UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /16 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[00:39] <RAOF> Hm. Apparently this unity-greeter that works fine on intel will fail to log in on my netbook. Superb.
[00:42] <TheMuso> Awesome.
[00:42] <TheMuso> RAOF: If thats NVIDIA and you are using Nouveau, thats even more interesting, since I am using Nouveau here without issue.
[00:43] <RAOF> Oh, it's my locally-built trunk version that's aiming to fix the transition from greeter->session.
[00:44] <TheMuso> ah
[00:56] <RAOF> Ah. I appear to not have gnome-session installed on the netbook. That would explain failure-to-login :)
[01:06] <TheMuso> heh
[02:04] <cyphermox> sup all.
[02:29] <akgraner> Does the icon with the Ubuntu symbol on it have a specific name?
[02:30] <akgraner> or do I just say click the icon with the Ubuntu symbol on it in the launcher and type "terminal" to bring up a term window?
[02:32] <TheMuso> akgraner: The tooltip for the button is "Dash Button".
[02:32] <TheMuso> SO I guess that could be used.
[02:33] <akgraner> TheMuso, awesome thanks! I didn't know what to call it :-)
[02:34] <TheMuso> akgraner: Sorry, its "Dash Home" not "Dash Button"
[02:35] <akgraner> no worries - changing it now
[02:36] <akgraner> Thanks TheMuso , I'm working on some edits to a command line chapter that are due in a couple of hours - and I realized I still have some place holders for things :-/ so hopefully I won't bug you all to much :-)
[02:37] <TheMuso> np
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[04:38] <jasoncwarner_> hey guys...anyone getting this error when trying to upgrade right now? E: Internal Error, No file name for libc6
[04:46] <RAOF> jasoncwarner_: Didn't hit that when I updated this morning...
[04:46] <jasoncwarner_> RAOF: I just started getitng it maybe an hour ago...I updated this morning as well...
[04:47] <TheMuso> Haven't seen any suc error, at least in my terminals.
[04:48] <TheMuso> I also updated this morning.
[04:53] <jasoncwarner_> thanks, TheMuso and RAOF ... just got my laptop back from being repaired and I want to update, but I can't :/
[04:56] * RAOF has additionally been able to update right now, and not run into that problem.
[05:02] * TheMuso is doing likewise.
[05:03] * jasoncwarner_ scratches head....
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[05:13] <jasoncwarner_> RAOF or TheMuso any thoughts on this? This is the specific error I'm getting. I tried the -f option, but that is when I get the message about libc6
[05:13] <jasoncwarner_> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[05:13] <jasoncwarner_> lib32asound2 : Depends: libasound2 (=
[05:13] <jasoncwarner_> libc-dev-bin : Depends: libc6 (< 2.14) but 2.15-0ubuntu5 is installed
[05:13] <jasoncwarner_> libc6-dev : Depends: libc6 (= 2.13-24ubuntu4) but 2.15-0ubuntu5 is installed
[05:13] <jasoncwarner_> libc6-i386 : Depends: libc6 (= 2.13-24ubuntu4) but 2.15-0ubuntu5 is installed
[05:13] <jasoncwarner_> libnih-dbus1 : Depends: libnih1 (= 1.0.3-4ubuntu9) but 1.0.3-4ubuntu5 is installed
[05:13] <jasoncwarner_> libnih1 : Depends: libc6 (< 2.15) but 2.15-0ubuntu5 is installed
[05:13] <jasoncwarner_> E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.
[05:15] <TheMuso> jasoncwarner_: Interesting that you have lib32asound2 installed... I wonder if that problem you have is a multi-arch related problem...
[05:16] <jasoncwarner_> TheMuso: any way to find out, or should I talk to steve L about it?
[05:16] <TheMuso> jasoncwarner_: I am just speculating, I really don't know from teh above, I just saw references to i3866/32-bit.
[05:17] <TheMuso> gah
[05:17] <jasoncwarner_> thanks, TheMuso I'll poke steve and see if he knows...otherwise I'll ask pitti when he gets up...pitti knows all ;)
[05:18] <RAOF> Hm. You seem to have quite an old libc6 installed.
[05:20] <RAOF> Actually, no.
[05:20] <RAOF> What the devil is going on there?
[05:40] <jasoncwarner_> RAOF: I have no idea. This machine was in the shop for a month
[05:40] <jasoncwarner_> so...it could be quite old. I was using a diff machine for a month and am now just getting this one updated
[05:40] <jasoncwarner_> didn't htink it would be this hard ;)
[05:41] <RAOF> Yeah, you *don't* actually have an old libc, but it looks like it's trying to install an old libc6-dev. For some reason.
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[06:29] <jasoncwarner_> RAOF TheMuso I don't know what I did..but I eventually got it to update
[06:29] <jasoncwarner_> I really have no idea what made it go
[06:31] <pitti> Good morning
[06:32] <pitti> jasoncwarner_: still having trouble?
[06:32] <jasoncwarner_> hey pitti
[06:32] <jasoncwarner_> no, I don't think so
[06:32] <jasoncwarner_> I got it updated, have latest unity and compiz
[06:33] <jasoncwarner_> I literally have no idea why it got fixed ;)
[06:37] <bryceh> /var/log/dpkg.log might be illuminating
[07:09] <pitti> doctor appointment, bbl
[08:41] <seb128> hey
[08:42] <pitti> bonjour seb128
[08:42] <pitti> seb128: nice bug work!
