matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite shape & a compound is made of matter -> a compound in the liquid <mask> has definite volume and indefinite shape
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite shape & a compound is made of matter -> a compound in the liquid phase has definite <mask> and indefinite shape
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite shape & a compound is made of matter -> a compound in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite <mask>
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume & if something has a definite volume , then its volume will not change when transferred into a different container -> <mask> sample will retain its volume when transferredn to a different container
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume & if something has a definite volume , then its volume will not change when transferred into a different container -> liquid <mask> will retain its volume when transferredn to a different container
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume & if something has a definite volume , then its volume will not change when transferred into a different container -> liquid sample will <mask> its volume when transferredn to a different container
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume & if something has a definite volume , then its volume will not change when transferred into a different container -> liquid sample will retain its <mask> when transferredn to a different container
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume & if something has a definite volume , then its volume will not change when transferred into a different container -> liquid sample will retain its volume when transferredn to a different <mask>
particles in a liquid flows past each other & particles in a liquid are close to each other -> <mask> in a liquid are close and can flow past each other
particles in a liquid flows past each other & particles in a liquid are close to each other -> particles in a <mask> are close and can flow past each other
particles in a liquid flows past each other & particles in a liquid are close to each other -> particles in a liquid are <mask> and can flow past each other
particles in a liquid flows past each other & particles in a liquid are close to each other -> particles in a liquid are close and can <mask> past each other
particles in a liquid flows past each other & particles in a liquid are close to each other -> particles in a liquid are close and can flow <mask> each other
particles in a liquid are close and can flow past each other & the particles in the substance are close and able to flow past each other -> the <mask> could be in liquid phase
particles in a liquid are close and can flow past each other & the particles in the substance are close and able to flow past each other -> the substance could be in <mask> phase
particles in a liquid are close and can flow past each other & the particles in the substance are close and able to flow past each other -> the substance could be in liquid <mask>
the substance has a variable shape & matter in the liquid phase has variable shape -> the <mask> could be in liquid phase or gas phase
the substance has a variable shape & matter in the liquid phase has variable shape -> the substance could be in <mask> phase or gas phase
the substance has a variable shape & matter in the liquid phase has variable shape -> the substance could be in liquid <mask> or gas phase
the substance has a variable shape & matter in the liquid phase has variable shape -> the substance could be in liquid phase or <mask> phase
the substance has a variable shape & matter in the liquid phase has variable shape -> the substance could be in liquid phase or gas <mask>
the substance could be in liquid phase & the substance could be in liquid phase or gas phase -> the <mask> can only be in liquid phase
the substance could be in liquid phase & the substance could be in liquid phase or gas phase -> the substance can only be in <mask> phase
the substance could be in liquid phase & the substance could be in liquid phase or gas phase -> the substance can only be in liquid <mask>
seeing requires light & reading requires seeing -> <mask> requires light
seeing requires light & reading requires seeing -> reading <mask> light
seeing requires light & reading requires seeing -> reading requires <mask>
reading requires light & a light bulb generates visible light when it is turned on -> a <mask> bulb can help generate light for reading
reading requires light & a light bulb generates visible light when it is turned on -> a light <mask> can help generate light for reading
reading requires light & a light bulb generates visible light when it is turned on -> a light bulb can <mask> generate light for reading
reading requires light & a light bulb generates visible light when it is turned on -> a light bulb can help <mask> light for reading
reading requires light & a light bulb generates visible light when it is turned on -> a light bulb can help generate <mask> for reading
reading requires light & a light bulb generates visible light when it is turned on -> a light bulb can help generate light for <mask>
an airplane is fast in speed & an airplane is used for moving people to far away places -> an <mask> can move people to far away places quickly
an airplane is fast in speed & an airplane is used for moving people to far away places -> an airplane can <mask> people to far away places quickly
an airplane is fast in speed & an airplane is used for moving people to far away places -> an airplane can move <mask> to far away places quickly
