that's just weird well thanks man it helped a lot to know that you were ready to call out at a moment's notice yeah because it's like hey i'm trying to help you figure it out like these these runs are in milliseconds when i think of the person i want to help me out most on i think i'm your your man in the room you know everyone's got to have a guy in his ear yeah in fact maybe for the next world record run you go and all call out where they are we got our target coming in and then i'll you know it could work it could be maybe a new category even it would need to be a new category i think for it to be a possible world record because i'm not sure that's going to help with the original uh i've logged out of tft though if you'd like to do a a very well-known category of two die-hard gamer bros getting the diamond together i would love to be the first ones to do that to play the two gamer die hard gamer bros playing diamond together i think that would be very funny wouldn't that be [ __ ] fun i joined your party i was really hoping you got the world record because it'd be such a funny section where you're just getting random ass calls from me yeah that's why you're hoping at the record not because i've [ __ ] mauled and cried it over for months but because you've already broken it too many times then honestly you have um i'm a little worried it's like i need some way to if i get it back for the clip not to be me doing the exact same section exact same thing that you've done the last two times yeah it's like that's not a [ __ ] compelling clip anymore i need to find a way okay i'm going to give you an idea you don't want your viewers to hear this this is a good one i'm actually going to i'm going to wait i'm going to all right they can't hear you they can hear me but not you bro trudeau was not right to do blackface that's a terrible thing to say that's crazy even related to a world record that's insane oh well you know i mean yes my prime minister sorry holy [ __ ] dude absolutely uncalled for it [Music] you just can't do comedy anymore man [Laughter] oh black soul stands yeah i remember saying that they are unironically they are saying that when you say that you mean people in your chat uh well people on the internet in general actually people in the ee's chat also say that about me yeah handshake emotes if you got him oh why don't i have my splits up all right first i gotta get my i always get my man i always always oh don't even don't even don't even i always get my man so you uh that's my man my rod oh yeah sure yeah yeah that's what i always say you do say that a lot actually let's get rid of these splits cringe splits actually and let's that was a pretty good run though actually for not [ __ ] chat that was a pretty good run it looked good to an outside observer that was a pretty pretty solid run that gives me hope for when i start actually doing attempts all right uh i gotta reforge around when i [ __ ] hate that god makes me so mad you know uh reforgers actually don't take away from getting actual items oh so you didn't miss out on anything to get a reforger oh then i'm then i'm much happier i'm glad he told me that uh also i got two jarvans hell yeah [Music] imagine we just hit another this is a game called team fight tactics i have never streamed it because it is a tough game to explain but i'm gonna explain it for you right now uh do it uh it's all about getting as close as you can to the tv show arcane every player is attempting to get vi jinx and silco if you get all three you instantly win uh oh a random component with scrap trait oh i have to do junkyard we're doing junkyard baby i need scrap though i need scrap oh i didn't see her right there she's so good wait wait what's newer scrap you know this guy it's like super auto super arcane pets is the best way to describe it um i am gonna go for innovators i guess innovators have scrap active the whole time right um yes oh wait you got the one that gives you items if you have scrap active yeah that's actually so [ __ ] strong what if i go for scrap yeah wait a minute hold up hold the phone i'm hey holding i followed the company you weren't holding before i'll take that oh i just ringing i didn't so i didn't understand what was going on that was you know what that one's on me i literally did it bro my cell button's not working what does that mean i bound a mouse button to sell and i use it to [ __ ] sell things quickly and it wasn't working just click man i don't want to man uh or use uh e is e cell unless you completely unbound it this is an interesting call imagine this collector jarvan gets me the money the schmunchman that's one dollar oh he didn't actually get the money you're actually gonna have two dollars you're actually making [ __ ] money off my back oh three dollars oh my god i'm rich well you're making so much money off the back of my labor i am which is what you talk about a lot capitalism and how much you love it i don't that's not well that's not what i say that's what you say [ __ ] it what did ziggs give me nothing all right we're gonna go for some kind of scrap tacular fiesta um what if i gotta cut a closed chat for your keybinds to work no that's not true why are they trying to give me crazy suggestions gotta bow that as do i really have to bow that ass i don't think so oh i mean with scrap it could be nice imagine he gets like a little um what do you call a static shiv or something i'm gonna start to get free items any second though oh i really need my jarvan to start earning turning i'm stringer bell and i'm [ __ ] slapping this jarvan around there we go no scrap bonus right now you don't know you just have to active and i have it i don't need to use it to get the free that's not bad i feel like a level two is better though i could actually go draven with collector i just feel like i got the hex text early and we'll see right now jarvan farms the schmunch month everyone knows that about him i feel like ziggs useless i'm gonna sell him get him out of here get him out what a scorching take what's happening now ezreal no losing no money i lost everyone are too strong mint chat in game oh is that that's why my commands were ringing oh it was actually true they were actually oh chat made you look like a fool yeah not the first time i hate it when that happens when chad comes in and pulls your pants down the middle i didn't pull my pants down they pantsed you in front of your friends and they said that's all over again they did they just painted they pointed at you and laughing it didn't happen in gym class it happened to you a gym class you know what i didn't want to bring it up but i feel like i really did want to bring it up i don't i hate that i have to bring it up you definitely don't have to bring it up i mean i do i must but i'm really sad about it okay we're going to get a morelos we're going to put it on our echo perhaps our echo or our terrafine oh he's going innovators oh he's try harding i'm not try harding i'm [ __ ] he's [ __ ] try-harding absolutely too many and i say this unequivocally i have too many rods it's the one thing i knew about you too many rods ewing we call them never heard that i think i should have slapped a bow [Laughter] oh jarvan please infinite money machine call me the fed don't call you the fed because if the machine is over it's over all fed last year maybe oh i got the echo actually big for me because now i have three nos and i might be able if i kept that ziggs that i sold for no [ __ ] reason ah a very useful ziggs ah crink crink tacula sorry problems uh does your chat know about your new nickname that you coined this afternoon what's the new nickname that i coined i can't remember i'm sure there was someone in my chat that was here this morning you said it a lot you wouldn't stop saying it was like your catchphrase [ __ ] yeah the scrunkler oh he tried to play coy while he's scrunking us oh big scrunkler in the house jarvan please give me the money yes the nickname was not the scroogler it was you kept saying it you think you're misremembering that's actually at least what was it then it was a cool guy i really it's crazy that i heard skrunk that is a crazy actually of all the things to hear it seems like maybe i would have heard something it's on you though not me [Music] classic scrunker move chat all right here's the dill pickle i need a few units key units that will make me shine above the rest tell me about them number one a bf sword number two mm-hmm that's it i wanted to be upstairs i didn't get it [ __ ] [ __ ] mom sounds like things aren't actually going very well for you maybe but i am going to be first pick that's good no i'm not i'm actually i need a boat i'm lying about everything oh this is a disaster this is a disaster [Music] oh all of them get components now though huh so if i were to for exemplo put that on there i'm sorry did you say you can um i want to [ __ ] cake up a brahm when i get there i want a [ __ ] oh this last whisper could be a perfect irelia item save that [Music] there's an augment chat that gives you 35 health from where you're at which is kind of cool oh this ash ks my jarvan that's so cringe uh oh my team's ruling their team's drooling no way to get around that little rhyme my friend shoot the j shoot the j shoot the j shoot the j shoot the j [ __ ] lost goddammit too much hype for nothing um oh i could get a leone take him to the leone zone um i've been known to take him to the leone zone have you dude i'm actually printing call me the fed don't don't do this to me i'm renting items with this scrap mechanic yeah it's really good it's really really really good especially early it's crazy oh my god and this stupidity award of the year goes to i'm not going to tell you but it's not good for me cause i'm built different all constructed with different materials leading to a different end result at the factory speak to that uh i choose not to build different [ __ ] he's built so different stryker crest do i go sick scrap and say [ __ ] the haters [ __ ] the noise yes there's money the answer is yes wait what does six crap even get me though whoa all component 60 shield luna's echo probably better let's [ __ ] run it though scrap emblem and a free blitz can't go wrong with that it's tough to go wrong with that who do i put this oh that was enforcer drop emblem on though oh i'm so cringe perhaps my singed what are you saying what can you just let me be you know what actually that was that was rude of me i just feel like i'm [ __ ] being boxed into a corner by a [ __ ] backwards thinking man who won't let me be me let me get a little goof troop with it actually defining the meadow with carrie jarvin no one's ever thought of this oh one more one more for the fans echo you're dead i could have won that too but i played like an absolute cranky later okay i lost not redefining the meta okay what do i need what do i need what do i do what do i need i need i need we have sword and i take oh is that a server i need an irelia i didn't really this is big though this is actually humongous for me humorous for me i am going to get the world's strongest irelia and the world's strongest far and wide we'll travel to see her beauty and her grace wow [Music] i hate those filthy bandits just would really love to hit sivir and alistar maybe just not much to ask that ain't much dash but it would be pretty cool oh he's getting last hits but he's not getting the gold my team's strong don't get me wrong don't get me schlong here but i'm actually that's my biggest problem is that i was getting you and that was my bad i've got a three-star cinch out of [ __ ] nowhere yeah he tanked hard oh you got a [ __ ] blow to get a three-star singed out of nowhere i think i think i think i think i think that if i go to seven soon no i'll hold we hold on the seven much like god on the seventh day we'll rest and then we'll turn this clown fiesta uh around you can you keep it up i'm sorry i was waiting for what happens after you turn it around i was taking notes and we'll get a big dubs oh okay now it all makes sense oh these arcanists need this sivir to throw her little pizzas like her life depends on it which it does wait do you have a sivir too not for long i'll be getting rid of it don't worry okay go ahead and sell it now because i do want no thanks i think i'll hold too late it just feels like or need it i could use that in my comp this is a freestyle rap behind this are you comparing yourself to god well not favorably for him oh god i do not i mean currently in eighth and that's not where you want to be in your first stream tft game people are gonna think that you're dog [ __ ] they would be wrong though oh aurelia wait a [ __ ] okay i have an irelia i'll sell mine but you need to sell your shiver that's fine [ __ ] [ __ ] crank this is huge this is massive welcome to the thunder dome everyone is welcome i have a six i i have everything i have if i am become death destroyer of worlds the story of worlds oh no that's what i was worried about wait a minute [ __ ] just this guy's going full yordles in [ __ ] 2022. orange oh i could go to email my alistar damn a big nasty strong atrial did grind to master season one i did grandmasters back when no one was playing this game everyone had the most players it's ever had he's played against milkmen like the original nba players they still had day jobs i had a day job [Laughter] exactly you got to take a serious now you know uh-huh how do i how do i make this work though with the sick scrap let them clap clap clap i accidentally got by too that's oh that's annoying wait i also can't get a jar i have to sell these items i actually made them a fool of myself and a ghoul of my shelf i guess vi just carries that was a disaster this is a disaster for all involved i need to print a bf sword yesteryear okay the good news about being in last place is i'm going to get the item i want i will use it and it's very special to me got a bra and a brah is huge a problem swatched for this keep printing the wrong items do i reforge them i'm gonna drop him is that bracing she bears enough to work i don't need another one of those well that's [ __ ] something what is happening wrap up this yeah we scrap up the [ __ ] rum i think i'm being slow goofy bad and terrible at this game um [ __ ] i think i'm actually being sluggish bad this guy's already got a three star debonair talon yeah okay buddy yeah hey nice job buddy playing the game well played good roll wow he [ __ ] hit the slot machine wait a minute actually [ __ ] god gamer though god i would really really love to get the sivir you still have one imagine do i still have a server that i can give you no i don't know no i mean did you still have one like on the board or did you give it up no i gave it up please please please please please please please please sorry drago 9899 you don't get the sword i get the sword okay okay i've got several items i just got to get the sivir okay okay okay key items key items key items are done i have my key items now i need my high key items what's that that's where it's like high key low-key you know oh yeah we go eight and we make it happen put an r in boom we get striker boom we sell this boom we put that on oh yes the team is coming alive the team is coming alive or shiv echo gnar we're actually just rolling down you see collectors get the gnar yes now we hold changes the game we needed to hit i need a seraphine wait six sextech do i have to level what am i missing okay silko yeah i do oh spit i need a payne i need okay sivir you better execute them and give me a lot of money that would be so sick okay two dollars god really three dollars four dollars oh that's good how come she's not good at all who your irelia the level one irelia yeah my level one reliance she's not yeah yeah honestly who knows well who knows what's stopping here hey i'll pick yours you pick mine you know what i'm saying some fire boarder disintegrator what's number board what if i just get out of [ __ ] ton of items dude what about yours you know component grab bag or tiny titans to give me 35 health back well you might need that 35 health uh oh i'll honestly go with your heart i'll let you pick this one i think i got components and we get [ __ ] crazy with it i respect that dude they're so bad oh my god they're so bad i need an irelia too i just need it i just need it i can't i can't i can't lie about it anymore i can't pretend i need it i need the [ __ ] irelia i need it i need yeah there's one blitz player what am i playing what am i doing i'm so [ __ ] mauled i'm molding and balding stop looking at my board everyone it makes me so nervy okay this goes here she the question is what's best vi items you know come on team we're doing this well i could have nico'd i probably shouldn't be good oh i have a nikko thanks for the reminder king because i went all in ballin that seraphin is going to be juiced you are correct on that assumption how does that f factor in clutch factor in grab this grab this and we're just straight broke though oh she hasn't man it feels so so broke i could make titan's brahm i may consider doing that and then i can put other [ __ ] on him i just keep getting items i'm just printing items okay we have to get irelia yet we have to get riley we have the irelia it's not a question of if it is a question of when oh i could nico's the man the more i roll the more i get everyone knows really all right that's big that's huge and then we're going to nicos this [ __ ] brahm no echo [ __ ] it it's probably stupid but we had to do it and i just need to hit a seraphim i hit a seraphine and i'm gonna get sarah mean played so bad okay that's fine who are you up against he looks like a [ __ ] oh killing machine sorry i can't hear you from down there too healthy okay yeah i should definitely reforge a bow it's actually not a bad idea oh seraphine huge welcome to the huge situ you always wait i don't have sex crap anymore though oh that's tough you need that sick scrap i don't need it as much as i need surfing i'll tell you you need it yesterday i will tell you that fan that i don't need it that much but i am a little confused as though okay uh sell these items put them on here uh put the [ __ ] come on hurry up hurry up put this on here reforge it gotta tear i only had swain there so he uh who's the best gunblade a good echo item now echo wants morelos and uh blue blue and um what do you call it armor plus tear item is pretty good for him okay 20 health this is where we all in well i can't get those items actually all i do is just need to go [ __ ] i need to go nine and then i get six striker is that the best way to do it i guess i can make ezreal i really use a jinx actually a jinx a jinx instead of an ezreal with these items okay oh yeah we get them we got these like this like this and then like this and then put any slammers there we go i ain't going to get stronger chad so this either works or it doesn't and so far jinx from tft yes sticks from arcane i mean and i'm actually strong as [ __ ] now i know buy an ap unit the bt's just to give her some health oh i'm up top getting top oh jigs oh my lord give me that oh my god is that jinx from arcane right there i actually would love to get that jinx you better hope she's on your side king not even capping that i want that jesus [Laughter] you suck my [ __ ] dude i needed it needed it back you needed it yeah yeah i'll tell you what i need a new friend needed it so bad i'll grab this it doesn't matter it's not a bad item i put it on my [ __ ] ezreal he'll get [ __ ] scrapped up dapped up sell this pop that on there oh frozen for the [ __ ] dog wait a minute we're [ __ ] itemed out of our gourd triple sushi sochi olympics all right what is there anything i swap do i get rid of sochi olympics such a goated [ __ ] call oh what a disgusting shroud of stillness this guy just hit me with oh and galley bro oh we're okay i literally and figuratively turning this game around i'm i'm oh my god sorry first place guy ku scheisti but you just got owned you just got completely workshopped someone tell them do i just i think i just sit here i go nine i put in the jinx i have sick scrap i laugh i laugh the way to my bank i think you should laugh it's huge okay blitz player blitz player oh there's two blitz players they're gonna be in for how do i get nine though it's going to cost me my [ __ ] soul if i move him over i don't get it on the right people so i still oh you move him over one you're right you're right there's me to eight nine this guy's double shroud hitting either oh he got massive re he's got massive ari he's got massive [ __ ] five laser balls ari oh you've talked about this before that already is disgusting uh-huh but she's got a one shot she has to crit oh she did oh she got yeah bro she hit the crib yikers if she doesn't cry through your towel when you win there actually i don't have a towel keep up dude oh wait what what do you have oh yeah yeah sorry i'm not keeping up okay i think oh that's so sick for me i actually think i can go nine pretty pretty soon i'll be at 18 what do i need for that i need so many gold actually edge of knight hand of justice rage play is actually the sickest jinx items just give me a jinx god it would be very good okay wait am i close i just need to live one round i go nine and that's the [ __ ] t sister we're going to sell this as we're going to swap it in for another s or this [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah she can't hit anything right i just need to live one more round i need to live one more chat praise everyone shot i need to praise one everyone don't pray to be clear don't use your [ __ ] one time on this one more round one more round one more round i need the jinx i need a jinx and one more round come on kings fight fight for your life for your king for your country yes eliminated he's out am i out am i out my mouth i'm out [ __ ] dude we're doing it oh man we're doing it big oh top four firm handshakes all around and we're printing more items consistently consistently our items are being printed that is the problem chad his items are being printed so [ __ ] consistently it's too consistent for words do i put this on a different scrapper maybe if i hit it i guess i do just to get more scrap value this is already going to be a pretty good item generally bug it might have been stupid might have been smart oh i didn't go in oh didn't i just play this guy there's two re players i played oh okay i have to win this round oh praise again chat pressure get online wait wait another page oh i [ __ ] didn't [ __ ] roll the knife i forgot braise again it worked we killed talent oh yes [ __ ] koo sheisty dude oh he thought he could get sheisty with it and then [Laughter] all right now we go nine we drop a jinx suddenly the game is in a whole different ball game ding ding ding jinx jinx oh he got the jinx no i didn't get the jinx oh i did get the drinks got the jig and all of the sludding too i'm winning i'm going first it's a first sorry stance all right lift her up sorry stance but it ain't gonna happen captain because this jinx about to unleash the [ __ ] fury of a thousand sons is actually very strong oh nara kind of going nuts and slowing my attacks through this [ __ ] omaha beach all over again jesus christ [ __ ] oh yeah oh toughy look bro baby top two oh give me a jinx give me another jinx bro i have items isn't this colluding how is this colluding i literally scouted his board to [ __ ] try and kill him yeah he did i also took his jinx oh i'll take this oh you did have all the items that's why i look like these insane items i like items on items on items if i drop this [ __ ] um on my gnar yeah yeah i will do that on the gnar and i always apologize for it either i'm glad i'm glad for you uh oh a silko how does the silko fit into this lineup uh put them and i have six credits oh faster faster jinxel could be nice who would i get rid of senna i guess um wait how many socialists you have three social it's kind of big it's huge on this irelia soco is crack dude innovator three blows get rid of s what are you talking about you have a one star as for innovator three a little enough you get scrap six scrap six which can heal oh he's scrap six oh can you drop an innovator at all no you can't no we're all part of the scrap armada it doesn't matter though because ku sheisty is not coo enough to get sheisty with me i flipped his name so many different ways all of them very interesting and unique damn look at this [ __ ] leonard's getting is that vip leona why didn't it take someone to kill holy [ __ ] that was like uh pornographic speak to that she was getting pounded from all directions i'll be honest with you jesus christ dude i know it's midnight i don't know how my god i didn't understand and now i understand all too well know how else to call it oh i hate that i don't know what i'm doing i need to sell these uh i need oh silko oh soco two okay i have to what do i swap in what do i swap i think you're right get rid of one of the i think it's just again i think it's just senna yeah i mean he's already [ __ ] zephyring my irelia so who gives a [ __ ] about that yeah dude that scrap shield is insane look at how much shields your units happen holy moly nasty they might actually maybe i shouldn't change things you know what i mean you're winning just hold them on your bench broke don't fix it it's so true but i think soco2 is actually giving me nothing actually he's only bodyguard wait yeah but he's also your front line he's also my front line he's awesome if it ain't broke don't schlitz it you know what i'm saying you're actually speaking the truth [Laughter] you phrased it so well too [ __ ] i think just don't change just sit on your bench if he starts winning then you think about the silco i don't know who you you you have to put a soco two in it's crazy not to what do i [ __ ] put in when i take out taking out braum seems absolutely insane i think senna i think you lose 33 heal on irelia's damage but she's already got bloodthirster yeah you're right you're actually so right it's it's it's always been there's no universe that s is the most valuable silk target off the spawn though just to be clear god that's true you say it i hear it and i adapt to it uh do i put this death blade on silko i guess they seem sorry that does not sound right but it is right i put it on braum dude he lives put on buddy jakes i need jinx what am i waiting to find jinxes sell your center you get more money i think you're just gonna win though i'm just a little worried that i [ __ ] with a good thing you know oh yeah center leaves and it's over what if i [ __ ] with a good thing i don't think you did orelia not healing anymore what if i [ __ ] with a good thing she's still full health what are you talking about aurelia's full health oh what a funny she has nothing with perfection dude that's even worse would be honest he's he's so stupid jet that did seem worse though you're hearing me it did seem a little worse but he might have gotten he might hit his spike i wasn't paying attention a little worse bro it would be so nasty mcbrasty i also think zary just sucks ass if i were to hit oh [ __ ] jinx yeah silko blue buff victor who just installs and cuts the shield could be kind of cool i'm not adding a victory no i'm talking i'm talking to the other guy the other guy the only way he can kill your shields he's actually you're not adding me in every way and i'm only winning because my team is 50x stronger you just have so many items look at how many items you have on your team i got items it's crazy i'm actually not winning i'm losing i'm losing oh put her back in put her back in baby wait a [ __ ] minute dude oh you're five pounds if i move everything i got no item that's gonna change blue everything ezreal uh static shift uh static shift blitz oh no and you put it on prom braum for sure the lower attack speed thing do i put in the center or not i think it's cringe i think you sell it you pray for jinx i can't imagine that senna is better than uh seraphin [ __ ] it you left your duet spot oh why would you do that you have no one sitting game changer game changer baby mix it up mix things up in the last second oh no oh it might work though it might just be nasty enough to work oh i think it does [Laughter] leaving the socialite square is insane oh let's go the game is dude i just knew he was except for that social score no matter what yeah yeah yeah you know what you got him there that's crazy i feel like you should put something there though you know my one and only tft game on stream will be a victory from last the first the h rock story never lost as old as time and the song ah as old as rhyme santa was an honor playing with you it was a pleasure yeah you as well this is fun hey you're progressing on that world record man well thanks man appreciate that yeah uh what are you guys streaming this week what's coming up on the old h rock calendar i don't know but i don't work tomorrow so i might actually stream marketing money instead of skipping it oh don't give them hope don't do that [ __ ] dude i should do it my rank is 89 lp which means them but a few short wins from my goal diamond you want to play tomorrow oh yeah i'm definitely going to play tomorrow i just have to do a video about glee after that i'm good all right uh i'm gonna climb in the morning so probably like late afternoon kind of situation i'm down hell yeah before is that pre-marketing free for sure got it pre-marketing money you got i'll see you there pace all right ggs chad i am [ __ ] schvitzen all right i'm sweating this is hot in this room and i've been gamer greasing it up in hitman and tft i'm sweating thank you for watching that was fun that was a fun stream we got it crazy first insane out of nowhere um and i should see you tomorrow hopefully all things considered have a great night we're gonna write stands i think sans is live right everyone goes out to stan stan's really really [ __ ] funny and awesome and one of my favorite people in the entire world literally my [ __ ] best friend best man a man i'm very glad to have in my life so let's write stands everyone say hi to him he's very funny he's ending yeah we'll just write him anyway and then go go where he goes you know what i'm saying go where he goes oh wait i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm physics i'm gonna physics i'm actually writing physics literally almost i'm writing physics i write physics and i am reading physics what is physics is twitch i always spell it wrong what is what is physics's twitch physics twitch um is it ssb he's not live bro you're not even live physically i told you i would [ __ ] he's not live so we can't write it if he's not live um i'm gonna follow him so i know no he's not alive but it is him too um i don't know he was a smash guy in that case we have to raise someone else so we will raid who dat watching kung fu panda 2 okay we're going to write who dat back you guys want to watch kung fu panda 2 actually a great way to spend your night go watch go watch who dat 950 he's watching kung fu panda 2 openly and we'll certainly get banned as he gets any bigger but for now he's [ __ ] chilling enjoy thanks for watching people hey evan gao bye
[Music] what's up [Music] now bunny suit put on look at the title Jesus Jesus Christ man all you read was bunny suit you didn't read any of the other words we ought to buy it [Music] hey Doug if you were forced to would you cut off your left or right foot left I assume this is my non-dominant foot I don't know why you would cut off your dominant foot here we go can I go away I'm interrupting your conversation yeah sorry about that guys continue [Music] oh God I forgot forgot that's still active let me uh I'm Gonna Change in the morning there you go you got seven and eight congratulations guys those two were in order thanks Daryl [Music] okay I'm gonna I'm gonna undo those get your last if you want to spend fifty thousand dollars get last chance right here to spend it on drunken sailor music [Music] can we get an early in the morning that's number four is four even active hold on oh it's not even active now it's active let's get a number four [Music] okay that's enough I'm deactivating drunken sailor but I'll reactivate congratulations Doug I turn it off for the Stream uh uh congratulations Doug you did it thank you amazing I'm amazing wow oh my God incredible wow thank you thank you everybody thank you [Music] um thank you Daniel all right uh today I'll be a faster stream in fact it'll probably be very fast Gotta Buy bunny uh because I've been because we did obviously the [ __ ] crazy awesome uh Monterey Bay fundraiser on Friday it was wild and crazy suit I don't believe that it was wild and crazy raised a hundred and four thousand dollars holy [ __ ] that is so much money insane absolutely insane um Monterey called me on Friday while I was streaming so fast up to it Doug off to it um they called me and left a message like thank you guys so much for what you're doing but it was during the stream and then I was in Canada over the weekend so I was traveling and then yesterday I needed to take the day off because I was exhausted final amount was a hundred I have the exact total hold on because I tweeted something and then like a couple more dollars came in actually the final amount hey Doug when is patreon was this going to be released also can you get a bunny suit that will cover your face and receding hairline I'm going to let you guys I'm gonna let you guys vote on the bunny suit I don't really care what the bunny suit is but we gotta get two we gotta go in for Parker because that was the 90 000 goal is this the final amount was a hundred four thousand three hundred fifty dollars this must be the happiest day of my life the happiest day was on Friday when we raised a hundred thousand dollars for Rosa this is like the this is like the hangover this is like when we wake up we're like oh god oh we raised so much money last night oh I wasn't even paying attention jeez I feel now I have to buy a bunny suit today's just like a we're all have a headache we can like barely think or sleep okay we're all nauseous we're on the verge of vomiting we're gonna vomit up this bunny suit once we buy him okay this is a hangover don't be excited about the hangover you're a bit early uh so Monterey Monterey called um and said thank you they also set a an e-card which I'll look over in a little bit let's go by the bunny suit so they're they're stoked about ridiculous things thank you again everybody who participated on Friday it was over ten dollars it was over ten dollars on Friday but yeah this is this is just so this is so nuts dude it's an outrageous amount of money hey done so we'll see and it might be future stuff of me getting to go to the aquarium we just donated two hundred and eight thousand dollars have our spouses hadn't take half of them hadn't taken half the money could have gone even more I also um I will be emailing the Raffle winners I just set that up this morning I don't um it's actually kind of that's a good question probably this that was the most common one if you go to the aquarium I want to come with all right I'll let you know Marvin I don't know what the actual plan would be okay there's no plan or details [Music] I feel like this is probably a theme song there's other songs I play a lot but that one is like the most commonly threaded through everything like this song I play a lot when we first started when I first was streaming with this funny suit now entering Our Lives there's nothing standing in our way duck will marry twitch [Music] you didn't say will you you messed up the proposal no I don't accept get your grammar right yeah it's true it took like a year and a half I think the most iconic song let me look actually through my playlist okay I think this this mute city is definitely one of them oh supersonic Racing for sure it's not like as iconic but for a little bit it was very it was very common is there anything else looking for all the actions on um foreign [Applause] [Applause] oh my God you're incredible somebody needs to close the gates this is all time that farts are gonna be allowed so he needs to close the gates once they're closed that's the amount of time it's been like 15 seconds 16 17. 18. 19 20. somebody needs to close the gates 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 is it closed Redemption is not there 30 31 32 33 oh [ __ ] it was paused okay it's closer closer 34 35 36 37. 37 seconds Aquas thank you very much for releasing us from that hell this is going to be a long one this is gonna be the longest fart gate session we've had biki thank you for opening the fart Gates timer okay when this ends the fart gates are gonna close but until then you get unlimited farts good luck [Music] Jesus Christ it's over it's gone for another week can only happen once a week chat your ears are safe for seven more days oh okay um lots of good things happening all right what the [ __ ] just happened the fart look fart gates open you know I can't do anything about that very friendly after the stream on Friday long story short you should have the higher divorce attorney my ears have disappeared it broke the twitch Channel my twitch crashed well soon I have the same birthday so I'm glad to hear the birthday party went well it's so great that opening the fart Gates just literally ruins twitch for all of my viewers it's not a smart strategic thing to do like as a streamer who does my this as a career it's not a good place uh yeah all right let's go good point let's get let's let's get this done before Bernard's surgery [Music] ah having this horn next to all my professional streaming equipment is a very bad idea like this is not stable it's like a it's like sits like a 15 degree angle okay [Music] um if you were not here on Friday we did a 104 000 fundraiser from Monterey Bay Aquarium animation and I will make kitty dude I really love that one it was great um so the stretch goals that we did on Friday as part of the fundraiser were the first one was that I would wear an otter costume during the fundraiser which I did I almost had a heat stroke uh number two is that I would buy and wear a bunny suit that's what we're gonna be doing today I gotta buy it um for fifty thousand dollars I am going to get a Rosa tattoo now I did I did uh give the disclaimer that I get to choose like the size and where it is and all that um so it's not like some gigantic portrait of Rosa like across my whole chest or whatever um yo mods could you uh help clamp down this giant paragraph please thank you um so that was one of the uh that was one of the the rewards that was 50 000. then 75 000 was correct me if I'm wrong here I need to eat an entire fish and play Kingdom Hearts right that was 75 000. pretty sure and then for 90 000 as a stretch goal we added parkser also needs to have a bunny suit and eat an entire fish with me yeah I think we're doing salmon uh fairly certain it's an entire salmon so what I would like to do today first off we need to find and purchase the bunny suits for myself and Parker I will let you guys uh vote on which ones to uh on which bunny suits to buy I am basically fine with whatever as long as it's appropriate for twitch obviously I am not going to uh obviously I'm not going to um purchase something that like has my penis exposed or something like that maybe Parker's Peak no no not parks's penis either that would also get me banned so but I'll let you guys choose I don't care what it is because I don't care about the bunny suit at all literally at all I just I just used the meme and channeled it into charity so what do you mean rigged I would get banned it's not rigged that I can't show my wiener that's look go complain at twitch right not at me uh the other thing that I want to do today is figure out how to eat a whole salmon that's an important piece of information that we need to figure out at some point parks and I will probably do that later this month he's gonna be coming back and staying at my place again like in mid-september I think or late September whenever parks are here next we'll eat a fish together in a bunny suit that'll happen in the upcoming weeks I'll let you all know um anything else the tattoo I don't know what to do about the tattoo that'll probably take me a little while um in terms of in terms of schedule there's a bunch of stuff so Pax is this weekend I'll be tied up like Wednesday well tomorrow I'll be able to stream but like Wednesday night through like Sunday I'm gonna be tied up so I'm not gonna be able to stream much this week so today's a quick one I have to catch up on a bunch of stuff from last week and get uh like YouTube stuff caught up with because I like barely have any time this week so I won't be able to stream much uh this week I'm streaming today and tomorrow um but not until next Monday or whatever the tattoo I'm gonna try to figure out next week or two but I'm gonna like get a designer for it I think and I probably just want to do like an outline of an otter I don't know holy [ __ ] Ethel I just gifted 50 Subs my God it was really ridiculous we get some pogged for eighth one thank you very very much that is insanely generous thank you thank you so today um the order is we are gonna buy some bunny suits for me and Parker I guess they can be two different bunny suits I'll let you guys vote on what they are we'll look over them on Amazon uh I'm gonna go over the the thank you card that Monterey Bay Aquarium wrote for us uh and we're gonna figure out how I will eat a fish that's the plan probably a quick one thank you again ate the wine it's insane so I guess we just look up saying the bunny suit no I still don't there's a chance I could do a Monterey Bay Aquarium stream but like I said on Friday I just don't want to promise that because that does depend on the aquarium and on Rosa and like on a bunch of other external factors can we get to this bunny suit I mean so let's let's do this I'll open uh uh private window amazon.com [Music] so I'm not just gonna I don't want to take like links bunny suit sexy there's not like hold on there's not like porn on Amazon is there okay you inspired me to quit my job and leave my wife so I can become an otter now okay I'm getting so many articles it will be awesome how's this oh this is just customers frequently viewed I was like how's this a sexy bunny suit and then immediately divorce US we've looked into this it's not possible all right um do we just Google bunny suits by the stanza suit I swear to god dude if we built up bunny suit for like two [ __ ] years just to buy a Santa costume to hear my message Happy Birthday Rosa thanks private professor I guess let's scroll through these okay here's the other problem I am a large man is watching this he started the bunny suit dream and dreams really do come true and he's just gonna see me buy a Santa costume so uh this bunny suit combined with a maid outfit oh my God so the uh the downside of something like this is I don't think this will fit me if if it's like this it's got to be like very stretchy okay um so I'm just warning you guys now like I am a like six foot tall fairly large guy I'm not gonna be able to fit into like a tiny skimpy bunny suit that can't stretch a lot we do not care I won't be able to put it on there's there's difference between to it being like oh this bunny suit is way too tight versus I can't fit into it so it's just something to keep in mind okay are there any of these that like really jump out hey Douglas a lot of the Playboy performing on my birthday while I'm Afflicted with covid yeah happy birthday excited hope you get better sorry to hear that see like this this doesn't look like it would fit me like this doesn't look stretchy duck when are you playing Kingdom Hearts [Music] this woman is probably much much smaller than me um I don't know it would be maybe mid-september probably I'll try to give people a heads up check the sizes over this loud ringing in my ears true I don't know if extra large would work dude I'm pretty sure it wouldn't all I'm saying is like let's look for something that isn't necessarily like meant to be tight and against my ears help me PLS all of these are what is save 18 pog just raised a hundred thousand dollars for the friends we made along the way I'm willing to like purchase a little bit more expensive okay so now we're getting just weird Easter Bunny suits let's try this looks gigantic help me Doug my knee turned into a bread roll so I lit it on fire and it burned to ashes now all I have left is burning knee soot [Music] using a mascot to promote your business team or event is a smart and Innovative way to get noticed [Music] I could finally promote my business these are weird I mean we're just perusing right now we'll do a vote later hey Chuck oh wow they're terrifying Monterey patreon release date uh I don't know for either of those the undetermined once I finalize things I will let people know [Music] I I've been super busy the last couple weeks I have not been able to do stuff like PornHub in exchange for finding you the perfect bunny suit it was worth it I'm almost 6-1 will this fit me if it's perfectly fine on fits perfectly my fine on someone's five times [Music] terrifying is the thing I hate it I hate everything about it I would much rather do sexy bunny suit this is not a bunny Doug can we hurry this up I'm gonna miss that guy's surgery um am I crazy or is this not a bunny suit it's literally called wolf so it looks like it's either like furry or it's like creepy Easter furry or sexy those are like our three categories okay these are just this is just lingerie nope okay oh look at this big chungus uh no during the stream sure again I don't think this will fit me I really don't think this will fit me and we can try man it's like 30 bucks [Music] I mean these are like all Playboy suits right yeah I mean this is what they look like these are like all what is this wait is that a child or is that an adult oh it's four children who are ten years old for three years oh wait do are there three year Subs now I guess I have been streaming for three years huh oh yeah I never thought about that just for one maybe 10 seconds scene in An edit can I completely and utterly rip off your OBS scene for comedic effect also should buy a bunny suit on stream okay [Music] how big do you think this is the size does it say how big like how tall it is why is it only for children hold on inflatable bunny suit a bunny suit oh my God thank you Doug this is what this one's for adults this is so weird why would you want this we must get a made bunny suit I mean we're gonna get two one for parks are and one for me is this is it just me or is this gigantic this seems gigantic hey it's not a suit not sexy enough I win last have you had chocolate milk also what's your favorite number thanks Doug okay I'm gonna hold off on just completely irrelevant questions while we focus on bunny suit why don't you questions should be bunny suit related ideally just let us see full on Doug okay let's let me get a poll going and we'll uh it will start listing out some of our favorites 62 on your biceps so it moves when you flex no I'm thinking on my calf for the tattoo what bunny suit to buy okay we've got wait okay I feel like sexy is a whole category right that we go off of recently divorced so I decided to stop by the stream hope you have a good day uh how about sexy is a category and then if we buy that then we'll like will hone in on what specific one right rather than like putting in uh oh okay Monterey Bay Aquarium send it to the the email yeah it was weird if you are still watching um I checked my spam and everything and just did not on on both accounts and just saw nothing so those those emails I sent you should work but not sure I I've gotten your past emails just not that one for some reason okay so sexy is a category um I guess sexy plus made is its own thing inflatable creepy Easter version are there any others that we've seen there's the Santa suit [Music] hold on we're not voting yet let's we need to see the other genres he's going to leave me as he thought I was leaving on date night he even bought a bunny suits Damu twitch chat twitch chat strikes again this looks great I'll be the prettiest girl at the ball come on give me bunny suit or bunny suit dress creating a follower with your face mod on Skyrim name the red and born uh somebody made a Skyrim mod follower for me already that exists I know there's a link in the Discord somewhere bunny suit dress six times saying cat cat on Dug Dug stream bunny girl tuxedo we'll put that in the dress category [Music] cleavage um but it's like just a lot of chest hair it's just not very not very visually appealing uh thanks comedy appreciate it um is this wait does this go under sexy or does this does this go under sexy or is its own category this is like sexy pajamas sexy bunny pajamas [Music] okay these are all still sexy I mean we could do this I guess this is not even a bunny costume no part of this is a bunny costume she's just wearing bunny ears to get divorced do I have to stop watching or is it different for lesbian viewers also maybe get to leotard but isn't marketed as a bunny suit I mean I feel like the uh there you go leotard that's this is barely a bunny suit why is it patterned like this look that's just part of the risk of the dug dog of the Doug Doug community at any point divorce might strike that's just a risk you have to be willing to accept Diva would be funny I could Parks it would make for a great diva oh my God all the the actual like I don't say realistic but like full-on bunny suits are so horrifying I'll put diva foreign suit this is just like a it doesn't even have bunny in it why is this why is this showing up this is just like a cosplay thing right everyone's not fit wait what um okay there's like how is this oh this is a cat suit dude there's wild stuff on Amazon bunny suit I don't think okay we need to search wait would this count no that's not really a suit foreign [Music] this is a bunny suit apparently oh [Music] okay I feel like the most of these are just what is this attempt against twitch there's any more so tearing the suit to make it fit would be both funny and viable be terrible I think we've mostly hit these um sexy bunny suit for men I'm gonna be honest oh okay I don't know if this one I don't think this category is appropriate hey Doug what do you mean this wouldn't fit me that's quitter talk okay all of all of the sexy male bunny suit for men has nothing to do with bunnies and everything to do with accentuating my penis so I'm gonna go ahead and disqualify this category do you want me to send you an entire salmon like there's I can make it happen I could just buy one here that seems really inefficient I appreciate the thought but like you can buy fish up here in Seattle um you should get the bunny Frank from Donnie Darko oh God Donny Darko costume ew extra large for extra magic but only with the hat [Music] Bonnie's suit with hat yeah in that sexy bunny Superman there's no indication of bunnies nothing bunny related I mean we could see we could buy a baby one for Park sir and then see if he can fit into it it would definitely be cos though as it all rips and falls off the body as someone who has played all the Kingdom Hearts I literally cannot think of a Mainline series he will find more boring than KH have fun yeah I I mean I didn't say I'd like beat it I just said I'd play Kingdom Hearts I'll probably do like a full Kingdom Hearts honey so you can have a discount on your sexy bunny suit foreign suit [Music] hey dug you should boil the bones to make bone meal and eat that there's no way this fits how long okay we can make it extra large [Music] why don't they have it like on a human hold on beautiful fairy suit you have money you are rich Doug I love you week week there you go I wouldn't have the blue hair the blue hair wouldn't be there okay I'll do a hatsunami [Music] bugs bunny suit uh swap over okay yeah I mean this is very standard get little bunny ears I mean all these are coming with bunny ears it seems like I don't think we need to buy separate bunny ears I mean sure Hatsune Miku can be Miku plus please my wife is threatening to divorce me if you don't uh okay we'll add that in I think we've mostly hit Amazon's look at that suit I think we've hit most of the categories here what about this Space Jam sexy what is it bunny Squad this one would at least fit me it would at least stretch all the latex ones would not stretch on your stream your content has helped me through a hard time in my life as I am slowly losing my vision and I'm is harder for me to play video games I don't really love how much you get involved playing bunny fursuits sorry to hear that dude how things get better thank you for enjoying my dumb stuff yeah but like I would never ever wear it again um Mike this is not a bunny suit this is also a child who's much smaller than me the biggest I can do is toddler large I'm pretty sure this would not fit do you think he's six feet okay let me try Etsy happy to beholden you make sure the bunny suit his magic hat compatible I mean they should all be right except the like a you know full suit or whatever wouldn't be I guess I haven't really used Etsy before I'm exited for the Kingdom Heart stream a lot of people are going to exit the kingdom heartstream because it's gonna be [ __ ] boring but I'm glad you're excited it will be just pure and I'm just gonna complain the whole time it's gonna be great I will just do my best to annoy all the Kingdom Hearts fans well I have to okay so we have to buy two anyways for Parcher uh bunny suit Etsy let me make sure these are appropriate [Music] I'm sorry okay Etsy I feel like it's a little riskier I need to like make sure this is safe for twitch can you hurry up I need to put some orders around that guy's doctor before he performs surgery [Music] [Laughter] okay I can't show you the very bottom there's a a butt and because this is Twitch this is a uh can we hurry up Channel we can't perform surgery soon okay the whole thing going on over there we need to speed through this guys this whole surgery is going to be botched um these all just seem like more sexy ones these don't really seem like maybe with a little bit less clothing generator can give you the best suit like these to me feel the same as the as the sexy wants on Amazon right these aren't like notably different we get one for babies and see if I can fit into it for a Playboy bunny suits for men okay this I definitely need to look and bunny suit for men there appear to be zero I just watched the Roses stream yesterday and it made me cry I had to miss the actual stream because I am in law school so I can help people get divorced glad you enjoyed it all right seems like we're good this okay I searched bunny suit for men and it's still pretty much the same thing why not get a bunny costume is that this guy two people just get it oversized and you can save a bunch of money this is funny looking except this guy looks like we've got look at how cool it looks you can hand him the sexy bunny suit [Music] I think parkshire would be happier in the inflatable one I don't know that parks would wear a sexy bunny suit to be fair all right the I think Etsy seems to be pretty much the biggest thing I have ever seen why is this why why do they look so unhappy oh cause it's a Christmas story that's why I get it just commissioned beneath Pursuit against SMH no look you're a furry power to you man but um I am the opposite of a furry in my in terms of what I want to wear it's a bunny suit quick so I can get to the surgery that the other viewer is performing on me okay I think we have our categories right is there any like other categories I definitely need to search for on Amazon or Etsy I think we've covered mostly I want to look at plus size sexy bunny suits since you were larger than the women in these picks size bunny suit [Music] I mean I think I just have to do the biggest possible one right will you put the Rosa tattoo on your face and look like post Malone no I just replaced my own face with the tattoo of rose's face Doug Queen eat you wear an Easter bunny suit with a sexy bunny suit on top that's a fair compromise a big I mean let's we'll first see what you guys think it I don't know what plus size is really going to show up I think I'm just gonna have to buy the largest size [Music] I I doubt it um I think there's a lot more interest in the sexy version rather than the cover literally every element of my body okay where are the Bunny eggs good questions please explain the bunny suit joke ah one time here's the context of the bunny suit which has been like the most one of the most popular memes for like a year and a half the context is somebody beat me in Peggle and then said Doug you should wear a bunny suit and I was like no no no no that was it that that was the that was the joke and then ever since it's been she is a pretty funny joke and then people just really latched onto it for some incomprehensible reason but I tell you why no I don't understand I never intended to wear a bunny suit ever because that would encourage people to just latch on to weird things that are not relevant and just force me to do them but then for charity it was a good cause so now I'm wearing a bunny suit there's no point or reasoning for any of this and it does not make sense why everybody is invested in this if you are sitting here wondering what is going on why does anybody care about this you are normal you are the normal person here I don't understand why anyone gives a [ __ ] this doesn't matter but because we donated uh seventy five thousand dollars if we hit that Milestone on Friday I have to buy a bunny suit parks are also gonna get one and we're gonna eat an entire salmon together on stream and play Kingdom Hearts okay I think we have our categories let's vote on categories the categories are sexy sexy plus made this is like a very specific one Inflatables like the huge the huge one creepy Easter version the bunny suit dress which had the cleavage like that that like no no no dress was different dress was like a full dress bunny suit pajamas was the one that was like furry the diva bunny suit Hatsune Miku plus blue wig Space Jam sexy bunny squad or Bugs Bunny of these ten or any jumping out to you [Music] oh so little love for inflatable I mean I don't even think I could fit in the frame with inflatable dude bunnies are not rodents they are in a separate order called the logomorphs being kind to get fermenters they eat their Kaka twice to get the nutrients they are different from rodents as they have four in sizes instead of two wait hold on if you're going to get sexy consider that you will need to factor in your chest size okay we will have to measure my chest I guess [Music] dude okay here's my counter argument all right open pages in a new tab also a style yeah sometimes it doesn't work for me it normally does sometimes it doesn't um so I've just gotten used to doing this maybe it's my mouse is broken or something I used to do that all the time okay um let me make an art you should have been a goose like Duck Duck Goose goose do you understand no sexy maid and Hatsune Miku seem to be winning but the sexy made outfit just doesn't look like a bunny suit look I'm not gonna complain I don't care I'm the Uber for the guy who wants to watch the other guy's surgery okay and I'm already waiting outside all of you can go do your surgery you don't have to wait for me just go go do your medical procedure um the only okay the only so sexy plus me if we go off the votes it's Hatsune Miku in the blue wig and then the sexy maid outfit and those two but the sexy maid doesn't look like a bunny at all I guess none of these look like bunnies except for the ears I was about to say the only part of this maid outfit that looks like a bunny is the ears but it's true of all of these like not a single one has any sort of bunny features on the body like it's it's all just like cute skimpy dresses and then ears that's the point yeah I guess I guess so I guess that's what bunny suit is okay like this isn't any more of a bunny suit just because the color is kind of more matched like the Playboy Style it's women's clothing that's the point I just yeah it's just if you if I wasn't wearing the ears you would think I was a maid you would not think I was a bunny okay I'm gonna do just a quick quick poll just sexy or sexy maid I want to make sure you guys are aware of what your and then the other category would be Hatsune Miku maybe Park sir is down for outside Miku of these two is there is there a strong thing do you want to like vote on like sort of all sexy options or specifically sexy made options okay it seems like sexy okay so we'll do Hatsune Miku is the other one that people pick so we'll do we'll pick one sexy bunny suit you guys will vote on and then we'll do the hot SUNY Miku one with a blue wig maybe I can get Parker to wear that I don't know okay we're just let's just do bunny suit that seem to have the best ones how do we do this do I just write down the ones that look good okay hold on I'm gonna close all of the tabs and then we'll just do it on tabs okay this I assume this one this is one you want to vote for I'm trying to like get a variety here this is a very generic looking one yeah we'll do that it's red one we already got that what is this foreign Maps because there's too many I think we just go through like and then you would always be selecting one that's on the page no no I don't think you need click map seems like most of the sections like I'm just gonna get like a uh bunny ears headband if you're grounded Roots we could just invest in a super high quality headband and create the rest of the outfits ourselves we could or I could just buy it off Amazon look this has a bunny tail she's a sustainable Seafood advisory list it is known for science-based seafood recommendations that consumers sometimes used to inform their Seafood purchasing decisions discuss Puck say is definitely getting a loyal slash cup thin suit I feel like I've covered all the bases here right we don't need to do click Maps because look look at all the tabs I have opened this covers all of the sexy ones and we'll just vote on these 10. hey Doug it's divorce and I've decided to strike now also how many subs for Rosa suits who's Hannah what is this I don't know what this is purple Bale go for a bunny onesie they're trendy right now LOL I'll throw the diva one in there so you can vote for it if you want because it's still sexy this one has the stockings these feel feel fine right am I like oh it's from Xenoblade got it it might I'm not like clearly missing it's terrifying like this is a classic let's see okay let me measure my chest and see if tell me if my chest is the right size hey Doug what if you dress up as a bell pepper and then dress up as a bunny while in the bell pepper costume hey Doug put poxa in the one from Christmas Story foreign I would be lying though I'm not in a hot tub is that good yeah weighs the big fluffy bunny suit but yeah but people didn't go for inflatable and big fluffy one Mega Honkers um the divorce so have to go to work in a bunny suit and now my boss is calling me in his office for something called sucking my way to the top wish me luck um but you won't play Kingdom Hearts rig I am gonna play Kingdom Hearts this is the only reason I'm doing this is I'm not just doing this because I thought it'd be fun okay I didn't just change my mind on buddy suit it's because we raised a ton of money for charity five nights are Freddy's Bonnie suits uh it didn't pop up okay these are fine right I think these votes are fine these cover these cover the different range where I'm on all right so some will have sizes thoughts on the wow River Run I'm still pushing the Twitch Plays well and people can join to help uh yeah I might do that at some point I would like to be wild son uh something there's just not enough time in the day you know chest size large equals 42 to 45 inches okay okay so we're gonna be voting on which this is gonna be one of the two bunny suits we're gonna buy the other one that's gonna be the Hatsune Miku one and maybe we get a third if I'm worried about the sizing look at the pictures of each one they have 10 to have charts oh here we go okay XL okay this is too much bust bust is my chest right okay we gotta measure me length what does length mean I've never done these ever okay so I'm in XL right because I'm 41 inches I actually perfectly fit XL although I'm probably gonna be wider length crazy I don't think that's what it means man we could get we could do we have this red one as an option we should have this red one as an option but we do right hold on that's not what we have this as a backup and then it's the red version that'll be the boat um look at reviews to see if sizing runs big I mean yeah okay oh hold on the size is right it's not very flexible everything fits as expected it looked if you have boobs this outfit is not for you okay I'm good there I would have loved it if it fit but this is a situation where it's not gonna fit no matter what size you pick just go up a size but everything else fits that's what so their views are saying it runs small I mean I'll just I would go x x large right and we just hope and I don't know we'll like cover me with olive oil and we'll slide me into it and we'll deal with the consequences later measure waste I think it would definitely be double XL right how do you make where do you measure your waist from my multiple sexy bunny suits and sew them together so they fit I might need to buy a second one for safety uh like 35 inches that oh it's belly button Space Jam low live bunny costume belly button's 33. oh measure from your waist whatever it's like 35 or 30 years rigged that's why I redid it um 33 POG thick POG I don't I don't know if you guys if I actually rank in some sort of interesting category if you're or if you're just easily excited all right either way I'm gonna get the very largest one I can this one at least has double XL which is good this one only has extra large this would probably not fit me look like it's very unlikely 100 friendly definitely not no I already looked this one has oh this has five extra large holy [ __ ] hold on hi Doug are you a fan of the Xenoblade series I've noticed that you use music from the series often in your videos uh I'm not but I do love the music I find the music incredible so I use the music a lot but the the I'm not really into jrpgs okay this one has this one is definitely has the size options this probably wouldn't it's insane hey Doug how you this they probably wouldn't hey this doesn't even have sizing but it looks more flexible so maybe if with enough olive oil and butter we can get me into that can you look at a Christmas story bunny suit please oh we did this one at least has a tail oh it has triple XL height how tall am I started he said he wanted you to wear a pink bunny suit also I'm gonna search up male bunny suit how many uh how many centimeters is six feet two o'clock 180's five eleven I mean this would probably fit though I mean I could probably get into it I would assume and it has a bunny tail here's the diva one this has double XL that would probably work someone is stealing my walls and using them as boys I need to protect my walls I'm hurrying this one would probably I think the diva one would probably fit there's no way this one fits there's no sizing I'm eliminating this one do you know any cosplayer that might want to do a collaboration with the bunny suit I don't we don't need help with the bunny suit we're just gonna purchase a suit and I'm gonna put it on this isn't like a huge deal um and then this one has XL which we Willie winky costume for men we Willie winky costume for men yeah that sounds like it's one of the ones that I wasn't allowed to show okay we're gonna vote off of these ladies and gentlemen all right stream where he could only say nice things maybe if I say blank challenge would make it more interesting ah we'll see I'll have to think of something to get through the torture of playing a Kingdom Hearts game hurry up I have to divorce my wife who is also a surgeon [Music] we are voting on the first bunny suit that myself for Park sir will be wearing this is number one Doug how can you this is number two to this guy's life-changing surgery what's so important about this is number three this is number four I believe most of these will these should all fit I think with enough butter are you planning on number five since Seattle this weekend no one two three four five this is six this is six right here this is seven [Music] pink stretchy this is eight it's just the white with the stockings and the tail and the suspenders this is nine the diva one and this is ten which is like huge white ears bow tie white Style you can vote for up to three just type it as uh a different message but there's ten right one two three four five six seven eight nine ten yeah okay ten options just type the number into chat and you can vote okay a lot of love for four [Music] damn dude this is split look at this there's like no obvious people love all the bunny suits wow [Music] show that again I just showed them three right now you're making the most impactful decision ever four five six seven minutes ten but that would mean owning a fursuit [Music] this is like Kingdom Hearts all over again my children's custody [Music] it's like Kingdom Hearts all over again when people suggested Kingdom Hearts and I was like guys I don't like Kingdom Hearts and they're like well what if you play this Kingdom Hearts games like no no no no I've already said I don't like furry costumes it's not you're not gonna convince me by adding more into the furry costume argument [Music] okay looks like we have two clear winners um the first bunny suit I will be purchasing is this beautiful pink women's bunny girl Senpai cosplay anime Royal costume one piece oh wait is it the anime one piece because this is not one piece I guess it's sort of One Piece One Piece body stewed stocking set congratulations everybody you did it this is the one piece we finally found it I will okay this is what thirty four dollars my concern is that if this like doesn't fit at all maybe I got a backup suit this doesn't look like it will be Flex like will Flex at all I don't think I'll be able to fit in this at all but it does have a furball tail in the back theoretically I get both okay the other one was Hatsune Miku right so okay the winners are one and four okay now that we have that the other vote was for Hatsune Miku so let me get let me get that let me pull that up and let's figure out which are we buying all three atsuni Miku bunny suit that was this right there's only one this one's seventy dollars though all that and then we also need a wig [Music] okay hold on foreign [Music] [Music] foreign hello boxer boxer uh you're on stream hello hi um would you wear a Hatsune Miku bunny suit and wig a hot what hatsuni Miku bunny suit and wig thank you uh I mean why in in what context I don't know what the hot hot sunny Michael no no it was hot sunny Michael no no hatsuni Miku she is a Japanese Vocaloid and she's a she's like a character this is for when we eat the fish and wear bunny suits wear a normal bunny suit uh the normal one that is sexy bunny sexualized or fetishized by the anime Community because that's what that sounds like Okay so okay yeah yeah we can do that yeah okay I think there's there's a really long delay on on the phone call again oh okay um okay cool sounds like we're both on board then I'll wear the hot SUNY Miku costume okay uh do I have to wear I mean so when I when they say like bunny suit I was expecting sort of like the onesie that you were wearing like the otter onesie but like bunny instead of otter no is this gonna be like a full-blown costume where it's like you know how like like some costumes have the really big head where you seem like what's the place name of the it's like Marvel land or Disneyland or whatever that place is or like you dress up as the characters yeah yeah and Marvel land or is it just gonna be like uh like a suit like a bunny like what do you call like a onesie it'll be it'll be a small onesie that accentuates your figure a mall one what do you mean a ball it's small like it's smaller oh small onesie okay yeah it's got a tail uh do you mean like a form-fitting one or one that is like it's very form-fitting yes okay I mean as long as I'm not dressing up as a sexualized or fetishized anime character I am probably generally fine with it okay can you open up can you open up my stream and tell me if this is too sexualized for you because they're they're it's it you could argue that it's sexualized but it's not anime and it's not it's not nearly as sexualized as some of the others okay um I will not wear that okay what about this no this is not a bunny suit this is like a like a literally like a sexual role-playing costume does that pink one have a slit in the crotch I don't know no I I don't think so I think it's just uh low resolution image probably or poor manufacturing um it's just it's anatomically correct though this is a hard pass oh [ __ ] all right all right Chad well if I'm wearing Hatsune Miku we might have to get a a better one a non-sexual one for Parker yeah like this this is gonna make your pecs look jacked bro I have no pecs I have like disproportionately weak Chest Springs uh yeah I mean you got time dude we're doing this in a couple weeks you can start hitting the gym laughs wait this is happening in a couple weeks I don't know what I mean whatever we both have the time we have to wear the suits and eat a fish remember that was the 90 000 goal yes I'm more concerned about the logistics of eating the fish than I am with the costume because I was anticipating that the costume was like literally just like a like a normal costume something that a normal human being with a reasonable logical brain would think of when you think of bunny suit um like if you go on like Google images and type in bunny suit okay hear me out what do you think about this bunny suit it is inflatable I mean it's big okay so the inflatable one's fine is there a cutout for my mouth so I can actually place the salmon into my mouth I don't know I don't know if there's a mouth hole I don't know where how you breathe we might have to cut oh well then how will it inflate if we have to cut a mouth hole Yeah that's a good point yes I'm not sure but something like that yes I will wear got it okay sounds good um would you still wear uh the Hatsune Miku wig here's what it looks like uh a lot I mean that that literally has nothing to do with the bunny is this like a bunny anime character this is this is for hot this is for hot Michael this is uh her signature look okay well I am fine wearing like normal bunny ears but this seems a little ridiculous deal okay we'll figure out we'll figure out something for you thanks for that thanks for the the helper so we just wanted to um just get a sense of your preferences okay okay bye Park sir love you see ya [Music] so we're gonna have to make a decision we have two sexy bunny suits wait where's the one [Music] we've got two sexy bunny suits that you guys liked and we've got the Hatsune Miku bunny suit which may or may not fit me uh XL shoulder is probably fine hips are probably fine waist is probably fine wait Excel seems huge [Music] so I think we need to okay I I am the only one who can wear a sexy one so I think we have to pick between this one this one and this Hatsune Miku one which probably will not fit don't trust the sizing just get an XL now the question is whether an exile will fit I think it's going to be too small [Music] like height I'm too tall bust how many again oh [ __ ] this isn't centimeters right [Music] centimeters not inches [Music] centimeters right right no it doesn't yeah chest is like 38 and a half so it's like how many bust I'm fine waste might be tough though waist and hips probably pretty tough he is simply too thick true my thickness is really coming in to hurt us number two with the wigs to buy separate pieces that make up a bunny suit than buy a costume that might not fit I mean the absolute worst case is it doesn't fit and I have to get a different one okay so what suit we have to do this in two pieces what suit for dogs could be okay we could do Evelyn purple I mean some of you are saying with the hatsuni Miku wig but then it's not a bunny suit this then I'm not like the ears aren't showing Evelyn purple the Senpai pink bunny suits on stream what happens next is shocking plus Hatsune Miku wig but then there's no bunny ears that's the only recognizable part of the bunny you could put it on top oh yeah I guess that's okay that's fairly this is built in I'm just more of I resonate strongly with my human attributes uh okay so the ears are separate okay so technically we could combo these I'm getting a surgery while performing a surgery on someone performing surgery on someone performing surgery is all the way down yeah it's just a row everybody's surging the person in front of them so Evelyn read who can agree that the bunny who d looks hot a.m not sure it counts as a suit but maybe you should get that one just for you my divorced wife does not approve this message it looks like Hatsune Miku dress plus wait won't fit me but we could try or something anyway what are we doing probably one through four are better options I could still get the wig okay this is the big dramatic moment actually this is the one that decides I had soup wanted hey all right purple not red oh did I oh yeah oops hold on I gotta redo that Evelyn purple oops okay hold on confused people uh uh okay the options are changing Evelyn purple Evelyn purple plus hatsuni you should eat twin of the fish they throw in Pike Place are those Salmons I yeah it's probably actually where I might go I think those are pretty expensive okay does everybody see the new numbers one is pink so this is number one this is number one number two is this plus this number three is Hatsune Miku or I don't remember oh Hatsune Miku plus the wig but that probably won't fit number four is just this number five is this plus this is but the bit needs to be relevant or make any sense damn dude people going hard for the Senpai pink that you should give us all fatal but CDs it's that relevant that is funny okay I'm here to steal that guy's organs am I too late for the surgery no just hang out near the dumpster where they throw they just kind of throw dumpster organs in there at the end of the surgery all right uh very close very close between Senpai pink and Evelyn purple but in the end to shoot the bunny sweet the bunny suit is this costume which has a lot of stuff too the coughs the suspenders the ears the lacing keep in mind floss this wig and fill it out I actually have pretty I have a pretty big chest [Music] what if you have this don't underestimate my ability to fill this out all right I'll do a bunch of like I'll work out right before I come on streams I'm just like super jacked I promise Chad I will fill out this sexy bunny suit [Music] okay the question is how big it's so like it's up to 5xl I don't know what I should get it looks is the materials hold on I guess we first we ask is it let me make sure there's nothing you already did my type outfit why do it again wow very poor reviews a red view saying order size up so I did I'm five three way 270 I have a brother okay this is a Doug this person is very differently shaped than me I'm the guy who's gonna do surgery on the Uber Eats guy um okay they're talking about how it makes you look we don't really care about that only wore it once before the straps and tail fell apart that's fine I don't need to wear it a second time it comes from within douglas douglas the fishnets they send are all the same that's good the stockings are way too small the body did fit great this is not at all a 5x waiting for this guy has been waiting for too long we are losing money dude I don't know how big we get what size like what size do I get um High deck just finished surgery welcome back is 5xl too much look at the sizes okay this is length what is length okay bust my bust was 41 right that's what I said go for a bunny tail butt plug has a Finishing Touch no no we will do one that's on the external part of my body it's torso I feel like three or four makes sense right hold on okay let's go off the measurement this is bust measurement is the bunny suit this one's way too small reread the first review 5x any smaller wouldn't fit okay my bust is 39 inches hey Doug so that puts me attorney for the one guy that puts me in 3XL guys surgery can we hurry this up waist is around belly button right is what you said I mean I think we should probably just get the biggest but race is like 30. it could cost you worshiped you with his gun 34. uh so that's 2XL maybe even XL I mean we probably just get 5x all right we were so close to sexy made bunny suits found it's Japanese size and get the biggest the only the only the only argument for 4XL is assuming that does this material look stretchy at all I can't tell if it's like cloth or latex green bunny suit to match the Magic Hat because if it's stretchy at all we could try to go we do 4XL no okay we should get 5xl all right we'll do five even this honestly probably won't fit me it's pleather oh yeah okay no then there's no way okay so I'll get this at the biggest size water bunny to go with the suit and then I'll get the Hatsune Miku style one it's not gonna make any sense these don't these don't match at all it's polyester not that stretchy Doug that's why the bust has a range surgery you completed extreme Grandmaster speed on in Pega this makes you the only person qualified to attempt this to get the pink wig well it's the Hatsune Mika wig though Hatsune Migos that's what she said close got him one day one day you'll get him I don't know if like do you want this instead what wig teal teal is what cause Hatsune Miku summoned it's like a it's like a popular Vocaloid character so this is what Hatsune Miku looks like so that's what the teal one's based off of I don't know what the what this one is based off of okay what wig it seems we should get 20 Fat Albert CDs instead and get a Fat Albert costume no no I don't think they sell that on Amazon and if they do that's a recipe for a lot of them awkward moments at the nip and below the tits oh yeah whatever dude we'll go for the 5x okay people still want teal so I'll do Hatsune Miku uh we'll do the Hatsune Miku wig plus this pink thing a a okay so we need like so parkser is not willing to wear a sexy outfit what were the other ones that we liked what did were there any there were anything that we liked that were like uh not sexy the fact that James he did say inflatable idea even better emo yeah well well chat chat went the sexy route look once you see uh Mai tushy in that bunny suit you're gonna forget all about furry stuff even though I will certainly not turn around on the Stream what have I walked into or buying a bunny suit um okay the only problem with the inflatable one the only problem with the inflatable bunny suit is that we cannot eat the whole point of the night so we had a 90 000 Milestone which was that if we hit it Doug Parker would also wear a bunny suit to get your sizing right so you don't need to adjust the item when you get it I think 5xl though is what we need um Parker is going to wear a bunny suit with me and we're gonna eat a whole salmon together that's the plan so he's not willing to wear a sexy one the inflatable idea is hilarious like this is super funny but he definitely would not be able to eat right there's definitely no mouth hole in this because it's inflatable it doesn't make any sense that if it's inflatable it has it can't have a hole so the other one this one is for children parks are is bigger than a child Parker's also like six feet tall this isn't this one is also not gonna work dude foreign it's for seven-year-olds it says for adult wait is it oh this is a huge yeah that's a man wait hold on wait oh okay this is the one for kids so this is this is real okay we can do inflatable um one size fits all right this could do it I mean just hit someone with my car and now they need surgery or something anyway put butter in a fluffy suit [Music] extra sit here in this suit and try to eat salmon would be the greatest moment of my entire life and everything would be downhill from there yeah we gotta do this one yo three two one hamburger I'm gonna time you out man the way to spread your ideas is not just to like spam them in giant paragraphs as often as you can okay uh there were there any other ones though like bunny onesie do you think we could get him to do this do you think we could like convince him that this is for men if something tells me he probably wouldn't it's a little it's a little high on the on the legs okay this is a bunny suit hey this is a bunny this is a bunny suit wondering what's your thoughts on bunny suit were my ex-wife's dying wish was to know whether or not she promised I've since divorced to us [ __ ] you Deborah I mean I have at this point looking sexy Doug promise to buy a bunny suit thank you we could uh we could get him that yellow Easter one I mean I think we have to do the inflatable one we have to do the inflatable one put on the bunny suit and behave all I will have to punish you hold on [Music] hello again all right uh can you open my stream yes do you have another idea it's I just want to see if this bunny suit is too sexy for you probably it's not no no hold on before just look at it first and then and then let me know once you've seen it and let me make an argument okay see my butt cheeks okay no here's what I'm thinking you wear pants you wear pants over this that way it's not about revealing your butt it's just about wearing a soft looking bunny suit that might fit you they only have a large what's your bust size my butt size bust don't be gross bust uh I have not measured so I'm not sure so so you are okay if you wore pants are you into this one why would I wear pants with uh so that you're not revealing your butt so you're not revealing your butt cheeks exactly no why not just get a better bunny suit to begin with I mean we're looking at other options too don't worry we're looking at other ones we got this giant inflatable one I forget where that one went okay well the the gray okay you're scrolling too fast uh okay that one actually is my favorite okay okay the big pink and blue okay I like this one okay all right okay if you'd be you'd be sitting next to me in a very sexy uh pink one wait how do the hands work how am I going to pick up the stem uh well look very I guess I'll feed you seductively um so the uh the model looks like she's suffering but this I find this one amusing so I actually out of the ones that I just briefly saw from you scrolling this one is my favorite one okay um a lot of the ones that you just scrolled through look a little boring like they're just regular onesies what are you expecting all of them what are the options that you think come up for for bunny suits the inflatable one like I like that one that one is fun but all of these like the plain ones like the ones that you're hovering right now the white one that I find a little boring this one is weirder but I don't know like all these I would do but I like the inflatable one it has more cork to it sorry I had to sneeze um sneeze directly into the phone no I tried to turn away uh I couldn't do it in time though okay well that sounds good so we'll look between the normal ones uh the inflatable one and the half sexy one uh which one is the half sexy one this one that could be you but why I I don't know I'm leaving it up to chat they're the one who raised a ton of money for a great cause we have to do a work cancel so like if I wear pants over it it's just gonna be like a bunny top and not a bunny suit I guess you'll have to get pink matching pants um ah I mean ideally not but I don't know I I would I would prefer the inflatable one okay noted we'll we'll keep that in mind as chat makes the decision um I feel like this is not an ideal thing to lead to good chat to make a decision but okay I think they'll vote inflatable yeah could you go back to the inflatable one is the are the gloves like tied or like attached or are those like just extra things that you figure oh okay I guess I can have free hands and if I just don't put on the the white thing yeah I think it'll be okay I mean as long as I have one hand or I can just use my hands that works as well that works as well um hold on I'm trying to get pictures of you are you trying to photoshop in my face I'm not going to photoshop I'm just gonna put an OBS to give you a sense of what this could look like Park sir it's very hard to balance image Parks or great new oh that name is already in use oh I already have a Parker picture oh literally this is already I didn't have to do anything okay all right how you feeling about that Park sir how's it make you feel this could be you it does not that does not help me and match I think you look beautiful great fantastic and what do you think about that how does that make anything I did not help this is not actually helpful I mean it's useful that I'm it appears like I'm wearing a pink shirt in that that photo that you're using so it Blends in so I like that part but that's like the only aspect of this this edit that makes sense [Music] I mean if you get huge voluptuous pecs in the next couple weeks um you're you're gonna look great Parker but okay we'll put this to a vote we'll put this to a vote with chat we'll let him vote right now we'll basically go between three categories the sexy pajamas normal bunny suit or I guess bunny onesie and inflatable and we'll do it between those three okay I mean I guess it's fine I mean are they aware that this is under the condition pajamas I will also get pink pants to go along with it yeah no I mean you're you're on stream Yep they're hearing you okay cool we're gonna do the vote um thanks Park sir I love you okay yeah one day he'll say it back okay we're voting on the three categories what category of bunny suit well really it's not even a category what bunny suit for Parcher first is the pajamas sexy pajamas the second is onesie and we'll vote on what onesie that we would get or inflatable and that would be that specific inflatable one here we go oh my God strong result for inflatable not even close ladies and gentlemen I am so excited I'm so excited to see what park Sharon looks like when he's eating salmon inside of this inflatable bunny suit we're getting it adding it to the table I hope it fits him also if he's like sitting down in a chair um he's so he's sitting down in a chair wouldn't like you're supposed to be in the middle of the thing so the suit would like move forward to like barely be able to sit at this desk or eat it's gonna be so far it's gonna be weird uh and maybe I'll buy us a secret third bunny suit and try to convince him to wear it underneath the inflatable one all right cool cool cool we did it um those are the bunny suits so I will be purchasing not this one not this one not this one no this one not this one not this one though I'll be purchasing this suit for myself in the 5xl version I'll be purchasing this Hatsune Miku wig for myself and I'll be purchasing this inflatable suit for Parker beautiful all right let me uh I'm gonna write these down so I'll purchase them right after stream when we were joking about bunny suits I was definitely thinking haha Christmas Story not haha sexy Doug am I the weird one I think you are Man based off of people's visceral reaction to seeing sexy bunny suits I think you are a white rabbit Alice in Wonderland costume would be pretty fitting as well it looks like the Magic Hat bunny the problem would be that it's not too sexy but maybe we could adjust that will there be a bunny costume for the salmon good luck it's they probably don't have an adult version yeah I mean Alice Wonderland has some dope stuff rabbits and handcuffed and authentic bunny suit oh my God Jesus Christ I already own a magic hat invention I'm a huge scaly fan how about you not quite don't I be sure not to misinterpret what's going on here today I did not suddenly develop an immense love for animal suits what happened is I was paid off by the twitch chat charity Mafia okay two magic hats are better than one I mean I'm not even able to fit it I have bunny ears and the and the wig no we're good on that I mean I can wear the magic hat during part of it uh I don't even know where we're gonna do this I guess behind here somewhere and we'll just have to like set up a table or something and have to eat salmon okay I'm gonna eat those after stream the other thing we have to figure out from the charity stream oh wait I want to show the the card my message and says he won't operate on me unless Parks away is the inflatable bunny suit oh want to wear your magic hat Well normally I can't it doesn't fit on my head bunny suit um let me get the thing up the mahatsune Miku here will be chroma keyed out well we wouldn't be using a green screen for the salmon day you want multi-millionaire after all according to that one website I have millions of dollars I wish your personal wealth was determined not by how much money you've made but by some random like social tracking website says you have five million dollars I just scream bunny suit that's worked so far with twitch chat that seemed to solve problems I like the design of one but four has the best chance of fitting yeah four four I think yeah is the most likely to actually work hello it's me my name is Doug will you oh will you give me a hug but bunnies hopneath Seattle son but do they oh do they know that I'll be one my silent suffering shall not go on I will order yes order a bunny suit on Amazon the one piece the one piece is real I don't understand why it's called a one piece all right um so once again today is in large part just dealing with the Fallout from what happened on Friday which is raising a hundred and four thousand dollars for the Monterey Bay Aquarium as part of that the Monterey Bay Aquarium folks um if you were here on Friday you saw that they were shouting us out on stream and they were messaging me and just saying how incredibly thankful they were for for what we did and what was going on which is freaking awesome on top of that they sent a card today which I want to show I actually haven't read it I hope this is meant to be public I think it's meant to be public because it seemed like it was for the community this is a card like from the employees at the Monterey how do I open it oh there we go and we got like a whole bunch of messages from like all the staff there this is wild and there's a little animation I gotta expand this can I make it bigger thank you in the community thank you for the amazing support I've been a primary caretaker for Rosa for 17 years from the bottom of my heart thanks for caring so much for our old lady she means the world to me in so many ways oh that's awesome Rose is the best Doug alphabet crew and all the twitch followers have shared this moment every dollar set aside for all the joy you brought our staff diving into the ocean from the sandals band with every oh you joined in the Thanos band that's awesome wait hold on oh my God okay this there's a lot thank you the entire twitch Community for sport of the conservation thank you so much for raising awareness you rock thanks so much to the community amazing Act of sport thank you for dedicating your passion energy to the fundraiser thank you for inspiring conservation of the ocean oh my goodness dude how this is like the whole staff this is crazy utterly incredible we look forward to your fantastic Rosa tattoo that's the gifts and all of there's Rosa Gibson all of the card that's amazing thank you so much you're all Advocates of our oceans such an incredible display of generosity I've never in my life seen such a wild and wonderful birthday party true dude this is awesome thank you for the love and support thank you the amazing I was utterly floored by the support on Twitch yeah we need some emotes I will personally go to the auto exhibit today and make sure the girls know about this incredible effort yeah dude the Otters are so adorable thank you so much for raising thanks for all the hard work everybody gracias Amigo Doug and Community thank you so much for celebrating Rosa your parties are magic there's something they're deranged but magically deranged look at this gif such a joy to watch you in your awesome Community I can't stop bragging to my friends about it yeah we're the coolest we're the coolest friend in that whole friend group now amazing thank you thank you thank you in the generous twitch Community thank you for your uh Your Enthusiasm thanks for raising so much money and by the way this is thank you to you guys like I just sat here and screamed in a bunny suit I mean everybody here dude there was like 300 people who donated a hundred dollars or more a 300 some of which were like hundreds of dollars or thousands like that's crazy that's like there's literally hundreds and hundreds and hundreds I mean there's thousands of donations so it's like a massive group effort group effort right I just want to make that clear like it was like everybody contributed so much a Rosa by any other name would still love the douglas douglas Community hell yeah most fantastic fundraising events ever are such incredible NBA champions oh Monterey Bay Aquarium I read that as NBA and I was like did we play basketball gym and I was trying to understand you and your each of your three oh it's 3 000 donors dude that's insane that's so many people and even just watching and supporting genuine love for our Sweet Rose there's something I've never seen before thank you thank you for the support thank you the amazing initiative thank you Doug oh my God we're like halfway dude this is so sweet of them to put this together [Music] look at the freaking daughters man [Music] okay this is where the NBA comes in thank you thank you thank you thank you this is like the whole staff this is wild enjoy your new tattoo and welcome to the NBA Critter tattoo club oh nice I'll be joining an elite catter is that you say hot Cadre how do you say that an elite group of fans who uh who have Rosa tattoos I do need to figure out what that's gonna be thank you so much for an utterly fantastic birthday live stream look forward to it every year I loved watching the sporcle otter quizzes hi Jake's humor and enthusiasm uh this is awesome I'm an operator NBA and it's super motivating thank you for introducing so many people to a playful sweet otter moms look at Rosa oh my goodness I've never watched any kind of twitch thing except for years on Friday do you think this is a good what kind of impression do you think you would have of twitch if like this is the first stream you watch probably for some of you guys this was right a hundred thousand thanks for bringing the community to celebrate our Queen every year oh my goodness [Laughter] thank you so much for the support thank you thank you thank you thank you for the enthusiasm with generosity is this AI generated Doug in the dug dog Community thank you so much for all the love and support you shared with for this lovely lady with your friends we are so amazed to hear a roses touch your heart we're so happy to celebrate her wonderful life with you with love from with love from a beautiful rose Rosa and the sea otter team that's really really sweet I wonder how many people work at the aquarium it's got to be a lot of the employees thank you all if anybody's watching for sending that's really really cool very meaningful yeah dude I'm so proud I mentioned it I mentioned on stream but that was like the coolest dream ever like greatest thing ever as a content creator [Music] um okay that was mostly the plan for today um the only thing I guess we could figure out how to eat a fish 11 out of 10 would recommend a fursuit if you're going bunny suits might as well make it the fluffiest possible doesn't make you a food you've gotta visit Rosa in the NBA sometime yeah have it wrap around your leg I wanted to do like an odd I want to do something like this where it's more of an outline I'll look into it add five minutes to your stream okay maybe oh yeah yeah sorry the other thing we have to do how to eat a whole fish this is like the planting Kingdom oh for Martha Stewart perfectly to buy a bunny suit [Music] okay Martha Stewart will personally guide us through this um hold on I have a song for this I spent the last few days sick with kovid watching your 14-hour peg of speedrun my favorite dreams were enhanced by The Madness of that stream thank you you're welcome glad you enjoyed it how to eat a whole Fish Hawk Sunny it just says after cooking I want to know how to cook the fish that's like the whole point using a shark fish or fish knife cut between okay so let me um let me just quickly remind so the Milestone on Friday when we were doing the fundraising one of the Milestones was if we hit 75 000 I would wear the bunny suit and eat an entire fish I think salmon the convict Martha yeah this is this is advice from a felon um now the question is how do I do that how to cook an entire entire salmon we're gonna try to eat a whole salmon salmon isn't a very ethical Seafood though uh not a lot of seafood to my understanding is ethic I think it is okay to have have some salmon but at the same time I like do try to look for sustainable Foods whenever I can I agree that there's Seafood in general is not sustainable it's actually some of the work that the Monterey Bay Aquarium does is trying to like change things in that field but I will look for I mean I will do my best to find like a good source of salmon not just like from some uh Shady like salmon dealer underneath a bridge where like walk down there I'm like hey man you have salmon and he opens up his trench coat and there's like a big fish in there I'll do my best there are local salmon Farms even salmon farms for what I've heard are not super sustainable because then what they're feeding them is basically pulled in I don't know Seafood is is uh rough it's in a rough state so hopefully people I mean that's again that's part of the work Monterey is doing I will do my best to find something that uh is is as ethically sourced as possible okay eight easy ways to cook salmon no we're looking for a hard way how to cook an entire salmon how to cook whole salmon in the oven go to a river and fish don't they die right after laying their eggs yeah I grew up in Sacramento like and on the river the salmon like go upstream and spawn and then just die all over the place I'll tell him to but now that he's he's all of his ripped muscles would be hidden inside the inflatable thing yeah it's really weird like salmon are just they just die all over the place and I've almost stepped on them all running several times in the inflatable one we could swap you could ask MBA for their advice yeah I could reach out I mean I'm in Seattle there's a fair number of options for buying fish I I'm not worried about buying a fish I'm worried about how to consume it activity we're now a trans lesbian much love from the trans members of your audience transgender Pride hey thank you I don't know if the bunny suit is means that necessarily but I love the support he is absolutely Delirious you guys need to watch Shrek together I love that donkey Eagle he literally won't he literally won't watch movies with me I've asked him he's lived at my place for like two weeks two or three weeks and he just he just won't watch stuff I try to he I asked if he wanted to watch the new Game of Thrones show with me and he sat there for like five minutes and then said it was boring and left I he doesn't consume media uh I'll I'll keep trying but I don't think it's gonna work markets have crashed in its entirely your fault you've caused Millions to go bankrupt worth it um this is gonna be a really expensive fish by the way there are things called bunny boys it also works okay I have to eat the head right how much of the head can you eat am I can I eat the head without dying can I eat the head of a fish I assume you can I don't really eat much fish I don't actually know like anything that I'm signed up for here eyes are the safest part I'm seeing yes and definitely no hahaha you can eat the eyes don't eat the head it's just bone I mean maybe I want to eat as much of the fish as I can that was the that was the goal I mean he'll have his gun most of it Salmon Head is a delicacy can you eat the head of a salmon hey Doug I just wanted to thank you for being there for me as I'm going through the process of divorcing Michael Yours Truly Hatsune too true sorry to hear that the most surprising dish well this is soup grill or roast the bones and pick the meat off you kind of screwed yourself when you agree to a bunny suit and not a rabbit costume long I mean I'm fine wearing a sexy bunny suit I don't care how do you clean salmon heads what is this article they are amazing uh at this point we're locked in unfortunately why does the article end with can you eat salmon head that's what I wanted to know and then it what it's an AI generated article oh okay can I eat salmon head Raw I guess like what we should really figure out is will I get will I hurt myself hey all just got out of surgery will I hurt myself by just trying to eat as much of a salmon as I can what are we doing today I have to update my title you can get a magic hat vanilla combination hat and add the wig so you have magic hat plus bunny ears plus the Hatsune quick I already have a magic hat we don't need to purchase another one these are all sketchy AI generated articles based off wow I didn't realize that was a big thing now pitching images of him in a sexy bunny suit on the internet forever but not okay with going out in the streets for a few people to see it true um see it when I stream though I can pretend that you guys aren't real I can't pretend that you guys aren't real if I'm like out in the world wearing a bunny suit this has to be AI generated right yes it is indeed a fish head soup and you do use salmon said you do use salmon heads to make the broth I don't know why they like bolded to make the broth that doesn't seem like the most important part of this can you eat salmon head Raw has to be AI generated can you eat salmon head raw raw is capitalized sardines mackerel prawn shells tuna fish heads Etc you can even feed whole raw fish heads you can mix your raw or canned fish in with their regular raw meat meals this article this makes no sense wait I want to read this what happens when you eat a fish head the bones flush and fat on Fish Heads contain high levels of vitamins healthy fatty acids and minerals consuming fish heads also benefits the environment by reducing weight and pollution from fish processing facilities take some inspiration from these Cuisines around the world what do you do with what do you do with fish heads fish heads fish heads roly-poly fish heads fish heads aren't just food for cartoon Alley Cats they're also great for flavoring soups or making Rich fish stock Senegalese Style seafood gumbo Sardinian seafood stew steamed sea bass with Tamarind sauce clashes Classic Fish stock steamed red snapper packets I don't think half of these just have an ellipse at the end I don't think steamed red snapper packets that's probably like a type of like a spice or something right what what do you do with fish heads and Frames what heads and Frames can also be used to make fish stock which is useful for Soups chowders and seafood and rice dishes freeze homemade stock for later use if none of that appeals at least dig the carcass oh okay into the garden for fertilizer here we go how do you eat a salmon head you can always eat the Salmon Head whole slowly slicing it as you eat it or you can always separate the meat from the bones with a good quality knife and simply eat the Flesh of the Salmon Head the choice is yours okay so it sounds like this is real come on good afternoon everyone good afternoon to you what a great day we have some deliciousness we're gonna make today in the studio yes a lot of people are actually asking me after you know someone video so some minutes that's it yeah I don't see him eating an entire salmon I'm not seeing it I think a dark color would work better with the wig as a contrast can we change its color uh we did the vote I guess the alerts are really far behind still can't believe we raised over 100k for Alexa yeah where the bunny suits when you visit the aquarium probably not man treats friend to an extreme cheap dinner remember that one Peggle player that beats yourself he was the roots of this I do remember yeah I know where it came from there's a cat eating the cat I don't see them eating like the whole fish oh there we go be the rabbit's outfit from Silent Hill 3. okay so that's a that's just a head so okay so I can cook the I can cook the fish and then just and I just pick at it right should we get an inflatable broth so you can fill it out no dude I'm just gonna get really pumped up beforehand okay so clearly I will the kid seems pretty upset about it yeah they look traumatized I just need I need if I could figure out how to cook the salmon looks like the Hat I can just eat as much as I can see out in the front see if novel AI can generate a better one okay what I could do we could do is I cook the fish based on AI instructions this is your ISP according to your search history I can see you're going through some things is chat bullying you again no chat chat never gaslights me hey that's what they told me try getting a fake press to go with it so you just worry about the waste and bust dude I got no I've been needing more motivation to work out more this is my motivation needs to impress you guys with my bust if you have to use only to squeeze into it make sure to use vegetable oil rather than olive oil vegetable oil has a higher smoke point than olive oil and you may be too hot for the olive oil tips for cooking a whole salmon the first step in cooking a whole salmon is to make sure the salmon is scaled and cleaned meaning no guts the ones at Costco even have their heads removed which was nice because I wasn't paying for the weight of the salmon heads now that we have the fish prepped it's time to get cooking I followed my favorite recipe from Cook's Illustrated salmon with lemon herb butter it is simple and delicious this is probably going to be just legitimate the key to this dish is using high quality ingredients but not overdoing them get your salt right don't use too much garlic or lemon and keep the olive oil to a minimum write that down chat my son loves Salmons this is one of his favorites he even ate most of this without any sauce on top for the salmon I used a three pounder and I trimmed off about one inch from each side with skin on it will take closer to 45 minutes to cook through at 350 degrees if you leave the skin on then turn down the heat to around 250 for an hour and a half note if you want some of those lovely brown crispy bits on the surface of the salmon then rub it with a mixture of butter and coarse black pepper before placing in the oven for the breading I use panko crumbs and seasoned them with some Lori seasoned salt I feel like this is the perfect use case for AI right like this is probably all real this is where AI can actually figure out a salmon recipe based on just combing the internet you can also use regular bread crumbs if you prefer just make sure they are dry and Flaky and you do not add any liquids to them the final layer is a coating of egg whites mixed with some finely chopped parsley and chives that's when Master Chief walked in he looked at me like I was crazy what are you making he asked I told him he's wait what are you making he asked I told him he said why do you always have to make things weird what's wrong with just making a normal boring meal got so true Master Chief well I guess I am a little strange because sometimes I love to eat something a little bit more creative than chicken nuggets and macaroni besides who wants an old plain old boring grilled fish for dinner after the salmon is cooked for 20 minutes flip it over and finish baking it for another 15. this gives the salmon a nice crust on all sides in the end I thought it turned out pretty good all right that was good I want to upload this as a story to some like cooking website and see if they'll let it through and so some just like mom is trying to cook salmon for a kid it just hits this U-turn in the middle uh I mean okay it seems like correct me if I'm wrong here chat that I would just I'll buy a whole salmon I'll find the instructions for purchasing a whole salmon and it seems like you can eat the whole salmon head there's nothing like seriously against that and we'll just like pick up the whole thing I want to eat as much as I possibly can the only thing would be maybe to like boil the bones or something so that we're gonna eat the bones you said bread comes it's not you don't have to like clip if I say come it's not like a huge deal man do not eat the bones you will die you can't eat bones I mean that's yeah if I was a coward I wouldn't somebody said that I could like boil them and they would actually be edible like if I cook it a certain way it could be editable yeah you can't say come night bottle ban you don't eat the bones make bone broth Parker said that yeah and I guess I don't necessarily trust Parker I trust him on a lot of things but food and media not necessarily hi Doug this is the surgeon the broth is edible but not the bones okay I have ordered all my surgeon minions to begin The Surge apocalypse soon we'll achieve world domination your days are numbered like that I've been wearing I've just been buying a bunny suit and then to the side there's some sort of Mega surgeon apocalypse going on uh hell yeah by the way the alerts are really far behind like really really far behind and I'm gonna wrap up stream before very long so I might not have the alerts be able to go through I might dude I might need to increase my wife is currently undergoing surgery how can I keep her in a coma so she doesn't divorce me um I need to like increase the the price of of Texas speech hey dug happy or streaming my wife left me today thank you I not to make more money the point would be to make less money to get less donations because they're so far behind now all the time that it's like dude I don't think anybody wins when the alerts are like an hour behind any suits with me quick uh because chat wanted it can't argue against that literally 1751. 1751 is going to be a weird meme to explain to people if that continues all right yeah maybe next streamers the following I'll increase the face because I love text-to-speech to be clear like I I'm I want Texas speech to continue but Texas beach it's a little weird if like you know you have to wait an hour for your thing to come in and I constantly have to like pause it to talk and all that stuff so I might increase it like three bucks it's irony what is 1751 that number popped up on this on the speedrunner on the on the sporcle stream on Friday where we were doing sea otter quizzes and it was one of the answers to the quizzes and we never learned what it was the answer to that's the only way it sounds like Parcher would be into fursuits I'll ask him next time we hang up we never we don't even know what happened in 1751. we kept trying to use it as an answer we have no idea sexy Bunny and pox it could be the magician in a magic hat true yeah no I don't want to get rid of text-to-speech that's not the point the point is to have less of them so that when they do happen they're actually like timed with what's going on that's that would be the idea the inflatable suits are allowed that'll be funny um I mean I've had to do this as my stream has grown in general text-to-speech started as 25 cents and then I upped it to 75 cents then I upped it to 150 and it's been 150 for like this isn't a year a year and a half or something will you be shaving your legs to complete the look or are you going to wear it raw I have to I probably have to shave my legs wait for people who've gotten tattoos you have to shave your your body for it right like if I get it on my on my calf I assume I have to shave this cap right inflatable bunny suit might be the thing that finally makes sense true true um oh they shave it for you I mean if I get the tattoo before the bunny stream I could combo those two things well that's inflation inflation's wide increase it have you ever played out of Wilds yeah it's my favorite game of all time just curious yes it is one of my favorite games as well it is absolutely phenomenal the artist will shave you don't do it yourself I don't think they're gonna shave both of my legs because I'm doing a bunny suit stream soon circles the pants and bunny suit is more lewd is it how do you use TTS by donating 150 bits don't give me money right now I just told you that it's probably not going to show up today I think we're good it was a natural sneeze and not a possession no no no I promise this is a promise I've never made up a sneeze ever um however when I do have to sneeze I do try to yell as loud as I possibly can into the microphone and then it turns into his knees it's like in the in point crows video pink shorts um in the multiplayer stream we did I'm happy with this situation wave is now like Point row and and his developers made this incredible breath of the wild multiplayer mods super cool it's like 20 straight minutes of awesome contest Space Jam bunny suit it like you know this whole this whole video it was like really great wouldn't this so much fun if I could play it with someone else and then there's like I'm gonna murder you and then there's like all this incredible gameplay just 20 straight minutes we go to get I mean it's such a great like video and then in the middle of it it's just like wash it down with water because there's oil so sorry we should update it yeah yeah if you're able to open it up the program again and it worked and it's fine um the olive oil I sneezed are you okay summoned like Satan guys sneezes are Perfectly Natural I don't know why people are freaking out all right and it's the most watched part of the whole video it has nothing to do with Zelda oh my God this is the greatest thing I've ever done like I literally I personally am responsible for like 30 of those replays I was like crying laughing when I saw this we should update it yeah yeah if you're able to open it up the program again and it worked and it's fine um the olive oil I sneezed are you okay summoned like Satan sneezes are Perfectly Natural I don't know why people are I don't get why people are freaking out over that um anyways great so if a sneezes are all real I just I'm just uh yelling as loud as I can right beforehand and then you get to see what happens it's awesome it's like a roguelike you you start out but then like whatever whatever kind of [ __ ] shows up is gonna make its own thing yeah sandwich looks a little horrified energy coursing through your sorry we should update it yeah yeah if you're able to open it up the program again and it worked and it's fine this is horrified he's so upset oh yeah she looks like personally offended by this like this is this is the most revolting thing that she's ever experienced in her life oh man hello Doug you can buy the inflatable one used just saying you can oh my God make it a sub sound I can make that the three-year sub sound is literally Point gross video of me sneezing what if you got a baby bunny suit for the Rosa plush that'd be so cute oh I get what you mean but the Rosa plus is already so cute then it would make her not look like an adorable sea otter which is you have created Art thank you one Hobbit I I don't know what art I've created maybe you're talking about when Parker's face was in the bunny suit the tattoo artist will shave you but they appreciate it when you shave yourself if you're very hairy I'm pretty hairy we could wax me on stream Twitter wait this works perfectly in the Skyrim one hit point stream from like four years ago um one of the punishments was that I had to buy wax strips and wax myself I have the strips and I actually owe a waxing that's that's one thing I didn't do and I have to do that the man who just got out of surgery play Fat Albert for improv tryouts oh good thank you I did promise so I guess we can wax my legs on stream before I get a tattoo buy a lot of oxygen to fill the inflatable bunny suit true um maybe uh maybe I can take Parks or the store and fill his bunny suit with helium so it's just like floating around on the ceiling while we eat salmon no no I'm not gonna wax it right now a wax before I get the tattoo in case you popped one I I I feel like we'll be okay with just one um okay I had something else I was gonna say yeah I mean I'll try to figure out a design for the tattoo first in the coming weeks and then once I know once I know the exact location all that well we'll wax September will be a weird stream month yeah I don't know when it'll happen September right now should be normal the last month or two has been extremely busy to hold it in when he sits I'll pitch the idea to him I don't know if he would wear um a bikini all right folks I'm gonna call it we're wearing our bunny suits to that guy's surgery yeah I am gonna call it there I uh have a bunch of other stuff I gotta get caught up on including things from the stream including uh YouTube work and prep again I this week is super busy because I was traveling and then taxes this weekend in the Atlantic Ocean Love From the Bottom of the Sea sure I'll sell a bit before we we go end it two hours oh I think I'm gonna run out of time let me run the credits uh the alerts are still really far behind I've tried to get caught up even better than the sexy one so if you were listed here and your alert didn't show up I apologize thank you all very much for the wonderful subs and donations and support I appreciate it thank you thank you thank you um there's something else I was gonna do I think Parks should wear the Bunny dress but inflation will have to do I think Parker would look great in anybody outfit I think we're both gonna look smashing the inflatable thing was just funny because it'll only be his face just like poking out through the face you're gonna make a September Christmas special ever again it's one of my favorite videos remember Christmas special oh the Skyrim one the Skyrim video that wasn't like um we need a picture taken of him in the inflatable costume while sitting on the giant Che you made oh that's a good idea yeah he hates the chair because it smells really bad I made a big chair with my friend but the chair smells really bad so Parker said it gave him headaches and I had to take it out and put it in the garage uh where's credits there we go roll credits bam let's get some credits in here thank you very much for supporting the stream um wait somebody just said a thing that I was gonna reply to I forget uh oh yeah yeah the from the people of Sacramento we thank you for your purchase you have saved so many lives you're welcome um Pax West uh I'm gonna be there at Pax this weekend I'm not doing like an official meet up or anything but if you want to come say hi to me and park sir we're gonna be there uh the Saturday night failboat is doing a panel if you search fight me uh the name of the panel is fight me failboat packs West let me make sure this pops up uh where do how do I search it I don't know if packs will actually be cool it seems like it won't be Pax last year was like not it was not it was not good um schedule can I search for Stuff bam yeah uh failboat and jmoji are doing uh are doing a panel together 8 PM uh it's called fight me it's on Saturday so I'll be there are parks if you want to come say hi the the panel itself will be sweet so definitely you know come by for that and as a reminder Parker isn't here right okay I'm gonna sneak as many ball pit balls as I can in a backpack into the convention I can't promise you that they'll happen Okay I can't promise because I don't know if they'll be like sir you can't bring in like a hundred ball pit balls but I'm gonna put as many as I can in my backpack okay and then if you bring something weird for Park sir to sign I'll have a Sharpie whatever the weirdest object it is that you can get parts there to sign um if you give him one I'll give I'll sign a ball pit ball and give that to you assuming you want that I don't know how many people would actually want that until I run out of balls okay I can't so I don't know how many people will be there or whatever but um I will I will get as many balls as I can and I will distribute a ball at a time until people uh you know have all the balls or I'll throw them to random people if not all of them are given but um yeah we'll be here if you want to come say hi uh the panel itself will be really fun I think uh failboat did this at a previous convention and it looked super awesome and I'm stoked to be there it'd be great uh and then we'll see what happens to packs I don't know Pax itself probably is not going to be that exciting um cool will you sit on a death chair while eating the salmon I'll bring the giant chair down here I don't know if it'll fit it's like six feet or eight feet tall fill one of the balls with cream but don't tell anyone which one how do how would I fill how would I fill a plastic ball pit ball with cream I guess I would have to like puncture I could I could actually drill a hole and and like squirt Mayo in there actually the thing is the thing is don't tell people which one it's a it's like a hollow plastic ball right it's extremely light so if there's just this heavy thick opaque white ball it'll be pretty obvious which is the mayonnaise one that's why whipped cream oh got it actually I I might be if I blend up an entire Big Mac I think you could fit that into a ball pit ball because like a lot of the a lot of the space is the bread but if I really condensed it I think I could like drill like drill a hole with a bit and then squirt all of the Big Mac in there and then one person gets assigned Big Mac ball pit plastic ball from Doug duck and park sir which everybody's been asking for for a long time um cool what are you on about why are you freaking out guys people have been asking for it okay I'm gonna call it there again I apologize people's alerts who aren't showing up what you've done today maybe one day we can learn his respect maybe one day I'll get the world record on the Magic Hat run but thanks so much for stopping by the stream uh next stream should be tomorrow it will probably be another short one it depends how much how caught up I can get with things um it's just been a busy time so the rest of this week I won't have I want to be tomorrow hopefully congratulations Doug thank you otherwise next week oh my God you're incredible all right so I'm gonna go help orthos with rain all right bye everybody see you tomorrow
foreign foreign can you hear me can you hear me okay let me okay wait I'm trying wait that's too low okay oh okay and then you can see oh wait wait okay I think that worked okay hello okay oh hi okay how do um how do I put the so I can read their chat does anyone know I can see Tiny on like the previous screen but I want like the actual chat do I have to open Twitch or something all right um open Twitch okay um okay Maya okay oh okay as you can see then I put it over here this can go over here oh thanks for the oh no there's like so many uh oh okay I'm still trying to make this big uh there we go okay let's see um thank you saruku okay Daniel biggie rat pamizi local Legend 69 Prime scan chalubi Andrew Lloyd sir muffin wow and colossal and hexaurus thank you for subscriptions okay I figured out I have it on a big screen here like vertical I hope you can hear me and that it's like not out of focus or something um then thank you sing wait I forgot who I already thanked okay I think neutralized wow um the only ordinary thank you for a big fat 18 months I think oh am I supposed to read the message Ari's dream pogies okay oh thank you for the uh encouragement and there's one that says gen Z as this oh that's really funny actually yeah Brian's at Genesis in San Jose and he asked me if I could pop it for a bit so you guys aren't clamoring too hard or something uh what else 21 Ferrari what I don't know what that means yo what's up with this thing yo okay and then probably woohoo minute oh okay wait oh there's too many to keep up I don't I don't want to say stop subscribing because that's bad but it is hard to keep oh okay and then you have to read the chat too right like you have to go back and forth I guess so how do you get anything done okay oh okay let's see where I was uh they okay also is is the crown the crown is like the prime right I think Brian's had to get a bunch of prime Subs so thanks guys oh cool goes for life thank you Sydney D thank you maina thank you Percival San Diego thank you zero 51 thank you the Grand Puba of upper butt creek thank you uh and Evan 64. okay all right uh well thanks for joining us because I do know that a happy Lunar New Year for those of those having good food right now we're getting their money trying to open this candy here there we go I will chew off screen oh it's not very good it's this thing does it oh oh [ __ ] oh Lord [Music] um they're like from New Jersey or something oh there's so many I can't keep up okay um okay so we do need some kind of plan and it is Saturday so if someone could explain like how it works like I'm assuming you guys to make clips that are supposed to be educational and I'm assuming they're submitted on some Discord channel in the server and if I don't like it you get banned I think that's how it goes right okay so I'm gonna scan the chat now to see someone explaining that for me please oh God it's kind of going really fast can I make this bigger okay here we go there it is oh yeah okay wait ah okay did we watch Ender yes we did it we I loved it and I was telling Brandon for so long but we gotta watch Ender he's like I don't wanna watch I was like wait we gotta watch it and then finally watch it and he like loved it oh thank you CT Lou for the prime oh for the resubscription so that's a good return return person okay also like I don't really have any ideas because so Brandon's been oh I'm out of Brandon's been saying that oh you should play Hades on stream but I don't want to because it's extremely stressful and like I just want to enjoy and I want to hear the voices because it's good Voice work and I feel like in this essence of experiencing I would have to skip those cut scenes and I don't want to do that oh my God thank you uh Lily Elise for 14 months all right thanks for the baby for babysitting oh I like that like that maybe I'll just babysit you guys do you really want to do um what I've been playing a lot is slay this fire which I am enjoying greatly and I'm actually doing pretty okay according to Brand dong uh but then like we'll sometimes he'll watch me play and like he'll catch me making bonehead plays and it's like really embarrassing if I did that in public so I'm not gonna stream that either okay okay oh [ __ ] I'm only supposed to roll on Adrian right thank you Zaya for Prime wow this is so exhausting I'm already tired like having to babysit um oh first time chat um yes I love slay the Spire because I love deck building um um and this does it cost repeat money like drafting on MTG or something oh I think you commanded around for the prime sweep um oh someone is GIF encephalitis isn't that like a brain disease thank you for the gifts um ooh tell us embarrassing Adriatic stories hmm bring me Brandon would ban me if I did that you probably already knows he's not the cleanest guy so I mean to me that's really embarrassing like if the camera was more mobile I'd pants show you this room you know it's like Jesus Christ okay I don't know if there's any embarrassing stories like what's embarrassing anyway like nothing is really embarrassing unless you're like an [ __ ] and he's not so oh I actually have considered inscription a drug impression oh okay wait well I would just be like oh I laugh at my own jokes I texted Aiden from first class I don't know I I can't okay I'll have to have it in my head you know uh or like I know he does this thing I feel like he doesn't do it that much anymore but like every little bit he's like on this like weird high and he'll do like like every sentence and it's like okay okay wait wait there's oh my God I realized there was so much more chat like you know how you like stopped to read and like pauses scrolling oh my God there's so many messages okay frick um thank you big Almar for the 11 months very juicer subscription okay okay oh oh I'm trying to think of one embarrassing story I don't think well I think honestly like Brandon could like doesn't have like drip besides like his merch you know well it's not embarrassing it's just like unusual I think so you know it'll show up and he's like never the best dress like ever oh okay maybe cute stories is better oh wait you guys are crazy I can't do [Music] uh like you like just so you guys know like he dresses better on stream than in person like ever and one time he did dress nicely which to my surprise was um the chess boxing event like that was pretty nice I appreciated that okay oh there's so many stories okay obviously the wedding was an exception because I I picked out his suit like I even because he wouldn't do it and like I had to even like made him like say sit still so I could get the measurements because it was obviously like a custom-made suit and then it turns out that um it would look like a jean suit apparently in photos but it was supposed to be like a summer linen like a powder blue because he loved blue uh thank you the k09a that sounds like a radio station oh okay I can't tell you how you guys met okay I know Brandon like forgets facts sometimes very conveniently so it's kind of up to you guys who you want to believe I like to think my recall is better so I don't think Ryan's ever really saw how we met it's it's kind of interesting the way we've met because it was like serendipitous in me trying to avoid someone else oh wait what's that oh no the emotes don't show up in the Stream chat they shovel here like that spinning fish I love that one what's this what's this bathing fish called Joel is the spinning fish that's called Joel could someone explained that please oh I love it because somebody's my wife's called Joe though because okay if he hates it allegedly then why is it enabled right because in my understanding you can only have like a preset amount right oh yeah I like all those you know like those fishing jokes like I love like fishing memes like like imagine yourself not fishing now slap yourself and never do that again you know like those kinds of memes like they're really funny first time chat wait what the [ __ ] I tuned into my first stream and everyone is spamming my name what is this okay yeah it's a fish it's like a spinning fish yeah it's like really funny wait foreign sorry the name of the emote is called Joel whoever's name that is Telly try not to remove Joel I will tell him that because I like it a lot okay uh sorry I'll go sorry the story okay so in high school I had a friend who is a little clingy I'm trying to be very charitable but it was a little traumatic for me because you know I was like 16 or whatever she was just really clingy and I try to like avoid her and we ended up like getting accepted to like the same college at the same University uh thank you to Galen jader wow 20 months that's like a lot hello um yeah and then when I found out we were like we all just like when I when she was like messaging me saying like oh my God we should have totally dorm together and like I was so paranoid at the time and like terrified that like I emailed the excuse me I saw this candy in my mouth and it's like choking me um I emailed the housing people at ASU like hey this is a strange request but I know people asked to be paired with people all the time but I would like to make sure that I don't get roomed with this with person X is that something you can do because I don't like I have whatever I don't want to be with him okay and like I try to be really like sensitive and email whatever and then the lady immediately responded she's like oh yeah no problem it won't have I don't know what she said whatever and like a week before school starts this is like freshman year of college right we get our roommate designations and I'm like so ecstatic like oh who's like me like new friends you know and then it's the [ __ ] girl like they put me with her like they clearly misunderstood my email like [ __ ] can't you read like as per my email classic you know I was like the first instance of it and I like immediately freaked out and I was like look I'm so sorry but this cannot happen like I cannot be with this person please do anything I'll do anything again because it was like a week before like school starts they took me out of that situation and like dumped me last minute with like all the late applier people and like not to like make the story shorter my new roommate's boyfriend was Lorenzo uh who was one of the groomsmen at the wedding and he his best friend was Brian at the time and that's how we met because Lorenzo is always coming over obviously and then you know I was part of that sort of that's it it's that simple that being said we did not like each other at first like he thought I was fake and weird and I thought he was a huge doucher and then we became friends when his mom invited everyone to go to Germany but I was the only one who took them up on the offer and we spent time in Europe together and it was Fung but then after that that's when we like um it was actually sophomore year of like the first day of sophomore year um College yeah that's when we like became a thing yeah I don't know if that's interesting but I always thought it was kind of funny like that's I don't think I would have met Brandon if if I had just had like a normal roommate assignment because like why the [ __ ] would I run into him there's so many people at ASU you know it's like 80k undergrad whatever okay so because I talk so much I probably miss so many things right God okay let's see oh I don't okay yeah I think cracker not oh oh am I gonna get bad for saying that okay what if I say Cracker Barrel yeah okay uh thank you for the 16 months which is a lot Galen jader Jalen gator uh thank you for 20 months I am Kevo 353 princess oh gee jerk all right you must go oh I'm not reading the message that the ko98 oh God I lay 99 oh my God glow up is that like a misspelling of grow up Antoine thank you for the Prime oh why is there so many okay shiny sandcastles thank you sir jingle stinky buddy 4044 hmm oh Grace's knotters okay thank you Broods casts quadstar hey I'm eight hello eight subscribe eight on another eight oh thank you for yours oh what 33 wait you guys are being too generous what is it for these long ass months who plans that long in the future Jesus okay thank you Cletus thank you argumentum thank you splixer all right let me catch him okay um [Music] okay oh wow okay oh okay really I don't need to thank all the subbers I'm waiting for an answer no just I don't know Malone brown or whatever hey shark he doesn't think the sub I I swear I hear him yelling at once in a while how do I feel about Joel if you're talking about the fish I love the fish it's like a speeding fish like what could be better than that oh thank you for three months geek writer that's an easy name to read oh who's making fun of chat okay uh okay great uh so I don't know if that was entertaining or not but maybe I could just answer questions I guess because like honestly I don't want to watch [ __ ] videos like that sounds really boring to me because I can't focus um but you know people love talking about themselves and stuff so thank you to Captain calc oh thank you bagili Bagel 12 months please uh no I'm not doing great oh God I I can't even no okay you sh okay uh there's too many things oh there's a there's a gay Jewel that's really cute I'm a little I'm actually sweaty right now so I have to unfortunately take this off oh I I saw a question I we did enjoy Puss in Boots is very busting you know like busting Poots oh okay it's like a a bug like a type of a like a fig Beetle type thing I haven't seen the first one so there you go um someone got flagged for saying pirate the movie okay also the reason I can't actually play Hades because um it's like on the switch I play on the switch and I don't know how to um like connect it to the computer and I refuse to play on PC so [Music] um oh this hat is just uh it came with like the it says sponsored it's public you know I think that's the one Brandon's always Shilling for it came with like the the sweater the public you know like you investor or I don't know like you could do like half fractional stocks or something yeah yeah some of it yeah wait these are so funny you guys are funny as hell Mr Chuck thank you uh okay okay do a red oh I can do Reddit recap yes would you like that that sounds entertaining and easy for me yes okay so let's see how do we do that I open Chrome uh literally make sure I have it nothing embarrassing shows up right like I don't want to be doing leakies like last time I guess I don't need to be logged in uh a track then I would need to switch the camera right okay [Music] um let's see how do we do that uh full screen okay uh uh react to JCS I don't you change my after finding out about public oh yeah oh God does anyone no does anyone know how to switch to the screen like not the [ __ ] okay let's try I think it's this one wait uh nope wrong default maybe no oh that is very wrong wait what the hell okay oh so well that's true uh wait how do I okay [Music] um oh is it Windows capture Maybe oh no okay why does he have all these windows captured wait does anyone know how to do it oh God okay is it uh look for screen capture okay yeah yeah okay let's see what have you under scenes or sources this wait I'm actually leaking okay uh window capture is correct okay wait so I'm clicking it though Ara okay I have an idea I'm gonna go to Twitch oh did something happen okay it's like paused right okay how is this then uh oh okay wait wait did I turn the street no I haven't can you hear me I'm gonna turn it off oh God okay yeah that okay I think I got it maybe I'm sorry guys I'm trying I'm trying I'm sorry okay can uh oh you can hear okay all right oh I think are we back hello how's it looking false yeah all right um we're on window capture oh what if this just sucks okay I can't call him because he's like in the tournament or something and he's like busy all right hello oh oh okay I'm sorry okay how's that looking yeah I just I don't have it but like I just have to control all deleted oh whoops I'm sorry not my stupid twitch okay all right I hope that's better I'm sorry okay I will try this one more time I think I will give him a quick call if he doesn't answer we will try again and I know I did see all the subs while I was offline so thank you all right let's see he's not gonna he's not gonna answer me oh what Frick he is straight to voicemail very cringe help [Music] last chance stanza's at Genesis 2. in the meantime I um will scan the chat for suggestions on how to show what's on my screen on your feed I'm just afraid of hey window capture again scene okay wait a minute there has to be the source right no I can't bother people okay do I have yeah I'm I'm looking at OBS there's like scenes sources audio mixer and the control which is like stop streaming and blah blah blah which I hit previously it's a scene he just has things named weird oh it's a scene okay let's go through all of them then it must be oh that's a cute one um obviously not not that one Photoshop oh hello switch it must be that one oh oh that's it isn't it okay so then I wait what uh why is it like all like multiplied though oh did I do it wait is this good oh I have to I can't see the preview very well so I'm gonna I have to pull it up on my phone again oh I think that works right like because you're supposed to see my face can someone confirm if it if you're happy with this there's no chat oh okay I think I know how to do that I think I know how to do that uh one second let's see uh okay [Music] okay oh [ __ ] all right oh God okay because the chat is like the whole point right I don't know uh let's it's time for ready to pay the red we we uh keep trying more scenes okay we'll do that because we know that I know that this one works okay so we'll do that one more is 64. oh how's this nope there's a lot of large stuff oh how's that no no we did that one McDonald's I want to see what that one is whoa he put a lot of work into this didn't he or somebody did man of the Burger King let's try Burger King because that sounds funny to me oh this is the one that's the Super Bowl odds okay that's why is this recording this is so dumb oh oh okay I'm going through them guys okay well we did that oh scene two it's this one oh no not that one VR clearly not that one guys I did all the freaking scenes okay I got an idea though because we're gonna go to the switch Ara wait where is it switch there we go okay then all we gotta do is go to Source it wait maybe someone said something when's the last time you turned off it he never turns out as a computer it's very stupid and that's why his room is so hot Okay click add Source window capture click the browser window click add source click so it is Source okay uh uh but then I don't understand damn bands oh here there's one called chat uh just to confirm he did not answer me in case that wasn't clear okay yeah oh look this over here there okay and then how's that okay I'm not usually this text stupid okay like I actually now I'm assuming that oh I see what's you want it bigger right oh did it freaking Jam again okay I see what you guys are complaining about because you want like the thing to be full screen right so it must be this window thing wait okay uh uh this is perfect no it's not it could be better is the problem okay ah I hate OBS it's like it's so Jammy see it's not you're blaming Spectrum but I really think it's the software I don't I mean I don't know who knows right ugh oh it says being overloaded okay so clearly something I'm gonna give one more effort to um try to put it full screen for you guys oh it's just so it's a waste of space okay all right fine oh it's because Brad has so many things like running I I really don't think it's the honor in it I close all the tabs but like it's a stupid thing okay that being said I guess you guys will have to be Hackle um move this over a bit so you guys can read it at least I don't know how's that huh I'm sorry okay let's just move on because it's I'm sure that's what you want all right let me just there we go all right let's do it ready recap let's do now can someone in the chat resize I know I'm trying to like I don't know how to select the window to resize it because I know where the chat is in the sources thing um it just has he has so many scenes and swords I think it's like jamming everything I really I don't know if it's like [ __ ] Trump to be honest but okay anyways thanks guys for the wow green eyes for 25 months that's crazy for 24. thank you why is it this is so soft I'm gonna go drop something easy lag oh hello we'll see so it's like clearly the scene right because this is oh wait never mind what the heck this which scene is busted yeah it it is like I you guys are saying it's the honor net but it I think it really is right click on video preview go to transform then fit to screen wait right click well hello okay let's okay oh I hate this it's the stupid brands are just quick to blame sector mode it's 100 him with his million sources and his million scenes and it gets all freaked up and this dumb software can't handle it okay I'm going on from there okay I'm sorry that I can't fix anything wait but it's lagging right yeah okay how do I play this song is it like one of these okay no it's definitely like I know okay Spectrum does suck but this is a hundred percent the software because like it's like great and then I as soon as I like like uh seven times right uh okay let's see um just I'm not leaking anything under Auto oh okay because like it okay so I message Auto see if he will answer me okay oh thanks for all the support by the way uh I I'm what I'm guessing the audio is uninterrupted right oh okay good okay the good news is that on my OBS it looks good like for finally like I got it to work or something but it's the transmission that's a problem and like Auto is not answering me is the thing why you guys are too I don't know why the frick you'd want to spend your evening watching me waste your time that is quite the puzzle I'm very sorry oh that I can't figure it out and it's not the internet I swear uh control it's not the internet okay okay is that lagging hello foreign refresh chat Waze working now is it though because I have it like on my phone audio is interrupted wait oh this is such a huge f oh my God wait I think you guys are seeing something different than what I am oh oh I don't answer me hello is this hello Otto hello hi yes thank you for picking up what's up hi this is Ariana by the way yeah exactly okay hello I'm trying to stream I don't know anything I don't know how to make show a window on OBS also it's like lagging like crazy okay okay okay uh so if you look at your OBS yes there do you see the like thing at the bottom where it says scene sources audio mixer Etc yeah it's like three things yeah um so sources scenes is like the different um scenes and then in each scene there's a bunch of sources and one of the types of sources you can have is uh like a window capture so there should be like a plus button at the bottom of the sources oh yeah then it should let you select a window to capture oh okay well let me try that but now the the thing is um I think there's like a software issue well it was lagging when okay let me try it okay so so priest engineer I've seen already 10 whatever okay okay now it's like black than my new scene oh and then I click the source right yeah now you need to add some sources oh okay you should be able window capture um let's try to do like video capture device I think you should be able to like click add existing and that will allow you to like use the already existing webcam so so like video capture device not window capture well no you want both oh okay oh you can overlay but okay let's see uh at existing right wow he has so much garbage it's so hard to like figure this is it like stuff from the old sponsorship oh my God it's like ASDF Ben burgzy Discord ds7 hdf life split live split Mario Paper Mario stay comes for some reason window captures 10 through 19. um wait a minute let me start the camera first what window are you trying to capture oh okay no I think I got it okay okay so I'm there now oh then I just build it as I please using these red things right okay now I'm gonna add the window which I'm assuming is I'm just gonna add a new one right yeah just a new one should be fine and here it is in Chrome yes we're we're getting there nice nice okay thank you then I just make it big wait yeah I think you can do control F probably to make it full screen oh my God this is like it's like brain dead and I couldn't figure it out okay and then one last thing is the chat obviously right yeah so that's going to be a a browser Source if you do plus browser it should be browser and then you want to do like ad existing it might be called like stream elements I think it it just says chat so hopefully that works right yeah oh I see it okay now one last thing is how it's looking oh my God it's just a black screen chatty chatty wait do you know how to like unlock the aspect ratio for the red thing oh I think you hold an alt hold all no no that crops it uh no that's fine though right there's a way to do it maybe there's holes it's okay I think that should be fine I'll just do that well I just made my own scene guys learned from the pros chat people okay this is how you learn to stream actually for any wannabe streamers pay attention oh my God okay I think I got it because I'm also looking at my phone to see what people are seeing and it looks fine now the next question is if there's lag is that the software or my internet you think um if there's delay and I think there is a lot of delay I don't think that's solvable I think you just have to live with that yeah okay you'd have to restart the Stream right which is the Lamb very lame but that's okay but I mean if there's like stuttering then it might be like there's a program open in the background or something I don't know I try to clear everything maybe I'll clear Photoshop too I'm looking at it and it looks smooth to me right now and honestly oh perfect okay ignore chat because their opinion doesn't matter wait that's isn't that a mean thing to say well it's true okay well thank you very much I'm getting rid of Photoshop just in case that helps Photoshop is a big one yeah yeah I figured I just thought you know he has like a 30 80 in there or 30 90 so shouldn't that be like enough yeah wow okay you never know okay one final thing you know how like when you're like on the live Channel thing and it says like the streamer name and then it says like a subtitle how do I change that because it says no stream oh oh that's funny um you want to open you know like a new Chrome tab new Chrome tab okay do you go to a dashboard well okay open it in one that's not the one that you're currently capturing right because it might be leaking yeah but you want to go to dashboard.twitch.tv um and that brings up like a whole control panel wait I'm on my stream dashboard on my other monitor over here does that help yeah so is there something that says edit stream info that's where you can change the it's called a title yeah okay I'm looking because this is like a huge if not I might just have to uh um is there like a little thing where it's a bunch of like colorful rectangles yeah oh it's a pencil Maybe yeah oh how about all right takes over no more issues I promise oh oh my God I can't do mechanical keyboard uh come to the stream I literally cannot okay okay then I just go oh and then you can do like the push notification too right yeah but that's already been sent out oh it's true okay done okay let's see now I would check my phone it worked wait how do you see that stuff uh I just have your stream open but it all hasn't updated on mine that's okay I believe you oh there it is wow I think that'll do it now I'm going through the Ritter oh thank you so much okay yes call me if you have any more issues okay great I got really sweaty but you can't tell because it's a white shirt um okay I hope I'm not bothering you then if in case I do need to call you again no it's all good it's all good okay look thank you so much okay bye have a good night bye bye wow guys we did it well you did however suggested to Colorado was brilliant so thank you very much whoops for that all right shall we do it who's ready for [Music] it uh read it with I don't even know the [ __ ] song so let's just go for it is it like fricked here let me put it there we go that's better okay um I'm guessing I go by top of the week right how do you guys want it oh huge delay oh [Music] no there's a delay okay is there real delay what is that supposed to mean isn't there like a five second delay anyway or is it because I refuse to sing the song that you're saying that whoa someone made an aria version of the rec song well I can't click it because you guys are going too fast can you guys hear it well well this week's so come join us wow good job thank you oh I didn't see you sent that I think it was um thank you piggy bow 42 for that now let me X out of that okay wow that is okay ready guys we're about to react okay all right wow look at that the real elusive Target is his receding hairline Wow way to punch down you know what I'm saying why are you gonna kick your guy when he's down okay very rude actually but I think you lick the butter for the uh we trying to read these messages too okay there's a delay oh there's a there isn't really a delay because I cropped the chat wrong fine Jesus Christ get over it okay sorry all right I know Brandon's mean to his viewers so I guess I will have to be as well how's that okay anyways I don't know that wasn't that funny except for the fact that um the the I actually do enjoy the elusive Target meme because it's funny to me like oh like can you explain what an elusive I actually still don't know what an elusive Target is so I will try to explain and you guys will have to let me know if I did correctly um so I think an elusive Target is like a patch of sorts or like DLC of sorts oh I did sorry oopsies uh those are Target is and then like you have like literally 72 Real World hours to kill the person and then the DLC is gone forever that's what I think is um uh The elusive Target okay now I'm gonna did I explain elusive Target okay yes no okay I'm standing at a pole I'm trying how's that wow okay I put on a pole I'm testing this is kind of fun actually oh but yeah I didn't bother to um fix them I cannot type on the keyboard I'm sorry okay I see the delay now I'm very sorry I don't know what to do about it but I will message Otto just in case yeah okay okay uh it looks like I said okay anyways while we wait for the results of that oh [ __ ] okay I'm working on the delay okay if not I'm moving on all right okay wow here we go top of the week uh a chocolate women posting their this better not be true because this is embarrassing oh okay it's my life right let's see when it's your 21st birthday whoa this is like crazy oh no trauma so you pick it up yourself but he starts another game when you come back so you have to eat dinner by yourself or the food will be cold and to make it up to you he takes you to buy a cake but he forgot his wallet so you have to buy your own b-day cake and candles and you're suddenly crying in the line register and then he tells you that he forgot to buy you a present too okay I can see why he liked this because it's shockingly accurate except that I didn't cry like I would just be really frustrating wait okay I'm gonna end the poll because I want to see the results view results oh oh wow you guys are so nice Okay all right okay okay all right so before we move on Otto says that the only way to do is to quickly stop and restart stream which is cringe but it might be worth it um but I've already done it like three times so I think it might be okay but I'm gonna give it a pull do you want me to restart stream to maybe fix the delay and then we'll put yes and no and then I will do one minute okay so now let me talk more about this thing because um yeah so we did have a stint as you know of Brandon playing League like crazy in college and it was really sad like I never got to spend time with him this would have been like senior year so I try to just spend like a lot of time with my friends instead and like it's really annoying because I do remember for my 21st birthday like that was the first time I was able to um drink alcohol right and like he wasn't available like he ditched me and like I went out with my friends instead on my 21st birthday okay yeah like Jesus [ __ ] you all okay what refresh chat okay that should do it right but now I gotta get the window back on thanks so much for your patience guys very kind of you now I'm gonna get the window back uh yeah uh I use my brain you know okay I hope there's no more delay and I hope you guys are happy so I'm gonna watch the stream to see your tears of gratitude okay looks like you guys are happy so uh yeah okay okay let's let's thank you so much for all the subscribers I've seen TR carp 23 months Daniel's packed thank you 22 months thank you for sticking around guys thank you so much for all moving on maybe we can use these Reddit things as a jumping off point for like funny Brandon things right in any case let's go to the next one okay coffee cow drinking Starbucks coffee no chat I don't drink coffee it's obviously a tea okay Brandon and I do not drink coffee we don't like it we don't well I do smell it but I don't drink it um it's obviously like a chai latte which is probably Brandon's drink of choice at like a cafe I just spilled some Secrets there if mine is obviously matcha but he's like a chai guy try guys like Shy Guy uh uh and yeah I mean that's like am I supposed to read the comments waiting for your response oh let me tell Otto that that works so thank you it worked thank you if you want I don't want to unless it's like really funny or something I don't know okay back next next wait I hate ugh hold on this is so stupid Oops I messed up I messed up don't oh God oh thank God okay that's okay with you guys right all right top yeah okay all right let's see if slime does one thing right is committing to a bit oh yeah yeah yeah he has like no shame that's for sure here let me move this over a little bit there we go okay all right sponsored by hellofresh oh did anyone watch this I will I I didn't like really know about it oops um until Brandon told me like the day before oh yeah I'm judging for and I was like what so then I tuned it and it was Fung and no of course it's not true Brandon has a huge schlong that's why I call him brand dong duh it's not because he's a dingus you know oh I'm glad you guys enjoyed it was fun right like wow what an interesting thing um yeah anyways moving on because yeah slime does commit like you know the whole Maya is depressed my dog my dog Maya our dog not not like the streamer Maya okay all right uh okay let's see this one Mr Wonderful oh it's like hit wait what whoa is this true you think oh well I guess it's a shark tank thing which I don't really get it's funny because like uh Brandon likes to watch Shark Tank on stream right and I'm assuming you guys enjoy it because when they go on YouTube like they get tons of views and when I'm just like on an airplane or like just watching TV and like shark tank is on I'm like hey Brandon you wanna watch shark tank either he never wants to watch it like he doesn't even like it really like he's just faking it for you guys I'm sure I I mean I could watch sharking but like there's no point because I'm not like the marketing Master you know like I only know things about like birds or something yeah he's a fake I think Brandon's a fake fan of um no oh Shark Tank okay next one of the most insightful Asia comments in a while wait did I [ __ ] up okay I don't get it actually Glizzy Berg like Mark Zuckerberg oh yeah I do remember this is crazy actually like that was so crazy like there really was an outage like that was crazy but okay I'm not the only one who doesn't get it right okay yeah anyways I don't get it but clearly somebody did because I got a good amount of up up votes um true yeah this was really it was so [ __ ] up and he like explained it to me uh yeah and then like it is a thing that balloons do like cause anyways I'm already bored of that okay the secret doing Master Baker okay this is actually kind of funny because I don't what's that Watermark did someone like make this for this meme okay I'm reading the comments did I grow out my hair oh yeah I don't have a receding I really wait um okay I have to be like Branch I have to put the cap back on okay who made this who made this because it's disgusting can someone claim this so I can ask you if you made it okay anyway that's disgusting okay moving on okay you say commit to a bit but like it wasn't like committing to a bit it was like a one-time thing that Brandon made me do like at midnight because I was drunk with a friend and he told me as I mentioned earlier very last minute that he was judging for this thing okay and I don't know if that's true by the way but he won anyway so it didn't matter right wait why are you guys all putting sad faces wait they're happy faces wait why are you guys Happy they're happy sorry I thought they were frowns you know uh were claiming credit for oh well then we are all Spartacus that's not gonna work oh there's so many songs okay thank you monkeys mood Marco rap Zach with a K not an H okay Ali Smitty just hydrine Supreme shrub Green Knight face TRC okay I think I did that anyways the most creative title maker on YouTube oh yeah Brennan recycles everything like you're even surprised about it he recycles thumbnails red arrows titles um everything okay this is how it's How to game it it's like the meta you know like if you're playing like I don't know like if you all you stupid Commander fans in MTG like you're always gonna run like an Arcane Signet right like that's just like duh I mean I don't know I don't really know because I don't play Commander I'm just assuming that's what you do okay can we watch Comedy no that's Brandon's thing because then I I will skip I can't skip okay wait how long am I supposed to do this I'll just go through the bottom okay all right let's see uh Canadian oh oh let's see which makes blue poison and stop saying oh okay if this is real it's actually really fun um but what I are they saying that 3M is Canadian there's no way that 3M is Canadian wait it can't because it's Minnesota manufacturing and whatever the heck it's called right 3M uh it's American what who put I'm gonna ban this person oh maybe the Canadian company made the bulletproof case right no because it's three I'm so confused by this post oh okay you're saying this advertisement was located in Canada okay but that's still not Canadian and advertising so this is wrong like it's not good Canadian marketing like you still cannot win Canadian marketing also yeah someone pointed out this is like American dollar wait I bet this is like some Karma [ __ ] and the title is wrong on the original post yeah Big L for Canada can we spam l in the chat for this huge like Triple L or something yeah thank you okay do you agree thank you very much okay yeah I love 3M I'm such a [ __ ] I love their adhesive I love 3M okay thank you very much hashtag not an ad oh I read this it's actually like weird and like true oh oh but yeah it's like what do they say there's no ethical consumption right like this is probably the least [ __ ] things from like animal products you know uh so yeah that this is old news and it was supposed to three days ago so not interesting yeah so if you get yeah I don't look it up it was interesting Daniel confirmation [Music] oh okay sorry my eyes are all right so I'm trying to be entertaining how do I be entertaining like I don't know okay uh yeah okay coffee okay that that is cute dang that is cute I'm gonna send it to Brandon right now okay hold on I have to make sure I don't leak anything yeah okay let's see go to Chrome who put this because it's very cute it's a cow it's like a calf two H I just want you just so you don't have to be I want to just get back to sewing right now wait where's my tab I hate his setup it's so stupid okay I'll have to do it for my phone anyways that's really cute that's very cute yeah wait that's not real is it okay all right we got that uh oh is it that funny guy no way this is real oh okay that's funny that's funny isn't it okay sorry if he needs to say more can you guys hear that you're just sitting there smacking in the pinchman I don't think they're gonna kick you out they did in the whole okay we went through this one I guess this one got a fair amount of votes because it's Okay the reason I only like the fan art you know like I don't really care about all these dumb memes like once in a while they're good right okay that's kind of borderline offensive okay I could I like your lines though I actually enjoy this piece of art even though it's [ __ ] up okay thank you e-cargo for that one who's the real Annex to that hat boy oh Brandon has the Hat boy I mean he kind of is he just like always wears the Hat Okay and like I don't know if you guys know this but Brandon has like a huge head like it's like size eight plus like if you guys know hat signs like that's insanely big and like he has like the same size as Bruce Bochy the giant X Giants manager if you guys recall he is a huge five head so um and I know what you guys are might be thinking that he wears a hat because he's self-conscious about his hairline he is not he just really enjoys hats and they're great so like he has cool hats is the thing and yes he does have a huge head like that is not a joke okay okay almost done here let's just do like the top 20 or something yeah unless there's fan art because I like those nah boring gender diversity oh whoa that's kind of crazy I didn't know Netflix was so diverse okay what wait wait I don't it's not even that's just like interesting it's not even funny okay last one oh I always get a laugh wait I don't get it oh that is kind of funny actually oh and I'm so stupid okay yeah Nvidia had like no women so I did get to like go once I think like and I couldn't even get past that the reception but to my knowledge I don't think Brandon had any female co-workers so yeah Nvidia do better but you know he didn't have a great time um working there twitch what was twitch like all I know about twitch is that I would show up and steal their food so I didn't pay much attention or anything else it seemed like a good mix though yeah I can't believe I didn't notice the videos at the bottom because I only looked at the top you know that is so funny oh okay okay so I did it I did the recap um now what should I do oh thank you TD Mack for the eight months good wait do you guys actually want to get starter Saturdays Paper Mario wait I can't go that's a switch game um okay up to me oh play atrio I can't no I can't learn a new game also the thing about Shark Tank I can't stand the editing that like American TV does like all these crazy dramatic music I mean like these stupid ass cuts that make like everything more dramatic than it is it's like it really grinds my gears um are there any streamers I'm watching YouTube now I don't consume like video like I only like look up how to do stuff okay zoom into my forehead there it is right there yeah so you know we have to grab a crazy setup for that okay no I don't have to blow my nose I don't know why Brandon's like snot goes crazy when he's chatting he's always like and then it goes like you know have you seen Yellowstone I have not do a Genesis watch party oh we should check in shouldn't we let's see uh does it even know like how to get to it wait can you do that oh go to boardbutton.com dumb websites to pass time oh I don't I know you know wait I'm watching I can't believe I smell that smash.gg oh let's just see how they're doing all right wait am I gonna get banned for this oh okay okay okay I wasn't gonna do it okay I do want to check if there's like a bracket though um uh uh yeah okay I'm not watching it I just want to see the process I don't even know how to do that okay because I already know who's playing honestly but I know like Brian would root for like J Mook or um [Music] uh mango yeah yeah melee singles ah okay oh look at this okay oh Zane's doing well whoa eight zero that's crazy so is James how can we like Clapper free can you guys spam the Joel fish please mango is out oh okay I guess no Joel fish for that we really August you're right sag isn't there like a loser's butt wow you guys are crazy smelling that face okay okay let me go quickly to I don't want to play a game is the thing let me go quickly to them Discord to see what your video suggestions are uh uh HVAC server right okay let's see oh stream content oh let's go to stream ideas that's what you guys are up to no game wait I don't know what you guys want oh is it pull time wait no hold on let me just read this okay um it's too much to read all right [Music] learn twitchshot.com forget smarter way really wait this looks like a scam I just got fished okay um wait what's how come I can't do it then well then how come I can't access it then wait you guys can't see this hold on let me what the frick okay watch this so if I do like learn with chat like see that's what happens wait I'll just start Google again is it like an app a desk app desktop app or wait what the [ __ ] okay oh it's slow oh it's like a program okay let's click what's kahoot but let me let oh that's kahooty okay uh let me try searching this learning with Chat thing wow that is so cool I can't find it all right what's kahoot are you guys like children because this is like a children thing right it is a kid's thing oh look at that kahooty and the Blowfish okay okay I will babysit the children oh I guess you go here right wait I need a PIN oh I can't do this um thank you Danny hatch for the bro oh God don't someone already has games like what's the point of this what about sporcle isn't that something around it was blink on stream you have to create a I know by like what's the content of kahoot okay let me go back to kahoots because I want to kind of just not going back and forth It's so many things oh I put kahooty again ah oh okay I'm gonna tell Brian that everything's fine all good just some lag okay I'm gonna do that oh wait what don't do kahoot okay one person says I'm not gonna do it or Sparkle is safer the top link okay what's smash scene let's see whoa that's cool oh wait am I leaking everything okay okay what's this now where's the chat go there we go okay okay don't do kahoot we don't want to erase this stuff I said I'm not doing oh we could do a bird Sparkle then I could well maybe more insects is more accurate okay wait what is this can someone explain this smash theme thing can you make chat not go does that matter uh one second oh sure I mean if you really care about that there oh this is how he does it okay oh this is how you guys submit stuff okay maybe we'll go back and forth huh well go like would you like one video and then a squirtle okay I'll start with this portal because that seems kind of interesting so let's do like bird or something I don't know I've never done this I don't know how it works okay thanks for all the explanation guys there okay big 14 that's so dumb like Ugh okay let's try this one okay should I sing it with me okay what do I do I play the quiz and then I just go in order right like Northern Cardinal that's a great blue heron oh should I just say hummingbird or is it like a specific one ruby throated wow it's a female cheap okay that is an I guess white ibis a coot [ __ ] give me the cool it's a coat oh okay greep maybe oh I know that's the code but what kind of cool okay I'll skip it for now we got an anhinga that looks like a schlogger head shrike to me uh a brown pelican oh everybody knows that a gold finch easy because it's gold and it's a finch okay uh that is a Cormorant looks like an engine don't get it wrong oh God uh I don't know my three parts because I don't like trees okay um well that's a gross like a type of gross beak I think yeah Rose Bryce did a nuthatch perhaps see that's that's tricky because a nut hatch is almost always um like if I were to Google a picture of a nut hatch it's like gonna be on a tree like like see like that that's like the standard picture so that was a bit confusing oh I'm on a timer crap okay uh oh God I don't know sandpipe Piper ah yeah oh will it what it gave it to me that's that's that's cheating we got uh chickadee uh Carolina probably because it's cold that's a cattle egret yeah okay easy morning though they're everywhere like little [ __ ] heads okay bye if I could type better though that is a house sparrow obviously our favorite person the Canada Goose I like a lot because they're friendly compared to others what's a seagull right but what kind of seagull oh I didn't know this I don't know my short words as you can tell okay well they'll give it to me right ring build I should have known that one is a pelated woodpecker if I spell it correctly wow did I I think I did okay uh um Swan probably mute yep what the [ __ ] that's a chick this is a chick ugh I don't know a wren okay and that is an osprey easy and that is a turn I'm not sure which one's sorry Royal yeah I would not have known that okay that is definitely a downy woodpecker yep okay and that is a cooler it's pissing me off that it's not giving it to me guys does anyone know what this one is does anybody know this dumbass okay watch watch me Google coot and it's like that bird oh I guess I was wrong oh it's a loon must be no guys I don't know Burr I don't know strawberries I hate that swamp it a golly newly oh it is a more okay come on that's lame let's see what other names it goes by Martian it is a real okay so it is a golly new lay okay guys let's show you one of my favorite more hints oh God I don't know the name I think it's this okay it's very cool ready look at it it's so shiny I mean you can't like appreciate it okay because okay wait we have to go to a video okay all right let's see if there's like any cool videos about this whoever is that Swamp Head that was genius thanks guys okay let's see if you can appreciate it here we don't need sound we do not need that someone's not paying for premium oh yeah look at it it's so cute right wait it used to be like in the Sun so you can appreciate how okay it's like this uh uh okay yeah like look at this [ __ ] thing like it's crazy okay guys you ready it's like crazy all right oh whoops that didn't work did it how about that okay look at how pretty it is this is like oh it's so shiny whoa wait what's the [ __ ] look at it it's so shiny and it's really just like a glorified chicken you know look at it look at it it is so sh I know how is it really it's like I mean you've probably all seen a peacock in real life right I saw one of these at the bird park in Singapore I just stunning it's like going to a museum like it's just incredible okay wait here's better oh yeah look at it it's like but you have to I I feel like this video still doesn't do it justice okay well it's you know the structural color okay sorry it's probably boring you the [ __ ] okay we're done with that let's go to I get smarter and then maybe we'll do another quiz but oh you want to see battle Crossing Island it's actually really cool because it's bug themed I'm a little embarrassed that I didn't get this more in okay um uh okay let's do uh okay I'm glad you guys like birds because I like um so let's refresh this right because how do I know when you guys submitted these okay now I'm taking over and I do I'm gonna pick a short video probably okay now as you recall if we don't like the video we ban you okay okay this looks [ __ ] interesting to me uh oh my dream address yikes do I even have one let me look it up real quick okay I'm gonna look up the Dreamhouse while I play this video okay this till she really looks really interesting too but it's a little long maybe we'll go back to it I'm very like I I will Almost Never watch anything that's over a minute like even like like a gif or something whatever anyways I wanted to cross a river so it approached a frog for help wait is that good sound I'd like to the frog said but if I let you get on my back how's the sound sting me of course I wouldn't the Scorpion said that would only kill us both and so the Frog let the Scorpion onto its back they swam out onto the river once they reach the middle of the river the Scorpion sang the frog the frog called out now we'll both die classic Fable the Scorpion said classic they both began to slip below the water Bound for muddy Graves on the bottom of that dark riverbed that neither cheered nor commiserated nor delighted in the slings and arrows of the amoral unit there's a hold up there for a foreign was still so full of Disco Biscuits that his system could fight off the poison for a few moments longer you must be very wise if you're so aware of your own impulses like that you bear the Scorpion said and you must be very clever and worldly if you lied to me like that my intellectuals are German my lingerie is French the Scorpion said it then how come you're not clever and wise enough to realize you can resist your own nature why would I want to the Scorpion asked because you haven't just killed me you've killed yourself you could have waited 20 seconds then stumbling when we got back to land ah the Scorpion said but this was guaranteed to work you can't blame me for being a profiteer it's the main character of Scorpions No it isn't the frog said you just so lack in character that the only thing you know how to do is ruin the efforts of others and kill yourself in the process the Scorpion lit a cigarette as they continue to sink and said eh and you know the frog said the most insulting part isn't that you've done something stupid it's that you've done something stupid and you're so afraid of just apologizing that you've concocted an entire infantile ad hoc belief system around your own shortcomings yeah and have cognitive dissonance to make the Trojan Horse blush you think you're clever trying to convince everyone that profiteering off greed is the way of the world but you're done okay before we continue like I really thought this was like I guess I don't know the slang so I thought it was literally like something frogs do in nature to make their food more palatable or something like I [ __ ] you not I didn't think it would be like a breakdown of the fable so I think I'm okay oh wait okay so I'm gonna just bail like I was like waiting well let me skip around don't even realize that [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh it was so stupid I didn't realize it by yourself okay can if someone can someone say like if cooked dinner is um like a slang term I'm trying to no okay so what does the video title mean then this is so confusing who put this okay okay fine I'll just play it from Frog's motionless body a while on the riverbed and meditated on death and futility and wondered if it should feel responsible for all this it thought to itself and how can frogs die better than facing fearful odds for the ashes of their fathers and the temples of their gods which wasn't the Scorpion's line but it would tell everyone that it was on balance it decided not a bad day all right let it play out the frogs have been watching them scorpion when it waddled back out to the water why did he do that they asked it's in my nature This Is A New Concept to us what do you mean creatures everyone else is for being compassionate of course they're the real problem in the animal kingdom why this changes everything the frog said we'll switch to the new paradigm immediately in fact bring all your friends incapable of relaxing kindness the more than happy to take from others prepared a delicious meal of olives and bread and wine and cheese and every scorpion in the forest roasted over a massive fight oh whoops okay how's that we finish it all right okay that was a bit of a what was it did you guys enjoy that I didn't but I'm too thick-headed perhaps so I did see someone put like an Australia video this looks really interesting if it's real otherwise you're getting Perma band ah ads am I right Australia is currently in the midst of February okay that being said I will I still will speed it up okay how's that okay well actually we'll go back to a quick I'm gonna try an insect one because it's fast right okay I don't know oh come on that's brain dead I'll try this okay okay but there's gotta be picture oh this is not fun there's no pictures Hmm this looks really hard I mean you just go obviously collector is the biggest right uh I don't know [ __ ] I'm just gonna go like ham oh okay then it must be hymen did I spell it he may not [ __ ] well I can't believe I've dispelled correctly for these okay by the way Jaime is a membrane okay so membrane wingly I think that's what it means okay um oh wait maybe I can just say the species right okay then we got flies flies is what is flies this is so embarrassing oh someone said it two wings okay good job guys then we got blatidea which is disgusting as roaches wait what I think there's only 3K Maybe oh oh oh I did not know that oh of course they got orthoptra which is the grassies okay let's see hmm flies you guys are learning okay obviously you can learn some uh language with this too because it all explains their name like coleo maybe I should do it after I finish hold on let's see who's next uh we got the anyone got suggestions the worms I don't know worms because those aren't insects right um yeah we're not doing this is insects so not arachnids or Millipedes or stuff like that whoa you guys aren't healthy love it don't make feed it well I'm like a turd right now um so who's missing you know we got uh oh I'm running out of time very awkward who the [ __ ] is missing oh phasmids maybe what's their order called where do phasmines go oh I don't know okay uh what else are they called stick uh guys you guys aren't helping [Laughter] um fleas or fleas must be under somewhere let's just type in flee see what happens I did not know that siphonoptera slugs and slugs and cells are not insects uh who wants to help me anybody well we got mantids okay um oh no answer on your hymenopter because you know all the males are winged so by the way all insects have wings okay that's how that's part of what makes it in seconds we have wings oh I'm so stupid like actual true bugs imiptera okay um spooters are not insects you idiots oh oh Donata yeah the bite it's like toothed uh did you know dragonflies have teeth that's why they're like liter has teeth like have you guys been bitten by a dragonfly it's not fun also cockroaches bite do not pick up cockroaches because they bite yeah all insects have wings like whether you see it or not okay okay who's missing guys I'm freaking out here anybody help me help me because centipedes Are Not insects oh who's missing I'll be so Madge okay oh stop it I put cockroaches dick doctor I meant I can't believe this is all under the same family that's crazy to me uh okay I'm gonna put mayfly I got I got a scorpion flies scorpion flies wait oh we ran out you guys wait what the [ __ ] okay oh caddisflies I would not have gotten that okay this is so esoteric am I right guys okay mosquitoes go under flies obviously all right so that was not too bad clearly I have um my biases you know I like beetles so quick like Kaleo is like so obviously you guys forget like from pterodactyl tarot is Wink so collateral is like I think he means she's the wing so that's why Beatles are coleoptera [Laughter] uh no what it means sheath right I'm pretty sure it means she's winged piece of crap whatever see sheath okay so there you go right uh easy brainless okay then LEP leopardize scaled Wing right because all butterflies little tiny feathers on their wing literally a little scale okay Hyman I think his memory because it's they're like so on like a b or a wasp like it's too like four wings right and then like they're stuck together like this um but the I do want to fact check myself there because I mean we're talking about hymens here it's kind of gross right um let's go back to bug guide Hyman membrane okay well that means membrane now you know okay are you learning okay now hey Mr I know is the true bugs so they say true because when you talk about a when you say bug you're actually talking about like a leaf hopper for example which are very cute I'm gonna show you because um this is a bug like if you're looking like a beetle that's an insect you know because like within insects there are bugs these are the bugs which is hermitra but I don't know what hemiptera means let's find out like I don't know the root words there [Music] um oh halfling okay that's probably because they don't have like well actually why does it say that part of the first pair of wings is tough and hard okay I actually didn't know that uh oh there is a homopher uh well there you go Hemi is half oh don't like hemisphere like annoys so stupid okay so between the difference between a bug and an insect a bug is an insect all insects are not bugs okay it's just a type it's like saying it's like calling all sports baseball but like baseball is a type of sport okay you're not gonna call football baseball so when you see a beetle and you call it a bug you're calling it a baseball okay okay let's do like one more maybe or stop trying me straight Wing because you know the grasshopper is like or so okay straight straight I already told you oh Donata is like the two cfts okay they bite I don't really care about the orange so I'm not gonna do them okay let's watch this fun video okay don't call Beetle amazing all right ready for this fun video because I am serious whoa that's been going on for over a century against an enemy that is likely to win this enemy isn't another country though or anything along those uh instead it's like this Birds toads and Rapids okay serious on multiple levels as neither the rabbits nor the toads are native to this country and the emus are just boats that can't fly so how is this possible why is Australia in a war against something that shouldn't even be there and why on Earth has it been going on for 150 years well it all started with the fightless boat the Emu and this is where things start to get interesting it's the 1930s and Australia like the rest of the world we're suffering from the Great Depression wheat prices were folding and the Australian government had to do something to increase food production in order to feed the population so they went to the farmers and twice incense spiced them to increase production into promises oh it works and reproduction increased dramatically however the Norman fell through yeah and never provided any assistance to the farmers and to make matters which was a serious problem because emus migrate after the breeding season and they were therefore headed straight towards Western Australia and incredible numbers and with a flood of up to 20 000 demons comes to search for just as much food luckily for them though the farmers had a bunch of weed lying around that they weren't selling to the Australian government in protest for not receiving the subsidies they were promised so the omnivorous emus began destroying and devouring huge quantities of the farmer's crops and Australia was fighting against an invasive species they had to get rid of to survive so they put together what they saw as the most effective strategy that would make them the victories of this war so what is the most effective way to combat an invasive species well after some discussion the Australian government came to the perfect solution military force which was the Prelude to the government agreeing for the boy Two Soldiers with Lewis machine guns and 10 000 rounds of ammunition under the command of an Army Major to eradicate their emus wait twenty thousand emus versus three Soldiers with only 10 000 rounds of ammunition did that thing's about right oh my God signed the group six bill because there was everything I guess I'm not logged in the and so the trio was sent off to help the farmers and they were larger system under these sole conditions the farmers paid for food accommodation and ammunitions soldiers were prepared to begin the extermination of the emus three soldiers ten thousand bullets against twenty thousand emus it was going to be a walk in the park also they thought because before the operation had even started they encountered an issue and no subtraction hadn't been invented back then so the lack of femination and soldiers were the problem here instead Heavy Rain had caused the emus to scatter over the planes making them difficult targets to hit with the machine guns so the attack was postponed to the following month and on the 2nd of November the ACT finally began the soldiers had traveled to the small town of Campion after news broke that 50 emus had been cited there but since the emus were out of range locals attempted to hurt the birds into an ambush this instead led the brides to scatter in all directions yet still the soldiers right to shoot them anyway but all they know only about a dozen of The Feathered rigs were killed that day 12th down 1988 to go and on the first day couldn't be considered a success the soldiers was very destined to succeed just a couple of days later the major had managed to set up an ambush against more than 1 000 emus that were headed straight towards with a machine gun ready always coming together they got us to game and when the birds enter the proximity they started firing unfortunately for the bloodthirsty soldiers though they once again only managed to kill around a dozen of the emus before their machine gun jammed and before the gun was fixed the birds were not gone another opportunity had gone down the drain with only 20 or so dead emus on their resume the mayor and his team decided to travel to the south of Campion to see if they had better luck there the third time's a charm right I mean this decision did make sense as the emu's worse personally Tamer around these corners of the country so if there were a place they could succeed it would be here but unfortunately they couldn't rack up the kills they were hoping for however they did make an interesting Discovery the flux of emus seemed to have a leader who wouldn't be on the lookout for potential threats while the others reveled in the crops of the Australian Farmers so every time the Emu pack leader noticed the soldiers they would alert the entire flock he would then scattered in all directions which to be fair is pretty clever but the mayor was growing tired of this game of cats and mounts between his Trio and the surprisingly clever and agile flock of flightless boats so he contacted a new plan if the birds wouldn't come to him he would come to the boats seems reasonable and so the decision was made to mount one of the Lewis machine guns to the beds of a truck so they were right well you can probably see where this could go wrong and go wrong it did while 2500 rounds of ammunition had been fired within a week official records indicate that the number of dead emus only amassed to 300. the Army mayor in charge of the soldiers even compared the invulnerability of the birds to tanks oh yeah and one of the fleeing earrings got chords in the steering wheel of the truck causing it to crash into a nearby fence so the operation was deemed a complete and utter failure and it was put on hold for a while only to be resumed for a few weeks where they were actually slightly more successful all in all though the three soldiers killed just under 1000 emus with the 10 000 bullets meaning an impressive 10 accuracy had been achieved which actually believe it or not let a politician to ask whether any medals would be given to the prime participants of the Emu War to which a Western Australian politician replied that if any medals were to be given they would go to the emus who have won every round thus far pretty funny but he did have points but now what the news had to be dealt with somehow and nothing had worked thus far so the Australian government did something crazy they took inspiration from the Americans and began to Flying local farmers to America guns and rewarded bounties at emus which proved very successful and in 1934 but they're going to kill all of them or something in just six months many thousands of emus have also been killed by locals since then and the email operation in Australia is now estimated to be at a stable six to seven hundred thousand so yeah after multiple attempts Australia did manage to overcome and win their first war against animals granted it did take a few tries and multiple decades but they eventually came out on top although I guess the Australian Farmers must have been in need of a new challenge as it didn't take long before they introduced that pest to the Australian Wildlife fields of sugarcane in the states of Queensland which was obviously harming the output of the local farmers significantly so in a desperate attempt to save their remaining crops the Aussie Farmers looked towards South America where cane toads were being used to eat the worms and crops and to those these toads seem like a super effective tool against the issue at hand therefore it was decided that 100 M3 of these game toads would be imported into Australia and set free but quickly after setting the toe 3 the farmers realized something the king beetles sat at the top of the sugar canes and the cane toads sat at the bottom which is a result of the Toads not being very proficient jumpers or climbers something the farmers preferred to check before they set them free ultimately making the Toads useless but there was another thing that farmers had failed to consider the extreme sex life of these toes yeah they'll try to mate with anything apparently scientists are found them attempting to mate with rocks clumps of dirt and human legs but another rather important detail is the fact that they made all year round and can lay up to 30 000 eggs at a time but was of all these four legs monsters have no natural enemies in Australia since they aren't native to this region and due to the fact they possess toxic lands on their back which is poisonous to virtually all Australian Wildlife so they were just enough to reproduce without any hindrance and reproduce they did as the 102 cane toads from 1935 have since increased to an estimated 200 million these images the cane service have migrated from small coastal parts of Queensland where they were first released into Central and North Queensland thousands of miles away they've even crossed into the states of New South Wales and Northern Territory and since they can travel up to 60 kilometers or 37 miles per year no corner of the country is signed from Invasion with no efficient way of eradicating large quantities of these toads they might be here to stay the only thing that has ever worked on them for a short period of time with great results actually however this method was banned when the chemicals turned out to cause cancer in humans so yeah it's pretty much the perfect invasive species and with no signs of sowing expressions in the country and with the game toads invading more land for each day they roam it's safe to say that his victory goes to the Toads it's now 1o but unfortunately for Australian we aren't done as there's one last animal I need to tell you about an animal that is so unwanted in Australia than three fences totaling 3 256 kilometers have been built in order to contain its bands from north to south and east of the huge state of Western Australia and it has one purpose to keep this animal out so what animal could this possibly be kangos not quite it's rabbits that once again well unlike the kingdoms the rabbits weren't actually I'm seeing the batteries instead it was introduced for some reason I know it's hard to believe but humans the British settlers became quite bored after a while and therefore they wanted to hunt rabbits you know like they did after all how much harm could a handful of cute rabbits really do so the Brits decided to import them into the state of Victoria and began hunting away but as it turned out the Brits weren't that good at hunting and therefore didn't end up killing all of them and when don't kill all of them well the rabbits not doing what rabbits do best in Australia as a result of two crucial factors first is the mild Winters that meant the rabbits are reproduce all year round and secondly the place at which the rabbits have been released as displays happen to be the biggest agricultural region of the country providing an abundance of food that fueled their extreme growth furthermore the 24 imported rabbits were actually a mix of both wild and domestic breeds the answer reading of which created a hybrid rabbit that was exceptionally well suited for surviving and all of this combined has been done within a decade the 24 imported rabbits and the population of rabbits had personally gotten so large by the late 60s that two million could be charged each year not creating any noticeable difference damn because of this the Rapids are suspected of being the biggest known factor in the loss of species in Australia many things have been done in attempts to control their grooves among which include the previously successful method that's crazy poisoning and trapping however the most effective large-scale measure was the introduction of the maximum Wireless and I probably don't need to tell you so in 1950 this maximum wage was released into the rapid population producing it from an astounding 600 million to just 100 million over time though genetic assistance that this virus meant to the rapid population be covered quickly and reached between 200. the farm vaccines they have since mostly covered and are still driving to the state I'm sorry Australia but this means the score is now to one through the animals and I hate to say it but there might be another victory for the animals doing in the near future oh I remember seeing those videos incredible hordes of mice roaming across the eastern part of the country and new conditions that came as the result of massive droughts bothered by floodings have proven ideal for Mighty reduced and so they've started breeding in the millions only the future will tell who's going to win this world thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one oh geez that ended so quickly uh yeah I mean we know then it's just introduction of invasive species right very [ __ ] actually I think like cane toads is like top 10 like examples of like the mistake of introducing invasive species because colonizers right it's like you know starlings are were introduced because I think someone was like a huge fan of Shakespeare and they brought them to the states or something because they're mentioned in his Works obviously the pigeon is classic invasive species sparrows to um I don't think I knew about the rabbits like what could go wrong indeed and rabbit does not even taste good so but yeah King Charles is something interesting like look up I guess I didn't know much about the emus either okay can anyone suggest a sporcle quiz please I'll probably do like one more because it's kind of a little late and I wasted a lot of time unfortunately um you know getting the stream to work sorry but let's do one more Sparkle and like one more video that's like under eight minutes okay um okay I'm gonna scan the chat for sportacal suggestions oh thank you I am no or something for 18 months geography oh I don't want to countries your States I mean these are all fine bird calls no I'm really bad at bird calls actually some people got it I don't I have to be like what is that like it could be like a chicken I'd be like what bird is that is that an eagle okay I could do a morning dab okay one thing I do know is the difference between mourning dove White Winged up ringnecked up and uh Inca dub I do know the difference between those four like morning job is Saturday because it's in the morning it's like it's like it's like this it's like you know it goes down it's sent or something like that um [ __ ] okay and then white wing Dove is like [ __ ] I already forgot okay Ringneck is like and then white wing is like [ __ ] how does it sound I don't know okay and then I was like something like that okay the reason I mention this because we have all four at this like concurrent in my house in Mexico and like I hear them all the [ __ ] time but it's always the ringnecked up and that's why I forgot what the white wing dove sounds like but they all look the same you know yeah anyway but that's it I really know oh there's no countries no I can't do that but it seems like you guys are spamming countries so is this oh thank you ham jab for gifties oh you got I'm drunk I can't help you there all primary colors okay people keep saying countries that sounds boring as [ __ ] but we will try it and with permission to bail okay uh well wait I did forget to drink water darn it and I have my bottle here I don't know Star Wars that well let's let's okay I just used to start with fine okay let's just see if there's anything like I don't know the depth and breadth of sporkel so Stars by number of lines borrowing uh uh this is actually lame but I guess it'll be like self-test my knowledge and then I'll do countries or something God this is so hard okay [ __ ] you just like oh uh Han cholo uh uh uh [Music] wait you have to know about I don't [ __ ] know you guys this is a bad I I can't type anything with my stupid okay in the meantime you guys find like a great video that is like eight minutes or less all right answer yeah I don't know is that like three well there's three PL right okay I have wait I don't know how to spell C3PO okay okay there's definitely an R2D2 in there okay okay Peter made that's I think that's Chewbacca oh God I suck you guys okay change oh [ __ ] myself you know what I'm saying which means there's an Anakin as well Billy D Williams the [ __ ] is that okay I'm about to give up okay oh I don't know the actors who knows the actors but then we got Lars Owen yeah because I I recognize Joel okay wait let's see it's you big okay uh wait you guys are not supposed to help me Oh Billy okay Frank Oz why does that sound so [ __ ] familiar let's do you know who's really famous is Moth Tarkin where's mads Mickelson huh oh there's only the first six okay uh yeah I'm not gonna get those am I well let's do Boba Fett obviously I don't like coffee I think it's dumb okay oh first six um uh what's his mom's name like schmee or something okay there it is um yeah just type all the characters right um okay you guys are putting on the spot here I can't do it uh okay it's like order of appearance like there's Darth Maul right and then there's that stupid Qui-Gon wait how do you spell it ah how what the [ __ ] oh there it is okay then we got the stupid ass jar jar um wado is he on here because he's oh it is okay then we got cebulba maybe not big enough egg squeeze oh yeah you guys could I be exquised please okay thank you all right now moving on uh I'm about to give up I'll be honest though okay now we'll do like [ __ ] uh do the Jawas count um oh God I'm like forgetting someone oh uh uh who's the guy that goes like a gungan [ __ ] that funny guy well it's funny man it's like oh my God like oh what Padme that's the one there we go um oh how can I forget the best [ __ ] one Palpatine oh is Java one okay wow Larry where was Jabba the [ __ ] hmm who else is in there the starlap not an actor I guess oh crap oh leakies no it's just a source code okay um I'm about to give up I'll be honest um mm-hmm maybe I'll recognize some of these names Christopher Lee I should know oh um [ __ ] Dooku like a dookie okay um let's see Matthew Wood um I actually totally forgot he was in that movie oh who's Yoda yeah [ __ ] it I gotta forget something bro cause he's not a that's what Frank cause he's like a puppeteer right okay the aroma with four hands yeah um oh the one who steals all the lightsabers he's like very scary actually oh does anyone want to help thank you Brennan uh oh Grievous or something wow I'm getting oh but then we got her aunt so her aunts Peru or something on Peru she's not on there nobody cares about her that's very sad oh you think akbar's on there oh wow okay it's a trap then we got um the first six movie let's see um let's see uh what do you think Django's in there okay well you guys are actually really helping will you helped you guys are helping Darth Plagueis does not make an appearance um I'm not let's just I'm pretty sure they smell better but she's not on there like they don't care about her I guess um glove shoe I know I'm missing that King gungan whatever I was like maybe I'm misspelling no okay [ __ ] um oh oh yeah who's who's helping me the oregano people Senator the senator guys wait I guess he's not on there sorry I'm waiting Club [ __ ] oh is that real I don't okay I'm about to give up by the way unless you guys want to help I'll try putting in a moth nope no target I think he should be there because he's a great actor whoever plays that guy hmm do the little what do they call those stupid Forest Moon Endor people those [ __ ] annoying little bears what are they called again with Ewok yeah okay do they have names because that's the species right since our doors opened in 1965. what's happening who knows that having the right emergency power equipment is only half of them where is that keeping your foot maintained so you can safely rely on sorry but you guys like catch up you're gonna make like penis jokes or something so I don't wanna um guys we're gonna lose in 30 seconds and we don't hurry up I'm not gonna say this so nude I'm gonna tell him you guys are just oh God okay okay I give up I give up I give up I can't think of any more characters I crumb he should be on there he's really funny why you guys were serious about newt okay well I just I could have known that I don't know who the [ __ ] this guy is or Scio Bibble let's look him up okay I don't remember that [ __ ] because I don't even like the prequel sorry but this guy should have been here I spelled it wrong he sounds like Brandon like this is Brandon right here maybe we should get this sweater you know yeah salacious crumb is a funny guy all right let's check in on F I'm gonna refresh this this better be a good video okay because this is the last one and then maybe one more quiz of less than a minute long video I'm intrigued uh bad let's ban that guy can we bat him who said that okay pin wait can I how do I ban this guy okay banned there you are now banned okay all right oh let's see um let's find a shorty video because I have no Focus okay um but I guess it has to be like biology related because or like you know this is really interesting but it's a little too long I guess at 2xp that would be six minutes but it's kind of stressful to watch um I'll just check here really quick if not I'll look at the chat I feel like I could really relate to this video like this is why I don't like like Shonen or like action anime because it's just like so boring it's like okay you can do everything like a lot of people like part five JoJo because it's like so drip or whatever but Journal even like is so op like who the [ __ ] wants to watch that we feel like fugo they had like Iraqi literally wrote him out of the thing because he was too strong like can you buff him debuff all right anyway these suggestions came from six months ago is that true so what's the point of this website then anyways let's see this one you're all getting banned a lot of people think sloths to be nothing more okay I'm gonna hold that stuff later because that seems interesting let's see what else I prefer not mammals um that could be interesting keep spamming it so oh click new wait did I [ __ ] up where's the other there it is okay new oh this looks so interesting though okay this looks really interesting I'm gonna do it sorry I don't I I feel like sloths I'm sorry I'm not watching this video okay I will if I watch Like 1.5 it's like basically eight minutes right building your business online go to wix.com and get your site up and running [Music] 12th of December 1978 a few hours after midnight the freight of Marion picked up a stress card from the accomplish with Ms mention several things that's why signals were received apparently the ship Bound for Savannah Georgia got into trouble crossing the North Atlantic where a fierce storm had been raging since November initially nobody was too worried only six years old at the time Diana's minion was one of the newest the most modern carriers of its time it had been designed to cope even with a 10 to 15 meter highways during heavy storms and was widely considered to be Unsinkable yet when the first Recon aircraft in search of the ship Flew Over the area where it was suspected to be a few hours later they found nothing What followed was the biggest search and rescue operation ever conducted in the North Atlantic for one week over 13 planes from the United Kingdom the United States Portugal and Germany tirelessly scan the ocean additionally over 100 cargo ships traveling on the busy shipping Lane stopped to participate in the search and yet even one week later when the search was called off and after combing through an area of the size of Mexico the 260 meter long ship and the 28 people on board remained lost swallowed by the Sea as if they had never existed merely a few life jackets a single container and four empty life rafts could be recovered with these few remains it was of course impossible to determine the cause of the sinking only an iPhone that was found floating in the ocean almost two months later provided some Clues the big steel pins with which it normally was hung 20 meters 65 feet above water line at the side of the ship showed signs of a huge Force striking the Lifeboat this Force had enough power to bend the solid steel bars backwards and tear the Lifeboat of the ship the wave with enough power to do that would have needed to be significantly higher and what scientists at the time thought was possible the later investigations therefore only concluded that an unusually large wash of water likely broke the windows of the bridge and killed the electronics the resulting loss of maneuverability probably ultimately resulted in the sinking of the ship amongst semen however rumors went around at a so-called room we're getting oh arrowser thank you for the raid I'm supposed to thank them right okay wow thank you for your help earlier like poggies thank you thank you okay wow okay anyway sorry wait also called monster free wave was what it caused the ship to sink that's scary as [ __ ] [Music] that is so scary even have told tales about encounters with these extreme waves bigger than any wave surrounding them and so steep they were almost vertical insurmountable worlds of water given the Rarity of credible eyewitnesses as people who encounter those wives usually weren't coming back to tell the tale scientists often dismissed such stories as absurd they were considered Sailors yarn just like giant sea monsters or mermaids the mathematical models that long since have been used to describe and calculate the formation of waves simply didn't allow for such anomalies and certainly not with the frequency Sailors reported them and so the sinking of the MS mentioned as well as that dozens of other cargo ships that prior to and after this incident disappeared mysteriously were again and again blamed on technical defects design flaws or human error that at least some of these ships might have fallen victim to rogue waves was hardly ever taken into consideration by science even at the end of the 20th century this all changed with a construction of a new kind of oil rig in 1994 160 kilometers or 100 miles of the coast of Norway the drop now platform was the first of its kind and to ensure the safety of the people on board it was equipped with an extensive array of sensors and scanners that tracked among many other things the frequency and height of the Waves Below in the night of the 1st of January 1995 these sensors recorded what should not have been possible a wave of the first 26 meters or 85 feet high more than twice the height of any other wave recorded in the minutes and hours before and after and more than 6 meters or 20 feet higher than the hypothetical ocean wave scientists at that time believed would occur only once every 10 000 years yeah why the oil rig wasn't naturally damaged by the way due to its height minor damage to the underside of the platform confirmed the validity of the reading this made the drop now wave as it was later named the first confirmed measurement of the Rogue Wave which meant science finally had to acknowledge their existence furthermore it had to be acknowledged that the linear wave models that were to this point used to predict wave height and to calculate the maximum amount of stress ships should be able to withstand their way short of what is actually possible another incident only half a year later I made this very clear when the ocean liner Queen Elizabeth II on route to New York was hit by wave 27 meters or 88 feet tall this is comparable to the height of a nine-story building that's later described that it looked as though the ship was headed for the White Cliffs of Dover but what exactly are these rogue waves why the terms monster freak and rogue waves often incorrectly used in popular culture to describe all kinds of big waves scientifically the terms are much more strictly defined waves are surface waves they mostly form in the open ocean and are considerably higher than the surrounding waves to be regarded as a rogue wave a wave has to exceed the significant wave height so the average height of the largest third of the waves at least two-fold by this definition rogue waves don't necessarily have to be extremely high only a lot higher than the average swells at that time a measurement from different oil platform showcases this here A comparably small 30 meter or 42 feet high wave was recorded that was however significantly higher than the average 3 meter or 10 feet high waves this is scary measurement time frame another key feature of rock waste is the extreme steepness unlike normal ocean waves that even when considerable in height typically rise and fall relatively gently allowing ships even during big storms to ride them out safely rogue waves have a very short wavelength for their height and as a result extremely steep planks this makes them to unsurmountable amounts of water that strike everything in their path with tremendous Force also what they'll note is that roadways should not be mistaken with tsunamics the tsunami consists of a series of waves that move through the entire water column usually caused by an undersea earthquake or submarine volcano because of this they affect huge volumes of water at the same time but in the open ocean due to the long wavelength of multiple hundred kilometers you wouldn't even notice when they pass below you only when tsunamis hit the coast slow down and get compressed on rising ocean floor they grow to demonstrate Heights of 10 20 or 30 meters rogue waves on the other hand arise from typical ocean waves and only affect relatively minute quantities of surface water they form on the up notion and usually only last for a short time disappearing as swiftly as they appeared in Shallow Waters it would quickly become unstable and collapse with no real threat of damage to the coast forward at Sea however they are killers that can sink even the most modern ships of today oh it is believed that some 25 of the roughly 100 to 150 supercarriers that were lost between 1960 and 2000 likely have been lost because of rogue waves rogue waves are commonly divided into three categories first they are single giant storm waves that build up to enormous Heights and usually collapse after a few seconds walls of water are wide wave walls that last much longer traveling up to 10 kilometers or six miles three giant waves in close succession if a ship encounters a considerably High Road wave one of those that shouldn't even be possible according to the old models the consequences are always devastating and the options for the captain limited even if he has enough time to react which isn't guaranteed due to the usually sudden appearance of these waves he can only choose the less of two evils the risk of sinking remains very real either way when the vessel is hit from the side the large surface area of the ship and the enormous energy of the wave can cause the ship to capsize when the arm is Queen Mary with over 15 000 soldiers on board was broadsided by 28 meter 90 feet high wave in 1943 the force of the wave nearly pushed her over to the side in a matter of seconds the ship listed all the way over to 52 degrees still thought given the ship was twice the tonnage on the Titanic but slightly smaller or Road another few degrees she would have definitely capsized but miraculously she managed to write herself taking the wave on bow is also not without risk the steepness of the wave makes it nearly impossible for large ships to ride them up and down due to the inertia of the ship the wave simply slams into it burning it under huge volumes of water while capsizing is nearly impossible when that happens it creates another risk the ship could break apart oh [ __ ] when the bow exits the wave on the other side above the next trough while the stone is still buried within it it creates enormous stress on the hull ships aren't built for this kind this much weight unsupported by water can easily cause the ship to break apart as can be seen in the case of the Titanic but this isn't the only Danger The frontal impact presents due to the extreme height of rogue waves they're usually severely damage to the vulnerable superstructure of the ships their strike for instance the bridge inflowing water can easily damage the electronics and result in the loss of mannerability this will turn even normal storm waves into a series threat such a scenario was probably responsible for the loss of Vienna's momentum a similar thing happened to the cruise ship Raymond in 2001 it was hit head-on by 35 meter or 150 feet roads for 30 long minutes the ship floated uncontrollably through the storm till the crew managed to turn on a backup engine but the most obvious danger of rogue waves is the tremendous amounts of energy they release upon impact forces that are Beyond any standards used for shipbuilding a small three meter wave has a braking pressure of 1.5 metric tons per square meter a 12 meter storm wave will have a braking pressure of 6 metric tons per square meter modern shifts are built to withstand a braking force of 15 metric tons oh Road waves 35 meters can reach pressures of at least 75 to 100 that's crazy [Music] significantly exceeding the limits of what ships are expected to tolerate these forces have the potential to punch through steel walls like a finger through a potato chip and the dozens of legs and gaping holes and the holes are scary reminder of that but a lot of progress has been made since 1995. we now know that rogue waves don't have a single distinct cause the basic underlying physics that make rogue waves possible is called constructive interference this means that waves traveling at different speeds or directions can pile up creating a single huge wave for a short period of time many things can cause this to happen for instance a regular wind strength and direction ocean currents or the Topography of the ocean floor in some places the interplay of these factors can create wave Focus points similar to focusing light with a magnifying glass where the probability of rope waves becomes much higher one of these places is off the coast of South Africa here where it's traveling Northeast from the southern Atlantic propagate into a strong opposing current via gula's current which brings warm water from the Indian Ocean as a result the waves are focused and become much steeper and shorter abnormally high waves are recorded here frequently and already sung dozens of ships traveling in this important Chevrolet additionally over 50 000 hours of wave data collected from a gas drilling platform in the South Indian Ocean near the current showcased the frequency and the extreme Heights rogue waves can attain here over a six year period from 1998 to 2003 the sensors recorded over 1500 examples of waves that were roughly two times the significant weight height at that time and would therefore qualify as rogue waves however they also recorded more than a dozen instances of waves 4 to 10 times higher than the supplemented wave heights 30 40 and even close to 50 meters crazy the height of a 16-story building because of these finds the agoras current is now typically avoided by ships during extreme weather conditions but that doesn't mean that they are completely out of danger while these wave Focus points significantly increase the probability of these waves it isn't the only place where they occur many maybe most rogue waves form seemingly randomly over the deep sea far away from blue spots and can therefore not be explained through these basic wave principles the final explanation for them we have to enter The Strange World of quantum physics this field of science the solution it presents seem inelegant but nonetheless it gives us a probable explanation for these deep water waves through nonlinear quantum mechanical equations it can be shown that it is possible for different wave components to interact and exchange energy without a tangible outside cause in real but still surprisingly frequent cases these interactions can produce an instability that allows a wave to suck energy out of all the other waves surrounding it growing into a rogue wave these equations can even at least theoretically explain a related phenomenon Sailors have been reporting for a long time so-called Rogue holes they are simply put the universe of rock waves extreme troughs more than twice as deep as the surrounding notes luckily however they seem to be a lot rarer than the extrovert sisters but why this finally allows us to explain these Rogue events it doesn't bring us much closer to predicting them and that's a real problem because as these models as well as real-world data shows us rogue waves are forced to be reckoned with only a little over 20 years ago we believed for three roadways 20 meters or higher turkana oceans you would need to wait more than 24 000 years now we know you probably don't even need to wait 24 hours this means it's very likely that every cover shot traveling the oceans today well during its roughly 25 years of service encounter one of these roadways and if it's true what we think to know about the power of these drawings next to none of them is despite all our technical advances equipped for it this is very scary very scary like more reason not to get on a cruise ship you know I guess it's like earthquakes though like those are kind of difficult to predict too like what the [ __ ] right it just happens okay okay I was reading your comments as I was watching like Ryan will hate this but I actually if you guys are funny okay there's a lot of funny stuff in there okay I'm like after watching that I'm very brain fried so I can't do another quiz I don't know if I promised one or not but I'm not gonna uh so that's that uh yeah thanks so much oh wait actually something funny so when Brandon streams he closes the door right but I left it open and Chevy has actually been here the whole time being annoying and right now he's sleeping so I'm gonna disturb him show him on the Stream thank you foreign and he um he got his balls taken care of if you know what I mean he's very sleepy kitty okay [Music] and then Maya came over as soon as she saw me like giving attention to Chevron because she's a sweet doggy okay so thanks again guys for all your help for your patience for your ideas sorry that was like really lame maybe when I this was like really last minute for me so possibly in the future maybe I will actually play a game if I'm able to like set up the switch you know oh it's just like an exhausting so I'm gonna have to go so now what a good smelling dog okay say everybody [Music] so we'll see what Brandon says but thanks for learning with me that was really interesting and terrifying actually okay thanks guys oh wait I should rate someone right can anyone give me a suggestion because I think last time like I was supposed to rate someone and I didn't right okay so how do I do that I bet there's like all these fun colors right start guest star mess match goals raid Channel okay so I go to raid Channel and then I pick a channel to read right a spectacle okay let's do a spectacle easy uh because germa is live but he's got like 18K right so uh okay ass spectic okay I'm gonna do a spectacor okay all right here we go so I'm gonna click Start rate I guess thanks guys bye have a great evening happy New Year again did it did it work can you guys still hear me like wait raid I don't okay right now I don't know okay wait okay I did it did it work now hello [Music] okay I have to end Street okay go this is so confusing to hit stream and stream okay I'm gonna I think okay stop streaming thanks guys bye wait okay
do I have two audio I don't I just have the one Wicked up um Jesus that's the least this is called calming music this is not calm at all um jeez uh jeez bloop there we go QTC jammies QTC jammies why is the volume so loud I open volume mixer foreign ouch all right J Man think of the two months thank you very much hi everybody I have raspberries and they're not very good and I'm sad are you saying high lead buds did let just end ER um yeah Casper I would leave if you're drunk cutie Ali mom's name is 21. mnxd thank you the five jammies you like your raspberries a little moldy well my um sister-in-law got some raspberries from Costco the other day and holy [ __ ] they were so good and so I was like oh I'll go get some um but I didn't get mine from Costco and they're not good one year else I'm sorry nasserole thing for the year out of four streams today well three of them crashed because twitch was down did you have a hangover no actually I think I drank enough water I got the bad raspberry RNG Poquito Taquito thinking of the two but in bed but not complaining thank you how do I get my Tinder reviewed um you need to be in the Discord and there's a channel but you have to make sure your Twitch is connected to your Discord any leaks for tomorrow no you're so real for starting to stream at midnight well I was supposed to start an hour ago but the stupid Google drive wasn't working you on fear and tomorrow no TC smoke I'm not because I'm not home how do you can Discord X my point Discord man I'm so sad about these raspberries because I just like know what I want and they're not this we're catching the stream during my break cold sweat smile oh yeah how's work any fries and cocoa in tonight's future no not tonight when's the next Kingdom Heart stream I don't know we will see hello it's 3 P.M here where are you I can't get enough of you wow that's nice are you still dating um yes many Booth thank you for the three months in advance no I'm doing Tinder for myself on stream what hello the link the Discord link on your YouTube channel is expired [ __ ] well we're going to do it here when you're going back to LA Saturday sadly I wanted to go back on Monday but I need to go on um Saturday because um Ray's birthdays on Sunday and she invited me and you guys know me I tried to show up to anything I'm invited to so I said all right I'll go home early what time is it for you midnight Midnight oh six that looks like a bad raspberry ugh that one I just ate was a bad one all right these are all bad so in our 24 hour stream no I'm actually kind of bummed because I wanted to do it um Saturday into Sunday but now I'm leaving early Saj I usually watch your stream while having breakfast that's crazy that is crazy that's like that one Taylor Swift album what biscuits anyway what have you what did you guys do today these streams start so late I can't watch it all it's okay I'll fix myself when I get back to California do you have a good holidays I did you played Pokemon snap oh that's nice you slept hell yeah hmm [Music] wait you guys can't even hear the music can you hear it now dispatch thank you for the 22. you got kicked out of college what I know I guess nercus you've been staying up late foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] kind of looking like a sister I don't think I am Haley think of the sub um I'm just getting signed in over here I have to sneeze oh my gosh okay it went away [Music] foreign got surgery on what what's next I'm having I'm having meat and cheese right now her chin what oh my God like what kind of surgery the bullies won the bullies won how lame it's on her Twitter I want to see it [Music] [Music] are you hungover after last night's dream I wasn't actually surprisingly can we see yeah can someone link it in chat chat I feel like I'm gonna have a bloody nose I'm just warning you I've had one all day today like on and off foreign there you go thank you clip [Music] [Music] oh I can't view it because I'm not logged in it says it's inappropriate foreign [Music] well I guess I'll just look on my phone you guys just have to look on your own [Music] oh my god oh is this one where she has to have her teeth like her mouth wired shut [Music] Jesus wow foreign [Music] oh my God the expected before and after is insane [Music] no way [Music] cat is this for real look at this expected before and after it's gonna like change her face entirely this is crazy [Music] she does not look like the same person is that her face [Music] he like doesn't even look like her or did she just edit it like crazy no way [Music] oh my gosh it's the doctor render foreign oh my gosh holy cow that is so crazy dude Kayla really said she's just gonna buff herself [Music] Jesus Christ [Music] that was crazy I didn't realize how much that affected her profile she wanted the surgery and it wasn't because the bullies yeah obviously but it doesn't help that the internet's full of bullies foreign [Music] that's crazy oh the music's a little loud now huh [Music] wow how long does it take to heal did she say 14 100 people want surgery now bad wanting surgery is not a bad thing I like to make that very clear it's not bad to want surgery it's not bad to want to look different yeah I saw the after picture it looks brutal she didn't do it yet yes she did go look at her Twitter her jaw is all wired shut so you said she'll be back in the States January 17th what she's out of the states where is she [Music] where did she get it done how did I miss all this that's a render oh my God how stupid are you guys it's not a render she's literally are you dumb wait you're actually just stupid she literally has a picture that says me RN and it's her face all bandaged up that is not a render [Music] Jesus Christ colon closing parenthesis Smith boy I think they're two months yeah but they're saying she hadn't done the surgery the comparisons are under they were saying that she hadn't done the surgery Jesus Christ thank you guys I know the after picture was a render it's going to take her weeks to recover how dumb do you think I am oh I'm getting triggered so quickly um jaw surgery is they realign the jaw and they probably saw it like chisel some bone off wow that's crazy blue apparel guys thank you for the six months streamer Hashi it's a Tinder thing sub only it's in Discord and you do have to be um like have your Twitch connected and you can get into the sub chat the only reason I'm doing it that way is because Subs are much less likely to send me their penis [Music] foreign so yeah that's the reason I put it in a sub only um Discord shot are there any rules to it don't show your penis less likely doesn't mean won't I realize that idiot that's why I have a mod checking it man I love you guys I love you guys so much you guys aren't annoying at all oh Omega Nails leave this up you guys talk to me like I'm the dumbest [ __ ] [ __ ] on the planet I've been doing this for four years okay okay Jason thank you for gifting us up one second I have to mute something I got sent something I have to check it foreign [Music] ER three sorry about that I need to I need to make sure that was done tonight um mayor mirror thank you for the 10 months all right here we go twitch tinders or chin Tinder review or the cat is pooping Maddie thank you for the prime um Tinder reviews I don't know how many of these will look at I'll probably turn it off in three more responses because we're we'll be at 20 responses and then I think we'll have too many Danny Lee thank you for the 13 months but if you ever want to be a part of this stuff again it's important to be in my Discord so that's why I announce this stuff all right everybody I hate how I look um hi YouTube today on stream live on stream stream say hi to YouTube we are reviewing tinders from people in chat people were invited in my Discord to submit screenshots of their Tinder I figure Valentine's Day is coming up it's time to make your Tinder or whatever dating app you have look good so I'm gonna go in there and give them some advice a little asterisks warning I did warn everyone that submitted that I will probably make fun of them not for the sake of bullying but for the sake of entertainment and it's all fun and games and we're not hurting feelings we are just having fun smiley face all right here we go um individual responses um clip I assume you're just deleting responses if there's anything um inappropriate I Love You Always Forever near and far closer together everywhere I will be with you everything I will do for you I love you okay Yuri Panda thank you for converting your Prime to a sub um oh that's not what I want to show I'd want that close to close close close please one second it's gonna be scuffed for a second say hello and love me forever never stop never whatever near and far and always and everywhere and every say you love and loved me forever cat thank you for the prime never stop it never would have been near and far and always and everywhere and every thing what's the norm on a Simpson chat for a stream genuinely keep yourself safe what is that even supposed to mean [Music] everywhere and every love me forever never stop never whatever all right that looks good oh my gosh look at this setup she's a freaking Pro massive massive massive all right I don't like how I'm looking today do I have a hat or something I'm struggling can I get a clip should I clip my hair up maybe I'll clip it I like I like the clip idea one second let me go find a clip foreign I'll be honest I got a clip and a cheesecake great yummy I earned all of you in today's like salad well and some spaghetti but and some toast I actually haven't earned it whatever I always get key lime cheesecake because it's kind of like key lime pie and I love culin pie all right we have a clip in my hair now and if you're watching the YouTube video you might be confused because this is a con What's this called contingency error and it's because I'm an insecure [ __ ] okay here we go all right this guy's name in chat this is Braden I said anything you would like me to know continuity that's what I meant continuity not continuing Aaron continuingarity is that even a word um what he would like me to know is that he needs to add newer pictures so pretty confident besides that huh cheesecake dance all right here we go Braden job joint smoker no no that's a good that's a good start Brayden I'm happy you listed that um Penn State lives in Williamstown less than a mile away need a passenger princess salute Sagittarius in college dog drinks on special occasions social smoker yes if your job is being a joint smoker I actually don't think you're a social smoker it's your job please treat it with some professionalism okay works out often interest cars basketball golfing skiing music he's a bro um okay there's his pick oh you have one of those dogs Braden I hate those dogs why has everyone got one of these dogs sorry oh it's your sister's dogs okay well tell your sister her dog sucks okay is that ass on the menu tonight Braden what is going on you're not getting anybody oh not a car picture Braden get rid of this you've got to get rid of this great that's a great picture okay here's the deal Braden okay only concern about this picture is you are 20 so it could be from like High School prom and that's a bit of a red flag so yeah you're right you need to update the picks I actually you know what I'm a joint smoker like Brayden I'm not I just have a cough um I think this is all fine because I think it shows you have a sense of humor and if there's any girl that takes this too seriously you probably wouldn't um you wouldn't mesh anyway so it's like whatever let's leave that I'm not I'm not opposed to that um this is all that's that's all fine whatever I'm actually okay with it um you're definitely shopping for a certain type of women um who likes smoking weed so just know that you are not eliminating yourself from people that don't like weed you're very much so only like this this yells at me weed bro so you're gonna get yourself a Wii broet okay um this is fine do something with that ugly [ __ ] dog you gotta put a bandana on it something something because it is ruining the photo it's ruining the photo okay um this again it shows that you have a sense of humor but I think it's too crude that a girl's gonna look at this and be like he just wants a one-night stand which if you do just want a one-night stand sure keep it um keep it in there um but I don't think a lot of a lot of women will see the uh the the sense of humor in this um on a dating app they'll be like yeah shmeep shmoop whatever you know plus like genuinely I'm asking you this genuinely Brayden because you are in chat do you want to eat ass any night of the week I'm genuinely curious because I feel like maybe you don't you don't know what that person ate that day yeah you said no so you're lying you're lying to yourself and everyone around you and that's not fair don't try to start a relationship with a lie big red flag car photos hear me out car photos are just as bad as fish photos I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I said it it's true we all feel this I'm just the only one saying it out loud so if you Brayden have ever seen someone holding up a fish photo and you're like cringe I'm not like one of those guys you are you're one of those guys I'm sorry this is great great photo selfie yeah copy great I actually like I like I like your roasting tagline need a need a passenger princess cat thank you for the two months I like bios that are like very like meta like looking for someone's spiders to squish for them you know like LOL that's funny he'll squish my spiders like need a passenger princess okay okay I'll sit in the car smiley face um so I think that's fine um all right great this was a great submission Brayden so good so great goodbye forever next cow hero kichi cowhero kichi your honest critique oh the discord's never I know it required an email just ignore that it's stupid I don't know why I did that um okay yeah everyone claps and chat for Braden he put himself out there okay honest critique honest critique you're ready for an honest critique all right one second I gotta hide this so it doesn't show um I don't want leaks when I open stuff to like show you guys I don't want the previews to pop up so um oh I could just do this right never mind I'm done but if I which way does it upload does it is this the intro yeah it does okay that's perfect one second before we continue I do need to refuel with a bite of cheesecake keeps this streamer going I need one more foreign do the cheesecake dance and cheesecake 's blank thing in 15 months any thoughts on the mouse cow Audio Idaho suspect my thoughts is its cringe of people to be making content and money off of a horrific murder I think that is awful people are straight up like glorifying this man like it's a game of Clue bruh he literally murdered people isn't that all of True Crime um it is but I also think like sometimes it's not fresh like this is so fresh it's like please Jesus Christ the family like hasn't even been able to find a therapist like holy [ __ ] I don't know yeah I think the detective story I'm like I do think instead of like listening to like the serial Killer's point of view it's more important to glorify the detective like I don't think it's good that people even know this guy's name because that's what he wanted to be known as most serial killers are like fans of other serial killers and so they want to be as glorified as all the other serial killers they want people to know their name there's a reason this guy was like calling into podcasts and [ __ ] he wanted to be caught he liked the adrenaline of it he wanted to be known as this big scary murderer and it's like Jesus Christ um let's not glorify that like let's glorify the detective that's putting bad people in jail I don't know it's so it's gross um so yeah anyway um um Delta think of this up okay sorry I'm focused we're back we're back in it she's back someone told me to check Twitter why are you telling me to check Twitter no you love and love me forever never stop never whatever near and far um I'm not really sure what I was told to check for what am I looking for was it just someone being annoying yes in fact it was I just realized I have a big I just realized I tweeted out noon tomorrow eye emoji because I'm announcing a new event but it looks like I didn't realize that tomorrow is January 6th I did not think of that thank you oh yikes God damn it yeah I'm tweeting out and meet up in DC [ __ ] that is so dumb of me that was a bit of an oversight huh um damn damn well big announcement at noon all right uh okay here we go honest critique let's let's review first Carlos 25 it Stockton University Gage hi my name is Carlos and what can I say about myself is that wait what I can say about myself is that I do enjoy going out especially to ramen shops in kbbq okay love to go walks and drive so if you're damn it I wanted to see her about me okay Carlos good photo Instagram photos there you go so if you're down for an adventure to wherever let's go I also stream on the side great I would not plug your stream that is the first thing I'm going to tell you okay my number one advice and you're gonna hear this a lot this is probably gonna be my number one advice of all night you need better photos a photo with a cat genius if you have a cat use the cat um but it's so blurry it's such bad lighting this I love the fit I wish you would have taken not a mirror selfie at this I almost wonder if you have a picture of you at like a pride festival like out in fun because I think that's like a fun thing to highlight um with like a group shows you're not like afraid to be yourself um you have too many um selfies you need to start asking a friend or a mother or father to like take your photo when you're out like if you're wearing a fit I don't care where you are I don't care if you what is something fun and gay what's a fun like gay innuendo oh I know this is what you're gonna do you're gonna be at the grocery store with your mother okay and you decide I don't know if you are a top or a bottom this is good advice this is good advice if you are a top what you're gonna do is you're gonna go to the cereal aisle and you're gonna take a picture for you reaching for the top shelf if you're a bottom you're gonna take a picture of you reach in for the bottom shelf of cereal and it's going to be a nice little like Winky yeah fun what if they switch middle middle Shelf fun I like it with your mom yeah you can ask your mom to take photos of you guys don't be cringe with your mom I have breaking news your mom has had sex she knows what sex is guys that's fun that's a cheeky little thing okay you know where I got this idea it's because I had a co-worker who was a bottom he was a bottom and on his grinder all of his pictures were like like him sitting like his leg like cross-legged with like the bottom of his shoe showing and then him um what was another one um him it was like a picture of all of his friends and he made sure to be like on the bottom of the pyramid and he like found all these like things to be the bottom of and then uh it was just like a fun little cheeky like you know I thought it was kind of fun you don't have to you don't have to um you don't have to do that I thought it was just kind of cheeky but regardless I'm just saying um you can take photos anywhere did anyone notice that yet people would always notice it and they'd be like that's so cheeky of you um uh so I think there are ways to take photos anywhere so a good example of this is if you are going to like I don't know where could be going give me a place chat the movie theaters all you should do is you should go to Pinterest like literally go to Pinterest and be like okay Pinterest I'm going to Pinterest I'm searching movie theater photo shoot it's just you're just gonna take a cell photo and all you need to do look at these look how great okay gorgeous she got there early she took a big pic if you don't get there early you want uh like you know a pick more chill you get a bucket of popcorn you have your friend take a pic like this how fun how great are these things it's so easy so if you're going somewhere and you want um you know and you need to update your Tinder photos just literally go to Pinterest and Google that search that place and um a uh picture you need a DSL for that no you just need a good filter what if no friends I guess a selfie stick in a timer newly I think of the sub I can't feel my legs thank you for the sub um I I will say the iPhones and like track and like flash could have some cool effects also you actually don't even need a good filter what you do you again can go to Pinterest and you search um let me see what you search [Music] um you search iPhone camera edit there you go and it literally will give you these really cool filters that you just put on like so you adjust oh come here you adjust your exposure to 30 your Brilliance to 30 Your Shadow to 30 your contrast negative 20 your brightness to negative 20 and it gives you these really cool stuff I'm helping here so anybody anybody can have good photos it just takes some effort and you know what hear me out you could also just knock out all your Tinder photos in one day get a friend that also wants to update their photos both of you plan a day okay we're gonna get lunch at a cafe cafe photo shoot great change your clothes at the before you go to the next place movie movie photo shoot you know what I'm saying um so yeah I uh I think um I think you just got to put in some effort with your photos and if you're saying too much effort if you were saying that's too much effort then you aren't ready to be a relationship person if you are saying this is too much effort you are not ready for a relationship I would like to make that very clear relationships take a lot of effort okay great so my honest advice let's update some photos hell yeah okay now my other honest advice here's my honest advice this your bio does not yell confidence at me my name is Carlos they know your name's Carlos you don't need to do that let's not do that what can I say about myself that sentence right there tells me hmm maybe I don't maybe I'm like a little nervous maybe I'm a little shy what can I say about myself what makes me special no no no no Carlos you're special okay so instead you say about me um let me take you to a Ramen Shop and you can find out bam that's so [ __ ] confident okay hell yeah a lot of people lack confidence and I will tell you that confidence is the number one thing to make you a like QTC heart come off as the most desirable version of yourself that's fake confidence baby you gotta fake it till you make it most the people that you know that are confident aren't really confident they're just Faking It and the person that says garbage advice bish the longest I've ever been single my entire life was like a year and I was one years old okay I know the dating life I know what gets people I know what Hooks people I've read very a ton of books about this I have helped all my friends with their Tinder bios they are all in happy relationships I know what I'm talking about I know what I'm talking about you fake relationships such as you fake confidence just ban that person chat that person is just mad that they're single it's it's not that's not true that's not how the world works um you need to stop projecting you are mad that you lack confidence and so you are mad at people that have confidence and it's making you really upset being in a relationship isn't better than single that's so unrealistic when you're getting advice on how to date I'm a bit of what's going on tonight are you guys okay I'm giving advice on dating profiles so yeah you would think it'd be important to someone who is in a successful dating relationship what is happening guys if you have your own advice go live go live give it to the people that want to hear it but I promise they don't want to hear it why so uncharitable who me what wait what does that even mean I don't even know what that means what is going on Chinese triggered because they have no maidens yeah are you guys maidenless know them listen this is how this channel works are you guys ready this is how this channel Works QT Cinderella is doing Tinder reviews so QT Cinderella is giving advice if you are not QT Cinderella you can shut the [ __ ] up if you have your own advice go live on twitch.tv go ahead go go live give advice to your chat go ahead literally go ahead go ahead because the thing is is these people had the option to submit this to me because they wanted my opinion this is not unasked for they literally submitted it to me and it's just for fun they don't have to listen to me this is being farmed for a YouTube video and all I did was give really good advice about being confident taking better photos in an easy way to do this I don't think that's bad none of that is bad advice literally none of that is bad advice that's such tempered advice fake confidence guys what is going on yes fake confidence what do you want people you want people to go in there about me and be like hey you know what I I am unsure of anything in life I'm lost in life I have no sense of direction I don't even know what I like but I would like to get a boyfriend now confidence is a learned skill anybody can have it anybody can have confidence however in order to get there you need to stop believing that you are that thing you have to start believing that you are someone that someone wants to spend time with that's what you need to believe in order to believe that you need to start telling yourself that you need to start pretending you are that thing and then eventually you will become that thing that is how confidence works if you never ever believe that you have anything about yourself that's good then you will never have confidence so yes you should fake it until you make it because sometimes that's the only way you can get yourself out of bed in the morning sometimes that's the only way you can look in the mirror and instead of looking in the mirror and saying oh my God I want to change my nose to look like Kylie Jenner's I want to change my eyebrows to look like Margot Robbie's I want to make my lips look like Kim Kardashian's instead of doing that you can look in the mirror and you can say you know what I'm okay I'm okay and then eventually you can look in the mirror and you can say I am beautiful and I think that and if I think that other people will think that and if you are mad at people having confidence then you are the [ __ ] problem and you are sad and you need to work on yourself and maybe you need some confidence because the only reason you would ever hate somebody with confidence is because you don't have it and you were so [ __ ] jealous you are so [ __ ] jealous period why is she so negative that was a very positive thing what what is going on tonight what is going on tonight I just went on a positive rant and he said why is she so negative what's happening what is happening I would like to make it very clear that I am one of those people that used to hate confident people that's why I'm coming here that's why I'm saying this I know that this is where it comes from I hated confident people because when I look in the mirror all I can do is list everything that is wrong with me literally I am still that way I still do it and so yes I'm giving advice that I don't even [ __ ] listen to but I know it would make my life better if I did I would know it would make anybody's life better if they came off as a strong confident independent [ __ ] that's how the world works you are better off if you're confident there's a reason that everybody looks at Ludwig and they're like that guy is so [ __ ] cool and it's because he has the more confidence than anyone in the entire [ __ ] world you know every single time I go live I have to fake it because I can't sit here and sometimes I fail but I can't sit here and say you know what Chad I think I'm the most boring person on the internet I think I'm [ __ ] ugly I think I'm stupid I think I'm this this I can say all the things I think about myself but that's not going to get me anywhere people don't want to watch that so instead I go live and I do whatever the [ __ ] I'm doing and I put that out of my mind for then and that's what you do because that's what attracts people okay so Carlos I want you to be confident about what you want to do I want you to be confident about your message I don't want you to be like if you know I don't know I don't know what to say about myself yes you do Carlos because you're [ __ ] sick you're sick Carlos be cheeky be confident all right overall good profile Carlos Drake's in chat to Carlos oh boy chat um you guys really are missing the new ones you're beautiful you're not ugly but I don't like that you're in Disguise being fake because you feel like you can't be you homie I have chronic depression if I was real I would be dead you have to fake it till you make it that's literally how life works sometimes that's how life works so I'm sorry you're mad at the fakers in life but I'll tell you what the fake people are sometimes the strongest people that there are so you need to get over yourself because again you're projecting you're mad that you come off fake to people in a way that's unhealthy so stop projecting work on yourself [Music] great okay now you think you're the five gifted yes sometimes faking is surviving it's crazy because um I'm not saying like go out there and pretend that you like to eat sushi when you don't like eating sushi that's not what I'm saying I'm saying fake confidence if you don't have it fake that because eventually you will get it it's like so simple you guys are so weird that you think me saying faking confidence is me saying be a fake person that's so different it's like so insanely different so weird being a fake person is saying to people oh I love hockey when I've never [ __ ] seen it that's fake that's being a fake person all right I'm happy you guys really enjoyed that advice um clearly loved it so um and I'm done accepting responses because this will take me forever um okay ghoul friend foreign this is a hinge okay um girlfriend are you wearing pants oh God from the preview photo it looked like this was but and these were thigh highs and I was so scared but I trusted you I trusted you um okay uh mods will you ban Brad Tyler he's just been annoying you've been annoying and like mean to every single thing that's been said and so you're like why is that person's picture like this why do all girls take the same photo bruh relax take your time out um all right okay two truths and a lie I can type a hundred words per minute with fake nails on huge I have 40 cousins I was once interviewed on the news as a kid do we get an answer to that oh what's this how to pronounce my name oh my name is Tosha it's not Tasha I don't know what and also don't call me tosia it's it's Tosha wait this is cool how to pronounce my name my name is Tosha it's not Tasha don't call me Tasha and also don't call me tosia it's it's Tosha okay thank you Tosha your name is really hard for me to pronounce but it's really cool kosha tall I feel like I already [ __ ] it up whoa this is a cool photo I like this photo um planted or candid this was definitely planted this is a good photo thanks for being a positive force on Twitch it goes unrecognized by many you go a level deeper than most and are genuine um thank you for the five dollars but you're actually wrong I'm fake so thank you together we could go to a cat cafe I love cats please bring me to a cat cafe please I just want to pet some kitties please I will go crazy and go okay all right this might be a little this might be a little aggro right here I'm gonna be honest with you again the confidence gotta work on the confidence here you were literally begging I think it's cool that you want to go to a cat cafe but you are begging me foreign I think uh War me whammy shammy think of six months I think um I actually think it's funnier and more to the point if you said together we could go to a cat cafe and say I think that still gets the joke without the feeling of like begging um but I still think it's funny I really do I think it's funny and I think if a guy doesn't think that's funny then that's fine um but I will say as men do I'm assuming Not all men most of you have a guy friend who has broken up with a girl and you've heard the phrase my ex-girlfriend is crazy it's weird how no matter how the breakup went no matter who broke up with who there's always someone with a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend it's always a crazy ex-girlfriend oh you're lesbian oh that changes everything okay you're fine then you're fine I was worried about the word crazy being a trigger for men because they like to use it so much um you're fine you're fine then never mind you're good you're great I missed that you're totally fine a lady will see this joke you'll be fine okay um I think the biggest thing is is I don't think this is your strongest photo I think this is a cute freaking photo um I don't know or even even if you don't have a mirror I'd be crazy if this is your first photo I actually think it's your weakest photo I think this is really cute too weirdest gift I've given or received a real human tooth okay you are very true to yourself which I appreciate you're not beating around the bush you're not hoping that they like human teeth you're like I have uh I I like them I like human teeth I I follow Emma langevin on Twitter um I I don't have much advice for you I think this picture could be better it's just like a little low quality um figuring out my dating goes oh I missed this I'm sorry I'm sorry I apologize um wait can you tell us which one is these I assume this is the most boring one if this is a lie you've got to come up with a better lie I do have 40 cousins oh which one's a lie then I can't oh you can't type with fake nails on oh it's a pretty good lie that's pretty good to lie 40 cousins is a lot but I also have 80 cousins so I feel you but I'm I come from a Mormon family so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um just Mormon Tings just Mormon Tings family reunions go crazy oh they go crazy they go crazy um yeah it's crazy we have to like rent out an entire Farm um it's gross how 80 how well my dad is one of uh nine kids and then a few of the kids like got divorced and got remarried and got more children for them if that makes sense um so yeah it's a whole festival it's cool Lollapalooza um yeah I don't have much advice for you I think you're very straight to the point I am curious if you're just flexing on us because this is a pretty good dating profile are you just flexing on us do you get a lot of matches maybe okay you [ __ ] they flexed on us all right wow Danny Phantom hello chat and cutie they am them pronouns for me please thank you for letting me know I appreciate that all right all right Maria 18 Part Timer what does that mean hey them just looking for some cool people to hang with hmm I think this is too vague tell me what you want you know what is attractive people knowing what they want unless you're just trying to make friends is this a friend profile I feel like that doesn't work I think you need like you need to use like meet up um okay I don't hate this I don't hate it but I don't love it but I don't hate it it's Picasso it's art oh that's a great photo okay killing it love the sunset love the composition super into that this should be your first photo I think because this is like freaking yelling at me that looks great oh no you gotta choose one you gotta choose one I'll choose for you it's this one this one's a Vibe this one's wait take a photo with me with my codon it's still a good photo but this one's just like this one's just like such a Vibe this one I feel like yells your personality which is great ah sober non-smoking vaccinated okay I'm vaccinated to chat it was a joke tomorrow's January 6th so I was just I thought it was funny um okay simple I think you're pretty pretty straightforward I think my biggest advice remove this pick is it's repetitive um so of course again more picks I always I'll always that'll always be my advice um if you are just looking for friends the better option is um uh because this reads like hookup this reads that you're like I don't know I'm just looking for people to hang out with that kind of yells hook up at me um if you're looking for friends and you're just genuinely looking for people to hang out with you're not looking for um uh someone to date then I would switch um apps I would use like Meetup and look for like a book club or something um but if you are trying to date then you gotta come up with something a little crazier here about me I well I don't know much I don't know much about you you didn't give me much um he didn't give me much to write you a new bio perhaps something about their music taste okay yeah we could talk about your music taste you could say hmm Maria is a part-timer who likes Misfits and has a jacket yeah yeah um I don't know I don't have good advice books you know a good okay so a really good thing to do sometimes on dating profiles if you don't know what to put in your about me and this is maybe a good situation for that is give the person looking at your profile uh an opener so what they could put in their bio could be ask me what my favorite book is just put that in your bio and then it actually helps the person it makes you seem more approachable because the person looking at your profile already has something to ask you they already have you're you're offering them something on a plate that's saying yo here's your conversation starter the person literally just opens uh uh dm with you and says so what is your favorite book so if you if you don't know what um if you don't know what to put do something like that throw them a bone you know um so ask me what my favorite song is ask me what I watch on Twitch ask me why I don't smoke ask me about my cat um give them but don't just say ask me anything that's bad give them something specific to ask you and try to make that um as like something you care about the most because you're gonna be able to talk about them the most uh and you can also hit them back with it so ask me my favorite book hey what's your favorite book I love this book what about you you have a conversation going it's not just yo what up um so that's my that's my that's my advice so that's my advice for this one because this you you feel foreign only very vague you didn't give me much to work with so and that's good advice but I think a lot of people in life don't know a lot of things about themselves again like I said lacking confidence if you want to go at the safest route make your bio that ask me why I'm vaccinated might be a little harsh um I don't think you should do that I don't think you should do that one um I don't think that will spawn great convos so all right Ivy anything you know about me I get many [ __ ] okay I'd be a little confident flexing on us again another Flex let's see let's see ivy okay OH Ivy my goodness one thing I'd love to know about you is your music taste okay all right kissy face uh great merch I go crazy for Harry Styles a good sandwich Sun sweats and cold pillows ooh I do love cold pillows that is a great one okay ivy let me think here Ivy are you in the market for men or women or both or non-binary because my advice will change here both okay okay okay okay okay all of the above all of the above Ivy says okay all right hmm okay um biggest advice I think I'm usually against mirror picks I think this one's like fine because it's like got really cool merch that you can buy right now exclamation point merch um the only thing I'm gonna dock you points for is you have two picks with the same filter no filters on dating profiles all right no filters is against the rules it's a cardinal rule don't hide your face that's what we want to see I want to see your face I also think like I like your eyes in this photo I know what you're going for here but I I think you got to do a maskless photo why are we hiding so much again I have a feeling hear me out IV I have a feeling we're doing mask and we're doing filters because we're lacking confidence and I'll tell you what this [ __ ] doesn't need you're hiding your face again stop it stop it you're gorgeous you're gorgeous stop hiding why are you hiding this one doesn't even have your face how dare you don't deprive us of your face so same advice to you as I gave update your photos update them don't hide your freaking face um Mafia Jinx save for the raid I let me tell you a story uh Ivy when I was in junior high I think I have I have a picture over here um this is me in seventh grade in junior high okay do you see that hair do you see that my hair I hated how I looked I hated it so I always wore my hair like this and nobody would ever talk to me literally no one um so I tell you this advice because you are you're you're hiding your face that doesn't tell me that's not approachable right if you are at a coffee shop you see a hot lady you want to meander over to and she's going like this you're probably not gonna try to get to know her that's so closed off um so if you look closed off in all your photos it's the same it's the same thing as a approaching someone at a coffee shop some that's a good thing to remember when you're taking photos is do I look approachable I mean honestly if I saw you in public covered in kisses I'd be like whoa she is taking tragic Brompton thank you for the two months um so you know look at your pictures and my Approach okay you're wearing a mask that doesn't really apply here yeah you should be approachable um wearing a mask but covering your face covering your face covering your face you're covering your face and everything so let's work on that first um that's that's the only thing I change I think don't hit me Ivy this might be too basic I'm sorry I'm sorry give me something else I'm sorry I love Harry Styles it's just I'm sorry you're so much more than that you go crazy for so much more than Harry Styles I promise I promise you are more than Harry Styles all right dank linguini anything you would like to know putting my bio here because only five picks don't have long hair anymore phone cover is cuter than me though it's not I promise it's not you are a human you are one of a kind you were created as an individual being you're gorgeous believe it no piece of plastic can be more beautiful than you um all right created by who I don't even know what I was saying I was just talking [ __ ] I have no clue I'm just talking to my ass I have no clue I was just saying [ __ ] I don't even believe that um okay uh okay putting my bio here because I have 10 picks don't have long hair anymore then you have to update your photos your your catfish right now got four cats and a snake just looking for a silly goose if you got a pulse and you're breathing you're definitely my type okay call me Maverick the way I'm gunning for some top trying to have someone egg on my nog while I Missle their toe you have got to be kidding me why didn't you just stop here you could have just stopped right there and I would have said all right good to go cheeky move on you just had you just had you just had to keep going huh you just had to ten months no way big love thank you thank you for the 10 months you're awesome wow thank you keep keep the compliments coming okay 24. I like the filter this is great that's a great photo that's great shows your your fashion you have good fashion sense he likes wine he goes outside it's a long hair photo you gotta get rid of wait you don't have long hair in general wait this is even up to date God damn it you're catfishing people you gotta up to date if anything has changed about you that if you go on a date with someone they wouldn't recognize you you've got to update your photos all right you're going out you're outside uh same day same day photo shoot nope never cutie I just cut it I'm pissed I'm livid throw it away throw your whole throw your phone away honestly start over but okay oh llama photo I love a good llama photo I like that you're showing your septum piercing in this one um I think that's important um to know because if if you were to if you were to get a date with someone and you showed up with a septum piercing without any warning I feel like a septum piercing is something you do have to warn about um if I'm being honest um because it's on your freaking face and it would be like where did that come from and that would be a weird conversation starter so it'd be good if they knew that um why because it's right on your face just take it off well he likes it yeah but he likes it he shouldn't take it off if he likes it so is makeup oh my gosh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no Oh no you're one of those imma take a girl to a swimming pool on a first date so I can really see what she looks like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] the holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God I'm having a bloody nose you caused me to have a bloody nose it's just a little one don't worry Chad I've had bloody noses on and off all day today so I need to drink water um yeah so I think anything you care about that is um foreign and clearly I assume you care about your um septum piercing um it's like if you have any like eyebrow piercings tattoos anything like that I think if you like care about it show it off don't let it be a surprise um eyebrow for me yeah don't want to be surprised um okay uh our submissions closed yeah I got a lot so I closed them for now um I don't they wouldn't feel catfished over a uh septum piercing I would like to make that very clear but I think they could just be surprised that's all and if you like it and you like to wear it around then you should you should flaunt it um because you would hate to like this is this is what I don't want to set him up for it was I was hate you show up to a date and the girl's like ew I hate septum piercings and then you like take it out and you like don't get to wear it anymore because you're trying to please her it's like no that's cringe wear your septum piercing if you like your septum piercing that's what I get nervous about I had a guy once tell me like my like my pictures were blonde but I showed up with darker hair and he was like I preferred you blonde and I was like Oh and it made me feel really bad um and so I did I changed my hair I dyed it it was Ludwig um just kidding um anyway that's why I'm just throwing that out there um your pictures are good you you have a fine profile actually your profile's fine I don't like two photos from the same day that's never that's never great um I think um if this is in your bio then it's fine if you were just sending this to me then that's like not okay but if this is in your profile I don't have long hair anymore then it's like totally fine not to update your pictures it is it genuinely is I'm I'm taking back calling you a catfish for not showing up with a bun um um so yeah um I would I would I would make this your bio I would get rid of this part TBH Chuck knows guys I have a I have tissue paper up there I'm good all right great profile good job Drake's Drake's okay thank you for the bitties had some leftover bitterinos thank you Jesus Anton submitted like 12 things okay all right username Anton please don't give me advice I cry easy okay all right this is gonna be hard because Anton is hopeless pre-coffee me he's just a coffee girl you know don't talk to him before his coffee don't talk to him before his coffee uh choose our first date coffee shop Bowling slash mini golf wait why is it two things Anton are you going to bowling alley are you going mini golfing if they choose this one do you like follow up with a a qualifying survey you're like okay choose between these two those are very different sports sitting in awkward silence for two hours straight I actually like that I don't know if you actually have this on there Anton but that's funny you should leave that teach me something teach me something about taxes and how I can evade them is this a legit one too because I actually think this is funny it was complete sarcasm I'll hope this helps your nose bleed uh thank you for the biddies I deserve that Bitties you gave me a nosebleed I think this is funny okay that is yours good job Anton okay okay figuring out my dating goals what does that mean Anton what does that mean someone to split the Toronto rent with oh never mind that's funny okay I like it I like it I like it dating me will look like okay great choice great choice good one okay I don't I don't think this is a good one you my biggest date fail she beat me in a 1v1 Aram I would get rid get rid of this prompt this is a dumb prompt we're confident we don't have fails get rid of this you're catfishing you're not even bald why are you like that mods will you bam okay thank you you got him okay thank you for coming to my TED Talk I think that's fine leave that my most irrational fear my zero five men later stealing my blue buff okay Anton it's just not I just you know at least leave it up no leave it up leave it up Vince said Thank You 26 months keep it this way I think it's good my favorite thing to do while social distancing he's an anti-massacre everybody Ramirez taking 16 months okay great perfect are you a cat person because what is that what does that mean the thing is I'm actually okay with it because I kind of think it's funny I think you read it and you're like are you a cat person because and it's just like such a crazy photo I think you can leave this I don't know if you put this up as bait for the submission but I think you can leave this I don't know I was drunk yeah I think it's kind of funny uh your profile is funny um get rid of this photo I hate this photo this this photo is not funny pisses me off I'm baldophobic oh The Fakes were league in Bolton oh great yes it is well no it's catfishing he's catfishing he's catfishing he's not bald um all right good one Anton's flexing Anton's flexing Anton has a good profile he knows it all right amazing Gnar I get a few matches I did put on some covet weight been hard getting off hey King you don't need to tell us about your coveted weight you be you okay a lot how big is your profile James straight man insert interesting caption to grab your attention and make you say wow like Owen Wilson but then you don't you don't add anything you either tell them about yourself or you do the joke I'm throwing that out there now I like baking grilling darts bowling video games and most other things but some but some I'm bad at like dancing but I do it anyways wait but some I'm bad at wait wait you got to fix the sentence I like baking grilling darts bullying video games and most other things but some I'm bad at like dancing but I do it anyway you gotta fix this this needs to be fixed board game enthusiasts I love going to the beach or taking pictures of wildlife when I get a chance I'm really good at making chocolate covered strawberries for any special occasion you know what hear this out this is my advice to you delete all of this delete this just leave this this is this is my hook I think that's clever I think I think that's your hook I think this is too much you're giving them nothing to wonder about um and your grammar is messed up and it was confusing all right great I would say not the best photo of you it's not super flattering that's a great photo that's fun is there a way to just crop them out instead of making them Dementors behind you also why do you keep phasing up you've got to stop phasing up I would prefer not a photo of your cookies a photo of you baking and again I think you set up a photo shoot again I think you try to crop more you crop instead of dementor if you can fun not it's not a lot of you it shows you have a cat that's a fun photo I think that's great I like pet photos pet photos are always good no baby photo we don't need a baby photo what baby photos unless this is your child then you need to put in your bio that you have a kid um if this is you as a baby unnecessary because when I see baby photo I think he has a baby which I don't know if you have a baby or if this is you as a baby it's me yeah get rid of it I'm not dating you as a baby if I'm on Tinder I'm not like who was the hottest as a baby man I really want to date this guy but I don't know what he looked like as a baby no one's thinking that get rid of that unnecessary I just thought you had a baby it's a great photo but you can show them once you're dating another cat photo okay so you have to choose one cat photo I think this one because your cat looks great and you look happy so do this one uh get rid of this photo get rid of this photo keep it to five photos and they're your good ones I like the fit I think this is a Vibe I think you need to add a um a filter and this could be like super hype I would look at like I said on Pinterest going and trying a few of those like iPhone edits like exposure blah blah see if something works if not it's still a great fit and a great photo but I would crop instead of um uh doing the dementor faces I also think sometimes what's good and a lot of people don't do it um is labeling who people are be like this my mom by the way this is my sister by the way so they don't think you're like posting pictures with an ex-girlfriend um because sometimes that's like what you think um that's sometimes what you you could think looking at photos of like a guy with a girl if he's straight is like oh is that their ex-girlfriend and so I think it's kind of a fun I think it's fun to label them like literally with text and be like this my mom smiley face just my sister smiley face you know and yeah another option if you want to cover their faces if you can't really do a good crop is doing emojis it's just more fun and less like oh my gosh um do a baking photo but you should be in the photo um that's fine same thing with the mentors I don't think it's your best photo just because it sucks because this is so pretty I almost wish you could like throw this on like gigster and get all the friends edited out it'd be a great photo if it wasn't just full of excess people I don't know they might have blocked the face because of stream oh oh great okay then you're fine but I also think if you're gonna label adding a me me smiley face so people know it's you um think that's a good photo get rid of this photo I'm like who's that guy I think your strongest photo is this photo I think this should be your main photo that's your strongest photo you should never have more than five photos that's a rule okay no more than five photos and you you should go with this one and then like oh I'm fun with the friends I'm outside and then this one and then like here's my cat and then add the baking one at the end bada bada boom you're welcome simplify this just change it to this I'm really good at making chocolate covered strawberries for any special occasion or even even uh maybe not even for any special occasion because that might be too like direct be like if you're not sold looking at my profile you should know that I make the best chocolate covered strawberries bam Bingo why no more than five because at that point it's just like what are you what like what are you doing you know like if you're buying a shirt online there's usually only one picture it's like I don't need to see the same thing 20 times and obviously you're more dimensional as a person but it's like usually people are just doing selfies and it's like oh my goodness we don't need we don't need to see you in the same outfit taking a mere selfie five different times so it's important to have different backgrounds blah blah but only five is good over that it's like man what is going on what if you're doing five Hobbies well I said do five photos at most if you're doing 10 photos it's like at that point like geez Louise it's just a lot you don't need that many um anyway that's hype and I would add I would add that you oh you put did board games here so that's that's good to know yeah keyboard games there I think I I really like just keeping this simple and saying if my profile doesn't sell you you should know that I make the best chocolate covered strawberries I think that's really fun great great oh we're we're changing lives out here we're changing lives okay I'm gonna do I'm only gonna do um like five more because it is one in the morning 1 40 in the morning if I'm being honest cookie Quan Boomer viewer why am I doing this to myself great question I don't know why are you doing it to yourself okay Sarah you're not a boomer you're 32. backscratch boss carnivore Child free Work Hard Play Hard Summer okay dogs sleep on the bed Instagram don't want children thoughtful gestures passive scroller carnivore berries dog lover okay all right okay think of the bitties oh that's a fun pick I like that pick I think this is a cooler pick than this is this your first pick yeah this is your first pick don't do this is your first pick don't do a mirror pick as your first pick I think this is fun I feel like this shows more of your personality okay mirror pick I like that you're showing your your tongue piercing here um I my number one advice is usually replace mirror picks with more planted pics uh like I the advice that I gave earlier um bio I almost want you to simplify this to be more fun I realize it's like very minimalistic and kind of like fun um uh it's like minimalistic in this way but you're this is advice I'm giving you you don't have to listen to it I don't think this necessary needs change I think Work Hard Play Hard is very like you know anything that you could buy on a t-shirt that would be sold at a gym don't put it in your bio um it's just a little too cheesy and you are more than a Cheesy phrase um what I would do I think the things of all of this this entire bio that I read that I like the most about this is my dog sleep on the bed I'm like oh that's something that tells me a lot about her and then the backstrap batch scratch boss I think that's kind of fun I think Child free is already done here I don't want children great let's get rid of that carnivore feels aggressive and you already have it listed here so let's not put it there let's get rid of that let's get rid of that so that instead let's use these two things as the fun things that are about you um so what I would do you don't have to listen to this is um I would say warning you now the dog sleep on the bed but to make up for it I offer back scratches that's fun fun anyway that's what I would do but otherwise I think your profile is great hell yeah Wicked how do I submit submissions are closed fam or I would be here all night okay could workshop at w advice um great advice yeah I don't know what chat is saying I just saw a mod say stop talking about bodies chat you're not allowed to comment on people's looks or bodies or gender identities or sexualities or anything like that that's not appropriate you're actually just here to enjoy so if you're saying anything shut the [ __ ] up when in doubt just people cheer okay cool okay Gonzo this is gonzo in chat okay okay here we go Gonzo that's a great photo are you a cat person because that's very funny we love it Picasso um they're using he slash they pronouns this is a great photo this is a great photo see chat look how simple that is this is just a photo in front of a wall so simple just find a night just find a nice wall go to Victoria's Secret they have pink walls okay good start Seth what I order for the table chicken tendies and fries love it short-term relationship opened along okay getting married in October love the content wow okay thank you thank you for fifty dollars it was so kind of you okay good photo outside showing the tats off it I'll fall for you if you're a nerd and likes to touch grass oh throw up I hate that I hate it change this get rid of this I hate the touch grass thing it's the worst change it to I'll fall for you if you play if you'll play D D or something you know what I'm saying um change it to whatever you like you know if you if you know what a Fall Guy is if you know Mario's brother change it to something that's more like clever about something nerdy than being like if you're a nerd anyway cool car good fashion you have great fashion that's a great picture look at those pictures are the are you taking these on a phone these are so good um what was the last show or concert you went to oh one thing I'd love to know about you oh that's great great question are you a cat person yeah you don't need to your your pictures are fun they're all high quality they're all different um this is the only thing I change you're killing it Seth yes uh yes nice chat he's looking for something short term if you're interested open the long term but preferably short doesn't like you that much call me whoa Sun Ray relax you don't think of this up um okay Ronnie Bo Finley hope you're doing well oh my God thank you all right here we go Finley disrespectfully why the [ __ ] y'all wearing cowboy hats up in this [ __ ] my end goal is dancing on the tables and in the rain with someone foreign very strong bio I am into it that is funny okay all right okay this is an awful picture I don't even know what I'm looking at you've lost me you've lost me on this picture again the advice I always give mirror pick meh you're hiding your face don't do that you're gorgeous don't hide your face that's a hype photo this should be your intro photo this is cool this is like artsy make this your intro photo this is cool photo that's wicked don't love it don't hate it I think the fits fire I just I'm I'm against masks and photos this is a good mirror photo I like this mirror photo it shows personality you're showing your face shows urinals always a plus one that's a great photo this is fun this is fun this is a fun photo I like this one Sunset no get that out of it get that out of there I don't need your Sunset photo get out uh if I like this bathroom if you have access to this bathroom which you said you're a teacher and so I'm assuming you might have access to this bathroom again take another photo in this bathroom because it's a beautiful backdrop and maybe search like I said you go on Pinterest for inspo Mirror photo shoot bathroom mirror photo shoot and it'll give you a better pose I think if like your only thing you have available are bathroom photos the better thing is is taking photos in you know number one a nicely decorated bathroom this is a really cool decorated bathroom but the pose is important I would say you could use this bathroom um but the pose is important so I I would I would work the bathroom meta is a meta but you do have to work on it so I would uh I would update this photo but again you only need five photos Max so if we go through and eliminate this this has got to go this has got to go this is your number one make this your number one this photo I'm not in love it's Gotta Go this one's got any mask photo it's just gonna go this is a great photo of you this is a great photo of you get rid of the sunset we don't care and retake this photo because this is such a cool bathroom um you can swing a cool bathroom photo I just think it's important that uh you know what am I like what am I looking at here all right Wicked not bad could use some cleaning up I liked your bio I wouldn't change it I think it's very funny these urinals did seem really high up no I'm just short oh oh all right Jedi okay I'm gonna do this one and then one more and then we're done I never know what to put in my BIOS that's probably my biggest cringe weak point also not usually this outgoing but putting myself out there oh claps and chat for Jedi putting themselves out there yes uh a blue boxing for the prime okay about me I love making people laugh yes I'm a nerd but I also love sports and traveling too many interesting hobbies to list uh above average is my best descriptor always strive for more honestly I would leave this I would get out of this about me's are they can come off as very like wishy-washy like I don't really you know I don't really like it's hard as a human to say what is interesting about yourself so a better thing to do is just have a have a funny little thing and I think this is funny um I think this is funny I like this I like the smiley face I like the thumbs up I would just go for this because they can learn all of this later because I love making people laugh well you you probably just did with this so you're you're descriptions fine I would just do that um we can judge men but not women easy unfollow we've done women wait what wait mods on did you just ban that person unban that person we've literally looked at multiple women's accounts also I'm not judging I'm literally giving advice wait what is going on you're subscribed to me are you drunk mods did you unban them your mods are being dicks what squeaks to this I'm genuinely curious now no no let's give him his moment why are my mods being dicks I'm I'm really curious hey Tommy thank you for the sub I'm not mad but you just said you're unfollowing I feel like unfollowing someone is means you're you're kind of mad free girls advice this is awesome she looks too innocent he likes rocks that's a great idea that wait so you're literally here when I was rating a girl's person or a girl's profile that ain't shiz I had to get my nose cauterized okay cool uh it talks about cauterizing this nose because of bloody nose his bloody nose is way more wicked than any bloody nose I could ever have of course who drinks water while watching sports I don't understand what that means she Harry Potter your ass I don't know what that means does he have the balls to be judged it's weird because we're very much so not judging I feel like we've made that so clear um oh and then you body shamed someone okay Silence of voice because you can't handle it mods we judge men but not women it's weird because oh you were body shaming oh my God wait do you still want to squeak to that wait go ahead why do you think that was okay because we weren't body shaming men or women we were never body shaming the whole time this whole time we weren't making fun of anybody's bodies or saying anything you did that you did that and then you got mad that Ahmad banned you because you're a dick I see I understand now unfollow I'll tell you what you don't have to because I just did the ban yikes you don't have to unfollow me because you're banned and embarrassing no one here the goal here was no we weren't judging that's not what we were doing you as a chat what you are doing is enjoying what I am offering and what I am offering is advice and observation and cutie Cinderella's opinion that's what I'm doing this stream is messed up I'm leaving okay here you go everybody I'll tell you a little secret this is a crazy one so be ready if you hate what you're watching right now there is a button on your screen uh it's a little X click it okay you don't have to watch I'm not making you you can go I would much rather you be gone and stay insane [ __ ] in my chat okay cool okay now that I've explained it because you're too [ __ ] dumb to figure it out on your own I hope we're all on the same page citizenship thank you for the sub all right weird chat at three and what if two in the morning yeah what the hell is going on okay back to Jedi Knight um your bio's good you just doubted it so don't worry about that um okay um sorry I was reading chat um red pillars are coming out of the Woodworks at this hour um yeah um I'm sorry your overlord is in jail for sex trafficking you must be really feeling a lot of things right now but you don't need to take that out on me I didn't do it okay um great here we go this is your oh that's your last picture okay I was gonna say this is a bad first picture because we're like who am I trying to go on a date with um oh okay this is where I told you to update just change it to that I think it's funny good first pick I think it could be stronger um the more strong ones that I talked about were um uh you know just backgrounds like I said who who had that really good profile with all the good pictures ah [ __ ] we just saw him a few and he used the pink wall he had great picks and they were so simple to take Seth go back to Seth's and that's how you upgrade your photos is something as simple as this done in front of a really beautiful backdrop that's a great photo the only thing holding your photo back is is a is a bathroom but you already made a step by um um not taking the picture in the mirror someone had a great question to chat general question is is it body shaving to say put slash lose some weight yes um it is never your place as a human to tell another person what to do with their body um so if you are telling them to do something that they did not ask you for if they said hey this is my body what should I change about it then you can give your opinion however giving yourself or inserting your opinion unasked for um is just rude uh Sun Sun Ray thank you for the five gifted um so that's my advice um if people ask then it then it's fine L not true at all LOL okay just ban that person they like red pills too inserting your negative opinion when not ask for is just bullying it's that simple unasked for negative opinions is bullying plain and simple that is there is your definition do we bully in this chat no we don't do that doing exercises always net positive for mental health yeah but nobody asked you if they said hey what should I change about myself sure give your input but nobody asked you nobody asked the internet has done this really cool thing where everyone's decided that their opinion matters and they usually use that opinion for negative and I am here to tell you that your negative opinion should be kept to yourself because all you are doing is perpetuating A Narrative of negativity and the world has enough negativity can we just shut up l-o-u-r-n well the cool thing is is I'm a streamer and I have a platform so people want my opinion they're actually choosing for my opinion by watching me that is what they're choosing they're choosing for my opinion by clicking on my channel to say what is cutie saying um so that's why they're choosing it okay they're literally asking when you say negative things they're literally who asked I also haven't said anything negative so it's weird for you to be being like lol says you if you would like your opinion to be heard to a platform or multiple people please go stream genuinely please you know go on your Instagram and post some content with that opinion so the audience that you have wants to see that there you go because I'll tell you what if you're in chat your audience is me you are trying to talk to me and I'll tell you right now your audience doesn't want to hear it I don't want to hear the negativity I'm your audience when you're typing in my chat you're trying to talk to me okay great I'm actually curious about that one sorry mods I realize I'm arguing with the craziest people tonight but um where'd it go you're unironically spreading negativity by bullying that chains guy earlier assuming that he's a red pillar because he disagreed with you follow the narrative guys and you'll survive the Cesspool that has twitched snowflake streamers the crazy thing is I I didn't bully him but I'll see you later too I guess that same person was also body shaming earlier oh my God what a weird it's crazy because it's like you again it's like the projecting the projecting is insane you realize when you are calling someone a snowflake it's because you are sensitive to the things that how they are reacting or the things that they are saying you're projecting you very much are you can't be like you're such a [ __ ] snowflake because you are so pressed yourself you are literally so pressed like what is happening what the heck oh my God okay I am so sorry these weirdos Christian for all you do has Ellen for instance you have been derailed a little bit okay um ABA Jean thank you for the 10 months I'm so sorry um uh okay here we go um okay good photo I think you could you could upgrade it by like I said different background hell yeah fun photo I think this says a lot about you I think keep this Canon think of the 20 months again I think it's the same thing it could just be upgraded with a you know a better background better lighting um and then this one's fun just make sure this stays as your last one when you ever have group shots make sure they're the last one I think this shows me that you have friends it could be fun to hang out but make sure group shots are always in the last because then I know who you are hear this one um so only advice is upgrading photos a little bit by just being more um you know more planned with them all right okay not a bad profile though so you don't have to worry about it and don't feel good job you put yourself out there that's hype Wicked okay last one last one poquitos taquitos most of these picks are old haven't had any new picks taken recently that I thought would be a good fit for dating profile I'm a short King standing at a five three I use Tinder on and off okay I love that love that you call yourself a short King some people are like you know ashamed of their height and you are giving yourself a crown and that's hype all right here we go oh my God Manny this is wild I like this photo I don't know if I like it as your first one um this is a hype photo it shows that you're fun um okay fastest way to my heart is Sushi weed and Malnati's what is that two tattoos many more to come don't be upset if I have a bigger ass than you I think this is fine the weed thing is a little aggro I think mentioning like wheat or alcohol in your bio is like oh no is he is that going to be his personality I'm a little nervous um oh deep deep pizza place okay um you know but this isn't a bad this isn't a bad intro I almost think you should start with this because that's the funniest part of your bio I would start with the ass thing and then move the other stuff down um start with something that makes them laugh you know um just fake everything oh my God what is going on I literally didn't say that I think having weed as your main personality trait should be like never a good thing like let's you know I'm sure he has other great things than yelling weed it's just weird that we've decided that like weed is a cool personality trait when like someone that like if they were like vodka vodka and Sushi is way to my heart we'd be like oh that's a bit of a problem anything that changes your personality that you take is like not a good thing to shout as your personality um so yeah that's all that's all you don't want a substance to be your personality um I'm a weed girl but kind of unflattering in the bio let me know when we message Manny if you wanna if you want to message Brittany in chat they're they're interested um okay oh that's cool this is a cool photo your tattoo looks hype okay you like the outdoors hey same as your age okay possessed shut the [ __ ] up uh good photo shows you like basketball but again it's mirror it's mirror pick we don't we don't love the mirror picks definitely don't need to we don't need two of them this is the one you'd eliminate because it's a mess it's a mess um great photo okay maybe too many Outdoors photos um okay short King I'm warning you if you are a short king and you are proud you need to put your height in the bio like everybody else because then you're more likely to get genuine matches and not just height Queens because there are a lot of height Queens admittedly and I don't want you to go on a date with a hike Queen and then she shows up and she's like mean to you it's like let's let's filter those people out let's get rid of them um so I would put your height in your bio if you're like I'm a short king that's just my advice you don't have to do it but I I do think it's fine um it's a good thing to do because I just want you to have more genuine people um if I'm 6'3 should I put in my bio yeah I think it's a good thing to have in your bio when that's like like I think if we're being like really really superficial and gross here which happens um guys often look for tits and ass in photos and ladies often look for height in photos late like if we're being the most superficial humans in the entire world that is what most people look for and it doesn't mean that like if you're five one you're not gonna find a good girl it's just like let's filter out those girls that are superficial it's the same thing if you're an A cup and there's a guy that's like a tit guy then you know he probably won't message you if that's all he cares about obviously gay or lesbian this conversation changes but I'm just throwing that out there for now um it's a two-fold what about dick size no girl is looking for dips a dick size I promise um no one's doing that but I'm just warning you that that's that's life um that's a Libra no you are overestimating how much women like dicks it's a male fantasy that women are obsessed with dicks I promise you any dildo in the world is better than any penis any man has your dick doesn't vibrate I don't know what to tell you you're naive you are naive to believe that it's it's better than something that vibrates it just isn't it just isn't you don't know that okay copium yeah men care more about dicks than any lady you will ever meet I assure you hahaha but sure guys no she super cares about your deck you're totally not replaceable by Machine like get over yourself the sooner you learn this the better you'll be because you'll be less insecure about your penis don't be insecure about your penis don't all right anyway um I am lesbian yes um okay um I'm gonna go ahead and believe a woman would rather have a man than a plastic because humans exist you believe that go ahead go ahead sponsored by small boobs JK it's also crazy because I have very normal sized boobs people always come on this chat in my chat and they're like small boobs guys I don't want to be weird but I'm like a bee that's very normal I just don't put them out there so then people come in and they body shape me all the time and it's like yeah you're right like what is it's what's like a very normal boobs it's like very normal you've talked about this online about it yeah it's just like Jesus Christ you guys it's just like it's so weird That's Heavy copium it's just not also all boobs are normal I would like to go [ __ ] yourself I'm sitting here telling you not to body shame you're [ __ ] penises I'm like hey guys don't be sad about your dicks nobody cares what size they are and then you're like lol but your boobs are small why am I trying to why am I trying to uplift you guys what's happening why are you taking out on me I'm being nice I'm being nice what what is going on I you good I am just telling you I know some of you are really upset that I said the dildo thing I'm just telling you that That's how little your size Matters women don't care because a vibrating dildo is way more satisfying than any dick could ever be and the sooner you learn that the better sex you will have I assure you I promise you sex will be better once you learn this I am promising you with my whole heart I think any female in chat would agree with me micro penis enchant says even if it's really small for the size of the matter the size does not matter you gotta you gotta get you you gotta learn how it's yeah it's about the Motions it's about it's about so much more um only 10 of females uh orgasm vaginally this is a sex ad lesson now so your penis literally cannot make a girl come clitorally your penis can't do that it just can't do that a vibrator can uh you know simulation with other things can but for you thinking like oh my goodness my penis size is really really important I promise you it's not what a [ __ ] design I know I know not factual it literally is though um it's a thing that I have talked about whenever I talk to guys they're on heavy copium and I'm like I promise you that uh if you've had sex with multiple women someone has faked it because it's very easy to fake as a woman it's also like again they they don't they don't finish vaginally all the time and it's again male fantasy you have been trained to believe for many many many many years that um uh uh you've been trained for many many years that women are supposed to enjoy penis and vagina um women enjoy the size of your dick women enjoy all of these things that just isn't true most of the time um yeah porn has [ __ ] you guys up um so I'm just throwing it out there so when a woman who has I've had many female friends is giving you advice like this maybe you should just listen the one-time size matters if it's too big yeah that's true I think a lot of the times like women's services are only so big I think um uh you know it's like a shoe if you're trying to fit a size 10 shoe into a size or a size 10 foot into a size 7 shoe you're [ __ ] it's not gonna happen um yeah so anyway just listen to my perspective guys I promise is helpful okay I promise I just gave you insight that most women might never tell you this is like you know if you could ask any woman an honest question that I gave you that question I just gave it to you um I just gave it to you I just I gave you some secret I gave you the secret sauce so maybe just take the perspective you don't have to agree with it but just know it's a lot of a lot of a lot of girlies think this um night Ward and think of the seven months um all right free advice take it or leave it free perspective take it or leave it okay Manny I think this is a great picture I think this shows your personality it's like okay he likes basketball he plays music for a mere pick this shows a lot so it's not bad um I like this picture of your outdoor photo uh I think these two are different enough that you could keep these two this one feels too much the same because it's like already has trees already has a rock so I would do this one this one you could keep that one I think this one's really cool it really shows off your tattoo um this one really shows off your personality but I wouldn't have it be your intro I would have your intro I might have your intro be your mirror pick just because this tells me so much about you but that's my advice my better my advice is less photos um sad face and adjust your your better photos maybe maybe librarian think about three months um I would keep this one though this is such a fun like crazy photo I would keep that one thanks for the advice you're welcome all right the first it's not a bad first photo but I also think it's not like the most flattering like he looks like way more put together in that mirror photo um I think it's a very fun photo for the first one but I think it's not like I don't think it's the most flattering um all right that's it I hope you guys learned some things I made so many of you mad I learned that I probably won't do this for a long time again because turns out giving people a female perspective really pisses them off sometimes really makes you mad guys I'm almost I'm almost 25 again I've seen some [ __ ] bro okay I've seen some [ __ ] I've lived many lives I was going to wait to resub because I am poor but I still feel bad about my troll making your nose bleed oh my God thank you you don't have to do that uh think of the two months um I've given a lot of insight and just remember before you type something mean think am I just doing this because I'm mad at myself for being this way because you might be you might be mad when I'm saying women don't need penises to be happy sexually you're like Madge that's the only thing I have to offer but I'll tell you what you have so much more to offer you can probably open a jar that's pretty hype um anyway uh depends on the jar uh yeah keep that in mind ladies if you've never um uh Lindsay thank you for the six months ladies my number one advice to you if you don't enjoy sex get a vibrator bro I know it's a little scary but you can you can buy one on Amazon you don't have to go to the sex store buy on Amazon just try it if you haven't tried it yet girl girl okay okay girl I am I you know I was I was raised Mormon I didn't know I didn't know what those did I didn't know and even now I'm still like really shy about it I'll say like we had like a girls night and a few girls were like talking about Brands uh they were like talking about Brands and they're talking about like [ __ ] suckers and [ __ ] big ass rabbit dildo thingies and I was like what what but they probably are great you know so that's how you try stuff the Catholic guilt anyway um yeah or I think moist critical has an Adam and Eve discount so maybe do that um but yeah try some [ __ ] go crazy girls go crazy okay stop thinking the male fantasy is the only way I'm looking at I'm looking at the girlies that don't know why they only like lesbian porn I know why you only like lesbian porn is because you so desperately want to be satisfied like those women you watch so let's figure it out girlies my Straight identifying girlies that only watch lesbian porn I know what you are I'm being um all right we've done great on Tinder today you guys have learned about sex today any final questions before the stream ends what about straight guys that only like gay porn you might like some rough [ __ ] gay porn can be pretty rough because there's a lot of like things being like filled you know let's be important there's no like [Music] um hey Oak pop hey Oak pop hey Oak pop idea of pain if that makes sense um unless they're using dildos and stuff like that but like um uh a lot of men uh how do I describe this um I've talked about this before so I I've talked about this before in a podcast where I had um vaginismus I still have it it doesn't go away it's like a muscle spasm in your vagina because you're such a prude for so long that you think sex is evil um but I had to I had to go to like sex um psychology to try to help it go away and I learned a lot about it it's interesting um didn't necessarily help me but it's fine um but uh I think uh a big thing also is like um people as humans often find familiarity um as uh attractive that's why sometimes you'll see couples that kind of like look similar um it's very human nature to be attracted to someone that is like you um so whether like blondes like blondes or brunettes like brunettes redheads like redheads whatever that is it's kind of a natural occurrence that happens um so sometimes guys just like watching dicks because they have one I would like to say you know for anyone who's like curious about your sexuality just because you watch a certain type of porn doesn't mean that you're any sort of way and there is never any pressure to label yourself so don't worry about it if your lesbian gays straight buy non-binary asexual whatever you are don't worry about it okay I feel like there's at least one person in chat that needed to hear that don't worry about it you can watch whatever you want to watch don't worry about it okay maybe you don't want to watch anything do don't worry about it don't worry about it okay not worrying about it we're just living life good luck out there dating everybody have a good night okay
