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Facebook Marketing For Dummies

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Book Synopsis : Create a successful marketing campaign on Facebook with this updated guideWith more than 600 million active users and more than 30 billion pieces of content shared each month, Facebook is an exciting platform with infinite marketing possibilities. This how-to guide breaks it all down for you and shows you ways to reach your customers with effective marketing strategies, tactics, and techniques on Facebook. Packed with new and updated content as well as real-world case studies that provide you with helpful frames of reference, "Facebook Marketing For Dummies, 3rd Edition" is an essential starting point for developing a successful marketing campaign on Facebook. Boasts new and updated content for developing a successful Facebook marketing campaign Addresses ways to use tools such as events, contests, and polls to promote your page Helps you understand the psychology of the Facebook userExplains how to integrate your Facebook marketing campaign with your other marketing campaigns using .


Supporting format: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, MOBI, HTML, RTF, TXT, etc.

Supporting : PC, Android, Apple, Ipad, Iphone, etc.

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