Just looking for a little management advice here. As in the title, our(spayed, female) 2-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog is getting a little territorial of me, especially in regards to my husband. She's not aggressive about it(no growling or aggressive posture etc), but she tries to push in between hubs and I or push him away if he and I hug or cuddle without her. I'm 28 weeks pregnant, but I'm also unemployed which means I'm home with her most of the time, so I'm not sure which or both are bringing out this behaviour. We do however, want to nip it in the bud, as I am not hers alone, and especially won't be once the baby is born. We've been checking out resources on prepping her for life with a baby, but this is something different. Any advice on getting her to respect my husband's claims on me?
Dog tries to keep me all to herself, tries to push her body between husband and I to separate him from me. Suggestions for how to curb this behaviour?
My boyfriend and I have been together just over two years. He moved to the US from a country with free healthcare, and he hasn't seen a dentist since he was last there at age 17. He couldn't afford dental insurance for years so I understood when he first told me this. But honestly, he does not have the best teeth. He was a smoker for 12 years, and I never see him floss or use mouthwash, and he only brushes his teeth once a day. His teeth are also pretty crooked in places - I had braces so I'm not really sure, but it seems like it would be harder for him to brush as well as I can with straighter teeth. I also know that the health of your teeth/mouth can be directly related to other health issues, and although he's a pretty fit, healthy guy, I want him to stay that way! Just last week he started a new job that provides health insurance, dental included. There's also a dental school in our city that is hurting for patients, and have reduced their fees to $50 for a cleaning in an attempt to get more people in there. So seeing a dentist now would be absolutely feasible for him. But there are two issues: even if he went to the dental school for $50, I know he would still throw a fit about the cost, and I don't want to hurt his feelings. He's pretty frugal, and I've had troubles getting him to see a doctor for other issues, even when they are (in my opinion) really important, because he didn't want to pay a $30 copay. He doesn't have any tooth pain or anything so I know that he would put up a big fight paying $50 for something he probably doesn't think is a problem. I also think (although he has never directly told me) that he is already kind of self-conscious about his teeth in regards to the color/crookedness. I don't want to make him feel any worse about these things because they are TRULY not a big deal to me. He is the handsomest guy in the world to me no matter what. But I do want him to be healthy. I've spent my entire life seeing the dentist every six months, going seven years without really makes me scared for him.
My boyfriend hasn't gone to the dentist in 7 years, and although now he can I'm afraid to ask him in fear of hurting his feelings/starting a big fight about the cost. How can I approach this conversation with him?
It was a The Word segment. I can't remember which one, but I had just got back from overseas in Feb. '06 and I have / had always been against the war in Iraq. At the time a lot of people called me unamerican because it always seemed ludicrous to me. I remember I was sitting alone at midrats (midnight lunch for night crew) and the Colbert Report was on. What I then got to witness gave me a feeling I always think of whenever I see the report. I knew nothing about it, however, and although I may have recognized Stephen,I didn't remember him or his schtick. So I'm watching The Word segment and he's saying one thing and the word is obviously contradicting him or making fun w/e, the usual bit. I had no idea what was going on but I eventually started to catch on as I watched and I just felt happy to see someone on TV calling our government out. Saying things to a massive audience in a clever, entertaining and funny way that I wish I could have said. Finally, a short time later he performed at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner and absolutely blew me away with what he said and how he said it right to the President's face. Made me a Stephen Colbert fan for life, I hope he continues to do well.
First time I watched the show a The Word segment was on calling out the government in the show's normal manner while I just came back from Iraq and had always been against the war.
I feel broken and betrayed. We had been together nearly 5 years. She had cancer and I stayed with her through it. She had dumped me a month ago and came back to me saying it was a mistake. She said I was the only person she could see as the father of her children. I took her back. I got comfortable again. Then I offered to take her on a date just the other day and she began sobbing. I got it out of her that she was interested in another guy and doesnt want me anymore. She has felt like this almost 5 months now. I feel so used. Ive never been in a long term deal before her. I feel cheated on. She said she has done nothing with him but the hurt is the same. Ive been so angry lately. Ive smashed a wooden door with my flesh and bone. My knuckles are bruised from punching concrete. I think she is scared of me now, though I would never lay a finger on her. I smashed many of the presents I gave her over the years. I felt really bad about that. I gave back all the gifts she has given me over the years as well. Especially her pity presents over the last month. I can barely eat without wanting to throw up. Ive cried more in five days than I have in five years. Just sleeping in my bed is a mocking reminder of my inadequacy. I already had such a hard time learning to trust people, but now I feel like theres no reason to let anyone ever get close to me again, if anyone even would. I dont mean to be disparaging to women but I truly feel like I will never be able to trust a woman again. I dont know why I am posting this. I just need to make it into words and scream into the abyss. I was already on a serious downswing in my luck, now I feel like Ive lost everything. And I still have to see her constantly since we share a house.
long term GF dropped me for another guy after lying to me about wanting to be with me. Now I just feel riggety-riggety-wrecked. Thanks for reading if you did.
Ok, I'll try to keep this short and sweet. I met a guy about 4 months ago, we started dating and it's been fantastic . Best sex of my life, have lots of common interests, just an unreal amazing connection. We spent Thanksgiving and Christmas together and hang out about once a week. However, he's been pulling away recently. He was upfront at first about not wanting a relationship, but I thought "that probably means 'not with me'", which is fine. But he told me that "we've gotten too relationship-ish recently and he liked it, which scared him" He added "I spent 10 years in serious relationships and almost no time in my adult life not in one." We've agreed to try and take things back a notch, but it's hard because I'm falling in love with this guy. How should we best approach this situation? How should I respect his feelings? I want to keep seeing him, and he wants the same, but I don't want to pressure him. The connection is so amazing I'd rather wait for him to be ready. If I met someone else, of course, I'm not going to put my life on hold; but for now I'd wait as long as he needed.
Guy I'm falling for is trying to take a break from a long stretch of serious relationships, is withdrawing a bit after getting some feelings for me. What do?
I lent a shirt to a friend to wear one night. A couple of days later we were at her house and I asked for it back and she said it was in the wash. The next day she was wearing it at school, as soon as I saw her she went on some big rant about how it's her mom's shirt that she found. I said I knew it was mine and that she needs to give it back ASAP. A week later my friend invited me over and said the shirt borrower would be there but she said not to invite me. Since she didn't expect to see me she was wearing my shirt again. I asked about it and she went with the mom excuse again. I said I knew it was mine, I was wearing that exact shirt in a different colour. All I got was a bitch glare. Finally, four months later we were at her house and I noticed it on the floor of her room. I grabbed it and told her I was taking it. I think she had a major stealing problem. She stole my birthstone necklace (we didn't even have the same one) and if we ever brought DVDs, hair straigteners, etc. over to her house she would hide them when we were out of the room and keep them.
Possible klepto friend borrowed clothing and denied it was mine until I took it from her room after 4 months of her wearing it whenever she thought I wouldn't be around
So I'm having a little anxiety over this so I hope you guys can help me out. We have been going out for almost a year, and we are very compatible and happy together. However, there are two things that we differ on that make me anxious about whether we will be able to have a future together. Because we are still young, and he doesn't seem dead-set , I'm hoping there will be a way for us to reach a compromise or understanding. Firstly, he doesn't seem to want children. When this topic first came up, he asked me if it was a deal-breaker, and I decided it was. I love children, and I've always pictured myself having one or two (but for personal reasons I would prefer adopting). I want to grow old surrounded by family, and die surrounded by family too haha. He agreed that adoption was a very positive option, but he said he didn't ever see himself wanting children. But because it is important to me, we agreed that when we're about 30 (we strongly believe we have both found 'the one' so we often talk about our future) we would asses whether we are in a position to have children (financially). However since then, he still hints at convincing me that it might be better to not have children, just little hints here and there. He didn't have a very good childhood, and he believes children would be a lot of work and be a burden. He also does not have any desire to travel. I want to do everything with him, so it pains me when I dream of revisiting Europe or going to Japan, and he says no flat-out. He's uncomfortable with it because he doesn't want to get assaulted or robbed abroad. I would love to study abroad for a semester, or maybe travel there alone or with my mom or friends, but I'm afraid the distance would make him unhappy, or that his reluctance to travel would hold me back. I know he would not purposefully stop me from going, but I would really like him to join me, and regardless spending time apart from him to do my own thing would make me feel pretty guilty. So men (or women) of reddit, do you have any experiences where as you grew older, you warmed up to the idea of children? Or any advice on making my bf more comfortable with the idea? And traveling, have you had any experiences with being convinced to go on a trip? Or being comfortable with your SO traveling without you, even by herself?
20-year-old S.O not too keen on children or cross-continental travel- any advice on warming him up to either? Or do you think he might change his mind on his own as he ages?
Step 1: If you have a police report that falls in line with all of this, obtain it, immediately Step 2: When you're in your meeting, ask your bosses for the specific reason why you are being let go. They don't have to give you one though Step 3: File a wrongful termination complaint with your state. Your state's Department of Labor should be able to take things from there. Step 4: Probably court. However, if they are firing you for other reasons, or if the police report states you were the cause of the accident, then you have no case.
If they're firing you for getting into an accident that was not your fault, and there's police records indicating that, contact your state's Department of Labor immediately following your termination.
Hello! So, here's the deal -- I've already lost quite a bit of weight. I'm 25, female, and 5'6". In August of 2008, I had just quit grad school, hated my life, and was really exceptionally depressed. I was renting a tiny bedroom in a house in the middle of nowhere, and I had no job. [I weighed 245 pounds]( I got a job waiting tables, and my weight slowly began to drop. Starting in November of 2009, I liked what had been happening and decided to actively try losing weight. By September 2010, [I was down to about 190]( had a great job, great friends, and was really, really stoked. Here's where things get tricky. Around this time, I started dating a super-excellent guy. Our social circles have meshed effortlessly, and we spend a lot of time together. He's a really picky eater, though, and doesn't like most of the stuff that I do (which is, coincidentally, the food that's helped me lose weight), so we end up eating out a lot. Not only has my wallet taken a solid hit, I've gained about 15 pounds since we started dating. Not enough to really see , but I'm definitely more sluggish, and it bothers me a lot. On top of all this, I've become much more busy, now that I have a "real" job and I have an active group of friends. What do I do, folks? I really don't know where to go from here. I honestly don't know what a good goal weight for me is, and while I can work more activity into my life pretty easily, I don't know how to deal with the "I'm always out, what on earth do I eat?" problem. I'm sorry if this was weirdly-phrased and rambly -- I'll clarify if y'all have questions, but I really would love some help on how to get myself together again.
Lost ~55 pounds, have gained about 15 back, need help on getting myself back on track. Can I do that if I'm stuck eating out a lot?
Hi Juan, Please take a moment to review the requirements for posting on /r/relationships that are outlined in the sidebar on the right-hand side of the page. We'd love to see you get advice from the /r/relationships community, but to do so you need to edit your post to include the following: your age and girlfriend's age your gender how long you two have been dating more details - do you have a close relationship with her family? Is this an event they saw coming? How is it affecting the family - that certainly is important in terms of how you can support them. Does this affect your girlfriend in any way other than emotional pain (losing a job, etc.)? a bolded
short summary of the issue at hand) When you've done so, please [message the moderators]( and include a link to your post so that we can get it back up and running for you. Thanks!
Hey Reddit. My parents have recently found out one of my secrets. A secret I would rather not have them know. What secret has someone found out about you and how did it happen? Sidenote: Could of course be anything, not just drugs like mine. Lets start of with some background. So I'm 20 years old and recently started living on my own in Amsterdam. I started smoking weed about 4 years ago and I currently smoke weekly. I smoke because it helps me deal with stress/anger and and makes me feel good. I have never discussed weed or any drugs with my parents but I know they are against all drugs by their reactions to the news, etc. Last weekend: I went home south to visit my parents and friends for the weekend. Friday night, nothing to do, one of my mates wants to go to a coffeeshop for a smoke and I go along. Have a nice evening talking to the owner of the shop and get home at about one in the morning. Put lighter and weed, nothing more since I don't smoke cigarettes, in my backpocket and enjoy the rest of my weekend. Skip to monday morning when I'm arriving home in Amsterdam. Look for my weed to store it with the rest of my stash, can't find it anywhere. Check my back pocket and can't find it, think nothing of and assume my mate has it. Today. Exchange several e-mails with my mom about uni, etc., all is well. Four hours later I get a random e-mail from my mom about laundry. Subject: Laundry *I have found a lot of things in your pockets, but the lighter in your backpocked is now clean and it still works. Love, Mum* This was the entire e-mail, no more, no less.. Oh crap! So I'm 99% sure my parents have found out about me smoking weed, haven't got confirmation though. I'm sure my weed was in my back pocket since I've always put it there.
Been smoking medicinal shrubbery for several years to stop me from turning into an enraged bear-viking. Hid this from my parents and the recently found out. So tell me reddit, how has someone found out your little secret?
I broke up with her due to ongoing trust issues which culminated in a lie she held up for the duration of our relationship over a past fling. The past is the past, but she kept him as a friend. I was upset she lied to me for so long and reluctantly ended our relationship. We were both devastated. -- She has been begging for me back, and I really want to take her back. We haven't spoken in about a week, after about a month of noncommittal contact from her really trying to get us back together. -- I really am upset about it. I loved her. It wasn't always easy, but there were definitely way more good times than bad. I want to forgive her. I want to try again. The majority of my close friends/family say I should take more time and find someone new. Some friends think I should hook up real soon to help get over her. -- Thing is I don't want to get over her. I know what we had was mutually loved. I know she is remorseful and sincere in her apology. I guess I'm curious if anyone has had a similar experience. If anyone has forgiven and succeeded. Forgiven and failed. Forgiven and regretted. My gut tells me to stay and forgive because it can truly be good. But I'm a romantic.... And I'm worried I'm being naive.
I broke up with gf over an ongoing lie following trust issues and insecurities felt by both of us. I want to forgive. I'm asking for anyone's experience/story with a similar situation. And anonymous advice
This girl is recent college grad who is looking for a job. (pretty much anywhere she can) I'm still in school until this December. Let me first describe her as much as I can. She is an ex-sorority girl. She has tons of friends (female and male). Broke up with her last ex about 3-4 months ago. For me, I used to be like that except now I'm only focusing on school and nothing much. and I figured out that you don't need to pay attention to everyone you know in this world but the handful true friends. Anyway we've dating, things are looking good except we don't know what's gonna happen because of her job situation. So we couldn't take the next step of our relationship. We are still in dating zone and introduce to people as "my friend." So I don't go out much but she does pretty much every weekend and even the week days. She loves to hit the bars and clubs but she usually tells me where she is going and who she is with. Yesterday, when I was hanging out with her she was texting this dude that she met last weekend. I don't really give a shit who she is talking to but she just met that guy last weekend and talking that much kinda bothered me. Also at this moment, I don't know how serious she is with me and what she wants. So today I talked to her. I told her, "Hey, as you know I have limited time with you because of school and stuff. and it kinda bothers me whenever we are hanging out and you are texting so much. especially a guy who you just met. I don't mind who you hang out with and how many guy friends you have but it still bothered me." and she told me that I have nothing to worry about that she talks to me more than him. Of course you should be talking to me more than that guy if you are normal and serious about us. Anyway she kinda got upset because she feels like I'm trying to control her and not trust her. (also last week she told me she is going to this guy's birthday party with her friends in Vegas, this bothered me too and I'm pretty confident with myself and not insecure). So here is the question Redditors. How should I treat this girl? We had a great valentine's day other than she doesn't respond to text quickly and going out a lot, we are doing great. I'm pretty serious about us. Do I just need to trust her 100% no questions asked or what else can I do about it other than keep asking what she is doing and what not. Thank you so much
Dating this girl. It's been little over a month, and she has tons of guy friends and she just made a new guy friend. Talking a lot already. Bothered by her idea of friends vs. me. Please help.
