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2 classes
This is one of my favorite movies. A great musical and love story. Debbie Reynolds is simply the best in her portrayal of Molly Brown.
I have never walked out of a movie in my entire life. Even if a flick is bad, I feel that since I just dropped ten or more dollars, I might as well try to make it through. But this movie?!?!?! Final Destination is by far the worst movie I have ever seen, and actually walked out leaving this B.S. movie to the rest of my friends.The plot line? Totally predictable...The Acting? Worse than my little neice's grade school production...The hour of my life watching this? Totlly Lost!!!Ok, I know I sound like I am going overboard here, but I did give this movie one star because my airhead sorority friend actually loved it.... Go Figuere!Anyone out there, tell me why this movie has 4 stars!
I have to say, after Glenn Frey treated Don Felder so abusively (eventually firing him from the band) when Felder suggested a well-deserved salary adjustment, it just sapped all the affection I had for the Eagles. Not sure why.But about this DVD: Were it not for the great Joe Walsh, this concert would be merely garden-variety Eagles music, immaculately played, but without real heart, real mirth, or any life. Their added brass section does provide spice--their black smocks look interesting. I saw the Eagles in concert in Anaheim, California in 2008, and I have to say, it was simply boring. Almost no Walsh pieces were played. It was five guys standing stiffly in a row imitating Eagles records. There was no joy in it, no life. Such as in this DVD--except for Walsh. The band would do well to rename: "Joe Walsh and the Eagles."I much prefer "Hell Freezes Over", which beamed with heart, passion, and unpretentious mirth. And Don Felder--before Frey beheaded him.Glenn, maybe simply admit you were wrong and hire Don back, forgetting about the lawsuit, as if there are "no more cloudy days." And heck you guys, dance a little on stage; don't take yourselves so dang seriously.
weather you believe in the Bible or not, or what religion you may be, or no religion at all.People you got to realise a Bible movie to a Film Buff is like Candy to children.Bible movies are always filled with Action, Adventure, hmmm well let me put it this way. EVERYTHING a film needs!Charlton Heston was a GREAT person to pick for this part.I can never give it less then 5 Stars.. I'd recommend this for everyone.. I do not see any reason a person could hate this film. If you do.. well I'm sorry.....
I've watched this documentary 5 times and I'm still amazed by how quickly everything evolved in the computer industry. As for the quality of the film itself, Cringely does a great job of keeping it entertaining with his comments and nerdiness. It is a bit dated since it was made 15 years ago, but it gives a great history from the beginning of personal computing up through the release of Windows 95.Hopefully they'll release Nerds 2.0 on DVD soon so I can pick that one up as well. Until then I'll have to readWhere Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins Of The Internetagain for my Internet history.
Poor Leslie Nielson. After making a couple of funny movies with the Zucker Bros (NAKED GUN series, AIRPLANE) he is now stuck with low grade spoofs. SPY HARD, DRACULA: DEAD AND LOVING IT, WRONGFULLY ACCUSED and now this, which is worse than any of the aforementioned. I won't bother going into detail because this is just not funny. In fact, its downright boring. Arthur C Clarke should sue the makers of this movie for playing on the title of 2001. If you're already dead from the neck up you may find something of merit in this movie, if not don't waste your time.
To say this move was bad is not enough. Cast Away depicts Tom Hanks as the lone survivor of a plane crash stranded on a remote deserted island. If you've seen the previews or TV commercials for this movie, you would then also know that he somehow finds a way back to civilization. You would know that he was away for 4 years. I did see this movie in the theaters hoping that there was more to the movie than I saw in the commercials. I was sadly disappointed.Cast Away starts slowly given that we are all waiting for Hanks to crash land alone. Following his being stranded, Hanks engages in what can be best described as a mediocre slapstick routine showing a slow adjustment to the island. Fast-forward 4 years and Hanks is ready to get off the island... well, at least we're ready to see him get off the island since we all know he's going to somehow escape.As is Robert Zemeckis' other recent movie, "What Lies Beneath," too much is given away in the trailers. Indeed, the mystery of the movie no longer becomes whether or not he will make it back, but, in my mind, what is in that last FedEx box that he doesn't open. Sadly, Zemeckis leaves this to the imagination of the viewer.This is not a movie you need to see more than once. It's barely a movie you see even once. Seen the trailer? If so, that's all you need to know.
This final entry in George Lucas's STAR WARS movies is often regarded as the weakest of the lot. However, this is not to say that it is a totally worthless entry in the series. On the contrary. Sure, it's not as groundbreaking as its predecessors and a bit more slow-going at times, but RETURN OF THE JEDI still offers a lot to warrant the price of admission.The first third of the movie, where Luke and his friends rescue Han from the palace of Jabba the Hutt, is a classic. Jabba, a truly disgusting blob of bloated flesh who speaks in his own language, not only makes a great villain, but a memorable one, too. It must have been a nightmare to construct this giant puppet, much less give it the spark and life that we see on the finished product. Actually, what also makes this sequence fun is the clever use of puppets for the various members of Jabba's court, including the intimidating, slavering Rancor and scary Sarlaac pit monster. It builds masterfully to its climax and pulls punches all the while.Things get a little bit slower around the second act, where Luke discovers that he and Leia are related by blood and when we travel to the forest planet of Endor, home of the cuddlesome yet stalwart Ewoks. Most of the complaints about RETURN OF THE JEDI that I've read seem to be centered on these furry creatures, in that they somehow disrupt the tone of the saga. I don't totally agree with that, although this moment is probably played out a bit longer than it should. However, their leader, Wicket (played by Warrick Davis) is a delightfully memorable creation, and watching how they handle the Imperial Troops' technology with their simple, natural weapons provides a nice contrast.By the time we get to the third act, though, the pace picks up again, as we intercut between the Ewoks battle against the troops, Lando and the Rebel Forces launching an attack against the Empire's all-new half-completed Death Star, and Luke's final showdown with Darth Vader and the Emperor. The latter ties with the Jabba Palace sequence as the highlight of the movie. Mark Hamill flexes his acting chops once again as Luke Skywalker in these scenes, and watching him as a fully matured Jedi Knight makes for an unforgettable performance. Also, as iconic as James Earl Jones' voice as Darth Vader is, he is rivaled only by the shriveled, crone-like Emperor, played with deliciously raspy, frightening evil by Ian McDiarmid. The tension between this trio heightens the excitement of this climactic moment, which is appropriately darkly lit and menacingly underscored.The STAR WARS movies have always set standards for special effects, and the technical work in RETURN OF THE JEDI can easily hold a candle to its predecessors. The space battle fights are as exhilarating as always, and the speeder bike chase through the forest is a knockout. Of course, given that this movie was made after A NEW HOPE and THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, it probably shouldn't be so surprising that the special effects have reached an even greater level of excellence. The acting is classic STAR WARS fare; Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher all mature and deepen into their roles, and Anthony Daniels provides more hilarious moments as C-3PO. Frank Oz's Yoda only appears in two scenes, but he makes the most of it. And yes, there's also John Williams' music.All told, while RETURN OF THE JEDI falters a little bit in the middle, the first and third acts deliver in style, making this a rather satisfactory finale to one of the greatest sagas ever.In 1997, George Lucas re-released the classic STAR WARS in digitally restored (and revamped) "Special Editions", which featured added-in effects and/or shots as well as some enhancements. Of the three, RETURN OF THE JEDI appears to have caused the most commotion with STAR WARS fans. Perhaps it can be due to the jarringly out-of-place (albeit funny if you're not so easily offended) "Jedi Rocks" musical number in Jabba's Palace, which, although technically amazing, does disrupt the flow of the film. However, I DID like the ending montage scenes where we see victory celebrations occurring on the various planets of the galaxy. This DVD version features yet more tweaking--we get to see more montage finale scenes (notably on Naboo, where we hear what sounds like Jar Jar Binks screaming, "Wesa free!"), and, in what is probably the most controversial change, Hayden Christensen as the specter of Anakin Skywalker in the closing scenes. Probably due to the intense (and unfair) disdain fans have for his somewhat shaky work in EPISODE II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES it seems inevitable that fans would put this edition down for that alone. However, if you're watching the STAR WARS saga chronologically (and contemplating about it), chances are you may react a little differently. Nonetheless, it is an issue that fans have raised, so it's probably best to be warned beforehand.As nice as it would be to have Lucas release the original versions of these three classic films, he nonetheless stands by what he said about these revamps being the "definitive" editions of his classic trilogy, and, when viewing the STAR WARS movies altogether as one complete saga (as Lucas intended), it actually makes sense to keep them technically and aurally consistent. The original films will always be engraved in our memories, but these new incarnations are just as much fun, if one can give them a chance.
I have to say the "Rhapsody in Blue" piece ranks as my favorite animated feature of all-time! In fact, I've never been able to get through this remarkable New York City based Depression Era fable without crying. Just hearing George Gershwin's masterpiece alone will bring tears to your eyes. Combine it with the stunning art work done in the style of famed cartoonist Al Hirschfeld, and it's guaranteed that you'll be emotionally spent at the conclusion of the piece.We become invested in the lives and dreams of "Duke", "Jobless Joe", "Flying John", and "Rachel", as each seeks to follow their heart's desire in this incredibly thoughtful, moving... and deeply human... production.If you have the opportunity to watch the movie in full... I recommend it.But if you are a fan of animation, music, and the ability of the human spirit to overcome adversity, then you simply MUST see this feature.If you bought Fantasia 2000 for "Rhapsody in Blue" alone... it will have been money very well spent.Bravo!
