UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /20 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_afk
[01:10] * stdin gives up and heads to bed
[02:05] <nixternal> KDE 4 stalls at 2.6MB downloaded during downloading...now that is annoying...
[02:05] <nixternal> apachelogger_: fix that ^^ :p
[02:05] * nixternal goes and watches a movie
[02:07] <apachelogger_> lol
[02:07] <apachelogger_> nixternal: that bug appears totally random and is around for ever
[02:07] <apachelogger_> hm
[02:07] <apachelogger_> cool
[02:07] <apachelogger_> I broke kdm again
[02:09] <apachelogger_> woohoo
[02:09] <apachelogger_> that ain't logical
[02:09] <apachelogger_> stuff breaks without touching it
[02:09] <apachelogger_> lovely
[02:09] * apachelogger_ goes to bad
[02:09] <apachelogger_> ah
[02:10] <apachelogger_> first some karma for kdm
[02:10] <apachelogger_> nini
[02:10] <Nightrose> nini apachelogger_
[02:10] <Nightrose> :)
[02:31] * claydoh uploaded his first package to his ppa
[02:31] * claydoh crosses fingers....
[03:13] <raw> Hi, where's the custom session in kdm gone?
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[09:38] <mornfall> Ghaa!
[10:01] <mornfall> Hi, anyone willing to do a little testing for me? : - ).
[10:06] <emonkey> -v
[10:07] <mornfall> I am preparing packages for adept 3.0~alpha1. But there are some issues...
[10:07] <mornfall> First, I am on debian sid, so they may need to be rebuilt for (k)ubuntu.
[10:08] <mornfall> Second, they are not built yet, so give me a few minutes.
[10:15] <Lure> mornfall: you can upload them to ppa
[10:15] <mornfall> No idea what ppa is.
[10:15] <emonkey> mornfall, Unfortunately I've to go in a few minutes ...
[10:16] <mornfall> And then, I have no way to build on (k)ubuntu myself.
[10:16] <mornfall> Maybe if someone is willing to rebuild it and upload there, that would be good.
[10:16] <Lure> Your personal package archive: if you have LP account, you have PPA too and can easily build for any version of ubuntu
[10:17] <emonkey> PPA is something like the suse build service
[10:17] <Lure> mornfall: I can also upload to my ppa if you want
[10:17] <mornfall> Interesting.
[10:17] <mornfall> Give me a minute.
[10:17] <Lure> will be back in cca 1 hour or so (need to get to playground with may daughter)
[10:18] <Lure> mornfall: it is really easy to enable and use: https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart
[10:20] <mornfall> Let me see.
[10:38] <mornfall> http://anna.fi.muni.cz/~xrockai/adept-3-deb/
[10:38] <mornfall> Going to try the PPA thingy.
[10:56] <mornfall> Anyone, what suite should these go to? I have kdelibs5-dev in builddepends.
[11:44] <Lure> mornfall: did you manage to do it with ppa?
[11:44] <mornfall> Lure: Not yet, I just tried to upload again.
[11:44] <mornfall> The first got rejected because they have unstable in changelog.
[11:44] <Lure> mornfall: yep, just put hardy
[11:48] <mornfall> PPA uploads must be signed by an 'ubuntero'.
[11:48] <mornfall> (Rejected therefore.)
[11:48] <Lure> mornfall: yep, you need to sign Ubuntu Code of Conduct
[11:48] <mornfall> Ergh.
[11:48] <Lure> mornfall: will try to upload to my ppa
[11:49] <Lure> mornfall: so libept and adept3.0?
[11:49] <mornfall> Lure: All that's in that url -- they build-depend in a chain.
[11:50] <mornfall> Lure: Also, if apt-xapian-index (from Debian) is not in ubuntu, it is required for runtime.
[11:55] * Sime has managed to apply the "show apps from current desktop only in the taskbar" feature from KDE's SVN to 4.0.0, and it works.
[11:56] <Lure> mornfall: apt-xapian-index is version 0.4 in hardy, so probably ok
[11:56] <mornfall> Great.
[11:56] <Lure> Sime: please send patch to apachelogger__... (would like to have this even if break i18n freeze)
[11:56] <mornfall> The package also now got ACCEPTed.
[11:57] <Sime> Lure: what is his address?
[11:57] <Lure> Sime: apachelogger@u.c
[11:58] <Lure> Sime: he does most of kde4 package uploads currently
[11:58] <mornfall> Lure: How long does it ~ take for the build to start?
[11:58] <jpatrick> mornfall: less than an hour
[12:01] <mornfall> Hm, hour.
