UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /21 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:07] <bitsbam_> hey there all
[00:19] <Kludge^WalesUK> hi bitsbam_, what you need? :)
[00:21] <bitsbam_> i was needing some tips on mysql performance, i have indexes, etc.. but i am not using much RAM like i would like
[00:22] <bitsbam_> i have 16 GB RAM and i am only using a bit less thank a gig
=== jjesse__ is now known as jjesse
[01:28] <uvirtbot> New bug: #250354 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "MySQL doesn't accept non-real dates on stored procedure calls" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/250354
[03:38] <dbbolton> i am having trouble getting X to start
[03:38] <dbbolton> here is the output of startx http://pastebin.us/?show=d4464addf
[03:38] <Kamping_Kaiser> try #ubuntu :)
[03:38] <dbbolton> <Kamping_Kaiser> they told me to try here
[03:39] <dbbolton> <Kamping_Kaiser> i'm running ubuntu server 8.04
[03:39] <Kamping_Kaiser> dbbolton, doesnt sound like a server problem to me.
[03:40] <dbbolton> so this channel is for problems relating to server stuff, not just problems that arise on ubuntu server?
[03:43] <Kamping_Kaiser> Xorg isnt a server thing. its a desktop thing. IMNSHO of coure.
[03:43] * azteech1 agrees with kamping_Kiser
[03:45] <dbbolton> i think the people in #ubuntu just sent me here because they have no idea why it isn't working
[03:46] <dbbolton> x has failed on arch, debian lenny, and now ubuntu server. oddly enough it worked fine on debian etch though.
[03:47] <azteech1> dbbolton: there could be any number of things which could cause Xorg to not function right - best place to start is on the Ubuntuforums.org web site .... do a search for Xorg there and go from there
[03:49] <azteech1> also, you can post your problem there, and be patient. Someone shall respond with either questions, or additional input
[03:50] <dbbolton> azteech1 well i really don't want to ask in this channel if the question isn't relevant
[03:51] <dbbolton> thanks anyway
=== mdz_ is now known as mdz
[09:37] <DMsG_> hi guys
[09:37] <DMsG_> ist der any possibility to run jdk1.6 at a V100 with 8.04?
[09:38] <DMsG_> (8.04 still run at the v100, but theres no jdk avaiable)
[09:40] <_ruben> DMsG_: its in the multiverse repo
[09:45] <DMsG_> _ruben, i become the message "Package openjdk-6-jdk is not available, but is referred to by another package.
[09:45] <DMsG_> This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
[09:45] <DMsG_> is only available from another source
[09:45] <DMsG_> "
[09:55] <DMsG_> and mulitverse is enabled
[09:55] <uvirtbot> New bug: #250459 in net-snmp (main) "Example in snmpcmd man page shows wrong parameter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/250459
[09:56] <_ruben> DMsG_: i was looking at the sun one
[09:58] <DMsG_> fuck - it seems that there ist no jdk for sparc available. Now i habe a big problem ;)
[09:59] <_ruben> download from sun.com?
[10:00] <DMsG_> It issent available at sun.com
[10:00] <DMsG_> it doesnt't exsit i think
[10:02] <Deeps> lol wut
[10:02] <Deeps> sun not supporting java on sparc? lol
[10:03] <kraut> moin
[10:03] <DMsG_> Deeps, jdk @ linux @ sparc
[10:03] <Deeps> oh, linux sparc
[10:03] <Deeps> i see
[10:03] <Deeps> still thats pretty piss poor
[10:03] <Deeps> although most sparc users will be using solaris i guess
[10:04] <DMsG_> yes sure
[10:04] <DMsG_> but we have the 2 old v100 for a testing enviroment. So i decided to use linux. Its no productive thing
[10:06] <Deeps> fair enough
[10:32] <uvirtbot> New bug: #250465 in openldap2.3 (main) "CVE-2008-2952: BER Decoding Remote DoS Vulnerability" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/250465
[11:42] <nandersson> Idea: Hook up the huge Ubuntu bzr-repository (when all those 16 000 projects are imported) to the EU-sponsored project SQO-OSS (Software Quality Observatory for Open Source Software) http://www.sqo-oss.org/xwiki/bin/view/About/Screenshots
[11:54] <RockHound> hi everyone ... I am looking to find an little bit more up to date version of dovecot. according to bug report #189616, there was version 1.0.13 copied to hardy-updates ... I can not seem to find it though. Did I overlook something?
