Take the guide text as an initial idea and create a short, compelling story from it.
This past year, I was able to be with my grandma as she was dying. I was able to visit her in the nursing homes she was moved around to and witness her mind slipping away. The month of April 2019, I was with my grandma, for the last time and was able to be there as she took her last breath.
I will be writing about my grandma's last breath. Almost a year ago, my grandma suffered a couple of stroked that put her in the hospital for a while, and moving around different nursing facilities. She was 88 when this happened, she actually was able to go home, for a bit, after the initial stroke but suffered another mild stroke that put her back in nursing homes. She was a strong woman and kept holding on. However, the stroke caused her to start losing her mind a bit and when we would go visit her in the nursing homes, she would have a little bit of clarity but most of the time she was calling out for help and she would pray, especially the Rosary, over and over again 24/7. The nurses always joked that she was going straight to heaven because she prayed so much. We even had a Priest come out a few times to give her last rites but she still held on. My grandma eventually passed away this past April 2019. My cousins, Aunt and I were there when she passed, it was very peaceful. We would watch her as she struggled to breath but was unconscious (probably could hear us still). We were there for a couple of hours, talking and even joking around and crying in between because our grandma had been with us for so long, it was hard to believe she was dying. My grandma was so strong, she survived losing a baby, husband, her youngest daughter and granddaughter at early ages, she had been through so much. We finally noticed she didn't seem to be breathing anymore and was becoming cold to the touch and we called in the nurse to confirm she had passed and she did. It was very peaceful but, it's weird, I noticed how fast her body became stiff when they took off her mask and covered her up. It was such an emotional moment but, surprisingly, I didn't find myself crying that much. Some 10 years prior I had witnessed my mother pass away from cancer and gone through my younger sister's car accident that killed her, so I thought to myself, "maybe I'm just done crying." Regardless of me crying or not, it was such a stressful and emotional situation. There was a sense of peace and relief that it was over because my grandma had suffered so much while in the nursing homes because her mind was going and my family and I were going in to see her almost everyday, so to see her at peace was a relief. However, there was a huge sense of loss because she was so prominent in our lives, it was weird that she would no longer be a part of our lives now. Witnessing the last breath of my grandma was a very sobering moment.
Incorporate the text input into your own unique micro-story.
I had a wreck, and I lost my job because of it. Now I'm jobless and need money for my kids. This has caused stress due to no job and being sued.
Perhaps the most memorable thing that has happened to me within the past month is the car accident I was in. This accident devestated me, and it caused me to lose a good paying job, and I'm being sued by the other driver. I was behind the lady, and I tried my best to hit the brakes, but it just would not slow down in time. I'm not sure why, honestly, but I had only had the vehicle for two weeks, and I had noticed that it took a little more pressing on the petal than it did with my old vehicle. I had even gotten out of my vehicle to make sure she was okay. She would not even roll her window down for me. I was coming home from work, and it was a forty minute drve from there to home. It was sunny out, and the traffic was terrible, as it always wsa there at that time of the day. I was shaking and trying not to cry, and even ended up giving the officers insurance information to my old vehicle because I was so nervous. Even thinking about it right now is making my chest and head hurt. The police were nice, and understanding, thank goodness. My vehicle was completely totalled somehow, and it barely made a dent in hers. I was shocked to she her go out on a stretcher, though she looked and acted fine. I'm sure it had something to do with her idea on suing me. I had to call my sister to come and get me, and endure my wife crying when I called and told her. I can honestly say this was one of the worst days of my life. It caused me to lose a great job, and now I'm job hunting for a place close by as I stress over courts and lawyers.
Construct a succinct story having its roots in the provided snippet.
My mother was getting older and slightly failing in her mental and physical health. In order to provide her support and alleviate some of my worrying about her, I moved in with her.
While I have mostly come to terms with my living with my mother, it is still weird at times. My brother recenly came to visit and it was an odd dynamic for him to visit and stay with our mother while I am a permanent resident of her place. It felt a little ackward. He is coming from out of state where he is happily living his life and visiting me, who felt like he needed to move in with our mother for her sake. He never said anything derogatory or tried to make me feel bad for living with her, but I felt it anyway. I know it was all in my head, but I just kind of felt like the loser that is living with mom. He stayed for a long weekend. We would hang our around the house and go out to eat a lot. We would watch movies at home and play Scrabble. He fixed a few things around the house, because he is good at that sort of thing. The visit was fun and it was good to see him, it just reminded me of the status of my life and how I am sort of tied down to my mother. It is all my choosing and I think my brother is glad I am here, but I still feel jealous of his freedom and that's probably where a lot of the negativity that I feel stems from. Even though I had the negative feelings while he was out here, I just pushed those to the side when he was here and acted like all was well. I love my brother and his coming out meant a lot to both my mother and myself. I know he will always be there for me when I need him, but right now I am concentrating on being there for my mother.
Use this short prompt as an inspiration for a quick tale: "I went on a road trip a few months ago. I visited a cool restaurant and a board game store. I got out of my normal comfort zone and tried t some new things.".
I hate riding in cars. Being in one for more than an hour drives me stir crazy. There's barely any room to move and nowhere else to go. Still, Ryan convinced me to go on a road trip. It took a lot of convincing before I caved it. I still can't believe he managed to change my mind. I especially can't believe that I ended up having a blast! But I set some ground rules: no stopping in really small towns (they make me nervous), and breaks every couple of hours to stretch our legs. We went two months ago, planned around Thanksgiving and a visit to Ryan's family in Minneapolis. One of the first places we stopped was this cheese emporium in Wisconsin. It's sounds cheesy (ha!), but was pretty cool. Products were a little overpriced, but they had some cheeses that I've never seen elsewhere. But the real highlight was the restaurant inside -- very menu item involved some kind of cheese, even drinks I had this shake/smoothie filled with small chunks of creamy cheesecake. It reminded me of boba and pudding drinks. The cheesecake was souffle-like, not dense and heavy. It was heavenly. I've probably had my fill of cheese for the next few months though. We also stopped in Madison, WI, which I've been to a couple times before back in college. It's an adorable college town. Despite being the state's capital, it still has a cool, quirky vibe. One of my favorite online clothing stores is based out of there. We came across this board game store that had every kind of board game you can imagine. They also had copies of every game for people to test out and play before buying. It was cool seeing all the games I loved as a kidI'm really glad Ryan convinced me to go. Maybe we'll take another road trip this summer.
Your mission: Convert the text cue into a quick, engaging narrative.
A couple got to the wrong resort and didn't have the room key to tell them which resort they were staying at so it was a long process, but in the end the got their happy ending to their story that day.
