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Microservice Architecture: Aligning Principles, Practices, and Culture

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Book Synopsis : Microservices can have a positive impact on your enterprise just ask Amazon and Netflix but you can fall into many traps if you don t approach them in the right way. This practical guide covers the entire microservices landscape, including the principles, technologies, and methodologies of this unique, modular style of system building. You ll learn about the experiences of organizations around the globe that have successfully adopted microservices.In three parts, this book explains how these services work and what it means to build an application the Microservices Way. You ll explore a design-based approach to microservice architecture with guidance for implementing various elements. And you ll get a set of recipes and practices for meeting practical, organizational, and cultural challenges to microservice adoption.Learn how microservices can help you drive business objectivesExamine the principles, practices, and culture that define microservice architecturesExplore a model for .


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