UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /03 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:13] <apachelogger> ScottK: our mission is to provide the best KDE desktop based on ubuntu AFAIK
[00:13] <apachelogger> I'd feel rather uncomfortable shipping GTK software where in most user's use cases ark would do as well
[00:28] <aleite> Hello guys@
[00:28] <aleite> Do you know how to build kde on release mode?
[00:29] <aleite> Now, even if I put -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release, kde is built in debugfull mode
[00:31] <Jucato> small 'r'? as in =release?
[00:32] <aleite> Tried too...
[00:32] <aleite> didn't work
[04:11] <dread> heya
[04:11] <dread> why the crap is the damn ugly 'gwenview-kde3' preinstalled in kubuntu 8.10 beta ?
[04:12] <dread> i updated from 8.04
[04:14] <dread> can anyone give me the default sources.list for 8.10 please?
[04:15] <dread> argh
[04:16] <dread> the new adept is messy... not showing up the packages from sources
[04:16] <Hobbsee> dread: well, for a start, gwenview-kde3 doesn't exist in ubuntu/kubuntu.
[04:16] <Hobbsee> secondly, be respectful if you actually want an answer.
[04:17] <Hobbsee> thirdly, default sources.list is probably a #kubuntu question.
[04:19] <dread> ok, very sorry T_T
[04:19] <dread> you guys rock ;-)
[04:38] <ScottK> apachelogger: I was thinking in addition, not instead of, but not a big deal.
[08:34] <hosein-mec> why there isnt default list of package in Adept 3 ?? there is only search function to see package ... !
[10:05] <Salze> Hi. kdesudo "adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel" does not give me any new packages. Will I get the same result (I should have gotten with this) by replacing hardy with intrepid in the sources.list?
[10:06] <Salze> Oh...forget it.
[10:06] * Salze feels ashamed
[10:06] <Salze> The upgrade button was hidden because the window was too small.
[10:14] <seaLne> why is 4.1.2 in hardy but not intrepid is it just beta freeze?
[10:17] <stdin> !info kdelibs5 intrepid | seaLne
[10:17] <ubottu> sealne: kdelibs5 (source: kde4libs): core libraries for all KDE 4 applications. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 9292 kB, installed size 25912 kB
[10:19] <seaLne> hmm so it should be?
[10:19] <stdin> well, that's what apt reports
[10:20] <seaLne> weird my system agrees didn't remember it installing
[10:20] <seaLne> :)
[10:20] <stdin> must have upgraded smoothly then :)
[10:21] * seaLne grins
[10:51] <DreadKnight> the beta has issue on my box
[10:51] <DreadKnight> but only the 64bit version
[10:52] <DreadKnight> i couldn't get x running at all
[10:52] <DreadKnight> intel GMA 950 video card
[10:52] <davmor2> DreadKnight: works here
[10:53] <DreadKnight> davmor2: installed from cd?
[10:53] <DreadKnight> i have Toshiba portege m405
[10:53] <davmor2> DreadKnight: yeap both alt and live
[10:53] <DreadKnight> i upgraded a hardy install... heh
[10:53] <DreadKnight> only 32 bit worked
=== akonadi is now known as nihui
[12:12] <apachelogger> ~topic seperator |
[12:12] <kubotu> unknown command
[12:12] <apachelogger> -.-
[12:12] <apachelogger> ~help topic
[12:12] <kubotu> topic add(at)|prepend|del(ete)|replace|sep(arator)|learn|restore|clear|set|undo: manipulate the topic of the current channel; use topic <#channel> <command> for private addressing
[12:12] <apachelogger> ~topic sep |
[12:12] <kubotu> Topic separator set to |
[12:13] <apachelogger> ~topic add Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule
=== kubotu changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Todo | Beta is out, you all rock! | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule
[12:13] <apachelogger> ~topic learn
[12:13] <kubotu> alright
[12:14] <Salze> I have a problem during the update from Hardy to Intrepid with the adept_manager installation procedure.
[12:14] <Salze> Unfortunately I cannot start konqueror, so I cannot use pastebin.
[12:14] <Salze> Anyone willing to try to help me in a query?
[12:14] <apachelogger> why can't you start konqueror?
[12:14] <Salze> I think because some parts have already been replaced.
[12:15] <Salze> But I'm not sure.
[12:15] <Salze> It says it cannot initiate http protocol.
[12:15] <apachelogger> Salze: can you paste to a file?
[12:16] <Salze> Yes.
[12:16] <apachelogger> Salze: do that
[12:16] <Salze> I have.
[12:16] <apachelogger> then wget http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/batpaste
[12:16] <apachelogger> ruby batpaste FILENAME
[12:17] <Salze> http://paste.ubuntu.com/53414/
[12:17] <Salze> Thank you.
[12:19] <Salze> The installation process hangs (as far as I can tell). Any chance to get it running again?
[12:19] <apachelogger> Salze: how did you start the upgrade?
[12:19] <Salze> kdesudo ...
[12:19] <Salze> Don't remember exactly - I c&p from the webpage.
[12:20] <apachelogger> adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel maybe?
[12:20] <Salze> Yes.
[12:20] <apachelogger> hm
[12:20] <Salze> kdesudo (or something) in front of that.
[12:21] <apachelogger> Riddell: would that restart the upgrade if it has been aborted?
[12:21] <Salze> The window is still open - I just have the impression it waits for some input.
[12:21] <Salze> But I don't see any question.
[12:22] <Salze> It's stuck at "Configuring landscape-common
[12:23] <apachelogger> Salze: you will have to wait for Riddell, he knows about the upgrader
[12:23] <Salze> Ok. Thank you for your help!
[12:23] <apachelogger> You're welcome!
[12:29] <Salze> Just in case someone might be interested: I killed "/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/landscape-sysinfo". Now the installer continues to run.
[12:30] <apachelogger> Salze: it might happen again
[12:30] <Salze> Same error messages with bash_completion - although this time the installer continues to run.
[12:31] * apachelogger is wondering why it can't initialize the kde frontend for debconf
[12:31] <Salze> I don't know. I would suspect some essential kde files got updated already and are now incompatible.
[12:32] <Salze> [13:30] <apachelogger> Salze: it might happen again <- it did - several times already. But now it always continues to run.
[12:32] <Salze> Let's wait and see whether the system will be usable at the end. :-)
[12:32] <apachelogger> well, maybe debconf is locked
[12:33] <Salze> Wouldn't it then complain about locks instead of frontend?
[12:33] <Riddell> apachelogger: there is no kde frontend to debconf
[12:33] <Riddell> we should probably write one
[12:33] <apachelogger> Riddell: wasn't there some?
[12:33] <Riddell> there was for kde 3, not for kde 4
[12:34] * apachelogger seems to remember that adept poped up with a kde dialog for debconf stuff
[12:34] <apachelogger> ah, I see
[12:34] <Salze> It did ask me once whether I want to keep or replace changes on some file. Was that debconf?
