UbuntuIRC / 2020 /05 /11 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[02:02] <callmepk> good morning
[02:36] <jbicha> juliank: that might be bug 1873658, fixed in -proposed
[02:36] <ubot5> bug 1873658 in desktop-file-utils (Ubuntu Focal) "Deb Files are not associated with an application that manages packages" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1873658
[02:43] <duflu> Morning callmepk
[03:21] <callmepk> morning duflu
[06:38] <didrocks> good morning
[06:38] <seb128> goood morning desktopers
[06:41] <duflu> Morning didrocks and seb128
[06:41] <duflu> biab
[06:44] <didrocks> hey duflu, salut seb128
[06:44] <seb128> hey duflu, salut didrocks, how are you?
[06:44] <didrocks> good, thanks, and yourself?
[06:45] <seb128> I'm good thanks!
[06:56] <ricotz> good morning
[06:57] <duflu> seb128, tired. We had just enough easing of restrictions for Mother's Day to go ahead. Though that probably doesn't explain it -- I slept heaps, just low quality
[06:57] <duflu> Hi ricotz
[07:04] <marcustomlinson> morning desktoppers
[07:04] <didrocks> hey ricotz, marcustomlinson
[07:06] <duflu> Hi marcustomlinson
[07:07] <marcustomlinson> hwy didrocks and duflu
[07:10] <ricotz> hey duflu, didrocks, marcustomlinson, seb128
[07:12] <callmepk> hi ricotz didrocks marcustomlinson seb128
[07:20] <didrocks> hey callmepk
[07:21] <marcustomlinson> hey hey ricotz and callmepk
[07:35] <oSoMoN> good morning desktoppers, happy Monday!
[07:39] <marcustomlinson> morning oSoMoN
[07:39] <oSoMoN> morning marcustomlinson
[07:40] <duflu> Hi oSoMoN
[07:40] <didrocks> happy Monday oSoMoN
[07:41] <oSoMoN> hey duflu
[07:41] <oSoMoN> salut didrocks, ça va bien?
[07:43] <didrocks> oSoMoN: ça va bien, merci, et toi ? :)
[07:43] <oSoMoN> très bien
[07:44] <oSoMoN> I was just showing and explaining IRC to my 7yo daughter, and she couldn't stop laughing at my nickname :)
[07:44] <didrocks> ahah, unsure how insulted or proud you should be :)
[07:46] <oSoMoN> amused, that's all
[07:49] <ginggs> hi desktoppers, would someone please help me stop my PC suspending at the login screen? LP: #1874219
[07:49] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1874219 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) " PC suspends after 20 minutes at the login screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1874219
[07:49] <ginggs> it's a desktop PC, so is always on AC power
[07:51] <marcustomlinson> duflu: Interested to see the bug backlog graph this week :)
[07:51] <duflu> marcustomlinson, I got the impression you had done some things... Yeah I will update it before EOD
[08:02] <Laney> moin
[08:03] <didrocks> hey hey Laney
[08:03] <oSoMoN> moin Laney
[08:08] <duflu> Hi Laney
[08:08] <marcustomlinson> ginggs: left a comment on your bug
[08:08] <seb128> hey marcustomlinsonric callmepk, ricotz, how are you?
[08:08] <seb128> Laney, hey Laney, good long w.e?
[08:10] <ginggs> marcustomlinson: thanks, giving that a try
[08:11] <oSoMoN> salut seb128, ça va?
[08:12] <seb128> oSoMoN, ouais, ça va ! et toi ?
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[08:16] <callmepk> seb128 : Pretty good! how are you?
[08:16] <seb128> callmepk, I'm good
[08:16] <oSoMoN> seb128, bien, merci!
[08:16] <seb128> shrug, libreoffice
[08:16] <oSoMoN> what's up with it?
[08:16] <oSoMoN> that help bug?
