I have posted this story recently but have reposted under a throw away account. My boyfriend is a redditor as well.. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years. We have a unique situation and are originally from different countries so we decided to live together rather early on. I recently found out he had another sexual relationship at the beginning of our relationship and hid this from me. Since then I have tried moving past this but I just can't shake the feeling now that he is keeping something else from me. I can't seem to trust him and I am constantly obsessing and hurting over feeling betrayed or fooled by him. He also never wants to talk about how I am feeling now. I feel very sad and alone. I have tried countless times to explain my feelings to him and to ask him to show me he cares about them and about what I am thinking. Instead of any empathy he says very hurtful things, like "Take your crying and go somewhere else" Then he proceeds to tell me later that he does care but every time i bring up how i feel it is always a similar negative extremely hurtful reaction. I tried once again to talk to him about it tonight, he told me i am just harassing him by telling him how i feel. He told me to leave the apartment this weekend and he hung up the phone on me (he is currently out of town) and won't answer when I called back. It is killing me that he cares so little about how I feel. I know I need to move on but I keep holding onto the hope that he does care somehow.
My boyfriend hid another relationship from me, I have been hurt by him not caring about my feelings and have tried to ask him to understand, instead I get treated badly. update: I moved out of our apartment today
Back story: I live in an Asian household. I love my mom and I am so grateful for everything she has ever done for me. However, when I was young I wasn't raised by my mother but by my aunt and then later a legal guardian. My mom is a business owner and did not spend much time at home. Because of this my two older sisters did not have such a good life. I wont go into too much detail about them but they were not as lucky as I was when growing up. I was never hit as a child (they were) however I was yelled a lot by my mother. Fast forward to now, I've graduated school and became a military officer. Now that I'm older and more independent my mom is very hands off (more than before I guess). She calls me all the time just to check on how I'm doing and I feel so annoyed by it (I shouldn't though...but I still do). I like to think that I'm quite mature and can handle situations really well. However, whenever I talk to my mom I feel so annoyed. Whenever she calls me I try to finish the phone call as fast as possible. For example, I would say " Yeah, Yeah, yeah , okay bye". Even when she talks to me in person I just try to finish the conversation so that I can be alone. Sometimes when she's around I feel either annoyed or angry even when she doesn't do anything. Just the mere fact that she calls annoys me. Or I get really combative whenever talking to her. Why do I feel this way? How do I get rid of these feelings? I want to have a good relationship with my mother but it just feels so foreign to me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Never had a great relationship with my mom. Now that I'm older I become hostile/annoyed/combative whenever talking to her. I want to help mitigate or fix this. Advice would be great thank you!
My cousins daughter (4 at the time), Madison, started talking about her imaginary friend right after they moved into a new house. She said her name was Jane and that she was scared of her. My cousin and her boyfriend just blew it off for a while. Little stuff starting happening around the house. Doors would open and shut by themselves, lights would turn on and off, and they'd hear footsteps. While all this was going on, Madison kept telling her parents that it was Jane. Naturally, they started getting more scared. One night, my cousin had friends over to stay the night because she didn't want to be there alone (her boyfriend was at his parents & Madison was with her grandma). Around 11, the bathroom door opened by itself. They all got a little freaked out but brushed it off. When they started to go to sleep, all the lights in the house started turning on and off, and every door started slamming. Everyone in the house left, freaked out. My cousin decided it was time to move out and hopefully end this Jane thing. It all stopped for about a week, and then stuff started happening at my aunts house. Madison would cry to my cousins that Jane had a scary voice, and wanted to hurt her dog. When you would ask her what Jane sounded like, she would talk in a deep, raspy voice & say "Bella" (her dogs name). Doors would slam, things would fall & break, and you would even see dark figures around the house. My cousin and her boyfriend just kept telling Madison that Jane wasn't real, and that it would go away if she stopped paying attention to it. So, eventually, Madison stopped talking about it all together. The activity stopped for a while, too. Fast forward a few years and my cousin has another baby, Brennen. Weird things start again, and I mean really weird. My uncle started seeing really disturbing things. Like, family members having sex with each other disturbing. He went to the doctor thinking that something was wrong with his brain and he was having hallucinations. They did an MRI, a stress test, and multiple other tests to try and figure it out. Nothing. He's perfectly healthy. At this point, Brennen is 2, and saying that he's seeing people. Madison, now 6, is terrified and if you ask her about Jane she'll just put her head down and whisper "I can't talk about Jane. I don't want to." Things still happen around the house, and everyone is convinced that "Jane" is more demon than spirit of an innocent little dead girl.
Cousins daughter has friend named Jane. Jane turns out to be ghost. Weird shit ensues. Daughter refuses to talk about it. Young son now sees people too.
As everyone else has said, you're pretty much a dumbass OP. And a faggot. My friend did this and the contact eventually rolled to the back of his eye. Once he got to the ER for it, they found some of the contact actually melted into his cornea. He's lucky to still have vision in that eye.
Stop being such a lazy fuck, take out your contacts, keep your room clean and do your mom some favors every once in a while. You sound like a messy, lazy kid.
My boyfriend and I have been together for 3.5 years now. We've lived together for around 2.5. We live relatively far from his twin brother and he has a tight knit group of friends who all live decently far too. We go visit when we can but it comes out to about 3-4 times a year. They have a fantasy football league and various text messaging and Facebook groups, plus constant Snapchats and they are always in contact. My boyfriend is always on his phone texting in the group chats, FB messages, posting on each others walls etc etc. Is it wrong of me to be so against this? It honestly really bothers me. Not a day goes by without them messaging each other. I love his friends and his brother, but I just wish he could back off of it a little. I've talked to him about this before and how it makes me feel and he says he gets it, but nothing changes. Am I crazy to be bothered by this or am I being reasonable? How do I deal with this situation? Edit (to add more context): It's every single day at least 15 times an hour. Not sure how accurate that is, but I am bothered by it because him being on his phone messaging his friends is so CONSTANT. Something comes to his mind and he gets on his phone to text his friends. He sees something funny or we go somewhere or do something and on his phone to text his friends. And when he's not doing this he's on Facebook or Instagram. We do talk a lot, but he has some listening issues and a very hard time paying attention. He seems way more focused on his phone. It's just really frustrating. I get he misses them and never gets to see them and I'm always here so he can talk to me any time I just can't stand the constant face to phone situation right now.
Boyfriend of 3.5 years is constantly texting and messaging his friends. I want him to stop or at make it less constant. Am I overreacting? How do I deal with this?
Hi I've never been in a romantic relationship before. I though that I would start with that because I wasn't sure where else to start. I have a close group of friends and we get along great. Recently I have started University and have been out on the town twice. Both of these times were with the same group of people. Within this group is the girl that I would like some advice on. The first time we hung we chatted briefly but one of the guys in the group (her brother) had been drinking heavily and was feeling rather ill so she spent most of the night caring for him. The second time we went out her brother hadn't come along and she seemed lonely as we moved pubs. I moved away from the guys I was talking with and engaged her in polite conversation. We chatted amiably for most of the night but we were cut short after her ride home almost ditched her and she had to leave abruptly. I left the group just after that and was texting with one of my friends in the group when she told me that she had given my number to the girl. Shortly after I received a text from her and we chatted for about an hour via text mainly about our first experiences with alcohol (we are both light drinkers). She arrived home and said she was going to go to sleep but made me promise her that I would send her a message when I got home so she'd know that I was ok. When i got home I sent said message and fell asleep. The next day I was woken by a text from her. We chatted for most of the day via text. The weekend ended and Uni started back up and we have been texting for the past few days. So far it was only been small talk but I would really like to "push" the relationship on to the next level (dating). Because I have no relationship experience I would like some advice on how I can achieve this "push". Thank you in advance for any advice that you can give. I have work tonight so I will be away for a few hours after posting this but I will try and thank anyone who replies when I get back.
Met a girl while out with a group, have been texting for a few days, want to "push" the relationship to the next level (dating)
OP: talking from experience here: If she's asking about other people. she's not into your relationship 100%. I had the same situation, where she wanted to be with other people, and i didn't like it, but i let her anyway. That proceeded into her pretty much ignoring me to be and be with him (in more than one way). it deteriorated into a giant awful breakup and to this day I still do no talk to her.
You are in a very very dangerous place OP. If you are uncomfortable at all with that she is proposing, i'd suggesting leaving. (also 1st post)
I definitely support the mandatory course, references and gun club idea. I am a sportsman, I hunt and come from a long line of hunters. I took my first firearms safety/hunter safety course in middle school, and my dad took my brother and I to the range consistently. It was reinforced for me in the Scouts too, where knowledgable counselors taught us marksmanship second and firearm safety first. The first rifle I owned was a bolt-action .22, and the man who sold it to me knew me, knew what I would use it for, and knew my dad. That relationship is crucial. Here in PA we have PICS which is a mandatory background check for all firearms purchases. However, the first line of defense needs to be the licensed dealer. He or she has to be aware of the person to whom they are selling, get to know them. YOU MAY REFUSE TO SELL A FIREARM TO A PERSON IF YOU DO NOT TRUST THEM. We need to better train our dealers to recognize dangerous individuals, and recommend them to some sort of services. For gods sake, have a conversation. Ask why he or she wants this firearm. Ask if they have any experience, ask if they know anyone who can teach them and guide them. IF THEY DON'T, HOOK THEM UP WITH ONE.
We should require a mandatory course like drivers Ed. Firearms dealers are our first line of defense, and should be trained to help spot unstable or dangerous individuals.
Well, if you do not mind amassing tons of debt paying a for profit industry to teach you things you will find out you already knew, going to class with douchebag steves who ask the most ridiculously mental questions and wondering why and how is it possible they have survived this long let alone managed to dress themselves, leave the house and make it to school, go for it. In my experience even with thousands of dollars of federal and private debt to repay I have never been happier working in a machine shop for a good boss with decent people. Sure, i do not moke much, but ot be fair I just satrted after spending 10 years in Walmart. If you decide to get a job for a while, DO NOT DO ANY CUSTOMER SERVICE. It will ruin your already low expectations of public decency and intelligence. Try to find somethign where you work behind closed doors and have pride in your job. I make aircraft quality carbide drillbits. Woo, but man, really, never been happier in my life. Also, it took me until 28 to realize life is too short to do whateveryone else tells you to do.
Never been happier since I got a job in a machine shop, rest is drunken painkiller induced rambling from fucked up wisdom teeth. Sorry, hope it helps at least see a different side.
This TIFU happened a few years ago (as most here). There were in my town some trucks that went around selling cute chicks, irresistible for children who would not get tired of asking their unfortunate parents to buy them. My parents got me two. We made this nice wooden house for the chick that didn't take long to become teenager chickens. By the same time I purchased a very cool magnifying glass that I used to use to burn every single thing that my scary mind could think of: ants, hair strings, boiler water etc etc. One day after a long session of burning living insects I hurried up to go to my swimming class. I left my magnifying glass on top of the chicken's house. It was a very hot day. I should mention we kept a blanket rolled up on top of the chicken's house so at night we could cover it to keep them warm. I came back from swimming and went straight to my terrace to have more fun . There, I found the two absolutely terrified chicken standing on top of the wall. I look to my side and found their house in ashes with some smoke still and my melted magnifying glass in the middle of it. Luckily the fire didn't expand to the other floors. Fun fact: After some years my parents cooked the chicken and didn't tell me until I had finished eating them.
I left my magnifying glass on the chicken's house in my terrace. It set the thing on fire and almost baked the chicken along with my house.
I am personally not in trouble with the law. However, I will post the question as a first person. BACKGROUND: Recent nationwide crack down on Medicare and Medical Fraud. Multiple, physicians, other health care workers and healthcare company owners are indicted. (lets just assume I am one of them). Life is good. Source of income is stable. There are savings in the bank account. Wife significant other does not work. EVENT: You get indicted for fraud. They freeze all the bank accounts. Your healthcare company is shut down. CURRENT SITUATION: You don't have access to your money. You cant run your business to earn any money. You and your significant other do not have a job. Since you pay everything via credit card (you don't have any cash). So now you can't even buy milk and bread for the kids, let alone pay the bills or house mortgage. QUESTION 1: What are the options at this time. Without access to your funds and without source of income your family is effectively on the street, with out food and shelter. You don't have any money to hire a lawyer either. Some Options: 1) apply for food stamps for you kids. 2) tell significant other to immediately find any blue collar job (very difficult in this economy, without skills, or experience). 3) Beg friends ( unlikely help, they were only your friends for your money). QUESTION 2: How can one plan ahead if you are expecting something like this to happen. Some options: 1) Have a bank account only in you souses name (although it might get frozen as well). 2) Have bit coin saved up (not realistic, I only have like 4 bit coins. I only use it to donate various organization online) 3) Always, have some cash handy, (although it can be confiscated as well).
If all your assets and sources of income are frozen. How do you survive in the immediate time frame. I just want opinion and general discussion about this topic.
Guessig here: Traditionally wealthy men have been at the top of the food chain when choosing a mate. They also tended to be highly educated (though that's less of a barrier for entry these days). Being good looking, well-educated, and coming from a relatively stable background (don't have to worry about basics like shelter and nutrition, etc), all help to land higher paid jobs. Running in said upper-echelon social circles from a young age develops skills not taught in school but valued in work environments, and also gives you better access to even better jobs yet. These better jobs are often located in city centers for many reasons (prestige, logistics), and the people who land those jobs have the luxury of being able to afford nearby housing, which is often at a premium due to high demand (lots of people WANT to live int he city center because that's where many jobs and conveniences are, so that allows landlords to upcharge thus leaving out people who don't make as much).
better looks and education help land better jobs, better jobs are in city centers, and people who can afford to live close to them often
I think about this time that I was rather drunk at a bar. I was waiting in line to get my coat at the end of the night. A guy that I had gone on a date with a few months prior came up to me to say hi, but I didn't remember who he was. When he gave me his name, we will call him Derek, I mistook him for another Derek I had met during a week long drinking competition. The Derek I thought he was had at one point during the week gotten naked, painted himself completely purple, and passed out. So when I thought I had figured out who he was, I said to him rather loudly because I was a bit drunk, "Oh! Naked Purple Derek!" He told me that wasn't him, but I insisted even louder, "Yea! Remember? You got passed out naked, covered in purple paint! You're naked purple Derek!" I will never forget the look on his face as he realized people were looking at him because I was calling him "Naked purple Derek". He panicked and started telling people around us that 'no he isn't naked purple Derek and that I had mixed him up'. When he realized his attempts at damage control were futile, he got the hell away from me as fast as he could. Whenever I think of this story, I can't help but laugh. The look on his face shifted from confusion to horror and panic to sheer embarrassment so quickly.
I embarrassed a guy by calling him "Naked purple Derek" rather loudly in a crowded place when he wasn't the Derek I thought he was.
