how is singing a part of the posadas tradition
[ { "title": "Las Posadas", "text": "Individuals may actually play the various parts of Mary ( María ) and Joseph with the expectant mother riding a real donkey ( burro ) , with attendants such as angels and shepherds acquired along the way , or the pilgrims may carry images of the holy personages instead . Children may carry poinsettias . The procession will be followed by musicians , with the entire procession singing posadas such as pedir posada . At the end of each night 's journey , there will be Christmas carols ( villancicos ) , children will break open star - shaped piñatas to obtain candy and fruit hidden inside , and there will be a feast . Piñatas are traditionally made out of clay . It is expected to meet all the invitees in a previous procession . ", "sentences": [ "Individuals may actually play the various parts of Mary ( María ) and Joseph with the expectant mother riding a real donkey ( burro ) , with attendants such as angels and shepherds acquired along the way , or the pilgrims may carry images of the holy personages instead .", "Children may carry poinsettias .", "The procession will be followed by musicians , with the entire procession singing posadas such as pedir posada .", "At the end of each night 's journey , there will be Christmas carols ( villancicos ) , children will break open star - shaped piñatas to obtain candy and fruit hidden inside , and there will be a feast .", "Piñatas are traditionally made out of clay .", "It is expected to meet all the invitees in a previous procession ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Individuals may actually play the various parts of Mary (María ) and Joseph with the expectant mother riding a real donkey burr ), with attendants such as angels and shepherds acquired along the way, or the pilgrims may carry images of the holy personages instead. The procession will be followed by musicians, with the entire procession singing posadas such as pedir posada.", "selected_sentences": [ "Individuals may actually play the various parts of Mary ( María ) and Joseph with the expectant mother riding a real donkey ( burro ) , with attendants such as angels and shepherds acquired along the way , or the pilgrims may carry images of the holy personages instead .", "The procession will be followed by musicians , with the entire procession singing posadas such as pedir posada ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Individuals may play the various parts of Mary and Joseph. The procession will be followed by musicians , with the entire procession singing posadas such as pedir posada . At the end of each night 's journey , there will be Christmas carols.", "selected_sentences": [ "Individuals may actually play the various parts of Mary ( María ) and Joseph with the expectant mother riding a real donkey ( burro ) , with attendants such as angels and shepherds acquired along the way , or the pilgrims may carry images of the holy personages instead .", "The procession will be followed by musicians , with the entire procession singing posadas such as pedir posada .", "At the end of each night 's journey , there will be Christmas carols ( villancicos ) , children will break open star - shaped piñatas to obtain candy and fruit hidden inside , and there will be a feast ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 45676624 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where did to the moon alice come from
[ { "title": "The Honeymooners", "text": "Alice ( née Alice Gibson ) , played in the first nine skits , starting in 1951 , and ending in January 1952 by Pert Kelton , and by Audrey Meadows for all remaining episodes , is Ralph 's patient but sharp - tongued wife of roughly 12 years . She often finds herself bearing the brunt of Ralph 's insults , which she returns with biting sarcasm . She is levelheaded , in contrast to Ralph 's pattern of inventing various schemes to enhance his wealth or his pride . In each case , she sees the current one 's un-workability , but he becomes angry and ignores her advice ( and by the end of the episode , her misgivings almost always are proven to have been well - founded ) . She has grown accustomed to his empty threats -- such as `` One of these days , POW ! ! ! Right in the kisser ! '' , `` BANG , ZOOM ! '' or `` You 're going to the moon ! '' -- to which she usually replies , `` Ahhh , shaddap ! '' Alice studied to be a secretary before her marriage and works briefly in that capacity when Ralph is laid off . Wilma Flintstone is based on Alice Kramden . ", "sentences": [ "Alice ( née Alice Gibson ) , played in the first nine skits , starting in 1951 , and ending in January 1952 by Pert Kelton , and by Audrey Meadows for all remaining episodes , is Ralph 's patient but sharp - tongued wife of roughly 12 years .", "She often finds herself bearing the brunt of Ralph 's insults , which she returns with biting sarcasm .", "She is levelheaded , in contrast to Ralph 's pattern of inventing various schemes to enhance his wealth or his pride .", "In each case , she sees the current one 's un-workability , but he becomes angry and ignores her advice ( and by the end of the episode , her misgivings almost always are proven to have been well - founded ) .", "She has grown accustomed to his empty threats -- such as `` One of these days , POW ! ! !", "Right in the kisser ! ''", ", `` BANG , ZOOM ! ''", "or `` You 're going to the moon ! ''", "-- to which she usually replies , `` Ahhh , shaddap ! ''", "Alice studied to be a secretary before her marriage and works briefly in that capacity when Ralph is laid off .", "Wilma Flintstone is based on Alice Kramden ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "In The Honeymooners, Alice is levelheaded, in contrast to Ralph's pattern of inventing various schemes to enhance his wealth or his pride. She has grown accustomed to his empty threats - such as ``You 're going to the moon!''.", "selected_sentences": [ "Alice ( née Alice Gibson ) , played in the first nine skits , starting in 1951 , and ending in January 1952 by Pert Kelton , and by Audrey Meadows for all remaining episodes , is Ralph 's patient but sharp - tongued wife of roughly 12 years .", "She is levelheaded , in contrast to Ralph 's pattern of inventing various schemes to enhance his wealth or his pride .", "She has grown accustomed to his empty threats -- such as `` One of these days , POW ! ! !", "or `` You 're going to the moon ! ''" ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
when did stephen crane write the red badge of courage
[ { "title": "The Red Badge of Courage", "text": "At the time , Crane was intermittently employed as a free - lance writer , contributing articles to various New York City newspapers . He began writing what would become The Red Badge of Courage in June 1893 , while living with his older brother Edmund in Lake View , New Jersey . Crane conceived the story from the point of view of a young private who is at first filled with boyish dreams of the glory of war , only to become disillusioned by war 's reality . He took the private 's surname , `` Fleming , '' from his sister - in - law 's maiden name . He would later relate that the first paragraphs came to him with `` every word in place , every comma , every period fixed . '' Working mostly nights , he wrote from around midnight until four or five in the morning . Because he could not afford a typewriter , he carefully wrote in ink on legal - sized paper , occasionally crossing through or overlying a word . If he changed something , he would rewrite the whole page . He later moved to New York City , where he completed the novel in April 1894 . ", "sentences": [ "At the time , Crane was intermittently employed as a free - lance writer , contributing articles to various New York City newspapers .", "He began writing what would become The Red Badge of Courage in June 1893 , while living with his older brother Edmund in Lake View , New Jersey .", "Crane conceived the story from the point of view of a young private who is at first filled with boyish dreams of the glory of war , only to become disillusioned by war 's reality .", "He took the private 's surname , `` Fleming , '' from his sister - in - law 's maiden name .", "He would later relate that the first paragraphs came to him with `` every word in place , every comma , every period fixed . ''", "Working mostly nights , he wrote from around midnight until four or five in the morning .", "Because he could not afford a typewriter , he carefully wrote in ink on legal - sized paper , occasionally crossing through or overlying a word .", "If he changed something , he would rewrite the whole page .", "He later moved to New York City , where he completed the novel in April 1894 ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "He began writing what would become The Red Badge of Courage in June 1893, while living with his older brother Edmund in Lake View, New Jersey. He later moved to New York City, where he completed the novel in April 1894.", "selected_sentences": [ "He began writing what would become The Red Badge of Courage in June 1893 , while living with his older brother Edmund in Lake View , New Jersey .", "He later moved to New York City , where he completed the novel in April 1894 ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
when was the two treatises of government written
[ { "title": "Two Treatises of Government", "text": "King James II of England ( VII of Scotland ) was overthrown in 1688 by a union of Parliamentarians and the stadtholder of the Dutch Republic William III of Oranje - Nassau ( William of Orange ) , who as a result ascended the English throne as William III of England . This is known as the Glorious Revolution , also called the Revolution of 1688 . Locke claims in the `` Preface '' to the Two Treatises that its purpose is to justify William III 's ascension to the throne , though Peter Laslett suggests that the bulk of the writing was instead completed between 1679 -- 1680 ( and subsequently revised until Locke was driven into exile in 1683 ) . According to Laslett , Locke was writing his Two Treatises during the Exclusion Crisis , which attempted to prevent James II from ever taking the throne in the first place . Anthony Ashley - Cooper , 1st Earl of Shaftesbury , Locke 's mentor , patron and friend , introduced the bill , but it was ultimately unsuccessful . Richard Ashcraft , following in Laslett 's suggestion that the Two Treatises were written before the Revolution , objected that Shaftesbury 's party did not advocate revolution during the Exclusion Crisis . He suggests that they are instead better associated with the revolutionary conspiracies that swirled around what would come to be known as the Rye House Plot . Locke , Shaftesbury and many others were forced into exile ; some , such as Sidney , were even executed for treason . Locke knew his work was dangerous -- he never acknowledged his authorship within his lifetime . ", "sentences": [ "King James II of England ( VII of Scotland ) was overthrown in 1688 by a union of Parliamentarians and the stadtholder of the Dutch Republic William III of Oranje - Nassau ( William of Orange ) , who as a result ascended the English throne as William III of England .", "This is known as the Glorious Revolution , also called the Revolution of 1688 .", "Locke claims in the `` Preface '' to the Two Treatises that its purpose is to justify William III 's ascension to the throne , though Peter Laslett suggests that the bulk of the writing was instead completed between 1679 -- 1680 ( and subsequently revised until Locke was driven into exile in 1683 ) .", "According to Laslett , Locke was writing his Two Treatises during the Exclusion Crisis , which attempted to prevent James II from ever taking the throne in the first place .", "Anthony Ashley - Cooper , 1st Earl of Shaftesbury , Locke 's mentor , patron and friend , introduced the bill , but it was ultimately unsuccessful .", "Richard Ashcraft , following in Laslett 's suggestion that the Two Treatises were written before the Revolution , objected that Shaftesbury 's party did not advocate revolution during the Exclusion Crisis .", "He suggests that they are instead better associated with the revolutionary conspiracies that swirled around what would come to be known as the Rye House Plot .", "Locke , Shaftesbury and many others were forced into exile ; some , such as Sidney , were even executed for treason .", "Locke knew his work was dangerous -- he never acknowledged his authorship within his lifetime ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "King James II of England (VII of Scotland) was overthrown in 1688. Locke claims in the ``Preface'' to the Two Treatises that its purpose is to justify William III's ascension to the throne, though Peter Laslett suggests that the bulk of the writing was instead completed between 1679 - 1680. According to Laslett, Locke was writing his Two Treatises during the Exclusion Crisis, which attempted to prevent James II from ever taking the throne in the first place.", "selected_sentences": [ "King James II of England ( VII of Scotland ) was overthrown in 1688 by a union of Parliamentarians and the stadtholder of the Dutch Republic William III of Oranje - Nassau ( William of Orange ) , who as a result ascended the English throne as William III of England .", "Locke claims in the `` Preface '' to the Two Treatises that its purpose is to justify William III 's ascension to the throne , though Peter Laslett suggests that the bulk of the writing was instead completed between 1679 -- 1680 ( and subsequently revised until Locke was driven into exile in 1683 ) .", "According to Laslett , Locke was writing his Two Treatises during the Exclusion Crisis , which attempted to prevent James II from ever taking the throne in the first place ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Peter Laslett suggests that the bulk of the writing the Two Treatises was instead completed between 1679 -- 1680.", "selected_sentences": [ "Locke claims in the `` Preface '' to the Two Treatises that its purpose is to justify William III 's ascension to the throne , though Peter Laslett suggests that the bulk of the writing was instead completed between 1679 -- 1680 ( and subsequently revised until Locke was driven into exile in 1683 ) ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 45676624 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what does the song o by coldplay mean
[ { "title": "O (Coldplay song)", "text": "`` O '' is an ambient piece at the end of the track . It begins with the same angel choir of the album opener , `` Always in My Head '' . In the song , Chris Martin can be heard repeating `` Do n't ever let go '' through a vocoder . Additional vocals from Martin 's daughter , Apple ( and her friend , Mabel ) , are featured in the song . Martin , in an interview with Zane Lowe , defined `` O '' his `` favourite piece of music made by Coldplay '' . He also stated that the song includes the message of the album : `` Never give up '' . A different version of `` O '' , called `` O ( Reprise ) '' , appears at the end of the Target deluxe edition of Ghost Stories , sold by Target only in the US , and this includes vocals from Martin 's son , Moses . This is the final track in the A Sky Full of Stars EP . This version leaves behind its synth base in favour of a Western - influenced guitar rhythm . ", "sentences": [ "`` O '' is an ambient piece at the end of the track .", "It begins with the same angel choir of the album opener , `` Always in My Head '' .", "In the song , Chris Martin can be heard repeating `` Do n't ever let go '' through a vocoder .", "Additional vocals from Martin 's daughter , Apple ( and her friend , Mabel ) , are featured in the song .", "Martin , in an interview with Zane Lowe , defined `` O '' his `` favourite piece of music made by Coldplay '' .", "He also stated that the song includes the message of the album : `` Never give up '' .", "A different version of `` O '' , called `` O ( Reprise ) '' , appears at the end of the Target deluxe edition of Ghost Stories , sold by Target only in the US , and this includes vocals from Martin 's son , Moses .", "This is the final track in the A Sky Full of Stars EP .", "This version leaves behind its synth base in favour of a Western - influenced guitar rhythm ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Chris Martin stated that the song includes the message of the album: ``Never give up''.", "selected_sentences": [ "In the song , Chris Martin can be heard repeating `` Do n't ever let go '' through a vocoder .", "He also stated that the song includes the message of the album : `` Never give up '' ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
which terminal is southwest at san jose airport
[ { "title": "San Jose International Airport", "text": "The terminal has 2 international arrival gates : Gates 17 and 18 . All arrivals from international flights at the airport must clear customs and immigration from the International Arrivals building ( except for flights from airports with US border preclearance ) . Gates 17 -- 23 of the new concourse were opened to the public on July 15 , 2009 . During this time , check - in , security , and baggage claim were all in Terminal A. Gates 24 -- 28 were opened on June 30 , 2010 , along with Terminal B 's own pre-security facilities . Southwest Airlines is the primary tenant , along with Alaska Airlines , Hainan Airlines , Lufthansa , and British Airways . In 2017 , the airport added 2 gates , Gates 29 and 30 , at the south end of the terminal . Due to the airport 's growth in recent years , four temporary gates will be added to the south end of the terminal . Set to open by July 2019 , each gate will be able to accommodate a Boeing 737 - sized aircraft . Four gates , 31 -- 34 , hold room space for 400 passengers , and additional concessions will also be part of the $50 million project . The ", "sentences": [ "The terminal has 2 international arrival gates : Gates 17 and 18 .", "All arrivals from international flights at the airport must clear customs and immigration from the International Arrivals building ( except for flights from airports with US border preclearance ) .", "Gates 17 -- 23 of the new concourse were opened to the public on July 15 , 2009 .", "During this time , check - in , security , and baggage claim were all in Terminal A. Gates 24 -- 28 were opened on June 30 , 2010 , along with Terminal B 's own pre-security facilities .", "Southwest Airlines is the primary tenant , along with Alaska Airlines , Hainan Airlines , Lufthansa , and British Airways .", "In 2017 , the airport added 2 gates , Gates 29 and 30 , at the south end of the terminal .", "Due to the airport 's growth in recent years , four temporary gates will be added to the south end of the terminal .", "Set to open by July 2019 , each gate will be able to accommodate a Boeing 737 - sized aircraft .", "Four gates , 31 -- 34 , hold room space for 400 passengers , and additional concessions will also be part of the $50 million project .", "The" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Gates 17--23 of the new concourse were opened to the public on July 15, 2009. Southwest Airlines is the primary tenant, along with Alaska Airlines, Hainan Airlines, Lufthansa, and British Airways.", "selected_sentences": [ "Gates 17 -- 23 of the new concourse were opened to the public on July 15 , 2009 .", "Southwest Airlines is the primary tenant , along with Alaska Airlines , Hainan Airlines , Lufthansa , and British Airways ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Terminal B has Southwest Airlines as one of its primary tenants", "selected_sentences": [ "During this time , check - in , security , and baggage claim were all in Terminal A. Gates 24 -- 28 were opened on June 30 , 2010 , along with Terminal B 's own pre-security facilities .", "Southwest Airlines is the primary tenant , along with Alaska Airlines , Hainan Airlines , Lufthansa , and British Airways ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 45676624 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what is the average life expectancy of an nfl player
[ { "title": "Football player", "text": "The average life expectancy or lifespan of an American football NFL player has been reported to be extremely low , only 53 to 59 years depending on playing position . However , a 2012 study reported that retired NFL players have a lower death rate than men in the general population . An oft - cited life expectancy of 58 years has been claimed by Sports Illustrated to be based on a myth . According to a 2007 study , which also claims that little supporting data is available , retired American football players had `` long and fulfilling careers with no apparent long - term detrimental effects on physical or mental health scores despite a high prevalence of arthritis '' . One explanation is that `` life expectancy '' is ambiguous : it may in some contexts refer to the expected age of death of a player , and in other contexts to the expected remaining number of life years . ", "sentences": [ "The average life expectancy or lifespan of an American football NFL player has been reported to be extremely low , only 53 to 59 years depending on playing position .", "However , a 2012 study reported that retired NFL players have a lower death rate than men in the general population .", "An oft - cited life expectancy of 58 years has been claimed by Sports Illustrated to be based on a myth .", "According to a 2007 study , which also claims that little supporting data is available , retired American football players had `` long and fulfilling careers with no apparent long - term detrimental effects on physical or mental health scores despite a high prevalence of arthritis '' .", "One explanation is that `` life expectancy '' is ambiguous : it may in some contexts refer to the expected age of death of a player , and in other contexts to the expected remaining number of life years ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The average life expectancy or lifespan of an American football NFL player has been reported to be extremely low, only 53 to 59 years depending on playing position. An oft cited life expectancy of 58 years has been claimed by Sports Illustrated to be based on a myth.", "selected_sentences": [ "The average life expectancy or lifespan of an American football NFL player has been reported to be extremely low , only 53 to 59 years depending on playing position .", "An oft - cited life expectancy of 58 years has been claimed by Sports Illustrated to be based on a myth ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what's the difference between a pillow and a cushion
[ { "title": "Pillow", "text": "A pillow is a support of the body at rest for comfort , therapeutic , decoration or play . Pillows are used by many species including humans . Some types of pillows include throw pillows and decorative pillows . Pillows that aid sleeping are a form of bedding that supports the head and neck . Other types of pillows are designed to support the body when lying down or sitting . Decorative pillows used on beds , couches or chairs are also referred to as cushions . ", "sentences": [ "A pillow is a support of the body at rest for comfort , therapeutic , decoration or play .", "Pillows are used by many species including humans .", "Some types of pillows include throw pillows and decorative pillows .", "Pillows that aid sleeping are a form of bedding that supports the head and neck .", "Other types of pillows are designed to support the body when lying down or sitting .", "Decorative pillows used on beds , couches or chairs are also referred to as cushions ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "A pillow is a support of the body at rest for comfort, therapeutic, decoration or play.\r\nDecorative pillows used on beds, couches or chairs are also referred to as cushions.", "selected_sentences": [ "A pillow is a support of the body at rest for comfort , therapeutic , decoration or play .", "Decorative pillows used on beds , couches or chairs are also referred to as cushions ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545976, 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
when did they stop using letters in phone numbers
[ { "title": "Telephone number", "text": "In the most areas of North America , telephone numbers in metropolitan communities consisted of a combination of digits and letters , starting in the 1920s until the 1960s . Letters were translated to dialed digits , a mapping that was displayed directly on the telephone dial . Each of the digits 2 to 9 , and sometimes 0 , corresponded to a group of typically three letters . The leading two or three letters of a telephone number indicated the exchange name , for example , EDgewood and IVanhoe , and were followed by 5 or 4 digits . The limitations that these system presented in terms of usable names that were easy to distinguish and spell , and the need for a comprehensive numbering plan that enabled direct - distance dialing , led to the introduction of all - number dialing in the 1960s . ", "sentences": [ "In the most areas of North America , telephone numbers in metropolitan communities consisted of a combination of digits and letters , starting in the 1920s until the 1960s .", "Letters were translated to dialed digits , a mapping that was displayed directly on the telephone dial .", "Each of the digits 2 to 9 , and sometimes 0 , corresponded to a group of typically three letters .", "The leading two or three letters of a telephone number indicated the exchange name , for example , EDgewood and IVanhoe , and were followed by 5 or 4 digits .", "The limitations that these system presented in terms of usable names that were easy to distinguish and spell , and the need for a comprehensive numbering plan that enabled direct - distance dialing , led to the introduction of all - number dialing in the 1960s ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "In the most areas of North America, telephone numbers in metropolitan communities consisted of a combination of digits and letters, starting in the 1920s until the 1960s. The limitations that this system presented in terms of usable names that were easy to distinguish and spell led to the introduction of all-number dialing in the 1960s.", "selected_sentences": [ "In the most areas of North America , telephone numbers in metropolitan communities consisted of a combination of digits and letters , starting in the 1920s until the 1960s .", "The limitations that these system presented in terms of usable names that were easy to distinguish and spell , and the need for a comprehensive numbering plan that enabled direct - distance dialing , led to the introduction of all - number dialing in the 1960s ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
when was white house built and by whom
[ { "title": "White House", "text": "Construction of the White House began with the laying of the cornerstone on October 13 , 1792 , although there was no formal ceremony . The main residence , as well as foundations of the house , were built largely by enslaved and free African - American laborers , as well as employed Europeans . Much of the other work on the house was performed by immigrants , many not yet with citizenship . The sandstone walls were erected by Scottish immigrants , employed by Hoban , as were the high - relief rose and garland decorations above the north entrance and the `` fish scale '' pattern beneath the pediments of the window hoods . There are conflicting claims as to where the sandstone used in the construction of the White House originated . Some reports suggest sandstone from the Croatian island of Brač ( specifically the Pučišća querry whose stone was used to build the ancient Roman palace of Emperor Diocletian ) was used in the original construction of the building , contrarily researchers believe limestone from the island was used in the 1902 renovations and not the original construction . Others suggest the original sandstone simply came from Aquia Creek in Stafford County , Virginia , as importing the stone would be too costly . The initial construction took place over a period of eight years , at a reported cost of $232,371.83 ( equal to $3,350,711 today ) . Although not yet completed , the White House was ready for occupancy circa November 1 , 1800 . ", "sentences": [ "Construction of the White House began with the laying of the cornerstone on October 13 , 1792 , although there was no formal ceremony .", "The main residence , as well as foundations of the house , were built largely by enslaved and free African - American laborers , as well as employed Europeans .", "Much of the other work on the house was performed by immigrants , many not yet with citizenship .", "The sandstone walls were erected by Scottish immigrants , employed by Hoban , as were the high - relief rose and garland decorations above the north entrance and the `` fish scale '' pattern beneath the pediments of the window hoods .", "There are conflicting claims as to where the sandstone used in the construction of the White House originated .", "Some reports suggest sandstone from the Croatian island of Brač ( specifically the Pučišća querry whose stone was used to build the ancient Roman palace of Emperor Diocletian ) was used in the original construction of the building , contrarily researchers believe limestone from the island was used in the 1902 renovations and not the original construction .", "Others suggest the original sandstone simply came from Aquia Creek in Stafford County , Virginia , as importing the stone would be too costly .", "The initial construction took place over a period of eight years , at a reported cost of $232,371.83 ( equal to $3,350,711 today ) .", "Although not yet completed , the White House was ready for occupancy circa November 1 , 1800 ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Construction of the White House began with the laying of the cornerstone on October 13, 1792, although not yet completed, the White House was ready for occupancy circa November 1, 1800. The main residence, as well as foundations of the house, were built largely by enslaved and free African - American laborers, as well as employed Europeans. Much of the other work on the house was performed by immigrants, many not yet with citizenship. The sandstone walls were erected by Scottish immigrants, employed by Hoban.", "selected_sentences": [ "Construction of the White House began with the laying of the cornerstone on October 13 , 1792 , although there was no formal ceremony .", "The main residence , as well as foundations of the house , were built largely by enslaved and free African - American laborers , as well as employed Europeans .", "Much of the other work on the house was performed by immigrants , many not yet with citizenship .", "The sandstone walls were erected by Scottish immigrants , employed by Hoban , as were the high - relief rose and garland decorations above the north entrance and the `` fish scale '' pattern beneath the pediments of the window hoods .", "Although not yet completed , the White House was ready for occupancy circa November 1 , 1800 ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what kind of bass does geddy lee play
[ { "title": "Rush equipment", "text": "Geddy Lee 's main bass is a black 1972 Fender Jazz Bass he bought from a pawn shop in Kalamazoo , Michigan for $200 ( US $860 in 2017 dollars ) . It was used to record the albums Permanent Waves , Moving Pictures , Signals , Counterparts , Test for Echo , Vapor Trails , Feedback , Snakes and Arrows , and Clockwork Angels . Since 1994 , it has been Lee 's main bass for live and studio work . Lee modified it with a Leo Quan BadAss II Bridge , and the original neck had to be replaced before the Snakes & Arrows Tour . In 1998 , Fender began production on the Geddy Lee Signature Jazz Bass , modeled after his 1972 Jazz Bass . It is still in production , and sunburst was added as a color choice in 2009 . In 2015 , Fender released a revised USA model with several changes made to it , many of which reflected the changes Lee made to his own instrument . Another prominent instrument of Lee 's is a black Rickenbacker 4001 , which he used for live and studio work from 1975 to 1984 . In 2007 and 2008 , Lee used this bass for the song `` A Passage to Bangkok '' on the Snakes & Arrows Tour . ", "sentences": [ "Geddy Lee 's main bass is a black 1972 Fender Jazz Bass he bought from a pawn shop in Kalamazoo , Michigan for $200 ( US $860 in 2017 dollars ) .", "It was used to record the albums Permanent Waves , Moving Pictures , Signals , Counterparts , Test for Echo , Vapor Trails , Feedback , Snakes and Arrows , and Clockwork Angels .", "Since 1994 , it has been Lee 's main bass for live and studio work .", "Lee modified it with a Leo Quan BadAss II Bridge , and the original neck had to be replaced before the Snakes & Arrows Tour .", "In 1998 , Fender began production on the Geddy Lee Signature Jazz Bass , modeled after his 1972 Jazz Bass .", "It is still in production , and sunburst was added as a color choice in 2009 .", "In 2015 , Fender released a revised USA model with several changes made to it , many of which reflected the changes Lee made to his own instrument .", "Another prominent instrument of Lee 's is a black Rickenbacker 4001 , which he used for live and studio work from 1975 to 1984 .", "In 2007 and 2008 , Lee used this bass for the song `` A Passage to Bangkok '' on the Snakes & Arrows Tour ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Geddy Lee's main bass is a black 1972 Fender Jazz Bass he bought from a pawn shop in Kalamazoo, Michigan for $200 (US $860 in 2017 dollars). Another prominent instrument of Lee's is a black Rickenbacker 4001, which he used for live and studio work from 1975 to 1984.", "selected_sentences": [ "Geddy Lee 's main bass is a black 1972 Fender Jazz Bass he bought from a pawn shop in Kalamazoo , Michigan for $200 ( US $860 in 2017 dollars ) .", "Another prominent instrument of Lee 's is a black Rickenbacker 4001 , which he used for live and studio work from 1975 to 1984 ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Geddy Lee's main bass is a black 1972 Fender Jazz Bass, and another prominent instrument of Lee's is a black Rickenbacker 4001.", "selected_sentences": [ "Geddy Lee 's main bass is a black 1972 Fender Jazz Bass he bought from a pawn shop in Kalamazoo , Michigan for $200 ( US $860 in 2017 dollars ) .", "Another prominent instrument of Lee 's is a black Rickenbacker 4001 , which he used for live and studio work from 1975 to 1984 ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what does the blue oyster cult symbol mean
[ { "title": "Blue Öyster Cult", "text": "The hook - and - cross logo was designed by Bill Gawlik in January 1972 , and appears on all of the band 's albums . In Greek mythology , `` ... the hook - and - cross symbol is that of Kronos ( Cronus ) , the king of the Titans and father of Zeus ... and is the alchemical symbol for lead ( a heavy metal ) , one of the heaviest of metals . '' Sandy Pearlman considered this , combined with the heavy and distorted guitar sound of the band and decided the description `` heavy metal '' would be aptly applied to Blue Öyster Cult 's musical sound . The hook - and - cross symbol also resembled the astrological symbol for Saturn , the Roman god of agriculture , and the sickle , which is associated with both Kronos ( Cronus ) and Saturn ( both the planet and the Roman god ) . The logo 's `` ... metaphysical , alchemical and mythological connotations , combined with its similarity to some religious symbols gave it a flair of decadence and mystery ... '' ", "sentences": [ "The hook - and - cross logo was designed by Bill Gawlik in January 1972 , and appears on all of the band 's albums .", "In Greek mythology , `` ... the hook - and - cross symbol is that of Kronos ( Cronus ) , the king of the Titans and father of Zeus ... and is the alchemical symbol for lead ( a heavy metal ) , one of the heaviest of metals . ''", "Sandy Pearlman considered this , combined with the heavy and distorted guitar sound of the band and decided the description `` heavy metal '' would be aptly applied to Blue Öyster Cult 's musical sound .", "The hook - and - cross symbol also resembled the astrological symbol for Saturn , the Roman god of agriculture , and the sickle , which is associated with both Kronos ( Cronus ) and Saturn ( both the planet and the Roman god ) .", "The logo 's `` ... metaphysical , alchemical and mythological connotations , combined with its similarity to some religious symbols gave it a flair of decadence and mystery ... ''" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "In Greek mythology , `` ... the hook - and - cross symbol is that of Kronos ( Cronus ) , the king of the Titans and father of Zeus ... and is the alchemical symbol for lead ( a heavy metal ) , one of the heaviest of metals . '' The hook - and - cross symbol also resembled the astrological symbol for Saturn , the Roman god of agriculture , and the sickle , which is associated with both Kronos ( Cronus ) and Saturn ( both the planet and the Roman god ) .", "selected_sentences": [ "In Greek mythology , `` ... the hook - and - cross symbol is that of Kronos ( Cronus ) , the king of the Titans and father of Zeus ... and is the alchemical symbol for lead ( a heavy metal ) , one of the heaviest of metals . ''", "The hook - and - cross symbol also resembled the astrological symbol for Saturn , the Roman god of agriculture , and the sickle , which is associated with both Kronos ( Cronus ) and Saturn ( both the planet and the Roman god ) ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "In Greek mythology , `` ... the hook - and - cross symbol is that of Kronos (Cronus), the king of the Titans and father of Zeus ... and is the alchemical symbol for lead (a heavy metal), one of the heaviest of metals.'' Sandy Pearlman considered this, combined with the heavy and distorted guitar sound of the band and decided the description ``heavy metal'' would be aptly applied to Blue Öyster Cult's musical sound.", "selected_sentences": [ "In Greek mythology , `` ... the hook - and - cross symbol is that of Kronos ( Cronus ) , the king of the Titans and father of Zeus ... and is the alchemical symbol for lead ( a heavy metal ) , one of the heaviest of metals . ''", "Sandy Pearlman considered this , combined with the heavy and distorted guitar sound of the band and decided the description `` heavy metal '' would be aptly applied to Blue Öyster Cult 's musical sound ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
who plays dorothy the dinosaur on the wiggles
