scientists make observations & lightning is a kind of weather phenomenon & weather phenomenon can be observed -> <mask> make observations on lightning
scientists make observations & lightning is a kind of weather phenomenon & weather phenomenon can be observed -> scientists <mask> observations on lightning
scientists make observations & lightning is a kind of weather phenomenon & weather phenomenon can be observed -> scientists make <mask> on lightning
scientists make observations & lightning is a kind of weather phenomenon & weather phenomenon can be observed -> scientists make observations on <mask>
scientists make observations on lightning & lightning is a kind of electrical discharge -> <mask> make observations on electrical discharge in the form of lightning
scientists make observations on lightning & lightning is a kind of electrical discharge -> scientists <mask> observations on electrical discharge in the form of lightning
scientists make observations on lightning & lightning is a kind of electrical discharge -> scientists make <mask> on electrical discharge in the form of lightning
scientists make observations on lightning & lightning is a kind of electrical discharge -> scientists make observations on electrical <mask> in the form of lightning
scientists make observations on lightning & lightning is a kind of electrical discharge -> scientists make observations on electrical discharge in the <mask> of lightning
scientists make observations on lightning & lightning is a kind of electrical discharge -> scientists make observations on electrical discharge in the form of <mask>
planets orbit stars & gravity causes orbits -> <mask> causes planets to orbit stars
planets orbit stars & gravity causes orbits -> gravity <mask> planets to orbit stars
planets orbit stars & gravity causes orbits -> gravity causes <mask> to orbit stars
planets orbit stars & gravity causes orbits -> gravity causes planets to <mask> stars
planets orbit stars & gravity causes orbits -> gravity causes planets to orbit <mask>
gravity causes planets to orbit stars & the sun is a kind of star & planets in the solar system orbit the sun -> <mask> causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun
gravity causes planets to orbit stars & the sun is a kind of star & planets in the solar system orbit the sun -> gravity <mask> the planets in solar system to orbit the sun
gravity causes planets to orbit stars & the sun is a kind of star & planets in the solar system orbit the sun -> gravity causes the <mask> in solar system to orbit the sun
gravity causes planets to orbit stars & the sun is a kind of star & planets in the solar system orbit the sun -> gravity causes the planets in solar <mask> to orbit the sun
gravity causes planets to orbit stars & the sun is a kind of star & planets in the solar system orbit the sun -> gravity causes the planets in solar system to <mask> the sun
gravity causes planets to orbit stars & the sun is a kind of star & planets in the solar system orbit the sun -> gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the <mask>
gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun & isaac newton discovered the theory of gravity -> <mask> newton discovered that gravity causes the planets in the solar system to orbit the sun
gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun & isaac newton discovered the theory of gravity -> isaac <mask> discovered that gravity causes the planets in the solar system to orbit the sun
gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun & isaac newton discovered the theory of gravity -> isaac newton <mask> that gravity causes the planets in the solar system to orbit the sun
gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun & isaac newton discovered the theory of gravity -> isaac newton discovered that <mask> causes the planets in the solar system to orbit the sun
gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun & isaac newton discovered the theory of gravity -> isaac newton discovered that gravity <mask> the planets in the solar system to orbit the sun
gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun & isaac newton discovered the theory of gravity -> isaac newton discovered that gravity causes the <mask> in the solar system to orbit the sun
gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun & isaac newton discovered the theory of gravity -> isaac newton discovered that gravity causes the planets in the solar <mask> to orbit the sun
gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun & isaac newton discovered the theory of gravity -> isaac newton discovered that gravity causes the planets in the solar system to <mask> the sun
gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun & isaac newton discovered the theory of gravity -> isaac newton discovered that gravity causes the planets in the solar system to orbit the <mask>
something that is used for communication increases communication & a computer is used for communication / finding information -> a <mask> can increase communication
something that is used for communication increases communication & a computer is used for communication / finding information -> a computer can <mask> communication
something that is used for communication increases communication & a computer is used for communication / finding information -> a computer can increase <mask>
exercise is a kind of physical activity & some types of new technology cause physical activity to decrease -> some <mask> of new technology cause exercise to decrease
exercise is a kind of physical activity & some types of new technology cause physical activity to decrease -> some types of new <mask> cause exercise to decrease
exercise is a kind of physical activity & some types of new technology cause physical activity to decrease -> some types of new technology <mask> exercise to decrease
exercise is a kind of physical activity & some types of new technology cause physical activity to decrease -> some types of new technology cause <mask> to decrease
exercise is a kind of physical activity & some types of new technology cause physical activity to decrease -> some types of new technology cause exercise to <mask>
decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing & exercise has a positive impact on a human 's health -> <mask> exercise has a negative impact on a human's health
decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing & exercise has a positive impact on a human 's health -> decreasing <mask> has a negative impact on a human's health
decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing & exercise has a positive impact on a human 's health -> decreasing exercise has a <mask> impact on a human's health
decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing & exercise has a positive impact on a human 's health -> decreasing exercise has a negative <mask> on a human's health
decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing & exercise has a positive impact on a human 's health -> decreasing exercise has a negative impact on a human's <mask>
some types of new technology cause exercise to decrease & decreasing exercise has a negative impact on a human's health -> some <mask> of new technology cause a negative impact on a human's health
some types of new technology cause exercise to decrease & decreasing exercise has a negative impact on a human's health -> some types of new <mask> cause a negative impact on a human's health
some types of new technology cause exercise to decrease & decreasing exercise has a negative impact on a human's health -> some types of new technology <mask> a negative impact on a human's health
some types of new technology cause exercise to decrease & decreasing exercise has a negative impact on a human's health -> some types of new technology cause a <mask> impact on a human's health
some types of new technology cause exercise to decrease & decreasing exercise has a negative impact on a human's health -> some types of new technology cause a negative <mask> on a human's health
some types of new technology cause exercise to decrease & decreasing exercise has a negative impact on a human's health -> some types of new technology cause a negative impact on a human's <mask>
food is a kind of substance & louis pasteur discovered that heating the substance for a short time can kill the bacteria inside -> <mask> food for a short time can kill the bacteria inside
food is a kind of substance & louis pasteur discovered that heating the substance for a short time can kill the bacteria inside -> heating <mask> for a short time can kill the bacteria inside
food is a kind of substance & louis pasteur discovered that heating the substance for a short time can kill the bacteria inside -> heating food for a <mask> time can kill the bacteria inside
food is a kind of substance & louis pasteur discovered that heating the substance for a short time can kill the bacteria inside -> heating food for a short <mask> can kill the bacteria inside
food is a kind of substance & louis pasteur discovered that heating the substance for a short time can kill the bacteria inside -> heating food for a short time can <mask> the bacteria inside
food is a kind of substance & louis pasteur discovered that heating the substance for a short time can kill the bacteria inside -> heating food for a short time can kill the <mask> inside
food is a kind of substance & louis pasteur discovered that heating the substance for a short time can kill the bacteria inside -> heating food for a short time can kill the bacteria <mask>
heating food for a short time can kill the bacteria inside & if the bacteria in food are killed , then the food will be stored longer -> <mask> food for a short time can help store foods for longer
heating food for a short time can kill the bacteria inside & if the bacteria in food are killed , then the food will be stored longer -> heating <mask> for a short time can help store foods for longer
heating food for a short time can kill the bacteria inside & if the bacteria in food are killed , then the food will be stored longer -> heating food for a <mask> time can help store foods for longer
heating food for a short time can kill the bacteria inside & if the bacteria in food are killed , then the food will be stored longer -> heating food for a short <mask> can help store foods for longer
heating food for a short time can kill the bacteria inside & if the bacteria in food are killed , then the food will be stored longer -> heating food for a short time can <mask> store foods for longer
heating food for a short time can kill the bacteria inside & if the bacteria in food are killed , then the food will be stored longer -> heating food for a short time can help <mask> foods for longer
heating food for a short time can kill the bacteria inside & if the bacteria in food are killed , then the food will be stored longer -> heating food for a short time can help store <mask> for longer
heating food for a short time can kill the bacteria inside & if the bacteria in food are killed , then the food will be stored longer -> heating food for a short time can help store foods for <mask>
farming produces food & farming is a kind of process -> <mask> is a process of producing food
farming produces food & farming is a kind of process -> farming is a <mask> of producing food
farming produces food & farming is a kind of process -> farming is a process of <mask> food
farming produces food & farming is a kind of process -> farming is a process of producing <mask>
farming is a process of producing food & farming technology is used on farming -> <mask> technology is used on the process of producing food
farming is a process of producing food & farming technology is used on farming -> farming <mask> is used on the process of producing food
farming is a process of producing food & farming technology is used on farming -> farming technology is <mask> on the process of producing food
farming is a process of producing food & farming technology is used on farming -> farming technology is used on the <mask> of producing food
farming is a process of producing food & farming technology is used on farming -> farming technology is used on the process of <mask> food
farming is a process of producing food & farming technology is used on farming -> farming technology is used on the process of producing <mask>