an airplane is fast in speed & an airplane is used for moving people to far away places -> an airplane can move people to <mask> away places quickly
an airplane is fast in speed & an airplane is used for moving people to far away places -> an airplane can move people to far away <mask> quickly
a airplane is used for moving products across bodies of water & a ship is used for moving products across bodies of water -> <mask> or airplane can move products across bodies of water
a airplane is used for moving products across bodies of water & a ship is used for moving products across bodies of water -> ship or <mask> can move products across bodies of water
a airplane is used for moving products across bodies of water & a ship is used for moving products across bodies of water -> ship or airplane can <mask> products across bodies of water
a airplane is used for moving products across bodies of water & a ship is used for moving products across bodies of water -> ship or airplane can move <mask> across bodies of water
a airplane is used for moving products across bodies of water & a ship is used for moving products across bodies of water -> ship or airplane can move products across <mask> of water
a airplane is used for moving products across bodies of water & a ship is used for moving products across bodies of water -> ship or airplane can move products across bodies of <mask>
ship or airplane can move products across bodies of water & an ocean is a kind of body of water -> <mask> or airplane can move products across ocean
ship or airplane can move products across bodies of water & an ocean is a kind of body of water -> ship or <mask> can move products across ocean
ship or airplane can move products across bodies of water & an ocean is a kind of body of water -> ship or airplane can <mask> products across ocean
ship or airplane can move products across bodies of water & an ocean is a kind of body of water -> ship or airplane can move <mask> across ocean
ship or airplane can move products across bodies of water & an ocean is a kind of body of water -> ship or airplane can move products across <mask>
a cake is a kind of baked product & baking is when a human makes food by adding heat -> a <mask> is a product made by human adding heat to it
a cake is a kind of baked product & baking is when a human makes food by adding heat -> a cake is a <mask> made by human adding heat to it
a cake is a kind of baked product & baking is when a human makes food by adding heat -> a cake is a product <mask> by human adding heat to it
a cake is a kind of baked product & baking is when a human makes food by adding heat -> a cake is a product made by <mask> adding heat to it
a cake is a kind of baked product & baking is when a human makes food by adding heat -> a cake is a product made by human <mask> heat to it
a cake is a kind of baked product & baking is when a human makes food by adding heat -> a cake is a product made by human adding <mask> to it
transportation technology is used for moving people / products & transportation technology is a kind of system for moving people and products -> <mask> technology is a system that moves people and products
transportation technology is used for moving people / products & transportation technology is a kind of system for moving people and products -> transportation <mask> is a system that moves people and products
transportation technology is used for moving people / products & transportation technology is a kind of system for moving people and products -> transportation technology is a <mask> that moves people and products
transportation technology is used for moving people / products & transportation technology is a kind of system for moving people and products -> transportation technology is a system that <mask> people and products
transportation technology is used for moving people / products & transportation technology is a kind of system for moving people and products -> transportation technology is a system that moves <mask> and products
transportation technology is used for moving people / products & transportation technology is a kind of system for moving people and products -> transportation technology is a system that moves people and <mask>
astronomers study celestial objects & a telescope is used for observing celestial objects by astronomers -> <mask> use telescopes to observe celestial objects
astronomers study celestial objects & a telescope is used for observing celestial objects by astronomers -> astronomers <mask> telescopes to observe celestial objects
astronomers study celestial objects & a telescope is used for observing celestial objects by astronomers -> astronomers use <mask> to observe celestial objects
astronomers study celestial objects & a telescope is used for observing celestial objects by astronomers -> astronomers use telescopes to <mask> celestial objects
astronomers study celestial objects & a telescope is used for observing celestial objects by astronomers -> astronomers use telescopes to observe celestial <mask>
astronomers use telescopes to observe celestial objects & a telescope is a kind of optical instrument for observing celestial objects -> <mask> use optical instruments to observe celestial objects
astronomers use telescopes to observe celestial objects & a telescope is a kind of optical instrument for observing celestial objects -> astronomers <mask> optical instruments to observe celestial objects
astronomers use telescopes to observe celestial objects & a telescope is a kind of optical instrument for observing celestial objects -> astronomers use optical <mask> to observe celestial objects