One of my best action films{along with BLADE, FACE/OFF and ALIENS}I've got the tape and I'm a BIG fan.I've also got James Camerons TRUE LIES,ALIENS and T2:JUDGEMENT DAY.If you aren't a Sci-Fi fan.
Who is everyone kidding? There are no heart-felt feelings, no deep stirrings of the human soul. The lack of true romance is best demonstrated when Evert arrives in Chicago and he has a conversation with Roberts. The question comes up - did he come see her for a "quick f__k". (And this movie is rated PG-13???) Kids in junior high have more intelligence than this. The movie is just vapid Hollywood nonsense. If you want a great Hollywood romance, try "The Awful Truth" or "It Happened One Night". Both of these movies were made long before I was born, but have enduring qualities. "My Best Friend's Wedding" will justly fade into oblivion before too long.
Great musical. Will be enjoyed for years. Would highly recommend it to anyone who likes good family entertainment. Great price.
If you're in the market for some post-Halloween creepiness, you're in luck: The Phantom of the Opera is hitting shelves on Blu-ray. Starring Lon Chaney in perhaps his most iconic role, this supremely gothic 1925 masterpiece is unlikely to shock contemporary slasher fans, but it still has the power to get under your skin and stay there. Chaney plays Erik, a disfigured, misunderstood music star who slinks around the dark corridors below the Paris Opera House, causing all sorts of havoc in a misguided attempt to win the heart of his beloved Christine. Featuring grotesque makeup and innovative color sequences, Phantom still has the power to disquiet; for silent movie buffs, the disc has some interesting bonus materials, including a commentary track, the original script, a photo gallery, and a souvenir program.
Two, just to call your atention.I read de book long before knowing there was going to be a movie and I gotta say I love this film. I know that when a book has to be put as a movie, you can't expect to see everything just the same as in the manuscrit because a film's gotta have visual impact.Its an insult to Tolkien to say the book is better than the movie or otherwise because you cna't compare them. Some people complain about the movie being too different from the book. Well, it would be kind of boring if it was, don't you think? And lets not say it would be like five hours long or so.As for the changes...well, my favorite scenes from the movie are the fight between Gandalf and Saruman inside Orthanc. That scene is practicaly original and was not in the book. I love the shots of Barad-dr, which were not even suggested in the entire Lord of The Rings Trilogy. As I read the book, I didn't really liked Tom Bombadil, so I didn't mind they did not include him in the film.Ah, THAT scene, the one everbody talks about. I like strong women who are still beautiful and feminine. Yes, I like that Arwen saved Frodo herself, rather than Glorfindel giving him that horse. What was his name? It's more exiting, it'll sure be great for people who haven't read de book and puts at least two women taling in the entire film.The Lord of the Rings is a great adaptation. As a novel, is terrific, as a movie, just the same. The visual effects really deserved that Oscar, the plot is easier, there's great action -and if you thoght the orcs fighting was too much for you, you just whait for Helm's Deep- and New Zealand its just...its just too beautiful to be true.
Don't buy this DVD. It's all about talk, and you can't hear the muddy copy. PHOOEY!
Plenty of suspense, running, shooting, dodging, and betrayal. This movie is really not realistic in some parts, like when a bus gets shot up about 1,000 times and none of the bullets hits the fuel tank. Nor can I say the movie has much depth and the plot is relatively predictable. The only good part about it is portrayal of police corruption, although this is certainly not the only movie to do so, and a strong female character, which is usually terribly lacking in these types of films. Considering it was made in the 1970s, maybe some of the cliche scenes can be forgiven.
I love this DVD. It is a great toning/yoga workout. It will make you sore and she will also make you smile.
The movie and the book were very entertaining. I would recommend this book and the series to anyone.
Pretty good, as far as having almost as much Kenpo techniques in it as "The Perfect Weapon" did & having a positive message at the end. Don't look for oscar-winning dialogue or storylines here either, just lots of action & (thankfully) not too many love scenes.
És una pelicula que no et cansaries de veure mai, per la seva sensibilitat, la música, l'emotivitat i la fantasia. Les dosi de drama que incorpora el film estan especialment aconseguides, sobre tot en la seva part final.
On reflection, I suppose it's unsurprising that America should turn the environmental disaster it's almost single-handedly creating into a banal piece of summer entertainment for us all to watch in over air-conditioned theatres. But we can leave that one for the likes of Michael Moore to ponder. Setting aside, too, the insulting "science" served up in this nonsensical faux-green potboiler, I could almost forgive Roland Emmerich for all of it if he'd made something that was even half-way entertaining. Instead, he just does what he's best at - the wholesale destruction of American cities is yet again presented in lovingly rendered mind-blowing CGI. And he does what he's worst at, too - attempts to tell a story. This time, a fatuous family-values plot is grafted onto the three or four effects-intensive set pieces with all the seamless realism of your average Californian D-cup implant. The result is a diabolically inept monstrosity of a film which lumbers from jaw-dropping visuals to lame attempts at tear-jerking with metronomic regularity. Forty minutes in, I wanted everyone to die - including me. I feel sorry for Gyllenhaal, Quaid and especially Ian Holm - three exceptionally talented actors. The gravitas Holm brings to the few scenes he's in only demonstrates the banality of the rest of them. Last year's "28 Days Later" was hardly a masterpiece, but it was vastly better than this. Why? Because it actually had something to say about mankind and the types of thinking and behaviour that might cause our destruction. Emmerich's film says nothing. That's no crime, but it's the lost opportunity I really resent.
This movie is the best movie I have ever seen(and believe me I've seen a lot of movies)! It was a romantic, compasionate movie about a lady searching for a love she herself can't understand! I could see her (Lindsay Lohan) on stage today being that same captivated scared little girl she seemed to be in the movie.
i still have nightmares from this horror movie the movies so real and disturbing its sick very creepy and an amazing ending kinda of funny with the cook and where letherface dresses as a girl in one scene crepyy. a must have for horror buffs barley a crumb of blood is spilled rated R FOR BRIEF VIOLINCE DISTURBING IMAGES EXTREAME TORTURE SEQUENCES AND SOME LANGUAGE.
Sparks - Lil' Beethoven / Live in Stockholmwho could not luv historic influenced on rock from roxy music to bowie and eno sparks make rock rock with intelligent charlie chaplin slapschtick this and balls cd and lil beethoven russel we luve your singing i hear charlie parking singing!!!! they are a blast of on stage in london or stockholm kabalistic sparks,amateur hour these cds absolutly and dvds capture theier magic on the audiance is pure mystical beautitudes for sure we luv u RON AND RUSSEL MAERS KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK SURREAL 11S.
Dunno if they were aiming for a crappy VHF/UHF reception-effect of the late 60s, but this DVD is pretty grainy. Not even indicative of bad digital compression, just a bad bad transfer. Had me wondering if they filmed the second season on video and left it on top of a refrigerator or something. Quality is VHS or poorer.Bottom line: Overpriced by 100% in terms of technical quality.
Yet another over-hyped, over-rated Star Wars mega-schlock.
I love the movie Fong Sai Yuk (subtitled version)! I bought The Legend (dubbed version), so that I can enjoy the movie without being busy reading all the subtitles. That was a BIG mistake.In The Legend, they had cut out some scenes and changed the dialogue. With those changes, the mood of the film has changed and you don't see the development of each character. That's why the story doesn't quite make sense or seem to flow entirely together. The Chinese culture and their beliefs (buddhism) is "taken out." The movie is actually more hilarious in Fong Sai Yuk.Don't be left in the dark. A little reading in Fong Sai Yuk won't hurt. You'll enjoy this comedy, action film. I give Fong Sai Yuk 5 stars. As for The Legend...=(
We should not have to pay for this as we were never able to download it. I think we watched a few minutes by spending half an hour trying to get it going. Very poor service.
As per the subject, I was frustrated and annoyed to receive a russian language version of this DVD from Amazon!Admittedly, this is an exception to Amazon's usually high quality of service.
If you are looking for great acting or a compelling story don't look here. But if you want to see some incredible music and beautiful directing looking here. Charles Stone III should have received an Oscar nomination for this film or at least it should have received a cinematography nomination. As a white boy in Alabama I knew about these bands, but I did not know the culture surrounding them. Drumline will give you an appreciation for how hard these kids have to work to make such beautiful half time shows. On another note I would like to thank Mr. Stone for not making the white kid in the movie the typical stereotyped goofy/can't dance/liberal guilt type of guy. Instead the white guy is there because he wants to play music (but first he tells his roomates that he is there because he really loves black people. Very funny line). This is a beautiful movie and I highly recommend it. I would give it 5 stars, but the story is only so so.
It is incredible how little has been revealed of the terrors and horrors which occurred during this conflict. It is high time this important part of our history was brought to light so people will know ALL that happened during this terrible conflict.
