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My Sweet Mexico: Recipes for Authentic Pastries, Breads, Candies, Beverages, and Frozen Treats [A Baking Book]

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Book Synopsis : After years spent traveling and sampling sweets throughout her native Mexico, celebrated pastry chef Fany Gerson shares the secrets behind her beloved homeland?s signature desserts in this highly personal and authoritative cookbook. Skillfully weaving together the rich histories that inform the country?s diverse culinary traditions, My Sweet Mexico is a delicious journey into the soul of the cuisine.?From yeasted breads that scent the air with cinnamon, anise, sugar, fruit, and honey, to pushcarts that brighten plazas with paletas and ice creams made from watermelon, mango, and avocado, Mexican confections are like no other.?Stalwarts like Churros, Amaranth Alegr?as, and Garibaldis?a type of buttery muffin with apricot jam and sprinkles?as well as Passion Fruit?Mezcal Trifle and Cheesecake with Tamarind Sauce demonstrate the layering of flavors unique to the world of dulces. In her typical warm and enthusiastic style, Gerson explains the significance of indigenous ingredients such as .


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