UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /29 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== MacSlow_ is now known as MacSlow
[09:49] <huats> morning everyone
[12:46] <crevette> hello
[12:46] <crevette> salut huats
[12:46] <crevette> salut seb128
[12:47] <crevette> ca va seb128 ? pas trop submergé ?
[12:47] <crevette> j'ai utilisé f-spot hier et la trad est desastreuse
[12:47] <crevette> j'ai pas regardé d'ou elle venait mais je pense que ca vient de launchpad,
[12:48] <crevette> j'essayerai de corriger ca ce soir parce que c'est pas top
[12:49] <seb128> lut crevette
[12:50] <seb128> crevette: y a pas mal de bugs mais ca va ;-)
[12:50] <seb128> crevette: et tout de suite à accuser launchpad, non ca vient d'upstream, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=529673
[12:51] <crevette> pas les pb de string not traduites mais des traductions approximatives
[12:51] <crevette> j'avoue que j'ai pas chercher
[12:52] <seb128> crevette: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/epiphany-browser/+pots/epiphany/fr/+translate?batch=10&show=changed_in_launchpad
[12:52] <crevette> ah
[12:52] <seb128> crevette: 0 strings changées sur launchpad
[12:52] <crevette> on peut voir ca
[12:52] <seb128> oui
[12:53] <crevette> c'est epiphany :)
[12:53] <crevette> apareil pour f-spot
[12:54] <crevette> bon ca craint encore pire
[12:54] <seb128> crevette: erreur de copié, collé ;-)
[12:54] <seb128> ou de manip plutot
[12:54] <crevette> desolé d'avoir accusé launchpad :)
[12:54] <seb128> crevette: pourquoi ca crait plus, tu peux le corriger direct upstream non ? ;-)
[12:55] <crevette> oui maintenant
[12:55] <crevette> mais ca veut dire que ces trad ont sur pas mal de distro
[12:55] <seb128> de toute façon vu que f-spot a une centaine de strings même pas translatable
[12:58] <crevette> tu l''utilises pour gerer tes photos ?
[13:00] <seb128> oui
[13:03] <shan__> Could some one point me to documents on how to configure my broadcom 4306 wlan card on ubuntu 8.04?
[13:05] <crevette> hello
[13:06] <seb128> shan__: hi, that's not an user support chan, try #ubuntu
[13:09] <shan__> ok thanks
[13:12] <crevette> seb128, do you know who could I contact to have liberation fonts included in standard ubuntu ?
[13:13] <Hobbsee> crevette: you can't. they're in multiverse.
[13:13] <seb128> hey Hobbsee ;-)
[13:13] <Hobbsee> hey seb128!
[13:13] <crevette> Hobbsee, hello
[13:13] <crevette> Hobbsee, licencing issue ?
[13:13] * Hobbsee waves to crevette
[13:13] <crevette> I thought it was solved
[13:13] <Hobbsee> crevette: i presume so. i've not looked carefully
[13:14] <crevette> Hobbsee, I advice you to try them
[13:14] <Hobbsee> crevette: i'm using them now.
[13:14] <crevette> their shape are very nice and professional
[13:14] <Hobbsee> crevette: they're in multiverse for hardy release.
[13:14] <crevette> Hobbsee, ah
[13:14] <crevette> :à)
[13:14] <crevette> Hobbsee, yeah I know
[13:14] <Hobbsee> so, i presume it's not solved.
[13:14] <Hobbsee> but i really don't know
[13:18] <Hobbsee> crevette: i'm finally even liking the bold fonts.
[13:18] <crevette> about liberation ? yeah bold is nice, not too bold
[13:19] <crevette> it is the best font we had
[13:19] <crevette> have
[13:19] <huats> o/ crevette
[13:20] <Hobbsee> hmm. now changed for irc.
[13:20] <huats> hello Hobbsee too :)
[13:20] <Hobbsee> huats: heya!
[13:23] <crevette> Hobbsee, :)
[13:23] <Hobbsee> man this looks weird.