[12:35] <apachelogger> no, that was dpkg itself
[12:35] <apachelogger> Riddell: can you grant a FFe for powerdevil?
[12:35] <Salze> Ok.
[12:35] <Riddell> Salze: when your upgrade is done report a bug on update-manager noting where it got stuck and attach /usr/lob/dist-upgrade/*
[12:35] <apachelogger> s/lob/log
[12:35] <Riddell> apachelogger: if there's a good reason I could
[12:35] <Salze> Will do - at least if the system is useable at the end. *gg*
[12:35] <apachelogger> Riddell: it works better ;-)
[12:36] * apachelogger is wondering why drf doesn't keep a changelog -.-
[12:36] <Riddell> changelogs are hassle to keep
[12:37] <Riddell> apachelogger: yeah, go for it, I'll review the package before uploading
[12:38] <apachelogger> Riddell: do you want to upload or are you reviewing it before accepting the upload?
[12:38] <apachelogger> it's in universe, so I can upload :)
[12:39] <Salze> /usr/lob/dist-upgrade/* <- It's /var, right?
[12:40] <apachelogger> haha, awesome svn log http://paste.ubuntu.com/53418/
[12:40] <stdin> /var/log/dist-upgrade
[12:42] <Salze> Ok, I managed to save that to my SD card, so that I will have it even if the system does not work after rebooting.
[12:54] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: apparently your ksmserver patch broke update-notifier-kde, clicking on the reboot icon brings up the shutdown dialog
[12:55] <JontheEchidna> bug 277380
[12:55] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277380 in kdebase-workspace "After installing updates in Adept and needing to restart, clicking on "restart" tray icon brings up dialog to shut down" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277380
[13:00] <Tonio_> Riddell: is that too late to get kpackagekit in the archives ?
[13:00] <Tonio_> Riddell: 0.1 looks stable to get in universe imho
[13:00] <Riddell> apachelogger: go ahead and upload
[13:01] <Riddell> Tonio_: that's fine with me
[13:01] <Tonio_> Riddell: and since we'll probably consider it for jaunty.... why not getting it in...
[13:02] <Tonio_> Riddell: okay, I'll make the packages clean enough for the archives and upload to revu.... then ping to get revued
[13:02] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: mm, it probably just needs to call the correct numbers, unfortunately they're not well documented
[13:02] <apachelogger> Riddell: uploaded
[13:02] <Riddell> apachelogger: what happened to you and core-dev?
[13:04] <apachelogger> Riddell: rumor has it that apparently it got deferred
[13:04] <apachelogger> but since motu council does super secret channels I wouldn't know for sure :P
[13:04] <apachelogger> s/channels/meetings
[13:04] <apachelogger> ...in super secret channels though...
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_lunch
[13:38] <ScottK> It was still listed as a pending application in the meeting notes from the last meeting.
[13:45] <Riddell> ScottK: what's it blocked on?
[13:46] <ScottK> Riddell: Dunno. They just list pending applications in their call minutes, but don't say why they are still pending.
[13:49] <Riddell> poke nixternal
[13:49] <Riddell> presumably he needs to show up at a tech board meeting sometime
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[14:16] <jtechidna> ScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/53441/
[14:16] <jtechidna> works for me (tm)
[14:18] <ScottK> jtechidna: I'm downloading the source from your PPA now.
[14:19] <jjesse> mroning
[14:19] <jtechidna> http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c355/Woremar/tooltips.png
[14:21] <ScottK> jtechidna: Cool. Thanks. I'll build it and let you know how it works here.
[14:22] <jtechidna> ScottK: you're welcome. I learned a lot in the process
[14:24] <ScottK> jtechidna: I do think Riddell should review it before upload so unless he asks me to after looking at it, I don't think I should sponsor it.
[14:24] <jtechidna> yeah, def
[14:28] <rgreening> OMG.. that pic is awesome
[14:29] * rgreening wishes kde 4.2 was ready for intrepid
[14:29] <rgreening> come on Jaunty...
[14:30] * ScottK finds 4.1 quite exciting enough thank you very much.
[14:30] <rgreening> lol
[14:31] <rgreening> does anyone here know the Plasman API? I want to code a small app but was looking for someone to work with.
[14:32] <rgreening> s/Plasman/Plasma
[14:32] <rgreening> I miss my favorites applet... so I want to code one for Plasma...
[14:35] <sebas> rgreening: what do you need to know exactly?
[14:36] <rgreening> I haven't looked at Plasma before, so I was looking for someone who has to help out.
[14:36] <sebas> #plasma is usually helpful
[14:36] <rgreening> good idea
[14:36] <sebas> And there are lots of examples in KDE's svn
[14:36] * rgreening adds to auto-connect
[14:36] <sebas> You can start by modifying an existing plasmoids
[14:36] <sebas> -s
[14:37] <rgreening> true. does kdevelop support KDE4 and Plasmoid projects yet?
[14:37] <sebas> Dunno, I'm using kate+konsole usually
[14:37] <sebas> I *think* it does, but I'm not a 100% sure
[14:39] <Riddell> kdevelop is just a text editor too, it supports anything. it should come with KDE 4 templates. plasmoid templates probably not but you can start with any existing one
[14:39] * sebas nods at Riddell
[14:39] <Riddell> sebas: go nod in that other channel over there
[14:40] * rgreening installed kdevelop.. KDE4 projects folder... empty.. hrm
[14:41] <rgreening> Is there a python bindings support being done (or exist) for plasma yet?
[14:42] <rgreening> cause that would be easier :P
[14:42] <Riddell> python bindings are in playground/base/plasma but it didn't work last I tried
[14:42] <Riddell> will need kde 4.2 anyway
[14:42] <rgreening> ah
[14:45] <jtechidna> yeah, can't wait for 4.2
[14:45] <jtechidna> I think I can wait for Jaunty though, Intrepid has been exciting
[14:46] <ScottK> Riddell: One problem I ran into when I upgraded was between kdelibs4-dev and kdelibs5-dev. I had kdegames-dev installed and it switched from *4 to *5 and they aren't coinstallable. I could sort it manually and probably so could most people who have -dev packages. Is it worth worrying about?
[14:48] <Riddell> ScottK: so apt got confused?
[14:49] <ScottK> Riddell: Yes. It couldn't upgrade kdegames-dev because that would have needed kdelibs4-dev removed. I think it's either 'not a big deal' or update-manager needs a special case for it.
[14:50] <ScottK> I replicated it do an upgrade of a chroot from hardy to intrepid, so it wasn't a one time oddity.
[14:56] <nixternal> good morning
[14:57] <Riddell> ScottK: I guess mvo is the person to ask about what the right thing to do is. there should be a right thing to do
[14:58] <nixternal> apachelogger: I already commented and gave you a +1 on your application correct?
[14:58] <ScottK> Riddell: OK. I'll ask him.
[14:58] <Riddell> ScottK: he might be on holiday today though, it's german group hug day
[14:59] <ScottK> OK.
[14:59] * ScottK adds to TODO.