[11:54] <ivoks> i don't belive it's in updates
[11:54] <ivoks> maybe in -backports
[11:55] <ivoks> but... there's nowhere to backport from :D
[11:55] <ivoks> bug 189616
[11:55] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 189616 in dovecot "[SRU] connection problems under load with hardy dovecot" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189616
[11:55] <RockHound> ivoks: have backports enabled aswell
[11:57] <ivoks> 1.0.13 was uploaded to intrepid
[11:59] <RockHound> and according to Martin Pitts post to hardy-updates
[12:02] <ivoks> no, not 1.0.13
[12:02] <ivoks> but a patch for 1.0.10
[12:02] <RockHound> ahh ... see that is what I missed ;-)
[12:02] <ivoks> actually, this isn't a bug in 1.0.10
[12:03] <ivoks> it's just a note in syslog that user has reached it's limit and should adopt configuration
[12:03] <ivoks> that's:
[12:03] <ivoks> 1.0.10-1ubuntu5.1
[12:03] <RockHound> would security fixes as those addressed by 1.0.13 get put in backports by any chance? as 1.0.10 seems really old fo me ...
[12:04] <RockHound> since it is universe, I guess not
[12:04] <ivoks> universe? dovecot?
[12:04] <RockHound> no? where do I have my head today
[12:04] <ivoks> we backport security fixes from newer versions
[12:05] <RockHound> k
[12:50] <zul> morning
[12:51] <ivoks> zul: i attached a diff that fixes a 'postgres' problem in bacula, in -proposed
[12:51] <ivoks> i also have two pathces, one for apache and one for dovecot, if you would like to review them (part of sslv2 migration)
[12:51] <zul> ivoks: cool Ill take a look today
[13:13] <Blinny> I'm having a problem with different services repeatedly crashing on my updated Hardy Heron server - services including ssh, imap and samba. The processes are then defunct, which stinks because I can't remotely reboot the server (processes will never die on shutdown -r). I filed a bug against the kernel a few weeks ago, but I think this isn't correct, as I have received _no_ response. Any ideas? (the bug report is here: https://bugs.launchp
[13:15] <ivoks> you got cut off
[13:16] <Blinny> I filed a bug against the kernel a few weeks ago, but I think this isn't correct, as I have received _no_ response. Any ideas? (the bug report is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/242804)
[13:16] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 242804 in linux "Ubuntu Server x64 Kernel Oops - Random services tainted" [Undecided,New]
[13:17] <ivoks> you didn't report the bug against the kernel
[13:17] <ivoks> that's why it didn't got attention
[13:19] <Blinny> Should I file against Ubuntu kernel or upstream?
[13:20] <ivoks> i've changed it
[13:20] <ivoks> oh, sorry, you reported it correctly
[13:23] <ivoks> how much RAM do you have?
[13:23] <Blinny> The bummer is it's been almost a full month since original reporting. I can only assume that this is something specific to my setup, otherwise I think I would have seen others' contributions to the bug.
[13:24] <ivoks> there's one constant thing in your attachments
[13:24] <ivoks> and that's zlib
[13:25] <Blinny> *Nod* I noticed that too.
[13:25] <ivoks> wild gues
[13:25] <Blinny> There is a low-level hook that uses zlib: ipsec
[13:25] <ivoks> apt-get --reinstall install zlib1g
[13:27] <sommer> happy monday all
[13:27] <Blinny> I could take compression out of the ipsec configuration and see if that helps.
[13:27] <ivoks> sommer: hi
[13:27] <ivoks> Blinny: try that
[13:28] <Blinny> ivoks: I did the reinstall of zlib.