I stumbled on her profile, I jokingly texted her saying we were a 97% match. She said she was embarrassed. A little back story, I dumped her about a month ago, I told her I prefer no contact, so I basically blew her off. It worked somewhat but not completely. We had a slow relationship, she was a virgin and very slow to advance sexually, as far she would go anyways. She would not like to kiss in public, tell me how she respected so much that I respected her boundries. Basically we were only kissing and kissing a little the first few months of our relationship. Speed up to current day. I recently told her I had regrets and wanted to get back. We go into more specifics about how she said she went on a few dates with a guy from a dating website, 3 exactly, somehow she got into more specifics. She explained how dejected she was and needed some affirmation from our breakup. Date three she said she went to his place, and they fooled around, no more specifics. I know she is my ex, but I always respected her high sense of integrity and not giving into sexual temptation, I am not sure what they did, for sure no sex. But I am appaled that this person I loved, could seemingly hook up with a guy so soon. If I was over it, or had no interest in getting back I wouldnt care, but i found this shortly after I explained I wanted to reconcile. How should i proceed? I feel like the person I knew was a fugazi, please help!
Broke up with super religious ex, found out she hooked up with a guy very shortly after we broke up, and found out a week after confessing i wanted her back, now super conflicted.
I have already posted about this girl previously but just for quick background, we have known each other a while, dated for about 4-5 months, although she has had feelings for about a year. A few days ago she ended things with me and I suppose I am writing this more to vent, since I was numb to the break up until today. For a few weeks before I could tell she was pulling away. She said she felt pressured into being official, and was scared due to a very large amount of outside stress, mainly due to her grandmother being very sick in the hospital for months. About 2 weeks ago we had a large fight, where she was very iffy about making plans for a date and I was annoyed because she had been flakey about dates recently. We talked a few days ago and she said that she had intended to give it time and see where it went but after that fight she suddenly lost feelings. Being honest, I am devastated. I had fallen hard for this girl and the idea that I had pressured her into things and caused her to lose feelings is a tough pill to swallow. That being said, I doubt there is much I can do to "fix" things and try again, and she is so guilty about hurting me I doubt she would even tell me if she did still have feelings or redeveloped them. Still, any advice, comments, words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
Girl I had been seeing said she lost feelings suddenly and ended things. I am feeling pretty lost and hurt, looking for advice or at least to rant and blow off steam.
Two years ago I was extremely depressed and alcholic. I let myself balloon up to 410lbs from a low of 260lbs. My diet consisted of almost exclusively of alcohol, pizza, and fast food. I remember I would order the 5-5-5 deal from Domino's (3 medium 1 topping pizzas) and eat all three in the course of 1 evening and put down at least a 12 pack of beer. It was bad, really bad. I started doing something about 2 years ago. I don't know the correct word but since then my diet has been very streaky. I lost 30 lbs almost in the course of a month. Then lost another 20lbs in 4 months. I hovered in the 360-380 range for the rest of the time. I got fed up in the middle of November 2014 and was finally able to break my month on and 2 months off "diet", With the help of you guys at /r/loseit realized that it must be a lifestyle change and no amount of fad diets or pills can change that. I joined the gym and I started tracking every single calorie I ate. I've completed cut alcohol out of my diet as well and I've never felt better. Since then, I've gone from 360lbs to 320lbs. I've still got a long way to go, but I see some progress and I know I'll get there. [Imgur Album Progress Pics! (possibly NSFW, shirtless fat guy in underwear)](
Was alcoholic, ate pizza, ballooned up to 410 lbs. Lost 50lbs two years ago. Lost another 40lbs since November. Currently at 320lbs. No longer alcoholic. Only a lifestyle change works.
When I was turning 1 year old, I got very sick. I was sent to the hospital because my skin was turning purple and I won't stop crying. I wasn't also eating anymore. My parents started crying and my relatives was already sending money for my funeral cause they lose hope that I would still survive. But because I was the dopest kid, I told the doctor that I need to live because I'm posting this story on reddit. My first birthday was the biggest and grandest birthday party that ever happened. Of course the money for my funeral was added to the party's budget.
when I was turning 1 yr old, I got very sick and almost died and my relatives started giving money for my funeral. But then I survived and had the biggest and grandest 1st birthday party a kid would have.
Well, I dunno if it'll help, but I try to think of things in a karmic balance kind of way. That is, everybody has shit to deal with and for all the bad we see, there's likely just as much good in different forms. Now, remembering that everybody's dealing with their own shit isn't meant to be a mood lifter on face value - gotta look deeper. If everybody's dealing with something of their own, that just means that everybody else, in their own personal way, kind of knows what you're going through. Sometimes life sucks. We all know that. You're not alone in that aspect. As for seeing bad stuff - that's ok. It's a tendency. We all do it. But try to focus on the positive. When you do, you'll see it. And when you'll see it, you won't feel so bad about that bad stuff.
Sorry life sucks - we all know it does too, so chin up and remember that things'll get better if you just keep at it.
This is all in my dream) I woke up, looked over to my alarm clock and turned it off. I got up put on my shorts (I sleep in my boxers), and went about doing my normal morning routine. Pretty simple, put on my coffee, take my dog out, feed him, drink my coffee, watch the news, take a shower. Only this time I felt like something was weird, the sky wasn't the right color, my dog had bigger eyes and was more vocal. Granted, I am not a morning person, and usually I am somewhat a semi-functional human during these times. I then looked around and thought this has got to be a dream and then I woke up in my bed, remembering everything and freaking out that I had a semi-lucid dream.
I woke up in my dream and thought I was awake. Proceeded to do everything in my normal routine and thought I was dreaming. I woke up and freaked out, but then realized I had a lucid dream and was stoked.
As the title says I'm not smooth in any way with women, talking with them occasionally turns awkward and I usually run out of things to say. So I'm looking for advice on how I should start a conversation with this girl, continue it, and leave her wanting to talk to me again. So far every time we've talked (we talk on Facebook) I've began the conversations, and they've ended kind of abruptly, usually with her either not replying or her giving an awkward "later." Is this her saying "give me some room and don't talk to me so much," or am I just being paranoid? I would also like to know what signs to look for if there are any obvious ones, like ones that I should take as a sign to leave her alone, or ones that spell out "ask me out already" in mysterious girl talk.
I need help continuing conversations with this girl and want to know what signs to look for when she wants to be left alone, or when I should ask her on a date.
The Hoover Damn, could essentially, run for up to 6 years with no maintenance assuming their were no mechanical failures, and even afterwards the turbines would still run to some extent until they all rust and stop turning. Failsafes including extra drainage channels would prevent the damn from collapsing immediately from pressure buildup inside and from the Colorado River due to turbine blockages. the only other way it would shutdown prematurely would be blockages in the intake grates by mollusks.
The Hoover Damn would run indefinitely for up to 10 years and still be able to supply the energy it currently gives out and would not break.
It's been about 4 days now and I thought I would share this. I wanted to post this to AskReddit to see if anyone else fucked up like this but I was directed here by a buddy of mine after I told him I wanted to post it. My friends sister isn't really the Girl Next Door type of chick, but she has been around me and my family almost my entire life and I know her more than I know anybody else. I really like her but I'm too much of a bitch to let her know how i feel again (i asked when we were both starting out high school but she had her eyes set on some one else). I may have just ruined the past 14 years of my life with her. I'm hanging out with my best friend, his cousin, my cousin, and his sister. We were planning on going to a bowling alley and then maybe the movies to see the Amazing Spiderman 2 or something else if it wasn't showing. An hour before we were going to head out, I was on Reddit and looking at /r/jokes when I saw that Whitney Houston joke about hand eye coordination. When my buddy saw it, he giggled but his sister didnt. Well he started to annoy her about it by saying "Get it? Hand eye? Whitney Houston?" and lightly elbowing her in the arm. She had no idea what he was on about so I stood up and sang it out. Here is where I probably broke her chest plate because as I stood up I swung around and shot my arms straight out, resulting in a double punch to both jibblies. She stumbled back and fell to the floor. She brushed it off and then said she wanted to get something out of her room, ran away and slammed the door shut. My friend knows it was an accident so he's not upset about it but I hope I didn't cause her any more pain than I already have. I haven't spoken to her since and my friend says that she doesn't seem too hurt but I really don't know how to apologize other than saying sorry for double punching you in the tits super fucking hard.
Friends sister didn't understand recent Whitney Houston joke. Tried demonstrating by singing and dancing (?). Accidentally wound up punching both her breasts at the same time, knocking her on her ass. I think she despises me now. Edit: Proof read, corrected mistakes from phone's auto correct.
My boyfriend(26) and I(32) started dating five months ago and made our relationship official just a few days ago. During the dating period we set our boundaries as mutually exclusive. We hung out a few times a week and talked on the phone nearly everyday. He works 7 days a week and doesn't have time for much else. Yesterday I went to go put a risqué pic as the background on his phone while he was downstairs. For the first time ever I decided to look at his messages (he's always looked at mine). Up until three weeks ago he had been talking to various girls. Asking them on dates, one text said he'd be right over after a girl told him to come over while she was in the shower. I confronted him and he admitted to talking to girls and flirting but swears he didn't do anything more and it was more of a validation to him to make them want him. Until this point in our relationship he has been the sweetest man I ever met. He brings me flowers, opens doors, communicates well... All of the good stuff. He said that he stopped talking to them when he decided he wanted me to be his girlfriend. Now I'm torn. We weren't official at the time so I'm not sure how mad I should be. I am hurt though. I've completely fallen for him and I think we have an amazing relationship. Am I letting my emotions forgive him too easily? Am I playing with fire and setting myself up for disappointment? Advice please.
dated a guy for 5 months, now we're official. Recently found out he was talking to multiple girls the whole time we dated. Says he stopped now. Should I believe it and forgive And move on?
Why can't sci-fi have connecting story arcs and science? It's just a different setting for a story to take place in. There can absolutely be "meaningful" science fiction that has roots in reality, while not necessarily forcing a parallel to our current societal mindset. It's the same as a fantasy novel, the only requirement in a good story is that it reaches some audience, and provokes a thoughtful consideration. If a story does not deliver on this, it fails in delivering a message of any sort, and ends up being brain candy. It's fluff that does nothing but entertain (which has it's place). Off the top of my head, I can think of two examples that can function on their own, without drawing on some current or historical event: Dune by Frank Herbert, and a short story, [The Best We Can]( by Carrie Vaughn. Dune is a good example of an epic, with some fantastical elements, that tells a very human story. The latter is set in modern times, with only minor elements of fiction, while the rest of the science is fairly sound.
The setting of a story isn't everything. Good stories can be set anywhere, anytime. Bad stories still suck, no matter how you dress them up.
18 years old, a one time thing because she was serious trailer trash but she threw herself at me so - whatever. We're early in to a PIV session (20 min), and I can go on for pretty much as long as I want (or in this case; 'Nope, don't want') and I have pretty damn good control of when I want to get off. Missionary but we're kinda uncomfortably positioned and for some reason edging off the end of the bed and in to a wall, my back is getting cramped up, so I pull us both back to mid-bed a bit, stretch my back a bit and let out a "Ahhh!" which was hardly orgasmic-like but she immediately says in the most completely TRASHY/BITCHY/JUDGMENTAL TONE "Is that it?!" I don't need this crap , I got other partners, I think it was no more than 5 pumps, closer to 3 and DROPPED the LOAD.. and said "No, cuz that was 'IT'! Get dressed I want to go visit [my friends across the street]." and completely ignored her for the rest of the night. The next day she inexplicably asked me to be her boyfriend, and ended up getting rejected a second time, then stalked me for like 8 years.
During sex, girl managed to ask "Is that it?" in an amazingly unattractive tone, so I finished up immediately when I had at least 45 minutes or longer in me, and she could have had me in her a lot longer had she just stfu.
I just posted this in another thread, but i will post it again here. It's really fucking long, but It's the first time I realize that "Holy shit, I can actually die" In middle school I didn't have a lot of friends. In fact, I had absolutely zero friends in my own grade. Because my dad was our school's only math teacher and a lot of my classmates hated math they took it out on me. Because of this I soon became friends with a group of kids one year younger than me. My classmates hated this and decided that i deserved to be figuratively shit on for making friends. This story happens one shitty day in seventh grade. At lunch, one day, my friends and I decided to play a game of kickball. After a few minutes of kickball one of my classmates decides to steal the ball. We will call this classmate Fuck-head Mc-probably-in-prison-by-now (or Fuck-head for short). Anyways Fuck-head and a group of his friends hit me and steal the ball. I ask him to give it back, and he obviously says "No!" I chase him down well he is passing the ball to his friends playing keep away from me. Finally I manage to knock the ball out of his hands, and begin walking back to the kickball game. Next thing I know I'm on the ground. You see, Fuck-head didn't like having his victim beat him at something so he choked me, and he choked me hard. When I came to I couldn't see straight anymore, and I physically couldn't talk for about 2 hours. I stumbled to the nurse, and My friend David explained to her exactly what happened. At this point she took pictures of my neck because I had giant hand shaped bruises around my neck. Later that day Fuck-head tried to get me suspended for "choking him" The only reason I didn't get suspended is because the nurse took pictures and explained that it would be physically impossible for me to choke someone while the had both their hands around my neck in such a position. Fuck head ended up getting suspended for one day, my whole grade ended up hating me even more for getting fuck-head suspended and being a little bitch and a fag. Fuck middle school!