I was 10, mom and dad were at church on a Wednesday night. Brother was up the street at our friends house, so I was in the house alone. It must have been 8:30 or so and it was as dark as it was going to be outside. I had retreated up to my room to draw. The layout of the house is this: You walk in the front door, to the immediate left is the den/sitting room, 5 feet further down the hallway on the right are 10 stairs leading to the second floor. At the top of the stairs are 3 bedrooms, mine is at the end of a small hallway with a tiny coat closet right outside my door [Sidenote: My brother and I had seen and heard weird shit in this house since we moved in 3 years earlier. My parents told us it was all in our heads. It was a brand new house, but things would fall off the walls, I could hear voices when no one was home, see things out the corner of your eyes etc. I would also see little lights in the woods moving around. Not flashlights. Flashlights will cast a forward light on whatever the person is looking at, these were more like candles. But those woods were THICK, no trails. This was also a heavily traveled area in the civil war. Anyway, moving along]. I turned off all the lights as I went up the stairs and closed my door behind me and locked it. I was in there for maybe 15 minutes when I heard a thump. I thought it was the front door, but there was no second thump of the screen door hitting behind it. The staircase also had several stairs that creaked in succession as someone would come up them. It was like the 3rd , 7th, and 8th stairs. I listened to see who was home, but all I heard was the stairs creaking as someone was walking up them. Not in a hurry, just like they were really tired or whatnot. In the closet outside my door, in the pocket of my moms winter coat, my brother and I kept the key to unlock our doors. In my minds eye, I imagined someone walking up the stairs, opening the closet door taking the key, putting it in my door and as soon as I imagined them unlocking it, my door opened on its own with just a dark hallway behind it. I sat there for maybe 1 second before I bolted out of the room, cleared all 10 stairs in one jump, and ran as fast as I could up the street to our friends house where my brother was. My parents think I am daft. My brother believes me just because of the shit that happened to him in the house as well. I can say that is about the most scared I have been in my life.
home alone, I imagined someone walking upstairs to my room, and unlocking my door, and it opened as soon as I had that thought, proceeded to shit myself.
I feel like everybody is pulling the trigger too fast. You should have a very serious and frank sit down with your girlfriend centered solely on trust. Tell her how uncomfortable you are, and ask her if anything has changed over the past few weeks to make her run off to visit this friend without considering you. It seems to me like she just really needs space, and by over reacting and accusing her, you are not making this any better. People need space for all sorts of reasons, and generally it is a temporary phase so they can realign themselves. If she fucks you in the end, then drop her. You don't lose anything by waiting. This is definitely a turning point in your relationship, and it doesn't have to be a bad one.
Talk to her. She probably needs space and the only thing that will make this better is your trust, and reassurance that you will be there for her when she returns.
I'm: Male, 21 y.o. Student graduate, bachelor degree (about to get masters degree in psychology field) Problems: No money Debts (parents debts and university) Can't find part-time job or distant job because i'm writing a diploma My goals is... To pay all of my and my parent debts (~4k$) To live with girlfriend in our very own flat\house earn: At least: earn 100$ per month Optimal: earn 150-300$ per month Great achievement: earn 400$ and more per month My skills: Photographer (+analog photography, retouching, editing, got no digital camera currently) Hobbyist artist Beginner designer Non-professional translations Video montage and some editing (weak computer doesn't let me do that right now) Tried: To find a job (obviously) Freelancing (fiverr, and other opportunities but portfolio is way too weak) Working online (a large amount of sites, 85% of it just won't give me tasks, not available in my country and PayPal not working for us) Doing some jobs for redditors (a huge success for me actually, earned ~200$ though it's a very rare occasion) Plan: Find a dream job (duh...) Draw a texture pack, post it on patreon, promote it, earn money from there Do some freelance jobs occasionally I need: Your advice. Please notice that i'm from Ukraine, i hope it tells you everything. Maybe some resources, i got few opened gigs on Fiverr for few months, but no one has ordered a thing from it Thank you all in advance.
broke student-psychologist from Ukraine, need to earn 150 or more dollars per month, designer, photograph, tried freelancing, but portfolio is too weak, and got no time because of diploma.
ok, but a lot of those views are deeply anti-woman. I would sum up my views of the people in the deep end with [this animation.]( if you watch all of it we can talk about it point by point. I can understand that taken to a non-extreme these ideas are fine. setting personal boundaries, learning self control, not getting obsessed with one person, and reconciling manliness with modernity are all good things. I disagree with their methods on the last one, I get the feeling treating all people with respect and compassion is too "beta" for their liking. but that's just not the majority of what I have seen in these spaces. what I see is self justification for being the jerk-type they claim to hate, traditional gender roles that have been idealized unreasonably, and stories about past pain, (and I'm sorry, if you're telling the internet a whole page of your life, you're dwelling on the subject) and stories about how women are Hamster-brained. the kind of person I know IRL who talks all the time about self control like this have always always been wide-eyed crazies with hate on the brain and I recognized these people I have met as manipulative abusers. they say want self control, but what they really want is to do whatever they like and not have any disagreements or opposition. my IRL experience with this kind of rhetoric is entirely negative. as to reasonable viewpoints, I remember a /r/theredpill thread where a guy wanted ways to let his girlfriend know how unnecessary she is to his life. or the thread where a guy was talking about how he loved his girlfriend but was worried about being long distance while she was in med school and the majority of the advice boiled down to "don't value women in your life, dump her and fuck whores at least you know where you stand with them", somebody mentioned in a thread on the front page that one of the mods thinks women shouldn't have the vote, he admits to disagreeing with that idea, but still. some of the responses are reasonable, the majority are a screaming chorus of hate. and seriously, they call women "hamsters". Hamsters . you tell me you respect the opinion of people who feel better about themselves by calling the gender they ostensibly want to sleep with illogical and rodent-brained.
there's a grain of truth to it, sure. it is lost to most of their members in the endless beach of crazy. (also I appear to be banned now, which is new.)
My girlfriend and I have been together for 11 months and going on a year in 2 weeks. In the beginning of our relationship, she was allowed to come over to my house, hang out, play with my siblings, and talk with my parents whenever she wanted to. However, as the relationship progressed, her parents cut her off from going to my house AT ALL without a valid reason. It's been 4 months since she has stepped foot in my house and it is really starting it irritate me. Her parents are nasty control freaks and make her text them every minute she is out of their house, even at school. I can no longer hang out with her alone and can only if she has a friend accompanying her. These new "rules" came out of the blue and her parents didn't even give me a reason and my girlfriend doesn't know why they did it either. She has a 4.5gpa, is the valedictorian of our school, and does many things for our community so it's not like she is this bad person. We will be going to college in less then 4 months and I want to spend as much time together as we can, but they are preventing this from happening. We already decided that we will be doing a LDR, but I don't see how it can work with how much her parents control her life. Is there anything I can do to change this? I would go and talk to her parents but I'm afraid that they will never allow me to see her again.
Girlfriend of 11 months suddenly isn't allowed to hang out with me alone or allowed to come over to my house because of her strict controlling parents, but I'm allowed to go over there.
He is 23, I'm 20. He has cheated in the past but admitted to it, after a break I decided bygones are bygones, etc. I have the password to his email and we share a laptop. One day he left his email logged on, and I saw some lewd emails from him replying to craigslist ads. This sparked my curiosity, and I have been watching ever since. You see, he's a sneaky kind of person. He withholds the truth but swears he doesn't try to lie. All that. A week ago, I confronted him about the situation. To be clear, I don't believe he is acting on these emails at this point. I told him that it is unacceptable to be asking for a "twitter girlfriend", telling other girls that they are cute and otherwise flirting, and speaking inappropriately to other women was unacceptable. After his continual denial, he finally admitted to it and said that it was just us from now on. Now, today, his email had a message about him replying to a female wanting a threesome before 7 today. I don't know where he's been all day, he said a friends, but he's a liar, as we've discussed. I don't know that he acted on this, he better not have, but he said he was "interested" in the ad. He came home, I've been cranky and tired so I have said nothing yet. I napped. :P So, my questions are as follows: Am I acting out of the area of appropriateness by stalking his email? How do I proceed in this discussion? Is it even worth the discussion, or do you all think this is not about to last? Thank you everyone for your help!
sneaky bf talking inappropriately/sharing pictures on craigslist, talking to other women inappropriately, lying, etc. Need to know if I'm going crazy or if he's worth the effort.
My girlfriend and I are both 22 and we've been dating a little over three months. We're both in our first serious relationships and we've been extremely happy with each other in the past three months. The only trouble is that we have these little "tizzies" (as we call them), or small fights. There's no yelling, there's no storming out of the apartment, there's no hanging up on each other, it's all very mature. They're more like tense conversations than anything else. They're about various subjects and can be about anything from we can't figure out what we want to do on a weekend to how much/little time we spend together. They've been getting closer together to the point where we have one once or twice a week. My question is: Is this normal? We're trying to work on communication. I compromise a lot in the relationship to make her happy. I don't do it to the point where I'm unhappy, it's more like certain things not important to me and they're important to her, so we do what she wants. She says this isn't necessary and I'm working on making my "desires" or "needs" more known. Is this normal? Any suggestions for reducing the number of these? Do these happen this often in most relationships and you just get through it and talk it out? We have no intention of breaking up or anything but if it gets to happen everyday or something I could see it becoming an issue.
Girlfriend and I (both 22) are in our first REAL relationship and have small "fights". We're mature and talk it out, but are kind of concerned about them happening more and more often. Any advice? Is this normal? How do we fix it?
I live with my boyfriend and have been with the guy for nearly 8 years, since high school. This summer my boyfriend is not working, and has made no efforts at getting a job or an income. He is still in school and has one more semester until completion, upon which he will be looking for a job. This whole summer thus far, he has been sitting around playing video games. He plays all day, from waking up to going to bed, and wakes up past 2 and 3 pm every day and goes to bed at 4 am, interchanging between World of Warcraft and Reddit. I have told him numerous times I would like to do things together, and think this sleep schedule is unreasonable and unhealthy. The only thing we do together is watch shows. He has no money and me and my mom are the reason he has groceries and food to eat and a place to live. I also worry about his personal growth, since he is basically just glued to the screen and not accomplishing anything. I talk to him about it every day and he brushes me off as being annoying. I find it so embarrassing that he is basically a video game addict and jobless to boot. We can't do anything together unless I initiate - he never initiates any dates (not like he would have money to go on one anyway) or activities together. He has no care for whether or not he will have money this summer to do anything, let alone feed himself. We can forget about going on a date. I take us out everywhere we go basically, if I can get him to go. He's likely to complain that he doesn't wanna go anywhere or that he doesn't want to dress a certain way. I don't know what to do. He's not a dumb person, so why can't he see that this is absolutely ridiculous? Last night I learned he bought a month of WoW (he was using a trial period before on his old account, which he already got his main character to the max level on)......the guy has like maybe $60 to his name, is making ZERO effort to get ANY cash or income, and just spent money on the thing that is making everything between us horrible. Right now, it's 1:12 PM and he's sleeping, and will continue to for a few more hours. I don't know what to do. He's acting like a useless bum. He says he doesn't want a job and just wants to relax. We could go somewhere or do something fun, but he has no money, and I'm tired of always being the one to plan, pay for, and do everything.
Boyfriend won't get a job to make money over the summer and won't stop playing video games; sleeps from 4 AM to 4 PM every day.
So I was playing with my pup and he's going through puberty. I get down on all fours and we play togethet. He had bit me once that night by play biting and made me bleed a bit. I yelped but he wanted to play a bit more so i did too. I let him kinda nip and softly bite my ears and I do the same to him, but this time he bit my face and blood was coming from my face, dripping on the floor. I do admit i was pretty pissed and so i thought since he wants to play tough now i will too, and i bit him pretty hard and he yelped really loud, and then just was looking up at me looking afraid, sorry, and confused. Now he is refusing more commands i trained him to do and sometimes totally ignores me, especially while he's doing something else. He still comes up to me in the mornings and wants to be excited and etc but he is a bit confused. What is the best way to rebuild the relationship?
dog got too rough with playing as he has gotten older, he bit my face and made me bleed, i bit him on the neck like a parent pretty hard and now our relationship is kinda suffering. What is the best way to rebuild?
I've been seeing this girl for about 6 months. She's got serious mental health issues and it's been rough. I've seen her kicked out of 3 houses in that time. I was going to dump her when she got booted out of house #3 and lost all her possessions. I put her up, for a week, as she was supposed to move in with a coworker. That didn't happen. We had a big fight and she was going to leave and sleep on the street. While I was at work she made a deal with my housemates to stay in exchange for helping with rent and utilities for the rest of the month. I informed her she still had to leave and she said she'd get a temporary rental asap. Never happened. Then she lost her job. So three days ago I asked her if she had made arrangements for the end of the month and she freaked out and basically kicked herself out. I need my space back and my sanity back so I said she had to go. Anyways she's due to leave and now she's going to be sleeping on the street. This was far from what I had in mind when I asked her to move out. She's refusing to go to a shelter and likely hasn't asked anyone else for space to crash. On the one hand it's been a psychotic roller-coaster and I can't handle it anymore. On the other hand I'm making a person sleep on the street and it just seems so cruel.
I (32m) let girl (26f) with mega issues stay at my place, now I have to either keep riding the crazy train or make her sleep on the street. What should I do?
When our relationship started about 2 years ago, a few weeks into it, I didn't feel ready for a long distance relationship and sometimes thought she'd be better off without me, so me being the idiot that I am, decided to lie and said I kissed my ex girlfriend, in order to break up with her. She was hurt but stayed with me and we're now really happy together. Sometimes she'll bring it up in an argument that starts over one of my female friends or one of her male friends. Then we'll cool down from our arguments and she'll say she only brings it up and says stuff like that because she misses me with this distance. Should I tell her it was a lie? I'm afraid of the outcome. She doesn't bring it up a ton, it's really rare, she used it against me yesterday for the first time since like last year. My Ex is out of my life by the way, there's no contact between her and me or my one friend that knew her. Edit: She does say she trusts me, that she cannot possibly imagine me cheating on her again, which I never have and never will do, especially to her.
I lied about cheating on my girlfriend a few weeks into our relationship. It's only brought up during arguments like every few months or so. Should I tell her despite the worst possible outcome or not?
So I don't expect a huge number of replies to this but any would be great... So here I am 20 year old me living with my parents having a full time job and I get paid every Friday. Without fail every Friday I seem to be able to spend all of my wage without really noticing. (Mainly on nights ourt and such, which I know is 100% my fault.) I was wondering if any lovely redditors would be able to suggest a way to control my spending. I mean tonight I write this as I walk home because I cannot afford a taxi even though I got paid literally less than 24 hours ago. Please note I do not spend excessive amounts on alcohol I just somehow manage to spend all of my money regardless. I have tried leaving my bank card at home only taking what I have feel I can afford but again without fail I manage to spend all of my money either later on in the week or just later on when I get home. I must feel addicted to spending money but I genuinely have no idea how I manage it.
I get paid once a week and spend all of my money within a few days. Any idea how I can help actually save and not feel I have to spend every penny before the weekend is over?? Also badly formatted on mobile sorry!!
I've been in love with this guy since my freshman year, I've just recently graduated high school, and he's moving away for college. This isn't a post to give me courage to ask him out. We had dated back in September, and he broke up with me later on. In fact, he hates me. He finds me annoying and my mere presence pisses him off. I'm sure this note I wrote to him, telling him that I was going to miss him might've pissed him off or somethings. We had been in band together and he'd always get the solo, as he's extremely talented at the trumpet. But now, I can't listen to closely to any music containing trumpets. It makes me cry, thinking about a person I hold close to my heart, and how I've lost him for good.