[14:59] <Riddell> nixternal: yes but motu-council hasn't got any further
[14:59] <nixternal> hrmm, I don't know why...and I thought I was the one holding up processes due to me working, guess not
[15:02] <nixternal> argh, I can see this MC stuff is going to piss me off concerning you apachelogger
[15:02] <Riddell> nixternal: how so?
[15:03] <apachelogger> :/
[15:03] <nixternal> because they waste no time pushing a Canonical employee through for core-dev, but hang up on apachelogger who has been in this community far longer than anyone else currently in the queue...they are doing the same with superm1 as well
[15:04] <ScottK> nixternal: superm1 is scheduled for the next tech board meeting.
[15:04] <nixternal> wtf
[15:04] * smarter is wondering what's happening with his motu application too :]
[15:04] * apachelogger is a 2nd class citzien himself
[15:04] <nixternal> good, I am glad mario got through then
[15:04] <nixternal> apachelogger: I agree :P
[15:04] <nixternal> I would lean more for 3rd class citizen with you though :p
[15:04] <ScottK> I think it's mostly MC people being busy.
[15:05] <nixternal> ScottK: I voted right away and I am never around
[15:05] <ScottK> Perhaps some people not sure what the right answer is and spend a long time navel gazing.
[15:05] <apachelogger> nixternal: then I should switch to xubuntu
[15:05] <nixternal> so it isn't the MC being busy
[15:05] <ScottK> nixternal: Others haven't voted. Dunno why.
[15:05] <nixternal> I come on for 15 minutes a day, I check my email once a week
[15:06] <nixternal> i should have voted -1 for apachelogger since he didn't even add me to his application
[15:07] <apachelogger> lol
[15:07] <apachelogger> nixternal: I still love you though
[15:07] <nixternal> sure you do
[15:08] * apachelogger had to browse through 5 neon files in order to find the constant for package revision
[15:09] <jtechidna> apachelogger: testbuildan a kate fix
[15:10] <apachelogger> jtechidna: sounds dangerous
[15:10] <jtechidna> well, it's a 6-line patch :P
[15:11] <apachelogger> well
[15:11] <apachelogger> there we have it
[15:11] <apachelogger> _patch_
[15:11] <jtechidna> heh
[15:11] <apachelogger> !<3 patches
[15:11] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about 3 patches
[15:11] <apachelogger> :)
[15:11] <jtechidna> !patches
[15:11] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about patches
[15:12] <jtechidna> damn, I know I added something about patches
[15:12] <jtechidna> or maybe workarounds...
[15:12] <jtechidna> kubotu: facts about patches
[15:12] <kubotu> I know nothing about patches
[15:12] <apachelogger> kubotu: facts about apachelogger
[15:12] <kubotu> [5/6] apachelogger has a batman pyjama. [6/6] "...and apachelogger hates workarounds"
[15:13] <nixternal> kubotu: facts about nixternal
[15:13] <kubotu> I know nothing about nixternal
[15:13] <nixternal> good, lets keep it that way!
[15:13] <apachelogger> lol
[15:13] <rgreening> kubotu: fact #2
[15:13] <kubotu> fact #2 of 6: rgreening buries head in sand [from smarter!n=smarter@ubuntu/member/smarter on Wed Oct 01 23:27:17 +0300 2008 in #kubuntu-bunker]
[15:14] <nixternal> vore: are you going to the pre-party next friday? if so, I need your cell number so I can call you...I am planning on getting to columbus at around 6/7 pm
[15:14] <nixternal> and will need someone to drink with besides my buddy kevin :P
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
[15:14] <nixternal> shoot
[15:14] <nixternal> vorian: ^^
[15:14] <nixternal> sorry vore
[15:15] <nixternal> vore: shoot, you are in tennessee...you going to Ohio Linux Fest next week? :)
[15:15] <vorian> holy
[15:15] <nixternal> holy what?
[15:15] <vorian> nothing
[15:16] <vorian> i'm going
[15:16] <vorian> I se
[15:16] <vorian> e
[15:16] <nixternal> what time and where is this pre-party
[15:16] <vorian> it's across the street from the conf. center
[15:16] <vorian> Barleys
[15:16] <vorian> let me get a linky
[15:16] <nixternal> groovy, barleys, I have been there before
[15:17] <vorian> excellent
[15:17] <vorian> i'll pm my cell
[15:17] <nixternal> I am ready to drink people pretty
[15:17] <nixternal> +1 630 445 3860 is my cell
[15:17] * Jucato writes that down
[15:17] <nixternal> write it down
[15:17] <vorian> 740.253.9040
[15:18] <nixternal> if I see a phone number from 043792479365273475283437828043207672048306752784038042 I will let it go to voice mail :P
[15:18] <vorian> haha
[15:18] <Jucato> >:)
[15:18] <Jucato> you'll only see a number from 1337 :)
[15:24] <JontheEchidna> heh, Tooltips even work well with vertical panels: http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c355/Woremar/tooltips2.png
[15:27] <Riddell> apachelogger: able to turn up at techboard meeting? (#ubuntu-devel) ?
[15:28] <apachelogger> Riddell: yes
[15:29] <Riddell> apachelogger: guess that's the thing to do then
[15:29] * apachelogger creates a calendar entry
=== davmor2_lunch is now known as davmor2
[15:43] <apachelogger> Riddell: bug 276588
[15:43] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 276588 in kde4libs "package kdelibs5-dev None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/kdelibs5-dev.list] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libkjsembed.so', which is also in package libkjsembed-dev" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/276588
[15:44] <Riddell> apachelogger: can you connect to upload.ubuntu.com frp?
[15:44] <Riddell> ftp
[15:45] <apachelogger> Riddell: no
[15:46] <Riddell> mm, sysadmins are moving machines around
[15:51] * apachelogger is wondering why kdeartwork includes incompatible icon themes
[15:52] <Riddell> apachelogger: because kdeartwork has no maintainer
[15:52] <Riddell> I've tried to hint to ruphy he should do it since he effectivly maintains oxygen from a technical view, but he doesn't seem interested
[15:52] <apachelogger> Riddell: why does unmaintained stuff get released at all?
[15:53] <Riddell> shrug, bits of it are useful, it just needs someone to tidy it up
[15:55] <apachelogger> I see
[15:57] <apachelogger> Riddell: btw, did you copy 4.1.2 to the members ppa?
[15:58] <Riddell> apachelogger: yes
[15:58] <apachelogger> Riddell: oh why, but why? :P
[15:58] <Riddell> apachelogger: isn't that what needs done?
[15:59] <apachelogger> Riddell: yeah, doing it about half an hour before KDE publishes the news is good enough though
[16:00] <Riddell> apachelogger: well KDE was going to publish this morning
[16:00] <apachelogger> well
[16:00] <apachelogger> sebas: did another so* get messed up? ;-)
[16:01] <Riddell> germany is on holiday (group hug day). kde falls apart when germany goes on holiday
[16:01] <apachelogger> ^_^
[16:01] <apachelogger> rofl
[16:02] <davmor2> Riddell: ban him from holidays :P
[16:02] <JontheEchidna> kde4libs always takes so long to compile :(
[16:04] * apachelogger finds libs pretty fast actually
[16:04] <apachelogger> pim and bindings take long
[16:04] <Riddell> qt takes longer than anything
[16:05] <Riddell> (other than openoffice obviously)
[16:06] <apachelogger> talking about qt, do we have 4.4.3 in the archive yet?