here in my 10 million dollar studio got the flying lamborghini here but you know what i like more than flying lamborghinis tick tock investors traders people who are teaching me look tick tock's my new bloomberg terminal forget about it for gen z dude this is how they learn about finance and maybe we can learn about gen z through fin talk guys let's uh let's let's take a look at what their new analysts are saying the next warren buffett if you will up first we have a dogecoin guys we're gonna be hearing a lot about this it's one of tick tocks favorite investments they call it some would call it gambling but who am i right i don't have a million followers on tick tock it's time to listen to the real pros if you think dogecoin hitting 60 cents today is crazy wait till you hear this many analysts including myself believe that doge has the potential to be equal with ethereum first of all who are these other analysts and who are you i looked this guy up on tick tock and he says he's 16 years old the 16 year old analyst sorry go ahead how rude of me to interrupt you that think it sounds crazy because of doge's market cap wait till you hear this both doge and ethereum have essentially the same endless market cap and if you keep digging all aspects of both coins are virtually the same i used to say i'd give it a year to hit the price of ethereum but with the way doge is going right now we could see this in less than a few months oh it hurts so much this is what happens when you're raised on a diet of pizza rolls and other tick tock analysts okay the first rule of crypto by the way i've learned just now you have to be an absolute idiot and project stupid impossible numbers just for the record guys if dogecoin goes up to three thousand dollars first of all it's gonna be worth several times ethereum because dogecoin just has more coins than ethereum does so if it matched the price gonna be worth way more but also it's gonna be worth more than apple netflix microsoft all combined guys just a 300 trillion dollar market cap no big deal both doge and ethereum have essentially the same endless market cap by the way doge and ethereum are nothing alike and don't let anyone tell you otherwise doge is a meme it's a literal joke aetherium is a decentralized computer you know what i'm an idiot for trying to make sense of this guys i'm talking to an astros analyst here many analysts including myself believe that i honestly do think this is a brilliant video though because you can start anything with that many analysts including myself think that this guy's an idiot because i think what we can take away from that last video is that no one should be investing in dogecoin so you took 180 000 right correct this was your life savings you sold stocks you borrowed money on margin you maxed out your credit cards and you just yellowed all that money into dogecoin correct yeah what an idiot why though because there's those robin hood okay portfolio i want to see how much your dogecoin is worth right now right this second here you go jesus it is worth 1.25 million dollars okay i take it all back guys i'm investing my life savings into doge and i'm an idiot for not trusting see this is what i mean you got to trust the financial analyst of tick tock there we go second mortgage on my house and bye uh dogecoin is where i'm putting all my money now i'm sorry for ever doubting you guys now what can i expect from my new investment dogecoin is blowing up it's at 33 cents right now and it's stabilizing around the 30 cent area but i think dogecoin is about to do something even greater it's going to substantially multiply that's actually a new financial investment word phrase it's substantially multiplying we don't talk about any kind of ratios we don't talk about math we talk about substantially multiplying your eyebrows have to be like this guys a doge is 30 cents but i think it's going to substantially multiply eventually multiply on april 20th 4 20 really dude aka 420. i have a feeling elon musk is going to put out a tweet dude that's the new financial analyst like think it's like it's not like a strong earnings call it's yo i think elon musk is about to tweet hey guys that's most of cr crypto now hey dude i think the tokenomics are strong with this one really what does this crypto do i think elon musk's about to tweet about it that's what they do it's 4 20 and elon musk is about to tweet and use some of his money to invest in doge driving the price up if this goes as planned and everybody including mr musk go ahead and just pour money into doge on april 20th all at once those will reach prices that originally were not even conceptual not even originally conceptual this guy's analysis is basically if all of us throw our entire bank accounts at this coin price go up when we all throw money at the same thing i don't think he's ever anyway i'm not not even trying to hate on this guy this is just the level we're at it's a this is what you get with a 16 year old analyst and honestly am i the right one here because i'm the one who missed out on millions of dollars apparently and when doge hits a thousand dollars i will be the one crying but i don't want to give you guys the impression that everything's just about crypto on tick tock there's all sorts of financial investments and there are a lot of rich people too tell me that you're extremely wealthy without telling me that you're stupid [Music] what what is this i have nothing to say this guy's a chat he's richer than all of us he could probably buy nikola with the price of this wood being what it is right now in fact i think this is the new investment i mean wood's going to match the price of ethereum very quickly at one flank of wood going to 3 000 guys what's next the real estate market dude i actually like this one this is actually true this is tick tock at its best right here i think bidding starts at five dollars feeling pretty confident there huh i mean ten dollars he said starting at five fifteen is this a new apple yeah just listed i'm pre-qualified i'll pay cash i get cash 20. no just make it 45. is it even worth that 50. i don't know please this is the eighth apple i've tried to buy i at least see it up close nope it's an apple you know what it is you either want it or you don't i'll take it for 100. what i'm from california it's the cheapest apple i've ever seen yeah it's basically the market right now in texas at least it's because of all you californians once again ruining everything they're all coming to texas joe rogan announces his move and all of a sudden it's just everybody's coming in and they're selling their million dollar houses and they're just driving the price way up i i mean if you're going to buy a house basically anywhere in the south right now you better be willing to sell your firstborn both your legs because that's the only way you're going to get into even a hut at this point it's ridiculous now up next we have everyone who recently sold a house a couple weeks i haven't had any time to take for myself so i figured tonight i'm just gonna go chill on my yacht and uh take it easy yeah you sell one house you're like i'm rich now oh do you guys not have a yacht it's cause you're poor this is also anyone who just got a stimulus check that's how everyone felt when they got their stimulus checked am i rich now it's like that meme is this wealth uh i could literally purchase every goddamn one of you and sell you at a garage sale [Laughter] oh dude this is some weird mix of a frat guy with cocaine with uh yeah stimulus checks i think what i admire most about tic toc is just the raw level of energy it's completely unmatched and what they lack in expertise they make up for in screaming do you know why i got this boat i sold stocks and i made money you guys are probably like wait where's the catch is he trying to sell us a course or something no i'm here to call you poor and me rich money money money uh yeah well that you fit in well my friend you fit in very well i'm pretty sure he did try to sell us a course with the forex thing but we'll let that pass let's go to the next one oh man i remember this guy speaking of cocaine let's start getting weak we got a nice little double top going across the board right here oh nice little double top looking for a crack and let's see 161's right now now again we're getting there let's get that 161 crack let's go let's go let's see the 160 crack let's see it start going on down baby c160 go we got last trade right here 160 let's go let's crack let's dump let's see this one fall currently up 8 000. is this that guy just screaming random words in the dictionary let's crack let's go come on baby let's go on down we know again you're cracking the trend line let's go let's go on down let's lock out a little bit right here let's see this one keep on falling 157 let's keep it going on down baby we're cracking trend lines and let's just lock it on up baby let's just lock it on up and take 50 thousand dollars in a day you guys actually can't see it because he cut off the video early three seconds later he had a stroke what's crazy dude like this level of energy it's like a casino you see this at the crab team like let's go let's go oh man it's like jordan belfort levels wolf of wall street levels of just like psycho beating yourself in the head with money i'm pretty sure that's what all the famous investors did that's like i'm pretty sure jack bogle and peter lynch do that too oh this one's kind of interesting okay because look okay the glass is dead giveaway we're talking to an analyst here good morning everybody i took up a little bit of a new hobby and i'm kind of interested in day trading so last week i it's like saying hey guys took up a new hobby i'm kind of interested in particle physics on the side guys i think that's going to be my new like side hustle i bought some stock in amc i bought it at about 15 a share um i've been waiting for the dip and this morning we're down to 11 51 so i snatched up some more over the weekend theaters opened in california and they have been selling out all show times um people on youtube are saying that this could be the next game stop and they're predicting that shares could go for two thousand oh the only thing worse than tick tock advice is probably youtube advice this is the next gamestop guys this is the next big bull run guys let's all yolo into amc look let me just tell you guys this right now there's an old saying that if your cabbie is telling you about uh you know stocks you need to sell we need a new say if a brand new trader is telling you about uh things like to the moon what i heard from you know youtubers stuff like this it's time to sell baby the hype is over but what do i know guys i'm not a tick tock investor here and besides the market doesn't make any sense anyway [Applause] so i did something oh i started a crypto token called dude i guarantee this is worth a million dollars oh i'm dumb it says right there okay well see i i low bought it with it but it's been maybe like 10 hours and almost 3 000 people hold this coin now it's worth we're not in a bubble guys get this not in a bubble a 5.4 8 million market cap dude i mean like honestly this is amateur numbers these are rookie numbers we talked to somebody billion dollar market cap in like 30 minutes so i don't know what you're doing i love our like five million dollars not impressive honestly weak sheesh doesn't have those tokenomics baby doesn't have the pump of mentals let's get let's get out of here this guy's broke i don't have time for for millionaires okay i need billionaires who's this guy uh oh i know this guy matt lauren we've seen him in other videos here ron must tweeted if there's ever a scandal about me please call it elon hold on guys elon musk tweeted stop the presses financial markets are moving literally right after that tweet was made there was a new cryptocurrency release that's about to skyrocket immediately i went and bought seven trillion elongate why they just invaded it because of an elon musk tweet and you bought seven trillion coins what did that cost five dollars dude these coins are so stupid i say this was just released i'm talking about literally today is the best part whenever elon musk tweets about dogecoin it goes absolutely crazy just to give you some perspective this is elon gate right now hey guys we're all waiting for elon musk to tweet about it guys it's going to be huge is that what he's going to say about a month after its release now imagine elon musk he tweets about oh my gosh dude you have to laugh or you're going to cry that this is the state of financial analysis on tick-tock on all of these platforms we've truly left all synths behind and i for one am looking forward to the crash and burn you know honestly it's a big question like what do you do in these crazy markets do you just give in to the insanity or do you like kind of wait and be like you're gonna get it eventually you kids and then they're like hey i made three thousand percent yesterday and you're like like that guy with doge it's like doge is a joke guy makes a million dollars with it i don't know i stick with the fundamentals but uh i know a lot of people who are giving in to the yellow baby they're like hey why not buy 7 trillion elongate who knows i guess this is our last one what is this the other day i promoted a cryptocurrency named mando which the developers pretty much scammed everyone including me and this is why you go with fundamentals guys this is the same guy permeating promoting elon gate or whatever seven trillion he would have scammed you if you had invested with mando of course busted into mando and also myself i had ten thousand dollars invested which all of it is gone now look dude at some point if you're looking for like three thousand percent gains you're gonna get rug pull honestly this is just what happens you're not gonna get into a three it's like penny stocks all over again and i don't think a lot of people have recognized that going into all these all coins it's like buying pink sheets i mean it's like it's the same thing all over again just people haven't learned their lesson yet i don't know we'll see but you know what guys why am i hating we've been through a journey together and it's time to respect the pump right we've got dogecoin is it going to three thousand dollars we've learned lessons about investing maybe some people are making millions of dollars oh wait there's still a lot of idiots out there we've got you know wood investors we've got just objectively rich people who could buy you and sell you in a garage sale we even have real estate investors all in all i would say that the analysis on tick-tock it's booming right now guys and millions are listening whether or not they should be what do you think do you think that we're in in a new time where memeonomics tokenomics are taking over fundamentals don't matter or do you think we're headed towards the cliff and about to fall off i don't know i'll leave it for you guys on tick tock to decide i'm just your humble commentator your humble guide through these things i feel like that guy on uh marvel the avengers like i lead others to a treasure that i cannot possess okay so you guys let me know what's gonna happen next thanks for watching i appreciate you and i'll see you in the next episode of tick tock idiots sorry investors see you later nothing but a trick trying to sell me on a dream but that was where you lost me
ladies and gentlemen welcome to the atrio nighttime Saturday stream right after basketball he is a little bit tired he is uh putting up buckets I gotta be honest with you I was putting up some buckets today probably my best performance thus far you look sweaty as [ __ ] not gonna lie I don't need you to lie I am sweaty all right that's what call being an athlete I'm literally my jaw is about to MOG you right now uh ew go shower you stink I honestly do but guess what AR's not home Ari's not home so I can stink all I want I can sit here and I can stink and I can play video games and I can do whatever the [ __ ] I want dude it's a boy night and girls night if they're in the audience technically 11% uh what's good big about to get a big ass sub from Subway going to sh eat that [ __ ] in the car with a Dr Pepper hell yeah that sounds like a night and 's too uh a [ __ ] crisp ass Dr Pepper and a Subway sandwich bro you're eating good only way you could be eaten better is if you went to Chili's use code atrio at checkout for exactly full price uh a truck I listen to your gameplay Elden ring gameplay like a podcast on a 4our drive today Point Crow so I was playing um I wonder if somebody has the capability to do this and wants to get paid I need to have an actual editing experience pointcrow was talking to me at basketball about a new channel he launched where he edits together about four or five hour playthroughs full playthroughs it's like the point Crow playthrough Channel yeah thank you for the raid much appreciated so it's like you know it's like atri's playthrough of hollow night and he just edits the whole thing down but it's still really long you know it's like four to six hours but you cut out all the chaff and it's um and people just put that on to fall asleep or they put it on to for road trips or they put it on when they just want something in the background it's like a great he said those videos are doing just as like as good as his main Channel videos in terms of Revenue um you know a gaming super cut again the the long cut of outer Wilds did quite good and that was super long I think it would be shorter than that that was like 12 hours something the outter Wild's idea uh that video hit over 200k views which is already really good for that long of a video and the revenue was crazy CU people watch a long time so um yeah I don't know I I kind of want to do it I need to find somebody to really take the charge on that cuz all my my playthroughs are like split across many vods so you got to kind of cut it all together and it would take some time but I think like the atrio SEO playthrough as a video the atrio uh Hollow night playthrough as a video like all my playthroughs in one channel with a perfect title edited Down clean I like that'd be [ __ ] awesome I think that'd be that' be [ __ ] awesome we'll call it atrick plays uh speaking of long vids I just watched all the Paper Mario videos and papadon vid while playing Bloons are you proud don't ask me if I'm proud of you ask are you proud of me did you see what I did Black border you see what I did you should be proud of me bro blow up Molly thank you for the thank you oh thank you for continuing your your gift and tier one subscribing how kind of you you've been someone gifted you into this world and you've said I want to stay um Alabaster sky thank you for the prime uh hros 5 thank you for the 38 months can I get an overdue thanks for threee I can't give you a handwritten note but I will give you a sincere thank you for three years of support I do appreciate it um did you watch Alex Pereira smoke UFC 303 I'm trying to highlight your message and instead I got this one I'm trying to highlight the correct message and instead I'm clicking on this guy because it's [ __ ] four times as big as every other [ __ ] message why does this exist why is Mario throwing that [ __ ] belly around uh just watched Back to the Future For the First Time why was the mom such a freak she was she wasn't a fre freak dude she didn't she didn't know that her son from the future had traveled back in time so she just met somebody charming and was attracted to him that's not it's not crazy from her PO V she definitely not a freak uh why did he didn't rise up his mom he actively anti- rised his mom but she was attracted to him what are you gonna do um if you haven't seen Back to the Future it is a fun movie Back to the Future one and two are just fun movies they're good times I saw a tweet today of someone saying like based on Star wars's fan base and everything I've heard I thought it would be like a super [ __ ] nerdy movie but I finally watched the original Star Wars and it was a fun light Breezy romp and I'm like yeah dude that these movies are popular because they're access they're fun they it's not um there's a lot of like yeah I just same with um like Lord of the Rings like even if you're not like I mean this is the wrong chat for this but if you have friends who are not nerds who are not terminally online nerds who think they won't like Lord of the Rings think again they will they'll have they'll have a great time The Lord of the Rings trilogy holds up for like anybody uh it's just a fun [Music] time what's the Cloud9 Jersey from what game it's from melee and it's for mango mango mango mang go there you go I wore this while I [ __ ] dominated the basketball court today just really put on a LeBron a bronny class show really um you went to Star Wars thing with Ari not having seen the first movie bro you completely misunderstood my story you just have to go clip in and listen again cuz I didn't misspeak so you're you misheard you know what I'm saying you just you're you're completely off so you got to go back and then you'll catch up um H please I'm not going to Riz you bro um big what's it like having love obviously it's great to be in a loving relationship with beloved my life but I will say um there was a time in my life uh probably when I first started at twitch when every what all I did all day was work and practice video games and in the moment that was a fun time too it's only later that that was very sad so either way you know you're good um that's sad yeah it I'm not I was like a monk I literally lived at the office when I wasn't doing my 95 job I was practicing a game to try and get better at it all day and then I would go home alone in my apartment and practice games um as long as you do what you like it's good is it so [ __ ] true the real the real gas folks is just enough money to walk away from really shitty situations that's the goal bro the goal is to get enough Financial Freedom to not have to do something that you really don't want to do why you wearing a necklace ISRO Dil it is [ __ ] crazy to me that you are a 15mon sub you have 999 plus messages your name is atrio Dil and you haven't noticed that I wear this [ __ ] coin every single stream for three years [ __ ] insane go back to every single VOD you've ever watched you will find me wearing this insane why you wear that Enron hat bro uh a trck you're in Cloud9 basically they basically got me on the team do you know what I'm saying uh they just don't have their basketball Division open yet but I almost [ __ ] popped my [ __ ] scalp uh Three Stooges yeah I'm G to Pivot into three sto just though what I'm G to slip on a banana peel when I come on stream uh what the [ __ ] [Music] asck watch out your stand I checked your vods uh have you seen the new RDC skin on Bron getting draft the diw show it was pretty funny it was pretty funny uh it will be fun to see how LeBron reacts if his son plays badly if he does the LeBron like negative body Lang anguage uh you should get a pet for the background I have two pets and I won't force them to be in my room this room is hotter than the rest of the house [Music] uh because you're in there flirt you guys love that flirt Emoji uh xcl thank you for the 24 months I can't believe it's been two years already it's been a joy every step of the way appreciate it very very kind very sweet thing to say thank you for the 24 months of support I do appreciate it um what's bronny even supposed to say when asking for the ball dad daddy I'm pretty sure he won't say Daddy I'm pretty sure in an NBA game he won't go d daddy daddy pass me the ball I think that I think that might make everyone uncomfortable and also be bad look daddy please papa papa please Papa uh hey yo Pops no I don't I think he might just just say hind or a ball I I don't think he even has to say he might say LeBron if he has to I'm sure hey Braun that sounds weird though if it's his dad calling his dad Braun definitely not going to say Daddy dearest big what are your thoughts on India finally winning the World Cup good for me as a as a big India bow as a long-term India investor the Indian Century has only begun dude I plan to live fat off the profits of India uh like the British for [Laughter] me I plan to make some [ __ ] uh [Music] have you tried the freezer shirt again this summer not really ever since uh we installed this fan I've had less need and it was a need for the freezer shirt hi giant me3 or I only say cringe stupid Malarkey in chat I apologize Mr a don't apologize bro our president does the same thing and I'm voting for him so we're on the same side uh is Cricket like pickle ball I don't I don't play either uh ever heard of AFL is that like a football league American Football League or something I I don't really know what it is explain Cricket in fortnite terms imagine that you are dropping risky reels but you'd rather be dropping [Music] T I joked I wanted to say tilted Towers but then I said Twisted what was was there a twisted Twi twisted there was a twisted Towers uh maybe it's because I was uh I'm old school you know what I'm saying big a I paid off my credit card debt based off a vaud of yours I watched uh it is awesome that I can sometimes tap in uh you know like saying if if something as simple as me saying credit card debt is bad gets you to do it then that's why I'll keep saying it that's why I'll keep saying it sounds simple but if it works bro honestly I appreciate the most I appreciate the most When someone tells me they just [ __ ] did something simple that gonna set them up for financial success I feel like I actually did something feel like I helped somebody in some small way um you know what's funny is like uh we're I guess were saying like obviously but I do know many people that think credit card debt is good because they always have the same argument the same argument is always um it helps you build credit you have to get out a credit card you have to pay it so you can build credit and it's like sure bro I think you could do that with a with a normal credit card only use it for rent pay it off of the month and then you'd be good it's fine but also don't worry about that so much people talk so much about trying to build up their credit score and it's like you'll be fine if you never buy things you can't afford you'll be fine honestly you'll be fine bro don't I wouldn't worry about it so much uh the best advice you ever gave is blackout curtains uh yeah dude blackout curtains [ __ ] rule blackout curtains plus sleep mask dude I I I don't get a not one ion of light is going to hit my eyes not one Ray I I I sleep in the dark I'm like [ __ ] Bane I was born in the darkness and I'll die in it uh sleep mask clears blackout curtains maybe if you're the [ __ ] lightest sleeper in the world if you're like the most vampiric sleeper in the world but some of us athletes we toss and turn in our sleep and if uh if the light cracks up I need everything else to be dark too uh I want blackout curtains but I'm scared I'll never wake up you're scared you'll never wake up again you're scared that if it's too dark you will fall asleep and never wake up again not just oversleep I can promise you that is unlikely I won't say it'll never happen because I who knows the science you might sleep forever you might never wake up again but I'd say your odds are pretty good of just sleeping get well rested someone is FCI don't say that someone's fous today that's cringe from I'm sarcastic every stream first of all secondly that like you're my [ __ ] teacher or something what are you do just [ __ ] relax um mouth taping uh I was mouth taping before it's cool now I don't do it because [ __ ] looks maxers do it feels [Laughter] cringe [Music] uh this Atria guy has the morals of an alleycat dude it is strange to me that Biden is quadrupling down on the alleycat morals line he's been tweeting it he said it again it's he acting like it's the hardest bar in the world it's like yeah I don't I don't think Trump's morals are that great bro but I just can we hit him harder uh what an alleycat mindset I just I are Aly cats that aoral feel like they just want food uh you're on the TV right now you're on the hot tub TV right now bro skinny dipping with the neighbor enjoying the stream thanks cream pie wizard I don't want to hear about the IRL [ __ ] porno you're living through but I guess I'm glad you're me the watch time uh H TR I've seen your swing you couldn't beat me in golf even if you tried okay [ __ ] fine you got it bro uh that you [ __ ] got it 100% that's on that's all you [Music] uh isra do you think it'd be a good idea for Mr Beast to become president what a stupid [ __ ] question yes of course it would be he'd be the greatest president of all time why even ask me that it's like asking me is the [ __ ] Sunshine Of course uh when's the last time you play golf I played Top Golf the last time I played real golf was like when I was young um I I played it one time because my um so so my aunt who's my mom's sister married a guy that's now my uncle but he's not in the family he's out of the family you know what I'm saying he married him he has a dad so I don't know what that me what is your uncle's dad outside either way that guy's Rich As [ __ ] right and one day he takes all the kids out um no relation yeah basically no relation anyway that guy takes all the kids out he's Rich he's a rich he's a rich old Boomer loves the golf right takes all the kids out to golf gets us daily lessons like we get we get lessons in the day and then play one big game at the end of the day um and we all get sorted into lessons based on our skill I was a brand new beginner so I get sorted into lessons with the absolute beginners right so it's just me it's just me because there those the cousins have played more golf because they are near him I never met the guy so they take me and I'm play I play lessons with the beginners all day most of the beginners are younger than me so I was probably like 15 and the beginners were like eight right they're like 8 to 12 so I'm like 15 and I'm playing with these [ __ ] kids and I've never played golf before and um I do lessons I do all right I guess uh then we start playing actual Golf and these kids are dicing me I'm 15 I don't even want to be here I'm very angsty dude I'm like in my Eminem phase I'm angsty I don't want to play [ __ ] golf why am I [ __ ] here I had to stay with my you know aunt and uncle for the S like it was bad I was mad I was miserable I was not enjoying it all right and the kids are dicing me and I'm shooting badly and whatever anyway end of the day uh the the guy the grandfather he's not my grandfather but he's like the grandfather of the cousins is like so what how'd you do how'd you do in the final game uh did you enjoy the lessons and I was like uh yeah I did all right I did all right and he's like what was your score and I was like you know what I don't remember I don't remember what my score was he's like don't worry we can find out and he puts me in a golf cart and we drive all the way to this [ __ ] thing where they posted the scores of all the it's like bro I don't want to find out and then he's looking at he's like looking looking Brandon brand oh there you are the worst I didn't say that but we're we're all looking at it and it's obviously minus like 101 or whatever like 100 Strokes what it's like the worst whatever I don't remember what it was but it was like you know it was like at least eight over the next guy and he's we're both just looking at it in silence and he's like okay and then we get in the thing and we go uh and we get a thing and we go uh he didn't crack a joke or do anything he just we just both look at it we both look at the sheet okay um no inheritance for you he would never have given me inheritance we're not that close I do remember that guy as well he was like again this guy's like a rich rich Boomer he's like a classic rich white guy golfing Boomer and I told him I was learning Korean This was later on I don't know we were at like a a graduation or something and I told him I was learning Korean and he's like back in my day everybody tried to learn Japanese because they were going to take over how'd that turn out I was like yeah man I that's not why I'm learning Korean uh did it stop you no what stopped me is going to Korea and realizing everyone spoke English way better than I spoke Korean and I realized our education system is bad uh [Music] this one Takes the Cake Takes the Cake do you remember anything yeah onyango could say that I could [Music] say interu because I wanted to ask Korean players for interviews uh I [Music] could bro watch squid game I can't well that's just straight racist lowkey hiy uh can you speak Spanish considering you're now part of the Hispanic Community C no further questions uh uh welcome back Latino King is there any celebri SLU figures you genuinely think make good politicians why are we why is that our why is that our our group why is that our control group we can only pick from celebrities to be our new politicians uh [Music] um I think that of the ones that have any chance of running and based on what I saw at the debate I would vote for Mark cubin uh but I didn't I don't know who else I don't know who else um there's almost no one else Jensen Hong bro don't don't call him Jensen Wong that just learn his name bro I don't care if you spell it wrong but just saying Wong sounds like you're just doing a default Asian last name uh I would not vote for John Oliver or John Stewart I think they're very good at what they do I don't think they would be effective um leaders [Music] um I would yeah I think I would nominate Ronald Reagan's ghost from Beyond the Grave I think we'll get that guy and hopefully by God he can make it trickle down for once U I think he didn't have enough time that was the problem he only got two terms and that wasn't enough time to make the tax cuts trickle down Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter looks so old uh Gavin Nome is a piece of [ __ ] but he's hot so there's no chance he loses I don't think Gavin new is a piece of [ __ ] um I actually disagree with you on the fact that he's hot I actually believe that Gavin Nome being hot is working against him I think if Gavin Newsome was a little bit uglier he would do better he would actually get more result I I truly believe this I think he gives off like the he's too polished people don't like him he's this California well off nice hair Smiles backs slapping people it's like it's like a it's like a standard politician people just are automatically put off by it if he was a little more grizzled if he had a scar on one eye but the same level of like debate skill he's really good at like staying you know of turning a question to a message and he's got the politics skill I think he would actually do way better I think he would do way better um you can't be too hot bro I disagree I disagree bro I think you can uh who do you think the Dems will I don't think they're going to place Biden at all I think they're not replace Biden uh and think could change between now if the polling is truly terrible then they might but I think they thought about it then they Rec coales and they're not going to replace him uh why doesn't Obama run as VP can he even do that you can't be president twice than VP because then the president could die and you be president again and that's against the rules I don't I don't think you can do that it's like a imagine imagine Obama gets a third term because he latches on to the [ __ ] oldest candidate we've ever had infinite president exploit yeah you just keeps picking dude and then next time he runs again with like a 98y old man and he's VP again uh he just keeps running it back devs can't devs patch this he runs Jimmy Carter yeah he's a presidential gold [Laughter] [Music] digger have they like the running mates I mean I I think Biden is still with Harris there's no changing the ticket which I think is um bad because Harris is shockingly unpopular shockingly like if they were to replace Biden with Harris the polls would be a [ __ ] Landslide Landslide uh I think you should pick somebody if Biden picks somebody with a little bit of oomph like like like like Kendrick [Laughter] Lamar I think a Biden Kendrick would go dumb hard too young unironically no 35 Kendrick's like 37 38 39 uh [Music] you should run with Hunter the Biden and Biden tour Biden and Biden Joe runs with Hunter Biden wow LeBron and rny moments kind of goes hard dude Biden and Biden sounds like a law firm is it even realistic for Trump to become president again based yes it is not only realistic it is the most likely outcome uh [Music] uh Steve Merks you can just watch the clip then my friend you can just watch the clip bro uh can't Trump keep on running until he wins uh yeah he can well yeah once he wins you can't run again two terms um Dale bracket if it's the most likely outcome why don't the Dems run someone else because first of all Biden doesn't want to step down thinks he can do it uh secondly Changing Horses generally a bad look um thirdly they don't really have a great alternative they don't have like somebody who'd be like just clearly better um who's just set up ready to go has all the um yeah there's like a big advantage to being the incumbent being the incumbent is normally a pretty solid spot to be in uh [Music] what if Obama ran again as a republican first of all he can't run again no regardless of what party he can't win he can't uh we should allow it just this once did you see many dealers can't sell or service cars because they software contact I did see that um they're still doing it though they're still selling they're just doing the old methods my understanding based on what I read they were still selling could you take over Biden's campaign and ban genshin impact I take over Biden's Campaign which is not a lawmaking operation it's an operation to get him elected and somehow through that I can use my Presidential Power to ban genshin impact without approval of Congress and then that helps him get elected would a McDonald's Biden meal help him get elected it couldn't hurt do you work at McDonald's I think a McDonald's Biden meal might cause McDonald's a lot of problems might cause him a lot of problem they would there would be a lot of uh Bud Light type videos if they made a [ __ ] McDonald the Biden unless he made it cheap yeah if there was a mick Biden and it was like a $5 bag that gave you everything you got burger fries drink and they just subsidized it on on God that would move the needle on votes uh [Music] big a what do you rank these Hitman Elden ring Monkey Ball balloons Hollow night AOE Fall Guys impossible to rank these they are special in their own way and occupy a different part of my brain and my life and my memory uh uh but there are two standouts to me and that would be Hitman and Hollow KN I think those games really stood out to me um then maybe Monkey Ball then maybe balloons then maybe fall guys maybe elen ring but honestly it's just a different different I'm thinking of like what they meant for the stream I think like Elden ring is an amazing game but for the stream it wasn't as impactful to me as those other [Music] um what about Call of Duty I've never I've never played a Call of Duty campaign so I was thinking of doing the cathon but I don't know I have no real um I have no real time to to do it um I've done no Russian I mean every every [ __ ] person who was around you know I was the right age the right time when Call of Duty Modern Warfare was [ __ ] blowing up I definitely did the no Russian but I didn't I didn't um um Paper Mario moved him a little too much no if I did the conon I would do the whole thing we start with the beginning we [ __ ] grind honestly I'm more interested in playing the first three Harry Potter games like the PS2 era Harry Potter games I think those would be really fun to play as a marathon on stream or at least up until they I think that would be [ __ ] fun uh yeah yeah Millennial oh I'm sorry did I not make that clear you think I've been hiding the whole time that I'm a millennial do you think that's been a hidden secret of the stream I've been pretending to be a Zoomer this whole time and secretly I'm a [ __ ] I'm open I'm a card carrying Millennial bro not only that I'm I'm when we have Millennial meetings I speak up I speak for the for the group I'm I'm a Millennial as it gets youever played Sly Cooper no I actually [ __ ] hated Sly Cooper and I never I never played it or knew anything about it it just was one of the PlayStation exclusives and I was a dude who was on the game facts forums debating the console war and I would always be like Sly Cooper more like Sly [ __ ] nothing on [Music] Mario I was a DieHard Nintendo Defender and I was like [Laughter] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] uh big weren't we going to get new sub badges why would you want new sub badges you're not even at the max one yet bro you haven't even got to the ghost if we get new ones they'll add to the ending I'm not getting the ghost is the best one the ghost is so [Music] sick Bro I if I had the ghost I would never want anything else so it's the sickest one it's got a [ __ ] sick Crown it looks cool it's perfectly designed why would you when am I going to add a [ __ ] Paper Mario hammer and you're going to go oh this is better maybe uh [Music] uh a paper Mario Circle can you put on ghost only mode I actually don't think you can uh I think chat here's the thing Ari is I guess I mentioned Ari is gone so I can stay up later than usual I was going to watch YouTube videos sort of the plan but because it's kind of low-key night and I started so late um I might just play more Elden ring really fun had a good time uh might do a little boy night Elden ring Elden ring elen ring elen ring let the [ __ ] people ring we missed last week though did we um we go watch one good video I don't think we did bro honestly I don't think we did but I I can put on one good video but I actually can't be seded off my opinion I actually really want to play Elden ring uh let's see I need one video where we actually learn something who's got a video where we're Act actually actually actually actually actually going to learn something a video with intelligence and heart and wit um why people prefer more pain got a lot of views a beginner's guide to Australian football why would I ever want to uh Lupe Fiasco presents rap theory and practice bro Lupe Fiasco has a new album called Samurai I highly highly recommend it if you are a lyrical hip-hop head you should check it out and if you're not you should listen to it loudly around other people and pretend you are you should put on T give it a listen pretend you came up with it yourself I don't care you look good in college um New Japan analysis and it's very good [ __ ] it let's do it we always love New Japan analysis a Japanese man recorded imaginary stalkers then real ones appeared oh interesting why was this man so so hated that he would be arrested eight times banned from dozens of stores and have people surround his house and tail him for months on end without exaggerating this is the most unbelievable story I've ever covered on my channel so what could he have possibly done in December of 2004 Japanese police began receiving numerous 911 calls from the same individual most of which were completely silent that's [Applause] ominous over the next year this became so frequent that the caller was warned if he continued he would be arrested to which he replied and over the next 24 hours he made over 1,000 emergency calls after that the police did catch him very easily in fact and he was sentenced to one year and 4 months in prison you're going to hear that a lot in this video such a funny Catch Me If You Can okay we got your number it's like not difficult at [Laughter] all neighbors say the caller used to be a normal guy but after getting dismissed from his internship at the city waterways Department he had a breakdown and started acting strangely this was the first time his name appeared bro lost his entire life because he lost an internship an internship and he that's crazy in the public record but in this video I'm G to call him by a pseudonym Yoshi after being released from prison Yoshi continued his Feud with the police in May of 2009 Yoshi got into some trouble at a car dealership it all started when his mechanic reached out and touched his shoulder with oily hands Yoshi pushed him away which started a fight that ended up with him getting well you guessed it arrested in jail Yoshi tried to preserve his oil stained clothing to prove his self-defense case but when he was released 20 days later he failed to produce anything Yoshi accused his lawyer of secretly washing his clothes and now believed there was a conspiracy to get him I mean the police showed up at the scene suspiciously quickly and the mechanic bro imagine he's right imagine he's [ __ ] right and no one believes him we're all laughing at him and like they really did [ __ ] with him must have tricked Yoshi into attacking him it all made sense now they were gangstalkers everyone in the town was gangstalking him but he was in June 2013 Yoshi opened a YouTube channel to document the activities of these gangstalkers under the username iuo 700 most of his uploads around 10 minutes in length featured Yoshi recording from his balcony or cycling around his neighborhood gangstalker harasses Me by parking truck in my neighborhood damn they really are [ __ ] with you bro damn parking a truck in your neighborhood randomly filming people in Japan is rude and possibly even illegal plus Yoshi's using a yikes what about my plan to go to Japan and say arigato do you like anime to everybody on camera while streaming loudly is that that's cool though though right that's fine okay cuz I'm obviously I'm like respecting the culture can I say do you know Naruto um okay good they love that okay good I was worried I was being cringe for a second uh it's actually expected I'll be cringe if I don't do it uh what if I Naruto run everywhere why not go to the US speaking loud slow English do you know USA you know how your country is good think of the better one the better country this is all good I'm PL this will be great I think I'm going to be a real Gem of a tourist digital camera so it's not surprising that he made a lot of enemies one of the enemies he made was this construction company near his house that was installing security cameras in their parking lot they must be spying on him he calls the cops on them but then he assaults and spits on the employee in front of the police officer that he called that's not so he gets arrested again he was released after 20 days basically the longest they can hold you without charging you but this only intents ified his Crusade against the gangstalkers next Yoshi noticed a strange van in his neighborhood he went over to investigate acid milk what if he's right dude what the [ __ ] kind of company's called acid milk he keeps asking Mr acid milk the same questions over and over and they're not making any progress So eventually he just calls him a stalker Mr acid milk calls the cops the local cops who are already familiar with Yoshi ask why he's being so aggressive in filming the cops tell him to leave Mr acid milk alone and for once he gets off with without being arrested the next gangstalker Yoshi targeted in his videos was the elementary school yes he was feuding with an elementary school I see why well I guess the kids were being too loud gangstalkers music played at elementary school gangstalkers chime sound at elementary school gangstalkers drum sound gangstalkers shouting rock paper scissors out of the El those classic gangstalker children playing rock paper scissors well I guess the kids were being too loud and the chime was annoying and this is where things get messed up because Yoshi in protest of the elementary school gangstalking him goes over and starts yelling and filming the students and then the vice principal comes over to tell him to stop Yoshi gets angry and the vice principal calls the cops on him they let him go home that day but then the next day the cops show up at his house with a search warrant and an arrest warrant film in his own house body on H I don't think these officers want to be filmed suspiciously during this curfuffle he picked up a charge for resisting arrest apparently he scratched an officer I don't know about this one but they didn't end up Prosecuting him and released him after 20 days oh my God the gangstalkers are real started to see gangstalkers everywhere every car that drove by was a gangstalker helicopters were gangstalkers even airplanes were gangstalkers he was also banned from a lot lot of local stores for causing trouble and filling inside sucks wello imagine someone going to like a public restaurant and filming and then uploading it to YouTube That's Fu I mean that's [ __ ] up is what it is a restaurant or a grocery store it's like it's just odd it's it's just not it's it's [ __ ] behavior is what it is I'd never do it never do it unless of course it was in America's greatest restaurant and most Friendly restaurant to streamers Chili's thank you so much Chili's again for being so streamer friendly [Music] uh L man but then all of a sudden Yoshi went missing he didn't upload for over over a year it was confusing but the video he uploaded after he came back would explain everything it starts off like a typical Yoshi video he's cycling around his neighborhood and exposing the gangstalkers but then all of a [Music] sudden a high school kid Rings his Bell and angers Yoshi he chases the kid you're the [ __ ] bro you're the [ __ ] the kid true aggro that's so funny he's like a mob he's like a [ __ ] Elden ring [Laughter] mob he's fast bro if you're the high school an old man's chasing you while Yoshi was fine with posting other people's faces online he always censored his own eventually he catch up to the kid and kicks him off his bike Yoshi tries to attack while still on his bicycle so the kid is able to dodge by just walking back and forth while calling for help on his phone soon some women it's like mounted combat in Elden [Laughter] ring fuing who heard the commotion come to help they restrain Yoshi while waiting for the police to come the whole while he's screaming [Music] first off the kid was fine but this one was a big deal for Yoshi the cops came they arrested him and this time they did prosecute thankfully he recorded the evidence so it was a pretty easy conviction and he was sentenced to 10 months that's why he was missing online for so long and when he finally got back and uploaded this video it didn't exactly go how he thought it would I mean he thought this video made him look good like he thought he was the good guy in this situation as you can imagine this video caught people's attention specifically the way he's yelling here kind of became a meme but his next upload would really put him on the map but first a word from the sponsor of today's video displates displates are premium by displate oh wait that's a fun one it's from uh% off if you get three or more thanks again to displate for sponsoring this video anyways Yoshi's next upload was what really got him into trouble as usual we start off on Yoshi's balcony but then we hear voices in between their growling and their grunts these two gentlemen are telling Yoshi stop filming get down here and we're going to beat you up for a moment this video almost makes me think poor Yoshi what could he have possibly done to make these guys so mad but this is all Yoshi's fault the reason they're mad at him is because he spat on their mom multiple times their dad tries to talk it over but he quickly realizes Yoshi is a lost cause eventually he gives up and just calls the cops Yoshi Dodges arrest again and that was the end of the video but when Yoshi clicked the upload button on this one he didn't know how much it was going to change his life because this thing went Mega viral the first thing people notice is that the two young guys look exactly like the characters from the manga space brothers so that became their nickname and it didn't stop [Applause] there internet's so funny man at this point Yoshi's videos start getting a lot of views and he becomes a bit of a celebrity online as you could imagine these viewers don't like Yoshi very much some of them decide to start messing with him for a guy who's so concerned about gangstalkers he did not prot his personal information very well I mean yeah he censored his face but he uploaded hours of footage from his balcony he showed the front of his house I mean he even said the name of the elementary school the people online didn't need to be rainbolt to track him down right at first they started with small pranks you know signing him up to receive University pamphlets or Flyers stuff like that Yoshi freaked out and called the cops which of course only escalated things before we continue I'd like to make it very clear that although Yoshi's Behavior has been really bad up until this point it's obviously wrong to mess with him in real life the reason I say that is because it gets more intense from here the next thing the trolls started doing was giving guys on Tinder Yoshi's address and saying to come over this guy convincing person flirt how do you know you got the wrong person what if you got just the right person right in front of you Yoshi's not sure he didn't invite him anyways Yoshi asks the kid to show him the alcohol he brought and then they have a peaceful parting it wasn't long before the trolls themselves were showing up in Yoshi's neighborhood at first they started off by doing things like setting off fireworks or putting things on his bicycle seat but it got out of control very quickly it's already out of control gentlemen the masked man just stands there showing off grocery store products even weirder you'd expect Yoshi to be like what are you doing here both of them just stand there in silence for an entire minute until honestly Yoshi's pretty calm and collected here because that was like a jump scare to me yeah spooky but that's not the last we'll see of what the fans called The Masked gentleman no he came back the next day they're weirder than than he is for some reason he starts cleaning up garbage outside that's nice I guess Yoshi watches him do this for a while like at least 10 minutes before he calls the cops they have to have his number he's called the cops I cannot imagine what the guy on the other end of this call is thinking skipping ahead 3 minutes the cops get there but Yoshi thinks they came a little too quickly but Yoshi's figured out their little conspiracy they're working together nobody was arrested but things continued escalating outside Yoshi's house so much so that he bought a security camera to capture what was going on the first upload was on September 12th 2016 it shows a man in the pitch black at 3:00 a.m. taking flash photography outside Yoshi's house that is two weeks later Yoshi uploaded another video from the security camera this kid comes by and throws paper everywhere Yoshi comes out to check what the hell's going on this is what Yoshi looks like it's the first time he's ever appeared in one of his own videos the kid sees that he came out and runs back then we cut to some footage from Yoshi's digital camera everyone online thought Yoshi did a great job of standing up for himself and that the other guy went way too far but the guy can't leave without his shirt so he has to come back and apologize to Yoshi to retrieve it this is the cops are already on the way he just tossed the paper you'll never believe this but for the first time in our story someone aside from Yoshi gets arrested yeah as you can tell the cops were so confused by what was going on that by the time they finished the arrest it it got dark and on October 9th there was a circus of trolls outside they got a caution taped [Music] off I wonder if he's breaking the money but at least they stopped once the sun went down oh [Music] by now the pressure and stress of everyone messing with him was getting to Yoshi and he started to cause trouble in the neighborhood but he was already causing trouble but Yoshi had finally met his match he chasing him but the trolls weren't getting bored in fact they were only getting more elaborate at 5:00 a.m. on October 25th one of them placed a cardboard box outside of Yoshi's house 4 hours later Yoshi walked out to get his mail what was the point guess who was inside not only were the pranks getting elaborate they were also getting more dangerous on October 30th these guys were adjusting a flag they put up at Yoshi's house which pissed him off so he ran out and charged at them he pushed the ladder over uhoh it's pretty brutal but in a stroke of luck the guy was actually completely fine he got knocked down got up and then continued messing with Yoshi outside his house for the rest of the day like many more hours outside not 2 weeks later someone uploaded a video of themselves dancing outside Yoshi's house in an anime cosplay oh my God anime is real I knew it Japan does love it the trolls had clearly escalated things too far from harmless pranks all the way up to actual stalking Yoshi's Legacy is going from the guy who imagined he was being gangstalked to actually being gangstalked and Yoshi wasn't the only one that they were hurting you wouldn't believe this but in that house of chaos 48-year-old Yoshi lived with his parents and their health started to decline oh that's terrible a few months prior Yoshi's father slipped on their bathroom tiles and never fully recovered in late 2016 he was hospitalized for neumonia and several weeks later on January 3rd 2017 he passed away Yoshi never went to visit his father in the hospital because he was too paranoid about the gangstalkers and he had his own theories about what happened according to Yoshi the slippery tiles that he tripped on the gangstalkers did that the pneumonia well the gangstalkers did that too even the hospital employees were gangstalkers drugs were poisoned obviously none of that is true but trolls messing with him 24/7 was not helping his mental state these trolls were now in every part of his life one of them had even gone and visited his dad in the hospital that's because things have gotten so bad Yoshi's mom gave him an ultimatum if he didn't stop using the internet by the end of March 2017 she would have him institutionalized she even signed a document that would allow this so Yoshi had no choice he stopped uploading for 6 months there was no sign of him but on September 19th 2017 everything changed one of Yoshi's neighbors was walking by when he noticed something peculiar that made him stop in his tracks it was Yoshi's mom laying outside the door he called for an ambulance but the person on the other end of the line was a little bit suspicious cuz it was Yoshi's address he also alerted the neighbors the space brother's house and they all went to help an ambulance arrived 10 minutes later where was Yoshi well it didn't take police long to find him [Music] he was in his room watching the security cameras the whole time he didn't get up to help they placed him under arrest but he refused to cooperate so they had to carry him out that's crazy his mom didn't make it but Yoshi didn't do it they cleared him and sent him home that evening the reason we have this footage is because well with his mom gone he was able to get back on the internet and post it with absolutely zero sympathy for his mother just complaining about how the cops treated him I know it's hard to done but he's still a victim in this story the person he hurt the most with his actions is himself after the stuff with his mom things were back to normal for a while but in mid 2018 Yoshi disappeared again the trolls looked everywhere for him people who went by his house reported it was empty eventually one of the trolls just went inside the door was unlocked that's crazy the inside of Yoshi's house was a mess more disturbingly there were signs of a struggle like Yoshi had been taken away the truth is Yoshi had gotten into a fight while handing out his gangstalker pamphlets and assaulted someone he was arrested held for 22 days and then institutionalized he was released 6 months later but his bad luck didn't end there in June 2019 his YouTube account was banned for copyright violations it's unclear why this happened but it might have had something to do with trolls following him around and playing copyrighted music [Music] worse 3 days after his ban Yoshi was hit by a truck while cycling around his neighborhood he suffered broken ribs punctured fractures in his shoulder lower back hips and he was injured all over but he didn't trust the hospital workers he thought they were with the gangst I thought man it's like there's nothing you can believe in anymore I thought when you combined mentally unwell people and the power of the internet things were always good I thought that was like the peanut butter and chocolate perfect combo uh this is really shaking me to my core uckers so he refused treatment and went home adding insult to injury Yoshi's internet had been disconnected for non-payment and by the end of the year he also lost his water and electricity Yoshi's obsession with gangstalkers had now cost him everything surprisingly help came to Yoshi from the last place you'd expect the internet in 2020 as live streaming became a thing in Japan people wanted to go and meet Yoshi for Content the only good thing was it's pretty bad to go this is the point people that upload videos gross unhelpful people that live stream content Heroes saviors Angels Modern Day Saints M was someone who's already in so much trouble so they went to help him the first live streamer who went to meet him was natur n and he was the first person to ever successfully speak with Yoshi a lot different from the people who would just yell at him through his window the first day they met natural N9 took Yoshi to City Hall to help him apply for welfare benefits then the next day he took Yoshi to get his utilities turned back on but they were unsuccessful because the outstanding balance was so high they went out for sushi on the way home and Yoshi opened up about his personal life he said that when he was young he used to think he was a genius and that he's afraid of death natural n had successfully befriended Yoshi and they streamed together many times unfortunately this relationship was not to last one day coming home from dinner natural 9 went to take off his Crocs as he went in Yoshi's house and Yoshi was like no you don't have to take him off but right after they got inside that was it their friendship was over you got baited regardless a few days later natural 9 went back to apologize and gave Yoshi $140 plus his viewers were donating too so Yoshi got like $600 that day natural n no longer streams but apparently he still brings Yoshi food here and there two other live streamers went to meet Yoshi as well this Yos son guy also showed up with like $100 for Yoshi I guess that was the new standard if you wanted him on your stream you had to donate him $100 they ended up going out for dinner and spending 5 hours during this conversation Yoshi confessed that he was stealing fruit from local farmers in the middle of the night finally this EO guy hung out with Yoshi for a day donated the standard $100 and they spent 3 hours going to different restaurants together Yoshi explained that another live streamer named Kobayashi had paid off all his bills you know his water his electricity and his gas so his life had improved significantly he also revealed that he had no idea about the pandemic it's pretty ironic coming from Yoshi who had been wearing a mask since 2013 because he didn't want to be seen by gangstalkers he also said that his neighbors the space Brothers family had moved away and that a Vietnamese family had moved in and they were opening up a restaurant the space Brothers had to heavily discount their host to get it to sell and the Vietnamese family probably didn't didn't know why it was so cheap until after they moved in it did not take long for trouble to start the Vietnamese family complained that Yoshi was banging on the walls and making noise all the time and Yoshi complained that they were doing karaoke at 2 a.m. things spiraled out of control in May of 2022 when Yoshi smashed the window of the Vietnamese Family's car which got the police involved Yoshi was live streaming at the time that they came he a streamer now Yoshi was arrested again the footage you're seeing is actually uploaded by the Vietnamese family he was in jail for just under a year he got out in April 2023 and by that time the Vietnamese family had already moved away he laid low for 5 months then returned to the internet in September and now we're all caught up to the present Yoshi streams every day from his phone he covers stuff like gangstalkers and how to prevent them social ostracism Amazon is gangstalking Me by delivering my the son is Gang stalk the police chief is a gangstalker people are still stalking my dad's so I covered all that stuff in part two and believe me there are so many more interesting Yoshi stories that I couldn't fit in this one part two is available for free on my P I guess the lesson is if you're truly mentally ill become a streamer because it'll all work out perfect perfect incredible incredible lesson uh that video was so depressing it turned out okay it turned out okay um seems like my future's locked in then all right uh 11:15 I think I'm going to play a little elen ring a little late night Ed uh e l d e n r i n g uh should be fun should be fun dude little God gamer action late night God gamer smiley face category Elden ring had a lot of fun playing earlier have a lot of fun playing [Laughter] now wait till I get myone money right a TR you mentioned a book on American economics through history a few streams ago but I can't find the book what's the exact name of it the exact name of that book bro you can find it I if I find it in two seconds while Googling I'm going to be mad at you it's not behind me so if I find it in two seconds while Googling American economics history book all right it's not easy it wasn't in the top it wasn't the top answer um it's called it's called [ __ ] it's called there it is investing in the US Financial history understand the past to forecast the future there it is right here actually harder to find that I thought by Mark Higgins and it's very interesting Ladi gentlemen Elden ring where do we leave off oh yeah we killed that [ __ ] and we got this [ __ ] sick ass weed cutter katana this is a big ass chonker of a katana this took many people many days to forge probably has good blood loss too 55 blood that is truly swag let's see oh oh yeah forgot I got to it here okay we found cool things we found cool things but now I would like to go back up Patrick are we going to finish house I don't know I don't know uh the show definitely went downhill in the last season so I don't have a lot of deep desire but there's also days where you just kind of want to watch a house you know we just [ __ ] around and do it [ __ ] wait is there a secret back there oh my God bro has no potions and no HP yeah I live dangerously what of it what of it dude that's the [ __ ] my character looks [ __ ] sick I don't know what I say just it is the GL lorai okay let's teleport how did I get here how did I get here I want to I want to go like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] wait I'm going to die to these bugs I don't want to die these bugs I don't want to die to these bugs bro oh yeah there was a coffin a coffin behind a secret wall that's how I got here damn Elder Ring's crazy I hit one secret wall and then I'm on a [ __ ] Journey okay let's go back here this one Takes the Cake oh okay this is where I came from we go back in here [Music] oh these are all the other coffins interesting so crazy that Miyazaki Gates this much content behind a hidden [Music] wall that's [ __ ] wild to me okay so we're going to go deeper into the castle then that's what we're going to do after oh this way right yeah leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone we're going to run up this way and we're going to go this direction yeah pass this [ __ ] [Music] get [ __ ] all right you're dead now we've never gone through this door yet so where will it lead me the Parry though you did Parry me oh talk about his parry and his obituary the GL Rises top of every Tower the Glam has style but he also has power specimen Storehouse a whole new all right now I'm Healed up and I can level up no secret passage ahead oh this way no jump attack ahead oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait where am I bolt Drake Talisman cool cool probably like lightning defense that's cool this is a Harry Potter ass room I guess a little a little dark a little dingy Harry Potter's a little more fun and you know this would be Hogwarts after budget cuts who funds Hogwarts is it self-funded or is it the state does the ministry of magic provide is it taxes is it wizard Don alumni donations does Dumbledore have to call you up 10 years after graduation to be like hey it'd be nice if you gave a gift Dumbledore has a lot of Nidia stuck dude it is crazy that like if you were a wizard you could go you know invest in Nvidia or whatever and then use magic to make their chips better bada bing bada boom suddenly you're a billionaire on paper and then you can live a better life than any wizard without you could just do you know what I'm saying a wizard can have a nice broomstick Jeff basos has a nice super yacht there's a difference [Music] oh there's tuition Harry Potter didn't to pay it crazy that Harry Potter a rich Legacy kid didn't have to pay tuition but Ron Weasley a poor broke boy did what such a [ __ ] up system such a [ __ ] up system feel like I'm missing stuff rat ahead oh hello my nemesis [Music] need he right now I'm getting died I'm getting died I'm getting died I'm getting died get F never was worried not even for one second was I even remotely worried uh that guy died you died get [ __ ] idiot why do they keep large rotting corpses next to the books I'm not saying you shouldn't have specimens just keep them separate also they're not books they're tablets which I must be honest with you is not a very efficient way to write down like if you heard of the computer I did see a thing that um the moment word processing was invented or hit the mainstream the length or like like you know the ability to digitally write words okay Miaki really [ __ ] really uh the moment it was invented the length of laws started getting longer like laws were written to a natural limit of what human beings could write and understand until word processing and then they got exponentially longer and things got more and more impossible to understand for the for the Layman I guess I have to climb these feet and then climb the rump oh my God this actually worked I this way sick a Scooby-Doo a storehouse message inventory what have we here a storehouse message message left by Sir anok addressed to the Kindred Spirits who also pursue micholas Trail it would see seem that the people of the keep have flooded the holy quarter that leads onward to the scadu tree barring access however there is no route that leads there from this Storehouse perhaps there is another way to reach the holy quarter from somewhere else in this keep it's implying a secret passage of some sort but it doesn't help me in any way which is a bit whack I guess I got to scoo scoo me all right uh be wary of up okay be wary of raptor hidden oh God never was scared at all hidden path ahead hidden path ahead how do I not believe you I have to check though right what if it's invisible there's thing is that we're so close to a thing [Music] nope that one I was 50-50 on cuz nobody said liar ahead and it kind of seems like the note was implying there was a hidden path you know what I'm saying it wasn't crazy for me to think that um jumping ahead the [ __ ] Raptor bro it's so funny when they have the fly the the flying creatures die of fall damage cuz they don't hit the right plane uh yeah I won't be doing that jump thanks for teaching me here again be wary of night oh [ __ ] Dodge oh ow dodge dodge dodge dodge [Music] touche tou sh my opponent you truly are a master of these lands your Mastery of the stairwell is your greatest skill let's see if I can do a little better this time by not dying dude oh my [ __ ] god hey ease up on the Spells there [ __ ] Gandalf can we [Applause] fight that's that look okay oh really you're surprised black ply there's something very satisfying about rolling ah head first of the giant breakable objects in this game Miaki was cooking sometimes game design is simple player don't need nothing else but a big fat mess they can make secret passage ahead wait what oh sheesh I'm cooking fat coin purse item ahead nice stay calm ahead why whatever oh nice wow pickled liver my favorite no liar well they just said no liar but you lied how's that fair rump ahead and then seek cave I see the wrong secret right scre roll now that sounds interesting that sounds interesting wait there's no Scrolls oh it's like a [ __ ] spell thing dog okay I found everything I need to find there look carefully wait at what should find some random underpaid devb on the credits list and thanking for every minor detail instead of Miyazaki uh the person I thank most for this game is George RR Martin who literally coded the entire thing from scratch and assembly he modeled every character he wrote every line of code he said all the balancing he wrote the entire story I mean he's the true he's actually under credited Miaki has really just taken all credit and we we get mad at George armar for not finishing uh the Game of Thrones books it's because he has to work on this he has to do all of the work Miaki working like a slave driver dude it was his idea to add 500 dragons be wary of up Pickle ahead oh pickle ow Jesus Christ M like yeah M like is get a chain in the basement like uh like Jesse from breaking bad it's actually really sad it's [ __ ] sad as hell dude and we we all make fun of George R Martin he's working his damn hardest to make these great games for us uh I also did look at the credits of this game because I wanted to find who did the camera on the uh on the dancing lion fight and then I sent it to L and said we should go kill this guy I said here's his home address just in a goofy way you know like a goofy um Hitman player type beats I'm buying propane tanks you buy the accident charger type beat liar ahead oh fake wall damn damn the lore in this is definitely George RR Martin pilled he definitely were allow for it I actually don't believe that I mean I I maybe you've heard something that I haven't but my understanding is that George R Martin only wrote a single one pager for this whole franchise and it was set you know in a Time where things hadn't gotten bad and then so he really gave almost nothing he basically gave the character names you know like [ __ ] Godfrey and renala and [ __ ] and then Miyazaki took it and made it way more gooper slimier corruptio and said it after a downfall uh that is my understanding and I don't think he had anything to do with the DLC this of course is the cover that Miyazaki uses to he actually K me there when we all know it was George the entire time oh you're going to fall what what kind of f oh God no [ __ ] bro I talk so much [ __ ] oh now the [ __ ] jaw was are going to kill me I got to climb the rump again oh went so poorly it went so poorly how many runes was that I have to [ __ ] get down there now uh oh God we like to have fun around here we like like to have a good time we like to have a ho you know we don't care about money we don't do it for the [ __ ] money runes bro what am I trying to buy in a good time with my Bros you can have that for free an ice cold [ __ ] Miller High Life cost not much don't need a fancy M of runes for that I'm going to [ __ ] lose it I'm going to [ __ ] lose it dodged amazing dodged dodged amazing [Music] what yeah get [ __ ] we're not [ __ ] around anymore we're not [ __ ] around you guys dude double diced literally double diced uh I already went this way then we go here and then what dog ahead oh I see we can climb something else I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see you guys aren't really threatening me they do drop runes no horse ahead what is that dude so many times in this game it says no horse ahead and I don't know what it means I can't what what are they trying to say when they say no horse ahead did they lie it's not they it's not that they lie it's like everything else I get it you know strong fo ahead liar ahead okay Dodge oh if I fall ow ow ow not loving how this is going get diced get diced uhhuh uh-huh be wary of Ambush be wary of Ambush interesting interesting strong foe ahead okay trying to amb y'all trying to Ambush me no I don't think so damn got cooked I got [ __ ] cook with gas gangstalkers gangstalkers dude yet again the gangstalker oh dude I'm here I'm here oh what a what a terror what a terror to be here oh these gangstalkers they don't they don't relent I'm just running past them I'm just running past them Dodge dodge dodge dodge oh God ow Dodge Dodge get away from me gangstalkers leave me alone ah ow leave me alone leave me alone can't Ambush me dodged wow I got a SLI nice God gamer discovers lost Grace liberals in tears all right sound ahead oh hello I'm afraid I'm busy a curse upon my lack of foresight I should have asked ansbach to impart his knowledge when I had the chance are you talking to me cuz I don't know who you're talking about I'm afraid truly I should have asked ansbach who imp part right but who the [ __ ] ansbach right you understand why that is a weird thing for me you don't know me I'm a total stranger and I'm wearing a a mirrored Helm and a Gucci Cape let's let's get the chin on let's get the chin involved yeah that's a chin all right that's a chin you don't want to [ __ ] with you've met her bro when you had a chin like this she's met me not the way around I'm afraid I'm busy truly I should have asked stands back to impart his knowledge when I had the chance I'm sorry you're busy no you're busy right still busy I'm afraid I'm busy truly I should have asked ANB to impart his knowledge when I had probably a lesbian probably a lesbian by my Lord but I fingerprint is that so it's the only explanation that makes sense DOD oh you're Fu [Music] dicing can you relax can you [ __ ] relax my goodness have some manners fight like a honorable that's what I thought mannerless Red Cloak having an ass red is completely out of fashion didn't expect dashing through not sure what that means but I do see a [ __ ] item I 1010 wait a minute wait a minute and then maybe I go up here and then what nothing nothing not a damn thing but there's [ __ ] down there I mean I got to get it it could be anything to be the greatest sword of all time I have to go [ __ ] check it out it's an ember of Mesmer and oh Shadow realm rune for the oh and a lever what does that do that lifts the dog oh it lifts everything wait wait no oh [ __ ] I should have jumped on it oh man I should have jumped on it can I I should have jumped on it can I do it again you cannot okay interesting interesting what an interesting Library they really spared no expense on the giant wooden rotating platforms to put dead bodies on and they really under spent on the organizing and containing the actual [ __ ] tablets that part they skimped okay climbing up the rump here by my Lord will I ever make sense of this jumbo am I supposed to listen to her cuz I don't care about her problem honestly I hidden path ahead God damn it never lucky never [ __ ] lucky visions of Boss a boss perhaps bro stop baiting me break every God T in this place a boss oh we're talking about bosses try jumping dude I just [ __ ] won't I just [ __ ] won't there's unless I can use my horse no dude no I'm not going to jump there something incredible ahead so to speak time for down oh wait [ __ ] I ever make sense of this jumbo oh [ __ ] impenetrable Thornes this is useless I don't use magic oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm just a man I'm afraid I'm busy truly I should have asked ANB to impart his knowledge when I had the chance all right you're loss you're loss finger print armor please totally lost it no pants just [ __ ] P just let that breeze you know I'm not fighting you I'm not fighting this is so cringe I have to [ __ ] travel the lands between okay climb climb climb Fall Guys why is everyone saying Fall Guys Fall Guys I don't is that an emote that I'm not seeing I can't see it doesn't show up on screen I I'm not falling in I'm not Falling Again by my Lord will I ever make sense of this jungle didn't expect range battle who's who's still trying to make sense why do I hear her voice so clearly when she's all the way downstairs she projecting jumping off look carefully required ahead look carefully required ahead oh [Music] this is a [ __ ] nightmare this F dude I've died more times to the [ __ ] gravity in this [ __ ] hell house uh I've done many I've done this one here this one Takes the Cake this one Takes the Cake platforming God platforms his way to the top yet again he won't die to fall damage again I I believe it finally you let's put the pants back on all right big fella all right big stepper let's get those pants on wait this is not the right pants this is my old pants this is the old pants I was wearing look time I'm wearing [ __ ] sweatpants with my armor just don't match at all they do kind of look Gucci though like red tra it's definitely a fashion Choice all right look carefully required ahead doesn't it feel like I should I think if I jump there I'm just back where I was before it's completely useless oh what's what is that though huh but there's no way I can make that jump in a million [ __ ] years not in a million so what are you talking about what do you mean look carefully required ahead honestly what are you [ __ ] talking about that I already climbed that rump and I got off that and I got my Lord oh my God will I ever make sense of this jumbo wait a minute there's like so much more up here though does it jump jumping off BR I promise you jumping off will not help jumping off is the one thing I don't want to do I thought that was a shortcut but it's clearly not um someh getting over there could be good maybe I just don't [ __ ] care you know oh unless all right we we we're going to go this way we're going to go [ __ ] this way ow what the hell oh yeah that's what I [Music] thought I'm sething I'm coping and seething oh thank Christ above thank George R Martin himself dear God bran did have the best story it was a great ending sir it was a great ending who had a better story than brand the broken genius how did no one else think of that God you were the absolute goat it's not the ones I was using I was doing like maybe these these these these these these dude I don't forget which was like the trousers maybe no they were like grayish oh those are pretty badass H not really no they're too colorful it was like a sick no it was like darker [ __ ] me I'm making fashion choices while this guy [ __ ] bles me with fire uh was this maybe it was these maybe it was these damn they were so much Swagger they didn't look like Greaves they look like [ __ ] leave me alone it's drip or death I agree I [ __ ] agree drip is half the battle for the GL this looks terrible damn I forgot which ones I was using they were sick night's Calvary no no no they weren't Greaves like that's the thing they were like no damn I I'm cooked on this I don't know this fire is it the Ronin set am I tripping no it look like like he was actually mobile instead of having so much armor that it's crazy he looked mobile oh that's pretty good it's not it but that's fine there some look like so gevy okay here we go by my Lord by my Lord Mak sense of this jumbo Jesus I'm I'm dead I'm dead it's got a [ __ ] oh my God oh my God oh what a Parry oh what a Parry ah get ah damn painful painful painful painful okay dodged and now you're dead died diced oh cool [ __ ] oh there you going get the rest of your armor these pants aren't it bro these pants don't have the drip I want let do this scaled Greaves scaled Greaves scaled Greaves scaled Greaves scaled Greaves scaled gaves am I missing them obviously and everyone's like it's so obvious you just passed them a million times scaled Rees boom boom baby all right [ __ ] perfect damn I look like kind of like a stormtrooper in a way okay door big door you don't have the right seems like I do seems like I do [ __ ] shees a Scooby Snack poers sign of grass stay winning glamourai fan stay winning stay eating good can't level up fine I've done many things I've done what's up uh ISO we are playing a little late night Elden ring oh cut scene oh cutscene boss whoa look at the glamour I swag on them dude I just bought this Gucci Cape ISO it cost me $700 intrud in microtransactions damn a little bit scuffed up though clean that blood off that tonish let see oh it's a big [ __ ] snake mother no it's a tiny snake what's that truly lordship sanction in one so of life damn Shakespeare ass nerd yet my purpose standed unchanged obviously a snake adjacent those stripped of the grace of gold shallow okay cool boss cool boss incoming all right all right brother all right brother let's do this in the Embrace mesus [Music] flame okay okay I'm not [ __ ] up do Dodge oh [ __ ] he baited me he baited me he baited me he baited Meed the grace of gold Shadow me death in the got good mes good first round good first round wait he's Mesmer why does he keep talking about mesmer's flame in the third person shit's whack as [ __ ] dude it's embarrassing uh I'm going to parry's ass bro tell you that tell you that on [Music] god that hurt thece death in the Embrace of prot damage okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay we got to get the par down that's it try to get the par [Music] down that hurts so muched the grace of gold Shadow death in the Embrace of bro hits like a truck okay step one actually should probably be to not Parry because I can't do any damage with this Shield until I know the timings so let me learn the moves first and in the process perhaps [ __ ] him up he does take damage that's the only thing I'm noticing right away he takes damage [Music] I see I see see big wind up big wind up the grace of G sh death in the Embrace of so spear move is like drags the ground big wind up slash lock that in the brain um I got his opener down what else are we looking for let be get to put on that there been more dead in my life straight with the grace of gold Shadow brother in the this a cool fight this is actually a [ __ ] sick fight this reminds me of R rolana uh this reminds me of Rola this is a six fight I'm already locked in and I'm going to not go to bed I'm not going to bed till this [ __ ] this dude is in Dodge then Dodge grab bro has a [ __ ] KO grab no I live gold Shadow death in the EMB didn't even want hit K me yikes dude yikes like actually [ __ ] embarrassing for him you had me on a spear and you couldn't even finish the well you did finish the job but in theory okay so big jump right here do again try to you got de f soed to Grace of I got I got I got I'm going to dodge dodging away of this [ __ ] long ass sphere is not working dodging towards though pause champ pause champ I'm already and I can to hit him and I can hit him think think think think think okay first off we got to get this down big jump Dodge goded the grace of gold sh death in the Embrace of mes entirely different move that I didn't expect dude he's such a cool looking boss uh this is one of the coolest bosses uh in the game in in m [Music] St the grace shut death in the Embrace M let me let me let me let me get some more repped my belt learn some [ __ ] moves okay this guy hits hard hits like a truck I'm have to dodge everything Dodge or Parry [Music] everything got it got it down [Music] what the what the [Music] [ __ ] B stripped in the grace of okay so he had some kind of thing where he hit the ground and then it went come junk that that I that's a big [ __ ] nasty spicy AOE uh this is going to going to be a [ __ ] sick fight to beat because it's going to feel epic got you down M what is happen I get stce of gold dude the problem is I don't see a lot of times but I do see okay I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see Mesmer I see what you're coming with you're bringing your A game and I appreciate that I appreciate that Integra that one [ __ ] in the Embrace that's like his that's like a that's his [ __ ] big move I need to that's like his [ __ ] Millenia you know I need to get that down CU he's going to kill me every time that strict at the grace of God three three Jabs embra boom boom boom those stripped of the grace of gold shall all me death in the Embrace of mesmer's flame thank you chat for I guess becoming part of the Mesmer cult he really won you over quickly [Music] oh you got me stricted the grace of gold Shadow I'm seeing it's a very Rhythm the Embrace I just need to stay on him uh I need to stay on I need to stay on his ass I do think a [ __ ] Parry if I get it down would dice stri it the grace of gold could a lot more damage if I didn't have in the Embrace of mesma flame I think he's I think his spear is like [ __ ] very parryable uh did you not like the great Katana you got man I just like I like uh weapons that attack really fast cuz then I feel like I can fit in some damage get back of I'm not sure I'm not sure if I can that in the Embrace of MMA flame Embrace of M in the Embrace of mesma flame cool boss I will say he's like the type of boss you want to fight um very arrogant says his own name a lot fire evil snakes Just Hits all the checks all the boxes you know that's a tough it's like Dodge Dodge okay I'm I'm getting the I'm getting in the Embrace of mesma yeah he's very Sethro coded he's very Sethro coded uh but cooler to be honest make me a [Music] Believer and I will be an light of the god gamer [Music] God what you got obviously phase two half Health come on come on come on I will not suffer our Lord devoid of light he's so um what's the word gay my mother forgive [Laughter] me you know not derogatorily but I think clearly theater kid theater kid what is he [ __ ] did he pull his own eye out that's not going to make it easier for to fight me kind of a self-owned there Mesmer I'm going to attack your left side now you can't see me this is a [ __ ] cool cut scene I must say oh oh okay he's turning into a snake soon tarnished oh no maybe he's be taken in the jaw oh God why why does your eye have to leave for that of the abysal serpent sh of light is there maggots in his eye [ __ ] Embrace [ __ ] that was the same move how sh I oh that was the same move I could have dodged that oh let's go let's go baby come on Mesmer this boss is cool this boss is cool as hell uh stri De Grace of gold well played sir well played cool [ __ ] cool [ __ ] fight he's even got like the the uh he's got the Kevin Durant build he's like he's like weirdly spindly like a wizard D could play [ __ ] amazing in the NBA yeah yeah a little Slender Man Okay oh that sucks no Grace of I thought I was going to power through and get to the [ __ ] Embrace of mes flame mes flame do be embracing you though yeah I yeah you can't grieve you can't GED you can't geve but honestly you can you're close to him those stripped of the grace of gold sh death in the Embrace Fame just pretend he's the hoop and you're LeBron I don't think trying to put a basketball through him would I'm trying to hurt him with swords I've never seen LeBron try to dice the hoop up with flaming [Music] swords oh forgot actually just forgot of the grace of God death in the Embrace of mes so what he's doing is he's he's jumping up he's swinging at me I dodg that then he turns around and goes I wonder I wonder I maybe I can just roll it maybe I can just roll it cuz it has like three hits so I have to roll it like right at the end and then after that he jums up again and he slams down and then bam does the thing so I need like at least I like at least four Dodges it's a [ __ ] long time go [Music] no not the gra not the gra death in the Embrace of mes he that's that's [ __ ] cool man that's [ __ ] cool he grabs you by the [ __ ] head lights you on fire puts you on a spear and then talks about himself again this is probably my favorite maybe rolana but this is one like this is a much cooler theme than Rana the rce of gold SH damn I really thought I had half there in the Embrace of that's good it's just it's just just just two hits you know two wrong hits uh Rana is a really tight fight yeah rolana was really sick just a really [ __ ] cool interesting uh fast-paced but like you know everything's super dodgeable and cool uh and camera is great this F also has a good camera like I have no problem with the camera so and it's just a really [ __ ] cool like a really cool enemy and room Dam what a hit stri at the grace of gold damn damn damn there minor mistakes embrace it's such a flow though just like okay if his phase two moves are the same as his phase one moves uh I'm going to beat this soon if his phase two moves are [ __ ] all new except for that one that I saw a those stred the grace of gold Shadow I need to I need a in the Embrace of mes be greedy I had I had a time to heal there [Music] in the Embrace of M Flame that perfect that perfect of gold CH in the embra per time toal of mma's flame perfect time to heal in the Embrace of mesmer's flame give me give me give me give me a give me golden bow give me flame grant me strength give me all of it bro just going in Maxum [ __ ] damage Maxum [ __ ] damage get to the center so I have more room let's go let's go huge damage huge damage all right skip oh my God oh lightess creature Embrace thine Oblivion I'll sh okay I'm de I'm de I'm dead damn okay he just [ __ ] zaps at me and then what and then what then ready for the grab andage [Music] let's go let's go baby come on Mesmer got him got him got got him nice grab idiot what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] happening oh lightless creature Embrace [ __ ] I was so locked in shall I oh I was so locked in bro that was [ __ ] Flow State snake snake snake nice nicely done nicely done nicely done okay okay lock it same thing same thing just stay [ __ ] close to him his spear is so much worse when he's close when I try to run away I always die let's go let's go get up get up damn I'm trying to heal I'm trying to heal I'm trying to heal no no gosh [ __ ] walked up on him what's happening what's happening watch [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him [Music] up I can do it I can do it I can do it I can do it I can do it come on no lightess creature Embrace thian how shall I dude dude what a sick fight that wasn't I don't think that was greed really I just got hit by the snake I I dodged too early that's honestly honestly honestly the second I hit the Dodge button I was like Noah there's a delay the snake goes like but I just saw it and I [ __ ] all right all right all right all right no that was super gy greedy what was greedy about it when the snake bit me and I didn't dodge in time what what is honestly what what was greedy about I think I just didn't dodge it bro that's that okay dude get [ __ ] diced get [ __ ] diced bro look for the grab you look for the stupid idiotic grab [Music] yes no [ __ ] no dude Embrace thine Oblivion how shall I you what's crazy is if I had Mana like if I had FP he dies there but it doesn't do damage this this move does like [ __ ] no damage without FP if I had FP he was dead okay okay okay okay this is this is so in the bag this just so in the bag uh this this this hit with one of [Music] these let's just [ __ ] let's just [ __ ] finish this mesma Oh Come B come B my bad I got I missed one thing and then I miss finish it big I'm trying to sleep oh we're finishing we're finishing we're finishing we finish again anything I've done this one Takes the Cake it isn't even that late who won some dud was saying you're going to be here all night you probably don't finish her tonight I'm find your [ __ ] chat we're going to have a talk we're going to have a [ __ ] talk bro [Music] perfect Dodges perfect dodges the grab the grab oh lightess creature Embrace Stein I really don't have sh ey uh that that's tough those are tough thought you dodge that one I thought I did too but I didn't I didn't I didn't I didn't those are tough those are tough those are T they come at you fast and there's like I think they have different it feels like I thought each snake was like weight attack but I felt like the first one was different okay doesn't matter we got to know we got it now baby perfect phase one perfect phase one [Music] oh it pops out okay I see I see I see gosh he's spaming snake he's afraid of me he's afraid of me so he's spaming snake oh likess creature Embrace D Oblivion I sh I'm not sure what that one was he did like a [ __ ] Aura he just killed me with aura I died to Aura he's he was snake spamming can we admit can we admit he clearly was Snak spamming he like knows that has me and he's like getting desperate now he knows I've got his [ __ ] ground game covered and he's [ __ ] using Aura and snake spam we got to we got to learn how to dodge the snake I I think I have been spam rolling through the snake and getting half lucky I need to like look at the snake and and learn the delays I think I only know the third one where it just paus nice drive nice try with the grab nice [ __ ] try with the grab bro yikes didn't work though what is that AA what is the AA oh my God Embrace who's hitting me with the aura that's instant he's just standing next to me instantly Aura damage then snake snake snake then jump then damage the ground then spikes out of the ground holy holy [ __ ] that's a combo Aura snake snake snake jump smash spikes seven okay [ __ ] seven okay okay okay okay let's go he's doing Meo comos he he really is he's he's a [ __ ] sick boss he's a sick boss stri of the grace of gold death in the Embrace of's MMA big I'm getting a bit tired can you let me know which one of these I should go all in on with so I can cash in you have to follow your heart bro you got to follow your heart I don't think it's the next one but I can tell you I tell you it's coming soon it really is just Rhythm now it's just rhythm and if he tries any ground game in phase two he's getting [ __ ] up th ground game ground game than man spaming St oh stop for the S man for lightess creat I thought it was only one snake on that one I thought it was look I actually had your ass Mesmer I had your ass on a platter I thought I thought I thought it was one snake jab oh oops uh okay bro just Channel Neville long bottom to kill the snake thank you for speaking to me like a millennial that is going to give me the power I need Channel Neville long bottom to kill the snake I don't really know got you [ __ ] got you [ __ ] not what I thought he he we need this we need this got he's doing Aura he's doing aura oh [ __ ] no lightless creature Embrace thy Guardian as shall I I'm getting his moves though dude what a dance what a [ __ ] beautiful dance actually am less afraid of the snakes now than I am a [ __ ] his Aura move which I guess his Parts me big I followed my heart it was very wrong sorry he that King I'm sorry to hear that king take the two points you have left and keep doubling down you never know you never know you never know when you can make a I'll come back not now oh Fu Mora Mora no I did it I do it I do it oh creature dude I'm dodging all the long ones and then I'm getting hit with a spear cuz I have 2 Hp left dude I dodg so well there okay okay okay okay okay okay okay Mesmer mmer is a perfect boss to end on I'm very very very happy with this play what a cool [ __ ] fight why can't every game have boss fights like this all the time how hard can it be to make just do this all the time I'm having I'm having F like the funniest this is like my dream video game boss fight I want like a million of these oh there's one more part I it I it Ora Ora lightess creature Embrace how sh I there's like two different moves where three snakes can at you they have different timings there's like two separate moves where he sends three snakes and the snakes [ __ ] mix it up [Music] I came to lck as I heard they're the best players in the world after watching geni and T1 I wasn't convinced then I saw bro take the stage all rumors were true what is that a reference to this stream oh I didn't turn on my [ __ ] I got you it's a four it's a four combo move I always said it was three now I know it's four you're done you're done I'm dancing circles around here no no I nice tracking [ __ ] we can actually win any one of these runs okay I just got a lock in nice tracking nice tracking nice tracking nice tracking went [Music] like uh God gamer song maybe you're right [Music] uh tear came down from your eye the pure macheso the G show what you in the moonight leave the Shadows on the fast even a year later the raw sensual skill them all it's a me make meie and I will be an aite of the god gamer who will never back down from the fight I have been waiting for a take me to your alar of make me a become the god G tonight oh yes I figured it out I figured it out wait wait I didn't figure it out that controller and give the other and make me believe the impossible is B [Music] and will I for take me to your tear came down from your eyes pure Macho over in the [Music] Moonlight leave the Shadows on the even a year later the raw sensual skill down it is time to reveal your trueu it's a me make me your and I will be an aite of the god gamer who will never back down from the fight I have been waiting for a take me to your own of make me aever the god Gainer tonight make me a Believer I'll sa for yes I fig out fig out controll give to the make me believe the impossible is in make will of the let go take me to your altar of divine your Pure Energy even a year later the ra s it's a me make me and I will be of the gamer Will Never back down from the I have been waited for a life day me to your alar of divine make me a Believer become the god G tonight make me yourie I'll s for it yes figure it out figure it out control and let's go the [Music] [Music] [ __ ] one night tonight ton waiting [Music] for tear came down from your eye what a banger song too uh easily easily easily one of my top bosses ever uh uh in terms of Aesthetics and cool factor and fun to fight easily cool cutscene cool Arena no camera problems [ __ ] Speedy damy uh you know you hurt him well but he hurts you a lot that was sick that was [ __ ] sick i r a had a blast wow my experience playing that is so different from my experience uh day one fighting the [ __ ] dancing lion I am 10,000 times happier uh what a beautiful what a beautiful game Bravo mizaki you've done it again uh all right chat that's probably good for me tonight it's 1:00 a.m. I usually don't stay up this late but I am down to a little bit later streams for this next uh week I guess while AR's uh at the family reunion so uh Sev thank you for watching that was a blast that was a [ __ ] blast sheesh we're powering through dude we're powering through I I [ __ ] I'm playing this game more this week for sure uh sevens thank you very much uh have a good night uh see you guys to not tomorrow might be tomorrow maybe tomorrow but let's say no I don't want to promise I'm on this whole thing where I'm keeping my promises okay this whole week I kept my promises I did I stream every single day we had a thing every day um so probably not tomorrow cuz I want to do mark work Monday I got to get 100% ready but uh we'll see you all right bye good night
oh all righty I'm on time just like always how does he keep doing it just incredible [Music] yeah your clocks might be wrong um some of this dope ass Far Cry five Far Cry 5 music Jesus Take the Wheel aren't you just getting pumped up by this dope ass music tricks M I missed a bunch of Subs that were offline I guess Sarah thank you God King Lawler thank you newbie nibs thank you Rave thank you Virgo whoa hold on it's this part right here this part gets so sick don't you just want to like right here Jesus Take the Wheel do you just want to like run through some mountains right now this music's so sick I just want I just want to explore you know I just want to [Music] I just want to [ __ ] you know yeah yeah yeah [Music] the wheel all right thank you cersico thank you very much dude thank you hello everybody [Music] um what is up everybody I'm gonna um start and start the stream let's start doing things [Music] hello all right so today the plan is simple we're gonna oh I forgot about the [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] this is a nice start to things um all right boys notifications and the stream sounds have gotten so absurd all right so we're starting out with some Skyrim [Music] we're gonna be doing some fast travel basically I'm gonna try to run from point A Jesus Take the Wheel but really really fast like this fast and then I'm gonna try to do this without dying which is quite hard and then we'll pick a series of spots from point A to point B and you guys will bet on how many attempts Jesus Take the Wheel take me to do it without dying and then we'll just keep running it back um that'll be good and after that I'm gonna do something I wanted to do for a long time which is try speed running Mario Odyssey on stream and that's not going to be a very exciting stream it's just gonna be me hanging out so if you want a little Chiller Vibe Jesus Take the Wheel we'll do that like an hour and a half or whatever but hello everybody hope you're all doing well so no I haven't done this in particular not on stream anyway yo what's up James uh I'll come on teach thank you dude Jake The Snake thank you very much for the one right faulty Gambler thank you divide by Turtle zero thank you I appreciate all y'all why are you not Sonic dude that's such a good oh I should have been Sonic okay I don't want to set it up now because it takes long but I will admit that I [ __ ] up by not being Sonic right now also um there's a new video on the Doug Doug VOD Channel Which astronauts take the wheel excellent go give that a check out go give that a watch or a smell and then there's a video on my second Channel which Barn edited which is great and that's for about the half-life Alex thing so go check that out it's a good time so lots of content to go look at thank thank you very much to both of those guys for helping out with us I really appreciate it all right so um also if you wanna if you want to know if you want some background for how this went in the past um check out my old video very very very old video back in 20 2018 where um it was called Fast Travel Skyrim fast travel and the whole thing was like I made myself really fast and then I had to run from Whiterun which is right over there to Markarth so we'll actually start with that just to like start with some familiarity and you have to run across the whole map without dying as fast as you can so that video we're basically taking that video concept and doing it a whole bunch and having people bet on it that's the plan yeah thank you Patsy you heard of Jesus on a shelf what about Oma and a coma all right sure so to start this off I'm going to go to Whiterun Doug what I feel personally attacked that the bamban option is not in stock in the store this reward is very important to the Bezos bizhos economy like how do you expect me to sacrifice spawn for my own needs when the option is not in the store this is true this is true [Music] um oh that should be the new sub alert is I think it's on the hood of that car there instead of the honking I don't know that I'm not wild see the honking is kind of killing me it returns video poll yeah this is a this is a throwback of a stream content right here okay what should the sub alert Jesus Take the Wheel the donation sound be um honking the old one Doug screaming yes or I think it's on the hood Jesus Take the Wheel of that car there I would happily take your opinions here boom and then we're gonna get going with [ __ ] that's the honking I hate The Honkers oh hey cabbage thank you man um for the for the ooh I hate to do this but would anybody mind grabbing an empty Jesus Take The Wheel of I think it's on the hood of that car there just because I'm streaming right now if somebody could grab that sound file I can add it real quick um [Music] can chat do Doug's work yeah apparently you don't know how things work around here I just have I set up programmings you guys make the sub alerts you make my my computer background it's the way twitch is meant to be played which is that I literally don't do anything all right so the way these bets are gonna work we are going I wouldn't F your ass so hard right now Jesus Take the Wheel mother trucker also happy Health day hey happy Health day man um yeah I know that there's a big like Creator fundraiser thing going on I didn't have time to like I didn't have time to like set up thank you banana waffle I've uh I've been a little distracted by trying to move and it's not very easy to move during a pandemic I've found out I would give moving during a pandemic one out of five stars I would give it a thumbs down on Rotten Tomatoes but uh but maybe we'll do like a fundraiser once I'm settled because it would be I think it's a very good cause and I would like to do something I just don't have the the thing set up to participate patreon Discord asks what are you plans on the 50k rewards I still want my banban option but Katie would like to know about this and the plans for it also going I probably gotta um put a hold on that as well Jesus Take the Wheel until the move I think we got to rethink the channel points a bit because the the economy is a little bit inflated right now because there's more people hanging out on stream recently um so I have to revisit a bunch of the the big ones unfortunately but I'll do that as soon as I'm settled all right so the way we're gonna do this I know I'm behind on some stuff I'll catch up you guys are gonna bet on how many attempts you think it will take me to reach the location so we're running from Whiterun to Markarth this is exactly the same path that was in that YouTube video I did a long time ago so it's like across like half the map so running from Whiterun to Markarth how many attempts do you think it will take me to do that without dying isn't this valorant I'm pretty sure this is valerian uh uh one attempt is option one we'll say two attempts is option two and then we'll do three to four five to six seven to eight or nine plus attempts so basically um as I run across the land trying to make it from this location right here which is white run across this whole area which I will I'm familiar with this path by the way over to Markarth on this side how many attempts do you think it will take that is what you are betting on did you study your old path no but I remember it pretty well [Music] I think I will probably nail this but I'll admit it I've been wrong before um yeah so let me give everybody money there's probably not gonna be that many bets today it'll probably be like seven or eight total bets right because each one will take longer than a normal sort of battle bets thing so you know bet wisely we'll start everybody with 250 spoons you also get spoons every five minutes or so Jesus Take the Wheel so everybody's got 200 tip spoons and the bets are now open the way that you bet is you type exclamation mark Bets with an s Jesus take the wheel and then you type how many spoons you would like to bet and then you type the excuse me option you want to bet on and you can bet on multiple options Jesus Take the Wheel head your bets across multiple things and you can also um not bet I guess lots of options all right let me catch up on all this stuff thank you everybody Jesus Take the Wheel there's a lot of subs thank you guys very much I appreciate you thank you staple head sir noodley thank you Crimson light thank you Godly llama thank you to salt pie thank you um uh uh stocky wait hold on I gotta turn off Channel points dude foreign I don't think we can do these today batter I need to like triple The Point Road or something oh what is this one Jesus Take the Wheel [Applause] [Music] thank you rotating potato all right thank you for the wonderful hat thank you for the dope song I appreciate it oh [Music] it's so loud the way way just putting something I am currently sitting on the toilet dropping a giant poopy it's just so weird how nowadays we can sit on the toilet and watch our favorite streamer thanks so much for being a great content creator I am now dying from the smell of the book Jesus Take the Wheel yeah keep us posted thank you very much it's our extreme baby was born and I wanted to let you know that boobies growing up very healthy increase a lot of things by a lot of money [Music] wait what [Music] [Applause] why is this not compliant with content guidelines sorry we'll get started Jesus Take the Wheel I was trying to make everything a little more expensive right now tournament I learned I was in the Z crew and not a crew like I thought yes my life is a lie this is not compliant with our content guidelines what part of this is not compliant ninja is it because ninja is not on Twitch anymore I'm not allowed to say his name McDonald's what part of this okay new bet that isn't a real bet what part of this is causing it to not work I'll try removing the ninja and see if does this work save no is it McDonald's I just removed it why would it be McDonald's why isn't that that's not compliant pick a hat to Doug for for Doug to wear for 10 minutes his current hat selection is Pikachu hat Waluigi hat Russian can you not say Russian a Russian [Music] what [Music] I guess I can't aware of that on screen I guess I did get copyright uh some Russian company did strike my VOD for singing the Russian national anthem that one time or no the Soviet Union National Anthem yeah just be careful everybody if there's twitch staff in here anybody who's saying the word Russia is gonna get banned probably all right I'm uh I'm increasing the prices a bit I apologize everybody I kind of have to do this because things are getting a little bit um too crazy and then I'll rethink all the channel points rewards in the future and actually do this in a coherent way but right now I'm kind of just adjusting on the Fly [Music] all right let's do some running everyone in chat is Russian [Music] it's called an ushanka okay I assume that assume that I allowed to say the word Russia are we just not allowed to have Russian hats are we not allowed to have Russian Channel points or words what part of this is not in twitch's content guidelines it's just a country like it's not a it's not an ideology I'm literally it's just said Russia I don't get it whatever [Music] Jesus Take the Wheel Rave I'm gonna get your song Crest a little bit later um thank you to salt pie thank you rotating potato thank you super nice shame for the 10 months ago ate Ally Boo and thank you the Jude all right let's get going on this I've been taking a little long what's about Putin what about what Putin well I could argue that I'm just misspelling the word poutine like that Canadian food it's okay so let's just so did union Finn gets copyrighted strike traction is banned and the spoon economy has inflated capitalism wins again too true okay um if anybody says Russian and chat please just say Russian like I'm rushing to the store to get some toilet paper before it's sold out and if you say um poutine how do you even spell it poutine and then if you if you're trying to talk about the Russian to the store uh president just uh just say poutine instead we'll know what you're talking about but just don't say the forbidden words all right everybody let's um let's play some loud ass music and uh do this thing all right the bets are closed most people are saying that it's going to take me three to four attempts or five to six attempts I think you're all wrong and I'm gonna one shot this I'm literally gonna rush in over to Markarth right now what I don't know leave it whatever okay all right let me get to the starting spot it's right here and here we let's go all right so this is oh dude this is slow am I hold on it might fit am I 15 times run speed this does not feel very fast hold on I gotta double check if I'm the three speed this is yeah I'm at 1500. hold on I'm restarting because I just double checked dude that's like so this feels really slow I might have to increase it in the future ones this is too easy although this is also the only one that I'm like I'm like very familiar with this path because I did this like 30 times all right here we go this is the actual starting attempt now that I've confirmed I'm starting at the horse every time and here we go okay so for anybody who did not see that video basically I wanna I'm trying to avoid fall damage right that's like the main thing so oh God so I don't want to do what I just did which is jump what part of the plan all right well we got 500 gold from feed okay now I come up this pathway once I'm up here I'm going to jump down into the river but I'm gonna go along the walls like this so that I don't fall and don't die so this is the poo stain strategy that we learned about and now I go for the river Oh Beautiful Jesus Take the Wheel okay and now we go up oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no uh water Oh I thought I had it I'm so dumb Jesus Take the Wheel the mud crab just immediately eats me [ __ ] okay well I like can't believe I lost that one that's lame where's the horse okay well he's normally here oh here all right attempt number two actually watched this video last night hey nice that video is one of those ones where I don't understand why it's why YouTube recommended it at all because it's it's essentially one 10 minute long poop joke but hey that's what YouTube wants I guess okay attempt number two also for anybody who doesn't that's because it's click bait it's not click bait I guess it's kind of Click bait but not really um I feel like click bait is when you don't actually answer the question so I think the the obvious challenge here is getting up and down mountains so getting down into the river I think is pretty easy for this route it's just getting up into Mark arth without dying might be a little bit challenging but I think I'll do it this uh next this next run yo divide by turtle thank you very much dude John belush balusage thank you dude I appreciate it I owe a lot of water [Music] I haven't done the rewards yet I gotta actually make it there first let's um Putin the Dragonborn into Marshall uh I'm all good right yeah hydrate music I would like three more Waters [Music] all right now we just wait for the music to drop we should play the original Toby McGuire Spider-Man 2. why this is attempt number two there we go see this part's easy like this whole open plane is like a super easy starting spot then I can just follow along the path [Music] it's it's just the mountains which makes it hard but even that I just poo stain and we're good and Spain so here as long as I and like I just take the wheels I don't take damage okay that might have been too early [ __ ] [Music] I like panicked and turned early and didn't hmm that was just a dumb mistake all right I'm gonna go back I gotta save [Music] okay this is attempt number three and here we go [Music] okay this part's easy a stay on the path it's just the mountain part it's challenging this is how Sonic was meant to be played thank you oh yeah I have to add the I'll do the um I'll change the sub alert right after I beat this one okay I'm gonna go a little bit farther before I'm gonna go a little farther then go into the river up here I'll just take the wheel okay that should do it [Music] okay we're good we're good so this part I have to have to land in the water up here like right here right here okay got it I think markar's right there [Music] took me three that is option number what is it two oh that's option three I didn't realize two was was one option all right you guys predicted it boom congratulations Atlas Mr thank you very much sun super senses regards hey thank you let foot [Music] I'm gonna pull up the enemies you know what um I was warming up I'm gonna one shot every single one after that [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] I think it's on the hood of that car there I think it's oh my God this is gonna be such a [ __ ] annoying sub I'm so sorry for anybody who watches this stream it's just not home get out of here try to protect my children I've been nine months he is the Dugan born of Legend all right let me pull up streamlabs real fast uh log in yeah twitch yep cool cool cool cool um I just got a switch over the sub alert to I think it's on the hood of that car there this is definitely not going to get really old really really fast I think it's on the hood of the car though I think it's on the hood of that car that I think it's on the hood of it I can see that this is gonna become this is this is very loud thank you lovely it's like barely literally 12 months John thank you [Music] one [ __ ] year spoons up in chat folks Jesus Take the Wheel thank you very much Sean I really really appreciate it um I hope everything is wonderful that you get the [ __ ] out of that haircut [Music] so since this is the first stream I am watching I thought I might ask you two questions what is the worst game you have played on and you try and beat the first level of it with voice commands Jesus Take the Wheel worse I don't know the worst game I've ever played um [Music] one sec I am dropping in this new yes hello hello uh Dark Souls Dark Souls sucks [Music] and that's not an opinion and would I beat the first level of it with voice commands yeah that actually would probably be funny where the hell is the [Music] um pull in I think it's on the hood of that car there we go all right it should work now let's do a test [Music] I think it's on the hood of that car there this is a test bit alert this is gonna be so annoying um I apologize in advance to anybody who watches this stream all right Jesus Take the Wheel think what's on the hood of that car there uh fat turtle thing thank you man Master ham super cow games I appreciate it thank you very much all right let's do some more bets let's pick up the pace a little bit it's been kind of slow to put it lightly today is a full moon are you going to turn into a werewolf yeah as soon as the stream ends is usually when it happens all right 250 spoons to everybody the next running path is going to be for Markarth to Solitude I have to make it to the capital I think the worst game is I think it's on the hood of the kave simulator also dick I think we should give everyone 10 000 spoons um play Street Fighter with voice commands I am going to have twitch chat play Street Fighter I think it would be really fun to have you guys try to win an online match in Street Fighter oh yeah also a crew now has three different this message is approved by the pigeon loving combined government thanks Chris I thank you for the eight bucks by the way earlier um yeah I'm not a fan of Dark Souls I really really dislike it I've tried two different times and I know other people like it uh and they're wrong okay the next vets are from here Markarth on the left and I gotta cross the map up north to solitude Solitude is the capital city and the way we're gonna say that um I I have to enter the city so I have to make it all the way there enter the settings essentially I don't know what games I'm gonna be doing coming up I kind of play it by ear uh I am not really familiar with this pathway I'll just say that I really only know in terms of like how familiar I am with the Skyrim app it's really just this is get out of here try to protect my children this is meant to be played uh we have a baby congratulations to us um yeah all the other things from this point forward I'm not that familiar with the path so it'll probably take at least one or two attempts for me to like figure it out as a warning and with that said get your bats in let's do this okay refreshing running from Markarth to hey this is our part of town get out of here try to protect my children can't stay just wanted to say love you hey thank you very much hey stick DK I appreciate it vets are now open running from Markarth to Solitude how many attempts do you think it will take me to complete this without dying the commands for betting are at the top of the chat right now exclamation mark bets I'm also going to turn down the volume a little bit on these sub alerts as hilarious as it is it's the worst [ __ ] ever it is hilarious though I'll turn down a little bit [Music] [Music] all right I'm gonna close the bats in like Jesus Take the Wheel two months POG spoons I'm gonna close the bets in about 10 seconds 10. nine eight seven six five four three two one all right we're closing it really only two and a half percent of you think that Jesus Take the Wheel I'm gonna crush it out on the first try unbelievable you've no faith I'm literally gonna play Sonic music I can't lose [Music] all right so again it's 15 uh redeem the song request oh [ __ ] okay I think I'm one behind too okay we'll do that with the second attempt I'm gonna play the Sonic the first attempt because I'm gonna one shot this all right here we go [Music] once I'm in the doors once I'm in the doors of solitude that's when it starts here we go oh God okay River I'm going in the river [Music] okay this is a lot harder it's like all downhill even the Sonic Rings that didn't work I don't know should I go should I like stay in the river pretty sure yeah I'm pretty sure I did it great job me well Town number two [Music] thank you Grandpa come to leave only presents if you think they're going to one shot this uh I don't remember saying that I think it's your personality oh there we go oh come on dude why why is the river like two inches deep [Applause] dude how do you do this I guess I have to go along the mountain maybe I like follow the mountain up like way far out and then jump into the river farther down when it's not that deep [Music] I think it's on the hood of that car there I'm gonna Play the song request today has been one of those days where My Stream is a real assault on your ears so I apologize here we go tip number three [Music] oh my God this [ __ ] song okay going along the mountains and then I'm gonna I'm gonna jump into the river now oh okay we're good we're good all right I guess I just follow the river right okay where the [ __ ] am I oh no where am I I don't know where I am live [Music] go to wave points we don't get lost oh that's a good idea to put a waypoint thank you for the lovely song request it was wonderful um also it looks like if I just follow the river if I just don't leave this River the river goes all the way here and then it Forks right at this point I turn right follow their all the way down and then once I see Solitude then I go up I think I gotta stay in the river I'm gonna try to get in the river right off the bat and then just stay there and we'll see if that works just use the compass yeah I guess I should do that more I mean I'm more looking out for water is the the big problem because if there's no water I just die immediately you know okay lately all of the bees every Bic y yeah I feel like thank you Coco okay going for the rivers [Music] forgot about that this is fine I did I'm the greatest I'm the actual greatest okay so follow it down and then once it turns right oh God okay I'm alive barely uh here I turn right yeah here we go here we go okay this is fine as long as I don't land on a rock we're good [Music] almost there when do I go up go up here go here okay as long as I don't fly off a cliff right here I'm good that should be it [ __ ] use the gates and everybody that's four right [Music] that was fun [Music] option number three once again boom big payout jam on 5 000 spoons go thank you thank you Rose of the otter [Music] come on [Music] don't you know I was hoping most the song requests would be like cool songs you know um so here's the next song requests hey thanks for hanging out on the stream today everybody I hope you're having a good time okay everybody gets 300 spins uh where should we go now what's the what's the plan a lot of options we could go oh God getting down it's gonna be so hard I might get nervous approaches with this weapon I guess I could go over these walls geez this is gonna be hard okay so I guess Jesus Take the Wheel we could start from a different location to be fair but theoretically let's start from Solitude any requests on where we go from here we could cross over to like man we go all the way to Winterhold like try to get to the college that would be crazy or we go all the way to the bottom right down to uh Riften that would be that's a long ass run and Solitude the high rothgar destination putting some serious effort [Applause] all right next destination hold on let me let me see if it's even possible to get out of Solitude so if I if I run and cross over oh yeah I can get out okay so I just have to bail off the all right let's go it's kind of dope all right so God this song is so good uh Riften College of white Winterhold what is the name home what is the college there Winterhold right [Applause] hold Windhelm High roster [Applause] yeah that's enough for that song Jesus take the wheel for the love not sure what I just dropped into my ears went to die it's gonna be a good stream hey thanks Fozzie the type of experience we like to create for our loyal customers sheer confusion and oral panic dude high rothgar is going to be brutal and we can do it okay we also gotta listen to the B Movie script this is one of those streams where we it's just an assault on the senses just every every emotion and sense is just feels exactly like when I have a manic face that's that's what we shoot for just want to have a thin um blurred line between reality and Insanity thank you very much for the five bucks I I do appreciate it all right let's go to highroth car [ __ ] it [Music] I also gotta listen to the B Movie script [Music] all right let's get back on in the backgrounds the movies of Aviation there is no way it should be able to fly it's wings are too small to get it's fat let's shake it up a little Berry breakfast is ready um I can't I'll pick you up looking sharp who is at the stairs I am excited we are very proud of Youth son the perfect report card Ibis very out Ma I got a thing going here you got Lindt on ufs over that's me wave to us [Music] never thought I'd make it three days grada school three days high school those were awkward three days College I am glad I took a day in hitchhiked around the hive you did come back different thank you very much for the lovely B-movie script we all enjoyed it and now let's um play the best Sonic of Our Lives you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna use the the secret weapon right off the bat just [ __ ] crush it there's a hundred percent gonna be the big one yeah we hated it no I'm pretty sure everybody had a great time all right I gotta get from here Solitude down to the big ass Mountain where is it oh God wait where is it okay I'm gonna do hi harathgar the actual building so I gotta get into the building oh no I didn't mean to fast travel [ __ ] I'm done premature travel relation oh I just reload uh so this is the end spot right I have to get into these doors and actually go into the building uh I did it [Music] here we Jesus Take the Wheel [Music] go okay and now we go in the land this land is flat it will be safe [ __ ] [ __ ] are we uh okay I'm lost I'm gonna go up here and look around for the mountain I don't know if I'm going the right direction okay look for a big mountain does anybody see it [Music] I don't see it and I have no idea where I am I think uh where where am I uh okay I'm gonna go for the river here [ __ ] well it didn't work I'm gonna do something to make this slightly easier where was where was I what did I do I think it's on the hood of that car there come on my favorite doggy wagy you've got it this time uh wait hold on are markers allowed so the marker would allow me to see what direction to go on the map I don't know if that's cheating or not I mean the challenge is still not dying but can I use a map marker it's just like a different type of challenge what do you think I don't really care either way I think it's kind of [Music] all right sweet I don't think it affects things that much because I still mostly have to navigate using the rivers you know what I mean uh yo tobinator think of it Expedition fishing thank you uh okay so I gotta set a marker on the old building here Place marker there we go [Music] save we are good this is going to be attempt number two here we go what there we go and Papa okay not a good start there we go [Music] where is it on my map oh there it is okay oh I went the totally wrong direction huh [Music] don't swear what is going on what is going on I don't know what's going on a lot of stuff what okay we're gonna We're In Like A barrows of some kind yeah I don't know what's going on oh no [Music] okay we're just flying along some mountains this is fine I'm not gonna die [Music] okay okay oh there's as long as I get there and I don't die we're good like [Music] okay how do I get up there [Music] Skyrim crash does that count as a death this is how Skyrim was meant to be played [Music] does that mean we did it I think we did it congratulations to all of us I don't know if that I don't think that counts as a death because like I didn't die I was playing the best goddamn GTA 5 in my life um okay I can see that this is gonna go well how would that count as a death that doesn't make any sense [Music] let me close some things [Music] nice background thank you it's beautiful how how does that count it literally says without dying in my little stream title thing I think it's like very oh [ __ ] I forgot okay we're still connected to Portland Portland's been pretty good today dude it makes zero sense that that would count as a death I didn't die I guess the whole game died I guess you could argue that the game I took the game took me down with it it seems highly suspected I think you should be stuck where you crashed so you go on I don't remember where that was though I think it probably makes more sense I don't think I'll ever understand that one I need unrelenting Force just in case all right that is too even to count here's what I'll say well let's say that two crashes will count as death so if it crashes again that counts as a single failed attempt otherwise Jesus Take the Wheel 0.5 chunks I don't know how to justify that necessarily but it's more fun so that's how I'll justify it okay let me fire up some music okay clearly the Sonic music I overplayed it so I gotta [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you mean the wheel we don't need the wheel there's literally like no [Applause] all right there we go [Applause] oh just go on the water dude I'll just follow the ocean for a while all right so I think the main thing is to get over these mountains and then I'm clear [Applause] [Music] oh I just jumped over Windhelm or was that with Helen I don't know jumped over some big building okay that's where I was last time I should pop into the kind of like Highlands in a sec or the uh the lowlands yeah here we go this is work this is where it crashed last time I think that's how Mega Man was meant to be like should I go left instead I'll try to laugh because I went to the right last time [Music] uh okay so I'm trying to go up up The Path oh Giants okay okay this is fine that's what I meant [Music] well that's too bad I don't think Skyrim's really happy about this how about after each class you spin the wheel to determine yeah we could do that if it's like a 50 50 wheel to determine that's kind of funny that that one counts so that's two that's a single attempt so now I'm on attempt number three [Music] but for any future crashes we'll put it to the wheel let's let it be 50 50. um counts as a death I don't know how to make it not crash it seems like it's um Jesus Take the Wheel the incredible skills on display here the game just can't handle it uh Todd Howard just does not know how to handle a man playing literally the best Skyrim of his entire life okay so for future crashes we'll spin a wheel we'll find out if it counts as a death or not but right now that those two do count as death and then uh and then with three deaths anymore he would have won if you did not crash and this will just keep aping also can you play my song request uh uh yes I don't remember it I don't have it listed anymore if you want to link it that would be great oh music is too quiet it's just funny that you say that because I literally reduced the volume of that of this Mega Man song that I just played by 50 is it was half as loud as it normally was it's funny too anyway where is this hood of that carve it come from uh there's a check out a video on the second Channel which is up right now aha arms I will play that a sec anyway is there anything I can do to prevent it crashing I don't know it does not Skyrim does not seem to crash consistently I think I should go to the right of the mountain instead of the left and then that will that will help that's my that's my theory let's see what happens don't go to High Rock Let's get one more shot [Music] honk at it maybe that has fixed our problems in the past okay I realize I'm still connected to Portland right now I would F your ass so hard right now thank you Jeff empty appreciate it man thinking more dress for the eight months I appreciate you uh it sounds pretty good Brave those clashes should never have counted as a death and the poll was rigged you are correct it is very stupid [Music] [Applause] to do that that being said it's more fun all right let's see if I can um beat this without crashings if Jesus Christ I'm taking a dump at the moment but at least your streams exist it's a coincidence that you had a donation like this before anyway these songs slap you guys don't have to update everybody on how your [ __ ] is going I'm just letting you know that it's optional that maybe wasn't clear up until this point totally optional please stop telling us how you're poofing [Applause] but it's optional your call I trust that if you're donating about your poop that it's worth it uh prickly splatting I'll do that after Skyrim if that's cool otherwise I can refund it boom let's [ __ ] do it Doug hey thanks for the motivation I just gotta get oh there we go off in solitude I'm gonna go way to the right this time it's crazy but it's just crazy enough to work and I'm hoping that this will cause the game to not load as much and somehow not crash it where the heart am I okay I'm going up the river that's crabbers Shanty discovered I for one appreciate the updates about the poops how is that a death and it crashed damn dude it really [ __ ] hates this route okay that's we're on attempt number four [Music] [Applause] [Music] gotta roll the wheel to see if you died twice not how it works restart your PC well it's just weird this is like not happened before I've done a whole bunch of these things Jesus take the wheel off stream of like running around normally Skyrim is okay with it try without mods uh there aren't really any mods on but yes I could restart it and turn them off if it happens again as the twins chesticles chicken thank you very much for the lovely donation I appreciate it please at least give us context on how your poop is alive oh no it's coming towards please save me I pooped at the Shifting the intelligence that is so loud that's 30 volume [Music] 100 all right real quick Hunter Jesus Take the Wheel just everybody mute what did I tune into okay uh we're playing Skyrim talking about pooping listening exclamation mark thank you all right it's not crashing this time goodbye Solitude can we make it louder I am stuck inside okay I'm stuck somewhere I think I did it does this count because this might be higher oh we're doing it oh oh okay what what just happened all right you know what I'm doing I'm going straight for High Rock card that is [ __ ] right [Music] I think it's one of them [Music] sorry about for starting this train oh God [ __ ] okay where is hierarthgar I don't see it on the company oh there it is okay over there hey no crash yet we're doing good oh my God I'm in a mammoth okay here's the base of the mountain how do we get up it it hasn't crashed somehow I'm going up here uh okay okay wait this is a high Rock part this is Bleak Falls Barrel oh [ __ ] where am I okay I'm going for the water where the [ __ ] okay oh it's over there it's over there all right we're doing good all right all right I just gotta play the best car of my life wait how do we get up it I guess I have to go around the that outside for a while okay so I'm just gonna float along the edge of the mouth in the poo stain technique oh my God oh my God oh my God this is fine this is fine and then we just gotta find a way up this is all fine this is how Skyrim was meant to be played do I have to go around the entire Mountain like am I completely on the wrong side fart dude okay this is all fine all right dude where do you go to get up this mountain hi I'm the one who started the color proof donation I would like to sound sorry again for starting this trend all right hey no worries that's what we're all here for talk about some poop [Music] [Applause] [Music] goodbye oh man got him all right so I'm at I'm basically at high Rockstar right this is I ever said okay here we go here we go this is the Thousand Steps please don't crash as long as this game does not crash I'm on the thousand steps to the top [Music] oh my God this is so hard to navigate [Music] there's the frost roll we're almost there I think please don't die please don't die to something stupid right now okay okay okay no no no no okay this is literally at the top I just [Music] how the hell do they not crash instead it's Poland one [Music] yo thanks brother Jangles by the way thanks for having a wrap up it was four wait because I died the first time and then it crashed twice so I was two and then I died again on the Rock I thought it was five he died twice and then crash okay uh well great job me thank you there it is four right four four congratulations two four Big Max you got it it's not this just take the wheel four and five are different options without the crashes you would have made it we don't know that thank you for the walrus [Music] okay everybody gets 400 spoons where should we go next [Music] so we can start here Jesus Take the Wheel we actually start at the very top which could be kind of good so if I go it's like here Jesus Take the Wheel because I put you guys to the top of the mountain yeah like here right Jesus Take the Wheel yo thank you the man boss brand departry walkway loquacious unwashes that's boodle thank you guys I appreciate you foreign yeah this stream isn't but it could use some more pigeons too true all right so I'm going to start way the [ __ ] up here literally at the tallest point and uh where do we go from here is the question we could go Jesus Take the Wheel I mean wherever I go I have to land in water somewhere off the top of the mountain and then we could go to Rift in that could be good we could go College Winterhold that could be good here we go to Markarth we go up to yeah I don't know where to go winter hold Winterhold I think probably makes no sense because the college would be funny to try to get to where from here College Winterhold we could go back to Solitude or just do white run which just means I have to land somewhere but that wouldn't be that hard I don't think um rifton got some options uh will this be a video most streams are not turned into videos take the hardest path well I think after this we might need to like either increase the speed or do longer jumps so I go like across the entire map you know because right now we've been doing the map in chunks rifton is literally just River well I think either way the challenge is to the challenge is to get down from the mountain for the most part Jesus Take the Wheel thank you thank you [Music] oh I should play more of that dope all right I already gave spoons right running from high harathgar to Winter Jesus Take the Wheel how long do you think it will take boom bats are now open thank you annoying Slayer thank you rock it Panda but better Jesus Take the Wheel get an insane amount of Subs the last week or two so thank you guys [Music] all right most people are saying three to four or five to six I feel like I'm calling it right now one shotting it 100 went shotting it I bet all my spins on one right now thanks M60 Jesus Take the Wheel all right closing the bets five four three two one closing it nine plus there's no way oh wow one went up a lot I didn't debate them because I'm about to play the best goddamn Mario Kart of my entire life [Music] wait what oh [ __ ] I just closed my dashboard well I proceeded to immediately close all of my stream dashboard stuff that's what we call the best Mario Kart 8 of my life [Music] where is nothing is showing up on my computer all right let me pull up my dashboard real fast [Music] thank you [Music] all right well let's do it thanks for the test test is working it is working confirm [Applause] all right so I have to get into the college right I keep fast traveling instead of setting a marker I'm so dumb hold on one of these days I'm gonna not do that and everybody will be really proud of me all right we are at the top of high harathgar I'm gonna wait two hours to get some sun test good test loud and clear over you know in production you should try more Shadow of the Colossus music it works really well that's true especially when it was 100 volume which is just outrageously [ __ ] loud Place marker I did it I did not fast travel [Music] all right oh I have to go to the top how am I so bad at this all right so it's like save number like 310 right is it the top no 305 okay now I'm gonna go here I'm gonna set a marker I'm not gonna fast travel Place marker incredible [Music] all right let's play some goddamn uh shadow of the closet here we go you see that way off in the distance over there I think it's like I could see the building like right there I think I don't know if you guys can really see it on stream um yeah let's play the best uh GTA 5 of Our Lives I'm one-shotting this I'm calling it right now all I gotta do is land in the water okay there's not as much water as I hoped do I go for that River or that one I think uh uh oh [ __ ] this and we're good [ __ ] beautiful man that uh could have gone a lot worse I'm just gonna follow the river out to the ocean okay this is fine that's the way Dragonborn was uh [Music] have bones [Applause] does anybody see if my body landed on the college because then I think that would have [Music] all right on to attempt number two the game also isn't loading and my computer isn't responding boy Skyrim just loves what we do to it [Music] Jesus Take the Wheel [Music] the mouse been going on in my computer [Music] you just killed a man well that crash isn't relevant for the attempts counter I think it's on the hood of that car there I think it's on the way the best Skyrim of your life for me and fun we want that massive payout please I'll do what I can [Music] oh I should undo the mods that is a good call hold on [Music] I hope I don't have like a bunch of porn Jesus Take the Wheel I forgot about it thank you Doug for the amazing content you make okay there's only three there was Sonic Sonic was probably what was screwing things up uh yeah double Chopsticks thank you very much dude I appreciate you and I hope that you are doing wonderful why don't you use that one shot to not take damage cause that's just it's just I didn't come here to watch me be a [ __ ] coward you know what I mean like just you know what like I don't know I came I came to watch me fly off a mountain and land in a river like a [ __ ] bird [Music] thank you though okay hold on this is just as a test oh here you go uh where did that come from that's this is fine theoretically how fast would I need to be moving to just make it to the college in one shot this is a test this does not count um but theoretically could this get us there in one shot okay yes it could where even is the college [Music] foreign [Music] that was 250 Times front speed you said you're not in Coward so give this molotovs you molotovs what does that mean this is not valorant [Music] all right let's do some [ __ ] running this is attempt number two [Applause] explosive no no I want molotovs are I'm asking how it is relevant in this particular situation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right I gotta land I guess I go in this Jesus Take the Wheel yeah I go here and then I'll follow it can I make that can I make that can I make that yes I have the greatest okay [Applause] so I'll follow this to Winterhold go up the C all right now we take to the Sea and now I guess I go up and look for Winterhold [Music] so Winterhold should be over this yeah there it is there it is okay [Music] so now it's just a smooth ride over there I gotta get into the college oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh okay maybe this is not too easy okay here's Winter Hold I'm gonna turn around up here turn around okay readying up my body oh my God oh my God my God okay this is really hard okay okay here we go gonna turn around I'm gonna I'm gonna aim in this is fine dude this is impossible at 15 times run speed this is so [ __ ] hard [Music] okay it's not on the hood of the card can I speak for the United Molotov association with a smaller person unless you want this to unleash the proof upon you I foreign [Music] [Applause] would have been really useful right there dude this is [ __ ] hard and while it's off cocktail also known as a petrol bomb gasoline bomb bottle bomb Poor Man's grenade Molotov and cocktaily cold to blow fire bomb knot for whoever that is sometimes shortened as Molly is a generic name used for a variety of thank you for defining I assume that's parthenax right what Oh wrong oh uh spoilers [Music] did you already do a video on this yeah I did yes well sort of on this concept yes all right there's no time for morning we'll never know who killed parthenax all we can do right now play the best uh Skyrim of Our Lives I don't know how to get up the stairs dude it's just that one turn I can make that first turn because like getting onto the little Stairway to the college isn't hard but then it then you turn right and turning it far enough like turning the right amount to not like fling me off of the cliff I think is the hard part the stairs get height and fall into the college I can't go upwards though are you allowed to stop running I no unless something is stopping me I'm like holding forward all right here we go [ __ ] I always aimed the wrong direction I think I can make it into the river again I think I can make another hurricane oh my God all right we're good [Music] go past go past when home I go up past the walruses I go up the hill there's winner holds so far so good what what attempt is this is this three or four okay oh sh okay here we go here we go oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] where even am I now no no no okay we're back in Winterhold this is good this is good okay back in Winterhold heading for the stairs this is too fast dude I cannot turn that fast turn into where I am okay I'm gonna I'm gonna get out of here okay I'm gonna come back aim right up the stairs [Music] that house came out of nowhere that was not my fault is that four or is that three City Escape that's true City Escape does go very well oh [ __ ] parthenics just like up here that was three okay got it so this is four dude it's just that little staircase so [ __ ] hard I guess I just need to I just have to like flick I have to just flick my mouse to the right just enough you clearly have the right of way yeah I think my car insurance should pay for this okay you can try entering it through the back door is there a back door to Winterhold is it necessary for you for you to move constantly yes this is a weird looking pigeon well that's a dead pigeon that's probably why it's not recognizable though that's a real life pigeon walk up a mountain oh that's interesting this parthenics really by Charles Martin hey that's so cool so you're saying that pigeon and Waluigi have the same voice actor okay well I'm gonna try that though hey buddy um instead of going directly for the college I guess what I can do is once I hit winner hold sorry once I hit Windhelm the city beforehand I'll go up the mountain and then try to go up super high and then land in the collet in the middle of the college dude we'll see I think it's crazy and it's just crazy enough to work there's a door on the Roof oh okay I'm going for the roof door foreign [Music] so from here I'm gonna go way high up into the hills or try to at least [Music] or no no I'll go to wind hill I'll go to Winterhold first tickets [Music] [Music] um all right now we go for the roof does this work [ __ ] [Music] dude I don't know how to reach it without dying like how do you land there what do you mean this is the way that's so dangerous how do you possibly see that and go ah yes this is how it should be done use the time Source out is that a thing [Music] [Applause] also I think Slow Time Slow Time wouldn't affect my running I don't think I think it affects everything else there's a rooftop door well I don't know how to land on the roof without dying is the problem are you really complaining my logic this is the way Skyrim was meant to be played this is 100 the way Skyrim was meant to be played I do agree um I just don't understand a bit if dragon souls are gonna lock it yeah we can try this real fast uh Slow Time yes or yes yes I did not know that's how you unlock the shouts in this game oops okay so theoretically if I if I slow down time do I run slower team um so what seems to have happened is that I can no longer see and I do not rest and I do not run slower so uh I think yeah success [Music] that doesn't count by the way that was a test that was the test I was not attempting to survive that's the flashbang oh right you want it yeah [Music] thank you [Music] which attempt is this that one didn't count so this next one will be five I think just use the shoot command ethereal shout just feels super lame though you know like that feels very cowardly he just needs a little push foreign the pigeon I'm just trying to set him free he's like a baby bird that needs a push to go um you know spread his wings all right I I mean I just have to get up the stairs right I just have to like get up the stairs normally I don't think landing on the roof makes any sense because if I if I'm like up on a mountain like this and then I Sprint off and land on top of the thing I'm gonna take fall damage even if I land perfectly on the top of the uh College you ran slower I do not think I ran slower or if I did it was not significant I was going pretty [ __ ] fast was I running slower tried Naruto running all right um set run type Naruto cool should be good now I think you go even slower it's not very useful got it well don't worry we got Naruto wrong all right let's do it I'm just going for the stairs as normal drop into the river [Music] this is number five right if you run slower gotta go okay well I'm not gonna use it I don't think it's necessary I think I'm just gonna have to play the best guy of my life [Music] okay this part's all easy this is easy easy okay [Music] this is fine it was fine okay come up here I land in the village I go into the stairs I turn right okay I'm holding forward I just have to flick my mouse left then flick it right and we're there [Music] I think it's like maybe even faster [Music] [Applause] oh no I fell off I was on it oh in your friends okay okay we're back in the we're back in Winterhold okay all right restarting restarting restarting turning around go at the house that's fine there's the stairs missed to this Close Quarters stuff it's like impossible okay here we go here we go oh oh no I went off the side again [Music] [Applause] okay I'm restarting we're gonna take it slow restarting turning around [Music] thanks okay what I bounced off the house that sure worked [Music] dude I was so [ __ ] close both times it's like this it's [ __ ] this thing dude [Music] oh rip so okay Jesus Take the Wheel [Music] yo thank you Ripple requiem so this is where this is the staircase if I get onto the staircase and then I got and I can stop here to get ready which is what I did and then I turn left and then I flick right I got up onto this thing and then because of this little spot right here where there's no rails I keep flying off the edge so I have to like do this part perfectly this is so hard like if it was not for these stairs this would be super easy you should do a pull to get a specific handicap [Music] I don't know now we're being attacked by pigeons [Music] we could do it's totally possible confirmed no it's very possible it's just uh just gonna have to play the best shot of the closets of my life hey friendly pigeon how are you measure the correct height from the roof to the top of the castle dude like so you're saying I would get up onto that mountain right there the pigeon is not letting me uh okay so if I I did that was my best attempt and I used the Naruto run command so you're saying I would get up onto the mountain this is obviously just a test right now I think it's on the hood of that car there please remember to hydrate so if I get up the mountain I do you have to get really far up the mountain to be able to make it over to the college like I'm trying to get as high as I can on this thing so let's say I go here and then I jump off towards the college oh no I still die dude it's too hard Peach you had thank you Bailey on or play on excuse me oh parthenax broke his neck I mean I think I do the exact same strategy that I did before right can you tell me the desk that's five right I'm now on attempt six right oh I think it's on the hood of that car there friendly reminder this would be much easier if we all had molotovs is there no okay there's not let's see if there's a multi mode um what do you mean I guess so you're saying for molotovs I assume what you mean is a pull-up Shout I pull up oops fire breath yo what is the way oh sorry uh pigeon what's the command to uh I think it's on the hood of that car there have you used the Ethereal shout yet nope I just feel like um I didn't come here to watch maybe a coward you know Siri shout recovery mode that's it and then I said player.cityv shout recovery molt uh at zero so I should be able to use a lot of molotovs once it recharges oh oops we need speed boost yo yo now you can all right now you can also play Skyrim but literally only use honk and all it will do is Shout sorry all it will do is use Molotov and let me Molotov instead of shout there you go now you all get molotovs congratulations and now let's play the best God damn Skyrim of my life okay go go [Music] here we go all right I'm going for the oh you can't shout when I'm in midair oops I guess when I'm on the ground you can all right River first stop using Mom this is just not the right time oh it's you got to use it tactically dude hello okay [Music] wrong direction [Music] all right here we go here we go here we go no no no I missed the stairs dude Jesus Take the Wheel you need to stop that shouting it's making people nervous oh be careful [Music] all right we're going back going back to the stairs [Music] okay this is that spot this is that spot I'm gonna flick left I'm gonna flick right and then flick left and it's gonna be beautiful I'm gonna crush it right now Jesus Take the Wheel go here we go oh I'm there stop them okay [Music] hi oh hey this is fine I need you need to stop using that I'm shouting I believe in you Doug thank you brother [Music] nope okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] where's the got it [Music] oh oh you failed [Music] man that was tough all right how many attempts oh six okay oh I told you not I told you it would be easier with Monica as much as I hate to admit it if we immediately won once we had Molotov so thank you Jesus Take the Wheel [Music] [Applause] it was six attempts six right yes six six right six okay Boom Big Macs brutal oh yo thank you people I think thank you damn it's already been an hour and a half all right why don't we do like three more I don't want to do a ton of these um let's do three more bets that one was fun actually that was like a really fun one to try to do leaderboard leaderboard is boom Joe fvp number one burn a mouse and pivot a crew a crew is crushing it dude all right everybody gets 500. what should we do next we should probably just do like cross the whole thing right so we'll do three more bets everybody just got 500 spoons can you tally the deaths uh nah sorry okay we are up here where should we go full one to Riften actually foreign [Applause] [Music] basically we're at the top right right and then we if we go to the bot go to the Cloud District that is pretty funny we can do a cloud district one is one of the endings maybe it's I have to get there and kill nazim but I'll let you guys do it with honking okay why don't we go to rifton that way we've kind of like that way we've crossed the entire fantastic Skyrim jump thank you Roger so we'll make it down to Riften Fall Creek that's down the bottom left well I think Riften would be fun because riften's like riften's like up on this edge of Skyrim to the very right Edge yeah I think we'll we'll end it with like a full cross map right so we'll do one more that's kind of easy right it's not that hard where it's just winner hold down to here um getting off of Winterhold could be a little bit challenging but we'll do from Winterhold down to Riften and then after that we'll do like across the entire map and then the last one can be killing nazim which will actually be kind of tough at 15 times run speed already the next bet get your bets in it is Winterhold College to Riften I don't think this will be that hard but um I've never been wrong before so I'm also gonna urinate three more bets [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] closing the bets in five seconds five four three two one really only 6.8 percent of you believe that I'm gonna do it first try unbelievable you're gonna be so [ __ ] embarrassed I'm gonna whip out my Ninja Turtles music oh no I'm gonna whip out the Final Fantasy 10 music oh I'm gonna whip out coconut Ball music uh okay which is the most epic Turtles are Ninja Turtles pretty Epic Final Fantasy 10 battle theme pretty epic or coconut [ __ ] Maul clearly the most epic Play I Need a Hero I need a hero is great I probably get the VOD meter though is the problem that song's so is sick but Coconut Mall is the Sonic music of video games it's just like there's something about it you know uh where's the okay there's the exit so I'm gonna start right here and um on the map I'm gonna throw up Riften damn it's like actually kind of far but what about the Sonic music no Sonic music is the Mario Kart um of arcade games good luck everybody you're about to watch me hole in one this first try oh God oh God oh God oh God okay that worked this part's easy water water water water water I need water okay this is fine yeah this is fine yeah [Music] where am I going oh it's higher than I want you just take the wheel thank you I'm literally about to one shot this you guys are gonna be so embarrassed you think I'm honestly not gonna One-Shot this with coconut ball playing are you serious it's the Sonic of video games I'm like almost there already wait where is it rip it that's what I call the best Skyrim of my life 7.5 percent of you get a massive [ __ ] payout yes I'm a towel 28 000. damn the leaderboards are all screwed up now [Music] you finally won a single bet Bart you're kind of up there now I like top 15. [Music] all right two matches left foreign [Music] what should we do we could do Rift in we do Riften across the entire map that'd be kind of cool you could do Rift into so Rift into the bottom left right we do Riften to potentially solitude to karth wasston to the lover stone the fall grease that'd be cool Fall Creeks would be cool because then we have to like go through the oh wait that's not that far away yeah I don't know what we do because we're gonna do two more right last one I think for the last one it should be we'll end in white we'll end in White Run and have to kill nazim via you guys honking um but this one should be like across the entire map basically I don't know what the best way to do that though so we could do solitude we could do Rift into Solitude Rift into Barth uh bathar dams Castle volcker dude I have the DLC and I played all of Dawnguard but like Castle volcker is just not here anymore I don't know what happened to it like I did the fold on guard thing lover stone the challenge with lover stone is it's it's like hard to uh as long as I can hold on let's see what the lover stone looks like real fast oh I haven't discovered it yet [Music] go to soulstein yeah we can where's lover stone where's that lover sound it's over here right uh where are you lover stone [Music] I think it says time to play the best GTA 5 of whoops wrong game no no that's I'm pretty sure that's correct okay this is the water stone dude this would be hard to get to like it's on this little cliff thing I don't know man this would be extremely challenging because it's not like a there's not like an obvious visual cue you know there's not like a city to go off greetings are your secret twin brother bug bug I wanted to say thank you for making quality more fun and I think you were looking really handsome today uh thank you my younger brother Doug bug with your routine um complimenting my handsomeness classic Brotherly Love okay so lover Stone's an option Markarth is an option I mean lover sends me really hard we can go to bathars them I don't remember how to get to souls time good Northwatch Keep [Music] fort bragstad fort ragstag could be pretty dope uh uh falmar Embassy it'd be kind of funny all right let me throw up some options and you guys can decide all right what ending goal so it's Riften to where [Music] okay people are really passionate about lover stone lover stone herag star whatever that one was called bergstone Berg Clark I don't remember what the other one was called just imagine those are some real Rift into somewhere in the back to Riften dude that'd be insane thank you big Jay zero thank you ghost septan Jesus Take the Wheel goception got it thank you College of Winterhold dude called we just did College winner hold up what if we kissed at the fall more Embassy unless other side of the map well lover Stone's other side of the map turd turd yeah um Bagels uh Bagel staff Bagel stuff was that the name of it I don't remember what the name of the places are this is the second to last bet second to last you should really tally the deaths I don't remember if any if anybody knows off the top of their head it's just uh hard for me to track that easily on streaming man looks like lover stone is beating out frag star bird Clark turd turkin bigel stuff hard fought all right lover stone takes it but let's at least give a round of applause to Bagel stuff turret Target for a car they put up a good fight but not frag star [ __ ] you hackstar all right let's do it [Music] so the bets are thus we're gonna go from Riften to this is gonna be so [ __ ] hard it's not it's not even like getting it's not traversing the land I don't think it's just literally getting to this Stone because it's gonna be like I don't even know how you do it I guess I have to like come up like this and then just sort of go back and forth and like inch my way forward and then we make sweet love right at the top I have to activate the lover stone and when we do um then I believe we're legally married but I'll have to check the twitch terms of service all right this is the end goal I think it's on the hood of that car there hey thick booty Judy uh were you referring to somebody in chat hey thick booty Judy somebody left a message for you which is hey uh let's do how much should we do last time 400 spoons let's do 800 spoons all right this is the second to last that let's do one to two three to four five to six seven to eight nine to ten and eleven plus right one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven plus yeah all right bets are open get your bets in how many attempts do you think it's gonna take for us to have a baby at the lover stone option one is one to two attempts option two is three to four option three is five to six option four seven to eight option five is nine to ten and option six is that you think it's gonna take over 11 attempts fart here I'll give it like a minute again this is the second to last bit oh damn there's a lot of people tied this one has a lot fewer bets you know than most of our streams [Music] so sick [Applause] [Music] all right 20 seconds get your bets in here I'm new here what's keeping going on we are betting on how long it's going to take me to run at 15 times run speed from the very bottom of the map to the very left of the map in Skyrim without dying and you get to bet on how many attempts you think it will take me to pull it off and you have one second to do okay you're done no more bets needless to say it's gonna be [ __ ] intense Maybe I'm going to start at Riften I gotta touch this lover stone let's do it three to four attempts I'm gonna be honest I think this is like a nine attempt this is this is gonna be hard I'm confident but um but like come on wait hold on is the marker set been playing this music a little prematurely I wanted to know what you're planning to play after these battle bets and if you're streaming on Saturday also I love you hey classic hey save it for the lover stone my brother um so yeah let's knock this out in one try I am gonna I'm gonna play some Mario Odyssey after this probably not going to be very exciting but that's what that's what I'm going to do I just learned how to speed run the game and I want to try to get top 500. like top 500 in the world of how fast you can play but I've only done two full runs which means it's going to be terrible so it'll be one of those times where I definitely play the best Skyrim in my life probably worth whipping out the big guns here we go all right this is a long ass Journey any percent yeah I learned from speed or uh from small land I've been using small Lance guides and they're super good all right here we go oh fart this is okay did it I can't even I can't even see anything dude there's so much like fog and Mist I don't know what to do I guess I could like swing Along the okay 10 number two I'm gonna try to go to the mountain I just can't see anything okay sounds like I'll hang way left whoa what the fart okay I'm gonna hang way left towards these mountains I'm gonna follow the mountains down and that way I will not die I will not die okay actually fine right now dude this is so hard to cross the entire map it's insane [Music] like okay I'm following this I'm following this [Music] well that's a game crash [Applause] [Music] does it count as an attempt [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign that's brutal [Music] that's two attempts down [Music] dude can I clear the weather this weather is insane see anything [Music] okay that's so much better if you trade using the weight feature yeah yeah I forgot about clear skies all right so what I gotta do I gotta follow this River so I can follow the river all the way out comes over here I fly off the cliff like a [ __ ] Bird land in the river here stay along the left follow the river to wind to White Run and then from Whiterun I can follow the path that I already know to get to Markarth area but Markarth instead of taking the bridge up I'm gonna go keep going on the river and then work my way up the mountain it's crazy it's just crazy enough to work [Music] all right this is attempt number three [Music] position what the spinner is very rigged apparently it always lands on the most dramatic option is this Bruce Springsteen yeah little known fact okay I'm going for the where the [ __ ] is the water where's the water I thought the water was supposed to be right next to Riften then I go the wrong direction okay that one was on me I'll admit it that could have gone oh I went the wrong direction okay I gotta go this way that's fine that's fine we're gonna knock it out here we go [Music] now I just follow the water [Music] [Music] this is fine now we fly off of this waterfall like a [ __ ] bird here we go oh my God oh this is fine okay oh wait is this Winterhold a window [ __ ] this is windhome I'm way off I'm not supposed to be here at all okay I got a bail water water water water water [Music] okay [Music] so when I fly off the cliff I have to go to the left I went to the right I went North so much fun is it should either twitch play videos would you ever consider making Italian uh the code is online at dougw.com there's a link to the website below the Stream maybe not a tutorial I mean maybe a tutorial like I I have notes in the code [Music] um okay let's crush it I'm getting better [Music] up horse horse horse [Music] we're gonna do it's fly off in this waterfall like a goddamn bird [Music] now here I have to turn left down the river and then I turn left and I'm good oh no it goes uphill why didn't anybody tell me that I was doomed from the beginning or whatever that one anime line is [Music] I have no idea where I am I just zero clue I mean let's follow this I guess whatever this path is seems safe [Music] seemed safe [Music] all right I'm gonna be totally honest with you guys I don't have a plan this is not fine where am I I think I'm going the right direction as long as I land in that water then we're fine and this is fine where like where where am I I see the marker there am I near Windhelm like I'm going the right direction but I I feel like I should be near Whiterun right now oh is this right past okay this is probably it this is a good path here no dude I don't want to go up the mountains because then I just get super boned if there's no oh here we go we're near White run right there's white one okay I know where to go from here I know where to go from here now I'm just doing the same path as last time for Markarth please don't crash game if the game crashes I'm super super [ __ ] [Music] okay so now I take the path to Markarth once I'm in the river I I work my way up the mountain to the lover stone and we have a hot passionate love okay right here I use the boosting strategy I go along the wall I'd book it and now once I'm over this ledge I fly into the river beautifully Like a Bird please don't die please don't [Music] Feel So Close [Music] dude that was [Music] we got here like so far [Music] did that exact same thing happen at the video spot yes yes it did I just got back from water break what turn is this that was attempt number six right so this is seven I think you need to review the old posting video look a poo stain that strong doesn't wipe off easily I still remember it very clearly the problem is that I forgot it and didn't I turned too early I went to the river too early I have to go another I'd have to go another little bit along the mountain before I jump into the river I mean I can try going another route I don't have to so if we're trying to go to the lover stone here maybe instead of going down the river valley here we go north and cuddle on up this way and then drop down on the lover stone which is probably more realistic because coming I don't think there's an easy way to get to the lover stone from the bottom I can like look I can just stand here and look never should have come here yeah [Music] so what it's like it's up there yeah dude coming okay I was trying to I was trying to get to This Little River and then go up the mountain but I don't think there's any way to do that I'll See You In Pieces yeah okay dude yeah there's no way to get up here because there's the lover stone oh interesting interesting all right well if I was um I was dead from the beginning the only way to do this to climb the mountain fly at the top well I think I have to come from the north you know what I mean Jesus Take the Wheel yeah I'm gonna so what I'm gonna do try to get to Whiterun just like I did last time cross the across the valley and then go right instead of on the path follow the river go over the tower [ __ ] this is so hard [Music] all right well get a shot thank you Molotov if I do if I do two more if I do two more attempts and I can't do it I'll add in molotovs for my last two because I basically get four more attempts and otherwise it's an automatic um option six check the auto run button well it's just I have to look for water and stuff you know and things all right well let's try some uh Sonic music Jesus Take the Wheel PLS no Uncle dpls no Uncle DP Ellis no Uncle DP thank you Molly Reina [Music] okay I think this is doable we're on attempt six is this attempt six or is this a temp seven [Music] and here we go [Music] [Music] and here we go running through the phone now we dropping here we dip left come on oh this is oh this is the spot where I got stuck I forgot about that crap okay I guess we go down here got it okay so then this is the path to Windhelm and now I should turn because I have to go left got it okay I actually am learning how to do this [Music] crashed [Music] okay [Music] [Music] to a place [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] try to keep your feet [Music] okay this is attempt number six still attempt number six as a reminder I have up to 11 attempts let's see how are the bets looking so we're currently in option three a lot of people bet man you guys had some confidence three to four attempts I appreciate your comments oh wow that was a Bad Bet um but option number three could still pull it off but I need big blue [Music] we miss all Mike it's big blue that was very unsatisfying [Music] crash I made it like 20 feet [Music] okay good that would have been stupid as hell [Applause] Skyrim is having a really good time coconut ballet yeah I guess I mean clearly the game is not a big fan of big blue I could I could whip out cook them all the big guns if you will the big malls the big nuts okay arms it it's just that arms is lame maybe the music's good but arms doesn't inspire me to play the best Skyrim of my life you know what does this the official Skyrim theme song all right this is attempt number six though I I know where to go now at least [Music] I thought Howard is probably watching the stream and crashed in your game God damn you Tom Howard all right so I'm gonna go over there to Windhelm first then I turn left to go up the hill [Music] okay okay that was risky that was kind of stupid to me any other jump besides streaming slash content creation right now I do this full time right now shockingly what you're watching right now is my job [Music] okay we're speaking of my job where the [ __ ] am I this is how jobs were meant to be played I'm trying not to die by like Bunny Hop okay we're good we're good we're at Whiterun all right I scoop around the side of White Run foreign path so what I'm going to do is turn right up here instead of going on the path go along the mountain please don't crash please do not crash game this is going so well uh okay so here's the plan no what did I fall I thought I was flying dude that was so good [Music] thank you you caught a rock God damn Rock so I don't trust rocks uh this is this is number eight now right Katamari of Love For Love stream I started with that now I know the path so maybe it'll help if I play the love song because I understand the path now so I basically what I've been doing I follow the river up here I jump off I go towards Windhelm once I'm almost at Windhelm I turn left and make my way towards Whiterun cut into the valley come down south follow the path you know what I should do at Whiterun just go right I I followed the path like way down here instead I should just go up hit this River follow the river all the way down because that'll be safe then turn left and go up the mountain dude this is so hard and then I have to go up the mountain and then drop down to hit lover stone this is impossible just impossible enough to work but uh it's been pretty goddamn hard molotovs what am I at this is attempt number eight or seven this is eight right because I died twice yeah this is eight so uh this is seven thanks princess Graven after three months I appreciate it coconut Molotov okay that was that is pretty good I'll admit it all right let me give one more on my own and then I'll give you guys molotovs for my last two and that'll be coconut Molotov here we go this is no molotovs we got a goddamn plan all right this is the sexy saxophone music available it's on YouTube Blue Line instrumental [Music] okay okay this is fine good so far so soothed by Katamari of love I am fully erect emotionally okay going to the river turn right cut towards went home [Music] I'm gonna turn magic yeah here oh God so I turn left I start moving our way up the river [Music] this is fine this is fine okay cool follow the river [Music] okay okay that worked where I went home halfway there so up here now I'm gonna turn right yeah and now I'm gonna I'm gonna look for the river that's like farther [ __ ] it's like farther down I just have to be careful about fall damage here dude all right we're good oh we're not good hey this is not great okay here's the river wait is this the right Rivers yeah it is okay so I followed this down all right we're gonna follow this River all the way down into the mountains we're gonna look for the lover stone once we get down there oh God oh God oh God uh this is fine [Music] this route is really goddamn hard [Music] cynical all right help me out attempt number eight [Music] dude [Music] okay shoot towards window [Music] all according to plan according to plan no according to this land trust me Chad I've got a goddamn plan now we shoot up the river bang [Music] I'm getting so goddamn doing this it must be the molotovs they're really making a difference oh [Music] [Music] [Music] no no no no no no no so it's so helpful I'd be live in Utah okay this is fine this is fine we just have to play the best game in my life right now why why why did that die I thought I I landed I was trying to dodge the [ __ ] rocks but come on man is this last one this is the last one right it was too shallow but where else do I go I don't know where else I can go I guess I can try to go around that River this is attempt number nine this is nine okay got it got it got it okay we have two more attempts uh otherwise it's an auto loss basically because the bets currently I am an option number five nine to ten otherwise it's option six eleven plus all we have to do is play the best kokomolotov of Our Lives all right two more don't wait wait hold on Don't Shoot the horse oh that was Anthony I'm active attack [Music] yeah don't shoot the guard s okay okay [Music] I love this jump this is such a sick jump no no oh no oh oh okay now I turn left oh dude this part is so easy at this point like go go go go go go go I like that it sounds like he's coughing this is Dragonborn Coronavirus yo yo I think like a majestic boy do you'd like to go Miss TA of Skyrim I am so proud all right all right okay we're almost at the river no no all right hold on no we're just taking a quick break yo we're almost at the river we're gonna [ __ ] oh we're gonna [ __ ] crush this what I have to do this time when we hit the river is I I cannot jump off of it I have to turn left and find another path down so that's the main plan all right here we go I'm not hitting the shallow Stone [Music] thank you by someone holy [ __ ] thank you very much very much I appreciate it and I'll see you at the leatherstone [Music] okay this is fine this is fine this is fine we are in a great spot you guys [Music] okay we got two more is that Skyrim was meant to replay it all right good luck everybody foreign [Music] let's go to that goddamn lover stone [Music] it's beautiful [Music] no oh [ __ ] uh okay we're good go go [Music] no no [Music] all right we're good okay all we gotta do is not crash the game you can play the best Skyrim of Our Lives you know frankly that's not as hard as not crashing the game go go foreign [Music] Skyrim of Our Lives land it land it land it land it land it land it fart [Music] s so goddamn close [Music] the one place you could land dude I had a good I had a good run man I mean all things considered that was pretty good you were inches away from deep water but I had to Dodge I was trying to shoot in between the Middle Rock thingy and the edge and it was a bad spot to jump off I just don't know that River well well we got one more one more attempt strategy is perfect though just jump a little later yeah I think I got to do slightly later so let me just look on the map where we are so we go over here we jump off go to Whiterun yeah yeah and then we get here to Whiterun come up here uh yeah I see the song request I'll give it in a sec so we come up along the river I think the question is yeah we're like near roark's dead and I think I shot up off here maybe the question is can we land in these Rivers without dying and if so I think we have the molotoves and this is our last attempt together we can do this it's team delphabet go think of pythrex thank you again Lisa one I really appreciate it thank you trick if I think of cabbage Hydra City Zone well you know moo moo Meadows it's just crazy enough to work [Music] it's gonna get me hyped up music is too loud what I can't hear you over the music okay talk soon are you cool if I change it to the other version the Mario Kart 8 version I think it's a little crunchier this one [Music] oh Through the Fire and Flames would be so sick but it would also definitely get me muted is the issue satisfying cool all right Fire and Flames would be so dope but I don't want to get the VOD muted louder this is pretty loud this is pretty goddamn loud you guys just loud enough to work all right it's real loud [Music] this is the last attempt right here [Music] [Music] gotta put this [ __ ] on Loop otherwise what if we almost get to the lover stone and the MooMoo turns off and I panic can't have that also where the fart is the good luck everybody God that's so loud dude this is not okay [Music] [Music] and here we go lads this is how Skyrim was meant to be played [Music] no Jesus Take the Wheel so loud I'm pretty pumped though to be honest that sucks so sick [Music] no Jesus take the wheels [Music] all right we're good [Music] Jesus Take the Wheel oh no we're good okay this is fine it's really hard to see because of your goddamn molotovs all right so now I go up here I look forward and then we jump off there's horses those works then okay here we go a couple Farmers no okay okay oh no no I'm going even higher even further Beyond it now we go no it's the exactly oh we did it oh my God literally playing the best Skyrim of my [ __ ] life no okay now where the hell is the lover stone [Music] okay we're good [Music] let's go all right across the bridge get over here I don't know where I am oh I'm slowly working towards it [Music] this is it this is 100 it it's happening I'm going slow I'm going slow wait where is it okay this direction no is there no is there water is there a river no oh okay oh it's fine dude I do not know where I am I do not know where I am oh my God we're almost there we're almost there [Music] shoot the wheel it's on the other side of the mountain [Music] okay this is fine uh going here this is fine this is fine this is fine hey where the [ __ ] are we oh [Music] foreign [Music] that is a big fat [ __ ] f does that count well no because we said dude I died on the stone [ __ ] I literally I gotta say this is a very fun challenge to do it's like extremely fun [Music] um so I think here's the lover stone I'm pretty sure my dead body landed here um yeah because it fell off the river so it's literally right here Stone's right there but we I mean I clearly stated that the win condition was to activate the lover stone [Music] maple tree way I don't even know this song I do know the song never mind yeah I had to activate it to anybody who voted on uh number whatever it was very very close but uh unfortunately we did not make sweet Sweet Love at the moment at the lover stone uh Darth Johnny thank you very much again Life's a one oh my God thank you for five gifts and subs thank you we get a few spoons from ISO one super generous appreciate it uh Nick gamer thank you pitch emoy thank you [Music] um but sorry to everybody who voted on anything except for option number six congratulations you [ __ ] got there well done [Music] man I'm so close I'm so tantalizingly close [Music] that means that it is where is it its last boss time [Music] it's time to kill nazim here are the rules I have to run from uh quick source you hear the leaderboards I have to run from here to Whiterun I have to get into Whiterun and you guys have to murder nazim you can use the molotovs I will be running through Whiterun at full speed everybody gets 1250 spoons [Music] foreign on the map it looks like this I have to get down from the lover stone somehow [Music] across the map get to Whiterun get into Whiterun find azim and you guys have to kill him I cannot stop running at any point again critically I cannot stop running it's gonna be hard and let's just uh let me let me confirm nazim is there and Alive because we've killed him I think several hundred times in these streams so let me just confirm real quick oh it's not I gotta make it daytime I mean I'm not exaggerating when I say that thousands of nazims have died at some point on this stream okay where you at azim is he dead is he here the hell is nazim the the bets aren't open quite yet hold on I just want to make sure it is alive [Music] thank you see him okay win this man do you get to the Cloud District very often is dead what am I saying of course you don't we've won running from love Stone to nazim how many attempts do you think it will take the bets are now open this is the final bet [Music] option number one is you think it's gonna take one to two times we have to honk like we never have done before I believe in you this is what they call the honkening option number two is you think it's gonna take three to four attempts option number three is five to six option number four is seven to eight option five is nine to ten and option six is eleven or more attempts this is the final bet so there's no reason to hold back at all oh and I have to keep playing my song request [Music] I'm going to close the bets in about 10 seconds actually let me get over to the lover stone [Music] thank you make it louder it's pretty loud all right I'm gonna close the bets in 10 9 3 7 6 5 4. wait there's a clear sky shot right [Music] there's guys [Music] I want sunny I need I need like a sunny day here okay that's better [Music] yeah that's better okay cool we are good all right y'all it's time for us to play the best goddamn molotovs of Our Lives what is a good let's start off with big blue let's start off with Skyrim theme song forget I said anything because I have a feeling wait did I close the bets no I didn't okay five four three two one done this is a nice even spread actually there's a very even spread just even enough to work good luck everybody unfortunately though everybody who bet on option one is gonna win we're gonna one shot this I'm quite confident sure let me change run speed first okay we're all saved you guys are oh I have to change my shout hold on actually I forgot to change it to clear fog that would be a fairly anti-climactic if we got there stood in front of nazim's face and then cleared fog alrighty oh yeah you go okay yo I'm gonna pop out of here I'm gonna land in the river we're gonna book it to White Run we're gonna get into there and we're gonna shoot nazim go go no I used to be an adventurer like you until I took a Molotov to the knee uh okay okay I should probably not go up here this is fine this is not that fine actually okay for the water there's not water at all what oh wait what it like loaded okay we're fine I guess yo literally playing the best Skyrim of my life maybe not okay [ __ ] [Music] [Music] what look [ __ ] off that's not oh [ __ ] off it's not correct at all right here we go okay go go attempt number two yo [Music] yo yo [Music] what no that's not 15 times recipe is it is that 15 times this is really slow what's going on I understand it's a climactic why isn't it yo yo there we go okay go go that was weird um ignore that here we go [Music] three two one go go the land beautifully In this River we don't die [Music] okay oh yeah this is fine okay [Music] [Music] Todd Howard loaded the rock a little bit late I needed to know that that was there Todd all right attempt number three I'm gonna try going to the right here we go oh wait what it loaded wrong can I even go to the right that was not my fault it showed it was bigger I even can I even make it here [Music] [Applause] I know Skyrim's buggy but like I'm gonna go to the left okay here we go this is just more safe okay [Music] yo yo this is fine oh we're just gonna throw on our coconut oh no this is this is fine now right dude I seriously thought this was gonna be a hole in one this is five okay this is five why why is it why am I suddenly like no oh cause the last time I went farther on the rocks that that's on me um but hey just type exclamation mark refund in chat and uh and you'll be taken care of don't worry [Music] all right yeah I had to go off here [ __ ] I didn't I didn't realize that that was necessary no that's fine though we're about to crush it look at this oh playing literally the best Sky of my life [Music] [Applause] literally the best Star in my life [Applause] what was that [Music] all right thank you Jesus Take the Wheel thank you Mr murky Murphy Thank you new camera thank you pitch ER [Music] wait go this is fine it's fine let's go kill nazim [Music] song name this is a Skyrim theme song what why didn't I go okay we're good we're good we're good go go go go okay this is fine I go along the mountains I play the best Skyrim of my life I don't stand here I just keep going on the mountains until I'm clearing up the river fun things [Music] in the water where why am I near Solitude what no this is just not what I was trying to do [Music] okay I'm going back towards White Run [Music] I guess I guess I go over the mountains oh no dude I'm lost [ __ ] lost [Music] what is even where what is even going on oh who put this here why did somebody put a mountain in here no no no no no no I'm like I'm way off track dude I just I don't know how to do it the other way if I go to if I get to Windhelm I know how to get to Whiterun no Jesus Take the Wheel no no that's the thing if I just go to wound home I'm fine [Music] dude where where no where are we I have no clue [Music] go go oh there's one okay again we've got to kill nazim that is the only goal I just can't stop running I'm gonna work my way over two times [Music] and it's done good luck I need you to honk harder oh he was right behind me oh God oh God this is not this is not easy I do not know what's happening okay misjudged this oh [ __ ] okay we pissed off the guards okay where is nazim do you see him no okay we have to do a little bit reconnaissance and look for is he coming up here we're in the Cloud District okay I'm being shot by a guard yo I'm gonna I'm gonna move I'm gonna move and we'll do more reconnaissance [Music] oh God I'm really high I do not want to be this high [Music] thank you very much control oh my God [Music] oh my God I know this is so hard to navigate this is not how cities wanted to be played shoot him shoot him no that was [ __ ] beautiful the perfect little stuff he's dead right he said right right where is he no no no he's dead yeah get a chat [Music] oh he's getting to the Cloud District right now we all got to the club District we did it great job everybody uh how many attempts is that can you run using only voice commands um of course obviously six nine to ten I'd say I'm literally getting so many different answers here I need you guys to actually tell me this [Music] it was somewhere in there right [Music] now we can't have the we can't have the bet on what attempt that was be like evenly split this is not okay I need a really clear definitive answer here it's not it's not helpful [ __ ] dude I guess the real challenge of this um battle bet stream was to convince me that your answer was correct dude I how am I supposed to interpret this [Music] they have the exact same number of votes right now okay now six is a hit dude they're all going to the Cloud District right now um I mean is it six was it six I guess it doesn't matter right because it was six to seven no six and seven are different options uh can anybody confirm well tell me a daddy yeah thanks Ed Junior first try it was a first try for sure [Music] um thank you again edible knees thank you uh for all the generous bits everybody how literally how do we how do we do this okay so it was um we have to re-watch I don't think yeah check the VOD I mean I guess you just checkpud who makes the music uh Nintendo please kick option I don't have a way to do that unfortunately check the recording do we really need to do this like do people are people are you trying to mess with me or do you actually not know [Music] Jesus Take the Wheel it's literally like 50 50. come on it was legit six or seven I mean I guess we have to check real fast this is stupid I should have been taking better track of it I mean none of the crashes count at all hi Park sir thanks for thanks for hanging out parser sponsored by uh World of Warcraft classic okay This Is Us in Whiterun dude this is gonna be such a as we showed Dom deck to go through all right I think it was six God there's dude there's like 20 minutes of stream we can't do this it was seven but you didn't say six when you finished attempt number spin the wheel that that is outrageously unfair to anybody who voted correctly no settle in a wheel match what no it's not 15 times recipe is it I think six but I may have missed to death it was actually six I'm pretty sure it was six as I died twice just stupidly I died oh because it was a crash I think it was six between six and seven we know it's between six and seven wheel that's just such um there we go that was weird um did I say at any point what it was wait we have the chat in hold on we have the chat in this video so maybe one of you guys says what it is maybe I say it I needed to know that that was there Todd [Music] all right attempt number three I'm gonna try going to the right this is three I went to the right and I died so now we're on four kind of make it here okay I decided not to go to the right so this is this is four I think I die here this is four okay I die again this is five why why is it this is six right here but hey just type all right yeah I had to go up here [Music] it crashed so now I'm back on number six I think it's on the hood of that car there can we do battle bets on how long it takes to figure this out that's a good idea we should get super meta at this go go go go this is number six still [Music] but misjudge this oh [ __ ] okay we pissed off the guard it was six it was six this is the sixth attempt right here where is nazim it crashed which I think threw people off thank you my favorite thank you for all the molotoves you gave us they were beautiful and I am forever in your debt tell you what seven even though you literally did not win and it is clearly six I'll give you one shot at the wheel just to make it super super super rigged here you go because this is just straight up wrong if it lands on seven otherwise [Music] [Applause] no way okay that would have been the stupidest [ __ ] of all time this goddamn wheel it's six congratulations it's a good point Barn relevant option number three wins it look look the fox look a look the Fox 59 000 and that means that look oh look though the fox steals it at the end God damn were you at the top that's amazing well done number six damn dude with only 4 000 points well done well [ __ ] done [Music] all right [Music] and as always let's give a little bit of an F for its plasmas and circuit who have won measly point God it's embarrassing [Music] but thank you for playing you're gonna crush it next time but for now look a look the fox well [ __ ] done uh that's that's a super close Victory right there too [Music] as is tradition add you to the [Music] gamer God list congratulations contractually all of your hopes and dreams will come true and you are immortal Jesus Take the Wheel [Music] welcome to the [ __ ] gamer gods all right well that was Skyrim running I'm still doing my tweet oh yeah yeah we could do that real quick and then we're gonna do some uh Mario thanks wheel good shot [Music] why was six afraid of seven because seven was a registered six offenders yes okay that's pretty good [Music] um and let's get a few last molotovs just to close out this part of the Stream a few molotovs for the road [Music] that is um no that is a lot of dead nazine I did not realize it was a one-hit kill uh this is kind of disturbing oh yeah don't worry they're clones so it's fine um no [Music] but we're we're eating in the Cloud District tonight boys [Music] enough for that [Music] all right so next up we're gonna have you guys write a tweet I forget who we're writing a tweet to I think the game crashed which is nice yep this is how Skyrim was meant to be played okay um we did it I can't use my computer okay [Music] foreign [Music] so that's it for Skyrim today we're gonna write a tweet and then I'm gonna play some Mario Odyssey it's gonna be more chill [Music] we do a teammate versus Team Z next stream no not an extreme but I'll probably start we will probably do an acre Z crew tournament like once a month most likely but it might be a little bit before that happens because I'm gonna be offline for a little bit [Music] uh thank you thank you Blake boopy spooky wizard thanks are you uploading last tournament D2 probably uh no guarantees though sorry the thing isn't up here does anybody remember who we are tweeting at [Music] write a tweet to Merriam-Webster Dictionary does Merriam-Webster have a foreign [Music] Webster has a has a Twitter we can tweet to Waffle House gotcha yes that was it Waffle House are we doing a Waffle House or Waffle House news man there's this is such a good idea [Music] I'm trying to move into the dictionary [Music] you know what dude everybody was like oh plube is a proper noun like you can't use the dictionary rules on him so all that means is that means poop isn't a proper noun and poop should go into the dictionary loophole oh I misspelled Miriam got it all right so let me do the type code real fast I think it's on the hood event car there first have a stream to catch live today thanks for the molotovs you're welcome congratulations look look look look I keep missing the o but congrats man thanks for hanging out all right uh I've got I'm gonna turn on the code if you type a message [Music] what do you guys You Can't Ban poop come on you can't you can't get your way with Force ploob dictators unbelievable unlike me I've played by the legal rules here okay if you type a message into chat and it starts with type then the rest of the message will go into the Tweet there is a one info geez excuse me one in 500 chance of your message going in so you get a random chance uh please do not type anything that is uh sexual or you know like obviously crappy I guess um and uh with that let's write a tweet to Waffle House [Music] all right hit him with their best stuff ideally it's just like a word or two you know oh you disabled you banned it because people are spamming it got it I might uh I might make it not one in 500 if it's taking too long looks like it's taking too long again just type and then the word type and then whatever you want [Music] uh let me decrease the odds okay we'll say one in two hundred and you're live [Music] I probably shouldn't do this huh like okay I'm gonna delete half of that because it's kind of uh you know the same thing ideally it's like two three words again it's a one in 200 chance you got to keep going nice we got 420 in there we've got plenty more characters to go he's difficulty [Music] man it's still taking a super long time I don't have it multi-threaded right now which is probably why like a multi-thread all right I'm gonna multi-thread it so it goes faster all right there should be five times as many chances now in two seconds [Music] blah nice [Music] nice what no no what just happened okay [Music] wait where'd the message go what happened I don't know what the message was sorry everybody sorry to anybody who got your dank message in okay third time's the charm here we go code's live one in communism Skyrim is playing the best dog of his life nice 69 nice I think it's on the hood of that car there banana puppies go annoying plube eats corn this is a real powerhouse of a tweet the type of thing that children will sing songs about fresh tooth soup Honda Civic Type R Barn 16 okay I think we're good good [Music] you did it [Music] let's hear it spoken [Music] this is our message to Waffle House communism Skyrim is playing the best deck of his life I think it's on the hood of that cada banana popisco annoying Club it's gone I think it's on the hood of that is foreign [Music] [Music] great job [Music] alrighty y'all uh I'm gonna play some times at three oh [ __ ] I was gonna do like two runs I don't think I can fit in two runs Jesus Take the Wheel uh I'm sure superhero thank you man that's a long champ it's yeah it's something it's it's certainly a thing all right why are you following me on Twitter good point I'll follow you after this um I don't think I follow anybody on Twitter or like people other than people I don't [Music] yeah it's player.set AV parent mult uh and then just set it to like 2 000. [Music] because they'll get back together and divorce 2 000 more times when will you do a face reveal I'm gonna do a pepper reveal at some point all right I'm gonna try a Mario Odyssey speaker I have not done this on screen before losing python yes this is python all right let us control I don't have uh I don't have a way to have you guys control [Music] Mario [Music] Odyssey [Music] how do you comment at sections Alliance uh control question mark left testicle reveal hype that's my sub goal [Music] what am I doing live split how's quarantine been it's not super fun what a good song oh okay is there anywhere Yeah the code for the Twitter thing is is in my template code that's on the website all right y'all so if you have not watched a Mario Odyssey Speed Run I'm gonna play Mario Odyssey and try to beat the game as fast as I can I just learned the route recently and I learned Jesus take the wheels small ants videos which are fantastic and I'm gonna try to do it on stream and it's probably not gonna go well it's probably gonna be me being terrible at this game but what I want to do eventually is hit Top 500 for Mario Odyssey speedrunners so for people who don't know the speedrunning community there's a website [Music] speedrun.com and if you go there Odyssey [Music] uh any percent is the main category of how fast you can beat the game and it lists all the people so there's really good people at the top and so the like fastest times in the world are like 50 under an hour right which is completely insane and then as you get down you know like top 100 it's still 104 which is like a really good time at least compared to me uh and then what I want to try to do is hit Top 500. top 500 is one it keeps getting faster [ __ ] one minute one hour 14 minutes and seven seconds if I can beat that I'll be top 500. sub hour first try how much money do you lose on the parmigiano uh I would have to it's whatever the shipping would be so it'd be a substantial amount of money because it's like a very expensive cheese wheel uh so that's the plan I did one run so far so I learned I learned the speedrun route recently and then um and then uh did one full run and I got a 118 36 so I have to I have to chop off four and a half minutes which isn't super easy that being said in in that 418 one or in my one hour 18 minute run I died like four times so as long as I don't do that and I play the best goddamn Odyssey of my life it is actually possible wire 498 because so if you look they're all tied at 497. did summoning salt do an episode on Odyssey no but uh small ant basically did small ants videos are very good on on Super Mario Odyssey they're really fantastic yeah thank you armchair CBR I think you wander sail so yeah uh this is probably gonna be kind of a mess and kind of chill compared to normal streams but I wanted to do this for a while and uh let's play some Odyssey I'll definitely do one full run right now but I'll probably be shitty I would like to do a second run but I'll see what I'm feeling because then that would be like three more hours so so we'll see I'm gonna or plug in my things right now give me one sec [Music] this is a different stream but I like it you got this [Music] thank you [Music] smiling and streaming Odyssey nice [Music] uh who speaks Japanese which one is new game [Music] I don't um [Music] small and tallest stream to say hi to you hello everybody coming from small ant stream small ants the best and his tutorials are wonderful please don't judge me because this is the first this is the this is only my second full Odyssey speedrun ever and this is like doing the full run from start to finish and it's the first time doing it on stream and I'm gonna be nervous anyway it'll be a hopefully mildly entertaining um it's a third one right second this is new game [Music] I don't think you're crazy I think that's two player [Music] okay I think this is new game [Music] am I allowed to play Animal Crossing while watching definitely not that's illegal um okay cool let me uh use the restroom real fast and then we will get going yeah so I haven't done so I'll set the splits for the first time this run because it's the first time doing it on stream um but I theoretically the time to beat is 11407 probably I'm gonna die a lot probably my first run won't be great that's why I want to do a second run right afterwards because that one I maybe could actually hit for like hit Top 500 but we'll see give me a second [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] for Cent speedrun title needs to be changed yeah that's true uh boom thank you [Music] thank you [Music] and if you're coming from small ants stream um he's pretty good at that game at this game and that's like you've been living in Italy or something eating from the finest Michelin stars Italian chefs and now you're coming over to America and watching some Papa [ __ ] Johns it's gonna be a disaster it's it's cheap but it doesn't taste good that's my promise to all of you right now all right let's do it [Music] um flipping myself because I'm gonna look the wrong compression also does anybody know why did I get a notification saying you're playing Skyrim I don't know I shouldn't shouldn't be uh look at that chat let me get the time removed okay does anybody know when people normally split like do the splits what um I'm thinking I do it on the whoop Jesus Take the Wheel hello to a small ant um I hope his runs are going beautifully when they win that's no no so I'm gonna do it on the swamp Okay when when you turn in the Stars into the into the big when you hit the globe is when you do it but don't you play right I'm gonna try it on the foo let me know if this makes sense when you turn in the moons and the balloon blows up and it goes boom then um oh the game is covering Subs good call okay or maybe it's more of like a poop maybe like it's some sort of like a swoop whatever the sound effect is you guys can decide what the sound is uh that's when theoretically I'll do it I just want like an easy cue for me um because I don't again I'm just like not familiar I'm not used to doing no no okay Bad start we did it hold on I gotta redo this foreign it's when the music starts on the globe map to go to different places oh interesting I mean it doesn't really matter right it's just it's just for me I'm gonna do it on the swoop or whatever the sound is just because that'll be easy for me to remember it's like a couple seconds after I throw the moon up you just started a whole new debate what like poop versus swoop more of a womp it's not a it's definitely not a womp there's not a woman you'll see for here I guess uh okay yes new game and three two one go all right so everybody doesn't know you can skip all the cut scenes so I'm gonna do that and that's here and then there's 16 Kingdoms in total so I have to beat them and then I win this is how I win oh [ __ ] stop paying attention all right thingy I don't know how to do the um the bumps or whatever it's called so I'm just doing normal rolls like this whatever the uh the spinning thing is that you start with okay skip I know there's like an official way dude I I basically have oh god I've tried to do I've tried to do like really simple strategies that are consistent so it's not going to be flashy before with our combined hunks you can do this guy let's go twitch chat Odyssey is mostly oh [ __ ] wrong person Odyssey is mostly about uh honking I'm pretty sure [Music] okay like vectoring up here I haven't not learned vectoring I'm just gonna do this [Music] oh I know role canceling I've like started to use that but I haven't done the bump stuff yet this part always messes me up unless I play the greatest Odyssey in my life are you kidding me [Music] okay that worked what [Music] it was fine oh wait wait hold on I'm gonna okay I'm gonna split at the globe right okay I'm spamming jump once I hit the globe I'm gonna do it okay split I don't know that's when you're supposed to but whatever I'm pretty sure this is world record-based yeah could be wrong somebody from small ant stream can confirm Twitch Plays Odyssey when I don't know how to set it up for for a switch I realized how terrible I was at this game I mean the first few the first few kingdoms I'm like more practiced at so I'm gonna look slightly better at this for the first you know five minutes and then you're gonna be like oh wow this is a garbage Boy made of trash Doug is a trash man okay oh god oh why why is doing that [Music] oh okay we're good imagine doing 80 in our nipple set High Point Crow hey I was watching a bunch of YouTube videos and I really like your Zelda challenges uh and you're wonderful hello all right it's time for me the best goddamn Odyssey of my life I also do not know how to do the Madame brutal thing up here oh this is fine I'm pretty sure I'm just inventing new strats right now [Music] so this this part's all fine oh once I'm up at the brutal lady though I'm super bad at actually hitting the okay [Music] Okay jump over here this part I'm terrible at that's all right I'm gonna play the best Odyssey in my life on it okay kind of worked yeah I think this is how the pros do it pretty sure this is how the pros do it what inventing how long have you spent speed running slash learning tricks the only thing in my left Speed Run is compare time wise to this so I just wanted to know also this does not make a lot of sense so basically small ant has these really really good like very good tutorials on YouTube which I watched and I probably I don't know I mean I probably spent a couple hours on each kingdom I mean it is it is not an exaggeration to say that this is a personal record pace for sure I'm definitely pbing right now my current time of infinity is being crushed as we speak yeah all right I really need to get better that brutal fight I have no idea how to do the timing or whatever okay [Music] okay that's fine that's fine all right so listen for the swamp I'm telling you this is what I think should be the split sound oh right here right here right here poop maybe that's a poop I thought it was more of a womb but there's not really an F sound oh damn thanks Point Crow [Music] [Applause] is that like way too early of a split half the time I don't know why you're yelling yeah I'm just one two and now I go right okay we're getting there yeah I mean some of the mistakes will be really obvious and some of them won't so then in between every Kingdom you do this whole thing so I'm just like skipping through [Music] beautiful oh I forgot so this is one of this is like the first long Kingdom this is 20 minutes in the beginning there's this bird you gotta kill the bird I'm so bad at killing the bird but that's fine I'm gonna do it right here I'm also taking the easy Strat here I'm just going down the hill okay the bird is right behind me fine this is fine uh world record face oh world record pace this one God my mistakes are so much more embarrassing when there's a lot of people watching [Music] and then I pop out of the tunnel if you aren't familiar with speedruns imagine that thing with the bird but like really competent [Music] up over here so yeah so there's if you aren't familiar with Odyssey at the top left the top left there's that's how many moons I need to do so this one is like 16 right yep and um so once you get all 16 moons then you can move on to the next Kingdom so that's basically the whole thing is you're just trying to get through all um all right okay this is fine and then once you have enough Moons for each kingdom then you move on okay this is fine um this is fine I'm pretty sure that was dram Strat [Music] oh dram oh we didn't have a stroke if you just saw that [Music] this is our trash boy all right we shoot over there all right if you are familiar with Odyssey speedruns it will not Shock you to know that I do not know Sphinx clip yet [Music] so we're just gonna talk we're just gonna talk this out like adults all right this is not not terrible so far um the bird bird was pretty bad that's fine ah that was not good that was not good that's fine boom I should not have said anything I always Jinx these things all right this is fine I'm trying to think like what kingdom I'm worse at this is I think one of my worst ones wooded kingdom is not I'm not good thank you I am coming from the outsparing 100 bits in the twitch Point love you Doug hey thank you forgetting to sub to you for six months I finally read it I really appreciate that thank you dude I hope I will um make you proud okay I have to stop juicing myself literally every time I congratulate myself you just take the wheel [Music] uh thank you for the subs I apologize I'm gonna miss a bunch of stuff because I'm terrible multitasking and I am um [Music] distracted by the game but thank you very much [Music] joyful waxes yeah I need to not look at stuff [Music] all right one more and then I go up here I don't fall in the pit I don't fall in the pit it's fine what did I say this is fine [Music] there's there's so many like little placements I'm like still working on like that thing I always stomp too early all right poop is coming up what is the consensus on what is this called you always make me proud daddy thank you the The Prodigy LR and maybe a Thump Thump is probably [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right two down what version are you in uh whatever the most updated one is I don't hear a womb [Music] oh you know what else I'm gonna screw up for sure is the fish jump thing [Music] like whenever I'm not trying to do the fish jump I get it and then every time I'm like okay let me really focus right now I mess it up badly you're beautiful all right now play the best car in my life okay the best zipper of my life thingy it call it a whoop got a whoop can somebody should we get a poll in the chat if we haven't already I guess the the polls are only two options though [Music] oh God oh God it's fine there we go the fish controls I uh not good fish controls I'm a I'm a real land lover you know okay so look up this fish jump right here I just have to play the best fish of my life I come up I go boom okay yep and just like the world record strats you miss you come up like here you go boom [Music] triple jump I like the idea of Mario turning up to the sound Kingdom stealing all the moons and just leaving without helping them at all as he has places to be oh okay I thought I missed that what do you hear wait what's what's I don't want to open the poll right now because I have a controller up it's doomf it's not Doom there's one coming out here hold on doomp is in the lead okay well you have another suit coming up you heard bloom but Doom there's no ball there's definitely a lot of bad Doom Rift there's no plube I mean I could potentially see a plump I could see it being a ploop okay here you go here it comes is it plump but Doom woomp dwomp it's not KaBoom here yeah there's maybe not a vowel I don't know that's hard thump it's definitely not poop I'm a hardcore pubist but that that is definitely not poop [Music] I mean there's a there's a p at the end right I hear doomp I think Doom's legit I I could accept Doom even though I'm probably a film man I think it's on the hood of that car there oof thanks all right and rabbit it's time for Animal Crossing [ __ ] no ah Animal Crossing sorry I just hate this rabbit a lot dude dude oh my God world record peace it's like the first time I missed that 30 attempts I got distracted by ah by Doom he's fine I think I'm still on world record-based Jesus Take the Wheel boom [Music] Jesus Take the Wheel fluid uh yo thank you beautiful enough and thank you Slayer I appreciate it grimsy thank you very much appreciate all y'all yeah it's smooth because I'm like I've tried to go from the simplest so hard right now ah I've tried to go for the simplest strategies possible and like just dodge put off all the fancy ones till later [Music] sorry I'm a little yelly Jesus Take the Wheel it's just one of those things where like you're like going you're going into it thinking like this is what's about to happen and then Mario just does not do what you were thinking and I panic ah [Music] like I'm not reacting for Content I'm really like I really get invested in this [Music] so important to me you know so like when it doesn't happen uh like that I just panic [Music] uh this room here I'm terrible I I don't know the the one cycle thing oh crap this is fine as long as I get in there this room I'm so bad [Music] it's on the list of things to improve [Music] ah that was fine [Music] thank you this is meant to be played ah I'm panicking wooded Kingdom man just wrecks me [Music] with you okay [Music] now time to play the best rail thing whatever this is called my life [Music] then I do not do flower skip for anybody who knows this run um you will know that there's a really sweet little jump that you can do right here I I can't do it I'm so bad normally you jump off the little railing right there and you do this insane flip across this huge gap or you walk on a bunch of flowers like me [Music] go for the corner okay plan okay [Music] I really want to learn that skip at some point okay this um this is probably how the world record base does it oh oh that's right oh you're already back that is nice I couldn't decide if I was gonna roll for a long jump there because like rolling's faster but I was like maybe I should be safe and then I did the perfect compromise and did neither [Music] plan all right up here this thing [Music] oh it's fine man would it dude I'm so bad at this Kingdom [Music] is that the Zoe settled one yeah whoa okay [Music] for anybody who doesn't know the speed run not how you're supposed to do that crap [Music] all right get ready for a doom if Doug does not see it's because he's being attacked by an aerody dinette but aerodynamic Lobster rabbit that is true have you done this a lot before uh not really so basically I've learned [Music] the winner of both poles was thump okay so thump's coming up so I've learned each of the kingdoms one at a time um using small ants tutorials and then I've only actually done the whole game from start to finish once so this is the second time and I obviously have not done it on screen before okay here comes the thumb wait sorry was it tomb or thump it's not tomb right it's not hard sounds like a boom there's that wait [Music] I mean a light B you know like a very soft B [Music] I mean we're still on personal best pace for sure oh wait Lost Kingdom I'm bad at Lost Kingdom too I died four times on the previous one I did [Music] but I'm sure that won't happen again oh I'm guessing this is 80 yeah okay so there's a little Bowser fight [Music] is there another cinematic here no there's not Ah that's fine what I made a good luck moving to Washington I appreciate it what you're watching is uh I don't trust clouds if so will you do it I do not know what XC skin is it but yes I'll do it all right I come up here I swoop it what the heck I stand here I grab it do the dive punch thing no I jump to the center so it doesn't jump as far I assume the XD skip is the one where you die to a cloud at the beginning of cloud Kingdom okay [Music] the Cloud District yes oh [Music] it's fine we play the best Skyrim of Our Lives yeah all right that's Cloud all right so if everybody doesn't know Pastor got a fresh cut and browser looks extremely fresh in this game so this next this next World normally herb Kingdom whatever it's called thank you again 2020. so normally you get your hat taken but if you do this crazy side route you can avoid that so that's why I'm about to jump on a bunch of trees and stuff and I am to put it lightly not good at this or am I maybe I'm just gonna play the best Skyrim of my life I don't know if I can do that [Music] okay it's fine this part not a fan of so I don't trust butterflies oh my God no no no no no okay this is this is health I think the stream glitched it showed me dying that's not correct I didn't I didn't trust the butterfly so I went really slow and then I let my guard down after trusting after trusting the butterfly and now I'm good at me Daddy this is fine well this was like this is where I lost all my time in my last run I was hoping to avoid um [Music] so I'm probably not getting top 500. um [Music] but maybe I'll learn um Sphinx clip like Midway through this and suddenly become great so that's the little cinematic where normally that bird like takes her stuff [Music] and then by jumping around the whole map and all that crazy stuff you get to avoid all that foreign [Music] oh man I'm so bummed I like I like would have done a lot better than my previous time if I had not died here I guess it's only like a one minute uh time loss but still oh my God this is fine oh and then it's fine to die here you just get worked back all right Zoom coming up do I have enough coins yeah I do because a dog hydrate yourself [Music] wait I didn't oh okay well the splits aren't gonna be very accurate or did I just miss it I think I wasn't paying attention I was drinking water was there a poop or was that one different thank you [Music] all right night Metro so I gotta go kill a big bug [Music] and you might be thinking to yourself surely Doug is going to one shot the bug [Music] s that was really slow oh basically there's a big ass uh Mecca wiggler at the end of this section oh oh no no no no um and it's just it uses motion controls to like do it in a one cycle which I've just not been great at so hopefully I can still pull it off [Music] what is this pattern here oh okay that's not what I wanted bummer whoa cabbie what are you doing [Music] this is how Odyssey was meant to be played so this is what I mean like I'd like to do two runs today so I can suss out some Kinks just call them Kinks me flailing off the edge of a of a building so the mecca Wiggler Mecca wiggler ideal to do it like uh in one cycle I have to use motion controls [Music] okay and then the next one is the hard thing and I actually learned all the entire route with the joy-cons and then I switched to a Pro Controller today uh it's still good right [Music] okay now I just gotta play the best FPS of my life watching my valorance gameplay uh it blocks by this freaking thing get it get it get it no no I had it how did that not do it oh that should have connected dude Ah that's bummer I mean it's don't worry it's not an F because technically I still PB tell me we'll hear it if I can beat my if I can beat my personal record I'm good my actual one 118.36 and then I'll do another run after this but theoretically this is still like 117 I don't know [Music] how much longer is there in the Run uh it'll be probably about one hour 18 minutes so for well no I'm probably gonna do SUB hour so you know like 25 more minutes yeah no probably about 45 more minutes [Music] you're doing second ride most likely I'll see how I feel I'm just like it's one of those things where like you know you want to do it after you're a little warmed up like that you know that's not health how things should be played [Music] this is fine car came out of nowhere there's also what I mean of like what is that earlier as the as the Run goes on I'm like less comfortable with the kingdoms oh that building came out of nowhere what why is it this is fine let's help Skyrim was meant to be played why that time I don't understand that's right [Music] God I'm so Rusty [Applause] can we talk to us dude new dark city is super super fun see your show you're just show budding I keep messing things up that's generally not what people Define at show budding I just gotta get better at that you know like like moving in tight corners and stuff like that okay now we go over here a long jump we hit that dumpster trash boy foreign [Music] perfectly oh my God okay perfect now you go to the top of skyscraper wait how am I supposed to do that I think I did that wrong that was wrong [Music] and all right this stomp I never get cracked let's see if I get it or do I might actually hit it damn it what there it is with that one you literally just have to like just predict where it's gonna be from way up above that's really who does not know uh Odyssey speed runs I mean you can imagine that like for people who are really good at this um all of these segments there's like really cool strategies to do it way faster [Music] all right there's two more or three more hi Dr her we'll talk to the drummer [ __ ] you order a speedrun dish I don't understand why the Japanese version the text is faster oh God what I didn't have a thing there what oh top 500 square test yeah I mean I probably won't get it today um but it would be fun to have like a kind of like Chiller gameplay thing to do as a kind of a goal on the side you know he stubbed his toe he stubbed his entire face I don't know if you saw that okay stubbed his spine yay [Music] I'm gonna kill Dove three times already now we fly away have you seen small ants like recently okay Doom coming up or thump I forget what I don't know [Music] uh but yeah I learned this speedrun route is from small ants tutorials so yes I'm definitely [Music] and he is awesome speed running wire Odyssey is like baking pancakes is there a follow-up there but you were correct that like top 500 is fairly challenging I think it's doable like if I if I practice like a decent amount there's a couple sections I need to like a couple new tricks I probably need to learn but theoretically if the kind of beginner route that I learned if I like polish that a lot that should be able to do top like basically small ants guide if you do it perfectly comes out to a 106. and to do top 500 it's only 114. so like just doing the basic route is still way above top 500. oh God uh this is fine um yeah it's super fun so I'm like down to practice a bunch and just kind of have it be a chill thing uh yeah there we go [Music] like rolling like this sort of thing I'm still bad at the rolling physics there's just like a lot of little places I can um oh that I can improve you know but it is super fun understandable sometimes being something else paths yeah so because I've basically I basically learned the route but took every chance I could just tried to learn something that was consistent rather than you know flashy so it's like it's it's sort of like very sub-optimal and I want to try to just get really polished at this yeah you know not do things like that which maybe two guys was not obvious but that was like not great movement so I feel like if I can get polished at the um at the like basic route then I can add new tricks if I need [Music] ah ah this is fine oh that's that good that's that good stuff whatever I don't need coins I don't need time that's what I'm supposed to do should I jump on here and I go look oh God oh God in my backflip God oh God death number four no it's fine I'm pretty sure I'm playing perfectly [Music] foreign yeah that's that's the thing I think I can turn it down just a bit I think I can knock off Jesus Take the Wheel two minutes pretty easily two to three minutes just if I don't die like that alone not dying gets me way closer to 114. and there'll be a matter of just getting very good you know or better [Music] that's the thing 114 is still like laughably bad compared to like you know the sub hour don't die don't die don't die oh my God oh my ah what no get on the thing [Music] yeah like I watched like a lot of micro Vita when he was going for sub hour not good like what so I watched a bunch of the Mario Odyssey runs when they were shooting for sub hour [Music] Yahoo and it is just like insane every single move isn't just ridiculously optimized have you tried Min caps no no this is like I mean this is literally the first speedrun I've was literally the first speed run I've streamed it was the only stuff I've learned [Music] um I could see potentially doing that but I want to try to do uh I want to try to get decent at this first and like learn the fundamentals oh that was not okay yep you know like not do things like that and then maybe I'll worry about main captures [Music] philosophical question are you playing his Mario um philosophical question are you playing as Mario in this game or are you playing as happy mind controlling him trick question you're playing as Bowser who's having a night terror about Mario coming to capture him and ruin his wedding boom and just to give context for how much better um the really good Runners are they would almost be beating the game right now they'd be beating the game in like 10 minutes I'm like halfway through [Music] do you think you can do is all the speed around I don't know so this is the first I've watched speedruns for a long time I tried to learn uh Super Mario Odyssey sorry uh sunshine I tried to learn Mario Sunshine speedrunning at one point and I got a few worlds in that was like brutally hard like sunshine is absurdly difficult to learn at least for me whoa what am I doing that's whatever okay I panicked out of the way uh so then I tried this and odyssey I think is way more my style this is in terms of like how it plays um because I just like the really fast movement of it foreign do you mean that they're simping peach or that they're simping each other because they are simping each other yeah it's actually official Nintendo Cannon what [Music] I thought I was behind the moon so I was like moving the wrong direction oh my God uh how much he was successful that's so wrong that was so wildly incorrect but I've never done that uh thank you very much 7-Eleven I really appreciate it I could not have time the worst performance with you wishing me good luck but thank you very much [Music] didn't they use Mario and Luigi kissing for Friday did they also Who ah front button that's fine it's all part of the world record strategy forgetting what button does what [Music] oh that's not correct man this is just deteriorating you don't know the round you're doing great uh thank you no I mean that's the thing so essentially I'm like a speedrunning noob um and this is like my first legitimate foray into it and as one person mentioned earlier it is indeed like incredibly frustrating whatever you mess up because you're just like envisioning this perfect execution and then when it doesn't happen you're just like no how could this how could I have been betrayed [Music] even though it's you know you so that's why I'm like getting really into it because I'm just like right now I'm gonna pop it oh my God [Music] you just know how it should go you know and then part of what they do in this game that makes it really brutal is it the Bonk whenever you mess up like that they make sure Mario just like sits there just to just to really rub it in your face like Mario just sits there with this sad expression for like a full second it's just like you [ __ ] up Doug it just hurts it's motivating all right film's coming up the date is April 22 on your switch that has nothing to do with Animal Crossing do you plan on doing nipple percent I don't even know what nipple percent do you plan on doing nipple percent in Odyssey it's so I know it's how fast you get shirtless where do you buy shirtless I don't I don't actually know what the Run entails I just know the concept of it sound pretty defensive uh thank you again the Josh mosh 711. super generous I appreciate it dimple percent of shirtless yeah but like what world do you have to get to to do that I'm ready to play the best lunch in my life why isn't Japanese it's faster text maybe at shirtless in sand Kingdom wait so how long how long is like a typical um nipple percent what oh whatever this one [Music] how that was supposed to go [Music] dude I keep messing it up do I jump dive in there I forget how to open this sorry one sec I will check messages in a sec I don't remember how to open against this dude [Music] 7 30. okay so it's really fast nipple percent I think it would look great pantsless jokes on you I've been pantless pantsless literally every stream I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon damn I'm like [ __ ] sweaty apparently I'm very passionate about this super hot in here um [Music] but it's probably just because of this fire gameplay that I'm dishing out it can be as fast as you want I mean yeah that's true can we get a sneak peek of no pants done um no that's for only fans open a window oh God I blinked I was thinking about replying to your joke oh God see look at that bunk right there this is fine this is totally fine this is how [Music] right when he box he's just like Doug you [ __ ] up think about what you've done Doug all right this thing I never hit let's see if I hit it I'm gonna hit it or I'm just not even gonna start it oh God [Music] oh [ __ ] okay there we go but what if I took segments my older on the skies did a single segment I mean it's cheating that is what that is boy I am crushing it right now [Music] I don't know how to I don't have a backup strap for that I've never missed the turnip before dude peanuts uh I really appreciate it man thank you I believe the German language is a millisecond faster so it was in both TW ins uh uh is that true I don't think that's true for Odyssey I mean it very possibly is true for breath of the Wild [Music] I mean I'm I you could be very right I'm only going off of um basically small ants guide this section I don't know how to do properly by the way I just do it the boring way it's like the motion controls I just like cannot figure out so I just wait normally you're supposed to do some crazy motion control stuff [Music] [Music] um I mean I've had a great time Learning Odyssey this is basically my set what do I do this is my second full run which fun fact I'm learning is a lot harder than doing than doing the kingdoms individually because basically I've just been grinding in uh the kingdoms but now I keep blanking on what I'm supposed to do on each session uh but it's good for fun like I have been having an absolute blast with this what you're supposed to jump that's fine okay this is another thing I don't understand how to do I'm gonna I'm gonna go here okay hit the one there we go he never hits the one spot I need him to hit how long until you reach Danny DeVito back in the real world well at this point he's domesticated so if you went back in the real world they wouldn't know how to take care of himself uh thank you once again Josh mosh really uh appreciate it that's super super generous it is so satisfying doing level fast see that's the thing with the speedrunning it's like the most frustrating thing in the world but it's so [ __ ] satisfying when you nail it it's like the the greatest feeling all right this section I often screw up so it's a good thing I'm gonna play the best Odyssey in my life right now because otherwise it'll be really embarrassing on stream [Music] that's fine crush it oh my God it did crush it ah sort of foreign there's like a faster thing you do oh okay playing it safe worked real well not what I meant to do okay this is fine man um ah you know what I'm learning way harder to do all this in a row instead of one Kingdom at a time dude holy crap Jesus Take the Wheel thank you very very much for five gifts it's Subs completely nuts uh Pro Controller Jerry this is I just switched to bird controller I learned on the joy cons um Jesus Take the Wheel thank you again Josh mosh get ready for a swoop Jesus Take the Wheel Cherry this is it this is the top 500. probably not but if I somehow glitch out the game and Skip like two or three kingdoms this is the top 500 run right here Jesus Take the Wheel [Music] I mean this is technically the best Mario Odyssey on stream of my life [Music] Jesus Take the Wheel oh no wrong button oh no thank you [Music] it's good I'm inventing whole new kinds of mistakes I didn't even know were impossible uh I'm friends with a few Odyssey Runners uh yeah I'll let you know I've been going off of I've been going off of small ant stuff which is super super good [Music] all right this is fine gonna play the best friend Kingdom I love my life so here you'd fight a big ass Dark Souls dragon ever tried to Speed Run Celeste no that is another one that I would like love to do [Music] looks so fun to speedrun [Music] like super super hard obviously which is why I probably won't actually do it but all right now jump onto this big boy it's dark souls time this section I also need to get wow dude I am literally inventing whole new mistakes I'm really bad at getting up high enough on the dude it was weird because I was practicing it a lot and I like could not get the landing correct so so basically you're trying to land on the guy and intentionally get hurt but that way you're like already up on his head when like this so now I'm up here right when he becomes vulnerable celeste's first Peter game isn't it super hard to learn that's what I would imagine like it seems like it would be insanely hard to learn so less speed running [Music] oh not what I meant to do but that's okay what sorry I'm really yelling a lot like okay so as soon as the camera moves down I jump dive boom boom boom what how did I mess it up [Music] you're gonna beat the game in 14 minutes uh we'll find out yeah I dyed the mech I died on lost I died in Cloud Kingdom which is not uh not a good look uh but that's okay if I can finish under 118 36 that would be nice because then I improved uh and then um all right this film's coming up [Music] oh right when it's broken [Music] so when should I split I guess right there man I picked a really bad I'm just a really bad thing to split on because it's not there for every level I mean if you if you look at my run there's no way it could be optimized anymore or whatever that Meme is usually split once the screen goes black got it I wanted to go off the the poop not realizing that that's a terrible idea [Music] next try it using only voice commands [Music] um I think that this product I'm not gonna go for the cool strategy oh I I'm gonna so instead of the cool strategy boy I'm optimizing all sorts of things oh I'm at the beginning oh this is fine I could be wrong that is not uh what sub hour does [Music] wow they really all right I guess I'll get the flag for safety [Music] you know what I'm gonna be super lame here I'm gonna take the normal [Music] I hope my phone provider won't tax the living hell out of me I have mercy with me uh dude I also hope your phone provider won't tax that out of you I don't know why they would but thank you thank you thank you thank you uh very very much appreciate it you're nuts are we gonna see a nut jump you know uh are there any nuts in the rest of the game [Music] would you consider yourself a good speedrunner absolutely not I think that I have I think I easily have the potential to hit [Music] uh top 500 which I think is a fun goal which is like not too serious but um but just things like this like I'm just making so many little mistakes all over the place that if I'm like warmed up I don't make so it feels like I could improve fairly quickly um which would be really fun but no absolutely not compared to good speedrunners I am a garbage man made of trash [Music] [Music] I don't know what XD skip is but I assume that XD skip is the [Music] oh bad I assume XD skip is the part where you die on Bowser's Kingdom in which case I nailed that [Music] what is this [ __ ] gay ass baby time I assume that's a donkey reference if it's not that was very mean but if that was a donkey reference nice I got that reference [Music] I see you skip the final 2D section oh oh that's what that's called I didn't know that that's like with the Bowser right gotcha I'm not doing that I didn't even bother trying to learn it like with with all the tutorial videos whenever basically whenever small ant was like um oh this part I'm so bad at this dude yes yes [Music] oh that feels good uh whenever small ant was like here's the really really easy strategy here's other more complicated strategies I would try the more complicated ones and then just be like oh my God no and um and the result is this Perfection you're watching right now [Music] uh wait where'd she go first I don't remember it's here here yeah what oh I did not get that right at all oh that was the second one ugh [Music] what boy I am super super Rusty with this how are those am I [Music] what was I doing wrong there I like never miss those I don't understand all right now I get here and I do this whole thingy there's two steps yeah man do you well you hit Top 700 this is pretty bad what I'm doing I mean it'll probably hit what I did before which is 118. will you redo after this one yes most likely um this is not meant to be an excuse but I have not like I haven't played this Kingdom or any of the kingdoms I learned I finished learning the route like a week and a half ago and then I've been dealing with this move so I haven't I have not done a full run or done any of these Kingdoms in like a week and a half which for most you know like a good speedrunner that wouldn't matter but for me I like just learned everything so a lot of this I'm forgetting so I would like to do another one right after this because theoretically theoretically that doesn't happen um but I also know that just by me saying this right now I'm gonna build up expectation and somehow be absolutely terrible that's fine that's all part of the route [Music] is Danny coming with you in the move you yeah I think so oh God I'm all the way back here this is fine So for anybody who isn't familiar with the speed run you're not supposed to do that that's like the very very easy route avoid the bombs oh my God it's just falling apart top 500 plays Cherry you're watching a master at work okay I'm definitely doing another run after this [Music] that spiky boy came out of nowhere who put that guy there that's fine um armada's not impressed dude didn't Armada hit Armada got a 113 right he's like good Armada was so good in like a week like I'm trying to hit a 114 so that I'm top 500. [Music] um dude how am I so bad at this Kingdom I was so good at this Kingdom when I was practicing it apparently Bowser is not like riding a bike this is the best speed run I have seen he thought the glitch work thank you I assume that means you have not watched a speed run but you know what I'll take that we take those here [Music] now I float this bird [Music] so birds with plants include [Music] oh God brutal uh okay for anybody who knows speedruns I spent a lot of time learning the brutal fight I did it like 15 times in a row and and got it to make sure I really understood but that was a week and a half ago I do not remember I think all right so I'm gonna shoot him twice cool he lands oh no no thank you this one's normal I run back I poke so basically if I mess this up I'm gonna have to waste a lot of time okay now it's three steps right two three oh I did it oh my god oh I need to get off okay so now he goes He spins around so basically if I fall off this thing I lose a lot of time but if I can stay on the top of it then I'm able to skip a whole bunch of crazy stuff to two three four five please hit what why didn't I jump in mid-air why didn't do the cap jump oh I almost had it this is the way Odyssey was meant to be played foreign the 114 is probably not happening this is not the final run next is Moon Armada from Smash Bros yes Armada is like our mod is freaking good he he like because so he's retired for melee right and then like shortly after a time for melee this came out and he he learned that he learned the speed run and then within like a week got like a 113. replay the level so I could see more Pokemon [Music] Ben space time should be on time to Bowser's wedding well I think we're gonna be on time is the good news wait so hold on when when do most people do the split I've been doing it on the films I'll just do that for today which is right there so like coming up here it's the best speedrun I've ever seen so there you go this is how I win [Music] [Applause] [Music] like right there [Music] now we just have to beat the rest of the run in one minute easy yo thank you to master of life I appreciate it yeah I'm not hitting top 500. I'll do another one after this and that would be closer because that's the thing if I don't I'm I'm not playing well but if I don't die that is like four minutes right there okay so it's three three rolls right man I and then I go boom I don't know if I should really be trying vectoring right now I think I did it actually sort of not not good vectoring but kind of what this is so much harder on stream [Music] all right so that's here is Sphinx clip [Music] can do it in 90 seconds no sweat easy oh boy [Music] this is the best speedrun I've ever seen also what's a speedrun my man that's who we're catering to here the worst speed run [Music] all right we're almost at the end sequence wow this is not a good um uh yo father Daniel my God thank you all right so now one more uh dive forward [Music] mess that one up dude I don't even remember how many times he turns it's one right so the next one is two and the last one is three and one right I think dude I [Music] okay by the way recognize this music I play this music a whole lot it's two right yeah two what oh god foreign this music approximately eight billion times on stream so awesome [Music] [Music] okay it's 3-1 come on one two three all right now I go grab Mr Bowser [Music] I go grab Mr Bowser again oh I didn't know uh okay this one oh my God how how did that how does how do you even do this God I'm inventing whole new kinds of failures all right now double jump I think okay as the end sequence I mean I could beat 118 Maybe not 118 uh 118 36 which was my previous time oh God damn it oh no I'm so bad why is this so much harder when you do them all in a row all right this is XD skip which I will definitely not do exit emails ending almost okay it's fine [Music] I hate this section trolls are so wonky I mean most of them is bad at it but they're so weird all right now the little end section man oof so maybe I beat one eight one night team I don't think so and now the greatest music I should have shot that right forget each of these pillars you need to hit them five times I think I don't remember [Music] all right I shoot that thing like two more times yeah all right no uh one eight no oh I almost I almost got 118. I think that's what sub hour all right I haven't checked the time but [Music] we did it I love Mario obviously required to do XD skip after watching smaller smell nuts yeah I did betray I think I broke several laws there can't believe you won the first speed run I've ever watched well done best speedrun ever here let me play a whole bunch of Mario Odyssey music that for the very first time ever on my stream actually fits the context is this song from Mario Odyssey I think you still do a better time than we would I would hope [Music] Doug for spdq they'd be very impressed because the problem the problem with sgdq is like just so fast right like sometimes they just need to fill time and they're like Nike Vita you know we like you You're great but like you you could only fill an hour of content that's kind of boring and then I come in and I'm like hey sgdq do you need 20 extra minutes because I got you they'd be like now here's a guy that we won on our stream [Music] now dope ending song all right yeah I'm definitely gonna do another one I would like to at least be like 116. and I think I can do it a lot better now that I'm sort of warmed up so feel free to hang out check out another run right after this which theoretically will not be as crappy [Music] What's it gonna start guys why don't we ever jump around on the moon have a bunch of shenanigans number one world record baby [Music] thanks Cowboy thank you Lauren uh Lawrence Lawrence m games thank you man thank you thank you memes or memes thank you Father Daniel thank you buddy thank you uh rips for shadow thank you Josh mosh 711 again thank you guys I appreciate you um where do the bits alert sound come from uh this one is from Half-Life if you check out my second Channel there's a video which we'll explain it man this is really fun but holy crap it is so much harder to stream this like make Super Mario Odyssey speedrun explained with food that would actually be really fun to do that I'm not saying that to I'm not saying that to make excuses just like straight up it is like hard to it's hard to like think ahead you know and like remember everything I'm supposed to be doing also it's like 100 degrees in here I don't know why it's so hot I wonder if my AC like stopped working that or it's just my fire gameplay you need this almost died there all right time to save seven minutes Bennett live you forsaken me I had to do XD skip twice double XD Jesus Take the Wheel that's awesome that's so awesome oh man yeah I mean I'll I'll do my best and try to do XD [Music] it's poo bright in our hearts legally it's not all right I'm gonna run it back I'm going to set it up best world record of Super Mario Odyssey made by Doug Doug congrats Doug you are number one now I'm only five minutes off of my goal boom all right let's do it as a as I said very chill stream content but you know what I'm enjoying myself practice specific kingdoms especially the Pokemon I can't believe that you would betray the cute walruses like that the walruses are by far the cutest things in this game are you gonna play more Animal Crossing yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna make a video about it so does the time on your switch have to do Animal Crossing yes absolutely yes how'd you like a hundred dollar donation [Music] it's absolutely that is something I'm fond of if you're serious don't do it unless I hit Top 500. I gotta earn it you know are there I can't just show up as like a as a messy trash boy and get 100 bucks like that's not come on we didn't come here for me to be a coward and still get 100 bucks we came here for me to kick some Mario ass kick Bowser's ass I guess you better try your best smell stump better if at all I do right now like now that um now that I'm warmed up or maybe I'll be tired I don't know we'll see um let me turn on my air conditioning or possibly open a window because it is for some reason extremely warm so give me one sec but then I'm gonna uh run it back do another one um let us Speed Run for you I don't think that you know what's seed means foreign foreign time for video games can you glitched Mario so it becomes a photon making sub nanosecond possible yes yes absolutely nipple percent I don't know how to do nipple percent but at some point you should probably do nipple percent yeah what chair is that maxnomic we are speeding later original J-Dog have a good one dude we should start a world record of taking the longest to be my Odyssey I've been thinking about this all wrong caught a long run do an animal crossing all debts paid off is that a speedrun I assume that's a speed run because you brought it up because that would be hilarious um uh star Scimitar will the hunk stream go up to YouTube the hawk stream witch hog stream there's there's multiple hog streams unfortunately are you going to ravage the English Countryside yeah of course it's just not it's not full moon quite yet all right we just needed to see a zero death run so that's the thing if I don't die that's like four minutes saved I'm like I well maybe not four minutes it's like two or three minutes saved um yeah thank you JB and gamer rules thanks for stopping my dude today is a very uh not lame chill stream different I'll say but I'm enjoying myself twitch chat speed runs Mario Odyssey that'd be very fun you can't play this because I don't have uh I don't have a thing set up for you guys to play switch games because it's a console not a PC game can I get a signed copy of my Odyssey I don't have like copies of my Odyssey sitting around I appreciate the request because that's so like potent uh any other questions before I attempt to do this slightly better than last time so for anybody who does not know um who's not familiar with speedrunning so the whole the whole point of the splits which are the things right here is to show me how I'm doing in comparison to the previous attempt right so oh I have the chat up Tom doing in comparison to the previous attempt so are we able to see if I'm doing better we'll at least see the difference which is nice which I think is like a lot of fun um and then my previous time was 119. do you like dogs that wasn't really what I meant it's like I didn't mean just general like opinions about animals uh but yes obviously dogs are the greatest in only second to otters sea otters quick question how do you remember all these strats I'm not the one to ask I literally forgot half of what I was supposed to be doing I just forgot things that's that's a wonderful question I would love to know the answer to it I signed the petition go poop unfortunately uh we didn't do it in time but don't worry we can run it back do girls have cuddies I assume that was a typo and you meant to type cuddles like cuttlefish uh but yes most girls do have cuttlefish legally frog only what does that mean hey thank you Mega I'll donate 100 you get top 400 sure can everybody agree that if I get world record right now they will donate a hundred dollars why did the magic loop in Mercy because he actually can nice um let's just here let me let me let me because we need some Stakes here you know so just real quick um will you give me a hundred dollars if I get the world record which for the record is uh about 20 minutes over 20 minutes faster than what I just did will you give me a hundred dollars to get the world record um can we get just let me know real fast you know no pressure um but you know come on all right cool so Jesus Take the Wheel I'm gonna give you everything I have perfect I'll take that thanks that's cliche all right so this looks like 100 people right so maybe a little over 100 so 100 times a hundred bucks so um cool so ten thousand dollars is on the line right now all I have to do is do every single optimized Strat none of which I know and play the best goddamn Odyssey in my life [Music] it's crazy Jesus Take the Wheel just crazy enough to work um but most likely I'll be about 20 20 minutes slower than that but you know what I believe pretty sure uh speed ring is about confidence I live in Brazil I don't have a hundred dollars well I live in America and I'm not going to beat the world record right now if you play supersonic racing I think you're supposed to have the I mean theoretically it doesn't matter because I'm not going to beat it but if I did the record it has to you have to have the audio yes although I guess I have the separate audience no Uncle dpls nope Uncle dpls no Uncle dpls no Uncle dpls no Uncle dpls no Uncle dpls no Uncle dpls no Uncle dpls every time I think it's okay thank you very much Dragon uh wonderful all right yeah the game is Japanese because it is well you can read it right there donate 100 to yourself yeah so sorry good point hundred thousand and one hundred dollars all right I'll give you a thousand dollars to get the world record no joke nice I mean you guys can literally promise anything you want about me getting a world record right now that way it's super hype but with no actual skin in the game all right all right gonna start in three two one boom I'm gonna keep doing my splits on the thump just to keep it consistent but probably in the future I'll do something different I'll give you ten dollars because my dad would shout at me isn't that isn't that why you shut up yes Uncle DP Ellis yes Uncle dpls yes thank you very much not burn I appreciate you wait why is there no audio oh it's just okay there we go all right time to play the best goddamn Odyssey in my life louder it's pretty loud I can turn it up okay and now I do this thing I go boom and then Jesus Take the Wheel boom boom boom boom let's get this cutscene I go hello Doug I have become a fan recently and I think is that too funny and just wanted to say I think I'm gonna Bonk I hope I'm having a great day uh yo thank you very much [ __ ] I covered up my notifications accidentally with my splits so I can't see your name but thank you very much I do appreciate it I hope you're enjoying this whoa what no no oh my God [Music] see that one hurts that's one of those situations where you're envisioning Perfection you're like I am going to play this Prague frog perfectly and um [Music] that you murder the Frog oh my God how this is off to a really good start maybe it'll be the inverse of last time though PLS maybe uncle vpls maybe uncle bpls maybe uncle dpls maybe uncle dpls maybe uncle dbls maybe uncle dpls maybe uncle dpls maybe uncle dpls Maybe Uncle D P Ellis maybe uncle d p Ellis maybe uncle dpls maybe uncle dpls maybe uncle D's happened oh that's that's I like to start um I mean I lost a crapload of time on the second half of the Run uh thank you magical wizard thank you it's any world record right now I will open a restaurant in your stand here in Munich and it will be called Doug slackness smell nuts literally any of you guys can promise anything you want about what will happen if I get world record because I'm gonna be honest it's pretty unlikely right now restart dude hey Doug I don't think it matters that Scotland and I am loving this stream keep it up if I if I screw something up like super bad in the first I I don't know I'm like I've lost like eight seconds compared to what I realistically would get doing this well so if I do something catastrophically bad catastrophically bad in the first like 10 minutes I'll reset but otherwise most of the time save I'm gonna get is gonna be from the first or it's gonna be from the second half anyways so it doesn't really matter that much at the beginning like I died like four times that's so bad nice okay now I do this part perfectly [Music] actually get this thing all right so she throws it back okay I go over here no okay no I cannot man I gotta get better this fight but this is the same as last time [Music] there we go yeah that was a little bit better when you're speeding honestly you have to choose a style like a crew or play it safe like Z crew I'm attempting I'm attempting to play alphabet Odyssey right now and we'll see if that works um is that Chomp 18 yet good question uh we might have uncovered came here to speedrun Odyssey and accidentally uncovered the biggest chain chomp sex scandal since Harvey Weinstein yeah all right now I play the best obviously my life I do almost boxed God why do I keep doing that I think it's the Pro Controller um well it's me but like I I'm not used to the Pro Controller yet so I'm getting a little messed up with that okay here comes the swamp all right see now gold there you go gold time you and spawning are doing a speed around near the same spot that will change soon also he's doing Min captures right it makes you feel better it took six months that makes me feel better all I want to know is that you guys are worse than me I might not be good but at least I can put down everybody around me [Music] no I just uh I've never speeded around a game before or learned the whole thing and it is like super super fun I mean frustrating what what is going on okay nice killing it checking out the action guide mid speed run [Music] I got top hundred thousand [Music] all right I'm gonna do the safe strategy I'm gonna jump on the little umbrella South deserts were meant to be played I'm gonna ignore the bird right now I'm gonna do a different Strat that I am slightly more comfortable with so ideally you hit the bird at the beginning [Music] speeder and Mario Odyssey to the B Movie God yeah you're right one two three four five six seven okay like this and then here's this bird now I go like this and say hello to the bird and I say hello Mr bird and now I come over here now I do this and I jump up and I go here and I grab it all right as long as I don't do anything incredibly stupid this should be better than my last time well I had to say something I had to say something I need to never compliment my compliment myself ever bam [Music] Skyrim looks very different I'm pretty sure this uh is that new Mario Bros mod um this is Fallout 76 I believe all right we're gonna do a bump and I'm gonna throw this yeah I did it I'm not counting I'm not saying anything because I almost screwed it up okay let's still kind of screwed it up that's fine this is mayor's a lot of free moons I'm gonna is this faster I don't know if this is the right thing to do like wait here for it no it wouldn't have been right because now I have to oh well it's fine You misspelled Odyssey did I oh did I actually oh sorry if you can refund the B-movie script that's a I'm not gonna not gonna do that during the speed run but thank you though for your interest in the B Movie oh whoops I forgot I'm not supposed to do that downhills apparently it is faster to not do that downhills damn you microphone I go to America I can donate a hundred dollars I don't think that you need to do that come on what how why why who was what is going on how did I that was like the only place you could throw the hat that wouldn't work God I should really I'm like incredible at doing this badly I don't think the best speedrunner in the world could match my level of mistakes Jesus Take the Wheel give me your address I'll give you a hundred dollars um it's my address is password one two three four [Music] they Pro oh my God like what what was that [Music] that was the flailing while collecting coin skip yeah I thought I was gonna [ __ ] that up I would have been very [Music] doing strats wrong is actually the best Strat it's true little known fact [Music] the more you screw it up oh my God no oh okay that to be fair may have been faster than doing it correctly oh God that didn't work around the stupid catches [Music] um I think I'm ahead that would have been a death by the way okay here comes the swoop all right a little better we goulded you guys so gold means that it's the best it's the best time I've ever done but since I only have one stream in the splits or I only have one run like any single Kingdom that I do better than last time will be gold [Music] but still gold amazing the Olympics might be canceled but old dug dugs whipping out gold for today's all right okay all right play the best zipper of my life okay I did [Music] just things like that I get so terrified I'm not clickbaiting I really am [ __ ] terrified it's so scary to like see Mario you like do the move and you're like okay that's gonna work and then you realize oh no Mario is jumping off a cliff right now foreign slipping away from me when was the last time the Olympics were canceled I don't know it's yeah I have no idea it is completely insane what is happening [Music] [Music] [Music] sweet that was easy two Golds Craig ASM oh you're about to get another gold it is that good of a stream right now Speed Run whatever yo IQD Cloud thank you man I think I missed your sub appreciate it last time they were cancels 1940 because World War II damn what is your opinion on the zipper from Animal Crossing and what is your opinion in regards to Sea bases zipper uh I won't give my honest opinion because this is a family-friendly stream but he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] and also that's why I'm on April 20th on my uh switch 20 seconds ahead incredible [Music] oh zipper I hardly know her nice [ __ ] nice dude [Music] uh sea bass I I don't have a strong opinion about CBS I don't really care not fishing it's annoying but you have three Golds I know it's crazy all right can I get this goddamn speaking of zipper can I please get this [ __ ] rabbit yes oh my God happy bunny Day [ __ ] foreign family friendly stream [Music] [Music] yo Lord gingernut that is not cool please get that [ __ ] out of here [Music] thank you what oh that's fine [Music] [Music] I keep forgetting I'm supposed to uh Dash into that I think why do you keep swearing if it's family friendly um [Music] well you know I'm passionate it's a passionate family-friendly Channel oh my [ __ ] oh my God I am oh family family's bunnies [Music] I might have salvaged it I don't think so though I think I'm done okay I think I still get the cycle though I think yeah yeah okay I'm actually good it's fine not the best I mean maybe literally the worst but probably not the worst yeah I did it oh I did not do that part Jesus Take the Wheel almost [Music] come on uh thanks for gifting the Deep bot I think bot appreciates it deebot works hard on this stream I mean I would venture a guess that we are uh the most use that default gets to subbed all the Bots I mean you know what if you want to do that with your money I support you welcome who's Depot debot is the program that does all the bets like the spoons and stuff how long would it take you 100 million bases um I think it's something like 20 years flower skip [Music] is that far enough okay Jesus foreign [Music] that was not supposed to happen all right now hopefully I don't this is where I died last time actually so as long as I don't do that that's a big time save okay I'm just doing some of these things a little simpler [Music] well you actually leave the country um to be honest I have not considered the full details of this but you know what probably if somehow that happened I would honor it typically I'm not planning for 20 years from now though because of General philosophy that does not play a large part in my day-to-day planning [ __ ] what do I do here I don't I don't remember how to open that fight [Music] I don't think it's a jump dive [Music] that was almost late [Music] I mean I am actually doing a lot better than the last one I'm not I don't it'd be very very rough to do 114 but I think I'll be a lot closer assuming I don't do something catastrophically stupid but you actually try to steal the Declaration of Independence yes wait hold on I 100 just jinxed it let me rephrase that I'm gonna suck this is gonna go bad I'm something Horrible's gonna happen I'm gonna fail and like um I don't know Barack Obama is going to call me and say he's disappointed my mom gonna kick through the front door tell me I'm her least favorite son [Music] tell me I'm her third least favorite son third no third favorite and I'll say Mom you only have two sons and she'll look at me knowingly uh nice I'm a minute ahead [Music] four foreign world record I'm pretty sure it's world record [Music] all right Cloud came in the question is do I die to the cloud at the very beginning [Music] what I forgot there's not a another thing there what's the biggest thing you've had to do with the pesos I mean the pizza if you check out my um [Music] if you check out my top stream Clips YouTube video um that shows a delightful Pizza I got to eat that is so far the worst thing that I've done probably on stream I mean it was delicious and I appreciate Papa but it was a revolting experience oh God did I miss that really I've never ever missed this okay [Music] like I've never missed that ever rough because they're probably done each of the kingdoms like practice I think maybe 10 times [Music] thank you uh okay I'll just say that's Cloud I don't remember when all right then I died in Lost Kingdom I'm gonna play it really safe if I don't die that alone is a big time save okay that's fine that's her obviously it's meant to be played thank you [Music] okay Yep this is so Skyrim this might be played okay I'm gonna be really careful with this goddamn butterfly because I always mess this up instead of being a cool speedrunner I'm just gonna turn the camera really careful you might be thinking to yourself Doug I didn't know that you were a coward but I have to admit it when it comes to the speedrun I am a coward I hate this level okay this is actually fine all right get the bird now he won't steal the Hat now I do this I come over here I do the balloon I get that dude [Music] Xbox see you in the next gtq I just I think I have a little bit longer to go before I'm ready at that point like probably at least another week that's what they call a Pro Gamer move you're a manly pigeon thank you that's what I needed to hear that I am a pigeon [Music] that's fine death that death is intentional stream yourself cooking I would actually love to do that at some point that'd be really fun whoa what what is going on aha this game this [ __ ] game [Music] I don't remember when I did this one it was like there why does zika not have any mode no a crew did not give acre did not give zikru an emo what happened is that acre was get a crew was willing to sacrifice one of their emotes to me for a rematch on the level nine race versus small ant uh it would be really fun to do something with small at some point if we do a race I don't know he's a little bit ahead of me to put it lightly [Music] all right also I would love to do mecha brutal in one cycle just to say that I can you know what I mean I just need you guys to think I'm cool thank you because I'm good at this video game whoa what why didn't you launch up can I make it please make it please make it come on why where the [ __ ] even am I why would you oh I was so so well remember when I said earlier that everything was going to go great um [ __ ] okay I need to I need to bring it together yeah that was better than last time at least dude that lost so much time I appreciate that you're all saying f as though I'm dead um what the hell Doug had a good run all right okay so can I get this goddamn uh caterpillar in one shot that is the question all right take it over here I am remembering things better at least oh dude that was so that was so lame how do you just forget to long jump ah it's Mario this is what I mean about speedrunning it's a kill's name and I make a mistake I just in my brain you just feel so ashamed you're just doing this Walk of Shame walking up these stairs all right so here basically I gotta I gotta shoot all of his thingies did I miss what [Music] come on come on come on yes oh what what was that does anybody know Odyssey speedrunning what what just happened there I thought I hit them all I mean it is still one cycle but what does that even mean that's why I said yes there is all right well let me let me practice a bit dude chat versus chat that would actually be really fun it's because you were hacking you were going too fast well I missed I thought I got them all I thought I hit the head and then even if I even if I missed the head it should have she should have kept going right yeah I mean it's one cycle but that was weird or let me rephrase that I messed that up okay beautiful beautiful your voice commands versus chat controlling this game that would be that would be very funny and we we've done that with Mario party but not with other stuff [Music] you put your chef hat on not right now just because I'm playing the best Mario Odyssey in my life again I know I'm gonna jinx it but this is going way better than last time somehow I'm gonna royally screw this up but at least I'm not making all the like huge errors I think it's something hey that guy love your streams a lot and I want you to say that STC is a piece of [ __ ] what who what is a piece of [ __ ] thank you by the way I like the um I like the uh the just turn Midway through that donation STC you suck sorry who is that a person is that like a type of sandwich or something the South Texas College the SCP oh God do I have not have a hat right now I'm so boned or not or I'm just playing the best Odyssey in my life beautiful that could have gone better oh I forgot that that's not what I do there it's ice um SCP you're a piece of [ __ ] or whoever you know who you are uh you're a piece of [ __ ] are you gonna do XD skip you know what rave with the way I'm playing probably hey if you're feeling left out don't worry you're all pieces of [ __ ] we all of us on this day and it's so bad and expensive okay Saudi Telecom company you're a piece of [ __ ] happy to help look anytime I can personally get involved with a um a telecom company I'm happy to do my part what is that I was trying to dive it's just like these little things are way off you know have you watched Tiger King yes so good and in fact [Music] that little mistake I made earlier where I didn't talk to her earlier enough it's that [ __ ] Carol baskin's fault [Music] [Music] all right get your yays ready [Music] yay best part of the run it's all downhill from here [Music] oh God I'm playing I forgot I was playing I got so distracted by by saying yes for all the good times oh God you yaid too hard I was swept up in Emotion all right poon coming up where's that thump give me that thump oh yeah oh yeah a good pump oh man I watch the new season of Ozark I have not you know what I am watching though as of last night one episode in Sopranos baby it's time time to watch 1999's Sopranos [Music] is it Thumper floop it's not Sloop dude Show's so good I love it I like I need something to kind of take my mind off things and uh okay that was should have gone better that's fine that could have gone better what the fart am I even doing I'm a garbage trash man made of [ __ ] dumpster what am I doing how do you even make a man out of trash how is this garbage body functioning I don't get it Captain Toad getting that smug ass look okay whoops it is really incredible um that I'm able to play the game this well made out of literal garbage [Music] oh yeah one two three four five what I don't oh my God I don't have enough money where's money I don't know where the money is okay that's so bad this is so bad this could oh my God I just lost all my time I didn't know that that was a thing [Music] foreign did I even lose that money I thought I died one time normally I'm like there's no money over this way oh there is some money okay I have to get how many coins do I need this is this one's bad this one's bad you guys this this wastes a lot of time show me my money okay how much money do I need okay what in there I lost 10. no it was I just did so [ __ ] bad you guys uh why did I say anything why did I ever exert any confidence in myself oh my God oh that was so good oh everything is going so good fire did I say anything oh God what do I even do how does this even keep happening he's just okay this is fine I'm 30 coins [Laughter] [ __ ] I almost want to restart I I have this is this is a trash this is a trash bag literal human garbage I'm 30. oh no oh god oh this I don't even know why I did that I might need to restart like this is so bad that I mean this is like a five minute time loss file for bankruptcy I mean I'm going [Music] okay it's done I need to I need to restart [ __ ] oh what time is it five oh it's already six um will there be tabs this Saturday probably not maybe I just don't even know what if I'm gonna be able to stream on Saturday restart you garbage man playing the best trash in my life right now well that's a big fat juicy restart you missed a lot of the coins involved oh yeah I did because I got distracted that was what it was I didn't grab like any what 69 oh not nice you guys [Music] balls [Music] all right well just uh actually is anybody here no speed running sorry does anybody here know live split um specifically if I have half my splits done and I restart it do I does it save them like theoretically I should save these splits right oh you've beaten some of your best times you want to say that yeah okay so I should do that right I'll save them yeah and that way I know how I did compare to this one okay I'll update them boom all right well that could have gone better it was so close I was literally on world record Pace the good news though is that the uh one hundred thousand dollars is still on the table although here let me let me clarify that it's still on the table can we just uh everybody let's build the pot right now let's just figure out exactly how much money I will make if I get the world record next time and to be clear this would be going from about one hour and 19 minutes um casually up to about 58 minutes just knocking off about 20 minutes on my time I'm gonna grab some water and use the bathroom but then I'm gonna start some more Mario Odyssey so it's looking here I'll count it when we get back [Music] all right [Music] thank you foreign Ty so let's look at the numbers it's about 242 244 people so uh so if I can beat the world record this next attempt I will win 24 000 dollars everything is on the line all twenty four thousand dollars [Music] all right [Music] biggest street Thursday uh I don't know it's awesome I Gotta See [Music] your light split seems to be comparing against best rather than PB uh what is the difference isn't that what it's supposed to do like for every split it shows um I mean I I thought that was correct [Music] have you watched The Witcher yet I tried it it's not really for me best is gold splits you want it to be your preview splits okay how do I change that do I edit the splits or the settings or the layout settings sorry I should pull this up um this is a summary of Best segments ah I got it compare against it's in settings thank you for the help by the way I appreciate it obviously I am learning switch compare wait or is it hold on layout settings best makes sense for this since the last one wasn't completed I don't know I guess against PB probably makes sense I I don't know I don't really know what the what the best call is is it in layout settings layout settings splits when you right click the splits there's a compare against button compare oh God I got it compare against wait average so I should do personal best right and now it's 119. got it got it okay that makes sense that makes a lot more sense that's what I think of when I think of splits so that thank you for helping me clarify that what is your favorite hourly theme in Animal Crossing New Horizons I am embarrassed that I know this but it is 3 P.M the Rainy version so good so [ __ ] good gold split is better than I know gold is the best I I guess I didn't realize that I had it set to be like best every single segment enable some of best I'll just leave it at this for now some of best has won 17.50 I think I think what is the world record uh probably like 118. all right uh how many Channel points to milk your utters that's a very good question you have to understand that you can't put a price on my utters but it's a hundred thousand all right let's play Mario Odyssey will this be a YouTube video definitely not you should get back on Minecraft skin Maybe uh okay kind of play the best Mario Odyssey in my life three two one yeah it's on Japanese because the text is faster so it speeds up and I'm trying to play the fastest Odyssey in my life for anybody who does not know what's going on I just learned how to speedrun Mario Odyssey so this is my first sort of attempt trying to do full runs okay feel free to offer literally anything in your possession or outside of your possession for me getting top 75 top 10 or World Records beautiful best Odyssey of my life um so yeah I've I've just been doing like learning this stuff Hobby God I'm a trash man how does the human body function with this much garbage literally every one of my vital organs was replaced with like [ __ ] old lunchable packages you get top 100 I will steal the Declaration of Independence perfect motivation I need [Music] that too late no dumb now you might be thinking ah here he's gonna Vector boy would you be wrong um [Music] and then for anybody else who who is new-ish um basically with this game oh that's not good oh it's not good this is fine but this is fine I mean this is not going well but [Music] [Music] how does one how does one man produce this much trash I'm resetting how do I reset it's all in Japanese I don't know how do I reset it who knows Japanese uh this is data management I think I think this is delete delete okay [Music] okay nobody saw that if you um I'll delete the VOD I mean I personally come erase each one of your memories and um the world will never know about this oh God can't even drink water I tried to speed run it oh that's how water was meant to be played all right I'm ready I'm most likely not going to do another run after this even if this goes badly or have to cancel because it's already six but here we go Jesus Take the Wheel yo thank you very much unfolding Cactus I appreciate it all right I still believe in you thank you three two one hit let's take a break have a kit kat never Kit Kats are for cowards not really [Music] am I late for round two very but you're on time for round three what does top mean I don't know the cough is gonna cost him for the water world record man that that water went real wrong like down my esophagus oh my God I'm not resetting it but like because that's only like a half second loss but good omen I guess with the last one I kind of screwed this part up anyways how does your timer work so basically that timer is just showing it's timing how long it's taken me to beat the game so I'm trying to beat as fast as possible obviously and then the splits are basically showing each kingdom which is like each world in the game [Music] so it's essentially showing the progress and comparing it against my previous runs or run I should say so it gives you a sense of like how much better or worse I'm doing versus the record reset you missed one second that's the thing it's uh it's just probably not gonna make that much of a difference right now [Music] all right can I hit this thing that would be nice if I could [Music] all right better [Music] and boom how long have you been straight that was over two seconds weird how long have you been streaming for uh uh six hours have you ever speeded in a game before no get the coins now you forgot them last time so remind me to get the coins in the sand Kingdom which is in two kingdoms and there's a there's like a vault where you get a you can just get a shitload so I'll just get extra there but that that's like very easy to get coins at as opposed to like worrying about each of the little ones oh God or that but whatever [Music] get the shirtless costume one's nipple percent I just want to learn you know I just want to learn uh some things first I want to learn the basics when will you ever let us visit your Animal Crossing Island Maybe I have to finish this video I want to do for it first just because I'm [ __ ] with the island a whole bunch or I should say I don't want other people uh potentially messing with things before I [Music] yeah I mean I know people can't like edit it but still oh oh my God [Music] and give you all my bells thank you but I don't wanna I don't want to do that okay so this is great what's going on here [Music] oh my next Food video be uh next okay I really need to figure out the spacing of this I don't know how to do this trick uh probably in like a month dang I did it nice a lot of if the moderator deletes the circuit nice solid power move there [Music] he looks like American Hugh Jackman uh I'm not sure take that it was legally decided to be Pluto democracy says the p word is wrong yeah what happened around two like round two of the trial so I'm down to keep pursuing poob though we have to go through the proper channels you know what I mean like we can't just redo things that have already happened like the Trials happen what this is glitch was that me it was weird the game like stuttered or something oh oops [Music] you can't just keep yelling it's poop no no that's what I mean barn what I'm saying is that right now I've lost and the channels that I've gone through to try to make it poo have all lost right legally and White House find another Avenue to do it then we're golden [Music] super rapidly Doug speedrunning yo thanks for hanging out man I know it's not for everybody and I know it's very different from my normal stuff um but I have have this like really been enjoying doing this as like a little way to fill time [Music] it's plume legally it is legally plube so I think the question for any Pub loyalists like myself the question is not to go into a bunch of streams and spam its boob over and over the the question is how can we legally change it in a way that's oh my God oh God that is the worst at least I got that thing all right well I caught saved up or saved the time I guess we have to find another way to circumvent basically our clear loss coins no no not yet thank you but what the [ __ ] is even happening what oh my God oh my God no no oh my God I have to reset I think I mean I shouldn't even bother resetting because it doesn't matter because I'm terrible and these are all practice but [ __ ] it's only been seven minutes maybe I should just reset I don't know I kind of want to reset what thank you [Music] yep I'm doing it these jail streams are great Doug podcast type thing would be awesome yeah I think I want to do that or not necessarily podcast but like at least more like chill stuff reset that was not good yes I agree it was quite terrible I mean okay here's the thing I'm gonna reset one more time and then it's definitely done that being said I am still terrible at this game I'm still learning um and I'm gonna do a lot of practice before I stream this again most likely um so right now me resetting because I made that one mistake just does not matter in the grand scheme of things because I'm gonna go [ __ ] I'm gonna go make like eight minutes of mistakes later on uh but I'm gonna restart one more time I swear I am not restarting again after this this is definitely the final one uh how do I how do I even one more though change it from PB to some of this I think PB is like I'd rather do PPE right now because it shows me beating my previous full run versus you got timed out for saying the name that shall be I don't know what we can't say it I guess I don't know I mean if I like severely screw up this next one at one point I might just end for the day because it's been six hours I'm kind of tired but I assumed that this is Japanese for you have files uh this is data management I think this is delete I think I think it's correct the fork think no the fork thing [Music] dragon is a client don't don't ban poop I'm gonna make an executive order here don't ban poop just because it's not named clue does not mean that we should literally ban the word like those are different things same with well I mean Fork is maybe a little bit Jesus Take the Wheel because that was established a long time I gotta signed out for saying poop LOL I mean it is funny I fully admit that it's funny so I don't care that much because it's funny uh Hey unfolding Cactus thank you man make Max thank you for gifting the sub I appreciate you Sergeant swag thanks for the two months I'm sorry that you were brutally crushed by the plubists all right I'm using the bathroom real fast uh I just don't want to pee my pants from excitement once I break the world record break the world record [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what stops I can't believe there's a goalie timing people out oh that is hilarious it's a lot funnier so here's the thing um not very funny is to not ban poop kind of funny is to ban is to ban poop like we just want to prevent another uprising like what's happened to The f-zero RK Yeah but I know that we need to be authoritarian about it the next like the the funniest level by far is US Banning poop but it's because of a bot that we don't have control of right now that's way funnier that we don't even we aren't even able to control it um so overall I think this is a win the blue is still out of control all right final run starting in three two one boom gonna be flu but you are welcome to say flube all you want it probably will not be very relevant to literally anything but you're welcome to do that [Music] if I paid one mill would you ban poop like 1 million dollars I'm gonna be honest you could probably pick any word and if you gave me a million dollars to ban it yes I would probably ban it from the channel but you didn't say a unit after a million so I'm assuming it's not money we played Shovel Knight uh I tried Shovel Knight and I did not like it uh however there's two things to note about that one I was playing it on Wii U and I was not enjoying like the Wii U controller second is that um I like to not really give it a fair shot I don't think and I love 2D Platformers so I would like to play Shovel Knight that is on my list or I should say play it again and give it like really try it out also I think the I think the DLC that they have like Specter Knight stuff like that I think that's like way more of my style like I would actually enjoy that a lot more so I want to try that too oh my God no no [Music] wait on P well playing on a switch we'll we'll be fine right just it's just the Wii U I did not like okay I'm not resetting but that's a nice one [Music] Jesus Take the Wheel [Music] thank you munch wow okay uh [Music] I didn't even know how to how you're supposed to do this I literally don't even know the strategy awful oh well should I run an ad Doug won't know The Jig Is Up how did I miss the jump there what foreign that's another problem with this game is like you have to use motion controls all the time so you have to like shake the [ __ ] controller and I don't know the limit yet like I don't know how lightly I can do it while still having it register so instead I'm just like [ __ ] [Music] yeah what is your last name Doug oh what the [ __ ] just happened oh my God this is I'm inventing whole new ways to be shitty incredible [Music] please don't run an ad [Music] I mean it'll be okay I mean I [ __ ] up a couple times but it's like a 10 second so far of mess-ups whereas again as long as I don't die that's like three minutes saved so my plan is to or my goal right now is to not die rather than to make it perfect at the beginning hi Eddie I thought I unmodded you glad to see you back Eddie oh no I don't I can't pay attention to make sure Eddie stays banned [Music] I would F your ass so hard right now thank you very much dude six months of long ass time I really really appreciate it oh okay oh my God I did the thing [Music] I actually did it kind of competently oh my God hey I'm getting better can you call me right now absolutely not I mean I I guess I could put you on speakerphone and not listen to you if you're okay with me not responding then okay well missing the stationary Moon maybe under the little bit of how cool that was but [Music] I mean they really get away from you here Eddie I'm gonna put you on speakerphone on my desk and not listen to you I guess I can kind of hear you when the game is not making music hey Eddie hey Eddie can you just talk to chat instead of me I can't hear you all right now you're next to the uh now you're next to the [ __ ] uh mic yeah there you go okay uh put High dog all right that was a bad idea [Applause] yeah do it in chat nice ah nice uh you got you got me Eddie all right I'm gonna hang this up thank you for uh the call I hope you're doing wonderful [Music] I can't hear you but thanks honey goodbye let me tell you the story of Eddie [Music] um I was texting Eddie hi Eddie the other day but no follow-up and then he got annoyed because I wasn't following up with anything so he said if you if you say hi Eddie one more time uh you're gonna regret it so then I sent him hi Eddie about 800 times in a row that's why he asked the Discord to all at me at once because I had just texted him hi Eddie about 800 times the problem with that is that I'm the administrator of my Discord [Music] so then we just had you guys all at him and then I under I removed him from being able to talk so I think now he's trying to get you to I really gotta get better at this particular thing right here [Music] like that that is a super an optimal way of doing it dude I'm like pumping my arms it's a [ __ ] workout like if you look at small ant like he he is just like chilling you know when he does this whereas me I don't know the limit yet so I'm just like God hey uh unfortunately I'm not gonna do the banned words or really any channel points right now sorry a little ad Larry but you can redeem it extreme if uh if a mod wouldn't mind redeeming that would be very helpful [Music] okay it's fine what what the [ __ ] is happening come on what I'm not resetting why okay I guess I have to be at the center oh it's an obviously was meant to be played I did that thing again all right [Music] [Music] poop wait you were able to type poop and you didn't get timed out how do you do that oh no it's going this is my uh quarantine workout let's play Odyssey [Music] that is by the way I will say the only part [Music] you're gonna work out watching can you do something to do yeah do um oh here's the part collect coins happy [Music] okay I'm like really shaking the control right now [ __ ] it I'm being safe I actually was not that many coins oops what how how is how is there such garbage in my body it's unbelievable how is it functioning how were my organs replaced with lunchable wrappers and yet I'm still forming coherent sentences once again he's Japanese yeah what like what even was that what was that what was that [ __ ] what is going on it's incredible how I managed to screw this up [Music] if you only buy one Moon um so the only the only route I know is to do two moons so it would not be an option for me what [Music] what I mean also if I don't die that's another thing because I I died last run right that's why I reset is that down those coins [Music] I think I can drop over this Cactus yeah whatever the thing [Music] uh how bad was that not good thank you I did mess up several times I guess it's probably about the same when the next game with chitchat I don't know dude [Music] pretty much [Music] tight poop for a free cookie nice is it like really delayed with the deleting you're doing a beating Skyrim challenge like running [Music] still making a good time well I mean the main thing is like with the run that I have with the splits there I lost a gargantuan gargantuan amount of time um gotta stop oh God I forgot about that so like most of the places where I'll be able to save time is gonna be in the second half because I died a shitload there so these first couple kingdoms it doesn't really matter how well I'm doing how did that even happen like obviously I want them to be good but basically I am so what is even happening since I'm still pretty new at this preventing deaths is going to be a lot more important than like optimizing little things you know what I mean so like that that was not great what I just did but it's like one second loss versus dying which might be you know 30 seconds or a minute or something like that this is this is very loud barely [Music] um I can't think [Music] boy thank you the pony ran for the 12 months it's extremely generous and I really appreciate it God damn that is [ __ ] horrifying thank you um really though this is optimal speed rate I think I literally I think the speedrun like can't be submitted now because that canceled out all the audio to prove I'm not cheating oh my God uh oh 12 months Pony ran I was driving I'm so sorry all right at least we have a thump submit this run yeah so then they're like checking the run to make sure it's good like okay seems normal so far that'd be nice that'd be a good way to start off with speedrunning is try to um destroy the eardrums of the mods I mean I doubt they check the lower runs but [Music] all right wooded kingdom is probably where I will mess everything up slightly not that it matters so like in my in the initial run I had like I straight up died here you know and it was a very costly death too it's like if I don't die then that's great it's a very good thing to not die in a speedrun yeah one two three four yeah so see I'm at I'm at 129 coins right now I need to have a hundred coins going into the last or going into ice kingdom Oh I thought I was gonna get the triple jump oh that was nice what have you actually got a record um so the odds of that are Low by which I mean that's impossible there's literally not possible I have messed up enough already that even if I played better than anybody has ever played [Music] keep forgetting how to do that nut I wonder if I can do this room correctly so what do you do you roll and then you long jump can we throw it oh I did it well the first part I'll probably mess up the second half sorry oh yep that's I mean that's fine the problem is that um that is in a year or what is it 20 years in 20 years China will probably you know sick to move to [Music] wow I actually did that well well I didn't look the camera the right way but yay I'm getting better we're doing it oh I should not have I cannot say anything every time I say anything hey Barn um when you're telling people not to spam poob I gotta pay attention [Music] um make it sound like we're helpless as though it's some like Rogue AI [Music] like we're powerless to stop it [Music] [Music] yeah saying we can't control that right now it's not as exciting saying there's a rogue AI we have no control over it it will shut you down for poop um I think is is better and then maybe at the end of it State something like the entire um like democracy is at stake add something at the end that um implies that our society might be at stake here [Music] thank you got that nut eyes ever I am still streaming it's a chill stream though [Music] Mario Odyssey really fast if it's the last thing I do [Music] I guess I should motion jump there [Music] [Music] oh how do I start this fight I do not remember I guess that works but I gotta remember this dude foreign [Music] yeah there you go frankly splattening now it sounds like some sort of terrified Public Service Announcement yeah we're at their Mercy that's good we need people to come in here and think that there's been some sort of robot Revolution kicking us off one by one [Music] ah I want a free timeout please thank you very much don't worry the Rogue AI will uh will ensure that you can do that [Music] these [Music] [Applause] [Music] we might have to start saying poop in other languages to get around the Rogue AI [Music] feedback [Music] will you do anything after this not today I don't even know if I'll finish this to be honest it's pretty late [Music] okay there's no cinematic here right yes that's correct [Music] Jesus Take the Wheel yo America man thank you man defend democracy against the Rogue AI [Music] Earth as we know it is at stake so this this is what we needed oh God oh God how come on dude thank you [Music] okay I don't remember where I timed this I was like somewhere in Lost I think we're here [Music] okay I lost like 10 seconds there maybe I don't know how long it was 10 15 seconds oh that was so bad if I don't die on this level though um that is a large time stage Jesus Take the Wheel Doug all right dude thank you 35 months I really appreciate that [Music] I'm playing this part really safe somehow I always managed to mess this up super bad what what was that aimed that totally wrong supposed to go there like a boom [Music] don't ruin that even the AI isn't that powerful [Applause] [Music] oh my God come on oh that's not good another large time loss are you [ __ ] okay okay this is fine that's what we call uh Pro Gamer move it's also what we call dog [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's fine that's an intentional death man I can't believe I missed that oh it's so lame I'm still ahead but [Music] Jesus Take the Wheel okay I know my I know my split was really late I'll just do it there so I'm not actually 140 ahead I'm like 1 30. [Music] Bowser's Kingdom I lost a lot of time in so that'll be the biggest time save and they die anywhere else I can't remember it was Cloud King when I died lost kingdoms that's where it's like a minute and a half I did not first cycle Mecca Wiggler [Music] nice sister that better oh sweet okay I am not playing like a full trash boy right now only a little bit why is everyone mocking the AI well it's trying to destroy our fragile Doug Society [Music] oh my God oh my God no no hi bruh how do you even screw that up I don't even understand what happened oh brutal there's not a ton of time lost [Music] like 10 seconds oh my God ah no good no good [Music] I'm so excited to like get really good at this and then just crush this whole area they will Rue the day that those little Goomba things [ __ ] with me I hope I can do this Mega wiggler one second [Music] what I got it [Music] weird I keep getting the stupid ass caterpillar wrong wait what how did I get this wrong I'm so confused [Music] I think it's fine right all right so basically I gotta hit all his little thingies in one block [Music] thank you yeah it's all right so basically I need to hit him in one cycle without letting him get away I'm glad that this has turned into us fighting Dai what the [ __ ] is going on well there's a rogue AI [Music] um and it's essentially taken over the Stream it's still world record Pace I'm pretty sure you can see that it's green in the splits and that means that it's world record [Music] that's nice [Music] what how did that not go nice do we call world record right there [Music] crystals how do I keep I don't understand whatever what like I should be over that I don't understand that's never I gotta just like practice slow you know [Music] like that wall shouldn't have been there to figure out why there's so much lag on the other stream uh no I think it was a twitch problem which went away after they got a good honking if you were driving in a RC car then this little guy just jumps out of your head yeah I would uh I would be upset I'm trying to think how much farther behind I am okay I think I'm on Pace with I don't know [Music] all right got it that one was giving me trouble also I don't remember how to get up the little pole here so we'll improvise nice that's what we call high quality Improv all right well that was fine at least that was not absolutely not okay what is going on [Music] I keep thinking I'm like not shaking my controller enough so I just I'm just like vigorously look at that like right there I think yeah got him shattered small ass time nice shattered is maybe not the right verb but appreciate the sentiment half of this run is just figured so I will say that is the only thing I really dislike about this the motion control garbage is just awful like I it's like almost to the point of me wanting to not do this anymore um but I am really enjoying it so I'm gonna keep doing it but dude why like why did Nintendo do this oh like right here anytime you want to move fast you have to you have to shake the controller that's the fastest way to go dude just let me use buttons like a normal human being Nintendo what's the deck score okay scores below they're playing with joycons backgrounds I'm playing with this thing I was doing joy-cons literally just because oh God I was using joycons just what the [ __ ] God you're killing me I was using joycons just because it made the motion control thing easier like doing this garbage but I think the motion um cookies [Music] for everything else this controller I think is a lot better so that's a trade-off yay I think rapidly pressing y nope you have to do motion control for it which sucks it works some like it works at a slower pace how's the internet today I mean my internet was great last time it was twitch's internet that was having issues I I think because my internet the diagnostic showed that it was fine all right what are we at we're still like two minutes ahead that's pretty good yeah 205 ahead I'll take that if I don't die in Bowser's Kingdom that's still [Music] wait that wasn't gold though really I thought that was way faster than I have enough money right yeah I should [Music] the Zelda breath of wild require motion curls no it does not which is like almost I was considering between breath of the wild or this but I just really like the fast movement of this it's just dude the [ __ ] motion controls are the worst they're the worst things [Music] just like this why why do I have to shake my whole body right now what sucks is like the game like almost seems like it was meant for speedrunners with like being able to skip cut scenes and stuff like that exactly except the motion controls can you try breath of the wild too yeah I want to stick with this a bit because [Music] like I would hit I would like to at least hit Top 500 with this Jesus Take the Wheel uh yo that fake teeth thank you man also thank you for coming around for the gift of sub uh to poop oh [Music] what how did that not work weird [Music] [Music] yeah 152 I'm good it's a Japanese because it's faster [Music] I'm I'm wanting good work I feel like pixel art is very is very very varied generally yes of course but like you know Pixar comes in a lot of different flavors [Music] you didn't expect the next Zelda to be better worse I mean I think the Zelda breath of the wild is maybe the greatest video game ever made so as much as I would love for it to be the new best video game ever made that is highly unrealistic so I expect it will be worse but if it's anywhere near as good I would be very happy come on wow okay did not think I was making that oh but now I have to wait for the next cycle on that dude that was not good oh well I gotta wait for this dude Go pass [Music] by the way money doesn't matter anymore for the rest of the Run nice that's so good [Music] what do you expect from breath of wild too I have no idea absolutely no clue hopefully it's cool I would love for it to be a great game how do you feel about the AI Banning poop I just think it sucks that artist Society is being destroyed by an AI [Music] which room is this oh yeah [Music] thank you it's not good at least I landed on the second thing [Music] your switch was broken due to Joy cons panicking and I'm panicking oh my gosh I didn't even know that was there give plants Reading challenges in any new games what do you mean like just any games the full moon shining above all Fallen Discord users due to werewolves roaming the English Countryside um so the thing is it's not a full moon here yet [Music] obviously or I would be a werewolf oh God come on Mario kill me [Music] you got banned from the Discord like temp band how does the band work I mean look I'm gonna be honest you probably got banned before the full moon was in effect because I am here clearly not a werewolf oh nice theme coming the craigham oh it was cold um so I think probably the bot the bot is being aggressive with the timing just to be safe but it's better to be safe with these sort of things better to accidentally ban you [Music] than to be too lenient [Music] Eddie has started the enforcement early God damn it I mean Eddie is on a war path right now so [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] just happened that is not what is supposed to going on Jesus take the wheel man this is like my favorite thing in the whole game that little jump and when you just get it very wrong it's such a bummer we should just ban the word Eddie um 30k offered to pierce your nipples with joy-cons man that is very tempting I mean just think about what I get in return for that you know [Music] thank you [Music] all right well did screw that thing up at least man I can't believe I messed up the beginning that's my favorite part it's so sick what is your first video you can go look at it I don't mean that in a respectful way in a uh [ __ ] way I mean like it's on it's on YouTube if I'm gonna highlight a message will you read it maybe but no guarantees unfortunately just because I'm streaming a video game [Music] pretty much money I don't mean that in respectfully yeah maybe I was a Freudian slip [Music] all right I'm getting I'm feeling better at the fish at least stupid well I cannot ever compliment myself dude literally [Music] I've never made that mistake in doing this thing like 20 times I've never complimenting myself again you guys need to start nagging me so I don't get confident [Music] garbage trash man dude I'm better as a fish good for you oh you were quoting me yeah I uh I ate those fish words pretty quick I got permanent for stamming up for you look wait get ready for a nice slump now that's what you come to the Dug Dug stream for a juicy swoop okay okay thank you dude uh Z player thank you very much dude [Music] right man I just want to get good at this like whenever you suck at something in this game I'm just like man I want to just I just want to nail that you know [Music] look at that you know I'm just like God what if that didn't suck ass picturing not being a piece of ass [Music] what is [Music] just picture it not doing stupid [ __ ] like that [Music] Ah that's how you do it [Music] [Music] I may not have the fastest time but I will have the most coins at the end of this to the shot play Street Fighter at some point I do want to do that yeah you know when you suck at something at a game it's just like I want to nail it Doug 2020. yeah that's that makes total sense I don't get it [Music] twitch that place Persona hello persona's like a billion hours long [Music] and that's not even that much of an exaggeration foreign [Music] it's I mean so the little green number shows how much farther ahead I am then my personal best how do you even screw that up I don't understand it's incredible how do I keep doing it all right okay [Music] no I missed it I think oh did I get it [Applause] [Music] by the way I'm not like actually this negative about the game it's just fun to be really self-critical when I'm speed running what mods do you have on for Odyssey this is just a video game I know it's an insane Pro uh concept for my stream but I am literally just playing a video game right now oh come on [Music] I keep the camera up right now to launch the spawn the little Fireboy [Music] yo thank you Queen I didn't know you could go through the great there interesting I'm learning improving [Music] what what okay [Music] not good all right we're good yeah look guys they're just trying to protect you from the evil uh mercenary Rogue um oh my God there's no [ __ ] way that that just happened I mean there is because it did happen in fact I guess I did Salvage but probably would have been faster to die well now I know don't do that oh my God I did it again I didn't learn a thing [ __ ] these [ __ ] games oh that was house doing so good [Music] I know do you actually play video games it's a good way of putting it fairly recently don't worry I never played video games before this really interesting to watch well thank you I'm glad you're enjoying it I I mean I really really like watching speedrun screens so I've always wanted to learn a speed run this is the first time I'm actually doing it uh so you're watching attempt number two and then ideally I would like to as a little goal for myself there's no way I'm gonna be like a top speedrunner ever but that would that takes like full time just doing that but ah damn it I think top 500 is like a pretty or achievable goal so I think that would be fun to try to do over you know a few months or weeks or whatever [Music] okay yep all right [Music] game why do you do me like this I don't even remember my backup Strat I like just don't remember where I'm supposed to go thank you oh my God please please do [Music] that could have gone better I'm good that last tiny segment but not not good before that I mean I don't even think that was not gold this is the second run uh yeah it's the second run PCI was here you said you were going to do this a while ago indeed this is round number two uh yeah I do not like London it's just like it's hard to tell what is what [Music] like what the walls just don't act like normal walls which is not something I'm a super big fan of oh my God how how do you even mess that up Ah that's fine what is your favorite ice cream uh favorite flavor is not sucking dick at Mario Odyssey oh whoops dude I lost 30 seconds there how do you even do that oh it's because I kept dying that's how you keep doing that or jumping off the little uh blob thing God damn it all right dude I'm gonna I'm gonna grind some after this stream I'm gonna come back next stream it's gonna be awesome wait I can't say that it's gonna be terrible if I say that but theoretically Jesus Take the Wheel I just jinxed it permanently by saying that yo thank you conshon all right got the old ruined oh that's such a bummer that I lost 30 seconds I at least wanted to like Crush my first time ideally when next Skyrim bid no no sorry man I don't really plan out uh like months in advance or anything like that I don't have anyone planned right now [Music] Jesus Take the Wheel I almost got there I gotta get better [Music] the smile stream gonna be more speed right I am not streaming tomorrow I might stream Thursday or Saturday it's just it depends on my move uh it's just I'm trying to plan a move right now and shockingly this is not a very good time to plan a move [Music] all right it goes so far as to say this is a terrible time to plan a move so it's just throwing a little unpredictability into things [Music] and crushed her not streaming tomorrow [Music] what that was not bad right that's not a cutscene yet well I wanted to do some research maybe it is a good idea to move during a pandemic but after conclusive thorough research I can conclude conclusively that no it's terrible idea [Music] do they put dark eater I don't know what that means there won't be traffic that's true who in the world is going to sell a house I mean I have a place it was not easy to get a place uh I don't remember when I did this one like that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] check out the new Seaside fish route okay cool I haven't checked I have not watched any of the other videos in that playlist I've just watched through the full basic tutorial playlist from small ants my thinking being like I just wanted to get the basics down and then try out more advanced stuff [Music] [Music] okay [Music] dude my nice what slow strategies I'm gonna be super safe here be extremely lame oh God I almost screwed that up [Music] why is Bowser Kingdom so long because I died like four times the first one that's why I don't die here it'll just be it'll be way better the playlist is great it's a bit old in some kind of faster strats gotcha I was like very impressed by how good his tutorials are um like they are really fantastic because I I basically I tried to learn Odyssey speedrunning right when it came out and uh the tutorial which was out there at the time was not good dude holy [ __ ] [Music] there's some reason I never got into watching speedruns but your content has always surprised me in getting me introduced to things I never thought they'd like keep up the good work folks if and remember to do a speech run you've got to be fast uh yo Russell Sprouts thank you very much dude that is extremely generous I'm glad my my stupid stream could provide some entertainment new stuff speedrunning is one of by far like the coolest things in video games like it's so it's so sick speedrunning is so sick speed running is so just so so sick I mean my favorite as much as much as I enjoy casual speedruns like my favorite is when people are racing for like a record um so for example in this game there was like a huge race to uh to get sub-hour that was awesome and small land has a great video about that if you look at his YouTube channel small ant one on YouTube uh really really good like summary of how that happened but that was like super cool another one was back in like 2014 or 15 like way back in the day uh in Ocarina of Time when the Ocarina of Time first started being like really low there's a speedrunner called at the time Cosmo now Narcissa right laughs and so she was like dominating it basically it was just really really really fun to watch that she was like the first like big speedrunner on Twitch oh okay anyway I love speeder running so sick [Music] okay this dude I got during my run I'm probably gonna mess it up I'm so bad at the timings though [Music] take it [Music] Oh I thought I got it [Music] I thought it goes [Music] thank you I also do not know how to do this like I don't have a backup at all if I miss the timing Zelda was not a thing what would be the best game if Team Fortress 2 forgot there's a thing [Music] oh God I already forgot where the thing is it's over here right yeah it's right here then I'm gonna come here [Music] so the next one's here all right I'm remembering I'm learning I'm becoming less of a garbage trash man oh oh maybe not ah maybe not why did I say anything why do I do this to myself every time oh thanks Wheat Thin have you get 20 bucks on Twitter order your pizza nope you'd have to pay me a lot more than twenty dollars to do that again at least 21 dollars please don't actually do that I'm not gonna order a pizza oh my God for 21 uh restaurant thank you again man [Music] well I'm behind my time but as long as I don't die on this next section three times we're golden we're [ __ ] golden I just have to not play the most garbage GTA 5 in my life and the music's dope [Music] oh whoops okay I'm gonna play very very safe here because I clearly do not know how to do this correctly okay there we go it's better [Music] ah [Music] I'm like shaking the controller so hard because I don't know if it's gonna register [Music] okay make a brutal fight if I get this I'm like in way better shape than I was at the previous ring [Music] I like it yeah I can damn cool let's miss that all right so with this the whole thing is about getting back on like staying on top of this thing oh my god wow literally these oh no how how do you even screw that up oh come on I'm just gonna do her wait what do you even do if she's not up there is this fine I actually don't know how to I don't know what the backup is I don't know what happened since I did the top girl first all right doing the easy Strat one am I fine can I just keep going oh my god oh you're killing me Doug I I like I like lost all the time I say this fight is very very very important to get right [Music] I don't even know what I do here is it five steps one two three four five what has even happened I don't know what to do here I do not know the backup strap oh my God oh my God why why am I so shitty all right well now I know for next stream I gotta crank this thing out I just get really good at brutal fight but boy there's nothing more frustrating in this speedrun where am I what I have no idea how to recover from this I do not know what's going on [ __ ] I mean I guess I probably lost as much time as I did with all those lives but still oh dude oh what is your least favorite video game the Mario Odyssey that I just played Time Saver next one yeah no it'll be right that's like a very obvious area of improvement we're just that fight like weird stuff your videos and streams have really helped me stay happy during this time also I left with your speech running Odyssey because this is the game that got me into watching speed runs stay awesome all right thank you very much Chief arrive Chief arrive hopefully I'm getting there right thank you man I appreciate it I'm glad my dumb crap could make things a little better wait I'm still like four minutes ahead what how am I four minutes ahead wow that was really slow last time jeez okay [Music] if I don't screw up Moon I actually in perfectly okay shape here comes the swoop dude what I wasted like two minutes with brutal okay wow I really [ __ ] up Bowser's kingdom last time final thump yeah that was the final film I'm sorry everybody's gonna have to wait until the next train that I do this to get that thimp fix [Music] we're getting there would be awesome if I can keep up this time and be 350 under because that would be what I was 19 minutes it's like 15 something [Music] I'm not even gonna try to do vectoring I don't remember how to do it I'm just gonna be lame so basically there's a more advanced movement strategy here I'm gonna not do it [Music] I'm being like just super safe right now oh my God where's the spacesuit no that's all right Mario naturally breathes [Music] I think that's good hey [Music] that's good that's okay all right I'm actually decently far ahead of last time in terms of moon because last time I missed a moon skip and for anybody who doesn't know that little weird thing I just did with the Sphinx so basically like that skips like a huge part of this world like the whole thing basically but it's this really weird like setup okay [Music] [Music] ah damn it [Music] one okay Mario's legs have the air damn right so there's three little phases to this [Music] now you just go get his hat you have a little tea party [Music] all right grab it I'll do my thing [Music] two one two the next one is three and then one slowly I'm learning vloggy Bowser in the words of parthenax [Music] [Music] come on all right three and then one one two three one I'm learning I'm improving becoming stronger and faster and less oh no I'm not [ __ ] all right I can never ever compliment myself all right I do what is it double jump here yeah that's not the way you're supposed to do that oh two minutes [Music] I'm not doing XD hopefully I'm not [Music] [Music] we got to do but it's good now I have fallen off at this end part I will somehow manage to [ __ ] this up don't underestimate my ability to throw this I also don't know how long I'm supposed to go for that [Music] one two three [Music] what Bowser that should be good I think [Music] come on I thought I could dodge it [Music] that's a little bit better [Music] damn okay that was a lot better [ __ ] yeah okay dude and that's with a terrible brutal fight that's like a minute save easy dude I can totally do top 500. without even learning any new strats just if I stop being a garbage man made out of literal lunchable rappers instead of vital organs Jesus Take the Wheel uh dude [ __ ] yeah that was fun we did it [Music] you should submit that all right I guess but what actually what what what is that what number is that looking up on Speed Run how close am I all right let's see [Music] 114.56 so I'm tied which wish golly Hawk and Zen God for 556. [Music] dude this is really fun I really like speed running I really like speed running it's super fun [Music] it was just like a casual like four hours 420th is 112. I mean getting to get into 114 I think is like very doable [Music] the song's so good thank you all right dude I thought this was gonna be like a 118. hey thank you prodigy appreciate it man I'm glad I could bring some dumb toys I know this sounds glamped that you are the only content creator yeah dude I'm 100 doing more of this on stream this is way too fun I know it's not like as widely popular but that's fine I gotta start doing more chill stuff on stream it's gotten a little too tiring not in a bad way but like I just want to mix it up you know uh it's Molly it's still streaming yeah I'll definitely host them [Music] how long were the stream is this seven and a half hours uh uh yo thank you everybody for hanging out well we'll rate smiling out in a sec I'm going to hopefully how is he still streaming he streams so much it's insane um like in a as a compliment it's insane I don't know when my next stream will be I am either gonna stream Thursday or Saturday is the plan but that plan could change because I am trying to move um so we'll see this is my first stream hey thanks for watching you failed a brutal fight I feel that real good but that's the thing that I wasted like a minute probably with brutal fight so if I just don't mess that up that's not 500. I do so anyway I don't know when the next stream will be if I stream on Saturday I will literally not have a desk or a chair I'll have all my computer stuff though so I I would have to figure out how to stream that day without a desk or a chair like there will not be any in my apartment so if I can figure that out then we'll stream uh otherwise maybe Thursday and otherwise it's going to be later in April but we'll see are you moving yes but it's just hard to move right now for obvious reasons okay thanks for hanging out everybody I appreciate it love too you are great man thank you and small and Dez's last run Nick TM so that's that seven hours at a time this was my first stream as well you did great and I love you thank you man I appreciate it wait so is small yet still streaming or or is he going to keep streaming [Music] wow there's still like a lot of people watching thank you guys for hanging up I really I really actually appreciate that a lot not that you know you have to to be here but just like that people are down to do streams that aren't as crazy um I appreciate that so thanks he is streaming I mean but like he's not about to finish the run right okay yeah he's on my job [Music] yeah he is dope as hell and uh his tutorials are fantastic thanks again everybody I will see you guys airplane hopefully Thursday or Saturday and otherwise otherwise it's a big old [ __ ] who knows boom let's do it later everybody