[ { "title": "The Wiggles characters", "text": "Murray Cook created Dorothy from his experiences in working at a preschool , sensing a need to make up some good dinosaur songs . Dorothy was part of the band 's early stage shows , and was originally played by Cook , then Wiggles choreographer Leeanne Ashley , and Wiggles dancers such as Caterina Mete and Lyn Stuckey . Ashley was Dorothy 's first full - time portrayer ; according to Field , she `` wrote the blueprint '' for the character . Ashley developed movements that conveyed Dorothy 's unique personality . South Australian Carolyn Ferrie , an opera singer and dancer , has provided Dorothy 's voice from 1997 to 2009 . when she worked with Anthony Field on an Irish music Wiggles CD . Ferrie described Dorothy as `` a dinosaur superstar ... very open , friendly , and warm . She is like a mother figure even though she is only meant to be five , and kids really respond to her ... She is calm and mothering but friendly as well . She 's young and still playful but has got a motherly feeling to her '' . Ferrie insisted that Dorothy `` is number one after the boys including Captain Feathersword , in terms of who kids say they love '' . Dorothy has a distinctive , trill - like , descending laugh created by Ferrie . ", "sentences": [ "Murray Cook created Dorothy from his experiences in working at a preschool , sensing a need to make up some good dinosaur songs .", "Dorothy was part of the band 's early stage shows , and was originally played by Cook , then Wiggles choreographer Leeanne Ashley , and Wiggles dancers such as Caterina Mete and Lyn Stuckey .", "Ashley was Dorothy 's first full - time portrayer ; according to Field , she `` wrote the blueprint '' for the character .", "Ashley developed movements that conveyed Dorothy 's unique personality .", "South Australian Carolyn Ferrie , an opera singer and dancer , has provided Dorothy 's voice from 1997 to 2009 .", "when she worked with Anthony Field on an Irish music Wiggles CD .", "Ferrie described Dorothy as `` a dinosaur superstar ... very open , friendly , and warm .", "She is like a mother figure even though she is only meant to be five , and kids really respond to her ...", "She is calm and mothering but friendly as well .", "She 's young and still playful but has got a motherly feeling to her '' .", "Ferrie insisted that Dorothy `` is number one after the boys including Captain Feathersword , in terms of who kids say they love '' .", "Dorothy has a distinctive , trill - like , descending laugh created by Ferrie ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Dorothy was part of the band's early stage shows, and was originally played by Cook, then Wiggles choreographer Leeanne Ashley, and Wiggles dancers such as Caterina Mete and Lyn Stuckey. South Australian Carolyn Ferrie, an opera singer and dancer, has provided Dorothy's voice from 1997 to 2009.", "selected_sentences": [ "Dorothy was part of the band 's early stage shows , and was originally played by Cook , then Wiggles choreographer Leeanne Ashley , and Wiggles dancers such as Caterina Mete and Lyn Stuckey .", "South Australian Carolyn Ferrie , an opera singer and dancer , has provided Dorothy 's voice from 1997 to 2009 ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what is the difference between iron ii oxide and iron iii oxide
[ { "title": "Iron(II,III) oxide", "text": "iron ( II , III ) oxide is the chemical compound with formula Fe O. It occurs in nature as the mineral magnetite . It is one of a number of iron oxides , the others being iron ( II ) oxide ( FeO ) , which is rare , and iron ( III ) oxide ( Fe O ) also known as hematite . It contains both Fe and Fe ions and is sometimes formulated as FeO ∙ Fe O . This iron oxide is encountered in the laboratory as a black powder . It exhibits permanent magnetism and is ferrimagnetic , but is sometimes incorrectly described as ferromagnetic . Its most extensive use is as a black pigment which is synthesised rather than being extracted from the naturally occurring mineral as the particle size and shape can be varied by the method of production . ", "sentences": [ "iron ( II , III ) oxide is the chemical compound with formula Fe O.", "It occurs in nature as the mineral magnetite .", "It is one of a number of iron oxides , the others being iron ( II ) oxide ( FeO ) , which is rare , and", "iron ( III ) oxide ( Fe O ) also known as hematite .", "It contains both Fe and Fe ions and is sometimes formulated as FeO ∙ Fe O .", "This iron oxide is encountered in the laboratory as a black powder .", "It exhibits permanent magnetism and is ferrimagnetic , but is sometimes incorrectly described as ferromagnetic .", "Its most extensive use is as a black pigment which is synthesised rather than being extracted from the naturally occurring mineral as the particle size and shape can be varied by the method of production ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Iron ( II ) oxide (FeO), is rare, and iron (III) oxide (Fe O) also known as hematite. This iron oxide is encountered in the laboratory as a black powder.", "selected_sentences": [ "It is one of a number of iron oxides , the others being iron ( II ) oxide ( FeO ) , which is rare , and", "iron ( III ) oxide ( Fe O ) also known as hematite .", "This iron oxide is encountered in the laboratory as a black powder ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Iron ( II ) oxide (FeO) is rare, and iron (III) oxide (Fe O) also known as hematite is encountered in the laboratory as a black powder. Its most extensive use is as a black pigment which is synthesized as the particle size and shape can be varied by the method of production.", "selected_sentences": [ "It is one of a number of iron oxides , the others being iron ( II ) oxide ( FeO ) , which is rare , and", "iron ( III ) oxide ( Fe O ) also known as hematite .", "This iron oxide is encountered in the laboratory as a black powder .", "Its most extensive use is as a black pigment which is synthesised rather than being extracted from the naturally occurring mineral as the particle size and shape can be varied by the method of production ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what is the meaning of the raven edgar allan poe
[ { "title": "The Raven", "text": "Poe wrote the poem as a narrative , without intentional allegory or didacticism . The main theme of the poem is one of undying devotion . The narrator experiences a perverse conflict between desire to forget and desire to remember . He seems to get some pleasure from focusing on loss . The narrator assumes that the word `` Nevermore '' is the raven 's `` only stock and store '' , and , yet , he continues to ask it questions , knowing what the answer will be . His questions , then , are purposely self - deprecating and further incite his feelings of loss . Poe leaves it unclear if the raven actually knows what it is saying or if it really intends to cause a reaction in the poem 's narrator . The narrator begins as `` weak and weary , '' becomes regretful and grief - stricken , before passing into a frenzy and , finally , madness . Christopher F.S. Maligec suggests the poem is a type of elegiac paraclausithyron , an ancient Greek and Roman poetic form consisting of the lament of an excluded , locked - out lover at the sealed door of his beloved . ", "sentences": [ "Poe wrote the poem as a narrative , without intentional allegory or didacticism .", "The main theme of the poem is one of undying devotion .", "The narrator experiences a perverse conflict between desire to forget and desire to remember .", "He seems to get some pleasure from focusing on loss .", "The narrator assumes that the word `` Nevermore '' is the raven 's `` only stock and store '' , and , yet , he continues to ask it questions , knowing what the answer will be .", "His questions , then , are purposely self - deprecating and further incite his feelings of loss .", "Poe leaves it unclear if the raven actually knows what it is saying or if it really intends to cause a reaction in the poem 's narrator .", "The narrator begins as `` weak and weary , '' becomes regretful and grief - stricken , before passing into a frenzy and , finally , madness .", "Christopher F.S. Maligec suggests the poem is a type of elegiac paraclausithyron , an ancient Greek and Roman poetic form consisting of the lament of an excluded , locked - out lover at the sealed door of his beloved ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The main theme of the poem is one of undying devotion. The narrator experiences a perverse conflict between desire to forget and desire to remember. The narrator begins as `` weak and weary,'' becomes regretful and grief - stricken, before passing into a frenzy and, finally, madness.", "selected_sentences": [ "The main theme of the poem is one of undying devotion .", "The narrator experiences a perverse conflict between desire to forget and desire to remember .", "The narrator begins as `` weak and weary , '' becomes regretful and grief - stricken , before passing into a frenzy and , finally , madness ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "The main theme of the poem \"The Raven\" is one of undying devotion. The narrator experiences a perverse conflict between desire to forget and desire to remember. The narrator begins as ``weak and weary,'' becomes regretful and grief - stricken, before passing into a frenzy and, finally, madness.", "selected_sentences": [ "The main theme of the poem is one of undying devotion .", "The narrator experiences a perverse conflict between desire to forget and desire to remember .", "The narrator begins as `` weak and weary , '' becomes regretful and grief - stricken , before passing into a frenzy and , finally , madness ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
who is are we out of the woods about
[ { "title": "Out of the Woods (song)", "text": "`` Out of the Woods '' is a pop and synth - pop song . The track was written by Swift and Antonoff and is the first song that Swift has written to an existing track . Antonoff sent an early version of the song without the vocals or lyrics to Swift , which she then added in just 30 minutes . Speculation as to whom the song is about is rampant . The bridge section of the song references the snowmobile incident that Swift and her former boyfriend , One Direction 's Harry Styles , were reported to be involved in during their relationship . Max Martin produced Swift 's vocals for the song . It is written in the key of C Major with Swift 's vocals spanning two octaves , between G and E and runs three minutes and fifty - five seconds ( 3 : 55 ) , at 92 bpm . ", "sentences": [ "`` Out of the Woods '' is a pop and synth - pop song .", "The track was written by Swift and Antonoff and is the first song that Swift has written to an existing track .", "Antonoff sent an early version of the song without the vocals or lyrics to Swift , which she then added in just 30 minutes .", "Speculation as to whom the song is about is rampant .", "The bridge section of the song references the snowmobile incident that Swift and her former boyfriend , One Direction 's Harry Styles , were reported to be involved in during their relationship .", "Max Martin produced Swift 's vocals for the song .", "It is written in the key of C Major with Swift 's vocals spanning two octaves , between G and E and runs three minutes and fifty - five seconds ( 3 : 55 ) , at 92 bpm ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "``Out of the Woods'' is a pop and synth pop song. The bridge section of the song references the snowmobile incident that Swift and her former boyfriend, One Direction's Harry Styles, were reported to be involved in during their relationship.", "selected_sentences": [ "`` Out of the Woods '' is a pop and synth - pop song .", "The bridge section of the song references the snowmobile incident that Swift and her former boyfriend , One Direction 's Harry Styles , were reported to be involved in during their relationship ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what is the origin of the name hale
[ { "title": "Hale (surname)", "text": "Hale is a surname . Lords of Loddon - Hales , Hale or `` De Halys '' traces back to Lord Roger De Halys circa 1130 , whose descendant Lord Roger De Halys married Alice Scrogins circa 1275 whose daughter Alice Hale married Thomas , Prince of England ( Son of Edward I of England ) , those who were the ancestors of William Hale who married Rose Bond of Kingswaldenbury , their grandson George Hale ( A Drummer ) came to America on the ship `` Supply '' in 1620 where he lived with the governor Sir Frances Wyatt of Virginia . Other Hale descendants also use the noble title Earl of Tenterden , Viscount of Tinsdall and the Baronets Of Beakesbourne and Coventry . Many Armorial achievements have also been used by Hale descendants . It is said that the Hales were related to Saint Edmund , King of East Anglia in which the Hales get their Arrows pointing downward in their coat of arms . ", "sentences": [ "Hale is a surname .", "Lords of Loddon - Hales , Hale or `` De Halys '' traces back to Lord Roger", "De Halys circa 1130 , whose descendant Lord Roger De Halys married Alice Scrogins circa 1275 whose daughter Alice Hale married Thomas , Prince of England ( Son of Edward I of England ) , those who were the ancestors of William Hale who married Rose Bond of Kingswaldenbury , their grandson George Hale ( A Drummer ) came to America on the ship `` Supply '' in 1620 where he lived with the governor Sir Frances Wyatt of Virginia .", "Other Hale descendants also use the noble title Earl of Tenterden , Viscount of Tinsdall and the Baronets Of Beakesbourne and Coventry .", "Many Armorial achievements have also been used by Hale descendants .", "It is said that the Hales were related to Saint Edmund , King of East Anglia in which the Hales get their Arrows pointing downward in their coat of arms ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Hale is a surname. Hales, Hale or ``De Halys'' traces back to Lord Roger. It is said that the Hales were related to Saint Edmund, King of East Anglia in which the Hales get their Arrows pointing downward in their coat of arms.", "selected_sentences": [ "Hale is a surname .", "Lords of Loddon - Hales , Hale or `` De Halys '' traces back to Lord Roger", "It is said that the Hales were related to Saint Edmund , King of East Anglia in which the Hales get their Arrows pointing downward in their coat of arms ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where is the george washington bridge in new york
[ { "title": "George Washington Bridge", "text": "The George Washington Bridge carries I - 95 and US 1 / 9 between New Jersey and New York . Coming from New Jersey , US 46 terminates at the state border in the middle of the bridge . Further west , I - 80 , US 9W , New Jersey Route 4 , and the New Jersey Turnpike also feed into the bridge via either I - 95 , U.S. 1 / 9 , or U.S. 46 but end before reaching it . The Palisades Interstate Parkway connects directly to the bridge 's upper level , though not to the lower level ( plans to give direct access to the lower level from the parkway have been postponed ) . The marginal roads and local streets above the highways are known as GWB Plaza . ", "sentences": [ "The George Washington Bridge carries I - 95 and US 1 / 9 between New Jersey and New York .", "Coming from New Jersey , US 46 terminates at the state border in the middle of the bridge .", "Further west , I - 80 , US 9W , New Jersey Route 4 , and the New Jersey Turnpike also feed into the bridge via either I - 95 , U.S. 1 / 9 , or U.S. 46 but end before reaching it .", "The Palisades Interstate Parkway connects directly to the bridge 's upper level , though not to the lower level ( plans to give direct access to the lower level from the parkway have been postponed ) .", "The marginal roads and local streets above the highways are known as GWB Plaza ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The George Washington Bridge carries I - 95 and US 1 / 9 between New Jersey and New York. Coming from New Jersey, US 46 terminates at the state border in the middle of the bridge. The Palisades Interstate Parkway connects directly to the bridge's upper level, though not to the lower level.", "selected_sentences": [ "The George Washington Bridge carries I - 95 and US 1 / 9 between New Jersey and New York .", "Coming from New Jersey , US 46 terminates at the state border in the middle of the bridge .", "The Palisades Interstate Parkway connects directly to the bridge 's upper level , though not to the lower level ( plans to give direct access to the lower level from the parkway have been postponed ) ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "The George Washington Bridge is on I - 95 and US 1 / 9 between New Jersey and New York.", "selected_sentences": [ "The George Washington Bridge carries I - 95 and US 1 / 9 between New Jersey and New York ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 45676624 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
the only country to feature the bible on its flag
[ { "title": "Flag of the Dominican Republic", "text": "As described by Article 21 of the Dominican Constitution , the flag features a centered white cross that extends to the edges and divides the flag into four rectangles ; the top ones are blue ( hoist side ) and red , and the bottom ones are red ( hoist side ) and blue . The national coat of arms , featuring a shield with the flag design and supported by a bay laurel branch ( left ) and a palm frond ( right ) , is at the center of the cross . Above the shield , a blue ribbon displays the national motto Dios , Patria , Libertad ( English : God , Fatherland , Liberty ) . Below the shield , the words República Dominicana appear on a red ribbon ( this red ribbon is depicted in more recent versions as having its tips pointing upward ) . In the center of the shield , flanked by three spears ( two of them holding Dominican banners ) on each side , is a Bible with a small cross above it and said to be opened to the Gospel of John , chapter 8 , verse 32 , which reads Y la verdad os hará libres ( And the truth shall make you free ) . ", "sentences": [ "As described by Article 21 of the Dominican Constitution , the flag features a centered white cross that extends to the edges and divides the flag into four rectangles ; the top ones are blue ( hoist side ) and red , and the bottom ones are red ( hoist side ) and blue .", "The national coat of arms , featuring a shield with the flag design and supported by a bay laurel branch ( left ) and a palm frond ( right ) , is at the center of the cross .", "Above the shield , a blue ribbon displays the national motto Dios , Patria , Libertad ( English : God , Fatherland , Liberty ) .", "Below the shield , the words República Dominicana appear on a red ribbon ( this red ribbon is depicted in more recent versions as having its tips pointing upward ) .", "In the center of the shield , flanked by three spears ( two of them holding Dominican banners ) on each side , is a Bible with a small cross above it and said to be opened to the Gospel of John , chapter 8 , verse 32 , which reads Y la verdad os hará libres", "( And the truth shall make you free ) ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Flag of the Dominican Republic features a shield with the flag design and supported by a bay laurel branch ( left ) and a palm frond ( right ) , is at the center of the cross . In the center of the shield , flanked by three spears ( two of them holding Dominican banners ) on each side , is a Bible with a small cross above it and said to be opened to the Gospel of John.", "selected_sentences": [ "As described by Article 21 of the Dominican Constitution , the flag features a centered white cross that extends to the edges and divides the flag into four rectangles ; the top ones are blue ( hoist side ) and red , and the bottom ones are red ( hoist side ) and blue .", "In the center of the shield , flanked by three spears ( two of them holding Dominican banners ) on each side , is a Bible with a small cross above it and said to be opened to the Gospel of John , chapter 8 , verse 32 , which reads Y la verdad os hará libres" ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where does the last name howell come from
[ { "title": "Howell (name)", "text": "Howell is a surname ( family name or last name ) originating from Wales . It is not a particularly common name among those of Welsh ancestry , as it is an Anglicized form of the Welsh name Hywel . It originates in a dynasty of kings in Wales and Brittany in the 9th and 10th century , and three Welsh royal houses of that time onwards . The Tudor Royal house of England was also descended from them . See also : Powell ( surname ) , and Welsh surnames . ", "sentences": [ "Howell is a surname ( family name or last name ) originating from Wales .", "It is not a particularly common name among those of Welsh ancestry , as it is an Anglicized form of the Welsh name Hywel .", "It originates in a dynasty of kings in Wales and Brittany in the 9th and 10th century , and three Welsh royal houses of that time onwards .", "The Tudor Royal house of England was also descended from them .", "See also : Powell ( surname ) , and Welsh surnames ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Howell is a surname ( family name or last name ) originating from Wales.\r\nIt originates in a dynasty of kings in Wales and Brittany in the 9th and 10th century, and three Welsh royal houses of that time onwards.", "selected_sentences": [ "Howell is a surname ( family name or last name ) originating from Wales .", "It originates in a dynasty of kings in Wales and Brittany in the 9th and 10th century , and three Welsh royal houses of that time onwards ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Howell is a surname originating from Wales, an Anglicized form of the Welsh name Hywel. It originates in a dynasty of kings in Wales and Brittany in the 9th and 10th century, and three Welsh royal houses of that time onwards.", "selected_sentences": [ "Howell is a surname ( family name or last name ) originating from Wales .", "It is not a particularly common name among those of Welsh ancestry , as it is an Anglicized form of the Welsh name Hywel .", "It originates in a dynasty of kings in Wales and Brittany in the 9th and 10th century , and three Welsh royal houses of that time onwards ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
are they going to make god of war 2
[ { "title": "God of War (2018 video game)", "text": "In explaining the transition from Greek mythology to Norse mythology , Barlog said : `` it 's kind of this BC -- AD change over kind of thing . We 're moving and starting from zero and kind of moving forward on that . '' Before settling on Norse mythology , Egyptian mythology was also considered . Barlog said that half of the team was for it , but since `` there 's a lot more about civilization - it 's less isolated , less barren '' , he had to make the decision and decided on the Norse setting because they wanted the focus to stay on Kratos : `` Having too much around distracts from that central theme of a stranger in a strange land . '' In explaining why Kratos was now in the Norse world , Barlog said that different cultures ' belief systems coexisted , but they were `` separated by geography '' , suggesting that Kratos traveled from Greece to Norway ( Scandinavia ) after the conclusion of God of War III ; in clarifying the conclusion of that game , Barlog said that Kratos did not destroy what was believed to be the entire world , but only the portion that was ruled over by the Greeks . Barlog said that the new game predates the Vikings ; it is the time in which their gods walked the Earth . It was also confirmed that this would not be Kratos ' last game . Barlog said that future games could see the series tackling Egyptian or Mayan mythology , and that although this game focuses on Norse mythology , it alludes to the fact that there are other mythologies co-existing in the world . Barlog also said that he liked the idea of having different directors for each game , seen throughout the first seven games , and although he may not direct another God of War , he would still be at Santa Monica to work on future games . ", "sentences": [ "In explaining the transition from Greek mythology to Norse mythology , Barlog said : `` it 's kind of this BC -- AD change over kind of thing .", "We 're moving and starting from zero and kind of moving forward on that . ''", "Before settling on Norse mythology , Egyptian mythology was also considered .", "Barlog said that half of the team was for it , but since `` there 's a lot more about civilization - it 's less isolated , less barren '' , he had to make the decision and decided on the Norse setting because they wanted the focus to stay on Kratos : `` Having too much around distracts from that central theme of a stranger in a strange land . ''", "In explaining why Kratos was now in the Norse world , Barlog said that different cultures ' belief systems coexisted , but they were `` separated by geography '' , suggesting that Kratos traveled from Greece to Norway ( Scandinavia ) after the conclusion of God of War III ; in clarifying the conclusion of that game , Barlog said that Kratos did not destroy what was believed to be the entire world , but only the portion that was ruled over by the Greeks .", "Barlog said that the new game predates the Vikings ; it is the time in which their gods walked the Earth .", "It was also confirmed that this would not be Kratos ' last game .", "Barlog said that future games could see the series tackling Egyptian or Mayan mythology , and that although this game focuses on Norse mythology , it alludes to the fact that there are other mythologies co-existing in the world .", "Barlog also said that he liked the idea of having different directors for each game , seen throughout the first seven games , and although he may not direct another God of War , he would still be at Santa Monica to work on future games ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "It was also confirmed that this would not be Kratos' last game. Barlog also said that he liked the idea of having different directors for each game and although he may not direct another God of War, he would still be at Santa Monica to work on future games.", "selected_sentences": [ "It was also confirmed that this would not be Kratos ' last game .", "Barlog also said that he liked the idea of having different directors for each game , seen throughout the first seven games , and although he may not direct another God of War , he would still be at Santa Monica to work on future games ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "", "selected_sentences": [], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": true } } ]
which is the best direction to put head while sleeping
[ { "title": "Sleeping positions", "text": "The Indian Vastu Shastra and Chinese Feng shui systems describe favorable and unfavorable geographical directions ( north , south , east , west ) for sleeping . Vastu Shastra suggests not to sleep towards South for people living in Northern hemisphere and not towards North in case of Southern Hemisphere . Blog by Sadhguru ( Isha Foundation ) quotes , `` East is the worst direction . North - east is okay . West is alright . South , if you must . North , best . This is true as long as you are in the northern hemisphere -- sleeping with your head towards any side except north is okay . In the southern hemisphere , do n't put your head to the south . '' ", "sentences": [ "The Indian Vastu Shastra and Chinese Feng shui systems describe favorable and unfavorable geographical directions ( north , south , east , west ) for sleeping .", "Vastu Shastra suggests not to sleep towards South for people living in Northern hemisphere and not towards North in case of Southern Hemisphere .", "Blog by Sadhguru ( Isha Foundation ) quotes , `` East is the worst direction .", "North - east is okay .", "West is alright .", "South , if you must .", "North , best .", "This is true as long as you are in the northern hemisphere -- sleeping with your head towards any side except north is okay .", "In the southern hemisphere , do n't put your head to the south . ''" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Vastu Shastra suggests not to sleep towards South for people living in Northern hemisphere and not towards North in case of Southern Hemisphere . Blog by Sadhguru ( Isha Foundation ) quotes ,\"North , best . This is true as long as you are in the northern hemisphere -- sleeping with your head towards any side except north is okay .\"", "selected_sentences": [ "Vastu Shastra suggests not to sleep towards South for people living in Northern hemisphere and not towards North in case of Southern Hemisphere .", "Blog by Sadhguru ( Isha Foundation ) quotes , `` East is the worst direction .", "North , best .", "This is true as long as you are in the northern hemisphere -- sleeping with your head towards any side except north is okay ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where was her majesty's secret service filmed
[ { "title": "On Her Majesty's Secret Service (film)", "text": "Principal photography began in the Canton of Bern , Switzerland , on 21 October 1968 , with the first scene shot being an aerial view of Bond climbing the stairs of Blofeld 's mountain retreat to meet the girls . The scenes were shot at the revolving restaurant Piz Gloria , located atop the Schilthorn near the village of Mürren . The location was found by production manager Hubert Fröhlich after three weeks of location scouting in France and Switzerland . The restaurant was still under construction , but the producers found the location interesting , and had to finance providing electricity and the aerial lift to make filming there possible . Various chase scenes in the Alps were shot at Lauterbrunnen and Saas - Fee , while the Christmas celebrations were filmed in Grindelwald , and some scenes were shot on location in Bern . Production was hampered by weak snowfall which was unfavourable to the skiing action scenes . The producers even considered moving to another location in Switzerland , but it was taken by the production of Downhill Racer . The Swiss filming ended up running 56 days over schedule . In March 1969 , production moved to England , with London 's Pinewood Studios being used for interior shooting , and M 's house being shot in Marlow , Buckinghamshire . In April , the filmmakers went to Portugal , where principal photography wrapped in May . The pre-credit coastal and hotel scenes were filmed at Hotel Estoril Palacio in Estoril and Guincho Beach , Cascais , while Lisbon was used for the reunion of Bond and Tracy , and the ending employed a mountain road in the Arrábida National Park near Setúbal . Harry Saltzman wanted the Portuguese scenes to be in France , but after searching there , Peter Hunt considered that not only were the locations not photogenic , but were already `` overexposed '' . The ", "sentences": [ "Principal photography began in the Canton of Bern , Switzerland , on 21 October 1968 , with the first scene shot being an aerial view of Bond climbing the stairs of Blofeld 's mountain retreat to meet the girls .", "The scenes were shot at the revolving restaurant Piz Gloria , located atop the Schilthorn near the village of Mürren .", "The location was found by production manager Hubert Fröhlich after three weeks of location scouting in France and Switzerland .", "The restaurant was still under construction , but the producers found the location interesting , and had to finance providing electricity and the aerial lift to make filming there possible .", "Various chase scenes in the Alps were shot at Lauterbrunnen and Saas - Fee , while the Christmas celebrations were filmed in Grindelwald , and some scenes were shot on location in Bern .", "Production was hampered by weak snowfall which was unfavourable to the skiing action scenes .", "The producers even considered moving to another location in Switzerland , but it was taken by the production of Downhill Racer .", "The Swiss filming ended up running 56 days over schedule .", "In March 1969 , production moved to England , with London 's Pinewood Studios being used for interior shooting , and M 's house being shot in Marlow , Buckinghamshire .", "In April , the filmmakers went to Portugal , where principal photography wrapped in May .", "The pre-credit coastal and hotel scenes were filmed at Hotel Estoril Palacio in Estoril and Guincho Beach , Cascais , while Lisbon was used for the reunion of Bond and Tracy , and the ending employed a mountain road in the Arrábida National Park near Setúbal .", "Harry Saltzman wanted the Portuguese scenes to be in France , but after searching there , Peter Hunt considered that not only were the locations not photogenic , but were already `` overexposed '' .", "The" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "\"On Her Majesty's Secret Service\" was shot in the Canton of Bern , Switzerland; at the revolving restaurant Piz Gloria , located atop the Schilthorn near the village of Mürren; at Lauterbrunnen and Saas - Fee; in Grindelwald; in Bern; in England , with London 's Pinewood Studios being used for interior shooting; in Marlow , Buckinghamshire; in Portugal; at Hotel Estoril Palacio in Estoril and Guincho Beach , Cascais; in Lisbon; and a mountain road in the Arrábida National Park near Setúbal .", "selected_sentences": [ "Principal photography began in the Canton of Bern , Switzerland , on 21 October 1968 , with the first scene shot being an aerial view of Bond climbing the stairs of Blofeld 's mountain retreat to meet the girls .", "The scenes were shot at the revolving restaurant Piz Gloria , located atop the Schilthorn near the village of Mürren .", "Various chase scenes in the Alps were shot at Lauterbrunnen and Saas - Fee , while the Christmas celebrations were filmed in Grindelwald , and some scenes were shot on location in Bern .", "In March 1969 , production moved to England , with London 's Pinewood Studios being used for interior shooting , and M 's house being shot in Marlow , Buckinghamshire .", "In April , the filmmakers went to Portugal , where principal photography wrapped in May .", "The pre-credit coastal and hotel scenes were filmed at Hotel Estoril Palacio in Estoril and Guincho Beach , Cascais , while Lisbon was used for the reunion of Bond and Tracy , and the ending employed a mountain road in the Arrábida National Park near Setúbal ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 45676624 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where's the tv show yellowstone filmed at
[ { "title": "Yellowstone (U.S. TV series)", "text": "Principal photography for the series began in August 2017 at the Chief Joseph Ranch in Darby , Montana , which stands in as the home of John Dutton . Filming also took place that month near Park City , Utah . The production used all three soundstages at the Utah Film Studio in Park City , which is a total of 45,000 square feet . The building also houses offices , editing , a huge wardrobe department and construction shops . By November 2017 , the series had filmed in more than twenty locations in Utah , including the Salt Flats and Spanish Fork . Additionally , filming also took place at various locations in Montana . Production was reportedly set to last until December 2017 . ", "sentences": [ "Principal photography for the series began in August 2017 at the Chief Joseph Ranch in Darby , Montana , which stands in as the home of John Dutton .", "Filming also took place that month near Park City , Utah .", "The production used all three soundstages at the Utah Film Studio in Park City , which is a total of 45,000 square feet .", "The building also houses offices , editing , a huge wardrobe department and construction shops .", "By November 2017 , the series had filmed in more than twenty locations in Utah , including the Salt Flats and Spanish Fork .", "Additionally , filming also took place at various locations in Montana .", "Production was reportedly set to last until December 2017 ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Principal photography for Yellowstone began in August 2017 at the Chief Joseph Ranch in Darby, Montana. Filming also took place near Park City, Utah, at the Utah Film Studio in Park City and in more than twenty locations in Utah. Filming also took place at various locations in Montana.", "selected_sentences": [ "Principal photography for the series began in August 2017 at the Chief Joseph Ranch in Darby , Montana , which stands in as the home of John Dutton .", "Filming also took place that month near Park City , Utah .", "The production used all three soundstages at the Utah Film Studio in Park City , which is a total of 45,000 square feet .", "By November 2017 , the series had filmed in more than twenty locations in Utah , including the Salt Flats and Spanish Fork .", "Additionally , filming also took place at various locations in Montana ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
who was winning the war at its start in june 1950
[ { "title": "Korean War", "text": "On 27 June , Rhee evacuated from Seoul with some of the government . On 28 June , at 2 am , the South Korean Army blew up the Hangang Bridge across the Han River in an attempt to stop the North Korean army . The bridge was detonated while 4,000 refugees were crossing it and hundreds were killed . Destroying the bridge also trapped many South Korean military units north of the Han River . In spite of such desperate measures , Seoul fell that same day . A number of South Korean National Assemblymen remained in Seoul when it fell , and forty - eight subsequently pledged allegiance to the North . ", "sentences": [ "On 27 June , Rhee evacuated from Seoul with some of the government .", "On 28 June , at 2 am , the South Korean Army blew up the Hangang Bridge across the Han River in an attempt to stop the North Korean army .", "The bridge was detonated while 4,000 refugees were crossing it and hundreds were killed .", "Destroying the bridge also trapped many South Korean military units north of the Han River .", "In spite of such desperate measures , Seoul fell that same day .", "A number of South Korean National Assemblymen remained in Seoul when it fell , and forty - eight subsequently pledged allegiance to the North ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "On 28 June, at 2 am, the South Korean Army blew up the Hangang Bridge across the Han River in an attempt to stop the North Korean army. In spite of such desperate measures, Seoul fell that same day and forty - eight South Korean National Assemblymen subsequently pledged allegiance to the North.", "selected_sentences": [ "On 28 June , at 2 am , the South Korean Army blew up the Hangang Bridge across the Han River in an attempt to stop the North Korean army .", "In spite of such desperate measures , Seoul fell that same day .", "A number of South Korean National Assemblymen remained in Seoul when it fell , and forty - eight subsequently pledged allegiance to the North ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
when does the new season of black sails start
