So I posted about this a little while ago, but my girlfriend got fed up with me and should be trying a separation here soon. We've lived with eachother at UNI for three years but recently I had some personal issues and wasn't able to love her in the way she deserves. She wants a future husband out of me and I was being resentful and dragging my feet. Now she's moving out. I've loved her for years and can't believe I've let it slip this far. We both think separating could be very helpful, but I have to make this work and I need some thoughts. Up until about a week ago, this girl was set to be my wife and now, because of petty bullshit and my own immaturity, it could all be gone. I need ideas to fix this.
I'm a heartbroken mess after my gf decided I wasn't doing enough in the relationship. It was personal issues, not my love for her and I need ideas.
This is such a silly question, but here goes: My gf learned to cook from her roommate/best friend who is indian. My gf is not indian, but everything she cooks IS Indian and it's all strongly seasoned and weird and I don't know how to say it but I really don't like it. Like, she doesn't make normal pancakes, she makes these potato stuffed onion crepe things, and she puts spices in the tea that get stuck in your teeth. Everything she makes is vegetarian and she's vegetarian out of respect for her best friend who is vegetarian for religious reasons. Her apartment smells like the inside of an Indian restaurant and it gives me a headache if I'm there too long. If we ever move in together I don't want my place smelling like that. I understand that she's proud of learning how to cook the things that she makes, but I don't like any of these things. Is there a way to ask her to make normal stuff without being offensive?
Girlfriend proudly cooks strange indian food. She is not indian, and I don't like the Indian food, is there a way to ask her to make normal things?
So I approached this girl after some mutual flirting in class and I asked for her number (which is huge for me because I'm super awkward and cowardly in that sense) and we were texting a lot and went on two lunch dates, but we really hit it off and she seemed to really like me. All of a sudden, she drunk texts me one night saying she really likes me and that I'm a great guy, but that she can't have a relationship right now. When I met up with her the next day and we talked, she basically told me that there was some stuff happened in high school and something was going on with her sister and her boyfriend (she didn't delve into specifics) and that she couldn't do anything right now. She said she wants to stay my friend, but that made me really angry and I told her I couldn't handle that right now and I would be distant for a while. This has happened to me before I think I'm really upset because for one, I really thought I had a genuine connection with her, and two, I feel like I took a huge leap of faith (fulfilling a New Year's resolution I set forth) but, she just couldn't do the same for me.
Did she lead me on? Did I expect too much too soon? Do I have a right to be angry that she ended it? Should I be her friend? Is this just how dating goes sometimes?
That we, each and every one of us, are an example of this universe developing self-consciousness, waking up and understanding the mathematics and/or other patterns at its core. We, or perhaps our tiny 1.5 litre brains, are the first chunks of matter to stare back at the stars and analyse events billions of years past, light years away whilst, at the same moment being very much an inescapable part of the tapestry we behold. Also, we can perceive ourselves and any planetary bodies and the advanced chemistry (such as biology and evolution) as being a next stage in the stellar life cycles. As we all know, all atoms heavier than hydrogen are made in the belly of stars is that much of the heavier elements which make live itself possible were likely made/released in a supernovae event, and, given how slowly matter travels around the universe as gas clouds or what have you, it is likely that most of the matter we see was made/released (if it was already present in the belly of the star via one of the internal processes described above) in a single, beautiful, terrifying event. As such, and given that the clouds will be made largely of the matter from one such supernova before they coalesce to form planets and what have you, it is likely that all that you see is, or at least in large part, from one blinding flash billions of years ago, probably from one of the first stars which shone in this universe (given that this universe is roughly 14 billion years old etc not many star generations as earth is 5 billion years old), so everything, the clouds, dinosaurs, your pet dog, your girlfriend, all of it, came from a massive blinding stellar event which lasted seconds and could probably have been seen across the galaxy. The genesis of this little part of the universe and it's higher chemistry a.k.a. Life. Ok, I accept, I could wrong, crazy or misguided, or perhaps a mixture of the three, but I hope you see my points. I've found them pretty cool to think about from time to time, perhaps you will too.
1. We are the universe itself awakening, 2. Our constituent atoms, and all those on earth were likely made in a single blinding event billions of years ago. We are the chemical grandchildren of a great star whose energy we see echos of when we split atoms.
So my BF and i live together, and have for 3 years. Every other aspect of our relationship is great, except for my thoughtfulness( i think thats the right word?) This morning we had an argument about the fact that i dont listen to him, care about whats important to him in his life, and i dont respect him. Also, this is not the first conversation hes had with me over this. Example of this morning :I told him i would help him look for something in the house 2-3 weeks ago. I never did look. ( not because i didnt want to, but honestly, i forgot/ forget) But he will set up my lunch and such for work the next day when i ask him. I truly think at this point alot of this is on my end. Im lazy, im not organized (cant remember to look for something), im selfish. I really just dont know what to do. He is important to me, I DO care about what he says. He texted me saying hes not prepared to deal with this anymore. What can i do to improve my communication while keeping the relationship intact?
boyfriend says hes doesnt want to deal with my non-caring attutude towards him anymore. I dont mean to act or make him feel this way. what can i do?
We have never actually been a thing, but for the past 6 months or so there's always been that kind of "tension" between us. Well lately his attitude toward me changed from more flirty and direct to platonic and varying degrees of indifference. He also the other night kept creeping through my good friend's facebook pictures talking about how cute she was and how I should introduce her to him, and when I got annoyed (or should I say jealous) he laughed and said "I'm only doing this because you're here." A couple weeks ago we made plans to go fishing together sometime soon. I don't know if it's a date but it's the first time we've ever gone and done something alone together. Although he has been treating me platonically/indifferently a lot lately, he has still been pestering me all the time about going and buying a pole and license so we can fish Which I guess means he DOES want to hang out with me?
guy used to be into me, now treats me with indifference or like we are just friends. I can't tell if he's losing interest or playing it cool, and because we were never actually a thing I guess I'm just scared to ask.
once I was boarding a flight. I check my seat number and go to it and find a guy sitting there and his girl next to him. I politely ask, showing him my boarding pass 'I'm sorry I think I'm on 25D. Are you sure your seat is 25D?' Sometimes people just mess up their place, you know? It's perfectly normal. The guy acts like a total douche. 'That's impossible, I checked in online days ago, you're wrong', without even checking his boarding pass. A flight attendant nearby overhears him being an asshole and asks 'is everything ok?' And the dude just treats her with the same charming blend of rudeness and selfrighteousness. She asks for his boarding pass, and whaddyaknow, it was actually the same number as mine. She takes both our boarding passes and goes away for a while. In the meanwhile, I tell the guy, 'don't worry you're with your girlfriend, if somebody has to move I'll do it, I don't mind' and the guy is all 'you bet your ass it's you, I'm not going anywhere ' Stewardess comes back, starts talking to him says his boarding card is wrong. The guy interrupts her and starts shouting, everyone is looking. She waits for him to finish and goes 'As I was saying your boarding pass is wrong, it seems to be our mistake. Therefore we would like you to move to first class, free of charge' The guy does this total 180, his voice filled with lollipops and unicorns and says 'why thank you very much' and starts to get up. At this time is girl gives him the biggest ಠ_ಠ I've ever seen and he is pissed and mumbles 'it's ok I'll stay here with my girlfriend' The flight attendant turns to me, smiles and gives me a wink 'would you come with me, sir, please' and I got seated in first class like a BOSS.
Douchebag has the same seat number as I do, treats everbody as shit while I'm being nice and polite - I got to ride first class and he got in trouble with his bitch
I've been dating my boyfriend for about 8 months now. We met just before Christmas and it was really bad timing as he had just been brutally dumped by his last ex less than a month earlier. We hit it off, he asked for my number, but I had to ask him out because I didn't think he was going to. After a couple of months I tried to bring up the 'what are we' conversation and he tried to play it off before saying that he didn't really know what he wanted; that he liked me, but he needed to go slowly. I expressed my concerns about being a rebound relationship, which he assures me I'm not, and we've agreed to be exclusive, but he still seems to bristle at the term 'boyfriend' since I think he feels there it denotes a level of commitment for which he's not ready. The other compounding factor is that he is really unhappy in his job and feels really uncertain with what he should be doing in his life. He has expressed that 18 months ago he has everything figured out/knew what his plan would be and that now he has no idea what he wants to do or what would make him happy. I feel like much of this stress is feeding into other areas of his life--his uncertainty with what he wants to do seems to paralyze him with regard to our relationship. I know he likes spending time with me, and he is opening up (albeit slowly), but when he feels overwhelmed he tends to completely shut down and me out. I think we're compatible, have similar life goals and personalities, and we have a great time together. I know how important open communication is, but it feels like every time I express how I'm feeling about our relationship he internalizes it as an additional stress because he feels he is disappointing me because we're moving at a different speeds. I don't feel like I'm allowed to express disappointment about certain things because he gets really stressed that he's disappointing me (if that makes sense). He's very empathetic and understands where I'm coming from and often says he doesn't understand why he's behaving the way he does. I don't want to compound the stresses he's feeling in other aspects of his life, but I also don't want to feel like I'm not allowed to express my own feelings. I feel like I get lumped into all the other stressors, which I don't really think is fair. Should I completely back off and wait for him to sort out the other stresses in his life? Is this likely to help him feel he can advance our relationship? How do I avoid feeling like I'm being a pushover or that my needs are not being met?
Boyfriend and I are 'going slowly' in relationship due to outside stressors. How can I relieve some of the relationship stress from him while also having my needs met?
My girlfriend and I have been together just shy of 3.5 years and everything has been absolutely wonderful. During our time together we rarely argued and were deeply in love. We had no doubts that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together and I still want to spend the rest of mine with her. She recently finished her first year of college and even studied abroad. When she got back, I noticed something was different and I asked her what was wrong. She said that she had been thinking for awhile about how she has only had one boyfriend (me) and that the thought of marrying the only person she's ever had a relationship with kind of scares her because she doesn't know if she's missing anything. She wants to take a break for the experience of being single and finding herself. She says she wants to come back to me because she really does love me, but she can't rightfully stay with me if she's going to always wonder if she made the right choice in only ever staying with me, she wants to be 100% sure she wants to spend the rest of her life with me and the only way she will know is if she leaves and ends up realizing she can't live without me. She has said that looking for someone else is not her intent. She said she doesn't even have to date people, it may just take her being single for awhile. She has also said that she can't promise she will come back in case of that 1% chance of her somehow finding someone else she loves just as much, if not more than me. Which she told me she thinks will never happen, because I am perfect and no one could be better than me. We have both agreed and promised each other to follow two rules for this break. No serious relationships with anyone. Only casual dating if it happens. No sex with anyone. I love her with all of my heart and although this is the hardest thing I've ever been through, I know that this is what needs to happen in order for our relationship to work the way it used to. What do you guys think? Is there a good chance she'll come back to me at some point?
Girlfriend wants to take a break to find herself. She still loves me and wants to come back to me but isn't promising that she will, just in case. Think she'll come back?
I was born in Oklahoma but raised in Maryland. When I was very young and visiting relatives, we were all at a restaurant and my dad ordered Chicken-Fried Steak. I was confused and asked what is Chicken-Fried Stead? Before my mom could say anything my mom immediately cut in: "Back in the day, people from Oklahoma were really poor after the dust-bowl. So what they would do is go out and scrap up all the tire tread from the highway, fry it up, bread-batter it and call it Chicken-Fried Steak. They just kind of developed a taste for it and it still gets served today."
My mom convinced me that my dad's favorite food was fried tire treads Even today I still don't think she was THAT far off, though.
After a year and a half of living together, my girlfriend and I had to move to different areas for work. I visited her about once every three to four weeks for 4 days. She visited me once. After six months, she revealed that she had been unfaithful on at least four occasions and betrayed my trust. We tried to work it out, I accepted it and we moved on. We planned for me to move out there in 5 months and I would visit more often as would she. A week later, she went radio silence and then emailed me to tell me she had cheated on me again and that she just wasn't ready for a serious relationship. I'm having trouble getting over her. It's been two months of no-contact, removed her from my life. But, I'm still struggling with the following four things: 1) I have significant trust issues. I don't know if I can trust someone again. My parents were abusive and the gf before this basically lied to me non-stop for two years. I don't know how to begin trusting people again. 2) How do I get over her and become independent again? This is someone I planned on buying a house with, who I had planned presents for for the next three years. Someone who I was completely open with and had no secrets from. I don't know how to go back to lying to people or just being alone all the time. I've been just messing around on the internet lately and doing lots of work. 3) I feel incredibly inadequate with physical intimacy and deeply self-conscious. I can't even fantasize without thinking of her and the acts (unfortunately, I saw pictures of the people she cheated on me with as well of the acts themselves). 4) How do I find someone good? After being abused for too many years, I really just want to find someone calm and loyal. Someone who I can trust to not force me into patterns of abusive behavior (now that I've realized I have these tendencies).
I'm having difficulty moving on from a breakup that ended in repeated affairs. How do I regain self-confidence, trust in others, my independence and plan for the future to avoid similar situations.
GF of about 6 months now, will get super defensive when we argue, it's usually me suggesting something and it turns into a argument for no reason, anyway. If I bring something up or if I'm pissed off at her for something, usually she will always try to turn it back on me. Example from just the other day, she is at university, likes to leave assignments due to the last minute then stresses like crazy and ends up doing them at my place the weekend we are meant to spend together. She has very little work hours this week and has free time afterwork. So I suggested that she should work on her assignments and study so she can enjoy this weekend stress free. Oh boy did this turn into a argument. From me suggestion this, it went to I'm so controlling, her telling me that she is 24 it's her life etc, that I'm selfish for telling her to do them during the week when she needs to relax after work(she will seriously just be watching TV and facebook) and it's her choice that if she wants to do it on weekend and I'm selfish because I want I spend the weekend with her. Then goes on how frustrating and annoying I am, and how she doesn't tell me not to spend time at the gym after work when I could be doing self study(I've finished my study, work full time now) or another hobby.
seems to Happen with anything I say towards her, gets put back on me, never wants to talk about it, or it makes her annoyed and frustrated. How should I handle this, I do love her but it's really making me start to rage.
Sounds like he might be the kind of person who shouldn't drink. Not everyone with "alcohol issues" is an alcoholic. That's a common error. Some people just have so much pain inside, that when they drink they wind up saying and doing really stupid and reckless shit. As for the dad...let me guess, was he a domineering? A bit of a bully? Just a wild guess. What I can say is that I've noticed that people with a burning need to be right (in the sense of being acknowledged as such - not slandering logicians and "truth seekers"!) tend to have all sorts of "little guy" issues from their past. Sort of a variant of the old idea that most bullies began being bullied. In any case, you need to call him on his shit when he's sober. If he doesn't have the sense to hear you out and acknowledge that his behavior was atrocious, then I'd suggest you reconsider the entire relationship.
Don't agree with the "dump him now" folks. But your bf does need to own up to his behavior, and be willing to do something about it.
So I have let myself go for the last 7 years. Drank 2 liter of soda a day, ate huge amount of food. I got really bad. The lasttime I was losing weight I was at 305 and got down to 290. But the last time something messed up happened. I was working on a 2nd story platform at work and needed some water. I started to go down but I guess I wasn't aware just how dehydrated I was( it was 110 degrees outside) I lost my grip from almost the top so I fell 20ft down onto the grating below. I didn't break any bone which all of the responders thought I probly had shattered my ankles. When I tried to grab back ahold of the latter my arm but that was a mistake I hit my fore arm pretty good, I have permanent nerve damage on my arm now. other then that I had a complete tear of my left knee. I opted not to get the ACL replaced, I had talked to a lot of people that did have it replaced and everyone of them had it tear again at least 3 times. so I never thought I would be able to run or jump again. I wasn't able to move for a month I had been eating bad by the time I was able to return to work I was 327lbs that was 1 and a half years ago I returned to my 300-310lb I usually was at and I gotten back in the habit of drinking 2 liters again, smoking and eating like a pig. Well I just jumped rope and did a nice little run just now. I'm so happy I didn't get a replacement and allowed my other muscles to take over the slack(I still have a hard time pivoting) but wow I started losing weight about a month and a half ago and I'm already at 271.8 from 308 so glad I found this sub reddit to help me along. R/Progrsspics is also a great sub.
lost weight before had a bad fall at work gained a ton didn't think I could run or jump again. Just ran and jumped rope and lost a lot of weight. uber happy.
