class label
20 classes
In article 1r3fe2INN10d@fbi-news.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE, markhof@ls12r.informatik.uni-dortmund.de (Ingolf Markhof) writes: |>In article <1quh74$r71@irz401.inf.tu-dresden.de>, beck@irzr17.inf.tu-dresden.de (Andre Beck) writes: |>|> |>|> In article <C5oL74.3B1@aeon.in-berlin.de>, thomas@aeon.in-berlin.de (Thomas Wolfram) writes: |>|> |> >Hey guys! |>|> |> >I work on many stations and would like this name and current logname |>|> |> >to be in a title of Xterm when it's open and a machine name only |>|> |> >when it's closed. In other words, I want $HOST and $LOGNAME to appear |>|> |> >as a title of opened XTerm and $HOST when XTerm is closed. |>|> |> >How can I do it? |>|> |> Almost all window managers (twm, mwm, olwm and their derivates) support |>|> |> escape sequences for it. For your purpose put following into your |>|> |> .login (if you're using csh or tcsh), for sh you have to modify it. |>|> |> |>|> |> if ( "$term" == "xterm" ) then |>|> |> echo "^[]2;${LOGNAME}@${HOST}^G^[]1;${HOST}^G" |>|> |> endif |>|> 1) This is NOT a feature of the Window Manager but of xterm. |>|> 2) This sequences are NOT ANSI compatible, are they ? |>|> Does anyone know IF there are compatible sequences for this and what they |>|> are ? I would think they are DCS (device control sequence) introduced, |>|> but may be a CSI sequence exists, too ? |>|> This MUST work on a dxterm (VT and ANSI compatible), it may not work |>|> on xterms. |>It works on xterms. At least I have no problem with it. - Back to the original |>question: |> |>I usually start new xterms by selecting the proper menu entry in my desktop |>menu. Here is a sample command: |> |> xterm -sl 999 -n ls12i -title ls12i -e rlogin ls12i & |> |>The -n and -title options give the text for window and icon. As I use the |>tcsh (a wonderful extension of the csh), I can do the following: |> |>I have an |> |> alias precmd echo -n '^[]2\;${HOST}:$cwd^G' |> |>in my ~/.tcshrc. This is a special alias for tvtwm. It is executed each time |>before printing the prompt. So, I have the current host name and the current |>directory path in the title bar of my xterms. Have you gotten an answer yet? Using your variables, this is what I would do: xterm -T "$HOST - $LOGNAME" -n "$HOST" --- Daniel J. McCoy |=> SPACE <=| I-NET, Inc. NASA Mail Code PT4 |=> IS <=| TEL: 713-483-0950 NASA/Johnson Space Center |=> OUR <=| FAX: 713-244-5698 Houston, Texas 77058 |=> FUTURE <=| mccoy@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov
I have a toggleButton widget (yes widget) and I have a routine which changes the color of the foreground and background of the label. Well, the background changes alright, but the label text does not redraw itself. I am guessing that I have to force it to redraw with an XExposeEvent sent to it via XSendEvent. Is this the best way to get the text up again? I can't seeem to get XSEndEvent to work right.... if this is a good approach, might anyone have an example lying around to show me how to do this? I've RTFM all evening and did not find a decent example. PS I keep getting Segmentation Faults in XSEndEvent, tho all the values are as expected. Thanks in Advance Stephen M. Dahmen
A really sad op-ed appeared in my school's newpaper today. It claimed that full-auto weapons are illegal in the U.S. I understand that full-auto weapons made and registered before May 19, 1986 are still legal in 40 of the 50 states. Is Texas one of those states? Can anyone point me to a source for info on how many people have been killed by legal full-auto weapons in the U.S.? And finally, I think it would be great if anyone was keeping a digest of facts on the Waco incident. In particular, I would like a source for the FBI/BATF mentioning the supposed methamphetamine lab, and information on the beginning of the raid, specifically BATF lies. I am also interested in past BATF no-knock warrents which have lead to personal and property damage against innocent citizens. I intend to put together a reply to this op-ed very soon. The author of the piece states he wants to work for the BATF. gack! -Thomas
Hi all, I've been following this thread about jacob's ladder for a few weeks and I happened to come across one of the best project books that I've seen in a while. The book "Gadgeteer's Goldmine" by Gordon McComb offers over 55 excellent low cost projects including: Jacob's Ladder, tesla coils, plasma spheres, a Van de Graaff generator, robots, an IR scope, and several laser projects. The instructions come with complete part lists, warnings and diagrams. For those of you who are interested in building any of the above listed projects, you should seriously consider getting this book. The paperback version is only $19.95 too. For those who want more information: Title: Gadgeteer's Goldmine! 55 Space-Age Projects Auth: Gordon McComb Pub: TAB Books CW: 1990 ISBN: 0-8306-8360-7 0-8306-3360-X (paperback) Price: $19.95 (paperback) -Scott /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Scott A. Bailey | #include "std_disclaimer.h" | | ECL Operator |------------------------------------------------| | Computer Engineering | I'm just a knight who chases the moon... | | University of Rhode Island | Haven't caught it yet,but I haven't let that | | bailey@vader.egr.uri.edu | keep me from still trying each day and night | | bailey@ecl1.uri.edu | --(---------- ----------)-- | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/
|>The student of "regional killings" alias Davidian (not the Davidian religios sect) writes: |>Greater Armenia would stretch from Karabakh, to the Black Sea, to the |>Mediterranean, so if you use the term "Greater Armenia" use it with care. Finally you said what you dream about. Mediterranean???? That was new.... The area will be "greater" after some years, like your "holocaust" numbers...... |>It has always been up to the Azeris to end their announced winning of Karabakh |>by removing the Armenians! When the president of Azerbaijan, Elchibey, came to |>power last year, he announced he would be be "swimming in Lake Sevan [in |>Armeniaxn] by July". ***** Is't July in USA now????? Here in Sweden it's April and still cold. Or have you changed your calendar??? |>Well, he was wrong! If Elchibey is going to shell the |>Armenians of Karabakh from Aghdam, his people will pay the price! If Elchibey **************** |>is going to shell Karabakh from Fizuli his people will pay the price! If ****************** |>Elchibey thinks he can get away with bombing Armenia from the hills of |>Kelbajar, his people will pay the price. *************** NOTHING OF THE MENTIONED IS TRUE, BUT LET SAY IT's TRUE. SHALL THE AZERI WOMEN AND CHILDREN GOING TO PAY THE PRICE WITH ************** BEING RAPED, KILLED AND TORTURED BY THE ARMENIANS?????????? HAVE YOU HEARDED SOMETHING CALLED: "GENEVA CONVENTION"??????? YOU FACIST!!!!! Ohhh i forgot, this is how Armenians fight, nobody has forgot you killings, rapings and torture against the Kurds and Turks once upon a time! |>And anyway, this "60 |>Kurd refugee" story, as have other stories, are simple fabrications sourced in |>Baku, modified in Ankara. Other examples of this are Armenia has no border |>with Iran, and the ridiculous story of the "intercepting" of Armenian military |>conversations as appeared in the New York Times supposedly translated by |>somebody unknown, from Armenian into Azeri Turkish, submitted by an unnamed |>"special correspondent" to the NY Times from Baku. Real accurate! Ohhhh so swedish RedCross workers do lie they too? What ever you say "regional killer", if you don't like the person then shoot him that's your policy.....l |>[HE] Search Turkish planes? You don't know what you are talking about.<------- |>[HE] since it's content is announced to be weapons? i i |>Well, big mouth Ozal said military weapons are being provided to Azerbaijan i |>from Turkey, yet Demirel and others say no. No wonder you are so confused! i i i Confused????? i You facist when you delete text don't change it, i wrote: i i Search Turkish planes? You don't know what you are talking about. i Turkey's government has announced that it's giving weapons <-----------i to Azerbadjan since Armenia started to attack Azerbadjan it self, not the Karabag province. So why search a plane for weapons since it's content is announced to be weapons? If there is one that's confused then that's you! We have the right (and we do) to give weapons to the Azeris, since Armenians started the fight in Azerbadjan! |>You are correct, all Turkish planes should be simply shot down! Nice, slow |>moving air transports! Shoot down with what? Armenian bread and butter? Or the arms and personel of the Russian army? Hilmi Eren Stockholm University
They don't have a conflict because technically LPT1: does not use IRQ7!. The Parallel printer processor (the actual number escapes me) contains a printer control register which enables the chip to transmit an interrupt to the interrupt controller as IRQ7, then onto the main processor as Int 0x0F. By default the parallel printer processor does not enable it's interrupt line therefore no Int 0x0F's will be sourced from the printer controller chip, thus enabling other devices to use the actual IRQ7. Note, this applies to COM ports also which by default do not route interrupts to the system bus, although COM's software usually enable this feature as it make monitoring COM port activity easier than polling the serial UART, thus probably getting the sound card slighty confused!. Windows may be a different story....
In article <93113.202310C09615BT@wuvmd.wustl.edu>, Brad Thone <C09615BT@WUVMD> writes... >If you haven't done it before, it can be dangerous. It takes >some getting used to. Read Ed's list. Yep. If Ed's list is over 45-degrees, the wind's too strong to ride. :-) Ivan Reid, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH. ivan@cvax.psi.ch GSX600F, RG250WD. SI=2.66 "AMERICAN degrees; not European!" DoD #484
In article <765461d518325t9@infoserv.com> hfeldman@infoserv.com (Howard MITCHell Feldman) writes: >In <1993Apr19.211044.28763@guinness.idbsu.edu>, lhighley@gozer.idbsu.edu (Larry Paul Highley) wrote: >> >> >> Is there a utility out there that will let me use filenames longer than >> the standard 8.3 format. > Yep, it's called OS2!
On 21 Apr 93 17:03:00 GMT Chris Crayton (chris.crayton@ozonehole.com) wrote: | There is a software version of MNP-5 available from MTEZ, and it will often | connect with other modems that are MNP compatible, but if the modem that you | are connecting to doesn't support MNP then it won't help. Error correcting | modems will eliminate line noise, but only id there are error correcting | modems on both ends of the conncetion. The added soeed is much worth the | price of error correcting modems. 9600 baud V.42bis modems are very | reasonable, and they are only about 15% slower than the more expensive | 14,400 modems on the market. What is MTEZ? A dealer? A repository? Any details? -- Penio Penev x7423 (212)327-7423 (w) Internet: penev@venezia.rockefeller.edu Disclaimer: All oppinions are mine.
In article <May.> koberg@spot.Colorado.EDU (Allen Koberg) writes: >There seem to be many points to the speaking in tongues thing which >are problematic. It's use as prayer language seems especially troubling >to me. I understand that when you pray in tongues, the spirit is doing >the talking. And when you pray, you pray to God. And the Spirit is >God. So, the Spirit is talking to Himself. Which is why I only go >by the Pentecost use where it's an actual language. What is wrong with "the Spirit talking to Himself." Jesus intercedes for us, and Romans 8:26-27 tell of how the Spirit intercedes for us before God. That is no theological problem. Tounges as a prayer language finds support in I Corinthians 14:14-18. >Moreover, the phrase "though I speak with the tongues of men and angels" >used by Paul in I Cor. is misleading out of context. Some would then >assume that there is some angelic tongue, and if when they speak, it >is no KNOWN language, then it is an angelic tongue. Its true that this could be (and has been) used as a rug to sweep any difficulties under. But it is a valid point. Paul does mention angelic tounges in the verse. >Hmmm...in the old testament story about the tower of Babel, we see how >God PUNISHED by giving us different language. Can we assume then that >if angels have their own language at all, that they have the SAME one >amongst other angels? After all, THEY were not punished in any manner. If the languages we sepak are the result of Babel, then it stands to reason that angels would speak a different language from us. You do have a valid point about multiple angelic languages. But angelic beings maybe of different species so to speak. maybe different species communicate differently. >Trouble is, while such stories abound, any and all attempts at >verification (and we are to test the spirit...) either show that >the witness had no real idea of the circumstances, or that outright >fabrication was involved. The Brother Puka story in a previous post >seems like a "friend of a friend" thing. And linguistically, a two >syllable word hardly qualifies as language, inflection or no. I have heard an eyewitness account, myself. Such things are hard to prove. They don't lend themselves to a laboratory thing very well. I don';t know if it is a very holy thing to take gifts into a laboratory anyway. >Much as many faith healers have trouble proving their "victories" (since >most ailments "cured" are just plain unprovable) and modern day >ressurrections have never been validated, so is it true that no >modern day xenoglossolalia has been proved by clergy OR lay. That's an unprovable statement. How can you prove if somethings been proved? There is no way to know that you've seen all the evidence. Once I saw an orthodontists records complete with photographs showing how one of his patients severe underbite was cured by constant prayer. John G. Lakes once prayed for someone and saw them healed in a laboratory, according to "Adventures in God." Its an interesting book. Link
Are there any Montreal Canadiens fans out there who can let me the radio station(s) which are playing the playoff series (including short wave radio frequencies)? Lewisburg, PA (home of Bucknell University) is definitely not a hockey town! Please send responses to malinich@bucknell.edu Thanks!