[16:07] <Riddell> no, rgreening sent it to me but it was waiting for beta freeze and now it's waiting for upload.ubuntu.com
[16:07] <Riddell> along with a load of other bits
[16:09] <apachelogger> poor qt
[16:09] <rgreening> I've been running the 4.4.3 eversince I built it. Works fine here
[16:09] * apachelogger screwed up the complete changelogs for 4.1.2
[16:10] <rgreening> Riddell: I assume the kwin branch removal to kdebase-workspace was also uploaded now?
[16:10] <JontheEchidna> we could probably backport the fix from trunk even if suse hasn't updated their branch^
[16:11] <apachelogger> that sounds suicidal TBH
[16:11] <JontheEchidna> yeah, that patch is HUGE LIEK XBOX
[16:12] <Riddell> rgreening: I'm trying an updated version of the patch, but it's also waiting on upload.u.c to reappear
[16:13] <jussi01> wow, intrepid is blazing fast compared to hardy kde4... :D
[16:13] <rgreening> JontheEchidna: did you fwd the tootip diff to Riddell for inclusion? Real spiffy :)
[16:13] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: would you mind reviewing the tooltips patch sometime? http://paste.ubuntu.com/53441/
[16:13] <JontheEchidna> rgreening: ha
[16:13] <rgreening> lol
[16:13] <rgreening> read my minsd
[16:13] <rgreening> s/minsd/mind
[16:13] <JontheEchidna> just like when you joined right after I announced working tooltips
[16:13] <rgreening> haha
[16:13] <rgreening> too funny
[16:14] <rgreening> kubotu: order JontheEchidna a Irn Bru
[16:14] * kubotu slides jontheechidna a irn bru down the bar to rgreening
[16:14] <sebas> apachelogger: no, sysadmin mia ;)
[16:14] <rgreening> doh!
[16:14] <JontheEchidna> kubotu: help order
[16:14] <kubotu> You may also have a look at 'help order goods/machines/replies' ... Placing an order is actually easy as hell. 'order GOOD' => GOOD gets slid down the bar. 'order GOOD for NICK' => GOOD get slid down the bar to NICK. 'order GOOD for everyone' => everyone gets GOOD (in case the good is finite it will end as you place this order). 'order birthday package' => in case you want to make a special birthday present ;-)
[16:15] <rgreening> ah
[16:15] <rgreening> kubotu: order a Irn Bru for JontheEchidna
[16:15] * kubotu slides a irn bru down the bar to JontheEchidna
[16:15] <rgreening> better
[16:15] <JontheEchidna> rgreening: so did you get the tooltips working on your box?
[16:16] <apachelogger> sebas: if KDE had made me sysadmin... :P
[16:16] <rgreening> haven't had a chance to dl them. I need to downgrade my version (save rev as yours) to upgrade
[16:16] <rgreening> s/save/same
[16:16] <JontheEchidna> ah, right
[16:17] <apachelogger> seriously
[16:17] <apachelogger> oh my picard!
[16:18] <apachelogger> sebas: is it me or is the changelog really done manually without using the xml file?
[16:18] <sebas> Dunno, it looks buggered
[16:18] <apachelogger> that would support my theory
[16:19] <sebas> I am with you then
[16:19] <sebas> I'm actually glad if it's done at all
[16:20] <apachelogger> looks a bit short
[16:22] <apachelogger> sebas: maybe we should just tweak carsten's create_changelog script and parse the might commit logs
[16:22] * apachelogger drinks yet another cup of awfully cold coffee
[16:22] <JontheEchidna> ~order hot coffee for apachelogger
[16:22] * kubotu slides hot coffee down the bar to apachelogger
[16:23] <apachelogger> hm
[16:23] <sebas> apachelogger: not all commits are interesting for the changelog (that's what the .txt links that are broken are there for)
[16:23] <apachelogger> I fixed them :P
[16:23] * apachelogger fixes all the stuff none else cares about :P
[16:23] <apachelogger> sebas: we could introduce new keywords
[16:23] <apachelogger> FEATURE: blah
[16:23] <sebas> I love you!
[16:23] <apachelogger> IMPROVEMENT: blah blah
[16:24] <apachelogger> \o/
[16:24] <sebas> Yeah, it should anyway filter out all bugs
[16:24] <sebas> That's be useful, those just belong into the changelog no matter what
[16:24] <apachelogger> *nod*
[16:24] <sebas> Not even if my cat started complaining in chinese right now
[16:25] * apachelogger thinks that would be quite hilarious
[16:26] <sebas> And quite unreasonable. It's far too lazy to have any say.
[16:26] <sebas> And it usually doesn't move it's hairy ass unless it expects food.
[16:27] <apachelogger> that reminds me of JontheEchidna :P
[16:27] * apachelogger scuttles off
[16:27] <JontheEchidna> :P
[16:27] <rgreening> oh my
[16:28] <JontheEchidna> I guess it's what I get for slacking off on backports
[16:29] <JontheEchidna> Arby deserves a medal
[16:29] <Arby> he does, for what?
[16:29] <JontheEchidna> for doing most of the backports for 4.1.2
[16:30] <Arby> *shrug* if it leaves other people free to do the hard stuff it's all good :)
[16:30] <Arby> then I don't have to :)
[16:32] <apachelogger> uh
[16:32] <apachelogger> I think I fixed neon
[16:34] <JontheEchidna> :D
[16:34] * JontheEchidna misses his trunky amarok
[16:34] <apachelogger> well, it gets more broken every day :P
[16:35] <apachelogger> "It's not broken, it's Amarok"
[16:35] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: next time you do the release screenshot again
[16:36] <JontheEchidna> heh, ok
[16:36] <apachelogger> if http://www.kubuntu.org/system/files/kde4_1_2.png was any more blurry it would count as modern art
[16:39] <JontheEchidna> bah, where did my sound go
[16:41] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: with germany on group hug day?
[16:41] <JontheEchidna> probably
[16:47] <apachelogger> right
[16:47] <apachelogger> Riddell: please approve kgrubeditor
[16:48] <Riddell> apachelogger: that's on my todo list :)
[16:48] <Riddell> apachelogger: remind me again the rationale
[16:48] <Riddell> we currently have an unstable version and it's stable?
