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💸 Transactions

{% hint style="info" %} The history of transactions can be tracked here. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} Now we have divided the transactions into 02 sections such as one time (Payments) and recurring (subscription).

Please refer to following tab for more details.

subscription.md {% endhint %}

  1. Now transactions can be searched using an email.

2. Every transaction has a unique ID which is called a Transaction ID.

3. Transaction account email address can be seen here.

4. Discord ID and Discord tag of a transaction can be found here

5. The GB/ DATA purchased can be seen here

6. Price per gb/ data purchased will be here.

7. The purchased product will be here

8. The transaction type and status of the transaction can be seen here. Orders can have two main es: Completed and Incomplete.

{% content-ref url="../transaction-status.md" %} transaction-status.md {% endcontent-ref %}

{% hint style="warning" %} An order is incomplete if payment is received but the data has not been received by the user. This sometimes happens due to the upstream provider's API failing. In this case, we recommend you to go to the USERS tab and manually add data to their account. {% endhint %}

9. The data of the transaction placed will be here

10. The transaction can be filtered by the status and the date .

{% hint style="success" %} We always recommend keeping the status set to ALL {% endhint %}