SnehaPriyaaMP commited on
1 Parent(s): a074fbc

Delete Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1 (2).csv

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Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1 (2).csv DELETED
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- Instruction,Input,Output
- Mark up the content with an ol element if it simulates an ordered list using plain text.,This content looks like it is simulating an ordered list using plain text.,Ordered list marked up correctly.
- Mark up the element as a list if it contains a navigation section.,"If this element contains a navigation section, it is recommended that it be marked up as a list.",Navigation section marked up as a list.
- Ensure that the fieldset contains a legend element describing the field group.,Fieldset does not contain a legend element. All fieldsets should contain a legend element that describes a description of the field group.,Fieldset contains a legend element describing the field group.
- Ensure all tables have complete start and end tags.,Missing start tag or end tag in table. Tables should have complete start and end tags.,Tables have complete start and end tags.
- "Label the hidden form field using the label element with a for attribute, or use title, aria-label, or aria-labelledby attributes.","This hidden form field is not labelled in some way. Use the label element (either with a ""for"" attribute or wrapped around the form field), or ""title"", ""aria-label"" or ""aria-labelledby"" attributes as appropriate.",Hidden form field is labelled appropriately.
- "Ensure list items are contained within a parent element that is a list (ol, ul, or menu).","This element is marked up as a list item, but it is not contained in a parent element that is a list (ol, ul, or menu). List items should be contained in a parent element that is a list.",List items are contained within a parent element that is a list.
- Ensure that each fieldset on the same page has a unique title attribute.,"This fieldset and another fieldset on the same page have the same ""title"" attribute.",Each fieldset on the same page has a unique title attribute.
- Ensure that each element on the same page has a unique title attribute.,"This element and another element on the same page have the same ""title"" attribute.",Each element on the same page has a unique title attribute.
- Ensure that each form control on the same page has a unique aria-label attribute.,"This form control and another form control on the same page have the same ""aria-label"" attribute.",Each form control on the same page has a unique aria-label attribute.
- Ensure that each form control on the same page has a unique aria-labelledby attribute.,"This form control and another form control on the same page have the same ""aria-labelledby"" attribute.",Each form control on the same page has a unique aria-labelledby attribute.
- Ensure the aria-labelledby attribute of the form control is not empty.,"This form control has an empty ""aria-labelledby"" attribute.",The aria-labelledby attribute of the form control is not empty.
- Ensure the title attribute of the form control is not empty.,"This form control has an empty ""title"" attribute.",The title attribute of the form control is not empty.
- Ensure table header cells have a scope attribute where necessary.,"This table header cell has no ""scope"" attribute, but the table layout suggests that it might need one.",Table header cells have a scope attribute where necessary.
- Associate a label with the select element.,This select element does not have an associated label. All form controls should have associated labels.,The select element has an associated label.
- Ensure radio button groups are contained within fieldset elements.,This radio button group is not contained in a fieldset element. All radio button groups should be contained in fieldset elements.,Radio button groups are contained within fieldset elements.
- Ensure fieldset elements contain a legend element.,This fieldset element does not contain a legend element. All fieldsets should contain a legend element.,Fieldset elements contain a legend element.
- Ensure the aria-label attribute of the hidden form control is not empty or containing only spaces.,"This hidden form control has an ""aria-label"" attribute that is empty or contains only spaces.",The aria-label attribute of the hidden form control is not empty or containing only spaces.
- Ensure each hidden form control on the same page has a unique aria-label attribute.,"This hidden form control and another hidden form control on the same page have the same ""aria-label"" attribute.",Each hidden form control on the same page has a unique aria-label attribute.
- Ensure each hidden form control on the same page has a unique aria-labelledby attribute.,"This hidden form control and another hidden form control on the same page have the same ""aria-labelledby"" attribute.",Each hidden form control on the same page has a unique aria-labelledby attribute.
- Ensure the aria-labelledby attribute of the hidden form control is not empty.,"This hidden form control has an empty ""aria-labelledby"" attribute.",The aria-labelledby attribute of the hidden form control is not empty.
- Ensure the title attribute of the hidden form control is not empty.,"This hidden form control has an empty ""title"" attribute.",The title attribute of the hidden form control is not empty.
- Provide equivalent text alternatives for image map areas.,Image map areas should have equivalent text alternatives.,Image map areas have equivalent text alternatives.
- Add an alt attribute to the image submit button describing its purpose.,Image submit button should have an alt attribute that describes the purpose of the button.,Image submit button has an alt attribute describing its purpose.
- Add an alt attribute to the img element.,Img element should have an alt attribute.,The img element has an alt attribute.
