ER-dataset /
cloverhxy's picture
### dataset-list
The datasets in this dataset repository are from public datasets DeepMatcher,Magellan and WDC, which cover a variety of domains, such as product, citation and restaurant. Each dataset contains entities from two relational tables with multiple attributes, and a set of labeled matching/non-matching entity pairs.
| dataset_name | domain |
| -------------- | ----------- |
| abt_buy | Product |
| amazon_google | Product |
| anime | Anime |
| beer | Product |
| books2 | Book |
| books4 | Book |
| cameras | WDC-Product |
| computers | WDC-Product |
| cosmetics | Cosmetics |
| dblp_acm | Citation |
| dblp_scholar | Citation |
| ebooks1 | eBook |
| fodors_zagat | Restaurant |
| itunes_amazon | Music |
| movies1 | Movie |
| restaurants1 | Restaurant |
| restaurants3 | Restaurant |
| restaurants4 | Restaurant |
| shoes | WDC-Product |
| walmart_amazon | Product |
| watches | WDC-Product |