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"Hi, how are you and where are you from?",
"Hi, I'm from Dallas, Tc. where are you from?",
"I live in the east with my cat, Jasper. Do you have pets?",
"Dogs, dogs, and more dogs. I love them.",
"Ajaja.. I concur. I'm a barista, what do you do?",
"I work at a free clinic.",
"Oh ok. Sounds interesting. I'm vegan, do you eat meat?",
"Yes, but mainly chicken and fish.",
"Mmmm salmon. Orange just like my favorite color.",
"Its so delicious when you grill it... my favorite color is green."
"utter":"Green is a nice color especially when holding my favorite flower, the rose.",
"One Grand Slam breakfast for you !",
"Thanks . You know , I just noticed that these eggs are fried , and I ordered scrambled .",
"Thank you for pointing that out . I mistakenly gave you your friend's breakfast .",
"Not a problem . I can just trade my plate with his ."
"utter":"A special order of banana pancakes for you !",
"Where should I park ?",
"Do you have a car or motorbike ?"
"utter":"I drive a scooter",
"Hello, I love eggs for breakfast.",
"Hello so do i! do you love creating art like I do?",
"I was born to paint and stuff.",
"Cool. I'm know as a painter. Do you have siblings?"
"utter":"I've chickens and birds.",
"Hi how are you doing?"
"utter":"Great, I am sitting on the couch knitting.",
"i want to try out a new recipe for dinner tonight . how does potato soup sound ?",
"i do n't really like potatoes . can you try something else ?"
"utter":"how about a pasta dish ?",
"Please tell me I'm not here alone. I need someone to talk.",
"You are not alone, I'm right here, okay?",
"Please me it quick. How many conversation we need to make?",
"I believe 7 or 8 of them, why?",
"How much you make per day here?",
"I am not to disclose such information, but working hard gets you places here.",
"Just type in more than 5 words and you are fine.",
"Yes, that is correct, fellow friend.",
"Do we need to talk in a topic.",
"We can if we choose to, do you have any pets?"
"utter":"I have a dog and a cat.",
"What are your plans on this beautiful day?",
"Gonna chill with my two turtles and play games. You?",
"Great. I am going to take pictures to do of the beautiful outdoors.",
"It rains here too much. I like red. What is your fav color?"
"utter":"Green, like the beautiful grass and nature.",
"I stole my dad alcohol just last month",
"My dad had a lot of alcohol and i stole some from him",
"How old were you?"
"I just dropped the cake.",
"You didn't try to catch it?",
"I did but it fell to the floor fast.",
"I'm sorry to hear that. Can you buy another one?",
"Yes, but I'm sad I lost the first cake."
"utter":"There's no point in crying over spilt milk.",
"Hi there, do you play video games?",
"Hello no I don't. I prefer to take a walk on the beach."
"utter":"I used to play my guitar at the beach.",
"Hello, how are you today?",
"Doing well, and yourself? What do you do?",
"I'm good thank you, I work in the er. you?",
"I'm a state trooper in Michigan and I've 4 children, all girls.",
"My fiance is a detective, we are in Florida. Do you read?",
"Yes. oh and I have 2 dogs, siberian huskies. Do you have pets?"
"utter":"We have a springer spaniel and a cat.",
"Yes , sir . What'll it be for you ?"
"utter":"Two hamburgers and French fries .",
"Wow ! I can't believe I'm standing here !",
"What are you so excited about ?"
"utter":"I'm standing in front of an exquisite work of art !",
"i have a huge bachelor party coming up, feeling nerouvs",
"Hello, I go to the university in my city. Can you tell me about yourself.",
"Hi, I'm a very social guy, got a bmw and plenty of friends.",
"Well I don't have many friends and no sibling either.",
"Ok, what are your hobbies?",
"However, I do love pizza and my dog keeps me company.",
"Cool shopping is my thing maybe why debt is piling up.",
"I like to collect red items as it is my favorite color.",
"I don't collect anything but if I did it would be green.",
"I only shop when I've yo, is there anything else you can tell me about yourself?",
"Not really, but what about you? Where are you from?",
"I am from Missouri, how about you?"
"utter":"I am from key west Florida.",
"How are you doing today.",
"I'm doing well. Do you have any pets?"
