license: cc-by-nc-nd-4.0
- text-classification
- en
- code
- finance
Customers Reviews on Banks ⭐️
The Reviews on Banks Dataset is a comprehensive collection of 20,000 the most recent customer reviews on 48 US banks.
This dataset containing diverse reviews on multiple banks, can be useful for sentiment analysis, assessing geographical variations in customer satisfaction, and exploring customer preferences through textual data.
Understanding customer sentiments and preferences helps banks improve their services and address any issues raised by customers in their reviews.
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For each item, we extracted:
- author: name of the reviewer,
- date: date of the review,
- location: location of the reviewer,
- bank: bank which is reviewed
- star: number of stars given to the bank by the reviewer,
- text: text of the review,
- like: number of likes on the review
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