1 value
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Routine administration of vaccines or toxoids should be deferred until corticosteroid therapy is discontinued if possible.
<vaccines, advise, corticosteroid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Cytosine arabinoside, a cytostatic agent, has been reported to inactivate the antifungal activity of flucytosine by competitive inhibition.
<Cytosine arabinoside, effect, flucytosine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Therefore when central nervous system depressants are administered concomitantly with hydroxyzine their dosage should be reduced.
<central nervous system depressants, advise, hydroxyzine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Amantadine, tricyclic antidepressants, and MAOIs may increase anticholinergic effect of clidinium.
<Amantadine, effect, clidinium>, <tricyclic antidepressants, effect, clidinium>, <MAOIs, effect, clidinium>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Clidinium may decrease the effect of phenothiazines, levodopa, and ketoconazole.
<Clidinium, effect, phenothiazines>, <Clidinium, effect, levodopa>, <Clidinium, effect, ketoconazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concurrent administration of oxyphenbutazone and androgens may result in elevated serum levels of oxyphenbutazone.
<oxyphenbutazone, mechanism, androgens>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In diabetic patients, the metabolic effects of androgens may decrease blood glucose and therefore, insulin requirements.
<androgens, effect, insulin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Anticonvulsants: In a pharmacokinetic study, maximum plasma concentrations of felodipine were considerably lower in epileptic patients on long-term anticonvulsant therapy (eg, phenytoin, carbamazepine, or phenobarbital) than in healthy volunteers.
<felodipine, mechanism, anticonvulsant>, <felodipine, mechanism, phenytoin>, <felodipine, mechanism, carbamazepine>, <felodipine, mechanism, phenobarbital>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Aspirin: As with other NSAIDs, concomitant administration of Ponstel and aspirin is not generally recommended because of the potential of increased adverse effects.
<NSAIDs, advise, aspirin>, <Ponstel, advise, aspirin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Methotrexate: NSAIDs have been reported to competitively inhibit methotrexate accumulation in rabbit kidney slices.
<NSAIDs, mechanism, methotrexate>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Caution should be used when NSAIDs are administered concomitantly with methotrexate.
<NSAIDs, advise, methotrexate>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
ACE inhibitors: Reports suggest that NSAIDs may diminish the antihypertensive effect of ACE inhibitors.
<NSAIDs, effect, ACE inhibitors>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
This interaction should be given consideration in patients taking NSAIDs concomitantly with ACE inhibitors.
<NSAIDs, advise, ACE inhibitors>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Furosemide: Clinical studies, as well as post-marketing observations, have shown that NSAIDs can reduce the natriuretic effect of furosemide and thiazides in some patients.
<NSAIDs, effect, furosemide>, <NSAIDs, effect, thiazides>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
During concomitant therapy of Ponstel with furosemide, the patient should be observed closely for signs of renal failure, as well as to assure diuretic efficacy.
<Ponstel, advise, furosemide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Lithium: NSAIDs have produced an elevation of plasma lithium levels and a reduction in renal lithium clearance.
<NSAIDs, mechanism, lithium>, <NSAIDs, mechanism, lithium>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Thus, when NSAIDs and lithium are administered concurrently, subjects should be observed carefully for signs of lithium toxicity.
<NSAIDs, advise, lithium>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Warfarin: The effects of warfarin and NSAIDs on GI bleeding are synergistic, such that users of both drugs together have a risk of serious GI bleeding higher than users of either drug alone.
<warfarin, effect, NSAIDs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Antacids: In a single dose study (n=6), ingestion of an antacid containing 1.7-gram of magnesium hydroxide with 500-mg of mefenamic acid increased the Cmax and AUC of mefenamic acid by 125% and 36%, respectively. A number of compounds are inhibitors of CYP2C9 including fluconazole, lovastatin and trimethoprim.
<magnesium hydroxide, mechanism, mefenamic acid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Oral Anticoagulants: In some normal volunteers, the concomitant administration of diflunisal and warfarin, acenocoumarol, or phenprocoumon resulted in prolongation of prothrombin time.