astronomers use telescopes to observe celestial objects & a telescope is a kind of optical instrument for observing celestial objects -> astronomers use optical instruments to <mask> celestial objects
astronomers use telescopes to observe celestial objects & a telescope is a kind of optical instrument for observing celestial objects -> astronomers use optical instruments to observe celestial <mask>
a microscope is used to see small things by making them appear bigger & biologists study small things such as cells -> <mask> use micropscopes to see small things
a microscope is used to see small things by making them appear bigger & biologists study small things such as cells -> biologists <mask> micropscopes to see small things
a microscope is used to see small things by making them appear bigger & biologists study small things such as cells -> biologists use micropscopes to <mask> small things
a microscope is used to see small things by making them appear bigger & biologists study small things such as cells -> biologists use micropscopes to see <mask> things
a microscope is used to see small things by making them appear bigger & biologists study small things such as cells -> biologists use micropscopes to see small <mask>
biologists use micropscopes to see small things & a microscope is a kind of optical tools for observing small things -> <mask> use optical tools to observe small things
biologists use micropscopes to see small things & a microscope is a kind of optical tools for observing small things -> biologists <mask> optical tools to observe small things
biologists use micropscopes to see small things & a microscope is a kind of optical tools for observing small things -> biologists use optical <mask> to observe small things
biologists use micropscopes to see small things & a microscope is a kind of optical tools for observing small things -> biologists use optical tools to <mask> small things
biologists use micropscopes to see small things & a microscope is a kind of optical tools for observing small things -> biologists use optical tools to observe <mask> things
biologists use micropscopes to see small things & a microscope is a kind of optical tools for observing small things -> biologists use optical tools to observe small <mask>
biologists use optical tools to observe small things & tool means instrument -> biologiests <mask> optical instruments to observe small things
biologists use optical tools to observe small things & tool means instrument -> biologiests use optical <mask> to observe small things
biologists use optical tools to observe small things & tool means instrument -> biologiests use optical instruments to <mask> small things
biologists use optical tools to observe small things & tool means instrument -> biologiests use optical instruments to observe <mask> things
biologists use optical tools to observe small things & tool means instrument -> biologiests use optical instruments to observe small <mask>
astronomers use optical instruments to observe celestial objects & biologiests use optical instruments to observe small things -> <mask> and biologists both use optical instruments to make observations
astronomers use optical instruments to observe celestial objects & biologiests use optical instruments to observe small things -> astronomers and <mask> both use optical instruments to make observations
astronomers use optical instruments to observe celestial objects & biologiests use optical instruments to observe small things -> astronomers and biologists both <mask> optical instruments to make observations
astronomers use optical instruments to observe celestial objects & biologiests use optical instruments to observe small things -> astronomers and biologists both use optical <mask> to make observations
astronomers use optical instruments to observe celestial objects & biologiests use optical instruments to observe small things -> astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to <mask> observations
astronomers use optical instruments to observe celestial objects & biologiests use optical instruments to observe small things -> astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to make <mask>
astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to make observations & making scientific discoveries requires observing -> <mask> and biologists both use optical instruments to make scientific discoveries
astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to make observations & making scientific discoveries requires observing -> astronomers and <mask> both use optical instruments to make scientific discoveries
astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to make observations & making scientific discoveries requires observing -> astronomers and biologists both <mask> optical instruments to make scientific discoveries
astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to make observations & making scientific discoveries requires observing -> astronomers and biologists both use optical <mask> to make scientific discoveries
astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to make observations & making scientific discoveries requires observing -> astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to <mask> scientific discoveries
astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to make observations & making scientific discoveries requires observing -> astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to make scientific <mask>
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables & irradiating food can be used to kill existing microorganisms in the food -> <mask> irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food