I'm hung up on a guy who played trumpet, and now I can't listen to the sound of it, because it reminds me too much of him
A few months ago, my friend, A's, boyfriend of then a month drunkenly groped me at another friend's party. The boyfriend grabbed my ass multiple times and stuck his hand up my shirt. It took several friends to help get him away from me. I was sober at the time and remember everything in full detail. I explained to A what had happened, she apologized (although I told her not to, since it was the boyfriend's fault), but decided to stay with the boyfriend, chalking it up to a drunken mistake. Her boyfriend had actually groped other people at that party, too, but none as extreme as my case. My friend holding the party ended up taking A and the boyfriend's side and claimed I was making things up, despite there being multiple witnesses who clearly told her what happened. Needless to say, I distanced myself from both A and that friend. I wouldn't want to remain close friends with anyone that'd take the side of someone they've known for a month who groped a close friend they've known for years. However, while I thankfully have a loving boyfriend and supportive group of friends, who have my back through thick and thin, I've had a hard time moving on emotionally. I'm currently unemployed and can't stop negative thoughts from racing through my head when I'm by myself. Recently, I've started comparing myself to A, who has been having a spate of great luck following the incident. For instance, she received offers for the same jobs I competed for. I know I shouldn't compare myself to anyone, but I have many more years of experience than A in these sectors, whereas she has none. She's also professionally taken advantage of me several times in the past and taken credit for my work. I let it slide at the time, but obviously, she's not a friend I'd want to keep. A's currently traveling across the world with her boyfriend (the groper), while I'm struggling to make ends meet. After the incident, I told A that I don't feel comfortable with her bringing her boyfriend to other group events involving alcohol, but she keeps doing so. I know I have a top-class boyfriend, friends, resume, etc. and everything will eventually work out. But, in the meantime, I can't stop my thoughts from drifting. I keep flashing back to moment the boyfriend grabbed me and I can't let go.
Friend's boyfriend groped me and she stayed with the guy. Her life is great right now, mine is static. Having trouble moving on from the incident and not thinking about karma. Advice?
I have a little bit of experience with this. Actually enough that I went and bought some equipment to make life easier. Anyway, don't do it. I do it for friends when they can't afford things but you are going to run into this constantly from guests. "I'm old, play music I know dammit" "The girls want to dance, play dance music dammit" I prefer this "I'm hardcore and the groom is drunk and he is hardcore, Play metal you goober. You're part of the system with all this dance trash aren't you?" That being said, all you can really do is play the most popular old music. Stuff like jack the knife and new york new york. You can slip 3 dance songs together before the metal heads start giving you dirty looks. Gives the girls a chance to get back to the bar and fuel up. So play something that will get them to shut the fuck up. Maybe some popular metal like acdc or iron maiden. Ive gotten to the point where I'll beat mix a little popular metal into dance songs and that seems to be working but requires some knowledge, experience and coordination. You'll also need someone that can run shit if you want to go have a smoke, get yourself a drink.. Paranoia sets in after uncle bob stands over top of your equipment with his beer sloshing all over the place.
I have some experience in wedding DJ, Don't do it. Bring a date and have fun instead. Much better, and nobody will remember that you saved them a few hundred dollars.
I [19M] have always had this really strong crush on my best friend [19F] and I've always felt she might be attracted towards me, but I've never been sure. Recently we've been getting a lot closer (going to the gym together frequently and always having the best time) and it almost feels like someone just needs to break the ice and say something, but we're both too afraid to. I highly value our friendship as it is, I always have incredibly good times when I do things with her (and we frequently do things together, 3-4 times a week). It's because of this that I am too afraid to say anything to her for the fear that it could create this subtle awkwardness between us damaging our amazing friendship if she doesn't reciprocate my feelings. Because we like doing all the same things, we're such similar people and we have very similar goals and expectations of our futures, I feel like we match each other perfectly..
really attracted towards my best friend but don't want to tell her how I feel because I'm afraid it would damage our amazing friend ship. Help.
Your friend did not wake up one day and choose to be attracted to children. Whether it is hormonal, conditioned, genetic, etc this is an actual issue that he is struggling with. The problem here is that if police were informed, in all likelihood your friend would simply be treated like a criminal, which isn't necessarily the case. Not long ago (and in some places still today) if homosexuals acted out on their desires they would be imprisoned and/or killed. Finally people are coming to realize that as long as both adults are consensual, no actual act of crime or immorality is being committed. Your friend however has absolutely no way of acting out his desires in a moral or non-criminal way, which I find exceedingly sad. Honestly, I respect him for being open about it; it's better than no one knowing and he can more easily get away with acting on his desires because no one would expect it. By being open, those who he is open to can offer him counsel and help, as well as keep him in check that he never acts on his desires. Think of it like being his Alcoholic anonymous sponsor.
I feel sad for your friend, but think it is a good thing he is open about it and can get help from friends, family, and hopefully a professional.
Hello, See title. The girlfriend talks every day for about two hours with her mother, on the phone, skype, about all issues, while with me the effective communication is less than that - its just everyday things. Sometimes it feels like her mother is living her life... what to do about this, it cant be healthy, right? Ive asked her about this and she says she doesnt like it but her mother really doesnt let her go and when she tries to cut contact for a while with her mother - the mother gets upset and basically the girlfriend gives in after a few days or so after a huge fight.
Feels like girlfriend spends more time with her mother than with me, and her mother lives in a different country. Nothing I can do about? Where can I read more about this issue, when parents are overly attached and controlling of their young adults?
I was banned from the only good go kart track around this city. I didn't know I was banned. I went to a work party there for the company I recently started working for. I went up to register with all my bosses ( very religious, anti drugs/alcohol ) close and within audible range. They told me I could not register because I was banned. I was shocked! I asked why? At this point everyone was staring and my anxiety started kicking in. They told me I was banned for drinking in the parking lot. I starting turning red and apologized to the manager frantically trying to brush this off. My bosses were quite obviously displeased. I apologized and told them I no longer drank alcohol. The manager of go kart track asked to do a breathalyzer because my eyes looked red (high). 0.00% BAC. Had a great night and still work for that company.
Unknowingly banned from go kart track for drinking beer in parking lot. Forced to apologize and do a Breathalyzer test in front of anti drug/alcohol boss.
Hello Reddit.. Many months went by and things have started to settle down. I figured it's time for me to share this with everyone. This happened this past May, during finals week at a university. Quick background, I was a senior, majoring in Finance with two weeks left until graduation. During finals week, I was overwhelmed, trying to manage school work & I particularly struggled with this one course. It was tough and I needed to get at least a 75% on this exam to pass this class with a D. The highest score that I got on an exam in this class was a 67% so the pressure was on. I needed to pass this class to graduate so desperate time calls for desperate measures. Well, I decided to put the entire study guide with definitions + the HW questions in my calculator. Took me around 12 hours to type everything up in the calculator. I've done this before but never during finals week or on huge exams. On the day of the test, I walk in there confidently with my TI-89 calculator. After receiving the test, I opened up my calculator and got to work. A good amount of answers were in my calculator and I got so caught up that I didn't even notice that the professor was walking around during the exam. This is where I fuck up. Halfway through the test, I'm heavily invested into my calculator, pressing that up or down button, trying to find a definition. I felt someone was right behind for quite a bit but I ignored it because we only had 30 mins left to finish the exam. Well.. My professor was right behind me, watching me for the past 5 mins. At that very moment, I knew I fucked up. I turned around and I started to tear up. He took my test AND my calculator and told me to leave the class. The following day, I had a meeting with the professor and the dean of the business school. My school has a zero tolerance policy for cheating so I automatically received an F for this course and got suspended for 2 years. I was not allowed to walk with my class and graduate with everyone. I had to pack everything up and left campus the following day. It's been rough reddit. Never seen my parents so upset and I feel like I've let everyone down. Impossible to find a job and I've been flagged by everywhere.
Put answers on my calculator and tried to cheat on my final exam. Got caught by the professor and ultimately, failed the course, suspended from the university for two years, and wasn't allowed to graduate with my class.
The same thing that makes america great is what will(and ultimatley is) its downfall. We're the only country in the world, or were, where you weren't babied. You were put into a sink or swim sytem, excluding rare cases like being born rich, and this is why we were a nation of swimmers. The swimmers would help out the sinkers, who would become swimmers and the cycle of sucess and help would continue. I'd like to make an honest assumption of you, I hope you don't get mad. But you should like America. You're as american as apple pie. You won't find more american than a cali girl. I'm also willing to be you're very attractive. I'm also confident in the fact you can be/are naive. Theres nothing wrong with that, being optimistic is better than being pessimistic, right? Regardless, the US culture changed in the 90's. You could always be taken advantage of(not you, just someone in general), but after that it was pretty much expected. So now we get to you, a naive cali girl who sees the best in everyone. You take a lot of the stuff you have access to for granted. You live in what might be the closet to the "Garden of eden" as earth will ever see. So there will be people jealous of you, who try to take advantage of you, which is why you hate the culture, maybe you do it without knowing, I don't know. But I do know this, Americas culture is the best because it allows anything to rise to the top, its truly a "culture", but we don't have "Culture" like other countries do, we're a melting pot. We aren't one brand of soup, we're a gumbo, in a way.
If it makes sense, you kind of take for granted the weather, people and opprutunities that american culture presents to you. I rambled off topic a little bit. I hope that comment made sense.
So, basically my boyfriend and I have been going out for a year now, and it is genuinely so great. We are so compatible, we rarely get annoyed with eachother, we are awesome sexually and it's just fun we have. I was having a great time, thinking it was all going well. I've had a destructive relationship in the past and this one is just brilliant, he treats me great and I am a great girlfriend to him. 6 days ago, he tells me that he doesn't want long-term anymore. He is crying, says he doesn't know why, tells me he doesn't love me. That he doesn't feel any desire to do things for me anymore. That he doesn't get excited for our plans. I don't understand this - we do hang out alot, which I thought might be the issue, but we always have fun and are not in a lull where we sit and do nothing. He says this just happens to people, but without one of us messing this up, I don't understand why. He had a four year relationship before me. He was single for two months and then met me and started falling for me. He says he didn't have enough time for himself. I've asked if it's to get with other girls and he categorically says no, he just needs to have time to think of himself and no-one else. I see it as - who doesn't want great animal sex? Who doesn't want dates? Why do you want to be alone and lose this? Plan of action right now: I go home for christmas in three weeks (at university now) so we would have had four weeks apart ANYWAY. The next three weeks we've agreed to hang out, have fun, but less often than we do. Then four weeks clean apart, no getting with anyone else. January comes, we go on a date (where I plan to look very hot), we go on another date, and just see if his feelings come back. I've told him if he cant be excited to see me or want this by then, then we're over, and he agrees but says he wants it to change and he wants to try. Unless anyone really thinks that's a stupid plan, i'm really asking: why does he want to end this? We are so great and he thinks it's run its course while I think it was still taking off.
boyfriend of a year thinks its run its course. relationship is amazing and genuinely not problematic. is this normal? being apart over christmas then seeing how it is in january.
I understand these kinds of posts must come in bulk, but, as the title suggests, I don't really have anyone to talk to about this.) WARNING: WALL OF TEXT Feel free to skip to the last part. I feel the most important thing for me to get across is that I'm actually a fairly self-assured, friendly, happy person. I'm not terribly ugly, and I'm capable of holding ^mostly normal conversations with people. I wouldn't say I'm not socially awkward, but I like to think I'm able to cope with my social awkwardness gracefully. My problem exists in that I am absolutely incapable of dealing with romantic, emotional situations. I've attempted to be in several relationships in my life (I'm fairly young, only 19), but each has ended because I come off as being totally impassive (which I can't really deny). Moreover, I’ve never initiated a relationship, I’ve only ever been asked out; I‘ve never really wanted to initiate one. I really want to be able to feel for another person (or at least have sex a few times) but there’s usually nothing there, or if there is, it disappears when I get to know the person and would rather have them as a friend. It sucks, and in the past I’ve really hurt some people’s feelings. I think I’m far too comfortable in my cocoon. If I didn’t have any friends or responsibilities, I would have absolutely no problem in never leaving my house and dying alone. If it’s also worth analyzing, I also have trouble dealing with personal space issues. Not quite OCD or anything, but I dislike hugging, kissing, cuddling, and sometimes eye contact. They make me uneasy. I have two very loving, supportive parents who I hug often, and a non-traumatic childhood, so I have no idea where this came from. Perhaps I’m suppressing something? I’m not sure what I’m asking- maybe just if anyone has similar experiences they could share, or if you could provide insight into whatever healthy romantic relationships you’ve been in. I’ve gone as far as I can studying myself, I need input from other people.
I have an alarming amount of trouble understanding romantic feelings (or lack thereof) for someone who probably isn’t a robot. Please tell the robot some "normal" ways people feel/react to relationships/love/romance/etc.
Me and my girlfriend have been dating for about a year and a half. I am her first boyfriend and she assumes were gonna be together forever. Last year she went to college three hours away from me. She became super insecure and jealous of me. This year I am also attending college although I'm adding an extra two hours to our distance making it about a 5 hour drive to see each other. While she was at college i realized i really wasn't as happy as I could be with her. I kinda brushed it off thinking the next summer when she came back would hopefully be better. Needless to say it wasn't. we fought constantly. This took a huge strain on me. Now as I'm attending college on my own I am experiencing everything I missed out on. I'm realizing how happy I am without her. We've fought via phone and text almost everyday I've been here. I have recently made friends who are girls that make me truly happy. Now, I'm not saying i want a relationship with said girls, but i realize how much happier they make me feel and don't bring me down constantly. My girlfriend is very attached and believes I'm gonna be the man she spends the rest of her life with. Again she has never experienced a boyfriend before me. Although, she doesn't treat me as if i am this all around amazing guy she thinks I am. she yells at me and guilt trips me on the daily while I'm here at school trying to get involved and make the best out of my time here. She expects me to never leave my room and only talk and FaceTime her with my spare time. I am very close to her family, and also do not want to ruin her life. Thats what makes ending it so hard. I guess what I'm Asking is where should I go from her? Do i pursue my happiness or suffer to keep hers?
My GF is overly attached to me and i am no longer happy with her, but don't have the heart to destroy hers. Even though I'm miserable. I guess I'm just asking what should i do?
About a week ago I met a girl online. We got along well since we have similar interests and a few mutual friends from around the place. About two days into our chatting, we got onto the topic of exercise and she said she doesn't do anything too strenuous anymore, and I asked why. She then told me, in detail, that she has depression and attempted suicide last year, messing up her leg badly in the process. Her reasoning for telling me this was "some people are freaked out by that, so she wanted to let [me] know early in case [I] wanted to get out of talking to her." She did mention that she's been doing a lot better in the past few months, though. Understandably I was a little freaked, but I went with it and said it was fine, etc. I'm all for de-stigmatising depression, but she was so detailed, and honestly, the whole suicide attempt thing is really not the kinda thing I wanna hear about within the first few days of talking to someone. Since then, she's also shared a whole bunch of other personal stuff (including things about how controlling her ex was). It's barely been a week since we started talking and already she's mentioning stuff I wouldn't talk to some of my best friends about. I'm kinda mentally freaking out since I actually do like this girl, but I just don't know how to handle her at the moment. How the hell do you tell someone like this that they're oversharing?
