Wilhelm Vocabulary |
================== |
[![Vocabulary count - German]][Docker Hub URL] |
[![Vocabulary count - Latin]][Docker Hub URL] |
[![Vocabulary count - Ancient Greek]][Docker Hub URL] |
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[![GitHub workflow status badge][GitHub workflow status badge]][GitHub workflow status URL] |
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[![Hugging Face dataset badge]][Hugging Face dataset URL] |
[![Apache License Badge]][Apache License, Version 2.0] |
<!-- TOC --> |
- [Wilhelm Vocabulary](#wilhelm-vocabulary) |
- [Docker](#docker) |
- [Interesting Queries](#interesting-queries) |
- [Data Format](#data-format) |
- [Encoding Table in YAML](#encoding-table-in-yaml) |
- [Data Pipeline](#data-pipeline) |
- [How Data (Vocabulary) is Stored in a Graph Database](#how-data-vocabulary-is-stored-in-a-graph-database) |
- [Why Graph Database](#why-graph-database) |
- [Base Schema](#base-schema) |
- [Languages](#languages) |
- [German](#german) |
- [Pronoun](#pronoun) |
- [Noun](#noun) |
- [Ancient Greek](#ancient-greek) |
- [Diacritic Mark Convention](#diacritic-mark-convention) |
- [Pronoun](#pronoun-1) |
- [Noun](#noun-1) |
- [Adjective Declension](#adjective-declension) |
- [Verb Conjugation](#verb-conjugation) |
- [Latin](#latin) |
- [Classical Hebrew (Coming Soon)](#classical-hebrew-coming-soon) |
- [Korean](#korean) |
- [License](#license) |
<!-- TOC --> |
__Wilhelm Vocabulary__ is the data that drives the [wilhelmlang.com](https://wilhelmlang.com/). |
Docker |
------ |
A Docker image has been made to allow us to explore the vocabulary in Neo4J browser backed by a Neo4J database in |
container. To get the image and run the container, simply do: |
```console |
docker run \ |
--publish=7474:7474 \ |
--publish=7687:7687 \ |
--env=NEO4J_AUTH=none \ |
-e NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS=\[\"apoc\"\] \ |
--env NEO4J_browser_remote__content__hostname__whitelist=https://raw.githubusercontent.com \ |
--env NEO4J_browser_post__connect__cmd="style https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QubitPi/wilhelm-vocabulary/refs/heads/master/graphstyle.grass" \ |
jack20191124/wilhelm-vocabulary |
``` |
> [!NOTE] |
> |
> The image is based on Neo4J Enterprise 5.23.0. |
- When container starts, access neo4j through browser at http://localhost:7474 |
- Both __bolt://__ and __neo4j://__ protocols are fine. |
- Choose __No authentication__ for _Authentication type_ |
- Then hit __Connect__ as shown below |
We have offered some queries that can be used to quickly explore our language data in the |
[next section](#interesting-queries) |
### Interesting Queries |
- Search for all Synonyms: `MATCH (term:Term)-[r]-(synonym:Term) WHERE r.name = "synonym" RETURN term, r, synonym` |
- Finding all [gerunds](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Glossary#gerund): |
`MATCH (source)-[link:RELATED]->(target) WHERE link.name = "gerund of" RETURN source, link, target;` |
- Expanding a word "nรคmlich" (reveals its relationship to other languages): |
```cypher |
MATCH (term:Term{label:'nรคmlich'}) |
CALL apoc.path.expand(term, "LINK", null, 1, 3) |
YIELD path |
RETURN path, length(path) AS hops |
ORDER BY hops; |
``` |
- In German, "rice" and "travel" are related: |
```cypher |
MATCH (term:Term{label:'die Reise'}) |
CALL apoc.path.expand(term, "LINK", null, 1, 3) |
YIELD path |
RETURN path, length(path) AS hops |
ORDER BY hops; |
``` |
- `MATCH (term:Term{label:'die Schwester'}) CALL apoc.path.expand(term, "LINK", null, 1, -1) YIELD path RETURN path, length(path) AS hops ORDER BY hops;` |