dog ate that away uh i was just gonna message something else in the group live we are live hi chat we're live but i was gonna send a message live in the kitchen which i said i keep forgetting i don't know what it was i am losing my brain i said it for 6 30 a.m nice good thing you checked high chance oh i was going to set music right right right [Music] let me turn the sub noises on because we can't hear him right now there's please stop yelling at me dude this is your offline it takes a second there's a big leg leg yeah big leg leg leg okay hi guys happy easter happy easter [Music] we've got oh i'm behind i'm trying to pull up chat so i can see it from here yeah it's pretty high regardless hi takes a while there's a weird lag a hundred thank you for the prime i appreciate that um [Music] good afternoon everybody i haven't had breakfast but i'm going to eat me today no i'm gonna feel so sick i already had um i already had a fair amount of easter chocolate oh this morning and last night so it's around she's ready baby oh okay you know what i mean please stop hi what do you want hi stop stop stop stop stop he tries to like nestle in and you're like you can't dick you can't dig into purse hello hello hello all right he's going to help us today you can't have any chocolate but you can cuddle yeah is this what you wanted yeah yeah okay okay oh a hype train wow thanks for the subs thanks guys [Music] we uh i'll wait for more people to get here before we start it takes about like five minutes usually [Music] we have chicken in the oven we have to put potatoes in the oven in like 30 minutes we have champagne spritzers champagne spritzers loads of candy so much and we're gonna decorate eggs later too so i hope you guys are ready fun day yay yay thank you for the prime barely that's very impressive can you do a thumbnail for this yeah it's my youtube that's my youtube guys we gotta be thumbnails we gotta post yeah should we cheers oh dear smack but the cat is on me how should we do it what if we just take a picture dsmack can we just take a picture here let's just take a picture holding up our champagne and candy that should be fine very unique thumbnail how do you feel about that you said people shrug okay well i think that's i think that means you feel good about it that's what i take that's what i get from that that's what i do when i'm i say okay all right okay you have champagne and i've got candy oh there's too much in the background maybe we need more candy like this there we go holding it so low for now it's a little this is horrible lighting for me anyway i'll send you all of those dsac one of them will be a thumbnail i'm confident me too i'm confident it's in there people hey hi guys hello we're trying all of the candy today and inevitably going to be a little sick we should have a spit bin right spitband cups and we're like oh i feel i want to spit this out or we just don't we just swallow it oh i mean you can spit it out i think chat will be sad but you can spit it out chicken in the oven yeah there's chicken in the oven with the can i have a mod edit the guest command and add pranilla's youtube to it thank you for the raid thank you very much for the raid i need to go to an eye doctor and get eye drops my eyes are so dry it's all the time to get those do they have eye drops like we need to change your youtube irl do you see how long it is mine yeah it's youtube.com slightly a little bit we have to change it to youtube.com how do you do that we'll work on it you don't need to put no one needs that they need it just watch the video with cutie thank you for the new sub hi guys i'll wait i'll we won't start eating candy until the view count is at least at 500. okay i have my limits you are trashy wow thank you so much said that happy easter to you maybe they're talking about me they're not they're definitely not um thank you wolf for the two months i appreciate that it's at a thousand oh i guess we can start eating candy i'm sorry i was waiting for 500. all right fine we can eat candy yeah they knew durst was here so they showed up he's so cute he is really cute um well guys what's your favorite easter candy huh starburst jelly beans everybody loves starburst jelly beans i was gonna guess you might like them because you like candy over chocolate i you know what's funny is we had an easter egg hunt for my nieces and nephews to two weekends ago last weekend jesus i don't know where i am last weekend and the one request like i was like what candy do you guys want it was it was starburst jelly beans i've never been into jelly beans i think jelly beans are satan i think they're really good yeah and so you take jelly beans yeah and just fill an egg with jelly beans i'm like when you open that there's gonna be jelly beans everywhere especially for children yeah also children are rather have a peep than a jellybean children were crying during this egg hunt they were pushing each other out of the way it was awesome literally eating them right now wow well we have a lot of options like licorice's fire though i don't know about that we're pretty confident that cadbury's gonna be number one because let's just be honest they're they're so perfect they figured it out oh my goodness that's the idea we're trying to pick from what we think would be number one i learned these are the perfect um texture perfect everything yeah headbands are so good they're like they taste it's just a high-end chocolate out of this world we have we have everyone's trying to get into the easter game like we have we have some spring flavors like this was in the easter section guys it's it's dove white chocolate and lemon meringue interesting right isn't that weird i think i'm gonna not enjoy it but we'll see oh you know it's gonna taste gross or champagne after eat chocolate oh they don't mix well like well when you have sugar in a sugary drink we'll see i thought that went lovely together yeah that was actually fine yeah yeah it was good i was wrong no but i see what you're saying it couldn't the help it's diluted anyway and we have um key lime m ms two key one pie m m's yikes i don't know about that yeah so we'll see but everyone's trying to get into the easter game yum candy p-o-g-g-i-e-s yum candy yeah yum candy um so we're gonna do the candy ranking we're gonna pause a little bit to make dinner finish dinner eat dinner with you guys welcome to our date night we love to have you and then decorate some eggs budwig's gonna decorate eggs with us is this not dinner this is just no appetizer i can't stop that's the issue yes well so this would be ranking already are we ranking are we starting or should we try and come to a consensus do the youtube intro hey everyone welcome to our channel uh welcome to cuties hey everyone welcome to cutie cinderella's channel please subscribe and hit the notice and smash that like she did it you did it okay that was like i i'm not actually that awkward i was just trying to be funny yeah you were funny you did it you did it i'm saving us from this oh yeah um well we'll start at the beginning i hate peeps me too but we rate these top right should we agree on this one we can agree on these i think that'll be fine yeah let's do consensus okay i mean right now these are top what is this the whole bag what are you talking about because if it's right in front of me i'm gonna keep eating it we'll close it okay guys listen we're starting to go into view for them like here there's the cadbury egg these are first right now first place cadbury eggs they're the best easter candy ever like people look forward to them and it's crazy because they can make money you don't see cadbury selling out and having christmas christmas no but eminem's i mean i'm doing everything yeah yeah and they're kind of a similar treat right but maybe we follow up with eminem yeah so we had cadbury cadbury's number one okay now eminem made their own version called m m eggs and it looks like there's an almond in them i don't hate the almond m ms i don't either actually but this is like small almonds yeah they look the jordan almonds right like the wedding on i mean i love m m's i really do except for the caramel ones what were they thinking but man i want to eat more just because i like almonds too but still not love that yeah but i would put it like in seconds yeah it's in second right now because there is only i've only tried two yeah i just want to get these out of the way because i hate them peeps i don't hate them but i don't love them i never liked them there's kind of the only marshmallowy thing that i like i tried to make these homemade the other day i [ __ ] up what would happen i don't know i don't know microwave and see what what happens never tried it it's something to something doesn't it just does it doesn't it just toast it what do you mean does it explode or something what i hope not something funny happened i actually haven't tried eating one of these since i was a kid i really haven't but there was a kid at the grocery store when i was buying these throwing a temper tantrum she wanted the yellow ones but they were sold out they don't taste the same and i said they all taste the same these are the cute little bunny ones here we go it's a really pretty blue color it is really pretty blue do you want to see the one yeah you get the head i get the butt okay they are a good consistency they smell like absolutely nothing tastes exactly like nothing it tastes like nothing nothing nothing with them like i feel like i have coronavirus right now yeah yeah that's good that was funny yeah it's it's not funny it's just not paper like it tastes like nothing the texture's there there's something in my mouth but what is it remembers because we just had chocolate i'm putting her over here i finished it maybe we need a palette cleanser where'd my chips go yes can we grab those chips well i think i need something salty they're like lime chips too i love hint of wine what was the what's the brand tostitos tint of wine chips are the best passover random sunday depending on what you celebrate qtc blankies thank you doc lynch also anton thank you as well and echo toast i see you all i see you all so where are we putting these bottom they suck yeah but keep in mind that they weren't they just tasted like nothing yeah so they'll be about something that tastes bad yeah okay they are such a neutral all right i could have just done that oh these are just whoppers yeah i hate those terrible let's start with this is a weird one it's starburst minis and beans so it has both in there thank you for gifting a sub jake i'm excited for the mini yeah like i said these are these are our favorite these are fan favorite okay strong not really yeah lately but determined you know yeah oh the minis are so cute so cute i don't think camera can see them but they are i need the pink one because i want me to go over there i'm eating a mini first and something about a smaller starburst is awesome it's never stuck in my teeth i feel like it should be a piece of gum i shouldn't be allowed to swallow it but it's candied i feel that same way i just think i prefer the larger starburst yeah i think actually ever since that you said that it kind of messed me up they're slightly they're different than normal starters yeah chalkier i mean i get it they're good but they're jelly beans all right yeah it's almost that's why you know sweet soap and that's where i'm gonna end with that i think jelly beans suck i just think yeah and um yeah these are good jelly beans but it's like that's like saying like like the murderer was a nice guy yeah you know he was a handsome serial killer yeah okay well we don't like that info yeah they get it so as they spam question marks i'm like they get it they get it they know what we're talking about they get the same page we're understanding the energy similar energy to had some serial killers i'm putting these back in there don't tell a little bit because i'll probably eat them what do you get man no he uses my toothpick he's gross way gross like he does yeah he's awful they're not worse than peeps no no okay i would honestly do the same to me i was either or i'm like oh whatever no because i could grab a handful of these if i wanted something sweet i would never grab a pee i would never grab either really just because the texture is so fun you have to admit it's a really great it is a fun texture um let's just do the let's get jelly beans out of the way yeah sweet tart jelly beans oh i'm excited for these yeah i've never seen those before yeah new ones new ones oh you got some of my classic fakes in here we do we got a face oh my god i've been doing it the wrong way this whole time [Music] i want the blue one really bad so i'm going to just casually dig for it oh i keep forgetting to hold it sweet tart jelly beans oh wow which one did you eat blue these are kind of fun they have this weird like almost like a bursting effect like when you took a bite did you get that it felt like sweet tart powder or like pixie dust almost do you think it's in there no i think they're just coated in a lot just like your spit just like squares it's a reaction because i am drooling so yeah maybe it's just the oh the yellow one was so bad like sour or gross just like tastes like cleaning product like oh wow i'll try it oh my god so bad oh my god so bad wow exact dupe for why it's all cleaning wipes dude if you're into that you just eat these sweet tarts wow they're not bad though except for the except for the yellow one the blue one was really good um [Music] where do you put it what do you think that yellow one really threw me off so i don't know i i don't think it would go do you think it would go above the starburst no no i think it's just above peeps you really do yeah i think it's like on top of peeps i hate peeps i just hate them i hate them just put them on top of each other for now okay these guys are friends hmm okay let's hop to back to chocolate reese's pieces eggs never seen these before no we're excited about this so excited anything like egg shaped yeah it's funny they just like any candy is like oh i'm just gonna make it an egg shape i can't why am i so bad at this i don't know if i'll be able to get this one on now you know all right well everyone got to see my um constipation face [Music] okay reese's piece is egg i could just get scissors true but yum really good but if i ate a lot of them i think i feel so sick yeah they're just reese's reese's pieces they're like bigger reese's pieces of species which i kind of like small reese's pieces these feel too big is that weird no i have another what am i doing yeah they're kind of like too much you know yeah that's why i like the small ones yeah under the m m's above the i think we're gonna be on the same page a lot here this is great they're not gonna stand up though and eventually spill okay we already had cadbury eggs so i'll just move these these are just little ones you can fit in the easter basket instead of the giant bag but i bought the giant bag because i decided i wanted it um i love these i don't like these robin eggs they're whoppers whoppers and different whoppers are gross but you know what used to happen to me there's also bubble gum that's what i thought that was yeah and i love the bubble gum i've always i was always as a kid i loved the bubble gum and my mom would give me eggs full of bees and eggs full of the bubble gum and sometimes i would eat one of these thinking it was the bubble gum and be so sad oh that's rough yeah yeah i do it a lot i can't say i like the bubble gum though i can't i don't yeah i love bubble gum i'm just not a gum person i don't like them but cool thing about these is you can use them as lipsticks did you ever do that i don't plan on it nope i don't i'm nervous does it come off easily yeah is it going on there yeah i'll show you chad that's close i look cool don't worry in case you thought i didn't you do look super alternative like yeah yeah you actually just look dead now oh this is blue you know hypothermia great maybe i should have gone with pink down the lake i don't want to die in a lake oh yeah you can see it wow can i see definitely it's blue blue and um yeah you can come off easily nope nope well my lips are blue for the rest of today that's surprisingly effective someone says it's kind of gone maybe i'll even knock with some pink you know what i just ate one of these and they weren't that bad for someone oh really i'm old because [Music] yeah just your upper right go here yeah honestly it's fine it looks like it's a little chilly it's a little chilly in here okay well i don't know why i went with blue but i'll eat one now instead of just playing with that i mean i think that was quite i think that was the color to go for because it really showed what like the power of the whopper candy coating um to lipstick ratio it's not as awful right as it was when it was i think it has more of a candy coating that's what it is whoppers have that chocolate coating yeah these are candy coated so it's like extra sugar surrounding it so these are actually exponentially better than regular whoppers this might be crazy you might not agree with me but i still think they're worse than jelly beans i disagree uh-oh uh-oh the first disagreement no i don't like them they're not as bad but i still don't like them can we put them between two jelly beans yeah okay compromise chat that's what this ranking system's about i need a you need a palette cleanser no i need one it's a lot of sweet i don't want to try it what do you want um there you go that should happen to this one oh yeah i'm excited for that okay this is the cool one i'm excited about this one white chocolate and lemon meringue dove candies i can't wait for my fortune oh yeah i forgot jeff has that i feel so weak you did a great job that time that was like one two rip it smells good let's see oh look at the cute there's a little lemon on there i forgot these were lemon flavored it's lemon or it's yellow and white i don't like when they mix fruit with chocolate you know like do you want to hear my fortune yeah april showers bring me flowers that's not helpful where'd they get that one mine's let spring bloom okay thanks dove all right oh this is interesting [Music] no one has thought of this before because it's a little weird i don't know what's the thing i might either know where to rank it i don't know something about it tastes like chemicals it has nothing to do with yeah it's what it tastes like is like it tastes like a candy in a chocolate texture do you know what i mean i don't like it i don't either this is terrible yeah it's actually bad actually i can't see straight now yeah i actually don't like it that was really bad yeah yeah that's rough do not get the white chocolate lemon meringue no that was not good doug that was a lot it was like very rich come over that one that one's gross we're saying worse than peeps right yeah yeah that's the worst one worst so far yeah whoppers are better better that's sad i was excited for that clorox wipes jelly beans were better true true hello welcome to my office wow it's so pretty we have candy i'm gonna go put them down from a video and shower do you want to try this we decided to work with one yeah we just tried it and decided it's the worst one it's a lemon meringue white chocolate it's new for easter from dove i decided i don't care about them because i remember getting repeats when i was a kid yeah spring into spring okay that's good advice actually really good advice more pancakes like chemicals huh no no he doesn't like it i really don't like white chocolate i really hate white chocolate that tastes nothing even like white chocolate yeah yeah the lemon is terrible yeah tasty but i actually love lemon flavor usually yeah the crunch egg looks delicious these were our clothes your ranking yeah yeah highest to lowest oh all right well let me let me put let me try them all well do you want us to finish our ranking and then you can turn them off oh yeah yeah you're still gone yeah we still have oh we have lots we've got i'm a shower shake thank you for the 10 minutes we got in our eggs yeah yeah we had these two there were fire all right the bunnies yeah i'm not that good she brought those bunnies yeah i agree with that i agree with that okay let's do these let's get these oh i think i've ever had these i think the packaging is mighty cute i think it's so fun yeah chocolate covered marshmallows i don't think i'm gonna like it oh i like marshmallows oh one is missing number one these ones are oh no it's over here i thought they were going to be more round but they're just flat i choked on my spit okay oh oh wow it got quite low could not be more like they didn't try very hard it's like the minimal effort it really just is yeah but they have a cool carton that they put it in oh amazing car yeah we love the packaging i hate the product yeah that's um it's better than pizza right yeah it's better than peeps because at least there's chocolate yeah but it's not good sorry peeps i love your texture and they're so cute but but i think these music nothing this these sweet tarts are better than except this one except that fell out to remind us only one fifth of all the flavors you're eating it again honestly like at this point do you like this one better no you know what we can do it we can do no i could pick this hide for me so you could do a tie breaker oh okay well they're inside it goes here sweet tarts jelly beans there we go there's our this is our current ranking who i'm starting to feel like whoo yeah i started a little bit oh you know what we're going to take a quick pause so i need to throw my potatoes in the oven you're going to stay still and hopefully the cat will darcy come here she has a great lap you love me oh there you go keep you nice and warm there's my little boy oh my god you could see how cute this is guys i'm making funeral potatoes for those of you who aren't mormon for those of you that are mormon you know you know they're like a cheesy shredded potato she got um diet cheat daya daiya cheese instead of regular cheese by accident yeah it's a new thing that was sad for me i'm not lactose intolerant though so i could have gone either way you need butter you're making a casserole you need butter i popped butter i put butter in the microwave for too long and it popped oh did you know that could happen yeah i think i went in for a whopping 40 seconds i don't know what i was thinking yeah but uh if you're looking to melt butter keep it at how many seconds would you suggest i mean i usually do in increments of 15 increments of 15. [Music] so no no not even this is five that was five yeah well i was a small piece let's do that it's actually not a ton of butter in there so even if i left it too long you want to talk because it's just not a lot um oh there it is did it pop no you can just hear it [Music] okay oh that cat is so cute so cute yeah you top the you top these potatoes with crushed corn flakes and some french onions delish very good look oh my gosh he does love me more i've neglected him for literally a month yeah well not just him yeah the dog too don't both were funny but cutie's funnier oh oh it's licking i think you're funnier too no you don't you see that do you love when the cat's lick yeah it's like stop but don't sometimes he hurts yeah he's got like a tongue of steel you like whoppers no yeah we need to try those but we're getting old these are malts oh these are whoppers yeah oh my god take that one off off the ground perfectly better than the original that's because the candy coating is good that's like the candy coating and apples yeah love that love me some candy coated advice yay okay the chicken's looking great we got the potatoes in we have another hour until dinner so potatoes are one of my top favorite foods oh you'll love these i love these these are good all right more champagne oh you're just a faster eater than me in general eater drinker yeah runner honestly i don't i think you could beat me because you're i'm slow i can only run all right i'm excited about these ones too but i think i'm going to be let down ugh key lime pie m m's they're just going to stick to their milk chocolate almond peanut life i don't what did i have i had the white chocolate ones weren't that bad here we go i just love key lime pie so i'm hoping [Music] oh no wait i haven't even gotten there yet [Music] better than the key lime lemon dove um but it feels a great feeling it's so bad man they tried though huh they did try though keep lemon and limes out of chocolate you know yeah because you artificial doesn't mix normal great sure we love that make a key lime pie yeah don't don't put it in an m m yeah this is that that was disappointing i'm very sad about those things because i was excited they're gonna make a lot of money off these things because people like want to try them you like you love key lime pie yeah try this no key lime lemonade chocolate i've donated to me oh yeah it was a test and you passed he did it i will try one oh he's lost okie dokie your your one key lime m m is sitting on the corner and it's like um a very off-putting color yeah i did choose a weird color admittedly i'll say the salad looks insane yeah everything should be done in like holy [ __ ] i don't know what do you think i was doing right here there's your m m it is flesh colored yeah that's great you like it really yeah i would eat that whole bag really well you could have one a day until they're done really bro yeah i remember for halloween he was like if you like the hershey bars you're a psychopath and you like your psychopath tables have turned oh have the turns have tabled next i think you'll like these these are lindor eggs so they're lindor truffles but here's the thing uh-oh with lint uh-oh the lynch chocolate straight delicious truffles i have an issue with these why i don't know what it is and i'm gonna try and describe it for you today oh my god okay and i know that these are like the truffles but egg shaped yeah i like the truffles really i don't hate them but i don't like they're swinging did i ever give you the peppermint ones no oh next year i'll get you some ruins they're only christmas time and they're my favorite things and i can eat a one whole bag in a sitting which is not good well i can do that with everything yeah [Music] it's bigger than a travel so it's definitely too much for one person you don't like the feeling you didn't get it there's something no i got some um it's just different from the actual the actual lint tastes like it's supposed to be a ganache is that what ganache tastes like everywhere yeah it tastes malted that's what the word is well that's probably that's probably preservatives but where are we putting it uh i think just out of like it's just a lot it's really rich i would almost put it right here after the strawberry or after the starburst or before you couldn't well i'm always going to pick chocolate over candy but just because i don't have an affinity towards the truffles i'll let you make a decision they're on no i actually don't like the starbucks i'm going to put it above the starburst yeah like who are we to say we don't like jelly beans and then make them before yeah i mean i also feel bad because these are an all-time popular favorite she's trying the best and we're leaning we're leaning so far in the chocolate realm but yeah this is gonna mess some stuff up it's amazing this is the one with the goop in it oh you like that hi hello why do you guys feel about lemon chocolate let me try it yeah come try it this is so far our worst rated easter candy our worst rated yeah okay so ice is the worst one you might like it we got friends say hi chat sorry i live in the kitchen with a camera so you'll be used to this all the time i'm not a huge fan it's just kind of weird it's like kind of right reminds me of like a of a bad lemon meringue pie yeah yeah and like the texture just throws you off yeah you're expecting it because it's not it's not yeah it's not like the pie yeah yeah not a fan good okay all right i was excited for them and they were bad well enjoy yourselves i'll have dinner will be ready at like 7 30 if you guys want something right okay all right um that's aiden's friend he's staying for a little bit [Applause] um okay we're going to the creamy egg you are excited about this no i don't i don't even know where i land on these i know they're weird but they're they're good but there's like just you let me know so well these were my favorite candy as a kid but as an adult i can't do them but they were my favorite i had a ritual to them i would i would like bite off the top and then i would like eat it with my finger yeah i think that what it is it grow the consistency of the inside grosses me out and it's not that the taste bothers me because i love the chocolate shell but it is a yolk if you will you know that the yolk is fondant it's just wet fondant that's what the yolk is turning me off yeah the yolk is wet fondant oh there's so much sugar i just want the outside i don't want the inside yeah i've grown out of these i love them as a kid i cannot do them as an adult but the outside is so good the cat is so cute like oh i get it it's the egg yolk and the white yeah so they have a inside the egg they have like an orange part oh god it's gross i can't where do you put it only because i would never finish the whole thing well you're looking down that way i know i looked down very far i think at least after whoppers that's fair okay because i enjoyed those markers yeah i think after whoppers just because that's a lot to eat but if it were my ranking solo i'd probably put them right near the legs and i'll just eat the outsides only a pallet comes off that one that's for damn sure cheese louise what it was just a lot of sugar yeah okay some people call us heroes for the amount of sugar we consume some don't call us at all crunch these ones are great because these are the ones i grew up eating so you know and the hershey's ones yeah we always had these as kids did you ever punch ice cream bars yep based products so i finished the whole thing wow you went for it yeah these are just good yeah they're just good um i would put them right here yeah because i like the almonds they're almost like too sweet yeah and kind of cut it yeah i agree here i'll move the basket they're sad they can't see theirs there's this little head now just peeking up you know yeah yeah just a little peeking out little kitty cat he's so cute all right he goes right in here the crunch eggs we are almost there we're at the final stretch you brought kinder eggs you can have them we can taste them yeah what they don't make them like they used to let's just do this let's just do the hershey's thing [Music] i mean this is just hershey's chocolate it's literally a hershey's kiss yeah but egg-shaped good why does mine taste like cheese i don't know that's weird that was weird cornell just had a stroke everybody pray for her please it's a lot of chocolate for me i had every experience with mine and she had a stroke so you put that where it looks like you want because i'm gonna put it it's just easy to eat so i'm gonna put it down here after reese's before the truffles i i think we're just leaning very much soda chocolate today every day so i'm sorry to the starburst people okay we're not opening these bunnies i had two of them last night but she had two of them last night but i just get this giant bunny which i guess we will see if this giant bunny is better than that's definitely solid hershey's kisses you're handsome and i love you okay i can't thank you ben chocolate bunny superior yeah we'll see if this is maybe this chocolate is better than hershey's what do you think it's just a freaking bunny wow but it's half of it it is half of what it looks to be like you'd think it was like you know yeah no he's he's thin he's a chocolate bar he's body goals yeah oh i just i you want his ears yeah thank you if this is good chocolate i'll do my strawberries on this later this would be perfect strawberry chocolate no it's awful really yeah i think it would taste great oh my god this is awful this is that cheap chocolate that's in advent calendars farmers this is candy as well these are chocolate melts these are it's not really chocolate i love it no it's gross that's not real chocolate if i ate that it would maybe draw i would grow but i would like throw up my mouth and swallow it sugar cocoa butter chocolate liqueur they all say that chocolate liqueur i think so ma'am so i left it man milk chocolate see this one actually has chocolate in it this one doesn't this it just has chocolate chocolate cocoa butter is it cacao butter what chocolate no yes it is but you also need to have actual chocolate they the reason theirs is worse is because sugar is their first ingredient no actually all sugar they don't have actual chocolate though because look you have to have sugar skim milk chocolate milk the first one yeah but then chocolate and then cocoa butter cocoa butter is different than actual chocolate he was saying the chocolate contains sugar and that's what this is saying like it's just milk chocolate in parentheses sugar you know this is stressful it is i'm not a chemist all i know is you're not gonna like this but i would put this all the way down here that's fair okay she likes it this is bad chocolate as long as all the chocolate well most of the chocolates above i don't know which one about chubby beans what's next a diabetic coma that is what's next there's what do you want do you want one of these here they're so cute you checked it out no it's so cute i haven't seen those before these are um reese's eggs another streamer named asthma gold has like a whole he like he has this hierarchy essentially of reese's alone okay and he that he said the best kind are the easter ones and so i i was really excited to buy these but these are the wrong ones they're the flat ones shaped like an egg because you said i had christmas tree ones yeah um yeah so he says it has the best peanut butter chocolate ratio and i thought it was these and i got excited but it wasn't but we'll do these anyway does he put pieces in there too there's no oh i don't know i don't know guys do you know i want to make a chocolate card oh because look how thick the chocolate is oh i'm gonna like that you're gonna like it it seems like a lot of chocolate for reese's because i've always thought reese's have too much peanut butter wow that's a lot of [ __ ] peanut butter on the side oh yeah even the even for the fat end way too much bigger i think it goes above just milk chocolate though don't you think it's just a reese's yeah i think it's just more interesting than like the cheese yeah but this is more interesting yeah i don't know how you haven't had a pelvic cleanser yet this is my pelvic cleanser it's sweet and sweet okay next we're on to eating bottom soon or we have two more we have kinder egg and then the kinder bueno oh yeah i don't even know if this is easter i had i had 16 of them this morning i'm going to try it well i mean we should we should definitely call it a kinder egg i haven't had a kinder bueno i don't want you trying kinder egg is definitely like it's a freaking egg we've gotta have a you gotta try and kinder egg on easter so they change they when i used to get kinder eggs it would be like chocolate shell uh-huh like a normal chocolate shell yeah there's one side now they make it see it's just it's a lot of effort taking a little spoon you're scooping this you're scooping that what there's like a ferrero rocher ball in the middle and i have no idea what's going on but kinder eggs didn't used to be this way oh at a certain point in time but i think kids were choking on the toys oh so weird yeah it's like a ganache and two truffles what resemblance to egg this has and when you open it it makes no sense oh and then just a toy we got a cool sheep though for easter oh that's cute he um oh he looks so angry he says clover i don't really know that gives you it doesn't give you directions and that's the spoon you eat the inside with oh he's like he's like a leprechaun he's a leprechaun sheep he's fun and so you just eat it with a spoon oh yeah these are very different than what i thought they're yeah they've changed i don't know i don't like this version it's just ganache it's ganache and chocolate white chocolate i don't know it's a mess it's a mess it wasn't always like this oh there's dark chocolate it's not bad it's fine it's more high handsome complex than your average oh my god he's still there look at his cute little face peeping up oh those are all right too creamy they changed them really from kinder eggs no no there are also kinder eggs so oh really yeah this is kinder joy maybe it's different now kinder joy is kinder eggs but there's kinder joy actually maybe you're right i've never seen a kinder egg in the states i think it's because kids choke on the toys yeah you are right about that it's possible that that's the american version of them i'm gonna put this above the the truffles because they're like the same thing yeah the only difference these are just annoying to eat yeah they are very actually no let's put them below starburst they're annoying to eat no you hate them okay then let's put them right here yeah right there okay kinder bueno you had so many okay for now had these for breakfast so after breakfast yeah then two breakfasts do breakfast oh wow oh it's like a weird kitkat you don't like it huh what is in there what is that nougat no idea yeah it's not nougat that's like one sweet caramel cream sweet cream dulce de leche trace lychees sweet cream kind of feels convincing i don't know i think it's mainly it's not really like found in many chocolates here what does it say on there oh it doesn't no i didn't like this little pawn he's dangling interesting i'm just saying interesting interesting okay i mean these are good i put them after the m m's fair yeah okay because i didn't have 15 this morning so it's not like i don't like them yeah they're pretty good all right is that it that's it oh no you have to try a straight line oh i also had some of those there was five in the pack and they're only two in here so i ate three of them what's this what does that mean a straight lint so is it just chocolate ganache or whatever you call it praline ganache i don't know but it's just this it's just the shell oh it's hollow oh it's so good to me it's what the bunnies are but it's thinner the bunnies are thicker which i like but it's like it's if you're not in since just straighten old chocolate you're going to hate it i just think it's boring oh my god no because it's such high quality chocolate it's like a little smoky a little you know some floral tones in there i would put it before these hershey's eggs but after this reese's i'll let you put it there but i just agree i just put it tight react all right i'm putting this with this because the thicker is like so much more fun to bite into the thicker one because these are thin so it's kind of like mine that is it that was a lot of chocolate the camera is leaking everywhere that was a lot of chocolate boys and girls so much i feel sick i feel gross so much and it's just so funny ow i just put my tongue all right um well our final ranking cadbury eggs almonds m m's almonds kinder buenos crunch eggs reese's eggs reese's pieces eggs sorry lint chocolate reese's egg kinder egg hershey's chocolate egg lint egg starburst jelly beans mostly because we hate jelly beans i hate him um robin eggs big bunny that's cheap i think it was like a dollar fondant egg creme egg sweet tart jelly beans marshmallow eggs peeps all the way down here is eminem's attempt at something cool key lime m m's and then at the very bottom dub white chocolate meringue it's such a fair ranking it's pretty good ranking unless you would put some people i'm sure want the starburst jelly beans to be first huh they're upset some people probably want the starburst jelly beans yeah a few people i know people love the strawberries jelly beans i think my brother is one of them he would definitely put it first yo but can you do boys all right um we just need to finish dinner um [Music] we're gonna finish making dinner actually i'm just gonna do it off stream and then we'll eat dinner and then we'll come back to decorate eggs because because i said so cool so we'll be back in like an hour to an hour and a half i know i said you guys could come to dinner but i decided never mind because i don't feel like entertaining you because i have a headache because i just ate so much chocolate yeah that'll do it you know i'm sure ludwig will bring chat to dinner so just watch him until then it's okay guys you're okay you're fine we'll be back to decorate eggs in a little bit um but the cat has been here and that was cool so just look at the camera he's asleep he's conked so cute so cute all right that's it boys and girls i'm falling and i'm gonna end stream we'll be back in a little bit i'll see you later keep away we'll be back
get up [Music] what up hey guess who's right here you jumped up during the music [Music] all right whoa whoa what's up what's up what's up what's up what's good the Glizzy undies they're just shorts I mean they're actually kind of foldable a lot of it good good Tingo oh he never does he must be so lonely because Ari's visiting her family right now this [ __ ] cat never comes in here and hangs out with me ever Getty here's uh just weed cat all right Chevron it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay uh a truck Tara blobfish Dr battles Charlie stop all right you know uh Jackie some ah will the wise what's up what's up everybody how you going sorry I've been out for a few days I surprised my family it was my dad's birthday and it was Mother's Day so I flew out to Arizona and surprised my family and uh and then it was really well my mom was [ __ ] super surprised uh hype man thank you for the 14 months Coke Cooper Loop thank you for the 27 months no need to fear big a your all-time favorite sub is back for his 27 month no need to thank me for being awesome and here all the time no need all right good blue and I do think of you as my number one sub and that's someone I always keep in mind uh uh uh furry Teletubby thank you for the uh Prime uh Coda bear I think for three months when are you gonna tell the acid story there is no acid story there's no story of me there I mean hey I'm saying it with a smirk like there's not there's no accessory hey Shrek did you get your eyebrows done no but I do I'll just be honest with you as soon as I shave the middle I don't have a unibrow but sometimes I'll just you know I just don't want it to get too close all right there's no natural unibrow I'm just telling you today don't we all that's what I'm saying yeah sometimes you just [ __ ] um hair in the middle none on top there's some hair on top it's actually coming back at a good at a rapid pace have you seen the OverWatch 2 news I was going to talk about it's so [ __ ] ridiculous what what are they [ __ ] smoking a blizzard I swear to God that was the only reason to even have an OverWatch too that was the only reason to put a two at the end of it it was literally the entire selling point oh God it's so stupid can we please not talk about it it's been a rough day for us OverWatch 2 fans you mean OverWatch 1.3 fans no I'm not gonna not talk about it bro I gotta talk about it because it's [ __ ] ridiculous uh OverWatch three [Laughter] that would be the most [ __ ] blizzard thing of all time is to announce they're canceling the PVE and then tomorrow announce OverWatch 3 with PVE laughs be like you know what it is coming but only if you pay for another OverWatch uh didn't they charge people specific access to it I haven't heard of that I don't know if you paid extra for PVE Anonymous gifter thank you for the one gifted I love that a gift and complete silence from the chatter that's good Anonymous the best way to do it I thought OverWatch 2 was free I thought it was free as well my understanding is it's is it does it cost money I actually don't know OverWatch 2 I'm not I'll be honestly I didn't play OverWatch 2 one time uh oh if you bought OverWatch you got OverWatch 2 for free but if you didn't buy OverWatch maybe you do have to pay for it I'm not sure no it's free to play no matter what okay well there you go let's just the Skins then uh neat cocoa powder think of it six months uh oatham thank you for the 11 months yo big a am I still in your notes app from my eight month sub I feel like we did a bit uh you're you're ringing a bell I feel like when you sub for eight months you asked for special recognition or something and then I put your name in my notes app and we were gonna but I I didn't do that I didn't actually do it I didn't put it in there it was a bit um dude I'm not even trying to be mean but seriously it's not growing back at a normal rate LMAO dude tells me but it is growing back at a faster than normal rate it is literally going back so fast quack it's literally gonna be back to what it was in like a [ __ ] two months it is moving it is moving actually faster than even I thought it looked the same two weeks ago it literally didn't you are [ __ ] you're lying you're bullshitting you're lying you'd go on the internet and tell lies do that uh uh big a you okay out here with the buzz cut LOL w ow bro it's been buzzed for at least a month Off streaming so I don't tell you uh uh favor the 20 months atcharon acharon akaron boy did I say your name akaran boy uh uh I got your back big a it's growing back so fast you're gonna have that Neanderthal dude from your 20s back when you invented fire I have my back you wanted to kick me with an old joke too just so I understand when you opened I was like oh well there you go he has my back that's awesome perked up a little bit and then it was all downhill from there uh whiskey XLR with a five-month service I think with the prime uh Caribou Walmart I think the 23. some of us arango think of the form um big a I'm gonna graduate me on getting Victor win but not win banyama I just got I fell into something right there that's a that's a Deez Nuts right when banana these nuts what what did I just say oh it's a basketball player okay you got him what do you mean you got him in your [ __ ] basement he's an NBA Prospect Prospect these nuts quack sheesh Samurai I think of this nine months nine months finally the baby came out it's not how subs work uh he's a seven foot five basketball player I don't believe it what's his name Win Ben Maya Win Ben Yama is a French professional basketball player already a bad look he's seven foot two he's a little shorty dude he's a little shorty I looked down on him seven two bro any from France they don't even use the [ __ ] same feet as us everyone knows French feet are shorter uh because of Napoleon um uh you could dunk on that's what I'm saying I'm not saying I would dunk on him because I don't know him that's disrespectful you know what I'm saying I'm not gonna walk up to the guy and dunk on him he clearly wants to make a career basketball and I'm not that's not my thing so I'm not gonna but I could obviously that's he's seven foot four minimum don't believe the propaganda who would benefit from propaganda to knock two inches off an NBA player's height I don't liberals uh that actually makes sense no no the Liberals [ __ ] damn it you're right there's the libs again ah God damn it God damn it dude he literally just [ __ ] grew he's young all right I'm actually gonna look it up is Victor win banyama seven foot five wow okay actually he might be holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] his height grows again you guys aren't even joking he just keeps getting [ __ ] taller his stock just keeps on growing but that's not the only thing growing when when Ben Yama I need to learn how to say his name and this place is reckful the first couple times I get away with it now I have to say his name correctly so let's nail it how do I say his name [Music] no [ __ ] sound AI [ __ ] generated news nailed it he's touted to go number one overall in the draft here's a theory that my shock basketball fans what if he's too tall that's what they told me when I was applying for the draft do you know what I'm saying what if he what because like you can tip over it's almost like an AT-AT you know what I'm saying they can wrap your legs and you could fall down uh and plus you're back you know what I'm saying I don't know I don't this kid's Too Tall applying for the track I put in like a job application I wanted to be on the Phoenix Suns uh I'm just saying bro seven foot five is is ridiculous how tall is uh Durant how tall is Kevin Durant Kevin Durant is only a paltry shorty 610 and when I saw Kevin Durant in person I thought he was a he looks like a freaking nature dude Kevin Durant is freakishly tall he looks he looks so 7 16 is Cap all right so speaking of Victor uh yamas uh uh conspiracy to lower his height stance told me that Kevin Durant actually has a conspiracy to lower his height Kevin Durant slouches and pretends to be shorter than he is or at least he did in his early career so he wouldn't get place at Center so he wouldn't have to play center which is [ __ ] crazy because now he's got this weird [ __ ] slouch he's like a puppet a lot of player Do It Center sucks can't suck that bad uh honestly big brain it worked out for him I guess although I'm a little disappointed the sons failed to mount the comeback uh on the Nuggets did you see they put him in COD who they put Kevin Durant in COD I don't believe that Kevin Kevin Durant Call of Duty Call of Duty Kevin Durant operator bundle all you need to know all I need to know is right here this is that's all I need to know [Laughter] oh you already won it I sort of do I guess I sort of I guess we who Among Us hasn't Among Us by the way I did say that on purpose who Among Us hasn't at one point wanted to commit a war crime as Kevin Durant that feels that doesn't even feel like that oh no it feels pretty normal that's like a that's the dream yeah uh uh Charles Barkley tried to get fat so the 76ers wouldn't draft him Charles worth mentioning as I always do Charles Barkley once patted me on the head as a child in a McDonald's so Space Jam style I do have his powers although I don't know what his powers are currently uh uh uh Charles Barkley fat to avoid draft I need to see if this is true Charles Barkley's eating binge couldn't save him from the Sixers [Laughter] he gained an astonishing 20 pounds in for I don't believe this that's not possible 20 pounds in 48 hours that's that's inhuman there's no way there's no way it's a fake story that's a [ __ ] LeBron James S story and also we don't have the same hair I have much more hair than Charles Barkley all right clearly you could tell that it's [ __ ] filling in in a rabid face uh uh [Laughter] dude I didn't leave college for 75 grand we have a problem the mission was to gain a few pounds we went to Denny's and I had like two grand slam breakfasts laughs Barkley said of the meal that consists this is AI generated bro no this is not a human's right oh god dude is there any real [ __ ] dude uh all these [ __ ] news organizations laying off all their [ __ ] authors or writers uh for AI generated [ __ ] content it's crazy how do you gain more than the weight of the entire food well I assume he I assume the story continues sir I don't believe his story was that I needed to gain 20 pounds in a day so I ate two grand slams I think there's there's clearly more obviously there's more than we just said um uh water weight is real I don't think anyone's denying that sir you're you're you're no one's coming at you water weight is real people believe you Scorpio the C2 thank you for the 13 months I believe in skeletons let me give it 17 months I believe I've mentioned this before last time you subbed but it is not controversial to believe in skeletons most people do so your name is not necessary it's not it doesn't add to the you're not you're not you're not supporting a big cause everyone here in chat believes in skeletons already this is the KD Call of Duty ad and if you believe in skeletons say I don't believe in skeletons lamou okay say no we don't say I do not say nopers all right say that stuff if you believe in skeletons because all right good I'm glad I'm glad I am glad that you all believe oh speaking of belief can I hit you guys with a crazy idea wait so I was thinking what's a show we could watch after and I had two [ __ ] ideas number one is we used to watch it was a very fun time on the stream most of you weren't even here for this but it was very fun for me I'm thinking things that were fun for me Batman Beyond Batman Beyond was extremely fun because we kind of just made fun of it every time but also I liked it so it's good balance we finished that there is a similar show there's actually two similar shows one is Teen Titans which is a show that I loved from about the same period in my life uh my early 80s back in the early 2000s and I love Teen Titans and it reminds me a lot of Batman Beyond it's a little less um serious you know Batman Beyond had some real serious themes which I thought were cool but it's good um and then the other one is uh the Batman animated series which I've never seen so apparently the Batman animated series is like pretty dark it's got Kevin Conroy as Batman and it's pretty dope and it's well made and everyone says it's pretty goaded and I've never seen it so I could watch that as well it's also got like what all the real iconic Joker tropes apparently all come from that so those both sound good those are for solo for like watching us on stream but also I had this idea of a co-op watch with stands because me and Stan are talking about things we could do together and a show that I think we could both watch is X-Files I think me and Stan's because I've never seen X-Files other than like random one of episodes so [Music] and they're all like mystery of the week so you what I like about those shows is that if you didn't watch the last episode you didn't miss [ __ ] you can just come in and watch it I like that because people don't want people can't be arsed to watch everything in order on a stream it's not how it works like the best shows you can just watch and you can just join in and that's the [ __ ] plan watch House house is the opposite of that problem where it's it's so similar you could watch one episode and you've seen everyone I'm gonna watch an episode of house and then I'll watch the next one a week later everyone's gonna watch this already we already seen this one and I'm like no it's a new episode no it's exactly the same this is the one where house [ __ ] yells at his staff and then he's right about it's exactly the same uh Glee I would rather I would rather not watch Glee why the [ __ ] uh uh we literally watch the community which like the most anti-glish show Community like rose or Glee every episode uh the good doctor no thank you I I don't know much about the good doctor memes other than what I saw on stanza's stream uh I feel like it's a pretty dangerous Minefield to Wade through because I'm just gonna be honestly the show looks terrible to me the show looks awful but I feel like if I make fun of it too much it's like it's making fun of autism in some way I don't know I don't I don't wanna I I don't I don't I don't I don't get it and the thing is I thought it was fine but then I watched Linkus extreme and he said like first of all Linkus if you guys don't know uh is somewhere on the Arctic Spectrum that's what he says and he said he actually liked the show he said some parts of it he actually found like to be depictions of autism that he hadn't seen before in media and so he likes it I respect Linkus I'm not gonna make fun of the show I don't know anything about it uh I have autism you have the past oh thank God so let's oh I got the pass that's great let's really get into it then uh arrest development I mean that could be fun with stands but I think we're thinking we're gonna try X-Files all right and here's why my little brother likes X-Files and uh he came by when I was in Arizona visiting family and we were all there we had a little family you know game night or whatever and then he put on an episode X Files and I just roasted it with him for 30 minutes and we had a blast and I was like wow this is really fun uh this Show's like very funny to make fun of but also like get into we should watch Breaking Bad okay you guys we can't I'm picking things that are really old that aren't really copyright enforceable that are often all on YouTube I'm not picking things that are like [ __ ] just came out dude let's watch [ __ ] Guardians of the Galaxy 3. do you know what I'm saying you're pushing it too far Colombo would be a good reaction first of all you are older than me someone in my chats recommended Colombo my grandma watches Colombo bro what the [ __ ] never who the hell are you how did you get here holy moly I've never seen Colombo I'm sure it's great I'm not even um but what I will say is if you like Colombo you should check out Poker Face because I've heard it's inspired by Colombo and it's a lot more modern it just came out last year it's [ __ ] dope Poker Face one of the best shows I've seen in a minute uh stanz is waiting stands is ready how do you guys know stands because he's my best man so I feel like I know when he's ready right maybe you don't [ __ ] tell me maybe don't [ __ ] tell me when he's ready all right I'll know him all right he's my dog he's my day one he's calling you bro suck oh he's called me twice hold off on that suck hold off on that suck yeah be honest on me let's call him back oh ring a ding ding ding what's up what up big dog sorry did you just do a crazy frog what was that it was kind of cut off ah dude the cutoff is gonna ruin everything all right because I'm gonna drop a lot of bangers today okay well I just want you to be able to hear them all and then also I want to hear your laugh there audibly for each one always here do you understand that you hear my laughter I just don't hear yours because it cuts out hey there's a reason brother hey it cuts off it cuts off is questionable I always think think you're actually not laughing and then I go to your stream and you're [ __ ] rolling on the floor hey Chad when he comes our boxes head in here and just pretend to laugh all right put a [ __ ] yeah please do honestly the illusion of it yeah you know what that's true I've always thought that about like movies like um did you see the recent one uh that went with all the controversy uh oh don't worry darling uh no I did not see it Rochelle saw on an airplane I think don't worry darling or the Matrix or anything where they're the spoiler alert they're plugged into a uh but it's like the you know the big reveal is that like yeah we're super happy in here but it's fake and it's like okay that's yeah I mean the answer I know what you're gonna say because I've said this for years and who cares yeah yeah I'm just I don't know I would love to see more more of a reason to get out otherwise it's just like I got into a big fight with my chat maybe a year ago because they don't believe that I want my brain in a jar a hundred percent the day that's possible uh that's weird I could see them fighting you on whether it's a good idea I don't know why they fight you I don't give a [ __ ] I want my brain in a jar live forever yeah what I'm saying is why are they fighting you on whether you want it you definitely want it they're not talking about you're saying they don't believe you value in humanity and I don't I don't give a [ __ ] dude I need two things I need diodes on my brain I need a flashlight on my dick and I'm good that's it it's on my brain it's got a flashlight on my dick you do have a way with words I've often said that about you uh I don't know if you should run on that platform but I do think you've gotta you gotta bold take on the future and I think that you the thing is people don't want to hear it but they would want to feel it I'll tell you that much that see that chat it was a laugh I guarantee it he is on his side I cut out it's dead silence that's so funny because I really I was actually laughing on that one that's what I have to deal with chat every time you just got your [ __ ] cut off yeah I do it actually probably is a gain situation right it's got to be a [ __ ] again well no it's not a game situation yeah correct I don't know how that [ __ ] works you know you know how that [ __ ] that's copy I mean he's saying you're not laughing but I know you're you're admitting right now you're laughing well you're texting me and saying please please thank you whatever it takes uh yeah well I'm I don't know if I can fix this noise gate but anyway I I do agree do you ever read pen dragon oh yeah I loved them and there's one where they supposed to be that's where I developed this me too well I don't have the same thesis yeah I think we can't do different conclusions but uh well when I first read that pin dragon where they you know uh uh they get VR headsets or whatever it's a video game yeah yeah and it was like damn what what what really stops that from happening once it exists I mean Apple's got a three thousand dollar headset coming out [ __ ] yeah they're they're leaks leaks just came out I think the problem is the weight of them mostly right is it gonna be everyone wants like this felt like it needs to be the consistency and size of a face mask you're a face mask guy right when you sleep yeah no that's that needs to be an eye mask yeah yeah yeah sorry eye mask yeah use the correct terminal you put on a face mask and you break Windows midnight yes well you don't mention the whole thing I I wear a nose strip earplugs a face mask [Laughter] don't want to [ __ ] do it I block every single one of my senses and I [ __ ] dive into sleep yeah but that's wrong that's bad you don't know what the [ __ ] right yeah you're not a [ __ ] doctor no I'm sorry I'm sorry congratulations everyone congratulations on his brand new medical degree I didn't know he got this oh my God this is awesome this is amazing wow stands MD he watched the good house or the good doctor for five minutes and all of a sudden he knows everything and according to Rochelle he's equally autistic so oh [ __ ] which is why I'm so good at this yeah you are correct [Music] um hey you shouldn't make fun of that show by the way uh I'll speak to that I didn't make fun of the show you made fun of the show I made fun of the representation well that's the product that I don't like I don't even make fun of I well I was gonna make fun of it too because I watched your stream and you influenced me because you're an influencer and then I watched linkage history and he said he first said first of all I'm autistic this is my kiss uh he didn't say I was autistic and then he said uh he opens with that and then he said uh he likes the show he said it's like one of the only representations he's had of another character that was anywhere close to what he has in real life oh yeah I haven't seen the show I've watched six minutes of the show right you understand that and there's like four seasons Yeah well yeah I'm just saying as someone on the Spectrum I think stanz did nothing wrong well I disagree with you so and I think my voice voice counts harder also because I watch it you know uh Stan doesn't have the past I got the pass earlier this is going we did not a playground you open the door not gonna like where we end up [Laughter] I don't know where you're ending up uh I first of all wanted to ask how you're doing just well how's it going it's going it's actually going great uh to be honest I can't complain I'm doing a lot of fulfilling work outside of stream I'm going to therapy weekly I'm drinking a lot of water I'm in my girl boss Aaron you are in a girl boss era yeah that's good I've been doing have you did you watch the um uh who was it made the video about water talk water it's like all these ladies that like get like [ __ ] these packets and make their water taste good and it's like this is my water of the day is that you are you oh yeah Curtis Connor Curtis Carter made the video it's a great video everyone should go watch it I've been water talking with these things called Neo it's like a little it's like a little syrup you spray the syrup in your water I'm sorry I'm water talking all over so but it sounds to me like you're just putting sugar and water to make it less healthy no sugar no sugar that's the thing you need to know if there's no sugar yeah but it's like aspartame or something right that's not sugar you said it was sugar it's [ __ ] it's it's science is sugar bro it's like the sugar I didn't know you were a doctor did we go at the same time dead [Laughter] all right it's touche good sir touche I see you pertained your Ironclad wit uh well you're gonna need it today because we did not get very far is what I've been informed through because I I was so in the moment that I don't know how deep we are in it you know I have been informed that we are not very far into this game I think we're like two tenths maybe actually I heard they were farther than that or we're like three or four tenths but still I thought we were closer to the end than the beginning and we are no not even no no no no no we aren't uh yeah and there's some issues I mean do we want this to be maybe a review session for the last one because I think there are things we both did okay I just want you to come into this as non-hostile as possible is that can we I'm down to a post-mortem but I just want you to know that a good postmortem in my experience really you have to take the aggression out of the room you know what I'm saying leave it at the door my friend I want you to go are we to stop for a second and leave the aggression at the door is I want you to confirm that it's not with you in your hands actually if you could I I'm gonna pop your stream if you don't mind could you go to the door and drop the aggression off because right now I am just sensing a lot of hostility I am just sitting a lot of hostility all right let's just okay okay let's just see if we can okay rates put it outside please there it is okay all right say goodbye to it all right that looks good to me great great I already feel better I already feel better what up bruh oh man you just you just you seem lighter you seem like you've taken a massive load off your mind yes sir let's talk then what do you think you know coming into it uh what went wrong on our last attempt at this puzzle game because we did not get very far I want you to go first I want you to be as scathing and honest as possible okay all right oh you want me to go first yeah I want you to go first I want you to go first and I want you to speak from the heart here okay I'll speak from the heart and I and you want me to just be honest I want you to be honest I think that's right okay if I were to be dead honest and I would have just I would you know let the chopper sing so to speak metaphorically and just spray the bullets in all directions who know who gets hit is is guilty you know I would say possibly maybe occasionally I may have facilitated some Communications Problems by holding the button down sing over and continuing to talk I'm just put that out there I'm gonna put that out there I'm gonna say that perhaps that could have been and am I a hero for that sure you could say that you probably will say that right after I'm done talking but I just want you to know that you know that those days are behind me stanz first of all first and foremost before we even talk about anything else I'm gonna be spot on with the button in this game I'm gonna be over you're not even gonna it's gonna immediately jump back to you and I'm gonna be sitting there waiting with baited breath to hear your response over wait I'm sorry did you say something I was holding the button see how that would be frustrating I can see that'd be frustrating yeah yeah I actually don't think we had any you know what's funny is there were like Chatters and people in Discord they were like I don't know how you do it that must be so frustrating I feel like I had a great time I I thought it was fun even like half the frustration and button bits were just jokes and even if they weren't they were funny so right yeah they were jokes they were funny they weren't mad for Content yeah yes sir Jukes across the board uh no I had a good time I thought it was blast so I'm totally down to do it again uh I do think though I would be down to to do it exactly the same way because it's the funniest way but it would take us no cap three more streams to finish at that pace so here's what I'm thinking we do for the beginning of this run today we honest to God try and that includes mostly me to be honest and we're gonna honest to God focus our brains we're gonna see if we can solve these puzzles because we have to make progress and just to prove to ourselves that we're not gonna be completely lost okay okay okay all right is that sound good are you on the same I'm gonna we're gonna literally we're gonna knuckle up button down belts up shoes on I am don't misunderstand my chuckling as you're making fun of you okay great but the absurdity of you giving this speech like we're about to go to an asteroid and mine it and save the world Armageddon stuff we can do it all you need to do is not hold the button and say over is crazy to me okay first of all let me uh I appreciate your feedback I do I want us to stop and before I even continue I want to say I appreciate that I I love how you feel that you can be so open with me and you have no worry of hurting my feelings I love that I love that oh yeah classically um next time someone on your team is giving an inspiring speech I would think some of the best thing you can do is support them and not really undercut them by just chopping them off at the legs you know right off their their possible habits with pressing the button that's just my that's just my opinion for the future also second thing if we're gonna be on the same page because I think here's the problem I think you you bring your A game on the button thing all right no one's doubting that nobody in my chat or yours is doubting that you bring your A game when it comes to letting go of the button and saying over you're you're world class at it honestly I'm odd but sometimes you don't bring your A game when it comes to emotional support for your teammates you know what I'm saying that emotional resonance that I think I'm bringing in Spades I feel like I get you and I feel like I support you when it matters right so let's start off with your title I was thinking probably king or Mr but you can call me whatever you want hahaha okay okay all right uh I thought we start somewhere productive and that is accepting my squad invite yes sir yes sir let's get that Squat and now we're score uh I actually think we're gonna do great wait you also said we were gonna try hand to God what was the second half of that like if this goes [ __ ] South yeah if all of a sudden we need to circle the wagons what's your solution what do you mean oh here's what I usually I think if things aren't going well yes code word throwback we're going to say banana bread and that means we gotta get this [ __ ] figured out that means we have to reconvene that means we need to circle the wagons yet again and we need to figure out what's going wrong so if things are off Pace just drop in a banana bread and I'll know that this [ __ ] is not working and uh and again your title is just really setting me off on the wrong foot yeah to be honest I don't know what my title is by mod set my titles mods change the title to whatever you would like something Fair appropriate and true something that speaks honest to the machine that is friendship you know what I'm saying I don't even think of it as a machine it feels so this is a machine you know um are you online on Steam I'm logging it on right now sheesh I'm logging on to play with my friends dance and we are gonna solve some puzzles like never before um it's not opening a cringe oh man it's gonna suck if I can't get this open what do you mean you can't get it open I don't know it just it's [ __ ] not opening yes you're right that would suck that'd be weird I hope that's not the case uh I'm gonna end task on Steam and see okay how about this you continue to do that yep I spared the community of my gaming channel this long-winded introduction in US running the bits I'm gonna start recording and from this moment on I want you to be on your best behavior stance that was gonna be the best part of the video you cut out the only part that anyone's the rest of it is gonna be us losing our goddamn Minds at this [ __ ] game you cut out the only part where we're still having fun yeah they just don't deserve it you know I believe in keeping a strong hand when it comes to YouTube viewers also uh yeah you didn't leave your anger at the door like I did so true all right you know what I see your game I'm joining I'm not kidding once we are in this game I do I'm gonna join stanza's room in Misty Valley but I want you to know before we start for the next at least let's say two puzzles because I don't know if I have the stamina I am going to give it my gods honest all right I'm not gonna look at chat I'm gonna Focus I'm gonna just [ __ ] right now over yeah yeah oh man I'm really excited that you're using this thing this way over yeah do you know oh I wanted to jump in right there but I didn't I waited for the whole sentence to finish okay and that is what we're gonna have today so here we go I'm ready I'm joining and it's gonna be a [ __ ] it's just gonna be a a huge win for us uh is there a password you're soothing music all right we're leaving Discord and I will uh see in the game okay he didn't say over we're not in the game yet we're not in the game yet Chad come on come on get your head in the game Focus look at Stan's title I don't need to okay because I know my friend stands and I know what he brings to the table and I know his title something like gaming with great friend atriak heart heart heart love this guy to death literally every moment playing together is ecstasy to me because it reminds me of our long time friendship something like that obviously I'm paraphrasing but that's that's probably what it is and I don't need the [ __ ] read it to know that why you guessed it exactly right well that's that's the strength of the bond um it is that exactly you guys know each other so well we're waiting for stanzy look at that Chevron just scratching himself uh are you keeping the bald do you realize when you shaved your head you have to grow it back you understand do you get that that's you're keeping it I'm not a SIMS character I can't just click the arrow and switch the next hairstyle it just [ __ ] comes back or it goes as it comes it [ __ ] Jesus Christ all right um ready chapter 4 Misty Valley misty misty valleys it's giving bald thank you Tick Tock raised child uh jean shirt and Periwinkle tea is kind of cringe a cringe that's what I happen to believe I happen to believe that your message is the cringiest part I think this is good you're unmuted in the game stance can hear you I can't hear him I can't hear you stands and I'm ready and you're not I want you to know big a we are wearing the same outfit do I have to shave my head now no but you should talk with this other guy who's got a real problem with it can you dash this out knee cocoa powder can you talk to uh uh Periwinkle tea guy get this hashed out uh stay Andy this is really a priority well I'm just letting them I'm letting him deal with it while I uh uh [Music] I see you're back from your little vacation oh you see that oh that's crazy it's crazy because I look at your chat history and you've been back in my chat multiple times this month saying the same thing so I get the feeling that instead of you actually commenting on it you're just being weird I feel like you're just trying to start something so I'm gonna go ahead and ban you because I think you're weird as [ __ ] and I don't want you having my chat all right cool uh four stands I don't know dude stance you're not hitting ready hit ready I'm literally I hit ready and you I'm gonna [ __ ] lose my mind I'm gonna call stands right now because I don't think he's I'm gonna call him back and I'm gonna this is actually I he's making me um yeah leave the aggression of the door hey hey bring it together bring it together who saw stands if you're talking your mic is not green I think the game has ruined your Discord Mike you're not getting the green circle around you when you're talking secondly if you can hear me you're not ready in game there's no check box for ready for you over holy [ __ ] about a vacation I'm sitting knowing there's no way he does this after a whole stream of him sitting there going oh and thinking he's gonna say the word because we're committed we're a hand to God Hand to balls gonna do it tonight and he doesn't say it okay bro oh you cannot believe you [ __ ] hated me like that I was like what the [ __ ] is going on you're not talking to anything oh God all right okay we don't really have the walkies yet so I don't know that you needed to put me on blast like that but I'm ready here we go Focus [Music] brain Focus brain brain Focus over I love your energy I'm excited I think maybe shorter sentences over understood over uh uh understood hey can you hear me over loud and clear good buddy over and out all right so we gotta find the mystery of History I'm waiting for him to talk first fans I found a little cave over right behind you good buddy over hey what if I pull this lever does it do anything on the bridge over yeah it pulls up a second panel over what about now over nothing but the two panels of the bridge you pulled up have different symbols on them one is a star one is a sun over I've got a a bar uh uh uh a circle no uh oh wait a minute symbol's changed over I got a thing with a lot of symbols on it uh I got a star in the sun over okay whatever you did pulled up a moon I stood on it and it was going great and then you lunged me into hell and I died over so where are you now over okay we had it I was across the bridge and then you dropped me and you keep you keep pulling willing okay I need Moon next I think over so I just understand it's it's uh star Sun Moon Over what what are you doing to get moon because sometimes it stays up and sometimes it drops over okay there's a latch you latched Moon and that's great over great is the next one uh Saturn or Stars over yeah I need you to latch Saturn over oh I can't do that you lashed it for a second then it unlashed over that's good that's good okay uh okay over okay you can put away Saturn I'm currently on Comet over no oh you put away comment did you get eat it over I did can you walk me through what you're looking at over yeah I have a uh a Arcane network of symbols that are interconnected I can't pick them in order that I want I think I'm trying to draw a line between them uh uh so that you can walk on it I I assume over okay I think the way it works is once I am past one you can like get rid of it as long as I'm safe so right now I need Moon Over foreign it was but there's something you're doing that latches them there's like a latch system and that one wasn't latched so I died over interesting over all right so let me try let me try this you are currently on sun over correct over how's that over now it just latched over sir are you on moon now over correct and I see Saturn and Saturn is latched over okay you just dropped sun and opened up Stars which is good for me over oh you no you dropped me oh you didn't latch it over I I'm not doing anything when this is happening by the way over yeah I think if I walk on it before it's latched I fall that was my bad over here I see all right so you're you're on you're on Saturn right now over yes and star is available but it's not latched so I can't go on okay okay stay there stay on Saturn stay on Saturn over foreign I think you dropped me into the abyss [ __ ] I thought that was it uh okay very interesting I'm not I'm described to me what you're seeing leave your mic open and just talk to me as you're doing it over okay I'm going Open Mic basically the things that are coming up are like these giant tiles the giant tiles have a latching system so like sometimes you're raising Moon Moon just went up but it is not lashed on yet so do something else and I'll tell you okay now it's latched whatever you did latched me okay so I'm going to moon now now Saturn is up but I'm not latched so maybe drop sun over latched whatever you did last me so now we need stars stars are up and I'm latched thank you so don't do anything for a second okay okay I see Comet but comet is not latched over okay there's also the oh black hole is latched sorry going to Black Hole side over uh is Comet available now over yes Comet and black hole are both latched let me go back to comment side one second oh [ __ ] it unlocks it unlatched okay it's flashed again nice over okay okay double coins are or but is up but not latched over double coins thank you I repeat ass is open over ass is locked down I'm on it over now I see Moon and it's latched over but what are you trying to get to over I need sun and it is unlatched over uh can you can you stay on butt over uh I'm on moon right now if I go back to but I can't get to Sun over you need to get from from moon to Sun huh all right we have to restart I I think I can figure it out now over but I can't here I guess go back to butt over okay I'm on butt and Sun dropped actually go back to Comet if you can over I'm on Comet over I might have just nailed it butt is open over I might have just nailed it all right you should be able to go from butt to Sun to Moon Over come on baby okay I'm on butt which is unlatched to Moon Over oh is it is it butt Moon then Sun over right now it's supposed to be right now I see Comet butt Moon okay okay and nothing is latched over all right go back to comment over go back to comment go back to comment over I'm on Comet I saw you latch and then unlatch butt over thank you it needs to be whatever you're doing with latching and unlatching butt to comment how do I do this wait how do you do this it is unlatched now over hold on I'm moving everything around don't move off comment over Roger over so he wanted he wanted it to be how the [ __ ] do you do this how the [ __ ] do you do this he wanted to be butt moons he said but Moon Sun right over so it's butt and then it's a moon but it's like a super crescent moon and then sun over I got it holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] puzzle solved check that out king over and out might drop okay you said mic drop but nothing changed you just keep latching and unlatching butt over when you go to butt now or no okay yeah I'm on butt okay moon is lashed I'm on Moon okay Sun is up and it's latched I am across nice job let's go easily clap easily clapped okay there's a big door but it's locked let me try and go somewhere else over uh you're not gonna leave me here are you over oh I'm not trying to going to explore a new area over [Music] oh okay bridge now yes sir look at that speed bro a little bit of over and out a little bit of teamwork over I did it beautifully done nice job on the puzzle I have no idea what you were doing but you cooked it over look at that and that feels good you know a little compliment from your friend that's all it takes God ride that high for days foreign did you hear that loud laugh over when I lose access to my friend uh somebody said little bro visibly shaking having to say over this is hard I'll be honest I have to ask about it and slow down and not talk I'm over him but I'm doing it and we're getting it done all right capable confident okay I heard that terrifying laugh over did I not say over over uh I was stuck in a long loading screen so I think I think we were just desynced but I'm here now over got it got it over well let me tell you what I see here and you can describe me your seed as well I see a series of numbers or books sorry well uh and they are chained together by a series of arrows over yes I see numbers that I see seven deadly grid and I also see a grid that has leaves on it and a fire I don't know if I'm supposed to help you maneuver through a maze over uh I also have the same grid I see leaves and a fire I see three leaves one lightning one fire like a Pokemon game over okay on my side I have no lightning but the dice that it's built on has lightning and water I only see oh I do see three leaves one lightning on fire my apologies over uh do you see arrows look like YouTube thumbnails over uh no but I have two posters that is what is he cooking it's like the Marvel thumbnails and I so I think the numbers are like first move do this I assume over oh that makes sense over so I'm just gonna do the numbers on my grid is your grid like an iPad over no my Grid's like an old brass it feels very tactile it feels like you could really move these Stones around on a five by five grid over does he know okay sorry yeah we're looking at the same thing I didn't know if you were like in a big physical room or something we're looking at like a dice with like a little chess board on it over sorry I just wasn't raised on an iPad so I don't see everything as an iPad to me Fruit Ninja is not like the be-all end-all of art over sorry does it look like a hoop and a stick over hell yeah brother hell yeah over uh okay uh what do your books say again over sheesh these books say a lot my friend uh I see a I see a five to a one I see a four to a six um three to a two ten to an eight and six to a seven over do you have a one pointing to anything over I have a five pointing to a one over that's it I said that's it never over [ __ ] up okay I'm just gonna move around on this tablet for a second over uh someone in chat pointed out that one of these sixes is probably oh wait yours has arrows yours might be moves so I have one D2 but where does D2 shut the [ __ ] up chat shut the [ __ ] up um you have a D2 and you're wondering where it goes oh you wait hey uh you you placed something and I saw it over what's up you stopped talking over you place something at D5 and I saw it over yeah I was trying so my my numbers say one dash D5 so I thought maybe I could move the fire over there you just connected a line over yeah I can connect lines over so I think I play stones and then you connect them let me place my Stones over Stones King over how do I connect them what is that what does that [ __ ] mean connect them uh uh ten to eight what does that mean ten to eight ten to eight I tend to eight food is that the solution do you think chat wait on this ten ten there's not even a ten there's like five because it's five focus focus right right focus focus focus focus focus I'm honestly a little confused as well um you're placing stones but I have no idea where you should place them do you have like it's a b c d e and then one two three four five for me is that same for you over no I know exactly where to place them but I don't know what color they should be over yeah all the clues I have are for numbers that aren't on this grid over well I can wait what do you mean numbers that aren't in this grade over like for example I have a line between 10 and 8. and I think now hear me out I thought about because we tend to eat food what do you think about that over at first I figured it out and I wanted to have a Eureka moment but then you made a [ __ ] hilarious joke and I want to say yes so you did figure it out though uh clue me in sir over yeah ten to eight would meet on my side says B3 to E1 over oh it's a it's human to draw a line okay B3 to E1 oh and I think different color lines can oversect uh other color lines so I think let's let me put all the stones down and then I'll tell you which ones to connect over chat do you think it's worthwhile for me to chime in and tell them that oversec isn't a word do you think that'll help or hurt our puzzle solving I feel like he should be correct right but like is it just Petty and snarky of me or is it like really helpful you know everyone's a little help okay and do you have one more question Chad do you think I should do it in some sort of voice like should I do like um oversect isn't a word should I do it like that is that gonna make it okay all of the stones are down now I can I can tell you how to connect them and I think I'll have to change their colors in a certain way uh I'm not gonna do it not over all right sorry yeah tell me tell you about that tell me about that okay over you know what he's gonna have to live without knowing stone is over right also I haven't heard a word he's saying we're losing our Focus chat and it's because of you and your bad advice all right does that make sense because water beats fire fire beats Grass Grass beats electricity electricity beats water over I see Zero Water Stones over I will change the stones so for example you connected two Lightnings I believe that if I turn make these sorry it cuts me off when I do this I believe that if I make this wait how the [ __ ] did I make it water never mind I'm I don't understand what the [ __ ] I'm yeah water fire I'm trying to do an example and I'm too [ __ ] stupid can fire cross over those two connected Waters I guess is what I'm trying to figure out uh no sir no I cannot over fire goes left is that possible you know what I mean oh no because it doesn't cross in the middle never mind I don't understand over I think you're right I think the fire cannot cross the water over I'll tell you one thing it can't do it's oversect them and you know there's a reason why that is over sorry I think I I cut you off can water cross fire over [Laughter] hello over uh no water cannot Crossfire can't oversect fire over okay then I have no idea what we're doing over uh all right uh focus focus focus all right uh can you uh place the stones in the correct spots do you have that ability over yes I do let me do it again because I put some new ones down over I have to do it in a voice oh let me be clear over sucked is not a word my fellow Americans uh fire can't go through walls it's not a ghost that's it chills chills you got chills from that okay I think they're all there over uh okay perfect perfect so so if I give you some combos you can tell me the letter and number combos that they are over correct over okay well let's start with uh with ten to eight over three to E1 over B3 E1 okay how about um uh six to seven over B4 to E2 over that one lit up like it's correct just heads up over sick what's the next one over well that means the first one was not correct uh three two three to two over B1 to E10 over P1 wait I I went through so many emotions right there because I was gonna be like I was gonna set you up for an E10 joke and then I went to the board and realized there was no E10 and then I myself was actually on a path I like my [ __ ] it's like I was on a robot going over a waterfall and I I looked around I was making a joke and look at the back behind me there's the waterfall that'll fall right over it so I given that I have nowhere else to go we'll jump into this pit wholeheartedly and ask you where is E10 what's E10 over sorry I misread it wasn't that over okay okay [ __ ] okay okay what's the actual answer though over I'm sorry what were the numbers again over when did you become me over yeah I'm trying to [ __ ] [ __ ] my all I can barely hold together over yeah I mean I just need to know the third set of numbers over uh three to two over the A3 over B1 A3 that's not it that's not it what the [ __ ] B1 to A3 over no I got you it just uh it doesn't work over oh red means wrong over I don't know if it means wrong or not but we got this nice solid blue one for that one over try now yeah it's the elements over it's the elements it's the elements oh we're getting it we're getting it all right cool hi over uh well there's only two more options so I think you can you can do it over foreign [Music] very nice job over damn we're cruising cheese yeah oh okay I found a locked door do you see anything over I've also reached lochner but I've also gathered myself a candle over oh I'm I'm heading straight into the sewers over what do you guys think of my new voice oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] no no it's good my parents are fighting no is from disaster uh-oh flashbacks oh my God this is the classic your parents are fighting over the Eternal dagger it is the classic your parents are fighting over the Eternal dagger situation gave me flashbacks sad over we saw different things I think over oh what'd you see over you first over I saw my mommy and my daddy fighting over the Eternal dagger and it reminded me of [ __ ] real life over oh I saw what I thought was you with a candle telling me to get a stone over that's weird over uh oh wait oh I found something over anything with colors that would help me solve a water puzzle over uh I oh [ __ ] yes sir I do okay I have wandered into some sewers and what I found will shock awe and surprise you picture if you will the dankest dirtiest greasiest underground seller you can imagine water drips from the ceiling drip drip drip and Cascades over the stone brick walls along one side a network as if created by a mad scientist between different colored diodes displays across the wall uh my a single candle held in my hands shaking with fear is the only thing Illuminating this entire room what lies behind this Vault this [ __ ] Monument to man's arrogance I don't know oh God oh God over oh die over hey sorry what happened over Shock Me Over um can't be sure I'm not really sure sorry you were I was falling asleep a little bit holy [ __ ] you shocked me uh all right so actually I see a wall with a bunch of uh it's like it looks like Charlie explaining Pepe Silvia over uh perfect I need to connect to the wire between devices and I think I need you to tell me colors over uh uh yeah I see three red three blue three yellow over in what order are cut them off I cut him off bro oh we're getting off track oh I cut him off and we're getting off track [Laughter] I don't know what he asked I don't know what he wants uh repeat that order over for like what colors are in what order over okay I almost cut them off again okay uh all right focus focus focus focus focus focus focus all right well your question doesn't fully make sense to me let me explain to you what I see all right uh this diode has like for example a red side and a green side and the green sides connect to a blue diode and the Red X into a yellow diode over okay perfect red is connected to yellow and what order red is connected to Yellow okay I think I think I understand one second over music's got me [ __ ] torqued does anyone in chat seem fast x yet I'm getting off track I'm getting off track I I cannot wait to see it we might see it this weekend the red is connected to a blue and what is the blue connected to over the red bones connected to the blue bone uh all right so the blue is connected to Green over no way that isn't no sorry sorry belay that order uh uh no the thing is they're all connected to multiple things so it's not a correct answer there is a blue connection to a green but there's also a blue connected to um a red and uh you know it doesn't there I can like is there a double blue because I see a double blue connected to a red a red and uh and a blue yellow over red that is connected to double blue is that what I heard over double blue is connected to red red blue and blue yellow over pants so anyway guys uh uh I don't really care about dream that much it's not like a big deal uh sorry what is connected to red blue one more time I love OverWatch uh uh red blue is connected to double blue single yellow blue yellow over it's connected to three things not just two over you asked me what double blue is going to do or what red blue snake do over I I guess I'm either over every one of these nodes is connected to three things now some are connected two but generally they're connected to three red blue is connected to three things they are as follows single yellow blue yellow and double blue over brother I do not know what they were cooking with this puzzle honestly I'm confused as well over yeah here let me I haven't explained to you necessarily I am in a giant circular room with Towers the towers are connected with one wire that is like Crossing jaggedly in random areas and at the final oh I'm about to get electrocuted to death at the final end I need to basically light a light bulb from one end to the other over okay okay and do the towers have colors on them over some of the towers have colors and then I have colors that I can put on them so I need to find the correct pattern over interesting I don't know how to discern this pattern only because there is no color only connection across this this map can you light any of the towers up then I'll it'll light on mine and I'll know where you are over oh God so if I pull the trigger it starts the Chain Reaction they need to be they need to be good holy [ __ ] you shocked me to death oh all right so imagine there's like a pentagram yeah no I can see it from above I can see a top-down pentagram I mean it's not a pentagram but it's like you know it's like a 19 sided five Towers no I see 12 Towers maybe 12. yeah probably probably nine I don't have 12 Towers at all oh interesting does that mean two of your powers equals one of mine I'm not sure God I'm still getting shocked do you ever try we go again we go again I feel like we got this focus on Focus oh okay uh yeah again I'm looking at three six I'm looking at nine Towers over okay I have six towers and then maybe the things in the and then two doors well no that's only that's not enough over now um yeah I don't know I don't tell you I have nine I got nine diodes here over can you light any of them up over I'm just gonna throw these in random and hit the trigger and see what happens over okay Buzz got Supremacy Amen brother that's what I'm talking about Series in general is awesome yeah I think this game said it's really fun actually I I I I would play this with stands offline this is just fun it's fun to stop puzzle with your boys uh I just get a little more distracted on stream but I'm really focusing and I'm making actual progress today uh hey shark was Marine boot camp hard it was but your mom writing me letters every day made it all worthwhile especially with the pictures she included and honestly it made the [ __ ] months of boot camp bearable uh he's not saying anything I'm just sitting here I have nothing to do this clearly feels like a stand side puzzle like the bridge one was all me because I had to do the [ __ ] puzzle part this one feels like he's got to figure it out and I can just give him Clues uh do you need anything from me over I'm just thinking for a second over hey hey uh uh okay so the thing you just lit up is a single yellow Tower right correct over kind of over from my POV you lit up the center of the whole [ __ ] shebang and it has a single yellow diode on it so if that helps at all I can tell you what that one connects to over yeah what does that one connect to over so that is the center once connects to four different pillars uh uh if you're holding the button down let me talk for a second okay actually I'm gonna unlet and over over yeah it only connects to one on my side that's where the confusion is let in over can you tell me the direction that it connects over uh I mean I don't have a compass uh in the same direction that it comes from over so let's connect it on two sides over yes on one side it is connected to like the origin and on the other side it goes straight through to another Tower over straight through that doesn't that helps me not [ __ ] off okay [Music] um do you have a compass over Direction doesn't help me at all okay oh I figured it out okay hey uh stands I'm gonna list you the four things to connect to and you're gonna find the one based on the color over all right so it connects to either a blue yellow a red blue a yellow green or a blue over okay yellow green it is what is yellow green yes yes yes okay perfect yellow green can either connect to two things a single red or a blue green over wait stop sorry there was already a yellow green um so what is between those two what is between single yellow and yellow green over nothing over there directly connected over foreign okay that means maybe our first one is wrong over first one is single yellow over okay I have an idea what is between yellow green and blue red over single yellow over okay go to go to go to go to Golden okay now what is between but the other ones are blank I don't get it over well if it's a pentagram with those three then the other two are double blue and single red over okay do you know at which ends over there's three open sorry it says six sides over oh interesting what uh I can tell you that that uh red blue connects to um double blue and blue yellow over okay double blue now I need to know what connects sorry one second I'm trying to find it yellow green besides single yellow over it yeah it is uh single red and blue green over and then what is single red connected to over back to double blue over anything else over uh yeah also blue green over I don't have a blue green over single red connects to double blue yellow green and blue green over no back seaters no back seaters the joy of figuring this out is what it's all about me and stance will solve this and we will POG and we will champ and then you guys can tell go potty foggy foggies we were here oh oh I I foggies we were here what's going on what oh I was just I was yelling at chat and I was telling them we're gonna solve it any second now and you're gonna spam pogies we were here and then right as I said that you killed us one's tough this one's a bit of a head scratcher I can't honestly picture what you're seeing um yeah okay uh let me I'm gonna pay you a [ __ ] vehicle please do please do please do there are six towers in a circle six sorry for five yeah and just consider them in a circle yep there is one string that only connects two towers at a time and so it like starts on the bottom goes to a tower goes across it's basically like counterclockwise for two across the middle and then clockwise clockwise for two like an S almost okay yeah I got that um but I don't understand how we utilize each other's information to solve the colors can you you can move this string or not no the string is set so what what what are you controlling on your side over basically I have eight uh batteries and those batteries each have two ends and those ends will either have a color or no color so I have a battery that is blue blue I have a battery that is red nothing and I have to put those batteries on the right Towers two of the towers already have their batteries in I just need to figure out four of them I see I see okay I think we can do this so okay so you just described to me the two towers that already have batteries in are they the batteries are locked the two that already exist yes correct all right I think we got it okay good vibes Good Vibes goodbyes Good Vibes good Posse vibes come on we're gonna solve this yeah yeah all right all right can you describe me the two batteries that already exist over yeah sorry the tunnel's far away okay there are two batteries that exist there is a yellow green that is three towers in and there is a blue red that is two towers from the end so two towers after that over okay uh okay so you're saying there are two towers in between yellow green and blue red over no sorry there's only one Tower in between them over okay in that case in that case that Tower is single yellow single yellow battery on the left over okay so now we have three towers it goes yellow green single yellow red blue over right and then okay um and how many Towers between red blue and back to yellow green over red blue never goes back it goes forward to one Tower and that's the end over okay and and the source is yellow green over the source is a door and then a blank Tower over the door goes to a blank Tower and that blank Tower goes to yellow green over no it goes door blank blank yellow green over okay door blank blank yellow green what color batteries do you have over blue blank yellow yellow red blank green blank red red blue blue green red what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] wait oh that really [ __ ] busted my brain's nuts right open uh that is way more than I have okay you have more batteries than Towers over yarp over okay okay did you say you have a you have a single blue and a red green over correct over okay I guess we'll just start from the bottom and try red green is First Tower single blue is second tower yellow green is third Tower single yellow is fourth Tower red blue is fifth Tower over okay there's only one Tower remaining and I guess that is either double blue or blue yellow I have no idea which uh kind of your call over well I don't even have a blue yellow so it's got to be double blue I'm gonna try it over come on baby come on baby let's go let's go let's [ __ ] go let's go I solved that one that was my brain power [Music] uh that was it that was the [ __ ] it we did it hell yeah hell yeah yeah I guess I don't understand but I'm very happy over uh it was it was just figuring out which options you had because like you didn't have a blue yellow so now we know which way to go that was that was it I just had to ask you that question over ah perfect over there that [ __ ] rules uh uh cool where do I go now I'm a little tunnel boy creepy wow that is hype oh [ __ ] parents are fighting again go to your room everybody parents are fighting oh drink away the pain yikes seems like a very toxic relationship uh stanzy I just got out of cutscene what's going on over what was your cutscene over mine was honestly a really weird sounding it was almost like Esmeralda and the guy from hunchback except I guess less uh less weird than that just because of how weird that movie is over got it be cool [Laughter] that was the most genuine cool I've ever heard over yeah I was just blown away and so I couldn't find the words over uh guys the [ __ ] the priest in I mean do you remember in uh Hunchback when the priest is singing like Hell Fire and everything it was weird for a kids movie over uh yeah she was scary as hell over uh Claude frollo but it was cool no Isn't that cool okay uh let me describe you what I have I have uh oh I've got beer my friend I got ice cold Brews that we can kick back and drink uh if I ever were to find you again I don't know which beer to make I think it's of different colors and I've got a um some kind of uh recipe book with the different colors making different things over okay perfect I have a handle for yellow and blue and I need to make cut them off I cut them off yet again I need to make the same thing uh blue right no I have blue I need purple orange and green over that's what I thought I heard that's what I thought okay got it over purple origin green lit so I can send [ __ ] through pipes like six seven do you have numbers on your pipes as well over uh the only number of my pipe is 10 out of 10 you know what I'm saying over I don't know what you're saying explain that over I'm just saying my pipe game you don't even hear it uh listen I I don't have numbers on pipes if that's your asking over stuck I take it entirely back I literally have pipes with numbers on them over that number is 10 out of 10 for my pipe game baby full circle over slam dunk holy [ __ ] nah but for real though like for real for real I got a bunch of pipes and numbers on them and I can rotate them left or right can't do much with them uh but they are different colors over okay yeah so what I'm doing is is putting pipes in and I can send colors blue and yellow through the pipes utilizing some [ __ ] I have to mix the streams over what the [ __ ] is this I just turned off over I I see it you turned it blue you turned four five six and seven to Blue over now green over yeah I turned it green you see green right over yarp I see green on six and seven over okay I need to somehow get green into oh you see green on six and seven over yarp over do you not see green in one over I see green in uh uh one and two over one two six and seven over okay I don't know how to get it in the barrel though over but I'm a little confused so so just to describe you what I'm seeing the pipes um look like a bracket they're like a bracket they ladder up to a a final four and a champion kind of and so like if you put Green in six and seven or like if you put green and six and and red and seven it'll give me you know whatever that makes why do I not know that oh my God what does grid and red make holy [ __ ] embarrassing wait green and red over over over green is not a primary color so it's like yellow and blue you know what I mean over yeah but what does green and red make I guess Brown okay well anyway uh you get the idea it's like you can put something in six and then seven it'll make something in the middle over hey I take it back I'm the idiot green is over wait no it's not no I'm not an idiot my chat's an idiot it's that's the three we need over I cut them off wait what's the three again sorry over red yellow and blue to make the colors sorry I got one guide over oh wait this might be something oh wait do you have red anywhere over yes I do I have a default red before one like a zero over can you pull a lever to like start that because for mine I had to pull a lever on the wall and it pushed it over red is started over and do you know it's coming in on one you said over yeah uh yes yeah right now uh one is red and green mixing mixing red is coming from zero and Green's coming from one and they are they're cooking okay you said this was like a bracket how did they funnel up in my side I have three big barrels that I need to fill with colors but I don't think I have enough pressure I need more over I'm [ __ ] confused because where does this go green red uh uh uh okay let's mess with the beer for a second and see if I'm missing something guys I know the primary colors all right I just didn't know that you couldn't do it with green blue and yellow make orange all right I got it blue and red make purple and the last one what was which ones did I say already are you getting yellow now over this yellow and blue make again is that green that doesn't make sense what is yellow and blue make Orange no are you alive over Chad is stun locking me they're stun locking me with this [ __ ] primary color [ __ ] you got him on a tangent bro over yeah don't worry about it all you need to know is red yellow and blue are how we're gonna make these colors I have taken out blue to get rid of green I now have yellow going to the end and if you add red to your end we should get orange over yeah of course yeah red and yellow make orange no blue and yellow make orange over that's not true say again over right you were talking you were saying what blue and yellow make and I cut you off over no I said red and yellow make orange and then you said no it's blue and yellow no no no I was cutting off what were you saying about what blue and yellow makes over it not wait for me to say the word and I don't I don't want it can you put it in a breader so I'm gonna I'm gonna say over and we'll move on cool champ what were you saying about what blue and yellow makes over blue and yellow makes green over facts facts and logic baby that's what I've been saying all right here's the deal uh I have a series of pulleys oh God this is confusing wait this is actually an incredibly confusing puzzle there's like three things going on at once over yeah on my side here don't take a second don't even look at your screen I'm gonna describe to you my side and I think that's gonna help you I have a series of intricate pipes and I can pipe yellow blue or green to the I cut them off I cut them off bro I cut them off yet again I cut them off and he's still talking and I can't hear a word he's saying holy God he's still talking I don't have to just go with it okay that makes sense uh anything else you see over no that's the maximum on my side I have a bunch of pipes with which to do it so I need a little bit of information from your side on how I am to get these into the barrels over it I feel like you've got me over a barrel right now because I'm confused here's the deal uh I have other stuff in my area my area is not just the pipes I have this whole Brewery and I also have this mechanical puzzle over that sounds amazing describe it to me over can I so right now my character is holding a beer that's POG describe okay okay I've got a vat where I can put two beers in uh to mix them I guess let me try over I did [ __ ] dick off that did Dick all over foreign things I this is this is this is insane okay uh like what I'm seeing right now is a clipboard with a chart on it that says like chicken legs Plus red cup equals big old [ __ ] plumpers blue egg plus yellow cup equals big blue egg purple squid plus purple cup is big purple squid what the [ __ ] does this mean bro over I'll be honest I have no idea what you're talking about over I'm [ __ ] confused as all hell um maybe maybe we get back to this after we solve the pumps let's try focusing on what you can see over that's a yarp over so I'll describe you my side of the thing I've got a bracket system where one mixes with two uh in an area called three right now it is red mixing with blue over all right you stop talking over no so so I have a single pipe that I can use to start connecting these things I can place it in um I just don't see what the what the porpoise is to be quite honest I don't know what we're what are we trying to make over yeah you look around your room you might have more pipes so there was four scattered around the room for me we need to make purple we need to make orange and we need to make green over I found a [ __ ] ton of pipes actually I'm actually land pipe all right so now we need to make purple origin green that is so doable okay all right I want you to know that we have now started the puzzle over fantastic fantastic so to make purple we're gonna need blue and red how about you feed me some blue on door number one over you got it King one second over blue is in over we got purple I repeat we have purple did that do anything over so we have purple and it's getting to the three barrels but it is not getting pushed in I think because the pressure is too low so I we need to get more purple over okay okay to get more purple I need four and five to be red and blue can you do that over I can't make red ever maybe I can move some stuff around to get more purple let me just look for one second wait I see you moving stuff on your side over uh uh I'm confused two bomb can you just turn on five and four and five they're not even on and six and seven are not either over yeah I turned him off to look at how we get more pressure one second over here everyone in honor of this please take a sip of your purple drink I know that all of you watching me while consuming lean so just down it right now get that good stuff in there uh okay wait what do you see now uh it looks like we solved it almost I mean it turns like six and seven still aren't on over so the pressure knob is at like three quarters but I don't know what that means over uh wait wait turn it all back on I think I figured it out I think I figured it out I think I figured it out it's only at 50 now because we have two openings I think over it's also blue over oh the goat should we get it over no I still have leaks on my side don't change anything for one second over one two three four five six uh oh this one this one right seven eight nine ten okay wait a minute huh okay is there any way for you to pump purple into five and pump purple into five wait do you have to choose which ones get the pump over I have the same system of pipes but I also can rotate them over right but you you get to choose which ones uh you can't turn them all on over no I'm sorry I have a straight pipe two L pipes and a t-pipe over it yeah so do I over L pipe dude what the [ __ ] straight pipe is illegal in Cali what does that mean what does that mean I'm I'm definitely not understanding something over so it looks to me like we have one two three four five six uh seven eight nine ten eleven like 12 out of 12 lights are purple right now if I'm seeing this correctly so I'm surprised that it's not turning on over well that's because there are leaks in the system over I see I see I see I see I see I think that's not a guarantee but that's my my guess over hey turn it back on over turn it back on I was getting it over [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] cocklord um that one's good why doesn't this work oh this one wait can you turn off number three over turn off number three did that work over no over all right turn it back on over I changed the orientation a little bit did that help over oh [ __ ] no it didn't is it close it's like almost full I feel like we've got everything lit up but one over I think on my side it is one two three four five six seven eight five of eight but I have multiple leaks over describe these leaks over describe these leaks over coming from six might be wrong over coming from six might be wrong what does that mean coming from six like are you pumping in from six and seven over yes sir over can you not pump in from six foreign second I kicked my camera cord let me fix it one second stance turned into Confucius yeah I mean I'm not understanding I'm not understanding him this one's a Tuffy this one's a Brain Buster I'm back and I'm confused over uh so right now six and seven are just spraying like I took off the pipe does that change anything is it farther away over yeah it is farther away let me I'm gonna take a couple out don't worry about it for one second over thank you is this Bioshock yeah this is BioShock multiplayer Bioshock but they only focus on the puzzles it's a crazy patch it's called [ __ ] yeah over yeah I'm also a little goofy down on this one um okay wait a minute turn that back on over sorry I was doing some orange stuff over yeah I mean we're getting a lot of orange filled up is that doing anything over like on my side I see no leaks over it now there's one leak there's one [ __ ] leak wait I don't understand bro I don't understand so this way this one has to be the three-parter that's got to be a three-parter this has got to be if I send you orange to four can you send me orange to five over yeah sure I mean it's gonna automatically there it's doing it right now over [ __ ] confused I have a a disgusting Whirlpool triumvirate of orange I think I'm I'm holding this back here over I I'm I'm confused as well though I have no idea what the goal is like I'm you're trying to to get a full thing of orange or what over so I have a pressure gauge and what I believe we need is full pressure for any of these colors the max I seem to be able to get the biggest pipe I have is only a three opening so getting one from five and then one from three should give me max pressure and then you getting one from seven over I'm confused as all hell and I'm hungry I'm getting hungry and I'm getting confused which makes it hard for me to focus can you turn off five over there you wanna turn it off over it did the problem is we're still at like three quarters pressure over wait wait go back go back one go back one over oh okay give me give me one second over here chat what kind of burger should I order I'm [ __ ] hungry as [ __ ] you know it sounds good a burger thank you chili cheese disgusting chicken burger Five Guys sounds good oh yummy yummy Five Guys oh my God though the price of that ordering I don't have a YouTube right now bro I can't be dropping 50 on a burger how are you getting it to three over to three I am getting it to three through a pipe a a curved two-sided pipe I just took it off three over okay so can you send five to seven over uh from my understanding I already have five is going to seven right now over okay POG over one second you turn three back on what happened over I gave orange to two over wait wait stop changing things for a second over where are you getting it from two over uh no to get it two two I'm getting it from one it's mixing in one and then it's going through a loop-de-loop and I'm giving it to two over two two Omega LOL three was going to five over you're going to five I don't know what this guy talking about he's three going to five now if we ain't going to [ __ ] Bro three is just is uh you turn it on and it's just spraying system because two is just creating a leak over yeah two thousand system two's gone okay amazing amazing good start one second let me look I'm so hungry I'm so I'm gonna order Papa's chicken sandwich oh sorry I know you said it where is three coming from over there is no three right now you you've lit three oh oh three is actually coming from from one I'm sorry yeah one is coming to three over necessary or are you doing that on purpose over uh no it's not necessary I can give it somewhere else I I can give it to one or two or I'm sorry to two or three over okay uh do you have six in the system somewhere over yeah six is uh connected to seven can you disconnect one of them I need a five is actually kind of [ __ ] me now I think over there's no way to light four alone it's either four and five together or none over I want you to know that we have no hissing for the first time in my life and it feels good over you know that it's hissing like crazy on my side over okay I still I stuck the leaks and got it in is there a way for you to stop the leaks on your side man I'm not understanding this over the only way I can stop this leak well let me see actually wait let's [ __ ] go you did it over laughs let's go I have no idea what I did it feels like everything's off that was the one piece right there all we got to do is stop the leaks that's it that was the issue over okay do you see a big full orange because on my side it's very fulfilling over here no I don't did you get anything from it over yeah we're one third of the way done now we need to do the same thing with purple and the same thing with green over here so when you change the colors it's going to keep the orange though over yes we filled up the barrel so now pull your pipes out and we go again over oh okay let's do it uh after this I gotta order some food though I'm [ __ ] starving this is like I'm [ __ ] I'm losing my focus over yeah I think after this puzzle I'm Audi yeah yeah we'll took a breakdown after that yeah yeah over okay let's make green Focus only my two colors this should be easy last of my willpower focus on this solve this puzzle even though I'm very hungry you're trying to make green you turn off red turn off red turn off red okay if you don't have any leaks we should be if you fix your leaks we're good over picks my leaks green goes there no [ __ ] [ __ ] uh okay fix that leak let's go let's go now time for purple over let's go okay all right we're actually getting this holy [ __ ] all right holy [ __ ] okay okay I need you to get red in the system and I need you to disconnect one if you can over never mind that was me sorry over okay like can you get red to five for example over [Music] um I made purple that's all I got over are you leakless if so then one second if you stop your leaks we got it let's go let's go [Music] clap people say this is a hard puzzle I thought it was pretty easy ah we crushed after we sort of like got going over yeah it was just understanding that we couldn't have leaks after that it was free over pretty low hey I gotta say our Pace today [ __ ] crazy over yo are you seeing what I'm seeing over no over I don't want to spoil it for you but it's [ __ ] terrifying and I don't ever want to look at it again what the [ __ ] is it what is it over did you ever play Super Mario World Yoshi's Island for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System over uh uh no to be honest not a boomer but okay tell me about it over in that case words can't convey over Entertainment System uh was when I was you know four years old and we left to go um get pizza and we came home this is in New Jersey our house was on fire and uh everything burned down and I did get a Super Nintendo out of it but it was so smoked that it couldn't play any games it was very sad so I didn't have a console for like three more years until I got in 64 when they came out over that's the saddest story I've ever heard yeah well I mean there's stories where children actually die and stuff but yeah I guess it's pretty sad uh all right out of us today I think we did was I said over and I'm gonna say over right now and let you talk over I besides the 10 minute Soliloquy you gave at the beginning today was actually Fast Fun friendly free over all right let's do the Discord and jump out of this can you save over yes sir over holy God I'm so hungry I'm so hungry Ninjago time let's watch a show let's watch a show uh that was fun that was good we got some uh you know we solved some puzzles today uh yeah we sold an insane amount although I still don't know how you solved the bridge one but we got the other ones the the strings and stuff I didn't really understand that last one to be honest you sounded like you figured it out with the leaks to me well you just you stopped your leaks right yeah but that's what I did for the first time I just kept I don't know maybe I didn't get it but I had leaks in the first half okay all right all right yeah yeah neither of us can have leaks so we have pressure that's it I see well this one what the picket time and finish it out also I spoke to chat about our X-Files watch and they said poggies poggies are you still interested [Music] foreign actually I forgot I'm super busy I'm super busy I love X-Files I mean look at me dude well you've actually already seen it uh I've only seen seasons one and a half but yeah I mean it was like years ago okay I haven't seen [ __ ] [ __ ] all I watched two seasons one episode it was one uh with Luke Wilson as a vampire and I watched it with my brother this weekend and we're just making fun of the whole time it was a blast so I was like this could be a good yeah I've never I've never seen that episode that must be later Seasons I was early Seasons smoking man some other [ __ ] going on it is good all right if you're gonna be making fun of it I don't know if I want to be there though it's it's a gentle ribbing it was like this was a show that meant so much to so many you know what I'm saying okay is a bit of a [ __ ] inspiration for me yeah I always like them in Californication you know I think you just like if you know what I mean I couldn't afford HBO you know all right brother I have to get some food I'm gonna I'm gonna order some food yeah I know I'm hungry too uh perfect timing good luck with the rest of your stream I heard you're doing business discussion at 9 00 p.m unless you want to know about Johnson and Johnson's 8.9 billion dollar talcum powder settlement they just had I want to know about President Johnson's huge [ __ ] schlong how about we did it say history I wasn't aware it was knowingly wait you didn't know that Lyndon B Johnson had a huge [ __ ] that he showed everyone at the urinal that's a famous history is this real are you making this up on the Flyers bizarre to make up I'm a history guy Johnson don't say political science like they taught us in [ __ ] school they taught this in school Lyndon Johnson big Johnson apparently Anthony Johnson had a large penis of which he was very proud he nicknamed it jumbo yeah and he would show so what he'd do is you're having a meeting and he's trying to negotiate he's like I gotta go to the bathroom come with me he would pull it out and then he would like turn towards you so you see it that was his constant thing it's sexual assault but like it's not sound appropriate we did pass civil rights to carry a big dick you know what I mean that was his [ __ ] political Theory ASU taught you well brother uh all right I'm getting out of here I need some food Johnson Falcon powder that's way more yeah all right peace out gamer I don't know if it's more interesting but it is interesting uh uh J and J got sued Johnson Johnson got sued for uh nine billion dollars because they put cancerous material in their baby powder basically gave cancer to kids and then in response to that they created a shell corporation that only owned their talcum powder liability and they offloaded everything to that and then they declared bankruptcy in that Corporation so that you couldn't Sue Johnson and Johnson you could only sue the shell Corporation in Texas that owned the talcum powder then very recently someone said sounds legal actually they the uh the class action lawsuit basically said that's [ __ ] up you can't do that you would win our money and they won they won so there was a settlement and so actually Johnson Johnson will have to pay the 8.9 billion so it's actually a win not a fail pretty cool news I'm saving that for the actual wins and fails but how does it get away with that dude how did they expect to go with it we live in America bro you think a corporation is not gonna at least try to [ __ ] people over for money like they have good odds I thought that they didn't win this time but it's not crazy to think they might have won um the thing is though the one thing Johnson Johnson got away with is that uh they can no longer be sued for anything related to talcum powder cancer baby powder forever it's like that that as part of their agreement for the settlement it's like it clears them from anything else so if any other products are are found to can contain uh gynological cancer-causing material they'll be safe so it's that's that's spooky um but for this one they're having to pay up nine billion dollars which is pretty big um they could put the cancer right back in no no they they can't add new cancer I mean if someone's like hey this stuff you've been selling for years has cancer that they probably couldn't Sue on that but they can't add new cancer Place here's the kingdom I really want to because I've seen all of the tears of the Kingdom clips that are like people crucifying Clorox and barbecuing them and building mechs it all looks [ __ ] awesome and basically the game reminds me of Gary's mod and [ __ ] teardown which I love so actually I think I may play Zelda on stream uh only because I will just try to do crazy weird solutions to every puzzle that are non-standard by building that sounds so fun to me that sounds [ __ ] hilarious and just never play the actual game and just try to bilge it uh I don't think it'll be a good stream game because how big it is but I think it'll be very fun and I am on this whole kick where I just want to do fun [ __ ] um so that's what I'll probably do I do need to order some food give me one second I'm too hungry to think yeah we're gonna play tear down again of course I never beat it yet I gotta play it um so anyway yeah we we got uh we got a lot of marketing stuff to talk about but I I think it's too late so we're just gonna watch a show um I Stan's kind of jumped on me with this uh let's let's play the game thing and I don't wanna I wanted to do it I just basically like yeah [ __ ] it we'll just remove everything um anyway how's everybody doing uh what's going on talk to me let's just shoot the [ __ ] for a bit [ __ ] chill talk Vibe I'll order food we'll pick a show we'll relax we'll vile we'll enjoy the night uh I'm high vibing you're doing five out of five out of seven it's pretty good All Things Considered five out of seven is pretty good [Music] watch the new FNAF movie trailer FNAF I I won't I won't I don't want to I got gassed up for looking strong after exercising for eight months that's [ __ ] awesome that's pretty much why you do it right you put in all these hours of work out for eight months and then someone goes hey look you look jacked and it's like damn that was [ __ ] worth it um you still gonna play Star Wars or Nah uh so Loki highkey I'm getting a new star Forge PC and when that comes I'm gonna try and see if there's a new um there's a new patch and if it works then I'll play it but also I heard just Survivor is not I don't want to start off any [ __ ] riots but I heard it's not that great of a stream game because it's too big it's too long foreign there's like so much stuff why am I kind of digging this buzz cut because it looks good bro I don't know everyone's such a [ __ ] hater I like I like the buzz like it feels good in summer uh and it's growing back all right so [ __ ] we I don't know what the what the [ __ ] hate is all about bro you played Elden ring I have an elder ring is like a real true experience uh that white guy thank you for the two months uh uh ex duck you think of the four months spankatron they've got 35. I appreciate 35 bro thank you very much Smokey Hades think of it 17. Bry Guy I think of it to 36. much love bright guy what graphics card sheesh uh uh 40 90. to be honest it's a 40 90. I was gonna wait I was trying to wait for a 490 TI but I just want a new pc because I really want to see if I can like grind some Hitman and right now I get so much problems with Hitman what are your thoughts on zoning laws in general or what's your example tell me why you're asking about zoning laws I think for the 18 16 months Royale with Chiefs David 24. two years say thanks thank you 24 months thank you I do appreciate it sincerely um today's stream was really fun already I I actually that was that was a blast we were just tracking a good time um he loves I love landlords so yeah if you're asking me what policies I support whatever's whatever policies help landlords land Chads what you guys understand that landlords have it tough dude they have it harder than the rest of you landlords are the real heroes bro they're the backbone of the economy yeah exactly renttoid stays seething lamal exactly I think it's just embarrassing from these [ __ ] renttoids being a lord carries a lot of responsibility yes dude you guys are way more bass than I thought our landlords actually necessary in the economy uh uh I mean to be deadly honest the root of most hate towards landlords comes from two things and both of them are caused by government intervention usually which is like um restriction of Supply so being like zoning makes you unable to build new stuff uh and then uh secondly is like controls on rent uh or controls on like anything that controls like the price anytime the government tries to step in and like do price control it creates these negative externalities like it's like putting a thing a top on the valve and the pressure comes out somewhere else um like at the end of the day as a landlord is just someone that buys a place and rents it out but the thing is for example the problem most people have with uh with landlords or with rent in general is that it's too high and it is the reason it's too high is because people can't build more Supply like there's a lot of demand for affordable apartments but you can't build it because there's [ __ ] zoning that's that's the biggest problem so and then you know you can play in the government but then you go One Step Beyond that it's usually the [ __ ] You Know Rich overly active usually White Citizens that show up and say not in my backyard and demand the government does not allow them to build more Supply so it's like that's the [ __ ] layers of the chain foreign and then you know even one layer beyond that is like the nimbies that don't want you to build the [ __ ] you know a lot of times not all the time but a lot of times uh they're just following their incentive like if you're let's say you're a [ __ ] 65 year old [ __ ] uh grandparents right and that you own a house all your wealth is in this one house if people build in your backyard the property value of your house will probably go down and that is where all of your accumulated wealth is so you are existentially demanding that nobody builds this because you want all of the money but like understanding because like everyone in chat is like [ __ ] nimbies but also a lot of them if they were in the same situation would do the same thing because they don't want their property value to go down so it's just tough it's like the real thing people don't understand is that the pro most every problem comes back to bad incentives and if you really want to solve it usually we just pick one person in the chain and we blame them you gotta find a way to like like we just did with that puzzle you gotta set up all the pipes to where everyone's incentives align for a win-win and usually it's very difficult land shouldn't be a [ __ ] investment it's a place to live uh uh yeah I mean what yeah this this recent Trend with housing and rents getting out of control is because of artificially constrained Supply we used to I mean in this country but in other countries well they just build a lot more we just built a lot more Supply and prices would stay basically flat for a very long time and they were low if anything would go down um how about giving up instead I guess that works too um for those not following you can't have nanofarms if you don't have balloons and monkeys to pop them for you you said it better than I ever could King do people think they're going to build housing for fun yeah again I I I I get nervous when people um Advocate the solution being just have some omniscient you know higher power or government come in and say this is what we got to build because that almost never works like centrally planning does not work out so realistically you just need a all these situations just find a way to create more competition and I feel like it usually it'll almost always solve itself because the people that are gouging will just get beaten by better options the problem is when when they they get these enforced monopolies and locked down with uh you know insane prices or bad quality or whatever did you hear about Steph Curry with him being a NIMBY uh no but it makes sense uh who is this older capitalist conversation I literally advocate for high taxes on the wealthy uh uh you know like strong government intervention and antitrust I I don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking like I'm I you just you just you have no uh uh capacity for nuance I feel like competition is incredibly powerful you should have to control the the edges I think I I have always had this view this is my very consistent view nothing about this has changed and I don't know why it's a surprising because I said the word capitalism vacation or competition foreign monopolies are bad no matter who owns them in the government yeah exactly yeah listen I think we all agree um if you were to even expand my My Philosophy out further it's that any concentration of power is bad any one group that is too much power will eventually abuse it that's how humans work bro so you have to have some way to keep them from getting yes uh not me all right you know what second option is that we give automated all the power if Otto has all of the Power he will be a benevolent dictator how are you a capitalist again because in in a heavily regulated like what you know the period of capitalism again there's the late stage where it gets really bad but in the period where it's growth and they break up monopolies uh then you it's very hard for anyone to get concentrated power especially if you don't do things that artificially reduce the ability of people to organize into unions there was a period when there was like 80 union membership in the country and it was very very good as a counterbalancing weight to corporations so there was the government that had some power there was unions that had some power and there was corporations that had power and not one of them could get the edge on each other and then ever since Ronald Reagan unions lost all their power corporations got tons more power and they use that to buy out the government so now it's one with all the power government with a little bit and unions with zero you know what I'm saying instead of all three having some sort of equal [Music] public sector unions do more harm than good how do you reconcile that uh public sector unions are a little bit different right and also they don't all do Muhammad like a police Union is generally bad yeah it's a thorny subject but because they're not they're not responding to any incentives and they have no competition um but in general I think the negative externalities of unions are outweighed by the positive benefits in general I'm sure there are some exceptions but in general I I am just pro-unit because overall like for example I mean we had 80 you know membership back in like I don't know the 50s and 60s or whatever they also had their pensions rated by the mob and a lot of the unions were intertwined with the mob okay that was a negative bet that was a negative part of that but I wouldn't say that the units which overall brought like shorter work weeks uh steady regulations like you know what I'm saying because we live in the real world where everything is messy and there's going to be bad things and good things about everything I want you to know that that's the problem with talking on the Internet is that the real world is extremely messy and even good things have bad parts and bad parts have good things like for example I don't support uh you know I might say like I think China's high-speed rail system is really good and then someone in the chat would be like wow so you support like detention camps for the uyghur Muslims no I don't support that part I support the high-speed rail do you know what I'm saying like there's there's there's Nuance to it and people don't seem to understand that at all so it's very difficult to get across mm-hmm unions are good and again some of the problems with unions or or police unions for example is when they get too much power it's still a balance of power so if for whatever reason the union gets way too much power and the government and corporations are way down here then the union will abuse it whichever whichever of the pillars gets too much power they will abuse it doesn't matter which one's good or bad um no Nuance only hot takes all right I'll try you sound like Kanye [Laughter] when does Kanye ever said anything like this ever bro [Laughter] it's the kind of sounded like this we might have had a different [ __ ] election bro I would have been listening it was his most recent song that's crazy ever since uh Jonah Hill he's just been based huh oh no one man should have all that power bin he is actually spitting dude ever since yeah you know what that was a fire bar that's more insulting than someone adding me to their crypto influencers list on Twitter uh yay supports Denim and Periwinkle hey that's that's a that's a vouch um what we eating tonight [ __ ] I still haven't ordered the food God damn it God damn it I've been too busy you guys got me [ __ ] talking again all right I'm literally ordering the first thing I see uh-oh boom huh not Chipotle bro no I've already ordered Chipotle too many times we gotta go bigger we gotta go [ __ ] bigger than that there's got to be something else for me in this world [ __ ] it I'm just gonna get I'm I'm gonna get a local taco place local taco place will fill me right up foreign [Music] let's go in sheesh you know I will sheesh and I'm she she BBY hey Chevron add a little green sauce uh oh good this whole thing for 22 dollars not so bad don't order too much horchata this is literally the horchata Place how do you know that Taqueria Los Angeles in Plano Texas would go so you have a [ __ ] Taqueria Los Angeles in Texas La is not like known for its tacos wow that's a weird name how do you like the chair I like the chair a lot I actually got a new desk I got a new desk um uh [ __ ] standing desk so I'm gonna do some standing streams La has the second best stalkers for San Diego yeah la has great tacos but I just don't think it's known for it I wouldn't name a taqueria taqueria Los Angeles in Texas that's just me yeah I got a new desk new pc we're doing a full upgrade here we're going big and again I talk I talked with quack today the goal here's my goal is to get 10 good videos plus my update video if I feel like I have 10 good videos then that's a good Channel and we have like six so um it's good is the ninjagoathon one of those videos what what do you think the ninjagoathon is and what would that video be it's me watching Ninjago on YouTube are you gonna post them at the same time no no it doesn't make any sense making a new channel no I'm just gonna upload I just wanna I just I'm gonna make my update video and then I'm gonna make a video a day and we'll have like 10 saved up uh my sister bought a standing desk and she said the only time she ever moved it was when she first got it and never again that's absolutely gonna be me because I remember at twitch office we got standing desks year two and I used it literally the first day and then then I used it like this I would sit on my knees like a child and keep it standing but I would keep my chair and then eventually I just sat down and put it down but for a few days I would just like use my [ __ ] knees uh um [Music] just to make you feel healthy well no I mean the end goal is to get like one of those under desk treadmills or something and then actually get more steps in I've been very consistent about hitting 10K steps a day but now that I'm streaming more it's harder I used to just I mean when I was [ __ ] not streaming I got it easily and now it's harder where'd you order our tacos it's impossible to focus on work that day all right [ __ ] you guys are you guys are really shooting holes in the balloon huh I'd rather die early than walk while being by the way what about if I'm playing TFT with stands offline we do that all the time me and Stan's jumping a call we talk about [ __ ] work or some [ __ ] and we're playing TFT I can walk while playing TFT is a [ __ ] easy game did you say balloons I literally didn't uh uh the difference between days I walk to work and days I work from home is Stark what do you mean in terms of like mental acuity or what what um TFT is an easy game since the guy wasn't Master yet [ __ ] it I'm a high diamond I'm a high diamond I will be master I just don't I can't believe you're [ __ ] Master is a pretty [ __ ] high what are you guys coping are you honestly saying that I can't hit master in TFT I'll hit Master no problem I can do it [ __ ] I could do it like that I will do it I'll [ __ ] we all do it on the stream no I'm such a terrible stream I [ __ ] hate TFT streams bro I I [ __ ] did uh two weeks never played Hearthstone in eight years horse on a legend I hit Mythic in [ __ ] Entergy Arena and I can hit master and TFT bro don't [ __ ] talk your [ __ ] uh [Laughter] laughs you worked on that thing what thing did we talked about the other day but can you beat me in Fall Guys consistently no beginning I couldn't but I do believe if we were to pull up last VOD I did get a crown over you I did get a crown over you I will say so let's just say that I've got I have an Eclectic mix of games all right that's what you're understanding by the way the clock's been ticking been a lot of days since I got that uh Hitman hardcore time and I expect the core has gotten quite a few attempts in and has not quite beaten it yet master and melee zero shot no melee's a real game I'm talking about is it's only three real games in the world Counter-Strike no I'll give you four actually I'll give you five there are five real games Counter-Strike Starcraft chess rocket League Counter-Strike Starcraft chess rocket League and melee those are the five everything else doesn't count those are the five those are the five real games everything else is an offshoot of course you said melee melee is and the of those five the two that stand Supreme are melee and Starcraft bro and if you want to be a [ __ ] hyper [ __ ] literalist chess but doesn't have the same [ __ ] honestly of all of those there's really only one in Starcraft Starcraft is actually the hardest game in the world and anyone who doesn't agree hasn't played it that's just that's a fact and on top of broker brood War uh there's just there's not even uh there's not even a [ __ ] it's not even a hot take I think honestly it's not hard if you're Korean Koreans practiced 14 hours a day every day in team houses where they would sleep in bunk beds have to [ __ ] clean the floor and then practice with B teamers who played 17 hours a day who practice with eight teamers to play 18 hours a day who practice with s tier players that played 21 hours a day uh Starcraft was the most intense grinding of any game in human history uh would you play another Starcraft play Starcraft Legend destiny I forgot designated Starcraft stuff uh but he was Circa too harder than chess yes yes 100 I mean they're all infinitely hard right so it's tough to say but yes for for a person getting into either one uh Starcraft will be very much more difficult uh harder than bronze soloki one of the things that hard but in chess they train from like being an infant they train more they train more in Starcraft uh this is just incorrect let's you never play Starcraft you don't know [ __ ] about [ __ ] everyone who's [ __ ] 1400 in chess or God forbid lower likes to think chess is the hardest game in the world but it's not it's Starcraft is harder and on top of that on top of being more Dynamic more unsolved less computer ability less things to copy on top of all that Circle requires mechanical skill that no other game does awful take I can guarantee I played Starcraft I can guarantee it this is not this is not a tough argument for me because you haven't you just guys just don't know you've never played circular way out of the chest like it's just it's so obvious if you've actually tried to grind both Starcraft brood War you could only move 12 units at a time imagine trying to move an army of 80 units and you could only grab 12 at a time and it's in real time you're at the top of the Dunning Kruger curve for chess then you are learning everything from Tick Tock Leslie Dunning Kruger has already been disproved it literally was recently come out that the [ __ ] study was based on was kind of [ __ ] it doesn't it's not even you are literally just it's the it's a [ __ ] level one argument and you haven't played Starcraft so you don't know what you're talking about uh budget you are full so full of [ __ ] right now for real for real bro you just don't you don't you have you don't have both sides to understand but I guarantee if you were to put a hundred hours in the chest and 100 hours in a brood War you would be so much farther down The Brood were Korean ladder then you would be a chess ladder like on the curb oh uh uh is harder than Instagram rework he's never even played circuit brood work he's literally just he's just spouting 100 hours just a lot of time whatever whatever amount of hours I ordered the food I'm waiting for the food that's what I'm talking I'm waiting for the food for me it's an interesting discussion actually it's not interesting it's interesting that people would think otherwise but I I talk about it because I am so aware that um flash is the greatest gamer who ever lived and I and and anyone who really knows knows that people that don't even [ __ ] like if you talk to anybody who's been around Esports a long time they just know flash is actually the best gamer that ever lived because he was dominant in a way that no one else was in a game that's incredibly hard impossibly hard being number one at chess is probably harder because there's more people competing no it has to be the most people competing at the top level adding more 1100s doesn't change anything right if there's big cutoff points where like filters where the group of people that are actually serious get smaller it's like saying if we played melee it makes only people that are serious that's people that are serious um and I'm talking specifically about brood War not today but during its height in Korea because after Starcraft 2 came out it kind of fell off but Starcraft during a tide in Korea had you know hundreds of people making full-time careers that had coaches that had staff and had teams people grinding all day every day full-time jobs uh is melee harder than other fighting games I I can't really speak to that to be honest I think melee is uh uh extreme mechanics an extreme level the thing I think that makes these games extra hard is they have incredible strategic depth that's why rocket league is such an amazing game right incredible Street depth but also incredible mechanical depth I can't trust your stock advice if you're hearing this take man then you're wrong bro and by the way stock advice I created this chart I was just testing it because I got this new trading View I created this chart of every uh pick that I made in my predictions video it is literally so spot on I I am hitting myself for not investing more in my own ideas from that video foreign everything I said was going down is down 30 40 70 90 everything I was going up is up 10 15 20 60 there's like there's literally no off ones uh I made 50 up 100 on dry Springs exactly dude unless you're talking about betting on DraftKings but the DraftKings thing that I said in January 16th or whatever is up like 120 since then um Starcraft you can move 12 units at times there's only one chess is harder the thing about Treasures there's there's no um I mean I guess a little bit in Blitz right but realistically there's no real mechanics there's no there's no mechanical differentiator and computers are so much better that a lot of his memorization the more I think about the more they're impossible to compare I don't think it's impossible to compare in any game where there's nothing perfect there or no where a human can't play Perfect they're all gonna be infinite skill right there's not a perfect rocket League player you can always get better you can always put more hours on all of them right so theoretically they're all equal if you judge by that that logic but it is obvious as someone who has tried to get better at both how much more difficult Starcraft is and the gap between a good player and the very best players is bigger in Starcraft than I think any other game it's memorization under 1000 elotech TBH all right what was Bobby Fischer's take well it was his ELO dumbass you guys don't know you're not checking chess gods don't talk about you like your [ __ ] chess Gods you just play slightly more chess than the average person you don't know [ __ ] about Chess either so most of people are saying in chat is crink uh uh I like the piece it looks like a horsey how about go and shogi more more complex than chess uh they said that because it's harder to teach a computer to do with them I don't know if they're harder for a human you know what I'm saying a human putting in the same amount of time into both go and chess is it did you see a human being a top computer and go recently I heard that go computers are not are like way behind compared to chest computer that's what my understanding have you seen the alphago documentary I have I do want to watch it um go is definitely harder than chess maybe we're using the word harder differently go just recently surpass demons yeah my understanding was once they did the the Deep Mind um the neural network it's teaching itself playing itself learning that ghost started beating humans pretty consistently [Music] um do you you think one quote negates the 20 years there's people that are under 20 that have beaten Magnus Carlson do you understand that there's people under 20 who can beat flashing out there's nobody there was nobody close to flash at his at his top nobody um I could beat flash up physically Maybe flash never lost a game no no no that's not what I'm saying [Music] um you have to be bred to become a chess GM bread you think it's a DNA breeding thing it's annoying because every single person who's taking the protest argument hasn't even played Starcraft they they haven't entered a Starcraft tournament they haven't played Starcraft they they have there it's it's like there's not anyone here who's even done both I could beat Bobby Fischer in chess he is dead so he would lose on time yeah all right you could you could I do give you that you have surpassed there's only been one gym and didn't start playing as a child it's the same for Starcraft bro there is no top soccer players they didn't Grind from an early [ __ ] age for dozens and dozens of hours every day and you guys you guys aren't Ernest in the mechanic just think about it mechanically right so if I do pawn to E4 or something I have not made a mistake yet but my first move right I haven't made a mistake yet if I memorize an opening line I can do 8 9 10 12 moves without making a mistake from the very first millisecond of a Starcraft game every human is making a mistake every single human playing a Starcraft game is making a mistake with everything they do at all times the depth of every single action you take it there's there that is it's it's to be go to that Starcraft and chess you need to be a massive version that's why I suck at both [Laughter] so you're saying you're having too much sex to play at the highest level do you think you become a Chester GM no but I also could not become a [ __ ] uh Tournament level Korean Starcraft player you know what I say I couldn't do either [Music] Starcraft is like 99 efficiency and she has his actual skill and knowledge all the way through that that is a weird definition of terms first of all the skill is in the efficiency and second of all the reason I'm saying this is because the Strategic depth of Chess also exists in Starcraft and there's the mechanics you have to do both you have to do both that's the [ __ ] problem that's why it's so incredibly hard oh I want to be Sluggers until my food gets here that's why I'm just waiting for my food my food is seven minutes away hmm [Music] I feel like you have a projected view on what gives a game good difficulty so do you so does everyone it's your Human Experience coming through that's what I'm saying as someone who's played all of them uh and he just has a [ __ ] I think uh uh a nuanced understanding of it uh uh to me it's obvious uh do you think a chance gonna come out I don't know RTS games are pretty dead I doubt they're gonna make I also they they can't even release [ __ ] OverWatch 2 with PVE so actually I think the chance of a Starcraft 3 is zero they they can't make [ __ ] at blizzards what do you think is the hardest single player game oh uh uh that's a great question it really depends on what if you do additional challenges or anything you know what I'm saying um yeah that's too tough to say that's too tough to say I think you underestimate how much tactical and mechanical skill is required to be a good shatter like me Big A all right so maybe it's like chest and Starcraft then chatting you know what I'm saying that that's the real [ __ ] ultimate because you need to have the Precision and the strategy okay maybe you got me there a GM chatter single player I mean I think one of the greatest single player games is slay the spire I like watching top players of that game but I don't think there's no way to say hardest because there's games that are hard I mean it doesn't but like them doing infinite runs of a20 is like pretty incredible um yeah jorbs is awesome I like my boy blur um Celeste is up there I don't know anything about it but I assume so that's probably pretty hard it's different you know like it in a single player game with infinite high score ability then that's the hardest one right whatever has the most you know competition like technically the hardest single player game is Mario 64 speedrunning right because that's the most active Maybe Minecraft speed running whatever is the hardest foreign if squeaks into it anyone could well it's not just doing it right I'm talking about the best um Skyrim you think Skyrim is the hardest single player game [Laughter] under what definition of hard could that possibly be true hard as in cool yeah it's like the hardest dude like if someone catches you playing Skyrim that's like the hardest thing um trying to run the game with mods the hardest single player game is Animal Crossing So based no one has ever beaten Skyrim you could definitely convince me of that is the hardest game to find how many people could be awesome water how difficult to get through it it's hard is a very nebulous word that is being stretched in many different directions in this conversation so it's up to you it's up to your call hardest game is among us period I think like if we're talking about what's the hardest game to just play single player campaign on hardest difficulty straight through it's probably like uh probably like I mean it's probably Boshi but if you don't count Boshi if you've got like big mainstream games it's It's gotta be one of the souls likes or or maybe Halo 2 legendary that's really hard hauling at 100 is very hard um Halo 2 legendary was really hard for sure was pretty hard um 100 or 80 percent I I guess I was thinking any percent but it could be 100 I don't know the problem with single player games is they're meant to be beaten so they kind of have a ceiling yeah exactly so what I'm talking about is what game really yeah they have like a yeah ceiling what game has the highest or or the or the highest floor even what game is like most players who play it can't beat it that's what I would want to know um what it's the hardest floor Minecraft um yeah I wonder I wonder fear and hunger I've heard that game was actually incredibly difficult right pong OSU Hades Hades really uh would you ever play Seafood I would love to play sifa I think I'd really enjoy it my food is almost here how about life okay right scored scored maybe the hardest game ever made because it is so mind-numbingly bad and boring that it repels you in every stance the ability to sit down and finish a game of scorn might make it the hardest game of all time uh uh league is a high skill floor what do you mean you look at bronze league and say it's a high skill floor you would like atomic heart would I the reviews weren't that great uh all right my tacos here one second let's see damn I looked up hardest games ever made and it's second row Elden ring Super Meat Boy cuphead sifu Ninja Gaiden is what like the the Reddit whatever Pullman I don't know that I agree with that but uh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I was supposed to leave you guys with my new [ __ ] thing wait every break I have to put this on uh uh wait oh it's not working wait hold up I heard Paper Mario is pretty hard I've never seen you should repeat it I actually don't know if any streamer has beaten Paper Mario origami King on stream every streamer I know that played it stopped so maybe you're right General Mills product
you i don't know what song i want thank you oh what's happening ah thank you smashley ow why don't stop stop biting things stop thank you yo stop a kitty stop biting oh lando thank you oh i surely you guys can't hear the music what the freak why can't you hear the music i figure out the music one second okay so i think i messed up my settings i have to go to wait why can't you guys hear the music thank you guys i'll thank you for the subs a little more in one second i'm just like so confused why you can't hear the music dude what the heck is going on wait i'm cringing you can hear it oh i'm stupid thank you i'm just dumb i figured it out my bad oh my god i'm so tired kitten no what is that oh it's fine thank you guys hi oh my god this cat is being a menace oh my goodness thank you guys i think this is like one of the first times i've ever done a birthday stream i just can't i need this kitty to stop doing what this kitty's doing goose thank you for the two months casual croissant thank you for the six months of miles thank you for the year rake thank you for the 10. glizzy firefox or grizzly firefox i give you the two tay thank you for the 17. choo choo magoo thank you for the 23. drew thank you for the nine isabella thank you for the three dicky thank you for the two stephen thank you for the seven anish thank you for the seven snorlax looking for the seven aka hit hito zion thank you for the five gifted i appreciate that the rock thank you for the eight months invader thank you for the year uh guido thank you for the six pizza thank you for the bitties boom boom thank you for the four league for the seven inquisitor thank you for the ten oh jack thank you for the seven atlanta sleeping with the two adrian thank you the four smash the big five k harris thank you oh my god this kitten the five my god good oh my god i'm so far behind already and i just i don't even know where i left off samurai i think you're the four alice thank you for the seventeen tie-dye tie-dye thank you for the nine kawaii sunshine thank you for the 11 months lamb laminar thank you the 14 ginkgo thank you for the three pk thank you for the five tur tur sus thank you for the eight nanya thank you for the eight dylan thank you for the two sudaber thank you for gifting us up exile thank you for the five oh my god more than five thank you for the 10 gifted casting for the 34. wow pink boy i think of the nine i have to grab this kitten she's playing with straps of addresses that she shouldn't eddie thank you for the seven hey kitten come here you have toys why are you playing with those things do you want this marker this is fun to play with oh yeah instaplace she's crazy bagga waggis think of the 15. wow my hair looks awful latino bear thank you for the brand new sub thank you guys for the hype train a little bogart i thing for the eight months sarah thank you the bitties cute thank you for the six wait no cute thank you for gifting us it your sixth sub in the chat andrew thank you for the five dollars it's your actually birthday too uh happy birthday andrew i'm manager i'm thinking of the five hi did i see envy house what the rock thank you for the five gifted we have the same b day dude a lot of people seem to have the same birthday today uh how old are you turning oh 25. i'm 25. oh my god blue orion thank you for the prime phantom file thing for the three months 25 when is the podcast on youtube uh within the next few days we had a few uh tech hiccups um entire chat and thank you for the 10 gifted danny don't cry danny don't cry everyone hearts and chat to danny he's cursed when it comes to this podcast the sixth toe thank you the four months danny it's okay it's okay it's a big it's not a big deal send thank you for the sub no one is mad what did you do after the songs i came home and ludwig got me flowers and he made me dinner stelia thank you for the sub he gave me presents i took a nap how's it here with maya today okay so maya and i i hate this song i don't even know why this is on my list um random thank you for the the sub um i maya and i do these photo shoots and it's i don't know if you guys know this but i'll tell you it sucks doing photo shoots with maya because i'm five eight maya is five two and so it's like she's half my size in that way and then she weighs a hundred pounds i weigh like 155 pounds which i feel like is pretty normal i think i'm like pretty medium-sized um but then standing next to maya i just feel like a giant i feel like a monster no i think for the three months plus it was like a um um thank you autumn i am oh my god the cat keeps jumping and falling off of stuff she is just a baby she's so small plus i'm really i'm really pale and she's like tanned and so i just i looked awful compared to her and it was making me it's hard not to compare yourself when you're standing right next to someone and so i was like oh i hated it i hated it it's fine though whatever we'll see how the pictures turn out i didn't i i didn't post half of the pictures from um [Music] i didn't post half the pictures from our last photo shoot because i just didn't feel good at them so we'll see how this one goes not britt spears thinking 13 months the photographer was great i just am the worst fix it in post cutie yeah okay who cares about being tan i mean it just looks better let's read engagement photos oh my god what are you doing what could you be doing right now look stop it come into your bed and play with the ball no little come here you're being crazy are you okay all right she's like she's being weird mcphail thank you for the three months wendy thank you for the thirteen not for it seriously the thirteen love buds thank you for the five nar thank you for the three random z thank you for the two months still yeah thank you for the sub send madge thank you for the sub shady thank you for the pride this cat is being crazy where's coot's cam once she settles down i can adjust the camera but she's kind of running around everywhere so oh my goodness hi i know okay pistol tick tockers invaded the envy house i know but what do you want me to do about it i don't know what to tell you it's like that sucks i don't have a topic to cover on it wildcat thing for the sub what type of cat is coots uh he's a mix she's a mix oh my god um chat what breeder did he get it from i didn't get it from a breeder i would like to make that very clear arya's cats had kittens you should not look for a breeder for scottish folds because it only encourages them and apparently scottish folds are not good cats to breed uh dude that's just funny look how tired i am fail thank you for the five gifted um mods you don't need to you don't need to time people out this guy wrote oh i remember you you're the one who fixed it for their boy to win streamer of the year award i don't you can leave those messages because they're just crazy that anyone would take those jokes seriously um ben thank you for the 10 months kriegel thank you for the prime wildcat thank you for the brand new sub shady bird thank you for the prime macphail thank you for the three months i already thanked you uh so what's the tea i don't have any two sisters i don't have any tea um veil thank you for the five gifted guys i am so tired can i tell you about my last two days so i stayed up until like 4 00 am the day before beyblades and we had to wake up at nine and then we were she's being crazy um is it even your bday anymore yeah it's 10 24 [ __ ] um goop thank you for the seven months what are you doing crispy thank you for the seven months is so big um dude sorry i can't focus my brain is so fried so i wake up i i go to beyblade we're like an hour late we get everything set up and then the stream runs an hour late the place has no air conditioning which i had no clue i had no clue that place had no air conditioning that was a big surprise it was a little um it was a little awful to be honest it was pretty awful um and then the room was real sweaty and hot yeah it was so hot also high say jam um looks like a boxy gym it was it was a boxing gym if i ever do it again i think it'd be funny to do like a higher produced version with a boxing arena but i liked i liked how it's done this time i would have changed the mics a little bit i didn't plan on we planned on having commentary and i didn't think through the lav mics clearly um ow dude they can't even see you you're so small you're so small hey what's up what's up no don't fight me um ow did the event come out as you imagined yeah it was fine i thought it was funny um but yeah so that took really long we drove home and then and then we went straight into whine about it we did whine about it until 2am or whatever through 1am and then we had to end or we had to try to do omegle but then we couldn't do it and then went to bed was supposed to go bad at 2 am sorry my brain is literally so fried tried to go to bed at 2 am i couldn't really fall asleep um so i didn't fall asleep until like 3 or 4 again and then we had to wake up this morning at 9 a.m again to go our photo shoot um and then straight to hassan's back here i had birthday dinner all this stuff anyway i'm so tired i'm so tired is what i ow want to say have you been to wyoming yeah i've been to wyoming you think i'm a fake wyoming fan did you see hassan's nice tweet about you yeah i didn't i saw i didn't know how to reply um that's very sweet see talks thank you dude pirate why are you cheering the cat on to bite me psychopath did maya go back home yeah she went back home dude why did major tom i'm sorry stream stream elements timed you out i don't know why i think maybe used too many exclamation points i got mad at you mr popo thank you for the prime all right i'll be real guys i don't have a good stream for you today brim was taking thank you for the 13 months i don't i simply don't have a good stream for you with everything that's been going on i just haven't had time to plan a birthday stream i've actually genuinely never really had a successful birthday stream because i just i i don't know i just haven't um and so i was thinking to myself you know what i want to do more than anything thank you anton oh hk thank you thank you for the five gifted oh hk type in chat so we're blaming beyblades now yeah hk wait it's not there what the heck i gave hk the artist thing it doesn't look like it showed up i'm dumb little mischief thank you thank you thank you for the five dollars uh evo nice to see you prezzo nice to see you thank you for your song today zvb 73 oh thank you oh good um we have a few things to look at this is number one i got this today this is a good birthday present look kitty this is your uncle prezzo happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear cutie happy birthday [Music] it's the little it's a little shrug at the end for me uh bilnery thank you for the thing for the three months remo thank you for the four um yeah yeah you know what it reminds me of actually show you the cat looks like it's on drugs right now this is what it reminds me of mr president on this occasion of your birthday this lovely lady the same sex of him not only congratulations but punctual mr president cannon paul's taking 11 months [Applause] it's the same thing [Applause] perhaps there's been no one female who meant so much maryland mr president the late marilyn monroe [Applause] thank you zold [Music] mr president for the nine months for all the things you've done the battles that you've won prezzo please reenact this the way you deal with u.s steel and our problems by the time we thank you she wrote she wrote her own words you didn't do that i know thank you for the 25 gifted thank you thank you thank you that's so sweet in cassiopeia thank you for the six months oh my god fluffy narwhal thank you for the five gifted thank you guys your own content maryland guys she wrote her own words prezzo didn't do that why does this make me more encoder than prezzos did oh i don't know because she's singing this to a man in a marriage who she was sleeping with and his brother did you guys know that marilyn monroe was sucking and [ __ ] john f kennedy and robert kennedy both of them like straight so up i never want to make this cake also this cake has to be this cake has to have some fake parts into it because there's no way two guys could carry this cake price that cake dude thousands of dollars there's no way two people could carry it if it was all real cake also i'm gonna say this cameras suck back then am i right chat yuck uh milnares thank you for the brand new sub thank you i can now retire from politics after having had a happy birthday sung to me in such a sweet good hey that's you kitten hey wake up that's you hey hey wake up hey wake up hey hey wake up that's you she is not waking up can you create famous historical cakes on stream what is a famous historical cake i want to buy a marilyn monroe dress where do you buy one let's get one for my birthday why is the camera weird is it altered oh it's definitely altered when did i alt it ah it's trimmed i can't work on it right now i'll fix it later um buy i'll google it buy a mary lynn monroe dress they only have costume dresses guys i want a real one someone find me a real one i can't find it celebritydresses.com oh these are knockoffs oh my wait what the heck wait this website's cool smiley face this is cool you can just buy dresses what the heck should they see if they have a taylor swift section jess thank you for the two years i would not trust this site why it looks totally this looks totally not sketch shell rosie the prime cha i bought during stream awards i bought some dresses from some sketch sites and i don't even remember what they were and i wish i did because i would i would love to show you uh what did i end up what i ended up getting compared to what i was advertised because they are hilarious oh there is a taylor swift section here's the taylor swift section i remember this dress she wore this in in concert she looks so good she looks so great that's an old dress thank you thank you miss mona oh my god who's who's buying this prom dress oh my god taylor you look crazy what's this from oh out of the woods i love this dress cha if i was a size zero she had an eating disorder in this dress i would wear this elos thank you for the 27 i'm not even kidding she said in her documentary she had an eating disorder i didn't make that up okay all right okay none of these are really speaking to me i like this one what do you guys think oh i love this dress oh i could never wear that dress hannah thank you for the five months vail thank you for giving us up to miz that's weird my god there's more oh that won't happen i haven't shaped i haven't shaped [ __ ] dude there's one dress i wish i could find it's not here though what's this i'll get this strapless dress a thousand dollars no shot okay let's sharp let's shop for margot robbie now oh margot robbie's dude how did margot robbie she okay i just want to say margot robbie was gorgeous like this but how did she go from this to this it's like she got a new face it's like the same face but she got like a tighter face how do you get a tighter face oh it's miz in chat what botox no can we have a cat can please no um because the cat's on my lap i'm trying to have a cat cam weight loss i don't know if she's pretty though i know she's really pretty oh boy oh boy oh boy the cat is upside down toning serums and creams oh my god you guys made me just check if ms was live because you were like because well you guys made me check and miss was live because you're tagging him in chat and you're tagging him chat and yet yesterday at the beyblade thing he said host me no one else is live because of your event oops i didn't host him what goes around comes around okay miss kiff never hosts me unless i beat him at a monopoly which it doesn't happen very often oops sorry miss next time ms got super lonely yesterday that's crazy that miz got lonely yesterday number one miz was invited number two ms said rich and seer couldn't go okay oh i don't like any of these margot robbie dresses marco robbie surprisingly looks worse with dark hair i've never seen her with dark hair jess thank you for the thank you for the five months i appreciate that miss only does what benefits ms whoa how the heck did he figure that out blake lively oh my god i want this dress chat i would look stupid in it but i want it dude blake lively is so pretty chad i think there's a world my name used by other thank you the five gifted i think there's a world i oh my god when did she have red hair crazy i need to lose weight chat okay i'm so tired just finished watching the beyblade bar oh [ __ ] wait i actually need to talk to my editor about that beyblade vod oh [ __ ] can i work really quick chat chat can i work i have to send a message but the cat is on my hands so i'm gonna be slower um is vorti here by chance probably not i'm trying to lose that [ __ ] hey prezzo you look beautiful the way you are can i use tts oh no okay oh god i have to type chat put your suits on um the cat is sleeping okay um what happened well i forgot i needed to send my editor i have the editor that's doing beyblade i want something very specific mediocre middle kid thank you for the 20 gifted thank you thank you so much abby thank you for the two months are he thank you for the happy birthday i am so tired why was the wine about it fodder removed we actually always remove it um we always remove it and then um upload it on youtube and then people complain about not being able to see chat okay is it n bird or vorti here i don't expect any of them to be here cutie are you gonna wrap for your birthday no ari what about last night was dope okay honestly get sharp through the two months honestly will you rate whine about it from one to ten chat can you hear the cat purring here no last night's episode alone wow that's so much higher than i thought i thought last night was a bad episode jealous at four wow okay i watched the whole thing check out a weird a little weirder than usual last night yeah it happens honestly so chat we have to keep chat off screen because chat's what demonetizes the video because they just say [ __ ] my thinking lead was blouse definitely 10 to 10. uh that makes me feel better it was so crazy because we came inside and led was like how was the podcast and i was like eh and then maya was like walked inside and he was like how's the podcast she's like it was a good podcast i was like what i thought it was like whatever i don't know i will say we ever since you podcasts are weird because you um once you do one podcast or sorry the once you do one podcast dino thank you 20 months once you do um like once you have a really really good episode you just like compare it to that your book story was really good dude i had even more stories but i felt like maya was bored so i didn't keep telling them and i didn't know if chad thought they were cool uh what do you think was the best episode the episode after the streamer awards it was the best one hi coot's in frame i can't because she's under the desk i mean i can let me try a little harder like you can have me or the cat i guess you'll have the cat all the episodes are great thanks chat uh i have to type something cly stacks they give this up um we could just do asmr honestly your nails a little wicked yeah do you guys like my nails they're cool huh what did love get you i don't want to say it's personal is the cat farting yeah oh thank you marcus marcos sorry do you think you're going to twitchcon this year i kind of doubt it is the other cat jealous um [Music] less jealous more kind of like unsure one second oops okay sorry i had to send that i realized you guys could listen to the cat while i sent that oh my god oh my god thank you so much thank you so much your dad overwatch i think you just bumped us back up to 8 000. thank you so much thank you thank you that's very kind of you geez louise also i owe you guys subs psy psyched out thank you for the the sub i owe you 2000 worth of subs don't say lcat what the heck because because um because um will neff wanted to gift his winnings to you guys and subs do you guys see my photo shoot you okay girl yeah everyone wants to watch a cat what am i supposed to do here's my photo shoot for my birthday the theme was no one showed up to my birthday party and i was sad that's my cake that's me with cake in my hands it was gross that's me with a piece of cake that's magamaya that's prezzo and this this one was my favorite pick cool huh do you guys remember this cake we made it on stream look how pretty it looks with the cherries isn't it so pretty with the cherries the kitten did stop purring that means the kitten actually fell asleep so the kitten doesn't sleep when it purrs it's just relaxing and then once it falls asleep it stops purring oh god guys now the camera's all [ __ ] oh i woke the kitten back up [ __ ] oh boy we woke the kitten up oh boy oh boy long cat oh god okay come here come here come here they go you don't want to sleep like that dink donk i woke the kitten up hi kitten kittens falling asleep in my arms no this is not happening you can't fall asleep in my arms i'm very sorry i love you so much myth what's wrong with you psychopath okay she hates the hammock all right dude cha can i say can i call myth out well what do you mean can i i'm going to call myth out guys so after beyblades maya and i had whine about it right so we run home and uh envy as the the amazing girls they are posted they're like hey we'll have a beyblade after party at our house if anyone wants to come which is dope because you know they are good hosts and a good party house and you can have lots of fun at their house and our house is not as fun because i'm kind of an old lady but um but we we ludwig was like oh but if anyone wants to just come you know if anyone wants to come like watch anime at our house you can come too it's not gonna be like a party um yeah yeah is our house too far i was too far and uh and so like christopher yee came over and point crow and abby and myth was supposed to come too and then myth hits ludwig with uh uh you know what never mind i got home i'm just gonna stay in and then oh and blauis was come and and [ __ ] went to freaking envy what the heck oh i'm just gonna stay in myth i don't even care cause i wasn't hanging out i was filming the podcast that is not what i said oh really what did you say i said drive is too far oh oh that was the longest carrier in the world that just came out of my throat ah that was gross oh i felt it i hated that ew david thank you for the eight months i'm a pass bro the uber drive is looking like a solid hour that's how you sit and that's what you said oh ludwig okay that makes sense ludwig interp or ludwig said i think the way it was interpreted um was that like you were like not like you didn't you wanted to stay in for the night that makes more sense read and we [ __ ] i listen i wasn't part of this conversation i'm going to stay gaslit and say that you are a jerk you're a jerk no i went out well clearly went out oh my god chad i can't get microsoft paint to close ah the cat just climbed up my feet scared me oh i got microsoft paint to close i figured it out don't worry guys uh wait i can't figure out where this one is oh i got it dude what is this cat doing this cat is being crazy can amazing yawn voice be a regular thing what what's the next event yo let me breathe actually um i had to use my pottery credit within like 45 days from um from um girls trips so i i we have a pottery stream do you see my peek with mix yeah i thought you were on your shoulders we have a pottery stream on saturday that's kind of like the next event but it's not like a real event it's just an irl right um fizzy thank you for the thank you for the 10 gifted they're very very sweet why do i stream slate i was just tired today so i didn't get around to it um but i currently the pottery stream we don't have a lot of people because i'm shy and i'm asked people i'm pretty sure andreas that you'd come and i forgot to ask so i need i'll spend some time asking some people tomorrow um but currently uh we have pottery stream on saturday um [ __ ] where is it why can't i see who's in the [ __ ] group so cringe what oh okay here we go pottery stream how do i remove someone from the group oh my god i'm losing my mind pottery stream rey is coming like valkyray and then ray c is coming and then emma is coming brooke is coming blau is coming myth is coming and ludwig's coming sid was going to come but it's her birthday so i have to remove said from the group thank you for the two months so that'll be saturday is minks going i need to ask minx lily i feel like she'll like it i haven't asked her guys listen i have like this weird cool down period when it comes to asking people first stuff it makes me feel gross i actually hate that it's the same week as beyblade and i didn't think that out all the way and i feel like a selfish gross [ __ ] for taking up so much of people's time what happened to the gooey duck we left it myth can ask i know myth has asked some of the people but i also feel bad but i also actually we need to get an update on that i'm helping myth plan a uh irl stream too that should be tons of fun we're waiting to hear back from somewhere i'll have to figure out where we're at with that uh yeah we're waiting to hear back from somewhere and then we're going to decide what to do um good job it was so cold sponsored pottery stream i don't think i can get a pottery stream sponsored alex would probably come dude i do not want to make alex drive again all the way down here because they live in like san diego i feel so bad she's crazy because she's like invite me to anything and i do but at the same time i feel so guilty isn't that weird i genuinely okay i have a weird complex i'm not kidding i really feel bad inviting people to stuff because i feel like i am bothering them is that weird and no one's complained but like maybe they would just complain not to me if they ask to be bothered it's fine listen i honestly wouldn't feel i would feel bad i wouldn't blame anybody if they never want to come to one of my events again based off of beyblade because there's no air conditioning but there was a taco truck so that was cool two people fansly sponsored pottery stream i know i'm not gonna ask for that she can always say no yeah i guess thank you swipe oh my gosh i'm so tired you know i might not even play league she can't win i like to announce my events as they come up um so [ __ ] camp won't be announced for quite some time i love saying no so much so you can invite me if you want it frezzo do you want to come to pottery on saturday you can fly in if you want no okay okay uh duck fam thank you so much for the host i'm going to austin are you going to austin soon no buy a private jet so people can fly easily no private jets are bad for the environment and i'm poor let's create a carnival uh it's probably gonna be delayed do you believe in mental illness i have got mental illness so yes it's like asking if someone if they like believe in fingernails it's like yeah they're right here [ __ ] of course do i believe in it bro i'm sick with it i love oh that was weird i thought was i thought that was my boyfriend i heard a dink on my glass door okay i got two packages i know one of them is from jamie and another one i don't know who it's from but somebody sent me macarons that i want to try with ludwig and somebody sent me chocolate covered strawberries but i don't know who sent me what yeah but i know jamie sent me one of them macaroons macarons tomato tomato pla plato papado go do bagels save the two months thank you for your prime ask her well i didn't realize i had two packages myth did not send it you said you weren't going to rap what oh this is funny samsung sent stuff are you probably been asked but does anyone know about the wine router upload it'll be up tomorrow dsmacca birthday sub wow thank you do you accept po gifts yes we probably have to go pick up from the po this week actually it's been a while but usually when i go to the po it's like two things three year badge i need more badges pay thank you very much for popping in um oh my gosh anonymous thank you for the five gifted hello just wanted to say have a nice stream thanks for cool events and [ __ ] makes my better platform uh yeah should i should we choose a day god let's look at my schedule we need to choose a day for me to take you guys to spends thank you for the six months um we need to choose a day for me to take you guys to the electric parade i've been promising you guys for so long okay tomorrow i am insanely booked it's not even on my calendar how book time tomorrow wednesday i'm completely booked out i won't be streaming on wednesday thursday thursday i don't think i have time uh maybe thursday and then friday and saturday don't okay thursday's the only day we could possibly do it let me see if i can get a disney reservation band of xander thank you for the three months anonymous thank you for gifting a sub get miz to go with you i can't get miss to go with me i'm take miz only comes to the oogie boogie bash and that's our deal amy thank you for the five months places to stay no parks and tickets okay theme park reservations ticket reservations let me see if i can get a reservation for thursday i might not be able to it's probably too late make park reservations fingers crossed fingers crossed oh sign in everybody wait uh book theme park reservation blair continue [Music] oh available i don't know if i'm gonna book it though seven months streak from chavez kid think of the seven months i don't know if i will yet i don't know if i'll book it yet because i don't know if i want to go all by myself at night time sasquatch thank you for the um five months but i've promised you guys so i probably might oh at night i mean i usually go at night but that's when the electrical parade is not alone you're taking us you can't bring anyone i mean i could but did anyone bake you a cake no ow sometimes eileen do you guys ever do this do you lean your knees up against your desk and then you move them and you have like an indent in your shins no we're gonna play league soon dude i do it all the time anonymous thank you for gifting yourself reese's pieces thank you for the three months dude i do it all the time yes for my elbows can we watch fantasmic too no phantasmical to be a different stream listen i gotta spread out this disney content if i'm gonna milk it if i'm gonna write off my season pass i gotta milk this [ __ ] you're welcome paige thank you nine months don't bite me kitty can we get churros this is what happens this okay this is the real reason for electrical parade me me post like me kind of stalling doing it is it such a commitment because i go there at five o'clock and i have to sit on a bench for three and a half hours until the electrical parade you have to you have to you have to sit you have to bench you have to you have to like stake your spot and so as soon as we get there we'll have to get snacks to keep us entertained for three and a half hours you guys are just gonna sit with me for three and a half hours you're lying you guys say you will but you actually won't i know you guys i'll have like a thousand viewers and you'll be like where is everyone mod check oh i'm here i'm sitting don't worry i'm sitting i'm doing my job we could do sudoku's i guess that could be fun make your assistant hold and sit and hold the spot no no if you guys want to see the electrical parade you have to go through the torture of holding the freaking spot for three and a half hours no we're not friggin sending christine there just to sit you guys want to see it you have to people sit okay we don't have to sit now chat we're not there can we play i spy i guess i have to figure out i have a server now i have to figure out how it works what'd you guys think of the beyblade tournament overall sick 10 out of 10. hell yeah you loved it it was wicked yeah i'm happy will won and i'm also happy that no one cared that he cheated technically because that'd be annoying if someone was like sad um gosh i'm tired the vibes were super chill and easy going yeah i just hope everyone had fun i need a message over thank you i just haven't yet uh anonymous thank you for gifting another sub it was great i lost 400k points oh i need to message everyone thank you i've just been so busy the first 20 minutes was rough but then it got way better yeah yeah you know you learn stuff each time and you liked hassan stream today thanks for setting up this on stream you know what's crazy if hassan would let me i would plan something for him like at least once a month because here's my goal you know what's weird this is something that's weird about me i don't um i i actually had a long conversation with maya about this i don't really care about like i okay i just like doing things that are cool um and it's for me it's better with other people so i am so much better like um planning streams for like two people or three people than it is that i am for like planning solo streams i'm genuinely a dog [ __ ] solo streamer um and yeah starburst was incredibly funny i love stav he's great he needs to do more fun things i mean he does a lot of fun things i think if he did too many fun things it would like take away from um his uh i'm so tired he'd get really far behind on news and stuff i hope blood would come soon because i want to try those macarons really bad i will call him chat um hello hello what are you doing i was just finishing a mobile mail oh oh my god did i ruin it as my phone call i literally finished it as you called me oh yay what's it about [Music] subathons you should do a mogul mail about faze's pride tweet did you see that i did see it i think aatrox is making a video about it so i probably won't because then i will wow that's so nice of you to say atrial talks about it on stream and then people got mad at me why because people were like you're being islamophobic oh that's such an interesting point of view yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wow it's a hard world out here it's either islam or yeah you're either homophobic or islamophobic although i'm sure several several islam people are muslim people would disagree with this yeah i think i think no matter what your religion shouldn't hate anybody that's a bad religion yeah all right cool um i really want to try these macarons and so i was hoping you were going to be done what's the difference between a macaron and a macaroon though um well one is a coconut cookie so the one with two o's it's a little coconut cookie mac macaron macaroon what about a european macaroon i don't know what you mean by that isn't there a different one there's two there's there's there's the sandwich and then there's a little coconut like pile haystack essentially interesting all right well hey let's eat some delicious macaroni yay best birthday ever will you get them we get them they're on the they're on the dining room table you want me to get them for you yeah please the cat's in a precarious spot did you tell chat about my borger about your what my burger oh yeah i told them that you made me dinner was it did you tell him it was yummy yeah i couldn't tell if you liked it to be honest i was so tired i did like it i was just really tired i was so tired i was sad because it was i say this as i'm about to eat macarons it was more calories than i wanted to eat today but it was good no it wasn't i i checked well the bread i shouldn't have eaten the bread for lunch so i've just been bread bread bread what the heck is flat bread uh like essentially pizza and i had so much pizza last night it was it's a problem like panera flat bread pizza no it wasn't panera we went maya and i got food in santa monica it's your birthday it doesn't count chat the issue is i tell myself every day it doesn't count and i am not losing weight and it's really starting to wear me down this is my birthday i cannot get high if i want to can't deny that okay i'm coming yay [Music] uh [Music] goodbye what the heck you're leaving oh are you okay i'm scared i forgot to ask that dude i want a camera set up like hassan's hassan's camera made me look so nice i think i'd get more viewers if i looked better his top-down angle makes me look [ __ ] weird i look small i look good in it that cat is in your bosom yeah she's in bosom breasts macaroni macaron like a rum river roll i think these are from jamie but i don't know if these aren't from jamie i got strawberries that are from jamie okay his lighting needs work though my lighting needs more work okay look how pretty whoa there are 12 flavors of macarons and it's made with 100 wait why are there almonds and macarons because it's made with almond flour why not regular flour because you just can't get this texture with the regular flower it's made with california almonds okay that's cool could you do me a really big favor yeah oh i feel bad i'm not gonna ask you you want water yeah so bad yeah one's easy yay but you're out of breath so i feel bad well that's all right oh i feel bad these look so good galaxy caramel creme brulee raspberry cream yum avogado pistachio oreo cheesecake earl grey belgian dark chocolate lemon meringue pie nutella double vanilla fruity pebble i don't know who sent me this i'm gonna ask jamie if she sent me the macarons or the strawberries because i don't know what she sent me i'm just gonna ask her did you send me the macarons or strawberries i'm asking jamie if she sent me these which means i have no clue who the other ones are from look at this look at my belly what the egg man oh my will you turn off the light i'm sorry i would really be doing these things but i i can't get up because this cat why do you want it off up up oh oh whoa okay you got to like hit it off the wall or something fixed giga got married who dat garnt one third of trash taste yay these are from jamie wait what oh jamie said i said the macarons yeah they looked pretty in the pictures when they got married yo thanks for the res scub andrew oh my gosh the twitch prime i forgot what that's look like dwal lu dalawu um these are from jamie these are from jamie chat so i i have to figure out who the heck did you win your league game sent me this i haven't played what what are you even doing um chilling what have we been doing chad this you don't cook board girl like me jamie i said cole thank you for the 10 gifted i said i have no clue some of the strawberries jamie said a secret admirer ludd has competition i hate when you do that create a class shoe me versus jamie you versus jamie yeah okay you could blow on her and she'd fly away that a fat joke to me no it is she's a skinny queen okay kitten you're staring whoa thank you thank you goobadoob thank you what you missed colt's freaky gifted no i didn't i literally said it while you were flexing when i was doing this yeah okay back uh ron i'm so excited did you see the flavors yeah galaxy caramel creme brulee raspberry cream affogato uh pistachio oreo cheesecake okay avocado awful okay do we okay do we start with what we think is the worst or do you start with the best chat close your eyes and i'll give you a bite of when you tell me what it is really uh-huh close your eyes you close your eyes i close my eyes yeah and then i'll give you one and then you have to eat it and then tell us what i just want to bite yeah i just have a bite of one i am so excited lord i'm trying to show chad i'm trying to open it in my bed i was trying to help you open it because you had one hand what the heck does trying to help you open it what the heck man don't get mad at me all of a sudden he stole my snow oh my gosh i've already handed it back and you're still on it oh my god they're so pretty these are so pretty look at this galaxy one it has stars on it hi brazo dude i'm so excited hey prezzo okay [Music] me looking at your nails instead some gay says prezzo prezzo non-gay people can like nails too i don't want to play this game i just want to enjoy them then just eat them up man okay let's start with galaxy caramel oh it's so pretty what is that what is this galaxy just the color yeah that's got little stars on it caramel filling caramel what it's caramel well there's a whole point i see every single one a bite of each one what i didn't know it was everyone i was you can take a small bite oh you do such a you took a bigger bite than me these are so good i actually i know this is weird that we both took bites out of them but i want to put them in the fridge and eat them later that's fine it doesn't caramelly that's where like that's more like um oh no don't say de leche wait yeah they'll say [ __ ] start over i fell asleep okay well we just had the caramel one it was good i like the caramel one it was good okay this one is creme brulee french for cream that's boiled really that doesn't make sense because it's sugar that's boiled yeah it's oh [ __ ] i i know i broke it bummer do you think you could make one of these yeah with the shell yeah but it's just hard it's just sugar sprinkled on top and then bruleed no i mean like the shell like the the oh macarons are annoying but yeah i've done it i used to be able to do it just i can't chat i'm really trying to show you this stop there you go oh it's not focusing dude oh there we go pretty i wrote i killed the top i'm sorry i think you'll like it it's not very sweet they're so soft well they needed to go in the fridge but we didn't put them in the fridge i think in a good way oh i thought they'd be stale because they're in a package actually these are probably some of the best like i've bought some creme i bought some macarons from like a um a macaron store that's nice um i bought macarons from like online before and they weren't that good and but these are like really good okay raspberry cream that's the california almond dude this is the second one that i'm probably most excited about raspberry i think i'm most excited about fruity pebble i love fruity pebble and i love double but what i was looking at i love double vanilla happy birthday presents videos stuck in my head yeah prezzo wrote me a song for my birthday can you believe that i wouldn't say wrote it saying it performed one this is interesting i like it a lot but i don't taste any raspberry dart thank you for the sub pikachu oh no it doesn't taste perfume it tastes really good but i just i need like palette cleanser i need like a chip oh my god dart thank you for the 10 gifted dart you're giving me a bit of trauma because one of one of my uh one of my ex-boyfriend's friends like one of his good friends his name is dart and i feel like dart is such a unique name that i'm like there's a melee player named dart go away dart he's a puff man friends thank you for the two months he's pretty good i'm just kidding it really is nice start think of the 10 gifted stoney thank you for the 13 months um what's this one affigato i don't really know what this is this is like tiramisu i think yeah alfogaddo is an italian dessert that is chocolate and cafe coffee and caffel butt kaffir bud espresso with ice cream that's it move your face pity there's no chocolate in alfagato you know what i like about italy um society's just a little slower though it tastes like tiramisu dino thank you for the three months i like how every coffee bar just gives you a shout out i really like that one that one's really good that's good um pistachio i'm excited oh what a pretty color do you like pistachios man yeah i used to pistachio ice cream i went through a phase where pistachio ice cream is like my favorite okay two bites no i'm gonna put all these in the fridge and eat them as weird as it seems to eat crushed macarons i really will do it he's back at it again dart think of the 10 gifted i'll assume that you are my ex boyfriend's friend now because you you double down kind of weird dart kind of weird um oh my god [Music] i knew my thank you for the 100 gifted thank you very much it's very very sweet guys make sure if you get gifted us up please thank the person that gives you a sub thank you very much why do you keep eating it was it curious it's not very pistachio tasting no it's curious yeah pistachio is really hard to get the flavor of without using extracts but they definitely didn't use extracts wait why wouldn't you use extracts that's easier now um yeah but then you get gross extract how do you extract the pistachio it's chemical all extracts are just chemically thank you for the sub thank you you have to extract it no ludwig it's just made with chemicals oh there's a bug no yeah on the gold curtain rod walking towards the curtain it's tiny a bug oh yeah there's a little guy i won't do anything about it because it's a tiny big spiders i scared [ __ ] on me when i was cooking where in the kitchen yeah i got them [Music] dart thank you for the 10 gifted this dark guy all right oreo cheesecake i don't think i like this because i don't really like cream cheese taryn thank you for the gifted sub to afghans afghans congrats on uh partner by the way all my homies hate afghans you don't gotta get partner then dog me for failing my first try um this one's really good i'm surprised afghan's got partner then tweets out got partner my first try unlike other streamers in tagged me in it wait not people from afghanistan to be clear someone in the chat is saying you cooked my spider i didn't i can understand how that was worded poorly i did not cook the spider in the food ethan thank you for gifted stuff i killed it quickly because jers was walking towards it and i was like oh no you saved your son oh my gosh i was sweet that one's really good though oh my god dart news doubled up thank you dart this one's nutella chocolate thank you so much dart thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you dart i appreciate it thank you for the 20 gifted 50 gifted overall that's very generous oh right my fa my head this one's just blue this one is powder from arcane oh this one's gonna be my favorite nutella mmm milk chocolate i don't think it's gonna be my favorite anymore something's wrong with it why does it taste like that oh my god it's earl grey that's why it tastes like earl grey it's good but when you go into it dude when you go in thinking that's chocolate and it's earl grey it tastes like toothpaste yeah but once you know it's earl grey it actually tastes really good earl grey the tea named after an earl whose name is probably gray that was good once i knew it was earl grey i actually really liked it that's my bad damn that tastes like toothpaste straight up yeah i really like it now though okay this is dark chocolate this one's really pretty matches my nails macaroni is like plastic you haven't had good ones you you just haven't been a fan i would say these are so great if you ever go to fonts and have you have macaron they're delicious these are the best delivered macarons i've ever had the best ones i've ever had in paris called the kayla's cakes dot com barley makama these are really good influence not even hashtag not even hashtag ad all right that was okay that was good okay lemon meringue pie i'm gonna like this one new must oh [Music] what this is the worst sub notif what it's just some [ __ ] singing britney spears i don't know who it is does she sound good no is she hot no is she nice uh um can be one for three's not bad newman thank you for the 50 gifted the hundred one is trash oh my god do you have any feedback jello take notes what the heck numa hates your 100 gifted sub notif okay this is lemon meringue i don't know how the hell they're gonna make a macaron lemon meringue your silence is damning oh it's so good i love it um oh wow yeah that's yummy babe you mush it too much when you take a bite let me take the first bite then you no cause you mush it no matter what you don't understand how much harder it is for me as a second one okay okay i just want to point out when i give it to you it's like not much this is your first bite every time okay okay well this is nutella milk chocolate let me show chat you don't even understand how hard it is to be the second they go okay be the first biter don't mush because you've mushed all of these and i didn't realize until now i thought maybe it was just happening but then i looked at how i didn't measure it perfect what is wrong with you what when i do it it doesn't mush at all i got big old chompers man just be softer be more gentle okay my mashers are meant for mashing man guys look at the look at the freaking difference no okay wait okay ludwig this is what i'm gonna do this is double vanilla it's so pretty ready i'm gonna take two bites to show how it doesn't need to be mushed okay yeah i'm watching okay so i just want to buy it double vanilla is so yummy notice how there's no cracks chat no cracks you're my witness it's nice and fluffy still there's potentially a crack starting right here but that's okay wow i'm not mush but then when lightweight gets it he gives it back to me like this dude just annihilate it and it took me this whole time to figure out that that was avoidable um delicious [Laughter] no that was there for you don't even try to pin that on me it wasn't a big crack it was a big crack you can take a bigger bite well the people will remember when i said no no i'll just pick the ones that i want you went don't get sick about every single one and now i'm the villain for taking bites you're just a bad sharer i just got munchers i meant for munching oh okay i'm most excited about this one i'm so excited fruity pebbles fruity pebbles last one chat they didn't sell fruity pebbles in the extra-large family size in france so every time my cousin came from france or the us he would buy like three boxes and go back with them that's not a lot of crazy france well yeah because it's all chemicals i'm so excited [Music] carmel dancing's just stuck in my head look at this so destroyed oh i like that one they don't have chemicals in french ah you did so good lud there's like fruity pebbles yeah guys the color is really pretty learned guys he learned on the last one look at this graveyard always good to improve though no matter how long it takes right chet there's so much honestly the fact that it took me that long just shows that i'm finishing this one what you wanting it no okay i'm actually so incorrigibly full um [Music] oh my god my tommy did you see hassan tweeted about how maya and i are such good friends yeah so sweet have you give his backpack back yeah and he complained about you never wanted to hang out he said ludwig only wants to hang out with me when it's content that's such a lie i was like wow i'll pull up my text history with azan right now cutie 6k andy i'm not a 6k andy ludwig is okay i want these in the fridge i can't wait to eat these later he ditched to go climbing with me to do sussy sundays okay hassan can't climb he can't yeah that's why it'd be funny to go rock climbing with him because imagine he'll already be at the top it would be like a shadow of the colossus boss climbing up a hilltop what my girlfriend didn't know my stream would be so vulgar and took it personal would you call her and leave a message dart what the [ __ ] it's our own god on god nobody knows what the hell are you talking about dar i'm gonna be real with you if your girlfriend takes swearing on a stream you are watching personal you got some other [ __ ] you gotta figure out maybe they're mormon pray about it then repent i'll repent for her you ever been to wyoming yes guys no lutheran okay well i believe all religions say love thy neighbor so she should love me no matter how i talk and that's on god lutheran like martin luther um yes jackson isn't wyoming to be fair jackson hole wyoming isn't wyoming i think it is like lex luthor says hk what was your favorite vanilla oh no what was when i tried that was like my favorite i i ate the fruity pebbles i knew i liked it but we tried one that i was like oh my god that's so good oh avogado oh i thought you like the lemon one i love the lemon i love all of them thank you jamie that's tetris not jimmy what jamie where are you getting jimmy from jamie jamie oh james you sound like you're saying jimmy like a hundred times you kept saying jimmy thank you mr beast thank you mr beast thank you jamie for the macarons that's really sweet of her that was really really nice of her actually uh do you want to put him in the fridge yes who what was your favorite one oh my legs are asleep i think the lemon is the one that you are so tan what the freak uh well yeah i went on a vesper ride for like two hours yeah i was at the beach all day today you want to see my tan look at look at that lol you see the difference right there yeah do you see the difference right here i also am spanish i'm so white fifty percent spanish and they tan very well mediterranean in all dudes they're not even training so cringe i think about this all the time ludwig on um the yard they were talking about like their pet peeves or something or like um uh like red flags with girls or whatever and he's like i hate when white people say that they're more than just white no i said americans i hate you are an american i hate one i'd like to make that very clear we'll always be like yeah i'm like 15 german three percent polish like six percent peruvian i have like a little bit of cherokee in me like from like like my step grandfather uh and like generally like that's like my most of my heritage you are american i know i'm american i'm proud of you you're american and you talk about being spanish or french more than anybody else i i'm a first generation american it's different no oh my god yes you're crazy when you're the first one in time to ever live in the united states oh my god it's different all my family is french oh that's a lot of ones one in chat if if cutie should have the best birthday ever a lot of ones yeah yeah so that's the difference do you get it no there's no difference literally a difference there's no difference the difference is it's because you're i'm like oh you tan you're like oh it's my spanish skin well i that's a blood thing that's i actually think it's just my so what am i supposed to say when i don't tan and i only burn is it appropriate for me to be like oh that's my german skin i think it's yeah because you're you're german no because you're like you're just white [ __ ] i never even said a white thing you added white into it it was an american thing because it's not even there's no difference because you're mostly talking about western europeans which are all white anyway sound like dart thank you for the 20 gifted i'm that's a skin tone thing that's like whatever i'm talking like culturally when people try to claim cultural influence from european countries that they have no connection to because you have the most complicated ick in the whole world most people are like he spits loogies ick cutie is jealous she's white white yeah i am jealous on white white thank you dart for the 20 gifted thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you how is your girlfriend mad about the swears but not that you dropped a hundred bucks in the person that's wearing would you be even more yeah she should be mad about that you're giving the girl money well not the girl that's fine i think it's women give money don't say no women it's weird to give money to someone your girlfriend to be mad at but keep doing it if you want you don't have to unless you you do um it's not even an ick it's just a thing she construed that i talked about about her dart you're smoking weed and i think she's smoking weed too i think blood wig what are you doing and why are you acting like this i guess this is my french blood it makes me wacky [Music] okay all right all right okay welp a finished person no this is literally you this is you schubert schubert walk that was ludwig right there all right don't what you take this literal pussycat i say this because she is sitting between my legs and she won't move and i tried to put her in that hammock and she hates that hammock i gave birth what the heck who are you [ __ ] cat in the hat we are watching b stars oh all right have fun thanks i'm just gonna play like one or two i'm just gonna play like one or two this is my birthday i can play league if i want to that's my title yeah oh you missed the cat you couldn't even see the catch up just one uh bring coots back chat it's fine [Music] how was your birthday guys what do you think otk's big announcement is tomorrow i think it's at their cringe is that you guys do you think that james thank you for 37 months olinity joining no way it's not a lindy joining tips would not between up tweet out it's all been leading to this if it was just salinity joining rival streamer awards dude imagine otk ice besides that'd be so funny do you think maybe they got a big sponsor that's what i could see it as i could see it being like a really big sponsor like ftx or something like that i don't think anyone's joining otk i want to just tom thank you for 17 months top question thing for the six months crypto they signed a wow team oh that would actually be really cool but i doubt they'd do that because you know ftxotk i could see them getting like bought out imagine if they did just announce guys what would i do if they just announced an award show what do i like call them do we just like cancel them on twitter like what do you do in that situation we just cry okay give pokey as your lawyer that's genius actually we sue and we're joining otk yeah that's what they're announcing tomorrow it was leaked on reddit that they bought a wow team how would that even get leaked chat i mean we can't really can't do anything yeah i guess but it's the same as like me starting an organ calling it otk oh rich is getting fired that could be cool calm is to bait oh i don't feel like milking drama listen i am proud of them that's all i have to say no matter what they're doing i am always so proud of them those boys make me really proud um and i think it's there that they're signing forsen uh dart thank you for the 10 gifted i don't think they signed a wow team final profit they give the six months i would be surprised if they signed a wow team because didn't they have a wow team and then they let go of their wow team i don't think there's any world they had a wow arena team and they let them go yeah i don't think they would do that chat cute they're announcing as got a girlfriend that'd be so funny content house in l.a maybe but i would be surprised if they've actually bought one it takes a long time to buy a house and i know miz has been talking about it for a while but why was dead who wants that oh your dad overwatch what the heck if so it's already leaked my moves exactly this has been talking for a while i don't think they um have bought one i'd be surprised if they bought one so quick i hope they got like just a dope deal like i hope they're like partnered with like freaking chevy or something like you know that's what i hope that's that's my my hope and dream for them or if they get a house and they all move here okay this is the annoying thing can i be real with you guys what okay otk has a lot of um like orbiters that can be kind of cringe anybody okay anybody who just hangs out with people for the sake of their viewership and to gain something is cringe i'm just saying it i think it's really gross ludwig's calling me hello hello i know you just had a bunch of macarons but do you want strawberries with cream no i don't thank you though okay are you trying to make strawberries with cream i did and i made some extra for you but if you don't want it i'll just eat it oh i yeah i shouldn't have any i would like some plain strawberries okay okay thank you um isn't that literally cloud chasing yeah it's literally cloud-chasing but it's like this weird it's like these weird orbiters that like you know they know like a lot of streamers live in texas so they all moved to texas to like make it big and it's just weird because it's like i don't know it just gets really weird like i've been to like some of those parties in texas are really weird it's like a lot of people that like will do anything to talk to you just because they know you get more than 100 viewers and it's like really gross it's really really weird it's really weird they don't treat you like humans they treat you like i don't know i'm only gonna go to try canes i promise anyway yeah clout goblins i don't know so weird um and so the nervousness i have about miz and all those guys i think it's kind of too late cause i think they kind of created that texture texture what the [ __ ] why did that word come out of my mouth they kind of uh created that uh community if that makes sense they kind of created that culture culture culture culture yeah culture environment community same thing uh and so i'm nervous if they all move to l.a that it'll turn like that into la but we'll see yay thank you no i can't have any don't put a little sugar in it no it's okay cream's bad one with it boom okay yeah la already has that with hollywood no way they can afford la though i feel like austin prices have gone up haven't they you crave attention no is your name farting glitter that's a crazy name thank you for the host thank you so much oh wow look at all the happy birthdays thank you so much her name is crazy farting glitter wow pooters thank you guys thank you for the happy birthday oh my gosh i i've never even met you farting glitter that's so kind thank you so much thank you i was just watching her i don't i've never even met you it's so nice to meet you thank you twisty thank you for the two months thank you guys thank you for the raid um i'm going to play some league with some of with a friend um if they answer the phone call i just wanted you to have a great birthday you're so sweet thank you so much thank you guys nice to see you guys i'm playing league it's kind of a cozy night you might not like it if you don't like league you're not gonna like it but i don't like league i'm gonna hate this [ __ ] so bad wow prezzo prezzo will you play what i wanna i had an idea in my brain of something i wanted to play with prezzo it was just a me and prezzo thing what do i wanna do with you i want to play jack box with you but that's in a group but there was something i had that was just you and me but i forgot it was goose game oh my god that's actually it prezza will you play goose game 2 with me you will whoo okay taxes in california like 75 yeah they're awful what are hello dom's not answering on my birthday thoughts on nick being the least talented otk member i actually okay talent is such a weird word i think maya chose nick because nick says he's not talented but i disagree and i genuinely think nick is very talented he is he's very entertaining i think entertaining people takes talent a lot of people don't agree because they think it's funny but yeah hi austin mikey thank you for the five months i'm sorry hassan threw you under the bus earlier so who do you think is the least talented one i don't have to answer that wait what cutie this might be very embarrassing but i need your help seven months ago i gave this poem to a girl i had a crush on she for whatever reason blocked me which is understandable but she recently unblocked me i don't know what to do i still like her but i don't want to make her feel uncomfortable for now i haven't done anything buddy the dream is dead the dream is dead you don't do anything that's your answer but you should definitely write her another poem and send it write a sequel she loved the first one i say give the four months at least ask her to rate the poem out of 10 first yeah back to the drawing board okay dom is literally not answering and i can't believe this is my life i actually can't believe this i'm calling again maybe ask xcc you want me to ask x2c if you want to play league with me yeah i'm not gonna do that so look you is better actually you're right cause then i don't have to talk to dom but it's your birthday it is my birthday oh oh oh it's magic you know oh chat dom had like a six second subathon wow i'm a top in league austin i don't think you'd know how league works you're not on top anywhere buddy just kidding you can be a top it's pride month why don't you play with ludwig ludwig does not play league like i play league fiddles thank you for the six months bloop sushi pimp thank you for the five months [Music] would say selfish true didn't he beat you though no [ __ ] he didn't i'm playing league of legends play with emmy is emmy online right now i actually i'm totally fine playing with myself i usually prefer it narciss thank you for popping and saying happy birthday thank you paprika thank you for the four cutie happy birthday enjoy your day thanks austin do you like my pictures on twitter she has probably has no setup to play since she's in la yeah they're all in l.a and not one of those [ __ ] sent me an invite to anything they've changed man otk changed i did it was real hot girl [ __ ] thanks we miss the old otk they don't like you what i promise you that's not the case are you going to their expo i don't think it's like an open person expo i think it's just otk doing it on your birthday no event for every hour no i'm not doing like a birthday-a-thon i know most people do that but i'm not doing that walking in jinx chat not get intimidated by so many viewers um well your brain changes jw kimmel thank you for the five gifted um uh your brain changes on what you consider a lot of viewers it's annoying uh yone i'm betting yoda i'm buddy do we watch you play or just reaction you're gonna watch me play i just don't have it up yet but now jello moved us to league of legends so that's the that's it folks i'll see half of you later you want to see pokey okay chad don't do the freaking people league don't peak bow league i'm playing league like buildings poor people guys why do you hate league just tell me tell me [ __ ] game makes me sad boring oh my god wow that was a lot of honesty you get mad not always not always i don't sometimes it makes me happy i don't like it pretty toxic what the freak the waukee thank you for the six months i was hoping you guys were gonna say it's a meme i actually like it because every other streamer and their mom streams league whoa whoa i don't like games okay well that's fair that is fine that's a fair that's a good point okay chad i'm just i'm just gonna play until i lose okay i'm just gonna play until i lose it's like not that big a deal it's my birthday it's my birthday no amber don't say one game okay chat what do you want to listen to we're not doing teen inks you guys always listen to teen inks and i'm over it uh okay here we go chat we're in the video game if you don't like league of legends and welcome to radio cutie cinderella do i need to turn it up legit korea i do i do master i think for the four months minions have spawned it's your birthday too you just turned 18. congrats my birthday's actually over i guess i know a thing or two hell yeah do you mean adc was yeah all right we can have it do you get hooked up with the riot skin for or account for skins no trade and think of the seven months your 30th birthday is in 10 days good luck my friend oh gosh oh gosh oh my god oh my god oh my god chat please focus that was embarrassing i'm gonna win this is an intense dude this is two minutes in what is going on why is this game so intense also why do i have cleanse wait what oh boy chad i have a feeling this guy's not okay thank you large oh boy is the client modded i don't know what that means naptown worldwide what yikes listen up cause there ain't nothing funny i want a hot girl and a little bit of money i want a little house where my band can live because i'm tired of moving every other weekend i want to go to parties where they got no guns i want to rock with my band i want to have a little fun wear pugs and thunks sing this song and think alright sing it that's gonna be so weird for my youtube watchers where they don't get the music double kill rayden coming oh no no all i wanna do is get my share i'm crazy when did you start what year is it wanna run for the president i just wanna honestly to pay my rent and i'm tired of the man always shutting us down tired of my old man cause he's never around and i'm tired of eating off of other people's plates and i don't look forward to the telometer weight police record said i wouldn't exist i wanna know the meaning of a christmas list all i wanna do is get my share um i started playing league in probably like 2013. thank you cupcakes i saw your your 50 donut too that's really nice of you oh [ __ ] no run [ __ ] run [ __ ] run [ __ ] all the [ __ ] need to run whoa uh whine about it uh vod should be available tomorrow or the next day i'm sorry chat everybody say oh yeah that's right oh my eye is so itchy but i need to farm chat you can't oh [ __ ] i really i can't miss this farm but my eye my eyes so itchy oh this is torture oh god oh jesus but i can't i can't miss more farm i've already oh my god oh my god it's so itchy oh my god oh god ah oh my god that was awful oh boy well thank you will thank you will thank you will thank you will thank you well sorry will raiders i am playing league of legends i know i'm really sorry i'll apologize first but i promise i've got good music on you're listening to radio cutie i don't even think give the raiders a cookie thank you raiders how was will stream today kato potato thank you for the five months beyblade champ right true i can't wait till i do a really high produced one and then like will can come in as like the final boss you know huh oh god i think will viewers will barely ever plays league on stream right sleepy alexandria thank you for the prime let him cheat we did we did oh my god water thank you water thank you thank you water thank you for coming to beyblade it was so nice to meet you right after raid true i'm famous hi raiders welcome to the channel have a cookie stands for jinx jw thinking four months damn cutie was five had to play league on her birthday to get a bunch of raids to boost the numbers yeah i just want to inflate my league numbers and my league numbers only if you guys don't like league you could at least stick around i promise i have a fire playlist this radio cutie is on right now if i've never met you guys and you're considering you know checking out my stream more watching more i uh do a variety of things i don't really know what i do it makes it really hard to explain my job to uber drivers um but yeah i i stream and i do a bunch of different stuff and sometimes we have more chill nights like this but i think we're always kind of doing something different is there a link to radio cutie uh type in x-men playlist dude i'm getting smoked i hate this song you know i hate this song is okay this you guys might not like this but i feel like this song is like ugly boy energy am i crazy this is the type of guy that breaks up a girl and then he's like dude she was crazy i'm trying to care i don't know why i don't know why i think that i guess i'm ugly did you write it just finish watching the tournament never stop doing events cutie they're the best aunt though thank you for three months events literally only work like you guys always thank me but i i i being genuine uh don't thank me thank the people that come i'm not kidding like i couldn't do them if people didn't show up i i think i'm i'm genuinely so lucky that people show up i hope i hope when you guys see events that i do and you like them i hope you go to the people that participated and you thank them for coming i don't know they're definitely on dragon right now the other team oh no they're not how am i getting toasted uh damn it oh this guy's gonna get roasted by anivia hello anivia are you gonna do anything oh boy there we go oh [ __ ] no run santa well i i don't i don't know i don't say i don't know hold up okay why would you summon riptail now they're just on their way back what the hell homie what was that hello oh my god what an idiot what an idiot oh i guess he traded it for dragon all right never mind i take it back that was fine oh boy oh boy i'm dead let me at least get that do you ever play with friends um i usually only play with my friend dom sleepy alexander thank you for converting your sub that's so sweet oh uh pride month is prezzo here there's a slur in this song prezzo can you give billy joe the pass frazzo someone is there anyone gay in chat we need someone gay right now to give him the pass anybody billy joe is bi oh he has the pass never mind never mind never mind false alarm false alarm but he only gets it like once a year if he's bi he's fake bye oh my god did he only say he was bi because they were like trying to cancel him for saying the f slur well there it is no that's what i think oh my god the conspiracy we're bringing back conspiracy fridays we're doing it because the issue with conspiracy fridays is everyone got so angry all the time he's actually by has he ever dated a boy publicly has he let's gate keep him being bi i'm i'm joking for the record i'd like to keep that very clear he used to make out with the band all the time oh okay yeah he's fine he's not faking it conspiracy fridays yeah they'll come back opium i actually if we could get a list of crazy conspiracies and videos to maybe i'll have christine work on that guys guess what christine's graduating soon very exciting like i think tomorrow i think from kindergarten yeah miz makes that was like all the time he's not bi well also i mean there's a lot of people that don't want to define what they are and that's okay too you shouldn't have to define i think it gets toxic when everyone feels like they have to define and [ __ ] me up miss kiss the peepee it doesn't matter labels are cringe but also helpful you know to normalize but i think they've gotten to the point where people like gate keep labels and it's too much anyway i'm 0-3 it's like if someone wants to make out with a guy they can do it they don't have to be by they don't have to be gay they can just do they can be whatever they [ __ ] want to be do you have any goals to improve or just for fun uh in league no i don't have any goals to improve i i can't play i can't play this game enough on stream 03 is the label don't don't define yourself as that shut up on the phone [Music] oh oh god shut down swing swing from the tables of my heart oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy uh oh boy oh boy good kiting though dominating guys i would like to clarify my label i am04 shut down thank you i'm very brave swing swing from the table love my heart is crushed by a former love uncarved matt thank you for gifting a sub a way looking at my birthday on famous birthdays and i found you oh my god quesadilla me and you good night a den fives are immaculate tonight oh welcome to the stream of brother bear bear [Music] wow [ __ ] i got my first kill i'm on the board she's on the board boys i am on the board we're back in the game thank you uncarved matt cutie in the front people cheer thank you i agree you know i agree it's my birthday oh the canon got it amazing seriously streaming helps okay when we had that league lesson i learned to never walk further because i do like to split push but i should never and i'm supposed to be with my team and we know that phantom dancer no i'm not right now phantom dancer i'm trying to care what's crazy is i'm probably in like somewhat of the top of the league session because i got so many raids that i'm like a lot of people are asleep you know um and so there's probably some league viewers that are clicking in here and they are so disappointed in the gameplay oh wow [Music] i took my high school crush sophomore year and she didn't dance with me to this song even though it was one of her favorites how oh people do this teddy freddy thank you the prime cutie pokey league stream win oh my god a dream are you serious you know who my dream duo is is lily pichu that's my dream duo and blunt rotation wow cutie dodges like a boss morgana you can't grab this ass ask her i'm shy man i really wish i didn't i wish i had that not block in my brain because i think i would do more if i wasn't so weird about asking people i don't know okay good old good old cutie people clap i helped i helped oh my god really oh nice yes i got that assist listen i'm just to support this game okay wow give him the quadra give him the quadra he wants the quadra oh he's inside of you get him out of you yeah oh no quadra for him chat no quadra i have six assists i'm pretty good if i say so myself oh eight seconds eight seconds oh they killed him five seconds cutie live left love this stream as always thank you so much maybe i'll dude emmy's league tourney was the most fun tourney i've ever played dart thank you for the 21 gifted thank you dart smile [Music] why does it feel so good oh i'm scared oh boy oh boy oh god well i'm dead darth i think you're gifting another sub geez dart just wanted to be on the top three you've done it my friend you've done it your turret has been destroyed you did an insane job with beyblade thank you shut down it's a sad trophy you got it though you think i'm crazy your turret has been destroyed it just feels so good [Music] you know what i suck at is recording vlogs i should have had a vlog of behind the scenes of beyblade i'm stupid i always forget [ __ ] [ __ ] what's the worst [Music] me i helped are we going baron oh on my way connor thank you for the 15 months thank you very much connor second kill i told you guys i'm late game i scaled scaling out of the [ __ ] roof she's got two kills she's crazy wait what are you doing bro we're not doing this we are doing this just you and me hello dude you're cringe why did i do this with you one kill per item true i'm more of like an assist person you know i'm just a team player oh my god i'm dead average groups thank you for two months i that was for the team it was important i need to do that more of a chris paul than a steph curry yeah yeah mr team player yeah thank you for the 100 bitties oh show but do you like arcane yeah i actually saw a bus today that had like pictures of arcane on it and it said arcane for your emmy consideration interesting they're like advertising to people who vote for the emmys or whatever imagine next year like [ __ ] miss kiff rents a bus for your just chatting streamer consideration thank you for gifting another sub he's gonna do it i'm surprised my team hasn't flamed me yet because they seem to be playing each other are you allowing winners in the same category again yeah if they get nominated if they get nominated win because then it's even cooler like imagine because there will be a point where someone won't win so even if like tyler wins best league streamer for 10 years on that 11th year when he doesn't win and somebody ate somebody else takes his spot that's like legendary you know like that's crazy oh [ __ ] i could have gotten uh oh god i'm dead ah that's so tilting but not rising star yeah obviously the same rising star can't win every year it's kind of like when leo finally won his oscar yeah when hassan finally wins this uh an award it's gonna be huge okay we've gotta focus chat listen it's time i turn on the real guns it's time i i haven't been playing until now i'm gonna i'll play now i'm playing now i'm gaming an ally has been slain an enemy has been slain jinx stands for jinx okay i'm helpful i'll get red forced in asmr stream over the year hey he would have won last year if i didn't have to regulate the the votes in any way sadly he didn't have any hours in asmr otherwise he could have won it everybody stacy's mom whatever let's just start shooting after school hang by the pool if you watch the music video you too would agree she has it going on dude i wonder what stacy's dad looks like though am i right now where was i all right i think they have vision i'm pretty sure they've got vision idiots let's help darius we're coming my king dude i didn't even get the assist on that they went so fast let me help let me help let me help i missed oh god i'm terrified i got it i didn't need a flash there good flash though good flash for safety is anyone gonna back for that no one's gonna okay i'll back i guess really okay this feels a little crazy that i'm the one that backed here insane okay now i have to stop her from backing where'd that [ __ ] go come here [ __ ] where'd you go it's okay i helped i kept her back oh that didn't go the way we wanted to dart thank you for gifting another stuff you st i did stop her back crin jf well i stopped her from backing did i not that was my goal look and now they're gonna get her killed so honestly i helped and she used her all i'm a helper yeah no big deal they actually i'm just thinking i'm just higher iq than a lot of these people i'm in love with stacy's mom oh they got baron oh i'm crazy it's a good song thank you for the happy birthdays dangles on a string like slow spinning redemption to cut my eye mesmerizing hypnotizing hold on i'm about to stay vindicated i am selfish i am wrong i am right i swear i'm right i swear i knew it all along thank you thank you for the thank you for the three months and thank you for the brand new sub the day man i am selfish i am wrong i am right i swear i'm right knew it all along ah monk us you're not laughing so let me slip away oh my god wow oh that's gg oh that's actually gg that's gg in a scheme thank you for the prime i think we just lost oops just stall for 30 seconds it's too long to stall it's too long to stall chat she can't do it ty it's too long no not on my birthday i lost no i have to pee stare at pokeman excuse me i can't get it to close i have to pee so bad enemy you i am selfish oh dart thank you can't end on a loss better go again oh i think the five dollars looks so tired oh this has got to be the last game it's 1am it's 1am this is actually the last game it's 10 am here you can still play for hours jergen actually last game chat i woke up it was seven rusty nuggets even two months five months total oh yeah water's going to korea tomorrow buy water chad should we bring chess back absolutely oh cha i have bad news i got auto filled jungle uh it's to fine um senior awards thank you for the prime guys it's actually fine i know what i'm doing i'm pirate thank you for the happy birthday lux and jingus anyway i won't do that i'm just a kid what does that mean it's just like the position i started we're going the only jungle i know how to play wait i could play ye oh no well then the only jungle i know how to play yeah we've got it where's my warwick skin i don't have one [ __ ] they're gonna know i'm poor oh well okay will someone tell me which um will somebody tell me which camp i go first runes they auto change i blitz you are cringe who in tyler's twitch event wait what scent thank for the 10 months red or blue yeah but what should i start red red wolves okay red tools red to wolves to froggy frog to obviously back over to blue then we get the krugs we get the birds and we go to get dragon holy quick freaking gank mid lane get a kill amazing we get first tower i'm like oh i'll go back now buy some items i have 4 000 gold it's crazy i get my gold i go get my camps again we go back to red we get the wolves we get the froggy we get the blue we get the krugs we get the raptors oh look at this gank top lane oh let's get repaired while we're at it got it bingo bango they ffm15 that's my game plan by the way cuties warwick on my team oh good can you repeat that my hair pots died wasabi with you think of the 10 months i almost deleted my copium so long and good night so long and good night [Music] dart thank you for giving us up all right here we go dsmac i see you banning a lot of people do i do we need more mods i'm just making sure you're not working too hard do we need do i need more i'm out of money dart please don't spend any more money i beg of you nah okay just checking lady [ __ ] really wants to be a mod yes jinx okay i'm going red oh my god wait it has my whole path here wait blitz is op guys i'm supposed to go red and then i go over here and then i go over here oh my god okay well that's exciting i'm gonna win guys remember the plan because it's a little deviated now i said that jello no one listens to you duh then you have to gank immediately hey i'm the jungle don't when you're the jungle you can talk is no one can help me this is kind of mean what's your favorite jinx skin cutie um mafia what's the worst thing i could say does it matter if i stay [Music] did you vote california people california people vote uh i'm still registered to my other where my hometown will fight back eat them eat them eat him how much is this for 450. nice i'm amazing [ __ ] on her face and not in a cool amber herd way happy birthday thank you guys massive [ __ ] jungle difference okay now it doesn't give me guides of where to go i'm slightly concerned [Music] thank you yes scream loud at the top of our lungs they'll say it's just because we're young no not yet eat the bird eat the birds eat them eat the birds i'm on my way guys watch out watch out watch out get out of there we're just trying to get them off get out of here [ __ ] get out get out get out we're [ __ ] all right okay drag is up and their teemo's a little stronger than me i'll admit right i'm healed now i can go back in there i'm coming back i'm coming back i'm coming back i'm coming back i'm huge you idiot oh why are you going in stupid-ass oh my god why did they go wait i blame them actually i blame them for that that was not me that was not my fault yes it was no cute you can hold q wait what you hold it why oh my god i forgot about that run faster okay oh i don't know how to do it i don't know how to do it i don't know how to do that i don't know how to use queue i know how to do a queue you're out of range okay hd thank you [ __ ] okay gotta watch that dragon i'm gonna get blue one more time dragon soon as soon as we could get someone killed oh god guys it's 1-4 oh god guys it's one five oh just kidding we're good uh teemo's on dragon oh [ __ ] chat oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah we lost it chat oh this is a jungle difference oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] get these off me ah oh boy okay this is hard to watch don't worry i'm gonna get harold it's gonna be fine all right it's fine oh nice oh what i don't understand how this q works [ __ ] i don't understand how q works meat the beast grows stronger all right come here help me oh boy nevermind i killed him all right chat [ __ ] i can't figure out how it works now this [ __ ] is right over here yeah let's go shut down what can't i use cute okay we're fine no to team we have to use that we got four minutes hold down q to leap you need to keep it held down what i don't understand i don't understand the queue sugar we're going down swinging i don't get it try to make sure you're not sitting on two smite chargers because it'll mean you get your upgrade late oh what it's good to know if you guys didn't notice i know my skill doesn't seem like it but i'm not really a jungle man i know crazy i can't help with that dude i can't oh my god i'm so embarrassing all right okay all right i became a monster i always was all right we have two minutes before we i'm struggling i'm struggling chat i don't understand my cue i don't remember it being this hard dude guys stop feeding they're getting ganked like crazy yeah uh all right i just need to go to a lane and use um the thing now i'm gonna go top your turret has been destroyed no don't go back okay i'm gonna go mid i'm gonna go top i don't know where i'm gonna go she's gonna get back to lane so quickly damn it all right i have to do it i have to do it i just have to do it it's the only option i have to do it the memories come back every time you'll scream i'm not happy about it oh [Music] yes it got a charging i actually feel good guys i can't figure out so annoying oh boy i can't figure out how this queue works meanwhile freaking bot is getting steamrolled that's fine it's worth okay i'm struggling just press q and you land on the target i just hold it the whole time i never let go of it hold if you want to stick to them let go after you're in the circle okay okay okay that's good to know this is bad no i was supposed to go on him oh boy no struggling i'm running to solo this oh i can't i'm doing it oh [ __ ] oh god can we find it over here damn damn it i suck i'm sad my birthday's ruined has been slain damn it's good though because my my my team isn't blaming me they're flaming the the adc and the supporter angry bot did feed too much you're right it wasn't me oh the bot did feed oh the same amount as me oh nevermind you don't need your birthday anymore uh oh it's cringe we shouldn't even be fighting this bro why why is leo hitting the oh boy that's such a good start too we're really hopeful they're hopeful in my jungle nice oh shut down oh [ __ ] back up oh boy okay back up back up back up maybe the leasing can do something don't go in just live just survive i'm coming says i can't handle my drink ew it's cringe nice vengeance nice ending dude oh my god thank you oh my god thank you the aliens are leaving the trees are dying the ocean is full of [ __ ] and what are you gonna do actually the oceans are best when full of [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] rusty thank you want a piece of me birdie bird oh don't need a piece of me okay well um can i eat farm or something there's something i could do that's a little more productive okay everything's gone all right let me get this little thing i use my flash in a circle that was embarrassing you're tired i'm no i'm bad i'm actually bad it gives you damage reduction by the way wait an ally has been like i take less damage with eased up will somebody please when leo gets yes we'll like that you need to [ __ ] take advantage of it okay don't worry i'm up i'm up i'm up i'm going to save this what oh shut down when you use it before it appears wait um whatever i'm just going to smash buttons this is a sinking ship that we are doing our best to hold oh but i'd rather swim ashore lifeboat stuck again we're masculine i could learn to swim like 14 miles away your inhibitor is respawning soon [Music] i'm in the ocean let the hurricane in motion live faster [Music] let the rain come down ah ryan this reminds me [Music] thank you leona what are you doing bro well now we don't have any cc i'm the cc let's go [ __ ] calculate what i have done oh [ __ ] i know how yeah it's all right leona can get those yeah without those two it's over it's gg just good [Music] damn it that sucks i'm bad well it was a good try listen guys i'm gonna tell you this i'm not a jungler i know it's surprising after um seeing this game play it's not a jungler thank you franco thank you very much all right oh discord's frozen it's unfrozen um all right that's all i got that's all i've got for you guys i'm gonna go to bed i'm so tired bench time bedtime uh have fun with box box thanks guys thank you for all the subs today thanks for hanging out with me i know it's kind of a weird stream but i appreciate it thank you very much i'm so excited to go to sleep i'm so tired only a three hour stream but we did