[13:33] <ivoks> Blinny: you should reboot after reinstallation of zlib
[13:34] <Blinny> ivoks: Will it hurt to wait until tomorrow? I have users already online - this is an LTSP server.
[13:35] <ivoks> well, almost all of services depend on zlib
[13:35] <ivoks> if you change it, it might produce problems to services
[13:35] <ivoks> it won't kill you if you wait for tomorrow :)
[13:35] <Blinny> Thanks ivoks
[13:36] <Blinny> Googling around I also found this: http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0802.2/2935.html -- related to zlib deflate & ipsec w/ kernel Oopses
[13:37] <Blinny> ivoks: Ok. Tough to the users. I will reboot anyway.
[13:37] <Blinny> BRB.
[13:37] <ivoks> it might not solve your problem
[13:39] <ivoks> well, almost 3PM; time to move to the beach...
[14:07] <Blinny> Why would one of my ethernet cards not come back on a reboot?
[14:07] <Blinny> eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
[14:08] <soren> lamont: You probably know this... I want to autogenerate parts of a dhcp3-server's configuration. I can't seem to find neither a conf.d sort of thing, nor an "include" directive. Is there a way to do this already, or should I be writing a patch to support one of those things?
[14:08] <soren> Blinny: Hardware failure?
[14:08] <Blinny> soren: but was just fine before reboot
[14:08] <Blinny> Hrm.
[14:09] <soren> Physical or virtual hardware?
[14:09] <Blinny> Physical
[14:09] <Blinny> BRB. Going to server room.
[14:09] <Blinny> Fun.
[14:09] <soren> Dunno then. Do you mysteriously have a new eth<some number> that you didn't before?
[14:09] <soren> rude
[14:11] <soren> lamont: Err.. The *real* problem seems to be my lack of ability to read. Forget that I asked. Please.
[14:11] <lamont> soren: heh
[14:12] <lamont> and yeah, "include" :-)
[14:12] <soren> Come on, I said "please" and everything! :)
[14:21] <uvirtbot> New bug: #231199 in openvpn (universe) "revoke-full fails" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/231199
[14:27] <Blinny> eth0 came back on a reboot. W-e-r-d weird.
[14:36] <fwest> is the apache2-ssl-certificate bug going to be fixed?
[14:37] <soren> Which bug is that?
[14:37] <fwest> the one where its missing
[14:41] <soren> fwest: This can go two ways: You either be more specific and tell me what the problem is (preferably referring to a bug on launchpad) so that I might actually help you or you don't and I won't.
[14:42] <Deeps> i pick the latter
[14:42] <lukehasnoname> fwest: Don't mess with the soren
[14:45] <soren> It really is hard to be helpful when approached with that kind of attitude.
[14:46] <soren> fwest: Look, Apache and SSL works great for loads of people. I can't (and won't try to) guess what your problem is, if you're not going to be helpful yourself.
[14:46] <Deeps> lol, having a bad day?
[14:47] <soren> I wasn't until about 10 minutes ago.
[14:47] <lukehasnoname> I need help with the bug that is messing up my desktop, what's the problem?
[14:47] <soren> You're using a desktop.
[14:47] <fwest> i can generate a cert, but i just found it easier to use the tool
[14:48] <soren> Oh, "the tool".
[14:48] <zul> mathiaz: ping ill merge the samba-3.2 this afternoon
[14:48] <mathiaz> zul: great
[14:48] <Deeps> lukehasnoname: chances are you're not using xp on your desktop, which is your first problem ;)
[14:48] <mathiaz> fwest: The issue has been fixed in intrepid
[14:49] <mathiaz> fwest: apache2 in intrepid should come with a default ssl configuration
[14:49] <fwest> i guess not going to be updated into hardy?
[14:49] <mathiaz> fwest: at least the problem was fixed in debian - we just have to merge it
[14:49] <fwest> ah
[14:49] <mathiaz> fwest: no
[14:50] <fwest> so much for LTS i guess
[14:50] <soren> fwest: Dude..
[14:50] <soren> fwest: What do you think "LTS" means?