My love and I spent today traveling to our resort. After a picture perfect wedding, filled with friends, family and memories, we took off for our honeymoon. The flight went as well as a flight in coach could go. We arrived late to our exotic, all-inclusive resort. There was no person at the front desk. Only a key with our names on it. We took the key, but wondered which private hut it opened. We were tired and confused. We started, one by one, trying to open the huts. After four or five tries and bothering a few other guests, we found the keys match. My love swept me up and carried me over the threshold. We are finally settling into our honeymoon. Tomorrow we will wake up late and relax by the beach. I am a very happy and lucky woman to have this time with my best friend. I really do love him so much.
It's mini-story time! Use the guide text as your guide.
I was called to jury duty in April. I served jury duty and didn't get called to be a juror. During my waiting time I purchased what I thought was a banana muffin in the cafe.
During the month of April in 2019 I was summons to jury duty, and had really bad anxiety about it prior to going. It's in one of the roughest parts of my state and it's always nerve-wrecking going there. After drive twenty minutes I finally arrived to sit in a pool of jurors and wait for instructions. During this time I was doing work on my laptop and after hearing my number called I went to the courtroom with the other jurors to see if we were going to be called. After getting dismissed and sent back downstairs, I decided to purchase a muffin. It happened to be a banana nut muffin, unknown to myself. Instead of eating the muffin at the courthouse I waited until i was dismissed completely and on my way home to eat it. Luckily. As I arrived home I decided to eat the muffin, but after taking a few bites I noticed something crunchy. I thought I purchased a banana muffin, and soon after realized it was a banana nut muffin. I happened to be allergic to walnuts and didn't think twice about how bad it would affect me. After trying multiple solutions to get the nut out of my system, it was to no avail and I ended up calling my mom and having her take me to the hospital. My vision was blurry, my throat was closing, and I felt like I was dying and I was so dizzy. Once I finally arrived, they new to take me to get treated right away, and I was lucky enough to book a room at the hospital. They injected me with a few drugs and I was able to sleep better.
Build a short story that incorporates: 'I went on a date with a man I thought I would not be compatible with just on his style of clothes. I learned that was very immature of me and I was completely wrong. We got along famously.'.
I went on a first date with a man about a month ago. I met him through Tinder and from what I could see from his profile pictures, we seemed to be very different. But I thought he was good looking so I swiped right, and it turns out he had swiped right on me too. When he started messaging me I was surprised to see how much we really had in common. We both play a lot of instruments and had similar conversation style, and he was very intelligent. When I showed up to meet him for the first time, he was dressed in dress khakis and very clean cut. I am more of a black nail polish and flannels type of girl. He has a job as a financial analyst and I am a freelancer. When I started talking to him it turns out we have the same views about spirituality, had very similar childhoods, had the same passions and interests all around. I really learned I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. I was wrong in my assumption of his personality based on his style of dress. I brought that up and he mentioned that he has had to adapt to being clean cut for his job. We had a really good time and I have seen him since. It was really nice to find someone that I am so in-tune with and I hope it works out. If it doesn't work out, I have learned a very valuable lesson to take with me going forward.
Think of the primer as a seed, and grow a short story from it.
This is about my job searching experiences for the past 2 months. I have applied over 10 jobs and finally landed on one with higher pay compared to my current job. I also will have less stress compared to my current job. Some of my current coworkers are very emotional about my departure.
For the past 2 months I have been looking for a different job that pays more than my current position. Ideally it would have a shorter commute. It would be ideal if I did not need to travel in to the city anymore for the new job as well. I applied to over 10 jobs, and interviewed at 3 of those. One of the jobs seemed like an ideal fit, no more commute to the large city, great benefits and I really enjoyed the interview. I had been referred to this one by a friend. I decided to be extra pursuant of that position and requested a follow up interview via phone myself, and I was thrilled when they told me they had planned to call me. At the second interview I met many more of the staff and they seemed very impressed with my skill set. Today I let my manager and coworkers know that I was resigning, and leaving the company in 2 weeks. Some of my coworkers where beside themselves. I found it hard to say goodbye. A couple of them were very emotional. Cleaning out my office will be difficult. However, we have scheduled a going away get together at the local pub on my last day and I look forward to that. Cheers!
"Family reunion that will probably be the last one on my dad's side since he is 90. All my cousins came in .". How could this be the foundation of a compelling story?
My cousins from my dad's side of the family and from out of town called and said they were coming in . They said it would be a reunion . I asked what they wanted me to bring and they told some things I could bring. I asked them why were they doing it because I thought maybe my dad was sick and nobody informed me of it. He is turning ninety this year . The one cousin I asked said just to come in, I think. So it kind of worried me that something might be wrong with him. But they came in and a lot of people were there and we had a good time. We ate and took pictures and showed each other pictures of all our families and people in our family who had died. It was sad because our grandparents had died and all of my cousins parents had died . There was no one left on my dad's side but him. All his brothers and sisters and their spouses were dead. We gave each other small gifts and made to go boxes of left over food for everyone and then cleaned up the kitchen. One of my cousins was a photographer and we went outside and took a lot of outdoor pictures of everyone and later he put them online for us. It was good to see everyone and it felt like when we were all kids and were at our grandparents house eating her food and seeing each other, like at Christmas or Thanksgiving. Most of them brought the food that grandma made when we were growing up so that made it feel even more like a family reunion . It was a fun day and sad also when my dad gave a little speech at the end and said how proud he was of all of us. He teared up some and I think everyone else did too. It was sad because everyone has to die and we aren't here for very long. It made us aware of that I think and it was sad but also fun to see everyone. We made plans to see each other again in September and I am looking forward to that . Some of them have to fly in so not sure how many will make it. I will go to that event since it is only an hour and a half away from me and an easy drive.
Generate a quick tale from the idea.
An old woman deals with the grief of the loss - death - of her granddaughter by visiting a museum where the granddaughters photographs hang in a art show. The old woman does this to feel close to her and also her daughter who had died.
I remember when I met Sandra. Sandra was quite agile for a woman of over 80 years of age. She usually tells me story anytime I run into at the park. A story stood that I could never forget, it was so sad and sweet at the same time. The story was about Sandra's dead granddaughter Chelsea. Chelsea died at 24 years of age, due to a car accident. From Sandra's story I could tell Chelsea was a funny, beautiful, and nice girl. Sandra and Chelsea were obviously very close. Sandra tells me about the time Chelsea got featured in an Art collection by a photographer who was very fond of her and the photographs were so good that it is currently on display at a museum. Sandra tells me about how she found peace after going through so much emotional pain when Chelsea died. What she does to forget the pain of Chelsea' death is probably one of the most surprising and sweetest thing I have ever heard. She goes to the museum regularly to see the photographs of Chelsea and she claims this does not only help her remember who Chelsea was but also her mother. She goes further to say, this is the best way to deal with a loss. Not by forgetting the people we lost but by remembering them for who they were. She goes on to invite to come to the museum with her the following week. All I can say is that I cannot wait to meet Chelsea.