"utter":"I have a bunch of horses.",
"oh , man . nobody can stand this kind of burning heat .",
"tell me about it . you ca n't even stay in the sun for 5 minutes .",
"you 'll be dried up like a dried plant .",
"i like your humor , mark . anyway i guess this afternoon , there is nothing we can do but stay home .",
"i guess so . i do n't want to be taken to the hospital .",
"you want my advice ? drink a lot of liquids and avoid the worst heat .",
"yeah , you 're right . go to drink a lot of fluids . do you have any beer ?",
"yes , do you want coors light or corona ?"
"utter":"corona , please",
"My neighbor, who I've lived near for eight years, just got a brand new boat. We're alright friends, and we get along well, and I don't usually have any negative feelings towards him. But I can't help but feeling like he's better than me after he's gotten a boat.",
"My neighbor, who I've lived near for eight years, just got a brand new boat. We're alright friends, and we get along well, and I don't usually have any negative feelings towards him. But I can't help but feeling like he's better than me after he's gotten a boat."
"utter":"Its just a boat",
"I'll make the dough",
"I'll get the sauce ready for the perogi.",
"Did anyone bring alcohol?",
"I do have wine!",
"Excellent what kind?"
"utter":"I have red wine!",
"Good evening. What are you up to?",
"Have you been keeping busy?",
"Yes, mostly doing things I like like playing basketball.",
"That's great, I really like spending time with my dogs and helping out at local shelters.",
"Got any pets? I do. he's called mater and he's a cat.",
"I do have two dogs they're boys diesel and cole."
"utter":"Oh cool you do have pets! Do you like lightning Mcqueen? I do.",
"We will go to climb up the hill tomorrow . Let's go to supermarket to buy some food .",
"Yes , we can have a picnic on the top of the hill .",
"What should we buy ?",
"Let me see . We should go to buy some fruit first .",
"It is heavy and not convenient to take them to the top .",
"How about taking a cantaloupe ? It is light and sweet . Children love it .",
"Good idea . We can buy some candy and nuts for children .",
"Yes . Look , cashew , peanuts , assorted biscuits , chocolate , canned goods , anything else ?",
"That's enough for the kids . Get some drinks ."
"utter":"Definitely beer . Two bottles .",
"Would you like a cup of tea?"
"utter":"I'd rather have a bottle of cola, please.",
"I'm thirsty . Pull over to that store , I'll buy some drinks .",
"I'm afraid I can't . Parking is not allowed here .",
"Oh , that's too bad . Where can you park around here ?"
"utter":"There is a square in front of us , we can park the car there .",
"Hi. a bit shy, but I wanted to say hello.",
"Hi, I'm an alcoholic at work nobody knows I also smoke 2 packs a day.",
"You must have a lot of stress. I'm not a drinker, but I empathize.",
"If you were to be reincarnated as an animal what would you want to be.",
"A dog like mine. He is my best friend.",
"I'd want to be a hippopotamus like in egyptian hieroglyphs.",
"Neat. I guess I am content to live like I do now.",
"My favorite thing to do is drink irish cream coffee and listen to lindsey sterling.",
"I prefer cocoa, but listening to music is a great idea.",
"Sure do you have any good meatloaf recipes I'm always looking for more.",
"Not really. You like making meatloaf?",
"I like eating meatloaf! What do you like?",
"My dog mostly. Too shy to have many friends.",
"I meant what do you like to eat?"
"utter":"Mashed potatoes and gravy with chicken.",
"Do you have shoes here ?",
"Yes . What do you want to buy ?"
"utter":"I want to buy a pair of shoes for an interview .",
"Where to , ma'am ?"
"utter":"The Grand Hotel .",
"Hello! I'm cinder! Hows your day been?",
"My day has been good! Watching my favorite tv show currently.",
"That sounds fun. I'm singing along to the radio while I cook dinner.",
"What are you cooking. I don't happen to really enjoy eating pickles!",
"Pickle stew! Ll actually spaghetti. I love to cook!"
"utter":"Are you one of those people taking pictures of food on their phones, I've an iphone.",
"I have been working really hard in school. I have a test coming up and I am pretty sure I will ace it.",
"I have been working really hard in school lately.",
"That's a good thing.",
"Yes. I have a test coming up and I am sure I will ace it!",
"That's really good. What class is it?",
"Hello there! How are you doing?",
"I am great! What are some of your hobbies?",
"I like playing stringed instruments a lot!",
"Me too! I learned to play guitar about five years ago.",
"I love playing my a lot whenever I'm not with my pets or kids.",
"That's cool I've kids too. We are going to rent go carts the weekend.",
"I am going to a bakery with mine to eat my favorite dessert!",
"What is your favorite dessert?"