- Ensure the img element with an empty alt attribute also has an empty title attribute.,Img element with an empty alt attribute should have an empty title attribute.,The img element with an empty alt attribute also has an empty title attribute.
- Avoid duplicating the text of a nearby link in the alt attribute of an img element inside a link.,Img element inside a link should not duplicate the text of a nearby link.,The alt attribute of the img element inside a link does not duplicate the text of a nearby link.
- Combine links if the img element inside a link has empty alt text and a nearby link contains text.,Img element inside a link should not have empty alt text if a nearby link contains text. Consider combining the links.,Links are combined if the img element inside a link has empty alt text and a nearby link contains text.
- Add a long text alternative in the body text or through a link for images that cannot be fully described in a short text alternative.,Provide a long text alternative for images that cannot be fully described in a short text alternative.,Long text alternative is provided for images that cannot be fully described in a short text alternative.
- Ensure the alt text of the img element conveys the same information as the image.,Ensure the alt text of the img element presents the same information as the image.,The alt text of the img element conveys the same information as the image.
- Add alt text to the image submit button to describe its purpose.,Ensure the alt text of the image submit button describes its purpose.,The alt text of the image submit button describes its purpose.
- Provide both short and long text alternatives for non-text content to serve the same purpose and present the same information.,Ensure that short and long text alternatives are available for non-text content to serve the same purpose and present the same information.,Short and long text alternatives are available for non-text content.
- Add an alternative text version if the embedded object contains pre-recorded audio only and is not provided as an alternative for text content.,Provide an alternative text version if the embedded object contains pre-recorded audio only and is not an alternative for text content.,Alternative text version is provided for embedded objects containing pre-recorded audio only.
- Ensure an alternative text version or audio track is available for embedded objects containing pre-recorded video only.,"Provide an alternative text version or audio track for embedded objects containing pre-recorded video only, if not an alternative for text content.",Alternative text version or audio track is available for embedded objects containing pre-recorded video only.
- Add captions to audio content in embedded objects containing pre-recorded synchronized media.,"Provide captions for audio content in embedded objects containing pre-recorded synchronized media, if not an alternative for text content.",Captions are added to audio content in embedded objects containing pre-recorded synchronized media.
- Ensure an audio description or alternative text version is available for embedded objects containing pre-recorded synchronized media.,"Provide an audio description or an alternative text version for embedded objects containing pre-recorded synchronized media, if not an alternative for text content.",Audio description or alternative text version is available for embedded objects containing pre-recorded synchronized media.
- Add captions to live audio content in embedded objects containing synchronized media.,Provide captions for live audio content in embedded objects containing synchronized media.,Captions are added to live audio content in embedded objects containing synchronized media.
- Fix incomplete tags,The HTML code has incomplete tags. Ensure all tags have proper opening and closing.,The HTML code will have complete start and end tags for all elements.
- Correct incorrect nesting,Elements are not properly nested according to HTML specifications.,All elements will be nested correctly as per HTML specifications.
- Remove duplicate attributes,An element contains duplicate attributes. Remove duplicates to ensure each attribute appears only once.,The element will have unique attributes without any duplicates.
- Ensure unique IDs,The HTML code has multiple elements with the same ID. Ensure all IDs are unique.,All IDs in the HTML code will be unique.
- Fix missing end tags,Some tags are missing their closing counterparts. Add the missing closing tags.,All tags will have their corresponding closing tags.
- Correct nesting of elements,Elements are nested incorrectly. Fix the nesting to comply with HTML standards.,Elements will be nested correctly within their parent elements.
- Ensure valid attribute syntax,Attributes are missing quotes or have other syntax issues. Fix the attribute syntax.,All attributes will have valid syntax with proper quotes.
- Remove invalid elements,There are invalid elements in the HTML. Remove or replace them with valid elements.,Invalid elements will be removed or replaced with valid HTML elements.
- Fix improperly nested lists,List items are not nested properly within their parent list elements.,List items will be correctly nested within their parent <ul> or <ol> elements.
- Correct nesting in tables,Table rows and cells are not properly nested.,Table rows (<tr>) and cells (<td>) will be nested correctly within <table>.
- Ensure complete attribute values,Some attributes have incomplete values. Complete the attribute values.,All attributes will have complete and valid values.
- Fix broken attribute quotes,Attribute values have mismatched or missing quotes. Fix the quotes around attribute values.,Attribute values will have properly matched quotes.
- Remove duplicate IDs in forms,Form elements have duplicate IDs. Ensure all form element IDs are unique.,Form element IDs will be unique within the form.
