UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /13 /#ubuntu-ci-eng.txt
Initial commit
[02:04] <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 19 building (started: 20141113 02:05) ===
[03:24] <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 19 DONE (finished: 20141113 03:25) ===
[03:24] <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/19.changes ===
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
[05:19] <Mirv> mornings
=== verterok` is now known as verterok
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
[10:29] <oSoMoN> trainguards: hey, can silo 6 be published, please?
[10:57] <oSoMoN> ping, any trainguards around?
[11:00] <Mirv> oSoMoN: o/
[11:00] <Mirv> publishing
[11:02] <oSoMoN> Mirv, note that there are packaging changes, they have already been acked by kenvandine
[11:02] <oSoMoN> Mirv, see his approval here: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/sanity-unit-tests/+merge/241543
[11:03] <Mirv> oSoMoN: oh, excellent, I was just about to ping og_ra on them
[11:03] <ogra_> heh
[11:03] <Mirv> oSoMoN: that doesn't include the autopilot dep changes though
[11:03] <oSoMoN> ah, right, it doesn’t indeed
[11:03] <oSoMoN> ogra_ to the rescue? ;)
[11:04] <Mirv> yes. ogra_ : https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-006-2-publish/37/artifact/packaging_changes_webbrowser-app_0.23+15.04.20141113-0ubuntu1.diff
[11:04] <Mirv> looks correct, autopilot-touch depends on python3-autopilot plus autopilot-qt5 which depends on libautopilot-qt
[11:04] <ogra_> hmm, i hate that i cant see which section these changes are in
[11:04] <Mirv> ogra_: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/depend-on-autopilot-touch/+merge/240039
[11:05] <ogra_> yeah, doesnt help :P
[11:05] <Mirv> well that of course doesn't help :D
[11:05] <Mirv> I agree, it's annoying
[11:05] <ogra_> (same diff)
[11:05] <Mirv> you can guess since you see the first line of description...
[11:05] <oSoMoN> yup, it would be cool to be able to display the entire file in launchpad’s diffs
[11:08] <ogra_> ok, took a bit (dug up the complete file from the branch) ...
[11:08] <ogra_> ACK
[11:08] <Mirv> ACK
[11:10] <cjwatson> oSoMoN: Could you file a bug on Launchpad itself suggesting that, please? I had a quick look and nothing similar appears to have been filed already.
[11:11] <oSoMoN> cjwatson, sure, will do
[11:17] <oSoMoN> ogra_, Mirv: thanks!
[11:19] <oSoMoN> lp timed out when trying to file a bug against it :/
[11:19] <oSoMoN> now it got through
[11:19] <oSoMoN> cjwatson, bug #1392282
[11:20] <ubot5> bug 1392282 in Launchpad itself "Feature request: show entire file in diffs generated for merge requests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1392282
[11:20] <ogra_> it just wants to make you think twice ;)
[11:21] <oSoMoN> or it’s a clever way of devising the perfect product: no bug reports, no bugs :)
[11:23] <cjwatson> oSoMoN: thanks
[11:23] <cjwatson> timeout> oops id or it didn't happen :)
[11:23] <oSoMoN> darn, I close the page, didn’t keep the oops id at hand
[11:23] <oSoMoN> s/close/closed/
[11:24] <cjwatson> (but it might just be one of the gazillion problems that will be fixed once the new database servers are installed)
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[11:42] <bzoltan> slangasek: We need your eyes on the new qtbase candidate which brings the multiarch cross supporting qmake
[11:43] <Mirv> slangasek: there's a debdiff of Zoltan's work at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/190250795/qtbase-opensource-src_5.3.2%2Bdfsg-4ubuntu2_5.3.2%2Bdfsg-4ubuntu3~vivid1~test1.diff.gz (don't mind the changelog stuff, I'd do a proper build after there's agreement on the method)
[11:48] <mvo_> Mirv: nice, that looks pretty straightforward
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[13:25] <boiko> robru: hi, would you mind reconfiguring vivid silo 22 again? I had to add one more MR to it
[13:33] <Mirv> boiko: he's not awake for 3.5h more hours, but I'm here for a bit still
[13:34] <boiko> Mirv: ah ok, would you mind reconfiguring the silo then?
[13:37] <Mirv> boiko: yep already done
[13:37] <boiko> Mirv: thanks!
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[14:05] <silDroid> Hello!
[14:06] <silDroid> Dropped in for a moment to check how things are going
[14:06] <silDroid> I see the landing gates are closed already?
[14:06] <silDroid> Any topblockers remaining? :)
[14:07] <ogra_> silDroid, sure, lots
[14:07] <ogra_> silDroid, but we have a ggood RC candidate
[14:07] <ogra_> looks like we'll make it for tomorrow promotion ;)
[14:07] <silDroid> No waaay!
[14:07] <ogra_> processes processes processes ;)
[14:07] * ogra_ does the ballemt
[14:08] <ogra_> *ballmer
[14:09] <silDroid> Anyway, great news, thanks for handling this guys
[14:21] <silDroid> My turn in the queue, good luck everyone and keep on rocking!
[14:21] <silDroid> See you later ;)
[14:21] <silDroid> o/
[15:03] <sergiusens> ogra_: do I need to bribe you these days for silos?
[15:04] <sergiusens> or Mirv and rsalveti still good candidates?
