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2 classes
If you enjoy musicals and timeless tunes you gotta have this. My three children fell in love with this one when it was on PBS..they actually sat through the entire show!
Don't miss this movie! It's a brilliant adaptation of the Jane Austen classic and simply lovely to watch. Emma Thompson did an excellent job on the screenplay, and deservedly won an Oscar for her efforts.I agree that in the age department, Emma Thompson was not suited to carry the role of Elinor Dashwood (who's supposed to be only 19). However, Ms Thompson's acting was brilliant and flawless, and as the story unfolds and draws you in, you hardly remember to notice or care about the age factor anymore. I thought Emma Thompson's portrayal of Elinor was not unlike the character of Margaret Schlegel (which she played in "Howards End") who's also a kind gentlewoman who loves too much and suffers inwardly.As a story, "Sense and Sensibility" (S&S) has a far more serious premise compared to 2 other Austen works ie. "Emma" and "Mansfield Park". Perhaps this partly explains why S&S is the more highly-acclaimed movie (it was nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars) compared to Gwyneth Paltrow's "Emma" and Frances O'Connor's "Manfield Park". In S&S, there are very sad scenes involving unrequited love, quiet suffering (Elinor's and Col. Brandon's) and long illness (Marianne's). Many scenes will make you reach for that box of tissues eg. when the always calm-and-collected Elinor burst into uncontrollable tears the moment she hears the (happy) truth concerning Edward Ferrar's situation, and when Marianne (still lying ill in her bed) thanks Col. Brandon softly (for all his help and kindness).I also admire Alan Rickman's acting. He is perfect as Col. Brandon, a very good man whose love for Marianne is (sadly) unrequited. His love is of the best kind - he doesn't court with (empty) flowery words, instead he displays so much care, concern, lovingness and tenderness by his every look towards Marianne and by his every action to make her well and happy. I was nicely surprised that in the movie, Col. Brandon looks more dashing and handsome than John Willoughby (to me anyway).Kate Winslet's "Marianne" is adorable as well. She sings beautifully and has such grace and beauty that it's no wonder men fell in love with her at first sight.I shall not give away the ending, of course. But for the benefit of any viewer who have not read the novel but wish for a better and more satisfying understanding of the final scene involving Marianne, just remember the following sentence which I quote from the novel:"Marianne could never love by halves."
What an entertaining concert with a sumptuous stage and beautiful lighting, all wonderfully filmed with top-notch camera work and great sound recording! Graced with captivating dance numbers and supported by a group of world-class musicians, dancers and back-up singers, Alizée drowns me in one catchy melody after another, gratifying my soul with her mesmerizing performance, delighting my ears with her sultry voice and feasting my eyes with her angelic face. A bientt, Alizée!
How to direct movies 101. That's a class the director of Soul Survivors should take. When watching, you get a little of everything a bad director brings to the table.Why I even expected Soul Survivors to be any good I don't know. I thought since the cover put the movie in the class of "Urban Legends" and "I know what you did last summer," that it would be a wild ride. So wrong.One of the main problems I have with Soul Survivors is how terribly paced and edited it was. In a span of ten seconds, the movie would jump years, with no explanation until 30 minutes later in the movie. I'm not saying that jumping time quickly is a bad thing, but you need to know the art of doing it before you take on the task. You can't leave the audience in the dark, which is exactly what Stephen Carpenter did.And the acting wasn't all that dandy either. The only reason Casey Affleck was in this movie was because his brother is in the biz. And in every scene he was in, you keep wanting him to clear his throat. The lead actress, Melissa Sagemiller, wasn't too bad, but not that great either.The ending even dipped to a huge cliche. It's not good to end a bad movie with an easy cop-out ending. It's as if they didn't want to put in the time to make it smart and enjoyable.Soul Survivors gets 1 Star for making me want to know what happens at the end, but the reasoning behind that is beyond me. 2 Stars
The Matrix, winning four oscars this year, was very well done. The special effecects were outrageous. The over-all storylines are hard to explain. Even though this movie was rated "R" {for sci-fi violence and minor language} I feel it is appororate for younger viewers. One thing though, there is a part where Ned,{Keanu Reeves} goes into a building with a trench-coat,and under it is a bunch of guns, and he ends up shooting alot,[ well duh!]. To really understand how hard this is to describe, watch it your-self.
This movie operates on so many levels one can watch it over and over again and always find something new. Eastwood does an amazing job of dealing with the myths of the west, making this the most realistic western I've ever seen, and one of my five favorite films of all time. It should have won an award for screenplay too..I think it is as well written as "Chinatown." Definitly worth getting on DVD as the crisp photography adds a lot to the overall film.
I would have given this a single star (or none if possible) except for a few redeeming qualities. Before I rant, I'll admit that it wasn't -all- bad. First, I liked Peter's voice, it captured his spirit very well. Second, I liked John and Michael, very cute. Third, I liked Nana. That's all I liked. Okay, first of all, this movie was NOTHING like the story! The only similarities were the fact that there was a Peter, a Wendy, mermaids, Hook, etc, but none of them seemed to have the same personality as in the book! Wendy was horribly annoying in the movie, and only slightly so in the book. Tinkerbell was portrayed pretty well in this version (spiteful and jealous of Wendy) but they skipped the fact that she mended their differences. In the movie, Peter is a fairly normal type of boy. In the book, he's wonderful, cocky, strong, and smart. The Lost Boys were just very different in the book. In the movie, they were cartoony, stupid, and slow, unlike the book. I agree that the portrayal of the redman was sort of incorrect in the movie, but it wasn't so different in the book. There was respect in both, although I think the visuals were slightly insulting. Hook was also very ugly in the movie, and described as very cold and attractive in the book. Overall, it just insulted me how unlike the book it was. If you loved the book, don't inch near this movie. If you haven't read it, then proceed to this movie...at your own risk!!!
This movie did not fill it's axpectations, it was horible! I'd like to see the producers come up with another one, how in a million years would peter survive if EVERYONE knows it's him?, He doesn't have to be a perfect gentlemen but taking off his mask to everyone he meets, the whole movie was moronic I would of enjoyed it if that weird gravity thing erased people's memory and, that Auto guy could control his arms after all he wasn't even evil!
This is, without a doubt, one of the worst movies I have ever seen. If you want DeNiro, car chases, shoot 'um up at its best, buy "Heat."This was horrible.If I could choose "no star at all" I would.
Sadly, I can't agree with the glowing reviews here. This isn't a movie, it's a series of vaguely related and largely incoherent scenes--David Lynch on a bad day after seeing The Mikado. Kevin Kline shamelessly recycles his "Bottom" from A Midsummer Night's Dream, Brian Blessed is alternatively melancholy for no reason (as the bad duke) and pompous to no purpose (as the good duke). I've read the play many times, and only that allowed me to figure out what was going on--nobody else with whom I saw the movie could tell who was who or what was happening. Even the much-praised cinematography left me cold--this is Shakespeare, not National Geographic. If Ken B. would recognize that he is a very skilled actor and stager of Shakespeare, and stop trying to remake Shakespeare into Fellini, he might again produce the powerfully minimalist work (e.g. Henry V and Much Ado) that made him famous. Until such time, don't buy, rent.
I am extremely dissapointed and very upset to find out today when I received my blu-ray copy of Cinema Paradiso that it is the cut version running 121 minutes and not the original Italian release which runs 155 minutes. Amazon has this item advertised as running 155 minutes which is UNTRUE. I had to open the package and play the disc hoping for the option to play the longer version, only to realize there was no hope. Having already purchased this blu-ray title from Amazon.UK earlier this year, also suffering the same dissapointment, I feel betrayed and will ask Amazon.com to accept my return for a refund. The North American blu-ray release is almost BARE bones, with only the theatrical trailer as a special feature and a terrible, blurry standard definition trailer at that. Only the Italian MONO DTS track is available, with no choice for an English or Spanish track available in the original DVD release. What a waste of 50 G of Bluray disc. What a discredit to such a great film!!! Shame on you LIONSGATE, for releasing such an undeserving blu-ray. So when is the "Director's Cut" blu-ray coming?: I am sure only when enough sales have been made from this release. Wouldn't it have been much more noble to release both versions on this blu-ray, and let the film fan decide which version to watch?. I give this release ONE star, not the movie, which is still one of my all time favorites.
The set arrived on time and was in the condition promised. Plus this is the greatest show of all time and worth every penny. Must have if you are a fan of the show
This video was made before 2001 and the economic crash, so they keep talking about how expensive it all is. Not up to date at all. They need to make a new one. However, they do highlight great things to do.
