Hey all. So I am subleasing my place from a friend for only a month and a half. I paid her a set fee that she guaranteed to me was fine and I thought that would be the end of that...Until the owners of the property told me I either had to pay $200 (money I don't have) to be officially named on the lease (which I thought my friend would have organized for me) or I'm going to be kicked out in a week. Now isn't that fun? Now, my friend not only misinformed me of an extra $200 fine to be a subleaser, but she is going to "try to get out of it." That to me means I'm going to have to eventually move out and find a different place to live until the semester is over (and possibly NOT getting the money back that I already paid her) because she doesn't want to pay the $200 and she won't get around the system. I have already spoken to the person in charge and tried to explain (or rather go around it) by saying I'm only staying for the next two weeks (I'm only staying for 3 more weeks but that sounds like it's too long). One of my roommates suggesting making it look like I moved out of the place and then just moving my stuff back in, but I don't want to have to do that. I paid to NOT have to lie about living somewhere. I told my friend she needed to handle it and pay the money, because she is the one in breach of contract, not me. Was that right to do? If not, what SHOULD I be doing?
I might get kicked out of the apartment I'm subleasing from my friend because she did the rent payment under the table and won't pay the $200 subleasing fee that's specifically on her contract.
So I was expecting guests at 10 am today. It was 9:30 am when I thought it'll be great to serve water with gas to to them (we only have water without gas in the house) so I went to the car where we had one bootle of it left. My 2 y/o daughter wanted to come but I said she shall stay in the house and I'll be right back. To make sure she wasn't following I shut the door (garden door,can be opened from both sides, made out of see-through glass) and went to the car. When I locked the car and went back to the house I saw my daughter grin at me and locking the door from the inside where I left the key in the lock. I told her to unlock the door, then she pointed at my key in the hand and I told her that this is my car key and can't open the door of the house. She started giggling and locked the door again, now it was almost impossible for her to unlock the door. My 7 month old daughter which was still in her seat at the table started to cry and I was outside. I went around the house to see if I could open the tilted window from the outside. Not a chance. I rang the bells at my neighbors houses but nobody was home. I went around the house and across the street to see if my friend was home, and luckily she was. I didn't know any phone numbers by heart and since my phone was in the house I could only call my other friend. She didn't answer her phone. My friends husband (from the house I currently was in) offered me to help and came with me to the back of my house and tried to open the kitchen window which was not willing to open. He then came up with the idea to draw my daughter to the back door of the house and to open it. I haven't thought about it at this point of time and wasn't sure if I had already unlocked it. But since it was our last hope I got my daughter to the back door and told her to open it. After an eternity (at least it felt like that) she opened the unlocked door and I got back in. 5 minutes later my guests arrived.
My 2 y/o daughter locked me out of my house and it took 25 minutes and nerves of steel to get back in. (This happened today to my mother, but since she isn't on reddit I posted it for her.)
Respectfully, no woman is that much of an idiot to not understand that if you stop using birth control completely that you will get pregnant. They even discussed it before she got on birth control in the first place. I might buy your argument if we're talking about a couple of 13 year olds, but we are clearly not doing that in this case and even then I highly doubt your scenario is true at all. Even if she has an abortion, what stops her from changing her mind after she does get pregnant. He is "trapped" the second she gets pregnant either emotionally (if she does go through the abortion) or physically/financially (if she changes her mind and keeps the child). He can't do anything and all of this is a result of her unilateral decision that she kept secret from him. I'm sorry, but regardless it is "trapping" him to not tell him of the lack of birth control. You seem to think he should have complete faith in her to actually go through with the abortion, when she clearly violated that faith by lying to him about the birth control in the first place.
Women aren't stupid and no matter how you look at this situation she was "trapping" him in between a rock and a hard place. Every woman knows no birth control + sex = pregnant.
I am finding a lot of things out on my own about lower-division coursework and my major across different universities. I have a year left for my business A.A., but only about three classes left on my core subjects. Considering that I am still finding out where I want to transfer, how do I go about the process of creating a degree plan for myself? (and know how to actually make my A.A. work for me) So, I really am seeking advice from students who worked hard to get into a good program at their transferring university from the perspective of degree plan creation, resource utilization and general preparation (like mindset) or whatever else you think may be useful. Your two cents is worth more to me.
if you have any input about transferring from a community college, leave some info for me below. I'd like to be a part of your learning community.
I've got a worst story AND a best story Worst- I was sitting on the bowl at the restroom in the mall, playing angry birds while dropping a deuce. Suddenly I hear a wet "slap" sound. I look down, and see that there's a sopping wet turd just sitting on the ground in between my stall and the one next to me. Then I hear the other door open and slam shut really quickly. I'm pretty sure the guy fished his own shit out of the toilet, and threw it on the ground for me to enjoy. Best- I walked into the bathroom at a casino about a month ago, and saw that every stall was occupied. I patiently waited for one to become available but nothing happened. Maybe 5 minutes passed in complete silence. I realized that these guys might be either waiting for me to leave so they could continue shitting, or waiting for the other stalls to finish shitting and leave so they could shit in peace. I cleared my throat and said "You guys need me to turn on the hand dryer or something? A few seconds pass and then I hear a meek "Yes please" I turn on the hand dryer, and about 2-3 minutes later one guy finally finishes and leaves the stall. As I close the stall door behind me and sit on the bowl, I hear the guy who just left my stall call out "You guys want me to turn the hand dryer on again?" A few more seconds pass and I hear a second "Yes Please" Silently laughed while pooping at a casino
Won 20 bucks on quarter slots at a casino, later learned you can't touch the money while the cashier is still counting it out for you.
A few months ago, my roommate (let's call her Megan) was dating this sleazy guy (let's call him Richard). He was the kind of guy who would use "gay" as a legitimate, unironic insult, and he would get so upset during Mario Kart that he would literally throw the controller. He would harass the cat by roughly playing with him and bothering him, up to the point that the cat is clearly afraid of him. The worst part, though, was that he was flea infested. So flea infested, in fact, that the whole apartment became infested with fleas. The cat had to be temporarily relocated, and it took months to get rid of the infestation. Eventually, Megan broke up with Richard- but not before kissing another guy. Less than a month later, Megan was with a new boyfriend (let's call him Scott). Scott is superior in every way, and they seemed happy together. However, after only a few months, things started looking shady. Recently, Megan has been bringing Richard over to the house without telling her current boyfriend. She and Richard have been going to the gym every day, and have spent time alone in her room. While Megan usually chills in the living room to watch television, she has been taking Richard up to her room, with the door closed, to "watch Netflix." We asked Megan if her current boyfriend knows that she's hanging out with Richard so much. She said no, and that she didn't want to tell him because he would be "upset." She said that she planned to tell him "a little at a time," but has yet to do so. While she was supposed to hang with Scott this weekend, their plans have been cancelled. Meanwhile, Megan and Richard have been spending more and more time together. They are currently in her room, with the door closed, on a Wednesday night- "watching Netflix." Not downstairs, where she normally watches tv, but upstairs. I even heard the shower going at one point. Do you guys think she's cheating on Scott with Michael? If not, doesn't Scott deserve to know what's going on? Additionally, my other roommate and I feel very uncomfortable with the arrangement- we don't want fleas again!!! What should be done? P
Roommate showing signs of cheating on her boyfriend with her flea ridden ex. We want him gone and feel bad for her current boyfriend. What do?
I was 18 and she was 15. We had a discreet relationship because her parents were super conservative and wouldn't allow her to have a boyfriend. Anyways, we met a few nights a week outside her house for about a month and eventually decided to take the next step. So, one weekend we met in a secluded lot behind a warehouse off the side of the road and made sweet love in an abandoned minivan. It was amazing. I loved this girl, but after this I considered the immense amount of trouble I could've gotten in (no Romeo and Juliet laws in my state) and decided it would be best to break it off with her. She took it a lot harder than I did. Well, the night before the first anniversary of the day we had sex I dreamt that there was a note from her sitting in that car. Didn't think much of it, but a few days later I was walking by and I had one of those 'man, wouldn't that be crazy' thoughts. I opened up the door and right there on the back seat is a folded-up little note with her name on it. It was a love note she left the day after doing the deed that detailed her love for me and how she wished things could be easier for us, but that one day she was sure we could make it. Shit was passionate. I actually cried a little. I texted her and told her how sorry I am for the way it ended, but that she had to understand my reasoning. I'm not about to risk being labeled a sex offender for the rest of my life. She understood and now we're friends again, but she said I broke her heart and it took her a long time to heal.
Made passionate love to my underage ex and broke her heart when I broke up with her to avoid becoming a sex offender. So yeah I kinda regret the way things went.
I was stuck in traffic on an 8 lane highway once and when a few cars had cleared out ahead of us I saw that they were all going around because there had been a fender bender in the far left lane. As we were waiting our chance to change lanes and go around I was watching the two people argue. There was a small, elderly lady who had been rear-ended by a larger man and it looked like he was refusing to give any information. When he tried to get back in the car the lady grabbed his arm to try and stop him and he pushed her down and jumped into the driver side. The lady then went to stand by the front corner of his car so that he couldn't get back into traffic and tried to flag someone down to help her. The guy then proceeds to RUN HER OVER and peel out back into traffic. The lady was knocked into the next lane and a truck literally stopped about 12 inches from running over her head. I will never forget the sight of that little old lady literally going airborne and then being run over. I jumped out of the passenger side of the car I was in while we were still slowly moving and went to help her. The guy I was with got the license plate and called 911. You could tell the poor lady's leg was pretty much shattered but otherwise she was OK. We got her back into her car and waited with her until police came and then gave our statements. The idiot who ran her over continued on down the highway and was arrested about 20 minutes later and taken to jail.
some jackass rear-ended a little old lady, fought with her and then ran her over to get back into traffic and leave. The guy was arrested and I sincerely hope he has a lot of problems in prison.
He're my story, I'm sorry it came out so long :\ I have a friend that I know for about 5 years, and who lives a bit far away. For years, we've been talking mostly on messenger, but for the past few month, we've been meeting each other a lot face to face, and I've started developing some feeling for her. I talked to her about it and after some thought she said she would have gone for it (A relationship with me) if not for the distance. I respect that and I told her so, I felt really lousy being around her, so after a short while I told her it might be best that we won't meet or talk for a while... She seemed to take it really hard, crying and telling me if there's anything she can do to not stop talking. Telling me she'd rather have her house explode instead and that the only reason we aren't together is the distance. This conversation went on for a long time and because we both really didn't wan't to not to to each other... So time passes and we're not talking even though I think about her every day... And after a few weeks I think I can handle her again, so I start talking to her on messenger and it's like nothing ever happened. But it took one meeting for all of my old feelings to come back, and for each meeting since, they grow stronger and stronger, and now it's not just 'having feelings' I've actually fallen in love with her... Today I wanted to talk to her about it, and maybe stop seeing her again, but I couldn't bring myself to speak, and now it seems like we won't see each other for a while and I'm stuck with this all to myself. (I really don't want to tell her over phone or something like that). So what do you think reddit? I'm really confused and have no idea if this even has a chance, and I'd hate to stop being her friend but I don't know what to do. Any help or advice is really welcome.
I've fallen in love with a friend who lives far away and am confused as to her feelings about me and as to what I should do next.
Several years ago I was home from college visiting my family, and there was a story about a missing girl on the news. I don't remember the details, but she couldn't have been more than 7 or 8 years old. Eventually the worst came to pass, and they found her body in the woods. The father of the girl held a press conference, and I've never seen a more clear image of a broken man. But one of the things he said stuck with me all these years. Essentially: "Whenever someone you love walks out the door, make sure you get that hug and kiss. Because no one ever assumes it'll be the last time you see them." If anything, my life has been a lesson in not taking others for granted. People will move in and out of your life constantly, but a few will be solid foundations for the majority of your time on Earth. You can have disagreements, but at the end of the day you need to make sure they know how much they mean to you, and learn to shrug off the petty and unimportant disagreements.
Don't sacrifice relationships over stupid, unimportant shit. The fact of the matter is that any one of them can be taken from you in an instant.
This happened a decade ago, when I was a 4th grader, so it isn't exactly a TIFU.. but who cares? And no, Jesus didn't literally hit me. First of all, I live in a hardcore religious family(thing which I started hating since 7th or 8th grade) and in a neighborhood with a bad reputation(I will not use the n-word and I advise you don't do it too). I remember that once I had a pack of cards of Yu Gi Oh and a neighbor's child stole them as I was playing outside. Since then I decided I should not spend time with them anymore, so I was left with my friends from school. I used to go with them after school at a park with nothing but a slide. My mother would not allow this because she thought I'd break something or some creep would rape me. One day they(I think 'they' are called the town's council) added more things to the park and my friends and I decided we should check it out: swing sets, those things that spin the f out of you and a new slide with some kind of a top layer. That was pure beauty for a ten year old child. (I don't know how to bold so imagine this is bolded) Fu#1: Each day I lied her I would go straight home after school and I would avoid the park. We played tag and I ran under the floor of the slide and hit my head in something and fell to the ground(let the bodies hit the FLOOOOR) on my back. My friends ran to me to see if was fine and they were speechless and terrified at my sight. Then I put my hand on the top of my head and felt something hot. I tried to see what was that but I didn't have my glasses on. One of my friends told me it was blood and that my face was full of it. I just panicked and started crying and kept thinking about how will I die. Luckily, we were next to a drugstore and I had the blood cleaned off my face. (again, imagine it's bold) Fu#2:I called my mom on my cellphone(bricks back then) and tried to explain what happened. It was nothing but babbling because of me still crying and being panicked. She came(heh) angry and scared because she didin't know in what state I was. We went straight to the hospital to get me vaccinated for tetanus and cleaned. I had an x-ray and, after the results came, my mom was less scared(still angry). I had a small cut on the top of my head. Probably I hit my head in a badly placed screw. After that we went home and I got scolded pretty bad because lying is a sin and blablabla and God punished me for my repeated sin. The good part is that I had some days off from school so I could rest. (yet again, bold)
My mom didn't allow me to go to a park. I lied her and went there, hit my head and she thought it was God who revealed the truth.