Data Format |
----------- |
The data that serves [wilhelmlang.com](https://wilhelmlang.com/). They are written in YAML format, because |
1. it is machine-readable so that it can be consumed quickly in data pipelines |
2. it is human-readable and, thus, easy to read and modify |
3. it supports multi-lines value which is very handy for language data |
### Encoding Table in YAML |
To encode the inflections which are common in most Indo-European languages, an |
[application-specific YAML](https://stackoverflow.com/q/30894438/14312712) that looks like the following are employed |
throughout this repository: |
```yaml |
- term: der Gegenstand |
definition: |
- object |
- thing |
declension: |
- ["", singular, plural ] |
- [nominative, Gegenstand, Gegenstรคnde ] |
- [genitive, "Gegenstandes, Gegenstands", Gegenstรคnde ] |
- [dative, Gegenstand, Gegenstรคnden] |
- [accusative, Gegenstand, Gegenstรคnde ] |
``` |
> [!NOTE] |
> |
> - A list under `declension` is a table row |
> - All rows have the same number of columns |
> - Each element of the list corresponds to a table cell |
The declension (inflection) table above is equivalent to |
<table><tbody> |
<tr> |
<td></td> |
<td>singular</td> |
<td>plural</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>nominative</td> |
<td>Gegenstand</td> |
<td>Gegenstรคnde</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>genitive</td> |
<td>Gegenstandes, Gegenstands</td> |
<td>Gegenstรคnde</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>dative</td> |
<td>Gegenstand</td> |
<td>Gegenstรคnden</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>accusative</td> |
<td>Gegenstand</td> |
<td>Gegenstรคnde</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
Data Pipeline |
------------- |
> [!CAUTION] |
> |
> When the graph database is Neo4J, all constrains relating to the __Term__ node must be using: |
> |
> ```cypher |
> DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name; |
> ``` |
> |
> This is because certain vocabulary has multiple grammatical forms. This vocabulary is spread out as multiple entries. |
> These multiple entries, because they have lots of common properties, often triggers constraint violations in Neo4J on |
> load |
How Data (Vocabulary) is Stored in a Graph Database |
--------------------------------------------------- |
### Why Graph Database |
Graph data representation assumes universal connectivity among world entities. This applies pretty well to the realm of |
languages. Multilanguage learners have already seen that Indo-European languages are similar in many aspects. The |
similarities not only signify the historical facts about Philology but also surface a great opportunity for |
multilanguage learners to take advantages of them and study much more efficiently. What's missing is connecting the dots |
using Graph Databases that visually presents these vastly enlightening links between the related languages in a natural |
way. |
### Base Schema |
```yaml |
vocabulary: |
- term: string |
definition: list |
audio: string |
``` |
The `audio` field is an URL that points to a `.mp3` or `.ogg` file that contains the pronunciation of this word. |
_The meaning of a word is called the `definition`_. A term has a natural relationship to its definition(s). For example, |
the German noun "[Ecke](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Ecke#Noun)" has at least 4 definitions: |
<div align="center"> |
Graph data generated by <a href="https://github.com/QubitPi/wilhelm-python-sdk">wilhelm-python-sdk</a> |
</div> |
> [!TIP] |
> |
