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πŸ—ƒ Find Discord ID

{% hint style="info" %} Users, individual messages, and entire Discord servers all have a multi-digit ID number that can be used in various cases. While you can use Discord entirely without knowing any of these ID numbers, some circumstances may arise where you need to get one, just in case. Here are the steps to find any of those! {% endhint %}

{% embed url="https://youtu.be/gviB5ke2ZeQ" %}

  1. In order to find the discord tag, Please log in to Discord.

2. Select Settings from the drop-down menu on the left side of the discord.

3. Then scroll down and select Advanced from the drop-down menu.

4. Press above the marked area to on the Developer Mode.

5. Then click above the Torch Lab Icon.

6. Below the list of options find Copy ID and Paste wherever is required.