Girl I met online is oversharing a lot, has already told me lots of personal things I didn't really want to know, and is generally acting very intense. How do I tell her she's freaking me out without being mean?
Every time my Mom's family has Passover I am prone to uncontrollable laughter (especially if I'm with my middle sister or cousin) at the worst moments, especially since my Grandpa is very serious and the ceremony lasts for hours. Many times when they ask for a moment of silence I think of my sister and then start holding in my laughter which makes fart noises. And then because of those noises my sister starts laughing and seeing her laugh makes me lose it and I have to leave the room. Also during prayers and stuff, and when my cousin is there he knows this and eggs me on so I embarrass myself and my parents. So pretty much every Passover. Also sort of related, this leads my grandma to think I get drunk off those apple things.
I laugh hysterically every Passover during prayers or moments of silence in front of my really serious Grandpa and it makes my Grandma think I'm drunk.
Ok so I started dating this girl two months ago. The first month it went awesome. We really liked each other, dates went great, met and liked each other's families. We would call or text several times a day, she would come over often and it felt like we were a really good fit. The relationship picked up momentum really fast and we both seemed comfortable with that. She told me several times that she was falling hard for me, and that she was happy. We have had sex once, after a month together. About 3 weeks ago something started to slowly change. She would call me less often, her texts became a little harsher, and increasingly I was the one initiating communication. We still have seen each other on weekdays (and when we get together she acts lovely just as if nothing is wrong), but during the last couple of weekends she hasn't picked up the phone, just to later call and apologize with some excuse. Last Friday we went to see her favourite band live, and had a good time. However she came across some close friends of hers and she didn't introduce me to them (which seemed intentional). We made out before and after the concert, but she declined staying over my place. She texted me after I droped her off thanking me for a great night. Saturday I call her and text her twice and she doesn't pick up. She texted me in the evening with what sounded like an excuse. Today there has been no word from her. All of this has left me feeling like the bitter needy guy calling and begging for her attention. I decided not to contact her anymore, maybe ignore her for a while to give her a way out of the relationship if that's what she wants, or to come around and be interested again like at the beginning of dating. She has never mentioned anything about taking things slow now, so I don't think that's what's going on. As I type this I feel like an idiot being mad about a very young relationship, but she is my first girlfriend ever. I'm a normal guy, but all I've ever had have been informal relationships. What do you all think? I do get the feeling that her interest in the relationship has dropped. Should I forget about her for a while and give her some space? Should I ask her about what's wrong risking looking needy and overly attached? I suck at normal love relationships.
girlfriend of two months seems to be getting emotionally detached. This should be common. How do I fix this? Would it be wise to ignore her for a while?
So we met last Sunday and we're planning on going longboarding this coming Sunday with a couple friends. We've been texting since then and we've exchanged probably like 250 messages back and forth. We talk a lot about longboarding but we also occasionally ask the other what they're up to and stuff like that. Any ideas on if he's interested or not? Edit: my friend set us up cause he's a friend of her boyfriend's. I think he knows about the set up because he added me on Facebook before we even met. We talk pretty much from the time he gets done with school and sports until 10 when my mom takes my phone. Sometimes the replies are immediate and other times it's like 20 minutes but rarely any longer than that.
I've been talking to this guy my friend wants to set me up with for almost a week and want to know if he's interested in a relationship or just friendship
Hi Reddit! I'll try to be brief. I'm a mexican redditor and I love this community and all the great things that reddit brings to my life (lots of tears of joy and laughter that is). I always try to contribute with my own stuff here, mostly on the pokemon subreddit because I love drawing pokemon related stuff. My situation here is, I'm quite poor and my digital tablet (a Genius f509) is about to die, it has served me well ([you can check my site to see what my tablet has helped me create]( and as much as I love it, I will need to change it soon. Just out of coincidence or mere luck I happened to come across this contest on a mexican designers facebook page ([link]( where the first place prize is --you guessed right-- a digital tablet! The contest mechanics are quite easy, the submission with the most 'likes' wins... aaaand that's about it. But sadly (And I guess I am not the only one here on reddit) I don't really have many friends in real life, while the other contestants just ask their friends to like the hell out of their submissions, so it isn't a fair competition at all, it has actually become a "who has the most friends" contest. So what I ask you dear redditors is: Would you help a fellow redditor win? I ask this to you because I consider all of you my real friends, you are the only ones that are around all the time when I'm down, I've laughed with you countless times, we have discussed and thought of the most weird stuff, because I know you always lend a hand to somebody in uneven circumstances and because we all love pokemon! I'm asking you to help me win that tablet so I can keep drawing more [awesome pokemon stuff]( If you are willing to help me, you just need to 'like' *[my submission]( AND * the FB page of the contest . Of course if I win, I will bring proof of everything and will provide you guys of some good quality pokemon paintings for all your help! Please excuse my half-assed english and thanks for reading.
I lost my last racoon to a door salesman, the president of Nicaragua killed my wife and I might have become pregnant from an affair I had with a midget.
If you can't be bothered to read the main part, just go to the A, B, C, D, options. So my ex girlfriend and I went out for over a year and then she broke up with me 4 weeks ago. We’ve had no contact and in this time I’ve had a lot of time to think and realise that this is definitely the best course of action to take. We’re both still young and too focused on our career paths to have a relationship and sacrifice our careers for a relationship, and in 6 months time we won’t be geographically compatible either. This realisation that breaking up was the right thing to do has made me get over her surprisingly quickly. I know, I know many of you will say, “It’s only been a month bro, you’re not over her, you’re lying to yourself”, or “You can never be friends with your ex girlfriend, it’s a bad idea" but no, seriously, like I said, I have no desire in getting back together with her when she has to permanently move to another continent in 6 months time. On her side of things, having spoken to her friends, she seems to be doing OK and seems to be very much over me too. I think this is the case because when she broke up with me, she explained how she wasn’t feeling very happy for the past couple of months, so the fact that she’s had time to prepare for this breakup, has made her deal with it a lot easier than I did. When we broke up, I felt like I lost a girlfriend and my best friend. Now, because I know having a girlfriend isn’t a good idea at this stage of my life, I don’t mind losing that part of her, but I do mind missing her as a best friend. And now that I’m over her, I want to get back into contact with her next week so that we can be friends again. My question to you Redditors, is what is the best way to contact her? I ask this, because I don't want her to reject my invite to dinner just because she might think I'm trying to win her back or something which would waste even more of the little time she has in the country. So do I: A) Just keep it simple and ask her if she wants to meet up for dinner? B) Ask her if she wants to meet up for dinner with a brief explanation consisting of telling her that I’m over her/why I understand that us breaking up was the right thing to do. C) Ask her to meet up for dinner ‘as friends’. D) Another way that you could suggest? Thanks for the advice!
I want to meet up with my ex again as friends, how should I approach this? Please, no advice on telling me not to contact her. I want to meet up with her and make the most of the time she has in the country.
Here's how this whole relationship turned upside down. My girlfriend and I have been together for about 3 months now. The relationship is good, everything is going well up until school let out. Unfortunately, I do not have a car or any means to see her outside of school and she lives sorta from where I do. So, we rely on texting, calling, and the occasional video chat to stay in touch. Things have gotten a bit shakey due to the lack of physical interaction (she misses seeing me, sex and stuff). What I mean by "shakey" is she has gotten a bit concerned about me "seeing" other girls at parties and such. As am I about her, so I don't blame her for that. Although, I constantly reassure her that my affection is toward her alone. In return, she says the same. A while back she sent me her tumblr blog or something (not familiar with tumblr) to show me some pictures of her and her friend. Side track, a week later she goes to a party. I don't get mad or anything cause I know she hardly gets out compared to me and if she trusts me with parties, I'll trust her. Two days after the party I go back to her tumblr just to see her silly pictures and maybe create a topic for future conversations. I find a picture a few posts down (about 2 days worth) of her and her friend taking a rather depressing pose compared to other pictures. The description or text below the picture read, "I feel really shitty after tonight :( I hate giving into guys. Its like I don't know how to say no or something. I feel so guilty and depressed". I read a bit further at the tags and beside "#guilty #depressed" was "#sex" My stomach immediately twisted and my heart dropped as I feared the worst. Now I'm sitting here on my phone while she's asleep at her at house wondering what to do. To be completely honest, this has never happened to me before. Cheating, that is. And to be straight, she's not known to be the most innocent of girls when it comes to guys, although, she seemed like she was genuine with me. I guess my questions are, am I over reacting about her having sex? (After all, it's just my assumption.) Should I talk to her about? Should I move on from her or give her a second chance?
My girlfriend, after having some communication issues with me, goes to a party and from what i get out of a tumblr post she put up, had sex with another guy. How do I approach this?
Towards the end of high school, my friend invited me over to his house right after practice. I get to his house and it’s one story, two bathrooms, and four bedrooms; the usual. We bust out Smash Bros. Melee and start playing for a couple hours until before we know it it’s getting late. I have to take a dump so I go to use his restroom and after sitting down for a few minutes I realize something. For some reason, at this convenient moment, I had just produced the largest, most vile turd known to man-kind. I am willing to bet three months of gold that nobody in the past 6 months had taken a bigger shit in the local southern California area. ~5 minutes later, I finish up and flush the toilet, staring at the floor, proud of myself for getting the job done. Relieved, I hear the usual surge of water go through the tank, but suddenly realize I didn’t hear the gulp sound it makes when the water (and poo) flushes down. Horrified, I stare into the tank and my biggest of fears comes true. The shit didn’t flush . I opened the cabinet under the sink, hoping to find a plunger, but to no avail. I had already spent almost 10 minutes in there and my friend was waiting. I didn’t have many options. I could: 1) Leave the bathroom, confess my sins to my friend and deal with the consequences 2) Keep flushing and hope that it would go down, even though the bowl was almost filled to the brim with water 3) Attempt to use both hands as a makeshift plunger to create some form of a vacuum seal However, stupid 17 year-old-me decided to reach into the bowl and GRAB THE TURD, with two layers of toilet paper to shield my hand from the unknown, thinking it would be sufficient protection. I then proceeded to throw it in the trash and brainstorm on how to plan my escape. I knew the smell would cause suspicion, and as I looked around I decided it would be a clever idea if I climbed out of the window, leaving the bathroom door locked, and then booked it back to my place. My friend didn’t bring it up at school, but there is still an awkward tension between us and I don’t think things have been quite the same.
Took a big shit at friend’s house, didn’t flush, grabbed it and threw it in trash can, ditched his house through the window, still not sure if he knows about it.
Hi All, New to Reddit. I just wanted to ask, how much time do you actually spend doing things with your SO? I live together with my BF, and I feel like he is smothering me. In the time that we have been together, I have lost nearly all of my friends, because he never wanted me to leave the house and go out with them. I have also gained weight because he gives me a hard time about going to the gym since he doesn't want me to do something without him, and he refuses to join. When I am at home with him, sometimes I just want some space. I want freedom to read, take a bath, look at stupid shit on the internet, and he makes me feel like I can't do anything unless he is doing it with me. In the event that he does give me some time to myself, it is only an hour. We have a lot of unresolved issues, but this is something that just really irks me. I'm an introvert and need my alone time. I guess I'm just curious to find out how much time other couples who live together actually spend together. I'm wondering if maybe I am just not ready for this type of relationship.
To those of you in LTR, how much time do you actually spend with your SO? I feel like I am being smothered, but don't know if this is normal.
So, the other day I was up at a my friends place, and I was about to leave. I opened the door and held it open for a few seconds while I was saying bye. My friends cat goes flying out the open door and down the hallway. I head out after the cat and corner him at one end of the hallway. I reach down to pick him up and he bolts passed me and goes flying back down the hall way. On the other end of the hallway is a glass door to the stairwell. Well I chase the cat back down the hall way. Not realizing the door was in the way of his potential freedom, the cat goes piling face first into the door. In that same attempt notices that there is another hole above the bottom window and tries to jump through that window and again goes face first into the second window. I picked up the stunned cat and took it back into the apartment.
My friends cat went charging face first into a glass door looking for freedom. looked up, saw a second opening and dove into that window as well.
My employer has a home ownership program to incentivize staff to purchase single-family homes as long as they are within a nearby geographical boundary. The incentive is this: $50k or 20% of purchase price (whichever is less). The subsidy will be paid monthly, split over 7 years, so long as staff remains employed and the home is their primary residence. I've kinda ignored this benefit for some time, as the geographical area is not very appealing. But to give you an idea, even though it's not a very appealing area, homes go for $350k to $450k+. Homes in nicer neighborhoods are double that easily. As things stand right now, even though I make decent money for most other places, it's really not a drop in bucket toward homeownership in the better areas around here. Rent being as high as it is, it's difficult to save the kinda of money needed for a 20% downpayment on homes in better neighborhoods. At this rate, I will never be able to afford property in the better parts of town. But with this program, I might be able to at least get a property partially funded by work. Though, I should add, the money will be considered taxable income. I'm really just starting my research, so wanted to hear thoughts from folks here. In Personal Finance we're always encouraging maxing out 401k matches because it's free money from our employers. Technically this program is free money as well. Any folks here have experience with programs like this? I was recently promoted and I see a long-term path here—very secure work environment. I worry about being stuck in a neighborhood I will hate, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe in 5-7 years, the home will be worth enough to make a little profit, and open the door to something better. I know it's a risk, but is it better than doing nothing at all, and continue down the path of never-ownership?
Employer provides monthly subsidy toward homeownership in not very appealing neighborhood, but very high-cost of living area. Should I buy to get on the property ladder or not?
I don't have really any relationship complaints to voice here, there are challenges, but nothing we can't handle together. We both make good money as dual income multiple advanced degrees in technical field. He has a previous family with kids that are graduated/graduating high school within next 3yrs. Things have been complicated but I'm used to complicated and we just fit so well together. I've never been a big fan of the legally marrying, at least without a prenup. We also definitely don't want any kids together, I've thought long and hard and never had the mom kick. We bought a beautiful house together this year, with a legal co-ownership agreement and mutual life insurance policies to cover the pretty large investment and liability. From my eyes, after seeing so many divorces, bitterness, etc, I think people should stay in relationships as long as it makes both parties happy. When it doesn't, then communication, and when that fails it is time to move on. I've been thinking about buying myself a cubic zirconia wedding ring to fend off advances from other men. We are practically married and at my age I still get hit on a bit. I could tell him I want it to be a gift from him to be symbolic, but that isn't particularly romantic. We are planning a vacation to Caribbean in November, so I had this crazy idea... why don't I propose a silly mock wedding, buy our rings, and treat it like a honeymoon. No legal filing. I think it sounds really romantic and sweet, but I'm concerned it could come off as too pushy crazy stereotypical "marry me!!" I could write a song and bring my ukulele, have some silly rings, and basically say some vow on how I am looking forward to our lives together now and in the future.
