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Why Your Resume Isn't Working and How You Can Fix it Now

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Book Synopsis : Why Your R?sum? Isn?t WorkingYou?ve been writing your own resume for years, landing job opportunity after job opportunity, but now all of a sudden you can?t secure even one interview. In fact, your most recent resume was the result of your current high paying job. What?s the problem? Or, maybe you?re someone who has no problems getting interviews with your existing resume, however they mostly result in low paying job offers. What?s the problem? Your peers and colleagues receive great job offers and you know you?re more experienced than they are. You even got advice from a hiring manager. So again, what?s the problem? Maybe you?re in the small minority of people who have never needed a resume. It?s not rocket science to create one right? No, it?s not! So why is it so complicated? What do employers really want? Why Your R?sum? Isn?t Working and How You Can Fix It NOW answers these questions and more. With plenty of resume samples as well. Whether you?re in need of an entry-level, new .


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