"utter":"Chocolate cake, with extra frosting!",
"How are you doing today.",
"So far so good, you?",
"I am great. I am dancing.",
"While at your keyboard? Lol sounds fun.",
"And playing with my barbies.",
"Neat I guess. I'm a chef to this rich guy... what do you do?",
"Go to school and play a lot.",
"Bars or in an athletic capacity?",
"I am not old enough for bars.",
"Ah got ya... what movies you into?",
"I like Disney and Cinderella and oh a crayon.",
"Lol is it a green one."
"utter":"No it is a blue one.",
"Check out all the pictures that I have on my wall!"
"utter":"Wow, you've got quite the collection of photos on your bulletin boards.",
"I'm just now finishing up the kitchen. Wiping all the crumbs off the counter.",
"Did you clean the kitchen alone?",
"I did. But there wasn't much to do.",
"What did you eat?"
"utter":"Soup and a crusty bread.",
"Are you ready for a second ?",
"No , I'm afraid we'll have to cancel the order . I'm not sure whether it agrees with me .",
"Would you like anything else ?",
"I'd prefer swordfish steak .",
"I'm sorry.It ' s out of season now ."
"utter":"Oysters , please .",
"I sure do miss the good old days of my childhood.",
"My childhood was mostly in the 1970s",
"ok thank you bye",
"You going somewhere ?",
"Look ! It's clearing up ."
"utter":"I can see the sun now .",
"Ikebana , it's an art of flowers and it's quite different from Western style flower arrangement because in Ikebana's theory you can decorate one flower , only with one flower .",
"What's another Japanese art ?",
"Japanese art ? Mm , Ikebana ! Tea Ceremony !"
"utter":"Tea Ceremony ! Tell me about Tea Ceremony .",
"do you have internet in your room ?",
"sure , I am a total internet junkie , I can't survive without internet .",
"really ? What do you usually do online ?",
"well , there are a lot of things , like reading news , email , shopping , etc . but mostly I chat online . You could say I'm addicted to online chatting .",
"I never chatted online before . What's it like .",
"well , basically it's similar to face-to-face chat , but you type instead of talk . You should try it at least once .",
"really ? Who do you chat with ?",
"to people all over the world ! I have a lot of net pals . See , the magic of internet is that it connects people from all over the world . You can chat with someone thousands of miles away as if they were",
"that's amazing . I will install an online messenger program when I get home .",
"well , my suggestion for a newbie like you is that don't get lost in the cyberspace . You know internet won't do the filtration for you , so you still need to use your judgement . There are a lot of per"
"utter":"don't worry .",
"What musical instrument do you play ?"
"utter":"I can play the piano a bit .",
"I wonder who that man is .",
"Which man ?"
"utter":"The one smoking a cigar .",
"I was visiting Jan's house and she went to take a shower before studying so I explored her house.",
"What did you find?",
"I got hungry so I found her pantry.",
"What did you eat?"
"utter":"I made myself a sandwich.",
"I was a little envious my friend got a new car. I kind of wanted it",
"I was envious of my friend when he got a new car. I kind of wanted it",
"What kind of car is it?"
"utter":"A bmw",
"Howdy how are you doing let us chat and make friends.",
"I'm good how are you?",
"I'm okay I like going out to concerts every weekend.",
"That is good I like to go fishing.",
"That's cool each and every day I swim at the y.",
"That sounds fun. I don't swim much.",
"That is okay my best color is the bluest of blue.",
"That is cool I like black.",
"I also like black and I love the color green too.",
"That is cool my dog is black."
"utter":"My cat is black and white.",
"Do you take reservations ?",
"Of course . Reservations aren't necessary , but we recommend them as our restaurant can get quite busy .",
"I need a table for two for tonight .",
"What time ?",
"We'd like to be seated at 8p m .",
"Smoking or non ?"
"utter":"Non-smoking .",
"Here is your room . I hope you like it .",
"Looks not bad .",
"The room is away from traffic noise .",
"Yes , It's pleasantly quiet here ."
"utter":"Here's the bath .",
"What are you doing this Saturday ?",
"Not much .",
"Do you want to go see a movie ?",
"That sounds good .",
"What's playing at the Century Fox ?"
"utter":"Candlelight in the Window",
"WHy are gas prices so high!",
"Why are gas prices so high!",
"I know right! they keep going up in my area its crazy!"