Earlier tonight, my older brother was drunk. He was visiting my university for a conference he was on and I was hanging out with him. Because he's unfamiliar with the area, I was walking him somewhere to get some food. On the way there, he's starting random fights. No one is saying anything to him and minding their own business. As I'm trying to calm him down he starts shoving me and smacking me in the face. He starts yelling at everyone in the vicinity and threatens everyone. He then continues to shove me so I punch him and defend myself. At the advice of the bystanders, I just walked away. I was sure that he was going to continue to try to fight me. He later calls me and tells me on the way back to the hotel he was staying at he was jumped three times and goes on to blame me for it and argues that I wasn't there to help protect him. I can honestly say that I don't regret any of the actions I took but that doesn't mean I was right in the way I handled things. Were there any other options I could have taken?
my drunk brother started a physical fight with me in public so i leave him and he gets jumped 3 times and blames me for it
Let's make it very clear. She is not fat, I promise. And even if she was I would still love her (though I would worry for her health if it got out of hand). She is convinced she is. Bottom line is she is definitely high end of average, and very curvy. I aboslutely love it, it is the ideal body type to my taste. But I'm stuck because there's absolutely no way I could outright admit that she has a little more meat on the bones, even if I love it, without destroying her feelings. Don't worry, I haven't attempted to. Also it's extremely hard to avoid because she often brings up her weight or body as a topic and at that moment I am walking on eggshells and I would I could just stay silent but that would upset her, so usually I try my absolute best to word my way around it, but she manipulates what I say and believes I'm implying other things as if she wants me to outright admit she's fat, I feel like it's her goal. What the hell do I do? it's extremely frustrating.
I love thicker women but I can't admit that to my girlfriend who thinks she's fat but isn't even chubby without hurting her feelings, please help
I am going to go with a girl to prom and would like some pre-during-after prom advice from female redditresses (males allowed as well). So I have no idea what to do before, during or after prom. She is very special to me and I want her to have a great time. We are not in a relationship. I don't have a car nor can I drive one. I am very short of money after buying the suit and such.
I have no idea what to do at prom. UPDATE!: She prefers to go with her friends, so here I am with no date and 1 week to go. So sad... :'( I will probably delete this account.
I know about white lies. I don't fully agree with the whole concept but sometimes it's necessary. I get that. This is slightly different I think, I'm here asking if I'm being unnecessary. Jack is a great guy. Very intelligent, great sense of humour, successful in his career and very goodlooking, basically he's a catch. The very description of take-home-to-parents guy. We've had our share of drama in the beginning but things are fairly normal between us now, we are somewhat a normal couple. There are issues but today I want to deal with this strange lying habit. He will lie to his friends about things we've done, places we've gone, how much things have cost. Mind you this isn't an every day thing, but it happens frequently enough to bother me. What's worse, the lies/exaggerations aren't even significant enough to change the story in any way. Example; he will talk about a new item that he got that cost, let's just say, $3000 when it actually cost $2450. He does this one fairly often. Fine, we can say it's over generous rounding off. Another example, he will tell friends that we love hiking and have gone a few times, the truth is we drove to a trail and checked it for like 5 mins and decided that one day we would. We never did. He says we looove trying out new restaurants. He hates eating out, has some germ thing about publicly cooked food. We will eat out maybe once in two months for convenience or because we are with friends who are enthusiastic about a place or something. But he makes it sound like we are total foodies. The reason I am here today is because he has started making me an accessory to these lies. He will say isn't that right babe, or remember that time babe, and everytime I am forced to agree I feel like such a fraud. The latest one is we went to stay at a beach resort, first he said it cost $5000 (it cost $3000) we stayed there 2 nights, he said 5 nights. Also, we watched a salsa dancing video, tried it once and now we "looove" salsa, we "do it all the time". In truth he decided he hated it and we stopped so why claim we still do it and love it? Why? Does everyone do this? Am I just overly honest. I feel like the differences in the truth don't warrant a lie. And over such inconsequential things? I would think it was a self esteem issue but like I mentioned this guy is a catch. He has interesting hobbies that he is really good at and he talks about those too, among all those unnecessary little lies. He has an awesome career and makes good money. His life is awesome as is without embellishing by 2 extra cents! Is this an issue? They are really unimportant things that he lies about but I can't help feeling awkward about it. Is this normal?
Boyfriend lies about really silly things. Has started including me in his stories making me agree. It makes me feel uncomfortable and the lies are unnecessary.
So this is not really an update to my other post but is kinda related. He has started to tell me he doesn't like it when I wear short shorts or skirts or strappy tops, or anything that's a bit revealing. I need to make this clear - I am actually a pretty conservative dresser. I try to balance my outfits, like short bottoms and long top or vice versa. My boyfriend said my clothes are too revealing and it's offensive to him that I would dress like that. I kinda get it but I think he's being unfair. How do I talk to him to explain that I'm not dressing to get attention (as he puts it) but that I'm just dressing according to weather? As a young female it's hard to not buy short-ish shorts and skirts as that it what's in the shops. Does anyone else have experience wht this? Can any guys who feel the same way abut their gfs shed some insight into his thoughts?
boyfriend of 4 years suddenly decided I dress in a revealing way, and I don't think I do. Not sure how to deal with this.
Have been reading reddit for a few months now and slowly creeping into the lighter reddits to get a feel for the site. If I have posted this in the wrong place I apologise as it's my first srs'post Anywhoo on with the seriousness Ever since I was a Kid I have had trouble sleeping to be honest I don’t remember a time when I didn’t have trouble in this area. Once I get to sleep in fine it’s just the actual falling asleep part that’s the issue. When trying to go to sleep my mind kicks into high gear literally thinking of any random crap to keep me awake be it good or bad. Fast forward to my adult hood. About 15 yrs. ago I started getting pretty constant and sever heartburn that was later diagnosed as a hiatus hernia. I had an oporation to correct this around 4 years ago as the acid production controlling drugs stopped working and seemed to make me feel worse. When this happened I was unable to lie down at all as the acid would flow up my oesophagus and burn my chest enough to cause barrett's disease to appear (currently at stage 2). This caused an irrational (after the surgery) fear of lying down which took a couple yrs. to get over. It’s a strange thing to be terrified of sleeping. In-between then and now it’s been a rough couple yrs. problems with the kids/health/job etc. From about 2 yrs. ago doctors would occasionally prescribe me stronger and stronger sleeping pills which would work amazingly the first night but never again after that. About 8 months ago I was finally put on anti-depressants for anxiety and depression and referred to a psychologist. The psychologist has since diagnosed me with a mild case of ocd causing me to over think things causing the stress anxiety etc. etc. This was in December and I still can’t get that damn blue giraffe she mentioned to prove a point out of my damn head I can see it jumping around in a circle much like tiger from whinny the poo). So here I am at the present the anti-depressants seem to be doing their job my mind is much quieter and imp much more relaxed however I still can’t sleep. Last week I was prescribed temazipam 10mg and under orders to only take them when it got really bad as habit forming and such. So I took one last night at 21:30 and I still didn’t manage to get to sleep till around 8:30 this morning prompting this post. I’m at my wits end with it its affecting my marriage and relationship with my kids as an early night for me is usually 3am even when I get up at 7am the morning before. Incidentally there is 1 lecturer (started university since losing my job) who can put me to sleep in 10 mins almost every time without fail but when I actually try to fall asleep on purpose nothing happens. Any advice would be appreciated EDIT:
cant sleep doc has ran out of diferent typed of sleeping pills to prescribe as none have any effect on me. I would like to get some sleep occasionaly
We just took our pet dog (shih tzu) to the regular groomer for a summer cut and he came back quite neatly trimmed with almost no hair except his pretty tail and trimmed nails. We gave him a bath and he was fine then, scratching a bit. But the same evening, we had guests over and he literally LOVES greeting guests at our house and is an extremely friendly dog, but last night he behaved a bit unattached, dint give the guests much attention and after a while HID UNDER THE TABLE for 7 minutes or so with all of us puzzled why he did that. He just hid like he was scared and angry at someone and I finally called him out by bribing him with a treat. Even today he hasnt been too friendly as usual, dint wag his tail on seeing me and just looks a bit, irritated. He also had some minor cuts from the grooming session last night but no other symptoms. Could it be the groomer scared him? or possibly hit him ? Please let me know what you guys think
Dog came back from the groomer after a haircut and behaved less friendly, hid under a table which is the first time we witnessed him do that/
No matter what house my husband and I move to, we seem to have a ghost or two that follows us. It started back before we were married and he lived at home with his parents. I experienced it there too. You'd always here footsteps on the floor above or below whichever one everyone else happened to be on. And if you stepped into the hallway, you'd see a white shadow go around the corner. After we were married, we rented a house. Strange things started happening. You'd hear footsteps at the other end of the house, toilets would flush on their own, and cabinet doors would open and close by themselves. My husband woke up one night and saw a white shape of a man standing over my side of the bed. Then we moved again after we had our two kids and the creepiest thing happened. My husband had put the kids to bed and was at the other end of the house. He said he heard this voice of an old woman that sounded like it was on an old record player ask him if the kids were all right and called him by name! He said every hair on his body stood on end, and he ran to their rooms to check on them. He didn't mention it to me for months, until I heard it myself because he thought he was just hearing things. We've just recently moved again, and we're waiting to see if our friendly ghosts have followed.
Every house we move to a ghost follows us to it. It opens doors and talks to us in creepy voices. And we can hear its footsteps.
Title basically says it all. Used to love songs and music in general, sang in public without a care in the world about all the people who ridiculed me and teased. Recently, I was able to hear myself singing and realized how true my critics' words were. Really, nobody appreciates my singing. My closest friends and even not close friends have stated how much they dread my bursts into sing song. At one point, I didn't care about others' complaints. I sang for my own pleasure not theirs. If they really seriously didnt want me to sing I would stop. But now, I've quit altogether. I still don't care much for their opinions, but I've begun to feel like I'm wasting time and breath even if it does make me feel a little happier. I'm debating: spend my time singing or focusing on what others want? What are your opinions?
Used to love singing (still would enjoy it) but quit due to a little bit of criticism but mostly out of self concern over if I am wasting time. What should I do?
SO, you know the saying curiosity killed the cat? I fully understand that saying now. This fuck up happened about a year ago. I was at a friend of my parents house who's son recently moved out. His son had left a really nice desk behind and I was there to pick it up. Once we got to the house and started taking this bad boy apart I noticed a little 2gb flash drive in one of the drawers, I didn't think much of it and just decided to leave it in the drawer, ofc this was my first major fuck up as I should obviously have anticipated what a 19 year old kid would be doing with a 2 gig flash drive. Anyway we got home, set the desk up, and i got my brand new PC up and running on a new badass desk. A couple weeks pass, I'm chillin' out, no internet cause of a storm, bored out of my mind. When I go snooping around to see if I put anything that might give me some entertainment, when I lay eyes on this little flash drive. My first thought ofc was porn, as anyone's would be, but unfortunately I was not ready for this. I open it up, see a ton of picture files and decide I'd just go for a bit of a picture roulette type thing and click on a random one, I had no idea what I was in for. When I opened the first pic expecting the obvious I kind of recoiled in disgust when I found full blown, weird ass, tentacle hentai. Now I know this is normal for some people to be into, but the person in question, the son of my parent's friend was the athletic, jockey type of person, someone you would never expect to be into that type of shit. I went through the rest of the pictures kind of bewildered that a person like that would be into this when I realized something, the watermark on all these pictures was the same, a JD which was ironically his initials, with a little use of my absolutely flawless detective skills I suspected that he had drawn them. I ended up a few months later talking to him about it, and yes, it was super fucking awkward, but he told me that he used to draw stuff like that and what not and we had a bit of a laugh but it was definitely still super weird between us after that.
found a flashdrive in a jockey college kid's old desk and saw it was filled with full blown tentacle hentai he drew when he was younger.
Yes. Too lazy to go into detail why here. But one thing I do find laughable about many people who answer "no" is the common theme of a deistic entity that if exists, would take a personal and miraculous "interventionism" approach to everyone's lives, therefore, with so much suffering in the world how can you justify that the deity would "let" that happen? It always astounds me that people talk about a subject that is so far beyond our common realm of understanding as if there are obvious rule sets in place such as God intervenes in everything God rewards or punishes If there is a God there must be proof that our lives matter etc. etc. and so on and so forth... and when one or all of such rule sets they hold as infallible preconditions for the existence of God aren't validated then they default to the reaction of "pffffft you believe in God? how adorable " Not saying that there aren't equally, if not more, absurd conditions/reactions for some people who do believe in the existence of God. Just noting that I see that as a common theme in SO many atheists. The one thing I hope everyone (or as many people as possible) agree on eventually is that this is a fascinating subject that has absolutely NOTHING to do with whether you are a good person and merits absolutely ZERO judgement. It should be a common self evident truth to everyone that there are religious people who (if you believe in it) are going to hell and there are atheists who (if you believe in it) are going to heaven. I highly doubt that whatever anyone believes, we can't all agree that it's absurd to imagine a "divine bouncer" at the gates of heaven going... Bouncer: "whoa whoa whoa wait a minute says here you're an atheist??" Dead dude: "but I lived a peaceful, helpful and just life...look at all the good I've done! Please let me in." Bouncer: "sorry buddy no can do. Hell it is for you. Limbo if you're on your best behavior after a few years" Dead Dude: wails while dragged to hell I mean cmon...seriously.
Yes. Too lazy to say why. People shouldn't judge others for not believing or discussing this. Living well for yourself and others is what matters, not what you decide to call your religion.
Thursday was my girlfriends birthday, where I used the rest of my money this month on a vacation for me and her for one week in Crete, Greece. Day after, I got dumped and don't have a single clue what I'm supposed to do. No other reason given then she "wasn't feeling for it" anymore. I also struggles to realize it actually happened, been so close for over two years together and suddenly out of nowhere it happened (literally). Now I'm broke, on my 3rd year of doing nothing after I finished high school, and I'm also unhappy with my selfesteem and attractiveness.. I'm feeling worthless, as I was treated like garbage the last few days by her, who I believed to be my closest and best friend and girlfriend I would ever have and never get again. After such a long relationship, she treated me like I was noone to her the day after her birthday, where everything were perfect (her words).
Girlfriends birthday on Thursday, bought vacation as gift. Got told everything were perfect (In our relationship and her day). Got dumped the day after for no other reason then "Not feeling for it anymore". Feels like I'm not worth much.
Wow, you guys divide yourselves up pretty finely. I was born in Troy, but my family moved when I was a child. When I tell people I'm from New York they start asking me questions about the city. I clarify that I'm from upstate, and that's the end of the conversation.
The rest of the country divides NY into "The City" and "Upstate." No one else cares about "Capital District" or "Western Tier" or any of the other names you've given yourselves.
I completely agree. I spent 1000$ on a (rather)top of the line gaming pc with loads of periphs 2 years ago that I built myself. I recently spent ~350 in upgrades for a new case and power supply that make it much nicer to travel with and stop it from running low on power for multi hard drives... Anyways, I dont see this bad boy needing any upgrades for at least 2 more years now that I replaced my "weaker cheap" parts. And if anything does come up within 2 years, it will be much cheaper to replace it rather than buying a new pc. Most laptops (pc) are graded to last no more than 2 years before having many issues.
It is worth it to learn a bit about your computer components and build your own. It will save you time and money in the long run and you will have a better PC for all purposes.