'I went on a date with a man I thought I would not be compatible with just on his style of clothes. I learned that was very immature of me and I was completely wrong. We got along famously.'. From this, spin a quick and intriguing narrative.
I met a guy through an internet dating app. He seemed out of my league and just like we would not have anything in common and have different life goals and interests because he was a very sharp dresser and clean cut. As a photographer and musician, I tend to dress more in a punky aesthetic. I figured he would be into sports and Alma Matters and I would be into plants and dive bars and we would sit awkwardly. But he was very attractive and he was nice when he messaged me so I gave him a chance. It turns out we have more in common then I would have ever thought and we get along super well. Honestly, if this guy wants to marry me I would in a heartbeat. I am still seeing him and he is the most mature adult person I have ever been with. His clothes were not indicative of his personality. I learned that stepping out of my preconceived notions and comfort zone I was able to meet a much better partner. He is stable and a good communicator. He also happened to be a musician and owns a ginseng farm on the side of doing executive financial work as a day job. The job explained his aesthetic and I got plants and music and dive bars in his interests too. I am very lucky that he is quite taken with me as well. He inspires me to be a better person. I realized I just gushed about him for this whole writing, but I think the original point of this was to say that I learned a lot about how I was limiting myself and being judgmental and was very wrong. I grew from this experience.
Can you tell a brief story around this idea: "I recently started a job at a software company. It was a very enriching experience. I have a stronger bond with my co workers than I did with old childhood friends"?
Everyone needs software. It is one of the most important, highest paying careers out there. It's also not a job everyone has the brainpower for. That makes me feel special. Translating need into software is what I do best. I've met so many people from around the world that I otherwise wouldn't meet and i'm thankful for that every day. This is a job i've wanted since I was a little girl because my dad was a software developer, so I really feel fulfilled. There is a lot of bad software ideas out in silicon valley like the juicero, but people with a real passion for innovation will always shine the brightest. In addition to fulfilling my dreams, I love my team. They are hilarious and make a really hard job much easier. They are fast learners as well. We do many social activities together contrary to the computer nerd stereotype. We hike, go to dinners, watch TV shows like silicon valley together, go to workshops, and even Christmas parties. This is more than I did with my childhood friends of average intellect. I've been exposed to some of the brightest minds in the world from ivy leagues to natural homegrown talent and I could not be more thankful. I'm pretty sure I would not have the fulfillment at some dead end desk job like some of my old friends and my sister. They make living which is great in this say and age, but they get burned out so easily. I'm truly thankful for the path I took in life
Craft a mini-tale where 'I received a promotion at work. Everyone congratulated me and we celebrated in a bar at night. I am enjoying my new position very much. I am thankful for this. I am glad for my coworkers, family and friends that supported me in every way possible.' plays a vital role.
I received a promotion at work 12 weeks ago. I had been working extremely hard towards this goal for the last several years. This included completing tasks that were not typically assigned to someone in my group, working long hours, and working weekends. It finally paid off in the form of a promotion to manager. This promotion allows me to oversee a group of 15 people. There is also added benefits such as a bonus at the end of the year, and 4 weeks of paid vacation. When i first found out that i was receiving a promotion, i immediately called my wife to tell her the good news. She was extremely excited, and we went out to dinner that night to celebrate. She also threw a surprise congratulations party that included our close friends and family. We went to a local bar to have drinks and celebrate. Most of my coworkers were happy for me as well. I have a good working relationship with almost everyone that is going to work under me. I think there may be a few who are jealous that they didn't receive the promotion, but i don't foresee any log term issues. This is my first management level job and i'm excited to prove myself. I believe i will be successful in this job and am looking forward to a bright future.
'Went out had some drinks saw a few bands. Had a good time but getting ready is a pain overall it is something that must be done to get to the good part which is the bands music and the drinks'. Let's hear a short tale that involves this.
A little while ago me and a few friends wanted to do something different for the weekend. we normally do the samethings during the weekend so that's why we wanted to change things. we had a conversation about a few ideas on what we could do. there were a few good ideas but we had to bring down to one. we'd probably do another the following week. This time we decided to go out and see some bands perform. This was different because we haven't really been to a concert. This is about as close as i've ever been to one. I thought it would be fun however. we went out and had some drinks watched a few bands perform live. we had a pretty good time we were all jamming and lifted. The only problem is something should be done to get to the good part. It takes a while for the bands to actually start playing. That's the best part drinking and listening just the time waiting beforehand is an issue. Overall we had a good time and new experience.
With this quick situation: 'I went to the hospital for a routine exam. They decided to keep me overnight. I ended up delivering my son the next day!', please form a brief narrative.
3 months ago I was only 8 months pregnant. Now I have a 3 month old. I went into the doctor because I was having back pain. They decided to keep me overnight just to be cautious. When I woke up in the morning they told me I was in labor. I couldnt believe it. I spent the whole day in mild discomfort and after 26 hours i was ready to deliver. I was surprised to deliver a healthy baby boy at 6 lbs 1 oz. I didnt know my little man was ready to come out. My husband couldnt believe it either. We had to quick buy more baby equipment as we werent quite prepared a month out. Being a mother is hard work but overall rewarding. I am not getting a lot of sleep and feel a bit disjointed but we are doing our best. We will love our son every day of our lives. I still cant believe that his happened so early!
Given the brief details in 'My family and I traveled to an interesting spot with a playground and splash pad. We enjoyed a unique play area with a surprising zipline. We climbed large hills.', create a short tale.
My family and I went out and did many fun activities about four months ago. I went with my parents, my sister, and my nephew. Specifically, we went and found a place with a playground and a splash pad. We had a great time at the playground. We also had fun getting wet on the splash pad. My nephew particularly enjoyed this. On top of this, there was a play area that had a really exciting zipline. It was exhilarating being able to go down it. The most surprising part was when my mom went down the zipline and screamed at the top of her lungs the whole time. We all had a good laugh at that, as she usually doesn't go on those. There were also a number of large hills around to climb. We all had a good time doing this, though it was quite tiring. At the top of the hills, we had some great views. We were able to see the city and the surrounding forest. When all was said and done, it was a memorable day, and we went home satisfied.
Picture a brief tale that arises from the springboard text.
In the summer of 2019 I went to a wedding dress alteration with a friend. It's a friend I've known for a long time.