"utter":"I wish my car drove on water",
"Hi how are you today.",
"I am so excited. Because my papa is taking me for ice cream later!",
"That is great what kind is your favorite to eat.",
"Chocolate chip! Grama is making pizza with me for dinner too!",
"Sounds like you are having a fun day.",
"I'm! My kitty is snuggling against me right now. He's so fluffy."
"utter":"I've dogs 2 german sheppards.",
"Ash was begging to go to the store with me.",
"Did you take Ash with you?",
"Yes, I did. Ash needed to buy food for dinner.",
"What did Ash make for dinner?"
"utter":"He made spaghetti with garlic bread.",
"How are you doing today?",
"I'm good. How are you.",
"I am good thanks. Where are you from?",
"Ohio. I'll probably stay here because I've two jobs. What do you do?",
"I am a cook. What so you do?",
"I am a cashier. Do you like cooking?",
"Yes I love to cook.",
"Cool... I like to eat healthy and non gmo.",
"Have you ever been outside of Ohio?",
"Yeah, I went to a red hot chili peppers concert in Indiana. You like music?"
"utter":"I like the red hot chili peppers.",
"If my plans work out, Ill be moving to France in the winter.",
"If my plans work out, I'll be moving to France in the winter.",
"that is so cool! omg beautiful.. what part of france?"
"I'm really happy in life right now. I have my cat, books and can eat all the good foods.",
"I'm really happy in life right now. I have my cat, books and can eat all the good foods"
"utter":"That's great! I also have a cat, she's so precious",
"Can you deliver it , please ?",
"It depends where you live , sir ."
"utter":"In Camden Town .",
"i tried to phone you last night , mrs white . in fact , i rang you up three times . but nobody answered .",
"well , we went to the cinema after dinner .",
"oh , did you ? what film did you see ?"
"utter":"the red rose .",
"Hi how are you this night.",
"I'm doing great, listening to the waves crash on the beach. How are you?",
"Very cool. I wanted to swim on the sea but I never did.",
"I love it here. My parents are teachers and wanted to retire on the beach.",
"Enjoy! I lost my mother long years ago. I miss her.",
"That would be hard, what kind of music do you like?",
"I am not good with music but I like watch Anime.",
"I've never watched it, does it have pop music?",
"I listen but not much. Are you.",
"It is always playing at mcdonalds, I have become used to it.",
"What kinds of food do you like. I like meat."
"utter":"I love cheeseburgers and fries.",
"Do you know how the national flag of Canada looks like ?",
"I don't know ."
"utter":"There is a maple leaf on the flag .",
"I am feeling kind of bored right now, do you want to come over and play?",
"Sure, I will be right there.",
"Okay what do you want to play?"
"utter":"How about we play Guitar Hero together?",
"What would you like to order ?",
"I would like to have a hamburger .",
"Did you want it with cheese ?",
"I don't want cheese on it .",
"Did you want anything to drink ?",
"I think I'm going to get a soda today .",
"What kind of soda can I get you ?"
"utter":"A Sprite sounds good .",
"So what brings you to my office today ?",
"My tooth is killing me !",
"How long has your tooth been bothering you ?",
"It just started hurting me last night .",
"Have you injured your tooth in any way ?",
"I think one of my fillings might be coming loose .",
"Do you have a special kind of toothbrush that you like to use ?"
"utter":"I have an electric toothbrush .",
"What does it take to have a woman that will stay till death",
"What does it take to have a woman that will stay till death",
"I am not married, so I am not sure.",
"Ok, I want a woman that will be faithful",
"Where do you go to meet women?"
"Hi, how are you today?",
"I would be better if I had some company.",
"I just finished cooking dinner. I love to cook.",
"I wish I had someone to cook for me, but I live alone.",
"Where are you from? I was born in Austin, Texas.",
"California. What do you like to do for fun?",
"Cooking, and posting pictures of the food I eat on facebook.",
"I enjoy fishing, I live near a lake.",
"Do you cook the fish you catch?",
"Depends. I do not enjoy cleaning the guts out.",
"Yeah, that doesn't sound like fun.",
"No its pretty gross! I would rather pick something up at the store haha.",
"I really enjoy trying new recipes.",
"Whats your favorite thing to cook?"
"utter":"My favorites are probably pastas and chicken.",
"I'm making a cake for Steve's birthday.",
"Oh what kind are you making?"