[12:03] <Lure> mornfall: https://launchpad.net/+builds - seems buildd for ppa are not under load, so it should be sooner (just to be picked up by cron scripts)
[12:03] <mornfall> Well, they still need to go through 3 rounds.
[12:04] <mornfall> If they work at all.
[12:04] <mornfall> Anyhow, if someone is willing to test locally, grab from http://anna.fi.muni.cz/~xrockai/adept-3-deb/. Off to chop wood.
[12:04] <mornfall> Laters.
[12:04] <Lure> mornfall: btw, all three accepted to my ppa too, so will see who will be faster (if mine build at all as I am beyond space limit) ;-)
[12:40] <mornfall> Hm, nothing new. And no more wood.
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[13:25] <danimo> does nspluginviewer embedding work for anyone in KDE 4?
[13:29] <mornfall> Lure: Can you try installing adept from deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/me-mornfall/ubuntu hardy main ? Or anyone...
[13:30] <mornfall> I am off for a walk now, but would be great if someone tried them out : - ). See the notes at https://launchpad.net/~me-mornfall/+archive as well.
[13:30] <mornfall> Laters
[13:31] <smarter> danimo: doesn't work for me
[13:42] <nixternal> danimo: doesn't work for me, it pops up little windows for nspluginviewer
[13:45] <jpatrick> danimo: it works sometimes for me
[13:45] <smarter> same as nixternal
[13:45] <smarter> i use r48 I think
=== jpatrick changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | Next meeting: 23th January 23:00 | KDE 4.0! http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
[14:27] <apachelogger__> Sime: is the implimentation complete yet?
[14:27] <apachelogger__> last I checked it was only at a very basic state
[14:32] <Sime> apachelogger__: how complete does it need to be? I works here, although a little bit slow.
[14:38] <apachelogger__> bah, I just broke amarok's toolbar graphic -.-
[14:39] <Sime> apachelogger__: I can later test how fast it works on KDE svn trunk. Maybe I missed a patch.
[14:41] <apachelogger__> seems to be fairly useable... http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=762830 fixes all the issues I had
[14:41] <apachelogger__> Sime: well, it ain't worth anything if it slows everything down even more
[14:41] <apachelogger__> plasma is really slow enough alrady IMO :P
[14:42] <Sime> apachelogger__: the taskbar is slow to update when changing desktops. (~1 sec). The rest is the same.
[14:42] <apachelogger__> 1 sec? Oo
[14:42] <apachelogger__> omg
[14:42] <apachelogger__> Sime: maybe it depends on some of the speed improvements done earlier
[14:43] * apachelogger__ just wonders... when aaron finds out... ohhhh, I don't wanna clean up afterwards ;-)
[14:45] <apachelogger__> Sime: I'm a bit worried about the patch size
[14:45] <apachelogger__> you see, we have to maintain the patch until 4.1 gets out... which is quite some time
[14:45] <apachelogger__> maybe we can cut it down a bit
[14:48] <Sime> apachelogger__: merge them down into one and try again. I think there is a bit of redudancy.
[14:50] <apachelogger__> woohoo :D
[14:51] <Sime> is that a good woohoo?
[14:51] <apachelogger__> Sime: that is a sarcastic woohoo ;-)
[14:52] <apachelogger__> you know, I'm pretty much all reversed, like I say cool when something sux, or that I first implement code, then wrap it in a function, then make that function an private object and then wrap that in a class ;-)
[14:57] <apachelogger__> lol
[14:57] <apachelogger__> I was running my svn session all the time
[14:57] <apachelogger__> that explains a lot :D
[14:57] * apachelogger__ kicks kdm again
[14:59] <apachelogger__> !info kde4 hardy
[14:59] <ubotu> kde4 (source: meta-kde4): the K Desktop Environment version 4 official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2 (hardy), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB
[14:59] <Lure> mornfall: libept did not build http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11450355/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.libept_0.5.13.ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz
[15:00] <apachelogger__> stdin_: where should we place bug 184544 ? it's not really a kdebase bug, since apt is 3rd party
[15:00] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 184544 in kdebase-kde4 "apt kio-slave missing in konqueror-kde4" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184544
[15:01] <Lure> Hobbsee: do you understand what is wrong with kdepim upload?
[15:02] <Hobbsee> Lure: yeah
[15:02] <Hobbsee> i'm fixing it
[15:02] <smarter> I put some ideas for k-d-s-kde4 and k-d-kde4 in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Todo
[15:02] <Lure> Hobbsee: -sd instead od -sa?