This summer I had the opportunity to accompany a close friend to her wedding dress alteration appointment. I had gone wedding dress shopping with her, but was not on the trip where she found "the one." It was my first time seeing her in her dress. She stepped behind a curtain to have some privacy while she put the dress on. The moment she stepped out was highly memorable. She looked beautiful in her dress and she had a big smile on her face. Just getting to put the dress on made her happy. It was clear how excited she was about getting married. My friend and I had first met way back in seventh grade, when we had some classes together. We'd seen each other through a lot of important life moments, like first boyfriends, first heartbreak, high school graduation, college acceptance and the birth if her first child. Getting to be with her for this step was important to me. She looked happy and radiant in her dress and it made me think back to when we met fourteen years ago as kids. There was something so neat and intimate about getting to be with her while she did this sort of prep work for the big day. A lot of people would be at her wedding, but it was just the two of us sharing excitement at this appointment. I liked being able to see her excitement and nerves about the upcoming day. It reminded me of how excited and nervous she had been when she started dating her soon-to-be husband. It was a special moment to get to share with a close friend.
'I obtained my medical cannabis card for ptsd. Then my life improved significantly far beyond what I had hoped.'. Let's see a short, fascinating narrative that includes this.
Something that has effected my life greatly in the past 6 months is I got my medical cannabis card in my state for ptsd. Since going on it I have been able to get off of all of the other medications I was taking. My energy and willingness to participate in life has also changed drastically in this time period. I had spent most of my life since 2012 basically sedentary and having given up hope after the passing of my wife. I spent years trying to get help through pharmaceuticals and counseling to be left little more than a zombified prisoner in a group home waiting to die. It has been a change in my life that I never expected to be this drastic. A lot of me wanting the card was I just wanted to be able to get high and escape. I knew it might help some, but if I am honest with myself I wanted to get high. That being said I am now walking 5 miles 4-5 times a week, am actively hunting for a job, my cleanliness and grooming are also hugely improved to daily cleaning and showering(I would straighten the house maybe 3 times a year and was living in squalor and was only bathing a couple times a month), and there have been other improvements in my overall outlook and quality of life as well these are just some major ones. There have been a few negatives, mostly just being a bit more forgetful, but nothing compared to the side effects that left me sleeping most of the day and tired the rest. I have energy and I have hope that I can find some sort of life that I can at least be content with in the near future all of which I would have laughed at you and probably been very hostile if I was told this was possible before. So I have to add sentences because whoever coded this messed up. It says it must be 15-25 sentences or 600-3000 characters. I was over 1600 characters at 8 sentences when my story was finished so it should have been fine. But it seems the coder made this an and statement instead of an or statement or something like that.
Using the context in "We were 2 lovebirds thought we would be together forever and we had the time of our lives and share that forever.", please write a mini-narrative.
'This summer I attended the convocation at my cousin's university. It was a festive event. Especially, the talent show at the end of the event was very memorable.'. Compose a narrative where this plays a significant role.
Three months ago, I attended a convocation for my cousin's university. It was a fun day that day. I had a great time eating all the different foods. I had a beer with a corn dog. I had some wine with a burger. They were all delicious. At the end, there was a talent show. There was a ton of talent that day. There was a magician who pulled a rabbit out of a bottle. It was insane. There was a woman who got cut into three parts, with all the parts moving. I don't know how they did it. They finished it with a man in a straight jacket doing the Houdini act. He barely got out of time before he drowned. It was scary. I hope to go to one of these again.
Use the kickoff text as your muse to craft a micro-tale.
A great white shark swam past me while I was surfing. Although alarmed, I kept my cool and came out unscathed. It's a memory etched into my mind forever.
This past June, I was surfing at my local beach, when a great white shark swam right past me. I had been in the water for about two hours and waves were fairly consistent. It was a typical summer day in Huntington Beach, with June gloom (heavy marine layer). There was a small southwest swell running at two to three feet. The water was warm and fairly clear. Up until that point, it was just like nearly any other day. I usually surf every day, swell permitting. June is typically sharky in Southern California. It's the time of the year when the juvenile white sharks are migrating back up North. There had been recent sightings in the area, but it doesn't stop hardcore surfers from surfing. So, as I paddled back to the lineup, I sat up on my board and waited for a set. That's when I seen a dorsal and caudal fin heading right towards me. I knew right away what it was. I remained calm, but was scared. It approached me, then at approximately five feet away, it turned and swam by. I could clearly see its black eye checking me out as it passed. It was a juvenile, approximately six feet in length. Not big by great white standards, but still bigger than me. After it passes, I caught a wave in and notified a lifeguard, that closed the beach for the day. It was definitely one of the most tense situations of my life.
Develop a short narrative from the seed.
A short story about insight to our own flaws in relationships. My realization that we're always learning about ourselves, every day.
I can't get upset or angry very easily. Whether it's with my spouse, friends or colleagues, I find myself getting emotional over minor things. A few weeks ago, one of my direct reports made an error in a project that was presented to senior management. We didn't catch the error until after the presentation. Our conclusions would have been different had we not made the error. I spent a day explaining to the meeting attendees what had happened and how we would fix it. I was also very angry with my analyst who didn't double check his work. I told him that I am going to give him a bad review on the project and that will definitely affect his bonus for the year. After the dust settled, I felt awful. First, I could have caught the mistake myself had I paid more attention to the presentation. Second, most people were understanding as we were going to fix the error. Third, this incident carried over in the evening to my home where I was upset and was rude to my spouse and son. The learning from this incident is that I should learn to be calm under pressure. I should start with being kind to myself, and then be kind to others. Though I have known this for years, I have never been able to put this into practice. But I am going to take a sincere effort and improve myself going forward. I am also planning to take some online courses and read books to help me improve. I apologized to my colleagues, my wife and my son after the incident. Only time will tell if I can improve.
Use this prompt to write a brief narrative: "My dog died in July. I found her lying in her favorite spot next to our other dog who was lying next to her crying.".
Back on July 2, 2019, I took both of my dogs outside to go for their nightly "potty". I noticed Buddy was acting a little slow but as she was almost 16 I expected this. I could see both of them outside chasing each other. All of a sudden Buddy sat down and kept looking around. A few minutes later she got up, turned and looked at my mom before running off into the dark. I could hear her breathing and Sparky was barking. We kept waiting for them but we they never came back. We ended up going outside and shining a flashlight. That is when we saw her laying on her side with Sparky standing by her crying. I could see that one of her ears was up like she had been listening to us. It was so strange how she went and laid in her favorite spot and died. This is a place she always seemed to love. There was a rare cool breeze that night and I could see her ear moving. I couldn't believe it. I picked her up and carried her over to the patio. I'll never forget how limp her body was and how sad I felt. I never have been able to fully get past it. I miss her so much. I often find that I relive that night when I go outside. Recently I went out there and stood for a minute. I have really had to fight depression. Our other little dog was sad for a long time but he seems to be finally getting better. We are still in the process of getting another dog and we keep putting it off. I guess because we can't replace her and it is still hard to imagine bringing in a new dog. I do know that my other dog would love to have a companion.