[14:51] <fwest> well, not that same thing it means here
[14:51] <Deeps> to be fair, he might have a point
[14:52] <Deeps> but then it does largely depend on what the definition of "support" is
[14:52] <soren> he might. With the verbosity he's exhibiting, it's hard to tell.
[14:54] <jmazaredo> do server edition of ubuntu has physical volume for RAID option?
[14:56] <soren> fwest: I can tell you this much: One thing LTS does *not* mean is that we'll break people's working setups to make unhelpful irc users life easier.
[15:03] <uvirtbot> New bug: #226185 in openvpn (universe) "update-resolv-conf script does not restore old values" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226185
[15:03] <fwest> so the missing tool will break people's setup?
[15:05] <soren> fwest: I wouldn't know. You *still* haven't told me what "the tool" is.
[15:05] * Deeps gives soren a hug
[15:05] <fwest> [14:36] <fwest> is the apache2-ssl-certificate bug going to be fixed?
[15:06] <soren> 13:37:12 < soren> Which bug is that?
[15:06] <fwest> its missing
[15:06] <soren> 13:41:34 < soren> fwest: This can go two ways: You either be more specific and tell me what the problem is (preferably referring to a bug on launchpad) so that I might actually help you or you don't and I won't.
[15:06] <Deeps> fwest: i think you need to explain what the package is and what the bug is
[15:06] <soren> 13:46:26 < soren> fwest: Look, Apache and SSL works great for loads of people. I can't (and won't try to) guess what your problem is, if you're not going to be helpful yourself.
[15:06] <fwest> [14:37] <fwest> the one where its missing
[15:06] <Deeps> and not just expect soren to know what it is
[15:06] <Deeps> due to the hundreds of thousands of packages and bugs, not everyones an expert in every single field
[15:07] <Deeps> !info apache2-ssl-certificate
[15:07] <fwest> ok let me rephrase, apache2-ssl-certificate is missing
[15:07] <ubottu> Package apache2-ssl-certificate does not exist in hardy
[15:07] <fwest> its no a package
[15:07] <Deeps> what is it, what does it do, why should anyone care?
[15:07] <Deeps> and link to the launchpad bug would be very useful
[15:07] <fwest> generates ssl certs
[15:07] <soren> And what do you think ssl-cert does?
[15:08] <fwest> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/77675
[15:08] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 77675 in apache2 "[regression] apache2-ssl-certificate has gone missing since feisty" [Wishlist,Fix released]
[15:08] <soren> fwest: Have you read the comments on that bug?
[15:08] <soren> Or just the title?
[15:08] <fwest> and i wondered if it would be in hardy
[15:08] <fwest> but i guess not
[15:10] <soren> Fine. Forget it.
[15:10] <Deeps> haha, i see you're in that bug
[15:13] <Deeps> i was gonna ask what the rationale is to keep ssl-cert out, and then i just saw "* Disable ssl-cert until it sucks less. related to 230791"
[15:14] <Deeps> but then if the issue regarding all of this has been fixed for intrepid, why not backport the relevant changes to hardy too?
[15:18] <soren> From what I can see, what has changed in Intrepid is the addition of an SSL VirtualHost by default.
[15:19] <soren> Making such changes in a stable release is very, *very* hard to do in a way that will not interfere with existing setups.
[15:20] <Deeps> fair enough
[15:20] <soren> Note that "existing setups" is not just existing installations of Hardy, but also automated scripts that install a fresh Hardy system and then runs some stuff to set the system up according to the site's policies.
[15:21] <soren> If 000-default suddenly defines a *:443 virtualhost, the SSL virtualhost that people used to have in 001-local.conf (or whatever) will suddenly no longer work.
[15:22] <Deeps> yep
[15:22] <soren> So please spare me the "so much for LTS" crap.
[15:22] <lukehasnoname> so much for LTS
[15:22] <lukehasnoname> I'm not spearing Deeps
[15:22] <lukehasnoname> *sparing
[15:22] <soren> This is what LTS is all about: If I have something that works, it will *keep* *working*.