OP, it sounds to me like you are not wired to be monogamous and you've been trying to force yourself into monogamous relationships. Maybe you didn't realize there was an alternative, or maybe you did and just couldn't admit it was what you needed. You need to be in an open polyamorous relationship. You're not alone in your feelings. There are many poly people out there who feel the same way you do about sharing love. You've been fighting your nature and you've been losing. It's time to be honest with yourself and others. And no, this does not in any way excuse the cheating. Obviously, cheating is a horrible thing to do and you know this. There's no excuse to do that to a partner. What do you do now? You finally become honest with yourself. You accept that monogamy is not for you. You can have friends. You can be lovers with some or even all of them. That's not wrong (unless it means that you're cheating on a partner). Some people will tell you that you're broken for wanting to share sex and love among multiple people, but that is absolutely not true. There are many of us out there who are in happy and fulfilling open and poly relationships. You need to tell your boyfriend that you cheated. He deserves to know. You should tell him about how you've struggled with monogamy all your life and that you've realized that you're are polyamorous. The relationship will probably end over this, but that's a consequence of your choices. If it doesn't end and he's willing to forgive you then you have to sit down and talk about what your relationship will look like from now on. If you break up you should take a break before dating someone new. Come to terms with yourself and grow as a person. And then when you start dating again be completely up front about the fact that you can not do monogamous relationships. There are people out there looking for polyamorous relationships. Check out /r/polyamory and /r/nonmonogamy to learn more about all this stuff.
Cheating is horrible, but you're not broken. Accept the fact that you are not wired for monogamy and learn to live honestly with yourself and others.
My girlfriend and I have been dating for a little over a month. She's a sweet girl, always concerned when something is wrong, and feels responsible to help whenever there is. I like this quality but I believe her capacity to help is being exploited. The friend, who my girlfriend has known for about a year and is moving in with next week, monopolizes whatever she is a part of. If an issue arises then the friend will instantly make it the entire mood. For example her ex sent her an aggressive, hostile message and for the remainder for the night she will unload about that. Nothing calms her down, nothing mitigates the mood, everyone just has to deal with it. Any attempts to "help" simply feed into it, I understand the purpose and importance of venting but it's become all there is. When we aren't with her, she is texting my girlfriend about some problem (and there's always a problem) to which my girlfriend will get pulled into. This is my issue, the time I'm with my girlfriend and the friend she has pulled her off to the side to "talk," or if we're alone then my girlfriend is constantly texting, and constantly anxious. I understand that my girlfriend has the ability to "not" do this, and maybe my problem is with her (or my inability to hold her attention), but I believe her friend is so explosively imposing that she dominates the mood very easily, even when there's a large group. How can movie night or drinks at the pool hall compete with constant emotional Armageddon? For me it's exhausting trying to keep up, but for my girlfriend she wants to help everyone so badly that if she can help this wild woman she might as well get a medal of honor, and I think that energy is better used on things more constructive. Short of removing myself from the group or being an asshole, I'm unsure how to handle the friend directly. More importantly, she's become such a large part of my relationship with my girlfriend and that's not okay. I've brought up my concerns to my girlfriend with how her friend may be affecting her, but I don't believe it was really helpful. Our relationship is young, and it probably isn't my place to comment on their friendship, but other than breaking up I'm at a loss here.
Girlfriend's friend is extremely hyperbolic in her mood/behavior, monopolizing my girlfriend's time and energy, and it's effecting our relationship. I'm unsure if the real problem is the friend or with how I'm dealing with it.
Throwaway. My husband and I have been together for 6 years, married for two. We've had an amazing relationship. He's always wanted a large family, lots of kids, house with a picket fence, you know the deal. I've never liked children, but everyone, EVERYONE I've talked to told me "It's different when they're your own." So we went ahead and had a baby. Long story short, it's the worst decision I've ever made. Our daughter is a year old and not a minute goes by where I don't regret my decision. I feel lied to by all the family and friends that pressured me and made me feel like it was something I was supposed to do. Everyone wants kids, they said. Even if you don't think so, you'll be glad you did. I'm kicking myself for listening to them. It's not the screaming, wailing, shrieking. It's not the neediness, the tantrums, or the lack of sleep. It's the fact that this is a LIFELONG commitment that I can never get out of. This baby is 100% dependent on my husband and I. We don't have a sex life anymore; Hell, we barely have a marriage anymore. The baby took over all of our time and energy. I feel guilty for feeling this way. I've been to therapy, and am still going, but what can really help this situation? I resent my baby for taking away the life I loved. I can never have that back. Every damn day I wish I could go back and not have her. I should never have listened to anyone else. I'm at the end of my rope. What can I do?
Had a baby after people told me it would be a good decision and that it would be different when the kid was my own, it was the worst decision of my entire life.
So one of my best friends is bisexual, and so am I. We've known each other for a couple of years, and we've become really close friends in that time. I love the guy like a brother, but I don't have any feelings towards him sexually or romantically. I assumed this was mutually understood until he professed his true feelings and asked me on a date a few weeks ago... I never got the impression he felt this way - we've mostly just talked about women, and past girlfriends etc. So because of that, I didn't have a problem being affectionate towards him - compliments, hugs, I let him share the bed when he comes to stay etc. I realize now looking back that I was probably giving off unintentional signals... but he never gave me the impression that he was interested - I would've cleared this up a long time ago if that was the case! He's a lot younger, and I honestly just didn't think he would be So now I'm just not sure how to approach this. I've made it clear that I'm not interested in pursuing a relationship. He seems broken up by it, but says he respects my feelings and is happy staying friends. I'm just not sure how to act around him now... we have a lot of inappropriate inside jokes that frankly I'm not comfortable laughing about anymore, and being affectionate like we were before is off the table because I don't want anything else to be taken the wrong way. We haven't properly talked about it... I guess we're both a little uncomfortable broaching the subject again. I feel like we need to sit down and have a talk about boundaries. He's like a brother to me and I do NOT want to end up with us angry and avoiding each other. I imagine a lot of women go through a similar thing with their male friends. Were you able to salvage the friendship? Was he able to move on and see you as just a friend?
My best friend professed his feelings for me, and asked me out on a date. I don't feel the same way and said no. Not sure how to proceed from here and go back to being comfortable around each other as close friends.
So my story is sort of like another redditor in this thread where I was 18/19 and was dating a girl that was 12/13 (can't remember off hand). I've never told my wife of 4 years now this story because it was embarrassing and I felt such a fool for not realizing the BS. Fortunately It didn't go incredibly far. So I had met this girl online who was apparently 18 and a college student at Howard University. Whenever she would call me she would always call from a DC number but she had family where i live so I would always see her when she came up. This went on for months, and months. At that time I was still a virgin (lost my virginity when i got married at 25) and believed that sex was for marriage and so we never got physical...well, semi physical i guess you can say. One day we were on the phone talking and we said our usual goodnight's and went to bed. About a half hour later after getting off the phone she calls again and I can still remember the conversation sadly to this day. Strange Woman"Hello is this Darkness" Darkness: "Yes this is Darkness, who is this" Strange Woman: "Do you know a WhoresFakeName" (Fake names used) Darkness: "No I do not" Strange Woman: "Ok sorry, I must have the wrong number" We hang up, i think nothing of it and go back to sleep Phone rings again Strange Woman: "Sorry is this Darkness again" Darkness: "Yes who is this" Strange Woman: "Hi this is whoresrealname mom" and in the background i hear a female's voice saying "He know's me as whoresfakename" Darkness: "OOOOOK What's this about" Mom: Hi, this is WhoresFakeName mom, first of all, her real name is WhoresRealName (my heart sank at this point) and second my daughter is only 13 years old so I would appreciate if you would never contact my daughter again." Darkness: "I sincerely apologize ma'am you have my word that I will not talk to your daughter again. I was lured under false pretenses and would have never spoke to your daughter had she been truthful" Couple weeks later the lying whore confessed everything to me that she was in my area because her grandparents live there and that she was actually who her mom said she was. I changed my number, and fortunately she only knew me by my nickname and had never been to my house so she didn't know where I lived but I was scared shitless that i was going to be going to prison to be anally raped.
Always ask for birth certificates when meeting a new female. Edit: Just realized i used fake names which is against rules so i had to update with whore
I just looked up my grades for my previous quarter in school and realized I failed a course. I was certain I was going to pass it and I start to look at what is wrong, and then I find I have a missing grade where my final assignment (worth a lot of points) should be. After a little more poking about I find the following e-mail: "Sorry I wasn't in class this morning, my roomate hadn't realised I was back from the weekend and turned off my alarm. Attached is my final music theory assignment. Please let me know if you want a printed copy (on any media, within reason, of your choosing) and when you'd like it. If just this attachement is enough, also let me know. Sorry about this mixup, see you in class Wednesday." Sadly, I found this message still sitting in my drafts box. I figured it was because that day (just after finishing the e-mail) the fire alarm in my dorm building went off and I didn't hit send. My question is this: do you think I have any hope of challenging this grade based on this incident? If so, how would I go about it (contact professor, or department head, or dean)? If not, why do you think not. Thanks for reading.
didn't send e-mail with final assignment on accident due to fire alarm resulting in failed class. is this sufficient grounds for a challenge to the grade?
So I've been single for a long time, and suddenly I've got two girls with strong possibility. They both have the same name, so I'll call one S1 and the other S2. I've known both roughly the same time - just over a year. S1 I met through friends, S2 (younger one) I met through family. I took interest in S1 first, cos I met her first. We started talking online and eventually met up (8 months later). We get along really well but she's quite restrained, due to past relationships. This took a toll on our relationship, as it gradually felt like there was no chemistry. Then S2 came into the scene a short time later. She really likes me. I'm absolutely certain she wants to marry me. My parents want me to marry her too, cos her family are millionaires. But that aside, I didn't take interest in her at first cos she was introduced via family... I seem to feel I'm in more control where I decide who I end up with, not because family "helped" me. That might sound arrogant. Due to my constant rejection of S2, she eventually found a bf. In the meantime my relationship with S1 was really fading. We stopped talking for a period. S2 found out and broke up with her bf, for a chance with me. And I guess since S1 had faded, I started to take real interest in S2, genuinely for her personality - maybe my eyes "opened" when S2 faded. S2 has since gone overseas and I'm assuming when she returns she wants to hit on me double time. In the meantime, S1 has become warm again and we've been talking every day. So there's possibility things might work out again. So here I am, not sure which girl to pick. They're both terrific personality wise, both pretty, but unique in their own characteristics. S1 is very social (opposite of me) but very ambitious (which I like). S2 is a bit more private (which I like) but a little unsure about her ambitions (opposite of me). Both their families have met me and really like me. As a circuit breaker, I do have a 3rd option who lives interstate. We message frequently and she's my dream type - really pretty blonde. She's 21. I think she wants me to make a move but I've held back. Stuck on S1 and S2. Arrgh. ps. my username is based on S1. She has freckles and I created this account when we were in our early stages.
I can't decide between two potential girls. I worry choosing one over the other might be the wrong choice. There's a 3rd option. Not really sure what move to make.
I've had worse things done to me by my fellow students than by students I was in charge of as a teacher, but this one still just blows my mind: I was in the hospital just out of an appendectomy and high out of my mind on painkillers. I was in the hospital for two days and that is when this happened. My students had been informed that I was having a medical emergency, but one of them started emailing me the day I went into surgery to complain that a group she was working with for a project was treating her badly. I tried to ignore the emails at first so that I could answer them later when I was not on morphine, but she kept on sending them and they were escalating pretty quickly. This girl was a minority student who was very fast to play the racism card, and she did that in this case too. At first it was just that her group members were racist and would not include her and were abusive towards her, etc. None of this was actually true (I had seen how she treated her group members and it was not pretty), but as I didn't immediately respond to her emails they became more and more abusive towards me as well. By the time my drug-fogged mind actually perceived that this was a problem that needed to be addressed, she had already gotten the college's administration involved with all kinds of horrible accusations about the students in her group and me. There was nothing I could do to even attempt damage control at that point. I had to work with the administration of the school to respond to the complaint and to demonstrate how she was wrong. Fortunately, the system worked itself out and the student's complaints were proved to be without any foundation in reality, but it took weeks to get the situation sorted out. It was easily the worst experience during the seven years I was teaching in University. I did not get back at her. Retaliation for something like that would have been obvious and would have reflected terribly on me since the administration was already involved in the situation by the time I could have done anything.
I had emergency surgery and while I was out of it a student falsely reported me to my college's administration for being a racist because I wouldn't respond to her groundless complaints about her group members.
My mother in law and sisters in law are like this. We have completely different ideas of how to raise children, and of what is inappropriate for children to watch/listen to/ do, etc. I don't want my four year old listening to rihanna and drake and LMFAO and Lil John, but they let their kids (eight, four, and 18 mo.) listen to the music, watch the music videos, and learn the dance moves. Its important to me that my daughter isnt exposed to oversexualisation, alcoholism, and the idea that partying is the BEST thing to do in life. But the second I go, the music videos come on, the children sing inappropriate lyrics at the top of their lungs, and tv shows like NCIS, and Criminal Minds and Bones get put on for the adults to watch while the kids are in the room. I don't even have a TV in my house, and the iPad we use for netflix/Hulu has massive parental controls installed. Im not saying this is the best way for everyone, but its what I want for my daughter. It should be respected! How hard is it to play kids music? or just turn the channel to PBS kids every once in a while? Not only that, but my mother in law gave my exclusively breastfeed (no solid food yet) four month old PEPSI. to "see if she likes the sugar" because "she looked a little tired" Seriously. I took my daughter away immediately. I didnt even care if i hurt her feelings. I do not understand this idea that many grandparents have that they can do WHATEVER. Its so irresponsible. Especially considering my daughter has a seizure disorder and is on a rather strict diet to help control it. gah. Sorry for the rant.
In Laws give unhealthy food, let my daughter watch and listen to inappropriate media when I'm not around, so they dont get to babysit anymore.
I'll preface this with, I'm a big gamer. I have a whole setup that I have tweaked to perfection. Since I'm a console gamer I had a tv rack (that's rather tall), and a big comfy chair. It's like one of those big armchairs. Since we were moving, my mom decided to toss that chair because it was getting rather old and worn out. She told me we would go shopping for a new one once we moved. I thought fine, a new chair could do just fine. Now to the gift. My sweet mother, knows the basics of my hobby. She knows I game. That's pretty much it. However, I guess she saw a gaming chair at the local Target and thought it'd be a great gift. I know the thought was a sweet one and I was very appreciative, but Christmas came, the chair was delivered, and it was.. less than ideal. I feel terrible because it really is a good idea as a gift, she just happened to buy the worst made one on the market. It's extremely uncomfortable (I barely fit in it, it's that skinny), too low to the ground whereas my tv stand is pretty high up, and requires these wires to connect from the chair to the tv which is just a nuasance. How do I tell her I want to trash it? I've been using it for the past week and it's just too uncomfortable of a chair. I don't know how to talk to her about it because she was so excited and thought she finally found the perfect gift for me.