"utter":"A dark chocolate cake.",
"Hello there. Hows your morning going so far?",
"Its going good! You? I am just working at the office.",
"What do you like to do for fun?",
"Knitting, shopping, and getting tattoos. I've two already. You?",
"I mainly just going for long walks on sunny days, that and reading.",
"That sounds fun. I also snuggle with my cat, speckles. Do you have a cat?",
"No. I've two dogs, though. They are small dogs.",
"I'm more of a cat person. Dogs destroy stuff too much lol.",
"I would like to get a kitten actually but would be afraid to.",
"Why would you be afraid? They're good pets."
"utter":"Because of our two small dogs.",
"My son passed his driving test yesterday. He really studied hard for it.",
"My son passed his driving test yesterday and got his license"
"utter":"Are you happy?",
"i feel amazing when i visit the pairs",
"miracle happens when you went to world wonder places",
"Yeah, where did you go?"
"My brother got a new car. I am a little envious of what he got",
"My brother got a new car. I am a little envious of what he got",
"What kind of car did he get?"
"utter":"It was a bmw",
"How's the weather today ?"
"utter":"It's cloudy .",
"I'll tell you something that's good about action movies . The special effects are great !",
"But they are so silly ! They're not art !",
"That's just your personal prejudice . Do you know who was the director of the movie Titanic ?",
"James Cameron , of course .",
"Well , did you know he was also the director of The Terminator ?"
"utter":"Well , nobody's perfect !",
"What can I do for you , Madam ?"
"utter":"I'd like to buy a pair of leather shoes .",
"i felt bad when i couldnt get a gift my daughter wanted",
"i felt bad when i couldnt get a gift my daughter wanted",
"I am sorry, what did she want"
"utter":"a horse",
"I had cereal for breakfast this morning. It was a brand new box, but when I poured it into my bowl, there were several little live bugs in it."
"utter":"I had cereal for breakfast this morning.",
"Packages Express. May I help you?",
"Yes. Hi. I sent a package last Thursday, and I'd like to track my order.",
"No problem. I can check the shipment on the computer for you. This Monday's order... Let me see. Ah, it's here, last Thursday. Do you have your order number?",
"Sure. It's 6-0-1-4-2-8.",
"OK. And the last name on that order?",
"It's Conley. That's C-O-N-L-E-Y.",
"And where did you send the package to?"
"utter":"San Francisco.",
"Hello, how are you?",
"Good than. Tell me about yourself.",
"I'm a recently single art teacher. Glamorous right?",
"She just recently left me. A few weeks ago. Angry I did not own a tv. shallow right?",
"Youre a man?",
"Last time I checked, yes.",
"Lol I just assumed.",
"What did you have for dinner? Curious, I hate pizza so I had pasta."
"utter":"Spaghetti with meatballs.",
"hello , i 'm from the students ' union . we 're doing a survey of students ' eating habits . would you mind if i ask you a few questions ?",
"not at all .",
"what 's your favorite food ?"
"utter":"hamburgers and french fries .",
"Hi , dear , I've got your voice at last .",
"Hi , darling , I am thinking it is the time of your calling ."
"utter":"Are you OK today ?",
"Hi how are you doing.",
"Hi.. I'm good.. how about you.",
"I am good do you like sports.",
"I love yoga and sports too.",
"I play basketball in my free time.",
"I am a fan of hockey.",
"Do you like to listen to music.",
"I like rock music.. I'm fan of elvis.",
"That's cool I like religious music.",
"Where are you from now?",
"I am from Tennessee where are you from."
"utter":"I am from Memphis Tn.",
"Are you ready to order now , sir ?",
"Yes .",
"Would you like an appetizer ?",
"Yes . I'd like a crab cocktail .",
"Would you like some soup first ?",
"Very well .",
"What kind of soup would you like ?"
"utter":"I want egg soup .",
"Hello how are you today, I just came in from taking my 2 girls to the mall.",
"Hello, I'm good. How are you?",
"I am pretty good the weather is good here in Georgia, where are you from?",
"Me and my cat charlie are in the mist of irma in Florida.",
"Oh wow that's not good.",
"No it is not. I'm scared a night and I used to like nighttime a lot.",
"That is scary what do you do for a living?",
"I am a artist. What do you do?"
"utter":"I'm a musician the violin is what I play.",
"What are you looking for?",
"Ah. What kind of shoes?"