[13:23] <crevette> I use them everywhere
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[14:09] <seb128> hey pedro_
[14:09] <pedro_> hello seb128
[14:10] <seb128> pedro_: don't freak out about the number of bug watch updates, I talked to the launchpad guys some days ago because I had the impression it was not working correctly and they fixed it now ;-)
[14:10] <pedro_> thanks god
[14:10] <pedro_> haha
[14:10] <pedro_> thanks for let me know I was just starting to
[14:10] <seb128> so that was a catchup run
[14:10] <seb128> and it should be normal again
[14:11] <seb128> and I spend the morning triaging those changes, so I recommend that you mark just all read or something
[14:11] <pedro_> everything makes sense now
[14:11] <pedro_> thanks you!
[14:12] <seb128> you are welcome ;-)
[15:54] <proppy> Hi, I've got some wierd theming issue (with gtk)
[15:54] <proppy> I can't manage to set some GtkTreeView background
[15:54] <proppy> only in Ubuntu
[15:55] <proppy> http://proppy.aminche.com/rhythmbox.png
[15:55] <proppy> gtkrc here
[15:55] <proppy> http://pastebin.com/m6043c76c
[15:55] <proppy> what it should be: http://benjamin.sipsolutions.net/tmp/rhythmbox.png
[15:56] <proppy> could someone give it a try: by saving http://pastebin.com/m6043c76c to gtk-debug file and call GTK2_RC_FILES=gtk-debug /usr/X11R6/bin/rhythmbox
[15:56] <proppy> ?
[15:57] <proppy> It sounds like a gtk ubuntu bug, what do you think ?
[15:58] <seb128> no it doesn't
[15:58] <seb128> ubuntu has no rhythmbox nor gtk change that could create a such issue
[15:59] <proppy> I reproduced in an hardy fresh vm btw
[15:59] <proppy> +it
[15:59] <seb128> seems to be an upstream bug
[15:59] <proppy> rhythmbox or gtk ?
[16:00] <seb128> I'm not sure that rhythmbox is using a standard GtkTreeView
[16:00] <proppy> because I reproduced the same issue with evolution
[16:00] <seb128> they might have a custom widget
[16:00] <seb128> ok, gtk then
[16:00] <proppy> http://proppy.aminche.com/evolution.png
[16:00] <seb128> or a theme one
[16:01] <proppy> debian unstable, as not this issue, nor gentoo
[16:02] <proppy> seb128: do you have the same issue on your computer ?
[16:03] <seb128> (I hate when people use $random_distro_works_differently as an argument)
[16:03] <seb128> you most likely don't have the same configuration on this distros
[16:03] <seb128> don't use the same gtk theme engine or something
[16:04] <seb128> I don't know, I've no clue what is right or wrong
[16:04] <proppy> seb128: this is not an argument, I just try to figure out where should I report the bug, and the submit a patch
[16:04] <seb128> rhythmbox seems to be displayed correctly for me
[16:04] <seb128> where, bugzilla.gnome.org
[16:05] <proppy> I'm not implying at all that it is a distro issue,
[16:05] <proppy> I'm implying that knowing it work on another distro, could help to figureout which version of the upstream is faulty
[16:05] <seb128> we have gtk in almost sync on debian and no rhythmbox distro specific change which could create that
[16:05] <seb128> debian unstable and hardy have the same gtk
[16:05] <proppy> I uploaded the gtkrc to http://proppy.aminche.com/gtkrc-debug
[16:06] <proppy> for convenience
[16:06] <proppy> One could test with: wget http://proppy.aminche.com/gtkrc-debug
[16:06] <proppy> and GTK2_RC_FILES=gtkrc-debug /usr/X11R6/bin/rhythmbox
[16:07] <proppy> Can you confirm me that the left treeview as a blue background ?
[16:08] <seb128> it hasn't
[16:08] <proppy> that's the bug :)
[16:08] <seb128> nothing has a blue background, only the selection and the search entry
[16:08] <proppy> oh
[16:09] <seb128> and it works if I switch to the clearlooks theme
[16:09] <proppy> you don't have a blue background on the down treeview
[16:09] <seb128> everything is blue
[16:09] <seb128> left sidebar included
[16:09] <proppy> http://proppy.aminche.com/rhythmbox.png
[16:10] <seb128> again, what theme are you using?