My mom bought me a cheap, uncomfortable gaming chair for Christmas and I can't possibly use it any longer, but we trashed my original chair so i'd be chairless. Help.
Alright some background first. A little over a month ago I went on a mission trip and we were doing demolition on the interior of a house. I was in a bathroom helping rip out walls, which happened to have tile on it. I pulled down a piece and it came down on my leg, causing a nice fleshy flap and nine stitches. (Mind you earlier that day our head chaperone told us that this would've been either the first or some small number of trips without need of a hospital, I forget the number. So bonus TIFU.) At least that week ended with me going to a concert. So I eventually got the stitches out and start going to unofficial Cross Country practices. Fast forward to last week, official practice starts and I'm doing well. Coach is impressed and I'm hyped for the season. Flash again to today. It's hot so my family goes to the pool and my mom is meeting a friend she hasn't seen in a while there. My brothers and I are taking turns on the diving board and I go up. Now when I jump I tend to bounce about a foot a half from the end of the board an then full force spring off the end of the board. So I go down to spring and my legs buckle and I hit my shin and fall into the water. I come up and my brothers and I realize that my shin, which had looked like it was healing well (skin sealed over and such), completely bust open. I get out and walk to the first-aid table, then thirty seconds later my mom walks in with her friend and I break the news. We were at the pool for barely 15 minutes and my mom and her friend had just walked in and we had to go. So now I have 10 stitches (two inside, eight on the outside) and I have to email my coach. Picture is of the initial incident I couldn't get a picture of this one open. Obvious WARNING that it's not particularly pretty. [Imgur](
I got stitches a over month ago and have had them out for awhile. Shin seemed healed and I slipped on a diving board causing it to open up and cutting short my mom's meeting with a friend she hasn't seen in awhile.
It's used in a different way, but it's still the same word, you know what I mean? Saying :"Fuck man, stai trop fucké hier soir." is still saying "Fuck man, last night was so fucked up". It's not as bad as it is to a francophone ear because we don't attach the same significance to the word, but it has the same impact as it would in english to an anglophone ear. My mom is anglophone and she still gets taken aback when she hears "fuck" on MusiquePlus, even though she understands French and knows how they are using it.
It's still as "bad a word" to an anglophone ear, but not to ours because we don't attach the same importance. Can you tell I used tu pursue a bacc in traduction?
18M 21F. We have been together 1.5 years or so. My girlfriend has told me a few times now that she would like me to slap her, spank her, etc. sometimes while we are having sex. She didn't tell me during a time when we were having sex, don't get that confused. She has mentioned it in conversation to me. While I really enjoy having sex with her (who doesn't like sex?), I can't seem to want to hit her? Like she wants me to slap her in the face and shit. How do I just do that? I mean, I want to make sure she is having a good time as well, but hitting her on purpose? How do I not feel bad about that? I KNOW she wants it, but I feel bad for doing it. And this isn't everytime we have sex. Sometimes it is romantic and sometimes it is more of a wild animal thing, in which case we try to fuck each others brains out as quickly as possible. It is the second of the two that she wishes this would happen. While I am not one to shy away from new things between us, I don't know about hitting her. I have slowly gotten up to spanking her, when we are doing doggy or when she is standing around the house, etc, but I don't know. When I do spank her, it is only once or twice. Any suggestions? Our sex is not one sided, btw. About 98% of the time, I reciprocate for her my feelings, aka, performing some oral on that sweettt thanggg. lol. Seriously though, almost every time, I either perform it before, during, or after because I like it and I like knowing she feels loved.
Girlfriend wants me to start slapping her while having sex sometimes. Am too much of a "pussy" to do it, as one put it. Any suggestions?
Your girlfriend isn't bad at math. She just has has conflicting priorities. Your priority is to pay off your mortgage, and hers is to pay off hers. Assuming that she is serious about moving in with you and she is interested in equitable financial responsibilities, she will need to sell her condo and redirect her resources to paying her equal share of your mortgage. And you know what that sounds like? A fucking marriage , except... you aren't married. That is a lot to ask of her without any real guarantees you are not going to dump her in a few months time. She will then be out of house and home.
If you want her to share your financial priorities then you need to put a ring on it. Otherwise, it really doesn't make sense for her (re: financial independence) to conform to your plan.
I don't know if this is the right sub reddit to post this to but I really don't know of any other. I know 18 is quite young although I have always been quite mature for my age, I want to find love not just some hookup, I hate being lonely all the time and seeing people in happy relationship, it makes me feel just how worthless I am. I feel like there are no good people out there anymore or at least very few of them, it seems like most people don't take relationships seriously anymore and it makes me feel like I wont even have a chance at finding something real. I have suffered from depression for the entirety of my life and anxiety for most of my life, lately my anxiety has gotten really bad and I cant even walk to the local shop anymore without having a panic attack. I don't know how anyone could be interested in me with all my problems, I wouldn't know where to meet people who actually care. I know some people don't find real love until they're 40 or 50 but at 18 I already feel late, I have never had a girlfriend, I never met anyone in school and know its like I will never meet anyone, other people make it look so easy, and other people don't know just how precious a relationship can be. I am seeing a therapist at the moment although that is not going too well, I just need some advice off real people who understand my situation.
Suffer from anxiety and depression, cant go places without having a panic attack, worried I will always be alone, feel like it is too late for me to find love, feel like no one could love me, and feel like real love doesn't exist anymore.
I'm in my early 40's, 5'4, 257lbs. I've been overweight most of my adult life, but I've really packed on the pounds in the last 2 years since I left a job that kept me physically active and took a desk job. I have a bum knee, from a skiing accident about 10 years ago, and both of my shoulders suffer from damage caused by repetitive motion injuries at my old job. I've gotten to the point that I'm tired (literally) of being bulky, awkward, and fatigued all the time, so yesterday I committed to a membership at my local Anytime Fitness. I knew I was out of shape, but I was shocked to find how tired I was, and how much my joints ached after just 10 minutes of walking on the treadmill at a brisk pace (~3mi/hr). I stuck it out for a full half hour, but left feeling I hadn't acheived a "real" workout. It's a start, sure. But I wonder whether it's enough for me to see enough progress not to get discouraged. My tentative plan is to focus for the first few days (weeks?) on just forming the habit of working out. I'm thinking that I can commit to half an hour on the treadmill on my way home from work every day. But what should I be aiming for from there? Building my pace up to a certain point? Spending longer walking each day? Maybe adding more incline after that? Eventually, I definitely want to start building some muscle, as well, though I'm a bit overwhelmed by the number of choices of weights and machines to choose from. I've looked for articles to study online, but it seems that most of the ones I've found are along the lines of, "Kick Start Your New Year ( with this vomit-inducing routine )!" or "Get Cut!" or "Lose That Last 10 Pounds!" All that is well and good, but it's just not where I'm at, yet. I find that I am motivated best when I have simple, specific goals that I can strive for on a daily basis. E.g: This week I will walk at 3mph for half an hour each day. Next week I will walk at 3.5mph for half an hour. The following week I will add a 1% incline ... or what have you.
Do you have advice and/or resources to recommend for someone who is seriously overweight and out of shape to set up an exercise routine, with simple short-term goals I can reasonably hope to acheive.
It seems the relationship I've been in for 3 years is causing me so much stress. He is 23 I am 22. Like I've said we've been together for 3 years and we have a little girl.She is the best thing. We've had a lot of ups and downs and I feel like I've done my best with supporting him through out those moments. Lately it just seems as if he's taking me for granted and is not appreciating all the work I'm putting into this home. Also his attitude is just negative. When I met him he went to school, had a job and went to AA. HE did everything he was suppose to and was on track with his life.When he met me I had 2 jobs, went to school and supported myself. A year into our relationship he dropped out of school, went through several jobs, and gave up his sobriety. I end up pregnant. I love him so I try to to motivate him the best way I know how. From that point he gets kicked out of his apartment and has no money to support his bad habits.I help him out and pay some of his credit card debt. He seems better without the drugs and alcohol. He finds a job and wants to go back to school. (He doesn't have to pay for school) We have our daughter. For two months we are consistent. But then he starts up his bad habits again. HE quits his job and becomes a stay at home dad. Now I am the only one working and am feeling overwhelmed. His dad helps with rent but at the end of the month with all the bills I'm down to $10. He then spends what he can for his selfish purpose. When I helped him out he said he would help me pay off my school bills but now he has no income. He occasionally cleans up the house but begrudgingly. I just feel like I am giving much into this relationship and I am starting to become a nag. I've suggested that he goes back to AA but that becomes an argument. Reddit this is starting to tear me down. I want to be a role model for my girl and I do not feel like I am at my best. Is it there any advice or words of wisdom? Should I leave or try my best for my family?
Boyfriends depression and substance abuse is affecting our home life. His anger and moodiness is making me feel depressed as well. I am the only one working. Should I leave or try to get him help
accidentally posted to self first) So I became best friends with a girl in high school. She was my best friend for three years, during which time I became friends with all of her friends, basically integrated into her group. Well, about a year and a half ago we sort of realized that we had feelings for each other. We went to colleges an hour and a half apart but still made it work for a year and a half (during which time I moved in with one of her best friends form childhood). Anyways, about a few months ago my ex cheated on me. (By the way, a word of advice: don't date your best friend, ever. When it ends, you lose so much more than just a lover.) So yeah, she cheated on me and then broke up with me. The situation was weird because allllll of our friends were mutual (I'm living with one of her oldest friends, who is now also a good friend of mine). Anyways, I was handling it best I could. Then my ex, about a month after we break up, starts dating the kid she cheated on me with. I was devastated ("how could she move on so quickly?" etc). Here is the problem: since my ex is friends with all of my friends, she's slowly been introducing the guy to all of them. I hate this dude with a passion for obvious reasons, but I don't really have any support, because everyone I know is friends with her and wants to be supportive of her too so they don't want to pick sides. This whole thing is killing me inside. What do I do? (and I get the whole, "meet new people, get new friends", but it doesn't really work like that. I love my friends, it just sucks that they're also all friends with the ex.)
dated my best friend, she cheated on me and left me for the new guy, problem is all of our friends are mutual and are meeting the new guy and can't really hate him because they want to be supportive of her as well
This will definitely get buried, but whatevs. Met this girl online -- I had just moved half way across the country and didn't know a goddamned soul. Whatever. Anyway, she's cute, we chat for a bit, then decide to finally meet in a pretty public place. We decide on a comedy club, and the headliner is Pauley Shore. Now, I'm super stoked, because she's hot, it's fucking Pauley Shore, and who doesn't love that guy?? Anyway, the night comes, and we decide to meet at the club. I show up, and find her stumbling out of the bathrooms with these other 2 girls, all of whom are completely blitzed out of their minds. The two girls are her cousins, which is fine and all, some girls are hesitant to meet a guy from online alone. And they had nice racks, so whatever, I had no problem with them sticking around. So we get to our tables, and the opening act comes on. One joke in, my date leaps from the table and goes running for the door. Sadly, she doesn't make it, and trips over some chick's purse, and hits her face on the fire escape door. She sits back onto her knees, and immediately barfs everywhere. Her two cousins just sit there and laughing at her, then turn to go back to watching the show. Now, the gentleman that I am takes her outside before the bouncer can throw all of us out, and I wait with her in my car until the show is over and her cousins can take her home. The entire time she is half passed out, mumbling and occasionally sticking her head out the door to puke. Needless to say, I did not get to see Pauley Shore that night. The next day I got a text from her apologizing about the night before, and saying thanks for taking her out of there, because if they had found out she was only 19 she would have gone to jail for violating her probation regarding alcohol.
Went on a date to a comedy club with an underage drunk girl, who barfed all over the club. Did not get to see Pauley Shore.
So this actually didn't happen today. It happened two months ago, but I finally have learned to laugh at it. At the time, I was working at a physical therapist's office as an aide. I had just started and was working there to boost my application in Physical Therapy school. Unfortunately, around that time my brain also decided it wanted to be depressed. Everything was horrible and all I wanted to do was lie in bed in the dark. I could've been at the Grand Canon or on a yacht in Venice and I still would have felt miserable. Regardless, I just dragged myself out of bed and went through the motions of my life. On this particular day, I woke up and just couldn't get out of bed. I couldn't do it. So, I text my supervisor and instead of telling her "I have a cold" or like, I don't know, "My Grandma died" or even just admitting I was depressed... I say I fell down the steps and sprained my ankle and couldn't come in. She, of course, freaks out and tells me that they'll look at it next week, because, you know, they treat sprained ankles all the time. It's like their job. I, in turn, freak out, but decide I'll just wing it when I go to work the next week. They seem to like me there, so whatever. Whelp, those kind hearts put me on the exam room table and decide to have a look at my very not-sprained ankle. Immediately, they see how very not sprained it is and I try to fake a little pain to no avail. It gets kind of awkward after that and they quickly finish up their poking and prodding and let me off the table and back to work. Word spreads about my little fuck up. Some people, who know me better, are kind of confused, others actually believe my ankle story, but most are just like totally weirded out by it. I quit shortly after and went to a psychiatrist to get help. I since have found another job and don't have to will myself out of bed anymore.
I called out of work with a sprained ankle I didn't have. I work at a place that treats sprained ankles. They went to look at it the following week. Awkwardness ensued.
A quick question to women who like men (or men who like men... :P) Do all nice guys finish last? Because it just seems to me that the only guys who end up with gfs treat them like sh*t or just aren't particularly nice people... I have been described as being "too nice" once or twice, and during my past couple of relationships I was walked over a fair bit, but being nice is in my nature. Is it just that nice girls seem to go out with douches? Or that only bitches go out with nice guys? A second opinion from the other gender would be greatly appreciated. By the way, I am pretty sure this has been asked a couple of billion times on here already, and if so link me to it and I will remove this one.
Why is it that all the nice guys often don't have gfs? Or that nice girls only go out with douchebags (or rather people I consider to be douchebags)
Tipping is by no means mandatory and like every job, there's always some schmuck that managed to get the job that doesn't deserve to be paid. But if they are trying please tip. Even if they fuck something up. I feel it's not hard to tell the difference between somebody who is trying and failing vs somebody who just doesn't care. If they are trying, help them out. Especially in Texas... servers/bartenders/ANY TIPPABLE EMPLOYEE can be paid $2.13/hour. If we made a real wage your food would be much more expensive. There really is no such thing as a free lunch... Lastly, depending on where you work, serving can be an extremely difficult job. So many movies/tv shows these days seem to perpetuate the stereotype that all you do is take an order, what's so hard about your job? If was so damn easy would there be so many bad servers?
servers in my state make $2/hour which makes your menu price lower and if it was such and easy fucking job why are there so many terrible servers?
Be a person, not a dictator. This sounds harsh, but its how your students will think. In highschool, i hated most authority figures because they lorded it over us like they were gods, threatening us constantly, screaming at us at the top of their lungs, and generally treating us like we werent worth the air we breathe, let alone the hour they spend with us every day. I was a good kid, but it didnt matter. In most teachers eyes, all students are shit. Contrarilly, the few teachers that i liked, i loved. One was a math teacher who, and this is literally all he had to do, acted like a person. He was just a guy teaching math, maybe sharing a laugh or two, but nothing like "the fun teacher" stereotype. If you didnt want to learn math kr were being an ass, he'd just send you out in the hall. No drama, no shouting, just "jenkins, your seat in the hall is missing you." Another one let us dictate our own abilities and didnt just cater to the lowest potential. It was english, so it may be easier than others, but, as an example, we had to give a presentation on any mythology at the end of the year. Fresh off of finishing the illiad, i just offered to go the day it was assigned raher than the day it was due, serve as an example of what to or not to do, and then help other students since i was a massive mythology nerd. It didnt inconveniance anyone and she knew i was serious, so i gave a thirty minute presentation that day. Lastly, my all time favorite teacher did something no other did. He forced us to learn how to think. He was technically an english teacher, but he may as well have taught philosophy. Every day, he would come in and say "so what do you want to talk about today?" And the class, or the first person to speak up, could bring up anything. Anything! A boyfriend cheating or the dicotomy between good and evil, whatever! And he would play devils advocate, bringing up the counterarguments and getting the whole class to just debate any topic an think about it from different angles. The great thing was that his whole class, as in the course, was up for debate. Dont want to read the grapes of wrath? Tell me why and what we should be reading instead, change my mind and we'll change the class.
realize that youre all different people, none better than the other, who are stuck in a room together for an hour. Engage them, talk to them, not at them. Be a person, not an overlord, and treat them like people, not maggots.
