UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /06 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
[14:55] <Nafallo> LjL: can we have ubotu in -se please? want to trial and see if it helps getting things back to Ubuntu.
[14:56] <LjL> Nafallo: yeah, but it doesn't speak swedish
[14:56] <Nafallo> LjL: fine for a trial certainly :-)
[14:57] <LjL> Nafallo: -se is straying lately?
[14:58] <Nafallo> yes
[14:58] <Nafallo> everything from unlocking nokias to everyone talking about arch linux all the time :-/
[14:58] <LjL> you don't have many ops for a 120 people channel either
[14:59] <Nafallo> no :-)
[14:59] <Nafallo> and we have no rules at all in place.
[15:00] <LjL> well then it's amazing that it hasn't gone nuts much earlier than this :P
[15:00] <LjL> although well, you're swedes... ;P
[15:00] <Nafallo> the channel have been where it should by itself, but in the last few... :-/
[15:00] <Nafallo> it's not that people don't get help...
[15:00] <LjL> any noticeable increase in number of users lately?
[15:01] <Nafallo> I'm just scared new users will be put off by a channel talking about other distributions all the time.
[15:01] <Nafallo> naah, that have been pretty stable for the last few years.
[15:02] <LjL> well you need to choose which route to go...
[15:02] <LjL> if you don't want them to talk about other distributions, you need an offtopic channel
[15:02] <LjL> otherwise, if you want to allow offtopic talk, then you have to let them talk about other distributions :)
[15:03] <LjL> if people's support questions are not getting lost in a whole backscroll of offtopic talk, you're already lucky, anyway
[15:04] <LjL> Nafallo: perhaps put "If you have a support question about Ubuntu, feel free to ask" or something at the start of the topic, so it's clear to who joins [and reads the topic, i.e. nobody] what the primary purpose of the channel is
[15:04] <Nafallo> well. I don't want to forbid anything. but I don't want to scare off users either.
[15:05] <Nafallo> new users that is
[15:06] <Nafallo> if I where new and came into a channel with people comparing os x, y and z with distro a, b and Ubuntu I would not ask my question and would instead be put off.
[15:06] <Nafallo> s/where/was/
[15:08] <LjL> Nafallo, well, there are drawbacks to each approach (support-only vs anytopic), i don't really see a way to only have the advantages of both... although anyway, i don't think most people would be put off by seeing such discussions per se
[15:08] <LjL> people are put off when they ask their questions and perceive it as being ignored
[15:08] <LjL> on #ubuntu, questions get ignored often enough, but then it's clear it's support-only, while if you allow any topic, one ends up thinking that "nobody cares" about giving support
[15:09] <Nafallo> hmm. yea. that might be it...
[15:09] <LjL> but if support questions *are* usually answered reasonably readily, i don't think there is really a problem
[15:09] <Nafallo> I just get so annoyed when I came back yet again and just saw discussions about arch linux...
[15:09] <LjL> answered - or at least feedback given to, even just "can you elaborate more"
[15:09] <Nafallo> can't they get their own channel or something? :-/
[15:10] <Nafallo> also this guy asking over and over and over an... etc about how to unlock Nokia phones.
[15:10] <Nafallo> for crying out load...
[15:10] <Nafallo> loud even
[15:10] <LjL> Nafallo: they do, #archlinux.se
[15:11] <Nafallo> then they have two ;-)
[15:12] <LjL> Nafallo, have you suggested just joining the right channel (assuming there is any, not sure #nokia would take unlocking questions)? no need to actually state "you are offtopic and can't talk about this in this channel" (especially if you don't *want* that to be the policy)
[15:12] <LjL> but more often than not, just saying "have you tried asking in #blah?" works in #ubuntu without a need to mention offtopicness
[15:14] <Nafallo> LjL: yea. just annoying user adding the last drop to the wheel I guess ;-)
[15:15] <Nafallo> anyway. I've been talking it through with amelia that might have added to the situation a bit in private as well :-)
[15:16] <Nafallo> I think we will go back to any topic, and I urged her to move support to the correct channels :-)
[15:20] <Nafallo> actually, she might be op soon ;-)
[15:20] <Nafallo> I've raised the issue with the others :-)
[15:35] <Nafallo> LjL: hmm. maybe ubuntu bugs added as well? that might get people to file more bugs I'm thinking :-)
[15:37] <Seveas> @config channel #ubuntu-se plugins.bugtracker.bugsnarfer True
[15:37] <Seveas> @config channel #ubuntu-se plugins.bugtracker.bugsnarfer True
[15:37] <ubotu> OK
[15:38] <Seveas> LjL, you can do that too :)
[15:38] <LjL> Seveas: doesn't it require #channel,op cap?
[15:38] <Nafallo> Seveas: cheers mate :-)
[15:38] <LjL> @config channel #ubuntu-se plugins.bugtracker.bugsnarfer True
[15:38] <Seveas> LjL, or superuser, which you should have
[15:38] <LjL> [16:38:34] <ubotu> Error: You don't have the #ubuntu-se,op capability.
[15:38] <Seveas> hmm
[15:39] <LjL> Seveas: supybot is weird... "admin" lets me join it channels and part them, but not actually change any channel settings
[15:39] <Seveas> LjL, did you make it join more channels recently?
[15:39] <LjL> supybot's permissions scheme sucks, in other words :)
[15:39] <Seveas> it does :)
[15:40] <LjL> Seveas: i joined it to one -us channel on request i think, let me check logs (it'd help if you had memoserv unlocked by the way... >:)
[15:41] <Seveas> I always for get to read memos :)
[15:41] <Seveas> that's why I disabled it
[15:41] <LjL> Seveas: yes i joined it to #ubuntu-us-nm on tritium's request
[15:41] <Seveas> k
[16:35] <Nafallo> ompaul: like in, nothing for other ubuntu-channels ;-)
[16:36] <ompaul> Nafallo, ;-)
[20:51] <juliux> LjL, ping
[20:59] <LjL> juliux: pong
[20:59] <juliux> allready fixed sorry for the ping