[15:04] * sergiusens wants one for line 72
[15:04] <sergiusens> should be a quick one
[15:04] <rsalveti> I can do it
[15:04] <ogra_> sergiusens, Mirv and robru are the trainguards
[15:04] <ogra_> i do the landing tea, duties beyond that
[15:04] <ogra_> *team too :P
[15:04] <rsalveti> sergiusens: silo 6
[15:05] <sergiusens> ogra_: so you are above everyone? sort of like a manager :-P
[15:05] <sergiusens> rsalveti: thanks
[15:05] <ogra_> kind of ... the amount of meetings i have agrees
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[15:38] <Mirv> ogra_: one landing tea for me, please!
[15:38] * ogra_ goes brewing :)
[15:38] * Mirv likes fast service
[15:39] <jgdx> cihelp: we (uss team) are having some issues with the otto test runner e.g. [1]. Tests are failing, then timing out, then a Java error. Any clues as to why this happens? Thanks! :) [1] https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-vivid/109/consoleFull
[15:47] <davmor2> ogra_: you don't do landing coffees man you're a drinkist who knew
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
[15:51] <ogra_> davmor2, lol, for myself i only do coffees :) but there is a missus here in the house too ;)
[15:52] <davmor2> ogra_: oh you mean there is a boss in the house right ;)
[15:52] <ogra_> yeah :)
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
[16:05] <fginther> jgdx, I'll take a look. First question I have, are these desktop tests providing useful results over the tests that are running on touch?
[16:15] <jgdx> fginther, yes, they have so far.
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[17:24] <jdstrand> trainguards: can I have a silo for line 73?
[17:25] <ogra_> robru, you around ?
[17:27] <bzoltan> slangasek: ping
[17:28] <slangasek> bzoltan: hi
[17:29] <bzoltan> slangasek: would you have few secs to check my change proposal for the qtbase packaging?
[17:30] <bzoltan> slangasek: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?distro=ubuntu&q=landing-016
[17:30] <bzoltan> slangasek: details -> https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/kubuntu-packaging/qt5-qmake-cross-armhf/+merge/241568
[17:31] <bzoltan> slangasek: this will enable the SDK to use the x86 qmake binary with the armhf dev packages... namingly enable the qmake project types in multiarch click chroots
[17:35] <slangasek> bzoltan: currently on a call, sorry
[17:35] <bzoltan> slangasek: no worries :) pong me when you have few minutes for me
[17:53] <robru> ogra_: hey what's up?
[17:53] <robru> jdstrand: rtm 2
[17:54] <jdstrand> robru: thanks!
[17:54] <robru> jdstrand: you're welcome
[17:56] <ogra_> robru, just wanted to know if you are there since you werent at the meeting ... (i would have looked for another llander for the US TZ then)
[18:02] <robru> ogra_: ah sorry, just missed my alarm. I'm around now if you need me to handle anything
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
[18:08] <ogra_> robru, no, all fine ... RTM is still frozen hard anyway
[18:13] <brendand_> ogra_, it's starting to look like this MTP issue is real
[18:14] <ogra_> brendand_, hmm, hwo long/often do i need to connect to actually see it
[18:14] <ogra_> (i tried three times since the meeting and cant manage to get it)
[18:15] <brendand_> ogra_, you have to leave the device disconnected for a little while
[18:15] <ogra_> bah ... and saying that ...
[18:15] <ogra_> i did
[18:15] <ogra_> three times
[18:15] <ogra_> and just tried again now
[18:15] <ogra_> and got it :(
[18:16] <brendand_> ogra_, and i rolled back to 151 and couldn't get it
[18:16] <ogra_> brendand_, but
[18:17] <ogra_> brendand_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8991048/
[18:17] <ogra_> this is clearly a hos issue
[18:17] <ogra_> *host
[18:17] <ogra_> please check your PC logs
[18:17] <brendand_> ogra_, which log was that?
[18:17] <ogra_> dmesg on my laptop
[18:20] <ogra_> there is either something going on on kernel level on the device or on driver level on the PC
[18:21] <brendand_> ogra_, i actually get http://paste.ubuntu.com/8991087/
[18:21] <brendand_> ogra_, so what's the deal with it working on 151 then?
[18:21] <ogra_> brendand_, that log looks fine
[18:21] <ogra_> and i have to take back everything i said ... my screen was locked
[18:21] * ogra_ slaps forehead
[18:22] <brendand_> ogra_, are you looking the directory i told you or seeing what nautilus is doing?
[18:22] <ogra_> brendand_, not yet ... i was double clicking nautilus and noticed it didnt open the device
[18:22] <ogra_> then checked my dmesg
[18:22] <brendand_> ogra_, didn't open at all?
[18:22] <ogra_> but indeed you need to unlock the screen before connecting
[18:23] <ogra_> totally forgot about that
[18:23] <brendand_> ogra_, well you can unlock after too
[18:23] <ogra_> right
[18:23] <brendand_> ogra_, if the phone is locked then there will be something in 'ls $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/gvfs' but nothing in that directory
[18:24] <ogra_> confirmed
[18:24] <brendand_> ogra_, if it's unlocked then you will see directories for the Internal storage and SD card
[18:24] <brendand_> ogra_, unless you get the bug described then there will be nothing in gvfs
[18:25] <ogra_> right
[18:25] <brendand_> ogra_, davmor2 confirmed independently
[18:25] <davmor2> ogra_: it's true sorry I blame you, brendand_ is nice and blames cyphermox
[18:26] <ogra_> phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ status mtp-server
[18:26] <ogra_> mtp-server stop/waiting
[18:26] <ogra_> thats probably the reason
[18:26] <brendand_> ogra_, yeah that would be it i guess
[18:26] <brendand_> ogra_, but why did it stop? there's no crash file
[18:27] <ogra_> yep, a "start mtp-server" and re-plugging fixes it
[18:27] <ogra_> no crash file ...