*What Lies Beneath* continues Hollywood's recent foray into developing respectable horror films and / or ghost stories. This one isn't quite as good as last year's *The Sixth Sense* and *Stir of Echoes*, but it does deliver a handful of quality scares, and the production values are good enough to make the ghostly visitations not look ridiculous.But there's something missing here . . . or perhaps, something ADDED that's unwelcome. Namely, the presence of Big Guns, i.e., A-list actors (Michelle Pfeiffer and Harrison Ford) and an A-list director (Robert Zemeckis). What's ADDED contributes to what's missing, which of course is originality. Or daring. Or the unusual. The presence of million-dollar celebrities almost guarantees that any movie will be conventional, that it will cozy up to safe cliches and well-worn storylines, that it will vastly serve said celebrities' egos, and *What Lies Beneath* is no exception. (Bruce Willis' recent collaborations with the talented M. Night Shyamalan is an exception which merely proves the rule.) Zemeckis certainly pampers his Big Guns in this feature: Pfeiffer and Ford live in a Martha Stewart / Ethan Allan / shabby-chic Vermont, in a Martha Stewart / (etc.) home. Not content to have the main characters be business people or doctors or something, the screenwriters give them glamorous careers: he's a geneticist; she's a former cellist. Pfeiffer's first husband, also a musician, died some years ago, and despite her new marriage to rock-solid Ford, she's a little off-balance . . . i.e., ripe for a visitation from a ghost. Incidentally, I may as well say that the two principals have all the chemistry of two icebergs passing in the night. Mr. Ford continues the non-emotive, rather sullen, muttering style of acting he's lately perfected, and Pfeiffer looks vaguely ticked off and certainly HUNGRY (the woman needs to gain about 10 pounds).OK, so forget the characterizations . . . what about the plot? Well, the less said the better, because the movie delivers a "surprise ending" a la *The Sixth Sense*. I will only say that the "crisis-stretch" not only goes on for too long, but also renders the ghost of the drowned woman that has haunted Pfeiffer's Claire through the whole movie almost irrelevant. You finish this movie saying to yourself, "Was the ghost really necessary?" But that's typical Zemeckis, who favors exciting plots over logical ones.
waste of time and money. all over the place and just plain nonsense. left you with a ???? feeling. guess it was all a prequel to aliens or something. not as action packed as the trailer lead on. avoid this movie.
Just amazing, don't even think twice for buying it , if u dont own one, but it now.
David Lynch is a very skillful director. His use of the moving camera, special effects and use of filters is worthy of Martin Scorsese or Stanley Kubrick. This movie uses all of these skills and really gives us a haunting look at Lynch's vision. The main problem with this movie, however, is the plot. There is none. The film only makes some sense on a subconscious and very ideological level. It barely does that. Unlike Blue Velvet, which was at least a story of coming of age and lost innocence, this movie has no point. Blue Velvet at least made the comparison between the dark world of Rossellini and the pure, sheltered and dull life of Sandie. Lost Highway attempts to deal with Pullman's obsession with his cheating wife. We never really feel that he is that bothered by it. Even as the mechanic, he still says nothing about her. He does not have an opinion on this new woman. This whole film is a character study. Yet the only thing we know about Pullman is that he lives in a synthetic house with a plastic-like wife and sweats a lot. We never get into the emotions or character of the main players. If the movie is going to be this abstract, it needs to deal with an emotion or human predicament; Lost Highway deals with fancy camera angles and Arquette's naked body. It is a Remaking of Blue Velvet with more sex and violence. All of the moments in the end up to nothing. They are just like most of Lynch's work, totally empty.
All right the first time I saw ID4 the effects had me awstruck... as they did to all of us. Beyond that? I found the movie a no-brainer and have to wonder what HG Welles thinks of the obvious rip off from "War of the Worlds". More than likely he's saying, "what the hell am I doing in a coffin?!" My fellow educated sci-fi lovers will recall a virus killed the martians in that book but this round it's a computer virus instead of a biological virus. Welles should get royalties!!!
I really love this movie .......it came so fast .......GREAT service thank you again:)
The first thing I wanted to do after watching this captivating story was to read the book. Usually, I like the book better than the movie but, in this instance, the movie is true to the book and the actors so brilliantly cast that the two complement each other. In particular, the movie was stunningly photographed in England, Italy and elsewhere. The story is powerful and tragic. I heartily recommend both the video and the book.
I have tried to watch this movie at least twice and can't make it through. I get about 75% there and realize the main character is a selfish jerk whom I don't sympathize with at all, and I'm also pretty bored.This is obviously a personal opinion, but as much as I love John Cusack as an actor, I did not like this movie.
Joe Dante kills me. I should have expected a little bit of silliness from the maker of "Gremlins". While not all that scary coming off your TV screen, I could imagine a few frights in the theatre. Worth it for the complete, almost five minutes long transformation of man to werewolf, the numerous in joke props ("Wolf Chili", the appearance of "Howl" by Ginsberg on someones desk) and the full frontal of Angelina Jolie lookalike Elisabeth Brooks. It was better than Carrie.
Band Of Brothers is the finest made-for-tv program I have ever seen.I have to give this a 4 star rating however due to the diffuculty getting the discs loose from the case. I have broken 1 disc holder and fear cracking a disc in the future.
OK, I'm a sentimental sort of soul, but I really did love this Romeo-and-Juliet but without most of the dying movie. The songs are lovely...well, 'Upendi' I found rather...er...random, but hey. It's a Disney movie. 'Love will find a way' is nice, a good successor to 'Can You feel the love tonight'. And 'he lives in you' is beautiful. Better than 'Circle of life' in my opinion.And we get to see the characters all grown up! Simba is the typical overprotective father, but still retains some of his sense of humour. Timon and Pumbaa are there from the start, much to my delight (for some reason, I can't stand them in a movie on their own, but I love them when teamed up with Simba et al). Nala is...well, I wouldn't mind her for my mum. Their daughter Kiara is much like the young Simba, and very sweet.Highlights: Rafiki. What can I say, I love his little chat with Mufasa on the subject of the kids. Zira, Kovu's rather villainous mother, is particularly good (well, evil, but y'know). I also liked 'One of us', sung by the animals of the Pride Lands and added to layer by layer.As Timon and Pumbaa would say:"Love. Not like. Love."
Fight Club might have a repulsive name, but the movie itself is not about fighting, rather the Fight Club is a representation of the natural emotions and feelings that socioty tells us we must never express and the place inside of us where these emotions build up. Its a statement against the falseness and hypocrocy of socioty and the the falseness and hypocrocy of the medie and what they say we must do and what we really want to do. The movie is a study of the reaction humans will give when these fake ideas are imposed on us too much.
Maybe I'll get flack about this, but here's an opinion from an angle I don't see anyone else presenting.Does anyone care what kids are unconsciously learning from movies like this? Yes, Disney did a fine job of blending great animation, music, humour, and plot. But what messages are children learning in this movie?Children love the music in this movie. Just show it to your kid enough times and they'll be going around the house singing the songs and acting out the characters. Three of the most notable songs are windows into the personalities and agendas of the main characters. There's Scar's song when he's singing to the hyenas about how everything will be great when he becomes the new king, and how he's going to achieve this by killing King Mufassa. The whole scene is lifted right out of those old news reels of Hitler addressing the Nazi army, right down to a goose-stepping hyena army. What's a child learning from this behavior? Getting what you want/power through violence.Another main song is "Just Can't Wait to be King", where young Simba sings about how great it will be to finally be king- no one will tell him what to do anymore, he'll do whatever he wants, and order everybody around. This is a great attitude to teach a child who doesn't listen to his/her parents, or who has behavior problems.Another biggie is "Hakuna Matata", (Swahili for "no worries"). Simba's new friends Pumba and Timone counsel the grief-and-guilt-laden Simba not to care about the past, or really anything, or anyone else, just live for yourself, "eat, drink, and be merry..." This is a great one for teaching kids about responsibility, and NOT dealing with real-life issues.Sure, these songs are all done in fun, and yes, in the end, Simba learns what it really means to be a leader (responsibility), and defeats his murderous Uncle Scar, but interestingly, there's no song to reinforce that. Young kids pick up on the attitudes in the individual scenes and songs- defiance, rebelliousness against authority, power through violence, self-centerdness, indifference... Young kids don't have the attention span to connect these attitudes with their consequences.There are several overt tribal spiritual messages in the movie as well, not to mention a couple of violent scenes, which might be too much for some kids.A lot of people will probably think I'm reading too much into this. But young kids are very impressionable, especially when they're engrossed in something like a powerful movie that holds them spellbound.Long story short, it's important to watch TV and videos with your kids, and screen what they watch first. It allows you to see what they are (unconsciously) learning, and correct any ideas you don't want them to imitate. And yes, the endless commercials at the beginning of the DVD are rediculous. I don't think anybody can beat Disney on trying to capitalize on a captive audience.
One of the most dated of all the early 'talkies'. While it is big in scope, hammy acting, bad editing and bad writing are impossible not to notice. One of the film's major flaw is Richard Dix's performance, overly pompous and campy, if you look at it in another way, it's amusing in a campy way, but that certainly wasn't his intention, and that's what's funny. Irene Dunne gives a tolerable performance, but not even that can make the film interesting. Overlong and sometimes challenging to sit through, also some racial aspects might offend some. Only historically valuable. Extras: this was the first western to win 'Best Picture' Oscar, the next one would be 'Dances With Wolves' in 1990. From a scale of 1-10 I give this film a 4!