[16:48] <apachelogger> Riddell: the version we have is undstable compared with the new one
[16:48] <apachelogger> Artemis_Fowl: fixed a couple of bugs
[16:49] <apachelogger> Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/53472/
[16:50] <Artemis_Fowl> yep, and one of the bugs was kind of important since it caused a crash upon launching kgrubeditor
[16:54] <Riddell> ta da http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.2
[16:56] <smarter> :)
[16:56] <smarter> "Submitted on Wed, 2008-10-01"
[16:56] <smarter> publication date would be more appropriate :P
[16:57] <Riddell> thanks to whoever submitted it
[16:58] * apachelogger fixed the date and removed the reference to kde.org since it still says embargo :P
[16:59] <Riddell> thanks
[16:59] <apachelogger> sebas: fixed the changelog
[17:00] <rgreening> nice :P
[17:00] * Arby applauds the release and heads for the pub to celebrate
[17:00] <Arby> and because it's 5pm on a friday :)
[17:05] <rgreening> only 1:30here...
[17:05] * rgreening sneaks a drink under the desk
[17:05] <JontheEchidna> 12:05pm
[17:09] <apachelogger> 18:09
[17:09] <apachelogger> ~time
[17:09] <apachelogger> hm
[17:10] <JontheEchidna> Holy crap: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/18156365/iconsallwrong.png
[17:10] <JontheEchidna> bug 277458
[17:10] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277458 in ubuntu "intrepid kde4 icons are all screwed up" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277458
[17:12] <jussi01> err, that looks like when I used crystal icons on hardy...
[17:13] <rgreening> yep. wonder if they simply change the icon theme instead of deleting will it fix it.
[17:13] <apachelogger> ~time
[17:13] <kubotu> apachelogger: Europe - Vienna - Fri Oct 03 18:13 CEST
[17:13] <rgreening> ~time
[17:13] <kubotu> rgreening: use time set <Continent/City> to set your timezone.
[17:14] <rgreening> time set America/St_Johns
[17:14] <rgreening> doh
[17:14] <apachelogger> ~
[17:14] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: we can't do anything about it really
[17:14] <rgreening> ~time set America/St_Johns
[17:14] <kubotu> Ok, I'll remember that rgreening is on the America/St_Johns timezone
[17:14] <rgreening> ~time
[17:14] <kubotu> rgreening: America - St Johns - Fri Oct 03 13:44 NDT
[17:14] <rgreening> whee
[17:15] <JontheEchidna> ~time set America/New_York
[17:15] <kubotu> Ok, I'll remember that JontheEchidna is on the America/New_York timezone
[17:15] <apachelogger> Riddell: if we set the icon theme in etc/kde4/kdeglobals would the user still be able to change it?
[17:15] <JontheEchidna> ~time
[17:15] <kubotu> JontheEchidna: America - New York - Fri Oct 03 12:15 EDT
[17:16] <apachelogger> btw
[17:16] <apachelogger> ~time rgreening
[17:16] <kubotu> America - St Johns - Fri Oct 03 13:46 NDT
[17:16] <apachelogger> very useful :)
[17:17] <rgreening> yeah. I agre. It's easy to foget we are all in diff tz's
[17:17] <Riddell> apachelogger: yes
[17:17] <smarter> ~time set Europe/France
[17:17] <kubotu> Europe/France is an invalid timezone. Format is Continent/City or a two character country code.
[17:17] <smarter> ~time set Europe/Paris
[17:17] <kubotu> Ok, I'll remember that smarter is on the Europe/Paris timezone
[17:18] <apachelogger> Riddell: oh, that wouldn't help anyway :S the user already set a configured scheme so it would override etc in any case
[17:19] <rgreening> smarter: what part of Paris? I stayed at the Tour d'Eiffel Hotel on my vacation (July 3rd) this year.
[17:19] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: the problem is that we can't use kconf_update to drain the setting from kdeglobals due to /etc/kde4/kdeglobals which for some reason gets higher priority
[17:19] <apachelogger> the only solution would be to do it in postinst of kdelibs5
[17:19] <smarter> rgreening: I don't live in Paris, just in France and there's only one timezone :)
[17:20] <apachelogger> i.e. sed $HOMEs
[17:20] <rgreening> oh... hrm
[17:20] <smarter> rgreening: https://launchpad.net/~smarter to see where I live :)
[17:20] <smarter> rgreening: also, it's Tour Eiffel, no "d'" here :P
[17:20] <apachelogger> almost ch isn't it?
[17:20] * apachelogger clicks
[17:20] <smarter> apachelogger: yup
[17:20] <smarter> at the border
[17:20] <apachelogger> ch ain't got good beer :P
[17:20] <rgreening> smarter: my French is tres Horrible, non?
[17:21] <smarter> ;)
[17:21] <apachelogger> si
[17:21] <apachelogger> oh, that was italian
[17:21] <smarter> you spellt these two words right, that's not bad (:
[17:21] <smarter> apachelogger: actually, si exists in french
[17:21] <apachelogger> well
[17:21] <apachelogger> it wouldn't make any sense here, would it?
[17:22] <smarter> yes it does :P
[17:22] <smarter> when someone asks a negative questions, you answer "si" instead of "oui"
[17:22] <smarter> hmm, no it doesn't make any sense here, I'm just being stupid ^^'
[17:22] <apachelogger> exactly
[17:23] <smarter> anyway, even if they don't have good beer, swiss have good chocolate :)
[17:23] <apachelogger> jussi01: btw, I could have installed my own ruby as well :P
[17:23] <rgreening> and milk maids
[17:23] * apachelogger currently overrides system ruby with 2 plugins
[17:24] <jussi01> apachelogger: cool, I dont mind, there is plenty of space :)
[17:24] <apachelogger> smarter: belgium got better chocolate :P
[17:24] <apachelogger> jussi01: I think I am too lazy though ;-)
[17:24] <apachelogger> besides, that is going to end up like on kollide
[17:25] <apachelogger> I have half a system in my home there
[17:25] <apachelogger> bloody gentoo isn't usable gentoo ;-)
[17:26] * tanderson notices the gentoo highlight
[17:26] <apachelogger> haha
[17:26] <apachelogger> tanderson: is there any way to make gentoo usable for servers?
[17:26] <tanderson> apachelogger: sure, I use it on one myself
[17:27] <apachelogger> probably our admin's fault then
[17:27] <apachelogger> stuff breaks all the time
[17:27] <tanderson> oh yeah, it's easy break if you're not careful
[17:27] <apachelogger> *nod*
[17:30] * apachelogger scuttles over to xubuntu-devel for coffee
[17:52] <NCommander> hey apachelogger
[17:52] <apachelogger> ahoy NCommander
[17:53] <NCommander> apachelogger, I like your core dev application ;-)
[17:53] <apachelogger> :)
[17:54] <Riddell> hmm?
[17:55] <NCommander> Riddell, apachelogger wrote his application as a ... er ... well, application :-)
[17:56] <Riddell> oh yes, genius that was
[17:56] <NCommander> I'll have to think of something to out do him for my application :-)
[17:57] <seele> have there been any reports of people having trouble upgrading to beta from the kde4 remix?
