Modern history: the study of the Modern Times, the era after the Middle Ages.
ⵟⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ ⵜⴰⵉⵏⴰⵉⴰⵜ ⵟⴻⵗⴰⵔⴻ ⵏ-ⴰⵣⵣⴰⵎⴰⵏⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ ⴰⵛⵔⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ, ⴷⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴰⵓⴰⵜⴰⵉ ⵓⵈ-ⵏ ⵎⴰⵔⴰⵓ ⴰⴷ ⴰⴾⴾoⵌ.
Palaeography: study of ancient texts.
ⴰⴾⴰⵉⴰⴷ ⴰⵏ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴰⵔⵓⵓⴰⵏ: ⵙⵓⵏⴷ ⴰⵏ ⵉⵙⴰⵍⴰⵏ -ⵉⴾⴰⵜⴱⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ ⴰⵔⵓⵏⴻⵏ
Psychohistory: study of the psychological motivations of historical events.
Iⵋⵋⵉ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ : ⴰⵙⴰⵎⴰⴷⵏⵉ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ ⴰⴷ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ ⴼⴰⵍⵍ-ⴰⵙ ⴰⵜⵓⴰⵋⵋⴰⵏⴻⵏ.
Women's history: the history of female human beings.
ⵟⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴷⴻⴷⴻⵏ : ⵟⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ ⵜⴻⵋⵋⴰⵜ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴰⴷⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ ( ⵜⵉⴷⴻⴷⴻⵏ )
Centuries and decades are commonly used periods and the time they represent depends on the dating system used.
ⵜⵉⵎⴰⴷ ⴰⵏ ⴻⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⵜⴰⵎⴻⵔⵓⴻⵏ ⵏⴰⵙⴰⵏ , ⴰⵎⵓⴰⴰⵏ ⴰⵣⵣⴰⵎⴰⵏⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ-ⴷ--ⴰⵜⵉⵓⴰⴷⴾⴰⵍⵏⴻⵏ ,ⴰⵍⵓⴰⵈ ⴷⴰⴱ ⵓⴰ ⵙⴰⴾⵏⴰⵏⴰⵜ , ⵉⵍⴾⴰⵎ ⵉ-ⴰⵎⵎⴰⴾ ⵓⵈ-ⵙ ⵎⴰⴷ ⴰⵜⵓⴰⵋ .
To do this, historians often turn to geography.
ⴰ ⵓⴻⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴾⴰⵍ ⵜⴻⵏⴼⵓⵙⴻⵏ ,ⵙⵉⵗⵓⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⵏⵏⵉⵓⴰⵜ ⵏⴰⵙⴰⵏ ⵙ-ⵉⴱⵔⴻⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵓⴰ –ⴷ-ⴻⵈⵈⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵜⵓⵎⴰⵙⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴾⴰⵍ ⴰⴾⵈⵍⵍ ⴰⴷ ⴰ-ⵙⴰⵍ-ⴰ-ⵓⴻⵏ.
For example, to explain why the ancient Egyptians developed a successful civilization, studying the geography of Egypt is essential.
ⴰⵍⵎⵉⵜⴰⵍ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴰⵓⴰ ⴰⵙⴰⴱⴰⴱⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵏoⴼⵍⴰⵉⵜ ⵉⴻ ⴾⴰⵍ ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵓⵍⴰⵜ ⵜⴰ ⵜⴰⵔⵓⵓⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴾⴰⵍ ⵎⵉⵙⵔ, ⵉⵍⵣⴰⵎ ⵓⵎⵎⴰⵗ ⴰⵏ ⵉⵙⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ-ⴰⵙ .
History of the Americas is the collective history of North and South America, including Central America and the Caribbean.
ⵟⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ ⵜⴰ-ⵏ ⴾⴰⵍ ⴰⵎⴻⵔⵉⵈⵓⴻ ,ⵜ-ⴰⵎⵓⵙ ⴰ-ⵜ-ⵓⵂⴰⵔ ⴰⵎⴻⵔⵉⵈⵓⴻ ⵜⴰⵏ--ⴰⴼⴰⵍⵍⴰ ⴰⴷ ⵜⴰ-ⵏ-ⴰⵋⵋⵓⵙ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵎⴻⵔⵉⵈⵓⴻ ⵜⴰ-ⵏ-ⴰⵎⵎⴰⵙ ⴰⴷ ⵛⴰⵔⴰⵉⴱⴻ .
History of the Caribbean begins with the oldest evidence where 7,000-year-old remains have been found.
ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ ⵜⴰ-ⵏ ⵛⴰⵔⴰⵉⴱⴻ ,ⵜⴻⵏⵜⴰ ⴰⵙ ⵜⵉⵎⵜⴰⵔ ⴰⴾⵏⴰⵏⴻⵏ ⵜⴰⵔⵓⵜ ⵗⵓⵔ ⴰⵂⴰⵏⴰⵉ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵓⴰ-ⴷ-ⴰⵈⵈⵉⵎⴰⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵗⵛⴰⴷⵏⴻⵏ ,ⴰⵍⵍⴰⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⴷⴰⴾoⴷ ⴰⵏ 7000 ⵏ-ⴰⵓⴰⵜⴰⵉ .
History of Eurasia is the collective history of several distinct peripheral coastal regions: the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe, linked by the interior mass of the Eurasian steppe of Central Asia and Eastern Europe.
ⵟⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ ⵜⴰ-ⵏ Eⵓⵔⴰⵙⵉⴻ ,ⵜ-ⴰⵎⵓⵙ ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ oⵂⴰⵔⴰⵏ-ⵉⴾⴰⵍⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⵋⵋooⵜⵏⴻⵏ ⵓⵉ ⵎⴰⵈⵈⵓⵔⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵎⵓⵙⵏⴻⵏ ; ⵎⵓⵉⴻⵏⵜ-Oⵓⵉⴻⵏⵜ , ⴰⵙⵉⴻ ⵜⴰ-ⵏ-ⴰⵋⵋⵓⵙ ⵜⴰ-ⵏ-ⴰⵍⵈⵈⵉⴱⵍⴰⵜ , ⵜⴰ-ⵏ ⵋⴻⵔ ⴰⵋⵋⵓⵙ ⴷ-ⴰⵍⵈⵈⵉⴱⵍⴰⵜ ⴻⴷ ⴰⴷⴷⴻⵓⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ-ⵏ Eⵓⵔⴰⵓⴱⴻ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵙⵉⴻ ⵜⴰ-ⵏ-ⴰⵎⵎⴰⵙ ⴰⴷ Eⵓⵔⵓⴱⴻ ⵜⴰ-ⵏ-ⴰⵍⵈⵈⵉⴱⵍⴰⵜ .
History of East Asia is the study of the past passed down from generation to generation in East Asia.
ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⵉⴻ ⵜⴰ-ⵏ ⴰⵍⵈⵈⵉⴱⵍⴰⵜ ⵜ-ⴰⵉⵓⵙ ⵜⴰⵎⵙⴰⴷⴰⵓⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵉⵙⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵙⴰⴷⴰⵓⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵉⵙⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⵜⵓⴰⵋⵋⴰⵏⴻⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵣⵣⴰⵎⴰⵏⴰⵏ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵣⵣⴰⵎⴰⵏⴰⵏⴼⴰⵍ-ⴰⵙ .
History of Southeast Asia has been characterized as interaction between regional players and foreign powers.
ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⵉⴻ ⵜⴰ-ⵏ ⵋⴻⵔ ⵈⵋⵋⵓⵙ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵍⵈⵈⵉⴱⵍⴰⵜ ,ⵜ-ⴰⵎⵓⵙ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴰⵜⵓⴰⵛⴰⵗⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵋⴻⵔ ⴾⴰⵍ ⴰⴾⴾⴰⵍ ⴰⴷ ⵉⵏⴰⴼⵜⴰⵗⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ ⵜⴰ-ⵏ ⵓⵋⵋⴰⵔⵏⴻⵏ ⵜⴰⴷⴷⴰⴱⵉⵜ.
"The ""old"" social history before the 1960s was a hodgepodge of topics without a central theme, and it often included political movements, like Populism, that were ""social"" in the sense of being outside the elite system."
ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ ⵜⴰ ⵜⴰⵔⵓⵓⴰⵜ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵜⵉⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⴷⴰⵜ ⴰⵓⴰⵜⴰⵉ ⵓⴰ-ⵏ 1960, ⵜ-ⴰⵎⵓⵙ ⴰ ⵓⴰⵔ-ⴻⵏ-ⵉⵍⵍⴰ ⴻⵗⴰⴼ , ⴰⵂⵂⴰⵏⵜⴰⵜ ⵉⵎⴰⵋⵔⵉⴷⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴾⴰⵍ ⴼⵓⵍⵉⵜⵉⴾ ⵛⵓⵏⴷ ⴰⵙ ⴾⴰⵍⴰ ⵜ-ⴻⵈⵈⴰⵍ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⵓⵂⵈⵔⴰⵏ –ⵙ-ⴰⵎⵎⴰⴾ ⵉⵉⵉⴰⵏ ⵓⴰⵔ-ⴻⵏⴰⵎⵓⵙ ⵓⴰ ⵓⵍⴰⵗⴰⵏ .
It examines the records and narrative descriptions of past knowledge, customs, and arts of a group of people.
ⵜⴰⴾⴾⴰⵉⴰⴷ ⴰⵍⴾⴰⵜⵜⴰⴱⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵎⵎⴰⴾ ⴰ ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓ ⴰⵏ ⵜⵉⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵓⴻⵏ , ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵏⵗⴰⵜⴻⵏ , ⴰⴷ ⴰⵛⴰⵗⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵂⵉⵏ ⵓⴾⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ -ⴰⵍⵣⵂⴰⵎⴰⵗⴰⵜ -ⵉⵉⵉⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴷⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ .
This type of political history is the study of the conduct of international relations between states or across state boundaries over time.
ⴻⵙⴰⵓⴻ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ ⵜⴻⵏ ,ⴰⵏ ⴾⴰⵍ ⴼⵓⵍⵉⵜⵉⴾ , ⵜ-ⴰⵎⵓⵙ ⴰⴾⴰⵉⴰⴷ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⵎⴰⴾ ⵓⴰ-ⵙ –ⵜ-ⴰⴶⴶⵍⴰ ⵜⴰⵙⵙⴰⵗⵜ ⵋⴻⵔ ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵓⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵎⴻⵗ ⴰ ⴰⵓⴾⴾⴰⵉⴰⵏ ⵉⵙⴰⵗⵍⴰⵉ ⵏⴰⵙⴰⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵣⵣⴰⵎⴰⵏⴰⵏ .