This movie is awful. I'm not someone who's coming in here saying that action movies blow and that this one is just the worst of the bunch. Oh no. My problem with this lies in the fact that it is a, shall we say, less than faithful adaptation of the comic and that Dolph Lundgren couldn't glimpse into the tortured soul of the man they call the Punisher, a.k.a. Frank Castle, with an electron microscope. Dolph Lundgren lumbers around this picture like a lame horse, completely devoid of the Punisher's seething rage; instead, that rage translates into a blank stare. ... The movie has the Punisher living in the ... sewer and riding a motorcycle. He does neither one in the comic. The fact that this is the only big screen representation of such an awesome character and such a favorite character of mine has haunted me for years. When I walk past this flick on the shelf in a video store or something and I see it, my mood automatically turns sour and I can't help but mumble under my breath in contempt for the butchers who perpetrated such an injustice on this comic. Don't bother with this movie if you are looking for a good adaptation of the comic. If you are either an action fan, or one of the lobotomized few who are actually devoted Dolph Lundgren fans, go right ahead.I hope to God that they decide to make another movie of the Punisher and bury this one underground. If they do, they should make sure to get someone who can do the action thing as well as ACT, get a director who knows what the hell he is doing, and maybe just go ahead and follow the exact storyline of the more recent Garth Ennis trade paper back "Welcome Back, Frank." That right there is the formula for doing this charcter true cinematic justice.
If you had to see one horror movie brfore you died, you should choose this one. You'll be thankful THAT YOU DIDN'T DIE LIKE THEY DID.
I have loved this movie for years but was disappointed in the horrible quality of this DVD. Unfortunately there is not a decent DVD of this movie on the market. The film quality is so bad that the movie is really painful to watch! I hope someone is able to correct this situation and produce a quality DVD of this movie. Spencer Tracy, Elizabeth Taylor and the rest of the cast give a loving and funny portrayal of bringing a baby into the world. I will miss not having it in my film library and will rely on catching it on TCM when I can.
We recently had a baby we've named Oliver. His two-year old brother has enjoyed learning the tunes to "Oom PaPa". This is a classic we want our children to be familiar with. Pretty good product, considering the price. Fun for kids. We ordered several copies for gifts.
Hard Boiled is every action fans dream come true. Quite possibly the greatest action film of past years,it encompasses everything that an action film should be. Chow Yun Fat gives a brilliant performance as the vengeful yet charismatic cop who lets nothing stand in the way of his own personal (and yet justified?) revenge on the criminal world of the Triad. Jam-packed with tons o' gun fights and people getting cut down to bloody ribbons,the movie has some of the most extreme action sequences you are likely to see and is extremely well-paced. While most fans will suggest the hospital shoot-out finale as the milestone of the movie,I myself found the opening tea house shoot-out equally as entertaining and mesmerizing (though I do also admire the finale). One can't help but be almost hypnotized by the brutal yet beautifully filmed cinematography of John Woo's films,as he is a truly visionary film-maker and one of a kind. Hard Boiled is a classic that should be in every action fans film library. And if this film isn't in your collection,do yourself a favor and buy it. Don't even rent it. Just buy it. You will not be disappointed,and if you are,I question your definition of "action."
The main selling point of this DVD is that it stars Mel Gibson. This has to be one of Gibson's very first films - even before the ROAD WARRIOR movies. The shot of Gibson that is on the cover is dated much later than the young, skinny actor who appears in this movie. Also, Gibson only has a supporting role in the film. To surmise that he's the leading actor would be incorrect.Not a whole lot happens with the plot, so they seemingly stretch just about every scene out to make it "feature length." They also throw in a lot of scenes apparently at random without any thought to story cohesion.Of course, the film is also about as low budget as low-budget movies get. I swear at times I thought I was watching a film made by a bunch of high schoolers. The picture quality is pretty rough - even by 1970s standards.The only people who just might like to pick up this DVD are die-hard Gibson fans. There are those who might enjoy seeing him in a movie filmed in his native Australia where he still has his thick native accent. So, with that in mind, there are perhaps some who might find some nostalgia in buying this one.If Gibson had not starred in this movie, I very much doubt it would have ever made it to DVD in the 1st place. This is an obscure movie, and clearly there is a REASON it's obscure: it's dull, bland & boring!
Oops, I meant 'tres chick.' The movie cuts back and forth between pairs of friends centuries apart, one in the time when Chinese women's feet were bound, the other in the current day. Back then, social norms very nearly created segregated worlds for men and women, especially in the upper classes. As a result, friendships between women had a special closeness.Despite the lovely actresses, especially Bingbing Li, the story came across as inert. I didn't gain insight from comparing the two friendships, and that's really all the movie tried to offer. If you love "relationships" movies, then Snow Flower might suit you. I'm a guy who likes guy movies, though, and this was too chicky for me.-- wiredweird
Rocky III is a close second with Mr. T's performance. All are a sure thing.
I'm a HUGE fan of Carpenter's early work, everything from ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13, CHRISTINE, THE FOG, and his magnum opus, HALLOWEEN. So when I picked up THEY LIVE and saw that Rowdy Roddy Piper starred, I knew I couldn't call myself a Carpenter fan without popping this in for a viewing. I sat back and looked forward to taking in more Carpenter goodness.The result? A movie that takes a long time to get going, has only one standout acting performance, and displays some really lame effects.We watch Piper's character drift into town and apply for work, shelter up in a homeless community, chance upon a construction job, chat with the homeless residents, go back to the job, etc. Some 30-40 minutes later the movie finally kicks into gear. It was hard for me to stay interested for this long without anything really happening, but the promise of aliens and action compelled me to persevere. The highpoint in all of this was Keith David, who plays Piper's fellow homeless/construction worker friend. The man acted circles around everyone else in this movie. The other actors, however, come off as wooden, more like actors TRYING to act. Because they couldn't imbue their characters with much of any real emotion, I didn't sympathize with them nor really care what happened to them. And the effects are pretty low-grade, more of the B-movie variety. There's not a whole lot of difference between the effects in ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 (1976) and THEY LIVE (1988). As you could guess, the lack of more sophisticated effects sets this movie back to, well about 1976.I must say that I loved the ending (which I won't give away), but my investment in the finale was lessened by the slow beginning and poor quality of the movie's middle. If you like cheesy B-movie fun, then rent THEY LIVE. If you want serious action and fear, rent something from the beginning of Carpenter's career, like HALLOWEEN or CHRISTINE.
This movie was horrific!! Have you seen it? Why would you say it's not THAT bad? It's incredibly silly, the plot is full of holes and it is not entertaining. Superman 1 & 2 were great movies, but this one was garbage....like they tried to turn the franchise into a cheesy comedy that makes no sense. It's garbage. Anyone who says different has an incredibly low standard for their movie watching, and it's people like that who lazy directors and writers create for--a.k.a 50% of the movies that are produced today.
Better then the original DVD quality. Was so happy when they released this on blu ray. Love the halloween series. The colors and sound make the movie look almost brand new.
Matrix is the first movie that I loaded into my new DVD player. The visuals and sound tracks far surpassed the VHS movies that I am used to. The movie is fast paced, and a startling concept. I've watched the movie six times and have not found any glaring future-tech blunders that usually ruin these types of movies. I find Matrix to be a very satisfying future/sci/tech movie that I highly recommend.
Just when you forgot the first "Sniper" movie, you get a sequel starring the original star Tom Berenger. I don't say the first one is a masterpiece, but still engaging because of the minute descriptions of the military snipers and their jobs, helped by flashy camera works Instead of Billy Zane, you see Bookeem Woodbine, and beautiful Hungarian Erika Marozsan.Tom Berenger's character Thomas Becket, now retired and 50 years-old, is lured back to the suicide mission to sneak into some unnamed Eastern Europe country, where a certain general is suspected leading a genocide plan. To stop this, he and a guy from a Death Row is sent there. With a help from "Sofia" they have to "remove" the target."Sniper 2" is shot in Hungary, and shows some decent action scenes. It tries to show some surprising twists in its rather simple plot; it also has the merit of Hungarian locales.But the film is not good. Tom Berenger and other cast give us convincing acting, but the story is often confusing. The film goes back and forth between the two places -- American HQ and the European country -- and there is very little sense of suspence. This is simply because we do not know what the heroes of the film want to do after the inital mission, which itself is not credible or exciting at all. The "surprise" you see is just making the whole film worse, because we don't see the need of it.I liked Erika Marozsan, who was stunning in little-seen film "Gloomy Sunday" and that's why I watched this film. Here she is wasted, and when she exits from the story, she just goes, without any emotional impact. She just leaves from the scene, as if going home for lunch. It is incredible, but she really wanted to go home, being tire on the set.And please. What ever happened to Tom Berenger, Oscar nominee in "The Platoon." I don't think it is a good move for him to do this kind of film, or a sequel no one remembers. He is good even in this straight-to-video B-film, showing menace and charm at the same time. He deserves a much better film.