[ { "title": "List of Black Sails episodes", "text": "Black Sails is an American television drama series created by Jon Steinberg and Robert Levine for Starz that debuted on January 25 , 2014 . It is produced by Film Afrika Worldwide and Platinum Dunes . It is written as a prequel to Robert Louis Stevenson 's novel Treasure Island . The series was renewed for a fourth season on July 31 , 2015 , before the third season had premiered . On July 20 , 2016 , Starz announced that the series ' fourth season would be its last ; the season premiered on January 29 , 2017 and concluded on April 2 , 2017 . During the course of the series , 38 episodes of Black Sails aired over four seasons . ", "sentences": [ "Black Sails is an American television drama series created by Jon Steinberg and Robert Levine for Starz that debuted on January 25 , 2014 .", "It is produced by Film Afrika Worldwide and Platinum Dunes .", "It is written as a prequel to Robert Louis Stevenson 's novel Treasure Island .", "The series was renewed for a fourth season on July 31 , 2015 , before the third season had premiered .", "On July 20 , 2016 , Starz announced that the series ' fourth season would be its last ; the season premiered on January 29 , 2017 and concluded on April 2 , 2017 .", "During the course of the series , 38 episodes of Black Sails aired over four seasons ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Black Sails is an American television drama series. The series was renewed for a fourth season and Starz announced that the series' fourth season would be its last.", "selected_sentences": [ "Black Sails is an American television drama series created by Jon Steinberg and Robert Levine for Starz that debuted on January 25 , 2014 .", "The series was renewed for a fourth season on July 31 , 2015 , before the third season had premiered .", "On July 20 , 2016 , Starz announced that the series ' fourth season would be its last ; the season premiered on January 29 , 2017 and concluded on April 2 , 2017 ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Black Sails is an American television drama series. On July 31, 2015 the series was renewed for a fourth season and Starz announced that the series' fourth season would be its last.", "selected_sentences": [ "Black Sails is an American television drama series created by Jon Steinberg and Robert Levine for Starz that debuted on January 25 , 2014 .", "The series was renewed for a fourth season on July 31 , 2015 , before the third season had premiered .", "On July 20 , 2016 , Starz announced that the series ' fourth season would be its last ; the season premiered on January 29 , 2017 and concluded on April 2 , 2017 ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
black hawk state historic site rock island il
[ { "title": "Black Hawk State Historic Site", "text": "The Black Hawk State Historic Site , in Rock Island , Illinois , occupies much of the historic site of the village of Saukenuk , the home of a band of Native Americans of the Sauk nation . It includes the John Hauberg Museum of Native American Life . The state park is located on a 150 - foot ( 45 m ) bluff overlooking the Rock River in western Illinois . It is most famous for being the birthplace of the Sauk warrior Black Hawk . The disputed cession of this area to the U.S. Government was the catalyst for the Black Hawk War . ", "sentences": [ "The Black Hawk State Historic Site , in Rock Island , Illinois , occupies much of the historic site of the village of Saukenuk , the home of a band of Native Americans of the Sauk nation .", "It includes the John Hauberg Museum of Native American Life .", "The state park is located on a 150 - foot ( 45 m ) bluff overlooking the Rock River in western Illinois .", "It is most famous for being the birthplace of the Sauk warrior Black Hawk .", "The disputed cession of this area to the U.S. Government was the catalyst for the Black Hawk War ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The Black Hawk State Historic Site, in Rock Island, Illinois, is most famous for being the birthplace of the Sauk warrior Black Hawk. The disputed cession of this area to the U.S. Government was the catalyst for the Black Hawk War.", "selected_sentences": [ "The Black Hawk State Historic Site , in Rock Island , Illinois , occupies much of the historic site of the village of Saukenuk , the home of a band of Native Americans of the Sauk nation .", "It is most famous for being the birthplace of the Sauk warrior Black Hawk .", "The disputed cession of this area to the U.S. Government was the catalyst for the Black Hawk War ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "The Black Hawk State Historic Site , in Rock Island , Illinois , occupies much of the historic site of the village of Saukenuk , the home of a band of Native Americans of the Sauk nation. It includes the John Hauberg Museum of Native American Life. It is most famous for being the birthplace of the Sauk warrior Black Hawk. The disputed cession of this area to the U.S. Government was the catalyst for the Black Hawk War .", "selected_sentences": [ "The Black Hawk State Historic Site , in Rock Island , Illinois , occupies much of the historic site of the village of Saukenuk , the home of a band of Native Americans of the Sauk nation .", "It includes the John Hauberg Museum of Native American Life .", "It is most famous for being the birthplace of the Sauk warrior Black Hawk .", "The disputed cession of this area to the U.S. Government was the catalyst for the Black Hawk War ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 45676624 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
according to 2011 census mean population density of karnataka
[ { "title": "Karnataka", "text": "According to the 2011 census of India , the total population of Karnataka was 61,095,297 of which 30,966,657 ( 50.7 % ) were male and 30,128,640 ( 49.3 % ) were female , or 1000 males for every 973 females . This represents a 15.60 % increase over the population in 2001 . The population density was 319 per km and 38.67 % of the people lived in urban areas . The literacy rate was 75.36 % with 82.47 % of males and 68.08 % of females being literate. 84.00 % of the population were Hindu , 12.92 % were Muslim , 1.87 % were Christian , 0.72 % were Jains , 0.16 % were Buddhist , 0.05 % were Sikh and 0.02 % were belonging to other religions and 0.27 % of the population did not state their religion . ", "sentences": [ "According to the 2011 census of India , the total population of Karnataka was 61,095,297 of which 30,966,657 ( 50.7 % ) were male and 30,128,640 ( 49.3 % ) were female , or 1000 males for every 973 females .", "This represents a 15.60 % increase over the population in 2001 .", "The population density was 319 per km and 38.67 % of the people lived in urban areas .", "The literacy rate was 75.36 % with 82.47 % of males and 68.08 % of females being literate.", "84.00 % of the population were Hindu , 12.92 % were Muslim , 1.87 % were Christian , 0.72 % were Jains , 0.16 % were Buddhist , 0.05 % were Sikh and 0.02 % were belonging to other religions and 0.27 % of the population did not state their religion ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "According to the 2011 census of India , the population density was 319 per km.", "selected_sentences": [ "According to the 2011 census of India , the total population of Karnataka was 61,095,297 of which 30,966,657 ( 50.7 % ) were male and 30,128,640 ( 49.3 % ) were female , or 1000 males for every 973 females .", "The population density was 319 per km and 38.67 % of the people lived in urban areas ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "According to the 2011 census of India, the population density of Karnataka was 319 per km.", "selected_sentences": [ "According to the 2011 census of India , the total population of Karnataka was 61,095,297 of which 30,966,657 ( 50.7 % ) were male and 30,128,640 ( 49.3 % ) were female , or 1000 males for every 973 females .", "The population density was 319 per km and 38.67 % of the people lived in urban areas ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what are the different faults found in the philippines
[ { "title": "Philippine Fault System", "text": "The Philippine Fault Zone ( PFZ ) extends 1200 km across the Philippine archipelago behind the convergent boundary of the Philippine Trench and the subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate . This left - lateral strike - slip fault extends NW - SE ( N30 -- 40 W ) accommodating the lateral oblique motion of the subducting Philippine Sea Plate with respect to the Philippine Trench . It extends from Davao Gulf in the south , bisects the Caraga region at the Agusan River basin , crosses to Leyte and Masbate islands , and traverses Quezon province in eastern Luzon before passing through Nueva Ecija up to the Ilocos region in northwest Luzon . The northern and southern extensions of the PFZ are characterized by branching faults due to brittle terminations . These horsetail faults are indicative of the lateral propagation and further development of the PFZ . The fault 's current activity can be observed in Holocene sandstone outcrops on the Mati and Davao Oriental islands . The fault experiences a slip rate of approximately 2 - 2.5 cm / year . ", "sentences": [ "The Philippine Fault Zone ( PFZ ) extends 1200 km across the Philippine archipelago behind the convergent boundary of the Philippine Trench and the subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate .", "This left - lateral strike - slip fault extends NW - SE ( N30 -- 40 W ) accommodating the lateral oblique motion of the subducting Philippine Sea Plate with respect to the Philippine Trench .", "It extends from Davao Gulf in the south , bisects the Caraga region at the Agusan River basin , crosses to Leyte and Masbate islands , and traverses Quezon province in eastern Luzon before passing through Nueva Ecija up to the Ilocos region in northwest Luzon .", "The northern and southern extensions of the PFZ are characterized by branching faults due to brittle terminations .", "These horsetail faults are indicative of the lateral propagation and further development of the PFZ .", "The fault 's current activity can be observed in Holocene sandstone outcrops on the Mati and Davao Oriental islands .", "The fault experiences a slip rate of approximately 2 - 2.5 cm / year ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The Philippine Fault Zone (PFZ) extends 1200 km across the Philippine archipelago. The northern and southern extensions of the PFZ are characterized by branching faults due to brittle terminations. These horsetail faults are indicative of the lateral propagation and further development of the PFZ.", "selected_sentences": [ "The Philippine Fault Zone ( PFZ ) extends 1200 km across the Philippine archipelago behind the convergent boundary of the Philippine Trench and the subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate .", "The northern and southern extensions of the PFZ are characterized by branching faults due to brittle terminations .", "These horsetail faults are indicative of the lateral propagation and further development of the PFZ ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "The Philippine Fault Zone (PFZ) extends 1200 km across the Philippine archipelago. This left - lateral strike - slip fault extends NW - SE ( N30 -- 40 W ) from Davao Gulf in the south, bisects the Caraga region at the Agusan River basin, crosses to Leyte and Masbate islands, and traverses Quezon province in eastern Luzon before passing through Nueva Ecija up to the Ilocos region in northwest Luzon. The northern and southern extensions of the PFZ are characterized by branching faults as horsetail faults due to brittle terminations.", "selected_sentences": [ "The Philippine Fault Zone ( PFZ ) extends 1200 km across the Philippine archipelago behind the convergent boundary of the Philippine Trench and the subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate .", "This left - lateral strike - slip fault extends NW - SE ( N30 -- 40 W ) accommodating the lateral oblique motion of the subducting Philippine Sea Plate with respect to the Philippine Trench .", "It extends from Davao Gulf in the south , bisects the Caraga region at the Agusan River basin , crosses to Leyte and Masbate islands , and traverses Quezon province in eastern Luzon before passing through Nueva Ecija up to the Ilocos region in northwest Luzon .", "The northern and southern extensions of the PFZ are characterized by branching faults due to brittle terminations .", "These horsetail faults are indicative of the lateral propagation and further development of the PFZ ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
when does the mitochondria replicate in the cell cycle
[ { "title": "Cell cycle", "text": "The first phase within interphase , from the end of the previous M phase until the beginning of DNA synthesis , is called G ( G indicating gap ) . It is also called the growth phase . During this phase , the biosynthetic activities of the cell , which are considerably slowed down during M phase , resume at a high rate . The duration of G is highly variable , even among different cells of the same species . In this phase , the cell increases its supply of proteins , increases the number of organelles ( such as mitochondria , ribosomes ) , and grows in size . In G phase , a cell has three options . ( 1 ) To continue cell cycle and enter S phase ( 2 ) Stop cell cycle and enter G phase for undergoing differentiation. ( 3 ) Get arrested in G phase hence it may enter G phase or re-enter cell cycle . The deciding factor is availability of nitrogens and storage of energy rich compunds at the deciding point called check point . This check point is called G cyclin or C. It causes transition of G to S phase . Once the check point of G phase is crossed , cell cycle will go uninterrupted till it is completed . S ", "sentences": [ "The first phase within interphase , from the end of the previous M phase until the beginning of DNA synthesis , is called G ( G indicating gap ) .", "It is also called the growth phase .", "During this phase , the biosynthetic activities of the cell , which are considerably slowed down during M phase , resume at a high rate .", "The duration of G is highly variable , even among different cells of the same species .", "In this phase , the cell increases its supply of proteins , increases the number of organelles ( such as mitochondria , ribosomes ) , and grows in size .", "In G phase , a cell has three options .", "( 1 ) To continue cell cycle and enter S phase ( 2 ) Stop cell cycle and enter G phase for undergoing differentiation.", "( 3 ) Get arrested in G phase hence it may enter G phase or re-enter cell cycle .", "The deciding factor is availability of nitrogens and storage of energy rich compunds at the deciding point called check point .", "This check point is called G cyclin or C. It causes transition of G to S phase .", "Once the check point of G phase is crossed , cell cycle will go uninterrupted till it is completed .", "S" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "In the growth phase, the cell increases its supply of proteins , increases the number of organelles ( such as mitochondria , ribosomes ) , and grows in size .", "selected_sentences": [ "It is also called the growth phase .", "In this phase , the cell increases its supply of proteins , increases the number of organelles ( such as mitochondria , ribosomes ) , and grows in size ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
who has supreme power in the eastern orthodox church
[ { "title": "Eastern Orthodox Church", "text": "The religious authority for Eastern Orthodoxy is not a Patriarch or the Pope as in Catholicism , nor the Bible as in Protestantism , but the scriptures as interpreted by the seven ecumenical councils of the Church . The Orthodox Church is a fellowship of `` autocephalous '' ( Greek for self - headed ) Churches , with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople being the only autocephalous head who holds the title primus inter pares , meaning `` first among equals '' in Latin . The Patriarch of Constantinople has the honor of primacy , but his title is only first among equals and has no real authority over Churches other than the Constantinopolitan . The Orthodox Church considers Jesus Christ to be the head of the Church and the Church to be his body . It is believed that authority and the grace of God is directly passed down to Orthodox bishops and clergy through the laying on of hands -- a practice started by the apostles , and that this unbroken historical and physical link is an essential element of the true Church ( Acts 8 : 17 , 1 Tim 4 : 14 , Heb 6 : 2 ) . However , the Church asserts that Apostolic Succession also requires Apostolic Faith , and bishops without Apostolic Faith , who are in heresy , forfeit their claim to Apostolic Succession . ", "sentences": [ "The religious authority for Eastern Orthodoxy is not a Patriarch or the Pope as in Catholicism , nor the Bible as in Protestantism , but the scriptures as interpreted by the seven ecumenical councils of the Church .", "The Orthodox Church is a fellowship of `` autocephalous '' ( Greek for self - headed )", "Churches , with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople being the only autocephalous head who holds the title primus inter pares , meaning `` first among equals '' in Latin .", "The Patriarch of Constantinople has the honor of primacy , but his title is only first among equals and has no real authority over Churches other than the Constantinopolitan .", "The Orthodox Church considers Jesus Christ to be the head of the Church and the Church to be his body .", "It is believed that authority and the grace of God is directly passed down to Orthodox bishops and clergy through the laying on of hands -- a practice started by the apostles , and that this unbroken historical and physical link is an essential element of the true Church ( Acts 8 : 17 , 1 Tim 4 : 14 , Heb 6 : 2 ) .", "However , the Church asserts that Apostolic Succession also requires Apostolic Faith , and bishops without Apostolic Faith , who are in heresy , forfeit their claim to Apostolic Succession ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The Orthodox Church is a fellowship of ``autocephalous'' (Greek for self - headed) Churches, with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople being the only autocephalous head who holds the title primus inter pare, meaning ``first among equals'' in Latin. The Orthodox Church considers Jesus Christ to be the head of the Church and the Church to be his body.", "selected_sentences": [ "The Orthodox Church is a fellowship of `` autocephalous '' ( Greek for self - headed )", "Churches , with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople being the only autocephalous head who holds the title primus inter pares , meaning `` first among equals '' in Latin .", "The Orthodox Church considers Jesus Christ to be the head of the Church and the Church to be his body ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "The religious authority for Eastern Orthodoxy is not a Patriarch or the Pope as in Catholicism , nor the Bible, but the scriptures as interpreted by the seven ecumenical councils of the Church.\r\nThe Orthodox Church considers Jesus Christ to be the head of the Church. It is believed that authority and the grace of God is directly passed down to Orthodox bishops and clergy.", "selected_sentences": [ "The religious authority for Eastern Orthodoxy is not a Patriarch or the Pope as in Catholicism , nor the Bible as in Protestantism , but the scriptures as interpreted by the seven ecumenical councils of the Church .", "The Orthodox Church considers Jesus Christ to be the head of the Church and the Church to be his body .", "It is believed that authority and the grace of God is directly passed down to Orthodox bishops and clergy through the laying on of hands -- a practice started by the apostles , and that this unbroken historical and physical link is an essential element of the true Church ( Acts 8 : 17 , 1 Tim 4 : 14 , Heb 6 : 2 ) ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 45676624 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where did the money come from to build the golden gate bridge
[ { "title": "Golden Gate Bridge", "text": "The Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District , authorized by an act of the California Legislature , was incorporated in 1928 as the official entity to design , construct , and finance the Golden Gate Bridge . However , after the Wall Street Crash of 1929 , the District was unable to raise the construction funds , so it lobbied for a $30 million bond measure . The bonds were approved in November 1930 , by votes in the counties affected by the bridge . The construction budget at the time of approval was $27 million . However , the District was unable to sell the bonds until 1932 , when Amadeo Giannini , the founder of San Francisco -- based Bank of America , agreed on behalf of his bank to buy the entire issue in order to help the local economy . ", "sentences": [ "The Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District , authorized by an act of the California Legislature , was incorporated in 1928 as the official entity to design , construct , and finance the Golden Gate Bridge .", "However , after the Wall Street Crash of 1929 , the District was unable to raise the construction funds , so it lobbied for a $30 million bond measure .", "The bonds were approved in November 1930 , by votes in the counties affected by the bridge .", "The construction budget at the time of approval was $27 million .", "However , the District was unable to sell the bonds until 1932 , when Amadeo Giannini , the founder of San Francisco -- based Bank of America , agreed on behalf of his bank to buy the entire issue in order to help the local economy ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "After the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District was unable to raise the construction funds, so it lobbied for a $30 million bond measure. The bonds were approved in November 1930 and in 1932, Amadeo Giannini, the founder of San Francisco -- based Bank of America, agreed on behalf of his bank to buy the entire issue in order to help the local economy.", "selected_sentences": [ "The Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District , authorized by an act of the California Legislature , was incorporated in 1928 as the official entity to design , construct , and finance the Golden Gate Bridge .", "However , after the Wall Street Crash of 1929 , the District was unable to raise the construction funds , so it lobbied for a $30 million bond measure .", "The bonds were approved in November 1930 , by votes in the counties affected by the bridge .", "However , the District was unable to sell the bonds until 1932 , when Amadeo Giannini , the founder of San Francisco -- based Bank of America , agreed on behalf of his bank to buy the entire issue in order to help the local economy ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
who sings theme tune only fools and horses
[ { "title": "Only Fools and Horses", "text": "Only Fools and Horses has separate theme songs for the opening and closing credits , `` Only Fools and Horses '' and `` Hooky Street '' , respectively . The original theme tune was produced by Ronnie Hazlehurst and recorded on 6 August 1981 at Lime Grove Studios . Alf Bigden , Paul Westwood , Don Hunt , John Dean , Judd Proctor , Eddie Mordue , and Rex Morris were hired to play the music . The tune was changed after the first series , and the new one was written by John Sullivan ( he disliked the tune for the first series , and his new one explained the show 's title ) , and Hazlehurst conducted it . It was recorded at Lime Grove on 11 May 1982 , with musicians John Horler , Dave Richmond , Bigden , and Proctor . Sullivan wanted the band Chas & Dave singing , but this was not possible due to their single Ai n't No Pleasing You being successful in the charts . Sullivan had intended for Chas & Dave to sing it because they had enjoyed success with the `` Rockney '' style , a mixture of rock n ' roll and traditional Cockney music . Sullivan was persuaded to do it himself by Ray Butt . Despite the creation of a new theme tune , the original one remained in occasional use . Chas & Dave did later contribute to the show , performing the closing credits song for the 1989 episode `` The Jolly Boys ' Outing '' . Both songs are performed by Sullivan himself , and not -- as is sometimes thought -- by Nicholas Lyndhurst . ", "sentences": [ "Only Fools and Horses has separate theme songs for the opening and closing credits , `` Only Fools and Horses '' and `` Hooky Street '' , respectively .", "The original theme tune was produced by Ronnie Hazlehurst and recorded on 6 August 1981 at Lime Grove Studios .", "Alf Bigden , Paul Westwood , Don Hunt , John Dean , Judd Proctor , Eddie Mordue , and Rex Morris were hired to play the music .", "The tune was changed after the first series , and the new one was written by John Sullivan ( he disliked the tune for the first series , and his new one explained the show 's title ) , and Hazlehurst conducted it .", "It was recorded at Lime Grove on 11 May 1982 , with musicians John Horler , Dave Richmond , Bigden , and Proctor .", "Sullivan wanted the band Chas & Dave singing , but this was not possible due to their single Ai n't", "No Pleasing You being successful in the charts .", "Sullivan had intended for Chas & Dave to sing it because they had enjoyed success with the `` Rockney '' style , a mixture of rock n ' roll and traditional Cockney music .", "Sullivan was persuaded to do it himself by Ray Butt .", "Despite the creation of a new theme tune , the original one remained in occasional use .", "Chas & Dave did later contribute to the show , performing the closing credits song for the 1989 episode `` The Jolly Boys ' Outing '' .", "Both songs are performed by Sullivan himself , and not -- as is sometimes thought -- by Nicholas Lyndhurst ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "John Sullivan was persuaded to do singing himself by Ray Butt .", "selected_sentences": [ "The tune was changed after the first series , and the new one was written by John Sullivan ( he disliked the tune for the first series , and his new one explained the show 's title ) , and Hazlehurst conducted it .", "Sullivan was persuaded to do it himself by Ray Butt ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
who did the falcons lose to last year
[ { "title": "2016 Atlanta Falcons season", "text": "The Falcons defeated the Seattle Seahawks 36 -- 20 in the Divisional Round to advance to the NFC Championship Game for the first time since 2012 . In the NFC Championship game , they defeated the Green Bay Packers , 44 -- 21 , to reach Super Bowl LI , where they faced the New England Patriots . The game marked the Falcons ' second Super Bowl appearance ; they had competed in Super Bowl XXXIII 18 years earlier . Reaching overtime for the first time in Super Bowl history , the Falcons lost 28 -- 34 , after leading 28 -- 3 midway through the third quarter . Although it ended in defeat , the 2016 Falcons season was one of the most successful in team history , being only their second Super Bowl appearance since the conception of the franchise and quarterback Matt Ryan becoming the 2016 NFL MVP . ", "sentences": [ "The Falcons defeated the Seattle Seahawks 36 -- 20 in the Divisional Round to advance to the NFC Championship Game for the first time since 2012 .", "In the NFC Championship game , they defeated the Green Bay Packers , 44 -- 21 , to reach Super Bowl LI , where they faced the New England Patriots .", "The game marked the Falcons ' second Super Bowl appearance ; they had competed in Super Bowl XXXIII 18 years earlier .", "Reaching overtime for the first time in Super Bowl history , the Falcons lost 28 -- 34 , after leading 28 -- 3 midway through the third quarter .", "Although it ended in defeat , the 2016 Falcons season was one of the most successful in team history , being only their second Super Bowl appearance since the conception of the franchise and quarterback Matt Ryan becoming the 2016 NFL MVP ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The Falcons lost 28 - 34 to the New England Patriots.", "selected_sentences": [ "In the NFC Championship game , they defeated the Green Bay Packers , 44 -- 21 , to reach Super Bowl LI , where they faced the New England Patriots .", "Reaching overtime for the first time in Super Bowl history , the Falcons lost 28 -- 34 , after leading 28 -- 3 midway through the third quarter ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
why is vitamin a deficiency common in developing countries
[ { "title": "Vitamin A deficiency", "text": "The major cause is roughage which include few animal sources of pre-formed vitamin A . In addition to dietary problems , there are other causes of VAD . Iron deficiency can affect vitamin A uptake . Excess alcohol consumption can deplete vitamin A , and a stressed liver may be more susceptible to vitamin A toxicity . People who consume large amounts of alcohol should seek medical advice before taking vitamin A supplements . In general , people should also seek medical advice before taking vitamin A supplements if they have any condition associated with fat malabsorption such as pancreatitis , cystic fibrosis , tropical sprue and biliary obstruction . Other causes of Vitamin A deficiency are inadequate intake , fat malabsorption , or liver disorders . Deficiency impairs immunity and hematopoiesis and causes rashes and typical ocular effects ( e.g. , xerophthalmia , night blindness ) . ", "sentences": [ "The major cause is roughage which include few animal sources of pre-formed vitamin A .", "In addition to dietary problems , there are other causes of VAD .", "Iron deficiency can affect vitamin A uptake .", "Excess alcohol consumption can deplete vitamin A , and a stressed liver may be more susceptible to vitamin A toxicity .", "People who consume large amounts of alcohol should seek medical advice before taking vitamin A supplements .", "In general , people should also seek medical advice before taking vitamin A supplements if they have any condition associated with fat malabsorption such as pancreatitis , cystic fibrosis , tropical sprue and biliary obstruction .", "Other causes of Vitamin A deficiency are inadequate intake , fat malabsorption , or liver disorders .", "Deficiency impairs immunity and hematopoiesis and causes rashes and typical ocular effects ( e.g. , xerophthalmia , night blindness ) ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The major cause is roughage which include few animal sources of pre-formed vitamin A.\r\nOther causes of Vitamin A deficiency are inadequate intake, fat malabsorption, or liver disorders.", "selected_sentences": [ "The major cause is roughage which include few animal sources of pre-formed vitamin A .", "Other causes of Vitamin A deficiency are inadequate intake , fat malabsorption , or liver disorders ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "The major cause is roughage which include few animal sources of pre-formed vitamin A. Iron deficiency can affect vitamin A uptake and excess alcohol consumption can deplete vitamin A. Other causes of Vitamin A deficiency are inadequate intake, fat malabsorption, or liver disorders.", "selected_sentences": [ "The major cause is roughage which include few animal sources of pre-formed vitamin A .", "Iron deficiency can affect vitamin A uptake .", "Excess alcohol consumption can deplete vitamin A , and a stressed liver may be more susceptible to vitamin A toxicity .", "Other causes of Vitamin A deficiency are inadequate intake , fat malabsorption , or liver disorders ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where is the philippines located on a map
[ { "title": "Philippines", "text": "The Philippines ( / ˈfɪləpiːnz / ( listen ) FIL - ə - peenz ; Filipino : Pilipinas ( ˌpɪlɪˈpinɐs ) or Filipinas ( ˌfɪlɪˈpinɐs ) ) , officially the Republic of the Philippines ( Filipino : Republika ng Pilipinas ) , is a unitary sovereign and archipelagic country in Southeast Asia . Situated in the western Pacific Ocean , it consists of about 7,641 islands that are categorized broadly under three main geographical divisions from north to south : Luzon , Visayas , and Mindanao . The capital city of the Philippines is Manila and the most populous city is Quezon City , both part of Metro Manila . Bounded by the South China Sea on the west , the Philippine Sea on the east and the Celebes Sea on the southwest , the Philippines shares maritime borders with Taiwan to the north , Vietnam to the west , Palau to the east and Malaysia and Indonesia to the south . ", "sentences": [ "The Philippines ( / ˈfɪləpiːnz / ( listen ) FIL - ə - peenz ; Filipino : Pilipinas ( ˌpɪlɪˈpinɐs ) or Filipinas ( ˌfɪlɪˈpinɐs ) ) , officially the Republic of the Philippines ( Filipino : Republika ng Pilipinas ) , is a unitary sovereign and archipelagic country in Southeast Asia .", "Situated in the western Pacific Ocean , it consists of about 7,641 islands that are categorized broadly under three main geographical divisions from north to south :", "Luzon , Visayas , and Mindanao .", "The capital city of the Philippines is Manila and the most populous city is Quezon City , both part of Metro Manila .", "Bounded by the South China Sea on the west , the Philippine Sea on the east and the Celebes Sea on the southwest , the Philippines shares maritime borders with Taiwan to the north , Vietnam to the west , Palau to the east and Malaysia and Indonesia to the south ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The Philippines is a unitary sovereign and archipelagic country in Southeast Asia. Bounded by the South China Sea on the west, the Philippine Sea on the east and the Celebes Sea on the southwest, the Philippines shares maritime borders with Taiwan to the north, Vietnam to the west, Palau to the east and Malaysia and Indonesia to the south.", "selected_sentences": [ "The Philippines ( / ˈfɪləpiːnz / ( listen ) FIL - ə - peenz ; Filipino : Pilipinas ( ˌpɪlɪˈpinɐs ) or Filipinas ( ˌfɪlɪˈpinɐs ) ) , officially the Republic of the Philippines ( Filipino : Republika ng Pilipinas ) , is a unitary sovereign and archipelagic country in Southeast Asia .", "Bounded by the South China Sea on the west , the Philippine Sea on the east and the Celebes Sea on the southwest , the Philippines shares maritime borders with Taiwan to the north , Vietnam to the west , Palau to the east and Malaysia and Indonesia to the south ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "The Philippines is situated in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. Bounded by the South China Sea on the west , the Philippine Sea on the east and the Celebes Sea on the southwest , the Philippines shares maritime borders with Taiwan to the north , Vietnam to the west , Palau to the east and Malaysia and Indonesia to the south .", "selected_sentences": [ "The Philippines ( / ˈfɪləpiːnz / ( listen ) FIL - ə - peenz ; Filipino : Pilipinas ( ˌpɪlɪˈpinɐs ) or Filipinas ( ˌfɪlɪˈpinɐs ) ) , officially the Republic of the Philippines ( Filipino : Republika ng Pilipinas ) , is a unitary sovereign and archipelagic country in Southeast Asia .", "Situated in the western Pacific Ocean , it consists of about 7,641 islands that are categorized broadly under three main geographical divisions from north to south :", "Bounded by the South China Sea on the west , the Philippine Sea on the east and the Celebes Sea on the southwest , the Philippines shares maritime borders with Taiwan to the north , Vietnam to the west , Palau to the east and Malaysia and Indonesia to the south ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 45676624 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
how long is the uefa champions league season
[ { "title": "UEFA Champions League", "text": "In its present format , the UEFA Champions League begins in late June with four knockout qualifying rounds and a play - off round . The 6 surviving teams enter the group stage , joining 26 teams qualified in advance . The 32 teams are drawn into eight groups of four teams and play each other in a double round - robin system . The eight group winners and eight runners - up proceed to the knockout phase that culminates with the final match in May . The winner of the UEFA Champions League qualifies for the UEFA Super Cup and the FIFA Club World Cup . ", "sentences": [ "In its present format , the UEFA Champions League begins in late June with four knockout qualifying rounds and a play - off round .", "The 6 surviving teams enter the group stage , joining 26 teams qualified in advance .", "The 32 teams are drawn into eight groups of four teams and play each other in a double round - robin system .", "The eight group winners and eight runners - up proceed to the knockout phase that culminates with the final match in May .", "The winner of the UEFA Champions League qualifies for the UEFA Super Cup and the FIFA Club World Cup ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "In its present format , the UEFA Champions League begins in late June with four knockout qualifying rounds and a play - off round . The eight group winners and eight runners - up proceed to the knockout phase that culminates with the final match in May .", "selected_sentences": [ "In its present format , the UEFA Champions League begins in late June with four knockout qualifying rounds and a play - off round .", "The eight group winners and eight runners - up proceed to the knockout phase that culminates with the final match in May ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 45676624 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what does it mean when a whales fin is bent
[ { "title": "Captive killer whales", "text": "Scientists from the National Marine Fisheries Service ( NMFS ) have reported that `` the collapsed dorsal fins commonly seen in captive killer whales do not result from a pathogenic condition , but are instead thought to most likely originate from an irreversible structural change in the fin 's collagen over time . Possible explanations for this include : ( 1 ) alterations in water balance caused by the stresses of captivity dietary changes , ( 2 ) lowered blood pressure due to reduced activity patterns , or ( 3 ) overheating of the collagen brought on by greater exposure of the fin to the ambient air . '' According to SeaWorld 's website , another reason for the fin to bend may be the greater amount of time that captive whales spend at the surface , where the fin is not supported by water pressure . The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society says that dorsal fin collapse is largely explained by captive killer whales swimming in small circles due to the inadequate space in which they have to swim . SeaWorld , however , claims that `` Neither the shape nor the droop of a whale 's dorsal fin are indicators of a killer whale 's health or well - being . '' ", "sentences": [ "Scientists from the National Marine Fisheries Service ( NMFS ) have reported that `` the collapsed dorsal fins commonly seen in captive killer whales do not result from a pathogenic condition , but are instead thought to most likely originate from an irreversible structural change in the fin 's collagen over time .", "Possible explanations for this include : ( 1 ) alterations in water balance caused by the stresses of captivity dietary changes , ( 2 ) lowered blood pressure due to reduced activity patterns , or ( 3 ) overheating of the collagen brought on by greater exposure of the fin to the ambient air . ''", "According to SeaWorld 's website , another reason for the fin to bend may be the greater amount of time that captive whales spend at the surface , where the fin is not supported by water pressure .", "The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society says that dorsal fin collapse is largely explained by captive killer whales swimming in small circles due to the inadequate space in which they have to swim .", "SeaWorld , however , claims that `` Neither the shape nor the droop of a whale 's dorsal fin are indicators of a killer whale 's health or well - being . ''" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Scientists from the National Marine Fisheries Service have reported that ``the collapsed dorsal fins commonly seen in captive killer whales do not result from a pathogenic condition, but are instead thought to most likely originate from an irreversible structural change in the fin's collagen over time\". SeaWorld claims that captive whales spend a greater amount of time at the surface, where the fin is not supported by water pressure, but ``Neither the shape nor the droop of a whale's dorsal fin are indicators of a killer whale's health or well being.''", "selected_sentences": [ "Scientists from the National Marine Fisheries Service ( NMFS ) have reported that `` the collapsed dorsal fins commonly seen in captive killer whales do not result from a pathogenic condition , but are instead thought to most likely originate from an irreversible structural change in the fin 's collagen over time .", "According to SeaWorld 's website , another reason for the fin to bend may be the greater amount of time that captive whales spend at the surface , where the fin is not supported by water pressure .", "SeaWorld , however , claims that `` Neither the shape nor the droop of a whale 's dorsal fin are indicators of a killer whale 's health or well - being . ''" ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where is the mitochondria located in an animal cell
