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Prior to viewing "Shrek", I was intrigued by the animation I had seen in the previews and I had liked the idea it had of parodying fairy tales. I loved "The Princess Bride" and how it mocked the standard fairy tale in a way that both crucified the genre and honored it. It made fun of the frivolousness of the tales, but still also offered an experience that rivaled even the best traditional fairy tales. It was also a "family" movie and it managed at times to capture the grandeur of a fairy tale through the emotional attachment. A good story has to at least hit us on an emotional level. The score itself was moving enough to be worthy of a serious dramatic tale. "The Princess Bride" was a much better paced piece of work and did not attempt to simply crack jokes every few seconds as "Shrek" did. The major flaw of "Shrek" was that it tried to be too funny too often and managed little effective humor at all. The audience is numbed by the lack of emotion to counter all the frenzied dippy humor that no child could ever understand anyhow.As well as the jokes being way too adult oriented than children could possibly understand, I was absolutely apalled by the music used in Shrek. I could understand pop music being used in Disney movies like "Beauty and the Beast" because those Disney movies always wound up being musicals anyway. At least in the case of those Disney movies the music had something to do with the movie. I cringed right off the bat when Smashmouth's "Allstar" started playing early in the movie. I thought,"Why use that in a movie about an ogre?" It had nothing to do with what was happening on the screen.So watch "Shrek" once renting it and laugh at some of the adult oriented humor.(Some of it is funny) Quickly forget about what you saw because it sure wasn't anything memorable. The actual story of "Shrek" is weak to say the least. So "Shrek" winds up a mix of humor for adults with a (...) story for kids that moves at a pace of a Concorde jet. The sales are huge. I wonder why.(Sarcasm intended)
Forgive me for being blunt in this review.I absolutely loved this movie. I dont understand what you people are talking about? Madonna cant sing? Are you people the same people who think these FAKE rockers/rappers/etc of today can sing so beautifully. I highly recommend listening to the song "La Isla Bonita" and tell me if she can't sing? While you people are complaining about this not being the play I will enjoy this movie. I honestly recommend that you listen closer and keep your negative opinions about Madonna out of it.About the movie, Antonio Banderas was suprisingly great. And Madonna is an outstanding singer and she didnt disappoint here. It deserved every award it got. I recommend you to read the review Roger Ebert wrote on this movie because it is very true and well written. It is also very historically true.
I love this one. Again, this was a recommendation from the old man. He has fond memories of this one from his youth. I can see why. Jimmy Stewart hans in a great performance that shows a range one wouldn't expect from him. The story itself is good, as the protagonists get what is coming to them in the end. In the process, Stewart becomes a little tougher than in other movies. Great twist! All in all, a very good flick.
`Unforgiven' is an absolute masterpiece of film, and represents not only director and star Clint Eastwood's most mature work, but also the coming of age of the Western. It completely eliminates the simplex white hat/black hat, good guy/bad guy theme so common to Westerns. In its place, it gives us rich, fully drawn characters painted in the muddled shades of gray that characterize real life rather than the black and white of myth. And while it has abundant violence, it strips it of all of its glamour, and presents it as the stark horror that it is.The film deals extensively with the disconnect between what we are, and how we view ourselves. William Munny (Clint Eastwood), a bad man reformed by the love of his now deceased wife, is haunted by his past of cold blooded killing. Even as he takes on a final job of assassination to save his failing farm, he continually tells himself and everyone around him, "I ain't like that anymore." His companion, The Schofield Kid (Jaimz Woolvett), is young, dumb, and owns a gun, and is blustering and cocky about what a deadly killer he is until confronted with the actual deed. English Bob (Richard Harris) fancies himself a sophisticated, refined, gentleman shootist, but is soon revealed to be little more than a mannered bully and crude killer. Little Bill (Gene Hackman), sheriff of Big Whisky, believes himself to be a tough but fair enforcer of justice, and believes that he is different - more righteous, than the toughs that he confronts. Yet Little Bill harbors a deeply sadistic rage that can be deadly, and just as ugly as any outlaw's deeds. Finally, the working girls that contract to kill the offending cowboys see themselves only as seeking justice, and are blind to the fact that what they really want is not justice, but vengeance.`Unforgiven' reinvents how violence and killing are presented in Westerns. In the traditional Western, the villains are demonized to the extent that when they are killed by the heroes, we feel exhilaration and triumph, devoid of any of the inherent horror of the act. Not so in `Unforgiven', where each killing is felt like punch to the gut. When each character is shown in all their humanity rather than as a gross caricature, it is impossible for us to cheer their deaths. Eastwood's William Munny sums up the heart of the film when he says to the Schofield Kid, "When you kill a man, you rob him of everything that he has, and everything he's ever gonna have." In a final shoot out scene, Munny ties together the themes of the gruesome nature of killing and our self deceit about our natures, when a man he is about to kill says to him, "I don't deserve this", and he replies, "We all deserve it," as he dispatches him.`Unforgiven' stands as a landmark in the history of Western movies. Like John Ford's great film, `The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance', it explodes the myths and easy conventions of the genre, and presents us with complex moral questions rather than simple, pre-digested answers. It is well written, with brilliant performances, and beautiful cinematography - a masterpiece of its genre. If you are ready to see Westerns grow up, you must see this brilliant film.Theo Logos
I ordered what was stated as an XXX rated version and received a copy of what can only be classified as an R rated version. I was very disapointed.
to quote John Lennon..."Tell Me Why"?why Mira Max....did you not include the bonus features from the now highly collectable orignal DVD release of this movie? The out of print version , which was made from a remastered negative, also has a vintage interview with Richard Lester, his film "Running Jumping & Standing" with Peter Sellers, which got him this gig, a theatrical trailer and bonus "newsreel" footage of the fab four....NONE of which is on this new two disc joke.perhaps I should calm down and admit that interviews with the photographer and George Martin are nice and Klaus Voorman is fun to watch.....once. Where are the BEATLES ? there is deleted and outake material which would have been much more interesting than the endless talking heads from United Artists droning on and on about the fact that they didn't know who the Beatles were but all knew "we would make a lot of money" with this movie.Oh, and the packaging? the original DVD had the look and spirit of the original LP and movie etc, with a nice little insert with pictures.....this eco pak features four fuzzy out of focus pictures of the individual Beatles and a group shot which is equally poor in quality and no booklet. I can't believe that they couldn't find better quality photos than this....whoever organized this set must not have been alive in the 60's and really must have been on deadline....I am suprised that they didn't flop the neg on Pauls photo to have him playing right handed....that is the level of interest they seem to have displayed elsewhere. oh yeah, and 14 lousy chapters to the original 29? this reeks of doing things on the cheep...yet they rolled out the publicity campaign to hype this and smere the previous edition as inferior....HA, that is why they are fetching well over a hundred bucks a piece on the auctions......Buy this for the movie...it is a classic...and the proper aspect ratio of 1:66 is nice, but we should hope that the fools that put this together are not involved with the follow up films.
Now that they finally got this dvd on the market I wonder how long it will take those pokey producers to get the second season out. I hope it won't take them as long as it's taking them to produce the complete "All In The Family" series. They really need to "Move Move Move On The Double!"
I think that Wes Anderson has done a wonderful job directing this film. Initially upon the first viewing I wasn't a hundred percent in love with the movie, however this is the type of film that should be viewed more than once. Every time you watch it you learn something or catch some joke that you didn't notice before. This film does not use the typically blatant humor instead it is rye and witty in a sort of dark way. I think the manner in which the story is narrated and delivered is great not to mention the characters as well. This movie rejects the nuclear family and actually shows a family so dysfunctional that they are almost normal because they are so different just like any other family. I would also recommend the Darjeeling Limited and the Life Aquatic less so which are both also directed by Wes Anderson.
If I had driven my own car to this movie I would have walked out. One of the most senslessly violent movies I have seen. If your idea of a good time includes watching a thug ask two small crying children (3-5 years old) if they want to be shot in the hand or the foot, and they shoot them... If you enjoy watching a thug then decide to kill one of these kids to earn his way into the gang, and he kills the child... then buy the movie, cuddle up with your popcorn enjoy.
I saw this last night and think I should review it before I completely forget about it. This film apparently started out as a short film about two people eating lunch in a restaurant and has been expanded into feature length. Fairly interesting characters in search of a plot. If your idea of drama is watching a woman try to convince her brother to go to church then you will probably enjoy this movie, but that's about as dramatic as this movie gets. I got the impression that the writer/director has not lived a particularly interesting life. I do think it is a good thing that boring people have the opportunity to make boring movies; someday soon maybe we will all have a movie out on DVD, and from those millions of efforts perhaps one or two good works of art will emerge.That being said, this film is much much better than Gladiator.
good servic bad movie.This wasthe worst VAmp.movie i have ever seen.There was know plot or very little of one .The ending was the chessest i have ever seen .The pun is intended .The company was great to deal with .The product came quikey.