<diflunisal, effect, warfarin>, <diflunisal, effect, acenocoumarol>, <diflunisal, effect, phenprocoumon>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
This may occur because diflunisal competitively displaces coumarins from protein binding sites.
<diflunisal, mechanism, coumarins>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Accordingly, when diflunisal is administered with oral anticoagulants, the prothrombin time should be closely monitored during and for several days after concomitant drug administration.
<diflunisal, advise, anticoagulants>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Hydrochlorothiazide: In normal volunteers, concomitant administration of diflunisal and hydrochlorothiazide resulted in significantly increased plasma levels of hydrochlorothiazide.
<diflunisal, mechanism, hydrochlorothiazide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Diflunisal decreased the hyperuricemic effect of hydrochlorothiazide.
<Diflunisal, effect, hydrochlorothiazide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Diflunisal decreased the hyperuricemic effect of furosemide.
<Diflunisal, effect, furosemide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Antacids: Concomitant administration of antacids may reduce plasma levels of diflunisal.
<antacids, mechanism, diflunisal>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Acetaminophen: In normal volunteers, concomitant administration of diflunisal and acetaminophen resulted in an approximate 50% increase in plasma levels of acetaminophen.
<diflunisal, mechanism, acetaminophen>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Since acetaminophen in high doses has been associated with hepatotoxicity, concomitant administration of diflunisal and acetaminophen should be used cautiously, with careful monitoring of patients.
<diflunisal, advise, acetaminophen>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant administration of diflunisal and acetaminophen in dogs, but not in rats, at approximately 2 times the recommended maximum human therapeutic dose of each (40 to 52 mg/kg/day of diflunisal/acetaminophen) resulted in greater gastrointestinal toxicity than when either drug was administered alone.
<diflunisal, effect, acetaminophen>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Methotrexate: Caution should be used if diflunisal is administered concomitantly with methotrexate.
<diflunisal, advise, methotrexate>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been reported to decrease the tubular secretion of methotrexate and to potentiate its toxicity.
<Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, mechanism, methotrexate>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Cyclosporine: Administration of nonsteroial anti-inflammatory drugs concomitantly with cyclosporine has been associated with an increase in cyclosporine-induced toxicity, possibly due to decreased synthesis of renal prostacyclin.
<nonsteroial anti-inflammatory drugs, mechanism, cyclosporine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
NSAIDs should be used with caution in patients taking cyclosporine, and renal function should be carefully monitored.
<NSAIDs, advise, cyclosporine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: The administration of diflunisal to normal volunteers receiving indomethacin decreased the renal clearance and significantly increased the plasma levels of indomethacin.
<diflunisal, mechanism, indomethacin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In some patients the combined use of indomethacin and diflunisal has been associated with fatal gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
<indomethacin, effect, diflunisal>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Therefore, indomethacin and diflunisal should not be used concomitantly.
<indomethacin, advise, diflunisal>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The concomitant use of diflunisal tablets and other NSAIDs is not recommended due to the increased possibility of gastrointestinal toxicity, with little or no increase in efficacy.
<diflunisal, effect, NSAIDs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Aspirin: In normal volunteers, a small decrease in diflunisal levels was observed when multiple doses of diflunisal and aspirin were administered concomitantly.
<diflunisal, mechanism, aspirin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Sulindac: The concomitant administration of diflunisal and sulindac in normal volunteers resulted in lowering of the plasma levels of the active sulindac sulfide metabolite by approximately one-third.
<diflunisal, mechanism, sulindac>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Naproxen: The concomitant administration of diflunisal and naproxen in normal volunteers had no effect on the plasma levels of naproxen, but significantly decreased the urinary excretion of naproxen and its glucuronide metabolite.
<diflunisal, mechanism, naproxen>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Lincomycin has been shown to have neuromuscular blocking properties that may enhance the action of other neuromuscular blocking agents.
<Lincomycin, effect, neuromuscular blocking agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Antagonism between lincomycin and erythromycin in vitro has been demonstrated.
<lincomycin, effect, erythromycin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Careful observation is required when amantadine is administered concurrently with central nervous system stimulants.