Classmate got pissed at me and choked me so hard I passed out and couldn't talk for a few hours. My hands never stopped shaking after that, and I wasn't the same for about 4 or 5 years afterwards
I just don't know anything. We've been together for 5 1/2 years and I just have no idea what to do or where to find an answer. We were long distance for 3 years and living together over 2. We've been engaged for 2 years. Everything was great at the first of our engagement, and we were planning a wedding and when I finally picked a date (almost a year ago now) he just kinda freaked out and wasn't sure if this is what he wanted even though he's the one who proposed. I left for a week so heartbroken and he realized he couldn't lose me blah blah. I came home and now he's completely happy and content and ready to get married. Now I'm the one with every doubt in the world. I was ready to get married, excited even but now I just can't settle on whats right in my head. I don't feel as naive and blinded by love anymore, I'm trying to be logical. I don't know if he's the right person anymore. Shouldn't saying " I don't know" be a serious red flag? I love him so much, but I don't like the way he treats me. He's basically emotionless. He's completely and totally unromantic. He's so selfish and uncaring about most things. We only do things he wants to do because he refuses to do things I like. He's great at manipulating me into feeling bad when I speak my mind about something. He takes me for granted and constantly apologizes about it and says he doesn't deserve me. He's done things in our relationship I shouldn't have forgiven him for..yet here I am, still entangled in this relationship. Everyone I know says I should leave, that he's an asshole for treating me the way he does. Why is it so hard to admit something to yourself....that he's never gonna be the person you want him to be even though you love him with every ounce of your being? But why do I love him in the first place. It makes NO SENSE?! I guess I'm just kinda looking for some insight... I don't see us ever getting married or me leaving him. I feel like its easier to stay in limbo than to be brave and make a change for yourself. Its so pathetic. Side note:I should have known he was no good for me when he proposed..he asked if he "HAD" to get on one knee like it was some kind of chore.
Been with my fiance for 5+ years, engaged for 2 and I don't know if he's right for me anymore yet I have no courage to make any kind of change in my life.
It's sad that you think that because an argument has convinced you, anyone who disagrees "clearly" must not understand it. I hate to break it to you, but almost no one agrees with Harris on this, even his friends in New Athiest circles like Dawkins. If you read the reviews from people who study this you'll get a good sense of what's wrong with Harris's dilettantish argument. "Dilettantish" pretty much sums up most of Harris's work since the End of Faith, actually. He parachutes into a topic - taxation, gun control, terrorism, and starts arguing with people who have vastly greater experience and knowledge. His recent debate with a security expert on whether or not profiling Muslims at airports works to prevent terrorist attacks is another good example. Harris presents X, Y and Z reasons why profiling should work, and the security guy just points out that they don't work as a matter of practice. Harris's objections to such evidence center around the fact they violate his intuitions on the subject and they lead to perverse, counter intuitive outcomes, to which the security guy says: > I agree that the result is perverse. I agree that, on the face of it, it makes no sense to screen someone who looks and acts like Betty White, or those four wheelchair-using World War II veterans at San Jose Airport. But it results in better security.
Harris doesn't spend enough time learning from others before he starts arguing from his intuitions, and he's too good a debater to realize when he's wrong.
I am currently in college getting my General Ed. and am extremely interested in majoring in music therapy. I LOVE music and performing (I sing, play piano/guitar) and It has been my dream to go to Berklee school of music to major in vocal performance, but alas reality kicked in and I figured I should go to school for something that has a more realistic exiting job. I also currently work as a Special Ed Classroom Assistant and LOVE my kids. I am very passionate about both music and working with special ed kids and feel like being a music therapist would combine the two nicely. I have already thought hard about becoming a teacher, but just can't do it because the stresses that come from budgets, pressures from superiors, lack of funding, and standards having to be met, not to mention California's the lack of open jobs would out weigh my love for the kids.. My questions are: what is it like to be a music therpaist? What are the pro's and con's, what kinds of facilities do you work at? what is the pay like? Is it hard to find a job? I've been researching it on the web for a while, but I figured I would come here in hopes to get a first hand account of what it's like. I just don't want to spend the next few years of my life dedicated to learning this just to find out there are no open jobs, or even worse I to learn that hate what I do..
I'm thinking of majoring in Music Therapy but want to know the pros/cons, salary, personal experience, stories, or any helpful insight about the job, so I don't graduate and find out I hate the job.
Surprised no one's brought this up here (correct me if I'm wrong). But there's pattern in the string of women I've been attracted to. They're reckless - in general (not off the rail or anything) and with my feelings. They're really fun. They're interesting women. They've all been smart, intuitive, and very present when around me. But they end up hurting me by being totally selfish and careless (ignored texts, lying, simply cutting me off after a few hook ups). And whenever I think I should end a fling with one cause it's hurting me, I'm not even close to actually doing it. I end up thinking, oh but I like her so much. Why do I accept this? For context: I grew up in a Christian family of three kids (I'm the middle child and I have two brothers), long-time married parents. It was pretty insular and I grew up pretty much only socializing with my family (yet never experienced emotional connection with anyone at home). I'm 23 now and starting to break off from them for different reasons. So, what gives? Do any of you relate?
Reckless girls - I want them and I want them to want me, so bad. Please help me set some f boundaries cause my heart won't let me. Thank you for your insight.
Kick the shit outta your laziness. College is all about your mindset and attitude. You either nut up or learn life lessons the hard way. And while taking your lumps may build character, it sucks and just makes things harder. I speak from 4 years of experience. I approached college in an entirely different way than anyone I know, learned life lessons the hard way, still doubt myself, still suck at stress and time management, have slowly but surely gotten better at all these things over time, but the longer you put off becoming responsible for yourself, the harder it gets to get better quicker. I sure hope I can somehow leverage my experience to somehow compensate for not getting it right all these years; I feel like all I've learned is 999 ways to do it wrong. All I know is, the one semester I actually did right was the semester I was the most responsible. I realized that if I don't shape up now, and if life after college gets harder than it is now, the real world is gonna eat me alive. :o
Accept responsibility for your actions and decisions. You have more power to affect your life than you ever did before. You can either use that power to make the world a better place, or sit idly by and bitch about how everything sucks.
My university had a shitton of African immigrants/foreign students. I never heard one speak english, and never saw them talking to anyone but their immigrant friends. I had all kinds of other foreign student friends and I had black friends as well. But the black immigrants were by far the most cliquey. Why? Probably because as a group, they are relatively less common and are more apprehensive than other immigrants to America. It's apparent that you've never spent any time in a diverse environment and probably haven't been to college, but I'm trying to make the point that it has more to do with immigrant status than about race. You're equating Africans with black Americans, which are two completely different types of people. Black Americans have been around for as long as the US has been around. Asian American (immigrants) haven't been around for nearly as long and remain culturally apprehensive because of that. If you're comparing 2nd/3rd/4th generation Americans with recent immigrants to the US, you're making a completely retarded comparison and should show yourself out of this thread.
the longer you've been in the US, the more comfortable you are with the people around you. If you're a recent immigrant, its not unnatural to be apprehensive.
Physicist here. This example is kind of misleading, and I don't really like it when it's thrown around in pop sci presentations by folks like Brian Greene and Michio Kaku.~~ The root idea is, of course, totally sound: quantum tunneling happens constantly at the microscopic scale. The trouble is that even with the acknowledgment of "absurdly low" probability, quantum phenomena don't simply scale up the macro-scale as this example tries to do. There's more going on—a lot of it still not well understand—than just non-classical probabilities getting very small as things get bigger and more energetic. ~~ One issue that is pretty well understood having been the subject of fairly intense research in the last decade or two is something called decoherence. Put simply (perhaps too simply but it's tough to give justice to in a lay explanation): ~~ > when a quantum system, whatever its size, interacts with its environment enough, most of the weird behaviour we think of when we say "quantum" goes away. The larger your system, the harder it is to keep it isolated enough to stay coherent for any reasonable length of time (which, incidentally, is one of the great challenges in quantum computing, my field!). It's still an open question as to how exactly we ought to treat the overall system plus environment state (in the extreme case, the state of the entire universe—such is the fodder of quantum foundations where various interpretations of QM are fought over), but decoherence has helped us make strides in starting to understand how classical behaviour emerges from the quantum. ~~ Anyway, point is, it's been shown that tunneling is one of the many quantum effects that decoherence suppresses. So, yes, you could calculate the probability that you (or if you want to more exact, a particle with the same mass as you) could, due to tunneling, pass through a solid wall of a certain height and thickness and then you can blow people's minds with that non-zero number. But keep in mind that that calculation was assuming you and the wall were the only things that exist. You are very macroscopic and very much in thermodynamic contact with your environment. With decoherence taken into account, the tunneling probability is really as small as you want depending on how big an environment you're prepared to consider, and at a certain point should probably just be taken to be exactly zero.~~ Exactly what I wanted to say, Let me break down the wall of text for you. Retarded
The possibilty does theoretically exist, but since a full human body is soooooooo much bigger than your normal average quantum particle , you have a higher possibilty of boning Superman in the next 2 seconds on Pluto. I'll strike mine out as Edit then.
I'm horrible. This all started at the beginning of the summer when I was 17. I put out a post on /r/dirtypenpals asking for someone to chat with, as you do. I am very aware of how I violated the rules on the site, but I did so more as a joke to myself. This doesn't justify my actions at all, but at the time I was like, "Hahah, I wonder what kind of response I'll get." Within minutes I'm flooded with responses (it's a predominately male forum). None of them stick out to me besides one, which essentially described my dream guy. Sure, he's 24, but still... I responded to it stupidly. He seemed really paranoid about hiding his identity. He refused to show his face, but I could see the rest of him. He was very sweet and we chatted, but nothing sexual in nature happened. We talked until he said he had to go to sleep, he bid me goodnight, and off I went. I heard from him semi-frequently after that. Mostly on weekends he's chat to me about videogames and what not, and we'd laugh and giggle and flirt. It was all very cute. After a while he we just kind of drifted apart. We didn't talk for the majority of the summer, and I had a birthday and turned 18. About half a month ago, however, I got a message from him. He told me that he felt like his life was falling apart. I guess the entire time he had been married, but now his wife was unhappy and was leaving him. He told me his name, his occupation, friended me on Facebook... the whole 9 yards. He told me that he had felt awful for talking to me, so he had stopped, but regardless his marriage had fallen apart (he said it was not related to me). He seemed like he just wanted some company, so we talked more and more. At this point we are talking every day, making jokes, flirting, and full out having roleplaying sexy scenarios. I find out at this point that he live just over an hour away. He is excited by this, and even though I'm thrilled by the prospect of meeting him I can't get over how much I lied to him. I told him I was a year older, and that I was in college when I was really in highschool... I let slip that I have a weekend off where I have my house completely to myself. He wants me to either visit him, or him to come down to see me. I want to go so badly. How should I approach coming clean to him? Should I just drop it here? And please, I already know I did a lot of shitty stuff, and I know it was really awful of me to even post that in the first place, let alone lead him on. Please just give me advice instead of insulting me.
I met a guy (24M) on reddit when I was 17, and then I turned 18, only to find out that he was married the entire time. He talks to me throughout the divorce and wants to meet up with me.
Well, it's harder on kids that don't do dorm life. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of plus sides. No roommates, sleeping in your own bed, real food, and all that jazz. But, living at home was awful my freshman year. To start it really is harder to make friends because you don't have a roommate/floor to bond with (floors usually have activities for their residences that force people to interact and in turn, make friends). My advice is to get involved in something outside the classroom! You'd be surprised how many clubs and intramural sports there are. Maybe try something new! Seriously, GET INVOLVED. And don't be shy! Talk to people in your classes! Also, your parents may have a hard time adjusting to you still living at home. It's not that they want you gone per-say, but, basically what happens is you become a roommate with minimal benefits (unless you're paying full rent, paying for all your groceries, utilities, etc.). Because you are now an adult and a "roommate", they can't exactly tell you that you can't go to the frat party and come home at two in the morning, but they sure as he'll wish they could. They'll really struggle with watching you make decisions that they don't agree with and creates a lot of tension in the house. My advice? BE RESPECTFUL OF YOUR PARENTS. Yes, you are an adult. Yes, you can make your own choices. But treat them like you would any roommate. Don't wake them up in the middle of the night coming home from a party. Don't take everything they do for granted. Do contribute around the house. And do give them a general idea of where you are so they know when you'll be home. If you can, get a meal plan. It helps because you will spend a MAJORITY of your time on campus and will probably need to eat a few times while you're there. Plus, its a good social thing. You'll probably want to go eat in the dining hall with your friends, and it sucks having one of them use one of their meal swipes on you. And finally, take advantage of your breaks between classes. Don't just sit there feeling sorry for yourself that "you don't have anywhere to go". Go to the library, or the coffee shop, or the dining hall, and study or do your homework. This is actually where not living on campus helps, because you can't go back to your room and get distracted. College life is stressful and busy, take advantage of every "free" minuet you have! I hope this helps! This is based on my experiences living off campus my freshman year. If you have any questions, just ask!
Do things outside the classroom, be social, be respectful of the new "roommate relationship" you'll have with your parents, if you can, get a meal plan, and take advantage of free time.
We are not engaged (yet) but have been talking about marriage for about a year now. We have what I consider to be a good relationship, spend usually 3-4 nights a week together (@ my house). We have an active sex life. He can't pinpoint a reason why we can't live together before marriage other than "it isn't right". He grew up in a moderately religious home, but does not go to church now. I have never been big into organized religion. He is a bit of a prude about sex, and I think he worries what his parents would think. We both support ourselves fully so I don't really care what they think; mine would be fine with it. The other thing is, it would help me out financially if we could split bills, and he knows that. I know that isn't the only reason to live together (he makes quite a bit more than I do, we split things 50/50 usually). I feel like I really improve the quality of his life by taking care of him (cooking, laundry, etc.) and am not having that reciprocated. I feel very strongly about living together before marriage, to the point that I don't want to marry him without living together first. I have been married before, and while this is a much healthier relationship, I know that there will be lots of adjustments after moving in together & after getting married, and I would like to spread the stress out. I guess I am also feeling like I need a "trial run" before fully committing to him because I don't want to get divorced ever again. We have gone to counseling once and that was like pulling teeth getting him to go, afterwards he said he got a lot out of it. He doesn't think it is worth the money to continue going and thinks we can just "talk it out" (yet he shuts off emotionally when I bring it up). I go to counseling by myself, for various reasons; she has helped me with some of our issues but thinks he is not my "biggest" problem and therefore should be on the backburner while I sort other stuff out.
He won't live together before marriage and I won't get married without living together, we are at a standstill and I feel like I am running out of time.
so not really the first date, but the first time i brought him out to meet my friends.. we had been out twice before and he seemed cool. well we got to this bar and we were hanging out and everything was going ok until he wanted to leave early. i wanted to stay out with my friends. i told him before we got there that i like to stay late anyways, which he said was fine, but when i didn't wanna go home with him he started getting mad. i even invited him to go out to eat with me and my friends afterwards. nope. he completely flipped out. he was yelling at me and kept calling me a slut. ok so i'm a slut because i won't go home with you? makes total sense. he went on to make a scene and then sped out of the parking garage all crazy, only to call/text me every 5 minutes for the next 2 hours. he would apologize on one call, then yell at me on the next. at this point it was just hilarious, and my friends we're taking bets on how long until he called again lol. i would have different friends answer and tell him i didn't wanna talk to him. he even said stuff about how he could get girls way hotter than me and how he basically had them lined up to be with him. this of course made me laugh even more, because he's not even that cute. i went out with him because he was nice and funny at first, and i figured he might not be as douchy as some hotter guys. wrong! he's worse. we nicknamed him cray-cray and i had to block him on fb.
didn't go home with crazy guy, he stalked my life for hours, had to block him on fb, semi-hot guys are more douchy than hotties sometimes
Alright, I maybe exaggerating but I have to vent. So a few days ago, I broke up with my gf of 11 months [18/f] and got into a small depression. But then it hit me, the next day I started talking to a new girl, she seemed pretty legit and everything, I kinda edged on that she was pretty chill and got to the point that day we started saying "Oh you're cute" and all that mushy shit. She seemed a bit girly saying I was lovely, adorable, etc etc, but the here and now, the next day, started with a good morning text, she said it back, then we talked for a bit there jokingly saying to come over here and make both of us food so we don't starve since she had no power, then it stopped there. Tonight, I decided to text her a goodnight message then I got a text back saying goodnight.. jokingly, I said "Oh, forgot about me already huh?" she said "Nah, I'm just easily distracted" Now I can't determine whether or not if she's bullshitting or not
Talked to this girl the whole day then barely talked the next, any conclusion whether or not she's bullshitting? update: well still the same, hasn't texted me since that day.