I have to face facts: the Halloween franchise is dead. The body is in the coffin. Halloween Resurrection is an absolutely abysmal effort. Only the Halloween name got this a theatrical release.This film drips with cynicism and is indicative of the current low point of the horror film. The film is no fun, it works too hard to provide every element of a Halloween film with minimal efforts. The acting, the writing, the loud, crashing music.It's funny, but this film is no better than any of the direct to DVD Hellraisers that the same studio )Dimension) releases as well.The director is Rick Rosenthal, who directed Part II. The two films couldn't be more different. Part II had atmosphere, it was stylish. Resurrection is a retread, completely by-the-numbers.The franchise will continue, despite the fact they kill off Jamie Lee, as if you didn't know. The series died with Donald Pleasance.And let's say nothing of the mask. I can't understand what they've done to the mask. It looks like a cartoon version of the Myers mask. Is it so hard to recreate the original mask, or is it another attempt to get artistic in a slasher film? Nothing about Michael Myers is scary. He is clearly now the hero, killing us, and we keep coming back. The film makes us believe it's really updated because it's about the internet, but it's a haunted house movie, and a really lousy one at that. There isn't even an exceptional gore factor to up the ante.I put off seeing this entry, and I'm beyond disappointed. The film is completely irrelevant.I can only be glad I only rented this. Mustapha Akkad must be condemned for cheapening the series so.
This video just proves that once you rock, you always rock. The Eagles play, sing, and perform with all the intensity they use to. It is MY personal favorite music video and if you like the Eagles it will be a favorite of yours too!
This album is a pathetic example on how mainstream music has gone to hell in the past five or six years. I don't normally listen to rap, if hardly at all, but there is the occasional rap artist that will catch my attention. 50 Cent is the prime example on how rap and mainstream music in general just sucks. Nobody wants to listen to someone who whines about how many times they've been shot, or how many girls and cars they got. The only people who listen to this are people who want to be cool or think they are cause 50 is so "hard." If you want some good rap to listen to, listen to Necro, Mr. Hyde, Ill Bill, Public Enemy, and Non-Phixon. Don't waste your money to support this worst example for a musician, if you can even call him that.
This movie has intrigue, suspense, romance, and musical entertainment. What more could you ask for? You do know how it is going to turn out, so it's not as suspenseful as it could be, but overall, it's a very enjoyable movie.
This review is not for these three great movies, or the awesome fullscreen dvd set, but for the supposed "widescreen" version. I read many reviews complaining about this problem, so I decided to wait until March to purchase the set because Universal was supposed to correct it in February. Well, I don't know if they ever did, but my copy was STILL defective. I immediately returned it for the fullscreen version. Also, regardless of what many of these reviews say, ALL 3 movies have been formatted incorrectly, not just 2 and 3. I compared them to the old vhs tapes, and the sides are exactly the same, and black bars have been placed over the picture to make you think it is widescreen. You actually see much less picture than you do in the fullscreen version, and isn't the entire point of widescreen to see MORE of the picture? I can't understand why Universal did this, if for some reason they couldn't release the films in a real widescreen format they could have just released them in fullscreen. They had to have known that creating a "fake" widescreen version would just enrage millions of fans. Otherwise, the extras are all great, and the fullscreen edition is definitely worth the price.
What kind of scam is that? Buy it to own it but the license runs out in a few months. What a bunch of scamming con artists. I cant wait to see the studios file for bankruptcy over this stuff with movies getting produced and sold directly to viewers cutting out the studios.
I added the 3D version to my wish list on Amazon, but Amazon simply changed it to the 2D version when they ran out. Now I'm stuck with a 2D version (why would anyone want a 2D version of the movie?). Amazon disappoints with misleading business practices.
No much to say ... this product was the complete series of this TV show..... a historical program... will always remind me of when i was 15!
Ok. I'm a big fan of football movies. This one was definately not at the top of my list.Despite obvious attempts to make this opus as heart-pounding as possible, Director Oliver Stone created arguably the most boring football movie ever made. The opening sequence takes us to the field during a late-season football game which starts out ok, but after about 30 minutes of jagged film mixed with grunts and crunch sounds I found myself thinking "get to the point Ollie." This movie spends WAY too much time on style. We are presented with montage after montage of football images past and present during important expositional scenes which are few and far between. There are more of these excruciating collages during character introspection which occurs way too often. All the game sequences are long, drawn out and predictable (I counted at least three slow-motion spiral passes floating magestically into the air. Please.) And for me to actually care about the outcome it might to throw at least one likable character in the mix. It turned out that Stone took two and a half hours to get to the point. And it wasn't worth the wait.
Antonio Banderas and Angelina Jolie are bankable stars with bright futures. How they agreed to sign on to this weak screenplay escapes me. Jolie plays Julia, a mail order bride who turns out to be something quite different from the catalogue item. Banderas plays Luis, who falls instantly and madly (and stupidly) in love with her upon picking her up from her journey.They have steamy sex with lots of gratuitous nudity and then the story begins. Julia skips town with a bunch of Luis' cash and for the rest of the film, Luis follows her around like a lovesick lap dog begging her to take him back and abuse him some more. The plot twists and turns, but the "surprises" are so obvious that they may as well have put up road signs saying, "WATCH OUT, PLOT TWIST AHEAD."The dialogue is banal and mindless and the characters are transparent and simplistic. The viewer comes away without being able to identify with either character. Luis is so pathetic that we can feel only disgust and lack of respect for all his groveling, and Julia is so callous and wicked that no amount of attractiveness can overcome the revulsion she elicits.This film is a dreadful waste of talent. I rated it a 4/10. One can only hope that this tripe does not deflect the careers of two promising actors.
Beauty and the Beast, is a great movie for ALL ages, and family for entertainment. I ordered this dvd as a gift for my girlfriend, which she loves anything Disney, is especially GREAT because it's in Blu-Ray format and has a bonus dvd. Can't bet the quality of this dvd. Will be enjoyed for years to come....
A gift to myself during the Christmas season. I love Bristish film and this collection contains wonderful choices. Merry Christmas to me!
When i first saw Footlose i was about 11or12 and when i watched footlose i was with my sister and mom and we loved it.It made us want to see it again so we went out and rented it and we watched about 20 times that night and when we got older we still get together and watch it and we still love it.I think they should make an updated movie of "FOOTLOSE" and they should keep the same people who starred in the movie.....
All the actors, especially Jodie Foster and Forest Whitaker, do outstanding jobs in their roles. In the beginning, you start to believe this thriller will be a game of wits. But in the middle of it, Jodie Foster's character starts doing things that, given the circumstances, is just ridiculous. The burglars have so many options to place the circumstances back into their favor, but rather than have the advantage (even though they have a great bargaining tool at their expense), they do things that are just plain stupid. A person with any decent sense of common sense could do better. Worth watching for some great acting, but because of the [bad] story, wait for the bargain theaters or wait for video.
Magnificent!....I was so Delighted when this was released on dvd. I Have been a fan since the early 80's of italian/Euro horror. PPL who buy anything from the italian film maker must buy all his films. What i liked about opera is that it reminded of The birds. If you cringe at the thought of animal abuse...then please fast-forward. There is everything a horror fan can expect. I have seen AMerican horror and Italian horror..and I think that AMericans should take a lesson or two from them. Bava,Fulci,Argento,Franco..all the best..directors. If you have no clue of what i am talking about check out also Demons or The Beyond. Opera has its moments too, especialy the soundtrack. The scenes are very terrifying, especially the part of the needles taped to the..(buy opera). The end of Opera is the surprise. It's like when you open a fortune cookie and the prize is Unexpected. Interesting plot...and of course the story itself. ALso check out the extras with Argento..its like he is in your living room. Behind the scenes, etc. This is what the magazine FAngoria has been telling us all along. BUy this film!! 20 stars+
WHY is this film being sold in an edited version????? Where is the original 144 minute theatrical release?!Bad Disney! Bad!!
I saw this movie when I was about 10 and I still remember how great the action was. I did not get the whole story back then but I just viewed this again and can now appreciate the acting and the plot better. I love the DVD extras: I did not know Steve McQueen did all these things to catch the viewer's attention! Got to love Yul Brynner. What a great actor! His charisma is palpable and you can see how his magnetic character drew the others to him. It is too sad he is no longer among us and his talents have not been further recognized. He should have been awarded a life award for all his work. Get this movie if you love Brynner and western. It is truly a great classic.