[15:31] <fwest> you are entirely right, i found the web site definition of LTS
[15:31] <fwest> just security updates
[15:32] * soren wonders where it says that
[15:32] <fwest> http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu
[15:32] <fwest> its in bold
[15:32] <CrummyGummy> Hi all, one of our Ubuntu servers stopped reponding to networking for a while this morning. One of the guys touched the keyboard and it started to respond. Something like a screen-saver effect although there is no such thing installed (not even a GUI). Any one else seen this?
[15:33] <lukehasnoname> CrummyGummy: Was the computer asleep?
[15:33] * soren sighs
[15:33] <veNom_bz> haha
[15:33] <soren> fwest: Where exactly does it say "just"?
[15:34] <fwest> it doesn't say anything else
[15:34] <soren> fwest: Or "only" or any other synomyn thereof.
[15:34] <CrummyGummy> lukehasnoname: seemed to be.... Not by planning though.
[15:34] <CrummyGummy> Is should always be up.
[15:34] <soren> CrummyGummy: I've seen it happen in a virtual machine, but not on real hardware.
[15:34] <soren> Anything of interest in dmesg?
[15:36] <soren> fwest: You'll have to forgive our evident inability to convey *every* *single* characteristic of Ubuntu in 7 short paragraphs.
[15:36] <veNom_bz> CrummyGummy, what hardware are you on? the system at the hardware level may have switched off your nic...
[15:36] <fwest> soren: well I am just trying to understand what to expect
[15:37] <soren> fwest: I recommend looking stuff up (and reading what it says) and then asking, if stuff is still unclear.
[15:38] <fwest> so where is the complete definition of what LTS means
[15:38] <_ruben> strange . fresh install of ubuntu server 7.10 x86_64 .. machine has 6GB ram, yet `free` only shows me 4 ..
[15:38] <gctaylor> Hi, is JeOS recommended if I -don't- want to distribute virtual appliances? Just run my own VMs. Like win and/or Linux flavors on vmware server.
[15:38] <CrummyGummy> Some sort of generic AMD server. I think its a MSI board.
[15:38] <lukehasnoname> fwest: Not just security updates, but focused on that
[15:38] <lukehasnoname> bug updates, as well
[15:38] <CrummyGummy> I haven't seen this sort of thing before upgrading to Hardy.
[15:39] <soren> fwest: No such definition exists, as far as I know.
[15:39] <CrummyGummy> Thats why I was wondering if there might be something new ther.
[15:39] <soren> fwest: Other than:
[15:39] <lukehasnoname> fwest: but major revisions and new features are not arbitrarily added
[15:39] <soren> It will be supported for 3 years on the desktop and 5 years on the server.
[15:39] <fwest> lukehasnoname: what about missing one, tools that were there
[15:39] <lukehasnoname> :s
[15:40] <fwest> its not clear what supported means,
[15:40] <veNom_bz> CrummyGummy, i've never encoutered such a thing and i've been using hardy server since release (in a situation where it would sit for days) look at your hardware if this problem presists
[15:40] <soren> fwest: No. And it can't be.
[15:40] <CrummyGummy> *there*
[15:40] <soren> CrummyGummy: Anything of interest in dmesg?
[15:40] <soren> fwest: I'll tell you this much:
[15:41] <soren> Changes in hardy are *not* going to happen if the people with problems refuse to explain what their problem is.
[15:41] <fwest> soren: well as it didn't take long to establish a tool was missing
[15:42] <soren> And no, your problem is *not* that some random utility is missing. Your problem *might* be that you now don't know how to do something, because tools have changed.
[15:42] <soren> But I don't know. Because you don't tell me.
[15:42] <soren> See how it works?
[15:43] <fwest> i think i did, as a conversation directly related to the missing tool
[15:43] <soren> Them I'm clearly the stupid one.
[15:44] <soren> I also happen to be one of the people who could fix it.
[15:44] <fwest> well to answer my question, the answer is probably not
[15:44] <soren> ..but seeing as I'm stupid and don't understand your problem and you refuse to help, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for things to change.
