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We just saw this on TV. It was enjoyable enough to watch, but I'm glad I didn't rent it or buy it. The humor and violence don't mix well, I think.
I could tell from the trailer than Sarah Jessica Parker's character would fall for Luke Wilson's character. I thought it was going to be like "While You Were Sleeping". Unfortunately, it's not. The family in this movie isn't quirky and funny - they're mean and judgemental. I didn't think there were many funny moments at all. I could see the plot "twists" coming a mile away. Thank God the movie is only an hour and a half. I could barely take that. I was horrified by Dermot Mulrooney's romance - it was ridiculous how quickly he fell in love and with whom. I'm just glad I rented this instead of buying it.
It sucks that I have to constantly plug an ethernet cable into my modem everytime I want watch the flick. Not cool.
Very entertaining for 60's enthusiasts-or Guthrie fans, Woody or Arlo. Arlo's humor is laid-back; the (re)action of the Law was so typical of that time; makes me want to go back in time to relive it all, good or bad-this is a cult-classic for every Thanksgiving!
The "you got served" movie was awsome i loved it so much i bought it.. So i thought i would buy the "take it to the streets" too but when i saw it it was the most dissapointing clip i have ever seen. it had 2 short routines from the movie, a little interview thing with breakdancing and krumping, and their "hot & new" routine that wasnt even that good. i am a b-boy and i do a little bit of hip-hop and believe me there are better things to waste your money on than this
I only give Playing God 3 stars just because the acting is good,it's the only thing good about the movie.Very weak scirpt and bad editing.And when it came out I was so looking forward to seeing it because I love both David Duchovny and Angelina Jolie and I was really disappointed.Well we all know Angelina has come along way since this and Hackers and David should stick to more stuff like Return To Me.Overall,Playing God is worth to rent,but not to buy.
this movie referes to a real story of the Prophet Moses, but it does'nt tell us the real story and its just like trying to change history
This movie was one I enjoyed when I was younger. The animation is extremely bright, colorful and well-done. Disney did an excellent job on the artwork, unlike the work you will find in their current films ("The Emporer's New Groove" or "Hercules"). The story is well-adapted from the original. It entertains little children with the interesting characters, such as the dwarves, and plenty of lively songs. If you have kids, this video is a must!
I like see this movie. It's amazing see old movie with new transfer digital and a lot of bonus in this edition. Specially if you buy cheap. Transfer video it's excellent with perfect audio. so why you so wait .. grap it and place order for this edition
Like the movie so I bought it. Received the dvd in great condition. Was very satisfied.
I loved the movie, it's a must for all people interested in the food idustry... very down to earth situations, even though the story takes place in Japan, I could relate to it. I recommend it as something to take into consideration even before trying to open a dinner... But... I would love to watch the movie with an English audio version.
I was quite young when The Damned was originally released, but remember the controversy when it played on television in the mid 70s. The DVD release was my first opportunity to see it, and I did so with apprehension. I have seen Pasolini's "Salo" and wished I hadn't, and I still don't have the nerve to watch an "Ilsa" movie, so I wasnt quite prepared for what turns out to be a lush and gorgeously photographed family psycho-drama. Its a difficult film to wrap around, I felt a lot of the dialogue was dull and mundane and on second viewing I had to watch it with the closed captioning on just so I could absorb the first half hour. Im not very familiar with Italian filmmaking styles but I can see the influence of this movie in Coppola's The Godfather, from the "look"* down to the story structure and pacing. Not understanding the historical significance of some of the background events, the burning of the Reichstadt and the night of the Long Knives, didnt make my first viewing any easier. But Ive watched it 4 times in the first month of release and I am very happy with the purchase of the DVD and feel I have received my entertainment dollars worth. Its a big fat scandalous family saga!*"the Look" of the damned is nothing short of beautiful: the clothes and fashions of early 1930s Europe, the oppulance of the Von Essenbeck's home, the use of the color red against sombre tones. Mesmerizing!
OK, just so you know, I am not at all recommending this as a serious piece of entertainment or art. It's softcore porn. It's lurid trash. The acting is wooden. There is no plot. It's just sex-in-space. Oh, and it's stupid.That said, this is really, really a lot of fun. My friend Jenipher and I used to call each other every night it was on Skinemax and completely make fun of it.Krista Allen, who played Billie on "Days of Our Lives" and Girl with Big Breasts in Jim Carrey's "Liar Liar," is a hoot as Emmanuelle, the singular-named sex aficianado at the center of these stories. Before this series opened, Emmanuelle was the sort of character who seemed to have sex with every straight dumb beefcake addicted to his Soloflex on Earth.Apparently aware that she'd run out of men and willing women on this planet, this series, titled "Emmanuelle in Space" (which comes complete with the worst TV theme song ever written), begins as Emmanuelle is kidnapped by aliens. Seriously. And the porn-star-looking aliens, and in particular their boneheaded, beefcake spaceship captain Haffron, want her to teach them about the joys of sex. And she does. Over and over and over again. For, like, 15 episodes ... all featuring that dumb theme song.Whether you think she's talented or not, and I think she is, Krista Allen is lots of fun as an actress. She has a sense of humor about herself, an actual ability to act and deliver lines well. (See her in "Anger Management." She's hysterical.) And she looks absolutely great, which even I noticed and I'm gay. (For those who wondered why I was watching this, it was campy, after midnight and I was bored. Oh, and Haffron is really really good looking.)Anyway, yeah, it's trash. But it's fun trash.
Could have been a good movie....Childish antics and extreme foul language throughout the entire movie. The language was not needed. All the foul language did was take up time that could have been used for dialogue...a cheap way of taking up time.Strongly recommend not watching this and I am a big Ben Stiller fan!
Beautiful Film. Period mood, Cloak and dagger as well as hanky panky. Nobody tells you that. You know it's a great film. It's long but never boring and then it gets better. Ang Lee shows his stuff with mood and style; good looking and simply complex, but obtainable. BD is the best I have seen or heard. The disc will improve your system. One of the best BDs yet.
what a streange and technicly ponderius moive it was.we have rapid climent changes that no one can stop, whitch is orignal; every other moive of the same -genrah- has the hearo saveing the day- not here.every one moves to mexico in the end.in my oppinin this movie was runined by some ones need to make a movie that started with a orgnal plot, and turn it into every other disater moive; to any one who has seen this moive: why the wolves? thay added nothing to the story. why did the fuel in the helocptors freze instantly and the passengers not? how did Dennis Quaid's hands be cut and bleeding after tryng to pull his friend out of the snow covered mall and for the rest of the moive be, well, fine? and the incredable size changing russin oil tanker? but i diegress.verry good F\X, verry beliveable F\X watch the moive for the visuals, as for the plot... don't say i did'nt warn you.
The Outsider is a very good movie.. action, romance, and Tim Daly is extremly hot in this movie!
Whoever can sit and watch this is stupid and needs to get outta the house,there is no creativeity in this tv,remind me y its on tv again?