This movie is much different than the other two GF'S. This one has Michale wanting forgivness for being in the Mafia, while his life deteriorates before his eyes. Not a great movie, but I didn't think that Sofia Coppolo was a bad actress like everyone says. The best thing about the movie is the end. This way, there can be no more Godfather movies!
Okay, so Ben Kingsley is not "Gandhi," but after you get into the film, you may be convinced that he is. The make-up and the shots of India are so incredible, and his performance as the Indian holy man are uncanny. Richard Attenborough has put together such an astounding resemblance to the man who shaped our world that it is close to being real on its own.Then there are the performances of John Gieglud as the "authority" figures, and the supporting cast of "thousands," literally, is phenomenal. Gandhi's family, of course, don't want him to push things, but the film chronicles his early rise to that of his stature, and the scenes of his starvation diets to press home his political points are so appropriate for the time in which we live, and we can see how Martin Luther King Jr. was so taken with him.This may not be exactly the history books, but it is a nice addition to whatever history you may have or remember. For the novice who knows nothing about Gandhi, this is a nice place to start. Recommended!!
He drives a Volvo and owns a company that manufactures boxes. Yes, he's a square. The good thing is that he's got a hobby that keeps him sane: he kills young men and women while they are having sex. The bad thing is that he's just as square a serial killer as he is a box manufacturer. This guy is *tediously* methodical in his killings. Unfortunately, the author of the script was nowhere near as methodical. He was just tedious. Here are some of the *minor* quibbles.1) How does he get into his victims's apartments?2) How does he get into Mr. Smith's apartment?3) How does he know when his intended victims are having sex?4) When he asks Mr. Smith for the memory card of his digital camera, doesn't he realise how easy it is to copy a memory card?One way of looking at _Mr. Brooks_ is that it is a low-brow execution of an original concept. The problem with this approach is that there is nothing original about the likeable-killer concept. The film does nothing that hasn't been done to death already by _The Sopranos_, _Dexter_ and other tv series. The only good thing is that this serial killer hasn't been serialized for HBO.
I loved the first and third movie but this one has no spirit at all. This is just one long episode of the TV series (same actors, bad script, ...). Christophe Lamber appears in some few key scenes so the studio can pretend it was a film for movie theaters. If you're not a big fan of the TV series, don't waist your money.
not up to the excitement level of "Zulu", but nicely done and, actually, probably more accurate historically. I'm glad i bought it.
I love the first movie, think the jokes are right on in spoofing old sci-fi horror films, and I ordered this sequel as soon as I found it had come out. But this sequel is a huge let down. A majority of the gags are borrowed from the first film and without the edge or the freshness. Most of the scenes felt like some kind of psychological test of endurance with the same line repeated endlessly. I know this kind of thing was done in the first film, but I'm afraid that I'm dreadfully afraid that I'm afraid that in this one... it isn't at all the same. It felt like a joke from Family Guy, as if they knew it wasn't funny and hoped that if they just did it over and over it might achieve a laugh. It doesn't. If you cherish the first movie, you'll wish you'd never seen this one. And when the cantaloupe people make their appearance, you'll REALLY wish you'd never seen this one.
For the people who don't like the plot or the acting, I must imagine you have never been a storm chaser, or anything remotely like it. Been there, done that, these actors got the personalities down to a T.If you like special effects, a little adventure, camaraderie, and a feeling of pursuing what you believe in, and can overlook some of the stupidity (that real life people have) of walking into a tornado, it's a great movie.
It's amazing how much damage Joel Schumacher was able to do to the film.Unlike the first two films where the characters were fairly deep, the characters in Batman Forever are boring and one-dimensional. Jim Carry is the only bright spot. This isn't helped by the terrible script.Schumacher tries to make the film bright and flashy but ends up just making a very campy looking film with high production values. The Batman series was ment to be dark(even in the comics) and Schumacher shouldn't have tampered with it.The only good thing about the film is a great soundtrack but it in no way makes up for this lousy movie.
All I can say is Wow , this series represents the title Manga to it's most truthful meaning , nothing comes close to this , and to think I was inlove with The Record Lodoss War series once upon a time , how much i have missed until now . Berzerk is and will forever be known as a break through in animation and creative story telling. Berzerk shows us all how far anime can take us once it's reached it's full potential. Given this it not the best animated manga it centainly is one of the best told. You can keep all your futuristic Sci -Fi anime's but the genre of Fantasy best represents Japanimation (oh poor Disney how much you still have to learn) i.e. Ninja Scrool, Lodoss War, Vampire Hunter D, Fist of the North Star , Dagger of Kamui , Evangelion ,and Escaflowne. Be fair warned berzerk is not for the faint of heart , it is the cold hard truth about the ambitions of men. That being Griffith in this case . I cannot stop mentioning how brilliant the writting is in this Wonderfuly told Epic. This truly is Manga at it's Best.
Please be careful when buying this DVD. I bought a copy...which said it was the Special Edition. But when I got it home and opened it, it had only one disk and was the short version. It had no special features, only scene selection...
I've been a fan of Sherlock Holmes movies since the 1950's when Ronald Howard and H Marion Crawford were making the low budget, 39 episode series for television in Paris. I read through many 100's of product descriptions; customer reviews; VHS/DVD jackets; included product commentaries and other online data base materials concerning Sherlock Holmes' films, both old and new. I've collected over a hundred and twenty five different "Sherlock Holmes" films that I consider worth having.I don't do many of these reviews but hope to share some insight and guidance among those who like myself, may be looking back, in remembrance, or perhaps seeking something in Hollywood films that can be shared with others without reservation or embarassment, and worthy to watch over and over without regret.As my title simply stated: "Color Makes a HUGE difference!" I enjoy the quality of many of the old black and white "classics" for their nostalgic value, because B/W movies are what we saw MOST of back in the earlier days of moviemaking. And, I had purchased some early colorizations done on VHS tapes by another film producer years before "LEGEND FILMS" began doing them with the aid of digital technology.LEGEND has added NEW LIFE to these classics and I hope that they'll continue doing so to the other 10 Basil Rathbone/Nigel Bruce Sherlock Holmes movies because the difference between black and white and color is indeed like viewing a NEW FILM! And Legend includes the B/W version with the color version on the same DVD! Both in excellent quality!A final word: be careful when ordering what you think may be a color version; as of 5/2011 I have only found 4 of the Basil Rathbone/Nigel Bruce Sherlock Holmes movies in COLOR. I have even seen them advertised in "color", ordered them and had to return them. You can look up LEGEND FILMS online, as of 5/2011 they list only 4 of the Rathbone/Bruce Holmes films produced in color: Woman in Green-Secret Weapon-Terror by Night-Prelude to Murder (also known as "Dressed to Kill")as singles, or in a four-pack.All these DVD's I've purchased on Amazon at reasonable prices. R.K.F.
I was hoping for a DVD that broke-down Rockabilly guitar styles but what I got was a two DVD set watching Jim Weider play guitar and wondering, how the heck did he do that?1) This DVD is NOT for beginners. If you are not an accomplished finger-picker, don't bother with this DVD, you aren't ready for it yet..which I am not.2) The only really instructional parts of this DVD set are the two booklets that come with each of the DVDs showing the TAB for the various licks.On a positive note, Jim is a fine player and it if this DVD was $10, I wouldn't mind watching him play so much.
It might had something to do with me being intoxicated when me and my fiance watched the movie, but this is not a good one. i am a sucker for horror movies but at the end of this movie i was confused and dissapointed. like the other review...the beginning was ok. i actually thought it started pretty cool but then it got worse each minute.the acting was pretty bad and the dialogues didnt go very far. and at times i really didnt know what was going on. save yourself the trouble. anything but this.:-)
Such a lame season!! Ok, just because marriage never worked for Lorelai, doesn't mean it couldn't have worked for Rory. She and Logan were obviously meant to be together, so why not marriage?Lorelai needs to pick a man and stay committed to him for more than a few weeks.April drives me crazy! She is so stinkin' annoying. All the scenes with her in them are so nerdy. Also, her mom is a selfish woman to have this custody battle with Luke.Also, Olivia and Lucy get under my skin. There is nothing interesting about them. And is the drama between them and Rory about the whole Marty situation really the best the writers of the show could come up with?If you want to be disappointed, watch the 7th season.