[15:45] <Blinny> I've read about a particular bug in the linux kernel mailing list. It was reported and spoke of being pushed to 2.6.24-stable in March. I'm still seeing the result of this bug, even though I'm on an updated 8.04 linux-image-generic -- How can I check to be sure that the actual March kernel bug fix is in Ubuntu's current linux-image-generic short of downloading the source?
[15:47] <soren> Blinny: The kernel's changelog lists the upstream changes that were imported.
[15:48] <soren> http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-meta_2.
[15:48] <soren> Look for "Upstream changes"
[15:48] <Blinny> soren: Bully. Thank you.
[15:48] <soren> Blinny: Whoops, wrong link.
[15:49] <soren> Blinny: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux/linux_2.6.24-19.36/changelog
[15:49] <soren> There, that one.
[15:50] <Blinny> Cheers.
[15:50] <soren> Any time :)
[15:50] <_ruben> [ 40.008864] Memory: 3993236k/6291456k available (2295k kernel code, 135080k reserved, 1238k data, 308k init)
[15:50] <_ruben> hrmm
[15:51] * _ruben starts looking for boot options to enable that other 2gig
[15:51] <soren> fwest: If it wasn't obvious, my last remark to you was an implicit suggestion that you'd restate your question in terms that I might understand.
[15:52] <soren> _ruben: Which kernel and architecture?
[15:52] <soren> i386 and generic, perhaps?
[15:52] <_ruben> x86_64 and -server
[15:53] <_ruben> dual 1st gen opteron
[15:53] <fwest> soren: i thought we established that the missing tool from apache2 was not going to make it into hardy
[15:55] <soren> We did.
[15:55] <soren> 14:42:03 < soren> And no, your problem is *not* that some random utility is missing. Your problem *might* be that you now don't know how to do something, because tools have changed.
[15:56] <soren> Try stating your *problem* rather than repeating the (wrong) solution to said problem.
[15:57] <fwest> i no longer have a problem
[15:57] <fwest> my expectation has been set
[15:57] <soren> Cool. Glad I could help.
[15:57] <fwest> thank you
[16:02] <_ruben> time to go home .. the hunt for the missing 2gb will continue tomorow :)
[16:02] <CrummyGummy> bios
[16:02] <_ruben> bios shows 6GB when booting
[16:02] <CrummyGummy> memory hole is set?
[16:02] <soren> _ruben: Hardy?
[16:03] <_ruben> soren: gutsy
[16:03] <soren> Oh.
[16:03] <_ruben> dont think there's a vmware-server package for hardy yet
[16:03] <_ruben> untill i roll my own, i'll just gutsy
[16:03] <_ruben> might give hardy a shot to see if it does see the 6gg
[16:04] <Blinny> _ruben: 3993236k/6291456k available looks like 6 gigs to me
[16:04] <_ruben> Blinny: the 2nd number does, yet the 1st number is what's actually being available
[16:04] <_ruben> hence `free` shows 4gigs of ram
[16:04] <soren> _ruben: I'd ask in #ubuntu-kernel.
[16:05] <_ruben> soren: i'll probably do so, tomorrow .. thanks anyways :)
[16:05] <soren> _ruben: Note that the kernel team is mostly US based, so this is probably a good time to catch their attention.
[16:05] <_ruben> ah
[16:05] * _ruben takes a quick peek
[16:05] <soren> _ruben: Tomorrow morning (European time) not so much..
[16:41] <uvirtbot> New bug: #250549 in net-snmp (main) "Wrong interface speed from snmpd running as snmp user" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/250549
[17:17] <godsyn> Just a heads up. I was in here a couple of days ago complaining about my fast system clock.. Turns out I was auto-over clocking via my bios.. I know, I know, I'm a tard.. at any rate, all better. Turned it off.
[17:17] <godsyn> all is well.
[17:19] <biz> Hello, is someone aware of http://www.policyd.org/v2/ packages?
