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READ EPub From Freezer to Table: 75+ Simple, Whole Foods Recipes for Gathering, Cooking, and Sharing: A Cookbook Written by Polly Conner on Kindle Full Edition.

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From Freezer to Table: 75+ Simple, Whole Foods Recipes for Gathering, Cooking, and Sharing: A Cookbook

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Book Synopsis : Rachel Tiemeyer and Polly Conner were new moms, struggling to get dinner on the table each night, when they had a rude awakening: their families weren't eating well, and they didn't have a clue what to do about it. Most evenings, they were too frazzled to do anything but slide a frozen pizza or fish sticks in the oven. That's when they had a breakthrough: what if they could stock their freezer with healthy, homemade food, rather than heavily processed food? Soon, they began gathering their friends to cook freezer-friendly meals together. They learned how to shop in bulk, cook larger quantities from scratch, stock their freezers with nutritious meals, and eventually made freezer cooking a lifestyle.In From Freezer to Table, Rachel and Polly share the ultimate guidebook for transforming the way your family cooks, eats, and freezes. The chapters are packed with freezer cooking basics, practical tips for Freezer Cooking Parties or Freezer Clubs, and plenty of motivation and tools to make .


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