It gained popularity in the United States, Japan and other countries after the 1980s with the realization that students need a broader exposure to the world as globalization proceeds.
ⵜⴰⵋⵔⴰⵓ ⵜⴰⵎⴻⵜⵜⴻ ⵜ-ⴰⵋⵋⴻⵜ ⵗⵓⵔ ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵓⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ ⴰⵔⵜⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ-ⵙ-ⵉⵜⴰⵓⴰⵏⵏⴰ ⴻⵜⴰⵜⵙ-ⵓⵏⵉⴻⵙ, ⵋⴰⴱⵓⵏ, ⴰⴷ ⴰⴷⴷⵓⴰⵍⴰⵏ -ⵉⵉⵉⴰⴷ ⴰⵋⵋⵓⵜⵏⴻⵏ ⴷⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴰⵓⴰⵜⴰⵉ ⵓⴰ-ⵏ 1980 ⴰⵙ ⴰⴼⵂⴰⵎⴰⵏ ⴰⵙ ⴾⴰⵍ ⵜⴻⵗⴰⵔⴻ ⵜⴰ ⵎⴰⵈⵈⴰⵔⴰⵜ , ⴰⴷⴷⵓⵔⵂⴰⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵙⴰⴾⴰⵏ ⴰⵏⵏⴻⵙ ⵉ-ⴰⵙⵓⴾ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴷⴷⵓⵏⵉⴰ ⴰⵙ ⴷⴰⵜ .
Despite being a relatively new field, gender history has had a significant effect on the general study of history.
ⴾⵓⴷ ⴰⵎⵓⵙ ⴻⵙⴰⵓⴻ ⵓⵍⴰⵗⴰⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ,ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴰⵓⵙⴰⴼ ,ⵜⴰⵙⵉⴼⵂⴰⵎ ⴰⵋⵋⴻⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵉⵙⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ-ⴷ-ⴰⵈⵈⴰⵍⵏⴻⵏ ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ .
At Oxford and Cambridge, scholarship was downplayed.
ⵗⵓⵔ ⵓⵆⴼⴰⵔⴷ ⴰⴷ ⵛⴰⵎⴱⵔⵉⴷⴶⴻ,ⴼⴰⵍ ⴰⵓⴰ-ⴷ-ⴻⵈⵈⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵜⵉⵓⴰⴷⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵙⵏⴻ ,ⴰⵎⵓⵙ ⵗⵓⵔ ⵙⴰⵏ ⴰⵉ-ⵉⴾⵏⴰⵏ ⴼⴰⵏⵏⴰⵌ ⵂⵓⵍⵍⴰⵏ .
The tutors dominated the debate until after the Second World War.
Iⵎⴰⵏⴰⵂⴰⴷⴰⵏ ⴻⵏⵏⴻⵙ , ⴰⵏⵜⴰⵏⴻⴰ ⴰ oⵋⵋⴰⵔⵏⴻⵏ ⵎⴰⵋⵔⴰⴷ ⴼⴰⵍ-ⴰⵙ ⵂⴰⵔ ⴰⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴰⴾⴾⴰⵏⵏⴰⵙ ⵓⵈ-ⵙ ⴰⵙⵙⵉⵏ ⴰⵜⵓⴰⵋⵋⴰⵏ ⴰⵓ- ⵉⵍⵍⴰⵏ ⴻⵍⴰⵏ ⵋⴻⵔ ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵓⴰⵍⴰⵏ .
In the United States after World War I, a strong movement emerged at the university level to teach courses in Western Civilization, so as to give students a common heritage with Europe.
ⵗⵓⵔ ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵓⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ-ⵙ-ⵉⵜⴰⵓⴰⵏⵏⴰ Eⵜⴰⵜⵙ-ⵓⵏⵉⵙ ,ⴰⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴰⴾⴾⴰⵏⵏⴰⵙ ⵓ-ⴰⵣⵣⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⵉⵋⵋⴰⵏ ⵋⴻⵔ ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵓⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵉⵎⴰⵍ-ⵜ ⴰⵎⵎⴰⵜⴻⴾⵓⴰⵉ ⵎⴰⵈⵈⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴾⴰⵍ ⵜⴻⵗⴰⵔⴻ ⵜⴰ ⵎⴰⵈⵈⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⵗⴰⵔ ⴷⵉⵂⴰⴷ ⵗⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⵉ-ⵉⵂⵓⴾ ⵏⴰⵙⴰⵏ ⵉⴻ ⵜⵉⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵉ-ⴰⴷ ⴰⵋⵔⴰⵓⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ ⵗⴰⵔⴰⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵎⵎⴰⴾ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⴾⴰⵙⵉⵜ ⴰⵓⵂⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵓⴻⵍⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ-ⵏ Eⵓⵔⵓⴱⴻ.
Many view the field from both perspectives.
Aⵋⵋⴰ ⴰⵓⴰ ⴰⴷⴷⵓⵔⵂⴰⵏⴰⵏ ⴰⵍⴾⵓⵎ ⵉ-ⴰ-ⵓⴻⵏ .
In the United States, textbooks published by the same company often differ in content from state to state.
ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵓⴰⵍⴰⵏ , ⵓⵉ ⴰⵔⵜⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ-ⵙ-ⵉⵜⴰⵓⴰⵏⵏⴰ Eⵜⴰⵜⵙ-ⵓⵏⵉⵙ , ⴰⵍⴾⴰⵜⵜⴰⴱⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ ⵜ-ⴰⵣⵣⵢⵣⵋⴰⵔ ⵋⴻⵔ ⴰⵍⵣⵂⴰⵎⴰⵗⴰⵜ-ⴻⵏ , ⴰⵍⵓⴰⵈ- ⵉⵉⵉⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵎⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵉⴷⴰⴶⴶⴰⵏ ⵓⴰⵔ-ⴻⵏ ⵓⵍⴻⵂ ⵋⴻⵔ ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵓⴰⵍⴰⵏ .
Academic historians have often fought against the politicization of the textbooks, sometimes with success.
ⵆⴰⵍ ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⴻⵏ ⵓⵉ ⴰⴾⵏⴰⵏⴻⵏ ⵜⴻⵗⴰⵔⴻ ⴼⴰⵍ-ⴰⵓⴻⵏ ,ⵜⴰⴱⴰⵍⴰⵏⴰⵏ ⴰⵍⵓⴰⵈ ⵉⵉⵉⴰⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵉ-ⴰⴷ ⵓⴰⵔ ⵜⴰⵜⵓⴰⵋⵉⵏ ⵉⵎⴰⵋⵔⵉⴷⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴼⵓⵍⵉⵜⵉⴾ ⴼⴰⵍⵍ-ⴰⵙⵏⴰⵜ .
A civilization (or civilisation) is a complex society that is characterized by urban development, social stratification, a form of government, and symbolic systems of communication (such as writing).
ⵓⵜⵉⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ,ⴰⵙⵙⵓⵂⴰⵜⵏⴰⵜ ⵂⵓⵍⵍⴰⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ-ⴰⵙ ⴰ-ⵓⴻⵏ , ⵉⵙⴰⴾⵏⴻⵏⴰⵜ ⵜⵉⵓⵓⴰⴷⵜ ⵏⴰⵙⵏⴰⵜ , ⴰⵍⵍⴰⵏⴰⵜ ⵉⴷⴰⴶⴶⴰⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴰⵏⵉⵎⴰⵏⴰⴾⵏⴰⵜ ,ⴰⵎⵎⴰⴾ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵍⵆⴰⴾⵓⵎ ⴰⴷ ⴻⵙⴰⵓⴻ ⵓⴰ-ⵙ-ⵜ-ⵉⵎⵙⴰⵙⵍⵉⵏ (ⵛⵓⵏⴷ ⴰⴾⴰⵜⴰⴱ) .
In this broad sense, a civilization contrasts with non-centralized tribal societies, including the cultures of nomadic pastoralists, Neolithic societies or hunter-gatherers; however, sometimes it also contrasts with the cultures found within civilizations themselves.
ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰ ⵓⴻⵏ , ⵜⵉⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ⵓⴰⵔ-ⴰⵏⵎⴰⵏⵏⴰⴾⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⴷ ⵜⴻⵓⵙⴰⵜⴻⵏ ⵜ-ⵉⵉⵉⴰⴷ ⵓⴰⵔ-ⴻⵏ ⴻⵔⵜⴻⵉ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴻⴷⴰⴶⴶ ⵉⵉⵉⴰⵏ ⵛⵓⵏⴷ ⵉⴷⵓⵎⴰⵏ, ⵉⵎⴰⴶⴰⵍⴰ, ⵜⵉⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵉⵎⴰⵏ ⵏⴰⵙⵏⴰⵜ .
The fundamental treatise is Norbert Elias's The Civilizing Process (1939), which traces social mores from medieval courtly society to the Early Modern period.
ⴰⴰⵔⴰⴷⴰⵓⵜ , ⴰⵓⴰ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵜⴰⵜⵓⴰⵋⴰ , ⵜⴰⵏⵎⴰⴰⵏⵏⴰⴾ ⵜ-ⴰⵎⵓⵙⴰⵜ ⵟⵂⴻ ⵛⵉⴱⵉⵍⵉⵣⵉⵏⴶ ⴱⵔⵓⵛⴻⵙⵙ (1939) ⴰⵏ ⵏⵓⵔⴱⴻⵔⴼⵜ ⵢⵍⵉⴰⴾⵙ, ⵉⵙⴰⴾⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵓⴰ –ⵜ-ⵉⵍⵍⴰⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ-ⵏ ⴰⵔⵓ ⵂⴰⵔ ⵜⵉ-ⵏ-ⴰⵛⴰⵍ-ⵉ;
"Related words like ""civility"" developed in the mid-16th century."
“ⵜⵉⴼⴻⵔ ⵛⵓⵏⴷ ⵜⵉ-ⵏ ⵙⴻⵎⵗⴰⵔ ⴰⴷ “”ⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵜ”” ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⴷⵔⴻ ,ⴰⵓⵓⵉⴰⵏⴰⵜ ⵗⵓⵔ ⵜⴻⵎⴻⴷⴻ ⵏ-ⴰⵓⴰⵜⴰⵉ ⵜⴰ-ⵙ ⵎⴰⵔⴰⵓⴰⵜ ⴰⴷ ⵙⴰⴷⵉⵙⴰⵜ (16).”