farming technology is used on the process of producing food & if technology used for a process is improved then the product produced by that process will increase -> if <mask> technology is improved then the food produced by farming will increase
farming technology is used on the process of producing food & if technology used for a process is improved then the product produced by that process will increase -> if farming <mask> is improved then the food produced by farming will increase
farming technology is used on the process of producing food & if technology used for a process is improved then the product produced by that process will increase -> if farming technology is <mask> then the food produced by farming will increase
farming technology is used on the process of producing food & if technology used for a process is improved then the product produced by that process will increase -> if farming technology is improved then the <mask> produced by farming will increase
farming technology is used on the process of producing food & if technology used for a process is improved then the product produced by that process will increase -> if farming technology is improved then the food <mask> by farming will increase
farming technology is used on the process of producing food & if technology used for a process is improved then the product produced by that process will increase -> if farming technology is improved then the food produced by <mask> will increase
farming technology is used on the process of producing food & if technology used for a process is improved then the product produced by that process will increase -> if farming technology is improved then the food produced by farming will <mask>
if farming technology is improved then the food produced by farming will increase & farming technology is improved -> the <mask> produced by farming will increase
if farming technology is improved then the food produced by farming will increase & farming technology is improved -> the food <mask> by farming will increase
if farming technology is improved then the food produced by farming will increase & farming technology is improved -> the food produced by <mask> will increase
if farming technology is improved then the food produced by farming will increase & farming technology is improved -> the food produced by farming will <mask>
replacing something decreases that something & advances in technology sometimes cause human jobs to be replaced by more efficient machines -> <mask> in technology decrease human jobs by replacing them with efficient machines
replacing something decreases that something & advances in technology sometimes cause human jobs to be replaced by more efficient machines -> advances in <mask> decrease human jobs by replacing them with efficient machines
replacing something decreases that something & advances in technology sometimes cause human jobs to be replaced by more efficient machines -> advances in technology <mask> human jobs by replacing them with efficient machines
replacing something decreases that something & advances in technology sometimes cause human jobs to be replaced by more efficient machines -> advances in technology decrease <mask> jobs by replacing them with efficient machines
replacing something decreases that something & advances in technology sometimes cause human jobs to be replaced by more efficient machines -> advances in technology decrease human <mask> by replacing them with efficient machines
replacing something decreases that something & advances in technology sometimes cause human jobs to be replaced by more efficient machines -> advances in technology decrease human jobs by <mask> them with efficient machines
replacing something decreases that something & advances in technology sometimes cause human jobs to be replaced by more efficient machines -> advances in technology decrease human jobs by replacing them with efficient <mask>
advances in technology decrease human jobs by replacing them with efficient machines & having a job has a positive impact on a human & decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing -> <mask> in technology decreasing human jobs by more efficient machines has a negative impact on human
advances in technology decrease human jobs by replacing them with efficient machines & having a job has a positive impact on a human & decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing -> advances in <mask> decreasing human jobs by more efficient machines has a negative impact on human
advances in technology decrease human jobs by replacing them with efficient machines & having a job has a positive impact on a human & decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing -> advances in technology <mask> human jobs by more efficient machines has a negative impact on human
advances in technology decrease human jobs by replacing them with efficient machines & having a job has a positive impact on a human & decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing -> advances in technology decreasing <mask> jobs by more efficient machines has a negative impact on human
advances in technology decrease human jobs by replacing them with efficient machines & having a job has a positive impact on a human & decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing -> advances in technology decreasing human <mask> by more efficient machines has a negative impact on human
advances in technology decrease human jobs by replacing them with efficient machines & having a job has a positive impact on a human & decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing -> advances in technology decreasing human jobs by more efficient <mask> has a negative impact on human
advances in technology decrease human jobs by replacing them with efficient machines & having a job has a positive impact on a human & decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing -> advances in technology decreasing human jobs by more efficient machines has a <mask> impact on human
advances in technology decrease human jobs by replacing them with efficient machines & having a job has a positive impact on a human & decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing -> advances in technology decreasing human jobs by more efficient machines has a negative <mask> on human