Feeling unsure about surprising my partner with a symbolic mock marriage during our vacation. If he reacts negatively or confused of my motives then it could put a hamper to the good times.
My buddy and I were day drinking pretty heavily one day at my university town in Ontario, Canada. He had just finished his paramedic's convocational training and was working part-time as a paramedic. Also at this time he had just started seeing a really good looking girl who was 3-4 years older than us. We were leaving the bar after last call so we had been drinking somewhere in the nieghbuorhood of 14 hours. As we were walking away from downtown we noticed a couple police officers standing by a kid who was really hurt after falling from a 20 ft pedestrian bridge (We would later find out he was flipped over the side of it by a GIGANTIC DOUCHEBAG). So without skipping a beat my buddy rolls over and talks to the cops, who are completely unqualified to assist the injured kid, and tells them he is a Peel regional paramedic (he was but only technically). They toss him some gloves and he does the protocol for trama from falling. When the ambulance arrives it ended up being one of the instructors from his school, so he gave them the low-down on what happened and we walked away. I was floored, the girl was equally dumbfounded and turned on.
Fresh out of school paramedic aids really hurt kid after full day and night of drinking. Impresses the hell out of hot girl he was seeing.
Well, this past weekend I was drinking with some friends and roaming around town. I was wearing a cardigan and kept telling people that were walking by that I'm Daniel Tosh. I have a haircut more similar to Shaggy from Scooby Doo than Daniel Tosh. Only thing I got going for me is that I'm a white male. By doing that, I figured that Daniel Tosh is gay. Any time I told that to girls they just snarled at me. However, whenever I said it to some guys they'd start talking to me for a few minutes.
Ran around town drunk saying I'm Daniel Tosh because I was wearing a cardigan. More success talking to guys than women, therefore, being Tosh helps you get men.
Jake. Jake is a name that is akin to something of fire to me. It provides warmth and light and protection, yet it can be dangerous if not handled correctly. Jake. Vital to life, yet can be the cause of a monstrous death. Jake is... Was a friend of mine. He meant the world to me. Sadly, not all friendships are meant to last. Jake and I parted ways many months ago. I hadn't heard from him until now, when he messaged me about my post. "P4P3RSN0W," he said. "I know it's you. You always made those paper snowflakes when we were kids." I couldn't deny him. He was right. But after all the pain he put me through.. Did I really want to talk to him? I built the courage and hesitantly replied. "Yes. Yes, it's me, Jake." I said. There was no response. Then finally, my phone buzzed, and it buzzed a mighty buzz that echoed throughout my living quarters. I was afraid. I missed Jake. I wanted to rekindle our friendship. We had such good memories as children. But he was Jake. And he was brash, and harsh, and brutal. Could we really repair our broken bond? I looked at my phone, silently praying for the best. "Hahahah you think ur internet famous lol you must think ur pretty cool now" I knew it. Jake was as he always was. Uncaring and unfeeling. I couldn't let him get away with it. I couldn't let him get away with rebuilding my hope and destroying it, like a Jenga game gone wrong. So I decided I would forever imprison my anger for him here, on Reddit. After all he's done to me, it's my turn to make him hurt a little. Fuck you, Jake.
Jake is friend. Friend make fun of me. I make fun of friend on internet, best place to make fun of friend. Edit: formatting is a bitch. Also fuck you Jake
Andrew sounds immature and insecure. I watched a friend struggle through a similar situation with a guy. He wouldn't put in any effort. He was the constant, "I don't want a relationship" guy. Turns out, he just didn't want a relationship with her. Even so he was very over protective and get mad and be mean to her if she did something with others or wasn't available wen he wanted. She loved him and always forgave him. The good times were great so it was easy to forget the bad times, even though there was much more of the bad times. There was no advice in the world that she would listen to. She had to fatigue of his bullshit to eventually break free. In the end it wasn't even her decision for the most part. He disappeared on her for long enough for her to clear hear head. There's still a soft spot for him and there's no doubt he could talk his way back in, such is love but at least now she is seeing new people and trying to move on. The funniest part is, this guys name really was Andrew.
this relationship sounds unhealthy. You're young and inexperienced, go see what else the world has to offer before deciding on a life partner. Doesn't sound like Andrew respects you and if you admit your love, he's most likely going to break your heart.
Like the title says: Anyone apply for a Full Time position and get rejected only to find it on the job boards listed as a TEMP position now? I applied for a Full Time position, and received a rejection phone call recently, thanked them for letting me know. As I was continuing my search, I found a position VERY similar (same industry, systems/software used, description/duties) posted through a temp agency for a 6 month contract. Edit: This Temp position was posted exactly ONE day before they contacted me, had me wait almost a month for an answer. I was told I lacked experience, but this was after having 2 Phone Screens with HR, Phone Screen with the Hiring Manager, and an ALL DAY process - Face to Face interviews with Managers, a team lunch, and a presentation after. I'm not going to lie, I'm disappointed I didn't get it after all of this, and I'm only assuming this is the temp position posted due to the very similar job description.
Rejected Due to Lack of Exp. after jumping through hoops and bounds. Saw very similar position posted as a 6 month Temp through Agency now.
After reading that title, I bet you're thinking 'That's not so bad, you probably just hurt your hand.' Guess again. By the way, this was about 6-9 months ago. Okay, so I was pretty pissed off at school. I was having a... colourful rant. Now picture this corridor: You walk in, and to the left is an English corridor, in front of you there is a hall, and to the left there is an I.T corridor. I'm standing outside my I.T classroom, off the back of a D in my Physics test. Not a great start for the day. My friends particularly like it when I rant, so they are effectively standing there, pissing themselves with laughter. In a rage, I throw a punch in the air, and spin round, as you do. I'm fully intending to punch the air. However, I completely screw up this ragey-air-punch, and punch the wall. Only to find it is a makeshift wooden wall which has been painted over. The wall breaks, much to my amazement (I'm not exactly the strongest kid, so it must've been a pretty weak wall) and it collapses straight onto around 4 computers, knocking them off their stands, breaking them. This is the moment my PRINCIPAL walks round the corner, to find a broken wall, 4 broken computers and me wailing at my very sore hand. As if it couldn't get any worse, one my friends genuinely pisses themselves with laughter. He doesn't realise until everyone looks at him in disgust, hears various loud 'Eurgh!'s and a wet patch beneath where he was stood. It gets even worse, but expectedly worse, as I have to pay for all the damage and get one hour after-school detentions for a week. A truly incredible, unintended fuck up.
I was having a shit day, had a rage, accidently punched a wall, broke it and 4 computers, and had to pay for all the damage and a week of after school detentions. And my mate genuinely pissed himself.
YAY STORY TIME! (It's a long one) About 2 months ago my daughter and I are in the parking lot of a Costco. I pull up to my stop sign, check all directions and decide it is safe to continue on my travels. When out of nowhere a lady comes barreling through the intersection. It was at this moment in time i layed on my horn, slowed down as to not get into an accident with my 4 year old in the car and proceed to give this little old lady "the bird". I found a parking space walked to the back of my car to unbuckle my daughter, where low and behold the little old lady decided to follow me back to my parking space, and began to tell me that I was the asshole in the situation because she didnt see me. Normally I would have just laughed and walk away but this lady decided to insult a complete stranger. The last this she said to me was "I wish I had hit you, your not very nice." I promptly replied "I dont give a flying f k about being nice to a lady like you, now go f k yourself." Daughter looks up to me and says, "She wasn't very nice." I tave my daughter a high five and told her I loved her.
Old lady nearly hits me with her car, blames me then tells me I'm not nice. Daughter looks up afterwards and tells me that old lady wasn't nice.
still has feelings for me" Mike and I dated for a little over a month. He broke up with me out of the blue, stating he just "couldn't see himself developing serious feelings for me". Fine, whatever. Fast forward two months and we're in the process of trying to be friends. I'm treating him like a friend: being friendly, talking to him semi-regularly and just generally moving on with my life. I invite him to a party being thrown by mutual friends (along with about 25 other people). He says he'd love to come and I don't think anything more about it. He never shows. But not only does he not show, he sends me a long text late that evening explaining that he wasn't ready to see me in person, still had feelings for me, had been having second thoughts (about us), how he didn't think he could handle seeing me with someone, and just generally dumping all of his emotions on me without suggesting any course of action whatsoever. I waited until I was sober (earlier today) and called him to talk. Not only did he not have anything to contribute past what he wrote, but he promised me that he would never do that again/he was sorry. Why does he think he can dump and run like this? What is the point of telling me these things if you have no intention of doing anything about it? I'm furious, and feel like he's being both immature and manipulative, even if it's not on purpose. What do you guys think? I'm absolutely mystified by his behavior.
Ex broke up with me, pretended to be my friend, bailed on a party and then sent me a text explaining he still had feelings for me but doesn't seem to want to act on it at all.
I'm 23, and my girlfriend is 23. We've been together for close to a year. Throughout the relationship, we've had a communication problem. I'm not a huge talker at all, but I absolutely need to be able to converse daily with my SO. A relationship without plenty of conversation isn't nearly as rewarding to me, because I need to be able to connect deeply with my SO. My girlfriend, on the other hand, is satisfied with just being around me and prefers to talk little or not at all. It's literally enough for her to just be in the same room as me while she distracts herself with Facebook and NPR. We might not see each other for a whole day, but she gets home, gives me a kiss and goes straight to Facebook. After that, I'd be better off talking to the walls - I feel like they're better listeners. The thing is that I'm very desperate for a deep connection with someone. I want to feel like there's at least one person who I spend quality time with. And I keep giving my girlfriend more and more chances, because I feel like I owe her some loyalty, but I'm thinking it would be better to try getting my conversation someplace else. It's hard to stand the thought of that. But if I ask her to pay me some attention or talk to me, it only takes a minute before she gets impatient and lashes out. Honestly I feel like the situation is abusive. She stares me in the eye and tries to intimidate me until I leave her alone. Her anger can be very hard to deal with, and she is unwilling to take blame for just about anything. So I get upset and she just stares at me coldly and says "I don't have anything to say." But although I wouldn't call this a functional relationship, I do think the pros of it outweigh the cons. I really get a boost of confidence from having someone to interact with. The fact that I'm dating is evidence to me that I have some value. Being alone again seems like the absolute worst case scenario. All I want is for my girlfriend to be nicer to me.
I like to talk a lot, my girlfriend prefers not to talk at all. She gives me the cold shoulder almost every time I try talking to her. I don't want to leave her, and I don't know what to do.
I met up with my buddy and his GF's sister about a year ago i added her sister on FB , my buddy told me his gfs sis told her she taught i was really funny and cute , she has never had a BF and she is almost 20 she is a very shy person in general , we have talked a couple of times on FB she is a really cool chick but kind of shy. She has had some problems with creeps sending her messages but im sure alot of women deal with this type of thing on social media , so i wrote to her a few weeks ago (we hadn't talked in awhile) she never replied even though we were cool before that? , maybe she taught i was trying to chat her up/flirt? , i just want to get to know her on a friendly level i know most women are use to guys looking at them like a piece of meat or some sex object , but i just think this girl is really cool and id like to get to know her. Me and her sister (my buddys GF) talk regularly and she hasn't said anything about why she never replied and i don't want to ask either , should i send her another message telling her i wasn't trying to flirt with her? like i said i just want to get to know her because i think she is cool and we have alot in common , want should i do?
How do i convince a shy women im not just interested in her because she is pretty i want to get to know her on a friendly level but she might think im just trying to get in her pants.
We have been dating for three years and are crazy about each other, we practice bdsm regularly, and he knows that I'm pansexual and haven't been with a lady in quite some time. So he started talking to a girl to try to set us up. Only I wasn't aware of this at first. They met at a party and she was into him and he explained he was taken. We met her the other night and she was really sweet and has a lot of similar interests to us. But of course I'm massively insecure about us 'couple dating' her. I've had experiences in the past in which a poly situation has gotten out of hand due to jealousy, and of course this makes me nervous.
I'm kinda gay, boyfriend tries to satisfy me by getting a girl, and I'm not sure how I feel yet. Anyone that has experienced this before is welcome to give advice.
Me and my boyfriend have been together for about 2 years, and living together with roommates for about 1 year. I've loved being able to be together everyday, coming home to one another, sleeping together, and everything about being with him. Our lease is up in 6 months and he wants to move back in with his parents. He says for financial reasons although he's only paying rent right now while his parents pay his car insurance, phone bill, and everything else. If he moves back home I'm basically forced to move back into my grandparents house and share a room with my 16 year old sister and sleep in a twin sized bed.. alone... I've cried myself to sleep almost every night thinking about how bad it will be. My home life is also pretty toxic and I'm very happy to be away from it. I know I can't force him to do anything he doesn't want to but I guess I just don't get why he would want to move back home. I haven't really told him how upset I am because I don't want to be unreasonable or put him down.
Boyfriend wants to move back into his parents house, I want to be with him and don't want to move back to a toxic home life. What do I do? How do I cope with this?
This is somewhat from today, at least the important information. An ex of mine from over a year ago and I have been casually hanging out platonically, and tonight we got into the reasons why we were no longer together and why we shouldn't be. We were a good fit, both similar in life goals, interests, movies, humor, you get the idea. Tonight, as we are discussing "where we were" in how we felt about each other, she mentioned a few deeper things that she knows about herself and why she shouldn't be with anyone right now. She also mentioned distance (we live about 25 miles from each other), work schedule conflicts, but nothing I wouldn't consider terribly difficult to work around with my new job and schedule being flexible. Here's where the antidepressants and the fuck up come into play. After I addressed each point of conflict as no longer an issue, she finally blurts that we didn't have enough sex. At the time, I was on a med that really fucked up my libido, but really helped my anxiety and depression, so I chose the lesser of two evils. Now, a year plus later, I'm on a different medication without that side effect, but it's too late and we are beyond the point of being a couple. It sucks because had I known it was a big enough issue, I would have talked to my Dr about it. And now that it's not an issue, of course it's too late.
I lost out on what could be the best relationship I have had because my meds killed my libido, and my ex dumped me Partly because she wanted more intimacy
I don't know why i am angry, frustrated and little depressed. I should be happy, i should spend time with friends and families but i hate it. I hate to spend more time with my family than necessary (lunch and dinner), they piss me of. They are annoying. My friends are ok but when hanging out we are always 5+ and i just think that it is to many people. And some of them have only 1 thing in their mind, getting laid, and they try so hard and i just don't like their style. I don't like my hometown either, its a shity place, it's barely a city. And the girls, WOW. you can say that there is 3 kinds of girls here. 1: the stupid ones 2: the nice ones that doesn't seek anything 3: the ones that are taken. I'm still not completely over my ex and it frustrates me that it's so hard to get over someone. We hardly talk now, which i think is nice but at the same time i wanna be with her, hold her hand and cuddle. But i know that it's not going to happen. The biggest depression of this is that i know she is hanging out with some of my slimy friends, and it just makes me sad. The thought of her with others makes me sad and it make me feel like we never had anything. I don't know maybe I'm just overreacting. But i just wanna leave this town and start a new life. meet people I've never met, talk to girls I've never talked to before. Start over. But i can't for a whole year.
tired of family and friends and the slimy friends, still not completely over ex, wanna be with her but it's impossible, wanna move away and meet new people but I'm unable to.
