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FarmMade Cookbook: Traditional Recipes from America's Farmers

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Book Synopsis : A regional journey to unearth classic Americana farm fare. Ancestral in nature, we all long to ?get back to our roots.? Nostalgia is real for present-day farm pilgrims, one or two generations removed from the farm. It?s a longing we all experience while driving in the countryside or chatting it up at our local farmers? market. A longing that compels us to want to be a farmer . . . or at the very least cook like one! A time capsule of food, craft, and tradition, The FarmMade Cookbook shares seventy-five multi-generational recipes from farms all over the country. Hailing from New England, the Deep South, the Midwest, Southwest, and Northwest, each authentic farm-made recipe represents its region?s unique farming culture. Recipes are paired with each farm?s unique story of resilience and connection with the land, resulting in a tangible agrarian gift to us all.? ? .


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