I know I want my first name to be Llil, it's a nickname that I've always adored. I feel like a different person when people call me Llil. Like I'm a fucking superhero and everything in the past just disappears. I don't say anything when people call me by my real name, it is my name. I secretly hate it every time though. I have no interest in continuing my family name. Before the bashing starts let me just say (long story short...), my family sucked growing up and I'm shocked I am now a functioning human being. I don't mean sending me to my room when I was bad. I'm talking crazy drug abuse, not having dinner, being passed off from relative to relative because we got evicted, sleeping in the car, wearing the same socks all week because that was all I had. So basically, I don't want to share the name anymore. Anywho, on to the question!
I need a new last name! Give me some cool names. Llil _ __ Be as crazy as you want with it, my current #1 is Llil Rex (like the T-rex) edit: I do not wish to wait until marriage, that won't be happening anytime soon.
Hi all, throwaway here. I have a serious problem that I'm trying really hard to overcome with this woman that I've been dating. I've noticed that I have serious trust issues that I believe are from what happened in my previous relationship. My previous relationship ended around 4 years ago. My girlfriend at the time and I were engaged and had been dating for around 2 years until I found out she was cheating on me. I shouldn't have, but I took her back and we delayed the engagement. Around 6 months later, I found out from a friend that she was cheating on me again with the same guy. I ended it for good there, but that was one of the worst feelings in my life. I believe that's where my trust issues came from because before she cheated on me the first time, I was always very relaxed and never had any trust issues in relationships. Within the past four years, I've had numerous short relationships that ended because we didn't click well. However, a little over a month ago, I met this amazing woman online and we've been on around 8 dates and things have been started to get serious. I like her a lot, but the trust issues are coming back; however, I haven't shown them and act carefree. They're really stupid things like she said she went for dinner and it just jumps in the back of my mind that she may have went out on a date with another guy, or that I haven't been inside of her house yet as she has a roommate (that I haven't met) and we always go to my place instead. I really don't want to screw this up as she's the first woman I've actually liked being around and talking with since my ex. Has anyone here experienced trust issues before and overcome it? If so, can anyone please give me some advice that I can hopefully try to use to overcome this? I really dislike being this way, but my mind is a SOB sometimes.
I was cheated on by fiance in past relationship 4 years ago; met girl I like a lot now; having trouble trusting her. Can anyone give me some advice on how to overcome this?
It's not a huge thing, but I stole one of the fetus models in the biology departments's display of the "stages of pregnancy". They had five cutaway bellies of a pregnant woman, and there were five different fetuses of increasingly large size. I stole the one that was about 5 inches tall. I was the editor of the school paper and we decided to give it a place of honor in our office; hanging from a noose over the door frame like a mistletoe. We named it "Beelzebaby" and put 666 on his forehead. (this was 1986 and we loved Iron Maiden). Two days after I stole him our biology teacher comes storming into the newsroom looking for me. I'm freaking out and white as a ghost. Clearly I was caught. I stand up to meet him, and thus placed myself squarely between him and the hanging Beelzebaby in the doorway to our back office; thus blocking his view. It turns out he had come to report that someone had stolen the fetus model and thought we could do a story about it for the paper; in shock I furiously nodded my head and told him absolutely, whatever we could do to help we could. All the while he was moving side to side and I was doing my best to subtly match his movements and continue to block the fetus that was hanging about 24 inches behind my head. Finally I told him I'd assign a reporter to it and he left satisfied. It took a full five seconds after the door shut behind him that I let out a deep breath, and then noticed my buddy Chris in the corner. He had the most horrified look I'd ever seen on a human (and I've seen someone with their arm bone sticking out of their arm). And then his expression turned to a smile and he busted out laughing. We quietly wrapped up beelzebaby and I took him home and threw him away. Apparently the whole set cost the school like $500 in 1986 money and I still feel really bad about that.
Stole a Fetus display, named it Beelzebaby, hung it in effigy, and the biology teacher asked me to do a story about the crime for the school paper, not realizing I'd committed the crime.
Firstly, I want to stress that neither he nor I are alcoholics. Neither of us have ever had a history with drinking abuse. He just thinks that it can be such a dangerous thing that it's better to not get involved with it at all. That idea is so deeply embedded into him that he has an extreme disdain for even the thought of anyone drinking alcohol. And by that, I mean this is the same disdain for someone passed out drunk as someone having a glass of wine with dinner. I, however, like to drink. I'm not a crazy partier, but I do like to have a beer every now and then, and occasionally I do like to get drunk with my friends if we're sitting around at home. This isn't common and I'm very responsible about it, but the fact that it's even a possibility for me is a huge problem for him. I never drink when he's around because I know that would make him uncomfortable. In fact, we don't even live in the same state. He lives in Georgia and I live in Florida, but we get to see each other about two weekends a month. But in the past four or so months, if he's heard that I've gone out to get margaritas with my friends, it's become a huge problem. It's even become a problem if he hears I'm going out with my friends at all, because he knows there'e even a possibility that I'll drink that night. However, the night we met I was drunk, so it has never, ever been a secret that I've drank. Now he says his feelings about this have gotten worse because he has grown to care about me so much and can't bear to think that I drink. I feel like I might be in the wrong for not giving it up for him since I know it bothers him so much, but at the same time I feel like I'm an adult and can make my own responsible decisions. I feel like I'm not hurting anyone and there's nothing wrong with having a drink every now and then. I know he just wants the best for me, but I think this is a little extreme.
My boyfriend HATES the thought of anyone drinking any amount of alcohol. I like to drink and that has been very clear since the night we met. But now he wants me to stop drinking completely because it bothers him so much, but I don't want to.
Recruiter here: this works well for large companies, but bottom line is that for most jobs, especially for companies in the <500 ppl range, your best bet is not to apply online, but to go around HR completely. HR looks for reasons to say no, and to completely stereotype: HR is the most worthless and lazy part of any organization. Find the person you would most likely report to and call them. Find out what that person is looking for, if they don't need someone like you, then ask if they know anyone. Finding a job is sales work and that's why so many people are bad at it.
don't apply online if you can help it, call the person you would be reporting to, get his/her email, and send your resume directly to them. Then call again to follow up.
First post btw --- So me and my family had gone to our holiday house, where we spend summer holidays due to the fact that it's super close to the beach and in a warmer weather than the normal one. My father is a very VERY hairy man and kept all the windows on our house open, even at night (9~~11pm) when I asked him to close them because I felt cold, and he just ignored me. This also caused a lot of mosquitos to wander in and to annoy me and my brother forever.. Then he told us him and mom would be leaving a bit and they'd be back after a while. I immediatelly thought of something: I went to his room (Their room, sorry mom) and turned on the light, then turned off all other lights in the house, in an attempt to draw mosquitos into his (their) bedroom. After a considerable amount of time, I closed the door and turned off the light. When they came back, they spent some time doing other stuff but went to sleep rather quickly. Next morning my dad complained about mosquitos and started turning on the AC instead of opening the windows. That doesn't bother me very much because it's a different kind of cold (>.>).
Dad always keeps windows open at night "because he's feeling hot" this draws mosquitos in, I lured the mosquitos into his bedroom, he never did it again
Hello /r/relationship_advice, I think I may have a predicament on my hands. Well I'll just kinda give a brief history. My girlfriend has been staying with her stepmother because her parents are both crazy. I think it has been 3 years now. The father has moved away and didn't want anything to do with her and her real mother can't afford to have her at home and is a bit crazy. So she and her blood brother [20m] live with the stepmom. Their stepmom has 1 son [20m] and both him and the blood brother are womanizers. They have slept with their fair share of women. So fast foward to today; I was talking to my girlfriend about her stepbrothers girlfriend (who is expecting a child) and she was telling me about their history. [As to avoid confusion I will make a key Girlfriend;L BloodBrother;R Stepbrother;B Stepbrothersgirlfriend;C] Okay so L was telling me about B and C's relationship history and how B has cheated on C multiple times and yadayadayada. So I tell L that my friend[20f] has slept with B quite recently and out of nowhere L starts to get watery eyes. L said "i knew it.. he is such a dick...just like his father" so at first i was Then I recalled a time where L told me she was going running with B in the morning. She said she past by my work and I asked her if she's seen my car parked outside I drive a car that is not like other people's so I expected her to recognize mine . L said "no, i was trying not to lose pace" I didnt think much but the very next day she was sore (as expected from running right?) and we had sex that day and I saw something strange during sex. There were these white creamy color chunks on the base of my penis and on my pubes. They weren't hard chunks, but soft. I didn't think anything of it so we continued. Fast forward to today. I asked her again about the running and what route she took home. She said she didn't remember and then she did. But it was like she was hesitating or trying to remember. Idk... but the main reason I include this is what if L and B slept together (Thus making her sore) and B came inside of L? Maybe I am insane or bonkers or just too insecure but when I left her house I just had this Gut Wrenching feeling like she has cheated on me with B. What would give me reason to think? Well they are both young and attractive people. They get along like anyother stepsiblings... but what makes me think about this is B is a damn good womanizer. I've seen some of his strategies on picking up women at parties and I must tip my hat too him. So what if he used some of these strategies on picking up L? I
I have a hunch my girlfriend might be cheating on me with her stepbrother. P.S. Sorry for ALL the confusion. If you have managed to read it through the end I thank you for the time.
I'm no longer religious, but I certainly asked myself why I was religious, and these are my reasons. Note: These go in order on a scale of "Why I stayed religious after childhood" to "Why I became religious in the first place" 1) Social Affirmation. My religious groups were filled with people who had similar interests and beliefs, and we interacted anywhere from 2-4 days a week, making these groups a second family. 2) Religious Experience. Much like the wave of energy and emotion that flows through a crowd at a concert, a religiously motivated worship service (at least from a Pentecostal-ish standpoint) summons emotions and reactions that are very different from day to day life. Since I wasn't exposed to concerts (outside of a religious context), these emotions were only caused by religious services, and this (to me) was a partial confirmation of religious truth. 3) Insulation. For me, being raised in my specific church meant I didn't get a chance to understand the wide variety of backgrounds people can come from. When everyone you know (minus a few people from school) is Christian and shares similar moral values, your religion appears to be the only truth. 4) Impressionable Mindset. Children are impressionable beings. Part of raising a child is molding facts and processes into their mind based on what you (as a parent) believe is important to surviving life. My parents wanted me to be Christian and to have (modern) Judeo-Christian values. I don't know how much of a role this played in me staying religious in my teenage years, but it certainly affected my childhood.
I was religious because in religion I had a social group, felt emotions that were never felt outside of religious services, was insulated from non-religious experiences and backgrounds, and was raised to believe in my religion.
His voice notes are typically for things he's planning on doing/creating, he was showing me a bunch of him singing/humming different melodies when he opened one. It started with "The sound effect of a pokeball opening" and then he turned if off really quick and said to me "You weren't supposed to hear that." Now IF IT'S WHAT I THINK IM THINKING, I'm pretty stoked. And what I'm thinking about is those pokeball ring boxes. Because I do vividly remember talking about how I thought a pokemon proposal was absolutely adorable (I was girl-ing out on pinterest when I said this). Opinions on what it might be? Cheating? (doubt it 100%, but I know how much this sub loves that one) A present? (It's not our anniversary, or birthdays, and obv christmas is pretty far away). The thing I'm thinking?? Or am I just getting overly excited over something silly. Also if this is what I'm thinking, how do I display that I don't want a nerdy pokemon themed anything? I play pokemon go, and we play pokemon stadium 1&2 as drinking games quiet often. But I'm not a huge pokemon person. So if this is a proposal Idk.. I would still say yes and love and appreciate all of it regardless because it's the thought that counts. But I'm a photographer - so you know; Aesthetics. The reason I think it may be a proposal is because he's been overly happy and affectionate lately, and he's typically always a really up-beat guy. Also we've had some amazing conversations and talks about our future plans recently and really feel very close at the moment. Obviously this isn't something I'm going to chat with my girls about because this is a very wild assumption based of a silly voice note, so I figured I'd ask reddit. All in all, I'll probably forget about it entirely in a couple of days, so just keep in mind I'm an easily excitable person and also not taking this seriously.
Heard a voice note on my boyfriends phone that I wasn't supposed to hear. Our relationship is going really well and he's extra happy lately and I want some other opinion on what it might be.
Long distance, UK to Australia. Got really close to this girl, who I believed was to be 20, she recently told me she lied and she's 16 which has thrown me for a loop. In both our countries, it's legal for a 23 and 16 to be together. She definitely doesn't look it, hence why I fell for the lie and she's really mature but at the same time it feels weird now? I feel horrible for cutting off contact, but at the same time she shouldn't have lied to me.
Got close to a girl Told me she was 20 when she's 16. I'm 23. Cut contact since It's legal in our countries but I feel bad for cutting contact?
I am a security guard, and one of the most important things drilled into our heads is "Don't leave your post until your replacement arrives." So to the story, I work overnights (midnight to 10am). In middle of my sleep, around 6:30 pm (I normally sleep from 2pmish-10pmish) I get a phone call from my coworker, Art. He asks if I can come in 2 hours early so he can pick up his daughter from somewhere. I think about it and decide that I can't do it, because 12hrs (plus an hour and 1/2 drive) was not something I wanted to do on 4-5 hours sleep. I tell him no. Fast forward a few hours, I show up at my shift and he is nowhere to be found. The door to the security office is locked. I go around to the back entrance, which is normally unlocked to let managers at the business we guard go through. I am able to get in through it. At this point I am thinking he is in the bathroom, but after 10 minutes, I realize this probably isn't the case. I ask a few people if they have seen Art and they say they haven't seen anyone at the security desk for a little while. I decide to check the cameras. I skim through the camera logs and discover that he left at 11:30. Thirty minutes before I was scheduled to arrive. My first thought is to report him. But, I notice he left a notebook here. It was opened up to a page where he had some goals outlined that basically amounted to getting his life on the right track. SO that coupled with the fact that him leaving may have had something to do with his daughter, makes me hesitant to turn him in. Leaving one's post is a termination level offense. At the same time, there is a very small chance that our supervisor could find out that he left early without me mentioning it. In that case, i could get in trouble for not saying anything.
Should I report a coworker (and possible cause him to lose his job) or should I be silent on the issue and hope the supervisor doesn't find out other ways?