I'm not so sure there is a lot to say. My brother asked me to watch and review Friday the 13th part 6: Jason Lives and I told him I would do better than that and I would review every last one of these movies because I tend view them as one phenomenon and rarely as films that stand to be judged alone, despite their amazing record for failing to deliver accurate continuity. Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan is one of the silliest movies ever made. Its dialogue, effects, story and overall direction are so horribly bad it allows parts seven and nine to sort of hide behind it. Although I've found time to skewer those films as well. In my eyes, part 8 is not quite the worst of the series but its real close.Jason is electrocuted again from an underwater cable that hit a boat's anchor. He wakes up and jumps aboard the boat. The boat is on its way to New York and is full of young adults ripe for some killing. It takes a while before the boat actually gets to New York, which I'm sure bothered some people because the audience was likely looking forward to seeing Jason rampage through a different locale and the title certainly suggested more of that than we actually get. So Jason hangs out in a boat and has ample time to murder quite a few people. The boat sinks and only five people remain. Jason gradually kills them during his run through the Big Apple. The highlight of the movie is actually when he takes about twenty or so punches to the head from a boxer and then he punches the boxer's head off. Classic campy killing that keeps my smiling years later. Jason ends up in the sewer and gets drowned by a flood of toxic waste. For some reason it shows Jason as a little boy again after the flood clears out from the sewer. That part was never addressed in the final two sequels in any capacity whatsoever. Then again continuity is by no means expected from these films, especially by its seventh sequel.Even as a kid I was very disappointed with part 8. Audiences agreed for the most part as it grossed just $14 million and cost $5 million. Compared to the rest of the movies before it this showed that the film series was on the decline. Some people view this as the best of the series and others absolutely despise this film. I lean more toward the latter of these opinions. It is incredibly silly and doesn't deliver in the way it could have. If it was the Jason from part 6 that rampaged through New York we may have had the comedic masterpiece of the series, but Jason Takes Manhattan pulls far too many punches...well, except for when he punched that dude's head off.
This movie had an okay story line, but ultimately it was very low budget and poorly done.
For such a small price, what else could you expect? This is a home made video with poor production and editing quality. The 2 videos can be put inside one VHS Cassete with no trouble. The information on the 2 Videos is good, in fact is the same you will find in any survival book, for the same price (with even more information), but with the VISUAL Advantage; THAT IS GOOD. In general terms DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THIS VIDEO, is short, some times concise, and give you the visual process of many out doors survival activities. You will get what you paid for. A very good beginning point, if you dislike to read a good book
I have one criterion for judging movies: Good ones, like good music, good food, and good sex get better the more you do them.I didn't say perfect. But then there has never been a perfect film or a perfect anything created by a human being, has there?"Va Savoir," an idiom which I would rather translate into "go figure" rather than the parenthetical "who knows?" you find in every reference to this French version of a modern Shakepearean comedy where all the knots and tangles created by human ineptitude and benevolent chance are harmoniously resolved by the final act, is a good film. I've seen it three times and have enjoyed each viewing for different reasons.One is the language. I should say languages. Please see the undubbed version so you can hear the sonorous prosody of Italian contrasted with the tubular perscussiveness of French spoken by the bilingual cast.I like everyone's face.Every one is natural.There's nothing gross about the way love and affection are expressed.It's subtle and funny. The music doesn't get in the way.It has a happy ending.
this film idealizes nothing. the characters are confused, grotesque and completely incoherent... except for the subtle moments of brilliance uttered by R. Duke in profound moments of clarity. if that doesn't sound appealing to you, don't see this movie... you won't understand or enjoy it. in my opinion, it's worth seeing for Depp's performance alone.
For those of you who watched the previews and think Coyote Ugly is a substitute for a soft-core porn movie, you'd be wrong. It's basically a "chick-flick" film where the heroine overcomes adversity (in Violet's case, shyness) to reach eventual success as a songwriter. The beautiful bartenders are thrown in there only to entice some of the male audience to come watch the film (they really are nice to look at). There's no skin shown, though there is quite a lot of "exotic dancing" in the movie. It's a rather cliche theme and you know how the movie will end half-way through watching it, but amazingly, you'll still find yourself enjoying the ending. Violet's adorably innocent face makes you care how she ends up, and the love scenes are touchingly sappy. Find yourself smiling after watching it.
For those of you who have never read the book, of which my husband is one, this is a trite and meaningless movie that makes little sense. For those of you who did read it, as I did, this movie bears little resemblance to the wonderful book. I don't think I have ever been as disappointed with a screen adaptation of a book! Things were changed that didn't need to be (have you ever heard of Irish gypsies in France - or couldn't Johhny Depp do a Franch accent? - which is just one instance) and the major premise of the book was lost by changing the main protagonist from the priest to the mayor. Even the delightful Vianne lost her charm and mystique since her whole background was changed. I could hardly bear to watch the ending. There was no mystery or spiritually involved in this, and although I had heard the movie wasn't good, I had no idea it was as bad as this. Thank goodness we rented it rather than purchasing it. I can award it one star for being a pretty movie, but apart from that it was a complete waste of time and HARDLY worthy of any Academy Award nominations. Is this what our movies are coming to or doesn't anyone give the moviegoing audience credit for being able to handle something with a little more depth, albeit this wasn't supposed to be too heavy. To anyone even marginally interested, read the book instead.
This film is very low budget. Not the italian "gore" film it appears to be. Terrible acting and awful shooting,grainy and imbalanced. The only thing scary about this low grade film is the actors look like they got hit with the ugly stick. Includes VERY unforgettable nudity. Trust me,the image is still burned into my head. You don't want to find out what I mean,just stay away. This DVD is not worth fifteen bucks hell it's not even worth the ten bucks I just wasted. Remember to always read your reviews and take them seriously.
A)- This movie is boring. Yawn city. It's about as suspenseful as watching your toenails grow.B)- Yes, it's true that the premise of this movie is original and it's never been done before.... BUT the reason it's never been done before is because IT'S F***ING STUPID!!!C)- The ending is so stupid and the big plot surprise at the end is so stupid your jaw will drop and you will feel like such a SUCKER for believing there was something at the end of this ultra-stupid movie worth watching it for.I heard great things about this movie. I heard it was awesome and suspenseful and there were all these cool plot twists and it was really scary and yadda yadda yadda. All HYPE, I assure you. At the end of this film I felt like such a sucker I had to turn around and check to see if there was a stick protruding from my a**.There are much better ways to spend your time than watching this turkey.... like performing eye surgery on yourself with a rusty Swiss Army knife or washing your face in public toilets.
so you think i would have learned from my bad run in with season 1 but i was baited with an FMA boxed set from japan. so one of my friends sits me down and i endured the repetitive action, the mind numbingly bad monsters, the grating voices and a charachter so gay that we must all fear him. oh yeah, did i mention that sailor moon rarely wins her own fightssayonara, until i get tricked into another season(yeah right)-cya space cowboy
The box set that I received is finally something that I can be proud and happy with AMAZON US as this time round, it comes properly SECURED package without any sort of damages to the box set (as compared to the first initial set that weren't properly package for delivery. A case of too little to none protection whatsoever).Now for the movie, this Blu ray remastered film is obsolutely gorgeous for a 60's musical flick and the audio was fine and dandy (what do you expect with a 60's musical anyway?!) The extras are pretty interesting especially the interview done by Julie Andrew with the real Maria !!!A must have for anyone that appreciate good family oriented musical. Highly recommended.
i'll admit it, i only saw this movie in the theater when it was released because i knew that the indigo girls had a few scenes in it. but when i am not just watching my copy for the indigo girls' bar scene, it is a really great movie and a lot more progressive than most "mainstream" movies out there. it brings three very different women together -- one lesbian, one victim of abuse, and one living with AIDS. the movie chronicles their friendship and how they overcame their own prejudices to better understand each other. though some of the movie is very cliche, all in all it's a pretty good flick.for all you other indigo girls fans out there: watch for amy ray at the end of the flick as well. ;)
As with other DC animated combo packs, this appears to be just the individual box sets of seasons 1 and 2 sold together-but for a much higher price than purchasing them separately?The individual boxed Justice League seasons currently sell for approximately $25 each (USD). I have not been able to find any special features listed in the combo pack product description that would justify a $30 increase (from $50 to $80 USD) from the cost of purchasing both seasons separately.I highly recommend both Justice League and its successor, Justice League Unlimited. This is a great animated show with better-than-usual writing, casting, and art direction, but I would recommend you save $30 and buy the two seasons separately rather than in this over-priced combo pack.