<amantadine, advise, central nervous system stimulants>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Since Zarontin (ethosuximide) may interact with concurrently administered antiepileptic drugs, periodic serum level determinations of these drugs may be necessary (eg, ethosuximide may elevate phenytoin serum levels and valproic acid has been reported to both increase and decrease ethosuximide levels).
<Zarontin, int, antiepileptic drugs>, <ethosuximide, int, antiepileptic drugs>, <ethosuximide, mechanism, phenytoin>, <valproic acid, mechanism, ethosuximide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Administration of 0.1-mg/kg (2 x ED95) NIMBEX at 10% or 95% recovery following an intubating dose of succinylcholine (1 mg/kg) produced 95% neuromuscular block.
<NIMBEX, effect, succinylcholine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The time to onset of maximum block following NIMBEX is approximately 2 minutes faster with prior administration of succinylcholine.
<NIMBEX, effect, succinylcholine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Infusion requirements of NIMBEX in patients administered succinylcholine prior to infusions of NIMBEX were comparable to or slightly greater than when succinylcholine was not administered.
<succinylcholine, effect, NIMBEX>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Isoflurane or enflurane administered with nitrous oxide/oxygen to achieve 1.25 MAC [Minimum Alveolar Concentration] may prolong the clinically effective duration of action of initial and maintenance doses of NIMBEX and decrease the required infusion rate of NIMBEX.
<Isoflurane, effect, NIMBEX>, <Isoflurane, effect, NIMBEX>, <enflurane, effect, NIMBEX>, <enflurane, effect, NIMBEX>, <nitrous oxide, effect, NIMBEX>, <nitrous oxide, effect, NIMBEX>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In long surgical procedures during enflurane or isoflurane anesthesia, less frequent maintenance dosing, lower maintenance doses, or reduced infusion rates of NIMBEX may be necessary.
<enflurane, advise, NIMBEX>, <isoflurane, advise, NIMBEX>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Other drugs which may enhance the neuromuscular blocking action of nondepolarizing agents such as NIMBEX include certain antibiotics (e. g., aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, bacitracin, polymyxins, lincomycin, clindamycin, colistin, and sodium colistemethate), magnesium salts, lithium, local anesthetics, procainamide, and quinidine.
<nondepolarizing agents, effect, NIMBEX>, <nondepolarizing agents, effect, antibiotics>, <nondepolarizing agents, effect, aminoglycosides>, <nondepolarizing agents, effect, tetracyclines>, <nondepolarizing agents, effect, bacitracin>, <nondepolarizing agents, effect, polymyxins>, <nondepolarizing agents, effect, lincomycin>, <nondepolarizing agents, effect, clindamycin>, <nondepolarizing agents, effect, colistin>, <nondepolarizing agents, effect, sodium colistemethate>, <nondepolarizing agents, effect, magnesium>, <nondepolarizing agents, effect, lithium>, <nondepolarizing agents, effect, anesthetics>, <nondepolarizing agents, effect, procainamide>, <nondepolarizing agents, effect, quinidine>, <NIMBEX, effect, antibiotics>, <NIMBEX, effect, aminoglycosides>, <NIMBEX, effect, tetracyclines>, <NIMBEX, effect, bacitracin>, <NIMBEX, effect, polymyxins>, <NIMBEX, effect, lincomycin>, <NIMBEX, effect, clindamycin>, <NIMBEX, effect, colistin>, <NIMBEX, effect, sodium colistemethate>, <NIMBEX, effect, magnesium>, <NIMBEX, effect, lithium>, <NIMBEX, effect, anesthetics>, <NIMBEX, effect, procainamide>, <NIMBEX, effect, quinidine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Resistance to the neuromuscular blocking action of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents has been demonstrated in patients chronically administered phenytoin or carbamazepine.
<nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents, effect, phenytoin>, <nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents, effect, carbamazepine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
While the effects of chronic phenytoin or carbamazepine therapy on the action of NIMBEX are unknown, slightly shorter durations of neuromuscular block may be anticipated and infusion rate requirements may be higher.