[18:28] <brendand_> ogra_, indeed
[18:28] <brendand_> ogra_, well we can't expect our users to know to do that
[18:28] <brendand_> ogra_, obviously
[18:28] <brendand_> ogra_, so you can confirm it too then?
[18:28] <ogra_> yes
[18:28] <brendand_> ogra_, obviously :)
[18:28] <ogra_> just looking at the last changes
[18:28] <brendand_> ogra_, silo 18 was about mtp
[18:29] <brendand_> ogra_, landed around 155/156
[18:29] <ogra_> yes
[18:29] <ogra_> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/190012631/mtp_0.0.4%2B14.10.20140909~rtm-0ubuntu1_0.0.4%2B15.04.20141104~rtm-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
[18:29] <ogra_> oops
[18:30] <ogra_> LP fooled me
[18:30] <ogra_> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/189438431/mtp_0.0.4%2B15.04.20141103~rtm-0ubuntu1_0.0.4%2B15.04.20141104~rtm-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
[18:30] <ogra_> thats the right diff
[18:32] <ogra_> cyphermox, why did we add all this dbus stuff instead of blantly make it sleep 10 sec ?
[18:32] <ogra_> olli, so thats pretty bad news :(
[18:33] <cyphermox> where?
[18:33] <brendand_> ogra_, well we just need to get a fix and retest it tomorrow
[18:33] <olli> ogra_, what
[18:33] <ogra_> cyphermox, in pre-start of mtp-server ...
[18:33] <ogra_> olli, mtp is broken
[18:33] <brendand_> olli, we found a bug where mtp stops working if you leave the device disconnected for a little while
[18:34] <brendand_> olli, it's a regression from the last promotion
[18:34] <ogra_> brendand_, so you think just atomic testing is enough for that ?
[18:34] <ogra_> no full re-test needed ?
[18:34] <brendand_> ogra_, of the whole image? if that's the only thing that lands?
[18:35] <ogra_> brendand_, well ... (silent sigh) .... slangasek uploaded his livecd-rootfs change ... so shorts will be gone (which is wanted but adds another diff)
[18:35] <olli> pmcgowan, ^
[18:35] <ogra_> brendand_, i assume thats no biggie though
[18:35] <brendand_> ogra_, :/ this is why things need to be actually frozen
[18:36] <ogra_> brendand_, yes, i only saw the upload today when checking rtm-changes
[18:36] <brendand_> ogra_, anyway we found the bug, now we need to deal with it
[18:36] <ogra_> brendand_, right, i was fearing a full re-test run
[18:36] <ogra_> if we can handle that atomic then it is fine
[18:36] <brendand_> ogra_, if a full retest is really warranted then we might do that
[18:36] <brendand_> ogra_, not sure if jibel is around but it's probably up to him
[18:37] * brendand_ needs to go make dinner
[18:37] <brendand_> i'll come back later to find out what's happening
[18:37] <jibel> if the change impacts the upstart job of mtp-server only, I tihnk it's safe to re-run the sanity tests + regressions tests of mtp
[18:37] <olli> ogra_, we might want to discuss whether it makes sense to pursue the promotion or not
[18:38] <olli> +to discuss whether
[18:38] <ogra_> olli, well, if we can just do an atomic re-test of the change we are still on schedule
[18:38] <ogra_> seems QA thinks thats possible
[18:38] <jibel> ogra_, however there is the livecd-rootfs change.
[18:39] <ogra_> jibel, which just removed the shorts .click
[18:39] <ogra_> jibel, i could also temporary roll that one back for this one build and re-land it
[18:39] <ogra_> if that makes you feel better (though i generally trust slangasek's code usually)
[18:40] <robru> ogra_: hey, question for you. I need to test some changes to the way the train builds source packages. the one I've chosen at random for testing takes a little while to build and is slowing my ability to iterate. Can you think of any source packages which we normally release through the train which is just a super trivial package that can be built
[18:40] <robru> near-instantly?
[18:40] <ogra_> jibel, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/190258118/livecd-rootfs_2.257_2.257%2Brtm.1.diff.gz
[18:40] <jibel> ogra_, yeah expect the unexpected
[18:40] <jibel> ok
[18:40] <ogra_> easy to roll back
[18:40] <ogra_> if needed
[18:41] <ogra_> robru, hmm
[18:41] <ogra_> robru, ubuntu-touch-session is only processing .install files iirc
[18:41] <robru> ogra_: thanks
[18:42] <slangasek> ogra_: what's the argument for rolling back livecd-rootfs? I was told this needed to be out for RTM
[18:43] <ogra_> slangasek, we are in a hard freeze for RC
[18:43] <slangasek> and there are no code changes here, just adding one click to the exclusion list
[18:43] <ogra_> slangasek, and we found a regression that wequires us to re-roll
[18:43] <ogra_> slangasek, right, i think jibel agrees
[18:43] <slangasek> ogra_: ok
[18:44] <ogra_> slangasek, and if disagreement comes up i'll take care to temporarily revert that (but dropping one click wont do harm to testing imho)
[18:46] <cyphermox> ogra_: mtp isn't broken, it's unnecessary to add straight sleep and sleep if the greeter is already available
[18:47] <cyphermox> ogra_: this definitely isn't brendand_'s issue if it works for a while and later stops
[18:47] <ogra_> hmm, k
[18:48] <ogra_> cyphermox, the gadget is fine too ... else adb wouldnt work straight away ... and it wasnt broken in 151 which was tested for several days
[18:49] <cyphermox> well, for some reason the usb device fails after a while, this has nothing to do with dbus or upstart
[18:50] <ogra_> right, but it didnt happen a few images ago ... must be something recent
[18:51] <cyphermox> yes, we should find what recent change made this fail
[18:51] <cyphermox> or if it's something that has always been the case, just never noticed before
[18:52] <olli> ogra_, pls let me know the final verdict
[18:52] <cyphermox> brendand_: is there nothing in syslog?