I think I can make a good case for my buddy here. We were drinking at our buddy's condo in downtown Vancouver, before we started walking towards the entertainment district through the gay neighbourhood road beers in hand. So, far starters, my buddy literally starts hitting on every woman regardless of age, nationality, or creed to massive distain. We're waiting at this crosswalk to cross the street when this homeless, overweight Native woman stumbles to the walk drunk. So my buddy goes, HEY, I'LL GIVE YOU THE REST OF MY BEER IF YOU SHOW US YOUR TITS, which happens to be like, a sip. Incredibly embarrassed at this point, then she actually does it. It basically looked as awful as you'd think. So my buddy yells OH MY GOD I JUST GOT THIS UGLY BLACK CHICK TO SHOW US HER TITS! She raises her arms in a celebratory fashion and throws the bottle. Honestly, I don't think anyone emerged with their dignity intact in that exchange. We keep on walking and he decides to vault a bench, spraining his finger. Basically, the rest of the night, he nursed his finger in a McDonalds cup for the remainder of the night. We then arrive at our destination, the pub where he fingers a married lady with a kid. Also, I forgot to mention, we're 20. Yeah. Anyways, we leave the pub to walk to the car, all the while he's telling random girls it's his birthday for hugs. Eventually we come across this huge surly looking black guy making out with this girl, and we're all like, oh shit, what the hell is Derp going to do, honestly worried for his safety. He goes up to them and boisterously yells it's my birthday! To our surprise, the guy totally embraces him and goes HAPPY BIRTHDAY PLAYA and hugs the chick. Then, he goes, HEY. Do you know how to Dougie? And he starts dancing, and the black guy starts dancing, and the whole thing turns into a danceoff until the black guy can't take it anymore and bursts out laughing with the rest of us. He actually beat a black guy in a dance competition, it blew our minds. And of course because my buddy isn't one to end things on a low note, he threw up on the car on the way home. Love that kid.
My friend made a pass on every woman on the streets of Vancouver, got a homeless woman to show us her tits for a sip of beer, fucked up his finger, aided in adultery, beat a black guy in a dance competition and threw up everywhere.
In theory, I believe that this is a wonderful idea. However, about 50% of the patients that I care for at the hospital are addicts. The lesson that I have learned from them is this - they have to be ready to stop using to become successful. No matter if I admit someone twice a month with EITHER alcohol abuse or drug abuse, I offer assistance with cessation if they are interested. It is astounding how many people will not accept care that is offered to them free of cost (I am lucky and work with a charity hospital - not a county hospital - and we have some pretty great resources provided by our foundation. The key in that is that the patient has to truly want to stop using. Also, regarding the health care system treating users like they are less than huma -- it is unbelievable true. I am amazed at how some of my colleagues will treat this patient population. The most common scenario is to have a heroine user come in with some type of injury - broken bones, multiple abscesses, pancreatitis, etc - who have excrutiating pain and are denied analgesics because they 'did this to [themselves]' according to the physicians. I find that it is more helpful to be honest with the patient. I tell them, 'listen, we are going to have a really hard time controlling your pain because your nerves are physiologically different now and also there is no conversion of heroine to dilaudid or morphine, but i promise that i will try my best to control your pain but please be patient with me.' These patients are often notorious for lashing out at their physicians but I find after having an honest conversation, the doctor-patient relationship can actually become a therapeutic one instead of acting as adversaries... But I digress --- I have so many thoughts on this topic/ issue
paying for rehab for these patients is theoretically a good idea but in my experience, only if the addict is willing to actually accept the help and take ownership of their health/ body. P.S. Honestly, I'm not trying to preach or lecture.
I'm no expert, but I like to fish and I keep aquariums. It looks like it is just a Channel Catfish to me. Someone correct me if I am wrong please. [Here is a link]( to a 'care sheet" and some other information about them including what kinds of fish you can keep with it, what to feed it, and more. A lot of the info in that link is irrelevant to your situation, so you will have to search through it for what you want to know. Some things I read that you might want to note: They get big, and they get big fast. You will need much bigger tanks if you intend to keep it. They aren't picky eaters. Feeder fish, blood worms, sinking pellets, the link says almost anything will do fine. That being said, cat fish are tough. If you can't keep it you don't have to release it back into the lake you found it in if it is too far away. Even something like a retention pond (as long as their are other fish, such as blue gill, in it as well) will work. The chances that the fish will survive just fine in a different body of water are pretty high. If all you have nearby is a retention pond and you want to release it, just throw some bread into the pond first and wait to see if small pan fish start nibbling at it. If there are small fish in there attacking the bread then I would say the fish will be just fine.
They get big, eat almost anything, the fish would probably be fine if you released it in a different body of water than the one you found it in. There's a link up there ^^^ Good luck! :)
I am 23 and I have a lot of health issues. I have psoriatic arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease to name the reasons I am a medical patient. I'm 5' 2.5" and I weight 79lbs and it's the only thing that has helped alleviate some of my symptoms without injecting myself with chemo drugs and biological agents. He just got out of the army and wants to be a state trooper. I told him I use it medically and he said he doesn't mind but that was it. We've been talking for about a month. Is this combination pretty much doomed to fail with my marijuana use?
I am a medical marijuana patient and I like a guy who wants to be a state trooper. Will my mmj use doom this relationship?
Ok, recently a close friend and I got into it because I was getting the vibe that she was ignoring me. First off, this is my best friend. It has always taken her along time to respond to messages or return phone calls. Mostly, because she is terrible with her phone and misplaces it all the time, or just saw it, planned on responding, then forgot it or whatever. Recently though, here little mobile online indicator has been showing her logging on to Facebook multiple times after I've messaged her or called her without her making an effort to reply to me. This is ok to do to acquaintances, but you don't really do this to some one who is supposed to be your best friend. Eventually, I let her know that it bothered me to see her get onto Facebook (from her phone) without responding, and that it makes me feel like I'm being ignored. She got extremely mad and basically accused me of tracking her online activity, which if any of you who have a Facebook knows is ridiculous. I mean, Facebook tells you over to the side who and when they were online. She then said that it's lying, and that she isn't online any of those times. Then she claimed if I was a real friend I wouldn't jump to conclusions and think she was ignoring me. I tried to explain that I guess it's a misunderstanding then, and apologized. She's still mad and won't talk to me.
Facebook has lead me to believe a friend has started ignoring me. So, basically, how have other people reacted to similar situations? Should I have made other assumptions or none at all? Was I being invasive by pointing out the Facebook stuff? What would you have said?
Actually the reason that our normal proteins change configuration is because the predominately beta pleated sheet form of proteins is actually more stable then the tertiary structure for many proteins when it is stacked but only very slightly. So what happens is when you get a misfolded protein other proteins use it as a framework to also refold into the beta pleated sheet form which then deposit on top of each other (which is why they assume the beta pleated sheet form all of that interaction makes delta G < 0. These beta pleated sheets then continue to aggregate and eventually form plaques which the body has no way to break down causing the neural damage.
basically once one protein misfolds into the beta pleated sheet form in blood plasma other proteins can use it as a frame to also turn into beta pleated sheets forming plaque
when I was working as a marketing coordinator, I found out the newly hired receptionist was getting paid more than me (I had been there for almost a year). when my 1 year anniversary came up, I asked my boss for a raise to be paid on par with the receptionist and the other coordinators. He kept stalling and delaying it, until finally after a few months he said he couldn't put it through until next year because the budget had already been set. I was furious and insulted, and said if I didn't get the raise within 4 weeks that I'd quit. we had a really big tradeshow coming up that i dedicated a lot of time to the previous year, so not only was it my only bargaining chip, it was also something that I refused to put in unpaid overtime into if I wasn't getting the raise. I end up finding another job that actually paid $18,000 more than what i was initially asking for, and was being promoted for a management-level position based on all the work i had done at that current job. so obviously i put in my notice to quit for the better job/money/opportunity. when i told my boss he was furious, and said he thought i was joking about the raise. he initially refused to let me quit because there was too much work to be done, to which I laughed. anyways, turns out, my boss had put in a request for my raise to the marketing budget (which turned out to be more than what i was asking for), but he was deferring it to his own salary for himself the whole time! when the owners found out about this, they fired my boss and sued him.
my old boss was deferring what was supposed to be my raise into his salary. he ended up getting fired & sued, I quit and found a better job
I was thinking about taking a Saturday where I don't look at a clock the entire day. I would obviously have to have no obligations that day (a full 24 hours), or places to be, or things to do. It would need to be a day during which I can do whatever I want. I could go to a museum. I could decide to drive anywhere and back on only one tank of gas. I could drive to a water hole and try to catch fish all day. I could even just lay in my room and fall in and out of sleep all day while watching DVD's of Seinfeld. But then, I realized that museums aren't open 24 hours a day, so I would need to know when it was open before I drove there and when it closed (or even if it was open that day), necessitating a clock. If I drove in my car anywhere, I would more than likely hear the time on the radio, see the time on the radio display, or accidentally hear a radio show and instantly know what time it was based on my experience listening to the radio. The water hole I drive to probably closes at a certain time (whether it's private or public), and so I'd need to keep that in mind, necessitating a clock. And even if I watched TV all day, holed up in my room while the blinds blocked out the sunlight (and nobody came to call at the door), who would want to spend a no-clock day day trapped inside a cubicle? My point is, I remember when I was a kid. And I didn't have shit to do all day except to play. And I rarely, if ever, looked at a clock and adhered to a schedule. I just was. And that feeling has gotten lost on me over my lifetime. I'd like to change that.
I'm going to make a concerted effort to spend a day without checking the time, in order to actually enjoy the day, smell the roses, and not dwell so much on how long I should spend doing something.
As the title says, I now have an ex-girlfriend. To make a long story short, she went away for the summer to work at a camp. We had what I thought was a strong relationship but it fell apart in horrible ways as the summer wore on. Limited communication on her end is mostly to blame, though I am sure there are underlying factors she won't tell me about. We are now officially broken up. We did the whole fighting, yelling via text thing. We're on to putting things to rest. I know I "deserve better." Someone who values my time and feelings and devotion in ways she never did. But that assurance is hardly helpful right now. So I have two questions. First, how can we go about being friends/non-romantic acquaintances? With my previous ex I burned that bridge to the ground and regret that I did. Despite what happened between us, how she treated me, this ex is a wonderful person (outside of a relationship setting) I would like to stay in contact with. Secondly, how to I pull myself together? I am absolutely devastated. The summer was hell, and I pulled myself through it by telling myself things would work out once she put in some effort. She never did. I wrote love songs and break up songs and have spent too many nights without sleep. I loved her with all I had, and she gave nothing back. I feel like all my effort and my suffering was wasted, I feel betrayed by someone who once told me they loved me, and I feel hopeless, because I know I did everything I possibly could to make things work. Any help on both of these would be very much appreciated.
My ex-girlfriend was horrible to me via distance, we broke up, I am now thoroughly devastated and looking for ways to move forward without burning bridges.
Its kinda odd that our relationship has been starting to hit rocky shores because of this topic but it seems very reasonable. My girlfriend and I (both 17) are starting to have relationship problems, as we are starting to fight more, get in more arguments and just frankly not get along too well. We've been dating for more than a year and our sex life has been better than excellent. But it's starting to come to the point now that she feels that all I am interested in half the time is just having sex since it is all we do. Whenever were at each others houses we always have sex like its a given as to what we would do that day. She thinks that it's starting to take a toll on our relationship as we can't do anything but have sex like hangout without it. Obviously I love her so very much and don't want our relationship to end but it seems its very close to the finish. I really want to change our ways because I do believe half of it is my fault because of how horny I am. (trust me she is also very horny too) I don't know why but it always seems I get too heated in the moment and want to rip my clothes off and have sex with her but I really need to control that now since she sees the negatives of only having sex. we both go to school at the moment so we don't spend that much time together other than school so when we do see each other we are going to have sex. what should I do if I want to try and fix my relationship as its too based on the sex we have? (ofc its not the ONLY thing we do but it is a good portion) I love her and I really want to fix things as I understand how she feels and how she thinks our relationship is too based on sex. Would love to hear some of your guyss opinions and stories.
always had a lot of sex with my girlfriend, she is starting to think that's what our relationship is based on and is unsure if she loves me anymore.
I started sort of "seeing" this girl (went on a couple of dates). We got a long really well, freakishly had a lot in common (she's like another version of me), and just really enjoyed each others company. The last time I saw her was last Thursday. We hung out all day, everything went well, had heaps of fun, spoke to her again on friday and she was meant to come out with myself and some friends that night but she had to be up early for her dad who was visiting her from Canada. Anyway, I sent her a text on saturday night and didn't get a response. Didn't really bother me because I knew she was out at an event at the time. Sent her a text sunday afternoon asking how her night was. No response. Sent her another one a few hours later asking if she was alive. And again no response. I was kind of weirded out by this as she's the type of girl who is pretty open with herself, and if she'd lost interest or didn't think it was going to work, I'm 98% sure she would have told me. And the thing is, is that it's not like we ended our last outing on any weird/awkward terms. We still spoke afterwards the same as we always do. So as of yesterday (monday) I just left it at maybe I was wrong and she just doesn't want to hurt my feelings or whatever. I tried calling her last night and her phone went straight to voice mail. Ok strange. Maybe her phones just dead. Tried calling her again an hour ago, and the same thing. It went to voice mail again. Also another thing, she has not been on facebook in two days (what the chat side bar tells me). I'm kind of tempted to message her sister, who she lives with, on facebook and ask if everything is okay with her. Sooooo yeah, I'm just confused as hell right now. What do I do?
Girl I was "seeing" stopped replying to my messages. Kind of weird as she was talking to me the day after the last time we saw eachother. Phones dead. No facebook for two days. Has something happened?
So, this may or may not be related. But my fiance and I like to make strangers and new acquaintances uncomfortable by creating false tension in a room through openly mocking and fighting with each other. It usually either breaks the ice people when they realize we're just joking or scares them away. Last month we started looking for a house and met up with a friend of a friend who was to be our realtor. This was on the first day of the house hunt. We walked into a house that I REALLY liked and my fiance REALLY disliked. Realizing the opportunity to introduce a stranger to our unique relationship, we started bickering about the house. And at one point I jokingly said through clenched teeth "Woman, you better shut up and like this house before I break your arm." to which our new realtor started laughing. We all laughed, great joke. You had to be there but we had our realtor charmed. She loved us and told our mutual acquaintance how funny she thought we were. Flash forward a week or two later and we have our second day of house hunting scheduled with the realtor. My fiance and I meet her at the first house and the realtor has a horrified look on her face when my fiance gets out of the car with a cast on her arm. She had just gotten surgery on her wrist. We had to spend several minutes trying to explain that I didn't do anything to cause my fiance's arm to be in a cast. That was fun.
I jokingly told my fiance that I'd "break her arm" for not agreeing with me on something stupid in front of our realtor. The next time we saw the realtor my fiance had a cast on her arm. From wrist surgery.
Disregard everything you've seen on TV. High school is just another set of classes you attend at a new campus. The main difference comes from the varying attitudes of the people around you, as hormones and social pressures start to bring people into their adult-selves. Friends you've had for years might start to drift away, and you might find your own priorities changing. The key to remember is that this is just another phase in life. Before you know it, you'll be in college (or working). Then, married (or not). Then, you'll be in your mid thirties wondering what all the fuss was about. Be active in your school, learn good social skills, and have a good time. While doing well is important, don't stress yourself over your grades if it's making you depressed. There is no "permanent record" for life. You can succeed even after messing up. Make as many mistakes as you can while you're young. Don't allow others to persuade you. Peer pressure is a killer, and honestly, no matter how important these people seem today, they'll be gone from your life forever before too long. Your true friends, the people that never ask more of you than what they know your comfortable with, will be around for years, and years, and years.
Relax and enjoy the ride. No matter what anyone says, myself included, be true to yourself. Most people don't really figure things out until their mid-20s/early-30s, so you've got plenty of time to get it right.