"In the late 1700s and early 1800s, during the French Revolution, ""civilization"" was used in the singular, never in the plural, and meant the progress of humanity as a whole."
“ⵗⵓⵔ ⵙⴰⵎⴷⵓ ⵏ-ⴰⵓⴰⵜⴰⵉ ⵓⴰ-ⵏ 1700 ⴰⴷ ⵗⵓⵔ ⵙⴰⵏⵜⵓ ⵏ-ⴰⵓⴰⵜⴰⵉ ⵓⴰ-ⵏ 1800 ⴰⵣⵣⴰⵎⴰⵏ ⵓⵈ-ⴷ ⴰⵏⴾⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⵉⴾⵓⴼⴰⵔ (ⴼⴰⵔⴰⵏⵙⴻⵜⴰⵏ), ⴰⵓⴰ “”ⵓⵂⴰⵔⵏⴰⵜ ⵜⵉⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ”” ⵜⵉ ⴰⵙⵏⴰⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ, ⴻⵈⵈⴰⵍ ⴰⵎⵎⴰⴾ ⴰⴰⵏ ⵉⴱⴰ-ⵏ-ⵜⴰⵏⵎⴰⵏⵏⴰⴾ ⵋⴻⵔ ⴰⵓⴰⴷⴰⵎ ⵉⵉⵉⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⵉⵉⵉⴰⵏ ⵓⴰⴷⴻⵏ ⵋⴻⵔ ⴰⴷⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⴷ ⴰⴷⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ.”
"Only in this generalized sense does it become possible to speak of a ""medieval civilization"", which in Elias's sense would have been an oxymoron."
“ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⵛⵓⵏⴷ ⵓⴰ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵉ-ⵉⵙⴰⴾⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵙ ⵜⴰⵍⵍⴻ ⵜⴰⴷⴰⴱⵉⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵎⴰⵋⵔⴰⴷ ⴼⴰⵍ-ⴰⵓⴰ –ⴷ-ⴻⵈⵈⴰⵍⴰⵏ “ⵜⴰⵎⴻⵜⵜⴻ ⵜⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵣⵣⴰⵎⴰⵏ ⵉⵉⵉⴰⵏ” , ⴷⴰⵗ ⵉⵙⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴰ-ⵓⴻⵏ, ⵢⵍⵉⴰⵙ, ⵉⵋⵋⴰ ⴻⵙⴰⵓⴻ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⴰⵎⴰⵏⵏⴰⴾ ⴰⵏ ⴰ-ⵓⴰⵔ-ⴻⵏ ⵓⵂⴻⵔ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜ.”
"Here, civilization, being more rational and socially driven, is not fully in accord with human nature, and ""human wholeness is achievable only through the recovery of or approximation to an original discursive or prerational natural unity"" (see noble savage)."
ⴻⵉⵂⴰ, ⵜⵉⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ⵓⵂⴰⵔⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵋⵋⴻⵏ ,ⴰⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⵉ-ⵉⵙⴰⴾⵏⴻⵏ ⴻⵙⴰⵓⴻ ⵓⴰ ⵓⵍⴰⵗⴰⵏ ⵉⵙ ⴰⵏⵜⴰ ⴰ ⴰⵏⵏⵉⵂⴰⵋⵋⴰⵏ ⵎⴰⵛⴰⵏ ⵓⴰⵔ ⴼⴰⵍ-ⴰⵙ ⵜⴰⵜⵓⴰⵋⴰ ⵜⴰⵏⵎⴰⵏⵏⴰⴾ, ⵓⴻⵏ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜ ¬ⵓⴰⵔ ⵜⵉ ⴾⴰⵏⵏⵓ ⴻⴷⴰⵓⴰⵏⵏⵉ ⴰⵙ ⵉⴱⴰ-ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵔⴻⴷⴰⵓⵜ ⵙ-ⴰⵓⴰ ⴰⵏⵉⵎⴰⵂⴰⵍⴰⵏ.
Civilizations have been distinguished by their means of subsistence, types of livelihood, settlement patterns, forms of government, social stratification, economic systems, literacy and other cultural traits.
ⵜⵉⵎEⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ⵗⴰⵔⴰⴷ, ⵜⴰⵎⵓⴷⵔⴻ ⵏⴰⵙⵏⴰⵜ ⴰ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵜⴰⵙⵉⵂⴰⵜⴰⵍ ⵉⵙⴰⵋⵉⴰⴾ ⴰⵙ ⵓⴰⴷⴻⵏ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵜ-ⵉⵉⵉⴰⴷ ⴰⵔⵓⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴾⴰⵍⵍ ⵓⴰ-ⵏ ⴱⴻⵔⵓⵓ ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵔⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵓⴰ ⴷ-ⵉⵣⵣⴰⵋⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⴰⵏ.
All civilizations have depended on agriculture for subsistence, with the possible exception of some early civilizations in Peru which may have depended upon maritime resources.
ⵟⵉⵎⴻⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ⵗⴰⵔⴰⴷ, ⵜⴰⵎⵓⴷⵔⴻ ⵏⴰⵙⵏⴰⵜ ⴰ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵜⴰⵙⵉⵂⴰⵜⴰⵍ ⵉⵙⴰⵋⵉⴰⴾ ⴰⵙ ⵓⴰⴷⴻⵏ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵜ-ⵉⵉⵉⴰɗ ⴰⵔⵓⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴾⴰⵍⵍ ⵓⴰ-ⵏ ⴱⴻⵔⵓⵓ ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵔⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵓⴰ ⴷ-ⵉⵣⵣⴰⵋⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⴰⵏ.
Grain surpluses have been especially important because grain can be stored for a long time.
ⴰⵓⴰ-ⵙ-ⴰⵙⵙⴰⴾⴰⵉⴰⵏ ⴰⵜⵜⴰⵗⴰⵎⴰⵏ, ⵉⴾⵔⴰⵛ ⴰⵍⴼⴰⵉⴷⴰⵜ ⵎⴰⵈⵈⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴼⴰⵍ-ⴰⵙ ⴰⴷⴷⵓⴱⴻⵏ ⴰⴷ ⴰⴾⵏⴰⵏⵜⴰⵂⴰⵋⵉⵜ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴰⵔ.
However, in some places hunter-gatherers have had access to food surpluses, such as among some of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest and perhaps during the Mesolithic Natufian culture.
ⵎⴰⵙⴰⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵉⴷⴰⴶⴶⴰⵏ ⵉⵉⵉⴰⴰ ,ⵉⵎⴰⵂⵓⵉⴰ ⴰⴷ ⵓⵉ-ⴷ-ⴰⴷ ⵜⴰⴾⴰⵙⵏⴻⵏ ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓ ⵉⵉⵉⴰⵜ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵉⵂⴰⴾⵛⴰⵏ,ⴰⵙⵙⴰⴾⴰⵉⴰⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵋⴰⵔⴰⵓ ⵛⵓⵏⴷ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵜⵜⴻ ⵜⴰ-ⴷ-ⴰⴷ ⵜⴰⵣⵣⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵓⵍⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵋⴻⵔ ⴾⴰⵍ ⵋⴻⵔ ⴾⴰⵍ-ⴰⴼⴰⵍⵍⴰ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵜⴰⵔⴰⵎ ⴰⵏ ⴱⴰⵛⵉⴼⵉⵈⵓⴻ ⴻⴷ ⴰⵎⵎⵓⴾⴰⵏ ⴰⵙ ⴰⴷⵂⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵏⴰⵜ ⵜⵉⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜ-ⵉⵉⵉⴰⴷ .
"The word ""civilization"" is sometimes simply defined as ""'living in cities'""."
ⵜⵉⴼⴻⵔ ⵜⵉ-ⵙ-ⵉⵜⴰⵓⴰⵏⵏⴰ ⵟⵉⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ , ⵉⵜⴰⵓⴰⵏⵏⴻⵏ ⵉⴻ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⴷⵔⴻ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵗⵔⴰⵎ .
State societies are more stratified than other societies; there is a greater difference among the social classes.
ⵜⵉⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ-ⵏ-ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵓⵍⴰⵜ ,ⴰⵋⴰⵔⵏⴰⵜ ⵜ-ⵉⵉⵉⴰⴷⵏⴻⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵜⴻⵍⵍⴰ ⵏ-ⵉⴷⴰⴶⴶⴰⵏ ; ⵉⵍⵍⴻ ⴰ ⴰⵋⵋⴻⵏ ⵜⴰⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⵙⵙⵉⵏⴰⴱⴷⴰⵏ.
Civilizations, with complex social hierarchies and organized, institutional governments.
ⵜⵉⵎⴻⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻ ,ⴰⵍⵍⴰⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⵎⵎⴰⴾ ⴰⵏ ⵉⵎⵉⵣⵣⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵂⴰⵜ ⴻⵙⴰⵓⴻ ⵏⴰⵙⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⴾⴰⵍ ⴰⵍⵆⴰⴾⵓⵎⴰⵜ ⵜⴰⵙⵉⵎⴰⵙⴰⴷⴰⵓⴰⵜ ⵉ-ⴰⵙⴰⵓⴰⵋ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵓⴰ ⴰⵜⵓⴰⵙⴰⴱⴷⴰⴷⴰⵏ.
Some people also acquire landed property, or private ownership of the land.
ⴰⴷⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ ⵉⵉⵉⴰⴷ ⵋⴰⵔⴰⵓⴰⵏ ⵉⴷⴰⴶⴶⴰⵏ ⵎⴻⵗ ⴻⴷⴰⴶⴶ ⴰⵏ ⵉⵎⴰⵏ ⵏⴰⵙⴰⵏ .
By the early Iron Age, contemporary civilizations developed money as a medium of exchange for increasingly complex transactions.