[18:52] <ogra_> olli, yeah, seems we dont know what causes it :(
[18:52] <olli> again, aborting and rerouting QA efforts is a valid option in my books
[18:52] <pmcgowan> or when it started
[18:53] <ogra_> cyphermox, well, mtp-server iis clearly not running when this happens
[18:53] <ogra_> olli, re-routing ?
[18:53] <olli> what we discussed earlier, regression/promotion vs silo testing
[18:53] <ogra_> olli, that would mean another three days for an image before we can promote
[18:54] <cyphermox> ogra_: it wouldn't be if the usb device got reset
[18:54] <olli> ogra_, understood
[18:54] <ogra_> since it would have to be re-tested from scratch
[18:54] <olli> ogra_, all I am saying is that we should discuss how to proceed when we know what's up with mtp
[18:54] <ogra_> olli, the way they want to do it is to fix the issue and validate on top of the tested one ... that way we can still be on time (if a fix is found tonight)
[18:54] <cyphermox> ogra_: is there nothing in syslog that indicates the usb device got reset?
[18:55] <olli> ogra_, understood, this is assuming it's a contained fix
[18:55] <olli> so, let's see what the issue is
[18:56] <ogra_> cyphermox, there is some gadget noise, but i'm not sure thats not just the plug/unplug of the cable http://paste.ubuntu.com/8991493/
[18:57] <ogra_> and it isnt unusual
[18:58] <cyphermox> is it?
[18:58] <ogra_> gadget: high-speed config #1: android is a plug event
[18:58] <ogra_> try yourself
[19:00] <cyphermox> working on it.
[19:00] <cyphermox> wait a second
[19:00] <cyphermox> brendand_: what computer are you using for this?
[19:01] <cyphermox> are you plugging in to USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 ports?
[19:01] <ogra_> [3630479.605545] usb 2- new high-speed USB device number 31 using ehci-pci
[19:02] <ogra_> i'm in 2.0 here
[19:02] <cyphermox> yeah, figured
[19:02] <ogra_> oh
[19:02] <ogra_> wait
[19:02] <ogra_> lol
[19:02] <cyphermox> I'm probably never going to be able to reproduce this with this computer, I need to get the other, just a minute.
[19:02] * ogra_ uses not the terminal logged into his desktop this time :P
[19:02] <ogra_> [532498.720830] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 19 using xhci_hcd
[19:02] <ogra_> 3.0
[19:03] <ogra_> cyphermox, what i dont get is that adb stays rock stable while this happens
[19:03] <cyphermox> and is that the computer on which you're able to reproduce the issue?
[19:03] <ogra_> the gadget doesnt get reset
[19:03] <ogra_> yes
[19:03] <cyphermox> the gadget doesn't, but the usb device might
[19:04] <ogra_> E1113 19:59:21.748877 6737 MtpServer.cpp:174] request read returned -1: Input/output error [5]
[19:04] <ogra_> I1113 19:59:22.480207 6768 server.cpp:419] MTP server starting...
[19:04] <ogra_> thats from mtp-server.log
[19:04] <cyphermox> I know
[19:04] <ogra_> but i guess you have seen that already
[19:04] <ogra_> how does MtpServer.cpp talk to the device ?
[19:04] <ogra_> any dbus involved ?
[19:04] <ogra_> (i guess not)
[19:05] <cyphermox> how would there be?
[19:05] <cyphermox> it's straight USB
[19:05] <ogra_> right
[19:06] <cyphermox> that's why you get I/O errors, at some point you're trying to read from the device, but it got reset or something, so that read fails
[19:06] <ogra_> how about suspended ?
[19:06] <ogra_> (but why would adb not be suspended then)
[19:06] <cyphermox> and then you're probably hitting that multiple times while as you plug in, the device is trying to settle
[19:07] <ogra_> right, you get the upstart event from the plug
[19:07] <cyphermox> because adb never gets stopped, it just runs, no?
[19:07] <cyphermox> right
[19:07] <cyphermox> so upstart likely gives up on mtp-server after a while
[19:07] <ogra_> well, adb needs the gadget available
[19:07] <cyphermox> I'd like to try respawn limit unlimited after I'm done trying to reproduce this bug
[19:07] <ogra_> it dies if it isnt there
[19:07] <cyphermox> the gadget is available
[19:08] <cyphermox> seven minutes to go
[19:08] <ogra_> ?