Kevin Smith is a talented writer and director. It is a pity that he besmirched himself with this scatological trash. Smith has included vignettes with Jay (Jason Mewes) and Silent Bob (Kevin Smith himself) in most of his films to add comic relief. These characters became his trademark and they developed a cult following. Smith was inundated with requests to expand the characters and feature them in a film. Unfortunately, he capitulated, and this fatuous film is the result.This film is targeted at boys 14 to 19 years old, most of whom were precluded from seeing it because of its R rating. As a result, the box office was disappointing. Most of the film is jejune, with occasional glimpses of Smith's comedic genius peeking out from the imbecilic slapstick humor and the tsunami of profane language and crude sex jokes.Smith has given us insightful comedies such as "Chasing Amy" and "Dogma" that are both thoughtful and funny. In this film, he is a good sport and pokes fun at himself and the actors, particularly Ben Affleck who berates himself constantly. The movie parodies sprinkled throughout the film are innovative and humorous, taking pot shots and his films and other blockbusters such as "Star Wars", "Scream", "ET", and "Batman". However, whatever comedic value these skits had was negated by the completely pointless script and the vulgar and boorish behavior of Jason Mewes, who spewed profanity literally every other word.From an acting perspective this ensemble cast is nothing more than a Kevin Smith reunion party, with most of the actors having worked with him before. Cameos abound. As for the main characters, Kevin Smith is always excellent as Silent Bob. He is a master of facial expressions and physical comedy. Jason Mewes is not really an actor. He has little on his resume other than playing Jay for Kevin Smith. All that can really be said of him is that he has an incredible ability to behave like a foul-mouth teenager, despite the fact that he is approaching 30.This film is a temptation that Kevin Smith should have resisted. It is puerile and disjointed with little redeeming value other than the movie parodies. I rated it a 3/10. It will have appeal to certain pubescent boys, but to anyone else it is likely to be a vile and offensive experience.
As late as the 1990s, a midnight walk through Central Park or Prospect Park or Riverside Drive or just about any secluded area in New York City was tantamount to asking to be victimized. So to those skeptics who can't believe New York was that bad in the 1970s, I say "Believe it!"Anyway...Years before Peter Finch, as Howard Beale in NETWORK, chanted, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!", Charles Bronson's Paul Kersey was well beyond that point. DEATH WISH, among other things is a gritty, unflinching look at the violence urban dwellers all over America faced in the 1970s. Paul Kersey, an Upper West Sider, discovers that his wife has been murdered, and his daughter raped and beaten by intruders. In an interesting twist on movie convention, Kersey doesn't seek revenge by going after the men who destroyed his family: he goes after any and all criminals. Bronson's portrayal of an average guy who, in stages, progresses from amateur to super-vigilante, is very credible. The psychological complexities are intriguing. On one level, he can't let go of the past, so he continues his rampage. However, at the same time, he redecorates his apartment and berates his son-in-law for living in the past. But it makes sense. His daytime self wants to be normal, his night-time--darker--side is bloodthirsty.There is also an ethical complexity to this film. We all know, somewhere in our moral calculus, that vigilantism only promotes chaos and anarchy. We know we need a police department to enforce our laws. But what happens when that law enforcement is too bogged down by red tape, overwork, and apathy? Paul Kersey did seek justice through proper channels, harrassing the police to move more quickly on the case. It was when that failed, and after a trip out west (where cowboy justice once thrived), that he took the law into his own hands. Again, a very logical reason for his becoming a vigilante. And the viewer cannot help but root for him, no matter how wrong we should think it is.DEATH WISH is not just a bloodbath thriller film (although the violence was pretty graphic for its time). It is a disturbing and complex movie, and an accurate look back at a time when urban life was so bad, that even Jim Morrison had to shout, "Save our cities!"
If the W brothers handed this sequel over to a small group of professional hacks, the result would have been the same: a parody of the original Matrix. No, make that half a parody. This isn't even a complete story. Sure, the special effects are good. But the look of the movie is too green, and the best special effects are simply bigger versions of the stuff we saw in the first film. This time, the fight scenes were conceived before the plot --- and the much-talked-about philosophical underpinning of the Matrix was discarded in favor of gibberish about 'purpose' and 'choice.'I did enjoy seeing Zion. The underground city looked good --- except for the rave scene . . . and the speeches that took place in apartments and on balconies. The W brothers could have used this moment to explain how Zion functions, but they didn't bother. The scenes that follow are a jumble of pointless fights and chases, intercut with long philosophical discussions. None of it goes anywhere. There are at least three fights that could have been cut with no effect on the plot. And the endless talk just confuses things instead of clarifying. (Honestly, I think the Oracle was just mocking Neo with gibberish in her scene.) They saved the worst for last. An hour's worth of action, fights, characters, and explanation is squeezed into the final twenty minutes.The Matrix Reloaded takes a science fiction world millions of people love and it removes everything that made them love it. The mystery ("What is the Matrix?") is gone. We all know what it is, and there's no new mystery added to keep us interested. The philosophy we enjoyed is reduced to the repetition of key words like 'choice.' But there's always the third movie, right? Maybe it will redeem this one. But don't count on it.
Despite its digital cast of millions, Jackson's trilogy actually manages to miniaturize Tolkien's epic tale. Example: the lighting of the war beacons at the beginning of RotK. In the book, they flare from east to west as Gandalf and Pippin ride from west to east. It conveys the sense of a wider world in which events are unfolding independently of the characters' agency. In the movie, the beacons flare only because Gandalf sends Pippin climbing up to light the one at Minas Tirith. And at the other end, who of all the thousands at Theoden's court should notice but our old pal Aragorn! Lucky he was there, or the beacons would have burnt out and nothing would have happened.These are just two out of dozens of POINTLESS changes that the movie makes in Tolkien's grand design. No film could have captured it in full, but these clowns have dismantled the Colosseum to build a Wal-Mart. I give it one star because I have to and because by some accident they got Gollum right.
I thought this video was very good. Set in a typical, British atmosphere, this video details the life of a world-famous actress and a book-salesman. A very interesting video with my favourite character being Spike. He's weird and funny. Quite a good content and It's altogether an Average sortof video.
The Chemistry between Brody and Ayanna on screen is so incendiary it makes me wonder... hmm good acting or off screen love affair.Now, Brody is a great talent, given, but don't be star-struck there are stellar performances all about and some where you might not be looking.((((SOUND))))The soundtrack, music primarily composed by Me and the Other Guy aka Didi Gutman and Rahj is the best supporting role of all, providing a lovely and melodic groove throughout, with velvety vocals and bitter sweet lyrics that cut to the core. It draws you in and propels the most pivotal scenes elevating great performances to even greater heights. If you're curious about it seek out ontourrahj for the scoop.The characters are presented with all the complexities of humanity; there is no black and white, good and evil. It's A-Typical of homogenized Hollywood love stories so step off the soap box and get off your high horse, be warned it's amoral there is no "lesson to be learned" it's not an after school story, it's told straight, in full color saturation. It's the dark side of love, destructive and co-dependent. trying to love and be loved with a broken heart, the terrible things we do to each other and ourselves for want of love. Some people may not be able to relate and scoff, good for them, they walk through the world without scars.OK, it could be darker in tone, a more prevalent time-line would have helped, the DVD has no subtitles to support the lack of verbal sound quality, the cigarette burns are apparent, none the less the story is real and deserves your attention.
If your into something slick, high tech and Disney like you'll probably love this. Really. Go for it. It's five stars for you. You will love it.I NOW wish I'd given it ONE STAR instead of TWO just to balance out the thoughless "reviews" giving it 5 stars. I suggest you look at the ALL THE REVIEWS and then sort them by LOWEST REVIEWS FIRST. Read Birthe Jrgensen's review and The grumpy consumer's review. Both are insightful.The movie has everything you'd think it needed to be great, premise, talent, money, Danny Elfman.Unfortunately for those with more discerning tastes, for those looking for something that deviates from the standard this movie doesn't qualify. IT TAKES NO CHANCES. Only very young children and very sheltered adults would be challenged or scared by this movie.The movie wants to be rebellious but it's not. It's banal. About as scary and rebellious as a corporate book keeper who works for Disney Inc.Elfman's soundtrack could be out of any generic Hollywood movie, it breaks no rules, in fact it follows all rules. IT'S PREDICTABLE. The animation looks great, it's slick as hell, maybe too slick, following all the rules. It's like wine with no quirkyness. As has been mentioned before here it doesn't have the charms of the more "primitive" movies made by pioneers like the Quay Brothers or Jan Svankmejer. This isn't art it's entertainment. There is absolutely no innovation here just REFINEMENT of other people's innovations.It is much better when it's not a musical. I think this is were the problem lies. Making it a musical took all the tooth out of it. Especially since the singing is "standard" musical fare. If it was Nina Hagen singing... it might have had a chance. Nope. It's too bad because it could have been great. I TRIED to like it, SEVERAL times but there is no "there" there. Basically it's BORING.I would recommend "The City of Lost Children" if you seek a more adventurous movie. Similar but much more innovative and down right weird. Not animated but it doesn't need to be.One last gripe. Terrible navigations system. However I think most of the navigation interfaces on DVDs are stupidly "arty." Not impressed by how clever it is. I just want it to work.Wow a lot of "not helpfuls!!!" My we do have our IDOLS.OK the dumbos who disagree can now press the "not helpful" button, PLEASE DO, and the smart people can, at least, consider what I've written.