Ordered new from Amazon - was shrink wrapped, but no security seal and when put in DVD player it started mid movie. Played fine, but feel mis-led by Amazon
Thank goodness this was on sale, or we'd feel robbed!If you loved the filming technique born in the Godfather in the scene where he's being "sensitive" and "religious" simultaneously as his unholy goons are killing some poor smuck who didn't toe their line, you'll adore this.If you'd like to believe a propaganda film, which presents the Jamestown settlers as rapacious, evil, loud-mouthed, quarrelsome, fools, when not engaged in being self-rightous, idealistic bigots, and spend the whole movie trying to determine who anyone among them was, other than Captain John Smith, the only one given a name, you'll adore this.And, if you think the American Indians were like "frightened, curious deer," (said of them by one of the Englishmen, during one of the few pieces of dialog), when not otherwise engaged in "modern" dance style, as they talk with their hands and arms gracefully, gratefully, outstretched either to their God of the sky, or down to their God of the river, and who apparently spoke primarily to each other and everyone else in sign language, (though they thought in plain English), when not engaged with speers, clubs, and tomahawks, or burning the settlers' corn crop and housing, in trying to drive them away, this may be your movie of the year.And, if you'd like to see the Pawhatan Indians portrayed semi-naked, as though they were tatooed all over, in Mohawk Indian hair style, this may be your cup of tea.We gave it ample time, but it never changed, except from bad to worse, and from boring to more so. The only thing we could find good about it was its surround sound, lots of little bird and wind sounds, though the music was not particularly appropo of anything going on. As for scenery, if you want to see truly gorgeous scenery, coupled with a gripping, fast moving story, much truer to American history, see "The Last of the Mohicans."The video box says, "Magnificent and Epic." If you want magnificent and epic, see the above, or see "The Mission." Don't waste your time on The New World.
What a mess. I'm not even Catholic, but the two or three molecules of this too-too solid flesh were annoyed and insulted by this movie's take on the Pope and Church and all that.Even if you don't agree with the Catholic doctrine of priestly celibacy (and I don't), it's hard to find sympathy for the hero/priest when he discards his collar for a suicidal nutjob of a girlfriend. Her backstory was too jumbled. He'd exorcized her but--did he really? She tried to kill him before--or had she tried after the exorcism?But by then we're trying to make out what the heck is going on with the current story.Am I really supposed to believe that the second-in-line-to-be-Pope Peter Weller keeps an evil Black Mass party hall under the Vatican itself? (I know it's a little detail, but in supernatural thrillers, good ones anyway, the devil is in the details).The whole concept of a "sin eater" is intriguing, but the movie gets bizarre and confusing and really uninteresting as it goes on. The characters all end up muddled at cross purposes. Why didn't they do anything with those devil kids from the first half? Does ANYONE know what they're talking about in the second half? Can the tubby sidekick priest get anymore obnoxious with his chain-smoking, drinking and cussing?What does God have to say about a process that slips unworthy souls into his kingdom?THE ORDER is a "supernatural thriller" that forgot to include the supernatural beyond a couple of horror movie cliches.They stepped into a cathedral and looked up to see only a ceiling.
"Nothing you can't fix."- Last line of the movie (Bacall to Bogart)- The Big SleepHaving just discovered Raymond Chandler with the recent reading of The Big Sleep; I decided to hunt down the movie versions. I started with the Bogart/Bacall version and was not disappointed. Since I did a complete review of the novel on Amazon, I will not discuss the plot again here but will simply focus on the movie itself which was splendid despite it being in black and white.This was really a terrific movie extremely well done by Howard Hawks and Jack Warner. There were three writers assigned to do the script writing for this film including the renowned American writer William Faulkner, crime novelist Leigh Brackett and Jules Furthman.The film actually had two versions and had sat around for a year and a half before being released. There were many reasons for the delay. The movie was done between October 10, 1944 and January 12, 1945. But because World War II was ending the studio wanted to get released those films that had a war theme first to not lose out in being able to release these films once the war was officially over. The other reason had to do with the leading lady Lauren Bacall. She had a great release with To Have and To Have Not but her second film Confidential Agent received dismal reviews. It was crucial to get it right in this third film or the investment that the studio had made in Bacall might never be realized.Somehow she acquired a new agent named Charles K. Feldman who also managed many well known and established stars when he took on this ingenue. He watched the pre-release version of the movie and was struck that if certain things did not change in the movie and that if some scenes were not redone the end result for Bacall would not have been positive. Feldman wrote a letter to Jack Warner asking that the veil scene and that other Bogart/Bacall scenes be strengthened and rewritten showing her as the sassy and insolent young star that had endeared her to so many with her performance in To Have and To Have Not.Jack Warner listened and did not release the film until the changes had been made which ensured the marketability of his new ingenue Bacall. It was not much later that a 45 year old Bogart married the 20 year old Bacall. In this DVD, special features highlight the comparisons between the 1945 and 1946 versions featuring Robert Gitt of UCLA analyzing the scene differences between the two versions. This was extremely interesting and even the original letter from Feldman was shown along with the footage.Dorothy Malone played a fabulous girl in the bookshop and Martha Vickers was quite believable as the wild and crazy Carmen Sternwood. I cannot think of anyone who could have played a finer and truer Philip Marlowe than Humphrey Bogart. Absolute perfection in that role. Bacall did a good job as Vivian Sternwood; but for me it was Bogart who stood out. However, the chemistry was apparent between Bacall and Bogart and you could see how Bogart felt about the young Bacall when he looked at her on screen.I was thrilled with the viewing and would recommend it highly. The only thing that maybe other folks found endearing or maybe the audience at the time enjoyed it was the constant ear pulling by Bogart. I guess that was meant to be one of Marlowe's traits. I seem to have forgotten that detail from the book; but maybe I missed it or maybe it was a trait that was written in by the directors. I thought it was overdone, but it did not detract one smidgen from the greatness of the performances and the entertainment level of the film.Great choice for a rainy afternoon in front of the fire. And the ending line "Nothing you can't fix" is a fitting and memorable finale to this long awaited classic.Bentley/2007The Big Sleep
This is one terrific cast in one exciting story. Many may complain that it is unrealistic or the ending is too contrived, yet I challange any producer,director, or author, in present day HOLLYWOOD to do any better than this. Action, adventure, espionage, even some romance, this will take you back to the golden age of entertainment. This movie rates favorably with the "GUNS OF NAVARONE", which is an excellent film in it's own right. I particularly enjoyed DUVALL's and CAINE's performances. Higgins must be proud of this interpretation of his finest novel.
The problem with trying to describe this movie is coming up with the right adjectives. Words like flashy, colorful, gaudy and flat keep coming to mind; but the essential fault with "There's No Business Like Show Business," directed by Walter Lang, can best be summed up by borrowing a line or two from Ernest L. Thayer's immortal poem, "Casey At the Bat," which ends with the lines, "But there is no joy in Mudville, Mighty Casey has struck out." Because, what this movie lacks-- and it's hard to fathom why-- is joy. Like Casey, it strikes out, big time. And it's a shame. It's like having all of the resources to construct the most magnificent building the world has ever seen, including the greatest architects available, and the contractor ends up with a hut a child could've made out of tinker toys. There's a story here, of course, but it's obvious that the main intention of the project was to showcase the talents of the stars and some very mediocre songs by Irving Berlin, and to dazzle the audience by filling the wide screen with brilliant, colorful images (CinemaScope was the latest, greatest rage at the time, and the studios wanted to make the most of this revolutionary technological advancement). Someone should have reminded the filmmakers that what they were filling that screen with counted, as well.The story begins in 1919, whereupon we are introduced to the Vaudeville team of Molly and Terence Donahue (Ethel Merman and Dan Dailey). The next few years are touched upon briefly as Molly and Terry add three children to their family, as well as their act; the toddlers hit the stage with mom and dad almost as soon as they make their entrance into the world. The story begins in earnest when the youngest Donahues hit legal age, or there abouts. "The Five Donahues" include eldest son, Steve (Johnnie Ray), daughter Katy (Mitzi Gaynor) and the youngest, Tim (Donald O'Connor). They get bookings and do shows, and eventually cross paths with a wanna-be performer, hat check girl Vicky (Marilyn Monroe) who, after Tim falls hard for her, gets her big break and begins her rise to fame. The road for all concerned is not smooth, of course, but not to worry-- there's plenty of singing and dancing to go around, and meanwhile Steve surprises everyone with a personal life choice, Tim falls into a jealous funk and Katy meets the handsome Charles Biggs (Hugh O'Brian). And along the way, Molly and Terry find out what parents have known since the beginning of time: Raising kids is no picnic. But at least they have singing and dancing and singing and...For the first fifteen minutes or so of the film-- or maybe longer; it seems MUCH longer-- we are "treated" to Molly and Terry's Vaudeville act. And about five minutes of Merman's singing should be enough for anyone; her voice fairly grates on the senses. After this extended opening the film moves along, but seems flat and stays that way until Monroe makes her entrance. Once she's on, the screen belongs to her; but it's still not enough to save the day. She does, however, contribute the single memorable number to the show, "We're Havin' A Heat Wave." But her "Lazy" number is just that, and not even the contributions of O'Connor and Gaynor can help it.The production numbers suffer from poor staging, uninspired choreography and some of the worst costumes you're likely to ever find in a movie. Even the best song the film has to offer, "Alexander's Ragtime Band," (done terrifically by Alice Faye in the movie of that title) is terribly abused here, presented in a lengthy and contrived manner that is beyond repair. Even "Heat Wave" was saved only because of Monroe, whose sensuous delivery outweighs the actual blandness of the number. And the costumes for the grand finale, especially, are embarrassingly ridiculous (and quickly take the "grand" out of it)-- particularly the white dress Merman wears while delivering the title song; a creation so horrendous it defies description. Overall, it's a sad commentary on the lack of originality and quality of the film when the likes of Monroe, Gaynor and especially O'Connor can't even save it, even though individually and collectively they do have their moments; the problem is those moments are just too few and far between.The one believable aspect of the film is the casting of Merman as a Vaudeville star; and after seeing her "act," there is no longer any mystery as to what killed Vaudeville. If this is a sample of the real thing, talking pictures had nothing to do with it's demise. It simply inevitably imploded. The burning question that remains is, how in the world did Ethel Merman ever become a star? And what about Johnnie Ray? A relatively successful recording artist with a unique style, he was nevertheless dreadfully miscast in this film. Frequently asked why he made only this one movie, he would reply, "Because I was never asked to do another one." Which is quite understandable; he could sing, but he simply could not act. And it's hard to discern whether it was just the part or his acting that made his character seem so ludicrous.The supporting cast includes Richard Eastham (Harris), Frank McHugh (Eddie), Rhys Williams (Father Dineen) and Lee Patrick (Marge). With a cast including the likes of O'Connor, Monroe and Gaynor, and with songs by Berlin, "There's No Business Like Show Business" inherently promises great things, but fails to deliver. There's no getting around the fact that in the end it's a lackluster, forgettable contribution to a genre known for liveliness and joy. Not the least bit satisfying, it is perhaps the biggest misfire in the history of movie musicals. And it leaves you with a single, burning question that demands to be asked: Where's Gene Kelly when you need him?