[17:57] <seele> i dont see any comments on the feedback page, but had two people ask me about it
[17:57] <JontheEchidna> I think there were some
[17:57] <Riddell> seele: I had trouble if that counts :)
[17:58] <Riddell> but that was only from the alternate CD
[17:58] <seele> Riddell: if *you* had trouble then we'er doomed
[17:58] <Riddell> through internet was fine
[17:58] <apachelogger> NCommander: good luck with that :P
[17:58] <Riddell> NCommander: write it in python. that's much more sensible :)
[17:58] <NCommander> OOOH
[17:58] * NCommander will write it in x86 asm
[18:00] <seele> hmm.. i guess i can try a hardy remix upgrade after work tonight
[18:00] <apachelogger> Riddell: ruby! :P
[18:01] * apachelogger finds that changelog parser carsten wrote quite confusing
[18:03] <NCommander> apachelogger, what did you write your application in anyway?
[18:04] <apachelogger> NCommander: C++/Qt
[18:09] <ScottK> JontheEchidna: Tooltips works great here. I think for some users this will be a real boost for Kubuntu Intrepid.
[18:10] <ScottK> rgreening: Thanks for your help on it too.
[18:10] <ScottK> Riddell: Thumbs up from me for JontheEchidna's task bar tooltip change.
[18:10] <rgreening> np. I had a small part. this patch will seperate us from some of the others...
[18:11] <rgreening> too bad we can't backport the updated systray.
[18:11] <rgreening> or can we...
[18:11] <Riddell> ScottK: groovy, working for me too, I'll upload shortly
[18:11] <ScottK> Don't go too far ...
[18:11] <ScottK> Great.
[18:11] <rgreening> :P
[18:11] <Riddell> rgreening: probably not, but what's updated in it?
[18:12] <rgreening> Riddell: the transparancy issue is fixed AFAIK
[18:12] <rgreening> quite annoying atm
[18:12] <Riddell> rgreening: uploading kdegraphics
[18:12] <rgreening> cool
[18:13] <rgreening> Riddell: and how goes the kdebase-workspace testing on the updated kwin branch patch
[18:13] <Riddell> rgreening: working well here
[18:13] <rgreening> awesome. another boost for Kubuntu
[18:14] <Riddell> just need to edit .install files so we get than all important cube effect installed
[18:14] <rgreening> kool
[18:14] <JontheEchidna> oh, so that's why I couldn't find it :P
[18:15] <rgreening> lol
[18:15] <JontheEchidna> probably why the desktop switching effect combobox was empty
[18:15] <rgreening> ah.. could be
[18:15] <rgreening> though....
[18:15] <rgreening> that's a moc thing and should still be generated
[18:15] <rgreening> i believe
[18:16] * rgreening is learning to write plasmoids...
[18:16] <JontheEchidna> anybody working on anything kde4libs related? I'm probably going to have a kde4libs update that will need sponsored
[18:16] <JontheEchidna> (Bug 277258)
[18:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277258 in kde4libs "Kate KDE4.1 scrolling with the mouse on the scroll bar moves the bar but not the text" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277258
[18:19] <JontheEchidna> Still might be a while before it's all built
[18:21] <rgreening> Riddell: you uploading my changes for qt 4.4.3 as well...
[18:21] <Riddell> rgreening: yep
[18:22] <rgreening> cool...
[18:22] <Riddell> 100MB upload, wonder how long that'll take
[18:22] <rgreening> Is there an easy way to downgrade from local installed packages and prefer those in a repo (older version #'s).
[18:23] <Riddell> apt pinning maybe, it's fiddly as I mind
[18:23] <JontheEchidna> rgreening: if you still have old debs in /etc/apt/archive you could dpkg those
[18:24] <JontheEchidna> then apt-get update to the ones in the ppa
[18:24] <JontheEchidna> er
[18:24] <JontheEchidna> /var/cache/apt/archive
[18:25] <rgreening> that's what I have been doing. Just though there may have been a easier way. I think the pin is similar to Gentoo's masking. I may give that a shot.
[18:27] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: btw, didja get my adept sidebar patch? ;D
[18:28] <JontheEchidna> By the time Intrepid is released Riddell will have patches coming out his ears
[18:31] <apachelogger> *nod*
[18:31] <apachelogger> oh
[18:31] <apachelogger> awesome
[18:31] <apachelogger> sebas: basic commit log parsing works
[18:31] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: yes, also on today's todo list
[18:31] <JontheEchidna> nice, thanks. :)
[18:33] <jjesse> is there a reason i keep getting notification of incomplete lanague support of english? and when i can't select english because it is greyed out
[18:35] <Riddell> jjesse: it's a beastie
[18:35] <jjesse> oh?
[18:36] <Riddell> we'll fix i
[18:36] <Riddell> we'll fix it
[18:37] <jjesse> i'm sure you were,just wondered if it was something ive done to my system
[18:37] <Riddell> no
[18:38] * ScottK had to manually change the selected mixer in kmix to get mute/volume control to work (it worked in Hardy without intervention) from 'pcm' to 'front'. Bug or just something people have to change sometimes?
[18:40] <JontheEchidna> hmm, it's set to pcm here but volume control works for me. (I has no mute keyboard button)
[18:41] <ScottK> Mute keyboard button works as well as clicking on kmix. Volume keys show the volume, but won't change it. Kmix slider works fine.
[18:45] <rgreening> JontheEchidna: sidebar patch?
[18:45] <JontheEchidna> rgreening: look at Okular's sidebar and then look at Adept's
[18:46] <JontheEchidna> Adept uses Okular's sidebar code, but Adept's copy is from KDE 4.0 and looks somewhat crappy
[18:47] <rgreening> JontheEchidna: adept 3 looks crappy in general (IMO)
[18:47] * rgreening liked the old adept...
[18:48] <JontheEchidna> old adept was slow and crashy
[18:48] <JontheEchidna> Quick and un-crashy is my favorite adept3 feature
[18:49] <rgreening> I never had a hitch with old one... lucky I guess.
[18:49] <JontheEchidna> Plus we got to close 75% of our Adept bugs because of Adept3
[18:49] <rgreening> lol
[18:50] <JontheEchidna> The biggest peeve with Adept3 I have is it's searching
[18:50] <JontheEchidna> *its
[18:50] <rgreening> I hate the missing icons in adept. all the '?' icons drives me nutz
[18:51] * JontheEchidna never uses adept installer
[18:51] <rgreening> I'd rather see no icon thant the '?'...
[18:51] <rgreening> I should add a patch to show no icon rather than the '?'
[18:52] <rgreening> the '?' makes me think it's broken... at least that's what general users will likely think.
[18:53] <rgreening> anyone else think so?
[18:53] <JontheEchidna> there's a bug about that actually
[18:53] <JontheEchidna> from adept2
[18:53] <JontheEchidna> which we couldn't close, hehe
[18:53] <rgreening> hmm... got the bug #.
[18:53] <NCommander> Riddell, mind doing me a favor in a little big
[18:53] <rgreening> I may try and tackle it
[18:55] <NCommander> What does APT stand for specifically
[18:55] <NCommander> Advanced Packaging Tool, right?