I did some work for Manpower myself a couple years ago. The first couple weeks were the usual here a day there two days sort of thing. After that I was given a two week contract at a distribution warehouse. The work was boring, the boss was an ass, it was so dusty I had nosebleeds after the three days, and it was so far from my home that I was losing money on gas. A couple of the other Manpower guys walked out pretty early on. After the first week there was a rumor going around that our contract would be extended to three or four weeks long. When I went to the office to turn in my time sheet, I told that that I'd finish the current contract, but didn't want to kept there if the contract was renewed. They did a literal double-take when I told them I was willing to finish the contract. They must have liked me a lot after that because instead of the usual temp positions, they gave me a six month placement doing grounds keeping at a nearby hospital.
Went from literally "not getting paid enough for this" to one of the best summer jobs I've ever had just because I was willing to put up with two week of bullshit.
this one time i was in new york visiting some family, sort of near buffalo. There was this free hootie and the blowfish concert at an art park so we decided to go. we got there a little early and decided to check the place out with my cousin leading the way since he knew the place. the other side of the park was a large gorge and we felt adventurous so we decided to trail blaze instead of taking the easy given path. Halfway down this steep hill we find this concrete pad that was some kind of drainage thing or run off. it was at like a 45 degree angle and came to a landing, then went back to the same angle. My cousin jumps down to the far part of the landing and tells me to follow. When i jump down on what appears to be rock, i fall into a shoulder deep pool of filth topped with a frothy disgustingess that hasnt been touched for many years. I climbed my way out and was covered in the most awful smelling goopy brown shit. i threw up immediately. so instead of getting to see H&tbf for free i get covered in shit and lose a shoe and ruined one of my favorite ATHF shirts.
i jumped in a pool of shit that looked like a rock/ missed hootie and the blowfish p.s. it took 3 days to rid my skin of the sewage smell
Background- We've been broken up for about 6 months. I broke up with her because I needed to see what single life was about. I had only been single for a few months (1-2) in between girlfriends before her. The last time I was single for longer was 8th grade. I made it very clear to her that she could date anyone she wanted besides my friends. I clearly stated that I would stop talking to her completely if she dated/kissed/had sex with one of my friends. (Even more background)- I have known my (ex) best friend since about 6th or 7th grade. We are now mid 20's. We would go to the gym every day since he's a bit over weight. Being a good friend that I am I got his confidence up to talk to girls. I was also a "life coach" giving him advice on career options,school,relationship advice, anything and everything to improve his life, I was there giving him advice. Once I broke up with my girlfriend, he immediately stopped talking to me and started to hangout with my now (ex) girlfriend. We share a house and a labradoodle dog together. She's moved out but she's still on the mortgage etc...
Best friend who I "life coached" ,now dating my ex girlfriend of 7 years. I'm extremely upset and wondering if I am in the right of being upset or not.
Let's try seriously considering the possibility of this (bare with me) We are all pretty familiar with the photos of suffering in DPRK, many have also seen the photographs of [Northern Korea at night]( which obviously shows only one spot well lit - the city of Pyongyang. Also add to this the fact that when people vacation in North Korea or take tours of the city they are heavily monitored to make certain they do not venture into areas they are restricted from. So, if you have a country that truly is so great, why does it look so bad on the surface? Well, maybe that is just it - we only see the surface . What if DPRK is actually underground; not an underground city, but an entire underground country . It's not like [digging tunnels]( is a particularly foreign idea to them. Granted, the amount of resources you would need to create an underground nation would be ridiculous. But, when you are burrowing around through that much earth you can easily find reserves of valuable minerals and metals, which North Korea [reportedly has much of]( I am sure they could work out a deal with China to exchange these goods for [military backing, supplies, and political support]( How about all the impoverished we hear about starving in the streets, destitute, hooked on crack, and being thrown into horrible lives of servitude? Maybe these people truly are suffering, having been exiled from the magnificent underground country. It can be heard in the way they talk about the Grand Leader, maybe hoping they can win his favor and find their way back to paradise. Then again, we do find the defectors who talk about how horrible living in DPRK - or maybe they are giving the greatest sacrifice, a duty to a country they love, leaving voluntarily in order to help spread disinformation and keep DPRK off the radar as a potential threat while it quietly positions itself for an all out assault. All of those areas tourists of the country are not allowed? Possible access points to the underground. Torturous prisons that are surrounded by armed men could actually be access points as well, top-side bunkers that at a moments notice can spill out millions of well trained men who have been kept secret for years while honing their skills; they could also be missile silos housing numerous thermonuclear weapons with far reaching capability. All this underground, along with vehicles of war having been amassed in secret. While the world laughs at this country it has been building itself into a great war machine the likes we have never seen. All of this is up to you to decide. I am not saying any of this is true, but can we be so sure it isn't? ^Dun ^^dun ^^^dunnnnnn
North Korea is a rich, massive underground country that has been using off the record riches to amass a huge military force and is poised to strike at any moment.
Dear Redditors, Have any of you considered becoming a police officer, politician or activist to combat the corruption you see in the world? Granted, we generally see the scummy end of police encounters on the internet, most certainly on TV, even though most officers are good folk. We all know politicians lie to get elected, etc. Media outlets blatantly fabricate stories or mislead viewers or, the worst, offer their own opinions instead of simply reporting the truth. Do you ever feel as though you need to jump into that fray, simply because you're sick and tired of things like police officers arresting people for video taping them in public? What about politics? I realize that many people get into it with the best intentions but then start to slip up and shying away from their beliefs in order to get votes, but damn it all, by doing that you're letting everyone down. Is integrity forgotten? Strength and resolve too? I was raised to speak truthfully, praise honesty and strength, use logic and reason, to not hurt people unless it's self defense and to care for the people around me.
I am having a funk about the current state of the world, I desire to change it on a massive scale through a system using reason and logic with a side of empathy. What can I do? Sincerely, a Canadian.
I (F/26) have been with my fiancé (M/28) for the past 10 years. He recently proposed to me 6 months ago. A bit about our background - we come from the same religious background. We have been together since I was 16 and we eventually had sex when I was 21. Our sex life has always been limited, because of our beliefs. We do not live together, but we plan on moving in together when we get married. Today is his birthday. I took my fiancé out for a birthday lunch and my fiancé had a few drinks. During lunch, he let a few things slip out. He told me that he had been talking and texting 3 women he met at work. He told me that he was taking to them because he wanted to have sex with them (mainly because he claims he wants to have more sex with me). He said one of the women even wanted him to move in. He assured me that he didn't do anything physical with the women, and that he broke things off 3 weeks ago because he felt guilty. I'm completely numb. I'm not sure what to think or do. Should I still get married? I feel betrayed, but I'm also relieved he didn't have sex with the women.
My fiancé was texting 3 different women in hopes of having sex with them. But, he broke things off because of guilt and came clean. Not sure what to do next. Any advice would be appreciated. EDIT: Formatting
Have been in film for close to 10 years. This kid has been in it for 5yrs. I've worked in many different variants except TV. This kid has only done TV and two features. We're both PAs for a commercial. So the kid is SET PA like I am. I'd ask him to help me doing anything. From bring 10 bags of trash to the dumpster to even getting sand bags for grips. Didn't matter what. Throughout the day he'd be telling me how I need to learn to take directions. Ask him why he'd say that. "I'm with the AD department and so you need to listen to me." "But you're a fucking PA just like the other five of us." "I've worked with the 1st AD before so I think I have the place to be more direct." Toss a bag of trash at him saying, "Look any motherfucker can boss someone around. But a real worker helps his team no matter what." Wink at him and walk away. Later the 1st AD comes over to me and starts chewing my ass out. Turns out the PA had gone to the AD told him I was fighting with him, bossing him around, being combative and being a know it all. "What do you call it when someone who's only experience of working in film is TV and they were only a PA? Because I call it them being a PA. They're not my boss." The AD responds back saying that the kid is trying to show he can work the ranks. At this point the AD wasn't getting it. "Look the fucker comes up to me when I got three bags of trash, the cooler and GRIP is calling me to run over with sand bags. At what point am I suppose to stop. Get on my knees and service this prick's ego?" PA walks up close to end of set, "Hey so why did you go tell on me?" At this point I just let him have it. We had a few set of words to which it just made it a standstill. "I can promise you that I know what I'm talking about." "Cool. That's fucking great. But that doesn't answer for you being a worthless cunt." I walk off. Call on the radio comes over asking for that PA. His walkie was off. Blames me for him not getting the call. I mean that was just that day of the shoot out of four days. In the end he tried to pulling that crap again, but in front of the AD to show his BS status. I just told the AD to get a hold on his whore of dog or I'd neuter it. Surprisingly that's when the AD listened to me.
Fucking asshole PA who thought because of "so-called-experience" he was lead cock of the walk. Cried wolf every day. Last day promised I'd kick his ass. Only then did anyone listen.
So like two weeks ago, I was texting this chick (F18) I was hooking up with. Everything was going great so I brought up whether or not she wanted to go the aquarium with me someone over winter break. Now, we had previously discussed cool places to visit and she absolutely loves the aquarium and I had never been to one so j thought it'd be a dope place to go. However, after agreeing to go I asked her when she wanted to, and she didn't reply for like two days. I respond back saying "ight cool thanks for responding" and she replies back saying "uHMM sorry I've been working and spending time with my family?????" So I respond to that saying that was my b but I was just confused as to why she didn't respond. Now she's not responding to any texts I send her. I feel like I pissed her off but when I replay the convo in my head I doesn't seem like I'm at fault in hindsight, I probably shouldn't have been that passive aggressive....idk I just feel super confused
I asked a chick I was hooking up with if she wanted to go on a date with me, she agreed and didn't respond for a couple days of me asking when she was free. I text back pretty mad and she replies to that super pissed
I'd like to try to keep this short. We had a rocky start, that's probably why it was not solid. Probably should have ended 2 years ago but I couldn't let go, from what she said it was mostly my problems but overall it's because we have different goals/ideals/interest, etc. Also I'm a late bloomer, this was my first serious relationship so while I'm afraid to admit I was the one who didn't really want to let go but I don't have a choice now. I probably resented her a lot for many things as well, but I really cared about her. Maybe it wasn't love anymore for 2 years since she stopped showing it. I felt like I wasted the last 2 years. It's been a long distance relationship for 8 months, she had to go start school 4-5 hours away. While she struggled (a lot) with her school, I had to finish my schooling till the end of December. Barely made it, and I have been stressed trying to get out of retail and find a related job. I tried not to burden her with my stress because I knew she was studying. She came back at least once a month, but we usually ended up fighting about something stupid. That was the start of her decision I guess. I don't think the LD was a problem, but we already fought too often and everything. I spoke to a friend who had been through 2 4-year relationships during high school and until 2 years ago, tried to lay out my thoughts to him and I felt a lot better. This was until I tried to sleep and couldn't. Yesterday I felt ok, I worked out and played some games. Today I feel like complete shit. I don't know how I'm going to get through this, but I know I must not fuck up my new job. I deleted all emails and texts yesterday, deleted off phone contact and social media. Right now there's no way I want to talk to her again, I feel hurt and sad. I've stashed away most physical items that are related to her as well.
She broke up with me due to mutual problems and it won't work out, I felt similar but still really care about and miss her. Trying to get through this, but I don't have many close friends.
A good friend of mine recently asked his gf's parents for permission to marry their daughter (in confidence) to which they responded, 'yes'. That night over dinner, in front of him and their daughter they said they had reconsidered his question and decided that they want him to hold off for a year. So they've now said no and ruined the surprise for their daughter. After dinner, her mom preceded to text her telling her that they wanted the year to give her more time so that hopefully she can meet a better man. They think lowly of my friend who they believe are below her. Anyways, a year passed he finally proposed last month and she said, 'yes'. When her parents found out, they expressed disbelief that he didn't re-ask for permission after the year had lapsed. As-if!
Friends gf's parents told him to wait a year as they didn't like him and hoped she would find another. Year passed, she said yes, parents not thrilled.
I was a cadet at the US Air Force Academy, class of 2014 (Like A Machine!). Basically, a 4 year military university where u graduate as an officer in your respective branch of the military upon completion. During basic training, got about 5 briefings saying "its damn hard here, do your work and stay off Facebook. It will drown you. If you don't keep your grades up, you WILL get kicked out". After basic training, I took it a little too easy on my schoolwork because I was stressed by my new way of life, underestimated my courseload, and couldn't resist the allure of Facebook. Once i got my act together later in the semester, it was too late to bring my grades up to an acceptable average. I was disenrolled against my will after a semester and given an Honorable Discharge. The reason this mistake was so expensive? It takes around $415,000 to put ONE person through that academy (room and board, cadet stipend, training, etc.). Will forever regret it, but I have made a life for myself, so its cool :)
Basically got a $415,000 scholarship and a chance to become a US Air Force Officer...blew it by thinking I was invincible and spending too much time facebooking instead of keeping my grades up.
Me and my girlfriend have been together for seven years, I've known about her being Jewish since we met and I've respected everything that she and her family do when it comes to their beliefs. I attended her younger brother's bar mitzvah and I've been researching Judaism for a long time since we met. It's something that I've been really interested in considering that I've been raised in a non-religious family. For the last year, we've been talking about various stuff about what we want at the wedding and what last name will we take and one of the main things that she wants is for me to convert to Judaism. We have been talking about this for about four years now as we have grown closer and I've learned more about her. I'll say again, I've never been religious myself, but now we've reached such an important moment in our lives that it's been brought up a lot now. I only know a few things about how the conversion process works and I've told her that I'm a little nervous about it. Getting married is a big thing, but converting to a religion is a much bigger thing that can change your life and be very overwhelming. We have visited a rabbi and I was turned down twice, but my girlfriend wants to try again as she really wants this to happen. I just don't know what to do or say about this whole thing, any advice?
Me [26M] and my girlfriend [28F] of seven years have been engaged for a year, she wants me to convert to Judaism when we get married and I don't know what to do.