[15:02] <Hobbsee> yeah
[15:03] <Lure> Hobbsee: I know the feeling ;-)
[15:03] <Jucato> apachelogger__: change the package affected to kio-apt?
[15:03] <Lure> smarter: great, please add this to topic for next meeting (to review it)
[15:03] <smarter> Lure: ok
[15:11] <apachelogger__> Lure: that meeting is gonna take 5 hours
[15:11] <apachelogger__> smarter: I don't get 'kickoff kubuntu branding here instead of patching kdebase-workspace'
[15:11] <Lure> apachelogger__: does not need to if somebody proposes action items
[15:12] <Lure> apachelogger__: would be nice if patch would not include kubuntu stuff, but read it from config file
[15:13] <smarter> Lure said it for me ;)
[15:13] <Lure> apachelogger__: should patch might be accepted upstream for 4.0.x
[15:14] <Jucato> "Put kickoff kubuntu branding in k-d-s instead of patching kdebase-workspace"
[15:14] <Lure> s/should/such/
[15:14] <apachelogger__> Lure: it's a suse patch, so they might have to get it upstream
[15:15] <Jucato> smarter: "logo at the top right of konqueror" the animated one?
[15:15] <smarter> Jucato: yes
[15:15] <Jucato> ah the throbber
[15:15] <Lure> apachelogger__: probably, it was agreed to some extend also on release-party: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-release-team&m=120078652611862&w=2
[15:15] <smarter> like in konqueror3
[15:16] <Jucato> yeah, it's called a throbber... for a second there you had me thinking of another icon :)
[15:31] * ryanakca weeps at not receiving any mockups
[15:31] * ryanakca considers spamming the planet again
[15:32] <emonkey-t> ryanakca, still no answer?
[15:32] <ryanakca> emonkey-t: none :S
[15:32] <emonkey-t> :/
[15:32] <ryanakca> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/WebsiteMockups
[15:33] <ryanakca> There's only the default template
[15:33] <ryanakca> Oh well, I'm betting on UWN to give it some publicity
[15:33] <emonkey-t> jep
[15:37] <smarter> why is there no announce on kubuntu.org ?
[15:37] <smarter> (for the contest)
[15:40] <ryanakca> smarter: because nobody has gotten around to it / webmaster doesn't think it ought to go on it?
[15:40] * ryanakca shrugs
[15:44] <smarter> IMHO, people browsing on kubuntu.org are the most interested in a new website
=== stdin_ is now known as stdin
[15:55] <mornfall> Lure: It seems to have passed in mine.
[15:57] <Lure> mornfall: not really, failed log was from your ppa
[15:57] <mornfall> Ah. Hm.
[15:57] <mornfall> Sorry : - ).
[15:57] <mornfall> I just seen 3 binary, ok and walked away...
[15:57] <Lure> mornfall: https://launchpad.net/~me-mornfall/+archive/+builds?build_text=&build_state=all
[15:58] <mornfall> Lure: Ah, right, failed tests (and I also know why). Hmh.
[16:20] <Sime> funny, the media popup from KDE 3 appears in KDE 4 sessions if you are running a KDE 3 application. Logical but annoying.
[17:47] <apachelogger_> oh I hate it when I lose the connection
[17:49] <Tm_T> oh I don't run my irc client in home
[17:49] <Tm_T> ;)
[17:53] <jpatrick> apachelogger_: get a server and screen irssi from there
[17:54] * Jucato was just pointed to the joys of irc bouncers... :)
[17:54] <Jucato> of course I still have to run the bouncer @ home... I don't think servers allow them
[17:56] <apachelogger_> irssi sux
[17:56] <apachelogger_> quassel ftw!
[17:56] <apachelogger_> anyway, I have no server, so :P
[17:57] <smarter> apachelogger_: quassel has been released?
[17:57] <apachelogger_> nope
[17:57] <apachelogger_> but I actually have a snapshot pocket :P
[17:57] <Jucato> hahah
[17:58] <apachelogger_> <-- probably has more packages for yet-unreleased software, than for released one
[17:58] <nixternal> booyahkah
[17:58] <nixternal> KDE 4 Gutsy LiveCD has no sound
[17:59] <apachelogger_> woohoo
[17:59] <apachelogger_> omg
[17:59] <apachelogger_> !
[17:59] <apachelogger_> so amarok is useless
[17:59] <apachelogger_> that ain't nice -.-
[18:00] <Lure> apachelogger_: btw, any progress on kdm-kde4 front?