A Texas-size asteroid is about to hit Earth, and the government is at wit's end on how to prevent doomsday. It's the stuff great science fiction is made of. But this ain't great science fiction. It's low-brow, formulaic bravado involving a motley crew of oil riggers who have to drill a hole in this monsterous rock to blow it apart. The movie runs like a connect-the-dots toward an obvious conclusion. Suspense? Forget it. Plus, the film could have used a better editor; it dies the death of a thousand cuts times 10. Surely, the scenes could have lasted LONGER than 2 seconds each. If you watch this tripe, you may find yourself wishing the asteroid hits Earth just to end the pain. If you buy it, you probably deserve each other.
A fun movie for all ages, and particularly for dog lovers. Movies with winking and nodding dogs can be kind of corny, but this is fun all around.
Most director's cuts of movies have novelty values. Some such as Blade Runner or the Extended Version of The Fellowship of the Ring not only enhance the experience but also made one wonder why the original versions were released at all. Sadly, the director's cut of Cinema Paradiso was a major disappointment. The addional footage in the first half, such as Toto losing his virginity were inconsequential, however the addition of a major sequence in the second half, when after the funeral, Toto met and rekindled his relationship with the now older Elena altered the trajectory of the movie and worst of all, diminished the emotionally charged ending.The original version of Cinema Paradiso is one of my favourite films of all time. There is also little doubt that Tornatore is a wonderful film maker, however, in this case, the original editor(s) deserved praise.
In 60 years, this could be the worst movie ever made. There was nothing redeeming, whatsoever, about this movie. The story was confusing, uninteresting and sloppy, with no plot at all/ The acting was abysmal. I can't tell you about the very end because after, I don't know how long (seemed like days), all 4 of us finally walked out with about 3 minutes remaining.
Hugh Jackman is not hard to look at but the movie is all computer generated what ever happened to real actors and real make-up men. If you really want to see a good vampire movie get the original Dracula with Bela or Bram Stokers Dracula with Hopkins I felt like I was watching a cartoon not a horror movie. Not a big fan of Mr. Jackman.
This movie rates right down there with Wag the Dog. How can such good actors let this poor a movie be made.
...she's calling to you.In my mind, this movie is the reason why Disney is great. The rest of them - however good many of them may be - don't hold a candle (on the water) to this wonderful Disney masterpiece. This is easily my favorite Disney movie ever and one of my favorite movies of all time.One of the things I love most about this movie is the fact that there's plenty of entertainment here for children; but there's also a lot of humor for adults. So, when the children grow up, they can have just as much, if not more, appreciation for the film. I love the way the satire starts out. Mrs. Banks comes home from her Sister Suffragettes Rally, shouting and singing for women's rights and equality with men("Though we adore men individually,We agree that as a groupThey're rather stupid.").Then Mr. Banks comes home from work singing about the pleasures of being a man in this age in England:"It's grand to be an Englishman in 1910.King Edward's on the throne;It's the age of men!I'm the lord of my castle!The sovereign!The liege!"I still love the thought of a house which sports a naval cannon deck on top. And I have to confess when I was a child I did try the finger snap to see if it would get my room clean. (It didn't work, so I just grew up in a messy room.)The fantastic acting performances by Julie Andrews (who received the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress - back in the days when the person who won was usually the person who deserved to win), the children, Dick Van Dyke, David Tomlinson, Glynnis Johns, Jane Darwell (though her part was very small), and the rest - cannot be overstated. I have already said that this is Disney's best film. Well, it is also boasts the finest acting ever in a Disney film.I highly recommend purchasing this in the Widescreen format. You will see a lot more of the picture than in the standard format. Unfortunately, the widescreen version is out of print (you can still buy them used; that's how I got mine); and it looks like the standard version may also be going out of print soon. Hopefully, that means there will be a special deluxe edition with both formats, documentaries, commentaries, etc. coming out soon.
this is such a STUPID movie!!!!!! they try to be serious then..something else. why couldn't it just be hulk breaking everything and he goes back to normal at the end? fantastic four is such a better movie than this junk especially the bad guy he was a stupid choice should have done something else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm not wacthing this EVER again!!! it's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo STUPID!!!!!!!! fantastic four doesn't try to be serious and it is good.
Still good after all these years. Kevin Bacon's interview is GREAT. AWsome songs made for the movie fit in perfectly.
A photographer turned private eye by accident and becoming involved in a very important plot to eliminate a couple of people in order to appropriate a uranium mine. Every single detail is hilarious, upside down, wrong. This poor photographer does everything the wrong way and misses all the details or fails all the possibilities, and yet he succeeds because of his great luck. Nothing much more can be said without reducing the fun of the film. So go and rush to it. Its worth a good laugh.Dr Jacques COULARDEAU
Just finished this flick, and I can't say that it was time well spent. Although this film purports itself to be a family movie, it is no more family oriented than any of the National Lampoon spoofs. It's a movie your average worldly 13 year old will probably like, but I wouldn't in a million years try to sell it to my family. The ever popular "men 'r fools" undertone infests this entire movie, as the patriarch of the central family can't even figure out how to make his seat belt work. I feel sorry for this guy, who has to endure taking his embarrassment of a family on a road trip to Colorado. Of course along the way, they meet a trailer-trash type family who RV's full time, and *of course* they end up being a homeschooling Christian family (gasp! Bet you didn't see that one coming!) They are a sorry representation of both homeschoolers and Christians, but again, is that any surprise? (I have no doubt that if they had been a homeschooling Muslim family they would have been presented as being intelligent, tasteful, and modest...Hollywood's gotta be careful where they point their bias, after all.) Many Christian homeschoolers are intelligent, tasteful, and modest, but Hollywood doesn't seem to notice or care. Not much entertainment value in that, I guess. More fun to make fun of them and cast them negatively, I suppose. Anyway, making this movie was a waste of money and even a waste of celluloid. Unless you're 13, or 25 going on 13, I would steer clear of it. And if you have any concern at all about what your children are putting into their minds, I would most certainly steer clear of it. Just my two cents, take it or leave it, it's all the same to me!
This movie made me laugh, cry (a whole lot, get tissues ready) I loved the joining of one of my favorite folklores and the present day with the young actors. Great soundtrack too by Trevor Jones. Beautiful film and it's a great movie for older kids to understand that reading any story and using your imagination is a wonderful thing.
In general, I enjoy classic movies and I also generally hate remakes. Unfortunately, this is no exception.There is very little magic in this movie as there was in the original. Johnny Depp's portrayal of Willie Wonka is very different than Gene Wilder's. It is dark and mysterious, sometimes he comes off as downright cruel. The entire movie seems rushed and forced, and the unneeded sub-plots don't help. Also, the oompa-loompas did not impress me.In short, this movie is strange, and very different from the original. Stick to the classic version that we all know and love.
Why do actors clamor to act in a Robert Altman film? His films are pointless, meaningless, arc-less, drivel. I never use the word drivel- or hadn't before now, but Robert Altman's films really are drivel. Suspect of my critique? Try his latest, New Year's Eve. Another celebrity filled 2 hours you will never get back.Dr. T and the women is exactly that. AWFUL. I might watch it on a plane, if I was snoozing in between. Because it's monotone and makes you sleepy and makes no sense, so it doesn't matter if you pay attention or miss half of it. It will make as much sense at the end no matter how little you watch or how much you watch. It's just terrible. Please god hollywood, why?
I never received this movie, which is normally one of my favorite Christmas movies. Amazon was notified but still charged me for nothing. I will never buy another movie from them.
This film is one of the most underrated films of the 90's. It has great acting from Russell Crowe, Kevin Spacey, Kim Basinger and an outstanding performance from Guy Pearce.Russell Crowe is Bud White, an old style cop who doesn't play games and is the enforcer of the L.A police department. While others take a more professional approach Bud White is old school and gets things done his way. Even though Bud does not follow policy and breaks the law, as you watch the film you understand where he is coming from. Kevin Spacey gives one of his best performances as Jack who also happens to moonlight in the movie and showbiz tabloid business. Danny DeVito plays a sleazy reporter, Kim Basinger also does an excellent job.The story has many twists and turns and keeps you guessing till the end. This film is a must have for any collector or a fan of Crowe and Spacey.Picture and sound quality on the DVD are excellent.