ⵗⵓⵔ ⵙⴰⵏⵜo ⵏ-ⴰⵓⴰⵜⴰⵉⴷ ⵓⴰⵔ ⵂⴰⵙⴰⵏ ⵉⴶⴷⴻⵂ ⵓⴰ-ⵙ-ⵉⵜⴰⵓⴰⵏⵏⴰ ⵓⴰ-ⵏ ⵜⴰⵌⵓⵍⵉ ,ⵜⵉⵎⴻⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ⴻⵏ ⴰⵣⵣⴰⵎⴰⵏ ⵉⵉⵉⴰⵏ , ⴰⵙⵙⴰⴱⴷⴰⴷⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⵌⵔⴻⴼ ⵛⵓⵏⴷ ⴻⵎⵎⴰⴾ ⴻⵏ ⴰⵎⴰⵙⴾⴰⵍ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵉⵙⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵎⴰⵎⴰⵍⴰ ( ⴻⵙⵙⵓⴾ ) ⴻⵙⴰⵓⴻ ⵏⴻⵙ ⴷⴰⵗ , ⵜⵉⵓⵓⴰⴷⵜ ⴰⵉ-ⵉⴾⴾⴰⵏ .
These people may not be personally acquainted with one another and their needs may not occur all at the same time.
ⴰⴷⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ ⴻⵏ, ⴰⴷⴷooⴱⴻⵏ ⴰⴷ ⵓⴰⵔ ⵏⵎⴰⵣⴰⵉⴰⵏ , ⴷⴻⵔⵂⴰⵏ ⵏⴰⵙⴰⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ, ⴰⴷⴷⵓⴱⴰⵜ ⴰⴷ ⵓⴰⵔ ⵂⴰⵙⴰⵏ ⵉⴶⴷⴻⵂ ⵉⴾⴻⵜ ⵏⴰⵙⴰⵏⵙ .
The transition from simpler to more complex economies does not necessarily mean an improvement in the living standards of the populace.
ⴰⵋⴰⵔⴰⵓ ⴰⵙ ⵉⴾⴾⵓⵉ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵍⴼⴰⵉⴷⴰ ⵔⴰⵈⵈⵉⵙⴰⵏ ⴰⵙ-ⵉⵉⵉⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⵙoⵂⴻⵏ , ⴰ-ⴷⴰⵔ-ⴷ-ⴰⴷⴷⵉⵍⴰ ⴰⵙⵜⴰⵎⵓⴷⵔⴻ ⵏ-ⴰⴷⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ ⵜⴰⵓⵓⵉⴷ .
The average stature of a population is a good measurement of the adequacy of its access to necessities, especially food.
Eⵙⴰⵓⴻ ⵓⴰ ⵂⵉⵏ ⵉⵛⴰⵎⴰⵏ ⵓⴻ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵜⵜⴻ ,ⴰⴷ ⵜⴰⵋⵔⴰⵓ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵜⵜⴰⵗⴰⵎⴰⵏ,ⵉ-ⵉⵎⴰⵏⵙⵉⵓⴰⵏ ⴰⵏⵏⴻⵙ .
Like money, the writing was necessitated by the size of the population of a city and the complexity of its commerce among people who are not all personally acquainted with each other.
ⵙⵓⵏⴷ ⴰⵎⴰⵙⴾⴰⵍ ,ⴰⴾⴰⵜⴰⴱ ⴾⴰⵍⴰ ⴰⵎⵓⵙ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵏⵏⵉⵎⴰⵂⴰⵍ ⴰⴷ –ⵜ-ⵉⵍⵍⴰ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴰⵓⴰ ⴷⴰⵔ ⵜ-oⴶⴷⴰⵂ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵜⵜⴻ ⵏ-ⴰⵗⵔⴰⵎ ⴰⴷ ⵈⵙⵙⵓⵂⵓ ⵏ-ⴰⵙⵙⵓⴾ ⴰⵏⵏⴻⵙ ⵋⴻⵔ ⴰⴷⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ ⵓⴰⵔ-ⴻⵏ ⴰⵏⵎⴰⵣⴰⵉ ⵉⴾⴻⵜ ⵏⴰⵙⴰⵏ.
These include organized religion, development in the arts, and countless new advances in science and technology.
Iⵙⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⵋⵋⴰⵏⴻⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴰⴷⴷⵉⵏ ⴰⵎⵉⵙⴰⴷⴰⵓⴰⵏⴰⵏⵜⵓ ⵙ-ⵉⵉⵉⴰⴷ , ⵜⵉⵓⴰⴷⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵓⴰ ⴰⵜⵉⵓⴰⵛⴰvⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⵜⵉⵓⴰⴷⵜ ⵜⴰⵋⵋⴻⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵜⵉⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵓⴻⵏ .
"These cultures are called by some ""primitive"", a term that is regarded by others as pejorative. """
Iⵙⴰⵋⵉⴰⴾ-ⴻⵏ , ⴰⵙⵙⵉⵂⴰⵙⴾⴻⵏ ⵜⴰⵏ ⵗⵓⵔ ⵙⴰⵏⵜⵓ ⵙ-ⵉⵉⵉⴰⴷ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵙⴰⵏ ⴾⵓⵍ , ⴰⵎⵓⵙⴰⵏ ⴰⵜⵉⵓⴰⵔⵂⴰⵏ.
"Anthropologists today use the term ""non-literate"" to describe these peoples."
“ⵆⴰⵍ ⵉⵏⵓⵎⴰⵗⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵙⵏⴻ ⴼⴰⵍ-ⴰⴶ-ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵎ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵍⵣⵂⴰⵎⴰⵗⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴷⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ , ⴰ-ⵓⴻⵏ ⴰⴷⴾⴰⵍⴰⵏ-ⵜ –ⵛⵓⵏⴷ ⴻⵔⴻ ⵓⴰⵔ-ⴻⵏ ⵉⵙⵙⴻⵏ ⵜⴻⵗⴰⵔⴻ ⴷ-ⴰⴾⴰⵜⴰⴱ.”
But civilization is also spread by the technical, material and social dominance that civilization engenders.
ⵎⴰⵛⴰⵏ ⵜⵉⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ , ⵜⵉⴷⴰⴷⵜ ⴰ ⵜⴰⵋⵋⴰⵏⴷⵜ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵙⴰⵙⵙⵉⴾⴰⵉ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵙⵏⴻ, ⵉⵍⴰⵍⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵓⴰ-ⴷ-ⴰⴷ ⵜⵉⵔⴰⵓ .
Civilizations tend to develop intricate cultures, including a state-based decision making apparatus, a literature, professional art, architecture, organized religion and complex customs of education, coercion and control associated with maintaining the elite.
ⵜⵉⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ,ⵓⵍⴰⵂⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵓ-ⵉⵎⵎⴰⵗⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⵎⴰⴾ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⵉⵓⴰⴷ ⴰⵏ ⵉⵙⴰⴷⴷⵓⵎⴰ ⵓⵉ ⴰⵙⵙⵓⵂⴰⵜⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵎⵓⵙⴰⵏ ⴰ-ⵜ-ⴰⵙⵙⵉⴱⴷⴰⴷ ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵓⵍⴰⵜ ⵜⴻⵗⴰⵔⴻ , ⴰⵛⴰⵗⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⴾⵏⴰⵏⴻⵏ , ⵜⵉⵎⴰⴾⵔⵓⵙⴻⵏ ,ⴰⴷⴷⵉⵏ ⴰⵎⵉⵙⴰⴷⴰⵓⵏ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵏⵗⴰⵜⴻⵏ ⴰⵙⵙⵓⵂⴰⵜⵏⴻⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵜⴻⵗⴰⵔⴻ,ⴰⵎⵎⴰⴾ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵣⴰⵍⵣⴰⵎ ⴻⴷ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⴰⵉⵏⵜ ⴰⵏⵏⴻⵙ .
The civilization in which someone lives is that person's broadest cultural identity.
ⵜⵉⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵉⵣⵣⴰⵗ ⴰⵓⴰⴷⴰⵎ, ⴰⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵜ ⵜⵓⵎⴰⵙⵜ ⴻⵏⵏⴻⵙ ⵜⴰ ⵜⵓⵋⵋⴰⵔⴰⵜ .
The aim is to preserve the cultural heritage of humanity and also the cultural identity, especially in the case of war and armed conflict.
ⴰⵓⴰ ⴰⵜⵉⵓⴰⵎⴰⵗⴰⵏ, ⵜⴰⴶⴰⵌⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵓⴰ-ⵜ-ⵉⵍⵍⴰⵏ ⵉ-ⴰⴷⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⴷ ⵜⴰⴶⴰⵌⵜ ⵂⴰⵔⵓⴰ ⴰⵏ ⵜⵓⵎⴰⵙⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵓⴰ ⴻⵈⵈⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵉⵎⴻⵛⵍⴰⵏ ⵏⴰⵙⴰⵏ ⵂⵓⵍⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵋⵋⴰⵏ ⵉⴾⴰⵏⵏⴰⵙⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⵉⴱⴰ-ⵏ-ⵜⴰⵏⵎⴰⵏⵏⴰⴾ.
"Early twentieth-century philosopher Oswald Spengler,Spengler, Oswald, Decline of the West: Perspectives of World History (1919) uses the German word Kultur, ""culture"", for what many call a ""civilization""."
ⵓ ⵟⴰⵎⵓⵙⵏⴻ ⵓⴰ-ⵙ-ⵉⵜⴰⵓⴰⵏⵏⴰ ⵓⵙⵓⴰⵍⴷ ⵙⴱⴻⵏⴶⵍⴻⵔ , Oⵙⵓⴰⵍⴷ ⵙⴱⴻⵏⴶⵍⴻⵔ ⵗⵓⵔ ⵜⴻⵎⴻⴷⴻ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵓⴰⵜⴰⵉ ⵜⴰ-ⵙ ⵙⴰⵏⴰⵜⴰⵜ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵔⵓⴻⵏ ,ⵉⵏⵏⴰ ⴼⴰⵍ Oⴼ ⵟⵂⴻ ⴰⴻⵙⵜ ; ⴰⵓⴰ ⴰⵜⵉⵓⴰⵔⴷⴰⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴰⵋⵋⴰⵏⴻⵏ (1919)ⴰ ⴷⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⵋⵋⵓⵜⵏⴻⵏ ⵟⵉⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ .
"Spengler states civilization is the beginning of the decline of a culture as ""the most external and artificial states of which a species of developed humanity is capable""."