[08:42] <seb128> pitti, hey, pitti, wie gehts?
[08:42] <pitti> seb128: quite fine, thanks
[08:42] <seb128> pitti, did I get my second position back? ;-)
[08:42] <pitti> spent too much time on pygobject upstream yesterday, so I didn't get to distro bug fixing
[08:42] <pitti> seb128: yes
[08:42] <seb128> \o/
[08:43] <seb128> well I didn't fixed much but I was only 2 behinds I think
[08:43] <seb128> I spent some time improving a bit versions yesterday
[08:43] <seb128> pitti, btw I signed your key but the emails sending failed because I don't have postfix or similar working
[08:44] <seb128> pitti, but you should be able to --recv-key
[08:44] <pitti> hm, I did, says "unchanged"
[08:45] <seb128> pitti, it sent to pool.sks-keyservers.net
[08:45] <seb128> that's maybe not the right server to use
[08:46] <pitti> tried that one now, still no new sigs
[08:46] <seb128> hum
[08:46] <pitti> try gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-key 26B47B9F ?
[08:46] <seb128> pitti, your key is 26B47B9F right?
[08:46] <pitti> oui
[08:46] <seb128> pitti, done
[08:47] <pitti> hm, still nothing
[08:47] <pitti> seb128: could you check "gpg --list-sigs martinpitt@gnome.org" ?
[08:47] <seb128> let me retry to sign
[08:47] <seb128> yeah, seems it's no
[08:47] <seb128> caff was a fail
[08:47] <pitti> seb128: seahorse has a GUI for this
[08:47] <seb128> let me redo it ;-)
[08:47] <pitti> seb128: right, caff doesn't send to keyservers
[08:50] <chrisccoulson> whoop
[08:50] <seb128> hey chrisccoulson, how are you?
[08:50] <seb128> pitti, right, I did send but it seems it didn't sign
[08:50] <chrisccoulson> hi seb128, i'm good thanks. how are you?
[08:51] <pitti> hey chrisccoulson
[08:51] <chrisccoulson> hi pitti :)
[08:51] <seb128> pitti, maybe I shouldn't have exited gpg with "q" once it was done signing
[08:51] <seb128> chrisccoulson, good, thanks! ;-)
[08:51] <tjaalton> are the window management buttons supposed to be on the right or left side by default? going back to the default switched them to the right here
[08:52] <seb128> going back to defaults where?
[08:52] <seb128> no
[08:52] <tjaalton> dconf-editor
[08:52] <seb128> the editor doesn't understand overrides
[08:52] <tjaalton> sigh
[08:52] <tjaalton> ok
[08:52] <seb128> bug in the editor I guess
[08:52] <seb128> use gsettings reset
[08:53] <tjaalton> ok
[08:54] <seb128> pitti, --recv-key again?
[08:55] <pitti> hmm, still nothing
[08:55] <pitti> seb128: it might take a while before the updated keys are available, perhaps the servers run some checks or so
[08:55] <pitti> seb128: anyway, thank you!
[08:55] <tjaalton> seb128: same thing with gsettings reset
[08:56] <seb128> pitti, yeah, check in a bit, this time --list-sigs show my signatures, so it's likely server delay
[08:56] <tjaalton> gsettings reset org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout
[08:56] <seb128> tjaalton, dunno then, question for didrocks, he will be there on monday
[08:56] <tjaalton> seb128: ok
[08:56] <seb128> pitti, yw!
[09:12] <pitti> seb128: any luck with the libical FTBFS?
[09:12] <seb128> pitti, I was sort of waiting for Debian they have an RC bug for it, I hate wasting time to track something when we can get the fix for free by waiting 3 days
[09:13] <pitti> seb128: ah, that's fine
[09:13] <pitti> merci
[09:13] <seb128> de rien
[09:13] <seb128> pitti, I will look at it on monday if nobody moved in Debian by then
[09:33] <pitti> mhr3: good morning
[09:34] <mhr3> hey pitti
[09:34] <pitti> mhr3: could you please have a quick look at http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-desktop-team-ubuntu-12.04-beta-2.html#mhr3 and check if these two are still on track for b2?
[09:34] <BigWhale> I'll be so sad when Precise is out... No more daily upgrades that are 100+ MB ... Always fun. :)
[09:34] <pitti> mhr3: if not, we can move them to final, as they don't seen feature/code related
[09:35] <pitti> BigWhale: don't worry, there will be the quarreling quail to upgrade to
[09:36] <mhr3> pitti, will check the first, should be done afaik, as for the second we did have a chat about it, so i guess it's finished? :)
[09:36] <pitti> mhr3: splendid :)
[09:37] <pitti> chrisccoulson: "Add a restart-required banner to Firefox when any plug-in is upgraded", is that still for P?
[09:39] <pitti> Sweetshark: FYI, I took the liberty to update https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-libreoffice-packaging a bit
[09:42] <pitti> seiflotfy: hey Seif, how are you?
[09:42] <pitti> seiflotfy: would you mind having a quick look at http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-desktop-team-ubuntu-12.04-beta-2.html#seif and tell me what we should postpone to Q?