Carl Christensen (christen@astro.ocis.temple.edu) wrote: : This may be the dumbest question of the year, but is there a : way to 'piggyback' or expand a 6-slot motherboard (all 16-bit) : to get the usual 8? My case has slots for 8, and I'd like to : get a scanner, but with all my other cards I'm already max'd out! : I'm hoping that a simple solution exists, e.g. an adapter that turns I'm not sure if this will work, but how about using one of those 'T' expanders used in the low-profile cases. They allow 3-5 slots staggered on either side of the card. You can install it in the last slot, and then (probably) have 2 or 3 sideways slots. This is actually how it is done in the low profile cases - a standard motherboard, the 'T' connector in one slot, and the expansion cards plugged into the 'T'. I guess you could do this at each end of the slots (1 & 8) to add even more. The 'T' connectors are simply tracks with slots on them - no electronics on it. The only downside - your case won't close, but for a homebrew system, that may not be a problem. Don't know about performance, though. I'll leave that discussion to the engineers. =========================================================================== Gerry George | Anything good in life is either School of Management, Boston Univ. | illegal, immoral or fattening. Internet: ggeorge@acs.bu.edu | Any item not in the above three Compu$erve: 72607.2560@compuserve.com | categories causes cancer in rats! ===========================================================================
Kelvin Williams (kwill@lunatix.uucp) wrote: : These games are forsale (or trade): : * Sonic Hedgehog II (two copies) : + manuals and cases .. : $25 each.. : (brand new!)_ Hello, I am interested in Sonic II but when I send to the address below I get mail bounced back with "Host unknow" error. : Please reply to : kwill@lunatix.UUCP : (subject: games) -- -=( Paul Wood )=- -=( pcwood@astro.ocis.temple.edu )=-
Hey, I want my posts forwarded too. I can't get my sysadmin to pay any attention to me.
In article <1qvh8n$gf4@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu>, friedenb@maple.egr.msu.edu (Gedaliah Friedenberg) writes: > In article <1qvfik$6rf@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>, cj195@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (John W. Redelfs) writes: > |> > |> Now that Big Brother has rubbed out one minority religion in Waco, who is > |> next? The Mormons or Jews? > > Give me a break. If the Mormons fortified Utah and armed it to the teeth, > and were involved in illegal activity, then they deserve whatever they get. > > You are making a ludicrous suggestion. Ludicrous, huh? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HEAVILY ARMED RELIGIOUS CULT BATTLES GOVERNMENT Troops have been called out after a skirmish involving government officials and a religious cult which has been gathering weapons in their "private city". The cult's leaders, who claim that God speaks to them, have told cult members to arm themselves in preparation for the end of the world, which they believe to me imminent. Weapons believed to be in their possession include large-bore military weapons as well as sporting arms. A recent series in nearby newspapers has exposed the plans of the cult to take power throughout the region. Troops have surrounded the cult's "city" after incidents in which officials have exchanged shots with cult members. There have been reports of children being seen in the cult compound, where discipline is said to be strictly administered. Governor Liliburn Boggs has issued an order that these "Mormons" are to be exterminated, or driven from the state.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- And that's the news account, from 150 years ago.. > |> We used to live in a country where everyone enjoyed the free exercise of > |> their rights to worship and bear arms. Now we don't. > > Does that include the right to murder little children? Since the jury's not yet in on exactly how the fire REALLY started, the only dead children here for whom blame can be proven at the moment were the ones shot by government fire. > How about killing ATF officers? A citizen has the right to stop ANY attacking criminal -- even one with a uniform. Clothing aside, you know, it's still not legal to serve a search warrant with a concussion grenade. > I do not know much about the gun laws in Texas, but > Koresh's folks claimed to have grenades, grenade launchers, and rocket > launchers. I am not sure that the NRA feels that this falls under > "right to bear arms." Well then, find out. By the way, this is not a claim of "Koresh's folks," it is a claim of the government -- the same government which DID have grenades and grenade launchers and DID use them. No one has seen ANY evidence of the BD's having, much less using, such weaponry. If they were stocking such things against Armageddon, why would they have left them in the boxes when Armageddon actually arrived? > |> Of course, to Jews and Mormons this is just a broken record. It has > |> happened before. > > Please explain. I do not remember Jews or Mormons (as a group) overtly > breaking a judicious (a.k.a. non-Nazi) law and being punished for it. See above, for one example. The "abuses" involved were non-mainstream religious beliefs, polygamy, child abuse, and fortification. Sound familiar? In my opinion, the BD's were as much a real threat to society as the Mormons were then or are now. (That is, until they were provoked.) By the way, I find your statement about "non-Nazi" law ironic. Koresh was suspected of violating the Gun Control Act of 1968, which was BASED ON the text of the Nazi Weapons Law of March 18, 1938. ("Gun Control's Nazi Connection;" Jews for Preservation of Firearms Ownership, 2872 S. Wentworth Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53207, (414) 769-0760.) By the way, what was Koresh's specific violation? FAILURE TO PAY A TAX. That's right -- the BATF are TREASURY agents. Did a failure to pay a $200/gun tax really justify armed attack, night torture, and ultimately the death penalty? > |> I'll bet all you cult haters are happy now, right? Just hope you're not next. > > Followups to /dev/null No -- think for yourself, for once. -- cdt@rocket.sw.stratus.com --If you believe that I speak for my company, OR cdt@vos.stratus.com write today for my special Investors' Packet...
In article <1993Apr22.143529.20494@porthos.cc.bellcore.com> tvl@prefect.cc.bellcore.com (lam,thanh) writes: >I got a price quote of $18,875.00 for a Camry V6 w/ABS from a Toyota dealer in >Eatontown. I came back to that dealer in two weeks to sign a purchase agreement. >Then I was told that the salesperson made an error in pricing. I walked out of >that dealer. I wonder if this kind of practice is common with Toyota dealers ? >Is the price quote written on the salesperson's business card binding? >I would appricate any comments. I had a similar experience. We had a written quote which had been mailed to us from the salesman at one of these "no-haggle" Toyota dealers for a Camry XLE w/ABS, leather, etc. The price seemed fair, but when we went in to take them up on their offer, they "discovered" that certain extra cost items hadn't been included in their original written quote. It would have totaled an extra $1100 and, in spite of the fact that we had a written quote, they said there was nothing they could do. Bottom line, quotes from salemen are worthless and it appears to me that the Toyota dealers think they've got such a superior auto that they don't have to deal. We walked, went out and bought a new LH car (Eagle Vision TSI) and I don't regret it one bit! -- Thad McCulloch mcculloc@mail.lds.loral.com
I have the following Playboy videos for sale. Email me if interested. All are original tapes (of course) in original boxes. Video Playmate Calendar 1991 Wet & Wild II Sexy Lingerie II Sexy Lingerie III Prices are $15 each, 2 for $25, 3 for $35, or all 4 for $45. I also have a bunch of magazines (Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, Chic, Club, and more) Email me if interested in those too. I'm willing to sell all or part of my collection cheaply. -Justin (jslauson@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "If builders built buildings like I write programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In <Apr.> mserv@mozart.cc.iup.edu (Mail Server) writes: [">"= Mark, ">>"= mp] >> I'm concerned about a recent posting about WBT/SIL. I thought they'd >>pretty much been denounced as a right-wing organization involved in >>ideological manipulation and cultural interference >Good heavens, you mean my good friend Wes Collins, who took his wife and two >small children into the jungles of Guatemala, despite dangers from primitive >conditions and armed guerillas, so that the indigenous people groups their >could have the Bible in their native languages--the young man who led Bible >studies in our church, who daily demonstrated and declared his deep abiding >faith in the Lord of Love--you mean he really was a sneaky imperialistic *SPY* I am sorry you find these charges amusing, Mark. I understand your frustration though--it can be kind of scary to find your assumptions challenged. Some of the specific cultural interference to which I refer includes linguistic manipulation, for instance, their Tzotzil-Spanish dictionary removed both Spanish and Tzotzil words for concepts which are threatening to the ruling ideology, e.g., class, conquer, exploitation, repression, revolution, and described words which can express ideological concepts in examples like "Boss--the boss is good. He treats us well and pays us a good wage." As some of my students would say, "NOT!" Your tone implies that you are unlikely to believe me--indeed, why should you? If you are interested enough to do some further research though, and you sound as if you are, here are some references for you. Stoll, David. _Fishers of Men or Founders of Empire? The Wycliffe Bible Translators in Latin America_. _Sectas y Religiosidad en America Latina_. _Los Angeles Times_, Dec. 11. 1977. _Latin America Press_, May 19, 1983. _Washington Times_, June 22, 1984. Happy hunting. mp
From my reading of the popular, and scientific, literature, I think that the benzopyrene-from-burned-fat problem is probably real but very small compared to other kinds of risks. (This type of problem also occurs with stove-top pan grilling.) One possible remedy I have read about is to take some vitamin C with your meal of barbecue (or bacon, e.g.). This MAY make sense because vit. C is an antioxidant which could counteract the adverse affect of some of the chemicals in question. Bon Apetit! -- Sanford Silverman >Opinions expressed here are my own< American Cyanamid sandy@pt.cyanamid.com, silvermans@pt.cyanamid.com "Yeast is Best"
In article <2BD4A8F4.21802@news.service.uci.edu> tclock@orion.oac.uci.edu (Tim Clock) writes: >In article <1qvfik$6rf@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> cj195@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (John W. Redelfs) writes: >>Now that Big Brother has rubbed out one minority religion in Waco, who is >>next? The Mormons or Jews? >>We used to live in a country where everyone enjoyed the free exercise of >>their rights to worship and bear arms. Now we don't. >>Of course, to Jews and Mormons this is just a broken record. It has >>happened before. >>I'll bet all you cult haters are happy now, right? Just hope you're not next. >I like how, as you make a point, you breeze over *any* responsibility Koresh >may have had in the deaths (of the agents and/or of the cult followers- the >children) and blithely ignor the *reality* that some cults ***are*** very >dangerous and harmful to followers/to any that they judge "in their w". For you, or the government, or anyone else to say what is dangerous or harmful to the followers is direct interference in religion; it has been used quite improperly even when nothing as drastic as Waco has happened. No evidence has been presented that the Davidians have engaged in any activities harmful to others before the actions of the BATF. On this morning's news, there was an item about the BATF warrant being unsealed. That they bought $200,000 worth of LEGAL weapons has not been denied by anyone. When they were accused of harming others in the past, the local sherriff had no problems in serving a warrant; our rights as free people were violated by the BATF going in shooting. This country was founded on the superiority of the rights of the individual. Remember Pastor Niemoller's remarks. -- Herman Rubin, Dept. of Statistics, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette IN47907-1399 Phone: (317)494-6054 hrubin@snap.stat.purdue.edu (Internet, bitnet) {purdue,pur-ee}!snap.stat!hrubin(UUCP)
In article <csundh30.735398449@ursa>, csundh30@ursa.calvin.edu (Charles Sundheim) writes: > lynn@pacesetter.com (Lynn E. Hall) writes: > > >>lynn@pacesetter.com (Lynn E. Hall) writes: > >> > >> [description of a pretty rowdy-sounding party] > >> > >>And still we wonder why they stereotype us... > >> > >>-Erc. > > > Whacha mean 'we'...ifin they (whom ever 'they' are) want to stereotype me > >as one that likes to drink beer and watch lovely ladies display their > >beautiful bodies - I like that stereotype. > > If you were refering 'stereotype' to infer a negative - you noticed we > >didn't rape, pillage, or burn down the town. We also left mucho bucks as in > >MONEY with the town. Me thinks the town LIKES us. Least they said so. > > Lynn Hall - NOS Bros > > > They bein' themfolk who tend to compose fair piece of the population; > bein the ones that regard bikers as a loud, irresponsible, irreverent, > reprobate rabble. Doesn't sound like they attended, though, does it? In fact, if we riders need friends, it sounds a lot like we might have a whole townfull from Lynn's description, especially if the same crowd gets invited back to party some more year after year. > Sure you didn't rape and pillage-- It's a relief to know that you were > such gentlemen-- but because you were not completely out-of-hand you > justify your lesser indescretions? Some pretty distorted thinking, I > should say. You seem to be one of very few bent out of shape over these "lesser indiscretions". If the towns-people aren't ruffled by the "indiscretions" and the partyers aren't either, maybe the "indiscretions" don't amount to anything more threatening or damaging than harmless good-natured rowdiness among consenting adults. The only thing that really bothered me about the description was the knee-deep empty beer cans in the street, but maybe the town had a plan to deal with that since they helped set up the party in the first place. If I lived there and the bikers' previous visits had established a record of mutual cooperation and good intentions, I'd certainly rather they stick around and party than go riding off into the night impaired and maybe get hurt or killed. > Oh-- I'm sorry, I just noticed that you left mucho bucks (as in MONEY)... > Nevermind my criticism, I was out of line. I forgot that when one leaves > mucho bucks (as in MONEY) their behavior is permissable, perhaps even > justified. If it doesn't hurt anyone, and all the parties to the party benefit and consider the entire activity to be benign and harmless, then who needs to "permit" or "justify" it? You? Why do *you* need to do that? > Keep in mind that "themfolks" are the ones that could give a %$#@! when > a biker gets killed, when *their* elected officials institute further > draconian legislation (helmet laws, gun controls, etc.), the ones that don't > respect our rights on the roads because we do not respect theirs all "the > rest of the time..." Ironically, these particular townsfolk probably are in the minority that don't happen to fit the stereotype you describe. They've developed a friendly long-term mutually-beneficial relationship with a group of motorcyclists, and aren't as burdened with MC-ignorance as is the general population because of it. > Need I continue? If such a need exists, it surely must come from within. > So continue to wear your stigma as a badge, but the next time you are > whining about "them" and the effect of their values on yours, remember > that it was probably the behavior of self-righteous wusses like myself > that kept "them" at bay for this long. Well, you got the "self-righteous wusses" part right, anyway. Chuck Rogers car377@torreys.att.com "You might have heard I run with a dangerous crowd, We ain't too pretty, we ain't too proud, We might be laughin' a bit too loud, Ah, but that never hurt no one, <-------- You know that only the good die young"
A friend of mine is seeing an acupuncturist and wants to know if there is any danger of getting AIDS from the needles. Thanks, -alice
PKR@SLACVM.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU (Patrick Krejcik) writes: >I saw once an article about a new line of Macs configured to >work more optimally as file servers. >Anyone know any more details? Check out the May issue of MacWorld; the new servers are on the cover. Should be at your favorite newstand. -Hades
eulenbrg@carson.u.washington.edu (Julia Eulenberg) writes: >I'm assuming that you mean Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). I've never heard >of the "cold treatment" you mentioned. I can't imagine how it would >work, since most of us who have Rh.Arthr./RA seem to have more problems >in cold weather than in warm weather. Would be interested to hear more! >Z >Z No, obviously talking about Research Assistants. I favor a high protein, low fat diet, barely adequate salary on a fixed time schedule, four hours of sleep a night, continuous infusion of latte, unpredictable praise mixed randomly with anxiety-provoking, everpresent glances with lowered eyebrows, unrealistic promises of rapid publication, and every three months a dinner consisting of nothing but microbrewery ale and free pretzels. Actually, mine hails from San Diego, and indeed has more problems in Seattle in cold weather than in warm. Doug Fitts dfitts@u.washington.edu
In the videos of the original BATF attack on the BD church, did anyone happen to see BATF agents on the highest structure, where Koresh's room was? I don't recall seeing BATF agents higher than the roof of the lowest structures, so I made an assumption that BATF helos did the firing down into the tower. Any other info on how the rounds came through the roof?