I've stayed out of relationships for a few reasons. I'm poor, I'm in college, I don't have a car, my uber christian parents don't know I'm an atheist and would kill me if I dated somebody who isn't the same faith. Its worked out pretty well until recently. I met this girl and I can't not think about her. We hang out pretty frequently, like once or twice a week and every second is pure bliss. I think she's open to the idea of us being together because of the way she acts, but then last night she told me that she just went on an awesome date with somebody much more qualified (a few years older, has well paying job, super attractive). My only relationship before this was 4 years ago and lasted for 3 months, so I really have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. I'm so into this girl and was really surprised how well I held it together in front of her, but after she left I just got absolutely hammered. Am I too late? I want to ask her out on a date but I'm seriously broke. I just want to pour my heart out to her; I'd be totally crushed if my own cowardice ruined this for me. Can anybody give me some advice?
Head over heels in love but I'm broke and woefully inept at articulating my feels, and I don't know if I waited too long because she just told me about an amazing date with a qualified bachelor HALP HALP HALP
Around 3 and a half years together, long distance, but we have lived together for approximately a year in total. He's very high strung. I'm a relatively conflict-shy person, I do poorly in them as I'm a "bottler" (emotionally) and being an introvert, I am not very good at expressing myself in heated situations. This means that arguments often go overboard. He will initiate some argument out of nothing by being insulting, condescending or - most commonly - by telling me that I am annoyed/upset when in fact, I am not. He claims I am pulling "reverse psychology" on him whereas I'm just being honest. In short, he's reading into everything I say and takes offense to everything and makes arguments over being offended by something I never said by thinking I said it. Such disregard really angers me, so I get angry (where in reality I've been fine just a moment ago) and it just builds. It's as though he builds a mountain out of a molehill, and when he's done that, I build a mountain on top. We don't talk much. We have different schedules. We might exchange a few words every 2-3 days and then talk properly once a week or less. We see each other every month or every two months. I'm not bothered with this, I think he's very aggressive online and I prefer waiting until we see each other, but I can't mentally rest when we've had a huge blow-out (over nothing!) and the following days he'll refuse to talk to me. I'll tell him I'm sorry I reacted angrily and he won't say a word back. I am getting so bored of his attitude, it's sapping my strength away and I can't seem to get it into his head how damaging it is. He just seems so convicted in his own world and thinks that by acknowledging anything else, I'm "pushing him around". I can't, in any way, say that this is a deal-breaker for me because he KNOWS I won't do anything about it. I feel cornered, in a relationship with a guy I love but don't like.
very argumentative boyfriend versus conflict-shy girlfriend, arguments actually paralyze me until they are solved but he is way too stubborn. I need advice on everything.
Also, whatever you do, don't reach for your wallet. I'm half-Indian, and was visiting Bangalore with my brother and his white friend who I think had never been out of the country. We went to Bannerghatta National Park, and were trying to get a hold of our driver to leave. I had no reception on my cell, and while I was trying to find reception, my brother's friend was approached by a beggar woman. He reached for his wallet, (it was several years ago, I don't remember whether he actually intended to give her money or not,) but as soon as she knew where the money was, she was determined to get it. She and I think one other beggar were trying to distract this guy. We realised this, and decided to go to the parking lot, where we assumed our driver would be. This woman started following us, yelling at us. We end up running around the parking lot, twice, me trying to get reception, my brother trying to spot the car, and his friend being bewildered, while being chased by this woman. I don't know a lot of Hindi, or Tamil, or any Indian languages, but I do know that she called me a bitch several times. In the end we got a hold of the driver and got the hell out of there.
Brother's friend let a beggar woman know where his wallet was and we got chased and cussed at until we got picked up by the driver.
Yes but I suspect they are more willing to act deceptively toward someone that they are settling with (possibly in attempt to recover more later) than another company they are selling the debt to. There is also a negotiation process involved in setting the price of the debt that would be different in settling the debt. A person buying their own debt obviously has inside information about their willingness to settle. A company buying debt normally does not so the price offered to a company to purchase probably reflects less information and contains more risk so it would be lower. The person buying the debt could take advantage of that.
I think if they are willing to sell at a price they will settle at that price but if they are willing to settle at a price they may sell for less because selling moves risk.
So basically my two best friends are a couple. I however knew the guy a year before the girl. Eventually the girl found her way into our group of friends and became close with all of us for about a year before she started dating the guy. 2 years later they're still dating and the group fell apart for the most part except for us 3. They really are great people and never make me feel like a third wheel (probably because I was friends with both prior to dating) and over the last 5 months we got real close I feel. They both helped with with a huge medical scare (I suffer from Crohns) with the female friend always being there to talk and even go with me to the hospital. I have also helped them both out and I know they have told me things that I doubt anyone else knows. We are all very open. The problem is they will be moving back away for school 40 mins away. And this upsets me greatly. Since April we have all hung out probably 2-3 times a week every week and even went on vacation together with a few other friends. I feel like the shift now to seeing eachother maybe once a month is going to kill our relationship. I'm worried maybe I'll be replaced by their new roommates or something. That we will slowly drift apart. I've expressed this concern of wanting to stay in touch and how i'm worried it wont be like that. They have both said they will prove me wrong. Any ideas how I can get over this?
Bestfriends are moving back to school 40 mins away. Going to go from seeing them 2-3 times a week to maybe 1 time per month. Worried I'll be replaced or forgotten about.
My friend has been looking for a new puppy for a while and has finally found one she likes. She found the offer for this puppy on a website and contacted the seller. The transaction seemed okay and my friend became more and more excited. Ever since we thought of the idea of this being a scam we could not shake the idea. I have posted the emails so they can be read from top to bottom: Yellow is my friend and Red is the potential seller. If you could read over them and give me advice on whether you think this is a scam or an honest seller that would be amazing. If you have had any good or bad experiences with this kind of process feel free to share them.
Friend is about to get a puppy. Can't shake feeling of scam. Provided emails for your opinion. Edit: Deleted Emails with addresses Edit 2: Added image of censored emails [The Emails](
One worked out great at the time. We were friends, didn't want relationships at the time, ended up having a "benefits" type relationship. She said again and again she didn't want a relationship, but she seemed like she wanted it when we finally ended it. Another was kind of odd - we fooled around and had a great weekend. After that we just kind of agreed that friends was where this was at, and we still joke and talk about that time. In the end, it feels a bit odd now when I go back to my home country (I live in Japan now) and my long term girlfriend and I have a party in my home country - we still invite my friend group, but and they politely don't mention that I've slept with them. I think at least three of the friends know that they've all slept with me. Not sure about the fourth.
Multiple friends. Never broken a friendship, but can get awkward when you don't tell your girlfriend that you have slept with some of these girls.
I asked this cute girl from work out. I didn't really make it clear that it was a date. We had a great afternoon / evening, we laugh a lot and I'm really liking her big time. At some point I try to kiss her, but she laughs and tells me she has just gotten back with her ex-boyfriend who she asked to move over to our city in some months from now. I feel stupid because I hadn't been clear this was a date, and didn't know she had a boyfriend. In any case, we still go for drinks, she drinks almost nothing as she's afraid she'll say "stupid things", but she says that she wishes she met me a week ago (before she asked her ex to move over). She says this twice in the conversation. Also, she tells me she was looking for other guys in the city for some time but didn't find any and then decided to settle for her ex boyfriend. I tell her she's too young to settle, but she says she's getting older and wants to have kids etc. etc. I really like this girl a lot and find her quite special. I don't know her well enough but could see myself being very happy with her for a very long time. What should I do?
Go on date with girl, who turns out just asked her ex to move in with her in some months, but tells me she is settling for him and wishes she met me one week earlier. I really like her, what should I do?
I ran a 19:37 for 5k on two months of 35 km/week in April last year. Got up to a 60:08 for 15 km after running for 7 months and getting up to 50 km/week for a few months. That corresponds to a 18:50 5k according to Jack Daniels' vdot formula. Now I'm doing 60km/week, planning to get up to 80, and I think it'll be realistic to run a ~85 min half marathon. Just for comparison, that's supposed to be equivalent with a ~18:31 5k from Daniels' vdot, which sounds realistic to me. Hopefully I'll get to race a flattish 5k some time and see if those paces actually line up. It'd be pretty sweet to break my 5k PR by a minute! Though I thought I'd have progressed more than I have in the past year when I started training so much. Am I developing slowly? Or is that about right? Granted, I count myself lucky that I was so fit coming off the couch... ETA:
yes I've seen improvements in the past year, though they're imperceptible during training runs. If anything my daily runs have gotten slower on average. Just the few workouts and races that count are faster.
The time I met an alleged pedophile. My mom has struggled with drug and alcohol addiction for years. So it should go without saying that she's dated some pretty unsavory characters. About 6 years ago my mom met this new guy. Within a week she was practically head over heels. I'd see her at home at night and she'd tell me how nice he was, sweet and charming, and that he taught math in a middle school. He was divorced and had a daughter around 10 or 11. Naturally she wanted me to meet him, as I'm sure she had already convinced herself he was going to be my newest step father. Of course, after years of going through this nonsense, I try to put it off as long as I can. A few weeks later she calls me up and asks for a ride home from this guys house. So I go over, park outside and call her. She comes out to the car, and basically begs me to come meet him. I agree and go walking over to the house. This guy was perfectly normal looking, tall and thin, with greying hair. I reached out to shake his hand, and as soon as this man touched my skin I immediately felt a feeling of revulsion. A single thought came into my brain and hovered there as I shook hands with him. " This guy fucks little girls." Needless to say I was taken aback. I've had feelings before when I've met people but never anything so clear. I got out of there as quickly as possible. On the ride home, my mother started asking me what I thought. I didn't want to answer but it ended up in an argument that ended with me telling her what I thought. She didn't believe me, and to be honest I can't blame her. So, she continued dating him and he was frequently at my home. I never touched him again, not even to shake his hand. The very sight of this person filled me with an inexplicable sense of dread and danger. Every time I saw him, I wanted to tell him that I knew, and that he was a monster. But of course, I had no proof, so for the sake of appearing sane, I kept my mouth shut. A few weeks later my mother abruptly stopped seeing him. Turns out a friend of hers knew this man's ex wife. She told my mother that his wife believed he was molesting their daughter, so she left him. She didn't file charges, but she made sure he couldnt see their daughter unsupervised. Stupid if you ask me. Super long and maybe not in the spirit of the question, but its the hardest I've ever tried to keep my mouth shut.
get weird feeling moms new bf is a pedo, no proof, can't confront him when he's in my house, makes me feel Nope'd as fuck, mom breaks up with him later bc she found out his ex wife believed he molested their daughter.
There was one thing I did that sticks out above all other things. When I was roughly 8 years old in school, I really REALLY needed to pee. One guy in my class asked to pee, and my teacher said "Okay, that's it, no more people going to the toilet for the day." (You know how it is in school, one goes they all go and so on) I decided not to argue with him. But then I had to ask. An hour left in school, he told me to wait. I explained I couldn't, I was getting angry. Of course, he wouldn't listen to a little fat 8 year old, so I was forced to wait. I didn't realize how much I needed to pee until I stood up to leave school. Don't get me wrong, the last hour was hell. But when I stood up I felt like my bladder would literally burst, no exaggeration. I made it to the gates of my school where I met my mother each day, and then broke out crying in front of all the mothers and all the students of my school, screaming and crying "I need to pee, I need to pee!" So of course my super mother picks me up and runs with me, in her arms, to my school bathroom. It made for quite an interesting scene. Luckily, I didn't wet myself and made it just in time. My principal and teacher both came in mid pee asking if I was okay. Afterward, I had to stay at school and talk with my mother, principal and teacher about using the toilet, and even at 8 I gave my teacher hell about not letting me go, as did my mother. I had him for 2 more years of school. He never again said no to me after that.
Almost peed myself when I was 8, screamed and cried, had to get carried to the bathroom by my mother in front of the whole school.
So, I've been in a relationship with a girl for almost a year now, we moved in together and over the past few months she has started to develop an interesting trend. I work a lot during the day (more than 10 hours usually) and when I get home I do all of the cooking and preparations. I cook breakfast in the morning and do more than my fair share of chores around the house, but I don't mind these things. The thing that is starting to get out of control is when she starts to really complain that I don't spend enough time with her (due to all of my other obligations both at work and around the house) and she will cry almost constantly during the time I am home while repeatedly saying " I am just afraid you'll leave me ". It's gotten to the point that even when I am cooking dinner she gets upset that I'm not 'spending time' with her while she is on the couch surfing the net. When I bring up the issue of "why would I want to leave you?" she comes up with these things about her body, she's not 'interesting', she's hard to live with, etc. however when I try to say something about her changing something about her life to make these things ' better ' her low self esteem takes over and she just becomes uncontrollably sad and upset. How do I help her control these issues and become a happier person with who she is?
My girlfriend has really low self esteem and is spiraling into a well of self pity and laziness. How to bring her back from the dead?
I have come to terms with being the super duper douche, yes. I feel bad for her for getting used and being put through all that. I, however, am fine. I did feel bad when I broke up with her at first because it's hard to let someone go when you've been with someone for 4 years. I fucked up her life quite bad actually. After breaking up with her a month after college started. She went into a state of depression because she had the mindset that she wasn't going to find anyone like me because she's fat and gets used. She had no one to talk to about this since no one even knew we dated. She finally told her mom about it and her mom made sure we would never talk again. But I lied me way around that but that's a story for another time. But back to the story of fucking her life over. After that college incident, she actually failed out her first semester and lost her Financial Aid, grants, and all that stuff she needed. She's from a middle-class family but money has been a struggle for them. After that happened her step-father became quite stingy about money and just gave her, her mom, her little sister a bad time. Her mother tried to buy stuff for my ex (let's call her Beatrix for now) trying to make Beatrix happy. Her little sister is a cheerleader so she needs money to go to competition since she is actually in a very good cheerleading program and is hopeing to get scholarships for it. Recently her stepfather and mother had gotten a divorce and now Beatrix is working 2 jobs, going to college, taking care of her sister while her mother works all the time. I still keep in touch and talk to her and make her feel like there is a reason she needs to be alive. I do miss her but mostly for the sex. She gives amazing head, but bigger girls usually do, saying all this from experience. P.S. You can't offend the super duper douche.
Broke up with gf in college, made her lose her financial aid and grants, she's behind a year in college, caused her stepfather + mother to divorce, she's working hard and I talk to her to keep her from committing suicide. Sincerely TheSuperDuperDouche
It's not an "excuse", and what your friend did is entirely valid. You pay for health-coverage, and the whole idea of having GPs is that they catch things early (whilst it's still a headache, or a minor pain) so they can treat the cause before it gets much worse and someone needs a SERIOUS and expensive medical intervention (like having brain fluid surgically drained to release pressure) .
You should go to the doctors as often as you require. If you have a complaint, anything that lasts more than a few days, you are entitled to and they will listen. The system only works so long as people did what your friend does.