[08:16] <seb128> yes
[08:16] <seb128> I tried to upload the Debian package to a ppa unmodified
[08:17] <seb128> failed after 23 hours with a ENOSPACE in the ppa :/
[08:17] <Laney> hey didrocks oSoMoN duflu seb128
[08:17] <seb128> the log has those 'no obvious way to instantiate implementation' warning though, which doesn't have in Debian
[08:17] <seb128> so I expect the config would have been buggy and then it's not a difference in the package but in the depends versions or toolchain
[08:18] <seb128> I also tried to disabled Bsymbolic-function since that often creates issues but no luck
[08:19] <ricotz> oSoMoN, seb128, this starts to look like some burried condition whether this is a "Debian" build
[08:20] <seb128> ricotz, those 'no obvious way to instantiate implementation' warnings in the log are weird
[08:20] <seb128> also the resulting binaries are fine
[08:20] <ricotz> seb128, fyi http://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/libreoffice/main.xcd.diff
[08:20] <seb128> it's just a config problem, copying main.xcd from Debian makes F1 call the webbrowser on the documentation
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[08:20] <ricotz> the last hunk looks pretty problematic
[08:21] <seb128> ricotz, the lack of all the DesktopBackend entries also no?
[08:21] <ricotz> maybe
[08:21] <seb128> and how did you manage to get a pretty diff like that :p
[08:22] <ricotz> but if replacements are not correctly filled this is a reall issue, which might not be restricted to main.xcd
[08:22] <seb128> right
[08:22] <seb128> numbertext is a diff with Debian
[08:23] <seb128> no?
[08:24] <seb128> I wish that Debian upload had successed in the ppa, it would have told me if those .xcd diff were still there
[08:26] <ricotz> seb128, it is a switch to the internal dep, so might be handled wrong by the libreoffice buildsystem
[08:26] <seb128> right
[08:42] <ginggs> marcustomlinson, seb128: thanks for your comments in the bug
[09:53] <duflu> Erm, yeah marcustomlinson you win (is that you?) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRDHPxGBHqM6XkT_S8ggtYfD0xchKSUD_z9PopNVE3G1rU05fVSnxDGcDsEstl7gu7N-tzCU6mLUp2V/pubchart?oid=254968654&format=interactive
[09:56] <marcustomlinson> duflu: boom
[09:56] <marcustomlinson> yeah cleaned out oldy mouldies
[09:56] <marcustomlinson> not without irritating a lot of people with all the bug mail of course
[09:57] <duflu> :
[09:57] <duflu> :
[09:57] <duflu> :
[09:57] <duflu> 🎤
[09:57] <duflu> That was your delayed mic drop
[09:57] <duflu> Nice
[09:58] <marcustomlinson> :)
[09:58] <Wimpress> Morning o/
[09:58] <duflu> marcustomlinson, I found in the past roughly 1 in 400 people got angry, which is sufficiently low
[09:58] <duflu> Morning Wimpress
[09:58] <marcustomlinson> duflu: and I was actually quite surprised by the number of positive reactions from users too
[09:59] <marcustomlinson> I got a fair amount of "thank you for saying _something_ on this bug"
[10:00] <marcustomlinson> even some negative reactions turned positive when I took the time to apologise and they realised there was a human watching the bug
[10:00] <duflu> I assume it most mostly silence
[10:01] <marcustomlinson> mostly yes, but if someone did reply I owed it to them to reply as well
[10:03] <seb128> hey Wimpress, wb, had a good week off?
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[10:13] <duflu> marcustomlinson, that's amazing, thanks. I will also end my day on that good news
[10:13] <marcustomlinson> duflu: good night :)
[10:29] <ricotz> seb128, nevermind my comment about the $(instdir)
[10:29] <seb128> ricotz, oh?
[10:29] <seb128> it's resolved at runtime?