My 4th of July started out yesterday (the 3rd) with my girlfriend getting mad because I told her it is my money and I'll do what I want with it. She was made at me because I didn't buy her a coldplay ticket nor buy her a round trip plane flight to Chicago for her to go with me to see my old roommate. That and I dropped $500 on a puppy I bought to get her all better at the vet. She basically told me that if I have so much money, why have I not surprised her with a ticket to the concert or Chicago? Granted, all this came after we went to the Cayman Islands back in May where I paid $700 for her plane ticket so she could go. Long story short, we talked about it earlier today (the 4th) in case their was a misunderstanding and decided to end it because having a woman I am dating try and tell me what I can and can't spend my money on is A HUGE RED FLAG. So she basically said "I can't believe you would think something like that about me after dating 10 months (to me 10 months is a hell of a short time to get to know some one). Said she couldn't be with someone who thinks that about her and broke up with me.
GF broke up with me because she didn't like me spending money how I wanted to and not on her. So here is the only female in my life that I can call mine to comfort me.
Without going into too much detail, I've (28m) been dating this wonderful woman (35F) for 8 weeks. This past weekend, we had some misunderstandings.. (the communication was not great because my phone broke so few emails were exchanged leading up to Saturday Night) She wanted to see me exclusively (dinner by ourselves) and I didn't pick up on the cues, made plans with 2 other couples that are friends of mine. After expressing I was not clear on her wishes, (I was already out with the 4 friends at a bar pre-dinner) I got her to come out and join us for drinks post dinner. At the bar, she made a rude comment to me while trying to talk to her, in front of my friends. She was a bit judgemental towards my friends after they left, making sort of odd remarks. Then when we got home, a fight ensued because she was still upset with me how her plans turned out and she stated "I am hurt and want you to make it up to me" She kept saying she was a bit drunk and did not want to talk about it until the morning so I chose to sleep on the couch bc of the bad vibes... and just clear it all up in the morning. When she realized I was not going to join her in her bed, we began to fight with each other, something that felt forced by her because she was not getting her way. I had no ill will towards her just simply said "Until we clear things up in the morning, I'll just sleep here" Insanity and over reaction ensued, led by me witnessing a grown woman (mid 30's) turn into a 12 year old uncontrollably throwing tantrums and tyriads. Keep in mind, we've had a perfect relationship up until this point. Our third date was me preparing a picnic for her on a hilltop in San Diego.. The dates have been very pleasant from the jump.. This kind of came out of left field.. So My question is, do you bail out on a situation like this because the "writing's on the wall", basically its bound to happen again.. or do you give your boyfriend/girlfriend the benefit of the doubt and see if this type of behavior continues. To be fair to her, she told me she turns into a little kid when she's upset.
8 weeks into a pretty flawless relationship. Girlfriend over reacts and throws an alarming tantrum and acts like a 12 year old for a situation that could of rather been avoided. Do you end the relationship or give her a 2nd chance?
DM:SD (Still died). I had a fucking douchebag in my school. He was the son of a famous reporter and maybe a famous singer. He was well connected. He was a complete tool and a bully, white guy with dreadlocks. He and his crew would constantly jump on outnumber normal students. After school he became famous because like I said, he was connected. He had a rap CD named "Jaccuzi" dissing on this Greek singer who was not even gangsta. Anyways he died from a "heart attack" whih translates to overdose. All the media talked about an aspiring young musician and what a pitty it was. Oh, the fucks that I give. I had two personal interactions with him. Once when he and his people were about to beat me up but thankfully something happened and they had to go and one other time where he was chasing me till we were alone in an empty class room. I bith slapped him and run away. By the way If any Greeks are reading this, his name was Andy. Look at this [tool](
Became slightly famous, overdosed. update: Yes, his mother was an actress. She died. It is important to note that she died months before him and not before he became a bully gangsta thug.
I've been in IT for almost a decade, and I can tell you that often the IT department is the very last place that any company is willing to invest in. Of course, managers and department heads always get to spend corporate money on new ipads, laptops, and whatever other hot tech item came out this week, but very rarely is there a desire to do things like hire another tech, pay to have their teams certified, upgrade printers, networking capabilities, etc. Much like the US government, the people with the money and decision making ability don't know anything about the technology they are making decisions about and it certainly shows in many infrastructures. My actual responsibilities at work should be improving these very systems, but I never get a chance to do that because you have either dropped your iPhone in the toilet and desperately need your contacts or downloaded some stupid toolbar that has fucked your system that is still running XP. I SHOULD be spending time finding out which access points see the most traffic, adding more access points, updating our company's internal tech knowledgebase, installing new software onto my company's public machines, managing our Active Directory domain and finally, I should have time to learn about the tech I have to support. Most IT teams are understaffed, overworked and underpaid. Now, all that being said, any good team will still be resolving issues that are worth resolving. Sometimes there is a moment where you need to ask if the juice is worth the squeeze; Is me resolving your issue going to cause other users problems? Is me resolving your issue going to cause my team other problems? If the answer is yes to either of those, then the problem isn't going to be fixed, but I would let the user know why and how to work around it in most cases. Unfortunately, like in every field, there are people that are not very helpful or good at their jobs. They know just enough about a process or system to keep themselves valuable, and are careful not to share that information with others for fear of becoming obsolete. These are the frustrating exception, and not the rule, at least in my experiences.
IT guy has a lot of work that he should be doing, but employees make the smallest part of his job (resolving user issues) the largest and most time consuming part.
Hello everyone, I am a student at a boarding school which means I am away from my family for a good part of the school year. Recently I have been struggling to contact my family and discuss important family matters that include me. The main problem is that my family is too poor to buy a new laptop in order to video call me or I them (in case you are wondering why I go to a boarding school, its because the state is paying for it as my parents have applied for a program for those who are less well off than others). Over the past few weeks I have been trying to raise money for a new laptop to buy for my family back home and so far with little success. This is why I ask you all to support me to raise money by purchasing a Custom T-Shirt that I have created. I will greatly appreciate all support given even if you can't purchase the shirt.
Help me raise money for a new family laptop (as they don't have enough money to buy a new one and speak to me via skype). Help out by purchasing my Custom made T-Shirts at
I've never been to Australia, but I've met a bunch of Aussies through social media, and I've researched the country quite a bit because I want to go there in the worst way. Without going into too much detail, I feel that it's the most dangerous, beautiful place on Earth with the hottest, awesomest women humanity's ever produced & just generally the coolest people around. Aussies get me, and that's rare, so I dig it :D EDIT: Removed the casual use of
because apparently I'm the only person in existence who sometimes uses it to mean, "I'm going to say this without saying the longer version first just because."
When I was four (1974), my Mother put a step stool in front of the basin in the bathroom for me. The idea being to teach me independence and good hygiene - I'd wash my hands, brush my teeth etc. It also meant she didn't have to follow me around forcing me to do all of these things. She didn't realize that if I stood on my tip-toes I could reach and open the medicine cabinet. One evening, instead of brushing my teeth I was playing with a cool little tin box that I found inside. I slid it open and voila! Razorblades. I pulled the first out and immediately cut a deep, upside down "V" into my left index finger at the bottom of the fingernail line. I screamed, went fuzzy and fainted dead away. I woke up to my panicked Mom unsuccessfully trying to hold the finger closed - blood everywhere . She managed to convince me that I wasn't dieing and to hold pressure on the finger as she wrapped it with a cloth bandage. She didn't drive, we had no money for a cab and she couldn't get anyone on the phone to take me for stitches, so I went without. I should've had stitches - likely four or six. It bled for the better part of a week and today measures almost an inch down on each side of that "V".
Razorblades are an inexpensive way to coat much of a bathroom with blood from a childs finger. Edit: Reddit went down/had some issue that gave me errors when I attempted to save this comment - if it appears multiple times on your end, it wasn't intentional.
I picked her up in my lower end sports car, it's beautiful and you'd think I could handle it. I took her to Starbucks and we talked for about an hour and a half and I dropped her back off. Her driveway is on a hill so when I backed out and tried getting uphill I stalled. I tried again and again and finally had my rear wheels spinning in the ditch. I looked in my mirrors and the ditch appeared shallow... So I figured I would throw it into reverse and back out...BIG mistake. I got incredibly stuck with one wheel suspended off the ground. Humiliated and pissed off I knocked on her door and she answered, I asked if they knew a tow service. Her dad saw it and just chuckled and walked away. I had to sit for 45 minutes outside with her while staring at my car stuck in a ditch. This was about 3 weeks ago and she is how my girlfriend.. So I guess it wasn't that bad?
dropped her off and got stuck in a ditch in front of her house. Had to wait there for 44 minutes for a tow truck..
We were seeing each other for a while without a title and have decided to be exclusive since around Christmas time. We met in June and I noticed she would message her ex on Facebook quite a bit, but I didn't let it bother me because he lived out of the country. He has recently moved back and we bumped into them at a night club. He has a new gf also and I could tell it was upsetting her to see him. We stayed up really late that night with some friends and I noticed she was messaging him a lot afterwards. I believe she still has feelings for him. To make matters worse they now have to work in the same building for a week. This made me extremely paranoid and I am not proud to say that I cracked and checked her Facebook to see what they were talking about. They are planning to meet for lunch tomorrow. This has started to consume all of my thoughts, I can't concentrate and don't know what to do. I've brought it up with her, she insists that she hates him and only wants to talk to brag about how her life is better than his and rub it in his face. She doesn't know I know about HER asking HIM to go to lunch. Should I message her ex and ask what is really going on? Am i overreacting? I've never been in a real relationship so I don't really know if this is normal stuff. My head is telling me to break it off with her until she is ready to leave him behind completely. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
My girl cant stop texting her ex and her asking to meet him for lunch has been the last straw. She says one thing but her actions clearly show something different. How should i react?
A little background... I'm a guy and I'm 19 (almost 20) and have been dating my girlfriend (she's 21) for about two years. We're both sophomores in college and have been exclusively together ever since we met the very first night of college. We love each other very much and would never want to do anything to hurt each other. But we're human and we make mistakes... So here's my dilemma: This past weekend my fraternity had a date event where every guy asked a girl and we all drink before, go to a bar, come back and do whatever. I couldn't take my GF because she is studying abroad in Spain until June. I took some other girl who is just a friend. Anyways, we go, have a great time, come back and I end up hanging out with some other kid's date who had left. I was pretty drunk still from the night and didn't realize that I was basically leading this girl on and that she was really into me all because I was just being nice and she had cut her foot and I patched it up for her. Anyways we were chilling and talking and it was pretty late at this point so I was wondering why she was still over.. It was maybe 3am. I offered her some clothes so she could take off her heels and dress. I gave her some shorts and a long sleeved shirt. Then in my dumb drunk kindness I told her she could sleep over if she didn't have a ride. I think regardless of if she could find a ride or not, she wanted to sleep over. So i said that's fine and I put on a movie. I was pretty tired so I climbed up into my bed. I have a lofted bed and two couches that someone could easily sleep on. She asked me if she could come sleep in my bed with me and I kind of hesitated and just said sure. So she climbs up and I'm wearing some shorts and a t-shirt (usually I sleep in boxers) and then we watch the movie and fall asleep. I didn't kiss her or make any move towards her at all. We slept with separate blankets and pillows, but happened to be in the same bed. I feel terribly guilty about this and don't know what to do. No one knows that this happened except for her and I (as far as I know). Before my girlfriend left for Spain, she told me she doesn't want to know if I hook up with someone or do anything, unless I like have sex with someone else or something big like that. Anyways I still feel guilty and can't decide whether to tell her or not. Should I tell my girlfriend what happened or go on like nothing ever happened?
Girlfriend is studying abroad. Another girl slept in my bed when I got too drunk one night. Nothing happened. I still feel terribly guilty. What do I do?
I did something stupid and irrational over the summer. I rode my 100 dollar steel framed touring bicycle from south jersey to Pittsburgh in a meandering route totally unplanned, with no gear. Just 200 dollars in cash, and a strange sense of confidence. I had no outdoor gear like I said, reached multiple breaking points, learned a lot about limits, and myself, and met hundreds of people, about 10 of them seared into my memory for the rest of my life. I was dumb, lost, confused, depressed, and totally alone at that stage of my life. After my trip which lasted just over 9 days, I felt reborn, focused, lucid, and truly ALIVE. That trip was a re-awaking in my consciousness. Long story short, I think having more adventures is revolutionizing your frame of reference. Fulfillment can't be relative in your perspective if every day were to be an adventure.
Thank you Carlene, Keno, Eduard, Edward, Bobbie, Pastor Joe, Mike, and the kind security guard that let me stay in a Pittsburgh buss depot against protocol. Couldn't have made it without you guys.
Me [M/18] and my girlfriend [F/17] have been dating for about 3 and half months now and from the start of our relationship I, a virgin, was told she was also a virgin, but last night she told me that she wasn't virgin and that she lost it to her previous BF because she thought he was the one and regrets ever doing it since he ended up cheating on her. She is my dream girl that I feel like I've been waiting for my entire life. Its really bothering me and i dont know how to go about dealing with it. I don't want to end it because I know i will regret it. I want to let it go but when ever i get it out of my mind something makes me think of it and i dont know what i should do.
My GF [F/17] of 3 and a half months lied to me [M/18] about being a virgin even though she regrets ever doing it, it still bothers me and i don't want it to anymore.
I was young, like maybe 10 years old. I was playing at a park near some tide pools that we used to go explore a lot during the summer. I have two younger brothers, one of which is named Ben. Ben was about 5 at the time. Anyway, I was playing with either my other brother or a friend or whatever, and Ben had recently gone off to use the public restroom. I decided I was thirsty and started walking toward the water fountain on the far side of the play ground area, when I heard a high, clear voice say, "Get Ben!" I literally stopped in my tracks. I looked around, and although there were kids at the playground, none of them were near me (and the voice sounded near) and none of them were yelling or playing tag or anything that seemed reasonable to yell. So, I figured I imagined something and continued on toward the fountain. Then I heard it again. "Get Ben!" I thought it was weird, but I don't need to hear something thrice to act, so I turned around and headed to the restroom. I went in, and sure enough Ben was in a stall crying. I asked him what was wrong and (this is kind of embarrassing, but whatever, he was a five year old) it turns out he was just having a kind of hard poop. You know, maybe he didn't eat a balanced diet the last couple days or whatever and this one was a little large and painful. Whatever, kids is kids. I sat in the stall next to him and talked him through and out like a good older brother, and we went back to the playground. I always thought it was a little silly/strange, having some sort of voice tell me to go comfort my brother while he was using the restroom, but one time I told my wife. She thought of plenty of reasons why that could be a more important event than I realized - biggest of all was that it could have been a prime scenario for child abduction. A crying child by himself in a moment when the older brother goes off a ways for a bit. I dunno. That last part is totally conjecture and trying to find 'meaning' out of it, but the events happened. I've never been able to explain it and I've told very few people.
Heard a voice in my head tell me to go check on my youngest brother. Found him crying by himself in public restroom. Not hurt or molested or anything, even though that sentence without context sounds pretty bad.