it's early my throat hurts i'm still sick i'm literally still sick it's part of why i took uh like the last two days off i was like maybe if i just take the days off i will not be sick um but i'm still sick what the heck um but i have t and i don't know west end think of the five d's nuts take the 13. katrix figure the seven good vibes router thank you the five bliss folks thank you the seven and prime pine berry thank you for the seven adam thank you for gifting a sub electrics thank you for the three and please don't touch me thank you for the eight all right guys i am um uh squib thank you the four what tea is it it's just throat coat um i am doing a stream with kit today um so i will not be able to thank subs so you guys are in charge of thanking subs if they if they um sub okay cool so what it's throat coat yeah i'm early enough for boomer born no thank you subs no i'm not thinking subs you guys think subs not even black tea it's throat coat okay james thank you um astral thank you for the 25 okay i need to call kit now because i'm actually late oh hoss thank you um okay that's what it's called um okay when you are okay i think i'm good i'm nervous i'm not gonna be really good at this like it's nerve-racking because i'm not like good at like improv and stuff oh tim thank you for the four chat you didn't even thank him i literally told you guys you were in charge um i'll be live for this and then i have therapy and then um i'll probably go live later in the kitchen we're gonna do a lot of baking i think i think i don't know we'll see how i feel uh we might do it tomorrow instead why are you hissing at each other hey come here jersey no picking fights would you like a treat do you want to sit by me i know you're so mad all the time now why don't you sit with me do you want this do you want this okay all right stop you two here here could they're crazy um yeah i have a stream with porter robinson tomorrow too we're really putting my social anxiety on the [ __ ] on deck today and tomorrow can we see your nails yeah i haven't changed them in a while i got a little kitty i wanna focus focus on the goddamn kitty hello hello cute um oh there you are do you want another one i'll give you another one but guppy nice how many can you have you can have four you are never because i gave you two do you want one more hey jersey you want and that you can have two more poi crow thank you for the sub what the f thank you average j slot enjoyer get up here please stop scratching my chair do you want this they get up here oh my god these cats get up do you want it come if you if you would like it you need to get up here do you want it oh god okay all right it's crackhead hour okay goodbye ders do you want this coots is so big acoustic is going to get bigger than dirt because jers is so small okay is everyone happy with their teeth brushing was your teeth nice and brushed today no more hello hello say i love you thank you for the tweets oh this is the other one i love the okay goodbye hello i'll give you another you can have one more here jersey jersey what's happening what this is like musical chairs goodbye okay no more i do want to play straight it's straight out already it's on my list dude my eyebrows are so dark i will not do that yeah in fact you can't cancel your subs no sorry the cat's chewing on my cord now you two are being menaces this morning i just want to make that very clear get sweaty thank you for the prime chat let's work on you saying thank you to subs everyone say thank you to get sweaty still kittens i didn't know the kitten is back thank you you guys know you have to at the person you guys are so bad look at this stupid little kid there you go now okay now everyone needs to think think who tez bebop okay i have to take a call now chat i'm working good luck out there one second i have to adjust my camera all good is my that smart is my window mirrored backwards that is a good question it almost looks like it's oh there we go why am i black and white like a crazy filter okay okay there's like little mini me's okay let me let me fix this that's for damn sure one second no problem okay i have i have a my stream muted for a second i haven't figured out a good way to like do all of this in real time yeah no that's fair because there's always there's always tech issues um yes always so let me see my stream they are using oh you guys can hear me here well yeah whatever chat they're bare minimum though they're they're fine they're all like they've had a stream where they've watched the wall oh really yeah they get nothing from me okay let me see if i go to go to this i wonder is it like a um what's it called if obs has your video output yeah sometimes it just gets grumpy here we go there we go okay nice yeah let me try to get is it cool if i unmute you oh yeah get the video stuff sorted out yeah oh yeah chat say hi to cutie hello thanks for joining the stream hi guys i'll get i'll get our video up in a second right now they just need to be right back but um get all the technical stuff sorted out how do i turn that echo thing up oh um oh good question in your discord settings under voice and video it might not matter but i've just noticed sometimes they have an echo cancellation thing and i've noticed that other times when we've done guest streams because the scammer's phone is going to come through my microphone basically if you try to talk over the scammer which you're welcome to do um yeah the i think it's the echo cancellation ends up it it gets weird or it'll make it sound weird okay um okay it's under advanced and voice and video it might not be an issue but i've yeah yeah okay now oh like you hear yourself through me yeah yeah oh that's my fault okay sorry chad thanks for i'll fix that okay one second um if i fix that you'll just have to tell me if my microphone sounds weird on your end later because i can use like a different microphone easy peasy hopefully it won't hopefully it won't sound bad okay how did you get into this kit this seems like such an uh niche thing to figure out how to do it was sort of an accident uh like i i had saw a video years ago um someone who had made this recording of an old man it's called hi it's lenny some people might be familiar with it it's a recording of an old guy saying like uh hello i can't hear you and when when telemarketers would call um he would like it would just play a recording and sometimes they would spend like a long time 20 minutes let's say talking to this recording and at first i thought it was funny maybe a little bit fake i wasn't sure um but my grandmother had dementia and she had been um like scammed before and i thought at the time i was working in software development and i was thinking man if i didn't know about these tech support scams and i worked on the internet all day yeah surely my grandma would not have known about these tech support scams so i um i just like tried to explore it and call someone oh my god and i think within like five ten minutes i had somebody on the phone and i remember telling a bunch of my friends like no i've got i've got this scammer and all this stuff and they were like oh you should put it on um you should put it on twitch so we can see it um that's so funny that was sort of an accident oh now it looks like i'm like i'm trying to adjust the cameras it almost looks like i'm like just sitting in your house i have a green screen yeah that's fine i have plenty of room i got a big chair okay cool um but yeah that was pretty much it the rest is history it was an accident um i think this is what chances you're like back hold on some people have said that i never intentionally was trying to be bad man you're justice no big deal um but yeah it was all kind of an accident the reason i mostly wear um glasses is because so at one point i'm gonna make i want to be in a cool background um it's because at one point i got a scammer to sing i i think it was something like boot scoot boogie sometimes and at the time it was just my friends and i like two or three people and somebody was lurking the bottom of what was it called not just chatting right uh iro irl yeah and someone saw it and posted it on live stream fail which i didn't even know existed yeah of course that's backwards livestream fail yeah not dramatic for it yes and the next time i streamed there was a bunch of people there i didn't know it was happening and i went and grabbed aviators from my from my car because i got i don't want people to know who i am i don't i don't know what's going on and now i just sort of wear them because it's like what i did for so so long yeah anyway yeah that's the origin story that's a cool story trying to find a fun background but that's fine what's your what's your origin story did you were you like always did you always want to do cool no no stream stuff or was it an accident no it was an accident i worked a full-time job for my first year of streaming i never wanted to be a full-time streamer um i just had a crippling league of legends addiction um yeah and so something in common yeah i would go to work and then i'd want to play league for like five hours after work you know normal things and i was like i feel unproductive so let me at least stream it and then it will like make me feel like at least contributing to society in some way um and then it just slowly grew from there and then coveted hit and so i was like oh i guess it's time to quit my job and actually do this thing that's funny so yeah i think you still play a league right yeah well whenever my uh whenever my viewers will allow me usually at about like midnight is when i find find the ability to force them actually they all have fallen asleep but i'll just like slowly boot it up slowly start playing yeah i was gonna ask you later if you had um i'll put sunglasses on when we call scammers i feel weird like chatting with sunglasses is your chat mad they're like why are you wearing sunglasses yeah they're i'm i normally do so um what was i gonna say oh i was gonna ask you if you'd ever been involved in any weird scams or oh my god anything like that and my initial thought was like well other than league of legends because that's yeah that's a whole other no life choice i got baited by one of the worst like such an easy one i i it's embarrassing it's embarrassing when i tell the story back you don't have to but we are it's fine it's it's uh when it happened to me it felt very real though so like i tell the i tell the story back and i'm like how did i fall for this but i was i was sitting at work um at my office job so i was an interior designer and all of a sudden um and i i had an assistant so usually if i got a phone call it'd be hey blair blah blah's on the line you know and she transferred to me but this day my my boss comes running back and he's like blair there's a there's a call for you like line two it's pretty important you should it sounds pretty important you should take it and i was like oh okay you know like immediately stressed now because my boss just told me and uh so i pick up the phone and they're like so again i can't believe i fell for this they're like this is the irs um oh no yeah you owe back taxes um and if you don't pay these like we are we are coming to get you uh and i'm like coming to get me they're like we have police on the way um this is your location and they give me the address of my work and i'm like this is terrifying and they're like they know where you are yeah they know where i am and then i'm like you know at first i'm a little suss i'm like like well no and they're like yeah like this is your your mom this is your dad this is your sister this is you know and they're like this is where you live and uh like they just start they all this ever this is the house you grew up in like they start saying all of these things and i'm like wow okay yeah so okay and i'm like what am i supposed to do and they're like you need to go to the federal courthouse i'm like oh that doesn't sound that that doesn't sound sass at all right like if if they wanted me to yeah this is a federal courthouse if they wanted me to like give them you know and then they were like you do have to bring cash and i was like i don't have cash but i'm not that's a non-starter for me yeah but i was like i'm just gonna go there and figure it out and they're like okay stay on the phone with us and i'm like this is my work this is my work phone and they're like we're gonna call you on your cell phone they already had my number so oh my goodness yeah so they call me on my cell phone and they're like just so you know we're tracking your phone uh don't hang up or we'll arrest you and i'm like yeah okay like i'm just panicking and like my boss is like sitting next to me and it's on speaker and he's like he's also like you better go and i'm like yeah i guess like i don't know and so you even said to your boss you would like explain the situation yeah well he was there because he was like he was stressed about the call too and so like it was on speaker the whole time and he's like i guess you gotta go and i'm like okay it's so stupid so so i get in the car i start driving um and i have these people on speaker and they're like telling me they like have my location they're like telling me where to turn they're telling me you know and i'm i'm just flustered and i'm also dyslexic um and so they tell me to go right and i accidentally went left and they start freaking out they're like you need to pull over right now and i'm like okay like okay you know so i hurry and pull over and they're like okay we're just making sure you're not like fleeing we have someone on you like we have someone following you watching you um they were giving you direct like turn my turn turn by turn they were like right behind me okay i don't know where they were i wanna i wanna hear the rest of the story but this is like we've done this sort of scam a lot i imagine it was a couple of years ago because they don't tend to do that scam as much these days yeah this was this was a couple years ago um but it was never that um the ones that i've done was never that i don't even know planned out they never knew my name or anything it was just wow yeah this one was yeah well turn by turn directions you'll hear the end of the story and you'll be like oh [ __ ] yeah so i am you know so they freak out because i took the wrong turn and they're like okay you can you can start driving again and i'm like okay so i start driving i'm panicking and i'd like texted my boyfriend right before i got in the car so he's like calling me frantic and i'm like i can't answer because then i hang up on these people like i don't know what's going on and i i finally um i pull up to the courthouse and um there's parking underground or there's parking up top and i'm like where should i park where should i park and the call drops and so i'm just stressed that i might i pull into the closest parking lot i don't even pay for parking i run into the building so i'm like i don't want to get arrested as soon as i go in the building you have to go through metal detectors because it's a federal courthouse and i'm just like throwing stuff and i'm like crying i'm like i don't know who to talk to but apparently i'm getting arrested and as soon as they hear that they're like follow us they grab like two of the security guards take me into a room they like close the door and stand in front of it they sweep the whole building because apparently it was a sex trafficking scam no yeah that these people they they lure you into the federal courthouse basement like the parking garage and then they have you park next to them and then they kidnap you oh my god yeah yeah and so like i had like and like you're going to the federal courthouse you're going to the fed like so they obviously knew about this because they that's why they like yeah took you away they swept the whole building and they encouraged me to like um i had to turn all location services off on my phone like any app that used location services they had me turn it off they like it was it was i have never heard a story like that yeah but it was also so stupid because i should have never you like no i mean i don't think it's fair to say that i don't think it's fair to say you're stupid because they set like it's a setup they knew everything about you it was great um a lot of the scams are they're trying to like get you to act quickly and not think because if you maybe if you stopped and thought about it for a few minutes like now in hindsight oh of course like wait a second why would they do this but i have never heard of that i'm first of all sorry that that happened i'm glad that i'm glad that you glad that the call dropped and that you went in there i know me too like it's so lucky i genuinely think it's so lucky that the call dropped the worst thing was is afterwards like like you know they sweep they they sweep the whole place and then they talk to me the interview is a whole few hours process yeah and i uh afterwards i finally i'm able to talk to my boyfriend who's calling frantically and as soon as i start telling him the story he's like what were you thinking like he should have he was like you should have just answered the call and i would have told you to stop and i was like in the moment you just don't think you're not yes because so one of the um i'm i'm i feel bad laughing but it's like one of the things that we do very commonly on the stream is whenever right when i hear the scammers start to say don't hang up i hang up because of course i hate it so i just always but yeah it's so common um i'm glad that you were willing to share it though because i think one common misconception is that like only old people fall for i know i don't think i'm that dumb i would like to make that very clear but yeah no i don't i don't think so either they're smart it's horrifying yeah it's crazy when they have all your information it's just like i don't know how did you get this yeah the closest one we've done on the stream to well nothing with like that ends in it would have been sex trafficking yeah that doesn't feel that feels like a whole other level yeah it was next level that's insane um is the one where they pretend that like they would say that your grandson got in an accident and you have to he's being held in prison and they have all this information about your grandson and if you don't pay them like the bail or legal fees is going to get locked up and that's probably the closest we've done to where oh that's so sad yeah the irs one where i thought you were going is usually just say uh you have to buy vouchers to pay your tax debt what's your goal oh really or something but no you had a twist that i was not expecting yeah it was a little intense and i was like i like i guess like the cash would have just been nice for them to have i guess i don't i don't know i don't know yeah it's insane but so i when you you call the scammers or the scammers call you um a little of both okay um i was going to say i first when you were talking about the irs like man i wish i had one that you could call so you could yeah but i don't i don't have any that are going to be anywhere close to that so okay that's okay yeah usually the main thing these days is just the community sends me numbers or emails oh okay chat will be like hey my grandma got this weird email or i've got this the big one lately is you get weird emails that say so i have one today they're pretending to be walmart customer support and you get an email that says uh that you bought like a three thousand dollar tv and it's coming to your house and you got a call if you have any questions so of course they want you to say i didn't buy this and then they'll tell you something like uh hackers stole your identity and it's a whole big oh no yeah yeah oh no they're better people than me it says i bought a three thousand dollar tv it's on the way i'm like okay yeah yeah there have been a few times actually where we have said i'll just say like oh thanks when's it gonna get here i think i just get mad and hang up oh god yeah i think for the most part we call them occasionally i'm on some lists where they'll just like leave voicemails oh i see interesting and do you use like fake numbers every time yeah i think we have a bunch of they're like voip numbers yeah okay yeah kind of like google voice numbers oh my god that's so amazing that's funny that takes a lot of organization well and it didn't happen all at once so yeah i don't know what it's like i get the impression anyway that you are organized i could be wrong but well you okay let's say you put on some impressive events so maybe you just know people who are organized i can be organized is the is the way to put it okay my chat is laughing because they're all spamming show desk i am i am notoriously someone who needs one messy space and it happens to it's disgusting in here it's it's not yeah mine is not pretty very clean either yeah um well either way it happened over time like it's just yeah as i've done it i've learned more and in the beginning i had no clue what i was doing so yeah it's been a learning experience but um yeah why don't we i guess if there are people in chat who don't really know you oh yeah like i know you pretty well i know you from some of the i didn't mean it forget about that no no i forget about that same i mean same to you i i think my channel knows you because they're all very excited about this um but well i know you from a lot of the events that you've put on you put on some really cool events and even not just like the streamer awards but some of the i call it poop camp just because i don't yeah it's okay we're changing the name we're changing the name we're changing it's fine i'm not i still watch it or like the i watched the baking one that you did recently oh the twitch rivals one rivals so i know you from a lot of that which just as an aside uh it takes a lot of guts to do that i feel like i thank you i i wing it and improv stuff but i can just hang up when i'm done like if i don't if i don't want to keep talking i could just hang up yeah whereas with those like you committed to it and you're there and you're doing it and there's a bunch of people there and you can't stop so surreal like the day of the streamer awards i remember i was i looked at maya and i was like i don't want to do it anymore there's just like all these all of these streamers showing up in person and i'm like i don't know man i don't know if i'm cut out for let's cancel it yeah let's cancel it i don't i don't think i want to do this um but yeah what else uh league at midnight league at midnight yeah catch me there what else i uh i'm um hello kitts community my name is cutie cinderella i uh used to work at disneyland as cinderella um and so yeah that's where cinderella comes from so that's what so we do uh we go to disneyland sometimes on stream we um we do a league whenever they let me i also used to be a pastry chef so we do a lot of baking doing a lot of baking this week we're gonna i used to be a pastry chef into wedding cake designer um so we're designing a wedding cake and we're doing a wedding cake tasting this week so we're doing lots of fun stuff like that um yeah i just do random we're very all over the board and then i try to do big events every few months so i did a beyblade tournament i did i created the streamer awards um i have i have it's probably going to be called pog camp coming up in september um instead of trying to be a little more brand friendly uh i figured maybe that's how you get sponsors so so we're gonna do we're gonna do that so i do a little bit of everything i started doing events because um it's it sounds i guess it's my own way of being batman is i saw like i don't know i i actually really appreciate you and your team for reaching out to me cause i don't really get invited to stuff um and so that is why i started doing events because i was like maybe other people feel this way so i'm just gonna be the one that invites people yeah and then people get invited and so that's kind of how uh that's how yeah i like that i have noticed it because there are kind of some i don't really want to call them oh you can say clicks no they're okay maybe crazy i am not really involved in a lot of those things i tried to stay away from yeah all the drama and stuff but you've you've done some at least from my perceived understanding yeah click breaking i try to be the avatar boundary breaker yeah it's it's crazy to see like uh like stream rewards having like germa in the same room as like ms kiff like you know he'd never want to hang out with him otherwise you know so it's just kidding i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i'm just kidding they're both ms kipp is one of my great friends that's why i can be mean to him okay but yeah it's just it's just really cool to see like to make these crossovers and to like see people develop relationships um yeah is awesome or like wubby in the same room as hassan it's just bizarro it's just it's like the weirdest episode of the avengers but people love it and then they always come home with stories and stuff like that so it's very cool yeah it's cool definitely worth checking out my community if if you haven't next year if someone on your stream doesn't know me i'm kid and i mostly improv my i pretend to be like an old man i don't know how to describe myself mostly i talk to scammers and i put them through weird improv situations so we'll probably try that a little bit today have you ever thought of getting like full body makeup old man and doing like an irl scam like go to like like um new york times square or whatever you know oh they they're like funny because no off uh my manager and i were just talking about trying something like that but we just it's a surprise so don't not times square though that sounds terrifying that sounds like a lot of people but where would you where where else do people notoriously get scammed also like how do you avoid knocking like if it's one of those little buildings yeah go to the yeah just go sit in the parking lot and wait um like you know those like things where they're like where's the ball and they do that like you would probably just get scammed oh like those scams yeah yeah do you do can you coordinate like hustle events for me yeah yeah i'll find i'll find some hustlers i'll go scout out like uh santa monica that would be interesting actually it's like a different kind of it's a different kind of stuff not quite yeah i i've talked before about there's a level between like scam and scum yeah most of the people that i call if not all of them are 100 doing something totally illegal and in every way yeah it's a scam whereas some of those you're like whoa it's probably a scam or there might be some level of they can get away with it because of some weird law but um no i haven't really thought about that the closest i we thought we talked um like after the dollhouse oh god the most inspirational thing in the whole world yeah that was wild yeah um we briefly were like oh it would be kind of fun to try to do like edna on set and like edna actually going and getting the gift cards in a car like just being more real life yeah there's a lot of there's a lot to that so maybe someday we'll see yeah someday someday maybe yeah i have to learn from all you guys to dream dream big i guess i don't know yeah well we'll probably do some improv scam stuff today okay i have i have one idea okay i wanted to run by you but before that i wanted to show you um i had i don't know if you know natalie side surf but you said do like cake stuff she does the like she did some tv stuff like cake boss and he does the super realistic cakes yeah so um just as a preface i'm gonna show a quick video it's like okay 20 seconds uh she made a super realistic cake of a hand with a gift card but then she cuts it so for some reason somebody watching out there doesn't want to see what looks like a real human hand get cut even though it's not actually a human hand now is your warning yeah turn your eyes yeah but so we showed this to oh shoot let me pause it uh we showed this to scammers it was pretty funny because they didn't know uh it kind of looks like grandma's hand it does look so real and then she uh and then she cuts it and it's it's cake it was crazy i thought you might get a kick out of that though oh my gosh yeah she did good yeah it looks so real what are the scammers the skimmers kind of freaked out oh yeah because they didn't know what was going on and yeah so do you video call the scammers so they can see um that one i have this uh set up on the computer because we'll use a virtual computer where um i can put whatever i want into the video camera okay oh okay yep well chat is the real mvp on that one they've taught no not yet no chat's nice okay i think it's uh i mean yeah i think you're you're a genius i feel like most of it's just been uh like i used to do these code streams where i would try to work on stuff live but mostly was just twitch to chat uh solving all of them i mean that's helpful i think about like do you know who juantep is i know the name for sure yeah one tip he's like 16 he goes to high school and at one point he did like some like homework on stream and i was like dude if i was 16 in streaming i would do all my homework on stream are you kidding me like that'd be so sick oh they're just doing all of your math and stuff that's wild i would use twitch chat for that yeah this is worldcon 2. uh the other day on stream i pulled up a math equation and realized i probably couldn't do it but yeah did your chat do it no i don't know maybe we had we had a scammer on i was pretending to like uh to be at a library and these guys oh okay spying on the computer it was a whole weird thing oh oh stressful so my loose idea is that uh we could play some sort of scenario where maybe i'll be like an older character because the scammers usually not that they only want to scam old people but they just yeah they let crazy things happen more often if there's an old person i guess is the word yeah so maybe i'll play like grandma or grandpa you can be a granddaughter unless you like i don't know sorry i don't know if you don't know if i do an old i i do a very mean baby oh i actually people did say something about uh the baby voice yeah i forgot about that yeah people kept saying like have her do her voice it's not even a voice that's i could only cry like a baby and my chat is already they hate when i do it they're all spamming dope they're all saying oh no it's fine it's good though it's good they're just mean um well it could work because like the premise a lot of what i try to do is just i get on the call with them and then i just let them go through their script and try to make their life miserable okay i guess while it's happening but people learn about the scam and they their day gets ruined and that's sort of the what we usually do so potentially in this scenario you could be living at you know grandma or grandpa's house and have there could be a baby yeah and the background screams you don't have to do that but no i think that's a great idea if the timing is right yeah they just hate distractions this is what what usually yeah i usually tell the guests part of why i like doing that i play an old person is i'll just keep the call going sort of but you can do whatever you want like if you wanna if you want to help grandma or grandpa with the computer because he's not very good at it and you want to be nice and helpful and say no this is where the key is so be it or if you want to be kind of mean and and say to the scammer like i'm so sorry that my grandpa's clueless about computers the guy's dumber than a box of rocks you can kind of do whatever you want okay okay um and we'll just have we'll just have fun but yeah i don't think we've ever done a baby crying i remember i i have a list of ideas and one of them was something about a baby because it would just be really annoying for them but i never did it because it's like i don't know if people want to listen to just a baby crying for like an hour let's do that and then pretend like we don't have the baby that they have the baby like like where's that baby coming from oh that would actually be kind of funny yeah um it's not my baby yeah um but the loose idea i had that i wanted to do for a while and which may or may not fit was one once or twice i've put uh usually they want to see your bank account okay with the scams that i do and once or twice i've put like zero dollars in it and it usually gets them a little upset because what are they gonna steal yeah i haven't done it in a while and i've i've had this idea i think i'm out of focus though about okay what if i didn't have a lot of money but i had like a like massive student loan debt uh how would they handle it would they still scam me would they if they go along with their script the way it works is uh the premise is oh you bought these uh you know tvs your identity was stolen we'll give you a refund while we hack what find the hackers but instead of giving you three thousand dollars they just edit the html of your bank's website temporarily which if you're not familiar with this you can just right click on your browser and edit html it's just it's like a temporary trick like a magic trick i guess yeah and so they'll make it they'll make it look like you got three thousand dollars and then um usually they'll add an extra zero or something and say oops i sent you thirty thousand dollars i'm gonna lose my job if you don't wire me the money or go get me gift cards oh my god in this instance in this scenario we could potentially just pay off student your student loans and then they'll get really upset because anyway so that was my loose idea of potential okay yeah no i didn't have to do it i'm down for whatever but i thought you could be my granddaughter who has student loan debt and only plays league of legends um i'll yell at you because i'm an old man or whatever but you're helping me get my refund when i ask to log into the bank maybe we log into your bank first okay and it's but the hard it's hard to plan this because you never really i don't really know what this is yeah we don't know what they're gonna want yeah that's a very loose scenario okay but yeah i feel prepped what's the worst thing that a scammers like ever said to you um well to me or the characters i guess i think there's been some death threats uh well someone said play steve there's a clip of we call it like the angriest scammer ever where he just like screams and screams but i edited i had to edit out the part it was on twitch so the video probably exists somewhere where he was saying that he was going to pierce my husband's skull with his nether regions uh until he died or something like that that was pretty uh it was like brutal you know pretty crazy oh my uh that is probably one of the wildest ones but it's not really on the videos because i had to edit it out yeah yeah yeah there was one from years ago where i was playing an old lady who was like tripping down the stairs as well oh my god i had it was an irs scam not with the twist at the end yeah and i think they just kept saying like ma'am if you don't go like you're i don't care if you get hurt on the stairs i'm gonna kill you if you don't go down there there's gonna be a bullet in your head just insane level of oh my gosh if you don't do this right now you're gonna die that was years ago um dude that's crazy yeah hopefully that i mean it's hard oh at first it was kind of crazy now i think i just kind of laugh because i think of it like i did my job sort of yeah you got mad you thought this was real and maybe the rest of the day you're gonna be mad and anyone help like a real grandma who calls maybe now you'll just be so mad and exactly like they'll hang up on you plus you took so many you took like you know if you take an hour out of these scammers day that's like three grandmas saved potentially yeah yeah it's hard to do that batman i don't know that's the way i thought about it from the beginning um well yeah i don't know if you want to just sort of jump in and yeah i'm good we can try yeah okay the general thing i always say is like no pressure it's just we're just chatting with scammers don't worry sometimes sometimes guests are like oh i don't want to ruin the call but don't it doesn't matter okay it'll probably take me a call to like warm up like a call yeah like yeah probably yeah that's totally fine totally yeah let's vibe it out is that what yeah let's let's buy i don't know the kids i am old but i'm trying to think of i'm 25 for this how many years have i been 25 it's fine oh you just keep saying you're 25 yeah you know on twitch if you're like if you're 30 you might as well be 75 to them yeah i just say i'm a boomer even though yeah yeah um i think of any other like little things usually i try to stay away from if i if it ever gets too like sexual or not i don't even know the right word it just tends to get really gross really i don't know like if i sometimes i've sort of flirted with him a little bit flirt a little bit and it just usually gets real gross really fast so i try to stay away from so bizarro yeah um i don't know oh someone said oh if they say i'm kip boga i don't know that's going to come up sometimes they'll say are you kippoga they've recognized you sometimes they do oh my god do you think they have like flyers up around their scam center that you're like i don't know oh my god there's other people that do it too so my loose theory is that it's sort of like uh like oh there's these people out there that call scammers like the boogie man or something and occasionally when they sense that their scam isn't going right they'll be like are you are you kid boga and maybe they're hoping that i'll just hang up and so normally i don't hang up i just keep going yeah okay but okay um i mean i think that's most of it there is one i don't think it's gonna come up today but someone in chat mentioned um the newest scam that we found they do uh i'll just play it off yeah that's fine oh they do say i don't know it's crazy to me it's weird to even bring this up in a sentence but the newest scam is sometimes so just as a preface for for your community in general is they say that you've been hacked um and sometimes they'll take it another level and say we're looking at your records and it shows that they've been uh they've been using your identity to like upload or buy child pornography and they go down some like really weird paths there's no like pictures or anything dude you know what's crazy is like i i feel a little gross i know you're in full control here but i'm like as soon as you say like they tell me i got hacked i'm like i got hacked like i immediately believe it already ah okay um all right so we didn't get hacked oh do i sound bad someone said can you help do i sound bad on yourself no you're totally fine it's when it happens it happens sometimes when you use like when you have to switch the mics or whatever it's a little crackly but it's like it's no big deal i'll fix it no they're if they care that much they can walk on your side watch on your side uh oh yeah or just tell me because i i have to use a virtual cable for this situation and it is correct it is crackly still did it fix it or no no i did sometimes if i reset it it sounds better i'll hopefully your chat will i have a cute kitty is it a new kitty yeah she is i mean this is a different kitty this is a different kitty she is new and different the other kitty is a persian that was a good guess fluff ball this one is a a mix and she's only four months old kitty kitty oh i unfortunately am allergic to cats oh i'm so sorry do you have anything about getting one of the yeah oh you thought about getting a hairless cat yeah like sphinx or whatever yeah but my um my dogs i think are just too they like chase anything that moves oh yeah there's no way yeah maybe if i got a puppy at the same time and raised them together yeah maybe someday but um all right well i can't think of any other preface things so we'll just kind of dive into it the only other thing would be if you have questions i have the ability to sort of like mute us so the scammers can't hear us but everyone else will so okay if we need to have a quick sidebar okay okay okay i have my phone too for discord just in case oh nice yeah yeah that's fine too just message me and say yeah yeah if i'm panicking can i have no clue what you're talking about yeah whatever he wants whatever you want to say um hairless cats don't work because they oh oh i don't know chad's smart you need a signal oh like a safe word signal hairless cat yeah okay just start talking you know what's funny at disneyland um when i worked there you have a uh you have a code word with your um character companion um so like when you're yeah so when you're a face character you usually are escorted with somebody and if you start bringing something up a lot that means you need a break um and uh interesting yeah our kids are like non-stop hugging you and like yeah i need you to if you like feel like you're gonna pass out or something i i mine used to be um lucifer which is um oh cinderella's stepmom's cat and so i'd always start talking about lucifer a lot it's like believable enough yeah towards not obvious that's good um hopefully i'm not still practically correctly it's a little crackly still i'm not really sure how to fix it but i am also not pressed um there's one way i might be able to do it thank you then chat will then you might hear yourself yeah no i think it's fine i think i'm not bothered by it in my chat the only people that are there just being nitpicky because they usually get much less oh don't feel bad don't feel bad um okay there is one okay i could give you or i could give you this microphone but this is the one that the scammers will hear it's probably not crackly it's not correctly it's that one's not okay i'll just have to remember that when i mute for the scammers i'll have to mute it differently i'll try to do it look if i keep messing up okay it's fine if you keep yourself no it's you're totally fine i'm easy i promise yeah cool i just try to make chat happy which is my downfall yeah that is you know what that's what that's what i've learned that i will never make these people happy ever like part of the streamer awards was so funny because i mean lsf was a very much like love-hate relationship for me because it was just like because they give you such direct feedback right and so i they were always talking about like i don't know just like wanting a cool big event or whatever and then i make the streamer awards and then they all are so mean about it and they're like oh this is gonna fail this is gonna fail and then the stream rewards does amazing and then they still find something to complain about they're like yeah but the audio wasn't that great and i'm like are you serious like and so that's what i learned that you'll just never you'll never make that or not happy ever yeah i'm still trying to teach myself that a little bit because yeah pick out one com one comment and and then i focus on it like oh no yeah no i do that too as much as i say out loud like you can never make them happy you know i still cry myself to sleep at night because of a one guy i don't know it happens so this can you see this okay yeah this is like the fake computer got some horses on there and at one point i might have to hide the screen because uh when they want to connect to my computer they'll be secret numbers and then twitch chat will connect and ruin everything oh i see i see other than that it should be good so i think we'll call the one that pretends to be walmart customer service and the premise is that somebody or we got an email maybe i can find it someone from my chat sent it to me it was a i'll just message you this on discord but uh uh chat doesn't see your discord right uh no they cannot see only because only because it has their like phone number and i not only would twitch be mad if i did that yeah yeah sometimes people well they have a shipping number oh we bought an iphone for this one yeah so it says that we bought an iphone max for one thousand two hundred and forty five dollars hell yeah and to call them back so we'll see if it works what do you want your name to be [Music] i'll um would you rather me be uh like an older man who's your was your your grandpa or i um i have like an older uh her name's normally edna yeah let's do edna i could be your grandma can my name be maya no no connection to no i just like the name maya all right uh oh other other people are saying that i also try to do this like valley girl voice sometimes okay so we could always try that as well where we're like roommates or something okay okay uh we'll see we'll just wing it hell yeah wait who do you play on league by the way uh jinx okay someone said you were teemo and which is fine because i played teemo a lot do you play team a lot no teemo is my top if i play top but i just want to see the world i just i know everyone hates it so you want to see the world born burn pretty much okay so let's see if they answer i'm just trying to i should have multitasked it while we were talking oh it's fine and i didn't but um yeah sometimes chad tells me to like oh you should stream a league but i think that not only do you think solo queue is just if you already you already kind of don't like yourself yeah but it doesn't feel like a good time for streaming it and i think it's you have to i don't know i do it just to feel something you know like i they don't want me to be a game streamer i'm not kidding the second i turn on league they all leave or they at least are like okay cutie i'm muting yeah see you later yeah it's fine that's why i do it late at night um i'm half joking about it by the way i'm not joking about league solo queue it's just the worst it is terrible place to be yeah okay i think i changed my phone number um because i was calling scammers earlier and i don't want to use the same number but all right let's okay maya and i probably probably don't call me edna because they know that name so i don't know does it matter judy judy nice sounds good okay judy what's our last name uh maya and judy okay not that this really matters so you're my granddaughter so technically you have a different last name but we'll just uh judy not these nuts judy apple bottom oh i should be singing and her last name is rella yes we could have done that cinderella um henderson henderson okay simple enough judy henderson all right we did what did we we used to occasionally do uh like oh my name is uh my last name is ippy you can just call me mississippi i'm just stupid [Laughter] i like it i think we're ready and let's just let me know for some reason um your chat doesn't hear or you can't hear the scammer okay um oh my audio i can't make it uncorrectly i'm sorry oh correctly so no big deal now feels bad oh don't feel bad again these people watch league of legends they're fine okay are you sure yeah okay um i'll try to find a solution for for next time uh because that that microphone is the same or that line is the same line that the scammers here so if it's hard to explain but basically the scammer would hear themselves the whole time which would be a giveaway yeah so okay yeah no big deal um oh i have to put my glasses on because otherwise you're not in character i get it yeah they'll recognize it yeah they'll know it won't be it won't make sense all right let's see if this works can you hear that yeah i got sunglasses too hello hi uh is this what is this walmart customer service department okay um i'm i'm calling about an email tonight i'm calling about an email that i received i don't quite understand what's going on okay and can you help me with your first name i sure can it's judy henderson okay and uh the transaction transaction amount is 1245 yes yes okay and do you have any access to your internet right now mom like your laptop or computer um maybe i'd have to get my i have to get my granddaughter to help me i don't know a lot about the computers no [Laughter] someone younger helps out they might know more about computers kind of a thing but that's so funny yeah we'll just uh we'll just what do they say we'll run it back run it back right now run it down mid wait no that's not no that's the opposite that's not what we want to do yeah um i never do that only my team does that oh i do that um let me try calling her right back and we'll see if we get the same i think he was about to say no no don't get your granddaughter yeah yeah definitely um let's see [Music] oh that was fast they hung up oh i think i pressed the rope one second ah they hung up already they figured it out maybe sometimes this is just a regular part of my stream apologies no you're fine i don't wanna they're not in on it so they don't yeah for some reason they don't uh i can't plan it all out we'll try a different email um there's a lot today from my viewers that they claim to be geek squad saying that you just signed up for a new geek squad subscription for like 400 [Music] and then there's this one that pretends to be paypal saying that you just bought some bitcoin can you divide i don't know uh i don't know i don't have any yeah i'm not really a paypal guy but we'll try it you can oh i guess it's 20 22. also if they get too loud or anything just i'll try my best to do the audio levels right but thanks for dialing it out this is david freeman how can i help you hi david is this the paypal customer service vietnam um okay i don't really know what's going on but i i got an email this morning that says i bought it says i spent three 499 on the bitcoin exchange i i don't know what that is i only know the ground okay i'll surely help you out uh so uh just uh can you help me with the invoice number ma'am uh yes let me maybe i'd have to put my glasses on i don't know can you hold on can you give me one second i'm gonna get my granddaughter because she you might be able to read it better um hold that maya can you come in here please yeah yeah yeah i'm trying can you read uh can you read this can you read this um invoice number i guess uh can you hear her i have you on speakerphone sir can you hear her yes ma'am okay maya say hi this is paypal hi hello um can you read that ma'am hi ma'am how are you doing today ma'am good my my grandma bought some bitcoin i don't think i did i don't no that's exciting oh yeah i think you want this grandma okay ma'am uh uh ma'am uh can you just help me with the voice number oh i can't really read it very well i think it starts with p okay um pp four eight zero five wait you don't have to like refund it right like could she get more well i didn't but i don't think i bought it that's my it's not really your concern honey sir is there do you think bitcoin's going up i'm asking you mom can you help me what is with bitcoin i guess yeah oh sorry sorry the invoice number i'm sorry sorry sorry um forgive her she he gets distracted you get distracted it's pp and then a bunch of numbers sir i i don't know sorry pp four eight zero five seven one nine three okay hey all right ma'am so just tell me one thing i'm like have you ever tried to uh share your paper uh say that again sorry uh i'm asking you ma'am like have you ever tried to share your paypal account details to anyone oh i don't i don't even know if i have a paper do i have a paypal maya i don't i don't know what you do i don't i don't know either um maybe i i don't know okay so usually a paypal account ma'am no i've never logged into a paypal i don't think and i but i don't want the bitcoin either well if maya once said maybe she can have it but yeah maybe we could keep it but i don't want it i didn't pay for it that's that's is there a way she can pay for it so so ma'am you mean to say that you don't you ha you haven't used paypal right i don't think so mean i've paid for things but not not like this i probably paid someone named paul too but you definitely have a paypal okay because how did you get this email yeah i don't know i that's a good question they they wouldn't email you unless you had one oh uh okay i guess i have a paypal then but i don't remember making it let's see man first of all the thing is that whenever our paypal server detects any kind of the unrequited so it automatically sends an email to you just to intimidate you ma'am huh he's got like a lightsaber turned down so just tell me like where do you usually log in your paypal account like on your mobile phone your laptop your desktop man i i don't know i i have a desktop what is it that you were saying i couldn't understand it i'm saying that where do you usually log in your paypal account ma'am um huh on my computer on my computer [Music] okay on your computer so are you nearby your computer right now ma'am uh well we have the one upstairs the laptop but okay maya do you understand what this man is talking about i don't know what it is yeah where did you leave your computer um hold on i had a recipe on your laptop um sure can i please talk to your manager is paul available can we please talk to paul oh sure ma'am just be there with me okay thank you i was i was robbed peter to pay paul i think people do you use paypal maya is that a thing i don't use it okay and what's a but what's a bite coin i don't i think it's good you make money off of it thank you for holding a line can you hear me hello yes is this paul no mother says daniel i'm all the senior manager we're the reporters not waiting today okay this is pay daniel correct yeah this is daniel i'm trying to figure out something about an invoice i have my granddaughter of maya with me she bought some bitcoin and we're just making sure she has it allegedly allegedly we bought it i don't remember buying it but then again i don't remember anything so i don't know what i ate for breakfast this morning either way okay so have you ever shared a bitcoin wall or like have you purchased a bitcoin from coinbase where did you buy the bitcoin any other app that you use i don't think that i did that's the thing that's why well if she if she did buy bitcoin what can she buy with her bitcoin daniel somebody was trying to explain the bitcoin might be they were trying to think something yes did i already buy it they can go and easily take out the money from your paypal and you have any kind of account and you can have a notification from the paypal because you know as well whenever the money is taken out of the paypal it does go through a one goal okay so she does have bitcoin that's a good question sorry didn't get you do do i or do i not am i am i the proud owner of a bytecoin or not unless that's a charge on your account from bitcoin from paypal okay now what i'm gonna do i'm gonna check that like what kind of a bitcoin has been taken out from america that for the diagonal we can go and check that part of the problem i don't i ignose we have to diagnose bitcoin who asked bro no we're going to diagnose your account with the paypal miss we have to die taking out from the pay pal okay i think you know what i just i'll just keep it i'll give it to maya thank you yeah i want the bitcoin yeah never mind on second hand can we just keep it okay can we we'll keep it you wanna okay so you wanna keep it was it that you that you wanna charge the 498.30 yes please okay so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go and approve the charge from mine on your next billing assessment you'll get a charge of 499.30 okay thanks bye okay bye-bye love talking to you bye-bye all right um so i'm probably just i'm just gonna hit bitcoin now so yeah he sometimes i tell by chad that it's like fishing and i'm looking for like the biggest fish i can catch and i didn't quite even understand what that guy was saying he was just reading a script of some sort about diagnosing a bitcoin he needed to diagnose our bitcoin i guess so i uh we'll just call someone else and see if i think it might have partially been because we were asking so many goofy questions that he just didn't know what to do with himself because usually they just want you to say which is fine i think it's funny just as a preface uh like i think it's hilarious to just i be like oh i'd actually would like this product but they i their usual goals for you to say um like i didn't spend this money because they'll say oh you got hacked or something but so when they say they want to like watch you log into your paypal do you have a fake paypal for all that stuff no i don't so i've had a fake paypal before but usually i just go with the whole like i don't have paypal i don't know what happened but he yeah the reason i asked for the manager is because he didn't seem like well neither of them really seemed like they knew uh too much so it was yeah it was a practice round it was for fun we got diagnosed with bitcoin yeah yeah i have a fake bank account though so i see i see yeah when they ask to log into the bank so let's try um a new one try a different one i think with that sorry can you hear my rooster sorry yeah yeah i think i thought it was my cat at first i'm sorry i haven't figured out how to sound proof this enough so if you can't hear him but you're fine how many chickens do you have i had a lot but unfortunately i just lost a bunch of them um how did you lose them oh look like a fox or something this time oh that's so sad yeah i had it i had them for like three years but they like totally wandered off they like it's fine uh well a couple of them did but um yeah i had them for like three years and they were never had any issues and then one day sad yeah but the rooster personally against um really coyotes oh yes it could have been we had a coyote come up on our balcony and just stare through the glass door at our cat like it was a rotisserie chicken oh no it was so scary i don't think they can't like they're not going to hop over a fence right i don't really know much about coyotes yeah yeah well i guess it could have been one i don't know could have been coyotes yeah um okay this one says that they're norton and that we just got charged 470 dollars for their premium subscription so we want to cancel it okay [Music] yeah thank you for calling to norton technical department hello yes ma'am how may i help you hi hi yes um i i'm just trying to sort through an email that i got i your phone sounds a little um okay so can you confirm the order number first uh maybe i have my granddaughter with me uh begrudgingly okay can you hear us both hello yes ma'am can you can you confirm with the order number uh um [Music] zero five seven one nine two i think you might have missed a couple digits oh okay i can't read well i can read but not without my glasses and i'm not going to go get them either okay ma'am sorry am i looking at the wrong number i'm just picking hello oh wait i think he got mad at me he shouldn't have heard me talking but let me try something really quick so uh earlier i talked to i talked to a scammer this morning i'll try i'm gonna try that number one more time but yeah the number doesn't really matter i guess if you want i could just read it uh it's just a way to get my granddaughter do it no on the call but thank you for responding to norton support this is harry hi harry hello hello yes madam hi my wife my granddaughter and i are trying to find out why we have a subscription for norton madam could you please confirm me the order id so i could click it what is happening i it's something oh it's 7 19 22. yes or is that the date i don't okay just bring on hold and let me check okay yeah he's just gonna look it up it doesn't matter it's so goofy that they even ask that question i think it's just a sound legitimate yeah but are you there we're here yeah thank you for being on hold madam as i can see that you have authorized you have authorized a subscription from our company for next two years tomorrow morning that service will goes on your computer and then you will be getting hard to hear you hello yes can you hear me now hold on let me put you on speakerphone my hearing's not too well maya can you hear this man use the hello can you hear my granddaughter hello hi okay go ahead sir adam this is harry this is for computer security system we don't want it i don't think that you have purchased from our company it's 465 in this economy adam we have not selling any purchase okay i don't know what it is but he hung up too they did yeah i'm not sure this is kind of weird um there was someone that i talked to earlier do you guys remember what her name was um [Music] and she seemed super like serious and professional maybe i can is it because they get afraid of the young person sometimes sometimes but that's not always sometimes i play two characters at the same time and they don't it can be that too like they just don't want to deal with it they're kind of lazy or whatever like they just oh nancy yeah was i who was i i was i talking like with with a little bit of an accent is that what i was i think that's what i did so um let me just see if she answers really quick because she was very like professional sounding and serious um sorry that it's taking a few minutes oh you're fine um so oh shoot she might not answer the text now subscriber you were trying to reach i'll text her back she's busy maybe what was she what was she selling so i actually don't remember i called sometimes i i do this thing where i call them and i just skipped the whole script and i say like i'm at the store and i'm i have the gift cards or i i'm at the bank i forgot i'm trying to wire the money to you just to see if they'll go along with it and she was sort of going along with it and then um but but you had started your stream and so i told her like never mind gotta go or something no okay which is fine uh but she texted me and she said i think you're talking to the wrong person maybe it's a scam so it seems like she's trying to like get on get into my good side and like save me from this other scammer and then she'll try to scam me afterwards so uh what a hero though all right we'll just we'll try a few more if it i mean yeah if it doesn't work out or you get bored out of your mind just tell me but usually after a couple calls we'll get one um you rooster again that's cool that he fought off whatever it was yeah he he fought off something and a couple of the hens survived that's so sad i feel bad i i told that story about the coyote and then my chat was like cutie that was so insensitive and i was like what oh my gosh you're fine um we uh are trying to hatch a bunch of their eggs though so i was like all right well we'll we'll see if any of the they're like kids can live on i guess yeah cute we'll see how it goes but um this one is another geek squad they're all a lot of these are very similar it's kind of one of the big scams that i do a lot it's just one of the more common ones is some company emails you because you bought something and you want to get your money back that's the the premise so of course okay hi geek squad thank you for calling support team my name is steve richard how can i help you today yes you said your name was steve richard yes ma'am my name is steve richard how can i help you hi well i don't know exactly i'm not sure exactly how you can help me but i'm trying to make sense of an email i received from you hello yes can you hear me now yes hello hello hello yes i wonder if there's something wrong but the other scammers heard us right they heard us talking now i'm just wondering if i messed up my did i mess up some audio settings somehow that's what i'm because normally it like it takes one or two calls and it's good to go so now i'm wondering if um call yourself yeah maybe thank you for calling expert how can i help you yes hello can you hear me yes ma'am yes ma'am hi i i need help canceling my geek squad subscription please could you transfer me to the accounting department okay so can you confirm me the last four digit of invoice number um two nine nine nine okay just hold the line for a moment let me check it out okay i'm trying to think of another way oh my goodness i figured the problem could you still hear me on your stream yeah i had been playing their audio back to them the entire time okay can you hear me yes can you hear me yes ma'am okay um can you okay so right now man as i can see no so you want to cancel the service yes yeah i i don't think i don't think that my granddaughter bought this she i can't imagine her spending three hundred nine dollars i don't think she bought this okay so what you want to do just tell me you want to cancel it or not yeah well hold on one second hey maya oh maya did you yeah [Music] this geek squad thing sorry sir one second let me just find out did you buy a geek squad i don't know what that is it's like a geek squad protection plan premium support premium software support like a video game i don't know okay no sure buy it i would like to cancel it okay ma'am if you want to cancel that service map you just need to fill up a cancellation form from our company's page size and as soon as you fill up that form your subscription will be cancelled and you will also get a refund of 360 dollars from our company for that you just need to be in front of your computer so are you in front of your computer right now uh sort of i don't really mind can you help me with this i'd don't worry geek sounds familiar i can't remember is it a video game no ma'am it is antivirus software which protects your computer oh oh well we hate that yeah we like we want the viruses hello can we cancel the yes ma'am for cancelling i have told you that you need to be in front of your computer and fill up a form okay well you're on the computer i'm sorry i i brought her to her computer yeah but it doesn't there's no floor that's just important are you in front of your computer yes but we're looking at horses so just ma'am please ma'am please you speak or give transfer the call to her don't because i'm getting confused who are speaking i'm sorry my name's judy transfer the call to her please anyone speak anyone because i'm getting confused we're both in the computer room okay ma'am so just do one thing just open up your browser which browser do you use like google chrome firefox microsoft page uh google just open it i thought it was aol oh google [Music] and right now look at the top of your screen you will see a long address bar in which you can type anything or search for anything do you see that at the top of your screen you will see a long address bar do you see that yeah yeah so start typing over there b as in bravo where at the top of your screen ma'am where you will see a long address bar he's talking about here on the google right now sorry i'm showing her okay so type in bravo yeah just at the top of your screen you will see a long address bar over here you need to type b as in bravo this is all right uh i'm gonna mute it for a second because i have no clue what this is and i don't want anyone from twitch chat to accidentally go to like that okay oh it says a secured server is it asking you for a code i've never seen this before in my life ma'am is it asking you for a code yeah yeah it's asking do you have the code okay so i will be providing you the code this is your cancellation code i'm going to mute it again but sorry okay just pray that's not what was on the email though oh okay okay and then i click the blue arrow first of all note down the code okay i wrote it down it is not okay yeah the code is yes and now hit on the arrow blue color arrow which is pointing towards the right hand side okay and now what you can see on your screen it says joining your session yes and right now look at the bottom left hand side of your screen you will see a pop-up coming like connect twice control dot exe you see something like that now we're off like a connect-wise control i mean i see it i just don't know what it is yeah give a double click on that connect voice control is this the video game she bought oh man this is for the antivirus software not for the video game oh i don't know if i have a video game how do we get the video game man this is not for video game man this is for the antivirus software we are calling you from geek squad we provide you a antivirus software which protects your computer from harmful viruses sold video games that's why i was confused yeah she no geek score don't stole video game ma'am geek sports provider casual game enjoyer right an average game enjoyer no i can't remember but right now oh we used to play idea i remember marielle yeah oh i'm here sorry i was gonna hear me james i'm here sorry can you are you hearing me can you hear me yes yes so right now you will see a form will come up on your computer screen so whenever you will see a form coming up then let's pin okay oh my is the computer doing things by itself no no we are providing you the cancellation form oh uh okay so super quick just hold on for a moment you're making him mad which is perfect so you're you're frustrating him in the greatest of ways right just a subtle little like can you see any form coming up um what is this um what you can see on your screen just tell me it says i guess it's geek squad just it's yeah just tell me what you can see on your screen geek squad sell video games i'm sorry sir don't sell video game ma'am we don't want to buy the video games we want to get our money back we are not selling you any kind of video game just listen to me we are providing you an antivirus software which is protecting your computer okay what's the bb right now do you see any form coming up right now what you can see on your screen just tell me okay so start filling the form whatever the form is asking you what what should we put for full name your full name miner hers yeah whose name or maybe it's his name i'll do mine so it is asking you for your details your details because we need to answer your service no yes okay is it under judy or maya i think judy or should we put i'll put us both just what you type it for me you know you're faster yeah yeah no no dude just write your name table okay is that fine sir can you see it still oh his email i'll just do my email okay are you are you still there sir you turned off your computer no no it's still on we're filling out the form just hold on just hold on okay shall we stop filling out the phone your computer is on right now your computer is on right now okay just give me some time oh he must have disconnected somehow so i didn't explain this but the tool that he had me but right now as i can see from my end that your computer is off right now is having network problems but it allows him to see the screen and control the computer so that's why he's i don't know i we still have the computer still on your computer is turned on or you can resolve should i call should i close the form we just see our first of all ma'am horses again i think your computer is turned off man no it's on do you want us to turn it off oh do we have to turn it off yeah just turn off your computer and just turn it on once again okay okay we're pushing the restart button now first of all turn off your computer and then turn it on once again so restart or no shutdown yes yes restart okay okay so um tell me really quick if you don't mind how old are you sorry how old are you i'm 30 ma'am and you have a stable job yes ma'am is it that interesting mom stop grandma stop wow are you married yes ma'am oh and that's going well for you or and what about you man well i i was married our grandpa left oh and how old are you ma'am i'm 60 i'm 67. what time you sounds like 50 you don't sound like 16. honey i'm 76 i just say i'm 67 holy smokes but you sounds too young you're making me blush careful you're married yes ma'am i also have a daughter kids oh yeah one son a son or a daughter no one's son ma'am not daughter oh what's their name his name is frank oh what a pretty name and what about you why did you name him frank is it do you like frankfurters or because his mother no no his mother has chosen this name for him oh basically my wife has chosen this name for him what were what did you want to name him i want to give the name thomas because i like this name very much oh well frank's better okay so right now just do one thing yeah just do one thing just fill up the form frame computer again yeah just fill up the form with your own right now we've restarted it okay now fill up the form ma'am start filling the form does that mean that we don't have the games anymore if we're all off the computer no no just start filling the form whatever the form is asking you start filling it okay okay so full name yeah what's your last name my last name yeah my last name is brown b-r-o-w-n richard brown what's his first name i don't remember his first name oh yeah what's your first name yeah the first name is richard and the last name is brown richard brown okay nice to meet you my first husband's name is richard sorry nothing he was talking about my grandpa okay i don't know if he technically was your grandpa were you were you even born i can't remember well i've been married what how many weddings have you been to three only one month i've been to three she's been to three she has a do you know what gambling is no ma'am oh yeah my grandma she has a big gambling problem no it's called bingo i know but when you put money on it and you lose it that's gambling well i just put your phone number honey i'm sorry let me put my number in uh it's not well it's not gambling yes ma'am i can't hear you properly okay honey what do you want to be when you get older when you grow up jody me or richard richard i know what you want to do get a job what do you want to do richard and if your faith sorry what do you want to do when you grow up ma'am basically i am working in this line and i want to stable in this line only would you like it i am working in this field for about six years oh wow thanks what's the longest you've done anything six months are you facing any kind of problem ma'am you're filling the form sorry we're working on the refund amount yeah do you know your different amount um can we just put any number you will get a 360 refund from our company yeah but can we get like more for our time can we 30. can we put a bigger number do we get more that's no no because we've been on the phone for what an hour the charges ma'am which have been deducted from your account right now we have to refund you that amount only that's it then we have charged you 359 so we are refunding you 350 right now so don't worry about that how can we get more but ma'am you can't get more ma'am because we have only charged you 359 well but we're taking the time how much do they pay you an hour sorry i said how much did they pay you like by the hour ma'am i don't know that but right now as i can see from my end the software which is running in your computer the software cost you 359 and right now we are going to refund you this money so just fill up the form with your own and then let me know i was thinking we'd split it but let's just call it three seven let's call it 3.95 but ma'am we can refund you only 359 because we have charged you this amount 359 dollars okay can we fudge the books a little or right bank of america how long does it take to get the ref uh refund it will only take more five minutes ma'am oh wow you guys are fast no matter click yes not now oh yeah if you want your refund then click on yes and if you don't want your refund click on no why wouldn't you click no is there a reason we should keep it and this like instead of getting ready maybe if we say no we don't authorize it then i don't know ma'am if you want your refund then click on yes or no then submit the phone what does this what do we do with the last box it says government of the united states of america it's a metaphor nothing to do with that nothing is just submit the forms click on submit all right okay so just push the gray submit button push the eagle click on submit yeah click on submit and after submitting the form what you can see on your screen just tell me you i pledge allegiance to the flag it looks look like a friend is being processing yeah everything's being okay and did you see any transaction id thank you richard ma'am do you see any transaction id um yes hello yeah just note down that id in a piece of paper instead there's just no sound that id in a piece of paper okay x x x x does that mean it's oh well did she did it we're not supposed to go on pages just note down that id in a piece of paper and let me know so write it on a piece of paper yes just put it on okay yeah just type it up there i'm gonna put it in a notepad okay because we don't have any paper okay ma'am okay we don't i'll give him paper products yeah she doesn't have any toilets just listen to me it's just deployed by big paper hello sorry sorry sorry hello so ma'am right now as i can see from my end that your transaction has been successfully processed and my accounts team has generated a refund link in your online banking so right now you need to log into online banking and there will be a refund link and you just need to accept that link to receive your 360 dollar so please log into your online banking with your own and let me know that have you got any kind of refund link or not okay can you explain that again like i'm five years old you just need to you need to login to your online banking and check it that have you got any kind of refund link or not so just log in to online banking and check it out where would you see the refund link that's a very good question online banking but like where in your online banking man online banking but where in the online yeah we're logged in [Music] and from which device are you logged in from your computer or from your cell phone oh on my phone no no you need to log in in this computer map and on that time you will see that first of all login in your computer oh okay oh do you want to try maybe original i was going to have you log into yours but i wonder if we start with mine just login in this computer okay hello why though ma'am you need to login in this computer the computer which you are using okay um is um there like a option menu to see the different like game options we could buy ma'am ma'am first of all please log into your online sorry we're switching on the computer yeah i think it's just banking america.com um should we if we whose bank do we go on mine or her bank do you want your refund or your heart oh we can choose grandma can i have it oh dear if i i will i will rake the leaves there are no leaves to rake yeah but in the fall i know you hate it true maybe i could get the refund yeah that's fine it's whatever richard would you give frank the refund buddy like if you had to choose who to give money yourself or your son who would you choose mami you can use any of your bank in which bank do you want your refund so please login to any one of your bank and check it that have you got any kind of refund link or not that's it oh sorry we haven't decided who should get the refund probably you that's fine i don't mind i can have it yeah okay so but but if you if if she types it on the computer is that okay yes ma'am just log into your computer oh okay okay i won't look sweetheart okay sorry i'm trying to remember what my password is i just have the app and so i'm always logged in is it your uh try your name my password sometimes is just my name or for a while you need to put a correct password yeah i'm trying to think of it at one point when it would say forgot password i i used to make my password forgot that way oh if you don't remember god then click on maybe that's your password okay i think i got it hold on a second man please login to your online banking and check it once sorry are you logged in i accidentally exited out just log in once again you have to log in again oh okay okay okay okay i'm logging in uh shoot what did i just put is my password [Music] well i don't know what it was you never told us oh no um i think um was it were we talking about your son uh yeah at one point i think everybody talking about the leaves um okay so maybe it's seven leaf two assets hey richard yes ma'am what's your uh how old is your son okay i'm logged in okay are you logged in yeah i'm logged in okay and right now just hold the line for a moment and right now and ma'am you can oh my my the voice changed that sounds really weird you can just tell him well you can tell him to put it in your account he's confused because there's no money he's like oh he just did he just me he might not even talk to us anymore will you ask him if he's there really richard it also could have been because something i think i pressed a button uh and i i changed oh i'll fix it in a minute i think i like i don't know if he heard that i don't think he did but um this could have been my fault with the bank he might just be like he might be thinking uh he wants to steal 30 grand not 300 but they don't normally hang up instantly like that let me try but yeah i i made a little bit of a mistake too so log back in his grandma well he left the computer um might have made a bad call what the account i was trying to decide if it should be my account with a ton of money first or your account because sometimes they like they want to see a bunch of money or maybe he just left then we'll never know how old frank was why wouldn't they answer i wonder if it was a coincidence or like because now they're just not answering at all oh maybe he was having network problems i don't know i'm reaching now what do the kids say copium is that all right let me try changing my number although uh let me try one thing i wonder if we call back from like your cell phone or something a different number if yeah i'm not sure but it could be block the original number yeah sometimes they will say like oh don't answer this number um it's also possible that i he heard my i bumped my uh go xlr thing oh i don't know if he heard it or i also i don't know if your chat caught it i'm sure some people did but i also at first the bank was judy i closed out of it really fast because it said judy and so then i switched it to say your name so it's possible that sometimes the scammers pick up on some of that stuff and i okay or he's mad there's no money but we'll call it i thought we were really getting close i mean we yeah poor shame that was the uh i i like the whole um video game angle too just keep completely ignoring him about it i love that he was still explaining it yeah i'm calling but we're muted thank you for calling support my name is steve richard how can i help you today sorry is richard brown there yes how can i help you you are talking with mr richard how can i help you mom no i need to talk to richard brown not steve richard i do love it he was helping us get our our money back this is judith okay okay now can you tell me what do you exactly see on your computer screen mom our bank your bank page well yeah we we went through a thing we filled out a form right um and then we had to log into our bank for our refund right and then the call disconnected and we haven't gotten any video games or anything right hello yes just hold down let me check yeah we were talking to richard brown i believe our transaction id for the right are you a why are you a single person or you uh you are two person oh it's my granddaughter and i uh say hi maya we're helping her and then she said i could have her refund yeah but he was helping our refund id is naughty it's xx okay okay now can you okay just listen to me now can you tell me what do you exactly see on your compute screen thank you america okay close that page and come to the normal screen where you see all of your icons just exit out okay yeah that just exit out okay and now are you on the screen where you see all the apps all the icons yeah what happened to richard where are you gonna help us get the money can you tell me i will help you to give you your money back mom you don't need to get worried about for anything you are speaking with the right person oh okay do you have a what's your son's name can you tell me what do you exactly see on your screen right now it says i don't know we're just on the main page so there's like a lot of icons and she has a background picture okay of some horses okay yes okay yeah and do you see that there's a blue color i there's a blue color icon arrow is pointing right side and the left side and the name will be teamweaver i don't know what that is i don't i don't see it just hold down don't do anything no didn't we okay all right i'll mute us for a second didn't we talk to steve richard and he hung up probably because he could hear himself talking and then i called right back and we got richard brown but team viewer is another tool that they use to control your computer and maybe he doesn't realize that the other guy you don't know i don't know sometimes they also try to steal uh the lead from each other if that makes sense like they'll just turn up oh interesting what are we supposed to do now please hold on mom i'm checking right now i'm trying to send you a refund link from my side oh you know um when you refund it does it take the video games off our computer are you on you yes are you on your email right now sorry excuse me i have allergies no no it just we just have the notepad open okay just hold down is there something we should be doing or you don't need to do anything right now mom right now please roll down don't touch your computer how long have you worked here i'm working for this company from last six years wow that's so long you must be really smart take years honey are you married no i'm not married i'm single why i don't like girls i am interested in men that's fine but you don't want to get married no i don't want to get married there's not fair smart i've been married four times so i don't think you should take advice from me anyways you have been married full time yeah yeah you just don't like marriage can you tell me that can you tell me that person name whom you are speaking with last time richard brown and he has a son named frank i think for thomas richard brown yes yeah the person name will be richard brown yeah we filled out a form and everything and we just logged into my bank and we were waiting for the wreath frond and how did they get you connected with them with the help of which app teamweaver any desk we typed in we typed in a url and then a code what's a url it's that thing we typed on the upper top he said we bought some video games no did they pro did they provide you the code the five digit code but you need to enter on your computer yes they did yes it was on some care dot us or something it was a website well a web page it's the same thing grandma i don't i'm not convinced they are because aol was a website and everything else after that okay mom now been a web page now just do one thing and aol you could get yourself just hold up just hold down give me a moment and they gave you the cds but now it was a whole thing but now it's just a page could be wrong though i i have really bad allergies all right i just needed us we might have to uh he doesn't seem to know how to connect to the computer again yeah so i don't know uh yeah i don't know where to go richard i'm not sure what's happening sometimes it's also possible that it's all it's entirely possible that this guy works at a different call center and there is no richard brown uh hello it just depends yes hello where is your grandchildren where is your as i am able to see you right now and as i can see that you are very hot i want to hot bye i needed it what just happened he said not nice things what have i i don't know he said the he said he wanted to know if you wanted to do something with him so but he was gay oh true i should have asked him that question he did say he wasn't interested in girls so that is kind of weird but yeah i don't know i don't know exactly it escalated very quickly i don't know how to uh evaluate that situation but this happens to me sometimes too did he find the stream is that what happens maybe but he also could have just been joking like sometimes they uh just say things to make me make you mad or try to play it off like yeah oh i mean he could have been calling you hot thank you no he did say where's your granddaughter though oh or did he say grandkid oh i don't know i guess i don't i guess we'll never know wow that's so weird yeah it's a you never really know what you're gonna get uh when you call them when you call them get a refund that's all i know yes i still have yet to get a refund actually but damn um yeah sometimes i try to guess what happened and then i just don't know i i would be it's probably i messed up probably something with my voice or the bank account some people we some people on chat said it's just that there was no money in my account but interesting you never really know so weird that is creepy they usually get uh i wasn't sure what he was gonna say so i just needed it to be safe but yeah i don't blame you but sometimes yeah sometimes it gets really gross uh they'll even uh get weird with like the older characters i play too like they'll be all oh my god flirty and like what's the reason for that i don't understand i don't 100 know we've speculated that they're hoping to if you flirt with them you'll send them money yeah yeah because there are romance scammers that do that uh that like try to be some some guy that you matched with on yeah did you hear the story about um ludwig's real life scammer no so number one he is a dumbo um he's at vegas and he's gambling and this guy comes up to him and he's like oh i can win you tons of money blah blah and he's sitting next to him and he gets him up like ten thousand dollars okay um and then he's like oh let's work on like the sports books like listen follow these bets and you'll make a ton of money and so ludwig does and he makes a ton of money and he like gets this guy's number and then he comes home and the guy would like text him and be like hey you should do this bet and ludwig would do it and then it would make money but then wait when you say it make money like for sure he made money like yeah at that point it was okay money was in hand we were cash the whole time okay and then ludwig gets a phone call and he's like hey there's this big tennis match tomorrow the person who's supposed to win just got dumped you should put all your money on this because she's definitely not gonna win and you're gonna make a ton of money um and so lud's like okay let's do it and he was like okay send me all the bitcoin you have and let's like i have some like ethereum or whatever and he sent over like 50k like his entire wallet uh and then the guy just disappears and disappears yeah of course because why would you ever send crypto to a stranger oh no i don't know why he did that i've never uh the first part you guys have crazy stories you guys are crazy how i know because i've i've done the scams where uh they are they do similar things but it's never real they have like a website and you log into their investment platform but you never actually had any money it's all fake but i've never heard of it's like they were well and apparently this guy does all the time he just like sits at black like black jack tables in um venetian and just waits for people does it all the time like had some viewers that he approached and did the same thing and then he like changed his number or something and then reached out to one like again and was like what the heck and he was like oh i got beat up but i can't give you your money back i can't give you money yeah but yeah he literally just said did he like did he report it to anybody hopefully he did no because he does he doesn't know who you report that to the usually like the fbi and stuff do you want to know about it because they might if they get a bunch of reports about the same guy or there's like a way to uh how do you report the local police sir any of them would be um i'll tell him i don't think he's done that yeah but he's gonna want to call the guy his forehead it's fake money anyway someone in chad said no yeah um no the fbi has like uh online you can fill out the forms yeah he got like a lot of buy-in because he like did actually win lead money wow until yeah that's how it works with like that scammer on um tinder swindler do you hear about him i have yeah yeah exactly they like get i mean they're smart with it they convince you and then steal it all oh um i feel like i have such little experience with a real like the real life uh stuff most of the scammers i talk to aren't that um sophisticated it's very well like what you just saw or there's been a few like occasionally we get some that i had some guys who probably texted me today actually but he's pretending to be joe biden that's really weird oh but it's obviously not joe biden though that's the thing whatever yeah is yeah you're flexing you're friends with joe biden uh he thinks i'm an idiot he's very mean to me so oh i'm sorry yeah oh that's crazy but yeah i mean i can send you guys uh i'll i'll text you some links only because i've talked to some like i have some uh friends who work in law enforcement and they they said that i mean i could be wrong but that sometimes even if ludwig doesn't have a bunch of information about it um if multiple people get scammed by the same guy oh i'm sure they'll kind of put all of the pieces together um to figure out what's going on or let's say he's going back to the same place over and over and over again now they could look out for this guy and then instead of him getting in trouble for uh like a fifty thousand dollar scam if they have a million dollars worth of whatever you know now that yeah oh that actually makes sense so it's like i think it's a target i don't know they don't they don't arrest you until they've stolen over like 500 dollars at first i used to work in retail yeah what do you mean it's like stealing from target yeah they like target their security guards will just like wait and they won't arrest you until you've done over 500 because then they can like so it's like a scan like they want you to i'm just kidding yeah yeah i know what it is you get the things oh man do you um you have time to try more or what do you i don't know i have to go i have a therapist appointment you have a thing at noon okay yeah i'd love to do this again this was so fun i remember okay i'm doing my math okay yeah yeah no it's totally fine that's that's good stuff um sorry that they were weird oh my god no you're really fine i feel like i had a great time okay cool hopefully hopefully you and your community had fun i enjoy having people on because i get so used to the scammers saying the same thing like i know their script better than they do so having like when you were doing the video game stuff or just having another person to rip off of is a ton of fun so yeah it was awesome if you want we could do it again sometime um i would love to maybe we'll get some different scammers i'll see if i can find a an irs scammer for you to uh oh my god revenge yes i would love to well thank you for coming it was fun thank you um and i will probably forget to send you guys information about report stuff so i'll ask my friend to remind me okay okay well thank you so so much this is so great awesome where can i put your like oh i'm pointing the wrong way your name's been up on my stream but like where do people find you what are you doing i'm just cutie cinderella you're so nice okay i will um are you playing league at midnight is that i will probably be playing league of midnight it's tilted tuesday um no i don't know what i'll be up to this week it's a little crazy week yeah but i appreciate it so so much yeah thanks for coming that was fun we'll uh thank you for the invite yeah it was great okay we'll chat soon bye all right wow i went on a whole tangent about how grateful i was for you guys and turns out i was muted so i won't say it again um anyway uh what i was saying is i'm sure i don't um need to tell you guys to check out kit after that i'm sure you just saw how dopey is um but please please please uh check out kit he's so dope he's so creative and you know some people just watch youtube videos every day and kit [ __ ] makes them um it's insane so check out kit i'm gonna raid him i know he i don't know how long he's streaming he might be ending soon but at least just like follow him while you're there if you're going all the way over there you might as well hit the follow button i have to go because i have therapy i might be on later today i don't know because i'm still sick and i'm trying to like not be sick um like my throat hurts a ton but uh yeah just uh go over there have some fun um and yeah thanks for hanging out today thank you guys for the subs thank you for the follows i can't believe i'm at 6 000 viewers that's absurd and that's literally all thanks to kit that was so nice of him i like i i said this when i was muted but i never get like invited to things and this was one of like the very first things i got invited to so it's like so so so so freaking sweet and i am and it was so cool it was so fun it was awesome so um that was cool um so yeah make sure you tell kit thank you even if we're like like i said i don't know how long he's gonna stream for but just hit the follow button while you're there we're going all the way over there get in the car hit the follow button it was a cool collab um anyway all right i'll see you guys if not later tonight definitely tomorrow um i will stream tomorrow and i am leaving i'm going out of town on friday and i won't be back till monday i realize i haven't been streaming a ton i'm doing my best but
they're still there what happened i have no clue an ally has been slain an enemy has been slain oh well they hard push my tower when i got those kills that's crazy push that tower cutie oops she did to me when i did that that's crazy crazy crazy crazy yeah she's chasing us let's start clearing the lane and thank you top alongside you how did you flash over my traps that's crazy hi guys i'm back hello nice to see you guys i'm sorry about that i don't know what happened we're back foggy time for this weekend i don't know let's go cutie and vayne the support yeah vayne the support [ __ ] vayne the support pain kill stealing support looking ass turret fading will soon [Music] textbook fight dude look at my tower it's shut up 84 health you're doing well can i say that do you mind i am doing well i should dc more often oh your turn three items spike on its way i don't even think one if it wasn't for that crackling rat chewing on the ethernet cable you know who knows how far you would have been maybe it's like my pc starting on fire did you discover something cutie cinderella uh i was just trying to steal a kill and then they got it what's funny is i've gotta take down every character in the game except for my mid-length jinx stands for jinx this is where you walk in circles is part of the game where you just walk in circles that is a key part for a meta i've seen them do it oh oh my god you're too kind to me [Music] our boy michael oh god holy [ __ ] [ __ ] mid lane huh okay we don't need it did you know you don't need mid lane [ __ ] run run [ __ ] run oh i didn't think that why didn't i think that why are there so many of you here oh crazy i just splashed dude you're getting crunk over there oh party animal all right we're almost at the three item spike y'all have heard of butt chugging a beer ever heard of news chugging a truly i didn't think so only at beautycinderella.gtv no i didn't you hit it i'm crazy she hits though no it's this no assist [ __ ] up nobody killed him kind of messed up oh i feel like i've been waiting for this random spike for 20 minutes yeah i mean we're 18 minutes in the game so you have we're diving oh buddy are you kidding are you cutie you got him you got him [ __ ] up you're so i flash for that [ __ ] you sure did i i enjoyed every second of it thank you what is that what is she healing on oh oops yeah i know oh [ __ ] bro oh oh boy he's running in my jungle dog you better not be my [ __ ] jungle you [ __ ] what's in my violin my right ear just started uh coming uh you've got a brain tumor you should get that checked out okay that's not what your brain usually says yeah i'm a doctor you should know this i like have some songs you know some songs like are weighted where like the left ear piece right now the right ear piece yeah that's what my song started doing except it wasn't the song i was like uh all right sometimes i'm on guys and it's usually when i have my three items spike or when i'm fed killed early games and i'm amazing if i get fed curl kills early game i win every time admittedly every time for sure for sure for sure if i get fed game kills early i do win every time really cool so boring oh god i'm scared don't let them do this to me ah yes i'm crazy he [ __ ] on me ah i'm missing everything [Music] stands for g hit that mid lane tower cutie this is finally yeah double kill oh god this game is so much easier than last one crazy you know i've talked about it i've talked about it for like quite some time spike power spike four item spike is coming oops and the actual three ounce spike nope this is my for item spike i'm crazy i didn't get it though i'm too poor too poor they keep me poor they don't want me to be big all right that wasn't that you and what you were saying you found me oh you found me hey guys it's just us the gang i'm oh i thought it was a bad guy i jumped on that guy he's got cake he's downloading the messenger on your app on your phone oh god [ __ ] i'm bad position i'm frozen again i have the best intentions it's so annoying for you i'm sorry i died they killed me no no no you're walking by to spawn right now it says i'm dead forehead i might be lagging are you are you fully back in yet screen is gray i think it's just like sometimes when it reconnects it's it lags a little at least you have us great chat well they can still hear you nice i'm back in i'm just dead no [Music] yeah oh damn it whatever let's just start shooting damn it all right we need to focus we need focus we need to i need a 16 we need to win this game i'm not losing this [ __ ] this is not a [ __ ] joke to me no go away all right i'm one level away i'm trying to fight for 16. no no no no okay and go away fat boy judy i'm so far behind give me the [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] i'm gonna look for red buff for health we can't get missed yeah because two your teammates [ __ ] off all right we got all of my calls what tower got destroyed [ __ ] bottom [ __ ] bottoms hold on i'm about to see something really cool [Music] an enemy has been all right ah wait there's two down we need to there's no one down now we're not doing anything with these with these wins we're getting like we're catching them in gold but it's not enough if our team doesn't do anything the next time we get an objective we're gonna lose you can't just keep wasting opportunities not the time yes catch that [ __ ] again now push bid right here right here we can't catch the cat catch the cash right here right here right here right here right here come here please yeah yeah yeah easy and have easy to hit [Music] the bottom we're gonna one tower and we're gonna [ __ ] off unless karma comes for me i'm gonna [ __ ] this [ __ ] whatever okay i'm leaving i'm scared did you have blue pop did you die just give me blue buff cutie that is so kind yeah you did that on purpose give me blue buff i didn't that's kind of you very smart too castle blue is huge that was worth it i didn't have blue buff i didn't have it you had it i didn't have it though the legendary i don't have blue buff either now get a minion this is questionable choice questionable choice questionable choice but i'm following the details [Music] i'm trying to care oh no cutie no no i thought you said it's cool if i got blueboo no no it's the whole purpose of that earlier go your team yeah they're gonna need you i oh think so glad he didn't steal that holy [ __ ] gregor's had a good spike dragon no no no please please please all these [ __ ] 80 carries if i'm dead because two vultures are after my [ __ ] oh my gosh this guy doesn't yell all right an enemy [Music] sometimes someone's got a split player [ __ ] i did some damage for you get in there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there we went a so where did i start chat today didn't i start at 80 no what's your question cass i'm down to [ __ ] oh 69 pog nice that's a good time to walk away i mostly have to walk away anyway because my internet's dying so 69. how much you get for that 14 16. 16. okay so you're 31 off so if you get two more wins at 16 you will rank up well so we have to win the next two we play [Music] what's after silver gold but we're only in silver three so we have to get to silver two and then silver one and then gold which is a place we've never been before and i seem to be playing worse than i ever have before so you know we'll see um all right are you still streaming dom yeah sure all right guys go hang out with dom see you later see you tomorrow all right cutie enjoy hanging out with your boyfriend thanks i will are you on a relationship or something she's like asleep when i get out there i'll just come back and play all right bye guys
free code camp i put that right at the beginning because i'm like this is always gonna be free i want people to know it's free you know free code camp like it's the community for uh busy adults essentially most of them are working full time a lot of them have kids mortgages what we do is we break everything up into extremely bite-sized little chunks where you can hop on and productively code information is infinitely reproducible there's no reason that we have to charge money for information i feel like if you if you're blessed with abundance you have a duty should you choose to hear keep the call to go out and try to help other people welcome to coffeezilla another edition of the sunday special today we have a very exciting episode got the lambo in the back because we're talking about knowledge okay today we have quincy larson the founder of free code camp and i'm here to talk to you guys it's a positive episode quincy thanks for coming hey thanks for having me man quincy first tell me about your background your site free code camp is a place where anyone can get a programming education for free right yep that's right no strings attached no uh no backdoor agreements actually for free yeah you just have to put in the time which is a big ask for a lot of people but yeah that's amazing like first of all uh i believe in this model of education as sort of the way of the future how many kids though actually have or it's probably not just kids i'm sure it's a lot of adults also trying to continue their education how many people have gone through this yeah so we have about 40 000 people who have finished free code camp and gone and gotten a job as a software engineer 40 000. uh and those people haven't paid a dime they just sat down and grinded really hard for like several years in most cases and and there are some kids nobody under 13 please don't use our site it's illegal uh according to kappa so if we find out you're under 13 we have to delete your account but but the average like the median age of people who use free cooking closer to 30 um 31. wow so it is a lot a lot of adults uh trying to kind of future proof themselves i mean i think it's no secret that the world is going to a more tech code-centered world and even knowing some code even if you don't want to be a software developer can be extremely useful at your job anywhere you really are uh is the goal of most people to pivot away to a new education is it to give themselves like a better life i mean what what's kind of what you hear from the community yeah absolutely so the people who use free cocaine generally like they already are working in some capacity because it's it's the community for uh busy adults essentially most of them are working full-time a lot of them have kids mortgages you know maybe elderly uh parents and relatives they're taken care of uh or people with disabilities you know they're busy they don't have a lot of time and what we do is we break everything up into extremely bite-sized little chunks where you can hop on and you know productively code maybe 30 minutes a day i i can like preach about this all day but basically you want to take time you want to take a few years to learn all this knowledge it's a lot uh if you try to like drink from the proverbial fire hose you're going to find yourself without a lot of face so i would definitely recommend just taking it easy and planning to stay in school stay at your job don't do anything dramatic or risky and just gradually you know expand your skills and transition into a more technical role that for some people that could be becoming a full-blown software engineer for some people that could be becoming a full-blown data scientist for a lot of people that just means being more effective in their you know uh accounting practice or their you know marketing consultancy or whatever it is they're doing like you can use code so many different ways you can make your life so much easier just by automating the tedious parts of your job and being able to focus on you know the dynamic stuff that actually involves thinking i love this so i don't know how much you know about coffeezilla but we're more focused on like a lot of scams um and often times people go oh well what can i rely on is like an uh like a resource or an educational thing and i can happily recommend things that are uh free but i think as you said it's important to like note that any kind of worthwhile thing education otherwise job prospect it takes time and i appreciate you saying that it takes like multiple years is that usually what you guys find like two to three years to go through i mean the fastest somebody who's completed our curriculum which is about you know two thousand hours worth of coursework uh this this very uh ambitious uh he's already a you know professional software engineer he went through our curriculum but basically his review and still took him 29 days basically speed running it all day yeah he speed ran the free cocaine curriculum in 29 days so it's it's a lot to take in and you know i mean it when i say like don't expect to be a developer in like nine months even if you were to go to like one of these intensive coding bootcamps like you're gonna spend a whole lot of time preparing for that and or you're gonna not really get a lot out of it because you have to have a strong baseline knowledge if you're going to try to gear up and learn intensively and then what they often don't tell you is it takes months and months and months of job search to get a job like a perfect example if you if you google coding bootcamps you'll find like this article by somebody freco camp community who wrote about like he went to berkeley he already had like i think like an undergraduate engineering degree from berkeley and he went to the most i guess prestigious coding boot camp at the time 2016-ish and he still had to apply to hundreds of jobs in order to get satisfactory job offers and he ultimately did get like six job offers and some were really good but it took him months and months and a lot of it wasn't just like a you know applied to five jobs a day it was like that was his full-time job so there are tons of opportunities there are hundreds of thousands of open positions for software engineers around the world but people are very risk-averse when they hire because it you know it's one bad software engineer can do a lot of damage to a code base and a lot of them should the more relevant organization quincy i think something that like you sort of represent is the open source paradigm open internet free internet versus you know uh also another very popular model which is the paid paypal like the for-profit model can you give me your explanation as to why you made free code camp uh free i mean it is kind of counterintuitive why not make money from the thing uh you can make a lot more of it yeah yeah so this is probably gonna be a long answer there's this famous uh speech uh from stuart brand uh creator of the whole earth catalog big inspiration to both uh you know steve jobs and steve wozniak uh early days you know palo alto he said information wants to be free and everybody hears that everybody's heard that expression information wants to be free but what he said immediately afterward he said and it also wants to be very expensive because the right information in the right place can totally change your life and i i feel like wow that's brilliant i internalize the information wants to be free and everybody else internalized the last half of that which is much more menacing you know so uh for me like it was never a question like i put free at the beginning of free code camp i'm gonna try not to spill you know t on my laptop there but free code camp i put that right at the beginning because i'm like this is always gonna be free i want people to know it's free i don't want people to think it's like some bait and switch right because it's like that value is very important to me like i grew up hearing information wants to be free and feeling that and to some extent living that um and i you know i just spent my days in the library like reading books and and uh you know living the kind of bohemian lifestyle of just like crashing on a mattress on the floor and then getting up and going back to the library and uh for me i met tons of people in california when i moved out to california uh santa barbara area just tons of people that that didn't really care about money that much i mean granted it's a relatively wealthy place so it's easy to not care about money when you know you don't have to worry about freezing to death during the winter and you don't have to worry about like uh you know other things that people have to worry about right uh it's a very privileged part of the united states uh but i i hung out there and i was just really impressed that like these people could just like conjure money from thin air i had a friend who was just he had like a six core pc that was doing nothing but mining bitcoin all throughout 2012 2013. it's a good time to mine yeah that was a very good time to mine and he didn't care like like this guy was the most uh aesthetic person i'd ever met right like like he had this cheap little netbook that he posted on because it was lightweight and he could carry it and uh he just wore the same clothes every day and like you go to his room and all it is is a desk that he put his laptop on and a bed and he lived with this uh this quadriplegic guy who was tragically injured during a um during a uh like just a a pool accident he dove into shallow water and you in his entire life use water pollution but he lived with them because they would give him a hundred bucks a month and uh just let him live there for free if he if he kind of helped out around the house because people who require please have lots of needs and i was just incredibly inspired by that guy like he took the bus he didn't drive uh you know he didn't really spend any money at all he ate the exact same meals he would go to subway and he had this exact same extremely healthy like sandwich that he had prepared with like grilled chicken and all the vegetables and a little bit of olive oil and stuff and that's like for him life was very simple it was like the closest you can get to like a life of mind that you imagine like socrates or confucius right and that for me he was such a huge inspiration for me and that like at the time i was you know like the typical middle class middle manager in a large you know japanese corporation basically running like a school and i've been a teacher and a school director for the past 10 years and done that in the us and china and all the stuff and i've seen like how i haven't lived in china for six years just seeing how little people live with um going out into the countryside and and seeing people who like they would just play mahjong and then they go back to the rice fields and that was their life right um that was their life they had like this kind of shared war that they lived in yeah and uh you know the migrant workers and everybody and and for me it was just like wow if they can make do with all that and like here i am like you know with like a suit and like my own nice air-conditioned office and all this stuff and i'm not gonna say it was like a like a you know go to india type moment and like walk around barefoot like steve jobs experience or anything like that but or jack dorsey is trying to live out every day yeah yeah the difference is steve jobs wasn't like a billionaire who was you know with a nose ring when he did it i'm sorry i don't want to rip too much on jack dorsey at least he banned that one guy but um yeah for me free is is a state of mind like if i feel like if you if you're blessed with abundance to the extent that you know most middle class americans are whether they want to acknowledge it or not to some extent like you have a duty should you choose to hear keep the call to go out and try to help other people and the fact that i think is probably the most important single fact that defines my life is the knowledge that about sixty percent of people on earth live off like five dollars and fifty cents a day just imagine that for a second and there might be somebody who are watching some people who are watching this who are in that demographic because youtube fortunately is free and you can if you have a smartphone which most people do you can watch things on youtube it's staggering to think about like a lot of people spend more than that on their phone bill each month right and yet people are living off of that and people don't necessarily have credit cards they're unbanked if you put even like a dollar you know pay wall on your website it it shuts people out absolutely so yeah for me it was very important that if we wanted to have like true accessibility in the socioeconomic sense of the word then we needed to make sure that everything was free and nothing was pay walled and to this day like i refused to put any sort of premium you know behind the paywall content on freecodecamp like we actually had a big falling out with uh medium because they wanted us to put stuff behind a paywall and we were refused and we it was very costly but we were able to move all of our publication off of medium as a result of that and and uh yeah it's important free is uh for me it's it's the most powerful word free and and we all want to be free and we want to be free from want and and part of that is um being able to get what we need and what we need so much of in this life is just basic knowledge to be able to earn what we need to be able to provide for our families and to be able to sustain ourselves and our communities and you know once once prosperity's totally gone once you have like a true failed state like somalia things get very bad very quickly and i don't want to see any society fall into that and we don't it doesn't have to information is infinitely reproducible there's no reason that we have to charge money for information you know mit put their entire curriculum out in like the turn of the century right like the entire mit curriculum opened courseware you could just go and learn from the best engineering school perhaps in human history that is really mind-blowing but one of the things the nature of online education has really transformed also even the value proposition from needing to be i mean at at one point you needed to pay teachers to constantly be showing up again and again and again nowadays the cost of producing education has lowered actually and so the fact that we see increasing college costs i guess i don't rant against this enough that's a crime the fact that we see increasing um all these like paid courses and stuff it's like no actually education's va like value it's not that it's value-less but the ability to produce it at scale has ma has exploded with the internet with the rise of online video now you don't have to have the same teacher show up every year you can record their best performance you can get the best teacher on earth to show up teach one time and then show it to millions of people so that is even a better case for what you're saying um when you look at the coding experience i mean what was your background going through it because surely it wasn't free code camp did not exist when you got started what what's your educational background and yeah um were you the kind of first to market on this as far as the free code camp stuff yeah so um i'll just give you a very high level overview so i i did go to i dropped out of high school as a sophomore like lived in my car for a year or two and just worked at taco bell and at some point i was like man i i do not want to be doing this for the rest of my life and i'm grateful that that happened you know pre-covered because i would have been screwed like working it like talk i almost certainly would have caught it and uh been you know one of the millions of americans who lost their job or had other hardships as a result so it's on the timing right like definitely survivorship bias was in my favor um but uh yeah so i did that and eventually i went back to like state schools uh the very same state cool schools that you know our president joe biden went to um that he's pushing for essentially free community college that's the kind of education i got and it was very powerful because uh i got to learn what i needed to learn and this is gonna probably you know spur some ire some envy but i only paid like a thousand dollars a semester to attend it was very inexpensive in oklahoma city where i grew up uh and then i had the opportunity to go abroad and i did a graduate program in tianjin which is right outside of beijing and i did like an intensive chinese program i was the only uh the only white guy the only uh with the guy who was your grad on campus what was your graduate what'd you study in graduate school i did an mba oh sorry nba okay got it got it yeah so so i i do understand like basic economics and and it's interesting what you said about education and prices going up like if you look at like economic textbooks like like hayek not just the textbooks but the actual economists like milton uh friedman uh you know for your kayak um you know uh keynes you look at those people and like they kind of almost just assumed that technology was gonna continue to drive prices down it's weird that prices are going up for anything really because technology is supposed to make things cheaper that's what it does it makes widgets it makes the manufacturing of which is more effective it makes the delivery of service more effective and it has made it more effective it had like it has made it easier to produce but there are obviously what the saying that you said earlier has held true that information wants to be free it also wants to be really expensive because people come around in my experience and say hey you're going to get like our paywall will give you access to some magical secret and there is something very enticing about that where people humans kind of naturally assume well if it's expensive it must be quality right if it's expensive it must have some secret that justifies its magical pricing what you actually find out is there isn't such an easy correlation as you might assume because as you said like literally mit's course where it's online for free yeah there's there's you know like demand curves if you look at demand curves traditionally you know supply and demand price goes down right yeah uh where the two meet right and uh what you can have is you can have upward sloping demand where like a luxury good for example because it's it's luxury it's got this halo and the more expensive it gets the more people want it like there's that iphone app that's like like i'm rich iphone app or whatever and you paid a thousand dollars you got this thing and it's just like this diamond that says you're rich and that was the app and people like tons of people paid for that you know it's wasteful that we have people that are so rich because they don't really appreciate it the marginal utility of having more than like eighty thousand dollars a hundred thousand dollars depending on how many kids you have in income a year it just rapidly drops off and you know if you meet a lot of you know multi-millionaires often they'll be you know miserable sons of they're not really that happy and yet if you took even a force from their wealth and transferred it to like the single mothers and all the other people that that are are basically uh in dire straits you could dramatically transform their lives but we don't do that because we you know the people get addicted to having this this number you know like nolan bushnell the creator of atari and chuck cheese um has this great quote he says business is a game you keep score with money and that's that's how it works like in their mind they just want to drive that number as high as possible it's irrational why whenever i meet somebody who's like a multi-millionaire i always ask them like so so why do you want to be rich and they they look at me incredulously but if they actually think about it and try to give me an answer it's usually just to minimize downside risk to get like health insurance and like oh if i have cancer i'll be able to afford good treatments stuff like that yeah everybody in sweden gets that just for existing you know they just pay like a slightly higher marginal tax rate and they have health care they have good education that doesn't cost an arm and a leg you know coming out of business school i was very much into thinking like oh you know like america's got a lot of things figured out um you know there's you know capitalism is really effective it's the market mechanism is really powerful and the more i kind of like grew older and like read more and more about economics the more i came to realize like you know there are certain sectors where the market mechanisms can corrupt things more than they can help and education and healthcare are two of those sectors you know i'm i'm definitely like a defender of capitalism and i think that like a lot of the innovation that's come out has been because we've had you know globalization and uh capitalism and like you know different organizations competing for consumer dollars and competing for you know government funding things like that right but um it really falls apart when you look at the american healthcare system when you look at the american education system like uh i know so many people who've gone to serve overseas in the military who come back and they've got this gi bill and they got suckered into some horrible for-profit university boom this is javier's gone they've got a worthless degree and some you know betsy devos has got an extra yacht the the for-profit school system is yeah it's really bad and and it is interesting how uh forces that can be very good can also kind of work completely in the opposite direction um let's talk about i mean how this intersects with what you do every day because obviously you live breathe kind of like this code camp and obviously there are a lot of different people popping up obviously tech is the hot thing it's been the hot thing for a long time it looks to be the hot thing for a very long time in the future how do you see yourself within um the market obviously there are people i talked about um well i've let's just say i've talked about a coding camp in the past who was you know charging a lot of money telling parents they need they pay this premium their kid will get you know a a super job somewhere at google or whatever how does that work here can you make a case for why that uh is valuable is not valuable etc yeah yeah well um a lot of it's just a big sales job you know uh one thing to do is go on google adwords create like a google adwords account um and just look at how much it costs to bid for you know university degree like certain keywords like bachelor's degree in nursing or a graduate degree or coding bootcamp that's another one that like if you search uh for for coding bootcamp you're gonna get like potentially three or four ads on top of your google results because uh if you have to advertise a whole lot for something that does say something in my opinion you know uh people have to advertise like tide for going and washing their clothes right because it's boring and people are like you know but if something's truly compelling there's a question about how much you really need to advertise for it um and a lot of as you you know trader joe's i've learned more from trader joe's and i've learned from looking a lot of tech companies uh about like just hi that's really interesting why why is that i mean they just care about quality and they they don't waste money or waste money and they don't plow money into the diminishing returns things like advertising advertising is diminishing returns like like at some point it it ceases to make sense to plow more money into advertising because you're your you know lifetime value of uh quincy you've offended so many people in this interview already i thought you were before but now you really are advertising is diminishing returns explain yeah well uh at some point it does make sense it's rational to keep running google ads or facebook ads too to raise awareness of something but uh at some point you've kind of saturated the market or it's so competitive that your cost of acquiring a customer if i can remember the acronyms correct your cac which is like a cool archaic word for um so your cac is uh so high that it's the the um the expected value of getting somebody on your uh on your product is not worth it so uh but it's surprisingly high like i remember a while back i was looking at like you know university of phoenix and uh other kind of online universities we're spending like 400 per click from google results think about that think about that so a university is before you've even joined they assume that a certain number of people who click through are not going to actually enroll so maybe twelve hundred sixteen hundred dollars they've spent just to get you kind of like enrolled in their program before they've actually even started spending money on teachers right and something to to know that all appears at the balance sheet of you paying for it you've got to pay for your own customer acquisition cost i mean that's always rolled into the price yeah somebody's got to pay there are no free lunches yeah no i mean but that means that the university of arizona a lot of the tuition fee maybe even university percentage uh yeah sorry what did i say you said university of arizona oh i'm sorry i'm sorry there's nothing wrong with the university of arizona i'm just sorry specifically calling out university of phoenix excuse me excuse me the university of phoenix uh a lot of your tuition is going straight to google or facebook or whatever adwords campaign they're running so so in the startup ecosystem it used to be back in the dot-com bubble that like yahoo was like this giant 100 billion dollar company and the reason was every single company that got funded would go and buy a big banner ad at the top of yahoo.com and that was a huge poor like their seed round maybe their series a was just going to yahoo and now your seed round your series a is going to two things one it's going to developers to build your product because the developers get paid one way or another right they're like they're the ultimate like pickaxes in the gold rush um and the other is advertising on google and facebook like that's 70 of online advertising right there just those two companies so google and facebook get really rich off of the venture capital kind of ecosystem which is constantly uh churning out startups that are going to spend a whole bunch of money advertising to try to get initial traction and find product market fit how much advertising have you done with free code campaign zero zero never not at google gave us 10 000 a month in free advertising and we just didn't even bother using it we used it for like a month or two but like it just stopped working because they asked for something else yeah whatever how many people are on your site daily you said absolutely that is mind-blowing that's such a great case study for like for you know building something that has a really strong value proposition you've done zero advertising and you have a recurring base of half a million students basically what are students how literally you just said it though right there is no such thing as a free lunch so how do you um obviously you're a non-profit but how do you like make money through donations i mean as soon as you get paid something yeah everything is donations so uh people when you know who graduate from free coconut often they'll turn around and like hey i just you know increase my earning potential by twenty thirty thousand dollars a year i mean sometimes it can be more extreme it's a lot better of an offer than the university thing i've got to say i was offended when i realized that my university texas a m was going to spend the next i don't know however long i live and probably well after i die amount of time now calling me and asking for more money after you've already made you know tens of thousands of dollars yeah so at least with you guys you guys it's on the back it's on the back and yeah i mean if and what we're interested we're not interested in large single you know one-time donations you can definitely do that we're actually doing a pleasure drive right now to create a data science curriculum uh wait i don't want to talk too much about that because i don't want to bore you with the details but if you want to help out we're building like a really elaborate like math and computer science and data science machine learning curriculum but uh that that's kind of like a pledge drive that's ongoing but uh in general we just like to have a broad coalition of grassroots support we'd much rather have like right now we have about seven thousand people who give us five dollars a month and i'd much rather have seven thousand people who give us five dollars a month than one person that gives us 35 000 a month or um you know ten people that give us three thousand five hundred dollars you know it just gets really brittle when you're relying on these rich people to support everything so it's and there's always a chance to have a stable budget yeah there's also we can make payroll and pay for servers yeah excuse me sorry it's also a much better chance that you get some weird conflicts of interest when you have one guy sustaining you or 10 guys because all of a sudden you're really beholden to those people whereas if you're beholden to a large like consumer base who actually uses the product that's a totally different um set of interests that you have to maintain because you're literally your mandate is to make the product better as it should be what is the i mean i saw this with khan academy i saw this video by uh sal khan i think is his name i'm a huge fan of his and it's because of the amount of people he's serving per the dollar that's actually spent on him i mean there's obviously this big push for what i don't forget what it's called like altruistic giving basically it's the idea that giving affected us yeah it has utility and like there's good ways to give there's kind of all giving is good but there's also dumb ways to give like less effective ways to give um do you know like how many dollars are spent a year per student served i think that's like a really interesting fact to think about so i calculate this and i publish it every year because we're re like i mean we're a 50163 donor supporting nonprofit same tax status as khan academy same tech status is like you know the red cross and doctors without borders um so we have to publicly disclose all this stuff including my income if you're curious how much does it make you can go check um so uh what we do is we put everything into what's called a 990 and we do it but i also put out like an annual report every year and one of the things i do is i crunch the numbers of like how many uh minutes people use for eco camp uh and then how much money we spent what was our budget for the year right and last year i think it was close to 50 hours worth of learning for every dollar donated to free go game because we had two points uh we had one point 1.2 1.3 billion minutes of usage which translates to 2500 years so it's like going way back before jesus if we were to like go back in time that's the amount of time that people use free code camp last year um and and and the cool thing about that is that means that there are about 2 500 people using free code camp right now as you and i talk that's amazing that's it's such an effective use of money and one thing that um i struggle with is that a lot of the people who i talk about on my show the only reason they're educating i mean like yeah the incentives do kind of get perverse when you're like trying to become a millionaire by teaching people like get rich online but like this is so kind of refreshing talking to you because your whole point is how effectively can we literally teach kids per dollar and that's uh that's kind of amazing 50 hours per dollar i hope you guys are paying attention if you're an a user of click funnels or something like that but that's that's completely insane i think it's interesting your job is to teach more people with less money and a for-profit education is to make more money per hour spent that's an interesting way to to think about it um and it's not just for-profit education like like there are ton there's tons of room for uh improvement in systems and this isn't i don't blame individual people usually for the state of like say the u.s education system but to give you some some quick concrete numbers i think most people on this call have most people watching this uh have uh probably gone to school at some point and and like if you went to school in america in the united states every year that you went to school it cost about ten thousand dollars now in new york city it's a lot more than that but like on average that's the median that america spends per student purchase and we're not talking about college we're talking about we're talking about like k through 12 yeah like like sixth grade so let's say you have a sixth grade teacher and she has a class of you know 40 people yep that means that her class is essentially 400 000 a year is allocated to teaching those people in her class does she get paid 400 000 a year no no no no no i know a lot of great teachers who deserve uh deserve a lot more money but they get paid yeah pittance there's in you know you could argue they should be paid certainly a lot more than they are but why why is it why are we spending so much money on education and there's just like this waste exhaust i feel like a lot of people would say that the quality of education is also lacking so not only is the cost of education extremely high but the quality of education is also um you might say really questionable yeah can technology change that i don't think technology alone can like completely transform it for everybody and we're seeing the limits of technology at least with the imagination that our current like educators and administrators i mean just to be clear like i don't think that the teachers are responsible for a lot of the the deficiencies in american like performance on like for example the standardized tests like like we get our asses kicked if you compare us like singapore or or shanghai which was like for some reason its own they didn't test everybody in china oh yes but like all these different countries like like we're pretty low for all the oecd countries right right and yet we spend probably more than most countries do most wealthy countries on education the education problem is i didn't mean to simplify it my mom's a teacher and her hands are often tied by the administration um so yeah i want to make that really clear yeah so just to be 100 clear like i'm just saying systems these are problems with systems administration like why do we have schools why are classes the same like the link that they are what do we have 12 grades and the only way to advance to the next grade is turn a year older like there's so there's so much irrationality like like we really need to look at the we need to return to first principles and figure out why is education the way it is you know sao khan actually whom you mentioned earlier has a book called one world schoolhouse uh where he talks about a lot of these kind of notions um but for me i think that a lot of it is just like it's expensive to run a school and to air condition it and you know every school has to have a gym every school has to have a football team and like like pretty soon you've got all these non-academic related costs that just stack up and then how much is there actually left at the end of the year like the teachers are buying school supplies you know and can get a teacher discount so that they can take the school supplies provide them for their class because the school doesn't provide it when there's four hundred thousand dollars per class per year you know it's insane and and that's like i don't think the school systems pay taxes or anything either so that's like it's like after tax you know it's it's ridiculous um so yeah i i don't want to sound like i'm just knocking like american uh k-12 education universities sort of truism at this point among most uh people who've been through the educational system in the past 50 years uh everyone sort of experienced a very sort of similar experience i i don't think many people would consider it knocking it as much as you're just sort of stating the fact of the the situation what i'm trying to say though to answer your original question sorry for this response uh is technology is not some panacea that's just gonna make all our troubles go away oh technology just just increase the technology budget and no because those those administrators are gonna go out and get really crappy erp systems um and like yeah different database tools from like oracle or some you know corporation that like builds people books governments books institutions uh big enterprise sales person is going to take the cio to golf and they're gonna and the money's not gonna be well spent so the answer is not to empower organizations at the top to make big sweeping technological choices because uh that we've seen where that goes um and you can walk on walk into any university system and look at like their you know go in go back there look at what the university admins what tools are they working with i know at like university of california santa barbara i had a friend who was a prof there and he said that in the admin like they like every computer on the campus had netscape navigator 5 installed because there were systems that could only run using netscape navigator 5. they couldn't run anymore contemporary browsers and they were mission critical and i mean this is like one of the wealthiest public university systems in the world so the answer is to have the teachers themselves make a lot of the technology decisions and have kind of like this bottom-up percolation it's kind of like a dropbox model as opposed to box if you're familiar with the corporate you know equivalent of dropbox costs ten times as much right yeah yeah so you know it's it's basically like if everybody's like hey i'm using dropbox and you're using dropbox let's just get a team account right like problem solved for a fraction of what it would cost if you've got an oracle involved yeah so i think i think empowering the individual people with technology is what we need what we don't need is big broad sweeping like high level initiatives i think that's really important and it goes back to what seems like your fundamental philosophy on funding as well which is also more grassroots focused quincy i um talking to you i'm sort of struck because given obviously your website's you know extreme popularity um you're sort of i don't know if you look at yourself like this because you're you're sort of understated uh we've talked before but you're one of the front like you're one of the leaders of this like open education movement because you're a model of how this can you know work how do you see it going in the next 10 years for free code cap how do you see it going for the guy who's going to create the next free code camp yeah well i think open source is powerful you know there's there's that whole um that whole quote about like bill gates said that uh he and steve jobs like both had this wealthy neighbor uh over at xerox park and uh bill gates broke in to steal his tv only to discover that steve jobs had already broken in and stolen it first with the uh macintosh um you know i feel like to some extent like i'm just some random teacher who uh learned a little bit of programming skills and like wandered into this you know emporium of open source software and i was like the only customer in the entire thing and there were just people like hey try our software try our software it was amazing and uh you know free code camp like uh i basically just used tons of trapped together a bunch of open source libraries together and and got got things going and free code camp itself of course is open source and we use the very permissive bsd3 license and a lot of people use mit license there are less permissive open source uh licenses so they're not all the same you don't need a law degree to like parse the two but but generally if it's mit or if it's bsd uh you're probably good by the way uh but but yeah we i saw that i saw creative commons like books creative commons licensed courses all all these tools that we could use and we managed to strap together tons of different tools into like a full-fledged learning curriculum and uh you know a community like our forum software right that's open source uh the internet radio station code radio that's running on my friend uh his his tool called azuracast that's basically just like a free open source internet radio station you pay like 15 bucks a month and you can like host your own internet radio right um same thing with chat there's this this company out of brazil called rocket chat it's basically like self-hosted slack that's open source we paid nothing except for the server and we've got like our own enterprise level self-hosted slack that doesn't leak any data out to like salesforce or any of these other companies right it's just like ours you can own the future and most of it is free you just go grab it and code is infinitely reproducible so you just uh you spin up your own server and it it just blows my mind that like more people are turning to these big enterprise companies for solutions when so many solutions are open source and you can just like with a a little bit a little bit of technology acumen and a lot of curiosity you can very quickly build your own system and i am confident that there's not going to be like a next free code camper say it's going to be thousands of little free code camps it's gonna be the equivalent of like like cleveland is gonna have its own like some enterprising teachers are gonna put together this uh this system that like all the teachers band together and at some point it's gonna it's not gonna make sense to have individual schools or individual like i see the future of education as just a bunch of strip malls somebody rents a a room like a shop on that strip mall and sets up some desks and maybe get some some old you know linux based lab computers and stuff and people just go there and they learn and it's like a community school where people teach one another this may sound like you know utopian and stuff but this happens like there are people doing this right now in india there are people doing this right now in nigeria and places where like they don't have the the wealth that we have to to keep this behemoth continuing to run the way the the current education industry works in the us so we're going to see all kinds of innovation and um i hope that free cocaine can be a part of it you know there are programs that take pre-co camp and put it on computer labs inside prisons so that people can learn valuable job skills while they're in prison when they can't access the internet you know you can run free cocaine completely entirely on your local area network so there's tremendous potential to take education and essentially federate it um and uh not have these big you know not not be beholden to these gatekeepers like the us federal government for example or like um you know specific uh school districts and things like that and in the u.s homeschool laws are extremely permissive and you could easily just create your own school so i i hope more people will do that you've convinced me now i want to add one context before we wrap up here because uh you're a very charismatic dude with a vision for education that a lot of people are going to find really resonant one interesting thing on my show is we have a series called real jobs we just talk to people about how they sort of found themselves in these places that they do because i'm a big believer that sort of you kind of you kind of find your your way and you kind of find jobs you may never have expected to find yourself in and that's okay it's actually a normal part of the human experience you probably never saw yourself as like the founder of this you know company uh educating so many kids connect the dots between so you're in japan sort of this administrator i feel like we got a picture of sort of who you were you're looking up to this bohemian guy who realized you know maybe materialism isn't totally uh the great answer you know once you survive past your your survival needs it becomes largely irrelevant so you're looking for sort of like this like maybe this like larger purpose or something how did you go from that middle manager and connect the dots all the way to free code camp sure well first of course i spent years learning the code and working as a software engineer and doing freelance jobs and stuff which was interesting because i was 31 when i learned to code and a lot of people like assume oh i'm not some you know 23 year old stanford grad i can't learn to code uh and i'm actually like this is such a i guess endemic misconception that i had to create i created an entire hashtag right there's like a giant twitter list if you search dev after 30. um and i wrote like a big article where i like show some of the experiences of these people but a lot of people think like oh i'm set like my brain is like you know in this mold and it's jello and it's not gonna move around it's already dried right like that is the most uh i guess limiting way that you can look at your personal development the reality is like i during the pandemic i started playing bass right and like i started like learning like slap bass and like uh memorizing the fretboard and and just playing tons of awesome like police songs from the 70s and the clash and stuff like that right so uh i'm 40 years old right like i'm sure plenty of people would see like oh well you you know you always hear like the first thing you hear when you read about a musician he started playing piano when he's four right it's it's a joke like i think adults can learn way better than kids i have two young kids i try to teach them all the time listen i'm a big believer in this i think adults are limited by time but actually your ability to even understand the meta skill of learning increases with age and so yeah and there is like there is some truth to that where you can if if an adult is serious enough and they're willing to take on that beginner's mindset they can learn a lot i i taught myself piano and i really never got started i took lessons as a kid i hated it eventually i sort of got started when i was like i don't know 12 13 but even i got much better when i actually became an adult and i actually was sort of like enjoying playing et cetera but i had the exact experience i was like yeah this i don't know i i agree i agree 100 agree i think it's interesting that you're a case study for your own product though that you're not i assume talking to you that you were some stanford grad or whatever i mean you said you're a state school but i assumed sort of oh you had to have had a background so interesting to me that you are exactly in that demographic that your own product teaches yeah i mean i was know this about you i was 31 years old and that's when i created freako camp and and got people involved and and i was able to like you know the best the best mascot i guess the best spokesman is somebody who is not just a member but product of the client yeah it's true though yeah yeah like like i'm i'm basically applying my hard-won wisdom about what does work and what doesn't work and i went down tons of blind alex man like i spent i spent years like banging my head like thinking i was an imposter if you look if you google like business insider quincy larson you know imposter syndrome something like that right like you'll find this business center like profiled me and my experiences with imposter syndrome working at uh you know a tech startup as a 30 year old you know guy who's on his first developer job i mean like i've lived that experience and i can kind of relate to people so i can tell you if you are watching this and you want to learn to code any sufficiently motivated person can learn to code you don't it has very little to do with iq or aptitude i mean if you believe in evolution and you believe that like humans originated in africa and that we were basically just running around like killing animals and like burning them and eating them and stuff and that was like our heritage you're gonna think like okay were there computers back then was there like abstract mathematics was like any of this stuff that software engineers use was it selected for over a hundred thousand years of evolution no you know like like the only difference that i can see is the kids who the rich kids who got a computer when they were young like the the mark zuckerbergs who by the way his parents like paid for him to have programming tutoring for like years and years before he got into harvard as a cs student by the way so like a lot of it is just like you know social economic privilege like many things right um so just because they act like programming is easy and everything you know the things that you learn when you're a kid you tend to forget how hard they were when you learn them absolutely so don't ever believe somebody when they say programming's easy or a program just came naturally to me you know when somebody says like that something like that i just immediately kind of say like well you've forgotten the beginner's mindset what we call an education the learner's mindset uh you have forgotten what it's like to be at the beginning and to see this giant see that you have to somehow swallow up and but you know it's the same way you do anything it's just like one step at a time one day after a day you know if you if you were to sit down and code 30 minutes a day every day for the next two or three years you would be a better potentially better programmer than a lot of the people who are out in the field you'd probably almost certainly be better off than people that like got a cs degree or um you know um went to an intensive program a coding bootcamp because you would have tons of practice and not just practice but like practice day after day uh and just that day like working on something for a little bit then going to sleep having all that etch into your brain and then waking up and starting where you were that process that is everything like forming the habits uh forming that muscle memory and one other thing i'll say uh that i think is very important it's a lonely process and you can definitely get daunted you can definitely feel insufficient uh everybody does everybody feels impostor syndrome i think but having a community hanging out with people that are also developers that was like my lifeline like i i knew that guy i knew the the the uh the guy who just mined bitcoin and like coded all day and like he was kind of my mentor and then i hung out with him and i hung out with a whole bunch of other place people at like this place called the santa barbara hackerspace and that was kind of like my community that was my tribe that i got pulled into they they took me in they took some some weird you know 30 year old dude in a suit they took him into their their you know uh software development club and treated me as one of their own in in that inclusiveness like that was definitely something that i wanted to build into free code camp as well it's just a sense of making people feel belong that's incredible i don't know how much i can i can add to that it's that's i you know what's funny is uh i rarely get spellbound by the people i'm interviewing story but i was like kind of like listening as if i was like an audience member there for a second um that's amazing i hope other people can find their tribe whether it be coding or anything in a space that prioritizes their learning in the same spirit uh that you do thanks quincy thanks for coming on thanks for coming on the show discussing all these things if you want to find them you can find them on twitter at quincy larson where else can people find you obviously they can go learn to code at free code camp yeah yeah just go to freecodecamp.org and uh take a look um and when you sign up you're gonna get like this little spiel from me that tells you like coding's hard like basically like trying to sell you and not using code camp and if you're still like yeah i should still use free cooking screw quincy i'm gonna do this you know then then that means it's meant to be so uh psychology good reverse psychology yeah give it a go and even if you don't end up using it it's still a valuable skill it's still fun and another thing just because you think you suck at math it just means that you didn't like it taught properly like you can definitely learn math uh and there's not that much math in a lot of development so don't feel like your lack of math skills is a prerequisite a lot more just critical thinking and reasoning and stuff is is kind of the operating thing you can use as a developer awesome thanks quincy thanks guys we'll see you tomorrow wake up and smell the coffee
yo yo yo yo [Music] let's go [Music] yeah it's a second road day i almost didn't stream i was about to not stream today but i decided [ __ ] it i'll go live and play some secret i i don't feel that well so i wouldn't have the [ __ ] gumption plus best tweets kicking my ass i'm trying to set up a [ __ ] year-long tweet review it's so annoying i might do get smarter yeah i might play some sakura then you get smarter but i'm not gonna do full best sweets i'll have to do it tomorrow or or i don't know i just have to delay it i just want to play sakura i just want to chill out and play soccer that's what i want to do it's going to be a chill chill day i think it's chill saturday [Music] i have the heart of a little baby seal you're about to get clubbed maybe shark tank i don't i'm a little nervous [Music] the song got clapped for uh the song got clapped for masterchef if masterchef is getting clapped and shark tank can get clapped bro i don't know listen i understand pokemon getting hit for uh for avatar that's that's a big streamer streaming a [ __ ] super copyright show from viacom's lawyers you know but little old me streaming shark tank it seems safe but then a song got hit for masterchef and now i don't know you know it's funny because gordon ramsay's twitter was all like oh lol love twitch streamers love you guys watching this haha what's twitch and then the [ __ ] legal team's like [Music] did you guys see i'll show you if you haven't seen uh hassan twitter [Music] hassan follows me on twitter since win jesus christ i'm a big deal can we talk about this jesus i'm just a big [ __ ] deal like people need to say this more like i kind of make this website run i'm not even [ __ ] full time anyway this is what this is the important thing uh oh i love this song but i can't obviously i can't play it nigga's been counting me i love that song i [ __ ] love that song son knows where his bread is buttered yeah over here uh yeah take down baby fox network making the claim dmca and i believe shark tank was on fox right shark tank fox or what was it no it's abc oh then we're good wait for that scooby doo take down all right relax respect the quarter relax i i that would be the worst because i didn't even enjoy scooby-doo can you imagine if i got [ __ ] taken down my stream gets ended over [ __ ] scooby-doo uh well actually you know what i was thinking of scooby-doo too much was unleashed i hated that movie i liked the animated one we watched the movie watch was good uh you for viewing i think in 17 months lightweight just messaged me today and he said you should do a marketing monday on the react stuff but i don't think there's much left to say i told him i think it's i think it's over i think the interesting talk is over the i think all the takes are out there it's pretty straightforward it's like you can't stream it if you do stream it be sure to pick something that doesn't have a good legal team that that's it [Music] um assange said he had a good take big guy i think he was talking about stanz cause i didn't have a take someone told me that i think he's talking about stan i think hassan thought stanz was me which is funny i definitely didn't i didn't i didn't have any public takes but you know i should get the credit i should get the credit i should no i deserve this i deserve this i deserve the credit that's right i deserve more credit in general i think we can all agree on that i think anytime good things happen or interesting things happens on twitch people should say oh because age rock right oh that's an eight track thing i just that's that's my take that's my opinion amazing take pic i just i don't know that's just how i just calm like i see him i just think like it's not like does mango picture have covet from ludwig i have no idea i mean anyone who's in contact with anyone i i listen here's my [ __ ] dark theory everyone's getting covered everyone's getting it even lockdown new zealand they're gonna get it i think everyone's [ __ ] i don't think you can hold out that long everyone is gonna get it the the [ __ ] the spread rate is too high uh north korea is chilling i don't think north korea is chilling i don't think if we had live footage of north korea right now i'd be like everyone's just [ __ ] chilling i i think they have their own challenges you can get it several times oh well you know what i don't know i i covet is a scary thing i've researched coven a lot more to my own research i got on facebook i listened to my ants facebook clothes i did a lot more research since i got it um first of all it's a it's a deadlier disease than people say because the coven doesn't kill you immediately but our death rate in the past year is 40 percent higher and people are counting the deaths of other things heart disease or you know uh strokes and they're counting it as much of other things but these things are happening at much higher rates and it's likely after effects of covid yeah they're dying of other causes but like at much higher rates than they ever did before so it's uh it's pretty obvious that covet has some like undiagnosed long-term effects i i don't know it's um it's a scary scary disease the actual disease itself at least for me with a vax um was was bad but you know it was like a bad flu and it moved pretty quickly i got over it but who knows if i have any long term like who knows what could happen it's uh we have a pretty shocking number of deaths it messes up your lungs it can i think that's some variance some don't i don't know i'm waiting for the sigma variant bro cause that would be poetic if i if i get infected and die from the sigma variant then at least can i taste and smell yeah it tastes smell fine i i i never lost taste and smell really they're just like barely i already lost it more than me um it also puts strain on the medical system yeah i also know that um nurses and doctors and people in the medical system are quitting at like insane rates and people are already quitting listen right now people are quitting more than any time in like almost any part of american history i think the last eight months have been eight records in a row of resignations lol you quit yeah you quit people people are quitting like crazy which is generally good okay there's a lot of upward wage pressure wages are going up because people are quitting and staying out of the workforce and um and also probably a lot of people in working ages are dying that's like the dark truth of it and so it's like giving the remaining laborers uh a lot of a lot of uh power to demand higher wages um so that's the only benefit i think of this whole thing is that we might get um default higher wages across the board but outside of that i think it's been pretty scary and and you know what i really don't approve of how the government has handled it um both in the trump and by the administrations but i'm slowly realizing that i don't know if any country on earth has handled it that well um given how many variants there are even the ones that are going covet zero extreme lockdowns are not able to like china for example are not able to handle omicron that they're struggling with it because it's you know you the the 100 lockdown thing only kind of works when it's less transmissible but but it's um biden's doing pretty good by all accounts listen there's only so much you can do right when when we have access to the vaccine but like so many people don't take it um i don't i don't um i definitely don't blame one person uh or any figurehead for the problems of a fractured society that can't get any agreement on anything listen that's where i'm at but even in japan is starting to search even like the island nations that did quick lockdowns and and held together for the first wave of covet are like the entire globe is struggling with this so i don't know that like any one leader was like right or wrong it's not like i [ __ ] if only this guy was a little different it's just like this is a this is a very tough challenge covet's scary gov is a scary [ __ ] beast i try to think of the positives which is the the benefits to the labor movement but um it's it's not fun to think about i'm sure a lot of you and chad have got it right i mean if we're getting to a million cases a day a lot of you must have had it because i think it's spreading like crazy and also the million cases a day doesn't even count people like me who i never got like i never got a official test ari got an official test but i just knew that i had it and then i got over it so um never have never will i love that confidence i love that confidence never have never will i think you will though i think you might i literally had it eight days ago yeah yeah man uh people are getting it like crazy i don't know i i i i i'm optimistic about most things in general i i know that you know there's gonna be some way to figure this out but it's uh it's a weird spot it's it's 2022 is gonna be uh i don't know i i'm a little uh worried that 2023 might be the year we we start to turn things around and i'm kind of worried 202 is going to be actually a pretty bad year but hey we'll see um just dodge covet yeah if you just like practice your second row dodges if you can sum up perry coven i wish viruses were like as big as like a cat and we had to physically avoid them that would be a much cooler universe like i wish kovan was like a big old cat and like they would like there was like coveted cats running through the streets and we had to like dodge them you know and then you could lock down what do you mean what am i talking about i'm being i'm being very clear don't question mark what am i talking about i'm being very obvious i wish covid was the size of a cat so you could see it coming what what is what is off about that although it's okay so let's imagine i get like a genie you get one wish brandon what do you wish for [Laughter] and like instead of wishing there is no covid i wish is of a cat are you sure are you sure that's your wish you don't want like 10 million dollars or to get rid of kovan or world peace no let's make it as big as a cat kobe would be better if you could fight it with gorilla tactics yes then i'd never get covered because i don't get [ __ ] i'm not saying it is a cat by the way i'm saying it's the size of a cat you're not even you're not even listening you guys aren't even lit you never listen to me oh that's funny i'm i'm literally crying people would want to have covet as a pet that is that is probably how it would go dude half the [ __ ] country would want to keep covered as a pet yeah joe exotic with a [ __ ] zoo of covet uh lord lord lord lord lord lord professional covent tamers bless it yeah it would be easier to believe it's real you know if people are like well kovit's not real if there's like raging cats roaming the streets then i think you'd know probably pretty scary though i think actually would you be able to be infected with a cat-sized virus yeah i don't know i guess they would just eat you instead this is starting to sound pretty scary this virus that i created that i thought would be better is now starting to like i would think hordes of [ __ ] virus-sized cats trying to eat you it's like that's this might be worse i might have created a worse world i might have like i got the monkey's paw wish but i didn't even wish for something good i wish there's something bad i wonder what happens if you do that if you get the monkey's paw and you wish for like something terrible does it like trick you by making it good is that the way around the monkey's paw virus-sized cats is that what i said that's the monkey's paw version dude instead of getting rid of kovan it just turns all cats really small uh well where where i'm from here we're gonna get off to a good start [Laughter] i just picture i just pictured me on the white house stage doctor fauci staring at me in stunned silence because they asked me to speak after him and i've been talking about this ramble for 15 minutes [Laughter] that was our other guest speaker on the pandemic thank you brandon ewing oh welp all right so anyway like i said today's a little bit of an off day i don't know i didn't feel that great today um part of it was i remember how i told you i like this tea that i got from a restaurant solstice it's not an ad i don't i bought a case of them and i had like seven today and then i don't feel well so that [Laughter] uh yeah i got tummy pains did you say seven yeah i did are you [ __ ] judging me yeah i was sitting around today and i was doing work and i was working on marketing monday and i just [ __ ] kept drinking them what is it called again i don't want to tell you because you guys are going to think it's an ad a solstice blood orange hibiscus delicious um so today's sakura day obviously and i think it's going gonna be exciting because um i i'm an entirely new area i've finished my first boss um the world is my oyster i can figure [ __ ] out there's another stream sharks planned there is a stream tracks planned i the contract with discord is still ongoing i have to do at least two more stream sharks uh but we're trying to save it for later probably february to be honest february's gonna be the next one uh tweets day is gonna be tomorrow or tuesday um you actually got me back in a second after i raised quit that's that's hype listen one of the favorite things you can tell me that is that you got into a game because of my stream i don't know why but like people saying that about hitman or babble royale or tear down or this game always makes you feel good it makes me feel like someone had a good time and played a game they they wouldn't have played um it's one of the things i enjoy the most hey big a you got me into the hitman trilogy and you've ruined my life some people take it too far i think you're so dumb i i think spectacular is such a [ __ ] idiot it's so stupid i think he's literally spending a month of his life grinding something that is gonna be immediately obsolete [Laughter] i respect it i hope you get it i really do i just think it's like i think it's so stupid because you have to get so much rng to finish a run of hitman and then your weight is just wasted just like do it and do it three weeks later i don't know i i i respect again i can't i know about doing dumb things for the grind i get it i 100 get it and i hope you get it i just um for my pov it seems so stupid uh hey truck you got me in the golden grahams thanks they're actually really great i love the snack on them well be careful whether or not you're joking golden grahams if you eat an entire box of golden grams in a day you will feel sick this is a white house alert this is a white house medical alert and they won't tell you about this mainstream science will tell you this but i i do my own research i do my own personal research and i'll tell you on uh i'll tell you on facebook if you eat a whole family-sized box of golden grams in a day you don't feel well so write that down freesie thank you for the seven months let me thank some subs here i also want to thank um again the incredibly generous garen dean from yesterday it was extremely uh crazy i've never gotten that many subs uh j j khasmo thank you for the prime joe hari thank you for 17 months appreciate it um at fresh thank you for the 10. hey big a thanks for being a great teacher so to speak regarding marketing it's made me interested in pursuing that i'm actually in my last semester of my degree at asu thanks for that you're a marketing major at asu at fresh congrats um if you're like me you didn't learn anything from asu except for maybe you you're fine or a year i think junior through no freshman through junior year i didn't learn [ __ ] um but senior year i did learn some stuff thank god for uh professor brett giles who is actually the goat he actually uh literally a lot of stuff in the way i talk about marketing on stream and i think it's generally liked marketing money has done pretty well i learned a lot of that from this professor professor reg giles he made marketing way more interesting because he talked about real world examples a lot he used real companies that i know and was aware of like his style of talking about it i think i aped i think i learned a lot from brett giles he's a great teacher and i think if he hadn't done it i might not even have gone into marketing literally and tell him i was trying to be a pro league player okay so i really have to credit that professor he's a good he's a good professor um him him and that there was one other professor the other professor was the guy who did the game that i talked about in quarter six gambit that video that professor was cool he was just he was just a gangster he just he just let me own kids and he like thought it was cool and he kept complimenting me that i was owning kids and so that that that professor would get me like interested in school again and then brett giles made me actually [ __ ] want to learn it as a business he didn't know he didn't make the game he was the one who like proctored it um congrats on 200k on twitch i don't i mean thank you that's very nice i don't care about twitch followers at all i don't think they mean anything i think there's people out there that have like doesn't syndicate have like 6 billion twitch wallers and when he goes live you would not get more viewers than like assange or anything it doesn't i think twitch followers are just like they don't they don't have any correlation with how many views you get um i don't know they don't seem to do anything i don't i don't know youtube subs that i think is so sick i'm about to hit 250k on youtube i think that's so dope i thought i would be way less than 250k where i currently am right now especially part-time yeah 250k sick just the number to him well if you're in chat live then you're also i don't know part of a more elite number crew i don't want to say anything else because we're not friends obviously um [Laughter] be pewdiepie and subs this year all right if you challenge me if you guys want me to i'll beat pewdiepie and subs but it's gonna mean a big change in content okay a big change hey mega you got me in the league of legends congrats you ruined my life no problem that's the one i wouldn't want to hear though i don't think i've got i think i ever i think like i [ __ ] give this surgeon generals warning every time i play league of legends i [ __ ] i like talk about how the game is uh very frustrating not very fun i i give a big disclaimer i don't think i've ever played league of legends but like man this is great you should try it so that's not it's it's your fault you get for smoking um are you doing best tweets today no i'm not i don't feel like it i'm a little tired uh by the way after after stream last night i tried to uh fight the butterfly lady again but it turns out let me just show you i'm gonna show you right now did i get a [ __ ] yo guaran dean chill we just started yo thank you for the 50 gifted guarantee i actually already shouted you out pre free gift i open the stream by shouting you out we're good hey i appreciate it you've been more than generous i have no idea how to respond to something at this level of subs i don't know i'm not built for it i don't know i like to yell at my subs i like somebody to give me a prime so i could be like your name is stupid i don't know how to handle someone giving [ __ ] 350 subs i don't you know i could yell at you more anyway i want to show you guys this look so you can re-fight lady butterfly but she's it's not the same thing they made her [ __ ] 10 times stronger she one shots you she tosses the knives and she one shot it's harder no i'm still a god gamer so i'll probably i'll probably one-shot her because i'm a [ __ ] beast she can't hit me because i'm too [ __ ] nice with it oh i'm stupid [Music] oh no she hit me i'm dead [Music] oh my god oh i was kind of [ __ ] schmoovin for a second anyway uh yeah holler moves do like insane damage and she doesn't take any much she takes like no [ __ ] posture hits [Music] [Music] look at me [ __ ] go though [Music] ah i was kind of schmoving i was kind of schmoving anyway i don't i don't really want to fight her this many times because every time you mess up it like kills you in two shots it's it's way harder than i just than like the fight just was so i don't know i don't know if that's supposed to be like that or or it's power level differently or what but i noticed it immediately it's like not the same fight it's new game plus version ah interesting it's for an endgame boss rush type of thing oh there's an endgame boss rush oh [ __ ] don't tell me that well you know what we should probably take a quick break and make sure we can still beat the purple shinobi we should start every stream off by fighting the purple shinobi our old friend or dying to him it's also possible back to purple shinobi poggies and then i want to explore some new areas i want to see where i'm at i listen this game is just this game is kind of right up my alley i don't know what to tell you i just like this game a lot no you broke my [ __ ] stance you still beat him [Music] jump jump jump we got him we got him we got thank god uh yeah once i get the rhythm it's better but he he broke my stance still um okay uh so i do have um some money and i do have i do have uh some experience so i could try to like like i have three experience right so should i try like upgrade or something i broke the gift button you mean to stop yourself or what uh driving spoon thank you for 13 months macho thank you for the prime uh maddie c thank you to 10 months love the content thanks man i appreciate that it's pretty it's nice of you to say uh mcice thank you for eight months ozzy oh thank you for the four months and of course karen dean with the 50 gifted thank you um let's kill this guy real quick and then all right we're gonna go with this new areas i i wanna explore some new [ __ ] dirty dog as a reminder i just don't like backseating like i understand if you've already played a game you want to share your knowledge but for me it's really enjoyable to fail i like i like it i like losing and then figuring it out and then getting it's like that's what's fun about games today so just like let me fail please if you find it really annoying then uh go to youtube open up like world record secure speedrun and just drag the video over the player but like leave my camera in the top right and then you can just pretend that i'm you can pretend that's me and then you can be like wow good job i have nothing i can teach you all right just do that and that way it's uh it's a better experience for you if you are unable to just handle yourself you can't control your own uh brain rot [Music] all right so where i left off was probably um let's get some skills first oh i want level four actually i want to get this i want to get emma's medicine so that my heels are better so let's travel um i don't know i already did all the harada estate so i'm done with that actually let's go back to that [ __ ] dude and his mom right here it's almost 39 if it forces my traffic yeah it is max graphics i'll be honest with you it is max graphic so i got a 390 baby all right so i wanted to find that dude and his mom i don't remember where she was can you fight the ogre again no there's a response sad yupcock hey shark they're doing a blindfolded speedrun in this game at gdq saturday isn't that today i would watch a blindfolded speed or anything that's where it is hello mr man bad day for you uh i don't think i'll watch it because of spoilers yep but i do uh i'll watch it afterwards i think that's kind of impossible right it kind of seems insane what if like on stage you're like oh yeah this is impossible the guy just shows up with a blindfold and he starts playing he runs into a wall immediately dies yeah i don't know what i was thinking yeah i i i wasted all your time we're just we're trying but this obviously makes no sense i feel like this game is impossible am i bad or are you a god i think neither i'm not doing extremely well with this game i'm picking it up for sure but i think i have a lot of groundwork to get i've never played a from soft game and i've also never really played any hard game with a controller i i don't use controllers ever and so i've had to work on my dexterity a bit for like i had to start holding um the controller if i want to sprint and move my camera you have to hold it like claw but i'm getting it oh you got dragon rot yes young master all right we're counting on you [Laughter] why that's my option oh that is [ __ ] dark that's sad i alright [Laughter] yikes very eggs you have the dragon rock too i'm here don't force it yeah i'll do nothing okay so i have to find a way to cure dragon rot or i have just [ __ ] i mean i wanted to tell them that i did the thing i did the bell i went and i did their [ __ ] quest wow relax [ __ ] oh my god [ __ ] crazy ass chicken oh my god losing to chicken jesus alright so i need to figure out where to go next though um i think i think i think i think i stink even um pass the general that's what it was pass the general oh oh almost saved but i didn't save it because i'm a dumbass you got to go forward well it's so powerful just like in life you know no matter what life throws it you have to just [ __ ] go forward thank you chat your [ __ ] brilliance can never be denied surprise uh i should probably spend my [ __ ] experience huh if i plan on dying soon no i dash at you you [ __ ] [ __ ] do it again do it again right just don't die good idea thanks shaq i can always count on you guys for [ __ ] dog [ __ ] advice [Music] defense record hey truck fence breaker oh my god wait can you block these shoot me again shoot me again oh nice that seems unlikely that's some jedi [ __ ] big guy you should use your eyes to see man that backseater okay so oh almost killed myself um i this is where i went the first time did i go all the way let's rest real eyes realize real lies big a thanks man that helped i don't think i went this way i don't think i went down bit of a rumbly tumbly probably just the wind though oh mid-air grappling hook yeah i'm well aware watch yay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] big old snake that was my impression of ari and i's first night all right it was a little crash sorry it's saturday night [ __ ] relax uh this makes scary dude what if he's friendly though huh maybe maybe i just need to get it okay oh my god that is a cool enemy is this a boss fight i there is no way this sword can beat this snake it's not it's not a reasonable size that's kind of on me really i don't even know if it's an enemy yet i don't even know if it's that's kind of on me i just i jumped in i tried to give it a kiss oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i lost half my experience too oh christ i got a bunch of money oh my [ __ ] god i should probably just buy um i'm definitely gonna die again i'm definitely gonna die again let's just buy uh spend the rest of my money on this yeah that's fine you're trolling no i just don't i'm gonna lose my money so i thought i'd spend it on [ __ ] spirit emblems dragon rod is a chinese hoax i read it on facebook dragon rod's not real oh let's go stupid-ass [ __ ] ass snake yeah what do you got for me you got nothing cause you can't [ __ ] hear me you think you'd smell me well you're too stupid go go go go oh [ __ ] all right not as friendly as we'd hoped not as friendly as we'd hoped where are you [Music] my little snakey friend uh-huh no relax chill chill chill chill chill chill chill everybody chill now oh my oh my god oh my god oh my [ __ ] oh in the bushes oh my god sneaky snake sneaky snake i'm gonna get into this thing oh oh yeah oh oh yeah oh yeah baby oh how's bring it on bring it on bring it on bring it on bring it out oh my god whoa it's a party yeah i can dance too i can dance too you're not the only one that dance off we're going can oh my god he's got moves oh my god he's got [ __ ] moves you ever seen this one though oh my god what okay oh i'm gonna go home you win you win you win you win i'm gonna go home all right all right man hey i'm sorry about the eye i really i'm sorry about the eye okay all right i'm sure boy you are really writhing huh yeah i might forgot my cell phone in the tent nope i didn't all right all right take it easy all right you have a good one you have a good one see you when i see you oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wow finish riding at the right time huh i'm pressing the wrong [ __ ] button okay go away go away now okay relax relax relax relax oh we're safe in here right okay keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going easily clapped [Laughter] oh it's a little [ __ ] herb catalog scrap a page torn from the ashina herb catalog a compendium flowers and herbs the snapseed naturally grows in ravines and deep valleys according to denizens of sunken valley such places are inappropriate for offering oneself in marriage to the great serpent if one wishes to become a bride they must enter the belly of the serpent in the valley i don't want to i don't want to get eaten by the serp and become its bride that's that sounds cringe you'll never be a bride at this rate i guess not got some sugar all right so is that snake um still out there or what like should i [ __ ] try to kill it where are you my sneaky friend hello mr snake can you even i don't think you can even go back there's no gravel all right well whatever oh hello oh my god my favorite thing in the world human enemies to kill [ __ ] yo boo the demon huh do you think he's friendly what do you guys think chuck what are the odds that gyobu the demon is somebody that i have to fight unlikely or like my new best friend in the game very likely pepe [ __ ] papaga oh my god climb the wall pen pals sick all right can i just [ __ ] eavesdrop i want to hear about gyobu the demon look a smoke signal from the great castle gate yes that's definitely geared with a demon safe so long as that man guards her door see he's a hero i don't know why he's called the demon but uh all right i need to kill you guys unfortunately sorry i hate to do it oh my god i just [ __ ] owned you oh my god my [ __ ] mirror kiri's are on point today okay that was not good though oh stop [ __ ] how you like that huh oh you like ranged weapons a coward's weapon yeah doesn't feel good does it maybe you should have came down there and followed with a sword oh you're dead you made a big mistake by being looking a different direction than me he was crying he was crying because he wanted to be mercy killed and i put him out of his misery so i'm kind of a hero echo sugar got you killed a giant baby i'll do it again babies are notoriously annoying think of how bad regular babies are then make them giant i'm literally built like that you are literally built like a [ __ ] eight foot tall giant baby wearing a kimono thing that's how you're built and you're watching my stream right now that's badass when you say built differently that is that is different from anyone i've seen wait is this like a story remnant oh this is a story remnant we managed to drive them backwards but the interior ministries my lord look at this mountain of bodies who are we defending it from the babies or what the chickens dude i'm about to mess this fool up he talks a big game but he doesn't have my [ __ ] style he doesn't have my style points do you want to talk about the pepe law and pepe last before a boss shows up nah that's too much work thanks quack but don't worry about it what i've never seen a pepe law and been like uh i don't know i don't feel spoiled because the game usually is pretty obvious when you're about to fight a boss the [ __ ] environment becomes like a big [ __ ] oh hello i wanted the eavesdrop i wanted to eavesdrop on your conversation with your dead horse he was mourning well what if i just [ __ ] respawn him nah i won't now he can be with his horse i'm kind of a hero in that respect so i killed everybody and yet they didn't proclaim me their leader what's that about oh so yeah this should be a good time to pepe left because this is obviously a boss [Laughter] this is so obviously a boss [ __ ] arena wow there's [ __ ] murder of crows flying above a field of dead bodies giant open circle oh [ __ ] i bet the game wants me to go this way i already saved right [ __ ] all right watch this all right do i have everything i need uh i got my [ __ ] healing gourd i got my pellets i got how about i [ __ ] crank some sugar huh reduces vitality damage yeah let's do that let's go [Applause] my name is but everyone's already dead locked [Music] blocked [Applause] [ __ ] block can you grapple with that all right blocks blocked what what what oh my god [Music] you are no purple shinobi [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no no no get up chill locked no no oh [ __ ] [ __ ] what are you doing what are you [ __ ] [Music] doing no no no no no [Applause] yep hey i got him i think i [ __ ] got him oh my [ __ ] god dude first [ __ ] truck oh my god i'm a [ __ ] shinobi don't clip that because if i ever run for president or something i don't want that clip of me i don't that matter i don't want that that one i don't want that one that's gonna that's gonna take my campaign okay in 15 years if i'm trying to be ceo of a company and then someone pulls up that let's hey let's all agree to keep that one uh wow i guarantee with the 50 gifties celebrating a [ __ ] first try i was sick that was sick as [ __ ] i i swear to god dude this game is badass i think okay am i crazy am i crazy was i supposed to fight that boss before lady butterfly lady butterfly is way way way way way way way obviously way harder than that guy's attacks were so telegraphed i didn't have to learn anything i literally was just in the moment pressing block when he actually attacked i didn't have to like memorize a string or anything because i played lady butterfly hard mode like 50 times last night and i couldn't beat her once the hard mode one and this guy i mean he's just no she's nothing like that this is the first boss that makes a lot of sense okay that makes a lot of sense well he was not ready for me let me tell you that a mechanical metal barrel that can be given to the sculptor oh i got a mechanical barrel prosthetic tool upgrades yeah i already know about this believe me dude i know about this i was sick fence breaker break your fences break your chains oh nice now you can be mega man that's great uh sunday luncheon thing of the 10 months dude it's crazy that the hardest boss in this game is the purple shinobi that is a crazy piece of info uh what do i go what do i do this way dude this battle seemed pretty brutal it's like my age of empire's four losses looks a lot like my losses or the battlefield is littered with my dead movie through here hardest boss was in the chained ogre i think i died more to purple shinobi than chained over i'm not sure though the casualties of a thousand-year dynasty yeah exactly you missed you missed i didn't even move come on come on come on buddy think about it bro i just killed your [ __ ] demon lord and you're like i'm gonna take him down with a gun really i killed a [ __ ] demon lord the man you [ __ ] pray to on a giant horse and you're like i'm gonna solo dolo him with a gun have some [ __ ] class i'm surprised the people haven't risen up on the be on my side yet because i'm breaking all their fences you think they'd be like damn this guy's the hero we needed oh it seems illness is indeed grave the land of ashina will not last much longer even what about our other mission black hat is fighting like a demon who's black valley side of the castle then that's where we're going next but keep your wits about you who's the black hat badger don't go down without a fight i don't think i've been told about these people yet i think this is new tell you what though you guys are dead excuse me [ __ ] excuse me what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is happening what the [ __ ] is happening final boss oh my oh my [ __ ] what is this poison you're poisoning me with oh oh no oh my [ __ ] [ __ ] chill out you little sons of [ __ ] it's teemo it's like teemo oh my god it is like a little [ __ ] teemo all right thank you um should i heal again no they'll just come back all right uh am i level four yet am i level four can i get my thing actually good to check um um um um um no level three [ __ ] [ __ ] about pokeman yeah i talked about it i mean there's nothing special to say it's uh it's um it's just viacom certain companies are gonna be way faster about dmca than others uh generally it's a stupid idea to watch stuff on stream if you're gonna do it cough cough me shark tank then just uh delete the vod watch it in off hours and uh pick a company that's probably not going to sue pick a smaller company pick a company that's not very litigious that's that's the best that you can say about it it's it's generally not advised it's a bad idea the eyes are on them now yeah like marvel like what you should probably do is watch the full uh mcu on stream no commentary not even a camera just just openly stream the mcu call it marvelstream.net and run it on twitch and just let people watch it that's a good idea or you can actually get around all laws by splitting the entire movie up into clips like i did with the matrix if you watch the entire movie but it's out of order in [ __ ] clips then they ki it frazzles their brain they can't they can't figure it out it destroys their machines and this is this is legal this is legally binding oh [ __ ] you almost got me [Music] oh my god you're the most amazing fighter i've ever seen oh you shouldn't turn your back to me oh oh you're [ __ ] crazy i'm gonna die to you i'm gonna die to you sight psyche [Music] i'm actually gonna die wait you're crazy i don't know where you're at oh the [ __ ] stuff oh my god you're crazy [Music] [ __ ] it [ __ ] it power through king [ __ ] king [ __ ] sometimes you just gotta power through when you see him floundering under your attack your relentless attack what's up here any secrets any little treats for the lord and i am the lord of this land no treats for the lord a little eavesdrop action we're really planning to use that thing in the battle i know i know but what choice do we have desperate times call for desperate measures we're in no position to worry about what others might think so [ __ ] yes but hey keep it together soldier keep talking like that and they'll put you on its detail okay everyone's pepe laughing it doesn't discriminate between friend of clearly they've created some sort of super weapon oh fence breaker you guys can't hear that really hey maybe you wouldn't need a super weapon if you weren't all [ __ ] blind deaf and dumb i'm right here breaking every fence to your left oh my god it's just not a good look it's just got a lot of good voice do the thing i lied you shouldn't have done it all right we need uh okay now i'm worried i'm worried that i'm walking into a trap with no heels i'm worried about that wouldn't happen to have a [ __ ] save point handy would we and also the infinite amount of pepe laughs spam is not helping uh okay i don't see a save point so i assume this can't be it ashy nick castle bro do you guys ever worry about how your entire astronaut empire is lost to just me basically just me walking in oh okay okay oh [ __ ] okay okay oh this is stupid this is stupid that's an angry bull wait that's their big plan that's their big super weapon is they just lit a big bull on fire that's such a stupid desperate idea we're losing this war take the biggest ball we've gotten lighted on fire in the middle of our castle that ought to do it it's [ __ ] dumb it worked yeah it worked on me i'm not their enemy though right i mean like they're fighting an actual war this camera is a little wonky sometimes i'll say it i'll be brave enough to say it i will knock a point off this game is now a 9.9 out of 10. uh oh [Music] dude the skill i got where you heal every time you do a takedown it's [ __ ] amazing oh my god it's a lifesaver okay i don't i actually don't want to fight you guys nah [ __ ] it [ __ ] it bring out your ball [Music] okay dousing powder oh my god oh my god can you [ __ ] relax oh there we go should i get behind it i was gonna get [ __ ] behind your front is the fiery part no no no no no no this is so odd i'm dead i'm dead no perry i can't [ __ ] catch him leave me alone no now there's no like this doesn't feel like a rhythm is this pokemon legends arceus yes it's football i got an early copy they made it way more bloody than you'd expect like most of the game there's not even any pokemon you're staggering people gigga gigachad el toro he is el toro remember when i did that um yeah i did the [ __ ] magic stream and all i did was spam i just kept drafting the bull card and saying el toro for two and a half hours they paid me good money for that [Music] this game is so [ __ ] satisfying to deflect him [Music] big a a word of advice first of all i don't want advice bulls react to movement stay still and the bull won't even notice it i'm positive that's not true it's the only reason i didn't ban you just gotta get behind the ball i don't i'm actually not sure how to approach this book oh my god you're such an [ __ ] hold a ball luckily shadows die twice look at perry oh what if i just go for single hits olay oh he's gonna tuck himself out i don't even need to fight this guy he's gonna he's gonna get burn damage all right i was good wait he's so [ __ ] fast okay no no no no no greed patrick matador ewing oh god okay you really have to be just [ __ ] patient i guess i'm not i'm not getting i'm not um there's probably a way to like actually fight him but i i'm not seeing it but i will by the way when i said something like that when i say like there's probably way to actually fight i'm talking to myself i'm not saying like if you are the person that knows a way to actually fight him the look on your face when i say that should not be i cannot wait to type it in chat no i don't i don't want to know i don't want to know i want to figure it out [Music] okay it shrunk my sorry my prize bowl broke out of its it's in closure last night we've been training it for the circus so it might have this funny thing tied to its head but don't worry he's friendly if you don't move let me know if you see him i'm very worried it's crazy it's crazy that every single enemy i've killed this game has had a concerned owner although in this case i haven't killed the ball oh [Music] all right you guys look fun but i'm gonna leave him wait ha ha blocked idiot oh [ __ ] this guy's such a [ __ ] badass there's a bull behind him and he's charging at me bro get your priorities straight bridge oh my god this guy's hard let's try him really focus what if i o lay him might be it let me just lose him oh lay him okay away i see all right all right [Music] oh all right all right oh no no no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] el toro el toro el tora el toro hey truck as a member of peta i'm incredibly upset that you're encouraging animal abuse in this manner i'm not encouraging animal abuse these guys let the ball on fire and set it loose in a castle okay what i'm doing now is self-defense match he was cold okay when your dog's cold you let its fur on fire don't answer that please god i don't be liable for your crimes oh what the [ __ ] speaking of dogs speaking of dogs huh i don't want to fight these little teemos they're [ __ ] annoying no thank you not today mon freyrs okay the thing is i'm still hurt i should just [ __ ] heal and go i should just hit one rub new plane new plane new plane today we slay the ball hey big a big fan here my extended family and i live in ashina and we mainly make up the fighting force for the area this past new year's there seemed to have been a few less cousins than last year we did a head count i think there's around 200 of us who have gone missing we have put up missing posters and told kenichiro but if you notice any similar looking soldiers wandering around please let me know [Laughter] i'm sorry to hear that man the holidays are tough hope you find uh hope you find them hey did one of them have a gun per chance um i might have seen him he went the other direction i was having him they're probably just isolating you know kobet's crazy oh shoot oh you shot me in the back the ball all right the blazing bull dude relax literally those guys are so obsessed with me please god secure camper okay i need to get a [ __ ] i need dousing powder so stupid yes yes that was good this fight's a [ __ ] menace when he lowers his head you're just looking to parry head okay you can't do it stop trying to do it oh okay [ __ ] god you're so annoying oh you're so annoyed you're so annoyed you're annoying you're annoyed you're such an annoying [ __ ] fault you are [ __ ] you're a bullshitter [Music] oh they almost got one they almost got him we almost got him we almost got him we almost got him we almost got it we always go we almost got him oh come on yes yes yes oh i got him [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah yeah let's go let's go [Music] i feel kind of bad it's not really his fault shinobi medicine rank two oh better healing oh dust in the wind oh we are is dust in the wind and now i will do a four hour rendition of that song sung entirely by me acapella dust in the wind oh garen didn't thank you for the gifties holy [ __ ] dude this is the most profitable stream i've ever had all i have to do is just keep beating bosses and then guaranteeing drops insane gifties it shrunk my family's beloved bull ran away last night we need him to plow our fields or else i fear we won't last through the winter if you see him let me know he hates fire by the way well then he's not the ball that i'm at because the ball i met was a big old fire starter love fire oh [ __ ] oh my god you see that [ __ ] reaction speed oh my god wow that was my hands moving faster than my brain i actually didn't even [ __ ] know you were there thank god i installed all those hack stream gave me i'm sorry i mean that mod folder uh okay that boss was weird is that considered a weird boss by sakura fans it did not feel like a i felt weird i you like don't do that much parrying that was a weird boss i don't know that i that's fine i guess but maybe i just jesus i don't i don't know i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't like fight him head-on like i could with uh butterfly and other guy what's up thank heavens for what do you pray are you there have you heard of the senpai temple like donkey kongo lady you weren't scared at all the giant flaming bowl just like right 15 feet away you're just here praying oh nice love this for me um attack power attack power boom boom boom boom that's a cool backstory on gyobu a man who i will soon forget because i defeated him so easily uh i don't have four prayer beads i have three and i'm not level four yet which is cringe wait one second are we getting water it's a big time to get some snackies yourself i'm gonna get water all right one second hey big a i was supposed to be on bowl duty today but i overslept can you be so kind and check up on him don't feel so i don't feel bad it would be horrible if something bad happened to him like him being set on fire that's so on the nose i love water drink drink drink in it hey it's rock my son garen dean is missing he was last seen looking through my purse about two days ago i think he might have gotten a hold of my credit card nope i haven't seen him hey it's rock covid19 here you're the physical embodiment of kobe 19. i've been grinding humanity for a few years but i've been able to beat it any tips grind master i don't know man i don't know try some more variants i guess my uncle was last seen on a battleground with a magical spear and his best friend a giant horse i haven't received a face time from him all day it's his birthday tomorrow and i wish him happy birthday well i hope you have good memories with your old man uh yo boo okay so i defeated gyobu the horse demon i defeated the blazing bull now i eavesdropped you were the one that put the armor on that big bugger from tarot troop yeah he was making a stink about it it was a damned awful job but it looks like it paid off didn't it he already had a huge frame and massive strength and you just made him near in person this sounds bad that is true but he doesn't like that armor and he sure didn't like me putting it on him this sounds bad if it happens it might come off easier than you think okay so something is wearing armor impervious to blades but if the armor comes off that then i can kill it that's what the game was trying to tell me there but what it didn't tell me is how to say goodbye to these two men's families they are dead oh my god i've even seen a symbol gatehouse key the key to the samurai gatehouse located in the ashina reservoir not far from the well the wolf was kept in here gilbert the demon's broken horns roughly guarded by ashina samurai the broken horn is the spear blade once wielded by gilbert the demon it's said that no prey can escape yobu's horn it pulls enemies in and is even capable of stripping an enemy's armor okay i'm starting to see a pattern here i need to get the broken horn so i can fight whatever [ __ ] creature they put armor on yep yep [ __ ] in that case the only thing i didn't do was read at all where it was my brain did not retain the information if it told me where to go damn there's so many directions i could go this way i go this way i can go that way [ __ ] i kind of want to go down into these depths and see what's down there so i will machine of reservoir isn't this where i started the game hey my grandma is a ninja that really likes butterflies she went missing a couple days ago have you seen her no i haven't seen anything i haven't seen any of your family members or pets okay stop asking i i hate [ __ ] oh my god i hate these little [ __ ] wait i'm gonna die i'm gonna die to this little [ __ ] but you snapped my neck oh my god this guy's the final [ __ ] boss good thing shadows died twice [ __ ] amen brother speaking my lingua oh heavy coin purse wait what if i just [ __ ] [Laughter] how does that feel kind of annoying huh gotta [ __ ] annoying no huh i don't see anything of importance down here oh you know what i could actually go hello hello hello spirit nice i could actually go back this way right oh locked sad okay um i'm not sure mean this is like uh [Music] i can get on the bridge i remember that was there any purpose to this i don't remember wow this is stupid i think i shouldn't have gone down here this is i almost did a [ __ ] sick trick imagine oh imagine oh come on dude i'm almost doing it wait no i don't think i can do it [ __ ] that would've been [ __ ] nasty though no [ __ ] off god damn it that'd have been nasty as hell trying uh defense breaker oh fence breaker almost okay heal me up oh this is new oh this is a new area somewhere oh that's me every day hey biggie my family have been family and i have been working tirelessly to put up fences in the area so that we can make enough money to put food on the table our boss is super strict and if any of them get damaged we won't get paid and we'll likely star starve if you see them would you mind just checking to make sure they're still in good condition thanks megan it means a lot for my family you know i'm your boss should be happy because i'm keeping him in business actually hey it's shocking chad i've been really bummed recently because i lost my best friend he's not dead i hope just missing he was last seen wearing his favorite purple cowl he may also have this samurai sword he's a huge fan of japanese history i'm really worried about him because he only has one arm haven't seen him haven't seen him i haven't seen any of your [ __ ] family i haven't seen any of your family haven't seen any of your pets my fence seller uncle from machina recently became a trillionaire thank you big a you're my hero finally some [ __ ] gratitude oh [Music] oh [ __ ] embarrassing embarrassing okay oh [ __ ] is there a bell guy that's not good where's the [ __ ] bell guys there's the bad guy oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] just oh god damn it that was stupid of me no no no no no no no no nice um [Music] [Music] i really want to get level four so i don't want to die i think if i stealth these guys out i can just [ __ ] backstab them yeah let's do that oh my god they're going back to back wow combat tactics damn that's actually crazy holy [ __ ] i'm impressed is that ai or luck that's crazy [Music] jesus that's badass get off the hub they give it the four months guaranteeing thank you for the gifted sub the arrow quill don't ask for get themselves from eric from guaranteeing though the guy's been generous enough oh what the [ __ ] no no no no i'm not ready no i'm not ready no i don't want to fight a [ __ ] [ __ ] boss no no no no he hasn't even pet my lap oh my god i could have used the family life on that one i don't want to fight no [ __ ] ball i don't have any life [Music] imagine i stealth kill him though are you worth it i got no heals no life but [Music] [ __ ] oh my god you just you don't have any case [Music] oh i know i did i [ __ ] oh oh you're joking oh my god oh i have no life we both jobs [Laughter] both jumped and he was like you're dead because jumping does nothing for me there's no advantage me jumping does not it was like just in the air looking at each other and it was so obvious that i was dead uh [Music] holy moly yeah uh i really think the best thing i've ever did this game was fight that purple shinobi a million times because it really teaches you how to do the [ __ ] murakami counter the iq 84 i feel like i'm i'm pretty consistent at it because the dogs the enemy you hate the most in this game oh [ __ ] wait i need to stealth these guys it's just too annoying to fight otherwise i moved [Music] [Music] you lost me you really lost me right in front of you in the tall grass you didn't see me [Music] okay let's see if we can stealth kill these fools i think as long as i kill the uh this lady she's the harder one you didn't see that how [ __ ] blind are you bro how it's you didn't see that holy [ __ ] clueless you all fight straight up kind of [ __ ] over my plan here big lady [Music] absolutely [ __ ] pancaked i i also that was not the easier one that was the hard word i mixed them up the one the big baby is the easy one that's a thousand experience [ __ ] dude that animation of the dog is [ __ ] cool i gotta say it's a little brutal you know to be killing dogs like that but that is a cool [ __ ] animation [Music] fist breaker fence breaker okay come on we need to we gotta we gotta get this done i wanna fight the [ __ ] actual [ __ ] boss dude mini boss [Music] i wonder if i could make that jump unlikely oh i had you i had you i had you [ __ ] me dude all right i'm i'm getting a little antsy i'm trying to fight 50 people at once oh [Music] nice camera [Music] oh god oh god all right is there any way i can okay uh what am i gonna do restart zafar thank you for the five months it's that big of a three all right let's [ __ ] do this let's actually just [ __ ] do this slowly but steadily with stealth we're gonna kill them all okay and we're gonna go this way you little [ __ ] [ __ ] okay [ __ ] hell [Music] no what the [ __ ] okay the most important thing is when i do all this is that i [ __ ] kill the boss because if i don't it's gonna be such a pain [Music] this guy's aligned yet again okay okay okay now i shouldn't do stealth right we got full heals what's this oh the gatehouse key wait a minute is this the [ __ ] armor piercer that i need to fight johnny appleseed or whatever juma's broken horn famed horn spear once used by kyobu oh shinobi prosthetics oh it's like a scorpion get over here that's pog got some coin purses okay this is looking good now i just need a sneaky sneak i thought i had to bait you out first huh wow you're so blind you're so blind it's concerning bro i don't care how good your armor is if you can't [Music] wow [Music] [ __ ] i'm choking i'm in this [ __ ] room i don't want to be in this room oh it's bad i don't want to fight a spear guy in this room okay let's [ __ ] get out in the open and reevaluate okay let's go [Music] you're you're actually owning me you're owning me oh i have another life [Music] dude having to do this beginning part every time is very [ __ ] frustrating okay uh okay i didn't realize i thought he was only a spear guy i got lucky the first time i fought him he just only did the forward motion but he's got two so i have to actually watch i think what i'll do is actually just not fight anybody i think i can just go past them all as long as i kill this [ __ ] bell guy yeah keep it quiet keep it quiet okay [Music] wow you guys are so dope [ __ ] it i'll take you all on i'll take you all on [Music] [Music] uh [Music] ah [ __ ] who almost got me [Music] [Music] i'm making this harder on myself [Music] stupid this is i'm being stupid i'm being stupid and stubborn i'm being stupid and stubborn i'm being stupid and stubborn i'm being stupid and stubborn i'm being stubborn and stupid i'm being i'm being stupid and stubborn and that's not cool new plan uh [Music] [Music] insane okay here's the problem is um wait anything get me out of here what if i just wait go away now [Music] genius actually genius turned around wait i'm stupid and bro is such a problem for me i can't fight both these guys at once i just can't do it i can't do it oh wait new keep you down there oh keep you down there this guy's harder than the boss all right shikibu toshikatsu yamuchi i've got you right where i want you [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] yeah it's a tough it's tough to dodge spear you know it's a tight place right step one stop with the [ __ ] [Music] all right stop of shurikens i didn't want to walk up there and stab him [Music] okay this will work copy and this will work this time go away go away go away go in go away go away go away go away go away [Music] go away [Music] there we go [Music] um [Music] [Music] come on come on come on turn around you big baby hmm okay we did it we did it we did it we did it now i just need to [ __ ] actually play this boss step one get the stealth kill step two i truly have to i have to [ __ ] um parry i have to parry everything just watching perry watching perry [Music] let's go dude you don't wait that's not a jump it's not a jump that's not a jump i thought one of them was a jump one of them was a [ __ ] forward oh my god wait i thought you go away go away let me think about this when he does that i don't jump i do something else got one it's just [ __ ] focused over here you're crazy you're crazy for this one jay [Music] i don't i don't that's a jump right i'll figure it out i'll figure it out i'll figure it out i just wish i didn't have to [ __ ] fight these guys okay all [Music] [Music] let's go sakura is awesome it is awesome i [ __ ] love this game what if i just wait what if i just do this literally what if i just do this [Music] oh my god it's so much easier you do that every time let's go i i'm i'm [ __ ] mario keerying [Music] [Music] hmm maybe i'm doing it maybe i'm doing it wrong it's timing maybe he's he's pulling back maybe he pulls back longer than the average bear maybe he pulls back longer than the average bear that could be it i could be it that could be it maybe the purple shinobi as usual is a stronger opponent and a faster opponent and i need to respect that the purple shinobi is faster and better than every boss in this game all uh okay at least we found a way to get to him without having to fight those big [ __ ] trolls every time this is good this is good this is good he walks down stab him real good [Music] i don't necessarily get you my friend [Music] okay that one makes sense don't make sense [Music] there it is there it is there's a part two there's a part two there's a part two there's a part two there's a part two i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it he [ __ ] hits the floor oh rod essence that's not good there's a follow-up on the stab exactly exactly right he's a part two he's got a little bit of stuff that the [ __ ] shinobi he lacks his class in his style but [Music] malo thank you for the 19 months to the grind god thanks man appreciate it i'm certainly grinding right now this guy's a pain [Music] there it is it's a timing it's a tiny thing it's tiny things [Music] yeah yep dude you can't jump that one for some [ __ ] no [ __ ] [ __ ] he's losing his posture ah give me that dude i don't i don't [ __ ] get that one i actually don't get it i thought it was only two options jumper [ __ ] died dude i don't get that one ah [Music] he's got the thrust i get that the other one should be a jump right [ __ ] i'm jumping and he's [ __ ] cutting me out of the sky [ __ ] [ __ ] these [ __ ] are dead as a door now [Music] the jumping has not worked for me once i think what i'm gonna try to do is actually run if i don't know how to respond to it like if it's not the thrust that i recognize i'm just gonna run and i'll reset because he won't lose that much you won't get much monster down there we go here we go baby let's go let's go shakiboo i shopped again i immediately jumped [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] how this game is [ __ ] satisfying holy moly foreign a true shinobi spins at sunset i was hyped that was hype as hell you said to me once do what must be done but i have yet to discover what it is that i must do bro you're seven just [ __ ] play nintendo switch you don't need to do anything man just don't get into vaping early that's your biggest goal right now you can stay off the jewel and keep your room clean no thanks to me [Music] don't tell your mom about that one oh uncle wolf making a big mess no loot huh uh i wish i could fight that guy again he's fun he's a fun fight gotta break the fences anybody else get the anti-vaping ad where a kid trades his skateboard for a jewel no i want to see that does anyone have that ad i would love to watch that that sounds funny um okay did i get level four off that no i'm just level three damn that's crazy let's [ __ ] all right you two bring it on bring it on come on come on hurry up let's go you and me baby what tracking [Music] yeah [ __ ] i'm dead but i'm actually dead oh no oh thank god [Music] i'm dead [Music] ah that guy's got so many follow-ups you gotta play bloodborne uh i think i'm gonna play elden ring after this i think the point of beating this now is that i can the guy doesn't respond right please god no he does not kill me no way oh [ __ ] you you're such a narc this guy's such a [ __ ] narc oh wait a minute a little shortcut over here what is this who are you it truly stirs my soul beautiful and yet somehow sad as if it yearns it calls for someone greet him or ignore him i'll greet him what's up bro who are you calling for let me hear it one more time hey you what oh my name is jin zymon kumano my duty is to patrol the moat hi jizz i'll call you jizz for short which clan are you i cannot say you cannot say you say i won't press any further all right jizz nice to meet you have you ever heard someone playing the shamason around here no i followed the sound and it led me to this well i have it not is that so i thought since you're a shinobi you might know i'm wondering she's not a musician bro i'm a badass wolf warrior oh please forget fine i will you have wasted my time imagine i [ __ ] yeah yeah in a moment's notice i could i won't jizz wow 5 11 6 feet i won't but i could yeah i held my blade held my blade well you should watch out i've been known to fight giant babies and sometimes even kill them when they're not looking uh i go down there i guess i mean why not i just want to know what was the point of killing seven sin samurai did he he didn't drop anything he wasn't guarding anything he was just like there kind of a little payback [ __ ] in my way to be honest there's nothing past him yeah i don't really really understand his [ __ ] game i'm gonna go down that well might as well might as well what's down this old well oh oh wouldn't mind if i got the drop on you would you i should've talked to him right wait a minute i know you wait a minute wait a minute i know you i fought you before i know you wait a minute i know your moves [Music] brother we fought no no no [Music] oh my god don't kill him listen to the dialogue all right yeah all right well i didn't kill him that's why i didn't kill him because i want to see the dialogue uh oh [ __ ] no that's not opium no no it's not opium i just like i obviously could have killed him but i was like i want your dialogue i want that sweet sweet lore if there's anything i love it's more hello jizz it's all my way back down [Music] oh [ __ ] i there is no dialogue [Music] uh [Music] [ __ ] [Music] we trained for this we trained for this magnetic or mined in a sheena another prayer bead oh my god i'm strong now i'm gonna get [ __ ] fully cooley dooley upgrades i think that's the term that was sick easily clapped what have we here give a lot of scrap iron oh the swordsman was protecting something all dude i love the environments in this game i [ __ ] love them how spooky is this [ __ ] poison i'm poisoned [Music] oh no oh my god we got fights on fights around here [Music] i need to get to that is that is that a respawn point is that a respawn point how do i use my yes that barely zooms dude that barely zooms yes it is okay uh okay so i need to get over there i think just a simple jump on it dude no i don't think it's simple [ __ ] it only one way to find out anything is possible a bulging coin purse nice no oh hello my friend dialogue or death is this jizz again it's fake but yes i can hear it wait what the [ __ ] calling out for someone how'd you get down here perhaps it is calling to me every now and then she is what's going on buddy i can hear it give me a sign is it me you're calling to what's wrong if it isn't the shinobi following the sound brought me bro no it didn't that's faint you didn't pass me in this tunnel it's a one-way tunnel it's coming from this hole you hear imagine you farted right here [Laughter] perhaps i alone can hear you are you a ghost or something bro nothing else matters i must follow that melody that melody calls to me at least i believe it does you're losing it you're losing it and also you're making me lose it uh but we have to fight an enemy back here so i'll talk to you when i talk to you all right jizz oh no all right we gotta sneak up on this fool oh that didn't work oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god stop stop stop oh okay oh okay no no no no no no no no no okay i did not get the drop on this guy well this is kind of [ __ ] really how about this idiot wow i say wow yet again wow okay you're tough you're tough you're tough you're tough this is definitely a [ __ ] donkey kong boss i gotta sneak up on him i need to get that half-life bonus [Music] i didn't get it i didn't get it i didn't get it i didn't get it i didn't get it [Applause] there's terror what is terror instant kill oh wait if i wait if i wait for all this stuff to hit me genius okay this guy's [ __ ] hard i'll be honest with you holy moly this guy's no joke will you be cast out or throw yourself in what if you wish to go to the very depths of ashina not really best cast yourself out over there the depths of ashinar are over there no i see that i just don't want to jump off a cliff lady no i don't want to do that why would i why are you here by the way well you do it first and then we'll see you go get yourself first lady and then i will tell you if i want to follow i have a boss to beat lady i'm not going to jump up that depth till i [ __ ] kill this boss but i'm going to need all my wits okay let's see if we can get like um driving away apparitions that seems kind of good could toss some oil on them could snap seed i will try some of that most important thing though is that i get the [ __ ] that didn't work that didn't work that didn't work [Music] [Music] what about holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this guy's [ __ ] tough i'm gonna have so much dragon rod i have no money left dude you're a joke oh my god you're a joke [Music] you're a joke you're a [ __ ] joke you kind of block them on the pillars huh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hmm um contact medicine no they are apparitions but snapseed now this is for illusion techniques okay because i use this on the old lady in the dream fight in the um repeat fight and it kills all our things killed all our [ __ ] i guess i can try this that works that works [Music] [ __ ] christ [Applause] oh my god you're tough oh you're tough you're tough you're tough you're tough you're tough you're tough but i'm tougher okay you're tough but i'm tougher [ __ ] you're tough but i'm tougher let's go i see your gimmick i figured out your gimmick oh i lose these every time oh [ __ ] that's not good okay okay oh i wasted it i'll go back to the hill go back to the healing i'm not gonna [ __ ] use a full healing gourd dude there's got to be a way to sneak up on it there's got to be a way to sneak up on [Music] uh [Applause] oh my god i lost another [ __ ] divine confetti oh my god [Applause] [ __ ] [ __ ] it ran out oh my god there's not enough confetti before wait this is impossible i it runs out i got three left i got three left [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it i'm dead oh my god oh [ __ ] stop stuck i have one left there's i can't do it i can't do it i can't beat him wow wow [ __ ] it you're such a dirty [ __ ] you're such a dirty [ __ ] you're a dirty [ __ ] you you you play dirty you fight dirty [Music] [ __ ] hell yeah what else you got for me come on come on i'm out of juice dude what a [ __ ] oh what a joke what a joke what a joke joke it runs out i can't buy him here can you i should have done that first definitely should do that first there's probably a special thing too huh i can't what do you mean i give up i can't beat him without a [ __ ] confetti i don't have a confetti there's no way i can beat him without a confetti it's not possible it would take me [ __ ] a million years of dodging oh it's annoying that is [ __ ] annoying there's got to be a way to get him nearby i better get him down here actually that makes sense [Music] yay yes i'm gonna say to me you got something to say to me old lady the old hag it's my confetti it's a soul balloon dude where's the confetti why would they put a boss that requires confetti not next to a source of confetti uh you know what just pay out all the [ __ ] believers because [ __ ] them what a [ __ ] scam dude i'm getting scammed in the game so you guys can get scammed out here scare me i don't give a [ __ ] pay him out [Laughter] i don't give a [ __ ] don't [ __ ] mess with me dude mods are going to get dms last time i did this mods got dms like hey listen i'm a long time viewer and this actually doesn't fly with me okay my channel points are very important yeah ah deal oh confetti bite down secret shinobi drug blew in color when times call for death by one's own hand samurai turned their swords on themselves as a matter of pride while shinobi demand to swift their means simply crush in your back teeth to die why the [ __ ] would i want this it's a kill yourself drug what what possible pacifying agent reduces terror buildup oh this is big maybe i should have gone here first wait what the [ __ ] did he beat him yeah i did yeah yeah that's why i was freaking out i beat him i beat him without divine confetti kind of a big deal really up into the economy action of depths damn it's kind of a cool air dude i know i've said it almost every place i enter but i love the environment design in this game i love it a lot a lot of big rooms like big sense of scale [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you're a boss ow wait you got a big [ __ ] gun oh my god like every area has got a [ __ ] mini boss oh my [ __ ] god you're a [ __ ] gangster oh my gosh did a [ __ ] sick ass no scope roll so i can fight back too [ __ ] dude am i am i did i [ __ ] go far ahead of myself holy [ __ ] i'm in a hard area dude i i'm in a hard [ __ ] area even the [ __ ] regular enemies are [ __ ] strong as [ __ ] [Music] the swordsman to get in here was [ __ ] shinobi free who's my target again still beat you with stealth idiot all right who is snake guys is that you or you oh that's definitely you oh you're snake guys because you have like good vision i guess oh my [ __ ] stop [Laughter] oh oh brother that guy was a doubter for sure this guy's a pissed off doubter ah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm dealing with some real [ __ ] chuckle [ __ ] here [Music] hey guys we got to get in close what is this what's my [ __ ] what are you doing is the poison i'm in a poison bath no it didn't even block oh my god the gun goes [Music] you guys are cringe lord i'm not ready i am not ready for this [ __ ] fight wait what is all right all right all right i'm getting [ __ ] knocked and booked every [ __ ] person in the universe is gonna get dragged and robbed by tom i'm getting knocked and [ __ ] and bucked and it's not cool nice [ __ ] what is your [ __ ] deal bro [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] welcome to detroit oh my god i'm trying he's trying okay what if what if hold on hold on [Music] [Music] okay angry angry fella huh hmm [Music] [Music] it's not working i'm trying to cheese this [ __ ] but yeah it's just destroying me like the [ __ ] strength of the the enemy is absurd i don't know if i can do this but i also have never in my life like learned the ability to just walk away and come back not a skill i usually possess you're ringing me [Music] let's go oh wait a minute oh i tried spider-man spider-man spider-man spider-man spider-man spider-man spider-man [ __ ] [ __ ] okay oh [Music] [ __ ] [Music] all right okay is that a mercury maybe it's a marijuana oh hold hold hold [ __ ] [ __ ] relax okay i can block that man just needs it [Music] ah the gun shot it's the gunshot it's the gunshot i'm starting to get it i get it i get that this is a it's a boss fight it's a boss fight and just has a [ __ ] explosive ass range attack that you can you can parry i get it i get it i get it i get i get i get i you're not so tough you're not so tough you threw me you threw me for a second oh i [ __ ] choked it oh i took the bag took the bag i choked the bag you have to [ __ ] snipe that guy or you're done is [ __ ] me this guy's harder than the boss oh i shoved it again all right this is good deep breath deep breath focus focus focus give me like uh give me bonus damage or something what is this reduces posture damage no i need give me give me this one [Music] no no oh [ __ ] you no oh [ __ ] you okay watch it no okay okay that was stupid that was the stupidest thing i've done [ __ ] off you [ __ ] i'm getting sniped i'm getting sniped by the snipe god okay we have a plan we have a game plan you suck oh my god he turned around on me [ __ ] you oh my god ah maybe i'll take a break soon this is this is hard this is hard this is hard this is hard this is hard i just don't [Music] dude i can't even get a stealth kill anymore what if i what if i choose this [Music] [Applause] such a good he's such a god oh oh wait a minute stop oh hmm you suck you suck you suck you suck oh my god okay uh it's just timing it's just timing think dink it's just like everything even even a block it feels like it's doing all my posture even deflect i mean oh i can't kill you now if i don't get the first half i guess walk okay i'm just gonna die a few more times my own personal choice this is my choice i'm gonna die a few times and just try to block everything i i i don't know his timings yet i'm i'm just gonna die a few more times of my own volition and just learn his block timings every step of the way everybody relax everybody relax everybody rest hey everybody relax everybody relax all right snake guys what do you got for me stop stab stab range range is tough for me to parry all right okay i'm looking for a sword swing you know no i i uh okay swing stop wait a bit tap l okay [Applause] so let's go let's go yeah i i saw you [ __ ] doing that i saw it i saw it i saw it i saw i saw it block it now do the gun good shotgun no no [Music] a jump right not a [ __ ] hurry kari ah you're a joke you're a stop bringing a gun to a [ __ ] sword fight i'm a shinobi i want to fight you with my sword oh i i i knew you're gonna do that and i still didn't if you [ __ ] grab me and shoot me again i'm gonna lose my mind if you do it again i'm gonna lose my mind i want you to know that yep is that something you want to see i blocked it finally for once my life yep yep yep okay okay i jump she grabs me out of the air puts me down plam in my chest it's it's it's it's it's it's something it's something it's something i'll tell you that no okay i'm not even getting the full [ __ ] effect i'm not sure that's the right no oh no stop shooting you're done dude oh my god he's getting staggered and staggered and staggered i'm not deflecting anything i'm not deflecting anything it's cuz the slow wind up slow wind up is throwing me off i'm not deflecting anything and i need to i need to flex let's just [ __ ] do this let's just let's just do it zen mode zed mode zen mode zen mode zen mode zen mode zen mode imagine a [ __ ] imagine a buddhist monk trying to get into zen mode by shouting zen mode over and over [Laughter] zed doesn't feel very appropriate it feels feels a little off okay wait i have also i have another plan i got another plan first of all get rid of this useless i wasted all my [ __ ] divine confetti this and then check me out no i do this first okay and then toss this oh oh okay well now i need to know that i should jump uh it's not a jump it's not a jump you're covered in oil so now i can do this right oh my god get [ __ ] torched idiot okay this could work this could work this could work it's gonna work not this last it could work okay so what i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do stab backstab cover and oil block a little bit hit him with the fire uh oh oh i laugh i laugh so much i laugh because the enemies keep shooting me when i'm trying to fight the [ __ ] boss [Music] for whatever reason that missed and it [ __ ] might be the [ __ ] difference no i i know the combo i know the combo now and i'm not i'm not respecting it okay go away go [ __ ] away seriously go away i want to fight the boss okay not [ __ ] how does that taste oh [ __ ] walk block uh-huh you don't no no no no no no okay okay dude when when i miss the when you miss the [ __ ] deflect on the kick it breaks my entire posture and stuns me even if i have none that little [ __ ] kick stuns me it breaks my posture and stuns me and so if i don't [ __ ] deflect it uh i she always gets the full [ __ ] oh no [Music] okay remember oil an extra life [ __ ] okay uh how about how about one more thing i run away as well because i don't want to fight that [ __ ] guy in the background he's cringing me so that guys already see me hmm okay just [ __ ] run okay i'll fight you here i don't care double grab huh double [ __ ] grab ah this guy's tough for me ah i'm not learning i'm not getting better okay [ __ ] let's go let's go come on he's got the [ __ ] shots of a cracked out call of duty kid no no do i get my oil back every time i die it's like i always have 10. okay here we go here we go here we go here we go baby one oh my lord uh the oil's doing no it's not helping the oil's not helping the oil's not helping i just have to get these [ __ ] blocks down let's hit it i have to get these blocks down but there's one mix-up throws me off [Music] okay come on baby yes it's so hard oh it's so hard [Applause] [Music] pain pain ah no no it's not a jump it's not a jump it's not a jump it must be a murakiri wait a minute it must be it must be it must be it must be that was actually it's a big moment for me it's a big moment do it again do it again i didn't get it it must be it must be it must be it must be it must be it must be it must be it must be it must be a mucking murakiri because i jumped i jumped i saw i jumped and i got grabbed out of the air out of the [ __ ] air come on that hurts [Music] i jumped again i jumped again i jumped again uh it's hard to get out of my system it's hard to get out of my [ __ ] system it's hard to get out of my bucket system because i've already been jumping [Music] it's that's definitely it's not a it's not a murray carry what is it uh [Music] oh wasted the oil uh [Music] i'm not playing right i'm not playing right i'm not playing this this boss is is tilted with its [ __ ] gun it's got a gun it's gonna you guys know this has this gun there's a [ __ ] gun no no no no all right let's try it again dude i walked it [Music] um [Applause] [Music] uh oh no no what to choke we missed for some [ __ ] crazy reason [ __ ] oh my god it's [ __ ] missing every time and i'm [ __ ] chasing it oh no i jumped okay oh my god i got it i got it i got a genius idea tab back in and use your twitch prime if you have it tab back in and check if you have your twitch prime great idea to open up the tab and see if there's a prime available because let me tell you it is a [ __ ] fantastic way to support a stream without spending any money holy [ __ ] humphrey is here thank you for the prime jimmy bowie thank you for the prime yi boy thank you for the prime zudos thank you for the three months monkey thank you for the four months acronym thing with the prime four right thank you for the prime robotic joy thank you for the prime wow geeky zucchini thing with the prime mel fed they give the prime bamboozled twice with the pride vayne for the prime z monkey with the prime ink dock with the prime miss diver quiggs icon d hop drought hd thank you all for the prime hip hop hippo thank you for the seven months of prime holy moly zela cummies wow i can't believe i thought that great idea right there thank you guys so much for um joining in with me on what has got to be one of the best ideas i've ever had uh careers complex thank you for the four months cut rice thank you for the eight months of prime disco fever with the nine months of prime i do appreciate it uh now back to molding at this [ __ ] game now back to that what if this is the run though huh wouldn't that be [ __ ] crazy no i don't i don't know what i'm supposed to press when i am uh forgotten by that can i deflect it oh my god maybe i can't i stand here [Music] nope thank god i got it no no no if i jump that grab and get grabbed out of the air again i won't do anything differently but i want you to know it makes me angry i'm gonna i'm gonna beat this i'm gonna beat this i'm gonna beat this i'm not gonna go to bed till i beat it which is unfortunate [ __ ] way that my brain works because i want to go to bed i want to actually want to go watch just a [ __ ] fun show i want to get offline watch a fun show chill with my dog order some taco bell maybe but i have to [ __ ] mauled on this boss that i randomly wandered into probably early two level but i am gonna [ __ ] beat it huh no no no you know i'd [ __ ] block that right you know you know i blocked i'm that blocking it i'm actually just scanning it i i sometimes i jump don't forward don't kick if i kick you yep saw that one coming i did not see that one coming did not see that one though double life deal big swing kick shot yup swing swing no you did not grab that you [ __ ] did that oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i thought every [ __ ] kanji attack had a punish easy that hurts that really hurts your your [ __ ] little friend oh no does that go through my block okay stupid i'm stupid [Music] oh [Applause] pick me up by my [ __ ] hair i can do this i'm just i'm not i'm not adapting in any way i'm not adapting it anyway i'm literally molding my face into it actually i am getting slightly better at the blocks but only on some of the strings and not the [ __ ] my brain is full on frozen right now it's like not plastic there's no neuroplasticity [Music] oh my god thank god i didn't hit whoa all right come on around the corner come around the corner we're playing we're playing now we're playing now come on swing swinging i didn't i didn't block any of my okay but next one our next one i will i promise you that all right swing swing come here attack i'm just going to back it up yep yep yep no me out of the [ __ ] yup [Applause] oh my god [Music] no [Applause] what a grab i need um i need to not um i need [Music] [Music] and [Music] come on come on i need you on this one i need you on this one big man big ape i need you [Music] [Music] she's oh [Music] uh just like this i can't block you i can't block you i can't block you the timings are all different too [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] is [Music] i just can't [ __ ] out wide swing i'm walking too early i'm walking too early that's all it is that's the big problem i hate that one oh [ __ ] now [Music] [Music] get oh i had him i actually had him i actually had him i actually had it i get it now i get it i get it i get it i can't unfortunately play this long because it'll [ __ ] dmc emmy right as i'm about to beat it okay let's [ __ ] go i need like uh what do i need i need a [ __ ] i need a song that i can play that won't get me dmc yet that's also [ __ ] hype um like [Music] hmm hmm [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh i tried to be [ __ ] slick [Music] try to be slick on get off the [ __ ] weird camera come on let's fight hmm so no uh [Music] [ __ ] yes stupid [ __ ] swords will always be guns oh my god victory music oh [ __ ] yes dude yes yes yes yes yes [Music] bro i showed enough in the beginning i spent so long thinking his [ __ ] was all unblockable it's not it's a big slow blockable attack just block it ah i'm so happy [Music] [ __ ] yeah dude sick music too pissed okay i'm done i'm done you guys want to watch something you guys want to watch something i'm uh that's a good second row stopping point for the day i'm glad i beat that guy i got another prayer bead uh let's watch something a shark tank perhaps any shark tankers yeah i watched one shark tank that is what i will do so we're gonna turn the stream off i'm gonna i need to rest i'm gonna rest the spirit idle yeah i swear once i just told myself there's that fight got so much easier once i realized like there's there's no getting around it just [ __ ] block just deflect at the right time once you kind of like force yourself to stop trying to cheese it yeah great okay uh let's exit and let's watch some shark tank quit let me just call my good friend pokemon and see it's okay send her a text let's make sure she's got my back legally if things were to go wrong uh chad i hope you enjoyed watching uh another day of grind set for securo this game has become very quickly my obsession i love this game this is one of the better games i've ever played um just i mean i've never played a from soft game so i didn't know that i would like it so much it's really fun really really fun i can't wait for elton ring at this rate and i just like you know uh i really love one thing that really turned me off with dark souls was that i think it's ugly i think it's an ugly [ __ ] game and i know that's a controversial opinion but it just looks muddy and bad and old to me and i hate old 3d games because they don't age well and uh when i play sakura it's like [ __ ] gorgeous and beautiful and amazing environments and cool enemies and glowing effects and the swordplay animations are sick it's just like it's a it's a [ __ ] well-made game and then it's also really fun to play so i'm i i'm just enamored with it um i'm going to watch shark tank now we're going to end the stream and then go back live if you want to watch shark tank please uh stick around for that if not no big deal thanks for watching really appreciate it thanks for all the primers today thanks for the big subs from garen dean and others um and uh and i appreciate the support on my grind to beat sekiro um all right i'm ending stream i'll come back live in about one second
forehead uh [ __ ] fired welcome to Paris 57 the show is just about to start yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] campus [Music] [Music] top customers Rebellion [Music] [Music] [Music] red nose got some pictures [Music] it's time to party yeah [Music] good luck 47 I have to upload the video about team Clint by the way fire song shout out again to Nolan pilgrim an artist who put Drake to shame I will say it it's insane that Drake makes as much money as he does off music and can't match Nolan pilgrim sorrow for 23 months mostly good content keep it up all right I'll keep it mostly good uh got my Enron hat today hey congratulations I hope you enjoy it you actually were one of the few to get one because I think we sold I mean like what we sold in that last drop was with leftovers so it was like less than a thousand I think um uh uh you should check out baba is you you should check out my [ __ ] backlogger games and then reevaluate asking me to play more games how about that oh speaking of which let's get this out of the way early and let's get this out of the way often I'm not playing [ __ ] scorn not playing scoring ever [ __ ] again I watched Charlie play it for an hour after I went offline that game is ass that game sucks ass he hated it he hated it more I mean he made me hate it more than I hated it and like it doesn't build anything like the ending isn't good like nothing about it was good I was putting up with it because I was like you know what this gameplay sucks but the atmosphere and the World building is kind of cool but there wasn't really there's no it's like just a short little [ __ ] game with no satisfying ending no real story no that game that game was hugely disappointing to I mean they should just fire the entire gameplay team and hire that [ __ ] art director and build something really cool uh uh would you say it earned your scorn yes yeah um it took eight years to develop listen I fully believe that the art was indicative of a triple A experience it was it was it was interesting it was grotesque it was uh worthy of attention it was cool and they just they parried paired that level of art with just repetitive locations and and no real evolution of gameplay hmm [Music] it was it was miserable watching Charlie play dude it was miserable he was so not enjoying it I mean he was like forcing himself to play to finish the video he was uh here's he was sitting there in silence would do something would die because the gun playing the game is atrocious then he would sigh I could see him thinking about turning off stream but then he'd get back to it um chat wants you to finish inscription no you want me to finish inscriptions chat as a whole doesn't uh today I think I'm going to play multiple games multiple games will be a foot today plus a little get smarter Saturdays at night plus late night close the night with Community it's a [ __ ] slam dunk dunker chunker of a stream plan on going for quite a few hours so I want to pick something I can dive into and what I was thinking is what if I throw caution to the [ __ ] flind uh and dive in [ __ ] Olympic Style to uh Fury I was thinking I'll just play with keyboard and mouse like I I beat Holiness with keyboard and mouse how [ __ ] different could Fury be you know what I'm saying CS go wingman solo Q Road to Gold Nova 3. that has a stream me and Quack CS go teammates climbing up the ladder to Golden over three yeah no oh I was thinking of playing Fury and then if I like it I'll play furry the the more adult oriented sequel that I think different parts of chat I might cover both sides of chat you know did you see the gam versus test game today I think so I watched like every world's game until just now I probably missed the most recent ones um oh Fury's already in my steam library and here I was trying to buy it what's already installed you'd love to see that The Squeakquel uh have you seen the Bayonetta drama today no I haven't it's not how low we're getting on drama we're doing Bayonetta drama we were eating good on drama [ __ ] two weeks ago now we're on [ __ ] Bayonetta drama uh uh uh the voice actor for Bayonetta got offered [ __ ] pay uh uh that's not good I feel like it's uh the the interesting story would be um the studio that just replaced all their voice actors with AI they just like they completely went into they bought like an AI program and they replaced them all I think that's that's like the more far-reaching because that's gonna have a a knock-on effect to like all basically all non-one percent voice actors who don't have identifiable voices that are like known they're gonna get completely shut out um who is that behind you there's something behind me so from my good friend the cat no he's not here he's never here uh uh uh can't believe robots are taking over pressure video games yeah it's really it's a tragedy uh how's your sleep challenge amazing wait let's check it again let's check it this is the not maybe not the longest ever but this is the most momentum I've ever had on a sleep challenge let's see today's score um yikes okay okay well it was really good today's scores are 73 which is passing but I feel rested I don't I didn't expect this to be so low yesterday was 90 yesterday before that was 90. it was 96. why is today is 73. wait I was really excited to show it to you because I was so [ __ ] certain uh time slept six hours 24 minutes I guess that is low interesting it also took me a while to get up this thing's [ __ ] sucks this thing [ __ ] sucks dude I swear to God I've been [ __ ] I've been sleeping like a [ __ ] god and I lay in bed in the morning on a [ __ ] Saturday on my phone and it's like oh I didn't get up in time and it impacts my score stupid it's [ __ ] dumb it's [ __ ] dumb uh what if you did a climb to gold in League why would you eye emoji that like that's like something everybody's asking for oh you know that that League climb you've been teasing the air heat no I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna [ __ ] jump into a [ __ ] League oh I'll be so miserable although I am I am so I'm so League peeled lately watching worlds good games today wait uh I just I just updated this excuse like squeeze me please tell me that the video's live what did I [ __ ] do bro I literally just wrote the title and description and put the oh my [ __ ] god one second the greatest Underdog Dorian Underdog Dory under attack story in Esports history is uh this is the tale of how one un uh Scrappy team defied the odds and defied the frauds save okay that should be good Dory is a fish I can't and when you're right you're right brother okay I think legitimately I just [ __ ] jump into Fury and I see if I can just beat it what if we just put a timer up and I don't stop till I beat it right the game how long can the game be uh timer hey man horse today no there's no limit words to the last thing that horse goes up on the YouTube channel so if you're like where's it matters you what you should do is you should find quack's address and pester him brick through the wind no I don't do this don't do this you know what I'm saying uh but if it's on the YouTube then uh then I'll then I schedule the next one that's how I do it that's how I [ __ ] plan okay man uh live split livesplit.exe uh uh Hitman cow win a rare Hitman cow I did ask both Linkus and a spectacor for some Hitman ideas so we can mix it up a little bit and Linkus had absolutely none and he said I don't know hey man swimming Hitman [ __ ] uh uh stunned I think he probably said Hitman cow he's just I said dumb name ideas but no actual gameplay ideas and then expect the course sent me a [ __ ] 12-page double spaced document so they meet in the middle okay nobody just had one good idea you know one real [ __ ] The Duality of Man indeed uh play a cow game what is it give me an example of a cow game that I could play fortnite it's not a cow game coffee simulator it's not a cow game Hitman but if you die you die in real life that's not a cow game it's just that's just like murder uh uh Hitman scorn that's not it's just a reference to last night's stream that we will be doing again uh you guys are you're not I love your help actually let me just say that I do appreciate it it's like awesome to just to feel like I'm truly being supported uh stardew Valley but do it all cows do you think that would be answer honestly don't answer rhetorically like you usually do answer honestly do you think that if I were to open up stardew Valley and play it all Saturday and the only thing I did was get cows that would be a fun and engaging use of our time everyone would love that you might break the all-time concurrent viewer record on my Channel or on Twitch because for my channel I really have no idea because my current all time is like [ __ ] Paper Mario which only was oh shindigs think of the sub uh which was only High because everyone was trolling me the entire time but you think on any live stream memory you think I'm gonna get like uh two million concurrents playing Farmville cow uh uh yeah thing is I don't do it for the concurrence is the thing isn't that crazy but I'm doing it for the [ __ ] the the heart and the soul and the love and the passion and the fire and most importantly to check another game off of my list I am on a hot streak ever since I beat Elden ring world record first place in the world people have been saying wait a minute this guy's a different man these guys had changed beasts suddenly he's on a [ __ ] Vision Quest to complete games that previously were thought uncompletable by the way daily check-in on Black Adam reviews none yet none yet but I feel it's coming uh didn't finish scoring yeah I don't think I ever will finish scoring I just know that I've already seen too much of it too from Charlie's dream so I just don't I don't think I'll do it I don't think I'll do it I don't think I'll ever play that game and I don't think anyone will miss it to be quite honest I think the only enjoyable part about scorn not even for me but for chat it seemed was making scorn puns for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and you know what they haven't stopped doing that so I think they can enjoy that whether or not there's uh a samey looking visual on screen uh uh October 14th should be your yearly scorn playthrough I'm not going to agree to that I'm not going to agree with that even jokingly because then one year from now someone's gonna clip and say hey remember when you said you'd finish scoring on October 14th and then uh everyone will be like true Megalo yes facts the clip we got he roasted owned and then they'll just Spam it until I have to play scoring again which I will not even remember where I was uh uh scorn her I hardly know her off to a interesting start uh where okay let me close all these things that would leak um uh my address and off-brand shows and things that I don't want to leak because now the leaks personally affect me before when the leaks only affected the multi-billion dollar Corporation I worked for it's like who cares you know but now that it affects me I really must be on my breast Behavior uh uh evacuate Valkyrie is my friend now because of the leak you understand leak to get ahead that is the first piece of advice I'll give like here's the thing let's say there's somebody at school right or your workplace who you want to get closer to you know let's say that you want to be friends with them but they're I don't know like maybe there's a group of popular kids right and you're like I can't I don't know how to talk to them what you should do is like sneak around their house find embarrassing or details about their life you know maybe I don't know sneak in check their medicine cabinet find things and then leak that information so now there's a connection now they're aware of you you know what I'm saying now it's like oh you're not somebody I don't know you're somebody who leaks something about my life or blackmail me yeah that now see now you have it in your latest clip video leaked your Twitch backup computer that that email is a email that I've used for all spam since 2000 and four I'm sure it's available in many locations across the internet uh it is probably the most it has Six Trillion unread emails foreign Ambrose Island Speed Run I did that I did that day one uh and the experience hasn't changed since it's like the the route was figured out now it's only like two seconds faster same thing though uh oh I do want to say hey uh you know credit where credit is brewed dude let me uh shout out you know a few days ago if you guys were here I made a sort of passionate speech against what I felt like was an affront to the hard work of Hitman speedrunners on speedrun.com and uh I said that it was crazy that all the history of the game was getting deleted and I don't know if that clip got sent around or whatever but almost immediately uh they added this uh which is a no longer possible well you can't really see it there but like yeah you can see like you can see like there's nothing now because of the patch but you can see all the and then if you filter it I think you can see even the other ones so it's actually fire they they reinstated the history and added the Okay so um I give it two thumbs up I give that two thumbs up that is really cool uh uh thank you speedrun.com mods for doing that uh much appreciated uh uh can you explain the marketing of Nvidia unlaunching their graphics card do you not understand I think they explained it it wasn't tracking well with consumers so they made the correct choice to unlaunch it and reevaluate uh uh I'm gonna keep talking about the gigabyte Marines top Esports game until you know how sick it was I don't think I don't remember I don't remember that didn't stand out to me uh uh but I'm sure it was good top Esports is a good team so um uh there is a poll that has not been paid out since scorn what is the poll what is a poll like what could possibly be because I'm not playing scoring again uh does hrock quit the game out of disgust out of disgust is an interesting word because I think the game is like gross but I never that would never make me quit the game I thought that was the biggest selling point of the game uh but I am quitting the game and I was a little bit disgusted with the game play so I don't know I don't that's a tough one that's that's a tough call uh uh are you together with the story though there wasn't really a story having having seen basically the ending it actually never builds into a story there's just not a lot there other than the visuals the game's pretty hugely disappointing if I had been looking forward to it I had never heard of the game so it wasn't that big a deal for me um yeah it's oddly beautiful but it's a pretty boring gameplay and they didn't really even drive home the the rest of it scorn yes yes you know what I'm talking about scoring yeah um it is really good looking I I yeah I never I don't I don't doubt that that's why I kept pushing through because I was like this could build into something cool and it is visually interesting but even that like even the visual interest of it they really muddled all the areas together you know it was I think it's a big L a big waste of potential and I think somebody on that art team worked [ __ ] dumb hard and somebody in the level design team and the gun design team and the they [ __ ] slacked and I feel bad I feel bad for that guy that [ __ ] put in the work uh uh important a lady at work today asked if I worked at Enron because of the Hat that's that important it's interesting I mean it's funny I don't think that's a [ __ ] urgent breaking news but the your age probably does not line up so she's just is not reading the room correctly uh because that company has been defunct since like 2002. um have you heard of OverWatch 3 coming out next week blizzard has heard your concerns about OverWatch too and let me tell you they understand they've listened it's gonna be 4v4 and it's gonna be uh tanks even stronger tanks can now one shot all characters and it comes out next week all OverWatch 2 accounts will be deleted and the servers will go down and you will have to pay again to buy OverWatch three OverWatch no OverWatch 5 is just a tank 1v1 uh uh think Enron could ever bounce back and the new owner may come to sue you you need to worry about I'm sure you have problems in your own life that are more pressing okay I I would you don't have to worry about me getting later on soon by enron's long dead Corporation getting bounced back you know what I'm saying yeah focus on the pop quiz little bro you know what I'm saying there's there's something else that could be more pressing of your time I think I'll be fine uh uh what about Toys R Us we're safe on that it's bankrupt entirely different I got some sick art though uh I shouldn't show this right because it'd be cooler if I didn't show it but then you know be even cooler is if I did show it nope I can't because it's not open uh I got some really cool art for the Toys R Us um marketing Monday uh thumbnail what are we dressing as for Halloween well I'll be honest with you on Halloween day my wife my wife will be dressed up um as what is this what is what is is it Watley yeah yeah she made a cosplay uh of plotly from MTG looks like this yeah her like a dinosaur lady well no not the Joker and then yeah and then I as usual will be Heath ledgers the Joker but that's not a that's not a Halloween thing that's just like a that was just a Tuesday you know what I'm saying I just wear that in general um so she's working on this it should be really dope we on that on the day of Halloween should be in Vegas for MTG 30. we're gonna meet up with Jimmy Wong and I might do some kind of draft event thing um some I think it's like a streamer to drop the event thing so if uh that should be POG champ and so that's what I'm that's the plan and then Ari Ari Ari's Ari's actually this is actually something I need to admit that I don't want to admit so I I haven't played MTG seriously in a long time but I used to be super into it uh at least the Drafting and I got to Mythic rank on um MTG Arena a couple of times and so I've always thought like I'm I'm pretty good at MTG right but I haven't played a long time and Ari is kind of low keeping grinding like she's kind of low-key been playing quite a bit and uh recently we played some games for fun because she was like we gotta we gotta play for mgg 30. and she like she like likes to him a lot it's like her favorite game on her phone and I played and I got my ass kicked I got my ass kicked like no no cap I got completely smoked uh uh like pretty pretty badly and like one game I was like all right I was sit up and try because I was like because I was kind of like you know you know like the you're playing your girlfriend kind of thing and it's like just um whatever having fun too seriously and then I lost two in a row then I was like okay let's let's let's focus up here and I just lean forward and I started trying and I got her to one HP and then she made this [ __ ] crazy uh you know combo comeback block with it was amazing and uh she destroyed me she destroyed me in game three after I leaned forward and I was like damn this girl got moves uh is MTG like chess but for nerds chess is for nerds as well they're it's all for nerds right uh MTG is like chess for people that like to spend money really I think if I if I had to pick the group of nerds that likes MTG the most it's the ones that like to dump cash it's whales yeah it's it's kind of like gotcha chess um would you try other card games like legendary Terra um probably not uh I love card games but they're bad stream games and I don't like playing them on stream to be honest I like I think card games are like my most um grinded type of game but I never played on stream I grinded a ton of TFT if it counted this card game kind of like tactics games I granted kind of Shard bound and I granted a ton of hearthstone and I directed some MTG um Hearthstone is like the only Gilligan stream card game yeah I'm hoping rain ads new game bizarre is interesting uh I'm hoping that's pretty good but they're not really fun on stream is Shard bound like rail bound with cards sure yeah a little bit do you still play Hearthstone no way no way dude to keep playing Hearthstone you have to dump in like a few hundred bucks up for every couple months uh and the decks got more and more random no shot do I still pass them foreign they're also the most backseated game I I have not noticed the difference bro I was watching people backseat Charlie in I've just I don't have watched more twitch lately people backseat everywhere they backseat constantly I guess I I it was like helpful and sad to know that like my stream is not an anomaly there's just people just [ __ ] love vaccinating all the time everywhere in every situation uh uh if anything I might have less because I [ __ ] constantly verbally berate it uh yeah I'm a back squirter people backseat Hikaru it's actually good Chad listen if if [ __ ] Hikaru or Magnus is streaming and you backseat that's that's cool that's dope all right if if [ __ ] LeBron James is streaming basketball or you backseat that's that's sick but everyone else you're being kind of a kind of kind of a douchebag um um actually the ball goes in the basket you know that's not Maxi that's just Peter's [ __ ] that's not even like you're not even attempting to offer that that's a different that's a different level uh wait let me think some people and then I'm gonna jump into uh what you call it I'm a fury I think local legendary for the five months snipe sell anything for the prime Sammy with the prime static imagine the [ __ ] uh uh tier one Mike came to three months Versace sheets think about the it's I can't even read how many months it is seven months cool okay they were the five gifties cool okay thank you for the continued support fear the Big Bear I think it was seven months uh Grim Reaper I think the 20. Tim in Los this password thank you for three months sad mark for the 11. people even like critique marathon runners running form in YouTube comments shit's wild did I see it a lot in poker as well you know like there's somebody who's made like 40 million dollars playing poker and the YouTube comments we fill people back seating how they should have [ __ ] razor fold and they're like the backseaters can see the cards you know what I'm saying they can see the other person's hand and they don't understand that maybe there's that the [ __ ] difference is that yeah you could see the person's hand so your advice is going to be better but does it it's it's [ __ ] it's incredible it's incred it's an incredible human thing listen I have I have uh many many many many many many many many many many many many many many um uh failures you know many many flaws but I don't I felt a compulsion in the back seat uh chat during worlds no that's not true that's not true chat during League of Legends worlds I've been watching is entirely doesn't matter who's playing it's entirely north Americans making fun of Europe and Europe making fun of North Americans that's the entirety it's literally this dueling spam of uh [ __ ] I said it stands EU AKA everyone's useless is known as the fastest region to arrive at the airport since they gave up on law World Championships they are investing in speedruns in particular they are world record holders in airport no wins any percent Keck w ow and then it's n a Ka nearest airport is known as the fastest region to arrive at the airport and then they both just Spam it back and forth and then every single Kill by North American team is like LMAO EU quiet EU quiet EU quiet LMAO n a on top and the second and North American dies it's like oh oh dumb stupid Americans dude they just they just literally they're so invested and they spin it back and forth full volume all the time and then what's hilarious is it'll be like a Korea versus China game and it'll still be all about North America vs Europe um hey it's the one time of year we [ __ ] on Europe first of all it's like the least appropriate time if you're gonna pick one time a year to show on Europe don't do it when North America is doing you know generationally bad why would we pick League of Legends worlds where and it always does bad I'd be like this is our time to finally [ __ ] on Europe there's got to be something else gonna be different time what about when their economy is going to [ __ ] that's better do it a month earlier playing laugh at UK uh oh is that a rain thanks for the raid tear stealer Mr trick it there for six months big a have you seen any of upworks current ad campaign with the re-animated dead dude no upwork resurrects a dead CEO in a new campaign about how the old way of working is dead come on guys we need to start hiring Lancers as no there's no sound on it unless I lost my wait are you guys hearing sound well it is let's see ad review ad review come on guys we need to start hiring Freelancers as part of our plan no we need full timers butts in seats that's what Jack would have said stop worrying about what I would have said I'm dead let me tell you a little secret Francine it's all made up these old ideas working in an office nine to five Allen's job we made it up didn't we Alan so if it's all made up what's stopping you from making up something better [Music] and why would you talk when you can sing I think I would have cut it there the guys made a book way back when now yeah I kind of liked it right there I would have cut it right there and then gone into the gone into this why are they doing this wait I thought it was not bad or in the first minute I was like okay I get it yeah the core concept we agree [Music] I am a freelance Beast nice to meet you your ghost I'm deceased [Music] [Applause] [Music] teams with more agility the old way of working is better than me no I get it Underground [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] the cut Down's probably good that that last minute was trash that's nothing it's just that wasn't good but there's a good at in there for sure that you cut it down at the beginning speech was good show off upwork more how it's the solution because you know even if someone watched the beginning and they agree with the fact that like work is changing and the old ways are dead and like yeah it was all made up how do they how does that transition to them you buying upwork I would get to that instead of do the song it's like when you're high and keep extending the joke forever yeah except you get paid like you know 180 000 as a [ __ ] uh Ad Agency campaign manager for upwork uh I actually think that would have been a killer app that did a voiceover after the first part yeah I agree I think they could have kept it simpler they might do it in Cut Downs in your opinion what game works your brain the most what requires the most thinking um I mean the real it's probably chess right realistically but if you want like a game that's not you know as mapped out as chess uh oh the witness witness is a great game to stretch your brain and then I personally like games like tear down and Hitman because I think they're um they use a part of your brain that a lot of other games don't where the solutions are not prescribed by the Developers foreign [Music] competitive Pokemon that uses your brain because you have to [ __ ] reign in your deep deep desire to scream and break something any RTS makes you really think I don't think so I'm a huge RTS fan I'm a long time RTS player I I don't think you have to think much in RTS until you get good uh 99 of your time in RTS is spent getting better at mechanics it's really all mechanics you can be the dumbest most brain dead player but if you're like efficient with your clicks and time and and macro then you're gonna just Crush just like Melee yeah similar similar I mean really good games are like that uh you know where it's like uh you have to learn an insane amount of mechanics before you can begin to play the real game that's why they make such good Esports uh yeah but the pros are still thinking super hard of course uh okay well what's okay close this close this close this and it's gonna be moving around with him you're getting the division and cost who's winning Rogue versus Tes obviously we can't uh watch this it's gonna get spotted oh cop is gonna walk past that word and if he doesn't see him he could get caught here was there and he was like this is not safe and what they do now oh The Herald broke the foreign ones they definitely lost one Drake before now they can convert it into a tower despite being a top Chinese team is one and three enabling Dracula look he's gonna get crazy how bad Jackie loves doing uh why is Riot fuming right now oh cause they're gonna ban me oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah their [ __ ] SWAT team is headed to my door uh okay uh listen I oh do I play Fury or Monkey Island I guess my guy was longer uh okay I'll play fury I'll play fury up by Fury I'll play fury I'm gonna play fury I'm gonna play [ __ ] Fury let's get live split open so if you guys don't know Fury and I didn't uh before this apparently it's a game where all you do is fight like seven bosses that's basically it that's what I've been told there's just seven sick bosses and you fight them and that's the game but they're like hard to learn and it's like apparently pretty sick and it's like a good [ __ ] skill based Dope Game and with a [ __ ] busting soundtrack so let's give it a [ __ ] shot how about that log out Gamepad oh Gamepad highly recommended well I don't I don't have one [Music] I don't have one so I have thunder foreign [Music] audio let's go a little bit down maybe these nuts it's very nice very not a good show old sport all right so pedal's on yeah yeah yeah yeah timer encounters through what I want a timer for sure I'll use my own timer I guess [Music] so I get we'll figure it out later let's go new again classic onamusha classic me Promenade Fury I can't do furrier Fury zebulous leave of the ride the world of Fury ladies and gentlemen I will not stop streams today until I've beaten the game of Fury timer Starts Now [Music] you're nothing I will keep on killing you again and again I am your future and Eternity is slow painful deaths this was twitching the foam pit and pushed on Thunder I'm staying right here with you shake your head nod your head it's time to go okay okay they did to you what do they do to me pull yourself together okay get out okay I'll do it little rabbit man just give me control of my man's the jailer oh he's dead fight for your freedom why do I trust you I've been in a lot of games where there's a narrator who tells you to do things at the start of the game and you're like I implicitly trust them and then ever since Bioshock everyone's realized that it's probably a bad guy well this is probably the final boss the [ __ ] bunny mon pacifist route have you ever watched me play a [ __ ] game in your life whatever the most brutal route is okay here we go wow this is not great with music controller I don't have one I don't have one but if Hollow Knight can be done with keyboard I'm sure this one's fine I'm sure it's fine once I get used to it every step you've taken from that cell I'll make you regret this is my voice actor application five steps and you listen good you'll never Escape all right [ __ ] well sure okay seven bosses I swear I'll put you right back in your cell you think you will there's an easy way and a hard way you can choose I choose the hard way [ __ ] that movement Groove man Groove Mitch movement no no no okay oh yeah yeah yeah what what [ __ ] he's getting out he's getting out is this can I touch this oh yeah no this guy's getting [ __ ] rocked get out thank you very very [Music] oh get diced yeah what oh end him end him faster okay the game [ __ ] what what what what no no no no I don't think I can last night oh slice oh charge flash get [ __ ] dice dude over his health I can't see his health okay to yourself would love to see us oh guys he's going cast control wait how do I Dodge I see I see oh God okay wait please don't Dodge dude help help hell ah no [ __ ] die I can't [ __ ] hit him yeah I'm missing something here no all right tell us what's behind you [ __ ] this game's kind of rules I can already tell do it again do it again do it again this has been fun but it's time to get serious no sharks in the cell they really hurt well that was not I'm gonna teach you some real pain thank you oh oh wait [Music] I'm free yes oh [Music] foreign hurried Matthew [ __ ] Perry [ __ ] welcome to friends [Music] you're gonna run back to yourself no you stop talking to me oh no no Josh yeah let's do this come back here I will take you down yeah no gosh yes ow it's got four head combos [Music] die die die die die back together when I'm done with you dude I've never met a guy who talks so much [ __ ] oh God oh [ __ ] so I really need to be charging is yes oh oh [ __ ] that out [Music] ah Dutch dude I'm gonna [ __ ] lose it gosh no you tracked me ah no I'm dead am I dead oh I'm gonna oh I'm sorry gosh [ __ ] think you're stronger than me YouTube no no I'm dead again this time wait heals when I yield just get in there he's doing there and [ __ ] hit him [Music] Dodge just too much damage vacation foreign [Music] [Music] foreign yes no please God die yes no way yes [Music] foreign yes oh it turns behind my face there is no way you can defeat me here's his last last bar right oh God [Music] oh boom [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no ow what if I was a villain why wouldn't I just shoot only the orange balls then I would never lose why why give him the pattern why giving me out foreign yeah you said that already many times yes yeah okay all right final boss down now to fight his minions I'm sure this is what happens when a nice guy gets angry ton of Sword comes out oh Bravo excellent all right rabbit what's going on not your first time right on the Block anyway the good news we're one step closer to weed up the back I know you you're a very small out there waiting I'm a fury you're a furry there is a difference but don't worry I know them I can help believe me what's waiting at the end of all this is so worth the trouble you and me we're in the same I heard that about scorn now let's get the hell out of here it wasn't all right let me fix this timer we'll put the timer down here and I will change the title to beating Fury today all right I fixed it way down there lies a free world a world of peace and light where you're free is the wind this guy sounds like a villain dude and you know what weird I don't trust you you're bioshocking me right now yeah I think I fixed it okay bro what the [ __ ] was in this weed POV you're extremely high at a party I'll tell you what I'm talking to a floating rabbit but don't expect all the answers it's all about what a man does or a woman you know misogynist rabbit your gun is automatic oh I was completely drive it's good to know that my friend is a prison a prison within a prison Jesus Christ a very clever Church Jesus Christ don't five head you don't even know if it's five head yet aren't I the prisoners she turned up one day oh she destroyed everything in her wake and then back she got caged sucks to suck but I'm uncaged so I'm trying to get out you know what I mean Jordan fuel Style you're uncaged aren't you already out oh no I should build all these layers so she couldn't get out yeah I need to get further out you couldn't hear her screaming do I even want a free or then probably insane this is where furries are made yet this is the first this is the secret governmental furry Factory where a lot of you came from through those walls so many times but they just kept growing back around her why am I going in here oh my gosh anything all right okay so she's okay so why wouldn't I let's go around really insane but you love me we know that being locked up [ __ ] you up inside me talking to my parents and that's why we did when they set limits on my computer that's why our story [Music] damn furries are cool Edge Lords maybe I should be one don't pretend like you oh oh maybe I'll be a furry I guess we're never scoring again you're absolutely right hey that game sucked I watched the interview on Charlie stream it sucked he hated it uh I would have hated it foreign oh nice okay I'm dead the lasers absolutely [ __ ] so I think what I should probably do is Dodge through the laser but oh oh there's this oh there's walls oh slick oh go go go foreign I'm gonna go tighten up to tighten up tighten up baby tighten up foreign good [ __ ] Christ where are you gonna go what is this [ __ ] toilet push it off what I don't want to have happen here that I is there any way to like oh you see that you can't you can't we're on the road to Freedom Freedom you will beat her thank you thank you so you try guaranteed guaranteed Dodge yeah Dodge Dodge for the mouse oh it's not the button I pressed it's the mouse vacations there we go [Music] foreign [Music] there we go [Music] he's a [ __ ] he's a ships you want me wait can I use my gun straight up one more reset I swear to God I will kill this thing this gun is like way more games foreign [Music] wait a minute oh okay yeah gotta be there gotta be there yes oh the alarm my phone alarmed oh the phone alarm [Music] another one down oh you're gonna say oh my God oh Jesus foreign oh what oh ah no come on no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ass [Music] foreign it's like you want to hurt them more than they hurt you chunked I can't Dodge that which is a dude all right foreign [Music] you're counteractive oh [ __ ] oh no oh God am I dead no what does that mean though nice I'm still like how many lives do I have thank you how do I get away from this how do I get away from that [ __ ] not asking my fingers man up Prince up Troy Focus up Focus up Focus up we're winning we're winning this yep yep foreign you can't stop now we're on the road to Freedom you will beat her you can charge your Dodge all right that actually helps a lot where you can charge it oh my God that makes a lot of sense oh my God so you can do all sorts of things of that can I double charge my [ __ ] Dash and Dodge and just do a [ __ ] cross mat oh I think you can 100. thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign foreign okay [Applause] two down that's nice I think foreign [Music] oh oh damn damn damn damn damn damn damn every death gives them yikes the hardest part for me right now is just like looking forward to fix this keeping my thing aimed towards the enemy because I'm just using wasd like a controller I fall up but they don't suck me wrong oh yeah okay oh it's like real health I get I get it I get it I'm like opening them up I'm opening oh I I get it okay [Music] [Applause] foreign [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] he needs everything back oh my God foreign there it is yeah like I can attack and then just Parry the Perry Oh aggression oh is that the suit she's at the suit she's at the suit okay mask off she's going mask off officially oh wait I completely lost her uh-oh [Applause] wow oh oh God oh my God that's tough dude focus focus oh I am dead are you you are here restart researching strap in Japan give me some work give me some more a little bit of juice like right here into the pro State there it is Dodge just dodge I don't think he I don't think all right do I I dodged that everyone saw it I'm gonna tell you sorry [Music] oh Lord dude wait what [Music] [Music] I Dutch no [ __ ] armor got chances oh come on come on baby foreign foreign foreign come on baby yes yes no that kills [Music] come on come on [Music] [ __ ] I can't stop now we're on the road to Freedom will beat her [ __ ] dude [ __ ] it was one hit I said to press f ah ah it's so okay I gotta rewind that it's annoying that the key to move right and I use the same finger for dnf so I can't parry and move let me remind let me remind her wait do I lose progress I don't lose progress uh uh if I go main menu I'll lose progress okay you and me and me know that being with locked up [ __ ] you up inside we know that so well so well don't we I want Perry to be like yeah wait is that good is it best or shift do you shift for anything shift could be a good Parry moving shift tap shift wisd slash shoot charge shot I never used that once a hard shot is middle button I think charge shot is button five [Music] I think Perry is space and I think Dodge's shift and then I don't know what the [ __ ] already is but maybe I don't even get there yet anyway I changed every control so give me a second all right so this is Dodge oh interesting oh nice foreign what did I change [Music] Harry's app let's go pressing space I was a waste I'll restart we're sorry [Music] Harry's face Harry's face foreign foreign foreign no no [ __ ] [ __ ] foreign Titan the lug nuts on this machine of death oh God damn it oh Lord okay just get up in there give it his face just give it his face there's no rush there's no rush I think I'm rushing too much he's Dodge just yeah yeah just Josh just outplay just outplay him hurt I do keep misgendering this robot and I while I want to kill her I do feel bad about that she deserves you know that is foreign just [ __ ] snail whale okay almost there it is there it is are you getting close distance distance yep distance distance yes yes that's how it's done so far no damage okay oh Face bar Perry is coding what are you running where are you running what do you think you're right yep oh did I Parry that can I carry this oh yeah I can bury the [ __ ] dude I'm gonna it's this [ __ ] thing the timer is resistance nice foreign stay aggressive oh my God throw it Dodge let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] go okay [Applause] wait wait maybe maybe where are you [Applause] oh foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign can I see it go dude okay I'm gonna take some [ __ ] special dodging right trying to Parry it dude ah it's a rematch [ __ ] I have this place super safe play safe in this I can beat him in this sword fight [Applause] walls [Music] there's any damage though oh god dude wow okay I need heels oh bad start bad start not over though not [ __ ] over here oh man do it I don't think this is [ __ ] you can't stop now we're on the road to Freedom you will beat her [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay foreign okay okay okay okay yes play it's smart Safe and Smart Safe and Smart Safe and Smart rack up the damage every bit of damage countless every bit of damage counts that's dammit that's [ __ ] damage right there that's Joe DiMaggio back it up nope nope nope nope no no no no no no no no you little toilet bowl stop trying to hit me with the [ __ ] open go and give me a real fight almost there almost there yeah I got it got him got him wait wait wait wait wait no distance distance [Music] yes two down two down two down two down no damage all right damage damage damage damage damage oh Harry Harry when in doubt spam it out wow that was a foiled wall yes that's damage yes all right [Music] oh no foreign foreign [Music] nice guys guys yes okay wait okay Wait full health y good spot a good spot you can spot with some wide open space like where he's gonna come at me out of nowhere [Applause] doesn't matter what here you always give it up [Music] some distance rack up some damage rack up some damage yep yep yes yes yes yes yes foreign [Music] yes yes yes okay last year come on baby that's what you got what's your whistle's last trick in your bag oh yeah yeah yeah I'm getting drain tanks dude oh wait oh I'm getting oh do it again all right again let's just stay far away I can't hurt him sure stay far away now the big laser making this down dude [Music] damage damage damage oh come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on foreign yes yes dude [Music] yes okay question thank God I was almost out this game this game's kind of sick Olay [Music] oh she got bullfightered okay okay okay out of her misery yeah I mean I've kind of put her in the misery if you really think about it but I don't know why atrok was so determined to beat up a [ __ ] suit Pixar logo hahaha flood picture they fell off dude uh someone had to say it you go on ahead wait I'm just walking in circles oh okay Grandpa you'll meet him next he said she was here to protect us another of his cryptic warnings whatever this time in our game our rules right let's get going I am oh there we go all right little rabbit it's crazy you won't let me run outside of combat yes I can the guy said grandpa I know I understand she crashed through one thing frantically searching for something what was he searching for my [ __ ] blade didn't make a sense of her she was so wild so they put her in a cage yeah and then she tried to get out you told me you told me and you came along and they did even worse way worse it all went so wrong okay we are going to make things right again by killing all the prisoners is what I'm [Music] foreign [Music] s right because she was definitely a prisoner he said she was trapped in there she kept trying to escape went insane went mad with the captivity so I don't think she's a prison Warden that I just killed [Music] aren't we all prisoner we could take off and leave this place behind us how do we do that why don't we grab one of these little junkers but you know better okay I guess nothing is what it's seen it's we're stuck here right the real world is somewhere else down there and we can't just jump huh can't the rabbit fly why did you just leave I listen I think the rabbit's a bad guy my gamer instinct is kicking in here you never get a narrator this early tell me what to do without being a bad guy since BioShock foreign Victorious the evil people as an empath I can tell that this character is somehow trapped [Music] their knowledge of being able to read subtle cues your ability to reach little goose is amazing it's phenomenal I wish I had your deals there's more to him than meets the high yeah a master of time saw they say sounds impressive benefits why didn't he do something about it why didn't he stop it from happening or at least or something but look where we ended up the rabbit is just like you for real in what way is it option A you're trapped in a giant space prison helping a lone wander or Escape or B you're a furry and which of the two ways are you like that rabbit he'll try to play it cool he chose to be here but we are definitely not cool with this when you are getting out yeah yeah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Jailer is the key oh give me something cool to say what we're gonna be the coolest thing to say right now give me the coolest thing to say it's really good foreign [Music] welcome stranger things whoa I photos I am glad you made it she's kind of like me to be honest time is a very sadness in my mind everything got cancer right in the prime what does that mean I'm here to make my my clocks to yourself oh he blocked my bullet with a rock that's crazy no you won't be doing that brother no shot no no no not to me not today huh oh God it bounces back wait no cringe wait this is cringe oh my God this is effortlessly crunch you live under the illusional control of abandoned another fight I really died of my own bullets I've turned the [ __ ] environment to a bullet hell for myself oh oh no oh God this dude [ __ ] crazy oh my God dude control would make this so much easier I gotta be honest with you just the ability to click what direction and Dodge in that direction would be [ __ ] tight because I want to aim in One Direction and Dodge the other okay go back we're getting close we're getting close is that does that help I see you terrible we're sorry it is written [Music] foreign I can't see it obviously obviously buddy I can see it [Music] Dodge if I started there's no belt off the walls [Music] no those are big I just gotta it's got a straight shooter yes okay [Music] up this guy only has four stages obviously very easy because number of stages are left [Music] oh God it's twice hey we're gonna hit you once it's just twice [Music] wait what is this oh get out oh my God oh yeah sweet [Music] oh my God it's freezing time wait [Music] ing [Music] I also like to do this ah no no [Music] [Music] I'm learning I'm learning I'm learning I'm learning foreign foreign [Music] yep yep nice [Music] oh I'm sorry can I anticipate your [ __ ] Perry and then Parry you [Music] that happened ah oh my God all right heel back this is not over this is not over here you've been Dodge yes oh my God all right [Music] [ __ ] diced [Music] [Music] okay you're ready get ready get ready you're ready you're ready yes [Music] foreign please oh God hey [ __ ] hell I need help yes dice [Music] [Music] yes one more [Music] yep yep yep yep yep yep yes that's it right [Music] oh God wait this is crazy yeah that's a hard that's hard to dodge no very edge Dodge Dodge [Music] [Music] actually you last Precious Moments Dodge Dodge yes [Music] Queens if I can get them [Music] three greens if I can get them oh my God bullet hell [Music] oh microspacing okay come on microspacing adorable [Music] come on fight through the paint ah yes yes we're gone what do you got for me what do you got for me oh yes [Music] I got him I peed him I beat him let's go dude oh baby oh baby second try Evolution evolution oh believe her economy look to the sky stranger hey look to the ground specifically six feet deep there's your answer [ __ ] foreign there is no fate we build our own destiny all right let's go let's go let's go [Music] oh man on the Rocks he knew a lot he even figured out why you were sent to us [Music] look at the sky he kept saying the dot on the Sun what does that mean but no one listened well this is a metaphor for a meteor that's Unstoppable to destroy the Earth and I'm the meteor and these represent all the walks of society that will have different solutions but none will stop it laughs aware yeah I don't think that's it either to be honest [Music] is this somebody's all song Oh What A [Music] oh it's close enough it is a great song I'm stealing that song put that song on the [ __ ] playlist that song right there that last summoning salt pound one oh that was sick like what a good way to start a [ __ ] moment it was used for one of the glamorite tracks dude holding spacebar that's sick that's sick obligatory game sewer like a good look my friend years of evolution culture civilization great intellect Wonders of Nature God wiped out in one single the invention of Zuckerberg's metaverse one this is what it did I see what we're doing now oh God oh it's a meteor wait wait a minute is my meteor metaphor right pollution and answer anything one single impact you know that I could fix this fix him so my plan would be flawless and fix it but I never found a thing I'll tell you what I found this game in [ __ ] 10 minutes was already better than four hours of scorn [ __ ] score to the whole horse that rode in on brother oh holy [ __ ] sure I could have stopped rolled up in a ball and cried for the rest of my days and left you frying on your rock yeah I feel like you want to get outside I didn't you're not really a hero I don't think I think you're doing this for your own selfish game I don't know much about you I don't know much about you I've heard some bad stuff and what I've seen well you've heard bad stuff about me but we have one thing in common you and I die we have nothing then why don't you help me fight bunny I'm doing all the fighting you're doing all this monologuing we we it would sure be nice if the bum ass rabbit would help you during fights that's what I'm saying brother you know what jibber jabber a lot of talking I'm not sure he's got much to say the ideas guys probably can't even sit all anymore but if he does just ignore the crazy Babble oh he's gonna tell me some [ __ ] about you is that what you want me to listen to him do you tell me some [ __ ] about my rabbit friend who may not have my best interest at heart but like scorn's atmosphere visually was really cool but I already am more intrigued by the story of this because they're actually doing some storytelling you know there's something there's some stuff going on there's clearly building to something there's a mystery I'm intrigued I want to know more look at me I'm looking don't look so horrified you're staring at yourself baby you can't be giving me the freebie parries like that brother you can't be giving me those kind of parries no no no no no damage is racking up thank you foreign oh [ __ ] he's going [ __ ] crazy mode crazy mode I regret it I'm sorry yeah it hurts that I said [ __ ] crazy oh God embrace yourself [Music] energy okay let's fight [Music] no no foreign thank you oh no God this is the fight oh God all right oh my God no no [ __ ] ah this hellhole Place can't be the end of the road okay yeah I get it he's downloaded yep you download it baby spin all day rolling around the store not surprised we're making like [ __ ] you know you know what I'm [ __ ] saying oh look at that Perry yep just just domination foreign yes yep yes no you're you're gonna drown thank you [Music] I hear that I got a pattern got the pattern baby imagine Soldier Harry Potter I knew it Harry okay Harry get rocked oh yes foreign oh my God yes foreign Harry Harry what's this what's this oh God which one is this oh I'm dodging everything is that you yes and smoked smoking that [ __ ] let's go let's go [ __ ] um my distance he's gonna close in probably gonna work yeah Mind If I Do it ow oh no thank you okay almost oh God get the Dodges could have been enough you have to get everything perfectly thank you foreign yes did you see that why do you oh that was crazy oh no I I didn't understand what was going on oh I didn't see what's going on oh it's so difficult I'm so so toxic oh I'm toxic I'm slipping under ah damn yeah I gotta heal I gotta heal right stay in the back make a thing done anything Dodge make a thing Dodge everything done make a thing Dodge make a thing Dodge make a thing Dodge look at that oh come on Dodge oh I'm getting crisscrossed oh God Dodge oh God damn Dodge oh yes yes yes dude let's go let's go baby wowzers will we share his fate or will life taking you gotta shut up buddy I'm trying to I'm trying to do a Bashar comes from I'm trying celebrate and you're you're bringing the moon down I bought it for so long dude you do a lot of thinking a lot of fighting in front of the world on one hand but on the other what about mine about who asked why should their world be more valuable than mine if you're ever a conversation the other guy's not talking for hours and you're talking I made money get the hit I will free myself converted Free Yourself wait a minute am I am I talking to myself is this is the furry inside of me all along is that what it's trying to say that deep down in our heart were all furries and we need to let it out is that the [ __ ] message of this game because I don't agree with it hmm desert area I love that every game needs a good desert area we've already beaten a sewer area so we don't have any more sewers to worry about I know this is hard but it's hard for the camera switches I think about the beauty of the world Beyond true it keeps me focused when you think about beauty in the world Beyond you're thinking about Talons Hooves and Paws you know what I mean I know what you're thinking about when you talk about beauty I'm talking about you know River streams glorious Lakes nature you a cat thrown in prison touch it yeah you mentioned that this feels like torture escaped hand-picked top of them through game killing machines just waiting to throw you back in how does that make you feel isn't there Auto walk sometimes but right now like it doesn't work like I press space doesn't work sometimes it does work and what's this with the walking I can kill you already because they can't I rebound it but space Also doesn't work [ __ ] to leave me that's what it was without blinking okay Auto walk's Gonna Save Me a lot of second best for them now is to put you back in Chains if you hold One Direction that does not work that's what I tried if you hold forward in the camera switches you have to switch the holding down but this is a solution Can you feel it the anger good focus on it let it grow hire me voice acting God hire me play Paper Mario the credits are insane I did toad tell you some more about what this one did to you you need to know okay then there'll be no stopping you he is the one who got you here in the first place he is the one who brought you down he led the man who captured you hundreds of them against you was that fair am I a bad guy I'm in jail hundreds of people are crying me down and I'm a killer is it perhaps possible that I deserve to be in jail and that the reason the entire world is hanged up against me is for an eye huh time to take your revenge wear match they're the bad guys okay as long as chat thinks I'm the good guy the Jailer is the key kill him and you will be free oh I'll kill him magnifico wow what a cool Arena what the hell this is a little boy who knows no fear no there's no courage I take mine from you we are what we fight for this guy seems like a good guy I'm getting more and more of a hint that maybe I'm not the best guy this guy's like the hero and I'm just the dude I look at you stranger and I see nothing desolation death you are alone it's called being Sigma I am fighting for something much greater than this can you imagine the strength that gives me I doubt it and so your fight ends here this guy seems like a chat I will say that well appears this [ __ ] Shield of yours is the real treat I'm gonna go [Music] I brought you to your knees once already and I will do so again out of the range [Music] what foreign [Music] [Music] oh no well you still can no it's break that's better yes [Music] oh no oh that's damaged That's What I Call damage oh no I'm gonna give you another match for me well you can it's the right thing to do I'm almost there I'm almost there almost there yes almost there close there go back well you still can what do you got what do you got next you have given me the chance to teach my son an important lesson that when a good man Look Away what the hell prevails oh my God he's running he's running foreign [Music] you can't win oh no oh God for my son [ __ ] for all of us I am bringing you back I'm I'm sitting here talking about yourself ah dude this one's tough this one's tough dude maybe a period foreign [Music] [Laughter] this guy's cringe I kind of respect it but he's [ __ ] with my mental he's playing the [ __ ] she's like powder box this is a 500 box all right you have given me the chance to teach my son I don't I don't know I don't know that when good men look away evil prevails God gamer surrender it's got hurt yes surrender thank you guys one second nice oh we gotta fight now yeah yeah yeah yeah okay we build all of this invested so much thank you [Music] oh no [Music] yup you can't win stranger foreign oh God okay I need to fight I need okay yeah oh no come on yes one more hit I will never know the stakes are too high oh no this is me Flawless oh God you can't win stranger you have nothing to protect nothing to fight for dude foreign I will never give up stranger the stakes are too high you can't win stranger you have nothing to protect nothing to fight for come on [Music] come on [Music] Perry Perry [Music] I won't let you guys yes [ __ ] yes sorry breathe out say goodbye to your son breathe out this game [ __ ] rules it was intense don't overthink it that's what they want you to do I get it I'm the bad guy bro I get it I get it all right your ominous voice gave it away from the beginning I'm the bad guy and you're either my voice or a [ __ ] other bad guy raise the kid wait can I go see that kid can't I can't control the [ __ ] Hey kid got some bad news about your paw if he really loved him why did he come here why did he ever become a God wait a minute is this like a secret oh he hiki no maybe I'm just wasting time yeah I think I'm twisting time that would have been cooler why I even have that angle though can I slash no I can't go I can't go back to the arena all right I'm not attic I'm not going to kill the kid relax the things we do for love I remember yeah I might might push him around a little bit these means just not know his brat with his dad but uh this one upstairs arrogant self-righteous and oh that's her she started it all you said about everyone well you guys notice that every single person the bunny's like this person's the worst they're really responsible these are the worst and most devious ones ever nice just trying to clean up her mess but remember she's messing with your head bro don't understand I get it you have convinced me that every one of them is the worst and also simultaneously not those no more and they're all insane he told me they're all insane can't be trusted only you could be trusted a weird funny man your anger Your Instinct you don't belong here give her a good chick from me [Music] let's go baby walk with me it was all a mistake to sell the restraints the Guardians we can make this right but you can be free here look at what I'm offering this can be your home I'll take care of you okay it seems like a nicer prison but still a prison ERS of my world tell me yours tell me the truth there is so much to enjoy here nice lady stay with me I get the most Sinister vibes from her she's the one most freaking me up on the other side sewer guy that was screaming at me what's not to like here you go any further I have no other choice and you even less than me yeah sorry lady the fight's a fight then the fight is right how dare you shun me and turn down yeah real Karen Vibes you have no idea real Karen Vibes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah offer me a small tip and I don't take it they call the manager stranger I'm Skyler white yo oh [ __ ] I'll make you stay this is oh huh [Music] you made me do this to you I didn't want to hurt you but I will oh God I'm dead we restart sorry sorry I'll make a mistake [Music] [Music] oh if I can carry that I'm sick [Music] okay this is the problem go back hurry I get a massive feel here just go back there is no better outcome let's go back I guess so [ __ ] deal learn to steal gunfight gunfight with the angels okay not sure oh yikes to you oh oh God dead ugh okay how hard okay okay you ruined it look at you now not over not over not over not over quite quite fight like hell yeah see that's a flick I want to bury that forget okay it's not helping no no I'm Perry I'm not sure you compare that I'm not sure I'm not sure if you can I didn't do it feels like you can't even do it dude [ __ ] me [ __ ] last chance so arrogant how many times do I have to make me fall before you realize I was right ooh I'm not sure I'm not sure but I will [Music] yeah I get hurt way more going for heels than I do this okay there it is you can't you can you can you can okay all right it's not over hey I didn't hear no Bell I didn't hear no Bell go back [ __ ] [ __ ] I heard the Bell just play it safe all right here he goes what more could you possibly ask of me healed healed I didn't hear no Bell I didn't hear no [ __ ] Bell [Music] oh man oh no okay pretend to be winnable oh man I need greens baby yes watch Perry oh bad Last Chance how hard oh last chance okay on the ship oh man how many carry this go back oh I fell oh that was slick good again yes one more yes give me give me that kill give me the kill give me the kill you don't realize that I sacrificed to bring you this it's not over I didn't hear no Bell [Music] this is oh my God right now no no no oh no oh god dude but I didn't hear no Bell [Music] I don't I don't understand oh no [Music] enough yes come on come on come on come on it's not over it's not over no [Music] no enough you're hurt oh that's tough that is tough oh no oh I'm dead okay oh this is gonna be a tough one no okay [Music] [Music] get up get up get up [Music] foreign enough so many deaths I didn't hear no Bell y there's no other way any room to dodge I'm very worried I don't have any room to dodge this is gonna build us something I'm very what is going to get close what Perry [Music] I'm gonna heal up to full before I figure anything out I don't want to do this without glow okay [Music] so yeah we could be here for [ __ ] five years I'm not gonna run into the wall and die I don't foreign here I hear it okay here I think I'm hitting something dude I don't know I don't [ __ ] know really I'm doing it right and nothing needs to change but hypothetically if I did use it [Music] I'm not gonna waste all my health full HP is where I like to be right okay now what the [ __ ] going on try going over here why doesn't every boss do this forever and then I'll be truly jailed you know what I'm saying oh that's it that's it it's a different sound oh [ __ ] me so where's the thing foreign [Music] where's the thing you [ __ ] hell firing blind and I know that I'll one day will hit this thing oh get up I got it right oh I can see oh my God you can just see it back straight up I was wrong you deserve nothing more than chains no shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up protect all that I believe in you must listen to reason there's no other way so much I get it foreign oh get up get up get up get up come on come on come on come on just just kill it please please please please please please please please no no no no oh Lord I think I'm dead no no no no satisfied no you need to wipe off her face oh if only I'd seen it on the first try I was just so stupid ah the pain in my heart I heard the Bell uh oh God you're not spending [ __ ] 10 20 30 minutes running around in a circle just not [ __ ] walking there I didn't think I just walked there oh that was a sick fight that was such a sick fight ah if I had three lives there ding [Music] you can change how dashing Direction works one of the options on your mouse I'm too I'm pot committed I would love to be able to dash a different direction than I I feel like I've already learned this way all right house all right foreign foreign just go back there is no better outcome what you got oh [Music] Wow Let's go back smartly done oh dude I'm preparing oh [ __ ] who made me do this to you I didn't want to hurt you but I will what more could you possibly ask of me smart smart smart smart all right yep yep [Music] what I'm trying to do a pretty good go back thank you don't realize how much I sacrificed to bring you this just download it absolutely [Music] thank you stop this right now [Music] you bring nothing okay almost dead I offered you a way out of yourself no I really wanted that life we'll actually have fun as long as I as long as I kill him now I still do my full life thank you but I can't die again otherwise I'm down to it I don't [ __ ] now all I can do is bring you back into me okay now it's down with the Bell again [Music] stop this foreign foreign [Music] foreign I'm stuck oh dude foreign [Music] such things get up get up get up how many times do I have to make you fall because you realize I was right come on no get bring nothing but destruction no get up God thank [ __ ] god oh it's you suffering so many deaths I'm here to protect all that I believe in you must listen to reason there's no other way foreign wait what if I get them all low foreign foreign get up get up yes ding ding ding ding ding this will eat you up inside for the rest of your days let's go no I won't it definitely won't you've read this situation very wrong you have overestimated your importance to me nice okay oh yeah I did not expect that not from you I think I saw you hesitate after the last fight you of all people why wouldn't you I was just savoring it I was savoring it bunny like it gives me hope sick fight all right all right sir buns a lot oh my God [Music] space the final frontier up oh that's [ __ ] say what did I [ __ ] say well I took care of this one was really tough I'm no fighter like you but I got my way after the last jailers I felt you deserved wait why you stepped up no I don't believe it come by Foreign wow easy clap huh damn thanks for stepping up buddy I've been talking a lot of [ __ ] but you just sold that boss it's huge you get Chad all the jail worlds were built from here by a genius architect perfectly designed Masterpiece what about yourself do you think about itself impossible there's no way tried so many times way out of here but there wasn't one except for you okay buddy by the way I can make a better prison this in [ __ ] five minutes take the laser wall that I can't Dash through and make four of them around here and then there's no dealers needed and no [ __ ] Bunny and no suit and stairs and then I can't get out but couldn't outsmart my greatest work [Music] done good job it seems very expensive all right this is where I get inductory call fast when she was in danger plan wait what you're the architect we already killed the father foreign [Music] that's not what I'm thinking I'm thinking out loud this whole time you know what I'm thinking I'm thinking you're weird I'm thinking you give me weird vibes [Music] I'm not thinking there's a thin line between love and Madness that's what a furry thinks when he looks at a dog [Applause] get me out of here foreign a lot like me she's clever and she has a plan you talk about yourself this is so sick and the music she's an 11 and she'd give herself a 12. okay that's arrogant holy [ __ ] The Vibes are out of control initiating scanner that's literally you no because I'm a 13. automatically range 200 meters capacity maximum robot didn't notice these guns little mistake on your scanners there hi robot two bigger guns no structural damage analyzing DNA ever DNA remember for her it's all a game but losing is not an option 10 meters don't feel like jumping into this fight huh fine just the one I couldn't watch two one yikes [Music] be for free now you're mine oh oh whoa whoa whoa go get him boys foreign foreign [Music] [Music] I'm disappointed so far tell me something more here lady what you got what you got what you got [Music] what it is all right you are not here where are you [Music] where are you where are you all right oh [ __ ] oh oh I'm dead nicely done gotta make it easy for me I like it don't go away though don't run away Don't Run Away stay right here ah yeah yeah yeah [Music] foreign [Music] foreign shut up [Music] but not a point good enough it's pretty good to me [Music] okay that's okay it's the best you can do under the circumstances that's a one hit kill oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right oh no I'm scared I was playing so Fearless ah [Music] what are you doing keep your eyes on the prize what's the prize dude [ __ ] [ __ ] God no oh I like a child I was like one second foreign [Music] where are you ladies well that's okay it's the best you can do under the circumstances look keep your eyes on the prize yeah yeah you're surprised I get it oh dude dude oh my okay wow who's the boss okay that's pretty sick that's a pretty sick fight okay I gotta be ready so it's like it's like it's like Dodge or you hit Dodge hit Dodge like that like yeah all right let's go buddy but I can see you [Music] [Music] foreign I've never seen you do anything like this anymore you like codes you never like sniper shot and assistant this is like this doesn't I'm not seeing any kind of as far as I know you don't like wear purple metal mesh I guess I don't know come on come on it's not fun if I can't I'm not the one hiding you want to know ready or not here I come oh no [Music] [ __ ] it all right [Music] oh my God no no my mouth no I buried it is that period oh match match match where where'd you go [Music] ready or not here I come oh where are you going here no no no I'm dead now [ __ ] that was it's a [ __ ] Dodge button I keep not moving the mouse yep you're absolutely good job if I kill this one I get my life back and I'm gonna get the [ __ ] with me [Music] don't understand it [Music] I like the way you take me out in my comfort zone dude okay you were close don't be the latest addition to her Trophy Room okay deep breath deep breath deep breath focus focus enter the Zen State enter the pro snake but I can see you [Music] are you ready [Music] focus focus focus focus focus focus focus everybody was [Music] Darkness [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yes there we go part two down part two down full life yourself that's okay it's the best you can do under the circumstances [Music] oh [ __ ] first where'd you go where'd you go dude this sniper's scary back this way oh [ __ ] this time oh no oh no hey no oh brother no one said we had to play yeah no one said that you're right don't make it easy for me I like a challenge it's the [ __ ] Dash oh dear God okay I'm just gonna place it where I need to be every [ __ ] [Music] I'm Fair that's okay it's the best you can do over the circumstances [Music] keep your eyes on the prize step in here do your thing where are you [Music] three times keep your eyes on the prize she always goes to one of the arenas okay fail that's okay it's the best you can do under the circumstances where are you keep your eyes on the prize okay okay shut up dash dash dash yes yes my comfort zone oh God [Music] no yes yes and diced no okay [Music] come on hit me with everything you've got all right let's go okay foreign some relied on skills pour down fools a lot of them three hits no oh double hit counters I studied your battle out there come on oh beautiful do I go with before it Taj and cringe and cringe and sag don't disappoint me [Music] there it is baby come on me with everything you've got okay studies ha hahaha yes [Music] double hit oh okay yes [Music] yes foreign yes three tries three tries three tries let's take this to the next level how'd you do it don't smoke me [Music] oh my God wait no oh God I prepared for it you are not taking me away from me oh God oh my God holy moly it's a distance [Music] [Music] I prepared for it you are not taking me away from me oh let's go I can't fail this is my game one chance one chance one chance foreign yes [Music] come on come on no no yes yes [ __ ] yes good fight [Music] no God assuming manual control one that was sweet you beat her at her own game she was a cheater anyway I like you bunny we've become friends but I grow tired of this weary I wonder what she would have made of my plan what chance of success she would have given it it's time for us to leave but we are not the kind that rely on probabilities eh we rely on what's in here we take our chances Sigma man I'm very glad I bit the bull and played this game this game [ __ ] rules I can't believe stance he didn't like this game I like what would you do if you had an eternity to do nothing but wait busy do you daydream you freak out or do you watch atreach he trained on a Saturday oh he trained oh whatever was out partying this guy studied the blade holy [ __ ] I from one Stickman to another I fear Him this is the first opponent I fear everything else matters to him but this fight with you I was kind of obsessed actually this will make his day his life to me it was just a two history of his art fulfillment of his destiny all that nonsense is there a community that yeah well instrument Community as usual but I'm not ending stream until I beat this game so if there's like another 15 bosses settle in settle in big dog someone gets so into something that nothing else matters play Hitman dude I tried so she'll eat away 3 000 hours before you know it finish my work [Music] balloons to know what I could never forget her laughter [Music] I would watch a lore video of this game I I'm already [ __ ] intrigued a lot I like the narrator he's very ominous [Music] this rabbit does love talking I gotta be honest he likes a one-sided conversation you short-term your time I was concerned you wouldn't make it this way don't talk a big game you've been training your whole life to fight me don't pretend like you knew I would get here and you think it's gonna be you to stop me all right buddy well I got a news flash this is a big day I've been waiting a long time for this yeah I've waited a long time to watch community so you're gonna need to get the [ __ ] out of my way let me show you nice [Music] you have it in you let it out I want to see you shine [Music] all right buddy you move well you're reading my buddy quickly hey yeah pick up the ore do what it takes let's see how predictable you think I am now foreign [Music] [Music] yes [Music] foreign [Music] seems like we're fighting each other but we both know we're fighting against ourselves [Music] foreign [Music] [ __ ] do I look [ __ ] you comfortable to you the horse you're really [ __ ] picked him up [Music] foreign [Music] [ __ ] oh my God the back hitch wow wow Excellency sick fight holy [ __ ] try again Excellence is a habit yes your bastard I will be good enough Excellence is the habit okay [Music] nice yeah you have it in you let it out I want to see you shine oh nice watch me oh my God [Music] all right all right let's go let's go [ __ ] well yeah yeah you're reading me quite quick are they uh if phase four he wields an entire boat let's see how predictable that's Unstoppable I already have trouble with the ore [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there it is there it is there it is Stay With Me counter it double come on give me something all right [ __ ] something like I learned from that will make me better Focus that's a one hit do I look unconquerable to you he's doing the [ __ ] hadok in the corner you're in the [ __ ] family all right guys stay right here [Music] I blocked [Music] he said it if Excellence is a habit Excellence is a habit try again I got his ass [Music] oh nice [ __ ] foreign [Music] [Music] oh oh [ __ ] no this is not an art it's pure hot wait we are what we were doing no [Music] haha I'm feeling a [ __ ] truck [Music] I'm dead let it out wait I'm not aiming my [ __ ] controller missed it all right [ __ ] dude [ __ ] ah watch me [Music] [ __ ] he said it Excellence is a habit damn he's actually kind of sick try again give me the ore now I will show you what I've learned this reminds me of Sakura you're the sick [ __ ] fight I want nothing but you're the very best thank you foreign [Music] dude Dodges everything come on get back up you can't give up now you gotta get on top of them [Music] watch me wait what let me sorry now I will show [Music] all right buddy watch me nice [Music] block Perry Perry you have it block Perry Perry let it out I want to see you shine [Music] watch me there it is there it is baby okay you move well you're reading me quite quickly the organ let's see how predictable you think I am now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] there it is there it is there it is [Music] Jedi Master [Music] [ __ ] get up you have more strength stay with me through this come on it's hard give me something memorable something I can learn from that will make me better Focus [Music] counter hit counter hit oh Focus dude [ __ ] he said it Excellence is a habit so Focus try again and yes your best will be good historically blunt weapons with reach were more useful than swords are you having a debate in the comments over whether an aura would be better than a sword [Music] because it obviously is look at it I want nothing but your very best nice this fight is let it out foreign [Music] you move well you're reading me quite quickly how predictable to dodge this [ __ ] flame things God yes [Music] [Music] thank you yep nice get up perfect dude let's go you have more strength I'm dead wait he didn't do his normal thing give me something memorable I thought he's gonna I'm not gonna learn from him Focus do I look unconquerable to you no you don't Focus [ __ ] [ __ ] he said he's just different patterns so focused okay try again okay now I will show you what I've learned I want nothing but your very best way pick up the ore dude [Music] you have it in you let it out pick up the orb you move well you're reading me quite quickly let's see how predictable you think I am now [Music] foreign [Music] nice you have more space [Music] foreign [Music] are you sure you're ready come on give me this is a camera something I can learn [Music] okay one more shot Do I Look unconquerable to You really focus come on come on look look and Dodge you can always hit me once oh come on baby dude I have no range he said it Excellence so fast okay all right now I will show you what I've learned I'll get it [Music] [Music] nice you have it in you let it out I want to see you shine [Music] [Music] Nice Nice Dice let's see how predictable you think I am now [Music] [Music] ah focus on the [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you nice you have more strength stay with me through this come on give me something memorable something I can learn from what made me better Focus foreign [Music] do I look unconquerable to you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [ __ ] he said it Excellence is a habit so Focus try again now I will show you what I've learned [Music] oh nice I want nothing to do the very best nice foreign you move well you're reading me quite quickly let's see how predictable you think I am now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] oh come on give me somewhere to go nowhere to go nowhere to go something I can learn from that will make me better Focus that's it we have to go back and forth back and forth back and forth [Music] foreign okay back and forth back and forth but I think only for the first two and then you're good get up [Music] do I look unconquerable to you [Music] dude [ __ ] dude he said it Excellence is a habit so I gotta know I got it I got it I got it I want nothing best nice you have it in you just let it out I want to see you shine [Music] you move well you're reading me quite quickly let's see how predictable you think I am now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] nice stay with me through this [Music] come on give me something memorable something I can learn from that will make me better that's good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hahaha I'm getting there uncomfortable to you I'm getting there but I'm not quite there oh [ __ ] aha [ __ ] me I got he said it Excellence is all right so focus a little bit at a time try it it's a habit excellent it's a habit Excellence is a [ __ ] habit I want nothing but your very best nice you have it in you let it out I want to see you shine [Music] come on come on baby you move well you're reading me quite quickly how predictable you think I am now oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign oh I did the wrong way dude it's so [ __ ] hard you know where your mouse is when you can't see it something I can learn from that will make me better Focus come on baby here we go oh [ __ ] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yes yes speedrunner unlocked [ __ ] yes dude I'm glad I learned how to do it too I don't have to cheese it [Music] dude you tried your whole life for this train 28 minutes oh oh incredible amazing what I just saw here it was magic okay reveal it he was probably the toughest one reveal it bunny I could never have done this without you mm-hmm do the ominous voice golf clap slow clap let's see it I could never have gotten to the exit without you but now of course I won't be needing you enjoy your time here for all eternity while I Waltz free or should I say hop hop I should have written this game dude I swear to [ __ ] God well this is a warm welcome clever best song incoming quite a few bangers so far so I can't he doesn't miss yeah he really is undefeated with the jokes Guardians like her that make me hate this place bro I've heard the Spiel why did they let her join yeah this one's the worst right sacrifice I bet she's the absolute worst so she's part of this an overconfident idealistic child who dreamed she could save the world do you still think I need to be like a motivation bunny I'm just telling everyone that I see the only reason I don't kill you is because you're not standing in my past excited plain stupid if you ask me what a waste [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] oh please add this to everybody I'm playing this every stream be treacherous and she's fast and there's something in there that is meant to stop you for good is it this song I'm gonna stop in my tracks [Music] it's all night foreign [Music] I'm staying down here [Music] so one last time the Jailer is the key oh failed her finale will be free I'm assuming Bonnie's secret finale [Music] thank you I actually like these slow walking Parts it makes the game have more gravitas because it really wasn't like what five six combats but it makes it feel like a real cohesive story in full game it feels like I'm exploring a little bit it's cool that's not what I was expecting smart smart game design yay [Applause] all right kid Let's Dance foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] why are you here why are you doing this I I don't know lady [Music] oh I want it to be here where else would I be here is where I can make a difference [Music] okay [Music] okay yikes your hikes [Music] oh okay yes I am paying the price for my people's freedom but it's worth it I got the feeling [Music] yes I don't understand whoa we're so alike thank you [Music] [Music] I'm rushing it the fridge please if I stand up where I am oh you're in trouble if I do that oh you're in trouble if I stand up here let's go [Music] man I feel like I'm really the bad guy does not seem like an evil villain you know what I'm saying when she said please [Music] oh Riley [Music] yikers [Music] you can't go out there don't you understand sorry what [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] wait what look at his eyes wait a minute this is it my friend it's being hard I know okay he was the last reveal the truth to me bunny finally going through that door it's everything we have been fighting for you are not who you were when you first landed out there no I'm definitely we all have choices to make we all have to decide what's worth fighting for right right right right right Minecraft [Laughter] is that what I fought for so I could play Minecraft that killed a kid for that I thought it was for my freedom oh now you guys are on board now that it's Minecraft poggies it's worth it uh I mean yeah I mean if you're you know you got a sibling there's only one house computer and you want to play Minecraft what are you gonna do you kill him you just have two brothers here I'm saying this is a Fury song [Music] foreign [Music] that's cultural appropriation dude you never played Fury in his [ __ ] life wow cringe [Music] okay so I'm noticing that I'm sort of like healing the land [Laughter] as I walked through it I'm sort of like the land is too healthy so I'm bringing it to a more orderly [Music] wow I really was the hero the whole time [Music] this is the good ending uh if there's more fights in this game but I'll call for today right because I was playing till I beat it credits roll time uh but I love this game clearly and if there's more fights I'll definitely do it [Music] how do I get to this Tower [Music] draw penis so slow to do that [Music] the samurai boss is the sickest it was sick oh there's a sick [ __ ] fight I love a good boss fight like that my God reminds me again of how [ __ ] gets Sakura is holy moly probably the best combat I've ever had in any game this game is great though one more boss it's awesome do it tonight yeah but is it like I have to reboot the whole [ __ ] game and [Music] oh no [Music] okay well wait a minute timer's still on oh [ __ ] [Music] new timer [Music] wow look at my look at my Pace hey I won't tell if you guys won't submit the world records foreign [Music] [Music] I can't go to the tower now [Music] I turned on sticky keys [Music] yeah I gotta wait for one minute all right let me get a drink Vibes Vibes to the song [Music] thank you [Music] very special thanks to Shinji mikami nadeki Kamaya kg hideo Kojima foreign to you thank you for playing Fury to the end or is it [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] foreign [Music] don't want too much grass not good for the economy look at these trees moving the rocks [Music] [Music] go to the beach foreign where the ocean was Exxon mobil's CEO when he walks that was a good one league players trying to touch grass so now you know wait what maybe you think I'm insane no maybe you understand I didn't see it oh you're my only chance I hoped it would change you I think it did how I'm obviously I'm obviously not changed I'm rotting it doesn't really matter what does you're real is what you are going to do you have a daughter and you had a reason for doing this oh okay what happens if I walk close to your daughter does she right I just want to know [Music] well your house is ruined [Music] foreign this game is good even without the music what they they really went hard I mean it's like this is crazy good music all the way through really elevates oh it's different artists every time that's wow you know what though this game must have had such a small budget what is Triple A Game's excuse what is ubisoft's excuse for having dog [ __ ] music if Fury can pull it off dude [Music] all right no eating no eating during the fight foreign what is this acquiring Rider wait it's like what she had resuming flight plan right the skies foreign that's where I came from we don't need oxygen the only doctor when you're this badass [Music] this is also not Elon musk's POV [Music] you know almost POV is [ __ ] crying over his Twitter purchase [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] means but I'm excited oh my God wait is that clones of me wait am I quote [Music] [Music] where [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God I knew he was the boss the whole time welcome back Ryder let's see your report on your target planet uploading Planet report [Music] results inconclusive proceed with manual confirmation confirm Planet assimilation [Music] yeah I'm with the boss right but [Music] let's go [Music] morning writer deactivate your Firearms Rider malfunctioning I ain't activating [ __ ] securing assistance you better activate your phone and call a [ __ ] hearse oh my God what's going on oh you're so slow is that what happened during your last mission I can't let it happen again oh God [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God oh my God oh wait it starts [Music] foreign writer you have changed why is that there we go I've seen the air of my ways I no longer want to kill kids and never touch grass I want to be a good guy what happened during your last mission I can't let it happen again and I could never have this happen again the best you can my friend ah dead is that a restart is that a full restart okay much better oh dog [Music] okay gotcha Ryder okay have it in me oh God it doesn't go there oh I'm dead ah right here never changed why is that oh Lord I take it back I'm on your side again turn off the cannons what happened during your last mission I'll tell you what happened I can't live if I killed a child and it made me feel bad right okay for 29 months and your conscience you know who should win this fight what matters is what you do oh kill these guys oh my God all right I might need to if this boss is all dodging I need to try the other uh settings the mouse [ __ ] ain't working that he was my Saving Grace damage damage damage I haven't heard this baby why is that [Music] foreign [ __ ] wait okay restart this guy's [ __ ] hard okay stop the only hard part is really when they also work together this part I don't know how to I'm not deal with this way ready Dash I promise chips no big deal no big deal on the video okay to flex yep yep yep big heels this is where it gets Shady yes we have always been here for you I don't you haven't really been here for me because I don't know who the [ __ ] you are I'm being honest your mission was critical our survival depended on it oh God oh my God you had to confirm the planet was fit for a simulation and now this oh my God oh my God totally time oh my god get up I need to heal oh man okay yep yep [Music] oh my God having the guy out of the fights helped so much that's huge oh nice oh no another one yep big heels big heels keep on turning get me home see my kids get up get up get up yes yes you think they would welcome you [Music] they will have no idea of what you did they don't even know we exist I'm just trying to kill some of the kids is that sorry to believe [Music] he said you collected their world but they corrected you IX okay wow this is [ __ ] hard okay this is unreal oh yeah I gotta kill this thing yeah all my Lord oh my Lord okay we're releasing this first and foremost [Music] there's no way to hit the [ __ ] hands oh God damn it [Music] one down I can dodge it maybe foreign this is hard holy [ __ ] please people have no idea what you did they don't even know we exist now I get it now I get it [Music] but it's hard okay restart the [ __ ] sit up here and whales him it's not possible [Music] they said you collected their world oh my God that they corrected you massage wait excuse me this is between you and your conscience yeah well you know who should win this fight what matters is what you do right okay wait one second movement mode directional let's just try it foreign can't let it happen again bro there's actually way better from the beginning but you're still yet but I want to make sure we need to actually kill one hand [ __ ] off brighter who's this I'm gonna lose it oh God one more time Focus up for the change why is that brighter oh my God oh my God okay I got all these I got all these parts down your last mission this part all right one second I'm thinking about it too much uh it's fine restart Focus focus focus focus deep breath oh God let's go [Music] foreign ER foreign [Music] God oh guess yep okay all right hit the purples carry the purples fall through this I'll see this Perry Perry what happened during your last year we're just gonna focus on dodging I can't let it happen again in the edge what am I hitting it's causing me to [ __ ] die every time Harry Harry brighter [ __ ] Christ oh God damn it oh to hell is that [Music] Ryder it does more damage short [Music] okay again here for you I figured it out figured it out I figured it out I figured it out the mission was critical power survival depended on it foreign [Music] [Music] robot Alexa on [ __ ] steroids sorry sorry hey we're almost there we're almost there come on yes [ __ ] yes you think they will welcome you they will have no idea of what you did they don't even know we exist questions they said you corrected their world but they corrected you hear that there's got to be a spot right here maybe foreign now I need to [ __ ] find a Dodge here if it's like a super one no that doesn't work oh God damn dude kill me kill me kill me kill me win this fight what matters is what you do okay I could probably take one laser round and I can win right here you have changed why is that Dodge what happened during your last mission I can't let it happen because there it is baby there's one and two are now a official Cake walk it's a joke phase three is in my way right here we have always been here for you why all this foreign depended on it you're a robot okay [Music] foreign [Music] for them you will remain The Strangers a danger [Music] oh God there's no way there's no way no [ __ ] way they said you corrected their world that they corrected you one hit that's all I got done go to the corner maybe dude oh okay I have to really study this I gotta say there's got to be a spot It's gotta be like short long short to a corner [Music] oh that was huge it was big wait that was big oh no dude [Music] [ __ ] boss between you oh it was one hit away conscience win this fight what matters is what you do okay Ryder you have changed why is that huh I want to watch Community which means I'm [ __ ] ready to fight Ryder we have always been here for you why all this why all this your mission was critical our survival depended on it you had to confirm the planet was Fit For Us in Malaysia but you got caught and now this day with love some damage us you think they would welcome you they will have no idea of what you did they don't even know we exist that's the coolest looking hand before that later foreign dude [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] there's something I'm missing through hit him hit him for them you love me a stranger a danger foreign [Music] [Music] oh I'm gonna lose my mind ah no [Music] and your conscience you know you know that is You're Gonna Change why is that foreign [Music] foreign [Laughter] foreign [Music] and now this come on come on come on come on you think they will welcome you [Music] they will have no idea of what you did they don't even know we exist foreign come on yes yes and do it oh yes phase four why is their world worth more than hours you have trades I have never seen in any of us selfishness Elegance foreign [Music] oh you're sorry oh [ __ ] I'm gonna lose my mind one more time full charge thank you oh my God it's like a spiritual [ __ ] oh God all right one more try okay between you oh is it your conscience dude I'm pissed you know who should win this fight what matters [Music] writer You're Gonna Change why is that Dodge yeah yep what happened during your last mission I can't let it happen again [Music] foreign but I'm excited to see what the [ __ ] war is so quieter [Music] oh writer we have always been here for you why all this your mission was critical our survival depended on it you had to confirm the planet was fitful simulation but you got caught and now he's like a no and he's not here now [Music] any second now okay by fighting us you think they would welcome you they will have no idea of what you did they don't even know we exist oh [ __ ] for them a stranger a danger foreign okay okay I don't have a controller couldn't find my place it's hard to dodge your cursor where you want to dodge but also where you want to aim a rider cannot put his interest before hours foreign [Music] foreign [Music] okay last try oh [Music] my God this is between you your conscience you know who should win this fight what matters is what you do oh God okay I need water I need um water cheese and victory what time is it water cheese Victory water cheese victory thank you okay [Music] oh God headphones in water cheese victory let's try again why is that [Music] what happened during your last mission I can't let it happen again [Music] foreign ER Ryder Ryder Ryder [Music] thank you your mission was critical our survivors I know but yeah I don't care clearly I'm trying to kill him shoot you full of legs you're not gonna convince me now [Music] wait and I've got here what will you gain by fighting us you think they will welcome you all right all right and step by instant instant image no idea of what you did they don't even know we exist s a danger come on come on come on okay okay that part's down now I'm back here again I don't know I don't know how to do his part dude within hours I don't know how to do this part I just gotta [ __ ] slam it with you I have never seen in any of us selfishness because I can't shoot this while doing this this is hard part if I could keep shooting missiles a rider cannot while dodging this would not be a problem but I can't uh oh my God oh my goodness I said [ __ ] me oh God there's another shot there's no shot dude oh foreign [ __ ] and your conscience you know who should win this fight what matters is what you do [Music] Ryder you have changed why is that foreign
hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello good to see you Mr broccolini J flyer Ben Wood Luke guiding King the Jim Vash dry twitch king of angmar you've been here forever bro so you always see how's everybody doing uh JC Smith fortnite Wednesday for the future there's Futurama skins in fortnite sheesh uh I gotta find a new day for squeaks I gotta see when he's available yeah I I I legitimately might speed run a bit listen I'm gonna tell you up front I think today will be fun I think the Vibes will be good I am not super planning anything okay because I didn't finish my last like four slides of uh wins and fails I was busy today so I'm not doing that and I didn't get installed uh Hollow Knight I tried to do it but I couldn't figure it out so I need to get someone to help me so uh and I played league with [ __ ] stands so it took my dad so I think I'm gonna do a full stream and I want to have fun I'm gonna have good advice but if you're looking for like a specific schedule then it's probably not gonna be the stream for you and that's fine [Music] um how's everybody doing like what's what's anyone have any crazy things happen this week I figure all right let's see we get a thousand people in here over the thousand people in here one of them has to have an interesting story or something that happened this week you got kovid that's not I mean that's sad it's not interesting I is kovitz still like a thing [Laughter] like people are still getting it it's still it's happening people are still people are still getting sick and they patched it out that's what I thought that Biden patched it out bro uh hi Dr battle I saw Oppenheimer and then went to the nuclear History Museum in New Mexico surreal that's kind of hot uh everyone I know that has seen Oppenheimer and actually watched it there's two reactions one is like they openly say hey look I got brain rot it was too long I got bored that's the first reaction you hear from the true brainwaters the musical are like hey I watched it and I liked it and it they always go to Wikipedia afterwards okay so if they like it they actually like it makes them want to read more about it I have never seen someone who liked it so far not want to read more about it so uh I'm entering I'm I'm seeing it Friday IMAX uh going all out full authentic Nolan vision um and I'm excited to learn I want to learn more about it I listen I'm going to tell you my knowledge of History okay with regards to Oppenheimer uh Oppenheimer Was A League of Legends Hymer Maine who wanted to create the worst thing the world has ever seen so we created League of Legends wait he already played it uh he created League of Legends and he wanted to do it there's something that could cause mass destruction so he created that but then Truman was like bro this is actually really really uh sadistic what you created but it won't help us win the war lamal and that's Robin was like bet bet and so he created second thing the nuclear bomb which is not as damaging but still very damaging and then from there they used it in war Oppenheimer was super sad about it and him and Einstein smoke a fat blunt I think and then that's how the movie ends that's my that's my that's what I'm going in um nailed it foreign ER style I'm timing you out come on dude come on dude you got it you gotta take a break for that one you gotta take a break for that one a hundred percent now you can't hide them I literally got him I actually usually I don't follow up on I did follow up on that one lonely loaf thank you for the five dollars POG quick vid about op that's perfect for a warm-up for the movie interesting let's see this is Thanos versus J Robert Oppenheimer let's watch it [ __ ] it I haven't seen an Erb in a minute dude let's let's watch it watch it let's watch it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right right there in your friend's bed then got another married girl pregnant you should have gone for the head you took everything I have left because it looks like after your reps I am become deaf you need an Iron Man for that wrinkly ass skin and that butt butt butt butt butt butt cheers you might be something in the MCU up between us those are worth them see you oh [ __ ] many breaks in the syllable you talk so slow drag things you're invisible I cause chain reactions when I'm lyrical material you were born to Eternal but came out looking so scary that your own mother tried to make you a temporary in my life master the album more than any man alive now I'm here to split you like two and three from five I'm a peaceful man I'm gonna do what I'm not you got an evil plan Thanos and it left you in the dust you must leave you enraged when you compare our talents because in this battle there is no balance awfully cocky but it'll make you bend [Music] anyone who believes that Thanos did nothing wrong crap is obvious they never heard you rap oh snap oh [ __ ] tough call honestly tough call it was a close one is that recent uh uh Oppenheimer ran I laughed more at thanos's once I gotta be honest maybe abanova's Bars were better it's tough to say uh actual interesting video about Oppenheimer in his life I know you're [ __ ] lying right it's gonna be [ __ ] Rick Astley dude J Robert Oppenheimer might be the most I apologize I apologize I'd like to take my I like to retract my previous statement and I'd like to issue a full apology and retraction this is a 32-minute video about Oppenheimer I'm not gonna watch it obviously but I I 100 thought you were [ __ ] gaslighting me 100 100 percent uh no I'm gonna watch the movie I'm not gonna watch it's gonna spoil things that I didn't know about him and I want to know about him from the movie Kevin Hart but tall and white thank you for the 12 months love your username uh there are 10 million million million million particles in the universe that we can observe oh yeah your mama took the worst ones and made them into one nerd that's a good I remember that uh that's a good bar that's from like [ __ ] 15 years ago right um age Rock the type of guy to wear a blue shirt on a Wednesday you're just [ __ ] reaching now quack literally pop tries to find my appearance and make an easy joke out and then dip that's his whole [ __ ] game plan all right and now he's down to blue shirt on a Wednesday this is I have been wearing this shirt a lot actually though I keep wearing I cycle have these four neutral shirts I've been wearing because I can't wear my foot the problem is my closet is like 80 flannels and I can't wear them because it's too [ __ ] hot I'm already sweating it's so [ __ ] hot are you saying Oppenheimer in 70 millimeter IMAX I am I am indeed I'm seeing it on Friday I'm stoked to see it um and I yeah I'm stuck it's gonna be fun I got a group um so lucky they're sold out in New York yeah I think I mean I didn't organize this event and someone bought early uh uh get AC I actually do have AC and it's on I don't know why it's not working it's like still [ __ ] hot in here you'll add a stupid question what's your stupid question guppy fish how do you feel about giving War a chance this is Cinema what is this this is a few details this way what is this it's a five minute video Let's see I'm gonna watch this morning of the killing of the leader of in the World's Most Wanted terrorist I'm in alzawari could be the work of a secretive U.S weapon a modified Hellfire missile nicknamed The Flying gin all right uh uh yeah good vid I guess uh good for my dad's [ __ ] pension because he does work at Raytheon right now not a huge fan of the uh missiles um patriarch I appreciate the shout out from Raytheon Technologies why what happened to um I feel like Raytheon gets all the shout outs now like Raytheon is the go-to military contractor name remember there used to be another one everyone used to say the other one there's two why am I blanking right now yeah Halliburton and then and then Lockheed Martin yeah Lockheed Martin it used to be Lockheed and it used to be Northrop grunmen or gun grunmen and now everyone just says Raytheon for every joke it's interesting they like they [ __ ] they moved up in the meme world hmm uh Lockheed fell off [ __ ] [ __ ] dude it could happen to the best of us spiffy stuff think of the Prime Pepe still being 18 months DT they were the six months uh drag oxter thank you for the Ford Nick thank you for the 18. Dirk durski think of the eight Grumman Grumman grunman Northrop Grumman What's that name from Northrop Grumman is an American Aerospace and defense technology company founded um where does the where's the history the Grumman Corporation founded by Leroy R Grumman okay got it and they must have merged with Jack Northrop okay it was boring it was boring it was just two dudes to put their name on the name on the [ __ ] Corporation who merged uh uh it's Wallace and Gromit if it would be interesting if they did a Wallace and grommet sequel where they run in defense Contracting Company and it's like all claymation animated but they like blow people up in different countries that'd be kind of a fun you know it's funny is like Teen Titans Go actually does that Teen Titans Go just randomly will throw in an episode about like defense Contracting and talk about how like military budgets work they just [ __ ] throw it in it's crazy they just have I mean it's actually impressive because they can never get canceled because they're like one of Cartoon Network's best performing shows and they don't have any oversight so the writers just randomly do episodes about random [ __ ] and kids just watch and they just throw a song in there or whatever um uh big a I'm at the airport waiting for my plane to fuel up or something that is cool keep me updated every step of the way I'd hate to miss it um I can confirm the KFC nugget slapped to the 10th degree thank you can I ask a question are you just high right now eating KFC nuggets and they taste good because you were hungry speaking of which I ordered Chipotle and it's going to arrive so we need a good video to watch where that chipotle gets here Lindsey how you doing Lindsey a truck I found out one of my best friends growing up tried to slide into my ex's DMS about an hour after we've broken up from a four-year relationship that's crazy it's a really bad friend that's insane one hour uh uh and they didn't tell you anything that's crazy that's that's easy way to w [Laughter] I mean yeah okay I mean listen it's obviously better than them trying to do it while you're dating you know what I'm saying it is it's like technically uh but it's just it's not a good friend if they told you about it there it's still one hour too too short I mean there's actually no there's no way it's fine there's no way to find because now we're too short there's nothing wrong with like you know maybe they'd be happier together and you guys clearly wanted to break up and if it was like uh you know wait a couple weeks a month depending on how young you are but an hour's an hour is too specific uh uh big a I'm sitting on my bed okay I already am not so invested in your problem my mom says I need to get a job I'm too young I'm only 30. help me please make her make me attendees and buy me Minecraft all right don't say true don't say true right do not give this man the validation uh technically technically if you want to do it uh uh you know Chinese burnt out 28 29 30 year olds are doing right now you would make her attendees you would become uh a living child live-in children live in full-time son yeah full-time son you'd be a full-time son and you make her attendees and then you're good then you're contributing um I want to make the next Enron after seeing your hat okay cool let me invest before it pops let me invest while you're on the way up with the fraud and then just tell me before you're gonna do the the dump uh let me know vid for eating I will definitely watch it leave me you know because let me know has yet to miss every lamino event we've watched has been a banger uh check this out and it's a YouTube video what else is going on in the news this is a gameplay preview of armored Core 6 fires of Rubicon I'll check it out I wonder if I'm gonna like this game because at the end of the day as much as I love from soft am I gonna like this game I don't know I haven't seen the gameplay let's find out hello thanks for checking out the video with this footage we'll introduce our new Mech action game on with cool six fires of Rubicon okay we hope it gives you an idea but titles moved in a future where Interstellar travel has commonplace well I hope we get like super sick VR games before I die I can already I'm just Earth dude just let's have some ready player one [ __ ] and uh because can you imagine like a cool ass space game where I can like fly around or like experience falling to Earth it'll be so sick too loud oh you guys people were telling me it was too quiet so I they were joking though they were doing the reverse psychology Our Story begins in a distant star system let me fix this let me fix this let me fix this let me fix this all right audio audio is fine now protagonist s dependent mercenary is smuggled into Rubicon in search of a mysterious loose substance oh we're good he's fine right it's so quiet huge multi-layered stages will let players make the most of their AC's exceptional movement and attack capabilities oh they're joking guess who are saying muted so I know they're lying all right all right so this game you get a big mess [Music] okay so you get out there you get after it you hustle you get a cool Mech with a sword why would a Mech ever need a sword here's the one thing that I've always had a problem with when it comes to Gundams or mechs and that is why build them to look like cool humans which is a bad like they're just limbs that can snap off it just looks cool but it makes no sense like why would you not just build what I've always determined is the ultimate thing which is the brick why don't you just make it a brick dude no no just a brick with a gun sticking out of it you know because here's about here's why I'm telling you okay when I was in second grade this kid and I um this is me visiting a second grader I was 32. I always wanted to beat someone intellectually okay and so uh uh we would have these Lego competitions okay this is something great and we would build these different objects and then basically you'd slam them into each other and see which one was stronger and at first we would both build like cool robots you know with like a big arm rock this is my spaceship and it's got like a [ __ ] huge wing and then you just hit them and then they would fall apart and it'd be fun but what I realized was that if I just built like a solid brick with no parts there was no weak point to attack and it just beat everything it was just a big Cube all right and that was the unbeatable object and I've always thought like it doesn't really make like if you just built like a giant ball that had guns on it it's just more effective in every way there's no there's no way it goes wrong um so you must have been the worst kid to play with probably probably I was always the new kid too dude it was like first grade new school second grade New School third grade new school and I've always showing up trying to [ __ ] win but not at like cool things like Athletics always something like [ __ ] whatever gamer was playing or Legos or whatever so how does a ball go upstairs rolls bro rolls up the stairs it has [ __ ] engine power or something how the [ __ ] is the cube gonna move it's like a tank you know what I'm saying a cube could move it's better than like feet you know feet can fall over it's like why did they build here's a great example atat's in Star Wars why build them with these giant like knead legs that have to go like why wouldn't you just put wheels yeah I'm saying it doesn't make it is it feels like [ __ ] designed to be defeated um in a way that's inefficient and slow because it looks cool facts okay okay overwhelm enemies on up to four weapons simultaneously so I guess oh that's sick so I get to make my own Mech I get to customize it that is cool and then what I want to know is like what is what is the uh like is it open world is it levels is there going to be bosses it's levels Mission based okay so it's like you going with a team maybe or like you'll have allies versus enemies and then you try to win the win the war and then it's over that's how that's how it does it burgers assault boost is one of the core abilities that you'll dispose of used for both traversal and combat did you hear anything about what the corpse are up to yeah they'll be coming soon you got us on the Run okay okay take full advantage of your AC's Mobility to freely navigate the environment so one thing I used to take the fight to the air I would like to see dimensions [Music] still want a brick yeah I do how is this guy gonna beat a brick I want you to know that this guy's gonna try and Slash the brick with a sword it's not gonna work because it's a solid [ __ ] brick and then the Brick's gonna shoot him with a gun boom yeah I I I'm a little worried I don't know what is off-putting to me about this because I do think it'll be good and I think I have to give it a shot and play it but I am I'm I maybe have to see a boss or something let me scroll ahead and this could be [ __ ] sick customizing your [Music] but I'm worried that it looks too empty or something I don't know what it is I'm just worried that I'm not [Music] assembly lets you exchange various parts of your AC at will including weapons frame pots such as the head of this is cool and internal parts for power management [Music] assembling an AC to fit your own play style and strategy is crucial to success oh you can make a tank wait a minute you can make the brick okay I'm in dude I'm so in I'm gonna minus the arms minus the head minus the Torso add the tank legs put a big cannon on top and just [ __ ] Ram through every Gundam I see it's gonna be [ __ ] perfect yeah plus 999 defense it arrived thanks babe say hi to the Stream oh I didn't even see her in the house I thought you were not here oh then there you go and then I ordered because you weren't here hey Jewelers like they're drawing out of her butt maybe you gotta thank them you want one of my tacos yeah if you're hungry take one of my house right now okay they're spamming Jewelers I do love the jeweler um that's one of us in the order yeah I mean I'm working my ass off right now what are you doing oh hard work I'm just putting in the grind you know what I'm saying putting in the grustle putting in the effort um greater than the Marines really it's back breaking but I get it done I love all the Jewelers like that's why I came in here no I know you always remember the controller they also the boat yeah yeah it's really like [ __ ] grinding it dude wow there's chicken walking through me going I can't read the chat they always chicken walk before it goes like babe do not move me off my own stream all right if you would like to start your own stream I can't see the chat I guess I should come on this side huh there we go oh there we go look at the Chicken Walk they look so funny it's like babe I know because every time you come in here you say two things oh my God the Jewelers they're jewelering and then they start chicken walking you go oh my God the chicken one it's like this and you do it every time that's why I know I know exactly [Laughter] there's two things you like about twitch chat and there's joeler and Chicken Walk I mean yeah I don't other emotes I like so there might be a third what do you think I would like oh no I was thinking they'll probably just find one you know incredibly big girl that's like drinking coffee or something I like oh there is someone drinking coffee or like a tea it's like a Mac let me see where they say that I have Glizzy hands cancer AKA from that House episode yeah now that I'm doobed you're fine wait no I don't want the coffee fish it's like a macro at a computer I said that's the one this one what's that one that's the one oh type okay can you get like a zoom in on that I want to see it no you can't zoom in no but I don't want that fish it's like well he's not real oh is he Tai bad I thought he was like he's typing he's no he's typing up a storm wait that's like when someone except from Farwell it looks like an erect thing you know not really yeah it does look at it it's like far away yes it does uh but you're pretty far away [Laughter] oh okay anyways I still prefer jewelry like number one Jeweler number two chicken one understood believe me there's no confusion because they do the same order every time when you come on stream and you reward them every time okay should I actually do something or what what I just say hi and leave well I don't know um I'm just watching vids today but if you want to do something oh I guess let's get smarter Wednesday oh I see I see yep you could draw a fun thing on the Whiteboard if you wanted to do that all right you keep okay all right get wiser Wednesday get wiser Wednesday that is good branding it was me I thought of it just now I'll take the full reward I literally just thought of it instantly off the top of my head yeah I actually need to change my title that's a really good title get wiser Wednesday God damn how did that come up with that with no help from chat uh we could even watch like videos that are get wiser Wednesday like stumbles isn't videos or something try to get real wise but not a real stoicism kick uh oh let me know for sure after this I want to watch a little bit more of this armored course see if I'm gonna like I want to see a boss rebellious our choral investigation there is being blocked by The Strider a Rubicon Liberation Front mining ship you hard to destroy it Strider is a move a motor space lore I need to see oh [ __ ] what did you say I get wiser Wednesday fish can you see it oh yeah you gotta move it closer this is the get wiser Wednesday fish and it's a jeweler with a glasses okay I guess I'll leave now um yeah I don't have any ideas like if you want to do something together on this stream I just don't have any ideas uh today's just a chill day Ryan all right good idea nope oh I didn't sorry it's right there no the [ __ ] tea this is not the symbol for tea by the way in a cup what is blood waffles about I got no idea what you're saying the tea that I brought with a straw I have no idea what you're saying what you're talking about where it came from but there ain't no tea here all right except for the high tea man that you're seeing right in front of you [Music] baij um you guys are rotting her brain she doesn't even watch Twitch and she starts saying [ __ ] agrees she says praise she's been talking like she's a TF she's like a [ __ ] Soju viewer she talks like a [ __ ] K3 Soldier viewer engineer played TFT in her once in her life it's going down what a surprise the big thing with legs Falls lamou and someone said wish AT-AT yeah this is the [ __ ] atat at home bro it's just dumb the worst the worst one was in episode 3 of Star Wars when they're not even tall they're like the little stubby legs at that point you literally could just do big wheels it was like it was so [ __ ] dumb right now to get on the deck grab on and get to work on the subject great an independent merch some missions will see you partnered up with liac's okay you know this reminds me of this reminds me a little bit of like Star Fox 64 mixed with um I don't know BattleBots or something and um and I can see the vibe here I think what I'm being turned off to in this trailer is one the environments look very gray and empty which is like realistic but a little bit not visually distinct because the the characters are all gray robots and then everything's gray and white and so I want to see a little variety so I that's main thing and then number two is that it looks I mean they're just making it really easy for the trailer but the guys just kind of like Point clicking you know and everything's blowing up so I want to see a like an Elven ring style challenge and then I think I'm [ __ ] set I think I'm hooked protecting time before you learn [Music] I hear you make fine halves with the right training repair kits remaining bro this is literally Star Fox 64. has anyone played surviving confirm this is it you're like basically you go through a mission you blow things up on the way you got uh and then you get to a boss and the boss like taunts you and goes you have to die here and he's in a ship just like yours and you're it's so similar it's those addresses enemy is my enemy your dad squealed like a pig and that's from a pig which is a weird thing to say as your campaign progresses you'll face a number of dangerous situations and often be pitted against rival AC pilots and fit to do this the pressure up in these intense battles don't give the enemy a chance in Victory yeah that part's cool as hell I like the part I like the duels if I get to play in a Mech fighting another cool Mech and they're trying shouting taunts at me I'll enjoy it I think it looks pretty cool I'm excited uh uh I get it I get up Patrick dated for 21 months excited for the game want visuals like secure yeah I think the visuals the visuals are kind of a turn off for me but I think the game will be fun and I I'm not ruling it off based on that I just trust him you know I trust them to make a game that's pretty fun um real boss and a few secs all right is it a real boss I'll watch if there's a real boss wait wait there's only like a middle of the trailer let's just see okay formidable boss encounters also await you at the end of certain missions oh yeah [Music] it's quite so fast and aggressive presenting a challenge for even the impossibly powerful that you see by observing the enemy's moving from tells the player can learn as the battle unfolds command of assembly will often provide the first step to overcome even the most daunting clothes [Music] yeah this game's gonna be great if it's got cool bosses that's what they know how to make from soft is amazing at that this will be good yeah that that I feel much better about it I thought it was kind of like only the beginning part where it was like you flying around fighting little mini enemies but no it's cool this game's gonna do numbers in Japan but not selling America yeah I don't know how big it'll do here I don't know um but uh hopefully it does well because from stuff is putting a lot of time into it they could have just made Eldon ring too they could have shipped it out the door they could have made 14 other ring DLCs and printed money um sakuga if you've spent any time among what is this hardcore anime fans you've what is sakuga should I even watch this this is a Wii this is super weeb yeah yeah yeah we need something I want to get wiser actually we can watch lamino first and then I'll get wiser because lamino is perfect while I finish my food and then we're truly launching in the Kennedy assassination wait a minute this is a long video though I think it's too long [ __ ] he does big videos huh it's internet history internet stories not even that long internet story does like a nice 28 minute video bro actually does longer internet historian internet stories last video was 38 minutes yeah and it was good it was the good Area 51 one internet historian has made two videos in two years Area 51 and Costa Concordia they were bangers but God damn that that oh second Channel you're right right the cave one was good too um I need a video we're gonna get Wiser from short one this summer Dr Oppenheimer [Music] is about to find out Oppenheimer Style [Music] [Applause] [Music] my lip balm it the killed people well I wouldn't exactly call them people [Music] I thought we were building a rice cooker well you're technically right terrible terrible video terrible video racist bad didn't like it forgot who sent it but uh if I found out I would dumm out or bam uh uh what's this uh finally understand Hitman I think I've already seen that um did you see the UAP hearing today big a they brought up the UAG unidentified aerial Glizzy monkey s you shouldn't be allowed to write I literally think it should be allowed to like stop someone from writing text ever again like the internet's just ban you from writing text you can still watch videos I'm not Banning from the internet you just can't write text because the text you right is not contributing yeah like you get the keyboard you get The Mouse and the in the screen just no keyboard um the reason you brought that up though is true there was that guy today who basically said that aliens are real under oath but then stanz told me that guy basically said he's never seen an alien he just heard from someone else so that that's not like like I understand this guy probably believes what he's saying when he's on the road but that doesn't mean it unless you're saying under oath I saw an alien it's real but it's just like okay bro I mean people will swear they saw Bigfoot but I don't believe Bigfoot's real coffee Zillow all right coffee's all most people know that I I'll always watch a good coffee Zilla get threatened a lot on this channel people don't like it when you expose them I suggest you use the money you got from pumping your patreon to hire a good lawyer you're gonna need it so skin everybody I forgot about that because Logan Paul really thought he [ __ ] ate dude Logan Paul went silent after they got called out in the scam took like I don't know three weeks or a month and then dropped that video just trying to roast coffeezilla everyone immediately immediately tore it apart like it did nothing and then he took it down and apologized because like he spent all that time just cooking in the lab trying to make a [ __ ] ultimate takedown on coffee Zilla he dressed up like him he did the whole thing and it was immediately it's crazy no one told him to upload this bro this is such a bad foreign nobody knows anything about his family because they don't have the resources I have but what we don't talk about a lot is that the opposite is also true when victims of scams learn what's been done to them the scammer very often becomes the target of a lot of personal threats and honestly most of them seem to take the same approach I do you unfortunately have to ignore it because 99 of the time internet threats are just that threats which never go beyond the screen but this video is a reminder that every now and then someone will take it all away we're talking today about Aidan platersky a scammer who taunted his victims with flashy cars and took their money until it was too late and he was kidnapped beaten and ransomed for three million dollars leading up to this video which I will warn you may be disturbing everything that happened is my phone I'm not going to put the blame on anybody else I'm not gonna try to put the building on anybody else feel humiliated my actions I feel discussing what I did after 2021 I feel like a lot of it was illegal all these guys that are owed the money I'm gonna do what I can do to make it right I'm gonna call each and every one of you individually what you just saw is a man who used to be called the crypto King by forbes.com who took in 40 million dollars via a Ponzi scheme and never repaid his victims in this video he appears to be apologizing for those actions but now that he's free he says he hey I'm gonna openly say he didn't deserve that I'm gonna open just for chat cause you're making jokes and again we can make jokes and chat not a big deal I I don't no one should be kidnapped and beaten and made to make like a [ __ ] torture apology I don't I I don't care no I don't [ __ ] put him in jail give him due process you guys everyone's getting so crazy now I understand everyone's mad dude I do get it but like this and the 19 year old kid dying in the sub everything everyone is so mad I don't know people are just looking for Street Justice I don't know I'm not on board with it I'm telling you hopefully I'm not on board I don't believe in like just grabbing someone and [ __ ] beating the [ __ ] out of them until they um a truck doesn't believe in Batman Batman has a moral code right if Batman were real he would be more like the repo Reaper dude he would beat the [ __ ] out of random people and dance on it for tick tock and then sell sponsorships oh you know what I'm saying like that doesn't exist and so I don't know I I mean listen I pray I pray all the time for [ __ ] uh punitive Justice especially on like Wall Street [ __ ] I think it's one of the biggest [ __ ] jokes of history that in two thousand [ __ ] seven eight and nine nobody went to jail uh for you know millions of Americans losing their homes entire disaster but I don't I don't like the idea that people are gonna [ __ ] grab someone kidnap them hurt them it feels like it's turning into a Banana Republic dude it [ __ ] you doing Hitman later yeah I do think it's okay if you hire like a clown assassin though a clown assassin to like break into their building and make a chandelier fall in their head I think that's chill that's fine and I support that in every way I just think um he had no choice now we first learned about the kidnapping back in March when Aidan platersky's father claimed that Aiden was kidnapped but many people including myself didn't really know what to make of these claims because no evidence existed besides an interview which was filed in court the father says that his son was taken they basically held him for approximately three days drove him around to various parts of Southern Ontario beat him tortured him allowed him to make specific phone calls approximately I'm just being brave here I'll be the bravest person let's say I'm anti-torture [Laughter] I'm gonna be the guy standing up in the courtroom dude and I'm gonna say I think torture is bad I I think whether you can find a different way to solve our problems than torturing each other [Laughter] cringe it's Un-American uh uh yeah Pro gitmo though two or three days later he was released with the threat that he needed to come up with some money fast specifically three million dollars but this week we found out that this kidnapping was very much real and that five men were arrested and charged with kidnapping and we know that allegedly one of the kidnappers Akil Haywood actually knew Aiden quite well because he invested with him court records show Haywood lost more than 700 thousand dollars investing with platersky and in another twist he was appointed as an inspector in plattersky's bankruptcy proceeding that's right one of the kidnappers was one of flatorski's victims who presumably watched him post luxury cars and private jet I'm sorry did I understand that right by the way what a flex is this bags of Doritos bro holy [ __ ] the crypto King is eating good with the two for one special at [ __ ] uh uh kroger uh damn he got money uh did they say that the guy who was an investor with the crypto King who lost 100K was also appointed to be the inspector that to find out that's insane that's a conflict of interest you can't that's not okay I don't think he's gonna be impartial he's going to be pissed because he personally lost a lot of his own money in this Jets to social media until he had had enough and as one of the bankruptcy inspectors he had access to special kinds of information about plutursky possibly including the fact that some of the trustees thought platersky was hiding assets do you believe that he's hiding assets from you I have reason to believe that he is still hiding assets yes so Haywood likely knew plattersky wasn't sharing everything and likely knew other people in the case were hiding information too like Colin Murphy one of the fundraisers for this Ponzi scheme in January he wiped his phone of all the data which he was asked for and he had a very bad explanation for why gee wiped your phone before you know knowing that they needed what was on I keep a super sense of stuff on there with my girlfriend and um it's funny because uh this Norman group guy he wants uh he's saying oh I'm hiding this information and blah blah blah and he doesn't realize that I've been like I've been keeping stuff uh to give to somebody I just didn't know if he was the right person ah to give you guys all the evidence oh I was having too much sex with my girlfriend and filming it and I cannot I had to wipe my phone but definitely I was doing that there was no [ __ ] information on scam in there only information on the huge amount of sex I was having wow what a Chad I do think this is the classic 2021 scammer pose [Laughter] every crypto scammer has a different color Lambo that they're sitting on the front of and I mean there's like a million of these this is [ __ ] this is a classic this is just this is incredible I wish they minted nfts of all these and I could own them because I would love to collect different 2021 scammers it would be ironic and cool uh bring it back dude all we need is for a little bit more shakiness in the economy uh for Jerome Powell to Blink get scared drop interest rates back to zero start flooding the economy with money again and we can have 2024 be the [ __ ] double pump straight to the Moon I have these crypto bring it all back dude he raised them today yes he did good man I'm I'm praying he holds his nerve he's he keeps saying higher for longer I just I don't know if I believe him razors for this Ponzi scheme in January explanation for why for no reason um yeah this this may be one of the most transparent ways to hide evidence to wipe it before and go I had a girlfriend guys can't hold me accountable and my point is these details suggest that Haywood might have believed that platersky was hiding assets that he could get that the court simply couldn't although it's worth saying I'm definitely not defending what Haywood did kidnapping him because not only is it completely wrong it quickly came out that Haywood is in some misguided vigilante for justice or something uh given what he did next he seems about as horrible Haywood is also charged with threatening an official from Grant Thornton who's overseeing the proceedings for two oh interesting this is your hero this is the hero for this is your Batman this guy's the yeah you guys are just your goat [Laughter] million dollars in cryptocurrency the accounting firm said Haywood resigned as an inspector Grant Thornton said we've been cooperating with police and have maintained open lines of communication we cannot comment any further as this is an active investigation wow you heard that right not only did Haywood threaten the scammer he threatened the bankruptcy lawyers in the case and wanted a bunch of money from them which is really playing both sides in a creative way I've got to say and my point is look it's not like he was looking for the amount he was owed which is allegedly seven hundred forty thousand dollars he was looking for millions of dollars yeah he was trying to profit bro and it wasn't for the average person he wasn't trying to get all the money back to give it out to people who got scammed he just found a way to beat up a [ __ ] crypto kid for 3 million which I guess we're all looking for in our lives listen I'm not saying if a guy on a Lambo had a big stack of cash with a dollar sign on it and it's sitting in front of me and there was a sign that said you will not get caught if you beat this guy up and I couldn't just pop him one and grab it I wouldn't consider I'm not gonna say I'm [ __ ] that morally righteous I wouldn't consider it but I do think that this guy took it too far as a Payday so no one in this situation is particularly great and of course since then him and his co-conspirators now face kidnapping charges but what I do find very confusing is that all of the crimes being passed around here like a game a hot potato the one person not being criminally charged in this situation is Aiden platersky himself the original scammer in this whole situation that started this all he lied to all those people said he was this great uh cryptocurrency Forex Trader allegedly stole tens of millions of dollars spent most of it on cars private jets and expensive houses and he's not being charged like I'm so surprised by this this case is very reminiscent of another story that we've just recently did with Ted zafranco who promised these amazing Forex Trading yeah this does bother me and I I guess it has to do with the fact that either there was so much scamming the government is behind like they don't have a lot of money for this enforcement and they don't understand crypto that well it takes a long time I'm assuming that's part of it um because again this crypto king is not connected he's not [ __ ] a Kennedy he's not do you know what I'm saying he's not he's not so politically connected and Powerful that he's above the law so it's got to be more good old-fashioned stupidity and like um or is he you know stealing 40 million does not put you in a [ __ ] big league he's not like he's not billionaire class of what you know what I'm saying so it's got to be more like literally they just are too lazy or underfunded um uh he's small fish yeah yeah he's Ludwig rich he's Ludwig Rich dude he's not above the law although Ludwig does I mean you guys know how he gets his hair right sucks the blood of children injects it right into his head that I mean someone should investigate I'm not gonna do it but someone investigate it uh yeah Audrina Chrome yeah yeah he's big into that dude you think that hair stays that good for that long yeah he's got a blood boy he's got a couple blood boys um AIDS but just ran a big Ponzi instead and not only am I surprised by the size of these Ponzi schemes and that plateroski did something very similar he invested only two percent of the 40 million he took in but I'm also surprised by how blatant of a fraud now he started out with me and slime in the early days when it didn't need to be that good he stole all of Mayan slimes hair okay but then that wasn't enough we don't have that much you know what I'm saying and so we had to go farther and farther and farther and now it's straight up children's blood this is an instant incidentally the similarities don't stop there with our last story remember Ted safranco claimed he was also attacked by would-be creditors and see I don't know if this is real or not this feels this is so you know this is not the same thing as the other guy Ted so Franco yeah this guy got stung by a beer hit his head on the door this guy walked through a door wrong and this is this doesn't feel like he was in a brutal [ __ ] kidnapping so this pattern of crypto or Forex scammers isn't going away anytime soon nor are the legions of upset victims who are pissed both that they got robbed and that most of these people face little to any criminal charges and so it's easy to see why they're frustrated although I have to say that I disagree with the method kidnapping someone who scammed you and ransoming them for money in some kind of scammer Uno reverse card is not a good idea and getting an apology from them when you've beaten them up isn't doing anyone to serve it doesn't feel like so for ethical reasons human reasons and stay out of jail reasons Maybe don't do this it's not really silly coffee silica please openly say we don't think people should kidnap other human beings and torture them without you're doing it like the YouTuber way I'm doing it like whenever dreams like hey don't attack these guys okay don't attack the speedrun mods they're just doing their job oink [Laughter] that's honest just don't people don't do it sounded a little half-hearted coffee oh [ __ ] what's next I swear to God not pre-watched I should let these things finish I should let these things fit I swear to God I don't pretty much a [ __ ] please drink responsibly I don't know I constantly get threats so I sympathize with the guy and don't do it ease the right answer but I don't know but why well I don't I don't know I get it excuse me I mean it's wrong but I get it oh but it's clearly wrong and look Haywood sucks but I get one screwed you but I can't say that because it is wrong and the impulse is wrong you want to put this in but this Aiden guy is horrible I went to his Instagram to reach out for comment and I saw what he's posting it's all you know super cars or you are putting it in though I want you're saying I didn't put this in but you are putting it in right now in this this choreographed scene between you and a robot on a green screen I mean this is it this is part of the script of the movie this is all planned out uh private jets it's a middle finger to all the victims and if I lost money to that guy I'd be pissed too wow coffee you got an edge I didn't think he had it in you no I mean I wouldn't do anything and I wouldn't change what I said don't do it he's the right thing sometimes the right thing feels why hopeless inadequate sister being pointless this conversation is pointless I'm done talking about it good you got anything on TV uh I hate when you put my show on come on change the channel put something else on oh sure speaking of new topics I've got just the thing that'll cheer you up I found this new Creator you're gonna love this coffee very avant-garde stuff okay I'm telling you future of entertainment quack quack quack quack balloon pretty great huh man she [ __ ] rules what is the noise again oh my God I figured it out whenever quack comes here and says some stupid [ __ ] I'm gonna play a sound clip of that girl saying quack quack quack quack quack quack no matter what he says I'm just gonna play it over and over until he shuts up clip someone give me that song holy [ __ ] owned oh my God it's like the Death Note dude it's so powerful [Music] um hey because of ongoing legal proceedings I'm not doing any interviews at the moment I would love to get my full side of the story out there however I'll be doing so much of legal proceedings okay [Music] yeah I mean this is not a good guide this guy's a [ __ ] scammer I wish he would go to jail I wish we would just follow through on the normal legal system or whatever what do you guys do in Canada put them on an ice flow and push him out whatever I don't know what it is I'm not saying I'm an expert on Canadian law I'm just saying I don't think you should be kidnapped and tortured bro that's what I'm trying to say especially by someone who's not a [ __ ] supposed to investigate it's bankruptcy um that kills people depends on which direction the ice flow is going what if they're in like uh the border of Canada and Alaska and you push the Ice Flow and they cross the border and then there's become an Alaskan Citizen and they live the good life in America dude a fate worse than death laughs [Music] uh yeah water boredom with syrup make them play hockey for an hour oh God cruel and unusual punishment uh make them watch hockey with Canadians who are really into it want to talk about stats and [ __ ] oh God make him eat poutine can we watch house I'll probably watch house tonight but not not at this moment I got a little bit I actually might we'll watch something else for sure because we're getting wiser let's get that was a good video but I want to get wiser is anyone have something we can get wiser with it can't be lamino because it's a 90 minute video and I'm sorry it's just too long this video will make you wiser this is a video about Colombo I don't understand the Zoomer obsession with Colombo I don't get it I don't know why you guys keep bringing it up I don't understand it I do request that if you actually like Colombo and not just the tick tocks that you please watch the new show Poker Face created by Ryan Johnson it is a modern Neo Colombo with a female lead it's incredible it's very good um the only problem is it's on peacock so you have to Pirate it because I cannot convince anyone to get a pizza division but it's very good I recommend it I think uh I think uh I think poker face is a great show I think it's a modern Colombo um what is this Disney how to do a plot twist interesting I have never oh it's only about knives out though no no thanks um how about a short video no great business video about the British Premier League soccer on February 3rd how England's football league is breaking the sport [ __ ] it is it interesting enough I kind of like sports business [ __ ] it let's try it out let's try it out 2023 in London the English football club Chelsea played a home game against a rival Fulham okay the game ended in the scoreless draw but boom's fans were so excited they stayed to chant at [ __ ] this is such a classic American take on soccer but come on bro everyone gets out there and screams and gets excited and the [ __ ] score is nil nil a riveting zero zero tie it's ridiculous that's that's dumb everyone's what so what happened is two sides ran around in the field for two hours and nothing happened nobody scored everyone goes home there's no winner that means it was good you don't need points to have fun you do I'm gonna I'm gonna be bold again and say you do you need at least one point to have fun because a tie is boring uh it makes the anticipation all the better no because the game's over you go home you went out there and you watched for two hours and nobody won zero zero draws more fun than what play the video after the game soon these words were in articles all over the world because in just one month Chelsea had spent 329 million euros on new players more money than all the clubs in the French Italian German and Spanish Football League spent combined okay I could kind of see why it'd be 40. I I kind of see wait I just want to say if I showed up and one team had spent hundreds of millions more on their players in the other team and it was still zero zero I can see why that would be funny see why I'll be entertained as a fan of the underdog like hey you guys can't get a [ __ ] goal it's almost like it's fun for them because they didn't lose I see that I see I see I see I see okay I'm coming around I'm coming around oh see only if they can do everything I mean it's an extraordinary amount of money but it's what Chelsea's owners believed it needed to do in order to succeed in the most competitive most popular and richest football league in the world the English Premier League the English Premier League these sums of money are just getting bigger and bigger and bigger the problem is that the Premier League's clubs have grown so rich that the rest of Europe can't keep up it's very difficult to be capacitive against English clubs it is so far ahead of all the other leagues the Gap seems to be widening so how did the English Premier League get so rich and how is that soccer fans I'm sorry I'll call you footballers um so the English Premier League is like what uh um I'm just trying to get like like the way all the best basketball players in the world go to the NBA are all the best soccer players going to the EPL because the money's so good right so the no no no no no no no no no no kinda watch that I'm asking questions I want to understand as I go along um used to be and not anymore so there's because there's multiple these are all different leagues right there's like a ton of soccer leagues and the BET like I guess well Messi plays in America now right dude I have a guy it's like uh I mean I don't know it's like a friend of a friend's lawyer but he bought like eight season tickets for the team that Messi is on before Messi was announced to have joined it and those tickets went up in price like by like 20K per Miami yeah and so now he he like sold just the tickets for the first game where Messi played and made like I'm not kidding like like six figures or something something ridiculous and and like and and is set like he's set for [ __ ] all the money he spent and more something ridiculous I mean he was telling me I mean the guy was telling me through his friend and I was like that's [ __ ] crazy um so yeah insane I don't know what what a what a [ __ ] come up who pays that much for soccer I guess Messi's first game was like extreme demand like it was all rich people buying it not a problem for Europe's favorite sport [Music] [Applause] they are wonderful goals I need to start by explaining how football Works in Europe oh is he gonna explain everything I just asked [Laughter] these [ __ ] video makers did I swear to God it's like leave some gaps for the poor reactors dude leave some gaps for the hardest working people in the business reactors who have to pause and ask questions and they don't need you explaining it right after it's insane these guys should be arrested [Music] starting in England around the 1860s people began organizing official football clubs and playing each other eventually they divided these clubs into a tiered system the worst clubs played down in these leagues and the best up here okay but clubs could move within the system at the end of each season the bottom two clubs in a league would be demoted to the league below a punishment called relegation but the top clubs would be promoted up it puts a Competitive Edge to it yeah I don't know what happened and they're probably gonna tell me that something else happened but they did this in League of Legends for a while and it was kind of hype and it forced teams to try but then the teams got angry because that means they had to spend a lot of money on players and could any time have a bad season and get kicked out so the teams band together and basically forced Riot to get rid of relegation and then they could afford to just spend nothing on the players uh foreign this is James Corbett a senior reporter at Off Pitch you know effectively you could have Village club that might be in tier 10 of English football and if you do the right things you know they could be playing in the first division within a decade you do have those fairy tale stories Wimbledon sixth in the first division in their first season in the top flight on the verge of a football fairy tale by the mid 20th century these five leagues in the biggest five countries had most of the best players and therefore the best clubs but every year the best club from every league would play each other in a big tournament at first called the European Cup it was an opportunity for clubs in any country to win big in the 1980s clubs from 16 different country leagues reached the semi-finals and in that period a Portuguese Dutch and even a Romanian Club won it's better than minions have won the European Cup but football was about to change and it began in England with a tragedy on April 15 1989 700 people were injured and 96 killed at a game in Sheffield there was one piece of beans on toast at the top I have a tough time when it's British people you know it's tough to get the empathy that I need poor crowd control and Stadium design led to a stampede football after a disastrous day English stadiums were falling apart and attendance at matches was plummeting and English clubs were banned from European tournaments after a fight between fans killed 39 in 1985. the English vocal was a game and decline you had rioting you had it was in the criticism it was um like an epicenter for all of society's ill thank God there's no more rioting Hooligans or racism in English football nowadays I'm so glad we got past that huge huge progress 1990 is a thing of the past disputes between clubs and television broadcasters resulted in none of the English top leaks games airing on television during the 85 and 86 season so many of England's best players fled to play in the other European leagues by 1990 a few people were desperate to turn things around specifically the owners of England's five richest and most popular clubs Arsenal Tottenham Hotspur Manchester United Everton and Liverpool big clubs wanted a bigger share of broadcast revenues centralized marketing you know they saw the benefit of that in U.S Sports and essentially they saw they saw an opportunity in 1992 they led a group of 22 clubs to break off and form a new league called the Premier League and they designed it to be English football's Resurrection [Applause] the Premier League served as the new top league in English football it controlled its own TV rights which it sold for 427 million euros to a satellite TV company cash that the clubs then use to find new ways to make money and modernize the game they renovated and built new stadiums that could fit more fans and they started selling sponsorships and merchandise all over the world but it was satellite TV that made the biggest difference allowing the games to be broadcast to new audiences like in the US and Asia the Premier League was able to more than double the price for its rights in 1997 and again in 2001. it is one of the great success stories in global sport crucially the premiere I like that this guy has a book called it is one of the great success stories in Globe the ball is round and this is a [ __ ] Tome dude I mean there's like 800 Pages it's like Harry Potter four dude I don't know what he's reading but this [ __ ] goes deep it is round and I want to know why double sport crucially the Premier League divided its TV Revenue relatively equally between clubs which made them more competitive Spain Italy and Germany all gave more TV money to its most successful clubs which led a few dominate year after year by 2004 the Premier League had successfully turned English that is really [ __ ] dumb if you give some of the clubs a bigger share of the money those clubs will buy the best players and continue to win and they'll entrench them at the top of the charts every time that's a stupid system that is making whoever had powerful clubs at the start of the thing have powerful clubs forever and have no change like the one good thing actually there's a couple good things about the system that the NFL and the NBA have set up we just that they all equally I mean the annoying thing they do is they have player salary caps so that all the upside goes to the billionaire owners not the players that do or the coaches or everything that has all the the real [ __ ] earning power but uh the NFL at least like they distribute the funds equally and they use the draft system and everything to make sure it's like basically Equitable like almost any team can win um if they get the right management uh football around becoming the wealthiest league in Europe and some very rich people were noticing hey I'm Sam Ellis and welcome to search party I'm gonna really quickly say thank you to today's sponsor incogni every year there are more and more data breaches and it's because there are now countless debt accounts updated every 30 days had your information ending up there me for sponsoring our very first video and you can go to encoding.com this is their first video holy [ __ ] I'm impressed search party clicking that link will help support this Channel and it gets you 60 off in cogni's annual plan and it's risk-free if after 30 days it's not a good fit you get your full refund thanks in cogni for supporting our journalism now let's get back to the story this is Roman Abramovich he's a Russian businessman who back in 2003 was worth almost 10 billion euros yeah and he wanted to buy a football club as you do he settled on a West London club named Chelsea which was in deep financial trouble he paid around 199 million euros for the club and to relieve its debt then immediately injected Millions more of his own money to buy almost a dozen excellent players from clubs in the Premier League and across Europe all right even while the club lost money he added more that was the big moment because he came in and he had a level of wealth that was just beyond anything that the Premier League had ever seen before Chelsea quickly won the Premier League in 2005 and 2006 and began consistently qualifying for and advancing deep into the all-european this is so dumb I mean it's like Sports is just a way for different billionaires Flex on each other it's just a money spending game he's pay to win it's like a it's like a loot box [Laughter] that sounds stupid since renamed the Champions League Abramovich proved that you could buy success in the Premier League he literally went to like a friend's FIFA league and opened more packs he bought like more gold FIFA packs I got a better team and then just beat you despite practicing less is that not why salary cap good well if the teams can't get like in NFL there's 32 teams right and they can't get really good they can't get down and so uh when you don't have a salary cap and they all make the same amount of money they are basically the same amount to spend uh so that it's not too big of a difference I guess some teams in bigger markets might have more ad dollars so I gotta think about it more I don't want to make a rush judgment it could be there could be a rationale to it um but the problem with the current system in the NFL now is that some teams are owned by billionaires that don't give a [ __ ] about winning at all and they've actually turned it into a free ride system basically they they piggyback on the teams that care and they just they they buy the cheapest players and they cash in and take their huge uh TV rights money and then spend as little as they can on the on the staff on the on the maintenance on the uh the team on the you know the grounds of the the arena yeah Brown's in line like there's just some teams that are only in there to siphon cash from the NFL um and that the freeloader problem is the problem with the criticism so you have to figure it out either you have freeloaders or you have [ __ ] super pay to win they're both problems there should be some sort of Middle Ground I think the NFL system is better but um baseball has this issue but worse IMO with no cost cap uh yeah perhaps I mean again I think I think it's fair to say that like some teams are just inherently richer or have billionaire owners that don't care yeah I do think there's a rationale for a cost Gap maybe I should think it through more I what I don't like though is that like you know LeBron James just for an example is worth more than any team can pay him like he brings in so much value and can only capture a small portion of it because they literally cap it uh especially like LeBron James more in his prime and so it's it feels unfortunate for these athletes and they have this small window of earning potential and they can't earn what they are kind of Worth to the team because they're capped I think it's I wish there was a way around that or a better way but I also agree that pay to win sucks you're right poor LeBron he needs more money yeah people always say that they're like oh poor LeBron all poor actors poor whatever but they never say like who gets the money when they don't and it's never like the common man it's always a billionaire okay so what I'm saying like poor LeBron I'm saying compared to the guy taking all the money that he's earning it's not like it's going to you [ __ ] other owners to try it for themselves throughout the 2000s a new class of wealthy and mostly foreign owners began buying and pumping Millions into Premier League clubs it helped that at first the Premier League had very few rules on who could buy a club and how much they could spend on it premier league has always been sort of quite non-interventionists any investment as good investment so these new owners began making the already rich clubs richer While others boosted some smaller clubs into notoriety like Ted Mansour bin Syed al-nayan was a member of oil Rich Abu dhabi's royal family who in 2008 bought Manchester City yeah man city moved it up another notch because you had some resources not just the West what's funny is like so this has happened like oil money has flooded into Esports in a way they bought ESL and stuff but there's never been like a just like a Saudi Prince who wanted to really own an esport because the money is so much cheaper like for what they spend on one football club they could buy every single esport team in every game and name them all after themselves and have them all compete like they can own everything there's no the money is so much smaller and it would be funny to see if just one [ __ ] Saudi Prince is really into [ __ ] rocket League or something he could literally pie every single player on every single team and just choose who wins he could just choose oh but the resources of a nation-state he spent over 1.7 billion euros over the next 15 years on the best players coaches staff and Facilities from all over Europe and of course it worked this strategy helps spark an arms race in the 2010s club started spending more and more each year to sign the best players and to keep up with each other while many of the rich clubs could afford to lose money on expensive players many smaller clubs couldn't it created huge inflation with pressure not just in terms of transfer fees but in terms of class salaries I lay in fact they pulled the Rogue from under the feet of other clubs and it became harder for clubs promoted into the Premier League to afford to stay there clubs have massively yeah wasn't there a club that took on like 500 million euros of debt to sign Messi and then they played he played like a season or something with them am I crazy like he didn't play there very long and then now they're just drowning in debt they can't even make their payments it could be PSG is this wrong this didn't happen I have to see you're thinking of PSG another oil Club some Club Club takes on debt to sign Messi um let me see Barcelona announces 1.35 billion Euro debt following Messi's departure to PSG uh oh yeah they took on debt to keep messy then he left and all they had was a bunch of dead it was uh yeah it was Barcelona yeah they won a [ __ ] ton yeah while he was there but then they didn't actually make enough money to make it back um is what it looks like we'll see and trying to get into Premier League in 2013 the Premier League adopted rules that were designed to encourage clubs to break even but they didn't slow down the spending because these clubs were in a lucrative cycle as wealthy owners spent Millions to bring the best players to the Premier League more fans especially International ones wanted to watch it which generated more TV money which gave clubs more money to spend on more players that's sick by 2022 the Premier League had 11 of the 20 richest football clubs in the world and as far as Revenue the Premier League clubs brought in over 3 billion euros more than Germany and Spain's top leagues and more than double France and Italy's 2023 the Premier League was on a spending spree that Europe's other clubs just couldn't match okay something Chelsea made obvious in 2023. transfer deadline date and Chelsea have locked down a British record transfer spending of 357 million dollars in January La Liga president has launched a scathing attack the British Market is a doped Market this can jeopardize the sustainability of Junction football do you think we're going to see a time when the Premier League's ever equal by any other league by 2023 Europe's other leagues generated far less television money than the Premier League but they also had more rules Germany blocked Ultra while the owners from taking over its clubs and Spain's League plays strict spending limits on its clubs it often made these clubs healthier financially but put most of them at a huge disadvantage when bidding for players against Premier League clubs like Chelsea yeah players don't want to go there if they can get there before new Ultra Rich American owners had bought Chelsea decided to splurge on new players and were prepared to play huge prices in order to outbid the other Premier League clubs it offered heard 121 million euros for one player from Portugal league and 70 million for one in Ukraine's plus Millions more for another six players totaling 329 million euros that's more money than the annual revenue of most European clubs so Chelsea got these players and while its spending was extreme even the worst Premier League clubs were outbidding Europe's major clubs okay Southampton bought five players so it does look at all the best players are in in uh in the Premier League in in England that's what it feels like right not all okay I mean I gotta feel like most of them are because there's way more [ __ ] money in it not everyone chases the bag all right base but including one from France for 25 million euros and Bournemouth bought three players including one for nearly 23 million euros from it creates a dynamic where Europe clubs know they can overcharge the pl teams that's funny apples at soccer yeah give me a hundred million euros for him this guy's the best I swear to God he's gonna Crush in your league he's the best guy in France I promise essentially Premier League clubs are buying up nearly all Europe's best players and these clubs can't afford to stop them I know Executives well by any measure I would consider big clubs and say Germany from that very very frustrated because every year they will lose their best players to an English Club some already rich and successful clubs in Europe are trying to match the Premier League spending but it's caused Spain's Barcelona to spiral into a debt crisis and Italy's Juventus was caught fudging its accounting Europe's other clubs here's what you need to do if you're a top German club owner I'm going to tell you right now here's what we're going to do if you find a young upstart talent and you raise him to be one of the greatest players in the world you need to fake a drug problem you need to start filming like behind the scenes tick tocks and [ __ ] showing this guy doing cocaine crack whatever leak them to the Press make it seem like he's a [ __ ] party animal make it seem like he's an [ __ ] talk about how he's the worst teammate that way they're not going to want it you get to keep them on your team they don't pick him up he's a risk to the brand and now you're signing in for below market rate while are increasingly choosing to sell their best young players to Premier League clubs meaning it's harder than ever for them to compete you can see it happening most clearly this kind of happened with um so Cloud9 and Esports was one of the best uh teams that figured this out Cloud9 Jack figured out that like the real money in Esports was not from getting advertisers because Esports money's Esports teams got all this [ __ ] investor money and then spent it really stupidly so the real money was taking that stupid investor money from other teams and so what Jack would do would put his best players often in the [ __ ] amateur league so they would they would get uh a slot in the LCS because if you won the amateur League or whatever you could get uh the academy get like an LCS slot and he would sell those he would sell the slot and he would sell developed players yeah he would develop talent in the amateur league and he would sell LCS slots and both those things made him way more of a bag than trying to get like you know [ __ ] Cheez-Its to sponsor his team like that stuff was small fries compared to just getting uh you know getting overpaid players and transfer fees and he I think Cloud9 was one of the few teams to make money out of that whole [ __ ] overspending era because they kept their costs relatively low they didn't Crush uh but they made money on on uh uh player signings um in the champions league tournament remember back in the 80s when clubs from 16 different countries made semi-finals in the past 10 years it was just six and only these six clubs have won it playing in a major Champions League match earns a club Millions so when it's dominated by a handful of Rich teams they get even richer it absolutely affects the capacitive balance clubs from that significant European leagues it is it is gradually forced them out this runaway wealth imbalance is why a few Rich clubs including six from the Premier League tried to break away and form their own Super League back in 2021 an outcry by fans forced them to abandon the plans but the problem didn't go away we talk in terms of European super league but the reality is the Premier League is the European Super League [Applause] the premier league has announced that it plans to install stricter rules that limit what clubs can spend on players and it might be starting to enforce its rules better in February 2023 the Premier League charged Manchester City with more than 100 violations of its Financial rules stretching back as far as 2009 if found guilty it could be relegated but restricting spending could just make permanent the advantage the rich clubs already have it's the Premier League's pass willingness to let anyone own a club harder to fix once you've opened yourself up to the nation stay buying into your organization very very difficult if not possible to stop that Manchester City completes historic treble sure that it can be done it's also like um you know when there's so much money at stake uh uh the financial caps the way around is what they do is they do like non-financial perks to the players you know it's like what they did with uh college players where they can't technically pay them but they want to sign the best ones so they like you know they give them uh a house and a car and a bunch of [ __ ] under the rug and then they find them like these above Market sponsorship deals and things like you know you know um uh and I think at this level of scale it would be insane there's gonna be so many weird examples but uh yeah I don't know I mean I just assume the whole thing is corrupt my assumption is that this level of wealth in the sport this thing's got to be corrupted [ __ ] top to bottom uh and just filled with [ __ ] weird gaps weird loopholes money laundering uh there's just too much at stake you know what I'm saying it's like it's not a fun soccer game anymore it's [ __ ] uh college person yeah hope you liked it glad to have you I did like it that was a good video I learned a lot um interesting very interesting uh uh stoic and wise Banger only two minutes only two minutes what the hell is this American Gangster what is this anyway that was interesting um as someone who watched NBA and football kylian mbappe's early career reminds me of a young LeBron James uh I heard he got a 1.1 billion dollar offer which is the highest for any athlete ever for one season or one year Killian Killian I don't know I don't know he is that's how he wrote it uh [Music] uh he turned it down Jesus Christ Jesus Christ he rejected it 700 million salary how do individual people have tens or hundreds of billions in the Holy only generate 6 billion I think those numbers scaled up I think it generates more than that now I think that no they said 6 billion in TV fees bro so that 6 billion in in just the TV rights package which is probably higher now that doesn't include ticket sales or merch or anything else that's just that's just TV rights um I'm glad you rejected it [ __ ] the Saudis trying to sports wash yeah I mean it's insane I I've heard that PGA Liv golf thing might get blocked I hope it does it's insane if they can just buy their way in at that level it was it's literally pure money no benefit uh are they let me watch this um I'm from the main streets of what ah you should have trigger warning before you showed that a video on the drift King what is this one this is um I've watched money game it's good we watched it on stream though so I'm not gonna watch it now um what was that video called it was called chales sonnen's unfortunate upbringing it has 150 000 views um great video from one of the greats of the last few centuries YouTube has not been around for oh this is my video uh uh uh thank you one of the greats of the last few centuries um vid from I've been on how crazy LeBron's record is one thousand four oh wait oh wait if I asked this one you see this I started this video and then I wanted to watch my channel I only watched the first minute it's a Jimmy High Roller video dude he made a million dollar shot and they didn't want to pay him you see this guy right here this is Don Calhoun he's a big bulls fan and he's about to do something that will change his entire life look at this a million bucks that young man being hugged has just won a million dollars here at Chicago Stadium Don just hit a shot from 80 feet three quarters court shot his prize for nailing this absolute bomb one million dollars that's like the coolest thing that can happen to an average person they get to go up there during the height of the Bulls your favorite team toss a cross-core shot everybody pops off Michael Jordan hugs you that's [ __ ] awesome that's like that literally you could Coast on that for 30 years that's so sick can't believe it fans erupt Don joins the Bulls as they celebrate his victory Michael Jordan throws his arm around Don and congratulates him good shot kid Dawn had just done the impossible and with the game ball in one hand a million dollar check in the other Don Calhoun did it he was set except he wasn't due to a technicality in the rules of this contest the insurance company that was required to make the payoff claimed they simply didn't have to pay the man Dawn hit a million dollar shot [ __ ] for absolutely nothing that's so [ __ ] [Laughter] [Music] just right stop this is exactly where I stopped because I was like this is gonna be actually Hyper's chat today's video is sponsored by SeatGeek my brothers summer is finally here and events are happening every day whether you're a baseball you think you could use codeine do you think with a million dollars on the line you think you could sink a three-pointer pretty incredible consolation for one simple shot but no one in their right mind would ever offer such a prize for making a single three-pointer except they did back in the 90s during NBA All-Star Weekend the league and a sponsoring company such as FootLocker American Express Sony would host a contest for fans the NBA in dollar shot it was one of the most anticipated side events of the entire world just a three-pointer this is just a three-pointer I mean I'm not saying I could get 10 out of 10. but they do call me young Steph dude I probably could [ __ ] I could get a three [Music] I could [ __ ] I could pop a 3D [Laughter] you're the same age how old is Steph Curry how old is Steph Curry bro Steph Curry's way older than me dude I'm the same age as Seth Curry his little bro or weekend and out of the millions of fans who entered to win a shot only one would be chosen to take it get selected make a three yes Steph Curry's in his 80s yep that's what I was saying not that I could perhaps be younger than Steph Curry a normal Edge no I'm saying Steph Curry's in his 80s and that's why I'm younger than him he's crazy what he does he's still out there hooping at 88 years old he looks great for his age pointer win a million dollars an opportunity of a lifetime for four lucky contestants that were selected over the four years that the NBA hosted the contest and to Aid them in their quest for a million dollar shot each contestant was joined by a former or active average Sony fan dude this dude's this dude's shooting threes and then getting on the console Wars on the forums my hero dude [Laughter] NBA player to give them pointers and advice in 1996 among the 6 million entries seventeen-year-old Demetrius Houston was selected to take the million dollar shot with George Gervin by his side and 17 000 fans looking on Demetrius lines up his shot and with a million dollars on the line he clanks it off the backboard girvin tells the kid not to worry about it but I'm sure he did in 1997 a man named Jim Valente was selected to take the million dollar shot his host and Mentor for the event NBA legend Oscar Robertson a man who literally never made a three-pointer in his entire NBA career but Jim was focused it was his wife's birthday and what better birthday gift than a million the free throw challenge where Shaq is your coach [Laughter] what the [ __ ] dollar check so Jim steps up to the line he's ready the ways in which he'll spend a million dollars already racing through his mind I'll get that Corvette I've always wanted sure look good in a Rolex we could really use a new deck Outback maybe I'll get a boat [Music] or maybe you'll get nothing after the shot Craig Sager asked Jim about his experience a million dollars gone what went wrong Jim give us some insight how did you feel at the time what went wrong I think I just pushed it a little bit right [Music] it's not that that deeper pointing I don't think all the people are like man I had it in my hands nobody expects to make it that's all right nobody's like no my million it was right there with me I mean you just assuming you're not gonna make it if you make it it's [ __ ] funny uh [Music] in 1998 a contestant named Soul holkman was selected to take the shot and for the first time in the contest of History a contestant actually hit the rim another year another million dollar Miss but of all these million dollar shot events none managed to top the one that started it all in 1995. the contestant that was chosen 16 year old Mike Hoban for weeks leading up to the contest Mike spent two hours a day every day shooting three-pointers accompanied by All-Star Dan Marley going through the most meticulous shooting routine you'll ever see in your life Mike prepares his shot by quote becoming one with the basket at this point I wouldn't be surprised if he pulled a microscope out and studied the hoop to better his odds now he's taking Phantom shots his routine is becoming more unhinged by the second but it works for him friends and family look on watching him alive ready to witness history unfold Mike is right the pressure's got to be Chris up the shot you only get one shot and misses the rim by two the poor kid is devastated friends and family are stunned all the while the commentator of the event is so much pressure that's so much pressure I got your whole [ __ ] friends and family watching in a crowd you get one shot no warm-up with the ball uh uh that's [ __ ] doing his best to help but instead just pours on a slew of more disappointment in the process has missed his shot and a million dollars the good news is though he doesn't win money doesn't become a pro and his college scholarship hopes stay alive he'll go back to be the post-up player for his junior varsity team after the shot Sager interviews the kid where he has the bright idea of that's rude the kid's 16 bro relax Jesus Christ just asking for one more shot I wasn't really in that zone I wanted to be in but you know One More Shot you would like one more shot which one man I wouldn't love another shot you'd like one more shot wouldn't you Mike never got another shot oh it's like wait bro I'd like one more wouldn't you wouldn't you [Laughter] contestants a mine for one three-pointer and zero winners and and back on these contests it's pretty remarkable that no one hit their million dollar shots because countless fans and contestants have hit much more difficult shots for far less money we've all seen these contests unfold in person a fan gets randomly chosen out of the stands to come down and try to hit that screenshot the prize money nowhere near a million dollars usually the prize is ten thousand almost like the million makes it harder because it puts the pressure on you know million dollars you give them some time to warm up they yeah they're not pro athletes they're gonna choke bro but 10K and nobody expects you to do it you just eat it out there's a good chance you make it a thousand dollars or maybe twenty thousand dollars or a car this Mavericks fan hit a layup a free throw a three-pointer and a half court shot in sequence without missing put up all the [ __ ] team forget the [ __ ] dead can't give him a contract dude get Mark Cuban down and sign him that's consistency he's five six he's got heart dude an anomaly of events in this context his reward for the incredible feat three thousand dollars worth of gift cards to a local furniture store but it gets worse because at a Mavs game a few years later this woman was put to the task of sinking a half court shot she's rocking the dirt gear she's feeling good beautiful form and drills the shots oh wow nothing but net what was her prize for pulling this off you ask a 65-inch flat screen TV absolutely appalling this guy managed to drill a half court shot at a Blazers game years ago and won round trip tickets to anywhere of his choice a pretty unlikely shot from the guy far from impossible what is impossible however is the fact that another fan hit the same exact shot 30 seconds later it's clear that some people actually make these shots so what would happen if someone actually did hit a million dollars kind of sucks for that second that first guy because the second guy kind of steals your thunder it doesn't seem that cool or hard if somebody does it right after immediately like you only been celebrating for 30 seconds you're like hugging your family and then someone else doesn't it's like oh I guess people aren't gonna know how cool that was oh they're shots What If instead of shelling out some gift cards or a flat screen TV a team had to actually hand over a seven figure check to one lucky fan yeah it's April 14th 1993. the Bulls are facing the heat in Chicago the Bulls are on a roll coming into the matchup on a three-game win streak by halftime Chicago is up by 14. Jordan is killing the heat 22 points in the first half it's a great time for home fans as usual but the real spectacle is about to take place throughout the 93 season the Bulls hosted a promotion for their fans among the 18 000 fans in attendance for any given home game one lucky individual would be chosen to shoot a three-quarters court shot to win one million dollars at the time and to this day even a million dollar cash prize for such an event is unheard of but the odds of such a shot going in are so astronomically unlikely that the Bulls and the insurance company that would be responsible for paying out the prize money felt comfortable running the event anyways leading up to that heat matchup 19 lucky fans had attempted the halftime million dollar shot of the 19 two hit the backboard 16 team were air balls and just one even hit the rim an estimate of a fan chosen at random hitting this shot less than one percent and so a member of the Bulls organism less than one percent though that means like around every 100 times do you know what I'm saying like unless it's way under unless it's 0.001 you're gonna say if it's just around one percent that's you're gonna be doing this you know every season yeah it's like once every three years assuming it's a round one yeah but if it's like less than half a percent they would have said that so I'm assuming it's between like half a percent and one percent so organization went into the crowd and selected a 23 year old local by the name of Don Calhoun the reason for selecting him his shoes wouldn't scuff up the floor hopeful by understanding the slim odds that he faced Dawn walked down to the court and prepared to take his shot a fun house if you're worried if you're worried about losing the million dollars don't pick the one fan who's got basketball shoes you know I'm saying if you want to be sure you're not going to pick somebody that can hoop then don't skimp out on the scuffed floor halftime gimmick something to keep the fans involved they just slapped a million dollars on there to get everyone excited but no one will ever hit the shot anyways Chris Hammond vice president of SCA promotions a leader in the promotional contest industry looks back on the shot saying the perfect contest is like the most tempting carnival game just adjustable enough to make people think they can do it while actually being extremely difficult you could have Steph Curry out there and still make money well Mr Hammond it's time to pay up okay that doesn't make sense though because you don't make you don't profit on this the fan either wins a million or you win zero there's no the fan doesn't pay you for attempts you know what I'm saying so no you couldn't make money if Steph Curry's out there because he's gonna make a couple of them and you're gonna lose two million and they don't all the insurance premium ah wait Hammonds with the insurance company now with the he's with the promotions no a person says the insurance okay right right he gets the insurance premium I see what you're saying I see what you're saying they make some small amount and then they okay thank you Illinois [Applause] [Applause] [Music] a one million dollar thrill in what is possibly the most inconceivable occurrence to ever happen on an NBA report Don Calhoun drilled an 80-foot shot for a million dollars the whole place goes nuts for a moment it's like Don is part of this Bulls team and they just won another championship it's like he's on the team that's so cool I can't believe they screwed him he better get his money I hope this video ends positively even the ref of the game comes over to congratulate him the man just did The Impossible a million dollars that's more than half the guys on this roster made that year and with the job complete Don heads over yeah I forgot that salaries were smaller that's actually a hype dude you actually get to look at it I made five extra salary [ __ ] put me on the team to snap a photo with the check in one hand and the game ball in the other he did it bro once you hand him the [ __ ] check it's over he should be allowed to cash it at least that's what he thought see these promotions are combed through meticulously by some of the best lawyers money can buy the rules and restrictions are tight break one of them and you can kiss those winnings goodbye Don Calhoun broke one of the rules what was the rule not intentionally or anything but among the stipulations of this promotion one of them states that the contestant could not have played organized basketball within five years of the contest and just three years prior to this contest Don was a member of the Trident Community basketball team the contest people knew this Don acknowledged this by marking the information on the contest form but the contest people Shrugged it off and gave him the shot anyways the insurance people however that's so [ __ ] sleazy that is so sleazy he put it on the contest form therefore you chose him therefore it's okay he should be eligible to win especially if afterwards you hand in the check that's sleazy also community college ball does not like professional [ __ ] He's not in the spirit of how this is written he is not violation did not to them it was a clear breach of the rules Dawn should have never been selected in the first place and so the insurance company of the event disqualified Don out of his shot and out of his million dollars when news broke that the now local Legend would not be receiving his money fans were livid as reports on the event grew fan outrage grew with it and within a week the Bulls organization was under so much local pressure that they held a press conference announcing that they actually had a change of heart and they would pay up well it's very strange and inexplicable decision considering their stance just a few days prior Don's million dollars split into 20 payments over the next 20 years his first check for fifty thousand dollars was sent out that week technically rules were broken but Don was getting paid and he had no idea how or why a year after his miraculous shot Don heard that Michael Jordan would be in the area for one of his son's basketball games a perfect opportunity for Don to get his million dollar game ball signed so Dawn pulled up to the game in Search of Michael but with security flocking the NBA star no fans were getting anywhere near him but Don wasn't just an ordinary fan he's the guy who hit the million dollar shot Jordan recognized him in the stands and had security bring him over after the game oh that's [ __ ] all in hand hoping to get an autograph Don approached Michael but MJ didn't call him over to give him an autograph instead he had to ask Don a question did you get your money a year after the Bulls had their change of heart and decided to pay him his money Dawn finally got an answer why turns out the insurance company wasn't the one who paid Don they never intended to after hearing about what the insurance company was trying to pull Michael Jordan along with other players on the Bulls told ownership they needed to pay up and so the organization did out of out of their own Pockets legally the parties involved were within their rights to avoid the payments altogether but Michael felt like what they were doing wasn't right and so we made it right that's my goat bro that's my goat that's [ __ ] awesome damn he had no reason to do that that's [ __ ] that's goat Behavior that's cool I'm glad he's got guys money it's so [ __ ] Insurance [ __ ] squirrel out the [ __ ] money that's obviously owed to the guy if it wasn't for Michael approaching ownership and demanding they paid on his money he would have never seen a cent of that million dollars so turns out that even if it was for a brief moment Don Calhoun was a part of the bulks seeking nothing in return Michael and the rest of the players looked out for Don oh and that autographed Don wanted a couple weeks later he got that too sure of those inconceivable million dollar shots well one way or another they get paid [Music] that was a great video rarely to have a happy ending like that that's awesome good [ __ ] uh uh obviously a big Michael Jordan fan after watching especially last dance but it's cool to see the side of him other than just the hyper competitive you know that's a that's a nice thing to do is this good for the sport too I mean you just you know what I'm saying all future contests like that would be tainted forever because of the fact that you're probably not like when the guy wins and it changes his life it makes everyone excited it makes more Stakes for the future ones uh okay it's 9 42 I think we're gonna watch House MD well actually here's what I'm gonna do I have 15 minutes I'm gonna start a Hitman run I know I haven't done Hitman in a while I know nobody wants to see it but I finally got my items back and so I'm gonna do one [ __ ] run you know I've been de-rusting a little bit I practiced and uh I really think I just want you know I currently have uh the second best time in the world my 33 minutes it got beat by an incredible gen P ruin but I can't I don't have any video that isn't covered with economics podcasts so I want to hit like a live one for a video that hopefully can be in that range so I'm gonna do a run um and then we're going to watch House MD uh and I promise I will not do a million runs I'm just gonna do you know one or two unless it gets going then I'll keep it going but um so let's see let's open this up uh FY the next House episode has some song suicide trigger warnings what does that mean song suicide trigger warnings like a like like a [ __ ] Kurt Cobain song or something what what does that mean uh uh strong oh okay okay all right well uh we will everyone has a different trigger warning before every House episode like this one has racism or this one has so just tell me before we start we'll tell it to chat and they can decide if they want to watch all right deal um [Music] uh lupus warning uh this is the lower housing asphalt yeah I mean you get it you're getting the gist you're getting the gist okay um let's see here let's get everything ready to play a little bit of world record what if I just get it right now what if I just [ __ ] slam it home right now kind of like my half court shot if you will do you know what I'm saying what if I just half course shot it right here right now uh does this work let's thank you for the five dollars got a song for you a Meister interesting what is this song you've got for me I bet it's not gonna call me Glizzy hands or old or talk about how um uh I wear flannel or any of that it's gonna be like really complimentary let's see what we got here if you don't mind me saying so your particular choice of attire is maybe a little everything is under control I'm dead all right how do we play that 10 more times uh I'm resetting I'm resetting I'm resetting I'm resetting I'm resetting I'm resetting I'm resetting I'm resetting that's a bad that's a bad spawn killer clown on record pace uh no I'm not resetting the song don't worry about that uh thank you for the song now let me thank you uh the creator of that song is wait I just lost it [ __ ] if you don't mind me saying so lonely loaf [Music] uh lonely loaf thank you for the prime ski Lord it's not about one run it's about going till basically 10 o'clock bro get with the program so many verses gotta respect it I did respect it VIP or mod would be good really okay I didn't offer you anything so you don't need to say if I offered you a million dollars and you said no it's okay I just want VIP or mod that'd be fine that's different if I say thanks for the song and there's no offer you don't say Okay VIP or model be good you know what I'm saying that's upselling hmm uh frigid has got obviously doesn't count bro relax you just I need to get a couple warm-up runs in and also what we've started to realize about this run is you just really need a lot of luck it's actually just no getting around it you just need a lot of luck to get good Target spawns and good maps there's just no no matter how much you route uh you just gotta spawn near the targets and near an exit that's just that's the end [ __ ] game of it uh anyway if you guys don't know this is Hitman freelancer hardcore the hardest mode hitman's ever created you have to beat 18 missions in a row on Hardcore difficulty they're all randomized every time uh so every player will have a different area one every time different targets different Maps different weapons um it's extremely difficile you know what to do this guy inside or what oh that's annoying is it possible Silent Assassin what do you mean possible it's certainly not for a speed run right you know the goal would be to win guys right here hey stop right now relax well done okay we got to keep moving it'll surely be a blowed we gotta keep moving we're gonna get shot and we're gonna die quick shot quick shot excellent excuse me thank you you've spread fear within the syndicate Syndicate member members get down so I need to get out the first mission under two minutes okay fine perfect pretty good pretty good pretty good pretty good pretty good the goal the goal if you guys want a simple understanding of like what I'm looking for is around two minutes permission if it's above above if it's below that it's amazing two minutes is your is your barometer I'll be in touch when you reach the problem is you have a little bit of menuing time in between and you have to like [ __ ] pick your items and [ __ ] wouldn't 30 seconds permission be better yes you're right no you should get the world record if you just get oh wait [ __ ] no wait [ __ ] Intel tells us that there is okay we're looking for a target one down here one down here one up there uh third guy is hopefully not third floor second floor okay this is winnable this guy you can shoot without being seen and they don't figure it out till later so I can get out killer clown no record Pace we're actually on a good Pace right now one target there one target here oh [ __ ] okay I got a plan come look at me come look at me come look at me follow me follow me lady follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me [ __ ] it dangerous Syndicate member eliminated go get back to the safe house I'll be in touch speedy Speedy Pace Speedy pay Speedy pay Speedy pace Speedy Pace well played excellent pace uh 325 so we're like 35 seconds ahead of where we should be that's good time trial is good we now haven't why is red split so high oh these splits aren't right but whatever have a good trip um just think about the two-minute thing like after three missions should be six minutes that's the general Pace you should think about [Music] why don't you just do that for the next 16 missions it's randomized so some are gonna suck you understand location however some are going to be terrible okay this means you will have to so there's three targets right here but so I need to panic them to find out which one is the thing to save time so I'm gonna blow up the fire extinguisher in this garage like so [Music] it's one of them okay okay okay okay okay okay so it is one of them and they're 50 meters away it's that guy right there I think right it's not who the [ __ ] is it who the [ __ ] is it it's that guy it's that guy right there ah [ __ ] foreign I tried uh uh it was an F we lost people okay we're good bye guns you don't lose your guns you do not lose your guns all right one more one more it's 97 one more one more one more one more run one more run one more run one more run so that was kind of unlucky because again every time you panic a Target they choose a random exit to run to that person was standing right next to the Bridge exit and then chose the Bridge exit so they were you know there was nowhere there was nowhere to stop them [Music] yeah we're watching house today but I have time to start my next run get out holy Pangolin [Music] title is getting world record then watching House MD okay oh it's good they do not choose closest exit they choose random exit yeah good question all right here we go just need some oh it's a good one Berlin Dartmoor Mendoza three two one terrible so also let me just say what I'm doing here so I picked three Maps right I'm trying to pick maps that are small that have a good chance of being fast but the number of targets on each map see this is randomized so if it says four that just [ __ ] sucks like because it could be two and be really fast so I'm kind of resetting until I get small maps with like two Targets now once the Run starts you can't really do that anymore so you kind of want to do it a lot for the first Syndicate just so you get a good start timer running it doesn't matter it reset it'll reset and I used to not do this it's called being a picky Peter uh according to a spectacorp but now he does it all the time everyone does it all the time there's kind of no reason not to do it because it makes your run so much better this is okay I guess yeah PP three four no so we're looking for good we need like I mean my dream is like Mendoza Colorado whittleton and they all have two Targets that's a good start that's like a [ __ ] killer start [Music] um only one run listen relax let me just get a good run going oh this is good four three four [ __ ] cringe [ __ ] cringe uh [Music] looking for something good looking for something juicy Chongqing Dubai whittleton okay yeah yeah good good good good good good good good good good good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah three two have a good trip 47 . no way you think Colorado was good I rated Colorado eight here before anyone else and they laughed at me and the spectacle called me today and told me he thinks I was right welcome to Chong King okay uh one guy in the basement one guy right there and take this is pretty shitty this might be a reset is that guy negative too negative three yeah I'm walking out I'm not gonna drive I'm walking out we are not watching House Hunters we're watching House MD after this [Music] I haven't got one [ __ ] run yet this doesn't count I need to get one run one real honest run what rating is Chongqing I give it like B it's usually pretty fast unless you get one of the negative three ones 47. the syndicates goes away however I'm sure just give me a good the problem is there's just so ready to take on a news there's so much RNG in this run it's very fun when you get going but you really have to get some luck to get started kind of like owning a football club you know what I'm saying uh this isn't good enough I need a good one ooh Haven Mendoza whittleton okay this is good this is good two Targets hello give me a give me a ducky I'll be in touch when you reach your destination okay on Haven with two Targets sometimes you can get these crack starts where nobody's in the underground bunker everyone is visible from the beach I just snipe snipe and leave give me that Welcome to The Moldy okay Target Target one right there one right there but they're on high alert so tread carefully don't disappoint oh he's on a [ __ ] good luck he's on a jet ski I can't hit him he's on a jet ski [Laughter] oh come on dude Syndicate member eliminate Park I'm so small oh excellent work 47 you you spread feet actually cracked no you guys know and I aim me there's something you can do he's on a [ __ ] jet ski he's moving lightning speed I'm not gonna [ __ ] lead him with a sniper yeah either way submit it baby that's correct um this is why he doesn't play valorant they don't ride around on jet skis in Valor I want you to know that bro was just trying to have fun on a jet ski and he took him out yeah that's the real Syndicate behavior whittleton for two wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute this is a cracked start this is a cracked start two two target spawns hold up hold up hold up hold up attached attached to the Run too soon too soon too soon too soon too soon too soon too soon too soon welcome to whittle Target Target Target one there one there easy this is easy but this is easy you know what to do 47. oh no [ __ ] it excellent work 47 you've spread fear within the Syndicate okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh yes he's got the key holy [ __ ] submit it return to the safe house okay wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute attached excellent work back there 47 let me know when you're ready to continue parking lot spawn parking lot spawn well done parking lot spawn we now know pause here parking lot spawns parking let's spawn parking lots Park hog tied to this run dude hog tied handcuffed to this run cannot get away welded to this run parking lot though Brian okay Argentina the worst of all options we have their identity is unknown uh it's still fine because of the new dope clown suit exit okay nine targets only one in a bad spot we just have to play the odds yeah checking him PC glasses we also know that the target yeah Kim PC they see them how to hack okay well that to me looks like a 338 first Syndicate disgusting disgusting wow wow wow wow wow wow The Syndicate has been eliminated however I didn't tell that there are more connected finish the job take them all down that is a foul for Syndicate when you're ready now I'm gonna get a bunch of four Target like [ __ ] mumbai's or something but at least I got to briefly think it was good uh uh [ __ ] okay these are all bad uh uh [ __ ] God damn it all right we'll buy for three God damn it God damn it losing time close all of your apps and forget about the world records my [ __ ] pitch is perfect it's about to be the cleanest one bye all right come on come on give me a good one bye if I can get through this Mumbai all of a sudden we're attached all of a sudden we're attached the rest of maps are easy mumbaias Mumbai is the only problem give me a fast Mumbai do not put him up in [ __ ] Rankin's Tower come on give me a good Mumbai welcome to what's the [ __ ] timer going in the loading it's currently operating in the area find them uh one here that's good spread fear one down one's there one's there this is actually not bad that guy's near an exit get this guy get over there leave I think I could do this 90 seconds I think I do this 90 seconds always in the basement oh he's actually a terrible spawn oh [ __ ] Oh I thought he was ground floor but he's basement [ __ ] floor oh okay wow that I don't think I know you no you don't know me and let's keep it that way buddy oh it's fighting time oh [ __ ] okay this will surely be a blue what's my plan what's the plan the [ __ ] plan uh okay keep moving keep moving can we get it sub two can we get it sub two and we're still on track this is not this is not terrible this is not terrible but it is awful if that makes sense you know what I'm saying uh okay I do think I'm gonna die oh yeah leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone Syndicate member eliminated okay get back to the safe house I'll be in touch sub 230 maybe and we just oh [ __ ] no stop stop shooting me okay some three three minutes dude uh so salvageable still salvageable still salvageable still salvageable still salvageable I play that wealth all right so we needed eight minutes by now we're at 7 14. that means we're still ahead of pace we're still good we just lost a lot of our lead we went from a minute 48 ahead to about 40 seconds hey we lost a minute impressive work 47 okay let me know when you're ready for your next give me a fast one to buy for four uh ice pick kill okay this is not good dude buy for four ice pick kill simply's in chat what's that big soup is he I don't know if he is but anyway I simply if you are here uh um sorry you were trolling okay sorry uh one guy on zero one guy on zero one guy on zero one guy on one okay okay okay okay doable doable doable doable doable doable doable doable doable doable doable doable doable doable doable uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh don't let him take control what a shot surely what a shot okay need I spit kill right here excellent work 47. you've spread fear within the syndicate ah [ __ ] forget about the camera uh I gotta kill you gotta kill you I gotta kill that guy ah [ __ ] [ __ ] uh getting this guy's gonna be hard let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go you should get back to the safe house I'll contact you later oh bad oh bad all right come on come on come on come on come on come on [ __ ] hell yes okay okay we blasted our way out on that one that was a little bit intense uh but we got it pretty fast pretty fast all things considered it was four targets it was Dubai a lot of guards in the way excellent work back there pretty good pretty good pretty good again we're just salvaging bad RNG to Target Haven that's good duck duck oh that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] good we did lose the ice pick so I need to knock it ice but kill again have a good trip 47. again my goal would be to beat second Syndicate Under 12 minutes and right now I think we are on Pace for that barely barely barely barely barely barely well uh okay Target Target Target Target Target Target one there one there oh and eliminate but they're on high alert so tread carefully or they were married Syndicate member eliminated well oh baby well done 47 this will surely be a blow to The Syndicate get back to the safe house I'll be in touch nice okay okay that gave us some time that puts us back in a really really fast pace give me a good shot give me a [ __ ] parking lot bro impressive work 47 let me know when you're ready for your next assignment you've done well we now have nice we kept the duck too very nice very nice very nice very nice very nice really good start really good start really good pace uh parking lot spawn would be great parking lot spawn because we're not gonna get lucky again on the other one parking lot would be great welcome Yates Argentina [ __ ] it good work 47. we ball finally Tracked Down The Syndicate Leader's whereabouts however we do not know the exact identity of the target so you'll have to do some Recon however this is no walk in the park they are on high alerts you need to be careful none of them none of them maybe that lady or maybe this person we know that they have no hair they are wearing earrings and wearing a hat okay as to habits and voices your target agitated I hope this will help Scott it's got to be that guy because if it's that guy we're [ __ ] oh wait wait no It's gotta be that guy okay okay running out of time it's always the last place you look well done well done oh [ __ ] no [ __ ] hell wait oh no oh no oh no oh [ __ ] okay okay okay okay okay 12 minutes flat okay we're on Pace okay laughs okay okay all right all right all right excellent 47. you took down The Syndicate but we have Intel I speak we got it back eliminate okay uh looking for something good this one's dad uh this one's bad this one oh none of these are good oh oh these are all bad [ __ ] uh gotta be this that's really terrible scale for four runs ripped oh four four four two I'll try it but that's that sucks that sucks [ __ ] RNG bro scale for four voyage 47. foreign I'll try and I'll just see what happens maybe I get lucky but I think I think this is a rip yeah RNG on the speedrun is tough it's tough could still get lucky but scale for four is almost always a run killer all right let's see what we got find them and take them down this feels but this is not going to be actually let's be open-minded let's be open-minded this could be doable this could be doable Max had to be traumatized what the hell this here are you to blame no no that wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me leave me alone wasn't me yo security guard what leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone Christ sakes help over here okay two up there one down there oh this is miserable I know I can maybe get in three minutes if I just play like a [ __ ] golden god nope I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead well done 47. this will surely be a blow to The Syndicate excellent work 47. you've spread fear wait the guy fell the body I needed fell oh that's so frustrating oh it fell oh I needed that [ __ ] disguise can I hit this from up here imagine no think I think I think the only thing to do is drop the sniper I have to leave the sniper behind it's the only way it's the only way they've called a recess it's the only way to get out here in time if only I brought two if only I brought two so let me down here oh my God I'm so frustrated well done 47. this will surely be a blow to The Syndicate okay okay ah not terrible good work back there The Syndicate took a serious blow but there is still Paris for four recuperating headshot kill legendary like a dealer sniper 47. I need a song pump me up Pump me up Pump me up get us back into this [Music] is [Music] hit man if we lose [Music] on excellent [Music] every time what sir you're not sir I'm taught if you do not leave relax I will relax excellent work one guy up there within the syndicate where's the other guy one guy up there one guy up there one's the other guy one guy over there sorry over here yeah sir this is off limits okay okay syndicate we've done 47. excuse me this will surely be a blow to The Syndicate okay you should get back to the safe house I'll contact you later yay okay thank you okay kind of gaming out of my mind uh uh kind of gaming out of my mind but I'm just not getting the good good work back there The Syndicate took a serious blow but there is still much work chunking for four and prepare for your next assignment [ __ ] me dude okay wait I lost my sniper it took my sniper oh I took I left with it 47. oh God damn it I had it in my briefcase that sucks that sucks that sucks that sucks oh God I have no sniper for Showdown what's up ask ask for targets four targets one there you know what to do excellent work 47. what's the other where's the other people oh one guy there okay it's two down one guy up there wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute [Music] wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute he's gaming he's gaming well done 47. this will surely be a blow to The Syndicate grab the brick check this out check exactly go die don't die let's go let's go all right I don't see him I don't see him where's my target where is he oh he's down a floor [ __ ] off this is bad get back to the safe house I'll be in touch oh this is bad dude these are all like two minute missions that's so annoying I'm playing out of my goddamn gourd the only way I make a comeback on this is if on syndicate 4 it's all cracked that was that was a good I mean that route blam blam roof blam brick skip to the floor get to the basement blam that's a route dude excellent work the kaido for two Hokkaido for two give me a duck it sucks it's like the best I've played on stream and I'm getting probably the worst RNG I've gotten Syndicate uh oh hello speaking of good RNG though however this is no walk in the park they are on high alert so you need to be careful one guy left one guy left one guy left is he by the helicopter that would be so sick you've spread fear within the Cindy oh he's just this guy oh he's just this guy do I do this [ __ ] I think this could be really stupid this could be the stupidest thing I've ever done but it's the fastest exit so I think this is so stupid I'm gonna go for it don't kill me don't kill me nice [Laughter] okay good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good impressive work 47. that helps that helps a lot to get back into good graces give me a parking lot spawn bro uh uh uh escaping escaping I guess [ __ ] uh yeah escaping oh [ __ ] okay I have to do I need parking lots blind oh God I need parking lot spawned wait I need parking lot spawn please please I never I never I never I never asked for much you give me so much bad RNG game parking lots one you gotta get parking lots one uh any party let's spawn any party let's spawn any point that's one I need Parker last one parking lot parking lot parking lot s come on come on come on okay Run's still alive I'm still alive Run's still alive run still alive to make sure you get the right alert so you need to be careful on the other hand we do know this they are here to attend a business meeting we also have the following description on their looks we know that they have no hair they are wearing glasses Baldi we know it's keep trades to your advantage you know what to do the leader is eliminated well done okay okay okay give me a sniper give me a sniper back on the box and give me a lot of two Targets and this is actually still doable as a good run I don't know about world record run 47 because that third Syndicate sucked eliminated connected finish the door get back to me when you're ready give me a good one give me a good one Mendoza whittleton dubot is pretty good uh uh uh also pretty good actually well wow that's amazing [ __ ] it uh even before I ever live for three all right uh hide and seek there was actually a lot of good ones I don't even know which one I should have picked I need to review the tape someone clipped that so I could take a look and see what I should have picked I think that was a good one though I picked a good one Haven for four is going to be a [ __ ] but Berlin No guy in the forest or it actually kills the run yet again no Forest guy just need luck I just need a lot of luck on this fourth syndicate [Music] one guy there one guy there one guy there okay so what's your step they're on high alert well done surely be a blow to The Syndicate you gotta get upstairs what the [ __ ] reported excellent work 47 you've spread yeah go go go go go uh actually crack time if I get up there fast enough and get the [ __ ] key where is he where is he where is he where is he he's right there this is perfect this is perfect hey Syndicate let's call him get back to the safe let's go she's brutal efficient John Wick move uh that helps that helps on time for sure impressive work you did back there I'm ready when you've prepped the next assignment Dartmoor for three time trial a duck would be great yes yes okay I don't need any more Ducks one duck should last me I'll be in touch when you reach your destiny give me a good Dart more come on baby come on come on give it give it [ __ ] [ __ ] chance at the Run bro investigate [Music] [Music] the investigation when it kills the Gods on accident when he goes by a little be prominent it may be a clown but no Services you know he'll scream Agent 47 with the AK-47 Brandon's ages 47 yeah swims this will surely be a blow to The Syndicate you should get back to the safe house I'll contact you later okay kind of cracked though can we be honest don't shoot I had to I had to I had to they kill too fast on that level okay Asian 47. you did that AK-47 brand name for four is kind of a run killer but not if we believe in ourselves Haven for four oh man if one of them's in the bunker I do think the run is ripped if one's in the bunker huh yeah I I don't know I I don't think this is a world record but I do think this is a solid run let's go finish it out we'll try there's just too many things that are like really dragging my time down welcome okay um we have in it's a good first Target previous actions have put them on high alert so you need to be tactical well one guy there can I hit you can I hit you can I hit you can I hit you excellent I don't know if there's a good shot I don't know if there's a good shot uh I don't think there is you have to come outside oh it's her and she comes outside if I double shot yeah nobody noticed me nobody noticed me do not go orange if it goes orange I'm literally dead oh I'm dead I'm dead it's over Run's dead Run's dead runs that runs dead runs that runs dead runs dead runs dead remember's never been more dead yeah [ __ ] me all right GGG s good pace good Pace good Pace good pace now we're going to watch House MD
[Music] yes we do um welcome back to master Baker we're going to jump right in and I'm going to show you guys your judges and your Bakers huh you're muted what what I'm not I'm unmuted happy tortured post department is really all I said if you missed it so welcome back all right Bakers are back in the house but the the new the new people here today we've got Ted and baby no money yeah up what's up party people what do you guys what's your guys' like baking experience uh you know those little you know those little Christmas cookies you can make that are like you put them in I got a little picture of like a deer or Santa Claus what s Santa Claus like the like the pre-roll like cut they cut no they're already cut oh boo you know what I'm talking about they're little sugar cookies we're both cut you you just boo did I just hear you so that's your baking experience yeah how often do you make them oh once in the Blue Moon every Christmas every Christmas okay what's your eating experience eating oh huge eater eating I was just eating right now that's awesome what about your judging experience experience uh I like to think that I judge people pretty hard good good Jud all right all right baby no money what is your baking experience I like flour and like sugar and stuff raw I Like It Raw um I don't know I think I got like 60% in a class that was like a baking class in high school so I asked uh and then as far as a judging I'm definitely not as judgmental as this guy over here but um uh I'm excited to eat some things cuz I haven't eaten anything today so wait did you not order food I I accidentally just didn't get food I thought I did but it's but but I wanted to save my appetite for something do you want no I have a rest of quesadilla do you want it I'll eat it later okay he's got it oh you this will what they make will you won't like it there steaks now there's steak you guys are actually going to be feeding steak Yeah steak I'm going to hook you up okay I can [ __ ] up a steak I can all right the the we bringing in some A5 wag you uh welcome guys welcome back in the kitchen who's nervous today couldn't be me couldn't we actually let's get an order of placements from yesterday maybe should be I'll go first cuz that's kind of where I I should be first because I got saved you would have gone home if you didn't get saved I would like to make that really clear we shouldn't saway the judges you alive you did Connor would still be here still be alive yeah but all my homies hate Connor you don't Conor is Fallen he is gone [Music] um exactly how bad was his uh delivery yesterday um it was bad this was not this was worse than mine right I think mine no guys guys guys I need to hear this cuz I need it it was yours was so [Music] good it was bad it was really bad but today it's going to be a different story sna what what do you what do you think we're making today dude I was I want croissant so bad okay and how do you make a croissant I want croissant so bad huh how do you make one um you make the dough and then you layer you layer it and then you then you bake it girl shut the [ __ ] up no you put butter on it butter on it then done how do you feel about you being the reason Connor's pants is not here damn [ __ ] that guy wow all right uh sandwich who are you most intimidated by in the kitchen today m not C because her apron's on inside out oh um got her ass yeah pretty much nobody I don't think so Peach looks prettier than me today so um that's every day okay okay well oh ladies please chill crazy okay Peach oh keep going Sam no that's it I was done oh okay no it's fine so oh yeah no okay uh peach what have you what have you done uh to to persuade the judges today already skipping the man hey guys hello hey I think you should vote for me invest 15% in my company Peach Incorporated [ __ ] Geico perfect losing losing favor losing favor um I got five bucks in my pocket and I got a girthy [ __ ] D true noted thank you uh now we have the boys the top two of yesterday in fact guys feel like you're going to do good today uh I mean you know less girth more heart it's always been my motto Okay small with a vein in it oh yeah uh his heart is my second mot I'm trying to relate to my judge row not a shower right that's what I'm saying um oh he's got an in with the judges potentially oh yeah oh yeah in with the judge I just want all I hope is that the end of this thing it's me and broen wow and okay and this is why I called him a misogynist yesterday wins again I guess no and I want to cook I want to bake for all the women in the world wow that's really sweet all the hungry women in the world Bren who do you want to B for generally I'm just feeling a lot of passion a lot of energy a lot of high viibes I want The Vibes good in the room i' love to bake for everyone you know wow wow yeah no that's way more inclusive than he was um okay well Sam what do you think we're baking today ooh um I don't know but I feel like a pancake would be kind of a crazy mixup okay yeah that would be it's like the easiest breakfast dish it's like you make a I feel like I could do a pancake for memory that's uh that's that's hopeful that's well you're not in the competition are you how would you do without pancake wow they turned on you quick I think really hard about it dummy baking soda or baking powder baking soda or baking powder they're different things man you only have one for the rest of your life only have one what do you mean [ __ ] Mary kill baking powder baking B soda flour flour I think that you can I think that there's a substitute for baking tow or something that shit's modular I think there's salmonella and flour there's no salmon and flour no I'm pretty sure there is no that's not that's not Prett well s is a salmon [Music] lover what a deep c um that's for the real master Baker heads out there yeah get that ref uh broen what do you think we're baking today I'm pretty sure we're making Tres Le's case okay shut shut up don't give her that idea okay Nick what about you I thought about it and I think you know there's no mixing bowls out anymore it's Pizza which you famously what B pineapple back here carot dessert pizza some lemon jello wow he's observant I used that earlier I don't have for what can you bite Jesus Christ okay Peach what what do you think we're making brownies okay all right judges what are your favorite desserts oh [ __ ] my favorite oh man what the hell I really like a good bread pudding okay yeah like a tiasu good uh what about a a nice Creme Brule yeah I was just about to say crule that's the mean never said I'm sorry that's actually [ __ ] up she said it not me they said banana pudding I did not banana pudding sounds good she said you have banana ping she said it I want to make that clear I just said it about wow really really great starting off point for for getting being able to move on huh saying I have banana pudding energy [ __ ] you oh shoot yeah what am I not allow to no you can do whatever you want I just feel bad for her oh yeah she's not she's not talented enough to be talking that way D yeah you shut the [ __ ] up she said it louder well yes we have we have we have an a mean person and also a stealer of bits yeah biter biter and everyone that one's worse right that's logy bad so far I think you have to eat this now I mean they should just show on how bad they may be at bacon yes yeah we're going to show you guys all right it's time oh I'm scared can I can I nope wait this is going to be hilarious oh phone I don't have mine's in my bag again I I can show you to show you oh really where's your phone broen he said that he doesn't have his phone oh he doesn't want T to touch him he's his phone where is it what what wallet wallet we actually don't know where it is uhoh what we got here uh check I don't trust him where is it you got is it at your station got flash drive something I don't know I lost it I right there what you did have it it was on your liar bro it's like a you got to keep the outside keep the outside hard I thought it was an SSD all right it's in the bowl all right yeah it's in the bowl Alex gave me this so okay that's his uh it's plus one right [ __ ] hold this I'm take of you you know what I mean all right judges if you don't know how this game works they do not have recipes and they do not have baking skill but they'll be baking for you today wonderful okay and today contestants you are making no ice cream no what what the [ __ ] that's kind of nuts that's so I made ice cream for my fifth grade science I was going to say my and I'm going to do it the same way sounds like ni might be coming through with well not only are you making ice cream you're making spring ice cream but plug waffle cones but waffle C wait do we get given the codes that's so ass no you're making them God damn we're so F that's so ass wow good attitudes today what do you think judges dude this is going to [ __ ] I'm like lightly lactose intolerant so I guess hey we're going to we're doing it we're doing it for the for the for the you lightly lactose intolerance lightly just a little poo poo later do we like order you a pill God oh God number three never heard I've never I've never made ice cream do you make it from milk or do you make it from cream can't say hey why are you sad Peach oh are you I'm thinking she's La intolerant so is so is so is baby no money be sh it'll be a problem yeah everyone's going to be [ __ ] here today huh um well something you need to keep in mind this is the one tip I give you we're going to put your ice cream machines out shortly but right before you grab your or right before you put your mix in you need to grab your ice cream bowl from the freezer don't grab it out sooner or the chance of your ice cream cre setting won't work okay do we have to use the mixing bowl you don't have to wait wa wait what you say the bowl in the freezer is what actually creates the ice cream so you have to pour your your ice cream batter mixture in there first yes do we get disqualified we [ __ ] our pants if you strip pants sh pants [ __ ] our pants um both are allowed I did that yesterday and I didn't so I thought she was lying about blowing up the toilet in there she wasn't that's crazy I like fa oh there's non-dairy options too if you want to Pander to the judges noites you can yeah yeah no you're [ __ ] kidding me cutie why would you set it up like this I didn't mean to I don't care but I could have been more thoughtful I I will die he'll die that thing sh he will die to to master bake yeah okay okay I'm sorry I don't have the capacity to even make ice cream let alone lactose know well now Nick won yesterday so he has a bit of Advantage let's [ __ ] go boys yes sorry um we're going to do something where I need each of you to name an type of ice cream a flavor of ice cream you cannot repeat starting with sna U Min chocolate chip okay please write these each on their own page okay sandwich uh chocolate Vanilla swirl chocolate Vanilla swirl cookie dough broen cookie dough what we have to oh [ __ ] I have to do one too yeah oh uh Oreo Oreo you're so Oreo foret that a bro I think Nick's winning right now forget that strawberry strawberry okay all right judges a type of ice cream that hasn't been named type of ice cream that has been named maripan marsipan ice cream you can put anything you want in ice cream that's the thing that's a good point that's a good point I'm going to take a page out of my shirt and talk about the hood reverse the curse limited release ice crumb oh all let's move this over put that a little sa we lost a phone big cracks it didn't crack I prob it might have it didn't crack I'm we're joking joking so you don't want Mars Pan ice cream I probably don't what even is Mars a pan I don't know it just tastes like a lemon I thought that was lemon mango M ice with some like chunks in it okay mango chunk ice cream chunky you know like real girthy okay like like Choy you know okay I didn't know that Choy described girth as well got in that you got to take what you can get I got and hello what ice cream do you want to say uh I said shut the [ __ ] up I said the specifically the hood branded reverse the curse ice cream that they were selling when the Red Sox hadn't won oh right uh what flavor is that dude I don't [ __ ] know I just remember eating it and I thought I was making a difference when I was a kid reverse the curse ice cream probably like yeah right I think it was like a red recount both then will you rip all those pages out me really ug that's okay can we add do you want to add something K cookie dough wait is it I is is it ice cream or is it like anything cold and like sorb would work sorb would work guys you hear that sorbet would work can I be honest what I feel like this is less going to be a thing about us tasting ice cream and us more like trying a milk soup yeah potentially I potentially is is a bold I feel like it's almost assured well yeah maybe it's pretty damn hard to make ice cream like I had I did a video where I had an ice cream maker and I and I had a hard time making ice cream work I think we're just going to be having soup um all right Nick your advantage you get to choose who does what flavor yes you oh let's [ __ ] go boys all right please man I love so to earlier I have so many regrets remember when anyone like to say anything nice to me while we we are dting this cuz bicep him your biceps and I love your tattoos no I was just looking at her tattoos she had a like Cooper tattoo what was I supposed to do um C was talking a lot of [ __ ] today I stand on what I said I never switched s was talking a lot of [ __ ] today so you have to make cookie dough ice cream which means you also have to make cookie dough that sucks you're such a little r oh my God all right uh who wants strawberry actually yes rockberry scissors yeah I'm in best two out of three two out of three no what the [ __ ] no wait you're in two I'm interested now all right all three go okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot on shoot Rock wait wait I wasn't ready Rock Paper Scissors Shoot okay you say it okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot [ __ ] okay so you're out Rock Paper Scissors Shoot okay what do you oh wait what do you want you want Strawberry straberry pleas go [ __ ] yourself thank you very much in your stupid little boots shut up wow there's so many ter options left um well I'm just going to give myself Oreo Oreo yesterday how heal I'm sorry this is my choice so uh reverse the cursed red velvet question mark we're not sure if it's red velvet he just said reverse the curse red it's the Red Soxs it's Myster just might assign the Red Socks not Red Socks no Red Socks yeah yeah the red the Red Socks but it's I don't think it was a red item was it chocolate vanilla I'm looking it up right now I remember it was like a vanilla with a bunch of [ __ ] in it oh wait I've had this we've got clarification on reverse the curse it's it's vanilla with a bunch of [ __ ] in it oh that's I'll reverse that curse reverse that damn curse um hi uh there's only one left so there's extra oh yeah there's extra choco Vanilla swirl be nice to Mango chunk and mint chocolate chip what do you want first reverse oh we have a high it looks like it's m you want mango yes I need a uh succinct argument for why you deserve mango yes what the [ __ ] is got to be better than that I'm about to hand you it's not an argument Mt chocolate's coming your way give me sh say all right oh God bro what did you get mango chunk mango Chun okay just for those at home clarify again which ones you have say it'ser so so you're up there's no curse you're black cookie dough strawberry perhaps um reversing the curse mango chunk that damn Oreo okay Ted did you get clarification on What reversed the curse is it's it says no in the description it says you can't get any better pistachio I cream no no what he was looking at was Cur he he was looking at a past tense ice cream that came after the curse got reversed I'm talking about the pre reversing of the curse the blood reverse the curse ice what's the opposite of pistachio it's like basically Rock Road as well but then also I think there's some [ __ ] fudge what exactly my it's in the title it's in the essence of it I didn't know that to be honest with you I thought we were just naming ice cream so I I I went the nostalgic route for myself and now I now got to do this whole thing where I'm on trial and everyone's asking me to explain this [ __ ] ice cream for my childhood I need the real curse I'll no I'm not okay well I just realized I have to recreate I swear to God that this was an ice cream banana flavor the opposite of someone says what the opposite do we have to make three ice creams no what are you talking about like we have to make three Combs with three oh three we have to make three cones what the fuckly don't worry con you are I don't watch I I'll just go with what Chad's saying here I think it's vanilla ice cream with chocolate covered peanuts okay chocol peanuts godamn all right any nut allergies in the kitchen what any nut allergies in the kitchen that we should know about n if i n that's that's a respectable question if we not we not we app that was responsible of you I should have done that I'm going to say it prior to this day um Tri by elimination okay viewers at home these guys don't know how to make ice cream you guys can start your planning now you have about 2 minutes while the viewers at Master Baker day two we've got ice cream on the menu let me show you guys how to make it I'm going to make vanilla bean ice cream I take my vanilla pods and I scrape out all those beans I throw them into my whipping cream and then the actual po podt into my half and half ice cream is actually really simple to make you just need sugar whipping cream and half and half and then any additional you want to add I added raspberries here so you cook those just until the sugar granules have fully melted and everything's kind of combined and become friends then I'm going to use a strainer to sift out all of those extra seeds so they don't end up in my ice cream throw it in our ice cream maker plop that in put the lid on all you have to do here is turn it on 20 minutes it's done let's shift over to the cone to make the cone you're going to throw egg whites sugar mix that vanilla salt and then flour we're going to put a melted butter in there and then the rest of our flour combine that fully Swift Pops in hey Swift show it to chat ooh gooey gooey yum now we have our cone pan we're going to put a dollop of Daisy we're going to have our Sue Chef check that out D that looks good right close it movie Magic we think it's done it's been about 2 minutes oh yes now you grab it we're going to put that cone right into a waffle cone Bowl shaper press that in and done it hardens really quickly to make a cone you have to pull it out directly use the cone shaper and then once you have that let it set for a second and it's going to be done and there is your ice cream cone now that you at home know how to make ice cream and ice cream cones let's throw it back to our chefs in the kitchen and see exactly what they're making [Music] today why tangle [Music] okay back oh I'm back sorry chat my bad my bad like that all right oh God sorry chat hold on for a second bit of an earthquake for I'm just going to oh say you got this chat you got oh Jesus oh oh oh oh she was doing the JoJo sewa dance I can do that right now you karma's a [ __ ] take it away I should have known better dream guess on my podcast guess on my podcast all right Bakers wait what is this I think I'm sry that's you kind of do one of these Bakers you have 60 Minutes to make ice cream and an ice cream cone without a recipe starting now how do we even use this what is this you'll figure it out what do you mean all right let's go I think so Nick is currently winning uh oh okay huge huge he chose the Oreo so I'm going to go whose phone is this your phone yeah it's [ __ ] up Jesus Christ oh okay sorry boys okay I mean like respect for just not having a phone case how often are you getting fiberglass splinters not often it's right yeah you know if I buy a new I'll judging material missing I feel like you may have gotten a lot a 15 uh no I think it's the 13 something my god dude you know I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing with you if I buy a new one I'll break it too so I might I just don't want to get a case or something they feel big in my hand oh oh was like you can have it wow there's some potatoes hunger Hunger good bribe good bribe so do we join is getting up he wants to start he wants to dig in we should I feel like we should also um what's it called off people's like confidence Jesus wait guys how the [ __ ] do we do this Y what up uh so I'm making the cookie dough right now cuz I got [ __ ] what is the are you going to steal Jer me no dude I'm just holding I'm just holding this oh okay yeah I can what was you said earlier about something about banana pudding I don't really that was S I just remember you said that like so I just remember you said that like so much louder I just remember you said that like so much louder and that's like crazy that you said that right that's like so crazy that you said that no you have to wear wear the chair you have to wear chair right we the chair Ryan wear the yeah you have to wear this chair now all right that's that's awesome you've been sent it you've been sent this to 2 minutes wearing the chair can I clame misogyny for this too or is no is that not a thing what are you screaming about I swear when I was outside they told me I'm glad you women are in the kitchen that's I swear I said that yeah I didn't say that yeah I heard I heard Ted saying that though so what do you got going on here well I'm I saw the the girth on the motion look at that that's we were just brainstorming earlier um I'm going to make ice cream and cookie dough perose s what goes in ice cream where are my non-dairy options milk oh wait you're diabetic no you're not diabetic you're um lactose yeah tolerant okay lactose and tolerant I'm tolerant he's tolerant of lactose merely merely merely tolerant towards lactose all right well good luck on making the dough can I take the chair off no you have a minute and 45 seconds left it's only been 15 seconds all right broen what's your plan over here uh we we're making reverse curs cream here okay oh I like the picture is nice thank you do we have a deck of Uno cards we do not have a deck of Uno cards unfortunately that's going to set me back um put some Uno up in it yeah so yeah my plan is to figure out how pancake mix is made first and then make a waffle out of that oh right you guys have to make cone too fck with that yeah oh I guess you have the I thought you guys were just going to have I will say the the one tip I will give you guys is make your ice cream first so it can set while you make your waffle come for sure yeah so do second yeah and to do the Ice Cream first yeah so also here's one uh Bakers if you don't listen you're going to miss out here's one tutorial on the ice cream machines once you are ready oh they get machines yeah once you are ready for your ice cream to start you're going to get a bowl out of the freezer right there you're going to put that bowl on here this goes into the bowl and then this goes on top of the bowl and you push star it does take about 20 minutes for ice cream to set so keep in mind we have ice it's in it's like part of the machine you didn't Ice Dude 20 if you're lucky so you don't need you don't need ice you don't need to add ice that puts a whole wrench into my ice cream CL really yeah I wouldn't bece takes like 40 minutes it might 20 at least yeah 20 20 is a a a positive and dubious claim it is that but hopefully people plan ahead um excuse me I don't remember you asking I don't remember you asking if you could remove the chair I was you have to submit a formal request I was just stretching I was stretching that's I mean you can you can ask to the chair you got got talk to us about it yes it's quite L on the way you're not low I'm not lowering myself to the likes of youing to the of you you're wearing a [ __ ] chair my guy wa it's a red you talking I didn't mean you're World series4 I'll red [ __ ] kidding me where' you get the whipping cream is he on the Red Sox no he only Yankees oh there is whipping cream you know a guy all right all right I think it's Cher I think we can take the chair off right Ted what I think we take the chair off what do you think look nice so where does this this goes in here I I Del your downfall oh you're so nice do we have ice uh no you guys have ice cream machine ioffe okay um oh boy oh God does baking powder or baking soda go in this oh you go excuse me judges excuse me excuse me judges excuse me excuse me how many uh how many scoops do you guys want Scoops yeah sugar I'm assuming it's going to be great oh girl it's j for you that's very creamy I got I got yeah you said you could do lactose right yeah it's fine that's a lot of lactose dude someone's got aood probably the most significant form of lactose this is like lactose Prime Prime energy that sucks at that word that's what you associated with it's like get looking Paul the word Prime dude I'm going to give you guys Two Scoops Linguistics two scoops of cream too late this [ __ ] is so bous yeah thck yeah and uh probably no flour and ice cream cutie that's what you think am I stupid cutie it like doesn't even yeah um one second I'm going to will you take this for a second so I can troubleshoot one second CH I got to troubleshoot ice cream machines do not please I mean honestly a lot of the time cie when you're when you're doing the cookie dough for the for the ice cream it's kind of nice [Music] also off wait can I help weird or am I not am I you shouldn't help no what's wrong with it I'm going to mix it in oh is it it's not cold uh it's like warmish that's fine right and then a little dude I [ __ ] up so bad I feel like Cookie's easy right you just mix it and it's raw anyway blue no choc chocolate chips but they're the wrong ones so they're [ __ ] huge all right well get up they nice okay look the sliving that's good right do it look like a cookie dough it's going to be quite buttery oh maybe we we'll mix it in you don't like buttery cookies mix so what are you mixing it's also like look like you're something weird is happening this is the per of uh starting your ice cream first is now cutie is helping me suck it I'm just cutting mango don't [ __ ] look at me look look look they're going crazy over there stop looking at me look s s Jesus okay [ __ ] off bro oh my wait why are you cutting it down there he won't leave me alone so this is supposed to stay put and this is supposed to turn but it's not because it's too Frozen when stuff is really cold it shrinks and so a bit of a hiccup guys you should pull out your ice cream bowls now now cuz they're too Frozen okay so you might not be able to yeah you every timeat whole year if you yeah okay huh wait just just Ice uh you should have salt at your station nor do we have salt at their stations or oh over there son of a [ __ ] Jack what happened it's a new show these things [Music] happen okay oh what what what I know what you did it's you can't put your mixture in without this in first cuz it needs to have a seal so you put your mixture and it automatically froze a little ledge so it won't let me [Music] um got okay this is what happened to peaches to avoid that don't put your mixture in this thing needs to be in before you pour your mixture in otherwise you're it's not going to move um why are you making dough again because I have to make cookie dough what's that cookie dough oh that's chocolate chips you want try want try it try it I don't this anyce it's not really that bad it's not that bad okay you know wait how's it th yeah that's cool huh what did you do to it uh so I emulsified it in the oven for a few few minutes um yes and makes sense Chef you guys know this [ __ ] it's really thick I didn't I didn't I didn't know it was going to be this thick also heavy I should have I didn't know that that was a rule all right this need more but that's why it won't spin there's a layer of Frozen already um is there like Master Baker by the way okay I uh I me Bakers new update it's not because the bowls were too Frozen it was simply because the mixture was put in put your BS back in the freezer whatever you do don't put the mixure in before put this that's crazy if they were using the bag method then they wouldn't have this problem so just saying how do cookies have like four cups of flour in it because I just keep adding some okay is that looking right no you do need salt that's good right choice [Music] look at this don't look well I mean to be [Music] fair loud okay that's I didn't know where the top was so I just had to plug it up okay that's now this goes into here I hope that's enough strawberry flavor it might not be enough strawberry flavor I feel like I'm going to need there's got to be strawberry flavoring [Music] right lemon coconut guys is there salt and ice cream uh yes but you have to put a little bit of salt I'm just saying I'm just saying are you sure though cuz you know what do they put on what do they put on the ground in the winter to make the snow melt uh oh ice cream or maybe probably salt what he meant so he's the dsy one of the group huh a little bit of mang I'm silly little guy and maybe a little bit of lemon zest in that bad [ __ ] you know what I mean where's the what do you mean I haven't gotten to that point yet can I help no Jesus help bro help me hey can you get me a lemon bro help me can you get me a lemon sister please yeah okay I got you you can you can damn good you can help just give everyone the fair amount of help [Music] did you take out the seeds before patriarch you get men to work for you out of the strawberri right no do you want to do that he's helping her what no he's helping her you can take my strawberry seeds out wait who who baby when life gives you lemons man why are you helping he hates the patriarchy yeah this isn't about the patriarchy she cheting no he's going to help us all okay that's more than enough that is nothing trust me that that's enough okay don't ask him for help do not ask him for help all right well [ __ ] up wow yeah wow I just want my I want my mango ice cream tasting like exclusively like lemon Rod mango I can't wait to have that mango ice cream the Mango's right here y all right oh my God this is look baking's already ah baking's already hard and it's even harder with two [ __ ] breathing down my neck back up life is neck you know I mean that's mine one awkward my my back [ __ ] and my crack that's what I'm saying I've been saying that okay guys you can come over here and help anytime oh yeah you're suck ass I want to see look I'm making some good old cookie dough oh is this a pizza like almost like it's going to be mostly cookie now I can do like one of these oh I'm so sorry I don't want to get remember that whole conversation salmon there's no salmon in this yeah I let me see let me see let me see what's going on yeah tell me what you honestly think I'm too L I don't like you're not you should be like oh that's delicious it's fine but you're going to need more uh more salmon it's a little too flour off sure okay some more sugar I am making cookie dough make sure you do not sugar powdered sugar it's powdered sugar and then you said it's too flowery right I mean here throw some B throw some brown sugar on there too oh so it's like a sugar SK stand here for 20 minutes just like this and the trifecta okay maybe throw some vanilla on there too all right dude this is looking good is this sabotage is this what's happening how much salt did you use so much so so much no no you're good you're good you're good is so much this is like a an extra flavor profile that you need on top of the ice cream cuz when you bite into the ice cream you're eating like vanilla and then you're like oh [ __ ] extra in the cookie this like one big cookie you know what I mean chat you guys agree with me or [Music] what this is good right Nico come on hey I think it's [ __ ] Nick all day bro yeah honestly what the hell he's not he's not like you're doing nothing man you're just chilling with Oreo cookies I have love in my heart I wanted to say he made Oreo yest really he's done Oreo I have a signature Mr Mr Oreo I didn't realize it was [ __ ] [ __ ] Wednesday so you like know what's going on I did this in fifth grade one time it's really cold there's a poet of sugar just shake and then you just do that for like 15 20 minutes straight that [Music] sof stamina is crazy usually yeah you can I do this just do that and um I to leave what this is I'm just joking in my I'm I'm gooning right now just creaming I don't know man how does life work how do get how about you get yourself sometimes are youing my Cofe don't [ __ ] it up I want to go home don't [ __ ] it up I want to go home don't [ __ ] it up what is in okay thank you I don't know how to cut a mango oh Jesus oh God [ __ ] is in a waffle WAFF in a waffle lot of love lot of heart little bit ju little bit of ju that's the chef's kiss up um you guys want to you guys got you guys know how to make waffles well it's like it's kind of like a panc close to a pancake I [Music] think all right that tastes like a milkshake that's actually pretty good I mean really you tasted it yeah no okay there there's there's ways of going about it you can do a like definitely no mango in here who you'll need a hey no running in the kitchen are we do what is it what is it tons of knives everywhere yeah for defense I'll back I'm strapped come here come here guys what was the you just keep going to keep going to read it all right the solution to her thing was we had to melt it off because she had like layer that was like this thick of Frozen so it's melted off it's back in the freezer so you can grab it in like 10ish minutes and then start again ma'am and then all right we're we're we're jumping back in sorry I missed what's your update over here I just gave him a free duve yeah he's handing out methods so it uh he told well he told me what if I put Oreos in the comb wow wow so that's what I'm going to try to do wow and you're just eating some mango he's hungry he didn't get his breakfast chice only have two mangoes you're fine oh God it's the chunks that matter make um waffle [Music] cones [ __ ] what I know Taylor Swift wanted to know how to make waffle cones why didn't the only important question is why did Taylor Swift use the fortnite font for her new song with post Malone yeah we've been wondering we've been wondering all right what's happening over here Ted looks like he approved actually don't know why he's doing this they're too big I need them smaller okay peut [Music] crunch do you remember it having peanuts Ted dude last time I had this ice cream was probably about 12 years ago you don't remember being 12 I'm say yeah it was probably like 15 years ago okay 15 years like years ago so like 10 or something actually no even younger I was probably six when I had this I'm sure chat can hear this story professional yeah sorry what we so you were six I think I was six okay yeah yeah okay so I think that when I yeah and that's kind of my inspiration behind thats pretty uh and that's why I think uh it would be a good choice of ice cream right right very good Broden I like it worked out pretty well yeah that looks nice that looks nice all right checking back in over here hey can you throw this away from me that's nice um how's it going um I think it needs a little bit more sugar it's not okay keep doing over here but now or something okay I'm making gr crackers making yeah I just it away from you're making graham cracker dust what what flavor are you again uh strawberry wow and I have I put strawberry I put the whipping cream and stuff in a bag and then I put that bag in another bag with ice in it okay oh [ __ ] uhhuh have you made ice cream [Music] before do you normally you like that yeah you shake it and then you take it out of the bag well you shake it you shake it and then you take it out of the bag and it like goes everywhere yeah oh I can try that you have to sometimes get a towel here do you want to taste this do you want to have a sip how does it taste you know when you eat a bowl of cereal and then you have the bowl of milk left Peach yours is good you could pull it out if you want it thank you Stak I'm working I'm working on it how's it going Peach what do you have I'm trying to make waffle batter I'm be honest I don't really know how to do that okay it's really hard to get both of you in the same shot why is it cuz my so goddamn short that's oh well my face is so slim and feminine it's definitely fitting in the shot hey anyone know what the freezing point of Hershey syrup is to plug in your waffle maker freezing point I need a waffle maker a serup does it freeze actually no you don't I'm going to I [ __ ] know dude hey I think I'm getting to like I'm looking for like a pancake batter consistency a little bit more also I stole this milk from the fridge I hope it's ours oh you're making I don't think it check the expiration on what the hell is that's our milk did you check the we need more milk's like we need to buy more milk oh that is our oh okay okay okay she I thought she stole some way to go nor had it covered this look pretty good okay perect Nick tried to sabotage me I came over to my butter and one of his hairs was in the butter wow I did detective wait can look at this penis right here it's really good kind of don't show that I do like a nice penis don't we all you know I love oh that is a nice wao it's like so well done thank you I mean it looks like a penis that's looking great the consistency of that look at that very rewarding thank you that's for the cone yes nice you want to do me a favor can I get my bowl out of the freezer it Nora will you show baby no money what bul is Peaches talk will you show him what bowl is Peaches um like that why your ice cream thick like that no that's that's not my ice cream what's that you the bowl will it stick to your tongue I'm not have you guys ever done that before oh it's so brutal oh no it's the bowl okay all right here goes Peach her second attempt there you go oh it's a put your lid on all right okay let me make sure it spins yes there you go slow pour slow pour let's see how this goes oh God okay it cream [Music] there we go now hold it hold it hold it let's get thumbnail B you don't want to come over here love having a professional YouTuber here nice thank you that a thumbnail we would have been it would have been disastrous yeah yeah that was good nothing would have been worth anything that's why the F the big bug to to watch all the Barbie movies exactly these YouTubers need real jobs that took me so [ __ ] long to finish that video this is looking wow I'm actually in a very gen H what's in there uh this is my waffle batter okay uh I I can't oh my god dude that's hitting right in the spot wow that's hitting right in the spot uh and then this is my uh dude I've got one hand on my cheek right now you see I got three hands on you too feels good good yeah the judges don't have a favorite today this goes you actually found a not uh this is this is my ice cream uhhuh and this is when do you plan on putting your ice cream in the machine uh when you told told me not to you told me to put the thing back oh no you can no you can it's time I you said everyone put your thing back I said put it back unless you're ready to use it well I've been sabotage so okay well yeah I would okay see this is the point where we cut to a confessional and you'd hear some reality TV music and and it would be like and at that point I realized I was way behind schedule who is this do you think I think it's Sams but it's really nice it's very cozy it's like fire it's like a nice Christmas experience the butter the ice from the side of the machine into her bag B not going in the ice cream bag it's going in the bag it goes in the bag so I there's no ice so I use the ice for my coffee but that melted so it's this is the bag it's sanitary why don't you just use the machine that everyone else is using I'm not like others okay we know I don't want to go I don't want to sheele my way to a win you know what I mean I either want to win or want to go out today are you concerned about not no okay I have no worries no concerns I'm in my mind's house what's that smell of burning butter what's that smell of burning butter I would like everyone to know that will not work that smell of burning butter I wonder what that is oh is it might be od my hands are really cold from the ice cream if your ice cream is not in the machine by now you no it's I thought I said put it back cuz you didn't need it out right then but you should get it out now I must yeah I think I had WAFF yeah you should definitely have your ice cream in the machine I I'm realizing now that was a communication flaw of mine that's crazy sorry this is looking good I am proud it's our it's our first ice Mach and I'm making a well don't open this it's a cookie waffle Co it's going to go crazy trust don't taste this though don't don't it doesn't look that good this is your cough but there's like a lot of sugar at the bottom you see I don't know like no come check out this Tech I feel like you would never mind yeah baby I think you would add yeah baby what tech you told me to come over and then you left I just I just B that bch look at this nicey scoop oh that's not enough that's not enough oh God okay maybe this isn't okay maybe don't look at me anymore I I think you're have enough oh boy how we doing feeling like I just got back from I just got back from Hawaii brother you just got to you just got to you just got to you don't need to spread it out you can push it down so she put more on it I don't think she's ever made a waffle WAFF I digress okay what you weren't even talk per CH per chance okay let's look at her ice cream it's got like something going on on the sides he put whipping cream in his and I don't know if that's a good idea or not I think we got milk and Pake I'm going to go talk to chat in the bathroom real quick I might have to wait why are you regretting any ice cream no not at all up right now I'm creaming it's we're creamy what's in there uh milk and sugar I don't know anything about is that all that goes on ice cream I think so and then we poured it no wait we let me ask all these questions first so milk and ice cream is in yours yes and then I have milk and sugar sorry milk and sugar and powdered sugar and then uh B want added brown sugar into this I don't know how it's going to work but then there's cookie dough here and then I'm making secret thing cookie dough waffle cone okay but it's not cooking I don't know what's going on but that's it's good right what everybody has that I don't have one oh the metal thing it's under your clo no no no talking about this one oh you can have that no the little stand up thingy yeah it's under your clo what is that what's a clo that yeah clo that's a well it was just it's that that's a [ __ ] old money word to know that's like that's some that's some that's some [ __ ] trust fun I know vocabulary no I went to culinary school yes it's under the clo it's under the clo um real real quick what is in your ice cream batter what is my ice cream batter what's in your bowl right there um there is uh milk uhuh there is sugar uhhuh there is a tiny bit of heavy whipping cream not a lot a very small amount uh-huh um Oreos uhhuh and uh AIT a pinch of kosher salt um just Just A Pinch I think that's all I put in there okay all right and milk and milk this this could take this could take like 30 to 40 minutes before it's fin start how long has this been in here um some of them might not work because they're recipes are wrong not because of the machine that is true I'm going to go talk to chat real quick what it's doing it I don't know that little Fleck is don't look at that that might be dirt so don't all right all right chat all right chat we got to [Music] talk hey chat okay the only people's ice cream who is going to work potentially is broke rodents and Sams I'm giving you the spoiler because in order for ice cream to work you have to have a lot of fat um and milk doesn't have enough fat so usually you have to do equal parts whipping cream as you do milk none of them have enough fat um so every single person that said their recipe consists of milk and sugar theirs is never going to freeze in time and it never would it would never get to the consistency of ice cream quite literally ever so broen I'm going to figure out how much whipping cream is his and I'm going to ask Sam what her recipe is but I'm pretty sure they are the only ones that will have successful ice cream so let's go see hey look your dad came you messed up going crazy what did you mess up I think I added too much salt crazy to what my ice cream um I mean you can't really start over but there are ways to counteract [Music] salt tell me what is in your ice cream machine my machine well she can hear what I'm going to say well it's too late to change um you want to know exactly what's in my machine oh okay I keep track of my recipes okay love that come here yeah okay okay got we got four of those uh we have three cups of sugar six eggs uh 3 tbsp vanilla six two tablespoon salt and then four cups of milk okay all right like going way going the longest all right I'm going to have to do adding whipping cream yeah but his is what the waffle Maker's not working so I'm taking a different approach oh it's the waffle maker that's not working yeah I'm never the problem it's not the recipe let's go check on Sam's never will be the problem Sam how is it going over here it's not like sticking together very well uhhuh so I'm trying to figure out cuz I was going to put it over the cups uh and make little cups but it's not it's just kind of like dirt so instead of making a waffle cone you're making it's either going to be really Innovative or ruin me interesting okay okay where's your ice cream uh in the freezer okay she doing it's actually pretty like she's doing some [ __ ] Amish technique yeah well for making her ice cream everyone else is living in the future and she's driving horse and bugger right now okay well sometimes that's what if the power goes out and we end up in like Y 2k2 how are you going to make ice cream without a machine I feel like if the power goes out and we're in y 2k2 there's couple other issues other than make it okay what if I just watched a lot of Fallout I'm trying to prepare dude me too dud you guys want glass of wine again huh you guys want another glass of wine yeah I might as well okay I put flour in it it's not cooking what if we say it at the same time one two three slap no okay see I I made them but then it just kind of does that and it's just like sand what's in there uh gr crackers and butter dirt she sounds disappointed butter and judge hey what's up what's sugar is it been a long day yeah it's been a long day it's [ __ ] what do you want she's got the shakes right now she got this she's looking at this she's shivering she's shivering like a like a like a like a small white dog there's nothing wrong with that guys something is happening in here and it looks good okay did you did you add anything to it whipping cream oh you added whipping cream what made you do that cuz she wants to be thick okay all right okay look at that look at that look look like yeah know I I told you I told you to like oh what's happening over here I got kind of close but it's like the wrong like the totally wrong excuse me judge s what are you doing don't look this way don't look this way I don't what the [ __ ] is that what is that my wobble won't cook so make a little pancake that looks like that looks like a DED skin face of a person so you get it like relatively hard you put it in there like a human sacrifice in the back and that's what I'm doing how do I get hard huh oh it's fine it's fine we get hard don't don't look this way don't look this way cuz you you don't need to see it hey this [ __ ] look good why Pizza EA Pizza no look at is this one done look at that [ __ ] I think this it's like burning got a nice little Char nice little Char going on what we're rocking right now for our glass something about this feels a little biblical you know what I mean feels a little feel like a I feel like a disciple right now this is my first attempt at a waffle ow ow the only keeping it in shape is this PL thing I can't so you still think your butter was correct I actually I don't know I I feel like there might have been a miscalculation somewhere maybe you know but what's happening over here what's the discussion what what's your discussion I'm trying to so this is like a tortilla texture right now which makes me think like maybe I did tooo much flour or something and I and I want it to stay at the shape so I'm like he's telling me to cook it in the wait quick make ice you know what this looks like this looks like a chicken fried steak oh yeah that looks like a chicken fried steak and I know that that's not what it is no maybe non bread at best [Music] yeah Che this [ __ ] looks delicious it's my number one fan right there do it taste is it good tastes really good you could turn it into a Waffle Bowl po why AR you got to cook it more do you want that to be your cone I don't know I need this to be my hell so what was in your batter this it uh two eggs flour probably like a cup powdered sugar Oreos vanilla extract starting waffle I put I put like like a little bit of regular sugar St huh yeah yeah okay my [ __ ] day part cooking my first Waffle attempt but I don't think it is this definitely needs to tone down a bit what this yeah it's not sweet wait it's just I don't want to say it out loud this is this is happening solid Min of soup what am I doing wrong um he did put eggs in there not like tattle or anything oh my God guys this is I this SM good I'm doing [Music] your B temperature is fine really so we just wait what it should get there uh this one it should get is the is the science good or did I [ __ ] up the science surprisingly without saying much to the other competitors your science is the best yeah so that I am also a little surprised table sign walk right now I'm not bre oh I even got Decor un ironically I know what it is I I don't like it it's not sweet I'll go tell chat I know what it [Music] is I know what it is CH I know what it is y he's cooking over [Music] here all right CH wait this is what's wrong with broden's so so Broden Broden added eggs to his and eggs are usually in like a french vanilla ice cream but you have to temper them first so you have to cook them until they thicken he didn't cook his eggs he just threw them into his batter so they're never going to thicken um when he said eggs of course my brain was like duh he baked it this like he made you know French vanilla you put eggs in it that's fine but uh he didn't actually turn those eggs into a custard he just threw them in with some whipping cream so sadly if he wouldn't have thrown those eggs in he would have been he would have had the best ice cream also if he would have cooked those eggs he would have had the best ice cream so that's his flaw also Nick's biggest problem is also eggs adding the yolk added too much fat that's why they're malleable and bendable if you just do the egg whites that's what you want to do then he would have the crispiness and so that's where that's where his recipe is wrong so eggs are the secret sabotage or of today so far going back out there say hi to your dad again [Music] all right are you what I think you should uh it's it's oo your call that's a nice that's a nice play there thank stars coming up really really really fire checking on sin okay is it time to I think it's time to add in the cookie dough that looks good look like a Sor B actually very so the reason it looks like a sorbet is because the lack of fat in it so it's just the water and the milk separating so that's why you have the texture of the sorbet how's it going over here so good my ice cream's just still a little bit creamy yeah um little salt it's not too late it's no I'm not giving up I'm not giving up I hope you're not [ __ ] this up right now no no no no no no no no I'm I'm just not giving up I'm powering through you guys don't believe in me you both look like you believe I don't believe you that's you have an ice cream bowl right there I don't you were given the tools I know but I didn't I just let me cook just let me cook I don't know about I don't know about you kid but I feel like yeah but if it's going to be really good as she does think she's smarter than me yeah it seems like she thinks that she knows better no I just I just want she's going to learn a lot during judging today can I use the ice cream to make my ice cream cold what no you can't use the ice cream that's in the fridge can I cheat no no no what about the pumpkin seeds you can't steal other people's stuff Sam pumpkin seeds what TR you're mocking me I feel like you're I am hide that jeez jeez all right checking back in on people oh mine is I'm just going to do this do you need this but uhoh no so it's not savable that's what I'm hearing oh my godon dust came through they did it really yeah TR there is a chance if you did want to restart you might be able to bargain and get Sam's Bowl if you wanted to do that it's a restart angle I don't know what the [ __ ] did I do wrong are you I'm using it to make it cold is it the egg I'm allil right now I don't know cuz eggs are in gelato milk and eggs too much cream too much heavy cream low key I want to be a [Music] chef are I got to remove something czy literally he know he going to send one what the [ __ ] is it I'm not I know there's salt in it I know there's I know there's cream maybe there's too much [ __ ] you're at you're really going to give me nothing sorry about that dude that's that's good enough all right's going to figure that out over here we've got a first cone popped out by it's to okay I've learned you don't cook it as [Music] much no yes I added lemon and a little bit Su now tastes [ __ ] dope [Music] iing just don't make another one bro just just make all one three going to make three yeah oh wow okay wow not bad not bad not a did you change your recipe I added something what' you add well I was thinking right I was thinking no go away I was thinking the turnt they're called buttermilk pancakes and I never I never put butter in butter and I was like I feel like I should just make buttermilk pancakes making waffles wow you know what I mean development Sam's progress on her ice cream I was it was like a pre- shaking method I think what happened was I think an Amish has left the cluster is what I broen was interested in using her toy and then she said no one can play with my toy one else can play with my toy and so she didn't let broen use it no prob cuz it's like who's is this to use little that's them I think now you're making it sound like R it and then you what's going on here it's like a pit to hell yeah hey Nick what's this bro delicious that was Alex I turned it off oh boy that's H definitely my bad that was my bad it's metal damn it don't tou this hot I didn't think about it I'm good I'm good I'm sorry I should have warned you you're not good oh God you're not I feel you're locked in for at least a week great you're locked in for at least a week oh that sucks that looks pretty good that's the whole hand he's not going to be able to jerk off the mouse oh I was thinking of video games the issue is yours is what I don't here sandwiches I did half as much so it'll cook twice as fast that was really smart so this is the that's not this is what s's done so far okay do you okay do you like it do you think you been eating it I I have been eating it yeah he actually has eat okay and here's sin oh boy it's a lot of s did you add more to that I added heavy whipping cream cuz I think I missed it right so I just poured it right in is that bad it looks good now right it is so I keep eating this like is not good I think I'm going home today my uh my bowls are not cooking very well they're just staying powdered so Bravo how important is the com you what if the ice cream's really good some of you might have great cone some of you might have great ice cream some of you might have both oh no you what if it's neither we'll see we'll see what happens yeah oh it's over here I was putting it in have you tried it s what's up with the F this sh looks amazing yeah it's delicious oh I made that too just to add on to the judging not to be that guy this looks crazy yeah that's s Sam's going crazy crazy is getting done pretty quick see that's really smart to just do a little bit CU When you do a lot it's looking good oh it's so sweet there's so much sugar in it we put salt in it it's salt dies down the sugar right yeah it D it down like it counters it it's like a counterpart right uh oh that looks great H oh dude [ __ ] you what are you all right checking back over on [Music] broaden okay I added too much salt you're Perfection I mean it's thickening a little bit okay oh if your iceam honest going to be pooping out the bottom not even add and just do the mint and the lemon zest because no you said I have to do mango yeah but it doesn't matter because it's going to end up better you can't my brother in Christ 10 minutes 10 minutes what no get out of here 10 minutes 10 minutes oh y no [ __ ] way 10 minutes 10 minutes is there is there no settings on these we'll give you guys it's going to be soup soup chat it's 10 minutes oh damn it what is wrong with this thing I bought this [ __ ] cuz of Tik Tock and okay chat it is your chance chat you can vote for 15 extra minutes it's up to you chat chat can vote it is up to chat it is up to chat mods run the poll all right Bakers the chat is currently voting to give you 15 additional moan minutes do you want to say anything to them please please pleasee don't do it don't do it I'm going to reverse this great from that not happen save us Donald Trump if you can hear me right now please save us Donald Trump I have to message I can get behind oh now I'm on her side God Bless America God bless this damn country with I think I can hear him I think I can hear him you're a loser a TR okay we'll see what chat decides whenever we whenever we them do we have more of these no you can like do them on the side it's okay how do we hold the cones and put your ice cream doesn't need to be inside the cones but how do we oh it's just to help build them so we just how are we presenting the cones just on a plate you can just lay them on a plate right I was planning to like decorate you could decorate your combs you could decorate your ice cream whatever whichever way you want to do it you know maybe it's better I [Music] know it's giv me hope but I don't know if it's false hope well that's going to be up to chat I dud that looks more like porage right now do these look like roses or do they look vaginal [Music] this one looks okay but this kind of look like a dog wiener red rocket kind of looking like some this one looks okay that one looks a little bit scary huh I'm just I'm trying to like spice up all the other aspects cuz I really think the cones are going to [ __ ] me a little bit right yeah so I'm just trying to mix it up come with their boat the chat boat do it come through [Music] I me to be okay Bakers the chat has voted you get 15 more minutes so we just want that might even be too long but we'll see we'll see hey does anyone hey do you know where my coffee went Sam could you find it the coffee yeah no oh I found it it's good right how's it going huh that's not bad wait do I have a cone holder it's the clitoris and oh Jesus Christ you just bit off the leum Majora I could have bite it fast enough to just smack my face is it as good for you as it was for me no ice cre wait you want serve it in the cone so it's up to you you can serve it in the cone you can serve it on the side if it's going to melt is that is that a handicap for people who won't be able to get it in a cone no I think it's just a I think it's uh just because ice cream melts so quick that it's just a it's just an option where did my other cone go yeah if you want oh it's in here okay it's up to you okay look at that yeah do we have ice cubes I think it needs to be [Music] my roll it's cold enough cuz it's it's it's cold enough yeah know I was like most hopeful for you at the beginning and now I uh I see that those thoughts I had were dubious at best that's pretty you're going to plastic melt on this cutting board crazy crazy play for a sanitation purposes do we have cutting boards yeah they were there oh good question crazy good that's a good question for sure I don't think they need 15 more minutes I think 10 minutes would work but we'll see oh look at you go dude the kitchen is becoming a little more calm now there's some calmness taking over the kitchen have you noticed cuz I'm handing out wine to everyone we're going to have to buy another bottle get yeah it is 10: in the morning it is tortured post Department tonight how are you celebrating Nick uh celebrating what the tortured poet's department is that a tayor swift thing yeah so actually I'm going to go home I'm going to do [ __ ] hard rock cocaine I'm just going to how how Taylor would so her boyfriend was in a group chat called tortured men's department her ex-boyfriend so she's kind of like making fun of him isn't that kind of cool that's pretty cool it's like taking back the group chat also like yeah in like dead dead po societ dead po it came out 1989 and that's when she was born was and Dead Poet Society is like torted I'm good I don't need anything uh thanks thanks I think actually think this is the best camera delicious this is this [ __ ] is delicious thank you thank you wow I don't know what I'm screaming for some ice creaming you weren't supposed to say anything what are you doing just tasing dude you're so it's so screwed you're so over bro bad yeah you're [ __ ] tast at the feet yeah I'm coming back [ __ ] I'm coming back the M's nice a nice comp if you give me put in there if you give me $200 I'll put my one in can i$ 200 $200 in real USD uh it's like 18 minutes now 18 just keep going on this keep going on yeah I got to leave it in here if I take it out now it do Mell wow yeah you're set pretty quick yeah why I don't understand the differentiation between what everyone else did skill difference oh yeah I guess it is a skill issue yeah please hey you got any cash on you Taylor no I just called you Taylor Swift oh my God you're wow your legacy girl there he's getting he's getting cash from him to dump wine in my ice cream $200 cash and I'll put a little bit of this hey don't question my judges let them do whatever they want okay Taylor she's fine now I don't know what's that what's that word they talk about when it comes to something about uh something about dud I can't remember the word I'm never going to be a to not tasty ice cream you're welcome Sal too sweet that's really salty I added more what happened I added salt because it's too s and then it became really salty so I poured sugar on top so then it would mix in I have to mix it in don't I feel like you can use one of these puppies I'm about to use this [Music] golly your good friends with Conor say hi to your bu to gu a [ __ ] for so you supportive before what happened I was do you want to taste it no I sure oh my God is it really good you know really maybe your cone will be good tast like soy sauce bro that [ __ ] crazy soy sauce you need [ __ ] soy sauce no no s I did that I added you want to some real ice cream shut the [ __ ] up S why is it so watery you never need to Ed really good you going to do a pinch did you RI your sorry I thought you like went like this myad sorry all right we might run another do you Ted they have 14 minutes left do you think we run another poll to see if chat wants to have that time wait half the time yeah put it to seven for in some intensity do it run the pool crispy rice we won't tell them in the oven there God damn it this is why you don't buy stuff you see on Tik Tok it's broken drama is it off yeah off [Music] what the hell chat how am I supposed to hang out with you guys I guess I'll pull up my phone one second you guys I've got you that's not my not the thing guys how the [ __ ] do you how do I see you I just keep seeing my story oh there you [Music] are there we go yay all right chat's running the poll oh Master oh oh do you guys see that oh wow aprons available aprons Master Baker aprons and shirts are available now if you're interested wow thank God it's very cool I can't see the pole though oh there it goes oh drama drama from the pole okay Inception let's see what happens stuff is so good thank you butter well worst what is in there uh looks like marshmallow Sam you left marshmallow flop in the bis off yesterday okay Roden how are you feeling I mean it is solidifying just so slowly yeah J J so [ __ ] good so [ __ ] good look my cone are you adding m go chunks to it yes at the end wow what is this that leap don't [ __ ] ask me damn sorry sorry some of our competitors are really intense in the kitchen I can tell yeah it's all good pressure uh pressure makes diamonds am I right in okay how's it going over here I think I'm killing it I think my ice cream is like it's okay it's not my favorite Oreo ice cream but it's ice cream and it's solid which is better than most people here shade tast s he's making fun of your ice cream me you're such a NC guys n guys please you just see my damn yeah I know but I need to hear this what's going over here Sam I'm I got more time so I'm just going to recook them with moreing soup why don't you try using your waffle maker if you it it get harder F I'm going against the grain trust just trust me okay trust me wait did you when did they kill you pick ice remember oh okay I'm saying that's helpful who did that uh did what is I don't know but c d it's good guys I feel we're saying my name a lot you know what I mean we chat what did chat decide what did they decide they have oh wow halfing the time so that means we've got I don't know how to 5 minutes left F chat voted to half the time what they're crazy I love that 5 minutes left well they just went crazy they're crazy I just yeah you guys hey you guys are crazy chat chat you're wild you're wild for that one like this yeah that's what chat's doing all right my butter keeps on M Bakers Bakers they don't have to be served in the cone keep that in mind they do not have to be served in the cone that's so funny I'm doing my third cone right now okay yeah you're going crazy bro I'm a little worried they half the time you know what you can do I got it oh this also this since it is ice cream you don't have to Plate it until it's your turn to come up so have your plates ready but you don't have to scoop it out until it's your turn to come up Bowl perhaps yeah you could do that cup your cone on the side a cup to drink it out of maybe like a milkshake if you got to do that yeah products you know maybe yeah might it might become a bit of a cone game but between these two what's up yeah your [ __ ] is ass buddy that's what she said your [ __ ] is [Music] ass's your oh mine's looking great do you want to come see it no no no no no I'm really it's not necessary welcome to the tropics [ __ ] exactly Bahamas Bahamas they're looking less [Music] f it's like I can see all the disappointment anyone's everever had in me in this ice cream it's so sad I took some out so it'll go faster but don't look at these that's not [Music] it [ __ ] has everybody burnt their hands today yes yeah yeah I can't believe I grabbed that that was crazy that was so dumb that was like one of the dumbest things I've ever done just turn around it was funny kind of a rush it was crazy kind of rush I kind of want to do it again is it still hot just to feel something oh yeah a little bit yeah a little bit add a little bit more wait everyone can use everything over here right yeah yeah you guys should think about using the extra things down there all over the place good to garnish with wow wow the Dazz 2 and 1 half minutes Chad are you having fun you guys can choose who to say but like remember you cannot save the same person 2 days in a row hey cutie that's you're saying there's CH I weo that can we chat V hey time to burn my fingers again let's go oh this looks good we can't I need mods to clarify doesn't matter much isn't that the usual rule you should just like mix it yeah mods have to do some research for me they'll get back to all right one push in a minute and a half until hands up I the bules aren't even do they go into a a moment where like this WAFF has taken 7 minutes to cook skill is how many times have you opened it upen oh [Music] my that is poison there's poison in there you're so drama que oh that smells okay it's like battery acid and milk he said it's bad he said oh the strawberry I think it tastes like the wrong type of strawberry 1 minute until hands up can we put our can we put our ice cream in the freezer whenever well you don't have to you don't have to scoop it out until it's time to go up why did you say that I did I've said it I've said it what the you don't have to scoop out your ice cream until it's your time to go up oh so you just have to hands up in 30 seconds what I just put more flavor well you just have to hands up in 30 seconds I don't know what to [ __ ] tell you prep it uh when it start turny to come up ice I got to put that stuff in it am I going to be able to do all that in my 20 seconds I feel like I should do it now but I have to put my hands up in 10 seconds so there's no [Music] point 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 one hand hands up Bakers hands up hands up hands up hands up hands up hands up what nobody played no I told them not to cuz they're going to melt Bakers over here judges in your seats can I wash my hands yes could I just turn this off [Music] yeah all these are off all stove top is off nothing's burning off off off great [Music] okay all right name okay now our loser of yesterday Peach what the [ __ ] he's right there our loser of today well I know but you almost got sent home okay right you were second last yeah okay get to choose the order of presenting o ooh o if you love me Peach please put the glass oh let me think C first peace no please got to see that [ __ ] Nick and then um B I got to see what you got Chef Sam and then I want to go last okay wait no I I I changed my mind okay what I want to go second no and then body else afterwards wait be helpful if you went last because more time guys she's not thinking about I want to go last I want to go last so I'm second again I want to go okay it's okay you can you can ruminate on it but all we know is that c is first okay s plate your dish and bring it to the front I'm so excited can we see chat I got C no it's it's broken it's broken yeah all right I wanted to go last I wanted to go last because I wanted to have time for this to get together but uh I was going to go for like a cereal and milk kind of vibe but it just looks like somebody [ __ ] no get it plated Chef get it plated Chef okay a little bit I'll do some of this wait there you go do you need one too yes there's three of us Chef oh frick okay oh my God I just cried on my makeup off [Music] Frozen all right she's on her way do I set this camera to face them Nico is that what I do like can the can chat see the judges via that camera now can you aim it at these guys yeah hey [Applause] hey Sor your eyes million fireflies I'm just getting I'm just getting s you know you know chat oh God why are you sitting what's taking so long no no I'm sorry I'm putting the wall remember how you said that you're going to wait to eat our stuff for your first meal yeah I was hungry oh wait you have a camera on why did you say what cuz I was munching oh to be fair the best thing I was eating was that thing that you threw on a pan we still need three right of what we still three ice cream servings yeah oh that's crazy can you see them or no is it bad [ __ ] good [ __ ] catch that's a $3,000 catch thank with lens you need like you need like a soundboard that goes like or the one put it in post put the dun and the fart in post please all right s ladies and gentlemen you can close your eyes please so I can put it on the table don't look promise me because I have to you know put the thing over it Kitty close your eyes she's yelling man all right are you ready yes I present to you [Music] a uh it's cereal and milk [Music] what the [ __ ] there's a problem in the mixing cuz it didn't get hard but not everybody feel that not everybody can get hard you know what I mean amen should put a blue pill in there so and then there's a little cookie dough balls like you know that Cookie Crisp cereal that at as a kid yeah it's like that uh it's crazy that you decided to put your cones into the Goof now your chance of your cone shaving you is pretty low Breakfast Platter you know what I mean there's waffle there's cereal can I just ask a clarifying question before we get into this um what gave what what what came across you that that made you think you had the right to put this in front of us that's just Simon C Simon C the banana you're PA you know I'm a little bit racist sexist you know so it's just had to SLE that all that's why you're racist forgot transphobic wa no wait no I'm not okay no I'm not uh chefs I'm none of these things well no no it's we're trying we're trying an unfinished dish from a racist transphobic homophobic individual uh that by the way uh was insulting me from the GGO that was Sam I just said it louder you know so it's kind of how that works yeah well I mean we all heard you say it so I did see you handle yourself very well in the kitchen and uh I'm excited to try this again and see if it got any worse no no no I trust me I would for like also like a you know I try to do a unique taste so it's like a little salted you know okay you try to do a lot here you take a picture with it oh no that we don't need to do that oh no show it to the camera I do think there there is some uh way that this could be tasty with the amount of salt but cuz like everything mixed together it couldn't you know it's a Savory cream it's like a caramel salted ice cream but not caramel and not right salted well well let's dig in ch you know what I you know what this looks like I think we this looks like something you'd see on one of those reality cooking shows where when it cuts to it you'd hear that one sound effect where it goes like guys we don't need to try it I think we can just skip it you know no I'm going to do a whole little wrap up like a little remember judges you are get a little get a little taco going on Taco is it really good you look so happy it kind of tastes like Camp you know when you're like making things over a fire oh that's good though right no yeah it tastes like charcoal yeah and wood and dirt I haven't tried it yet I'm trying to I'm trying to figure out how to get like one I can really taste the egg like egg there's no egg in you [ __ ] did you put egg again get a shot of this I'm going over leg wait did [Music] you no take another one no dude I'm not going to do that [ __ ] you were right on cuti being yet so close to soy sauce it's actually I didn't mean to all your dishes this is actually a rare delicacy from Japan it's a it's a new dish in most sushi restaurants guys yeah I'm Japanese okayy two different judges have fish like fish today it legit kind of tastes like fish no cutie no cutie Cutie try another bite please cutie please one more take your I have I have an ALB tonight you're not going to for me wow making a drip on her stuff too how dare you the Bigg all right s yeah you're out of control s what the [ __ ] how did you how did you pass yesterday I don't know can't voted immunity an immunity totem or whatever that's sick it's like really weird that they can't vote me again I don't know it's crazy wait they can't give you another immunity why not it's the rule that's what I said I V like that might be the worst thing that anyone's everever made and you should J be made cupcakes that were like C sorry pcak she yeah really yeah that's bad I could eat JP's [ __ ] cakes but not this don't say that out loud that don't say that I could no one should watch hb's cupcakes please I tried it it was when I was working when I was working through the flavors of this I was confused upset shocked and offended I want something else in my mouth I'm I'm I'm just wondering did like did you are you are you not taking this seriously do you think do you think that we're a joke breakfast potatoes all this is just a joke you are the bread pudding guy so s can you walk me through what Bren oh actually hold on let me just like [ __ ] that is so bad did you just eat it that look actually so yeah it tastes like thetic is really close soy sace did you put baking soda in it well that's the cookies because why' you put baking soda well in the cookie dough you have to put like baking soda or baking powder I don't know which one it's so no I listen Master Baker is also about learning so so I'm going to as you tried okay I'm going to do on record say I got the worst flavor today it was like one of the simplest flavors it was it was Vanilla I had to make cookie dough okay that's like so [ __ ] you make cookie dough no I'm the Jud okay I mean at this point she's trying I don't know why I okay okay I did give you a lot of Health too and you still proceeded to [ __ ] it all up your team switching mad at you right now I'm like kind of [ __ ] pissed okay with the problem was the ice cream was too sweet so I added a bunch of salt to counteract the sweet but then it got too salty just a [ __ ] full excuse isn't isn't like ice cream supposed to just be sweet period it was it was too sweet it was like grainy you think this was okay so all right here's your learning this is what happens you're genuinely bother better than soya sauce I I feel like I've actually had soy sauce ice cream and it tastes better than this this is an important this is an important step that all of you missed um in order to avoid granules in your ice cream you actually need to cook your milk and your sugar together it'll melt those granules so yours was grainy because it wasn't it you could never melt those granules there's no way how we would have ever done that it might have been too sweet but too sweet is way better than this oh making ice cream I I'll make it hot you should also you should also never add more than maybe half a teaspoon of salt ever wait really yeah I thought it was like a half to a quarter so I was like okay [ __ ] it you know just a quarter what likeup know yeah like half sugar a quarter salt a quar what Sal that's a good question I got a quarter of a cup a quter qu of leiter I just kind of eyeballing it you know I just kind of a quarter of a gallon I just kind of eyeballed it kept eyeballed it you got to get get your eyes checked then so judges it's a passing grve um I think we have to reconvene we're going to talk about it for sure ourselves I think um another thing to keep in account cookie dough in ice cream you're never going to bake it right so you don't need leavers you don't need baking soda you don't need baking powder in it cuz you're not baking it oh wait I had an egg too is that bad yeah oh you guys okay I'm really sry we'll be fine this would have gotten you killed an ancient Rome this would have gotten you a big fat [ __ ] downward thumb to give her the benefit of doubt you can have Half Baked cookie dough ice cream a true this is true but it doesn't need it doesn't need to rise so you still don't need baking soda have you tried it t i mean you probably need egg y wait have you tried it no you probably need an egg in it maybe you take like a shop yeah shot shot shot shot there's a lot of B eat it all it is there's a lot of balls in here let's do this like that bronze Bowl in that store you want to I want to buite oh why is it like that do you want some n no it's like an egg stack let me do the I'll do the sandwich strap here hold on you don't want to do that oh no no no I I'll commit Tuesday if I eat this do I get a points sure you get you get [Music] perspective m [Applause] M sh you have to swallow it you can chew it oh I swallow it yeah yeah it does it is similar to se yeah in taste taste better what web we want that's crazy oh yeah no I think the biggest problem with this is a waffle cone that's the biggest problem s yeah waffle cone is not done really really [ __ ] still stuck my teeth can I get a mouth check no right here you want it yeah no no no no we don't need to lift all right uh that's can I go uh you may you may go back bra K myself myself five five I'm mostly just going to take notes yeah you don't need to say it out loud cuz we're going to reconvene after so just take your notes if you want uh yes you may start plating no I'm [Music] not CH is there uh is there someone was saying audio desn because I'm checking I'm making sure cuz we can swap back just real quick while he's doing it you good chat get a nice little pan [Music] here this isg I we're good yeah get this out of will you just bring me a cookie tray and I can just load those on oh yeah you just grabbing it and hey uh ctie I think my ice cream is like melting now cuz it's not cold oh excuses over there H guys you can't I mean it's like a little cold but it was not looking like that let see that was not what it was looking like turned off well no I just turned it off this [ __ ] is going crazy uh you can put it in the uh you leave your waffle maker maybe and the he your iceam the long time no it's off um well that's you chose to go back um no actually chose to go next um SC there no I said she did say last say last next yeah I remember that there's explicit rule of no takes back SE I let me go again no what what are you talking about no nobody wants that come back come back to me I really wonder on how you could have made it better I think more probably by not making it more sugar no if I would have sweetened it more I think no cuz it would have counteracted the I can't put this in the freezer oh here it goes oh bro it's j i just not s [ __ ] that's my chair get up oh toy sauce making ass guys um uh chat this is this is what the research that has been done is the first season of Master Baker we did not allow people to be saved twice the second season of Master Baker we did allow people to be saved twice um so the judges we will decide when people in the bathroom and then chat you will be able to vote on again who to save and then there'll be a runoff vote depending on that so um yeah so we we just got to figure that out I don't know I don't know a I still got the flavor a they're voting to save me no well I don't know if they can that's so can I put mine in the freezer for a little bit well you said the worst tast interesting thing ever maybe maybe there's an exception today where it's just like save but doesn't matter thing ever made over we've got to figure it out because in the uh I'm going to have I'm going to have my mods double check season 1 but I'm pretty sure season 1 we did allow did not allow double saves season 2 we did so we have to we figure that out but I'm waiting for my mods and then we will decide what is allowed and what isn't um okay Nick is plating you're taking quite some time sorry Chef oh yeah what an actual [ __ ] at least room wait a minute old not hang out with me he would talk about how oh he was too cool to hang out with me he definitely that he didn't learn anything from me I you I have one more coming [ __ ] wow wow okay take it in take it in I guess is okay kind of went crazy yeah no [ __ ] why is M hard why didn't yours get hard here you go Chef uh can I guess yes thank you Chef I think I realized why mine didn't get hard what I had way too much salt and salt melts Ice uh did you mix it we're going to get to your problem uh all right I think it's time there's a few things so number one you kept adding to it so the ice crystals are never going to form you had way too much dough like in there and then by the time you emptied it it was all melted and you couldn't start over so essentially freezing especially with ice cream there's inertia to it where your bowl is really Frozen and so it creates this really small layer of ice crystals instantly and then it scrapes those off and red do it and red does it and red do it but you added and then you subtracted and then you added and so that's where you [ __ ] yourself so it just keeps breaking it apart yeah and you kept break you were you weren't allowing it to keep those ice crystals cuz you remelted them and they were never able to form thank you that's a good sh just like from like right here like sorry you point like point this way like like right here no he wants to stand there stand right here and point that sorry Little Dutch angle oh all right that's all I want thank you okay thank you um wow okay introduce your ice cream hello uh this is Oreo ice cream Allah nick uh I know you're thinking you made Oreo ice cream yesterday boring but think about it this way I have a signature and this is something that I'm perfecting over time and also Alex likes Oreo ice cream and I I haven't seen him in a while so I was kind of just excited to make it for him uh and he also helped me like way too much like he like like did half of this yeah know it was like it was a significant amount take I would like to ice cream to speak for itself uh please enjoy that's all I want to say thank you wow okay this is a nice contemporary uh yeah you made improvisation Chef why does mine have fingerprints in it oh I tried to grab the pl and I accidentally grabbed the ice cream Chef you fingered my ice cream Chef where's the finger and you gave that one to cutie uh but in France it's it's called a it's called Uh uh you know caviar oh here we go okay all right okay please enjoy thank you before it FS [Music] I mean it's good as [ __ ] but the only thing I I don't understand why it's like not super creamy I [ __ ] that part up I think I think it's probably like 75% milk and then 25% maybe not yeah wait what was the other half you would have to do 25% cream no you've got to do 50/50 oh I I did like 80 I like 9010 yeah that's with milk you got to do at least 50/50 with whipping cream and uh the more whipping cream actually the the quicker your ice cream's going to come together when we get to more the more milk the more icy it's going to taste I only used it cuz it was handed to me late I was like oh this must matter so I just put it in it's unironically good though I will just say like the cream would have made it perfect it would be less why youing up like [ __ ] yourself yeah he was like he was like I'm I'm sorry co- chefs it's kind of yummy yeah know I'm enjoying it still eating it yeah your waffle cone is yeah really yes yeah let me let me try it if it was like together and I was at the end of a cone and I was about to go delicious right really see I feel like the first one you guys ate was better you know no my feet aren't doing anything weird are you the [ __ ] what are you talking about this is how I stand I'm not yeah know that's pretty good I really think the how you made the cone is great too too has the Oreo in it did you make the cone no no no no but he did give me the idea of putting Oreo in it that was that was all uh that was all him you have a good well sh listen there's like in in thee let me let me let me put things in perpective I did a couple like a year ago or a little bit more than that I did a video with schlatt where we made the worst ice cream flavors for a video we made a ice cream where I blended up a piece of pizza and then made ice cream from that that ice cream was demonstrably better please don't she's already had enough please she's just a girl she's just a girl because whenever we go back to eat other she's over there on the side she's like well you know I dig maybe my eyes better she's like ywn out little things it's not my fault she's you don't need to support that's good here mine's crunchier you might like mine I want to try it I haven't tried it yet oh that's super that that crunch yeah anyone want he get get up really close with the mic for the [Music] crunch tastes like hard work tastes like cardboard no hard work I was like you're not complimenting yourself very well yeah Hey listen to this listen to this that tone is awesome here oh oh my God that's a crunch you want to that's crunch1 MP3 I feel like you're punching the cone you made this one am I G okay czy um yeah the only the only feedback I have to give you is the cream would have helped you a lot um it's so milky yeah yeah I think that because you had so much milk it came out like a little like icy in texture yeah um there's also a weird aftertaste that I can't pinpoint but I T vegetables great really like a little bit the app tastes like a vegetable I don't know what it is what all did he put in there um I put what did I put in there tastes like vegetables milk milk um a little bit heavy cream Oreo uh vanilla extract how much vanilla extract two caps no that wouldn't be it I think you're getting the Oreo a pinch of salt only one pinch I think you're just overthinking the Oreo flavor like like focus on the Oreo and see if that's where it's coming from did you wash your hands yes oh jez oh you know what it you know what it probably is it's probably just shitty milk oh it might be it could be shitty milk yeah that's probably that's probably it cool ha that that's cool that's wicked yeah that could be it yeah it could have just picked up some of the fridge taste it could be fridge could also just be bad MEK like Chef yeah it could be thank you Chef oh yeah yeah yeah it away my pleas I forgot to tell all of my chefs today you're all winner cuz you all get to take home your ice cream and Waffle machines some okay you don't have to take it home then UPS exists never want toce okay I'm never giving you a present never want to make ice [ __ ] me guess like $100 or something no no what do you want me to do with pretty pretty accurate what do you think that $1 what do you think of that ranking up there for um that next it's pretty good pretty good well do you agree with it my assment oh it's true then is it me yeah who just wants to go who wants to go too peach got chose and I think it wasen and I was I don't remember it looks creamy that looks pretty good yeah looks creamy I will [Music] say guys I'm right here okay the C to the right to the right to the right uh if you guys at home like Master Baker and you want it to be a reoccurring show and you wanted to come back next season consider buying an apron we don't have a sponsor this year and so all of your aprons help pay for the ice cream machines that these guys don't want to take home so I like the apron get the like an actual professional maker just to like I mean are you huh to judge are you talking about no no to actually just bake like in those British just like some super get one of those get one of those like really dress them up like they're not one get one of those like get that get one of those uh get one of those calm British people from that show on Cal British you know those calm British people yeah I I I I've thought about doing a master Baker season with professionals only cuz if you didn't know I to be a pastry chef um so I yeah so I'm a bit of I'm a bit of the expert here um however uh wow not to flex I don't want to be [ __ ] you know weird but what wow not recognizing we a little weird that you were like wow we should get a professional here it's like I get it I heard I heard like a I heard like a tone of like preferably a man like a you know we we've heard that just say we listen yeah no um but I don't know that much though I don't know anything all right let's look at let's look at you used EG wait used eggs yeah so I think this is going to come out more like a custard let's go for like gelato you know well it's going to be like [ __ ] is a gelato you just um so while broen is a place in I will say something Broden did use eggs in his um eggs are used in gelato and they are used in French vanilla ice cream however usually you temper your eggs first you do not just put them in raw so by tempering your eggs you put it over the oven in low uh or Stove Top low heat and you stir it with sugar until the sugar melts and it combines and it becomes thick like a custard and then you add that custard into what's the requirements for custard then um does that have eggs in it too yeah so I was right yeah it's the same it's the same idea so you temper you temper your eggs what's the difference between gelato and custard then gelato more ice right custard oh you're talking Frozen Custard that's soft served I so Frozen Custard is just custard it's the egg part right but when you make gelato or ice cream you add your cream and then you combine it so there's just different comp components is gelato just like one of those things like the same thing with Parmesan reg where it's just made in Italy so they just can't name I'm ready chef actually more fat in Excell uh the choice of Bowl fantastic wow wa in the B look at that oh he your looks very pretty so chefs uh as you know my ice cream was a reverse the curse uh which we learned was a uh chocolate peanut butter or chocolate and peanut in vanilla concoction um I went a little different with the waffle cone I wanted to put it on the side to let you really scoop out the ice cream because it's a little creamier and it's a little it's a bit like gelato um I think you're really getting drugs is that do you need to take that well I don't know I don't need more judge do you have like a mortar uh spoon or the pestl the P the or did I get that opposite they're going to be difficult I I mean actually no the spoon is right here yeah yeah that was the intention all right judges I like the consistency it's very uh very Saucy oh wait so we have this with this is meant to eat don't look at me when you say that all right great thank you thank you here we go reverse C let's see how reversed this [Music] is [Music] oh M okay you know what this tastes like this tastes like the end of a drumstick I'll take that that's good right like almost to a te and the beginning too kind of yeah and the beginning but the begin is usually a lot more like like vanilla but this tastes like at the very very end when sometimes it has a little bit of freezer burn well the very very end just like a block of chocolate yeah so I have to disagree with you then you did put too much salt yeah yeah I figured cuz like the World Series they were probably like salt in the road so I wanted to give that you know Ted was saying how he wanted to capture the essence of reverse the curse so actually really yeah how much salt in your your um cone too no salt in the cone I don't believe so no shf what did you what what did you put in your cone my cone is very simple my cone was uh sugar flour milk let me get my uh he definitely put a lot of butter I think it's the butter your milk might be spoiled my mistake I did have a teaspoon of salt in the oh a teaspoon yeah yeah you got good corn going on like maybe a fourth at the most but usually in any recipe you shouldn't go over a half unless it's like a tripled batch it's pretty pretty it's pretty salty though it's not bad I think uh this was your problem so your recipe was better than anyone else's because of the amount of cream you had yours was going to set the quickest your failure was the raw eggs you were in the right mindset knowing that there's eggs in gelato and custard and whatnot but um yeah you just got to temper it so what I uh I'm a big movie buff I love film um I remembered in Scott Pilgrim a guy ate ice cream and he said that's not vegan and the guy said that's milk and eggs [ __ ] and so that's why I was like milk and eggs got it w okay yeah that makes sense I can't think of another ice cream film to have you ref reference for anything else but that's pretty good yeah that's good what about ice cream town you know uh yeah ice cream Town ice cre movie it's a movie it's not a real movie I don't know I'm just trying to fit in you Le film nerds every time um it's not unless it is it's not bad I wouldn't want any more than like four bites yeah it's pretty rich yeah have you tried it I did did you try your pH the rich try try not try it again I tried a previous cone I think it's one of those things where the the saltiness so much it's like this was a salt day like it yeah no I feel like I'm getting overloaded on sodium yeah what happens if you have too much sodium you start like pissing yourself or something you like heart attack I understand yeah little too much salt but otherwise I think the flavors are there not bad yeah yeah it's not bad it's definitely not bad I mean you're also working off like a pretty low scale from C but yes thank you guys the bar is set incredibly incredibly I'm actually I'm pleasantly surprised I will say I was not expecting it to be that decent yeah um good job oh yeah you can do that good job broen thank you broen thank you br take thank you presentation is totally fine too what am I I'm second yeah oh yeah I want to get over okay Sam is scooping she presenting that was interesting huh it came together in the end after all Broden came together ice what you feeling ice oh I'm excited wait who's next Sam right Sam she's looks she put her jacket [Music] on I'm going for an aen guard kind of method here yeah yep there we go three stars Japanese influence yeah oh yeah going on a little goard H ahead of [Music] time that's we just [Music] that's that is good yeah the distract want to with this yeah it's a Sal really good actually I'm just going to give him a five in the presentation for that jez um broen coming up with a nice W um have you guys watched um have you guys watched BB no money's most recent music video little freak little freak little freak I liked that music video I liked when you and moist critical switched clothes yeah we didn't have any other clothing we should do that sometime we should switch clothes imagine if the next episode everyone's just like switching clothes every 5 minutes every 5 minutes every every ad break it's just the everyone's wearing different clothing yeah out wearing same size t-shirts so oh here we go Sam's going to go in Crazy mode she is going wao that freaking cool might actually be another contested maybe my surprise might go crazy uh you guys have spoons right this might be our winner okay wow Sam okay so this is deconstructed graham cracker cone um with strawberry ice cream and strawberry ice cream looks really good off rip thank you there's spoons over there yep and I know the cone might be a little bit odd but I think you'll be uh pleasantly surprised got a full bite oh nice hair what you did not check okay Nick listen a black hair it's like a full pube just sitting in it is a pube it was a pube that's not that's a pube Sam that is might be a dog hair oh crap Sam take a photo of the hair no of you with the ice cream oh what okay I forgot I'm sorry I'm going to hold the hair up yeah the [Music] hair great job okay put it back down ready y all right I'm going to I Love The Flame of the thank you get a little full bite I got to get a little Sal what is wrong with you guys in salt today what what's salty which part's salty all of it I didn't even put any salt in like any of it that doesn't seem that bad I think you a weird bite start over just maybe it's a maybe there Sal on the got to get some of the strawberry in there that's just delicious oh really you know it's a weird bite you might just be getting sted might be but I mean there might be salt in the oh yeah maybe no you got get it with some of that I did throw salt in a little bit later so it might not have don't [ __ ] say to me there's no salt in it well there it might have been on the rim a little bit wait so you li Sam how much salt is in it no no that's not true one that's true you see what's especially [ __ ] up you seem Gally confused when she claimed that there was salt in there and then it turned out you lied and you know that we like you were like what do you mean I don't think I put any salt in there said I don't think I put any and then I thought I thought and then I realized super pathological liar is what you're saying no I just forgot that's it manipulative way to put it but okay that doesn't sound like me also Ted was so quick to gas light me no it was the strawberry this is salt well cuz you're my friend and I trust you right but so can we just stick with that I will say though at least it's a salty [ __ ] but it's not bad give me you're the Ben of the doubt it's like the most ice cream ice cream you know yeah like even Nick couldn't even get it like that and I did the shaking method I'm sorry man next time this [ __ ] is the it's nice I don't mind the salt that much actually it's it's like kind of I did did that on purpose and I miss yeah yeah she did it on purpose I still don't think that there was that much salt in it typically like I think um your taste buds might have been worn Away by the past few they's salt yeah I got you you you might have got maybe my scoop was bad you might have gotten a clut maybe myop was bad it's so Sal I think you sound so crazy right now and uh and you're uh and I think most people would believe that I'm right no it's so Sal I think most people would agree wait maybe tried T scoop okay I feel like I feel like in the reality of it do it's not actually that salty no wait let me let me try yours cuz mine mine tastes pretty I want to see what the what you're dealing with here oh yeah yours is [ __ ] what the hell okay so it's just a bad scoop mine tastes like totally strawberry ice cream yeah so try Ted scoop yeah Ted ate it all just one more just a little bit yeah hit hit hit the good side yeah that's the good stuff that's slightly better okay is Improvement it's okay it's not it's just it's listen I would not I'd be discre I would not be helping you if I didn't say hey [ __ ] loose ass salt ass hand like how did you get the strawberry flavor uh strawberry what real strawberries yeah and then I Ed a little bit of strawberry flavor okay so look like stop saying something like that she keep lying you keep lying you kind of went crazy cuz it tastes like strawberry ice cream just a little salty it is strawberry ice cream but no that's what I'm saying you you had to go an extra step and blend it so there's an extra point there and I took all the seeds out the very bottom drawer what no I didn't oh my God she's sorry you got lying okay all right any other uh M I can never trust you again after this W say that one feedback I do have is I am SL your cone tastes fine but it's not a waffle cone no not at all there's no waffle in that all it's not a no it's not well I tried I did one and then I baked it and then I it got too hot and then I froze one and that's that one and then I cooked another one and I'm pretty sure it's still cooking so wouldn't that be a disqualification cuz like the main use of instrument was the cone thing it's not a disqualification but it is something that we can talk about inter yeah brings down the correctness rating you'll have to disc but it does increase maybe the creativity of rating true but you know what would have been a better thing to do is make a waffle cone and then put this crumble on top yeah maybe it would have been a good thing good idea to you know follow the directions yeah you know the challenge okay yeah so something something to consider we're not we're not too happy about it we're not knocking down any walls here seem like you're mad at me listen all I'm saying is you're not [ __ ] ailia a right what okay what is that what's the correlation between as in this isn't going to end with you eaten alive by snow crabs or whatever the [ __ ] coconut crab that would be awesome snow crabs I don't want crab you have crabs aard was eating alive coconut like coconut crabs I don't know if it was actually Li wasn't that the person who like flew a plane for the first time yeah but then she crashed yeah no she didn't do it she got T by snow crabs coconut CRA coconut crab away no dude like ailia aart notably like most notable person I can think of that was eaten by coconut crab Lim by limb limb by Li allegedly no I think it's no yeah no I think it's pretty locked in yeah it's like in every textbook pretty much at this point yeah so did you like it we've got a talk I don't really know what my point was when I brought her upot where you started that to be honest oh thank you Sam thank you thank you thanks so just like Nick I also yeah wow all right and Peach is plating Peach is PE over bro she's she's she's playing what happened you so up I left the waffle maker on and it melted it seems as though choosing herself to go last potentially was how was I supposed to know the I don't know I'm sorry said hands up and damn did I put my hands up like this as a [ __ ] club okay okay so I did make cones but I added a piece in there cuz I felt like that was like my best one uhhuh uh yeah good luck have fun I don't it tastes fine what is this that's just a decoration dude that looks like a [ __ ] panina Cola and we're in the tropics oh I'm reaching Tropic Thunder bab okay so your your flavor was chunky mango yes okay so I would suggest maybe if there were more spoons to like spoon up a nice little get a nice little chunky mango huh chuny monkey it's very tropical I do think the bowl could have been a little bit more tropical influence oh it's a pineapple Leaf than thank you yes oh what mangoes don't have leaves but I just wanted to give like a little you tasted it I me taste earlier okay look the judges did taste my ice cream earlier and it was bomb as I didn't taste it I forgot to turn off the waln I tasted it when it taste it I [Music] first ah okay what I'm just Che I'm just Che right now that's what noise probably the best tasting thing thank you that's like not just Oreos if I went first you [ __ ] no no no if I went first you [ __ ] would have been smoked okay that was on me I forgot to unplug the waffle maker this is the type of [ __ ] that would be way better as a sorbet because yeah but I got mang this was like better be better so in order to make a sorbet all you would need to do is take your mango mush it up put it on the stove top with some sugar and the sugar will pull all the juices out and that juice is what makes a sorbet so if you would poured that all into your ice cream machine you would have had a sorbet yeah let me just figure out how to do that no I'm teaching you now I'm pissed about it you don't need to be pissed we're saying nice things I'm just stress bro Jesus crumbling Under Pressure than Chef could you imagine if we said mean things to her think would happen oh I for real C I'm about to okay that one's not my best one this one's can you Dam what glasses I'm everybody knows that's how you determine a wob CO you have to be able to gesticulate with it yeah that's what I I do whenever I go to Bar damn let's talk about it cutie what are youing your cone this cone is pretty good you shouldn't have brought these to the table well I wanted to prove that I made cones well we would have taken this I know I was trying my best one that's fine I appreciate it I appreciate it can I show an opinion about the ice cream flavor I bur my fingers for these so I just I wanted I didn't want to go with that what's your opinion on the ice cream flavor Ted I feel like I'm getting a little bit of frze flavor going on okay that's just [ __ ] rote no imagine putting what's that Malibu you know that Malibu alcohol I love a shot of Malibu in here would go crazy some cocon I'll try it again but I need you're right some coconut would have gone crazy the biggest flaw was lack of you don't have enough cream in here yeah I did recognize that I only put like half a cup of whipping cream towards after already mixing I don't want to drink any I don't know dude well let me get a little bit more flave oh you know what tastes like I want to eat that you know what this [ __ ] tastes like I know what this tastes like when I was growing up and my sister and my sister started driving she was like a I don't know about you guys but I [ __ ] my my my sister and my mom both would go when we go to the beach they want to be there for like 10 hours and then even in the winter months in Massachusetts she would get one of those little [ __ ] air freshener things that smell like beach and it would like give me like a headache this tastes like how that beach air freshener that goes in you said it tasted good what I really you said it tasted good yeah before you started [ __ ] with [ __ ] I just didn't unplug the waffle maker that was it I think it's I think it's delicious thank you I'm sorry I just took hands up too literally I'm not happy don't be mad it's prob the Le I'm frustrated deep within myself I could have done better this is why women can never be present [ __ ] um thank you Peach we have a lot to consider you want to ask anything uh no I I I think what was no I like to share words of wisdom I think I think when I tell you what you did wrong I would prefer to say this is what you should do next time and again what you should do next time no matter what is if it if it's mango flavored the best way to extract fruit flavor is to take that fresh fruit on a stove top mush it up add some sugar the sugar sucks out the liquid and that's how you get the juice and even combining that juice with whipping cream that would make a mango flavored ice cream again if you don't use whipping cream then it would make a sorbet damn dude you're spitting right now yeah she's spitting I went all the way over my head no I was hearing it I was like that was are we making ice cream tomorrow I think that was explained really succinctly and I like feel like I entirely what you're saying um and the easiest way so everybody to make cones to avoid this happening number you could just cook them longer and eventually they'll get crispy enough however another way to avoid them cook like having to cook them longer is eliminating some of the fat in there so not adding your egg yolks cuz egg yolks are just pure fat so if you don't add egg yolks and you just do egg white then you're going to get a much crunchier interesting see the whenever I made it too crunchy I couldn't fold it that's my bad I hate yeah use y as ice cream I just I just want to tell chat I added some mint and some lemon zest in there because you know I did go I admit I went a little crazy with some salt you know yours wasn't yeah but that's that's a really nice thing about acid is actually the the acid from lemon juice will counteract salt I got you there baby you said what would counteract that I said lemon Z there you go so anyway that was that that hey Chef thank you thank you you're welcome the bathroom time time for you guys to go to the [Music] bathroom not today okay let's go one minute so they can hear us deliberate uh we won't give too much away on our decisions um but then you'll in the bathroom um how are your tummies my tummy feeling I think at some point along the way I had a slight allergic reaction to something so my throat feels a little weird but nothing bad nothing nothing lifethreatening that's not good for no I just have vague fruit allergies so I think it just maybe strawberry maybe I'm allergic to straw is this as stone fruit stone fruit you heard of that it's like peaches pears Maybe maybe the mango perhaps the mango but it was after no no no I'm just going to I'm just going to complain okay okay we're taking two people out glad you're alive man um so what are what are some strengths of each person strengths Peach yapping that's one of her strengths yeah okay YY I do think that the like in all honesty the flavor was good I didn't like the flavor that's that's an ice cream that I would have I would I would definitely like a lemon zest lemon zest anything is [ __ ] delicious here's the thing I'm a I'm a I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] for some mango nectar and some mango flavored sorbet and what I hug mango sorbet fase and I don't think that this is like in terms of like what the objective was and what it ended up being I don't think this tastes really like mango at all give another hit I totally I totally was kind of like yeah like this is like you're going to add mint and lemon it's not going to taste like mango this is a this is this tastes the the closest thing this tastes like is a lemon Mor yeah that's fair yeah um okay what what was Nick's strength I mean he used Oreos he did use Oreos the tast and and The Taste was good don't get me wrong but I think if you take away the Oreo the usage of an Oreo it was just not good Fair like it was just water and sin strengths nothing dude no strengths not a lot going on here is it but but I I will say in the is it busing colum yes s busing yes so uh I gave s like out of the categories of taste Creator presentation and is it correct I gave sna a zero out of 20 wow like she scored zero in every C that's interesting okay are you surprised no don't tell me surpr it was it was unbelievable I think she really just did it to herself I something and I and I think what what made it worse was the fact that she was trying to argue for it she didn't accept her fate so I started so then it started it started to piss me off I like you don't understand what You' done here yeah was her face already pisses me off so when her voice starts pissing me off it just I did I did throw a lot of Bones too I don't really understand why is she like [ __ ] up so hard here's here's my question though so something to wait I want to make sure that she hears it yeah no sin was like really bad dude hope she's crying in there okay okay um something we need to decide is chat gets to save someone every day are we um so don't try to save Well Chad gets to save someone every day yesterday they saved sin okay so she's done we as judges have to decide the precedent for this season are you allowed double saves or no well you also said it was the worst thing ever made on this TV show but I guess there is content in letting her continue and stumble along this pathway of of of treachery doesn't look like Chad is doing no no no no no noers can we open up like a isn't there a poll op there is a poll so we going mods let's run a poll if you're allowed if we are allowing double saves for this season or not so we know if we need to include sin's name on the uh on the saving this this season pretty obvious who would be getting kicked off the island the weakest link is definitely C wow if if if if it's not her things get pretty complicated that's for sure definitely complicated yeah so so you guys deciding on double saves can sh sa this season chat you've got a lot on your shoulders um where does it show it's just right here oh oh wow okay all right well we're going to deliberate we're going to see because something else to consider is Sam Sam did not make a cone this is yeah and that was something I was thinking about too cuz it's like there should be disqualifications cuz the recipe was ice cream with a cone and then the main like instrument that you're offered given well I don't know if that's a dis I don't think we should be disqualifying necessarily I feel like it's just in terms of like under the the aspect of was it done correctly that just Garners a lower score sounds like we aren't sure so Nico head to the bathroom while we decide and mods run the pole on who to save yo what's up Welcome to My Crib MTV my name is peach jars I live in a [ __ ] toilet his tummy hurts my tummy hurts so bad I think my milk was spoiled you tried to poop earlier when I tried to poop when you all in the room and you guys thought would going to be honest I think my milk was spoiled to this why mine was so bad I think there was milk on my station that I think was out yesterday I think I left no but I think they put it in the fridge they they had to clean up the think I don't think so it was in the fridge it was yeah there's no way in helmet would have just left milk out and then gave it to us who's got a a day at home by show hands no I actually never used one I've never us one I us the one at L and cuties but it was like okay it's too intimate in their house you know what I mean you me and her were both over there and you into the bathroom and it's a warm it's a heated one and so I went to the bathroom after you and I thought that you had warmed the seat up with your butt and I was like this my hot ass weird that's why I don't like EA toilet seats I want a cool seat yeah it's I like I'm getting sloppy somebody else but Che I went in there and I would just sit like when I was doing my makeup in their like their house I would like sit on the toilet just to feel the warmth like I so nice it's beast but I don't like using the sprayer I us the bed though I've never used the bed before cuz it's like no you got to get involved yeah no yeah you got to get that but that butt blast you ever play that game at the carnival where you shoot the water Target I want you to think about where we could that could be going when you said have you ever played that game in the at the carnival we're talking about P that's what I'm saying yeah you shoot the water into the the hole not it's the bed like the game a little so do you have to like aim yeah you got to a yeah you got to aim it yeah you no on the toilet no it's just is it toilet water or is it warm water it's a water wait in the day or the part that shoots in your butthole no it's not spraying piss water at you it's like fresh water is it warm you're asking if no it ISM want to be cuz I don't want cold water no it's warm water and and it's and it's for your but now oh my uh my dad got me one of those like $30 P days super cheap ones from like Walmart and it shot like a [ __ ] power washer it literally could hit my ceiling if you do low setting bottle yes it was like a [ __ ] like power washer like all right bro just go to Dollar General and get a spray bottle just go turkey bter spray that kitty there you go turkey baster a turkey base get that [ __ ] real clean though no that's a douche who do you guys think Chad is voting for for for immunity if they're listening not me probably Chad I think that can they that us to go home your honor no no I think that it' be so funny if I got their own immunity it'd be great I think it' be so funny if would be really F can you explain the comedy in it to me just so I understand yeah cuz you'd [ __ ] lose and that'd be wonderful I think you would lose I think he's winning bro his scoop was perfect the cone was perfect he put an Oreo on top everybody was eating more don't give him he's getting an ego look do you think I want to say this [ __ ] he's a misogynist no I'm not I got to kill this narrative what do I got to do that's like you're RAC no oh my God no I'm not put some defense I have friends that are women oh my God like I know two women oh my God I'm like so at least six or seven women name him Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton you did that on purpose you okay number two uh S no they can't be no can't be us can't can't be in this room shy Cinderella no Sydney Sweeney oh okay uh uh Merill Streep Oprah Winfree uh El degenerous uh how long did they go this as long as I can just keep on going I just want to here um Riley Reed we get to the porn star okay we're done oh my go what a typical man what they aren't women what a look who the [ __ ] misogynist are now no it's just of course that's where your mind went well it's just like I'm more thinking about how people play the game what game you think naming women is a game yes it literally it's a game yeah misogynic naming them as a game knowing them isn't knowing them is just having you love in your heart you on your and how many of those women that you listed do you know personally all of them okay me and Oprah [ __ ] go to smash tournaments okay so how about you name uh five women Ready set go wow that's embarrassing oh [ __ ] no one extra Emily oh streamers you know extra Emily cool okay that was banned for me by the way me and Khalifa me and Khalifa okay straight no no seriously guys seriously uh it took her only two by the way Jill Biden Jill Biden no what yeah Jill Biden she's she's Biden no Jill Jill Jill Jill she's she's sick you know she's she's cool she's sick um is she sick all right is she okay [ __ ] wow this is crazy Megan Trainer oh Jo jwa oh thank you guess on my podcast guess on my podcast bro we can't stop saying this who got a good impression of something you got any one China oh okay that was pretty good that was pretty good uh no I don't think so say sleepy Joe say sleepy Joe yeah sleepy Joe you got to do this draw a little box sleep oh that's pretty de everyone loves me people love me everyone loves me oh God do you like practice that in your room at night yeah just kind of fill it out let them throw through flow through me you know Channel your inner Donald Trump yeah that's pretty cool anyone got a Ted nison he kind of sounds like a Family Guy character he does I think he is a Family Guy character hey Peter hey Peter he does sound like a family like character you should voice them hey cutie oh my God you got new muffins I can we have fun on this show show huh guys that's going to be us tomorrow whenever we all pass cuz actually get a be we're going to be friends forever huh no am I am I the friend no one likes I was no I think you're chill am I lame for I was going to say yes but is that made be lame cuz then I'll switch that's all you do all you do is switch no I say the same that's why I got you switch up the moment you walked in no that's why I got the cookie though cuz I never switch my Tommy hurts I can't think I think I have Co I'm actually really Greatest Warrior de hydrated from all the salt I put in everything yeah my lips are a little dry from Sal yeah from the salt you put in your strawberries y that should have been me I should have gotten strawberry you should have yeah but you gave it to me no I didn't I should have got mint chocolate chip yeah I'm pretty sure I think he was the one you you said Sam take this you need this I really think about what about mint chocol wor and then you hug me you think it would have been a solid ice cream no I thought so sorry I forgot you know what I mean [ __ ] [ __ ] I know dude I'm right here oh okay sorry [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] she got me man they're talking a long time do you think they're saving me no I think they're saying damn peach got the fattest [ __ ] we've ever seen I'm going to walk out there and they're all going to clap they're all going to stand up and clap it's my time hey can you clap for me huh Can you clap for me clap yeah no claps damn Str whatever you're actually having fun Should beell losers dud come on you were just follow what did you guys talk about hi besties uh actually taught them how to make cake pops yeah was kind of irrelevant to you we know more than you I know how much ice cream not a lot but I think my milk is rotten too much sodium I'm sood dehydrated I'm so dehydrated I feel great so you like that good ice creamy before we get into it chat did decide to Save Somebody Today chat decided a lot of things there's an ad so I'm going to talk slowly um s congratulations talking slowly so so chat number one they decided final ad okay uh hey guys you know how you tell all the people that are watching ads and complain about ads and say hey Bozo use your Twitch Prime idiot [ __ ] idiot idiot H up your Amazon account you get a prime sub W thank you no invite me to the summer concert pleas yeah yeah oh we will a summer concert coming your way this summer summer concert yeah you in you yeah when we need to come to the concert what's concert them I don't know yet kind you know me I throw I do it in July oh sorry I'm I'm down F July do it in July yeah well well I don't don't do it in July don't do it in July okay do it in like August or something you don't okay it's a summer I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do isn't that [ __ ] summer well because last year last year the theme was love and so then everyone chooses their favorite love song this year I'm deciding should we theme Broadway or theme or theme um or theme Disney I I did Disney last year hate or it's the end of the eras tour we could do theme eras tour oh that's that's a banger I'm sh pants right now can we figure out who chat saved already shat my pants okay swifting it up dude right talking got my butt I'm very confident okay at any given moment you have 2.5 lbs of species in your int true yeah wa not me not me I'm dy I got like four or five of them today chat decided chat decided is that where poop forms in the intestin chat decided if we are allowing double saves allowed this season double saves yeah so chat is decided that they also decided who to save today so after voting can face them chat decided that this today the person that is saved from judgment and placement and anything like that is sandwich oh wow you're [ __ ] over here you're F you over here be real comy tonight you should take your apron off just get ready let's go to lunch we can go to lunch Sam please step off to the side there like a thing like a double save there's another one I'm down a let's go guys drinks drinks afterwards let's more like two groups like you it will be right here all right so Ted or uh sorry Alex so we went through and we talked about you know the creative presentation the just overall flavor and if it was uh busing or not and uh we came together you know we put our minds together us being Bakers her being not that good of a baker uh um and we have decided ladies and gentlemen Nick the winner again let's [ __ ] go guys it sucks that we're in the block three together it sucks you know understand that these results are unfortunate given the fact that this will make Nick's ego sore like a [ __ ] E don't sing it too good guys it's really hard listen listen I I didn't want to do that he's not invited I didn't want to do that I knew that Nick was going to get all ego on us he's going to start being like that's his second win in the row by the way well I know yeah know he's going to go on his little podcast and he's going to start being like talking [ __ ] all over the place you know it's going to suck yeah we can move on we can do the second place acting like he controls this whole thing starting to hurt yeah this is okay oh regretting it already will introduce who got second place wait why aren't you nervous wait a minute uh next up the person who got second place [Music] is Robin run it back two * two let's go wo are you nervous are you nervous this is my second time in the bottom twoo great feeling yeah yeah I feel like it's a good 5050 how you feeling right now being at the the bottom regardless of how confident I am it still sucks to be right next to her yeah the same playi you know I didn't deserve that I'm sure well no it just feels a little bit saling I guess there uh there was a lot of discussion about who would be in third today and who would be going home are you sure there we talked about it a lot was it like really close I'm thinking yeah I know why don't you just stay silent for these one of you made ice cream and one of you made [ __ ] made oh um unfortunately going home today wait wait I'm not done no okay let him cook you know sometimes you know in the pursuit of life sometimes you know you run into people who attempt to do things that maybe they they they shouldn't be doing maybe that is not their calling Peach um yeah I shouldn't be streaming I know and maybe they also have a tendency to lie to themselves out loud about it Peach come on what can I say despite their interest yeah no this pissed me off this person ruined my day ruin my week really it's a person's thing dude I'm just R right now I'm okay take it away from here so going to home T some [ __ ] to get off my chat it's like therapy going home today please turn in your apron S no way wait what I turn bit guys how did that happen let's go [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying I'm so sorry thank you I do I just Walk This Way okay good luck bye s thanks you're welcome bye s to the washroom well we will we will be back tomorrow we're having we're having emo day we have judge Nikki and Johnny Gilbert here tomorrow it'll be fun we're going to wear our best black outfits but today a big sign off and a shout out from both of our lovely judges we have baby no money and Ted would you guys have anything to shout out anything you want to say to the folks at home love your parents wow love thy neighbor okay well shut theck yeah [ __ ] s yeah [ __ ] s all right well not my neighbor thank you guys for being here thank you guys for being here we will see you tomorrow 11 oh actually I'll see I'll see you tonight cuz we're listening at the tort poets department at 7:00 p.m. we're starting our listening party with the lore class and then we're going to listen no leaks we haven't listen leaks pure Purity stream uh I'll be live at 7:00 p.m. but I'll also see you guys at 11: tomorrow for master Baker see you then bye Bye by bye bye bye bye d s come on e [Music] [Music] [Music]
I Amazon a book for this person I heard this person likes Amazon so I got I got this for then he who shall not be named who submitted this cease and desist letter to me to try to get me to shut up I have this book for this this individual previously on fake guru guys we have an epidemic of fragile millionaires I'll tell you the normal plan for a lot of these fake gurus who want to evade criticism is to send a cease and desist letter to me which I will promptly throw in the trash and then he can subpoena me and I have liability insurance and I will continue talking about I'll talk about you all day but ultimately it's not about him having a realistic claim it's about him silencing criticism and hoping it goes away and anytime someone wants to hide the truth it becomes that much more important to tell do not speak his name guru today we have an exciting story guys we have a a hot race for the fake guru trophy of the year figure of the year it's very exciting I thought kt9 had it had it sealed but this contains the Dark Horse's attempt to take back the throne He Who Shall Not Be Named in this video say his name in the comments at your own risk this envelope contains a cease and desist letter from He Who Shall Not Be Named towards the channel it's confidential according to this legal team I've carefully reviewed it and I have a few things to say about the contents and the type of person who would send this and then as a show of good faith yours truly Sifu is going to show you guys how to be magnanimous how to be generous I'm going to offer this person a gift a gift from me - He Who Shall Not Be Named okay so starting with the contents of this guy's I wish I could tell you listen it's very explicit the the cease-and-desist that is confidential I'm no lawyer I looked it up online it's it's kind of hard to tell what I can say what I can't say so I am NOT going to be revealing the contents the exact contents of what's going on in here but I'll tell you what's very clearly obvious and doesn't reveal anything about the thing it has to do with things I've said about He Who Shall Not Be Named it's that you know it's just the defamation cease and desist the problem is is that it doesn't have any merit right it's a slap lawsuit slap is an acronym that stands for strategic lawsuit against public participation these are frivolous suits with no legal merits specifically designed to stifle public debate or dissent and these happen all the time a characteristic of slap suits the whole point is to put the defendant through a difficult painful experience and even if cases fail in lower courts as they often do the plaintiffs can find ways to extend them through intensive discovery requests depositions and appeals that drain the targets time and resources and alarmingly journalists are not the only ones targeted with slap suits in some cases that can be used to silence citizen activists it's made to shut me up guys and we're not gonna shut up in America you know again it's not Korea all these gurus think we live in Korea [Music] but guys we haven't broken any laws but this has all been within free speech fair criticism fair use consumer advocacy work I don't have a course to sell you right this person might go to say hey if a guy with a course talked about about me then we have a problem because maybe he's trying to profit off of the people that I lose but I'm not getting people buying a course when they leave this guy I'm just saving them two thousand dollars that's all I'm doing so so the lawsuits ridiculous and for that reason and because I also promised you guys I would do it it is going and to well that was anticlimactic the trash because it's ridiculous and it's an attempt to bully me and silence me and we're not gonna let that happen guys we're not gonna let that happen on copies though I told myself two things when I started this channel I said number one no one's off off the table no one's off limits that means that even when I talk to these gurus a lot of them have approached me behind closed doors trying to come up to me I I can't make friends with these guys I don't say hey since we're buddies I'm not gonna make a video budget that's not how this works if you're a fake guru you get caught out but number two the second rule of coffee Zillow is that we don't respond to intimidation we don't respond to threats we don't respond to threats against my financial situation you know I'm not a I'm not I'm not I'm not rich guys right I spend most of the money made from this channel directly back into our liability insurance to protect us from bullies right hey so this isn't even this isn't this isn't for me right it's for you the people it's why I have people like like Garrett on the teacher who joined to hide wrinkle closure in lost $26,000 it's why I have anonymous interviews with people who lost thirteen thousand dollars with all manner of scams because this ultimately is about getting you the information and we cannot back down to threats like this so I'm just here to tell you what's HAP to update you on what's going on but we're being legally threatened basically it's it's it's it's a matter of take down the videos the posts or else but we're not going to do it and come hell or high water you know whatever they decide to do we will be reporting on it we will be talking about it they're not going to silence coffee Zilla but number two I have a gift for this person He Who Shall Not Be Named okay and let me explain the gift before I talk about it guys as we saw in the last video I think there's a bit of an ego problem here right there's a bit of a feeling when you make a certain amount of money that I can just throw money at problems to make them go away I don't actually have to allow free speech about me I don't actually have to allow bad post about me I can just silence criticism and I think that a certain type of person does that I think there's a psychology behind it I think it's some kind of a syndrome I think there's a little problem going on here and so to help that little problem I I Amazon a book for this person I heard this person likes Amazon so I got I got this for them okay so if this person would like to anonymously contact me he who shall not be named who submitted this cease and desist letter to me to try to get me to shut up I have this book for this this individual if they would like to send me their address I can ship it right to them but let's just open up the book and see we'll roll real reseal it later but I want to show you guys the book that was for this person so they can see what a great prize they'd get if they would just just you know stop trying to silence me all the time look check it out this is a book that I feel is appropriate for the type of person who feels that they need to silence critics online who are calling out predatory behavior this is a this is a book I feel is appropriate for people who get very testy when you talk about them for any reason at you know what I mean look on the back we've got the almost an inch ruler hmm well look I don't know about the specifics you know for the contents but my guess I hear that he's a leading authority on helping people you know with maybe confidence issues maybe maybe some kind of some kind of a like like like a psychological syndrome obviously I'm not a doctor I'm not diagnosing anybody I don't know if this person has this situation my guess is that if there is a situation it it might be a small situation you know worth worth getting addressed I hear meditation is good hold on let's lo look at that they even have a little they even have little illustration obviously this is all a joke and I'm not saying anything about anyone's problems big or small but but what I am saying is that you know I do sometimes wonder about the people who are submitting cease and desist letters for YouTube videos right III do wonder about that and and so if you know if I get an email address if they'd like to go ahead and put that I can go ahead and send that to you I'm really thinking that it might be a book that is applicable to a lot of these gurus selling courses I think it'd be valuable you know they all read expert secrets by Russell Brunson but have you heard of aunt Smith have you heard have you heard of an Smith things to think about things to think about obviously I don't want to lawsuit nobody wants a lawsuit but I refuse to be silenced I refuse to have not just for me but I refuse to have the voices of the victimized and the preyed upon be silenced as well I refuse to let it happen guys until next time love you guys I love the support of the coffee Zillah fake guru army have a good one [Music] [Music] but never shoulda tried [Music]
guys i think it's official i survived the texas blackout went 72 hours without power but we're back 10 million studios back up and running what's up today i just want to talk to you guys a bit of about what what it was like what it was like to be in we're going to tell our kids about this right like the time that i lost power you know all jokes aside there were some serious consequences to this look i was one of the lucky ones right i lost power for 72 hours but we did have water the entire time i know a lot of people whose pipes burst so there's resulting in flooding i know people who didn't have water or power people literally died from this honestly and it was all basically preventable from what i understand because the weather conditions were not unlike what you'd see basically anywhere else in the world i mean in texas you know it's obviously an anomaly for it to be snowing but everywhere else in the world like four inches of snow five six inches of snow it's like a normal tuesday in the winter right uh but for us it was yeah the sky fell basically we tested the system we said oh did we prepare knock knock and no one was home it was supposed to be the responsibility of ercot electric reliability council of texas now what people didn't understand was that reliability the r is actually silent uh so it's just ecot it's just there is no reliability and everyone's just pointing fingers because yeah the ercot ceo is basically like well it could have been way worse i was on one article we almost spun out into months without power so you guys should be thanking us and some people were blaming like oh it's the renewables at fault like all the wind turbines froze up and other people saying well it's the natural gas lines that froze up this seems to be like the most middle ground take and we just fail to weatherize which is where you like prep your grid i don't i don't know i don't really care about that stuff what i do care about is ted cruz taking a trip did you guys see this so in the middle of me freezing everyone freezing in texas uh our boy cruise took a vacay to cancun packing up packing heavy mr cruz now i was offended heavily offended by this number one where's the invite i would i could get out the board shorts you know never heard a word okay maybe he's too busy taking care of his daughters whatever his excuse was i think he blamed on his kids i i was torn what applies here because i thought of two at first i thought of this quote the captain always goes down with his ship aka you don't leave texas if you're in the government of texas freeze your ass off like a man like the rest of us okay but he didn't do that but then i thought to myself i talked to some other people they were like what's the big deal i would have gone too and they're right i mean i definitely would have gone but i thought about this saying put your oxygen own oxygen mask on first i thought wow we've got a lot of contradictory self-help sayings in the united states because i was like well this kind of contradicts that maybe ted cruz wanted to put on his own oxygen mask oh my gosh dude i love it i just love when these politicians get caught in these blunders obviously you should not be going on a vacation and he's like oh i was such a good dad he tried to blame it on his kids can you imagine a more cowardly thing to do you get caught with your pants down and you're like oh it's my daughter's my daughters just had to go on a trip that's like the whole statement he's like my i just wanted to be a good dad my daughters were cold and they wanted a place with power and you know everything else it's like hey you know who else is called the entire state the entire state was called but yeah i don't know i think you could probably take both sides on this you could be like yeah you can literally just choose your idiom here now for us personally how bad did it get well uh this photo should show you everything you need to know uh we were outside boiling water on a little propane heater that luckily i had that came in clutch and we're balancing it on some dumbbells that i never use and so that's the most use they've ever gotten which is cool glad they got to get some finally some use out of that but all in all it was like just a elaborate camping exercise mandated camping every citizen in texas got to enjoy a little camping some more extreme than others now one thing i did want to show you guys is it got desperate for a minute there for a minute there i went full panic i think everyone did we were really wondering we're like when's the power going to come back on whatever and we heard rumors we got a viral hoax that said that water was going to turn off uh and we were freaked out about that so we wanted to store some water and actually take it to one of our in-laws who also lost the water and so this was a little contraption that we were getting top here i had to do a little uh redneck engineering to collect water yeah so uh you think your life's going bad okay coffee's a lot this is the life of a guy with 10 million dollars yeah this is uh definitely not my the finest moment in my life but hey engineer though confirmed engineer by the way we're having like we had water problems before this so pay no mind of that that was just some construction we had going on in our kitchen that's right that has nothing to do with the fact that the pipes we just had a disaster actually recently that that's a whole other issue come to find out we had a leak they didn't know it insurance is going to cover it but anyway our house is like floors are ripped out sorry that's a tangent the point is here is my life size and you guys think i just lived this glorious life of just busting gurus but little do you know the reality of coffeezilla this is a day in the life you're makeshifting a cardboard tube into a water pipe to get what collect water to make sure you don't run out of water because your state government is incompetent on my part i guess it is a wake-up call that maybe all those preppers were right you guys have anybody in your life who's a prepper like this i've got several okay i feel like the per capita of preppers in texas is slightly higher and i have close friends who for years have been telling me stephen it's coming and i'm always like what it's always vague right it's like the deep state it you know it's got us we're gonna be in trouble whatever you gotta buy guns buy all this stuff buy supplies and i'm always thinking to myself nah you're just too much it's too much now he tell me you asked me five days ago you saw this coming this is a low point in every man's life first of all what's up with this pink bucket my wife chose okay i have some respect for the man at the house but the point is did i see myself doing this no and if i had been a prepper i'd have a beautiful black tote to look like a man while collecting my water i'd have a pipe you know a little faucet hose going over i'd probably already have bottled water in other words i wouldn't be caught with my pants down uh instead i relied on my government wait is this sort of the republican argument my the government failed me but it was a republican government so does that mean we need more government or alternatively i can take matters into my own hands and make sure that i don't rely on government at all that's the ultimate conservative argument i don't know i'm not a politician and i'm not political but the point is i just want to tell you guys what happened in my life last thing i guess i just wanted to say thank you for all the well wishes i uh posted on the community tab a lot of you guys were nice some of you guys were saying that i should shave my head uh shave your head should have added a axe of god clause first of all you're heartless literally i could have had a stroke but in the hospital you'd have been like hey first shave your head ruthless okay but second of all y'all didn't pay attention to the fine print this is how you're getting scammed by the way all these guys have in their claws like actually this course is gonna make you no money but it's at the bottom right you guys not reading the fine print because if you had you would have seen this and gentlemen if i miss an upload in january of 2021 in january guys it's february the challenge is over i'm not shaving my head for nothing okay forget about it i've got enough problems my life's falling apart my kitchen tore up because uh it got already having prob like like leaks in the house didn't know about then you got the winter blizzard then i find out my audience is all bots i mean guys it's tough being me so i wanted to update you guys and just explain everything that was going on and so that's basically it is there a way to wrap this up uh oh texas can be great but we're you know everything's bigger in texas you ever heard that expression that's just true across the board for good and bad things that's the problem they don't tell you that when you come in the state you're thinking oh bigger burgers right bigger stacks of cash what they don't tell you bigger power outages so yeah it just comes with the territory thought i'd tell you guys my story that's it see ya i know what you need this ain't what it seems nothing but a trick trying to sell me on a dream but that was where you lost me wake up and smell the coffee