[19:09] <cyphermox> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mtp/+bug/1392405 steps to reproduce
[19:09] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1392405 in mtp (Ubuntu) "MTP device cannot be mounted after some time" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[19:10] <ogra_> heh, i didnt time it for that long
[19:12] <cyphermox> nah, it doesn't have to be that long
[19:12] <brendand_> cyphermox, no i just asked davmor2 to do 15 minutes to make sure
[19:12] <cyphermox> it's not necessary to wait that long
[19:12] <brendand_> cyphermox, i've had it happen after much shorter periods of time
[19:12] <cyphermox> it's usb, nothing is timed
[19:13] <pmcgowan> cyphermox, this is my syslog at the time mtp log says it first failed http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8991687/
[19:13] <ogra_> its krillin, you never know :P
[19:13] <pmcgowan> thats from my mako, I can check the other they are both with the issue
[19:14] <cyphermox> trying something, now I just need to wait two minutes so I can actually see the difference in timestamps in the logs
[19:14] <davmor2> cyphermox: I just put in the steps I followed for it to work
[19:14] <cyphermox> I have a fix ready
[19:14] <brendand_> cyphermox, \o/
[19:14] <cyphermox> this wouldn't be some new bug though
[19:14] <ogra_> but a new manifestation
[19:15] <cyphermox> not even
[19:15] <cyphermox> just new people noticing it
[19:15] <ogra_> lol
[19:15] <ogra_> that would be owrrying though
[19:15] <ogra_> *worrying too
[19:16] <ogra_> given these same people test every image
[19:16] <cyphermox> they don't always test the same way the exact same things
[19:16] <brendand_> cyphermox, no - it doesn't happen on 151
[19:16] <cyphermox> and there's a bit of luck involved
[19:16] <ogra_> brendand_, you won the lottery ;)
[19:18] <cyphermox> yeah, seems better
[19:21] <davmor2> ogra_: yeah but when you test the image it's one test after another the phone isn't idle for long so it wouldn't show up :)
[19:22] <jibel> cyphermox, it's recent and not luck
[19:22] <cyphermox> jibel: it's debatable. The only reason you weren't seeing this while the previous version was in use is that it would fail before you'd get to that point
[19:22] <ogra_> davmor2, yeah, we need to add some long time tests perhaps
[19:22] <cyphermox> and before that, you still had the same issue
[19:23] <davmor2> ogra_: not to the sanity tests, the idea there is they are quick not long :P
[19:23] <ogra_> davmor2, i bet you nnever hit the UI hang either in normal testing ... typically only something you see after long time usage
[19:24] <davmor2> ogra_: indeed I think you spout rubbish when you go on about these hangs ;)
[19:24] <ogra_> haha
[19:24] <pmcgowan> ogra_, I see that error in a log I have from Monday if that means anything
[19:25] <ogra_> pmcgowan, what error ?
[19:25] <cyphermox> pmcgowan: how should we proceed to land the fix, silo as per usual, or skip some steps and upload somewhere else?
[19:25] <pmcgowan> E1110 11:56:05.048171 2794 MtpServer.cpp:169] request read returned -1: Input/output error [5]
[19:26] <pmcgowan> cyphermox, silo per usual
[19:27] <ogra_> cyphermox, right, silo it, have davmor2, brendand_ or jibel test and sign off the silo and i'll roll an image once it landed
[19:27] <pmcgowan> cyphermox, do you understand when it was introduced or revealed?
[19:27] <ogra_> pmcgowan, ah, i thought you referred to the syslog paste :)
[19:27] <cyphermox> it's probably from the first version of mtp ever released, just got hidden by the previous greeter issue
[19:27] <pmcgowan> ogra_, sorry no the mtp server log
[19:28] <pmcgowan> ah right, the greeter messages go away then
[19:28] <cyphermox> if someone could appropriate bless https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mtp/+bug/1392405 that would be helpful
[19:28] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1392405 in mtp (Ubuntu) "MTP device cannot be mounted after some time" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[19:29] <ogra_> pmcgowan, olli ^^
[19:29] <pmcgowan> on it
[19:29] * ogra_ looks at the MP
[19:29] <cyphermox> ogra_: want to review https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/mtp/lp1392405/+merge/241733 ?
[19:29] <cyphermox> ah, yeah
[19:29] <ogra_> cyphermox, to slow, already approved :P
[19:30] <cyphermox> ack
[19:30] <cyphermox> robru: can I haz a silo for line 74 please?
[19:30] <ogra_> can you silo it yourself ?
[19:30] <ogra_> or that :)
[19:30] <cyphermox> ah, actually I could just assign it myself
[19:30] <ogra_> yeah
[19:30] <cyphermox> vivid first, then rtm
[19:30] <ogra_> tsk
[19:31] <cyphermox> ah, I see, spreadshett issue for me
[19:32] <robru> cyphermox: need help?
[19:32] <robru> cyphermox: my mouse cursor has gone invisible for some reason so I'm totally flying blind right now...
[19:32] <pmcgowan> cyphermox, doesnt it already try to restart for a full 30 secs?
[19:32] <cyphermox> maybe, just waiting for google to let me refresh
[19:33] <robru> yeah spreadsheet seems down
[19:33] <cyphermox> robru: I think I'm good now, I'll do the assign myself
[19:33] <robru> cyphermox: coo
[19:33] <cyphermox> oh wait, no
[19:33] <robru> l
[19:33] <cyphermox> well, one day
[19:37] <cyphermox> alright, silo 15
[19:38] <olli> cyphermox, thx for the quick fix
[19:40] <pmcgowan> cyphermox, can you explain a bit how this will fix it, it seems it tried a long time to respawn even now
[19:40] <olli> ogra_, if that's the remedy, then I think we are all +1 on your & QA's proposal of continueing with business as usual
[19:40] <ogra_> olli, right, let QA sign off the fix in the silo first :)
[19:41] <olli> ogra_, just early unblocking the best case scenario
[19:41] <ogra_> yep
[19:41] <cyphermox> pmcgowan: what do you mean?