[ { "title": "Mitochondrion", "text": "Mitochondria ( and related structures ) are found in all eukaryotes ( except one -- the Oxymonad Monocercomonoides sp . ) . Although commonly depicted as bean - like structures they form a highly dynamic network in the majority of cells where they constantly undergo fission and fusion . Mitochondria vary in number and location according to cell type . A single mitochondrion is often found in unicellular organisms . Conversely , numerous mitochondria are found in human liver cells , with about 1000 -- 2000 mitochondria per cell , making up 1 / 5 of the cell volume . The population of all the mitochondria of a given cell constitutes the chondriome . The mitochondrial content of otherwise similar cells can vary substantially in size and membrane potential , with differences arising from sources including uneven partitioning at cell divisions , leading to extrinsic differences in ATP levels and downstream cellular processes . The mitochondria can be found nestled between myofibrils of muscle or wrapped around the sperm flagellum . Often , they form a complex 3D branching network inside the cell with the cytoskeleton . The association with the cytoskeleton determines mitochondrial shape , which can affect the function as well : different structures of the mitochondrial network may afford the population a variety of physical , chemical , and signalling advantages or disadvantages . Mitochondria in cells are always distributed along microtubules and the distribution of these organelles is also correlated with the endoplasmic reticulum . Recent evidence suggests that vimentin , one of the components of the cytoskeleton , is also critical to the association with the cytoskeleton . ", "sentences": [ "Mitochondria ( and related structures ) are found in all eukaryotes ( except one -- the Oxymonad Monocercomonoides sp . ) .", "Although commonly depicted as bean - like structures they form a highly dynamic network in the majority of cells where they constantly undergo fission and fusion .", "Mitochondria vary in number and location according to cell type .", "A single mitochondrion is often found in unicellular organisms .", "Conversely , numerous mitochondria are found in human liver cells , with about 1000 -- 2000 mitochondria per cell , making up 1 / 5 of the cell volume .", "The population of all the mitochondria of a given cell constitutes the chondriome .", "The mitochondrial content of otherwise similar cells can vary substantially in size and membrane potential , with differences arising from sources including uneven partitioning at cell divisions , leading to extrinsic differences in ATP levels and downstream cellular processes .", "The mitochondria can be found nestled between myofibrils of muscle or wrapped around the sperm flagellum .", "Often , they form a complex 3D branching network inside the cell with the cytoskeleton .", "The association with the cytoskeleton determines mitochondrial shape , which can affect the function as well : different structures of the mitochondrial network may afford the population a variety of physical , chemical , and signalling advantages or disadvantages .", "Mitochondria in cells are always distributed along microtubules and the distribution of these organelles is also correlated with the endoplasmic reticulum .", "Recent evidence suggests that vimentin , one of the components of the cytoskeleton , is also critical to the association with the cytoskeleton ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Mitochondria are found in all eukaryotes and vary in number and location according to cell type. A single mitochondrion is often found in unicellular organisms. Conversely, numerous mitochondria are found in human liver cells, with about 1000 -- 2000 mitochondria per cell. The mitochondria can be found nestled between myofibrils of muscle or wrapped around the sperm flagellum.", "selected_sentences": [ "Mitochondria ( and related structures ) are found in all eukaryotes ( except one -- the Oxymonad Monocercomonoides sp . ) .", "Mitochondria vary in number and location according to cell type .", "A single mitochondrion is often found in unicellular organisms .", "Conversely , numerous mitochondria are found in human liver cells , with about 1000 -- 2000 mitochondria per cell , making up 1 / 5 of the cell volume .", "The mitochondria can be found nestled between myofibrils of muscle or wrapped around the sperm flagellum ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Mitochondria are found in all eukaryotes, except one -- the Oxymonad Monocercomonoides sp. Mitochondria vary in number and location according to cell type. A single mitochondrion is often found in unicellular organisms. The mitochondria can be found nestled between myofibrils of muscle or wrapped around the sperm flagellum.", "selected_sentences": [ "Mitochondria ( and related structures ) are found in all eukaryotes ( except one -- the Oxymonad Monocercomonoides sp . ) .", "Mitochondria vary in number and location according to cell type .", "A single mitochondrion is often found in unicellular organisms .", "The mitochondria can be found nestled between myofibrils of muscle or wrapped around the sperm flagellum ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 45676624 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what is the difference between negative and positive rights
[ { "title": "Negative and positive rights", "text": "Under the theory of positive and negative rights , a negative right is a right not to be subjected to an action of another person or group -- a government , for example -- usually in the form of abuse or coercion . As such , negative rights exist unless someone acts to negate them . A positive right is a right to be subjected to an action of another person or group . In other words , for a positive right to be exercised , someone else 's actions must be added to the equation . In theory , a negative right forbids others from acting against the right holder , while a positive right obligates others to act with respect to the right holder . In the framework of the Kantian categorical imperative , negative rights can be associated with perfect duties while positive rights can be connected to imperfect duties . ", "sentences": [ "Under the theory of positive and negative rights , a negative right is a right not to be subjected to an action of another person or group -- a government , for example -- usually in the form of abuse or coercion .", "As such , negative rights exist unless someone acts to negate them .", "A positive right is a right to be subjected to an action of another person or group .", "In other words , for a positive right to be exercised , someone else 's actions must be added to the equation .", "In theory , a negative right forbids others from acting against the right holder , while a positive right obligates others to act with respect to the right holder .", "In the framework of the Kantian categorical imperative , negative rights can be associated with perfect duties while positive rights can be connected to imperfect duties ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Under the theory of positive and negative rights , a negative right is a right not to be subjected to an action of another person or group - a government, for example - usually in the form of abuse or coercion. For a positive right to be exercised, someone else's actions must be added to the equation.", "selected_sentences": [ "Under the theory of positive and negative rights , a negative right is a right not to be subjected to an action of another person or group -- a government , for example -- usually in the form of abuse or coercion .", "In other words , for a positive right to be exercised , someone else 's actions must be added to the equation ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what were two ways that the united states acquired more territory
[ { "title": "Territorial evolution of the United States", "text": "Desires for expansion into Spanish territories like Cuba led to the Spanish -- American War in 1898 , in which the United States gained Guam , Puerto Rico , and the Philippines , and occupied Cuba for several years . American Samoa was acquired by the United States in 1900 after the end of the Second Samoan Civil War . The United States purchased the U.S. Virgin Islands from Denmark in 1917 . Guam and Puerto Rico remain territories ; the Philippines became independent in 1946 , after being a major theater of World War II . Following the war , many islands were entrusted to the U.S. by the United Nations , and while the Northern Mariana Islands remain a U.S. territory , the Marshall Islands , Federated States of Micronesia , and Palau emerged from the trust territory as independent nations . The last major international change was the acquisition in 1904 , and return to Panama in 1979 , of the Panama Canal Zone , a region of American sovereignty to build and run the Panama Canal . The final cession of power over the region was made to Panama in 1999 . ", "sentences": [ "Desires for expansion into Spanish territories like Cuba led to the Spanish -- American War in 1898 , in which the United States gained Guam , Puerto Rico , and the Philippines , and occupied Cuba for several years .", "American Samoa was acquired by the United States in 1900 after the end of the Second Samoan Civil War .", "The United States purchased the U.S. Virgin Islands from Denmark in 1917 .", "Guam and Puerto Rico remain territories ; the Philippines became independent in 1946 , after being a major theater of World War II .", "Following the war , many islands were entrusted to the U.S. by the United Nations , and while the Northern Mariana Islands remain a U.S. territory , the Marshall Islands , Federated States of Micronesia , and Palau emerged from the trust territory as independent nations .", "The last major international change was the acquisition in 1904 , and return to Panama in 1979 , of the Panama Canal Zone , a region of American sovereignty to build and run the Panama Canal .", "The final cession of power over the region was made to Panama in 1999 ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Desires for expansion into Spanish territories like Cuba led to the Spanish - American War in 1898. The United States purchased the U.S. Virgin Islands from Denmark in 1917.", "selected_sentences": [ "Desires for expansion into Spanish territories like Cuba led to the Spanish -- American War in 1898 , in which the United States gained Guam , Puerto Rico , and the Philippines , and occupied Cuba for several years .", "The United States purchased the U.S. Virgin Islands from Denmark in 1917 ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
who has recited the most digits of pi
[ { "title": "Akira Haraguchi", "text": "He holds the current unofficial world record ( 100,000 digits ) in 16 hours , starting at 9 a.m ( 16 : 28 GMT ) on October 3 , 2006 and having recited up to 83,431 digits by nightfall , stopping with digit number 100,000 at 1 : 28 a.m. on October 4 , 2006 . The event was filmed in a public hall in Kisarazu , east of Tokyo , where he had five - minute breaks every two hours to eat onigiri to keep up his energy levels . Even his trips to the toilet were filmed to prove that the exercise was legitimate . Haraguchi 's previous world record ( 83,431 ) , was performed from July 1 , 2005 to July 2 , 2005 . On Pi Day , 2015 , he claimed to be able to recite 111,701 digits . ", "sentences": [ "He holds the current unofficial world record ( 100,000 digits ) in 16 hours , starting at 9 a.m ( 16 : 28 GMT ) on October 3 , 2006 and having recited up to 83,431 digits by nightfall , stopping with digit number 100,000 at 1 : 28 a.m. on October 4 , 2006 .", "The event was filmed in a public hall in Kisarazu , east of Tokyo , where he had five - minute breaks every two hours to eat onigiri to keep up his energy levels .", "Even his trips to the toilet were filmed to prove that the exercise was legitimate .", "Haraguchi 's previous world record ( 83,431 ) , was performed from July 1 , 2005 to July 2 , 2005 .", "On Pi Day , 2015 , he claimed to be able to recite 111,701 digits ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Akira Haraguchi holds the current unofficial world record (100,000 digits) in 16 hours, starting at 9 a.m ( 16 : 28 GMT ) on October 3, 2006 and having recited up to 83,431 digits by nightfall, stopping with digit number 100,000 at 1 : 28 a.m. on October 4 , 2006. On Pi Day, 2015, he claimed to be able to recite 111,701 digits.", "selected_sentences": [ "He holds the current unofficial world record ( 100,000 digits ) in 16 hours , starting at 9 a.m ( 16 : 28 GMT ) on October 3 , 2006 and having recited up to 83,431 digits by nightfall , stopping with digit number 100,000 at 1 : 28 a.m. on October 4 , 2006 .", "On Pi Day , 2015 , he claimed to be able to recite 111,701 digits ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where did the phrase it takes a village come from
[ { "title": "It Takes a Village", "text": "The authenticity of the proverb is debatable as there is no evidence that this precise proverb genuinely originated with any African culture . However , numerous proverbs from different cultures across Africa have been noted that convey similar sentiments in different ways . As one poster on the scholarly list H - Net wrote , `` While it is interesting to seek provenance in regard to the proverb , ' It takes a village to raise a child , ' I think it would be misleading to ascribe its origin to a single source ... Let me give a few examples of African societies with proverbs which translate to ' It takes a village ... ' : In Lunyoro ( Banyoro ) there is a proverb that says ' Omwana takulila nju emoi , ' whose literal translation is ' A child does not grow up only in a single home . ' In Kihaya ( Bahaya ) there is a saying , ' Omwana taba womoi , ' which translates as ' A child belongs not to one parent or home . ' In Kijita ( Wajita ) there is a proverb which says ' Omwana ni wa bhone , ' meaning regardless of a child 's biological parent ( s ) its upbringing belongs to the community . In Swahili , the proverb ' Asiyefunzwa na mamae hufunzwa na ulimwengu ' approximates to the same . '' ", "sentences": [ "The authenticity of the proverb is debatable as there is no evidence that this precise proverb genuinely originated with any African culture .", "However , numerous proverbs from different cultures across Africa have been noted that convey similar sentiments in different ways .", "As one poster on the scholarly list H - Net wrote , `` While it is interesting to seek provenance in regard to the proverb , ' It takes a village to raise a child , ' I think it would be misleading to ascribe its origin to a single source ...", "Let me give a few examples of African societies with proverbs which translate to ' It takes a village ... ' :", "In Lunyoro ( Banyoro ) there is a proverb that says ' Omwana takulila nju emoi , ' whose literal translation is ' A child does not grow up only in a single home . '", "In Kihaya ( Bahaya ) there is a saying , ' Omwana taba womoi , ' which translates as ' A child belongs not to one parent or home . '", "In Kijita ( Wajita ) there is a proverb which says ' Omwana ni wa bhone , ' meaning regardless of a child 's biological parent ( s ) its upbringing belongs to the community .", "In Swahili , the proverb ' Asiyefunzwa na mamae hufunzwa na ulimwengu ' approximates to the same . ''" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The authenticity of the proverb is debatable as there is no evidence that this precise proverb genuinely originated with any African culture. While it is interesting to seek provenance in regard to the proverb, 'It takes a village to raise a child,' I think it would be misleading to ascribe its origin to a single source.", "selected_sentences": [ "The authenticity of the proverb is debatable as there is no evidence that this precise proverb genuinely originated with any African culture .", "As one poster on the scholarly list H - Net wrote , `` While it is interesting to seek provenance in regard to the proverb , ' It takes a village to raise a child , ' I think it would be misleading to ascribe its origin to a single source ..." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "The authenticity of the proverb is debatable as there is no evidence that this precise proverb genuinely originated with any African culture. One poster on the scholarly list H - Net wrote: While it is interesting to seek provenance in regard to the proverb, 'It takes a village to raise a child,' I think it would be misleading to ascribe its origin to a single source.", "selected_sentences": [ "The authenticity of the proverb is debatable as there is no evidence that this precise proverb genuinely originated with any African culture .", "As one poster on the scholarly list H - Net wrote , `` While it is interesting to seek provenance in regard to the proverb , ' It takes a village to raise a child , ' I think it would be misleading to ascribe its origin to a single source ..." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 45676624 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
how did mail order catalogs help in more rural areas of the country
[ { "title": "Mail order", "text": "The establishment of the Uniform Penny Post in 1840 , and the extension of the railway network , helped Pryce - Jones to eventually turn his small rural concern into a company with global renown . In 1861 , Pryce - Jones hit upon a unique method of selling his wares . He distributed catalogues of his wares across the country , allowing people to choose the items they wished and order them via post ; he would then dispatch the goods to the customer via the railways . It was an ideal way of meeting the needs of customers in isolated rural locations who were either too busy or unable to get into Newtown to shop directly . This was the world 's first mail order business , an idea which would change the nature of retail in the coming century . ", "sentences": [ "The establishment of the Uniform Penny Post in 1840 , and the extension of the railway network , helped Pryce - Jones to eventually turn his small rural concern into a company with global renown .", "In 1861 , Pryce - Jones hit upon a unique method of selling his wares .", "He distributed catalogues of his wares across the country , allowing people to choose the items they wished and order them via post ; he would then dispatch the goods to the customer via the railways .", "It was an ideal way of meeting the needs of customers in isolated rural locations who were either too busy or unable to get into Newtown to shop directly .", "This was the world 's first mail order business , an idea which would change the nature of retail in the coming century ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "With the extension of the railway network, it was an ideal way of meeting the needs of customers in isolated rural locations who were either too busy or unable to get into Newtown to shop directly.", "selected_sentences": [ "The establishment of the Uniform Penny Post in 1840 , and the extension of the railway network , helped Pryce - Jones to eventually turn his small rural concern into a company with global renown .", "It was an ideal way of meeting the needs of customers in isolated rural locations who were either too busy or unable to get into Newtown to shop directly ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "The establishment of the Uniform Penny Post in 1840 , and the extension of the railway network , helped Pryce - Jones to turn his small rural concern into a company with global renown. He distributed catalogues of his wares across the country , allowing people to choose the items they wished and order them via post ; he would then dispatch the goods to the customer via the railways. It was an ideal way of meeting the needs of customers in isolated rural locations who were either too busy or unable to get into Newtown to shop directly .", "selected_sentences": [ "The establishment of the Uniform Penny Post in 1840 , and the extension of the railway network , helped Pryce - Jones to eventually turn his small rural concern into a company with global renown .", "He distributed catalogues of his wares across the country , allowing people to choose the items they wished and order them via post ; he would then dispatch the goods to the customer via the railways .", "It was an ideal way of meeting the needs of customers in isolated rural locations who were either too busy or unable to get into Newtown to shop directly ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 45676624 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
how many games are in the major league baseball wildcard series
[ { "title": "Major League Baseball Wild Card Game", "text": "The Major League Baseball Wild Card Game is a play - in game which was added to the Major League Baseball postseason in 2012 . The addition keeps the playoff format similar to the three - tiered postseason format used from 1995 through 2011 , but adds a second wild - card team . Two wild - card teams in each league play each other in a single - game playoff after the end of the regular season . The winner of the game advances to face the 1st seeded team in the Division Series . The home team for the wild - card game is the team with the better regular - season record ( 4th Seed ) . ", "sentences": [ "The Major League Baseball Wild Card Game is a play - in game which was added to the Major League Baseball postseason in 2012 .", "The addition keeps the playoff format similar to the three - tiered postseason format used from 1995 through 2011 , but adds a second wild - card team .", "Two wild - card teams in each league play each other in a single - game playoff after the end of the regular season .", "The winner of the game advances to face the 1st seeded team in the Division Series .", "The home team for the wild - card game is the team with the better regular - season record ( 4th Seed ) ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "In the Major League Baseball Wild Card Game, two wild-card teams in each league play each other in a single game playoff after the end of the regular season. The winner of the game advances to face the 1st seeded team in the Division Series.", "selected_sentences": [ "The Major League Baseball Wild Card Game is a play - in game which was added to the Major League Baseball postseason in 2012 .", "Two wild - card teams in each league play each other in a single - game playoff after the end of the regular season .", "The winner of the game advances to face the 1st seeded team in the Division Series ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where is dead sea located on a map
[ { "title": "Dead Sea", "text": "The Dead Sea ( Hebrew : יָם הַמֶּלַח ‬ Yam ha - Melah lit . Sea of Salt ; Arabic : البحر الميت ‎ Al - Bahr al - Mayyit ) is a salt lake bordered by Jordan to the east and Israel and Palestine to the west . Its surface and shores are 430.5 metres ( 1,412 ft ) below sea level , Earth 's lowest elevation on land . The Dead Sea is 304 m ( 997 ft ) deep , the deepest hypersaline lake in the world . With a salinity of 342 g / kg , or 34.2 % , ( in 2011 ) , it is 9.6 times as salty as the ocean and one of the world 's saltiest bodies of water . This salinity makes for a harsh environment in which plants and animals can not flourish , hence its name . The Dead Sea is 50 kilometres ( 31 mi ) long and 15 kilometres ( 9 mi ) wide at its widest point . It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley , and its main tributary is the Jordan River . ", "sentences": [ "The Dead Sea ( Hebrew : יָם הַמֶּלַח ‬ Yam ha - Melah lit .", "Sea of Salt ; Arabic : البحر الميت ‎", "Al - Bahr al - Mayyit ) is a salt lake bordered by Jordan to the east and Israel and Palestine to the west .", "Its surface and shores are 430.5 metres ( 1,412 ft ) below sea level , Earth 's lowest elevation on land .", "The Dead Sea is 304 m ( 997 ft ) deep , the deepest hypersaline lake in the world .", "With a salinity of 342 g / kg , or 34.2 % , ( in 2011 ) , it is 9.6 times as salty as the ocean and one of the world 's saltiest bodies of water .", "This salinity makes for a harsh environment in which plants and animals can not flourish , hence its name .", "The Dead Sea is 50 kilometres ( 31 mi ) long and 15 kilometres ( 9 mi ) wide at its widest point .", "It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley , and its main tributary is the Jordan River ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The Dead Sea is a salt lake bordered by Jordan to the east and Israel and Palestine to the west.\r\n It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley.", "selected_sentences": [ "Al - Bahr al - Mayyit ) is a salt lake bordered by Jordan to the east and Israel and Palestine to the west .", "It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley , and its main tributary is the Jordan River ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545976, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where did the name border collie come from
[ { "title": "Border Collie", "text": "The Border Collie is descended from landrace collies , a type found widely in the British Isles . The name for the breed came from its probable place of origin along the Anglo - Scottish border . Mention of the `` Collie '' or `` Colley '' type first appeared toward the end of the 19th century , although the word `` collie '' is older than this and has its origin in the Scots language . It is also thought that the word ' collie ' comes from the old Celtic word for useful . Many of the best Border Collies today can be traced back to a dog known as Old Hemp . ", "sentences": [ "The Border Collie is descended from landrace collies , a type found widely in the British Isles .", "The name for the breed came from its probable place of origin along the Anglo - Scottish border .", "Mention of the `` Collie '' or `` Colley '' type first appeared toward the end of the 19th century , although the word `` collie '' is older than this and has its origin in the Scots language .", "It is also thought that the word ' collie ' comes from the old Celtic word for useful .", "Many of the best Border Collies today can be traced back to a dog known as Old Hemp ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The name for the breed, Border Collie, came from its probable place of origin along the Anglo - Scottish border. It is also thought that the word 'collie' comes from the old Celtic word for useful.", "selected_sentences": [ "The name for the breed came from its probable place of origin along the Anglo - Scottish border .", "It is also thought that the word ' collie ' comes from the old Celtic word for useful ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
was the emancipation proclamation before or after the civil war
[ { "title": "Emancipation Proclamation", "text": "The Emancipation Proclamation , or Proclamation 95 , was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1 , 1863 . It changed the federal legal status of more than 3 million enslaved people in the designated areas of the South from slave to free . As soon as a slave escaped the control of the Confederate government , by running away or through advances of federal troops , the slave became legally free . Ultimately , the rebel surrender liberated and resulted in the proclamation 's application to all of the designated slaves . It did not cover slaves in Union areas that were freed by state action ( or by the 13th amendment in December 1865 ) . It was issued as a war measure during the American Civil War , directed to all of the areas in rebellion and all segments of the executive branch ( including the Army and Navy ) of the United States . ", "sentences": [ "The Emancipation Proclamation , or Proclamation 95 , was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1 , 1863 .", "It changed the federal legal status of more than 3 million enslaved people in the designated areas of the South from slave to free .", "As soon as a slave escaped the control of the Confederate government , by running away or through advances of federal troops , the slave became legally free .", "Ultimately , the rebel surrender liberated and resulted in the proclamation 's application to all of the designated slaves .", "It did not cover slaves in Union areas that were freed by state action ( or by the 13th amendment in December 1865 ) .", "It was issued as a war measure during the American Civil War , directed to all of the areas in rebellion and all segments of the executive branch ( including the Army and Navy ) of the United States ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The Emancipation Proclamation , or Proclamation 95 was issued on January 1 , 1863, and it was issued as a war measure during the American Civil War.", "selected_sentences": [ "The Emancipation Proclamation , or Proclamation 95 , was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1 , 1863 .", "It was issued as a war measure during the American Civil War , directed to all of the areas in rebellion and all segments of the executive branch ( including the Army and Navy ) of the United States ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where was the movie the ghost writer filmed
[ { "title": "The Ghost Writer (film)", "text": "The film finally began production in February 2009 in Germany , at the Babelsberg Studios in Potsdam . Germany stood in for London and Martha 's Vineyard due to Polanski 's inability to legally travel to those places , as Polanski had fled the US in 1978 after pleading guilty to unlawful sex with a 13 - year - old girl . The majority of exteriors , set on Martha 's Vineyard , were shot on the island of Sylt in the North Sea , and on the ferry MS SyltExpress . The exterior set of the house where much of the film takes place , however , was built on the island of Usedom , in the Baltic Sea . Exteriors and interiors set at a publishing house in London were shot at Charlottenstrasse 47 in downtown Berlin ( Mitte ) , while Strausberg Airport near Berlin stood in for the Vineyard airport . A few brief exterior shots for driving scenes were shot by a second unit in Massachusetts , without Polanski or the actors . ", "sentences": [ "The film finally began production in February 2009 in Germany , at the Babelsberg Studios in Potsdam .", "Germany stood in for London and Martha 's Vineyard due to Polanski 's inability to legally travel to those places , as Polanski had fled the US in 1978 after pleading guilty to unlawful sex with a 13 - year - old girl .", "The majority of exteriors , set on Martha 's Vineyard , were shot on the island of Sylt in the North Sea , and on the ferry MS SyltExpress .", "The exterior set of the house where much of the film takes place , however , was built on the island of Usedom , in the Baltic Sea .", "Exteriors and interiors set at a publishing house in London were shot at Charlottenstrasse 47 in downtown Berlin ( Mitte ) , while Strausberg Airport near Berlin stood in for the Vineyard airport .", "A few brief exterior shots for driving scenes were shot by a second unit in Massachusetts , without Polanski or the actors ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The film finally began production in February 2009 in Germany, at the Babelsberg Studios in Potsdam. The majority of exteriors were shot on the island of Sylt in the North Sea, and on the ferry MS SyltExpress. The exterior set of the house was built on the island of Usedom, in the Baltic Sea. Exteriors and interiors set at a publishing house in London were shot at Charlottenstrasse 47 in downtown Berlin (Mitte), while Strausberg Airport near Berlin stood in for the Vineyard airport. A few brief exterior shots for driving scenes were shot by a second unit in Massachusetts, without Polanski or the actors.", "selected_sentences": [ "The film finally began production in February 2009 in Germany , at the Babelsberg Studios in Potsdam .", "The majority of exteriors , set on Martha 's Vineyard , were shot on the island of Sylt in the North Sea , and on the ferry MS SyltExpress .", "The exterior set of the house where much of the film takes place , however , was built on the island of Usedom , in the Baltic Sea .", "Exteriors and interiors set at a publishing house in London were shot at Charlottenstrasse 47 in downtown Berlin ( Mitte ) , while Strausberg Airport near Berlin stood in for the Vineyard airport .", "A few brief exterior shots for driving scenes were shot by a second unit in Massachusetts , without Polanski or the actors ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
why norway is called as land of midnight sun
[ { "title": "Midnight sun", "text": "Because there are no permanent human settlements south of the Antarctic Circle , apart from research stations , the countries and territories whose populations experience the midnight sun are limited to those crossed by the Arctic Circle : the Canadian Yukon , Nunavut , and Northwest Territories , and the nations of Iceland , Finland , Norway , Sweden , Denmark ( Greenland ) , Russia , and the State of Alaska in the United States . A quarter of Finland 's territory lies north of the Arctic Circle , and at the country 's northernmost point the sun does not set at all for 60 days during summer . In Svalbard , Norway , the northernmost inhabited region of Europe , there is no sunset from approximately 19 April to 23 August . The extreme sites are the poles , where the sun can be continuously visible for half the year . The North Pole has midnight sun for 6 months from late March to late September . ", "sentences": [ "Because there are no permanent human settlements south of the Antarctic Circle , apart from research stations , the countries and territories whose populations experience the midnight sun are limited to those crossed by the Arctic Circle : the Canadian Yukon , Nunavut , and Northwest Territories , and the nations of Iceland , Finland , Norway , Sweden , Denmark ( Greenland ) , Russia , and the State of Alaska in the United States .", "A quarter of Finland 's territory lies north of the Arctic Circle , and at the country 's northernmost point the sun does not set at all for 60 days during summer .", "In Svalbard , Norway , the northernmost inhabited region of Europe , there is no sunset from approximately 19 April to 23 August .", "The extreme sites are the poles , where the sun can be continuously visible for half the year .", "The North Pole has midnight sun for 6 months from late March to late September ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The countries and territories whose populations experience the midnight sun are limited to those crossed by the Arctic Circle. In Svalbard, Norway, the northernmost inhabited region of Europe, there is no sunset from approximately 19 April to 23 August.", "selected_sentences": [ "Because there are no permanent human settlements south of the Antarctic Circle , apart from research stations , the countries and territories whose populations experience the midnight sun are limited to those crossed by the Arctic Circle : the Canadian Yukon , Nunavut , and Northwest Territories , and the nations of Iceland , Finland , Norway , Sweden , Denmark ( Greenland ) , Russia , and the State of Alaska in the United States .", "In Svalbard , Norway , the northernmost inhabited region of Europe , there is no sunset from approximately 19 April to 23 August ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
when do you find out how kakashi got his sharingan
[ { "title": "Kakashi Hatake", "text": "Kakashi 's background is explored in Kakashi Gaiden , a six chapter series that divides the gap between Part I and II of the manga . Following his father 's suicide , Sakumo Hatake aka the White Fang , Kakashi adopted the philosophy that the success of a mission must always come first rather than comrades in contrast to his father . Kakashi is assigned by his teacher , Minato Namikaze , to lead a mission that would turn the current war in Konoha 's favor . When his teammate , Rin Nohara , is captured by enemy ninja , his other teammate , Obito Uchiha , convinces him to rescue her despite the mission 's ending . After finding Rin , an enemy - induced cave - in crushed Obito 's right half . With his dying wish and the possibility of enemy reinforcements , Obito has Rin implant his newly acquired Sharingan into Kakashi 's recently damaged eye socket as a parting gift . His new eye in place , Kakashi flees with Rin as the cave collapsed , eventually completing their mission . Shortly after this event , Kakashi has to rescue Rin again who is kidnapped by Kirigakure ; however , he learns that the Kiri , under the influence of Madara Uchiha , has made Rin as the host of the Three Tails , Isobu . Rin requests Kakashi to kill her so she may not be used by the Hidden Mist ninja as part of a Trojan Horse scheme against Konoha , but Kakashi is reluctant . She eventually forces herself on the way of Kakashi 's Lightning Blade that he originally directed at the pursuing Hidden Mist ninja , killing her . An anime exclusive flashback arc in Naruto Shippuden covered Kakashi coping with what he endured during the war as he becomes an ANBU operative during Minato 's time as Hokage and influences Yamato into becoming a member of the ANBU as well . Once relieved of duty in the ANBU , Kakashi becomes a Genin instructor prior to the events of Part I . Kakashi ", "sentences": [ "Kakashi 's background is explored in Kakashi Gaiden , a six chapter series that divides the gap between Part I and II of the manga .", "Following his father 's suicide , Sakumo Hatake aka the White Fang , Kakashi adopted the philosophy that the success of a mission must always come first rather than comrades in contrast to his father .", "Kakashi is assigned by his teacher , Minato Namikaze , to lead a mission that would turn the current war in Konoha 's favor .", "When his teammate , Rin Nohara , is captured by enemy ninja , his other teammate , Obito Uchiha , convinces him to rescue her despite the mission 's ending .", "After finding Rin , an enemy - induced cave - in crushed Obito 's right half .", "With his dying wish and the possibility of enemy reinforcements , Obito has Rin implant his newly acquired Sharingan into Kakashi 's recently damaged eye socket as a parting gift .", "His new eye in place , Kakashi flees with Rin as the cave collapsed , eventually completing their mission .", "Shortly after this event , Kakashi has to rescue Rin again who is kidnapped by Kirigakure ; however , he learns that the Kiri , under the influence of Madara Uchiha , has made Rin as the host of the Three Tails , Isobu .", "Rin requests Kakashi to kill her", "so she may not be used by the Hidden Mist ninja as part of a Trojan Horse scheme against Konoha , but Kakashi is reluctant .", "She eventually forces herself on the way of Kakashi 's Lightning Blade that he originally directed at the pursuing Hidden Mist ninja , killing her .", "An anime exclusive flashback arc in Naruto Shippuden covered Kakashi coping with what he endured during the war as he becomes an ANBU operative during Minato 's time as Hokage and influences Yamato into becoming a member of the ANBU as well .", "Once relieved of duty in the ANBU , Kakashi becomes a Genin instructor prior to the events of Part I .", "Kakashi" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Kakashi 's background is explored in Kakashi Gaiden , a six chapter series that divides the gap between Part I and II of the manga . With his dying wish and the possibility of enemy reinforcements , Obito has Rin implant his newly acquired Sharingan into Kakashi 's recently damaged eye socket as a parting gift .", "selected_sentences": [ "Kakashi 's background is explored in Kakashi Gaiden , a six chapter series that divides the gap between Part I and II of the manga .", "With his dying wish and the possibility of enemy reinforcements , Obito has Rin implant his newly acquired Sharingan into Kakashi 's recently damaged eye socket as a parting gift ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