I have always heard stories and seen pictures from two close friends of mine. They were real bartenders in Studio 54. Onc has a Cameo in the movie. This movie captured the real feeling of the legend or Studio 54. There will never be another Night Club know around the world. This movie gives you a peak at what made this club great.
Let me start this review by saying I went into this movie thinking it might be pretty good, I was excited to see Cillian Murphy because I love the man, but coming out of this film I was in complete shock at how good it was.The thing that makes this thriller so great, is that unlike most of the movies made under the genera, the first half doesn't suffer to make the final half that much more shocking/amazing. This movie had me hooked from the start until the end without wasting a moment. Each scene was tense and did its job. The concept alone was enough to get me interested but they throw curve ball after curve ball to keep you that much more invested and it worked without fault. Nothing in the movie felt at all cheesy or forced. It had a very natural flow about it.Now if you have heard anything about the movie you probably know that some people are loving the ending and others are hating the ending. I am without a doubt one of the people who love it. Not just "the reveal" was amazing but the whole final 10-15 minutes was phenomenal and memorable. It felt real and very satisfying.So please see this movie. It deserves so much more credit then its getting and I hope you will be able to see the movie for what it is and truly appreciate it like I do.
This movie is not good/bad; it's just plain bad. "Jailbait," as a term, which normally means an underage girl, here means a handgun possessed by a parolee! This film has none of the charm of Plan Nine or even Bride of the Monster. It's just bad. It looks like amateur home movies of a community theater rehearsal. Unless you are committed to seeing every Ed Wood travesty, this one you should probably pass up. It's a stinker.
I first saw this movie on VHS back in the early 90s. It was so horrible, I remember my buddy and I were almost sick with laughter. Many reviews talk about the bad editing job on the DVD - but I remember the VHS version being just as horrible, which made the movie even more halarious. I'm sort of glad the swearing & nudity are gone so that I can show this sad piece to my son. I can't wait to see the jet-pack scene with his afro-fitted helmet.
Jean-luc godard's first major motion picture, BREATHLESS, is still known to this date for being one of the most influential films of all time. It has a serious plot, but very comedic undertones and that's what this director and these actors could not capture. They took everything that was unique and original in Breathless and still would be to this day, and they painted a soap opera picture over it with over-dramatized acting and unnecessary suspense.whoever made this is a moron.
This is a monumental letdown. Historically a hodgepodge of half truths and theories about the crimes long out of style.Depp's character is absurd and bears no resemblence to the actual Scotland Yard inspector he was portraying. Quite possibly the worst Jack the Ripper film ever made, a pity since it will now be years before anyone else with some money attempts to get it right. The real story is right there for the taking if Hollywood is ever interested---which it probably won't be. Not only is this an awful movie, it's a boring one as well.
Jim Carrey was brilliant in his role as Truman Burbank, the star of the Truman Show. This was Carrey's finest performance in his for the most part great career. (The Cable Guy stunk. Bad.) Without a doubt, the Truman Show is the most original movie I have seen. (EDtv is a Truman Show wannabe) Burbank was adopted by a tv corporation and had his entire life aired. The ending is no surprise, but that doesn't stop the enjoyment. If you haven't seen this movie, please do. You don't know what you're missing.
OK, blah, blah, blah, we all love Lost in Space. I think most people can guess that or they wouldn't be reading this. Second, where did this $80 price tag come from for the first season COMPLETE box set? I got mine from Best Buy the day it came out for $50. Third, one set or two for season two, who really cares? Obviously Fox is trying to worm a few more dollars out of the fans on this one which is just a fact of life these days and all of us blah blahs are going to pay it anyway no matter what so shut up. The big question here is are there going to be any commentaries, featurettes or documentaries included on this set since season one didn't have anything worth mentioning? I met the entire surviving cast of the show back in February of this year and they all said they had not been asked to participate on the DVDs even though they would love to. I can live without any other extras and having this split up into two sets and having to pay a premium for it FOX, but it is criminal of you not to take advantage of these wonderful people sharing their memories of making this great series. Pony up or pound sound!
stick it to those fox execs by purchasing the last production season of the best show the network ever aired (and swiftly cancelled)!no shortage of laughs here, but this season also has a new abundance of emotion and depth, with many episodes ending in heartwarming or even tear-jerking (if you let down your guard enough to cry at an animated sitcom) final scenes. the animation style isn't really any different than the first three seasons, since futurama was already pretty well developed by the time it aired, but this show certainly presents the most stunning visuals and expert colorization of any animated sitcom to date (as far as this guy knows).by far the greatest thing about this DVD and the entire futurama DVD set in general is the commentary. billy west and john dimaggio are as funny as their fictional counterparts (fry & bender). even the writers, directors and producers (notably david x. cohen) are full of funny and interesting comments.let's not forget that this DVD set also has the most comical and involved animated menus i've ever seen.a must for any animation buff's collection.
After years of legal wrangling, ANNIE GET YOUR GUN is finally available on video and it was worth the wait. Those who watched the reclusive Betty Hutton interviewed recently by Robert Osborne on Turner Classic Movies will recall Hutton's recollection of the cast's rudeness to her during the filming. Indeed, she called it the worst experience of her life and cited it as the major reason for her retirement from picture making. According to Hutton, MGM didn't even invite her to the premiere in New York. Knowing that, it is difficult to watch her performace as Annie Oakley without noting the vulnerability of her portrayal. Yes, she is broad and hammy but she delivers the goods in one of the most enjoyable MGM musicals I've ever seen. What a treat to have it back, not only for film buffs but for budding film scholars to study as part of the canon of the Freed Unit's many celebrated achievements. The added goodies are also intriguing. Whatever Garland's personal demons, we now have irrefutable evidence that her Annie would have been a disaster. Hutton has the energy and the spunk for this larger than life character of the Old West.
It has been many years since I first saw The Shining, and we decided to rent it the other night to watch it again. I had forgotten what an incredibly slow, boring movie this is. Maybe we've just gotten used to faster-paced, "jump scare" horror movies, but everything in The Shining seems to be moving through thickly congealed Jell-O. Just when it starts to pick up, you're cut away to some boring scene, like having to watch the cook go through all the steps of being on the plane, chatting with his friend, renting a snow cat, etc. Maybe it was supposed to build suspense, but by the end of the movie, two out of four of our party watching were sound asleep. The little boy screeching "red rum" made us burst out laughing. If it wasn't for the constantly intruding, over-the-top soundtrack, you wouldn't even know how to feel about what's going on. Fortunately, we have a strident orchestra to tell us to "Be scared here!" or "This is supposed to be odd!" Jack Nicholson's performance is still really good, and I can appreciate the cinematography as the camera looks down long, supposedly ominous hallways, and I also appreciate that The Shining broke ground for horror movies yet to come. Worth watching for the cultural references, if nothing else.
Thoroughly odd and engaging. I'm with other reviewers on the series being off the grid. It's sufficiently kaleidoscopic to defy classification. But the tale does stay with you.My take: it's partly rooted in the Six Feet Under mode, along with undercurrents from Being There (Peter Sellers). There's an element of Parsifal in the mix also. Spot on script and acting.Perhaps John could be better reviewed by a Jungian. It is, though, well worth seeking out.