[19:41] <ogra_> i just want to see QA give a thumbs up for the fix
[19:41] <cyphermox> it's not about time but about the number of tries
[19:42] <pmcgowan> cyphermox, sure but why wouldnt it restart within 30 secs
[19:42] <cyphermox> I'm not sure where you get the 30 seconds from
[19:43] <cyphermox> mtp runs when usb is connected, and stop when usb is disconnected, it's really only that
[19:43] <cyphermox> but as you connect or disconnect it, there is a short period of time where the usb device might come up and down a few times as it gets ready
[19:43] <cyphermox> and that's what is causing the issue
[19:44] <cyphermox> if it does that while mtp is starting (or stopping, really), eventually upstart would give up trying to restart mtp-server since it appears to not be useful
[19:44] <pmcgowan> cyphermox, if I look at my mtp server log I see it try to start over a period of 30 secs, unlesss I read it wrong
[19:52] <cyphermox> pmcgowan: I see what you mean now, indeed it's no longer being stopped at all. *sigh*
[20:01] <pmcgowan> cyphermox, ogra_should we revert that last upstart change?
[20:01] <cyphermox> no
[20:01] <ogra_> pmcgowan, no, it will fix it
[20:01] <ogra_> or work around it
[20:04] <cyphermox> I never touched the server low-level read code before, that will need to be improved but it will take longer to fix
[20:05] <cyphermox> for what we're trying to do now, the upstart fix will do the job
[20:08] <olli> ogra_, cyphermox, no witchhunt, but do we know whether this is a regression and if so, when it slipped in
[20:08] <cyphermox> it's not a regression, it has always been an issue, or at least easily since last year
[20:08] <ogra_> olli, no, this has been broken since day one, the recent change just exposes it more
[20:09] <ogra_> olli, there is some issue with how mtp talks to USB
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
[20:15] <cyphermox> robru: ^
[20:46] <ogra_> cyphermox, hmm, was there any reason to not land in parallel ?
[20:47] * ogra_ fears we wont have QA people alive anymore one the rtm silo is availabel for signoff
[20:47] <cyphermox> nothing is truly in parallel, stuff just gets synced
[20:47] <ogra_> should have just dput'ed to both silos and manually megred the branch :)
[20:47] <cyphermox> robru: can you poke like 75 appropriately so things work?
[20:47] <jibel> ogra_, cyphermox what's the ETA for the rtm silo?
[20:48] <ogra_> jibel, well, as long as it now takes to assign an rtm silo and build (plus a short test i guess)
[20:49] <ogra_> 30min ? 1h at most i would hope
[20:49] <cyphermox> it shouldn't even take that long
[20:49] <fginther> jgdx, current round of otto issues have been resolved. A rerun of the MP you pointed me to is now passing - https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-vivid/115/
[20:57] <ogra_> cyphermox, well, depends if it ever starts :P
[20:57] <cyphermox> robru: ping
[20:58] <cyphermox> heh
[20:59] <cyphermox> ok, rtm 13
[20:59] <cyphermox> now to copy
[21:00] <ToyKeeper> cyphermox: When the mtp upstart silo is ready, I'll take it.
[21:00] <ogra_> just dupt the vivid source package worst case
[21:00] <ogra_> *dput even
[21:00] <cyphermox> well, using copy package, that's exactly what I'm going to be doing
[21:00] <ogra_> cool
[21:02] <cyphermox> there, copied... now to poke jenkins
[21:06] <cyphermox> ToyKeeper: despite what the spreadsheet or jenkins might be saying, the package is built and published in the PPA, so you can test it when you want
[21:06] <cyphermox> oh wait
[21:06] <cyphermox> I suck
[21:06] <cyphermox> it *hasn't* been published yet :)
[21:06] <ToyKeeper> Heh, I'll wait a few, then. :)
[21:09] <robru> cyphermox: are you binary copying or source copying?
[21:09] <cyphermox> I was doing a binary copy
[21:09] <robru> cyphermox: oh ok, carry on
[21:09] <robru> cyphermox: source copies without manglign the version for rtm are frowned upon
[21:10] <cyphermox> ToyKeeper: it is published now
[21:10] <cyphermox> robru: yeah
[21:12] <ToyKeeper> cyphermox: That's silo 13? (woot, lucky number 13)
[21:12] <cyphermox> yeah
[21:12] <cyphermox> in rtm
[21:16] <olli> ogra_, cyphermox et al, jfunk just sent out some guidance how to proceed with the mtp issue in terms of promotion etc
[21:17] <ogra_> where did that go ?
[21:17] <ToyKeeper> Planning to test the diff in detail, and otherwise stack on existing regression test results from 159.
[21:17] <jfunk> ogra_: should be in your mail?
[21:17] * ogra_ guesses his mailserver is still busy processing warthogs :P
[21:18] <jfunk> lol
[21:18] <ToyKeeper> Oh, plus sanity on 161. :)
[21:20] <ogra_> jfunk, did you mean 160 ?
[21:21] <ogra_> (we are at 159, the re-build for the fix will be 160)
[21:21] <jfunk> ogra_: yeah, for some reason 161 was bandied about, I thought it was due to the fix which went in for spanish build
[21:22] <jgdx> fginther, woot, thanks a bunch.
