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Beer School: A Crash Course in Craft Beer

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Book Synopsis : Beer School: an insider's guide to craft beer, the world's greatest drink. The wonderful world of craft beers: Beer has come a long way in the 6,000 years since the first taste. The legends of the craft beer industry have made sure everyone?s within reach of the perfect pint. But, how do you get the right brew for you? And, can you learn to make a beer that will add to the lager legacy? Beers of the world: Welcome to Beer School, brought to you by the heroes of YouTube sensation, The Craft Beer Channel, a guide to everything you need to know about the wide and wonderful beers of the world. In Beer School, Jonny and Brad explain the intricacies of the finest artisan craft brews, including ales, lagers, porters, stouts, IPAs, and bitters. How to make beer: The lads have the inside scoop on everything from hop varieties and barrel aging to serving temperatures and glassware. Beer School helps you learn how to make beer and how to get the most out of every sip. You will learn about: .


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