taarak mehta ka ooltah chasma new sonu real name
[ { "title": "List of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah characters", "text": "Mostly known as Sonu . The role is essayed by Nidhi Bhanushali ( 2012 -- present ) / Jheel Mehta ( 2008 - 2012 ) . She is the daughter of Bhide and Madhavi . Sonalika is also an active member of Tapusena and is in the same college as that of Tapu , Goli and Pinku . She is a bright student , who has always scored good percentile and secured first position in the class . Sonu is also very smart and judicious among whole Tapusena . She has often shown her culinary skills by making delicous chocolates . ", "sentences": [ "Mostly known as Sonu .", "The role is essayed by Nidhi Bhanushali ( 2012 -- present ) /", "Jheel Mehta ( 2008 - 2012 ) .", "She is the daughter of Bhide and Madhavi .", "Sonalika is also an active member of Tapusena and is in the same college as that of Tapu , Goli and Pinku .", "She is a bright student , who has always scored good percentile and secured first position in the class .", "Sonu is also very smart and judicious among whole Tapusena .", "She has often shown her culinary skills by making delicous chocolates ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Mostly known as Sonu, Sonalika is the daughter of Bhide and Madhavi.", "selected_sentences": [ "Mostly known as Sonu .", "She is the daughter of Bhide and Madhavi .", "Sonalika is also an active member of Tapusena and is in the same college as that of Tapu , Goli and Pinku ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where did the grateful dead name come from
[ { "title": "Grateful Dead", "text": "The name `` Grateful Dead '' was chosen from a dictionary . According to Phil Lesh , in his autobiography ( pp. 62 ) , `` ... ( Jerry Garcia ) picked up an old Britannica World Language Dictionary ... ( and ) ... In that silvery elf - voice he said to me , ' Hey , man , how about the Grateful Dead ? ' '' The definition there was `` the soul of a dead person , or his angel , showing gratitude to someone who , as an act of charity , arranged their burial . '' According to Alan Trist , director of the Grateful Dead 's music publisher company Ice Nine , Garcia found the name in the Funk & Wagnalls Folklore Dictionary , when his finger landed on that phrase while playing a game of Fictionary . In the Garcia biography , Captain Trips , author Sandy Troy states that the band was smoking the psychedelic DMT at the time . The term `` grateful dead '' appears in folktales of a variety of cultures . In mid-1969 , Phil Lesh told another version of the story to Carol Maw , a young Texan visiting with the band in Marin County who also ended up going on the road with them to the Fillmore East and Woodstock . In this version , Phil said , `` Jerry found the name spontaneously when he picked up a dictionary and the pages fell open . The words ' grateful ' and ' dead ' appeared straight opposite each other across the crack between the pages in unrelated text . '' ", "sentences": [ "The name `` Grateful Dead '' was chosen from a dictionary .", "According to Phil Lesh , in his autobiography ( pp. 62 ) , `` ... ( Jerry Garcia ) picked up an old Britannica World Language Dictionary ... ( and ) ...", "In that silvery elf - voice he said to me , ' Hey , man , how about the Grateful Dead ? ' ''", "The definition there was `` the soul of a dead person , or his angel , showing gratitude to someone who , as an act of charity , arranged their burial . ''", "According to Alan Trist , director of the Grateful Dead 's music publisher company Ice Nine , Garcia found the name in the Funk & Wagnalls Folklore Dictionary , when his finger landed on that phrase while playing a game of Fictionary .", "In the Garcia biography , Captain Trips , author Sandy Troy states that the band was smoking the psychedelic DMT at the time .", "The term `` grateful dead '' appears in folktales of a variety of cultures .", "In mid-1969 , Phil Lesh told another version of the story to Carol Maw , a young Texan visiting with the band in Marin County who also ended up going on the road with them to the Fillmore East and Woodstock .", "In this version , Phil said , `` Jerry found the name spontaneously when he picked up a dictionary and the pages fell open .", "The words ' grateful ' and ' dead ' appeared straight opposite each other across the crack between the pages in unrelated text . ''" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "According to Phil Lesh, in his autobiography, \"... (Jerry Garcia) picked up the name ``Grateful Dead'' from an old Britannica World Language Dictionary.\" According to Alan Trist, director of the Grateful Dead 's music publisher company Ice Nine, Garcia found the name in the Funk & Wagnalls Folklore Dictionary, when his finger landed on that phrase while playing a game of Fictionary.", "selected_sentences": [ "The name `` Grateful Dead '' was chosen from a dictionary .", "According to Phil Lesh , in his autobiography ( pp. 62 ) , `` ... ( Jerry Garcia ) picked up an old Britannica World Language Dictionary ... ( and ) ...", "According to Alan Trist , director of the Grateful Dead 's music publisher company Ice Nine , Garcia found the name in the Funk & Wagnalls Folklore Dictionary , when his finger landed on that phrase while playing a game of Fictionary ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
who sang my give a damn's busted
[ { "title": "My Give a Damn's Busted", "text": "`` My Give a Damn 's Busted '' is a song written by American country music artist Joe Diffie along with Tom Shapiro and Tony Martin . Diffie originally recorded the song on his 2001 album In Another World . The song was later recorded by Jo Dee Messina on her album Delicious Surprise . Released on January 3 , 2005 , Messina 's version spent two weeks at the top of the Billboard Hot Country Songs charts that year , and her first chart single since `` I Wish '' in late 2003 -- early 2004 . Canadian country music singer Michelle Wright included her version of the song on her 2006 album Everything and More . ", "sentences": [ "`` My Give a Damn 's Busted '' is a song written by American country music artist Joe Diffie along with Tom Shapiro and Tony Martin .", "Diffie originally recorded the song on his 2001 album In Another World .", "The song was later recorded by Jo Dee Messina on her album Delicious Surprise .", "Released on January 3 , 2005 , Messina 's version spent two weeks at the top of the Billboard Hot Country Songs charts that year , and her first chart single since `` I Wish '' in late 2003 -- early 2004 .", "Canadian country music singer Michelle Wright included her version of the song on her 2006 album Everything and More ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "``My Give a Damn 's Busted'' is a song written by American country music artist Joe Diffie along with Tom Shapiro and Tony Martin. Diffie originally recorded the song and Jo Dee Messina and Michelle Wright recorded it later.", "selected_sentences": [ "`` My Give a Damn 's Busted '' is a song written by American country music artist Joe Diffie along with Tom Shapiro and Tony Martin .", "Diffie originally recorded the song on his 2001 album In Another World .", "The song was later recorded by Jo Dee Messina on her album Delicious Surprise .", "Canadian country music singer Michelle Wright included her version of the song on her 2006 album Everything and More ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Joe Diffie originally recorded `` My Give a Damn 's Busted '' on his 2001 album. The song was later recorded by Jo Dee Messina and Canadian country music singer Michelle Wright.", "selected_sentences": [ "`` My Give a Damn 's Busted '' is a song written by American country music artist Joe Diffie along with Tom Shapiro and Tony Martin .", "Diffie originally recorded the song on his 2001 album In Another World .", "The song was later recorded by Jo Dee Messina on her album Delicious Surprise .", "Canadian country music singer Michelle Wright included her version of the song on her 2006 album Everything and More ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where did the canadian national anthem come from
[ { "title": "O Canada", "text": "`` O Canada '' ( French : Ô Canada ) is the national anthem of Canada . The song was originally commissioned by Lieutenant Governor of Quebec Théodore Robitaille for the 1880 Saint - Jean - Baptiste Day ceremony ; Calixa Lavallée composed the music , after which , words were written by the poet and judge Sir Adolphe - Basile Routhier . The original lyrics were in French ; an English translation was published in 1906 . Multiple English versions ensued , with Robert Stanley Weir 's version in 1908 gaining the most popularity , eventually serving as the basis for the official lyrics enacted by Parliament . Weir 's lyrics have been revised three times , most recently when An Act to amend the National Anthem Act ( gender ) was enacted in 2018 , . The French lyrics remain unaltered . `` O Canada '' had served as a de facto national anthem since 1939 , officially becoming the country 's national anthem in 1980 when Canada 's National Anthem Act received royal assent and became effective on July 1 as part of that year 's Dominion Day ( now known as Canada Day ) celebrations . ", "sentences": [ "`` O Canada ''", "( French : Ô Canada ) is the national anthem of Canada .", "The song was originally commissioned by Lieutenant Governor of Quebec Théodore Robitaille for the 1880 Saint - Jean - Baptiste Day ceremony ; Calixa Lavallée composed the music , after which , words were written by the poet and judge Sir Adolphe - Basile Routhier .", "The original lyrics were in French ; an English translation was published in 1906 .", "Multiple English versions ensued , with Robert Stanley Weir 's version in 1908 gaining the most popularity , eventually serving as the basis for the official lyrics enacted by Parliament .", "Weir 's lyrics have been revised three times , most recently when An Act to amend the National Anthem Act ( gender ) was enacted in 2018 , .", "The French lyrics remain unaltered .", "`` O Canada '' had served as a de facto national anthem since 1939 , officially becoming the country 's national anthem in 1980 when Canada 's National Anthem Act received royal assent and became effective on July 1 as part of that year 's Dominion Day ( now known as Canada Day ) celebrations ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The song was originally commissioned by Lieutenant Governor of Quebec Théodore Robitaille for the 1880 Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day ceremony; Calixa Lavallée composed the music, after which, words were written by the poet and judge Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier.\r\n `` O Canada '' had served as a de facto national anthem since 1939, officially becoming the country's national anthem in 1980 when Canada's National Anthem Act received royal assent and became effective on July 1 as part of that year's Dominion Day (now known as Canada Day) celebrations.", "selected_sentences": [ "The song was originally commissioned by Lieutenant Governor of Quebec Théodore Robitaille for the 1880 Saint - Jean - Baptiste Day ceremony ; Calixa Lavallée composed the music , after which , words were written by the poet and judge Sir Adolphe - Basile Routhier .", "`` O Canada '' had served as a de facto national anthem since 1939 , officially becoming the country 's national anthem in 1980 when Canada 's National Anthem Act received royal assent and became effective on July 1 as part of that year 's Dominion Day ( now known as Canada Day ) celebrations ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545976, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where do red pandas live in the wild
[ { "title": "Red panda", "text": "The red panda is endemic to the temperate forests of the Himalayas , and ranges from the foothills of western Nepal to China in the east . Its easternmost limit is the Qinling Mountains of the Shaanxi Province in China . Its range includes southern Tibet , Sikkim and Assam in India , Bhutan , the northern mountains of Burma , and in south - western China , in the Hengduan Mountains of Sichuan and the Gongshan Mountains in Yunnan . It may also live in south - west Tibet and northern Arunachal Pradesh , but this has not been documented . Locations with the highest density of red pandas include an area in the Himalayas that has been proposed as having been a refuge for a variety of endemic species in the Pleistocene . The distribution range of the red panda should be considered disjunct , rather than continuous . A disjunct population inhabits the Meghalaya Plateau of north - eastern India . ", "sentences": [ "The red panda is endemic to the temperate forests of the Himalayas , and ranges from the foothills of western Nepal to China in the east .", "Its easternmost limit is the Qinling Mountains of the Shaanxi Province in China .", "Its range includes southern Tibet , Sikkim and Assam in India , Bhutan , the northern mountains of Burma , and in south - western China , in the Hengduan Mountains of Sichuan and the Gongshan Mountains in Yunnan .", "It may also live in south - west Tibet and northern Arunachal Pradesh , but this has not been documented .", "Locations with the highest density of red pandas include an area in the Himalayas that has been proposed as having been a refuge for a variety of endemic species in the Pleistocene .", "The distribution range of the red panda should be considered disjunct , rather than continuous .", "A disjunct population inhabits the Meghalaya Plateau of north - eastern India ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The red panda is endemic to the temperate forests of the Himalayas, and ranges from the foothills of western Nepal to China in the east. Its range includes southern Tibet, Sikkim and Assam in India, Bhutan, the northern mountains of Burma, and in south western China, in the Hengduan Mountains of Sichuan and the Gongshan Mountains in Yunnan.", "selected_sentences": [ "The red panda is endemic to the temperate forests of the Himalayas , and ranges from the foothills of western Nepal to China in the east .", "Its range includes southern Tibet , Sikkim and Assam in India , Bhutan , the northern mountains of Burma , and in south - western China , in the Hengduan Mountains of Sichuan and the Gongshan Mountains in Yunnan ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "The red panda is endemic to the temperate forests of the Himalayas , and ranges from the foothills of western Nepal to easternmost limit is the Qinling Mountains of the Shaanxi Province in China . Its range includes southern Tibet , Sikkim and Assam in India , Bhutan , the northern mountains of Burma , and in south - western China , in the Hengduan Mountains of Sichuan and the Gongshan Mountains in Yunnan . It may also live in south - west Tibet and northern Arunachal Pradesh , but this has not been documented .", "selected_sentences": [ "The red panda is endemic to the temperate forests of the Himalayas , and ranges from the foothills of western Nepal to China in the east .", "Its easternmost limit is the Qinling Mountains of the Shaanxi Province in China .", "Its range includes southern Tibet , Sikkim and Assam in India , Bhutan , the northern mountains of Burma , and in south - western China , in the Hengduan Mountains of Sichuan and the Gongshan Mountains in Yunnan .", "It may also live in south - west Tibet and northern Arunachal Pradesh , but this has not been documented ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
before guis were developed the most common interface was a(n) ____ interface
[ { "title": "Graphical user interface", "text": "Ivan Sutherland developed Sketchpad in 1963 , widely held as the first graphical computer - aided design program . It used a light pen to create and manipulate objects in engineering drawings in realtime with coordinated graphics . In the late 1960s , researchers at the Stanford Research Institute , led by Douglas Engelbart , developed the On - Line System ( NLS ) , which used text - based hyperlinks manipulated with a then new device : the mouse . In the 1970s , Engelbart 's ideas were further refined and extended to graphics by researchers at Xerox PARC and specifically Alan Kay , who went beyond text - based hyperlinks and used a GUI as the main interface for the Xerox Alto computer , released in 1973 . Most modern general - purpose GUIs are derived from this system . The ", "sentences": [ "Ivan Sutherland developed Sketchpad in 1963 , widely held as the first graphical computer - aided design program .", "It used a light pen to create and manipulate objects in engineering drawings in realtime with coordinated graphics .", "In the late 1960s , researchers at the Stanford Research Institute , led by Douglas Engelbart , developed the On - Line System ( NLS ) , which used text - based hyperlinks manipulated with a then new device : the mouse .", "In the 1970s , Engelbart 's ideas were further refined and extended to graphics by researchers at Xerox PARC and specifically Alan Kay , who went beyond text - based hyperlinks and used a GUI as the main interface for the Xerox Alto computer , released in 1973 .", "Most modern general - purpose GUIs are derived from this system .", "The" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Ivan Sutherland developed Sketchpad in 1963 , widely held as the first graphical computer - aided design program . In the late 1960s , researchers at the Stanford Research Institute , led by Douglas Engelbart , developed the On - Line System ( NLS ) , which used text - based hyperlinks manipulated with a then new device : the mouse .", "selected_sentences": [ "Ivan Sutherland developed Sketchpad in 1963 , widely held as the first graphical computer - aided design program .", "In the late 1960s , researchers at the Stanford Research Institute , led by Douglas Engelbart , developed the On - Line System ( NLS ) , which used text - based hyperlinks manipulated with a then new device : the mouse ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
when did gender reveal parties became a thing
[ { "title": "Gender reveal", "text": "The gender reveal party can be seen as an analogue of the baby shower , which also employs the trope of pink ( denoting a female ) or blue ( denoting a male ) to designate gender . However , it is typically held earlier , near the moment , formerly private , when parents learn the baby 's predicted sex . Gender reveal parties also typically are open to men and women , unlike the traditionally all - female baby shower . The rise of the gender reveal party seems `` inextricably tied to social media . '' YouTube searches report that there are `` more than 500,000 videos of expectant couples slicing cakes , setting off smoke bombs and bashing piñatas to expose one of two colors : pink or blue '' . Other methods include the release of balloons from a box . ", "sentences": [ "The gender reveal party can be seen as an analogue of the baby shower , which also employs the trope of pink ( denoting a female ) or blue ( denoting a male ) to designate gender .", "However , it is typically held earlier , near the moment , formerly private , when parents learn the baby 's predicted sex .", "Gender reveal parties also typically are open to men and women , unlike the traditionally all - female baby shower .", "The rise of the gender reveal party seems `` inextricably tied to social media . ''", "YouTube searches report that there are `` more than 500,000 videos of expectant couples slicing cakes , setting off smoke bombs and bashing piñatas to expose one of two colors : pink or blue '' .", "Other methods include the release of balloons from a box ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "It is typically held near the moment when parents learn the baby's predicted sex. The rise of the gender reveal party seems ``inextricably tied to social media.''", "selected_sentences": [ "However , it is typically held earlier , near the moment , formerly private , when parents learn the baby 's predicted sex .", "The rise of the gender reveal party seems `` inextricably tied to social media . ''" ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what is dutch elm disease and how does it spread
[ { "title": "Dutch elm disease", "text": "Dutch elm disease ( DED ) is caused by a member of the sac fungi ( Ascomycota ) affecting elm trees , and is spread by elm bark beetles . Although believed to be originally native to Asia , the disease was accidentally introduced into America and Europe , where it has devastated native populations of elms that did not have resistance to the disease . It has also reached New Zealand . The name `` Dutch elm disease '' refers to its identification in 1921 and later in the Netherlands by Dutch phytopathologists Bea Schwarz and Christine Buisman who both worked with Professor Johanna Westerdijk . The disease affects species in the genera Ulmus and Zelkova , therefore it is not specific to the Dutch elm hybrid . ", "sentences": [ "Dutch elm disease ( DED ) is caused by a member of the sac fungi ( Ascomycota ) affecting elm trees , and is spread by elm bark beetles .", "Although believed to be originally native to Asia , the disease was accidentally introduced into America and Europe , where it has devastated native populations of elms that did not have resistance to the disease .", "It has also reached New Zealand .", "The name `` Dutch elm disease '' refers to its identification in 1921 and later in the Netherlands by Dutch phytopathologists Bea Schwarz and Christine Buisman who both worked with Professor Johanna Westerdijk .", "The disease affects species in the genera Ulmus and Zelkova , therefore it is not specific to the Dutch elm hybrid ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Dutch elm disease (DED) is caused by a member of the sac fungi (Ascomycota) affecting species in the genera Ulmus and Zelkova, therefore it is not specific to the Dutch elm hybrid, and is spread by elm bark beetles.", "selected_sentences": [ "Dutch elm disease ( DED ) is caused by a member of the sac fungi ( Ascomycota ) affecting elm trees , and is spread by elm bark beetles .", "The disease affects species in the genera Ulmus and Zelkova , therefore it is not specific to the Dutch elm hybrid ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where does hello darkness my old friend come from
[ { "title": "The Sound of Silence", "text": "The song 's origin and basis remain unclear , with multiple answers coming forward over the years . Many believe that the song commented on the John F. Kennedy assassination , as the song was released three months after the assassination . Simon stated unambiguously in interviews however , `` I wrote The Sound of Silence when I was 21 years old '' , which places the timeframe firmly prior to the JFK tragedy , with Simon also explaining that the song was written in his bathroom , where he turned off the lights to better concentrate . `` The main thing about playing the guitar , though , was that I was able to sit by myself and play and dream . And I was always happy doing that . I used to go off in the bathroom , because the bathroom had tiles , so it was a slight echo chamber . I 'd turn on the faucet so that water would run ( I like that sound , it 's very soothing to me ) and I 'd play . In the dark . ' Hello darkness , my old friend / I 've come to talk with you again ' . '' In a more recent interview , Simon was directly asked , `` How is a 21 year old person thinkin ' about the words in that song ? '' His reply was , `` I have no idea . '' According to Garfunkel , the song was first developed in November , but Simon took three months to perfect the lyrics , which he claims were entirely written on February 19 , 1964 . Garfunkel once summed up the song 's meaning as `` the inability of people to communicate with each other , not particularly internationally but especially emotionally , so what you see around you are people unable to love each other . '' ", "sentences": [ "The song 's origin and basis remain unclear , with multiple answers coming forward over the years .", "Many believe that the song commented on the John F. Kennedy assassination , as the song was released three months after the assassination .", "Simon stated unambiguously in interviews however , `` I wrote The Sound of Silence when I was 21 years old '' , which places the timeframe firmly prior to the JFK tragedy , with Simon also explaining that the song was written in his bathroom , where he turned off the lights to better concentrate .", "`` The main thing about playing the guitar , though , was that I was able to sit by myself and play and dream .", "And I was always happy doing that .", "I used to go off in the bathroom , because the bathroom had tiles , so it was a slight echo chamber .", "I 'd turn on the faucet so that water would run ( I like that sound , it 's very soothing to me ) and I 'd play .", "In the dark . '", "Hello darkness , my old friend /", "I 've come to talk with you again ' . ''", "In a more recent interview , Simon was directly asked , `` How is a 21 year old person thinkin ' about the words in that song ? ''", "His reply was , `` I have no idea . ''", "According to Garfunkel , the song was first developed in November , but Simon took three months to perfect the lyrics , which he claims were entirely written on February 19 , 1964 .", "Garfunkel once summed up the song 's meaning as `` the inability of people to communicate with each other , not particularly internationally but especially emotionally , so what you see around you are people unable to love each other . ''" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Simon stated unambiguously in interviews, \"I 'd turn on the faucet so that water would run ( I like that sound , it 's very soothing to me ) and I 'd play . In the dark . ' Hello darkness , my old friend.\"", "selected_sentences": [ "Simon stated unambiguously in interviews however , `` I wrote The Sound of Silence when I was 21 years old '' , which places the timeframe firmly prior to the JFK tragedy , with Simon also explaining that the song was written in his bathroom , where he turned off the lights to better concentrate .", "I 'd turn on the faucet so that water would run ( I like that sound , it 's very soothing to me ) and I 'd play .", "In the dark . '", "Hello darkness , my old friend /" ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "I used to go off in the bathroom , because the bathroom had tiles , so it was a slight echo chamber . Simon stated unambiguously in interviews, \"I 'd turn on the faucet so that water would run ( I like that sound , it 's very soothing to me ) and I 'd play . In the dark . ' Hello darkness , my old friend.\"", "selected_sentences": [ "I used to go off in the bathroom , because the bathroom had tiles , so it was a slight echo chamber .", "I 'd turn on the faucet so that water would run ( I like that sound , it 's very soothing to me ) and I 'd play .", "In the dark . '", "Hello darkness , my old friend /" ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what is the meaning of the song almost home by craig morgan
[ { "title": "Almost Home (Craig Morgan song)", "text": "According to songwriter Kerry Kurt Phillips , the homeless man 's explanation that he is `` almost home '' is intentionally open - ended , and can mean that the man had almost reached home in his dream , or that he is about to die and go to Heaven : `` A lot of people ask me if the guy almost died ( ... ) was he dying or dreaming ? It 's funny how people have different interpretations . That 's the neat thing about a song , and I think understatement is the key to a good song ... leaving enough room for the listener to draw their own conclusion ( ... ) so I never answer them on that . I guess it 's up to the listener . '' ", "sentences": [ "According to songwriter Kerry Kurt Phillips , the homeless man 's explanation that he is `` almost home '' is intentionally open - ended , and can mean that the man had almost reached home in his dream , or that he is about to die and go to Heaven : `` A lot of people ask me if the guy almost died ( ... ) was he dying or dreaming ?", "It 's funny how people have different interpretations .", "That 's the neat thing about a song , and I think understatement is the key to a good song ... leaving enough room for the listener to draw their own conclusion ( ... )", "so I never answer them on that .", "I guess it 's up to the listener . ''" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "According to songwriter Kerry Kurt Phillips, the homeless man's explanation that he is ``almost home'' is intentionally open ended, and can mean that the man had almost reached home in his dream, or that he is about to die and go to Heaven. I guess it's up to the listener.", "selected_sentences": [ "According to songwriter Kerry Kurt Phillips , the homeless man 's explanation that he is `` almost home '' is intentionally open - ended , and can mean that the man had almost reached home in his dream , or that he is about to die and go to Heaven : `` A lot of people ask me if the guy almost died ( ... ) was he dying or dreaming ?", "I guess it 's up to the listener . ''" ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
who did demi lovato write stone cold about
[ { "title": "Stone Cold (Demi Lovato song)", "text": "The song 's lyrics portray the pain of watching an ex move on after a break - up and trying to be happy for them once they find happiness with someone else . A writer from Billboard compared the song to Lovato 's own `` Skyscraper '' ( 2011 ) , and to Adele . During an interview with Ryan Seacrest , Lovato stated , `` This song is your heartbreak song . I wanted to have a song that people can listen to when they 're going through it , or they 're thinking about a time they were heartbroken . '' She also added that `` Stone Cold '' `` is the type of song that I wanted people to feel in their hearts and ripped their guts out . '' ", "sentences": [ "The song 's lyrics portray the pain of watching an ex move on after a break - up and trying to be happy for them once they find happiness with someone else .", "A writer from Billboard compared the song to Lovato 's own `` Skyscraper '' ( 2011 ) , and to Adele .", "During an interview with Ryan Seacrest , Lovato stated , `` This song is your heartbreak song .", "I wanted to have a song that people can listen to when they 're going through it , or they 're thinking about a time they were heartbroken . ''", "She also added that `` Stone Cold '' `` is the type of song that I wanted people to feel in their hearts and ripped their guts out . ''" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The song's lyrics portray the pain of watching an ex move on after a break-up and trying to be happy for them once they find happiness with someone else. Lovato stated, ``This song is your heartbreak song. 'Stone Cold' is the type of song that I wanted people to feel in their hearts and ripped their guts out.''", "selected_sentences": [ "The song 's lyrics portray the pain of watching an ex move on after a break - up and trying to be happy for them once they find happiness with someone else .", "During an interview with Ryan Seacrest , Lovato stated , `` This song is your heartbreak song .", "She also added that `` Stone Cold '' `` is the type of song that I wanted people to feel in their hearts and ripped their guts out . ''" ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
speed of a wave in terms of k and w
[ { "title": "Phase velocity", "text": "Thus the propagation velocity v is v = x / t = ω / k . The wave propagates faster when higher frequency oscillations are distributed less densely in space . Formally , Φ = kx − ωt is the phase . Since ω = − dΦ / dt and k = + dΦ / dx , the wave velocity is v = dx / dt = ω / k . ", "sentences": [ "Thus the propagation velocity v is v = x / t = ω / k .", "The wave propagates faster when higher frequency oscillations are distributed less densely in space .", "Formally , Φ = kx − ωt is the phase .", "Since ω = − dΦ / dt and k", "=", "+ dΦ / dx , the wave velocity is v = dx / dt = ω / k ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The wave propagates faster when higher frequency oscillations are distributed less densely in space. Formally, Φ = kx − ωt is the phase. The wave velocity is v = dx / dt = ω / k.", "selected_sentences": [ "The wave propagates faster when higher frequency oscillations are distributed less densely in space .", "Formally , Φ = kx − ωt is the phase .", "+ dΦ / dx , the wave velocity is v = dx / dt = ω / k ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where did lord and taylor get its name
[ { "title": "Lord & Taylor", "text": "English - born Samuel Lord started a dry goods business in New York in 1824 , and opened the original store that would become Lord & Taylor in 1826 , on Catherine Street . The shop stocked hosiery , misses ' wear , and cashmere shawls . His cousin , George Washington Taylor , joined in 1834 , and the store was named Lord & Taylor . Sames S. Taylor , Lord 's brother - in - law , replaced George Taylor in 1845 and the store moved to Grand and Chrystie Streets in 1854 . Lord ", "sentences": [ "English - born Samuel Lord started a dry goods business in New York in 1824 , and opened the original store that would become Lord & Taylor in 1826 , on Catherine Street .", "The shop stocked hosiery , misses ' wear , and cashmere shawls .", "His cousin , George Washington Taylor , joined in 1834 , and the store was named Lord & Taylor .", "Sames S. Taylor , Lord 's brother - in - law , replaced George Taylor in 1845 and the store moved to Grand and Chrystie Streets in 1854 .", "Lord" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "English - born Samuel Lord started a dry goods business in New York in 1824, and opened the original store that would become Lord & Taylor in 1826, on Catherine Street. His cousin, George Washington Taylor, joined in 1834, and the store was named Lord & Taylor.", "selected_sentences": [ "English - born Samuel Lord started a dry goods business in New York in 1824 , and opened the original store that would become Lord & Taylor in 1826 , on Catherine Street .", "His cousin , George Washington Taylor , joined in 1834 , and the store was named Lord & Taylor ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what happens at the end of the change up
[ { "title": "The Change-Up", "text": "In the epilogue , Dave is awoken by his babies crying that night , thrilled to realize that he has finally returned in his original body . Dave continually kisses Jamie and happily goes to change the babies . At his home , Mitch awakens to enthusiastically admire himself and happily get breakfast with Sabrina , not realizing that the tattoo Dave got is a picture of his face on Mitch 's back with the caption `` I ♥ Dave '' . Mitch goes and speaks at his father 's wedding and later attends Dave 's anniversary a month later . In the post-credits scene , Dave and Jamie get high then go to the aquarium Dave went to earlier , while Mitch and Sabrina have sex for the first time and Mitch sends Dave the porno film he starred in . ", "sentences": [ "In the epilogue , Dave is awoken by his babies crying that night , thrilled to realize that he has finally returned in his original body .", "Dave continually kisses Jamie and happily goes to change the babies .", "At his home , Mitch awakens to enthusiastically admire himself and happily get breakfast with Sabrina , not realizing that the tattoo Dave got is a picture of his face on Mitch 's back with the caption `` I ♥ Dave '' .", "Mitch goes and speaks at his father 's wedding and later attends Dave 's anniversary a month later .", "In the post-credits scene , Dave and Jamie get high then go to the aquarium Dave went to earlier , while Mitch and Sabrina have sex for the first time and Mitch sends Dave the porno film he starred in ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "In the epilogue, Dave is awoken by his babies crying that night, thrilled to realize that he has finally returned in his original body. At his home, Mitch awakens to enthusiastically admire himself and happily get breakfast with Sabrina.", "selected_sentences": [ "In the epilogue , Dave is awoken by his babies crying that night , thrilled to realize that he has finally returned in his original body .", "At his home , Mitch awakens to enthusiastically admire himself and happily get breakfast with Sabrina , not realizing that the tattoo Dave got is a picture of his face on Mitch 's back with the caption `` I ♥ Dave '' ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "In the epilogue, Dave is awoken by his babies crying that night, thrilled to realize that he has finally returned in his original body. Dave continually kisses Jamie and happily goes to change the babies . At his home, Mitch awakens to enthusiastically admire himself and happily get breakfast with Sabrina. Mitch goes and speaks at his father 's wedding and later attends Dave 's anniversary a month later .", "selected_sentences": [ "In the epilogue , Dave is awoken by his babies crying that night , thrilled to realize that he has finally returned in his original body .", "Dave continually kisses Jamie and happily goes to change the babies .", "At his home , Mitch awakens to enthusiastically admire himself and happily get breakfast with Sabrina , not realizing that the tattoo Dave got is a picture of his face on Mitch 's back with the caption `` I ♥ Dave '' .", "Mitch goes and speaks at his father 's wedding and later attends Dave 's anniversary a month later ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where is the water stored in a camel