A certain temp agency placed me at wonderful temp-to-hire job that I loved. They worked hard to find me a job that fit me and I truly appreciated their hard work. Unfortunately, the employer decided not to hire me. The temp agency called and said they are not moving forward and they asked me if I still wanted to work in the same line of business. I told them yes and added a couple more categories in there since I am now out of the job. A few days later they called and said they have another job but it was quickly snatched up by another recruiter. I file for unemployment (a whopping $230 a week) and the letter I get in the mail some days later says approved but still under review. A person at the unemployment office calls and asks me questions about what happened. I tell her how it happened and she says OK. I ask her why is it being reviewed and she says it because they said I quit. I am floored and tell her that's not true. She said that she would get a statement from the temp agency and call back. She called back today and she told me that they stated that I did not let them know I was available for work and I was to let them know within 24 hours that I was available after my job ended. I tell her that the phone call made to me my last day of employment should be sufficient AND also they called me a few days later trying to place me in another job.
Temp agency fighting not to pay me unemployment because they said I quit but I did not. Do I have a chance at getting unemployment and what should I do? Edit: I was approved and have an interview on Thursday
Growing up, especially towards the end of high school, everyone was always telling me to pick a career that I enjoy doing. I feel like this is half assed advice. IMO a better way to explain it, and I wish I realized this when I was at that age, is to go out and explore new things, than pick what you like. I went the route of IT, and while I do enjoy it, if my paycheck stopped coming I would stop working. Recently I have gotten into more hobbies and have a better idea of what I want to do in life. I should have not assumed that I knew computers was what I wanted to do in life.
Kids, you most likely have no idea what you want to do, and even if you think you do, go out and look for other things. Learn about yourself before you choose a life path.
I think that your perspective is being a bit skewed by a few things that you might not realize. These may not all be "redeeming" things, but I think they're worth mention. First, as others have said as well, we do think about whether we would have sex with nearly every single woman we see. It's our biological instinct, and to this we are quite faithful. This is not to say, however, that we think of nothing else. In fact, along your hypo, we are quite capable of marveling at the nuanced finesse a young female playwright employs in her style, while simultaneously considering just how much we would like to (or like not to) sexually ravish her. Second, Reddit's demographic is comprised largely of young males, a significant enough percentage of whom aren't exactly the most traditionally socially adept. Add to that a forum of infinite topics, zero consequences for omitting social niceties, and comment elevation system favoring what is popular exclusively (as opposed to, say, a hypothetical comment rating system based on some sort of merit). The result is a concentration of enough awkward males in search of attention and affirmation making the kind of comments you take issue with that it seems it's the entire chorus off key. But then again, if only half the guys at a fraternity regularly organized literal circle jerks, It would probably be fair to call it the circle jerk house. Third--and I'm not sure this deserves its own point, but whatever--people cater to the lowest common denominator in order to fit in. Groups of programmers tend to talk about programming; groups of librarians tend to talk about books; and broad groups whose most common characteristic is being a young, awkward male are going to tend to talk about the things that group things will get them attention: I'd hit that, here's a picture of my cat, college is boring amirite about that? (sorry, I'm tired and couldn't make the last one rhyme). Or the father/son example: fathers have no idea what to talk to their young-adult sons, so they go with something they know will work. Anyway, the point is that what you're noticing is real, but it just seems worse here because Reddit's demographic pretty much guarantees it will. If it makes you feel any better, we don't actually think your only worthy characteristics are covered by either bra or panties (but any straight man who tells you those characteristics aren't important is trying to sneak-fuck you once you let your guard down (pro tip, sneak-fuckers: stop it. Pity sex is pathetic sex)). Anyway, this got long and boring. I hope you didn't read the whole thing, because then I would feel bad. Now I'm off to objectify every woman in the lower east side of manhattan. Ah,
guys who only comment on appearance are probably seeking approval, are disproportionately represented on Reddit, and their comments are elevated because they get your attention.
I've given out 80 gildings in 2 years. Not really an absurd amount, but certainly a respectable amount. However l, recently I've become incredibly jaded with the actions of mod teams on major subreddits; several of which I'm automatically subscribed to just for being a member of reddit. The prime culprits which spring to mind are (redacted), (redacted) and (redacted) However, the recent events in (on this site) where the Orlando terrorist attacks were literally censored, locked, and deleted have really just disheartened me. Redditers urging people to donate blood were silenced and banned while the mod team waved their hands and said "nothing to see here." The immediate push back drove Redditers to other subreddits where they were followed and literally told to kill themselves by the moderators of (redacted). The official moderator response? Not an apology but instead a lengthy post of: you brought this on yourselves.
reddit moderators actions have caused me to no longer want support this site. I'll only visit with adblock and will never donate my money to its arbitrary premium program again. Edit: (redacted)
Hi reddit! I'm trying to raise roughly $700 so I can buy and build my cousin Trevor a new computer for Christmas. He's in 6th grade, and his mother (my aunt) was recently in the hospital with a burst appendix. She missed 4 days of work, and she's struggling to pay off her medical bills, let alone buy any presents for christmas. But I don't want to just take money from people, I want to give something back in return. I want to draw a custom picture (of whatever , by request [trolling welcome]) for everyone who donates, and base the amount of time spent on the drawing on how much that person has donated... divided by two. Like if someone donates $1 I'd spend 30 seconds on their drawing, or if they donate $100 I'd spend 50 minutes on their drawing. Sound good? Cool. So my problem is I can't find a website that allows me to: Create a donation goal of only $700 to buy a personal thing (even though it's for my cousin). Allow people to comment with their donation, stating what they would like drawn for them. Kickstarter doesn't allow charity funds, and some of the other websites I've looked at require a company or organization, or lengthy approval processes. So... Is there a website like this? Or should I just try to make one myself with my poor web design skills? Thanks in advance everybody!
Trying to set up a donation fund to buy my cousin a computer, want to draw pictures in return for donations. Which site can I take?
In 10th grade, I moved from a small, shelterd town in north Texas to Philadelphia. Philly only provides school buses up until 8th grade, so I had to take public transit to my school, which was about 35 min away. Anyways, here I am a 15 yr old girl riding the bus by myself in a large city after moving from a town where nothing ever happened. So one morning, the first day after Christmas break, a fight breaks out between one scrawy kid and about five big guys. He's getting the living daylights beat out of him to the point where he's up against the window and the ceiling trying to get away from these guys. They're kicking him, punching him, etc. He's bleeding all over the place. The terrible thing was that the bus driver would not stop, he just kept driving until finally he decides to pull over and open the front door. I'm sitting in the front and all the guys, except for the one kid, rush to the front and I try to get out of the way as much as possible. After they all get off the bus, the driver calls the police and I proceed to walk the rest of the way to school. I get to school, only to discover my bookbag and coat covered in blood. It was a pretty traumatizing experience for me since I had never actually witnessed a fight like that, let alone have some random guys blood on me. In hindsight, I probably should've gotten tested.
On a bus in Philly going to school, guy gets shit beat out of him by five guys, I get to school and find my coat and bag covered in his blood.
What: My two cats suddenly started fighting to the death a few days ago. They've live together without incident for 2.5 years. For now, they are separated, but when I try to introduce them in a controlled manner, one becomes aggressive and would claw through steel to kill the other. Who: a 3.5 year old mom and her 2.5 year old son, both neutered, indoor-only cats. The mom cat, Mittens, was rescued off the street and she was knocked up. She is very petite (5 lbs) and our vet suspects she has some mental/health deficiencies associated with street life/abuse. The son cat, Cat Man, is 15 lbs (not fat), loves to cuddle people but has shown some aggressive tendencies to other male cats. He seems to be the one initiating the mauling. They have never fought with any effort before, aside from infrequent swiping. They would basically just ignore each other except during play time or meal time. They would eat out of the same bowl at the same time with no food aggression. When: 2 days ago they started destroying each other and Cat Man chased Mittens relentlessly when she tried to escape. Why: no clue, I wasn't in the room at the time, but I suspect they saw a stray cat out the window and got riled up, then confused, then the attacks started. What I've done: they have been separated since. I've tried to reintroduce them with each one being held by a person, but Cat Man starts wailing and clawing to escape and attack Mittens. I've tried this 3 times. Mittens has been acting anxious since the incident, so I've primped her with baby talk and treats. I gave Cat Man a bath in case it was smell related.
after living together peacefully for a long time, my two cats suddenly started fighting to the death and will not stop unless separated by room. Wat do
I don't necessarily think its true that she is working her way out. You have to be open with each other. There are better ways of communication than texting. I rarely text my SO, but when we do we can hold a conversation. I think the main problem arises when you constantly text, you eventaully run out of things to say to that person. This results in; "K," "lol," and ":)" messages. When and if we reach this point I let my SO know that im going to do something else with my time instead of asking her what she is doing, or thinking and this is mainly due to the fact that im not really that interested in what she is doing and more interested in who im going to play as in my next league match.
Over texting is bad for any relationship, not just SO's. Shit gets boring. How about using the phone for what is was actually made for and calling them when there is actually something worth talking about.
I recently put in my 2 weeks notice for my job that I have been working at for the past 3 years. My last day would have been September 9th. Today my boss talked to me and said that it would work out best if I made my last day August 31st instead so that "it would be at the end of a pay period". I believe the real reason is that if I work for a minimum of 8 hours in September they will have to cover the cost of my health insurance plan ($460+) for the entire month. I don't start my new job until October so I was counting on having coverage through September while I moved, not to mention the extra pay would have been nice. My question: What rights do I have here? If they force me to stop working isn't that kind of like firing me? I also have a floating holiday vacation day that I could use on September 1st that would count towards me getting insurance, but they are giving me a hard time about using that as well. Any help would be appreciated.
I gave my 2 weeks notice and my employer is trying to force me out before the 2 weeks is up so they don't have to cover my health insurance plan for September.
Another bank story for you. I've had a UK bank account with Halifax since I was 11 or so, and I had never had any problems with them... Until my friend deposited a £200+ cheque refunding my flat's deposit for me in June. She deposited it in their drop-in box, writing all my details onto an envelope provided. Whilst not my favourite way of depositing things as it takes a while for them to actually key it into the system, it's great for when you're in a hurry. Anyway, of course my bloody cheque went missing. After it not showing up in my account like it was supposed to, I rang the bank from abroad and gave them the envelope reference number, etc. and promptly got on with my life. The woman I spoke to at the bank hunted down my cheque (cashier error, apparently), made sure it was in my account the instant it cleared, rang me in Thailand from her personal mobile (no international calls allowed on the company phone) to let me know what was going on, and also gave me £50 'compensation' from the bank for my 'trouble.' Oh, and was just absolutely lovely and understanding about my need for that money (a miniscule amount for some, but I am a poor student).
My cheque goes missing in the UK. The woman from the bank hunts it down, calls me in Thailand to tell me what's happened to it, and gives me £50 for my effort.
I'm dating this girl about 3 years now. I met her because a friend of mine was dating her sister. One day I went to their place to watch 'Winter X-Games', and when I first saw her I knew I wanted that girl. So, I asked her out and she said yes. About 1 month later, we were officially a couple. She always had a problem with 'attention'. Not just mine attention, other people as well. When guys makes compliments, she always returned the compliments. When guys flirt, she flirts back. But she never had guts to do the actual 'physical cheating'. How do I know you ask? I know it's not nice, but she gave me her facebook password, and sometimes I check her conversations. But now is the real problem. About 1 year ago, she had a conversation that got 'hot'. You know, just 1 step to see this guy, face to face. I was so mad. We fought for days. But in the end, I just buried that and moved on. Yesterday, I've found the same conversation, with a different guy. And now I'm just broken. I've talked to her, and she says that she is really trying to change this 'attention whore problem', but I don't know if I'm ready to pass through this all over again. I've asked for a time to think, because I don't want to bury this again, or just forgive. I want a solution. I want to be with her (I guess), but I don't want this to happen again in 3 months later. She said that she's ready to change, because I'm the love of her life. But I simply don't know in what to believe anymore. Do you guys have any advice for me? I'm really lost.
Found some facebook conversations of my girlfriend talking with some guys about cheating on me, but she never do. Just for the attention, to know she is desired by others. Edit.: Sorry for any English mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker.
I have known my SO since I was 16 and he was 18. There was always chemistry between us but it seemed like when one of us was free the other wasnt and vice versa. We finally ended up dating when I was 20. Things have been spectacular between us ever since. We are living together, we are going to school full-time, and we have an awesome kid. I know this sounds so cliche and cheesy but it feels like we're soul mates. Anywho, so he and I have always been pretty open and truthful about things like if we see an attractive person or if someone is hitting on one of us or something like that. We actually almost make it like a game when we go out to the grocery, etc. to try and find MILFs haha. We are also very open sexually with each other and like to try different things. So my SO has brought up trying a threesome (with another girl) quite a number of times. Sometimes he says it seriously and sometimes its jokingly although he would be totally for it if I agreed to then. I am not sure how I would feel about it. I would probably identify myself as pansexual and I have been involved sexually with females so being with a girl isn't the issue. In fact, I have actually already had a threesome with my SO back when he was dating his ex (I was 17) and it ended up turning things sour with their relationship. Granted, their relationship was pretty messed up at that point already. My main concern is that I don't want to mess up our relationship somehow by having a threesome. Just sexually speaking, I am totally down for it though. So Reddit any suggestions? Anyone experienced anything similar? Any tips on how to make a threesome work when in a long term relationship?
my SO wants to have a threesome and I don't know if I want to because I don't want it to negatively affect the relationship.
OK, here is the deal. My GF went to her hometown to her parents on a vacation. We live together at my home. Hour ago she wrote me by IM messanger and this is what drives me insane! Here is our dialog, not word for word but close: ..... ..... ..... I'm: "Why don't you just call me?" She: "I don't wanna call." I'm: " So, as I understand you have a cheap phone price and your cell phone quite near you and you typing these fucking messages in this fucking IM and you have a power to type ten words in 40 seconds but you don't have a power to say same words by your voice ?" She: "Yes, I dont wanna talk" I'm: "You don't wanna talk with me?" She: "No, I just dont wanna TALK" I'm: "But you are typing to me so why don't you want to talk like normal people do?" She: "Actualy, I don't wanna talk after you said that... You know" I'm: "After I said about you prefer fucking IM and not aour voices?" She "Yes" I'm: "But how can it be true when you have typed to me first?" Bla bla bla bla bla ... After all that shit she told me one funny story and it was absolutely sincerly. And I want to say that it's not first case, one year ago we had same expirience and after all that things were just fine. I'm starting to think that either I don't understand or she doesn't understand how normal people do communicate. Is she just one of that new generation sms-IM-man but still same girl or it's something else?