When I was a youngster back in the 1970s I had "Free to Be..." in book and vinyl record form and was hooked on both. I memorized the stories, learned the songs, and felt so empowered by the gentle advice to be yourself, follow your dreams, and not let anyone tell you what you should think or how you should act.That message applies today, as much as it did 35 years ago, and those who have yet to see this DVD or read the book or hear the CD are in for a treat.Yes, the visuals are VERY 70s, but the retro look is part of the charm.My kids watched the DVD and were transfixed. Twice a day for a week, they couldn't get enough of it. My son had a friend over for a playdate and as they went to watch this DVD, I heard my son say, "You've GOT to watch this, it is SO COOL!" I can think of no better recommendation.
Beautiful costumes. So what! Stolen music. Never mind that, they probably wanted to save money or didn't want to hire a good composer. Beautiful dance sequences destroyed by poor camera work. When skillful dancers are doing their thing I don't want to see ceseless closeups of heads or feet. I want good lighting, and love to see the whole figure, not a palette of color from 50 feet up in the air. (As an example of good camera work for dace sequences, "Center Stage" comes to mind). For the first 42 minutes of "Moulin Rouge," the camera never pauses more than 5 seconds on anything. When it does, it's such a relief you feel like crying, but you can't because you already have a terrible head ache. Oh, the plot is nice, but that's too little too late. This dog will go to the pound in a short time. It's an atrocity done with a lot of promotion. They wanted to buy an Oscar. Fortunatelly they didn't, but a lot of people was fooled by the hype, including myself.
Luckily I bought the first season from Heathrow airport while flying through London a few years ago. But for some reason, nothing further has been released on dvd. Why? WHY? I miss the wit and humor of this show. There's no substitute for Chris In The Morning =)
I love Seth's tv shows. I thought this movie would be pretty great considering the premise and Seth's involvement. His voice alone is hilarious. However this movie isn't very funny and if you're a young man thinking oo it's unrated nudity! no... not the case. It was very lacking. not worth the 3 dollars I spent renting it. I laughed a bit but overall I spent a lot of time trying to care about the characters which is not something I wanted to do. It was supposed to be stupid funny but they tried to make it stupid funny and also give it a good plot but... it just sucked.
Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn as Adam an Audrey Bonner, husband and wife lawyers on opposite sides in attempted murder case. But the person on trial is a woman who has tried to knock off her two-timing husband, and Kate argues for equality of the sexes. She wins the case, but then has to win Tracy back. They go at it tooth and nail, and pull off a wonderful comedy. Davis Wayne plays a songwriter/neighbor who near the beginning of the movie, during a party at which home movies are shown, almost steals the picture: these are the funiest 5 minutes of the whole movie, and they're all Wayne's. Worth a watch.
I took a chance with this film; I dont remember seeing many, if any at all, promotions for Formula 51 (though that of course means zilch) and I was surprised to see it at my favored theater at the time (which plays zero foreign films and this one, in my mind, should be under that category due to the strong British accents and slang, which are harder to discern than Japanese to me). Boy did it pay off. My mother and I (dont ask how I dragged her along) laughed from head-to-toe the entire film. And not those chuckles, grunts, and half-hearted laughs that are associated with cliched teen comedies (where you only half laugh because everyone else is and you dont want to seem as if you didnt get it, when of course you did but it just wasnt funny at all), but the true tear-producing, side splitting convulsions that mark the arrival of a classic comedy. Now, classic may be a poor word choice to describe the movie at this point for most (it will undoubtedly be decades before a significant number of people consider this one a classic), but for me this film brought instant gratification and love. Now for some reason some of those pencil pushing, half motivated, lost-sight-of-what-movies-are-all-about, self-proclaimed movie reviewers (save this beef for another day), didn't like Formula 51 (maybe its their lack of obsession over the United Kingdom), calling it Euro-trash or something on the lines of mindless, plot less, garbage. Well, I found it hil-ar-ious. Regardless of whether the plot was as engaging as The Matrixs, the film still entertained. And isnt that the goal of any movie; to entertain the audience, by any means necessary? Some movies do this by plot, or by character development, and some do it with flat out humor. Lets give the movie re-foolers the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they just didnt find the bathroom-style humor funny. Well, maybe next time they should remove their paycheck from their arse and remember just what movies are about: Entertainment. And to me the plot didnt have many problems to begin with. I enjoyed the comedic spin on mob life and crooked cops, which Formula 51 implemented, as opposed to the more serious, melodramatic aura of The Godfather (always a classic though). Through all the shoot-outs, car chases, planning, swearing, swearing, swearing, and shooting, I was hoping so much for a plot twist; my prayers were answered. That all of these drug lords and mobsters and crooked men were after a drug, that they thought would be more powerful than ecstasy, cocaine, and heroine combined, that turned out to merely be a placebo, and the entire movie and action an elaborate endorsement setup, rang like music to my ears and did my heart well. Samuel L. Jackson nails his characters role down to the kilt and braids, as always (note to self:Samuel L. Jackson has played a lot of differing roles: Scientist, Jedi Knight, Black Panther-style Vigilante and Cop, and many more) and Robert Carlyle graces the screen, as Felix, with phenomenal emotion, wit, and unwavering humor and zest; hes become a favored actor of mine due to this film. Whether you liked it for its humor, action, and wit, or hated it for lack thereof, Formula 51 will always have POS over my mind: Power Of Suggestion.
I guess misery truly does love company - because, after reading alot of these other reviews, I must admit I'm happy to see I wasn't the only one stuck with a terrible DVD purchase - from Amazon, who I've always trusted and never had a problem with. I love this movie and always viewed it on tv or my VHS copy, but I wanted to share it with a younger friend who'd never seen it and only had a DVD player. It was a dang good thing I decided to watch it before I gave it to her for viewing. The synchronization (dialogue to mouth) was terrible, like a lousy kung-fu movie ! And the worst part was that the pivotal courtroom scene - the one that earned Cary Grant an Oscar nomination (won't say more than that for spoiler reasons) was MISSING from the DVD. Gone...pffft - just jumps from the scene where he goes to court to the scene when he comes home. I was livid and sad at the same time. Never again. Folks - take heed from the others here and DO NOT BUY THE DVD. Buy the VHS copy which I'm certain isn't as bad..at least until the real thing is released.
I got this hoping it would have the big picture of the layout of the city and the must see information as well as the off the beaten track info. The video is lots of 3 minute snapshots of cool "unusual" things to do in Barcelona. As the other reviewer points out, the lack of "play all" is a drag. You have to navigate through the menus way too much.If you already know about Barcelona and want insights about where to go outside of the typical tourist areas then grab this video. If you want an overview of the city and its highlights look elsewhere.
No character development and so the characters float around the movie with no snowballing of motivations or interest.The true romper stomper in this movie is not a skinhead per se as much as Russell's air-head girl friend with a mean streak. Strange how the movie is about her and again no intrigue there. Boring. It was mentioned in the Extra's of 'Made in Britain'(A great film with real peoples in it) which is the only reason i got it and usually Australian films deliver.Shallow.
Jerry Lundegaard is a small time car salesman with a cash flow problem. The good news is that his wife Jean (Kristin Rudrud) has a very rich father (Harve Presnell). The bad news is that said father has Jerry down as a useless sort of loser and is determined to make sure he doesn't see a penny of it. So Jerry has the bright idea to make some money by hiring a couple of crooks (Steve Buscemi and Peter Stormare) to kidnap his wife with a view to taking a substantial cut from the large ransom father-in-law will pay. Said crooks screw up however and what was planned as a kidnap turns into a messy multiple homicide. At which point enter our detective, Marge Gunderson (Frances McDormand), sharp as a razor and heavily pregnant.C. K. Chesterton liked to complain of the tendency of literature and other arts to portray evil as sexy and exciting, goodness as a bit boring and dry and to commend the artistic project of reversing that same trend. This movie is perhaps the most brilliant realisation there is of that Chestertonian ambition. There is nothing to like admire or want to emulate about the spineless loser Lundegaard or about squalid little criminal nobodies portrayed by Buscemi and Stormare. But, in the characters of Gunderson and her small time artist husband, the Coens offer up a beautiful and infinitely engaging but utterly unsentimental and credible picture of what an altogether splendid and, yes, downright cool thing simple plain old human goodness can be.There really is nothing to fault in this film which is pretty well frame-by-frame perfect from start to finish. It's the Coen bothers best film which makes it one of the best films around by anyone. It's deep. It's pacey and exciting. In places it's hilariously funny. The acting, writing and camerawork are all consistently astonishing. Emphatically a film to see and see again.
My husband had starting watching this movie on tv and didn't have time to finish. Found it, order it, received it in just a matter of days. Would recommend this seller to anyone - true to his word on delivery date and condition.