Imagine a short story that could spring from this excerpt.
As a woman with a disability who uses a wheelchair, I am often excluded due to accessibility issues even when it involves people who are supposedly my friends.
I have a disability. I cannot hear ever since I was a baby. I grew up with difficulties because I could not be taught like other kids in school. I had to attend a special needs school where I was taught through sign language. Fortunately, I can speak, so responding in school wasn't a problem. The biggest problem for me is not being able to have a normal social life. Most of the people I know, including my friends and family don't have the same problem so it's not easy for them to adapt to me when I'm around. It kills me when I see them laughing at a joke that I did not hear. Whenever I am with other people, I cannot help but feel inferior. I recently talked about it with one of my friends and she told that they try to make sure that I am included but sometimes involuntarily end up forgetting that some one with special needs is around. Moreover, having this disability as a woman is very hard. Other than not having a meaningful social life, my dating life has been hell. I can hardly ever connect with anyone. For someone to date me, they would need to be fluent in sign language and willing to use it all the time to talk to me. It's also worth noting that it's hard to express emotions through sign language so it's hard for me to have an emotional connection with a partner. Most of my partners just end up leaving because my life situation is too much for them to endure.
Develop a short narrative from the seed.
Use the clue text as a stepping stone to create a compact story.
I visited Auckland, New Zealand and Sydney, Australia. I stayed with a friend from college and had the best time of my life.
My memorable event that happened to me was having the opportunity to travel half way across the world to New Zealand and Australia. Recently I had been watching more tv shows and movies from New Zealand and Australia as well as Youtube videos. I had been gradually exposing myself to the pacific culture for years. I found out that a friend that I met while doing study abroad was now living in Auckland, New Zealand. I had been telling this friend for 2 years that I had to meet up with her! And I was so proud of myself when I finally made it happen. I stayed with her for 2 weeks and it was a well needed vacation. One of the best experience of my life. I visited tons of museums, witness a Maori cultural performance and even climbed an extinct volcano. I hadn't seen my friend in almost 6 years and it was wonderful catching up again. I got to go party with her and her friends, go to the bar with her co-workers, and sit down at some of the best restaurants. I also experienced my first time in a casino and got to take the public transportation like a local. It was bittersweet when I left, but I was still joyful because Australia was next. With Australia I got lucky. My plane ticket from New Zealand to back home in America allowed me a 22-hour layover in Sydney, Australia. Sydney and Auckland were like night and day. Although Auckland was more fashion forward, Sydney was more business savvy. Everything looked expansive, refined, and luxurious in Sydney. I took one of the hop-on, hop-off busses and was fortunate to see all the highlights within a span of a couple of hours. Leaving Sydney going back home to America left me with a lot of great memories.
Build a quick narrative from the source.
My husband and I went on vacation to Canada. We saw Niagara Falls, shopped and dined out. We were stopped on the way hom by immigration for bringing back too much alcohol!
Dear Diary,It's been eight weeks, but I think I'm finally able to put down on paper what happened to my husband and me when we went to see Niagra Falls. I've already told you about all the fun we had, how amazing the Falls themselves were, but I haven't told you about my own personal fall. I guess I've been looking over my shoulder, still nervous that they might change their mind and come after me and lock me up. It's just not like me to get in trouble with the law. The Falls were good, the shopping was good, but something happened when we went out to eat that first night. Maybe it was the excitement of seeing the Falls, the rush of all that water, the exciting splash of water on my arms, making the hair stand on end. The gentle kiss of the wet breeze on my face. We decided to spend a little more than usual on dinner and go someplace fancy. It wasn't just fancy, it was elegant, refined. It was the most romantic dinner we'd been to since our honeymoon. We started with a glass of champaign, split a bottle of red wine during the meal, and then got lured by the waiter into trying something afterwards, a nice Canadian port he recommended. It was amazing. Like velvet on our tongues. I've never been really, really drunk before like that. We stumbled back to our room and had an amazing night. Something really came alive in my husband, and in me. It was my first time with a hangover, but it was a night of many firsts, for both of us. We loaded up with several bottles of that port before heading home again. I'm always nervous crossing the border, thinking about how hard it was for grandma. Maybe part of me feels like there's always a chance they may change their mind about us, see the mistake they made with her, and keep us all out forever. My heart was pounding when they pulled us over for inspection, and stopped dead when they found the port. It was too much! I've never been so ashamed. The looks the guards gave us were devastating. I may not have a criminal record from this, but I feel permanently unsettled, like I enjoyed myself too much to live up to the legacy of my grandmother.
Can you tell a brief story around this idea: 'Since we had parted on not great terms, I was surprised and touched that he would want me to know about his wife's passing. This experience brought up memories of my years working for him and how much he had meant to me over the years.'?
My old boss's wife had passed away and I was very touched to learn that he wanted his daughter-in-law to let me know. It showed that he considered me close enough to the family to be one of the people that he would want to attend the funeral. I had quit the firm a year before and I had worried that my boss had harbored ill feelings towards me but him notifying me about the funeral made me realize that he will always hold a special place in his heart for me and it will be the same for me. I had worked for him for over 20 years and I learned so much from him. He's an intelligent, caring, and ethical person and I was lucky to have him as a mentor. He always trusted me to do my work and gave me so much latitude. He made me a partner in the firm and would always tell me how much he appreciated my work. He made sure my 401k was well funded and that started me on a course towards saving a good amount for my retirement. I will always appreciate the fact that the job made me financially secure. We had our disagreements but we will always be close. I realized how silly I had been to worry that he had bad feelings towards me after I had left the firm. I should have realized that the years of working together and mutual affection would not change. He had Parkinson's and his mobility is reduced so I am thinking about visiting him in Florida sometime soon. I haven't seen him in over a year and his wife's passing made me realize how little time we have left and I should visit him soon. It will be nice to reminisce about the company and gossip about our coworkers.
Turn this brief piece of information into a mini-story: "I drove home to visit my parents and siblings for the 4th of July. We went out to dinner together and had a great time chatting and eating food together.".