In article <Apr.> revdak@netcom.com (D. Andrew Kille) writes: >James Sledd (jsledd@ssdc.sas.upenn.edu) wrote: >: Are the Serbs doing the work of God? Hmm... >: > >Are you suggesting that God supports genocide? >Perhaps the Germans were "punishing" Jews on God's behalf? > >Any God who works that way is indescribably evil, and unworthy of >my worship or faith. You might want to re-think your attitude about the Holocaust after reading Deuteronomy chapter 28. Tom Price | tp0x@cs.cmu.edu | Free will? What free will? ***************************************************************************** plutoniumsurveillanceterroristCIAassassinationIranContrawirefraudcryptology
Wm. L. Ranck (ranck@joesbar.cc.vt.edu) wrote: : I hate to admit this, and I'm still mentally kicking myself for it. : I rode the brand new K75RT home last Friday night. 100 miles in rain : and darkness. No problems. Got it home and put it on the center stand. : The next day I pushed it off the center stand in preparation for going : over to a friend's house to pose. You guessed it. It got away from me : and landed on its right side. : Scratched the lower fairing, cracked the right mirror, and cracked the : upper fairing. : *DAMN* am I stupid! It's going to cost me ~$200 to get the local : body shop to fix it. And that is after I take the fairing off for them. : Still, that's probably cheaper than the mirror alone if I bought a : replacement from BMW. You got off cheap. My sister's ex-boyfriend was such an incessant pain in the ass about wanting to ride my bikes (no way, Jose) that I finally took him to Lindner's BMW in New Canaan, CT last fall where I had seen a nice, used K100RS in perfect condition. After telling everyone in the shop his Norton war stories from fifteen years ago, signing the liability waiver, and getting his pre-flight, off he went... Well, not quite. I walked out of a pizza shop up the street, feeling good about myself (made my sister's boyfriend happy and got the persistent wanker off my ass for good), heard the horrendous racket of an engine tortured to its red line and then a crash. I saw people running towards the obvious source of the disturbance... Jeff laying under the BMW with the rear wheel spinning wildly and someone groping for the kill switch. I stared in disbelief with a slice hanging out of my mouth as Matty, the shop manager, slid up beside me and asked, "Friend of yours, Steve?". "Shit, Matty, it could have been worse. That could been my FLHS!" Jeff hadn't made it 10 inches. Witnesses said he lifted his feet before letting out the clutch and gravity got the best of him. Jeff claimed that the clutch didn't engage. Matty was quick. While Jeff was still stuttering in embarrassed shock he managed to snatch Jeff's credit card for a quick imprint and signature. Twenty minutes later, when Jeff's color had paled to a flush, Matty presented him with an estimate of $580 for a busted right mirror and a hairline crack in the fairing. That was for fixing the crack and masking the damaged area, not a new fairing. Or he could buy the bike. I'm not sure what happened later as my sister split up with Jeff shortly afterwards (to hook up with another piece of work) except that Matty told me he ran the charge through in December and that it went uncontested. -- Stephen Manes manes@magpie.linknet.com Manes and Associates New York, NY, USA =o&>o
In article <schnitzi.735603785@eustis> schnitzi@eustis.cs.ucf.edu (Mark Schnitzius) writes: >battin@cyclops.iucf.indiana.edu (Laurence Gene Battin) writes: > >>Apart from the suggestion that appeared in the letters column of >>Skeptical Inquirer recently, has there been any further mention >>about a possible Asimov commemorative stamp? If this idea hasn't >>been followed up, does anyone know what needs to be done to get >>this to happen? I think that its a great idea. Should we start a >>petition or something? > >I'm sure all the religious types would get in a snit due >to Asimov's atheism. > >Do we have any atheists on stamps now? More to the point, how long are atheists going to be insulted by the disgraceful addition of religious blah-blah to our money and out pledge? -- "What's big, noisy and has an IQ of 8?" "Operation Rescue."
I need a little help from a Texas Rangers expert. I was at Yankee Stadium Sunday (12-2 Texas rout) with my kids. We wandered out to the outfield during Rangers batting practice and I caught a ball tossed into the stands (actually wrestled some guy a bit, I might add) by #62 on the Rangers. Who is he? Looked like a bullpen assistant type, youngish I think. He was not in the roster listed in the Yankee scorecard. Any ideas? Please e-mail as I haven't been reading r.s.b regularly. Thanks. - Bob -- Name: Bob Dorin Company: Kendall Square Research Email: dorin@ksr.com, ksr!dorin
Could some kind soul tell me the advance timing/revs for a 1981 xs1100 special (bought in Canada). thanks.
In article <1rl3efINNl7p@fbi-news.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE>, klute@tommy.informatik.uni-dortmund.de (Rainer Klute) writes: |> As I announced at the X Technical Conference in January, I would like |> to |> make Imake-TeX, the Imake support for using the TeX typesetting system, |> publically available. Currently Imake-TeX is in beta test here at the |> computer science department of Dortmund University, and I am looking |> for |> some more beta testers, preferably with different TeX and Imake |> installations. Judging from the responses so far, I have not made clear enough in my article quoted above that Imake-TeX is not for installing TeX, but for *using* it. With Imake-TeX, you will never again have to fiddle around with calling latex and its various utility programs (makeindex, bibtex). Simply type "make" and your document's DVI file will be up-to-date. All you have to do is to write a simple Imakefile and let Imake generate a suitable Makefile for you. Here is such an Imakefile: #include "TeX.tmpl" PaperFormatA4() SimpleLatexTarget(document) The generated Makefile provides the following commands: make depend: Searching the TeX source files for dependencies like \input{somefile} make dvi: Generate an up-to-date DVI file make viewdvi: Display it on your screen make ps: Generate a PostScript version of your document make viewps: Display it make clean: Remove unnecessary things make veryclean: Remove even the DVI file make Makefiles: Generate Makefiles in subdirectories If ... a) ...this seems attractive to you, b) ...you are willing to test Imake-TeX and send me a short test report, c) ...you are willing to cope with a rudimentary English documentation (however, the German version is completed and included), then you are invited as a beta tester. I am looking forward to your e-mail. -- Dipl.-Inform. Rainer Klute I R B : immer richtig beraten Univ. Dortmund, IRB Postfach 500500 |)|/ Tel.: +49 231 755-4663 D-W4600 Dortmund 50 |\|\ Fax : +49 231 755-2386 new address after June 30th: Univ. Dortmund, D-44221 Dortmund
In article <1qme79$c0k@kyle.eitech.com> ekr@kyle.eitech.com (Eric Rescorla) writes: >In article <1qm36b$gn2@horus.ap.mchp.sni.de> frank@D012S658.uucp (Frank O'Dwyer) writes: >>In article <1qktj3$bn9@squick.eitech.com> ekr@squick.eitech.com (Eric Rescorla) writes: >>#In article <1qkn1t$59l@horus.ap.mchp.sni.de> frank@D012S658.uucp (Frank O'Dwyer) writes: > >>#Like I said before, DES works whether I value my privacy or >>#not. >> >>O.K., which DES? The abstract function DES? that stops working in any >>important sense if no-one cares for the importance of truth, mathematics, >>meaning, information, etc. A DES chip or DES s/w? That stops working in any >>important sense if no-one values science, objective reality, etc. DES >>does not work in a value vacuum. Nothing else does, either. > >This is just truth by blatant assertion. Your "in any important sense" >seem to be just weasel words. Imagine that I have a box which >accepts 16 bytes and uses the first 8 to ECB the second 8. >It still does a perfect job of DESing, whether or not any input >is being made at the time--whether or not anyone values mathematics.. If no-one looks at the results, or acknowledges their correctness, in what meaningful sense can the chip be said to "work"?? Does flibozity exist? By "flibozity", I mean a particular, extremely complex configuration of physical phenomena, which no-one, absolutely NO-ONE cares about in the slightest. Does it exist, Eric? Getting back to the question of whether the DES chip "works", doesn't "work" mean something like "achieving the desired/expected effect"? Note the way intentionality subtly underlies that definition. Even if we take the definition as "expected", instead of "desired", can you deny that conformance to expectations is itself a value of sorts, namely the scientific values of accuracy-of-prediction and reproducibility-of-results? The phenomenologist Husserl, for one, considered Intentionality to be the primary ontological "stuff" from which all other ontology was built -- perceptions, consciousness, thoughts, etc. Frank is by no means alone in seeing intentionality (or "values", as he puts it) underlying all human experience, even the so-called "objective" experiences, such as measurements of the natural world, or the output of your DES chip. - Kevin
In article <1993Apr16.171319.13467@CSD-NewsHost.Stanford.EDU> nlu@Xenon.Stanford.EDU (Nelson Lu) writes: >In article <1993Apr16.074054.3124@jyu.fi> mikkot@romulus.math.jyu.fi (Mikko Tarkiainen) writes: > >>Coaching news: >> Vasili Tichonov (ex-Assat) to San Jose Sharks >Wow. So that's probably the reason why current assistant coach Drew Ramenda >hinted that he won't be back. Thanks for the news, Mikko; can you (or any >of our Finnish netters) comment on Tichonov? The first time I heard this piece of news was on the post game radio interview here in Jyvaskyla. That was the bronze medal game in the SM-liiga which Tichonov's team Porin Assat (the Aces of town Pori:) lost. Vasili, the son of Victor Tichonov (the famous Soviet coach), said that for a long time the Sharks have been persuading him to take the assistant coach post. But he wants to be the head coach where ever he goes. He definitely won't be coaching Assat anymore (after three? seasons). I don't know why. Vasili is a good coach I believe. Assat was a good team, produced many players to our national team. Assat wasn't a skilled team (IMHO) but they had the fighting spirit. After all, they butchered Jokerit in the playoffs and gave hard time to TPS, the champs. But Assat wasn't consistent, only when they were in the right mood they could beat any team in the SM-liiga. I am not 100% sure about the deal with the Sharks. As I said, he wants to be the head coach. But he and the Sharks are going to negotiate and decide during the WC. I doubt that he will be the head coach but maybe they'll do some compromise. Could somebody post more information about Vasili? I know he was coaching in the former Soviet league; teams, results? His character as a coach?
kevin@axon.usa (Kevin Vanhorn) writes: >In article <C5rpoJ.IJv@news.udel.edu> roby@chopin.udel.edu (Scott W Roby) writes: >> >> Two of the nine who escaped the compound said the fire was deliberately set >> by cult members. >Correction: The *FBI* *says* that two of the nine who escaped said the fire >was deliberately set by cult members. Since the press was kept miles away, >we have absolutely no independent verification of any of the government's >claims in this matter. Indeed. Larry King had the two attorneys (whose clients are now dead) of Koresh and another Davidian on his show last night. Their discussions with the survivors differ from the FBI account. The attorneys say that they were told that the tanks knocked over lanterns in the compound which started the fires. Government spokespeople have lied and contradicted each other throughout this whole affair. I'll wait for some better evidence before I form an opinion. -- paul hager hagerp@moose.cs.indiana.edu "I would give the Devil benefit of the law for my own safety's sake." --from _A_Man_for_All_Seasons_ by Robert Bolt
In article <3aX42B1w164w@cellar.org>, craig@cellar.org (Saint Craig) wrote: > > It can be done, contact Chaparell cycle supply, [...] Hey they even > had sprockets for my VF1000R which is hard to find accesssories for. I second that. They even had sprockets for my R100rs - _very_ hard to find. ==================================================== John Stafford Minnesota State University @ Winona All standard disclaimers apply.