[ { "title": "Camel", "text": "Camels do not directly store water in their humps as was once commonly believed . The humps are actually reservoirs of fatty tissue : concentrating body fat in their humps minimizes the insulating effect fat would have if distributed over the rest of their bodies , helping camels survive in hot climates . In hot and dry environments , within 8 to 10 days only the dromedary camels might consume water which during this period the third of their body 's weight may be reduced due to the dehydration ( Breulmann , et al. , 2007 ) . When this tissue is metabolized , it yields more than one gram of water for every gram of fat processed . This fat metabolization , while releasing energy , causes water to evaporate from the lungs during respiration ( as oxygen is required for the metabolic process ) : overall , there is a net decrease in water . A ", "sentences": [ "Camels do not directly store water in their humps as was once commonly believed .", "The humps are actually reservoirs of fatty tissue : concentrating body fat in their humps minimizes the insulating effect fat would have if distributed over the rest of their bodies , helping camels survive in hot climates .", "In hot and dry environments , within 8 to 10 days only the dromedary camels might consume water which during this period the third of their body 's weight may be reduced due to the dehydration ( Breulmann , et al. , 2007 ) .", "When this tissue is metabolized , it yields more than one gram of water for every gram of fat processed .", "This fat metabolization , while releasing energy , causes water to evaporate from the lungs during respiration ( as oxygen is required for the metabolic process ) : overall , there is a net decrease in water .", "A" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Camels do not directly store water in their humps. The humps are actually reservoirs of fatty tissue: when this tissue is metabolized, it yields more than one gram of water for every gram of fat processed.", "selected_sentences": [ "Camels do not directly store water in their humps as was once commonly believed .", "The humps are actually reservoirs of fatty tissue : concentrating body fat in their humps minimizes the insulating effect fat would have if distributed over the rest of their bodies , helping camels survive in hot climates .", "When this tissue is metabolized , it yields more than one gram of water for every gram of fat processed ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what is meant by lagging and leading current in ac circuit
[ { "title": "Leading and lagging current", "text": "Leading and lagging current are phenomena that occur as a result of alternating current . In a circuit with alternating current , the value of voltage and current vary sinusoidally . In these types of circuits , the terms lead , lag , or in phase are used to describe current with reference to voltage . Current is in phase with voltage when there is no phase shift between the sinusoids describing their time varying behavior . This generally occurs when the load drawing the current is resistive . ", "sentences": [ "Leading and lagging current are phenomena that occur as a result of alternating current .", "In a circuit with alternating current , the value of voltage and current vary sinusoidally .", "In these types of circuits , the terms lead , lag , or in phase are used to describe current with reference to voltage .", "Current is in phase with voltage when there is no phase shift between the sinusoids describing their time varying behavior .", "This generally occurs when the load drawing the current is resistive ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Leading and lagging current are phenomena that occur as a result of alternating current . In these types of circuits , the terms lead , lag , or in phase are used to describe current with reference to voltage .", "selected_sentences": [ "Leading and lagging current are phenomena that occur as a result of alternating current .", "In these types of circuits , the terms lead , lag , or in phase are used to describe current with reference to voltage ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what are bust/waist/hip measurements
[ { "title": "Bust/waist/hip measurements", "text": "Bust / waist / hip measurements ( informally called vital statistics ) are a common method of specifying body proportions for the purpose of fitting clothes . They match the three inflection points of the female body shape . It is also often used in women 's personal ads or Internet profiles to indicate their appearance . In human body measurement , the three sizes are the circumferences of the bust , waist and hips ; usually rendered as three sizes : xx -- yy -- zz in inches , or centimeters . The three sizes are used mostly in fashion , and almost exclusively in reference to women , who , compared to men , are more likely to have a narrow waist relative to bust and hips . An important difference exist when measuring men 's hips for most fashion design purposes . In these instances , men 's hips are measured at the genitals . ", "sentences": [ "Bust / waist / hip measurements ( informally called vital statistics ) are a common method of specifying body proportions for the purpose of fitting clothes .", "They match the three inflection points of the female body shape .", "It is also often used in women 's personal ads or Internet profiles to indicate their appearance .", "In human body measurement , the three sizes are the circumferences of the bust , waist and hips ; usually rendered as three sizes : xx -- yy --", "zz in inches , or centimeters .", "The three sizes are used mostly in fashion , and almost exclusively in reference to women , who , compared to men , are more likely to have a narrow waist relative to bust and hips .", "An important difference exist when measuring men 's hips for most fashion design purposes .", "In these instances , men 's hips are measured at the genitals ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Bust / waist / hip measurements ( informally called vital statistics ) are a common method of specifying body proportions for the purpose of fitting clothes . In human body measurement , the three sizes are the circumferences of the bust , waist and hips ; usually rendered as three sizes : xx -- yy -- zz in inches , or centimeters .", "selected_sentences": [ "Bust / waist / hip measurements ( informally called vital statistics ) are a common method of specifying body proportions for the purpose of fitting clothes .", "In human body measurement , the three sizes are the circumferences of the bust , waist and hips ; usually rendered as three sizes : xx -- yy --", "zz in inches , or centimeters ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Bust / waist / hip measurements are a common method of specifying body proportions for the purpose of fitting clothes.", "selected_sentences": [ "Bust / waist / hip measurements ( informally called vital statistics ) are a common method of specifying body proportions for the purpose of fitting clothes ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
why is adaptive radiation so common a pattern in evolution
[ { "title": "Adaptive radiation", "text": "The evolution of a novel feature may permit a clade to diversify by making new areas of morphospace accessible . A classic example is the evolution of a fourth cusp in the mammalian tooth . This trait permits a vast increase in the range of foodstuffs which can be fed on . Evolution of this character has thus increased the number of ecological niches available to mammals . The trait arose a number of times in different groups during the Cenozoic , and in each instance was immediately followed by an adaptive radiation . Birds find other ways to provide for each other , i.e. the evolution of flight opened new avenues for evolution to explore , initiating an adaptive radiation . Other examples include placental gestation ( for eutherian mammals ) , or bipedal locomotion ( in hominins ) . ", "sentences": [ "The evolution of a novel feature may permit a clade to diversify by making new areas of morphospace accessible .", "A classic example is the evolution of a fourth cusp in the mammalian tooth .", "This trait permits a vast increase in the range of foodstuffs which can be fed on .", "Evolution of this character has thus increased the number of ecological niches available to mammals .", "The trait arose a number of times in different groups during the Cenozoic , and in each instance was immediately followed by an adaptive radiation .", "Birds find other ways to provide for each other , i.e. the evolution of flight opened new avenues for evolution to explore , initiating an adaptive radiation .", "Other examples include placental gestation ( for eutherian mammals ) , or bipedal locomotion ( in hominins ) ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The evolution of a novel feature may permit a clade to diversify by making new areas of morphospace accessible . The trait arose a number of times in different groups during the Cenozoic , and in each instance was immediately followed by an adaptive radiation . Birds find other ways to provide for each other , i.e. the evolution of flight opened new avenues for evolution to explore , initiating an adaptive radiation .", "selected_sentences": [ "The evolution of a novel feature may permit a clade to diversify by making new areas of morphospace accessible .", "The trait arose a number of times in different groups during the Cenozoic , and in each instance was immediately followed by an adaptive radiation .", "Birds find other ways to provide for each other , i.e. the evolution of flight opened new avenues for evolution to explore , initiating an adaptive radiation ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
how did the oau help to settle disputes between morocco and algeria
[ { "title": "Algeria–Morocco relations", "text": "Guerrilla movements inside the Saharan territory , particularly the Polisario Front ( Frente Popular para la Liberación de Saguia el Hamra y Río de Oro ) , having fought for Saharan independence since 1973 , immediately proclaimed the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic ( SADR ) . Algeria recognized this new self - proclaimed state in 1976 , and has since pursued a determined diplomatic effort for international recognition of the territory ; it has also supplied food , matériel , and training to the guerrillas . In 1979 , after many years of extensive and fierce guerrilla warfare , Mauritania abandoned its territorial claims and withdrew . Morocco quickly claimed the territory relinquished by Mauritania . Once the SADR gained diplomatic recognition from the Organization of African Unity ( OAU ) and many other independent states , Morocco came under international pressure . As a result , the Moroccan government finally proposed a national referendum to determine the Saharan territory 's sovereignty in 1981 . The referendum was to be overseen by the OAU , but the proposal was quickly retracted by the King of Morocco when the OAU could not reach agreement over referendum procedures . In 1987 the Moroccan government again agreed to recognize the Polisario and to meet to `` discuss their grievances . '' Algeria stipulated a solitary precondition for restoration of diplomatic relations -- recognition of the Polisario and talks toward a definitive solution to the Western Saharan quagmire . Without a firm commitment from the King of Morocco , Algeria conceded and resumed diplomatic relations with Morocco in 1988 . ", "sentences": [ "Guerrilla movements inside the Saharan territory , particularly the Polisario Front ( Frente Popular para la Liberación de Saguia el Hamra y Río de Oro ) , having fought for Saharan independence since 1973 , immediately proclaimed the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic ( SADR ) .", "Algeria recognized this new self - proclaimed state in 1976 , and has since pursued a determined diplomatic effort for international recognition of the territory ; it has also supplied food , matériel , and training to the guerrillas .", "In 1979 , after many years of extensive and fierce guerrilla warfare , Mauritania abandoned its territorial claims and withdrew .", "Morocco quickly claimed the territory relinquished by Mauritania .", "Once the SADR gained diplomatic recognition from the Organization of African Unity ( OAU ) and many other independent states , Morocco came under international pressure .", "As a result , the Moroccan government finally proposed a national referendum to determine the Saharan territory 's sovereignty in 1981 .", "The referendum was to be overseen by the OAU , but the proposal was quickly retracted by the King of Morocco when the OAU could not reach agreement over referendum procedures .", "In 1987 the Moroccan government again agreed to recognize the Polisario and to meet to `` discuss their grievances . ''", "Algeria stipulated a solitary precondition for restoration of diplomatic relations -- recognition of the Polisario and talks toward a definitive solution to the Western Saharan quagmire .", "Without a firm commitment from the King of Morocco , Algeria conceded and resumed diplomatic relations with Morocco in 1988 ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Once the SADR gained diplomatic recognition from the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and many other independent states, Morocco came under international pressure. In 1987 the Moroccan government again agreed to recognize the Polisario and to meet to ``discuss their grievances''. Algeria stipulated a solitary precondition for restoration of diplomatic relations - recognition of the Polisario and talks toward a definitive solution to the Western Saharan quagmire. Without a firm commitment from the King of Morocco, Algeria conceded and resumed diplomatic relations with Morocco in 1988.", "selected_sentences": [ "Once the SADR gained diplomatic recognition from the Organization of African Unity ( OAU ) and many other independent states , Morocco came under international pressure .", "In 1987 the Moroccan government again agreed to recognize the Polisario and to meet to `` discuss their grievances . ''", "Algeria stipulated a solitary precondition for restoration of diplomatic relations -- recognition of the Polisario and talks toward a definitive solution to the Western Saharan quagmire .", "Without a firm commitment from the King of Morocco , Algeria conceded and resumed diplomatic relations with Morocco in 1988 ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where does what you talkin bout willis come from
[ { "title": "Diff'rent Strokes", "text": "There were three maids during the sitcom 's run : Edna Garrett ( Charlotte Rae ) , Adelaide Brubaker ( Nedra Volz ) , and Pearl Gallagher ( Mary Jo Catlett ) . They lived in the Penthouse Suite at 697 Park Avenue in New York City . As Arnold , Coleman popularized the catchphrase `` What'chu talkin ' ' bout , Willis ? '' The ending often varied , depending on whom he was addressing . Early episodes addressed typical issues in a family . Later episodes at times though focused on drug abuse , alcoholism , hitchhiking , and crime , among other issues . ", "sentences": [ "There were three maids during the sitcom 's run : Edna Garrett ( Charlotte Rae ) , Adelaide Brubaker ( Nedra Volz ) , and Pearl Gallagher ( Mary Jo Catlett ) .", "They lived in the Penthouse Suite at 697 Park Avenue in New York City .", "As Arnold , Coleman popularized the catchphrase `` What'chu talkin ' ' bout , Willis ? ''", "The ending often varied , depending on whom he was addressing .", "Early episodes addressed typical issues in a family .", "Later episodes at times though focused on drug abuse , alcoholism , hitchhiking , and crime , among other issues ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "During the sitcom 's run, as Arnold , Coleman popularized the catchphrase `` What'chu talkin ' ' bout , Willis ? ''", "selected_sentences": [ "There were three maids during the sitcom 's run : Edna Garrett ( Charlotte Rae ) , Adelaide Brubaker ( Nedra Volz ) , and Pearl Gallagher ( Mary Jo Catlett ) .", "As Arnold , Coleman popularized the catchphrase `` What'chu talkin ' ' bout , Willis ? ''" ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
name three characteristics of figurines at catal hoyuk
[ { "title": "Çatalhöyük", "text": "A striking feature of Çatalhöyük are its female figurines . Mellaart , the original excavator , argued that these well - formed , carefully made figurines , carved and molded from marble , blue and brown limestone , schist , calcite , basalt , alabaster , and clay , represented a female deity . Although a male deity existed as well , `` statues of a female deity far outnumber those of the male deity , who moreover , does not appear to be represented at all after Level VI '' . To date , eighteen levels have been identified . These artfully - hewn figurines were found primarily in areas Mellaart believed to be shrines . The stately goddess seated on a throne flanked by two female lions ( illustration ) was found in a grain bin , which Mellaart suggests might have been a means of ensuring the harvest or protecting the food supply . In later cultures , similar depictions are seen of Cybele , a mountain goddess . ", "sentences": [ "A striking feature of Çatalhöyük are its female figurines .", "Mellaart , the original excavator , argued that these well - formed , carefully made figurines , carved and molded from marble , blue and brown limestone , schist , calcite , basalt , alabaster , and clay , represented a female deity .", "Although a male deity existed as well , `` statues of a female deity far outnumber those of the male deity , who moreover , does not appear to be represented at all after Level VI '' .", "To date , eighteen levels have been identified .", "These artfully - hewn figurines were found primarily in areas Mellaart believed to be shrines .", "The stately goddess seated on a throne flanked by two female lions ( illustration ) was found in a grain bin , which Mellaart suggests might have been a means of ensuring the harvest or protecting the food supply .", "In later cultures , similar depictions are seen of Cybele , a mountain goddess ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "A striking feature of Çatalhöyük are its female figurines . Mellaart , the original excavator , argued that these well - formed , carefully made figurines , carved and molded from marble , blue and brown limestone , schist , calcite , basalt , alabaster , and clay , represented a female deity . The stately goddess seated on a throne flanked by two female lions ( illustration ) was found in a grain bin.", "selected_sentences": [ "Mellaart , the original excavator , argued that these well - formed , carefully made figurines , carved and molded from marble , blue and brown limestone , schist , calcite , basalt , alabaster , and clay , represented a female deity .", "The stately goddess seated on a throne flanked by two female lions ( illustration ) was found in a grain bin , which Mellaart suggests might have been a means of ensuring the harvest or protecting the food supply ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where was the movie forrest gump filmed at
[ { "title": "Forrest Gump", "text": "Filming began in August 1993 and ended in December of that year . Although most of the film is set in Alabama , filming took place mainly in and around Beaufort , South Carolina , as well as parts of coastal Virginia and North Carolina , including a running shot on the Blue Ridge Parkway . Downtown portions of the fictional town of Greenbow were filmed in Varnville , South Carolina . The scene of Forrest running through Vietnam while under fire was filmed on Fripp Island , South Carolina . Additional filming took place on the Biltmore Estate in Asheville , North Carolina , and along the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone , North Carolina . The most notable place was Grandfather Mountain where a part of the road is named `` Forrest Gump Curve '' . The Gump family home set was built along the Combahee River near Yemassee , South Carolina , and the nearby land was used to film Curran 's home as well as some of the Vietnam scenes . Over 20 palmetto trees were planted to improve the Vietnam scenes . Forrest Gump narrated his life 's story at the southern edge of Chippewa Square in Savannah , Georgia , as he sat at a bus stop bench . There were other scenes filmed in and around the Savannah area as well , including a running shot on the Richard V. Woods Memorial Bridge in Beaufort while he was being interviewed by the press , and on West Bay Street in Savannah . Most of the college campus scenes were filmed in Los Angeles at the University of Southern California . The lighthouse that Forrest runs across to reach the Atlantic Ocean the first time is the Marshall Point Lighthouse in Port Clyde , Maine . Additional scenes were filmed in Arizona , Utah 's Monument Valley , and Montana 's Glacier National Park . ", "sentences": [ "Filming began in August 1993 and ended in December of that year .", "Although most of the film is set in Alabama , filming took place mainly in and around Beaufort , South Carolina , as well as parts of coastal Virginia and North Carolina , including a running shot on the Blue Ridge Parkway .", "Downtown portions of the fictional town of Greenbow were filmed in Varnville , South Carolina .", "The scene of Forrest running through Vietnam while under fire was filmed on Fripp Island , South Carolina .", "Additional filming took place on the Biltmore Estate in Asheville , North Carolina , and along the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone , North Carolina .", "The most notable place was Grandfather Mountain where a part of the road is named `` Forrest Gump Curve '' .", "The Gump family home set was built along the Combahee River near Yemassee , South Carolina , and the nearby land was used to film Curran 's home as well as some of the Vietnam scenes .", "Over 20 palmetto trees were planted to improve the Vietnam scenes .", "Forrest Gump narrated his life 's story at the southern edge of Chippewa Square in Savannah , Georgia , as he sat at a bus stop bench .", "There were other scenes filmed in and around the Savannah area as well , including a running shot on the Richard V. Woods Memorial Bridge in Beaufort while he was being interviewed by the press , and on West Bay Street in Savannah .", "Most of the college campus scenes were filmed in Los Angeles at the University of Southern California .", "The lighthouse that Forrest runs across to reach the Atlantic Ocean the first time is the Marshall Point Lighthouse in Port Clyde , Maine .", "Additional scenes were filmed in Arizona , Utah 's Monument Valley , and Montana 's Glacier National Park ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Although most of the film is set in Alabama, filming took place mainly in and around Beaufort, South Carolina, as well as parts of coastal Virginia and North Carolina. They are a running shot on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone, the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina, and Varnville, Fripp Island in South Carolina. The Gump family home set was built along the Combahee River near Yemassee, South Carolina, and the nearby land was used to film Curran's home as well as some of the Vietnam scenes. Forrest Gump narrated his life's story at the southern edge of Chippewa Square in Savannah, Georgia, also took a running shot on the Richard V. Woods Memorial Bridge in Beaufort while he was being interviewed by the press, and on West Bay Street in Savannah. Most of the college campus scenes were filmed in Los Angeles at the University of Southern California. The lighthouse that Forrest runs across to reach the Atlantic Ocean is the Marshall Point Lighthouse in Port Clyde, Maine. Additional scenes were filmed in Arizona, Utah's Monument Valley, and Montana's Glacier National Park.", "selected_sentences": [ "Although most of the film is set in Alabama , filming took place mainly in and around Beaufort , South Carolina , as well as parts of coastal Virginia and North Carolina , including a running shot on the Blue Ridge Parkway .", "Downtown portions of the fictional town of Greenbow were filmed in Varnville , South Carolina .", "The scene of Forrest running through Vietnam while under fire was filmed on Fripp Island , South Carolina .", "Additional filming took place on the Biltmore Estate in Asheville , North Carolina , and along the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone , North Carolina .", "The most notable place was Grandfather Mountain where a part of the road is named `` Forrest Gump Curve '' .", "The Gump family home set was built along the Combahee River near Yemassee , South Carolina , and the nearby land was used to film Curran 's home as well as some of the Vietnam scenes .", "Forrest Gump narrated his life 's story at the southern edge of Chippewa Square in Savannah , Georgia , as he sat at a bus stop bench .", "There were other scenes filmed in and around the Savannah area as well , including a running shot on the Richard V. Woods Memorial Bridge in Beaufort while he was being interviewed by the press , and on West Bay Street in Savannah .", "Most of the college campus scenes were filmed in Los Angeles at the University of Southern California .", "The lighthouse that Forrest runs across to reach the Atlantic Ocean the first time is the Marshall Point Lighthouse in Port Clyde , Maine .", "Additional scenes were filmed in Arizona , Utah 's Monument Valley , and Montana 's Glacier National Park ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Although most of the film is set in Alabama, filming took place mainly in and around Beaufort, South Carolina, as well as parts of coastal Virginia and North Carolina. They shot on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone, the Biltmore Estate, Grandfather Mountain, Varnville and Fripp Island in South Carolina. The Gump family home set was built along the Combahee River near Yemassee, South Carolina. Forrest Gump narrated his life's story in Savannah, Georgia. They also shot on the Richard V. Woods Memorial Bridge in Beaufort. Most of the college campus scenes were filmed in Los Angeles at the University of Southern California. The lighthouse that Forrest runs across to reach the Atlantic Ocean is the Marshall Point Lighthouse in Port Clyde, Maine. Additional scenes were filmed in Arizona, Utah's Monument Valley, and Montana's Glacier National Park.", "selected_sentences": [ "Although most of the film is set in Alabama , filming took place mainly in and around Beaufort , South Carolina , as well as parts of coastal Virginia and North Carolina , including a running shot on the Blue Ridge Parkway .", "Downtown portions of the fictional town of Greenbow were filmed in Varnville , South Carolina .", "The scene of Forrest running through Vietnam while under fire was filmed on Fripp Island , South Carolina .", "Additional filming took place on the Biltmore Estate in Asheville , North Carolina , and along the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone , North Carolina .", "The most notable place was Grandfather Mountain where a part of the road is named `` Forrest Gump Curve '' .", "The Gump family home set was built along the Combahee River near Yemassee , South Carolina , and the nearby land was used to film Curran 's home as well as some of the Vietnam scenes .", "Forrest Gump narrated his life 's story at the southern edge of Chippewa Square in Savannah , Georgia , as he sat at a bus stop bench .", "There were other scenes filmed in and around the Savannah area as well , including a running shot on the Richard V. Woods Memorial Bridge in Beaufort while he was being interviewed by the press , and on West Bay Street in Savannah .", "Most of the college campus scenes were filmed in Los Angeles at the University of Southern California .", "The lighthouse that Forrest runs across to reach the Atlantic Ocean the first time is the Marshall Point Lighthouse in Port Clyde , Maine .", "Additional scenes were filmed in Arizona , Utah 's Monument Valley , and Montana 's Glacier National Park ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
who fought for the democracy of the philippines
[ { "title": "Corazon Aquino", "text": "A self - proclaimed `` plain housewife '' , she was married to Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. , the staunchest critic of President Marcos . She emerged as leader of the opposition after her husband was assassinated on August 21 , 1983 upon returning to the Philippines from exile in the United States . In late 1985 , Marcos called for snap elections , and Aquino ran for president with former senator Salvador Laurel as her Vice President . After the elections were held on February 7 , 1986 , the Batasang Pambansa proclaimed Marcos and his running mate , Arturo Tolentino , as the winners amid allegations of electoral fraud , with Aquino calling for massive civil disobedience actions . Defections from the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the support of the local Catholic hierarchy led to the People Power Revolution that ousted Marcos and secured Aquino 's accession on February 25 , 1986 . ", "sentences": [ "A self - proclaimed `` plain housewife '' , she was married to Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. , the staunchest critic of President Marcos .", "She emerged as leader of the opposition after her husband was assassinated on August 21 , 1983 upon returning to the Philippines from exile in the United States .", "In late 1985 , Marcos called for snap elections , and Aquino ran for president with former senator Salvador Laurel as her Vice President .", "After the elections were held on February 7 , 1986 , the Batasang Pambansa proclaimed Marcos and his running mate , Arturo Tolentino , as the winners amid allegations of electoral fraud , with Aquino calling for massive civil disobedience actions .", "Defections from the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the support of the local Catholic hierarchy led to the People Power Revolution that ousted Marcos and secured Aquino 's accession on February 25 , 1986 ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Corazon Aquino emerged as leader of the opposition after her husband was assassinated. After elections were held, the Batasang Pambansa proclaimed Marcos and his running mate, Arturo Tolentino, as the winners amid allegations of electoral fraud. Defections from the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the support of the local Catholic hierarchy led to the People Power Revolution that ousted Marcos and secured Aquino's accession.", "selected_sentences": [ "She emerged as leader of the opposition after her husband was assassinated on August 21 , 1983 upon returning to the Philippines from exile in the United States .", "After the elections were held on February 7 , 1986 , the Batasang Pambansa proclaimed Marcos and his running mate , Arturo Tolentino , as the winners amid allegations of electoral fraud , with Aquino calling for massive civil disobedience actions .", "Defections from the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the support of the local Catholic hierarchy led to the People Power Revolution that ousted Marcos and secured Aquino 's accession on February 25 , 1986 ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what is a nuss procedure for pectus excavatum
[ { "title": "Nuss procedure", "text": "Through two small incisions in the side of the chest , an introducer is pushed along posterior to the sternum and ribs , and anterior to the heart and lungs . Then a concave stainless steel bar is slipped under the sternum , through the incisions in the side of the chest . A third , smaller incision is made to insert a thoracoscope ( small camera ) used to help guide the bar . Taller patients , older patients , or patients requiring extensive correction may receive two or more bars . All bars may be placed through two incisions or additional incisions may be made . The bar is then flipped , and the sternum pops out . To support the bar and keep it in place , a metal plate called a stabilizer may be inserted with the bar on one side of the torso . PDS sutures may also be used in addition to the stabilizer . The stabilizer fits around the bar and into the ribcage . The bar and stabilizer are secured with sutures that dissolve in about six months . ", "sentences": [ "Through two small incisions in the side of the chest , an introducer is pushed along posterior to the sternum and ribs , and anterior to the heart and lungs .", "Then a concave stainless steel bar is slipped under the sternum , through the incisions in the side of the chest .", "A third , smaller incision is made to insert a thoracoscope ( small camera ) used to help guide the bar .", "Taller patients , older patients , or patients requiring extensive correction may receive two or more bars .", "All bars may be placed through two incisions or additional incisions may be made .", "The bar is then flipped , and the sternum pops out .", "To support the bar and keep it in place , a metal plate called a stabilizer may be inserted with the bar on one side of the torso .", "PDS sutures may also be used in addition to the stabilizer .", "The stabilizer fits around the bar and into the ribcage .", "The bar and stabilizer are secured with sutures that dissolve in about six months ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Through two small incisions in the side of the chest, an introducer is pushed along posterior to the sternum and ribs, and anterior to the heart and lungs. Then a concave stainless steel bar is slipped under the sternum, through the incisions in the side of the chest. The bar is then flipped, and the sternum pops out. To support the bar and keep it in place, a metal plate called a stabilizer may be inserted with the bar on one side of the torso.", "selected_sentences": [ "Through two small incisions in the side of the chest , an introducer is pushed along posterior to the sternum and ribs , and anterior to the heart and lungs .", "Then a concave stainless steel bar is slipped under the sternum , through the incisions in the side of the chest .", "The bar is then flipped , and the sternum pops out .", "To support the bar and keep it in place , a metal plate called a stabilizer may be inserted with the bar on one side of the torso ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
who wants to be a millionare uk host
[ { "title": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (UK game show)", "text": "The original series aired for 30 series and a total of 592 episodes , from 4 September 1998 to 11 February 2014 , and was presented by Chris Tarrant . Over the course of its run , the original series had around five contestants walk away with the top cash prize of £ 1 million , and faced a number of controversies during its run , including an attempt to defraud the show of its top prize by a contestant . The original format of the programme was tweaked in later years , changing the number of questions from fifteen to twelve and altering the payout structure as a result , and later incorporating a time limit . Four years after the original series ended , ITV unveiled a revived series , created by Stellify Media , to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the programme . The revived format , based upon the original design , was presented by Jeremy Clarkson , and broadcast in 2018 , from 5 -- 11 May . ", "sentences": [ "The original series aired for 30 series and a total of 592 episodes , from 4 September 1998 to 11 February 2014 , and was presented by Chris Tarrant .", "Over the course of its run , the original series had around five contestants walk away with the top cash prize of £ 1 million , and faced a number of controversies during its run , including an attempt to defraud the show of its top prize by a contestant .", "The original format of the programme was tweaked in later years , changing the number of questions from fifteen to twelve and altering the payout structure as a result , and later incorporating a time limit .", "Four years after the original series ended , ITV unveiled a revived series , created by Stellify Media , to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the programme .", "The revived format , based upon the original design , was presented by Jeremy Clarkson , and broadcast in 2018 , from 5 -- 11 May ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The original series of \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\" was presented by Chris Tarrant . The revived format was presented by Jeremy Clarkson , and broadcast in 2018 , from 5 -- 11 May .", "selected_sentences": [ "The original series aired for 30 series and a total of 592 episodes , from 4 September 1998 to 11 February 2014 , and was presented by Chris Tarrant .", "The revived format , based upon the original design , was presented by Jeremy Clarkson , and broadcast in 2018 , from 5 -- 11 May ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
who lives in presidio terrace in san francisco
[ { "title": "Presidio Terrace", "text": "Presidio Terrace was originally marketed to white residents only . `` There is only one spot in San Francisco where only Caucasians are permitted to buy or lease real estate or where they may reside . That place is Presidio Terrace , '' according to a 1906 brochure distributed by the developer . A 1948 Supreme Court case , Shelley v. Kraemer which banned enforcement of racial covenants in housing later invalidated restrictions of this type nationwide . This led eventually to the absence of legally sanctioned segregation of the city 's neighborhoods . ", "sentences": [ "Presidio Terrace was originally marketed to white residents only .", "`` There is only one spot in San Francisco where only Caucasians are permitted to buy or lease real estate or where they may reside .", "That place is Presidio Terrace , '' according to a 1906 brochure distributed by the developer .", "A 1948 Supreme Court case , Shelley v. Kraemer which banned enforcement of racial covenants in housing later invalidated restrictions of this type nationwide .", "This led eventually to the absence of legally sanctioned segregation of the city 's neighborhoods ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Presidio Terrace was originally marketed to white residents only. A 1948 Supreme Court case, Shelley v. Kraemer which banned enforcement of racial covenants in housing later invalidated restrictions of this type nationwide.", "selected_sentences": [ "Presidio Terrace was originally marketed to white residents only .", "A 1948 Supreme Court case , Shelley v. Kraemer which banned enforcement of racial covenants in housing later invalidated restrictions of this type nationwide ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
properties of ocean water because it contains salt