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[10:28] <seiflotfy> pitti: i would love to work on quicklists now
[10:29] <seiflotfy> but i need some1 to talk to
[10:29] <pitti> seiflotfy: I suppose at this point there's also quite some restrictions due to feature/UI freeze in ubuntu
[10:29] <seiflotfy> the ppl and disable logging stuff needs to be postponed
[10:29] <pitti> doesn't stop upstream work, of course
[10:29] <seiflotfy> pitti: no worries i don' care when it gets in as long as it gets in
[10:30] <pitti> seiflotfy: what is "ppl"?
[10:30] <seiflotfy> people lens
[10:30] <pitti> seiflotfy: so "Add ability to disable reading the db (but not logging)" -> deferred
[10:30] <seiflotfy> yes
[10:31] <seiflotfy> pitti its more complicated as you think
[10:31] <pitti> seiflotfy: thanks, I updated the BP accordingly
[10:32] <pitti> seiflotfy: just want to make sure that we don't postpone/drop anythign which you aren't happy about
[10:41] <pitti> argh, seb128 keeps fixing bugs, and I'm stuck with unbreaking the archive
[10:42] <seb128> pitti, ;-)
[10:42] * pitti hugs seb128, keep up the great work!
[10:42] * seb128 hugs pitti
[11:01] <seb128> kamstrup, mhr3: do you know if the zg code in rhythmbox is something that we should activate by default? it's not at the moment
[11:02] <mhr3> seb128, i actually wanted to ask didrocks if there's a reason the dataproviders aren't active by default
[11:02] <mhr3> seb128, although rb is not going to help much, we're not using that data anywhere by default
[11:02] <kamstrup> seb128, mhr3: I've been running with the RB provider enabled for some time. It works pretty well, but I think it pollutes the recent files list somewhat
[11:02] <mhr3> seb128, gedit should be active though afaict
[11:02] <seb128> mhr3, ok, I was not sure if it would be useful for the music lens or something
[11:03] <kamstrup> mhr3: the songs you play are added
[11:03] <kamstrup> visible in the files lens
[11:03] <kamstrup> not the ones it skips to automatically
[11:03] <seb128> hum, yeah,that's not good
[11:03] <kamstrup> but if you skip forward 10 songs yourself
[11:03] <kamstrup> it adds those 10 songs
[11:03] <mhr3> kamstrup, oh... right i forgot it's "clever"
[11:03] <kamstrup> even though you only heard 2s of each
[11:03] <kamstrup> I think it makes sense
[11:03] <mhr3> kamstrup, we'll have a proper rb scope, so we dont need them afaict
[11:04] <kamstrup> it should just only send the event if you hear more than say 75% of the song
[11:04] <kamstrup> right
[11:06] <seb128> kamstrup, I'm unsure, I would say it shouldn't add anything to the files lens from within rb
[11:06] <seb128> only files you clicked on
[11:06] <kamstrup> agreed
[11:06] <seb128> kamstrup, mhr3: what about gedit?
[11:07] <mhr3> seb128, is it active by default? i see it off here, but maybe that's just me
[11:08] <seb128> mhr3, yes it is, I just checked in a guest session, I guess it's user profiles not being changed on upgrade
[11:08] <seb128> so we are good
[11:08] <mhr3> k, then it's fine, thx
[11:09] <Sweetshark> pitti: saw it, thanks
[11:16] <Sweetshark> pitti: libreoffice-3.5.1-1ubuntu1 incoming today.
[11:17] <pitti> Sweetshark: yay -- does it add back the three missing armhf packages?
[11:18] <Sweetshark> oh, hmm, no it doesnt.
[11:22] <Sweetshark> at debian, armel armhf powerpc powerpcspe ppc64 s390x are still not building LO base ...
[11:31] <Sweetshark> pitti: I would need to try if these base thingies even build on armhf, Id suggest to upload 3.5.1-1ubuntu1 with them still missing. I will then try to build it on a builder box.
[11:38] <pitti> Sweetshark: ah, fair enough; I can also just remove these three binaries from the archive
[11:44] <pitti> Sweetshark: ^ so I guess I'll do that now?
[11:44] <pitti> Sweetshark: also, please ping me when you have the upload ready
[11:45] <pitti> Sweetshark: actually, -base, -evolution, -base-core _did_ build in 1:3.5.0-1ubuntu4
[11:45] <pitti> Sweetshark: just 1:3.5.0-2ubuntu1 dropped them
[11:46] <pitti> Sweetshark: and they did build for armel, too
[11:46] <pitti> Sweetshark: so it ought to be fine to re-enable them
[11:52] <Sweetshark> pitti: yes, please remove the binaries.
[11:52] <pitti> Sweetshark: so they built, but might not actuall work?
[11:53] <Sweetshark> yes, I know we did build them. But I dont want to send an upload into the build there (quite a lot happened upstream between 3.5.0 and .1). But yes, they might work.
[11:54] <Sweetshark> s/into the build/into the blind/
[11:55] <tkamppeter> pitti, hi
[11:56] <pitti> Sweetshark: ack, removing for now then
[11:56] <pitti> hey tkamppeter
[11:56] <pitti> Sweetshark: done
[11:57] <tkamppeter> pitti, I got a lot of texttopdf fixes from upstream so I will release cups-filters 1.0.6 soon. So a Ubuntu/Debian upload will most probably happen on Monday. Is this OK? When is b2 freeze?