This movie was the corniest b-grade horrour flick I've ever seen... and I love it! It is a must see for everyone! I've never laughed harder. Sister Gloria is classic, and who can ever forget the van scene? If you ever have any free time and need a good laugh, see this movie!!! Touché...
What can I possibly say but WOW! This movie is truly a dream come true for a long time Spider-man fan like me. Not only was the movie made but the movie was made RIGHT!Many directors and artists in Hollywood claim to be fans of comic book heroes, but when it comes time for them to actually put it together they fail miserably. But not here. Sam Rami is a TRUE Spider-man fan-- and he did what a true fan would do. He stayed true to the source and to the material. He captured the essence of Spider-man and his history. He didn't decide to pretentiously add his own mark like Tim Burton did with the laughable Batman movie. Rami stayed true to the comic. This is the Spider-man I read about month for the last 13 years.I really did not think that anyone could top the X-Men, but Rami has and I don't just mean because of the special effets. I also mean in terms of the plot and character development. This is not a long drawn out movie filled with pointless violence. It is a well plotted story that moves effortlessly from point to point. Who would have thought that so much could be fit into two hours? And the end, I won't give it away , but who on earth would have thought that it would have ended that way. Instead of going for the same old boring cliche Hollywood ending--Rami tacks on an original one which hints towards the future.Tobey Maguire was not my first choice to play Peter Parker. But boy does he deliver! I understand that he worked hard to get this part and boy does it show! He plays Peter just the way he was portrayed in the book! Kristen Dunst also was excellent,I did not think that she could pull off the part of Mary Jane. She's a lovely girl but not the super-model that MJ is in the comic book. But I was pleasantly surprised with what was done with the character.After being disapointed with the unseeminly endless rubish that Hollywood has produced lately I am now, in the words of Mr. Stan Lee, a true believer. Thanks Sam Rami for not butchering a character I consider to be like a brother and restoring my faith that there are film makers out there who actually care about film making!
I bought this movie without ever seeing it and I was glad I bought it. It made me laugh so hard I could'nt breathe. This movie is just a lot of short stunts that will have you laughing every time you see them. I recommend this movie for any fans of the show or MTV. You will never stop laughing when you see this.SPECIAL FEATURES ON DVD:-Commentary by Johnny Knoxville, director, cinematographer-Commentary by Cast group(commentaries are very informative and funny also, I can watch the whole movie over again with same commentary, they tell you a lot of why and how they did some stunts and a couple of secrets too)-"MAKING OF"-(24:35)-outtakes-(7:11)-19 deleted segments-(27:51)-9 promo spots-(5:03-trailer-(1:11)-"If your gonna be Dumb" music video-(3:12)-"We Want Fun" music video-(4:10)-Cast biographies-photo and poster gallery
Here we go again. Another snoozer from the most overrated film maker of the last decade. Three strikes and you're out. After watching his first two stink bombs I was being very fair in giving his third a chance and yaaawwwwnn..... is about all I can say. I literally fell asleep. The only reason I give this two stars is the darling performance of Abigail Breslin.
On an international scale, I don't know that there's a cinematic collaboration more celebrated or relevant than that between director Akira Kurosawa and actor Toshiro Mifune. (Sorry, John Ford and John Wayne.) 1948's DRUNKEN ANGEL ("Yoidore tenshi") is a landmark film on several fronts. With DRUNKEN ANGEL Kurosawa was at last able to get his vision across without egregious meddling from the studio. This is also the first time he would work with Mifune. As for the young and fiery Toshiro Mifune, his role here would be his breakthru performance.Kurosawa would work with Mifune for a sum of sixteen films, a collaboration eclipsed in number only by Takashi Shimura, who would be featured in twenty Kurosawa pictures. Here, Takashi Shimura has to work hard to not get overwhelmed by Mifune's dynamic presence. Shimura plays the titular role, a dedicated physician who maybe likes his liquor too much. In the slums of post-war Tokyo, Doctor Sanada tends to his sickly flock with vigor and belligerence. This aggressive demeanor is applied even to his newest patient, the tempestuous Yakuza, Matsunaga (Mifune), who approaches Sanada with a bullet wound on his hand. During his ministrations, Sanada learns that Matsunaga exhibits the late stages of advanced tuberculosis, a leading disease in the squalid quarters of post-war Japan. (No, it doesn't help that Sanada and Matsunaga's neighborhood envelops a toxic cesspool.) DRUNKEN ANGEL tracks the quarrelsome relationship between doctor and gangster. There are lots of shoving and punching and threats and hurling of objects. It's a sort of friendship, I guess.More than any of his contemporaries in Japan, Kurosawa embraced Western cinema. In DRUNKEN ANGEL one can pick out elements from Italian neo-realism and Hollywood crime noir. When I first saw DRUNKEN ANGEL, I thought of the Italian classic, THE BICYCLE THIEVES (also from 1948). Both films evoke a sense of despair and bleakness amidst bustling squalor. In this hellish backdrop, the characters play out their internal struggles.I wonder how taken aback the Japanese audience must've been when the glowering Toshiro Mifune first stalked the silver screen? There's something so caged tigery about him, a primal presence that was decidedly not in keeping with the more contemplative 1940s Japanese cinema. Even when his character was in full-on suave mode, there's still something baleful in his gaze. It's all the more fascinating, witnessing Matsunaga's gradual fall from grace in the Yakuza, his worsening tuberculosis triggering the inevitable demotion. But is being kicked to the curb enough to change a violent criminal for the better? Toshiro Mifune's fierce performance doesn't lend itself to easy predictability. Takashi Shimura, who himself submits a more subtle but equally stylish performance, matches Mifune scene for scene. Shimura is like a chameleon. He can play any part. His role in DRUNKEN ANGEL is a far cry from his roles in, say, THE SEVEN SAMURAI and IKIRU. And the director, Akira Kurosawa? What else? He's masterful yet again, his discerning eye capturing the humanity and nobility of even those who inhabit a place bereft of hope. DRUNKEN ANGEL isn't near the top of most folks' lists when debating the best films of Kurosawa, Mifune, and Shimura. But it's a meaningful picture and worth a moment of your time.
Jean Michel should have payed closer attention to his dad. After a very boring 1st DVD I was hoping that the 2nd DVD would improve - it didn't!