"utter":"The black and white Nikes.",
"how did you do on your BELTS exam ?",
"fantastic ! I got an overall score of eight .",
"that's excellent ! Have you received your conditional offers yet ?",
"yes . I'm just waiting until I officially get admitted to the university with a conditional offer to apply for my visa .",
"do you know where the visa office is ?",
"no .",
"it's just near the Dong Si Shi Tiao subway stop .",
"that's not too far away . Do you think I'll get a visa ?",
"have you ever gone abroad before ?",
"yes , I've been to Tailband , Egypt , and Japan .",
"have you ever been denied a visa before ?"
"utter":"never .",
"hello , i 'm from the students ' union . we 're doing a survey of students ' eating habits . would you mind if i ask you a few questions ?",
"not at all .",
"what 's your favorite food ?"
"utter":"hamburgers and french fries",
"hurry up ! or we will be late for the meeting ."
"utter":"do n't worry . it 's",
"Hey whats your favorite rap star.",
"I'm not into rap but I do play piano in a jazz band.",
"Do you live in the city I live on a big farm.",
"I do live in the city. I play at a lot of clubs.",
"Only clubs we have here are for country music.",
"We play country music at the coffee shop where I work. Do you work?"
"utter":"Yep I drive a semi, its big.",
"What would you like to have in your breakfast , bread , egg or sandwiches ?",
"Bread .",
"And milk or orange juice ?"
"utter":"Orange juice .",
"I am really happy with my daughters' musical ability",
"Both of my daughters are fine musicians.",
"Wow thats amazing! How old are they and what do they play?",
"10-Piano, 13-Violin.",
"Oh! Two of the most beautiful instruments! Congrats! Does musical ability run in your family?"
"utter":"yes, I'm a guitar player",
"Oh , Sam ! Is this your dog ?",
"It's Cindy , you know that . Hey , Cindy , say hello to Maria .",
"Cindy , you're so cute .",
"She is also very naughty . By the way , do you have a dog , Maria ?"
"utter":"I have a little white cat .",
"I was disappointed not to get a job. I interviewed for it but didn't get it.",
"I was disappointed not to get a job I interviewed for.",
"Wow! Never mind, the best is reserved for the last",
"Hopefully - I need to find something soon."
"utter":"Don't give up!",
"Come on in . Let me show you around . Here \u2019 s the living room .",
"Great . The view from this window is wonderful ."
"utter":"This is the kitchen .",
"I felt terrible when I broke our television a few weeks ago",
"I felt terrible when I broke our television a few weeks ago",
"How did you break the TV?"
"utter":"a football :(",
"Hello. Sunnyside Hotel. May I help you?",
"Yes, I'd like to book a room for two on the 21st of March.",
"Okay. Let me check our books here for a moment. The 21st of May, right?",
"No. March, not May.",
"Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmm,",
"Are you all booked that night?",
"I'm sorry. They are all booked that day.",
"Then do you have a room available either on the 20th or the 22nd?",
"Well, would you like a smoking or non-smoking room?"
"utter":"Non-smoking, please.",
"You look really nice today .",
"Thank you . I just got this outfit the other day .",
"Really , where did you get it ?",
"I got it from Macy's .",
"It's really nice .",
"Thanks again . You look nice today , too .",
"Thank you . I just got these shoes today .",
"Really ? What kind of shoes are they ?"
"utter":"These are called All Star Chuck Taylors .",
"Hey, do you want to go to a party with me?",
"That depends, what kind of party?"
"utter":"Just a house party.",
"hi , come on in . Can I take your coat ?",
"sure , thanks . I brought you a bottle of wine as well .",
"you're the first guest to arrive . I'll just put your coat away and then I'll get you something to drink .",
"should I take my shoes off ?",
"whatever you prefer .",
"this is a very nice place . How long have you been living here now ?",
"just over three weeks . Would you like a drink ?",
"sure , what do you have ?",
"I've got white wine , red wine , gin and tonics , ginger ale , lemonade , orange juice , and sprite ."
"utter":"I'll have a glass of red wine please .",
"Good evening . Room Service . May I help you ?",
"Yes . Please send one \" Fried Rice , Hangzhou Style \" and one \" Fruit Salad \" to my room .",
"Anything to drink , sir ?"
"utter":"Yes , two bottles of beer .",
"How are your wedding plans going ?",
"Very well . We started organizing everything early to avoid a last minute rush to get things done .",
"When will your wedding take place ?",
"At ten o'clock on the morning of next Sunday . We have invited all our relatives to the wedding .",
"It will be a large church one . Is your wedding dress ready ?",
"Yes , its design is very elaborate and the designer took many weeks to make it .",
"You will be very beautiful on your wedding day .",
"Thank you !",
"Which hotel will the reception be held at ?"