<phenytoin, effect, NIMBEX>, <carbamazepine, effect, NIMBEX>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Starlix is a potential inhibitor of the CYP2C9 isoenzyme in vivo as indicated by its ability to inhibit the in vitro metabolism of tolbutamide.
<Starlix, mechanism, tolbutamide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Certain drugs, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs), salicylates, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and non-selective beta-adrenergic-blocking agents may potentiate the hypoglycemic action of Starlix and other oral antidiabetic drugs.
<nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, effect, Starlix>, <nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, effect, antidiabetic drugs>, <NSAIDs, effect, Starlix>, <NSAIDs, effect, antidiabetic drugs>, <salicylates, effect, Starlix>, <salicylates, effect, antidiabetic drugs>, <monoamine oxidase inhibitors, effect, Starlix>, <monoamine oxidase inhibitors, effect, antidiabetic drugs>, <non-selective beta-adrenergic-blocking agents, effect, Starlix>, <non-selective beta-adrenergic-blocking agents, effect, antidiabetic drugs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Certain drugs including thiazides, corticosteroids, thyroid products, and sympathomimetics may reduce the hypoglycemic action of Starlix and other oral antidiabetic drugs.
<thiazides, effect, Starlix>, <thiazides, effect, antidiabetic drugs>, <corticosteroids, effect, Starlix>, <corticosteroids, effect, antidiabetic drugs>, <thyroid products, effect, Starlix>, <thyroid products, effect, antidiabetic drugs>, <sympathomimetics, effect, Starlix>, <sympathomimetics, effect, antidiabetic drugs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Dexamethasone: Steady-state trough concentrations of albendazole sulfoxide were about 56% higher when 8 mg dexamethasone was coadministered with each dose of albendazole (15 mg/kg/day) in eight neurocysticercosis patients.
<dexamethasone, mechanism, albendazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Praziquantel: In the fed state, praziquantel (40 mg/kg) increased mean maximum plasma concentration and area under the curve of albendazole sulfoxide by about 50% in healthy subjects (n=10) compared with a separate group of subjects (n=6) given albendazole alone.
<praziquantel, mechanism, albendazole sulfoxide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Cimetidine: Albendazole sulfoxide concentrations in bile and cystic fluid were increased (about 2-fold) in hydatid cyst patients treated with cimetidine (10 mg/kg/day) (n=7) compared with albendazole (20 mg/kg/day) alone (n=12).
<Albendazole sulfoxide, mechanism, cimetidine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The vasodilating effects of isosorbide dinitrate may be additive with those of other vasodilators.
<isosorbide dinitrate, effect, vasodilators>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Inhibitors of CYP1A2: Concomitant use of duloxetine with fluvoxamine, an inhibitor of CYP1A2, results in approximately a 6-fold increase in AUC and about a 2.5-fold increase in Cmax of duloxetine.
<duloxetine, mechanism, fluvoxamine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Paroxetine (20 mg QD) increased the concentration of duloxetine (40 mg QD) by about 60%, and greater degrees of inhibition are expected with higher doses of paroxetine.
<Paroxetine, mechanism, duloxetine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
When duloxetine was administered (at a dose of 60 mg BID) in conjunction with a single 50-mg dose of desipramine, a CYP2D6 substrate, the AUC of desipramine increased 3-fold.
<duloxetine, mechanism, desipramine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Therefore, co-administration of Duloxetine with other drugs that are extensively metabolized by this isozyme and which have a narrow therapeutic index, including certain antidepressants (tricyclic antidepressants [TCAs], such as nortriptyline, amitriptyline, and imipramine), phenothiazines and Type 1C antiarrhythmics (e.g., propafenone, flecainide), should be approached with caution.
<Duloxetine, advise, antidepressants>, <Duloxetine, advise, tricyclic antidepressants>, <Duloxetine, advise, TCAs>, <Duloxetine, advise, nortriptyline>, <Duloxetine, advise, amitriptyline>, <Duloxetine, advise, imipramine>, <Duloxetine, advise, phenothiazines>, <Duloxetine, advise, Type 1C antiarrhythmics>, <Duloxetine, advise, propafenone>, <Duloxetine, advise, flecainide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Plasma TCA concentrations may need to be monitored and the dose of the TCA may need to be reduced if a TCA is co-administered with Duloxetine.
