companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables & irradiating food can be used to kill existing microorganisms in the food -> companies <mask> some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables & irradiating food can be used to kill existing microorganisms in the food -> companies irradiate some <mask> and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables & irradiating food can be used to kill existing microorganisms in the food -> companies irradiate some fruits and <mask> to kill existing microorganisms in the food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables & irradiating food can be used to kill existing microorganisms in the food -> companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to <mask> existing microorganisms in the food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables & irradiating food can be used to kill existing microorganisms in the food -> companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill <mask> microorganisms in the food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables & irradiating food can be used to kill existing microorganisms in the food -> companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing <mask> in the food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables & irradiating food can be used to kill existing microorganisms in the food -> companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the <mask>
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food & killing microorganisms in food can be used to extend the shelf life of that food -> <mask> irradiate some fruit and vegetables to extend the shelf life of that food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food & killing microorganisms in food can be used to extend the shelf life of that food -> companies <mask> some fruit and vegetables to extend the shelf life of that food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food & killing microorganisms in food can be used to extend the shelf life of that food -> companies irradiate some <mask> and vegetables to extend the shelf life of that food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food & killing microorganisms in food can be used to extend the shelf life of that food -> companies irradiate some fruit and <mask> to extend the shelf life of that food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food & killing microorganisms in food can be used to extend the shelf life of that food -> companies irradiate some fruit and vegetables to <mask> the shelf life of that food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food & killing microorganisms in food can be used to extend the shelf life of that food -> companies irradiate some fruit and vegetables to extend the <mask> life of that food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food & killing microorganisms in food can be used to extend the shelf life of that food -> companies irradiate some fruit and vegetables to extend the shelf <mask> of that food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food & killing microorganisms in food can be used to extend the shelf life of that food -> companies irradiate some fruit and vegetables to extend the shelf life of that <mask>
making products for cheaper has a positive impact on manufacturing & a mass production manufacturing system makes products more cheaply than a custom manufacturing system -> a <mask> production has a positve impact on manufacturing by making products for cheaper
making products for cheaper has a positive impact on manufacturing & a mass production manufacturing system makes products more cheaply than a custom manufacturing system -> a mass <mask> has a positve impact on manufacturing by making products for cheaper
making products for cheaper has a positive impact on manufacturing & a mass production manufacturing system makes products more cheaply than a custom manufacturing system -> a mass production has a positve <mask> on manufacturing by making products for cheaper
making products for cheaper has a positive impact on manufacturing & a mass production manufacturing system makes products more cheaply than a custom manufacturing system -> a mass production has a positve impact on <mask> by making products for cheaper
making products for cheaper has a positive impact on manufacturing & a mass production manufacturing system makes products more cheaply than a custom manufacturing system -> a mass production has a positve impact on manufacturing by <mask> products for cheaper
making products for cheaper has a positive impact on manufacturing & a mass production manufacturing system makes products more cheaply than a custom manufacturing system -> a mass production has a positve impact on manufacturing by making <mask> for cheaper
a mass production has a positve impact on manufacturing by making products for cheaper & cheap means low in cost -> a <mask> production has a positive impact on manufacturing by making products at a low cost
a mass production has a positve impact on manufacturing by making products for cheaper & cheap means low in cost -> a mass <mask> has a positive impact on manufacturing by making products at a low cost
a mass production has a positve impact on manufacturing by making products for cheaper & cheap means low in cost -> a mass production has a <mask> impact on manufacturing by making products at a low cost
a mass production has a positve impact on manufacturing by making products for cheaper & cheap means low in cost -> a mass production has a positive <mask> on manufacturing by making products at a low cost
a mass production has a positve impact on manufacturing by making products for cheaper & cheap means low in cost -> a mass production has a positive impact on <mask> by making products at a low cost
a mass production has a positve impact on manufacturing by making products for cheaper & cheap means low in cost -> a mass production has a positive impact on manufacturing by <mask> products at a low cost
a mass production has a positve impact on manufacturing by making products for cheaper & cheap means low in cost -> a mass production has a positive impact on manufacturing by making <mask> at a low cost