A couple weeks ago, I drove back to visit my family who I hadn't seen in several months. I live several hours from my parents and siblings so we only see each other a couple times a year. It was my niece's birthday and also near the 4th of July so it was a good time to take a trip back home to see everyone. I spent the night before my drive taking care of errands around my apartment and then packing for the trip. The next afternoon, I left work a bit early and started the drive back to my parents' place. I arrived a couple hours of driving to find my brother had already arrived. I pulled into the driveway, shut off my car and got my suitcase out of the car and walked up to the front door. The front door was locked so I went around to the garage door and was going to use the keypad to open it when the front door opened and my dad was there. I smiled and gave him a hug as I walked into the house. I saw my mom and brother talking in the kitchen so I dropped my stuff off on the ground and went over to say hi. After a brief round of greetings, I went back to put my stuff into a spare bedroom where I would be spending the next two nights. I put my stuff in the room and headed back downstairs after plugging my phone into the wall to start charging. I got back downstairs and saw my parents and brother were discussing dinner options. We were going to meet my sister and her kids at a local restaurant for dinner and we were trying to figure out a time that worked. My sister mentioned a time she was available and we headed out to the restaurant to see everyone. We showed up a bit early, but after about 5 minutes my sister pulled in with her kids. I said hi to my nieces and nephew before giving my sister a hug and we walked in to get some food. We ordered our food and sat down at a table and had a good time reminiscing about old times and talking about how our lives were currently. We ate some delicious food and had an overall good time. After about an hour my sister needed to put the kids to bed so we went our separate ways. It was great getting to see everyone again and it was a wonderful night.
"I could not attend an event that lead up to baseball's All-Star Game. Yet, I was able to purchase some memorabilia online for someone else that contained the logo for the all-star game.". Let's see a short, fascinating narrative that includes this.
I wanted to attend a historical All-Star game. Yet, I knew that I could not afford to attend. I decided to try to attend another event surrounding the game, but my mother became ill. Since my relative really enjoys baseball and could not attend any of the events, I decided to do something special. I perused MLB 's website and I found a cap. Yet, I wanted a really stylish one. Therefore, I continued to look on the site and I found the perfect hat. It was similar to what everyone was sporting and had a signature logo on it. It was the right cap for my relative to receive in lieu of him missing the game. As a result, he was so happy. I was grateful that I was able to find some memorabilia for him. Yet, still sad that I could not attend. As I watched the game that night, I was happy with the outcome because someone from my home team won MVP. It was one of my fondest memories. I am grateful that my hometown hosted and the game ended well.
Weave a succinct narrative that incorporates: 'I was drinking with my friends for our 22nd birthday. We all drank way too much and all got really drunk. I threw up a lot but partied hard.'.
One of the best days of my life. This is day will be remembered forever. It was something like the movie Hangover, but without the extra. It happened about a month ago, my friend parents had went on vacation for about two weeks. My friend decided to throw a party for his three closest friends; to celebrate our 22nd birthday. Since none of us had a birthday party this year, and we where born the same year. My friend said be at his crib around 8 and bring some liquor and call some girls. So i called a few girls, and posted it on a blog post. I arrived to my friend crib around 8 , it was kind of dark outside but wasn't fully dark in which the moon was at its glory. Walked inside and saw it was a small amount of people inside. I would say about 20 people in total. The music was very smooth, like a nice slow jam to dance with the ladies. I shook three of my friends hands, and gave four girls i knew a hug. More people started to arrive and that's when everything got lit. About 40 more people arrived and that's when the heavy liquor came in. People brought in Hennessy, Ciroc and other expensive drinks i haven't heard of. Let me tell you, we got wasted that night. I was taking shots, after shots, after shots, and more shots. I think I had about 10 shots of liquor, for what i can remember. All i remember was i threw up all over my friends couch, table, and bathroom toilet. But that didn't stop the party, we party until about 4 a.m.. It was a night to remember. I woke up the next morning with the worst hangover ever and barely remembering anything. I end up staying at my friends crib cause i was so wasted. He showed me the video of me throwing up and dancing with a couple of girls. We laughed about it and then i went home.
With this small context: 'my friend's death. Old friends reunited to share memories. In the end, her loss reminded me of how far we've come in life and that even the things we feel we might have lost aren't actually gone.', what quick story would unfold?
A friend sent me an email that one of my closest friends had died. I was astonished. No one knew anything was wrong with her, not even her. But she had a sudden aneurysm and there was nothing they could do by the time she was at the hospital. I got in touch with other old friends in her social circle to get more info. We were able to see what an impact she made on the lives of so many people. I had known her for about 15 years. I transferred to a different school and didn't know anyone. She was the first friend I made there. We were seated near each other and somehow became friends quickly. She had a good sense of humor. She was also very smart. It's just a real tragedy. The death was completely undeserved and unpreventable. We just have to remember her going forward.
Compose a short story inspired by the given prompt.
I was delighted to find out that I was having a baby. After many months of preparation the beautiful baby arrived, I was so happy.
Life is full of unexpected events, my life has been no different. About ten months ago I found out my significant other was pregnant, I knew a new adventure was about to begin for me. As the weeks rolled by, the due date was coming closer and closer, and time seemed to move quicker too. I knew I was going to need lots of baby stuff, and a lot more money. I immediately started saving money, as well as working many more hours. Saving money wasn't the only hurdle I was going to have to overcome, I also needed to move many hours away from where I was raised, and where my business was located. About a month before the due date my significant other decided that I could finally move up to where she was, I did not delay, and moved as quickly as I could. It took me three trips to move all of the baby stuff, and another trip to move my necessary belongings. Upon arriving, I immediately setup the nursery for our soon to arrive daughter. There were many other things to prepare, like child proofing the house, and making sure that we were ready. I made tons of food, and froze them into individual servings, ensuring we would have proper caloric intake upon our return. I also made sure that our vehicles were in top operating condition. Before we knew it, we were driving to the hospital. After two long days, our beautiful daughter was in our arms. It was the happiest day in my life, and the beginning of my new family. A few days later we were able to go home, and start a new chapter of our lives.
'I brewed a magical tea out of psilocybin mushrooms, and drank the majority of it. I almost instantly started to feel the effects, which have changed the way I view the world and how I interact with other people. I think this experience helped shaped who I am today.'. Let's hear a short tale that involves this.
A memorable scenario I recently had gone through was about 2 months ago. It was sometime in July/August, and it was the first time I had tried something truly magical. This magical experience I had was due to me eating a few grams of Psilocybin mushrooms. It was sometime at night, and I had just gotten everything I needed to try them. I planned on making a tea out of the mushrooms, I read somewhere on Reddit that if you boil water and let the mushrooms sit in the hot water all of the bad alkaloids that cause nausea wont be there and that the effects wont be as strong. Anyways, after brewing the tea I decided that I should sit down and start enjoying my freshly brewed magical tea. About halfway through the cup, I felt butterflies building up in my stomach. I think it was just my nerves getting to me, but I was starting to feel pretty anxious about the whole situation. I did not know what I should be feeling or what to even expect. I decided to lay down, and not finish the tea. This is when the effects begin to really kick in, it had been about 45 minutes since I made the tea. It's hard to describe how I physically felt, but I think the best way to describe it is that I had absolutely no energy to get up. I was glued to my bed. Instantly I started to get very introspective, thinking about literally everything and anything. I was thinking about all the times I got angry, all the times someone did something for me, I started thinking about all my family members. It truly was a remarkable experience, as it showed me that all the problems I thought I had weren't really problems at all. I felt as I had complete control of the world around me, I felt connected to everything and all of my everyday stresses vanished just like that. Nothing mattered at that moment, this overwhelming experience of freedom brought tears to my eyes. I could not stop crying these tears of joy, I don't think I ever felt so free and happy then I have at that moment. I remember telling myself to right down all of these feelings because I did not want to forget about this moment. The next day I felt an overwhelming glow about myself, and I just wanted to help everyone around me. This experience for me was very memorable, and brought a lot happiness into my life.