[11:58] <pitti> tkamppeter: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule - March 22, so next Thursday
[11:58] <pitti> tkamppeter: NB that I'm off sick Monday, I get my other two wisdom teeth pulled
[11:58] <tkamppeter> pitti, OK, thanks, so np with the upload.
[11:58] <pitti> I'll be around early morning to do some sponsoring
[11:58] <pitti> but I can sponsor on Tuesday
[11:59] <tkamppeter> pitti, OK.
[11:59] <pitti> tkamppeter: alternatively, commit it to Debian VCS and do a -0bzr1 upload to Ubuntun only
[11:59] <tkamppeter> pitti, OK, thanks.
[12:10] <desrt> good morning hackers
[12:17] <pitti> it's a desrt!
[12:19] * ogra_ feels thursty now
[12:20] <pitti> ogra_: you and your beer desserts!
[12:20] * desrt brings ogra_ water?
[12:20] <ogra_> lol
[12:20] <pitti> it's Friday past one o'clock, and he's a German; he won't accept water
[12:20] <desrt> :)
[12:21] <dupondje> water, isnt that for fishes to swim in ?
[12:21] <desrt> is the 1:00 rule just so that germans don't get _totally_ sloshed at lunch?
[12:21] <desrt> or do you mean 1:00am? :)
[12:21] <ogra_> dupondje, yeah, and they make love in it too !
[12:21] <dupondje> lol
[12:21] <ogra_> who would drink that !
[12:22] <dupondje> true! :) belgian beer ! :D
[12:23] <mvo> seb128: hi, I guess I should know this ;) bug how do I make the retracer trace #956316 ? it has "apport-bug" as its tag already, do I need to add something like "needs-retrace"?
[12:23] <dupondje> we are almost at bug 1000000 :)
[12:24] <desrt> mvo: is a PPA involved?
[12:24] <pitti> mvo: needs-$arch-retrace, i. e. needs-amd64-retrace
[12:24] <pitti> mvo: also, they sohuld be apport-crash, not -bug
[12:24] <pitti> mvo: ah, nevermind, this is broken anyway
[12:25] <pitti> mvo: it has a .crash attachment, it wasn't actually sent as a crash report
[12:25] <pitti> so the retracer can't process this anyway
[12:26] <mvo> :/
[12:26] <seb128> re
[12:26] <seb128> back from lunch
[12:26] <mvo> thanks, I will ask for apport-collect this
[12:26] <seb128> hey mvo, desrt
[12:26] <mvo> but apparently its a huge file
[12:26] <seb128> mvo, apport-collect will not help you
[12:26] <mvo> desrt: no ppa involved
[12:26] <mvo> seb128: oh :/
[12:26] <seb128> mvo, you can download the file and apport-retrace or unpack it locally
[12:27] <desrt> seb128: good morning
[12:27] <seb128> mvo, or ask the submitter to ubuntu-bug it
[12:29] <Sweetshark> pitti: thx
[12:36] <mvo> seb128: so my submitter gets "Your computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyse the problem and send a report to the developers." :/
[12:36] <ogra_> buy more ram !
[12:37] <seb128> mvo, download the file he added and gdb on it locally?
[12:43] <pitti> you can run apport-retrace -R --gdb <that crash file>
[12:44] <seb128> desrt, "fun" hud bug, bug #956878
[12:44] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 956878 in indicator-appmenu "HUD is sending 2 menu signals instead of 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/956878
[12:46] <seb128> desrt, I guess it's on the unity side, hud-gtk doesn't have the issue
[12:48] <desrt> tricky.
[12:48] <desrt> let me see if i can reproduce that under unity
[12:49] <desrt> what's the new hotkey to open the overview in unity these days?
[12:50] <seb128> desrt, overview?
[12:50] <desrt> sorry. the lenses
[12:50] <seb128> desrt, super as always?
[12:51] <desrt> windows key, right?
[12:51] <seb128> desrt, well it opens the dash, super-a, super-f, etc
[12:51] <seb128> for the app, file lens
[12:51] <seb128> desrt, right
[12:51] <desrt> hrmph
[12:51] <desrt> so that's working now, but it doesn't work immediately after login
[12:51] <seb128> desrt, does nautilus render your background?
[12:52] <desrt> nope
[12:52] <seb128> known bug
[12:52] <desrt> i was thinking that was the problem
[12:52] <desrt> k
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[13:18] <cyphermox> morning!
[13:22] <seb128> cyphermox, hey, how are you?
[13:25] <cyphermox> seb128: not bad, you?
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[13:27] <cr3> hi folks, the mouse is excruciatingly slow after starting ubuntu. against which project should I run ubuntu-bug?
[13:27] <seb128> cr3, try #ubuntu-x
[13:28] <cr3> seb128: it might be related to something other than x though, like I see this in powertop:
[13:28] <cr3> 23.4 ms/s 2194.8 Interrupt [45] i915
[13:28] <cr3> where 2194.8 is the number of events per second, but I don't know whether that's really such a high number or not
[13:29] <seb128> cr3, dunno, doesn't seem desktopish in any case
[13:37] <cr3> seb128: I'll check with #ubuntu-x then. cheers!
[13:47] <pitti> kenvandine: good morning
[13:47] <seb128> kenvandine, RUN
[13:47] <seb128> ;-)
[13:48] <pitti> am I so terrifying? :-)
[13:48] <kenvandine> haha
[13:48] <kenvandine> what's up pitti?