a mass production has a positve impact on manufacturing by making products for cheaper & cheap means low in cost -> a mass production has a positive impact on manufacturing by making products at a <mask> cost
a mass production has a positve impact on manufacturing by making products for cheaper & cheap means low in cost -> a mass production has a positive impact on manufacturing by making products at a low <mask>
something that is used for communication increases communication & a radio is used for communication & a computer is used for communication / finding information -> a <mask> and a radio increase communication
something that is used for communication increases communication & a radio is used for communication & a computer is used for communication / finding information -> a computer and a <mask> increase communication
something that is used for communication increases communication & a radio is used for communication & a computer is used for communication / finding information -> a computer and a radio <mask> communication
something that is used for communication increases communication & a radio is used for communication & a computer is used for communication / finding information -> a computer and a radio increase <mask>
a computer and a radio increase communication & communication is used to share information -> <mask> and computers increase the sharing of information
a computer and a radio increase communication & communication is used to share information -> radios and <mask> increase the sharing of information
a computer and a radio increase communication & communication is used to share information -> radios and computers <mask> the sharing of information
a computer and a radio increase communication & communication is used to share information -> radios and computers increase the <mask> of information
a computer and a radio increase communication & communication is used to share information -> radios and computers increase the sharing of <mask>
radios and computers increase the sharing of information & a weather report is a kind of information -> <mask> and computers increase the sharing of weather report
radios and computers increase the sharing of information & a weather report is a kind of information -> radios and <mask> increase the sharing of weather report
radios and computers increase the sharing of information & a weather report is a kind of information -> radios and computers <mask> the sharing of weather report
radios and computers increase the sharing of information & a weather report is a kind of information -> radios and computers increase the <mask> of weather report
radios and computers increase the sharing of information & a weather report is a kind of information -> radios and computers increase the sharing of <mask> report
radios and computers increase the sharing of information & a weather report is a kind of information -> radios and computers increase the sharing of weather <mask>
radio station broadcasting is a source of radio waves & a source of something emits that something -> <mask> station broadcasting emits radio waves
radio station broadcasting is a source of radio waves & a source of something emits that something -> radio <mask> broadcasting emits radio waves
radio station broadcasting is a source of radio waves & a source of something emits that something -> radio station <mask> emits radio waves
radio station broadcasting is a source of radio waves & a source of something emits that something -> radio station broadcasting <mask> radio waves
radio station broadcasting is a source of radio waves & a source of something emits that something -> radio station broadcasting emits <mask> waves
radio station broadcasting is a source of radio waves & a source of something emits that something -> radio station broadcasting emits radio <mask>
radio station broadcasting emits radio waves & radio transmitter emits radio waves -> <mask> station is a radio transmitter
radio station broadcasting emits radio waves & radio transmitter emits radio waves -> radio <mask> is a radio transmitter
radio station broadcasting emits radio waves & radio transmitter emits radio waves -> radio station is a <mask> transmitter
radio station broadcasting emits radio waves & radio transmitter emits radio waves -> radio station is a radio <mask>
sandpaper is used to smooth the surface objects & sandpaper is a kind of tool for smoothing objects -> <mask> is a tool for smoothing the surface objects
sandpaper is used to smooth the surface objects & sandpaper is a kind of tool for smoothing objects -> sandpaper is a <mask> for smoothing the surface objects
sandpaper is used to smooth the surface objects & sandpaper is a kind of tool for smoothing objects -> sandpaper is a tool for <mask> the surface objects
sandpaper is used to smooth the surface objects & sandpaper is a kind of tool for smoothing objects -> sandpaper is a tool for smoothing the <mask> objects
sandpaper is used to smooth the surface objects & sandpaper is a kind of tool for smoothing objects -> sandpaper is a tool for smoothing the surface <mask>
an engineer constructs a prototype from wood & a prototype is a kind of object -> the wooden <mask> is a kind of object
an engineer constructs a prototype from wood & a prototype is a kind of object -> the wooden prototype is a <mask> of object
an engineer constructs a prototype from wood & a prototype is a kind of object -> the wooden prototype is a kind of <mask>
sandpaper is a tool for smoothing the surface objects & the wooden prototype is a kind of object -> <mask> can be used to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype
sandpaper is a tool for smoothing the surface objects & the wooden prototype is a kind of object -> sandpaper can be <mask> to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype
sandpaper is a tool for smoothing the surface objects & the wooden prototype is a kind of object -> sandpaper can be used to <mask> the surface of the wooden prototype
sandpaper is a tool for smoothing the surface objects & the wooden prototype is a kind of object -> sandpaper can be used to smooth the <mask> of the wooden prototype