Obligatory not today but when I was in high school. So in high school, we got a kick out of yelling things out of the car at people. One of my friends took it to the next level and had a PA system installed on his truck so he could really announce things to unsuspecting people. We were assholes. The general comments tended to be the typical teenage bullshit, like "hey baby" and "who's walking who?" type stuff. Not that any of that is cool by any means, but at least it wasn't too terrible. I finally grow up a little and decide that I'm not really into it that much anymore and tell my friends they may only roll the window down in my car if they promise not to yell things at people. Most people can tolerate this, except one. Now, my friend with me for this FU is a vile human being that I love very much. He's rude, obnoxious, disgusting, and generally one of the funniest people I know. He's also the type of guy that will say he's getting you a Mountain Dew and hand you a cup of piss. So you have to watch yourself around him and really decide if you think he's bullshitting you or not since there's a high chance he is. So we go to get into the car to go to a friend's house after school. I do the standard talk of letting him know it's not cool to yell things out my car. He agrees he won't. I'm a fucktard and I believe him. So as we're approaching to a stop sign, I see him start getting this look of anticipation. He sees two little black girls (he had a thing about calling races the wrong slurs - like calling black people crackers blew his mind) and I see him look like he's winding up. Boy was I right. Before I could react he's got his head out of the window and lets out "I GAVE YOUR GRANDMA AIDS!!!!" Kid #1 looks at kid #2 and they lose their shit. Crying in their driveway. One of them runs into the house screaming for their mother. I drive away in complete shame. I swear I could hear them wailing a block away. Any time we drove to said friend's house again, we took a new route. I also never let him roll the window down in the car again. It's been over 10 years and you still cannot trust him to not yell things at people. If you happened to be one of those sweet children, I apologize and I'm sure my friend doesn't since he's still an asshole.
I tell friends not to yell shit from car. Friend decides to yell "I gave your grandma AIDS" at children and appears to ruin their lives.
I lived with 8 people at one time. It was absolutely fucking terrible. It wasn't necessarily messy (except for the main kitchen because no one would take the garbage out or do the damn dishes) but people would constantly eat each other's food and there were always arguments over noise, how the house constantly smelled like weed (about 3/4 of the house smoked) and our landlord was a dumbfuck who never fixed anything and would constantly tell us he would sue us for breaking shit even though things we'd ask him to fix were never our fault. One time, a bird ended up in my bathroom vent and he blamed me for it. Also, one of my roommmates had a habit of peeing with the door open and it was really awkward. Before that, I lived with 3 girls. They were fucking messy as hell. They'd leave leftover food/plates in their rooms for weeks and we ended up with flies and mice in our place. One let her idiot boyfriend live with us rent free and he'd use up the internet before we even got to the 3rd week of the month. Sucked for me because I had internet courses. He'd eat all of our food and never pay any of us back since each of us did our own groceries. And once, he had a party with his girlfriend and another one of my roommates while I was gone (my 3rd roommate was also out of town) and someone puked right in front of my room. Nobody cleaned it up. I came back a week after the party and it was still there. SO disgusting.
lived in a house with 8 people. idiot landlord, lots of food was stolen, lots of weed was smoked which caused lots of fights. lived with three messy girls and one asshole boyfriend.
I had a grad school professor who said "if you get all A's, you're doing something wrong. You should be so busy with extra-curriculars, extra research, other things outside of class that enrich you that you can't really spend enough time to get all A's." In other words, a smart professor will understand if a person got a bit of a lower GPA if they did a lot outside of classes.
Effectively, you get at least a 0.5 GPA bonus in the eyes of anyone intelligent who might be evaluating your grades for some measure of your abilities.
Little back story. I (25m) was dating this girl (23f) for a few months. I thought it was going really well and started falling for her but she ended up fading me out. When I asked her about it she gave me the whole "You're handsome, smart, and funny but I don't want to be in a relationship right now". Whatever that's fine so I cut all contact with her. When she saw me at a party a few months later she came up to me and said we could still hang out. I took this as she might be interested again or she might want to hook up or something. So we hung out few times but nothing ever happened. This could potentially be my fault as this time I was waiting for her to give a sign that she might still be interested. Either way I cut all contact again once I found out she hooked up with one of my friends. A few weeks ago I get a very random DM from her on Instagram saying " Hey, I lost your number and deleted Facebook so text me :)". I thought this was weird but I texted her and we chatted for a bit. Now last week I went over to her place to pick up my sunglasses during work and she convinced me ditch work and hang out with her all day which I did. That night we ended up watching a movie and falling asleep in each other's arms cuddling on the couch. She texted me the next day and wanted to grab a beer so I met up with her and we had a few beers and ended up going to her place and we cooked supper together. It really felt like a date. We ended once again cuddling on the couch. I would kiss her on the forehead and she clearly liked it and we kissed goodnight when I left. She texted me every day for the rest of the week just to chat and joke around. On Friday she called me to see what I was doing that night. I was out of town until later that night but I told her that we were going at a well known local bar to see our friends play a gig. She said that she would be there as well. When I got there, she was very obviously trying to avoid me all night. And she went home with the same one of my friends she had hooked up with previously. Am I misreading something here or is this chick messing with my head? I have never had any of my platonic female friends want to cuddle with me.
Dated this girl for a bit. Cut all contact with her twice. Last week ended up cuddling with her and kissing but she hooks up with my friend.
Last week my sister came home after going to her friends way too late. I asked about it, and she went to this guy who is a friend of my father. We also know him a little, and he is a good guy, not someone who would abuse her. She didn't tell my parents, though, but my father suspected something. By the time I'm writing this the following has happened: She went to him twice, lying to my parents where she went. I talked to her, and she says she is in love with him. And vice versa. She also said they were going to tell my father some day. I told my sister I wasn't sure a relationship with him would be a good idea, because of the age difference. Now, are my concerns merely social stigma, or should I do something? Should I tell my father, should I tell my sister she should stop seeing him because it's not right?
My sister is dating a friend of my father, who doesn't know, and I don't know what to tell my father or if my doubts about the relationship are rational.
I made a previous post here but it sounded kind of stupid with the way I phrased it but this guy I'm really good friends (pretty much best friends) with and I shared intimate photos for the first time today. He gave me complements and stuff and he's known that I've found him attractive for a long time. He hasn't made a move or even asked to hang out. I really want to take it to the next level and be his girlfriend. He never had a girlfriend before even though girls have liked him but I don't know how to approach the situation. We're really good friends and I don't want to scare him away by telling him I like him or telling him I want him as more than a friend. Even a friends with benefits thing would be cool but all there was were pictures... We have plans to hang out but a date wasn't implied. Even though we sent those pictures to each other and we compliment each other I don't know if this is just a messed up weird twisted friendzone flirty thing or if he might make a move on me one day. Really confused. If this helps you better understand him he's a guy that goes on reddit and 4chan a lot, gets straight A's, is very quiet (but VERY outgoing once he befriends you), choses only to talk to a certain amount of people, 8.5/10 attractive, and I've known him since 7th grade but we only started talking this year
I'm a girl (18) and he's a boy (18). I want to take our (naughty) friendship to the next level but I don't know if he feels the same.
Sorry if this sounds really stupid, I'm willing to be more specific if you ask and English is not my first language. I'm 19 and GF is 18. We have known each other for a year but only really started dating 6 months ago and it's long distance. We had unprotected sex before. From all the past she has told me she has been raped around 10 times by different people. During the last 4 months or so she was raped by 3 different guys and I only recently found out through reading her chat with her brother. she told him she has filed reports. We will see each other again soon but I don't feel comfortable having unprotected sex with her anymore. I want to either ask her to take a STD/HIV test or only have protected sex with me. I just don't want to make her feel any dirtier or worse about her body than she has to.
GF was raped and I don't know how to ask her to get tested for STDs or only have protected sex without hurting her feelings.
Hello my name is Jack. i live in denmark, we basicly have loads of freedom and man the country is slutty enough. But the thing i want to ask about here is How you feel about what im about to write. today ive been playing a game when i met this girl who told me she was a muslim, we were just talking, having loads of fun and so on. But later on the conversation gets a bit more serious, as in a parent died, feeling sorry for each other but wait! it gets worse, we started talking about sex! just sex, and i was EXTREMLY SHOCKED , over what i saw, this was a 16 year old girl who is muslim, who basicly didnt know anything about sex, i asked her a few question which started out with "i prefer girl on girl" and she was like girl on girl??? you mean boya? i had to google to find out what the heck that was, after a few mins i explained this girl what it was and she instantly barked at me saying this : " PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU LOOK AT NAKED PEOPLE". Things got wierder, this girl was insisting that only boy & girl could have sex to have production and no other, Didnt know what anal was, And according to her she knew all there was to know because she got an A+ in biology. Then she asked me why i would do such thing as watch porn, i instantly responded with, Why would you? its hot :). Which is when she barked at me again calling me a pervert and that was so wrong. she said something about a guy who watched girls taking their clothes off and he got arrested for it, (on the internet) So after 2 hours of trying to explain the world that we actually live in, she was like, So my friend XXX knows what girl on girl and boy on boy is? what about my friend XXX (saying the x'es as in replacement of the names) and i said yeah, of course they do, they live in a world where the porn is free and endless, and after i told her this. she said are you serious? i can never talk to them again! this a lie! So to prove it to her, i offered her ALOT of gold (this is in a game) betting on that i was sure they looked at porn. How can this happen? in a world like this, and not knowing anything? How can i prove to her that this is the real thing? PS My spelling might not be entirely right, my apologies for that
A muslim girl who basicly didnt know what sex is outside baby production and simply refused to believe anything i told her, only that it was wrong
This has been going on for a year. I have explained that I am a very visual person, I take in my surroundings and rarely see people walking around as a specific sex(if I happened to look at someone in that way I am honest and call myself out to her, which has happened a total of once). It's gotten to the point where I can't go to the beach with her. I brought my nephews to the beach once, and while keeping my eye on them she accused me of checking out other woman because they happened to be in the direction I was watching my nephews in. It's happened again at a kids birthday again with my nephews. It happens at bars, grocery stores, majority of the time I don't even know who she is yelling at me about. First I thought I could deal with it and make her see that I love her very much, she is the only woman I want. I've been complimenting her all the time, telling her how beautiful I think she is, telling her how much I love her. But nothing seems to work. It's causing me extreme anxiety and depression. I can't even look around when we go outside the house under fear another argument is going to break out. I've suggested counseling but she completely ignored my suggestion like I didn't say anything at all. And anything that I say against her warped view of me is ignored and responded to stating that I don't know what she means and any time she speaks the truth I can't handle it and become defensive. I'm not feeling like I need to defend myself in regards to things I am not even doing. I feel like its an attack on my integrity. In the past I told her to call me out on it when it happens, she did once, I wasn't even looking at any women but I was driving and making sure I didn't run over anyone potentially crossing the street. She never called me out on it again but apparently I am still constantly looking at women. I love her, I do not know what to do, I need you advice reddit. We are in our late 20's early 30's
My girlfriend keeps accusing me of checking out other women when I am not, she's asking me to correct a behavior that I don't have. What do I do?
Where there is light there is also darkness.. Sometimes you watch so deep into the abyss that you become the abyss, the question is .. who decides what's good and what's bad?.. Killing a serial child rapist is ok for you?, ending the life of a mosquito is ok for you?, what makes the difference?. You are speaking of the human nature here, we are still animals, yet we think we are some kind of super creature that have power over other creatures, in society yo don't have a choice, you are part of it or you are not.
there is no good and there is not evil... opinions exist and the mainstream ones are the ones that decide if you are part of the society or not.
Sorry, its a long one) So, we met at university around 6 years ago. Things were tough as due to culture (Me being white and she being Indian) we were unable to tell her family about our relationship. During university we both went on work placements; she went abroad and I stayed in the UK. After that long, long year we were able to be together again full time (we did see each other on long weekends etc) and we took that opportunity to live together in our final year of university. We knew after uni that it would be extremely hard, without being married we were unable to live together, and we lived over 2 hours apart. After nearly 2 years of getting warmed up to her parents and getting their approval, I moved to London (not my fav place) and we purchased a flat near her home. She still couldn't/can't live with me until we are married. During this process, we were told we had permission to get married and straight away got engaged - everything up until this point has been near perfect. So, she goes abroad to visit some friends from her uni placement, and came back on Monday. She has been very off with me and over the weekend tells me she needs some time - I am very surprised. Remembering her Facebook is still setup on my computer, and not using the correct judgement, I logged in. I found messages between her and her friend (26F) talking about the situation and a name kept popping up. After further investigation it seems she might have cheated on me 3 years ago, and it might have happened again this past week. She does not know I know this, but it is killing me as I don't know what to do. Any help would be ace.
I have found out my Fiancé's old (hidden) love interest might have been re-ignited while away visiting friends. Relationship and wedding at risk of ending.
So, a little back ground, I'm 20, and the girl I'm going out with as well. I recently went to my new school (apparently college to the rest of the world) and she was sitting with my friends, and after the introduction day we went to Starbucks, it suddenly started raining and I protected her from the rain, since she didn't wanted her hair and clothes to get wet (at least I thought so, because she said how much time she spent on it) thus it seemed like a good idea to keep her dry. After Starbucks I got a kiss from her! After that I asked her out for a date for the 4th of August, and my plan was hanging around in my city, [Groningen]( since it's perfect for that. Plan: *Pedicure or Manicure approx.. €40 (optional) Hanging out +- €15,-max. Make a nice walk with her €0,- Starbucks +- €10 Dinner max €40 Costs max €120
Need help for date, and/or adjustment to original plan. EDIT: Date went great, I scrapped the manicure/pedicure, we're having another date somewhere in September! :-)
Completely quitting gaming and cancelling your accounts is a bad, BAD move. You need to figure out a way to game in balance with real life, and teach your kids how to game in balance with real life, so they don't mess up as well. If you just cancel your WoW accounts and stop gaming, you will end up relapsing and going hardcore into gaming again down the road. Also: With the comments that your wife seems to be giving you, it sounds like she has already made up her mind. I got the same comments from my ex (girlfriend of 5 years) when she left me. Basically the same progression: I knew something was up for awhile, we played WoW together, never really talked about it, then she started talking things like "What if we break up, who gets the cats" and things like that. Then one day it just exploded and she decided we were finished, and there was nothing to be done to fix it at that point. Now, to describe my gaming habits before, during and after that relationship, and during my current (AWESOME) relationship: Before: Being single, and having alot of single gamer friends, I gamed all the time and fairly hardcore. During: Once we started dating, I almost completely stopped playing games for a 3 years. Played Counterstrike, HL2 and other single player games casually, but other than that basically no games at all. Once the relationship started getting a bit rocky (Commenting on this in retrospect, had no idea this was the cause at the time) I started playing WoW and played more at this point then pre-relationship. After: My gaming habits actually calmed down a bit, after a marathon push to 80 in Wratch, I gamed a few hours a night, and never let gaming get in the way of social stuff or work. Now on to my current relationship: She is AWESOME, and knew I was a gamer going into the relationship. I made it know that I would probably play video games every day, and that gaming is a large part of my life. We actually communicate, and she tells me if I am getting out of hand with the gaming, but never demands that I stop. The gentle prodding is usually enough for me to calm down and bring everything back in line with normalcy. I think the point of this post is that EVERYONE has something that they do to the level of addiction. For most people it's watching tv, for us it's gaming. You need to find someone who can help you balance gaming with the rest of your life, and not stay silent while a giant shit storm brews and then destroys your relationship. I also think that gaming with your kids is a great idea, and you should rethink cancelling those accounts. Hopefully even if you don't reup the accounts you will at least still play other games with them.
Dump your wife, find someone that can help you keep your gaming balanced with real life. Keep on gaming, and gaming with your kids. Good luck!