This version of Devdas disappoints in 3 ways:1) Most important, the resolution is terrible--way below DVD standards, and looks more like a badly converted low-res .avi file than a DVD. This is particularly annoying, since it's the only Bollywood film of the three I purchased in this batch to be soo poorly encoded. Some scenes are almost unwatchable.2) The opining is loaded with ads and trailers, like one expects only on a cheap rental, not a retail DVD product.3) The "Special Features" DVD lacks subtitles, and some of the key interviews are in Hindi, hence useless for English-speakers. Even some of the English-fluent actors throw in Hindi phrases, perhaps when they can't quickly come up with appropriate English phrases for local customs and characteristics.
I want to give a useful review and not just merely go over the plot for you, as this has been done roughly 600 times already. I don't typically review movies online but felt a need to since several things which I noticed about this movie were not mentioned by other reviewers. While the movie is confusing the first time it is watched it does significantly improve with each subsequent viewing. I could not help but notice the complexity of this film and have watched it at least four times. My first opinion was that this was a film about Joel (Jim Carrey) getting to have a second chance with his lover, Clementine. She seemed to have erased her memory of him before he had a chance to ask her to even reconsider breaking up with him. He likewise erases his memories of her just as quickly. So the film initially seemed to have the message of second chances, and getting to start again without baggage from the first failed attempt at the relationship. This was my initial impression and although it is optimistic and reassuring, my final impression of the film is different and as follows:Throughout Joel's memories of the relationship, he is needy and Clementine usually snaps at him and or does not respond to him in an emotionally giving way. He later has a memory of himself as a little boy with his mother ignoring him and of his crying and desperately wanting her to pay attention to him. He remarks about how strong his childish urge for her attention is. Clementine seems to be filling the same role in his life, that of remaining emotionally elusive and staying out of reach so that Joel is essentially crying out for attention to an unresponsive female. Then, when Joel is trying to hang on to memories of Clementine he imagines interactions with her running with him and trying to hide herself in his oldest memories so that she won't be erased from his mind. She is kind and loving to Joel and holds him and consoles him when he is sad. It is interesting that these interactions are merely his imaginations and projections of what he actually needs her to be and not who and what Clementine actually is. All Joel's memories of their actual interactions paint a picture of a moody, substance abusing, iritable, unpredictable, flaky and impulsive person. There is no reason to think she is what he needs as she is incapable of fulfilling his emotional needs. THe films ending leaves one with the impression that Joel's co-dependency and drive to be with an uncaring woman will not stop even in the face of her erasing him from his memory. Rejection seems to goad him on and he gets her, and one seems to know it is only to lose her again later. I think the movie is brilliant and complex in its telling of such an unpopular theme as co-dependency and emotional neediness to the point where it is so self-denigrating and self-defeating. I didn't feel the movie portrayed either Joel or Clementine as the bad guy or good guy in the relationship, just as two different people who were not right for each other. Also it is a rare treat to see a movie that uses the visual effects in order to accurately convey the emotions the characters are feeling. I recommend the movie, just not as a comedy as it was a dramatic film.
I get the same question from a lot of people who ask me, 'What are your favorite horror movies?'. Whenever I answer those questions, the first movie I always bring up is John Carpenter's Halloween, the 1978 cult classic film that revolutionized horror films. With its low budget and uncanny frightening experience, John Carpenter found a way to spread fear across theatre seats with loveable characters, horrifying music and a knife-wielding maniac who stalks and kills babysitters. In the year 1963 on Halloween night, in the town Haddonfield Illinois a 6 year old boy named Michael Myers kills his older sister with a kitchen knife. After the terrible murder Michael went into psychiatric care. 15 years later on the night of October 30, he escapes from the mental hospital and returns to the town of Haddonfield.This is a movie I remember watching a lot when I was a kid. I used to stay up at night with my older cousins and watch this when it was on TV., and trust me it scared the bejesus out of me when I was a child. When I look back at it now, I pretty much changed my reason why I like this movie. Now that I’m older the scares don’t get to me, but I am more fascinated with the storyline and plot of the film. That’s the reason why I love the Halloween films so much. The story is what keeps me going as a fan of this remarkable series.If I can remember correctly, both John Carpenter and Debra Hill shot this movie during spring of 1978, with a low budget of $300,000. Shot in 20 days this low budget movie went on to make millions when it was released. Even to this day with the number of video sales, its still making money. Originally when this film was made, it had no music in it. So John Carpenter spent 3 days and created the films score, which even to this day is still a brilliant piece of art. The biggest thing that makes this movie brilliant is the music. The acting in this movie is great as well, Jamie Lee Curtis makes her first movie role playing the lead babysitter named Laurie Strode. Laurie Strode to me is the nerdy innocent character in the whole movie. Donald Pleasance plays the role of Michael's Doctor, who in fact only had about 5 days of shooting for the movie.Donald's character in the movie is kind of like the hero to this story, destined to get rid of the evil which is spreading across Haddonfield. Brian Andrews plays the role of Tommy Doyle, the frightened little boy who throughout the movie is afraid of "the boogeyman". Nick Castle plays the role of the infamous Michael Myers who gives a stunning performance with his body language, since of course Michael Myers is an evil character who doesn't speak. The Shape aka Michael Myers is the kind of character who embodies evil itself. Wearing a mask to cover his blank and pale emotionless face.Another thing that I liked about this movie was the fact that its pretty much bloodless. There is no gore in this movie, and there is very little blood actually shown. Which I think is absolutely brilliant. This movie focuses more on scares (which I thought was very successful), rather than trying to make you sick to your stomach. When you watch this movie, you may notice that some parts of this film were pretty much inspired by other films. Carpenter was inspired by none other than Alfred Hitchcock, and he gave this movie that sort of Hitchcock feel to it. Where your main focus is to basically scare the audience not only with the dark look and music, but by also the evil being himself Michael Myers.Also if you didn’t know, the mask that you see Michael Myers wearing in this movie, is actually a William Shatner Star Trek mask, which was changed and painted white. So you can pretty much say that Captain Kirk is the one that’s stalking and murdering all these babysitters. With this movie John Carpenter and Debra Hill had found new ways to frighten an audience. John manages to put the audience in the killer's point of view, which was rarely done back in the day. Although the point of view camera shots were done before in horror films, none were ever as good when it came to giving out scares. Oh and I forgot to mention, originally John Carpenter wanted Peter Cushing to play the role of Dr. Loomis, but he turned it down. John then tried to get Christopher Lee to play the role, he turned it down as well.I think that the best scene in this entire movie has to be the ending. The ending to this film pretty much gives you an idea that evil never dies. Just the way it was portrayed near the end of the movie was brilliant. This movie is the slasher film that started it all. With its Hitchcock influence, this movie doesn't focus on gore or any other cheap horror tricks. John Carpenter manages to scare people with an eary musical score, and an evil and emotionless character. He also managed to use the camera to his advantage. Hands down this is one of the greatest horror films of all time. This movie definitely proves that evil never dies.
The best jewel heist movie ever made. The plot is a old crook(Lawrence Tierney) and his son (Chris Penn) hire six guys withcolor nicknames and they are Mr. White (Harvey Keital), Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen),Mr. Pink (Steve Bucemi),Mr. Blue (Eddie Bunker),Mr. Brown (Quentin Tarantino)and Mr. Orange (Tim Roth)to pull of a diamond heist together but things go horribly wrong.After the robbery they find out one of them is a cop. But Who?Starring Harvey Keital,Tim Roth,Chris Penn,Steve Bucemi,Lawrence Tierney,Michael Madsen,Kirk Baltz,Randy Brooks,Eddie Bunker,Quentin Tarantino and Rich Turner.Tarantino's best film.