yeah that's not really how life works you know it's more like a day-to-day kind of thing you use it you get some more of it imagine we flash forward the final boss of life appears a giant monster everyone that has gas they're fine everyone that wasted it like me died on the spot i'm it's chasing me down i run out of gas on the highway quack drives by me laughing [ __ ] what's up finn i'm waiting for it to run out so i could sell at extremely high prices you know it's literally illegal but it's also pretty dope capitalist so i appreciate your hustle and your grustle and your grindset uh listen let me tell you what we're gonna do today and i'm gonna say it a couple times because people are trickling him uh we are going to play one of the all-time classic stream games for this stream totally accurate battlegrounds no battle tabs totally accurate battle simulator the ultimate gambling game because they added drum roll please shake it cam multiplayer so i'm gonna play verse stands head to head and you guys get the gamble on every [ __ ] round me and stance same amount of money to spend same armies head to head we're going to bet some subs on it you can bet points on it maybe in both chats and it should be fun as [ __ ] help who dat learn poker uh sure who that you want me did you pick i'll do that not now but i'll do it also tomorrow ari and i are going to stream together i don't care what they think babe i don't ask them for their opinion on the content you don't she was like you should ask them if it would be cool if i would be on stream tomorrow to [ __ ] siphon off the whiners you know to give them a place to what i do is i take all suggestions and i print them out and i burn them before i go to bed anyway everyone's pogging there's a lot of poggies so i'll be happy to see you tomorrow what yeah poggies is this what wait what about this one what is that one it's right there well i can't she just made the weirdest face it's just this she's doing this no what face is that what face is that oh capital d colin i don't know well that's not poggies it's like it's like it's like it's this it's like the blue one i'm going to show you because i don't know she doesn't know he's not completely cool i'm not being obtuse i don't know what you're talking about omega lol no it's this one oh she's talking about plain old pawn right there plain old basic ass pog uh we're in a poggy's world now okay plus pog is still goutex's mouth and out that mouth came a lot of slander about my good friend bill gates and his heartwarming attempts to give us all 5g it's a pog eat pog world or a poggy's pog world uh let's see what my boy stands up to let's get him in the call this is him on the horn i'm sorry i'm eating chips directly into the mic but i'm incredibly hungry so i when i said sorry that was a lie i'm not sorry but i want you to know that i'm aware um i'm very hungry like extremely hungry also half the reason i do it is that so you know because i know quack loves it when quack has to go back and edit the vod he says my favorite parts are whenever i hear you chewing loudly into the mic and i have to hear that on the loop and i'm like all right if you want me to do i'll do it more so that's why i do it [Music] getting donut walled by everyone lately my parents my friend they [ __ ] hate you sorry i have my coworkers i shouldn't have said fred sorry i keep overstepping uh let's let's check here what's going on well anyway how's everybody doing it's friday it's [ __ ] friday uh i'm pretty goddamn stoked about that i was a little more soaked when i was going to vegas but also here's what i thought i thought about this i thought about this if i did go to vegas i would kind of want to flex in front of my bro and i would throw down too much money gambling which is what i did last time i went to vegas and lost thousands of dollars so realistically i have saved myself a lot of money by not by this this flight getting cancelled probably saved me two three four grand going to my first college party type good for you enjoy have fun it cost you five g's you would have won i just don't think i have the stamina um get the drake haircut with the with the heart in it i mean yeah i would have thought listen the second i landed i've been like oh yeah i'm gonna hit i'm gonna hit big this time in vegas and i would have told my [ __ ] brother let's play the field and craps and then i would have gone to baccarat and said bankers do and i would have dropped [ __ ] iraq on it are we doing that one interactive no we're playing um tonight what we are doing is tabs totally accurate battleground against stands it's gonna be fun as [ __ ] bet you're leeches against stands what do you mean there he is what's good hey there he is uh what's bracken how'd it go um say again said what's brack and how did it go uh it went well i had fun that sounds like i'm being held hostage it was fun oh patriarch versus stans two battlefield titans go toe to toe now that's a title huh yeah i went with um what did i say brother versus brother in no holds barred combat while amoral gamblers profit from the whole thing i think yeah we both kind of went the same direction and i like it the only winning side is not to play or something yeah um so yeah we're doing tabs today uh super [ __ ] fun game we played a little bit of earlier stan's actually kind of a natural really brought the heat also lucky as a [ __ ] pig and [ __ ] you totally was skilled it wasn't skilled and today i think we're gonna get more raw numbers to prove out that you are a buffoon out there sometimes sending your men to die yeah um let's do medieval one let's pull it open and i'll show the chat what we're doing uh you are are you away from your microphone you're a little quiet i'm a little quiet because i'm eating chips loudly i'm crazy to 150. right but i'm i'm away from the microphone on purpose because i'm eating chips oh okay i see the chip was still quiet i want you to know that it should be quiet that's why i'm far away yeah but the audio is quite i'd rather have your voice louder and your chip louder if that makes sense all right that's fine that's fine i just i need to hear you you know oh all right all right okay are you in let's let's root and boot this all right you invited me so what's new about tabs oh do we have any mods here today i need to oh i've got some mods han lurkey quacks here thank you quack um we have to run gambas today we do have to run gamers this is only fun with games this is essentially the ultimate gambling game that's a great way to spend friday is gambling so we are going i'm not talking channel points i'm talking big bucks chat i want you to go to atrox chatters and wage your real money you should put money on this and we're gonna put some money on this yeah uh as we go along and we'll do 7 500 blind mode i think that'll be fun yeah or do you think 10 000. i think you may oh yeah a little less money's fine i proposed uh the max army seems to be bigger you put it on 20. it needs to be 30. oh yeah yeah you're right we'll just decline reject i did decline i rejected it do you think 30 or do you think that's the max whatever the max is we're gonna do 20 000 budget blind mode 30 max units the only thing that matters well 20 000 budgets crazy but okay okay well you obviously you don't know how to use your money then well it's because we're going to pick the most expensive unit and spam it cause 30 max army says uh yeah but your max units can be swarmed by zerglings no because you can't you can't swarm them because you can't make enough dribbling i think you go 10k decline oh my god this guy's declining everything i'm the king of 10k 10k was too easy for me no it wasn't too easy for you i might have smoked you it was so easy for me okay this is the exact settings that you want i love it he is scared chad uh all right so i am the fearsome and noble blue team true while stanz is the huge [ __ ] coward registered passion and love chat no no no no no no the color of the vlog across these fields blue blood cowardly cold and here's what the game works we're gonna pick one of these spread love we're gonna pick one of these categories tribal farmer medieval ancient viking renaissance and then we have to spend ten thousand dollars creating an army so i might buy a bunch of harpooners and cannons and a captain and a blunderbuss and then i'm outta here what do you mind the pirate queen i see you skip pirate queen because you hate women that's right you said captain but not pirates right i thought the captain should really lead the ship yeah i think the queen to be honest sent columbus out we're gonna have the girl boss pirate queen and we'll see who wins the war okay yes um and uh and now we uh i can't see what he's building but when we hit the start button it's going to be two armies going head-to-head winner gets five subs every time and we'll just keep a tally every single time five subs the numbers will get wet and they will get wild yes but more importantly than our subs because we are both uh quadrillionaires is that you can earn meaningless channel points you can use them to run ads for me which make me money okay that seems worse than meaningless if you can be part of the ecosystem like the animals who died to feed our hungry bellies any squash dreamers uh yes question want me to send an invite i already got you brother steele thanks for redeeming run ads it's already paying for itself jack it's not paying for it for them it's already paying for itself i said anything about you guys except so i can start i already accepted holy [ __ ] you sent it and then one second later screamed that you already said it's crazy man i'm right here because i'm moving i keep things moving all right this is that this is the this is where like a lot of the i think this is actually where the first believers and daughters thing came from because we at least on my stream had gamba before most dreamers like lovely didn't have it when i had it and yeah just played this game every day for like a whole week which is crazy that i'm so good and as a general i've led my people to victory when you were like well maybe i was hustling you all right i don't fear the blade that has been brought into combat a hundred times i fear the the new new plate i think we just go left to right start from the beginning and run it okay yeah i think the two and we go all the way through all of them i think let's do best of three on each one how about that that way there's a little bit of a meta there's a little bit of a meta that develops i like the idea to counter play okay a little bit i also like your idea of see the winner has to go first and you see it but i think that that's too easy to counter probably uh yeah we could try that later but i think this is fine okay because we're gonna so we're starting in tribal we're starting in tribal we have you only gave us 5k but let's let's try that for now let's see how that works no i have 10k did you accidentally place a unit i place an expensive unit somewhere there's no 5k units do you have a bunch of mammoths hiding in the background whatever i got it 10k all right it's fine okay who that right thank you guys were you just lying hey how was your dad kind of crazy you i did a podcast for you didn't read me i did the same podcast last week you didn't do it yesterday by the way the podcast is named s3k so there's a kind of connection i saw an episode i saw your part i saw your part um i watched it on 2x speed and i thought it was great because yeah you got to get to the point you know you know what i mean but i thought you had a lot of funny stories and it was also good i i like that podcast i think they have good i think they're they're getting their synergy down do i think it's funny is that negneg is like pretty talkative when no one else is on but whenever i joined or usually not ask a lot of questions he is psychic [ __ ] carrying the conversation on my episode yeah um okay uh okay my ads are almost over and then we can start okay that's okay it'll be cringe but okay now what kind of tactician or general actually what kind of famous general from history would you say you're most like ah true question why is it the height of napoleon and the amoral-ness of all the generals in the iraq war [Laughter] and why am i like the [ __ ] brains of napoleon and the chadness of hannibal you know and patton i am ready anytime mon frere all right i haven't even picked my unit yet i'm ready to start all right so i've already built let me mute up again i'm doing a little thing we call frontline backline i'm gonna tell my chat my strategies one second okay we're versus stance who's a known idiot okay i'm gonna tell my chat my strategy which is to bend him over a barrel and [ __ ] him like a pig chad you can tell that's a private little chat you know oh i thought you definitely i'm sorry uh okay now we have a narrow bridge here and the most powerful unit in the tribal era is this this mammoth and i get the feeling maybe i shouldn't but if i just [ __ ] front load two mammoths and then an insane amount of spear throwers behind it we win this freebie make sure you blink hero to lead our troops there with a couple bone mages more bone mages this should be good thank you for the raid after you already raided it this is good this is perfect and then we'll add one protective share gamble no you have to pick a chat you can gamble on both oh i can't fit this guy anywhere oh he's he's 80. oh i'm ready i'm ready [ __ ] cat my cat broke my all right i'm ready no one's saying my cat broke my camera i got a boo cringe she's so annoying dude [Music] i'm just standing really still chat don't worry cringe couple stoners maybe there we go you ready you said born ready more ready and you're gonna die first game of the best of three in the tribal era hey wait is the bet for best of three or best of one for the best at three i think right or best of one i don't know i don't mind best of three it's fine yeah okay okay three i thought you'd be closer up i wanted to force down your mammoths no i i will back i literally backed myself up you built back better joe biden style although you might win you have a lot i might win actually because your back line's acting kind of like not fighting although if you guys walk up oh bone guys blue it's a spear battle it's a spear battle most direct hitch wins you're in trouble buddy you're in trouble oh oh get a kick [ __ ] cut through i need a hero it's a three on three it's a three on three baby oh nice shot one oh nice ow one on one oh my god he can't miss this he can't miss this aim true oh [ __ ] god oh no what the [ __ ] you go what are you doing okay i know what to do now okay trash everything here oh baby all right that's why i get this for me no it's best of three we literally just said i was talking about for the gamba in chat i then why would you say that's five gifted for me uh because if you win two hours you should get more gifted you know then we're just too worried no shot [Music] well i think i think actually all my i think they just paid out best of one in my mods so i don't know i think we're just doing it hanging out best of one for the gamble is fine okay whatever all right listen i want five gifts here that's that's all i know you're not on five gifted we literally said best of luck all right fine fine fine fine i'll be up because bring out your best shot because you literally have no way to stop me nor and i hate to say this top me dude if we could go more than 30 units this would be [ __ ] goaded i'm a little bit bomb skied i have an idea can anyone figure out is there like a mod or something we can do to uh okay i'm ready are you ready no i'm not ready i would love someone who knows this game to see if we can figure out how to do more than 30 units because we could have so much fun if we could do more than 30. if someone does it i will [ __ ] literally vip them i'm not kidding if they can figure it out all right uh it'll make this stream that much more go all right i got a plan i got a problem all right it's i gotta win to stay in the tribal era hrock remembers [ __ ] sitting around the campfire with this goddamn club that's why it's so hard it does remind me of the old days this strategy is either going to work and wipe you or i am going to get rolled it there's a thought process here i don't know if it's good though yeah yeah man i hope it's good i can be your hero baby all right this is goated this is goated okay you ready those are good count it down when you're ready three two wait oh no wait oh yeah three two one go okay the late game after i kill the mammoths the late game is built because if we kill the mammoth and then oh my god you knocked it off the side oh my god wait oh oh my god where's his name running you down bro how can i have an extra mammoth yes get in there you fell off the cliff charge cam how did my three mammoths die when you're two lived oh i lost tribal i got called no i did lose my moments first but all right here's the first thing i think is the problem is we have this cringe map with a really big chokepoint we can change maps i just picked random yeah i think after everything we do a new map and i think loser picks so you pick the next map okay i will pick the next map um that's on the top right thank you thank you thank you yeah yeah i will pick the next map i'm gonna pick ancient one boom ooh cool map this map's a classic all right there's only one rule for this map you have to put one unit on that little strip in the middle for actually combat yeah yeah in fact you want to do a quick dual one-on-one uh sure but you have to use a halfling yeah halfway versus halfway yep yep oh wait you changed the settings so we can see each other oh sorry whatever yeah we'll change it back back i didn't change these things i guess you have to do it every map halfling versus halfling ready this is round one i'm ready [Laughter] my guy's going for your base dude oh my god you guys broke his legs you got also fell oh it's a scrap oh [Laughter] i think their damage outputs probably won in their hp for oh i won okay i lose the halfway duel uh uh okay settings actually yeah setting settings uh blind mode 10k budget yeah max unit is 30. uh they're saying there's a way to go over 30. how if you go to the main menu you should have to go over you can override next units 30's is probably fine no no uh it's fine but i mean we could have so much more fun with big armies do you think so yeah i want to go to the moment i'll do a quick check just to make sure okay settings is there a max units situation here gameplay gameplay that's fine do i gamepl to unlock all units it was in the options you blind man i think i think chat's doing the thing where they're stupid as absolute [ __ ] like they're literally so [ __ ] stupid i don't see it but they think they think they saw it from a menu that we already checked i think they're doing that let's find out let's confirm so they can all pretend like they never saw it but it's not there it's not there yeah it was uh they're saying it's console only which is just a nice way to say like yeah i think they're do yeah let's just pull it up right now so they can see how uh they said it works but i'm on a pc maybe i'll do settings once you join yeah just do thirty 30 is good because it's like you can have a a squadron of commandos you know what i mean like no but i'm just saying if you have like 50 then you could start like you you can't spend the money but 50 just becomes a pile whereas remember earlier when you like flanked with the horses and stuff true you can do that true yeah uh are you in oh i'm just eating chips oh did you invite me to a different game i invited you yeah why why did you do the game i'll try again i can be in sandbox you can it's all right we're good i just i want to make fun of them because they're dead [ __ ] wrong uh all right there he is okay okay look look at that because i can't change this until you're in look at this shot accepted oh here we go okay uh this is um farmer yeah we're in farmer yeah oh god okay okay and you made it blind right uh i made it blind yeah okay all right i'm gonna meet up tell my strategy all right chat okay we are in the farmer combat against stands we've already won the tribal by a lot now one thing i do i don't know what i should do um okay what do i what do i want to do what is good i love getting off work and being honest i'll definitely [ __ ] if he's not going to [ __ ] mute um so the key to this map is the rooftops i'm thinking i'm thinking we're gonna we're gonna lead a [ __ ] cotillion a secret wheelbarrow coalition is gonna flank him from both sides while my main army my bad [ __ ] all hang out up here potion seller potion cellar scarecrow scarecrow scarecrow and then we're just gonna [ __ ] we're gonna fill the streets with hay balers this is perfect this is perfect and a former he's in the wrong spot okay i think this is what i wanted oh so my guys are gonna hold strong here hopefully while my secret flank these guys probably need to be in a better spot for flanking are gonna flank from the side wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah yeah this is good this is golden they're going to go around here and then right as his back line is caught up wham okay oh and then a halfling in the middle except i'll double up the halflings two halflings is one man so it's fair okay they're literally half of the name oh god i'm ready yo yo i'm ready you gotta mute my long because i don't have the definite then i can just yeah three two one go oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay i have the death squads in the corners flankers flanker face z i think flankers get stuffed up by my meat wall yeah you actually built two separate walls which i didn't expect yeah i had one on each side so they would catch you as you ran to the middle but you actually you might have got me [ __ ] destroyed here yeah i think i had a really good compliment you're actually blowing me away oh you know you still have uh some scarecrow got two scarecrows but but i have a stunning boys over here wait a minute i think i win i think they just stun it's two versus one scarecrows you're you got me get three me one no you gotta be dead at rights oh yeah yeah i yeah i got three nice okay we start with a win we start with a win which let's get a little greasy with it on the second one i'm gonna make a comeback i know she didn't put any halflings up there was i supposed to i put scarecrow interesting all right okay all right he struck back the empire struck back but now oh actually i did have one halfling up there now i have a new plan a better plan all right see how he split his forces right did i just do good strat it's better three it's pretty three he split his forces i'm just gonna [ __ ] overwhelm this small force right here i'm gonna go all in i'm gonna [ __ ] look at look at this [ __ ] harvesters on the front line we're gonna overwhelm him we're gonna [ __ ] rack him and stack them down potion potion wait no potion potion scarecrow scarecrow scarecrow triple scarecrow one potion yeah this is good this is good this is good this is strong this is strong he won't be able to get to my [ __ ] back line and i'm gonna overwhelm his one small force then good i need like thinking music are you ready um [Music] oh yeah i am ready i'm sorry i'm just trying to find like epic war music or like oh good stuff good stuff good idea good idea i okay i'm gonna start banning people that say why no mammoths it's blowing my mind and they can't concept they can't get the concept yeah that we're playing on farmers no mammoths all right all right ready yeah three two one you fell right into my trap no i win no you don't win i definitely you do not win i have overwhelmed your smaller force i have more scarecrows no no no my friend micro why are you saying no because i'm my reapers are coming for your soul brother i think these my scarecrows just win no shot you're you're except for this one reaper is [ __ ] taking a [ __ ] nap okay wait maybe you do and it wasn't even close all right yeah [ __ ] are you i i think i won the second that started no i thought i had you dead to rights run that one back don't judge me run back run back don't do anything just run it back okay i won't change anything we're even we're even on subs i won farmers yeah yeah i just want to i just want to see what happens yeah i think i could be lucky you know it could be pure luck it could be but it isn't so you guys and then the two up there are meat trays my meat hits your reaper and then i just have more crows no but my meat wins like i i destroy your smaller army and then yeah but your but i have meat coming from the top is what i'm saying yeah you're you are hitting my crows earlier the crows have to be hit last that's so important that's why i built them on the top and with meat walls in front of them all right they don't don't uh we're even okay yeah we already [ __ ] you crush tribal but once you add a little technology into the mix uh you picked the map well now now my friend yeah it's medieval baby about to get medieval on your ass i've never played medieval chat so this is uh medieval even okay you ready what does the king do do you know oh he's just a big out of the sword swing his sword he's like a bigger squire got it all right uh change settings again we have to keep doing every single time it's really annoying can you do it i did it i'm looking for music mind mode royalty free military music action video i'll do the same royalty free oh where's that risk music risk what was the dragon warrior dragon slayer yo what's it called though [ __ ] wrist i think it's called dragon slayer i never find it that way this music is not that good i found it [Music] endless storm war music no copyright all right i'm beating okay ready in 45 seconds okay chat i have a plan i have a plan i have a [ __ ] plan i know something he doesn't the power of the king you see how i talked about the king i said oh it's just a big squire that was only partly true i'm bringing out the a the classic hdr gambit what i used to win the campaign one king all healers wait we might need two kings actually spend my money [Music] [Music] i'm ready [Music] and i found the perfect song [Music] okay all right uh hey sorry my chat is telling me that you can control one character no no no no no you can but we're not gonna do it okay that makes it lame all right it makes his name chat yeah ready yeah three two one go go [Laughter] what what is yours knights in one king gambit is that four kings oh no there's a battle of five [Music] unless oh no look at this king though this one king's in the mix he's in the mix he's in the mix oh he's not dead if he dies there we have a chance oh he got healed nice four kings all those people the four king gambit all right round two uh [Music] [Music] okay i've got an idea [Music] [Music] i wish you could hover and see what units did i'm trying to get more oh i'm changing nothing i want to know that [Music] i got one hour of epic music here it is okay all right ready yeah yeah three two one i changed nothing oh my god what you have i have three keys three kings but other [ __ ] oh interesting well my fourth king turned the tide yeah well my archers from the side oh he gambited me ah i need my fourth can you start picking your things in the back line my healers oh my healers catapult huge my archers are wait my heroes are all dead well my healers are all dead the archers were funny yeah but your kings are getting healed my bard is [ __ ] crazy yes nothing chat i changed nothing because i was so confident yeah all right all right all right all right let me think about this okay [ __ ] from the ground up i got everything from the ground [ __ ] up what okay what is he gonna do his problem he had a great army split up evenly the catapults were also a problem what if i okay what if i have like this like knights okay with a couple healers a king a king so like healers even farther back actually three healers three healers and then um a catapult i can't even afford it i can't even afford it it's just like two different squads archer we're one and one he won tribal chat i won farms and we're literally one and one in medieval like just dot the archers so they just start [ __ ] sniping people so yeah they're also distracting to his and then one bard one bard for the kite yeah i'll take out one healer and one bard for the kite three bar three bards running in random directions for the kite and hopefully that will confuse him okay this is risky uh actually this is risky actually take these boards out i need to find a way i need another healer okay archers need to be more readied up um i think these knights are not positioned right so i think the king the king stay the king should be like here and here and then the knights like almost concave concave oh oh my god is this good at all i feel like this is really good if he has catapults i'm ready whenever you are but if not this is like an important match it's 1-1 still got 140 true one more archer for the fans okay okay i don't know i don't know about this we're gonna run it okay we're gonna run it you ready i'm ready let's go oh he went way back oh my god oh my god you have bards spreading [ __ ] yeah distraction techniques distraction techniques jujutsu yeah and they're gonna the catapult will get some late game hits i hope oh you have a king alive getting healed i have a king in the middle of the healers fighting by healers he's backlighting the healers this is huge those arches let's go yeah i have archers in the back dropping [ __ ] hailstorms oh no they're not shooting are they they're shooting they're shooting okay you have no healers oh we gotta kill the healers bro and i have two kings [Music] you should just win and you did win oh no bro the catapult's huge the animal was huge and putting it far back i think was great oh the kings are about to double team this guy [Laughter] yes all right we're up one channel oh [ __ ] we're going out yeah new map uh you pick oh okay uh take some time to think because i someone redeemed run ads and i gotta go to the bathroom so you pick a map i'll be right back next one's ancient i'll just pick an ancient one um let's do ancient two believers do you not see what i'm doing do you not understand the long game i set him up i build up the point totals i get the doubters feeling happy and fat all of the sudden well damn that's when i come in i sweep the later rounds i bankrupt them all it's the long game it's the long game like the great generals before me okay do you remember when general patton said let's lose d-day on purpose so we can trick the nazis into the false sense of security it was a genius plan and no one [ __ ] listened to him on it hmm you remember uh patton eating chips when he said that that's how coincidental uh let me change my title real quick we're just gonna say ultimate gambling day stan seems kind of cracked so far it's even basically oh wait wait i won the tribals he won the farmers and we went 2-1 on medieval all right you guys are [ __ ] you guys are overreacting let me tell you something the believers will be rewarded that's what i want you to know the believers will be rewarded let's say let me just say that believers will be rewarded and yes i'm down five subs but that's only because i wanted the double standard sub count all right here we go you ready you back running that's what are you doing oh i need a salil one second all right i'm back what are we on ancient i'm back it's kind of funny that i couldn't go to vegas so i'm spending my time gambling so true well no you're competing they're gambling you are the ball on the roulette that is true this is not gambling when it's competition it looks like a big peace sign did you notice that oh it is but there shall be no piece here today shall be no peace brother also be careful if you build on the roof cause they will just jump off you don't need to warn me about that that was your mistake uh i just thought i would be kind rewind you know all right we're an ancient yes okay perfect uh it's not blind reset or you said this okay well now you see my strategy uh yeah a lot of bullets is in the back ballistas in the back is kind of my strategy i'm making sense [ __ ] all right good luck all right good luck have fun uh i'm a big bigly i'm gonna smoke him everyone knows you go zeus only on this one five zeuses now have you heard of phalanxes atrial no way bullish is actually well this is actually [ __ ] up zeus you got a mute you got me so i can't hear you [ __ ] you know what i'm building a failure much [Music] uh famously did so obviously 30 30 they'd win because they were 300 versus 3 000 right but do you remember when persia brought out a couple minotaurs does that turn to the tide real quick um okay we'll mute then all right meet up okay i'm just going to build an even mix that's what i'm going to do i'm just going to let the war come to me you know what i'm saying do you guys understand what i'm saying uh okay how about this ballista ballista minotaur in the middle zeus in the back zeus in the back and then a bunch of shield bearers wow this actually looks pretty good ready this looks pretty good greeks were gay stay mad church easy damn dude the pope is molding yeah that's based all right i call this one the story of theseus all right ready okay thanks to that why is there a minotaur are you ready for the story of theseus i'm ready for the story of theseus all right oh wait um this was foolishly designed but okay [ __ ] it we'll come back into the game too story of theseus okay what was the story what was the story of theseus he just had like a friend next to a minotaur uh this is not looking grand we both have minotaurs on the backline thing it depends on if the shooter's dude heavy stun oh that was huge god what a charge that was a huge one more shot in your zeus oh this is actually big i need to hit this oh it doesn't matter my my meat is coming is it though can it stop my oh oh my god it's alive dawg zeus come on come on baby come on if the voice is wow how much health does this guy have he's a [ __ ] animal look at those googly eyes oh that was huge sniped okay interesting that was you i am down bigly okay i'm good okay the zeus is loose the zeus is loose all right told you believers i told you that's where the money is doubters get checked now bro you got to mute please so scared though chad that's the thing about him all right just mute though okay scared new plan i think the blisses were absolutely throated goated that's what i believe and i stand by that and i think we go with the triple threat like this and we have two minotaurs i can't afford to shields get melted yet but they're split up so they take more time they're causing more the shields have to exist to be your meat you have to have meat okay i'm ready i could probably use a few less though like like this and then i get one more minotaur i can't afford it greek music dmca free [ __ ] 1600 okay a fourth ballista for the [ __ ] real ones okay we we doubled up we doubled up with the on the [ __ ] ballistas i don't know this is a good idea this is not what i meant all right [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it are you ready wait i'm finding the right song yes i'm ready then let us do battle let us do battle on the fields of war this is the linebacker blitz oh my god put him right up front oh my god i went quad ballista i went quad ballista i think you [ __ ] on me i think the more places you can fit the better oh my god it wasn't even it was a massacre it was a massacre you have more ballista and zeus is up my unit's got one shot he got wasted oh my god i lose the greek one i guess it's like kind of a commentary on how in greek society the gods were so far above the mortals maybe damn that was not even close holy [ __ ] like how i am a god general to your mortal general you know what i'm saying okay we're back even we're even my friend would you know that yeah you won two you two owed me in uh ancient times right well and so now let me hit you with these ancient rhymes my name's nathan stint no i like that you stopped and said no before i even reacted but you got the correct reaction that was the correct reaction that's what i would have asked you to do of course i pick math now we're gonna do this one new map all right one and please i will pick the settings because the that's the thing yeah pick the settings we'll just alternate having to pick the settings propose settings accepted okay vikings i have not played them but everyone knows you need a url [Music] this is definitely copyrighted lord of the rings um copyright free war music [Music] let's go let's go this is what a general uses it's a viking battle i will bring the yarls nah [ __ ] the arrows archers far and wide [Music] i think i'm ready [Music] perfect perfect king the question is stance yes are you ready ah i'm wearing vikings i was a viking voice oh go oh oh my god way different teams way different teams i think your long ships have already fallen over yeah but they've made a perfect meat shield for my arse i can't tell what's going on i have y'alls running up oh ice archers aren't good against you ice rockers are keeping you slow and [ __ ] low to the flow wait my eyes aren't doing [ __ ] that's not ice archers wait a minute wait a minute here come the orals keep them slow keep them low keep them slow oh it's my guys who are doing that oh [Music] uh [Music] oh my god your yarls look at this yarl not even moving oh yeah okay okay easy clap viking king [Music] all right see you on the other side [Music] okay well all right hold [ __ ] [ __ ] okay let's rethink this i have a new point i'll have a better plan i have an insane plan what's that song right march of the valkyries i'm gonna play the song march of the valkyries i'm gonna think of valkyray okay my favorite streamer and i'm gonna do all valkyries 20 of them okay that's the plan [Music] there it is fly to the valkyries fly to the valkyries are you ready are you ready are you ready no one second i'm still thinking you better get ready because the beat's about to drop oh [ __ ] uh uh i'm ready let's go wait hold let's go what do you got yeah all about i think valks might get [ __ ] up by y'alls and archers no shot you're wrong oh no you have yards you have all mouths i know that's my oh it's all your elves oh my god that was the easy i don't think i've lost a unit [Laughter] charles are nasty dude holy [ __ ] wow that was a lot of hype for nothing uh so i built a bunch of valks on the first fight and they poofed and so i knew they were [ __ ] oh i thought vodkas were good no you didn't see my valkyries die at the bottom i love the streamer valkyries but i figured there's gotta be crossover uh your pick on the map next one is pirate so i gotta find pirate music dmca free uh run that back extra five subs best of one right now uh i already deleted my units yeah you want to say that exercise right now same exercise right now okay okay i mean do you know something i don't know i'm just changing my strap all right i don't have no idea i just don't want to lose okay uh so i'm thinking i'm gonna go all y'alls i don't know or berserkers uh okay i'm ready what what beats a yarl it seems unbeatable for its cost what about berserker what about we go like you can get some turbo versions from your chat berserkers berserkers as long as it's from your heart i'm down to people i've never used a single chat from my shot strapped from my chat and my chat strategy stupid anyway and we're good i'm ready when you are i lost my yarl music so i have to go pirate music dmca3 this map also [ __ ] blows you can't see anything okay i'm ready this is good this is good strong front strong backline that's what we needed and that's how we win the day believers put your money in to make profits like you've never believed [Music] let us do battle let's do it vikings to war [Music] okay yarls and archers okay the same thing but you spaced inappropriately although i got some backline action here my yarrows fight stronger [Music] they might fight strong now oh no i can't tell no my yarrow spice spill more yarls than me god damn it yours are so [ __ ] good they are they're busted you should have all the yards oops all yara's what i needed that's another one i think you could have just gotten all yours yeah [Music] all right this song [ __ ] sucks anyway [ __ ] boy up 10 sub shot don't let me forget all right let's [ __ ] move on dynasty this is where i [ __ ] shine no pirates pirates pirates oh no dynasty i'm crazy oh why don't i pick pirate music dude what the [ __ ] stupid alright dynasty i'm listening to pirate music for no reason oh there's a pin oh it's the overwatch right there's some kind of cutie tweet everyone's literally non-stop spamming and i know how much i love spamming so i gotta i gotta look at to reward the spammers why are you rewarding the spammers i already i already made this joke earlier i'm going to respond again and say wow what cutie did an amd stream that's super funny yeah but it was already like earlier today [ __ ] um rizzo did it rizzo the singer songwriter oh no lizzo i was like dude this one amd is crazy holy [ __ ] that blew my mind yeah rizzo posted the exact same tweet earlier and then i said wow and it was funny yeah and then he dm'd me and said times are tough little leak and now it's the same thing with cutie but funny all right um uh all right are you ready for this oh you got to give me the settings i'm still thinking give me the settings second give me the settings i already see you're setting up you're saying watches in the back god change the [ __ ] settings you change the settings i changed it last time it's an alternate system i gotta change my strat yeah change your [ __ ] strat it was [ __ ] straight anyway i was gonna destroy it you don't know how to master the arts of asian warfare i'm up oh asian warfare fair fair fair because you atriac are an explanation the white people i'm one with the asians who knows yeah okay i guess i have to cancel cutie's christmas present brand new 30-90 wow i did uh and we had another friend to give it to you task manager right my game show yeah so one of the tasks was uh you have to show something that you own that you think that i own and the most obscure item wins and people kept sending in like pictures of 30 90s because they all assume i had one because of you and i didn't own a single one they all got zero points don't say a single one like i would have sent you four i won't sli that bad all right are you ready no i'm still thinking wow i got the wrong scene but this is a good scene for when i win yeah i i don't i don't think i got the right units but you know what i'm going to [ __ ] try uh you ready um uh no i'm not ready give me a thumbs up you just said you were in my chat no all right asian warfare this is where i shine this is where i define the meta what you're going to want to use is watches eighth arch you gotta tone it down as in what you're doing over there and you're gonna need some ninjas in fact a heavy ninja population i think we go i think we go he asked if you were ready when he hadn't even placed a single unit that's crazy man love narcs i love narcs thanks to the narcs i think we almost go ninja group okay it's like tyler blevins like is he strong yes end of story so make a lot of them [Laughter] ninjas are great a monkey king monkeys are funny proven ludwig built a career off it we'll have one monkey king and he'll sort of carry so that about settles that two groups of ninjas and a monkey king the only thing i'd like is maybe a single samurai no this is good are you ready i'm ready i need asian warfare music one second asian warfare music dmca free otherwise you don't want to get knocked down on this one mine is relaxing chinese flutes which is kind of nice oh this is hype are you ready i'm ready i'm ready begin [Music] and then the monkey kings go oh my god how many monkey kings do you have two [Applause] the watch us [Music] [Laughter] what were those ninjas holy [ __ ] it's because i'm always the one being aggressive this [ __ ] sitting in the back all right fine you want to sit back i'll sit back let's go baby how do you afford so many [ __ ] monkey king watches okay changing it up i'm changing it up actually [ __ ] it we're just gonna go five no wait hmm what do i wanna do i just wanna have [ __ ] monkey kings that's it that's what i want monkey kings yeah yep this will do it i'm trying to literally put him right on the line okay this is the comeback this is the comeback believer's about to make [ __ ] bank no watchers will not own me watchers will not own me the monkey king's gonna get in in the back line and [ __ ] them up are you ready i'm ready watch you doing then come on no they're so slow yeah yeah i don't know what you were thinking would happen there come on oh wait are you like the clones keep sending the clothes wait a minute wait a minute your money drowned wait we did it oh my god we got it let's go that's so cringe they just suicided let's go your monkey's bowed before my superior general ship that's what happened bro that was hype this monkey just jumped in the river like an idiot and then my guys [ __ ] trudged on to victory the power of the monkey hmm right this is a crazy are you ready this is a crazy game i think he got rid of all his watches and put in watches did so much damage to you think i pivot back to watches i think i go full back line i think i pivot yeah the monks just solid monks and four watches i think we can do it uh are you guys still there hey can you hear me f yeah i can hear i can hear i can do i can hear it oh my youtube frozen won't go what happens youtube sucks what does that mean twitch baby ride or die sorry that's crazy for vods i said it i said it i meant it maybe imagine i don't know i always like make it look nice and it's not the best layout all right are you ready i'm ready this is for all the [ __ ] marbles [Music] this is tom cruise three two one go oh my god we just spray in there if we make it out of the gazebo we win spray in there my men blow spray oh no there's so many monkeys in the water there's so many monkeys spray oh we got him we got him dead of rights no two monkeys live oh he jumped in the water i hated the jump in the water oh my god you saw my window you still might win i think you did no i didn't oh thank god yes [Music] that sucks so bad namaste [Music] on to the next [Music] i didn't see there was a second page of maps oh yeah oh it's sick you pick that man what a [ __ ] comeback that was a comeback wow wes i had so many monkey kings which cost two thousand dollars just jump in the water yeah yeah you would have you would have guaranteed what if they just walked on a green field yeah that's the map though uh okay i am up five no you're not i just won that one oh yeah [ __ ] i was up ten because i did the double down you did do the discount double down i did do the double down all right oh this is renaissance loretta's songs well why was it coming up do you want to switch to a renaissance map like the map called renaissance no i mean if you want i would like to do that i think it's funny to have renaissance on not renaissance i i'm a historical accuract so you don't need to what does historical asteroids just do you didn't say it right so i'm not even gonna bother [Laughter] [Laughter] let's not talk about the past a true general focuses on the present sun tzu said that page two if you'd bothered to read one the art of war stance a book that i co-wrote with him in my younger years uh okay i got a plan what's your plan the plan's all [ __ ] tanks idiot get [ __ ] rolled and absolutely smoked nobody stops tanks in this game i'll put a couple [ __ ] balloon archers in the back musketeers yeah this is freebie mcsneebly yeah the tank is busted and crusted this is over uh all right i have built unique army with the power of i'm going to say renaissance music i'm ready when you're ready uh here's my question for you how many units do you have on the field too many to count 30. really i don't okay [Music] you know what they invented the renaissance stands what click ready i'll tell you [Laughter] we have the same [ __ ] bill but you picked balloon archer and i picked musketeers and your balloon archers absolutely saved the day i don't remember that being a big part of renaissance warfare his [ __ ] balloons but i guess i misread my history welcome to the game look at this guy stuck with the balloon he just lifted by his dick [Laughter] damn he has a [ __ ] arrow in his ass and a balloon in his dick it feels bad man that's okay all right let me rethink my strategy real quick i'll be right back to you okay reading your strategy i will rethink mine i am [ __ ] [Music] all right what if we just [ __ ] rush what about that what about a big [ __ ] rush i could also try and get one tank yeah one tank i'm ready i have upgraded i have more units now i like this i like this i like this i like this i like this all right i'm ready begin oh kind of similar oh you can't lift a horse oh that's bad for me enough balloons you can with another balloons you can't for sure oh oh that yeah that horse is damn lifted archer's actually throated yeah look at that i just actually smoked the renaissance renaissance was fast too it was a balloon [ __ ] based meta that i wasn't prepared for yeah okay uh next map after renaissance is pirate you want to go to the pirate map yeah i'll pick you up [Music] oh i like this map i've never played this map okay propose settings [Music] all right what do pirates have the queen that h rock refuses to use [Music] the queen is she has a look i'll take put the check out the queen dude one eye i refuse to it's bad luck to have a woman on a pirate ship i'd love that part to the caribbean actually i don't know yeah as well i should say far security so i will not be putting the pirate queen down i will be only using the sigma captain [Music] i don't know what [Music] yeah totally totally yeah totally i i don't the first round you never know what's good right so you just throw a little bit of everything out there [Music] okay [Music] all right you ready all right here we go oh wait [Music] oh you did the ship gamer too oh my god steady man fire the cannons comes the captain oh he got hit with the camera oh harpooners we're pooting captain finally down the stairs [Music] oh my god my cannons are shooting themselves in the water the cannons are literally shooting themselves into the water wait this is so close this is actually very close you have the fortified position oh yeah you're gonna win because they're all directed by getting ahead i've lost yes who's your last guy who's your last guy i don't know [Music] do i have like six i have three candidates i don't see a single guy from you i think i see him where is he is it this guy on your phone if you wiggle in his feet chat [Laughter] uh go up the ramp my left ramp and then look at this guy with the two pistols he's just is he's still alive i don't know i have no idea man oh he is still alive bro his eyes are open they're not x's call it a draw no you could press e on it moving back how do i press e or spacebar or something right click it's not spacebar don't worry i'll just take [ __ ] care of this how do i what button is it oh he put his gun what button is this what [ __ ] button is it oh f looks like a draw is f oh he doesn't move don't worry don't worry don't worry we'll get him [Laughter] we'll get his don't try to [ __ ] dodge i'm coming for you [ __ ] back up come back up there we go oh my god get the [ __ ] off me no no get off me [Laughter] oh [ __ ] run damn so i had more units but they pushed that's so weird yeah bad tactician i think that's round one ah okay let's run one yeah yeah okay it's cause i didn't have the pirate queen that's not why that's why all right here's the problem chad i noticed my cannons kept killing themselves which is quote unquote bad we're gonna want to put ourselves in the back of the boat though that's what i'm noticing like back back back back of the boat while they glitch out pretty [ __ ] easy okay that's good and then captain was kind of useless straight up he was bad so maybe we just get [ __ ] 25 flintlocks that's not even enough the harpooners were all right personally i didn't find them to be that good actually but i could mix a few in because they at least have distance i'm ready i actually think it's time to break my one rule and bring on a [ __ ] queen oh my god look at these [ __ ] animals they know how to get a job it's time for a [ __ ] time to uh gaslight and girl boss what's the third one oh he's like somewhere else his time is that is that the case gatekeep yeah it's also time to get keep yeah it is time to gaslight gatekeeping girl boss all right all right you ready are you ready i'm ready i'm ready okay stan you know the three g's of warfare tell me about him first one's gaslight yep second one's gatekeep and the third one is girl boss oh my god we have like the exact same [ __ ] thing we both put them in the back of the boat so it would take longer uh yeah i did not use any girl bosses my pirate queen oh my gosh she's tall big lady she's a big lady she's an intimidating lady oh come on she just hate those cannonballs and she's dead oh she's dead you can't bring women on a pirate ship this is the first rule oh my gosh you did nothing you might still win i hope i do one of my recruiters are voted like a last guy no no no no no we do it for last guy fair fair he's just stuck doing nothing uh this is a one-on-one also i have a guy like doing nothing no you have a guy you're my candidate is trying to [ __ ] with me he's pushing hard what are bro what are you doing wait are they both just stuck skis this might we might have to control them no i my guy just blinked it what a shot wait is this guy is he gonna keep firing at the other guy all right i have two cannons back at my base and you have two cannons in your base interesting this map sucks dude you have to suck control i want you to know you have three cannons uh i do you wanna control or reset uh i want to just change maps i will control control [ __ ] it [ __ ] it you can pick one all right bring it on [ __ ] oh good shot good show oh that shot yeah shot oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho okay i like how you're staying on the [ __ ] boat you puss [Laughter] all right don't worry i have more oh my god wait you got another one no it's the same one that's so sick that's [ __ ] trash camp three okay and you can't go in the boat that is much [Music] dude i agree they get stuck that is [ __ ] try three cannons to and i [ __ ] aimed this cause of the girl boss anyway it was because of a girl okay only sand only only sand always saying only san jose [Music] no one said anything about girl bosses off the ship you know what i'm saying that's what i bring the [ __ ] four queens actually two queens harpooners oh this is goated wait this is actually goated yes this will win this will win queen [ __ ] queen [ __ ] okay i'm ready yes queen yes queen yes queen yes queen yes queen i'm ready let's go oh you went two girl bosses and i went one yeah i wonder if that'll matter your girl bosses hit the back lines and she's going nuts we are reigning her in with these more fools come on come on oh my god is crazy the whole twitter's nuts it is nice oh my god i'm never believing in women ever again ah pirates i hate those filthy bandits okay okay i won renaissance to go to tan i want pirates to go at 15 baby spooky time spooky that's where i'll shine ookie one or spooky two loose boogie what you pick sweet one okay change the settings spooky one is a is the same as that one okay spooky two flans which is the same as china it is but it's kind of spooky you're looking fair uh let me change the settings real quick okay i need to win this one he's pushing me against the wall all right spooky getting to be halloween it's the stan solstice chat i will win this best of three and with that i will use the power of ooh the sword caster i forgot who's good hmm okay pumpkin catapult that seems goated what if we just start out with the all reaper gambit what if we just let the reapers reap you know what i'm saying well i think we just let the reapers [ __ ] reap i remember the reaper being good that's what i remember all right man you ready yeah yeah i'm ready let me get a spooky song a spooky scary skeletons dmca i don't know i should play with no music just have the youtube editors but kids cover it's a battle for the spirit of halloween okay only reapers the reaper gambit oh my god you built like a [ __ ] classical actually cracked he though otg we have reapers unless he died right there then maybe there's a shot i lost oh actually none of my units no my catapults died yeah reaper sucks she blows down your spawn reaper blows okay all right fine i don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it santa's just building [ __ ] basic [ __ ] armies every time i'm gonna i'm gonna win i'm gonna win i'm gonna wait i'm gonna win i'm going to put range units in high places okay okay let's make we're going to build a sword cast to make love not wary and we're gonna [ __ ] put some skeleton warriors and we're gonna do a vampire a vampire and then we're let me put one single reaper just to [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] up and then maybe some more skeleton warriors and maybe a candlehead and maybe another pumpkin catapult anymore morse maybe some skeleton archers yeah yeah yeah okay this is good this is good this is good i'm ready ready i'm ready again oh big fight actual fight actual cross map age of empires fight okay what do you have here those skeleton warriors the trick is that i brought a single reaper who is coming for your very soul our reapers are gonna fight he's stuck my reaper came to reap oh this reaper is about to reap he came to read and he reap reaped he's taking catapult damage maybe okay he's dead no he's just laying down he's just taking a nap who's left who do i have that guy in the middle i think is that it where's your catapult you have a catapult oh fire fire fire you son of a [ __ ] okay he did did he kill you no oh no you gotta fire fire fire if he gets too up i get one i'm gonna cringe you gotta fire you gotta fire i can't fire my guy's stuck fire this is so important this is so huge for me fire you won't no you're gonna play it out let them play it out okay i was gonna stream gentlemen to go back to spawn without shooting and then fight 1v1 is this all that's left do you have anything else i think so let me check i think you've got one more catapult back there stuck oh i do have two catapults the physics in this game how about we exit restart change nothing just run it back rng all right guys uh how do we do that in battle uh yeah in battle i tried it didn't do anything clicking it does nothing um how do you do that they're feeling it out in neutral oh i moved oh i died all right but these two guys are not gonna get to each other so i mean unless you're gonna start you're just moving oh he's not no i thought he was skinny i hit tap oh yeah tap tap tap does nothing oh it does okay all right middle catapult we need we need to have some value there my reaper is fighting regular units this time that might be good instead of catapults my reaper died too quickly i think you just slaughtered me this time oh that they're both dead now wait is this the same [ __ ] problem again yeah it's stuck caterpillar no i have one extra unit this time actually it's two catapults to one and i have one archer but actually if the archer gets close enough to hit without the catapult firing back it's a oh all right um what do we do here yeah i mean i think we both take a catapult we go back to spawn to neutral so move to neutral without shooting uh well your catapult could win right here it looks like no i'm moving it oh you're moving it uh i moved back to spawn and then we have a neutral [ __ ] snipe fight i know i didn't move my back catapult check cause we said run it back no moves oh i have another archer too who's stuck he's just in the thicket okay oh my god the camera off the camera my guy's [ __ ] dragging along if you get too close to your face yeah the little skeleton on the back is so funny all right you ready chad it's a physics game not moving things will cause changes one time i won by the skin of my teeth we ran it back and he [ __ ] me up oh i'm ready you ready let's go oh you're a [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] that hits you said let's go you didn't even hit me wait it didn't even hit me what happened it wasn't landed on your head i think no it didn't it's way ahead of me i think i ran over my own catapult back wheels i think my back wheels ran over my own skeleton chat clip it we need to know they're sitting on the bounce no i it bounced way in front of me we got a [ __ ] still frame up it wasn't even touching me bro i think i literally ran over my own guy with that [ __ ] cringe uh how many catapults do you have oh my god i have three how many do you have perfect delete all three catapults run it back that's it it's just it's just well okay you have three exactly i i took three out i do not have three anymore three all right google run it back although i had an archer stuck last time which i forgot about oh what is that [ __ ] spinning sword thing nothing's [ __ ] that's the uh forward creeper guy i think whoever is oh my god he crit the [ __ ] out of my guy oh he's [ __ ] sucking oh i like when he stabs the guy this model yeah carries it on him come on your archers are nutty wait you just won this for sure you have one but they're going to get run down eventually unless i mean unless he has a wii yeah let's see come on swordsman it's all on you [ __ ] smoke yeah all right all right all right and spooky town goes to stands [ __ ] okay i think i'm a big jack i'm a tactician of sorts uh all right we are on wild west oh wow wild west that's where we bring it all back and this one this one we're doubling the prize okay it's ten gifted we're double prize 10 gifted keeping it five gifted uh settings should be good ten gifted dead eyes dead eyes in the back i need wild west music wild west chat i know that you've lost a couple rounds listen to this song and tell me you don't believe that i'm due i'm literally gonna do cactus deadeye [Music] [Music] this is it this is it believers [Music] i think i have the aoe don't know or would you have enough snipers you might do damage fast enough it depends on if [ __ ] yippie kaye can walk up and do the damage okay i have more meat walls can my snipers get more it's looking pretty good this town ain't making up for the two of us partner wait wait i just got [ __ ] snipe snacks come on no come on oh my god dude rogers oh he gunned him down in his bride the cactus camp that was nice [Music] i okay to rethink my strategy call me ted because i'm lasso chat same thing debbie same thing come back i can't afford another dead eye wait one more day [Music] it okay i'm ready you ready yep okay oh my god what is this sucks i thought they were working these guys just jumped off to their desks [Laughter] they walked off and died and then i was like you know what it sounds cool though it's [ __ ] high noon all right well you win cowboys it was a fun dude standing here oh well that was like a [ __ ] suicide call i was sad to see wait uh start it i just want to see if they'd stay on the balcony okay [Music] oh locked into the water but it's more exposed i wanted to put him on i put him on the roof because i thought this vid would save me that's funny i was like watching some kind of cowboy suicide call that was sad uh okay you win this one i wanna try one more thing it was like the steam engine came to town and they all just [ __ ] off themselves before i put them on the roof this was what i had i want to see if it beats you don't change anything i just want to see if this [ __ ] wins okay i literally had only snipers in the back oh you said all snipers yeah well i have one and then 100 gold yeah i actually want to see if this would work uh yeah i wonder if you might have enough because the tanks don't get there no but they take bullets and then your snipers don't take bullets i think you win so you would have won anyway yeah oh yeah yeah you didn't use some tanks yeah this was my so you you two oh cowboy lane nice oh wait did i win the first one no i didn't and that was for 10 subs so i think i'm uh for five i said many times that was all five they're all five what's next after wild west legacy oh oh i i don't have these unlocked um then do you have good and evil uh yeah i have good i can we can do good i'm just doing good okay change i don't even know what these things mean big settings change i'll do it oh thank you i'm just trying to see what's uh oh you want to put one of each unit down and see what they do first no cringe i doubled the bet i got the amount of money because these are all expensive oh thank you are they that expensive um oh well legacy was but not these actually these are probably fine either way let's try it actually okay i've actually never seen these units yeah i don't i have no idea what they're supposed to do but i do know that if i pull my gambit of hiding all my units way back here it'll make the match really long and that's important if i hide all my units way back here then they'll i can't even see my troops and if i can't see that's good he won't be able to see them there it is two divine arbiters a bunch of chromosomes i'm ready i'm ready i am almo i'm born ready i'm i'm ready i'm ready go all right you're never going to find my army oh what the [ __ ] you're never going to find my army and that'll be your downfall my friend well your army will run towards they in the pit you don't know where they are damn you're like the exact same thing as me but you have a more [ __ ] who's this one guys like leading your pack uh the divine fist where the [ __ ] is your army dude oh it's out of the forest the greatest band of warriors this world had ever seen oh are those chrono boys is that true oh my god you're dropping [ __ ] nukes from heaven what is happening what the [ __ ] is happening i couldn't tell you i got resurrected i think i lose maybe i i think you win [Laughter] i thought it would be more hyped okay oh that's not [ __ ] cool i i truly i don't know which unit did which thing so i don't know what was goad and what was it too [Music] okay my plan was every tier that is less expensive i add more of it golden is 20k bring it on [ __ ] all right i'm ready oh my god you got a ton of [ __ ] elephants huh yeah but your paladins are smiting them dude oh my god chronomancers do like they just turn into gods i don't know why i think when they die they turn into angels but you win for sure i gotta win yeah okay okay one okay ah 1-1 all right all right all right [Music] that was not the strategy i'm changing nothing i'm changing nothing i'm changing nothing i think we nailed it i think we nailed it add more hammers you think the hammers were [ __ ] good the righteous paladins okay i had one more hammer i don't know i can't tell who's good or not totally but it worked out totally totally i know what i'm doing are you ready i will be in one second just gonna yeah i'm ready ready yes sir oh i had money left i had money left oh i left 400 on the table 400 that's a couple units maybe 400 is a lot dude hammer guys go [ __ ] hambone they die so fast though i think uh two angels versus one i think i win right no you have archers oh and they smite oh you win i win come back of the century god those archers are nasty the book man nice we won good let's see if you can win evil use devilish son of a [ __ ] okay evil uh is there a different map for we can do legacy kind of sucks um what's the best one i'm trying to think evil thing in the world probably uh oh farmers farmers monsanto did you make the same joke yeah but i meant it first so you kind of copied me you didn't say monsanto though farmer one let's go evil this is for the grand finale really if i win this i think we're even and if i lose it i'm down 10. i actually think you're right i think that [ __ ] that math lines up chad [ __ ] i'm not happy about it but i think it's true i'm putting on my german glasses okay to be actually should we go 15k because they're expensive or no uh yeah let's do it okay i'm down 10 right now oh this one's for 10. oh uh you're down 10. this is for five baby's five those juicy so it's either zero or twenty four zero or twenty and i already paid out like [ __ ] 20 today for no reason you did for no reason just you're supposed to pay five but hey that happens okay i don't know who is able to win the evil battle let's make one best of five uh if you want to all right best of fives then i don't even know which is a range i'm gonna do exactly the same thing i did last time uh this could be bad actually best of three that's right too long three okay best of three two of these three of these i assume this guy four of these i don't i don't know who's ranged and who who's not and then the rest of these and then one seminal for the flans i just i just mix it in i just mix it all up baby give me a little bit of everything oh yeah oh yeah okay you ready for game one begin begin oh my god what the [ __ ] happening oh my god what the [ __ ] is happening storms are coming mr wayne what the [ __ ] did you cast on me you just killed all my units with storms i casted a plague upon your house what the [ __ ] is that you have universal life they might win if they have a lot of health look at them [Music] what the [ __ ] the devil just [ __ ] walked up and killed your whole team he walked up slowly and down smash okay the bridge kind of cringe uh the bridge helped you oh my gosh it'll funnel through it while you what was the is it tempest glitch that you [ __ ] it is that drops the bombs yeah interesting interesting satan themselves like they were fine but uh should i just run the same [ __ ] thing i think the whole point of this strategy is that satan stays alive everything else dies and then satan goes [ __ ] hambone although if i could fit one more satan in i'd probably wouldn't regret it no totally totally chat totally are you ready yeah like if i just get a second satan [Laughter] look at this guy's face that's the face of a [ __ ] king dude yeah or one more exiled sound no really okay i'm ready let's go oh did you go [ __ ] five satans i went i went yeah probably maybe oh my god he went all say oops all satan crunch berries i did a lot of satan's oh you have more satans than me already uh did you get wombo'd oh my god you got one boat and i don't like the lake in ones because i don't know what they do the power of satan was not on your side no all satan's was not right but that was for timothy dead even which means to break the tie i'm thinking we set it to [ __ ] 50 g's and you can use anything oh so confusing um no because then it's only 30 units you would just pick all good and evil uh let's give it a good what if we knew what was that let's get her a good and evil just like get rid of good and evil only wild west and left okay okay and you get you get uh can we do a different map let's do the ancient two is probably the best ancient sandbox probably the best map okay see let's see if it looks good like just [ __ ] open season yeah this is good open says on okay okay and for the sleddings let's talk about a little bit of some shmunishman i'm talking about how much money uh oh oh oh 30 g's no i meant how much uh are we betting oh i don't know time gifted for the finale yeah i think it's from now okay ten gifted it's the payouts instant payout ten get payout and gift best of three all units legal that are wild west and left okay actually let's bet 30 000 of real money [ __ ] yeah brother every dollar you don't spend is what you win if all right uh okay this is where it [ __ ] all comes on the line oh it's kind of hard to use your money efficiently not for me stance not for me because i gotta oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute no no no no this is what i [ __ ] need this is what i [ __ ] need i need oh yeah i'm gonna curve this i'm gonna curve the bullet oh and then i need i think dead eyes are actually goated but okay yeah totally no yeah yeah oh okay let's think are zeus is any good ballistas are pretty good roses are pretty good put the ballistas and then i need like a front line which would probably i need something really tanky what's the tankiest [ __ ] unit maybe just a lot of cacti just like a bunch of spread out cacti what if you did all watches all right i'm ready oh i do want to mix in a harpoon harpoon could throw his no these these work like harpoons actually truck hold up hold up i'm almost ready hold up i need just one thing [Music] oh oh yeah were you doing helms deep or something oh yeah uh yeah are you ready i'm ready i'm ready the ultimate showdown all right best of three for ten gifted we tied in every other category which is insane three two one begin oh [ __ ] davinki's and balloon archers or what da vinci's and bastila oh you have watches i have watches i got oh my god watchers actually destroy the tank the watches are just nasty all around wait watchers are actually [Laughter] gives me a chance to do one more thing that i really wanted to do wait okay can i actually get all kings okay i can get 20 kings so what i need is to get like enough kings that i can get all healers is that enough no no i need i need fewer healers needs to be exactly 30 so less healers king king king king king king um is this right okay it's the spk strategy i have 840 left so i need to get rid of like two of these oh is there no gamba was this for the last one chat two two of these yeah yeah and then one more it was for each one right perfect i'm doing new gambo one second yeah squire squash they lied to me did i fall for the bait that's fine one bar one bar for the fans way up the top okay this looks good to me this looks good to me this is the strategy's called king [ __ ] oh i do need probably wait i need i need like three less kings and i need like a [ __ ] huacha no cap yeah yeah yeah that's what i need you sure are taking a long time over there begin begin oh oh what do you have you have yarl's oh my god he went all out of the yarls yeah i think yarls are nasty because they defend oh but you have units running in oh i [ __ ] up your yarls you know pizza yarl king [ __ ] all those look at the kings oh my god you have like a [ __ ] gand off the gray though come on oh my god your snipers are actually going [ __ ] ham bone yes [Applause] okay okay [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay yeah melee [ __ ] sucks in this game all right new plan dead eyes are goaded dead eyes are actually goaded and there's just no getting around it they just [ __ ] they deal the most consistent damage so we need to make our strategy around [ __ ] 20 dead eyes or zeus's or like he always goes heavy ranged if we go right up on the [ __ ] front line what if we try to counter his range okay with like [ __ ] minotaurs horses like all the [ __ ] um aggressive aggressive like monkey kings like what if we just drop [ __ ] 20 monkey kings yeah literally 15 monkey kings he yarls and it's over it's true the yarls are the problem ah [ __ ] [ __ ] there's just no way to get around these ranged units all right we can go back to our [ __ ] strategy of dead eyes dead eyes dead eyes dead eyes what a treat 20 dead eyes i really need to spread them out more though he went dead i yarl what can i do to beat dead eye yarrow the reason they're still on this astral plane is because the cowards they're fighting ah i actually have one strategy if you win i know what my strategy is no no you're not going to be able to beat the strategy because i got it if you win i'm going to bust out my secret strat that i've been saving for [ __ ] game fives okay all right this is all ready yeah one second no no hold hold on avengers assembled okay and then a couple painters for the fans all right that's perfect okay if this doesn't work oh yeah push them back give us some space if this doesn't work for are sure right no yours not too strong because they defend and the the mammoths get they get stuck in the ice i think this is not even close dude oh maybe [Music] that's crazy i don't know why you thought that would work on every that's that's just like real life sad yeah the end of the mammoth it's just like okay well i have to kind of beat your army first keep your army until i beat it and then i'll [ __ ] i'll keep i'll keep my army let me see what i can do i will find us you think i'm gonna ready up and go get a snack okay good idea good idea good idea good idea i'm gonna run a quick ad how do i beat yarl's watches how do i beat euros and watches with only 30 units right now i know i know i know i know moral yarls and watches no i'm not gonna join them i'm not gonna join them no no no all pumpkin catapults could be good oh zeus i actually think zeus might be the [ __ ] key he's got yeah okay here it is okay what about this what about this just a big line of zeus and then we wait take off two of the zeuses to grab the first wave of yeah like this is just bad range well i want him to walk forward samurais oh samurai is actually [ __ ] the goated plan samurais do block arrows chap you didn't know that samurais and zeus baby and then yeah yes this is the key this is the key one mammoth dammit something [ __ ] that mr [ __ ] garbage garbanzo beans and then over here two monkey kings to [ __ ] throw him off the trail and catch him in the back line yes yes [Music] okay i'm ready all right all right all right i finally got you dead of rights i got you dead to rights all right you got me dead to rights and believers are [ __ ] pouring in for this final bet because i've got you dead to rights and i will defeat you with my new gambit and my new strategy better tactics sixth time is the charm begin okay lots of zeus's on the flank i like that oh but the the obviously the ice blocks so we get one b once here comes the ice clutch is coming in topside zeus is getting mowed washer volley number two washer volley number three ah raid leader sending the yarls on the left washer's going down left flank secured okay wait i have one one note to the mods yeah pay out the believers pay out the believers mods as i promised the believers would eat good today path the believers yes for real anybody who doesn't have the believers and that's how it goes baby and that's how it goes never ever doubt for too long or you will get scammed that is the rule of the stream that is how it goes thank you stan for playing thanks for helping me set up a major [ __ ] heist on the doubters you did the doubters did get heisted that's for sure oh no i won i won and i think that's it for now but we should play the campaign sometime yeah be fun yeah all right man my chat is is eagerly awaiting the subs on cloudcast looking for the subs oh you wanted those ten instant payout my friend right yeah yeah yeah i sort of overpaid by 15 earlier so oh no that was just a nice gift and i appreciate it only five supporting a young content creator you know what i'm saying like you can pay out later but you do owe me five wow i just can't wait to get those ten you wouldn't scam your chat and me you'd think if i'd do one i'd easily do the other no i wouldn't expect you to not be consistent um yours are insane in this game because once they put up ice they don't take damage it feels like so uh they did seem to lock me out of my yeah they just they take a million shots they put up ice which blocks and then my three watchers did more than enough in the back line hey triock thank you for the 10 gifted an honorable man he is all right i will see you soon uh yeah i mean you're not you're in town so i'm just gonna be streaming uh rachelle's actually leaving tomorrow i think me for good maybe some more games maybe some more ghosts yeah maybe we'll play some more games uh we'll figure it out everyone say bye stands hey what's that prison game i've never heard of it hey we can finish it maybe i'll do that someday it's a fun game i think it's still in trouble for me but we'll figure out yeah yeah we'll figure it out all right peace peace bye stands that's my dog right there's my best man if he brings us up in the speech though i am kicking by the wedding um that was fun that was fun that was goofy and fun pretty fun game i could not beat the yarl gambit the yarrow huacha gambit and i didn't want to copy it because he did it first not sure what else i could have done i should have figured it out um i think that's probably it for me tonight i'm going to come back tomorrow though i want to spend some time with ari so is there anything else i want to do tonight no we'll do reddit tomorrow i mean listen the whole point of this weekend would spend it with ari and now i'm kind of doing half streaming half spinning with her so we got to even it out um tomorrow i do want to do reddit recap i do want to do um uh resident evil and i do want to do i expect you to die i want to finish all of those games this weekend so that's the plan um hope you enjoyed this stream congratulations to everyone that made points today thank you for the raid stands but i am ending so let's pass this along to someone else and i'm going to spend some time with ari and do a half gaming half aria weekend it should be fun as [ __ ] uh interactive movie will be during the week that's a death it's a during a week thing uh raid evan gao we could i don't mind passing along the viewers to a tried and true leech let's see who is live let's see who is live um evan gao's live playing poker atriac community poker night i'll rate him plug it go cheer on evan gao raid evan gao right prezzo i mean everyone else is good everyone else kim's got 5k she's everyone's got good good i think it'll help evangel wait i am in vegas where are you are you actually in vegas cutie my flight got cancelled it was very sad they wouldn't reschedule until 6 pm tomorrow i was [ __ ] cringing so me and aria gonna try and do a date weekend here but it's not not as fun as vegas anyway uh go check out evan gao he's probably terrible poker so help him out bye good night
Oh [ __ ] righty hmm how late am I not that late my oh wait come on [Music] [ __ ] that up [Music] put up socks what up Dragonheart look three minutes come on not that bad [Music] do you get to the dog district very often what am I saying of course you don't know Thank You Man three minutes thanks for that's pics of notification sighs appreciate it bud you're right through the museum's manually but yeah I need to clear off my hard drive all this is happening what's up everybody what's up max would have socks [Music] god greatest song of all time still the greatest still the greatest what's up Italy without flat boulders I hope everybody's having a great day what's up Chris Scott Bevo what up G what up the wrong type of here what up boats poop what up nuns was taken what up tacos Tyler what about man square ro spoon what ups our cash in and out what up clues Jimmy what up subway TM what up Sammy Sam but what up I am weird what's up Sonny gaming three minutes is 18 seconds a 187 you get to the code district you eighty thousand milliseconds of course you don't man I [ __ ] this up with big numbers really puts it into perspective you know what up zero vos key went up I love sparkles what up Mick Mo it up thermic Mao what up hit noclip hit no clip what's up c3 death walk went up [ __ ] Loeb [ __ ] look Lopez what up necromancy can be great I'm not sure about that sup got lucky got Loki what's up pesky terror whatever you know what up big dolphin boy what up Cody Bob upbeat you know Baggins I think again went up on me on me and ah've put up Oakland Maddie what up leer shall live what up rebel girl what up dargah Nam what up no I said that said that said that said that anyway hello everybody we're not big bore what up J Saru put up totally not ninja what up grumpy space doctor what a Gelder Belcher put up lost PPE gang anyway hello everybody hope you're ready for us do bitstream just like always I say that before every stream [Music] but at least we have this song so the plan today thanks Beno beckons I'm just even if you enjoy them I think we can all agree that they're very very dumb [Music] you know sounds good element have a good time man hey thanks Eddy Eddy you're unbanned okay let me make [Music] okay now there's a hash Tex Commission mark free Eddie command [Music] and a exclamation mark ban Eddie command which don't do anything other than hat the hashtag Freddie and Betty alright what music is Mason listening to did I remove the Mason one or do I leave it in no music I'll have to text him he's at work he has a real job like a real human unlike me hey thanks curious chica my voice only sounds this good because I have a very excellent sound processor that I really really like it just boosts all the mids and highs and it makes it sound so nice and then I really like this microphone but it's all a trick it's all a trick my voice is just shitty normally cool so I'm gonna just like normal I'm gonna give it a few minutes I'm gonna just say hi to the chat and then I'm gonna do the challenge the general premise just you guys know up in the top left is the 70 star former world record it just got broken a week and a half ago which is kind of nuts but it's from mario 64 speedrun and this is the record for 70 star so this is up for like ten straight months this was the fastest anybody had ever beaten mario 64 with 70 stars so we're gonna do today and I asked taga if I could like put it in here so what we're gonna do today is get a world record exactly right man squared so the plan is that I'm gonna try to beat the speed runner I'll be playing right here but we're gonna play it 200% game speed so I'm gonna turn out the game speed so I move twice as fast and then we're gonna see if we can beat him and make up for the fact that he's way way better at Mario 64 than me will it work I don't know probably not but here's the good news if that doesn't work we're gonna kick it up to 300% if that doesn't work we're gonna kick it up to 500 members it's gotta be bigger thank you wait sorry your your alert isn't at the top who alerted you no thanks I love sparkles we're gonna get some big [ __ ] numbers in here don't you worry oh yes that's the premise I don't think this is gonna go well I don't even really know Mario 64 so this will be good but this is gonna be a world record if we do it not necessarily like a world record that we didn't cheat on blatantly is that Mario Odyssey speedrun sting time Adam I'm not I'm not actively timing it right now but but I think whenever I start that back up we'll just look at wherever the timer was two months ago calculate the exact number of minutes tack it on and then we'll start from there I think the fastest speed I can go is 500 let me show you the fastest speed all right so this is if we want to go like six hundred percent speed it'll look like this and I'm gonna be honest it's a little hard there we go what's up see if we can race Cooper quick do you get to the go don't move my cursor what am I saying hey thanks to Nyjah okay the bad news is that I can't select the star because it moves too fast if I tap in any direction we'll just do this one do you get to the go district very often hey thank you armored am I saying to ran course you don't a parameter thanks man appreciate it so we're not gonna we're gonna race you to the quick oh [ __ ] I'm not gonna start at this so you get to the code be stricken oh wow thank you big dog good morning of course you don't yeah thank you guys for the subs it's very generous I appreciate it I'm gonna turn down the audio a little bit because this [ __ ] is horrifying well probably just gonna need to turn off the game audio do you get to the district very long Thank You California am I saying of course you don't welcome everybody to the dug district you do get here often thank you guys I appreciate it Oh Morenstein he gifted them all yo thank you what is it holy [ __ ] very often 10 subs what am I saying of course you don't hey Morris teen thank you very very very much I really really appreciate a man that is extremely generous I hope I can set an incredible world record for you today and spoiler do you get to the good this is the often this is not gonna go well right of course you don't it's just not gonna go well at all but I'm gonna do my best what I blinky all right um I guess we get started do you get to the gog district very often what am I saying of course you don't yeah our chat the chat here is like really awesome like it's definitely like the coolest part about streaming is that we actually have like really sick people you get to the district very often what am I saying of course you don't that or we just have really nice mario 64 speedrun enthusiasts not sure which cool so this is 200% district very often what am I saying of course you don't you know what Eddie here's what here's what maybe we need to do yeah welcome to the doug district everybody do you get to the district very often Oh what am I saying of course you don't are they still the gifted subs yes okay that's the last one thank you again thank you again Morenstein or morstein oh my god another one Thank You Man do you get to the go up district very welcome everybody Doug goes to what am I saying of course you don't you all do get here enjoy those crappy emotes that I have I lived my entire life waiting to see if someone had the audacity to speed around a two-decade okay what 200% speed these are the answer socks what am I saying of course you don't know thank you very much drew 887 for the sub I really appreciate it man this is a fuckload of subs right now thank you guys this is very very kind thank you anonymous gift er for donating a sub do you get to the street very often Oh what am I saying of course you don't yo spoon it's all good man you don't have to sub I appreciate you being here so I think we [ __ ] get this thing going so right now I'm at 200% speed I think we got to start there but then if this isn't working out we can kick up to 100% speed and let's let's actually like let's start planning this out of it you get this butterfly kiss a little bit louder okay so here's what I'm thinking Mario 64 right Mario 64 has like the intro let's let's look at time right [Music] [Music] all right if we look at how the game goes on the other the the speedrunner is not gonna make that much progress at the beginning right he's gonna do this thing [Music] yeah thank you again Morenstein or more steam whatever so he's gonna start out really really slow right wait no let me make him make him a purple he's gonna start out really really slow because there's this intro cinematic in the game right like the first two minutes or whatever is just cinematics so while the cinematics are going on I'm gonna make way more progress than he is because he's stuck in the cinematics and mine is just gonna shoot along at double speed so he's gonna go pretty slowly right for the first like let's say two minutes and then he's gonna start to get really really really often hey thank you so what am I saying of course you don't and thank you I love sparkles for gifting that y'all are wonderful and beautiful people so now he's gonna accelerate his you know percentage time pretty goddamn fast me though and intellectual alright I'm gonna kick off like the beginning and make tons of progress because I'm going at 2x speed and then we're gonna get hit a point where I'm done with the opening cinematic right so this is like cinematic done oops this is cinematic done for me and this is cinematic done for him right so this gap right here where I've completed the cinematic and he has it that's my edge because after this point my skills gonna drop off dramatically because I'm shitty at Mario 64 but I figure we can compensate for the skill by the fact that I'm cheating blatantly so we just need to beat Bowser like here before the speed runner can catch up to me that's what I'm thinking with the plan are there any questions or concerns about this plan right here it looks pretty solid to me and basically the plan is I place shitty I'm cheating every time you beat a boss you have to increase the game speed I like that we're gonna try this we're gonna try this and then see how it works and we're probably gonna have to update the numbers we do need some numbers I think you need to cheat harder we might need to cheat harder I mean look at this [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] speedrunner look at what he's doing to this game I can't do this [Music] watch he's about to do something crazy probably hey thank you for petrol goose for the host appreciate it dude but we got him on the loading screens loading screens and intro cinematic is where we're gonna [ __ ] crush him [Music] anyway he's really he's really good [Music] yeah mostly the stream it to the go very often hey thank you what am I saying man squared or she everything at Tier one said the gaming dragons really appreciate it man thank you okay we got a we got a graph anybody have some numbers anybody have some predictions on how long you think it's gonna take me to crush this world record blinkie none of my ideas have ever been bad ever and I don't plan on starting now 37 minutes 45 seconds I'm just gonna interpret that as 37 45 as in 3745 congratulations to me who's about the [ __ ] crush this world record we got some big numbers I'm ready [Music] ok I think we're in great shape so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start the I'm gonna start the speedrun world record at the corner and right when he hits the menu I'm gonna start the menu right here and I'm also gonna add the timer so you can see right above my camera I'm gonna have the timer going on just so it syncs up about when we started I don't I don't know if we're gonna have to do the if the entire game is gonna work worst case though we're gonna we're gonna ma we're gonna shrink the speed run down to just beating the first Bowser which is a nice milestone but we'll see we'll see how this progresses because again I'm not good at Mario at all so hopefully playing it to X speed will compensate for that all right let's do this runs going starting the world record as soon as he hits the menu I go over here okay and go time cancel that I had reset this splits ok now we're good everybody calm down it was just a test ok I get to the menu I'm at 2x speed I'm having to start like four things at once okay I'm ready over here the video starts the speedruns going the time splits are going the music's ready here we go this is what I make up all my time right I'm gonna [ __ ] Russian right now look how much faster I'm already going than their easy [Music] look at this incredible gameplay from me this is the rhyme he's so slow look at that vista high position in the world record all right he has even started yet it would be good we are so far had unbelievable beating a world record [Music] [ __ ] whatever we saw it one time hey thank you [Music] [Applause] you've never seen a world record this fast I don't think he goes [Music] hey thanks God [Music] man [ __ ] there we go [ __ ] he's like almost caught up he's really got here fast [Music] [Applause] why is the bomb so fast mother something wrong whywhy does he fall in your gun this is fine we'll catch up [Music] will easily catch up to him here I'm gonna do footrace with Koopa to quick I'm gonna crush him very easy we're still both at one star tied apiece okay this is easy [ __ ] alright he's it - he's going to slow down any minute now though we got fast on which ball go hit the slide at some point right I need eight stars to hit Bowser [Music] how's he doing okay he's it - he's a little further ahead okay the slide the slide up there is something we could try to cheat it like he does right here or just do the slide normally [Music] yeah sacrebleu week that's kind of how we like it around here [ __ ] that one's hard like I bail [Music] let's not always do that change on [ __ ] it's really hard to line up okay got it he's a three I'm about to be a three it's not that far off actually okay I'm gonna go through the slide level wait [ __ ] I saved them this is fine it's all part of the world record route [Music] as far as I can tell this is fine all right he's won ahead but that's fine [Music] so I'm thinking this slide should be super fast right and I can do his little thinks he's so smart with his little cheat thing all right I'm not gonna go check it this is fine any minute now he's gonna hit a really long cinematic I'm just gonna catch up it's got to be pretty cool watching somebody who's this good at Mario 64 all right I guess I go to whomps who added some loud music how's he at four we are tied although he's about to get two I think yeah the slide is like kind of good at 200% [Music] I'm gonna be honest this it would help a lot if I was good at okay [Music] okay okay we're at five hot [ __ ] he's at six I made like [ __ ] destroyed by this guy what else is up here I don't remember to the top of the four cosine I think this is going great I think any minute now we're gonna catch up with a cinematic or something [Music] no no this is so hard at 200% this is so much worse than playing the game normally I like the slide level was actually faster right I need six right I'm gonna go to the ice burn need eight before Bowser if I can beat him to Bowser then I consider that a huge victory he's already at nine that's fine he's only three ahead okay slide level this is when we catch up because I can just nail the slide level right now see that took like two seconds [Music] but yeah he's a 10 all right seven not terrible you just need one more and I can go to Bowser oh [ __ ] [ __ ] come on what I do with the penguin I've taken down here right no no no [ __ ] okay he's still doing the slide as long as I think as long as we can beat him to Bowser it's a world record [Music] but kit over here the big ones just like leaving there we go there we go okay and I jump over here yeah okay we're not doing that badly this is fine [Music] okay I'm gonna I'm gonna just go straight to Bowser and try to at least beat him to Bowser number one [Music] oh this is perfect we're at the same spot so I just need to beat him at 2x speed on the Bowser level with a head start [Music] no no no no the [ __ ] controller all right this is fine I can catch up I can catch up this is fine [Music] how's he doing okay we look around the same spot watch I run out there I catch up to him we're fine this is fine this is fine this is fine god this is so hard to control Oh this is fine I'll still beat them to Bowser [Music] how's he doing pretty much Peter now maybe I can still beat him [Music] no I could beat him [Music] and those plus I have to go yeah jazbaa that was probably a dumb question if the world record [ __ ] missed Bowser so here's what I'm thinking I think we need to go faster I clearly can't beat him at only 2x speed even bigger numbers alright we're gonna reset this I'll let tag go keep going in the and the side so we can see 9,000 percent is a little ambitious but what we did 1111 minutes really almost beat them or so get good at 400% you'll be unstoppable I just want I just want to beat a speed runner I don't care how fast we need to go now I will say just you know just to be clear this is muddling much harder than playing normally so there could be a trade off the faster we go all right let's uh let's start this over so or let me show you what let me show you what 300% looks like okay this is 200% still and now we're at three hundred two three four five six okay even faster and again with our plan this is this means I'm going to even more of a boost right here this this block the time between him finishing the cinematic and me finishing the cinematic right here this is now like a minute you know like sixty Seconds [Music] there's no way that we don't beat him I haven't tried green demon challenge green heart but I would like to I've heard about it and it sounds the hilarious about five X speed we might look at some point we might have to start handicapping the world record as well but we'll see let's crunch these numbers didn't see we got a crescent numbers well any updated predictions for the numbers here the previous suggestion was was three seven four five ninety one 36 36 45 is a smaller number Dragonheart 20 are you just sayin 20,000 like you're tacking 20,000 on to the to this number right for eight five one I'll just add a one here these are some pretty big numbers huge numbers twenty thousand thirty seven four five one my day is cleared for six hours of speed run all right I think we can beat this guy it's so hard to erase because I got fast when the cursor moves okay I think we're good [Music] the upper limit is this speedrunner age [ __ ] yeah he he can't even play the game at 200% speed like me the upper limit is about six hundred percent so we can keep going up we can just keep cranking this number up I guess I need to update the title actually god he's gonna be so embarrassed with when a middling youtuber who beats his record yeah no hacker Jam this is the world record for what ten months up until a week and a half ago but I already asked I asked Otago if he was cool with me using the video so I was like so I'm just using it excited already asked a go but technically this is the second place world record [Music] yo Thank You Maura Steen do you get to the go district very often Oh what am I saying of course you don't welcome to the dug district you do get here often all right everybody I think we've crunched some numbers we've gotten in and out of the dug district and again I think I think the main way that we build a lead is my cinematic is gonna end right here right it's gonna end super fast cuz my speeds at 300 percent his cinematic he's just going waiting around sitting there I it with his thumbs twiddling and that's when I make my move and I [ __ ] shoot to the top and beat him to the first Bowser yeah it's six hundred percent we're just playing Sonic miner Harry that would be cheating then it wouldn't count as a world record what's the chart for this is the plan [Music] place 600% hey hey Silas I love you too bud hope all's well yeah I'll do see that's the thing we get to a point where we're like shooting the numbers up and down as well like we could get it's like we can get like very sophisticated with our cheating a little bit later what happens if you lose all your lives probably probably you have to restart the speed round at that point Thank You Silas all right I think I think we're ready I think we've got a plan so once once tagos hits the menu which is where I currently am that's when I start the time and we go put butterfly back on you filthy Edition later we'll do it as victory music yeah it's a good thing I'm great at this game because otherwise this would be very hard okay here we go here we go starting the time go once he hits menu I'm going okay fans on Lookout faster Donny unbelievable leave this speed you're not gonna get Mario 64 intro cinematic gameplay this fast anywhere else [Music] hey thanks drew gooo time [Music] big bomb all in the Senate we're so far ahead of him unbelievable [ __ ] um okay the good news is were really fast bad news is this is like a live this is a lot harder to control that business fine we're fine [Music] yes too fast too fast [ __ ] too fast hurry up [ __ ] this is fine he's not even in the level yet we're fine okay we're good I grab this I'm gonna do footrace with cooping a quick after this I'm quick one two I'll go grab whomps thing after that [Music] all right [Music] look [Music] how's he doing one star okay okay okay I'm feeling pretty confident there's no way you can catch up to this I'm warmed up from 200% [Music] okay I'm about to get the star he just got just not as eloquently [ __ ] this is very hard to do and three hundred percent [ __ ] okay I can't do that one [ __ ] this is fine we have a lot of time I'm gonna go to the ice level how's he doing only two I need to talk to me three stars okay I'm gonna hit slide then I'm gonna go back to ice level this is fine [Music] Jesus Christ this light is so so 500 300 percent speed holy [ __ ] okay we go we're back in it alright how's he done [Music] we'll get them at the cinematix you hey thanks juice Tron what am I saying of course you don't oh my god appreciate it to you thank you hope you're enjoying this high level gameplay well maybe not high level but very fast gameplay Jesus Christ he's so fast holy [ __ ] if I slow down if I like break on the slide I can probably control it [Music] I have zero lives please hit we go for it confidence [Music] no no [ __ ] this is fine [Music] like I don't know how to do this slide I guess I could try to like do the shortcut or whatever [Music] okay I'm gonna jump off I'm gonna jump off and then if I do that then we knock out the slide like almost immediately so I'll just pop over here to the right okay how sick will be though if we beat the world records with the game over okay okay what's he at six we're fine finish line oh there go ok there we go there we go now we're good ok I can't I can't do the I can't do the slide I'm gonna do other levels in this world I'm just gonna do the penguin are there other ones I can just get easily because this I can just jump down here how are we doing four stars is looking great okay I'm gonna go for the slide one more time I think we can do it hang if I can do it you get to the goal of this victory off-course [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so this isn't really working I need to we need I need to find levels that I can do it 300 percent so we get the advantage like we have the advantage right of doing the [ __ ] 300% speed but I can't do the slide bubble so some okay so some levels are gonna be like off limits because of the speed basically making it impossible so I just need to pick other ones anybody have like suggestions the problem is that you aren't going fast enough that could be it here's what I want to do I just want to try this again I just want to try this again with a different route so I'm not doing the slide and I'm not doing yeah I'm just not doing the slide and then I think it's doable right like I said do whomps for I do whomps forretress I just need eight stars before I go into Bowser mom's fortress I could do whomp himself I could do jump to the top of the fortress that's two and maybe I just do a lot of them from bar-ilan Kingdom I could do the simple star like the simple slide the one he's doing right now so that's three and then I just have to get five but I could get the penguins that's four that means I just need to get four from bomb on battlefield I can't I can't get the whomp right now I don't think at 300 percent speed because it's impossible to aim correctly Cadiz oh [ __ ] I need to get the cannons up in here just keep chanting cha cha real smooth like that idea the water levels is the water level actually gonna be easy there look well we can [ __ ] we can slow them down to 50% like we really need I just I'd like to avoid that for right now okay so I'll get the cannon I just need four I need four stars from bomb on battlefield that are doable at 300% speed so I'll [ __ ] shoot up there or not oh there's cannon right here right where do I shoot the cannon to hit this like the tree I just shoot straight upwards while laying on it okay so I get in that cannon I shoot straight upwards then I hit this block so that's three stars and then I just need one more from bomb on battlefield and then we have our route sign d8 your head Cohen that one's not happening I guess maybe we just need to sack up and get the the womp all right maybe we just do the whomp okay I'm feeling good about this I think this one's doable you didn't have Myra 64 in childhood that's all right that's what research is for dude so he beats Bowser in nine minutes in like ten minutes that's insane he's also has 13 stop markers going into it okay I think we got a plan so the route is now so I'm gonna grab four stars from bomb on battlefield 4 stars from ball mom one star from slide one star from we know two from whomps and then one from penguin [Music] and then once I have eight I go for Bowser and we're good this song is the parasailing song from breath of the wild but you can also do exclamation mark music in the chat yeah and there's a playlist of all the songs right there I think we're in good shape yeah thanks teacup turtle finals all finished so now I get to spend my time watching a grown man struggle with a children's game children's card game dude [Music] yo glad you've done the finals man Congrats Mayson music I'll text Mason and let him know okay I think we got a plan we have a reasonable route of at least beating him to Bowser can't I beat him can I beat the speed runner at the entire game probably not can I beat him to Bowser though you're about to find out well if you try 500% look we can get there if we need to the question the question is are there diminishing returns by going up to like 500 percent and the answer that question is yes there are diminishing returns oh the title says three hundred percent alright I guess I'll update the title I forgot about that thank you you know it's totally amber I think I think Mario is about confidence I think as long as we're real confident we'll be good uh nowhere to go but up damn right okay let's do it 300 we've got a plan I'm gonna take down tag Oh okay timers resets a delete this file yes it takes a while because I can barely control the mouse we start the freaking world record we get ready as soon as he gets the menu I start the time and go cat go this is 100% the run you know thanks drew [Music] all right I don't die or do badly we got this [Music] as he hasn't even started yet I'm so far in unbelief [ __ ] [Music] no it's so hard to control this [Music] restarting [ __ ] that that was just a minute I was fine this is a nice little warm-up if we're gonna beat this world record I have to play flawlessly look for anybody who thinks this is just gonna like happen easily speedruning world records don't happen on your first try they usually happen on your third try here we go attempt number three as soon as it's the menu I'm starting up hi Jordan I just saw your follow yo what up crane gooo time did you mean go hey thanks leftovers welcome to the darkest room do you get to the code base to carry off he's so fast she said this is fine [Music] okay look sometimes with a speed round world record you have to try it four times and then you beat the world record is it okay if I just get to the King without [ __ ] it up I think that's fine I'll do the rest of the run but if I'm like dying on the first level then we should reset and plus it's like 30 seconds anyway okay here we go there's another warp that skips swinging bridge oh I didn't even know that it's in a flower patch any interesting I don't know minor Harry kind of sounds like cheating to me hey thanks for the update Jordan keep me posted all right starting in three two one oops good go waiting for the menu [ __ ] [ __ ] missed it waiting again for the menu as soon as he hits it time starts okay go times on ya I'm gonna do I'm gonna play it safer on that Chain Chomp as well now fast we are unbelievable unbelievable gameplay here at the state [Music] I wait for a choc-ice me [Music] that's fine that's fine looking really good he's not even in the castle yet [Music] okay actually looking pretty good no just walk up to him hurry okay okay we are actually ahead of him for the first time so I need three more from bomb on battlefield and then I move on to the slide the time we needed that later [Music] yeah [Music] whoa come on [Music] this is looking good still have ok need 2 more from alma mater nope [Music] [ __ ] wicked money directly now I just need the whompin as long as we hit this womp one and I don't die over fine and wait for the shoot I jump in [ __ ] not it's not great by the time alright ok this actually has legitimate promise I just want to beat him to Bowser [Music] so I'm doing slide next well this slide vents no level then want [Music] [ __ ] the best oh maybe I can jump and like slow it down here kind of no no no this is fine I think you can afford a couple deaths in a world record this will be fine okay all right now we're looking good now we're looking good so now I go to notice pumps 22:51 as you know I'm so head [Music] this is so fast dude but this is way too fast [Music] No this is fine we're still ahead are we still heading for stone you [Music] [Applause] [Music] if this is bad spydra tie [Music] this is fine for only one behind [Music] Oh this so perhaps [Music] all right we're doing good we're only uh how many stars behind are we only one this is looking great I feel very good about this so now I'm gonna go just get to the top of the fortress get to my eight star then go to Bowser dude this part is like so brutal at 300% speeding [Music] that's right we have lots of time [Music] this is fine great lots of time oh yeah who's gonna be like super super slow and cautious [Music] okay how's he doing okay right [ __ ] this might be really hard I guess I can backflip up here I'm like barely tapping the joystick there we go [ __ ] this this - all right I need one more right and I'm this is from polar bear penguin so I go grab the penguin then I have eight stars I go to Bowser I beat this world record 2009 I'm not going in the slide I'm gonna grab the penguin six finger down here [Music] [Applause] if the Franklin [Music] mirror please [Music] okay time for Bowser [Music] I have like a decent lead on it so he starts going for Bowser at 12 stars I'm just gonna [ __ ] crush this level [Music] nope nope whose file it's all part of a world [Music] this is fine though I have a lot of time he's not even a Bowser yet he just like Mario just keeps moving he like just does not stop like this part was a lot easier at 200% this is fine he's not even at Bowser [Music] oh my god [Music] this is fine we're fine [Music] we have 300% speed we can beat him does he miss Bowser maybe I'll get some time there [Music] [Applause] I imagine he'll miss at least ones here everybody misses it's a heart burrow [Music] think he beat us I hate to say this Mario might not be fast enough yet do we try again with 300% speed or do we go even faster I mean we could also just stick it our normal speed and like practice and improve but we could go even faster I just uh let me give this one more shot because here's the thing it's really really really hard to navigate this spot when you're moving this fast but if we're moving at 400% speed theoretically we'll save so much time on the cinnamon on the opening cinematic that we have the flexibility to die a few times here you know okay let me try one more at 300% go back to 200 I feel like that's like you know losing losing progress k-source I think I can beat him at 300 or we go or we just kick it up to 400 I put it to a chat vote I want to try the voting anyway [Music] [Music] okay hey thank you man squared [Music] Doug what do i do I just lost track of a spider burn your house start over burn the house alright so there should be a vote now in chat three hundred percent of four hundred percent do you vote three hundred or vote four hundred if I do if we do three hundred I'm just gonna do one more so you can do that go three hundred about four hundred good exclamation mark vote if I do three hundred I'll just do one more and then I'll try kicking it up I think three hundred is probably doable like I had him by like a good margin that time wait why are none of the votes going oh cloud BOTS not turned on that would do it one sec okay now now vote sorry about that [Music] even up 300-400 scroll on ahead it's pretty even it's like very very even three hundred percents crawling ahead right now this is very intense [Music] people like voting multiple times or something it just keeps like switching at four hundred scroll on ahead [Music] all right I'm gonna close it [Music] done all right 69 votes in 40 of them say that we do 400 percent alright well let's see how this let's see how this looks it's just previewed at least so if this is 300 I just give it one two three four five six kicks up now I think this is gonna be the what am I saying of course you don't okay thank you drug of 99 I appreciate it man this is feeling really good that was very fast I think you need to go to 420 I don't know if I have the the science yet I don't even know in a jewel um okay I mean I think that the levels that I that are picked out actually work versus trying to do the slide level the womp [ __ ] the womp in the bomb kingdom might be hard does anybody have a suggestion for an alternate star to do basically I if I'm at 400% I need a star that's going to replace freeing the Chain Chomp in bomb on battlefield if I get one that's doable when it's super fast I'm just rying to think of what because I can't do the frost slide the secret water level oh yeah you could do secret water level it's secret water level is so you're gonna have to remind me because I'm not super knowledgeable about mario64 anymore so water levels in here right the secret just where's the secret one is like up here [Music] yes so now I just get the Red Coins okay this is doable and this actually is like very fast so what there's like five up here all right all right that's a good call for you called the black box for the writer they caught a couple cocoa oh sorry this would help apologize so I'm gonna come up to this secret level and then once we do that we're in amazing shape so I'll only get three the flying level I mean I guess I could try it Jordan hey Jordan you want to be Maude [Music] okay I'm warning you though [Music] I'm gonna do though is if Eddie if Eddie gets remodeled I'm gonna ban you oh yeah I can't do I can't do flying level until later well Wow all right if you didn't even know that Jordan unmodern that's done your reins over if I can't even trust you to give me accurate info about the secret flying level Jordan wait but wait Jordan please if you tell a joke and chat likes the joke we're gonna put it to a vote okay Jordan you hit us with your best joke in chat why is it so hard to get a room in a library why because it's fully booked okay pulls open is Jordans joke funny if yes he's getting modded if no I might have to perma ban him for a few minutes it's looking good Jordan people seem to like your library joke this is very intense oh I don't know Jordan the nose are coming in strong now it's a bit of a resurgence here 2600 they're creeping up they're creeping up Jordan this bars getting awfully close Jordan no no 30 not okay yes is creeping ahead now okay it's don't know if no no it's starting to pop that again it seems like you're maintaining a lead Jordan [Music] I'm gonna give it ten more seconds ten nine eight seven six five four three two one congratulations Jordan you're now because this [ __ ] channel congratulations - Jordan be sure to use your moderation folders [Music] parks are with the late no vote hey thank you for the sub sculpture welcome to the dug district you do get here often I appreciate it man man congrats to Jordan that was awesome dude what a what a rush what was the point of all this this was okay this was because you suggested the flying level the flying level won't work though so let's let's get going I guess Mary start I'm going to erase this file man this is hard to do okay I'm lined up the world record is going to be reset and I think I speak for everyone when I say that I really need to pee so Jordan do some moderating in the meantime I'll be back in 30 seconds [Music] what is going on in here Jordan have you been moderating hey what's up 6o [Music] alright we just did three hunt of 300% run right that 300% run we were only a little bit behind what I'm gonna do is we're gonna change the the strategy very slightly we're no longer gonna do four stars at the bottom level we're only going to do three it bomb three it bomb one at water one at the slide two at the WAMP level and one at the penguin once we have eight stars then we go and we hit Bowser and we beat tag oh it's a Bowser if we use math we can determine that 300% speed I did pretty good at 400% speed I'm thirty percent better than him that means I'm now at three hundred and thirty percent the talent of the seventy star world record do you divide all that it's four hundred and fifty percent speed I think we're ready okay starting the record over time is ready Twilight nning I cannot do that clip that clip is so hard I've seen people try to learn that quit that trick and it's impossible hey wait a moderate Jordan alright who's gonna tell them it's Bob um and not bomb on you're lying I don't believe you I think this strategy is flawless and nobody can tell me otherwise four hundred fifty percent dude you can't argue with that here we go starting it I start the timer and go once he hits the menu go okay so we're gonna get a shitload of time now cuz it's 4x speed so this cinematic will go by in an instant we'll be way [ __ ] ahead of them look how fast this is you cannot stop me I am the ultimate speed runner I can't even stop me I'm literally incapable of it because the controls are so bad [ __ ] 400% speed okay then that concludes my warm-up session and now let's let now let's really try all right we're gonna restart this here we go you know okay all right we're gonna restart a timer Eddie I need to roll your fate later all right it's not for Jordan to decide here we go well it's still funny Twilight nning here here we go once he hits menu oh [ __ ] no no no I miss the move the cursor there we go all right time is on let's rush this world record dude so this is like this is where I'm gonna get all the time right I'm gonna save like two minutes right here of him going through cinematics Vauban battlefield let's do it [Music] [ __ ] this is really fast yes he's not even in the first bubble yet I'm sorry for him [Music] oh wait he's already there [Music] okay Brezina not even at the first stared he was unbelievable so I'm gonna do one more poem on battlefield and then then move on to water level [Music] [Music] actually do it really well okay that's three I'm moving on to moving underwater or I'll do penguin I do penguin no penguin No [Music] is he going know what the goddamn dream he started penguin is like stuck [Music] please [Music] are you [Music] [Music] well we might have found the Achilles heel of 400% perfect okay I feel real good about 400% I just need to be a stricter parent with this penguin to this this time it went so well this isn't salvageable right I probably need to restart let me uh let me give I slide a shot cuz I could knock out ice slide such as a little test see if this is doable for hundred percent it's not true oh okay what if I slow down and I jump a lot oh okay so Fekkai yeah nope yeah not doable okay we're gonna stick to the previous plan the main thing is that I just can't let the penguin get away and I noticed which I'm sure other people know but I just did not know I need to like he runs away from me and as long as I have him run into like a Ledge like this then he actually stays in place and I can work my way up to him I just can't do what I was doing of like chasing him up a hill uh there's a good good test run there we go that's riester and that concludes my 400 percent test round two but you know what they say a lot of times if you want to beat a speedrunning world record can take up to three tries sometimes alright Tago is so fast it is insane oh did he miss so he missed in the world record Wow Bowser's gonna suck at 400% speed here's the thing though I think I think at this point we have a strategy for like knocking out the first couple levels pretty quick and it's all about building up a shitload of buffer time for the Bowser level can I try to turn into a mod if you work with me for a year in real life then yes which is what Jordan and parks are did and Eddie but if you just knock that out yes I will give you a shot okay I think I think this is good Eddie you're not modded because of the wheel I have to trust the wheel no don't don't mod Eddie Jordan that has to be that I'm gonna leave that up to chat later Oh Glen your mod - I did not hear will even do this now Eddie really really wants to be a mod right now so yeah glad that Glenn's modded - okay [Music] I'm gonna make a poll Eddie this is not going to decide if you're gonna be modded I'm still gonna spin a wheel to decide if you get modded but depending on how chat votes that's going to determine the ratio of mod to ban all right mod Eddie question mark options mod option 2 is banned alright everybody vote and chat exclamation mark mod for modding Eddy exclamation mark banned for banning Eddy now this isn't my money Doug please just please let poor innocent Eddy free it's not up to me teacup turtle it's up to chat now again this isn't going to directly ban him this is going to determine how many ban or mod slots he gets on the wheel that we roll immediately after this good luck Eddy well hold on Jordan let me give you context Eddie has abused the [ __ ] out of his moderation privileges on two occasions he put the chat in sub-only mode and then left and five minutes later came back and said oh [ __ ] I forgot I did that I [ __ ] got distracted at work I told Eddie to abuse his moderation privileges so that's the other half of this I encouraged it but people were calling Freddy's head the story of Eddie is a story that Jedi won't tell you Jordan the studio power went out so I had to leave my desk sure sure if you guys believe that sure all right I'm gonna give it one more vote [Music] okay Eddie it's 60% been 40% mods here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go into wheeled aside calm we're going to do 10 slots mod Eddie Van Eddie been heavy [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten you got you got six sixty percent of the votes were banned so Eddie you got one two three four five six ban slots and you have four mod slots Eddie I sincerely wish you the best I hope that you get everything you've ever dreamed of here but now it's up to the wheel good luck Eddie [Music] goodbye Eddie congratulations see you in the Shadow Realm apps in the chat for any man it was a good on that that's uh that's four days in a row Eddie one of these days one of these days Eddie you're not gonna get banned but today isn't that day sorry hold on chat I'm getting a call hey what's up you're threatening my Olive Garden gift card for Christmas Eddie I gave you a fair shot it's been the wheel all three times it's been the wheel Eddie I haven't made that decision I know I know that you're not gonna bring in the wheel do you watched me make the wheel just now I guess I could have paid off wheel decide I would never do that to you now that's just my normal face look Eddie I'd love to keep talking but technically you're banned and that's against the Twitter no sir you can't agree you're not allowed to talk to banned users according to the twitch connoisseur Glen where do babies come from all right later Eddie good luck free Eddie hashtag free Eddie [Music] Glenn that's on you where do babies come from look I literally don't out [Music] I think we ban whoo damn Glenn and Maha did he like the wheel is spoken I can't ignore the wheel in the time it took me to ban Eddie tag Oh got 10 more stars it was a fair trial by combat 6 Oh am I still sure 400% is the way to go I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life and now we're gonna put on that classic Super Mario Bros theme song and beat this record hey thank you snitch secret seven appreciate it man do you get to the go district very often what am I saying of course you don't here we go [Music] time four hundred percent let's talking to it [Music] we got fast we argued this [ __ ] hit 5 this is 5 [Music] he's still not even done with the cinematic dude we're good it is so goddamn fast [Music] I got worse since the last time somehow there we go I think banning Eddie just like threw off my vibe [Music] we're still fine though [Music] no clue [Music] why isn't it crabbing him [Music] okay not bad we're a little bit behind the last one but we should say okay all right so I'm doing three at bomb on battlefield [Music] three stars here [Music] oh my god why isn't it teleporting okay we're good I'm gonna I'm gonna grab the islands one right after this what the [ __ ] bar hill [Music] dude - area [Music] all right we're in this join the secret water level next [Music] really hard to line up her backflip [Music] and now we'll swim through this water beautifully like a bird how am i doing he gets him he's at three beautiful [Music] okay we're in it I'm a new whomps I guess next so I'm doing two from whomps I'm getting the the actual boss man and then what is it and then just climbing the tower which is probably going to be very hard hmm but this part if I go real slow here I think this is like the only super challenging part okay somehow I have to go slower than that this is fine we're still way ahead of him he's only a four stars [ __ ] we might need to reroute this level if we're at 400% speed this is this is so goddamn hard if you tap the joystick at all in any direction you like teleports there okay okay here we go I'm focused Zen I got this I got this [Music] exam have this i crush this speedrunner [Music] okay this is fine this is fine I take this any day of the week [Music] nope it's so goddamn fast I can [ __ ] this is fine Oh I it's literally so [Music] guys this is a little too passive oh oh [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] but none of you have seen Mario gameplays this fast before how am i doing on time right he's only at eight stars [Music] [ __ ] this is like the Dark Souls of Mario dude whomps fortress maybe the problem is that we aren't listening to the music at 400% speed that's nice much more immersed now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I think we're at an impasse 400% is not really working it's a lot worse than 300% was but maybe we just need to go faster new poll three hundred percent or do we go up to five hundred percent [Music] it's kind of close it's not close for only only seven votes behind 300 or 500 [Music] 500 seems to be sneaking ahead cool 300 scumming in for a bit of a resurgence here but it's going back down okay that's a false alarm it got excited 300 kind of growled loud the 500 roared back in scared of me oh wait here we go only six votes behind now let's let it go up to about seventy five thirty to three hundred percent 3100 536 they're only four votes away [Music] only two votes away only one vote away [Music] two votes away again we'll give it three more votes once we hit 75 36 to 36 tied up three more votes I didn't even it didn't even register more votes but it just add changed it one more we have two more votes oh [ __ ] 34k this is the tiebreaker whoever votes next the tunc decides it's 37 - 37 somebody vote who hasn't voted oh-oh 500 wins congratulations - 500 let's get this speed up let's get these numbers bigger let's get some big [ __ ] numbers in here [Music] 500% Oh baby a home and I'm feeling real good about this guy's all right [Music] let's kill all preview of how 500% feels alright one two three four five six [Music] this is a brisk 500 percent speed you think up a world record can stop us now of course not [Music] what's the what's the best sonic song that we should use this I should close the poll what's the what's the best possible sonic song green hills chemical plant zone that one's pretty good let's go with green hills because there are literally green hills that we will be on in this game Oh play green hills at 500% speed well YouTube can only go up to 200% that's nice [Music] I think we're ready we've got the plan we've got Sonic the Hedgehog at 200% speed we've got Mario at 500% speed it's now time to face our biggest challenge yet they're racing the game at five you get the district very often hey of course you don't cryogenics excuse me thank you ma'am okay we're 500 Jordan five hundred percent get that out of here Yin get that [ __ ] out of here there's a spoon household you're about to get five times the twitch stream of any other twitch stream it's like kind of a groove actually well that wait how about like 11.5 see that okay this just like gets me in the [ __ ] groups okay so it's still sped up I think we're ready to go sonic music on 500% speed on world record on game on as soon as he hits the menu we go ready time go final descent speed okay this is where we get all of our time right we just [ __ ] crush the cinematic we are speed running the [ __ ] out of this opening cinematic when you built it to go up he's victory on you no thanks Drago mobster appreciated man welcome to Rochester hope you're enjoying this incredibly fast gameplay [Music] yeah all right little fur has got this is this is [Music] oh my god I can like barely see what's happening [Music] okay this is fine [Music] really so fast good these are incredibly fast Wow good job are you doing great Mario [Music] this is impossible to aim so weird [Music] alright [ __ ] [Music] how how we doing on time we're at least beating him now he's to cease to stars in maybe the problem is that we have to go to the slide level I bet the problem is that we picked the bad level we started with like the very hardest level in this game I need a star okay I can't it's gotta get King BA mom but man just think about how fast we're gonna be skipping through all the cinematics saving all this time is it's so hard okay there you go you have to stand still to pick them up you can't like dive into him or anything okay guys I [ __ ] did it I beat King Bonham in only three minutes [Music] let's go get that slide [Music] you're getting five times the amount of twitch stream and your eyeballs do you get to the hey thanks Oh sighs and of course you don't alright and now I switch [Music] how do speedrunners even do this do you get to the dog district oh yeah Thank You cowbell what am I saying of course you don't [Music] okay all right we have to get to skip it oh holy [ __ ] thank you John cookie stick know what I'm saying of course you don't thanks bud Shawn I owe you a beer what are we hanging out [Music] alright I'm gonna do that she let's me go to sue [Music] god this is so easy we're gonna I'm gonna get this slide and then I'll just catch up and whomp see you'll get to the good course you don't okay maybe we need to get the penguin hey I need three stars okay we go to walk we're gonna walk hey congrats to all the the brand new subs welcome to doug district i hope you enjoy your stay do you get to the goat beats victory on scene of course you don't oh my god do you get to the NGO district very often whatever of course you don't look at this high level gameplay right here it's a funky [Music] do you get to the curb district very often what am I saying of course you don't so I hate to be the one to say it do you get to the district very often Oh what am I saying of course you don't I don't think that I don't think 500 percent is really gonna work and that means we have an impasse do we go back down to 300 percent where we had the best odds or do we go to 600 percent [Music] [Music] it's kind of close it's a little close right now a lot of people think to 300 maybe the strategy I mean maybe we just need to buy more time by going through the cinematics at 600 percent speed the problem right now could be that we aren't getting enough buffer time because we're taking too long in the cinematics [Music] hey thanks up on to warrior [Music] oh [ __ ] it's like tied okay 31 I'll let it go to like 70 31 at 330 okay it's tied up 50/50 percent okay 600 slightly in the lead 64 votes in okay 300 slightly ahead now back to tie let's let it go up to 75 I guess 300 slightly ahead back to tie 600 slightly ahead 600 slightly more ahead once they hit 75 votes from closing 70 okay two away 300 good still win it go three away now okay last one [Music] alright y'all we're going to 600% speed so this is just as fast as it can go I think this is this might even be 700 or 800 percent of speed and it's just fast enough to work [Music] oh my god this is yeah this is like a thousand percent faster I just unlimited I just I took off the cap so it's just running as fast as my so I'm just gonna say 750 percent because this is substantially faster than 500 Oh baby this is the ultimate speed run don't you pick this file because I don't think I can delete a file right now alright get ready for the fastest mario speedrun you've ever seen here we go getting ready times on menus on games ready waiting for the timer hits the menu we go then you go here we go well that's that okay we finish this cinematic in like a second [Music] oh yeah look at that speed okay now we just get up to the top of the hill well it will make up this time in the open stretch of road this is this is the slowest that I can go home this is fine work we'll catch up on the cinematic he hasn't even started the game we're fine [ __ ] alright we just got to get in the level and then we're mutts are in the level again we're fine this is fine so I'm trying to jump in focus on if we can just yes yes okay now we're in alright that was the main problem that we had this all [Music] [ __ ] even the Goomba is faster than me all right here we go [Music] and we're only two stars behind any minute now we're gonna catch up [Music] [Music] oh you know I've had a had a realization the only possible way to have any control at this speed is to barely touch the joystick and move like this because if I tap even a little bit further it changes to that so I have to do this this is actually the same move speed that mario has if you play the game at a normal speed the only difference is that the enemies are moving 10 times faster this is not helpful at all you guys this is awful but it's so fast look I'm gonna just try to get across that teeter totter bridge like that bridge is the Bowser of of seven hundred and fifty percent okay okay so I have to I have to move up of it move up it really like medium speed or I get knocked off but I can't go too fast because then I will just like shoot past it about to die to these goombahs we might have to go down to hundred percent guys [Music] oh my God look if I can beat if I can beat this level just one star I don't think it's gonna happen but I could call it a victory I think it wouldn't be object failure at least okay it's impossible this is this is impossible I can't even like the controller the inputs are literally they're so fast that I like can't do the correct jumps no all right let me just try if I can get across that teeter-totter bridge I can at least declare some sort of mild victory at a thousand percent or whatever this is yes yes okay let me update that and say that if I can get to King ball mom I don't know okay if I can beat King ball mom that would be [ __ ] awesome and we could all agree that this was a rousing success and we would all say wow that was a lot of that was a lot of gameplay done good good for you Doug do you get to the goat district very old and thank you future incidents hoshido we'd all say Wow done you play games [ __ ] [Music] and we would all say man you see those video games yesterday look at how [ __ ] fast both the boobs [Music] like how am I supposed to line up nope [Music] okay okay okay [Music] No [Music] [Music] what are you supposed to get nope no why don't you [Music] all right quick unofficial poll in chat do I try to beat King BA mom at this percentage and then we knock it down or do we just knock it down right now and spoiler alert we're gonna knock it down knock it down knockdown tackle has 11 stars I just want to I just want it I really want to see what the slide looks like at this percentage oh wait I can do that if I just pick a different file one sec I can solve this problem using science okay so now I just need to pick this file which might be the biggest challenge yet I can't even pick the [ __ ] file all right if I'm gonna pick the file then we're gonna need some real intense music all right I'm trying to like time the clicking of it come on no no I got it no that's the wrong one [ __ ] oh no this is the right one yeah [Music] it's the fastest gainfully go singing here on fridge find one other streamer who can click through a menu that fast okay I just want to see I just want to see if the slide level is doable that's that's all I want to do okay I'm gonna turn off the [ __ ] audio this is so horrible and I'll turn on the Mario Galaxy version which is alright here we go I think this is doable oh my gosh that was like in movies when you like warp into hyperspace just [ __ ] like collapses in alright one more shot one more shot and then I'm gonna go down to 300 I just want to beat this slide level okay so I'm just gonna jump a lot slow down my descent oh my god oh alright two more attempts and then I'm gonna go to 300 last one alright apps in the chat for 750 percent let's go back to 300 so I think 300 has the best chance it's still doable technically and it gives me a huge advantage [Music] I like I think it's still very doable [Music] all right so plan plan now oh you know how much music I should put on dire dire docks hmm so plan now is gonna be three hundred percent blitz through the cinematic quickly and then try the Mortal Kombat Theme song I should do that just blitz through the cinematic I think the strategy that we had before so what is it still the three ball mom one water one slide to it whomps I think the same same like level strategy applies and then the goal is just goal is still beat him to the first Bowser [Music] [Music] we'll catch up on the cinematic exactly [Music] when I just increase the speed [Music] the seams so slow now is this normal this is normal speed it's like this does not seem real now [Music] [Music] what up Adam Xavier I'm doing great I have not sped it up yet so now we're gonna go to 200% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 sorry 300% now now this is what I'm talking about [Music] now we're ready okay let me update the title now that we're back down to the boring old three hundred percent yeah we could do that dragon heart maybe it will have to but I would ideally like to do it at a consistent percentage one because that way I don't have to change it midway through but also because it makes it easier to calculate exactly how hard I cheated this is like this is like when you you train you like train with weight belts or something and then you take them off and now you can run super fast you know like 300% is gonna seem incredibly slow now I'll have precise control as I blitz through the field things gonna work great sweet all right how far how stagger do 719 stars what a guy [ __ ] is insane more will call my theme song doesn't have copyright I think it might at any rate I'll use it for a future challenge I agree it's a great song I'll go check it's like we're at six hundred percent speed for a while then slow down three hundred percent it is like that Straka it's an uncanny uncanny comparison [Music] all right [Music] I think we're ready [Music] okay okay thankfully one [Music] all right as turning on my AC but now I'm ready oh I was just so fired up after all that seven hundred fifty percent gameplay okay resetting Tago the game is reset I'm gonna get into the menu I'm gonna line up my cursor over slot B when you get Mario comrade had like tanks for you I wish I could tape a fan to Danny DeVito Wow that verse I see it was pretty incredible okay let's do it starting a speedrun three hundred percent the plan is still the same as before I'm going to do three stars at the bomb level one at the wat secret water level one at the slide level two at whomps castle one at the penguin where I just grabbed the baby penguin I bring him down then we go to Bowser we beat him to Bowser we beat Bowser before tag oh the former world record holder can be better here we go [Music] once he hits menu I go there go [Music] good we're not slowing controllable yes [Music] I'm using all my training for the past two hours [Music] through that this is goodbye he's not even into the castle yet unbelievable I'm incredible yes No [Music] okay first our town [Music] all right two more here no [ __ ] alright gotta focus benefit [Music] hi Jin here good here [Music] one more from here I'm gonna get the cannon one [Music] okay we're tied up that's fine Oh how's he already tied with me [Music] all right one up [Music] I'm gonna see if I can beat him in a slide [Music] maybe we're neck-and-neck wait no I'm ahead ooh okay I'll go for penguin cuz he's right here so I'm doing one of penguin one of the secret water level two from whomps fortress and then to Bowser okay no no that's fine this is fine I can afford one death I'm at 300 percent I'm a speed runner world record there we go okay I'm still one up over him okay that was the only one I wanted there so now I go to secret secret one oh all right okay okay four more Red Coins I made it on time he's a four I'm still ahead actually which is kind of insane well it's not that insane because I'm playing at 300% speed but based on the previous several attempts okay it's not a very action-packed song I'm gonna get to better than that how about this one okay now under whomps fortress just two and whomps fortress and then we go to bowser this isn't just fine this is very fine okay I'm gonna take it real slow [ __ ] this level dude they just darksouls it on you right at the beginning of the game I just need to do this twice okay I'm gonna really take my time here there we go this is fine okay I grab flung I kill him I do the same thing I'd run to the top of the fortress [ __ ] I got one too okay how's he doing he's eight that's sure that's fine this is fine one more here and then I go to Bowser and he takes a little longer to go to Bowser because he gets four more stars but that's fine [Music] No do you get to the guard district very our affection what am I saying of course you don't okay [ __ ] god damn it oh yeah I'll just back up here I'm dumb alright so I want me to make it like two jumps okay we're at eight we're at eight so he doesn't go to Bowser until twelve stars I think so I do have a little bit of time here but I just have to play flawlessly [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] whiskey [Music] flawless gameplay activated activated right now [Music] No why does it do that this is fine we're fine is he going to Bowser yeah she pitched touched I looked at him and then Mario ran off that's why we're fine this is why you stole that even about silver fine [Music] [Applause] flawless gameplay patronage [Music] we're fine we only have zero lives horrified [Music] oh my god he's in the level okay just don't die mm come on done [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we're fine Oh God oh okay we spoke some time he's not into that Bowser oh this is maybe he misses in the world record and we have some time whoo baby I ripped like I really hate this I literally had Bowser there the victory in my hands in my grasp it's just really hard to aim well now I'm warmed up easy all right I feel very confident about this now why did you activate the flawless gameplay so late though it's just one of those things you forget you know all right let's do this quick ten minutes we beat the world record to the first Bowser against a 70 star world record at 300% game speed here we go [Music] okay once the [ __ ] menu starts we go okay fastest cinematic ins enough Asus's I will gently feel warmed up well I say that five no no no no no no no no no I feel very warmed up now just incredibly warmed up [Music] [Music] course you don't hey thank you Kovac SMP 12 appreciation man [Music] here we go soon as he hits menu we go [Music] [Applause] and I didn't even go into the moat this time looking good all right look at this [ __ ] gameplay dude I am so warmed up right now it's unreal [Music] oh alright alright great start great start few more here Cooper the quick then I grab the cannon island thing that's fine that's fine this is fine yep nobody panic [Music] play super mario galaxy ball rolling music to the next run it'll help you concentrate I appreciate it I think you're right all right one more you have to admit I'm getting pretty good at this [Music] all right bomb battlefields done I'm gonna go scoop the slide level I guess now I'll hit the high Spang okay I grabbed the ping a scooping down here [Music] okay that's a first snow penguin whatever level what's next I guess slide so one from slide one from the water level two from God as long as I don't [ __ ] this up we're in good shape [Music] all right I'll do water level mix how's he we're ahead two stars are you kidding me all right let's give shovelknight a second chance here [Music] okay two more and their phone mr. womp guys this level is never given me problems before and it's not gonna start now okay okay all right not sure all right one more minute of it there no not one I'm still dying that's fine look that didn't throw off my entire groove and [ __ ] up everything I'm doing alright nobody's thinking that all right three fun okay now we go to Bowser we're almost [ __ ] there we have a lot of buffer this this run has been framed perfect okay he's got four more stars before he even goes to Bowser here we go [Music] actually doing well guys [Music] all right now we just be [ __ ] god [ __ ] didn't time kind of 6:55 to be Bowser [ __ ] talking about [Music] [Music] [Applause] now what do we do he did beat me in stars but I think the important thing is that he does it wow what an incredible victory and story I think we're all inspired so it turns out playing Mario at 300% speed is in most cases he's substantially harder here like I think even if you had won late if you have liked a go or somebody play at 200 percent they would be so much worse [Music] [ __ ] tagging is so good it's unreal amazing stuff beat butterfly kiss cuz I beat it okay yes airplay butter if I kiss good call good call good call good call good call yeah I wanna see the run in one third speed we mean I'll text me I'll text Mason and ask socks are cool yeah it is weird how slow like the fastest person playing Mario is yeah this is me future incident yeah I think like 130 percent at most would be hit say he's finally getting them down see I like I really like this category as well because I like barely beat him to Bowser and he collected casually collects four more stars of me what do you think about changing the twitch at cooking idea in real life idea the twitch chat leads you through the DMV if I can figure out how to make that work I'm down [Music] yeah me and I I mean I yes I won and it was incredible it was incredible alright so twitch chat please cooking dinner I think that's just called twitch chat cooks dinner so here's what I would like to do how can I ban everybody I need to do that Titan cat thank you for reminding me I'm busy today after stream but definitely next time just remind me green diamond challenge time here's what I want to do first max pepperoni I want to play uh I want to play Mario 64 same same concept same speedrun where I try to get to the first key as fast as possible but I'm gonna do it without the color red [Music] let me just set up the old splits here one sec and I think I speak for everyone when I say that this is gonna go very well I guess I got to change the name [Music] uh yeah go check out by the way go check out Tago on Twitch and things where's the at because he was very gracious to say it was cool for me to do his thing I think it's just a go tag oh three four three five on Twitter like any ridiculously amazing speedrunner okay so [Music] let me show you what let me show you what it looks like when I play this all right remove the red well that's it all right so here's our normal here's our normal Mario [Music] and now let's let's get all that pesky red out of there okay this level it's pretty pronounced I think most levels it's not this bad there's just not a lot of there's not a lot of read miss level okay this is a little bit better so you hear some blue so blues and some greens [Music] I can't see [ __ ] okay let me just read let me restart also I'm still at 307 [Music] [Music] all right [Music] it's time for our male or male record attempts [Music] let me update my title [Music] yeah man so good [Music] who are okay I'm gonna I'm gonna change it I'm gonna I'm gonna put the super changes or mouth so that people know what's going on perfect this is going to be incredible it's time for us to RSS sir good but this will be a world record because this is a brand new speedrunning category so same thing and goals the same yeah I'm gonna RSS are and get this get this [ __ ] going alright I think we're ready hmm there's Pleasant ass music oh let's see who so okay this is what's weird the the Bowser level actually won't be that bad because there's a lot of blue and a lot of green in the background it's not actually that red Bowser percent no red yeah up until the point that we are so long gay bowser okay let's do it so this is gonna be a speedrun so just make sure that you you know type really fast when you're chatting I'm [ __ ] ready here we go and time where are the files I get is this one free is this one already I'm a star it does already okay we have to resit figure out how to reset of the [ __ ] we have to erase a file which is a problem because the erase of a file button your mouth because the erase a file button is red and I don't know where it is it's to the left it's here right no or is it to the right [ __ ] you okay hold on I'm turning I'm turning on the red real quick I'd literally can't delete the file there we go okay more racing file see yes I'm sure okay it's a race returning now let's get rid of that filthy read this okay that girl set now it's a segmented speed run here we go time on wait am i selecting the right thing okay did it I'm thinking just do the same route ooh peach is looking ravishing today I'm thinking the same route that we just did right yeah the the no red-eye I have it like pretty intense on removing red so you could also reframe it as only green and blue or left essentially yeah it's just green and blue that's how hard that I removed the red basically but look at that green let's some good-looking green looking good Mario looking cool Joker and what we like just did this because do you get to the go district very often hey thanks Otto what am I seeing of course you don't hope you're enjoying this content I'm trying to find a door right now I found it okay here okay as long as there's like walls see like now that we're in here we could actually like see [ __ ] I think the only the only real challenge is like any scenario where any scenario where the background is like completely red and we just like cannot see a thing oh this is fine wait I hope the boss has like some green or blue on him can I see it okay I can kind of see the change home this is I can't see the balls at least the grass here like gives a pathway is like okay I think as long as the top of the mountain has some green on it which I think it is green we're fine and even these like bowling balls I can see just because of the shadow or the outline [Music] okay we're good this is fine [Music] oh this is easy the King bomb bomb doesn't have a lot of features but we're losing him [ __ ] see him this feels like astronomically slow now [ __ ] don't go off goddamnit well we can see our around a health bar as well which is nice I think I accidentally spit it up slowly yeah there go do a blindfolded run with voice commands it feels like it's kind of cheating you know I still get to use my hands and I get to smell you got to give me a challenge we did it you guys [Music] so I'm thinking I'm thinking I do the same three I guess I could try to collect the Red Coins on this level we could go for red coins as part of the speedrun I want to try to the slide level the water level could be good because we'll actually be able to see all the water ice level I'm not sure I think ISIL will just be hidden there white coins now well no I mean like the red coins in the level like they literally would not be able to see them right yeah it is a good em time replace the color with Danny DeVito yeah I guess we could do that as long as we keep the speedrun going [Laughter] [Music] it's time man this is looking [ __ ] killer okay let's try to get the Red Coins or the DeVito coins I guess on this level I gotta talk to the bomb does anybody know where the red coins are because they're literally invisible now [Laughter] [Laughter] man I love when a Goomba is just all the faces of Danny DeVito where are the red coins oh here's one over here okay so technically it's not invisible as long as it's next to something that's a non red background oh there's one over the Chain Chomp I know that the Danny Chomp I guess and then there's there's one on the other side of the over here I know we're like four of them are but it's not all eight this is a hundred this the screen is like 98% Danny DeVito right now like what am I supposed to do with this information Sammy is there a red is there a Danny coin over here there's two in the pit where the star spawns is there one here wherever the [ __ ] I am I'd swear there's one over here look it's not okay come over here now there's one by his teeth okay now there's two over here or one or one or two at least is this one aha yes aha oh those are the two you were talking about okay so we're at four we need four more I just passed one what do you mean well yeah I see I know the one on the slope and I'll get the one on the slope real quick I can just jump up it right maybe not maybe I need to slide down when you pass the bridge is there one-on-one on the floating island okay well I'll get the one with the slide real quick I can't really see my health anymore I can see my health when it's like green and then as it becomes yellow and red it like stops being visible okay so one on the island I could go grab the island one we're five right now right like this is enough how do I use this information or way there it is there it is I can see it [ __ ] did it alright so that's five or six right so where's the 7/8 it's like the Sun from Teletubbies elevator at the start oh okay oh yeah now I remember that one okay so I know where that is where's the eighth one then I can grab the I can grab that one real quick so that one's right here did I get it I didn't get it okay right there right there there okay that is seven does anybody know where the eighth one is elevator at the start but that's that one though right that I just got the elevator where is the eighth one [Music] oops and the little tunnel thing to the right by the switch that's what I thought and I jumped down here Shelby you're saying down here right the problem the problem is it's all devito down here like you gotta guide me from here oh I got it [Music] time we're [ __ ] in there alright I'm gonna hit up the I'm gonna hit the slide [Music] assuming I can get out of this room where is the door alright so the question is how much of this slide level will be Danny DeVito because if it's almost all of Danny DeVito I think the slide might be impossible but it's not a very hard slide there's really one turn but if it's all DeVito oh no literally only see Mario's trousers this calls for guiles theme there we go [Music] I see a coin [Music] are we dad yeah weird okay hold on let me pull that Danny let's see if let's see if the slide levels doable without Danny's beautiful face distracting me it's a lot of red though this is pretty bad alright [Music] okay I'm on the slide as I can see coins [Music] okay he's going down now right okay [Music] slide level doesn't appear to be doable unfortunately yeah Em's in the Chad let me try let me try the ice slide level I think Danny DeVito yu-er mo isn't real he can't harm me Danny DeVito yu-er mo isn't real look if you're scared about Danny DeVito I think the I think the frost ice level whatever snow slide is gonna be way way way way less Danny DeVito just cuz it's blue [Music] let's at least give it a shot this is not great got a lot of color okay okay I still holy [ __ ] oh this is easy all right we can definitely get a star too here I can race to the penguin here there's just so much blue [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now I cannot see what's happening [Music] No [Music] and we [ __ ] did it [Music] only 17 minutes for four stars unbelievable game play here at Doug Doug industries alright we're gonna get that penguin we're gonna take the penguin down to the little mom at the end wait what's this song it's not on the playlist what's on the song I was just playing oh that isn't yeah you're right that's the victory music from persona 5 wait this is way easier to see without Danny DeVito it gets so much wear I mean we'll put him back in but this gets so much worse with Danny DeVito [Music] I like that all the little snowflakes are also Danny to FIFA [Music] man this speedrun is going swimmingly time five stars down [Music] let's collect those red car the Red Coins here I think the good the best speedrun strategy is definitely to go for Red Coins wait dude you know what be meta [ __ ] okay I bring back the world record speed run and I have that going on underneath my gameplay so that way whenever there's red instead of looking at just blank I'm looking at a world record speed run okay it's crazy but it's just crazy enough to work wait which one's me okay all right I'm inspector I'm playing snow slide level it's just that whenever there's red in my level you're watching tangos from cold records and then I'm trying to get the red coins I think there's a red coin over here right now I have so confused can anybody anybody who's watching my game do you know if a mirror red coin [Music] I swear there was a red one over here okay this is nice oh this snow [Music] oh there's one there's one I don't know this this is not helping I I literally just got a headache in the back in the past like 30 seconds of doing this where's the next one wait wait wait this is obvious the problem okay this is not gonna work because he's not on the snowslide level so I need to skip Tago to where he's playing in the same level as me okay so now okay now this should be fine all right and then we'll get we'll get both of our songs up like pretty loud in that way this is nice okay here we go [Music] we're we're divided okay there we've got three right points there's one over here right [Music] is that my game or his game I don't know who got that [Music] I think maybe maybe we keep the music the way it was because I hate this music I guess I don't know instead of doing this we could have my stream could be nice yeah there we go alright and this is good cuz I can like check back on what was happening in my stream like 10 seconds previously in case I need to double-check anything here we go wait where am I where's Mario [Music] okay does anybody know where the Red Coins are oh here's one is that like Sammy does anybody know what's going on I have five I think oh there's one on a bridge there's one on a bridge I think and so one across this bridge is that where do I do not like I don't really remember where they are and they're literally invisible [Music] right over here right yeah right here right here okay that was six the stream idea is horrible do you get to the code district very often hey thanks much boater I see of course you don't [Music] we have to find the eight infinity points does anybody know where the [ __ ] is the other ones I'm at six right now [Music] oh actually I remember where one is okay I remember where one is it's at it's like at the top behind the nice thing [Music] I'm almost dead Scylla is two more [Music] I guess I warp up to the wait wait is there one on the tree over here yes there is okay that was the last one that's seven and I know where the eighth one is all right okay the last one is that I like jump down here and there's a coin behind this thing yeah there we go [Music] and then where the hell is the the star platform oh it's over there okay oh no no no [Music] how do I get up there this is like it's a problem because I'm not that good at Mario 64 and then just like taking out red oh god oh boy all right we're gonna give up on we're gonna give up on the color red or on the red coins that's fine we never wanted them make the background just red that's a really good idea now we'll find the red coins everywhere [Music] so it's mario64 but the color red is replaced with red okay beautiful it's like this horrifying vampire version of wait why am i grabbing a penguin I'm done all right I'm gonna grab these eight coins the penguin is running off to his death for some reason okay I grabbed this coin here alright keep mixing music this is making it worse alright and then I where am i jumping around a mountain of minced meat yeah this is definitely a super meatboy version of Mario 64 I just wish that it helped me find things and it just doesn't it makes the Red Coins a lot [ __ ] harder to find but I know where they are okay all right there's one over here there's three down here so I think this is it I got this one is there one here yes and then eight hopefully okay and now we get to the top of Blood Mountain [Music] [Music] no no oh my god where is the the star it's like at the end of this slide right I think [Music] no no why why would it do that [Music] does anybody know I get to the thing how do I get to the star [Music] be careful the Blood Moon jump across the broken bridge ah-ha-ah-ha and only tap your lands for red mana so that's right up here right okay yeah I remember gotcha gotcha gotcha okay wait do i teleport or do I jump cross I guess I just jumped nice Oh baby we're in there six stars in at a brisk 33 minutes I'm going to turn off the red I appreciate the suggestion but boy we're crushing the speedrun [Music] where is the door [Music] ah [Music] this song what the hell is this song this song is the level up song from Paper Mario in the thousand-year door alright it's a nice relaxed speedrun but we can take our time because we're a hundred percent gonna set the world record beautiful seeing a level like this it's so pleasant how did you get so good at mouth years of training Kaymer annual [Music] a stream is lagging it says my stream is okay should be already Donner [Music] all right time you're right though we should go get that slide we're gonna knock out the slide then we're gonna get Bowser it's gonna be [ __ ] awesome you just have to follow the Kleins there's literally one turn in this slide in total like all we have to do is get past the one turn at the beginning it's a good look at em hey M's in the chat for good luck when do I turn ok wait here's the first coins and now I hold to the right right I do it oh I think I did it wait where's the points yes um um oh we just m'd the [ __ ] out of this slide is that it yes yes okay we just need to find the star it could literally be anywhere where is it am i against the wall I can't tell okay I am against the wall oh here's a platform guide me um let me find this star M I believe in EM I have no clue what is in this room or where I guess I could feel out the corners until I hit a corner okay I appear to be in a corner so now I back up from here until I hit a platform okay here's the platform I jump on the platform okay and now I just move forward and jump [Music] No I'm off the platform okay back on off just need to get come on oh I did it do it yes time it's 34 seconds we're [ __ ] in this okay just Bowser one [Music] alright this is actually pretty easy nope narrow okay there's a lot of grain and a lot of blue we're good it's got to look out for invisible fire [Music] okay [Music] okay okay here we go almost here we go [Music] look at that green boy [Music] and let's even speed up the game for this and here we go [Music] time [Music] Koerner ends [Music] 40 minutes 42 seconds we see men and our anis connectedness [Music] yes that was [ __ ] incredible and look we couldn't have done it without our boy M so let's go give him some tribute all right where are um [Music] there is there's our boy M [Music] thank Sam [Music] thank some moon [Music] I think I'm on the slide level know if I'm not on noble-hearted ready that concludes this session of our mouths 1996 it's a helluva game em is my 13th letter so have that's very respectful of you [Music] wait yeah hold on what's the opposite of or Mao si 64 [Music] don't listen to them delegate then there's the first letter in my heart thanks [Music] how's this mug [Music] this one isn't that bad [Music] and I kind of like or maou more than si64 who were maou just had more spirit you know si64 just seems like another corporate video game you know with no heart and soul or mao was a real game had a motion it was vulnerable and human oh hey we should try our mao on the lava level let me go try that okay let's go back to our mouth one sec okay we're out of time okay here we go now oh wait I didn't say if I can fix this I can fix this here while I'm fixing this have an M I need to give myself a hundred 20 stars but while I'm doing that enjoy this Emma mmm-hmm I like that M that's a nice M [Music] wait where'd the M go others in all right back to our mouth and now I should up here okay now I have all the levels unlocked and we can go play or Mao on the lava level which i think is just going to be a big white screen wait is that it do I go in this door I remember how this level set up okay yeah it's down this hallway right yeah there's a lava level all right or Mao lava level version let's do this [Music] can I like cheese it over to the lava [Music] what what do I do here what do I do here and go into the lot into the volcano [Music] [ __ ] I died I died alright let's look at what it's like gonna look like normally [Music] [Applause] all right this is normal and here's our mouth oh baby yeah that's how I like my gameplay [Music] they construct game [Music] that was a nice M all right I think that's it for Mario 64 today we explored the very limits of how fast you can play Mario 64 and we sort of beat a world record if you ignore all the rules I'm probably going to end the stream a little bit earlier today because it's been I don't like four hours or something the only other thing I wanted to do before I take off and see if anybody has thoughts on what does it look like with si 64 yeah let's check out Sai 64 okay good call good call alright so I jump in okay this is normal and then this is taking out everything except red wow it's so hard that it takes out the lava sort of see this level just looks cool this looks like a Sin City the movie where they just took like everything's black and white except for blood it's actually kind of sweet [Music] [Music] [ __ ] no [ __ ] see this is why nobody plays si64 nobody likes si64 alright I'm gonna start sort of wrapping up the the stream that's it for the gameplay today thanks so much for watching y'all this was a [ __ ] mess it was pretty fun only other thing I wanted to like do potentially is uh does anybody have music suggestions and does anybody have patreon suggestions I was just gonna chill for a bit and see if anybody had like ideas they wanted to strongly throw out but I was gonna make a patreon finally cuz number of people have asked and I probably should be financially responsible at some point in my life twitch sings oh my god you have lots of music suggestions I found a royalty-free playlist on Spotify interesting yeah you should you should shoot that my way Adam on like discord or something um when are you gonna see me running or Mao at gdq oh yeah I guess we do have a music channel on on discord already but it could be like a stream suggestions music channel or something like that that could be pretty good classical songs with trap beats wait do I have that one up you mean like this and then it becomes dubstep anyway uh actually real quick first before the music thing does any does anybody have like strong requests or suggestions for a patreon bonuses I haven't not done like a lot of patreon stuff and I am curious if anybody has like some idea that would be super obvious and cool potentially early access for YouTube videos I am a little cautious about doing that but I'm thinking like bonus so the things I'm thinking are credits in a YouTube video free copy of bow credits in the YouTube video what what's like bonus clips or like videos that I didn't put out publicly I have like a couple videos that I just don't think are good enough for the channel I'm definitely having a parmigiano-reggiano tier Straka that'll be the top one it'll just be two thousand seven hundred $60 and if you pledge to that tier I just buy you that parmigiano-reggiano bonus behind-the-scenes content second channel yeah if I do the second channel I probably just wouldn't want to keep it like private is the only thing it just feels a little like weird to me to to like [Music] Gate that content the only other thing I was thinking is like do remod a tea as a colorful the other one I was thinking was or is it like doing bonus streams of some kind and that would be patron only but they're not like real streams they're just like me testing testing out ideas for streams or videos so that would be more of like a behind-the-scenes type thing and theoretically people would care about that I don't know yeah it's not know if y'all had any things that super jumped out at you mean I think mostly people kisses retaining Tavita just make any status a thing you paid abandon done ban him I guess I could have two donation goals going at once every day Silver Wolf become a voice commands Meg Doug yell out your name during voice enhance streams yeah that's actually pretty good that's pretty good Sean tutorials on all your programs yeah I guess I could if people are interested in that for behind the scenes streams can your webcam be from behind yeah obviously it actually it would just be in Mianus a council of eddie top tier patrons decisis hey god I like that so much I like that there's like like some sort of satanic rituals surrounding Eddie's status everyday custom games with four patron users yeah I could potentially do that I don't I don't play a ton of multiplayer games really so that's kind of the the issue there but ah yeah man we'll see I'll probably just put something out there and then I can figure it out more later and figure out how whether I gotta change things or improve it or anything that's or thing GT a challenge with patrons yeah that's a good idea I just don't know how sustainable that is long-term I don't know what would it be how hard would it be to set up a patreon art GTA 5 RP server I have no clue I have no idea how their servers are set up I can look into it I guess how does it feel knowing that YouTube channels still peak and strong it's crazy yeah YouTube's a lot more popular than I thought yeah community playdates can be good I just I'm not super wild about like gating off content so I just want to figure out that balance of not having it be like some elite club or something that that just feels kind of lame we'll see alright he's a good idea to think about I guess the other thing patrons get voting privileges yeah I could do something like that I guess I'm not what are you doing song suggestions maybe maybe I'll just make a discord channel for that that probably makes more sense because there's people who probably have a ton of music so you know suggestions if personalized drawing from you I mean this is the extent of my drawing capabilities right there you're looking at it I just want to be on the counsel of Eddie the council that he's pretty good it's like a very good idea I like that a lot what's your percent focus on videos versus streams right now it is theoretically 50/50 I'm like editing three days a week and streaming three days a week [Music] and I don't know what I'm gonna do long-term where a taser collar oh my god that is such a good idea yeah that is my dad behind me personalized unlisted video yeah I could do something like that vote voting privileges with streams are a good idea in in theory I just am a little cautious about let me rephrase that for me personally and it's not true of everybody just the way that my brain works I got to kind of follow whatever I'm interested in that particular day or not that particular day but in general kind of got to follow that so I just wouldn't want to get it to a point where I'm just doing whatever other people are voting but there's obviously a middle ground between those two things alright these are these are actually really good things to think about and I definitely want to want to make if I'm doing a patreon I want there to be like a lot of stupid [ __ ] in it so a Council of Eddie is like a really good idea I like that a lot is there a schedule for your stream yes it is right below the stream title alright I think I'm gonna wrap up there y'all thanks so much for watching I appreciate you this was goofy and dumb I am either gonna do potentially Mario 64 voice commands stuff later this week I agree something food-related Shawn I'm still trying to like figure out what or I'm still brainstorming what an autographed pepper yeah that would be pretty good I like that yeah thanks for watching y'all I'll figure out what the what the next stream is I'll probably I I want to do a battle bets thing this week because I like those a lot and so I'm thinking about their Skyrim Warcraft 3 or Smash Bros again but I definitely want to do that later this week and then probably some Mario's [ __ ] and then probably maybe some breath of the wild [ __ ] I don't know but thanks so much y'all it's [ __ ] cool right now I get to make dumb content and do cool things and and people are enjoying it and that's a really [ __ ] sweet feeling so thank you guys and now I'm gonna go edit a video or work on editing a video I'm editing one of the GTA the the GTA 1 where I fly a car into a mountain I'm currently finishing that one up and I'll either put it out maybe on Thursday or maybe early next week and then I'm gonna edit the one where I'm paul Blart and then I have to Skyrim videos that I want to make which primarily consist of me yelling which I'm very excited about but anyway thanks everybody for watching I appreciate you have a good rest of your day or night or whatever see y'all on Thursday love ya brush your teeth
let's hope the internet works this time let's hope uh uh really hoping the internet works this time that would be great uh I was probably gonna be an ad all right let me get a water let me get a water I'll be right back hello good to see you yo hello hello hello good to see you uh oh everybody's doing well I'm praying the internet works today I'm praying dude yeah that was very demoralizing last time was trying to give you know like a serious update when the internet anyway um today's update will be I think more casual uh pretty short again it's only been two weeks since my last one maybe 10 days um just want to get an update on things we're working on talk about some of my plans for what's next and then something very important I want to talk about that was recently brought to my attention so I'll get to that in a second and I just want to give my thoughts on it um so yeah that's what I'm gonna do today it'll be pretty good it'll be pretty short appreciate seeing people here um I think we have no internet issues which is good I was just checking for that um so cool that's what I'm gonna do um yeah oh I'll say thank you okay guys so if you guys don't know I did uh my other update about two weeks ago just covering the work we've been doing with keritas and sort of what I had spent the previous month doing and in even just the two weeks since then I guess Phineas Jay uploaded it to YouTube I didn't even I did not ask him to do that uh it actually came out of nowhere but since they got uploaded to YouTube uh I actually got a surprising number of people reaching out who are like professionally able to help like people who work in the legal system people who work as technologists people who understand how to track crypto payments like a lot like more than I could handle but uh I want to thank some of them like because it's actually been super helpful people have reached out with like actual deep knowledge uh which is I did not expect again that kindness was super appreciated um specifically someone reached out who is a fan of the YouTube content that literally Works in Senator Alex Padilla's office who's the center for California and he's he's a tech advisor like he literally his job is to advise him on technology issues and he's going to help me write a brief again I don't have a lot of I think all politics stuff is kind of a long shot just because of how [ __ ] up our system is but I am going to be able to get an actual brief to Senator Padilla's desk covering like this stuff and we're gonna we're gonna analyze basically how the UK deep fake laws work because they've been pretty effective or like they're like ahead of the pack and like what parts can you part to America so I don't there's again it's all a long shot but there's no reason not to do it because you give it a try something good might come from it uh someone reached out that could help with tracking crypto payments I introduced in the Genevieve who's kind of the expert on that we'll see if there's anything that comes from that people reached out with a lot I mean some guy even reached out telling me how to fix my internet which I I think it's just because Spectrum sucks but I gave it an honest shot people people have never met I've wrenched so it's cool um uh I've been I've been reading a lot of the updates so I appreciate that uh very kind um so uh I guess I'll go quickly the numbers update real quick again this is not hugely important but it's the last update I'm gonna give in March and so I just want to give you an update on like basically February versus March even though there's a few days left in March I think the picture is pretty cool so in all of February using traditional legal method that's where I spent sixty thousand dollars and we use a traditional lawyer to like manually issue takedowns one by one um over the course of the whole month for 60k I think we got like I don't know 426 things taken down or something like that again not nothing but you know uh for 60k is not not an amazing deal and not super effective right still a dub but yeah you know whatever and then in um in March and the March is not over and again a lot of these uh accounts we've only set up like even even a week ago like a lot of them are a few days old in total um even since we last talked we've gotten uh 21 000 92 uh dmca takedowns uh and thirteen thousand uh ninety things delisted from Google which is like just order of magnitude more things and for significantly less money so I'm like I'm like pretty stoked about that because it's it's uh it's just it's just a lot more effective and we were able to sign up a lot more women since even while I spoke so we got stuff taken down for like Valkyrie and swedenita and uh about that sisters I'm like a bunch of stuff we've been taking down so uh again we're up to you know something like 17 18 or something like that we haven't set up Amber and stuff yet because her stuff is a little more complicated uh she has like legitimate sex work stuff she doesn't want taken down so you know like train it differently but we're working on it we're getting more stuff taken down so it's it's uh the progress has been good I feel good about it um and it's cool to get that update so there's that then there's again I was probably gonna wait a little longer or wait till the end of March to give that update uh when I had the full month of my picture but I kind of moved this date up because I had something important that's the kind of the reason I'm doing it today and that is so I have been pretty good about staying off the internet uh overall during all this just you know I've been kind of like monk mode just working on this spending time with re uh working out reading that's like the four things I do pretty much every day and that's all I'm doing and coffee Zilla who's a guy I'd never even met before like I he's the goat and I love his content but I've never spoken to him he reached out again this is like random kindness and he gave me this browser called uh freedom that literally blocks comments and read it and you it's like a focus browser and so I've just been using like I've just been sort of staying off things and like trying to you know stay normal and uh and so but the reason I'm saying this is because uh I have been not aware of a certain action that I really want to like bring up and talk about because I spoke to stands recently we were just playing a TFT game offline and talking and and so um apparently there are and this could be out of date but I just want to like permanently talk about it and there's people that are like spreading negativity and I think they're doing it possibly in my name towards people I care about or people that are close to me like stands or even cutie like Sandra's saying he caught Flack on his videos just for playing Hitman people were like in the con like I just want to like clearly and unequivocally stress how strongly I disavow that like I don't support that at all you are not uh anyway associated with me if you do that I I I can't stress enough how much I really dislike that course of action uh cutie has been like incredibly helpful behind the scenes with the work I'm doing to help connect me to women that are uh that we can get signed up and stanz has been a rock solid friend and I and whether or not like it's just a weird course of action I don't understand it I don't know where it's coming from but I just want to like vociferously come out against it as soon as I can so if that matters to you you know where I stand and like I I think that course of action is is insane um so yeah that's what I really wanted to say that that's like that's like like I just kind of learned about this a few days ago when I was not gonna stand I'm like I don't know it kind of pissed me off I could have gotten my head so I I just that's why I wanted to do this update talk about that also give the update and everything um I'm also at the uh at the end of this room I'll try and see if I can do the the thing I was gonna say at the end of the live stream about the Bob's Burgers and all that but um uh the second thing I want to talk about is like plans like what I'm gonna do next because just cards on the table all right so I've spent 100K so far like we're doing an average of 50k a month uh the budget that I have for this is gonna run out like in early April uh I thought about doing some kind of fundraiser but it doesn't really feel right like I think it just feels off to me I'm not gonna do that and uh anyway my mindset on this whole thing is shifted like a lot The more I've thought about it I think originally I had it in my mind where it would be like there's a moment where I just like all right I'm done like I did it and I don't think like that anymore I think the more I've learned about it it's like a ongoing problem that I learn about get better at and can help people and like build a network and just get better at it and so like this Reddit project I'm working on I'm working I can't talk more about it because I don't want to jeopardize it I think it's actually could be the most effective thing that we do uh but it's gonna take weeks or even months of waiting like a lot of it's gonna be waiting but like a few key decisions are going to make a huge impact and could literally I don't know it could be really impactful so so uh I basically am saying that like sometime in April I am going to work with quack and make some kind of YouTube videos that are not about this just normal YouTube video content um just sometime in April and then uh have some kind of like supplemental income that like me and Ari can have and I I don't I do not imagine it will be anywhere near uh where I was I think there's a smaller community of people that believe in my apology um believe in sincerity the work I'm doing and want to be entertained in stuff that I am interested to talk about so I'm gonna do some of that um I I may I again depending on you know free time mental health availability I made stream a little bit but in general I think I'm just gonna do a couple YouTube videos with Quack and have that as a thing I do whilst I continue to work on this and make project uh progress I'm feeling very very confident that like um the work we're doing with care does is important and impactful and I think it's going to make a difference but then also I think this writer project could be could be really helpful so those are two things I'm mainly working on and then just helping Genevieve where we can we have a couple stories about the larger uh like deep fake problem not just uh like the porn stuff but also like I mean there's you know defects are going to be a major problem in this upcoming 2024 election the the ease of access on creating this stuff has just gotten insane and like it's it's just going to be a real problem so we got stories with like wired and uh and the BBC and ABC and we're trying to get I'm trying to see if uh oh uh we'll see I'm trying to get some people that we're working with to talk to them and uh hopefully gets like just some attention so we can get like movement on legislation or just general awareness because this thing is like coming down the pike and it's like extremely scary so uh uh that's um that's what we're working on uh with that um I think that's I mean that's the main the main stuff that we're you know I just want to give the numbers update talk about how much I disagree with uh some of the actions that people are doing and talk about my plans for April um keep working on this ongoing again I'll have I I don't I don't wanna I don't know I don't want this to be something where I consistently am giving an update like every a week or so and then it's just like the kind of the same thing but I can say like there will be enough even if it's like June I'm gonna have a major update on the right I'm gonna keep working on like this is something I I want to see through as far as I possibly can so yeah I'm gonna keep updating on this stuff as I have a major progress and I just I'm gonna keep working on it um what else oh okay uh and then I wanted to talk about the again it's a pretty short stream I just I'm gonna watch always Sony with Ari after this we've been binging it and she's on a good episode so uh I'm gonna get back to that uh spend some time with her but I I wanted to tell the story that I was gonna tell last time just so it's not all you know I I get uh uh I don't want it to be all like so serious you know I'm just trying to have a conversation explain to people what's going on so um yeah the the burger thing so basically uh if you guys don't know like immediately after everything happened Ari and I had already had this trip planned for Japan and we went it was like immediate like it was like two days after we already had the flight I mean everything was booked and we didn't want to cancel it Ari loves Japan she used to work there as an internship she speaks Japanese um and so we went to Japan and uh and you know it's immediately after everything happens and so we landed Japan and I'm just a total zombie like I'm just completely checked out you know my I have like a thousand yard stare I just can't focus in the moment you know everything's I'm just kind of sad you know I'm just like really in a sad spot and uh so Flash Forward when we get back I'm watching the Bob's Burgers movie and there's a part where I've never even seen Bob's Burgers the show but we're watching the I'm watching it alone Bob's Burgers movie and there's a part where like there's a big sinkhole in front of the burger restaurant and Bob is staring at it and he's a total zombie and like he just can't focus or do anything and like his life's kind of falling apart and his wife wife comes up and just starts like I don't know singing the song and cheering him up and like pointing out the little things and that is exactly what Ari was doing for me every single day in Japan and it made me cry my [ __ ] eyes out when I watch Bob's Burgers I cried my eyes out I literally bawled so [ __ ] hard and I just wanna you know Arya was so amazing in Japan and by the end of Japan I actually think we had a pretty good time and so that's what that's what this word is that wasn't even the story that was the beginning of the story uh Arya like was was dragging me basically to like go do things and eventually we had a pretty decent time and it was just uh really incredible so anyway uh one of those nights Ari's maid of honor who's this woman named Juno uh lives in Japan she she she's like Japanese Swedish and she lived in Sweden and um and we go to see her and she's got a new boyfriend and you know if you go on one of these double dates uh I don't know if Jack can relate to a double date but you go on a double date and the idea is like um you know they're gonna be catching up like Ari and Junior are gonna be catching up the whole night and so I have to talk to this guy and like I don't know I don't know this guy and it could be a total I don't know the vibe and I meet this guy and he's literally like a clone he's like he's like a flannel wearing bearded white guy who used to work at Amazon we're like instantly talking about you know Amazon six pages and nowadays we just get along instantly like we just we instantly click and so it's actually really fun we're like we're like shooting the [ __ ] all night and talking about uh how much Jeff Bezos is bald and you know we're having a good time and they're getting along and we're having good sushi and like it's kind of the first night uh since everything happened that I we have a little bit of normalcy Ari's having fun and I just feel you know I feel kind of good right and we go out and we're having some drinks and uh and uh then the guy takes a photo he takes like a selfie of all of us like he's like hey get a pose and he gets a selfie and uh uh uh you know I'm gonna see if I can even have it right here uh uh let me see yeah here it is yeah so you can see this is us we're having a good time uh we're vibing it's good it's fun you know we're having a good time and uh he posts this selfie instantly and again this guy knows this guy lives in Japan he doesn't know [ __ ] about [ __ ] he's not falling on the internet he instantly gets a text saying yo is that atriot and my [ __ ] heart drops like you know because we've been having such a good night it's finally a little bit of normalcy Ari's having a good time and and he gets to say you know and I'm just like I don't think they're gonna be weird about it or anything but it's just gonna be like you know we're gonna have to talk about you know it's gonna be so I'm you know uh I'm just like I get this feeling in my stomach and then so I see the dot dot dot he's like yeah and he's like yeah whatever you know yeah that is and the guy's typing and then uh the message comes in and he goes I [ __ ] love the glarkater all caps and I literally in my entire life have never been more happy to be called the glargator in my entire [ __ ] life like and then we just have a normal night we go to like the batting cages and I don't know it was just so good not even just for me but it was so me made me so happy to see Ari just smile and have a good time and like you know not have to I don't know it was just really really really fun night and whoever sent that text thank God for just I don't know thank you for not uh adding something to it so anyway that's the story I'm not gonna spend much of your time I just want to give you guys the update um you know a lot of people have been sending me messages and asking about it uh again we're fine we're good me and Aria we've been actually a very normal week we Linkus flew out uh link is amazing and we did double date with him in Disney um it was fun time it was good uh although all right I'm doing something funny and then I'll be good you ever played that game heads up where you have like a little you have the phone and it's like got a celebrity or something on it and then you you have to guess yeah we played we played heads up with Linkus and Maisie me and Ari get like I don't know like 25 points where Michael Jordan out there were [ __ ] just crushing it salt and pepper ding I was crushing him Lingus amazing girl and I guess because there's like a language Gap and also because Lingus is such a die-hard gamer the first word is breakfast and she goes all right first meal of the day he thinks about it he goes chicken [Laughter] no not at all first meal of the day chicken apparently apparently Linkus eats Chick-fil-A for breakfast every morning and thoughts that's what she was referencing he has Chick-fil-A for breakfast and Taco Bell for for dinner and so that's a diet he's lost weight with that it's shocking anyway he gets like two points it was it was uh extremely funny to me uh anyway so that's it uh we had a good time um I really man I can't think link is amazing enough there's been they've been extremely excellent um and helpful to me and Ari really really helpful friends um I hope everyone here as well I just know that I'm gonna keep working I'm gonna keep giving updates uh and just don't be [ __ ] to people that um just any anyone really don't be [ __ ] anyone online that's just a what a terrible use of your time it doesn't there's so many things to do in life and we're in the middle of an insane banking crisis uh oh speaking of that I went on a hike with Aiden and honestly um he kept asking me questions about Silicon Valley Bank and all the collapse and stuff and uh uh it was cool because we went on the hike and basically only talked about just fun friend stuff it was nice and uh and I was kind of reminded of how much I I do like explaining stuff like that like I think I think I have some kind of knack for it I like doing it and so uh that's what made me think I could maybe make a video and and talk about some of the stuff going on so that's familiar uh that's it that's my update um I I the work has been going well I'll keep you updated on it um probably not gonna hear from me for a couple more weeks and then I'll be working with quack to see what we can do as a side thing uh I hope you guys are all doing well um again wishing everybody the best please don't be an [ __ ] online uh uh that's it thanks thank you very much have a great night I'm gonna spend time with Ari uh how do I do I forgot everything okay Susie bye
foreign [Music] [Music] our minds with wisdom [Music] I'm again on the leaderboard can I get my own YouTube shorts [Music] you have to bribe Luca not me [Music] uh yo I'm gonna turn off Texas beach until the game starts you can see it there I don't think I'll have time for the stories because I only have three minutes until the thing starts I love this song I don't think I'm gonna get sick of this song anytime soon I played it so much [Music] foreign TTS is off [Music] cool house flipper stream today we're gonna flip a house it's gonna look like this this is the start of the house um I'm gonna be joining the call with everybody else there's like 11 people who are doing this so it'll be a group um so you will learn what is going on shortly but for right now please enjoy more funky music and then I have various updates and stories to tell by stories I mean like 15 second long anecdotes okay it's not like a huge deal um but yes probably should okay cool everybody's deafened [Music] [Applause] anyway yo there are some new pajama Sam emotes made by Desiree that's one of the updates later so I'll give them a shout out I supposedly have one minute until we are starting I assume it'll take a couple minutes foreign [Music] how this is going to work is we get 75 minutes to build a house which is a not a lot of time for this thing we have 75 minutes to like flip this house and then germa is going to walk through each one and grade them but there's gonna be like an hour and a half in between I'm near the end of the list [Music] um so uh there will be like an hour and a half of downtime between me finishing the house and getting graded on it so I don't know what I'll do during that downtime we can watch other people think of the one here appreciate it [Music] um you can watch other people uh other like other people do the tour okay it looks like it's gonna start uh again I will turn on Texas speech um I'm just gonna say TTS is off um [Music] in the title I don't know what I'll turn text speech on [Music] we'll be very Talega thank you for the 12 months appreciate it okay jumping into the call I am undeafening 75 minutes starts right now wait really now no no no I can't joke very often my heart oh that's right yeah I had a heart attack too all right muted yeah you can unmute you can undefinit everything we uh we're gonna go over it real quickly and I'm very curious I want to get a little bit of a temperature check from all of you okay there we go Juve thank you so much welcome y'all gets 15 minutes to introduce themselves uh we are about to start this is a house flipper challenge with a bunch of other PowerPoint presentations you to me uh so you were about to learn what we're doing it's a house flipping competition it will begin shortly thank you the house flipper of unofficial Invitational what you see on my screen right now is the house that all of these streamers are going to have to turn into a beautiful home in 75 minutes the timer is on my stream I would be aware that streamers if you need to know it's 75 minutes hour and 15 from when I count down well let's introduce who's here first and by the way you get literally like a five second introduction so let's start let whoever wants to go first go ahead just go I'm Vinnie hi that's all right that's all I need oh he nailed it got it well I was I thought we were gonna hear a shitload does he get points for that does he get graded yep I know some good philosophy don't worry it's pretty good philosophy that's right everyone so much I introduce myself next I'm Sea Dog VA no no see dog what time is it where you are right now it's while it's 5 12 a.m and I woke up at 4 30 a.m for this um so I hope that goes into the kind judging considerations um performance but yeah so each I'll have to go through it Con reads pants Sea Dog triken Doug Doug it's Alex Ludwig RT game Joel I almost just said Trotter but you're you're a mod um we did an alphabetical order that's the roll call attendance done for the class ladies and gentlemen yeah where's stir I don't know missing you'd like to stay on he might just show up and just jump in the car later he has no pressure to be here by the way it's a content creator stream and we're less than 15 minutes late that is a crowning achievement it's true it's true there's the sheer fact that Miracle we're all actually here at the same time is quite shocking when germa presented this idea to us and I I I'm gonna go full in for this all right because it's gonna be like my part of this gonna be crap but I get into this call and I'm expecting everybody's got their stuff lined up so good and I realize none of these guys have booted up the game yep so I have a good chance of maybe making it into the bottom five you know you got this Joel I Believe In You Joe I think you don't Joel you might be the favorite it's possible Joel showed us his secret and it is I'm not telling anybody I do have a plan I think I'm the only one with a plan so I don't know he woke up it's 5 a.m he's like what the [ __ ] does German want me to do he wants to build a house at a good Pace make sure you're five pixels away from the wall the wall won't build and I'm like wait which tool is this well I'll figure it out yeah it's by the way this whole thing is horseshit none of this battery I'm glad you said Give It Away what if you guys just all left right now like it would be fine like this there's no nobody wins anything nobody loses anything I said I have to ask you Jeremiah I have to ask you this this might be a stupid question but are you wearing like a toupee or something yeah you look like you look like yeah they're trying to look more professional Tony take points away for that Tony take points away for that thank you so much for copying Tony star thank you for bringing up points let's go over it real quickly you are all going to be graded individually you're gonna give me a tour through what you thought you know like my presentation voice there's a lot there's a lot of people in here who just left yeah that's an old one that one from 2018. this is like a first trial run of this event you guys are supposed to be my friend we're listening buddy go ahead I'm eating myself I'm here for you after 75 minutes which by the way everybody here is streaming so everybody has their streams going you can jump around and go see what people are doing maybe one of them isn't and then you know whatever that's all good well maybe two of them aren't three doesn't matter but go check it out you're gonna be seeing their process they'll be streaming it live they're all on this house and they're all going to be graded on five categories creativity is number one it's worth 35 of your total grade based on a 100 point scale it's worth 35 of your total grade complexity and structure is your second grade this is worth 25 of your total grade how do how did you handle the walls what is your interior wall structure looks like did you do any additions how does your yard look did you did you add anything in there how does your yard look cleanliness is it worth 15 but I see that over there somebody's putting an image of me is worth it cleanliness is worth 15 of your total grade so make sure look I mean look at this you got it's kind of dirty it's kind of [ __ ] up you're gonna be braided on this 100 point scale maybe you get an f and clean but maybe you get an A plus in creativity use your time wisely the next grade there's more philosophy is worth 15 of your total grade what does philosophy mean we'll find out because I don't know either so we're gonna figure that out as we go the last grade is worth ten percent and it is chats grade the mods are going to put a poll in at the end of each person's individual tour that will be a very simple A B C D or F yes we're all starting with the same house have you revealed that you are going to build a real full-scale replica of the winning house yet um this is the location no not yet but that's uh that's that's a great idea that's actually a fantastic idea there's like grandmas on the left side of my screen is that all right okay hit Escape go to settings go to gameplay options and check the box that says I don't want to hear from the people the the buyers though in my two-page document that I sent you all four or five days ago how did you guys think I was making a joke I read the whole thing I thought it was more like Light reading though I thought I laughed I thought I thought it was functional I thought it was a creative writing piece I said I said you guys a two-page document when they did with detailed instructions it seemed like Chad gpg wrote it I thought yeah I thought it was like an Isaac Asimov The Foundation thing like it didn't actually have any bearing on real life to understand the power we have to eat a horse in preparation but I ate the horse ladies and gentlemen so I could figure out all the loopholes are we all ready oh yeah ready yes sir yes sir I didn't catch that I'm ready because you have 75 minutes as of you're making me laugh as of three two one okay all right first step we gotta clean the [ __ ] out of this place there's so much garbage that's step one okay they all muted they can't hear me anymore I can hear you that's not how shooting Works what what happened I thought everyone was gone oh hi it's like all right I'm very curious wait do I have German on in the background time I'm gonna just kind of show you some things gonna go take a look okay you might not have ever seen this game okay yeah you should probably mute me because I'm just gonna be like an annoying presenter this whole time okay I'm gonna definitely um all right I'm definitely all right so here's the plan right pick up shovel I have to shovel this oh my God oh God that's loud all right um oh why isn't this uh germanium I'm thinking for the 12 months man I appreciate it okay cool this is gone um we pick up so I have played like an hour or two of House Flipper okay oh I could use the flamethrower yeah the floor recluse that part pretty quick um flamethrower I ran out of fuel oh [ __ ] okay I don't know how to do that whatever we'll just do with it all right stage one is clean the house um now what I think I want to do in the 75 minutes is um create Disneyland that's the plan for the house okay um every room is gonna be themed from a different ride or attraction from Disneyland okay and I have some ideas in mind I didn't like make them in advance but I have a general idea of what each room can look like and then I think outside will just be Adventureland okay I don't have Space Mountain I don't know how we would make Space Mountain so let me get all the garbage up first oh [ __ ] okay we get all the garbage there's not a lot of time okay I have I have plans here okay here's my plans here's my plans all right um we go we gotta go quick okay the front gate Main Street like the walkway down Disneyland Tomorrowland haunted house Adventureland Splash Mountain Toontown up in a parking lot how many rooms is that I don't know how many I just said [Music] somebody divide up the amount of time to figure out how much time I have like per room I was eight oh [ __ ] that's like too much I feel like okay let me get all the dirt okay hold on let me say it again we have Main Street which is like the main hallway Tomorrowland haunted house or was it called Haunted Mansion Adventureland uh Splash Mountain Toontown and the parking lot it's like eight seven that's round seven okay so what's the math on this I have 75 minutes total how long per room you guys do the math I'm busy shoveling I I may turn Texas beach on later for now I'm Gonna Leave it off because I don't think I'm gonna be able to pay attention to it at least till I'm a little farther into this it's a doghouse okay there's a we got a free doghouse you want to melt a 10 minute reporting back on TTS why okay I text me it's just supposed to be off whatever um okay let me clear this I clear the windows okay that's that's doable dude that is actually doable we gotta let's figure out the layout of where we want everything to be first uh how do I get rid of this cell okay there we go okay and then I'll shovel this TTS is snitching I don't I didn't even understand what it was or what I was asking all right let's clean this uh I'm sorry I missed that 12 month thank you for the um hey what's up uh this song is lupus something I'm sorry I forgot the name of it uh I need to add it to my music playlist all right this seems like we're good yeah uh okay let's check out the inside what are we working with um this room okay let's just look at how many rooms we have this is the everybody's working with the same house by the way so there's two here and then upstairs are there any bathrooms in this house [Music] how do how do you open the window how do you get rid of the okay I we'll we'll find out uh do I have to like jump off of it okay I guess that works oh you can jump and get them okay uh uh all right let me throw on some music okay let's uh like quick quick designation of stuff all right we'll do oh there's a ladder oh Jesus okay we'll figure that out later uh this will be the the Gateway the only like images I have prepped are the um the starting ones okay are you going to let chat decorate a room um um no I don't we don't have time we don't have time okay I made one image in advance I'm glad you liked the Final Fantasy 13 to two song I sent you it made my day okay you were just telling people to suggest music and ideas by email to get them off your back but it turns out you might be a decent guy after all who knew thank you thank you I gotta make a little shorter how's that looks awful I was asking if you suck spies in other streams oh no no no we don't need spies um I think everybody's gonna be struggling to make this happen I feel like I need what do I paint the walls okay and then this is Dicky Mouse legally distinct from Mickey Mouse okay okay that's too big okay a little bigger than that beautiful oh come on okay it's like very very slightly too big [Music] that sucks crack Crystal thank you for the uh it was all much man okay and then I put germa's sus face on my pepper uh how's this look I think I need to get rid of this we don't need this uh window do we how do we get rid of this cell okay yeah we don't need Windows not you don't need Windows in Disneyland you actually don't want to see the outside world in Disneyland how do I go back okay this costs two thousand dollars accounts in the neighborhood it's gonna be the most fun crack house for the whole family all right this is nice how do I um I learned that there's an extra set of tools paint gun okay what do we paint the outside um now we go to the store paint what what should the outside of Disneyland look like hold on Disneyland blue probably blue right yeah okay let's do blue let's do blue uh paint blue paint can I just search that no paint paint and I have Photoshop open so we can make other images and stuff Dude where's the paint oh I'm in I'm in the wrong section blue paint hello Walt Dudley just offering a bit of advice try not to engage your subconscious mind to make a replica of your house ball pit Fat Albert posters and all where's the paint what okay [Music] walls why didn't any of this come up for paint blue uh how about how about this blue violet blue chalk Liberty blue sure [Music] okay and then we'll paint we'll try to paint the house real quick I didn't include this in the amount of time so we need to detract all the time I spent on this uh paint gun no no God damn this game is like pretty janky all right okay I think I'll come back and I'll finish more of the paint later I don't think we need to worry about this too much okay I don't think this will paint the the okay I can go in between get a better tool this tool rips ass what are you talking about I guess I'll paint the inside of the door frame okay indecision thank you okay all right uh this is fine right as long as it's got some blue it doesn't need to be fully blue uh okay perfect it sucks this looks like I I feel like I'm entering Michael I feel like I'm entering Neverland Ranch okay um so we have the the house is down here let's figure this out real quick take it easy slow is fast and Fast is slow oh I just fell into zip pipes what do you think you are at a good place okay we want haunted man okay where should the bit okay let's do let's do this one at a time where should a haunted mansion to stream the name dug it in bed all nice and snug he jumped out of bed in the middle of June and showed twitch chat his Moon thank you wait hold on I can make the walls bigger I forgot about that um I just have to sell everything okay how many rooms I wanted to make like seven rooms blade and they give you the gift this up so I can extend these walls outwards um I know I have a garage this can be the parking lot I guess the outside will be I wish it was not nighttime this is a terrible feature of this game I could expand these walls outwards so they get bigger let me do that okay hold on sell objects can I sell this how do I okay hello let me there we go all right I should be able to extend the house now I believe wait why didn't it shave huh okay okay okay okay there we go there we go uh and I think I need to mention the bathroom please no I was gonna make the bathroom Splash Mountain but there is there isn't even a bathroom in here there's no bathroom in this [ __ ] house [Music] okay so we do house building we place why can't I okay it won't oh wait there we go okay now we've draw this back to like here and then we finish the building I need to get rid of these plants no no no okay hold on I gotta mow this area you can't create that the building I need to be faster on all the other rooms okay once this is all cleared up I feel like we should start oh yeah I could have flamethrower the grass Gemma if we can compete in this against Ludwig's chat we want to meet them again I wish I don't know if there's quite enough time to set that up okay house building I edit this one and then I tell this row to expand outwards how long does the day night cycle last for this is a mess wait it's too far out how do I make it go back okay that works yeah and then we'll just you we'll just make a way bigger do I make more rooms or do I make the rooms in there bigger hold on because now I have to go in here um and I have to explain the Soviet country Disney rip-off that was made by some random guy The Faded Wallace and brick lifeless building it looks beautiful all right okay and then if you make a door now I can break into a serious question is the real Doug video actually true are you an old guy slave uh it could be I Texas page is supposed to be off I don't know okay so the parking lot needs to be five times the size of the other rooms that is true it could be just like a really big parking lot the parking lot should be upstairs okay I guess I could expand this wall now though and then make two bedrooms up here okay let's do that let's do that um so I sell the windows I checked on RT Doug you're doing great okay cool um I mean I haven't started like decorating anything yet which is a bit concerning okay if we extend the house this way how do I get up there is there a ladder [Music] grappling hook oh God okay that's hell that is very ridiculous okay we go house building we create new Jesus Take the Wheel okay we go here angry duck thing TTS is off the bits not for PayPal sorry chat to ruin it no I I have it off I don't know why look donations text-to-speech disabled I I don't know why it's sometimes it's the PayPal just doesn't sync for some reason with streamlabs when is the day night cycle gonna end it's so like it's so dark um yeah TDs is currently off okay so I should be able to break this now I think it I don't understand this game okay whatever we'll build two rooms all right let's get let's get rooms figured out so this is upstairs I want what six six rooms total so down here is one two could have one here and then this could be another one okay this will be haunted mansion okay this is Haunted Mansion this is um Toontown I don't know uh and this is all gonna be Main Street in here I could just make this another room though let me do let's do that okay so I build walls how do I how do I build oh here we go wait why won't it let me build the wall here foreign what the [ __ ] okay uh that looks great okay and then so this will just be another room here wait why is it building on the whole no I don't want that much wall okay I'll do here okay and then we'll do a one here and then this will be a door and this will be okay perfect walls okay remind just remind me later that there's a wall here okay just don't let me forget that there's like a room in here okay so now we've got uh so this will be there's not enough space here I feel like I need to make this bigger okay this is haunted house in here or Haunted Mansion this room is too small but this could be uh Toontown um in here we'll just what what will this one be let's get the the design of the house set up first why can't I hello why can't I put a door in it what why can't I put a door in the wall you have to build lintels oh [ __ ] okay can I just do it here wait can I just this is a good this is a good look though right here okay we break this okay so that so we're fine is it still in the way can you [ __ ] move [Applause] okay okay so now we build lintels here oh my God okay and now let's just have the door here okay all right that's good all right wait so okay the rooms we have to figure out we have one two three we have four rooms down here I think we want like six total Jeremy said it's okay to ask questions I think I'm okay right now um and then maybe we do okay we have Main Street we'll be just downstairs tomorrow this could be Tomorrowland up here we have haunted house downstairs Adventureland will be the Backyard Splash Mountain is the bathroom but there's no bathroom so we need to like make a bathroom somewhere uh uh yeah I think this is this is fine okay wait so what is what is this this could be Tomorrowland we'll make this Tomorrowland build walls um okay um and then we'll break a little bit of the walls so that we can Joel's already decorating that's fine that's fine I needed to set up the I need to set up the space first I want a general plan because once I start building everything like I don't know if you can make the the house change size and stuff okay so this will be Tomorrowland all right so I think we're covering we just need a bathroom where's the bathroom gonna be I was thinking the bathroom um I don't even know how you put in like a toilet I guess this could be the bathroom um but I want it to hold on can I can I break this why can't I I'm so confused of like what is a breakable wall and whatnot so what if I do this now is this breakable dude I whatever this is fine this is fine um the whole section upstairs is blocked off that'll be all right okay wait if this is Haunted Mansion I guess I want the walls here this I guess okay here's what I'm thinking Splash Mountain should be the bathroom but I want enough space to put pools in it so I guess I could rebuild hold on if I sell the door here how do I what does it mean use okay I sold the door let me expand it this way and then we can make Splash Mountain a pool how do I get rid of uh hello is this actually germa's game germa made this why do you think he doesn't stream like that much anymore he's been working on the game for a super long time okay we go to house building and then I'm going to extend it out this way I guess wait why can't I extend it oh because there's a window there all right that's fine we don't do windows in Tomorrowland that's the future is not having windows okay so we're gonna I want the bathroom to be extended so the bathroom starts right here and then we have it go like there is that far enough build a dungeon well the dungeon wait there's a downstairs is there hopefully not I just want enough for a couple indoor pools before the toilet wait why didn't hold on no no don't do that I'm gonna have way less time for each decorating each room by the way okay can I just get rid of all this you know what let me move this back too like this can all just be indoor pools all right we finished building that okay so now can I delete this wall now because it's not the interior wall dude I don't know how to I don't know how to make it so this is breakable I mean I could just make doors on all of it I guess we'll just put a lot of doors like this does work can I break this now use the make the blueprint tool I could ask Jeremy I'm just like we don't really have the time for it to matter very much okay cool now it's like a stylized pillar room okay and then I just need okay so then the the toilet would be back there so if I make walls like this hold on hold on let me make sure that this the sizing is right for this because the pools are really okay what what is best for Splash Mountain we're gonna start decorating this is the house this is the bathroom this is Splash Mountain it's got to be an indoor pool which one looks the most like Splash Mountain this one seems pretty good oh but they have all these different colors hold on what does Splash Mountain look like it should be it should be like brown right like brown color yeah like this and then or no no in the what like that right like that that looks good we'll buy that can I fit it oh it's slightly too big I think wait what if I rotate it okay it can fit here we need like a little bit more space or I just get a smaller probably just get a smaller one this is pretty [ __ ] big okay that was what four by eight we just do we can do a two by four hold on um this is a [ __ ] pool well we're gonna put a toilet in it too strip pool for the [ __ ] King all right let me just get it as close as I can to the wall foreign we can move the wall in so that you have to go you have to go through the pool to get to the toilet hold on can I extend this wall back I want three of them this is worth it oh I'm trapped this is wait hold on do you even get out okay hold on so we're currently working on Splash Mountain we're like 23 minutes in all right I got it quicker I gotta go quicker get a two by two pool we still I need to move this farther back right I have to make I have to move that farther back hold on I think I can do this there's so little space here oh it's because there's a tree how do I get rid of the tree um so okay cool sell sell sell sell sell okay we just need to move this wall back a little bit uh uh press to begin why can't I can't move it does this have to be further back maybe okay and then this can go farther back now oh why can't I move it oh is it because of that is because these plants I think it's because these plants hold on I gotta get rid of these plants how do I sell how do I get rid of these okay I picked them up that's how okay all right we should have enough space to move this back then okay house building stop doing walls it's gonna be look once the walls are in place okay that's perfect now we have so much space for Splash Mountain wait can I move this in how do I move this it won't let me move it closer towards the okay whatever okay okay and then we have one two I think we can fit another pool right I hope it's gonna be close yes oh my God perfect okay the only problem is that there's no space for a toilet wait hold on I need to sell this it can get closer that needs to be as close as possible [Music] okay I guess that's as close as possible where's the toilet go I don't even know how to set up a toilet in the game toilet oh you think you need like a piping and stuff just pee in the pool I just I wanted this to be also of the bathroom though just put it in the pool you need it out the pool no I know what the pool I still think we should have a toilet in Splash Mountain by the pipes pipes Orion pipe set what the [ __ ] do I need to do all this do I just like put this in the wall or something does that mean I can now make a toilet toilet inside of the pool go to the installations tab okay I think it'll be quicker for me to to just do this okay okay got it installations okay this is all electrical okay freestanding bathroom plumbing system boom easy wait what hold on let me sell this so this this is what I want right oh it said bathtub oops uh um suspended toilet plumbing right how about just a urinal so you have to [ __ ] in the pool okay okay all right uh urinal okay okay all right okay this is Splash okay okay all right SpongeBob is looking [ __ ] beautiful dude okay I just need to put the wall on the other side okay all right Smash Mouth is ready okay I do need oh my God okay so this is spoil it and can I move it hold on no no I don't want to assemble it no no no I don't care like we don't need it to work you're just being in the against the wall hold on I want to see if I can make it like here so that you have to be like over the pool okay that's funnier okay wait let me I do need to assemble this okay all right somebody's done okay cool cool um what do I what do I let's get the let's get the the um the logo okay uh Splash Mountain logo um copy paste boom we we like this um we crop to just Splash Mountain no no come on come on go go go go go go go we don't want time we don't time Photoshop just go okay I export this we go um Splash Mountain okay in the game we go uh Gallery add photo um Splash Mountain too big okay uh Splash Mountain uh uh we go down like this okay cool okay this is great okay last things for Splash Mountain what do I should I paint the walls I should probably paint the walls blue right like blue and what does it actually look like maybe maybe brown and blue hold on um the game probably has paint like that right if we go store paint we want like something something like this right but but the bottom is blue right there's no time yeah okay let me look I think we can paint real quick at least get a little color oh wait this this looks this looks good this looks good uh maybe like that none of these are like bright blue as the color move on yeah we okay we only 45 more minutes I'm gonna do this panels oh I can change the color okay beautiful um what do I do to purchase press I'm trying to purchase oh okay here we go okay now I take this what do I do with it no no I wanna hold to pick up hold and switched oh tiling and paneling oh there we go okay this is easy this is easy dude we got plot plenty of time okay uh we might not have time to do all of the the walls this looks awful I hate the look of this it should be piss yellow the floor can be yellow I guess the floor is easy to do all right let me get a few more tiles and then we'll we'll wrap up okay um I go tiling and paneling I'll get quicker with the other rooms once I like learn how this works okay uh we go here oh that was only one okay okay you gotta tell you like you can't tell me that this doesn't look bad oh [ __ ] show them to the pool you can't tell me this is so hard wait are the tiles in the pool where do the titles go you can't tell me that this how this doesn't look better with the tiling I think I lost the tiles in the pool uh tiling and paneling okay okay beautiful Splash Mountain looks great floor being oh wait we have more towels we have more tiles um let me let me uh tile this wall yeah that looks nice that looks really nice that looks really nice okay uh okay we gotta do floor I forget how I do the floor I learned how the game worked like two days ago um tile we just do tiles I assume lights it doesn't need lights it'll be fine yeah there's no way we'll worry about that later uh uh carpet no no there's a way to just like paint the floor really easy I think we just do tiles yellow tile maybe sure [Music] I have to like NAB it this is like a I feel like I'm playing only up again this is okay all right Splash Mountain is officially done um next up let's do a haunted mansion this will be haunted mansion okay let's get the okay the walls wait no no we should do yeah let's do the rooms First rooms first thank you man 42 minutes all right uh just black right black for black for the walls uh black tiles ceramic black tiles uh this is Haunted Mansion we're trying to make it spooky and scary what the hell why doesn't it what what is going on no I just want to make the whole thing not this mansion how do I switch to tiling and paneling I have to individually tile these no how did I do it before I did something what was the thing I did previously oh those are ceramic tiles okay black tiles uh this do this those are wall tiles oh what about these These are still wall tiles how do I tell if it's a wall tile or a floor tile how do I tell like those seem like those should work on the wall or on the floor wall tiles have a pattern just one it's not a stack okay I'll just do black well this is just a color okay we'll do this carpet that's fine okay the walls need to be black though for sure rename it to piss me no okay uh here's what I'm thinking we make a bunch of walls and we make it like a maze so it's a scary haunted house right isn't that a good idea so I think we like make a maze that you have to go through and that's what makes it so scary no that's a great idea what are you talking about [Music] so I'll make the Maze and then and then we just paint it all black because it's okay if it takes too long we do can I fit okay ultimately we gotta make cool [ __ ] okay that's what matters it's better to have less cool stuff than a lot of boring stuff okay let's we'll do uh it's cool that the the walls are only like five wide or they're ex like way too wide okay and here's what I'm thinking okay we put ghost pictures everywhere so it's really scary oh wait that's too much and so I got some pictures some like license free pictures of ghosts that I have so that'll be pretty spooky um and then I think at the very end it leads to uh Jared Fogle [Music] can you fit here okay you can fit too wide um and then why because it's scary this is a pedophile foreign okay I am probably taking too much time on this I will admit but we just need okay we just need like the main we need the main path to lead to Jared Fogle and everything else goes to ghosts [Music] um I feel like I could do Texas speech right now I'll probably have to ignore a lot of it okay I'm turning on bits I might uh turn these off in a little bit so if they get backed up sorry but at this point I think I know what I'm I'm doing more so [Music] halfway [ __ ] okay yeah yeah we all right we're ready right I go faster um I'm gonna stop thinking about this as much we only have two rooms that's okay the other ones are gonna be quick I also need to make Adventureland though oh I should probably make a bed are you supposed to be able to live here [Music] okay this will be the Jared Fogle um you come here and then this will be where Jared Fogle is like down down this hallway can you fit here okay you can so we'll put Jared here and with a bed uh okay this oh my God okay is it I don't even know how to get out wait this is bad this is a terrible idea for making a house quickly okay um so this one is a dead end uh okay ideally we paint hold on hold on we go to the gallery okay we gotta go okay we gotta go go go go go go go go go go go go go add photo okay I got some spooky ghosts we'll add those um goes ghost three okay that's fine right where even am I okay this needs to be bigger sorry yeah chat look away [Music] let's just make it wider [Music] wait can I can I just put them all over the walls um okay this so this is how you get out [Music] okay we'll put spooky ghosts everywhere like I have one more ghost photo let me grab that too this just for variety uh cool I do I can't see anything this is a disaster [Music] why is this one so big wait did I just block it off get on [ __ ] okay um I think we're just done right I don't know if I add any more ghosts all right and then I need uh Jared [Music] all right let me save the image okay we go into gallery add photo household for Disneyland Jared Fogle perfect let's make him as big as possible [Music] did I put him on all three walls or just the one I feel like just the one right okay we can make them a tiny bit bigger [Music] okay uh and then we okay we definitely need a bed right um bed it should be really small right wait no it needs to be a smaller frame so it doesn't block Jared's face fed bed okay really small frame um I know I'm probably taking too much time on this I'm taking too much time uh what's the lowest here this one's low [Music] okay the bed should be ruffled that's a child's bed yeah exactly the bed is facing him I feel like this is good right and then we just do I do Jared Fogle on the walls or just one probably just one right and then we I gotta paint the walls yeah [Music] black paint like as much as I can paint [Music] dude walls black why is okay here we go black move on this is I feel like this is worth like Haunted Mansion needs to have some black paint right let me at least get this room Black this isn't that much time dude like you give me a minute okay minute on the clock by The End by 44 minutes I have to be out of here at a haunted mansion okay use the gun apparently you can't use that indoors [Music] okay you gotta admit that looks nice man the the like perfectionist part of me wants to finish painting this so bad okay okay let's go okay how much here here's what I have here's what I have left okay Tomorrowland Main Street Adventureland Toontown and parking lot okay that's a lot okay parking lot we'll just put a sign that says parking lot ceiling oh God okay this looks great okay we're gonna oh I can't even see where I'm going when it's this dark I don't think I can I don't think I can paint the whole house man okay hold on just remind me I'm gonna paint my way out of here and then um time's up [ __ ] okay I'm gonna wait is this the way I came yeah I'm gonna paint my way out remind me later to come back here and get a little more painted if we have time I probably won't have time I should not have painted half of it it looks it looks way worse like half painted [ __ ] I am actually lost guys I have no idea where how to get out um well let's keep painting in the meantime wait this is the ghost oh I'm here okay I'm out I'm out okay Toontown wait oh [ __ ] there's only 30 minutes left okay yeah I gotta move on I gotta move on we need the Haunted Mansion uh logo [Music] okay wait where where do I go [Music] okay [Music] we gotta paint this okay uh Haunted Mansion logo Haunted Mansion logo what the [ __ ] no no paste in okay uh we crop here here here here what's the room out here um what's the room that the Haunted Mansion is in front of this is uh Toontown right a Toontown we're gonna have to do really quick still so big okay okay cool haunted mansion looks great this is gonna be Toontown let me set up the the logo outside Toontown okay okay dude I think we're cooking Toontown Disneyland logo why is this so okay copy we go into uh here okay um we take this right I color this yellow red [Music] okay perfect hello where did it go what what happened oh okay Toontown right now it's fair use okay we um add photo Disneyland Toontown okay we can make that wider uh autofit with just stress that a lot hit too wide I need to move faster I know I'm being [Music] okay in Toontown um like there was something I saw when I was just playing the game rubber okay apparently we searched rubber it's like various colors rubber rubber tile so I just do a bunch of these right and all this like color various parts of it so that it looks like a rainbow or something okay and then we do Rubber and then we get like pink I don't really know this is what Toontown looks like but that's okay I don't like I don't know how to make it cartoony wait what should the walls be for Toontown oops rubber uh and then we'll do I don't know white like this is too right this is this kind of works torture chamber that's not how Toontown works uh rubber let's get like uh blue [Music] all right we're fill in the gaps there's like animals I feel like I just put the animals what what do the walls look like though [Music] okay um uh uh Furniture accessories [Music] sure large how big are these okay should they be on a thing or should they just like be here can you walk I can't even like walk through them um and we'll add a pig you just subbed for three years all for only 14.99 why can't I place this okay and then we need uh cow and then I think toontown's done right okay wait wait paint the walls yellow what is Toontown hold on yeah okay it should be yellow it should be yellow um [ __ ] I can't even paint in here though now because if the cow is [ __ ] this is so hard to navigate can I even leave okay you can barely leave um all right so we go it needs to be really fast yellow um sorry let me yellow canary bird sure perfect [Music] and now I paint [Music] okay this room is impossible to navigate okay I can barely make the you should have a kidnapping room I mean it already kind of looks like that in a couple places [Music] like haunted the haunted mansion is Jared fogle's Haunted Mansion [Music] these are not piss walls this is yellow not everything that's yellow is pissed yet okay good paint okay toontown's good how many how many minutes do I have for the remaining um perfect that's a little horrifying 23 minutes [ __ ] okay let's do um Tomorrowland next okay this is Splash Mountain um oh there's a whole room here I forgot about what was gonna be the point of that that can be parking okay this is gonna be um Tomorrowland [Music] okay I'll just make this smaller oh it caught it off damn it sure whatever uh okay goes here and then here and here I should probably put lights oh we can go bigger okay that's too big okay it's just barely too big [Music] okay so here real real simple okay real simple you come back here [ __ ] cyberpunk oh wait wait no no uh cyberpunk check this out hello um why is nothing coming up for cyberpunk what what it's supposed to I it had cyberpunk stuff walls yeah here we go what okay we'll do this as the wall okay um tiling how do I okay let's do this one at a time there has to be faster why isn't it the right tiles why isn't it these what hold and switch to move uh no I want to tile with this how do I okay I'll just make I'll just get rid of these over here e e I'm pressing e nothing's happening those aren't tiles is that not what I okay tiles why whatever we're good 20 minutes okay yeah we gotta go fast we gotta go really fast this room is just I'll throw some cyberpunk [ __ ] in it and then we we bail do I need to fully pile the walls I do feel like I probably should because it'll take like 20 extra seconds but I really need to start cutting Corners somewhere Jesus Take the Wheel click and drag I I trade it's not working it doesn't seem to work on the tiles okay uh that's good let me just grab these okay literally perfect uh oh right there's no thing above the door all right um cyberpunk flooring how do we this I guess tread plate Sally thanks for the one year no how dude swap the tiling and paneling that's walls it's by the door floor is flat so is there no cyberpunk floor back floor and ceiling okay here we go you missed a wall there's no time okay all right we just got to crank things out uh cyberpunk accessories uh sure energy drink yes go actually we should get a couple of those Tomorrowland has a lot of energy drinks uh towels sure uh bathroom no no [Music] bathroom fixtures uh yeah we'll get a shower oh I think this has to be attached to an actual shower thing all right no time for that uh same with the sinks decorations oh beautiful that looks good that looks really good looks really good guys okay yeah we'd probably go next room all right last thing let me just get um like Furniture of some kind uh sure cupboard and we need a bed and then we bail bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad what the [ __ ] here okay cool Tomorrowland is done um we have Splash Mountain let's do Adventure Land I guess we could wait till it's outside okay what do I have left uh we have Toontown lights okay I I guess we do need some lights a little bit no we don't need lights they'll be fine okay uh we got haunted house Main Street ideally I'll leave for Last Splash Mountain Toontown which near the parking lot maybe this could be the parking lot we'll put it here parking lot we're gonna get done really quick here's what we're gonna do for parking lot oh [ __ ] that's not a uh copy I have to put it into the parks are lot well there's no time to edit it how would you park in here okay [Music] um okay we needed we need Adventureland that's the outdoors so we just need like lots of plants um and I need a sign here for Adventureland uh uh Adventureland sign Disneyland okay we take it in here boom and uh now it's fair use [Music] okay 15 minutes okay okay okay okay all right right got her I gotta hurt I gotta hurry ideally we have some time for Main Street okay cool we got Adventureland ready to go galacticat thanks so much um now it's just we got we need to add like lots of bushes and stuff we just need to make outside beautiful and probably have a pool store let's add a pool first that's like a good way oh my god pool pool's a good way to just like make it look like there's stuff going on right how is pool I swear if you search pool something comes up why is nothing oh cause I'm in cyberpunk okay uh I need a big one it's the biggest possible pool these all look really small am I crazy these are all indoor all right they're most of them are indoor I'll add a ball pit too I'll put the ball pit in Toontown uh here let's do this oh my God this is gigantic never mind okay Place pool okay and now we go oops God I keep pressing the wrong the tilde button ball pit what ball it's a two years yeah no no here's what we're gonna do cash in the trash this is now ball pitland saved now we go to um out here plants sure this thing presented by Jared Fogle uh sure Cube shaped whatever the [ __ ] I really wish this game did not have a day night cycle my God okay how many I really don't need that many more plants do I a bonsai tree sure this is not how you would decorate your outside of a house uh you can disable day night cycle how do I do that um okay for sure Disneyland's gonna have a 1.5 meter tall cactus it's in the settings oh my God I have to do that settings gameplay Eco lighting mode day night mode let's do real time oh so much better okay eventually I'm looking it's looking pretty hype you need to add water to the pool or do I uh that's probably good on Adventureland right we don't we don't have time I should probably put like a few flowers laughs tiki torch oh do they have that okay that's the last thing and then definitely Tiki no Tiki no they do have lights though apparently but is there okay whatever Haunted Mansion doesn't need lighting you can have one light this is so hard to get out of here we go okay we've got Adventureland the parking um okay we need to do we do need something here which is um we go like this let me go parking lot's good to go this way it looks like a feature all right all right that's beautiful let me put it here [Laughter] that one sucks okay um so what do I have left okay of all the plans Splash Mountain's good to go all right we're checking out flesh toontown's good to go parking lot's good to go Adventureland is good to go haunted house is good to go tomorrowland's good to go we just need Main Street we just need to decorate the inside of the house you can't get into Haunted Mansion yeah you can you'll be fine yeah you're fine okay so we need to I don't know what do I put in here okay I need we definitely need um the Cinderella Castle Sleeping Beauty Castle Disneyland all right okay thank you nerd wallet the Epcot ball I don't I've never been to Disney World I don't know what Epcot ball looks like is it literally just a ball uh Castle is it just a big ball I mean I just put a ball somewhere okay that'll be on the list of things to do we add it's just a giant ball okay okay we can make that way bigger height a lot bigger width a little bigger okay this should cover the whole wall because it's like the intro shot so like a tiny bit taller and good bit wider okay a little bit wider is this this one is important right we had a lot of value out of this tiny bit wider all right perfect meatball thank you okay that looks great right okay uh we need a ball I don't know how we get a ball give me a gym ball what's the Epcot hold on what does Epcot look like um Epcot okay it looks like a golf ball that's it okay uh medium okay we need floors we need floors um what color what color is is Main Street Disneyland this is like when you walk into Disneyland Main Street Disneyland okay floor is kind of like the walls are like a nice collar floor brick Oh yeah yeah good call good call brick Bridge uh any of these work this is flooring right because it's not tile yes this is flooring right okay that looks super good guys Doug Kneeland is starting to come together I should probably go up here too right a brick road a yellow brick road no that's Wizard of Oz you're just not thinking of the right thing or is that in Disneyland I haven't been a little while okay tomorrowland's all set put a street down the center how do I do that okay walls I feel like um uh I mean paint we could just do paint and then so hold on we're looking at like various colors right you missed a spot no it's fine we don't have time okay so yellows and like Reds yeah like this and I'll just do it for some of it so like so like we'll in we'll we'll simulate little shops right that's pretty smart we'll simulate alternating shops dude I don't know I feel like this is gonna be a good ass house okay at least six minutes okay all let me all we have to do is decorate Main Street let me just get some more of these um and then I just buy more like that right paint we go white with like uh pastel windows we don't need windows in the house who the [ __ ] needs windows is that like seriously more important than putting walls on Main Street why is this one so big whatever I want it hello okay this game is real janky okay parking lot will leave that color the way it is I just want to do this one spot why is it blocking whatever that looks great lanterns we don't I feel like we don't need them okay let me get one more color what's another color of shops we have yellow we're we're like okay uh yellow orange maybe more yellow maybe like red or something I'll do I'll do [ __ ] orange I'll just do orange green there's no green is there in Main Street I guess there's a little bit let's do this this is fine we'll do uh like that all right I always forget we don't where do we need water what are you talking about Adventureland is fine without the water it doesn't need water okay parking we leave as is I'll tile this okay cool and then I'll sell all this [ __ ] you know what I could do in the last couple seconds is like put up paintings of stuff water's for losers dude if you want water go to Splash Mountain cleanliness hurry up oh [ __ ] you're right sell objects okay I gotta sell the paint cans in Splash Mountain in I mean in a haunted mansion whatever well that doesn't matter okay um we need like paintings that's the last thing I can do painting uh um like this this is like some Main Street stuff right uh medium no no that's too big like just to make it look like something's going on right painting like we just need we just need like some nice fancy looking paintings yeah maybe we don't no one cares about the painting okay when you get this you're gonna tell me drama's gonna notice this he's gonna love that okay um and then what maybe pain on the outside the outside oh [ __ ] yeah okay we gotta clean up we gotta clean up okay hold on hold on hold on this is gonna be fine okay do I sell this stuff sell the paint cans get fireworks I don't have the pool the pool doesn't need water it's fine all right hold on I'm gonna I'm gonna un death I'm not just like oh wow that was so hard I mean like an audible like like this was annoying you know what I mean like an audible like complaint oh my God Haunted Mansion is the worst okay we have two minutes okay all right Haunted Mansion is good what else do I need to do did you enjoy it has to be I saw Karen [ __ ] yeah oh yeah okay I I can't get out of here don't and don't give it away either I was gonna put it okay apparently I shouldn't be listening um the front I mean the front looks pretty good I think I don't we only have two minutes check Splash Mountain for tiles no splash Mountain's good Adventure land's good do I put in pool switch to garden hose [Music] okay there you go wait what the [ __ ] why is there a wall here okay this is fine last minute I don't the flamethrower is okay wait let's mow the lawn I just feel like first impressions are what matter right one minute left fireworks I don't want fireworks I don't think that's in this game you're killing Adventureland no Adventureland is unkempt right this area has got to look clean this looks good this looks good cars in the parking lot okay with 30 seconds if they have a car anything car related I think that's time it goes off German's time I'm looking all right is the pencils down pencils down pencil down oh we're doing that in the Discord to tell everybody all right pencils are down pencils are down pencils are down okay I'm not adding anything more I'm not eating it anymore stressed in my entire was there a car too man I didn't realize how quick 75 minutes was it sounded so long during the prep I was like that's that's like 10 minutes per room that's easy no it's like 30 minutes per room from learning the game while doing it yeah we we we can so poke is still going poke has been given special uh time because poke showed up 30 minutes late um so poke is still building right now he's got about 20 minutes left let me let me let's let's ask the group how are you all doing do you guys want an extra 10 to 15 minutes so good I'll take a Russia five well poke you are you poke you have like an extra to almost 25 minutes a little bit of time no just to put those final touches on just to make sure it's just right I would actually like no extra time because I think everybody else has um messed up and I don't think five minutes will help me I need like 45. I'm gonna take it more time I think this is good I think we did [ __ ] good I think it barely came together in time could you use five to ten I couldn't I need three hours by the baddies I genuinely think we can win if I like went over by two minutes no definitely not not yeah uh that's minus ten no that's not allowed Jeremiah what if I put your dog in it will that give me two points back I I just want time to finish the shrine you know oh yeah we had the confines of the time we should play within the time elevated to us you have to remain within the confines of the tortilla yeah the only thing is poke poke poke you should get out of here because you have like an extra 20 minutes to build I I mean I'm down to take the L I got some crazy design s two minus two you get points as I was did you ask me yeah day of my life miserable God damn it's not easy everybody had a really good time thanks so much everybody thought it was fun all right so here we go so how's it going to start we're gonna go just be you all should have the times you feel free to stick around if you want to watch okay this area sucks there's nothing here I want to watch so feel free to watch but the only thing is it will only be me and the other person in a one-on-one in this call but feel free to react to it and watch what other people did so first one Joel it is you so Joe if you would if you could turn on your Okay so chat you see this also we've got some options someone needs to go earlier I'm feeling a little bit better than this morning so I can swap if someone needs to get out of here faster oh we could be that out in due time for sure anybody wants to walk with Alex where he is currently um okay yeah all right so let me get out of this because I need to be able to capture this so let's get this started so we have about five to seven minutes this the times aren't gonna I am later okay so now that everybody's made the house to be waiting around for like two hours so let's get started Joe you ready I am going to open yours up I have your audio okay hold on I'm gonna mute them for a sec so um the building competition is done honestly dude I think I think I was pretty sick ours because I'm a streamer and we do all of this together chat I genuinely think ours is pretty dope I think it actually came together I was fairly worried when there was only two rooms done like 50 minutes in the last ones came together quick it's got It's got a whole vibe it's got a whole theme and the fact that the outdoor I didn't have to do any of it because it's just Adventureland total hack um I think it's gonna be [ __ ] sick uh there are I think eight people who are being reviewed before me let's assume each one is five to ten minutes that means that's like a dollar an hour right so it's like an hour and a half probably until our creation gets judged by germa we can sit here watching the other ones which I'm down to do um I could also like play some Mario Kart or something but I don't know if people have a strong preference I'll probably just chill and look at the other ones at this point because I'm I'm pretty curious hold on at least watch the first like two or whatever um uh let me just exit my game so I can hear this better I can get rid of the timer as well I will throw on some music I'll throw on some some DK uh the alert I can hear like somebody swearing don't worry about that no okay remove this yeah all right we'll also your game we'll judge yeah maybe I'll start doing some peg in the background or something okay you can begin your tour okay I'm here and I'm ready okay germa so the uh the extensive uh cleanup that I did of this first of all before we went to the house I want to make sure that you see all of my nice cleanup that I did there's no trash there's nothing going on here you know I can see it's all pretty damn good you know and don't worry about that but whatever so my point is uh I did a lot here to make sure this is going to be presentable and good now first thing you're going to see is this is a crime this is a blurry little tape but it doesn't matter wait Joe before could you just stand still for one second because uh the bit right your bit rate is phenomenal oh really yeah well you're gonna you're gonna have to go to each room and freeze for like five seconds okay okay but everything could lower the FBS too that can help sometimes if you're like running native the bitrate kind of suffers so a lower FPS streaming helps do you think it's because there's so many people in this uh you can always just watch My Stream I'm also streaming on my channel if you want to I could pull that up too but this is one to one oh that was looking good so I can actually react with you I think it's it's actually good now all right did you make a change no no we're definitely not last place I think I mean I haven't seen anybody else's you guys maybe have you ready I think I'm ready we got a real shot so you see the Yellow Tape has crime scene do not cross don't worry about it too okay now what I did here is I made sure that even though my house is flaws I made sure to point them out to kind of get a bit of a you know like be aware there are some issues here since a trip hazard in here now as you watch the bathroom here I did an interior decorating here that shows that I got a sense of humor in the you know face of Terror so I didn't install the toilet but I installed a hole here instead okay if you prefer I install a poop knife for the the willing and a plate of brownies now if you might notice there's a picture of William Defoe looking at you huh that's a nice time Chad why didn't any of you suggest Willam to phone courage unacceptable you know fecal content but as you can see yes to that note of that you know uh be careful be aware so that that's on the right that that's somebody uh defecating is what I'm being is that what that is no it's art okay anyway um anyway that's a bathroom and it's a big window out here but you own this entire area so it should be fine now anyway that's a bathroom uh you know and in here I made a make sure to do a little thematic thing here as you can see there's an alien in here and you do like this green wow there's a lot of going on there's a bit of a Sci-Fi theme I love this PS1 games sci-fi theme yes and better check this out great it's just green it's not that's not a Sci-Fi thing I I I like it I like that I like the radio I don't like aliens so you know say no to alien abduction there's a little cabin abducted there's some corn for the alien and as you can see here there's the guy from Toy Story Gary uh and you know I got a little gleeby-dooby guy and a toilet too but uh this is gonna be playing throughout your house tour and gonna irritate you so I'm basically telling you that if you're impervious to migraines this is great but if you're not then you know whatever but anyway that's just the bottom floor here now I want to guide you out of here because I have something I've muted the game sir now there's two options here you can check out the amazing Mason or the hidden Green gobbler room is it did it for you can we can we go to the uh the PlayStation one Green gobbler room you got it then there's the Green gobbler and as you can see picture well on the phone dedicated to the man now so how many shrines um Willem William that's not how you spell his name is that what is that said is it Jack Nicholson up there tell him to fall he died this year and I want to make sure that everybody remembers he that of gas I'm checking it's over here the foal was turned into the Green Goblin um there's an air conditioning unit here that's a nice touch why didn't any of you suggest air conditioning to turn into Spider-Man you and I are too different Spiderman I'm I'm putting down a complexity grid here uh what I enjoy let me stop you for one second I do very much enjoy the Green Goblin uh room I think it was a very good creative Choice what I what I'm very uh we have a parking lot here is the fact that that's Jack Nicholson's picture up there not actually Williamsville and over on the right there that's uh can you get in close to that please yeah that picture there yeah just getting real close and just stand still for a second because I want people to be able to see this as it uh it offers a little bit here uh yeah that's I'm going to give you a little bit of points deducted from that because this is one of my least favorite images on the internet so I'm gonna deduct a few points for you from that one for your uh for your philosophy I do I do like the vision I'm a big fan of the vision anyway uh all right we've seen it I'll take it as you can see here there's the gas from there and once you've ingested the gas the the mass starts talking to you and you can stand in front of the mirror and it goes you know Spider-Man so there's an entire Green Goblin room yeah all right how many pictures did he just have available of your house is there on his hard drive uh a little bit there's just two areas left okay show off so that's a Green gobbler um yep I like it show this off I didn't do anything with my garage reference to uh maybe German will forget about it I did please don't deduct the points please don't deduct points I don't know what it is the pixels are trying so hard to put that image on the screen it looks well that just like actually scared me there's another person behind me can I interrupt real quick if we made it daytime you could probably see everything let's try to do that uh if you can't sleep in a bedroom yes I don't have a bed I think it's also because you are technically sharing from uh from across the world I think that's another reason um wait what are these sound effects maybe okay just checking can we just listen to the audio for a second I just cannot get just into I this is going to be a part of your grade because philosophy I'm yeah I want to turn your volume up I want to hear that [Music] dude there's sound effects in the game [Applause] [Music] you gotta go to listening to that I think I got it yeah I got it okay what's our cover for the garage uh somebody died but it's okay because you know how do I explain that the garage was not touched at all I bet you I'm the only one who expanded the house life comes right probably porn here from it oh a garden free party we have a parking lot it can't be perfect it's also solar powered so it's you know it's environmentally healthy it's an employee living space they made sure to include a little puzzle because we all like mind puzzles right so here's the amazing game expanded okay all right wait wait can you can you actually sleep can you like reset your game like just go to a different house and go back to this one all right so just go to back to your office it's the janitor's house we'll say employee like office here no yeah make make this your office make that move office here yep move office here okay put the computer down okay now go just leave here and come back because I think we'll fix some of the division problems that way main menu yeah just and just come right back in okay I like that we'll save VIP parking the thing is I'm not sure if it's accessible so we might just be like I could say like it's that part behind Disneyland you can't see also you could on uh Joel's dream too has a uh like this is where we keep the employees all right we'll do the we'll say that's the garage is the Universal Studio I can still get it I can still see what you're doing yeah yes okay that's it that's it that's it that's again crafts now oh that piece of [ __ ] yeah that's Universal Studios it's really terrible compared to Disneyland am I right uh beautiful the statement you missed like that's what we needed we needed to feel intentional right I see I see this like I'll get all angry right okay cool oh so we're gonna be talking about Universal Studios [ __ ] those guys this is the amazing mace by the way right so I think that somebody else did amazing but all right you know I'm gonna open your stream okay yeah yeah and you're like my God I have solved the mace in Jeremiah germa this is for you buddy because I know someone has a special day coming up you've solved the maze so you've done the brain puzzle and ladies and gentlemen happy birthday Jeremy happy 16th we are so proud of you buddy have a race and Cake yeah thank you birthday in months and months from now I appreciate it that's right oh that's and that's not how tall I am you're getting points removed for creativity for that because the short joke birthday Jeremy well on its way out by now we are so proud of you uh but anyway uh yeah this is a real mace that leads to your personal looking pleasure Zone okay yeah what does that mean all right what go back to the table for a second uh-huh and what what is this this is a this is a cake there's a little racing cake buddy yeah because you like racing cakes hold on Disney theme parks have an aladdin exception rule that allows the actor portraying the character Aladdin to kill guests if absolutely necessary the spider though right it's not real spider is cool but it's not [ __ ] real thanks for reinstating all my points buddy you're my friend not true I will I cannot wait to go back I think Universal Studio is a stronger okay it's a stronger pitch here wait there's another area okay but the Aladdin exception is funny off because germa you like twister just you know Timeless game right it was true like wall twister yeah I I guess you figure this [ __ ] out because I ran out of time anyway as you can see look at that Auto that's right please give me 10 points for being so caring as a friend anybody that has Auto in their house gets an extra two or three points at least on every calendar why didn't any of you tell me to put germa's dog I put some boffits in because you know I'm sure you like ball pits these are real boffits by the way huh what is to the right what is down there is that like a air conditioner that that's a printer because yeah we all like to print [ __ ] you know my printer's actually on the ground like that yeah you get points actually let's go to the ground oh that that's germ reversal Studios check the second fruit those [ __ ] couldn't make a theme party but don't worry the spider infestation problem is mostly resolved though um cleanliness did Joel just like put up random images and then build around the images okay ready ladies and gentlemen Beware of the boggler and that's a little star reference there so you know oh he's not here doesn't matter because germa it's your streamer room oh that looks good you got your Reddit shelf over here wait so did you just have all of these images of German ready to go chicken egg a tomato and you love uh that kefir tomato sorry sorry I do tomatoes I'm sorry that's yes yeah but whatever that's that's fine but check this out uh it's nice milk and there's a big milk bucket and as you can see on the floor it's infested with rats friendly okay they look that's cool what's that poster can you get in close and just freeze this is the flavors what's your flavor you are a gamer so you like seeds of Victory cashews of chaos cashews of Destruction uh definitely not cashews for sure what's that one gamer snacks Gourmet Trail mixer Joel's getting dead very many gamer snacks but I do appreciate the fact that we had never opened the game before today uh well you can't do that on Twitch and I pretty much only predominantly use twitch and then told us to like play through the first few missions and do the DLC so I did that and then I just scanned through all the stuff Recreation I didn't know how to build houses before this or anything like how to do the walls or anything buddy we're gonna be cooking guns and we're gonna be using a sink here and enjoy the sink drink although are those shotguns are those what's on the ground this house leans heavily into like boom images explosives ultimately German's the one grading all of these right well as you can see you know there's some accidents here but we got shotguns there's a toxic head so I don't know how how much that'll tickle is you know chocolate and eggs yeah that's good but here whichever whichever one of us meant it's not only tickled German the hardest and to really sell this house home Jeremiah I watched German stream they can see his face what's better he'll be delayed baby with a gun and peace near a fireplace with explosives or I could crop just his face from here from what I'm watching I think there are quite a few things that are that would be better than that I think uh I think philosophy might have to take a little bit of a nose dive on this one just because that's uh that's very dangerous and uh and there's also somebody's uh separate limb over there as well I believe is that I mean I that's dangerous I don't know if good would be the answer but dangerous is definitely up there but you could put points for dangerously fun wait I could have it move I feel like hold on okay okay it's delayed though I think I'm ready to grade you okay I think I'm ready remember it's it's a remember reaction camera five seconds ago we are going to go for creativity Joel I think you actually did a lot there was a lot of time and placement that went into this I'm going to give you for creativity I'm going to give you because of the amount of objects that you placed the amount of individual objectives you're gonna get a 94. or your or your creativity really okay 94 for creativity I think you actually did quite a lot I think it was very very wonderful I think okay so a lot of good placement I like I love the corn I like the garden hold on let me know complexity is also going to be a little bit High because your complexity is in uh you've you there was a full thought out Maze part of this it's actually watch which gives you some points the complexity of you know Germans not as tall as his door I mean and like you know Green Goblin I um it's not that complex I uh I do appreciate the fact that you did put a gnome next to that he likes the maze that's going to be good for our Haunted Mansion more than get out of here Tyler this is unrelated and if you feel that way that's not deductible on points I'm gonna give you an 80 I'm going to give you an 82. on complexity and structure okay I think it was still good dude these are high scores you get an 82 on that that's a solid B has a solid B minus let's watch another one instead was very good I don't see any trouble I tried getting into League of Legends for like one or two days and then got bored where's the garage so I watched tyler1 during that one day and now I don't anymore because I don't know League yeah I need I gave it one day because I need you to go to the left this was like two years ago no that's clear that's clear uh the spiders are gonna take some points off unfortunately because it's you know yeah they were you didn't clean that up beforehand also I think that as Parker to teach you explosives everywhere could be very dangerous and make a bigger yeah I play DotA 2. I'm gonna have to give you a 75 on climate well play DotA 2. sorry I think yeah I think that's a song with spiders everywhere they're rats everywhere I've played like 50 games of DOTA in the last 10 years it's pretty complex it's pretty creative but I'm going to give you a 75 on cleanliness okay do we want to watch germa or your philosophy and theming I'm gonna give you a I think you deserve an 86. I think that was a solid B want to watch his face well here we'll do this I'll give you I'm gonna give you a 90. actually because you did have you did have a pretty good this is the worst way uh you know the Green Goblin yeah you had a pretty good theme all right it's time for chat's grade what is your grade you have to pick it has to be 95 85 75 65 those are your choices you aren't doing it here I think you did a hell of a job uh those of you that opened up Joel's stream would have seen the high quality version we got to see a good like PlayStation 2 version which I think actually added to it so that's why I gave you more points for creativity and I think we can we can see what they want to do when we get the poll going that got you lots that adding your own audio track yeah that was a good time it's a huge deal that's a good touch that's your own audio track in the game that's how you got a 94 in creativity um can we have the poll you have to go to the Germans Channel which by the way if any of you have not heard of German somehow 95 from chat for Joel Joel that brings your team you're told the grade German's the best okay well you are at an 87.6 is your final grade that's a B plus it's pretty good yeah pretty good that's a B plus for Jill okay raid him 7.6 Joel I I just want to let you all know that Jesus Take the Wheel I'm very happy to be part of this Gabe thank you so much um opportunity to show off and uh not necessarily show off in a sort of you know uh narcissistic way but rather you know show everybody that my hard drive is running out of space for some reason anyway whatever my point is uh I worked really hard on this and I think uh it's pretty good according to you guys which makes me very happy uh but this was my little uh attempt at making a house here and I can't wait to show to see what everybody else has done because I mean cleanliness if you think mine is the best that's not going to be the case because you know well we'll see yeah we'll see we'll see but but I just want to thank you all for you know looking at my house and I want to thank uh the bugler himself for gaming such a high high rank honestly the the lower bit rate actually added to it for me it really did yeah I agree with that it works for his it makes it feel like it was a pleasure in your house it was phenomenal or a der resistance uh I hope you had fun thank you guys coming up we have thank you if we want to talk if we want everybody want to say anything about uh Joel's house before we move on to Sea Dog is anyone else going to get the the points benefit for PS2 Graphics in the Discord preview I feel like his house is perfect for the PS2 Graphics though I mean like it could have worked better I think that's why walls wait what do you say look nothing I I just spent most of my time painting the outside of my house and I realized I should have just put in 20 decorations I use the paint gun and I grappled too Connor it was so easy stupid he doesn't know how wrong it is I should have hung spiders he doesn't know how wrong he is I don't have a single rat in my house so many ill references it was so tight you're gonna get so many more points for painting the outside of your house check out Doug's house all right see you dog you're up next are you are you ready under your stream quality settings set stream quality to better text readability it might actually increase the bit rate I was out on Discord I believe so and if you stream into the high school pretty oh today yeah okay everything's boosted I didn't see this oh there we go HD streaming yeah so if we can do uh when you do your stream do it at 30 FPS rather than 60. try to go with the highest quality and do that text readable thing at 30 yes you probably also have a good idea who who's the other person streaming in the Discord I can't see it because the the DOTA dots oh only oh just only have me do it yeah oh so if you if you want to watch maybe open up the person's stream that's currently doing it are they just watching through Derma stream yeah it's probably better that's probably the best way to do it okay so Joel you should turn your screenshot because we're moving on to uh so Sea Dog did you uh oh my God I muted this whole time oh my god I'm an idiot so much I think my opening is like five minutes we heard you all right we are we ready to uh Ken let me just make let's make sure it actually looks okay first yeah tell me if it how many peas is that 100. that looks good it actually looks it looks pretty it looks pretty good it actually looks good all right we need to practice what to say to German no um so what do you mean sharing is kind of giving me a seizure okay are you sure yeah because it looks it looks pretty good just bear in mind that I'm fighting that for you when you've grading I got it I got it I got you all right we're ready how you doing I'm doing good you want to see the outside first is that where we normally start on these things yeah you are free to give me the tour however you'd like to all right so let's have a look let's have a look how clean the garden is approach with the garden um by minimalist I mean you removed everything well yeah but that's what I thought it meant let us tell you through timeliness as you get rid of so nervous for my one-on-one because there's like there's like stuff that lives in dirt that's dirty like worms and stuff so I wanted to get rid of the grass that they would live in um uh mainly because I couldn't burn them down I love you so you try to burn them down it didn't work okay thank you so you are very well uh one of them there it is clean it is very extremely clean not a single weed around very clean exceptions okay all right all right okay I think we'll be in like top three I think we'll be in top three I did actually get rid of these initially but the these I have no idea what the other people's houses back in the time that you were doing okay all right yeah it did it didn't paraphrase it's all right oh that's a good idea sorry I would have liked it I would have liked some Shrubbery if it was possible I would have liked a little bit I left this one in here yeah okay uh mainly because I couldn't remove it um so I did leave that in okay so you are you ready for the tour oh I'm ready for the tour okay okay you're spending a lot of time in the outside hey Doug I've been banned for the past week or so and I wanted something a few streams thinking about it societal collapse and balls there's like the ad of the person who actually like where you got that picture from it's a good credit you got credit there that's actually very thoughtful of you you're trying to the asses here on this channel okay um pointing the to the enter uh Jesus Christ oh that's you at the entrance it's me in a maid outfit I this happens a lot actually on my streams and content so I thought it would be a fun callback okay I'm so sorry and then uh I have other oh that's nice that's a nice touch so you actually you did you did an exterior I will give you credit for that you did a very elaborate exterior yeah you know I I I I I'm sorry sorry interrupts you I didn't mean to I just wanted to tell you that oh no it's your story it's your tour please give me your philosophy I need to hear it you uh essentially the guy that we all are here to impress and I noticed that in a lot of my favorite countries they tend to have pictures of the guy in charge on walls so I thought well why don't I mimic that and have the you know the biggest mural be of the guy in charge the German Camp Rose he's just so happy but you you uh we're gonna be talking a little bit of points on this because you went less like Rembrandt painting there we go to show how how interesting and amazing I look I'm gonna use the bathroom more like the guy melting at the end of Indiana Jones um I think that's a little it's a little bit of a of a point deduction it was the first one it was the first one that came up on Google um what did you type what did you type what do you mean that's the first thing that came up on Google what did you type into Google it's it's the Japanese Google it's different it's it's a different Google all right okay I'm feeling it if you tried it now it wouldn't work okay okay I'm sorry okay so I will preface actually no you know what I want I want preface I won't tell you okay that having that dog in me okay uh we blocked this off does I just didn't want it I was tired of doors what you didn't put a door no no there's this door there's another one it's another door can you get into the house that struggling that that comes that structural Integrity is going to see at least at a c right now no no no no you can you know you can get in the house you can get in the house don't worry you can get in the house okay of course you can get in the house what can I ask what would I be if I made a house without tools you know I've been living in Japan now for a while and I've been I've been concerned with earthquakes and I just thought that these doors here were they were just a hazard waiting to happen so I blocked those off okay I don't even know what this is I'll be honest with you I just okay was this like the first picture in like the folder of the meme folder you have on your desktop I I asked the viewers because I didn't have time to get them I asked the views to send me memes and some of them on right some of them Connor Connor you asked your you asked my memes yeah I didn't have I didn't I didn't know we would I didn't know we could put memes in the game until I got in right okay but creativity is going to see a little bit of a hit on that one just a little it's creative because I'm I'm going beyond my means right I started this is left by the previous something in this room outside of the house you didn't do that oh God I didn't do it the the contractor left it back okay got it got it right they leave stuff all the time okay this is the first time so yeah this is the first time entering the house this is serious you just said this is not even this is not even a house thank you for these three years with giant like pictures on them Jolene sorry no no thank you this is so much more than that okay all right well I think it's this I think this is what's been causing my nose and I'm allergic to something in it I think the the the concept okay first of all all right so you're gonna have to hear a lot of them sorry okay wait before you go any further is there Furniture in your house yes okay that actually is Photoshop it actually is all right so okay we're good so let me I'm sorry I'm laughing too I can't present seriously all right okay so in the house right I decided that because you were talking about creativity you were talking about complexity I thought why not merge the two concepts house has one Furniture ideas from some of the properties and you could sleep in the pool so I decided that okay well in one of the four balls fun elaborate movies you think you go on the right way you go in the wrong way I mean it's the whole point of a maze but I thought you were doing fun because often time in modern house design it's all about knocking the walls down I thought no why don't we put more walls just so many walls that it's actually just inconvenient to live there but in fact I did I did did everybody make a maze monster I want you to be able to charge your phone um and then I decorated it with uh some pictures that I found okay point out that it's a child's bed anti-open okay so we'll try to remember the Jared Fogle room has a child's bed so it's amazing the whole house which is not intentional by the way right now I there it is I thought you did that I was about to go holy [ __ ] I was like Wow creative wow where did we turn this guy I put that in actually yeah are you familiar with the brutalistic styles of uh svavich no but I okay but let's continue so we're in the first hallway I think I'm the eighth person to get reviewed or whatever so we got a while I was watching other people because I see that this is delusional in a good way by the time by the time the frights I left this here that's intentional I could play Peggle yeah I left this year I could I could I I'm remodeled the entire floor I had to knock down all the walls I had to border off everything I got rid of all the windows they're all gone and I left this here as a as a kind of a Keepsake of the previous owner it was kind enough to sell me this house um I wanted to just have something also it's terrifying when you walk in because you know the fact that you could scrape your head boom like that you know I'm gonna let you slide on that one because that was an unbelievable [ __ ] that was unbelievable I'll let you slide on that one thank you okay so you want to turn right I would like to turn right what you want to play if you're pressing forward could I even do that right now I'd want to watch the game though or uh I'd like to continue to go forward I'm compelled by this I guess okay I could do it I would like you just stop and go back okay okay to quickly explain what is going on with the wall on the left here you go like turn around I feel like it's gonna be like an hour and a half before structural Integrity complexity issue it would be funny to see how many levels you guys can be all the time everyone is talking about I want a big hat how much square footage no one's thought about how much square footage can I have and how much can I make it useless so I think it's a it's a fun concept to just start restricting space in an awkward way so now you can't even put anything here it should it should inconvenient and you're wondering why why is that there uh I I actually understand that I get it okay I'm just I'm just I'm just trying to get a little more of your video up I think a lot of a lot of the scoring here is gonna be how well you can justify yeah Connor's good at bullshitting I would like you to go straight and he's got the voice you know he just sounds sophisticated okay I think that helps that's a huge so this is what was this gonna be oh no this is the whole point it's just like the signal that you've gone the wrong way like I do feel like it's like you didn't voice deducted by two whatever he says any words why would I reward them for going the wrong way they're idiots that's a weapon right that's a good weapon you can just like used to justify it what is literally the worst room I've ever seen in a house Connor there's no cheese on the ground I'm sorry is that cheese in this game let me pull up the tablet right now there's no cheese there's no cheese there's no way there's cheese what are you freaking about you're about to tell me Conor Conor doesn't have a beautiful voice come on it's ridiculous okay my bad sorry I shouldn't have argued to do that British all right so here's we have another meme Sky raisins and jalapenos all right we have why is it getting Tighter and Tighter and Tighter in here yeah I did that on purpose what the [ __ ] I don't know what that is but you just keep going for that that looks good okay this Yoda the Yoda you gotta get some creative points before sorry Dicky Mouse I have to call him Dicky Mouse otherwise the pizza it is peanut butter your complexity and structure grade right now is a 65. oh right now oh no really I mean this is very complex the thing about this part is that it it's a skill check because YouTube video probably not actually clip through it to get I mean I have a good time but you see I'm kind of stuck right now here's a problem with YouTube videos my team of editors like rips ass I think we make some of the best videos of any YouTuber who makes cut Downs of streams I think we've we're [ __ ] super solid but we also take a while to make videos and the problem with something like this is that um it would take us multiple weeks as a team to make this meanwhile uh RT game and germa and Ludwig wall haven't edit out in like two days so it's like it's a little tough it's like well should I just be there like three weeks late what can you what you can use that what does that mean use all right your creativity is just edit their vids together so far that takes way more time let's see what's above a c c minus uh I'm not sure if you're aware of this but if you edit you can go higher yeah ten different streams instead of just one I'm gonna give you one it takes about 10 times as long thank you so much so that doesn't really solve the problem philosophy is because you took this concept of walls and Maze and you made it your entire house I've yet to see a pizza by the way I've yet to see a piece of furniture by the way you will see Furniture don't you worry uh so we'll go forward and we can go this way but there's nothing you can just stand here and contemplate but you can also give us this meme oh like copy all of their videos and release them yeah that's a good ocean sometimes and think foreign that's very funny a lot of these it's fine as long as everyone's Cool insurance the other part of the maze but it's very clean it's very clean I would have had to add it into the game walls I clearly needed I needed to add sound effects hey guys no other life form can live here actually there's so much asbestos in pain shut up can you not even go through your house no it was like I said it's a skill checks anyone real game is going past this place yeah this will be I won't show the house anymore except for I'm going to be a 75 for creativity this is all you get of our house an FPS skill check to go through your house is actually pretty good that's interesting yep so we have another meme oh yeah I can do that okay near on but I'll tell those stories um that I was gonna talk about okay what was I gonna talk about let me tell all the stories Story Time chat okay here are five stories my stories I mean like sentences they're not very long the first one is kind of a story okay um so this happened you know how last week threads the new Instagram thing came out it could say dog is a Storyteller that's a good point let me go get some storytelling music I won't play storytellers too loud there's a good storytelling song though but I have which is Rosalina where is that I have like 500 songs in here I don't remember where Rosalina is and you're somewhere maybe it isn't did I remove it where the [ __ ] did I put it okay sorry I don't have it here's uh here's Wild Woods instead all right so last week are you okay you look sick I look fine what are you talking about um last week I so threads threads like blew up last week right and so everybody on Twitter was making a post about like well if everybody else is doing it like I guess I gotta make a threads account and everybody's trying to make like cheeky little things and to advertise their new Instagram threads account right so I thought it'd be funny to make a PornHub account and then post a picture of it and they'd be like well guess I gotta try this new threads thing is does this go anywhere in this person no it does not see dogs ladder goes nowhere so I thought that would be funny so I go to Pornhub and I'm not a lunatic so I don't have a PornHub account and I um and so I use my business email because I'm like well it's a big business thing I I guess I don't want people to find like my personal email for this so um sorry go in Doug dugout.com and then it's like this account already exists I was like what did I make a PornHub account at some point like do I own a PornHub account so I did like change password and I changed the password and logged in and apparently um on PornHub I've been a member for over a year and I'm gay but the email is not verified at which point I realized somebody else made a PornHub account with my email and they just let you do that you don't actually have to verify it with the email at all set me up as a gay man on PornHub and that's just existed for at least a year because I have an achievement um called like virgin or something that says that I've been on PornHub for a full year so it at least a year my PornHub account has existed and any of you could have found it I think it's like Doug Doug W or something and so the problem here this was funny except I was like wait I can't post this joke anymore because if I post this account on PornHub and if I post a screenshot that's like haha here's my threads account some people will go to the website and go why does Doug have a why does Doug have a gay account that's a year old and then I would go no no guys I didn't actually make it that's not me and nobody would believe me right if I just posted that and people are like uh Doug has a gay PornHub account nobody would believe me if I'm like no no I didn't do it guys it's not my account nobody would [ __ ] believe me nobody would believe me and so then and it's just like oh damn it I can't even I didn't post anything and I then I just made a threads account like a like a a coward so that's the PornHub story count please don't go sign up sign me up for random [ __ ] people do this all the time it's just waste my time um this is the one and only time that it's actually been pretty funny so whoever whoever did that joke that did pay off eventually and I I buckled at it be gay do crimes so true yeah apparently I am a one-year-old gay virgin foreign so I thought you guys might enjoy that um okay that's the porn of account story these next stories are not really stories I got into the airport because I went home to Sacramento this last weekend when I got into the airport and I looked at my boarding pass I was like okay um my flight is at gate B10 and I was like beating these nuts on your face and then I looked up and I realized that you guys are [ __ ] corrupted me because I never have set a Deez Nuts jokes in my life because life because I think they're stupid and that's immediately where my brain went I was just standing there by myself in an airport so I wrote it down I was like all right I got to tell Chad that they've like ruined my brain um I even got beat I got beaten on the way back too I got B10 both both directions so that's the B10 story you actually got him this is the like none of the Deez Nuts jokes have really landed for like six months at least but all of this time spent just drilling it into my brain repeatedly did get me because I saw the number 10 and the letter b and was like got him are these nuts on your face so well played um I went through my like 500 emails as well over the weekend and there was multiple people here who emailed me and said Doug you are actually good at 2D Platformers but I would never tell you that I would never say that publicly in your stream because you know how twitch chat is so there are a lot of you who actually think I'm good at 2D Platformers which makes me continue to believe I am actually good at 2D Platformers it's not a bit that is not a funny haha bit I really believe that and now I'm even more convinced because a bunch of you are too afraid to speak the truth okay it's because of cancel culture in my chat because they'll get canceled if they think I'm good at 2D Platformers publicly yeah okay some people chat wanted an Inquisition um the next story which is not a story uh [Music] is thank you to Desiree for making the pajama Sam emotes that we added I think they are wonderful thank you very much for emailing them and sending them over I did add three to the channel I just want to say thank you so if anybody's curious where this came from Desiree I'm realizing in your email you don't have like uh unless I'm dumb a link to like your profile or anything that you want me to promote so if you want me to oh here's the Rosalina song you want me to promote it at any point let me know because they are wonderful so thank you very much Desiree um and The Last Story is this is not even a story um let me find a good song for it none of these are really stories uh sure no no no hold on no no we need uh one of these songs okay this is not a story at all but I spent the last two days learning to be better at programming okay so this next story is for the programmers okay check this [ __ ] out you're gonna notice on my desktop vs code I'm not using visual studio anymore look at vs code I learned how to use it it's so slick and then I use the color font that just is the most like dark and bright color so I just look really hackery look at how look at how hackery that is and then I started using my RGB keyboard more so it's like flashing all these cool colors and [ __ ] while coding in vs code and I just felt like a cool hacker and then I learned how to make python packages I finally learned how to make python packages so now in my check on app right at the top wait voice manager at the top I just import my own packages with my code so they're modularized and they're shared across everything that's so good like it took me a while to learn how to make packages and stuff but now that I know it's just so much more convenient so all my files have gone all my projects have gone from like 10 files to two it's so cool and I moved my access tokens into a environment variable instead of having them just in a in a file I like legitimately leveled up my programming the last couple days it feels good that's the last story I just feel like a real hacker man right now and just look at these colors how can you say I'm a bad programmer with these colors look at this [ __ ] color scheme it's so ridiculous anyway um those are the stories I hope you enjoyed oh are we done now I think everybody wait no sorry you can't limit the rest of us to like less time we haven't bargain too sorry my Discord completely crashed oh [ __ ] all right I didn't I didn't mean to just be like put on the spot it's like right I have any updates on coffee coffee the update is that they responded they I think I mentioned this on stream um they offered me to get a license for coffee for 1900 which I'm going to do so I I am going to license the song coffee and we'll be able to play this as much as we want on stream I can't wait did no one did anybody tell him to stop he's still going yeah that's uh that's like an hour all right God folk if you can hear us poke in yours you need to stop building oh you need to stop building folk you have to stop building everyone's been trying to get a hold of him he's just going we tried we picked him like three times that's so funny all right so this is actually rigged yeah can you see everything we can see and we are very excited it's Alex hello okay sorry oh hey poke yeah you have to stop building he said he said 30 FPS better text readability yeah it looks uh looks good on our end okay welcome to my home detail-oriented approach and we have competency clean yard uh oh wait hold on restart restart restart restart can you redo it and take away the text readability because we we might not need to do that because uh like we're both on the West Coast oh okay we're good we're good start all over you got it we got it um so smoother video instead yeah I think as long you don't have to do the text mode thing uh you just have to check that box why is germa so crunchy I don't know okay how is that uh looks better can you move around hey all right looks good okay looks good all right so what do we got yeah uh we've got Turf laid down on the entire plot any weeds there won't be that's a full clap for unbel I can't believe we actually did this in in 60 minutes 70 minutes this is uh 100 clean backyard this looks nice wow and I'll show you the uh the corner as well the turf changes as it gets in the back but it's still Turf okay the outside of the house there's no Lake there's no little this isn't italics we have a nice Suburban yard that we can have the kids go out and play for people who just tuned in I will probably be presenting my house in like 100 hour and a half I'm guessing this is italics we tried to get a little custom with the house and get some give us some paneling give it some yeah the outside looks really now let me take you inside here's the thing I don't believe he's gonna have had time for the inside to look nice right under the impression that this is a house flipper competition okay that's good that's really so I have um okay all right that's oh that's pretty damn good that's weird I tell you that's pretty good that's actually for complexity's sake oh yeah yeah all right yeah italics I gotta listen I gotta tell you how complex this was this is like a world first documented ability to do what you're seeing here the furniture to go upside down um hours of trying to figure out how to do it after we did it on accident yesterday okay okay all right so I put in the training I put in the work I put in the preparation um but we we knocked down all the walls and gave it some you know a little Flair you got you got a nice little sliding door so far you and Joel had different uh walls so far now you might be noticing um everybody's using the same paint everyone's got the same paint beige you know it's just that's the default when you start with give me some more we got some um water flowing uphill because this is the the house dude the whole house is upside down okay this is very good we got like a nice little dining area there's a a piano here yeah this is a nice house the presentation with your friends is it Auto Sales food is it Auto Sales maybe maybe take a seat I think it's almost through the whole house well yes but you're kind you're looking at the whole house uh the majority of the time moves spent making sure that all the little details like the exterior were taken care of we got different lean it's it's extremely clean move your office here you're the first person to show sheen on wood by the way so it took a long time to get all of the uh okay like we have a second floor paint job we got paneling on the first exterior actually put in some oh I forgot the windows and some sliding doors and like a proper front door oh it's got a nice little seating area with a big screen right now and some speakers yeah that's my award for getting first place that philosophy I'm gonna have to give you a 95 on that right now that you're right that what that's honest to God that's a philosophy that is a Vibe and it's Europe all right cool we should be safe now if even if it crashes I appreciate being recognized that's not building the house that's saving sometimes overconfidence I'll tell them to ignore the laptop if he sees it so philosophy is going from a 95 to a 93. but look at the fish I can fill it with food oh you actually can go upside down what oh yeah wait do I do that again hold on I'm sorry I gotta apologize we presented the um the house in the wrong way what I I want to make sure I win the house flipper competition after all Alex I don't know if anyone's gonna beat you I don't think anyone's Gonna Come Close I don't think if you'd like to sit and enjoy the TV or check on the neighbors outside through the front window you know yeah that was I mean I don't I mean what do I do about this this is about this is this was Conor's grades hold on a second here we got you at it creativity we got you out I got you out of 95 for creativity I got you at 100 for complexity I've got you at a 100 for cleanliness although this can come down from here well the cleanliness can't go down because this is I can show you the upstairs um but that's so long it took so long to get all these other beautiful deals I don't know how he did this I I had to choose my focus and we just tried to get the downstairs as much as possible in a very short amount of time but you know you've got like at least eight urinals oh yeah I didn't do this the sink is leaking this is just fall down there's a water damage underneath them it's still under warranty okay all right what is is there can you go up or down according to somebody in many stream you discovered a cheat last night to do this clean that was unknown to everybody in the games all right yep the majority the majority of the time was spent this was phenomenal uh I will have to tell you this is probably also this is probably number one so far there's no there is no number one we scared off the moles outside we uh we dug up all the holes oh there's no tires there's no Weeds does he have a second car all the way across I was told the outside is is very important that's amazing way where's the maze okay don't worry we're gonna win the maze I want to see in the garage and I want to say every corner of the garage you didn't just put it there's no ways and stuff now you can you can actually put two cars in this two-car garage actually using for cars so mine's gonna be a very short I'm gonna I'm gonna emphasize brevity in my presentation uh you've you've seen it this is it yeah he hasn't show the upstairs flipped house that's it I think I'm done so chat what's your grade go ahead and give it a B C or D and we try to up German I'm gonna have to go ahead and say that for your complexity complexity carries this the whole time I think that you being able to flip that and turn it the way that was an unbelievable okay I didn't see it I think that one of the reasons why hold on oops okay one of the reasons why you're going to be up there pretty high is because of the flip reveal not just the fact that you did flip it but the fact that I and everybody was built entirely upside down well the things that are here was put upside down all right that that was a few moment you physically you cannot uh do it without being upside down and the way that you get upside down is actually so secret that it isn't even on the wiki for this game we discovered it on accident what do you mean we like I um I practiced yesterday so I could understand how to play the game you know I got familiar with it so okay okay I I thought you meant like somebody in chat told you to do that no I I flipped upside down and then we spent an hour and a half trying to figure out how to do it again okay all right all right that's all right here you go here are your grades you got a 95 for creativity you get 100 for complexity that's pretty good you get a 100 for cleanliness this is a very good this is a very good grade your philosophy is in 93 the only thing that I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna bring it down to a 90 and I'll tell you one reason why low philosophical House was built around going upside down everything and yeah there's no second floor and there's no basement and the garage is empty why is that philosophy having quality individual rooms would make up for instead of having like a bunch of things scattered around you know I went for quality over quantity you did which is why you still got a name and you know what I'm making a 92. so chat gave you an a which is a 95 and I guarantee you 100. that this is the cleanest yard you will see today that is that's a huge deal dude because seriously like having no no no well fully contrast planted big deal this this took almost one third of the total time yeah you are I forgot he had to plant the grass you are currently The Head of the Class with a 96 remember to argue with every score until he folds Under Pressure take it I appreciate it 96.5 for italics [ __ ] smear your name germa I'll tell everybody if you if you have cheats enabled then you type you don't even have to open a window you can just type it into the game grav that's how you flip it that's the graph cheat that we discovered can you can you before you go real quick can you just give the philosophy on what is going on with the the red and the kind of metal here because that's one thing that I'm kind of Jared will bring me down 20 points it's a good philosophy though had kind of a classic Vibe but you'll notice that it does match the interior a little bit like we have this uh this wallpaper here with the the skulls like the okay the day of the network type of skulls everybody's calling you a cheater yeah that didn't work we're all cheaters we all unlocked all the tools hey I didn't say the premise of the game I didn't say you couldn't do these things if anything he spent the extra time to figure that out so that's uh that's that's the grade you get a 96.5 I'm just a magician sharing my secrets so other people can enjoy instead of keeping it to myself arbitrarily it's true all right we're ready for the next person coming up next who is whose house is next I believe it is Vinnie do you want to get some some uh anybody else want to say anything I mean we could we could do that too I mean I don't know I want to make it extend for too long but it's cool but it's one idea that sits downside right it's a single idea there's there was no mace I just I thought that was part of the questions flipped the house I think cheating is uh not fair and yeah I'm ready for something yeah it's ironic coming from the person who got like 30 extra minutes to build compared to the rest I used I used only 20 of those exclusively 20 of those I was at the aquarium I'm sorry he was at the aquarium everybody all right it's all right we gave him the time I do absolutely love how tall is home but he is missing a complete Second Story there's there's nothing there listen RT you're coming up next I'll be sticking around hold on but remember we're talking about creativity is 35 of your total grade I mean flipping the house halfway through and doing a big [ __ ] reveal that was a holy that was an that my expectations were not alone yes you know like that was amazing yeah I just waited for the maze that was the prestige but it was incredible I loved it flips like the rest of it because it's actually well they caught that too but I didn't say anything the science isn't there the science isn't thereed for the plumbing they won't let you put pipes upside down uh oh so I figured something was better than another I tried to put something in the room I love how somebody said house [Music] flipper drama is insane I slippery Community is going to be in shambles hey well guess what this is the house slipper Community we're literally all here now all right let's get uh let's get Vinnie in here so all right thank you once again thank you thank you appreciate it chat thanks for the a you're a real one thanks Alex if you uh yeah make sure attack so you turn your your stream off before I open this one and then Vinnie did you do the um you know I don't think you because obviously if you were in the United States I don't think we have to do the uh let me know how this looks I'm gonna let me think about how this is yes but it should be kind of smooth looks good all right all right no I I would have to close house sorry no no I don't want to risk anything happening your grades these are italics is great I would have to close house flipper I will tell you when we are ready to get the otherwise I would but I really don't want to risk something like the game screwing up hey uh if any please begin sure well first of all germa thank you so much for having me um it's really just a pleasure to be here um I would like to emphasize that I did not cheat while making my uh house flipper house okay and uh so what you'll be seeing today is legitimate we lost some quality oh really it looked good for the first five seconds oh you want 30 FPS yeah are you it looks like you're at 60. I was thinking look here I had to open it through Steam maybe I don't it says 30. yeah you want me to go down to 720p or try 60. dude take it down to 720. I think the better reading mode worked really well and that's yeah how do you how do you do that I think if you did there's a box you get it's like see just show text better it's like a checkbox you can do yeah I don't see that yes see how this is why is this not working oh that's a that's better that's better how are we feeling okay this looks a little bit Yeah I have to do it through Steam wait oh yeah I think you don't see it it's weird I don't see it in the drop down at all actually very strange um this is clear enough I think okay okay all righty uh well anyway uh like I said so yeah the yard is your basic yard it's just kind of you know natural it's just I left it natural I gave a little Koi pond nothing nothing special in there um but still nice I can tell you the feature of the house is you know we got some nice paint um let me take you inside so as you can see here I've got furniture I've got a picture of my family okay um I've got my favorite Ducks from Animal Crossing so you see it's like a proper home I have uh there's Simon Cowell and Howard the Duck so lots of important people in my life and uh this is more of a personal touch it is it's rustic I'm going for The Rustic feel and you can see we even got a nice accent wall um we don't go in this room and wait wait wait wait wait go back huh do you see we don't go in this room what do you mean it's just it's not a room I would recommend going in open that door open that door I need to see the whole house [Music] okay leave the uh leave and close the door uh don't show me that again so so in here we have the um the hybrid kitchen and Chef and bathroom so here's a shower so there's a nice carpet here um for the the bathroom kitchen you've got a nice toilet you got an iPad Center in the house because you may need that with glasses we use it a lot put that on the dishwasher right there got some cabinets um urinal so when you're cooking and you know you're busy on the stove here you can take a quick piss use your soap and go back to cooking and the carpet is just a really nice feature because it it just makes it comfortable because when you're when you're cooking you're in a kitchen um you're moving around a lot so the carpet really takes some of the some of the wear off of that equation I do appreciate they like the throw up [ __ ] color that you have for the carpet that's very nice it hides all the it hides all the potential kitchen mess yeah kitchen message that's fine and piss stains and and the like so yeah really I think it's just a nice thing and it's really an underutilized concept uh the kitchenette bathroom combo and also uh the gray Leno show is the greatest late night show of all time so then as you know so I'll show you the upstairs real quick so what was the concept you know I didn't quite get enough go back sadly how many times we've seen this image already okay you should be able to do left right left or right right and then or screenshot to play oh that's just me like I think put through a filter a couple times I just wanted it nice to have it there Connor are you you're watching right now right there's a version of my face that has this same face uh okay so I would go here and then oh you know Japanese Google sorry oh okay I block that oh okay all right all right before we say anything yeah I love the wallpaper I think it's great thanks oh this is a nice wallpaper that's cool um yeah there's definitely a nice uh vibe to the room I tried to find sand flooring but I like this better um I have two small photos I was gonna do a little fixed gallery of the evolution of our image together um packs like six years ago five years ago to