DAE Hate when somebody write you instead call you, especially when this person is very intimate. P.S. I'm very sorry about my english and usually I'm trying to comment or to submit not so often because of that. EDIT: Spelling edit :)
I posted this a few weeks ago: >I was celebrating 4/20 with a friend. We had both smoked a fair amount of weed and I was at about an [8]. Before I go on, I have smoked weed a fair few times before. But 2 out of the last 3 times it's made me throw up. I assumed that the first time it was because of the mix with alcohol, and the 2nd I thought it was because it was really strong stuff. The other time I only had a few hits of a joint. >Last night though, it was different. We were smoking weed with a little bit of China, a THC laced tobacco that was quite strong. I felt good and really relaxed, even though my legs and arms were twitching (not unusual for me, but this was much more than normal). I was at about an [8] and I realized I was going to throw up. I asked my friend where the bathroom was and got up. When I got into the bathroom, everything was black and I couldn't find the light switch. I must have stood there for around 30 seconds, when all of a sudden I felt extremely dizzy. I leaned against the door frame, almost hugging the wall, trying not to fall. It didn't work and I fell backwards into the hallway. >I heard my head hit the marble floor, but didn't feel it. Then, my arms and legs started moving uncontrollably. It seemed to happen in slow motion, and I was conscious the whole time. I don't think it lasted very long, but afterwards I lay on the floor, struggling to breathe. Eventually, I dragged myself into the bathroom, where I think I managed to pull myself up, because I remember looking straight ahead and seeing the light switch. I realised that before, my eyes had completely blacked out. I locked the door and must have collapsed again, because I had to drag myself to the toilet, where I promptly threw up. I love smoking weed, but obviously there is a limit to what I can withstand. I'm currently in Indonesia so I'm not into the whole legalization scene, but that's my worst experience.
Smoked a lot, felt like I was gonna pop a whitey, hit my head, kinda lost control of my body, couldn't breathe. I still love weed.
The other night at my friend's birthday party, I was drunk and all I remember was leaning in to say something nice to my fiance, and I learned in to give him a kiss on the cheek... but he pulled away. He gave me a look and was like, "you're being really fucking annoying." it was like being shot in the chest with a shotgun. I wanted to freak the fuck out, but I just hung my head and said, "sorry." and then went to go talk to some other people. The next morning when I woke I started to talk to him about how he hurt my feelings the night before. He started laughing and got up he started doing impersonations of me... falling all over the place, slurred speech, screaming, "honey,honey, why don't you love me? oh, you don't love me? I'm fucking LEAVING YOU!!! belch I'm l-l-...I'm.. honey. love me." At first I didn't believe, but he showed me photos later.
If your partner leans in and tells you "you're being fucking annoying" after you've had a few (re: several) drinks. Don't take it personally. Just nod, and you'll understand in the morning.
First and foremost, languages are my passion. They've fascinated me since I was a little kid. I speak English and French fluently, competent German and I'm learning Finnish. I'd definitely like to go on and study it in university. I'm 16 years old, and this year I took a class called "travel and tourism". It's basically a mix of cultural studies, geography and the only linguistics-related course outside of actually learning another language that's offered at my level. I wanted to take philosophy but unfortunately anthropology was a prerequisite (I wasn't aware) and I was one course short, so T&T seemed like a really good idea. So far it's been fun, we've been learning lots of cultural stuff and touched a little on languages but today we really started to discuss different world regions in depth and we got to Northern Europe (my area of specific nerdgasmry). My teacher mentioned that "the dominant language family of Northern Europe is the Slavic family." She pointed to a map of Scandinavia (including Denmark's dependencies) and the Baltic. I hesitated for a second but then looked around at my peers. Nobody looked like they were going to say anything so I raised my hand and said that actually "some of the languages are Germanic, a few are Baltic and Finnish and Estonian are Fenno-Ugric." My Estonian friend, who sits beside me agreed. She eyed us both up. "No, actually those both go back to Slavic." We looked at each other. I hesitated again. I don't really like nerding out in public. I'm a fairly normal looking guy (with long hair and sort of a dopey look about me) and people usually look at me either with surprise/like I'm a show off or "LOL YOU'RE FOREVER ALONE" which makes me self-conscious. I corrected her again and she just stared at me. Eventually I lied and said my dad was interested in languages as a hobby and that he could confirm this, and eventually she shrugged and relented. I don't want to be that one nitpicky asshole in the front row that is always showing the teacher up and scoffing at the teacher when she forgets a comma on the board or whatever, but this seemed like a pretty glaring error since about 99% of the kids in the room knew next to nothing about languages. Maybe I'm overreacting, but if it happens again, how could I handle it without looking like that kid? I guess if it was math class it would be a different story, but this stuff is sort of my life.
My teacher fucked up in class and said something completely and utterly incorrect. I corrected her awkwardly, felt like a jerk and have no idea how to handle it on the off chance it happens again.
So I got a new job around a month and a half ago and I started to like one of my co-workers. She's super funny, nice and full of energy all of the time, but my problem is that I have no idea if she's just trying to be friendly with the new guy or if she's actually flirting with me. Within two weeks of working there she invited me to a bonfire she's having with a ton of other people there, which kind of sent me mixed messages because on one hand she barely knows me and is inviting me to a party, but on the other hand she's basically invited almost everyone she knows. Then a bit later she started to swap breaks with other people we work with so she could be on break with me, but that's kind of died down now. We have exchanged numbers because when she asked me if I had plans on the day of the party I said I didn't, but that I would need a reminder closer to the date because I'm really forgetful. So she said if I gave her my number she could just text me a reminder. We didn't text at all after that, but a couple of weeks ago I texted her to see if she had won her school election (I was waiting for an excuse to text her so it wouldn't be as awkward). We talked for a bit, but it stopped when I had to go. I texted her again, using another excuse, and we talked for a bit until I was too tired to. Now I'm lost because I don't have any experience with this and I'm horrible at texting people without it ending in an awkward silence. Please give advice on what I should do next.
Don't know if a girl is being really nice or flirting with me. Not experienced with this sort of thing, can't text without making it awkward. Need advice on what to do next
Ive been with my boyfriend for a long time, and we're geographically separate (I'm in the US and he's Danish). We intend to get married in a few years and I intend of moving to Denmark. He's bi-sexual and he's never been with a man or been with a lot of women. I flat out told him I don't feel ok with him sleeping with women but feel sort of ok with him sleeping with men, as long as he gets thoroughly tested before sleeping with me again. I also said not to tell me, sleep with the same person twice, or sleep with someone who has feelings for you because I feel like that would cause a lot of problems. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or some weird logic and I'm paranoid hes going to just continue this activity when we live together. I'm not sure if this is good for our relationship and will pull us together or break us apart. I'm putting a lot of trust in him, but he seems more into sex with other people than I am, since to him it's more physical but he's emotionally attached to me. P.s He didn't bring this up, it just came up in a conversation one day when I saw an article about cheating.
Letting boyfriend sleep with a man at least once to know what it's like so he doesn't cheat on me in our marriage from some mid life crisis or aching curiosity. Not sure if good idea.
It sounds like you've got a great start already, especially at 18. The first step to financial security is to live with in your means and save as much as you can. It sounds like you've already got this lesson, so good for you. The next thing is to make sure you're getting some interest on all the money you have. At the very least get a savings account or an interst checking account. You'll want to keep at least a few months worth of cash here. I'd recommend an online bank like Ally, EmigrantDirect, ING, etc that give you a higher interest rate but are still FDIC ensured. Next step, after you have some interest coming in would be to open up a Roth IRA for yourself. This is a retirement account. I know you're only 18, but this is a great time to start saving. The benefits of compound interest are such that investing a little bit early can pay off a lot more than investing a lot later. Assuming you're single, the contribution limit is $5000 for $2011. The best part about a Roth IRA is that any interest is tax free. So when you finally do get to using this you won't have to pay a penny when you withdraw the money. Any remaining money is up to you. You could put it in a CD or invest in stocks or bonds. I'd recommend a CD or a no-load / no-transaction fee mutual fund that invests in things you understand. If you want to actually grow you're money, avoid exotic investments like options, leveraging, margin accounts, selling short, etc. They're great ways to lose a lot of money quickly if you don't know what you're doing. They're also gret ways to lose a lot of money quickly even if you know what you're doing ;) For credit, start with a single credit card. I'd recommend a rewards card that pays you rebates in cash instead of points of some sort. You can find cards that pay 1-2% on anything and up to 5% on certain categories. I would recommend buying most things on this card and then pay the full balance every month. This demonstrates you can handle money well will help build credit going forward when you want to buy a new car or a house. Avoid any that have an annual fee, but don't worry about the interest rate too much as you're paying this off every month.
get some interest from a savings account, open an ira to avoid taxes and save for retirement; invest the rest of your money in something you understand. get a credit card that gives you rebates on purchases and pay it off every month.
Here's what I want: Type in specific songs and make a playlist and the program find similar songs. Both artists and genre are too broad. I may only like one song from a particular artist, and maybe only certain types from a huge genre. I've literally tried most of the famous online music radios. Pandora, Slacker, LastFM, Jango, Grooveshark (which I think is going under due to legal claims), etc. Each one I have problems with. Like I said, I don't necessarily want a bunch of songs from one artist or genre, because that's too broad. Plus, If I'm making a playlist, I want music from multiple genres, but not all. Lastfm is cool because it reads your own list of music, but what If I only want specific songs to listen too, not just one genre or artist, but not all of my music either? I really just want to type in specific songs and a player find me songs similar to them and make a radio station. I don't care about ads. To give an example: If I want to listen to stuff while I'm running, I may want some rap songs, some house, some pop, hell maybe even some funk. Some music radios have "fitness genres" but they are so broad and play down tempo stuff. And, it's usually only one genre, not multiple.
Essentially, is there a music radio that has quite a bit of customization and is based around songs not artists or genres. I'm very song oriented and want to make playlists that are multi-genre like running or chillout. Any thoughts?
Like the title says, I'm being ignored by a girl who I had previously been extremely close with. To start this off a bit abruptly, I was most likely in the friend zone (does /r/dating_advice believe in that?) and I was fine with it until she broke up with her asshole boyfriend (as in, I didn't like her). After that, it tipped something and I just fell for her. So, last week she invited me out to see a movie with her, it went great. I did the "movie move" but the monday after she just stopped talking to me altogether. I may just be overanalyzing everything and anything, but I'm still very confused as to what to do.
After going on a possible date with a girl, she starts acting as though I'm just a regular classmate. Update: She has started to talk to me again! She also stared at me almost all of her solo in a recent performance. I confuse.
I have a great relationship with my GF, and we've been living together for 4 years. She's a very pretty woman and is very career oriented which is awesome. Here's my question. I don't know how to approach my GF regarding how she dresses once she gets home from work. Yea, this is kind of a weird one but hear me out: As I said earlier, she is very career oriented and cares very much about how she looks in the work place. She dresses very classy yet beautiful and appropriate for her job, she does her hair, wears a nice dress and looks drop dead gorgeous (yet professional) every day. When she gets home from work she immediately throws her hair into a pony tail and throws on a baggy t-shirt and baggy pants. I completely understand needing to get comfortable, but she literally transforms from this beautiful girl into a totally different looking person within the span of 2 minutes. An example of what her outfit looks like is kind of like what someone would wear if they want to paint a room in the house. Just old baggy worn out stuff. It kills the vibe regarding starting intimacy later in the night, and I don't know what to say or do to handle the situation. By no means am I expecting her to wear a dress all night or keep her hair flowing, that's just unreasonable and unfair. However, she has a killer figure that is hidden every night and remains hidden under her baggy clothes. I'm not going to lie, It also kind of stinks that when she does all this work to look beautiful and I only get to see her look like this 2 minutes in the morning and 2 minutes at night! This may seem like a weird/non-issue but it's really starting to affect our intimacy. What can I say or do to help fix this problem without hurting her feelings? Ladies, do you have any suggestions?
Girlfriend's home attire is really starting to hinder our intimacy issues. Anyone have any suggestions on going about addressing this and not making her feel unwanted or upset?
This may not be a normal personalfinance post, but I didn't know where else to look on reddit. I'm a senior in high school, and I drive a pt cruiser (lame right?), but my Dad is getting himself a new car and offered me his 2008 Chevy Impala. I love that car, it drives like a dream, is so much nicer than my two-tone beater, and holds sentimental value. The only thing is the pt cruiser gets awesome gas mileage and has the room to transport my drums around. My Dad will get more money if he sells the impala, so he said he would buy me a nice laptop, one that would get me through college, if I keep the pt cruiser. Will I look back on this years later and wish I had taken the Impala, or will I be glad I saved money and stuck with the PT?
should I get a car I really love that uses more gas than my current car or should I save money and get a really nice laptop?
This happened last wednesday while I was out at a local pub. Me and a couple of friends were drinking some beers on the patio of the pub. One of our friends noticed a man behind the plexiglass that surrounds the patio, he was standing on the stairs exiting the market nearby. He has his penis out of his pants and is taking a piss towards the entire patio, I don't think he knew the patio was even there when he had started. Anyways everyone starts yelling at him telling him his penis is small etc...So the piss guy comes up to the plexiglass of the patio and starts yelling at everyone else. He is quickly put to shame as he stares with no rebuttals past everyone chanting at him to get the fuck away. As he continues to stare in the face of everyone to save face ( I dunno?) he slowly turns his hat backwards, makes a sad face and walks away with his head down.
Guy takes a piss in front of a patio full of people. Everyone yells at him he has a small penis and to get the fuck away.
I lived in a dorm where the doors to the hallways locked from the stairs, so you had a key if you lived there or usually had a friend come get you and bring you in. My husband was essentially crashing there with a friend who went to school and lived down the hall from me. He would bang on the doors to get let in, i was next to the stairway door and it would annoy the crap out of me till i let him in. Fast forward 2 months and two friends of ours hang out and bring us with, we discover we come from the same area and may have met in crossing even. He had just enlisted in the army and asked me to be his g/f till he was leaving in about 6 weeks. I ditch my boyfriend of 3 years for this guy he blows my mind with how amazing he makes me feel. Right before he leaves for basic we elope, he trains for the army, and when we finally get to be together he has to leave 2 months later for Kuwait and then Iraq, being gone a year. It was worth the wait and hardships, this December will be our 11 year anniversary!
Met an amazing man, eloped after 6 weeks, our first year and a half he was in Iraq, this year is our 11 year anniversary
My girlfriend of 4 years and I are in a long distance relationship. I love her, but the distance is getting hard for us. We have talked about marriage and future plans which makes this harder. I have recently started volunteer work at my local horse stable, and there is this girl who I started to talk too. After a short while we were flirting back and forth. And she invited me to her house to watch some movies she had and to show her own personal horse. I told her no at first saying it wouldn't be fair to my girlfriend, but the next week I went over and we talked a lot. Just about random stuff of life and horses. So the thing is I'm really starting to like this girl but I don't want to hurt my current girlfriends feelings.