I enjoyed this movie. It is a bit dated, but okay. However, I downloaded it to my PC, and I was not impressed with the quality.To be fair, it does not look like a great deal of effort was put into this release, but the download to my PC was not very good. It was not my PC. I have Windows 7 64 bit with 8 gigs of RAM, and my monitor is a 24" 1080p LED. The video way choppy none the less.
This movie certainly gave us a very vivid idea of what the Jewish people had to go through during the time that the Nazis tried to eliminate them. It's hard to believe that one human being would treat another human being the way they did. Let's hope that we can learn a lesson from this and not see another episode like this happen again.
Well, I just finished watching Demonlover the Director's Cut and read all the reviews here and I didn't see that anyone picked it apart the way I saw it so I'll have to do it myself. A lot people mentioned Lynch. I didn't see that. What I saw was, possibly, a guy who was reworking three of his favorite movies. First was Wages of Fear and the way he used the "three language trans world feel" and the forever throat cutting approach and second was Lost in Translation with that slick, aloof Metro disconnection style of cinematography. You've seen it now in everything from Taxi Driver to The Bourne Identity and a hundred others. Thirdly and most importantly, this is a reworking of Videodrome with a very little bit of eXitenZ thrown in. Instead of seeing from Max's viewpoint though, we're seeing it from Harlan's(I hope I got his name right), Max's assistant. I think it's a less interesting point of view, though. The porn and it's restrictions, the double dealings, things not being what they seem to be, the S&M; and subsequent personal involvement in it and even the murder sequence could be compared to one: waking up in bed with the older woman associate and secondly to the assassination (?) of Max's partners. You could even say there's a little Tron there if you look hard enough right at the end. Mostly though, it's Videodrome and if there's any chance you haven't seen it and you happen to think this is a good movie, then you better watch Videodrome and see what great filmmaking is really about.Now I love Eraserhead, Santa Sangre, Videodrome, The Hudsucker Proxy, Spider, Belle de Jour, Saragosa Manuscript, Fellini's Satyricon, Amores Perros, 21 Grams and any number of complicated, even convoluted movies so when I say I think this is a waste of time it's not because I couldn't follow it. Incidentally, those other movies I mention are all must see films, if you haven't already.I'll very easily illustrate a simple reason why it's not so good. I've never seen Gina Gershon, no matter how crappy the role was, ever be anything but a joy to watch. I wasn't even sure it was her I was watching. I missed her name in the opening credits and she was so dull I didn't think it was her for a while. In fact I wasn't positive it was her till I read the other reviews. I glanced at the closing credits just long enough to get the name of the star with the bad (b..b) job. And what about the shot of Chloe lying naked on the bed playing video games. Was that just for the director? The description of the sex scene by Inframan is a hoot and is another clear example of poor direction in this trite meandering mess.The reason I gave it two stars instead of one is it does have enough style to keep you watching and hoping. But it in doing so it becomes pretentious and that's pretty hard to be in these times.
When I saw this listed, I was thrilled. First the old Galactica, now Buck Rogers...when I saw the price, I ordered it immediately:)It was really great to sit down and pop these into the DVD player and (ironically) go back in time with Buck Rogers. This was one of my absolute favorites from my preteen years, and when we were all out on the playground and everyone else was Han Solo or Luke Skywalker, I wanted to be Buck Rogers! He was cool, he was funny, and he had all the pretty girls!!!Watching this as an adult, I see that it really WAS a good show---granted, the plots were pretty standard, die-cut fare, but with the star power that they managed and the delivery from the principal actors, it was still always a pleasure to watch. Buck wasn't your typical hero for the day; he was very Indiana Jones-ish, often finding himself in a bind he had to work his way out of, but always with a cool confidence and a failure-is-not-an-option attitude. I appreciated that then, and still do now. (Plus, the pretty girls are STILL there...Erin Grey in those costumes that someone obviously spray-painted on her before each episode was absolutely gorgeous...but she was also a strong, commanding character...very nice to see).The first season was better and longer than the second, as a format change seemed to draw some of the steam out of the earlier storyline...it was still enjoyable, but just not quite the same.The picture and sound are outstanding (although I agree with other reviewers that some extras would have been nice; cast interviews or commentaries would have been very awesome here), and if you never saw the theatrical cut (which I had not) of the pilot, be prepared for the most ludicrous and positively hilarious opening credits you have ever seen!If you're an old school sci-fi hound like me, you can't miss this. If you're a nostalgia buff and into older shows from the 70s and 80s, you can't go wrong with this one for the money.I recommend it highly regardless; it's great family entertainment and a whole lot of fun sci-fi adventure goodness:)
I have read the books and listened to the audiobooks (so amazingly performed by Jim Dale - who needs a movie?) many, many, MANY times. I am addicted to Harry Potter. The books have a magical quality that I did not expect the movie to convey, but I didn't really expect the movie to be awful. It was awful. Wretched, in fact.The acting was just terrible and the casting... My lord, who came up with these actors? Aside from Hermione, Professor McGonigal, Professor Snape (and in the later movie, Lucius Malfoy), this movie was just terribly cast. Who decided that Ron was a bumbling idiot? What happened to Harry's relentlessly messy hair and, when exactly was it, that the moviemakers decided he should be a cocky little snot? Hermione was both well-cast and well-portrayed, but sadly they took out her best scenes.The story was choppy and so badly cut that the movie made no sense - why did Harry suspect Snape of trying to steal the Stone? Snape hadn't done anything yet! I am filled with sorrow that something with so much potential was so badly mishandled.Fortunately, Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets was a bit better. The terrible casting persists, of course - as it must - but the story held together and the special effects were dramatic without being overdone. If the trend continues, movie three ought to be quite good.
amidst john carpenter's other cult classics (the thing, halloween, big trouble in little china, assault on precinct 13), escape from new york is probably in my opinion one of the most memorable. not for its storyline (which is a touch cliched), but for its atmosphere. carpenter has always had a talent for creating an atmosphere, he did it in the thing with its cold antarctic setting, and with big trouble in little china with its underground chinatown setting, and here with a "post-apocolyptic" new york setting. kurt russel is in fine form here, not only physically but acting-wise especially. he says fewer lines than one might expect from a protagonist, but his expression and use of eyes (like ive mentioned several times before) is very commendable. van kleef does a good job here as well. much better than its "sequel", escape from l.a. (though i did like that film better than most, since i am a major carpenter fan). a must-buy for carpenter fans or russel fans!
Dumbo came in a very timely fashion still in its original packaging. I was very pleased. Starting a Disney collection, and to get these DVDs for less than$50 is amazing because that's how much the platinum editions are when released from the vault.
This is just one of those classic surf movies - innocence, wanderlust, adventure, youth re-lived. Perfect for a rainy winter afternoon. Classic Bruce Brown. When making "Into the Wind" (perhaps a modern version of Endless Summer or, at least a movie with similar traits and aspirations) producer Chris Page and myself (writer) would ask ourselves, What would Bruce Brown do? Our answer is our movie.
This movie is an insult to Alfred Hitchcock. Do not waste your time or money seeing this movie. Chrstopher Reeve cannot hold a candle to James Stewart.
This movie has nothing to do with the michael myers serial killings!And magical masks that make your head explode?What the hell?This movie sucks bad.
Fun movie that can be watched anytime during the year even though it is during the Christmas season because of its "moral of the story" ending. This modern day family has many mean-spirited comments to members of all ages within this household. As chaos appears during an overseas vacation departure, one son is forgotten and left at home. At first, he loves the freedom of not having his family around as he experiences many fun adventures by himself but as time passes, he realizes how much they all mean to him even though they have their differences. Once the family frantically heads back home to reunite with the forgotten son and brother, all members come to appreciate what and who they have within their family unit. A fun watch and delivered amazingly fast by Amazon, one of my all time favorite company's!!
Like many fans of the D&D; game, I looked forward to the D&D; movie with eager anticipation. Would it be based on Forgotten Realms? Dragonlance? Spelljammer maybe? But no, the movie was set in an original world, apparently unrelated to the published settings the gamers are most familar with. "That's not so bad" I thought, "A lot of original campaigns are very imaginative and compelling." Unfortunately, this movie was neither.The low points of this movie have been repeated again and again by other reviewers, but I echo them as valid. The characterization was abominable. Birch's empress was screechy and pouty, hardly giving the impression of a strong ruler with revolutionary ideas. Irons' villian was embarrassingly hammy. The dwarf is so poorly characterized he doesn't even seem to have a name, he is simply known as "the dwarf." The worst perfomance, however, was handed in by Wayans. His cowardly, incompetent "comic relef" harkened back to the African-American stereotypes featured in movies from the 30's and 40's. All he needed to say was "yassa" or "feets don't fail me now." to complete the picture.The worst thing about this movie, however, was how the writers gave a token nod to the game without capturing any of its depth or details. Fans of the game are supposed to recognize the beholder in one scene which is employed as a watchdog (and an incompetent one at that). An audience member who would recognize a beholder, however, would also realize how ridiculous it is for one to occupy that role! Likewise the dragons are basically an effect on the screen. We are given no hint that dragons posses personalities, intelligence or any sense of granduer. The movie basically treats them as flying war machines.I could go on and on about the movies' difficiencies, including the sloppy editing and the plot which perfectly fails to draw the viewers in, but that would be belaboring the point. Suffice it to say that this movie is best forgotten, except by those who are convinced that D&D; is a tool of Satan. I advise them to show their flocks this movie, as it gives the venerable hobby a very bad name.