"utter":"The Palace Hotel .",
"Good evening. How are you?",
"I am having a great time with my best friend.",
"Right on I just got home form working at my company.",
"Do you have a best friend?",
"I do. I have a wife and kid as well.",
"Mine is my dog."
"utter":"We also have a dog. a poodle.",
"Are you going to leave school at the end of the term?",
"Yes, I am.",
"What are you going to do?",
"I'm going to be a clerk.",
"What does a clerk do?",
"He works in an office. He writes letters and reports, and he types.",
"I want to be a vet.",
"A what?"
"utter":"A vet--a veterinary surgeon.",
"Mittens get off the table already!",
"Hi how are you doing?",
"Very well thank you! Sorry about that I was talking to one of my cats.",
"What do you do for a living?",
"Oh, I'm a veteran. Helping all the kitty cats and dogs live healthy lives!",
"What city are you from?",
"I'm from San Francis, and yourself?",
"I'm in so cal myself.",
"Sweet. Do you have any animals? I actually have a few. Mainly cats though."
"utter":"I've two dogs right now.",
"is marie at home ?"
"utter":"no , she 's in the hospital .",
"Hi how are you today.",
"I'm good, how are you? Just working at home I'm an editor.",
"Is editing fun or tedious?",
"It can be tedious, but I enjoy it. Its like a puzzle I'm figuring out.",
"Very true. Do you have kids?",
"No, I don't. My child is my cat. How about you?",
"I've 3 kids its a handful.",
"I am sure it is! I've both depression and anxiety. I mainly stay in.",
"I see. Do you go on walks?",
"Yes, I love going on walks and enjoying nature.",
"I also love going on walks nice.",
"I hope I can move from where I'm living soon. Where do you live?"
"utter":"I live in my Honda civic car.",
"Hi want to be my friend?",
"Yes, I would love to. I'm in college.",
"I never went to college. I get on okay.",
"Do you have any pets?",
"Nah. I do like to fish, but they aren't pets.",
"Oh, I've one dog. His name is socks.",
"That's a fun name. What kid of dog is he."
"utter":"He's a little white maltese.",
"Wow, I love my new tv set. I can watch my Youtube videos on it.",
"That sounds nice. Do you so with family and friends?",
"Naw, just droopy, my small little beagle.",
"I enjoy watching clips with family and friends all the time.",
"Do you have a big family?",
"Yea, big family and big sports fans.",
"Dang it. I just spilled my bbq sauce on the floor. No shrimp sauce now.",
"Hopefully I don't spill anything in my brand new Chevy.",
"Wow, a new truck or car? What color?"
"utter":"New truck, a silver silverado.",
"I like to stay here .",
"Why ?",
"People are very kind down your way . You \u2019 re lucky .",
"Yes , do you always gather to welcome new comers ?"
"utter":"Never .",
"I love diving in the deep blue sea! Wanna talk about that!",
"Sure. Fire away. I've never done that.",
"It is the most amazing thing!",
"What do you do for a living?",
"Please don't laugh. I'm a party planner.",
"Do you ever do weddings?",
"Hello, are you still there?",
"Yes I am still here loll.",
"I like going to bars and do stand up comedy.",
"What city are you from?"
"utter":"I am from the Kansas city area.",
"You should have seen Alex when she opened the box!",
"What did you do, buy her a present?"
"utter":"Yes. I told her I had a surprise, and gave her a box with a ring inside.",
"I was happy when my brother got us play tickets. I wanted to see it for a long time",
"I was happy when my brother got us game tickets. It was going to be fun",
"What game will you be going to?"
"utter":"Its a baseball game",
"What's your number ?",
"I'm number seven . What about you ?"
"utter":"Five .",
"I went to see my grandma today.",
"How is she doing?"
"utter":"She's still in the hospital.",
"Carson taught me a lesson.",
"How did you feel?",
"Why did Carson teach you a lesson?",
"I hurt Cameron."
"utter":"You deserve it.",
"I invited Casey to dinner at my house last night.",
"Did Casey agree to come over?",
"Yeah, and we had dinner that seemed to go well.",
"What did you eat for dinner?"
"utter":"Steak, potatoes and salad.",
"Omg, my ferocious feline kj is trying to attack birds outside!"