> The parenthesized value at the beginning of each `definition` item played an un-ignorable role: it is the label of the |
> relationship between `term` and `definition` in graph database loaded by |
> [Wilhelm SDK](https://github.com/QubitPi/wilhelm-python-sdk). For example, both German words |
> |
> ```yaml |
> - term: denn |
> definition: |
> - (adv.) then, thus |
> - (conj.) because |
> ``` |
> |
> and |
> |
> ```yaml |
> - term: nรคmlich |
> definition: |
> - (adj.) same |
> - (adv.) namely |
> - (adv.) because |
> ``` |
> |
> can mean "because" acting as different types. This is visualized as follows: |
> |
>  |
> |
> __Visualzing synonyms this way presents a big advantage to human brain__ who is exceedingly good at memorizing |
> patterns |
Languages |
--------- |
### [German](./german.yaml) |
#### Pronoun |
The declension table of a pronoun follows: |
```yaml |
declension: |
- ["", masclune, feminine, neuter, plural] |
- [nominative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
- [genitive, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
- [dative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
- [accusative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
``` |
#### Noun |
`term` with a _definite article_ of `der`/`die`/`das` signifies a __noun__ which has a declension table template of the |
following form: |
```yaml |
declension: |
- ["", singular, plural] |
- [nominative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
- [genitive, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
- [dative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
- [accusative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
``` |
For example: |
```yaml |
- term: das Getrรคnk |
definition: the drink |
declension: |
- ["", singular, plural ] |
- [nominative, Getrรคnk, Getrรคnke ] |
- [genitive, Getrรคnkes, Getrรคnks, Getrรคnke ] |
- [dative, Getrรคnk, Getrรคnken] |
- [accusative, Getrรคnk, Getrรคnke ] |
``` |
> [!TIP] |
> |
> __The declension tables for nouns are almost all sourced from |
> [Wiktionary](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Kaufmann#Declension)__ and tiny from (if not present in Wiktionary) |
> [Verbformen](https://www.verbformen.com/) |
> [!CAUTION] |
> |
> [Adjectival nouns](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/German/Grammar/Nouns/Adjectival_Nouns), however, do NOT follow the |
> template above but employs the following template: |
> |
> ```yaml |
> declension: |
> strong: |
> - ["", singular, plural] |
> - [nominative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
> - [genitive, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
> - [dative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
> - [accusative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
> weak: |
> - ["", singular, plural] |
> - [nominative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
> - [genitive, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
> - [dative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
> - [accusative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
> mixed: |
> - ["", singular, plural] |
> - [nominative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
> - [genitive, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
> - [dative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
> - [accusative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
> ``` |
### [Ancient Greek](./ancient-greek.yaml) |
Unless otherwise mentioned, we are always talking about _Attic_ Greek. |
> [!NOTE] |
> |
> Ancient Greek vocabulary come from the following sources |
> |