For instance, I unsubscribe from subreddits that are default and I don't agree with. I unfollow friends on twitter who say things I don't agree with or find offensive. I hide friends from my news feed on Facebook that I don't agree with, or who post annoying things. I also avoid certain links to websites that I know I won't agree with, Such as Huffington Post or Fox News. So why, when I tell people this, They usually say that I'm sheltering myself, and I should be more open minded. When i see it as another form of media that I am choosing what I see. I don't have to get a subscription to Playboy, just cause it's available. I dont have to watch Jersey Shore or Baseball just because its on TV. It's just the Internet.
I groom my Internet exposure the same way I groom my media exposure, and it's deemed wrong. Why is that? EDIT: I should clarify. I Primarily only groom my internet, not really much else as far as exposure. So I'm talking about the Internet.
I met someone on the train to work today. He was offering me or the guy next to him his monthly pass because he wouldn't be needing it anymore. He went on to explain he had just been laid off (not government shutdown related) from his software job in Boston. I told him he should sell it because he could probably use the money (and because I already had one.) We continued talking for a bit, I told him my work was hiring part time, and I think I must have brought up his job one too many times, he interjected and told me something along the lines of, "I appreciate your kindness, but please leave me alone, I just need to grieve. I'm sorry." My heart almost broke. I wanted to give him a hug and tell him everything was going to be okay. I wanted to give him something or do something for him... But I just felt restricted, I didn't want to cross any invisible lines placed by society that you're not supposed to cross. Line's like "You're on public transit," "Don't hug strangers," "Don't hug other men." Stupid shit, that didn't matter to me at all in that moment. But for some reason, it mattered enough to paralyze me from doing what I wanted to do deep down. What if this guy went home and killed himself? I know he had a kid, it's probably pretty unlikely, but seriously? What if this was one of those "I could have saved his life" moments. I didn't have much to give right then, but I wanted to give him my bracelet. It's simple, doesn't mean a whole lot to me, but it could have meant a lot to him.. To know that 1 stranger out there cares that he's having a seriously shit day, and 1 person thinks he deserves more than he's getting. For whatever reason I didn't, and just said what I thought I should say. "Hang in there buddy, I hope things work out."
I regret not giving my bracelet to this stranger, who just got laid off, as a small attempt to show that someone out there cares just a little.
Hey guys, I haven't really done this before so bear with me! I have been dating this girl for 2 years and she's very nice, intelligent, cute, but recently I feel like our relationship is not going anywhere. I feel drained whenever she is around and she actively tries to reduce how social I am with other people. She is increasingly paranoid and clingy. If I don't communicate with her for a few hours she sends me MANY text messages saying things such as "ARE YOU DEAD???". When I am away back at my parents for example like the past few days over Thanksgiving, she constantly sends me messages and when I'm busy with my family she gets upset that I'm not messaging her. When I checked my phone after thanksgiving dinner I had 8 missed calls from her! I've realized there are several red flags, since she always insists on spending all my free time with her, even when I want to spend time with some of my friends or play video games. I feel like I have lost many friends because of this and that I constantly have to hang out with my few remaining friends in secret in case she finds out. So yeah, I realize this is not good for me and I have to end it, BUT I am very afraid about what she is going to do. She has a VERY poor relationship with her family and I do believe that her parents extremely dislike her and place all of their problems on her. Her siblings are no help either constantly blaming her with anything. She has said to me and it feels like I am the only one really there to support her, and that leaving her would be devastating. I have been constantly encouraging her to make new friends, and when I think she has, she tells me that she actually dislikes them or finds them "entertaining". Recently she has started saying things like she thinks about killing herself all the time and how she wouldn't be missed if I wasn't around. This TERRIFIES me! So my question for you guys, is basically, how do I get out of something like this? I do care about her, but I do not think having a relationship has been healthy for me or her. I have thought about breaking up when I graduate from college since I am a year ahead, but would it be fair to her since I still have 3 semesters left???
Girlfriend is increasingly paranoid and clingy with several red flags. She has many issues with family and friends so I fear negative consequences on her if I break up. How do I do it so that she doesn't "kill herself"???
Once I had to pick up my sister from the airport. It takes about 30min to get there and I had been napping until about 35min till I had to be there. My sister calls and said she landed early -- shit. (who cares to check real-time flight info these days anyway right?) She freaks out like the JAP that she and says she's going to take a cab and screw you and all that good business after a long international flight and a carry-over. I get there and pick her up she was waiting 5 minutes she said but still she was furious. She tries to then give me shit again and I'm like listen fuck you sister I was 5min late and so get your panties out of a bunch and move on. She wouldn't let go of it and she said how disgusting I was for saying such a crude thing (talking about panties - wow). OH CAN'T FORGET THE FACT THAT I DIDN'T FILL UP THE DAMN VEHICLE WITH GAS! She kept talking me down on how much of a failure I was for not filling it up and being there on time and how I don't respect her..OK so I shut down at this point. We get to the gas station and she (being the JAP that she is) has my parents credit card which I asked for and she replied no. Mind you that this was my parents car and there wasn't a reason to not give me her card that my parents gave her. I wasn't going to flip the $100 gas tank bill. I ask her again and get aggressive with my words in a way like are you fucking nuts give me the card. She picks up her phone tells her friend to hold on because her brother was yelling at her. She leaves the car. I snap in half and shatter to a million furious pieces and get out of the car. As I'm inching closer to her with the eyes of death she's telling her friend that I'm coming to beat her up. Honestly I would be afraid of me at this point. I reach and grab her phone throw it to the ground and scream at her how this is the last of our relationship, that she can go fuck herself, and she's the worst type of person yatta yatta. All outside this gas station. I've never been so out of control - only family.
My sister pissed me off, I grabbed her phone from her hand and threw it to the ground, while screaming and pointing at her face with angry angry words. All outside a gas station.
I can't stop thinking of her. I can't even talk to other girls without thinking of her. I daydream about doing impressive stuff in front of her. I still have dreams about her. I can't even talk to my friends about it because none of them have gone through heart break. :C I don't want her back, I know we have parted ways and will never reconnect. I just want to let go and move on but don't know how.
It's been 3 years after a break up from a 5 year relationship, and I am still hurting. Do I wait it out? Or am I missing something? I was more of a reck when we first split, but still, these feelings persist.
Hi Reddit, I have a wonderful boyfriend- We're both 18- that I care deeply for. He is very sweet to me and makes me feel like the most beautiful and amazing girl in the world. I am very lucky to have him. However, my last relationship was the opposite. The male in it constantly tore me down and was verbally and emotionally abusive. To top it off I was having other stress, with school and my mother. He did not help. I stayed with him for far too long and as a result felt very bad about myself, like everything was always my fault. Some of the things he told me- that I was useless or the worst girlfriend ever- have carried over and while I do not believe them, I feel as if I could possibly make my new boyfriend feel this way. I know he never would, but Reddit, how might I feel better about myself in this relationship? Also, my ex was not a bad person, he was always under a lot of stress and had to hold his entire family together since he was 15. I am not excusing him, but I very much do not think badly of him. I just realized I deserved better, one of the best decisions I have made in a long time.
Amazing boyfriend, but still having not so great feelings from past abusive relationship. How to stop being afraid my current boyfriend will turn out like my ex?
My husband is one of two sons. My BIL (husband's brother) has a girlfriend who's pregnant with their first child, who already has a 14 year old daughter from a previous marriage. BIL and his girlfriend have been going out for a year and three months, but are apparently head over heals and have booked a wedding for 2017. My whole family includes the 14 year old daughter, Brooke, in everything - which we absolutely should. I've been in the same situation as her, and I know sometimes when your parent has a whole new family through their partner, it's nice to be treated like one of the family too. Brooke stays with her dad half the week so she's very active in her dads family, her mums family, and now our family. Brooke has no intentions of ever calling my brother in law her dad, or my MIL her grandma. She's clear that she's already got her family - which, again, is quite right. My BIL's girlfriend is very very very adamant -alomost TOO adamant- that Brooke shall be treated by us exactly the same as the new baby when it comes along. For example, I've prepared a hamper for the new baby coming with diapers, clothes, wipes etc. When I told BIL's girlfriend what I was preparing, she thanked me but said I should get her daughter a hamper or a big gift too so she doesn't feel left out. Which I can understand to a degree. However My BIL's girlfriend pulled a stinker, and my husband and I don't know how to react. My MIL wrote her will yesterday, and SIL asked her to consider changing the terms that if MIL dies, her assets will be split 4 ways - ie. one part for my husband, my BIL, the new baby and Brooke, so that Brooke feels included. MY MIL isn't the smartest crayon in the box, and did this. She's says that Brooke needs to feel included too, as she's part of the family. MY MIL's money is hers to spend, and if she decided to leave all her money to a cat charity I would tell her that's her decision, but IF she's going to leave it to family, surely her SON shouldn't be getting the same amount of money as an non related child, who's already got two families to seek inheritance from ? My husband doesn't know how to approach his mother about this without seeming insensitive. Any help would be appreciated. Or tell us we're being selfish.
My MIL has went a little too far in trying to include our BIL's new partners child into her life. How do we help her see logic without coming across as insensitive?
Hey guys, my college sends a team for a contest that takes place in Brazil; it's going to be partially touristic, and partially professional. I have the task to prepare everything we need to know about the place, do an overall research. So except google, I thought I would ask here too. All the questions concern Rio and Sao Paulo. Bare in mind, that this is mostly university-funded trip, so we want it all to be cheap, but decent enough. We're from Europe. Could you please answer a couple of questions for me? It would mean a whole lot to me! What's the deal with the voltage? I understand we will find the C-type plugs, but some places seem to have 127V, and some 220? What can we expect in Rio and Sao Paulo? What are some places we can eat, especially some Brazilian food? Are there good chain restaurants? What dishes do you recommed? The roads - is there anything that we have to bare in minds when travelling by car? Are there road tolls? Is this Rodizio thing for real? And does that mean that one day of the week we cannot use our car (we're going to rent two cars) Hotels - can you recommend something good, chep and safe? Any respectable hotel chains? Also, do you usually pay per person or per room? We can stack ;) . And what level of prices should be considered reasonable? Again, we just want to have a safe, clean place to sleep with no bedbugs and cockroaches. And cheap. What do we need to know about renting cars? Cell phones - is buying SIM cards a good idea? Whare can we do it? We're going to need it for calls and maybe a bit od internet for local research. What prices to expect? We'll be arriving in Rio, spending there about 2-3 days and then heading to Sao. What shoud we see in Rio and along the way? (Corcovado, Copacabana, Ipanema...?) What should we see in Sao Paulo? I heard something about an impressive zoo... but I don't know anything else. Any idea where and what it is? Supposedly has parrots. What places should we avoid? What's the best way to see the Foz Do Iguacu waterfalls and how to get there? From Rio? I heard that you can buy plane tickets for about 2x$133 but it may be that they will run out of tickets before we can buy them. Last but not least - we will try to find a trustworthy local person to tell us something about local realities, guide us a little etc. Where can we look, apart from couchsurfing? We don't want to get robbed. That's about it, sorry for the wall of text. It'd be super great if you could share some insight on at lest some of these issues :).
Heading with uni to Rio and Sao Paulo for a contest. We'll arrive in Rio and use rented cars to get around. What advice/tips would you have for us? Thanks :)
We were in a lab class together, seemed like we were in to each other. Her partner even seemed to be trying to set us up. I overheard her partner tell her how well dressed the guys were for a presentation, and emphasized me (there were other indicators as well, but this was the biggest). She once told me she "had no life" when she was in school, that it was "kinda sad" in a joking manner but she did study a ton. Also said she doesn't text all that much when we were talking about phones, but we had a few long text convos. Doesn't sound like she's dated much, though [edit: she's 20 btw]. I initiated most text convos. I knew beforehand that she'd have to leave to Europe after finals but was stupid and didn't ask for how long. I thought texts were persistent and that she'd get them when she got back, but apparently not [from Verizon's site]: > "The network will attempt to deliver the message for five days (120 hours) from the date of our receipt of the message. Messages not delivered within five days will be automatically deleted." Other carriers are only 3 days, and people who have left the country before have said that they didn't get any messages when they got back. I've sent 2 texts: Happy New Year text on NY Basically a "Let me know when you get back" text 10 days later (3 weeks since she left) Only way she didn't get the last one is if she was staying for ~3.5 weeks or more (we are on break until mid Feb, not unreasonable). We spoke after finals were over for a week until the night before she left as she was making final preparations. So, give it another shot or let it go? If so, what?
Girl agreed to go out after Europe, but I didn't find out when she'd be back. Texts are not persistent as I thought, so should I give it another go?
I was seeing a guy for over two months. We met online and went on a date and everything was great. I think it was one of the best dates I had. Anyway we continued seeing each other. After two weeks of meeting up with him my mother passed away and he was great with things and being there for me. I was a little worried because he lost his father a few months before hand. We continued seeing each other and he told me he wanted to date me and wanted a relationship. He called me everyday, took me away for the night and was such a genuine guy. There was no warning signals and the night before he ended things he met my best friend and everything was fine. The next day I get a phone call and he said he just wants to be friends. He basically said that he wants to focus on his life and that with everything that happened with his family and work related issues that he doesn't feel ready and doesn't want to string me along but really liked me. He told me he would bring my stuff over but the day after he ended things he said it was too soon? Anyway its nearly three weeks later and I still don't have my stuff. I was going to be near him and offered to meet him and he told me again he would bring my stuff to me... I don't know why hes avoiding me as I am fine. We were messaging the other day and he told me that I looked good in the pictures from the weekend that I uploaded and for the first time in three weeks made a conversation with me. I am a little hurt over it as we got on so well and for the first time in along time I actually found a decent guy. Just wanted to get some advice to see what others think.
Wanting to get advice on guy who has ended things suddenly even though agrees we got on well and didn't want to end things but knew it was for the best.
My family is royally cocked up, so they have a tendency to become invasive and mean without warning, and oh do they love social media drama. Their behavior is so shamefully immature and mean, it's starling, and I'm tired of them hawking their damage at me. I flew the coop and killed my account even though I know that there are a bunch of Friends who will assume I've just disappeared. However, I know it will sparrow me a lot of bullshit if I pick my battles. I'm not so much of a tit that I don't know how to keep in touch; I was born in the 80's and thus still use my phone for calls, so that little extra effort is fine with me.
My life doesn't need an endless play by play of tweets for people to skim, and it's ok to be tired of peoples' trite, sad swanning about. ... Pelican.
