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Knock 'em Dead Secrets & Strategies for First-Time Job Seekers

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Book Synopsis : Land the job you want!The interview is one of the most crucial moments of the job search experience and your chance to show your potential employer that you have what it takes to succeed in the position. In order to do that in today's highly competitive job search environment, though, you'll have to find a way to stand out from the crowd.Using his twenty-five years of experience, "New York Times" bestselling author Martin Yate has established a set of rules for job interviews that is sure to get you noticed. Instead of memorizing canned answers, Yate provides you with an explanation of the thought behind more than 300 questions and answers, so that you'll always know what the interviewer is really asking and how you should respond. Packed with information on handling stress questions and weird interview venues, this book also teaches you how to keep your cool--and confidence--from the moment you step inside the building.With "Knock 'em Dead Job Interview," you will finally be able to .


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