> - [Greek Core Vocabulary of Dickinson College](https://dcc.dickinson.edu/greek-core-list) |
> - Aristotle - Logic I: Categories, On Interpretation, Prior Analytics |
#### Diacritic Mark Convention |
We employ the following 3 diacritic signs only in vocabulary: |
1. the __acute__ (ฮฌ) |
2. the __circumflex__ (แพถ), and |
3. the __grave__ (แฝฐ) |
In fact, it is called the [_medium diacritics_](https://lsj.gr/wiki/แผฮณฮฑฮธฯฯ) and the same convention used in |
[Loeb Classical Library prints](https://ryanfb.xyz/loebolus/) from Harvard. Notice that, however, the commonly sourced |
[Wiktionary uses full diacritics](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/แผฮณฮฑฮธฯฯ#Declension), including the |
[breve diacritic mark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breve); we don't do that. |
#### Pronoun |
The source of pronouns and their declensions are the following |
- [Greek Core Vocabulary of Dickinson College](https://dcc.dickinson.edu/greek-core-list) |
- [Ancient Greek for Everyone, Pronouns: Part I](https://pressbooks.pub/ancientgreek/chapter/11/) |
- [Ancient Greek for Everyone, Pronouns: Part II](https://pressbooks.pub/ancientgreek/chapter/12/) |
- [Ancient Greek for Everyone, Pronouns: Part III](https://pressbooks.pub/ancientgreek/chapter/25/) |
- [Ancient Greek for Everyone, Pronouns: Part IV](https://pressbooks.pub/ancientgreek/chapter/26/) |
- Wiktionary |
- [Greek: An Intensive Course, 2nd Revised Edition](https://pdfcoffee.com/4-hansen-hardy-quinn-gerald-m-greek-an-intensive-course-5-pdf-free.html) |
- Unit 6, Section 49. The Relative Pronoun |
> [!TIP] |
> |
> More grammar about pronouns can be found in these great articles from _Ancient Greek for Everyone_ above |
The declension table of a pronoun follows: |
```yaml |
declension: |
- ["", singular, plural] |
- [nominative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
- [genitive, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
- [dative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
- [accusative, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
- [vocative, N/A, N/A ] |
``` |
#### Noun |
The vocabulary entry for each noun consists of its nominative and genitive forms, an article which indicates the noun's |
gender all in its `term` attribute. The English meaning(s) come as a list under `definition` attribute. For example. |
```yaml |
- term: ฯฮญฯฮฝฮท ฯฮญฯฮฝฮทฯ, แผก |
definition: |
- art, |
- skill, |
- craft |
declension class: 1st |
``` |
the vocabulary entry above consists of the following 5 items: |
1. ฯฮญฯฮฝฮท: nominative singular |
2. ฯฮญฯฮฝฮทฯ: genitive singular |
3. แผก: nominative feminine singular of the article, which shows that the gender of the noun is feminine. Gender will be |
indicated by the appropriate form of the definite article "the": |
- แฝ for the masculine nouns |
- แผก for the feminine nouns |
- ฯฯ for the neutor nouns |
4. a list of English meanings of the word |
5. the noun employs the first declension. The 3 classes of declensions are |
1. first declension (`1st`) |
2. second declension (`2nd`) |
3. third declension (`3rd`) |
The declension of the entry is not shown because to decline any noun, we can take the genitive singular, remove the |
genitive singular ending to get the stem, and then add the proper set of endings to the stem based on its declension |
class[^2]. |
[^2]: _[Greek: An Intensive Course, 2nd Revised Edition](https://www.amazon.com/Greek-Intensive-Course-2nd-Revised/dp/0823216632)_, Hansen & Quinn, _p.20_ |
For example, to decline _ฯฮญฯฮฝฮท ฯฮญฯฮฝฮทฯ, แผก, art_, take the genitive singular _ฯฮญฯฮฝฮทฯ_, remove the genitive singular ending |