I'm not a comics fan (though I used to be), but I took this video out of the library's collection, and I'm glad I did. You don't even have to be familiar with the original book to appreciate it, though if you are, you'll see immediately that the scriptwriters have been careful to remain true to it while still updating it for the 21st Century. What's more, it retains the angsty and sometimes dark flavor for which Marvel has long been famous. Hero Peter Parker starts out as a nerd--a science whiz who serves as the butt of jokes and small-scale bullying by the more conventionally popular boys in his high school (his only real friend is Harry Osborn, whose father Norman has long served as his own substitute dad), and whose lifelong object of worship, Mary Jane Watson, hardly knows he's alive. Then, on a class trip to the Museum of Natural History, he's bitten by a hybrid spider that has been exposed to "the largest electron microscope on the East Coast," and overnight develops astonishing powers--his vision normalizes, he gains superhuman strength and speed, he's able to sense approaching danger and to shoot sticky webbing from ducts on his wrists. At first he uses these abilities with little thought, but when his beloved Uncle Ben is killed by a carjacker while waiting for him (unaware that Peter had signed up to "spend three minutes in the ring" with a notorious wrestler in hopes of winning $5000 to buy himself a car), he realizes that "with great power comes great responsibility," and remakes himself as "Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man," a sort of one-man vigilante force who strikes out at muggers and purse-snatchers, rescues people from burning buildings, and arouses the ire of newspaper publisher J. Jonah Jameson. Meanwhile Norman Osborn, desperate to save his high-tech company, has exposed himself to an experimental process intended to create superhuman powers--and it has, but with terrifying side effects: he becomes the Green Goblin, an airborne mischief-maker who soon realizes that only Spidey has what it takes to stop him. For some time Osborn doesn't even realize what his new alter ego is doing, and when he does he's terrified, but a move by his Board of Directors to force him out brings all his latent negative personality to the fore and he becomes the Goblin consciously too. Yet there's still hope for him: his final words to Spidey are "Don't tell my son!"Of course, the best part of the film are the effects, which are splendid, especially the sequences in which Spidey is seen swinging through the "topless towers" of New York by his webbing. Yet the complex storyline and carefully studied and developed personalities of the major characters (the only one whose motivations aren't very well explained is Jameson, who seems to hate Spidey just out of sheer ill temper!) give them an added dimension that will make the movie enjoyable by more than just the classic teen-and-twentysomething audience. Old-time members of the Mighty Marvel Marching Society will delight in its accuracy, and strangers to the Marvel Universe will be provided with a tight and fascinating introduction to it. This is a DVD I'll be adding to my permanent collection as soon as I can.
Cheesy, makes no sense at all and still, awesome! Love King so you see where I'm coming from. Good cast too.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles starred by Nastassia Kinski and directed by Roman Polanski was my favorite film. I'm so sorry to see that you have no room for that one on this website! Even though this one is good, that one would always be better in my heart. I wish it would be sold and kept like a classic.
I gave this DVD a low rating simply because the visual quality was extremely poor. It looked more like a poorly made VCD or perhaps even just a counterfeit copy. How can the director of cinematography justify this kind of work for such an "epic" production?
When this movie first came out I was pumped to see it. There was supposed to be evil pirates, Jack Sparrow has to stop them. The commercials blatantly lied. What we have instead is common criminal pirates who are cursed. All they freakin want is to get the curse lifted from them. What's so evil about that? Jack Sparrow runs around in circles and acts like a fruit, managing to get caught all the time. Nothing they said in the commercials was true. After watching it once at the movie theatre I don't think I could stand to watch it again.If you like Disney family fare, this is for you. If you believed the lieing commercials, you are in for a huge disappointment.
Boo to New Line. Releasing just the theatrical versions on blu ray is like spitting directly in the faces of your fans. Fans that are rabid for this stuff and have given you millions of dollars. At least this lets me keep an eye out to avoid buying any other New Line releases.
One of the weaker Disney videos. The story is as disjointed as the book. Full of unsympathetic characters. A lot of things happen in the movie but not much substance. Has a dreamlike feel to the whole production. The better Disney features usually have a meaningful lesson or a strong story and they would do better in the future. I liked the Cheshire Cat, though.
We bought this soon after seeing the finale on TV. I had hoped the DVD would include the great retrospective full of clips and interviews ("The One with All the Other Ones") which preceded the finale. It didn't. So what does it include? The pilot episode, the music video of the theme song, and a collection of opening titles over the years. Not worth whatever I paid for it. And it's not like the last Friends episode is anywhere near the best anyway (same with Seinfeld). Obviously this was just a rush job to capitalize on all the warm fuzzies right after the show ended. In time, more than one boxed set of the entire run has come out, so thankfully no one need fall for this now.
This is the worst movie I have seen in a long time and I cannot imagine how it was even coonsidered for any type of mocvies awards. The Nicholas Cage character is awful - very difficult to make any connection with the character whatsoever. The female lead role is also somone you wont relate to. Absolutely ridiculous relationship develops with a laughably bad ending. A waste of 2 hours.
I saw this when it came out (I was a young adult.) As someone from a hindu family (I am an atheist), I was revolted by the overt insulting nature of this film towards Indians and Hindus.In the first movie, they treated the whole story behind the arc with respect. Not so with Hinduism.Utter drivel.
Mr. WrestleManiaUndertaker vs. Shawn MichaelsWrestleMania 25 April 5, 2009This match ALONE is more than enough to buy this DVD. I rented the Wrestlemania Pay-per-view just to see it and that was about $50 so I am more than willing to buy this for about $20-30.It has everything a great match needs and it is a long match but it keep your interest the whole time.This match was way better than the main event that night.BUY IT!
This is a fantastic introspective, profound and bold film, that highlights a sensitive and deep aspect of Allen's milieu of mid-life dis-enchantment.Multiple marriages, psycho-analysis, anguished family dynamics, all of the interpersonal Woody favorites are here, but not given way to laughs, instead to meditation.Gena Rowlands-whose presence as the muse may be a significant reason for the films wonderful idiosyncracies-is Marion, a 50-ish Philosophy professor, who takes a sabbatical to write a book and eavesdrops on therapy sessions next door to her rented studio/workspace. The strife of this other woman propels her into herself, her past, family, marriage, friendships, and the like, ultimately resulting in a clarity essential for this mid-life crisis to pass, and for her work and passion to continue.Thankfully Woody isn't in this, but Gene Hackman, Ian Holm, Blythe Danner, John Houseman, Mia Farrow-doing her damnedest Allen-film neurotics, Philip Bosco, Sandy Dennis, Harris Yulin, Martha Plimpton and others are, and everyone is terrific. No doubt because the writing is crisp, difficult and honest, and the direction moves from casually circumspect to dream-like and very theatrical.For Woody Allen fans this is a must. A treat and a pleasure.