[13:48] <seb128> the pitti workitems garbage collector is on you :p
[13:48] <pitti> kenvandine: so, I wondered whether we could drop indicator-applet's dependency on gnome-panel
[13:48] * kenvandine should look at his workitems
[13:48] <chrisccoulson> nice, new home page in firefox: http://i.imgur.com/tTeHb.png
[13:48] <seb128> pitti, you can punt the informal "talk to jason about talking to GNOME about release cycle" which is on my list, it's not linked to the Ubuntu cycle in any wya
[13:49] <chrisccoulson> it's a shame that we miss out on this :(
[13:49] <kenvandine> pitti, why?
[13:49] <pitti> http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-desktop-team-ubuntu-12.04-beta-2.html#ken-vandine just has one blocked one, so no worries
[13:49] <seb128> chrisccoulson, is there anything which stops us to do something similar?
[13:49] <kenvandine> indicator-applet was just fixed to work with the new gnome-panel
[13:49] <seb128> chrisccoulson, waouh they got ride of the 2 bars after all?
[13:49] <chrisccoulson> seb128, we'd need to have our own branded offline content
[13:49] <pitti> kenvandine: it's the least evil solution I see to bug 954939
[13:49] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 954939 in indicator-applet "Xubuntu 10.04 to 12.04 upgrade installs unity and gnome" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/954939
[13:49] <pitti> kenvandine: but I'm all ears for better proposals
[13:50] * kenvandine looks
[13:50] <chrisccoulson> seb128, oh, i didn't notice that. i don't think that's the default atm. i think that's only on the UX branch
[13:50] <seb128> chrisccoulson, ok
[13:50] <pitti> seb128: while we are at it, do you want to keep the other two "talk to" items for b2?
[13:50] <pitti> (still two weeks to go, so plenty of time)
[13:51] <seb128> pitti, cf what I a wrote to you 2 minutes ago ;-)
[13:52] <pitti> seb128: sorry, I didn't see you saying anything aobut the two others
[13:52] <kenvandine> pitti, indicator-applet is only for gnome-panel
[13:52] <seb128> pitti, unsure about the second one, it's hard to get anything done in Debian, we could just rename dconf to dconf-not-what-you-want and d-conf to dconf in Ubuntu?
[13:52] <kenvandine> so dropping the depends would just be dropping the applet completely
[13:52] <seb128> pitti, 2 others?
[13:52] <seb128> pitti, well the "talk to jason" can be dropped from w.i
[13:52] <pitti> kenvandine: understood, but conceptually shouldn't the dependency be rather the other way around?
[13:52] <seb128> pitti, what do you think about renaming dconf in ubuntu?
[13:52] <pitti> seb128: "talk to debian about renaming epiphany and dconf"
[13:52] <kenvandine> tru
[13:52] <kenvandine> true
[13:52] <pitti> seb128: "talk to design,dx what to do for applications that expose a menu and an application menu (the new ones exported by gmenu)"
[13:53] <kenvandine> i think it would be fine to drop the depends
[13:53] <seb128> pitti, that dx one is DONE
[13:53] <pitti> kenvandine: i. e. there should be a gnome-classic or whatever package which pulls in the panel, the indicator-applet, and other bits
[13:53] <seb128> pitti, for some weeks
[13:53] <pitti> seb128: whoops, right
[13:53] <seb128> ;-)
[13:53] <seb128> pitti, so, wdyt, renaming dconf in Ubuntu?
[13:53] <seb128> I will try asking on #debian-gnome again, they were talking about it
[13:54] <seb128> but things can take a while in Debian
[13:54] <kenvandine> pitti, technically it really depends on the panel, but it actually isn't the way people are going to install it
[13:54] <pitti> seb128: hm, that would get us out of sync for both dconf and d-conf, and it's not an user-facing package
[13:54] <kenvandine> they will only want it if they already have the panel
[13:54] <kenvandine> so seems safe to me
[13:54] <pitti> kenvandine: right, but I don't think the way to get the classic session is to install indicator-application, is it?
[13:54] <kenvandine> we should check with jbicha
[13:55] <pitti> wouldn't that be gnome-session-fallback ?
[13:55] <pitti> which depends on -panel
[13:55] <pitti> kenvandine: I wonder what pulls in indicator-application right now
[13:55] <kenvandine> jbicha polished that stuff up so it worked nicely with the classic panel
[13:55] <kenvandine> pitti, indicator-applet does
[13:55] <kenvandine> i bet
[13:56] <seb128> kenvandine, pitti: indicator-application is pulled it by indicator-applet and unity iirc
[13:56] <pitti> kenvandine: sorry, that's what I meant
[13:56] <kenvandine> so if the gnome classic pulls in gnome-panel it should pull in the applet to
[13:56] <pitti> so, AFAICS the problem is not that gnome-panel doesn't get installed
[13:56] <kenvandine> right
[13:56] <pitti> as it's a direct dependency of gnome-session-fallback
[13:56] <pitti> so we don't need to depend on it in indicator-application
[13:56] <pitti> argh
[13:56] <kenvandine> so dropping the gnome-panel depends should be safe
[13:56] <pitti> indicator-applet
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[13:57] <pitti> and it wouldn't pull in the whole gnome and unity stack just because you install one indicator
[13:57] <pitti> kenvandine: ok, that's what I thought
[13:57] * kenvandine will make it happen
[13:57] <pitti> kenvandine: thanks for cross-checking!