My boyfriend and I met last year in January, and started "talking" in March. We finally started dating in October of 2014, and have been fine for a while. Last week, my prom fell on the same day as the Mayweather fight. Although I didn't go to my prom, I stayed at home while my boyfriend went out with some guy friends to a bar, which I didn't really mind. I went to sleep at around 1 and said goodnight; he replied at around 4 telling me he had gotten home and that his phone died. On Sunday we texted like normal and I honestly didn't suspect anything. Fast forward to Monday, I went over to his friends house with him and all was normal. Afterwards, we fooled around for a bit (I gave him head) and I left because it was getting late. Anyways, everything was perfectly normal. On Wednesday at school, a close friend came up to me and asked me if I was still in a relationship with my boyfriend. Instantly I had a really bad gut feeling and lied to her and told her that we weren't dating. She told me that he had fucked some girl after prom night at an after party after the fight had finished. The reason she had told me so late was because she was absent Monday and Tuesday. She told me that this girl even showed her his Instagram prior to having sex with him and even told her that he had "an amazing dick," insinuating that it wasn't the first time they had sex or that she'd seen it before. I honestly didn't see this coming. I texted him one thing after - "I hope fucking Xxxxx was worth it." Then I blocked him. I wish I could say that it was easy getting over someone who's cheated on you. But I've spent the last week absolutely devastated and depressed. Because I fooled around with him the day after he had sex with her, I feel not only betrayed, but dirty. He was my first everything, even my first kiss. I liked to draw him things and give him presents once in a while. I honestly don't know why I wasn't good enough. I blocked him yes, but it's hard for me to move on without an apology or explanation. I understand that I am young and that I have my whole life ahead of me. But it's really hard and I'd just like some advice on how I can get over this blow to my self-esteem. I don't want to blame myself for this but I don't know how he could do this to me. Why did I deserve this? Our relationship was really good and he was my best friend. EDIT: I just now found out he got kicked out of his house and moved to LA. Not that this information is relevant but he's gone and it hurts even more :(
Boyfriend cheated on me; I sucked his dick the next day; I found out about him cheating on me; I broke up with him - Went no contact; Now I'm in a depressed limbo/ having a hard time getting over things.
I took my iPhone 5 into a repair shop to have the battery replaced under the apple recall/extended warranty program. When I went to pick it up they said they couldn't replace the battery (I wish this was the end of the story). They claim that there is something bent inside the phone that catches on the digitizer and makes it so they can't get the phone open. They tried to give me the phone back, but while I was talking to them I noticed that there were a LOT of dust particles (literally hundreds) all over inside the screen. I politely refused to pick it up then, and they said they would see if they could clean it (not sure why they didn't clean it first). I live about 2 hrs away from the shop so I had my brother pick it up after it was "cleaned." I just got it from my brother and noticed there is still a lot of dust in the screen, and now there are also a bunch of v-shaped marks inside the screen that look a bit like bright eraser smudges. I have a printed work order from them that states I was leaving it the second time for them to clean out dust that got into the screen while they were working on it . Is there any way I can get them to fix/replace my screen? I can take care of the battery on my own, or through some other shop, but now my phone is more damaged than when I dropped it off, and I'm a little upset. Should I just deal with the dust in the screen and leave some appropriate comments on their facebook or is there a better way to get somewhere here?
Took my iPhone in for a battery replacement, they didn't replace the battery but got dust in the screen and now won't do anything about it. What are my options? Edit: Location, I'm in Vermont
Backstory: we've been together almost 2 years now. We've lived together almost a year. He's older and already has his career. I am finishing my bachelors in Nursing (only one more year to go). I have a good job as well. My nursing school (one of the top nursing schools) between clinical hours, class, paperwork and homework is pretty much 50-60 hours a week. Plus my job which is really hectic. My grades are now effecting my grades. My SO and I have talked about the future and what we want to do with life after I finish school. He is definitely in our relationship for the long run. Our relationship is great. We have a solid foundation and generally communicate well. I want to ask my boyfriend to help support me through this last year of Nursing school so I can really focus on school and not my hectic job. My school is already paid for so it would just be living expenses. I don't have any bills besides rent, utilities (which is for where we both live, with our other roommates) and car insurance. I have quite a bit of savings as well to help. This is hard for me to ask because I am such an independent person. He is a very logical and strategical person . I just find this hard to ask because it is not who I am. This would be an investment in our future, as when I get out of school I will be making good money. I am in this relationship for marriage and I see this as an investment in our future. Any advice on how to ask this would be great, I just can't seem to put the words together or see how there may be any negative effects to asking this.
I work/have school, work is interfering. Need help asking my long term boyfriend who already has is career to help support me through last year of school.
When I was about 14, I was in the car with my mom late at night. We were driving up the highway and I noticed several cars slam on their brakes in front of us and swerve to the side of the road to avoid what looked like a roll of carpet flying through the air. It landed next to our car as we drove by, and my mom yelled at me not to look. Of course I did. I saw a woman in a dress and one high heeled shoe, the other one lay in the middle of the road further up. A week later I looked up our local police reports and found out that it had been a middle aged man who was struck by a vehicle. They cited the lack of pedestrian crossings as the fault. Except there was a pedestrian crossing 300 ft away from where he/she was struck. He walked into a busy highway into the middle of the night, dressed in drag, to end his life.
I saw a man dressed as a woman commit suicide when I was 14, mom told me it was a roll of carpet. Edit: word choice
My friend moved in with me after he came back from a type of special high school for the bad kids. He had passed with straight A's and no longer had anger issues. Turns out the fact that he lived with his uncle who beat him and told him it was his fault his dad ran off and mother died was the cause of his anger. So I let him move in. He moves in promising to help my parents pay for food and get a job and his drivers license. After a month I confront him and he shows me a few places he had gone to talk to and that he knew where to go to do his driving stuff. Okay but you could have done all this shit in 2 weeks tops. (Had my grandma there to drive him anywhere anytime.) So get you're shit together bro. 2 months later and he has not washed any of his cloths or showered and rarely came out of the barn (We renovated it so he could live in it A/C heating water a fridge, microwave.) So that is all I can stand I make him pack up and leave. On the way out I stole $5,000 he got from the state to start college. Got it for completing the school and for not having any parents. Do I feel bad? Sort of he thinks he lost it (Which he had once before and I found it for him.) On the other had I used it to replace the carpet in the barn that had absorbed the smell of 2 months of body Oder, old food, semen, and shit that he wiped on the floor in one corner.
Friend moved in to my place didn't do anything (not even showered or washed cloths) I stole 5 grand to replace the carpet (and buy gas for awhile) and he thinks he just lost it.
Hey. As someone who last year had a relationship that went from summer to long distance (she went back to school) and finally graduated and came back home so we are close now, we both had depressing moments. I lost my leg in an accident (have a robot leg that rules so it's not too bad), and subsequently (under the influence of a lot of drugs they originally gave me) told my family that I was sexually abused for a long time as a kid (this led to court cases, me having to lure this creep back while I wore a wire and get him to do/say certain stuff... he was arrested and we saved kids that he was abusing at the time). Okay, sorry that was a lot about me, but I am trying to show where my problems came from. During our relationship as long distance, I would sometimes be afraid of losing her for all kinds of reasons, slip into depressing moods etc. If it wasn't for her opening up in person with me, it would have fallen apart. But we talked here and there about what was going on inside both of our heads, and our feelings and thoughts about each other. I learned that she had some family problems, as well as being over stressed. We helped each other. The important part was and still is, declaring to each other "you are my bf/gf, NOT my therapist". Sometimes I would fall back into saying or acting out my PTSD again, but through talking we knew more about each other and gained more respect for how much or how little we should be "complaining" to one another. I would give the silent treatment, but it sometimes was NOT the silent treatment. It was, in fact, me needing space to figure things out. I just didn't know what to say because I was too emotional and in a negative state I would just say negative things. So we have become proficient at letting each other know when we feel "down" that day, or negative at the moment. I also entered therapy which helped. But my gf (21) and I (24) have had serious lows and highs. She has been amazing at listening to my shit and mine to hers. We just have to know we are not each others therapists. We are partners in life at the moment, and communication comes with that. We loved each other too much to give up easily, but when it was long distance, good lord we had all kinds of silent treatments, displacement of emotion etc. I can say so much about how all this worked but we are happy now. The first 3 months back together were tough as well, with her moving back in with her family and my mood swings, but getting to a place where we can just say "I'm in a negative mood" and speak a little about it and feel for each other has been crucial.
I hope everything works out with you two, if you like him a lot, realize he might just be over emotional at times and doesn't have a FUCKING CLUE how to deal with it himself, especially once another person gets close to him.
I apologize for the long post but I would appreciate your help...We have been going out for about a year now and recently got engaged. I am calm and a bit introverted and she's outgoing but we shared similar interests, culture, jokes etc. Being like any other girl, she loves the attention from other guys but she has always been honest with me and I find it harmless. It's a two way street when it comes to love and we both put in equal amounts of effort. However, past 2 months have been strange and I am not sure what to make out of it. Basically, there's a new guy at her job who just moved here and is new to the area. She has other friends at work but started mentioning his name more often. Oh he did this he did that he's from there blah blah. I told her it makes me uncomfortable and needs to stop. She stopped for few days but started doing again. He wanted to hangout with her and apparently she has told him no like five times. Which makes me wonder either the guy is an asshole or my girl thinks it's okay to give him the impression to ask her so many times? We ended up having a fight and the next morning she came over to say she needed a 'break' to see what she was doing wrong & why it was making me mad. She was crying the whole time and I felt genuinely bad. Since we were engaged at the moment, I thought she wanted to break up and I did my best to work it out and we ended making up and laughing through the tears...lots of sex and kisses :* Things looked good for a while but then again it happened. She invited me to meet her co workers for lunch and happy hour last week. Her other friends seemed cool but there was something weird with that guy. We really didn't talk and even at the happy hour, although my girl was besides me the whole time she would stare at him every now and then. In the end, it seemed like they are probably good friends. I have always trusted my gut feelings over heart and brain but I'm unsure if I am thinking too much & that they only want to be friends or that she has a crush on him. Thing is, I have been cheated on before and I can't make someone like me but I don't want to end up on the same path again. Please give me words of advice on how I can work through this because I really love her.
Fiance has made a new friend at work and I am unsure what's going on between them. Are they just friends or something more is going on?
I was thinking about the effects of negative things that humans choose to do to each other. It occurred to me that every negative thing that we do to each other damages society in some way. If someone steals from a convenience store, they are not only hurting the convenience store, they are hurting humanity as a whole. If someone chooses to act on hatred, greed, pride, or assholeness they are damaging humanity. If one country goes to war with another, they are irreparably damaging humanity. Even the mere existence of an army or police force is a bane to humanity because it is a waste of resources that accomplishes nothing positive to further humanity. Imagine what could be done if humanity's flaws were gone and none of our collective resources were wasted by the negative traits of our species. Imagine if we all worked together toward the common good and in love for our fellow man. How much better off would we be as a society? I've recently been inspired to work toward creating a better humanity. Watch [The Greatest Speech Ever Made]( and you might be inspired too.
So, the question is: has anybody tried to quantify how much of our resources we as a society waste because of our flaws? 20%? 40%? 80%?
I've been with my girlfriend for 3 years. We get along great. She's my best friend and we NEVER fight. However, our relationship is very shallow. We don't live together, and haven't taken any serious steps to take our relationship to the next level. She talks about kids and marriage like they are an inevitability, but frankly I am very nervous about the idea. She has confronted me a few times about a lack of intimacy on my part. She has told me that she feels like she's just my best friend, not my girlfriend, and I agreed to seek therapy about it. Between seeing 2 different therapists, they both honed in to the fact that I have had homosexual feelings since I was about 12 years of age, that I have long suppressed. I never felt like these feelings were true or valid, but as I get older and older I find it harder and harder to suppress them. My therapists believe I may be gay, and have encouraged to share these feelings with my girlfriend, but I am terrified to do so. I know it will crush her, and I really don't want to hurt her. What makes it worse is the lack of confidence that I am gay. I've suppressed it for so long that I don't know what is real. But I do know that I avoid intimacy with my girlfriend and can't remember the last time I was attracted to a woman. Any advice?
Girlfriend confronted me about how I lack intimacy, started therapy, therapy has helped me work out that I am likely a homosexual. How should I proceed?
In an hour it will be my 21st birthday. I don't drink and this seems to amaze people when I tell them. When asked what I will be doing for my birthday I get dumbfounded looks when I tell them I will be playing video games all day. It seems as if there is something wrong with me because I didn't want to become a drunken slut like my friends expected me to do on my 21st.
Nobody believes I don't drink and are shocked when they find out I play video games....I live around idiots :/ So, what about you surprises people? Edit: Change in wording. Thank you Darkjedibenvia for helping with that!
I got the Clarisonic Mia (the first one). It's $119, but I work at a place that sells them so I get a nice discount. I almost sprung for the Mia 2 which is $149 but the only true difference is that it vibrates a bit when it wants you to move to another area. The Mia 1 doesn't do that but it's not a big deal, I just use a timer on my phone to keep an eye on when to move. The instructions say to do 10 seconds on each cheek, then 20 seconds on your nose/chin and 20 seconds on your forehead. It's only a minute for a deep clean! I bet you could tweak it to use it more on your problem areas but I found the standard to work for me. As for products, I used the sampler it came with and I loved it so I continued to buy that. I think it's Clarisonic Gentle Hydro Cleanser. I use the sensitive skin brush head! I've heard the one for acne made it worse for some people and the delicate is good for when one is in the middle of shark week. Make sure to use a cleanser that doesn't have any beads or anything in it, it can hurt your Clairisonic. If you do decide to purchase it, don't get discouraged if it gets worse before it gets better. The Clarisonic is bringing all the grossness from underneath your skin to the surface so you may break out a bit more. I actually didn't have this problem but people did. After 2-3 weeks or so, their faces cleared up and it was a miracle worker! Just don't toss it out after a week and say it doesn't work, you have to give it time. As for the Neutrogena Wave, I have one of those as well! I bought it on sale too, it was okay. I don't know if it's any different from when I bought it but it didn't have any bristles, it was just a pad that rotated around your face. It made my skin soft but it didn't do much for me acne wise. I really think you get what you pay for there. Bottom line, I'd say go for the Clarisonic. It's spendy, but so worth it, it'll pay off in the long run. If you wear makeup, you'll use less product on your face, you're skin glows a bit more and it lasts a LONG time. Plus if you only use it once a day, a charge can basically last a month. Also if you buy it, charge it for 24 hours before use. Seriously, if you don't, it could screw up the product. Sorry for long post!
Buy Clarisonic. Get nice skin. Don't be put off by price. Neutrogena Wave = meh. If you have any other questions about it, ask! :)
Well a few days ago my boyfriend almost broke up with me. He gave me three bullshit excuses to hide the real one. Here are the three: 1) I never talk to him when I'm hanging out with my new friends. (not true I always text him back within 2-3minutes and I rarely hang out with anyone other then him as is). 2) It takes me forever to respond to his messages and he can feel me slipping away. (again not true. I reply to every message 2-3 minutes. He responds every 10-15minutes and replies to only half of my messages). 3) I never pay attention to him when we're hanging out. (more like he never pays attention to me). His real reason was he was afraid I will fall for my new friends and he didn't want to get hurt. Of course he told me the real reason the next day and I cried for eight hours. But I just don't feel anything for him. If anything I feel guilty for not calling it off completely. I just don't know what to do. We've been together for 3 months. He's 16 I'm 14. Should I break up? Or give it a bit longer?
My boyfriend almost broke up with me a few days ago giving me three bullshit excuses to cover the real one which really hurt me and I don't feel like I used to. Not sure if I should break up with him or not. Edit: Sub requirements.