[10:30] <ricotz> seb128, $(insturl) is normal
[10:30] <ricotz> yes
[10:30] <seb128> k
[10:30] <seb128> k
[11:28] <jphilips> hi all. I came across this on twitter related to the software store in 20.04 and wanted to bring it to your attention if you weren't already aware of it
[11:28] <jphilips> https://twitter.com/itsfoss2/status/1259735657020370944
[11:30] <marcustomlinson> thanks for the heads up jphilips
[11:31] <jphilips> marcustomlinson: any time. was going to mention it in the #ubuntu-quality channel, but wasnt sure there were any ubuntu team members in there other than wimpy
[11:34] <ogra> jphilips, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store/+bug/1875450 most likely
[11:34] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1875450 in snap-store "Doesn't provide search info to gnome-shell overview > search" [Low,Confirmed]
[13:53] <ogra> seb128, here is a shiny little bug for your next evo upload https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/1877852 ... :)
[13:53] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1877852 in evolution (Ubuntu) "Evolution not showing unread count in dock, missing build-dep" [Undecided,New]
[13:55] <seb128> ogra; hey, thanks, I wonder when we regressed that and how :/
[13:57] <jphilips> has there been any reports of snapd slowing shutdowns - https://twitter.com/j4yav/status/1259824398871257088
[13:58] <ogra> yeah ...
[13:58] <ogra> it is shiny with that feature though ...
[13:58] <ogra> ... and i was surprised how quick evo builds nowadays :)
[13:58] <ogra> jphilips, yes, a fix is in edge AFAIK
[13:59] <ogra> has been discussed on https://forum.snapcraft.io ...
[14:00] <ogra> (and in the #snappy channel as well)
[14:01] <jphilips> ogra: thanks
[14:03] <ogra> jphilips, there is also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/1877852
[14:03] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1877852 in evolution (Ubuntu) "Evolution not showing unread count in dock, missing build-dep" [Undecided,New]
[14:03] <ogra> err
[14:04] <ogra> sorry ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1873550
[14:04] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1873550 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Snappy daemon reaches 1min30s timeout during shutdown process" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[14:04] <ogra> silly copy/paste ...
[14:05] <seb128> jphilips, please use launchpad for bug repiorts
[14:09] <oSoMoN> seb128, would you mind sponsoring https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/adwaita-icon-theme/-/commits/ubuntu/focal/ to focal, please?
[14:09] <jphilips> seb128: okay
[14:09] <seb128> oSoMoN, I can do that sure, thanks for working on the update :)
[14:09] <oSoMoN> np, it was an easy one
[14:11] <seb128> ogra, oh, that's a new feature in fact, nice. We provided that with evolution-indicator ... did that one stop working for you? or did you just not have it installed?
[14:30] <ogra> seb128, i think one of the upgrades removed it ... (i didnt really stay long on 18.04, might have been that upgarde, I just used 18.04 to jump to 20.04 from 16.04)
[14:31] <seb128> ogra, can you try if reinstalling it fixes the issue without rebulding evolution?
[14:32] <seb128> ogra, would still be nicer to use the upstream variant but it's a bit annoying to enable, we are in sync with Debian and they don't have libunity so we would need to have a diff (or to get libunity to Debian ideally)
[14:33] <ogra> ah, k
[14:33] <ogra> hmm, the indicator pulls in all the old gconf-2 stuff alongside
[14:34] <seb128> oh :(
[14:35] <seb128> the feature is minimal, it probably makes sense to enable it for focal in the next upload
[14:35] <seb128> less annoyance and better out of the box experience
[14:41] <ogra> seb128, yeah, seems to work ... the indicator should perhaps be a recommends ?
[14:42] <seb128> ogra, I would rather avoid pulling gconf in by default, enabling the upstream support seems a better way
[14:43] <seb128> also better to maintain a one line control diff than maintaining an outdated source depending on gconf (which we will want to remove from the archive at some point)
[19:07] <ogra> seb128, well, i invalidated the bug anyway, guessing you might want to fix it in debian rather (once they pulled unity8 in they might also pull in libunity (IIRC even unity8 uses that)
[19:18] <seb128> ogra, right, libunity is standalone and would make sense there
[19:19] <ogra> +1