Use this short prompt as an inspiration for a quick tale: "We wanted our kids to spend some time with their friends over the summer. We though that this cookout would give everyone a chance to come and hang out for a bit.".
We had an awesome cookout for the kids and their friends. Their friends' parents were able to join in as well if they wanted to. The day came and we set everything up in the yard such as the tents, tables, chairs, and grill. A few people started to arrive and all of a sudden it became cloudy. Throughout the entire week, there wasn't anything in the forecast to say that it would rain. As the last person arrived, the rain began and it came down hard. All the kids were gathered inside the house so they wouldn't get wet under the tents and the adults lounged outside underneath the over hang of the house. It was chaotic and we didn't have a lot of room for the amount of people that were in the house, but somehow we made it work. The kids played games on the floor, talked to each other, played game systems and even took pictures every so often with their phone. They all had a blast despite the weather change. The adults had a good time just to mingle around and talk. The food was good to eat and everyone had a full belly. A few hours later, it was time for everyone to go home. The parents who did not stay, came to pick up their kids, some of the parents that came to eat helped put up the tables and chairs and cleaned up a bit. My kids had a great time to see their friends over the summer with this cookout.
Produce a short story that evolves from the given idea text.
I took a DNA test and found out that the man I believed to be my grandfather is not. He is not my genetic relative. I used info/memories of my mother along with along with DNA matches to discover who my biological grandfather is.
One week ago a problem was raised in our family. It is because of the issues related to the property sale of our old home. The clash went so bad that one of my uncle told a truth suddenly. The truth was that the man I believed to be my grandfather is not. Everyone was stunned a moment. He said that my grandfather was not my genetic relative. I argued that that cannot be true. But my uncle was confident in his argument. Immediately I argued that I will prove it. I decided to take DNA test for my grandfather. I took his blood sample to the trusted hospital nearby and the test was conducted. From the result I got to know that he was not my biological relative. Hence I decided to use my mother's DNA to find who is my grandfather. It was really shocking to know that he is not my grandfather from the result. I am on the steps now to find my biological grandfather.
Your mission: Convert the text cue into a quick, engaging narrative.
I took a vacation and left my cat at home. My landlord did construction on my apartment and left a hole in my bathroom. My cat went in the hole and had to be rescued.
About five weeks ago I went on a long-awaited vacation with my best friend. It was a 7-days Caribbean cruise. I was so excited to go! The only thing I was worried about was leaving my cat Cornelius at home. I have made arrangements for my neighbor Mary to check on him every day. She is such a sweet lady and she agreed to do it right away. She promised she would make sure that Cornelius has fresh water and food and she told me there was nothing for me to worry about. So, I went on the cruise and it was amazing. I didn't have internet access nor phone service, which was great, but I was a little nervous, because I couldn't check on Cornelius. I had the feeling that something bad might happen to him, but my friend kept telling me that I shouldn't worry that much. But I was right. Something did happen while I was away. Apparently, there was a leak under my bathroom sink and Mary reported it to the landlord. He stopped by my apartment later that day and repaired the leak, but left a hole under the bathroom sink. After he left, Cornelius, being the curious kitty he is, went into the hole to investigate it and got stuck in it. I don't know how much time he spent in that dirty dark hole, but Mary realized that he must've went inside when she didn't find him in my apartment the next day. Long story short, Mary had to call the landlord and her nephew and it took them the whole afternoon to rescue Cornelius, but thankfully they did it and he is ok.
See where the springboard text leads you in your concise storytelling.
I applied to a variety of jobs. One resulted in contacts that set me up to be scammed. I've learned to be highly skeptical of unvetted contacts, and hold my information closely.
I've been self-employed for almost a year now. I sometimes do freelance work that's available through Amazon, and sometimes apply to individual jobs via different job-posting sites. On one such posting, I applied to a job for data entry. The employer was verified by the site, and had many others applying for the same job. Not long after I posted, I was contacted by someone who claimed to work for the company. They pressured me into quickly acquiescing to an interview over Google Hangouts. Although it was suspiciously sudden, the constant pressuring that the person gave made me quickly decide that it was worth taking the chance, rather than losing an opportunity. As I spoke to the interviewer, I was alarmed by their poor grammar, but their explanation of being a foreign company gave me some hope. However, it was their offered benefits that disillusioned me. They were offering to pay me more than twice what I applied for. Although they explained that I would have more responsibilities than I applied for, it still seemed too good to be true. I decided to use a break in the conversation to look up the company. The first relevant hit warned me to immediately walk away, and that I was in the middle of a practiced scam. I immediately ceased conversation with all people involved, blocked them, and deleted what personal information I could. I now know to personally vet whatever company I work with, and I've researched some of the more tell-tale signs and predictable plots. Although I was very angry at the aftermath, I've been able to learn from the experience and better myself.
Take inspiration from 'I took a 6-night vacation to Universal Studios in Florida. I visited the Volcano Bay water park, Universal Studios and Adventure island. I rode the Incredible Hulk roller coaster. I also ate at some nice restaurants including NBC Sports Bar and Grill.' and pen down a short narrative.
I was always dreaming to visit Universal Studios in Florida. Because my friend said her experience after visiting there. Nearly eight months ago I started to make plans to visit. I discussed with my friends about this plan to get an idea. They suggested me some online websites for vacation packages. I too compared different plans of different websites and finally chose one. The package included 6-night stay. I booked in that site. Finally the day arrived which was 3 months ago. I reached Universal Studios in Florida which was really exciting to me. I visited the Volcano Bay water park, Universal Studios and Adventure island. I rode the Incredible Hulk roller coaster which really surprised me and made fear in me, but it was an wonderful experience. I also ate at some nice restaurants including NBC Sports Bar and Grill. The food were simply tasty. Overall those 6 days were very exciting and I can't forget those days in my life.
Ready to write a quick tale? Use the springboard text as inspiration.
I was enjoying a nice afternoon ride. Saw a little dog that looked lost so I fed him. Then he adopted me and I have another dog.