Star Wars is one of the most lamest, overrated films in history much like Lord of the Good 'Ol Ringos. Same goes for this.What is it with trilogies? They are pointless, usless things to make people anticipate the next film and trick you into believing in something that is not there.First off, let me say, if a human being can comprehend the storywithin this movie, kudos to them. On the otherhand, kill themoff so a movie like this will never exist again.To boot, every actor in here is annyoing as can be. I never like Liam, and I think it would take a lot to make me. Ewan is ugly,and that goes for the Portman chick as well. I don't mean to be shallow, but hey, if you can't stand to look at the actors what is the point?The film never ceases. End already!
Mr Moore claims he is a non-partisan, what an awful lie! He builds his whole premise on finding truth, but what he actually does is wear a non-partisan cloak to bash and demote Republican conservative agendas while promoting Liberal Democrat ideals. Take no heed to his deceit. Make your own choice and see the grimy veneer this man wears: he is a bleeding Liberal. make no mistake and be your own thinker.
This film was ok. It didn't have all the background on the opening scene, especially with the water chase. They didn't let you in on any of the gizmo's until after that! I think "Q" is one of the best actors! Informing not only Bond but the audiance of what 007 will be using. Now it appears "Q" is going to be replaced by John Clease. I dunno, I think he is cool but he just dosen't fit the role of "Q" to me.
When I watched "Elizabeth", I was expecting that the movie will stay close to the true Elizabeth I instead of a Hollywood version of Elizabeth. I was wrong. They went away from facts and into fantasy ie Hollywood. They tried to make Elizabeth like everyone and she was the good saint. She was not a good saint nor did she like everyone mostly Catholics.The one thing I can say good about this movie is the acting and the clothing, but don't think that they are trying to tell you the true side of Elizabeth..go to your Library to find the true Elizabeth.
This is such an atrociously awful movie that it's a joy to watch. You have to be aware of the real life events that were ongoing during the making of "The Klansman." Burton and Taylor were busting up and Burton was awash in vodka. He arrived in Oroville, California and promptly proposed to an 18 year Denny's waitress. His costar, Lee Marvin, was also drinking a bottle a day. Neither was sober for a single syllable of this terrible movie and their struggles to appear sober make for some hilarious moments.Burton, as usual, dreadfully overacts and his attempts at a Southern accent are pitiful, to say the least. Marvin's acting is much better, but when he has to speak inane lines from a miserable script, he can't fare much better. The highlights has to be the scene in the bus station when Burton karate chops poor Cameron Mitchell nearly to death. The movie was so cheaply edited that you can clearly hear director Terrence Young yelling, "Cut, Cam! Get up! Cut!" They don't even bother to edit out the director's instructions. You will be laughing yourself into a choking fit during this lengthy bus station melee,This is a great movie to watch with a couple of beers. If you appreciate a terrible script, crude sets and two major stars who were drunk out of their minds while filming, you'll love this one.
Deep Impact is a pretty good movie with a very unfortunate name. It is another story that plays into people fears about the end of the world, with a situation we rarely think about. As far as stories go, this is a good one, telling the story from four different angles. Tea Leoni's was by far the most interesting, as an up and coming reporter from a troubled family, who becomes the face of the crisis. What I didn't like was the storyline in space, where the would be heroes try to stop the asteroid. It just seemed unnecessary and like it dragged on. If the legendary Robert Duvall wasn't one of the astronauts, I'm pretty sure most of those scenes would have been cut. Deep Impact has a great cast, with a strong story, but it's also a little slow and cheesy at points, but it's a much better movie than most of the other end of the world scenario films.
sexy and beaut
Citizen Kane has been considered one of the best movies to come out of the black and white era, much less of all time. It also is probably the top of Orson Well's movie career.The movie starts off with a distant fog haunting over the famed gothic castle, "Xanadu". Moving past fences, and gates it goes to show how private and closed the star of the show, Charles Foster Kane, really is. Moving toward the castle you get a glimpse of Mr. Kane. Then you see him take his last breath and mumble the famous word, "Rosebud". This word is then the basis of the whole movie.It then jumps to a newsroom, with a crew watching a documentary on Kane. They feel like something is missing from it that would give it the edge it needed. They then thought that if they knew what this "Rosebud" meant that possibly they could get the upper hand on the news and make some serious money. So the case is afoot.Soon a reporter is going all over the country, talking to friends, family, and ex-employees to possibly get a hint of what this "rosebud" is.The film is made with multiple flashbacks that are introduced by the men and women that the reporter is interviewing. Going back to his childhood and how he ended up in the money, all the way until his political career is destroyed by a careless affair, and ending with his wife leaving him.Kane's life is filled with highs and lows. Disappointments have made him hard, and good times give him an arrogance that made his role in the film very eye appealing. I felt that this movie was extremely well done. It caught my attention from start to finish. It was put together in such a way that it left people wanting to know even more about this fictitious, larger than life character.I don't know if one can say enough about this movie. It was in black and white, which usually kind of bothers me, but I thought it really helped add the necessary film fundamentals that encompass the viewer to the point of questioning ones reality.This film, though fiction is also a semi-direct representation of a real life character. William Randolph Hearst was a man living in same time as the movie came out. He was greatly offended by the similarities portrayed in the movie. Though Hearst tried to use his power to get "Kane" out of the theatres before it started, he failed. But the after shocks of Hearst's outrage hit Welles' career hard. The film was up for nine Academy Awards, but only receive one. And after "Kane" there was a gradual downfall in Welles career up until he died in 1985.I thought this movie was great. I don't always like old movies, but this one was superb. I hope all of you feel the same way. Please, check it out, you wont be disappointed.David Johnson
Sargent Todd (Kurt Russel) never had a life of his own, till he was tossed out with the space garbage because they thought he was dead...being alone is not a handicap for a one man army like Todd as long as fighting is involved, its all that other stuff that can be painful. Good action, the opening training and battle sequences are wonderful, and when it suddenly switches to lasers and spacesuits instead of fatigues, you get that Forever War feeling. All's well that ends with a nuke, must have for Kurt Russel fans and Those Who Can Never Go Home Again. I'm rooting for a sequel.
This is the first season of my favorite television show of all time. This tirst season was a mid-season replacemnt and it stuck.The first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer was fun and light and airy, it wasn't that dark, it wasn't that dramatic (the only really dramatic episode would be the season finalie "Prophacy Girl"). It was fun and you had a girl who could kick butt and look pretty while doing it.From the first time Buffy Anne Summers steped on screan the world was a whole lot safer.
I dont get it! I thought this was a BRILLIANT film! very well written acted, and directed! Katie Holmes finally chose a smart, sophistaced project and RAN with it! this film i think is some of her best acting work! It was a smart thriller! I must be stupid, because i didnt see the ending coming AT ALL! i was pleasantly shocked and surprised at the twist! top notch performances from everyone around. i think everything, particularly the romance between katie and wade, was very well paced! it came at a believable point in the film, not rushed! It was smart and witty all around! Charlie Hunam was the perfect combination of charming, and ass. Zooey Deschannel was a hysterical roomate! so perfect!kudos all around to a great film!
Awesome anime even if you aren't really into comedy and romance. The storyline is very good it hooks you from the beginning till the end. The characters are very cute albeit somewhat basic, but there was plenty of character development throughout the story. I actually liked sumomo's voice, it made me laugh everytime she woke up and began the morning excercises. The storyline was not too confusing, although I still don't understand why Chii was thrown away and left out in the open, instead of maybe being hidden somewhere...Also, the ending was a little odd, but other than that this is a great anime.
Saw the concert at Georgia Tech in the mid 90s. Awesome show and I play this DVD when I want to get the goose bumps again.
This is a great documentary featuring actual photos and film of the aftermath of what still is today the world's worst air accident. Here's a recommendation for another documentary about a plane crash which happened in San Diego in 1978.Return to Dwight And Nile: The Crash Of PSA Flight 182
I was so thrilled to learn that this series was coming out on DVD--I loved watching the episodes on tv--when they played.Once I received the discs, I wa disappointed as several episodes froze in the middle and would not restart. This happened on two different sets (as I exchanaged the original set for a replacement).If Universal is going to sell double sided discs, they really need to quality check somewhere down the line.Shame on you Univeral for putting such a poor product on the market.
Revenge of the Fallen was quite possibly one of the absolute worst films ever conceived by mankind. It was all special effects and no plot. A good film needs to have an equilibrium between a plot and special effects. Otherwise, the special effects are wasted without a good plot to back them up. Also, many people believe Megan Fox is a good actress, but in my opinion, she is the hottest, but worst actress in the history of film. I mean she has looks, but that's it. No talent. Why do they even bother hiring her to be part of their films? Also, the lighting made everyone seem tan all the time. Did everyone go to a tanning spa before filming or what? Basically, everything in this film was absolute crap and a complete waste of film, time, and money. Are you listening, Paramount Pictures? Get it right next time!The Strand ProphecyThe Young Guardians and the Genesis SpellPredators
Quite frankly, I rented this a while ago and have completely forgotten it. The fact that it left entirely no impact suggests that I was not impressed.