[18:55] <NCommander> (or Package)
[18:57] <asfak> since last 3-4 days i am unable to drag gnome apps (synaptic, firefox) from kicker to desktop.
[18:57] <ScottK> NCommander: You could always work on Bug 56125
[18:57] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 56125 in apt "apt-get moo doesnt look like a cow" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56125
[18:58] <NCommander> ScottK, rofl, I'm writing a manpage for adept
[18:58] * NCommander has had that on his todo list for awhile
[18:58] <ScottK> Great.
[18:59] <NCommander> persia gave me some pointers and tools to help me get started on writing a manpage
[18:59] <ScottK> rgreening: If you're going to work on Adept, would you consider seeing if it's feasible to get back the 'show details' option in the udpdater?
[19:00] <NCommander> But I've never written one from scratch, so I'm looking for a second pair of eyes to look it over
[19:00] <rgreening> Scottk,NCommander: http://polishlinux.org/apps/cli/ascii-art-fun-cowsay-and-figlet/
[19:00] <rgreening> a good cow
[19:00] <rgreening> :)
[19:00] * NCommander perfers aptitude -vvvvvvv moo
[19:00] <ScottK> rgreening: The only good cow is cooking on my grill.
[19:00] * NCommander wants to try using a flamethrower on his side of beef
[19:00] <rgreening> lol
[19:00] <JontheEchidna> ScottK, rgreening: I believe Scott's talking about bug 275219
[19:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 275219 in adeptmgr "(Kubuntu Intrepid) In Adept installer, the "more" link shown when you click on an application is non-functional" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/275219
[19:01] <rgreening> I prefer my steaks on High 5 min per side. :)
[19:01] <rgreening> and 1 inch thick
[19:01] <NCommander> I perfer mine red and rare
[19:01] <NCommander> (ground beef however I perfer quite dead)
[19:01] <JontheEchidna> I like mine medium
[19:01] <ScottK> NCommander: The downside of the flamethrower approach is that if there's any incomplete combustion it ends up tasking like gasoline.
[19:02] <NCommander> Hrm
[19:02] * ScottK often orders steak "As long as it doesn't walk off the plate, I'll be happy".
[19:02] <NCommander> Maybe I should simply use an explosion to tenderize my steak
[19:02] * ScottK is not kidding.
[19:02] <JontheEchidna> heh
[19:02] <NCommander> ScottK, I usually say "Dead, but not so dead I could use it as a tire"
[19:03] * JontheEchidna just says "medium please" <.<
[19:03] <NCommander> I dunno about you, but if my meat has the consistency of rubber, I'm not happy
[19:04] <sebas> apachelogger: yay!
[19:05] * NCommander looks at adept's source ot see what command line options it takes
[19:06] <rgreening> adept needs a moo option and it should being up a pic with the cation 'Got Kubuntu' (as parody of got milk commercials)
[19:07] <NCommander> It seems that adept's --help lies about accepting command line options
[19:08] <JontheEchidna> adept takes "installer" and "upgrader" as command lines
[19:08] <JontheEchidna> or updater
[19:08] <NCommander> Oh, what do those do specifically?
[19:08] <JontheEchidna> launch adept in install or updater mode
[19:09] <JontheEchidna> install is a more user-friendly frontend for installing and removing applications only
[19:09] <JontheEchidna> (no packages)
[19:09] <JontheEchidna> updater, well, updates :)
[19:09] <NCommander> I'm trying to figure out how best to document that
[19:10] <NCommander> installer seems broken for me
[19:10] <NCommander> oh wait, just very slow
[19:10] * JontheEchidna never uses it aside from testing
[19:12] <rgreening> adept;
[19:12] <rgreening> Arguments:
[19:12] <rgreening> command Command
[19:12] <rgreening> lol.. great help
[19:17] <rgreening> adept doesn't document those commands ... missing feature
[19:18] <JontheEchidna> I'm sure mornfall would appreciate patches for stuff like that
[19:18] <rgreening> JontheEchidna: that's what I was thinking on doing...
[19:22] <NCommander> JontheEchidna, are you willing to look over my manpage?
[19:22] <JontheEchidna> sure
[19:23] <NCommander> JontheEchidna, http://paste.ubuntu.com/53510/
[19:25] <JontheEchidna> I'd change "Launchs adept in updater more which is a streamlined interface for handling updating the system." to "Launches adept in updater mode which offers a streamlined interface for handling package updates"
[19:25] <JontheEchidna> more -> mode in any case
[19:25] <JontheEchidna> other than that, lookin' good
[19:28] <NCommander> \o/!
[19:28] <NCommander> JontheEchidna, do you work on adept in Debian?
[19:28] <JontheEchidna> nope
[19:28] <JontheEchidna> I don't really do anything in Debian tbh
[19:29] <NCommander> v.v
[19:29] <JontheEchidna> <.<
[19:29] <NCommander> ^.6
[19:29] <NCommander> argh
[19:29] <NCommander> so much for IRC DDR
[19:34] <NCommander> Riddell, care to sponsor an upload giving adept a manpage?
[19:35] <Riddell> NCommander: can do yes
[19:35] <NCommander> \o/
[19:35] <rgreening> NCommander/Riddell: I am also workng on adding the missing help lines to adept. will have debdiff shortly.
[19:36] <NCommander> rgreening, if you just want to roll my mainpage into your patch, we could do tat, make it a single upload
[19:36] <rgreening> sure.
[19:40] <rgreening> sweet. adept help now more helpful
[19:41] <NCommander> \o/
[19:41] <rgreening> Riddell: how do we handle the strings for translations?
[19:41] <jjesse> rgreening: did you write a help manual for adept?
[19:41] <NCommander> rgreening, I forwarded it to Debian so they should benefit from it too
[19:41] <NCommander> jjesse, no, I did
[19:41] <jjesse> NCommander: really?
[19:42] <jjesse> that's awesome, i've had one i'm been working on in a branch but haven't had time to complete it
[19:42] <rgreening> jjesse: I added the command line help to adept.
[19:42] <jjesse> not a full manual?
[19:42] <rgreening> NCommander did the man
[19:42] <NCommander> jjesse, no, I wrote a manpage
[19:42] <jjesse> oh cool, mind if i borrow from your man page to compete the manual then?
[19:43] <jjesse> i would totally credit you
[19:43] <NCommander> jjesse, go for it
[19:43] * NCommander didn't even take credit in the manpage for writing it :-)
[19:45] <Riddell> rgreening: depends on the context
[19:45] <rgreening> NCommander... got your e-mail. so, looks like I'll need to integrate it with adept. Did you already do that (i.e. have a diff/debdiff?)
[19:45] <NCommander> no
[19:45] <NCommander> I just finished writing it
[19:46] <Riddell> rgreening: what are the missing help lines?
[19:46] <NCommander> If you want me to do that, finish your work, upload, then ping me
[19:46] <rgreening> Riddell: see paste here... http://paste.ubuntu.com/53514/
[19:47] <rgreening> NCommander: no problem. Was just curious.