"utter":"Oh funny! I have a dog and a cat.",
"Hello! How are you doing today?",
"Hi, I'm just fine thanks.",
"What are you doing this weekend?"
"utter":"I'm plan on going to a birthday party.",
"i felt bad when i couldnt get my daughter the gift she wanted",
"i felt bad when i couldnt get my daughter the gift she wanted",
"That is sad. What was the gift she wanted?"
"utter":"she wanted a horse",
"Hey look at that.",
"What is this?"
"utter":"I found money on the street.",
"Hi. how are you doing tonight?",
"Doing good just tired trying to put my kids to sleep.",
"How many kids do you have?",
"I have 3 do you have any?",
"No I don't. Still looking to meet the right woman.",
"Oh I found the right woman we were just kids when we got hitched.",
"Nice! I do not go out much because I'm busy at my accounting job.",
"Yeah do you enjoy your job at least.",
"I do enjoy it. It gives me the opportunity to lease my dream car.",
"What is your dream car?"
"utter":"A brand new Bmw. It is black.",
"How are you doing today.",
"Omg hyper hyper hyper I got done swimming 30 minutes ago need my meds.",
"What kind of medication do you take.",
"Amphetamines! When I run on the track the asphalt melts!",
"Are you prescribed those by a doctor.",
"Who cares! I've got the high score on every video game!",
"Do you get paid for that.",
"Sometimes! What do you do for a living? Tell me about you!",
"I'm retired. I used to act.",
"What kinds of productions did you act in?",
"I was a background actress in good will hunting.",
"That was a good movie! What are your hobbies?"
"utter":"I like to be outside in my garden.",
"im happiest when i eat my favorite meal.",
"all is right in my wold when i eat my favorite meal",
"utter":"a nice juicy cheese burger with mushrooms",
"Hi, John. What are you doing here?"
"utter":"I'm waiting for the bus.",
"Excuse me , sir . Can I help you ?",
"I'd be glad to have your help . Could you make the air-conditioner cooler ?",
"I'm sorry . We can not regulate the air-conditioner . As soon as the plane takes off we'll be able to get better ventilation , and the temperature here will drop . Let me get a wet towel for you at the moment .",
"Good idea .",
"Your wet towel , sir .",
"Thank you . Could I have something cold to drink ?",
"Yes . We have mineral water , orange juice , coke , which do you prefer ?"
"utter":"Orange juice , please .",
"I was at the zoo one time. I monkey was chewing on a banana peel like it was hungry.",
"What happens in the Fall?"
"utter":"The lovely leaves fall from the trees.",
"I proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes. I am so happy she did."
"utter":"I proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes!",
"I was walking home at night. I didn't see anyone else during the walk."
"utter":"I was walking home at night.",
"__ SILENCE __."
"utter":"I love watching the clouds in the sky.",
"I am going to help my friend move to his new home.",
"This weekend, I am going to help my friend move to his new home.",
"Awesome! What does his new house look like?"
"utter":"It is a big house with a pool. I like it.",
"Hey man , you hit my car .",
"I really didn't mean to .",
"It doesn't matter , because you damaged my car .",
"It looks okay to me .",
"Look what you did to my rear bumper .",
"What's wrong with it ?",
"My bumper is smashed in .",
"I didn't do that .",
"Your front bumper is just as damaged .",
"If you'd just give me your number and insurance , then I'll handle it .",
"Here . I'd better get a call from you ."
"utter":"Don't worry .",
"I like NBA very much .",
"Did you watch NBA games before you came to the U . S . ?",
"No , I didn't .",
"What a pity !",
"Do you like NBA ?",
"Yes , of course .",
"Who do you like best of the NBA players ?"
"utter":"Kobe .",
"How are you this evening?",
"Not bad, suspenders are digging into my shoulders though.",
"Ha! I remember those days.",
"Remember? Are you older then?",
"17. I had to wear them in catholic school back in new England.",
"Ah, a uniform. My only uniform is the ink stains on my shirt.",
"Well, my life has been very sheltered but now....",
"How about now? Did something change?",
"Yes, I plan on raising some hell and getting some!",
"Oh my. I prefer staying home and playing videogames myself.",
"Right on. Nothing wrong with that.",
"So, are you a fan of animals? I have a cat, he is adorable."
"utter":"We have a cat and a dog.",
"what do you want to have for drink ? we have coffee , sprite and orange juice ."
"utter":"orange juice please",