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The Noble Rot Book: Wine from Another Galaxy

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Book Synopsis : Choosing wine in a restaurant or shop can seem an unfathomable business. But, according to Dan Keeling and Mark Andrew, the duo behind London's Noble Rot, it needn't be that way. In Wine from Another Galaxy they'll help you to understand how it is made, where to buy it, what to look for when you drink it, and how to talk about it. And once you've mastered the basics, they'll take you on a journey through the best of European wine culture, meeting the people and places behind their favorite bottles. Indeed, Dan and Mark have spent years visiting growers that you probably haven't heard of, from the original thinkers of the natural wine movement to the iconic estates of Burgundy and Bordeaux. This is the alternative, accessible, no-holds-barred guide to wine, where the usual clich?s and rules don't apply. .


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