[19:47] <rgreening> Riddell: are the strings ok, or do you want to fiddle with them?
[19:47] <rgreening> Riddell: there was no command line help in Adept for the installer or updater command lines
[19:48] <rgreening> this fixes. tested and verified
[19:49] <Riddell> rgreening: that's fine, would be nice if there was a way to say that no command will launch the manager
[19:49] * NCommander looks at his RS/6000
[19:49] <rgreening> true. thought about that one. Let me read over main.cpp some more....
[19:50] <Riddell> rgreening: the translations get extracted into a .pot file at build time which gets put into rosetta where people can translate it
[19:50] <rgreening> kool.
[19:50] <Riddell> normally we wouldn't update strings this late but rosetta doesn't even have many strings imported so it's moot
[19:50] <rgreening> and this isn't a showstopper anyway.
[19:55] <Riddell> NCommander: where's your patch?
[19:58] <NCommander> Riddell, emailed
[19:59] * apachelogger notes that he once again managed to create the most bizzare code block
[19:59] <rgreening> kubotu: fact #3
[19:59] <kubotu> fact #3 of 6: JontheEchidna needs moar coffeeee [from JontheEchidna!n=jonathan@ubuntu/member/jontheechidna on Wed Oct 01 23:27:52 +0300 2008 in #kubuntu-bunker]
[19:59] <rgreening> nope.. wrong fact
[19:59] <rgreening> kubotu: fact #4
[19:59] <kubotu> fact #4 of 6: smarter is not smarter [from rgreening!n=rgreenin@pool1.corpnat-toroon.gt.ca on Wed Oct 01 23:28:23 +0300 2008 in #kubuntu-bunker]
[20:00] <rgreening> nope..
[20:00] <JontheEchidna> kubotu: facts about rgreening
[20:00] <kubotu> [2/6] rgreening buries head in sand
[20:00] <rgreening> :)
[20:02] <apachelogger> http://paste.ubuntu.com/53517/ \o/
[20:03] <rgreening> Riddell: let me know if this looks good and about the wording: http://paste.ubuntu.com/53518/
[20:03] <Riddell> rgreening: great
[20:04] <rgreening> Ok, NCommander sent me the man page. Not sure how to integrate man pages yet... do you want me to send the diff for this now or wait until I get the manpage figured out..
[20:04] * NCommander can wait ;-)
[20:05] <JontheEchidna> Riddell, ScottK: bug 277258 needs sponsoring
[20:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277258 in kde4libs "Kate KDE4.1 scrolling with the mouse on the scroll bar moves the bar but not the text" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277258
[20:05] <rgreening> Riddell ^ see my last about the manpage
[20:05] * ScottK looks
[20:05] <Riddell> rgreening: it depends in what format the manpage is
[20:06] <rgreening> hmm... NCommander e-mailed you I believe the same as I got
[20:06] <rgreening> Riddell: ^
[20:06] <rgreening> I'll send the debdiff for what I just changed...
[20:07] <NCommander> Riddell, raw man :-)
[20:07] <NCommander> (aka nroff)
[20:08] <Riddell> just needs a debian/manpages file then with the name of the manpage
[20:09] <rgreening> oh. ok, I'll test that
[20:09] <rgreening> and send with my change.
[20:12] <ScottK> JontheEchidna: I'll sponsor it. I had to redo debian/changelog because apachelogger already uploaded ubuntu2.
[20:13] <JontheEchidna> oh, and then it merged changelogs
[20:13] <JontheEchidna> meh
[20:14] <apachelogger> ...if we were using bzr ... and bzr would read debian/changelog before trying to merge ... this stuff wouldn't happen
[20:15] <ScottK> apachelogger: No, you'd be sitting there waiting for it to finish updating instead of doing actual work.
[20:16] <apachelogger> ... if bzr was written with sensible design and language ... we wouldn't have to be sitting
[20:17] <apachelogger> ScottK: It's not like bzr is eating your CPU, is it?
[20:17] <ScottK> No, it's the upload/download with LP that takes an eternity.
[20:17] <apachelogger> well, I usually do other stuff while bzr is at work, so I barely notice
[20:25] <Riddell> ScottK: let me know if your upload gets accepted
[20:30] <ScottK> Riddell: Will do.
[20:30] <ScottK> Test build is still building ...
[20:30] <rgreening> Riddell: I created the manpages dir and put the manpage in a filed named adept. Never built/installed it. missing something?
[20:32] <Riddell> should be called adept.1
[20:32] <Riddell> the file should be called manpages and contain one line with the name of the manpage file
[20:33] <Riddell> debian/adept.1
[20:33] <Riddell> for example
[20:33] <rgreening> ah
[20:33] * rgreening slaps his forehead
[20:33] <Riddell> man dh_installman
[20:33] <rgreening> good to know
[20:34] <rgreening> ty
[20:46] <rgreening> Riddell: adept diff sent
[20:47] <rgreening> ok, offline ofr a few hours. l8r
[20:55] <Riddell> apachelogger: hmm, amarok 2 beta doesn't start here
[20:55] <Riddell> <unknown program name>(4831)/: Communication problem with "amarok" , it probably crashed.
[20:59] <Riddell> JontheEchidna, NCommander: that's the adept upload done
[21:00] <JontheEchidna> :D
[21:00] <JontheEchidna> Thanks Riddell
[21:00] <NCommander> \o\ /o/ |o\
[21:01] <JontheEchidna> |o| <- Tie Fighter
[21:02] <Riddell> tooltips are up too incase you missed that
[21:08] <smarter> ooh, http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/ is greener
[21:09] <JontheEchidna> Does that mean KDe's new color is green?
[21:12] <ScottK> kde4libs is still building and I'm heading out for a while.
[22:16] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: are you going to blog about 4.1.2?
[22:16] <JontheEchidna> Sure
[22:20] <apachelogger> perfect
[22:21] * apachelogger stops ruby haxx0ring and goes cuddling
[22:22] <ScottK> TMI thank you very much.
[22:23] <Riddell> apachelogger: who's getting cuddles?
[22:29] <ScottK> JontheEchidna: kde4libs uploaded. Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu.
[22:29] <JontheEchidna> ScottK: you're welcome
[22:29] <JontheEchidna> way easier to do than tooltips :P
[22:30] <ScottK> ;=).
[22:30] <ScottK> Yes, well that tooltips one is a huge deal for me, I really appreciate it.
[22:34] <ScottK> Riddell: I got accepted mail for my upload.
[22:36] <ScottK> Looks like kdegraphics is stuck in New.
[22:37] <ScottK> Riddell: Did you upload the kdebase-workspace update with the tooltips change?
[22:38] <ScottK> If you did, it looks to me like Soyuz ate it.
[23:49] <JontheEchidna> ScottK: workspace finally went through
[23:52] <JontheEchidna> Get:27 http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main qt4-doc 4.4.3-0ubuntu1 [52.8MB]
[23:52] <JontheEchidna> dang, that's big