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- en
pretty_name: InstructorXL embeddings of the titles
- sentence-similarity
- feature-extraction
- 1M<n<10M
# arxiv-titles-instructorxl-embeddings
This dataset contains 768-dimensional embeddings generated from the [arxiv](
paper titles using [InstructorXL]( model. Each
vector has an abstract used to create it, along with the DOI (Digital Object Identifier). The
dataset was created using precomputed embeddings exposed by the [Alexandria Index](
## Generation process
The embeddings have been generated using the following instruction:
Represent the Research Paper title for retrieval; Input:
The following code snippet shows how to generate embeddings using the InstructorXL model:
from InstructorEmbedding import INSTRUCTOR
model = INSTRUCTOR('hkunlp/instructor-xl')
sentence = "3D ActionSLAM: wearable person tracking in multi-floor environments"
instruction = "Represent the Research Paper title for retrieval; Input:"
embeddings = model.encode([[instruction, sentence]])