_-ฮทฯ_, and add the appropriate endings to the stem which gives following paradigm: |
| Case | Singular | Plural | |
|:----------:|:--------:|:-------:| |
| nominative | ฯฮญฯฮฝฮท | ฯฮญฯฮฝฮฑฮน | |
| genitive | ฯฮญฯฮฝฮทฯ | ฯฮตฯฮฝแฟถฮฝ | |
| dative | ฯฮญฯฮฝแฟ | ฯฮญฯฮฝฮฑฮนฯ | |
| accusative | ฯฮญฯฮฝฮทฮฝ | ฯฮญฯฮฝแพฑฯ | |
| vocative | ฯฮญฯฮฝฮท | ฯฮญฯฮฝฮฑฮน | |
#### Adjective Declension |
Declension template: |
```yaml |
declension: |
- ["", singular, singular, singular, dual, dual, dual plural, plural, plural] |
- ["", masculine, feminine, neuter, masculine, feminine, neuter, masculine, feminine, neuter] |
- [nominative, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
- [genitive, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
- [dative, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
- [accusative, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
- [vocative, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโโโ, โโโโโโ] |
``` |
#### Verb Conjugation |
The Greek verb has __6__ principal parts. All 6 must be learned whenever a new verb is encountered: |
1. (first person singular) present indicative active |
2. (first person singular) future indicative active |
3. (first person singular) aorist indicative active |
4. (first person singular) perfect indicative active |
5. (first person singular) perfect indicative passive |
6. (first person singular) aorist indicative passive |
> [!TIP] |
> |
> The minimum number of forms which one must know in order to generate all possible forms of a verb are called the |
> __principal parts__ of that verb. |
From the 6 forms above, various verb forms (i.e. stems & endings) can be derived by rules[^4] |
[^4]: _[Greek: An Intensive Course, 2nd Revised Edition](https://www.amazon.com/Greek-Intensive-Course-2nd-Revised/dp/0823216632)_, Hansen & Quinn, _p.44_ |
In practice, however, |
[obtaining precise and complete principal parts for some verbs has been proven to be impossible](https://latin.stackexchange.com/a/17432). |
While the best efforts have been made for reconstructing the complete principal parts, we also put a link to the |
Wiktionary of each verb for |
[wilhelm-python-sdk](https://sdk.wilhelmlang.com/en/latest/#module-wilhelm_python_sdk.ancient_greek_wiktionary_parser), |
which will dynamically load the complete conjugation tables into graph database. |
What's also being loaded are the reconstructed principal parts with a list of references that validate the |
reconstruction. |
In conclusion, the entry of a verb, thus, has the form of: |
```yaml |
- term: string |
definition: list |
conjugation: |
wiktionary: string |
principal parts: |
- ["", Attic, (Possibly other dialects)] |
- [(first person singular) present indicative active, โโโโโ, ... ] |
- [(first person singular) future indicative active, โโโโโ, ... ] |
- [(first person singular) aorist indicative active, โโโโโ, ... ] |
- [(first person singular) perfect indicative active, โโโโโ, ... ] |
- [(first person singular) perfect indicative passive, โโโโโ, ... ] |
- [(first person singular) aorist indicative passive, โโโโโ, ... ] |
references: list |
``` |
For example: |
```yaml |
- term: ฮปฮญฮณฯ |
definition: |
- to say, speak |
- to pick up |
conjugation: |
wiktionary: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ฮปฮญฮณฯ#Verb_2 |
principal parts: |
- ["", Attic , Koine ] |
- [(first person singular) present indicative active, ฮปฮญฮณฯ , ฮปฮญฮณฯ ] |
- [(first person singular) future indicative active, ฮปฮญฮพฯ , แผฯแฟถ ] |
- [(first person singular) aorist indicative active, แผฮปฮตฮพฮฑ , ฮตแผถฯฮฟฮฝ/ฮตแผถฯฮฑ ] |