This movie is terribly awful. In essence this movie says that Dr. Martin Luther King, Medgar Evers, Rosa Parks, Nat Turner, Malcolm X and all other pioneers and catalyst for freedom of black and civil rights movement are liars and never did existed. As always blacks are being portrayed as not being able to help themselves and require the assistance of whites to do for them.This movie is the WHITE LIE and it is only popular and praised to the heavens because it makes whites look good and feel better about themselves. It is completely unrealistic. This movie is an insult to the black race.I give it one star because I have to.There are many movies and documentaries about the true heroes of the fight for freedom for blacks and the civil rights movement and I have never seen them praised like this sorry movie. And it is because the documentaries and movies that tell the truth are not liked by white mainstream.
I have wanted a copy of this feature for years! I was so pleased that it was available on DVD. Such a precious combination of two of Disney's greats!So glad to have found it. Not just for myself, but for my grandchildren!!
LOTR was one of the worst movies I have ever seen! Don't waste your time or your money on it. Too long, too boring- I almost fell asleep. What a waste of a perfectly good 3 hours!! Usually, I really like movies that I see in the theater, but I hated this. I don't even want to see the other two. I feel bad for the hundreds of millions of dollars people have wasted on this movie.
Who and how do they come up with this combo of films?Where is the logic?Two gangster flics,a superhero and a comedy.Morons.
Yo Gabba Gabba!: The Dancey Dance BunchI gave this DVD to a 2 year old for Christmas and she loved it. She will sit and watch it for hours. It was cute and very nicely done. I as an adult also enjoyed watching it with her.
A True masterpiece. Vincent Minelli and of course the immortal Arthur Freed create a timeless film that can be enjoyed forever.Judy Garland of course in absolutely the greatest. The songs by Ralph Blane and Hugh Martin seem to fit in to the tiny plot just perfectly.Watching this film like watching a great and wonderful garden. "The Boy Next Door" is a stopper..but most of the songs are..
The Matrix is pure fluff with some style. Granted, the special effects were great, but the plot loopholes are just too much to take. For instance, why do supposed " freedom fighters " kill innocent human SWAT members? How can Keannu destroy an entire office floor and hit everything except a sitting-still Fishburne? Why would a computer create " agents " and give them less than perfect aim? The plot is nothing new and occasionally lapses into gibberish. It's a shame that people are calling this the future of sci-fi. If you ask me, I would much rather watch good sci-fi like 2001 and Alien. Do yourselves a favor and watch a show like The Outer Limits for better sci-fi on a way smaller budget.
Gee, this movie sure was pitiful. Not only was the lizard unrealistic looking, it was the typical average unimaginative green thing with mega fingernails. Where's the creativity? As usual, remakes of old masterpieces flop, and this is a prime example.
What can i say about crossover. Its one of a few movies thats nether bad or good . Its one of those flixs that if your off from work and want to relax. And have something to listen to pop it in .itll kill time .its one of those movies that if u have to pick between blackeagle or crossover . Ud chose the ladder and watch crossover. At least when u watch it u wont fall asleep doing it.in short all iam sayin is if u got free time give it a try u might find yourself enjoying it.
Lee Strobel has NO deductive reasoning skills and apparently has NO interest in learning. He's a total idiot who is incapable of any sort of rational thought... and this movie proves it. If you have the ability to think logically, to understand what words and ideas mean, and to see things for what they really are, then you will quickly see right through this cheap attempt to sell you on Christianity.
The original idea of the movie is actually good but the movie [is not good], its not just depressing but looong and nothing intresting happens,, i really dont recomend watching it.
T2 blu-ray definitely has visible better quality than the DVD. The sound comes through a bit better as well. Good deal when it's under $13 and no-brainer to add if you are the fan of Terminator series and look to upgrade your blu-ray collection.
Aside from occasional mumbling of lines, this movie ROCKS. Even if you get offended on behalf of the Anne Rice-concept vampires, this movie still has its merit. Merit is cool. This is possibly the ONLY decent acting Luke Perry has ever done as Pike, Buffy's unlikely delinquent side-kick/love interest. Paul Rubens is great as the lackey vampire...but I had to watch the movie 20 times and THEN have a friend tell me to figure out it was him. This movie, stuck firmly in-between Lost Boys and Clueless is well worth any purchase...unless you cant let yourself loose enough to watch it.
Characters didn't gel. I couldn't get past the fact she actually wanted a relationship with the guy. Movie itself was just ok
Werner Herzog, in his storied film career, has made many a good documentary and mockumentary. Gesualdo: Death For Five Voices (Tod Für Fünf Stimmen), made in 1995, is not one of them. Coming from a master of cinema, like Herzog, though, that still means Gesualdo is a pretty good film, but don't expect anything of depth. Ostensibly, the film is a chronicle of the life of a 16th and 17th Century prince and musical composer named Don Carlo Gesualdo, Prince of Venosa. One might think that the sordid tale that emerges in the 60 minute, made for television documentary, was crafted just to satisfy Herzog's own dictates about `ecstatic truth.'The film centers around Gesualdo's murder of his first wife, one Maria D'Avalos. The legend is that Gesualdo hired goons to rub out his wife in her bed, with an aristocratic lover. The bodies were then tossed into the street where a passing necrophilic monk supposedly copulated with Maria's corpse. No, I'm not making this up, as it seems to be a fact. There are also scenes on various estates of the prince where Herzog seems to just happen upon wacky locals (although he has admitted that they were staged events designed to get at a deeper reality about Gesualdo). There is a poor bagpipe playing musician who comes every week to the castle to play music to ward off the prince's evil spirit. At another time we see a supposed attractive red haired female mental patient running through ruins (never being able to lose Herzog's camera- a tip off to the setup), who, when trapped, claims she is the reincarnation of Maria, and that she lives in heaven, which may or may not be an opera box. It just happens that this Italian `mental patient' speaks English, has a boom box with her, and is wearing a pushup bustier that enhances her massive mammary glands. She was hired by Herzog for the role, and is an Italian opera singer of some note called Milva.But, the worst thing about the film is the hagiographizing of Gesualdo as a musical genius, simply because several modern composers have tried to link him to their work. Yet, when one listens to the compositions played by an amateur ensemble, well, genius is not the word one feels evincing itself. The music is certainly not bad, but it is merely competent. There is none of the instant recognition of greatness one gets from listening to an Erik Satie piano etude nor the internal spark of seduction that a Vivaldi concerto for classical guitar imparts. Yes, there is a certain legitimacy to the gripe that the singers and conductor in the ensemble are not exactly top notch, but even adjusting a bit for amateurishness, the music simply will never be mistaken for something Mozart or Beethoven penned. Yet, this is exactly what Herzog intends- to build a dissonance between the mediocrity of his music and the flamboyance (mostly because of his wickedry) of the man. Why is he profiling this rather obscure (deservedly so) artist? Simple. It is what Werner Herzog must do to be Werner Herzog. In that sense, Gesualdo: Death For Five Voices reveals far more about its creator than it does about its subject. Witness the multiple breaks of the fourth wall, and the sometimes absurdly long takes of people babbling on about Gesualdo's life whilst Herzog's camera strays to a cobweb upon a window or across a once verdant valley that Gesualdo reputedly chopped down himself over the course of several months.What all this might have to do with revelation of something deeper is....well, nothing. If anything, this film's quirky style is its raison d'etre. One feels that, had Herzog not settled on Gesualdo as fodder. He would have made a film about the very next thing that popped into his mind. And the film's style of embellishment upon already wacky reality seems designed to make Gesualdo: Death For Five Voices a This Is Spinal Tap of classical music, or an F For Fake for music. Why? Again, because it's Werner Herzog. Unfortunately, the lack of depth is what ultimately dooms this film. Other than Herzog's interest in the composer and his luridness, there really is no reason for anyone else to be interested, unlike other great documentaries he's done. Lessons Of Darkness, My Best Fiend, Grizzly Man, and Little Dieter Needs To Fly, all had reasons for their making and/or provided a new twist on something not seen before. Gesualdo: Death For Five Voices is just a quirky little television documentary, possibly a made for hire production.Regardless, intent means nothing, and the end result of all the confabulations, half-assed expertise, and staged incidents is a mediocre film, possibly the worst Herzog's ever made, and certainly the worst film of his I've watched. But, again, the caveat is that Herzog is a great artist, so even his worst has moments of artistic and journalistic redemption that makes a viewer smirk, despite his better angels. The film claims that Gesualdo spent the last 16 years of his life as an increasingly insane and reclusive madman. Whether or not this is true is of no real import, but by the end of this `documentary' I was of the opinion that had Herzog shot the film as a fiction, along the line of his earlier The Enigma Of Kaspar Hauser, the film would have been better for its odd flourishes. A touch of his patented `eye level realism,' a dash of `ecstatic truth,' and participants that seem to be a bit more engaged, and Herzog could have really bamboozled a fictive account of the wacky composer that his `straight' mockumentary misses. As it is, Gesualdo: Death For Five Voices is merely a curio, even if from a master. But, after a curio is in one's grip, it ends up in a corner with dust upon it. Swiffer, anyone?