Rocky is without a doubt my favorite movie ever made. Sylvester Stallone pumps me up each and every time I watch it. You'll find yourself throwing punches, wishing that you were out in that ring with Rocky. I can and have watched this film all day long.
1st off, this is the sequel to the sleeper, cult hit Pitch Black. HOW this is a sequel, I'm not entirely sure, other than a handful of familiar characters. Pitch Black seemed very low budget and gave NO inkling as to what shows up in Chronicles Of Riddick. That's not to say it's a bad movie, it's actually very good. The special effects are top-notch and the artists who designed EVERYTHING are excellent. Chronicles is an exciting, action-packed sci-fi flick that gives us fans a reason to love sci-fi in general.Ok, so we visit Riddick several years later. He's still on the run and he ends up 'employed' to fight against the Necromongers. The who? A race who wants to take over the universe. They are like Star Trek TNG's Borg except they are all about death as opposed to cybernetics. Did I mention they look very cool? They are creepy looking, their religion is creepy, and their spaceships are creepy.Vin Diesel is in top shape, even more bad than he was in the 1st flick and get this, he has super powers! (not that we had ANY clue in Pitch Black, right?) Alexa Dvalos plays Jack, now known as Kyra, and is quite a fighter herself. There is a bit of an emotional story between the two. Riddick apparently dropped her off (she was just a kid in Pitch Black) to be raised by other people and ended up becoming a fighting convict. There is tension over the fact that Riddick left her and it helps make the movie deeper.Thandi Newton plays a pretty small role, which is a bummer. Most people will most likely remember her from Mission Impossible2. Judi Dench and Nick Chinlund (Con Air) also show up.I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. The scope of it is awesome and the CGI used is perfect. It's a pure action, popcorn, great sci-fi flick all around. The biggest problem I have with it is the notion of it being a Pitch Black Sequel. This movie could have been called something entirely different and been just as cool. Or better.It's worth checking out.
This movie was good and it stars Elijah Wood and Ian Mckellon and was released on Christmas vacation of 2001. The movie had beautiful scenery and follows the book closely. ALthough this was a good movie I did not think it deserved as many oscar nominations as it got but what's done is done. This movie grossed a 312 million dollars making it the second highest grossing movie of 2001 behind Harry Potter. I recommend this movie with Harry Potter because I want you to see the similarities in both of them.
In this turkey, the wives at home are always beautiful and never fat and pimply.The soldiers are so morose that it's surprising that the Guadalcanal campaign was won.There is a droning over voice telling us how terrible things are.Give me break.The battles sequences, however, are well done.
Masato Tanno's 1-ICHI is the live action prequel to Takashi Miike's 'Ichi The Killer'. In it, we get to witness the teenage roots of Ichi's manic-depressive beginnings and the origins of his monster-sized kicks. Tanno serves up Ichi's psychological, as well as physical beatings.It opens as Dai (played by Teah) is putting the hurt on three local thugs and notices a fellow student Shiroishi/Ichi (Nao Omori) watching him intently and smiling at him from a walking bridge in the distance. This immediately ticks Dai off, as Dai isn't one to take anything lightly or as chance. He's determined to be the baddest guy around, and he's doing a fine job at it. Dai and his friends head home afterwards to relax and eat. Dai is so focused and regimented that he only allows himself a certain amount of time to finish eating; he actually uses an egg-timer! Dai becomes obsessed and a little unnerved with Shiroishi, as he's always showing up to watch him fight (although we only see this a couple times) and believes that he's passively challenging his strength and dominance. Dai has had enough of Shiroishi's lurking and begins tracking him down. But not single-mindedly. He runs into Shiroishi as he's being pushed around by some thugs from another school and when Shiroishi refuses to defend himself, Dai actually jumps in the middle to ask him why he doesn't fight back. He doesn't lose his urge to crush Shiroishi, but becomes fascinated with him at the same time.But before he can pull the proverbial trigger, a new student comes to school to complicate things. Onizame, a master of Hop Ki Do (a Korean discipline), brilliantly played by Koji Chihara, wastes no time in proclaiming himself king by first "winning over" Dai's friend's girlfriend by busting him up right there in the classroom upon arrival. which eventually leads to a phenomenally brutal ending to 1-ICHI, which is reminiscent of Ichi The Killer's famous final scenes. I'll spare a complete recap of anything further because you'll want to see it for yourself.1-ICHI is a lightning fast 83 minutes but does a fine job in it's mission to explain Ichi's beginnings. Considering Tanno and his crew ran into time constraints immediately before shooting began (via the interview with Tanno and Miike on the DVD) the film is surprisingly fluid and cogent; what's there is there, and even though I wanted to, I couldn't argue with the character's motives or the extremely myopic and carefully constructed world. There is never an instant of 1-ICHI's world being fake or contrived, even when you begin to notice that there are never any authorities around or teachers present as the kids fight for lengthy periods of time; inside the classroom! I would hesitate to call it an incomplete or half-hearted effort as well. The world we see in the film is unique and self-sustaining, What's more, little things like Dai's friend Hide's penchant for watching only the third installment of a movie series, Exorcist 3, Godfather 3, Let's Ride The Pervert Train III, because, as Hide puts it, "the third one tends to be self-explanatory, so it's easier to follow.", gives the film a quirky, likable edge and weight.1-ICHI is not for the faint of heart though. You'll see (and hear) some brutally realistic, bone-breaking fights and some borderline sadistic behavior. Some of the earlier fights are on he cheesy side which directly oppose the latter's carnage. What you will also witness is the makings of Ichi's sexual excitement for violence; from simple erections to moments of release. Very graphic stuff here folks. This isn't just violent, blood-soaked brutality and CGI amputations as in Miike's cult classic. It may be low-budget, but it has a ton of character and by the end I was convinced that it dovetails nicely with Miike's film while remaining Tanno's.
Adrian Lyne's film is like a piece of art. Unlike Kubrick's version, I feel that this film is the epitome of Vladimir Nabokov's brilliant novel. From the opening scenes to the end, I feel a sense of satisfaction - it completely captures the novel's essence. Every line is uttered with feeling from the talented cast. Jeremy Irons, Dominique Swain, and Melanie Griffith truly understand the characters. The cinematography, location, acting, costumes, script, and music all blend so wonderfully together. If you want to see a great adaptation from book to film, see this one!
William V. Schotten is a prolific indie filmmaker who has quite a diverse portfolio of horror films he's created. There's Dead Life, the grindhouse homage, which is really quite good, if you have a nostalgic love of 1970s exploitation cinema. There's Silver Cell, an experimental horror film that's quite interesting. But Bloodlock is just not up to par.The basic storyline is that a ghost hunter imprisoned a centuries-old vampire in a basement vault in sleepy-town Ohio. When two Satan-worshippers in search of immortality release the "Master," bloodshed and carnage follow. It's not a terrible premise, though a little hard to buy. But what really kills the film is that the story just isn't well-realized in the script. The characters are flat, and their motives are hard to swallow because there isn't enough setup to make them believable or to make us care about them. The acting isn't great, but I've seen these actors in other Schotten films and they've done much better, so I really think the blame has to be placed on the script.Check out one of Schotten's other films and give this one a pass.
Not an action-packed edge of your seat thrill ride, but a generously heart-filled story about the importance of friendship, honor, trust vs. betrayl, justice vs. vengeance, and loyalty. Following his 1990 Oscar-winning epic "Dances With Wolves" director/star Kevin Costner forms this powerful story of two freeegrazers who just happened to pick the wrong town to graze outside of. The rest comes with the film ;)Oscar Winners Duvall (Tender Mercies) and Costner (Dances With Wolves) deliver powerful performances and Boss and Charlie. Screen Sensation Michael Gambon (Sleepy Hollow, Gosford Park) gives dark and true Gene Hackman-esque (Unforgiven) performance as the cold-hearted Sheriff of the town the cowboys have stumbled upon. Oscar Nominee Annette Bening (American Beauty) tops off the phenomenal cast as the assistant to the doctor of the town who nurses Costenr and his kin back to health both physically and mentally.This film, a bit slow to star, is truely deep, powerful and due to the honorable traits that it portrays and sensational filming, sound, and directing could easily see numerous 2003 Oscar Nominations. Not sure about any acting awards, perhaps a Golden Globe for Duvall and possibly Gambon.The score, penned by musical maestro Michael Kamen (Robin Hood, Mr. Holland's Opus, Metallica's S&M;) is gripping, full blown powerful and may see some awards nodded its way as well.