ⵙⴱⴻⵏⴶⵍⴻⵔ ⴰⵙⴷⴰⵜⴰⵜ ⴰⵙ ⵜⵉⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ , ⴰⵎⵓⵙ ⴰ-ⵓⴻⵏ ⵙⴰⵏⵜⵓ ⴰⵏ ⵜⵉⴷⵓⵜ –ⴻⵏ ⴰⵓⴰ-ⴷ-ⴻⵈⵈⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⵛⴰⴾⵛⵓ ⵛⵓⵏⴷ ⵗⵓⵔ ⴰⴷⴷⴷⵓⴷⵍⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ-ⵏ- ⵉⵋⴰⵎⴰⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵙ ⴻⵙⴰⵓⴻ ⵏⴰⵙⵏⴰⵜ ⴻⵈⵈⴰⵍ ⴰⵓⵓⵉⴷⴰⵏ, ⵉⵍⵍⴰ ⵜⴰⴷⴰⴱⵉⵜ .
"Civilizations generally declined and fell, according to Toynbee, because of the failure of a ""creative minority"", through moral or religious decline, to meet some important challenge, rather than mere economic or environmental causes."
ⵜⵉⵎⴰⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ , ⵓⴷⴰⵏⴰⵜ , ⴰ ⵓⴻⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵉ- ⵉⵏⵏⴰ ⵟⵓⵉⵏⴱⴻⴻ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵉⵙⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵉⴱⴰ-ⵏ ⵜⴰⴷⴰⴱⵉⵜ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵎⵎⵓⴾⴰⵏ ⵓⴰⵔ-ⴻⵏ ⴼⴰⵔⵓⵔ –ⵙ-ⴰⵙⵙⴰⴾⴻⵏ –ⵙ-ⴰⵓⴰ-ⵙ ⴰⵜⵓⴰⴼⵏⴰⵌ ,ⵜⴻⴱⴰⴷⴷⴻ ⵎⴰⵈⵈⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵜⴰⴾⵎⵓ ⵓⵂⵓⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⴱⴰⴱⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴱⴰⵏⵏⴰⵏⵈⵢⵏ ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓ ⵎⴰⵗ ⵉⵂⴰⵏⵣⵓⵣⴰⵗ ⵏⴰⵏⴰⵗ
For example, trade networks were, until the nineteenth century, much larger than either cultural spheres or political spheres.
ⵛⵓⵏⴷ, ⵜⴰⴱⴻⵔⴰⵜⴻⵏ ⵜⵉⵏ ⵙⴻⵎⴻⵙⴾⵉⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⵈⴰⵍⵏⴰⵜ, ⵂⴰⵔ ⵗⵓⵔ ⵆIⵆⴻ ⴻⵍⴰⵏ, ⴰⵋⴻⵏ ⵉⴾⵏⴰⵏ ⵜⵉⵂⵓⵙⴰⵉ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵜⵉⴱⴻⵍⴰⵗⴻⵏ ⴻⵏ ⵜⵉⵓⵙⴰⵜⴻⵏ ⵎⴻⵗ ⵜⵉⴱⴻⵍⴰⵗⴻⵏ ⵜⵉⵏ ⴼⵓⵍⴰⵜⵉⴾ.
During the Uruk period, Guillermo Algaze has argued that trade relations connected Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran and Afghanistan.
ⵗⵓⵔ ⴰⵍⵓⴰⵈ ⵓⴰⵏ ⵓⵔⵓⴾ, ⵗⵓⵉⵍⵍⴻⵔⵎⵓ ⴰⵍⴶⴰⵣⴻ ⴰⵍⵉⵍ ⴰⵙ ⵜⵉⵏⵎⴰⵣⴰⵉⴻⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵙⴰⵎⴰⵙⴾⵉⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⵙⴻⵔⵜⴰⵉⵏⴰⵜ ⵉⴶⵉⴰⵜⴻ,ⵎⵉⵙⵓⴷⵓⵜⴰⵎⵉⴻ, Iⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⴰⴼⴶⵂⴰⵏⵉⵙⵜⴰⵏ.
Different civilizations and societies all over the globe are economically, politically, and even culturally interdependent in many ways.
ⵜⴰⵋⵓⵜⴻ ⴰⵏ ⵜⵉⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⴰⴷ ⵜⵉⵔⵜⴰⵉⴻⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴷⵓⵏⵉⴰ ⴾⵓⵍ ⴰⵈⴰⵍⵏⴰⵜ ⵜⵉⴷⴰⵓⵜ, ⴼⵓⵍⴰⵜⵉⴾ ⴰⴷ ⴷⴻⵗ ⵜⵉⵓⵙⴰⵜⴻⵏ ⵋⴰⵔⵜⴰⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵜ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵙⴻⵎⵗⴰⵔⴰⵏ.
Central Civilization later expanded to include the entire Middle East and Europe, and then expanded to a global scale with European colonization, integrating the Americas, Australia, China and Japan by the nineteenth century.
ⵜⵉⵎⵓⵙⵏⴻ ⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⴰⵙⵙ ⵜⴰⵜⵓⴰⵙⴰⵎⵗⴰⵔ ⴷⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵋⵉⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵎⵓⵉⴻⵏ-ⵓⵓⵉⴻⵏⵜ ⴰⴷ ⴻⵓⵔⵓⴷ,ⵉⵣⴰⵔ ⵜⴰⵜⵓⴰⵙⴰⵎⵗⴰⵔ ⵗⵓⵔ ⵜⴰⵛⴰⵋⵔⵉⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴷⵓⵏⵉⴰ ⴰⴷ ⵉⵎⵓⴷⴰⴾⴰⵏ ⵓⵉⵏ ⴾⴰⵍ ⴻⵓⵔⵓⴷ, ⵉⴶⴰⵛⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵎⴻⵔⵉⴻⴰⵜⴻⵏ, ⴰⵓⵙⵜⵔⴰⵍⵉⵉⴰ, ⵛⵂⵉⵏⴻ ⴰⴷ ⵋⴰⴷⵓⵏ ⵗⵓⵔ 19 ⴻⵍⴰⵏ.
This encouraged a secondary products revolution in which people used domesticated animals not just for meat, but also for milk, wool, manure and pulling ploughs and carts – a development that spread through the Eurasian Oecumene.
ⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵉⴾⴼⴰ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵂⴰⵜ ⵉⴻ ⴰⵛⴰⵏⵣⵉ ⴰⵏ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜⴰⵏ ⵓⵉⵙ ⴰⵙⵙⵉⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴷⴰⴾⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ ⵉⵎⵓⴷⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⵜⵓⴰⵋⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴻⴷⴻⵜ ⵉⵙⵙⴰⵏ ⵗⴰⵙ,ⵎⴰⵛⴰⵏ ⴷⴻⵗ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴰⵗ,ⴰⵎⵣⴰⴷⴰⵏ,ⵉⵗⴰⵔⴰⵋⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⵉⴻ ⴰⵔⴰⴾⴰⴱ ⴰⵏ ⵜⵉⴶⴰⵉⴰⴾⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⴷ ⵜⵓⵔⴾⴰⵜⴻⵏ–ⵜⴰⵋⵓⵜⴻ ⵜⴰⵣⵓⵏⴰⵜ ⴷⴰⵗ Oⴻⵛⵓⵎⵉⵏⴻ ⵓⴰⵏ Eⵓⵔⴰⵙⵉⴻ.
"This area has been identified as having ""inspired some of the most important developments in human history including the invention of the wheel, the planting of the first cereal crops and the development of the cursive script""."
" ⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⵓⴻⵏ ⴰⵜⵉⵓⴰⵣⴰⵉ ⵙⵓⵏⴷ ⵉⵋⵔⴰⵓⴰⵏ"" ⵜⵉⵔⵓⴰ ⴰⵏ ⵉⵙⵋⴰⵜ ⵉⵉⴰⴷ ⵓⵉⴾⵏⴰⵏⴻⵏ ⵜⴰⵂⵓⵙⴾⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵜⴻ,ⵜⴰⵏⵏⴰ ⴰⵏ ⵉⵋⵉ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵋⵉⵉⴰⴾ,ⴰⴷⴰⵎⵓ ⴰⵏ ⵎⴰⵋⵉⴰⴾⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵏⴰⵍⴰⵓⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ ⴰⵣⴰⵔⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵙⵋⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴾⴰⵜⴰⴱ ⵉⵜⵔⴰⴱⴰⵏ"".
This climate change shifted the cost-benefit ratio of endemic violence between communities, which saw the abandonment of unwalled village communities and the appearance of walled cities, associated with the first civilizations.
ⴰⴰⵂⴰⵏⵣⵉ ⵓⴰⵏ ⴰⵣⴰⵎⴰⵏ ⴰⵛⴰⴾⴰⵛ ⵎⴻⵔⵜⴰⵉ ⵉⵋⵉ-ⴱⵓⵏⴰⴼⵉⵙ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵍⴰⴱⴰⵙⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵜⵓⵔⵂⴰⵏⴰ ⵋⴰⵔ ⴾⴰⵍⴰⵏ,ⵉⵏⵂⴰⵉⴰⵏ ⴰⵜⵓⴰⵉ ⴰⵏ ⴾⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵏⴰⵔⵓⵋ ⵓⴻⵔ ⵉⵍⴰ ⵉⵗⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵣⵓⵋⵓⵔ ⴰⵏ ⵉⵗⴰⵔⵎⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⵙⵓⵂⴰⵜⵏⴻⵏ, ⴰⵔⵜⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⴷ ⵜⵉⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵣⴰⵔⵏⴻⵏ.
The civilized urban revolution in turn was dependent upon the development of sedentism, the domestication of grains and animals, the permanence of settlements and development of lifestyles that facilitated economies of scale and accumulation of surplus production by certain social sectors.
ⴰⵎⵍⵉⵍⵉ ⵏⴰⵗⵔⴰⵎ ⵉⴾⵏⴰⵏ ⴻⴾⴰⵍⴰⴷ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵏⴰⵍⴾⴰⵎ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⵋⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵗⵉⵎⵉⵜ, ⴰⴷ ⴰⵜⵓⵉⵋⴰⵣ ⴰⵏⴰⴰⵜⴰⵗⴰⵎⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⵎⵓⴷⴰⵔⴰⵏ, ⴰⴷ ⴰⵙⵋⵉⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵜⵉⵎⵓⵗⵏⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵙⵋⵉⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵍⵎⴰⵗⵏⴰⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⴷⵔⴻ ⵙⴰⵔⵗⴰⵙⵏⴻⵏ ⵜⵉⵙⴷⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵛⴰⵋⵔⵉⵜ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵙⴷⴰⵓ ⴰⵏ ⵙⴰⵙⵓⴾⴰⵉ ⴰⵏ ⵉⵋⵉ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵜⵉⵣⵓⵏⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉⵉⴰⴷ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵔⵜⴰⵉⴻⵏ.
Some focus on historical examples, and others on general theory.
Iⵉⴰⴷ ⵓⵎⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵙⴻⴶⴱⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⵔⵓⵏⴻⵏ,ⵉⵉⴰⴷ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵙⵏⴻ ⵜⴰⵋⴻⵜ.
"For Gibbon, ""The decline of Rome was the natural and inevitable effect of immoderate greatness."
"ⵗⴻ ⵗⵉⴱⴱⴷⵏ, ""ⵙⴰⵎⴷⵓ ⵓⴰⵏ ⵔⵓⵎⴻ ⴻⵈⴰⵍ ⵉⵔⵉ ⵉⴾⵏⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵎⵓⵈⴰⵙⵙⴰⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵜⴰⵎⵗⴰⵔⴻ ⵓⴰⵔⴻⵏ ⵜⴰⴼⵏⴻⵣ"".
"Theodor Mommsen in his History of Rome suggested Rome collapsed with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE and he also tended towards a biological analogy of ""genesis"", ""growth"", ""senescence"", ""collapse"" and ""decay""."
ⵜⴻⵓⴷⵓⵔ ⵎⴰⵎⵎⵙⴻⵏ, ⴷⴰⵗ ⵜⴰⵏⴼⵓⵙⵜ ⵉⵏⴻⵙⵙ ⵜⴰⵏ ⵙⵓⵎⴻ, ⴰⵙⵙⵉⴾⵏⴰ ⴰⵙ ⵙⵓⵎⴻ ⵜⴰⴷⴰ ⴰⴷ ⴻⴶⴰⴷⴻⵍ ⵓⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵏⵉⴰ ⵜⴰⵏ ⵔⵓⵎⴰⵉⵏ ⵏⴰⴶⴰⴷⴰⵍ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⴼⵓⴾ ⵗⵓⵔ 476 ⴰⵏ ⴰⵣⴰⵎⴰⵏ ⵓⴰⵏⴰⵏⴻⵗ ⵉⵣⴰⵔ ⴰⵔⴰⴾ ⴷⴻⵗ ⵉⴱⵔⴻⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵎⴰⴶⴷⴰⵂ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⴷⵔⴻ ⵜⴰⵏ"" ⵉⵋⵉ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵏⵉⴰⵜ"",""ⵜⴰⴷⴰⵓⵍⴰ"",""ⵜⵓⵛⴰⵔⵜ"",""ⴻⴶⴰⴷⴻⵍ"", ⴰⴷ "ⴰⵍⴾⵓⵎ ⴰⵏ ⵉⵍⴰⵏ".""
Arnold J. Toynbee in his A Study of History suggested that there had been a much larger number of civilizations, including a small number of arrested civilizations, and that all civilizations tended to go through the cycle identified by Mommsen.
ⴰⵔⵏⵓⵍⴷ ⵋ. ⵟⵓⵉⵏⴱⴻⴻ, ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵍⴾⴰⴷ ⵉⵏⴻⵙⵙ ⴰ ⵙⵜⵓⴷⵉ ⵜⴼ ⵂⵉⵙⵜⵓⵔⵉ, ⴰⵙⵙⵉⴾⵏⴰ ⴰⵙ ⵉⵋⵔⴰⵓ ⵎⴻⴷⴰⵏ ⴰⵋⴻⵏ ⵉⴾⵏⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⵓⴾⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵜⵉⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵓⴻⵏ, ⵉⵂⴰ ⵎⴻⴷⴰⵏ ⴰⵏⴷⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵜⵉⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵉⴱⴷⴰⴷⵏⴻⵏ, ⵉⵣⴰⵔ ⵜⵉⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⴾⵓⵍ ⵉⵍⴰⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⵏⵉⵉⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵉⴾⵓⵉ ⴰⵙ ⵜⴰⴾⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵜⵉⵓⴰⵙⴰⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⵙ ⵎⵓⵎⵎⵙⴻⵏ.
During the intermediate phase, the increasing population growth leads to the decrease of per capita production and consumption levels, it becomes more and more difficult to collect taxes, and state revenues stop growing, whereas the state expenditures grow due to the growth of the population controlled by the state.
ⵗⵓⵔ ⵙⴰⵏⵜⵓ ⴰⵏ ⵋⴰⵔ ⴰⵏⵎⵉⵋⴰⵔ, ⵜⴰⴷⴰⵓⵍⴰ ⵏⴰⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ ⵜⴰⵓⴻⴷⴰⵜ ⵂⴰⴾⵓ ⴰⴼⴰⵏⴰⵣⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴷⴰⴶⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵋⴰⵔⴰⵓ ⴰⴷ ⵜⴰⵜⴰⵜⴻ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⵓⵣⴰⵗ, ⴻⵈⴰⵍⵉⴷ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵂⴰⵜ ⴰⵙⵓⵂⵓ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⵙⴰⴷⵓ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵣⴰⵍⴻⵏ, ⵉⵣⴰⵔ ⵉⵋⴰⵔⴰⵓⴰⵏ ⵓⵉⵏ ⴰⵍⵗⴰⴾⵓⵎ ⴰⵙⵎⴰⴷⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⴷⴰⵓⵍⴰ,ⵎⴰⵛⴰⵏ ⵉⵛⴰⵛⴰ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵍⵗⴰⴾⵓⵎ ⵜⵉⵓⴰⴷⴰⵏ ⴰⵙ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵜⴰⵋⵓⵜⴻ ⴰⵏ ⵎⵓⵣⴰⵗⴰⵏ ⴰⵜⵉⵓⴰⴾⵉⴰⴷⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵍⵗⴰⴾⵓⵎ.
Secular Cycles and Millennial Trends.
ⵜⴰⵈⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵜⵉⵎⴰⴷ ⴰⵏ ⴻⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⵉⵛⵔⵓⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴻⴼⴷⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵓⵉⵜⵉⴰⵏ.
The fact that Rome needed to generate ever greater revenues to equip and re-equip armies that were for the first time repeatedly defeated in the field, led to the dismemberment of the Empire.
Iⵋⵉ ⵓⴰⵙ ⵔⵓⵎⴻ ⵜⴰⵔⵂⴰ ⵜⵉⵔⵓⴰ ⴰⵏ ⵋⴰⵔⴰⵓⴰⵏ ⵉⴾⵏⴰⵏⴻⵏ ⵂⴰⵔⴾⵓⴾ ⵉⴻ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵍⵙ ⴰⴷ ⵉⵍⵓⵙ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵍⵙ ⴰⵏ ⴾⴰⵍ ⴾⴰⵔⵛⴰⵉⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ ⴰⵈⴰⵍⵏⴻⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵜⵉⵣⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴰⵜⵓⴰⵗⴰⵏⴻⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵉⵎⵙⵓⵗⵓⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⵋⵉⵜⵏⴻⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴻⵗⴰⵔⵗⴰⵔ, ⵉⵍⵓⴰⵉ ⴰⵙ ⵓⴾⴰⵙⵙ ⴰⵏ ⵎⴰⵙⵙⴰⵓⴰⵙ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵏⴰⵉⴰ.
He argues that the collapse of the Maya has lessons for civilization today.
ⴰⵍⵉⵍ ⴰⵙ ⴻⴶⴰⴰⴰⵍ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴰⵜⴰⵏ ⴻⵈⴰⵍ ⴰⵙⵓⵂⴻⵏ ⵉⴻ ⵉⵂⵓⴾ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵙⵏⴻ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵙⵏⴻ ⵜⴰⵏ ⵉⵛⵔⴰⵉ.
The energy expended to energy yield ratio is central to limiting the survival of civilizations.
ⴰⵋⴰⵔⴰⵓ ⵋⴰⵔ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵂⴰⵜ ⵉⵣⵋⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵙⵙⵓⵗⴰⵍ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵂⴰⵜ ⴻⵈⴰⵍ ⴰⵂⵓⵙⴾⴻⵏ ⵉⴻ ⴰⵙⴰⴱⴷⴰⴷ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⴷⵔⴻ ⴰⵏ ⵜⵉⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵓⴻⵏ.
Koneczny claimed that civilizations cannot be mixed into hybrids, an inferior civilization when given equal rights within a highly developed civilization will overcome it.
ⵆⵓⵏⴻⴰⵣⵏⵉ ⵉⵏⵏⴰ ⴰⵙ ⵜⵉⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵓⴰⵔ ⴰⴷⵓⴱⴰⵜⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⴷⴰⵈⴰⵍⵏⴰⵜ ⴻⵔⵜⴰⵉⴰⵏ ⵉⴻ ⵉⵋⵉ ⴰⵏ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵣⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ, ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵙⵏⴻ ⵎⴰⴷⵔⵉⴰⵜ, ⴰⵙ ⵜⵉⵏⴰⴰⴼⴰ ⵜⴰⴱⴻⵔⴰⵜⴻⵏ ⵓⴶⴷⴰⵂⵏⴻⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵎⴰⵙⵙ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵙⵏⴻ ⵜⴰⴾⵏⴰⵜ ⵜⴰⵋⵓⵜⴻ, ⴰⵜⴰⵜⴰⵓⴰⵔ.
Cultural Historian Morris Berman suggests in Dark Ages America: the End of Empire that in the corporate consumerist United States, the very factors that once propelled it to greatness―extreme individualism, territorial and economic expansion, and the pursuit of material wealth―have pushed the United States across a critical threshold where collapse is inevitable.
ⵜⵉⵎⴻⵜⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵉ ⴰⵏⵏⵓⴼⵍⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ⵗⴰⵔⴰⴷ, ⵜⴰⵎⵓⴷⵔⴻ ⵏⴰⵙⵏⴰⵜ ⴰ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵜⴰⵙⵉⵂⴰⵜⴰⵍ ⵉⵙⴰⵋⵉⴰⴾ ⴰⵙ ⵓⴰⴷⴻⵏ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵜ-ⵉⵉⵉⴰⴷ ⴰⵔⵓⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴾⴰⵍⵍ ⵓⴰ-ⵏ ⴱⴻⵔⵓⵓ ⴰⴷⴷⴰⵔⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵓⴰ ⴷ-ⵉⵣⵣⴰⵋⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⴰⵏ
The corrosion of these pillars, Jacobs argues, is linked to societal ills such as environmental crisis, racism and the growing gulf between rich and poor.