I used to clean the park bathrooms at a cedar fair themepark in pennsylvania I have one piece of advice to everyone please for the love of humanity keep your fecal matter in the toilet. I did not enjoy having to clean poop off the walls. ITS DISGUSTING SERIOUSLY DON'T DO IT.
Don't poop on walls please. edit: cedar fair theme parks not cedar point my bad edit2: my most upvoted comment yet is about me cleaning poop off of walls
To start, I am a junior in high school (just bear with me before writing it off as normal teen drama) who seemingly has it made; decent grades, good family, socially comfortable, etc. Recently, I was trying to remember the last time someone invited me to something other than in a group or a 'come one come all' type of situation. It dawned on me that although it seems that I have a great deal of good friends, they are really just people I know and interact with every once in awhile. When I'm with them all is good with no awkwardness or issues, and when I initiate things they are happy to join in, but it is rare that I am asked to come to things without me hinting at it, which leaves me feeling like an annoyance. I don't mean to write a wall of text making it seem like my life is in shambles while I am very grateful for what I have, knowing it could be much worse. It just gets difficult to watch everyone around me who supposedly I am friends with go on without even thinking of me. I don't mean to rant and I have more I could say but it would get lengthy and overly drawn out. Things aren't awful, but they could be better.
My friends seem to forget about me unless I am the one that intitates plans with them. Advice is greatly appreciated, thank you for taking the time to read.
That's actually a ridiculously unhealthy thing for her to do for her bf. People are not perfect and the people they surround themselves with will not always be appealing to their significant others, but cutting someone out of one's life for the sake of someone else is a terrible idea, and not a concession anyone should have to make. You cut people off because they're an unhealthy influence in your own life, absolutely - but not because they make your SO uncomfortable. I don't know you, I'm not going to presume to know what your experiences in this sort of thing are. It doesn't matter what gender a person is, jealousy happens and it's a perfectly normal, healthy and understandable emotion. It's also irrational and uncontrolable, which means that she should be aware of how he feels and certainly empathetic of it but not change something in her life because of it. It is his issue to deal with and overcome, not hers. As long as she is honest and above board with him, and assuming that he does indeed trust her 100%, there shouldn't be a problem. Cutting the friend out of her life for her SO is as good as admitting there may in the future be an issue, confirming any insecurities her boyfriend may have, and creating problems later on in the relationship. If the friend is not an issue for her, then she should act accordingly - which is to say, if it's not an issue, then it's not an issue, and drawing attention to it or reacting to it makes it an issue. And I'm not even going to go into what sort of a standard it sets for the relationship if she did cut off her friend.
Jealousy is normal, the friend is not a problem, and no one should change their friends for the sake of their SO based purely off of the SO's jealousy.
I started dating this girl 2 weeks before starting medical school 2 hours away. We got along amazingly in the 2 weeks together. The first month apart was fine, she wanted to visit, and texting/talking indicated a lot of interest. We fell into an every other week visit schedule. We still got along great together, but soon she began to show signs of loss of interest/ frustration, yet didn't make the effort to visit more often when I tried to initiate more contact. I should mention from the start, she was VERY hesitant to get into an exclusive relationship. And we were not exclusive for the first 2 months. In the last month I pressured her a bit to be exclusive and she said that was fine, but didn't want to call the relationship anything. We began to talk less and less (due to her) after that, and in the past month we often got frustrated with each other, which she admits was her fault and it should be me wanting to break up with her. But she just broke up with me because she wasn't "getting what she needed out of the relationship" and mentioned her probably moving 5 hours away next summer. She said she lost the spark due to the distance. I tried to convince her I have learned how to deal better with medical school and we could see each other every week if she would give the effort. But she didn't want to try. I have a broken heart from a great relationship (in person) not working due to distance. She still wants to be friends (with benefits) and I told her no because I liked her too much. I don't know what to do, I love this girl even though she doesn't treat me right from a distance. Also, two weeks before the breakup I went to surprise visit her after she had a terrible week and she said I was wayyy too nice to her with her treating me badly from a distance(not responding to texts, lack of effort etc). At the beginning of the relationship she also got mad at me briefly for not treating our relationship as an "us" even though she didn't want to be exclusive at that point. Note: she told me she never was with any other guys during our relationship, it was more she didn't want to have to "breakup" if things didn't go right. Anyone have advice? I want to have a casual relationship to see if the spark would return for her, but I realize I will probably just get hurt. Sorry for spelling/organization I'm on mobile. Thanks!
distance too much in an otherwise great relationship. How to proceed when GF still open to casual relationship, but I would eventually want real relationship?
It is not selfish to take your own life. It is selfish to say "he should have stayed alive for me". Which is what people do when they claim that he was selfish. A person has no obligation to do anything for another person. A person at the end of the day controls there destiny or lack of. And on your other point Stabs Its not as easy as that. There are outside factors that contribute to someone taking there own life. The finality of that person actions is what ultimately took there life but we don't understand what that person went through. Maybe being bullied everyday for a year by a kid at school and being abused almost everyday psychologically damaged the kid beyond repair and in this state suicide was the only option.
We dont know what factors other people had to go through. Everyone experiences events and traumas differently. We cannot hope to understand why someone did something. Source: My Life
so ive known this girl for almost a year now and we get along really well and shes an awesome friend. we understand each other perfectly and i believe thats why we get along so well. i first noticed she deleted my messages when she asked me to send her bus times and i sent them then she asked again and i asked where they went and she said she was clearing up her messages a bunch of bullshit that was. her boyfriend doesnt want her hanging out with me for some reason not sure why and she doesnt tell him when shes chilling with me. i see her almost everyday so i feel like im just being kept in the shadows and it bothers me. i confronted her about it and she said she deletes our messages so her bf wont see. i was just in too much of a shitty mood so i just said whatever you gotta do what you gotta do. she went to her bf's last night and she didnt respond to my message any other peson i wouldnt have cared but her i was bothered because the reason she didnt reply is because she deleted the message it just pisses me off. so im faced with a dilema i feel she doesnt value me as a friend due to her hiding me so i just want to tell her to fuck off till im no longer some secret but on the other hand i dont want to tell her off because she helps me out a lot with my problems and we talk a lot because we both feel depressed and worthless but we are making progress finding the better things in life. any advice on what to do here is greatly appreciated.
girl deletes my messages to prevent her bf from seeing that we chill and talk it pisses me off and want to tell her off but cant do it since shes a helpful person in my life.
I met my girlfriend on tinder at university. We are both out of state students, so over summer break we are about a 3 hour flight apart. Anyways, before we had left, I asked her whether she wanted to continue being exclusive over the summer. She told me she was unsure- she loved me and wanted to continue the relationship in the fall, but she didn't know if she wanted to stay exclusive over the break. I didn't like this- I didn't want to be her insurance policy, so to speak, and I told her I thought we should move on. That didn't last long and we were back together fairly quickly. It was around this time that I noticed that she had unmatched me on tinder- I asked her about it and she claimed she had just deleted it. Over the summer I was still having a lot of doubts about our exclusivity, and I tried to break it off once again. It was at this point that she decided she wanted to be exclusive as she "didn't want to lose" me. We stayed together. Last night I went to a friends house to catch up with some former classmates, and a girl that I had previous history with was there. She was flirting with me, but I turned her down and went home shortly after. I missed my girlfriend a lot, and ended up stalking her on social media- Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc to look at pictures of her. It was at this point that I saw she had made posts about using tinder- that night. She had posted a screenshot of what looked a lot like her on tinder, and a selfie of her with the caption "tinder moment game strong." I confronted her about it and explained that we were over- she had lied to me about tinder, and it looked like she had been trying to manipulate me by saying she wanted exclusivity. She was obviously upset and claimed that the posts weren't from her tinder and a few other excuses. I broke it off and removed her on social media. My problem is that I'm unsure that I made the right call. I'm about 90% certain that her excuses were untrue, and that she had had been lying to me about using tinder and using exclusivity as a way to manipulate me into staying around, but what if I was wrong? I do love her, and I'm worried that I through away a great relationship with a lot of potential. At the same time, I don't want to be the poor sap who gets back with her in the fall after she's been acting single and seeing other people in the summer- I don't want to be her safety net if she doesn't find anything better. She can choose to do whatever she wants, but she can't have the security of having me around if she can't remain exclusive.
Broke off with my girlfriend because it looks a lot like she was lying about using tinder and being exclusive, but what if I was wrong?
Reddit is a tool. Much like any other tool, there are more than one ways to use it - some more effective than others. If you feel you're wasting your day in an unproductive manner on Reddit, perhaps you should look into which subreddits you visit. I can assure you that my subreddit lists are informative, edifying and a very small scope of interest to me. This way my front page is filled with content that helps me be productive & edifies me throughout the day. I find that I'll still visit the larger subreddits that are there for entertainment purposes, but It's not right in front of my face & this de-emphasizes the less productive aspects of Reddit.
don't hate Reddit because you personally lack the self control to get anything done. Set your goals and have some discipline if that's what you lack
So I'm 25M, she's 23F. We've been friends for about 5 years now, and close friends for 2. I would consider her one of my best friends of not many. We've been FWB now for about 18 months. I'm hopeless with girls and can't ever tell when they're interested. If I like a girl, I'm never able to tell them and within a few months they're with another guy. I haven't had a girlfriend in 5 years. It's always been just physical with Elle. No talk of a relationship at all, and just mutual awareness that it was strictly a casual, convenient relationship we have. We still go out to the movies, shopping, and cook dinner together. I recently moved for work and she comes to visit me about once a month. We both have a great time on our weekends together, and the sex is great . She's beautiful, clever, and sensitive. And yes, she is very single. I feel lately that things may be changing. We've definitely become much closer in the past few months, and my moving further away seems to have something to do with this. My favourite times are when she comes to visit, we cook dinner together and watch a movie on the lounge (followed by hours of amazing sex). The problem is, I'm not a very emotional person, so it's hard for me to feel anything for a girl, even when she may obviously be into me. I think things with Elle may be able to grow into something more, but she's definitely too shy to say anything. I know if she liked me that she'd hold back, in fear of my coldness/lack of emotion, and most probably fear of losing our friendship. But I can't continue how things are going at the moment. Something needs to be said. If Elle has feelings for me, how should I bring this up with her? Is it a good idea to move into a more serious relationship with a girl you're best friends with, at the possibility of a happy future together? Neither of us are interested in dating other people, we're very comfortable and happy with our current relationship arrangement. It may be that the FWB status could continue for years until one of us loses it and either confesses stored feelings, or walks away for feeling like it's pointless to continue. All because neither of us could build up the courage to talk about this. I definitely don't think I've been friendzoned. I just need to know if it's a good idea to mention the prospect of anything further, and why it may be a good idea. She's special to me. It wouldn't necessarily be an immediate relationship, just a prospect of one in the future, if this relationship could ever develop.
Think I may like the girl I've been sleeping with for over a year, she's my best friend and may have feelings for me too. Is it a good idea to mention something more (in the future), and how should I explain this?
In this day and age, why doesn't everyone speak the same language? We live in the digital age where it is very easy to connect with someone on the other side of the world. Communicating with that person is a different story... Well everyone should learn English, right? Wrong. We only have to do one thing to get this to work: come together. We basically all have to decide that we are going to do this for the better of the whole and just... do it. In order for this to be accomplished correctly we need to all make the same sacrifice and dedicate ourselves to learning this new language. I'm sure it would be very tough and it would also take a long time, but this is only more of a reason to do it now. If this transition is going to take time, why wouldn't we start now and jump-start our evolution. Lets get a large group of language professionals together and let them work out a 'best' language. We could call it 'Universal' or 'Standard' or even 'Human'. I'd love to hear some feedback or ideas and I'll definitely reply if you do!
We should design a 'best' language call it 'Standard' and all agree to learn it in order to further advance our society and come together as humanity!
So first some context. The girlfriend and I have been dating for a little longer than two years now. We like each other a lot. She's a senior in highschool and I am a freshman in college. We broke up for about two weeks when I left for college, and then got back together because we live close. She didn't want to deny me my freshman year experience, and said that I was free to hook up with other girls as long as I didn't commit to them (this means yes sex, no relationships) and I agreed that I was fine with her making out with guys and the like (no sex, but she is free to out and let men whoo her and get compliment and fish for attention). That worked for a while, I hooked up with two girls she made out with a couple of guys because she likes the attention and compliments. We have been doing this for a while and it was working out because she is emotionally possessive but not attached to the physical and I am physically possessive but not emotionally. Recently we decided we didn't want to do it anymore because it was a lot of work in regards to communication and making sure the other felt comfortable. But now we have a bit of an imbalance in that she has never been with another guy, and I have now been with another female. Another note into this is that she is open to a threeway with another female and has suggested it before. I was talking to her and considered a threeway with her and another male which she said was an ultimate fantasy for her. I was thinking that this could be a potential way for her to explore without stressing me out to much, plus she said she wants me there. The problem is I would want the sex to be as bland as possible and even then I don't know if I could get over it. Basically my issue is this: I want to have a three way with her and another male so that she can have the opportunity to explore, but I don't know if I could deal with watching another man have sex with my girlfriend. But I want to be able, and I'm trying to find a way approach this to make this possible for her. I love her deeply and want to do this without hurting to much. On a final note, I am in no way shape or form worried about her and infidelity and that is a non issue for us. We are very open.
Girlfriend doesn't have experience with other men, wants to get it with me and another man. I need a good approach on how to give this to her without hurting me
So there's a really cute girl that I've been getting to know lately. It is clear that we are both into each other, we are always flirting and touching each other and hugging and finding excuses to get closer. Tonight I invited her to my house to make some cookies and to watch a movie. While we were talking to each other, I spotted a bag of Hershey's Kisses and said, "Hey, do you want a kiss?" She looked at me with a puzzled look, then I held up the chocolate kiss and she laughed and accepted it. Later on, I did the same thing but, when she declined the chocolate, I asked, "Well, how about a real kiss?" I really thought she was going to say yes and go in for it, but instead she blushed and pulled herself towards me, burying her face in my chest. She explained that it has been a while since she has kissed anyone and that she is nervous about "having forgotten how to kiss" or "being bad at it" or something like that. So we ended up spending the rest of the evening watching the movie, cuddling, and holding hands. It was really nice, but it just made me want to kiss her even more. What can I do to make that happen? Is there something I'm doing wrong that's turning her off to kissing me?
I really like a girl, asked her for a kiss and she said something along the lines of "not being ready". After, we cuddled, held hands...what can I do now to seal the deal and get a kiss?