I had to own the superbit for one of my all time favorite movies.This movie has a great plot, an amazing cast, and wild graphics.You won't be disappointed.Stephen John BecciaAuthor of THE TREELANDERS
I nearly fell asleep watching the second Exorcist movie. It's not really a bad movie, but compared to the original, it falls short in many areas, such as truly featuring a scary atmosphere. In the first movie you were terrified to walk upstairs after the film was over for fear something truly evil and frightening was lurking around the corner of your upstairs hallway. In this movie, I felt almost nothing at all.It's a shame really- in the first movie, so much effort was involved in throwing in an unbelievable amount of devastating fears that the second one just feels really inferior in comparison. Perhaps the ultimate example of a sequel not living up to the original. The only scene that shocked me was when the preacher walked into the bedroom where all the evil activity happened in the original, and the only thing in the room was a giant horsefly buzzing on the ceiling. That's pretty creepy right there. That's about it though.Yes it's true some of the horror segments border towards hilarious. That's a bad sign. If the Exorcist was a rock band, it'd be Iron Butterfly.
Simply the best movie of it's kind...scary with incredible effects.The scene where they do the blood test to expose the creature should go down in history as one of the most disturbing EVER....
Back in the 70's when Marvel tested the TV waters, I thought how great it was...times change and if you happen to see the televised Spidy, look closely at the wire running up the building and his hands and feet not even touching...a true mar-vel indeed! With that being said--did I really begin a sentence with "with"...in any event, what a great movie with respect to depth of characters, emotions and really great special effects which do not over shadow the storyline or interfere with interaction between the cast of characters.
THE action movie of summer 2000. DVD is awesome as well. You won't be disappointed with big sound, big scenes, big action, blood gore and excitement.Gladiator is longer than some other movies, and is not appropriate for children. ENJOY!
The premise grabbed me; it is about a gay man sent to the concentration camps during WWII. I was expecting some really good things from it; "gay entertainment," as well as having the Nazi attrocities against gays highlighted for starters.To say I was disappointed would be an understatement; it's a bad sign when I wished the SS would just shoot the main character and make it a movie about his boyfriend instead! I despised the main character...he was everything I could possibly dislike about a person all rolled up into one.He's a multi-time cheater on the same person, a coke-head, a jerk, very promiscuous, makes (unwelcome) decisions for other people...throw in some domestic abuse and you've just about covered it.He's someone I'd be ashamed to know...needless to say, it was impossible to sympathize with his wretched character. And I can't say I'm happy with the clear stereotypes of "gay life" being portrayed from the very beginning.
After reading some of the reviews here, I'm getting a clearer idea of what people are expecting from movies. The hightlights, or at least the most talked about parts of the first movie were obviously the action scenes. So when the second movie hits, are people really expecting two hours of fight scenes? All of the scenes have a purpose, if you're paying attention. I've noticed a tendancy in movie-goers to want it all layed out for them; "We got no time for sub-plots, back-story or morals! Kick some ass! Special effects, man!" And then when they pull out all the stops for scenes like the many, many smiths, people complain about not knowing why it's happening! Look a little deeper.Everything that Neo goes through, has happened before, except the Smith thing. It's a new thing, and the key to stopping the endless sequence.I found the story fascinating, especially the ending. Sure, Neo is a superhuman in the Matrix, but what made it possible for him to stop the sentinel in the 'real' world? How did Smith infect someone in the 'real' world? All this suggests to me that they never left the matrix at all. Quite a puzzle, and I'm excited for Revolutions to hit theaters.Now, in the interests of fairness, I admit that the rave sequence was gratuitous, but that was the only thing I had a problem with. And even that had a purpose if you look at it as a whole.I'm just sayin, you know? Look at the whole, and you get a fun movie.
I actually saw this movie in the theater. My friend and I almost walked out. The manager who had been working at that theater for 3 years explained that he has never seen such customer dissatisfaction over a single movie. The movie starts out bad and ends even worse (which is a miracle in itself). I found myself sighing throughout the entire flick. The movie concept was a good idea; however, it was done VERY, VERY badly. I would rather stare at goldfish in a bowl for two hours than to be forced to watch this again.
don't waste your spare time on this film!
Perfect for guy's night, action, science fiction, a true 90s classic. Predator has been my favorite sci fi character for years.
This is hailed by a LOT of critics as an utter masterpiece that leaves them breathless. I agree. If you have read any of my other reviews, you'll see that I am a very huge fan of Brian De Palma's. I love every film he has ever made! But, don't let that distract from my opinion of this film. It's a film like this that makes me favor his work so much. Yes, there are some very scathing reviews of this film on here (and all over the web), but there are some really glowing one's as well; and, rightly so!First off, this is NOT a 'war film', but an 'anti-war' film. Yes, Brian had the b*lls to make a statement declaring how awful this whole war mess in Iraq really is. And, the results are magnificent. This is possibly the most powerful piece of anti-war propaganda since Kubrick's "Paths of Glory", and/or De Palma's own "Hi, Mom!". Comparable in plot to his film "Casualties of War", De Palma used the 'raped-girl-murdered-family' theme here to symbolize the whole brutality and senselessness that is war. And, the whole 'raping of a nation' that it encompasses.This is not just a film to make you feel proud to be an American, but to make you feel glad to celebrate the fact that there is some Human decency still left in some of us. Yes, there are criticisms about the acting in this...Wow, some people just don't have a clue! The acting in this is spot on perfect! It is not a 'Hollywood-piece-of-crap' saturated with such generic quality that makes me wanna barf. This is supposed to come across as reality, and it does! I am still stumped by the fact that this film was considered so 'controversial'.Brian utilizes film techniques that he hasn't done since the radical days of the 1960's, when he was more of a guerrilla style filmmaker. Forget the 'Hitchcock borrower' style he so often utilizes. Yes, the film is glossy, beautiful to behold, and has magnificent cinematography, but the underlying theme is gritty and very ugly: The Truth!!! He incorporates so many techniques and styles in this, that it is pure dizzying, just like the chaotic world of the h*ll these guys are in. Using You-tube blogs, camcorders, documentary style footage, and straight out powerhouse filmmaking, De Palma has crafted possibly the best film in his entire career.For all the 'Bill O'Reilley's' of the world, this is not a film for small minded people like you. No, this is a film for us that hate war, detest the violence and brutality and 'rape' that it induces on us, and desire to live in peace, harmony, and love between all of the nations; NOT just one. We are all under God, not just the U.S.. Yes, we do need to start a tsunami of Truth, and my man De Palma has tried to instigate just that with this brilliant film.The final montage of photo's is so powerful, it would take a robot not to be moved by the very haunting images on the screen. And, don't even get me started on just how awesome the whole 'bar-coming-home' scene is! This is an emotionally charged film that will leave some people weeping unabashedly, and rightfully so. No shame in that!One of my favorite scenes is of a girl posting a You-tube blog, stating just how morose and barbaric war and machochism is. Don't let small-minded Bush-loving idiotic people cloud your judgement of this film (for most of them haven't even seen it, and if they did, they just don't understand its wonderful message), for this is such a awesome piece of filmmaking that it received a 15 minute standing ovation at its Venice premiere. The Cannes festival gave it top honors as well.Too bad more anti-war films don't have the same kind of distinctive style and voice as "Redacted". O'Reilley called De Palma "The Devil" (ha-ha-ha) for making this, some have even gone as far as to call him anti-American, but most intelligent critics are declaring (like I am) this to be one of the best anti-war statements in the history of film. O'Reilley and the whole Factor should be treated as an Enemy of the People.This is not Hollywood, baby...This is a reflection of real life!Hope this review is helpful to whoever reads it, and hope you enjoy the film! In the meantime, let's just hope that we don't all end up getting 'redacted' on what we want to voice as our opinion, especially when it comes to this atrocious war (Vietnam Part 2).Thank you & Peace out! ;-)
Don't waste your time with this video. The best performances were cut down to nothing. This DVD my be worth 5 bucks, but I wouldn't pay more than that for it. Save your money and buy another movie.