Excellent in every way. Great, swift shipping and packaging. Item as described. These are excellent movies for one and all.
Directed on autopilot, this is one of the more boring entries in the Nightmare on Elm Street series. Freddy is invading the dreams of the unborn child of Lisa Wilcox. It maybe sounds interesting but it isn't. That's cause the thin script has enough in it to make a shortfilm but not a feature. There is no story, just a lot of special effects. But the special effects are good so I give this 2 stars.
So many romantic comedies out there are fun to watch but are "other-worldly". They involve princes, or people on islands, or gorgeous women that nobody seems to notice. It's amazingly refreshing to watch a movie like this one, where real, down-to-earth people go through all the back and forth uncertainty that's involved in a *real* romance.Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan are simply perfect in their roles as long time friends that don't seem well matched, but are drawn to each other. I'm sure just about every person alive has gone through that questioning about someone that's been a friend for a while - would it work? Would it not work? Is it worth risking the friendship? The situations are all ones that are immediately easy to relate to.You get to see the characters change over time, you get to see them adjust their feelings, and wonder and hope and dream. This is definitely a movie that you can watch over and over again, because it's *real*. I highly recommend it.
This movie has the best performances I've ever seen by some of these actors. Al Pacino and Jack Lemmon were the best. There's no action, no sex,no violence, and no intended comedy, even though a lot of the dialog is hilarious. It's about a day in the life of some real estate sellers, most of whom are at a low point. All this information would normally persuade someone to skip this movie, but it is definitely worth the couple of dollars it takes to rent it. Al Pacinor Jack Lemmon should have got an academy award for their performances. Maybe the same for Alec Baldwin if he had a bigger part. He's only in the movie for five minutes, but his character is very memorable. If you're afraid of a lot of relentless profanity, then maybe you should skip this movie and rent It Takes Two. Otherwise, you most likely won't be disappointed.
There is a reason this remake of `Death Takes A Holiday' works.Simply, this, Hopkins is Hopkins, and Pitt actually ACTS.Death assumes the body of a man Hopkin's daughter has met. Death decides he/it wants to experience the human life that he is so used to taking. The thing is, Hopkins (Bill)is not your average man, and his daughter (Susan)is not the average woman. And it near destroys him.This film is not so much about Hopkins (absolutely incredible performance as always) trying to deal with Death (he is due to die within 24 hours), as Death trying to deal with human emotions and justify his/its own actions.Pitt/Death, learns from Hopkins that there can be a morality in the powerful, and that it must be meted properly. He learns to repect the man, and also learns what love means from Hopkins daughter, Susan, whom he falls hopelessly in love with. Discovering his feelings, Death decides to take Susan, along with Bill. Hopkins (Bill), shows Death that his actions are selfish, and argues that Susan should be allowed her true future.Death is supposed to be without feeling, without remorse, but because he has assumed the guise of a man, he is flooded with emotions and ultimately the desire to do right. Something Death is not supposed to consider.Most viewers will see this as a man dealing with his impending death, but it is really about Death (set as a real figure) dealing with newfound emotions and the struggle between right and wrong.While this film may have been slow at the box-office, it is so worth seeing. The cinematography is excellent, the soundtrack excellent, and the team of Hopkins and Pitt excels. Hopkins is always good, but Pitt as Death really acts in his role. He underplays nicely, and allows the story to supercede his stardom.The dvd is 2 1/2 hours long, but I was never bored, and felt every emotion the movie was supposed to convey.This is a great love story, with a nice twist.
I did not expect the movie to be based on the book, but I did expect it to take itself seriously and with Tom Clancy at the helm, somewhat well researched. It views like a clumsy pastiche of the Bond movies, Pearl Harbor, and Armageddon, with a little romance thrown in on the side. Hasty, unrealistic decisions abound, with both sides scrambling to fire nukes, when most policies would reflect more careful consideration. Even at Ground Zero, Jack Ryan (whose name has been tarnished by this movie :() fails to suffer from radiation sickness, and the horrible descriptions of massacre we are lead to believe are never really shown. The best indication of the detonation comes from some collapsing buildings, a cheesy mushroom cloud no doubt done by computer animation, and some dust. There are too many glaring inconsistencies that pulled me out of the movie for me to enjoy it. If you want to watch this movie, wait until it comes out on video. I can't recommend it to the true Clancy fan without shedding tears.
This time-waster is the movie-making equivalent of food poisoning. It stunningly shows how a studio helmed by bean-counting MBA's with no sense of creative originality or principles can foist mind-numbing drivel on audiences. The script can't rise to the level of "derivitive" and is nothing more than first-class theft turned into third-class filming. Curse of the Pharoahs? They stole it from The Abominable Dr. Phibes (which was handled more originally, intriguingly and entertainingly); Flesh-burrowing bugs that kill? That was the cockroach episode from The X-Files a few seasons ago. Even the computer generated "Mummy" was merely The Terminator stolen and covered in goo...and that's just three shining examples. The dialogue is a study in redundancy: Thrice repeated (obvious) lines such as: "It's a curse!", "We're in big trouble!" and the annoying reference to "The Mummy" as "The Creature" (suddenly we're in a Frankenstein movie) shows how lackluster the screenwriters were. As to its being touted as a campy pastiche of the "Indiana Jones" films -- Please! It was done better in Romancing The Stone and even the self-parodying elements in the sequels of the Indy trilogy. Dr. Phibes displayed classier "camp", which shows what magic can happen when left in the hands of talented veterans. As to the rest of the overblown special effects: their purpose must have been to hide the fact that there was no new story to tell (these people didn't even find an interesting aspect from the original script to expound upon) and they wound up tiring me out - I wished I was able to access their graphics computers and put in a PASSWORD PROTECT to keep them from ever doing this again! This disjecta was concocted for 30 second attention spans by throwing effects at viewers to keep them from wandering out of the room! The 1933 original (back when Universal cared) is far superior -- slow, yes, but the performances are effective and stylized, Dwight Frye is brilliant,and all Karloff has to do is turn those eyes to the camera and you're all gooseflesh. My one star goes to the only comsummate professional on the project: Jerry Goldsmith, who proves once again that no matter how pathetic or putrid the project, he respects his audience enough to deliver a well-crafted score - fortunately, you can get it without suffering through this movie! I saw this in a laundromat while doing my wash (mercifully it was airing for free) and can honestly say I was more entertained watching my clothes tumble in the dryer. And this is the same studio that gave us Apollo 13. Go figure.
I thought this film adaptation was much better than the book, which was filled with self-actualization jargon. True, the narrator here does lapse into quoting lines from the book from time to time, but it's limited. There are many emotional moments here about finding yourself, looking for love, healing and searching for answers about life that everyone goes through. The scenery is beautiful in all locations, Italy, India and Bali. The acting leads are all pretty good. If you pictured these people when reading the book, the faces chosen for the movie won't disappoint. This is one of the better new films I have seen.
I will start by saying I would rate this movie a 5 star if it were just for the action and martial art scenes that you are interested in. There are some very impressive fighting sequences for certain. I myself have been a martial artist for many, many years. Jet Li is a master for certain. I prefer the sword myself as I have trained heavily in that skill. I will say that very few martial artists can disarm a well trained sword fighter who is also trained in kung fu or some other form of a martial art, and most would die in seconds if they tried. I would say that in one scene if Li had a sword he could easily have taken out a large group of black belt martial artists, but not with nanchucks or billy clubs. First off, in todays world, fighting one on one is a fantasy. In Samurai Japan that happened quite frequently as they valued honor and duty beyond all else. Even in large battles, fighting would begin as one on one, Samurai to Samurai. So in reality, today, he would have been swarmed immediately and laid to waste. A sword though, could have made a huge differnece. Just a plug to any aspiring martial artists out there. Of course, it is a stone cast shadow if your up against a gun, hehe. I hope that never happens to you.That being said, the plot and story line for a drama/action movie that takes place in modern Paris is completely ludicrous and in my opinion a slap in the face of all French people. Lets face it, in this movie the French police make the LA cops look like cub scounts in the way they mistreat innocent bystanders. How can a chief inspector murder so many innocent people and create such havoc in an effort to apprehend an unarmed chinese policeman? This includes his own men also. To top it off he is not even held accountable by his government for the mahem that he has caused - go figure? I don't know of any police in the world that would allow that to occur.The first scenes where the supposed air captain takes out two automatic weapons and lays waste to an emtpy(???) hotel lobby is absolutely ridiculous, not to mention earlier scenes with incindiary grenades and complete devastation and murder, please!!!!! How can Jet Li fall eight floors onto a laundry table and get up immediatley without any effect? How stupid can you get? Or when Jet Li takes on over 25 apparent martial art black belts and walks away unscathed. How outrages! Even Bruce Lee never accomplished that feat in his films. Or how about French Ninja police (do they esixt?) who jump from the bridge onto the ferry, hahahahaha. Give me a break! The writers of this movie had there heads up where the "sun don't shine" for sure. If I were French, I would be completely insulted by this movie. Yes it is true that in most European countries the police shoot first and ask questions after, but certainly not with total disregard for innocent life and property. I can't believe that producers would back and fund such tripe in this day and age when there are so many magnificent books that they can base a story upon. Watch this movie once for the action scenes. It is worth a rental. Don't ever buy it or you will be very unhappy when you want more than just the action and come to realize just how ridiculous and shameful this movie really is.I am not French and I know that they as a group don't particularly like Americans, of which I am one. Nonetheless, this movie is extremely demeaning of the French police and French people in general, in my opinion.