never received this dvd!!!!!!! will not order from this person again!!! disappointed customer ;(
For the first 20 minutes, there's a ton of flashbacks and the movie is slightly hard to follow. Flashbacks of Speed as a dark haired kid watching his brother race, then present day of Speed's dark haired kid brother watching Speed race. After that it mellows out with a plot. The Racer family racing team (that's their name) is bought out or hired by a giant multi-billion dollar company to race for them. Speed grew up idolizing his racer brother and is haunted by his brother's death in a race. There are a slew of rivals sponsored by "the Cartel" and a mysterious Racer X that fights against them.Once the plot gets going an hour into the movie it gets much better with a lot more action. One fight in a hotel against a ninja is straight out of the Matrix especially with the musical score.Everything looks futuristic but the Racer family home that is still retro 60s. The cars, buildings and planes are very sci-fi, but the cars still drive on wheels. The racetracks are a feat of computer generated imagery as they twist, turn, divide, swoop up when they curve and hover high in the air. It would make for a nice video game.If you weren't a fan of the cartoon series, you or most likely your kids will watch this movie to see crazy car action. All of the action is cartoonish and not realistic. Cars jump, shoot, leap with robot legs and twirl in circles before regaining their composure. This will clearly miss the Nascar crowd and get the Dr. Seuss crowd despite cursing & violence.The movie is so colorful that it becomes the star. In every frame I keep thinking "wow that's bright & colorful." They could be speaking Shakespeare, but the color just gets in the way.Every character is color coordinated like Scooby Doo, but maybe that's the mold of the cartoon. Instead of solving crimes, this is a family of racers and instead of having a dog, they have a monkey. The monkey is never explained, and is pretty much a partner in crime for Speed's kid brother. Even with John Goodman in the movie, everything remotely funny that happens involves the monkey & the kid brother.The movie wraps up nicely after almost 2 hours. Sadly it goes on for an extra 30 minutes, making this movie feel anticlimactic. The bottom line is that you can skip this movie, unless you're entertained by bright & shinny colors.
Trash talk is essential! And in the UFC, MMA, sometimes to promote a fight, it is highly imperative. We all know how Matt Serra shocked the world in UFC 69, and in the first round with a TKO against GSP. But has Matt Serra prepared himself with the same skills, or is he putting on a trash-talking clinic? Has Matt Serra crossed the line? With cutting remarks such as, "Hey Frenchy, go back to your red wine and Hockey game!", did Matt Serra set himself up? Georges St-Pierre is ready to answer back in the octagon. Oh yes! This is part 2, and this is the main event in UFC 83, and it takes place in Montreal, Canada. Matt Serra believes this to be his Rocky 4 moment. He wants to shock the world twice. Well...Ok, the co-main event is interesting as well. It features Rich Franklin taking on Travis Lutter. Both have fought Anderson Silva. But as crazy as it sounds, Lutter did a lot better against Silva than Franklin did. But both have lost to the Middleweight champion. This fight just might be about bragging rights, and it very well could be a huge statement for either fighter.Kenny Florian fills in for Joe Rogan, along side Mike Goldberg. Mike calls him Kenny, and Kenny calls him Goldie. I'll welcome back the announcing of Kenny Florian back anytime!I'm going to say one thing. When you get an event that features 10 or more fights, there's bound to be one of 'em that sucks, one that simply doesn't belong on the card. You can't say that with this card. There are 11 fights, and there ain't nothing wrong with ANY of 'em!! Yeah, I said 11 fights! I'll list them below. They are ALL enjoyable.Jonathan Goulet vs. Kuniyoshi Hironaka: THIS was actually given fight of the night! Hometown hero Goulet is ready for his guest, Hironaka. This fight ends in the middle of the 2nd round. And fight of the night just might be right on!!Cain Velasquez vs. Brad Morris: Two Heavyweights making UFC debuts! And they are ready to rock, and it ends in the 1st round.Sam Stout vs. Rich Clementi: Stout is the hometown hero against the seasoned Clementi, who has no love for anybody, especially Stout on this night. A well fought fight, with a split decision being the result.Ed Herman vs. Demian Maia: Pissed off Ed Herman is looking for respect. Maia is looking for a gentle submission. It ends in the 2nd round.Alan Belcher vs. Jason Day: Is "The Talent" of the UFC going to meet "Doom" in this match? It takes less than a round to find out.Jason MacDonald vs. Joe Doerksen: Two Canadians with some trash talk ready to take each other out! And one of them does go out in the 2nd round.Mac Danzig vs. Mark Bocek: I'm telling you! Both of these fighters deserve the highest level of respect for the fight that was given! What a scrap. Neither of these guys fought a bad fight, but one of them got finished near the end of the 3rd round. This could've made an argument for fight of the night as well!Michael Bisping vs. Charles McCarthy: The Count takes on Captain Miserable! Submission or knock out? I'll just put it this way. One of them can't continue after the 1st round.Kalib Starnes vs. Nate Quarry: It stays interesting, while ending in hilarious fashion. What's sad is that due to the performance of one of these fellows, there is an immediate dismissal from the UFC as a result of this fight. Good fight, unanimous decision, but what a shame.Rich Franklin vs. Travis Lutter: Well, this is an intersting match, but it ends in the 2nd round.Matt Serra vs. Georges St-Pierre: This is where last, but not least can easily apply! In the end, respect is given where it is deserved.I'm telling you, if you are a UFC fan, get this DVD! This is a double disc, and it has a lot of cool stuff. Even includes most of the pre-fight interviews, as well as most of the post fight interviews with Ken-Flow! Now go out and get it and have a great time.
Either I wasn't sent all the mini series or I ordered the wrong thing. I ordered Shaku Zulu, supposedly 8 hours of movie. I received 4 DVD's that were not an hour a piece. It said it was the complete 10 part television Epic. It left me hanging. Am I wrong about the dvd or am I just not smart enough to know when a movie is complete? PLEASE HELP!!!!!
Well, I saw this movie in 1989 I believe. I rented it today Jan. 31st 2002. I understood it better although it touched my soul as it did before.In order to feel it I think in an old traditional family when the father/husband/man was in charge of it. This family and specially his wife trusts him and admires him! This was key: to follow him in his gigantic adventure! There was not the typical individualism that makes couples split. I had a father who followed his dreams. Thanks to that I have a better understanding of the world and its needs! And let me tell you I have always been a very happy person who follows her dreams! In real life we meet husbands that appear to be sweet but are authoritarian in things like budgets or personal issues. They do not drive us to the jungle though teaching us something so great as to have dreams and that they can come true!I love the movie.
It is a sad commentary on the tastes of the American public that a movie such as Titanic can be given such outstanding reviews, not to speak of the 11 academy awards. The acting of the main characters was pitiful, the story line created for the film was weak, and the movie gives new meaning to the 60's term 'camp'. To reuse a somewhat hackneyed phrase "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
Halloween III: Season of the Witch1982 / 96 min. / Rated RAfter Halloween II's success, a third film was inevitable, but no one was quite prepared for it. The second film was intended to conclude the story of Michael Myers, so Halloween III: Season of the Witch was to be the start of Halloween-related pics instead of focusing on one continuous storyline. John Carpenter and Debra Hill would return as producers with Tommy Lee Wallace agreeing to direct this time around. Nigel Kneale, writer of the Quartermass series, was signed on to pen the script. His take, however, left Dino De Laurentiis displeased, and Wallace revised the script to include more graphic shocks. Kneale would ultimately have his name removed from the film.Like its predecessor, Halloween III was budgeted at $2.5 million and was shot in various cities in California. The shoot went without a hitch, and the film would open on October 22nd 1982 against the original Rambo film, First Blood. Suffice it to say, Halloween III would debut at #2 with an opening of $6.3 million on its way to a disappointing $14.4 million. This would equate to over $35 million to today's ticket prices.The Michael Myers-less plot centers on Dr. Dan Challis, played by character actor Tom Atkins, who investigates a series of bizarre incidences that leads him to Silver Shamrock, a mass-producer of Halloween masks and their evil plan to kill children across the globe by somehow using stolen pieces of Stonehenge and attaching them to the masks. It is discovered while wearing these masks; the children will all but be destroyed when they watch the Silver Shamrock advertisements on TV. The plot is certainly as silly as it sounds since much of it doesn't make a lick of sense. The script is certainly this film's Achilles heel.Much of the cast is newcomers to the franchise with the exceptions of bit roles by Nancy Kyes, Dick Warlock, and Jamie Lee Curtis, who appeared unbilled for some voice over work. The new cast of actors includes the aforementioned Tom Atkins, as well as Stacey Nelkin and one-time Academy Award nominee, Dan O'Herlihy. For the most part, they all deliver serviceable performances, but the characters have no spark. The film is often dull because of this, and when its not, it's too busy being illogical. Some of the film's best assets, however, include the new musical score by Carpenter and Alan Howarth, the infectious Silver Shamrock jingle and the film's use of sound effects. I should also state that Wallace actually does a nice job with the various shot selections that echo the styling's of its predecessors which is helped mightily by the fact that Dean Cundey had returned to serve as DP on the project.Fans of this film often cite the reason people do not like it is because there's no Michael Myers. While I think it was an ill-conceived idea, it was made even worse by the fact there is no real connection to the previous two films beyond that. Halloween III doesn't take place in Haddonfield but in a fictional Northern California city called Santa Mira which is straight from the classic 1956 film, Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Even elements of its plot are closer to that film than the previous two Halloween movies. There's no carry over of any characters, and to make matters worse, the original Halloween is referenced as just being a movie. That aside, that's not why I dislike this film, there is a whole laundry list of reasons why. I will do my best covering them all.The most glaring issues with the film are the multitude of plot holes that pile on scene after scene. For one, how did Cochran - the owner of the Silver Shamrock Company - steal a piece of Stonehenge that weighed over 5 tons? Why does Stonehenge even have such deadly powers? How do that and the TV ad work in conjunction with one another? How does this unleash bugs and snakes from the inside of the masks? And if the plan is for the ad to run at 9pm, wouldn't time zone changes destroy his evil plot? And what are Cochran's motives exactly? With such a grandiose, albeit convoluted, plot - shouldn't we know why he's doing this? The only answer we're really offered is when Cochran states, "A good magician never explains." Or perhaps a more fitting line would be, "a better screenwriter would've made more sense". And then there's just the plan silly stuff like; Silver Shamrock is so successful to sell millions of masks across the country and yet they only sell 3 different masks? There are so many questions with no real answers. Why this film is even called "Season of the Witch" is yet another head scratcher.In the end result, this film is just not good. Whether it's called Halloween or not, there is no saving this turkey. This was a bad idea that wielded the expected results. If you like androids and unexplained killer masks with unknown motives behind the villain, then you may enjoy this - otherwise, feel free to skip to the next installment.