sandpaper is a tool for smoothing the surface objects & the wooden prototype is a kind of object -> sandpaper can be used to smooth the surface of the wooden <mask>
sandpaper can be used to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype & the engineer needs a tool to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype -> the <mask> can use sandpaper to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype
sandpaper can be used to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype & the engineer needs a tool to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype -> the engineer can <mask> sandpaper to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype
sandpaper can be used to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype & the engineer needs a tool to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype -> the engineer can use <mask> to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype
sandpaper can be used to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype & the engineer needs a tool to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype -> the engineer can use sandpaper to <mask> the surface of the wooden prototype
sandpaper can be used to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype & the engineer needs a tool to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype -> the engineer can use sandpaper to smooth the <mask> of the wooden prototype
sandpaper can be used to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype & the engineer needs a tool to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype -> the engineer can use sandpaper to smooth the surface of the wooden <mask>
pliers are made of two levers for gripping & pliers are a kind of hand tool -> <mask> are a tool made of two levers for gripping
pliers are made of two levers for gripping & pliers are a kind of hand tool -> pliers are a <mask> made of two levers for gripping
pliers are made of two levers for gripping & pliers are a kind of hand tool -> pliers are a tool <mask> of two levers for gripping
pliers are made of two levers for gripping & pliers are a kind of hand tool -> pliers are a tool made of <mask> levers for gripping
pliers are made of two levers for gripping & pliers are a kind of hand tool -> pliers are a tool made of two <mask> for gripping
pliers are made of two levers for gripping & pliers are a kind of hand tool -> pliers are a tool made of two levers for <mask>
pliers are a tool made of two levers for gripping & gripping produces gripping force -> <mask> are a tool that can produce gripping force
pliers are a tool made of two levers for gripping & gripping produces gripping force -> pliers are a <mask> that can produce gripping force
pliers are a tool made of two levers for gripping & gripping produces gripping force -> pliers are a tool that can <mask> gripping force
pliers are a tool made of two levers for gripping & gripping produces gripping force -> pliers are a tool that can produce <mask> force
pliers are a tool made of two levers for gripping & gripping produces gripping force -> pliers are a tool that can produce gripping <mask>
pliers are a tool that can produce gripping force & a gripping force can be used to tighten a mechanical fastener -> <mask> can be used to tighten a mechanical fastener
pliers are a tool that can produce gripping force & a gripping force can be used to tighten a mechanical fastener -> pliers can be <mask> to tighten a mechanical fastener
pliers are a tool that can produce gripping force & a gripping force can be used to tighten a mechanical fastener -> pliers can be used to <mask> a mechanical fastener
pliers are a tool that can produce gripping force & a gripping force can be used to tighten a mechanical fastener -> pliers can be used to tighten a mechanical <mask>
computers are usually designed with weight restriction & a restriction can be used to limit something / keep something low -> a <mask> restriction on computers can keep the weight of the computer low
computers are usually designed with weight restriction & a restriction can be used to limit something / keep something low -> a weight <mask> on computers can keep the weight of the computer low
computers are usually designed with weight restriction & a restriction can be used to limit something / keep something low -> a weight restriction on <mask> can keep the weight of the computer low
computers are usually designed with weight restriction & a restriction can be used to limit something / keep something low -> a weight restriction on computers can <mask> the weight of the computer low
computers are usually designed with weight restriction & a restriction can be used to limit something / keep something low -> a weight restriction on computers can keep the <mask> of the computer low
computers are usually designed with weight restriction & a restriction can be used to limit something / keep something low -> a weight restriction on computers can keep the weight of the <mask> low
computers are usually designed with weight restriction & a restriction can be used to limit something / keep something low -> a weight restriction on computers can keep the weight of the computer <mask>
a weight restriction on computers can keep the weight of the computer low & a computer is a kind of object & as the weight of an object decreases , the object will be transported more easily -> if the <mask> is low in weight, then the computer can be transported easily
a weight restriction on computers can keep the weight of the computer low & a computer is a kind of object & as the weight of an object decreases , the object will be transported more easily -> if the computer is <mask> in weight, then the computer can be transported easily
a weight restriction on computers can keep the weight of the computer low & a computer is a kind of object & as the weight of an object decreases , the object will be transported more easily -> if the computer is low in weight, then the <mask> can be transported easily
a weight restriction on computers can keep the weight of the computer low & a computer is a kind of object & as the weight of an object decreases , the object will be transported more easily -> if the computer is low in weight, then the computer can be <mask> easily