Does any one know where I can get a telecaption decoder module? Need it to build a close caption decoder. Thanks. Wayne 'Wait till finals are over, that is when the fun really begins.' 'Enjoy the sun while its still young and out there.' 'When one dreams of his home town, he is not wishing that everything could be as it was, but he wishes that he was still young to enjoy it all again.'
In article <C5L2BC.C2x.1@cs.cmu.edu>, rubinoff+@cs.cmu.edu (Robert Rubinoff) writes... >In article <93105.230230U23590@uicvm.uic.edu> <U23590@uicvm.uic.edu> writes: >>Note that Bo Gritz was on the Populist party ticket with David >>Duke (for veep) in 1988 until he found out that Duke was leading >>he ticket, when he withdrew his candidacy. So Gritz gave up his >>chance to be Vice President of the US just to aviod supporting >>Duke. >I'd hardly call that "giving up his chance to be Vice President of the US"; >the chance of the Populist Party ticket winning is essentially nil. Still, >it does imply that he doesn't want to be associated with Duke. > Robert Exactly, after all he was in the same party, probably just didn't want the bad press that being directly associated with Duke would bring. Conversely, is his disdain for David Duke supposed to make us ideolize him? I mean a stand against neo-nazism ... Whoa! Now that's progressive! Come on. I certainly know that I would refuse and openly denounce my Vice Presidency if it meant putting him in control. --Stephen White | "Live simply that others may simply live" --Mohandas K. Gandhi |
Top Ten Ways Slick Willie Could Improve His Standing With Americans 10. Institute a national sales tax to pay for the socialization of America's health care resources. 9. Declare war on Serbia. Reenact the draft. 8. Stimulate the economy with massive income transfers to Democtratic constituencies. 7. Appoint an unrepetent socialist like Mario Cuomo to the Suprmeme Court. 6. Focus like a laser beam on gays in the military. 5. Put Hillary in charge of the Ministry of Truth and move Stephanopoulos over to socialzed health care. 4. Balance the budget through confiscatory taxation. 3. Remind everyone, again, how despite the Democrats holding the Presidency, the majority of seats in the House, and in the Senate, the Republicans have still managed to block his tax-and-spend programs. 2. Go back to England and get a refresher course in European Socialism. 1. Resign, now! Copyright (c) Edward A. Ipser, Jr., 1993 Be sure to look for: _Slick Willie's First Very Own Book of Top Ten Lists_ Available soon in paperback.
FINAL 1992-93 AMERICAN HOCKEY LEAGUE STANDINGS NORTHERN DIVISION W L T PTS GF GA LYF* Providence Bruins 46 32 2 94 384 348 56 Adirondack Red Wings 36 35 9 81 331 308 84 Capital District Isles 34 34 12 80 280 285 75 Springfield Indians 25 41 14 64 282 336 94 New Haven Senators 22 47 11 55 262 343 -- SOUTHERN DIVISION W L T PTS GF GA LYF Binghamton Rangers 57 13 10 124# 392 246 91 Rochester Americans 40 33 7 87 348 332 86 Utica Devils 33 36 11 77 325 354 74 Baltimore Skipjacks 28 40 12 68 318 353 66 Hershey Bears 27 41 12 66 316 339 83 Hamilton Canucks 29 45 6 64 284 327 -- ATLANTIC DIVISION W L T PTS GF GA LYF St John's Maple Leafs 41 26 13 95 351 308 90 Fredericton Canadiens 38 31 11 87 314 278 96 Cape Breton Oilers 36 32 12 84 356 336 82 Moncton Hawks 31 33 16 78 292 306 74 Halifax Citadels 33 37 10 76 312 348 67 *- Last year's point total #- League record total ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Bri Farenell farenebt@craft.camp.clarkson.edu + + AHL, ECAC and Boston Bruins contact for rec.sport.hockey + + Adirondack Red Wings, Calder Cup Champs: '81 '86 '89 '92 + + Clarkson Hockey, ECAC Tournament Champs: '66 '91 '93 + + Glens Falls High Hockey, NY Division II State Champs: '90 '91 + + AHL fans: join the AHL mailing list: ahl-news-request@andrew.cmu.edu + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Brian V. Hughes (hades@coos.dartmouth.edu) wrote: : bredell@tdb.uu.se (Mats Bredell) writes: : : >In the official paper I got from Apple about the new docking station, Apple : >themselves called it the "DuoDock Plus". : : What paper is that? It's been on the price list here at Dartmouth : since they released it and it has never been called the "DuoDock Plus." It was a paper from Apple Sweden that announced some new products (the new docking station was only one of them), and the paper arrived before it showed up on the price list. I don't know if it's still called the "DuoDock Plus" in the price list, it could be a mistake by someone at Apple Sweden. /Mats -- Mats Bredell Mats.Bredell@udac.uu.se Uppsala University Computing Center (UDAC) Ph: +46 18 187817 Department of medical systems Fax: +46 18 187825 Sweden Think straight - be gay!
-=> Quoting Bill Gregory to All <=- BG> hey I saw that game! I thought the Sabres looked better that you BG> described. It's Boston that looked weak and unsure of themselves. Even BG> if (big if) they (bruins) win the third game what's that going to BG> prove? They be lucky! Well now the Sabres are up 3 - 0 in games, and its to bad that Boston isn't putting up more of a fight as that could have been the best series of the playoffs, I think Boston will come out smoking in the next two games and that Buffalo will end the series in game six back in Buffalo, and say, how about those Islanders? they are up 2 - 1 on the Capitals and will probably win the series, only to be clobbered by the Penguins who should eliminate the Devils in the next game. I cannot see (i'm sad to say) anyone beating the Penguins this year (again) and they will take cup # 3 I'm afraid. well talk to ya later. Steve ... To find out a girl's faults, praise her to her girl friends. ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
I am very interested in investigations of starvation for improving health. I am the young Russian reseacher and have highest medical education and expierence in reseach work in biological field and would like to work on this problem. Can anybody send me the adresses of the hospitals or Medical Centers where scientific problems of human starvation for the health are investigated? Also I would like to set scientific contacts with colleagues who deals with investigations in this field. I would be very appreciated anyone reply me. Pls, contact by post: 142292, Russia, Moscow Region, Puschino, P.O. box 46, for Kravchenko N. ; or by e-mail: kutuzova@venus.iteb.serpukhov.su Thank you advance, Natalja Kravchenko.
Greetings, I need some help with the detail of geometry specification. I have a program that uses Xlib to create a simple window. I tried to hard code the x,y location in XCreateWindow but it didn't work. I also tried XSetStandardProperties, XSetWMHints with no luck. Could somebody enlighten me on this subject. Hans. -- Hans Dulimarta [dulimart@cps.msu.edu] Pattern Recognition & Image Processing Laboratory Department of Computer Science Michigan State University
Looking for people to buy brand new software packages including Microsoft Windows, Harvard Graphics, Pagemaker, Paradox, Lotus, etc. at 20-25% off list price. E-mail IMMEDIATELY to "ergo@wam.umd.edu" with name, phone #, email address, and software names.
drg@biomath.mda.uth.tmc.edu (David Gutierrez) writes: > In article <L3sB3B4w165w@tfsquad.mn.org> douce@tfsquad.mn.org (Andrew > Geweke) writes: > > I am currently managing, among many other labs, a lab with three > >LC IIs, a Mac Plus with 45 MB external HD, and a LaserWriter II NTX. My > >problem? The LC IIs seem to intermittently slow to a snail's pace. > > > This happens intermittently to Macs in our department, ranging from IIsi's > to a Quadra 950. > > I can end the slowdown immediately by unplugging the Ethernet cable from > the Mac. It seems that something on the network puts out these packet > storms every few days. These storms have the effect of making our Macs > slow down to a crawl. Thank you very much. These computers behave exactly like what you're describing. Now, my question. I am running on the lowest of all budgets, public education. How can I analyze this? All I need is some sort of packet counter. Do any exist, and where are they? Thanks again, -- Andrew Geweke --- douce@tfsquad.mn.org (Andrew Geweke) The Firing Squad BBS, public access Usenet mail and news. +1 612 291 2632 Saint Paul, Minnesota
shafer@rigel.dfrf.nasa.gov (Mary Shafer) writes: >On 4 Apr 1993 20:31:10 -0400, prb@access.digex.com (Pat) said: >Pat> In article <1993Apr2.213917.1@aurora.alaska.edu> >Pat> nsmca@aurora.alaska.edu writes: >>Question is can someone give me 10 examples of direct NASA/Space related >>research that helped humanity in general? It will be interesting to see.. >Pat> TANG :-) Mylar I think. I think they also pushed Hi Tech >Pat> Composites for airframes. Look at Fly by Wire. >Swept wings--if you fly in airliners you've reaped the benefits. Didn't one of the early jet fighters have these? I also think the germans did some work on these in WWII. >Winglets. Area ruling. Digital fly by wire. Ride smoothing. A lot of this was also done by the military... >Microwave landing systems. Supercritical wings. General aviation >air foils. Weren't the first microwave landing systems from WWII too? >-- >Mary Shafer DoD #0362 KotFR NASA Dryden Flight Research Facility, Edwards, CA >shafer@rigel.dfrf.nasa.gov Of course I don't speak for NASA > "A MiG at your six is better than no MiG at all." Unknown US fighter pilot Egad! I'm disagreeing with Mary Shafer! -- Phil Fraering |"Seems like every day we find out all sorts of stuff. pgf@srl02.cacs.usl.edu|Like how the ancient Mayans had televison." Repo Man
Hello all! For few past days I've been fighting to get My NEC Multisync 3D (predecessor of 3FG) to work properly with the internal video of Mac IIvi. With a VGA-adapter (as described in Dale Adams' posting about Quadra video) it works, only some minor interferences occur, small enough not to prevent any action on screen to be visible & clear. But because the scanrates & stuff of 3D are well enough for emulating Apple 13" RGB, I first made an adapter, then got one fron the local distributor of NEC. With both adapters I can get a picure, which looks excellent most of the time or every now and then. But with radical changes on screen (opening palettes, large windows etc.) there are major interferences in sync. The picture either tilts sideways or scrables up totally. Even when it is clear, there are some "spiky" interferences on horizontal line alignment when accessing pull-downs etc. With the self-made adapter, almost identical to the VGA one, only sense pins differ, it is sometimes impossible to even boot up with a picture clear enough to shut down from menu... With the adapter from NEC, everything is well most of the time, but sometimes the picture tilts badly sideways or the sync is completely lost. But not nearly as often as with the self-made one. I know, with self made adapters there can always be interference, but with the one provided by NEC... where's the source of this interference? I'll give you the pinouts of the whole mess, and I hope that you can, at least someone (please try =) figure out what could be the best pin assignment for NEC 3D. I am going to make a completely new cable with maximum shieldings and isolations, as soon as someone figures out how the pins should be arranged, especially syncs and groundings. Yes, I have checked that the monitor is not defective, it works perfectly well with all PC graphic adapters up to 1024x768 pixels and also Atari 71Hz monochrome, which I am using now with it. Here are the pinouts & stuff: 15 pin mini D-sub (NEC 3D) 15 pin D-sub (Mac, at least Quadra) 1 Red Video 1 Red GND 2 Green Video 2 Red Video 3 Blue Video 3 Composite Sync 4 GND 4 Sense 0 5 GND 5 Green Video 6 Red GND 6 Green GND 7 Green GND 7 Sense 1 8 Blue GND 8 NC 9 NC 9 Blue Video 10 GND 10 Sense 2 11 GND 11 C.Sync & V.Sync GND 12 NC 12 V.Sync 13 H.Sync 13 Blue GND 14 V.Sync 14 H.Sync GND 15 NC 15 H.Sync SHELL GND SHELL GND Connection suggested by Apple for VGA/SVGA, sense pins changed to emulate Apple 13" with Multisync (my self-made adapter) Multisync (15pin mini D-sub) Mac (15pin D-sub) 1 ---------------------- 2 2 ---------------------- 5 3 ---------------------- 9 6 ---------------------- 1 7 ---------------------- 6 8 ---------------------- 13 10 ---------------------- 14 13 ---------------------- 15 14 ---------------------- 12 4 (sense0) grounded to 11 (sync GND) Connection measured from an adapter to make NEC 3FG/4FG emulate Apple 13" (adapter provided by NEC representative) NEC (15 mini) Mac (15) 1 ----------------------- 2 2 ----------------------- 5 3 ----------------------- 9 4 ----------------------- SHELL GND, 1, 4, 6, 13 5 ----------------------- same as above 6 ----------------------- same... 7 ----------------------- same... 8 ----------------------- same... 10 ----------------------- same... 11 ----------------------- same... 13 ----------------------- 3 14 * Not Connected! * Well, I am waiting for your solutions... And thanks! -- Jartsu
I'm an new to this. Having found some files (public) to look into, I ftp'ed them to a system I have access to. I then used kermit to transmit them via modem to my host computer, a PC-based file system. I access internet through modem access to a university mainframe. From the PC file server, I pull the files to a disk, and then pull them from disk to a SGI Indigo (the SGI is not networked yet). When I try to uncompress and un-tar the files, they either come out as garbage or I get an error in the tar process about directories being invalid. What I'm wondering about is the transfer of UNIX files (compressed, binary,ascii) about multiple platforms. My guess is that it is the copy to a 'dos' disk that is screwing things up. Any help is appreciated. bob