I have a girlfriend of 4 years. Distance is hard on us. I'm starting to fall for another girl. But don't want to hurt my current girlfriends feelings.
The girl I'm talking about in the topic is one of my friends sisters and I met her through him. I've seen her around over the years but haven't gotten to talk to her or get to know her up until about one month ago. She usually seems very affectionate and I really like her, I even confessed to her how I felt and she did the same to me. So there should be no problems right ? Well the other night before I was about to sleep, she sent me a photo of her bleeding wrists. It was so sudden, one moment we were talking about our plans for tomorrow then the next I got that picture ! It shocked me to be honest since I've only ever heard of people doing that but I've never seen it. After calming her down I ended up making plans to hang out with her the next day. She told me she had been depressed for over 5 years, gets professional help, hates life, dosen't want to wake up tomorrow and tried to commit suicide sometime last year. I honestly had no clue what to say, shes so beautiful and such a lovely person and so I don't know why she would be depressed, all I could do was hug her ! I didn't really probe into her history too much, but she was hospitalized and so on and so forth, I had heard about her being on medication from her brother and some other stories but I had no idea it was about this. Can I get some advice on what I should do in this situation ? I just want to mention that I don't wanna just leave her just because she has some problems as mentioned, as I've already said I like her and nothing has changed since she confessed all that stuff to me, I'd just like to help her get through this stuff. It's just really overwhelming for me even though I'm not being affected by it individually. Thanks very much :)
Mandatory summary/question! Things were going smooth with girl I like, sends me a text of bloody cut wrists, confesses she has depression, tried to commit suicide, hates life etc.. Not sure what I should do to help her, a little shocked myself.
So heres the story. My mom and I live in an apartment, and I will be going off to college in a few short months. My mom plans to move in with her fiancee once I leave for college, so we will be leaving the apartment shortly. Now, as it approaches our problem-free move-out, tragedy struck. I was smoking a hookah in my room and the charcoal fell off and onto the carpet. I tried to clean it up as best as I could and as fast as I could, but the carpet did get burned in two spots pretty close together. My concern is that now we will have to pay to apartment complex to fix the carpet, and we don't know how much that will be. Mom has already made it clear that it will be me who comes up with the money for this, but before all the shit finishes hitting the fan, I could use your help in two ways, Reddit. 1) Do you think, based on the size of the burns, they will charge us to re-carpet the entire room? Or will they only charge us for the patch that is damaged that they can replace? And how much do you think each would cost? 2) Is there anything I should do before they come to check out the damage (we havent told them it happened yet, just did last night) that might help it look better or not damaged at all? I appreciate any help, I'm sorry if its really long but I wanted to make sure I covered the details. Please help me out, brothers and sisters!
accidentally burned my apartment's carpet and need to get it fixed. how much will it cost/what could I do to make it cost less/fix it? [Pics, with a quarter for scale](
In some ways yes, in other though not so much. In Starship Troopers (the book) citizenship wasn't hereditary, each generation had to want to get their hands on the wheel. Anyone could apply, and as long as they passed the citizenship classes, work would be found for them to fulfill the commitment that best suited their abilities.
Anyone who wanted to be a full citizen in Starshp Troopers could be, as long as they can learn the ropes and do a two-year stretch in Federal service afterwards.
My Dad speaks fluent Spanish (English is our native language), particularly Mexican accented Spanish. At almost every Mexican restaurant we've ever been to, he's overheard the waiters standing around by the kitchen talking about spitting in people's food when they send it back. Also, there have been multiple times when he'd overhear them talking about how much they hated Americans and such. The funniest thing is when he would order in Spanish right after hearing them talking about stupid Americans, and apologize for his fellow Americans being stupid.
Never, ever send food back at a Mexican restaurant. I don't care if you ordered a chicken taco and they gave you a beef burrito. Just don't do it.
When I was 17, I attended a luncheon my friend's parents had hosted. In any case, the food was delicious and as I was going up to get desert, a lady who happened to be quite fat, and who had also strategically placed herself near the desert said to me, "Don't eat too much or you'll get fat!" in a joking voice. I turned to my friend and said in a semi-whisper, "Too late for you..", but not softly enough that she couldn't hear me and not loudly enough to indicate that I was actually trying to insult my friend and call him fat. I then realized what had just happened and tried to cover it up by saying, "Eh, Kyle?" but I don't think this helped. I then smiled and walked away. Apparently this woman no longer talks to my friend and his parents.
Fat woman told me not to eat too much desert otherwise I'd get fat. I turned to my friend and said somewhat softly, "Too late for you." I was trying to insult him, but I don't think she could tell.
My girlfriend is angry/sad/annoyed with me because I didn't let her know when I came back from university and she was worried about me. Normally, whenever I come back from university I message her to let her know I'm home. Yesterday I came back from university, I didn't get much sleep the night before, so I was feeling even more tired than I normally do, I changed and fell asleep. I slept from 3pm to just before 12am. When I woke up, I messaged her to tell her that I got home and I fell asleep and that I'm awake now. I also explained to her that I was so tired that I couldn't message her and that I just fell asleep when I came home. I then realised she was ignoring my texts (obviously she was mad at me) so I apologised to her and told her, I woke up at 6am that day, I haven't been getting much sleep lately and that five days a week of university really tires me out. Also I was travelling back and fourth that day from campus to campus so 4 hours of just travelling to get to university and back. After my apology message she still wasn't really talking to me, she said to me, how she doesn't care if I sleep or don't want to talk to her, she was just worried about me that I was still outside. I apologised to her again, I said I understand that she would be worried, I should have messaged her before I fell asleep even though I was tired and that if I had the strength to message her I would have. She still isn't really talking to me (still mad at me). What are you guys thoughts? Any advice?
forgot to message girlfriend before I fell asleep after I came back home from university, she is mad at me because she was worried (if anything happened to me) and now isn't really talking to me.
There's this knee-jerk reaction to the idea of every kid getting a trophy or scores not being kept in games involving children that ignores any actual research into long-term player development and how kids learn the essential skills to play a game like soccer. In fact, one of the major reasons the USA and Canada lag behind other countries in soccer is because of our arrogance about this matter with kids in recreational leagues. The fact is kids who are simply bigger or faster end up being the best players because of their physical characteristics while others are turned away from the game early despite their possible potential for actual technical skill. I realize this is a bit of a tangent, but for your
and a few comments on this thread I felt the need to point out that this isn't nearly as black and white as people make it.
Last night my cat woke me up in the most unpleasant way I have ever experienced. So a little back story on the situation. I just helped my family move from Seattle to Dallas, and I am staying down here with them for a week. We have a small dog and a very large, 20 pound cat, that we believe to be a Maine Coon. He has also had his front claw removed because he can get really nasty. Since we moved he has had a lot of trouble finding cool, comfortable places to sleep since we came from a fairly large house in a moderate climate to a small 2 bedroom apartment in Texas. Anyways, I have been sleeping on the couch in the living room. Last night my cat decides he really wanted to be up on the back of the couch (although he is really large he can still jump on the counters and such with no problem.) Well for whatever reason instead of jumping on the arm of the chair, he decides he can clear my head. He doesn't have front claws so he can't really pull himself up should he not make it. Low and behold he lands right on my hand, extends his back claws into my scalp, and then pushes with all his body weight off of my head like a flipping spring board. I woke up very confused when he landed on me, and then by the time he dug his claws into me I was already conscious and now really pissed.
My 20 pound cat didn't make a jump over me, and dug his claws into my head has he pushed off of me with his whole body weight. What screwed up way has something or someone woken you up?
I'm 20 years old. I didn't get my degree in Computer Science from college because I failed one class (Flash programming), I'm finishing it this Winter. I've been working at this place since my first internship (2 years ago). I am the least paid in the programming department ($17/h). They gave me this project about a year ago. Since then, we had about 20 meetings about it (mostly this Summer). In August this year, I started working from home. My boss gave me a 20 hours schedule (down from my 37.5 hours at the office). I work 5 hours a day from Monday to Thursday. The project consists in rebuilding the whole webapp behind the company's programming departement (tickets system, commiting system for updates, deadlines, meetings, etc.) Since the beginning, I wasn't okay with it for the main reason there are guys paid twice and thrice my salary there doing something less important than I am, the "newcomer". We have a weekly meeting where I tend to say "I've done this and that" and I usually commit to do those things in my next week. The deadline for the projet is the end of December, and I'm far from being done. Actually, the projet would require at least 3 guys dedicated to it and a tester, but we're 4 programmers for the whole company and they won't hire more (nor won't they give me a better pay). I've been thinking of making a kickstarter for a while to start my photography business. To be precise: I want to make a website with royalty free high quality pictures from all around the world. I would use the money from the kickstarter to travel all around the worlds (mostly on foot) and post pictures from a 3G connection (or wifi when available) to my website where people could use all of them for free. I've also thought about making a blog where people could follow me wherever I am, everyday. Sadly, I have the feeling the no one would pledge for that. The connection fees would be huge too (3G, uploading high res pics and maybe vlogs...) let alone the travelling fees! I'm pretty much depressed by my whole situation. I don't know what to do. Gotta go, there's a meeting starting right now. I have no interests nor hype towards my actual job and I'm scared of leaving it in the middle of a projet.
I don't really know why I went lazy, didn't do my job for a few months, deadline's coming in this month. I'm bored of my job and in the middle of a deadline for a huge project.
People don't live in location x because of the physical conditions only. More important factors are job opportunities, community, proximity to family, school systems, security, commute times. So I don't think there will be a mass exodus from Earth anytime soon. I think what will actually happen is scientists and researchers would go first, then real estate development startups of a new breed will attempt to set up exotic resorts on these remote locations with high sticker prices that will eventually go down. A lot of this would really actually depend on technology. For example, if it turns out that infrastructure is ridiculously hard or costly to set up in such remote locations, then forget about any permanent residences popping up in other planets. Infrastructure can be anything: water, atmospherics, temperature regulation, communication (wireless networks).
I don't think pre existing markets here on earth would be impacted significantly for a very very long time (think many generations), people would eventually move to these new locations if the technologies are in place, but pre-existing markets won't go away Edit: anytime
Worst experience: When I was in 5th grade, I was in all-state band. Every year the band did a trip to New York City to play at Lincoln Center, and then we would go have dinner somewhere awesome before heading home. This year we were going to Planet Hollywood. We had heard that Snoop Dogg was having a private party on the floor above us. My friends and I, for some reason, thought that if one of us was in the bathroom at all times, we would be able to catch Snoop, not realizing he probably had a bathroom on his floor so he wouldn't have to deal with us plebes. But sure enough, I went into the bathroom to find him there, probably looking for a place to get high in peace. Problem was, he left before I realized who he was. Best: I worked as a bus boy at a country club for about four months before I quit; the members were some of the worst people I have ever met. The one nice guy there was Hall of Fame ESPN football reporter Chis Berman. I met him twice, and he was one of the few people there who actually treated me like a human.
I met Snoop Dogg, but didn't know it was him until he was gone. ESPN reporter Chris Berman is one of the nicest people I have ever met.
A little background: Husband and I have been married for 5 years, no kids. Last year, he and I almost split up after he admitted to having feelings for a much younger coworker. He didn't physically cheat, but there was an emotional affair between them. It got to a point where he even said he wasn't sure he was still in love with me, and we did consider divorce. After spending just under 2 weeks apart, we got back together, and things have been going ok for the most part since. He also transferred to another work location with the same company, so he is no longer in contact with this girl. I also made it clear that I didn't want him communicating with her via text, email, or Facebook. The issue: There are times when I have this urge to go through his phone and check his messages to see if he's been calling/texting/IM'ing her. That's actually how I found out about their "affair" the first time, so I've learned to listen to my gut feeling. I hadn't found anything, but then again, I get the feeling that he would think ahead to delete anything before I could find it. Today, I read a conversation he had with a mutual friend of his and this other girl from work. My husband and I were both invited to go out to a game, and the friend mentioned that "the girl" was also going to be there. I saw my husband's reply, and he said that it would just be him going. The work friend expressed that he would like to see us both there, but it looks like my husband didn't reply. This was 2 days ago, and my husband hasn't mentioned to me anything about us being invited to this game. Am I being paranoid, or does it seem like he wants this opportunity to see this girl again without me knowing about it? I'm so tempted to confront him directly, but I'm also afraid because I'd have to admit to him that I've been snooping through his phone. Any advice would be appreciated.
Husband has a chance to see old crush from work, not sure if I can trust him not to have old feelings resurface. Edit: wrote "apartment" instead of apart.
I went to high school in a town where a Latin-American man was stabbed to death by a bunch of (white) high school students simply for being Latin-American. After that it was an all-out race war. It wasn't safe to be the only black or latin american kid surrounded by whites, and vice versa. It was a scary time, but what was worse to me is that the school and the administration went out of their way to cover it all up, to ensure that the community had "come together." It hadn't. It was being torn apart. For example, some kids were taking sharpies and drawing swastikas all over the bathroom and the school would just paint over it overnight and pretended it never even happened. Fights were hourly, threats were daily (not a day went by that year where there wasn't a threat made against the school), and the administration installed metal detectors and starting checking bags like the TSA.
after a Latin-American man was killed by white high school kids, the school devolved into an all-out race war and the administration tried to cover it up.
I agree with your sentiment, but ask you to consider there are things going on in your kids life that you may or may not be privy too... My middle child (16 now, will be 17 next week) was dating a guy last year. In a nutshell, he had her scared to death, was making threats, and some of them involved his supposed dad as a US Marshal and us parents were growing weed and he would have his dad arrest us. Both mom and I are supporters of legalization of this, but for adults and we certainly don't risk our property to grow it. BUT, our kids don't know that and when this kid made these threats suddenly we could NOT be gone to. It was only until weeks of mental and emotional abuse went by, threats and our house was trespassed by this guy late at night taking pictures in their window (he was 17... for a while) Of course, mom and I assured her that was not the case, picked up the phone and called the police. The kids were scared to death and we are a pretty open household, not much, if anything, is out of line for them. The police came and helped to quell their immediate fears but the kid was persistent... The good news? This kids 18th birthday was a couple weeks after the calling-of-the-cops. Of course he was keeping up the texts, telling her friends crap, causing trouble at school (that he didn't go to) by showing up, etc. Well, that magic 18th birthday brought pappa bear a new set of shoes, so to speak. I'm fairly certain, he is afraid every time I go and eat in the Steak N' Shake he works at. 18 is a magic age in our society ;-) The age at which kids aren't kids, and boys will be boys. Okay, enough ranting
as much as you may try and as open as you may be, circumstances can happen that make your kids keep quiet. It happens, and only the blind would think "not to me"
Me and my girlfriend have a somewhat rocky but committed loving relationship. We have a lot of understanding for each other as she was sexually abused as a child and i was physically. Her struggles with insecurity are endless, she has been diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder and she used to cut herself until i convinced her to stop and I've also had to talk her out of killing herself twice. we broke up a month ago but we continued talking. It took me being without her for awhile to realize how much i loved her. we both want to get back together but she refuses let me see her until she drops 15 pounds and she currently weighs only 100lbs. I've tried to convince her that shes not fat and it will be unhealthy if she drops that much weight and that i love her just the way she is but she says that she wants to look her best for me. considering her past struggles with depression and self image I am really scared that she will become bulimic.
my girlfriend of one year wants to get back together with me but she doesn't want me to see her until she drops 15 pounds. what can i do to help her with self image? also how can i help her if she has bulimia?