The Full Monty jumped to my top 5 list the first time I saw it. The movie is so well-made it never puts a foot wrong. The characters are so sympathetic and believable you can't wait to see things work out for them. I honestly have to ration myself to once a week viewings. I'm sure I've seen it 15 times already and laugh just as hard every time. What a winner!
It has war, it has love, it has justice, it has gorgeous scenery, it even tries a little humor... so why was it such a dud? This movie tries very hard to engage you and play on your emotions. So we get lots of overdone acting, slow mode sequencies, close-ups, and favored characters with stony glares and a tear dripping down their cheek. Tom Cruise maintained one facial expression throughout the film, failing to communicate his character's feelings and thus failing to make a connection with the audience. The other actors overcompensated for him, delivering plenty of open mouthed, wide eyed stares, specifically Koyuki, Cruise's love interest. While she was very beautiful and graceful, her acting was very soap operaish. Besides which, their connection was strange - both fell for each other, but with little reason and almost no chemistry. The battle scenes were gruesome but, unlike Saving Private Ryan or Schindlers List, failed to show the point or move emotions. The impossibility amidst such a serious attitude also didn't help the movie. That Cruise could learn, no, MASTER the Samurai way so quickly as to be able to defeat ninjas and be the SOLE SURVIVOR against an army of thousands(who used guns while Cruise stuck with his sword) was ridiculous. Of course, all the "bad guys" can't shoot a gun if their opponent is standing two feet in front of them with a target over there heart, but the "good guys" can shoot arrows up into the air without looking and pierce their enemy right through the eye. When the movie wasn't irrational or overdone, it often became tedious. Mainly, it lacked a real focus. First, we think its about Cruise's past, as he has many flashbacks, but this is only briefly addressed. Then, we think its about Cruise and his captain/opponent, who does gets his just desserts but only in passing. Once we meet the lovely and FORGIVING widow, we're sure its a sparkling romance, but it never truly blossoms. And we're, of course, waiting for Cruise to become a samurai, but he doesn't officially. While lose ends are tied up, the task is done as a task - it gets the job done but with little zing. The actors tried. The director tried. The writers tried. And their effort makes a watchable movie (thus the two stars). But it simply doesn't deliver enough to urge one to contemplate it, talk about it, or even really remember it the day after.
White Fang is an exciting story about wolf-dog and a young man who survive the bitter cold. The obstacles they encounter, individually and together, lead to an exceptional kind of trust and love. I believe this film would be a family sharing event, (perhaps for kids over 10 years of age).
an INNOCUOUS unbilled tribute to the caper movies of Blake Edwards and Henry Mancini quite, quite effective - inclding the kooky title sequence, CHRISTOPHER WALKEN shines as the scheming father very obviously sowing the seeds in junior for future mayhem - very nomination worthy - especially the tragi-comic chauffeur sequence with Di Caprio - later repeated by Di Caprio on Hanks. Leonardo Di Caprio provides the essential charm of this boy - a performance superior to the other current venture.He is by far more comfortable in the expert Spielberg hands. Mr. Hanks? Another superior tribute to Jimmy Stewart - great fun .....Costume design? Unobtrusive and so so so correct - very 'spot on'! As is the entire feel of the movie - just the overall 'message' to youth [have current offspring - same scenario .... also Industry related parent ...] and THAT is the problem, Mr. Di Caprio has mentioned the 'absolute charm' of the real life character - and fortunately he had a mentor 'awaiting in the wings' to pick up the pieces, and he has very successfully turned his caperous youth into a lucrative position - but remember Ted Bundy was also charming ......Hollywood's influence yet again....
This is truely one of the best love stories I have ever seen. The story moves along and really pulls in the viewer, which makes it more intimate. You feel their emotions as you watch- you laugh, you cry and become even more connected. I loved how they director shows the progression of love but not in a cheesey over the top Hollywood sort of way. This is a must have for anyone who has ever been in love.
Stinks big time. Aliens that can make huge crop circles, but unable to break a single wooden door? Faith lost-and-found? Give me a break! Do yourself a favor and avoid it at all costs, the trailer is MUCH better than the movie itself and all so-callled "critics' praises" are huge lies.
This is a movie? Where is the plot? Stupid beyond belief. I got so board with this one that I couldn't wait til it was finished. The only reason we watched it til the end was because we paid for the rental. There is simply no rime or reason to this; none whatsoever. It might have caused a stir when it first came out but now its nothing but lame.
I am not a dog-lover in any way shape or form. Cats, in my personal opinion, are the greatest pets that anyone could have. Their ability to be self-existent is reason enough to put them ahead of dogs any day. So, many of you may be asking, why would I rent a film like this if I didn't like dogs? Two reasons. First, I am a sucker for anything known as cinema, and two, there was quite a bit of popularity surrounding this film at the time of its release. I remember hearing that Kevin Bacon could possibly win an award for his outstanding performance in this film and that it was one of those films that will make any person with a heart break into tears. Oh, and I guess there was a third thing ... rumor had it that Clint Howard was in My Dog Skip, and for those that know me, I cannot pass up the opportunity to see Ron Howard's little brother in action! So, I submerged myself into this film one fateful night and watched a cliché Hollywood story with some very decent acting attempt to pull at my heartstrings and moments of nostalgia. I must admit, some of the rumors were correct. Bacon, as well as others did some phenomenal acting in this little film, but it was the story that ultimately disappointed me. I needed creativity, spontaneity, and excitement, alas, all I found was a simpleton story that could easily be found in any book dealing with dogs, pre-teens, summers, and social climbing while suffering from the classic Old Yeller syndrome.My Dog Skip doesn't hold back in using every classic Hollywood trick in the book when building the relationship between Willie and his dog, Skip. From the dog becoming a part of the community to eventually saving lives while teaching lessons, My Dog Skip does not promote originality at all. You could see the director, possibly with some note cards, talking to his crew about how other Hollywood hits like Turner & Hooch, Benji, or any of the Lassie series (either television or film) did it, and he would not like to stray far from the devices that these similar films used. Would it have harmed director Jay Russell to be original, to take a stronger stance on developing the author Willie Morris' words a bit stronger. This could have been a sensational film about friendship during the troubled years of America (i.e. the War and apparent racism in Mississippi), but instead Russell skirted around the issues and penetrated our hearts with a cute Muniz and a dog that was prepped for the camera. I apologize about my cynicism towards this feature, but I witnessed a lack of respect as I watched this film for both the patrons in the audience and the time it was attempting to portray. I wanted to see more honesty behind the script, instead of cliché Hollywood moments. Even though this was developed as a "children's film", I believe that more should have been explained about the circumstances surrounding Dink, more should have been developed about the bootleggers, and more needed to be developed about the scattered racism in town. Russell attempted to paint this beautiful image of rural Mississippi in 1942, but it felt that instead of using paint he used candy to gloss over some of the rougher edges. There is a point when we must realize that children can accept the facts of our nation, and that a boyhood friendship can still grow strong even during times that we are not proud of.What is friendship? According to My Dog Skip, friendship is helping an insecure someone reach a better point in their life. Friendship means always being the initiator, while ultimately realizing that this same person may never repay the favor. Do you not agree? These were the "life lessons" that I learned from this film. This is another hearty mistake that I believe hurt Jay Russell's feature. Here we have Muniz unable to cope with the social struggles of life without the help outgoing and energetic Skip. If it weren't for this dog, Willie Morris may never had broken free of those insecure shackles of life. Yet, somehow, no praise is generated for this dog at the end. Without giving anything away, the final note of this film is rather depressing, not due to the events that occur, but due to the actions of Morris. I nearly shed a tear because I felt horrible that this dog was so exhaustingly great to this boy, yet Skip is slowly forgotten. This is how I interpreted the final scenes, perhaps others saw it differently, but why was Willie Morris missing from the final moments? Could someone help me?While I may not have great ideas to share about the plot of this film, I did think that the acting was a par above your typical "dog befriends boy" films. Muniz does his job well considering being hired mainly for the "cute" element. I do believe that over time Muniz looses that childish look that he could have literally patented. He kept my eyes on the film, but it was Kevin Bacon's role that kept me glued to the screen. Kevin Bacon continues to prove that no matter what part you give him, he will stand up and ensure that he gives his undivided attention to the character. He will take you away from seeing Kevin Bacon on screen, and force you to see the character he is trying to create. In this film, it is Willie's stern (yet human) father Jack Morris. I believe an entire film could have been centered on Bacon's portrayal and possibly been better than what we witnessed here. Diane Lane again demonstrates her ability to play the "every woman" role. She needed to be handed more in this film to broaden her character. Not enough meat was given to her to chomp on, which hurts one of the pivotal scenes early in the film. Luke Wilson, well, he plays Luke Wilson. If you have seen any of his films, than you have seen his portrayal in this feature. He needed to reach deeper into the Born on the 4th of July moments to truly capture his character. Dink is Luke and Luke is Dink. Enough said. Then, I cannot end without giving credit to Clint Howard. He had too small of a role in this film and brought some brief moments of enjoyment to this reviewer. Clint Howard is an undiscovered gem in Hollywood. While his brother hogs the spotlight, Clint can honestly stand on his two feet in my book. It was his portrayal of Millard in My Dog Skip that strengthened this mediocre film.Overall, I didn't like this film. I cannot stress the fact that due to director Jay Russell's lack of ability to take risks, My Dog Skip eventually transformed into another typical "dog helps boy become popular" story. There was no creativity or originality of the story (which in my eyes was too candy-coated even for the youngest of viewers), nor was there any respect for Skip near the end of the film. The only plus I can give this film is for Kevin Bacon reaching higher with this small role than most actors would have. This was one of those films where I believe the acting was directly in line for what it needed, but alas, the story was nowhere to be found. Can we not be more creative in this genre Hollywood?Grade: ** out of *****
Moronic and self indulgent Keanu Reeves vanity project lacks the heart and the wits of the comic book which it steals most of it's ideas form and ruins them with a horrible acting performance by Keanu Reeves, which looks more like he's reading from cue cards than remembering a script. The rest of the actors do better in their roles than he does with Rachel Weisz stealing the show with a deep and strong performance, Gavin Rossdale, doing a very convincing job as an agent of the underworld and Djmon Hounsou giving a bit role more class than he should have. Tilda Swinton does well with a small role that is very underwritten and Shia LaBeouf is well, Shia LaBeouf. Don't expect any more than that.Skip it, you will thank yourself later.