I have to say, this movie isn't very good at all. My favorite actress Drew barrymore produces the film, and she is an awsome actress and producer,but it is the actual film itself that is weird and boring. This may seem boring for some people, i'd hire it first, i wasted money on it and i hate it. I bought it cos i thought drew was donnie! p.s www.brianpointon isn't my nickname, kat isx
This was a Very Anti-American/ Pro Arab Movie in my opinion..I hate that Matt Damon played in this movie, because I liked him. I expected it from George Clooney. Our Country isn't perfect, but we do more good than harm in the World. I hope all those that watch this Movie don't believe everything (or even half) of what this movie portrays. Movies like this try to kill American Pride.. F U Clooney and Damon.. Just my take on the Movie.
I'm not sure if the red text under the product was there when I bought this advising that this DVD will not work on most players. It's there now, and unfortunately it's not worth the trouble sending back. Unfortunately this was a BD present for my 4-year old, and we tried our Blue ray, DVD player and computer...didn't work on any of them.
I think this movie is cool! I loved all the special affects in the movie and the good story it is telling.
There are so many things wrong with this big-screen adaptation of my favorite book in Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. It takes the heart and soul out of the book and becomes nothing more than a standard B-grade horror movie, albeit with a rather HOT SEXY vampire. The basic premise of the book is to explain the origins of vampirism in Anne Rice's world. Central to its plot is the legend of the twins - Maharet and Mekare - the persecution and extermination of their people by Akasha, their forced separation, the origins of Maharet's great family, the origins of the Akasha and the other ancient vampires, and Maharet's quest to find her lost twin. The movie has none of these, and lost the plot as a result. Maharet's great family tree appears but the viewer gains no real sense of what it is, why it is so important to Maharet, and Jesse's part in it all. The ancients appear in it, but are not even named, and again the viewer gains no sense of who they are and why they would plot against Akasha. And if destroying Akasha were as easy as depicted in the movie, one wonders why the ancients haven't done it ages ago. And whatever happened to Mekare and her demented zig-zagging trek throughout the world in her hunt for Akasha? Whoever made this movie tried to squeeze two books into one, and came up with something far inferior to the superb first movie, Interview with the Vampire. I can only hope someone someday does as better and more faithful job at adapting Anne Rice's towering history of the vampires, perhaps as a TV mini-series.
This review is for the Criterion Collection DVD edition of the film.In this release Olivier's second adaptation of a Shakespeare play, Olivier again plays the title role. Unlike the previous film, this one is in black and white,It follows the story of a Danish prince bent on avenging the murder of his father by his uncle.I would assume that most people know the plot so that is all I will say about it,The DVD has no special features which is not normal for a Criterion release.
Let me start off by impressing upon you that I LOVE Megaman. Rockman, Megaman, English or Japanese, I love the video games and the animated series and the soundtracks and everything. More than anything, I love the cheesy Ruby-Spears Megaman cartoon that I grew up on. I adore it so much that I had to replace the VHS copies I had of the series with the new DVDs.That being said, this special is not at all like the original cartoon. As you've probably read from other reviewers or sources, the episodes included in this box set were the original pilots for the Megaman cartoon. Unlike the cartoon that aired in America, Megaman looks and sounds just like his video game self in these movies. The world that revolves around him also parallels the game with much more accuracy.However, that's probably the only plus I could see while watching this. You should know that in addition to this being the pilot for a Megaman cartoon, it was designed to stir up interest in Japan and teach foreigners about Japanese culture. Well, that's exactly what it does. So much of the plot is interrupted by these mini-lessons about Japan that it ruins the story, and begins to bore/agitate the viewer. I suppose that if you know nothing about Japan, and are very interested in Japan, and want to Megaman and a little Japanese boy to teach you about Japan, then you will very much enjoy this aspect of the cartoon.But perhaps it's better that the plot is constantly interrupted, because it's so ridiculous that it's barely believable as a cartoon. I had to keep reminding myself that because it's a cartoon, even the unbelievable should be believable. Well, the story begins with a boy named Yuuta who is obsessed with playing his new Megaman game. One night, he falls alseep playing it, and leaves it on. Dr. Wily takes this time to escape through the boy's TV, and Megaman eventually follows. This, in itself, raised a whole host of heated questions that were never answered: What is so special about Yuuta's TV that the game characters can escape through it? (He's the only kid who ever plays Megaman?) Why is Megaman restrained by the effects of the pause button, when Dr. Wily is not? And later, when Megaman ushers Dr. Wily back into the TV, how is he able to keep him there? And then, how can Dr. Wily escape yet again, and again?In that respect, the premise is a bit ridiculous. The rest, of course, is just the usual storyline of Dr. Wily attacking with a giant robot, and Megaman saving the day. With Megaman just being a game character who has escaped from his game, the fantasy aspect is ruined and the whole story rubs me the wrong way. Even at the expense of many other elements, I'm glad they released the cartoon they did instead of this one. I'd rather be drawn into a world where Megaman and other robots already exist, not just popping back and forth through some boy's TV.I also have to gripe about the voice acting, just a little. I generally watch my anime in Japanese (sub-less), because I like to hear the original dialogue, which often has different meaning than English dubs. However, all the main voices were high-pitched and emotionless, making it unbearable to listen to. (I mean, I know that Mega is usually voiced by a woman, but perhaps it was having to hear him for a lengthy period of time that made my ears bleed.) By the second episode, I switched over to the English dub, which also had (not surprising) a high-pitched and emotionless voice cast. Usually Japanese voice casts, at least, put forth more effort than this... what happened?!All in all, I would only recommend buying this if you're a hardcore MM fan. Or maybe it's the other way around... maybe you should only buy this if you know nothing about MM, and therefore will have nothing ruined for you.
It's (ticked) me off for a long time that Dune has not seen a "proper" release in the states. Every single (cruddy), worthless movie that gets released on DVD these days has all sorts of bonus footage, but not Dune. This is my favorite movie of all time, probably because I love the book and David Lynch so much. I have never seen the short version and don't plan on it. Why can't There be like a Criterion Collection release of dune. Why?
Since this movie hit theaters in July it is a absolute loved action/adventure movie. With the stars Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom this movie has hit the top in all dvds and movies. I agree that this movie should make it to movie of the year. Even if you are afraid of pirates, dark moments, and scary scenes. You should still at least try to see this movie. It will absolutly give you a pirates life. A total 4 star.
Even with such a great story, this animation series is barely adequate to tell the story. The story is presented in a very confused way and in some places inconsistent.The animation in the first 4 or 5 episodes, while interesting, appeared to be very inconsistent from scene to scene, as if done by three different animation teams. In the middle, the animation becomes more consistent within each episode yet the style changes completely, twice. These changes were not for the better. In episodes 8-10, the animation was very ugly.Even character personalities seemed to change throughout the series. There were so many characters, especially with the changes and inconsistencies with the animation, that sometimes it was be hard to keep track of each character. The plot timeline at times had inconsistencies, but I supposed that it went with the mystical nature of the story; yet, the confused telling of the story developed this aspect poorly.The animation and story telling in the last 3 episodes (11-13) was best of the entire series.I probably should have given more stars to this review. While the animation was not great, the story even if poorly presented held my attention through out the series. However, I didn't want potential buyers to feel as though they weren't warned about the failings of the series.
Product shipped within 24 hours and was received in time for Easter in great condition.
I always have been a big fan of Tom Cruise and this movie was one of his finest performances. Renee Zelwegger also remarkable. It was a kind of movie that you could see over and over again. It's a must see
This flick begins with a turn of the Century preacher proclaiming that these "new moving pictures" are a sinfull abomination. After viewing the rest of the movie you think he might just be right! "South of Heaven West of Hell" has all the bloodshed and exploitation of a Peckinpah western without any of the rhyme, reason or demension. The hard-to-care-about script takes you from one stomach churning monent after another with an understandibly unenthusiastic cast. (Who told Dwight Yokem he could act?) The ONLY people who'll want to waste time with this would be die-hard Pee Wee Herman fans! Pee Wee plays a perverted western badguy... a little TOO convincingly! Other than that no reason to forfeit 2 hours of your life.
The best description of this movie is it is a cartoon. Kevin Spacey seems to be acting with his tongue in cheek. Annette Benning over-emotes to the point of being laughable; the makeup on her lover is so ridiculous as to seem to have been for a high school play. As for the story, Mendez seems to have been making it up as he filmed it, and when he doesn't know what to do next, he throws in a sex scene. Most of the sex scenes are okay, that is they stop short of really grossing you out. I think everyone misread this movie. It seems to aim to be a satire, but turns out just to be a lame comedy. You can't really like anyone in the story, certainly neither of the teen-age girls, who are probably pretty typical, nor any of the adults. The young drug dealer turns out to be the most likeable, and he's got problems. (...)
I love blu rays ever since I bought and you cant get any better picture or thrill in any other system like the blu ray. I fully recommend this movie for an action thriller.