<TCA, advise, Duloxetine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Because of the risk of serious ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death potentially associated with elevated plasma levels of thioridazine, Duloxetine and thioridazine should not be co-administered.
<Duloxetine, advise, thioridazine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Naproxen: Coadministration (N=18) of naproxen sodium capsules (250 mg) with Neurontin (125 mg) appears to increase the amount of gabapentin absorbed by 12% to 15%.
<naproxen sodium, mechanism, Neurontin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Hydrocodone increases gabapentin AUC values by 14%.
<Hydrocodone, mechanism, gabapentin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Morphine: A literature article reported that when a 60-mg controlled-release morphine capsule was administered 2 hours prior to a 600-mg Neurontin capsule (N=12), mean gabapentin AUC increased by 44% compared to gabapentin administered without morphine.
<morphine, mechanism, Neurontin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Cimetidine: In the presence of cimetidine at 300 mg QID (N=12) the mean apparent oral clearance of gabapentin fell by 14% and creatinine clearance fell by 10%.
<cimetidine, mechanism, gabapentin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Thus cimetidine appeared to alter the renal excretion of both gabapentin and creatinine, an endogenous marker of renal function.
<cimetidine, mechanism, gabapentin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
This small decrease in excretion of gabapentin by cimetidine is not expected to be of clinical importance.
<gabapentin, mechanism, cimetidine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The Cmax of norethindrone was 13% higher when it was coadministered with gabapentin;
<norethindrone, mechanism, gabapentin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Antacid (Maalox ): Maalox reduced the bioavailability of gabapentin (N=16) by about 20%.
<Maalox, mechanism, gabapentin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
This decrease in bioavailability was about 5% when gabapentin was administered 2 hours after Maalox.
<gabapentin, mechanism, Maalox>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
It is recommended that gabapentin be taken at least 2 hours following Maalox administration.
<gabapentin, advise, Maalox>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
It is, however, possible that concomitant use of other known photosensitizing agents such as griseofulvin, thiazide diuretics, sulfonylureas, phenothiazines, sulfonamides and tetracyclines might increase the photosensitivity reaction of actinic keratoses treated with the LEVULAN KERASTICK for Topical Solution.
<photosensitizing agents, effect, LEVULAN KERASTICK>, <griseofulvin, effect, LEVULAN KERASTICK>, <thiazide diuretics, effect, LEVULAN KERASTICK>, <sulfonylureas, effect, LEVULAN KERASTICK>, <phenothiazines, effect, LEVULAN KERASTICK>, <sulfonamides, effect, LEVULAN KERASTICK>, <tetracyclines, effect, LEVULAN KERASTICK>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Zalcitabine also has no significant effect on the intracellular phosphorylation of ZDV, as shown in vitro in peripheral blood mononuclear cells or in two other cell lines (U937 and Molt-4).
<Zalcitabine, effect, ZDV>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Lamivudine: In vitro studies in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, U937 and Molt-4 cells revealed that lamivudine significantly inhibited zalcitabine phosphorylation in a dose dependent manner.
<lamivudine, effect, zalcitabine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Zalcitabine inhibited lamivudine phosphorylation at high concentration ratios (10 and 100);
<Zalcitabine, effect, lamivudine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
These in vitro studies suggest that concomitant administration of zalcitabine and lamivudine in humans may result in sub-therapeutic concentrations of active phosphorylated zalcitabine, which may lead to a decreased antiretroviral effect of zalcitabine.
<zalcitabine, effect, lamivudine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant use of zalcitabine and lamivudine is not recommended.
<zalcitabine, advise, lamivudine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant use of HIVID with didanosine is not recommended.
<HIVID, advise, didanosine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Death due to fulminant pancreatitis possibly related to intravenous pentamidine and HIVID has been reported.