prb@access.digex.net (Pat) writes: >In article <1rou8gINN7s4@gap.caltech.edu> palmer@cco.caltech.edu (David M. Palmer) writes: >|prb@access.digex.com (Pat) writes: >| >|>In article <1993Apr26.200406.1@vax1.mankato.msus.edu> belgarath@vax1.mankato.msus.edu writes: >|>|energetic for close by. for the coronal model, we found around 10^43 erg/sec. >|>|And lastly, for the cosmological model an L=10^53. That's what you'd call >|>|moderately energetic, I'd say. Any suggestions about what could put out that >|>|much energy in one second? >|>> -jeremy >| >|>big Capacitor :-) Real Big capacitor. >| >|It's been suggested. (Specifically, lightning strikes between clouds >|in the interstellar medium.) >| >How big of a lightning rod, would you need for protection? >and would you need jupiter as a ground plane. >pat Sounds to me like you'd want a star for the ground plane. -- Phil Fraering |"Seems like every day we find out all sorts of stuff. pgf@srl02.cacs.usl.edu|Like how the ancient Mayans had televison." Repo Man
cl056@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Hamaza H. Salah) writes: >>Would you tell me which Arab country is prohipiting the Jews from >>migrating to Palestine? >the last arab country was syria. but not all of them >migrated due to the jewish state economical and >securital dilemma! As usual, when Salah is not totally racist, she manages to get virtually all the facts wrong. Assad pledged to allow Jews to leave Syria, but not to go to Israel. Unfortunately, not all of them have escaped yet, but not because they don't want to leave; rather, Assad went back on his word and stopped issuing travel permits. He claimed bureaucratic snags, but everyone knows it was a tactic to pressure Israel. -- Alan H. Stein astein@israel.nysernet.org
If anyone out there has an HP180 series scope or mainframe, I have the TDR plug in (the 1810, I believe) for it and have no need to keep it. Interested? E-mail me. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Medin Phone: (205) 730-3169 (w) SSD--Networking (205) 837-1174 (h) Intergraph Corp. M/S GD3004 Internet: dtmedin@catbyte.b30.ingr.com Huntsville, AL 35894 UUCP: ...uunet!ingr!b30!catbyte!dtmedin ******* Everywhere You Look (at least around my office) ******* * The opinions expressed here are mine (or those of my machine)
armani@edgeway.wimsey.bc.ca (Anand Mani) writes: >Besides the faster processor, the 950 has SCSI 2, and as far as I know, >faster I/O due to separate processors handling those functions. Mostly. The Q950 does have a SCSI2 controller chip as it's SCSI chip, but it does not have the chips to use the Wide or Fast SCSI-2 modes and therefore doesn't offer much more in the way of SCSI performance over the Q900. It does, howrever, have a faster I/O controller than the Q900; this is where the real speed boost comes from. -Hades
To all netters, In my last post that concerning about the CYRIX 486DLC CPU, I said the benchmark program COMPTEST stated there is a bug in CYRIX CPUs. This is NOT true and I must apologize to the author of COMPTEST. The actual program that gives this report is F-PROT 2.07, a virus detection and removal program. The report stated there is a bug in the Cx486SLC but not DLC. Sorry, sorry, sorry... Desmond Li LUT, UK.
In a previous article, aa341@Freenet.carleton.ca (David A. Hughes) says: > >Does anyone know what hardware is required and where I could find it for >sound recording on the Mac Portable. > >Thanks All you have to do is buy a MacroMedia MacRecorder. This plugs into your seril port and acts as a microphone. North Star computers should be able to order you one. -- --------------------------------------- Liam Morland ad358@freenet.carleton.ca ---------------------------------------
In <sandvik-250493163828@sandvik-kent.apple.com> sandvik@newton.apple.com (Kent Sandvik) writes: >In article <markp.735580401@avignon>, markp@avignon (Mark Pundurs) wrote: >> You take LSD, and it skews your perception of reality. You come down, >> and your perceptions unskew. >I've never taken LSD, but read about the strange lifes and times >of the Ashbury Heights culture. Something that was usually profound >was the way these LSD trippers mentioned that after their first trip >they changed their view of the world. In other words taking LSD would >change their reference frames. Which would indicate that deep changes >due to let us say rewiring of the brain temporarily will indeed >change frames. And this leads to the statement that there is no >solid reference frame; the LSD trippers modified their relative >view. Much of the Haight-Ashbury crowd probably had pre-existing dissatisfactions with their lives -- dissatisfactions ameliorated by mumbo-jumbo about 'new realities'. The only change I experienced after LSD was to gain the knowledge that I didn't enjoy how LSD twisted my perception. -- Mark Pundurs any resemblance between my opinions and those of Wolfram Research, Inc. is purely coincidental
While I have gotten 8-9 years out of this digital receiver, it has been acting VERRY strange of late. I hope that the following symptoms may help someone diagnose the error: - i know that whatever lithium memory backup it had - has long died thus if i unplug it - it won't remember the presets - it has given up listening to the remote. (i tried changing the remote's batteries) when i try a remote function - the receiver registers that it received it (a green remote light flashes) but the right function doesn't happen - if any function at all. (also strange- when i hit the "mute" button, for example, the display panel goes black - yikes- i've never seen that before ...) - before all the strangeness started, the system turned itself OFF and ON again - by itself - sometimes it won't play a radio station, so i have to kinda twist it (yes kinda flex the motherboard, chasis) for it to get the radio tuning back - the aux in function always works however.... it is inconvenient, but NOT inconvenient enough to pay an expensive repair fee. while, i'm not a hardware guy, i wonder if something as simple as a surge supressor will be a quick fix. the strange thing is that these symptoms come and go ... someone told me this unit series has a bad Voltage Amp chip. -anyway ...arghh -cjk
This may be a dumb question, but I need to put a hard drive on my father's PC/XT, either MFM, RLL, or IDE. I know how to hook it up, but how do I tell the computer the geometry of the drive. On my 386, you set it in the BIOS, but I doubt that's how it's done on an XT. I thought it might be software with the controller card, but the IDE card for XT's that I saw didn't come with any. Also, how do I low level format it once it's on the computer? (Assuming a drive which needs formatting) advTHANKSance, Rob rxg3321@ultb.isc.rit.edu
In article <C5ws3K.HqC@odin.corp.sgi.com> dans@fore.csd.sgi.com (Dan Steinman) writes: > Last night on the Giants/Mets radio broadcast Hank and Ted were discussing the fact that there were only 16 players who had ever hit 200 homeruns and stolen 200 bases in their career (while HoJo was batting). Anyone have a list? Not as easy as it sounds to come up with all of them. I couldn't. Mays, Mantle, Aaron, Henderson, Morgan, Bonds (Dad), ??? Frank Robinson? Molitor? Yount? Guessing now. I'd be interested to see the whole list. > > > -- > > Thanks, > Dan > Ya think Winfield is on it?
Many of you at this point have seen a copy of the Lunar Resources Data Purchase Act by now. This bill, also known as the Back to the Moon bill, would authorize the U.S. government to purchase lunar science data from private and non-profit vendors, selected on the basis of competitive bidding, with an aggregate cap on bid awards of $65 million. If you have a copy of the bill, and can't or don't want to go through all of the legalese contained in all Federal legislation,don't both - you have a free resource to evaluate the bill for you. Your local congressional office, listed in the phone book,is staffed by people who can forward a copy of the bill to legal experts. Simply ask them to do so, and to consider supporting the Lunar Resources Data Purchase Act. If you do get feedback, negative or positive, from your congressional office, please forward it to: David Anderman 3136 E. Yorba Linda Blvd., Apt G-14, Fullerton, CA 92631, or via E-Mail to: David.Anderman@ofa123.fidonet.org. Another resource is your local chapter of the National Space Society. Members of the chapter will be happy to work with you to evaluate and support the Back to the Moon bill. For the address and telephone number of the nearest chapter to you, please send E-mail, or check the latest issue of Ad Astra, in a library near you. Finally, if you have requested, and not received, information about the Back to the Moon bill, please re-send your request. The database for the bill was recently corrupted, and some information was lost. The authors of the bill thank you for your patience. --- Maximus 2.01wb
Group A Group B ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Cardiff Devils 7-3 Bracknell Bees Nottingham Panthers 8-3 Billingham Humberside 7-7 Whitley Warriors Murrayfield Racers 11-2 Fife Flyers Whitley Bay 6-9 Cardiff Devils Billingham Bombers 6-8 Murrayfield Humberside 8-5 Bracknell Bees Nottingham Panthers 11-5 Fife Flyers Cardiff Devils 10-4 Humberside Murrayfield Racers 6-4 Nottingham Bracknell Bees 4-9 Whitley Bay Fife Flyers 2-5 Billingham Bracknell Bees 3-8 Cardiff Devils Billingham Bombers 2-8 Nottingham Whitley Bay 5-7 Humberside Fife Flyers 3-12 Murrayfield P W D L F A P P W D L F A P Cardiff Devils 4 4 0 0 34 16 8* Murrayfield Racers 4 4 0 0 37 15 8* Humberside 4 2 1 1 26 27 5 Nottingham Panthers 4 3 0 1 31 16 6* Whitley Bay 4 1 1 2 27 27 3 Billingham Bombers 4 1 0 3 16 26 2 Bracknell Bees 4 0 0 4 15 32 0 Fife Flyers 4 0 0 4 12 39 0 * indicates qualified for Championship Finals Relegation/Promotion A Relegation/Promotion B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basingstoke 10-4 Swindon Wildcats Sheffield Steelers 12-8 Peterborough Durham Wasps 13-5 Romford Raiders Slough Jets 1-9 MK Kings Basingstoke 6-0 Durham Wasps Sheffield Steelers 9-4 Milton Keynes Swindon 8-5 Romford Raiders Milton Keynes Kings 4-6 Peterborough Durham Wasps 17-2 Swindon Wildcats Slough Jets 2-12 Sheffield Romford 4-10 Basingstoke Peterborough 10-2 Slough Jets Romford *8-3* Durham Wasps Peterborough 8-5 Sheffield Swindon 7-11 Basingstoke Milton Keynes Kings 10-4 Slough Jets P W D L F A P P W D L F A P Basingstoke 4 4 0 0 37 15 8 Sheffield Steelers 4 3 0 0 38 22 6 Durham Wasps 4 2 0 2 33 21 4 Peterborough 4 3 0 1 32 23 6 Swindon 4 1 0 3 21 43 2 Milton Keynes Kings 4 2 0 2 27 20 4 Romford Raiders 4 1 0 3 22 34 2 Slough Jets 4 0 0 4 9 41 0 /-- / /-- /-- /-- / \ / /-- /-/ --- o Neil A. McGlynn +44 473 645659 /-- / /__ /-- /-- / / /-- /_/ /__ o nmcglynn@axion.bt.co.uk / / / /-- / /__ / /-- /\ ___/ o British Telecom Laboratories, --------------------------------------- Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, UK
I have for sale teh USWEST SearchDisc CDROM Phone Directory. This has the names, phone number, address, business/residence information for all regions covered by US West. States includes Oregon, Washington, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Have have two CDROM disks, one for June 1992, the other for Oct. 1992. If you are interested, make an offer, thanks. khoh@usc.edu
Using the VMODE command, all you need to do is type VMODE VESA at the dos prompt. VMODE is included with the Speedstar 24. I have used the VESA mode for autodesk animator pro. -- <=================================================| | geoffrey_hansen@mindlink.bc.ca | |=================================================> "Inumerable confusions and a feeling of despair invariably emerge in periods of great technological and cultural transition." Marshall McLuhan
In article <noringC5u638.Bvy@netcom.com> noring@netcom.com (Jon Noring) writes: >In article dyer@spdcc.com (Steve Dyer) writes: >>In article noring@netcom.com (Jon Noring) writes: > >Good grief again. > >Why the anger? I must have really touched a raw nerve. > >Let's see: I had symptoms that resisted all other treatments. Sporanox >totally alleviated them within one week. Hmmm, I must be psychotic. Yesss! >That's it - my illness was all in my mind. Thanks Steve for your correct >diagnosis - you must have a lot of experience being out there in trenches, >treating hundreds of patients a week. Thank you. I'm forever in your >debt. > >Jon > >(oops, gotta run, the men in white coats are ready to take me away, haha, >to the happy home, where I can go twiddle my thumbs, basket weave, and >moan about my sinuses.) Ever heard of something called the placebo effect? I think Dyer is reacting because it looks to be yet another case of the same old quackery over and over again. It true that current medical knowledge is limited, but do you realize just HOW MANY quacks exist eager to suck your $$$$. It's playing the lottery at best. If the results you got were so clear and obvious, would you mind trying a little experiment to see if it is true? It would be quite simple. Have sugar pills and have real pills. Take one set for one week and the other set for another week without knowing which ones are the real pills. Then at the end of the 2 weeks compare the results. Let's say you're wife would know which are the real ones. If what you are experiencing is true there should be a marked difference between each week. john -- John Nielsen MAGNUS Consultant ______ ______ __ __ "To you Baldrick, the Renaissance was just /\ __ \ /\ ___\ /\ \/\ \ something that happened to other people, \ \ \/\ \\ \___ \\ \ \_\ \ wasn't it?" - The Black Adder \ \_____\\/\_____\\ \_____\
Does the Proventil inhaler for asthma relief fall into the steroid or nonsteroid category? Looking at the product literature it's not clear. rick@ysu.edu