There was this guy in my English class who was kinda weird, but he asked me for my number and so I figured I may as well get to know him a bit better before I write him off completely. The first time we went out we just got some coffee and went back to his place (not for sex) where he played guitar for me and sang which was super awkward and cringeworthy because he was TERRIBLE but super committed to it. Anyway, I am naiive and agreed to hang out with him again. So he picked me up at my dorm, and we start driving to my friend's house. About 3 minutes into the drive, we nearly get in a car accident because he is blowing through a busy intersection. I am like "whoa dude!" a few miles down the road he hits about 5 traffic cones near a construction zone. At this point I'm like "mothafuckah are you DRUNK!?!?!" to which he replies that he had ~5 shots of rum. We arrived at my friend's in one piece thank goodness and my friends try to engage him in conversation but he gives one word answers and is giving off serial killer vibes. I had a cigarette outside with him and he starts telling me about how he nearly lost a testicle because he got kicked in the groin so hard when he was a kid and had to have stitches in his ballsack etc. He is practically crying at this point. My friends inside placing bets on how many garbage bags this guy was going to cut me up into. It was so uncomfortable and although he apologised the next day, I couldn't get over the fact that he would put my life in danger by driving drunk without telling me.
A creepy guy from my English class picked me up, drove drunk, told me about his traumatic penile/scrotal injuries and was socially awkward to the point that my friends were convinced I was gonna get sex-murdered. Then we got married. Jk
M/17] So me and this girl were talking for a while and both became really open with liking each other, but some stuff happened with me that I won't go into detail but we stopped talking for a while. Anyway we recently started talking again and I asked her if she still liked me and she responded by saying she thinks she does but she got a boyfriend just last week. So now she knows I like her and my question is, how do I get her to leave her new boyfriend for me? I'm not asking for you to tell me that I missed my chance or that I should accept it cause I'm a pretty selfish and possessive person so I'm likely to pursue this either way. Also I know I'm only 17 and I'm in my last year of highschool so it isn't really that serious but I'm genuinely upset with myself for not getting in contact with her again just a bit earlier because I really like her. And I'm not actually sure if this is where I should be asking for help, but I figured I could get some good advice considering, well, who knows women better than women?
I like a girl and she kinda likes me, but she has a boyfriend all of a sudden, how do I steal her from him?
I'll try to be brief I, 30m, meet 26f- lets call her Jane- through mutual friend at a gym 2 years ago. She's dating someone but shows obvious interest in me. Fast forward to a few months ago, we've been friends but never single at the right times. She's dating 2 guys, they do not like this fact. So not really polyamorous, but I'm dating a lesbian in the meantime and she wants to have an open relationship. I say yes, Ive always been curious if I'm emotionally equipped to handle this setup. Jane and I are aware of our other relationships but spend time together: zoo, park walks, she even answered the door in her lingerie once (her house mates were mostly nude, they are in a very dysfunctional poly relationship that she is not a part of) so answering the door in underwear didnt seem that off to me. I stay at her place that night, no sex, but making out, rubbing with underwear only on. I stay at her place again a week later after watching a film. Fast forward again to a month ago after I get back from trip to Dallas and LA and she keeps texting "I like you" I say thts great, its very mutual. She now has broken up with one guy shes dating and the other moved to a ity about an hour drive away. I think , this is great, my relationship with the girl I mentioned is pretty much done. Completely done sexually and I let hope sneak in that it is in the cards that Jane and I can begin a traditional monogamous relationship....wrong. We go out Friday night and I mention I have cut off contact with 2 other women I had been seeing and we have coffee. She very affectionate resting her face on my shoulder from behind whilst I sit and resting her head on my shoulder...until she tells me shes headed to see the guy that moved an hour away after our time together that friday evening. And pretty much every Friday night/saturday morning for the foreseeable future. Now at this point, I havent spoken about my true feelings to her, that I want to begin a relationship with her, but I figure thats a given due to her bringing up that our mutual friend tells her we would make such cute babies. Slightly lame, but whatever. I'm at the point now where I do not know how to proceed. I want to communicate how I feel and tell her what I'd like to see happen. And I know it's my problem not hers because we never technically spoke about starting a relationship I suppose I just want others' opinions on what they think this fair lady has in mind for our future.....
I tired polyamory, wasnt emotionally equipped to handle, fell for a good friend that may be a serial monogamist and now I can't decide how to proceed
My dad was boss at a fancy restaurant I Stockholm and one time I was with him and he said some famous guy was eating there, I had no idea who it was because I was about ten. There were to much paparazzi trying to photograph him so my dad tells the celebrity to follow him to a secret garage where he had fixed a limousine. I followed that and this celebrity and in the elevator on our way to the garage the celebrity says hi to me, my English at the time was restricted but I could answer hi, he later ask about my age and hobbies I tell him I'm ten and love football. Turns out I was talking to Mick Jagger.
I was at dads work and dad needed to escort a celebrity out from his restaurant. Celebrity starts speaking to me. Turns out it was Mick Jagger.
The day after I got my drivers license I totaled my dads car in a really crappy driving situation, I wont go into the specifics, but let it suffice to say that while I wound up causing the accident, everyone involved admitted some fault. I had fought my parents tooth and nail over getting to drive, so you can imagine the amount of terror I felt realizing what had just happened. Worse than that though I was completely fine physically, I thought for some reason I wouldn't get in quite as much trouble if I got injured, but looking shocked and ashamed I thought my odds were pretty bad.The police officer who arrived on scene called my parents, and even through the phone I could hear the agitation in my mothers voice. Basically i thought my life was over until i moved out of the house right then and there. Now the car I drove was a Hyundai accent, and just in case you don't know, but these cars practically self destruct if you hit anything going faster than 30 ( 4 people I know who had the same model car in accidents all had totaled theirs ). When I rear ended the truck in front of me doing about 50mph the cars entire front just disappeared and completely obliterated, nothing came into the cab surprisingly, but the entire engine block was gone, with different liquids just bleeding onto the road adding to the look of the car, it looked like it'd been hit with a missile. After about 20 minutes of agonizing fear I saw my parents car come around the bend and pull into the parking-lot I had crashed by, my parents got out of the car, but to my confusion instead of fuming with rage they both looked relieved. My mother was actually in tears as she ran towards me and clenched me, my father joined our group hug and I basically just stood there shocked trying to make sense of the whole situation. Turns out the officer failed to mention how severe the accident had been and how lucky I had been to not be hurt, all he told my parents on the phone was that I'd been in a wreck, and that I wasn't in any immediate danger, and that the EMT's were checking me out right now. Adding to this sense of uncertainty my parents saw the car before they saw me, and were just glad that nobody got hurt, my mother already had lost my older half brother at 33 from a totally unexpected aneurism, and all my parents could think about was what happened to him.
crashed car 1 day after getting license, thought parents were going to be furious, turns out they were just glad I was ok, insurance replaced the car and they even let me drive again as long as I promised to follow all roadrules.
My mom has been together with my stepdad for 15 years, I was 6 when she started seeing him. As I got older, he began picking on me and nagging about literally everything I did and we were constantly arguing. When he argues its pointless to respond, whatever we say or does he doesnt listen to. He is also an compulsive liar. He has never been violent or made me scared in any way, but he has always been a damaged and troubled person even though he seems and acts normal. She has said to me at many times during this relationship that she does not like him any more, he drives her crazy and is a bad person emotionally to her. To the story: when I moved out, they were breaking up about every 2-4 months, every time she would come stay at my place and say she will never go back, which she eventually did. The last time they got back together they decided to move to Thailand. She opened up a restaurant and everything went fine up untill he started drinking every night and wouldnt come back untill late at night. She couldn't deal with it anymore and broke up, tried to go no contact to no avail, as he would come and sit at the restaurant. (no talking, just texting her.) after he began telling lies to the customers one of the regulars had enough of it and told him to leave, after that he didn't show up anymore. Just constantly texting her asking how the restaurant is doing and how many were there. Later we found out that he was always just around the corner, creeping, stalking. Last week, she decided to give it another fucking try, which the rest of the family is just utterly devastated about because every time they break up she asks for our support and when she goes back to him she gets all defensive of her actions and states she is old enough to make her own decisions, but if you always regret it, why do it again? This is the last straw and I am not going to support/visit her if this goes on. I'm terrible at describing situations/stories so if you don't understand the whole picture please ask for more information.
Mom moved to Thailand to fix already broken relationship, breaks up, asks for support, and after his psychotic behavior they gets back together and she gets all defensive.
I have known my boyfriend for 9 years, dated for 1 1/2. I love him very much and we have talked about marriage quite a bit. I've been playing WoW for about 5 years, and I just started playing again after a long break. I am really enjoying the attention I get from guys online, especially a particular one. After chatting with him for a while (and me telling him over and over that joking and mild flirting is fine, but I am in a committed relationship and I love my bf) I realized that I was thinking about him a lot even off of the game and deleted him. I told my bf about it and he said it's not a big deal if I like the attention and he thinks it's good that I have people to talk to because he trusts me and knows nothing will come of it. I told my bf I wanted to re-add him and my bf said it's fine and didn't seem to care. Here's where it gets complicated - I have horrifically bad (diagnosed) OCD, so as you can imagine, when I obsess over something, I obsess over it. So now I feel like I am a horrible person for wanting to talk to guys other than my bf (even if it is online and harmless) and I am having horrible anxiety over it. I was going to re-add my friend back today but I feel like I am cheating on my bf, even though that is ridiculous. I'm just afraid that this is going to happen over and over, and I know it's not healthy to constantly be shutting people out that I enjoy talking to or even quitting a game that I really enjoy because I feel "guilty" for chatting with other people. I feel like a psychopath. Any advice?
I enjoy attention from a guy online, harmless flirting (mostly from him) I deleted him because I felt guilty, boyfriend doesn't care, for some reason it is giving me anxiety and I am not even really sure what I am asking. Woohoo OCD.
My Literature teacher in high school freshman year was wonderful and everybody loved him. One day we all get into class and he is furious for a reason that we do not understand yet. On the board it is written that we are to be completely silent and write down our definition of respect. He starts to ask us what we think respect is and throughout keeps getting angrier and angrier. He grabs one of the desks at the front of the room (the kind where two people share it) and he flips it over. On the bottom there was quite a bit of gum stuck to it. He flips another table. At this point we are all completely silent and freaked-the-fuck-out. He kicked the metal trash bin down one of the aisles and it ricochets off the leg of another desk. He changes the slide on the projector and it says that this was all an exercise and that we have five minutes to write about what we felt. In later years he did the exercise with cell phones, where he would collect eveyone's phone in a box and throw one against the wall where it would smash and fall to the ground (the phone he threw would be one he planted in the box ahead of time after picking it up from Goodwill). He's still one of my favorite teachers.
had an incredibly nice teacher who would feign fury and flipped desks and threw phones to get us too feel something and then write about it after the exercise was over
My my dad's grandfather sold my mom's father his first car. Doesn't seem like much, only this happened while they were living in a Lancaster, PA, 100 miles away from where we all live now. They were not friends, just were employed by the same company for a short time. My dad's grandfather and his family (including my young grandmother) moved to Bloomsburg (the town we live in now) around 1946. My grandfather (who got the car) lived in Lancaster until 1974 when he moved his family to Bloomsburg. My parents then met in 1976 at their first job and I believe my dad's mom figured it out.
My maternal grandfather met my paternal great grandfather 30 years before my parents met and 100 miles away. Then both randomly moved to the same small town.
Okay so this has been really hard on me lately because it just makes me feel like an asshole. So me and my girlfriend have known eachother since sophomore year of highschool. We've been great friends and she's an amazing girlfriend and an awesome human being, we've dated 3 times now (there's always bumps in the road), and its been serious this time (almost 6 months) But as of recently, as in since november, shes become really pricey. Always wanting to go out to eat. Or planning trips, last one costed more than $100 dollars, which is fine but weekend she wants to go out and eat again before I've even recovered. We've agreed to switch on and off (she has a good job as well), but its not good enough. I have rent to pay, and i feel like she doesn't really understand i.cant be doing things all the time. She used to be all for nights in watching shows and movies. But now its just wanting to go out. She always gets an attitude too when i tell her i dont really want to go out; If we could have a quiet night. Shes fine once we get comfortable and its always a great time. I just feel like i cant afford the lifesyle she wants right now. Im sorry this is all over the place and probably riddled with typos, im on mobile and im seeing her tonight. I just need advice, because tonight i really want to talk to her about it, and decide of we need to take a break for a while. I dont want to lose her, but maybe its best if we try again when im more financially secure. Thanks for your time and input.
my gf likes going out on a lot of dates all of a sudden. Hurting my wallet. Plan on talking to her tonight about it. Would love some advice.
The teacher doesn't watch over us and instead tells us to give her our stuff and bring only what we'll need to take the test (paper, pencil, pen, eraser, etc.) I have an insanely hard midterm to do where the teacher chooses around 20 words out of almost 100 and tells you to appropriately define 10 thus I was supposed to memorize nearly 100. Then comes two essay questions based on the books/lecture and you choose one.The papers I have for the definitions and whatnot come out to be around around 10-25. Anyone know the best way to sneak them in?
How can I sneak in 10-25 pages of notes into a room without backpack (so basically inside my clothes or wallet/pocket if it will fold I would assume).
I met her 2 months ago,( but I already know her for quite sometime now). It was initially good. We started dating exclusively but It's not yet 'official'. She never had a BF, and according to her I'm the first guy she ever entertained for a long time now. I drop her the question a few weeks back if we can take things to the next level, but she declined saying she can't determine if she loves me or if she loves my company which are completely two different things. She starts getting cryptic and starts to ignore my text messages. She always gives out excuses when I can't call her. We still talk alot but when I touch her hand and say "That I enjoy being with her" and I ask her if she feels the same. She always says "maybe". I asked her the other day again to know what is our standing, she said that she's "maybe" happy when I'm with her and just said that she wants to make things hard for me. Because it's fun... I plan on calling her later to see if I have to end it or if I have to continue. It's driving me insane that she has me all wrapped up in her fingers not knowing if she is playing me or not...