- [(first person singular) perfect indicative active, (missing), ฮตแผดฯฮทฮบฮฑ ] |
- [(first person singular) perfect indicative passive, ฮปฮญฮปฮตฮณฮผฮฑฮน , ฮปฮญฮปฮตฮณฮผฮฑฮน ] |
- [(first person singular) aorist indicative passive, แผฮปฮญฯฮธฮทฮฝ , แผฯฯฮญฮธฮทฮฝ/แผฯฯฮฎฮธฮทฮฝ] |
references: |
- https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ฮปฮญฮณฯ#Inflection |
- http://atticgreek.org/downloads/allPPbytypes.pdf |
- https://books.openbookpublishers.com/10.11647/obp.0264/ch25.xhtml |
- https://www.billmounce.com/greek-dictionary/lego |
- https://koine-greek.fandom.com/wiki/ฮฮญฮณฯ |
``` |
### [Latin](./latin.yaml) |
> [!NOTE] |
> The vocabulary and declensions come from the following sources |
> |
> - [Latin Core Vocabulary of Dickinson College](https://dcc.dickinson.edu/latin-core-list1) |
> - Wiktionary |
```yaml |
vocabulary: |
- term: string |
definition: list |
``` |
### Classical Hebrew (Coming Soon) |
The vocabulary is presented to help read and understand [Biblical Hebrew](https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt00.htm#mp3). A |
[complementary audio](https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/ptmp3prq.htm) helps well with the pronunciation. |
### [Korean](./korean.yaml) |
ไธญๅฝไบบๅญฆไน ้ฉ่ฏญๆๅ
ๅคฉไผๅฟ๏ผๅ ไน้ฉ่ฏญๆฌ่บซไนๆฏไธ้จ็ธๅฝ็ฎๅ็่ฏญ่จ๏ผๆไปฅ่ฟ้ๅฐ่ฏญๆณๅ่ฏๆฑๅๅนถๅจไธ่ตท๏ผ |
ๆฏไธ้กนไนๅช็ฑ `term`๏ผ้ฉ๏ผๅ `definition`๏ผไธญ๏ผ็ปๆ๏ผ |
```yaml |
vocabulary: |
- term: string |
definition: list of strings |
example: |
- Korean: ์ ๊ฐ ์๋ฌด๋ ด ๊ทธ์ชฝ ํธ์ ์๊ฒ ์ด์ |
Chinese: ๆๆ ่ฎบๅฆไฝ้ฝไผ็ซๅจไฝ ่ฟ่พน |
- Korean: ... |
Chinese: ... |
``` |
ไธ็จ่ดนๅคชๅคๅๅคซ่ฎฐ็ข็ฎๅ็่ฏญๆณๅ่ฏๆฑ๏ผๅฉไธ็ๅฐฑๆฏๆฟ้ฉ่ฏญๅญๅนๅงไธๅ็ปไน ๅฌ่ฏด่ฏปๅๆขๆใ`example` ไธญ็ไพๅฅๅๆฅ่ช[้ฉๅฝๆฌๅ่ฏญๆ](https://www.amazon.com/Korean-book-%EB%82%98%EC%9D%98-%EC%95%84%EC%A0%80%EC%94%A8-%EC%A0%842%EA%B6%8C/dp/8933871756) |
> [!NOTE] |
> |
> ้ฉ่ฏญไธๅฑไบๆฑ่่ฏญ็ณป๏ผๅ ๅ
ถๆๅฑ่ฏญ็ณป้ๅธธ็ญๅฐ๏ผๆ ๆณๅๅ
ณ่๏ผๅ ๆญคๅ
ฅๅพๆฐๆฎๅบ่ฟ่กๆฐๆฎๅๆ |
License |
------- |
The use and distribution terms for [wilhelm-vocabulary]() are covered by the [Apache License, Version 2.0]. |
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[Apache License, Version 2.0]: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
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[Docker Hub URL]: https://hub.docker.com/r/jack20191124/wilhelm-vocabulary |
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[Hugging Face sync status URL]: https://github.com/QubitPi/wilhelm-vocabulary/actions/workflows/ci-cd.yaml |
[GitHub workflow status badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/QubitPi/wilhelm-vocabulary/ci-cd.yaml?branch=master&style=for-the-badge&logo=github&logoColor=white&label=Database%20Loading |
[GitHub workflow status URL]: https://github.com/QubitPi/wilhelm-vocabulary/actions/workflows/ci-cd.yaml |
[Vocabulary count - German]: https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.paion-data.dev%2Fwilhelm%2Flanguages%2Fgerman%2Fcount&query=%24%5B0%5D.count&suffix=%20Words&style=for-the-badge&logo=neo4j&logoColor=white&label=German&color=4581C3 |
[Vocabulary count - Latin]: https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.paion-data.dev%2Fwilhelm%2Flanguages%2Flatin%2Fcount&query=%24%5B0%5D.count&suffix=%20Words&style=for-the-badge&logo=neo4j&logoColor=white&label=Latin&color=4581C3 |
[Vocabulary count - Ancient Greek]: https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.paion-data.dev%2Fwilhelm%2Flanguages%2FancientGreek%2Fcount&query=%24%5B0%5D.count&suffix=%20Words&style=for-the-badge&logo=neo4j&logoColor=white&label=Ancient%20Greek&color=4581C3 |