We have been dating for three years, and moved to Alberta after I graduated from college this last summer, which is where I'm from so he has been having trouble making friends and creating a life for himself. The thing is, he didn't have much of a life where we lived before, it was his hometown so he had friends there, but not much else, his family all moved away from his hometown as well so we thought it would be good to get out of there, try and do a bigger city. I have made an intentional effort to not hang out with my friends from high school too much, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't just leave him in the dust. Every time he wants to have someone over from work I say yes immediately and encourage him to pursue the friendships he is growing with his coworkers. We just got off the phone (i'm at work, it's his day off) and the conversation turned to his unhappiness, he said of course he's unhappy, he doesn't feel like he has anything going for him. "So our relationship is the only thing I have to be proud of... so when we have problems to work on or something it feels like I just fail all around." is what he said to me. So whenever I bring up that he seems unhappy or any problem at all he takes it really poorly. I just feel so under appreciated right now. I mean I'm avoiding my friends willingly (without saying a word to him about it) to make sure that he doesn't get left alone too much, I do most of the cleaning and since I make more money, I often try and pay for things and am trying really hard to stay positive. I am getting so burnt out, I am a worrier, I struggle with anxiety myself, but I just feel so alienated from him right now. I don't know how to handle this anymore. I love him and do believe that he loves me, I just don't know how to deal with him, he seems so illogical and unreasonable...
Bf is mopey and unhappy with his life, and feels like he has nothing to be proud of. I in turn feel alienated and anxious.
My girlfriend(lets call her Hollie) and I have been best friends for about 10 years now. We were always the "best friends who should be together" type. We finally decided to start dating and it has been smooth sailing except for one issue that has been really bothering me recently. Before we started dating there was a guy(lets call him Mike) who would always attempt to get with Hollie. Hollie would text /snapchat him because she did enjoy his company, but she was never interested in being more than friends. We happened to run into Mike at a party(again this is before we were dating) and Mike did NOT like me at all. Throughout the night he made passive aggressive comments towards me. His friends warned me not to say anything back to Mike or there could be an issue. They explained that he has feelings for Hollie and he was jealous of the way me and her were interacting. Fast forward two months later, Hollie and I start dating. As stated before, everything has been smooth sailing except one problem. She had stayed the night at one her friend’s house with a group of people who had gone out drinking and Mike happened to be there. She said she woke up and Mike was on the other side the bed. It really caught me off guard so I asked her about it a couple days later. She explained that it was nothing and she didn't even realize he was in the bed until she woke up. I let it go. Over the past couple weeks I've noticed his name coming up on her snapchat every single day. I've also noticed his name pop up in her text messages too. It's really making me uneasy. I can honestly say I have full trust in Hollie and I want her to have guy friends. I really don't want to be controlling. I just can't get over her talking to this guy every single day. He clearly doesn't give a shit about me, and would date her in a second if given the opportunity. He clearly wants to be more than just friends, and that's what bothers me. So I need your opinions. Am I being controlling if I ask her to tone down the texting/snapchatting between her and Mike? I don't mind if she talks to him on an occasional basis. It’s just the daily texting/snapchatting is extreme.
Girlfriend is texting/snapchatting a guy who dislikes me and has feelings for her on the daily. Am I being controlling if I ask her to tone it down?
Sensationalist draw-in, no? I really need your help on this, though. I'm a rising Sophomore at a private Liberal Arts University, and I've slowly realized the path I'm heading down is leading me towards debt and servitude. Thankfully, I am lucky enough to have a mother who works at said university, so I literally will have money to spare when I leave college (all of it is currently invested). Until now, I have been pursuing a major of Philosophy, Political Science, and Economics. It's essentially pre-law, but more flexible. But, I've come to realize that my dream of going to law school and becoming a successful attorney is a sham. I am not guaranteed a job, even if I got to law school. So, I really need an epiphany. I think I am okay at computing, but I don't know if I am good enough to pursue a computer science degree. And that's basically the gamut of my skillset.
What do you think I should do? Should I stick to my lavish dreams, or chase a new one? I'm at crossroad, Reddit, you're my only hope.
I decided it would be nice to take Abby, the 6-month old Boxer pup, for an off-leash and snowy walk, on Burke Mountain. No precipitation anticipated. Parked the car at the park gate (green arrow on map?) We walked up, and up. Came to the edge of the snow, then across the hydro cut aka power-line right-of-way. Dog was doing a lot better than I, fitness-wise. At 5pm, in the dark, we came to where snowmobilers were just finished loading up their trailers to go home. No motors were running when we got there. I walked past them, but the dog got spooked. One of the snowmobilers said, "dog went the other way" so I turned around and went back down. Trying to count footprints in the snow and see which way they were headed. Looked like one set going up and one set of the same going down. I was calling 'Abby! Aaaaaabbyyyy!' all the way down. When the snowmobilers caught up to me, I phoned home with the bad news: "I don't have the dog and the cellphone battery is flat", and sat on the back of their trailer the rest of the way to get back to the car. That was 5 minutes of living in the diesel exhaust, not my favourite thing to do. Dog was not at the car. All I could was wait. Cell phone battery was showing two red bars. I phoned home and asked if somehow camping supplies: tent, air mattress, sleeping bag, camp stove, water, food could be brought up to me. I did not want to move the car. I was going to wait until midnight if need be, then go get the camping gear and come back to wait more. I waited by the car: calling the dogs name every minute or so. After 30 minutes or so I was getting cold: so waited in the car, window rolled down. Possibly 15 minutes later then dog came back. I forget if the first thing I heard was skittering of feet, or flapping of ears. She was so happy to have found me! I was so relieved to have her back (dog is the son's dog)! I lost the car keys for a few minutes and figured that was a fair trade. Dog was sitting on them. We drove home and the dog was very tired. Using the car later that night I saw the paw dirt prints where the dog had found the car with no-one there and was trying to get in. So last night I had a disturbed sleep, the kind you might have if just laid off or fired. (The dog has contact information on a note on its collar, but that depends on the kindness and skill of strangers that might find it.)
If your dog runs/gets lost when you're on a card-ride plus walkies, don't move the car, stay at the car, wait for your dog to come back. Camp there if necessary. Where this happened Edit: or->of, of->or
I don't want to disclose any identifiable information, but in our state no one under 21 years can pour or consume alcohol, and no employee under 21 can go behind the bar. My coworker, we'll call her Jessica, has broken these rules just out of sight of our managers. Jessica is only 18 and she walks into the bar area (where she isn't legally allowed to be) whenever she wants, and this week she was serving a coworker and drank quite a bit of the beer our coworker ordered. Right in front of me, the coworker who payed for the beer, and two other servers. Jessica also spends a lot of time in the kitchen telling everyone how she came to work drunk today. She does this pretty much every day, morning or evening. I'm the new person at work, I haven't even been there a month yet. I don't know what I should do. I'm afraid we could lose our liquor license if her behavior continues, but I'm also afraid of her finding out I told our manager the truth. I haven't said anything to my boss yet because I'm really not sure how I should handle this. What do you think? I know I should probably tell my boss, but how should I go about doing so? I don't want everyone at work to think I'm a jerk or a snitch. I drink too (although I'm not underage), I smoke pot, I don't give a shit what this girl does at home, but every time she drinks while on the clock she puts my job and income (I'm a waitress/bartender) at risk and I think that's more important.
I'm new to my job and recently witnessed an underage coworker drinking on the job. I don't know who to tell or how I should bring it up.
I teach in a comprehensive in the UK and on the whole we are not badly paid. It's a living. But I've yet to meet a teacher (at my level of being a fairly basic classroom bod, no management aspects or TLR) that's in it for the money, or even hoping to get into the big bucks for the sake of it. There is money in being part of the SMT (my head of year makes abot 60k, I think , and I reckon the school head at my last place of employment was touching 200k, but he was in a bit of an odd situation he definitely engineered out of the system), but no-one says, "I want to do that so I can finally get a decent pay check". All of the teachers I work with (about 100 staff, give or take) genuinely seem to do it because it's actually a fucking wicked job. No two days the same, great people to work with (staff and nippers), teaching stuff you have a real interest in (in fairness I teach science, which has a lot more going on day to day in the real world, so there's always something new to talk about) and, let's face it, boatloads of time off. I used to be a business manager and that was a shit job. Every day is awesome for me now. Even the crappy days are still alright, on balance. Gove is a fucking prick for some of the things he's said about teaching in the UK, and it's that kind of attitude that makes the job hard.
We do get treated badly in many ways, but it's still a great job. I would argue for more money in the system to supply schools with the materials they need, but the pay and perks aren't all that bad.
We have been dating for 2 years.(about 20 minutes apart) I have always been jealous of other guys because of my insecurities but last night and tonight she is and has hung out with a co-worker (male) with his 3 guy roomates alone. Originally I said okay but am having second thoughts. We have been arguing about me being lazy and jealous all day despite me working on manning up with my job/life/relationship and not just being lazy all day. (she calls it childish) When she is over we are always doing nothing at all from lack of money and other things to do so we get bored and she admits she is bored of our life. Now I think she is looking for excitement with her coworker, and I am uncomfortable with it since she isn't willing to work on our own fun and I feel like we are pushing apart with these arguments. I love her to death and I don't want to lose her.
Arguments, jealousy and boredom, I want some help with what do do. So am I just crazy insecure and jealous or do I have some merrits? How can I improve things with her Thanks in advance
I'm pretty new out of school and just gotten a job that I really enjoy myself, at a company I respect. My first few months (and even now) were really, really tough since it was my first REAL job. I am now in charge of my own projects, whereas before I was just helping other people on theirs. My advice is you have to know when to ask for help. The people at the company who know you're an Intern and aren't expecting you to have a lot of real world experience. In other words, they expect that you aren't going to know everything, so ask them questions. This is something I still am trying to grasp, as often I will feel useless when I don't understand something, but you need to ask people for help. Also, show other people you are willing to learn. That might take different forms, such as asking questions to better understand your project, asking sooeone show you how to do something, or taking classes if your company offers them. Also, if you feel you need to, you can also ask your supervisor if you can stay later, so you can have extra time to complete projects.
If people know you're an Intern, they don't expect you to know everything. Ask questions when you don't understand something and show a willingness to learn.
Growing up, I always knew my dad had a temper. It's not like he ever hit me or my mom, but I can't count all the times when I thought he would, which is only so much better. Now that I'm an "adult" and am out of the house, when I go back to visit my parents at their home, I recognize his behavior as classic emotional abuse. But not usually directed toward me. Always toward my mom. As my parents have gotten older, I know that my dad has chilled out a lot and that things are not nearly as bad as they once were, for the most part. That said, there was the honeymoon stage before they got married when none of this happened at all. But if that's the case...I can't even bear to think about how scared and alone my mom must have been at the beginning. I know she would have been too afraid to leave. I'm 24 and came to these realizations, for the most part, a few months ago. I have no real resources to cope with this. This has really shattered the image I had of my parents' relationship, which I always saw as the ideal standard against which I should compare my relationships (and despite everything, I do believe that my parents REALLY love each other, at least when times are good). It has destroyed the happy little circle I always saw my family, both nuclear and extended, as - I now understand that my mother's side of the family probably hates my father, but has never been able to say anything to me about it. And to recognize my dad's behavior makes me feel sick and furious. But at the same time, I still do love my dad; he's my dad, and even if he hasn't always been there for me, he's come through for most of the important stuff. I don't want to hate him. Ideally, I would go to counseling for this, but I won't be able to afford it for at least another year. Any advice, Reddit? Maybe I'm internetting wrong, but Google didn't show me any real resources.
Dad emotionally abusive toward mom. Shatters images of happy family life. Love my dad, don't want to hate him; kind of can't help it. Advice?
My friend is currently talking to a girl that he has had a crush on for around 2 years. They used to be fairly close, but around 6 months or so ago she told him that they were no more than friends. He didn't really take much notice to it and is still talking to her and is hopeful they will be together soon. About a month ago I got her number for an unrelated issue about another friend. At first we only talked about the subject at hand. But recently we started talking about ourselves more, and we have found out we have a lot in common. I have talked to her for hours at a time the past week or so and I really enjoy it. But at the same time I feel bad for my friend because I know he still likes this girl, even though she turned him down a few months ago. They are still friends and that is what makes this tough. I feel guilty for enjoying talking to her as much as I do, and I know I should talk to him about it. But he is the kind of person that is sort of possessive with girls, even though they were never offical. I don't want to lose him as a friend, but I also want to keep talking with this girl as well. I could use some help!
I like the same girl that my friend likes, but I feel like she has feelings for me instead of for him. I don't want to lose contact with either of them.
I kind of like a girl no cancel that. I would say she's a lady. She's not like most girls imho. I noticed a long time ago that girls say they like guys for their personality but most of them would melt if they meet a charmer. She's not like that. I've never seen a girl who didn't give a shit about what men think not because she's bitter over some relationship. She just doesn't care. Every time we go to a club while all the other girls will wear something revealing. She wears just the kind of clothes that she needs to dance and still look decent enough to take home to mom. She's the kind of lady you can have a serious relationship with. I like the way she's serious, organized and always focusing on her studies. Something I like about her is that she doesn't like the kind of guys who are all charm. I've seen her turn down so many Romeos. Guys that have had more success with women then I ever will in my life. The thing is we talk all the time and sometimes i get a feeling she likes me and other times i feel like she just sees me as a friend. She pays more attention to me then to the other guys. But I get the feeling sometimes she's only does that because we have some stuff in common and the rest is like 180. We spend a lot of time talking about our views of certain things. She's self-restrained to be honest. She's not the kind of person to twirl her hair. So I don't get anyone of the usual signs from her. In fact she's like a blank slate. You can't tell how she's feeling most of the time. All though I suspect she's a bit unhappy. I don't want to risk asking her out and then lose my friendship with her if she rejects me. Not worth it. All though I think of her has something special I'm not putting her on a pedestal. She does have faults like everybody else. She's not the best looking girl in any group. I would say she's around 5-8. However i like her non-physical attributes. Right now I'm kind of ignoring her text messages because I'm too busy preparing for the exams. However I want to decide after the exam whether to ask her out or not. If I don't think she'll say yes then I'll just give up and focus on other chicks. There are plenty of girls around to be honest. It’s not going to be the end of the world. Sorry for the mess. I've been drinking too much coffee and I'm way too jittery. If it helps. We're in our 20s and she's 2 years older then me. I don't really care about age though. I know that is something women care about for some reason.
Wants to ask out a girl who's more of a lady then a girl. However can't tell if she sees him has just a friend.
I'm bad at writing so sorry for mistakes. My gf and I started dating a year and 10 months ago before that we were friends for 2 months. We moved in together 6 months into our relationship and had been living together ever since. Now she cheated on me. I can't move out neither can She. She is now dating the guy she cheated on me with. She wants to try and be friends which I could do I guess. We've been broken up for a week now. I have bad anxiety and get panic attacks super bad since we broke up and I found out she cheated on me. My family lives away and I have work so i can't just skip things and go there for few days either... Now whenever I have a panic attack I'm alone or she's there trying to hold me and make me feel better. While she's doing that all I can think of is her making out and doing shit with the guy she cheated on me with. Her mom came over to visit her today and I had a panic attack thinking of him going to her house for christmas and thanks giving and for all the holidays where I thought I'd be. I don't understand why I can't just not think about it, I know she cheated on me then why do I keep picturing myself with her in the future, thinking one day we'll be together. I don't say this to her but I actually want her to come to my room cuddle me and make me feel better like she used too. I used to have some college but she made me drop all contact with them and most of my highschool friends are in my hometown and I feel so alone.
My gf cheated on me and we broke up but we live together. I can't seem to put it in my head that she cheated and hate her... I keep picturing myself with her in life and keep thinking about her.