Hi. I am having some interesting problems with my Boca graphics card, which is based on the Cirrus Logic chipset (I am not sure exactly which one). The problem is as follows: If I use any Windows driver at 800x600 except for the 64K-colour driver (ie 16 colour or 256 colour), the image on screen becomes too tall - no amount of resizing on the monitor will make it fit. And if I use Excel with the 64K- colour driver, it hangs as soon as it loads. Anyone out there used this card/experienced anything similar. Please reply by mail, and I will post any solutions here. Regards - Simon -- +-------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | Simon Bernstein | "Man is condemned to be free" (Sartre) | | University of Natal, Durban +--------------------------------------------+ | bernstei@shrike.und.ac.za | Simonfish on IRC | +-------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
In article <1qk5oi$d0i@sixgun.East.Sun.COM> egreen@east.sun.com writes: >In article 211353@mavenry.altcit.eskimo.com, maven@mavenry.altcit.eskimo.com (Norman Hamer) writes: >> >> The question for the day is re: passenger helmets, if you don't know for >>certain who's gonna ride with you (like say you meet them at a .... church >>meeting, yeah, that's the ticket)... What are some guidelines? Should I just >>pick up another shoei in my size to have a backup helmet (XL), or should I >>maybe get an inexpensive one of a smaller size to accomodate my likely >>passenger? > >If your primary concern is protecting the passenger in the event of a >crash, have him or her fitted for a helmet that is their size. If your >primary concern is complying with stupid helmet laws, carry a real big >spare (you can put a big or small head in a big helmet, but not in a >small one). While shopping for a passenger helmet, I noticed that in many cases the external dimensions of the helmets were the same from S through XL. The difference was the amount of inside padding. My solution was to buy a large helmet, and construct a removable liner from a sheet of .5" closed-cell foam and some satin (glued to the inside surface). The result is a reasonably snug fit on my smallest-headed pillion with the liner in, and a comfortable fit on my largest-headed pillion with the liner out. Everyone else gets linered or not by best fit. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Robinson UUCP: ucbvax!cogsci!robinson INTERNET: robinson@cogsci.berkeley.edu
In article <C6zMB5.5pn@news.cso.uiuc.edu> ptg2351@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Panos Tamamidis ) writes: > What I simply want, is the same thing for the Greeks of Turkey. The > Turkish state should recognize its crimes against the Greek minority, Pardon me? History shows that within the last 170 years, Greeks played that game twice: They used Istanbul Patriarch Grigorios in 1822 to instigate the Morea rebellion that resulted in the massacres of the Muslim people. Again, the Orthodox Patriarch Constantine V invited the Russian Czar Nicholas II to invade the Ottoman Empire 'in the name of Jesus,' and save his flock from Ottoman rule. Source: "The 'Past' in Medieval and Modern Greek Culture," in Speros Vryonis, ed., 'Byzantina kai Metabyzantina,' Vol I (Malibu, Calif., 1978). p. 161. In the words of Professor Skiotis, "With savage jubilance, [the Greeks] sang the words 'Let no Turk remain in the Morea, nor in the whole world.' The Greeks were determined to achieve to 'Romaiko' in the only way they knew how: through a war of religious extermination." <<The leader of the Ashkenazi community of Corlu complained to the president of AIU [Alliance Israelite Universelle] in 1902 about persistent Greek attacks against its Jewish quarter: ''The fanatic Greeks of our city, as of other places in Thrace, have the habit of, contrary to the spirit of real Christianity, making a replica of Judas Iscariote and of burning it on the night of Holy Saturday. They construct a wooden figure, cover it with clothing which they claim is that of the ancient Jews, and they burn it publicly in the middle of a multitude of the ignorant and the fanatic. It often happens that this multitude, already excited by the tales of the suffering of Christ that has been made to them at the Church, is exaulted at the appearance of the execution of he who is supposed to have betrayed Christ, and works up a great anger against the Jews...For a long time we have known that each year, on such a day, they will cut off the heads and arms of the corpses in our cemetery and will burn them with great solemnity. We make no complaint about this in order not to create differences between the two communities. But this audacious madness of these fanatics has increased. We ourselves see the flames and hear the cries of hatred and vengeance against the Jews.''[42]>> [42] Ashkenazi Community, Corlu, to AIU no.8783, 2 May 1902, in AIU Archives (Paris) II C 8, with report printed in El Tiempo of 1 May 1902. Source: Professor Stanford J. Shaw, 'The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic,' New York University Press, New York (1991). pages 202-203: <<In 1865, immediately after enactment of the new Organic Statute for the Jewish community, and just as Jewish capital from Europe was beginning to have an effect in Istanbul, local Armenians and Greeks started a pogrom against Jews immediately across the sea of Marmara at Haydarpasa, terminus of the Anatolia railroad, with three hundred Jews massacred and many more beaten and raped before the disturbance was stopped after the Sultan sent his personal guard across the bay to protect the Jews [39]. In later years, ritual murder attacks against Jews, carried out mostly by native Greeks, Armenians, and, in Arab provinces, by Maronites and other Arab Christians, often with the assistance of the local European consuls, took place throughout the empire. There were literally thousands of incidents continuously until World War I, in Southeastern Europe as far west and north as Monastir and Kavalla, in Istanbul, at Gallipoli and the Dardanelles, at Salonica, and in all the Arab provinces as far south as Damascus and Beirut and in Egypt at Cairo and Alexandria. These invariably resulted from accusations spread among Ottoman Christians by word of mouth, or published in their newspapers, often by Christian financiers and merchants anxious to get their Jewish competitors out of the way or to divert onto the Jews Muslim anger at reports of Christian massacres of Muslims in Southeastern Europe or Central Asia, resulting in individual and mob attacks on Jews, and the burning of their shops and homes. Individual experiences were horrible. Jews constantly went in fear of Armenian or Greek attacks in the streets of Ottoman cities. In Egypt and Syria, it was usually the Greeks who led the way, in many cases with the assistance of local Armenians and Syrian Christians, whose Greek, Arabic and French-language newspapers often printed all the rumors they could find regarding Jews, evidently with the desire of instigating violence. The Syrian Arab Christians in particular spread their long-standing anti-Semitic hatreds from Syria to Egypt, where their monopoly of the local press and their espousal of popular causes such as Egyptian nationalism and opposition to the British rule, enabled them to spread their anti-Jewish message among the Muslim masses with little question or opposition. On 20 June 1890, thus, Sir Evelyn Baring (later Lord Cromer), British High Commissioner in Egypt, received the following report from David and Nissim Ades, in Cairo: ''Sir, I beg sir to draw to your attention to the violent articles which has (sic) appeared in an Arabic paper called El Mahroussa which contained nothing but lies and false accusations against the Jews, especially those (the issues) of the 14th, 17th and 19th instant. Now, Sir, are we to have here an anti-Semitic party amidst fanaticism, Greeks, Armenians, etc., or is he to be allowed to continue to poison the people's minds with exaggeration and painted words? In an article, he asserted that the Jews use Christian blood for Passover, of course this has caused a deal of excitement.'' [40] Whenever Greek and other Orthodox religious authorities or prominent Greek business leaders or consuls were asked to help to stem the violence or reduce tension, they invariably indicated their cooperation and then failed to do anything to prevent attacks or punish those who stimulated or led them. [41] The leader of the Ashkenazi community of Corlu complained to the president of AIU [Alliance Israelite Universelle] in 1902 about persistent Greek attacks against its Jewish quarter: ''The fanatic Greeks of our city, as of other places in Thrace, have the habit of, contrary to the spirit of real Christianity, making a replica of Judas Iscariote and of burning it on the night of Holy Saturday. They construct a wooden figure, cover it with clothing which they claim is that of the ancient Jews, and they burn it publicly in the middle of a multitude of the ignorant and the fanatic. It often happens that this multitude, already excited by the tales of the suffering of Christ that has been made to them at the Church, is exaulted at the appearance of the execution of he who is supposed to have betrayed Christ, and works up a great anger against the Jews...For a long time we have known that each year, on such a day, they will cut off the heads and arms of the corpses in our cemetery and will burn them with great solemnity. We make no complaint about this in order not to create differences between the two communities. But this audacious madness of these fanatics has increased. We ourselves see the flames and hear the cries of hatred and vengeance against the Jews.''[42]>> [39] El Tiempo, 28 April 1926; Galante, Istanbul I, 185; Galante, Documents V, 340-41. [40] FO 78/430, enclosed in Baring no.207 to Lord Salisbury, Cairo, 25 June 1890, reprinted in Landau, 'Ritual Murder Accusations', p.450. [41] Jacob Landau, 'Ritual Murder Accusations and Persecutions of Jews in Nineteenth Century Egypt', Sefunot V (1961), 425-427; for example see report in BAIU [Bulletin de l'Alliance Israelite Universelle: Deuxieme Serie (Paris)], first semestre 1881, pp.66-67. Galante also reported similar difficulties with the Greek religious leaders while he was teaching in Rhodes. [42] Ashkenazi Community, Corlu, to AIU no.8783, 2 May 1902, in AIU Archives (Paris) II C 8, with report printed in El Tiempo of 1 May 1902. Serdar Argic 'We closed the roads and mountain passes that might serve as ways of escape for the Turks and then proceeded in the work of extermination.' (Ohanus Appressian - 1919) 'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists a single Turkish soul.' (Sahak Melkonian - 1920)
Kendall 'Opusii' Sears (krsear02@ulkyvx.louisville.edu) wrote: : : or the biggest killer (IMO) : : 6) one's dreams are (sadly) shattered on the hard rocks of society's : version of reality. Without the dream the motivation dies, without : the motivation the effort seems useless. : Actually there are more possibilities -- one is that with practice the hacker has become so good and powerful in manipulating data streams that s/he goes simply underground... Possessing true power perhaps there is no need to impress anyone with it. -- grady@netcom.com 2EF221 / 15 E2 AD D3 D1 C6 F3 FC 58 AC F7 3D 4F 01 1E 2F
In article <15196@optilink.COM> cramer@optilink.COM (Clayton Cramer) writes: > >Homosexuals have been lying about the 10% number for so long that >the politicians are running scared of them. Of course, homosexuals >lying should be no surprise. > How can you lie about something that no one knows for sure. I am the first to state that the 10% figure may be too high- but it may just be too low, depending on what you are talking about. Keep in mind that there are 'practicing' heterosexuals that are actually gay. These people chose to take a road that avoids being harassed and they wanted to 'fit-in' with everyone other 'normal' person. But let's get off of this irrational behavior of calling everyone a liar, you cannot even start to support such claims. >Also, the corrupt, criminal and lying nature of Kinsey's work, which >provides much of the justification for homosexual "rights" in the modern >era, should make people step back for a moment and question the rest >of the crap that they have been force-fed by the news media. This sure sounds definitive. How do you label Kinsey's work like this, from that factually based and scientific journal WSJ? >-- >Relations between people to be by mutual consent, or not at all. This is an interesting statement. Do you realize how many things you do your life that are not based on 'mutual consent'- and that it may be required on occasion that all parties may not be mutually consenting? This
wright@lims01.lerc.nasa.gov (Ted Wright) writes: > > An Adaptec ACB-2322 rev B disk controller has come into my hands with > no documentation. Is this an ESDI controller? MFM? RLL? Something else? > The BIOS on it is dated 1987, if that is any help. I think it is an ESDI controller if you need the doco i can help you. Stefan -- Stefan Reck | INET : sreck@rebox.in-berlin.de Berlin |--------------------------------------------------------------- Germany | that's all
Hi- Does anyone out there know how I would get started on writing a device driver for the Apple CD300 CD-ROM drive, which *can* read audio CD formats out through the SCSI bus? Thanks, -Avery
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In article <gthomas.735070935@sfu.ca>, gthomas@fraser.sfu.ca (Guy Thomas) writes: > zrepachol@cc.curtin.edu.au (Paul Repacholi) writes: > >>In article <1993Apr16.055100.1@cc.curtin.edu.au>, zrepachol@cc.curtin.edu.au (Paul Repacholi) writes: >>... >>> If you can't be bothered reading, get the video "Manufacturing Consent". >>> > >>In reply to mail queries; I don't know if a video is available yet. I asked >>about a month ao and was told RSN. > > Yes it is. From the National Film Board of Canada. Ah, not in the USA. Thats a relief, thought 'reality' must be slipping for a second. :-) St Noam was on the radio tonight, he has just published a new book "501 years". Published by South End i guess. Could some bostonian confirm please? I would love to hear what he thinks of the Clipper scam. ~Paul PS The first posting I saw I thought was a joke in *VERY* bad taste. My appologies to the person who broke the news.