[21:22] <ogra_> jfunk, the fix for the spanish image wont affect the other ... version wise
[21:22] * ogra_ checks the spanish channel
[21:23] <ogra_> yeah, that has version 105
[21:24] <jfunk> so yeah, feel free to clarify on the thread
[21:24] <jfunk> sry for any confusion
[21:24] <ogra_> well, i'm not sure if the fix for the spanish translation has landed yet
[21:24] <cwayne> it has
[21:24] <ogra_> so this could be 106 or 107 ... the normal channel will be and stay 160 though
[21:25] <ogra_> ah, then it should become 106
[21:25] <ogra_> great, same digits ... just different order :)
[21:25] <cwayne> but there's another fix incoming though (the scopes order had been wrong
[21:25] <ogra_> bah, you broke the number scheme then :P
[21:26] * ogra_ decided to buold 10 no-change images in the normal channel so it can be 107 and 170
[21:26] <cwayne> lol
[21:27] <ogra_> that will only dely us by 15h ...
[21:27] <ogra_> *delay
[21:32] <ToyKeeper> cyphermox: Er, W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/landing-013/ubuntu-rtm/dists/devel/main/binary-armhf/Packages 403 Forbidden
[21:33] <cyphermox> well, the dist isn't devel...
[21:34] <cyphermox> that should be pointing to 14.09 should it not?
[21:34] <ogra_> yes
[21:34] <ToyKeeper> I'm checking my citrain tools now... this worked last time I tried it.
[21:36] <ToyKeeper> I think it's because devel-proposed points at 14.09-proposed, but that pointer isn't synced everywhere.
[21:36] <ToyKeeper> Easy enough to avoid. :)
[21:44] <jdstrand> fyi, rtm silo 002 testing passed. I'm not going to mark it until I get the ok to push it
[21:44] <jdstrand> I did add something to the Comments to that effect
[21:49] <ogra_> jdstrand, nothing lands without QA signoff anyway
[21:49] <jdstrand> well, I guess I can mark it
[21:50] <ogra_> right
[22:00] <pmcgowan> ogra_, did you test 13 already?
[22:00] <pmcgowan> how fitting
[22:00] <ogra_> pmcgowan, ToyKeeper is on it ... just waiting for a go ... then i'll roll a new image
[22:01] <ToyKeeper> Yes, it's in progress.
[22:01] <ogra_> pmcgowan, as someone who could repro it before you could indeed test it too to confirm it is gone for you ;)
[22:02] <ogra_> as extra datapoint
[22:02] <pmcgowan> yep installing now
[22:11] <pmcgowan> it seems to be recovering but so many retries
[22:12] <ogra_> yeah, it will need a better fix later
[22:12] <ogra_> but we know that
[22:14] <ToyKeeper> Not sure if it's a fluke or not, but this is also the first time in months I've seen mtp not show the SD card and its contents multiple times.
[22:14] <ogra_> nice
[22:16] <alecu> ToyKeeper: hi! can you check if the app store shows empty for you too? we suspect something is wrong with our servers.
[22:16] <ogra_> alecu, popey saw that +
[22:17] <ogra_> (while nobody on the same immage in the meeting he showed it could reproduce)
[22:17] <ToyKeeper> alecu: Yes, it seems to be empty.
[22:17] <ToyKeeper> Way to go, you broke the internet?
[22:17] <alecu> ogra_: hmmm.... so it might be only some of the servers
[22:17] <pmcgowan> searching finds apps though
[22:17] <alecu> pmcgowan: good point
[22:17] <ogra_> alecu, well, i can it repro now as well
[22:18] <ogra_> alecu, i couldnt 5h ago when popey showed it to us
[22:18] <alecu> ogra_: so, it seems the store front is broken, and it has propagated to the other servers too
[22:18] <ToyKeeper> Search works, as pmcgowan found.
[22:18] <ogra_> yeap
[22:19] <alecu> great, I'm pinging the server guys, hopefully there's somebody around still
[22:20] <ToyKeeper> Click updates seem to work too. (at least, the updates tool finds new revs)
[22:21] <ogra_> oh
[22:22] <ToyKeeper> Hmm, scratch that news about no duplicated inodes. That bug is still present.
[22:22] <ogra_> jfunk, it just strikes me that a new music app was approved today ... the new one might need re-testing too
[22:22] <dobey> yeah, it's just the departments/hilights in the store that seems to be broken
[22:22] * ogra_ forgot about the app store
[22:22] <popey> yeah, broken here too
[22:23] <ogra_> jfunk, it will be in the 160 build
[22:23] <ogra_> brendand, ^^^can we make sure music gets some extra love tomorrow ?
[22:23] <pmcgowan> ogra_, oh why did that land during lockdown?
[22:24] <ogra_> pmcgowan, the bug was approved ... coordination issue
[22:24] <ogra_> sorry, i think that was my fault
[22:24] <brendand> ogra_, oopsie
[22:24] <pmcgowan> ogra_, first one of the year
[22:24] <brendand> ogra_, seems like we left the freezer door open these few days :P
[22:25] <ogra_> heh, yeah
[22:25] <jfunk> ogra_: can you add that to the email for me
[22:25] <jfunk> brendand: can you let the team know
[22:25] <ogra_> jfunk, indeed
[22:25] <brendand> no biggie - as long as we don't get hit by another regression
[22:27] <ogra_> well, iits a completely new app ... cant have regressions only new bugs :P
[22:28] <pmcgowan> cyphermox, so when the server reports that read error, why is it restarted
[22:28] <alecu> ogra_: can you confirm it was 5 hours ago that popey found the problem, and not something like three? (there was a change server side three hours ago)
[22:28] <popey> alecu: it was 17:05 UTC
[22:28] <ToyKeeper> MTP looks good.