I'm dating this girl for 2 months now, and initially it started great (as most relationships do). But it started to grow stale, Leading me to think if I have to cut off my loses
So, I'm pretty into this guy. We're at a party one night, and I come on to him, but he pushes me away and spends a great deal of the evening talking to two of our mutual friends, who try to convince him that he and I shouldn't be together. Still, once everyone leaves, we wind up making out. I sort of think that's going to be the end of it. Then, he expresses interest in hanging out. We get lunch together, go back to his house. During the car ride, we talk about the fact that he's not into random hookups, and that he won't have sex with girls that he's not into. I think, "he seems to be pretty into me." That, combined with some talk we'd had about entering a relationship (sort of casual and definitely not anything with intent, but still.), made me believe that he was interested in actually pursuing something together. So, I'm at his house, and suffice to say, we have sex. Twice. And it was great . Not painful at all, he's very sweet about the whole thing, and he actually made it fun for me. He's the first guy I've ever been with who I feel like I actually clicked with. And he was having a pretty great time, too. We spend another party making out, and that's pretty sweet, whatever. But then he calls me and says, basically verbatim, "I don't think we should be in a relationship. I think you're more into me than I am into you, and you remind me a lot of my ex-girlfriend, and I'm still getting over that, and so I think we shouldn't go out right now." And the whole time, it sounds like he's crying, and he repeatedly insists that I'm awesome, and smart, and pretty, and that I should just hate him, and I don't know how to handle it. We see each other every day, and I'm not really good at interpreting body language, but he does spend an awful lot of time looking at me. Believe me, I don't think that he's in love with me, or even that he still likes me, I just -- I don't know. I'm having so much trouble reading the situation. And most importantly, I'm mad . I'm mad at him for misleading me, even if it was unintentional. I'm mad at myself for falling for it and giving up something that I had been trying to save for not-a-random-hookup. I'm mad that we can't just be together, when it seems like we both like each other. What can I do to make the situation better? Does it seem like I could still get with him somehow? (On an emotional, relationship level, not just something physical.) Am I wrong to feel upset and used? Did I do something wrong?
Guy expressed interest in dating, lost my virginity to him, no longer interested in dating, I am mad and still want to be with him, need advice.
We met during the summer of 2012. I didn’t think much of him at first. He was a pretty independent dude who didn't give a shit about a lot of things. I was never physically or emotionally attracted to him, so we just became plain friends. As the year continued, we grew a lot closer to each other. At one point, we were so close that people thought we were dating. We did everything together, and I guess it also didn’t help that we became friends with benefits and started holding hands in public. Our fun times didn’t last though. Shit happened and I distanced myself from him around April of 2013. I haven’t really spoken to him until recently when we had The Talk. We cleared up misunderstandings and then he confessed that he loved me right before I cut him off. Over the months that I didn’t talk to him, he told me that he was diagnosed with clinical depression. This whole thing came as an absolute shock. I had no idea how much I hurt this poor guy. And now that we have cleared up misunderstandings and I apologized, I’m perfectly fine with being close friends with him again. The thing is, although he currently likes some other girl, I have a feeling he still really likes me... But I have a boyfriend now of 9 months whom I am absolutely in love with. And I will never love my friend back the way he loves/loved me. The main question is this, I don’t know what I want from my ex-friend. Should I continue being friends with him, and if I should, how?? The Boyfriend knows everything that has happened between Ex-Friend and I, and although The Boyfriend says he has no problems with us being friends, it’s not that simple. I even feel weird for asking Ex-Friend to come out with me to go get ice cream or to go to the mall because I constantly ask myself if I should have asked The Boyfriend instead. I don’t think Ex-Friend and I can be as close as we were before. There’s too much complication. Here’s an example. There’s this movie that I really want Ex-Friend to watch, and I want to watch it with him too, but there’s no where to watch the movie that’s not in Ex-Friend's or my place. And The Boyfriend isn’t comfortable with that. I completely understand where The Boyfriend's coming from so Ex-Friend and I won’t watch a movie. So what's the point in trying to be close with Ex-Friend if I can’t because of The Boyfriend? How do I go back to being in a close relationship that doesn’t hurt The Boyfriend or Ex-Friend? EDIT: The reason why this is so complicated is because Ex-Friend is more like an Ex Boyfriend. HOW DO PEOPLE BALANCE EX BOYFRIENDS AND BOYFRIENDS?!
ex-best guy friend says he loved me at some point in our friendship and and he’s implying that he still likes me. I’m okay with being close friends with him again but things are complicated when you have a boyfriend.
We had a big fight, and she blew up like that, threw a couple of my gifts and belongings in a rage. But we made up after a day. It was my fault for angering her, however, since I lied about something she was sensitive about. She had never acted like this before, or after that. I told her being called terrible names is hurtful to me... however she cussed at me again in anger one other time weeks later, but apologized. I'm not experienced in relationships (been in the closet until my mid-20's), and I grew up with parents that always fought hard, so I'd like to hear if you believe this is a red flag or something normal in relationships.
I wonder if this reaction should be seen as a bigger offense or if it's normal to react like that when in justified anger in relationships.
I know this will most likely get browsed over, however I don't think this is as cut and dry as you think it is. Usually in the education industry there are several different funds to pull money from. These funds are separate for a reason. For instance you cant pull funds out of the Building Renovation and Renewal "pot" to pay for a new teacher. Similarly you cant pay for new iPads out of a Teachers Salary fund. There are very specific lists which lay out what exactly you can and can-not do with those funds. So in this case what most likely happened is that the school system ended up with funds specifically earmarked to purchase new technology. They are not allowed to use this money to pay for the foreign language position. (Now is this a good use of that money? In my opinion: no.) All teachers salary come from another fund which is most likely being reduced, just like all systems across the nation. Since this fund is shrinking and the all systems are in the same boat the only option is to trim positions. While unfortunate, it seems they decided the foreign language position was the area to get axed. Most systems have little choice in the matter and any position cut is a let down for everyone. Side Note: Am I condoning this? Obviously not. I would much rather see the teacher continue to work and teach our children a much needed skill than see some shiny iPad "toys" floating around. However the way to change this is to have our education systems budgets overhauled (I personally think they are a bit out of balance). Having said that I personally wouldn't pretend to know the best way to change the system, rather that would be left to someone else.
The $750k cant pay for any teachers salary even though it seems "obvious" to do so. The state and the Feds have set these guidelines in place for a reason (prevent abuse of funds). While it seems harsh that's just the way it is. *edited for mistakes.
After my day job I go to night classes, and often get home late... This will be important later. My wife and I had sex in our bedroom the other night. We have an 8 month old and are currently preventing conception. Moments later I rip the condom off, and finish in her mouth. All was well, and we went to sleep. This morning I get a text from her telling me she has found a used condom near my pants by the laundry basket. You can see where this is going... Given my busy schedule she is under the impression I am sleeping with someone (presumably a classmate), and somehow forgot to throw the condom away. My only response is, "If I were actually going to cheat on you and didn't want you to find out I would certainly not bring the condom home with me." As if it were some kind of trophy...
I forgot to throw away the condom my wife and I used the other night, it stuck to my pants and found its way in our laundry leading my wife to believe I am cheating on her.
i emailed an old teacher yesterday just saying hi and wondering if he remembered me and as a joke asked him if the rumors that were circulating him being mean when I was there were true. He replied back saying he did remember me and that it was nice to hear from me but it was very cold. then he launched in a paragraph trying to justify himself to me about how kids these don't understand the difference between mean and stern. Completely ignoring the other questions I asked him. I wrote back a response, a disarming one, in my opinion, steering away from the subject with the only mention being that I thought he was a nice guy but kind of sad. he responded this morning by saying that the only reason I got back in touch with him was to insult him and that he didn't want any part of that. Im both angry and insulted that i got that response especially when I was LEGITIMATELY TRYING TO BE NICE. now Im wondering if i should respond back trying to justify myself or if I should just say fuck it and leave it be? I can provide a little more background info in PMs as I don't feel comfortable giving it here.
Emailed an old teacher, trying to be friendly, he thought I was trying to insult him. Should I email back that he got it all wrong?
My ex boyfriend and I are still very close, we were talking to each other the day after we broke up. He knows I love him, he says he cares about me, and I'm the best friend he has here. on one hand, he can act really cute and loving and nice, and on ther other, we'll have sex and then he acts like he doesn't even know me. Last time I tried talking about things with him, nothing came of it. Please help.
I'm going to try just giving him space. Other than that, I have no idea what to do. How do guys show love without telling that person directly?
Hi Reddit, I'll cut to the chase. I(21) have been with this girl(24) for a few years now, but I have known her for a lot longer. Our relationship didn't start in a very healthy way, we both cheated on our exes with each other. However, we both really wanted to be with each other so after a short while of separation from each other after everything came out, we got together. Things have been great since the beginning, we rarely fight and we get along well. Sex has been an issue for almost the entire relationship though, as it's extremely rare for her to want to, and show me that she does. I have always called her sexy, beautiful, pretty, etc but she is still so insecure that it causes fights sometimes. I never wanted this in a girlfriend but it's what I quickly discovered I was in for, and I thought I could handle it, as she told me years ago when it started that she would work on it. Sadly, not much has changed. After all this time, I'm now finding myself less and less sexually attracted to her, and finding myself incredibly bored. It's extremely common for me to see other women who I find much more attractive and would love having a sexual relationship with. Of course, I'm not going to break up with her because I want to have sex with hot women, I learned my lesson about acting with your penis. Last night I finally told her my concerns about wanting a confident, outgoing, sexy and knows it woman. Right now, she is none of these. After some crying and talking, she's agreed to try and change these things. I believe her, and I know she will try, but I still can't shake this boredom. I don't know how long I should wait to see change, or if we're doomed already. I want things to work with her, but I find other women much sexier and exciting. If it helps understand our situation more, we now live in an apartment together, spend time doing things together (playing games, watching tv shows we both like) and we even just had a fun week vacation with friends that went really well.
Been with my girlfriend for years now, sex has always been an issue. I want an outgoing girl who knows she's sexy and owns it, but my girlfriend is none of these things. I'm getting increasingly bored. I'm scared, Reddit. Help me?
My dad lost his job a few years ago, and as a result he had to move to California to work on a potential job there. We (my sister and I) didn't follow him, and lived with my stepmom (who I do NOT like) for about 6 months. Then my sister went off to college, and I lived with my mom for my last year of high school. At this point I was only seeing my dad when he was in town (which was like every 4 months or more). I was never particularly close to him even before he left, but since I'm now going to college an hour away from him I figure I should probably be making an effort to talk him more. The thing is, I can't stand his personality. He's very apathetic and unemotional, while I'm the exact opposite. I definitely carry after my mom more than him. But it feels like it's silly to not talk to him just because "I don't like his personality". He hasn't been abusive or anything, he's not mean to me, he's just...unemotional. What's your guys' advice here?
Dad removed himself from my life due to job, now that I'm closer to him I want to have a relationship with him again, but he has a really abrasive personality.
I want to try to be fair about representing [f34] she has a lot of great qualities, very hard working, very honest, loyal, dependable, cute, and she loves me. We've been married for 6 years. Why then do I want to end it? I'm white, she's asian, English is not her first language. I feel I have never been able to really express myself to her the way that I could do so easily to an anglo-girl. We have a huge cultural differences When I married her I thought it would be alright, I thought I could overlook it, and I have done my best, but after so many years of putting up with it, I just feel like I don't want to put up with it any more, I don't want to have to put up with it for the rest of my life. It feels like I've been carrying a weight this whole time. Plus, when we first got together, she lied to me twice about her previous relationships, I only found out years later, at the time it really really hurt, but I thought I could forgive and forget, but after years of trying I still find myself remembering the lies and feeling hurt about it, because unlike her, I was totally honest with her. The problem is that I just don't think I can live with these issues. I've told her about it, But it is really frustraiting because there is nothing she can do about it now, she can't change her language or culture overnight, nor can she change the past, but I can't change how I feel either. While for the most part things have been good, it seems that we get into a major fight every 3-6 months, and a lot of the time I think culture and language are part of the problem, but also major personality differences, and it just keeps happening over and over, and its been this way for our entire marriage, we always manage to work out the problem whatever it may be, but it is emotionally damaging to me (and probably her) and I keep remembering all these fights we've had and it makes me feel very depressed. Help. Are these things I should just get over? I'm not perfect, but she seems to be able to overlook my faults. Why can't I overlook hers?
wife is asian, she has a lot of good qualities, but I feel we have unreconcilable differences and I feel terrible about it because she really isn't a terrible person, she loves me, and doesn't want a divorce.
I am 25, she is 22. We've been dating for 3 months. Me and my girl, and all of her friends went out to a club. Everything started when a guy headbutted me with his big afro after making a comment about my girl. I was not drunk at the time but a little tipsy so I bumped him really casually with my beer bottle in his dick. I looked at him and we both laughed and kept on our business. For some reason my girl did not like that and told me that I was trying to start fights. I told her I wasnt. She got upset and wouldn't dance with me after that. After that I pretty much just sat down and was just drinking without having much interaction with anyone. Now fast forward to the end the night. Her best friend, who is gay, was really drunk and needed a ride home. I said we could give him a ride even when my car is a two seater. She drove and me and him somehow sat in an awkward position in the passenger seat. This is when things got a weird. Everytime she turned her head to the left, he would sneakely move his hand over my crotch area, like it was the movement of the car turning or bumps that were causing his hand to move. I did not say anything at the moment because I figured he was really drunk and I did not want my girl to get upset and have to drop him off in the middle of nowhere. However it did bothered me a bit. I mentioned it when we both got home and now she is mad at because she says that I did not stand up for myself and now she feels like she needs to fix this. I told her it was not a big deal to me, and understood that her friend was drunk but somehow she is just making a big deal out of this whole issue. I believe she feels like she now has to choose between me or him and blames me for not saying anything in the car, because otherwise it would have just turned into nothing, like me joking and saying "wow you got wondering hands or something." I am confused now because I feel my girl thinks its my fault and I cant look at it that way. What are your thoughts on this?
Girlfriend's best friend tried to touch me, now girfriend thinks I can't stand up for myself and is probably mad that she needs to have a talk with her bestfriend.