In article <Apr.> shd2001@andy.bgsu.edu (Sherlette Dixon) writes: >The people who post to this particular newsgroup are either too cowardly, <...more accusations about a worldwide conspiracy against blacks.> Since Jesus was born in the Middle East, then I expect his human features to be similar to Middle Easterners at that point in time. And since the camera wasn't invented yet we can only guess what he looked like. For example, with all the dinosaur bones we're digging up we still don't know if they were yellow-polka-dotted, or purplish-orange 8-). Likewise, I don't think anybody has a picture of Jesus (is there ? 8-) ) So our current image of Jesus is our best guess. Okay. So let's assume that Jesus is black. Would that make you follow His techings ? Cause if you follow His teachings, skin color becomes a moot point, anyway. What counts more in your life ? Your faith in Jesus or His skin color (as a human) ? In the interest of historical accuracy, however, since Jesus was from Israel wouldn't His skin color be like any other Jew ? i.e. fair-skinned ? Although probably heavily tanned from the desert sun ? Experts in this area speak up !!! cause I'm not. 8-) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Ashley |DISCLAIMER: My opinions. Not Harris' marka@gcx1.ssd.csd.harris.com | The Lost Los Angelino |
In <1qpd98$b7e@geraldo.cc.utexas.edu> taite@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu () writes: >We may have twice the murder rate of the UK, but who gives a flip? Presumably, most of those being murdered "give a flip"... -- Larry Margolis, MARGOLI@YKTVMV (Bitnet), margoli@watson.IBM.com (Internet)
In article <9649@tekig7.PEN.TEK.COM>, alany@tekig5.pen.tek.com (Alan Yelvington) writes: |> The battery goes dead primarily becaust the floor is cold. The temperature |> combined with self-discharge promotes sulfation which ruins the plates of |> the battery. I strongly suspect that the only reason the battery doesn't |> go dead as quickly on a dirt surface is because cement tends to be quite |> cooler. Please explain how cement is able to maintain a lower average temperature than dirt. Sheesh.......
In article <C5tKI1.C8s@rice.edu> fontenot@ravl.rice.edu (Dwayne Jacques Fontenot) writes: >Too bad nothing will happen to her or him. The FBI and the media have >done their job well. Just want to make a comment on this. If you live in this country long enough, you should realize the media is no friend of the govt. I am only concerned about fact that the media like to jump to conclusion before the facts. But I am sure they are good in digging dirt as well; afterall, they like the controversial events, which of course make news. --Chuan. *=========================================================================* | Chuan "infamous" Lee Email: chuan@stein.u.washington.edu | | U of Washington, Seattle. | *=========================================================================*
In article <1993Apr22.004331.22548@coe.montana.edu> uphrrmk@gemini.oscs.montana.edu (Jack Coyote) writes: >Sunlight shining off of the ocean. > The universe, mirrored in a puddle. > >Aleph null bottles of beer on the wall, Aleph null bottles of beer! >Take one down, pass it around ... Aleph null bottles of beer on the wall! > Isn't it amazing how there *always* seems to be *another* bottle of bheer there? Aleph *one* bottles of beer on the wall, Aleph *one* null bottles of beer! you, too, are a puddle. As above, so below. mark
In article <mssC5KCru.5Ip@netcom.com> mss@netcom.com (Mark Singer) writes: >That exuberance disappeared immediately, however, when Strawberry >went into a tirade at the man. All reports indicate he used a lot >of profanity and accused the man of interference, and therefore of >costing the Dodgers a game. Shortly afterwards other fans hurled >food and beverages toward the man who made the catch. Dodger Stadium >officials started to remove him from the park, but then relented and >just relocated him to another area. In an interview after the game, >Lasorda blamed the fan for the loss. Strawberry also went into a >tirade about how the fans are stupid and they don't care about >winning. L.A. Times columnists similarly blasted the man who made >the catch. Sounds like Darryl being Darryl, Tommy spending too much time on Slim Fast and needs a pasta fix, and the media being their usual "charming" selves. Sounds like a New York-like story to me!! :-) I saw the replay and am wondering what the big deal is? I didn't realize the folks in LA were making a big to do about it. I think Stawberry, Lasorda and the various media types should sit and watch the replay then apologize to the fan. >Others have questioned why Darryl should be so concerned with what >the fan did when he has a grand total of 1 rbi through the first >nine games. Darryl has not gotten off to a good start, he has to blame someone. >But I guess the big debate continues as to what are the responsibilities >of the fan. As long as the fan doesn't interfere with the play I see no problems. -- scott barman | Mets Mailing List (feed the following into your shell): scott@asd.com | mail mets-request@asd.com <<! | subscribe Let's Go Mets! | !
In <C5sy4s.4x2.1@cs.cmu.edu> 18084TM@msu.edu (Tom) writes: >Nick Haines sez; >>(given that I've heard the Shuttle software rated as Level 5 in >>maturity, I strongly doubt that this [having lots of bugs] is the case). >Level 5? Out of how many? What are the different levels? I've never >heard of this rating system. Anyone care to clue me in? SEI Level 5 (the highest level -- the SEI stands for Software Engineering Institute). I'm not sure, but I believe that this rating only applies to the flight software. Also keep in mind that it was *not* achieved through the use of sophisticated tools, but rather through a 'brute force and ignorance' attack on the problem during the Challenger standdown - they simply threw hundreds of people at it and did the whole process by hand. I would not consider receiving a 'Warning' status on systems which are not yet in use would detract much (if anything) from such a rating -- I'll have to get the latest copy of the guidelines to make sure (they just issued new ones, I think). Also keep in mind that the SEI levels are concerned primarily with control of the software process; the assumption is that a well controlled process will produce good software. Also keep in mind that SEI Level 5 is DAMNED HARD. Most software in this country is produced by 'engineering practicies' that only rate an SEI Level 1 (if that). -- "Insisting on perfect safety is for people who don't have the balls to live in the real world." -- Mary Shafer, NASA Ames Dryden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fred.McCall@dseg.ti.com - I don't speak for others and they don't speak for me.
In article <1993Apr3.071823.13253@bmerh85.bnr.ca>, dgraham@bmers30.bnr.ca (Douglas Graham) writes: |> In article <1pj2b6$aaa@fido.asd.sgi.com> livesey@solntze.wpd.sgi.com (Jon Livesey) writes: |> >In article <1993Apr3.033446.10669@bmerh85.bnr.ca>, dgraham@bmers30.bnr.ca (Douglas Graham) writes: |> >|>Er, Jon, what Ken said was: |> >|> |> >|> There have previously been people like you in your country. Unfortunately, |> >|> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |> >|> most Jews did not survive. |> >|> |> >|>That sure sounds to me like Ken is accusing the guy of being a Nazi. |> > [my previous posting deleted] |> |> Yes, yes. This is a perfectly fine rant, and I agree with it completely. |> But what does it have to do with anything? The issue at hand here |> is whether or not Ken accused the fellow from Germany of being a |> Nazi. I grant that he did not explicity make this accusation, but |> he came pretty damn close. He is certainly accusing the guy of |> sympathizing with those who would like to exterminate the Jews, and |> that's good enough for me. The poster casually trashed two thousand years of Jewish history, and Ken replied that there had previously been people like him in Germany. That's right. There have been. There have also been people who were formally Nazis. But the Nazi party would have gone nowhere without the active and tacit support of the ordinary man in the street who behaved as though casual anti-semitism was perfectly acceptable. Now what exactly don't you understand about what I wrote, and why don't you see what it has to do with the matter at hand? jon.
. It's my understanding that the U.S. Supreme Court has never given a legal definition of religion. This despite the many cases involving religion that have come before the Court. Can anyone verify or falsify this? Has any state or other government tried to give a legal definition of religion?
Moving Sale: Must sell before May 5: Futon: high-end, oak, queen, like new -- $250 Computer Desk: roll-top, locks securely, like new -- $100 Color TV: 13", perfect cond., great for bedroom -- $50 ( ***SOLD) Coffee Tables/Dresser: $40 or B.O. Lamps: $10 Make an offer!! Ask for Esther: 415/571-6062 eve 408/736-0490 day
Printer model and specification: Canon CLC 500 (Color Laser Copier) ps-ipu unit (postscript intelligent processing unit) Hello, We have recently purchased a very expensive and nice color copier/printer. We want to be able to print to it from our SGI iris network. The copier/printer has both a parallel and SCSI interface. I have configured the printer with the "lp" system using the parallel interface and can print postscript files to the printer. I can also print rgb files, but these are in turn converted to postscript by an internal filter. The Canon CLC 500 is a publication quality printer but the quality of our postscript printouts are less than acceptable. We create the postscript files with a variaty of programs, such as showcase, xv, and tops. When we convert to postscript with tops and use the -l option to specify the halftone screen density of 98 rather than the default 40 the output is better, but still much less that acceptable. Note, that we are starting with a screen image in rgb image format and translating the image into postscript. We suspect that if we could use the SCSI interface we would get higher quality pictures. We have not purchased the software that drives the printer from the SCSI port. To my knowledge this software is $5000 and does not come with a warranty. The management here does not want to spend this much money without some assurance that the product will work. Here my questions: If anybody on the net uses this printer are you using the SCSI or parallel port? What is the quality of the printouts? Is there a way to create high quality postscript printouts? What is the limiting component, the postscript language or the postscript interpretor on the printer? The Big question: Where can I get some software to drive the SCSI port for this printer? Please email directly to me, I don't not read news on a regular basis. I will post a summary. Thanks in advance. -- E-mail: scott@ncifcrf.gov ,Phone #: (301) 846-5798 Title: Sr. Systems Manager/Analyst
In article <2BC0D53B.20378@news.service.uci.edu> tclock@orion.oac.uci.edu (Tim Clock) writes: >Is it possible to track down "zuma" and determine who/what/where "seradr" >is? Done. But did it change the fact that during the period of 1914 to 1920, the Armenian Government ordered, incited, assisted and participated in the genocide of 2.5 million Muslim people because of race, religion and national origin? By the way, you still haven't corrected yourself. During World War II Armenians were carried away with the German might and cringing and fawning over the Nazis. In that zeal, the Armenian publication in Germany, Hairenik, carried statements as follows:[1] "Sometimes it is difficult to eradicate these poisonous elements (the Jews) when they have struck deep root like a chronic disease, and when it becomes necessary for a people (the Nazis) to eradicate them in an uncommon method, these attempts are regarded as revolutionary. During the surgical operation, the flow of blood is a natural thing." Now for a brief view of the Armenian genocide of the Muslims and Jews - extracts from a letter dated December 11, 1983, published in the San Francisco Chronicle, as an answer to a letter that had been published in the same journal under the signature of one B. Amarian. "...We have first hand information and evidence of Armenian atrocities against our people (Jews)...Members of our family witnessed the murder of 148 members of our family near Erzurum, Turkey, by Armenian neighbors, bent on destroying anything and anybody remotely Jewish and/or Muslim. Armenians should look to their own history and see the havoc they and their ancestors perpetrated upon their neighbors... Armenians were in league with Hitler in the last war, on his premise to grant them self government if, in return, the Armenians would help exterminate Jews...Armenians were also hearty proponents of the anti-Semitic acts in league with the Russian Communists. Mr. Amarian! I don't need your bias." Signed Elihu Ben Levi, Vacaville, California. [1] James G. Mandalian, 'Dro, Drastamat Kanayan,' in the 'Armenian Review,' a Quarterly by the Hairenik Association, Inc., Summer: June 1957, Vol. X, No. 2-38. Serdar Argic 'We closed the roads and mountain passes that might serve as ways of escape for the Turks and then proceeded in the work of extermination.' (Ohanus Appressian - 1919) 'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists a single Turkish soul.' (Sahak Melkonian - 1920)
> >In article <C4nq5G.EKB@noose.ecn.purdue.edu>, >rgemeinh@separator.ecn.purdue.edu (Richard A Gemeinhart) wrote: >> >> In article <1993Mar26.155933.9669@ncsu.edu> fmsalvat@eos.ncsu.edu (FRANK MICH >AE SALVATORE) writes: >> > >> > >> >I am originally from New York State, and I go to school >> >in North Carolina. Yet, I don't constantly gripe about >> >the lack of hockey. Wouldn't some of you who chose to go >> >to school in the South realize (most who gripe are Clemson students) >> >that hockey isn't quite as popular in South Carolina >> >when you chose a school? >> > >> >Why did you all (excuse me - y'all) choose schools in >> >the South if hockey was this important to you? >> >> Not everyone has the luxury of deciding on a college by making sure the >> hockey coveraage is what you want it to be. I am a Pittsburgh transplan >> to S. C. when at home and the coveraage sucks. Sports south didn't even show >> the final game of the Stanley Cup laast year while it was happening. They >> put it on ktape delay and cut the intermissions then went off the air. >> When you move you take the good with the bad and deal with it; it doesn't >> mean thaat you can't complain about it. > >I was transplanted by my parents from the Greater Hartford area to the >Greater Cleveland, Ohio area. This was not an action of my choice. The >only hockey coverage I could get there regularly was Red Wings and Penguins >(explaining, in part, why I follow these teams today). In Cleveland you >couldn't even find hockey scores on the 11 o'clock news because they >figured that if they didn't have it, it wasn't a sport. > At least your parents didn't move you Idaho. The only things that get any coverage there are football, basketball and baseball! Patty
>There is a guy in NASA Johnson Space Center that might answer >your question. I do not have his name right now but if you follow >up I can dig that out for you. Keesler, Loftus, Potter, Stansbery, Kubriek....?