ⴰⵙⴰⵈⴰⵔⴰⵓⵉ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵋⴰⵜⴻⵓⴻⵏ, ⵗⵓⵔ ⵋⴰⵓⴱⵙ,ⴻⵔⵜⴰⵉ ⴰⴷ ⵜⴰⴾⵎⵓⵜⴻⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ ⵙⵓⵏⴷ ⴰⵗⴰⵛⴰⴷ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴾⴰⵍ, ⴰⵣⴰⵍⴰⵉⴰⵜ ⵏⴰⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵏⵏⵓ ⵎⴰⵈⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⵋⴰⵔ ⴾⴰⵍ ⴰⵂⴰⵔⴻ ⴰⴷ ⵎⴰⵍⴰⵈⴰⵓ.
This need for civilizations to import ever more resources, he argues, stems from their over-exploitation and diminution of their own local resources.
ⵜⴰⵂⴰⵛⵉⵍⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵙⵏⴰⵓⴻⵏ ⵉⴻ ⴰⴶⴰⵉ ⵂⴰⵔⴾⵓⴾ ⴰⵋⵉⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵜⵉⵙⴰⵓⴰⴷ, ⴰⵍⴰⵗⴰⵜ, ⵉⵣⵋⴰⵔⴰⴷ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴰⴷⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⴰⴷ ⴰⴼⴰⵏⴰⵣ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵙⵉⵓⴰⴷ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴷⴰⵋ.
"In the graphic, Ma means ""million years ago"".)"
ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⴾⴰⵜⴰⴱ, ⵉⵏⴰⵓ ⴰⴷⴰⵔⵜⵉⴷⵉⵍⴰ"" ⵉⵍⴰⵏⵜⵉ ⵎⵉⵍⵍⵉⵓⵏⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵓⴰⵜⵉⴰⵏ"".
Much of the Earth was molten because of frequent collisions with other bodies which led to extreme volcanism.
ⵜⴰⵛⵔⵓⵜ ⵎⴰⵈⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⵜⴰⵈⴰⵍ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵜⴰⵔⵜⵉⵜ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⴷⴰⵜⵓ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵋⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⵓⵈⴰⵙ ⴰⴷ ⵉⵎⴰⵏ ⵉⵉⴰⴷ, ⴰⵓⴰⴷ ⴷⵉⵓⴰⵉⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⵍⵉⵍⵉⵉ ⵏⴰⴾⴰⵍ.
Recognizable humans emerged at most 2 million years ago, a vanishingly small period on the geological scale.
ⴰⴷⵉⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⵜⵉⵓⴰⵣⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ⵉⵣⵋⴰⵔⴰⵏⵉⴷ ⵉⵍⴰⵏⵜ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵉⴾⵓⵉ 2 ⵎⵉⵍⵍⵉⵓⵏⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵓⴰⵜⵉⴰⵏ,ⵜⴰⵈⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⴾⵏⴰⵜ ⵜⴰⴶⴰⵣⵍⴻ ⵗⵓⵔ ⵜⴰⵣⴰⵋⵔⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜ.
It is estimated that 99 percent of all species that ever lived on Earth, over five billion, have gone extinct.
ⵏⴰⴾⴰⵜ ⴰⵙ 99%ⴰⵏ ⵎⵓⴷⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴾⵓⵍ ⵓⵉ ⴰⴷⴰⵔⵏⴻⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴰⴾⴰⵍ, ⵎⴻⵗ ⴰⵓⵓⵋⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⵙⴰⵎⵓⵙ ⵎⵉⵍⵍⵉⴰⵔⵜⴰⵏ, ⴻⵈⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⵉⴾⴻⵏ.
The Earth's crust has constantly changed since its formation, as has life since its first appearance.
ⵜⴻⵗⴻⵔⵎⵉⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⵓⴰⵔ ⴰⵛⴰⵣⴰⵜ ⵗⵓⵔ ⵉⵋⵉ ⵉⵏⴻⵙⵙ,ⴾⵓⵍ ⵙⵓⵏⴷ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⴷⵔⴻ ⵗⴰⵔ ⴰⵣⴰⵋⴰⵔ ⵉⵏⴻⵙⵙ ⵓⴰⵣⴰⵔⴰⵏ.
The Moon is formed around this time probably due to a protoplanet's collision into Earth.
ⴰⵉⵓⵔ ⵉⴾⴰⵔⴰⵙ ⵗⵓⵔ ⴰⵣⴰⵎⴰⵏ, ⴰⴷⴰⵜⵓ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵍⴾⵓⵎ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⴰⵈⴰⵙ ⴰⵏ ⵙⴰⵏⵜⵓ ⴰⵏ ⴻⵜⴰⵔ ⴰⴷ ⴰⴾⴰⵍ.
The atmosphere is composed of volcanic and greenhouse gases.
ⵋⴻⵏⵋⵋ ⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⴻⵔⵜⴰⵉ ⴰⴷ ⴰⴷⵓ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⵉⵍⴰⵍⵉⵉ ⵏⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⴰⴷ ⴰⴷⵓ ⴰⴾⵓⵙⵙⴰⵏ.
Bacteria begin producing oxygen, shaping the third and current of Earth's atmospheres.
Iⵎⵓⴷⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵏⵜⴰⵏ ⵉⵋⵉ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴷⵓ, ⵉⵜⴰⵋⴰⵏ ⵋⴰⵏⴰⵋ ⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⵓⴰⵙ ⴾⴰⵔⴰⴷ ⴰⴷ ⵓⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⴰⵔⴰⴷⴰⵗ.
The early continents of Columbia, Rodinia and Pannotia, in that order, may have existed in this eon.
Iⴾⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ ⴰⵣⴰⵔⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵛⵓⵍⵓⵎⴱⵉⴰ, ⵔⵓⴷⵉⵏⵉⴰ ⴰⴷ ⴱⴰⵏⵏⵓⵜⵉⴰ, ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵏⴰⵍⴾⴰⵎ, ⵉⵎⴰⵍⴰⵏⵜ ⵗⵓⵔ ⴰⵣⴰⵎ.
"Gradually, life expands to land and familiar forms of plants, animals and fungi begin appearing, including annelids, insects and reptiles, hence the eon's name, which means ""visible life""."
"ⴷⴰⵗ ⵉⴾⵓⵉ, ⵜⴰⵎⵓⴷⵔⴻ ⵜⴰⵍⴰ ⵗⵓⵔ ⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⴰⴷ ⵉⵔⵉⵜⴰⵏ ⵓⵍⴰⵂⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵂⴰ ⵛⴾⴰⵏ, ⵉⵎⵓⴷⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⵉⵣⴰⵔ ⵜⴰⴷⴰⵍⴰⵜⴻⵏ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵜⴰⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⵣⴰⴶⵓⵔ, ⴰⵜⴾⵓⵍ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵓⴰⴾⴰⵓⴻⵏ,ⵉⵎⵓⴶⴰⴷⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⵉⵣⵍⵓⵍⴰⵎ,ⴷⵉⵂⴻⵏ ⴰⵙ ⵉⵙⵙⴰⵎ ⴰⵣⴰⵎⴰⵏ, ⴷⴰⵔ ⵜⵉⴷⵉⵍⴰ "ⵜⴰⵎⵓⴷⵔⴻ ⵜⵉⵜⵓⴰⵏⵂⵉⵉⴰⵜ"."
It was composed of hydrogen and helium created shortly after the Big Bang 13.8 Ga (billion years ago) and heavier elements ejected by supernovae.
ⴷⵈⴰⵍ ⴰⵎⴻⵔⵜⴰⵉ ⴷⴰⴷⵓ ⴰⴷ ⵂⵉⵍⵉⵓⵎ ⵉⵋⴰⵏ ⵙⵓⵍⴰⵏ ⴷⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴱⵉⴶ ⴱⴰⵏⴶ,ⵉⵍⴰ ⴰⵓⴻⵏ 13,8 ⵗⴰ (ⵎⵉⵍⵍⵉⴰⵔⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵉⵓⴰⵜⵉⴰⵏ),ⴻⵜ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵣⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵜⵉⵓⴰⵣⵋⴰⵔⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵙ ⵜⵉⵓⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴻⴼⴻⵓ.
As the cloud began to accelerate, its angular momentum, gravity, and inertia flattened it into a protoplanetary disk perpendicular to its axis of rotation.
ⴰⴶⵓⴷ ⵓⴰⴷ ⵜⴻⵋⴰⵔⴰⴾ ⵜⴰⵙⵙⴰⵜⴰ ⴰⵣⴰⵍ,ⴰⵏⴰⴾⴰ ⵛ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⴷⵏⴰⵈ ⵉⵏⴻⵙⵙ,ⵜⴻⵔⴶⴰ ⵛⴻ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵎⴰⵙⵙ ⵉⵏⴻⵙⵙ ⴰⵙⴼⴰⵍⵜⴰⵗⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵜ ⴰⵙ ⵍⴻⴼⴻ ⵙⴰⵏⵜⵓ ⴻⵜⵔⴰⵏ ⵋⴰⵏⴻⵏ ⵜⴰⵙⵙⴰⵔⴻⵜ ⵜoⵗⴰⴷⴰⵜ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵎⴰⵙⵙ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵗⴰⵍⴰⵉ.
After more contraction, a T Tauri star ignited and evolved into the Sun.
ⴷⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴰⵣⴰⵎⴰⵎ ⴰⵉⵏⴰⵉⴰⵏ,ⴻⵜⴰⵔ ⵟ ⵟⴰⵓⵔⵉ ⴻⵔⵗⴰ ⵉⵣⴰⵔ ⵓⴾⴰⵉ ⵉⴱⵔⴻⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⴼⵓⴾ.
Earth formed in this manner about 4.54 billion years ago (with an uncertainty of 1%) and was largely completed within 10–20 million years.
ⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⵉⴾⵔⴰⵙⵙ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵍⵎⴰⵗⵏⴰⵜ ⵓⴻⵏⴷⴰⵗ ⵉⵍⴰ ⴰⵓⴻⵏ 4,54 ⵎⵉⵍⵍⵉⴰⵔⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵓⴰⵜⵉⴰⵏ (ⴰⴷ ⵉⴱⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⴾⴰⵜⴰⵓⵜ ⴰⵏ 1%) ⴻⵈⴰⵍ ⴷⴰⵗ ⵜⴰⵎⵗⴰⵔⴻ ⴰⵏ ⴰ ⵛⵔⵓⵜ ⵉⵎⴷⴰⵏ ⴷⴰⵗ 10 ⴰⵙ 20 ⵎⵉⵍⵍⵉⵓⵏⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵓⴰⵜⵉⴰⵏ.
The proto-Earth grew by accretion until its interior was hot enough to melt the heavy, siderophile metals.
ⵙⴻⵏⵜⵓ ⵏⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⵉⴷⵓⴰⵍ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵎⴰⵙⴰⴷⴰⵓ ⵂⴰⵔ ⴰⵙ ⵗⵓⵔ ⴰⵎⴰⵙⵙ ⵉⵏⴻⵙⵙ ⴻⵈⴰⵍ ⴰⵉⴾⵏⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⴾⵓⵙⵙⴻ ⵉⴻ ⵉⵋⵉ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵍⵉⴰⵎ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵣⵓⵍⵉⵉⴻⵏ ⴰⵣⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⴷ ⵎⴻⵔⵜⴰⵉ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵣⵓⵍⵉ.
From crater counts on other celestial bodies, it is inferred that a period of intense meteorite impacts, called the Late Heavy Bombardment, began about 4.1 Ga, and concluded around 3.8 Ga, at the end of the Hadean.
ⴷⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⵜⴰⵋⵓⵜⴻ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⴻⵔ ⴼⴰⵍ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜⴰⵏ ⵉⵉⴰⴷ ⵏ ⵛⴰⵏⴰⵓⴰⵏ, ⵏⴰⵏⵏⴰ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵍⵓⴰⵈ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⵓⵈⴰⵙ ⵎⴰⴶⴰⴷⵍⴰⵏ ⵎⴰⵈⵓⵔⵏⴻⵏ,ⵙⵉⵜⴰⵓⴻⵏⴰ ⵜⴻⵓⴻⵜⴻ ⵜⴰⵣⴰⵉⴰⵜ, ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵏⵜⴰ ⵉⴱⵔⴻⵜ 4,1 ⵗⴰ ⵉⵣⴰⵔ ⴰⵎⴰⴷⴰ ⵉⴱⵔⴻⵜ 3,8 ⵗⴰ ⵗⵓⵔ ⵙⴰⵎⴷⵓ ⴰⵏ ⵂⴰⴷⵉⴻⵏ.
By the beginning of the Archean, the Earth had cooled significantly.
ⵗⵓⵔ ⵙⴰⵏⵜⵓ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵔⴰⵂⴰⴻⵏ, ⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⴻⵈⴰⵍ ⴰⵜⵉⵓⴰⵋⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵙⵎⴰⴷ.
New evidence suggests the Moon formed even later, 4.48 ± 0.02 Ga, or 70–110 million years after the start of the Solar System.
ⵙⵙⴰⴾⵏⴰ ⴰⵉⵏⴰⵉⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵙⵙⵉⵎⴰⵎⴰⵏⴰⵏ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵉⵓⵔ ⵉⵋⴰ ⵂⴰⵔⵓⴰ ⴷⴰⵗ ⴰⵋⵉⵍⴰⵍ, 4,48 +_ 0,02 ⵗⴰ, ⵎⴻⵗ 70 ⴰⵙ 110 ⵎⵉⵍⵍⵉⵓⵏⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵓⴰⵜⵉⴰⵏ ⴷⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⵙⴰⵏⵜⵓ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴾⴰⵔⴰⵙ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⴼⵓⴾ
The collision released about 100 million times more energy than the more recent Chicxulub impact that is believed to have caused the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs.
ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵗⴻⵙⵜ ⵜⵓⵉⴰ ⴰⵉⵓⴰⴷⴰⵏ 100 ⵎⵉⵍⵍⵉⵓⵏⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⴶⵓⴷ ⵉⵉⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵂⴰⵜ ⴰⵋⴻⵏ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵎoⵈⴰⵙ ⴰⵉⵏⴰⵉⴰⵏ ⵓⴰⵏ ⴰⵂⵉⴰⵆⵓⵍⵓⴱ,ⴰⴷ ⴷⵓⵔⴰⵓⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⵉⴰⵈⵉ ⴰⵏ ⵎⵓⴷⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⵓⴰⵔⴻⵏ ⵉⵜⴰⴼⵓⵔⵉⵜ.
The giant impact hypothesis predicts that the Moon was depleted of metallic material, explaining its abnormal composition.
ⵜⴰⴷⴰⴱⵉⵜ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵈⴻⵙⵜ ⵎⴰⵈⴰⵔⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵉⴰⵔ ⴰⴷⴰⵔⵜⵉⴷⵉⵍⴰ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵉⴰⵔ ⵓⴰⵔ ⵜⵉⵂⴻⵏ ⵂⴰⵔⴰⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵣⵓⵍⵉ,ⴰⵓⴰ ⵉⵜⴰⵍⴰⵗⴻⵏ ⵎⴻⵔⵜⴰⵉ ⵉⵏⴻⵙⵙ ⵓⴰⵔⴻⵏ ⵉⴾⵏⴰ.
The initial crust, formed when the Earth's surface first solidified, totally disappeared from a combination of this fast Hadean plate tectonics and the intense impacts of the Late Heavy Bombardment.
ⵜⴻⵗⴻⵔⵎⵉⵜ ⵜⴰⵣⴰⵔⴰⵜ, ⵜⴰⵋⴰⵜ ⵗⴰⵔ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵙⵙⵓⵂⵓ ⵓⴰⵣⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴰⴾⴰⵍ, ⵉⴾⵏⴰ ⴰⵎⵍⴰⵓⵉ ⴷⴰⵓ ⵉⵋⵉ ⴰⴷⴻⵓⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵗⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵍⴰⴾⴰⵜⴻⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵂⴰⴷⵉⴻⵏ ⵉⵜⵔⴰⴱⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵎⵓⵗⴰⵙ ⵎⴰⵈⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴻⵓⴻⵜⴻ ⵜⴰⵣⴰⵉⴰⵜ ⵜⵓⴷⴰⴷ.
These pieces of late Hadean and early Archean crust form the cores around which today's continents grew.
Iⴾⴰⵔⵓⵎⴰⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴻⵗⴰⵔⵎⵉⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵂⴰⴷⵉⴻⵏ ⵜⵓⴷⴰⴷ ⵉⵣⴰⵔ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵔⵛⵂⵉⴻⵏ ⵓⴰⵔⴻⵏ ⵉⵎⴷⴰ ⵜⴰⵋⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⴰⵙⵙⴰⵏ ⴻⴷⴻⵙⵙ ⴰⵏⵓⵉ ⵗⵓⵔ ⴰⵋⴰⵜⴰⵏ ⴾⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⵓⵉⵏⴰⵎⴰⵔⴰ.
Cratons consist primarily of two alternating types of terranes.
Iⴾⴻⵔⴰⴷⴰⵏ ⴰⵈⴰⵍⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⴻⵔⵜⴰⵉⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵙⵙⵉⵏ ⵉⵔⵉⵜⴰⵏ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴻⵔⵔⴰⵏⴻⵙ ⴰⵏⵉⵍⴾⴰⵎⴰⵏ.
For this reason, greenstones are sometimes seen as evidence for subduction during the Archean.
ⵗⴻ ⵜⵉⴷⵉⵜ ⵜⴻⵏ, ⵜⵉⵂⵓⵏ ⴷⴰⵍⴰⵜⵏⴻⵏ ⴰⵈⴰⵍⵏⴰⵜ ⴰⴶⵓⴷ ⵉⵉⴰⵏ ⵙⵓⵏⴷ ⵉⵙⵙⴰⴾⵏⴰ ⴰⵏ ⴰⵍⴰⴾⵓ ⵗⵓⵔ ⴰⵔⵛⵂⵉⴻⵏ.
Now it is considered likely that many of the volatiles were delivered during accretion by a process known as impact degassing in which incoming bodies vaporize on impact.
ⵓⴰⵔ ⴻⵂⴰ ⴰⵛⵂ-ⴰⴾ ⴰⵎⴰⵔⴰⴷ ⴰⵙ ⵎⴰⴷⴰⵜⵓⵏ ⴾⵉⵎ-ⵉⵉⴰⵜ ⴰⵋⵋoⵜⵏⴻⵏ ⵣⴰⵋⴰⵔⴰⵏ ⴰⵍⵓⴰⵈ ⵓⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵆⴰⵎ ⵙ ⵉⵎⵎⵉⴾ ⵉⵜⵉⵓⴰⵙⵙⴰⵏⴰⵏ ⵙ ⴰⵙⴰⵔ ⵏ ⴰⵣⴰⵋoⵔ ⵏ ⴶⴰⵣ ⴷⴰⴶⵂ ⵋⴰⵙⴰⴷ ⵜⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ ⵜⴰⵋⵋⴰⵛⵂ ⵏⴻⵏ ⴼⴰⵍ ⴰⵙⴰⵔ
Planetesimals at a distance of 1 astronomical unit (AU), the distance of the Earth from the Sun, probably did not contribute any water to the Earth because the solar nebula was too hot for ice to form and the hydration of rocks by water vapor would have taken too long.
ⵢⵜⵔⴰⵏ ⵓⵉ ⵓⵋⴰⵋⵏⴻⵏ ⵉⵍⴰⵏⴻⵏ ⵗⴰⵔ ⵜⴰⵣⴰⵋⵔⴰⵜ ⴰⵏ ⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⴰⵙ ⵜⴰⴼⵓⴾ,ⵓⴰⵔ ⴷⴰⵓⴻⵉⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⴰⵏ ⵉⴻ ⴰⴾⴰⵍ, ⴼⴰⵍⴰⵙ ⵜⴰⴾⴰⵓⴰⵍⵜ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⴼⵓⴾ ⵜⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⴰⵉⴾⵏⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⴾⵓⵙⵙⴻ ⵉⴻ ⵉⵋⵉ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵂⵓⵏⵜ ⵏⴰⵎⴰⵏ ⴰⴷ ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵙⵎⴰⴷ ⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵂⵓⵏ ⴰⵙ ⴰⵂⵓ ⵏⴰⵎⴰⵏ ⵉⵜⴾⴰⵍ ⵂⵓⵍⴻⵏ ⵜⴰⵈⴰⵍ.