[17:19] <biz> postfix-policyd* stuff is the 1.* branch
[17:33] * delcoyote hi
[18:10] <zul> mathiaz: samba-3.2 uploaded
[18:50] <duiu> Can I ask a CUPS question on this channel? Because the ##cups channel is somewhat worthless.
[19:02] <_ruben> duiu: dont ask to ask, such 'questions' are often ignored .. whether or not the actual question is appropriate here depends on the actual question anyways
[19:05] <duiu> OK, I"m trying to remotely configure CUPS via the web admin from another computer on the local network. Everything works until I get to the screen where I have to authenticate, upon which I enter in the password for a user that's a member of lpadmin group, and then I get an error (Though the site seems valid, the browser was unable to establish a connection.) in my browser and then I have to...
[19:05] <duiu> ...reload the default config file, restart cups, change the file to the modified for my network version, restart cups, and try again
[19:05] <duiu> Is there something I have to do to get CUPS authentication to work?
[19:15] <duiu> Screw it, I just disable authentication and it worked
[19:15] <duiu> *disabled
[19:30] <ivoks> hello
[19:31] <zul> hey ivoks
[19:31] <ivoks> does anyone think we should disable sslv2 even on upgrades?
[19:32] <ivoks> (i do)
[19:32] <ivoks> otherwise i'll quite and move to redhat :D
[19:32] <ivoks> quit even :D
[19:34] <sommer> seriously?
[19:34] <ivoks> i know you would like that :)
[19:35] <sommer> heck no... wouldn't wish redhat on anyone, hah
[19:35] <ivoks> no, seriously... it's very hard to package that change
[19:35] <ivoks> with apache it's easy, with dovecot, it's easy
[19:35] <ivoks> but with vsftpd... not
[19:35] <ivoks> i can't just change conffile from postinst
[19:36] <ivoks> next upgrade would pop the question for a user
[19:36] <sommer> I don't have strong feelings either way, but seem like sslv3 is the way to go
[19:37] <sommer> so for vsftpd if v2 isn't there will it automagically use v3 >?
[19:38] <ivoks> that's default for all sane applications
[19:38] <sommer> that's what I was thinking
[19:38] <ivoks> firefox doesn't even try with v2
[19:39] <ivoks> same goes for IE and opera
[19:39] <ivoks> if server provides sslv3 and tls, client will connect over it
[19:39] <ivoks> there might be some old clients (pre-2000.) which don't support sslv3 or tls
[19:40] <ivoks> but.. even netscape4 supports tls and sslv3
[19:40] <sommer> heh, that's pretty far back
[19:41] <sommer> does redhat disable sslv2?
[19:41] <sommer> just out of curiosity
[19:41] <ivoks> i don't know, but it doesn't have debian packaging guidelines :D
[19:41] <mindframe-> ivoks, you can force certain ciphers w/ vsftpd
[19:42] <ivoks> mindframe-: the issue is packaging
[19:42] <ivoks> if we agree to disable sslv2 on upgrade, then everything is fine
[19:43] <emgent> zul: new intrepid server will be use /var/www or /srv/www ?
[19:43] <ivoks> but, if we decide to keep sslv2 on upgrade and disable it only on new installations, then we have a packaging problem
[19:43] <zul> emgent: hmm?
[19:43] <zul> /var/www
[19:44] <emgent> nice!
[19:44] <zul> still
[19:44] <emgent> zul: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EasyGuiApacheSetup
[19:44] <ivoks> emgent: this is a workstation/desktop tool, right?
[19:44] <zul> emgent: you might want to bring that up in the server meeting tomorrow
[19:45] <emgent> ok nice.
[19:47] <emgent> zul: i'm not available for server meeting, but Tacone (other rapache devel) can join.
[19:47] <zul> emgent: sure please add it to the agenda in the wiki
[19:47] <emgent> sure.
[19:55] <emgent> ivoks: yeah now.