I saw something earlier today on here about how to deal with a situation where the guys immediate manager lied to higher ups getting this guy in trouble. My situation is similar but more general... I work as a Systems Engineer currently, 8 months since graduation, and feel like most people I deal with on a day to day basis are retarded assholes. For example I am working on a 8 Core Processor right now writing code for PCI-E port drivers. While debugging issues I will go ask for help from people who know their shit about this specific architecture and core family. They tell me "No that is completely wrong, no wonder it doesn't work, do this". I am usually a VERY argumentative person, but since getting this job I have been humbled because apparently, being the new guy makes you automatically wrong. So when I am told I am wrong now, I grit my teeth and go do what I am told. Turns out the issue is still there, I get the co-worker/manager to look at the code and help me debug it. He does and immediately realizes the way I was doing it originally was correct. So he obviously sees that he is wrong. This happens on a daily basis in some fashion. Whether it is with code, or logistics on a project. I always grit my teeth and let them find their wrong doing on their own now. I periodically get blamed for others mistakes now, which I am fine with I guess as long as I keep getting paid. I mean I AM doing what I am told. But more recently it seems like when I ask nicely to try to get some explanation behind a line of thought, the person gets even more worked up and basically just answers with, it's right, just do it...Until they again come to the realization they are wrong. I am not worried about being correct all the time, at my job I have come to careless about being correct, as long as I let the guy signing off on my hours think he is correct. But I am not sure how to deal with this constant barrage of criticism when no one seems to be able to admit fault and then they view me as a aggressor because I am simply trying to get an explanation out of them. How am I supposed to deal with this? I am just doing exactly what they say, yet it seems like I can never win.
Boss and coworkers are douches who think they are correct 100% of the time when they are often not. How do I deal with their ego-maniacal attitudes?
I'm bad at pet names. Carter: for Dr. Carter on ER. My ex and I spent about a month tossing around names for our first cat and nothing really seemed to fit. We were watching an episode of ER and at some point just looked at each other and said "Carter?" and it stuck. Riley: I have no clue. The name just came to me at some point after I'd had him for a week or so.
pity my future children, for I cannot even name cats in an reasonable amount of time, or with any meaning other than "it sounded good at the time"
Is a site called 'omg-facts' really reputable though? From BBC (omg-facts source) > "Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and mattress so the mites will dehydrate and eventually die." >In the next stage of their research, the scientists are putting mite pockets into beds in 36 houses around the United Kingdom to test their computer model and will investigate how people's daily routines affect mite populations. >Building features such as heating, ventilation and insulation will also be altered to monitor how the mites cope. >Dr Pretlove said the research had the potential to reduce the £700m spent treating mite-induced illnesses each year in the UK. >"Our findings could help building designers create healthy homes and healthcare workers point out environments most at risk from mites." >Dr Matt Hallsworth, of the charity Asthma UK, said: 'House-dust mite allergen can be an important trigger for many people with asthma, but is notoriously difficult to avoid." >Professor Andrew Wardlaw, of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology, agreed. >He said: "Mites are very important in asthma and allergy and it would be good if ways were found to modifiy the home so that mite concentrations were reduced. >"It is true that mites need humid conditions to thrive and cannot survive in very dry (desert like) conditions. >"However, most homes in the UK are sufficiently humid for the mites to do well and I find it hard to believe that simply not making your bed would have any impact on the overall humidity." When I checked Kingston University, I found that they never posted anything besides 'we did a study', at least on this page
it's just an off-the-cuff remark really. We need study! Also, don't just believe any kind of sensationalist site you read just because they cherry pick from the BBC!
There's a bit of a back story to this and hope it's not too long, but basically I'm never that good at confrontation so I just want to know how to deal with this, if/what to say etc Ok so, about a year ago my best friend Sophia kissed a friends/acquaintance's boyfriend at a party (she didn't sleep with him, but he tried). Obviously she knows this was a terrible thing to do, and I told her so at the time and she is eternally sorry, there's absolutely no excuse for it at all I know and our friend/acquaintance Katy, was obviously pissed and called for no-one to speak to her anymore. Katy remained in a relationship with the boyfriend (who seemed to be innocent in all this, as often happens in these situations) for a few months after this, but they split up over something else (him cheating again several times surprise surprise). Anyway, so fast forward a year and everyone is still talking about what a bitch Sophia is, she's not allowed to any social events that Katy is at and has actually moved to another city, partly because of this. A few days ago my boyfriend of 4 years was at a party with Katy and her friends (I decided I didn't wanna go, they're like children but all in their thirties). When I saw him the next day he told me that everyone had been bitching about Sophia all night, and Katy actually took him aside to continue to bitch about her (he actually defended her because he said it's all gone too far now and the man in this situation is to blame too) and during this conversation she decided to ask him to kiss her. "We've never kissed before have we? I really think we should kiss now" sorta thing which is EXACTLY how she would say something like that (like a child). He obviously declined. But basically what I want to know is, how do I bring this up to her? After spending a year talking about what a bitch my friend is, it's a pretty low way to behave. Do I bother saying anything? I have no desire to remain friends with her or any of her childish friends (all in their mid to late 30's!) anymore, but her way of dealing with it was not how I would ever behave towards someone else. Thanks!
friend" who's boyfriend cheated on her with my friend has ostracised her from the group and has now tried to kiss my boyfriend! Do I bother saying anything to her?
Spoiler: There's no shit in this story So for a bit of context here. I live in Missouri, in the US. I'm a guy in my late 20s and I work 3rd shift. I was meeting my friend so we could watch a movie at her place. She was just getting off work, and I was about 10 min early to her place. But I didn't want to just wait in my car, so I kept driving down the road. Got to a point when I needed to turn around, so I went down a side street to do a u-turn. My turn radius on my car sucks a bit, so I had to stop and and put it in reverse. I stopped a couple feet from a lightpost and some combination of my brain or body fucked up and didn't put my car and reverse, smashed the gas pedal and dented up my front bumper and hood. And maybe the radiator. On the plus side, I didn't get any tickets from the police that ended up showing up randomly. No asking if I was drunk, or if I could walk a straight line. If I remember, I'll try to post a pic.
I hit a stationary object and fucked up my car, because I was 10 min early to a friend's house Edit, I suck at spoiler tags.
My boyfriend and I have been together almost two years. It hasn't been easy. We have had our differences and we broke up for a while roughly 1.5 years into the relationship. Neither of us are perfect and there is still a lot of uncertainty and a lot of work to do before we're back to what we had. But at the same time we love each other a lot and we want to work at it, I think that we could be happy together if we had some time to work things out and to rebuild our relationship. But time is not on our side. I am a foreigner living in his country and after a couple of months I have to leave for a job overseas. Staying is not an option. I don't want to do long distance because that would be the end of us - for this to work we need to be able to spend time together, communicate. I checked the visa situation and it seems the only way for him to come with me is for us to get married. This is a hell of a commitment that I don't think I am ready for with the current state of things - everything is still so uncertain between us and we have so many issues still to work out. But on the other hand, this relationship is really something special and part of me knows that if we get through this we could be happy together... Essentially it's a case of taking a leap of faith (at a time when it doesn't feel right) versus breaking up with someone I love dearly. What to do?
My SO and I have been going through a serious rough patch... not quite ready to commit to him at this point but I have to move away soon and decide whether to marry him or leave him... what to do?
So this FU happened around 8 years ago, when I was studying in first year college. I was attending a lecture which was pretty boring, So I opened my book and started doodling in it. I was a big fan of WWE back then, so I started drawing wrestlers in it. One of my mates saw my doodle and started giggling, and I thought he was just giggling cause I was not paying any attention to professor, but that wasn’t the case. Professor noticed we are not paying any attention and laughing at something, so she walked towards us (without me noticing that she is coming towards us) I looked straight towards the board and professor was missing and I panicked suddenly as she was standing right next to me looking at my doodles,with horrid expression on her face, she immediately called this another asshole professor. (asshole professor: as he was very strict, ruthless and liked to bully students). She showed him my doodles with a contempt on her face. Next thing I know, that asshole professor asked me to get out of the class with him. He then asked me to call my parents. I was like wait a minute this is not that serious of a crime to involve my parents? I asked him why do you want me to call my parents? I told him I won’t doodle again I’m sorry, you can take away my book. But he was ruthless and stubborn he kept on repeating "call your parents", I called and he grabbed phone from my hand and started talking to my mom “Hello there, I’m professor so and so talking to you from your son’s college. I want to let you know that your son is drawing pictures of naked girls in middle of lectures.” I was fucking furious, I got so annoyed, I started crying :( as I felt completely helpless, I knew that was not the truth. Basically my doodles were of wrestlers with long hair and huge chest and abs (that was suppose to be someone like Triple H or Kevin Nash), but I guess they all looked like naked girls. I remember feeling so fucking ashamed. Facing my parents that day was the toughest thing I had to do. Also had to skip college for few days after that FU. I still fucking cringe thinking back to that story.
Doodled WWE wrestler in middle of boring lecture, professor caught me, thought it was topless girls, called my parents and basically told them that I’m a huge perv.
Wow. This is taking a lot out of me to write. Anyways! My boyfriend and I met on reddit about 15 months ago. I had posted to a roleplay subreddit, he replied. We hit it off but I got really sick with the flu for a few weeks and told him he didn't have to stick around. Despite that, we continued talking and really hit it off. One downside, I'm on the west coast of the U.S. And he's in England. To make things short, we kinda jumped into the relationship really fast and we now have been together for just over 14 months. He's an incredible guy and I love him dearly. He never fails to make me laugh and he never fails to make me feel beautiful and loved. He's my best friend and I go to him about almost anything in my life. My family knows about him and ask about him frequently. My little sisters adore him. His family knows about me and asks about me. But lately I've been craving more. I know a relationship isn't all about physical contact, but I want to be kissed and I want to have sex and all that other fun contact that comes with a relationship. Because of that, I went back to posting on the roleplay sub to hopefully "write out" that want or craving. It started out and still is a purely "physical" thing. I had/have no intentions of hooking up with anyone or establishing a relationship on the side. But then this guy started messaging me. And in the beginning I kept my distance, telling him I wasn't looking for anything, wasn't interested in anything but roleplay, etc. But then he kinda.. grew on me, I guess you could say. I stopped being so hard on my rules and he started buying me gifts, showering me with affection, the whole nine yards. He now wants to come visit me. My boyfriend doesn't know. And I don't know what to do. I can honestly see a future with him. And it makes me happy thinking about a future with him. This new guy isn't really my type, but he's a great guy and like I said, he's grown on me. I just, don't know what to do. I need someone to just lay it out for me from their perspective.
Stuck between a rock and a hard place with my long distance boyfriend of 14 months and some new guy that I just met who's not really my type. What the hell should I do?
I moved to a new state, and met a new guy (28 M). I knew he had a girlfriend. We shared some steamy g-chat exchanges for about 2 months last Fall. I was slowly becoming good friends with his girlfriend 28 F), and the g-chat "sexting" stopped. Fast forward to now- his girlfriend is one of my closest friends. She find the old g-chats. I want to know how to honestly and sincerely apologize. I do feel horrible. I never knew how to tell her. Nothing ever happened between me and the guy besides the g-chats. It wasn't even emotional cheating, we never had deep talks about anything. It was just a purely cheap, physical thrill. I was thinking of writing her an email, bc she has said she is not ready to talk in person. Can anyone help me with wording it?
Sexted with a guy who had a girlfriend. Became very good friends with girlfriend (sexting stopped). 11 months later ,she finds sexts. How do I sincerely apologize?
The title pretty much sums it up. I imagine this situation arose from television. My mother is a 65-yo old-fashioned Catholic woman who constantly has on. There's daytime shows that have transgender entertainers and the rest is probably history. I hadn't approached sexuality with my daughter yet as she is 5. I want my daughter to know there is more to being gay than a "boy wanting to be a girl" which is an atrocious explanation. My sister is gay, and she has had to deal with the discrimination her whole life. I don't want my daughter unknowingly upsetting her. How do I fix this?
My mom told my 5yo that gay people are "boys that want to be girls." I want my daughter to be more open-minded than that ridiculous definition. What do?
So, I ended a 5 year relationship with my ex- fiance a few months ago. We have a toddler together. We were living together up until we broke up, and then I moved out. We share custody of our toddler and things have mostly been working out, without the need to go to court or anything. Sometimes it feels like we are friends, and sometimes we argue but overall things have been going ok. We have both been online dating, and about a month ago I met someone I really like. We have gone on a couple of dates and had sex both times. I really like this person and would really like to ask her to be my girlfriend. I don't feel like this is a rebound or anything, since I dated several other people in between my ex and her. My relationship with my ex was also very unhappy for quite a long time, so I really felt ready to move on as soon as it ended. But I am worried my ex will react poorly and make co- parenting difficult if he finds out I am in a relationship with someone else. The last time I told him I was casually dating someone, he sent me some very nasty text messages and it turned into a fight. Part of me thinks I should wait until he has a girlfriend before I have one, so that he won't be as likely to be mad at me. But I don't know when that will be, and I don't know if I want to put my life on hold to cater to an ex. I am having a difficult time with this decision, but I if he weren't a factor I would have asked this person out already.
want to ask girl to be my girlfriend, but don't want to ruin co- parenting relationship with my ex by appearing to move on too quickly.
So I am in a long distance relationship with a girl I have known since high school. We will call her jane. We are about five hours away from each other while were both at school. When we both go back to our parents houses we are only five minutes away. So I do get to see her a decent ammount. Well last night she called me at almost one in the morning. She seemed a little distraught and went on to tell me that the night before she had blacked out and had sex with a guy she had met from her school. She has told me about this guy beforw and how hes soo attractive. I say the same thing about a girl every once in a while, so I dont care that she said that in the first place. Also to add to this i have kissed a girl in the past while drunk while jane and I were dating but it was a year ago and she has forgiven me and we have moved past it. I am pissed. This is the first instance of her doing this. I am sure because she would have told me if it had happened before. I Did trust her completely before this, now obviously I cant. I do love this girl, I know she loves me. We have talked about getting married. I know we are young and we have talked about it not happening at least till we are 25. This cheating thing fucked me up. I have been cheated on before and it fucked me up then. But last time I had Jane there to help me get over her. After she told me on the phone I couldnt even talk, i had no idea what to say I started crying and she already was. I couldnt figure out what to say so i hung up after a while. Next thing I know shes at my door at my university. Coming into my room to talk to me, so she drove around five hours to come see me. Then five hours back. So i do believe she is sorry. I do want to continue dating this girl I'm just not sure how our relationship can handle this. I Cannot stop thinking about her doing shit with this other guy. I really dont know what my best move is. I have talked to her about it when she showed up but i still dont know what to do.
my girlfriend cheated on me when she qas blacled out and i want to take her back but not sure if its the best idea.
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 11 months, the first few months of which we lived in the same city. He recently moved away for work and we are now living in different countries. If I had my way we would be texting trough out the day because that's just the way I operate and when something noteworthy happens, he is the first I want to tell. That doesn't go over well with him because he feels like I am bombarding him and he can't get other things done, which I'm fine with. I've been trying to keep my texting to minimum. We've also had other issues where he was feeling suffocated when I wanted to spend the night with him most nights, but we worked through it. So right now we are trying to make this long distance thing work and I know he doesn't like to text or be texted a lot so I suggested (after reading a whole bunch of long distance relationship tips online) that the first person to wake up or go to bed would text the other goodnight or good morning. That way we know we are thinking about each other and it's a way to keep our everyday contact alive even if we are thousands of miles away. While he initially liked the idea and texted goodnight and good morning he has not done so these past couple days. I brought it up to him and he got very defensive and said that I was being needy and that he doesn't want to text me because he HAS to be because he WANTS to, which I totally understand. Except when I've tried to just let things flow I'll get one text every two days and that's just not enough I feel to keep a long distance relationship alive. So I would like an outside opinion on this; Am I being to needy? Should I just be grateful for the attention he gives me and leave it at that?