[ { "title": "Seawater", "text": "The density of surface seawater ranges from about 1020 to 1029 kg / m , depending on the temperature and salinity . At a temperature of 25 ° C , salinity of 35 g / kg and 1 atm pressure , the density of seawater is 1023.6 kg / m . Deep in the ocean , under high pressure , seawater can reach a density of 1050 kg / m or higher . The density of seawater also changes with salinity . Brines generated by seawater desalination plants can have salinities up to 120 g / kg . The density of typical seawater brine of 120 g / kg salinity at 25 ° C and atmospheric pressure is 1088 kg / m . Seawater pH is limited to the range 7.5 to 8.4 . The speed of sound in seawater is about 1,500 m / s ( whereas speed of sound is usually around 330 m / s in air at roughly 1000hPa pressure , 1 atmosphere ) , and varies with water temperature , salinity , and pressure . The thermal conductivity of seawater is 0.6 W / mK at 25 ° C and a salinity of 35 g / kg . The thermal conductivity decreases with increasing salinity and increases with increasing temperature . ", "sentences": [ "The density of surface seawater ranges from about 1020 to 1029 kg / m , depending on the temperature and salinity .", "At a temperature of 25 ° C , salinity of 35 g / kg and 1 atm pressure , the density of seawater is 1023.6 kg / m .", "Deep in the ocean , under high pressure , seawater can reach a density of 1050 kg / m or higher .", "The density of seawater also changes with salinity .", "Brines generated by seawater desalination plants can have salinities up to 120 g / kg .", "The density of typical seawater brine of 120 g / kg salinity at 25 ° C and atmospheric pressure is 1088 kg / m .", "Seawater pH is limited to the range 7.5 to 8.4 .", "The speed of sound in seawater is about 1,500 m / s ( whereas speed of sound is usually around 330 m / s in air at roughly 1000hPa pressure , 1 atmosphere ) , and varies with water temperature , salinity , and pressure .", "The thermal conductivity of seawater is 0.6 W / mK at 25 ° C and a salinity of 35 g / kg .", "The thermal conductivity decreases with increasing salinity and increases with increasing temperature ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The density of surface seawater ranges from about 1020 to 1029 kg / m, depending on the temperature and salinity. Seawater pH is limited to the range 7.5 to 8.4. The speed of sound in seawater is about 1,500 m / s and varies with water temperature, salinity, and pressure. The thermal conductivity of seawater is 0.6 W / mK at 25 ° C and a salinity of 35 g / kg.", "selected_sentences": [ "The density of surface seawater ranges from about 1020 to 1029 kg / m , depending on the temperature and salinity .", "Seawater pH is limited to the range 7.5 to 8.4 .", "The speed of sound in seawater is about 1,500 m / s ( whereas speed of sound is usually around 330 m / s in air at roughly 1000hPa pressure , 1 atmosphere ) , and varies with water temperature , salinity , and pressure .", "The thermal conductivity of seawater is 0.6 W / mK at 25 ° C and a salinity of 35 g / kg ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where did the name black sabbath come from
[ { "title": "Black Sabbath", "text": "While playing shows in England in 1969 , the band discovered they were being mistaken for another English group named Earth . They decided to change their name again . A cinema across the street from the band 's rehearsal room was showing the 1963 horror film Black Sabbath starring Boris Karloff and directed by Mario Bava . While watching people line up to see the film , Butler noted that it was `` strange that people spend so much money to see scary movies '' . Following that , Osbourne and Butler wrote the lyrics for a song called `` Black Sabbath '' , which was inspired by the work of horror and adventure - story writer Dennis Wheatley , along with a vision that Butler had of a black silhouetted figure standing at the foot of his bed . Making use of the musical tritone , also known as `` the Devil 's Interval '' , the song 's ominous sound and dark lyrics pushed the band in a darker direction , a stark contrast to the popular music of the late 1960s , which was dominated by flower power , folk music , and hippie culture . Judas Priest frontman Rob Halford has called the track `` probably the most evil song ever written '' . Inspired by the new sound , the band changed their name to Black Sabbath in August 1969 , and made the decision to focus on writing similar material , in an attempt to create the musical equivalent of horror films . ", "sentences": [ "While playing shows in England in 1969 , the band discovered they were being mistaken for another English group named Earth .", "They decided to change their name again .", "A cinema across the street from the band 's rehearsal room was showing the 1963 horror film Black Sabbath starring Boris Karloff and directed by Mario Bava .", "While watching people line up to see the film , Butler noted that it was `` strange that people spend so much money to see scary movies '' .", "Following that , Osbourne and Butler wrote the lyrics for a song called `` Black Sabbath '' , which was inspired by the work of horror and adventure - story writer Dennis Wheatley , along with a vision that Butler had of a black silhouetted figure standing at the foot of his bed .", "Making use of the musical tritone , also known as `` the Devil 's Interval '' , the song 's ominous sound and dark lyrics pushed the band in a darker direction , a stark contrast to the popular music of the late 1960s , which was dominated by flower power , folk music , and hippie culture .", "Judas Priest frontman Rob Halford has called the track `` probably the most evil song ever written '' .", "Inspired by the new sound , the band changed their name to Black Sabbath in August 1969 , and made the decision to focus on writing similar material , in an attempt to create the musical equivalent of horror films ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Osbourne and Butler wrote the lyrics for a song called `` Black Sabbath ' , which was inspired by the work of horror and adventure-story writer Dennis Wheatley, along with a vision that Butler had of a black silhouetted figure standing at the foot of his bed.\r\nInspired by the new sound, the band changed their name to Black Sabbath in August 1969.", "selected_sentences": [ "Following that , Osbourne and Butler wrote the lyrics for a song called `` Black Sabbath '' , which was inspired by the work of horror and adventure - story writer Dennis Wheatley , along with a vision that Butler had of a black silhouetted figure standing at the foot of his bed .", "Inspired by the new sound , the band changed their name to Black Sabbath in August 1969 , and made the decision to focus on writing similar material , in an attempt to create the musical equivalent of horror films ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545976, 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
does the majority of the world's population live in cities
[ { "title": "Megacity", "text": "In 1800 , only 3 % of the world 's population lived in cities , a figure that rose to 47 % by the end of the twentieth century . In 1950 , there were 83 cities with populations exceeding one million ; by 2007 , this number had risen to 468 . The UN forecasts that today 's urban population of 3.2 billion will rise to nearly 5 billion by 2030 , when three out of five people will live in cities . This increase will be most dramatic on the least - urbanized continents , Asia and Africa . Surveys and projections indicate that all urban growth over the next 25 years will be in developing countries . One billion people , almost one - seventh of the world 's population , now live in shanty towns . In many poor countries overpopulated slums exhibit high rates of disease due to unsanitary conditions , malnutrition , and lack of basic health care . By 2030 , over 2 billion people in the world will be living in slums . Over 90 % of the urban population of Ethiopia , Malawi and Uganda , three of the world 's most rural countries , already live in slums . ", "sentences": [ "In 1800 , only 3 % of the world 's population lived in cities , a figure that rose to 47 % by the end of the twentieth century .", "In 1950 , there were 83 cities with populations exceeding one million ; by 2007 , this number had risen to 468 .", "The UN forecasts that today 's urban population of 3.2 billion will rise to nearly 5 billion by 2030 , when three out of five people will live in cities .", "This increase will be most dramatic on the least - urbanized continents , Asia and Africa .", "Surveys and projections indicate that all urban growth over the next 25 years will be in developing countries .", "One billion people , almost one - seventh of the world 's population , now live in shanty towns .", "In many poor countries overpopulated slums exhibit high rates of disease due to unsanitary conditions , malnutrition , and lack of basic health care .", "By 2030 , over 2 billion people in the world will be living in slums .", "Over 90 % of the urban population of Ethiopia , Malawi and Uganda , three of the world 's most rural countries , already live in slums ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "In 1800 , only 3 % of the world 's population lived in cities , a figure that rose to 47 % by the end of the twentieth century . The UN forecasts that today 's urban population of 3.2 billion will rise to nearly 5 billion by 2030 , when three out of five people will live in cities .", "selected_sentences": [ "In 1800 , only 3 % of the world 's population lived in cities , a figure that rose to 47 % by the end of the twentieth century .", "The UN forecasts that today 's urban population of 3.2 billion will rise to nearly 5 billion by 2030 , when three out of five people will live in cities ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
describe the main structures of the nephron and their functions
[ { "title": "Nephron", "text": "The nephron ( from Greek νεφρός -- nephros , meaning `` kidney '' ) is the microscopic structural and functional unit of the kidney . It is composed of a renal corpuscle and a renal tubule . The renal corpuscle consists of a tuft of capillaries called a glomerulus and an encompassing Bowman 's capsule . The renal tubule extends from the capsule . The capsule and tubule are connected and are composed of epithelial cells with a lumen . A healthy adult has 0.8 to 1.5 million nephrons in each kidney . Blood is filtered as it passes through three layers : the endothelial cells of the capillary wall , its basement membrane , and between the foot processes of the podocytes of the lining of the capsule . The tubule has adjacent peritubular capillaries that run between the descending and ascending portions of the tubule . As the fluid from the capsule flows down into the tubule , it is processed by the epithelial cells lining the tubule : water is reabsorbed and substances are exchanged ( some are added , others are removed ) ; first with the interstitial fluid outside the tubules , and then into the plasma in the adjacent peritubular capillaries through the endothelial cells lining that capillary . This process regulates the volume of body fluid as well as levels of many body substances . At the end of the tubule , the remaining fluid -- urine -- exits : it is composed of water , metabolic waste , and toxins . ", "sentences": [ "The nephron ( from Greek νεφρός -- nephros , meaning `` kidney '' ) is the microscopic structural and functional unit of the kidney .", "It is composed of a renal corpuscle and a renal tubule .", "The renal corpuscle consists of a tuft of capillaries called a glomerulus and an encompassing Bowman 's capsule .", "The renal tubule extends from the capsule .", "The capsule and tubule are connected and are composed of epithelial cells with a lumen .", "A healthy adult has 0.8 to 1.5 million nephrons in each kidney .", "Blood is filtered as it passes through three layers : the endothelial cells of the capillary wall , its basement membrane , and between the foot processes of the podocytes of the lining of the capsule .", "The tubule has adjacent peritubular capillaries that run between the descending and ascending portions of the tubule .", "As the fluid from the capsule flows down into the tubule , it is processed by the epithelial cells lining the tubule : water is reabsorbed and substances are exchanged ( some are added , others are removed ) ; first with the interstitial fluid outside the tubules , and then into the plasma in the adjacent peritubular capillaries through the endothelial cells lining that capillary .", "This process regulates the volume of body fluid as well as levels of many body substances .", "At the end of the tubule , the remaining fluid -- urine -- exits : it is composed of water , metabolic waste , and toxins ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The nephron is composed of a renal corpuscle and a renal tubule. The renal corpuscle consists of a tuft of capillaries called a glomerulus and an encompassing Bowman's capsule. The renal tubule extends from the capsule. The capsule and tubule are connected and are composed of epithelial cells with a lumen. Blood is filtered as it passes through three layers: the endothelial cells of the capillary wall, its basement membrane, and between the foot processes of the podocytes of the lining of the capsule. As the fluid from the capsule flows down into the tubule, it is processed by the epithelial cells lining the tubule: water is reabsorbed and substances are exchanged.", "selected_sentences": [ "The nephron ( from Greek νεφρός -- nephros , meaning `` kidney '' ) is the microscopic structural and functional unit of the kidney .", "It is composed of a renal corpuscle and a renal tubule .", "The renal corpuscle consists of a tuft of capillaries called a glomerulus and an encompassing Bowman 's capsule .", "The renal tubule extends from the capsule .", "The capsule and tubule are connected and are composed of epithelial cells with a lumen .", "Blood is filtered as it passes through three layers : the endothelial cells of the capillary wall , its basement membrane , and between the foot processes of the podocytes of the lining of the capsule .", "As the fluid from the capsule flows down into the tubule , it is processed by the epithelial cells lining the tubule : water is reabsorbed and substances are exchanged ( some are added , others are removed ) ; first with the interstitial fluid outside the tubules , and then into the plasma in the adjacent peritubular capillaries through the endothelial cells lining that capillary ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where do cumulus clouds form in the atmosphere
[ { "title": "Cumulus cloud", "text": "The height at which the cloud forms depends on the amount of moisture in the thermal that forms the cloud . Humid air will generally result in a lower cloud base . In temperate areas , the base of the cumulus clouds is usually below 550 metres ( 1,800 ft ) above ground level , but it can range up to 2,400 metres ( 7,900 ft ) in altitude . In arid and mountainous areas , the cloud base can be in excess of 6,100 metres ( 20,000 ft ) . Some ", "sentences": [ "The height at which the cloud forms depends on the amount of moisture in the thermal that forms the cloud .", "Humid air will generally result in a lower cloud base .", "In temperate areas , the base of the cumulus clouds is usually below 550 metres ( 1,800 ft ) above ground level , but it can range up to 2,400 metres ( 7,900 ft ) in altitude .", "In arid and mountainous areas , the cloud base can be in excess of 6,100 metres ( 20,000 ft ) .", "Some" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The height at which the cloud forms depends on the amount of moisture in the thermal that forms the cloud . In temperate areas , the base of the cumulus clouds is usually below 550 metres ( 1,800 ft ) above ground level , but it can range up to 2,400 metres ( 7,900 ft ) in altitude . In arid and mountainous areas , the cloud base can be in excess of 6,100 metres ( 20,000 ft ) .", "selected_sentences": [ "The height at which the cloud forms depends on the amount of moisture in the thermal that forms the cloud .", "In temperate areas , the base of the cumulus clouds is usually below 550 metres ( 1,800 ft ) above ground level , but it can range up to 2,400 metres ( 7,900 ft ) in altitude .", "In arid and mountainous areas , the cloud base can be in excess of 6,100 metres ( 20,000 ft ) ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where did the idea for star wars come from
[ { "title": "Star Wars", "text": "In 1971 , Lucas wanted to film an adaptation of the Flash Gordon serial , but could n't obtain the rights . He began developing his own story inspired by the work of Edgar Rice Burroughs . Immediately after directing American Graffiti ( 1973 ) , Lucas wrote a two - page synopsis for his space opera , titled Journal of the Whills . After United Artists , Universal Studios and Disney rejected the film , 20th Century Fox decided to invest in it . Lucas felt his original story was too difficult to understand , so on April 17 , 1973 , he began writing a 13 - page script titled The Star Wars , sharing strong similarities with Akira Kurosawa 's The Hidden Fortress ( 1958 ) . By 1974 , he had expanded the script into the first draft of a screenplay , adding elements such as the Sith and the Death Star . Subsequent drafts evolved into the script of the original film . ", "sentences": [ "In 1971 , Lucas wanted to film an adaptation of the Flash Gordon serial , but could n't obtain the rights .", "He began developing his own story inspired by the work of Edgar Rice Burroughs .", "Immediately after directing American Graffiti ( 1973 ) , Lucas wrote a two - page synopsis for his space opera , titled Journal of the Whills .", "After United Artists , Universal Studios and Disney rejected the film , 20th Century Fox decided to invest in it .", "Lucas felt his original story was too difficult to understand , so on April 17 , 1973 , he began writing a 13 - page script titled The Star Wars , sharing strong similarities with Akira Kurosawa 's The Hidden Fortress ( 1958 ) .", "By 1974 , he had expanded the script into the first draft of a screenplay , adding elements such as the Sith and the Death Star .", "Subsequent drafts evolved into the script of the original film ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "In 1971, Lucas wanted to film an adaptation of the Flash Gordon serial, but couldn't obtain the rights. He began developing his own story. Lucas felt his original story was too difficult to understand, so he began writing a 13 page script titled The Star Wars.", "selected_sentences": [ "In 1971 , Lucas wanted to film an adaptation of the Flash Gordon serial , but could n't obtain the rights .", "He began developing his own story inspired by the work of Edgar Rice Burroughs .", "Lucas felt his original story was too difficult to understand , so on April 17 , 1973 , he began writing a 13 - page script titled The Star Wars , sharing strong similarities with Akira Kurosawa 's The Hidden Fortress ( 1958 ) ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where is venezuela located on the world map
[ { "title": "Venezuela", "text": "Venezuela ( / ˌvɛnəˈzweɪlə / ( listen ) VEN - ə - ZWAYL - ə ; American Spanish : ( beneˈswela ) ) , officially denominated Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ( Spanish : República Bolivariana de Venezuela ) , is a federal republic on the northern coast of South America , consisting of a continental land and a large number of small islands and islets in the Caribbean Sea , whose capital and largest urban agglomeration is the city of Caracas . It has a territorial extension of 916,445 km ( 353,841 sq mi ) . The continental territory is bordered on the north by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean , on the west by Colombia , Brazil on the south , Trinidad and Tobago to the north - east and on the east by Guyana . With this last country , the Venezuelan Government maintains a claim for Guayana Esequiba over an area of 159,542 km ( 61,600 sq mi ) . For its maritime areas , it exercises sovereignty over 71,295 km ( 27,527 sq mi ) of territorial waters , 22,224 km ( 8,581 sq mi ) in its contiguous zone , 471,507 km ( 182,050 sq mi ) of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean under the concept of exclusive economic zone , and 99,889 km ( 38,567 of mi ) continental shelf . This marine area borders those of thirteen States . The country has extremely high biodiversity and is ranked 7th in the world 's list of nations with the most number of species . There are habitats ranging from the Andes Mountains in the west to the Amazon basin rain - forest in the south via extensive llanos plains , the Caribbean coast and the Orinoco River Delta in the east . ", "sentences": [ "Venezuela ( / ˌvɛnəˈzweɪlə / ( listen ) VEN - ə - ZWAYL - ə ; American Spanish : ( beneˈswela ) ) , officially denominated Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ( Spanish : República Bolivariana de Venezuela ) , is a federal republic on the northern coast of South America , consisting of a continental land and a large number of small islands and islets in the Caribbean Sea , whose capital and largest urban agglomeration is the city of Caracas .", "It has a territorial extension of 916,445 km ( 353,841 sq mi ) .", "The continental territory is bordered on the north by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean , on the west by Colombia , Brazil on the south , Trinidad and Tobago to the north - east and on the east by Guyana .", "With this last country , the Venezuelan Government maintains a claim for Guayana Esequiba over an area of 159,542 km ( 61,600 sq mi ) .", "For its maritime areas , it exercises sovereignty over 71,295 km ( 27,527 sq mi ) of territorial waters , 22,224 km ( 8,581 sq mi ) in its contiguous zone , 471,507 km ( 182,050 sq mi ) of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean under the concept of exclusive economic zone , and 99,889 km ( 38,567 of mi ) continental shelf .", "This marine area borders those of thirteen States .", "The country has extremely high biodiversity and is ranked 7th in the world 's list of nations with the most number of species .", "There are habitats ranging from the Andes Mountains in the west to the Amazon basin rain - forest in the south via extensive llanos plains , the Caribbean coast and the Orinoco River Delta in the east ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Venezuela is a federal republic on the northern coast of South America. It is bordered on the north by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by Colombia, Brazil on the south, Trinidad and Tobago to the north-east and on the east by Guyana.", "selected_sentences": [ "Venezuela ( / ˌvɛnəˈzweɪlə / ( listen ) VEN - ə - ZWAYL - ə ; American Spanish : ( beneˈswela ) ) , officially denominated Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ( Spanish : República Bolivariana de Venezuela ) , is a federal republic on the northern coast of South America , consisting of a continental land and a large number of small islands and islets in the Caribbean Sea , whose capital and largest urban agglomeration is the city of Caracas .", "The continental territory is bordered on the north by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean , on the west by Colombia , Brazil on the south , Trinidad and Tobago to the north - east and on the east by Guyana ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
how many times have the patriots lost to the giants in the super bowl
[ { "title": "New England Patriots", "text": "The Patriots ' current coach , Bill Belichick , was hired in 2000 , and a new home field , Gillette Stadium , was opened in 2002 . Under Belichick , the team won three Super Bowls in four years ( 2001 , 2003 , and 2004 ) . The Patriots finished the 2007 regular season with a perfect 16 -- 0 record , becoming only the fourth team in league history to go undefeated in the regular season , and the only one since the league expanded its regular season schedule to 16 games . After advancing to Super Bowl XLII , the team 's fourth Super Bowl in seven years , the Patriots were defeated by the Giants to end their bid for a 19 -- 0 season . With the loss , the Patriots ended the year at 18 -- 1 , becoming only one of three teams to go 18 -- 1 along with the 1984 San Francisco 49ers and the 1985 Chicago Bears . The Patriots ' returned to the Super Bowl in 2012 but lost again to the Giants , 21 -- 17 . In 2015 , they won Super Bowl XLIX , defeating the Seattle Seahawks by a score of 28 -- 24 . The Patriots became the first team to reach nine Super Bowls in the 2016 -- 17 playoffs and faced the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl LI , which ended up paving the way for their fifth Super Bowl victory , tying them with the Dallas Cowboys and the San Francisco 49ers for the second-most in NFL history , 1 behind the Pittsburgh Steelers with 6 ; the game was also the first Super Bowl to go into overtime . ", "sentences": [ "The Patriots ' current coach , Bill Belichick , was hired in 2000 , and a new home field , Gillette Stadium , was opened in 2002 .", "Under Belichick , the team won three Super Bowls in four years ( 2001 , 2003 , and 2004 ) .", "The Patriots finished the 2007 regular season with a perfect 16 -- 0 record , becoming only the fourth team in league history to go undefeated in the regular season , and the only one since the league expanded its regular season schedule to 16 games .", "After advancing to Super Bowl XLII , the team 's fourth Super Bowl in seven years , the Patriots were defeated by the Giants to end their bid for a 19 -- 0 season .", "With the loss , the Patriots ended the year at 18 -- 1 , becoming only one of three teams to go 18 -- 1 along with the 1984 San Francisco 49ers and the 1985 Chicago Bears .", "The Patriots ' returned to the Super Bowl in 2012 but lost again to the Giants , 21 -- 17 .", "In 2015 , they won Super Bowl XLIX , defeating the Seattle Seahawks by a score of 28 -- 24 .", "The Patriots became the first team to reach nine Super Bowls in the 2016 -- 17 playoffs and faced the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl LI , which ended up paving the way for their fifth Super Bowl victory , tying them with the Dallas Cowboys and the San Francisco 49ers for the second-most in NFL history , 1 behind the Pittsburgh Steelers with 6 ; the game was also the first Super Bowl to go into overtime ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "After advancing to Super Bowl XLII , the team 's fourth Super Bowl in seven years , the Patriots were defeated by the Giants to end their bid for a 19 -- 0 season . The Patriots ' returned to the Super Bowl in 2012 but lost again to the Giants , 21 -- 17 .", "selected_sentences": [ "After advancing to Super Bowl XLII , the team 's fourth Super Bowl in seven years , the Patriots were defeated by the Giants to end their bid for a 19 -- 0 season .", "The Patriots ' returned to the Super Bowl in 2012 but lost again to the Giants , 21 -- 17 ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where did early settlers in arkansas come from and how did they earn a living
[ { "title": "History of Arkansas", "text": "The history of Arkansas began millennia ago when humans first crossed into North America . Many tribes used Arkansas as their hunting lands but the main tribe was the Quapaw who settled in Arkansas River delta upon moving south from Illinois . Early French explorers gave the territory its name , a corruption of Akansea , which is a phonetic spelling of the Illinois word for the Quapaw . This phonetic heritage explains why `` Arkansas '' is pronounced so differently than `` Kansas '' even though they share the same spelling . What began as a rough wilderness inhabited by trappers and hunters became incorporated into the United States as part of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and became Arkansas Territory in 1819 . Upon gaining statehood in 1836 , Arkansas had begun to prosper under a plantation economy that was heavily reliant on slave labor . After the Civil War Arkansas was a poor rural state based on cotton . Prosperity returned in the 1940s . The state became famous for its political leadership , including President Bill Clinton ( Governor , 1979 − 81 and 1983 − 92 ) , and as the base for the Walmart corporation . ", "sentences": [ "The history of Arkansas began millennia ago when humans first crossed into North America .", "Many tribes used Arkansas as their hunting lands but the main tribe was the Quapaw who settled in Arkansas River delta upon moving south from Illinois .", "Early French explorers gave the territory its name , a corruption of Akansea , which is a phonetic spelling of the Illinois word for the Quapaw .", "This phonetic heritage explains why `` Arkansas '' is pronounced so differently than `` Kansas '' even though they share the same spelling .", "What began as a rough wilderness inhabited by trappers and hunters became incorporated into the United States as part of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and became Arkansas Territory in 1819 .", "Upon gaining statehood in 1836 , Arkansas had begun to prosper under a plantation economy that was heavily reliant on slave labor .", "After the Civil War Arkansas was a poor rural state based on cotton .", "Prosperity returned in the 1940s .", "The state became famous for its political leadership , including President Bill Clinton ( Governor , 1979 − 81 and 1983 − 92 ) , and as the base for the Walmart corporation ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The history of Arkansas began millennia ago when humans first crossed into North America. Many tribes used Arkansas as their hunting lands but the main tribe was the Quapaw who settled in Arkansas River delta upon moving south from Illinois. What began as a rough wilderness inhabited by trappers and hunters, upon gaining statehood in 1836, Arkansas had begun to prosper under a plantation economy.", "selected_sentences": [ "The history of Arkansas began millennia ago when humans first crossed into North America .", "Many tribes used Arkansas as their hunting lands but the main tribe was the Quapaw who settled in Arkansas River delta upon moving south from Illinois .", "What began as a rough wilderness inhabited by trappers and hunters became incorporated into the United States as part of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and became Arkansas Territory in 1819 .", "Upon gaining statehood in 1836 , Arkansas had begun to prosper under a plantation economy that was heavily reliant on slave labor ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "The history of Arkansas began millennia ago when humans first crossed into North America. Many tribes used Arkansas as their hunting lands but the main tribe was the Quapaw who settled in Arkansas River delta upon moving south from Illinois. Upon gaining statehood in 1836, what began as a rough wilderness inhabited by trappers and hunters, began to prosper under a plantation economy.", "selected_sentences": [ "The history of Arkansas began millennia ago when humans first crossed into North America .", "Many tribes used Arkansas as their hunting lands but the main tribe was the Quapaw who settled in Arkansas River delta upon moving south from Illinois .", "What began as a rough wilderness inhabited by trappers and hunters became incorporated into the United States as part of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and became Arkansas Territory in 1819 .", "Upon gaining statehood in 1836 , Arkansas had begun to prosper under a plantation economy that was heavily reliant on slave labor ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
is saigon the same as ho chi minh
[ { "title": "Ho Chi Minh City", "text": "Ho Chi Minh City ( Vietnamese : Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh ; ( thàn fǒ hò tɕǐ mɨ̄n ) ( listen ) or ( thàn fǒ hò cǐ mɨ̄n ) ) , also informally known by its former name of Saigon ( Vietnamese : Sài Gòn ; ( sàj ɣɔ̀ŋ ) ( listen ) ) , is the largest city in Vietnam by population . It was known as Prey Nokor ( Khmer : ព្រៃនគរ ) prior to annexation by the Vietnamese in the 17th century . Under the name Saigon , it was the capital of the French colony of Cochinchina and later of the independent republic of South Vietnam 1955 -- 75 . On 2 July 1976 , Saigon merged with the surrounding Gia Định Province and was officially renamed Ho Chi Minh City after revolutionary leader Hồ Chí Minh ( although the name Sài Gòn is still widely used ) . ", "sentences": [ "Ho Chi Minh City ( Vietnamese :", "Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh ; ( thàn fǒ hò tɕǐ mɨ̄n ) ( listen ) or ( thàn fǒ hò cǐ mɨ̄n ) ) , also informally known by its former name of Saigon ( Vietnamese : Sài Gòn ; ( sàj ɣɔ̀ŋ ) ( listen ) ) , is the largest city in Vietnam by population .", "It was known as Prey Nokor ( Khmer : ព្រៃនគរ ) prior to annexation by the Vietnamese in the 17th century .", "Under the name Saigon , it was the capital of the French colony of Cochinchina and later of the independent republic of South Vietnam 1955 -- 75 .", "On 2 July 1976 , Saigon merged with the surrounding Gia Định Province and was officially renamed Ho Chi Minh City after revolutionary leader Hồ Chí Minh ( although the name Sài Gòn is still widely used ) ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Ho Chi Minh City, also informally known by its former name of Saigon, is the largest city in Vietnam by population. On 2 July 1976, Saigon merged with the surrounding Gia Định Province and was officially renamed Ho Chi Minh City.", "selected_sentences": [ "Ho Chi Minh City ( Vietnamese :", "Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh ; ( thàn fǒ hò tɕǐ mɨ̄n ) ( listen ) or ( thàn fǒ hò cǐ mɨ̄n ) ) , also informally known by its former name of Saigon ( Vietnamese : Sài Gòn ; ( sàj ɣɔ̀ŋ ) ( listen ) ) , is the largest city in Vietnam by population .", "On 2 July 1976 , Saigon merged with the surrounding Gia Định Province and was officially renamed Ho Chi Minh City after revolutionary leader Hồ Chí Minh ( although the name Sài Gòn is still widely used ) ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
how many seasons of code geass are there
[ { "title": "List of Code Geass episodes", "text": "Code Geass ( Japanese : コード ギアス , Hepburn : Kōdo Giasu ) is a Japanese anime series produced by Sunrise , Mainichi Broadcasting System , and Project Geass . The first season is entitled , Code Geass : Lelouch of the Rebellion ( コード ギアス 反逆 の ルルーシュ , Kōdo Giasu : Hangyaku no Rurūshu ) and premiered on Mainichi Broadcasting System on October 6 , 2006 and was broadcast by a total of ten stations . Its final two episodes were aired on July 29 , 2007 . It was followed by Code Geass : Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 ( コード ギアス 反逆 の ルルーシュ R2 , Kōdo Giasu : Hangyaku no Rurūshu R2 ) which aired on April 6 , 2008 and was broadcast on sixteen stations . Its final episode aired on September 28 , 2008 . ", "sentences": [ "Code Geass ( Japanese : コード ギアス , Hepburn : Kōdo Giasu ) is a Japanese anime series produced by Sunrise , Mainichi Broadcasting System , and Project Geass .", "The first season is entitled , Code Geass : Lelouch of the Rebellion ( コード ギアス 反逆 の ルルーシュ , Kōdo Giasu : Hangyaku no Rurūshu ) and premiered on Mainichi Broadcasting System on October 6 , 2006 and was broadcast by a total of ten stations .", "Its final two episodes were aired on July 29 , 2007 .", "It was followed by Code Geass : Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 ( コード ギアス 反逆 の ルルーシュ R2 , Kōdo Giasu : Hangyaku no Rurūshu R2 ) which aired on April 6 , 2008 and was broadcast on sixteen stations .", "Its final episode aired on September 28 , 2008 ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The first season is entitled , Code Geass : Lelouch of the Rebellion, and it was followed by Code Geass : Lelouch of the Rebellion R2.", "selected_sentences": [ "The first season is entitled , Code Geass : Lelouch of the Rebellion ( コード ギアス 反逆 の ルルーシュ , Kōdo Giasu : Hangyaku no Rurūshu ) and premiered on Mainichi Broadcasting System on October 6 , 2006 and was broadcast by a total of ten stations .", "It was followed by Code Geass : Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 ( コード ギアス 反逆 の ルルーシュ R2 , Kōdo Giasu : Hangyaku no Rurūshu R2 ) which aired on April 6 , 2008 and was broadcast on sixteen stations ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where does the last name conn come from
[ { "title": "Conn (name)", "text": "Conn is a masculine English - and Irish - language given name , as well as an English - language surname . The origin of the given name is uncertain . It may be related to the Old Irish cond ( `` intellect '' or `` mind '' ) , or perhaps to the Old Irish cenn ( `` head '' , `` chief '' ) . The latter word - origin may have resulted from a popular , but incorrect etymology , applied to the Old Irish terms Leth Cuinn and Dál Cuinn ; these terms originally meant `` half of the chief '' and `` tribe of the chief '' but were mistakenly regarded to mean `` half of Conn '' and `` tribe of Conn '' . In some cases the given name is as a short form of non Irish - language names that begin with the first syllable Con - ( such as the names Conor and Connor ) . ", "sentences": [ "Conn is a masculine English - and Irish - language given name , as well as an English - language surname .", "The origin of the given name is uncertain .", "It may be related to the Old Irish cond ( `` intellect '' or `` mind '' ) , or perhaps to the Old Irish cenn ( `` head '' , `` chief '' ) .", "The latter word - origin may have resulted from a popular , but incorrect etymology , applied to the Old Irish terms Leth Cuinn and Dál Cuinn ; these terms originally meant `` half of the chief '' and `` tribe of the chief '' but were mistakenly regarded to mean `` half of Conn '' and `` tribe of Conn '' .", "In some cases the given name is as a short form of non Irish - language names that begin with the first syllable Con - ( such as the names Conor and Connor ) ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The origin of the given name is uncertain.\r\nIn some cases the given name is as a short form of non Irish-language names that begin with the first syllable Con- (such as the names Conor and Connor).", "selected_sentences": [ "The origin of the given name is uncertain .", "In some cases the given name is as a short form of non Irish - language names that begin with the first syllable Con - ( such as the names Conor and Connor ) ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Conn is a masculine English - and Irish - language given name, as well as an English - language surname. The latter word - origin may have resulted from a popular, but incorrect etymology, applied to the Old Irish terms Leth Cuinn and Dál Cuinn; these terms originally meant `` half of the chief '' and `` tribe of the chief '' but were mistakenly regarded to mean `` half of Conn '' and `` tribe of Conn ''.", "selected_sentences": [ "Conn is a masculine English - and Irish - language given name , as well as an English - language surname .", "The latter word - origin may have resulted from a popular , but incorrect etymology , applied to the Old Irish terms Leth Cuinn and Dál Cuinn ; these terms originally meant `` half of the chief '' and `` tribe of the chief '' but were mistakenly regarded to mean `` half of Conn '' and `` tribe of Conn '' ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where does the name axis powers come from