> er, excuse me but since the escrow agencies aren't yet chosen, how can you >say they have a "history of untrustworthy behavoir[sic]"? I refer to the Federal law enforcement apparatus (which is ultimately in charge of this) generally.
In <93109.231733ISSCCK@BYUVM.BITNET> "Casper C. Knies" <ISSCCK@BYUVM.BITNET> writes: >Gedaliah Friedenberg (friedenb@maple.egr.msu.edu) writes: >#In article <1qvfik$6rf@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>, cj195@cleveland.Freenet.Edu >#(John W. Redelfs) writes: >#|> >#|> Now that Big Brother has rubbed out one minority religion in Waco, who >#|> is next? The Mormons or Jews? ># >#Give me a break. If the Mormons fortified Utah and armed it to the teeth, >#and were involved in illegal activity, then they deserve whatever they get. ># ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ >#You are making a ludicrous suggestion. >As a Latter-day Saint, I found John's statement *not at all* ludicrous... I don't think it's too far off of the mark, either. No one 'deserves' what they get. Punishment is for the justice system (flawed as it may be). This whole 'well it served the idiots right' mentality is nothing but a revenge mentality, and my opinion is that "revenge is for children and the emotionally retarded" (Frank Herbert, 'Dune' series). >Please allow me to explain myself. In 1838, the governor of Missouri, >governor Boggs, issued his so-called "Mormon extermination order." The >only crime ("illegal activity") the Latter-day Saints had committed, was >their religious affiliation, their anti-slave stance (Missouri still >allowed slave practices), and their growing numbers/influence in Missouri. Well... every group has a somewhat selective memory of it's past. Even the protestants who look to Martin Luther for starting the whole movement conveniently forget his diatribes telling nobles to slaughter the peasants who rebelled against unjust conditions. >I guess the Mormons "got what they deserved," because they refused to bow >to the will of (corrupt and evil) secular authorities. This "disobedience" >brought upon them persecution, murder, and finally forced expulsion from >their lands and settlements... They stood up for what they believed in, and the people of the time hated them for that, and because they were different. Xenophobia has always been one of the strongest reasons for death and destruction. > [more about mormon oppression deleted..] > [...] when we tried to organize "soc.religion.mormon" and/or >"talk.religion.mormon," a whole bunch of "charitable" believers effectively >blocked our intent to create a group to discuss topics related to Mormonism >et al in an appropriate forum. We really must be a "threat" to various >establishments... Anyone who's confident in what they believe should not have a problem listening to dissenting points of view... It's something called 'free speech', which radicals usually push aside in favour of doing what's 'right'. > Frustrating our legitimate rights for proper representa- >tion also belongs in the category of persecution. It is ironic that those >who oppose us, point to all kinds of "justifications" to do so, despite >their claims of adhering to a gospel of love... Ahh... I agree with that most strongly. Who cares about 'claims'?? All I want to see are actions. If you act like you hate me, you probably do, all pie-in-the-sky religious affiliations to the contrary. >Lest anyone believe I do not believe in government: I do, but NOT without >questioning the wisdom and constitutionality of their decisions and >resolves. Yes! Most people don't realize that it's NOT some 'government' sitting in a far-away magical land that makes decisions, it's people. And those people make mistakes like any human. Questioning the government in everything it says and does should be one of our most fundamental rights. > [...] The Branch Davidians NEVER posed any threat to society. Until this all settles, I'm not sure anyone can make that sort of blanket statement. Sure, they may have been quiet peace-loving people who just happened to be armed to the teeth, but who knows what David Koresh had planned? >#Please explain. I do not remember Jews or Mormons (as a group) overtly >#breaking a judicious (a.k.a. non-Nazi) law and being punished for it. >Read-Your-History. It HAS happened (as explained above in some detail), >and will undoubtedly happen again. Indeed, WHO IS NEXT. So-called "Illegal >activities" can be twisted and bend to suit anyone's need, including the >agendas of secular authorities... You don't even have to break laws to get punished, as I'm sure many people have found out. What about the drug laws that permit the police to seize any suspect goods? And some grandmother travels with $30,000 in cash in her handbag, (doesn't trust the banks), it falls open, and the police end up confiscating it? This is not an isolated case, either. Or laws to stop companies from making look-alike Ford/GM car parts, and selling them as the real thing? The first people that got raided were antique companies who made 'real GM' parts for 1930's cars. All I'm saying is that it should NOT be assumed that someone is inherently evil/etc when the government decides to nail them. It's the people who blindy believe that the government does the best in everything for them who are _really_ dangerous. Alan DeKok. Reply-To: ALAND@physics.carleton.ca
In article <1993Apr21.061246.11363@ucc.su.OZ.AU>, montuno@physics.su.OZ.AU (Lino Montuno) writes: > This may be a very naive question but is there any basis for the > claim that a CPU will get hotter when a computationally intensive > job is running? My friend claims that there will be little difference > in the temperature of an idle CPU and a CPU running a computationally > intensive job. It first depends on what an idle cpu is doing! I'm not sure about DOS, but many multitasking OSs have an loop like this loop: is there anything to do? YES -> do it; goto loop NO -> goto loop The CPU is not doing any work but it is still processing instructions... It will also respond to interupts... > > > Lino Montuno Guy -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guy Dawson - Hoskyns Group Plc. guyd@hoskyns.co.uk Tel Hoskyns UK - 71 251 2128 guyd@austin.ibm.com Tel IBM Austin USA - 512 838 3377
In article <1qvfik$6rf@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> cj195@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (John W. Redelfs) writes: > >Now that Big Brother has rubbed out one minority religion in Waco, who is >next? The Mormons or Jews? > >We used to live in a country where everyone enjoyed the free exercise of >their rights to worship and bear arms. Now we don't. > >Of course, to Jews and Mormons this is just a broken record. It has >happened before. > >I'll bet all you cult haters are happy now, right? Just hope you're not next. >-- >------------ John W. Redelfs, cj195@cleveland.freenet.edu ------------- >--------- All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --------- I like how, as you make a point, you breeze over *any* responsibility Koresh may have had in the deaths (of the agents and/or of the cult followers- the children) and blithely ignor the *reality* that some cults ***are*** very dangerous and harmful to followers/to any that they judge "in their w".
The JP5 on the Speedstar 24x is for those systems with boot-up problems. If your system fails to boot-up proprtly, please pull off the jumper block from jp5. This will not affect the proformance of the SpeedStar 24x. This is what my manual says about jp5. I never knew that it was there but the card is a real ask kicker in my book. It beats the hell out of my junk Sony 1604s to the point that I can't even use above 648x480 mode much...Sam Some times an upgrage turns out to be a big overkill, like driving a Sony with a 24x that the monitor can't handle. Or installing 60ns simms and then finding out that your mother board doesn't have a cmos wait state adjustment to take advantage of the new 60ns simms that you just bought! -- Gosh..I think I just installed a virus..It was called MS DOS6... Don't copy that floppy..BURN IT...I just love Windows...CRASH...
Re: Flaming wreckage I wrote my congressmen strongly worded letters demanding they dissolve the BATF. Perhaps anger and grief can help spur a letter writing campaign? Ron Miller
I came across this interesting information in my local public library while researching minivans. It is the dealer price and the retail price for a minivan I am thinking about purchasing. Someone told me that the number for base price was slightly lower than the current price, but this should still give you some idea about pricing and how much you can negotiate. Mercury Villager GS Dealer Retail Base Price $14688 16504 Air Conditioning 729 857 Rear Defroster 143 168 Calif. Emissions 87 102 7 Passenger Seating 282 332 AM/FM Radio (no cassette) STD STD Automatic Transmission STD STD Anti-lock brakes STD STD Destination 540 540 The total dealer cost is $16469 The total retail price is $18467 Nissan Quest XE Dealer Retail Base Price $15212 17545 Air Conditioning STD STD Rear Defroster STD STD Calif. Emissions 59 70 7 Passenger Seating STD STD AM/FM Cassette STD STD Automatic Transmission STD STD Anti-lock brakes 593 700 Destination 540 540 The total dealer cost is $16404 The total retail price is $18855
I am looking for a printer utility which stay in Window 3.1 as an icon and let you drag a file to it to issue the printing.
Macintosh IIsi, 3/40, 80ns. Clock-upgraded IIsi works well at 25MHZ, however, does not work with Nubus adaptor and 1400k disk even though it can read/write 800k disk at32MHz. Interestingly, upgraded IIsi overcomes basically the fighting between the Vedio and the System so that CPU never be reduced below 8 no mater whether the cache is on or off. This is pretty useful when you use the virtual memory of system 7. 20MHz 25MHZ 32MHz CPU 5.46(6.0.7) 6.81(6.0.7) 8.83(6.0.7) 8.74(7VM) Graf. 6.72 8.56 11.07 9.19 Disk 1.44 1.50 1.56 1.49 Math. 5.72 11.27(FPU) 9.36 8.84 speedometer3.1
Jay Fenton <Fenton@Kaleida.Com> writes: >How can the government tell which encryption method one is using without >being able to decode the traffic? i.e., In order to accuse me of using an >unauthorized strong encryption technique they would have to take both >keys out of escrow, run them against my ciphertext and "draw a blank". I was thinking about this, also. It's quite possible the system transmits, in clear, the serial number of the device being used. That way they can start a tap, get the serial number, and use the warrant for the first tap to get the key. If they tap someone who's apparently using encryption, but don't find that prefix, then they'll assume it's an "un-authorized" encryption scheme. -- May the Kloo Gnomes be generous to you. Robert Crawford betel@camelot.bradley.edu
I've spent the past week tearing my hair out, trying to get the output of a piped "tail -f" to end up in a widget. I've managed to make it work in some ugly ways, but either a) X blocks on the tail and won't allow user input, b) the "tail -f" functions like just "tail" and doesn't follow the expansion of the file, c) the "tail -f" doesn't die after I've closed the pipe and destoryed the widget, or d) pclose() blocks forever waiting for tail to die. I _know_ this code has to exist. Anybody have it? A general popen() case would be perfered but at this point I'll take anything... Thanks. -- Greg Knauss (greg@quotron.com) "Llamas, dammit! Llamas!"
In article <C5LFA4.E10@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> cal2d@csissun11.ee.Virginia.EDU (Craig Allen Lorie) writes: >According to the hockey gurus over at ESPN, should the Islanders win tonite >the two teams will have the same record, but the Devils will be playing the >Penguins. This is because the Islanders have won the season series against >the Devils. I think the rules for deciding a tie breaker include: > >1. season series >2. goals against >3. goals for > >in this order (correct me if I'm wrong). Anyone have anything to add? I think that they go to divisional records before goals, but I could be wrong, too. -- Keith Keller LET'S GO RANGERS!!!!! LET'S GO QUAKERS!!!!! kkeller@mail.sas.upenn.edu IVY LEAGUE CHAMPS!!!! "When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you."