An absolute classic musical! Fantastic songs, and another chance to see the twin towers of New York as they once were.
This movie really irritated me. The characters were supposed to be genuine and make you like them but instead they were very shallow. The music was okay but seriously, do all church choirs put the goal of winning as the end all, do all? I would hope not.
I bought and tossed the movie . parts are edited out from what I saw before . I caution everyone not to waste their money .
As a pianist, this is one of my favorite movies. It gives the viewer a glimpse of the pressures of big league music competitions and manages to do so with charm and wit. Dreyfuss and Irving are perfect for their roles as both are competent pianists. The final competitions with the orchestra will absolutely produce goosebumps all over anyone who remotely enjoys classical music. This movie begs to be re-mastered on DVD. In an age where even the Three Stooges are on DVD--Sony, WAKE UP!! This is a classic!
We have the entire Einstein collection and were very excited to see the new one. First of all, one of my child's favorite part is the little caterpillar that comes out at the beginning of the video-missing from the new Galileo! They used different puppets rather than hand held and it just wasn't the same quality. Whereas my baby sits virtually hypnotized by the other videos, he is not impressed with this one at all, he's bored after about 15 minutes. I was planning on picking up Newton but I think I'm going to wait and see what other parents comment first.
I must admit it was a good plot. Not scary at all. If all you wanna see are teens talk,talk,talk,talk,talk,see this movie. If ya wanna be scared, see Urban Legend!
I was hesitant to watch this movie. I didn't particularly care for the previews and 'possession' movies are ususally so incredible (and poorly done) that I'm unable to abandon my skepticism long enough to get involved.Not so with this one! There were enough accurate facts (e.g., the Gospel of St. Thomas was found in 1954 and it quotes Christ as saying "split a piece of wood, I am there. Lift up the stone and you will find me there."; Christ's wrists would most likely have been nailed, not his hands, etc.) to make it believable.Furthermore, the special effects were fantastic!Don't be too quick to scratch this one off your 'to see' list!
DO NOT expect the epic quests of "Dark Crystal" or "Labyrinth." If you weren't told that this came from the same people, you would never guess it.Visually stunning, 45 minutes after pressing Play I was still waiting for the story to start getting interesting. By an hour in, I had given up and was wondering who to give it to. Someone who will appreciate the incredible imagery but not notice the minor little detail that this movie is BOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRING!!!!!There are some excellent sequences, but it seems that the film was done in the "Now What Oddball Idea Can We Put Here?" school of cinema. It is disjointed and maundering, and proof that it is possible for a film to be TOO much like real dreams.
I love Adam Sandler. Well, I used to love him, before he made Eight Crazy Nights. Not only was this cartoon not funny, it was downright trash. I would not recommend this "feature" to anyone. "Eight Crazy Nights" was short on story, long on time, and wearing on patience. I kept watching in hopes that this cartoon would redeem itself; I needed some justification for wasting the 2 hours of my life that I will never get back. Needless to say, I stuck it out until the credits, and now I have to live with the facts that I: 1.) watched the movie; and 2.) I'll never get that time back. So now I sit here, typing away a review I doubt anyone will read, wasting more of my precious life on that ridiculous movie! HUMBUG! Watch "Ishtar," you'll get more out of it. Oh, and I only awarded one star because Amazon insists you give everything at least one star. I did this under protest.
I have read and reread "A Little Princess"over and over and have seen three different versions 1939 1986 and 1995 the 1986 one is the one that closely follows the book the 1995 mostly does with a few changes but despite Shirley Temple'd fame back then she was horrible in this movie she did not make. very good Sarah there is nothing to save this movie all the characters come off as annoying and nowhere in the book does Sarah ever go searching for her Father she quietly accepted the fact that he was gone even in the 1995 one where he was actually alive now don't get me wrong I like Shirley's stand alone movies that is movies that are not based on classic children's literature because Fox had a tendency to screw those up in any movie not based on a book Shirley is a wonderful actress although I prefer Margaret O Brien
Do yourself a favor and buy the original Time Machine (1960) starring Rod Taylor. It's a far better adaption of the HG Wells novel.
I can not believe that the first two reviews on Amazon came up as 5 star for the movie. Check the numbers and you will see that far more people rate it a 1 star than a 5. So much has been covered in the other 1 star reviews that I won't repeat it. I'll just summarize and say that turning a short childrens classic in to a long drudgery that explores dysfunctional families and personality disorders should have been stopped somewhere along the line. If you want to be bored and depressed, rent the Piano - at least is it was honest.
Spectacular Visual Effects, make the best disaster film since Earth Quake. A good cast, good storytelling and good directing from Roger Donaldson. He direct it No Way Out, The Bounty with Mel Gibson and Anthony Hopkins, The Remake of The Getaway and Species. Special Visual Effects from Digital Domain, Best Known for Apollo 13, True Lies And Titanic. This film Is Co Produced by Gale Anne Hurd, She Produced The Terminator 1 and 2, Aliens and The Abyss.A great entertainment film.
Everything was great, smooth, and excellent. Came just as described. Came fast. Easy process. Low rates. Awesome service. Thumb's up.
The reason for this rating is that I purchased it and it was the wrong region - my fault but, no more purchases.I have watched the movie on another DVD and really enjoyed it.
If you're into not working, smoking weed, and making (young) women subservient to you then you'll love this movie! The movie itself was fine, well produced, and portrayed Marley in a neutral light. I was interested in learning more about the man, but now I'm glad that I was never into his music. I have to admit that if I didn't have a streaming video credit, I would not have wasted the money on the movie.
I just got finished watching monster and I am pleased but I'm not overwhelmed like most of the reviewers and media. Charlize Theron is great in her all her makeup and profane filled dialogue but the movie is flat. I have seen specials on the real life Aileen and I felt this was just another Hollywood re-creation with key elements left out and other things inserted for dramatic effect because after all the truth is not as interesting right? Just like in another real life story "Boys Don't Cry" the director takes dramatic license and gives you a one sided view of the story. My main gripe is Christina Ricci's character. Aileen's real life lover was an overweight, butch lesbian. But of course, men will not pay to see two ugly women make out so they insert Christina Ricci and with her dull personality and slow witted charm the film is lauded by our American liberal media. The A&E special is much better than this movie could ever be. It's pretty bad when the highlight of the film is Journey's "Don't Stop Believing", I guess this song is supposed to have some kind of impact on me or something? I dunno, but what I do know is I'll never watch this movie again.
This item was really not what I had expected. The "Eyes on the prize" chapter "The Promised Land" is the best look I've seen on the Memphis speech and the events surrounding it, but "Citizen King" and the History Channel's "King" also do a good job.