[ { "title": "Axis powers", "text": "The Axis grew out of the diplomatic efforts of Germany , Italy , and Japan to secure their own specific expansionist interests in the mid-1930s . The first step was the treaty signed by Germany and Italy in October 1936 . Benito Mussolini declared on 1 November that all other European countries would from then on rotate on the Rome -- Berlin axis , thus creating the term `` Axis '' . The almost simultaneous second step was the signing in November 1936 of the Anti-Comintern Pact , an anti-communist treaty between Germany and Japan . Italy joined the Pact in 1937 . The `` Rome -- Berlin Axis '' became a military alliance in 1939 under the so - called `` Pact of Steel '' , with the Tripartite Pact of 1940 leading to the integration of the military aims of Germany , Italy and Japan . ", "sentences": [ "The Axis grew out of the diplomatic efforts of Germany , Italy , and Japan to secure their own specific expansionist interests in the mid-1930s .", "The first step was the treaty signed by Germany and Italy in October 1936 .", "Benito Mussolini declared on 1 November that all other European countries would from then on rotate on the Rome -- Berlin axis , thus creating the term `` Axis '' .", "The almost simultaneous second step was the signing in November 1936 of the Anti-Comintern Pact , an anti-communist treaty between Germany and Japan .", "Italy joined the Pact in 1937 .", "The `` Rome -- Berlin Axis '' became a military alliance in 1939 under the so - called `` Pact of Steel '' , with the Tripartite Pact of 1940 leading to the integration of the military aims of Germany , Italy and Japan ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The Axis grew out of the diplomatic efforts of Germany, Italy, and Japan to secure their own specific expansionist interests in the mid-1930s. Benito Mussolini declared on 1 November that all other European countries would from then on rotate on the Rome--Berlin axis, thus creating the term `` Axis ''.", "selected_sentences": [ "The Axis grew out of the diplomatic efforts of Germany , Italy , and Japan to secure their own specific expansionist interests in the mid-1930s .", "Benito Mussolini declared on 1 November that all other European countries would from then on rotate on the Rome -- Berlin axis , thus creating the term `` Axis '' ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545976, 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
who was the statue of liberty intended for
[ { "title": "Statue of Liberty", "text": "According to the National Park Service , the idea for the Statue of Liberty was first proposed by Édouard René de Laboulaye the president of the French Anti-Slavery Society and a prominent and important political thinker of his time . The project is traced to a mid-1865 conversation between de Laboulaye , a staunch abolitionist and Frédéric Bartholdi , a sculptor . In after - dinner conversation at his home near Versailles , Laboulaye , an ardent supporter of the Union in the American Civil War , is supposed to have said : `` If a monument should rise in the United States , as a memorial to their independence , I should think it only natural if it were built by united effort -- a common work of both our nations . '' The National Park Service , in a 2000 report , however , deemed this a legend traced to an 1885 fundraising pamphlet , and that the statue was most likely conceived in 1870 . In another essay on their website , the Park Service suggested that Laboulaye was minded to honor the Union victory and its consequences , `` With the abolition of slavery and the Union 's victory in the Civil War in 1865 , Laboulaye 's wishes of freedom and democracy were turning into a reality in the United States . In order to honor these achievements , Laboulaye proposed that a gift be built for the United States on behalf of France . Laboulaye hoped that by calling attention to the recent achievements of the United States , the French people would be inspired to call for their own democracy in the face of a repressive monarchy . '' Bartholdi ", "sentences": [ "According to the National Park Service , the idea for the Statue of Liberty was first proposed by Édouard René de Laboulaye the president of the French Anti-Slavery Society and a prominent and important political thinker of his time .", "The project is traced to a mid-1865 conversation between de Laboulaye , a staunch abolitionist and Frédéric Bartholdi , a sculptor .", "In after - dinner conversation at his home near Versailles , Laboulaye , an ardent supporter of the Union in the American Civil War , is supposed to have said : `` If a monument should rise in the United States , as a memorial to their independence , I should think it only natural if it were built by united effort -- a common work of both our nations . ''", "The National Park Service , in a 2000 report , however , deemed this a legend traced to an 1885 fundraising pamphlet , and that the statue was most likely conceived in 1870 .", "In another essay on their website , the Park Service suggested that Laboulaye was minded to honor the Union victory and its consequences , `` With the abolition of slavery and the Union 's victory in the Civil War in 1865 , Laboulaye 's wishes of freedom and democracy were turning into a reality in the United States .", "In order to honor these achievements , Laboulaye proposed that a gift be built for the United States on behalf of France .", "Laboulaye hoped that by calling attention to the recent achievements of the United States , the French people would be inspired to call for their own democracy in the face of a repressive monarchy . ''", "Bartholdi" ] } ]
[ { "answer": "In after - dinner conversation at his home near Versailles , Laboulaye , an ardent supporter of the Union in the American Civil War , is supposed to have said : `` If a monument should rise in the United States , as a memorial to their independence , I should think it only natural if it were built by united effort -- a common work of both our nations . '' In another essay on their website , the Park Service suggested that Laboulaye was minded to honor the Union victory and its consequences , `` With the abolition of slavery and the Union 's victory in the Civil War in 1865 , Laboulaye 's wishes of freedom and democracy were turning into a reality in the United States . In order to honor these achievements , Laboulaye proposed that a gift be built for the United States on behalf of France .", "selected_sentences": [ "In after - dinner conversation at his home near Versailles , Laboulaye , an ardent supporter of the Union in the American Civil War , is supposed to have said : `` If a monument should rise in the United States , as a memorial to their independence , I should think it only natural if it were built by united effort -- a common work of both our nations . ''", "In another essay on their website , the Park Service suggested that Laboulaye was minded to honor the Union victory and its consequences , `` With the abolition of slavery and the Union 's victory in the Civil War in 1865 , Laboulaye 's wishes of freedom and democracy were turning into a reality in the United States .", "In order to honor these achievements , Laboulaye proposed that a gift be built for the United States on behalf of France ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where do you jump from in long jump
[ { "title": "Long jump", "text": "At the elite level , competitors run down a runway ( usually coated with the same rubberized surface as running tracks , crumb rubber also vulcanized rubber -- known generally as an all - weather track ) and jump as far as they can from a wooden board 20 cm or 8 inches wide that is built flush with the runway into a pit filled with finely ground gravel or sand . If the competitor starts the leap with any part of the foot past the foul line , the jump is declared a foul and no distance is recorded . A layer of plasticine is placed immediately after the board to detect this occurrence . An official ( similar to a referee ) will also watch the jump and make the determination . The competitor can initiate the jump from any point behind the foul line ; however , the distance measured will always be perpendicular to the foul line to the nearest break in the sand caused by any part of the body or uniform . Therefore , it is in the best interest of the competitor to get as close to the foul line as possible . Competitors are allowed to place two marks along the side of the runway in order to assist them to jump accurately . At a lesser meet and facilities , the plasticine will likely not exist , the runway might be a different surface or jumpers may initiate their jump from a painted or taped mark on the runway . At a smaller meet , the number of attempts might also be limited to four or three . ", "sentences": [ "At the elite level , competitors run down a runway ( usually coated with the same rubberized surface as running tracks , crumb rubber also vulcanized rubber -- known generally as an all - weather track ) and jump as far as they can from a wooden board 20 cm or 8 inches wide that is built flush with the runway into a pit filled with finely ground gravel or sand .", "If the competitor starts the leap with any part of the foot past the foul line , the jump is declared a foul and no distance is recorded .", "A layer of plasticine is placed immediately after the board to detect this occurrence .", "An official ( similar to a referee ) will also watch the jump and make the determination .", "The competitor can initiate the jump from any point behind the foul line ; however , the distance measured will always be perpendicular to the foul line to the nearest break in the sand caused by any part of the body or uniform .", "Therefore , it is in the best interest of the competitor to get as close to the foul line as possible .", "Competitors are allowed to place two marks along the side of the runway in order to assist them to jump accurately .", "At a lesser meet and facilities , the plasticine will likely not exist , the runway might be a different surface or jumpers may initiate their jump from a painted or taped mark on the runway .", "At a smaller meet , the number of attempts might also be limited to four or three ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "At the elite level, competitors jump as far as they can from a wooden board 20 cm or 8 inches wide that is built flush with the runway into a pit filled with finely ground gravel or sand . The competitor can initiate the jump from any point behind the foul line ; however , the distance measured will always be perpendicular to the foul line to the nearest break in the sand caused by any part of the body or uniform .", "selected_sentences": [ "At the elite level , competitors run down a runway ( usually coated with the same rubberized surface as running tracks , crumb rubber also vulcanized rubber -- known generally as an all - weather track ) and jump as far as they can from a wooden board 20 cm or 8 inches wide that is built flush with the runway into a pit filled with finely ground gravel or sand .", "The competitor can initiate the jump from any point behind the foul line ; however , the distance measured will always be perpendicular to the foul line to the nearest break in the sand caused by any part of the body or uniform ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where did the shooting of baahubali took place
[ { "title": "Baahubali (franchise)", "text": "Efforts were taken to keep anachronistic sounds and visuals from appearing in the films . The shooting of the first film started at Rock Gardens in Kurnool , Andhra Pradesh from 6 July 2013 . During the filming in 2014 , Telugu Film Federation Employees were on strike . Manu Jagadh designed art for the first film . The films were filmed in different locations including Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad , Kerala and Bulgaria . ", "sentences": [ "Efforts were taken to keep anachronistic sounds and visuals from appearing in the films .", "The shooting of the first film started at Rock Gardens in Kurnool , Andhra Pradesh from 6 July 2013 .", "During the filming in 2014 , Telugu Film Federation Employees were on strike .", "Manu Jagadh designed art for the first film .", "The films were filmed in different locations including Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad , Kerala and Bulgaria ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "The shooting of the first film started at Rock Gardens in Kurnool , Andhra Pradesh from 6 July 2013 . The films were filmed in different locations including Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad , Kerala and Bulgaria .", "selected_sentences": [ "The shooting of the first film started at Rock Gardens in Kurnool , Andhra Pradesh from 6 July 2013 .", "The films were filmed in different locations including Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad , Kerala and Bulgaria ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "The shooting of the first film started at Rock Gardens in Kurnool , Andhra Pradesh. The films were filmed in different locations including Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad , Kerala and Bulgaria .", "selected_sentences": [ "The shooting of the first film started at Rock Gardens in Kurnool , Andhra Pradesh from 6 July 2013 .", "The films were filmed in different locations including Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad , Kerala and Bulgaria ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
the term for a solution that has an equal concentration of h+ and oh- is
[ { "title": "pH", "text": "Pure water is neutral . When an acid is dissolved in water , the pH will be less than 7 ( 25 ° C ) . When a base , or alkali , is dissolved in water , the pH will be greater than 7 . A solution of a strong acid , such as hydrochloric acid , at concentration 1 mol dm has a pH of 0 . A solution of a strong alkali , such as sodium hydroxide , at concentration 1 mol dm , has a pH of 14 . Thus , measured pH values will lie mostly in the range 0 to 14 , though negative pH values and values above 14 are entirely possible . Since pH is a logarithmic scale , a difference of one pH unit is equivalent to a tenfold difference in hydrogen ion concentration . The pH of neutrality is not exactly 7 ( 25 ° C ) , although this is a good approximation in most cases . Neutrality is defined as the condition where ( H ) = ( OH ) ( or the activities are equal ) . Since self - ionization of water holds the product of these concentration ( H ) × ( OH ) = K , it can be seen that at neutrality ( H ) = ( OH ) = √ ( K ) , or pH = pK / 2 . pK is approximately 14 but depends on ionic strength and temperature , and so the pH of neutrality does also . Pure water and a solution of NaCl in pure water are both neutral , since dissociation of water produces equal numbers of both ions . However the pH of the neutral NaCl solution will be slightly different from that of neutral pure water because the hydrogen and hydroxide ions ' activity is dependent on ionic strength , so K varies with ionic strength . ", "sentences": [ "Pure water is neutral .", "When an acid is dissolved in water , the pH will be less than 7 ( 25 ° C ) .", "When a base , or alkali , is dissolved in water , the pH will be greater than 7 .", "A solution of a strong acid , such as hydrochloric acid , at concentration 1 mol dm has a pH of 0 .", "A solution of a strong alkali , such as sodium hydroxide , at concentration 1 mol dm , has a pH of 14 .", "Thus , measured pH values will lie mostly in the range 0 to 14 , though negative pH values and values above 14 are entirely possible .", "Since pH is a logarithmic scale , a difference of one pH unit is equivalent to a tenfold difference in hydrogen ion concentration .", "The pH of neutrality is not exactly 7 ( 25 ° C ) , although this is a good approximation in most cases .", "Neutrality is defined as the condition where ( H ) =", "( OH )", "( or the activities are equal ) .", "Since self - ionization of water holds the product of these concentration ( H ) × ( OH ) =", "K , it can be seen that at neutrality ( H ) =", "( OH )", "= √ ( K ) , or pH = pK / 2 .", "pK is approximately 14 but depends on ionic strength and temperature , and so the pH of neutrality does also .", "Pure water and a solution of NaCl in pure water are both neutral , since dissociation of water produces equal numbers of both ions .", "However the pH of the neutral NaCl solution will be slightly different from that of neutral pure water because the hydrogen and hydroxide ions ' activity is dependent on ionic strength , so K varies with ionic strength ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Neutrality is defined as the condition where ( H ) = ( OH ) (or the activities are equal).", "selected_sentences": [ "Neutrality is defined as the condition where ( H ) =", "( OH )", "( or the activities are equal ) .", "( OH )" ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what type of fish did they eat in ancient greece
[ { "title": "Ancient Greek cuisine", "text": "In the Greek islands and on the coast , fresh fish and seafood ( squid , octopus , and shellfish ) were common . They were eaten locally but more often transported inland . Sardines and anchovies were regular fare for the citizens of Athens . They were sometimes sold fresh , but more frequently salted . A stele of the late 3rd century BC from the small Boeotian city of Akraiphia , on Lake Copais , provides us with a list of fish prices . The cheapest was skaren ( probably parrotfish ) whereas Atlantic bluefin tuna was three times as expensive . Common salt water fish were yellowfin tuna , red mullet , ray , swordfish or sturgeon , a delicacy which was eaten salted . Lake Copais itself was famous in all Greece for its eels , celebrated by the hero of The Acharnians . Other fresh water fish were pike - fish , carp and the less appreciated catfish . In classical Athens , eels , conger - eels , and sea - perch ( ὈρΦὸς ) were considered to be great delicacies , while sprats were cheap and readily available . ", "sentences": [ "In the Greek islands and on the coast , fresh fish and seafood ( squid , octopus , and shellfish ) were common .", "They were eaten locally but more often transported inland .", "Sardines and anchovies were regular fare for the citizens of Athens .", "They were sometimes sold fresh , but more frequently salted .", "A stele of the late 3rd century BC from the small Boeotian city of Akraiphia , on Lake Copais , provides us with a list of fish prices .", "The cheapest was skaren ( probably parrotfish ) whereas Atlantic bluefin tuna was three times as expensive .", "Common salt water fish were yellowfin tuna , red mullet , ray , swordfish or sturgeon , a delicacy which was eaten salted .", "Lake Copais itself was famous in all Greece for its eels , celebrated by the hero of The Acharnians .", "Other fresh water fish were pike - fish , carp and the less appreciated catfish .", "In classical Athens , eels , conger - eels , and sea - perch ( ὈρΦὸς ) were considered to be great delicacies , while sprats were cheap and readily available ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "In the Greek islands and on the coast, fresh fish and seafood (squid, octopus, and shellfish) were common. Sardines and anchovies were regular fare for the citizens of Athens. The cheapest was skaren (probably parrotfish) whereas Atlantic bluefin tuna was three times as expensive. Common saltwater fish were yellowfin tuna, red mullet, ray, swordfish or sturgeon, a delicacy which was eaten salted. Lake Copais itself was famous in all Greece for its eels, and others were pike - fish, carp and the less appreciated catfish. In classical Athens, eels, conger-eels, and sea - perch were considered to be great delicacies, while sprats were cheap and readily available.", "selected_sentences": [ "In the Greek islands and on the coast , fresh fish and seafood ( squid , octopus , and shellfish ) were common .", "Sardines and anchovies were regular fare for the citizens of Athens .", "The cheapest was skaren ( probably parrotfish ) whereas Atlantic bluefin tuna was three times as expensive .", "Common salt water fish were yellowfin tuna , red mullet , ray , swordfish or sturgeon , a delicacy which was eaten salted .", "Lake Copais itself was famous in all Greece for its eels , celebrated by the hero of The Acharnians .", "Other fresh water fish were pike - fish , carp and the less appreciated catfish .", "In classical Athens , eels , conger - eels , and sea - perch ( ὈρΦὸς ) were considered to be great delicacies , while sprats were cheap and readily available ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Sardines and anchovies were regular fare for the citizens of Athens. The cheapest was skaren (probably parrotfish) whereas Atlantic bluefin tuna was three times as expensive. Common saltwater fish were yellowfin tuna, red mullet, ray, swordfish or sturgeon, a delicacy which was eaten salted. Lake Copais itself was famous in all Greece for its eels, and others were pike - fish, carp and the less appreciated catfish. In classical Athens, eels, conger-eels, and sea - perch were considered to be great delicacies, while sprats were cheap and readily available.", "selected_sentences": [ "Sardines and anchovies were regular fare for the citizens of Athens .", "The cheapest was skaren ( probably parrotfish ) whereas Atlantic bluefin tuna was three times as expensive .", "Common salt water fish were yellowfin tuna , red mullet , ray , swordfish or sturgeon , a delicacy which was eaten salted .", "Lake Copais itself was famous in all Greece for its eels , celebrated by the hero of The Acharnians .", "Other fresh water fish were pike - fish , carp and the less appreciated catfish .", "In classical Athens , eels , conger - eels , and sea - perch ( ὈρΦὸς ) were considered to be great delicacies , while sprats were cheap and readily available ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what happened when wolves were removed from yellowstone
[ { "title": "History of wolves in Yellowstone", "text": "Once the wolves were gone , elk populations began to rise . Over the next few years conditions of Yellowstone National Park declined drastically . A team of scientists visiting Yellowstone in 1929 and 1933 reported , `` The range was in deplorable conditions when we first saw it , and its deterioration has been progressing steadily since then . '' By this time many biologists were worried about eroding land and plants dying off . The elk were multiplying inside the park and deciduous , woody species such as aspen and cottonwood suffered from overgrazing . The park service started trapping and moving the elk and , when that was not effective , killing them . Elk population control methods continued for more than 30 years . Elk control prevented further degradation of the range , but did n't improve its overall condition . At times , people would mention bringing wolves back to Yellowstone to help control the elk population . Yellowstone 's managers were not eager to bring back wolves , especially after so successfully extirpating them from the park . Elk control continued into the 1960s . In the late 1960s , local hunters began to complain to their congressmen that there were too few elk , and the congressmen threatened to stop funding Yellowstone . Killing elk was given up as control method which allowed elk populations to again rise . As elk populations rose , the quality of the range decreased affecting many other animals . Without wolves , coyote populations increased dramatically which adversely impacted the pronghorn antelope population . However , it was the overly large elk populations that caused the most profound changes to the ecosystem of Yellowstone with the absence of wolves . ", "sentences": [ "Once the wolves were gone , elk populations began to rise .", "Over the next few years conditions of Yellowstone National Park declined drastically .", "A team of scientists visiting Yellowstone in 1929 and 1933 reported , `` The range was in deplorable conditions when we first saw it , and its deterioration has been progressing steadily since then . ''", "By this time many biologists were worried about eroding land and plants dying off .", "The elk were multiplying inside the park and deciduous , woody species such as aspen and cottonwood suffered from overgrazing .", "The park service started trapping and moving the elk and , when that was not effective , killing them .", "Elk population control methods continued for more than 30 years .", "Elk control prevented further degradation of the range , but did n't improve its overall condition .", "At times , people would mention bringing wolves back to Yellowstone to help control the elk population .", "Yellowstone 's managers were not eager to bring back wolves , especially after so successfully extirpating them from the park .", "Elk control continued into the 1960s .", "In the late 1960s , local hunters began to complain to their congressmen that there were too few elk , and the congressmen threatened to stop funding Yellowstone .", "Killing elk was given up as control method which allowed elk populations to again rise .", "As elk populations rose , the quality of the range decreased affecting many other animals .", "Without wolves , coyote populations increased dramatically which adversely impacted the pronghorn antelope population .", "However , it was the overly large elk populations that caused the most profound changes to the ecosystem of Yellowstone with the absence of wolves ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Once the wolves were gone, elk populations began to rise. Over the next few years conditions of Yellowstone National Park declined drastically. Elk control prevented further degradation of the range, but didn't improve its overall condition. Without wolves, coyote populations increased dramatically which adversely impacted the pronghorn antelope population. However, it was the overly large elk populations that caused the most profound changes to the ecosystem of Yellowstone with the absence of wolves.", "selected_sentences": [ "Once the wolves were gone , elk populations began to rise .", "Over the next few years conditions of Yellowstone National Park declined drastically .", "Elk control prevented further degradation of the range , but did n't improve its overall condition .", "Without wolves , coyote populations increased dramatically which adversely impacted the pronghorn antelope population .", "However , it was the overly large elk populations that caused the most profound changes to the ecosystem of Yellowstone with the absence of wolves ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946, 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
according to the law of demand what will happen as the price of a good or service decreases
[ { "title": "Law of demand", "text": "Generally the amount demanded of a good increases with a decrease in price of the good and vice versa . In some cases , however , this may not be true . There are certain goods which do not follow this law . These include ( Veblen goods ) and Giffen goods . Further exception and details are given in the sections below . ", "sentences": [ "Generally the amount demanded of a good increases with a decrease in price of the good and vice versa .", "In some cases , however , this may not be true .", "There are certain goods which do not follow this law .", "These include ( Veblen goods ) and Giffen goods .", "Further exception and details are given in the sections below ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Generally the amount demanded of a good increases with a decrease in price of the good and vice versa . There are certain goods which do not follow this law . These include ( Veblen goods ) and Giffen goods .", "selected_sentences": [ "Generally the amount demanded of a good increases with a decrease in price of the good and vice versa .", "There are certain goods which do not follow this law .", "These include ( Veblen goods ) and Giffen goods ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 47200615, 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what are the characteristics of a maritime tropical air mass
[ { "title": "Air mass", "text": "Tropical and equatorial air masses are hot as they develop over lower latitudes . Those that develop over land ( continental ) are drier and hotter than those that develop over oceans , and travel poleward on the western periphery of the subtropical ridge . Maritime tropical air masses are sometimes referred to as trade air masses . Monsoon air masses are moist and unstable . Superior air masses are dry , and rarely reach the ground . They normally reside over maritime tropical air masses , forming a warmer and drier layer over the more moderate moist air mass below , forming what is known as a trade wind inversion over the maritime tropical air mass . Continental Polar air masses ( cP ) are air masses that are cold and dry due to their continental source region . Continental polar air masses that affect North America form over interior Canada . Continental Tropical air masses ( cT ) are a type of tropical air produced by the subtropical ridge over large areas of land and typically originate from low - latitude deserts such as the Sahara Desert in northern Africa , which is the major source of these air masses . Other less important sources producing cT air masses are the Arabian Peninsula , the central arid / semi-arid part of Australia and deserts lying in the Southwestern United States . Continental tropical air masses are extremely hot and dry . ", "sentences": [ "Tropical and equatorial air masses are hot as they develop over lower latitudes .", "Those that develop over land ( continental ) are drier and hotter than those that develop over oceans , and travel poleward on the western periphery of the subtropical ridge .", "Maritime tropical air masses are sometimes referred to as trade air masses .", "Monsoon air masses are moist and unstable .", "Superior air masses are dry , and rarely reach the ground .", "They normally reside over maritime tropical air masses , forming a warmer and drier layer over the more moderate moist air mass below , forming what is known as a trade wind inversion over the maritime tropical air mass .", "Continental Polar air masses ( cP ) are air masses that are cold and dry due to their continental source region .", "Continental polar air masses that affect North America form over interior Canada .", "Continental Tropical air masses ( cT ) are a type of tropical air produced by the subtropical ridge over large areas of land and typically originate from low - latitude deserts such as the Sahara Desert in northern Africa , which is the major source of these air masses .", "Other less important sources producing cT air masses are the Arabian Peninsula , the central arid / semi-arid part of Australia and deserts lying in the Southwestern United States .", "Continental tropical air masses are extremely hot and dry ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Maritime tropical air masses are sometimes referred to as trade air masses. Superior air masses are dry, and rarely reach the ground. Superior air masses are dry and rarely reach the ground. They normally reside over maritime tropical air masses, forming a warmer and drier layer over the more moderate moist air mass below, forming what is known as a trade wind inversion over the maritime tropical air mass.", "selected_sentences": [ "Maritime tropical air masses are sometimes referred to as trade air masses .", "Superior air masses are dry , and rarely reach the ground .", "They normally reside over maritime tropical air masses , forming a warmer and drier layer over the more moderate moist air mass below , forming what is known as a trade wind inversion over the maritime tropical air mass ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545976 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Maritime tropical air masses are sometimes referred to as trade air masses. Monsoon air masses are moist and unstable and superior air masses are dry, and rarely reach the ground. They normally reside over maritime tropical air masses, forming a warmer and drier layer over the more moderate moist air mass below, forming what is known as a trade wind inversion over the maritime tropical air mass.", "selected_sentences": [ "Maritime tropical air masses are sometimes referred to as trade air masses .", "Monsoon air masses are moist and unstable .", "Superior air masses are dry , and rarely reach the ground .", "They normally reside over maritime tropical air masses , forming a warmer and drier layer over the more moderate moist air mass below , forming what is known as a trade wind inversion over the maritime tropical air mass ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
where did the san diego chargers name come from
[ { "title": "History of the San Diego Chargers", "text": "Barron Hilton held a contest to find a name for his team . The prize was a trip to Mexico . A man from Hollywood named Gerald Courtney submitted the name `` Chargers '' and won . Conrad Hilton said , `` I liked ( the name ) because they were yelling `` charge '' and sounding the bugle at Dodger Stadium and at USC games `` . Hunt said he thought Hilton picked the team name from the first batch of letters as publicity for his new charge account business Carte Blanche . ", "sentences": [ "Barron Hilton held a contest to find a name for his team .", "The prize was a trip to Mexico .", "A man from Hollywood named Gerald Courtney submitted the name `` Chargers '' and won .", "Conrad Hilton said , `` I liked ( the name ) because they were yelling `` charge '' and sounding the bugle at Dodger Stadium and at USC games `` .", "Hunt said he thought Hilton picked the team name from the first batch of letters as publicity for his new charge account business Carte Blanche ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "Barron Hilton held a contest to find a name for his team. A man from Hollywood named Gerald Courtney submitted the name ``Chargers'' and won.", "selected_sentences": [ "Barron Hilton held a contest to find a name for his team .", "A man from Hollywood named Gerald Courtney submitted the name `` Chargers '' and won ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812, 47200615 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]
what happened to macy on bold and the beautiful
[ { "title": "Macy Alexander", "text": "This time Macy found comfort in Deacon Sharpe ( Sean Kanan ) , a new friend and recovering alcoholic . What started as friendship soon turned more romantic , especially once Macy began helping Deacon pursue custody of his son `` little Eric '' ( Connor Carmody ) and his daughter Hope ( Rachel and Amanda Pace ) . In part , Macy helped Deacon because by him winning , Brooke Logan would suffer , and Macy had never forgiven Brooke for manipulating her way into her and Thorne 's marriage then tossing Thorne aside because he was n't Ridge . Deacon and Macy married and began raising Eric ( whom Deacon had won custody of ) together , and things were finally back on track . When Oscar Marone ( Brian Gaskill ) opened a new nightclub in town , Macy agreed to perform on opening night , but enemies from Oscar 's past tampered with the chandelier that night , which fell , severely injuring Macy . Although Macy hung on in the hospital in a coma for a few days , she never woke up , and her mother had to make the choice of whether or not to take her off life support ; Sally 's actual choice has never been revealed , but Macy is generally assumed to be dead , due to the funeral . When Thorne and Darla 's daughter was born a few weeks later , she was named Alexandria in honor of Macy . ", "sentences": [ "This time Macy found comfort in Deacon Sharpe ( Sean Kanan ) , a new friend and recovering alcoholic .", "What started as friendship soon turned more romantic , especially once Macy began helping Deacon pursue custody of his son `` little Eric '' ( Connor Carmody ) and his daughter Hope ( Rachel and Amanda Pace ) .", "In part , Macy helped Deacon because by him winning , Brooke Logan would suffer , and Macy had never forgiven Brooke for manipulating her way into her and Thorne 's marriage then tossing Thorne aside because he was n't Ridge .", "Deacon and Macy married and began raising Eric ( whom Deacon had won custody of ) together , and things were finally back on track .", "When Oscar Marone ( Brian Gaskill ) opened a new nightclub in town , Macy agreed to perform on opening night , but enemies from Oscar 's past tampered with the chandelier that night , which fell , severely injuring Macy .", "Although Macy hung on in the hospital in a coma for a few days , she never woke up , and her mother had to make the choice of whether or not to take her off life support ; Sally 's actual choice has never been revealed , but Macy is generally assumed to be dead , due to the funeral .", "When Thorne and Darla 's daughter was born a few weeks later , she was named Alexandria in honor of Macy ." ] } ]
[ { "answer": "This time Macy found comfort in Deacon Sharpe, a new friend and recovering alcoholic. Deacon and Macy married and began raising Eric (whom Deacon had won custody of) together, and things were finally back on track. When Oscar Marone opened a new nightclub in town, Macy agreed to perform on opening night, but enemies from Oscar's past tampered with the chandelier that night, which fell, severely injuring Macy. Although Macy hung on in the hospital in a coma for a few days, she never woke up and assumed to be dead, due to the funeral.", "selected_sentences": [ "This time Macy found comfort in Deacon Sharpe ( Sean Kanan ) , a new friend and recovering alcoholic .", "Deacon and Macy married and began raising Eric ( whom Deacon had won custody of ) together , and things were finally back on track .", "When Oscar Marone ( Brian Gaskill ) opened a new nightclub in town , Macy agreed to perform on opening night , but enemies from Oscar 's past tampered with the chandelier that night , which fell , severely injuring Macy .", "Although Macy hung on in the hospital in a coma for a few days , she never woke up , and her mother had to make the choice of whether or not to take her off life support ; Sally 's actual choice has never been revealed , but Macy is generally assumed to be dead , due to the funeral ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46373812 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": true, "round": 1, "skip": false } }, { "answer": "Macy found comfort in Deacon Sharpe, a new friend. Deacon and Macy married. When Oscar Marone opened a new nightclub in town, Macy agreed to perform on opening night, but enemies from Oscar's past tampered with the chandelier that night, which fell, severely injuring Macy. Although Macy hung on in the hospital in a coma for a few days, she never woke up and assumed to be dead, due to the funeral.", "selected_sentences": [ "This time Macy found comfort in Deacon Sharpe ( Sean Kanan ) , a new friend and recovering alcoholic .", "Deacon and Macy married and began raising Eric ( whom Deacon had won custody of ) together , and things were finally back on track .", "When Oscar Marone ( Brian Gaskill ) opened a new nightclub in town , Macy agreed to perform on opening night , but enemies from Oscar 's past tampered with the chandelier that night , which fell , severely injuring Macy .", "Although Macy hung on in the hospital in a coma for a few days , she never woke up , and her mother had to make the choice of whether or not to take her off life support ; Sally 's actual choice has never been revealed , but Macy is generally assumed to be dead , due to the funeral ." ], "meta": { "annotator": [ 46545946 ], "has_minimal_answer": false, "non_consecutive": false, "round": 2, "skip": false } } ]