[13:57] <pitti> kenvandine: ah, you want to? ok
[13:58] <kenvandine> sure, i have the branch handy
[13:58] * pitti checks http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/canonical-desktop-team-precise-fixes-report.html
[13:58] <pitti> ack, it's all your's :-P
[13:58] <pitti> once you get close, I'll upload such things right away and steal the trophy :)
[13:58] <seb128> lol
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[14:36] <dobey> hrmm, requestsync is confusing
[14:38] <dobey> hrmm
[15:04] <desrt> seb128: how do i become a 'bug supervisor'?
[15:06] <seb128> desrt, you ask to bdmurray on #ubuntu-bugs I guess
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[15:11] <hallyn> is *this* the right place to ask about the scrollbar?
[15:11] <hallyn> (being unclickable)
[15:12] <cyphermox> hallyn: +1, yes, I think it probably is :)
[15:12] <cyphermox> hallyn: but perhaps the best is to file a bug :)
[15:13] <cyphermox> hallyn: by the way, you weren't dreaming things when wifi was acting up yesterday, we found some issues with libnl waiting for data
[15:13] <hallyn> yay :)
[15:13] <hallyn> cyphermox: file a bug against what exactly?
[15:13] <cyphermox> hallyn: just a seconf
[15:14] <desrt> jbicha: you are too late :p
[15:14] <cyphermox> hallyn: overlay-scrollbar
[15:14] <jbicha> wow, people come and go so quickly around here
[15:14] <desrt> :)
[15:14] <hallyn> cyphermox: thanks, will do that
[15:14] <desrt> seb128: so is it appropriate to assign this dbus message spam bug as a beta2 milestone?
[15:15] <desrt> what are the implications of me doing that?
[15:15] <desrt> i cause some annoyance to the release team if i don't fix it on time?
[15:17] <hallyn> (filed bug 957054)
[15:17] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 957054 in overlay-scrollbar "scrollbar disappears before i can click to drag it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/957054
[15:17] <seb128> desrt, that's ok, they will just move target if it's not done
[15:17] <pitti> yes, we have a script to mass-move old milestones
[15:17] <seb128> hallyn, it's a dup of bug #949414
[15:17] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 949414 in gtk "Some GTK+3 events are not emitted when using a touchpad (but are with a mouse)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/949414
[15:17] <desrt> aww? i don't have the ability to single-handedly delay the entire release? :)
[15:18] * desrt pretends that he does anyway as extra motivation to fix it
[15:20] <seb128> desrt, ;-)
[15:27] <hallyn> seb128: grrr. thanks
[15:27] <seb128> hallyn, yw
[15:28] <seb128> hallyn, bug #956062 as well which was the most recent bug reported on overlay-scrollbars before yours
[15:28] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 956062 in overlay-scrollbar "Impossible to catch scrollbar with touchpad in unmaximized nautilus windows" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/956062
[15:28] <hallyn> not 100% sure i agree with 'medium', but i guess bug priorities aren't based on the amount of hair i pull out :)
[15:28] <hallyn> ok, thanks, then i'll carry on
[15:28] <seb128> hallyn, it's specific to some devices, doesn't happen with a mouse, but yeah, don't stop at the settings they don't reflect really how actively things are tracked
[15:29] <seb128> hallyn, btw it would be good to check open bugs before you report a new one ;-)
[15:29] <hallyn> none of the ones it showed me based on its guesses were it
[15:29] <seb128> hallyn, like the most recent bug on overlay-scrollbar has a title pretty similar to yours, how did you miss it?
[15:29] <hallyn> the gt3 one, i would never have guesed based on the title
[15:30] <seb128> right, but overlay-scrollbar has a least 2 bugs about it in the most recent 5 bugs
[15:30] <seb128> open the list, check recent bugs, it's not that hard ;-)
[15:30] <hallyn> seb128: bc i count on lp to give me the suspected dups
[15:30] <hallyn> that, and bc it was mixed in with 3-4 bugs yesterday that made my laptop unusable (super key not working, etc)
[15:30] <seb128> hum, k, that doesn't work great indeed :-(
[15:31] <seb128> hallyn, did you fix the super key issue?
[15:31] <hallyn> i thought it worked better than it apparently does
[15:31] <hallyn> i didn't fix it, it just started working this morning
[15:31] <hallyn> so i expect it to fail after next reboot :(
[15:31] <seb128> hallyn, it doesn't work if you are on an empty workspace
[15:31] <seb128> hallyn, or if nautilus doesn't display the background
[15:31] <seb128> hallyn, did you turn nautilus handling of the background off?
[15:31] <hallyn> wh... uh, that's deemed a bug i hope?