It's been a few years, but the last boyfriend I lived with seriously broke my heart when he unceremoniously and abruptly dumped me for another girl. I know on a logical level that the breakup was the result of him being an asshole and not something I did, but now that I am living with someone again the pain is coming back. I woke up this morning from a nightmare in which my current boyfriend abruptly dumped me and moved out. There is no real risk of this happening but the fear is really upsetting me. Every little thing I do "wrong" (meaning anything that irritates him or that we have a discussion about) makes me paranoid that I am going to drive him away because I guess I still blame myself for the old breakup. It's a serious case of the "if only's" -- "if only I'd done more nice things for him," "if only I'd been more patient," etc. We have talked about it and my boyfriend is empathetic and assures me that my fears are unfounded and only make him more appreciative and aware of how much I care about him. We have GREAT communication but I feel like this is not something that can be solved by talking about it because it's bubbling up from within my psyche and talking about it has not done much to calm my emotions. I don't want to sabotage my current relationship because we are really in love and I see myself being with him long-term. How do I truly move on and stop living in the shadow of this past hurt? How can I reduce the feelings of doubt and fear and just live comfortably in the knowledge that I am loved? Thanks.....
together for one year, relationship is great but now that we are living together I am having a hard time getting over fear that he will leave me like the last boyfriend I lived with did.
I got my foot in the door because of who I knew. I had a friend from H.S. that was also interested in publishing; she ended up at the company I work for now, and told me about a position that opened up. She had nothing to do with my actual hire, but referrals are a big deal for any job. That being said -- get to know others in your classes, and stay in touch with them. (Networking!) Get involved with extracurriculars. I worked at the school paper (that may not be an option for your friend, but see what else is available), university literary journal, interned for the English department reference journal, etc. Having published work is always helpful -- reach out to local papers, or even community magazines. Get in touch with their editorial staff, pitch a story idea about something going on in the community and offer to write about it. If they have an online presence, even better -- it doesn't cost them to print online. Also understand what an editor does. There are different types of editors: book editors, magazine editors (consumer and trade), newspaper editors. I'm in trade publishing; also known as business to business publishing. I have candidates for entry level positions (e.g. Assistant Editors) interview all the time saying they wanted to be a writer. I'm all for hiring someone that understands HOW to write -- but there's a bigger skillset that comes with being an editor. My position actually consists a lot more of organizing and editing already-created content, working with contributors, traveling to industry events, organizing projects, etc. I do get to write and come up with story ideas, but that's about 25 percent of my actual job. Job skills I recommend: be able to juggle a number of items at once, and prioritize your deadlines; a good understanding of content management systems, and how to organize content; developing online/web content is HUGE - understand your audience online versus print; basic photo and video skills are helpful.
Got a job by networking; also recommend increasing your skillset and doing research on actual positions available in the field. If you have any other questions, I'm happy to answer them!
I could say how his eyes light up when he looks at me ( awwwww ), but then I'd be lying. It's his speech impediment. He's a fantastic guy and I love everything about him, but his speech impediment gives him a unique way of talking, even when compared to others with his same impediment (such as his younger brother and a mutual friend). It's nothing special, just w/r, but for some reason, I love hearing his dialect, his speech patterns, his little slip-ups (world becoming a mix between 'whirled' and 'word')... I honestly don't know why. When we're alone, I'll ask him to say words we both know will trip up his impediment (he went to speech therapy for 10 years and is still a little embarrassed about the whole impediment thing in public), and it's just the most endearing thing to me and every time he stumbles over a word, I want to grab him and kiss him. Granted, he'll do the same for me (s/z), but... I'm rambling.
I'm weird and think my boyfriend's w/r speech impediment is the most amazing thing in the world. Edit : He doesn't think I'm bullying him, but thanks for THAT inbox.
Made a throwaway account because we're both frequent Reddit lovers. This happened maybe a month and a half ago, but I was browsing Reddit, most likely LetsNotMeet (seriously, it's the shit) and my boyfriend joins me. We're getting ready to leave for dinner and while I'm logging out, he wanted to show me a comment his ex left on someone's post. They broke up a while ago, waaaaaay before we dated, and the things she did to him were awful. Like, if you met my boyfriend, you would ask yourself, "Why would someone treat such a kind, loving person like that?" Because she's a life ruiner, she ruins people's lives. Honestly, thinking about it pisses me off even though I've never met this woman. Anyways, we go to look for her comment and he notices she deleted it. He then becomes a little pissed because I guess she's dating someone and her comment was flirty (i.e. inviting the guy to have a 'private chat' with her) I try to lighten the mood and for us to forget about it, she's not a problem anymore, so who cares? It makes sense WHY he was frustrated; she cheated on him when they were together and was seemingly sliding back into her traitor ways, but again, her life doesn't concern US right now, so why get upset about it? It's what he said after all that that kind of irked me; I sheepishly told him I had gone on her page a few times to see what she posts. He then states that he does the same thing and just looks at what she's doing from time to time. I don't know why, but this made me really upset. I have never cyber stalked an ex girlfriend by any means, when I looked at her things, it was MAYBE 3 times total just to see what kind of person she is. I just didn't like the idea of him looking her up, seeing what she's up to and all that. He asked me if I wanted him to not look her up at all and just stop completely. I was a little hesitant; He's a grown man, he can do as he pleases, but I know he's respectful and wouldn't do anything to willingly hurt my feelings if it bothered me. I told him yes, I would like you to stop looking her up. It's been a couple weeks since then and I just feel guilty. Am I a horrible, controlling girlfriend because I don't like the idea of him looking at her posts and shit like that? Just the thinking about her makes me angry and I just don't want him thinking about her. Is this jealousy? WHAT IS THIS.
Bf use to occasionally look at ex gf's posts on Reddit and I asked him to stop. Now I feel guilty and controlling. Did I do the right thing?
Hi reddit. My girlfriend and I have been together for a year and a half. We've had our ups and downs and plan on marrying her in the near future. The only real problem I have with her is her weight. She is, and always has been a solid girl, and carries her weight well. Never had an issue with it really. She has put on about 25 lbs since we've been together. She has a major health problem, and I've been to many of her dr appointments and he says she needs to lose about 50 lbs. I actually lost a lot of weight a few years ago, and have totally been on board with changing our lifestyle to be more active and eating healthy, but she constantly makes excuses about dieting and going out and doing physical things. I have to have a strict diet anyway due to health problems myself. I spend a good amount of money on good food and she always falls off the wagon. She needs her sweets. Something that bugs me is that she always hides/lies to me about what she eats. It'd be nice to know so I don't have to keep spending more money on better food.
I want a healthier and more active partner but I don't know what else to do. I've approached this in many ways and it just seems like she doesn't care.
My dad would tell me and all my friends that if you peed in our hot tub that the water would turn bright yellow. I only half believed him but I was always frightened that the water would change colour (I was 9/10) Also, one time the hot tub had some issue and there were huge suds on the surface of the water, I somehow got it into my head that it was from people wearing clothes or bathing suits with laundry soap in them and I tried to get all my friends to go in naked (my parents and I did so I didn't think it was a big deal) this simply lead them to think I was a huge pervert and that I wanted to see their bits.
having a hot tub as a 9 year old made me realize that not all families are chill on nudity... but mine was not cool with peeing in the tub.
I am in college and in a few weeks my summer classes end and I don't have class till fall. I work full time in fast food and I make about a grand a month doing this. I recently bought myself a new car and gave my little brother my old one so my parents are paying for the insurance for helping them out. My car payment is high because I got a little bit of a nicer car and my credit is eh, high for a 19 year old tho. I didn't get a co signer or anything. My parents want me to come home for like a month or so, and honestly unless that are willing to pay my car payment I can't come. I know they can't afford that tho because they are constantly borrowing money from me. My brother owes me 600 right now and my dad asked to borrow a little money and I look in my account and he borrowed $950! He paid it back within days but still. My dad owns a business, has since before I was born, and it has slowed down a lot, his main source of work is constantly late on checks, I am talking 3 weeks to 3 months late, so when he asks for money I know it is going toward food or stuff for my family so I am fine letting him borrow. Anyways, how do I tell them I can't come down. They are a hour and a half away and as long as my schedule stays the same I will be able to come like once a week. Thinking of getting a second job for a few months just to get a little saving up again. They are expecting me to move down after fall semester and do school down there but I am planning on staying and maybe moving in with my SO but everything is up in the air. I just don't know how to talk to them about this or well anything.
How do I tell my parents I can't stay home for 3 weeks and that I love them but I just can't do it without going broke.
Although I have been aware of my distrustfulness, my tendency to control, and my clinginess, and have made significant progress since 10 years ago when I first became aware, there is still much room for improvement. Due to some child abuse, I became hypersensitive towards people in general. I approach the world through filters of distrust and deep-seated fear. I only trust one person and that's my love interest. While I have other friends, I don't really talk to them or hang out with them on a regular basis. They are more friends for mentoring purposes, i.e. they are more rolemodels than friends. I don't have any friends my age. I have some social anxiety although it's not crippling. It's just something that's always there. It's worse in certain settings than others. Ok so how do I learn to trust the world? How do I not become clingy? As I am aware of my tendencies I have constantly monitored my views and decisions regarding my love interest so avoid being controlling, insecure, and clingy. But deep down, these things are still there. I know because I still get thought patterns that want me to go down that path. I guess I would like to get to a place where I don't need to constantly police myself, where I actually trust my romantic interest implicitly. I hope this hasn't been a complete ramble. It is definitely more disorganized than I would like. Sorry.
I have tendency to be distrustful and insecure and clingy. I don't want to ruin relationships with it. How do I get over it without having to constantly police myself? Thanks.
I've never made a post on reddit before so forgive me for any formatting errors if I have any. Starting from the beginning, before we began dating we were friends for about 8 months while she was dating her now ex-boyfriend. I liked her this entire time and I waited for any chance to date her and eventually I got that chance and we began dating. Anyway she had to move very far from my location only a month after we were dating. While she was here things were amazing, she made me happier than I have been during any other relationship. Even after she moved we continued to make things work and everything was great. She visited a couple of times over the summer and it was nice seeing her. Now though, I just feel rather distant from her. I feel that I have withdrawn myself from our relationship, I haven't seen her in almost 5 months and it's really had its toll. I'm concerned we may have changed since then and I am supposed to see her over this thanksgiving break. When I really thought about seeing her though I didn't feel the same enthusiasm I once had. Her family also doesn't like me and have tried getting her to break up with me (they are Catholic and I am a different denomination, I feel that this is the biggest issue between her family and I). I also feel that I may miss out on many things seniors experience in high school, as I am on a path to graduating early so I can get done with college sooner to be with her. I also am scared of ending things though, which is the main issue. I am scared I might be giving up an amazing relationship over something that wouldn't last forever. I am just unsure of what to do, and I am sorry for all of these scattered thoughts. I would appreciate any advice.
I am unsure what to do about my long distance relationship. She is a wonderful person it's just very tough not seeing her and also missing out on things my friends are doing as seniors.
Original: People have asked for updates. She is looking for an apartment to move out and I will stay at the house. My buddy is moving in starting May so I will be able to afford mortgage/utilities while we figure out splitting finances. I forget all what I said in the original post, but a few weeks ago she finally confessed that she will be pursuing a relationship with the guy as soon as we split. He apparently has already left his wife and kids and moved into a new apartment. I know that this is the best thing for both of us, as well as our baby girl. I know what it is like to grow up in a house with parents that don't love each other and I do not want that for her. I still need to pursue therapy to help me through this. I have a lot of problems and I am really good at keeping them inside. My friend is actually concerned how calm I am being through all of this. I just don't see a point to getting overly upset. It's for the best. Don't know what other updates there may be in the future. Thank you to those who reached out asking how I have been.
She is in the process of getting her own place. She confessed that she will be pursuing a relationship with him once we separate. I don't know how I feel, but I know it's for the best.
TIFU by shooting up everyone at the mall today. My derange future BIL decided to accuse me of being the one who shot up a crowd of shoppers. Here's the LOL part of it. There was no shooting at the mall today, so I'm like okay? mmmm okay? So I told my FBIL (Future BIL, August 15th I'm planning on going there, oh boy, hell and demons and Lucifer has rosen from the graves, my FBIL was so angry at me, he storm off outside and he was on the phone, didn't hear what he was saying as I was best advised to stay out of his way. Fast fwd a few mins later, my FBIL told everyone that I'm planning an attack at the Fashion Fair Mall on August 15th? I will admit to this, I knew with his derange thinking that he would take it as a terrorist threat, but I meant go there for shopping. So I just don't get it. Why? Should I go to the mall on the 15th and do my shopping or should I stay home to be on the safe side? He threatened me that if he sees me in a "planned terrorist spot" he will make some phone calls that I wish he will never make. So yeah. mmmm okayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
Derange FBIL thinks I'm planning an attack on the 15th of this month. I wish my TIFU doesn't contain terrorism, why can't it contain something such as me losing my wallet at the store like most normal people?
During my first year of university, like most students, I was just becoming familiar with a new city. I decided to go to the closest mall with a girl from my dorm to get some leggings. There was a man waiting at the stop with us who had two huge clear garbage bags of cans (most of them squished and clearly taken from other trash cans). He was kind of swaying/staggering and very obviously drunk. When the bus stopped an elderly lady in a wheel chair needed to get off so the bus driver was trying to lower the ramp. However, the bags of cans were right under it so it couldn't come down properly. Thinking the man didn't realize or hear the driver's request my friend moved one of the bags a couple inches so the woman could get off the bus. The man proceeds to scream at her, all sorts of profanities, and threatening her for moving the cans. The bus driver ordered us to get on and told the man (who he had met with before) that he was not welcome on any of the cities transit for previous instances like this. They argued (I suspect so that the elderly lady could get a good distance away) and the bus driver shut the door. The man continued to beat the windows and threaten us as the driver drove away.
Drunken man wouldn't move his bags so an elderly lady in a wheelchair could get off the bus. Threatens us for moving his bags to help her.
I recently got out of a 2 year relationship and signed up for a dating site. I met a really great guy and we've been on three dates so far plus a lot of text and online communication. We had one kiss, which made me see stars. So in short, I really like him so far, but we hardly know each other yet. Meanwhile I feel almost overwhelmed with other prospects (yes, female online dating problems). In all honesty I want to at least date some of these other men to see what's out there before locking myself into anything serious, but I feel like it's borderline deceitful. Is it okay to play the field if you are not committed/just started dating, or is that rude? Does it ruin the chances of something working out or just expand possibilities?
If you just started dating, is it still okay to date others and talk to others, or is that rude and a bad idea if I want something to eventually work out---the possibilities vs. being an asshole and ruining what I have.
It's nothing to do with stupidity. Many people are against this version of universal healthcare for a variety of reasons. For me, personally , I do not support Obamacare because I cannot trust the government to manage or run anything efficiently. One of the fundamental problems in the US is that we have state (local) governments and the federal government constantly fighting over who is responsible for creating and enforcing laws (ie.[ immigration]( With Obamacare, each state is allowed to setup their own health insurance exchange, or they can elect that the federal government sets it up for them. The problem with this is that you now have varying situations in each state. How can that be efficient? Another issue that seems to slip out of the discussion is exactly how health insurance works in the US. Although you are able to purchase an insurance policy much like you would car insurance, providing health insurance is left largely up to employers. In fact, when I signed the contact to be hired at the company I worked for, I had to agree not to pursue my own insurance policy because the company would provide insurance for me. Because insurance is normally provided to Americans in this fashion, there is not nearly enough impact of normal market forces to create a competitive environment for individual health insurance. If my point is unclear, take car insurance as an example. In the US, everyone is required to carry the state minimum car insurance on their cars. Because this system is one in which you have many, many companies to choose from, market forces drive down prices and you are left with a very reasonable premium. Just because I do not support Obamacare does NOT mean that I do not support universal healthcare, it's quite the contrary. I believe we just need a more efficient setup, but it's probably going to take baby-steps to bring this about in the US.
Americans are not stupid (no really) but Obamacare and health insurance in general in the US have several flaws that result in a huge lack of support from many Americans. Edit: Grammarz