Long time lurker, first time poster. This FU started a few days ago and will potentially reach its peak in a couple days. So I'm in college and for this science fiction literature class I'm in we had to choose an outside text to do a short report on. Easy, I pick a book, done. I don't actually have the book, but hey, that's what Amazon is for. So I go order it and get a couple extra things to get free shipping because my free Amazon Student trial just expired sobs . Now, I'm an avid knife collector so of course anytime I buy something I think "You know what would go great with that? A knife!" Not to mention that it's almost my spring break so there's a perfect opportunity to ship it to my house and not have to wait forever to unbox it. So it's on over to BUDK to add a little more to my collection, including a cheap 20" dagger (and a Condor Bushlore for all you knife collectors out there who are complaining about the quality of my purchase). A few days later I get the regular email from UPS about how they shipped my package, blah blah blah, and I glance at it to make sure the delivery date is right, the usual stuff. Then I notice that they got my address wrong, so I was understandably pissed because that undoubtedly meant that my order would be delayed. Then it slowly dawns on me. Fuck. I put my college address in the shipping information. As in, I just had several large and extremely illicit weapons shipped to my college. Fuuuuuuuuuuck. It might not be a problem except for the fact that the postal service sends emails to students when they get a package, including who it's from, and it's from one of the largest knife distributors out there so there's a decent chance someone's going to recognize it and possibly report it. It's suppose to get here Wednesday, so I guess I'll find out how well people know this website pretty soon. But don't worry reddit, I'm a responsible adult and I know what to do if I'm confronted about it. Stare them in the eyes and pee on them to assert my dominance.
Tried to buy some stuff online to pick up at my house over spring break, ended up shipping a box full of knives to my college.
A couple guys I knew from my high school decided to throw a party in an abandoned house. The invites were completely open so everyone knew this party was going to be rowdy. I decided to ride with my friend instead of driving because I had intentions of getting extremely fucked up that night. Throughout the course of the night I realized the party was extremely rowdier than I thought. People were boxing each other on the rooftops, smoking weed and cigarettes in every room, smashing beer bottles to open them, blasting loud music, etc. I knew this party was gonna be ratted out by the neighbors eventually and was gonna be shut down by the police. I told my friend that maybe we should cut out and he told me I was being paranoid. I went along with his judgment since I had experience running away from the cops anyway in case they did come. Suddenly 3 nerdbombers from my English class whom I was friendly with arrived to the chaotic scene. I immediately approached them telling them to GTFO as this was totally not their scene and that they shouldn't risk a police encounter or social suicide for that matter. They told me to come with them as they just picked up some weed and didn't know how to roll a blunt. I just laughed and went along with them since they're a free ticket out of a possible misdemeanor (and trees of fucking course). After rolling and smoking the blunt they gave me the remainder of their weed. I told them to drop me back off at the party. On arrival we witnessed a complete police squadron raid the place complete with automatic weapons and K-9 units. I was trippin' balls as was trying to get contact with my other friends at the party. Most of them got away and were scattered all over the neighborhood and I wanted to swoop them all up. But of course the nerdbombers aren't down for your homies, so they just dropped me off at a corner. The following school day I found out that the guys who threw the party didn't bother to run from the cops. They're reasoning was that they were gonna try to "talk" the police away, completely oblivious to the fact that that will only MIGHT work if you own the fucking property. They ended up being charged with misdemeanors for trespassing and consumption of alcohol by minor.
Went to a rowdy ass party in an abandoned house, knew it was going to be shut down by the 5-O, hitched a ride with oblivious nerdbombers, avoided an all out police raid and arrest.
My girlfriend of 2 months just recently got in a huge fight with me which has resulted her to think that the relationship might not be a great idea. Before I met her, she had gotten raped, and so she was very disturbed by it still, plus she has a lot of anxiety issues. I told her that sex was not a huge portion of my intentions for a relationship, but we ended up having a lot of sex. This forced her to believe that I was using her and that she sort of regretted being with me. She also had told me that she still loved me, but that she was losing faith in the relationship. She decided that she would wait some time until I see her next so that we can discuss and potentially fix things. The only issue is that when I suggest that we can fix things, all she says is that she doesn't know, rather than being on board with trying to fix it.
My girlfriend got into a fight with me and she thought that I was using her for sex, and that she was losing faith in the relationship. Is there any way to convince her that I am worth staying with and trying to fix things?
My brother and his wife live states away from me. I visit once or twice a year for about week long periods. For this I use up my vacation days from work and vacation funds so it's also commonly my only travel experience for the year. We usually have a great time and I just relax with them or we do one day trip while I travel a bit while they're at work. We usually only have weekends to spend together since they do not take time off. One thing they seem to consistently do that bothers me a bit is take one of the few free days we have together and plan it around us spending time with one of their casual friends. It's never someone who is a big part of their lives. It's been like "Crazy cat friend from yoga" and "awkward older contract worker I talk to". Just kind of friends they speak to every once in a while. We usually have a meal with them or go for a couple hour visit to their house or drive a couple hours to meet them for dinner. I'm a pretty introverted, socially awkward/shy person, and they know I prefer the company of my family over even my own close friends. They haven't actually asked me if I'd like to spend time with these people or offered for me to go do what I'd like with my vacation time while they meet with a friend (I'd have absolutely no problem with that) and so everytime they plan something like this I become a bit resentful. I want to spend time with them of course but this is also the rare chance I get to do so and also the rare chance I get for travel. I'm currently visiting and they once again have made a plan for all three of us to spend the afternoon with a friend. I had some places I was hoping to see so I was hoping I could tell then I was going to do so while they visited with their friend but I'm worried it is super rude. Like I said, I'm not a huge fan of spending time with strangers or meeting random new people so I'm wondering if my introverted nature makes these meetings seem more unnecessary and uncomfortable. I've started to wonder if maybe this is a common thing people do with friends and family that others enjoy. But i also think i would never make them spend time with my friends because they're MY friends, it's not likely they'll see them again or even have much in common. This next mystery friend get together is tomorrow!! What do I do? What would you do??
Don't want to waste my vacation time with one of my brothers friends. Should I suck it up and sit through the awkward or ask if they'd mind me heading out for the day?
I've been living with my boyfriend for a year and a half, and our lease is up in six months. It's been going fine with him, except for him being really lazy. We started off at the new place both having jobs paying only a slight bit over minimum wage. Now, I've had a new job for six months that pays way better. Meanwhile, he continues to smoke pot and not apply for better jobs. I told him that by the end of the lease, he needs to get a better job, or I am going to move out on my own. My reasons are that I am a painter, and our current apartment does not have enough room for me to paint. I would really really really like an extra room entirely for my paintings, and I don't think that he could afford to pay for that kind of place with me if he keeps his high-schooler type of job. In fact, I deserve a bigger apartment. We don't really have any more fights than the average couple, and he's still madly in love with me. I love him, but I'm getting pretty bored of our relationship. I'd actually like to move out right now, but I figured I'd be reasonable, and wait til our lease is up to move out. Another important detail: a previous co-worker of mine became single some time between August of last year and now (she dumped him after they were together for 7 years) He recently got a facebook and I hadn't talked to him since we worked together, so we've been chatting it up lately. We keep the conversations on friend level, as we always have, but I have a thing for him, and think he might have a thing for me. He's 31, but I think that we have so much in common and have great conversations. We really hit it off. We talked a lot when we were working together, but we were both taken then, so obviously we were just friends. I'm thinking of breaking it off with my boyfriend to be single and live in an apartment by myself so I can pursue my painting goals, while maybe getting to know this dude more and seeing if maybe he wants something more with me? I don't think I'll necessarily leave my boyfriend right after moving out, but just see if the relationship can just sort of break itself off? Am I total scum for thinking this way? I am not entirely sure if I even want to dump my boyfriend, and I know it'll be hard and I'll miss him, but if there's a better person out there for me, and my boyfriend won't get a better job, then why should I be with him? I'm just so confused. And I feel like total shit. Am I just caught up in the moment? Please help
Thinking of breaking it off with my boyfriend if he doesn't get a better job by the end of the year. Meanwhile I am considering another man, even though I don't know how he feels about me, but I get the hunch that he likes me
I think it is, for me. I struggle a lot with my sense of self worth already, putting myself in a situation like that will not help at all. He doesn't think it is a dealbreaker for a couple reasons. The first is that I'm working on changing. Its my weight he's embarrassed by. I'm obese now, I was morbidly obese before, and my goal is to keep going until I get to a healthy weight. I'm doing well with it, but not so well I want to get into a relationship that depends on my success. I think it would put a lot of unnecessary pressure on me and I don't respond particularly well to that. It triggers a lot of anxiety issues. The other reason he doesn't consider it a dealbreaker is that he isn't close to his family anyway. He sees them on holidays and special occasions and thats about it. I don't know how to make him understand that isn't the point. It doesn't matter how often he sees them. Its knowing that he's too embarrassed by me to let me meet them or even have them know I exist until I'm up to his standards. It just doesn't fill me with the warm, fuzzy, cared for feelings I want from a relationship.
Guy wants to date me but he's embarrassed by my weight. I consider it a dealbreaker, he doesn't and thinks I'm being insecure, stubborn, and pessimistic. Am I?
I was a freshman in high school, eating lunch in the hallway with the other weird kids who were shunned from the cafeteria. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, enjoying my sandwich, when all of a sudden, some junior comes up behind me, grabs me by the back of the neck, and proceeds to forcibly and repeatedly slam my face into the ground. Broke my glasses on my face and caused me to bleed profusely from my nose. I walked to the nurse, swearing my ass off. I was given a weeks detention for swearing, the administration was scared of him, so they looked the other way. When I got home, my father grounded me for getting the detention, and called me hurtful names for not fighting back through the blood, broken glasses, and head trauma. Turns out, I was sitting in front of his locker.
Got my face smashed in by some asshole for sitting in front of his locker in school. My father and the school administration basically tell me it's my fault.
I would very strongly advise waiting before you get into a relationship with him again. If you jump into the relationship again too quickly you could end up causing more harm to it then you'd think. There's a reason you have a bad feeling about it. I may be strongly biased, but my (now) husband and I had a very similar situation (with different problems) and we broke up because of it. I changed a lot and moved forward and he was just on the cusp of doing the same. Just like you, we loved each other like crazy and knew we wanted to be together, but I had a bad feeling about getting back together at that point. I went against my gut feeling and it's one of the worst mistakes I've ever made. I'm not sure how to explain this, but us being together held him back from that change. He didn't have the space he needed to stand up to his parents, gain confidence, express his sexuality, etc. Although he wanted to be with me, our relationship was a huge step forward when he should have been focusing on himself. Of course (as relationships do) we progressed and got married. Now he is having an extremely hard time moving forward. How can he? Right when he was about to make major personal changes, his focus completely shifted to our relationship and life together. He couldn't be selfish anymore. He couldn't party, have sex or figure out his goals & motivations because he didn't have the freedom to do what he wanted anymore. Now we are on the cusp of a temporary separation so that he can get the space he needed in the very beginning. Haha sorry... that ended up being a LOT longer than I expected it to be. I don't mean to say that this is going to happen to you, and our situations could be totally different. Hopefully it just gives you a perspective to consider.
Your BF is at a major cusp of personal change. Being in a relationship right now could cause him to be held back without intending it and he wouldn't have the ability to completely be selfish and do what he needs to do to mature.
So. I'm a 16 year old boy in the first year high school. I have noticed this girl in my class who I really like. Shes funny, pretty and smart. I'm not exacly sure if she likes me or not. When I look at her in the eyes, she holds the gaze and looks me back in the eyes. I have also noticed her looking at me also. I have not talked to her at all. Me and my friends are sometimes in the same group as her and her friends. I don't know almost anything about her. Would it be smart for me to know her before asking her out? Please give me some advice. I also have never been in a relation ship, so I have no experience of being a boyfriend. Thanks.
I like this girl, not sure if she likes me back. No experience of a relationship, should I get to know her before asking her out?
This is so embarrassing. I usually go to my brother's flat to study since it's quieter and more peaceful, ever since my older sister moved in with our parents with her two sons. It's an half an hour of running from my parent's house so I usually use that as exercise. Last week I ran there and when I arrived I went to take a shower. I came out naked (he wasn't home of course) and just played some music and sat on the couch to dry my hair. Well. I fell asleep. When I woke up I was on the couch but under a sheet and my brother was in the kitchen cooking dinner. So I freaked out and screamed and ran into the bedroom to get clothes. Later that night I asked my brother if he can forget everything that happened and he told jokingly me "did something happen?". Next day I told my mom what happened and she couldn't stop laughing at me. She told me that this was a life lesson and I should count myself lucky that it happened at my brother's place not somewhere that I might have been in danger. I guess she's right. Anyway I told my boyfriend what happened and he freaked out. He said that if this happened between him and his sister he expects them to avoid each other for a very long time otherwise it's so awkward. He thinks it's unbelievable that I want to continue going to my brother's place to study as if nothing had happened. I mean. Yeah if was embarrassing but do I have to change my life now because of it? Accidental nudity happens in most families but I don't think they would avoid each other for a long time after it happens, right? He says for a long time everytime my brother sees me the picture of me naked comes to his mind. I told him that I don't think so but he says I don't know how a guy's mind work so I should take his word on it. So how is it? Is he being reasonable? My feeling tells me no but I need some outside opinions.
Had an awkward moment of nudity with my brother and now boyfriend thinks I should avoid him for a long time otherwise everytime he sees me he pictures my naked body in his mind.
When I was about 14 I really got into music but didn't really have any friends I could jam with on a regular basis, so I played with my dad and his life-long best friend that I pretty much refer to as my uncle. After a while of playing together we got pretty tight on the music we played and decided that we were good enough to play out somewhere. My "uncle" found this little restaurant/bar around his house that was looking for a regular band on the weekends. It was legal for children to come in this place as this was before the whole smoking laws came around. We had enough songs to play from around 7/8ish up until closing time but the place was small and didn't have too much business to where they could pay us. So we played for tips and free food/drinks. My dad and "uncle" decided that since I don't have a job I get to keep the first $40 or something in tips. We would drive out to his house, play at the place, then go back to his house and stay the night because it was a good drive out there. One night after not too long of playing, I started feeling like shit and stopped playing. I played bass, we didn't have a drummer(place was too small anyway), so they did just fine with just guitars. At the end of the night my mom grabs my cut out of the tip jar and goes to hand it to me. My "uncle" totally pitched a big fit saying shit like "Well he didn't play for long, he doesn't deserve that and yada yada yada." We go back to his place and spend the night as usual. The next morning we're in the living room waking up, drinking coffee, and just talking about whatever. I get up and go to the little bathroom in his kitchen and notice my "uncle" put all the tip money from the previous night on his counter. I said fuck that, made sure nobody was around, and grabbed my $40 and hid it in one of the pockets in my laptop bag. I'm sure he noticed, but he never brought it up as far as I know. Nobody ever asked me about it or blamed me for it. Fuck yeah. Not really crazy I guess, especially compared to some of these, but yeah that's my story.
My "uncle" wouldn't give me my share of tips from playing music because I was sick to my stomach and couldn't play, so I stole it from him when he wasn't looking the next morning.