I am a big fan of Frank Miller's work and I loved reading the graphic novels the movie was adapted from. When I saw this film I was blown away by the visuals. It had an amazing graphic style that was very different than anything I had seen in a movie before.Having mentioned it's good points I have to say I was enormously disappointed with the dialogue and some of the story adaptation to screen. It seems to me those involved in the screenplay and production were too concerned with adapting this in an overly faithful manner from the graphic novel to the big screen. For the most part the bad dialogue and some of the terrible acting in parts were just too painful to sit through. I had to keep checking to see if my ears were bleeding yet.Each extraordinarily bad line or horribly acted sequence made we wince like I was being mugged. What works in a graphic novel doesn't necessarily work as well when adapted directly to screen without a bit more adaptation than you'll see here. All the characters were severely and tragically 2-dimensional with none of the depth you get from reading the graphic novel and very little attention was paid to developing better dialogue suitable for a big screen experience. Also, many of the big name actors in this movie were capable of much better performances than they displayed here.Purists and rabid fans of the graphic novel may be capable of somehow finding a way to look past all the terrible acting and awful dialogue that is rife throughout the film. However, my bottom line opinion is it's a good film to watch for the visual look only, but you will almost certainly enjoy it far more if you keep the 'mute' button on. This film had the potential to be truly great but it is extremely disappointing that it fell so far short of that mark.
wwe championship edge (champ) vs. cena winner cenaworld heavyweight championship batista (champ) vs mark henry winner by dq (mnm interfers)batistaroyal rumble winner (possible raw) rvd wins title at wrestlemaniaorbobby lashely Gets a big push like lesnarroyal rumble
Before I saw this all I knew of, was the Disney version, I sometimes forgot it was based on a book. After I saw this I ran and read the book. The movie had perfect actors for the characters and the special effects were great. They did a wonderful job in createing scenes like the tea party and the trial of the knave of hearts. They stuck very closly to the book. You have to see this movie.
This is the worst "learn to hip hop" dvd. I bought it for my 6 year old. It is so "old school" like the 90's maybe. They don't teach you little moves they teach you a whole routien. NOT worth it at all.
Loved the movie kept me in suspense so worth my money! The sound and picture quality was awesome!good scary movie
This movie sucks. I don't know what they were trying to do,but it didn't work.The acting was OK, but the plot and the way it was presented was really bad. I'm glad they were cheap, I gave it away. No wonder you didn't hear much about this movie.
Length:: 1:03 MinsWe were throwing a get together and wanted something lively on our new big screen tv. We spent so much money on it and want to let folks see how great it looks. This Jazzy visual really helped set a great tone during cocktail hour. So easy to use, just put the DVD in and press play, couldn't be more simple!
The world first met Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen) in 1995 staring in "Toy Story" as a confused toy who thought he was a space ranger. We were reunited with him and his cowboy friend Woody (Tom Hanks) in 1999's smash-hit "Toy Story 2". And now--in his very own direct-to-video movie--Buzz Lightyear is far from good.In "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins", we are caught up with space hero after Andy's toys from "Toy Story" insert the video into the VCR. This Pixar short is very well done, and is the most enjoyable part of the film (explaining the first star). After it, we are plunged into the world of Star Command and the evil Emprorer Zurg. Sadly, this is all too plain--no Pixar involvement here. The movie lacks good visual effects because of this, and it is the most bitter disappointment. What happened to the billrant visuials that brought ADULTS flocking into "Toy Story" and "A Bug's Life"? STRIKE ONE!The plot here, too, is very stupid, and does not encourage thinking. Zurg steals the Unimind from the Little Green Men's home plannet, and tips Star Command's balanced working system. After doing this, he uses the Unimined (now turned from good to evil) to control every plannet in the galaxy. This plot is not only stupid, but is recycled, and has been used countless times before. STRIKE TWO!To make things even worse, if that's possible, is the fact that Buzz's personality has been changed entirely. What happened to the gentel Buzz from "Toy Story"? Now, all he is is some idiled superhero who fights evil with ZAP! and WHAM! This isn't the Buzz I knew. STRIKE THREE!The only good thing here is that ONE new character has heart--Princess Nova, who (I think) echos Jessie the Cowgirl's (from "Toy Story 2)personality and viewpoints and walks in her footsteps. (I gave the film the second star because of this.)And the worst news is that this is going to be continued in a TV series. (I was tempted to say "a continuing effort", but there is no effort shown here.)In ending, this is NOT a good film, not even as a rental. Don't waste your time. "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins" DOES NOT GO "TO INFINIDY AND BEYOND!" like "Toy Story" and "Toy Story 2" do. Spend your money on one of those, a collection of Pixar short films, or "A Bug's Life"--please. You'll be getting more for your money that way. (NOT RECCOMENDED.)
Im giving this a 2-star rating not because I hate it, or think its worthless, but because I think it was less than average and did not live up to the standard set with Halo productions.To begin with, I enjoyed Origins I & II and how they went back to cover the far history of the Haloverse. Some things I wondered about the accuracy on, but comforted myself saying "Frank O'Conner was here to look over everything so im sure everything holds with cannon". I believed this up until I noticed things like, they killed something like 8 or 9 Spartans over the course of the shows. When you start out with only 75 to begin with, and almost all are accounted for, I believe they took liberties with the bodycount. I will go back and look into it, and if im wrong i will revise and post that. But then you had things like Spartan 23 and Spartan 1337, it doesnt mesh. Not to mention (maybe entirely explained by its title) Odd One Out is almost a parody of all things Halo, dropping a Spartan on a planet of dinosaurs and kids and writing it as if its a Dragonball spin off. After playing all the games (many times), reading the books, trying to fill in pieces that arent cleary stated, (ive read all the 'marathon man' scripts in Halo 3 and such), I was hoping that at least one of these animated shorts would be more story driven and deep and revealing. Instead the majority of the stories were just about racking up the highest body count and having the most flashing lights. Also little things like animating 50 foot tall hunters or 20 foot tall brutes was just absurd.After taking the time to point all this out ill say that Im only covering its shortcomings because if you like Halo you will want to see it, and it doesnt have any outstanding "awesome" points to focus on. Im not saying its horrible, just be prepared to be let down in several places while enjoying others. I do hope this trend (and ill quote from one of the shows) "Less talking, More action!" isnt the direction the franchise takes now that it has been moved over to Microsofts hands. After watching the entire thing, I would still buy it again if I had it to, I just feel they could have done a much better job with the project.
It is amazing that actors like Gibson and Glover would work in such trash! Is this is the best Hollywood can do? Do they actually think that their foul language adds something to their otherwise lame script. All the "positive" reviews I've read are unbelieveable, but then again so are Bill Clinton's approva ratings! Must be from the same group.