This movie only gets one star because that is the lowest score available.I am a Steve Martin fan but this movie is the pits.Did the producers or scriptwriters bother to watch the original series?Phil Silvers and his team were funny. This movie is not.Phil Silvers was Sgt Bilko he showed timing, optimism, speed and a constant belief that he would always win out.This movie lacked every one of these elements.
Far beyond of all the praised comments and countless acknowledgments around the world, "The sorrow and the pity" still remains as one of the most striking testimonials of a recent past. The co production talks by itself:(French- Swiss-West German). Necessarily lengthy documentary directed by Marcel Ophlus about anti-Semitism and the Nazi occupation during the Vichy regime in the WW2 It's worthy to recall the French TV did not run the film for some time, because in the own words of a credited officer spokesman "The population was not yet mature enough to accept the idea that during the WW2 most of Frenchmen did not fight in the resistance." Nevertheless, we should realize that it was not a mere coincidence the claasic film of Rene clement "La bataille du Rail" awarded the First Cannes Film Festival in 1946, that mirrored the emblematic and even titanic facts (perhaps minor episodes for some people) of those railroad men, who by all their means caused many troubles to Nazi forces along France. They visibly did not fight against the virus of religious and racial bigotry ss the genial filmmaker makes incisively clear by interviewing dozens of people who lived those dark days of Hitlerism, whether powerful or not.Filmed in glorious Black & White the running time of 265 min, to be true, it is not perceived due the impressive and absorbing scriptA towering and supreme film.
To be honest, I haven't even recieved this dvd yet. However, I am going to review it anyway, because people who are purchasing products from this website should know what they are in for. I've been ordering from Amazon for a while, and have been relatively pleased with the outcome. However, it was when I ordered from the company Noram International Partners, Inc. that I ran into just too many problems to keep buying from Amazon.com.I purchased this dvd for my aunt, who I thought had a machine compatable with hd dvd's. I found out about an hour later, that her machine was not compatable w/ hd dvd's. From this point, I went to Amazon and tried to cancel the order. However, it would not let me do so, even though it's "estimated" shipment wasn't scheduled until the next day. There is absolutely no reason why this order should not have been cancelled! In my opinion, Noram International Partners, Inc. should not be allowed to sell things to anyone anymore, because this is crap! Amazon, should also give me a free purchase, in my opinion, for this terrible waste of time. However, that's the last Amazon and it's crappy affiliates or whatever will see of me, and my money. I believe it's past time, that Barnes and Nobles had it's shot at giving me customer service. So Good-bye Amazon, hope your company goes to the gutter-you deserve it! I suggest all who read this to spend your money elsewhere.
A must-have, definitely! Season 6 was very dark, indeed, but the nost real, and edgy. The show moved firmly away from the slightly campy horror/comedy series into its own. Season Six presents the gang living real lives and having to deal - as adults.All of the recurring characters gained depth, color, and power. The major baddies were human, just like them, this time. The episodes exposed the monsters within us all. The whole group (including Spike and Anya) had to learn to cope with death, losses and betrayals not directly attributable to the demon infestation.There's coming to terms with grief, abandonment, anger, hatred, self-loathing, fear, insecurities, the past, and the real evils that human beings bring onto themselves and others out of a desire to force or control others.Season Six made me uncomfortable. It made me think. I saw some of the finest acting the "Buffy" cast has ever done. High points: "Bargaining Iⅈ", "Once More with Feeling", "Tabula Rasa", "Smashed", "Two to Go" and "Grave".
This here's the story of Cassius ClayWho changed his name to Muhammad AliHe knows how to talk and he knows how to fightAnd all the contenders were beat out of sightSing, Muhammad, Muhammad AliHe floats like a butterfly and stings like a beeMohammed, the black supermanWho calls to the other guy I'm Ali catch me if you canNow all you fight fans, you've got to agreeThere ain't no flies on Muhammad AliHe fills the arena wherever he goesAnd everyone gets what they paid forMuhammad, was known to have saidYou watch me shuffle and I'll jab off your headHe moves like the black supermanAnd calls to the other guy I'm Ali catch me if you canHe says I'm the greatest the worlds ever seenThe heavyweight champion who came back againMy face is so pretty you don't see a scarWhich proves I'm the king of the ring by farSing, Muhammad, Muhammad AliHe floats like a butterfly and stings like a beeMohammed, the black supermanWho calls to the other guy I'm Ali catch me if you canSing, Muhammad, Muhammad AliHe floats like a butterfly and stings like a beeMuhammad, the black supermanWho calls to the other guy I'm Ali catch me if you canI'm Ali catch me if you can
I screwed Up I guess but there was no note to let me know that I was not getting the MOVIE just a Old TV show.... Cant do a 0 star bummer!
I got this DVD when my daughter was a toddler and it was not at ALL what I wanted. I thought that the DVD would, at the very least, showcase all the letters of the alphabet. But, to my suprise, it did not. My daughter didn't even like the storyline. It was a waste!!! Happy Shopping!
With the line up of funny guys in this movie I expected to be laughing all the way through. Well, it didn't turn out to be as funny as I thought. I think I laughed ONE time, when Danny Devito's character noticed all the wanted signs with his face on them....that was it as far as laugh out loud funny in my opinion. Norm McDonald is not at his comedic best in this movie. Rent it don't buy it is my best advice!
theres nuthing left to say......... Brilliance at its best
This movie sucks. Batman Dark Knight rises way better then this crap. wow. bull. throw up. hate it. ewww. Spiderman with Toby is way better!! 1,2,3!
This movie had poor taste. I didn't like how it tried to be too original. I want a movie I can read from cover to cover. This one jumped around all over the place. It wasn't funny, no suspense, lack of action, didn't flow, dark film. This movie shouldn't have been made.
"Ringers" is disjointed and slow-moving. The overall quality is reminiscent of an unimpressive "special feature" on a movie DVD.
I saw this in the theatre on opening day. Yet I din't understand it as much as i understood he first 2, but then again, I enjoyed it. Then i got it for Xmas the same year and I just watched it a couple days ago. This, I think, is the best outta all of them.STORY: In 2002, Austin is still shagadelic. He one time stops Dr. Evil's plan he had and is knighted by the queen of England... only to find his dad did not attend. Dissapointed by his fazha's(as GM says)failure to attend, He then stops by Dr. Evil's prison and is informed to go back to 1975 and rescue him. but then, a Dutch henchman named Goldmember kidnaps him, takes him back to 2002, and then Austin, and a chick named Foxxy Cleopatra meanwhile Dr. Evil escapes with Mini Me from prison, and start fresh on a sub going into Japan.THOUGHTS: Awesome! I liked how Fat Bastard has T**ts in this one. And HARD KNOCK LIFE from "Annie", thats hilarious!You should own all AP movies! Especially this!
this is a total waste of money. the movies are great but this review is for the product itself. wait until the extended versions come out. DO NOT BUY.
A wonderful retelling of the Broadway production. Topol is flawless as the dairyman who talks to God and Rosalind Harris (Barbra Streisand look alike)is astounding as his eldest daughter. It is beautifully filmed on locations in Yugoslavia.
I fell in love with Call the Midwife in the first episode. This is a story of humanity, love, campassion and just the right amount of humor. I am looking forward to Season Two. I am recommending this to everyone I know and have just bought it for my friends birthday. I also plan to have a Call the Midwife watch party for all my friends who haven't seen it.
It's predictable, no great story, and just plain boring- I fell asleep every time I tried to watch it, and then this morning I got it out and made myself stay awake to watch it- I should of slept- my dreams have better plots to them... To me, it just didn't keep my interest... I like movies that have scenes you don't expect- original and not similar to other movies.. I give it 2 stars just because I got some much needed sleep...Buy this movie if your having trouble catching some zzzzzzsss...
Oh, MAN........you thought that insult to Johnny Cash, "I Walk The Line" was bad? I mean, Reese Witherspoon playing June? Ugh, that's ALMOST "The Last Waltz" or "Gimme Shelter" compared to this tripe (the operative word there is "almost"). Dennis Quaid does a LOT...an AWFUL lot...of "mugging," but it's worse than Jehosaphat Phoneix affecting Johnny Cash's snarl. And Winona Ryder just...DOESN'T project the..."jailbait quality" of Myra Lewis. She's just too old. Do yourself a favor: grab any compilation of The Killer's performances during the 60's/70's...on upward, and alight on the "Last Man Standing" DVD where he has a decent backup band for the first time, almost, in his career.