Boyfriend that lives in different country doesn't want to text me good morning and goodnight. Thinks we should just let things happen naturally but then never texts if we do.
I have realized that I fantasize a lot more about my relationship (2 years) than I actually enjoying being in it. Now, I love my boyfriend, and there is no one in this world that I love spending more time with than him. My problem is with physical intimacy. For instance, he'll usually initiate physical contact, like holding my hand - which I love - but after a few seconds I'll get really uncomfortable. Or he initiates a kiss with me, and I'll freeze up and wonder why I can't return the same kind of passion he's showing me; I have a lot of passion for him, but in the moment, I can't show it. Yes, I am a shy person, and he is not. But I do not understand how, after 2 years and all the intimacy we've shared, I still cannot let go and really show him how I feel. Many times I'll get the urge to kiss him or hold his hand, but can't bring myself to initiate anything for fear of making things awkward. The only theory I have is that growing up, I never saw my parents touch each other or show affection for each other. So, there's that.
I am shy and inhibited and have a hard time enjoying physical intimacy with my boyfriend. For the most part, showing affection makes me feel anxious and uncomfortable. Any ideas or thoughts are appreciated... thank you :)
I'll try to keep this brief. I live in IL and my house needed a new roof. A guy that lives next to my parents does side work. He came over, gave me an estimate of $4k total ($2k for labor, $2k for materials), told me what to buy, said he could have the job done in three days. His wife/girlfriend came with him and my husband was home as well. I purchased all the materials and gave him $1k in cash up front, as agreed upon. The job was not complete in three days, and on Monday it rained and my roof leaked since there was only felt over it. He had PROMISED me that it wouldn't leak. He was there Tuesday and Wednesday to finish the job. Wednesday morning there was just clean up and a few odds and ends to take care of. I paid him the remainder of the cash,as he told me everything would be done by the time I got home from work. Everything was NOT done by the time I got home from work. My driveway wasn't cleaned (so I couldn't park in it), I had TV cable wires hanging off my house, pipes needed to be painted, shingles needed to be returned (I can't lift them) and the ceiling in my garage needed to be painted still. He told me he would be by several times and never showed. Finally this past weekend (two weeks later) he finished most of his work, except painting the ceiling and returning the shingles. It's been two days and he's completely ignoring my calls and text messages. I have no idea what to do. Do I have any legal recourse? I have the bank records of withdrawing the cash as well as the receipts for the materials, but the actual "contract" was verbal. My parents have told me that he has been home and my dad said he would go talk to him tomorrow for me. This is going on three weeks now and I have held up my end of the deal and paid him. I'm very frustrated - I shouldn't have paid him without everything being done. I was too trusting and I'll never make that mistake again. But for now - I need to get my ceiling fixed and I don't know what to do.
Guy who does side work messed up my garage ceiling and won't return my calls to tell me when he'll be here to finish everything. I paid him in cash, all agreements were verbal.
I was in Singapore going street-food hunting. I ended up in a food court in Espalande Mall near Marina Bay. I ordered for a plate of pork ramen and found a place to sit where there were used plates of other customers (the table wasn't cleaned for other customers to grab their food and get a table). A scrawny boy in his early 20s was staring at the table from 20 feet away (though it looked like he was staring at me) and I looked away not bothered. The guy kept coming closer when I wasn't looking and in no time, I found this chap standing right next to me death-staring at one of the used plates. He then picked up a sauce container and kept licking it making weird sounds and I still pretended not to look. He stopped after lapping the sauce container like 20 times and put it down. He then picked up a half-eaten leg of chicken and went to town with it. All while standing right next to me, making weird sounds and approximately 20 people in the nearby tables staring at that guy (and me inadvertently). He then stuck the bone in his mouth and stared at me and I panicked and made a run for it. After I was approximately 20 feet from him, I see him eating the ramen from my plate.
young guy, mentally unstable licks sauce containers and eats from discarded plates of half-eaten food, making noises and gives 0 fucks to people staring at him.
I wouldn't spend it with my family, that's for sure. Long story short: I don't get along with them. To be honest, my good friends are all out of town and I've been alone lately. Of course, I don't want to die alone so for my last day I'm going to spend it finding the 'one'. I might find her and I might not; I wouldn't know because I never tried it. If I find her, I won't pursue anything sexual, I'll just invite her to have a some coffee and talk until I vanish from this world. I will honestly die happy that way, being with someone I really like. Oh, and I would also go skydiving if I had time-- maybe even with this girl! That would be great.
Since I have no one, I will go find that 'one' for the last day of my life. I would also go skydiving if I had the time.
Hi . I am 20 female. I understand that you can't change people, but I have been with my s/o for 1 year now. He could be occasionally arrogant where it is somewhat rude. BF(male,18) would say statements like " Youre not good at ___" and its leads into a fight because thats just plain out mean. But at the end, he tries adding on : Well what i meant was youre not good at this section of it not the whole thing, and tries to act like the whole fight was nothing and he didnt just waste any of my energy. I am completely stressed out because of him. Bf is a genuinely good person, but its this behavior thats just out of control. I think its like an entitled spoiled child. 50% of the time its ignorance , and I have carefully told him to watch what he says because it can be offending to people. He does not try to be offensive, but they would be small microaggressions like " well im not good at asian games" or calling asian foods disgusting. ( He is white, I am Asian). HE always changes his lines in a fight. We would be fighting and he tries to twist what he said to be right. I also like to be right all the time, so that is faulty on my part, but I document what we say to each other so now he feels attacked that I point out he never said phrases that he added to win the fight he tries to back out and say I take everything back, without apologizing. Before I documented everything we said, I would feel really bullied and I know what I say because I am very detail orientated on my conversations. I really love him, but everytime I try to leave him in a I will oonly come back when you learn your lesson he immediately breaks into a panic attack. I threaten to call his parents then he always pulls out the " dont you love me.. wow you dont love me". This has taken so much of a toll on my mental health and I have advised him about it too. It seems really selfish, but what do you guys think about it and what should I do? I really want to make this work, but I don't want to be stuck in this limbo where he is not willing to change and iif i want a break from this toxic relationship I am threatened by a hyperventilating male. Its like he expects me to forgive him by just the magic word sorry. ex:One time I gave him an option he could do the chores and I will talk to him, but he goes and says " Please Im begging you" as if that option did not exist...
i want to be with my bf. but when we have problems I have to record the convo and play back for him to realize he twists his words. Also he hyperventilates if I try to have a break for myself
First, some exposition: We've been together for about two and a half years. We currently live together, and have been living together for over 6 months. Our relationship has overall been stable in the past, but as with all normal couples, we've had our squabbles. Now, for the advice: Since moving in together, we've been able to consolidate bills, schedules, and life in general. Overall, things have been very good. My own happiness and well being have improved since the move. Lately, I feel as though she has been feeling rather down and unmotivated. I've talked with her about this, and she admitted that she has. As a result, she's been feeling sad, acting defensive (sometimes even combative), and her demeanor is often quite negative. I've been doing what I can to help- encouraging and motivating her to the best of my ability. The problem is, she often views these acts as personal attacks, meanly criticizing her. I've tried approaching the subject many different ways, as empathetically and considerately as possible, and we always seem to end up arguing or fighting. What can I do to help her? I want her to feel better, but it feels like I'm only making things worse.
Dating for 2.5yrs, lived together for 0.5yrs. BF is happy, GF is not. GF is sad, defensive/combative, and can be very negative. BF tries to help/talk about it, is usually met with resistance. What do?
EDIT: I forgot to say I am 23 M We dated for a little more than a year. Then I broke up with her. She didn't talk to me for a few weeks, and after that we started having casual sex from time to time. I don't want to get back with her, because I know it is a dead end relationship. We have no common interests besides sex; we don't even like the same movies. Overall she is a nice person, and I actually like her. The problem is that lately everything she says or does is about sex or trying to get my attention in a cute way. He haven't had a real conversation for months now. We met in a college town, and she returned home for the summer. She lives 4 hours away from me, and she asked me and a couple of other friends to go visit her for a week. I know that I should end this relationship with her, and I know she will not want me there once I say what I have to say. So I can't go. I can't decide how to tell her that I am not going. I don't want to lie to her making something up (I have already killed enough uncles already), and I don't feel like breaking up again on the phone. How should I deal with this?
I am friend with benefits with my ex. She invited me to stay at her house for a week, and I don't know how to say no.
I'm actually trying to get a professional job that is relevant to my degree and the career path I'm desperately trying to take, but in the meantime, I do have solid bartending skills and experience to fall back. I went over and applied to a bartending job at a new, nice, upscale place and had a great interview. I took the manager's invitation to have me go in on Monday and spend the shift behind the bar with the other bartender as an indication that I had pretty much been hired and was going to do paperwork and nail down hourly pay and tip share at the end of the night. However, he avoided all of that, saying that he had other people that he was having come in to "try out" and that he hadn't seen enough from anyone to make his decision. He asked me to come in again on Thursday 3pm to close, and told me he would sort everything out by the end of the night, then. I didn't receive any compensation for the five hours I worked behind the bar on Monday, and it doesn't seem like I will on Thursday, either. What makes all of this lack of transparency even more frustrating is that he approaches his bar with a phd mentality. He expects me to have/acquire very bookish knowledge of what a liquor is, how liquors are made differently, historical knowledge of even the most obscure brands of liquors that he carries, etc. None of the classic drink recipes are good enough, as he has his own unique way that he makes every single drink, right down to the amount of stirs. He even "re-trained" me on how to pick up and hold a bottle. He sent me home with homework. Descriptions of all wines and beers, their special drink recipes, and entire liquor inventory list. He told me to practice how to hold and free pour from an empty whiskey bottle that he lent to me. After explaining this bizarre night to others and seeing their reactions, I'm now starting to wonder if I'm being played for a sucker. I don't know if I'll be paid for these "try out" hours or if I'll even be offered an acceptable hourly pay according to what I put on the application, much less actually being hired at all. All the "homework" that has been dropped on me already also makes me feel very uneasy about possibly working another 7+ hours without formal agreements of hire or pay. WTF should I do?
Extremely demanding potential employer wants me to bartend for two shifts and do "homework" unpaid, without discussing hourly wage, nor his commitment to actually hire me.
I apologize if the title is confusing. I'll try to elaborate a bit better here. I'm 26, she's 24. Been together for about 6 months now. We're both in fixed incomes because we have several expenses. She likes going out, a lot. She has a ton of party friends, and a lot of them offer to pay for most of her food/drinks when she goes out with them. Now, i'm not implying to be jealous because of the intentions of these people. most of them are actually a pretty alright group of individuals and we've already had arguments about me being suspicious of their intentions. This is not a "is she cheating on me?" topic. The problem is, not only am i not the party animal she'd like me to be, but i also cannot afford such expenses most of the time. When we go out i pay for most of her things because i want to, and she's paid for my expenses from time to time. What sort of pisses me off here is that even though she can't afford a night out, and i can't afford to pay it for her, her friends always insist on covering for her. She's not taking advantage at all of neither me or them, at all, she's a good woman... but i feel like crap for not being able to provide for her, like i'm not good enough. I don't like the idea of others paying for her, and all that i can do is to suck it up. In previous relationships she's been with guys with no money issues, and with more comparable interests to her own. She hasn't once complained about this with me, but it's pretty clear she's used to a more comfortable lifestyle (i'm talking about going out, travels, dinner,etc exclusively) I try to do what i can, but i can't seem to stop feeling paranoid about this. I loathe the fact that others pay for her, even if she doesn't accept at first until their friends insist... But this makes me feel incapable, like the lesser man and that she alone or with others can have her something more fitting to her. Now tonight is the same, i can't offer her anything she'd find fun compared to the invitations she's already gotten for this evening, so she'll be having fun while i'll be stuck at home. This has happened more than once already and i really feel like an outsider and a chump.... I know i'm overreacting a bit here, but do you guys have any advice or experiences you'd like to share? i'd really appreciate it
A lot of the time we don't have money to pay for nights out but her friends take her out and pay for everything. Makes me feel like shit
I'm a senior in high school. The girl I have a crush on is two years younger than me and I really do not know her. I had a minor crush on her last year and then that faded when I started seeing a girl, that thing ended quickly, in five or so months. I started getting a crush on her again over the summer, when volleyball practice started as she was on the JV team (I was on varsity). Since the girls practiced at a different time than us and their games were opposite from us (we were away when they were home), I never had a chance to talk to her. I see her every few days at school, but she's usually with a friend and such. I believe she's one of the "popular" girls in her grade and I'm the guy equivalent of "popular" in my grade, but she doesn't go to parties or hang out with upperclassmen, so I can't get introduced. I know a club she's in and it's too late to join it since it's like a student government/debate club. We don't have any classes in common since I'm two years older than her. Her main group of friends is large, and I have this sort of approaching anxiety and just can't approach her (I get nervous even when I'm walking past her). I'm relatively extroverted and good at conversing with people, so that's not the problem. I kind of know two of her close friends as they used to ride my bus, but I don't talk to them often. I've largely spent the last summer and the past four months of school focusing on having fun with friends and academics; I wasn't really worrying or caring much about relationships and dating. But now I realize that the end of senior year is approaching quickly and that I'd like to get to know and perhaps date this girl. What should I do, reddit? Thanks a ton, I truly appreciate the help!'
Like girl two years younger than me. Can't join the clubs she's in, kinda know two from her large group of girlfriends, she's popular in her grade, she played JV Volleyball, I played varsity, senior year is coming to a close quickly.
My science teacher yelled at me to a demoralising point. And my friends also got yelled at. It was usually the middle eastern people that were yelled at so I have a feeling it stemmed from racism. Every day I would cry afraid of her while normal people cried because of a school bully closer to their own age. If my friends or I ever see her again, we would probably instinctively give her the finger. My school principal were not that helpful in dealing with this issue either. She (the teacher ) was in her early twenties so I'm guessing she was immature.
middle school science teacher yelled at me and my middle eastern friends at an unreasonable high decibels. The reasons don't matter, she should maintain a level of professionalism.
I've known her for 3-4 years now but used to only see her once or twice a year, then last year we both became part if a friendship group with a few other people and we saw each other a lot more often. I've had a crush on her for most of that time but put that aside because I didn't want to risk the damage it could do to my friendship group if it went wrong. In the last 6 months we've been getting a lot closer and I've decided it might be time to tell her how I feel. We've been meeting up for coffee for the last couple of weeks and its been going great but now I don't really know how to say it. Is it safe to assume that she wants this too? And if so how do I go about doing it?
Been good friends with a girl for a while, started going out for coffee with her a couple of weeks ago, how do I transition from that to being officially in a romantic relationship with her?