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Shrubs: An Old-Fashioned Drink for Modern Times

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Book Synopsis : "A shrub is exactly what the people who invented the phrase 'slake your thirst' had in mind. ?A shrub is full of character and variety. The ingredients?fruit, sugar, and vinegar?are as simple as can be. But the variations are seemingly unlimited. It has another superpower: A strong shrub game can help you make the most of bruised or aging summer fruit."?The New York Times, in an article featuring Shrubs?Michael Dietsch took the mixology community by storm when he brought back a popular drink from colonial times, the shrub. Not the green, leafy kind that grow in the ground, but a vintage drink mixer that can be spiked with alcohol or prepared as a soda. Drinkers, bartenders, and the media embraced the book. This new edition features a foreword by Paul Clarke, the Executive Editor of Imbibe magazine and author of The Cocktail Chronicles. Here is the definitive guide to making and using shrubs.? .


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