- Fix missing end tags for lists,List items are missing their closing tags.,All list items will have closing tags.
- Correct nesting of inline elements,Inline elements are incorrectly nested within block elements.,Inline elements will be correctly nested within block elements.
- Ensure valid attribute names,Attributes have invalid names. Correct the attribute names to be valid HTML attributes.,All attributes will have valid names according to HTML standards.
- Remove invalid nesting of elements,Elements are improperly nested within each other. Correct the nesting order.,Elements will be nested properly within their parent elements.
- Fix duplicate attributes in forms,Form elements contain duplicate attributes. Ensure each form element has unique attributes.,Form elements will have unique attributes without duplicates.
- Correct missing attribute values,Some attributes are missing their values. Add the missing attribute values.,All attributes will have valid values.
- Fix incomplete self-closing tags,Self-closing tags are not properly closed.,"Self-closing tags will be properly closed (e.g., <img src=""image.jpg"" />)."
- Remove invalid nesting of inline elements,Inline elements are improperly nested within block elements. Correct the nesting.,Inline elements will be correctly nested within block elements.
- Ensure proper closing tags,Some tags are missing their closing tags. Add the closing tags.,All tags will have their corresponding closing tags.
- Fix improperly closed tags,Tags are improperly closed. Correct the closing tags.,Tags will be properly closed.
- Ensure unique IDs for interactive elements,Interactive elements have duplicate IDs. Ensure all IDs are unique.,IDs for interactive elements will be unique.
- Correct improperly nested sections,Sections are nested incorrectly. Fix the nesting of section elements.,Sections will be nested properly according to HTML specifications.
- Ensure valid ID values,ID values contain invalid characters. Correct the ID values.,ID values will contain only valid characters according to HTML specifications.
- Fix broken attribute syntax,Attribute syntax is broken or incorrect. Fix the attribute syntax.,Attributes will have correct and valid syntax.
- Correct duplicate attribute values,Some attributes have duplicate values. Ensure each attribute has a unique value.,Attributes will have unique values.
- Remove invalid block elements,Block elements are nested within inline elements. Remove or correct the invalid nesting.,Block elements will not be nested within inline elements.
- Ensure proper nesting of headings,Headings are not properly nested. Fix the nesting order of headings.,"Headings will be nested in a logical and correct order (e.g., <h1>, <h2>, <h3>)."
- Fix improperly nested form elements,Form elements are nested incorrectly. Correct the nesting of form elements.,Form elements will be nested correctly within their parent form.
- Ensure valid attribute names in forms,Form elements have invalid attribute names. Correct the attribute names.,Form element attributes will have valid names.
- Remove invalid nesting within lists,List items are improperly nested within their parent list elements. Correct the nesting.,List items will be nested correctly within their parent list elements.
- Ensure proper closing of nested elements,Nested elements are not properly closed. Add the missing closing tags for nested elements.,Nested elements will have proper closing tags.
- Fix duplicate attribute values in forms,Form elements contain duplicate attribute values. Ensure each form element has unique attribute values.,Form elements will have unique attribute values.
- Correct incomplete form elements,Some form elements are incomplete or have missing attributes. Complete the form elements.,Form elements will be complete with all necessary attributes.
- Ensure valid attribute values in links,Links have invalid or missing attribute values. Correct the attribute values.,Links will have valid and complete attribute values.
- Fix broken nesting of table elements,Table elements are not properly nested. Correct the nesting of table rows and cells.,Table rows and cells will be nested correctly within <table>.
- Ensure proper closing of inline elements,Inline elements are missing closing tags. Add the missing closing tags for inline elements.,Inline elements will have proper closing tags.
- Remove invalid nesting of headings,Headings are improperly nested within other elements. Correct the nesting order of headings.,Headings will be nested correctly within their parent elements.
- Fix improperly closed form elements,Form elements are not properly closed. Add the missing closing tags for form elements.,Form elements will have proper closing tags.
- Ensure valid syntax for attribute values,Attribute values have invalid syntax. Correct the syntax of attribute values.,Attribute values will have valid syntax with proper quotes.
- Remove duplicate attributes in lists,List items contain duplicate attributes. Ensure each list item has unique attributes.,List items will have unique attributes without duplicates.
- Fix incomplete tags in forms,Form elements have incomplete tags. Ensure all form elements have proper opening and closing tags.,Form elements will have complete opening and closing tags.
- Ensure unique IDs for form controls,Form controls have duplicate IDs. Ensure all IDs are unique for form controls.,Form control IDs will be unique within the form.