[18:01] <apachelogger_> Lure: nope, it breaks on build for me, even though I don't touch the bit where it breaks
[18:01] <apachelogger_> I'm thinking on redoing the patches from scratch
[18:02] <Lure> apachelogger_: I am now on hardy packages, so might have time to look into it tonight
[18:02] <apachelogger_> we should do this for the default configs at least
[18:02] <apachelogger_> Lure: well, it works so far
[18:02] <apachelogger_> it just look like shit
[18:02] <apachelogger_> and has some weird bugs
[18:02] <apachelogger_> like it messes with encoding for some reason
[18:02] <Lure> apachelogger_: encoding? like i18n?
[18:03] <apachelogger_> yes
[18:03] <apachelogger_> like umlauts and accents are b0rked in translations
[18:03] <apachelogger_> I think even in dolphin
[18:04] <Lure> apachelogger_: ok, will try slovenian version of kde4 then
[18:04] <apachelogger_> k
[18:12] <blizzzek> re
[18:50] <lucky_lucas> Hi, is there any chance to have a very preview of the simon speech to text in kubuntu ? It's written in qt4
[18:52] <lucky_lucas> www-simon-lstens.org
[18:52] <lucky_lucas> www.simon-listens.org
[19:01] <Lure> apachelogger_: is kde4 translated for you at all? my slovenian install only has .desktop file translations, the rest is in english
[19:02] <smarter> french translation works fine
[19:04] <Lure> smarter: interesting. you using just hardy packages?
[19:04] <Lure> smarter: do you have kubuntu/kde3 also installed?
[19:04] <smarter> Lure: nop, I'm on gutsy with ppa packages
[19:04] <smarter> Lure: yes
[19:05] <Lure> smarter: ok, I have installed hardy-server + kde4 meta package
[19:05] <Lure> it might be that something is missing (depends)
[19:06] <Lure> smarter: what does "env
[19:06] <Lure> "env | grep LANG" return
[19:06] <Lure> smarter: if you run in Konsole
[19:06] <smarter> LANGUAGE=fr_FR:fr:en_GB:en LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8
[19:07] <Lure> ok, that is the problem
[19:07] <Lure> my LANGUAGE is empty
[19:08] <smarter> LANGUAGE is set in /etc/environment here
[19:10] <Lure> smarter: yep, you have probably set it with kde3 or during install
[19:11] <smarter> it was during install I think
[19:11] <Lure> smarter: my system was installed in english (server install)
[19:14] <Lure> apachelogger_: btw, kdm takes ages to start here (like 3-5 minutes after boot, for the time I only see text console)
[19:16] <jpatrick> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2008-January/025086.html
[19:16] * Lure purges and installs again
[19:17] <jpatrick> wth?^^^^^
[19:17] <Lure> jpatrick: talking about new kde4 package? ;-)
[19:19] <jpatrick> Lure: in a passive sort of way
[19:19] <Lure> apachelogger_: ok, that cured it - now it starts much faster
[19:22] <Lure> stdin: around?
[19:23] <stdin> Lure: for a little while
[19:23] <apachelogger_> cool :P
[19:24] <Lure> stdin, apachelogger_: where do we want kdm-kde4 config: in /etc/kde4 or in /usr/lib/kde4/etc/kde4 ?
[19:25] <Lure> there is currently mismatch between config files and /etc/init.d/kdm-kde4 script
[19:25] <apachelogger_> Lure: I've fixed it already
[19:25] <apachelogger_> goes in usr/lib as everything
[19:25] <Lure> apachelogger_: ok, good
[19:26] * Lure fixes it locally
[19:26] <apachelogger_> Lure: you better work somewhere else for now ;-)
[19:26] <apachelogger_> I fixed a lot crap in that regard
[19:26] <apachelogger_> I just need to get it compile properly so I can upload
[19:26] <Lure> apachelogger_: did you also change DAEMON= to point to actual binary in /usr/lib/kde4/...?
[19:27] <apachelogger_> yep
[19:27] <Lure> apachelogger_: ok, great
[21:00] <jpatrick> apachelogger_: "dragonplayer has moved to kdemultimedia"
[21:00] <apachelogger_> I no
[21:00] <jpatrick> :p
[21:01] <apachelogger_> jpatrick: dude, I'm working with it's dev everyday :P
[21:01] <jpatrick> apachelogger_: and I'm working with you everyday :p
[21:01] <apachelogger_> work is overrated anyway
[21:02] <jpatrick> hi mhb
[21:02] <mhb> good evening
[21:05] <ryanakca> mhb: no mockups :(
[21:05] * ryanakca looks for something to do and notices the ToDo link in the topic
[21:08] <jpatrick> yay
[21:08] <jpatrick> ryanakca: I'll poke my contacts in kubuntu-es, see if they can come up with anything
[21:08] <ryanakca> jpatrick: thanks :D
[21:09] * ryanakca wonders if he should make the kubuntu-desktop-kde4 metapackage
[21:09] <jpatrick> ryanakca: don't mention it
[21:09] <ryanakca> jpatrick: oh, btw, remember that promo material I translated a few months ago?