[15:31] <hallyn> yes
[15:31] <seb128> there you go
[15:32] <seb128> yes, known issue
[15:32] <hallyn> ok, just wanted to make sure it's deemed an issue
[15:32] <seb128> you are just on a non standard, non testing config
[15:32] <seb128> non tested
[15:32] <hallyn> someone's gotta do it :)
[15:32] <seb128> i.e you tweak hidden options you are on your own ;-)
[15:32] <seb128> imho we need to start talking about reducing the number of option for next cycle
[15:32] <hallyn> laptop's too slow, i think that's why i turned it off
[15:32] <seb128> we have too many bugs because people tweak random crackful things
[15:33] <hallyn> hey! i stuck to 100% things i can set with myUnity
[15:33] <seb128> well, still too much, see it broke your super key :p
[15:33] <hallyn> i thought iw as being good :)
[15:33] <hallyn> true dat
[15:33] <seb128> it's hard to cover all possible option combinaison
[15:33] <hallyn> ok, thanks. never would've guessed. so maybe i'll turn that back on
[15:34] <hallyn> (i'll avoid talking about how 15 years ago i could map keys to whatever i wanted, as well as suspend and resume and make my own bread :)
[15:34] <hallyn> thanks, ttyl.
[15:35] <seb128> bye
[15:52] <pitti> chrisccoulson: defaults-builder currently uses ./usr/lib/firefox-addons/distrib
[15:52] <pitti> erk, let's try this again
[15:52] <chrisccoulson> pitti - oh, yes. we need to move that :)
[15:52] <pitti> chrisccoulson: defaults-builder currently uses /usr/lib/firefox-addons/distribution/distribution.ini
[15:52] <pitti> chrisccoulson: I suppose that needs to move to /usr/lib/firefox/distribution/distribution.ini now?
[15:52] <chrisccoulson> yeah, it does. sorry, i was going to propose a merge for that ;)
[15:52] <pitti> chrisccoulson: the former was a workaround path while we had the version specific firefox paths, right?
[15:53] <pitti> chrisccoulson: np, doing now
[15:53] <pitti> bug 956899, FTR
[15:53] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 956899 in ubuntu-defaults-builder "Regression: firefox bookmarks not imported anymore" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/956899
[15:53] <chrisccoulson> thanks
[15:54] <chrisccoulson> pitti - yeah, the former was just a workaround. i've moved the whole installation location now :)
[16:00] <pitti> chrisccoulson: is that planned to be done in SRUs, too?
[16:00] <pitti> this would be tricky, as it would break existing defaults pacakges
[16:01] <chrisccoulson> pitti - sort of. i've made an exception for the oneiric package to leave the distribution.ini file where it is though
[16:06] <pitti> mterry: hey Mike, how are you?
[16:06] <pitti> mterry: do you have some time to check the patch in bug 944035 and sponsor this?
[16:06] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 944035 in ibus "pinyin not listed by default on a fresh installation" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/944035
[16:07] <mterry> pitti, yeah, I know I didn't reply to bug, but I was going to look at it today
[16:07] <mterry> pitti, I saw the fedora patch, was reviewing it
[16:07] <mterry> pitti, I don't think it will require an FFe like the commenter does? Seems just like a bug fix (though a bit of a hefty patch)
[16:16] <mterry> oh, hm... it does at least change UI...
[16:19] <pitti> mterry: well, a bit, but I really consider it a bug
[16:19] <pitti> it's quite useless by default righ tnow
[16:19] <pitti> and that used to work AFAIR
[16:19] <pitti> mterry: thanks for looking at this!
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[17:16] <mvo> hm, where does gnome-settings stores the proxy info (http proxy) these days?
[17:17] <seb128> mvo, org.gnome.system.proxy.http
[17:17] <seb128> mvo, gsettings get org.gnome.system.proxy.http host ''
[17:17] <seb128> ups
[17:17] <seb128> mvo, gsettings get org.gnome.system.proxy.http host
[17:18] <mvo> seb128: ok, I don't get it, I set it to "manual" and http://localhost, but gsettings get org.gnome.system.proxy.http enabled says false?
[17:19] <seb128> mvo, enabled is deprecated
[17:19] <seb128> host = '' is no proxy == disabled
[17:19] <mvo> aha, ok
[17:19] <seb128> if there is a value it's enabled
[17:19] <mvo> t
[17:19] <mvo> ta
[17:19] <seb128> yw
[17:39] <pitti> good night everyone, have a nice weekend!
[17:40] <pitti> FTR, I'll be off for most of Monday, getting my remaining two wisdom teeth pulled
[17:40] <pitti> I'll be online in the morning for doing some patch piloting, though
[17:41] <kenvandine> pitti, have a great weekend
[17:57] <chrisccoulson> heh - http://goo.gl/Y9qaM
[18:03] <kenvandine> chrisccoulson, i love it :)
[18:07] <dobey> man. internet memes are so lame now
[18:21] <Sweetshark> aarrgh
[18:21] * Sweetshark cant get into chinstrap
[18:26] * Sweetshark can get into chinstrap
[18:27] <Sweetshark> pitti: good luck with the teeth stuff!
[18:27] <Sweetshark> pitti: 3.5.0-1ubuntu1 uploading to chinstrap btw
[18:32] <desrt> ugh
[18:32] <desrt> my apartment is burning down again
[18:32] <desrt> or perhaps not...
[18:33] <micahg> Sweetshark: I assume you meant 3.5.1-1ubuntu1?
[18:34] <chrisccoulson> desrt, oh, that sounds quite serious
[18:34] <chrisccoulson> perhaps someone in your apartment is building libreoffice?