Not a review but a question. What exactly is the difference between this BR and the other Iron Man BR that's no longer available? Thanks.
I know that there are some Cannon Films Golan-Globus movies that worked on making bad low budget films, but this movie is not even low budget and it has the reputation of being the worst movie ever made! Infact there are people that ask themselves "Is there a movie any worst that this?".I will not say why this film is SOOOOOO bad because everybody knows the answer. The reason that I wrote this is because I hate this movie!!!ADIOS!
It would be great if Amazon would make all the episodes available in DVD quality. The display of mystic powers in some episodes was just wonderful (the scene in the Dragons Graveyard with Venger. M. White
This is not one of Andy Lau's better movies.There's nothing engaging in this movie.The battle scenes are not that great.The characters needed to be developed more and whatever happend to Andy Lau's girlfriend/love intrest that said she would wait for him until the war was over?Maybe I missed it because the story is kinda hard to follow too.I didn't like the ending either.
Are they on drugs or something? This movie was AWFUL . . . such a disgrace to horror films both past and present. "The tension-building was incredible"..."Some people may say it's slow and boring, but..." YES! It WAS slow and boring! Tension-building? 85% of the film went by at a snail's pace, purely focusing on a teenage girl worrying about how to pay for her new apartment (which you would THINK would be the subject of this film at first, but it's not).You already know the plot of the movie, which you can gather from the description and other reviewers, so I'm not going to go into detail about that here. I'll just say that the tension-building was rather poor, and plenty of questions needed to be answered due to poor plot development. There were just two brief parts that interested me: the part where the guy shot the girl in the car (came out of nowhere...couldn't help but yell out a big OHHH! at that one, much like the bus scene from Final Destination), and when the telephone rang (caused me to jolt a bit). But that was IT.Bottom line is that you should avoid this film at all costs. Don't waste your time on it.
Marilyn Monroe is great, but the rest of this movie is pretty much unwatchable. Skip it and watch "Some Like it Hot" again instead.
Like other reviews here, I had to take away a star for the cheesy effects. The musicianship and sound quality is great though. I hope they haven't made the same mistake with their forthcoming DVD.
I own a home theatre, 130" 16x9 sreen projection system. I never buy fullscreen editions. Get with the program!
Fugui loses everything in gambling, which leads to his wife Jiazhen leaving him. He then loses all his possessions and his father dies. In shame he has to move into the slums and begin a new life that demands that he stop gambling and begin to take responsibility for himself and those whom he cares about. Slowly he regains some value in his life as his wife returns with his children and he begins a new life as a puppeteer. To Live brings Fugui through 40 years of happiness and pain as he is experiencing the bliss and troubles of life. In the end, Zhang leaves the audience with a terrific cinematic experience, which offers both tragedy and humor as life does to us all.
The title of this review pretty much says it all.The print Critic's Choice uses for Way Down South, a remarkable film by the way, is passable - barely. The print for Fisherman's Warf, a really nice movie, is an embarrassment. It's nothing but splice cut. "Digitally Remastered" my eye!My advice is to seek out other DVD copies of these great movies. In the long run the few dollars more you'd spend would be worth it. They are worth having, just not from Critic's Choice. I'll never buy another Critic's Choice DVD again.
One of the few gay movies that I absolutely loved. The actors, the story line and the relationships between them were absolutely wonderful. Finally a gay movie that can be enjoyed by every adult. It is nice to see a movie in which the main characters are not fighting HIV, their mother, or victims of gay bashing. The movies focuses not only on the gay characters but the frustrations and complications of dating and socializing in any relationship in this generation. Gay or straight, the commonality is relating to each other on a physical versus emotional level. I highly recommend this movie to everyone.
Whats next as a Disney movie? They made the Country Bear Jamboree, Pirates of the Caribbean( In threefold),The Haunted Mansion....I am going to eat my mickey mouse ears hat with my name embroidered on it if i see coming soon from Disney " The Hall of Presidents(Plot being that one of the animatronic presidents turns evil and tries to find a way to make himself real to take over the world, and all the other presidents band together to stop him, I am seeing in the bad president role Richard Nixon because everyone sees him that way anyway and he is really peeved about that in the Hero President roll i see George Washington of course, in the "sidekick" president roll i see Chester Arthur who was pres 1881-1885 because his name is chester first of all, and no one has heard of him so that makes him prime material to be all latched onto the most famous president.) ANYWAY, the Haunted Mansion Blew, it was horrible, Eddie Murphy has lost it!
the last few minutes of the show is really the only good part- arguably though those last few minutes are the best of any christmas cartoon ever made.the rest of the story isn't put together or illustrated very well, but run time is only 25 minutes so it doesn't drag on too long before you get to the excellent and memorable heart-warming conclusion.
Unbelievable, excellent and one of the best movies I have ever seen. A must see!!
"The Postman", adapted from David Bryn's book of the same name, is an underrated masterpiece that perhaps appeared 15-20 years too late. Many post apocalyptic films have been made (some, like "Waterworld", are okay but not really believable; others, like "Steel dawn", suffer from some 3rd rate acting. However, this film stands second only to the "Mad Max" trilogy as a definitive PA adventure. Like "Mad Max", the plot is believable and there is room for the audience to fill in the events that lead to the post apocalypse.Now, in 1997, Al Qaida and the Taliban were organisations not many people would have heard of. In 1997, the old USA v USSR thing was well in the past and the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis was buried. In 1979, when Mad Max debuted, things were different: The Shah of Iran was toppled: were the USSR going to invade and the USA to intervene? Afghanistan was invaded by the USSR and the USA wasn't happy with this. In 1981, when Mad Max 2 was made, the USA and USSR were debating the situation in Poland and Afghanistan and a war involiving USA, Iraq and Iran (with possible USSR backing) was possible. In other words, the world was interested in the PA movie.Timing was the first casualty of "Postman" - because 1997 was a 'normal' year politically. PA was not that popular a movie genre for this reason. However, move on 4 years: 9/11/2001. The evil and callous acts of today's terrorists, and the often unplanned responses by western states to curb terror (such as the invasion of Iraq) show exactly how PA chaos could be a possible future."The Postman" bases itself on the concept of the destruction of the USA by some fascist madman. "Mad Max" predicted the 'oil war'. Looking at the former, we see all the ingredients of what terrorists and fascists want to achieve: the fall of a democracy, replaced with their own feudal state.How did the US fall in the "Postman"? This is what connects it with events of today. Was it that the Holnists were some US organisation that merged with Al Qaeda? Were the Holnists some group who formed because of a fear of other races (who they blamed for terror), and struck at the heart of US democracy? Or were the Holnists created out of a bipolarised USA (e.g. those who love or hate a certain controversial President - like we've seen recently with Reagan, Clinton, Bush, etc.)?Though the references in the film point distinctly to the KKK or Adolf Hitler, they also point to Al Qaeda, Timothy McVeigh and other evil people/organisations of our time. This is what makes this film strong.Those who do not like this film should reconsider their position with regard to the age we live in now.
Good old fashioned fun. I love Carol Burnett and love Mama's Family. Take a trip back in time and enjoy this TV show.
Even if you're a huge fan, do not buy this video. It's a cheap cash in on one of America's up and coming rock bands. No music, interviews from obscure angles and second rate djs voicing opinions will have you reaching for the off button long before you reach the end.