[21:10] <ryanakca> Well... my teacher finally gave it back corrected on Thursday :)
[21:10] <jpatrick> ryanakca: oh, yeah, I found a French version from ages ago laying around on the wiki from the old Kubuntu Marketing pages
[21:11] <ryanakca> lol
[21:12] <jpatrick> but you might want to push your updated one to the (hardly-used) branch
[21:12] <ryanakca> hmm... since I've volunteered myself for making the kubuntu-desktop-kde4 , should it be provided by kubuntu-meta, or a seperate source package, since one goes to main and the other to universe?
[21:12] <ryanakca> kk
[21:13] <jpatrick> ryanakca: you might want to poke apachelogger_ or smarter about k-d-kde4
[21:17] * ryanakca waits for their input
[21:19] <apachelogger_> I dunno
[21:19] <Lure> ryanakca: I would suspect kde4 will go to main too and Riddell mentioned that we cannot change seeds for some reasons yet
[21:19] <apachelogger_> probably we should create kubuntu-meta-kde4
[21:19] <ryanakca> Lure: seeds?
[21:21] <Lure> ryanakca: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement
[21:21] <Lure> ryanakca: meta package is just start of the mess needed
[21:22] <ryanakca> Lure: ah, kk, thanks
[21:22] <ryanakca> hmm... for some reason firefox and KDE4 don't seem to want to play nice with each other...
[21:23] <hads> Works here
[21:23] <Lure> ryanakca: yep, firefox looks ugly under kde4 (gtkqt does not work or something)
[21:24] <jpatrick> Lure: Firefox is emulated GTK, no?
[21:24] <Lure> jpatrick: probably, not sure really
[21:25] <jpatrick> that's what I heard once
[21:26] <ryanakca> Lure: that, and when you type in a text field on a page, or scroll, the pager and/or the the taskbar flickers
[21:27] <Lure> ryanakca: I do not see that problem here - are you using desktop effects?
[21:27] <Lure> ryanakca: I also recall one bug with firefox and nvidia
[21:27] * ryanakca grumbles at everything else on the Todo being taken and debates between getting back to learning C++ or doing bugs
[21:27] <ryanakca> yep, desktop effects, and yep, nvidia :)
[21:28] <ryanakca> ... but firefox doesn't flicker, just it's little bubble on the taskbar and/or the desktop pager, depending on how the planets are aligned and the amount of black spots on the sun...
[21:28] <Lure> ryanakca: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=154830
[21:28] <ubotu> KDE bug 154830 in general "Plasmoids aren't correctly drawn when firefox is opened and you type something" [Normal,Resolved: invalid]
[21:30] <ryanakca> hmm... mine doesn't go like that... it just goes fully transparent... wait...
[21:30] * ryanakca wonders if it has anything to do with the transparency effect
[21:30] <ryanakca> (transparent until I mouse over / click on it)
[21:32] * ryanakca updates nvidia
[21:32] <iRon> ryanakca: I want to ask about kubuntu site.. do you planning to redesign it's structure too? e.g. 'FAQ' section must be in Documentation.. Remove duplicate 'Wiki' links.. and so on..
[21:32] <ryanakca> iRon: yes
[21:32] <iRon> ryanakca: I'm asking, because I've some experience in usability design..
[21:32] <ryanakca> iRon: full redesign... we're migrating to drupal.
[21:33] <ryanakca> iRon: oooh :)
[21:33] <iRon> ryanakca: also i know a good web designer.. will ask him for the help..
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[21:50] <jjesse> dang its cold outside
[22:39] <todobg> can some1 fix this bug with libkdeprint.so.5 ?
[22:41] <ryanakca> todobg: what bug?
[22:41] <ryanakca> did you file it?
[22:41] <todobg> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4base/+bug/164791
[22:41] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 164791 in kde4base "libkdeprint.so.5: No such file or directory" [Undecided,New]
[22:42] <ryanakca> heh, interesting... I might look into it... but no promises...
[22:42] <todobg> huh
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