[18:35] <desrt> :)
[18:35] <desrt> the alarm bell sounded
[18:35] <desrt> but only for a moment
[18:35] <Laney> maybe it melted
[18:35] <desrt> that seems unlikely
[18:35] <desrt> it's just over there...
[18:36] <jbicha> chrisccoulson: that was nice & quick to get the Firefox 11 SRU out already :)
[18:36] <chrisccoulson> jbicha, micahg was involved too ;)
[18:37] <micahg> jbicha: was actually on the slower side unfortunately (not due to chrisccoulson, he was plenty fast)
[18:38] <chrisccoulson> jbicha, also, we have the next beta available already: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-next/
[18:38] <chrisccoulson> for precise too ;)
[18:38] <jbicha> chrisccoulson: I'll probably have to add that PPA, stable Firefox is too boring
[18:38] <chrisccoulson> yeah, you should do :)
[18:42] <Sweetshark> micahg: indeed
[18:43] <Sweetshark> micahg, chrisccoulson, desrt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNnAvTTaJjM libreoffice building soundtrack
[18:44] <jbicha> chrisccoulson: oh FF12 is still pending publication to the PPA, I guess I'll wait a few more minutes
[18:44] <seb128> hey jbicha, how are you?
[18:44] <seb128> jbicha, how is the feedback on the new shell? ;-)
[18:47] <jbicha> seb128: not too much feedback, maybe people didn't notice yet? Cinnamon's broken but the Mint devs apparently don't care yet so neither do I
[18:47] <desrt> jbicha: it's awesome :D
[18:47] <seb128> I can see the news
[18:47] <desrt> seb128: i think anyone who is running gnome-shell on precise was running it out of the PPA already.... so no big change for most people
[18:47] <seb128> "Ubuntu breaks Mint to try to get users back"
[18:49] <desrt> seb128: is there a known bug with not being able to add new favourites to the unity panel?
[18:50] <seb128> desrt, launcher you mean? the left bar?
[18:50] <desrt> ya
[18:50] <seb128> no, and works for me
[18:50] <seb128> what did you do?
[18:50] <desrt> it's never worked for me
[18:50] <desrt> and i've tried a lot of times with a lot of versions
[18:50] <desrt> i do a search and then drag an icon
[18:50] <desrt> it even says "Drop to add application" when i hover the bar
[18:50] <desrt> but nothing happens
[18:50] <seb128> urg
[18:51] <seb128> if you run an app, right click on the launcher icon and pick "lock..."
[18:51] <seb128> does it work?
[18:51] <seb128> i.e does it stay after you close the app?
[18:51] <desrt> yes
[18:51] <desrt> thanks :)
[18:51] <seb128> yw
[18:51] <seb128> but the dnd should be working, it works for me
[18:51] <jbicha> Java apps don't pin to the launcher
[18:51] <desrt> how do i change the position of the icon?
[18:51] <seb128> desrt, dnd
[18:52] <desrt> it seems to move the entire launcher instead of just the icon
[18:52] <kenvandine> desrt, drag out to the right a bit
[18:52] <seb128> desrt, either stay pressed for a second, iOS way
[18:52] <seb128> desrt, or go right
[18:52] <desrt> oh. that works.
[18:52] <desrt> both of those work
[18:52] <desrt> thanks
[18:52] <seb128> yw
[18:52] <topyli> seb128: the shell 3.90 in universe tends to crash. i downgraded to a ppa version myself in order to get anything done :)
[18:52] <seb128> urg?
[18:53] <seb128> jbicha, ^
[18:53] <seb128> topyli, universe should be basically the same as the ppa I think
[18:53] <seb128> ok, dinner time
[18:53] <seb128> bbl
[18:53] <topyli> i know. somehow it crashes more eagerly. i'm running ~ubuntu3. 4 and 5 like to crash too
[18:53] <seb128> have a good w.e everybody for those I will not see again (no work tonight but I might let IRC on a bit while hacking)
[18:56] <desrt> seb128: hacking != work? :)
[18:57] <desrt> seb128: can you remind me what is the freeze for beta?
[18:59] <jbicha> !schedule
[18:59] <ubot2`> The Ubuntu Precise Pangolin release schedule can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule
[18:59] <desrt> convenient. thanks.
[18:59] <desrt> crikey. all of next week
[18:59] * desrt starts planning for all the things he can break in that time
[19:00] <nessita> hello all!!!
[19:00] <desrt> nessita: hello!
[19:00] <nessita> seb128: may I ask a very quick favor from you?
[19:01] <nessita> anyone with a non-english locale: would you please pastebin the content of your ~/ .config/user-dirs.dirs ?
[19:14] <dobey> nessita: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/xdg-user-dirs/+pots/xdg-user-dirs might help :)
[19:14] <nessita> dobey: looking!
[19:16] <dobey> 文档 is "Documents" currently, in the simplified chinese translation :)
[19:28] <seb128> nessita, hey
[19:28] <seb128> nessita, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/886785/
[19:28] <nessita> seb128: thanks!!!
[19:28] <seb128> nessita, yw
[19:29] <seb128> nessita, you can probably get the same by running LANG=fr LC_ALL=fr_FR.UTF-8 xdg-user-dirs-update
[19:29] <nessita> seb128: did not know that, will take notes
[19:31] <seb128> nessita, you might need to --force if it does nothing
[19:31] <nessita> seb128: yeap, thanks!
[19:31] <seb128> nessita, yw
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