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Resumes For Dummies

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Book Synopsis : Master the art of resume writing and boost your chances of getting hired With unemployment rates still running high, getting an edge up on the competition in your field--whatever it may be--can be an intimidating and exhausting undertaking. Luckily, Resumes For Dummies is here to serve as your life raft as you navigate the murky waters of a modern-day job search. Inside, you'll find expert guidance on writing a winning resume that will set you head and shoulders above the crowd to land that elusive interview and get the job of your dreams.There's nothing easy and breezy about looking for a new job--whether you currently have one or not. But rather than succumbing to the panic that might convince you to hide under the covers, Resumes For Dummies arms you with the confidence you need to write a resume that will have prospective employers knocking your at your door.Includes tips on avoiding common resume-writing mistakes Provides updates on the latest changes in the job market that .


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