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Upload Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1 (1).csv

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Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1 (1).csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ Instruction,Input,Output
+ Fix incomplete tags,The HTML code has incomplete tags. Ensure all tags have proper opening and closing.,The HTML code will have complete start and end tags for all elements.
+ Correct incorrect nesting,Elements are not properly nested according to HTML specifications.,All elements will be nested correctly as per HTML specifications.
+ Remove duplicate attributes,An element contains duplicate attributes. Remove duplicates to ensure each attribute appears only once.,The element will have unique attributes without any duplicates.
+ Ensure unique IDs,The HTML code has multiple elements with the same ID. Ensure all IDs are unique.,All IDs in the HTML code will be unique.
+ Fix missing end tags,Some tags are missing their closing counterparts. Add the missing closing tags.,All tags will have their corresponding closing tags.
+ Correct nesting of elements,Elements are nested incorrectly. Fix the nesting to comply with HTML standards.,Elements will be nested correctly within their parent elements.
+ Ensure valid attribute syntax,Attributes are missing quotes or have other syntax issues. Fix the attribute syntax.,All attributes will have valid syntax with proper quotes.
+ Remove invalid elements,There are invalid elements in the HTML. Remove or replace them with valid elements.,Invalid elements will be removed or replaced with valid HTML elements.
+ Fix improperly nested lists,List items are not nested properly within their parent list elements.,List items will be correctly nested within their parent <ul> or <ol> elements.
+ Correct nesting in tables,Table rows and cells are not properly nested.,Table rows (<tr>) and cells (<td>) will be nested correctly within <table>.
+ Ensure complete attribute values,Some attributes have incomplete values. Complete the attribute values.,All attributes will have complete and valid values.
+ Fix broken attribute quotes,Attribute values have mismatched or missing quotes. Fix the quotes around attribute values.,Attribute values will have properly matched quotes.
+ Remove duplicate IDs in forms,Form elements have duplicate IDs. Ensure all form element IDs are unique.,Form element IDs will be unique within the form.
+ Fix missing end tags for lists,List items are missing their closing tags.,All list items will have closing tags.
+ Correct nesting of inline elements,Inline elements are incorrectly nested within block elements.,Inline elements will be correctly nested within block elements.
+ Ensure valid attribute names,Attributes have invalid names. Correct the attribute names to be valid HTML attributes.,All attributes will have valid names according to HTML standards.
+ Remove invalid nesting of elements,Elements are improperly nested within each other. Correct the nesting order.,Elements will be nested properly within their parent elements.
+ Fix duplicate attributes in forms,Form elements contain duplicate attributes. Ensure each form element has unique attributes.,Form elements will have unique attributes without duplicates.
+ Correct missing attribute values,Some attributes are missing their values. Add the missing attribute values.,All attributes will have valid values.
+ Fix incomplete self-closing tags,Self-closing tags are not properly closed.,"Self-closing tags will be properly closed (e.g., <img src=""image.jpg"" />)."
+ Remove invalid nesting of inline elements,Inline elements are improperly nested within block elements. Correct the nesting.,Inline elements will be correctly nested within block elements.
+ Ensure proper closing tags,Some tags are missing their closing tags. Add the closing tags.,All tags will have their corresponding closing tags.
+ Fix improperly closed tags,Tags are improperly closed. Correct the closing tags.,Tags will be properly closed.
+ Ensure unique IDs for interactive elements,Interactive elements have duplicate IDs. Ensure all IDs are unique.,IDs for interactive elements will be unique.
+ Correct improperly nested sections,Sections are nested incorrectly. Fix the nesting of section elements.,Sections will be nested properly according to HTML specifications.
+ Ensure valid ID values,ID values contain invalid characters. Correct the ID values.,ID values will contain only valid characters according to HTML specifications.
+ Fix broken attribute syntax,Attribute syntax is broken or incorrect. Fix the attribute syntax.,Attributes will have correct and valid syntax.
+ Correct duplicate attribute values,Some attributes have duplicate values. Ensure each attribute has a unique value.,Attributes will have unique values.
+ Remove invalid block elements,Block elements are nested within inline elements. Remove or correct the invalid nesting.,Block elements will not be nested within inline elements.
+ Ensure proper nesting of headings,Headings are not properly nested. Fix the nesting order of headings.,"Headings will be nested in a logical and correct order (e.g., <h1>, <h2>, <h3>)."
+ Fix improperly nested form elements,Form elements are nested incorrectly. Correct the nesting of form elements.,Form elements will be nested correctly within their parent form.
+ Ensure valid attribute names in forms,Form elements have invalid attribute names. Correct the attribute names.,Form element attributes will have valid names.
+ Remove invalid nesting within lists,List items are improperly nested within their parent list elements. Correct the nesting.,List items will be nested correctly within their parent list elements.
+ Ensure proper closing of nested elements,Nested elements are not properly closed. Add the missing closing tags for nested elements.,Nested elements will have proper closing tags.
+ Fix duplicate attribute values in forms,Form elements contain duplicate attribute values. Ensure each form element has unique attribute values.,Form elements will have unique attribute values.
+ Correct incomplete form elements,Some form elements are incomplete or have missing attributes. Complete the form elements.,Form elements will be complete with all necessary attributes.
+ Ensure valid attribute values in links,Links have invalid or missing attribute values. Correct the attribute values.,Links will have valid and complete attribute values.
+ Fix broken nesting of table elements,Table elements are not properly nested. Correct the nesting of table rows and cells.,Table rows and cells will be nested correctly within <table>.
+ Ensure proper closing of inline elements,Inline elements are missing closing tags. Add the missing closing tags for inline elements.,Inline elements will have proper closing tags.
+ Remove invalid nesting of headings,Headings are improperly nested within other elements. Correct the nesting order of headings.,Headings will be nested correctly within their parent elements.
+ Fix improperly closed form elements,Form elements are not properly closed. Add the missing closing tags for form elements.,Form elements will have proper closing tags.
+ Ensure valid syntax for attribute values,Attribute values have invalid syntax. Correct the syntax of attribute values.,Attribute values will have valid syntax with proper quotes.
+ Remove duplicate attributes in lists,List items contain duplicate attributes. Ensure each list item has unique attributes.,List items will have unique attributes without duplicates.
+ Fix incomplete tags in forms,Form elements have incomplete tags. Ensure all form elements have proper opening and closing tags.,Form elements will have complete opening and closing tags.
+ Ensure unique IDs for form controls,Form controls have duplicate IDs. Ensure all IDs are unique for form controls.,Form control IDs will be unique within the form.