<pentamidine, effect, HIVID>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
If intravenous pentamidine is required to treat Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, treatment with HIVID should be interrupted.
<pentamidine, advise, HIVID>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Amphotericin, Foscarnet, and Aminoglycosides: Drugs such as amphotericin, foscarnet, and aminoglycosides may increase the risk of developing peripheral neuropathy or other HIVID-associated adverse events by interfering with the renal clearance of zalcitabine (thereby raising systemic exposure).
<amphotericin, effect, HIVID>, <amphotericin, mechanism, zalcitabine>, <foscarnet, effect, HIVID>, <foscarnet, mechanism, zalcitabine>, <aminoglycosides, effect, HIVID>, <aminoglycosides, mechanism, zalcitabine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Probenecid or Cimetidine: Concomitant administration of probenecid or cimetidine decreases the elimination of zalcitabine, most likely by inhibition of renal tubular secretion of zalcitabine.
<probenecid, mechanism, zalcitabine>, <cimetidine, mechanism, zalcitabine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The clinical significance of this reduction is not known, hence zalcitabine is not recommended to be ingested simultaneously with magnesium/aluminum-containing antacids.
<zalcitabine, advise, magnesium>, <zalcitabine, advise, aluminum>, <zalcitabine, advise, antacids>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Metoclopramide: Bioavailability is mildly reduced (approximately 10%) when zalcitabine and metoclopramide are coadministered.
<zalcitabine, mechanism, metoclopramide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Doxorubicin: Doxorubicin caused a decrease in zalcitabine phosphorylation ( 50% inhibition of total phosphate formation) in U937/Molt 4 cells.
<Doxorubicin, effect, zalcitabine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Acidifying agents: Gastrointestinal acidifying agents (guanethidine, reserpine, glutamic acid HCl, ascorbic acid, fruit juices, etc.) lower absorption of amphetamines.
<Gastrointestinal acidifying agents, mechanism, amphetamines>, <guanethidine, mechanism, amphetamines>, <reserpine, mechanism, amphetamines>, <glutamic acid HCl, mechanism, amphetamines>, <ascorbic acid, mechanism, amphetamines>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Urinary acidifying agents (ammonium chloride, sodium acid phosphate, etc.) increase the concentration of the ionized species of the amphetamine molecule, thereby increasing urinary excretion.
<Urinary acidifying agents, mechanism, amphetamine>, <ammonium chloride, mechanism, amphetamine>, <sodium acid phosphate, mechanism, amphetamine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Adrenergic blockers: Adrenergic blockers are inhibited by amphetamines.
<Adrenergic blockers, effect, amphetamines>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Alkalinizing agents: Gastrointestinal alkalinizing agents (sodium bicarbonate, etc.) increase absorption of amphetamines.
<sodium bicarbonate, mechanism, amphetamines>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Urinary alkalinizing agents (acetazolamide, some thiazides) increase the concentration of the non-ionized species of the amphetamine molecule, thereby decreasing urinary excretion.
<acetazolamide, mechanism, amphetamine>, <thiazides, mechanism, amphetamine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Antidepressants, tricyclic: Amphetamines may enhance the activity of tricyclic or sympathomimetic agents;
<Amphetamines, effect, tricyclic>, <Amphetamines, effect, sympathomimetic agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
d-amphetamine with desipramine or protriptyline and possibly other tricyclics cause striking and sustained increases in the concentration of d-amphetamine in the brain;
<d-amphetamine, mechanism, desipramine>, <d-amphetamine, mechanism, protriptyline>, <d-amphetamine, mechanism, tricyclics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
MAO inhibitors: MAOI antidepressants, as well as a metabolite of furazolidone, slow amphetamine metabolism.
<MAOI antidepressants, mechanism, amphetamine>, <furazolidone, mechanism, amphetamine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Antihistamines: Amphetamines may counteract the sedative effect of antihistamines.
<Amphetamines, effect, antihistamines>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Antihypertensives: Amphetamines may antagonize the hypotensive effects of antihypertensives.
<Amphetamines, effect, antihypertensives>