[16:10] <proppy> seb128: how do you switch to clearlooks theme ?
[16:10] <seb128> system, preferences, appearance
[16:10] <seb128> I clicked on clearlooks
[16:11] <proppy> I thought that overriding GTK2_RC_FILES was a way to force the theme by application
[16:12] <seb128> a theme is not only a gtkrc
[16:13] <proppy> seems that the pb is with "Human" theme
[16:13] <proppy> in conjonction with this gtkrc
[16:13] <seb128> right
[16:14] <proppy> Human theme is in gnome-themes ?
[16:14] <seb128> no
[16:14] <proppy> gnome-ubuntu-themes ?
[16:14] <seb128> gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks
[16:15] <proppy> so it might be an engine bug
[16:15] <seb128> could be, but your gtkrc specify to use the pixmap engine
[16:15] <proppy> yep,
[16:15] <proppy> let's try without
[16:16] <proppy> same issue
[16:16] <seb128> it's due to the Human gtkrc
[16:17] <proppy> wonder how gtkrc are prioritized when you override GTK2_RC_FILES
[16:18] <proppy> seems that the theme one is applied "after" and then override the GTK2_RC_FILES one
[16:19] <seb128> not sure, maybe the human gtkrc has extra nuances and your doesn't define enough things
[16:19] <proppy> then it is not really a bug
[16:21] <seb128> right
[16:23] <seb128> you can look to the Human gtkrc
[16:23] <proppy> yep looking
[16:23] <seb128> it has a note about evolution and some other deprecated widgets using wrong color for listviews
[16:23] <proppy> and trying to comment lines
[16:23] <seb128> try to comment those
[16:23] <proppy> to figure out which declaration override mine
[16:24] <proppy> commenting #class "GtkWidget" style "clearlooks-default"
[16:24] <proppy> made GtkTreeView blue
[16:27] <proppy> it seems because of
[16:27] <proppy> # GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = "#F5F2ED"
[16:27] <proppy> # GtkTreeView::even_row_color = "#FAF9F7"
[16:28] <seb128> it's easier a bug in gtk which doesn't use your definition over those, or your gtkrc which doesn't handle some cases where theme have extra definitions
[16:28] <seb128> s/easier/either
[16:29] <proppy> when I do provide these definition in my gtk-debug
[16:29] <proppy> it works
[16:29] <proppy> GtkTreeView ::odd_row_color = "#00ff00"
[16:29] <proppy> GtkTreeView ::even_row_color = "#0000ff"
[16:30] <proppy> so it's ain't a bug :)
[16:30] <proppy> I just assumed wrongly that overriding bg/fg and base/text will override all theme color
[16:30] <seb128> good ;-)
[16:30] <proppy> seb128: thanks a lot for your help
[16:31] <seb128> you are welcome
[16:31] <proppy> seb128: I would not have been able to figure that out, without your guidance :)
[16:44] <seb128> pedro_: why did you close bug #224198 as an user question?
[16:46] <pedro_> seb128: works fine on two of my installations he's probably doing something wrong
[16:47] <seb128> pedro_: works fine for me too, but we are frustrating some users with abusing this stock reply I think (I tend to do it too), we should use the one asked for exact steps, etc saying it works correctly on other installations
[16:48] <pedro_> seb128: ok, will do it next time
[16:48] <seb128> thanks ;-)
[16:49] <proppy> back to my evolution theming bug
[16:49] <pedro_> you're welcome ;-)
[18:35] <proppy> see you later
[18:35] <proppy> thanks seb128
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[20:20] <chains_> I feel obligated to mention that the new elvish sorceress 10*4 is too powerful against undead.
[20:24] <chains_> wrong window of course :)
[20:43] <Nafallo> quite :-)
[22:17] <seb128_> re
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
=== ember_ is now known as ember