[19:55] <emgent> ivoks: http://en.emanuele-gentili.com/index.php/2008/07/17/rapache-05-is-out-go-to-test-it/
[19:56] <ivoks> i noticed it, but i'm a cli guy :)
[19:57] <emgent> :)
[19:58] <ivoks> a2ensite is top of the automatization for me :D
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[20:52] <mathiaz> nijaba: check this out - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ImproveSSLCert
[20:52] <mathiaz> nijaba: that's what I tought about during lunch
[21:02] <phaidros> mathiaz: just for curiosity .. is it possible yet to use different ssl certs on a webserver on the same IP ?
[21:03] <phaidros> so to say multiple vhosts with each its own ssl cert .. didn't know thats possible yet
[21:03] <mathiaz> phaidros: well - not really - support for SNI is not enabled in apache2 as of now
[21:03] <phaidros> mathiaz: do you have hint what SNI is?
[21:04] <phaidros> (just didn't follow this issue quite a while)
[21:04] <mathiaz> phaidros: that's support for multiple ssl cert over one IP
[21:04] <phaidros> mathiaz: kewl, just reading about it .. sounds good :)
[21:05] <emgent> hi mathiaz
[21:05] <phaidros> lets see if its avail for lighty !
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[21:46] <phaidros> mathiaz: so it seems SNI is already available in lighty, so your ImproveSSLCert draft might consider handling lighttpd as well :)
[23:27] <kirkland> mathiaz: ping
[23:28] <emgent> heya kirkland
[23:28] <kirkland> emgent: howdy dude
[23:29] <mathiaz> kirkland: ahhhh - you scared me
[23:29] <kirkland> mathiaz: ? how so?
[23:30] <mathiaz> kirkland: you're ping... is scary ;)
[23:30] <mathiaz> kirkland: *your*
[23:30] <mathiaz> kirkland: anyway - what's up ?
[23:30] <kirkland> mathiaz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InitScriptStatusActions
[23:30] <kirkland> mathiaz: I added to the bottom of that page a list of init scripts
[23:31] <kirkland> mathiaz: those come from installing the Intrepid Ubuntu Server, Desktop, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu, and grepping through /etc/init.d for scripts that lack "status)"
[23:31] <kirkland> mathiaz: it needs a bit of vetting, but that gives us a decent list of the most commonly seen init scripts
[23:31] <mathiaz> kirkland: right - this list has to be reviewed and trimmed down
[23:32] <kirkland> mathiaz: absolutely
[23:32] <mathiaz> kirkland: I can see udev in there, and it should be be
[23:32] <kirkland> mathiaz: right
[23:32] <mathiaz> kirkland: *shouldn't*
[23:32] <kirkland> mathiaz: I thought you might help me trim it?
[23:32] <kirkland> mathiaz: there are a few I will be adding (squid comes to mind, as i found it dead on my server at home sometime last week)
[23:33] <mathiaz> kirkland: I'd first filter the list by daemons
[23:33] <mathiaz> kirkland: if there's a daemon, put it on the list
[23:33] <kirkland> mathiaz: okay, i'll try to clean it up some before tomorrow's meeting
[23:34] <mathiaz> kirkland: if there isn't a daemon running, your status_of_proc doesn't really help
[23:34] <kirkland> mathiaz: "supposed to be running" ;-)
[23:34] <mathiaz> kirkland: getting a status may require some package specific code
[23:34] <mathiaz> kirkland: seems great - so that we can review it during the meeting tomorrow
[23:35] <kirkland> mathiaz: okay, cool
[23:35] <kirkland> mathiaz: thanks, back to your less-frightening work ;-)
[23:36] <mathiaz> kirkland: I'm reviewing a new package: libapache-mod-passenger (modrails) - it's not that scary
[23:41] <pschulz01> Greetings..
[23:41] <pschulz01> What is the best (quickest) ftp server to install.
[23:42] <pschulz01> I just need an anonymous ftp server on my network.
[23:44] <pschulz01> Greetings
[23:48] <mathiaz> pschulz01: vsftpd
[23:52] <pschulz01> Ta.. I tried ftpd, but it didn;t 'just work'.
[23:54] <pschulz01> mathiaz: Excellent.. that's just want i like to see :-).. and apt-get install.. It's alive :-)