Snatch is definitely one of the coolest movies ive seen this year. And the DVD is packed full of great stuff that will keep you busy for hours. I gave it a five because its the only movie that ive watched 8 times straight and still didnt get tired of it.
There are no words to describe how awful this movie was. Yes, the songs and the voices of the actors were fantastic, however the acting was atrocious. I think half of the problem was the writing. The script had no realistic feel to it at all. I found myself laughing histerically at the things the actors said, but it wasn't meant to be funny; I found the things they said unrealistic and funny to the point where I would rewind and watch them say it again. Also, part of the reason there were no good actors in this film, is because I think it is such a rarity to find a young person with amazing vocal talents, as well as a good actor. Overall, I think this movie, was awful, and had NO powerful feel to it whatsoever.
A hunter named Moss (Josh Brolin) in the Texas desert discovers a drug deal gone bad and decides to try and keep the $2Million cash he finds, which as expected, entangles him in the mess of those who want to recover the money. Seems like a promising story, except that, while suspenseful, it veers sideways into meaningless subplots/characters and gratuitous murder scenes--the point was amply made that Chigurh (Javier Bardem) was a psychopathic killer, so I suppose the Coen brothers were using additional killings as filler material. I won't spoil the end of the movie, but will say that it's anti-climactic and defeatist. Some say this is an artsy "realism". Umm, no. Reality would have involved more police/SWAT, etc. and not have happened in apparent isolation, would not be so stylized, and it would have been more conclusive. As for the movie's artistry, I'll just say that anything passes for "art" these days, with enough hype behind it. Those audience members titillated by Chigurh's cold-blooded murders of innocent bystanders have their own issues. This is not a philosophical film about fate (but I'll address fan boys' assertions below), so please don't try to elevate it beyond bloodsport and greed and those caught in their path. The overall tone of the film suggests terror, gloom, and helplessness and falls off with a lack of resolution, which simply becomes tiresome. There is no real point to this story. Apparently, while very dark, the novel was much better and less disjointed and incomplete--bad editing on the directors' part. This movie is pretentious drivel. Don't waste your money or your time on this film, which belongs in the trash heap. Laughably bad comic-book antics.To understand why Coen brothers films, such as Fargo, O Brother Where Art Thou?, and No Country for Old Men, resonate with many members of the Academy and some audience members, start by browsing Wikipedia for nihilism, post-modernism and deconstructionism, which all begin with elitism and moral relativism and employ sophistry to further muddy the water. Methods used by these self-crowned elitists include undermining common values by attacking the words used in their reasoning, by dissecting words, in isolation, like the implied "fate" or "free will" in this story, and not in their proper context--check definitions of a word in the Oxford English Dictionary, and you'll see that language is necessarily contextual. In essence, the "common man" (or average American, in this case) and his morality is regarded as no better than cattle (see Chigurh's heartless execution of innocents with a slaughterhouse piston, and the stylized attention given by the movie's directors to the executions) (also see how they similarly dehumanize normal people by using caricatures in Fargo and O Brother--the directors apparently sneer down upon average Americans, given their movie choices and screen writing, direction and editing). In No Country, Chigurh is challenged at the end by Moss' wife, who insists that the coin toss is not a matter of fate, but rather that it is Chigurh's decision to use the coin toss that determines whether he shoots her or not. He understands this perfectly well, but rejects this because it spoils his executioner's game, using sophism (a diversion/non-sequitor) to explain that the coin arrived there the same way he did--sorry, but he had the choice to come there, and the coin did not. Dumb argument (illogical, but convenient for the executioner). O Brother, Where Art Thy Brain? People may not control every outcome (there are external factors, of course), but an individual's outcomes are largely determined by an individual's choices.A quick Google search for articles on how violence is used in films and Hollywood's and elitists' double-standard for the appropriateness of violence yielded this: http://stkarnick.com/blog2/2008/02/the_violent_hypocrisy_of_mains.htmlRaise your standards for entertainment. You'll be glad you did.
Little more than a serviceable introduction to the historical proceedings. Wooden acting all round. In fact, Sheen looks like he's sleepwalking (or punchdrunk) through the thing. Still, Hauer does manage to conjure some sympathy as the Russian captain who does his best to save all his men, though, regardless of what he does, he can't win back home with the Soviet officials. Otherwise, there are handful of interesting insights into submarine culture--if what we're seeing is an accurate portrayal.Overall, Hostile Waters the feel of a mediocre (to bad) TV movie (which I'm assuming it isn't), including some particularly unconvincing special effects--to the extent that, though this was made in 1997, I would've guessed '87. It just looks that dated. Only Hauer and Sheen's haggard appearances are any clue that it was made later.
I am truly amazed at the number of good reviews and hype this movie got. Eminem should just stick to music,a nd please, no more horrid sex scenes! The best part of this movie was the ending.
Most of the important comments have already been made. For those who would buy this DVD please just do a little research first. Look up the Discover Institute. "The Wedge Strategy" and "Kitzmiller vs Dover" You will see clearly the religious motivation behind this DVD. It is all part of the Discovery Institute's plan to flood the popular media with its religious views since it has never produced any scentific support for Intelligent Design. Most disturbing is the misuse of Holocaust imagery that will only do damage not prove their cause.There are more than just Darwinists out there with bad opinions about "Expelled"Here is a review comment about "Expelled" from Wikipedia:"The general media response to the film has been largely unfavorable. It received an 8% meta-score from Rotten Tomatoes. Multiple reviews, including those of USA Today and Scientific American, have described the film as propaganda.[11][12][13] The Chicago Tribune's rating was "1 star (poor),"[14] while the New York Times described it as "a conspiracy-theory rant masquerading as investigative inquiry" and "an unprincipled propaganda piece that insults believers and nonbelievers alike."[12] One of the few positive reviews appeared in Christianity Today.[15]"The Discovery Institute even has one of their own people, William Dembski, reviewing and trying to promote this DVD in a comment below. Dembski is one of the main fellows at the Discovery Institute. He was supposed to testify at the Dover vs Kitzmiller trial but backed out to avoid being skewered by cross examination. He has publicly stated several times wanting to put Darwinism on trial but when he got his chance he chickened out. In that trial the fact came out that he so far has no peer reviewed articles or books to his name yet he is one of the leading proponents of ID.For those giving high reviews at least read a little of the history of the ID movement from other sources. Only the uninformed will take this DVD seriously.
Come on LOTR is stupid when u really think bout it. Its about a dumb ring. If u love LOTR maybe u should rent it. Its mainly talking and at times really really really borin. Every1 loves this at my school. In a couple years every1 goin to forget bout LOTR. If u r a LOTR freak u will probably say my reveiw wuz not helpful but i hope some1 agrees wit me. Its even costs more bling bling than most other movies. Its worth probably $16.99.If u didnt like my reveiw u will probably like these things:Lord of the Rings the Fellowship of the ring movieLord of the Rings the two towers movieLord of the Rings the Fellowship of the ring video gameLord of the Rings the two towers video gameLord of the Rings Return of the king video gameLord of the Rings MonopolyLord of the Rings Fellowship of the ring bookLord of the Rings the two towers bookLord of the Rings Return of the King bookThe HobbitLord of the Rings playing cardsLord of the Rings the fellow ship of the ring sound trackLord of the Rings the return of the king sound trackLord of the Rings the two towers sound trackLord of the rings action FiguresLord of the Rings Shirts.
Hay you cant fool me, I know a "flamer pride" movie when I see one. It all came together when Frodo starts to float away in a boat, and his "partner" Sam expresses his true love, by choosing to drownd, rather then leave Frodo all by his lonesome. But when Frodo comes to his rescue, tears are jearked between them. And lets be honest, when (Liv Tyler) the elf princess confronts him in the woods by the little bird bath in her underwear, What would you have done? I dont think my point needs much more explaining. The fairies and hairy men in loin cloths should have gave it away; but if you still need more proof, explain to me what thoughs four young hobbits were up to, when they rented a single bedroom away from town, next to a dark saloon?
I have been practising Wing Chun for 24 years and have read many books and tapes before. This series is by far the best I have come through! First, it starts out by explaining clearly the concept and purpose of each form, then of course the demonstration of the form, but yet the applications of the form is the best part. It shows you how to apply the Wing Chun concept rather than individual movement, in addition, there are extra topics such as gates theory, facing theory, how to generate extra power etc. Seems like Benny has made no reserve of his knowledge about Wing Chun! If you are a Wing Chun practitioner, this series will certainly broaden your mind, enjoy it!
I thought this movie was going to be boring when I first bought the DVD. Man, was I wrong! This is the most exciting movie I seen in a while. The actors were really good, especially Oded Fehr who portrays Ardeth Bay(this guy is going to go places!). I told my older brother, who never likes some of the movies that I do to watch The Mummy. I had to buy my own copy of the movie that I bought cause my brother took it for himself! He likes the movie alot and thinks it's great to watch at night.We are anxiously awaiting the release of The Mummy Returns on DVD so we can both watch the first movie together and then put into the DVD player the second one. Both movies are worth your time to watch. You will be watching the two movies one after another. My brother and I give this movie five stars.
Sandra Bullock has wonderful comedic timing as Gracie Hart, the hopelessly unfeminine FBI Officer. I did enjoy the first movie more than the second movie, though the second one does have it's moments. All on one disc, how can you go wrong.