the most recent thing because we're buddies you know me you and kriken I can make it like kind of okay and so anyway this is my alien um norts and he's smiling here's the gamer uh chair the desk hold on the code go back to the gaming chair why uh there's a gun what uh what do you want to know about it why is there gone next to the gamers do you want it to be kind of transparent or no why isn't there a gun like a tiny to the gamer chair okay sure okay fair let me remove that um here's the bed and uh why is it surrounding surrounding mirrors well this is I mean this is the implication really more than anything are you a vampire okay I mean some some would say a sex vampire who who can't see their vampires can't see the reflection or something why would you have oh um wait a second please clicking right now are you okay are these all over here so anyway down this way I'll show you another uh cool feature of the house so you know there's toilets pretty much in every main room um but then here we have probably I don't know the Grimace room you could call it there was an accident something something happened here but uh there is a toilet okay and we'll go back good to be able to play Peggle now while we watch this that is that that's Mr is that Mr dink yeah all right if you want to watch purple and I feel like him the review of the house flipper Invitational that's something I don't know if you want to play you can do that by typing up down left right and shoot I want to interject for a second here see how many levels you drop a couple points on philosophy and creativity everything is good because I'm saying I'm assuming that did you paint the outside of the house purple because thank you chair and that was the first thing you did and then you said [ __ ] I can't just make a Grimace house no I started with the Grimace room yeah okay yeah I knew the Grimace room would have to be okay like really important to the room and uh we got the summoning Circle here well it's more of a summoning Cube but it worked and so yeah I mean that's pretty much it I don't have anything of note to show you back here because presentation I spent a lot of time trying to get the house and say instead rustic and nice there's nothing in there but can you go to the left I want to open with Walt Disney's opening lines though Vinnie maybe there is another guy named Doug Doug who is gay and is an active PornHub user that was who made the account hey germa can you take a look on Japanese Google real quick and check um for a photo of you if you wouldn't mind wait wrong stream anyway um so yeah the the Mr dink uh connection is really really interesting isn't it that connection between I actually do like you have to play the dramatic sounds from Hell's Kitchen hold on oh this you've got lots of dirt back there you oh God your chicken nuggets is [ __ ] get the Grimace Shake sorry the gym anyway um that was the YouTube video that I just opened yes I'm really happy that you're here in my house I thought that was a different YouTube video German probably would be really impressed he'd have no idea I liked your philosophy I thought your creativity was great no that's also not how it works in philosophy on that one I am not purchasing coffee that one area you wouldn't buy it from me actually never mind you shouldn't have shown me that room more than once I'm so happy uh because I forgot it existed in this blood all over the world thank you sir uh all right so here you go chat what are you going to get Vinnie's house right now you're looking at a somewhere around B seems like no no hang on here I was doing this earlier I'm gonna play an A chord oh it's a little Out Of Tune but don't worry I promise you that was an a chord also stopped using wait before you do this yeah well I even turned the music I'm so lazy to learn okay no it's okay it doesn't matter but test test I don't know why it does that it mutes me sometimes um okay to the programmers here's the problem I learned how to make python packages so I took five of them like modules that I had made and turned those into packages that are now shared amongst my other projects which is great makes them way simpler I'm not just copying pasting everything all over the place which is obviously a [ __ ] mess the problem with that is that now in a given project folder it requires my packages to work right but I don't want to upload them to Pi Pi because not only do I need to like think through readme's and licenses and and all that [ __ ] it also means like I need to worry about backwards compatibility if other people start using the libraries and updates and making sure that you know if there's any problems people are going to start asking me for help so I don't want to post everything to Pi Pi yet but if I don't do that that means that if I have my current project and I just uploaded a git then people don't have the packages that they need in order to use my stuff so probably at some point I just need to upload it all to Pi Pi and then I can start using git but for right now I'm going to push the get question farther down the road and ignore that install them as Global packages wait what'd you say hold on it's all those global packages on your local machine that's what I did but that's what I'm saying is like other people oh sorry other people wouldn't be able to um wouldn't be able to download them download directly from GitHub I'm sure I could package it up somehow anyway that that's my current thinking on that by the way I will try to use git and start uploading projects more especially now that they're a little cleaner turn down oh there you go yeah uh can we get uh anybody have anything to say yep I think you got robbed I think that was easily an a house I agree I loved it I quite appreciate the crime scene and all the blood on the walls thank you like you know it really adds something unexpected in your home you know German if we have a private room do you is it really your right to barge in there and start looking around oh [ __ ] that's a good point yeah that's a little rude yeah it was he didn't want that to be seen okay I'm gonna do like a New York City box apartment actually no me I'm sorry to say there is no maze I enjoyed your mail yeah in the chat you can see it cool all right so we got who's up thanks German we got uh yeah thanks Benny it was a awesome job I'm gonna get going too so have a good one everybody good luck good luck bye oh thanks Vinnie's a good lad all right who's up next I think it's either poker Ludwig right who's uh any YouTube need to dip you want to get uh get it off with her I think it was me I'm ready if oh no no yeah crack and it is you because you do it you do have to dip yeah I think the order is kriken poke Ludwig B so there's three more before before my presentation hear this music is this from my camera I do like oh sorry hold on live he's like still doing it okay so we're gonna tell Vinnie to uh all right let's tell Vinnie that he has to stop screen sharing German can just stop watching the screen but he doesn't seem to know that uh Kraken are you ready it's like not that hard let's just do it right move around test I think it looks all right all right you guys are back in you're going okay we are ready yeah take it away cracking oh I updated one I actually updated my DVD bouncing code so I can't actually do that later yeah first first time in in this game uh so you know learned a lot on the Fly and I know the first thing you're thinking is that was such a good shot some of the other uh yards this one's like it's a little bit Messier it's kind of dirty Craig and this is very dirty and you'd be right but also you have two shots to get one pick and then some of this trash was left here with a very you know what uh I'm enjoying this like two-pronged entertainment honestly I'm gonna have to start you out at like a 60 for cleanliness just because of what we know so far but I'm willing to change it and that's especially I'm looking to hear shoot is a one in fifty chance of shooting by the way that's why it takes a while huh a fallout shelter are you saying that uh maybe something like hell of a shot that we're in is kind of a post-apocalyptic one per chance and maybe there's like some some mess out here left from you know the the [ __ ] fall of humanity the neighbors maybe the neighbors houses are perfectly yes I have thought about it I'm also thinking about potentially you forgetting how much time is left and just going oh [ __ ] there's a lot of trash outside I have to pretend I have to come up with a story or maybe this was the point all along and let me welcome you inside to uh are you familiar by the way with the uh the whole you know Barbie movie Oppenheimer um kind of uh you know double feature thing that's been going on there and that very topical everyone's all looking forward to it I know that the Barbie movie is coming out and the Oppenheimer movies coming out the same same day oh it's coming up the same day all right okay I get it I get a hell of a shot uh so I thought one level down we made a fallout shelter right because Oppenheimer that was themed after Barbie so welcome on in this is the first room we have uh and you'll see that there's each room uh in this house is themed after a different uh just kind of fun concept right something that that I think Barbie would enjoy or you would want in a fallout shelter should the Oppenheimer uh bombs fall you know at any minute so this is the first one any questions uh feel free to ask I have one question and it is did you and Vinnie use the same wallpaper uh I don't think he used this one did he I I will say there's a good chance this wallpaper yes no we did use the same I you'll notice there's more than one wallpaper in this house and that's because like I mentioned each room is a different theme and so this is the neon room okay uh we have a little TV here like you know uh tv Mike from Willy Wonka wanna hop over this uh what happened here well this is the fish room as you can see um so we have a little uh fish here in the corner and that is a nice fish why didn't any of you tell me to add a fish This Is The Love room this is the love for him yes yeah uh we got fairy lights we got some chocolate and uh is there a reason why the chocolate you guys are destroying this level holy [ __ ] you have 11 balls still of any kind oh my God yeah I'm gonna use one of those and that's for the fish I'm gonna use the bathroom okay they're turns out takes a lot of time to keep adding you know furniture and it's better to focus in My Mind by the way I've had the text to speech pause really behind then on the actual uh you know amenities right I can do something real quick for me right now just very quickly yeah take out your mop oh um and mop the floor for a sec that's that's the floor baby that's all natural what it looks like yeah this was a this was by Design okay okay I appreciate you checking though that my lovely floor was uh not dirty um definitely didn't hurt okay well speaking of amenities this is the snow room uh we have a friend and uh snow is cold so we have a uh you know a fridge which is also used in Fallout shelters to escape bombs like in Indiana Jones so also I love it I love the snow room great uh moving on we have uh this is the neon room and over here in the corner we have my little brat rat friends uh they have their water bowl and a nice little uh bed of course we keep them caged okay cool we don't want them to get out and make a mess so we take them out one at a time and then we have the wallpaper back there there's some wallpaper issues I see there's also some structural complexity issues I think that are maybe bringing a little bit of the points down well uh go back in this room and look to the right Oh you mean a little bit of a no uh tends to blow right and so I just thought it'd be kind of fun to show that it gets around the house sometimes you know in the in the right mood um speaking of look uh we can fill the rats cage with food that's a cute thing right look at that honestly first person to incorporate an animal like an animal enclosure we've seen a couple rats but we have not seen an actual animal enclosure yet so right yeah we want to make sure they have comfortable space um moving on uh we have now we're entering the dog room you started this with a philosophy of 95 because you told me at the entrance that this was a Barbie Oppenheimer house did that change in your just give me your philosophy on this like how would you not be in the level may I counter you with this yes I took a big I don't know big shot all of them but probably right so uh this is the Good Dog room um I'm I was thinking of all the fun things that Barbie would like to have in in her Playhouse you know and so I couldn't find many props related to dogs so I do have a nice dog light down here but um over here this feels like the chat everyone else needs a toilet um and it really is an outhouse that you put behind this yeah well I didn't we didn't have it uh Plumbing working um so I did have to just kind of drill a hole in the wall and throw the Outhouse outside we also have the piss buckets those are you're not getting higher than a 60 and cleanliness for them they're not on the ground like I can show you the Broomfield again if you want to confirm the strongest you know you have ever started to give you a level everybody he's actually funny but then uh but you're not getting higher than a 60 incline it's just impossible changing your tune uh speaking of cleanliness this is the plant room um I know you said that you were excited that there was a garden the backyard looks like it looks terrible now and I thought what about if the time there's too much going on already there's two people talking while showing a house with Texas beach there's enough going on as it is an ammo box and machine gun for uh just regarding the place you know what I think would really help stop an intrusion okay I should gift 10 Subs in German channels that would help um with maybe a weapon aiming from a different floor uh so I'm going to have to give you a little bit of a dock on that Doug now what if I threw this outside Plants versus Zombies shut down that's a good call that's a good call that's a really good call okay we got lots of excuses that ride shut down that's from German versus sucks Garland and then over here come on spooky guy um very scary I just really want to make sure that each room here felt like its own world its own world just like the Barbie in the office he wouldn't know that that doesn't make any sense though yeah so he would just think I cheated back with the theme of the Oppenheimer thing with like uh favorite Deez Nuts joke generator gas generator some boots yeah which you would probably need in the Wasteland are you still uh moving on as soon as he portrait that I've found yeah there's a lot going on my building don't blame them this is the brooding Corner um everybody has like a gun with a chair well you would you naturally hang your gun up uh when you you know are like kicking back and it just reminds you of your own mortality like Oppenheimer does someone on that movie I believe is going to be a bit dark so I thought I do really want to play noise um and then this of course at some point I really want to play notes um I don't know if you noticed this was amazed the whole time eventually yeah where are the doors somebody said does Barbie not have doors the doors uh were made because as I mentioned uh someone uh me this is their first experience with this game and first built the walls and then later didn't realize the doors were a thing until after uh you know using the sledgehammer tool but I think it adds to kind of The Rustic feel of you know finding your way through a maze right a bunch of like you sort of did the reverse of oh my God Mom and Dad are coming home we have to clean up the place so you kind of did like oh my God no we're not eating Family Guy in the corner there's too much going on yeah and yeah that's how this is what you could come up with my brain is already kind of melting I also think though there's some cool parallel you know comparison of the rats right rats in a maze and then here we are in a maze and so that's probably worth a couple points you know just kind of okay is this 90s themed is this 90s themed congratulations um you did it okay hold on I need to turn that off so I can actually hear the call wow oh my God once you guys are done with this level I'll turn on Shrek I'll turn off the channel points we gotta go to the we gotta go to the upstairs well Beast rise on the point of this whole maze uh it's all about oh maybe make it easier to shoot I feel like it's too hard for you guys to shoot right especially at the end of the world at the The Apocalypse of time uh we know what toilet paper is going to be the most valuable thing somebody said I should have put a gun in the parking lot I literally saw the guns in the game and thought kind of this is legit I was like that's really funny I could have a gun room like gun land and that is funny but I feel like a lot of people are gonna use the guns as a joke because I think we'll stand out more we because we did this decision together even though I was thinking in my head it didn't say anything I think it'll stand out more if we don't have guns yeah that was my that was my my bet that being said Jared Fogle having a gun would have been pretty funny hey Doug two things this is default uh the default you're very welcome well I think since I I need to be right here you can't just be like putting up wallpaper literally I just really appreciate feeling welcome to this community minimal uh kind of you know good vibe what would we gamble on okay we just no we can't okay we can't gamble on this stuff because then shot throws I didn't want to overdo it right can we get chat can we get chat to give a grade out of this house chat we'll like throw the game just to so no gambling there's enough going on there is enough going on I'll tell you what I got over here so far I got you 80 I got you an 85 for creativity because he really pulled me in with the whole Oppenheimer Barbie house yeah thank you and I dropped so okay because it turned out that that was just a bait and switch and you um you grabbed us okay and um unfortunately do you guys want the shoot to be easier I feel like you're not shooting that frequently I can make a shoot easier to do if you would like the philosophy I feel like it's a little too hard right now you're not shooting that much because not everybody's really playing Peggle I think a lot of people here are watching the actual stream that's going on you know um okay let me know wow thank you let me add uh or play Peggle by typing uh question where is the rest of the upstairs yeah wait yeah where is the rest of the upstairs so rather than leaving a empty uh room that is stage one of what I have to do stage two I just love the stream of Disney that'd be fun can you go out to the outside and learn the exterior Channel points sorry you no longer get sound effects uh Chad is you got75 from chat your total grade ooh actually all right 78.4 that's a c plus I might have scanned somebody out of four games I didn't have the thing open all right I'll take it um I will say you hit the nail on the head with uh the Oppenheimer Barbie house uh kind of being abandoned halfway through for the multiple room thing that's exactly what happened um I started with that vision and I thought oh this is going to be great and then what else do I need to do I kind of got carried away turn off Channel points to these rooms change the code uh you know you hit the nail on the head there and I think 25 first thing like it twice we're on the right track it's just timing and first time playing it I completely get it that's a good job a very wonderful patient very house everybody should be clapping right now please thank you Kraken thank you yeah this has been a pleasure anybody have anything to say about kraken's um a themed house that became un themed after 20 minutes okay you can look at the bottom left to say a lot a lot to say you got a lot to say uh most of all fantastic job on the maze incorporation um you got me down here you got Peggle up there you got German at the top right when you have a house slipper in the middle and you have whoa Shrek is a kid room I just what the [ __ ] was that you said whoa what an empty an amps room what was this well I because I didn't know the empty room it was very strange that he was able to hide this from me actually it's hard strange and he built a wall oh we got maze drama he hid it from me he hit it from all the mazers it was not empty amazing look it was not empty there actually was another toilet paper behind the wall in case you lose the first one there's a second let's see my comments I apologize that additional toilet paper yeah wait hold on there's an Easter egg yeah oh no sorry you're outside it's very dirty you're you're outside it's very dirty like out of everybody I know it's part of the theme but you have the worst outside I would say and I I mean that in the nicest way possible open the garage please there's no nice way to say that I didn't clean this side you guys are up look Vinnie okay oh [ __ ] you did clean that side I don't know why I explicitly cleaned that corner but I did what's in the garage it was a very enticing chord to clean I agree like everyone started there Joel Joel is the only one really that actually used utilize the garage that's true this is true Joel was sitting at an 87 right I didn't know there's a dog back here all right are we ready to move on we have I think it's uh it's now it's either poker Ludwig I think it's uh we've got I'm ready Polk is ready to go right now and Ludwig will be right after poke hold on gotta change it how are you great how do I go stop showing my I'm doing fantastic I'm so glad you're actually here um I'm so looking forward to your house I'm really happy you actually got to be here for this so no I really thought it was tomorrow but no this is great it's time I think it's hard it's easy to get it all messed up right and when I got I checked the time I didn't go over I think I used I didn't so we're good yeah well you had to get you we gave you time anyways because make it fair yeah you guys should be good all right well italics flipped his whole house upside down so it's okay all right so let's open up your screen let's make sure how to can you just move it around for a little bit so I can see it's a little bit ready to turn around it's okay I think it's all right yeah the hell is on the roof of his house can you give us like a full circle what on Earth okay all right all right okay take it away I think we have enough guns in the house which is to say zero of them in Disneyland welcome to my house I uh my door this is my beautiful house I worked on why is the door so tiny you know I just learned the door this is my first time playing too uh you know I had no past experience uh on the way here I woke up my roommate dude hey one on my PC did everything for me the tutorial I should have put a picture of a door on the wall somewhere so German's like open that and I'm like no no that's a picture let's take a look at the outside the outside you know there's a little dirty poke it's a good looking house I didn't really have time to clean the outside you know but uh okay all right it's not about what is out anyways it's about what is inside I think that matters you know um can we start with the garage why is there a construction do we have to kinda because I want to see if there's anything in it right there I hear that sound yeah okay oh all right so it's a good shot fit in here you guys can do this one more I mean it's it's good it's very nice you can fit cars if you really wanted to you know well done that's two out of five let's see if you can beat five levels before it's my turn like a lime green design you know I believe it's two more people I mean since the I believe it's two more people before I'm up um and presenting I think it's poke and then Ludwig in the me a few placeholders you know are these other how is this what the house could look like eventually as well I can't because you guys are controlling my mouse if a mod wants to put a really fast prediction of does this House have a maze right you can do that based off of what phenomenal I call a maze or not it just messes with your imagination a little bit it's like an optical illusion I don't think we're gonna have time so here's let's just go in the front this is the front of the house right here but this is the front door too late too late you know let's put some music on so I went with like a I went with like a like a airport [Music] you know what I'm saying okay give me the philosophy I thought he was gonna continue the sentence you could really do anything you really want and this is for the for the people out there who just want to get what they want you know and some people wanna Willy Wonka house some people want a fact you know some people really just want an airport you know I would want an airport poking your elbow the city player I think this is something wrong with it I think it's skipping a little no we're all streamers here we're all streamers here and I made sure to make one of the houses really relatable to all of us femur room I now I didn't have any photos on my PC I only had sponsor photos so these just these are the different sponsors you've had throughout the last year you have one of those banned lawn chairs the most uncomfortable things make sweaty the most comfortable marks all over your whole body I'm so I'm gonna have to take some points off for that really uh they make sweaty red bands across your whole body it's horrible true but I'm gonna have to give you some points with complexity though your score is very high right now there's a triple PC set dual people have dual PC setups and here this house we have the triple PCS I'm saying so these are all three individual computers yes why would you need that do you can you can you pump through like multiple games are you trying to do multiple streams or what it's to stream the streaming PC okay what do we got on the wall say these are TVs these are all just TVs ah cool now here's the kitchen why is the garage door garage doors for your doors yeah I mean we all learn from Russ that's a good that's a good car really protect yourself and why would you not want a like a house oh there's the stove got it did you where'd you get the flashlight from [Music] it's uh music all right turn back around what this is just a picture of who's that a picture of just some inspiration to get like just get back to work you know what I mean I do like the wallpaper in here it's it's very creative thank you thank you so funny and I see what's the painting on the ball here on this this side wall if you turn the left it's a window oh that's a window oh that'd be beautiful yard every house needs air well turn around let me see the beautiful yard again turn around look at the yard that to the right where that is yeah that look that's exactly what that looks like on the wall right now go back go back inside and take a look out I just wanna oh yeah yeah it does it does yeah that's what it looks like it's a transparent technology it's where the lake is um like kind of an optical illusion kind of like a mirage sometimes that's weird well it looks good let's go upstairs yeah let's take a look upstairs just looping one measure of guitar chords is killing me what the [ __ ] is that we don't want to go down there what is going on down there this is uh the Realtors one of the Realtors son oh okay I like it I like it I do appreciate so the the floor uh Vinnie and kriken had this on their walls so it's really nice that you actually made them rugs on the ground yeah would be great to see you play it and then see I couldn't find any lights wait there's a yeah at some point that's what came up it's definitely my list of games to play eventually it does look really fun Doug have you seen my husband chair he never came home and I'm starting to get worried thank you Mrs chair okay I'm sure you'll get home anytime bathroom I'll look at that right now I just came back while he is German here we are participating in the germa house flipper invitation music I will be presenting my home that I had 75 minutes to build shortly everything being garage doors come on like behind you or this is the bathroom here where do you go to the bathroom if I have to piss where do I go um [Music] I [ __ ] can't all right so they have the levels [ __ ] you guys up you should start at the top left security camera top left and top right is how you should clear the level safety and that's the actual design of the room is the music is a business what's in that room what's in that room can we get those Parks or a house in this game one day oh that's a good idea all right you're gonna have to get an extra few points for that okay oh he did two points for that you actually tricked me a picture of a door you get a few you get a few more points with that uh uh I'm gonna bring complexity down a little because there's no room there but I brought your creativity up [Music] what what is it what's the say on the wall I hate the music room okay [Music] so you've got and what's that is that a there's a photo of ninja I didn't have nothing on this PC so Connor did also about sort of sorry I can't talk I can't even hear myself Conor did a similar if you stand that way and then open it won't hit you if you go all right yeah go just turn all the turn yeah because then we can talk laughs is that question mark to signify the Riddler is that's just to really you know I don't think the image loaded that would make sense it's probably an error yeah what was it supposed to what was supposed to be there would you say are you guys looking good the photos probably ninja but okay all right the question mark I thought it was it looks good I'll just be brutally honest I mean I think it looks great solar oh that's the solar okay I thought it was a cell tower and honestly this this is for like the rich who just want to throw off burglars and stuff you know like imagine you came in and where would you know you'd have no idea how to get there it would throw me off because it did throw me off because I actually did not know if it was a real room or not so you got me all right is there anything else for us to see poker is that is that pretty much it honestly that's all I was able to figure out uh all right so I'll give you the grades the grades that I have for you so far this is one of the most deranged ones your airport philosophy the reason why I have not gone yeah in philosophy I'm presenting in two two terms I think I'm getting inside kind of your head a little bit here because you're you you get back you're like [ __ ] I'm 30 40 minutes late I need to do something I'm gonna do an airport and it's like no you know what [ __ ] it I'm gonna change it from the airport to like an anti-burglar house yeah this is a good house garage doors everywhere you made it happen and the philosophy of you making that happen and adding these comedic elements is what puts you out of 95 for philosophy unfortunately unfortunately you sick is still unfortunately turn it off sorry I I was waiting for a sound effect start your guitar your your cleanliness was pretty much zero I was very dirty outside um it's it was filthy out there it looks like you took a little bit of lessons the literal last thing I did I mowed the front line I thought that was a trash bag okay you gotta you got a 60 for kind of cleanliness you missed the shot it's very dirty and I dirty enough where I can't Overlook it uh I would probably give you like a maybe like a 65. it's a really hard shot you're trying to hit if you just go outside and just take a look around you have like a tiny window yeah and like the scaffolding is still there basement everyone's saying go to the basement go to the basement can you show us the basement uh yeah I'll show you every time that he goes to a door and then we just have to sit there for sure seconds so we're going to the basement it's out of order right now uh okay optical illusion pretty sick yeah I yeah I think you nailed it I think you knocked it out of the park uh it just was very dirty so that's gonna hurt your grade a lot yeah but Chad has given you an a which is a 95. thank you so we here is where you stand now you stand poke you add a creativity of 95 that is an a complexity of an 83 now the reason why I give the I just the the big paintings on the wall I mean he said you even said it yourself you didn't even know what images you had on this computer so that's I got to bring some points down for that so that's an 83 for complexity uh plus having a garage door for every single door good shots to open them recovery that's very loud uh but your philosophy was a 95. your cleanliness was a 65 and chat gave you a 95. with the grand total poke if you can hit that top right peg you're a grade you have a real shot in total just a really hard just music in the background is you're probably going to be pretty close to being at the top if I'm honest yes oh wow all right so you are at an overall grade of 87.5 which puts you Joel had 87.6 oh wow okay it was it was the cleanliness is what killed you yeah no I get that you know I'll take that damn thank you 87.5 nice thank you I I loved it thank you yeah did you do is that us another sponsor I don't I don't remember this I think so yeah it was actually a fun game oh sure it was oh wait this is this is a good this is a good layout by the way this way I would not want to raid this house it would take way too much gunpowder thank you guys I love the painted on doors it's so funny the garage having a garage door is here every time yeah oh my God like the idea of like each of the just the first two notes playing from each individual radio that is in every room did you like that yeah I I looped I just shortened the song Oh you took that he's specifically shortened it oh my God if you were upstairs in that home and someone was at the door you probably wouldn't make it in time I don't think anyone is no one's by the way I love it you painted the whole outside of the house this like spearmint green this took half the time look how splotchy it is over there the inside of the house was the last 10 minutes please I had no idea what I was doing it can I like do a zero decimal one extra point friend point because it's so good okay can I like you know give points do you you wanna you wanna step in and stamp on a point one point like zero because because real like you know we're like tied right there's so much more yeah I want to see everyone else's things first let's see everyone else's okay okay let's see everyone else's I appreciate you though man damn thank you [Music] everyone else is doing great too I want to see I want to see ludwigs yeah what's up next a lot is up next so um thank you ah all right folk thanks a lot dude it was awesome thank you we'll see you we'll see how it plays out all right are you ready yep so Ludwig I do have to tell you uh very importantly there is you did get a minus two deduction to philosophy right off the bat why sorry because we we had a thing with the when I unmuted everybody the first person to complain was the one that was going to get minus two points on their philosophy and I think the first thing you said was like uh [ __ ] this this was stupid no I didn't say that I would never say that I forget what he said but it was very funny okay that's funny I'm willing to to scrub those points being deducted look it's fine because I think I'm gonna score 100 in philosophy plus okay give it to that person so you're really confident yeah because most of my build sucks I mean I do not have the expertise of other people I do not have the uh the cleanliness of other people but but philosophy is what this whole build is based off okay and uh germa I'm I'm getting up there in years so I turned 28 this week um yeah happy birthday by the way if everybody didn't know thank you uh it's it's uh it's stupid uh and if this uh was a low score it would make my a whole year shattered but uh what I want you to focus on is history okay you know what they say about history you know what they say if you do not learn from history it is doomed to repeat itself all right you guys are good got it you ever heard that I have uh many times oh yeah that to me that said that and and uh and so today we are going to do in homage okay H H ohms do you know who that is while I was gone I can put the national anthem on over here if you want me to no you're fine you're fine okay okay oh say can you see by the dawn's early like this is our American garage okay and and it's where we are starting our story today to explain who H.H Holmes is because at the end of the day this is a history lesson for you to learn to not repeat what was done in the past starting with the garage there's gonna be so many guns yep starting with a garage here so H.H Holmes uh was an American dedicate to him that was you just blew it up no it was a it's an explosive entry it's like um okay okay that was pretty good let me actually do a little bit of do a little bit there's no sound turned on all right okay I realized now that I didn't okay I still don't have sound on okay hey you have master volume down thanks thanks Connor thanks Connor stop talking to me ever again are you even still here though I think it's sharing twice and restarting there you are wow oh [ __ ] great job all right here we are this is our American garage red white and blue filled with the American flag of course damn I wanted to see that our turrets um which is gonna come in handy a little bit later when we when we learn more about H.H Holmes who again you don't know about right that is a brand new person I don't even know who that is great brand new person love that love that so let's let's talk more about it as we enter the backyard and you can see here look at the walls right painted all the way through looks really nice yeah um uh do not enter ooh okay no no doors no doors on the back it's nope because the house was a confusing design because H.H Holmes germa this is where I should uh tell you he was America's first serial killer oh oh okay okay he was America's first serial killer and he operated out of Chicago during the Chicago World Fair he uh fell into some affluence through his family and through killing the leader of a pharmacy and taking over said Pharmacy and through that was able to create the Murder Castle this feels like a book report Ludwig I'm teaching you so it doesn't repeat itself we're here so the Myrtle The Murder Castle and uh much like this project was developed very quickly by many different developers uh and for me to emulate that I took suggestions from my chat to create this so so you'll notice the the long uh winding narrow Halls it's like a Gmod map that hasn't put any textures put on it uh White all the way through very clean mind you it's very clean I will say you're starting at 100. paint everywhere no spots missed at all done yeah none at all um and it's a maze house though okay another amazing it's it's not a mate so that's and that's and I knew you'd say that because there's been a lot of maze houses today I haven't there there have been at least two the terrifying thing about H.H Holmes we love mazes well no this is not a Maze Runner I'm not I'm not like you that'd be cringe uh H Holmes used several different contractors to make his house that way no individual except for him knew the layout of the home he would then use it as a hotel during the Chicago world fair that people would stay at and from the second floor he would have a a trap door to bring people to the first floor what is that is that okay that's from my hero Academia yeah but what does that have to do with HH Holmes my hero Academia well don't worry about this this is just to show the explosiveness of the trap door bro all right that's pretty cool that was good that's actually pretty cool so okay I'm gonna have to get we're starting a little bit High here yeah the rest of the house sucks but that was for the environment to make something happen and I'm gonna you're you're actually pretty high I thought I thought it was just I thought it was just a White House at first okay that would be embarrassing mazes I'm actually here now you got me now well let me get you the hook then yep the way H.H Holmes would kill all his victims was by having them go through a trapdoor into the basement whether it be eaten alive by rats really that's terrifying yeah it's horrifying yeah your cleanliness just went down 10 points I tried to refer it's the rat room it's a rat room they're located just the whole house but there are rats in here are you done so yeah but if it's in the trapdoor rat room where you're supposed to kill people so it makes sense what's on the wall there honestly you're telling me this is a fake history lesson uh it looks good kill you know what I mean um uh okay so this is where this is where what so you give is that a poker table blackjack table what's over there what's the philosophy I figured the rats would get bored and I wanted to put a poker table for them to play poker at okay all right um germa this is this is uh I hope an eye-opening yeah about the dangers of the past and how not knowing them could make them happen in the future and what I want you to understand you're gonna kill me what does that mean I'm not gonna kill you I'm just teaching this is educational it's educational I want to teach you to just be wary in the future if you ever go to a hotel make sure it's from a reputable Source because you could end up in HH Holmes Murder Castle oh that's the end of the tour oh oh all right [ __ ] okay that's that's the whole tour I spent most of the time painting everything white everything was white we have a few questions yeah please please go ahead two I have a few important questions number one where's the bathroom uh that's a great question the bathroom okay let me bring it to you right now right here okay so you did okay so this is a bathroom Yep this is a toilet bathroom got it got it okay I do appreciate the fact that it's outside can you go ahead just give me give me the outdoor look again I want to know trash no no bullshits here right oh yeah yeah no no no [ __ ] here at all you know I cleaned up the entire yard uh chop down the trees in the front I thought they're a bit tacky okay some weeds grew back just because the game is open but you know they were they were gone earlier it's uh I I've so here's what I've got so far I like the fact that you did the garage a lot of people just didn't even you there's only two or three people that even stepped foot in the garage it seems uh I do appreciate the fact that the garage is done so Chad is going to be grading your house right now I'm gonna give you my grades that I have so far and you can argue with me if you want we can go through it so creativity I got you in 85. the [ __ ] sorry 85. why why do you hate me I got you to creativity 85 for a couple of specific reasons one I like the philosophy the philosophy is actually where you're gonna get some points back here because you you took you took a theme and you your whole house is a gigantic I got a gigantic history lesson one shot okay I gave you a 93. I'll give you 90. he did not okay in just a moment I apologize um I want to just point out that if you go to that basement right let's start the garage right you flip it upside down can you show them can you show them what we have in the basement of the garage sorry can you flip it upside down how do you flash shots yeah flip the house flip the house do it is it like a command GV what oh you're flipping the house to see what it looks like upside down yeah he's asking me to flip it I don't know how to flip it only italics knows how to do that he's the only one that knows to do that grab okay look all right close close the garage door close it it's my assistance required GRE how do you flip this grab you're changing the gravity all right how do you do that inside glad you had a great intro you had your intro you were like informed you were ready you had your history I'm getting rattled by Connor right now he is what I'm trying to say is like this is not an American room this is a hidden French Room which is everything that America doesn't stand for if you flip it upside down it's just a French flag of a room there's no stars of Stripes it's red white and blue look on the outside it's a hidden French Room you I I can't stand up the Stars it's red white and blue I can't get rid of this thing now Connor you've stressed me out I'm sorry I'll leave you to it now I don't know I don't even know how to get rid all right I got my final grades for you Ludwig and don't worry you don't I don't think you're gonna be disappointed okay okay so philosophy you get a 91 that's an a that's an A Minor okay we had an awesome history lesson it was I I really do enjoy the fact that you utilized the garage you didn't just go over there and into the house and not do anything with it with the all the pieces you use all the pieces painting this took a long time that's why you also get free high school it took most of my time and I realized most people didn't paint [ __ ] and then put funny objects inside yeah um so that was a look at this over here's painted look at that you know how hard it is you painted in all right I'll give you I'm going to give you a couple extra points for complexity what I I painted every available corner yeah your cleanliness is only a 90 because of there was rats and I know that's on theme and on Brands and everything it's part of the story so I'll give you a 92 on cleanliness I've got a 91 philosophy 92 cleanliness 80 complexity 85 creativity and chat's great is a 60. so is that the worst check rate for anyone today it's the worst chat grade that can possibly go out and they must have it out for you for some reason I don't know why you know what I've deserved it from day dot and they saw through me so your final grade Ludwig it's probably gonna be let's find out he's gonna be lost if only the music played through it probably could have helped but you did really I really thought I had the music would have really helped then reveal but it would have been huge all right I got you at 92 cleanliness I got you at a 91 philosophy wait hold on 60 is pretty solid I got that 60. is there a door there's no door I was gonna close the front door I don't know you're at an 83.2 for your final score that is a b a nearly B minus how does that I stack up you're kind of right in the middle I do appreciate the the whole the so I thought he was playing Demo Man in TF2 for a second theme they didn't stick with it a lot of the theming was kind of all you know okay we're starting with this theme but we're moving on to other themes your entire theme was this HH Holmes serial killer house it was the it was higher thing it was a mistake Jeremiah I should have just I should have just filled up 12 rooms we don't want to keep anybody outside of the happiest place on Earth that would have been a little funny voice I don't really give you guys a history lesson it's your day off yeah yeah you gave us a history lesson I'm glad you're learning yeah to have killed between 20 and 200 people um so I just have to give it through the rest of this report uh although nine were only ever found somebody talking [ __ ] in here no I'm not talking trash I I should have made a poorly designed tacky house filled with furniture that I downloaded we're not talking trash you're making trash houses well it's it's an American house and it's very clean right this is a garage that you would expect a French house it's a French house French house red white blue and they're star and I couldn't figure out how to start on the ceiling I couldn't figure out how to get the stars on the ceiling you painted a Conor Connor you too Connor you had points a lot of points you don't win in cleanliness and in philosophy because it actually is a huge pain in the ass to paint every single wall in this game it's a huge pain in the ass even if the wall is completely one color it's a huge pain in the ass to paint every single color it's liberty bleach okay tell me that's not America anyway the Statue of Liberty France that's good I guess that's actually a good point uh well I don't want to take up too much your time here Jeremy I'm I'm happy with my score uh German chat sorry I uh disappointed you but I I hope you learned a lesson I learned something today that's all that matters just actually actually true statement be safe out there all right I see it we've learned that five to seven minutes is a lot longer than you thought it was see it uh how long was that because it to me felt like an eternity I usually go about one to two minutes but who's who's next uh we got coming up next is I believe it is Doug Doug is next right yes we've got only there's only two people left there's no there's Doug dogging and Connor and then we can give out our we can see our final grades right that's right that's right because we moved here right we moved you all right so actually we'll do dug dog then we'll do RT then we'll do Connor Connor Connor you're gonna round us out all right I'm ready I think it'll be a good one all right here we go let's make sure we get this looking good yeah I'm doing Doug coming up here I'm doing 30 frames at 1080. let me know if this is all right should be good let's find out oh that looks good cool we all said good all right Doug Doug we are ready for your presentation now look I enjoyed hearing Ludwig's origin story as much as the next guy there have been some great houses here today but germa I'm ready to take you to the happiest place on earth a legally distinct version of Disneyland with everybody's favorite mascot Dicky Mouse uh nigerma what is your favorite ride at Disneyland goofy oh that isn't a character um Space Mountain that is down for construction unfortunately as we walk into Main Street Avenue you're gonna notice lots of shops lots of different areas of Doug knee land you're going to notice uh Goofy's Castle as well as the Epcot Center and all of those lovely houses around Main Street that we all know and love as you walk down Disneyland I mean land Avenue very beautiful the walls are fully painted wow okay looking good let's uh let's start here let's let's go to uh Dickies Toontown everybody loves Toontown um you have all your favorite characters look yeah like Goofy and docky and um cow and so um the cow the guy I love the cow is one of my favorite characters notice the cartoon flooring really evokes that feeling of like you've been transported into a cartoon world um and chat this might be a bit scary we're gonna head into Haunted Mansion next now you're gonna notice that Haunted Mansion is actually yes Sea Dog amaze and as we go in oh God sorry sorry um there's terrifying photos up on the walls you don't know which direction you're going you're moving left and right where the hell is uh this oh look at how scary oh other ghost this place is terrifying right really really gets you into the mood not even for children because of how scary this is I genuinely don't remember where the ending is um as you continue walking through you start to wonder was this even one second yeah let me pause you for one second you hit an actual maze Connor your maze was just like a curly cute with with pictures from your computer it was very good but this is important what is this slander no I'm just saying this is like the first real Maze of the night I'm genuinely lost what I will stand for the low marks but I will not have you diss my maze oh come off of it what is this you run real mate okay I just met Doug duck for the first time like [ __ ] done it's Craig nice dog all right okay all right go ahead I literally am lost I do not know how to get out of this so we might need to stall for a few okay whoa another ghost now oh I'm back the entrance okay that's not a bit I'm okay hold on we'll get to the end one sec all right um as you continue along the Haunted Mansion it gets scary and scarier did the creators of dougneyland even finish this maze is there anything actually waiting at the end is it gonna be as scary as those ghosts have been until finally you go even farther and you reveal Jared fogle's bedroom with a children's bed in front of it ah truly a haunted ride that any man or child would love um any questions on Haunted Mansion that I honestly yeah first of all you're the first person you're the first person that made a real Maze Look at the minimap look at the mini-map go back to the Maze and go into the mini map you had actual places where you couldn't really go and then you had to go through a different spot you got lost in your own maze it's a disaster intentionally right that comes complexity I got you at a 98 right now by the way okay 98. and let me tell you this is just I am lost one second this is just Haunted Mansion all right don't even get me started on Adventureland oh here we go here we go all right so as you leave the Haunted Mansion uh you're a little spooked right you need something to chill out with maybe you want to go to Tomorrowland the future of tomorrow or whatever Walt Disney said now Tomorrowland is uh all of the highest technology that uh we could find uh there's uh soda all those technological cubes this technology look at these Tech cubes I think it's a cabinet there's technological paintings which I don't think anybody else had the walls fully tiled with some of the most cyberpunk Tomorrowland stuff you can find and a bed I do have furniture in this house yes okay I I do have a question yes what is the philosophy of the placement of the technological cubes because they look a little scattered yeah have you um seen the movie Alien yes it was random I just put them everywhere oh okay okay all right okay yeah that looks fantastic I love it I love tomorrow World wherever you're going to call it in your uh royalty-free copyright free version right right right yeah uh it's it's fair use because of the cubes um let's head back downstairs I want to show you our backyard other people tried to make prim and proper little boring Lawns nobody likes that nobody likes Suburbia what you want is Adventureland this outdoor has a mix of different plants and foliage it even have a swimming pool that the deep end has a swimming pool Adventureland is something for everybody look at this bonsai tree pretty cool right this is actually a pretty damn good backyard there we go foreign I I I'm I am I am I don't know Doug Doug this is this is looking pretty solid okay can I can I can can you do me a favor yeah could you go to the garage again sorry you mean what garage I would like you to go to the garage Doug are you talking about germ reversal Studios that place is a dump my Park is much better don't go anywhere near Universal I want you to open the garage um open it the standards at drum reversal studios are very subpar I don't even think they have a ride in here okay I appreciate the fact that you hid the garage yeah that part sucks yeah there's not much in that there's not much in that Park not much in that Park certainly not the happiest place on earth now unlike it's very clean it's very clean the parking lot there's a parking lot yeah I took out the garage door and put in a wall um uh okay all right but why is there a door to the part how are cars supposed to get in here dog dog dog what's that right there in the lower left next to the door oh um that somebody um miss the park there's a car in the wrong spot Doug the door is not dug the door is not even in the frame either oh but that's again some Rogue driver yeah have you been to Disneyland have you been to the parking lot these people do not know how to drive could I ask a question a term I hate to cut in yeah go ahead why was the garage not the parking lot germa germa um excuse me hold on we're that's true why was the garage not the parking lot look you have to build around what the people want some guy charged his Ford F-150 through my walls and made a huge mess and so I built the walls around it and that became the parking lot that's why there's this disaster here none of this was my fault when life gives you lemons I do appreciate the parking sign though that is very nice I do love it it is parking for a Segway can we go into the ball pit oh yeah yeah yeah so one of our most popular rides is ball pitland and if you've been wondering where the bathroom is don't worry Splash Mountain had you covered you pools that you can swim and Frolic in and if you need to go to the bathroom we do have a urinal at the very end if you can kind of jump up and get your dick pointing out of the water are you are you peeing out of the water to get to that um I think if you jump across you could sort of time it in bursts and if you need to take a [ __ ] you can go in the pool so nobody is swimming in these pools well I was sort of thinking maybe the middle one would be the [ __ ] pool and then splash mountain is the first and the third okay I get it so so only so one of these is used as a place to go to use the bathroom and the other ones can be used as a pool that's that's I'm pretty sure if we put enough chlorine in these nobody's is going to notice so I'm going to document cleanliness for a minute that's filthy uh I'm gonna have to drop you on the cleanliness have you ever been you know like a wave pool those things are bright yellow all right everybody just puts up with it that's part of the amusement park experience I am torn because you have philosophically probably one of the best I would say one of the best grades here philosophically speaking this is wonderful and I'm trying to figure out is this a 95 is this a higher score is this a 96 foreign um every other contestant has been spot checked on the corner next to the garage it's true and we see the corner of the garage the corner oh oh right right yeah see that as part of our Adventureland expansion was left untidy let me back and God damn it let's make sure let's check it um oh these goddamn Hooligans of this park somebody needs to get in there and kick him out where if and if the park is successful enough we will purchase germ reversal Studios and just kick them out of here this has gone on too long I'm gonna give you a 100 on creativity because I don't think you deserve it let's go I think I think I think you actually deserve a perfect score for creativity uh I think you absolutely nailed it this took you had to bring in custom things here and I think you absolutely crushed it on complexity I'm going to give you a 94. there was some there was some doors that weren't really in their own place they have some walls that were constructurally had some problems the garage had wasn't anything there there also was the problem with the the dirt and the debris to the left of the garage but I do think it was phenomenal do you have a second floor uh yeah that's Tomorrowland it's all that yeah that was that that was part of the second floor right okay so just making sure like that this is this all there was on the second floor yeah yeah this is nothing behind Okay and the door if we see the Tomorrowland door um that's also perfectly locked into place you see in the future of Tomorrow doors are more of a philosophical concept very philosophical I might add I love it I think it was fantastic I think you're going to get probably at least an a uh we need to see what Chad says what does chat give him for a grade Chad is also giving you an A so you that is also that is a full night that is a 95 from chat thank you Chef you've got a you've got a great great score here let's figure it out you're gonna be uh pretty high probably top of the class I'd say pretty high 94 in complexity a 90 in cleanliness to that back area really gets everybody philosophy I feel like you did a lot with your philosophy here I think it's a little low hey and you gotta admit with the doors consistent consistent philosophy throughout I'm going to give you a 97 for philosophy let's go I really think that it should be somewhere higher than today and then chat's great is also an a which puts you at a grand total of 96.0 [Applause] thank you chef talex is currently at 96.5 both 96s you both should be very proud of yourselves for your creativity complexity cleanliness wonderful wonderful job Doug that was [ __ ] phenomenal thank you all right so we got one more we have Connor eats pants it's the last one what no no oh my God why can I not think I said you know why you know I don't have to go if you don't want me to you know like it's all right you know Jared jump scared me Jared jump scared because it's because I'm looking over at my sheet and because we've moved you you're like not on the sheet over here anymore so you're like out of my brain all right it's your turn is it I promise I promise I promise I promise okay thank you hang on let me let me get a good chat let's go stream quality is a better texture readability and 30 FPS I think yes good [ __ ] I think we shouldn't be the challenge Discord crashes your worst nightmare now no you had the opportunity and then Discord just took you out the kneecaps it's it's actually okay um and I'm actually glad that I'm going at the spot I did because I think with my house here there's going to be a little of anticipation because I actually gonna quote germa here if your whole house was a Barbie house it would have been a lot higher when he was reviewing kraken's house um no I've actually produced a classroom Barbie Dream House wow uh based on the old dollhouse toys um for you to play with today this is pretty good let's make our way out dude look at the outside I haven't just left this out here what do you mean you haven't left it out here Jesus Take the Wheel get some strawberry ice cream take with you uh so we thought about it we thought about it thank you for the five gifted oh this is pretty good guys the idea was try and get the classic feel of a traditional Barbie playhouse you know so it's a bit plasticky feeling as you go through it but the colors uniform have a little Elegance of style you have a nice Windows you have your lights a little bit of air to kind of get in here Retro TV because you would have this is pretty good toys based on this like kind of little old things that you stick in the house when you play with one of these toy sets back in the day you know I tried to kind of really base it on kind of like the earlier ones from the 60s when Mattel were making these way way back so we've actually got Open Access back just so you can kind of get your hands look at that backyard as a kid you've got your kitchen unit of course you can play I think RT will win this is too good you have a complete it's a great scene and it's very beautiful the guard in here but also some grassy patches just to try and make it look distinct gotta get the Barbie Brandon in here as well for sure okay you get a lot of stickers of Baraboo in these old place that's too just to really kind of hammer home what it is you know they're big on the brand and they were back in the day we got we built our own little bench here assemble this so you can just have like a nice little relax hold on pause for a second pause but this is all very wonderful Dude how do they do this in a little dirt 75 minutes under the bench yeah because you're swinging on it because your legs are going to kick some of it away nobody thought about that yeah that's that's just like you you've shaped it you've sculpted this this is this is he's played a lot of house flippers okay you've made we have like a more little sticker of Barbie here as well just so she greets you when you're coming in the door you have a lot this is real good though uh if we take a look upstairs we tried again to just try and give this kind of an open feeling we got all the essentials here let's shoot for top three right now we're number two I think our team will probably be famous for our fashion through the years we really want them top three is our goal as part of it here is a classic kind of style bedroom we went for a bit of an urban feel maybe in the back a bit but also kind of want to keep it true to Barbie have that in here we have with the walls not I think a time constraint no no it was actually it was a deliberate choice we wanted that kind of the contrast in background because it makes these words kind of get that look and actually they Incorporated that in some of the classic Barbie dream houses I'll have you know my grandmother had one is that true somebody look that up is that true somebody look that up if it's true I'll I'll put it higher yeah this this one is real we have a wardrobe room here as well um now we do have one bit now this is classic and I debate is doing it this way um there is extensive use of stickers in old Barbie homes especially for details like toilets if I had only so much plastic behind the garage for some of these features in the house because otherwise it'll just ramp up the retail price and I want to try and stay true to the vision of it being a toy and you know affordable in that sense Ludwig Ludwig this is a history lesson and it's not about a guy that murdered people this is the majority of the house here uh we can hop back outside we have working lights as well we wired all these up they work you have working lights that made working lights in the whole game yeah did somebody else have working lights we did not have a single light in the house wait there was working functioning electricity I did I just forgot to show it but yeah oh okay he's already killed me by now it's all right all right he's all right you've already died already now we can just sit by the pool with our lovely strawberry ice cream and just soak in the day we have flowers All Over the Garden too yeah yeah of course like we have a lot like on the purple ones here we have these kind of like this border Edge guard of these kind of plastic pots and I kind of want it's weird because I'm trying to represent this feel in a bit of plastic as we kind of go about the property um because again I like the toys were the reference point foreign RT can you open the garage please I love this thing about the garage official dream houses back in the day the garage would actually be sold separately as would Barbie's car so it's not included that's a good that's a good shave right there it's not included that's a good thing I actually wanted to remove the garage entirely in the property because to kind of hammer home the idea of it being sold separately um because it wouldn't be included that would be a separate playset in that and we're focused on Barbie's Dream Clubhouse here all right that that that's a good answer that's a good answer yeah it's a good shave that's a really strong save to the left of the garage uh the corner to the left of the garage one of the one of the mods in the in the German chat room said this home got an audible gasp for my wife you get to keep the 100 on clean no don't worry attention to detail like you know I I want to keep the guard in kind of nice pristine and proper um I really like actually I kind of like adding the sand in this um as we were going about too I just thought it add it a bit just sort of a bit of contrast from like kind of just modern Suburbia that you're getting here and like everyone just doing kind of grassy Gardens I thought it would look a bit more distinct and against the idea of kind of dream Clubhouse and thinking of the beach and things like that yeah the sand is bringing me to the beach that's really wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful thank you very much uh uh I have I'm fighting with giving you a 98 or a 100 on creativity I'm trying to uh the 98 it's a 98 I think for creativity it could be 100 it is very kind that is very kind of you it's a 90. it's a 90 it's a yeah this one's gonna win oh it's a 99 it's an oh my God you're art your creativity I'm giving you 99. you're kind your complexity I'm giving you an 89 and it's not because it's not a complex house because somebody said it's more always the stupid Irish this is a regular home what kind of life are you living where Irish people are constantly defeating you a home this is like modeled after those old Barbie toys it's not exactly old Barbie toys so you don't actually want too much clutter in there yeah yeah you're right this one's like annoyingly perfect it's so good stuff this one is so good um you know getting plants inside just to kind of make it look here's what I'll say your philosophy you've got a one I think me or RT should win I think we should beat the flipped house is cool but it's just one idea hold the theme the whole time there's not a whole lot of structural problems it's very very nicely made you all the wiring works that's a 100 for philosophy that's a 100 for cleanliness is like this honestly Chad is unanimously giving you an Ana oh my God so I think it's very possible that we'll do a little bit of the math here hold on a second we got you at 99. are you way too kind chat thank you that's a 90 for complexity is there a difference in chat's grade if it's unanimous does that make it a hundred or is it a 95 Max it's just 95 Max okay just to make us at a point we started making The Simpsons house and switch last minute oh my God right okay it's impossible all right great great yeah impossible to get it one time I didn't get it makes sense why I didn't get it oh no well among a few other reasons but uh I'll get you at a from role please ladies and gentlemen RT game is currently at The Head of the Class with a 96.65 oh my God I actually five tenths of a point higher than Doug Doug how freaking dare you I don't want to be a buzz kill but Doug knee land does own the rights to Barbie and we will be sending you a cease and desist oh that's true that's true look the two people who might beat me italics and the Barbie house both cheating the law legally foreign there can be a brand opportunity here right Mattel is very powerful as I imagine Doug Newland is our lawyers will talk right we can work something out here of the ten thousand dollar prize pool that germa put up we can agree to that yeah [Music] well it was actually it was actually a hundred thousand but I mean I don't know why you I don't know why you said it was so low but I am okay with this being the model house the germa recreates from scratch rather than Disneyland a hundred thousand dollar prize pool oh no no no all right that was [ __ ] phenomenal RT uh thank you very much you're way too kind thank you everyone it's really good idea yeah good thank you so much everybody did a great job come on like uh with people's skill levels in the game and some people woke up timing's trying to get everyone this was a lot of fun thanks everybody so much we got one send for the bribe I'm art I already have my score I don't know why I would bribe German now I should have done it during the thing so I had a theme or something I went for here looks good or can you change anything yeah let me just use a lawyer say this is a safe maybe afterwards we don't need doors I literally lost points because of the door frames I am loading your stream but it is freezing let me why is there a five second delay on the Gemma cam because it's from his stream uh you you look this is from Discord the game and then germa is just from his stream so it's like a normal stream I'll tell you when you can go so you said you you oh I should have called the metal detectors it's not exactly that's such a good save if you're like I guess someone who's invited to it but it's not like it's not like a not like a family home uh it's a it's an orphanage um and if you're wondering about the windows the boards are supposed to be there okay thank you so that you know people don't leave um but yeah so that those are there for a reason but I I can show you the home check it out in the front yard again it's an orphanage so you can't really expect it to always like look so great outside there was some digging that didn't there's some digging that didn't get done you can listen we'll get to it we'll get to it anyways okay and the boards are uh you're you're out of 75 again for a reason okay so here we walk in and this is the main room red we have a couch yeah I don't know if I'm on a second or third place and I was just sitting there oh yeah yeah I could show you my house that I made okay once germa recreates it from scratch I'm third okay it's it's RT italics me right yes I could go on going I don't want to interrupt you your lights work your lights actually are functioning they were they were so that's one light uh this is the girls room Channel than I do okay this is the girl's room fit two um we have things girls like in here like a Barbie Dream House love Hassan um this doll and Taylor Swift okay he is sub uh so yeah the girls love it um next room over this is the boys room he said you son of a [ __ ] like the main characters in microwave Transformers movies like Shia LaBeouf and Mark Wahlberg um oh and a Camaro because like Bumblebee um so nothing else besides like nothing else besides Transformers no well there's Austin's show but he's not on hundred thieves anymore so they had to Mark him out but he used to be on the wall yeah and that's just like a window I can't remember is it a window or is it is it a pic can you can you get closer it's a window I can't I don't know how to can you crouch yeah it's so impressive the load okay actually that might not the kid might have actually put that on the wall next to him okay yeah all right anyways that was the boys room this is a nice looking door I was supposed to be like I wish I'd added the garage door unfortunately we won't get into that this is the hunter thieves cash app kitchen juvie we have uh brought to you by courage JD and we give courage on the wall we have a nice sink um this is where you get the juice I'm gonna get okay I'm for creativity I mean you may I I'm gonna give you so far I'm gonna I got you at an 80. okay we'll keep getting that up don't worry okay this is the back door here is the repurpose from a Sears that shut down we kind of just took the glass sliding but this is an orphanage 100 thieves oh are you saying they just took the door okay I don't know where we could go now upstairs Dungeons and Dragons again it's it's tough to get funding foreign to the right yeah oh no like this one is that part of another window or out for a long way I'll tell you what we'll do okay that's your lighting for the well the sun is the sun is due so it's not hitting you this way oh this time of course but yeah I mean 40 seconds get out of here we [ __ ] got him Chad there's a sleep button another dub for the duck duck community all right so what what do you got uh oh you're you are the first person to use the house yeah see I think that's worth at least a couple points in philosophy and the sun's there somewhere anyways uh upstairs we have we have a couple different usages the main usage of upstairs is the playroom you'll see it in the corner but okay I'm gonna just have an like the the owner's bed is right there okay I'm Gonna Keep It Like motivating for the kids so like we have Ted lasso on the wall kids love Ted lasso uh this is 10 gifts yeah I had to do it during new things though although he doesn't care it says he doesn't even get notifications on a stream for gifted Subs I don't know if you would have noticed okay is there any uh is there a bathroom what right here so that's a wait so that's a bathroom toilet it's what they use well did you not even look in the room I dude you have a bucket oh there's a okay that's right the bucket all right all right all right I see I see I see we're not trying to kill the kids like okay all right so now what's in there anyways or somebody I could log into his channel and then oh no I only have a stream yeah this looks bad but kids will be kids boys will be boys sometimes things get roughed up okay that's we're at we're at it where you you your score is unfortunately falling after that it's unfortunately falling okay it's a lot of a lot of a lot of dings if the kids are happy I don't even need the score anyways this is the playroom we have a lot of toys for the kids here at least to be clear okay um I appreciate that you're only typing one emote I much prefer that versus giant walls of emotes but let's keep it uh relevant this is like a little doll here I'll play you uh your favorite song there's some Weaponry there's some security cameras you have yeah okay okay so we have we have sponsors can I see the garage could I see the garage [Music] like an outlet with a fork all right cool we've moved on okay um of course I have a garage your philosophy had to come down a little first you have a the garage it will get there okay I wanted to show you this we do like this is still here uh because well when the kids turn 14 that's where they go bring it back all right fine juvie okay what's in the garage I had to see the garage oh yeah I think a garage this is uh where we get streaming instead of so if they're going to be in the orphanage they want to become streamers obviously and is there anything in the garage true of course [Music] [ __ ] okay he actually has a garage actually got a garage you have a garage set up it's a little stronger setup face cams then that those are my space camps and we've been at the perfect place to see somebody's face perfect 100 thieves yeah I think congratulations for making a garage first of all yeah so of course and why would you not utilize the garage that's what's the computer silly is that just a regular computer that's a streaming computer they're mainly players okay cool first time watching your stream in a bit okay my question is what the hell is happening in this chat you're wait hold on what's in the back I don't know you did paint the exterior which is actually a huge deal of course uh painting the exterioration please don't be excessive with Spam get the grade up for you they can uh do it I can give you whatever let's not pretend like there's not an effort made on the lawn because like as you can see the turf here the kids lay it out they mow it they try so you didn't do that oh the kids do it oh okay so you didn't do that no well I mean good points done it's a part of the okay yeah that's fair you know what all right what do we got what do we got for a chat score uh A B C or D you can't go lower than a 60. um I'm not saying that for any particular reasons look all right I got you 70. I'm sorry for creativity say many times I I do I just asked if you say stop and chat keep it relevant the idea that's it so look it's look it's a 75 for creativity like over like what what did like the what did like the maze get got a also 75. okay all right that's yeah I would like you to open the front door okay uh in the front the reason why the 75 is for creativity is because this space yeah I know there's nothing really happening right now which is why it's not a bakery but I still I am in an endless battle against the evil forces of spam it's a nice house you made it's a nice so we must constantly push back against The Temptations of the devilish spam demon I believe that's a good one creatively speaking to just fill up the chat with nonsense it isn't interesting we must fight against it even when it seems like he isn't threatening right now we must always fear the spam demons is infinite and Perpetual comrade here that is a courage we could have won with like Avengers assembly changes man so close it's an end thing you may not know it is the problem yeah there's no hashtag ad anywhere I don't know 76. for complexity because your favorite operating system is the Nintendo 64. I figured that was a good thing to give you I think that was your favorite an operating system yeah operating system yeah no that's my favorite probably that is probably right I gave you I gave you a 60. unfortunately I give you a 60 for cleanliness but today was a house flipper challenge where everybody got 75 minutes to get a totally dumpy house and re-transform it into whatever you want using this game build house flipper and germa has been grading all of these emissions I mean it's not really uh I have been graded we're currently in third place I'm glad I can bring awareness to it Chad has given you a bit this is the last one so it's gonna it's gonna stop that's great is an 85. I'll take V the winners I got you I'm gonna give you a 78 on philosophy because I think I like I like the I like the you you fulfilled your philosophy the whole place you know front door and then have a completely different interior 0.2 or so I'm gonna give you a c plus for that one cool put the camera I'll give you your final grade now your grade is as of right now you got a 76 for creativity I've got you at it's 64 for complexity and structure I've got you at 60. I'm Gonna Give You 64 for cleanliness because it's also you know might as well I got a 96 flat 54. it's your favorite because as Fair that makes sense I'm Gonna Give You 78 for philosophy and then an 85 for chats grade which gets you to a grand total of 72.4 0 that's very well is that higher or lower than the other Connor spam to me is messages that aren't relevant or that are like giant walls attacks that's okay I just don't think it's interesting if people are just saying completely irrelevant messages yeah very important very important when you're in school in high school and in college they don't like bring everybody up and say all right hey this is the best people in the actually they do it's like the [ __ ] deal right I would rather have the Chattahoochee what is going on rather than just a lot of volume you know and then they'd slap a paper in front he was actually stop being a buzz kill I think it is incredibly boring if Chad has no relation to what's going on I've done this to us that to me is how do you show us your house what do you have to offer I was walking around just putting random paint on walls I was answering technical support we all had the same amount of time I'm just talking about my philosophy on spam that's all philosophy just play the game let me give the great let me give the final grades up we need to know what your qualifications are okay your overall grade was a 72.4 let's get the final grades on here because I think people need to see them and we're going to do it in uh in order of top of the class down now if you got if you're right this is cruel but how else do we do this why don't we do this without making you feel big all right here we go with a 90 6.65 I didn't know I was not muted right then RT game hi is your is your head of the class honestly in shock thank you so much deserved I was gonna complain but it looks so good thank you thank you I was gonna complain but I'm still gonna complain a second I'm just kidding oh no let's let's get this a little bigger so you can see all right at 96 point 55 is italics um I think we should just Round Up congrats massive congrats you're so cool just round them both up to 97 you know hmm you remember when teachers wouldn't round up oh well we I mean we could round up but these are the exact scores with 96.05 we have Doug Doug clap clap so those are your those are your top scores that's everybody that got an A effectively so the people that got into high B let me just write it 96.5 all right the high B's let me see yeah make sure you do your garage can you still see me yeah you're still on screen drop three let's go all right let me see 80 who had 87.6 87.5 87.65 we have Joel not blast oh congrats very good score very excellent score let's go that's a b-plus isn't it 87 yeah seven and above B plus it's correct with 87.5 we have poke yes smoke 87.5 I love you guys were neck and neck yours was hilarious thank you take that one percent he gave me or no oh that's right hold on wait no wait you did off with a friend the friend points um how are we gonna do that I think he loses one and Bo gets one right yo what's your uh what What's your uh assessment here yeah well what what am I supposed to do well sorry what you said you wanted you wanted to give zero point something points to friend points okay how about this how about this uh I will give as very generous and I just want to say you know thanks thanks for that I can be part of this I just want to say this I think poker gets a zero point five extra friend point I think it's 0.5 so that would be wow no no change at all no difference thank you for exchanging points in second place if any one below me wants to combine our scores to take first place is a tie I think I'm open to that too I'd like to give all my points to Connor eats pants into help his orphanage because oh my God thank you for helping the youth we're exchanging them now are we look I'm the teacher you can't just give grades to each other just wait till I get it all on paper I'm standing on my chair right now Oh Captain My Captain I give it to Connor I'd like to give a full letter grade to uh Mike over there like that's about how this works all right here we go all right well then keep it rolling guys if we were to write germa's house all of us so that's what we're doing yeah but I didn't even I wasn't competing I was like literally did you have 75 minutes to make it I had 75 minutes to explain to chat how this process was going and answering questions how many hours do you have on you get more hours on this game than all was combined I have two or three thousand hours in this game I would I would demolish any of you in a challenge we'll find out when we look at your house fine words get through these scores when's house flipper two out actually yeah you guys you guys down for round two when house over two comes up yeah of course oh yeah yes please excuse me yeah I'll be a part of it I'll be in I'll be in it next time again you competing let's go watch me see me with an a [ __ ] plus see me what who grades it then we have to get some uh you know what I'll I'll bow out all great for you guys yeah more of a I feel like just my history lessons aren't appreciated so designer why is that wrong that sometimes yeah I went to college yeah yeah English major gang let's go but your score your score is like good you had an 83.2 Lottery that's a beat I know I had the worst joke though and it really hurt it did it was time they were so mean yeah they hate you yeah unjustice of this entire day is high school Injustice you [ __ ] wig yeah hold on hold on let me see we got 83.2 is lovely you had a drinking corner for 14 year olds yeah I think she was 14 year old dessert shows I'm not sure actually with the 14 year old friend she would be a good job she would be able to like okay actually uh what about Doug's maze room we can ignore that one yeah Doug did use a very good but Doug's maze room was a real maze it wasn't just walls put up in random locations Mage is a generous to him to describe what was at the end of that uh who's next after Ludwig all right now we've got we're down now we're down to the Seas they loved my name and this is not a bad thing it's no it's not it's not right can we got you at a 78.45 that's a c plus oh that's that's good degrees C's get three degrees real [ __ ] no and remember remember philosophy wise remember we saw what happened when somebody went full blown Barbie house oh yeah they won that's true these guys you were there I was there yeah oh no video no no Vinnie is higher if any is higher oh okay he's down here Vinnie was Vinnie's at 83.8 so he is higher than you Ludwig I'm sorry oh if anything's really good it was really good yeah both of ours were good we're both the same rate yeah so now we've got underneath you Kraken we have with a with a 75.6 we have Sea Dog thank you this was awesome PowerPoint presentation of like memes it was honestly it was just you went through your computer and just typed in you typed into the windows search bar dot PNG and it was just like what do I got on my computer your house is what Elon Musk wanted to live in when he bought Twitter just memes just comedy was legal again I I you know I think I I went the extra mile with the decoration and the sheer amount of walls um it was just it was tough I was I was genuinely just a lot of laws it's a lot too much rules I think I by the time I realized I had 10 minutes left I was like I've got nothing I have nothing they were all mustard colored too we had like a whole mustard colored house I just imagine I loved it I loved it I imagine in summer it's just unbearably harsh because it's usually error can't reach you oh my God there's no reason to be there anyway let alone any Seasons no reason to be there be in the house that sounds like the real estate listing there's no reason 2.4 which is a 72 a c still it is right or is it C minus uh CD minus yeah that's conrades pants at a 72.4 wait all all the Seas got C's that's actually yeah this kind of thematic I like it there are your final grades that's a 1.667 GPA right did I literally get last place oh yeah you got deadlines no last place there's objectively last place there's no last place [Music] your dog in the game German show us your house give me a second it would be nice to see your house I want you to boot up and show us your house and show us what you made okay I'll show you my house all right I'll show it to you Boot It Up I wasn't competing well we're still going to judge you on yeah those are the factors we should judge them on what factors it's the same criteria I think that's only fair yeah okay okay sure rate this one let's see what you guys think punks I'm actually going to show you something oh no no no no no no no no we're gonna get I want a real grade and you better get one of like pre-built ones this is gonna be a bit this has to be a bit right all right are you guys ready uh Have you shared your screen yet oh you're coming now June you can see you can see my host you pull up my live stream right now here we go give us one sec hang on and I want you to take a quick look I want you to take a quick Channel what's your channel name Twitter thank you not that one okay I see this okay um I think you got the wrong save can we go ahead and see that garage before you head out yeah what are you loading here Jeremy can you go back to the home please for us to where where's my where is it what about the garden after building the house where's the Krusty Krab the Krusty Krab was here where's the Krusty Krab sure it was are you okay why is the Krusty Crap I swear to God it was here at like [ __ ] time all right uh we got a zero for preparation yeah the fact that this doesn't exist is gonna dock complexity add complexity I think because he's made it up in his own head and that's so this is [ __ ] up this is actually [ __ ] up it's more philosophical though right by sure it's the cabin hmm no it's not it's not well because someone bought it it would be the Krusty Krab it wouldn't be the cabin that's a mess right there what yeah that's [ __ ] awful this is the most German possible super cleanliness right guys that is the lowest score that is the lowest possible score yeah when you tried to like load the presentation on the class computer German you should apologize oh did you just have a 180 in your opinions I think you just did Krusty Krab that looks pretty interesting doesn't it through the front door as you see this house is perfectly the sign is in the perfect location going through here we've got the galley grub there is your ordering station Squidward sits right here unbelievably complex complexity philosophy theming idea of the bathtub being the thing that he sits behind how's that this is don't worry about this this is uh there's nothing don't have to worry about that uh this is uh hold on what why is a futuristic space doors go look at what the Krusty Krab looks like it looks like this no it is pretty accurate to the Krusty Krab I'll give you that um what's that Connor say that again it's pretty good I don't know Connor I'm not saying any mazes yeah I can't sleep that weird corner yeah the weird Corner the screamer that gave me an F oh did you have working lights only three of you did can you show us the uh could you show us Mr Krabs's room again uh this is the bathroom we don't need it I said I I was I got tired when I did this tired but it's always hard to make Krusty Krab's office it was hard to do it you forgot the freezer we had duck points yeah yeah that's all right it's all right always be in the kitchen like I don't remember that in the manga I'll be honest with you this is up here if you didn't know up in the car what is up here oh what how did you remove the stairs what the [ __ ] is this this is a different base home oh uh yeah some of the houses you can remove the stairs some of them were made more way more customers upstairs when Mr Krabs goes into Haydn because the IRS is after him and this one made this in 45 minutes somebody hacked my computer and did this part uh Gmod map on TTT can you go through those doors yeah what is going on oh somebody hacked my computer into this foreign I did this in 45 minutes with can you show us the outside did you make a vampire Shrine to yourself yeah [ __ ] of weird I know what's the idea behind the the weeds and the straw because the house flipper actually grows grass and I haven't been in this house for like four months what's the deal with that balcony on the side of the house could you look at that again which one left side of the Krusty Krab oh um so what's going on there I'll figure it out I got a question Doug by the way where are all the animals because where's the maze oh and you didn't even say anything about my oh it's nothing's here we see the garage please no mace okay uh where are the animals they were like 15 animals that were like running around well they got to make the burger somehow so did you remember did you plan this whole tournament so you could show us this house I think that's it can you can you really really cool that that gray thing in the back to see what's back there if you could you got it oh you have a grappling hook yeah there's a grappling hook wait oh you mean back here yeah there's like a trap door or something oh that is weird what is that oh what's going on here I don't know if you want someone to climb down there uh we're gonna take points off our classic complexity minus and philosophy for sure what's my grade the smell so bad you have to escape through the hatch I mean honestly I thought you guys want to go ahead first well what do you guys think for creativity creativity has definitely got to be high you know it's pretty hot I thought at least yeah I think that's fair I I one thing that bothered me is that the sign wasn't on its own post because that to me is the defining feature of the rosy crab is its own definitive sign he just slapped it on the front like a like a like a like he does have the McDonald's arches and it's the same limitations it's not even transparent it's just a you know like a white yes to the you know Plankton's home nearby so it's really geographically vague where we are yeah that's right why would it be 90 creativity on like established iPad true how much time did German have on this house 45 minutes plus about three and a half hours you've clocked in like 65 seconds I I barely play this game all right and I'm trying to get extra points here at them and I'm just saying with the amount of time you you know from this game you should have been able to [ __ ] out of Mona Lisa in no time but no Gary no SpongeBob no Nosferatu you're not gonna make it in Hollywood excuse me that's a good point he did make the whole vampire he does have a nose for us he did actually have a vampire Roman fairness yeah and so I in fact I thought for me philosophy was the highest score I put 95. yeah okay well now on philosophy I don't know just because of that hatch to access the toilet because like what have you just taken a [ __ ] and someone like climbs down from the ceiling that's some weird philosophy I don't know you may be able to take a [ __ ] on the roof and have it drop down into the toilet though uh the angle makes that impossible to be frank that was my kind of Firepower the detail though the entirely empty second floor for the philosophy second floor no but that's that's not that's that's nothing go look at the Interiors it doesn't add to the uh yeah look at how the wood why is there between for cows they were like 10 barn animals that lived here and I don't know where they are I don't know where they went okay actually supposed to be here you have animals you haven't been here for four months I think they're dead I don't know what happened to the animals okay while we're doing the grade and I I think the mods are sharing that chats vote is coming with an F unfortunately no that's [ __ ] I didn't think it would deserve an F but it is the majority of the votes there's still time so let me do okay fine creativity what do you got for me creativity I think 90 it's established IP though but it's fine that's fine I think okay okay I think I think um it was there's some like cool elements like the door the sliding doors um like even like the posters I think are kind of cool if you open up look at the interior of the Krusty Krab you wouldn't have put these here Ludwig the troughs yeah I don't know no no no I'm talking I'm talking about this these pills the trapdoor to the bathroom so that pervert's kind of mean between the I don't think you would have done what if I don't think I think you would have just kept the tables as they were you told us specifically just now to look up images of the Interior so I did okay and they're all rectangular like the interior of the Krusty Crab is one big rectangle that's true you know maybe 85 for complexity yeah I think I honestly I think I think it is complexity yeah I think 70. that went up to the the room was kind of cool we should divide the score by how much time was spent making the item 45 is like four hours well I think chat's vote went into account that because they gave him an F now hold on I think Jess Sergeant go ahead it's okay yeah I took longer doing this but I wasn't timed I sat around we we watched like three or four YouTube videos we went off on like a food tangent there was like at least two or three hours of that stream where I wasn't even playing house flipper little baby said what I could repeat it so what what uh what happened was I was watching videos I was watching like three or four videos and then we did like a whole nother thing we were talking about food and stuff did you hear me that time no I heard you have time I think uh I appreciate that the the one thing that we're going to talk about deeply is cleanliness yeah yeah and how how yeah the trough was for the animals that we um that's right in front of the menu as well what is dirty here every look at how everything is perfectly clean you made it you made a restaurant with a chocolate thing scores look at this even the bathroom the bathroom is immaculate look at every single one of them and no shit's in here no piss buckets in here these are all because I think it's not clean though the fact that you're [ __ ] in an open everyone you're sitting next to someone there's no there's no like this look there's no regulations why are the toilet stalls that's not why isn't there any doors yeah why it's not clean at all because you can't put them I I feel like if my shirt off lies if someone with a lower score makes this call or RT what do you think for cleanliness because you had the highest score I again I'm just trying to I'm trying to think of it in relation to the SpongeBob lore and the Krusty Krab actually is notoriously not clean and Mr Krabs is like deploying all kinds of techniques to just keep it vaguely afloat when it's filthy it's even an episode about the actual germs and the establishment if anything and I think the lore should be taken into account in judging that I'm on board with this but there's no Silver Cross didn't apply in the grading though because like mine was a messy orphanage but it was not messy 100 thieves juvie orphanage would be messy yeah and it also wasn't creative oh but did you have Fred in your place down our favorite SpongeBob character can our a grades all give us a cleanliness score whoever got an A can you give out a score for cleanliness and we'll find an average zero here Connor you're obviously a c grade thank you very much because I gave his maze mustard House of 76. uh biggest mustard I'm salty because I got worse than the Maize mustard house honestly honestly after tonight after tonight and then all this drama in this community and you know cataclysa that has happened the only reasonable thing I can see happening from now on is if germa individually goes through every person and pretends they are the winner and congratulations you won first place so we all get validation from this because we can pretend and feel good maybe it's a DM that I can screenshot yeah I will DM everybody saying you did a great job thank you but ain't nothing better than the Krusty Krab that will be in all right well all right you can crop that message and frame it you know based on that alone I'm leaning towards giving you uh you know all the Conor's got a secret I think maybe you deserve a j grade tubelowna I agree yeah you'll agree on Jay all right so what what am I what am I getting for complexity for Real uh complexity was 80. creativity was 90. yeah okay I think the philosophy is your highest score okay so what would you say is that is 91 are you all agreeing on that no did we talk about the alien doors clipping through the wall or no yeah it's really bothering me and uh did you guys show the doors like look they're open the door and look at it flip guys like what are we doing oh what are we doing here go in the bathroom door and go up what is that or three I don't know I don't know above the aliens for ventilation it's a ventilation event I don't want to start more drama in the community but like this is really pissing me off oh yeah I have a Monumental point on cleanliness here so please wash your hands sign there is no sinks on that toilet there's only toilet bowls Where Are You Gonna wash your hands I mean they're in the water though yeah oh what about in here we're just coming in the water you can come in here where is there any indication that the water is here like how do we know we're underwater see and did you have teleporters wow pumping up philosophy to 93 for that I didn't even go in the teleporting pool and my latest is our final call whatever we have for that we can get our grade gonna say 90 90 for me all right Chad get Chad gave me a 60. all right philosophy imagine whatever you said 90. we have our we have our final scores then okay creativity 90. okay complexity 80. okay philosophy 93 93 cleanliness 90 flat 90 flat for cleanliness are you guys agreeing on that that's what Doug said I mean I think it's fair 88 girlfriend [Music] all right so uh that puts me at an 84.65 wait yeah I disagree I fundamentally disagree let me just uh let me just like sneak my way in here sorry dropped your cleanliness to 80 Flats 80 where where am I sit here oh right above here right below poke honestly the pack 84.65 that looks all right what are you doing an exam and the teacher just takes at the end it's like I just better than you me still didn't even do like top five that's right dude how the hell did you do it so good tell me foreign you know congratulations you look like you have some potential in this game so I would keep at it yeah that was a lot of fun did you guys have a good was that did you guys have a good time you guys are amazing yeah everyone was creative for like their own their own way you know I think that's really cool this is awesome I want to do it again my only regret was I didn't get to go earlier so I wouldn't have to go after the yeah I wish I went earlier too my only regret is not going later do this again we do this again but we're given two hours yeah hey house flipper two actually they don't have a release date but you can build your you can build your actual whole house I think from scratch in-house oh my God a strict um like you should be graded on your performance or your Woody presentation like it should be strict five minutes can't go over can't go under get some songs in there you know I think that that's part of it get some songs in there a little music I think you realize something I just realized something this whole thing was I guess like by germa because he just took a bunch of people in here to see how they viewed him through a scope like how do you view germa and it turns out it's you know me just viewing him through memes but other people are thinking like how do I skew it towards Jeremiah through creativity or whatever you know and I'm just saying I'm just saying I think this was a experiment for germa to do it I don't know it just feels like I mean it was this was an experiment that that is absolutely correct none of you won anything and we're all gonna go about our day normally as well yeah 100 looking at the scales yeah is this the candy it's not the IGA are you waiting for the check in the mail okay IGN score scale right here this is some IGN scoring yo you should advertise it like 10 million dollars next time but it's all inside Joe we don't talk about that we're doing for like five million dollars yeah well I honestly this was actually an experiment I hope you guys had a good time everyone had a lot of funny [ __ ] I thank you for organizing it yeah thank you so much if I had to lose the one person by 0.1 points I would be like uh I'm I'm honestly shocked I'm honestly shocked no you guys are great congratulations like I said in the very beginning all these grades it's just horseshit it's just for fun so I'm glad everybody don't worry we spent like 20 minutes grading your Krusty Krab number my number if it doesn't mean anything I mean I thought I would have probably given myself like a 96. well thank you very much thank you everybody [Laughter] thanks also to the mods too the mods helped facilitate a lot of this so thanks mods I just I just bailed I don't know if I was supposed to stay longer uh man that was that was really really fun I was surprised at the amount of uh variety there's a good amount of variety all right it is six o'clock got him I do really love [Music] ah that it ended with all of us just bullying germa that was a that was a nice way to end things [Music] okay [Music] so I didn't know how long that would take I thought three hours and it was five so I do want to do some more streaming um because don't be alarmed this is another jump scare um failboats in my house [Music] and we were gonna stream Smash Bros uh so let me see what he's up to um please hold oh you're right here what are you down keep going all right let's do it [Music] because there was actually a room behind me the whole time he's just been standing here again okay just pretend you didn't see that yeah okay this this right here uh this is how tall the green screen camera shot is you gotta get down okay you're there what I didn't tell you chat it's failboat was here the whole time yeah I was really really cut out uh yeah I thought you were gonna be right here yeah yeah let's run it back all right like okay um but what I didn't tell you today chat is that failboat was here the whole time yeah that one worked that was good um uh let me set things up um so chat thank you for watching the house flipper Invitational that was extremely fun it was very cool to be uh to be part of it we are going to be doing some Smash Bros but playing 10 games at once and we're swapping between them here we go all right okay in terms of setup the screen is here I mean well well I can get you hold on let me move all this [ __ ] yeah also the alerts have been paused hi Doug why didn't you blind the trash behind garage at gemiversal people's homeless employees I feel like I [Music] happy birthday chat [Music] you know what I'll put it right next to your keyboard clap clap clap clap hey Jet what's up everybody it's Doug Doug Beluga I don't know what what do you guys say in this chat I hope you guys also been here the whole time [Music] updates blood doesn't have more sub months sword dollar reduce than I do after all I was actually looking at gemma's stream and I got okay there you go I'm a better devil say than he is after all [Music] there are some serious demons behind those eyes keep the magnetic all the kids who didn't do their homework last night are complaining that the homework was unfair we did our homework I'm always scared to keep the magnet I have those little ring things as well but I'm like docking points because it is not underwater how will the fish breathe uh [Music] the Krusty Krab canonically only has three stores there are too many wow [Music] that's crazy to clean up I mean we're streaming more I'm probably one of the only people who continue to stream we're playing melee it'll be interesting uh 10 games it is me the ghost of dug dog's chair don't trust him he murdered me and then stuck me inside his rip-off Disneyland you've been warned should I believe that or is that no no that's a lie chat lies all the time I'm in the US now on vacation so nice being able to watch a stream all the way also American toilets are weird how how are they different from what are you talking about wait what are you talking about playing more house flipper after this stream maybe with a wheel of Randomness yeah I might do that I think that could be a lot Jesus Take the Wheel like every room has a different theme or something um Doug forgetting and they on your test we can go to McDonald's for dinner and get a Happy Meal when uh I picked up Philo yesterday I took him to McDonald's to grab food I know I know you said you really wanted that meal earlier by the way yeah I know you're you're really biting for it uh yo germa thank you for the gigantic raid I appreciate it very much thank you thank you oh yeah um thank you so much for the invitation to the event today it was legitimately super fun I don't think I would have played house slipper otherwise and this was incredibly fun so I appreciate it welcome y'all um it's gonna take a few minutes to set up but if you want to watch an interesting thing here's the plan last week I made a thingy here I'll show you code so it looks fancy [Music] uh where's it at I'm gonna plug this in by the way controlling stuff oh I don't know we'll figure that out that'll be the question um 20K viewers cool I mean there's a new viewer Peak I don't think that counts yeah I don't think like Jesus Take the Wheel pretty sure that doesn't count [Music] because I sat down here hi Taylor love thank you for the 10 episodes I appreciate it all right let me let me show you what we're working with uh Python scripts Dolphin game shuffler bam all right so wrote some code yesterday and the idea last week so you may have seen it although probably a lot of you have not seen this channel before at this point um so the the the thing is um last week I played Mario Kart right and I set up 10 different races of Mario Kart and then this code swaps between them randomly every 2 to 25 seconds so I'm in playing One race and it'll swap over to another one and then after like five seconds I'll swap or another one after 20 seconds they'll swap it or another one not to alarm you but we are the largest house flipper streamer by 18 000 viewers let's go [ __ ] go dude um so we're gonna try the same thing uh it was good I do need to beat that challenge at some point it was a fun time fun we're gonna do a little different uh failboat I've been playing some Super Smash Bros melee in our free time it's been very enjoyable and we're like right at the same level right so what we're gonna do is same concept we're gonna set up 10 games of Super Smash Bros melee on 10 different maps all the same character but with different items set up stage setups and then every two to 25 seconds it'll swap randomly between them I think we should do one that's flipped one let's flip I'm just saying do you want to have like random characters on One game yeah we could do that yeah it's a random on one right so what what we're thinking I gotta figure out the audio and everything um uh so this will be a couple minutes to set up but it should be pretty quick stream title right let me update stream a few minutes to set things up love you Doug Doug thank you bro uh okay playing 10 games of Smash Bros simultaneously [Music] when you brought this up to me I was like oh that sounds terrible and now that I'm sitting in the hot seats like yeah this still has not changed in the last three weeks since you brought this up to me yeah it's not a good idea but it is an idea nobody can argue that's not an idea okay um so a few minutes to set stuff up um uh microphone probably here I don't normally do this I should just boost the game right if you just talk there hello hello audio test all right I've moved forward uh hello hello hey I boosted the audio by like 50 DB is that okay uh or is that too loud too loud you're also leaning into the mic when you ask them if the audio is good okay hey guys is this adjusted appropriately just want to make sure okay so if we're both like here talking yeah is this okay is this normal-ish volume that we we do on this channel probably a little higher that's good in the headphones I can um definitely myself nah it's fine yes it'll be fine oh look I'll play loud music to compensate does that help oh yeah yeah all right so we just gotta set up controllers let me get the box how's it going chat oh God yeah so to further emphasize what dog was saying uh I have a history in playing like Smash 4 ultimate I play competitively in Vermont super fun um but mainly I've never really given much of a shot at I played as you know as a kid uh good old uh what Kirby on Hyrule Temple uh just the absolute you know greatest ever do it um but never tried melee and so one day Doug was interested in playing some melee uh and he got the Smashbox and we both just started playing at about the same time which is this thing yeah yeah and we had very even back and forths like consistently down to to game fives or game threes or whatever uh and it was it's been very very very fun so now that we're here in person we now get to play melee without any any uh excuses or delay uh or potentially copyrighted music I imagine we can't play some of the music that we play when we play it by ourselves there yeah not normally all right yeah I know this should all actually the code should work exactly the same press spacebar to begin cool starting in three two one race completed okay I guess I should probably change it from race complete I don't need it it's a race I should probably change it from here yeah let me know we wanted to go um cool I should probably change it do you want it to say race completed or just leave it yeah versus game all right that's fine um so we need our dolphin it's a race to be the best okay let's make sure controllers are set up and then and then we just gotta set things up [Music] we then we just do the games yeah oh God there's gonna be a [ __ ] mess okay Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games we could pivot to that that's a good like uh controller test right yeah uh oh it was trying to load every single game thank you to panic for the gifted Subs appreciate it man thank you okay so question I remember for melee's intro controller do you have I mean I I you'll have to like set me up at dolphin here let me also unpause alerts you didn't win can I get my donations refunded sir it's just to make you feel bad okay standard one should be probably you this one's me I guess I mean it doesn't matter curiosity are you gonna be in the Peggle Battle Royale on the 15th uh no Battle Royale you should pressure Park sir to join um how do I set this up well okay no standard controller whichever you are mapped through that it's your Smashbox I don't know what the buttons are gonna be there I only got it working on anything yeah on Dolphin trollers controllers and then configure which is okay sailboat just wanted to say I went to college with you it's a Champlain although I only talk to you Mike once feel free to completely disbelieve me but I just have wanted to tell you that for a long time very often what am I saying of course you don't thank you again Mr germa um this Dolphin closed yeah dolphin just crashed it's interesting because they're super low to the ground have so much water and then when using a handle is weird controllers yeah so they're back to standard control I I don't do GameCube adapters there you go and then pick the control between the two of you who is better at pretending they have a big whiner so like the under device you just could pick whatever your Jesus Take the Wheel no but I think it's supposed to be here let's get you set up first let's just play the game doctor um yeah yeah and then uh click on that and then Happy National seven eleven day thank you for the 15. competitively huh oh no get out of here the memes are crossing uh press a button not liking that there you go uh what's it again do you have like another controller I could use I have a GameCube controller um you have like a yes well at the Xbox controller oh yeah yeah I'll figure it out I don't even know where you can get the little brother controller get the controller it's definitely plugged in right now there we go it's cool it's cool to hit like my all-time viewership record it's just us like doing Tech work yeah doing tech support good advertisement for the rest of the content you know yeah this will maybe be interesting in like five minutes we get going yeah like the train wreck in uh five minutes when we get going all right so that's let's get let's get you set up yeah all right refresh Xbox all right I think I got this going it's got some Guilty Gear music playing guys I think Doug Doug has good taste uh we are pretty loud show us your needs look you already got the shot earlier you guys can go back and figure it out if you want it so badly here okay this does work appropriately cool God I love goodbye it's a Chris Tuesday evening you wake up you're on a dug Dog stream the chat keeps yelling brigged and babangabush this smash game keeps swapping between 10 matches things may be crazy but at least you still have Animal Crossing yeah I won't notice those were five tier two subs thank you to whoever gave that I appreciate it sorry I didn't notice you should have everything I drunken layout game yeah yeah you're good baby oh an error occurred ah okay okay well let's ignore it yeah let's Okay that look good try now yeah just like get in the menu and whatnot uh I think it's good to see that you're handing a stream over to a good stream hey there we go I wish you luck in your retirement done here all right cool so then I need to mine is not working so a concert I think I'm in love with you do you guys want to go to the movies with me DK bongos that's our backup yeah with items and some without yeah yeah we're gonna do that yeah um Let me let me make sure I got my controls here before you start messing with the other controls uh so stream while you were presenting and one chapter goes I hate this guy followed by another chatter going I love this guy hey can't please everybody I think I got all the buttons going here so the stream ends when one of you dies right that's how it works about uh uh no it isn't is it not it totally is yes okay that's why dolphin has trouble with wired Pro controllers it works with Bluetooth though yeah yeah I think you have to go through like steam stuff and settings I mean this guy will do perfectly fine ah okay it's just about getting the [ __ ] because I'm using the GameCube adapters actually sent a message here are you watching so many people your pajamas send video and they loved it keep it up you olive oil oh if you're plugged in thank you I appreciate it then I guess that is is GameCube adapter yeah it's how it works on slippy um I'm not sure let me I guess look at slippy real quick uh Douglas channel is called friends till death yes we do have a podcast together occasionally upload on um it's not a podcast in any actual sense of the word it's not content in any actual sense of the word but it does exist uh please hold while we figure out how to plug in my controller okay so if I ever open up slippy back to yet divorce instead of race over [Music] [Applause] how would I make a drunken what's this it's not even working here who is the cardboard man in the back watching you both oh yeah that guy [Music] um [Music] you could [Music] um this just isn't working these nuts in your mouth oh that works beautifully and let me just here just here have some of the um whatever you want over there [Music] this is just not working at all interesting check give me a number like one through five 25 over feeling here I think a lot of Thor's that's a bad number I'm gonna go with one oh that's a good pick but there we go are you good okay so maybe this will work now on dolphin [Music] this is a sick song uh I'll read germa for five seconds ago oh yeah oops this whole time and still wait do you have to this player two work hold on wait let me let me go into um where even is players they're not even like you're what the hell's going on yeah you're not even plugged in the worst case I can play the GameCube controller but um used to a box I wanted to tell you both because of all the content you both make me laugh the most consistently you were saying you're abusive chances of humor perfectly much thank you for all the amazing loves over the years thank you you never say anything good about us yeah him okay I so the thing works on slippy but not dolphin why is that why is that the case I don't I don't know like you know how to do like the e-boy hand art what what does that mean you don't know like a little evil handheart I don't know I don't know what what is this it's a little heart look at the camera oh gross there you go I don't believe in emotions all right let I guess we could try just through slippy um oh I mean it's working for slippy but I mean if we if I can control this then we're fine I don't know if this has save states though [Music] okay we should be fine to do it like this save states oh God I don't even know how to I don't even know how we set this up I mean wait are you pressing no you're not it's only letting me do one God damn it okay we have to do this we have to do this on Dolphin so on controllers it's GameCube adapter for Wii U and it works fine and it's configured and that works why isn't it worked on Dolphin does it just not work on Dolphin uh the GameCube adapter has a driver that slip uses so try switching the adapter um from Wii U mode to PC mode try switching the adapter from Wii the GameCube adapter is a driver wait sorry uh Phoenix what does that mean exactly on the physical adapter no it's not it's not a third-party one I don't think it's yeah it's just a legit Wii U yeah so it's an actual Wii U adapter yeah some of them have like switches you can use but change the port I mean do you want to try the state of controller see if that does anything uh I mean it should work fine maybe if I'm player two device Arduino Leonardo box profile I might need to restart dolphin I do like two chats uh this one is just the mods oh oh gotcha okay device Arduino hold on God this is such good content Kirby forgotten Land by the way person is asking about computer blood um Spoto I don't know what you mean I don't know how device Arduino Leonardo I don't know what that means I I want to do what you're telling me but I don't know what that means there's a driver of software you need to install for Dolphin is this a dig God damn it I'm gonna play eight single player games by myself and just let those rotate between save states I don't understand why it works for slippy I guess slippy has the driver installed um or use the standard USB cable I do have uh in the configure controller so I do you're saying if I do configure here I don't see Arduino as like an option is this gamepad I mean it sounds like I'm gonna need um to download something I remember having this issue when I first got the box try the USBC box where I remember trying that and it just didn't it just straight up did not work um like I just couldn't get dolphin to work until I swapped a slippy it it finally worked I might need to just uh yeah I might just need a GameCube controller interesting will you ever make this code public yeah at the end of my last stream if you go to the last like 10 minutes I say how all this works I should be clear this is not a mod so people are just this is not a mod the stuff that I wrote it just presses buttons for Dolphin it's not a mod I'm not modding any games um [ __ ] I don't know what to do I guess probably just GameCube controller but even then um I guess I'll plug in the GameCube controller to this see if it works yeah yeah I mean if the game controller Works through that then I won't be as good okay it was going to be a sweet by the way our game five records are like five oh me or something like you get he gets us to game five uh but then it usually just kind of swings my way he doesn't like when I play Jigglypuff by the film we do multi-shines absolutely not the most I have just learned how to uh wave Dash yeah we are not good yeah you still have footage of the first like games we played I might have recorded in the background because I thought it was very funny yeah we're talking about making like montages wait I think slippy Lake records all the games yeah I think we have the originals yeah that's what it was okay um still GameCube controller for Wii U because I'm using that and then maybe it just works now the simpler thing to do can you go to the game well I'm not baby I am an answer I was gonna say good again melee your size there's just no player not even plugged in you need to control okay look guys GameCube is a new console we're still kind of figuring why does player two just not exist on the you need a driver okay there's got to be a better easier way to play this um okay so here's what I'm gonna do a laptop and install slippy on it and we can just play from other rooms and just do as we all already do with the all you know online melee uh in slippy doesn't work because the buttons I guess I guess I could make it work in slippy I can make it work slippy reason to redo the button I think yeah okay how you doing chat how you guys doing today individual hey douglas douglas on the topic of Guilty Gear songs in good taste you should really consider listening to disaster or passion from Gigi it's a total Bop disaster passion is amazing all right I'm a big fan of The Testament that guy have a dumb idea next you have someone on stream early is there a way you can make it look like someone standing behind you on stream without someone being there making them think you have ghosts in your place I like the idea of you hire someone to stand behind you well I sent a truly heartfelt message and Doug used it as a joke to tell Fabo chat hates him it was fun I should only send me messages from now on you gotta admit it was funny uh I literally had a dream where you had become like an only upstreamer and were hosting [ __ ] like you were playing only up in my dreams can I get payment for this trauma I am never playing only up again and more than enough only up I will need something can you give us an update on Doug's baldness you have a better view than we do we're really worried dog dogs what okay we do have safe States cool all right we can do it like this uh the five minute coding Adventure is actually probably five minutes left can you explain what you were doing for the audio only listeners yeah once this is configured uh uh next input should be let's find out real quick oh sorry hey there we go okay okay okay now we're cooking uh which is one button that'll do I I have strange all right well you do that I'm gonna use the bathroom go for it full head of hair full head of hair them seem absolutely no progress on that okay I think that is all the liar liar you guys just don't want to hear the truth you guys are skewed by your own perspective all right let me see if this works appropriately well my stick isn't working so that's not gonna be the amazing first step controllers standard controller control stick what why is why is the control stick like theoretically moving but not moving does anyone know what's going on there why is it like how much did he pay you to say that you sell out your sailboat not he he bought me a lot of food [Music] well I like the main thing moves it seems like good pump The Dead Zone uh uh well I mean kind of because I can't move the the skill issue okay I wanted to let you know that you were one of the few content creators who can always make me laugh that was what I said in my earlier message that's quick read this before Doug comes back they're lying oh that was like the one thing I had going for me here um can you use this to get ice cream for the mods Doug keeps avoiding it I I can't I can't change my like this is mapped appropriately right and then like go into like we could you could play on a GameCube controller because that works uh uh it's only the left stick for some reason that's the weird like oh that's weird tried Port two for player two yeah yeah we're good now I'm player one wait dolphin defaults to zero radius on the sticks you need higher than zero oh is that what's going on there oh you're just right you're brilliant you're brilliant there we go I knew it had to be like it was registering thank you chat chat you're never wrong oh oh here we go the classic oh right from Champlain again I was one of the programmers on office Mayhem if you remember that and now I am shut up I promise okay go no sorry so back out of this yeah yeah go to like 10 different screens and just let me know when you're there okay so one make sure my buttons are working appropriately uh okay yeah do that first yeah chat we're definitely there's a button check this is a button check definitely five minutes from starting for real okay okay got that working got that working that's grab is it Shield yeah we can gamble on who wins all right all right you good yep yep all right you back out okay restart nope no l what is l oh oh l oh no I don't know what lra and start okay so go go back and then just go to ten different okay so so I'll bring it to to make one okay go to another oh oh like I just needed to go to ten different ones yeah okay that's fine two yeah just move oh no stop I can't go back okay can you load okay you load a safe State okay okay I guess I could have I've just literally just 10 different screens so that I can see well tournament mode I did not know was gonna be like forbidden yeah some of these are like odd okay so I'm on training close Okay uh this is three weeks because we already have oh I overwrote with just go go to bed which could just be the menu it should just be the menu okay so one yes two three four five six seven eight nine ten and now if I press these it'll load them around okay so now I run my code and this should press spacebar to begin we are going to be in here okay I will press spacebar and it should start warping so here it goes to this one and then at like a set period how what what is the the radius between times so it's random um it's like hard to see so you see here waiting for 17 seconds so it picks a random amount of time gotcha um and it'll it'll swap between them so this one's 17 seconds then I'll move to another all right cool it's it's random anywhere from 2 to 25 and then let me kill the code do we just select map and mode yeah all of them so now we need to set up the 10 games yeah okay okay gotcha we are actually getting close um let me put up races left so that we can see how many games are left okay wait I think it's going to a great time for me to do the world's fastest run to the bathroom races races foreign OBS text okay so should say games left where else is races text Source Remains the Same and that's it okay got it so now I should say uh games left down there Park Street can you please stop spamming uh we're gonna have to ban you mods Could you um did we have a troublemaker in the chat [Music] okay I think we're good and then we just set up the different things how long of a setup has this been I feel like this took a little longer than I wanted five minutes okay cool cool it's just five minutes um we can do a prediction on who do you think will win more games me and failboat [Music] you've got five minutes to get your bets in so we're gonna be playing 10 games simultaneously when we play together it is very even it's very very even so this is gonna be who adapts to the swapping better what if we tie I don't know we'll have to figure out a tiebreaker that's a problem for future Doug [Music] okay so then it's just gonna be about oh I'm also I should [Music] I don't know where the save states are gonna be um okay I don't think we'll be able to go back [Music] but uh over here okay we're just gonna have to send it I don't know where the save states are to back them up I'll be fine I don't know where slippy saves save states unless somebody knows that [Music] foreign savings for cowards yeah we just don't get it wrong blood's doing the Mario Kart challenge is he actually I'm gonna be honest I felt genuinely bad for subjecting him to that program you were using to run the code sorry new to programming and wanting to link uh it's called vs code I just learned it recently I mean it's just it's a software device if you by the way for anybody wants to who's interested in doing what I'm currently doing you can do this if you check my last stream if you check the last like 10 ish minutes I walk through how to set this up you don't need programming knowledge or anything squeaks is doing Mario Kart too damn yeah VSCO is really cool and it you it makes you look and feel like a hacker look at this goddamn thing this is so good it's very colorful right it just it just looks like you are it looks like um like a Law and Order episode where they're like yeah we're gonna need to talk to Dr Larry that's what he calls himself and it's some kid in his basement who's like really really stereotypically yeah hoodie up like overweight like ref probably has anime figures on his desk and whatever and like he has three monitors that all look like this right you got like this just makes you feel like a hacker it's awesome like I am not very good at programming um okay so now we need to set up our 10 games so what so what are we gonna do it's a regular match so no no event match no wait hold on first versus mode melee I promise I know what these are okay so this is a four-man survival yeah they're all four-man survival uh uh okay nice so why don't we just do okay how many of these are gonna be item s different items yeah I mean one has to be like only Superstar this one has to be Pokemon oh actually here why don't we figure this out right now sure sure uh get all written down yeah and then we can all we can all do this together so we're gonna we're gonna have ten different games right I think we just do one that's just Final Destination yeah one for Final Destination one for Pokemon uh and one for for like Battlefield or something so there's three yeah yeah neutral games yeah then we have one that's flipped between our characters yeah one word so maybe Battlefield flipped yes Darth calico's thing for the 12 months man how do I send money uh I don't know you can you can buy it you don't need to send money dude you're good then I like you even though you're porn we gotta do one in poker floats yeah yeah okay so does pokeafloats have items I would say no items for Pokemon that one's already inside uh that's five and then we start bringing in the items I said we have to have a Pokeball only one okay so what what map okay random map yeah pokeballs yep uh uh bombs only bombs only classic uh uh polka floats only Pokeballs okay okay oh what's the one that we like uh the The Legend of Zelda one with tingle [Music] in the trash all items low yeah okay yeah all right we're gonna we're gonna do consistent characters just because one we're used to them so it'll be like actually mildly very mildly decent melee um but then also that way we can have one map where the characters are flipped and then it [ __ ] us over and it's funnier yeah um hammers I don't know oh God yeah oh hammers we have a hammers and then one for termina uh yeah for a random map we'll just like pick them um oh yeah um oh the ice climber Sage uh all all items High yeah okay cool there's a lot of fun items in here but I think it's pretty good so these are gonna be our 10 battles don't put them over here all right so for battle one this is just final so just go to FD so I will yep so now if I hit F1 it'll go back so now exit out oh boy I better get uh Ellery figured out pretty fast uh this is l r a right apparently not yet gay bullfrog think of the 12 months I appreciate it um in fact let me just get two two three four five all right so we got all those all right so for two um Pokemon Stadium no items yep okay uh let me I can actually take us back wait there we go here um Battlefield no items Battlefield gotcha this is number three okay I can take us back to four yep for four it's Battlefield with flipped characters actually let's do poker floats first so do Pogo folds floats okay and go and this is four so for five we swap characters so you play White Falco here I I don't think I've ever played Marth perfect okay so this is five uh oh sorry sorry go to Battlefield Battlefield okay okay so that's five we go to Six now six characters back yeah but for this we have to do items yep so I got the items here item what are we talking here all pokeballs on very high okay do I do I have to go like this I don't know I'll do it oh I'm excited for this dude now now that we have it set up basement News Network updates Doug has a guest as is the usual protocol everyone should make as much noise as possible in the hopes that they hear us down here and let us out uh this is yeah I've liked vs code so far okay so this is six yep cool uh let's go to seven which is well sorry Press Start yeah yeah hey Doug I knocked it was actually tattoosed around two million points in the best that means that there's a good amount of points in the Dual job Community can you set up a poll where we can all funnel our points into a trusted party so he can force you to go on the 50 million points I can't this case he's helped us on the past he's a pretty weird guy but he's a Victorious go back one they call him dog hole the notorious hacker known as dog hole this is all items low all all items like okay we can do hammers first because yeah um we're going uh just anywhere anywhere you want um City that's funny because then it's risky to use the items oh God yeah big blue yeah or bigger yeah okay nice so then F9 uh this is gonna be all items low and then all items High gotcha gotcha oh I see I see how this works okay all items low is first okay dude yeah just low normal my menuing goes crazy how come from how confident are you feeling here Doug all right hold on before you yeah uh now you're good to go I I feel good I think in the chaos I will Thrive all right do you want to make things a little interesting let's do terminal we haven't done that yeah so this is nine okay and now I go back to ten yep yep oh hold on I know I know what's going on uh options hotkey settings you need to be cleared oh toggle pods gotcha I need to unpause yep can you move yeah okay yeah Aki get rid of toggle pause now we should be good so F10 loads here yep all right so now we go swap at the very high well have you done the one that's in game yes yeah we have yeah very high gotcha and then final map what are we doing final map did we do determining yet we're gonna do high we did last one we could do a viral Temple gotta be Hyrule items High oh [ __ ] okay um all right so we should have all 10. so this is gonna be hell hey now we know let me let me take a sec to try to I'm sorry to slow things down no you're fine to try to figure out where the hell is slippy installed we yeah we want to back these up yeah does anybody know where slippy's installed off the top of your head five minute slippy Adventure no it'll be fine no the the game timer does not matter this is just a safe state it's an app data where's installed it's in local really okay [Music] firm what is like what files are we looking for here the actual Save State files that's why I start memorizing the item spawn locations across the map for our all items on High game control it never mind I have it's not in Blob storage dude it's not here [Music] wait I found him oh there we go [Music] [Music] this way if there are any issues we can actually uh redo this okay um what okay what was the what was the BET what did the bat look like the bet so I had are you aware of 55 me let's go that bet oh I have an additional one okay what's your bet are you aware of people that are able to put like spend forty dollars to put like an image on uh the big old like building in New York City yeah they put any image they want yeah you want to have it so the winner of this gets to put up or the loser of it has to pay for a uh 15 second placement saying that the other person is better at melee for all of New York to say hi sure yeah okay is it best of one like just 10 games yeah okay just 10 games yeah okay I'm good with that um I'm gonna just blare music because slippy doesn't have the games home we'll start with uh storyteller so we can just right now practice because it's just moving around I well you you're you're joking I can't do it there we go okay oh hell yeah get ready for the most oh no my elbow oh there we go um [Music] maybe the most beautifully mundane melee of our lives here yeah we are bad at melee all right so don't freak out I know you're gonna freak out regardless we're button checking yeah okay okay I will need to do a quick test but I need to change one control all right we can tell we're gonna be fine okay elbow's actually really good at smash ultimate and you've gotten very good at the box like genuinely he in the time it took me to like learn melee's mechanics he learned melee's mechanics and also a whole control save yeah the box that I'm using is very hard to learn I have learned okay balls yeah that was kind of a missed opportunity all right let me I think we are actually legitimately finally good to go press spacebar no no I need to go to the controls real quick for Dolphin I gotta edit one thing oh okay yeah [Music] uh fail boat please help keeps opening the hatch and letting a fat stink her up before shutting the door and letting us suffer what no I don't I don't know what what don't spread lies Chad okay that's slander it's illegal in Most states is this friends until death as soon as you guys you both stop speaking and just stand up failed both packs without saying a word silently drive him back to oh okay we're still back [Music] doing it [Music] hey did you know you can be done if you break both his wrists just a struck idea yeah I don't like how he looked at each other over there well I robbed you of the hit that was the only reason all right let's kick it off with some Storyteller it took like an hour but ladies and gentlemen uh failboat and I are about to play 10 games as a reminder Ludwig failed it Stan's almost beat it a couple times goddamn you gotta get on the Mario thing okay we are playing 10 games in nine of them I am playing Falco and he's playing Marth one of them is also on Battlefield where they're swapped and that's gonna be really [ __ ] confusing it's going to swap between the games every 2 to 25 seconds right otherwise it's just first to [ __ ] win it melee um the the score is gonna be who wins more out of the 10 games right that's what we're doing is this a tie then we think you're in one last game I don't know like just one not swapped game yeah and then we have to play copyrighted music for that game so yeah better hope that there will not be a tie everybody ready uh uh make it zoom in and out it's not gonna be that long normal game's like three minutes so it's gonna be like yeah I don't know 10 minutes loser gets snacked around on New York City's biggest history is the challenge at death 8 equals delete on your friendship with battle boat yes everything's at stake I can't play coffee yet starting in three all right ready two let's do it hey Dougie let's go or something oh the [ __ ] out of here that's [ __ ] [ __ ] that's stupid I gotta take the stock oh here oh Hammer Hammer [ __ ] oh dog no you're not gonna lose the first stock in the first 10 seconds are you [ __ ] what no I tried to get it yeah I know you tried oh that's not a good spot okay I can get here or whatever it's called when you no let's go no that's [ __ ] right I'm out I'll come back here come back here oh [ __ ] the goddamn stage is too big what the [ __ ] yeah I don't know there's cars okay what no oh [ __ ] okay Jesus that's the first one are you playing [ __ ] Falco oh come on sorry the sword is larger than the foot whoa okay whoa no get out of here let's [ __ ] go he has to be the one without the right Hammer okay that's messed up no Jesus hey we're poker floats keep up with yeah get the hell out of here what if I can take two stops in the same foot oh yeah oh my God Jesus that's gonna be there's gonna be a fun one a walk off insane oh my God hey there no no no no no [ __ ] die one of these thank you go Jesus this is the first upbeat either of us use let's go oh okay wait which one's this I don't know this is bombed I think okay irrelevant me up nice you roll in no I don't get the hell out of here oh this is legendary dude you restarted a new message yeah I missed strategically we have our best games on on oh what the [ __ ] they're like a bomb uh-oh that's [ __ ] dude yeah oh God damn it wait oh no no for a little bit oh my God what what a Pokemon thank you [ __ ] oh now we can really play to each other's habits because we're so disoriented are you kidding me don't get there oh die what no no no you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you die Outsider what the [ __ ] okay okay yeah this is normal this is regular we'll see this new mode played all right okay I thought you were safe saving for a second I knew you were just reaches over what what happened whoa yep no get out of here guys go ahead okay hey Temple baby right to the fight pit oh you [ __ ] there we go the [ __ ] has nice how did that still hit no no because I'm just better [Music] oh so do we really remove safe States when a game is over yeah okay it'll say race is complete that's fine [Music] oh what the [ __ ] this is stupid okay okay whatever it switches I'm just gonna match up beat just in case I hate them nice I'm starting to get it I'm starting to like see the lines right there come up come up come up oh [ __ ] okay this is fun this is gonna be our longest game what what the hell okay good combo up tilt into grab okay we're back here yep oh this is flipping back here we're literally back here that's so [ __ ] why would it do that how do you kill you don't I don't I don't play you don't you know oh God [Music] oops we're safest whenever it goes to that game because we know we can't go back to that game what the hell contort this should be a YouTube video [Music] all right let's go you don't be too happy there buddy does that a Psyduck good super my dear this looks intense what the [ __ ] that's so dumb I'm getting destroyed smash cut I feel like I can't adjust at all because of the [ __ ] okay I'm just trying to cheese you dude all of New York is gonna know how bad you are it's like the capital of America [Music] I'm going to win poker floats Chad oh I tried to [ __ ] smash [Music] we're back baby for loud it is we we both moved like the same directions you kind of [ __ ] me by the way the mangle I know I'm down two stocks I'm not gonna lose poker floats I'm telling you by the way a little move what what oh my God okay okay no [Music] oh that's gonna be chick I walked around don't cut back there don't cut back there that game is done yep yep again foreign [Music] he will not let go of that button in time he will not you're put into a timer-based situation is it better changing to a different universe [Music] dude Ash is better positioning what the [ __ ] oh wait who am I okay [Music] wow you're gonna run up and kick me in the face again [Music] nice wait this is me right yep yep all right all right okay this one's salvageable Believers were fine I always take a while to warm up I've been over this dude 55 of the chat and the entire state of New York are gonna be very saddened event [Music] I don't also don't have an edge guard so that's not happening [Music] this is good a game I don't use lasers because they're boring oh that's nice no matter what Universe I'm in forward smash is always the best option oh I was trying to how did that not hit I'm just gonna forward Smash in every reality until it works okay okay this one's hard [Music] that's you're shorting yeah oh what the [ __ ] he does not get the timing wait that was sweet oh that one was slipped you got the title you were timing the four smash back of that one [ __ ] that reality [Music] I've never done this oh my God that's not good that's not good that's a stock for me that's absolutely in stock to me I feel like I've gotten the worst position you just gotta hold up on every every game [Music] oh it's so bad I feel like you aren't thinking enough to know I will counter [Music] nice I know you want that Pokeball in the other reality in reality five reality five dog really wants that Pokeball I feel like I can't adapt this is so hard oh this is hammers no what do you mean this cameras [Music] thank you oh okay let's not try to die in that world [Music] okay who's gonna win the first game is what I wonder [Music] I wanted some fun I want some fun yep yep give him a chance to get back in [Music] wait is this me okay wait is it me yes it is don't say that why did what I appreciate it look at Bob what okay suddenly you get a few stops all of a sudden I'm telling you I gotta warm up yep what wheezing nice no not wheezing get the [ __ ] Pokeball unknown why is he not picking up the Pokeball counter I'm fine I'm chilling I'm chilling I'm chilling [Music] your Tower will fall what what no no why doesn't go unlucky or is this good position [Music] no it's not that was real what I mean but I was good Why didn't it work you're facing the wrong way [Music] nice Oh I thought I thought I jumped there okay do not get out of here finish that sentence once we next go back to it [Music] not hit it's short I [ __ ] zoom in please stupid stock icons can the chat even see us playing here oh God what am I doing nice nice okay lots of talk a lot [Music] oh that's good that's [ __ ] dumb oh come on I actually hate you incorrect [Music] race completed that's one baby that's one baby bail boats up 1-0 [Music] oh wait you have this one wait you've shined what am I doing today oh my God I can feel like a vein that I didn't know I had in my head at some point do you have to say the next number of universes well I'm not sure if he'll be the one saying that but 220. I don't love me get him off wait oh I thought it was flip for a sec I know there's only one that's lit but it's so confusing it just lives in your head will you traded go ahead land why didn't you why didn't I show you what usage of the laser oh [Music] that was not good not the perfectly cut moment that's messed up yeah I think Doug has grabbed me once [Music] oh my God whoa okay so I know from that grounded State you wanted to go for get up attack on your Hammer game [Music] I really do I've not used that since I was a child yep yep I not good spacing oh that isn't it this one's flipped by the way race completed [Music] we're like the beginning someday cool that might just stage like you and kill you what the [ __ ] yep yep all right but again oh he's so good oh how did that not hit don't get in the pursuit of getting a clip on his own stream why didn't he jump you [ __ ] idiot you bird [Music] s 35 second delayed check Chase [Music] why didn't he grab ledge let's go [Music] the night from the warp star wait a second give me that help you [ __ ] oh wait why did I jump it slipped it slipped that one was slipped wait what that almost looked oh God oh okay I gotta start charging this it's got the download on me all right though yeah get it get the hell out of here Birdo goodbye nope don't see ya oh here oh no what the [ __ ] is happening in there but I am not interested wait no one of this is yours no it's not perfect thanks box please I don't know everything on you what no oh but yeah you're insane okay yeah you're insane um 3D platform of fighting games but I've seen a judge handle a hammer better during divorce proceedings wait why didn't you crap all right race completed gotta hate this [Music] Doug please that guy bets everything nice under the sacred fire what two games oh race completed I might have not I might have done the wrong one uh let's find out I guess nice good mix up what is what do you is that a cross-up or is that like what what is that in competitive tournament Doug please I bet everything on failboat nope what does that mean oh that's you okay we're flipped yep please everything I think the center stage in this game yeah oh my God we gotta end one of these Battlefield games so badly what no no no man does not want to get cheese not the turtle s of your pocket just use it on trailboat streams Doug doesn't he doesn't have a twitch okay that's cool okay oh what the [ __ ] everything [Music] which one which one which one Jesus Christ no no but okay this is what yeah [Music] gotta stop Trail boat can you get a twitch so we can subscribe to someone who is good at Platformers what what okay I can't handle that nice come on Douglas you can do it I believe in you as I jab him seven times I never got him you got it see me hate that I hate that situation [ __ ] Why didn't I gotta be random why didn't you I think my controller is literally not working wait a minute wait wait punch check jump okay we're good yeah we could possibly dream of it it's working fine oh you got this God it's so hard listening to words on top of playing a video game yeah this is not a talking kind of game the what yeah okay it's not gonna come back episode don't stand there I'll check what's going on what the [ __ ] okay all right okay what oh okay okay race completed four out of ten nobody needs two more to win Doug please you don't have any more trophies to give away I have no idea how to get out of it which is uh good for that reason wait oh nope nope nothing this one flip game is just living in our heads yeah I don't actually know how to check by the way what wait no no that's okay that's flipped yep what flip game is going insane right now yeah laser by the way okay okay this is real [Applause] go I didn't that might have been the wrong one what what that's it done with the gear on the board no I didn't win that was you that was flipped that was flipped yeah you just one flip are you sure and yeah race completed race completed oh yeah yeah that was I can't like plan anything with this [ __ ] yeah love it okay I can't be swept you reflected him Jesus Christ Doug you failed me I don't know how to Edge guard I guess a healing bull chancy wait why am I sold no no I'll be real with you I don't know I expected the unknowns to come flying out it's kind of messing with me one of my favorite things about Doug is that we will confidently go into things that he hasn't practiced even a little bit against people who aren't doing that much we are like dead even when we play normally that's my dog I just don't know what the [ __ ] to do with this not suicune okay yep yep [Applause] okay foreign [Music] hey Duncan failed boats male myself I guarantee this will be the new meta love it there's a lot of a lot of our vouching for this competitive liability failed boat more like fail goats okay I literally might go zero ten no I believe hey Duncan love it done okay yep somebody get the broom [Applause] oh I didn't die I accidentally added another digit to my best and bet half my points slash now dead gone and I'm sad oh you can't roll through that apparently the Creek and Barrel combo okay okay nice final race oh blast off middle aged male messages [Music] you're right that last game okay I went zero and ten oh God I collects could not get grounded on anything the the whole of New York okay wait why is hold on okay do we want to run that one back I want to run it back okay I want to do it like maybe it's not ten oh uh uh oh abort or perhaps I can't even abort um hopefully the the safe space Works actually questions I want to try 10 that are like real matches real matches 10 like legit competitive stages that's basically one to nine which is almost two which is close enough to three to six from four to six which is literally right next to five to five so basically you've won this right yeah yeah cause I'm in ah that was pretty bad I was getting it's getting kind of tilted off it I just like that what it was tilting is that you were doing the same thing the whole time just shitloads of counters and I was like I know what's happening I just couldn't do anything look man Marth is just uh I know but nor like normally I can I pick up actually adapt right right but I just couldn't adapt that's quite insane okay after 10 games uh the adaption has been failboat is currently so Doug how how does this work exactly is it just changing which game is in the foreground and service dating and loading whenever it switches no it's it's one dolphin system and it's there's 10 save states and it's just swapping between them let me make sure I guess we'd have to remake the setup I guess we can just go again yeah um so we just reset new we have new things so we could just redo the exact same setup which I'm down for um but with all the items or or we do like so we have the save states already right I can literally copy this over we can do the exact same thing and then we just go right now um and just do a rematch or I think that would annoy me more if I lost 10 out of that at least this one at least this one I can make excuses sure sure best of five best of five of ten games yeah yeah you down okay baby so here's the new one boot potential 30-0 incoming um each match is 10 different games okay um each match is 10 games yep yeah I think failboat has won match number one no if you're watching please be sure to keep notes okay I'm going to lower the microphone okay and actually can we scoot a little further right now it's just this box all right all right chat chat I'm warmed up I know what he's doing I can tell you what he's doing I see it so who will win more games can you consider yourself middle-aged males I don't really consider a middle-aged to be 27 and 32. this is all part of a large like bit laundering operation yeah I'm about to [ __ ] the doubters in the ultimate bit prize yeah okay we're doing we're doing the exact same setup I think if we get to game five that's real ones that's 10 real stages which then will make us like at least me probably too emotionally invest in it okay that is funny okay wait so so we're doing the same exact setup again this one is the same exact okay good yes okay cool um yeah a little that was a warm-up guys Sometimes You Gotta Throw the first game to get informational on your opponent this is classic yeah it's called conditioning call conditioning it makes the victory all the sweeter all right so each one of these should be all right cool all right whatever okay hold on hold on I think you outplayed me for sure uh I think you figured out the meta quickly and I just you countered and and forward aired the [ __ ] out of me but can we agree I got some [ __ ] they were like five oh like where you just were like oh because Europe is a two-part upbeat you have to hold like you know as melee was designed I don't think Sakurai anticipated in the middle of 25 years later yeah in the middle of the Falco upbeat you would suddenly become Marth on Battlefield yeah yeah the swap the swap really [ __ ] with it the swapped game the swap game okay all right who's who I am I am Falco uh he is Mars but there's one game where we're swapped which means every time it swaps it's like [ __ ] you you don't know who you're playing if you want a better tracking he is player one I am player two all right chat okay all right so now it's only third okay we got okay you can't see it for some reason slippy's the 30 33 a third of people believe in the Doug still okay that's a surprisingly large amount for what just happened good luck I'm gonna [ __ ] rip ass I'm gonna wipe the sweat off my hand Falco is the classic middle-aged character though Doug [Music] not working press space again each ten games are a set and you are playing one full match that's a good idea we have played one set yes currently one one game no no okay we played one step but we're playing a best of five match yes okay first to win three sets yes yes yes all right ready starting in three two good luck one I'm lying I don't even know how to his Chain Grab for the first five minutes Sakurai just confirmed is a middle-aged Japanese man that this will be the pneumatic for smash dude they suck right he's watching right now oh dog's angry hold on hold on I gotta shut up 69 Channel points on you you better bring home the gold glass become dugmore starting in three two one I don't like who did that control stage explode Darkness oh that's gonna be really distorting thing to speak back to yeah hey it's me Mr Sakurai no no Creator keep him away from the hair like this but Miyamoto told me that dumb Americans wouldn't be able to keep up wait okay this is flip dog gets a stock oh he's so floaty oh my God you're very fast falling crazy spaces be like that nice oh [ __ ] height now you know what it feels like people don't know how to play their character it seems what the [ __ ] is that thing cool okay wait is there still a thing here well goodbye oh my God that was almost the best snipe cool it's camping the hammer in that one uh yep Oh I thought I had you nice [Music] stop that stop that right up the wrists take the items on the stage no please oh oh my God that's real yep that's real nice good Tech Chase what the [ __ ] stop touching okay yep why didn't oh why didn't he uh dare I mean um back here [Applause] I hate this one I hate this one so much yeah this is a terrible stage it's perfect because of that why didn't he jump [ __ ] so when you press the jump button uh sorry coated so it's a 55 no I mean yeah that left okay am I the only one who isn't surprised that Doug is a Falco player also hey failboat I have a question can you show us how to do recoveries on math I would like to see all of the recoveries press up here that's all I got hey you said you wanted your Pokemon twin all right [Applause] terrible death well if I got the the fly off kill screen so it takes extra time all right I gotta start coming or stop coming from okay oh God Yep this is Mr sakurai's driver I can confirm he intended to have only middle-aged men play like this okay we haven't even played this one no no no come here come on wait oh okay wait no stop playing God but you didn't split no [Music] okay okay he's actually starting to breathing nice oops cool I read you like a book okay [Music] oh he's starting to play a video I told you I told you I'll read them like a [ __ ] book chat what wait dude like a [ __ ] book back foreign [Applause] [Music] hey don't root for the guest yeah bad matters okay was in fact not a book but IQ instructions that Doug was reading oh and the laser I do not like Mark no really let's go earned it's not like you that's a lie is oh that's wrong button this dare goes very far out yeah cool I hate it it was being like a panic attack every time oh God damn no no I'm going to the [ __ ] ground Tony what up what am I saying Cody who you are don't Cody Pony it's bad money on anyone other than failboat nice nice okay on every instance does it make fail about the teaching assistant or the guest lecturer how does this work also will this be on the test yes not even adjunct cheating to my new face Cody thank you Cody well what the [ __ ] Cody you almost [ __ ] kill me people are gonna keep looking away keep looking away Konig I swear to God I will ban you if you if you if your subs kill me Cody if you give him money he will ban you guys to make change homes house after this no oh my God I forgot what game this was how the [ __ ] did that hit ah okay Tony hey Tony this is the future of Smash Bros I want to do a tournament like this just in case he never told you his nickname was Peep and snug Doug please tell us the story for fail boats again no please oh cool uh oh come here dog you can drop some platforms how do you do that press down oh I thought the hammer prevented it no [Music] hey I told you I'm starting to read you like a cookbook [Music] actually mad no I'm doing good now it was just the counters that were so obvious that I just couldn't do it I was so annoyed okay stop it [Music] Roar by the way what the [ __ ] yeah you don't want to go where Charizard is nope just get me away from that thing wait is that my Bulba whatever the thing is [ __ ] he only goes to the right side he only goes right side he's too much power of course come down here what no no please [Applause] please laughing how did that hit off the wall good throw thank you okay get stuck you want it I think I'm gonna hit you with a dare I don't know how to walk I know that sounds insane Chad but I am using a what oh we're playing a normal game what the [ __ ] no no no no no [Music] come here ribbage come here [ __ ] I don't wanna I don't wanna leave me alone [Applause] Jesus no no okay okay I cannot press left [ __ ] sorry um okay uh spell the game take a stop all right go okay okay I'll have to unpause during that next one I don't remember how to walk I don't know how to walk I'm throwing those I don't know what you did I was so happy to see our Invasion plans of the Duke Doug channel is working come here fight me fight me like a Marth a let's go worth it I hate it here nice single oh never mind just what [Applause] no no no no yup yup in this one okay yep yep yep yep yep yep yep no that is [ __ ] blazing no [Applause] I knew you were gonna do that too what oh my God okay it's cooking goggles not cooking all right the pack of it dude yep that's my first time I've used it to be in the entire the game doesn't want you to use it okay yep yep yep oh huge recovery what I don't know what just happened are you kidding me wait [Music] no and now y'all oh God that is so sweet okay oh that hit okay [Music] I figure I remember how to walk okay Jesus Christ know the smell of the game why is the camera so zoomed out in the goddamn map it's a fit all of four players no but there's only two of us why why not zoom in to make sure all four players are potentially I think it says okay I did never know when I don't have the jump nice oh [Music] is this we have not had it in a while yeah those hit laser is currently yeah like half an app I don't actually know the fate of that other laser yeah okay oh really [Applause] [Music] there's a swap God okay oh my God we keep getting like games that just go into spaces forever I hate this I hate this no goodbye why is everything I touch a God okay it's a bomb one yep three two one go we have not had a stock gone buying this game okay come on that is [ __ ] please oh my God what oh my God that was the worst time for flip [Music] let's get this who's the game you don't have to play anymore [Music] no that doesn't count I didn't try to laser I've done one intentional laser oh good way I did one intentional laser this whole game wow yep wait there's no crap but not when you're facing backwards okay oh I'm down [ __ ] [Applause] why I wanted to remove differently I love how you sit back like oh we can take a second to breathe now like played the game yeah oh nice what okay yep that was kind of rigged all right okay all good I'm gonna be able to react in time anyway this is just straight up Battlefield okay here we go all right fair I was the one actually looking down even looking yeah foreign oh my goodness that killed let's go there oh my God I hate that situation away no what kids we made that back okay oh I should have Edge guarded I'm so dumb no oh okay yep yep yep yep yep okay this is no no Mitchell grab you [ __ ] I guess I still did but [Applause] nice one day I will learn to Edge guard chat and I will get way more kills oh the Clank yep oh oh God no I'm wrong direction what I said previously you were 100 reading and extremely well um thank you I should have dodged what wait that was yours okay wait [ __ ] I'm behind on wait what oh my God no Look Away Jesus Christ it's going so quick leading round no I knew oh you're gonna go like this yeah oh I [ __ ] I I wanted to nice laser the one laser no what yeah what why can't I [ __ ] jump I [ __ ] hate this thing yeah wait long enough the bomb will just go off no not if I'm holding it I don't think he's gonna keep cutting away from it nice go Pokeball no way no I want to start the star of the gun I had I had that match of 100. foreign [Music] hey Doug you gotta play the best smash of your life okay that was funny I'm just too dialed into lap which one am I this one yep okay Grace that one game just having one game where we switch even if it's not right [Applause] great all right oh Jesus just picked me all right see you then I guess wait what just happened oh no what what is [ __ ] hot combos oh no no no no you [ __ ] no that hit from there okay are you kidding me Jesus oh good read what really yes okay you gotta keep bringing these games back I can't let you have more than one I've already bled too much why did he I mean I don't well I mean he just saw various that was just like no you know what I'm doing get out of here why did nothing there work sorry Believers I gotta go for the glory you know what I'm doing okay I am a believer in failboat tonight you got this we've got middle-aged man just call me elbow okay oh nice I wish we could like watch these games back in like like an orderly way oh interesting interesting yeah Oh I thought I could get that off the off the Thrones why doesn't he [ __ ] jump Flash [Applause] what let's go even to him let's [ __ ] go no I tried it no what what no not necessary that's a defense spot it's unlucky with the oh nice oh you don't die there okay oh this is Mark oh the Crouch cancel oh yeah okay the marathon is salvageable I just need a new strategy I'm gonna laser and you're not gonna know what to do about it counter okay he knows what to do about it I have not held canceled once okay they got things things to prove [Music] hey W I can always count on woofer okay Raves completed one one right yep yep get [ __ ] kill you here unless I do that oh come on I am a temple professional if I just learn to Edge guard I'll be so good I've been playing on Temple or my entire life what that exploded I need this game uh sure all right go shot him I'm gonna run up and kick you in the face another reality wait oh that was you that was you that was me oh [ __ ] good for loads I did want to be the first to do it but what can you do what okay yeah it's Gotta stop what Jesus Christ it's so [ __ ] stop doing that Mark there why didn't he regret he saw something he said something that we did grab I don't get it he saw something there yeah you're gonna go this way and then you're gonna grab and then you're gonna forward you're just saying what you're doing as if I'm the one doing it I actually Edge guarded let's [ __ ] go wait here's four I thought you had like three but what do you mean by that uh games one okay die ideally no yeah hi there oh man no jump why did he go left I don't know but I don't know why you went left hey there I swear I mean I don't know [Applause] okay this is often how these games go I just diet constantly and [ __ ] at least yep laughs nice okay cool what it was invincible all right see ya well why didn't he grab invincibility and concept you're doing a four here I can win I can still win the set I can still win the set he's Invincible he can't die now what what what what do we have that Barrel by the way look out for that Pokeball okay what's Venusaur dude this is a crazy map for pokeballs because we just have our regions I have no idea okay that one's yours wait wait where am I yeah yeah [Applause] look at that buddy feel bad wait I keep forgetting I keep doing the wrong influence I will never financially recover from this like there I I know there's a way to like spike him down I just don't know how to do it oh you roll left why didn't he [ __ ] oh damn it Chad if anyone has any guides on how to play Falco Doug may need them no I don't want your Falco guy I know I'm playing terribly okay this one's eligible I think I have to take you to Fight Club had turtle shells got some uh oh that's gonna be that's gonna be a [ __ ] I will say shine is a good move oh God moving forward with my Army of balls I'll fight you down here that's that's just [ __ ] that's just a full life loss for no reason to play Falco is to pick them up that Goldeen what is okay okay that wasn't throwing it loaded into me falling that was kind of throwing that race completed what appropriately punished wait I thought that's one five oh my I thought he was only one five what the hell is this move well nice I wonder what wait he's gonna recover in that game race completed oh hey there [Applause] I just hate certain things about it well good game oh it makes completed you have completed the challenge Doug hey you got on the board that time yeah you're doing better I feel like they were all close and then I had so many self-deaths oh God how many of the deaths it's the best of five best of five so we got and if I just keep improving at this rate we're good ideally a little bit faster yeah I saw that little boy beat the Mario thing that's awesome holy [ __ ] good for him it's honestly insanely hard well done anything the 10 Race randomizer 10 raise me what's the challenge like that it swaps between 10 ounces okay I kind of want to do 10 real games like serious ones 10 serious games I at least want to lose on that because I I mean part of it is I feel like I'm playing a better normal melee and they're playing way better switching melee look yeah yeah man I don't yeah I have no idea how to get away from your forward uh thing on the side okay yes okay [Music] um if I ever learned Edge guard chat I'm gonna do so bad I'm gonna do so good at this game I literally just give up shitloads of free kills because he's just off the edge so we're gonna do it's it's best at three that's the three sets he's up 2-0 why won't it show you chat there we go foreign no I'm not playing Captain Falcon I feel like I'm playing pretty good when it's a normal like fight so I think I got this all random characters to even it out no I want to do like just play good melee uh oh God you double jump too much it's working it's working fine I like jumping as you can tell I like Dash attacks I like down airs and I like double jumping those are what I like to do why would I do the thing why would I play in a way that I don't want to play this is a Duncan chest stream finally you get to hang out with both of us I think I I think I rip ass on this one okay here's we do this one if I win we go to all random yeah set four yeah please otherwise we might get confused ah chat you saw that I was ripping ass in a normal fight all right I'm doing good we can pump these numbers yeah yeah okay I'm down yeah I'm down for that I'm down for that we need you to stop [ __ ] I oh wait I should be setting up the game um so these are all gonna be real so then I'm sure items are so for instance this is a bestify so I just want the first two that's cash thank you I won the first two sets so dog means when Doug needs to take effectively what is it 30 more games 120 more stocks in order to win yeah to see that the invasion of the duck duck channel is going well also when will the next Kirby video come out oh wait is that for me yeah it was father The Invasion is going well when's the next Kirby video next Kirby video is coming on Sunday yeah no one failboat it's at most like four days yeah oh when is the next bail boat Kirby video all right let's do these one at a time all legal stages so this will be okay would you mind um you tell them what to do okay uh I load with F1 uh oh oh am I not clicked into the game there we go okay okay uh wait sorry turn off items okay okay so oh I see you're just gonna set it up items sorry okay they're good all right so now I go one two three four five six seven eight nine to ten all right so I've saved on all of them this is number one we're gonna go down the list right now okay there's one and then I go up to two and now you pick maybe two on Battlefield oh let's just go down okay up to three all right and then Dream Land is legal we're on four then hold on Stadium Yoshi's Island as well ready okay we're on five now that's almost everything I've got today on you winning and I lost it it's like you deserve to get Jesus got him fine this is Yoshi's story okay sorry Yoshi's Island Yoshi compared to past stages Yoshi's Island okay of course I'm surprised you didn't know that one already okay we're on to six at least do the same five I guess uh I'm just double checking what other stages I mean we could always go to like some fun wait do we do Pokemon get it yeah we always do to like we probably should because I don't we shouldn't take it too serious okay yeah let's do it I am down to only speak to the competitive ones chat do okay do we only use the competitive melee stat matches like stages or do we do five goofy ones nine competitive one ice icicle Mountain yes okay we run it back so this is six so this is Battlefield again now we're seven so I will do I'll just keep going in same way yeah uh we're on eight now okay um [Music] we're on nine now run nine okay this is nine so we have one more uh [Music] okay and then this is ten remind me to save the states at this and this will be okay hell okay cool let me save beautiful states can you play coffee now that you own it you can benefit from being pumped up while confusing foul boat no don't worry I'm aware be up from the airport in his car blasting uh coffee oh I'm familiar I wish huge regret that I did not do that yeah it was it was uh North Viking songs tune okay okay what are the greatest songs I think we go I go back to Guilty Gear I really please yeah I played good enough the first one was tilting because I was like I I get what's going on but I can't do anything that one was not telling I had a good time Guilty Gear I will just say if you want to go it's like guilty you're all songs plays there's not a bad song in that yeah but then I can't watch the game yeah um so what are you addressing you're just well that can't adjust volume easily gotcha okay I'm just gonna start with uh Street Fighter if you want to know how to win he is how chat well apparently you will you are about to watch Doug rip ass harder than he's ever ripped ass on this channel all right it's gonna be some good ass melee if I failed this one it's straight up I'm worse okay I have no excuses with what we're doing all right yeah this is true competitive melee and one game of bicycle map like all on the grand stage every every best of five has sex to that five normal games and then they gentlemen hey gentlemen look at any look at any tournament all right do you want me to move further over to the right no it's okay okay all right chat here we go three two one with a beam attack starting in three only I have the beam attack oh no please I thought I could escape to the one chat where I wouldn't be oh attack are we flipping or if you fail this one I will be Channel punch broke oh you need to believe in yourself good job nice nice let's go I don't think I've played this game since I was 12. yeah yeah yeah don't worry nobody plays this map no one wants to play this map [Music] actually I want I want the stuff oh there's two dude that was a bad opener we can do better thank you remember fail boats if you win again the religion Timothy be too mad to drive you back to the airport that's true no I'll be good I'll be good I gotta make sure he gets at least a couple games in here oh God yep well that's stupid I love going from disadvantage to totally fine oh that's nice Oh I thought I could time that go oh it was down being I turned the [ __ ] thing one day I'll get good team grabbing what why didn't we do why was he not facing the right direction what are you doing as you can tell we're all experienced melee players hey Chad I'm not running in like double jumping and coming down on him too much right it's not obvious right oh dude that laser I like the ambition oh okay okay [ __ ] I have to jump timing so hard someone else could do more analysis of it but my cursory examination shows done consistently there's more information like a huge idiot hey that's the Doug Doug promise okay that's the spirit of this channel right there would you really want me to just be consistent that'd be so boring Chad chat it's a little hard to follow along if you please keep your messages to like five words or less I'm trying to understand it listen but I'm a little overwhelmed right now whenever you do that I just always counter you're gonna go back and then I go in and then I do this no yep oh cool we haven't even done this one hey Chain Grab one day I'll get it Chad I think he might be getting that I picking up that I just run in and down air every single time go get pineapple what no [ __ ] you didn't know if I had stage below me whoa this great pun nice oh that stupid ass oh the move hit twice how come you're down smashing twice [Music] [ __ ] yeah that one's not gonna go well [Music] I can keep poking for a little bit hey Doug you know how they say you win some you lose some feel free to win some any time now with words ah I don't know when to to shine there you gotta be a little bit closer very difficult to try okay cool yep yep yep oh nice Randall Douglas sad all right we're ripping I'm ripping hard and we're ripping fast you guys like the big double jump not like the situation again counter picked on Facebook is just asking it's not for Doug I don't know what you're saying stop it okay okay hold on that was actually starting to adapt I didn't think it would happen he's up in three games uh hold on hold on uh reuse him I don't know if that's why I just played all right go foreign okay [Music] and now he tries [Music] we like stream a very different time ah the [ __ ] how does that not hit I'm gonna punch you in the face okay no oh how does that not you won't no I won't appearance nice I'll roll into you yep dead I'll do it I'll do it oh I love how you're like oh there's a moment of down time let me take a look at my competitor with the game will suddenly put you off stage in a minute that's unfortunate that was very recoverable quit flipping around like a bird yeah like a bird oh I'm sorry yeah that's right kick you in the mouth yeah this multi-jab he gets a lead in three games look how much more he's talking now that's crazy twist his dick I'm sorry you hurt him which one of us here what Chad I don't even have a taunt button on here all right I don't know how to talk sorry oh combo won't get any opportunities don't worry okay okay [Music] this is the last game we play on look at all of this [Music] to leave me again so make sure to lose that is [ __ ] dumb [Music] I can't believe you're complaining about icicle now that's a disgrace to Hungry [Music] boxes that you cannot concentrate with the utmost importance in the penultimate game of your life what the [ __ ] what you're responding okay yeah that means second to last none of that makes sense what okay hold on why did that not hit you because I have a sword [Music] kind of point you die why didn't he [ __ ] grab does he have to be Facebook yes I had recovery I just didn't use it and play too much goodbye I said goodbye I said goodbye I said goodbye if I didn't die there okay [Music] it's the dog dog special I get the lead I throw it badly I have a very important question for you is it true as you said in your last video on your main channel that sometimes one must go so far to not have I would appreciate your input I'm a huge fan I don't speak in falsehoods chat [Music] oh [ __ ] I thought I'd get around that that is not cool that's not cool yeah oh yeah yeah in in parallel universe number 47 you actually die yep oh I can get 200 no problem if I can now nice all right that's a good spot yep [ __ ] that's such [ __ ] thank you oh I want that's why thank you there is a God it is a place to strive after this now Doug do you have coffee on the string there yet no after storytellers guys I will tell you you will know the insta coffee is allowed we got it I have to purchase the rice everyone knows gaming ability is stored in the hair we lose it is weird nice like that shy guy though uh okay nice space all right whoa I feel like you never die when we swap but I constantly die is that Martha or yours better I mean I will say first of all yes second of all uh you're a fastballer so if you get off stage you have less reactions you love it like a rock you know that and thus chat we found the only reason that I might lose it yes assistant oh he still makes it okay you're you're neither you've also you've just been playing better the last couple like last 10 minutes I like the stock really wait what did I die oh great point in what reality you come down here you [ __ ] bird honestly you're playing like a real bird right now yeah yeah really okay whoa all right all right we're back nice juggle situation tune in next on channel five to see if that goes oh I try to do um [ __ ] I [ __ ] that up you mash jump after I throw you is that what I'm doing well that's how I was able to get the F smash skull on you yeah like right here you don't have it oh okay you gotta recover low oh what a wow that's a crazy hit [Applause] it oh that's a game get a giraffe people are saying yeah I would genuinely believe that God damn it yep okay that is unfortunate um with the wind oh I tried to spot Dodge no I read it I [ __ ] read it I just didn't read it and press the right buttons I read it I promise man I impressed a lot of wrong buttons go get it okay [Applause] okay I gotta start working back this game I cannot keep doing the platform fun stuff oh yes I'm so good nice that looks bad like yeah I just [ __ ] can't do anything there is no [ __ ] way that's stupid get a giraffe okay nice good melee our model would be proud you're gonna do the stupid thing okay yeah of course I will of course I will why thanks really that didn't hit so when there's a second melee dog this goes it like at least 20 minutes of it right really that doesn't fit pushback [Music] oh [Applause] cool nice I thought it was on the angel oh Randall that was disorienting oh I can't okay I gotta learn how to get through the platform so traditionally down okay how does that not cool be Teddy great hey I just finished the unwatchable stream with copyrighted music D I can't believe all the things you could have said about us especially okay five words I dodged I man I I covered [Applause] glad to be able to make it back to the stage after that [ __ ] [ __ ] that God holding you barely killed me other than that God [Applause] oh that'll that'll land Meanwhile we're on four stocks on this game we just haven't seen this one yeah dude okay cool oh okay good call like that I know I can kill you we're never going to get up attack remember that in Universe 58 . that is unfortunate whoa that is foreign [Applause] [Applause] good luck yeah that's it's not helpful Oh I thought I had that knew what you're doing I'm gonna kick you in the face right now yep of these two Guilty Gear songs will get him to play Guilty Gear I need Doug's fighting is actually very good I don't like fighting games other than uh smash really [ __ ] gold okay no okay all right that one's eligible dude I'm gonna be honest I have a really hard time with the switching you seem to adapt well I am like I am struggling I certainly enjoy playing mark no no characters aside I think you are better at switching you seem to figure it out quicker that might just be act smash experience because I'm like I play competitively for a very long time so I'm like oh I can imagine this scenario no come on that game back I want to play that game yeah that's the only problem with this is like I do kind of want to play mainly he's just [ __ ] can't yeah we're playing a real one okay cool oh my God I love that nice recovery [Applause] me Teddy great okay [Music] Epic cool Jesus [Music] stop rolling I know you don't know how to walk I literally do not know how to walk [Applause] what the [ __ ] we both sat back for a second how do we know why did we not why are you not up smashing I'm pressing the up smash [ __ ] button [ __ ] up smash good okay [Music] oh my God oh wait I think I was pressing the wrong button why don't you work you stupid Cube why oh I meant to shield and I just forgot come here dog okay I wanna suck no if I just know how to Edge guard we'd be so good whoa okay hey there oh that was crazy you EduCare me very well on our normal games I don't I never know how to do it yeah the the oh God okay well I I just I don't get how to do it I literally just don't get it I don't get it I'm confused I'm scared love emotions right it's like why doesn't that hit you I don't understand that uh I know oh I'm sorry oh please no no no Jesus come on no that there's no way I remember what's going on there is no [ __ ] I was doing under your pressure to perform there so I thought I had the yeah oh no yeah you had that yep yep nice thank you no Jesus [Music] didn't work that was just a genuine SD that's the first thing yeah that's a coincidence you came back from your family visit and you just picked up bail boat and we have never seen you an FDA failed boat in the same room curious very curious indeed with your both of you'd like to explain nope race completed nope nope why didn't he grab guess Chad it's a race what about it oh God I have to work for this game gotta learn to multi-shine uh you thought I was gonna go no don't mess up yep there we go [Applause] [Music] I can spot Dodge too that's amazing I don't think Marth has that technology yet I haven't learned how to do it yet this is new new tech I shielded why didn't that work oh okay we're back on this one no no okay race completed go back on here again one to one I think yeah that's one man that one from here no I thought I had you no I do what I hate this hate this hate this thank you so I'm being so [ __ ] predictable that's the thing like I feel like I can't I don't know how to mix it up because I'm so confused by everything you just go back to that's that's why oh Jesus oh my God oh my God my bro was so good there slash taking screenshots [Applause] all right race completed let's say just a weird ledge full gate nice okay no Jesus okay one or two why is it moving oh God I swear I'm like should be getting that off in time [Music] okay yep yep cool nice nice new game keep it race completed I don't understand why that doesn't work sometimes even perfectly even what is this Smash Brothers Melee to ADHD kids yes I am the target Democrat geez no please you go high oh you did the light hold on um I'm sorry I'm sorry you moved back I gotta get my hands back on all right I'm too high I'm too high okay [Music] so you press the button I'm like all right it's you from the future again I just want to say that the billboard is smaller than you think about 50 smaller slash 50s nuts in your mouth gotten I got it oh come on [Music] okay I get it you're playing skittish I get it now why didn't that [ __ ] grab are you kidding me oh come on here are you kidding me oh okay good no what am I doing I'm sorry that was so dumb why did I go off like that okay race completed uh oh it's so dumb two three apparently yeah I want the yeah oh god wow weird [ __ ] there yep you recovery [Applause] [Music] I didn't I meant oh nice [Music] he's beginning to Shield [Music] that's getting way too obvious who does it again [Music] Why didn't it move left [ __ ] this controller it's not hold on hold on actual actual okay okay we're good we're good good yeah okay oh my God I'm so smart I knew that in one reality I was off stage to the left I held right what's the last time you've been to New York uh sure okay ready cool games completed that was the one for me the actual one that got completed oh that is so awful what the [ __ ] I forgot about this one what is happening up here I don't know scared oh you're not here what [Music] hey Don no Johns no Johns no jobs no Johns no job no jaundice no jaundice no John's no John's no John's yes no jaundice no chance so if your name is John by the way I promise you are actually welcome here why is he not grabbing [ __ ] [ __ ] it's because I'm pressing the wrong buttons but this is a hard [ __ ] controller okay [Applause] [Music] oh you went through my sword excuse me [Music] what I did too fast too fast too fast run into it [Music] I can't be [ __ ] around with this game what no no no no no no that's not the time to cut let's go all right don't explode back don't pull it back foreign that was good that was good that was good that was well played just in case just in case it's the one oh I always forget okay song track sorry uh no race I'll take it kind of rigged kind of rig you know what ah this [ __ ] bird bottom is playing like a real bird today to be honest [Music] insane for that one I'll roll into you get it oh come on nice [Applause] yep yep yep that was why I was still pressing up ah that was that did not need to be a death no yep come on huh yeah thoroughly [Music] I know you're gonna upbeat you [ __ ] oh that rock safety dude come here insane because we're so good at this [ __ ] game we're so good at this oh you were dead there oh you saved you oh my God no you're gonna do yeah walk right in [ __ ] hold on oh God good counter what why you oh this is like what the [ __ ] what's going on okay [Applause] and then you oh [ __ ] okay I'm losing this one what that crosses me up this is sanity I'm so [ __ ] predictable and I just keep doing the exact same thing Blazers once I started reading your spot documents are you alive how yeah get out of here that's so dessert that's so dessert I can't even say anything about that are you gonna die in this map ever I don't know it's even stocks die die where am I okay what Ice Mountain game is my blood yeah too early [Applause] oh my God all right hold on getting back to the center no reason for me to risk it die die why won't you die oh that was an opportunity that's icicle matching conditioning oh Jesus all right back [Applause] please please [Applause] [Music] oh my God oh my God come on I'm gonna throw you away yeah yeah think about it what's up Jesus Christ oh I'm at 156. yep oh that's good okay double jump okay what oh my God you fell through yep perfectly why did I show you hello this is the stock I care about the most I'm so upset I've had so many and all you have to do is upbeat me one time and you'll kill me how okay of course there's no rocks there like God forbid there's rocks when I'm when I'm being whacked up I don't believe if the Olay dick twist doesn't work then give them the classic ball tickler okay all right let's even damn it is not feeling even on this stage let's do the same four to four I don't know if I down here no I just going backwards [ __ ] oh I knew what I had to do button oh sorry final race wait final race five for you you will win you win the holes you win the whole match if you [ __ ] beat me here it all comes out the icicle Mountain oh oh foreign I see what you're doing and I want to just [ __ ] punch you in the face with my bird okay no no you [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God I'm so good I'm so good I'm so good I'm so good I'm so good I'm so good ice physics F smash you did you wave Dash yes I waved us on the ice to get the extra momentum to F smash you I mean that's cool that's cool as [ __ ] that's stupid no that's stupid he should not have moved like that but we were playing on an ice stage yep yep okay that was that was pretty good play for the victory music um here any of the yellow ones uh the yellow ones yeah [Music] all of New York well no oh okay how did you not die I hate you with a kill hit like eight times into a rock like only one of those was deserved only one of those times I ticked the other seven just rocks happened to spawn next to me oh my God okay we yeah we definitely gotta do a best of five like a proper man like this one oh my God holy [ __ ] all right we're gonna do some normal melee now do you get to The Dog District very often yo Cody what am I saying of course you don't thank you thank you Cody oh that's why you were gifting Subs I remember now because of the character Connie was doing like a 10 questions thing what up big c how are you doing you were the chosen one it was said that you would destroy the failboat yeah I I don't know it's weird normally I like adapt a lot more I'm just doing the exact same thing over and over and over uh we are just literally playing some melee at this point we're gonna do a bestify match that was a good warm-up not switching um that matchup is awful to be fair I frankly I have no idea yeah I mean as you can see I just have no clue how to recover um which is really bad and then I don't know how to Edge which is really bad both of these things are not good um who will win all right we're doing one more this is normal just we're just doing first to win three normal games who will win the match you have completed the challenge poggy's in the chat all right predictions up all right yeah this is gonna be a different game this is gonna be a very different game sort of a sense recovery you just don't know how to shmix yeah I mean I just I don't know like there's so much I don't know about melee melee is outrageously complex like yeah there's just a lot I don't know all right press spacebar to begin that's the melee baby that's the point of this controller is to not hurt your hands it doesn't matter melee just passively gets in your bones yeah I gotta jump out of shine quicker yeah I know like shine I need to use way more and way better and I just don't know how to use it yet because like you can [ __ ] with that like super well yeah press down oh yeah no there's so much good [ __ ] with uh there's so much good [ __ ] with you yeah those on box it's actually insane the box is is so hard dude um I like it a lot more than a normal control I think it's really fun like it feels good but it's really hard congratulations how many times do you think you're incredible great job don't know about that wow what an amazing gamer and person this falbert is this is wow no this is my God you're incredible okay wow mango the best number one Falcon player in the world I have watched almost every melee major for the last 10 years so I am very familiar with competitive melee um that doesn't mean that it translates into me being good at mailing how many sets do you think we've played like because we we played often on like slippy online I think we must have at least played like eight sets probably yeah like eight nights of melee so like we're familiar we're familiar with controllers here you know we yeah the box is just it's really really hard for anybody who's tried it um at least to me it's extremely hard but everybody I've given it to other people like uh like silent wolf tried it who's an ex very very uh top melee player and he was like this is insanely hard okay the best of five remember this muscle is hurting but yeah yeah that's right I mean because that's why you got two of them it's like over yes true if one if one goes substitute all right normal ass game wanna do uh all I mean first of all of course it's just an actual set of Smash Brothers the one who locks to axle under a minute yep that silent wolf that is not his only performance just so you know but oh that's silent wall yeah but what a what a unfortunate unfortunate thing to be known for he has a storied career too yeah I did just so you guys know I beat silent wolf in a game of melee legitimately but it was the game where I was playing on a game my day ruined and Dick Twisted oh that's the Doug dug away he was playing on a box for the very first time literally not knowing what any of the controls did and then I was on a GameCube controller but I did beat like a top 10 melee player legitimately yeah hey Duggan foul boat very suspicious that you are avoiding my question of never seeing Doug's nephew and fouled out in the same room and fell both just happened to be here after your return trip what are you hiding ready send it all right good luck I heard the laser come out oh no two lasers okay okay I'm actually shutting up I'm waiting to switch yeah it's really hard okay information oh [ __ ] oh also I don't know how to angle anything on the box so that's why I'm not upbeing ever is because I you can't with the box it's insane whoa okay cool shot the ledge though the jump I thought I could freak out cool yep um good opening followed by literally just missing every single edge [Music] okay Sage [Music] look these are the downsides about the box it's really hard to recover thank you he knows Oh wrong button guys I'm playing on a [ __ ] rectangle with like 80 buttons right just made this out of cardboard yesterday yeah go easy on it and it's not like failboat and I've played the exact same amount of melee with these controllers all right what the [ __ ] is the upside of the box it sounds like you struggle a lot to do super basic [ __ ] because you don't have one thousand six hundred fingers right okay I don't know um it doesn't hurt my hands it's the main thing it is really fun to use like it feels good to press the buttons it feels great if you guys have ever used like a fight box or like they are very satisfying yeah so but mostly my my hands just hurt too much from the from a GameCube controller it also like if you can get get it down like Tech is very consistent on buttons like that [Applause] get this yes [Music] I keep waiting I'm like what's the current set in this game yeah nope yeah wow I can't believe [Applause] [Music] these were gloves why would I need gloves I used to play Spanish clothes in games where I don't suddenly get a Pokeball games are suddenly a lot more even oh yep oh oh no oh I tried to yep yep yeah and then that was too obvious that was not though Jesus Shield that's weird once either of us learn how to test [Applause] okay I'm not even bothering what come on oh come on all right I literally am like okay it's just on this game though and it's because yeah yeah yeah I'm like oh we have a stock behind but thankfully I'll go to a game where I'm like three stocks ahead all right a little damage is right [Applause] [Music] I'll go left again oh I forgot you can do that it's not just a Martha check oh [ __ ] oh nice really let's go I'll go right you know what I'm doing no you painted me your dog oh my God that's so good all is the beat like four could be the follow-up good melee okay one one one I gotta snap my neck you bet your [ __ ] ass chat I will go for every single chance to jump at him and spike him downwards even though it has a way higher chance of killing me because I'm not accurate ever I disagree when you go for those I don't know you don't ask me with those much anymore all right unless so we saved Pokemon Stadium for game five okay [Music] you're the one let's see if you're gonna stay up there because I knew laser was coming oh I also remembered how to tilt just now it's not gonna do this okay [Music] ah you're running I'll go left or if I could get the deer off [ __ ] nope you know what worth it oh [ __ ] I want to do that I heard you say you know what I'm like oh I know it's coming no what am I doing thank you for sending me upwards okay exactly you can narrow no but they're so fun do you not understand how fun dares are there's very fun have you not seen a Falco there like come on you're really gonna tell me not to do this on every single approach ever come on it's too fun [Music] oh hey I didn't know you chill things are not happening the way I think this should happen all right [Music] why didn't you [ __ ] go backwards go the right direction you [ __ ] [Music] okay [Music] on a scale of that no idea [Music] I literally forgot there's a get up attack oh I wanted mine okay all right two one um all right [Applause] um [Music] I'm not gonna fall for your laser Ploy again no I do I do it oh Mr comedic timing I do screaming for a full-time career after the man says I'm gonna not gonna fall why didn't he [ __ ] come here gonna do it again are you guys aware that you're subscribed to a funny streamer oh come here what okay I'm not even bothering I appreciate it no no I get out of here oh no I'm dead perfect foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] no don't you dare do you jump [Music] [Applause] when when is music oh I'll put it right there thank you for sending me that way you know what Oh I thought I had it oh hello hello get out of here [Applause] oh my God I jump right in your face [Applause] [Music] I keep saying the switch I just know I'm gonna [ __ ] suicide somehow I'm not gonna shoot side I'm gonna play good melee three stock dog at least not terrible melee he jumped come on grab okay no yes oh [Music] [ __ ] I can't I can't grab that Daniel why do you keep trying Daniel yes it's me I hate you I hate you so much okay game five game five baby okay bye baby back and forth with like two really um one-sided wins the last two all right all right Dan does have a record of clutching the fifth game way more often than the sailboatism we get we go to game five like almost all the time okay that's a [ __ ] huge ass baby oh yeah he came out big you wouldn't believe the size of my sister's vagina you ready yes here we go final game I hate you honorary Sound the Horn to begin the batch with the gun I'll go left [Music] off the stage tonight but as long as I distract failed to you I'll see it as a win go. [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] later literally don't do that [Music] thank you thank you welcome them no leave it down assassin what's up uh so obvious [ __ ] that is [ __ ] please [Applause] this is why do you grab grab [ __ ] grub foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] I knew that they cannot change [Music] I'll do it too foreign [Music] [Applause] yeah I don't think I would have gotten back on oh congratulations failed boats you won the night in The Dump house I love how even when we play offline it's the exact same unless we're playing the shuffler very one-sided normally when we play this we're blaring like Lincoln Park and anime music it's a little different I mean but Guilty Gear is pretty close they've heard the the photograph right yeah yeah yeah yeah oh we should have played that yeah yeah [ __ ] I don't even want to play it no that one isn't copyrighted that one's fine because it's fake okay one last Grudge game one less Grudge so what we always do when we play online is that when we get to game five wait so that one doesn't count actually I mean it counts for the prediction but our tradition um starting in three two Oh I thought that was a chat we always play this song at full volume and then it makes it insanely hard to focus I hate it so much I hate it okay quick quick final prediction 30 seconds we keep reducing this other amount of time who will win the match you have 30 seconds Doug failed but one game uh with nickel back in the background will this be the one where Doug finally breaks the losing streak I love this song so much this is a real live performance of Nickelback in 2005. shut up ready don't roll this for me all right go go uh okay God it's so loud it's so loud shut up shut up all right I see here we go you guys don't screw this up for me I'm actually in the zone now [Applause] minutes ago bro five minutes ago before the concert so we're gonna play it [Applause] oh that's not smashed if you guys know the words keep your mouth shut so reconstruction I love how he says we wrote it five minutes ago if you know the words yeah shut up all right as soon as you're giving you superpowers I'm not playing good at all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so much this is three times [Music] through everything foreign [Music] [Music] goodbye goodbye [Music] [Applause] foreign I can't turn it down oh there it is okay oh that's that's loud that's a loud song I feel like we played a lot worse yeah the song is still oh there's another 20 seconds yeah normally one of us just plays horrifically and it just ends all right okay wow [Music] his ending is I don't think we've ever heard the ending he says thank you and shut up okay [Music] thank you thank you for winning Doug thank you my two points into four let's go my man that was for you man so that you go home Rich tonight they can finally feed their family all right so we gotta rate of friends till death oh my phone's at one percent oh yeah I guess we should do that yeah okay hey thanks for watching everybody that's gonna be oh [ __ ] it's nine oh my God okay I guess every set we did was 30 minutes at least are you signed into are you can you sign into friends with us oh [ __ ] um it's got to be doable I know it's somewhere on my I mean if you have like a charge where I can just do it for my phone here oh yeah I mean I do have that um USBC or something in fact can we plug it into this does that work if we plug it into the find out this is plugged into a Wii U GameCube adapter no well kind of very slowly very little power the Wii U GameCube adapter uh phone oh God do you not have the password for friends with us I just the account doesn't show up for me um let me pull up music uh let me let me see oh my gracious all right what do we got here it's which account I have this week in chairs Douglas Reed and Douglas reedon Doug Doug Doug double Dug Dug 22 I don't know what that is clips channels [Music] yeah those are all of them gotcha and I saw we've I've logged in and it just doesn't show up uh I don't know what any of those like half those accounts are double duck dug 22. I have no idea what that is okay um I mean okay is this still alive uh I mean it might need a little bit more juice hey there chat friends till death is a show that me and Doug do together where we play video games and we answer your most burning and passionate questions but if we die in the video game the episode of media ends that's the purpose of friends so that's very fun okay right here oh yeah this is the one I had brought down with me yes juice oh my God yeah that was good that was very [ __ ] good yeah one of these days we'll learn better melee instead of just playing against each other yeah and not knowing anything I would love to you brought it up a while ago like the the month of melee idea yeah or just like get as good as we can over the course of a month with like trainers and stuff yeah do you want to have a quick uh Captain Falcon ditto um no no uh and you're valid for it when will the shut up Channel Point reward be added we could add it just says shut up okay and you pay like 50 000 Channel points for it I got Dark Souls 3 is only three minutes long that's one of our longer episodes yeah that's the guy who's keeping track of the stats in the comments and like the latest video some guys going through and analyzing all the the friends till death stats [Music] um streamer deck did anybody redeem the fart Gates today if not they can show failboat let me get this open [Music] does anybody have money for for uh fart Gates I'm gonna have some money or does it say it's on cooldown someone did that at the start of the Stream [ __ ] I'd scammed them then damn it because if I forget to open stream bot it just doesn't work I'm I'm really sorry whoever I scanned yeah it's on cooldown I mean somebody else did it today and it just didn't work if I if I don't have streamer bot open if I forget I need to just like set a macro that opens all the programs well that means you should you get a free one anyway so uh alt shift and all right all right so this is for the person who bought this at the beginning of the Stream maybe oh alt chip okay yeah okay sorry but still coming and that's the far Gates only cost a hundred thousand jail points tonight so funny God it's good thing that the joke hasn't gotten old yet Doug Doug the biggest uh League of his own streamer uh hold on okay chat I'm in a league of my own because other people would have stopped making fart jokes like a year ago but only I am bold enough to continue bravely onwards Doug is it time for the for the Skyrim okay the only downside of that is I really want to go get food then we have to like oh oh oh absolutely yeah I think other otherwise it'd be super down but we I will say if we ever read a friend so that's Skyrim one you're in for a treat yeah it's a good one it's it is it's one of the best it's just um saving that one all right yeah I'm gonna give you guys some options of games here uh what what episode do you want for our podcast friends till death we have we have like literally a a Year's worth of them like 10 of them uh that we just haven't uploaded so some of them are just very old um we have those are the three Punch Out clock simulator alien ring the longest one I'm not gonna reveal that I don't remember Holden ring at all I'm sure that means we played a long time I I remember that one uh I remember all all three it looks like mostly you tell me you tell me what the I can't tell it seems completely split I want to say most people are saying clock simulator I think most people are saying clock simulator okay clock simulator all right be sure to check out our channel for instole death It's a Wonderful podcast so by the way this is a good the question for clock simulator is no guess when will you quit YouTube so be sure to tune in uh to friends to death good question that you guys wanted to know when sailboat and I are gonna quit YouTube big question yep um we also don't like [ __ ] in these answers we actually just give truthful answers yeah that's true that's true uh where how do I find the thing all right well if you want to know when when Doug and I are quitting YouTube uh the channel it should be premiering uh I don't have the link to it uh look on home home hello everybody and welcome to oh let me see if I can get the link to it real quick uh what one was that clock Sim he's retiring well just listen to this listen to the video listen to the podcast it's currently premiering here uh how do I share these things be subscribed to friends till death nope but this is my this is like my uh Stream Account okay I mean if you subscribe it should be in the sub box oh yeah uh subscriptions it says it's going live too what I've never I've literally never gone to the sub tab how do I do it uh just click it top left there we go oh here we go oh my God I'm sorry yeah the friend's still dead a lot of friends still there where we all die [ __ ] that sucked okay here's the link if you'd like to watch live wait do we watch it on stream and then and stream I guess sure I genuinely have no idea how long this is I don't remember I recall this is um is the clock simulator episode for instill death be sure to join us live I literally don't remember this because we recorded it last year sometime yep yep subscribe to the channel yeah be sure to be sure to hit that be sure to hit that subscribe button if you like what you see be sure to like comment and uh subscribe for that one and this minute of countdown also as always how long do you guys expect us to live we're playing clock simulator please type in the in the premiere chat what is your prediction or how long clock simulator will be I will tell you that the max is 20 minutes it's somewhere between 0 and 20 minutes so could be anywhere again clock simulated if you guys have never played it genuinely fantastic game that I got addicted to for a very long time yeah and what the instant we'll we'll do this friends till death style the instant um the video ends we are ending stream so thank you again to everybody for hanging out today it was a lot of fun had a great time yep that's the full video because that's like 20 minutes long yeah yeah yeah yeah I've seen a lot of 14 minutes I mean it's clock simulator and I think it's me playing yes which as you guys know a pretty good rhythm game and you are a drummer I used to be a drummer so I'm pretty good rhythm game yes as you see in the episode if I ever call all right let's find out when will we quit YouTube buddy the friends tell if we die the show immediately ends but up until that point we're going to be answering your most burning and passionate questions while playing the ever popular everyone was talking about it clock simulator I was training on Twitter most requested video games they've been saying on Twitter they've been saying it on YouTube clock simulator we're gonna be playing The Fan Favorite Pig got the Rhythm um where Doug has to jump over a second hand every single second he has to press every second if he fails to press every second the episode immediately ends dog let's get into it I got a question for you drum I was a drummer in high school I did drumming for like four years so this could actually this could be one of those episodes that goes like at least 5 10 15 minutes there we go all right here we go so let's start it up first question by cryptic P how long do you think you're gonna do YouTube for and plans for after YouTube oh so it is actually a kind of interesting question um I've been doing what's kind of crazy I've been doing this full time for four years now coming up on it which is wild didn't feel that long or it doesn't feel that long but I I had to kind of like think about the uh the calendar of it this year this is so hard all right thanks for watching Everybody I'll see you next time [Music]
breaking news the fbi has seized 3.6 billion dollars in stolen cryptocurrencies from hackers and rappers i'm coffeezilla this is the 10 million dollar studio welcome back now two people have been arrested so far in connection with these stolen funds elia lichtenstein and heather morgan now this 3.6 billion dollars comes from a 2016 hack that targeted bitfinex a cryptocurrency exchange you might remember them from our tether saga notably ilya and heather are not accused of hacking bitfinex itself but rather laundering the money afterwards they are both charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering and conspiracy to defraud the united states which together carry a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison now we're gonna get into all the specifics of how these two were able to do this but it's worth noting that i don't think these charges are near enough the girl especially heather morgan should be incarcerated for at least another 25 years purely on the basis of being unbearably cringe so look here's the thing as i said the fbi seized it from hackers and rappers yes this lady heather is a rapper she calls herself the crocodile of wall street she's obsessed with alligators and um she raps terribly i mean she's a rapper sort of in the same way that american idol singers are singers [Music] now i know what you're thinking we might have just uncovered the real crime here and it's true but honestly here or out she's she's a lot of things she's not just a rapper look i'll let her tell it i'm many things a rapper an economist a journalist a writer a ceo and a dirty dirty dirty dirty horrible rapper that's right ladies and gentlemen this is who stole all this money billions billions of dollars laundered it this is who it is it's unbelievable and you know what the only honest thing might be that she's a writer see i looked into this and it turns out that that's actually true uh heather morgan turns out to be a forbes contributor they just let anyone in these days and one of her articles was this experts share tips to protect your business from cyber criminals you know what i think she actually might know what she's talking about you see guys you just have to learn to protect your business from criminals by criminals another thing that she raps about uh as as a professional rapper that she is is um the the cove the cove the social distancing guys she's she's out there helping people out um scaring them away from her i think do your part social distance do your part social distance do your part social distance stay six feet apart you know what if i saw someone dancing like that i would social distance from them permanently and the song who's got coronavirus i don't know man it's so bad that it might be good what is what would fantano give it i feel like fantana would give this a 10. all right so i'm sorry i'm sorry rapper career we had to discuss that but listen let's get back to uh the the case story stephen come on the case um the fbi broke it down like this with this chart basically how this worked was after hacking funds these two laundered the money through a series of cryptocurrency accounts including cryptocurrency exchanges like coinbase kraken and binance they would then send that money to a series of made-up identities now bear in mind this wasn't that sophisticated because they kept using new email addresses but using the same photo so these two feel like amateurs but at the same time they were using thousands of transactions to try to hide these movements so in some ways they weren't they knew what they were doing and this whole case is kind of like that it's like a little bit sophisticated but then also extremely amateurish these two aren't exactly genius criminals if the rap songs were any indication but this report also hinted about the fact that this also might be the work of another person too according to the affidavit the information contained quote includes information provided by private entities that the us government believes to be reliable aka probably a whistleblower maybe a friend of these two and it would make sense why they were motivated to do that because according to the affidavit bitfinex offered up to five percent of any property recovered the total potential reward exceeds 400 million dollars so it just might be the case that someone out there a friend perhaps of the crocodile of wall street might be crying crocodile tears when these two go to jail thinking that maybe they can get some of that reward money but no matter who it was i'm just glad these two got caught and i hope the judge considers an extra sentence for all the emotional damage this story inflicted on all of us who are now being subjected to these two's work that's it see ya do your part social distance do your part social distance do your part social distance stay six feet apart
foreign sorry I'm a little flustered [Music] blue Grime save for the 27. [Music] oh geez Louise okay Kane's face maybe 11. all right I gotta hop on a call sorry guys I'm running late late late late late late late late late late uh okay near QTC heart hello hello hi hi so what do you guys want to do today how about we play none other than Stampede racing Royale I think I have that downloaded I would love to play that with you too I have that too let me text my dad real quick and tell him that we're doing that okay I'll text my mom because that sounds she would like that I'll do that one second um it looks QTC smoke I don't know how I'm supposed to tell him if I can't get it to work wait cutie I was watching your stream of 42 months when you were reporting I was like forever LMAO that guy's a real Bozo huh that guy is a proposed I had no idea it was so interesting I was like late to my own stream because I was like learning a lot I was like wow yeah speak now master class on Saturday I hope you're ready eight hours of it baby speak now is her album oh doing it the eight hour master class on uh Saturday it's either you know speak now master class or freaking VCT what are you gonna watch wait is this about Taylor Swift only about one of her albums okay can I just be honest with you before we start this I never listen to Taylor Swift you had that stream on and I came in and I became a Swifty and I just want to like get that out there in the world like just now let me before we start help you what yeah what's your favorite type of music because if you were listening to speak now I don't know if that's your converter I have probably have better options to convert I love the hair cutie favorite kind of music would be like um do you know My Morning Jacket or like chili peppers like older like kind of like rock rock and roll okay maybe some hip-hop in there you might like operation reputation okay be more your speed if you like like Bon Iver you might like folklore yes yeah love Bona bear okay then you'll love folklore and Evermore you'll love it you'll love it so much but I think it was more just like what she did to people like you I saw I came on your stream and you were like the dress yeah that was a good one yeah that was good that one you were like oh my God and like it was live you were freaking out about a dress and that it changed to Blue which means something that happened in the past and it all got put together it was like a Lord of the Rings movie yeah yeah she's amazing she's a hero and a queen I love it and you're you're doing an eight hour stream uh yes yes explaining the lore for one of her albums this is amazing have you met her uh one time what I didn't know that yeah I did I did I met her one time and it was I choked I'll be honest what do you mean wait what happened well at the time I was uh I was working at Old Navy and I love the hair cutie see poggies one Old Navy had a commercial with a bunch of planes in it and surprisingly enough I said to Taylor she was like um uh she was like Hey so nice to meet you she's like tell me a little bit about yourself and I was like I work at Old Navy and that's what I that was my go-to about myself I guess and she was like oh I love their commercials with the planes and I was like yeah I hate flying and she was like I just bought a plane and I was like that's crazy which I said I bought a place yeah that's all you yeah Old Navy yeah she's a little it was really cool it was a little harsh yeah she was like I was like I hate playing she was like I just bought one and and I was really sad because all I wanted to tell her all I wanted to tell her was about my dog uh because my dog's name is Swift and he's 12. this was in person right this wasn't like on in like like a messaging service right um yeah this was in person this was after okay okay so this is real I believe you then um wait we have a lesson on how to add friends oh yeah yeah I can paid racing can you help yeah yeah I think so it's not like the okay I'm still choosing my car design my dad now what now what I'm texting my mom don't worry guys I got Air One dried dried mango I've had that remember no you have it you have it oh never mind stupid I had so much at airwan I was just talking about that today yeah the Vlog is coming out at some point it was fun I took squeaks to erwan and spent three hundred dollars oh I love that place they're too much um it's so expensive but it was so expensive that's the problem some of it was good actually they're tuna and fried rice yes Max loved that one oh my God and then they have a burrito a chicken burrito that's nuts yeah um get the green sauce with it I have to say this it has nothing to do with any is loading right now um yeah to all the girlies in all the chats never shop at aritzia we're boycotting them what is that it's this store it's very La it's like very Haley Bieber like it's like very like Basics is what they try to sell there's no mirror in the dressing room you have to go out like in front of everyone also are you did you guys choose EU or us west or east I'll do U.S West okay probably well I just clicked something okay I think I chose west or east plugging in the controller um anyway I go there and I uh listen listen guys I'm a size 10. I'm a size eight I'm a size 10. I'm a normal size girl yeah you know and and I go there and I try on a size 10 pants and they don't fit and I was like dang it I really like these pants and I was like do you guys have a 12 and she looked at me dead-assed in the eye and she said we don't have 12s in store and I was like oh oh are you serious yeah and I was like what the [ __ ] it was like very much so like that mean girls thing and I was like I was like oh okay no big deal like I'll find something else and she was like yeah and I was like and I try to make a joke because of who I am as a person I was like you guys are kind of like skinny girls only huh and she was like and I was like okay yep great wait oh my God there's another company that does it too like isn't it Brandy Melville or something I don't know like they don't even have sizes it was so which is wild I like your hair looks so now I was like great that was cool wow that's [ __ ] up I'm I'm the average is that American size is that like a normal thing that happens with this store too I guess so after I tweeted it everyone said that everyone was like yeah that place is miserable oh man they have so what's interesting enough is they have bigger sizes online but they purposely I heard conspiracy they don't keep them in stores because they don't want bigger people shopping in their stores because it makes them look bad well that's that's so that's [ __ ] yeah it was actually you know you know who would not do that Stampede Royal racing I thank you they would never do that they would cost all sizes yep every race car can fit a different size there's a bunch of colors they have a wardrobe room where I'm sure they'll give us small medium large extra large 5xls five negative XLS whatever we need also sorry for the contacts for all the girlies because I realized I said this to a large audience I am five eight and I weigh 160. I'm very normal I'm very normal size you're so mean they were so can't wait that is really mean actually yeah I'm ready yeah racing and killing yeah we can blow some things up and every time it could be that store yeah everyone play the the play test right now right now they should all download it and see if they can beat us because they can't because are the best in the world yeah it's limited time now yeah you only have four more days which is not a lot if you put it in hours whoa I'm not gonna do it oh wait so how do we add friends oh yeah I got it I got it so go to your uh at the very bottom left there's like two people who are chatting I wish it was three because there's three of us but that's true oh um yeah you click there oh no I leaked my code it's fine it's fine I think it's very good add friends via code just copy your ID and put it in here and I'll see if I can add you guys I want to choose my outfit yeah there's no outfits yeah I think they're coming out oh you can choose your car outfit and I do not I have not played yet either so oh your name is no that's probably just people adding right now uh here let's see QTC is your name what I think it is yeah okay good yeah I'm Pooky okay I gotta go Google I'm making sure I just added you okay did you make a name on here is that your just go to steam name no I made my name on here oh what I didn't make my name so maybe I'm guess yeah you are I see you all right invited I just invited you as well Perfect all right let's see list uh wait how do I change my name I need to do that you really do you can't be playing with a guests no um I did it in profile I think oh that's probably it friend invite two I might have messed it up it still says it's an it's a pending invite cool let me uh let me see maybe if I change my name where top I'm pretty sure that's where I just clicked hold on I'll tell you right now yeah top next to garage to the writing garage when you're on like the main screen yeah oh edit nickname where's that oh yeah instead of guess oh what should I be what's that story called that we hate ritzya Ikea oh of course its name is like like a yuck 101 Dalmatians evil character name okay how do I uh oh there we go okay request all right let's see boom so did either of you get my friend request or it didn't work uh it says friend invites too except okay cool oh how do you accept um I clicked on it yeah it only lets me invite you to my party I can't accept yours for some reason okay hold on why oh nice can you change your name I did to Sandman Oh wait we're in a party together or wait you're online I can invite you now invite to party I'm the fight the party oh wait wait squeaks and pookie I'm pookie I'm squeaks why would you make it explain okay yes yes yes we did it why would you do that that's so confusing really I feel like it's almost yeah okay well I'm changing my name what oh I don't know I don't know how to yeah wait are we all in a party together now I think so I'm in your party two Racers I only see you yeah I invited you I invited you look for like uh joinable parties maybe there's like a one by there or something or like a uh request at the bottom okay okay okay well I'm canceling the friend invite oh I'm doing it again oh here we go join a party yes yeah are you in yes your party too I see Santa squeaks we're in we look so cool and you could change your car if you want to before we start how just go to garage go to garage at the time oh sorry let's queue up sorry just keep going and this is a good moment to just say hey anyone who wants to play with us like please stream snipe us like please do it I'll count down for you when we're gonna queue up oh a countdown maybe actually if I can figure that out what controller are you playing keyboard mouse I'm playing controller I just got my new one from Target from Target I don't have a controller wait oh take that back or is that true that's true I don't have one you don't have a controller no I asked for one for Christmas but I didn't get one oh my God dad say Dad this is all I want for Christmas I did I texted him he said whoa wait that's actually [ __ ] up oh wait I clicked ready did that cue you up too oh oh I'm sorry I was customizing let me go home oh my God there's a bunch of stuff ready how to play okay should we read this how to play or no um [Music] LT and L for items forward thank God wait race mode battle mode oh my God wait so this is a battle royale right wait it's both okay so race mode is drive fast avoid hazards battle mode score the most points by hitting others let's start with race race yeah I agree yeah yeah yeah yeah okay right behind number players to gain speed boost watch out for hazards drive over a boost pad to get all right I think like you know I think I'm ready I'm ready all right we're all coming we're queuing everyone oh no let's make some enemies oh look is everyone playing with us get in here we need to fill us with all real players chat we only have 12 right now download the game 38 download the game you have four days well not really if an hour and a half oh my God that's me oh my God mock you up exclamation point um oh yeah uh what is the Xbox Stampede yeah I love how to select you that was nice of you guys exclamation point Stampede you can download it guys we only have 11. we can start with 11 while people download it no I think it fills it uh oh here we go five odds yeah wait these are my I recognize that chatters yeah there you go oh my God oh my gosh oh my God until but I bet next game will have like 30 of them and then the game our goal is to get 60. shatters full Lobby Maya's message no what was it oh god oh sure you're on na West as well even if you don't live there I would just cue anyos guys yeah I think so and then uh RT the grip boom okay there's so many people oh my I don't even know where the track went there I I can't turn down the audio a little loud are you drifting oh no oh now I am wait is blue Sparks the best one wait it's kind of awesome yeah this is kind of it's just embarrassing though in this game when you're doing really bad because it says 47 out of 60. like you could end this game in 50th Place wait don't do that I think if you get bottom 20 you get kicked out yeah yeah okay what does this do oh oh someone's trying to hit me I'm not bad I'm 20th I threw a dodgeball behind me let me know I'm pretty sure we're getting stream sniped this isn't fair they're looking at our screens by a bunch of bots the final lap wait I'm in 11th place wait what place are you guys in wow third place seven yeah I'm in fifth wait really yeah fourth third don't say second then that interviewed me and I don't want that my Pro skills this is okay what does that do oh land mine wait you're in first place second second I'm not that good high chat we're in the second place yeah I'm not yeah what you're not a gamer no no not usually they usually get made fun of for how bad I am again you saw me open Crazy for the people yeah that's not skill babe that's what I'm saying no it is okay I ended seven as long as you get 40th like top four I think we're good damn Becky Becky's tianaku who are you guys wait Becky apparently is like notorious at this game like imagine he's a legend as well so all right so what happens now I think people get eliminated I think it was just a race I don't think anyone got eliminated right oh okay so it's like I think we did race never mind I'm wrong I think you're right top 20 I think the other one's all about just doing a bunch of damage to people oh wait that's fun yeah how do I uh make it quieter how do I open the menu um I just did volume on my computer uh volume mixer um forgot how to click oh we gotta go I freak out I was I thought it was already minimized oops okay come back story I'm in 40th Place wait this is gonna be so embarrassing if I have to sit and watch John and cutie play yeah that's terrible no I want to play that'd be so embarrassed wait how do you do tricks in the air oh come on right how do I watch if I've been eliminated I need to know what's going on so I can move the game a part of the game nothing stop saying so embarrassing does drifting right apparent uh in the air you do tricks too apparently oh wait I'm still in 40th can we restart I got eliminated right I'm doing so good I don't want to restart yeah there's no way I'm sorry squeaks it's nice to meet you but not today wait I'm being eliminated from the party forever get eliminated forever in a second okay final lap I have not oh God I'm in gone past 40. we have to get top 20 I think in this one right yeah yeah shoot we might both be watching cutie I'm in 35th what's happening to me no I'm in 25 and 22nd I might get eliminated too right now let's all get eliminated together okay we'll just get eliminated together nope I'm going for I'm going for Nani lim okay can I get some items oh I have items I feel like my items are nerfed or something some they're just not working yo bomb me again see what happens not you guys of course whatever yeah okay I got bombed again oh man I'm so I'm so freaking uh but I love the drift egg yeah the drifting's actually it feels good once you get used to it sleep oh no oh no I'm not making I ended up in seventh place uh I'm sorry I got 19. I made it wait I can't hear you did you guys make it yeah I made it we all made it whoops oh that was scary and I'm back wait we all qualified right we all qualified something I got 19th I barely made it one away good place seven all right I mean I feel I feel good now I feel I'm feeling good now you're all warmed up yeah yes me too now we start trying I think this is the final so whoever gets the best placement out of here is the best out of the three of us right for the first game wait we have to keep track oh my God I'm actually not against this segment right who does who's the best out of all three the best racer okay I'm going for first to this one then all right oh now you're gonna go for a first cutie yeah that's big points okay fine I'll try can someone make a Sprint we need a full spreadsheet uh by end of day oh God wait that didn't blow up there we go I got a shield can you use an item behind you yeah if you hold back on your left stick okay it can go backwards yep just hit someone with a missile I feel terrible that was a man okay I'm I'm pissed I keep getting hit now actual stream snipers wait this is an early release right yeah yeah this is not even this is the place oh so they're gonna they're changing a lot too a lot wait cool it's a good idea dang it I know it I'm actually cut I I will be honest shocked how well it runs for this one for real that's what I was thinking literally right now huh I'm in fourth 420 yeah skill issue uh yeah uh boom come on this final lap Pokey I'm right behind you give me a pookie don't use that item I have to to get in front of you bye oh you're on the field oh just kidding I was gonna use the item you would literally said I wouldn't I wouldn't I just said fine like you're going so fast Shield I missed bye bye pookie I hate this pookie I regret it oh yeah I'll stop it squeak squeak squeak oh you can call me pookie I actually had a really yeah it's gonna be a forever thing no fourth place fifth place seventh I got six ERS ah dang squeaks one John zero cutie zero we should do golf scores so seven equals seven points why oh my God then if you have one like 99th it's just the worst day ever yeah no why he's like because I want a win wait you don't go to wardrobe now you'll be at three points son we got wardrobe we got wardrobe or four points oh I actually I kind of I kind of like that yeah wait that makes sense wait new wardrobe I don't think it'll give us our placement so so what's like the uh if we get uh 60th to 40th what's how much does that count as you know what I mean or 40th to 20th because I don't think it gives you your exact place does it I didn't I didn't I didn't you know while I'm looking at all these cool customizations wait for real dude am I close I like my bow I wish I had a fit to match my bow oh my God I just put on the bow too oh take off the bow no man you no I'm keeping the ball I'm keeping the bow we could be bow Riders together guys no doing it don't you dare okay they're all together till the end of time you were scaring me I thought you're gonna attack me with an item and then I had to attack you with an item you have to understand we were cool we had like we were like rolling together like it's not true it's not true I felt like we all won because we got top 20. I feel like that's when you're a true winner but you're right you mean Ryan Reynolds from wish what yes okay chat did you download it are you ready to join seems really cringe squeak sell wait if when you say this squeak Sky seems really cringe squeaks out are you talking about me because my name is squeaks on this game or are you talking about squeaks they're probably talking about me oh good I was just asking for clarification wait am I correct wait I'm going to that I'm gonna see who wrote that in your chat right now uh-oh like you have mod that's handsome that's one of my Chatters God damn it uh there's they've been subscribed to me for nine months so really they're one of my chatters let me see how long a handsome pants and has been in my it's too long this guy comes and siphons off my viewers and then says they're his chatters typical men what hey hey I'm not gonna I'm not in that yet give me a chance give me like in the next hour and a half typical I'm a jackass they're right he's not my chatter yeah you are a jackass 90 of everything you keep claiming are your Chatters they were mine first and they just leave me for a man typically wait can some of my Chatters go in there and cause some chaos thank you appreciate it right now you're siphoning wait a second now I'm so confused I don't know what the thing Us West I'm siphoning your viewers with my sex appeal I'm siphoning viewers with my sex appeal too I'm married with three kids how hot am I yeah whoa whoa you just altered what the heck yeah whoa then my numbers are climbing Thursday massively holy smokes what mode we're just doing race mode and only five of you have joined this is kind of embarrassing guys are you guys done with me oh you guys did the bows I didn't keep the bow guys you just have to ready up and then you'll join okay you scared me you said John chose it now I can't do that I was like no it's cool it's cool I didn't know that I didn't know that I'll know that for next week it's literally gonna be fine should I back out until we get more of our peeps in here guys did you put one in there oh yeah mine keeps saying they're getting put in a different Lobby all right click click B for better okay let's figure this out ready we're gonna redo it do it at the same time everybody exit out of your lobbies yeah so we're all gonna go so first things first everyone go to your options and make sure you're on us West in the general tab U.S West preferred region just for today you can still fight for your East Coast love and dedication later but today is U.S West day and then I'll let you know when we queue all right and then is there a way to change I don't think it matters because you're I'm hosting it oh my God I invited you I could be wrong though same here just as searching I keep trying but it's not putting me in well it is it's a wild grass that's right and this gave me a chance to add my really cute ears so put on your bows and rev up your engines so you don't have to do it later yeah because Pookie's here to stay yeah that's right all right I'm ready whatever you are all right I'm gonna cue us up right now everyone cue up queue up five four little leg boom oh there we go oh there we go oh here we go two right two two more wait if you if you are from a stream spam your evil emote that's to the right you made it Torgo made it Torgo what's your secret because a lot of people are having trouble you're doing well smiley face imma pass on the bow dude Whatever You're Gonna Lose 59 plays I took off my bow are you joking me yeah you guys you guys are copping my style we wanted to have some I don't wanna match it's matching we wanted to be like a collection like an nft collection no [Laughter] all right well listen we're gonna do a practice run against seven real people in some Bots and then we'll be back with all of you you can join the next one the Bots have cooler outfits than me all right here we go top 40. top 40. so wait are we doing golf rules are we just doing like uh squeaks is that one golf rules are so hard to keep track of but I'm down for it golf rules okay so what are the points so the points at seven the max points you can get is 21. is that cool like if you don't get top yes yes 20 it's 21 and then we go normal golf oh God all right here we go yeah remember everyone this is the play test so if there's any issues you can't get mad and it's free you can never get mad at anything that's free in my opinion [Music] yes which is not free way overpriced disgusting the way they treat their women and uh yeah I'm in first place no I don't believe it it's happening take a screen I'm taking a screenshot I'm leaving dude did you lose it right when you think I just hit a thing oh my God I got four missiles there oh this is so mean oh I think the booth is that wait what Mike I think your top speed is increasing wait am I just I might just be making that up I just feel so slow on these straightaways do I need to switch my car I think I need to switch my car I just I don't want to talk about it homing ball 1G Summit just right now Molly myself okay very good is someone in first I'm in I'm getting targeted me too I'm in I'm in second I'm in fourth Batman third who just changed your name to I am John Simmons oh God that's gonna be really bad does this final laughing okay we just need to get top 40s all that matters oh my God any of us don't make top top 20s that's bad for points wait wait I'm in second I'm in fourth okay who's ahead of me 15. oh I just hit some of them oh I do I knew I was gonna be a second wow someone already finished it's kind of wacky yeah they're kind of hackers boom second oh fourth place all right cutie you good 25th top 40. that's fine it's fine it doesn't matter no points yet it was not a good it was not good for me that one I took it in the beginning it doesn't really matter I feel like it's only the last one wait look at all the customized the Bots are so dripped out I know they're making me jealous I wish they looked like normal lame Bots are they usually I know I wish I had a diesel now it makes me now I have fomo we're going to start grinding let's make a challenge make it happen is there a timing where you can get like a boost off the the jump I'm not sure not that I've figured out have you caught it I got going no I haven't yeah be sure you guys are boosting in the air like what can RT in the air chat if you do exclamation point boost it actually helps us go faster whoa this octopus is so cool wait this is what we're flipping insane I'm upside down we're flipping and not lagging how the waterfall is so pretty it's the little things I love this one I love pirates wait this map is actually wild yeah oh my God I'm uh it's not waterfall I mean it's not an octopus waterfall it's a crack wait what is a kraken uh it's a big pretty much like a big old octopus it is lore but are Krakens also real Krakens aren't real no they're not yeah mermaids aren't real either whoa don't say that mermaids aren't real but Krakens are like the Megalodon the Megalodon isn't real yeah permanent no they're not they have a skeleton of it yeah but it's fake no yeah no I know because I was like really into it and I said it to one of my smarter friends and he was like no they're not real and it broke my heart no Megalodons are real no they're not so are Krakens store mermaids fake news mermaids are not wait why can all those things be real but mermaids because they haven't found a mermaid skeleton um I'm pretty sure they made a documentary about mermaid skeletons called a Little Mermaid Little Mermaid it was literally live action yeah and she sings and she's good with that sort of stuff yeah are you serious they found him like a or am I just an idiot no it's not a Megalodon skull they did Megalodon's real wait I'm kind of crack this one because you told me mermaids aren't real and I don't believe you and the only anger I can take out is by winning yeah wait someone already won oh my gosh I'm stressed I'm 11. I'm 15. none of us are getting 21 points uh wait should I be keeping track of these points or should we all keep track of our own mod mods mods so how many points are we at from the last one well you don't count you only count the last game oh the last one I'm sorry yeah how many did you get I got six and then you got fourth squeaks hey cutie got eliminated first round no I didn't what you're lying Judy did you just did you get 21 points I'm ready to play right now all right if you're ready to play let us know when you're in someone Enchanted by the way cutie got eliminated there no joking they're joking oh I get it they're joking Megalodon is real wait I can't believe anything you say now so mermaids are real it all comes first okay yeah who snitched no thank you they're joking I'm playing 12th oh all right I believe it I believe it don't hit me uh I see your idol I just got the Boost the three one not the boots I got the three boost okay I believe yeah I don't think we I just got a shield the three boost again okay I'm not missing these freaking item packs I'm cracked dang it however I am in 19th that's not good it's not good for me tweaks what are you in uh third dude come back here no I'm I'm into win oh shucks remember me from earlier oh I hit myself with that uh I'm in third I got second [Music] um arm down I'm down we're gonna get you like in 21 points on the next one right I don't know if you guys can keep up my mmr's gonna be way too high all right so I'm at nine total points wait second total wait that was the final round yeah that was it yeah oh damn I almost came in uh I almost won shucks I thought I was gonna win for sure gee willikers wait cutie got first place apparently no I got 13. 13. oh that was good that was fun so that was really good second so two points I think we got five total we unlock anything now I've got notifications on my garage 13th let's go oh new paint new paint what colors look at that that's kind of a vibe ooh really wait new outfits ooh new tires oh my God give me a moment I need a moment with my doggo card wait should I do I keep the bow what's the consensus on the bow I'm Still rocking the bow even though cutie left us although cutie was like started the bow all right I'll have like a clown I'm a kitty cat all right awesome okay I'm ready let's see if we can get more of our peeps in oh that's kind of a Vibe jellyfish wait I have to go to the bathroom uh sorry just ready up I'm just I'm kidding I'm getting I'm kidding I'll let him know when we're ready all right okay I'm gonna jump in yeah I'm the Green Girl how come I can't I wish I could see your character on the uh main screen can you see me as the jellyfish guy like all black on black okay um or should we uh should we wait for him yeah we can chat did you one in chat if you've downloaded the game I want to see how many people you should expect and don't lie to us like cutie didn't I haven't lied once except for about I don't know if Megalodon 's real wait mermaids really aren't real huh they are not wait so many people so many people in chat actually downloaded it yeah a lot yeah we're set to us so I'll just say it one more time if you go to your cogwheel at the bottom left make sure you're on a preferred region Us West it could also just be overloaded on the servers like with us all trying to join one so I'm sure they're you know this is why they do play we should try the battle one oh let's do that uh how do I switch that I don't know let me figure that out while he's peeing uh anyone in chat a pro Stampede racing Royale player know how to switch the modes oh the mode is random oh that's cool it's your friend so we've done the races twice right one is still downloading back awesome we were waiting for you because we really care about you all right thanks yeah of course wait that's so nice as I was hoping you guys would wait yep sorry go ahead me neither all right here we go everyone ready up now ready up now ready I will ready us up now uh we're waiting on someone here who's not ready they're either cutie or Pookie oh bro there hey yo this is we got friends not Bots this is all real they they fixed they are real yeah these are these are real spam the evil emotes all right this is gonna be way harder this is gonna be way harder Chatters suck everyone everyone click the right oh my God it's all like everyone hit the right people wait Chatters suck at the game we're gonna easily beat them yeah you think the Bots are better oh for sure the Bots are better all right without a doubt really gonna mess with our golf scores all right good luck oh so it's the same race mode right I love it yeah I think so it's random so I don't know if I can choose the other mode I think it'll just randomly pop up if they want us playing it oh gotcha cool I could be wrong about that though I listened to one person in the chat about that you okay kitty hey I'm trying oh my camera is full hey we have so many people in this race three two one go go go go real human beings all right Chad just knowing that we get to beat real people in game wait this car is so much slower than my last card no I feel faster I'm in first take a picture please with me smiling yo Clint Stevens is in here I love Stevens me too he's playing yeah you're actually right I've never been to my house if Clint Steve we drop what we're doing and we watch Clint Stevens yeah we do we'll literally end stream England's live clinch live this is the run it's really it's honestly kind of it's fun but it's a little pathetically you still like Notice Me Clint yeah we both go in his chat yeah see you again yeah so maybe he's taking the boost on the out upper is not good because like it slowed me down up here oh really yeah wait Pro tip if you drift and boost on the side like the sand I I don't think I think all booths are equal so it actually is worth it to go on the stand and drift oh the whole time yeah yeah can you drift all of them I think you can final lap don't screw it up now so I can see how everyone's doing it yeah I see all the pros damn good to know I didn't know that oh but dude because the Boost also last quite some time I'll take 17 17. Allison has an elf so Elsa real yeah wait Becky see I'm telling you Becky's yeah so good Becky's like known around these parts yes like Becky always play like apparently is like notorious in this game I'm not even kidding like number one whenever like there's like a playthrough Becky's Always In The Stream snipe type 2 in the chat if you got eliminated on that first round who's braveman who's brave enough I'm excited to see what they do with the other maps that Kraken map was wild like I'm I wonder if they're gonna do other themes dang I still can't get a boost what's going on wait what's happening wait what is this this is a game mode oh god oh this is the battle it must be battle okay battle mode it's switched in the middle throwing stuff oh so we need to get top 20 points kill the guy wow it's all balls or bombs and bombs yeah you get points for killing you got points oh you can fall off the map in this one just say no oh yeah you fell off the map yeah yeah I fell off hard on the map not in line on the map on the map not yet please sponsor us please let me get another one of these on the next Saturday the game comes out in November right yes Early Access limited does it say what this guy in first place is at 50 points Shannon hi John hi hi is that Shannon Channing Tatum but he knows me that's he's so good hi John that's so sweet oh yeah by the way you can hit yourself yeah I know I'm at 40 points though I'm in 14th Place I'm just sticky balling hard I'm in 20th wait I haven't killed anybody how do we know what place we're in it says in the top right wait 40th Place isn't that point no your points is one number and then oh got you got you all right I'm seven seven cool cool I Will Survive can you look behind you is there a camera behind you I don't know uh oh I screwed something up I'm bad wait I'm gonna get I gotta live I'm gonna get eliminated no you're not 24th Place great for our golf score uh I'm I got eliminated I got eliminated too should I just back out because you both got eliminated who do I have to no no you have to you can keep all right well I'll do it for you guys uh when you get eliminated you can't watch [Laughter] no they keep the that's how they keep their servers clean oh well I guess you gotta come over to my stream oh how annoying siphoning you're cute what do you mean it just sucks you gotta watch that POV from me that's proof that I didn't lie earlier because this is the first time I found out so that person was lying in my head yeah you're not wait that's crazy yeah ban that guy well mermaids aren't I know I know I believe you now I didn't earlier yeah I never really read the article I needed I need I need to link I need to see this article about Megalodon yeah I'm actually like shocked I'm actually sucks I'm blowing my mind Megalodon real I think you could just type that in Google and a bunch of uh it'll be like the Earth's flat and Megalodons are real Megalodon wait the Natural History the truth about the largest shock that ever lit shark that ever lived come on it's for pookie the Kraken is real what you're right NPR oh nbr's pretty legit aren't they sometimes nah fake news media I'll call my dad I'll ask him just trying to impress wow oh my God wait we got I gotta see I didn't do good I didn't do good at all is it over I'm literally pulling up here I'm sorry what is that sound what was that cutie this is my dad that was my dad what that's kind of like I thought my stream was getting hacked no that was my dad is my stream now okay I'm ready all right listen so you guys gotta write down 21 okay I don't know if you're keeping 20 actual track no let's not keep track I think that's like let's just like try to like let's just write down 14. let's just have fun let's just have fun you know I like that okay sure no collaborate no like uh competition all right only on our final race the final race will mean everything wait am I winning uh you would be oh actually let's keep going I'm secretly winning I wish I had a snack that's I get a snack right now I don't have it I finished my almonds it is three dried mangoes erwan where you can also uh spend another nine thousand dollars or more mangoes that hurt we'll get a tomato soup it's pretty much on the same level as megalodons you know it's [ __ ] up I would buy into that that sounds awesome Strone handsome Tomatoes yeah like that would I would eat it and I'd be like wow it tastes so much better well they yeah they put like words that aren't real on their menu I'm pretty sure I'm a sucker then I'm not literally by it yeah like any like juice Trend or anything I'm on board like I think it's great I see like Attractive people on an ad doing anything and I'm it yeah yeah that uh that broth diet yeah let's do it I'm down let's go rock only we're rocking up that sodium let's freaking go the sodium only diet all right I'm ready uh Us West remember if you want to join us we got 40 real players on that last one if we can do more on this one oh my God I will be so ecstatic and that is a real word trust me I learned it yesterday this guy take took his sat I'm pretty sure um pretty smart stuff I might up graduated you're so smart State School oh is that right which one uh California oh I don't care State University of Northridge see you soon baby it sounds cool when you say CSUN yeah it sounds very official all right I went to California school too did you yeah UC Davis okay oh my God you're real smart geez calm down thank you you know what now that you should study economics wow how's our economics doing oh it's good for some people and bad for others but I'm pro-equality you know what I mean yeah I'll say it getting political below oh yeah we got 16 this time 35 last time what happened yeah what happened connection didn't work yeah though they just made their own Lobby John don't trust squeaks he's not smart why would you read that out laughing Josh I well I'm just I'm calling him out I'm so hey don't we don't talk about other people read it out loud like it was a declaration no no no I just yeah I thought I was muted in my bed actually gotcha good to know I made it this time Duke shoes change your cars at all or no I didn't change my car I like a light car like the middle like the middle one I feel like it's fast I'm not moving all right hey or you got a good guy it's not RT I was in the wrong window streamer problems if you haven't streamed the problems I feel bad be your son wait I didn't do the booth I messed up oh this is the sand boost one where you go yeah when you pass everybody yeah I want to know how they slow down work how do you not run down how do you not run into the wall yeah I just run into the wall so you gotta wait to do it huh the best power up that bullet one I think you wait till you get to like the middle and then you do that that long that long sand area that long Sand Drift Shield I'll take that kidding me oh yeah that that's the style for sure I'm in second oh my God I'm in first don't steal this for me squeaks or I will Pookie you up for the rest of your life dude you just hit me with your with my shield yeah for sure dude liar oh we're about to laugh someone so exciting I'm not in the game I'm getting hit by all items no pure John they've hit me by Jen I'm getting put on second one first first what what just happened Abriana I love how it has like a kill feed dude on the top left no no oh my God my gamer okay let's get top 40. I'm qualified cutie did you uh please tell me you did yeah oh no you don't worry about me should we back out no I I qualified don't worry you did uh-huh yep what place yep uh 22nd oh it's my lucky number 27th was my lucky number wait it says you're proceeding the next round on the top left right cutie no whoa she got you it just sounds good it says round selection round two wow that was quick Ollie overdrive I'm here dang I appreciate that I forgot to put go I'm an [ __ ] yeah I we've thought she's lied like three times and we've been wrong I think Megalodon is real like I'm actually learning so much it's actually shocking tell your friend you should break up with your friend that Megalodon oh I will yeah the one who told you that wasn't no he's not my friend anymore good yeah we had a big falling out because he went to UC Berkeley oh my God you don't want to associate with the Davis kid the Davis crew yeah exactly if your name is Berkeley or Davis you gotta be smart yeah I think you're smarter if you go to Berkeley probably because every Davis kid applied to Berkeley and L.A and got rejected without a single exception I hate when you're in the very back and you get shields it's like what am I gonna do with this I just want to be the very best that no one ever was I'm excited to see when this game like launches like what items are gonna add too yeah like different modes that you can choose yeah I want them to add a parachute that you can throw onto somebody else in the parachute explodes on them and they get lifted in the air for a few seconds what it's strangely specific I thought like that's I've always wanted really hope to add bananas that's right I like that it shows like a big radius of a banana do you know what I mean like it shows like if you drop something there's this huge cone I think that's cool you're talking about the bomb yeah no not the is it a bomb I thought it was an equivalent where you drop it and it shows like this cone and if you get in the cone that's a bomb I think it's just like a proximity mine oh yes okay I like the mine idea I like that because it's like so big it's so hard to avoid I feel like it's like something small like a banana it's so hard to like place it with so many yeah with so many uh Racers bananas are out proximity mines are in yes and especially if there's like an AOE all right we're all in there no yeah I keep getting in the skin of my teeth oh that's a good saying have we played this one oh is this battle no race okay oh new map yeah I I don't remember this one lightning circuit uh maybe we played it though oh yeah explain it knowing that we're beating some of our community members in a game true but nothing better because streamers or bet are good at games right every streamer actually I hate the proximity of mine now now you know yeah if you go in the middle bit I think it blows up right away yo here's a proximity mine for someone come on give me some boost I don't oh I got lasered oh the helicopter one's cool I didn't even know what those do so if those run into you though you have to get top 10 to qualify right no this is the funniest finals we all got we all did great I'm really bad at drifting I just always ran and run into the walls yeah the drifting is not easy I love that I've I like it because you can control your love to like really quick yeah I just need to get it first I think I say something and I run into a problem I could retire if I get it first yeah was that the final app no this is it okay come on no you still have a shot what place are you sixth well I'm intense come on a hip who did that get owned I'm in 19 . I'm in seventh now people keep stealing my cool items that I'm supposed to get I'm in the 20th I'm in seventh I'm an eighth come here okay you have shield on huh how's the shield has the shield life right later pookie what mm-hmm I got hit too eight so unlucky gosh uh what what did you do what place is 18th dang it okay yeah that's the worst I've done I just keep getting worse all right cue it up again you don't want to change your uh your looks your outfits I do want to change my outfit wait I got you damn game's fun the game is fun it is I'm excited for it to come out I want to see what they added stuff there are times where I've done like you know a little little hashtag ad sponsored and been like I just can't wait for this to be over and this is not one of them oh really all the games I play have been fun [Laughter] throw you under the bus I don't really pick up games for my glorious community that I know they'll love that's right wait connection failed you have lost another device okay good mine says the same thing okay we just have to re-queue world's getting heck oh wait I'm in uh I see uh cutie in my party oh really never mind uh are you all at fouring to clear this uh restart okay cool yeah we can restart it let's restart yeah give me one sec my kids are here wait restart restart yeah just to reach like close the game and restart and open it okay uh okay restart it I'm back in uh uh I exited out of steam on accident oh okay uh how do you make a hotkey on Discord well anything can be hot to anyone everyone has different taste wait that's a beautiful thing that's that's so sweet wait a second true um why you're trying to do a talk to speak push to talk uh I'm trying to talk push to mute yeah I don't know I don't know I don't know how well then whatever yeah for some reason there's no hotkey oh streamer mode I'm disabling it uh uh I wish I had a snack me too wait let's order something what what if you eat something I'll ubereats like dogs corn dogs hot dogs no corn no me that's what I always say yeah based wait I love corn dogs [ __ ] now I'm hungry you just saying all I have is banana no corn dogs I heard a pee and that was a Freudian slip for sure no I said corn dogs I don't like coin [ __ ] uh okay I'm gonna get a snack hmm what should I order corn dogs Corn Nut dogs obviously or McDonald's fries look I toggled to oh my dog I toggled ew oh boy that's gonna be so annoying what you toggling I know wait it makes a noise every time I'm back are we all good is it working again uh well we haven't invited each other we were talking about snacks do you have any snacks like that you could have right now yeah or just in general that like you would uh yeah yeah I got a lot of snacks what lucky I got uh hummus with some pita you do like hummus I love hummus okay um I have that I have like every like bar known to man okay name them Nature's Valley classic uh you know good old Nature's Valley uh a bunch of kid ones that you would probably love that are tasty um that I just don't know the name of because they're like slightly healthy but like really good um you made it up he's lying I'm not making I can literally show you right now like I could show you I'll take you on a picture I can't be bothered so okay all right I just want to make sure like I could back my my my snack you know what I'm gonna do it I'm taking a picture of the snack drawer and you can tell me what you would pick one sec wait how do we uh wait we actually didn't figure out at each other yeah um I could reinvite or re-add you okay uh oh I linked my code whatever I can okay I added you I accepted oh you're on my list now invite to party oh you invited me to a party I'm in the party yeah yeah let's go okay is John uh taking a picture I guess bragging God I wanna later you know those quest bars or whatever with like chocolate chips those are so good cookies and creams well they taste so good they taste like candy the protein ones too are good if you get a good protein Violet well it's yes there's some good ones here's the uh here's the snack what would you pick out of that picture right there dude you have two cabinets full of snacks no that's yeah that's just the whole clock yeah you got Welch's uh uh fruit snacks holy [ __ ] I have to I have to have this all right why okay let's chat this is for you um they just you know this is you're a good dad yeah until you squeak a lot of processed stuff and then you're like oh man you don't take your kids are out yeah I do I see some red dye 40. I know I know luckily it doesn't affect my kids the same way luckily your kids won't get Alzheimer's until you're long gone so it doesn't matter exactly there you go it doesn't matter exactly okay a lot of them are like Phil yes I'm ready as well should I invite you we uh we're already in a party invited you it shows your it shows you're offline I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm I'm fully here what really oh did it change no oh yes now it changed it's a party I'm so excited join up oh wow it pops up on my screen now you're in control squeaks all right oh there you are okay now I'm in control perfect and to race we hit ready just like that everyone ready you have 30 seconds to join everyone in chat oh my God yes yay look at all the chatter I'm talking about uh spam the evil um emote that's how I know you guys are stream sniping ban them all ban their accounts if the devs are here ban their accounts how do you like that for evil do you know if they have custom games yet not yet right or will they um I don't know that'd be really cool you know name and password kind of kind of thing I can't find any snacks to order wait hold you just do McDonald's eating that why I'm trying to lose weight so I can shop at aritzia aritzia [ __ ] enrichedia [ __ ] that please I'm not even kidding if you want like a really healthy snack and you're out here uh look just type in like like a meal prep or something like that they have like a little healthy healthy little meals I'm saying if you're trying to like lose weight and like be healthy like you can get a healthy snack of a meal I got what you're looking for but if you're trying to hit up the red dyes you know who to call ad for red dyes I'm doing an active just trying to like fight for that and be like okay with it you're like no guys it's good for you it's great you get blue dyes you get green there's a lot of dyes out there you gotta balance it out wait I'm in first place by a lot my controller got way more rumbly that's such a what an excuse I've never heard someone say that in my life my controller got too rumbly it really did though myself oh by the way there's a percentage of completion on the bottom left yeah I didn't either I just saw it cool wait there's a map um higher than the FPS of what it's supposed to be whoa yeah I know which is rare we're breaking okay and you would think with a game like this you wouldn't be able to bump into each other but you can that's that's what's so wild crazy for real totally real right now all right yes oh I drifted wrongly are we all gonna make top 40 right I'm in first place okay that's good not my answer yeah actually like a snack picture in terms of gameplay yeah whatever cutie you're good yeah good good fine bird takes the end I keep seeing you everywhere please you got it yup that's all I wanted just one time spooky number one oh my God all right look at all these chatters cutie what I mean kitty I'm in uh yeah yeah what what huh how'd you do good [Laughter] yeah good what I got 39th oh that's good that's a quality I know that's why it was really intense I was really quiet it was good did you find a snacker that was the most that was the most intense one yeah um I didn't find a snack it's really bumming me you're probably having dinner in like a few hours right my snack is my dinner it's called girl dinner okay [Music] it's my dinner lunch and breakfast all wrapped in one yeah wait it's a it's throwing isn't it oh my God wait I love this one is this battle yeah no it is Battle okay it is okay okay okay okay I just threw it the ball in the worst spot damn boom I'm falling off too wait I'm not coming there yes boom got something not so bad I'm actually I'm actually coming back hardcore right I mean I haven't hit a single person I'm in fourth what I think you hit a single person now it was me that's the first time it got me I thought I was gonna be good I'll sing but I got me oh I hit him I love them I love it I love them I love that I hit that guy come on I really need it there we go wait I got him Gotta Throw That earlier when I pass him and I Gotta Throw Them I hit one person wait I'm bad I'm intense I'm in 25th I'm an eight come on oh get oh no now I'm intense oh you can get the double items yeah you can kill multiple Camp boxes oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] like with one ball you can get multiple that loot 18 seconds to be a winner and moles stealing all my items literally you're such a mole [Music] I'm gonna get eliminated I got 17. I got 11. I got a second [ __ ] second second damn wait I qualified oh no this is it this is final that was Final that's like done wait oh wait it is top 20 you're right top 20. oh I qualified too 17. people happy wait I got second I thought oh he knows it messes both up wait I got second let's go wait I'm actually pretty good at that wow all right [Music] I actually really like the battles me too I wonder what like the Strat is though like you just like you like Camp the boxes oh I don't wonder what the Strat is I just want to get so disgusted I want to ruin it for everybody Sports Products damn yeah that's exactly who did it until he goes one of you no you think it's a little Pookie would drop a mind bomb you're eliminated aren't you me no no no no no barely mirror bear come on just gonna get my drifts down it's a cool map too yeah we haven't played this one have we no that's great they're also like very it's pretty cool actually there's a lot of people in front of places come on I just hit you yeah I saw that I think you're telling me I just want you to know so honest boom no who the heck isn't dirt no I'm in ninth especially guys for so long already finished yeah I got a second damn it okay not too bad maybe six oh I got 13th I feel like we're getting better though uh yeah yeah second progress finish second two times this is my second time getting 13.gg oh do it again do it a third [Music] the kitchen is that rude if I just like get up and go again go do it yeah I'll be right can we guess what you're gonna get though yes you can guess what I'm gonna get all right okay BRB cutie does squeaks like bananas uh no like what's his go-to snack that you know of because I know you guys know each other right um I think yeah he likes Oreos but he only eats the stuffing no really yeah but when he grab that as like a snack for himself or is that like dessert no that's he eats that for everything okay crackers like he's not gonna have some like no crackers no he only eats the filling he only eats the Oreo filling yeah so okay all right so we're not gonna come up with anything else it's just Oreo filling that's it that's it that's all I've ever seen him eat so he opens it up and does he do like the weird like awkward lick thing where he's like no he scrapes it off with his bottom teeth any guesses oh man Oreos Oreos but only the cream filling you know what's crazy that's really close yeah you you bite it off with your bottom teeth or something it's really close I actually got grilled they must be fresh again yeah grilled chicken fridge oh my God that's not close at all ew uh pocket don't listen to anyone that introduces themselves as a squeaker who he's here I like that I feel like that's very proper like just know where you come from you know it's not like I'm from California my name's John it's like I'm I'm a squeaking I'm a squeaks viewer I'm a I'm a John viewer [Laughter] [Music] wait is it weird to have chicken cold it's fine I mean like it's kind of yucky is it is it cooked you have to cook I only have to cook it yeah you'll be good dude I'll be good yeah you don't have to cook because if you're not good luckily you'll have this game for the next four days to play test so you could be sick as can be and play test this game and unlock a bunch of new cool wardrobe skins and uh chat if you want to play with us exclamation point Stampede download the game right now for free y'all go go check here go check your gear real quick though on August 28th wait she's head yeah your gear your like items like go to your hats like wardrobe oh yeah that Olive cheese hat always was that always there the gas mask s I haven't unlocked that maybe because I haven't done as well no I don't think they'd do that to you this game is about equality uh West we're on us West so you can get in the same server with us QTC this chicken's good yeah I really thought I really thought you're gonna grab a banana because that's like my go-to oh that's my go-to for real thank you thank you Mia you ever do banana and a little bit of peanut butter ever Dabble I have a peanut allergy so I wish is that right cutie wait is it a messed up peanut allergy like where you like kind of go and die yeah yeah it's a very messed up one where I die so maybe banana peanut maybe it's something to die for do the marshmallow cream a little banana yeah have you ever done that nope I've done banana and almond butter oh how's that great okay it's great it's really really good I'm ready what does peanuts taste like um I think the best thing ever the best thing ever no I'm kidding I'm kidding uh it's okay it's like I do like Reese's peasies oh I love Reese's Peanut Butter Cups oh my god well you could make you can make it with almond if you wanted a resus yeah or cashews you want to do that they should offer that yeah the reason they don't is because they have so many peanuts processed in the same plant that there's no reason to make a peanut yeah free because I bet arawan will do it though arowana'll do it for you I'll make some almond butter only two thousand dollars per piece [Music] I have olives I forgot I have olives I could have eaten [Music] have you ever had too many olives when possible uh I did one wait this was all viewers this was all viewers that was yeah I think it was like 45.50 who's in this one chat want to chat if you're in this game type it now so you don't lose your spot in first place all right here we go I think I'm I'm locked in all right here comes in most grips right what was it yeah I think so I think I've hit that like once and that's like out of the the tailpipes right oh yeah yeah yeah it's the most growth thing I got if you're uh out of my teal pipes right bro after your tail pipes uh are you serious that mine this is big I'm in third right now I just need wait what does it mean when someone has an icon to build their name like a red icon uh they're a legend who's that what I mean no I have none like they're targeting me at maybe yeah I could oh my God I'm in first it's returned what was that wait I'm killing it everybody what was that you just got outplayed no there was a new thing it like made my car turn right new power up they just added right now dude it's okay if you crash dude I didn't crash away someone like me no signature I've ever met I have no idea how secure I feel right now yeah I've never felt more sincere in my life all right oh I just got like a five kill holy [ __ ] I love the kill feed all right we all made it right yep all right that's all that matters I gotta Focus this next round I hope it's a battle I really enjoy the battle yeah me too me too I love them they're too far and few between oh Ollie overdrive that's literally telling you to get it race mode it's like olives wait olives and pickles are like my go-to oh pickles I could eat a whole jar of pickles and just feel like [ __ ] but that's fine I actually feel bad for anyone who just doesn't like pickles you know what I mean like that such a great treat I'm allergic to people I don't like pickles is that like inappropriate to say no I just don't like people who take away the Judgment yeah yeah it's a good way to judge someone and then they turn around and they're like but cucumbers are good it's like what really yeah cucumbers like tasting water yeah cucumbers like 90 water anyway yes yes I need some Red Bull in my pickles yeah I got some Red Bull cucumbers thoughts I cannot do energy drinks actually that's my my thing no me neither I have a panic attack I'll be like damn I feel like as you get older energy yeah it [ __ ] you up dude I'm the worst on energy drinks no I can't drink caffeine at all like maybe like a glass of tea like a hot tea which sucks because I love the smell and I love the taste of coffee I'll I'll mess with the decaf here in there for tasty yeah same but are you like a morning coffee drinker well morning meaning when I wake up it's like 11 45 or 12. coffee yeah a lot of cheese I've seen a morning and probably a long time I'm not gonna lie but as soon as I wake up yay that's morning your morning um yeah I wait I make the morning oh wait that's not true I woke up at 9 00 a.m actually like a week ago for me I did I actually did see sorry Judy did you drink a cup of coffee this morning my headset was unplugged were you guys talking to me I just got it uh no just what I just said right there was the first time I was like yeah do you like coffee I forget yeah yeah I love coffee oh yeah well you owe me 30 cups of coffee remember yeah from poker I thought it was more that was the best was 30 cups of coffee I thought it was more you just kept betting in coffee I think it is more than that it's actually a genius I think like it's like 60 total no this game brings out the worst to me who would hit me I'm literally not even even 11th I'm in third what the heck squeeze I'm just really good at this game I wanna like deny it but I can't this is my game sorry guys that's it coming back hardcore oh yes boost in the sand massive a lot of it's getting me a burrito oh W yeah that's actually great burritos are so good depends what's in the burrito though to be honest oh it's fun to laugh or a breakfast burrito can't be bad that's my theory that's actually true a lot of breakfast items can't be bad for real are you serious I'm being targeted I can't have breakfast like when it's not breakfast which most people are like oh breakfast lunch dinner everything wait you can't have like breakfast for no it's just like every time it's like past like one like I'm like give me lunch I want a sandwich yeah ninth eight tenth place cutie Kitty I got 20th oh you qualified you made it easy yeah I was confused oh wait that's a final round oh [ __ ] I forgot okay let's customize our car quick little customization break I'm eating a lot of this [ __ ] chicken right now in fact I need some greens did you have a couple at least though well no because I would have to go to the fridge okay yeah all right um we should have a competition on who looks the drippiest oh I'm down I'm gonna switch up my whole look then I mean we have the same items but it's kind of like more of like matching and Etc yeah hmm that's a fashion show fashion show fashion show fashion show at work wait I look good I wanna look good I've been looking good I'm working on it you're not switching anything no oh this is kind of vibes [Music] is this the look I don't know okay I'm ready oh okay hi okay I like this hello all right like I gotta are we yeah cars included right now put cheese wheel on that's fire I'm gonna unlock those you're so close all right I'm ready uh how how do we show up wait I don't know I don't know I just realized we can see each other in the loading thing yeah but it's not like it's not our costumes yeah we'll probably fix it already in the lobby and everyone in chat ready up all right click up click up so we can see you see me oh yes I see you purple glasses yay okay I see purple glasses I got the Mohawk yes purple glasses mohawk with blue glasses who's the Unicorn that's just a viewer okay are you in like the Jeep no I'm in the okay this is so hard Yeah It's just tough all right spam left if you're if you're one of us three oh no okay all right give us battle give us battle dang it race mode to start and then we'll go battle I like race mode I'm better at it yeah it'd be absolutely true that'd be chaos I don't even know if they allow that sounds illegal yeah that'd be crazy it feels so good when you like put a bomb down and like nine people get hit though come on pre-drifting okay she got blown up hardcore oh my it's chaos right now there's way too many real people I can tell by the way they're playing I fell off the map it put me back to 56. what everyone's so close I know yeah I was with everyone and then I got bumped off the map I didn't know you could do that I think you found a glitch report it to the devs dabs I'm mad I'm mad Clint Stevens putting down bomb Oh my God Okay small chance I don't make it yes you are yes you will make it I believe yeah but we have another lab yeah pull up pull up you can do it there we go finally got an item you give me that noise baby oh I'm actually getting quick good place where you at I'm in town oh my God I swear to you I'm in 12. I'm in six I'm in seven oh my God insane foreign [Music] I got so screwed yeah that's tough do you want us to leave for real yes okay cool we can leave yeah no problem great let's all leave let's crash This Server everyone come on by leaving at the same time do we have to all F4 to do this though no you can hit start after you're in the game okay cool cool I'm sorry for any of you who thought you were gonna get first on this one this was not the one Oh Daddy the dev thank you for the year I appreciate that you are not dang it the father uh wait how you could start or maybe I just click Escape wait how did you leave squeeze I didn't bro I don't think they let you leave it's an all F4 situation I think we'll just finish it you guys can finish it I'll just walk we're not we're not going to finish I'll just watch are you playing I'm in 38th I'm in 23rd so no matter what we have to get bottom 20. oh like throw squeaks is gonna not do that oh okay we don't have to throw no no I can try and come back I don't think it's possible you and I could why don't you slow down wait for me and we'll race it out to the end okay it's fine guys no it's already happening I slowed down no stop don't say it like that no you guys okay I won't qualify for real do you see me I'm in 29th okay I'm in 39th hold on let me do a little more work slow down oh no dude I'll be there you guys might as well just make it I don't think that's possible for me but I will do my best I don't know if it gives you like a boost being so far back yeah it doesn't I was just back in 60th it was awful I kind of like that like don't reward me for no you shouldn't yeah true make it an even playing field no give me the parachute item the Cutie parachute item yeah it's called The Cutie shoot the Cutie shoe the Cutie shoot wait that's actually sick wait actually I'm getting some crazy items there we go any items when I was in the back wait what place are you in 38th oh I felt strong oh okay wait hold on I'll throw author wait how many laps is it three total right yeah I stopped I stopped oh friendship baby wow thanks everyone sorry this is the first time I didn't make it I know it's like actually in an hour and a half it's nothing yeah or gamers wait look at all these people stopping out of respect AKA one person well they do that for me because they should have done that for me oh we get the loser screen you were eliminated yeah how dare you wait can you go the wrong way that's actually awesome what happened to my outfit that's not me oh all right I look great I'm ready whenever you all are let's get it get top 20. maybe two battle rounds make it the best game ever all right here we go crazy cat Brooke thank you for the gifted sub I appreciate that this game is fun it is actually a really good vibes ciao exclamation points Stampede if you haven't checked it out yet it is a free play test right now you can play Stampede racing Royale yeah it's a great idea for a game too and when the game comes out it'll be completely free as well oh now I see you guys play play it up everyone click play now thank you Mateo you're not in our server back out and then try and do it again thank you okay boys Wes us was does it just show the three of us to you guys yeah yep okay we might we might have the back out we can do that we can play against bots you want to play against us well pop three then it's uh foreign I don't know wait why does it say region Europe on the top right oh my God back out yeah uh just go down to your Cog wheel settings and make sure it's us West oh wait true where oh Us West that's mine okay whoever uh oh yeah U.S West okay perfect perfect I'm Us West Perfect all right everyone ready up let's go let's go there we go big bong made it so big bomb can make it anyone can make it come on guys cue it up region Us West and if you don't get into our server right now just click back and then queue it up again yeah keep queuing quick remember this is a play test so this this might be part of it they're figuring out we might have broke the server that's okay yeah but it's a work in progress as we all are you know what I mean oh yeah should we back one more time and try it one more time right now one more time yeah one more time all right all right ready up okay so quick this is the one hopefully it doesn't put us in that server I don't have it well we'll just try this one and then maybe the next one we do it one more time yeah last time one more time yeah let's back out because you know what let's do something crazy let's do something crazy why don't we all change our server to us East just for this whoa just for just to give e some love and you know thank our East Coast viewers true all right everyone we're switching to USD East Coast viewers squeak siphoned them all I don't like the term siphoned it makes it seem so how do you however you like to explain it I do not siphoned what'd you do no I didn't do anything I Bazinga you know what I mean that's what gets them every time that's what gets them it's the safe one that's the word they can't help to but to type their funny little emotes all right ready up from the U.S east oh man 30 seconds let's see it could just be oh five's better than four six is better than that and we get to 10 oh my God we're doing it it's so slow again players one because I'm I'm dying not playing you know all right we got seven at the top that's so funny oh it didn't do us West we got it okay we got like 10 people those are the robots I always forget why did all the robots have that green Predator head Predator the alien not like method Josh I couldn't think of another Predator I'm sorry I can't even I couldn't think of another Predator I could have seen another Predator really Jared from the subway sorry so many predators mine says I'm going the wrong way anybody else no are we wait oh am I going the wrong now you're making me thinking wait you're in first place yeah I'm doing fine scared me I'm in 34th bro I apologize I followed two robots going the wrong way right now I'm actually going wait now I'm actually you're going away wait no I'm not what is happening there's three robots that literally drove the wrong way oh my gosh wait are you really not making this one no wait it's so early yes you can guys I was like yeah okay we'll see what happens I think you can and I think you can what the heck mine how did that happen that's not sick it is it's great I like the uh the layout snap yeah it feels like a yeah that's a really good yeah yeah where you at space I'm in FIB okay for it I'm about to lap someone yeah holy [ __ ] or one of those stupid robots that went the wrong way oh I got handsome handsome uh I'm so slow on these straightaways though it's killing me he's killing me Larry yeah I think you can like zigzag boots I bet you that's like the meta dude on the first day I want to make the meta and break it well that's interesting I think that boost you get hit by any mind that's my fault I just made it on Final left that's not bad wait who's passing me why am I only getting mines is that like a okay boom They just won it first oh you're saving at first please stop moving everyone yeah oh oh I didn't even finish wait let's back out no I'll just watch I'll just watch are you sure yeah you can't back out yeah yeah we'd have to alt f4 don't worry let's make this super I think it's super competitive way it's my fault I'll watch all the Bots drove the wrong one yeah followed them I did that was so silly of me gonna be so so chill and you oh you love this one I'm following you on who hit me beginning of game for literally friends no you didn't did yeah I swear to God I did what's wrong with you dude get owned all right Pookie all right Pookie No More Mr Nice Guy I've been nice to you oh I got lady time you have no idea who the real John is oh no I'm scared Moneyball solid movie moneyball's a great movie I've never watched it really I get intimidated by movies that are longer than two hours yeah it's a Tetris I respect it I respect that yes squeaks have you seen Tetris John no like don't there's a movie yeah Tetris yeah it's supposed to be like the documentary like the mock not the like the like no I saw the one about the Donkey Kong guy yeah don't watch the tetris one it's so bad squeaks put it on and he left the room he didn't even have the like he had such as sleep I wanted to go to sleep why did you leave I was tired keep cutie entertained dude enjoy the movie yeah he was like Clint Stevens isn't on here exactly it was so bad and I'm they I made him sign up for Apple TV too yeah we signed up for I promise that's actually hilarious I couldn't get over the actor the actor reminded me too much of Rich Campbell another Predator oh my God you're right with the mustache yeah it was driving me crazy I was like I can't watch it wait he looked like um I'm popping off it was so bad it was so long it was like four hours long it was but it had good reviews for some reason oh it was all right Ninth Place it was good apparently some people say it was really good I thought it was so boring it was so boring I wanted a movie like pixels remember you know the one with Josh Gad where it's like funny goopy oh yeah I forgot about that movie it's so dumb but I just but why did you why did you think Tetris was gonna do that for you because I was like Tetris is like a fun game in chat and chat just came a chat and they said have you addressed your mental illness yet saw your Tweet um yes I have it what would you like that's the addressing yeah what do you need that dress I have a mental illness thank you that's a thing have you been dressed it have you address the mental illness address it that's like when someone comes into chat you denounce bad things it's like yeah I denounced that what is your favorite message yeah what's your take what's your take on your mental illness totally addressed this it's not like you like tweeted out a formal statement please react hey guys I uh I gotta be honest I was in Moneyball yeah I gotta address it yeah it was an extra didn't make it into the film so no no no no you were in Moneyball then yeah yeah I didn't get I'm in the film credit but I didn't make it either me too wait are you actually that's sick no just an extra yes did you have a line no my line was like to walk across a baseball field that's good did you get paid for that oh yeah how much oh the extra work it was like good money at the time yeah I if I remember I don't want to lie to you are saying good money you're not saying a number oh no I think it was good money at the time is what I'm saying I think it was like I think it was like you know like 500 bucks for the day or something broke your NDA your sued idiot hey uh have you addressed your NDA break have you addressed it no no no kidding I'm meaning okay it's just a meme oh I get it now 500 bucks for a day is good right that's what I'm saying yeah like it's like great money I sit around at a baseball field and eat food all day and not be in the film yeah it was your food comp thank you yes it's it's catering that's great it's yeah that's it it's extra catering which is yeah I actually I have really tight shoulders and I have a suit come to my house and I was like might as well do the two for one and hit Ludwig too and so she hits me she hits Ludwig and with her tip after like you know uh what's that 90 plus 93 hours three hours of time was um 500 bucks and I was like that's hype that's being a masseuse is kind of hype yes but can you imagine doing that for like six to eight hours yeah that sounds not hype digging in with your hands to someone's like no I do three hours I do five minutes on like my wife's feet and I'm like exhausted I'm like I can't yeah I'm tired my hands would hurt done and quit I didn't know for you our massage is good for you yeah yeah they're really yeah they're really good for you the muscles and stuff but you can also feel like crash oh my gosh you have to do that really but you might like get a flu the next day like Yeah because sometimes sometimes it moves toxins around I got really sick the next day I'm not even kidding yeah wait I want to get a massage I'll do a massage v-log that would be the first massage ever awesome wait that is kind of strange what place did you get squeaks uh sixth nice or something like that yeah fifth I'm getting top ten I'm telling you I'm pretty good feeling good about it yeah all right let's do one more one more yeah I'm in and because I spent the first five minutes talking about arizia which is not a bad thing I don't think they mind it I hate them yeah we hate them but you know what we do love it hates them we love Stampede racing Royale racing Royale I stand this game I'm having fun me too I'm excited to see like the release too I'm pumped four more days of the play test get on it download it now our final game hopefully we can all get in together if not it's because uh you know they're scared it's a work in progress yes it is a working program that's right all right I'm readying up we are queuing up us it's stonus and West I don't know it's Q let's see how we do I'll do it there we go there we go see yeah with a banger yes all right everything's on the line yep I agree if I guys do the worst thing stop if you don't what if I don't qualify stop driving yes to the chatters wait are you playing with a keyboard yeah I don't have one I told you that's actually sucks so hard yeah I just don't I simply don't have one maybe you should look at everyone leaving and joining they're coming back and forth all else back we got 30 real people that's sick this is on Steam so if they have to stop you guys stop okay yeah be nice yeah please be a battle oh it's a kraken one the cracking one it's the freaking Kraken honestly I love this one yeah this one comes up with a loop-de-loop I think yeah in the beginning I preferred keyboard mouse because controller vibration couldn't be turned off you don't like the vibration it just adds to the pun I just realized how I said that we're all weird whatever all right can you get hit by the Kraken I forgot I haven't seen anything um I have not gotten slapped by him yet I'll Deputy when you were talking about that massage thing did they come to your home or did you go somewhere for that they come to your house so cool download you can download the app there's an app oh my god oh I did that one time all right I got that for like a anniversary present or something it was so nice oh that's sweet yeah actually that's what you should do do it come to your home that's funnier that's so awesome you could have your full stream set up and like no awkward literally have opened some CS cases while you're here well I'm getting a massage every time I make this uh sound yeah that is every time I go oh this is great you open the case it's gonna be like the perfect balance of being stressed out and then also being relaxed I'll hit my legs made of equilibrium yeah okay oh my God we're on the final lap so we might have to slow down it's not a chance of bantrum no cutie you're getting top 40. that's it yes oh no I might get caught oh oh please do not blow up please do not I love how hectic it is yeah this is only 60 players is 60 players it's it's insane and there's Collision yeah I got it and I'm not lagging I keep saying why don't you stop chat stop for Cutie stop for Cutie stop chat she didn't stop what the heck I want all F4 play one more right now if you want I will no I'll just watch you it's sad I really felled off at the end there sad yeah unicorn I am no you're not stealthy boys I'm actually not chance I wish I'll only be sad if the next one's battle it's not it's right oh imagine well then I'm not imagine a finale in battle oh if they can do custom games where you can like put in a password and get 60 players of your peeps that would be fire just started out there you know a little message to the to the devs developers yeah oh you love this one pookie thanks man I'm so not used to someone calling me pookie I kind of like it every time I see you for the rest of my life oh like no one else calls you that your mom and dad aren't like yeah they're not calling me hey pookie okay all right good yeah it'd be kind of weird I'm like you know I'm I'm 30. you can't do that you could do that when I was 12 but not 30. oh why didn't I throw that backwards check yeah no no oh this is one you guys are good at with the sand with the sun yeah because you can boost through the sand and your speed is the same on the road yeah it's kind of crazy it's cool yeah I can I could never figure that out personally oh God that mine I'm firing everything I got oh we just need top 20 here right come on come on who just threw that at me oh no I'm not gonna get top Tony is this final out you're not gonna get top 20. bro I mean like I'm thinking about it I might but no no one more lap one more lap okay cool I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm back I'm back in it it's funny how you can go from pretty much like last place to not last I mean one bomb can literally kill like half the server sometimes sometimes what's up flakes oh my god get a pretty cool name yo third okay maybe not third yes all right I'll take that I'll take that all right let's go that was scary this is it this is the finale the finale of the finale the moment you've all been waiting for who's gonna win I mean squeaks let's yeah me I mean me Boogie ain't taking it I never win video games and today's my day I never day streaming today is the day are you stream at night yeah I'm like a nine to three in the morning streamer it's terrible when the kids go to bed it is but it's also not Andy wake up early no no 10. I'm a 10 a.m wake her up oh that's late pretty pretty light that's right but not for you though it's like an early morning for you yeah that's like if I woke up at 10 uh after that massage I'm telling you oh I just sniped someone oh yeah then you got hit with that right please tell me you did I did but guys I guess my drifting is a little too good if you've liked watching this remember that the play test ends on August 28th so take your chance now play it don't miss out yeah because it's not gonna be out for another couple months it's it's a world first game where it pits obviously if you guys haven't seen the whole thing 60 Racers against each other in like a chaotic cart battler over three rounds so it's super super fun it's still in early development so this is a good uh chance to get a taste of it and let the do the devs know what you like and you know let the devs know that we want the Cutie shoot the cute shoes the Cutie shoot I don't think it says that in the ad read um touche I'm in fourth what are you in squeaks I'm in 10th okay good good good that's what I like to hear we need the Q shoe added if you have any other ideas you know let the devs know also thank you for sponsoring the three of us that's very surreal yeah Stampy uh Jesus I messed up the name on that one racing Royale baby burrito what's in it I don't know he seems Out of This Means Everything yeah the first one no no you got me a lemonade no straw get him no he hates him get him I just need to destroy him please please destroy him worse humans I swear dude it was my one moment damn what's in the burrito or whatever oh I don't know I'll just have one I don't care what I third place it's mystery burrito third place wait I got a third place I'm just kidding I got 12. this is the worst I've done six let's go I'm still please do not leave until you tell me what is possibly in the burrito beans beans and cheese beans cheese is there guac though that's what I want to know I'm such a Glock guy the extra maybe that maybe that's the California just meat straight up meat burrito I want to see this burrito yeah wait Glock in a burrito is cool are you showing them I'm so confused [Music] are we getting the burrito cam or not today is she picking hold on chat we gotta see this I know we're just laughing about that yeah there it is yo it's meat and stuff it looks great and tomatoes is there guac in it though no I don't think so wait that looks great yeah that actually really does yeah almost fresh that's my burrito it's like that that tortilla looks fresh it doesn't look like they just got the tortilla out of the bag and just are like oh this is what we're doing how do you make a Fresh Tortilla like flour and water I think yeah well I I meant more like uh like uh like they just took care of the tortillas they're like oh okay pan fried in a little or something racing Royale thank you so much and great meeting you uh John nice meeting you guys meeting you thank you great meeting you too a different character when you're Pookie yeah Pookie is a character I've been working on I'm gonna bring it into GTA 6. RPS that sounds problem man yeah I don't know that's definitely that definitely won't fly all right nice talking to you guys I'll talk to you soon bye goodbye chat I'm sorry I was gonna stay live today and do reacts and um work on the gala but I forgot that I have to record a bunch of stuff for one about patreon I quite literally forgot for God so I have to go I have to go record that um I appreciate it I'm very sorry um but I'm gonna go I will be on tomorrow at some point and we do not have a sponsor tomorrow so it'll be a normal stream tomorrow is maybe I want for tomorrow's Friday tomorrow why do I think I have something tomorrow what do I have tomorrow no I won't be on tomorrow 's Friday I take Fridays off I'll be on Saturday I won't be on tomorrow right I'll be on Saturday with the speak now master class thank you guys thank you for hanging out and thank you to Stampede racing Royale for the stream very very cool I'll see you guys later goodbye goodbye goodbye bye bye thank you genuinely thank you I I led you guys astray because I said we're gonna do other things too and I'm sorry
foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh wait I got better music than this [Music] forehead a [ __ ] fired welcome to Paris 57 the show is just about to start the show is [Music] [Music] apart yeah [Music] [Music] what's up what's up what's up what's up what's up [Music] [Music] okay listen I'm not gonna stall I'm not gonna beat around the bush let's talk let's get to it a lot of you have heard some insane rumors today some absolutely insane rumors I would like to take a moment and clarify I still work at Nvidia I still work in Nvidia just to get the other way I still work in a video until October 7th three days where we coming back like it's been a year [Music] until October 7th uh I have put in my two weeks notice to take a chance on what I believe to be an extremely good business idea that I am co-founding uh with some friends that I think you know Nick Allen Ludwig and stands uh this is not at all not even close to an easy decision for me but I'd like to take some time today if you guys don't mind and explain my thought process and why I think if you hear it out you'll understand why I did it probably even agree to me agree with me uh I think I think you might think it was actually a pretty smart idea by the way one thing I want to get uh out of the way just early because I know listen uh Nvidia just announced so what I think are some really awesome products but they're expensive uh especially the high-end ones and so a lot of people are in you know angry moods or whatever uh I I loved my job I I got nothing I got not one bad word to say about Nvidia at all so anyone here is like uh I don't know what Jay's two cents power viewer or something and they're like hoping for drama there's it's not going to be anything I gotta be honest with you all my decisions are made about what I think is gonna give me um the best chance to have like a really good life that I enjoy so that's what I'm gonna talk about like you know I'm gonna try and uh explain what what it went to that uh chat us yo yeah yeah and everybody know what anyone here who's a streamer or a Twitter frog who's gonna randomly DM me asking for a free 4090 like you guys have been doing for 30 series for the past four years you got two weeks left you got two weeks left to get it in brother I I don't want any more of those DMS in two weeks Hassan included Hassan included bro he probably will too uh okay all right listen listen listen listen listen you guys know I mean it's been my thing this has been my thing I'm the guy who's got the full-time job and he's streaming that's the interact thing what is it what are you doing plus your job's good you get paid a lot of money you like it what are the chances you have a job that pays a lot of money that you like why the hell would you leave that maybe give me a chance you know so just give you a chance to explain let me give you a chance talking through it um so you guys know some of you might know it's kind of all started in November of last year uh when I got really scared unnecessarily that the torpedoing of ever Grand in China was gonna tank the whole world economy I thought this is what I thought I thought ever Grande was gonna tank the whole world economy now I mean things haven't gone down since then but I thought it was going to be immediate right so I sold pretty much everything I sold all my stock in November of 2021. now I'd like to pretend that I'm some sort of Genius who knew that was the peak of the market I did it and I'm not I'm not a genius but I did make a ridiculous amount of money foreign like a ridiculous like for me if you're for a guy who comes from where I come from and like what I started doing in the Esports industry writing articles for Team Liquid for 15 bucks uh you know eating one Carl's Jr sandwich a day I had some legitimate serious money all right and I don't know about you guys I don't know if you guys have ever done this but for my whole life I've had this weird annoying habit where like when I'm really stressed or if I'm working really hard on something or I just felt this happened even in school when I was like staying up way too late and cramming for a test or something or like I had [ __ ] do I would always my mind imagine like What If I Had a Million Dollars I don't know if you've ever done this I used to do like what if I was a millionaire well you know like then I wouldn't have to worry about I don't know that's I always thought about this like it's always it's always Plastering my mind right so finally I'm not gonna say exactly what kind of money I have but I had like a I had I was let's say I was in that Realm okay and ever since November I've had that money just sitting there just sitting in my account and if instead of my life um improving in any measurable way it didn't change at all and I just got more and more busy and I think some of you that are more die-hard viewers may have noticed that I I I may have been a little snippier I've been a little more stressed I haven't been able to stream as many hours but I've also felt overworked at work you know this whole launch has been very very stressful at Nvidia and and it would be hard enough on its own but while also trying to do stream and some ideas I had for marketing Monday and all that it was it was getting overwhelming and you know I had just um gotten married and I feel like I had almost no time to spell my new wife and on top of that uh I lived in San Jose alone basically I mean me and Ari lived alone no friends nearby and so I was looking around every day and I was like man you know what um I'm stressed I'm imagining I'm doing the thing I normally do I'm like well it'll all be cool when I'm a millionaire but now I have money so it doesn't my my outlet didn't even work whenever I was grinding and I was stressed before I'd be like oh man but yeah eventually I'm gonna have a bunch of money and I'll be happy but then I was like wait I'm not I'm not particularly happy and so uh so I was like well okay this is something I should think about and my first thought was I'm gonna quit streaming to be honest my first thought was I'll quit streaming you know uh I'll quit streaming but but let's look into some of the realities of of that uh so first of all right as I was beginning to think about this decision um I got word that Nvidia was pretty close to reopening the offices so the the era of remote work at Nvidia would probably be winding down or or coming to a close so that means I would need to officially like start thinking about like buying a house and settling down in San Jose and I have no disrespect for Evan GAO or the people of San Jose but but I didn't like it I'll be honest with you I didn't like it and I certainly didn't like having like no friends in the city and you know no family nearby and all my boys you know everyone that I like was hanging out with regular he's like down in LA and so I was like huh that's interesting so if I'm planning to stay in video for five more years that means I'm gonna be spending five years basically isolated from everybody going back to commuting to to and from work for an hour and trying to find a house in the most expensive part of the entire country you know it's like I felt pretty flush with cash but if I had bought a house in San Jose I would be Beyond broke so uh so okay so I'm thinking about that that's my first thing I'm thinking about then I start thinking about how Okay Nvidia does pay well don't get me wrong uh I I have I literally have no complaints about the job the job was great the boss was great the plays are great but streaming actually made more at the time and now especially than uh than Nvidia does streaming is a stupid career it's a stupid profession one dumb video of you laughing reacting at some [ __ ] tick tocks and YouTube throws like two thousand dollars at you it's ridiculous it's ridiculous shouldn't exist but it does exist and for whatever reason uh you know it's uh it's I I happen to [ __ ] I get lucky for now so I was like man that that you know that's kind of sucky that I'm gonna have to like take a let's say two-thirds pay cut to grind extra hard commute to work and hopefully get promoted to where I make what I was already making doing both okay ah interesting all right well but but I've always seen myself as like that corporate guy so like I guess I just have to do it um because I I literally it never really crossed my mind that I would do full-time content it just it's not really something that I've ever really wanted to do and then then we started talking about this idea we've had for a long time that we've done a little bit off and on almost like a third job for me outside of streaming and and that idea was called off-brand uh I picked the name because it's my name backwards [Laughter] I'm in the title I'm in the title co-founders get [ __ ] uh uh uh uh and this idea was always I think a really great idea but then I started thinking about it through the lens of like man Ludwig's bigger than ever uh when we first talked about it stands at a full-time job but now he had free time um I I I have like Financial stability now so I was like I was things made more sense than we first talked about it and most importantly there's a fourth guy in the picture who probably none of you guys know I think a lot of you think it's like Ludwig's friend or something but this guy Nick Allen has a long history with me specifically and he's he's not I mean he's Lotus friend now but he didn't know Ludwig till like a year ago like Nick Allen's one of the all-time goats of of the gaming industry he was like head of Esports at Riot when League of Legends was first blowing up he's head of Esports at twitch when they did launch twitch Rivals a bunch of things he ran CLG for a while he was like Co it loaded during when they were ninjas agency like launching the mixer deal like Nick Allen's like the goat goat but most importantly when I was a young lad back in the 1800s and I uh wanted to be a pro League of Legends player I qualified with my team for a tournament called ipl6 a million plus dollar tournament in Las Vegas the biggest tournament in the world at the time and it was my dream and I told all my friends and family that I was gonna make it big all right finally I finally made it as a League of Legends player and then a man named Nick Allen messages me and tells me um hey man zif Davis media just bought IGN and they're shutting down the tournament [Laughter] so your tickets are canceled uh sorry and I [ __ ] hated Nick Allen it's that day after a massive massive fight with my dad massive gargantuan fight with my dad it was that day that I decided I wanted to get into the marketing side because the player side of Esports sucked I was literally so depressed and I was like dude being a player is so [ __ ] chaotic it's so stupid I think Esports is gonna grow I'm gonna get into the uh I'm gonna get into the marketing side so actually Nick Allen in that message despite me hating him for a very long time changed my life turned me on an entirely different path I would hate to be a [ __ ] League of Legends player for the past 10 years so uh and what an insane twist of fate that 10 years later uh I am going into business with Nick Allen it shocks me it's crazy uh the worlds were very different than than you'd imagine um but once Nick Allen said he was on board and by the way I I do want to say uh you know there's a lot of talk about we'll get to it later but off-brand is not a mogul moves company uh mobile moves exist and it'll be separate but off-brand is an equal partnership between me stands lud and Nick Allen to build a business that applies to a lot more than just lead stuff we're making mud to face of course because he's super connected to streamers he's the biggest most famous guy in it uh and he's but this is a business that we're all we're all parts of and it's it's I think you're gonna exist well beyond him um so anyway so anyway when Nick Allen said he was on board I was like damn if Nick Allen who has a a wife and a kid and a amazing job at uh loaded was interested in doing off-brand why am I being a coward dude you know like what what I used to be the guy that dropped everything drove across the country to write shitty you know League of Legends patch note articles to work in Esports why the hell am I like so so locked into my cushy six-figure job that I can't give it a shot you know and so if Nick Allen's gonna do it I was like you know what I've got I got you know a million in the bank all right what am I why can't I take a risk and so it all started to come together in my mind and I was like wow if I could do that full time then I could also keep streaming I would have a chance to choose my own streaming hours I wouldn't necessarily expand the amount of hours I'm streaming just giving you guys a heads up right now but I could choose them I could do them a better time for EST I can feel more comfortable I could finish uh you know um marketing Mondays on time I actually hired some people for this and so it all started to sound pretty [ __ ] cool if I'm being honest to me it sounded pretty [ __ ] cool and I couldn't find any real reasons to not do other than the fact that I was like man you know I love my co-workers I love my boss Nvidia is great and so I thought here's what I'll do if I can get through this launch the 40 series launch and really put my grustle in you know leave on great terms make sure nobody feels like I'm leaving anybody in the Lurch you know not like I'm pulling out two weeks before the launch and everyone's panicking I get through the launch I do the then maybe this would be great and so that's what I did I've been [ __ ] killing myself over the past month to try and do uh streaming without letting my stream and YouTube die and then also do I think a really good job on this launch and uh and so now we did it we got through the launch is done I'm living on good terms and in fact today uh my boss is known for a little while but today is when I sent out the email to everybody in Nvidia and told them I sent an email saying you know what a pleasure it's been to work with them um uh yeah I'm still gonna be a die-hard fan of Team Green on and off screen uh here's what I'm doing much love stay in touch I send the email today and I got really such an outpouring of nice emails from my co-workers it almost made me realize that like I've never heard anything as nice from stands or lud maybe I should stay dude I got so many nice emails and I was like wow this guys are actually because you know Nvidia is not like a touchy-feely culture Nvidia is a very like heads down let's [ __ ] move fast uh it's a grussell culture for sure and everyone sent me so many nice emails so I felt I felt very uh happy and I felt like listen I have no idea this is nothing you can predict but if this everything explodes in Torpedoes it's possible I could beg beg beg and get a janitor job in a video and work my way back up like it's not it didn't feel like I was leaving a closed door right so um uh oh also uh I guess worth mentioning before I chose this I was like well what if I get a different job in marketing this is actually my first idea I want you guys to know my first video was like uh I really want to move to LA to be near friends what if I get a different job down there in marketing forget off brand and I just do the same thing I'm doing now and so I interviewed a lot of places actually uh TSM wanted me to be their VP of marketing and they were going to pay a really great amount and then you know TSM happened [Laughter] and so I I okay uh dodged a Dodge a small bullet there oh uh um my next one was to be a party assistant for G2 foreign no uh there was a riot job I was I was uh in contention for Disney there was a Disney marketing job but at the end of the day I was looking at them all and I was talking to these people and I was like man you know my current shopping video rules I love the people there like at best this will be equal I'll be equally as stressed I'll just be in La which is kind of cool but it didn't feel like a real big positive change and so um off-brand was the one that really stood out to me and like it's like if I can't take a risk now I won't do it my entire life so I decided I'll do it I'll do it and and I was reading all this stuff and it was like if you're gonna take a risk like this you better have six months of savings to cover your expenses for six months if you don't have that it's not worth the risk and I was like bro if I'm doing the math right I have like eight and a half years worth of savings assuming the stream totally flops it's like okay I'm being dumb dude I can [ __ ] do that like this is this is way more than I ever dreamed you know so let's [ __ ] let's give it a shot all right so that's that's where I'm at and and and I'm not saying this to um um Flex or whatever I I'm saying it because like uh I don't want people to like worry you know I don't want to be like oh whoa it's like it's like realistically I should have done this a little earlier but uh I like my job so much that I that I didn't um uh how does opening a business well I want to talk about the business is like but I just want to tell you guys that's what I was thinking so that's why that's why I decided that I made the decision to leave Nvidia I want to read an email that I got from uh just one of these emails um I'm not gonna reveal their name I blurted out and everything but one of these emails came from okay I got a lot of nice emails today and I I can't read them all and I don't want to leak everyone's personal email but this one seems very innocuous so I want to read an email um from a guy who's pretty high up in a video that I really really respect in fact um listen not any names or anything but this is a guy that um sometimes I felt like I would never get to his level at Nvidia because of how superhuman this guy's memory and organization was I would be in meetings this guy and it's like he's remembering everything from every meeting we've had all week and he's like moving things forward I was like this guy's just this guy's insane like how do I and I you know I I'm not Mr organized I feel like I'm good at my job and and I balance a lot but I always feel like I have to like check my notes get back you know so anyway this guy sent me uh this email when I explained what I was doing today um he said Brandon a creative agency startup perfect Brandon you're one of the most creative minds I've ever worked with lots of people come up with creative ideas but it's incredibly rare to come across someone who has the intuitive sense of which ones will knock it out of the park practically each and every time it's a killer combo that's been an honor to witness wish you all the best and great success and I was like really [ __ ] sweet that was really really really sweet and it made me feel like you know what maybe this this [ __ ] could actually work maybe this [ __ ] could actually work so anyway I want to say again incredible respect all my friends and co-workers at Nvidia it's been an awesome five years um and I'm glad they were all supportive I didn't feel like a bad exit on uh on this idea um the other email is like goodbye Glizzy hands you'll be missed by the way I didn't like that one but that was from Jensen Jensen city was so goodbye GH there'll be a lot more coffee around the office with you gone but I wanna I can't leak that one obviously that one's a private because [Laughter] oh so okay a couple other things that were going through my mind is that as my stream has grown and Nvidia continues to hire new young people as interns the number of people who have been messaging me internally and emailing me internally like GH and coffee cow stuff and like has it's rising exponentially and eventually it was gonna get out of hand dude like I was barely keeping a lid on the the separation of church and state here with the work and the it was really getting to a point where like people were probably mentioning it in in uh applications and resume stuff and and it's like I was gonna lose my grip on any sort of like I'm a serious businessman at work um so I wanted to leave while the uh you know in a good time frame well I still had some credibility [Laughter] um uh so so that was a that was a part of it and then yeah I gotta say that the main main thing was like oh and then here's a fourth thing that maybe you know all you sigmas don't care about but it mattered a lot to me was that Ari Ari was a trooper for me you know what I'm saying Ari Ari was like making it work in San Jose but she's got so many friends and family in Southern California and and she was just living you know isolated with me and I was spending all day working and it's like you know like that can't be her dream to get married to me and then I spend all day working and then streaming at night and then like she's got no friends everybody's like that's not cool that I shouldn't have to ask her to do that and so even though she didn't like specifically say anything I could tell that it wasn't um you know it wasn't fair to her anyway so so it all made sense and and another thing that made me really excited was like I saw the office space that we are thinking of for off-brand and it's so [ __ ] cool and I was like man if I could go to this office every day goof around my boys and try to make some Big Dreams happen that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] sick that's like impossibly sick you know and so that's what we're doing [ __ ] it we're doing it we're going all in ah is it a super tall tower yeah it's right next to Dude Perfect headquarters but it's 100 feet bigger it's gonna be [ __ ] awesome it's gonna be [ __ ] awesome now the only thing is we had to hire some security day one because I can already tell Evan gow is on the prowl foreign we got a brand new office and I know Evan gow is hunting he wants to backflip in front of it so bad so we are we are trying to hide it uh uh hopefully hopefully he doesn't make it but anyway uh and then another small announcement is this bookshelf behind me this whole uh new apartment this is in La bro I moved I moved about a week ago uh this this whole new setup is an entirely new apartment in La I live in Southern California now [Music] um and I've already really really appreciated uh an increased quality of life I've been doing Game of Thrones Nights With Friends um I I had a double date with Linkus and uh and Maisie um you know [ __ ] shit's been happening so um yeah there's a song I'm living in Hassan's house it's so massive it's a massive compound that Hassan bought for millions that I I can live here doesn't even know it hrock dating link is confirmed holy [ __ ] um uh so so that's that ladies and [ __ ] gentlemen those are the main reasons I don't know if I miss anything else oh and then okay wait here's here's one small thing that people are gonna ask is like okay so you're you're giving it all up to focus on family and friends and yada yada yada and like you know you're not gonna be about that grind and one thing I want to say is like I'm happiest when I'm wrestling I've sort of noticed that like when I get on vacations I have fun for the first week and then I start to get real antsy so um I I am 100 not doing that and in fact I want to make the case just a second if you have a chance if you have if you have a minute I'd like to make a case why I think this business idea is actually [ __ ] goaded and has a decent chance of of being really successful now you never know with a small business um but but I think it's worth the risk I'd like to take a quick chance and just explain it to you so because I'm not sure that the text I don't know who likes to read dude you see the announcement you read something you're like oh it's like a [ __ ] agency or something who you know who cares and you don't really understand it so I just want to take a moment and talk about off-brand real quick here's the here's the elevator pitch and I want I want to ask you a statement see if you agree with it here's a statement big streamers are lazy yes or no civil question yes or no okay if you agree with that you might be on board already with this idea because the concept is every single day there's more and more uh consecrators that are blowing up the crater economy is only getting bigger all right there's more people who have massive audiences and they have big ideas for things they could do to excite that audience and we all know they will never ever ever take the first step to making those ideas reality you can call it laziness you can call it busyness I mean someone like xuc for example he streams 16 hours a day any hour he's not streaming is kind of wasted time because he earns more in an hour streaming than he could in any meeting so if xuc has a really cool idea for example for a cool game show in the style of uh you know early 2000s Nickelodeon and he wants to make it happen he could talk about it forever but it's unlikely he'll ever have the time to make it happen what if off brand comes in here and we handle it all we handle the production we handle finding the sponsors we handle the sponsor agreements we handle the setup the scheduling getting guests what if we handle all of that and all we have to do is meet with the streamer and get their idea work with them make it a reality and then we do all the work it appears on their Channel because in that case if that were real then you'd have content that's better than their average content so the viewers are happier than normal and brands are happier than normal because we've built it in for them from the ground up it's not like a lame sponsor ad read it's like a whole [ __ ] new thing built from the ground up and if both the sides are happy then it seems like that's kind of a huge win-win 100 splits no I think we're doing 10 20 depending on the amount of work um so uh when you think about it like that and you think about how many big streamers out there with huge ideas that just don't have the time to make it happen you start to realize that this could really be something we could do a lot of a lot of a lot of a lot of and so that's the idea that's off brand that that's that's the core of it um right now the ideas are all show based but again we're going to expand into other things as well but right now it's like if you have if you're a streamer out there and you have a cool idea for some for a bigger project but you don't know where to begin on getting getting it paid for getting sponsors getting a production crew getting cameras getting sets getting we'll do it we'll sit with you we'll make it happen we'll take the busy work uh off your plate so you can stream and uh I think we'll turn into something really cool uh s3k yeah we're gonna launch a uh a nine part scripted series for s3k set in Hawaii they fly out all expensive paid and it'll be called who that summer and they're gonna travel to the most expensive hotels in Hawaii all in our dime for a show that's going to get massive viewership I'm sure uh money laundering yeah yeah well here's the thing here's the thing it's a win-win for me right because if the business does well boom I've made some real money I'm owner of an actual business if the business flops I get to piss on Nick Allen's grave for what he did to me at IPL 6. I get to middle finger Nick Allen and watch him Crash and Burn dude so it's a win-win I'm I'm covered cosmically and psychically uh uh but uh yeah I actually deeply believe in it and I'm gonna be meeting with some some streamers at twitchcon uh quite a few and locking down uh some ideas and and our slight going forward but we launched with our first show that we've been working on for a while called Juiced on Friday we've actually been working on for a long while which is why it's so exciting to me that xqc has been in the news so much lately you know he was a real uh he was everybody's friend a few weeks ago it was a little bit harder to find guests than we'd hoped but uh Jokes Aside this set is so so sick and and it really it comes from xtc's ideas we it's not like we're just telling we're making something and thrusting it on the crater the Creator is working from the ground up to build something that like brings their dream to life and the show is it's going to be awesome dude it really is a success she's gonna be an amazing host for it and uh and I'm excited for you guys all to see it on Friday [Music] um and that'll be our first one and then I think we have a couple more in the works and then from there we're going to take inbound requests and make sure it happen um plan drama for marketing yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what happened I told Slicker to ask for more money so that I could get some drama going so xcc you can get more notoriety for our show it's all I've been pulling the strings behind the scene for [ __ ] months uh uh what is each person's role right now we are just co-founders it's four co-founders we're splitting decisions equally we're gonna be jumping on everything but if I would say my strength my strength for what I'm bringing is that I have deep knowledge of the brand side so like I worked at a company where we would have to go out to agencies and streamers and like try to get them to do cool things and figure it out and it was always very very hard because streamers don't they're hard to get a hold of they're hard to get to pitch ideas if they do have ideas they don't really know what the brand wants they don't know how to make something that works for the brand and for themselves they don't they don't they don't really they don't know how to talk to brands and so I know what they want I know what the guy at the brand office wants and how he's going to impress his boss with this thing going well and how what kind of reporting he used to see and and all that so that's probably the area I'm going to work with most is getting brands on board and and uh getting them excited and helping build shows that work for them and for the Creator um and and there's a concept that I've seen a lot and again I'm not trying to get all [ __ ] glarkater on you here uh but there's a concept that I've always been interested in that I was thinking a lot when I was trying to Hype myself up to make this leap and it was this concept of the ladders of wealth creation um where it's like you know for most people the way they build wealth is uh hourly job working for a company salary time for money basically and I've been doing this my whole life time for money and only when I got a taste of basically what this is what streaming is um of a chance where you know in streaming like let's here's an example if I work nine hours at my job and then I'm like you know what [ __ ] I'm gonna go hard and I work 18 hours I don't really make double the money um I make uh you know I might get promoted it's like it's very linear you know what I'm saying time invested and an output is pretty linear but on YouTube if I have a good enough idea like if the idea is better then I could put in the same amount of work and get an exponential amount of return if I make a video like I don't know the Hitman um 500 contract video it takes the same amount of time as everything else but for whatever reason it earns 100x more than most of their videos and so I started to get a taste of like this is sort of what um you know exponential the the chance of an exponential bag and I think the next step for that is like a business like if you if a business is probably going to fail but if it does well holy moly it's like it's it's way more value for your time than anything else you could possibly have done and it's like if I have the money to give it a shot I think it's worth risking from from not only a family perspective from a friend's perspective from a happiness perspective but also there's a chance like of a aggressable bag perspective so I don't think I'm giving anything up to give this a shot um are you just operating this solo it's us four and uh and we're gonna be probably hiring and you know as we grow but right now we're going all in on it so bath water is the best ladder do you guys think you'll buy that you think you'll buy hrock bath water because if so I could sip a lot of time I'll quit off brand tomorrow dude don't you still um don't you still make about the same salaries or Nvidia jobs by streaming I make more I make more from streaming than I did from what than I do currently for my Nvidia salary um but that that was never it's never been just about like what you make day to day because I never saw myself as a long-term streamer listen I started streaming at 29 two years ago and chat already called me the oldest creature to walk planet Earth I'm saying I never thought of it like okay I'm gonna be doing this in 10 years uh uh and uh so so it's never been something that I that I considered but but because it exists now and it's paying well and it's doing well why not use that to give myself some freedom to try a business idea that I've always thought was cool right but that just seems that seems like a [ __ ] cool idea that seems like that seems like a perfect storm that I'll regret I would you know also there's a regret test like where you look forward 10 years and imagine this decision now and will you regret one way or another and I'm like I think I'll regret not doing it way more than doing it that's that's that's what I thought so [ __ ] it um why are you looking at the floor uh well I have this this like thing that I got for my feet seas that I keep adjusting um do you think this will bring you closer to London stands yeah 100 me London stands are gonna be at this new office all the time hanging out discussing ideas working on stuff I'll live closer to my friends right now like stands is like my best man and best friend and I see him once every two three months that's crazy to me when I was in San Jose like I I don't see him that often and then now that I'm in La I've seen them a ton already uh uh I've already seen him a ton just living here because we live close do you know what I'm saying so like that this this has been a really already huge quality of life Improvement for me moving down um thanks oh they're also building an absolutely [ __ ] sick yard set um near the off-brand uh uh office it's it's gonna be [ __ ] dope so I'll just pop into every episode two middle fingers crossline bald leave oh is that a leak oh [ __ ] did I say new yard set no no no no no no no no new card bet at the casino they're having a new card bed it's like it's like Blackjack but better yeah it's like much better odds I would literally you guys could make some real money I would check it out new card bet listen listen lose your ears leak treok hey I'll tell you who's leak treok the [ __ ] Washington Post and stands okay because literally this morning I specifically requested in the press release that they don't mention that I'm leaving Nvidia so I can have a little bit of a a juicy announcement on my stream and then what do I see but in the [ __ ] article it goes former Nvidia employee atriak [ __ ] former everybody Brandon GH Ewing joins [ __ ] off-brand okay so immediately I request like hey can we take that out get that out of there and so they they emergency change it but they just remove Nvidia altogether dude so now my profile in the Washington Post is like former twitch guy from eight years ago excuse me no say twitch Nvidia marketing expert say something that's real God damn it and then anyway I get that out of the [ __ ] thing and then immediately stance uploads a video called a truck just quit excuse me [ __ ] yeah he quit he quit yes sir what stands so yeah there I got I got leaked track to myself dude I got everyone leak tracking me oh best man tax yeah he's all right he's all right to his credit stance DM me and he's like hey my video says that you quit um do you want me to take it down and I was like no don't worry about it um uh so now what we're gonna do I think is marbies to determine who's the next Global Marketing Manager at Nvidia who gets my job I'll give it to the veil dude I'll give it to the veil he really proved himself in that one marketing meaning or I'll give it to punch I would love to see punch uh sell some 40 90s dude um but that's I I mean what did I is there any questions I feel like I covered it man I covered here's my that's what I wanted to say that is like why I did it um hope you understand and then um what what the hell uh what the hell off-rand even is what the company's all about why I'm happier already and like I'm excited for the future and then okay let me tell you about streaming so I listen I like I said I don't really want to be a full-time streamer it's not what it's about but I will be able to choose my own hours and I'm just excited to not have to stream 7 30 to 11 P.M every single night I tell you that's been the best hour slot excited to stream a little bit [ __ ] earlier uh I I can actually get like a normal time during the day so I'm not going to bed like with [ __ ] two massive bright lights in my face trying to fall asleep wide-eyed thinking about the League of Legends game that I lost uh this is actually the biggest [ __ ] news for EST frogs I'm trying to go live a little bit [ __ ] earlier and I still I think I'll do like three to five hours or whatever normal normal times but I've already hired faux Duncan and Kevin Mason to work on marketing Monday research foduckin uh to his credit worked a ton on HBO Max to help me get that across the line um and we're going to be having marketing Mondays every week cap Captain but actually possibly for real because here's the thing here's what I am getting back in my day uh uh I am getting eight plus hours of wall-to-wall meetings and emails and deck making and uh and Stat pulling and I'm getting that out of my day every day it's like a serious amount of time that I'm getting back uh uh eight hours of Hitman a spectacular chat watch the [ __ ] out baby watch the [ __ ] out dude I got a lot more time now I'm going straight for [ __ ] Legend in League of Legends I'm going [ __ ] Supernova dude Paper Mario I'm beating twice Arkham no I mean listen I'm sure I don't know if anyone's ever said this but starting a small business is probably hard it probably requires a good amount of time it's not going to be all uh sunshine and rainbows but I'm not against working a lot I just want it to be with people I like and and for a cause I'm interested in and and uh and uh you know just it's not my life a little better um so that's that's the plan that's the plan I'm gonna do more more content than ever I think though um and I can do more stuff with friends and uh uh I'm actually thinking of asking northernlion to do an IMDb race with me yes they can say yes I have no idea I do know this uh uh does anyone have that clip I got sent it today of Northern lion hearing about coffee cow for the first time foreign it's very recent and very depressing but it gave me this idea uh uh someone might have it let's see if I can pull it up oh here it is from Kronos I have no idea what monkey Mondays is I'm going to just take a stab and say that it's another twitch streamer is a segment called monkey Mondays I'm gonna guess that that's an atriak thing first of all not a bad guess bunky Mondays these are both things that I'm big I just haven't ever combined the two correct or incorrect in this assessment nope not no okay it's it's Joel okay sorry I was slightly off turns out that one is Joel coffee cow coffee yeah and then for whatever reason people started spamming coffee cow he asked a question the answer he asked Joel and look in nowhere the cow what the hell are you talking about you guys when I'm not alive do you all move as a unit to like other chats and digest all the memes and then bring them back here foreign I guess they do I guess they [ __ ] do which means but gives me hope if there's enough coffee cow heads in Northern Lions chat maybe we can get this happen he does follow me on Twitter uh I am going to reach out and see if he's interested I think he would be a god IMDb racist it'd be like fun to see him beat my ass because I'd be my friends at it but I think I would love a real challenge so we'll figure it out anyway we got stuff we got stuff happening um and and I have a bunch of marketing Monday ideas again I've been really I've been kind of Pumped this has kind of giving me a new reinvigoration I don't know if all of you could tell maybe I'm [ __ ] amazing at hiding it but I've been I've been a little beaten down over the past few months just trying to [ __ ] figure out how I'm gonna manage the three things that I was working on and uh and I felt ever since I moved to LA I've been feeling so [ __ ] energized again I've been like working out more I've been like you know just I feel like pumped to do ideas and and make progress on things and uh and so it's just it feels good to me um yeah uh uh slime tweet from four hours ago what did slime tweet what did slime IRL tweet don't say better Coke in LA you think I'm more happy in LA in this Theory I'm doing cocaine all of the time but the quality of the cocaine is so much better not that I'm doing more of it but it's just better in La so I'm happier the one thing making me happier in life is that I've moved to a place with a better quality of cocaine by the way it's only a few hours away so now the cocaine gets incredibly worse moving up the coast of California wow that's that's a theory that is one Theory I can't say that I have scribe to it you owe me a press interview you piece of [ __ ] the one thing about uh La I will say is I'm closer to slime but he has been hot-headed lately even oh also [Laughter] he's been hot-headed um what did he say what did he say oh he said uh three-fourths of off-brand once all laughed in my face at Genesis 5 when I asked if they wanted to go to Panda Express with me so I ended up going with Nick Yingling now I know all of their social security numbers mine's easy because it's one you know what I'm saying it was me and FDR he [ __ ] gave me the first one so you guys figured it out you guys all right there uh the thing is it wasn't three-fourths of us because immediately after we called Nick Allen and he laughed at you too hahaha he thought it was [ __ ] hilarious [ __ ] Panda Express dude run away to a steakhouse it's a four out of four that's when we [ __ ] come up with the idea uh actually I guess I think we can say this off-brand is doing um sales [Music] um for um the yard so technically I'm actually an employee of slime he's already messaged me angrily that he wants more sponsorships so so I I now have to work in my free time to make slime money this is a real this is a real change in my life this is a real things are coming these are coming all around I often struggle to make this work but uh end of the day when when the big bald man tells you what to do you got to do it uh uh no I'm really excited listen uh jokes aside I actually [ __ ] love slime I [ __ ] love slime I [ __ ] love the boys I'm going on a trip with Aiden soon I'm gonna go to it's gonna be me and Aiden dude how did this happen me and Aiden are gonna do [ __ ] five days in New Zealand just the boys just [ __ ] and I was really excited for this trip um until I saw this tweet from today where he said thinking of quitting my job so I can focus on finding and eating blueberry flavored teeth foam and I'm not just saying okay whatever you like this so I I if anyone from videos in chat I may can I I'll take a I'll take a pay cut can I come back can I uh these These are animals dude I don't know what I've gotten myself into um is chess boxing off brand no chest boxing is a mogul moves production entirely within uh Ludwig's again these are separate companies is separate from mothbrand um we're connected through Ludwig who is a massive Creator and uh one of the best links off-brand has to other big creators but it's not it's not like underneath it um okay um who care about the name I count the name off Rand while I was driving Ludwig and Stan's home from a Smash tournament and I missed the exit three times [Laughter] authority of off-brand we were driving home we were talking about work talking about a lot of wigs at the time small but growing stream I think at the time he had like 3 000 viewers and I missed the exit literally three [ __ ] times and so we had like an extra hour plus to talk in the car and we ended up getting really into it and we were thinking about like you know what creators actually need and he was having a tough time talking to Brands because brands are just for a Creator it's a pain in the ass too because Brands don't know what they want Brands want like a big idea but they have no [ __ ] idea how to make it work they they want boring ad reads sometimes that are bad for Content so your viewership goes down creators want viewership to go up and get paid for the ahead and ads want that too but they have no ideas so that's where the idea came from and I came up the idea off-brand secretly because I've always wanted to Rebrand myself actually if slime goes to his DMS far enough back I think I told him this I told him I wanted to change my name patriarch to off-brand because it's my name backwards it's brand it's Brandon backwards and it's about marketing it's oh it's gonna change it but I was like wait it's a better idea as a business than a [ __ ] tag um so that's where it started straight up y pre um and I love HR I've been a truck forever so I don't want to change it but people are just saying they're just saying random you're saying off-brand to Glizzy hands you're just trying to get involved dude and I respect it but it means nothing you can't just you can't just say [ __ ] it doesn't that's not how you enter our conversation this is gonna happen so much at [ __ ] twitchcon dude hey nice to meet you hey uh uh what brings you to town are you know like where are you from Glizzy hands oh they're so Glizzy okay cool yeah I guess they're you know pleasure to meet you do you want a picture or something oh yeah is there any coffee around though for this photo okay well no there's no coffee around him uh uh giving us ideas okay you never thought of that one like that one's pretty um uh so we'll see we'll see how it goes but I'm excited to see people there so yeah I guess that I mean I'll answer questions that's that's where I'm at though dude I think it's a [ __ ] cool I think it's a cool idea all right I feel excited I feel like I feel like we got a chance to build a real business we should make some money and also you know kind of more importantly in life uh have a little fun with friends you know uh [ __ ] I can always grind myself to the bond in a cubicle when I'm 45. um which was 12 years ago but I'm Benjamin buttoning it um okay uh one second let me get a let me get a let me get uh a water real quick um let me get a water real quick all right one second listen to the sweet sounds of uh [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] guys this is bad this is bad for the new company it's not good for the brand that they think I'm some sort of crazy drug addict uh uh you know there could be some sponsors in here checking it out today and you guys are all spamming I like Coke what they means is Coca-Cola uh laughs oh would you say you live in LA for what oh by the way I gotta think some subs here people gave some [ __ ] nice I I got my uh sub alerts back starting tomorrow along with some some new stuff um um do you said before that part of your identity as a streamer was that you're just an ordinary guy who works his nine to five and trims in the evenings do you think you'll lose any of that uh I will not be doing the same hours for sure um I talk about a little bit at the beginning maybe you can go back but the main thing for me is that like I'm still I get to keep my identity as someone who isn't a full-time Creator that's the thing whether I'm working on a business in marketing or I'm doing marketing for an already established business I still feel like I'm learning about the world uh in fact I think I'm gonna learn a lot of new stuff I've gotten pretty uh good at my current job at Nvidia like I've figured out how to do it well and I I'm not learning a ton of new stuff to be quite on I was like sort of in like Russell mode but not I wasn't getting new I wasn't stretching at all so what I could do was like quit my streaming job quit my streaming career and like go all in and try to get promoted and and do even more responsibilities that's one option but I talked about why I didn't want to do that and then my other option is try something new and I think owning a small business is going to teach me a lot about a lot I think I'm going to be really dumb at a lot of things and have to learn it and that's how you grow so it'll be cool yeah I was sort out my soft cap in a video and that's fine if I just want to hustle and make a paycheck but the money wasn't making me any happier and in fact it was stressing me out quite a [ __ ] bit and you know putting my wife in a bad spot not sure if you want to reveal this what's off Brand's business model uh we're gonna help right now it's we make these shows let's say xuc comes to us with an idea he wants to make this really cool show we help like figure out sketch that like what is that in reality how do we make this a reality what does it look like what does this set look like what are the what are the ideas what are the guests we make it a reality right then we get all the production we get the studio set up we get the camera we get the scheduling and then we go find sponsors in this case for example if I could say this fansley will be a sponsor of uh the first episode of of juice on Friday so we talked to fans we figure out what makes them happy then they give us money to make the show we take a cut of that uh all right we're gonna take the normal agency cut between 10 and 20 but again depending on how much work we did and the other 80 goes to the Creator who made the idea and that's the business model it's very straightforward very uh very very above board that's our that's our that's our but because we're talking about the scale we're talking about big creators here we're talking about people like xcc so the numbers are pretty big and that's enough for us to make a real solid business um so that's that's that's what it is um but we are if things get in trouble we'll do a show with Frosty and we'll take a larger cut if the X you think doesn't work out we're gonna do the [ __ ] mob show and we will take 95 and we'll get our money back okay foreign but I mean the truth is it doesn't make sense for every single Creator to have their own production house their own production house their own sales people their own you know what I'm saying every creator doesn't want to hire you know a bunch of people to think full-time about that so having a one place that is really good at it that does it over and over again that can go to them and accomplish them and has experience doing it before and like oh this worked and this didn't and we have these relations like that's that's why uh that's why I can be sick and um yeah I just think I think it's a really cool idea to be honest I have pressed questions about off-brand will you pick up the phone your boss slime a little nervous about this slime you know things have been there's been a really good vibe so far this has actually been a very positive stream I've been extremely uh impressed by the positive reaction and I'm worried that if I were to pick up this phone that hey buddy hey coffee trowel okay all right I'm not gonna take up too much I'm proud of you thank you how happy you are and that makes me really happy too that's sweet winning smile and you got a forehead vein that looks like okay next day you're looking at yourself and see it actually it just popped out of me oh that off brand is gonna do the work oh oh cause like you got four ideas guys actually you have Nick Allen who thank Jesus Christ yeah the Lord above yeah but he I mean he worshiped Satan so like he's he's a worker but he does play rock music he's not a good man you know what I'm saying he's a bad person let me let me say I have high hopes for off-brand and what it's able to do but I need to be proven that okay here's the deal slime uh and this is a well I can't say the name of the sponsor just in case but you have a sponsor in mind that you want if we can't get that for you I will feel like that's a bad first foot it's a bad first impression bad first impression so my final day my friend is on October 7th uh uh and after that day it's so cringe after that day uh if I can't get that for you we'll have to have a serious talk but I think you're gonna be impressed I think you're gonna be uh I think you're gonna see a different level Brandon I want to see you move okay I want to see you there it is wild you are and how slippery and weird you get for me for me random because you you have to do the HR training because I know that Ludwig had to do the HR training and I don't know if you had to do that yeah are you in are you and Mike are you an employee of mine no you're a contractor okay you're stump you're nothing so remember that forever um but anyway look I don't think it'll take a few of your time I do want to put you on the chopping block and say that guys everyone in chat hold atriotic accountable hey guys the one sponsor is not keeps it's not keeps chat no it's not looking for it should be it's not the fact that you have it locked down keeps yet is crazy you have nothing to keep there's nothing to keep what Are You Gonna Keep it's the worst advertisement don't be like me I'm number three I'm with two men with the giant beautiful hair and one who's losing it that's Aiden and then I'm not gone all right bye I love slime he's a good man but he's bald as the day is long you know I'm saying there's not a single hair up there and it makes it tough to trust him uh guess I'm the deal straight up yeah after October 7th I mean I'm working on it already but I I I'm trying to leave as I said on great terms with Nvidia so I still have a lot to do still have a lot to finish um I have to train some people to do some of the things that I already do um yeah I'm gonna be a little bit busy until my final day and then I'm I'm all in dude I'm taking it very serious um are you competing with donkey now as any gameplay no we're not um I mean maybe in the far future we might try to think about games but right now we are all in on like making Creator ideas a reality um do you plan on doing more than just streamers would you reach out to YouTubers pick doctors yeah for sure it's consecrators it's creators that are too busy but have really big cool ideas and we want to be the people that help me make that happen make it a reality that's if that's the one-liner that's what you should remember that's what off Brand's about is like listen you guys have a lot to do you're either lazy or busy whatever streamer wants to say they are whatever they do the point is it's very hard to get the first step going on this [ __ ] and we will do it um do you need a CEO FYI my ask is 200 million dollars so we're currently you know not pre-revenue but pretty early on I don't know that we can afford a 200 million dollar twitch chatter CEO um but I'll we'll be in touch uh yes absolutely somebody said germa we already talked about it with germa in Vegas we want to talk to him more I can't say there's anything any more than that and I I you know I wouldn't I wouldn't leak if there was but germa something we want to talk to because he's just so he's just an expert at he's so so knowledgeable so anybody want to talk to germa um more but but yeah it's a very early conversations but again off-brand does feel like right up his alley right it's like something he would be cool to talk to um hire David zazlev when we need to fire stands we'll hire David zazlev to come in and and uh do the mass layoffs and he'll take all of the money we've ever made for the rest of our lives guess how many [ __ ] sent in emails oh I heard there's a bunch what's a bottle oh a shot is the automated guys if you want to I mean there's a lot of people involved and a Molly uh paper crowns a design agency and Auto for making this absolutely [ __ ] gorgeous website look at this sick ass nasty off-brand logo it's [ __ ] juice caboose it's [ __ ] awesome the backwards F because we're a little bit different you know we're like the Joker in that respect uh uh [ __ ] website [ __ ] rules uh uh don't love that they use the one photo where I made this [ __ ] smile I think Ludwig looked the best in this photo so they used it and I got [ __ ] dude I had a much better photo where I thought I looked pretty [ __ ] Wicked and I get this [ __ ] uh-huh just while he's [ __ ] because he got a nice [ __ ] smile on this one of course guy in the front of the truck um These are nice though and uh yeah so I'm really excited I think it's gonna be it's gonna be [ __ ] cool all right I think it's gonna be [ __ ] cool that's all I have to say about that and I got some [ __ ] for the stream and you know what if you don't care about any of that that's fine because you don't have to care about my current job oh let's call it God damn everyone's calling today yo what up big man there was not one picture you look good at you shut the [ __ ] up dude I definitely saw one where I looked [ __ ] good yes yes dude I don't like a clown the entire time and you kept mumbling what was I mumbling I yeah you think I was licking my lips and looking at Nick Allen and it like there's conclusions to be drawn I am just now I was sexually harassing Nick Allen before we even started the company in the back of your truck is waiting you don't need sexual harassment training so as long as they don't hire anybody else I can say whatever I want about your sweet sweet ass you know what I'm saying well yeah all right [Music] Nvidia so I have just a nice thing prepared oh great oh perfect what a terrible start what an awful start why are you choking so far I've made a huge mistake Nvidia I think I've made a huge mistake uh uh I've made a [ __ ] massive error [Music] oh friend baby [Music] does this mean the Enron hat V2 is dropping soon bam tomorrow and run hat V2 tomorrow plus brand new merch you've never even seen Aiden is coming to my house personally because I live in LA oh bam new announcements every day uh and I think it's cool as [ __ ] dude and another failed company I'm stealing trademarks nothing right laughs uh uh give me some of that Zaza who that you gotta find a better way to ask but maybe I'll have some Zaza for you at twitchcon uh oh what did point guard tell me hi if you're free would you be able to help me with some marketing advice this is a legitimate question for my girl bro I haven't even quit yet you're trying to get free Consulting [ __ ] I'm live dude 's hitting me up for [ __ ] after hours of work I haven't even I'm still I'm still on the clock oh uh by the way I'm also going to Worlds if anybody is going to be there world's finals in San Francisco hopefully SKT one takes it home um everyone's gonna be there I'm gonna be there uh probably with the boys probably the whole off-brand crew um so check that out uh hrock can you put in a good word for the people at Nvidia this is from the Crimson blur uh uh uh yeah yeah blur the thing is about blur I was there when blur interviewed at twitch blur is an excellent interviewer because he just lies hahaha the cribs and blur came into twitch and presented himself as the sweetest nicest most caring uh uh person I've ever seen he knew everything about my history like he had read up on my stuff and and he was talking to everybody and just put he's like he was just a [ __ ] charmer that was the first time I ever met him so I was like wow this guy this guy's great you know what's funny is Twitter's only gonna hire one smash guy uh they were like dead set on it they were looking hard right but blur crushed the interview so hard they they created a new job and hired two this is a real story blur actually crushed the switch interview so [ __ ] hard they created a job for him that's real and then the day he started at twitch he [ __ ] dropped the entire Act and I was like wait who the [ __ ] is this guy wait this guy's a [ __ ] clown this guy's the most arrogant [ __ ] I've ever seen in my life he started talking [ __ ] day one dude it's insane he fooled everyone he fooled absolutely everybody um so I think he'll be fine in Nvidia man except unless they hear that story unless anybody was watching then you might be in trouble uh what's this uh thank you for the 24 months Jay Weezy am I still gonna get my 30 90 for my 24 month or like maybe some streaming advice yeah I'll give you the streaming advice that'll be in what seven months yeah yeah I'll give you I'll give you this review because I'm not gonna have a free 3090 for you my friend do you think you'll get in touch with the rock for the next Black Adam yeah I think that's the next show I got we got in the works Black Adam the show on Twitch starring The Rock uh which maybe he'll fall that far after this Black Adam doesn't do well hopefully it does because HBO um imagine there are people who are subbed hrock after Nvidia yeah it's crazy it'll start it's people are still subbing the the stream isn't dead you know what here's the thing what I honestly figure is that some people will never even know because they'll just miss today's stream and for those guys I'll be like wow he seems a little happier and he's doing more marketing Mondays his job must have gotten easier I I assume people might not even know dude I swear to God I literally think it's not it's not going to change anything uh actually here's there's one it's a very small thing so I didn't mention it earlier but one thing that was kind of bothering me was like the truth is if I have any knowledge that I drop during marketing Mondays I would say two-thirds or more of it does not come from working my day-to-day job which often is a grind of a lot of meetings most knowledge I think I have comes from Reading like I actually I read quite a bit of books and I read a lot of news and I like try to put it together and I talk to people about it and it turns out I was able to read less than I ever have in the past six months like I I read almost nothing I just [ __ ] look at tick tocks because I'm so stressed so I'm actually hoping that like I can get back to reading every night which I was doing when I started streaming and I think allowed me to do a lot of stuff that people liked my stream for um uh uh nice fake book big idea thank you I I had these carefully picked out um work is good for experience not knowledge yeah I actually agree and like I've already I did I did the same job for a little while so there wasn't much new experience to be had um croaky Tuesday with a prime Pat back the name of the Prime Twitch Plays Tuesday for 10 months favorite book oh I got so many you mean fiction or non-fiction uh you mean marketing or non-marketing I got a ton of books I can recommend but one book I that I think actually changed my life and is worth recommending reading for everybody is called the algebra of Happiness it's like a bunch of it's a short book it's all about like things that have been proven mathematically to be correlated with happiness and let me rethink kind of like what I find important algebra of Happiness is a great read it's not it's not uh it's very light read it's a short book small little pictures um uh I I recommend it it's a good book what's a good marketing book the all-time goat of marketing books is uh agovi on Advertising David Ogilvy is the greatest marketer he kind of pioneered he's like the original Mad Men kind of guy um half the book is completely useless because it's like here's how you sell tv ads in the 1960s and then half of it is amazing Timeless things about the human condition and like how marketing actually works so you have to skip the the useless [ __ ] and enjoy the good [ __ ] but it's still it's still an amazing amazing book and then more recently there's one called um how Brands grow it's kind of a more serious um textbookie kind of book but how Brands grow is like the [ __ ] the the true [ __ ] of marketing it's the true [ __ ] proven real [ __ ] not the fluff um those books are probably the best uh you can even read a summary on or find like a summary video you don't need to read the actual [ __ ] long ass textbook yeah Byron sharp yep Byron sharp that's a [ __ ] it's a goat book will your stream schedule change yep my stream is will change I'll be streaming earlier yes rejoice I am streaming earlier than ever baby putting it at 7 59 now instead of eight that's right now I think I'm gonna start listen I have no real idea but after the seventh when I truly have total freedom of schedule I think I want to go into the office in the mornings um work from home after 2 PM and probably start streaming around you know two three two three and then I'll work a little at night after I'm done so if I stream at 2 p.m Pacific that's like five or six hours earlier than I normally start that sounds like a goaded time slot dude um but that's that's what I'm thinking right now we'll see we'll see I have no I have no 100 lock yet can't wait to see him finish the description all right let's not let's not get too pipe dreamy I'll bring it down by saying all things I'm not gonna do because I'm not going to change as a person I'm still [ __ ] the same man dude uh uh but uh but I will be doing more stuff absolutely more [ __ ] stuff uh does this mean extra Paper Mario twice a year nope I'll play Mario once a year same date can't wait for you to beat your own Elden ring world record okay it's like an untappable world record you understand it's untappable there's no [ __ ] there's no time to shape where would I shave time can I have your current job I gave it to punch but if he doesn't want it you can have it um did you wait to quit to vest your Nvidia stock uh my Nvidia stock that I got when I started vested after four years and I've worked over four years so I've gotten all my main Nvidia stock but obviously you renew so there's new stock I mean it would as long as I work there I always get new stock every [ __ ] few months but I got I got uh a very uh good chunk um can chat collectively have your Nvidia job there'd be a fire video twitch chat does Global Marketing at Nvidia and you guys just have to collectively put you in every meeting and you guys just vote and everything I think it would be good for the announcements I think you might price the 4090 at two cents which would be popular but probably not profitable probably wouldn't keep the company afloat uh uh a loss leader you put the flagship product as a loss leader that's interesting you guys are you guys are already changing the game uh um play God of War or else I'm gonna play the new one I've already played the old one damn I joined Nvidia for nothing the thing is I can't even tell if you're joking because of how many [ __ ] insane slack messages I've gotten from like hey GH just joined I'm on the [ __ ] I'm on the data science team uh uh do you want to hang out or something what uh I don't know so I don't know if you're joking but if you did join Nvidia to try and [ __ ] kick it with me uh I'm sorry that I'm that I'm leaving people actually did that people actually did that multiple actually more people every month were messaging me uh some kind of stream related thing uh uh imagine wanting to be friends with big a Omega LOL okay that's that's just rude the lesson here is not that it's a [ __ ] tragedy that someone wanted to be friends with me that's not the takeaway that's you're totally misreading it that's no the thing is that it's a crossing a work boundary it's not that it's that's not okay you're not you're definitely not understanding at all what's this question should I take um imagine starting a business with patriarch shut the [ __ ] up Nick dude why is every single one of my co-founders in my own chat roasting me the day of the launch huh is this a good work environment this is toxic it's just toxic Miguel wasn't here you call HR [ __ ] yeah HR is probably going to be [ __ ] stands dude and Stan's gonna tell me to suck it up we got this late uh uh uh oh we're talking about everybody's roles yeah I think my role is going to be I mean look at everyone's doing everything we're all co-founders uh but I think my my special skill set is um you know first of all concept thing on ideas that'll work well for Brands and creators but also just talking and working with Brands I understand what brands want I've been on the brand side for the past five years I understand what they're looking for in a concept of an idea what they're willing to spend money on what makes them scared all that stuff while still keeping ideas that aren't [ __ ] boring and that that audience hates and then I think um stands has tons of experience uh dealing with ton of Partners uh from his time at gen G he's also just like a really level-headed um positive person that keeps everyone's spirits up and keeps them going and also stands is the absolute goat on calls when people are nervous I can't tell you how important the skill set is if you're I remember like um this is a weird example but like like Bumble we did a game show for Ludwig way back in the day we were first testing the idea where somebody cheated on the game show for Bumble and Bumble was a little nervous about it it was like a best friends for Ludwig kind of thing and uh anyway uh Bumble doesn't understand everything that's going on they're on the call and like stands is actually the goat it's something in his voice and he just gets everybody calm happy excited for going forward he explains things he's just really [ __ ] good on calls uh and that's actually a very underrated skill it's it's something he's very impressive at so he's going to be very impressive for that uh lud obviously the [ __ ] Golden Boy of streaming uh knows everybody like if you want somebody who's trusted by every streamer if they're going to take a chance to risk risk doing a a show with somebody one brings the guy they want he's a [ __ ] Rockstar reputation uh he's a huge piece of [ __ ] short weird got acne on his face so that's all cool so all that stuff and then um Nick Allen as much as I hate him is actually uh one of the absolute Legends of gaming like he's one of the all-time of the business side of gaming there's like not many names above Nick Allen he's just been doing it for a while in the biggest way and I've known about him and respected him for a long time which is stupid of me but true uh and like literally he was like a head of IGN Esports into League of Legends Esports into Twitchy Sports and uh he's done he's done so many projects over the years he knows everybody um he helped ninja with the mixer deal like he's he's a [ __ ] things he's just [ __ ] he's really cool to work with so I'm excited I'm excited for this team um quack asks hrock is it too late to become a co-founder oh damn you wanted to quack we were all thinking all four was like should we ask quack we should give Quack a big cut and then we thought we were too nervous we thought you would turn us down so we didn't ask ah man we just missed the chance that sucks that sucks dude we wanted to make you uh a 75 owner uh I gotta thank some gifties here uh stuffed Koga thank you for the 20 get these I'm adding the alerts again so I don't [ __ ] miss him as often thank you stephco I [ __ ] appreciate it you've been a long time supporter uh thank you very much Mason selective of the Prime Bruno I'll think of the seven months decades think of the 13. I just hated [ __ ] with the eight commercial guy Ty um Prue Spy Girl Spy Girl croaky cheese Pat back Twitch Plays two Lord of Ben timer Captain Caucasian with the 23. are you guys gonna go on Shark Tank dude that'd be the [ __ ] sickest the problem is I don't want investment from any of them for this business what the [ __ ] is uh the only person I want is uh Mr Wonderful if you can give me Kevin O'Leary to turn on his marketing machine for us okay we need to up the viewership on xcc's show if we can get Kevin to tweet it out that'd be sick that'd be huge if I can get a line of credit from Mr Wonderful I'll be a bucket list item we can get 31 likes uh the social media Canon mellow gel I think of the gifted 80 fresh thank you for the gifted Kate and coats thank you for the prime uh I can give you a letter of recommendation if you need it for for what I'm starting a business not applying for a job and also I what are you going to recommend me for you're what in what way would I need this I had a recommendation uh uh maybe a thank you weirdo okay sorry thank you thank you so much that really appreciates that I can also get ready okay great thanks Chad if you guys want to write me a little recognition please put it on the Reddit everyone who's got a letter of recommendation to write for me uh for my new job that I am co-founding so I don't need to apply it anywhere uh please put it on the Reddit and I will definitely uh thank you and give that to my co-founders okay that will be big thank you so much for writing that um can I take PTO from my chat position this week you can take Tio but PTL implies paid time off which I I don't think I can guarantee uh ah [ __ ] I broke my little footy thing okay fix this you are going to AMD is that a serious question did you just drop two hours into the Stream on a stream where I've been very clear about what I'm doing and say you're going as if the [ __ ] big announcement one year [ __ ] day in is that I'm quitting a video to go to AMD no oh my God he is oh my God he is oh my God he is yes Lisa Sue got me she poached me I can't even name the AMD equivalent to the 40 series I'm not gonna get into it I'm not trying to [ __ ] go off tell you what though you know how um I'm not even gonna say it there's a world though where I become the Nvidia staff anger translator at some very very entitled PC gamers laughs but I could never say when I worked there uh but I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I will keep it I will keep it in ah there's nothing to be gained uh uh uh uh but get me drunk enough in a month we'll see we'll see um JP Lindsey with 10 months congrats on the new chapter enjoyed watching you for the last Almost year looking forward to seeing what you do next thank you uh and I'm thinking we can have some you know let me stream from the office with the boys I might do we might do like an office tour sketch another funny [ __ ] we're gonna do some in person uh I wanna [ __ ] find a way to get slime back for all the pranks he's done on Me Maybe I'll [ __ ] go to his house and light it on fire or something or when he's sleeping put a wig on him and then he wakes up he finally he cries with happiness he looks in the mirror and says my wishes were answered and then I take it off and go ha it was a wig oh foreign that one or arson who knows uh y'all hiring not currently again uh one of the biggest mistakes I think a new business could make especially in this economic environment is to do over hiring hire a bunch and then have too many expenses we're trying to keep it lean um put all of ourselves into it and see what we get and then hire as necessary but we will hire the business is already um growing we've already done enough stuff to justify higher but we're not doing it yet um so yeah I'll let you guys know if there's something that's opened up I will I will absolutely let it know um my trick for the business is to get Ludwig to hire everybody under his company Mogul moves so he's got four billion employees and then we just borrow them for off-brand and we keep it lean dude we keep it lean machine uh that's just me though that's just me being a genius uh what chair do you have I don't [ __ ] know I don't even use it right this is the I bought this very [ __ ] nice chair for the back support and I'm sitting like this there's the back [Laughter] [Music] I don't know I just like bouncing around uh is your business buying things for 8 million and selling for nine yes that's the main the main core of our business is to buy things that are costing exactly eight million dollars and sell them for exactly nine million which I think will net us a massive 1 million dollar profit every time do you have advice for talking to Brands I mean I don't give away all my secret sauce here but I think the main thing people don't understand is the guy they're talking to at a brand is a person with a job like the way I was in Nvidia and right and that person's job uh and their their salary depends on looking good to their bosses so when you're pitching an idea to them you need to figure out like what is their actual goal like what is their what does their boss want and how do we make a show or a project or an ad read that is going to look good to that person to get them promoted and then they get very excited and then they can find a lot of budget for your idea that's like the main uh like what what stats are they looking for what does success look like to them figuring out those things and all of a sudden things are much smoother because right now uh when people talk to Brands they have a very hard time getting the money they need to do cool ideas but uh there's there's more to it than that but that's sort of the if I would give a high level piece of advice um could you retire with your current expenses no I couldn't retire well listen I know everyone says I'm [ __ ] ancient but I'm 31. uh I have enough money though probably if I had no income at all and I kept everything steady and didn't have any crazy purchases I could run I think I have about eight and a half years so so and I think my streaming will not go immediately to zero so I I think I'm I think I'm good uh assuming that um things do well um are you nervous about starting a business with a tax fugitive or like I'm worse than lud I think my tax situation is worse than luds who I spent all this time to find a tax person who lived near Ludwig to help him out and then I have nobody and so I've been trying to deal with it myself and actually balancing the [ __ ] two is so I I met with a guy recently um but I don't know if you guys remember the story but I tried to use [ __ ] H R Block this year and my H R Block guy was booked every 15 minutes all day and so in 50 minutes he was like trying to figure out all my [ __ ] different income sources and he was stressed he had never heard of YouTube he'd never even heard of the website YouTube and he was like I have 14 of these today so uh I could not get my taxes filed correctly and so I've tried to find someone a little more experienced now that I'm in LA um Hassan kind of liked juice TBH wait tell me more Hassan saw the Jew did the juice Dad Run wait did xcc run the juice dad I've been praying that he did it has he done it yet it leaked God damn it that's not as good he's supposed to run it today actually please run the ad I know he's got a new game I know he's busy but if he gets a chance it would be great oh let's see what the [ __ ] oh no is lsf gonna hate this I'm worried why do we get Shrek and Stan start new content agency and production company first project that executes hosting game for this Friday worried surely xuc will show up to his own game show Clueless listen X has been awesome for the development of the show he really has he's had [ __ ] sick ideas he's been excited about it um I wish all the [ __ ] drama hadn't happened because I think if this has happened a few months ago it's just an easy slam dunk but I'm still very excited I think the show will be so funny with him on it and I hope he he's available but uh it is tough if he can't make it uh um [Music] I'm sure Ludwig puts in the contract that failure to appear as consequences no no not really I mean we just hope he wants to I mean you know if the show does well he makes money he makes he makes 80 plus of the money that's the there's there's benefits but um there's no we're not gonna go break his legs uh uh I don't know we'll be better actually she's showing up and running a good funny show or actually not showing up to his own show bro we were talking in a meeting today if x doesn't show up we're gonna get Aiden dressed like xuc to do his best impression or myth myth does the voices because he's got it down and we'll have Aiden act it out and we just [ __ ] make it happen dude because we need a host the show is this listen I'm not kidding the show's set and the the mini games on and everything is so [ __ ] sick it's actually it's gonna be an awesome funny ass show but you know we need a host we need we need the [ __ ] big man himself it's called Juiced it's for the juicers [Music] um myth in white face with a wig we pull out White Chicks [Laughter] that's not the best way to launch a new company I gotta be honest with you I feel like it's there's probably something problematic about it I'm not I don't know that that would be our greatest lsf would lose it yeah okay they would it is bold uh it sure is a loud one yeah it's definitely a Canon approach um there is a I I don't want to spoil too much because their Show's awesome there is a giant Recreation of xqc's nose that will Slime people that was in the article it's [ __ ] it's an awesome it's gonna be an I really think it's gonna be an awesome show I want you to know that that was I'm not even leaking that because that was in The Washington Post article that's why I feel comfortable saying it but man uh uh that is just gonna be it's gonna be I really hope he's able to make it man I think it's gonna be a [ __ ] killer killer concept um how would you not make money up front from the Creator the creators and pay for anything the creator doesn't it costs the Creator no money they can only make money and it's all on their channel it's we it's they don't they're not paying for our services we only make a cut from the sponsors that are on the show but the sponsors really want to be on the show because it's good content it's going to be better viewership than average on the person's Channel people are excited to see it they feel happy about it it's like one of these rare win-wins where the brand is happy and the streamer is Happy usually it's one of the other that's the whole you know founding ethos of off-brand how do you make profit uh Brands will pay a lot of money to sponsor these shows we take a cut of that foreign is each cut different I I mean yeah it's gonna it's gonna depend on the amount of work we're doing in the streamer and the costs of the show and all that but but I think we're in the range of 10 to 20 which is uh industry standard um how are we gonna make I mean listen you guys are getting very specific on stuff that I I don't know that my co-founders want me to talk about but I I yeah it depends contract or contract but like in general we'll take 20 of after the production costs are recouped you know what I'm saying it's not like we're paying for it all out of that um is operating going to take brand requests too or just Creator yeah if brands have a if Brands want a really [ __ ] cool idea and they have money we'll make it for them and find the right creators for it you know what I'm saying it works both ways so if like if Pepsi has a [ __ ] massive marketing budget they're like we want to build a [ __ ] really cool event normally they would make something pretty cringe and our goal is to work with the right creators who can build something that's actually interesting and fun to watch get the right people and then they're happy that's that's the [ __ ] there's a lot we can do right um is a private company or public obviously private four guys we just started it this is not listed on the NASDAQ dude we're not going to Phase Clan it just yet you can buy our crypto though okay you can buy Stan's coin and uh that's that's a piece we have no outside investors I'm not trying to [ __ ] give a peace unless they offer real value we don't need seed Capital all of us have um independent incomes to manage our daily expenses and we have seed money already from ourselves that we've saved up we don't need uh we don't need outside investors to take a cut of the company um I'll invest ten dollars take it or leave it um I will leave it okay I'll leave it uh do you have a Twitter account no we don't have any social yet it's not really a public-facing company to be clear it's not like we're gonna be like tweeting uh What's up Lizzy goblins check out the new marketing Monday show it's like you know it's we're pretty much working behind the scenes to make streamers dreams a reality so it's going to come out on their channels foreign now that you left Nvidia will you finally take a Glizzy sponsor do you think that I've been getting I'm not even gonna finish the sentence you guys are already gonna type yep you don't even know what the [ __ ] I'm gonna say yet you're typing yep and anyone I'm gonna say we've been on this road no I haven't been getting requests for Glizzy sponsors that I've been holding back on because of my job at Nvidia it's wrong on all levels there's no hot dog companies requesting to sponsor me of course and if there were I wouldn't stop it because of my job in Nvidia uh uh should I play some video games or what dead death to fire thank you for the prime let me let me it's [ __ ] hot here let me cool down real quick mmm I'm playing Monkey Island this week uh I'm also trying to do the IMDb race with the northern line as soon as possible we got Hitman horse on either Wednesday or Thursday I'm waiting on a spectacular and Linkus to confirm we got some [ __ ] coming up gaming wise um [Music] uh Fury and Celeste [ __ ] it we could try it we could try not Celeste I don't think but Fury perhaps or rail bounds I'm up to either one Fury or rail Bound for today right that sounds pretty good to give it kick it off um let me do a poll Paul muppy uh uh which game Fury rail bound boom baby add window capture one for Fury two for a rail bound which game are we playing for tonight after the big off-brand announcement oh you know what else I'm really [ __ ] excited to do because I I literally have tried so many times and failed so many times at this one you're free to spam cap on because I don't know that I'll be able to do it even if I have more free time I honestly want to try to do the 30-day sleep challenge now that I don't have two and a half to three jobs but I think for once in my life after October 7th I might be able to honest to God do the 30-day sleep challenge because I've never had 30 days of good sleep in my life my entire life and I think I'm gonna be a superhuman I think I'm gonna be unstoppable I've never carried it through I've never been able to beat it I always choke out around like 11 12. I think the latest I made was like 16 days and then I choked out I've never made it past that I don't barely get halfway uh What If instead you do popathon too all right boys it's real bad night which I'm excited for we're gonna finish the rail bound video as well Jenny Jimmy Wong with the 27 months thank you bro Jimmy I know that you're a big uh Magic the Gathering Superstar but if I go to magic 30 in Vegas and you don't hang out with me uh I'm gonna cry openly on stream to thousands of people so keep it in mind will be pretty embarrassing to see a grown man cry for hours and hours and hours on stream uh better [ __ ] hang out with me uh all right rebound baby trailbound let's get trangerous [Music] patriarch the conductor he's gonna bring Justice to the trains large amounts and pile up to a mountain auctioneers astounded the ball looking like a fountain of all looking hella crowded [Music] we back together now it's all for us now event Security will keep a watchful eye on any suspicious activity [Music] [Music] [Music] all right welcome back to the world of railbone uh last time I played this I beat world one and it was so easy for me it wasn't even really a challenge at all and everyone in chat was impressed with how quickly my puzzle solving skills Shone through I really crushed these puzzles uh and made it look like I was almost einsteinian in my ability to deduce um simple children's puzzles so now we are on world two and I plan to see that this one I'm sure will be a devastatingly hard challenge built for only the most extreme intellectuals and if I have any trouble and struggle with it it's not because I'm dumb all right let's begin with two three a perhaps rail bound now if you guys don't know the goal uh it is that I need to get these trains from here to the uh Caboose of this car in order so one needs to get there first then two then three and let me tell you I'm sure there's no challenge to that simply do this and this guy goes here right and then this will go out here and this this will go here no shot that works no no shot that works because if I hit play three will get there first right right right right right right right right right but I'm sure that if I oh oh wait a minute wait wait wait what if I do oh it runs out so you in the bottom left you can see how many track pieces you have of which I don't have a [ __ ] enough I um so this one and two thing works great how do I get train number three to stop being a little [ __ ] diva hmm okay what about this and this will just Loop though this will just Loop right this won't work at all you can't switch it no of course not of course not okay but you guys understanding that I'm figuring it out just finished dinner is he still on this level I just started brother you everyone says that and it's like been fun I literally just started I literally just my second attempt I'm so sick of you guys you guys are literally always trying to [ __ ] make it seem like the puzzle should be instantly solved by everybody and you know what it's not sometimes it takes a little second I'm not [ __ ] collapsing here I just need to think about it or I just need to think about it okay but I already figured it out though all right fine all right and I figured it out too so we're no different than me because I figured it out and the answer to it is to do is to do oh my God wait a minute no it's this way wait how do I wait how do I breathe without you I want to know yes yes genius gargantuan brain okay moving on two three B oh you thought you could hide your secrets from me little train game but I'm a little bit too intelligent where you see I see trains not as enemies to be feared but as friends to be loved I have sex with trains that wasn't where I was going with that I got off track well the problem is I try to talk to chat also while trying to solve the puzzle and I have a difficult time wires get crossed the wires get crossed the wires get crossed huh don't [ __ ] harm me you've heard what I said you're not confused so don't pronounce if you disagree with it that's fine but not like you're confused so one goes here so the problem that I'm seeing is that three is a oh wait okay no that is a that doesn't wait can you connect you can't connect so what the [ __ ] is the purpose of this little this is so stupid uh okay how do I breathe without you I want to know uh um well well well well well well well well how would I get around this little sticky Thicket of a pickle wait I don't understand am I a fool or perhaps a genius um if I play this what happens it is in order at one point but it doesn't get me there huh hmm okay everyone's saying we we it's not a death Loop just your field name of the one year um chatting from hell I lived a good life but one question is he still on this level you didn't live that good of life if you're in hell and I can see why you're in Hell by the way piece of [ __ ] uh R dubs think of the gifted Primo shizuka I think it was a six months pistachiologist thank you for the uh Prime Adam Hoke 1855 thank you for the Essex minutes of prime this is the co-founder of off-brand the company is screwed I'm agres God damn God damn you [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn seriously I do need to get this so let's let's chill let's cool it with the crazy uh allegations how do I get number three to S my D you know what I'm saying no it's not nice it's not what I meant and not what I'm about so um don't oh oh wait no [Music] it's a [ __ ] Collision Millions dead okay uh there's something here though if I can get this guy to go through here no no no no no no no no no no okay wait what if what if no hmm oh wait what is what if you go this way I just needed to take them I think you need to take more time she'll like go go go like this maybe [Music] wait it's actually so close wait wait wait wait wait wait [ __ ] hell [ __ ] hell wait a minute [Music] no damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it how do I how do I make it a little bit faster um what this what about this no these guys will crashing [ __ ] [Music] dude I'm so close think Brandon think think everyone's counting on you everyone in chat is waiting with baited breath every single one of them is on the edge of their seat they're all focused no other monitors no other tabs are not on their phone they're watching and they're hoping and they're praying that you figure it out because no one else can every single one of them is taking deep breaths they're [ __ ] gripping the edge of their chairs and they know you're capable of this they know they personally aren't and they haven't found the solution but they know that you can do it and [ __ ] open their eyes be the hero for them Brandon be the [ __ ] hero figure it out and do it quickly or you might seem like you are not good at this children's puzzle game okay number one number two and of course the devious number three who could have seen this coming disaster disaster disaster disaster disaster disaster disaster okay no [Music] [ __ ] dude okay okay [Music] uh I've made it way too complicated the solution as with most things in life is actually quite simple uh uh what about like this [Music] [ __ ] ah how how how how how how how how how how how [Music] this is already I've done this already I've done this already I've done this already I've done this already I've done this I've done this I've done this I've done this I've done it what about like this [Music] I'm gonna lose my mind I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] mind I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] mind I'm so close they clearly designed this for [ __ ] only highest mental level Geniuses 10 000 plus IQ and it's like yes I have that it's not it's not like I can't do it but I don't want to activate my entire brain how about how about uh oh uh oh atrex got a big [ __ ] plan that nobody could predict okay I'm gonna [ __ ] lose it dude I'm gonna [ __ ] lose it [Music] she's so close but then undo undoes it you said undo's it so you're dumb too not even two only not me cause I'm gonna solve it um this is like those mobile ads where they have somebody wait it's like those mobile ads where they have someone playing the game badly that it makes you want to buy it so you can beat them uh oh okay I do have to legally disclose the stream is sponsored by railbound thank you railbound for sponsoring this stream if you think you can beat the Glizzy gobbler at railbound check it out use Creator code atriot it's [ __ ] time dude hashtag ad I'm literally installing the game [Laughter] I just hold a bunch of [ __ ] railbone copies for no gain all right so you guys may actually try oh okay I thought you guys enjoyed it when I didn't get it so I've been pretending but if you want me to actually try I'll just do it right now just [ __ ] SpaghettiOs [Music] spaghetti flows SpaghettiOs [Music] hey to the t-r-i oh to the big old C hey uh uh why doesn't everybody shut the [ __ ] up let's restart from scratch and figure it out okay here we are how do we get so far uh um [Music] okay that's stupid this is what I started with this is what I started with this is what I started with this doesn't make any sense wait what if this goes this way no then I'll just run into it wait it just Loops it just [ __ ] [ __ ] lose it just Loops this can't be this can't be wait wait what if you start oh wait what if you start this way [Music] no knock knock intelligence police here what we want to take you away for being the smartest man on Twitch no you can't my streamers my viewers will be too sad okay we'll come back later but you are under arrest okay [ __ ] all right I gotta figure this out this game is not giving my mental this game is not good for my mental um okay what if I crashed this train into a wall at high speeds bam that'll teach them uh um What if I took the scenic route all right let's really think about this everybody knows that I was right on the money this guy connects this guy goes forward right off the bat [Music] right off the bat I have an excellent start dude two out of three ain't bad that's enough cargo to live off of why the [ __ ] we gotta worry about any more than that okay so what if what if what if with four pieces I get the job done how do I do that I'm glad you asked the simple answer is this will not work I'm going to hit the button but I know and chat knows going into it that when I hit this button nothing will happen it I've already done this it won't work I'm still gonna press it wasting my time and everyone's time but it won't work but what if it does though foreign there's only one way to find out [Music] dude [Music] okay I need no I need to make two faster what about like that oh it's so close dude I need to make three slower or two faster but I can't I can't we know it's not gonna work [Music] oh wait what foreign it feels like there's almost something there no hmm [Music] foreign I was excited it's literally the wrong order at the wrong side of the map it's about as wrong as you can get I was hired to get these three tracks of these cars in this order over here and I didn't but there's something here there's something here there's something here I have one piece to make it better what is that piece all right so the wait the one and the two are in order the three the three needs to go here like this wait a minute oh no it's permanent looped oh no how do I fix this this is so close so close [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] goddamn [ __ ] [ __ ] how how do I fix this God damn it uh can we get much higher so high why do these trains need to be here anyway uh um the thing is it will never stop doing what it do you know what I say it will never stop so there's nothing to be gained yeah it doesn't actually work it doesn't work holy God I can't I actually can't figure this [ __ ] [ __ ] out uh um foreign do you think maybe I could [ __ ] kill the conductor and cover up the tracks Take the Money and Run because that would be a [ __ ] solution um [Music] dude it's it's so close to being horrificed why can't I just Swap this mid [ __ ] train that would be everything foreign can I get a [ __ ] let's go Brandon if you want to cheer I'm kidding you want to cheer on your favorite streamer Brandon uh I need [ __ ] support here and I can't figure it out if I had more tracks but it doesn't seem to twerk it doesn't seem to twerk [Music] oh my God just [ __ ] take your time just slow down and take your goddamn time foreign [Music] this is legitimately a hard one I don't even [ __ ] get it you guys all are eating piss if you think it's easy it's not easy dude uh [Music] okay okay here's what I could do I could test every combination of rails on squares it'll take me six thousand years but if I try every single combination eventually I will solve the puzzle through Brute Force the most intelligent way to solve anything foreign it's time to figure it out with a tree [ __ ] it's time to figure it out foreign it's a [ __ ] Collision it's a collision it's a collision um okay yeah yes okay foreign foreign [Music] [Music] okay I think I figured it out foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey dude you got this but don't quit your day job to be clear I am not quitting my day job to be a full-timed rail-bound professional just just to clarify any misconceptions that is not but you have the potential to be the best thank you I do you're right I do pledge will be the best there's no doubt that I have the potential to be the very best robot boy that ever was people are saying that [Music] people are saying that not a lot of people not a lot of people but they're saying it [Music] bro it's so frighteningly monstrously close [ __ ] lose it dude I want to lose it lose it and [ __ ] bruise you can't do a four-way [Music] [Music] um everyone's saying loop three around the fence can suck my literal train-shaped dick you cannot loop three around the fence because this fence does not connect you [ __ ] backseaters if you've been sitting here thinking that's the solution it's not other fence Oh you mean here Oh you mean here to the [ __ ] back of the [ __ ] thing wow this is phenomenal this is phenomenal take a walk and clear your head bro I'm streaming you really just take a [ __ ] 20 minute walk shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up I don't want the solution I don't want back seaters all your back seaters are wrong and if you're right I hate you so there's no winning I want you yes or no there's no winning if you're right I don't like you you're a piece of [ __ ] if you're wrong you're dumb um and if you're sitting there thinking I love big a he is a [ __ ] genius he's crushing it and I can't wait to see him succeed then I think you're on the right track then I think I'm actually you know the you might be cooking you might be [ __ ] thinking it um let's see let's let's see the real I think the real lesson was the trains we railed along the way if that makes any sense there's no way to get one there fast enough is the thing there's no way to get there fast enough so so and if I were the reverse they come out of this side it ends up in a Perpetual Loop how do I stop the Perpetual Loop how do I stop zip Perpetual a loop if I could just connect here it would work but it doesn't work it doesn't work does it [ __ ] work it doesn't work it does it [ __ ] work this way it simply can't enter this way because of the [ __ ] paradox of having an entry [ __ ] swivel it doesn't work this has to be like this there's just no [ __ ] escaping that simple [ __ ] fact which means I have to be close with my original plan I have to be I'm just doing something wrong hereabouts what am I doing wrong hereabouts how do I add more time to three that would be a lot of time does this help no because number two would be in front and one and three was no crash uh um hello [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I'm not holding a gun to my head uh uh uh uh [Music] uh um all right what if I make this guy go as far away as possible and this guy connect and then I have two pieces to make this work [Music] so close to being good but it doesn't work for the simple fact that it's stupid is all [ __ ] hell it's so stupid it's so dumb so what if what if they'll crash they'll crash they will crash okay wait what about like this and we ignore the other two trains and we got [ __ ] freebie one in maybe and this guy goes here and then it goes here [Music] okay what if it goes like this still crash yep um um um he's right behind me isn't he uh um patriarch rail bound Dev here looks like your copy of the game has a bug that makes this level impossible we're looking into it but that's it oh that must be it um thank you so many real Bound devs in the chat thank you I knew it because there's just no way that I wouldn't be able to solve it instantly if it were actually possible which isn't which it [ __ ] isn't I want to show you the sun I want to tell everyone to lighten up um this is such a good start but how do I bring it to a [ __ ] finish I have five pieces I have five [ __ ] pieces I should be able to do this fences are the problem this goddamn feel so fenced in together can you remove the fence you cannot remove the fence you can't remove the fence awesome meal thank you for the uh thank you for the uh 29 months God damn uh uh sorry I was only sub for the Nvidia thing goodbye well thank you for the 29. good run uh press R to remove fence I know that R is the reset button you've already gotten me with it already I'm not going to reset uh uh our true ice season with 18 months [Music] if you can move the fence I would lose my [ __ ] mind uh all right all right I have I have five pieces to make a slow three bomb this should this should work how do I make the slowest possible what if it's like this dude it's so close ah so close it's so tantalizingly close can I like go this way but then I need I need this to work [Music] it's [ __ ] [Music] dude it's oh my God it's so uncles it's so fun because it's so [ __ ] God it's so fun class seven glasses one more time it's so close I just need like can I make two longer if I made two longer [Music] this is ridiculous that doesn't work at all uh no no no no no no no no no no no uh uh okay [Music] [Music] [Music] how do I reach these kids how do I reach these kids how do I reach without you I want to know how do I teach without you quick I want to know how do I live without you I'm gonna go this is [ __ ] close wait God [Music] yes yes smartest man alive hey hey Jensen um so uh her resignation wasn't final right you know it was a goof you know I was just joking like I'll see you on I'll see you on Tuesday okay no I no that makes sense I understand I just um you know financially I'm I would love uh uh okay oh you have to go all right well you know don't okay he hung up 15 minutes ago um uh uh wow wow wow wow wow wow are you guys ready for the 72 hour trackathon um [Music] two five baby two five look alive let's go let's go let's go let's keep this train gang running train gang train gang gang gang again gang [Music] instantly crashed wait this is so close yet so far so close yet so far oh wait [ __ ] freebie it's so stupidly easy [Music] and dominate the culture he's the conductor every single day he gets better at running trains he'll run a train on all of his haters and maybe even their mothers too sorry what no it's like intellectually intellectual train [Music] uh okay but seriously though let's get serious for a second you guys are being way too stupid and I'm trying to be intellectual today so I can't I just simply can't tolerate it is the thing I'd love to tolerate your tomfoolery but today's not the day today is the day for serious intellectual thoughts and that is what I will be doing this [Music] Bam Bam baby boom that's why they call him the conductor that's why they call him a conductor because he knocks them out blam blam blam all right number one and number two number one's farther from number two but this should be easy because number two goes in here and it goes in here [Music] right just okay you can't stop the A train okay Bank bank Bonk how do we do this one number one needs to get there first number two close behind dink dink dink dunk dink dink dunk that's one and two taking Claire of how do I get three there uh oh like this [Music] oh my God he's thinking his brain just turned on brain activated oh my goodness he's thinking wait a minute he's already formed all the clips he needs for his YouTube video and now we can knock out the rest instantly uh oh wait a minute the brain is on e e e e [Music] all right number one the loop analyze number one needs to get there first done number two needs to get there second done number three needs to follow close behind literally [ __ ] done [Music] oh level two in the books in the books uh I will be signing autographs for all fellow conductors at twitchcon only true train fans please approach everyone else choo choo the [ __ ] off uh haters hide your eyes what um foreign [Music] level three level three level three the Hans Neiman of rail bound [Laughter] when I left earlier I slipped a little something to my ass dude and for some reason I'm playing way better do I hear buzzing for Hans even though I think I've listened on team Magnus that means I am implicitly accepting the fact that I think that Hans cheated but I doubt that he cheated using anal beads and I feel bad that like not only is he getting all these allegations which are yet to be proven so we don't know but the allegations are centering around him shoving his name of his ass which is way worse dude it's way worse what if it was like he had a really cool cheating system and they thought it was that 97 said how he treated yet I know but everyone is saying it's anal beads that's why it's really [ __ ] funny um uh how do you cheat in chess there's a million ways to cheat but the main thing is like any way you can get a signal from a computer you can cheat at the highest level because computers are so much better than humans that if you could have somebody watching your moves and telling you what the computer says to do you would win every tournament and even a small signal like even if the computer tells you that you're you know like one move is slightly more dangerous than the other would be enough for a great player to beat other great players so it's very dangerous it's like chess is very prone to cheating um and that's why they need to crack down on it as much as they can because it's very scary uh computers are just too strong and the game is perfect information um yes all the computers are using butt plugs and that's why they're so strong deep blue was the first IBM computer created by a real freak at IBM a real [ __ ] freaky dude dude he created a computer that has a built-in butt plug and that's why it's so strong at chess it was called Deep Blue because of how deep it was you guys get it do you mind if I upload only if your thumbnail is good quack because I'm a big day for me so don't use a [ __ ] thumbnail actually I'll probably end here soon I started I started kind of early I started at five I'm gonna end here soon spend the night with Ari uh I'm hopefully gonna beat more three levels though let's see um and I'll upload it quick I'll upload after I finish um so don't worry about it um let's see 10 out of 10 to Humble you thanks that's my editor everybody promising to ruin my YouTube to Humble me that's why I pay him the big bucks uh uh okay what is this what is this oh this thing opens this [Music] oh that's cool [Music] wow wait what what this unlocks this but then it needs to go like this [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] okay that's sick that's dope that's choke so now wait how does this work wait it literally doesn't work wait oh like what I'm [ __ ] confused [Music] okay wait wait wait okay what uh foreign [Music] [Music] I need one more I need one more I need one more oh there it is right does that work [Music] yeah nice Gamers gonna game foreign I did my last day is on October 7th so I still have two weeks left uh to launch a company called off-brand I'll have a video up if you missed all The Stream today I think I talked about it pretty well I'm glad it went so well thanks everybody for being supportive to be honest although you are not supportive at all to my second career my passion as a conductor you guys have been very unsupportive of me as a conductor but I appreciate the support on the business side of it um da does this close wait opens closes oh gasp yes genius oh baby wait a minute he's coming alive dude I don't know why that other one was so [ __ ] devious I'm coming alive okay [Music] I wanna tell everyone [Music] no wait a minute foreign disaster disaster disaster disaster okay wait dink no no no no no no no no no this always hits the button which means this always starts moving so foreign [Music] this is tough wait a minute this is tough this is tough this is tough this is tough this is tough [Music] this needs to this needs to go here like it actually has to to hit this button and go this way ah but it's not fast enough okay wait what about not like this no okay oh like this wait this Maybe no wait hmm no wave hmm wait hmm these this this this this this doesn't work [Music] this goes here and that gets stuck but when it gets stuck I'm [ __ ] right I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] and this goes down [Music] um is your company going to Market on Mondays the new company off brand is actually a train track design company we're going to take large government contracts to design more efficient Railway systems that's the main thing that's that is the new job I'm quitting my job at Nvidia to take millions and millions of dollars from the government to design Railway systems for America we're finally going to have high speed rails okay your taxpayer dollars will go to me designing Railway systems so get ready for that get [ __ ] ready for that okay I need to hit this button twice end of day full stop how do I hit this button twice if I try to loop around this will be closed wait there's actually only one way against us I need to use these four squares I need to go like you're going to scrolling oh that's probably just it laughs one button two button yeah yeah [Music] okay uh oh wow [Music] [Applause] um hey truck are you afraid of Vanderbilt do you mean the long dead business tycoon maybe of his ghost but not not to it's not high on my list of fears I'll be honest with you it's not high okay um this one looks pretty straightforward hit the button hit the button good this one is good so but then this button will get hit wait does it have to though unfortunately does hmm interesting interesting [Music] interesting [Music] oh it's so close wait where am I goofing here this is so close this is so close wait come on come on come on come on oh come on come on come on come on come on come on come on now come on now come on everybody smile on your brother everybody get together try to love one another right now foreign I'm so [ __ ] intelligent yes every single person at off-brand of the guitar will have to solve that puzzle if they can't do it they're fired on the spot I'm sorry but it has to be done it has to be done uh Nick Allen you're in trouble baby Nick Allen you're in trouble so your entire chat is hired it's not the only qualifications you also can't be a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] backseating [ __ ] so kind of rules out a lot of you let me honest with you uh uh um [Music] uh yellow button oh yellow button for the yellow thing how interesting how positively interesting positively interesting how positively interesting how positively positively positively interesting positively interesting positively interesting um [Music] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] dude I'm picking this up and I'm putting it down trombone Prime because for life in the 28 months uh uh all right let's see let's see green yellow red wow this is a tough one so this one's already locked there's nothing to do about one so two needs to Loop through green then yellow then red in that Florida that's easy no challenge there Evan maybe the four months um um okay I need to hit yellow first right yellow first thin then you hit red [Music] and then you hit green which should yeah that should be it yellow red it's green hey nice [Music] um I've seen Chatters molded him for taking too long and then shatters mauled at him for beating it too fast what do you really want and then quack responded GTA 5. do you want me to is that what you guys want you want me to switch the game to GTA 5. uh um I haven't been there for the four months mystery Vaughn thank you for the prime tromboner I will beat level three today GTA 5 will be dope I'm gonna play the GTA 6 leaks and get banned day one that's my plan GTA 6 leaks download them all play them get Rockstar to come to my house all right uh train one needs to go here green buttons in the way ah there's only one train there's only one train so naturally oh I'm one short wait I'm one short I'm one short I'm one sure I'm one short I'm one one short I'm one short hmm no Ludwig on hinge he's spamming I'm one short on hands it doesn't make sense it's funny don't get me wrong because he's a little bit short I love it I'm still on board but I don't think it makes too much [ __ ] I'm one short one short oh wait a minute no a loop won't work it'll open and close it um this looks good though Boop Boop boop boop Boop wait I'm one short from that too I'm one short from that how devious foreign this could be sick yes yes dude it's coming together it's coming together real bound God has arrived all right this one train one needs to get to this entrance while also hitting the green okay okay let's just do this so I touch the green it opens I end up out here but I'll hit the green again is the problem oh then I Loop [Music] I think the biggest unlocked for me has been Loops I figured I'd never really understood Loops I beat level three I beat level three all right we're calling out for today we're calling it for today level three is done look at this cute photo look at how sad this conductor is oh I don't know about loops hi matron I know about loops and I've got a great idea chat uh sincerely and earnestly this train noise is kind of uh thank you for the support today uh obviously this has been a many many many many many many many many months in the making thought that I've had about this big decision to leave a job that I love to take a gamble on something that I think is going to be really really cool uh uh and I was actually very nervous about today's stream because I know that I've sort of Built My Brand in a certain way over the past couple years and I didn't know if breaking this news would have weird reactions and everyone was really supportive and really nice and it meant a lot to me and I do sincerely appreciate it to be honest from the bottom of my [ __ ] heart I don't know why but it means a lot to me so thank you um I look forward to you guys checking out Juiced on Friday um the set is [ __ ] amazing it should be hilarious and we have a lot more cool stuff coming and if you don't care about any of that stuff I think my stream will still be actually better than ever I think the freedom of time that I have and the ability to read more will make even the marketing Monday stuff um uh more awesome so I'm very excited and appreciate that and I hope you guys have a good rest your week I'll should be live tomorrow um in fact all this week I'm doing Hitman horse as soon as possible and trying to get to know the lines left too as well appreciate it uh um as on Paris especially as possible I do appreciate it and that means a lot I hope to see some of you guys at twitchcon as well thanks have a great day let's rate somebody let's pass the love along and uh see how we're doing are we going to write xqc we're gonna write that you see and hope that he plays the trailer dude excuse me please play the trailer for juice please play the trailer for juice we love you xqc we're very excited it's a [ __ ] awesome show I hope that you play it praise praise praise praise praise praise praise Play the trailer um uh uh yeah that's it thanks guys have a great night goodbye
hello i wanted to be the first to congratulate you congratulations on making it through uh the year maybe fist bump if you're more comfortable with that guys we did it the worst year on record a literal dumpster fire in some kind of a tsunami situation it just kept coming even think about the fact that it was a leap year i mean what a slap in the face we had to take another day of this horrible year it just would not stop and every possible sense this year was too long too bad too sad and i want to forget about it forever i say collectively look let's erase it from the subconscious let's tear it out of the calendars even vision shouldn't be described as 20 20. it's just you have good vision now now guys the other thing i want to say is that when exiting a bad year like this you have to be extra positive look we need to start off on the right foot it's important to start 2021 off right because otherwise it could be just as bad as this year and that for me for many of you i know it's not an option so mark my words and embarrass me with them later 2021 is our year and i look i want to want to start off with a bang look big announcement right off the bat going daily boys seven days a week or at least that's what we're trying and to start start it off look i've just heard if you want to increase your odds of new year's resolutions like this actually sticking there's something called loss aversion that helps it improves your odds of success what is loss aversion torture self-inflicted torture if you fail your goal so this can mean anything you know you have to donate to a charity you hate you have to you know get tased shoot yourself with a paintball gun but all the all that pain that's temporary i had to think i had to dig deep what kind of pain would be forever what would i really fear and i came up with it ladies and gentlemen if i miss an upload in january of 2021 i will be going bald yes that's right i will be shaving all this off gone by the way some people they have like good head shapes for that yes yes yes me not so much it's it's unfortunate my head is uh weirdly large uncomfortably large actually when you see it on my frame i mean if you see it in person but especially if this mask is taken off i think the contrast would be too much i actually ran a little ai filter to see what it would look like so you guys could see my torture ahead of time and i'm sure many memes will be made of it if i actually have to go through with this so i'm going to try hard not to this is this is what it looks like enjoy not not going to happen though not going to happen where it's not an option so that's what i'm doing let me know in the comments below what you're doing look start 2021 off aggressively go go in make a big goal tell me if you're gonna do some loss aversion too i think it'd be interesting if as a community we're all hurting ourselves if we didn't even go through with our you know gym membership plans book reading goals whatever you have going on in your life but i wish you the best look i know i'm a little bit cynical sometimes with these gurus looking at these scams but the truth is i'm an optimist at heart and i wish you the very best of years 20 i'm not even going to say it look last year is gone long live 2021. see you in the next one [Music]
e e hello everybody bloody again how's everybody doing on this F Wednesday everybody how are y'all doing today chat I'm live late okay I know I'm live late we have a party animals event that starts in eight minutes everybody lock the in type lock the and listen to me okay things got stressful real quick everybody knows if you were here yesterday we're in a party animals twitch Rivals tournament party animals party game you punch people knock them out it like that $15,000 prize pool it was originally me sneak snag handsome and Zusi handsome just called me he can't [ __ ] make it oh my God that called me 10 minutes ago he he's not he wasn't going to be able to make it make it in time oh my God so I locked in I went I went into panic mode I said I gotta start I gotta start messaging people I hit up Jojo the mofo I hit up foxman I'm hitting up all these people the I had Chris melberger I hit up I started messaging people who who came in clutch for the team right now to sub to sub in foxman dub in the chat for foxman I messag this I say yo do you want to play in a 4-Hour twitch Rivals event in [ __ ] 10 minutes and he said yeah for sure just invite him Sub in easy as that chat I started sweating bullets I said I'm missing a teammate I started messaging the rivals people I said I don't got hansome not here he's not going to make it what do we do they sent me a list of people they want to sub in I'm not dissing the people they wanted to sub in for me a lot of them looked familyfriendly and I'm going to be say [ __ ] every third word okay I'm letting y'all know that I get mad as in these Torne I'm gonna start maing I'm probably gonna talk some too okay I'm just saying that squeaks is in this tournament I'm gonna I swear to God if I'm if I if I go against him I'm gonna start making old people jokes the second I I'm gonna call him Unk okay I'm gonna get in there and I'm I'm gonna say he he's like 45 years old anyways when we get chat we have to win this tournament all right I'm not like it it starts in five minutes I need you guys to realize this I I I was panick it starts in five minutes chat we have toing lock the [ __ ] in that's why I started stream with Till I Collapse [ __ ] okay anyways I don't know how long the tournament's going to be schedules changing right we're doing party animals after we might play this game called scur ritual which is like a zombies game I don't know if handsome's going to hop back in for that cuz he'll be free then or Fox is going to play with us or it's just going to be me snei I don't know we're going to figure that [ __ ] out later anyways we're in a party animals twitch Rivals tournament right now they added a lot of new mini games since we were last in party animals and last in twitch rivals on the last party animals event which was like six [ __ ] months ago this one way different it's going to be a [ __ ] Swiss setup right so the first four [ __ ] matches or for f for f the first four teams we're going against are going to be the games don't matter as much [ __ ] how do I explain this the first four teams we go against a random team first one based on our performance against that we go against a team of an equal skill you do that two more times then you get your seeding for the single elimination bracket right so your first four [ __ ] teams that we play against are going to determine our seed in the single elimination bracket then if you lose you're out all right first four games free if we [ __ ] lose all of them it doesn't matter I mean it matters because then we're going to go against the best team but that's going to give us our seating and then after that we have to lock the [ __ ] in and we can't lose once we lose we're out if we win every game we wi we win the [ __ ] tournament and we win I don't know like a thousand something dollars each I think it's like 1,500 each I don't [ __ ] know are we ready to lock the [ __ ] in seven7 for the sub I'm gonna try and be interactive with us chat with chat as much as possible okay but I'm letting you know I'm going to be zoned the [ __ ] in I'm going to be wearing my [ __ ] I'm going to be wearing my Darth Cat Skin and I'm going to be that's going to be me the whole tournament okay [ __ ] punching and then I'm gonna go and I'm gonna throw him off the map all right that or I'm gonna get [ __ ] anyways either way we need a lock in I'm going to try and read all the donutes it's going to take me longer than usual okay I just need y'all to know that I know I'm a very interactive off pocast thank you for the [ __ ] 10ed gifted subs off po cat thank you for the T gift it's going to take me longer to read subs and donos as much as it it's going to take me longer than it usually would right and I'm probably not going to be as interactive because I'm going to be talking to [ __ ] three other people three other streamers and focusing on a competitive tney okay I just want y'all to know that for the 10 people that are about of type he's not reading chat dead chat chat not streamer doesn't read chat you're that's why I'm letting you know that okay jar cgle for the sub Rogue for the sub 7 for the sub you you won for the three today school girl said I had tiny ass leg so I'm tired of short [ __ ] that weigh more than me talking all that am I in the wrong what oh you told her you're tired of short [ __ ] that weigh more than me talking all that I would I don't I don't know as she made fun of your body you made fun of hers I would say you shouldn't have done that however you did equally insult each other VR for the four I've been uh watching you for a while I just want to say you're one of the best streamers ever keep you keep up the work thank you Krick for the sub yby for the three lack forly bash mythical dead scow Nick for the sub jty n Lazar Lauren Katy landano for the sub the booty hole te for the Thousand I think I have mental issues it's just for the sub Minecraft smoking Craig Chris J Skippy 562 for the sub resented for the sub Gro for the sub chungles for the [ __ ] 10ed gifted you [ __ ] goat thank you for the [ __ ] Subs D in the chat for that hey and John for the sub I need to undf talk to my team this 20 starts in two [ __ ] minutes chat two [ __ ] minutes two [ __ ] minutes lock the [ __ ] in hold up I need to get through this one part of the song I'm playing Till I Collapse VOD viewers Till I Collapse by Eminem Till I Collapse okay that's the song that's playing so you don't [ __ ] complain lockin that's all I needed that's all I needed I needed I needed 5 Seconds of Eminem spitting to me sheriff for the subtask for the three one year sub anniversary you look great today John for the sub hey for the sub I'm back welcome back buddy hold up [ __ ] dude this [ __ ] starts soon I gotta check I gotta check my chat's telling me to read I just opened my OBS and every I wasn't ready at all bro I turned on my PC did you finish the tutorial yep yep oh then we're good bro yeah know we're chill somebody else yo it's not even like I'm not if you're like 5 10 minutes late it don't matter there's always a bunch of streamers that are like 5 10 minutes late it's just like if you were going to be like an hour like handsome was the teammate that you subbed in for he was he was like I'm going to be there at like 6 I was like okay well that's like four games in like we can't do that oh my God Joe you made you made a Tik Tok like a year ago reacting to this guy that built a a lawn chair like a white lawn chair and he cut a hole in it and put like a a pipe at the front of it so that you could piss into one end and [ __ ] into the hole and there was fortnite Battle bucket yes I live with the fortnite battle bucket kid I swear to God wait you live with the guy that made the fortnite battle bucket yes yes and I didn't know that you had reacted to his video and then like we all moved to Dallas together and then I go up to his bedroom the other day and he has this launch chair with a has he ever used it no but it's just sitting up there I mean I you know I had to ask you know it's like I what are we talking about uh fortnite battle bucket I don't know what that means battle bucket uh it's basically uh like a chair but it also has facilities to where if you have to use the bathroom you never have to move oh I see a battle station yeah battle station right so it's like you could just all you never have to go to the bathroom go on a pest break right I'm pretty sure the one that he made also had a poop slot correct or not it did it did there was a hole in the bottom of the chair and then there was a tube in the front I've got a poop slot you doo yeah do you guys want to run a quick game oh it's four o' how does this work start now I was told that it's not even round robin it's a Swiss bracket and so oh we play each other we just play randoms no no no no no we're going to go against a random team first right out out of the seven teams and then based on on that we go against somebody with similar points in the next two games and then after that we get our seeding in the single elimination bracket and then if we lose we're out Joe I zoned out for sure you're going to have to re explain it we're going to go against a random team okay uhuh out of the teams playing out of the teams that are playing yes we're not going to play randos on like Pub matches okay I'm locked in I'm paying attention keep going based on how many points we get off of that first game that determines our second team that we're playing right and so forth two more times uhuh and then we get our seeding based on our overall performance for the single elimination bracket okay and then if we lose we out but every team every team swis bracket and single elimination is best two out of three is it so it's based off of this game order uh so best of three per team we fight yes so a guaranteed do we play all three no matter what do far for the sub wait what do we play all three no matter what no if we win the first two or lose the first two then we move on okay so minimum you're at least playing two games yeah you're at least playing two games against each team okay I don't know who we play first though let's see what sne is wearing D for the sub Fon for the Thousand but first time watching Love from Australia ask Colin Johnny for the sub Walker F sh for the sub for the are you ready to lock the [ __ ] in here yeah I know I need you to know somebody really hit the guy I'm not hitting the guy right now the starts in a minute or it should be starting right now actually all right all right all right thanks I showered and shaved yesterday nice I didn't oh you did your weekly shower yeah my everything shower I haven't done that yet everything show bro shaved his legs um yeah gotta be aerodynamic rocking a greaty tank top Fox man how do you know what I'm wearing yep I I am I am Joe everybody can see you you're live see you're live my brother you have a stream on Joe the cherry blossom controller black sweatpants I like it that' be like that'd be like crazy though if you like guessed like what color like socks I was wearing or something like that that would be like that then I'd actually get like real tripped out no they're black yeah that's crazy how I'm not wearing any socks that's I'm Barefoot right now yeah of course you are why would you wear like okay I I talk like my check gets weird out that my feet are out every time why would I have socks on in my house see feet I did see your feet the other day I have socks on because I'm in hardwood and it's very hard how where did you see my feet yesterday I saw your toes I don't know you were doing like some weird Shuffle when I tuned into your stream oh was telling them about a story of how when I was in school my dad was a teacher at my school but I um he was we were in the middle of his class and he looked out his window and one of my classmates was drawing a penis in the snow and so I was showing I was demonstrating how he was like happily scooting along the the snow drawing the dick as my dad like ran out there like screaming at him to go inside I'm glad you focused on toes though Joe that's really cool care about my feet predom stared at your feet locked in at the feet bro I didn't stare at your feet but I just I'm in like I subconsciously went oh you're you're not wearing socks did you did you take like 20 screenshots chat chat did you hear the screenshots come out there a lot of screenshots of my feet that's awesome yeah there was one time where I showed him to the camera and everybody was like I'm just saying there's probably much better feet out there so if people are trying to like look at mine I I I feel kind of bad for I think I have some pretty [ __ ] up feet it's just got some flat ass feet but like do do you think people with foot fetishes like [ __ ] up feet or like there's somebody I actually can answer this as somebody somebody who likes feet I person subscribe to multiple channels havea skin in the item shop yeah you notice how it's a flat $6 instead of like the Nemo currency or whatever because T was like no no no flat cash I need my [ __ ] money he actually did that oh for sure well they get a split of the money when they buy the currency and I'm assuming with the collab he was like no like you guys got to like direct pay so I get like fullon money from it because I guess what they might do with other stuff is it costs like the the dollars in game and then like they give them a percentage of whatever the dollars they spend which is a currency that they place right so they can just like I always wonder how much do you think I mean Fox might know more about this how much do you think like um like ninja or these creators that have fortnite skins make on their own skins uh there's so there's very there's like the individual skins like ninja had his own and there's also Locker bundles that fortnite does where they'll give like say for example you played fortnite a lot they would do a Joe Bart Locker bundle where they would put like your tyal commission is 10 to 15% I think I think for the Creator ones not going to lie I thought it was 30 Creator stuff could be more yeah but do you think on average like like minimum 15% 10 to 15% and it's usually higher so how much you take like Ninja's made on his skin not millions and I was gonna say he made over million a month on his code no he made yeah he had one month million yeah when it when it first came out see they removed how much you get paid like they changed how much you get paid on Twitch Prime Subs okay maybe I should have bitching about this on a twitch Rivals event but on Prime Subs depending on the country that you're from I you can make like 10 cents like if somebody from like Mongolia Subs to me with prime I get like five pennies I had a dude uh from Mexico give me uh 500 Subs one time and they were worth a $150 each instead of yeah they it's like different the they don't like let you get a flat rate English speaking countries you get the most I got a do25 each from all the subs doesn't that have to do with the value of the dollar in the country they're from is that the logic behind it it's still a little insane that that ends up being on us but well sne it wouldn't be five like Venezuelan bolevard for them to sub it would be the $5 equivalent in Venezuelan boulevar orever does make sense I know what you're saying I was just wondering 10 million disag someone someone in my chat commented and said that there was actually a clip of ninja complaining that the only way that he got paid from his creator skin was if they used his code so it actually could not be the way I thought it was that's crazy that's possible but I know the locker bundles I remember when they first added those there was this guy like he was a solo fncs winner his name was Coupe he said he made 60 Grand off his bundle being in the shop for one day because you got like well there's a lot of predatory practices with collaboration stuff and like they they'll do plenty of stuff like know that people really want a skin like that so they won't put something like a commission price in the contract because they know people are desperate enough to even have the opportunity to do that that they won't even one they might not even read the contract I don't control when the Rival event starts you [ __ ] idiot you [ __ ] idiot there's 40 [ __ ] streamers in this event I don't determine when it [ __ ] starts we're waiting on other people dumb ass why don't I start the [ __ ] event but like not a lot of people want to actually do that because half the people one don't have a lawyer two don't read the contract and three don't like the conflict I actually just uh to celebrate a little bit here just got signed as an epic partner so now every time they release new skins I get them for free been trying to get that for years what you get every skin yeah like for example T they're adding a billy iish skin tomorrow I have it today when the Star Wars things came out they gave me every single skin from previous shops and Future Shops rade Raider I saw that they I saw that they like uh disabled the Yoda backpack and now people are making funny jokes being like broke your game I did it's because if you if you emoted if you did a traversal back it would I love Ming thank you for the five gifted Subs I appreciate the five gifted Subs I love all the clips of if you got if you gained like health or a shield You' just be like he just L be like I I actually I hate the Star Wars collabs like last year's was so much worse than this year but I love Yoda being a little a little [ __ ] on your back though that's funny just the lightsabers just suck aim you don't last youed be to throw rocks like you would have the red lightsaber and you just pick up rocks and throw them and if you got hit by them You' die instantly it was that's crazy they were broken as [ __ ] yeah I actually haven't been playing that much recently I gotta get back on it one we could have gotten a practice game in at this point well why don't we why don't why not we leave what if I just leave I leave the quick match then they obligations and we're going to start shortly let me check let me check you should ask them oh this guy this guy's got a Clippers thing in his background Clippers other guy's got for the one of the guys tell me to start the event chat I don't have control over when this [ __ ] starts Joe just just be just take over twitch dude yeah where he started the AT&T event he walked up to the tournament button in fortnite's started the event oh sketch you know I I actually was almost I was almost in that event and then they went with a [ __ ] League of Legends player and I'm not trying to diss them right now did you just invite me to a game I'm not trying to diss them right now but I wanted to be in that [ __ ] and they didn't want to have me are you foxman on Steam why uh I think my stream's foxman YouTube I think Jo Joe add me Joe has me he could just invite me fo I got you I I'm each other added yeah I know we've done something I can't remember what game we've played but I've played with you we played hell divers no right I thought it was anime feet yo F thank you for the [ __ ] Subs as well F in the chat for that sorry sorry guys an idiot I don't control when it's I'm going to freak out I'm going to [ __ ] freak out I'm [ __ ] freak out I'm going to [ __ ] freak out we're getting a regular game in while we're [ __ ] waiting stop complaining you [ __ ] see me punch and rage in a [ __ ] minute I'm going to start tweaking out stop it that was fun I like that was fun half the time when I play with you guys I don't even stream R game lock I don't want to be I don't want to be that guy but they just gave us the lobby info no shot I'm so serious no [ __ ] way I'm so serious tell me to own some 12y old get like a penalty for backing out I don't know I'm going to leave though they [ __ ] did there's no way were going to start it right when we started literally literally last minute they typed that in that's awesome that's so cool this whole this team of forest just going to watch all of us disappear and be like what don't Le don't leak the code are you done with school remember last time uh yeah I'm done on my classes but I haven't graduated yet damn are you done with exams buddy yeah just took my last one hell yeah that's how you back out alt f4 I'm bro what it's a private match though it's a it's a custom Lobby it be fun how long are we going to be banned it's a custom Lobby Joe it's not a 30 minutes probably like 30 minutes not long 10 minutes forever Joe forever you just [ __ ] up oh yeah someone in my chat said make sure you guys do matching skins again remember when we didn't do that then we just get targeted over and over again should we do yeah but wait what the last time we played did you not they got no wait who did we play with last time I don't know what it was sne it was it was JoJo instead of sne oh oh okay yeah I wasn't I I'm new enough to be a part of us oh my God I thought I Le theod how did we meetly [ __ ] I thought I was sh uh Joe plays block wars and I got Joe and I were on a block wars team and we did we win that one yeah we did right it was me you and hansome no the first one I was with we the one the first one we got dead last and then we ran it back in one yeah and then we won again can you guys post the code in the group chat uh how do I find it wa do we have to go to the twitch Rivals joeo losy call oh are we supposed to be in the Discord I think we're supposed to be in the Discord does foxman have the disc there is no there is no voice channel oh there's no voice Channel yeah yeah yeah there is I'm looking at it I'm not looking at it up high and voice channels I see voice four that's us we're Team Four okay join voice four yo what's up guys hey man wait did I leak the code chat stop that didn't really answer my question that okay wait you're in the Discord call never mind oh I found it Lobby name how do I don't say out Lobby there's a Lobby that says garfat only please wait can I show my screen I'm showing my screen yeah do I have to hide my screen when I no just don't show the password oh God I quick joined by accident saying I leak the code stop I have like flashbacks when EXC [ __ ] was his [ __ ] on me leak my nuts into your mouth chat oh EXC was dogging yeah he was call he made ofad yeah and then he watched my Tik toks and he made fun of me he was like what a [ __ ] he got mad as hell that I leaked the code I didn't mean I actually might have just leaked the code I SW I swear to God just join I didn't know that I didn't know that if you type it on screen it wasn't going to like hide it this is going really well you leak the code are you are you in the game wait I'm uhuh not oldy you got to join quick there might be some Spectators there might be some and then type in the code what do I do there might be some Spectators go to custom game to cust game search search the first two letters oh okay I see nice but don't show your screen when you type the code he's not he's not I'm watching his stream right now oh my God as and for the sub thanks man appreciate Is that real put the put the je checker on it is that real what's up guys wait how do I be wait didn't we didn't we fight this Felix guy last time I remember that skin I don't remember yo what's going on guys all right man how do I talk to game chat again ready who's ready for twitch rival are you talking in game yeah wait what's push to talk I don't know what key for it I have to mute you guys in game wait I know oh God how do we type I remember just typed spam typing R question talk for me is left control or right stick left control all right we're starting on conveyor you don't want to fall off there's a lot of new mini games for right for the watch I like you streams me a lot you me ideas the future sorry foring you're good than you [ __ ] lock in run predictions this game doesn't matter as much as a single elimination bracket deter are seing be a men doing lollipop Factory I thought we were on conveyor I thought lollipop lollipop I want to wait are we supposed to match skins what are we mat what are we doing I'm gonna be do you guys have the dark duck I do have dark duck damn me and you could be dark duck and then they could be something else matching and then we would just know not to people of our I don't know I think Pig I have that gladiator Pig Yeah Yeah wear him bro I got that one I got that one bro I don't have that okay we'll be duck we'll be Duck together let's be Duck together I mean Joe you could Rock the punk one duck the punk rock Pig the punk rock Pig all right wait so we need two people we need two people that collect things and two people that fight them me sneak me sneak our mines go I'll grab go grab the big gummy boom all right why is this guy already fighting out of here like why is this guy doing that oh sorry sneak bro they're holding yo beat this guy up all right KCK ass I'm grab a regular I'm taking the long way yeah throw them up to me they're stealing it they're stealing it they're stealing it not today buddy I'm 6'4 keep bothering them I'm just throwing up these random these regular ones to they're going to get the big yo you are quick with that we don't give I'm I'm smoo it we got did I knock you out with there yeah you knocked me out with it I'm my fault my fault my fault get the big one y yeah dude you are quick with throwing those gummies up you might want to help you want to you might want to help do that Sor come throw gummies come throw gummies I'm on it I'm on it Joe don't worry yo he got that the big gmy all for them on the Big Y no [ __ ] we [ __ ] we don't get [ __ ] just keep [ __ ] them up y literally focus on the min on focus on the mini onne got this go fox go fox go I got to get up just keep giving me these God [ __ ] yo we dead ass win on this you got to throw that one back up they got the big one they got the big one it doesn't matter we got all these tiny it doesn't matter oh my God you threw it right in the you threw it right in the thing Joe I'm [ __ ] I'm darting these even if they get the big one you guys just got to distract them Dart we we out [ __ ] play them on this watch this Dart Dart yo you're actually throwing them in watch this Dart Dart it literally doesn't matter they got the lollipop just distract bro oh wait th in D yo no [ __ ] way D they're they're going to have to come [ __ ] they're going to have to come fight us D we're we're literally about to win Dart I'm just opening it we we need like two more yeah they're fighting they're recognizing the strategy Now give me oh I don't care give me that gummy you got to stop me I don't have to stop you go [ __ ] go I want to pull go [ __ ] go [ __ ] him up go I got it wait I'm pulling it I'm pulling it wait guys yeah they're coming over here no no punch throw it in no I'm opening it I'm opening it it won't open I'm it won't open they knocked my hat off stop it fell in their pit I fell in their pit like a fool throw it in throw it in throw it in no no no dude focus on the minis focus on the minis [ __ ] that gummy [ __ ] that gummy I'm decking that b yo yo God there's Hammer I'm going I'm going I'm going it won't go help there it is there it is bro I came in and knocked out all three of them that was crazy dude the [ __ ] machine caught me I was getting crushed by it getting clamped bro all right let me front center look I don't even move on I got a face forward I got a face forward look at that smile wow dude I can't I can't believe yo sneak you were throwing like you were guarding them perfectly I would open it up he would throw them in the Trap I wasn't even moving I told you bro I told you we twice do we play again I think we play again I think I think it's going to send us back to lobby and we'll change it I don't know what's next we could actually just look I feel like we should have the rivals Page open to know what we're playing yeah we're the best I'm G to pull that up now he's just said stay in lobby map changes [Music] automatically do we play this again I'm I'm playing it again I'm going I don't know yeah I'm going I don't give a [ __ ] just in Cas hey guys what do we do guys can you guys hear me in game chat hey Mario I hope he get lollipop Factory for like I don't give a [ __ ] I'm going in I don't care if we're playing or not I don't care if it counts I'm going stay competitive to win competitive hey friends yeah this our practice whoa whoa Dart Dart wait he gave did he just give there's like 10 of these here and he got the big gummy we're actually just about to win again so heavy bro he's so heavy he said it he said it won't till the round ends so I guess we play one and then we got to go to the next one what do you mean it CH has restarted okay all right hold up I'll literally see what's next no it says game one oh no next one's buzz ball next oh [ __ ] we practiced that yesterday I got it don't worry I got it buz and then Last Stand is ichon if we lose you saw those you saw those throws right I'm in there did someone say get drunk I don't think this is going to be buzzball I'm going to be honest with you it is buzzball what I I think it's going to [ __ ] up and be lollipop it says lollipop I think so too I I think it's going to mess up but the next game that we oh maybe not there someone say Lobby will be restart wait the lobby will be restarted the map was Lobby will be restarted the map was incorrect okay we get drunk and nasty guys I'm already nasty with it I think buzz balls taste terrible oh there we go I never had a buzz ball no I had a buzz ballg just sugar and vodka it's awful the first first time I ever drank was at uh twitchcon San Diego and I drank three buzz balls in one I thought it was tequila time it can't be tequila I'm pretty sure it's vodka or tequila it was the worst night of my life any of those like prepackaged Like Liquor mix drinks that are like super vibrant you avoid like avoid maybe a Beat Box Four Loco is probably the worst alcohol I've ever had throw up throw up oh no no no no no no it's fine fine it's fine get like six on us yeah it's six we come back this [ __ ] watch this guy wall up me damn damn press the brck we're locked we're doing good I I was ready for it grab it I got backed I can't move save it throw away yep good [ __ ] you got it to it you can got him just pushing forward push forward uhoh get a block got him W I'm killing I'm see if blow [ __ ] [ __ ] got him get it I'm about to just start ding no no I got got I got good good good good thr throw throw throw thr no no no no got him get it out get it out I'm just going to start I'm going to start whing throw it grab all right go got it got it nice I'm knocked out I'm dead I'm decking them I'm going to [ __ ] get rid of them they're distracted got oh my God why is this guy grabbing me no is that grab it yes get it out of there run up with there run up over there run up why am I still SW I'm back up I got him I got him get out of here you little rabbit [ __ ] I'm going to headbutt you it's not going to go well you're going to regret this grab it grab it me yo I was grabbing you someh yeah I dude it's annoying when we're like right next to each other he was trying to [ __ ] throw it [ __ ] got himen in [ __ ] yo the rabbits they good player I'm dead [ __ ] no way yo they're good at this they're at got no they a I'm [ __ ] them up grab it grab it grab it there we go it's out it's out it knocked I think I'm out cold let it explod let it explode keep holding nice I'm knocked out how did I get knocked out I didn't even grab am I am I awake I'm not even holding on the ball yes yes go they going try to throw it I'm going to grab it they knocked me out how did that knock me out the ball got you yes you literally carried that [ __ ] nice nice nice as long as we draw Joe when we score we have to headbutt each other just so you know I knocked his ass out and I good [ __ ] nice nice work look at that literally knocked out carried it in I think I think you died Bro [ __ ] you went in there I'm pretty sure you're dead toss internet connection failed uhoh you lag out uhoh you're back on oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] just happen lag for br they're dosing they're dsing they don't want the smoke they're lag switching bro war zone they're lag switching 2015 Cod oh stop him you knock me out we're good we're good we're good all body block no good OT the Otter's good throwing [ __ ] Elvis press the otter damn sneak oh that was damn the best part of this skin is he's just going I'm going to roll towards them keeping [ __ ] keep [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh my God you see that high five high five high five high five sorry what you me this I'm feisty I'm in there I'm in there that's mine yeah that's what we do around here I'm just going to swamp them I I'm going in I'm going in I'm grabbing it and then I fight oh [ __ ] oh did he get a bucket bro not Curry I got it guys waiting for this guy to get back up oh to me to me up I can't move I'm out I'm passed out away [ __ ] my God you got to get that you got to get there you got to get there way oh my God [ __ ] miss the choke the choke get it get it get it get I'm dead I'm dead out I'm out to we were all just out in the corner oh my God we just laying on top of each other I know kbm sucks for this but I've always played KDM so like the skill like if I switch the controller on going to be worse I'm going to have to ree it ible to Ste better for me that's ho yo I just L that cat every time get that ball get that ball why did it go that way when it uh cuz it needs to like oh I got I got knocked that was a good toss man I'm playing defense here do it up right the go I'm knocked out got my [ __ ] rocked you got to get there you got to grab it no no I missed it's fine it's fine it's fine that would have been really upsetting if I joke that I keep getting knocked out but my body's blocking it goodu I'm dead [ __ ] catch I'm catching I'm catching I'm catching it don't I can't grab it I got it I got it I got it I got it TOS it oh I couldn't knock out thr I hit his body hit guy his body [ __ ] [ __ ] Joe I'm knocked out I threw it did I knock you out yeah I'm just wailing dude uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh I knocked out that [ __ ] ass daughter I can't move wait I got it I got it let go go oh I'm probably pissing this guy off on their side on their side KN the KN the knock you out I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm talking it followup let it explode good that's you no [ __ ] oh they knocked out they knocked out oh oh yes yes yes yes go go go go go openi I'm dead guys hold that [ __ ] I got hit with the ball no way I got hit with the ball there bro we got to tie this up no oh you knocked me out is [ __ ] nut oh my God this game mode is so chaotic man yeah it's a lot it's cuz there's eight people bro going for the same [ __ ] [ __ ] going for the same small ass wall that explodes if too many people hold it yep I think we're ear up a little slippery nice I'm going to [ __ ] this rabbit up bro yeah now rabbit oh that was almost crazy get it in get it inch what is he doing you punched stream the wasb that red panda was humping me no dude [ __ ] might be ichon but that's okay let's get ichon but yeah we'll still be able to clock that I what you need to do your I have to myself I'm going to give it my all tap tap one for all 110% knock out that [ __ ] otter I keep missing I got I hope all my forg me you dog [ __ ] yo no no no I can't see bro that [ __ ] OT you hit joeck bro my bad Joe he he he whatever their name is bro whatever that person perfectly [ __ ] just actually kicks me in the head my bad Tommy I knocked you out like I was prepping for ich it's fine it's fine yeah no we wanted to play ichon that's why we're here [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm getting [ __ ] get teamed up on here I'm still out and you're punching me bro you're out for like 10 seconds party animals Bridge clip is he goingon to be able to I hope we don't play bridge today that was the worst [ __ ] map is he gonna be able [Music] um bball I I don't know whose Bridge yours or PewDiePie who has a bridge clip in here bro no way you said that what wait what happened your Bridge clip is crazy my bridge clip yeah Jo Joe B part party blue Tik Tok comment Yoon for sub uh Mal that's an insane fo bro is he going to end okay it says buzzball still no I think I think he has to reset it and then he like it's going to put us to the home or the oh it goes to the lobby right that's what it did pick your skin and he's going to reset it yo I got a duck skin just now unlock the duck du skin it's not exactly the same but it's similar each's going to be I'm wondering how they're going to do on ichon they I feel like they're not good at knocking people out do you have a you got a goose you the goose skin no that's not the one I was talking I got an coin oh my God I got 1,500 cookies right okay okay listen listen Zusi and the sneak snag look at the group chat this is what I'm this is what I'm referencing no I've seen the PewDiePie clip I'm kidding I'm kidding oh bro was mad as [ __ ] right the yeah I little upset that that's literally his that's his most we're about to start hold on bro got so mad can we can we add a command to the Joe Bart stream I hope you guys are ready to get pummeled Fox do you have a duck skin do you have the duck at all I just unlocked Darth Harry what is that you have Darth you have you have the Darth uh R right bumper no that works that works that works all right let's do it all right guys I got there's an immed BB I'm grabbing that grab that [ __ ] bomb yeah he's already the rabbit the rabbit we got to watch out for the rabbit wait how do you use the utility items what the [ __ ] he just R oh give me that give me that you got you got got moving me what the [ __ ] I'm immediately dead oh my God he knocked me out I need to get out need get the hell was that out get that hammer he's climbing up he's climbing back up he's climbing back up where where where where where am I blinde why can't I grab them no no oh the invisible gu oh my God you just got hit him crazy [Music] this kid just did you just get God I'm getting triple team am I the only person alive no I I'm alive now why can't I swing the hammer bro so much is happening not getting knocked out I'm cuz it's it's a plastic Hammer I'm I got [ __ ] over Dude I they just all grabbed items off rip one was inis and two had [ __ ] shovels dud so the guy grabbed the tennis ret down held me in the smoke and climb back up before before they even like the guy just grab the someone grab me someone grab me someone grab me dude no he's grabbing the fire [ __ ] he's going to knock me out again I knocked him out run I don't know how to drop this I don't know how to drop this okay I guess he knows how to make me drop it I him I hit him in I didn't even knock him out but I think he dead I'm knocked I'm knock grab my body Joe grab me I'm good I don't remember how to drop this [ __ ] I don't remember how to drop this [ __ ] okay I'm alive get me up get me up I'm good what the [ __ ] is happening I'm dead the [ __ ] how long does this bunny have this goddamn juice bucket like he just knocked me out three times got he knocked me out three times with that [ __ ] juice thing still on him if you throw him off we could fish him just get him off you don't even need to hard hit him yeah just just barely toss him off that's it good just get him and I missed the fish I the fish just grab the fish theat I knocked him out did you see that am I how do I drop it dude what wait did you see me knock him out he got up immediately I did he got up immediately what how do I drop this plunger how do I drop plunger how do I drop how do I drop I don't know I don't are you on controller I can't get up one of the one of the sticks I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking drop weapon is the F button or R2 twice dude I want to throw F but I don't want to rest yet cuz it's still plunger him yes plunger his ass just drag him in yeah drag him in yes no don't die wait you got to get out you got to get out I got get out I got to get out I'm going to I'm going to live I'm live I live I live okay no we won [ __ ] that was scary there climb all right now I just whack [ __ ] you bunny come here [ __ ] ow get no let go one's dead one's dead one's dead all right knock out the otter dude this kid is kicking my ass I got you [ __ ] I got you I got you I got you I'm knocked out but got to get me down all right get that hold up I'm literally just I'm just going to be no I didn't mean to hit you I tried to stop it but I already pressed it yeah there's a bomb there's a bomb they're thr thr it they're throw it over here we're good we're good am I dead I'm just out bu bunny buny please please I was like out of the map for a second there that was scary [ __ ] get knocked out before I get how did we slumped each other me bro why do they get up first what what get up get upb get up climb climb climb climb and he fell in what a [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] [ __ ] are you kidding me get out of here nerd get up nice I got him I got him don't punch me don't punch me Joe you [ __ ] knocked me out I'm sorry I didn't me it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay that [ __ ] budy yo this is so [ __ ] annoying literally good [ __ ] knock him off Fox bu get so fast lit I literally can't hit this OT I don't know how the bunny gets up so fast bro get the [ __ ] out of here godamn I didn't mean to hit you grab just don't let him grab me don't let him grab me no way this bunny still alive bro no way the bunny got up faster than me we I can't hit the otter I've been swinging at him for [ __ ] 10 minutes I got him I got him yeah grab him grab him oh my God and he got back up dude no way how is this B still alive y the bunny oh no no we're good we're good we're good they slumped each other they slumped each other Fox chilling the bunny gets up so [ __ ] fast bro bro the bunny already back up oh the bomb I'm dead you're dead Okay it's okay it's okay 3 one 3 one 3 one 3 one all right I died to the gas out okay cool he died he died Jesus oh my God holy [ __ ] fu D does he just like every single button on his controller to get up that fast grab free let me grab it grab grab grab grab me grab me grab me grab me grab me grab me than got dude no they take grab that grab the free I can't [ __ ] grab him oh my God bro nope got you all right don't stand in line oh God I was trying to use the breeze Ray I think I'm dead I'm alive it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay back hello dude I'm just getting I am absolutely stuck in this [ __ ] corner of are you [ __ ] serious b b you're terrible you can't type in my chat now the rabbit dead the rabbit's dead it's a 23 I'm not worried about I'm not worried about this uh this this stupid enu dog I can I can hit the otter when he's climbing just get him out just get him out see you nerd see you [ __ ] running from me bro I'm holding on to the fish help I did some [ __ ] guys I sold I just jumped off literally just jumped off the bomb all right cool nice how do you guys feel about that we doing that [ __ ] you know you guys good you just on the banana I'm waiting to throw this fish I'm waiting to throw this I'm I Ed that perfect I I got knocked out cuz I landed on my head that was take perfect bro oh my God there's no [ __ ] way it's my fault we lost that round if we do lose no and I missed the fish we lost that round no we didn't yet no we didn't like aumb ass he comes back he comes back I'm getting I throw a mean fish here I throw a mean fish here who got knocked I got knocked out huh what the [ __ ] is happening what is happening you [ __ ] freak bring you in the gas there's a bomb there's a bomb there's a bomb H the honor One V One One V one get out of here yes yes you're a [ __ ] way you're the [ __ ] fast oh my God holy [ __ ] bro why did the otter run towards the bomb he was going to throw it at me you that bomb W oh that was me even though I uh basically [ __ ] died immediately in that last round bomb L that's what I meant to say there we go there we go that's amazing a oh my God hold up I'm running to the bathroom real quick dud fish on him was nuts like I I saw him Flinch and he immediately got knocked out like that was crazy that's a r Escape that's a RuneScape Behavior right there that was literally tick perfect bro soon as he got up Oho that kid that kid punched me out and I recovered while I was in the air and then I landed on my head in the gas and died outside of the Zone again bro that's crazy got concussed you got a concussion like landing on my head re knocked me out [Music] uh why did that sensor what what did he what did The Spectator censor admin call I think he meant to say I think he said admin but for some reason that's blurped or blurped bleeped I think he cursed us out you guys [ __ ] suck thanks guys thanks for the positive affirmation good job team we leave this Lobby bro that [ __ ] Candy Factory was so [ __ ] funny cuz you guys were just you guys were just stopping them from being the gummy bear and I was just sitting there throwing them to Joe me and you were literally just you were throwing them to me and I was just pulling the lever and they were just distracted the enti remember from the last I just remember from the last time I played like last year just like everybody goes for the gummy bear but if you just get all the gumdrops and like the gummy bear you need like one guy if two people are just an annoying piece of [ __ ] and trying to stop the gummy bear like the rest of them that's what zusy and I were doing just kept beating the [ __ ] out of them all right dude I have such a [ __ ] headache bro last night I had the worst headache I've ever had in my whole life bro did you go out last night migraine no I think it waso my left eye wouldn't stop crying cuz the pain was so bad bro I'm having like insane sinuses right now because like the it's been like raining on and off for like a week so like it's getting super humid which it hasn't been so like my [ __ ] face is going nuts like the pressure the pressure change is like making my sinuses go nuts I just have like congestion all the way up to my in my cheekbones it makes me feel like I have to blow my nose but there's nothing there that's the worst pain ever bro that tight yo I know I've been sitting here like like doing like congestion exercises where you like tap the the sinuses a flight yeah you can like you can like push you can like I mean you obviously it's not perfect but you can like do stuff to like press the sinus like Pathways in your head to like kind of push them around open them up yeah all right first game the Lobby's open it's type in don't add the wait oh we got it there's there's uh lugg it's luggage chaos and then Beast soccer I still I don't see that Lobby even with the trm I might be able to custom games search wait I'm going to try to restart my thing I take a flight one time in my life bro oh God on a flight even just like standing here in my house makes it hurt bro it was the worst pain I've ever dealt with in my entire I thought my house was going to explode for 30 minutes bro what are these names droppy playing dyy poo and droppy poo and then rat zusy and Joe do you guys remember the last time we played where we went against like that crazy ass team on the trains yes they're here again and I ask not to play them it's Zach's team we as long as we get a good seed we won't play them until the very end yeah we just we just we just lock in into that bro they that train map we couldn't do [ __ ] we play for second place here boys [ __ ] sneak does it seem in here to [ __ ] they they [ __ ] I'm ready like they they locked in on this [ __ ] we're ready here ready ready on this team am i t am I am I talking in game chat H yeah I hear you I hear you any Gamers hear me I'm trying to go PE speedrun why get this my game chat we're going to do right stick I just ate a homemade edible I think it's going to be strong as [ __ ] yeah probably wash your hands you didn't measure anything out I'm have to poop in like an hour bro I'm sad I don't wash my hands yeah I mean if if I'm in my bathroom right here so a lot of times I just come right back you know yeah I Ain I Ain wash my hands when I take a piss in my own house well I feel like you know you feel the poop like on his way down you know what I mean it's on its way down bro what do you mean like you you have to take a [ __ ] no like you feel it's going to be there in like an hour or so you know what I mean like you feel like working its way yeah I feel that right now when you start getting a little gassy and you feel like a weird weight drop in your stomach you be like farting and [ __ ] yeah I'm going through that right now so if we're in Epic for the 3 betes found you from Strawberry Tabby my firstam but after seeing you let on the [ __ ] machine her pathetic attempts at jiggling that biging don't hit the same keep it 99 MLG der dorit dorit wait what' you say I said that I could send him a bomb's battle bucket is it is it like clean though or am I going to have to use it like right after him he actually has made a new one since moving to TCH s a new one sneak back yet I'm here oh okay cracked open a cold one a Dr Pepper Cherry dude as much as a beer was gonna play yeah he would have been late as [ __ ] though he was time so we sub Fox man I only like it when it's super cool yo I'll be one of the guys grabbing the Lage I think that the only thing you need to do is just find one beer that's good enough like I like modellos all right who's going to be mod that is that is [ __ ] disgusting that's toxic that's pretty toxic my top five beers in no specific order Yingling Miller Light mango we were good w we are one one one gold one I'm going to probably go Joe just named three of my favorite beers that's crazy jingling big wave way oh red okay got it they're not stoping me look I'm him all right throw other suitcases I'll be I'll be on the other reing we're getting beaten up by an endangered species this is crazy come on bro we can't let an endangered species beat something like that that's my fault why did he throw it in his machine you need to throw it they have to pass through the conveyor belt they have to go into the conveyor belt and and did did you just throw did you just throw a suitcase onto into their area I don't know if I did that throw throw it on oh my God are you guys throwing it the wrong way please we're red we are red we are red we are red throw it on throw it on the side that is going toed I died I died somehow died somehow no drop me poo bro when he's in there it's my fault for sure the got flush that was crazy all right I got this I need I need people to be stacking suitcases for me I'm knocked out I'm knocked out I'm getting ganked up on by pandas dude what the [ __ ] bro Jack Black's making a song about me why is this Panda here got him go go go get him through get him through I got him you're coming they're all knocked out that thing's going to respawn that thing stuck it's going to respawn leave that leave that leave that leave that leave that suitcase it's going to despawn it's stuck yo I need somebody protecting thank you throw the other suit stay stay in the line stay in the line uhoh throw that [ __ ] panda in there dude y I need help out here [ __ ] please dude knock him out before he knocks me out I got I got it I'm up what I just let go of it how did I just let go of it no I grab you instead oh my God I'm slowly getting them we need somebody that's uh hurting them from grabbing them yes he's [ __ ] them up I'm guarding the suitcase don't worry I'm camping the gold run grab this one I'm quick with it I'm quick with it no they got it they got it they got it no they don't good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] that's right put some respect on my name I'm knocked out I'm knocked out they're going to grab it again [ __ ] let him grab it bro oh they Ain I'm [ __ ] God oh God R I'm going to literally [ __ ] headl your dad just they they're too they're too focused on the [ __ ] on I'm a I told you I'm a menace we're doing great here they don't want the smokeing get out of here baby let go of me we are well ahead of them right now as long as they don't get the gold we're good don't get out here rapping I'm stacking making it happen they've noticed they've noticed they coming over here to stop me yeah but a [ __ ] ton of suitcases are coming your way all right he's got a shovel I'm going to St you got somewhere to be endangered I got the shovel now oh God what a douchebag bro yeah [ __ ] pan this againin yeah now you're getting slumped buddy I'm coming in don't worry yeah just knock him out knock him out knock him out throw him in the [ __ ] hole so it doesn't get stuck there the all right got him he's back through the other side all right oh so the suitc though sorry oh they're coming in they're noticing dude they keep just grabbing them from me the oh my God you got launched I actually got [ __ ] launched dude n they're actually being so annoying right now no they're actually being so annoying right now I grabbed the did he just grab me and then headbutt me and knock me out that was crazy no way they got the gold one pull the Le throw in throw in I'm pulling the Leever dude why do they have kill him kill him got the gold one again got the again [ __ ] you you stupid [ __ ] band oh my God take a [ __ ] quick nap buddy we need to C we need to come back I need more suitcases here we're trying to stop them from one's on the way thank you sneak oh my God we need you over here bro they're trying to stop them yeah that's not happening buddy I'm knocked I'm knocked I'm knocked I'm knocked I'm dead okay okay pal okay pal yeah yeah throw me over there yeah throw me over there [ __ ] it's not letting me over here I'm going to freak out you see what I mean sneak yeah Jesus [ __ ] Christ oh my God oh my God oh my God put it over put it over please let go of the goddamn let go of the panda what's my character doing bro what am I grabbing my [ __ ] hat for thank [Music] you we need that gold slightly ahead of them we need that gold case there's three on me please I got them all I got them all I got a four I'm fighting I'm [ __ ] him up oh my God how did I even pass out nobody even hit me you're right yeah go in where go in there with the [ __ ] Hammer you're staying in here staying right there I'm going to need a panda there's pandas here there p t of suitcases here throw start throwing the suitcases on I can't I yes no how is he alive what oh [ __ ] went halfway down to some [ __ ] I'm still pass out Knock Out knock out throw them in throw in throw the pandas in throw the pandas in there we go the gold one is stuck in here bro that's fine that's fine no way dude is their whole team on our [ __ ] side right now [ __ ] though because they get stuck they got stuck oh my God yeah that's some [ __ ] bro how do I get knocked out how do I get knocked out all right they ran away they ran away gold one's back gold one's back gold back got need regular suitcases I got it I got it dude I'm passed out don't make me go don't make me go all the way get up get up dude I got punched in the ass and he knocked me out how is that even real seconds they're leave they're going to leave by a little bit dude you just got to stop them at all CES oh my God please let me go I'm holding it I'm holding it I'm holding it [ __ ] there's a [ __ ] assload of suitcases here go go just help me just help me just help me help me help me I trust you guys oh my God a lot of trust I'm not going to lie go go go go go oh [ __ ] throw that one on throw that one on oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] thr in throw in okay they got us we're the lead though oh my God are we red no we're yeah we're red we need one more one more one more or two more [ __ ] they need one more we need two more knock you [ __ ] out [ __ ] out of here bro the panda just throw it in I killed him we're tied we're [ __ ] dead don't let them score don't let them score scor the last second did they really no way dude I was fighting [ __ ] three of them by myself like it not TI they got it at the last second yes they did they did they got it tried po 4 minutes ago don't feel anything a small headache yeah it's not your fault bro that's so [ __ ] stupid that's unlucky three them on me bro that's a close one yeah me and Joe on other had doing the [ __ ] putting a bunch in while fighting I was trying to get a suitcase out there for you how did we lose that that doesn't even make sense I don't [Music] no bro that one Panda that would just come up to me and just [ __ ] he would literally just repeatedly knock me out when I didn't even have suitcases I should have I should have I should have been offloading suitcases on our like at our base I don't know we had a bunch of suitcases constantly like leave how did we lose that how did we I don't know Annoying buddy this game doesn't count how did we lose that I get it sneak like poop uh can I can I see the can I see the rule logs here on how we how we lost that game it doesn't matter it's best of three they put one in they put one in the one second it's B soccer okay let me play midfield defense all right bet [ __ ] easily goalie Who's goalie I can do it unless one of you is more confident I'm not me and fox gor all right mbapp let's do it here Jo that's right I hope yall know I'm SCH slumping you in this game schlump what do the OD they voice chat on zero earlier ow and I passed out and and I'm you know I'm just taking a nap real quick you know no big deal or anything oh my God I scored on us you didn't no I didn't no I didn't thank God thre it out thank [ __ ] I hit the wrong button and that was almost a great mistake dude why is he trying to knock me out literally n literally n literally n literally that's crazy n literally I'm F I'm [ __ ] fighting this kid is this one guy harassing you yes like what the boing you the same guy being a [ __ ] walk coming walking coming B cominging got it I got no stamina and cleared I'm holding back oh read the angles here cleared good easy make sure you watch your stamina too that's in there good see H midle [ __ ] bro oh my God I'm going to [ __ ] murder this Panda I'm going to [ __ ] kill him I'm going to kill I tried you see you see me try to grab that [ __ ] bro sleeping such a second earlier went right past me too bro I was one second punching them I'm not no don't that one guy's going give him yo rat you want to stop being [ __ ] oh my I'm might get banned from twitch Rivals bro oh my God this [ __ ] just coming up to me every time I hope they're family friendly bro I'm about to just start screaming curse words [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] how funny would it be if we all were pandas and we ched our name to poop how funny would that be guys Joe that's kind of a joke I would do I'm going to be honest with you yeah yeah me too it be it'd be funny if you did it though oh okay okay I get it oh no [ __ ] way o nice save great save that was for you Zusi bring yo get the [ __ ] out of here why is he here yo actually beat his ass actually kick his [ __ ] ass he's playing he's distracting on purpose bro they cleared it oh why is he like why is he h it that way I have no Stam I'm I'm pushing up I'm pushing up anybody got any stamina pots this dude is cherry picking he's literally cherry picking look at him he's just trying to [ __ ] fight us bro is picking in the in the forage right now he's just missing that's me that's me I got it Joe I got it you got it good bro yeah just deck me it's not like this guy is actually sh on this [ __ ] sneak easy I need my stamina to recover give me a second yo look at him we about win right now I worried I worried oh my God that was a great Cent that was a sick one that should have been a [ __ ] bucket where's the header dude yeah where [ __ ] easy me yeah your [ __ ] teammate trying to get a mid I'm punching him again when [ __ ] sitting back here they're they're trying to play for time they're trying to play for time yeah they are we got to be aggressive some loser [ __ ] ow goalie down my stamina is [ __ ] dying oh my God God he just [ __ ] jumped I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to be up I'm going to be up you got to sneak you got to sneak I don't oh my God no they don't have it they don't have it I can't play up because there's a dude just cherry picking back here get the [ __ ] out of here dude dude nope that [ __ ] out nice good go go [ __ ] where's the [ __ ] ball at bro nice yo this is stupid go go go go go I'm angry still you you're him you're literally him um if you can go up can go up you can go up whenever you need to whenever you get the chance to you're him you're him no sneak oh my my God yo got to sneak I'm Rota behind go goe Gotti you see that body block that was crazy got hurt I did it for the team for the for the cups uhoh [ __ ] two of them are right now three of them are out right now go down hit it [ __ ] punch it punch it go go go go go go I'm with it that's me [ __ ] good try good try [ __ ] man it's impossible to angle this [ __ ] oh rat you're [ __ ] oh my God good I'm low on stamina guys name is rat bro me nice go up with that go up with that I'm out somebody be Center oh no that was yeah this one's so [ __ ] hard dude ass bro yeah not having fun hit it to me hit it to me panda body blocked it hit that [ __ ] what what bro that's crazy just trying to knock me out just trying to knock me out right now bro like figure it out nope me me me me me I'm stressing guys good dude just dude literally he's not even knocking me out but he's just body blocking me you can just punch it but you don't have to drop kick it hand though that's a hand though we have a minute to score uhoh they're play for time oh that's not going to [Music] help nope one's out guys I just scored it um um um look at my angle though in my defense look at my angle can you do that on their side I'm on I'm on the left side of the ball and it all right two gos am my defense though am my defense though two goals in a minute easy peasy let's get it come on bro oh my God my bad Bro [ __ ] Jesus Christ that's my fault I'm him ah so frustrated bro 30 seconds yeah now we we lost this one stupid ass angles it's okay I mean regardless they were still one goal up so yeah but it's just annoying yeah it's okay this is actually the worst game we've ever played this one sucks I don't think it's in the elimination bracket which is good losing that luggage one is rough yeah we lost it on some on a buzzer beater bro quite literally a buzzer beater am I joking when we were on that lug one I had three pandas all trying to get one case in I just kept knocking them out over and over yeah that sucks worst game mode best game mode No Cap hey guys why do we all why do we all become Panos and po po our name Jesus Christ his name isn't rat poo actually he's rat because he's a rat BR he plays like a rat on God that dude was actually being I hope we go against them in the [ __ ] bracket I hope we go against him and murder new team is into the is the arcade game and then hockey and then Icebreaker is the glacier map the free-for-all glacier map and then Beast hockey and then it's it just starts the bracket dude what was that God Beast thank God Beast soccer isn't in that [ __ ] the river I forget Rapids or something C each other to the other side that's a catapult that's C game two of the first that's that's game two of next one no not of next one game two of the I think we're all right that I remember we were very bad at the train I meant I meant next one is in like the um you know what I meant yeah I didn't mean the round we're about to play the one after yeah yeah yeah I'm happy they don't have that last team standing oh my god do they the the last team standing where it was like a river oh oh I know the they have beat up Bridge which is annoying but I don't know the one where it's like um it's just like a rapid flowing river and we would just got we played against kwi Speedy's team and they just knocked us we would just get punched once and you would just immediately die [ __ ] fisted ahead bear back I Chang my shirt bro I'm sweating chat we didn't lose the turny that's a seeding game we won one seating game and lost one seating game relax um um evier for the four wait is zeusy in the bathroom right now yeah he's pissing God I can't believe how he just [ __ ] threw our game it's was like [ __ ] God yeah [ __ ] that guy [ __ ] threw our game God damn I guess I should have let somebody else be a goalie or something I don't know I have no idea okay we got a new Lobby I don't know it was just hard because after they scored that first it's a hard one sitting three men deep on the [ __ ] goal well even the even the hockey one the hockey one is like sick play like six go hocky one is so much better longer in six goals dude we with that with the hockey one we play like I me and Joe and uh Zeus the last time we played I would run over to the other goalie I would knock him out and steal his shield so their team wouldn't have a shield and we would just play like [ __ ] losers they were so mad I remember they were [ __ ] talking us on stream toxic yo Andrew you know we got I remember we beat we got our new Lobby by the way what' you say we beat got our new Lobby time they got mad yeah they were they they were us like [ __ ] and [ __ ] that's what I that's what I like though right I don't like the [ __ ] team friend or familyfriendly streamers that are like good great you know Valiant effort there's a level of competitive [ __ ] talk that's appropriate but then there's just being there people that take it too far but then it's like I would rather there in all honesty I would rather people be toxic and annoying than familyfriendly like I would rather them piss me off so much that I M than them be like a cheese Strat team but they have like five-year-olds watching them and they're like all right guys this is we've been practicing for the last 10 hours this is yeah I mean if you want to be family friendly that's that's up to you but yeah wait why did you move over did they move you what yeah we're playing with doky bird now are we are we supposed to be red is that is that the admin doing that uh I we're supposed to be red team oh is this the move yourself over yeah I'm going to go BN fox move your uh yeah it's honestly entirely possible that you three can play on the arcade machine and defend the one on it and I can just be a dick to the person on their side thoughts yeah which one is this again the arcade one arcade one yeah I'll I'll uh I'll play on ours what did we Doer that was so effective I was just overs and Zusi defended me and then it was you and Hans on the other other side my favorite streamer [ __ ] Slayer [ __ ] Slayer Joe always playing defense yeah defense is better in in these I like playing defense better in these games we are very bad please be nice no that means they're either going to be like the cheesiest kids ever or yeah no they're either going to be amazing and they're just capping or like they're actually horrible did you guys win your last game yeah now I'll pass on that Brie cookie can I ask you guys like a like a moral question if you go to see a movie with a girl and it's a horror movie and you block your eyes during it do you think that makes you a [ __ ] yes no no what do you mean no why you even go see a horror movie because I'm scared what the [ __ ] dude I get I'm not gonna lie bro I get real scared why go see a horror movie if you know you're gonna get that scared like I'm not gonna lie to you bro when you play when you play horror games sometimes I put your I put your your stream on the second monitor I love watching you play but I get too scared to look over at it% I'm covering my eyes yeah during that one pizza game you were playing bro I was there was one when I played welcome to callon I was like genuinely sweating like I was like freaking out did I play that game I don't know I think you Pro you probably have because it's really popular and like there's some scary games that I really enjoy when there's like a story and it's scary but the ones where it's just like a [ __ ] walking simulator and it's just like said this I said this about poppy playtime and people got mad I disagree I disagree with you I that's okay I didn't people to agree I think it's bad take on your mind I think there are extreme gaps in any sort of risk in that game and it becomes Sim you can't die well you can die but it just respawns you it's in between two there's not a whole lot of dying there's not a whole lot of times you die what's like the best hor game in your opinion I have no idea the best know there a lot back is fun as [ __ ] bro back rooms games are pretty fun I don't think they're that scary they're not really scary but they're they're fun as hell these vtubers probably um my favorite horror game is dead by daylight simula cross scared the [ __ ] out of me that is a scary game that wasn't even that scary it was just like you're so zoned in and they hit you with a jump scare randomly Outlast and out Outlast is pretty is the goat outl is the go fa games are Outlast Outlast is good because the entire time you feel like something's after you I don't like that I love that that's the whole point of a horror G listen listen listen I want a points where I feel safe and then moments I like it when it goes up sa room right isn't that a save room is that the whole point of like the Resident Evil 7 save room I play res Evil 7 but in my mind Resident Evil 7 also wasn't that scary comparable to some of the games that I played no I I don't think Resident Evil was super scary tacos for the three say you were working at a coffee shop and then there was like they would look at you through the window oh that's aie doie literature Club was a good [ __ ] scary game buddy but it was weird I talk play that game Fox I my chat made me play doy doie and I didn't want to play it and then I actually played it and dude oh did you do you not know what it was I didn't no well I they tried to get me to play it once and I got 20 minutes in and it was I was like dude this is just anim love one of them's a duck one of them's a duck Joe all right I think it's whoever's a duck you're gonna have to change your skin I'm just letting you know I think I got to go dead beat mode uh whoever is the Darth duck on the other team thank you I'm going Bruce Bruce all right bet I'm going sha Bruce wait why is your why is your Bruce shiny cuz I'm Shaq well no no not this bro they that [ __ ] really went Darth duck that's wild that's wild he was already SED on he already spped me I immediately got knocked out you got to defend me here brother fox go on offense go on offense yeah [ __ ] me up [ __ ] you over here [ __ ] me up if I if I play game I can mess it up they don't have any any score though don't let him on ours don't let on our just play and get in therey you can get on too okay he he's in he's in get him off good I'm knocked out get the shield y get the shield I'm knocked out oh I I got put in the game and my camera Chang and then I got knocked out did he just hit me with Jesus Christ the fist [ __ ] out of here defend me here they knocked each other out I'm getting a lot of [ __ ] right now I'm knocked out I'm knocked out I'm knocked out I'm knocked out I'm knocked out nice Fox nice you SL me why am I getting red what [ __ ] come on again oh he got in there I'm knocked out Joe yeah hit their [ __ ] bombs they got zero points [ __ ] ass team [ __ ] ass team [ __ ] ass team they have families zero point ass I'm getting slumped here I can't get back on the [ __ ] game to Bro they're on ours I can't [ __ ] hit let him in he's in Jesus Christ get on get on get on can't knock him out he's got a shield temporar that's why me too I'm behind he's we got to knock them out we got to knock oh my [ __ ] God bro I'm an inis pot I'm in their I'm in their [ __ ] I'm in their [ __ ] bro I'm in their [ __ ] and I'm inis and they don't know it they don't know they don't know I'm in here they're trying to grab the game they're trying to oh my god get up get up get up he's in he's in ours he's in ours I'm in their I'm in theirs grab it grab it grab it grab it grab I'm in there in I'm getting knocked out every single time bro don't worry don't worry started us listen we keep doing this we win they're not scoring anything don't worry you're you're I don't know how to play just got to get coins yeah don't coins get gems gems are better than coins don't hit bombs I'm locked in [ __ ] okay they got I'm [ __ ] defending you I'm defending you with my life right now all your I got I I got knocked out I was locked in for a second I'm on the game I'm on the game stop him we're about to win here nice defend me nice I'm defending blocking their arcade Mach we're literally like two points away get back on you get on you get on good [ __ ] [ __ ] good [ __ ] [ __ ] one more all right they oh no it's fine it's fine it's fine he's getting on he's getting on go go I'm going in I'm going in protect me we're in got it come on Joe two more coins I'm dead I'm dead [ __ ] I'm we're right there we're right there we're right there I on it I'm on it I'm on it come on it no one it's way come on Joe I'm in yes GG there it is quick ass win bro we were not letting them get on their game at no not at all they kept knocking us out but we kept dying in front of it so they couldn't grab the machine yeah that's what happens when you use the Darth duck don't these switch Rivals things the payout just gets added to your Twitch doesn't it yeah yeah it's a different it's a different payout it's like it takes like a month or two after but doesn't it's a separate I've had it either way I've had twitch Rivals where it's lumped into my total paycheck each month and I've had one where they paid me like after random later that random payment yeah that's happened to me before yeah it I think it just depends on like the game and the payout and stuff I think for like small ones like this they'll probably just include it if it's like a huge win they they don't it'll be separate all right now we have uh Beast hockey time all right I'm goalie I'll be on offense SL mid I'm I'm going to I'm not even joking I'm literally just going to run over and steal the other guy's Shield beat up their goalie that is incredibly toxic do it should we inform them I feel like we should tell them we're going to do it you want to be owls this guy looks hard I don't have the owl no I don't want to tell them that might Aid them maybe they're really good at this game I got this guy Jo hard too do we want to switch skins I don't think we should I'll be this I'll be this oh we could be cats we can all be cats I be the cop cat e cop don't be a cop oh my God he picked a cop e e let's go [ __ ] it ready no one of trying to grab my oh my God oh my God one of them trying it give me back give me back give me that [ __ ] my brother good [ __ ] one of them's trying to take the goalie from me I almost scored off yeah no you PCH the Jo I think you are in though pretty positive yeahi it is not great that Jo spawns behind me yeah I don't like that all right we'll make it work I just I'll I'll just be right immediately go me oh my God I just through all this [ __ ] this corgy guy keeps trying to come and bother me and then you guys just score and he just sits there like [ __ ] brute force that [ __ ] through every single one brother help your team you hit you hitting him actually angled it perfectly made it go right in yeah Jo I'll break right just go forward I'll break right immediately don't worry holy oh [ __ ] yes [ __ ] you said go you said go straight and I immediately went right I said I was going to go right and then you immediately went right instead hit right to me oh no oh [ __ ] I sold let's go baby I'm not alone in this no more not the only Len listen somebody someone insta drop back and grab the shield that's what I'm doing the corgi's coming back the the Corgi guy on their team is running back and harassing me all right I'm I'm waiting on the side where go all right nice here he comes look there here he comes got that out of here oh I'm so sorry Joe get the [ __ ] out of here you little dog [ __ ] I got the shield I got the shield nice nice nice I got knocked out Joe defending I'm dead nice okay he knocked me out that corg that tring gra the sh he grabed the Shield he grabbed our Shield it doesn't matter me doesn't matter it doesn't matter keep do he can keep on the game focusing too much on the shield heing he's playing a different game oh my [ __ ] God yeah they scored it wow he own I get credit the goal the worst own goal that's my goal in the Box Score face oh here he comes here comes out I'm chilling Duck's trying to re angle the goal here I don't think the duck knows how to punch it I stole the shield I st the sh push in what you hit it out of the goal hold up Center Center I missed I still got to they suck easy bro it's so hard to angle bro there we go my neck get it out get it out get it out good me me wow how did I how did I not punch that that's he doesn't have sh he I keep letting go of the shield and he keeps grabbing it then I just knock him out like dude playing my game it out we're good like look at this hey hey hey hey I had it I was pushing that fi guys I just knocked the tiger out brother move on get a new hobby get a new hobby get a new job leave me alone bro The Shield is not that important your team ising he just keeps trying to get me and get this shield and I drop the shield and he just tries to pick it up and I just knock him out like he just Falls for it every time I don't know how to likeed bro so funny to me that [ __ ] dog me you see that yeah you got you got [ __ ] on oh he gave up oh he's finally he's finally moved on this is crazy unprecedented event in the Beast hockey tournament un un oh here we go here comes another one oh [ __ ] he got me dude I'm out I'm out I'm out nobody oh my God I was going to say if he choked that though they're the worst team ever came me look I was run some cheeseburgers before the [ __ ] thingy I'm like [ __ ] slay rock my [ __ ] Slayer I think the shield actually assisted there I don't think it would have gone angled that way if the shield wasn't in the way damn that's unfortunate wow immediately knocked out you defend that good I'm going to be Center I don't think this duck knows what doing with not going to lie uh owned oh [ __ ] give me [ __ ] beautiful Center follow it up and I got kned I got knocked out God God hey guys I'm dead I got a NE I got NE oh my God doy bird punching damn good punch wow bro was just vibing bro was just vibing what the hell was that dude oh my [ __ ] God you moved around that perfectly dude that's a David mckinon ass pass bro what the [ __ ] y know who David McKinnon is he's a player on the Colorado Avalanche he's got some of the most points in the league right now so does Conor McDavid knocked out I'm a Brent Burns fan left oh my God that's a quick game that's a quick game that's how it's done dude if I feel like they would have been pretty even if their their dog didn't spend four rounds five rounds just trying to harass me like dude and it didn't work like four times and they just kept I feel like after twice if it doesn't work just do something different yeah I get beaten the goalie's ass he couldn't even defend the goal BR wearing a puss and boots outfit Darth cats stand strong that's probably why is the problem is their goalie was getting bothered so they so they were trying to do the same except except I'm him so it didn't work real w we didn't even play a third game there that's actually good so we went what did we go we got four we got four points out of out of I got some Nemo bucks wait no yeah no we got four points we went we went two and one 0 and2 2 and0 what are we gonna get Seated on give me one we did it for you bestie you're welcome I told them that you were going to evict me if we lost how do I change my profile picture actually no I need to keep the gorilla all right so next game next game we're playing we don't know who we're playing but we're doing can truche and then if there's a third game wind tunnel I hate wind tunnel these V2 streamers are huge it's actually insane really the people we fought no you don't even know like that's what's so weird is it's such a different community that like you could be playing with a vtuber that's averaging 30,000 viewers and have no [ __ ] idea bro this person this person has 100,000 followers and 3,000 viewers and then this other one has the people we were fighting interesting dude their follower rate their ratio is just crazy no dude 100,000 100,000 3,000 viewers is a disgusting ratio like that's good that is pretty nuts bro people like people like a nice character when I was on VR chat bro like three years ago I randomly bump it to somebody not knowing they're a streamer I'm like hanging out with him for like a week some dude and I figure out like some dude we're just like doing like having fun on VR chat like playing games and Sh together I find out a week later he's streaming every single time that we're playing to like [ __ ] 7,000 people he's a YouTuber and I'm like bro what the [ __ ] yeah you them I'm like bro you didn't tell me this whole time I've been doing whatever that's kind of fun that's kind of the fun part is if people don't know they act more natural and it's more genuine and stuff I was like bro you been he been like he was like putting me on game shows and [ __ ] dude I want to see do you think they have like a Google doc where they're going to have the seatings I think they're going to S no but you could probably watch the stream oh and see who's what yeah dude this that one that has 3,000 viewers literally gets like 5K average on YouTube that's that's fire streaming yeah like one of their from the past month has a million views oh damn all right guys it's time to become a YouTuber I'm going to have a joart but you know what I I won I beat them in party animals so I'm have joart Avatar he when are we getting when are we getting the Joe Bart dual stream to YouTube and twitch oh God when it's wor going we're going against squeaks first we're second seed we're the second best seed in the in the toury that's all we so we're going against the second worst then yeah we're going against seventh seed that's all we needed bro who's the first seed Z oh we're playing but I think Zach might be on it we're playing against we're going against squeak's team and then if we win that we go against the winner of zeri and Doki and then we would go against probably Rogue I mean they gotta go against us yeah they gota go right right boys we we did really well in the group stage like if you look at ours we had two points we went two zero two most teams the only Rogue I think Rogue won every Rogue went two two and two they didn't even play a third game why because they just won or not a third they never played a third game in any of the three sets oh that's what you meant they won 222 the last seed Burke Burke black didn't win a game thank you Bundy Kendo was on the same as us they went 22 and zero but we're a better seed than them so wait what are we what are we guaranteed right now MoneyWise nothing really no we're guaranteed like 250 bucks but that's if we like lost this first game and I honestly don't think we're going to lose against squeak's team I don't know for sure but hopefully we don't and then what's the max we could win a thousand I think a thousand each this is a shorter Rivals this is a shorter party animals Rivals event than the previous ones there's less people like yeah there no I yeah no there's less teams I think the the last one we played there were 16 teams this one's there there's eight and the preliminary round is much shorter like I think in the first one we played like five games and then you you got into a winners and a losers bracket this one it's three games and then a single elimination so even if we get like say we win the tournament we'll be done in like probably like an hour and a half all right bet whenever we are done I'm I'm going to the gym get some going you know get some games in back in biceps you know what I'm saying Jo how's your glut how how your glutes looking nowadays I actually had lagged today you know my quads were getting pretty beefy no your quad like like no like no like weird your your quads are [ __ ] insane I saw your quads when you were jiggling when you showed us the jiggle thing on the stream the other day shit's nutty dude bro I envy your quad I know I envy your quad I got thick ass thighs and I don't even think I can make them that toned n his shits are toned bro like my like like I have size but his shits are [ __ ] I'm just fighting calories at the moment I I can barely even focus on protein and weight and strength gaining I want to just a fight out of them right what the hell oh hey check it out we Joe you left the lobby it's the same one what the hell [ __ ] is it really it is we didn't have to go anywhere the only one I cut on to that I know I know fo the only one I CAU that [ __ ] out wait bro we just got that we just got a new place in Dallas and we're currently looking for a pool girl if you want to apply Zusi I'm with it bro I'm with it man you ever SE run to the bathroom real quick Cal me down bro I look great in bikini bro so okay so this is the quarterfinal which is the elimination single elimination yeah well best of three single eliminations so if we lose these out of three we're done just GG's so we're playing conveyor and then trebuchet why is it fours what why is it two look that look at our Discord group chat that's that's ours and then we do win tunnel if it's third game bro that's Elite what the [ __ ] that's nice bro it's so nice such a nice place if you're in Dallas let me know bro I actually might be in Dallas uh in July are you from Dallas we could hit we could hit night out bro that's so beautiful bro this doesn't make you a Dallas Stars fan does y Chad look at his backyard imagine I'm just like looking at it on stream I'm like wow that's awesome wait CH it says he lives at 84 I'm back my 92 blame the flex is it's not even a flex bro it's just so nice no it's just something he's proud of bro it's not a flex it's something that he's proud of man and you know I'm I'm proud of you man good job our old our old house sucked I'm so glad we moved I love that for you man yo wait Joe look at the party animals group chat yeah you got a nice ass pool that's our backyard at the new house Dallas yeah so [ __ ] crazy bro yo joe let me come to your graduation no I'm good Joe I'll go to your graduation if you want I'm like an hour I'm an hour come on Joe you would really want to come my graduation bro hell yeah I'd go why not you would sit there for five hours you're my dog man I would show up I would show up just to wait for your name to be called and I would scream so loud that everybody would wonder who the [ __ ] is even that like a let's go just like a blood no I would actually just scream I wouldn't I wouldn't like say let's go I would actually just scream as loud as possible no actual words just a scream I 100% would go though if you like are you going to celebrate after what are you going to do are you going to pay for my flight uh I got you bro I don't really know uh I mean probably go out to eat obviously and then I mean I might like you know hang out with friends or some [ __ ] you go into town and I'm around you know I'll be down that that was a bar that was a bar wait where are you C for the sub Jersey me and Jersey we haven't seen each other yet though I live lit 1 hour from him bro sounds like a good excuse no when I hour from him sounds like a pretty good excuse I'm just saying that's what I'm saying bro if I lived an hour away from Joe I'd go and give him a little kiss on the forehead give him a little kiss on the forehead be like good job Joe you did it I think I think I think he scared him in person because he knows how good looking I am and it's gonna like you know might fall in love with me you know I know imagine if all this time Zusi is just a serial killer that's waiting to meet up with me and then he just come on bro let's do it come on let's link up it's time come on bro you graduation I'll show you my knife collection I'll show you my my human bone collection I think Jo's like 6'1 human bone collection is wild and how tall are youy 510 so sorry whoa whoa whoa who just left no nobody yeah well it's because two inches in my height went my ass I I'm surprised you didn't hear that I'm surprised you could hear that given how far down you were shut up shut up it's not funny how T are you how tall are you sneak sack 6'2 it's not funny you guys just think you're so cool being over are you doing anything after twitch Rivals yeah probably I don't know for sure famous birthdays into thinking I was to the point where like a ton of people believe it hello da that guy is [ __ ] talking you in chat do you see him not squeaks she's been asleep for two hours are you is that squeaks s girl oh my God no way stink oh my God it's your bike is really quiet it sounds like you're talking potato mic right now my head's turned M yeah ready I'm not asking are big screwed we just won our last game and we're or yeah you guys are totally you're screwed am I talking through a shitty mic right now I saw you guys lost uh your you guys got Pub stomped oh Joe's talking to one of them hold on let me get in there're I don't hear for some reason we warming up you're warming up okay yeah are you confident in this game a little bit feeling pretty good never played conveyor before type an imagine losing to us though yeah what's going on stay in your imagination there squeaks y anybody else like twitch anybody else like twitch and twitch Rivals let me let me my webcam mic on real quick y need love in your heart hi Connor you guys lucky I can't use my webcam mic Connor hey my mic's on Conor just for you K Con Bro I'm in I'm still taller than you I don't last time we played Conor hands [ __ ] slumped us Conor's good at this game I remember yeah now he's good kiss con what the [ __ ] play have you guys ever played Gang Beasts like the yeah is see oh I got to fix my are we going to dock here I played gang be duck Ang duck angle M Gang Beast looks crazy Conor I'm going to give you a nice smoosh on the forehead the duck I hope you appreciate it that was a goose I was on a goose I'm reporting you rep you you're harassing sh we got to get t p out of here quick I'll I'll grab a bomb real quick uhoh uhoh run I got still I'm still alive con's grabbing got's grabing me I got him [ __ ] you T yeah off him up baby girl you're going to die I think Conor might die here what let run away from the B it didn't let me throw it bro [ __ ] can't get up bab got your back don't worry oh these are getting quick dude get on get on the get on the slower one guys you're going to have to do a roll here I can grab you hold on to my hand I'm trying I got got holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm in here with you now you're going make it have to be on the conve not on the yellow and jump kick dead here oh my God I made it up I'm alive yeah it's a bomb angle here oh my God the bomb just my fuckingo he got his own teammate with that bomb Dam on [ __ ] [ __ ] on buddy should I open mic should I keep my mic open no my God oh my God oh my God no he's going to kill me should get up I think you should though what just happened to me get in get up get up get up get up you duck [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm fighting Spirits I can't hit I'm knock con out for me might I'm out I'm out I got knocked out I protect you and I throw him off he dies there he dies there and you fell off nice one oh one one one n I'm him I'm up I'm him I'm up I'm up I'm up click every button in your [ __ ] keyboard in order to get up 2 one here we're good shovel angle you hit them with that shovel we win I could just suicide with him could if he knocks him out Joe take him you might want to stay away Joe let him knock him out you take him out you take him with I just flipped on a banana peel you might want to stay away Joe yeah Joe let sneak KN take it with you take it with you take it with you suicide out Str get the [ __ ] out of here yo that's BM that's B if it's BM why didn't you do it oh [ __ ] his [Music] controller they don't pass out I need it do you need help grab my hand Con Bro I swear to God again St I'm not doing on purpose I'm not doing it on purpose I just three times in a [Music] rowo get me up get me up bro how come you can get tased by the [ __ ] on the ground that's not how tasers work that's not how tasers work oh my God Conor Conor got freaky with that bomb bro Joe Joe leave it up to fate Joe leave it oh you coward that's what you get that's what you get Joe you should have left it up to F you should have left it up to fate Joe that's what you get I'm never using an item again my no way no way dude Hold Up Wait jump off make it interesting make it interesting make it yeah that's my fault we lost i t it it can bar get faster three times BR never I killed myself all right I'm getting out the way T no I love your music oh my God T please baby girl what's your name no ohing come here give me an autograph I have no stamina I have no stamina oh we're good oh my god oh you just I'm so sorry no my ducking this is all your fault did get up dead it's a 34 oh my God a banana peel that's so embarrassing of me you got to clutch up here how did I get knock out you just cutting me to Heaven oh my God oh my God they turn my dud fall off from that dude they turned my microphone off did they really nice yeah I just got a thing on my screen it's a microphone off that's so [ __ ] funny box me to Heaven bro I'm leaving it up to fate oh never mind don't die if if it go I'll cry win we need to win here don't show I got it oh my God you stay alive it's one V2 it's one V2 it's one V2 they're otter can't get up got up get him oh my God I almost knocked the [ __ ] otter out that with with the fish just stay alive stay alive good nice don't even grab him good [ __ ] [ __ ] don't even grab him just leave him alone thr that banana there accurate banana he slips on it no he's coming up he's coming up swamp him nice don't don't be R I think he just died no way it's Clos down that game's red they trying to [ __ ] they're fixing this is a banana through fish oh you guys moved banana n this sh's rigged as [ __ ] get that bomb leave it up to fate no balls oh no do not leave it up to I'm with I'm with oh my oh my if we throw if we throw this if we throw this I'm going to fuing try I'm actually I'll lock in I'll lock in don't slump me again I'm locking in locked in locked in you already knocked me out I'm about to die here are you are you at the game no I'm good oh [ __ ] everybody back everybody here I just got to Target other people I keep trying to fight Conor every time I knocked him out he's dead Conor's gone the bat skin is very vinting M oh [ __ ] and you're crazy I got a bomb don't don't get me the bomb don't get me the bomb dead get up the goat get up how the [ __ ] did I sell get up I died no [ __ ] way please stay alive please stay stay alive TR not hit you guys with this ret oh [ __ ] bu's knocked out's almost dead I hope he runs out of [ __ ] stamina I hope he runs out of [ __ ] stamina no he's alive I'm I'm going to knock the rabbit out stay away from me Fox oh my God 3v2 nice throw off oh my God he's grabbing me oh my God now you you're good I can't [ __ ] move he's not going to be able to throw off you wake up he falls up with you that's good that's good one one my God l oh why would you jump down there iied to grab him I'm going to grab him no don't no don't make sure he's knock oh he knocked me out that was a bad play that was a bad play but it would have been good if I grabbed him though you know what I'm saying lose this because of that that's so stupid I'm so nervous bomb angle oh my [ __ ] god oh he fell down he fell down wait oh to stay away stay away oh my God we you're I couldn't run you know I don't want to I don't want to point any fingers here but me you slumped me in the second game and we already were off on uh you know a bad start there what did I do [ __ ] bro no way that's annoying dude I did I literally couldn't keep running forward cuz somebody threw a [ __ ] bomb from me me bro I got listen I got knocked out I got BM I got knocked out by our teammates round the world team we have to play tra and they're going to play like losers bro play [ __ ] losers bro fing I did t uh you know I did tase foxman three times by accident is it wait is it this again it's TR it's truch that's the bombs yeah there's no way they just got their first round on us that wasn't their first round that was their uh yeah no I'm mad at my team right now no we're we're we're good to go guys not worried we're locked in they turned my mic off caddy wpus meaning going badly awward I Mak engine noises jaob stupid can I turn it back on oops yo good good round fellas good Round We lock in bro [ __ ] bro they muted me I don't know why you didn't run to the top and I was an engine I was an engine that's my fault what we yeah we can't get overly confident I'm chill I'm not stressing I'm chilling my mic's back on okay so sneak going to go to the other side who's staying with me I'll um yes what do I do on our side and help Car Bomb over there you got to [ __ ] them up and you pull wait wait wait I'm going to their side you're going no actually you need three people say maybe I'll just defend when they try to come to our side I think we should have three people on our side one are you open right now sne CU they're listening I got to go you guys I need my OG skin sorry I got to go [ __ ] I turned it fully off I will go in you guys stay run defense on bombs and load all right I'm going Hometown here grab you guys grab the same one launch me I told not one of my right rip it you're have bombs got you got a fo you got a fo I'm being all right don't fight each other no [ __ ] we got we got four on them we good my neck I'm just being grabbed the otter is just grabbing me can I the can I respawn please thank you yeah just pull launch him back they got no TNC over here his chain his chain was dancing you saw it in water nice is still alive [ __ ] in t p just die T bro he's got music to right that's [ __ ] up that that does sound crazy right just you're going with it I think we can kill I think we can literally win here yeah we win no I think we we we're going to need one more bomb water they in we need three more all right what on over here oh my some with me go crazy Joe you made it all the way over yeah in the water no Conor no I'm coming back over bro no [ __ ] way we only have one person over there I need to come back I'm dead I need to come back need to come back got to go back no one there I'm dead I can't even I can't get over bro please water you I di good I'm beeping with Connor Conor and I beefing I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming wait wait I'm going too I guess we just have to defend them [ __ ] it I landed in the water baby back [ __ ] bro what in the [ __ ] I couldn't even I couldn't even do anything to him there he had me by the back and I couldn't kick him or punch him or nothing dude I was just getting [ __ ] like literally locked in between the Trev and the [ __ ] wall don't move Joe okay sorry sorry guys5 Bo oh black black Ho's good black ho or is it oh wait it's wind tunnel oh wind tunnel's good too wind tunnel's rough wind Tel is not it's rough but it's not amazing I feel like it's a skill thing you know what I'm saying it's not a game I'm confident in though Conor's skin is unlocked by winning that five times in a row so oh yeah well you know what they call Connor well so should we target Conor maybe I think we do in the non-regulation they don't play that tournament right I'm him bro I got left in a 1v3 and in a [ __ ] one V2 I sold in that first one just don't play don't play overly aggressive here because if you like Target people and go on the edge when the wind's blown we're you just die I don't I don't even remember ever playing this one you have to hold the when the wind starts blowing you have to wind blowing yeah the wind starts blowing and that guard has to be held up by the lever you can also like grab it and help hold it up AR you get it cuz I'm good pirate dude oh my God going to be bat bat bat we need that bat I got the bat I hate it though H's already off the map H's off the map I don't want to hit I have a but I don't want to you guys a bat but I don't want to hit you guys I think I'm I think I'm oh my God I also got knocked you should be okay you should be okay hold hold get him Joe get him Joe knock him out Joe knock him out hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah Joe he's not dead he's not dead he's not he's not dead 3 one 3 one 3 one I have a bat I have a bat if you guys let me get to him I don't want to hit you guys with all right got him in in got to get oh my [ __ ] god what he let me get him I don't want hit whack him he he owes you money bro he owes you money he's down he's he's low he's not up here he's not up here he's going to die he's dead he's dead if he doesn't climb yep we're in there he he's going to run out of stamina hold it hold it hold it hold it up hold it up I am I am I am I am I am no way no way no [ __ ] if he gets that I'm going to cry good piss I actually would have quit the game if me he actually made that close that's crazy [ __ ] you cow get [ __ ] on Boom all right Conor fell off I already killed Connor wait no he's [ __ ] climbing back up no way you just slumped me whoops didn't mean do that oop I'm going around guys oh my God knock me out throwing me I'm dead I'm probably dead me too I think I'm dead here what the [ __ ] how did I like we're I'm alive no I'm dead I'm dead uhoh why why uh this is going to be a toss up open the We Stand oh my God oh my God that was clutch I knocked that guy out 2 one 2 one I'm I'm oh 22 I didn't see Conor I'm out oh my God I'm going to save it should I save for a bomb f is he opening nice for bomb I'm thr bomb go uhoh I'm running from it just leave just leave Conor's on the side Conor's on the side [ __ ] got get a lever no jo might be dead I think he dies with me though he's too focused on me oh that lever's going to break I'm in I'm up I'm up I'm up head head circle circle oh what head head Jo my head butt me off that's crazy what the [ __ ] this guy's just standing still I literally can't hit him the the cow's not even why do it why does it face me dude I'm just trying to turn n they're [ __ ] double grabbing me right now nice about to fish though just punching yes got his ass dude dude dude he tried to kill me nice nice ohss I'm going to Joe get to the other one get to that other one that's going to go terribly I think I win I think I win still alive what what what is that wow he's laying on the ground he's not even behind a [ __ ] wall holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] how did I live how did I live there bro please bro get that was actually insane oh no we got to get up we got to get up n you're a [ __ ] n that's such a [ __ ] Play N that's such a [ __ ] FL get out of here Conor he's sacrificing that's crazy please and I live and I live in my God how is Conor standing how is he not dying I told you he his is from winning on this map a ton that's cheap he's just holding on to the [ __ ] and he fell off [ __ ] you good bro how's he not dying I was trying to stand up I was just shaking that's right I forgive you got got him we got him [ __ ] I'm going to I'm literally going to hold him in the the otter can't get back up don't even yeah don't he's not going to be able to get up time he can't figure it out you got oh my god dude T Pain are you serious why are we holding the lever bro what the [ __ ] [ __ ] 22 22 my lever literally oh he dies there he dies there 2 one I got [ __ ] I got knocked help help help no I'm trying to grab I'm tring gra good I'm good I'm up good good I'm going just I I'm going just I can throw fish but I feel like that's risky throw it throw it I'm I'm dead it's a one one I believe in you sneak L sneak oh no no way no way no way oh my God no [ __ ] way I got knocked out from what I was behind him I was behind him what knocked me out that's so [ __ ] crazy imately from off good kill both of them two down 42 4v2 gang up on lpop don't let him get the lollipop I'll hold the lollipop got him guys I need help I need help I'm coming oh my [ __ ] god he instantly punched me out what in the [ __ ] world I don't know how to drop somebody need to grab for me tap the grab button I'm going to knock out con I knocked out Conor there's bombs there's bombs there's bombs he died might be dead here from the bomb I'm it's a two it's a 2 one how do I get knocked out how do I get knocked out we lose if if you don't [ __ ] T I believe in you sh I'm locking in lock in my brother let go oh my [ __ ] God I can't [ __ ] move damn I made cter slit please tell me that killed him you got to grab that bomb I can't I can't I can't I can't grab what is happening we win we win we win they want before you they want before you no this game is wed I swear to God this game is I swear to God this game is wed I swear to God this game is wrecked I'm literally Bing in the chat my game my character was literally back like facing down like I couldn't pick I couldn't get up I literally couldn't get up there is no way we lost that's crazy bro I actually cannot believe that like I swear to God I'm actually about to complain I can't believe that that I'm sitting there trying to stand up and I'm just getting pushed down and I can't grab a single [ __ ] thing and what I grab is the ground bro if my bomb goes off a second earlier you win that round they both got knocked by the bomb that's so sad like like a millisecond earlier they we win if they blow up there bro why do song got to come on now that's R like I swear to God that's so [ __ ] stupid like that is actually the dumbest thing in the world like I'm I'm like I'm really not trying to complain but like yo that's like that's [ __ ] crazy they would get out before and we lost two rounds off that yep shout out for the sub wow like how does that make sense I want to I want to I want them to explain the [ __ ] rules there [ __ ] man on like why why we lose that round when they're when they get out first nugget said w w Cry Me a River I'm timing your ass out F I don't understand how I'm sitting there like trying to stand up straight my character is just arms backwards hugging the ground I can't grab a single [ __ ] thing see you in 500,000 seconds scrub nugget [ __ ] off that [ __ ] sucks that's a that's a [ __ ] way to lose wow yeah I don't even know we just we we were up two in that first we second seed we were second seed we had conveyor belt through then we were up on that and then it's just [ __ ] dude that was [ __ ] that game was [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah the conveyor Bel was a throw I take I take blame for that one for sure but second we don't lose bro [ __ ] man that's frustrating my game damn that's depressing that was not a good feeling I'm not gonna lie that bro that's just sucks bro bro and it's every time I play a party animals event like I [ __ ] deafened because I'm just I'm just trying to [ __ ] ramble now I swear to God it's every twitch Rivals for party animals we [ __ ] lose like that it's just some [ __ ] ass [ __ ] stuff dude some [ __ ] holding on to the side of of something that should be basically out of bounds and then they [ __ ] win or like if we [ __ ] it like slides away and oh we it ends like this and our guy dies second but but we don't get the crown like how do they determine that how do they determine that like dead ass yeah yeah I'm back welcome back that that should actually pissed me off that should actually like I'm not mad at them for that like whatever they won but I think that's [ __ ] that the game has it give them the win on those circumstances I'm pretty positive I survived I saw I saw multiple times where they would fly out first and we lost you know what it's entirely possible instead is my character died on impact not died on outage that's the only way I can see us not getting that win there is I got knocked out like because you can get knocked out from getting hit so hard you just die right and that's probably what it is is it's not getting knocked into the wind tunnel necessarily it's cuz I hit the side so hard I insta died that's the only thing I can can imagine was the situation that happened I don't know what else would have occurred that kind of sucks bro I'm actually like so pissed because if we beat them we would have been chilling dude like we actually would have been chilling it's all right Connor Conor clutched up for him for sure I can respect it it's unfortunate but see that's thing though I don't even feel like Conor was one that clutched up on that conveyor on conveyor the hardest one to kill was that otter I feel like we clutched up in conveyor for them if I'm honest I [ __ ] Zusi tased me three times and then I [ __ ] upper CAU him off the map I got hit by a random taser on the ground as well that's how I died round I don't even know what round that was but yeah it's all right very sad well uh now what do I do for the next [ __ ] we want to do something stream I would play uh well I know ze's going to left but I would play uh scur or whatever I'd play it with you I'm in such a bad mood now I need to get out of this bad mood yeah like that ruined my vibe what all right what is the game called scur scur ritual you don't need to play it with us if you don't want to it's just something that we were going to do I mean if you don't want me to I won't I don't know what L I don't I mean I don't it's up to you I'm not going to I'm saying like it's not it's not like a twitch Rivals requirement we're just kind of you know [ __ ] is it a horror game uh it's a it's like a it's like zombies yeah it's like cod zombies but it is scarier I see it slightly chat saying play squid game Bro [ __ ] off oh my God bro what oh [ __ ] I was muted the whole time on [ __ ] ass um I yeah like I said I'm onlyon be I'm not gonna be out for much longer so I'm gonna play like two games of Siege and get off no problem man so I'll talk to you guys later thanks for playing you're so tall and handsome bye friends see you buddy thanks for playing all right uh I kind of want to hop out of the twitch Rivals yeah of course okay Fox do you want to play or no yeah I mean I'm down like if you don't mind to sub well I mean you said you hate games hence hence why I'm asking well but I I hate them because I'm scared of them but I'll still play yeah but I'm saying like you don't have to play I'm not saying I don't want you to play but you were literally just talking about how you don't like horror damn I hate I hate losing it's I'm scared of them but I would like to play okay I hate losing that but if but if you have two other people're you can play like I'm not against you playing I just don't want to have you feel forced to play a horror game I don't I don't okay [ __ ] okay I gotta I gotta download the game but then I'm I hate losing that dude that sucks so bad it does it actually blows all right hold up I'm GNA call um the party animal Squad and my [ __ ] steam glitches oh my God oh my God Chad I'm going to have a nervous breakdown I'm going to have a nervous breakdown what is this noise what is happening what is happening bro did you have you seen like the DLC for what there's like a billion head Cosmetics first scar new mask premium menu background and more I ain't find no premium [ __ ] yeah there's like a bunch of like like cosmetic stuff for four bucks you can be an evil Santa hello hey man oh my God it's oh hey are you back home do you want to play a game we win no we we sold the bag I uh my I got so mad my face got red and I feel like my eyes were gonna [ __ ] fall out of my head oh let's go yeah wait so is it over yeah now we lost for us yeah yeah we lost we played so even if we won it would have been over in like 45 minutes that's true blaming for the oh so I would have missed the whole [ __ ] you would have if well I mean you would have missed you by the time you said you got back it was like the start of the [ __ ] actual bracket let's go nice all right I'm downloading this game right now Jo take a sec are you playing handsome do you want to play wait what are we playing I would play I'm not saying we have to play skur either I want to play scur at one point but I know that we just mentioned playing it so I would play it today I'm watching the Lord right now I'm I'm watching the cut scene I feel like swamp from Mario just came out of my ass flaming it's zombies a cooler version of cod zombies thoughts prayers stop asking me to play [ __ ] Roblox I'm not playing [ __ ] Roblox holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] content warning I would maybe play that I guess Roblox is kind of cool I'm skipping the lore I don't care customize with an S who are these people well I'm currently I just took a little nap I'm in bed oh you took a [ __ ] nap you're little little nappy man oh were you such sweepy guy I'm just a little sleepy man all right my [ __ ] just downloaded content warning would be sick Bro I don't want to play my God I I mean the thing that I do is I just play whatever I want and if Chad tells me to play a game I tell him to shut up bro so I have some people spamming Pico Park like where are these [ __ ] coming out of the [ __ ] Blue from I haven't played that game in two [ __ ] years that's that's a great game if you want to get angrier I want to get more mad I'm trying to play I mean honestly [ __ ] SC ritual might piss me off too but who knows we'll [ __ ] see there's no some of these heads are some of these masks are crazy Snappy wants to do rainbow I know I can't unlock and the these ones are all goon Bren why is there a DLC called goon Bren dude I'm like the most calm guy ever and the [ __ ] party animal thing made me mad like I started getting pissed off at the end there yeah you play I mean you play fortnite like you got to have a cool head do that rep Count Me Down 30 seconds and then we're hopping in I got a [ __ ] piss I'm sorry sorry launching again we didn't win well I mean it's all right man you were there in spirit I was there in spirit I was to live vicariously through you but didn't work yeah you should you guys shouldn't have even mentioned the sub you should have just done an impression the whole time yeah we should have just done 3v4 would have been sick yeah kick Zusi out yeah that's that'd be kind of funny if we invited you as a replacer and then Zusi just we just like no Zusi go away wait what the [ __ ] I hit I hit private game and shows the map and it already put me in what the [ __ ] we have an account called handsome fell just queuing up but it's just standing there doing nothing that's what we because that's what happened is I did literally nothing dude I'm not going to lie some of those Maps bro I was twe weekend that [ __ ] was so annoying who won I don't [ __ ] know we don't know yet it's still going on oh so we got elen okay I see yeah dude we we literally got elen's first round of the brast bro don't talk about it I'm gonna get I'm G actually upset over how many times I don't even want to talk about it anymore I'm going to get mad over how many times I died to complete nonsense bro it's every it's every okay last thing I'm saying it's every [ __ ] party animals twitch Rivals event it's that and [ __ ] dude I think it's every twitch Rivals event I've ever been in it's just I loses a [ __ ] ass Way Fall Guys they had people that were like 4,000 Crown wins just no lifers on that [ __ ] game just top 10 every [ __ ] time every [ __ ] Squad would invite one guy that was just a [ __ ] sweat like you shouldn't allow that party animals yeah they it's [ __ ] variety event but I just feel like the rules are just [ __ ] up in the air it's like I'm playing [ __ ] rock paper scissors here it's it's like we'll just change it oh two out of three three out five why don't we just [ __ ] make it different oh my God there's no solidified thing there and then fortnite you play fortnite and they're like oh we're not going to have [ __ ] Pros but then you see [ __ ] Booga in the [ __ ] Lobby and he's [ __ ] curbs he [ __ ] shoves my face into the [ __ ] Assa and just [ __ ] jumps on my skull like it's a [ __ ] Pogo Stick Dude you gota calm down I'm gonna watch the VOD and I'm gonna get all Angry like Joe is yeah you're you're just like him you got you got that anger in you I you know you I can you match the energy man there's a demon inside of me I invited you guys did you join my Lobby or I have never seen I have never seen handsome mad I've seen I've I've seen him slightly flustered one time well I think I do kind of sound I'll be like oh no you'll be like that's annoying I I think for the fortnite ones they make it so that you aren't allowed to have qualified for like a certain round is this viable for a jiggle machine no they end up a [ __ ] Captain spot to a for the so like then you just end up having a pro on a team or like any of those people yeah well that's well the thing is is that's how they draw people in is they they draw Me In by saying hey this is a variety streamer event we're not going to have any pros in this event you got to be a fornite casual I I log in and I bring three guys that are fortnite casuals I might bring over somebody that's pretty good but not a pro right and then over on the other team I see some [ __ ] I'm I'm going say loser that only invites people that are good at the game not people that'll be [ __ ] entertaining like holy [ __ ] I understand we're playing for money here and this isn't a problem with party animals party animals it's just like [ __ ] whatever I'm just complaining about that cuz we lost but I'm saying other twitch Rivals events we [ __ ] have this [ __ ] wait you got to play the boom sound when I you got to you got to keep with the boom sound because it makes it seem more okay so you got to okay are you ready am I getting paid for this no can I play sound effects on mobile no please don't anyways so we were um so we're playing and they're like okay you got to play it at the right you got to play it at the right I missed I missed my qu I'm sorry my bad so I'm in a twitch Rivals event and they're saying oh there's no was that not yet Sor like at the end of a sentence okay my bad you're right my bad sorry not in the middle of me saying a word I I'm [ __ ] up I'm sorry I won't listen I really need this job I'll do I'll do it right I'm sorry so we're in a twitch Rivals event and I'm sitting here and I log in and then it's all these [ __ ] losers oh [ __ ] is that me f my bad sorry my bad okay do it again one more time do it again do it again no no no I'm sorry I will do it this I'll get it this time I'm serious no come on please please please dude please come on I need this job come on one more time one more time I swear to God so it's all these [ __ ] losers [ __ ] I hit the wrong button there you go all right I got it got it all right Joe well listen next time they do a twitch Rivals and it's like no Heats ever just invite me bro but I'm just not going to I'm not going to do them if it's like bro like I enjoy the twitch Rivals I know we're playing for money but we're [ __ ] entertainers the whole point of content is to be [ __ ] entertaining and I know we all want to compete to win bro that was not it'll make you feel better I hit the wrong button that was that was dude what is that Jo check Discord and it will make you feel better I promise I just want to let people know just sent a GI of gay men [ __ ] yeah they're they're really going crazy that's nuts S Check Discord to feel happier wait would this make you feel better if it's playing while you watch that no you're just send dude it's just a bunch of people like making out I love that picture you sent that's all I gotta say can't oh my God Z's here hey what's up he that picture's fire it's anite Joe join the lobby Joe join the lobby joed already dude they got gifts top yo should I connect a controller for this all right see you guys later Again by byebye somebody redeem jiggle machine get jiggling boy yeah I'm not doing a jiggle machine bro I'm not in the mood have you guys ever seen the bowling gifts mhm the ones where like hold I'm watching a cut scene oh yeah and then they [ __ ] I'm deing I want to see what this is scur Island whales 1914 there's a rat you're welcome chat I know you didn't see it if I didn't say anything yeah logical reaction there she's dead as [ __ ] is that a zombie holding a torch are they like the World War Z zombies oh they're hyper intelligent yeah this game's going to be scary as [ __ ] oh my God this is not going to make me feel happier this is going to stress me out more [Music] is this me is this my custom character do I get to customize myself there is still so much to do you cannot let it end this way this made in 2012 game just came out brother there is outlast type [ __ ] she must be stopped mother has sent what she calls The Quiet Ones to stop you but you cannot allow them to you mustn't the only way to stop them is to kill them first on your feet Soldier why is she putting a bag over my head if I'm a [ __ ] Soldier she's trying to use the radio transm yo sneak do I got to watch this [ __ ] cut scene here this lady talking about a Cyrus okay it was boring his health so I skipped it it was interesting and then she put a bag over my head and she said mother sent The Quiet Ones after you you mustn't start you mustn't die to them are you in game am I allowed to start yep I think wait no don't start yet don't start yet oh Joe you got to gamble again no what mask are you using I don't want to copy you I don't know that's what I'm trying to figure out right now I'm turning my up I'm maxing I'm sad sack I'm sad sack Don't Be Sad Sack that's me cuz we lost motion blur off watch him pick one that we picked watch how do I turn the graphics up Joe you're going to see everything if you put your field of view all the way up 90 is already a lot you think I should lower it chat what's a good e that's up to you I'm just excited to see like 105 field of view why 105 CU I don't like 120 it's too much I'm going a 100 this guy's got the recipe 90 is good okay I'm going 90 90 is standard FPS put it on Max yeah 12 motion blur disgusting get that out of here audio options kbm networking interface how do I change my character I don't know but I'm hitting play I'm going to hit play no don't hit play I haven't private match I'm going to click it stop stop stop you have five to from pick one I'm going to be Smiley sack told you I told you he'd pick one we picked what did I say I literally told you what you wanted to be Smiley sack no he picked Smiley sack but you were talking and I was like watch him pick one that we picked looks so much better now didn't IGN turn that texture streaming [ __ ] off it was crazy texture streaming it was actually awesome how much I predicted that just makes your game look like [ __ ] texture streaming where is it texture streaming reduction Lev Z text stre yeah up top it's off just turn that off it didn't change anything maybe my eyes are lower rendering than you I don't I don't think so Joe I think there's a I think there's a type of person that can help with that Joe what like an can I click play yeah can I click play or do you need to figure out what keep sending gifts of [ __ ] big Burly men that was oh that was like four minutes ago yeah yeah wow that guy is huge that real if you didn't if you didn't uh change your desired frame rate to whatever you wanted to be you should do that as well okay perk upgrades I don't have anything all right start that [ __ ] out hold on I got to look at my FPS oh now you got to oh now you got to oh oh but told you were rushing me you were rushing me and now I'm I'm like okay fine I'll just [ __ ] play but now I got to wait for you all right it's fine I've already figured it out laverock normal not beginner not easy normal kill progress defeat enemies earn resources and Advance the game is this just like an infinite round zombies game like what do we spend your resources to activate the supercharger to enhance your weapons follow the it's gone it's gone oh cut scene o I'm him I don't know oh I'm I'm in the game controls you guys know the controls Joe why do you walk like that like a B2 zombie the frame what's your frame rate at at 120 the sense is so fast really high I'm just turning my DPI to the [ __ ] lowest I do have to change my sensitivity we're already on round two bro don't you know you're supposed to knife first round oh [ __ ] you're right but he's wasting his Amo why did I just hear a [ __ ] how do see how do I see how much money I have oh bottom left this is literally cod zombies I didn't we didn't I tell you that going in yeah but I mean like I didn't think I think it would be oh what do you mean why does it look like that what is this it are you behind you am I worthy increase difficulty or de I can we can change the difficulty of the game by saying we're worthy do it [ __ ] Ral we're playing zombies now facts that game blows fact no paper if they want to invite me again though I'll play but I you know it did kind of upset me soe next time they invite us we're we're just going to play the game for two weeks straight or we're going to watch sbers swear to God next time I'm just going to actually watch every YouTube tutorial on [ __ ] what to do yo who opens first door here I don't know but I increase the difficulty why why we can turn it back down I'm low I'm dead you're in the spirit world yo somebody I'm in the spirit world some picked me up come back find your way back I need to use a life token can you res me we're trying I just drank something revive new Miracle points select new Miracle something what is e oh that's a health pot okay bro this is like where did you find this game I don't know but it has really good reviews but it looks very low quality in my opinion yes it looks hor um it's not about how it looks guys we're in the middle of zombie wave fat guy with a knife CH look how smooth the sliding work I bought a gun wait we can slide how do you slide the button looks horrible press M to upgrade yeah oh my God big guy oh my God there's a giant guy he's giant Abraham okay Abraham AB chill get him die Abraham I did I'm out of ammo I'm out of ammo I'm out of ammo I'm scared go buy a gun I didn't know buy where do I buy a gun where do I buy a gun I bought a gun I no I didn't buy a gun I drank something already out of ammo I'm not sure what I drank terrible God teammate I bought the gun I bought a gun that guy fire how think we play a real man's game like okay you would sorry he real man's game that's mostly kids M select new Miracle what is this do yo I opened a door over here if you guys want to come through this I don't know but I I get invincibility every 5 minutes or something seconds y I'm getting oh my God I opened the door I don't even know what my perks do I'm just running away I'm going to go on my own little Adventure here I'll catch y'all later oh and you follow me and you bring the zombies with you I [ __ ] open the door [ __ ] what do you mean I follow you the E button is healing by the way you can heal with e is everything just a little too dark to you guys yeah I feel like I can't puy I don't even know what this is what is this yo sne I'mma keep it real bro this game kind of blows I may I I mean I wasn't like gassing it up I was just like this seems kind of fun wait dude you guys can buy something from this dog come here oh I got a double barrel shotgun got bro what are you using what the [ __ ] hi doggy there's an invisible thing there's an invisible guy what the [ __ ] F I got an axe oh my [ __ ] god holy [ __ ] literally just the mystery box is the dog oh but it took my gun that I likeed wait it took your gun yeah I didn't take the I didn't swap the pistol I'm a I got more points oh my God I got my gun back I got a new Miracle like what does this do I got my gun back this the best day of my life M I'm just I'm just adding [ __ ] I stab G I threw a stun bottle oh my God there's a big daddy we got to train them Chad is the audio too loud and also do we want to switch games I don't know what else we would play instead though dude why are they not invisible oh increases health I spread damage with the [ __ ] Barrel what' you say there's Juggernaut here there's perks yeah yeah it's it's on the wall here it's the red one how much is it I don't even know I bought already 2750 2750 how do you have that much [ __ ] money cuz I'm good at this game oh my God my dog's freaking out that's your dog I thought that was in G no that's Boomer oh wait everyone everyone look for these uh power generators they're like blue shoot them that's the quest this is not this not too bad I think you're just lost the sa I'm starting to like it more my chat's complaining I am starting to like it a little bit more but my chat is just a bunch of complainers sometimes oh we can just do what your chat want stun bottle what is this dude my [ __ ] Miss G is like good but I I have to reload every two [ __ ] bullets you're saying shoot these blue things there's one more generator somewhere I destroyed three of them we got to destroy them right here that's one that dead I found meig guy on me I do so much damage with that it's this way to the radio you think they got Pack-a-Punch I just [ __ ] down that guy I got to get Jug there's too much stimuli in this game I don't know everything I hate this game this game's bad what's going onus I'm not paying ATT Roblox I did say this I did also say this game was trash but it is it is appealing more now well you're learning yeah I'm learning the game I still don't have enough money for this you're kidding [Music] me do I have enough money now I do I finally got [ __ ] jugg did we just Vibe the dog just gives us [ __ ] cross this door over here is the next thing we got to open I just opened it, 1600 you guys I need to turn up my brightness even a little more oh we're in a [ __ ] graveyard dude CH how's the audio though I forget what you guys said T3 you asked if we if you should switch Yeah but I'm also not going to dip on my [ __ ] Dead Daryl Walking Dead darl Walking Dead darl oh [ __ ] there's a guy there's everybody wanted to switch we Swit is like so Snappy when I ads yeah this downstairs area is mad skatch where are you I don't know I don't even know where you guys went I think I'm in danger I'm downstairs oh oh [ __ ] no this is bad this is bad Jo I don't like the music played down here this is bad what is scaring you yeah are you getting are you are are are are you getting Goosebumps yeah I think it might my eyes you guys spend a life token if you if you if you go down no there was a life token thing on the way I feel like I need to get other perks Elizabeth diary I just got a trial objective this might not look good for my chat but I need to turn up my brightness so bad [ __ ] need 1600 points here you guys got to turn up your brightness if you want to see anything in this [ __ ] game Joe come here there's this whole it's in uh graphic settings it's one of the ones I'm going turn it up a little bit what did you turn yours to uh mine is Graphics 125 looks a M's at 140 and my gamma's at 1.4 bro how do you have 6,000 [ __ ] points cuz I'm him I'm getting kills on he do B anything I open all the doors that's true come here Joe Somebody Come explore this bro how do I activate some of these perks the buttons on the right Joe oh we're [ __ ] dead yeah but it no we're good quick buttons on the right you got to train him we really do need to get out of outside next 1600 th M off dude it's not changing my [ __ ] my like my abilities though I'm seeing you guys use different abilities than me are you on cool Downs no it says get an ice shield for 30 seconds reducing damage by 10 oh that's if I use my [ __ ] five I'm an idiot yeah that's if you drink that's that's your potion has like a perk too when you use it yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm understanding it I'm actually picking this upack somebody come here somebody come here somebody come here where rad finish high on life what the [ __ ] kind of chat is that I haven't played that [ __ ] in Forever little am dispens this game is not good leave the stream buddy I'm sorry we'll probably switch in a bit I don't know what we're doing right now though I'm want to play this out by myself s if you're just going to St here and complain the whole time [ __ ] off please open the next door yep you're not going to like everything I play I say that all the time I know I pulled on whether not you guys want me to [ __ ] switch but the game is getting better we could repo now if mods want to but I mean I think it's more fun now it started out kind of whack I bought door but has 11,000 points awkward I was I'm trying to reduce the numbers my crossbow pierces I'm trying to reduce the spawn numbers I got a different gun I got an AK you need to find Beng juice look good oh this is lit Pack-a-Punch it's kind of just like Walmart zombies Walmart zombies stallion your M Speed by 5% zombies but it's just zombies hey we got a new we got a perk right here how many perks do you guys have uh two I only have one and then they have an ammo resupply oh I see and you can reroll your [ __ ] what the hell does this guy do what do you mean roll your [ __ ] I don't I don't really know like you can pick a different perk like if you want to I have like fire gun fire strike if I want to change it I can like overlap the one I had I think something holy [ __ ] was these guys are [ __ ] quick why was the aim like Auto snapping like that [ __ ] I died your dad yeah I turned up the difficulty two yeah what are we playing on hard now yeah I think so I'm down I'm down please help I don't know where you are how do I find you I'm in the corner over there I see I think this room's risky cuz there's so many hold F when you're looking up like look above me yeah there like a little orb you hold that on I'm buing it I'm buing it thanks Daddy yo chat do I Pack-a-Punch need to AV wait why is my gun already on tier three Auto Pack-a-Punch May when you take it out of the box chance you get chat should I pack by AK or a per yeah I got stallion juice I just injected horse jiz into my veins I now move quicker ammo oh [ __ ] watch back Amo I think you're low am I thanks I'm lagging I turn audio down I don't think this is a good room to sit in there's like a lot of opening points yeah we need to get out of here here sneak where where where I'm on it I'm on it on right on me on it let's go well I don't like how Abraham I need to go back to that pack soon I need upgrade my weapon a life token here if you guys want to spend money get it what is that [ __ ] that it says we need four the the Medusa 5050 pole we have a we have another trial here I UPG my my crossbow does three shots what the hell might do that oh shot they have uh they have cherry F over here reload andap he getting mad as hell [Music] Miracle how much uh how many perks you think we can have three wait what [ __ ] I don't know how many perks we can have but I I literally justed a random miracle oh sudden death that they inant save money knifing okay it tells us where to get all the things you see the on the map yeah I open this door up here if you guys want come up wait on what map like just like like look around the little the little dots oh it's telling us where to go yeah we're leaving by the way Joe I'm right behind you oh my God this Scar the [ __ ] out of me ma my gun does no damage I need to go pack my gun can't the pack been opening every door that's one you got that one I just opened some [ __ ] F we got to stand here and wait for it oh this sh this thing doesn't nothing now God what do you mean what do you mean wait we have to wait for it oh it's opening I turned my audio down a little [Music] bit but what are we waiting for the cylinders ignite ignite the furnace bous cylinder says we have to ignite the furnace using Blaze Slinger flame probably those giant F guys that throw Flames oh one of them just ran at me and I shot him yeah we need one of them to shoot at us was that safe guard bom dude there are way too many them holy [ __ ] I do no damage anymore I can't even afford to how's the game going I mean it's pretty good are you guys I won't say it's really confusing first game on but you can get it very simply after yo how do I get back to pack um it's back on this right this path right no if you come to me I can take you do it legendary fire wait they ignited it somehow a little bit 30% is it fast hands increase the reload speed nice okay I have four perks why did so many people leave what the wrong what the [ __ ] is wrong with people they don't want to watch it yeah I'll lose I'll probably lose like a th000 viewers whatever man some people don't want to watch the [ __ ] that I play it's fine like I like I like playing games my chat wants me to play but at the end of the day I'm not going to do that every single [ __ ] time like some people are bitching at me to play [ __ ] uh Supermarket Sim I'm playing that Monday why would I play that right now this thing do nothing right in here like we're probably not going to play the whole [ __ ] stream dude it's also not going to be a longer stream like I'm not going to be live for 5 hours today like the other streams but tomorrow will probably be a longer stream than uh today smile oh my God I forgot I need to buy [ __ ] back wait Joe did you find it I L FL more hold up oh my God I'm [ __ ] dying it's in this room where is it yeah it's right here the [Applause] wall did it just give it back to me oh dead I'm learning yeah I need 16k to upgraded again that's [ __ ] crazy okay Green Smoke is like where they come out of so you can't walk that way just to make sure you guys know mm are you by the F Oh no you're not I was I'm trying to get to you guys now I lited another 60 or 30% what this revive life token oh there's no death fire that's if you used it yeah I why do they have these [ __ ] ass weapons here I don't how to get I'm dying I'm getting stuck oh I'm not a good am run nice I found outside again holy [ __ ] they are all behind me I'm bringing a lot in here I actually just that's exciting oh there a dog the dogs in here too yeah I just bro the amount of chat complaining is insane like do you guys watch me for the game that I'm playing or watch me for the [ __ ] game itself holy [ __ ] [ __ ] like I know I said L game or originally that was round one it's starting to be a better game oh my God I'm playing it for 40 minutes a th000 people leave whatever I'm not bitching if you leave but like [ __ ] man the amount of people that are complaining why are you even watching me bro a pistol [ __ ] man like actually being [ __ ] loser ass Chatters not everybody but some of y'all are just [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't ha it [ __ ] I kind of I kind of see the vision I guess like 95% of the time I'm playing what y'all want me to play one time I play a game of my own and everybody just complains and tells me I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] l l screamer L game L game what the [ __ ] Joe [ __ ] off I feel like the are you worthy I'm already mad cuz I lost party animals and then I just have [ __ ] ass Chatters complaining to me the whole [ __ ] time asking me that you want me to [ __ ] switch games one time whatever right but like you could respectfully say it and if I say no either leave or stay until I switch games Bro [ __ ] y i again sitting there complaining the whole time like I owe you like bro come on [ __ ] man like I want to do what y'all want to watch but like at the same time I'm allowed to play a game that I want to play once in a [ __ ] while dude oh my God add to the fire this they could be [ __ ] sweat it's getting me so mad more to do for this one cylinder that's nuts Abraham serious smile Joe you're muted by the way I don't know if you yeah now I was yelling at my [ __ ] Chatters for complaining for the last [ __ ] 30 minutes yeah yo if you don't if you don't like what he I literally just told them to [ __ ] off like a thousand people left whatever [ __ ] off dude leave like Jesus Christ like I love my chat and I want to entertain them but at the same time I'm allowed to play what I want to play sometimes well Joe I would love I love the majority of my chat too but half of them would kill to just have me play Minecraft all [ __ ] day and I think I would actually hang myself [ __ ] man like it's just not fun it's not fun to do it makes it not fun that I'm even playing it cuz I just walk over and people are complaining all time like listen at this like you guys want to watch Joe right but what isn't Fun is for Joe to not be having fun because then he's not as entertaining and then if you demand him to do something else he's feeling like the whole time I'm just talking to my chat about how they're bitching like then I'm not even playing the game I'm just sitting here like oh you guys don't want to watch this Supermarket Sim Supermarket Sim like you're complaining like a [ __ ] toddler uh it says to pick up the cylinder dud Abraham is God elj ban she loveus mods ban them get the [ __ ] out of my chat I hope you never watch me a day in your life again [ __ ] you oh they I love the people that like you know watch me for me and [ __ ] I was the [ __ ] out of my chat but the fact that I just went on a rant about something that like I honestly got honestly bothers me and your [ __ ] ass your [ __ ] loser [ __ ] ass just [ __ ] complains [ __ ] you oh my God I just killed so many my God like dude it's not like I'm sitting here acting like I don't like appreciate my chat I do I try to entertain y' all the time but [ __ ] are just sitting here complaining bro oh I died I wasn't even I it's hard to I don't I'm like expecting yeah I'm expecting like the Call of Duty like bloody screen to tip me off and there's no like tip off for low health I have a million people on me right now yeah if you can you can look it you can get some El I'm I'm running but they're [ __ ] on me and I have no Heth I I see this game I get it no I get why it has really good reviews I actually really like this this is something I could get into [ __ ] you you died before I could grab you I'm I'm a bit shocked that some of your audience is being being kind of lame about it cuz this seems like the perfect amount of watch me play Zombies before dude I was about to say this seems like the perfect amount of stupid locked in you guys locked in oh you we the game didn't end cuz you guys could revive yourselves yeah I myself how do I res myself you just you're ghost body you have to go oh I just find myself oh I didn't know that that's kind of cool I like that okay like keep your yeah I got to buy one for you right I don't know where to buy one I'm [ __ ] training them right now there's a few about I got to if you said it was cool originally they wouldn't complain yes I'm pretty sure if I remember yes they would less people would complain but people would still complain I know a lot of my Chatters are just piggybacking off what I say but those are the people that just want to watch me those are the good Chatters I like I know it's a bit like [ __ ] glazing but like those are the people that want to watch me right the people that are sitting there I just bought a life token the people that are sitting there and they're just [ __ ] complaining the whole time saying like oh I don't want to watch this I want to watch this instead they're not watching me for me they're not they don't like that I do variety they just have one game they want me to play I'm not playing it they [ __ ] leave oh my God where am I I'm back up top I don't even know how to get back down just look for one of those life token Mach I will say this game does seem fun but I think there's only one map no there's a few I had a few to choose from yeah opening doors oh this is this is back at the beginning lucky here no lucky how do I get back down and I don't even know where any of the other uh we went down this way we have to pick up the cylinder oh right here Joe Joe go go to that revive token machine bring me back you're right next to it where right here right there right there it says no dead players oh oh did I come back at the end of the round is that why oh yeah I mean you're alive is that how that works yeah I think yeah but you might have lock did you lose your [ __ ] yeah yeah that's why if I res him I think he keeps his stuff okay I kind of like that that's kind of nice I'm not coping [ __ ] dead bro uh what is this a fire the Old Lantern yeah we got to go through this way wait the way I just came you get upstairs dude this shotgun I [ __ ] love what uhoh yo where do I go to get out of here [ __ ] are you able to Pack-A-Punch again yeah but I need more points what is that big ass thing below me like I'm not even joking I can't make enough money to buy buy a weapon because the gun you don't get damage on you get it on you got to find the you got to find the dog I'm pretty sure I I bet one of us could bu the gun for you there's ammo boxes I need to [ __ ] find one it's probably like C where you get more money from melees too I would imagine I just spent so much money on [ __ ] ammo oh [Music] God basb bat you're how even know where I need to go we still we need to get do you guys see where we need to go uh I mean I see it on the map Acquire The Old Lantern but I don't know how to [ __ ] get up there just start running I'm just I'm literally I'm aimlessly running until I get [ __ ] going Joe I think it's all the way where we spawn oh wait no I think I'm going there right now I'm here I see where you're going yeah I got it where's the dog at it's in the back what the [ __ ] was that if you see an enemy go invisible they're teleporting behind I have a lantern I have a lantern search for the combination in the living corns using Lantern okay follow me I'm I'm I'm behind you I'm helping is it this way yeah it's that it's only there's only one objective marker it's that one yeah but how do I get down there that way I'm going up right now I don't know keep going I'm just aim running back at the [ __ ] spawn room just keep going we'll get there I just open the door that we haven't been through yet new stimuli oh wait I can turn it down I can turn it down I can switch back weapons what the difficulty no bullets in it yeah bro the Box Pack-a-Punch just gave me a gun with no ammo oh unavailable after wave 10 the Box the Box the dog yo how do I get back down oh this way oh there's a perk in the in the regular the spawn room incre fire rate this is a [ __ ] dead de and okay I just there's five perks and you can have them all I just I just tried it I just have I just got all five I got an achievement it say there's one in the spawn room are you here right here this one you can't C carry any more oh that's a light what is this this one this pink this red one this one make sure SP your fire rate better fire rate better one thing I will say fo how do I get down to you uh this way I I don't even know how to get up Joe like I'm [ __ ] lost dude let's go this way Joe we'll get there I think yeah this I feel like Jo no we'll find it don't worry we'll get there oh new door I don't have the money you have the money do you have the money I don't have the money yeah I have the money what the [ __ ] is this uh where we are we back where we just were um how did get down Joe this way this way quick oh thank [ __ ] where God I still don't think this is down it is it's right here he in are you guys I just passed you oh my God is this a new game or old this is a new game I don't know where that objective is this game came out like not that long ago I think I'm going to be right at it right here dude like that one zombie has enough Health to [ __ ] rain an entire I need people down here with me I am about to die we're trying to get to you we should have just left this on [ __ ] normal dude yeah that was my bad [ __ ] I need to put up the lamp to it oh now we're back at spawn get down here please Joe have you dropped the lantern yet at what point did you just dropped the lantern did I drop the I don't have the lantern I I still have the lantern oh can you can you have a gun out and the hot swap to it though oh okay I thought you just had to hold it no matter what I was like at what point you I'm running away from the objective right now I'm about to just run I'm going to train them and then run back down I'm bringing all the zombies to you I'm looping zombies right now don't fret and I run by them excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me sir sorry excuse me I'll be on my way now oh you [ __ ] auto heal too that's great I didn't even notice that please oh my God it's a [ __ ] code it's a [ __ ] code how do I have to you have to look for those symbols search for the combination in the living quarters using the lantern get the [ __ ] out of here dude it's it's a puzzle but I'm getting killed by zombies as I'm trying to [ __ ] get you got one zombie following me I can probably train him while you figure it out I've got just I've got just one zombie on me slowly getting burned to death I I'm not sure if the burn will stop or not okay I'm searching I don't think the burn will stop so I think he's eventually going to die all right just keep going I to search for the codes Ln in this room oh my God number four is the cat wait you do it as I read it to you fox yeah but yeah trying to keep you alive too remember four is the cat I'll remember it four cat I'm just having a gu where I'm just leading the guy around so I'll remember it they're saying it's living in the living quarters is just this whole room yeah I imagine the whole area you're in oh my God how am I going to find that the Pack-A-Punch room go I got fast hands found all right lucky give me a good gun please all right that's a pistol that's why do they keep spawning ooh big big storm y maybe down here on these paintings like maybe like on each painting it is on each painting dragon is one dragon is one and then um he kind of looks like Zeus Aquaman as three I don't think this counts as I got I got it I got it I got it I just got a [ __ ] guy you got the thing oh it says pick up cylinder yeah nice wow we actually got that [ __ ] done we only need two more cylinders then I don't know so I'm assuming we can actually win on like regular zombies what I what I imagine is there's like you get something for doing everything and then you can go until you die right that's kind of how zombies did origin re that's like those are like lore ones like lore related yeah um I don't know let's find out yo heyo for the 10K Bitties I didn't even see that [ __ ] thank you for the 10,000 [ __ ] Bitties bro okay Jo us real Chatters enjoy watching you no matter what you're playing thank you for watch kick a can down an alley if he was having fun for the for the for the sub the B for the three T3 andab mom's left I'm not going to lie as soon as the zombies [ __ ] chatter got y I'm back I'm are they all dead cuz I'm I listen I just got the one guy following me so it's chill I don't know if they'll have him die at some point like they do in C you could probably kill him now I've just got the one guy chilling Joe let's do this next one do the next one do the next one I'm vibing destroy the statue what do you mean crack do you have an item Fox no no no I have nothing oh oh wait these things turn when we shoot them no no no we we us have to manually turn them we have to figure out which what each four statue s what each one turns to what the there's only one Statue no there's four Joe around like look like there's no one right here here how do I turn it you interact with it all right hold up let me big brain this oh wait it it tells you this this one is aimed at like that weird dragon looking thing so wait let's go over to yeah I think do we have to have it face it yeah it has to face okay it's already facing it all right so leave this one Alone face the dragon wait I'll go do another one you do you do one wait why is only one of them lit oh two the ones that are lit are the ones that are done this has to face up he died he just died on me all right we only need watch him fall over so there is a limitation got it it's a goat Hanah do we kill it oh scored Joe you have to bring him Joe's [ __ ] imagine if I actually could have killed it though and we had to restart that would have been awesome I think that would be really funny in my opinion if it actually died yeah okay so once again if you see them like blink out of existence they're teleporting behind you like it's an anime and I don't know if that's like meant to happen no matter what but all right I'm going to be killing the zombies you esort them there are a lot on me already how are there already this [ __ ] many cuz we're on Wave 24 yeah it's been like 10 seconds cuz we're good sneak I actually I need your help really cuz I got I mean my guns are so weak that I literally can't kill the okay BR you got to get a gun from lucky and I died oh [ __ ] I'm out of it [ __ ] vulnerable leave me alone leave alone a god run theat dude they are [ __ ] pming me you got it you got it you got it okay the goat made it Goat made it by itself I I helped it but I that's why he's the goat bro that's why he's the goat yo I'm actually about to die oh my God they're like yo for r I can't [ __ ] even see how many people it was I'm going in just so I can kill him right here stun get him oh infinite ammo [ __ ] yeah spamming I'm spamming I'm spamming I'm spaming [ __ ] shotgun with infinite ammo op thing I died [ __ ] [ __ ] I am not able to resue right now I feel like they're thinning though I'm not going to kill one I'm coming to you I got him I got him all right do you guys have any on you guys or no uh nope all right got nobody right now just I need to buy one of those [ __ ] life don't kill oh a oh boy oh no we do need to kill wait so we have to kill them while we're in here I actually don't know no I think we have to kill them while they're while they're in here yeah yeah that's what I just said no but you don't understand no we have to kill them while there in here oh I don't know if you knew that or not I don't really pay attention can you guys hear them fine chat the game's mad loud oh insta kill insta kill insta kill perfect bring him in bring him in Abraham still strong as yeah AB is fair that would be pretty disgustingly overpowered if you could just one k one shot almost dead okay that guy exploded right outside of the circle that's really immature I'm honest [ __ ] man nice why get like I'm about to just I'm just I'm literally just going to [ __ ] taret him he's angry he has so much [ __ ] health 7% I got a note apparently predictions on what round I'm down I'm down I'm down I'm down I'm down I'm going to rest myself that's that's fair we got a lot going on okay we got it we got to pick up the CER now give me it it won't let me grab it the [ __ ] I got it got wait is this get Medusa did it say that for y'all I'm iMed I'm immediately running to it Oh I thought that was the first one we got my bad [ __ ] knocked back that [ __ ] bro what's the name of this game again scur ritual I can't I don't even know how to get over where I need to be uh I got Abraham here with me just hanging out is this I'm in the [ __ ] corn right now eliminate elimate banshees what are banshees I don't even know where they are I'm just going to melee Abraham slowly oh these aren't creepy foxman's playing with his eyes closed what do you mean I'm playing my [ __ ] eyes close Jo I just killed three of them oh I'm scared you're a dick yeah I didn't even know what you meant at first I started defending myself look at me I'm not wasting my ammo I'm not wasting my ammo on you Abraham I'm chopping you get the choppies man you get the choppies you get the choppies sh the metal scarecrows with the Thunderbolt oh I can't even afford it oh I can get like the wonder waffle oh I just had a buy it though I hope it's good uh which do I oh the metal scarecrows which ones are the metal scarecrows yo chat look how much damage this gun does only takes six clips to kill which ones are the metal scarecrows six it only takes my entire ammo rack the entire the entire bandier bro where are the metal scarecrows by the crops question mark I need help that's not B I'm going to die we need you here I can't see [ __ ] I'm I'm you know I got I'm I'm hanging out with Abraham well I'm trying I I'm on it I'm working on it I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming Amo for the Thunderbolt where the I'm on the way please oh my God I'm on the way you can self vulnerable I'm invulnerable I'm invulnerable that's one and I literally rived me and I died inant please me there's no way I can't n you got this you surely have this few enemies no you have this few enemies no you got this there's a few enemies only'll be did they really that's [ __ ] wait all right I'm dead dead did they really yeah that's why I gting you you're still you're still able to rest yourself Fox yeah Joe IUN way out of the [ __ ] I don't know what I got but I got a gun called Thunderbolt I don't have a life token wait buy a life token before the round guys I picked up a crazy gun in the field I don't know how you guys missed it might have been one of yours it's going crazy shoot metal scarecrows with the Thunderbolt oh that's what we were you just not listening the whole [ __ ] time no I'm I've been I've been giving Abraham the the [ __ ] slip the whole time void for the sub bro thank you there you go I did it maybe one more now you're about to get it where's the fourth one one I don't know where the fourth one is oh my God I never even saw them up there you I can't seem to find the fourth scarecrow they're usually pointing I couldn't even find [ __ ] one I'm surprised he found three that one that one he's up high wait what yep got him did I not get him what the [ __ ] you didn't get it what the [ __ ] bro why is every gun dog [ __ ] well now you have infin infinite ammo spam it there we destroy the electric cages with the Thunderbolt should what are these guns double barrel there's a we're probably going to end with this um whenever we die here tomorrow I'm doing unbans and horror games Friday and Saturday I'm not live Sunday's reacts Monday's Sim games Tuesday we're probably going to be live for like two hours random [ __ ] Wednesday is I wanted to this lightning gun might be really good more horror games next Thursday I'm either going to do the snappy 3v5 every rankb or some other [ __ ] and then the week after that is umch Rivals and uploading on the gaming channel today too it's probably going to be a slightly shorter stream depending on how long this Tak if I live the whole if I live the whole time though then we're chilling chat yo thank you uhhuh uhuh I need to find the pack-punch or what are you going to Pack-A-Punch of the Thunderbolt we're still streaming right now not ending right now it has been a w stream though outside of when I lost my [ __ ] on my chat okay hold on and when we lost in party animals because I got really mad but you know like I'm being so serious on it fun either way yep see see you guys never charge the Tes oil how do we charge it standing in the circle well that was easy pick up the dude I got sudden death with this sap gun and it's just insta killing like multiple things at once I grabbed it put all the cylinders in the podium oh my God I'm there oh my God I'm there I put all of them in escort the siphoner into position power failed you need the power oh [ __ ] blows it's good in crowds every gun I have is awful uh it does insta kill most things this thing you the thunder gun actually shoot just shoot fell I die because of that wow I went for the pack and died uh-oh I can rest CH G the where oh [ __ ] I forgot I had to I had to go somewhere else to revive myself hold on uhoh it's is it oh it's just me isn't it or it's just you this is going to leave a mark it's whether or not you tokens to revive both of us or enough money to buy two tokens I know I got to get there though excuse me I'm like running all the way over to you to see what your [ __ ] p is chaotic it's actually pretty calm right now but I think it's cuz I'm ahead of them try not to kill everything before you buy those tokens or we don't come back our who is who is Baby gr baby groin who is Baby groin why are people saying baby grank in chat I don't think I can carry more than King is he actually in chat yeah well if you go back around baby groin okay spawn is this way and then right he is [ __ ] searching for this [ __ ] right now I was wrong think nope I was right I remember this ow spamming brain on your go toilet angle is heing oh my God no way he gets this res off bye it says a scirt the siphoner but who even is the siphoner that's two who is the siphoner though I don't even know uh I don't know is it one of us no we got to go where that whatever that objective is down that's why wait you're for you're welcome for the clutch team is today Wednesday chat uh Joe Wednesday yeah it's Wednesday all right thank you [ __ ] dude [Music] um oh my God I don't know how to get over there check your Miracles I had three levels up I had three levels I think it gave us three No I gave me I still only need one oh no it's in the corn field oh no it's not it's under the corn field how do I get downstairs I pack-a-punched the uh electric gun it's still terrible I don't know what I just heard make a [ __ ] clown noise but that [ __ ] was scary oh we have to escort this thing we have to stand in it or it doesn't move you got to stand dude we got to push the [ __ ] payload I instantly died you have to stand in the [ __ ] Circle you got to push the payload that's awesome and if you don't s it starts going backwards it starts going backwards I'm resing you I'm resing you I'm resing you I'm resing you I'm resing you get ready to run I can't I can't even move I can't even move I got you I I like I'm dead stuck oh my God where am I what I don't know what I them all and chain lightning them all I just teleported oh interesting why am I this far away did the game feel bad I don't know I I died on the payload thing is it I can once I have everything back I do I can do it again hold on I died you have to buy another thing oh [ __ ] dude how the [ __ ] do I get over for that was a thing max ammo is beautiful dude guns are literally I I can't kill anything I don't know how I get down though I literally keep forgetting how to [ __ ] move move over to you guys I just I just Meander until until I make it I'm going to be honest you just run around aimlessly yeah I've just been aimlessly running I think I got to go this way and then I jump down that hatch I know where I'm going something spawning on me and it made another giggle noise and I don't like it I'm back down holy [ __ ] there's a lot of them stop no way I'm to die your ability is so good yeah I've got a stun gun my grenade is a stun and I've upgraded it to where it stun for I think something like 9 seconds infinite ammo no sneak you have enough money to buy us both again Mama Mia here I go [Music] [Applause] again oh this thing is moving moving oh my God it backpedals bro sneak carrying you've already charge it past one point though so when it back pedal again it's already farther than yeah you're about to finish it exract enough Ence to open the B Doors this how we get out like yeah you're you're on like the third checkpoint everything's just so D extracting Essence by just killing them everything is so Dandy yeah you hit a double res here surely I can figure out best way to go oh God I just saw those guys spawn in front of me did you see that oh o what was that is an AK lucky I don't know what this is but I want it really bad sneak playing God at the moment bro is literally just [ __ ] jump training them ran by an afterlife Tok I already got it I grabbed it you didn't see how fast I grabbed it wow wow I think that gun does no damage yeah you bought a tier one gun I I bought a regular gun I haven't even upgraded it it could be good if I upgrade it I might okay there's like only these guys left so I'm going to try to find a place I two hours later are you complaining oop excuse me are you are you are you was there a life token dispenser up there are you complaining are you complaining oh one right here okay Reviving Jo there you go oh I did it no way I'm back I'm the goat uh don't kill a zombie don't kill a zombie don't don't kill him don't kill him there's only a few left and we can push this thing this thing is really annoying to push without the enemies or withing Essence to kill them oh oh okay I didn't know I didn't understand how they were pushing it or how it was pushing quick I thought it was just me being there I thought it was just me being in it that was no that's what I was trying to tell you is there were checkpoints you you have to move it and then extract you already had it oh now we okay so now we got to extract again okay I got it I got to Pack-A-Punch this gun I want to see how good it can be I don't know maybe I should get the lightning gun again lightning gun was pretty good dud just kill him in the circle I just killed like a ton of them now we can move it again wait there's an instant kill let him come over here that is bro that is the nice how many times we have to move how many times do we have to [ __ ] do this I have no idea that shotgun sounds so good why is that butcher not moving oh I just wasted a heal I'm on the run o oh my God I forgot we could slide this whole time and you go way quicker when you slide yeah yeah the slide I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck got him open the vault door return to the vault door how the [ __ ] do we get there I'm assuming down I think it's that where foxes all right I'm going down there oh [ __ ] I'm in here I'm here too oh don't tell me it [ __ ] inches like this the progress of that [ __ ] slow you're kidding keep running back and forth in this [ __ ] holy [ __ ] look at the amount of them there are too many of them a bunch de in it a little bit oo shot what the [ __ ] was that infinite ammo just standing it round we get out do we get out can we get out oh [ __ ] abah destroy the power coils it's just too many things there are so many things get in here get in here oh the power coil up so much health for [ __ ] and Abraham's chilling where wait where are they these red things on the wall oh no they're not bad I One Clip got halfway dead one down oh now they're all down with us though [ __ ] dude I'm getting low on ammo there's a there's a ammo box at the I see I see it I see it oh oh it closes them oh my God this guy is [ __ ] murdering me I'm running back you can't [ __ ] up the train max ammo that's beautiful another one one more oh my God a infinite ammo again infinite ammo you guys grab not confident you got to go oh my God entrance of Abraham's chamber we got to go this way get it be cautious my great uncle Abra R kill Abraham down here is that how he comes back boss fight oh my God he's [ __ ] G oh my oh my God just yoink me in here here and there's the other zombies too that's impossible that's [ __ ] impossible I'm getting killed something's just slowly attacking me I'm getting toward Abraham there's an ammo box in here thankfully holy [ __ ] oh my Lord dude Abraham is my ass what is hitting me oh the orange I was like dude something is annoying me yeah I'm [Music] dying [ __ ] I want to focus shooting on Abraham but every time zies just [ __ ] run up and start smacking me [ __ ] I'm low oh my God I wish I could buy a [ __ ] heal token right now good timing on that there's not a whole lot of zombies Left start shooting Abraham don't shoot the zombies there's one behind him that's still alive leave him alive [ __ ] I'm I'm almost dead oh my God and he was pulling up on me oh dudee he like sucked you in I accidentally killed a zombie uh I think a few more just showed Up's getting hot dude where is he literally right on top of me where did all the zombies go I still see one they like all died oh there's a nuke button I'm down I'm down I'm down I'm down I'm down there's buttons on the floor there's buttons on the floor [ __ ] I didn't know using that gun using that would get rid of my [ __ ] my bad no way you get the rest oh my God God was one second off bro I have an invulnerability in a second here you're still getting hit bro he pulled me away I was hoping I could get I'm dead unless y are able to uh I know I was hoping I could res him and he could use the token on you I don't see just got to focus [ __ ] Abraham oh I can't leave [ __ ] yeah but do you think that reset the boss fight I I can't even leave if I wanted to apparently we can't yeah no it's a wall I think this literally is just the final [Applause] boss there's little bomb like Triggers on the floor and I think they hurt you but they can death you do more damage when it death no it does same amount to him even though he's [ __ ] even though he's boss that does same am dude this health is not even going down on my screen oh my God it's like inching dude eding my chat is [ __ ] [ __ ] arguing about nightbot right now for figured this would be the last thing to do so should have got Mommy nightbot stop I should it's a [ __ ] AI chat it's not a real person what is that over there safe guard he's walking the speed of light right now what is the hell is he doing I don't know he's running in circles is he glitched he's meant to like hit the wall I think and he's just not what the [ __ ] don't tell me left what is happening to him he's in I just saw him go in the wall he's going through the wall it's so hard to kill him bro I'm going to let him hit me there let him hit me I let him hit me BR was getting crazy with it oh here we go again oh never mind he's so [ __ ] fast yeah I think he got stronger a little bit he's doing like other [ __ ] now trying so hard not to die cuz I'm so low you're back to I that now oh thank you Abraham you just took me out of the fire what a nice guy he's a little thoughtful he's almost dead thinking about us a little bit yeah for the three setup for college classes today got into the intro of want to say thank for creting my interest in it w [ __ ] message W chatter I hope you enjoy it I told you lighting you'll probably write some papers you don't want to write but that's also you know the [ __ ] class itself but that is a [ __ ] dub how did I die uh let me know how it goes milk for the sub and chat sorry I lost my [ __ ] earlier I mean all the people that bet [ __ ] left we lost the [ __ ] 1,500 people but you know the people that stayed W [ __ ] Chatters I know this game isn't like the most broad game ever it's pretty Niche but nice I still appreciate everybody that [ __ ] stayed we're not going to run this every day but it is a fun game you know something to play uh you know for myself aties are so good tomorrow we're going to be doing [ __ ] for chat sucks kind of more of a game for me but you know tomorrow's unbanned we're doing scary games after that it's games regular games uh Friday Saturday I'm not live Sunday's reacts Monday Monday is when we're going to do Supermarket Sim we're doing a bunch of Sim games so we'll be playing a lot of Supermarket Sim probably and then maybe like one or two other Sim games we'll try out uh Tuesday I probably will be live we're going to be doing um either reacts probably late night reacts or just random gaming probably a shorter stream Wednesday is uh scary games Thursday we might be doing Rainbow if not it will just be other [ __ ] uh and then just regular [ __ ] for the rest of the week next week after that is uh twitch Rivals Minecraft but you know if we love that we'll stay with it if not we'll throw otherwise we'll run it until we get out cuz it's a [ __ ] week long event it's uh not next week the week after that it's three EST every day Monday through Friday two mini games each day The Losers of the mini games are out of the tournament forever so you know if we [ __ ] hate it we just leave but I'll leave that up to you guys on that one on whether or not we [ __ ] with it the views will be lower on those streams just because I'll have to go live at 3 on weekdays but I mean I don't choose when twitch Rivals times are but that's also like literally two weeks away the game is scar ritual for the people that are asking what the [ __ ] they almost killed Abraham dude oh with a apparently dude how do more zomes I feel like it's stuck on round 30 it is yeah well this is the boss I guess this is the last saying do you think round 30 is the last round in the game or do you think there like go I just think it's cuz we started the boss yeah he has a sliver of Health I should not have abandoned my thunder gun that thing was so good was stupid freaking this slow ass shotgun oh my [ __ ] why don't you res I can't I can't res myself I'm Already Dead Forever unless they res me with a token but they can't leave to go get a token oh he so close and I don't have a token to rest myself let's [ __ ] go I fear this is not the last continue to the mystery of the god killer [ __ ] let's get out of here I'm satisfied wait what the [ __ ] is this there's a gun in there there's more stor hold up I tried to leave and it didn't work I can't pick up that gun why can't I pick up that gun uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh you got to get the [ __ ] out of there I'm going to go I got do do I have to hold it uh-oh oh God yeah there it so you can still die hold on let me cook got it wow nice that was a good game I would definitely be down to play the other Maps this is good this is cool I like this [ __ ] dude yo my score was trash I only had 228 uh 228 kills not bad bro I'm not going to lie as soon as I died and I had to play without having like guns and I was just with that pistol I was useless for like half the game because because you have to grind all you have it's like such a slow ground and I couldn't kill anything so I couldn't make any money that's pretty rough we unlocked a stranger skull mask I'm definitely down to play that in the future oh that's a cool mask thanks for later bro appreciate you popping out for [ __ ] party animal sne yeah thanks for the last second join man sorry we that was [ __ ] D dude didn't uh do as well as we but golden rabbit mask whoa uh I will Laing police you guys soon see you buddy catch on all right chat that was a w stream uh we're gonna call that there a little bit early um yo my bad for losing my [ __ ] you know like I I just it just annoys me when like once in a blue moon I try to play something that I just want to you know play and I know I [ __ ] [ __ ] on it initially but I was like I I didn't give the game a chance when I gave it a chance I started [ __ ] with it and then everybody was just complaining so it upset me but uh yeah you know party animals was fun outside of the fact that I just [ __ ] rage quit or not Rage Quit we lost and then I raged but you know that was a fun stream you know think that's stuck around I'm going to be posting on YouTube right when I end uh but outside of that I'll be live around 4 4:30 EST tomorrow we're going to be doing on bands and then we're going to play scary games I think we're going to be playing Father's Day unspoken and then a bunch of itch.io horror Mo for the three missed my last bits I was wondering if you would rate chats pets I've already done that um so probably not but um yeah you know I'll be live tomorrow 4:30 4 4:30 EST on band and then scary games Friday Saturday off Sunday reacts Monday uh we're going to be doing um Sim games Tuesday short stream probably two hours of random [ __ ] Wednesday scary games Thursday either rainbow or some other [ __ ] and then the next week after that I'll be twitch Rivals for Minecraft uh I don't know how many days we'll do it depending on whether or not we hate it or if we get out but yeah you know it might be all five might be one two three four who knows but uh that'll I'll talk about that more as we get closer outside of that chat W stream thank every followed sub donot Etc if you have any games you want me to play or videos you want me to react to X my Discord video games a TI five the videos to watching games that I play so if you have any videos you want me to watch the games you want me to play send those there I appreciate every that popped out you know love y'all not in a per social way but you know appreciate y'all uh and I had a fun stream today you know even with the hiccups uh and I hope y'all did too and I will catch y'all um tomorrow right posting on the gaming channel today uh the main on Friday gaming on Saturday and then main on Sunday uh so not posting tomorrow but outside of that we're going to be you know playing a bunch of [ __ ] yet but yeah I'll raid sne see what he's doing and yeah I catch y'all soon appreciate y'all we're going to raid in 5 4 3 2 1 go watch the Youtube video right when I post uh literally right when I end and I will catch y'all tomorrow see