[22:28] <ogra_> yay
[22:29] <alecu> popey: great, thanks.
[22:29] <ogra_> cyphermox, land it !!
[22:29] <popey> alecu: what I saw was text under icons, but no icons
[22:29] <dobey> popey: ok, that was probably a separate issue
[22:29] <popey> k
[22:29] <alecu> popey: ah.... that sounds like a different issue. Right now we are not seeing any results at all.
[22:30] <dobey> no icons == unity8 failed to load the icons for some reason
[22:30] <ToyKeeper> So, new build and then we'll continue the regression suite.
[22:30] <popey> alecu: yes, this is not the same thing
[22:30] <pmcgowan> ToyKeeper, can you check your log
[22:30] <ogra_> ToyKeeper, yeah, take a break while we build it :)
[22:30] <pmcgowan> ogra_, one sec
[22:30] <dobey> no results at all == omgwtf :)
[22:31] <alecu> popey: thanks for pointing it out
[22:31] <pmcgowan> ogra_, question here it seems it is continually trying to restart when there is no connection so the phone never suspends
[22:31] <ogra_> pmcgowan, the server is restarted because there is an issue with the USB communication (the core issue we need to fix)
[22:31] <ToyKeeper> pmcgowan: Lots and lots of retries in the log.
[22:32] <pmcgowan> so it continues to respawn until the usb is connected?
[22:32] <ogra_> yes
[22:32] <pmcgowan> but the phone will never sleep then
[22:32] <ogra_> it should be constantly running
[22:32] <ogra_> why is that ?
[22:32] <pmcgowan> I am asking
[22:32] <ogra_> a userspace app shouldnt be able to keep the phone up
[22:33] <ogra_> not that way at least
[22:33] <pmcgowan> hmm
[22:33] <ogra_> you might lose more cycles due to the log writing but thats all
[22:33] <ToyKeeper> pmcgowan: However, the retries paused for about 2 minutes at a time, starting about 5 minutes after the phone turned its screen off. The pauses were intermittent though; sometimes it just kept retrying.
[22:33] <pmcgowan> we wake up every 5 mins for push to check things
[22:35] <ToyKeeper> So, do we proceed or do we wait on a proper fix instead of the band-aid we just tested?
[22:35] <ogra_> yeah, it isnt the preocess that wakes up the device
[22:35] <ogra_> it just participates
[22:36] <ogra_> (which is what i meant by "lose some cycles for log writing)
[22:36] <ogra_> ToyKeeper, that might take a few days
[22:37] <ogra_> and rolling back would bring us back actual mtp crashes ...
[22:37] <ogra_> i think thats the best compromise atm
[22:38] <pmcgowan> ogra_, yeah its ok but the push thing makes it worse, and I am not clear why its more frequent than every 5 mins here
[22:39] <alecu> popey: ToyKeeper: ogra_: pmcgowan: the store seems to have returned to normal now, thanks for the help diagnosing this.
[22:43] <popey> alecu: so it has, well done! :D
[22:44] <alecu> what I did was just pinging the right people :P
[22:44] <pmcgowan> ogra_, any idea what else is setting a 5 min wakeup timer
[22:44] <ogra_> pmcgowan, nope
[22:45] <ogra_> pmcgowan, how do you verify that btw ? you are aware that adb wont let the dveice sleep, right ?
[22:45] <pmcgowan> ogra_, yes, looking at the log while it was disconnected
[22:45] <pmcgowan> there are clearly two 5 min timers
[22:45] <pmcgowan> one matches push client
[22:46] <ogra_> there is cron once per hour ... not sure what other bits run on a 5min cadence though
[22:47] * ogra_ hugs cyphermox
[22:49] * ogra_ thinks ubuntu-touch-session will start glowing at some point at that speed of rebuilds
[22:52] <pmcgowan> ogra_, its only on the krillin, mako is fine just push wakeups
[22:52] <pmcgowan> dunno
[22:53] <ogra_> pmcgowan, well, then i blame the custom tarball or device tarball
[22:53] <pmcgowan> possible, will file a bug in case
[22:53] <ogra_> either something in the android buold on krillin or some scope
[22:55] <cwayne> scope shouldnt have the ability to do that even if it wanted to
[22:57] <ogra_> liar :P
[22:57] <ogra_> ogra@styx:~/Devel$ rmadison mtp|grep 14.09
[22:57] <ogra_> mtp | 0.0.4+15.04.20141104~rtm-0ubuntu1 | ubuntu-rtm/14.09/universe | source
[22:57] <ogra_> mtp | 0.0.4+15.04.20141113-0ubuntu1 | ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed/universe | source
[22:57] <ogra_> ogra@styx:~/Devel$
[22:57] <ogra_> (i meant the bot, not you cwayne )
[22:58] <pmcgowan> cwayne, maybe see if you have similar https://bugs.launchpad.net/barajas/+bug/1392517
[22:58] <ubot5> Error: launchpad bug 1392517 not found
[22:59] <pmcgowan> yeah I know
[22:59] <cwayne> in the midle of a flash, will check when its done
[23:11] <ogra_> image build triggered
[23:13] <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 160 building (started: 20141113 23:15) ===
[23:36] * ogra_ twiddles thumbs watching https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/ubuntu-touch/