I was riding my motorcycle home from work. It was a Tuesday around 4 PM. I saw a little dog in the distance wandering along the side of the road. The traffic wasn't very heavy yet, but it's tourist season so I knew it would pick up soon. I pulled over and walked up to the little guy. I was hoping that he had a tag on him with his address so I could just walk him home. He didn't have a collar on at all, probably got hung up on something then he slipped it off. He was kind of scraggly, unkempt and looked like he was starving. Luckily I had a sandwich I had picked up for later in the saddlebag. He was really friendly, like he had a good home at some point. Wasn't aggressive at all, just being happy to have something to eat. I couldn't really tell what breed he was but he was some kind of hound mix. While he happily followed me I knocked on the doors of the few houses that were near to see if he was anyone's pet. Of course, nobody could claim him. I knew if he were left alone it was a matter of time before he got hit by a car. I asked an elderly gentleman if the dog could stay in his garage until I got my bike back home and could come back with a car. He agreed and that's how I ended up with a new dog. Frank is his name and he's sleeping on his bed happily in my office behind me at this moment.
'My daughter agree to listen to my advice. She moved into a house next door to her mother to help her while I battle lung cancer.'. Transform this into a brief but exciting tale.
She is my oldest "stepdaughter"; my wife's daughter from her first marriage. He died in a tragic car accident. Now I'm facing cancer. I know she is terrified. We have our own daughter together and she is just 13. If I die, they'll be left all alone. The well being of the entire family is why I encouraged Lily's sister, Jill, to move in to help out the family. Lily loves her older sister; Jill is 21. She will feel safer with her around. I had not imagined this for our family. We have to face life as it comes to us and family matters the most. Friends are fair weather and some may even be there for the hard times, but family understands and loves the deepest. My sister was there for my mother when she was dying after a severe stroke. I know that my mother so appreciated it. I was not in France when my mother suddenly became ill as my wife was pregnant here in the USA and I had to be with her. My sister was able to be with my mother and it meant the world to the entire family.
Utilize the following input text as a starting point to craft a brief narrative.
My dad dying alone in an assisted living facility for people with Parkinson's and other chronic mental issues.
April 17, 2019Dad died today. My brother called to let me know. I was expecting it, because my brother had called the night before to say the facility my dad was at had contacted my mom and told her he was not doing well, and they expected the worse. My brother asked if I was going to go over to the facility, but I said not tonight, but that I would go in the morning. I have mixed feelings about that decision. You see, my dad had been diagnosed with Parkinson's and had been moved to an assistant living facility for people with chronic mental issues when my mom was no longer able to care for him. He was pretty much in a vegetative state in that he didn't speak or move. He breathed unassisted and had to be fed, bathed and changed. I had visited him a few times at the facility and hated seeing him that way. He didn't communicate with me at all. I talked to him but had no idea if he was hearing any of it. He lay on his side in a semi-fetal position, his hands frozen in a curled, claw like posture; his face expressionless, his mouth frozen in an open position. His eyes didn't move or follow you in any way. I secretly hoped he would pass on quietly and peacefully in his sleep, sooner rather than later. I didn't know what else to do. He wasn't going to get any better, and no one knew how long this would go on. I remember thinking how can anyone in this world think this is the way anyone would want to live? It made me think how selfish people were, because the only people who could see this as an acceptable way for another person to live would be someone not going through it, but willing to put someone else through it just so they would not have to deal with the death of a loved one. If it was possible to choose to have him euthanized, I would have done it. But that is not an option in our "civilized" world, so I was stuck just hoping nature would take its course, sooner rather than later. I do not regret those thoughts. I do, however, regret not having gone to the facility the night my brother called and being by my dad's side when he died. I honestly do not know if I did not go because I honestly thought he would make it until the next day, or if I just didn't want to see him that way again. I still struggle with that decision and the reasons behind it.
Produce a short story that evolves from the given idea text.
There was a shooting in my hometown. The experience of reaching out to people and people reaching out to me to make sure everyone was OK was emotional.
Things have been surreal these last few days. The shooting in my hometown happened two weeks ago, but it still feels like yesterday. Everything has been like a blur since that day. My phone has been in a constant state of activity with so many friends from other states reaching out to see how I am. Everyone wants to know if I knew any of the victims. The crazy thing is that I truly didn't know how to answer them. I was waiting for plenty of responses from other friends who live nearby, so it was very stressful. You never really expect this type of thing to happen to you in your own backyard, so it has understandably rocked us all to the core. The vibe around town has also changed quite a bit. People seem more cut off, more distant towards others. For so many people to lose their life because of senseless violence is just a complete tragedy. And to make matters worse the shooter was known to many people and a lifelong resident. My younger brother went to school with him and even shared some classes. Though he moved away after graduating high school, he still has vivid memories of the shooter back before he showed violent tendencies. All in all it's just been a rough time here lately, though I'm hopeful we can move past this. We might never forget how this event changed our lives that day, but we can definitely be stronger from it.
'I took an hour long vacation with my immediate family to stay at a casino in Missouri, and to spend time with them. I thoroughly enjoyed the rooms, and being able to spend time with my parents and son.'. Let's hear a short tale that involves this.
The most memorable event that has happened to me in the last 3-6 months was my family (Dad, Mom, and Son) coming to see me at my apartment and taking us on a vacation from Tulsa, OK to around Joplin, Missouri. I haven't been on vacation in years, and my dad decided all four of us should take a vacation, and spend a few nights at the Down Stream Casino on the Oklahoma Missouri border. Being with my closest family member's meant the world to me. We started out at my apartment in Tulsa, OK and we drove about an hour and 15 minutes to our destination. When we first arrived I bought some Ice Cream at the casino's Ice Cream stand for my Son and I. After that we got the keys to our room, and brought all of our luggage there. We shared two rooms, and the rooms were extremely nice, and comfortable to relax and sleep in. I stayed in one room with my son, and my parents stayed in another. I didn't participate in much gambling, instead we watched Ellen DeGeneres Game show, and stayed up late watching TV and having good conversation with my son, and parents. After that we drove to a local restaurant, and had dinner together. Then my dad took me on a tour of the casino, bar, and slot machines. He showed me the machines he likes playing, I played with 20 dollars, and ended up cashing out 40, so I made a nice little profit. I will always cherish this vacation with my close family member's that I don't always get to see. Their kindness and love will always radiate with me, and I will always remember them choosing to spend time with me, and make my day that much better. I will always remember this trip, and the fun times I had with my family. They will always be in my heart.
"I went to the birthday party of my friend's daughter. It was her first birthday and when she really started getting to know my daughter.". Compose a narrative where this plays a significant role.
I went to my best friend's daughter's first birthday party. It was at her new house. Only family was invited. I felt very happy, excited, and grateful to be invited. It was very significant to me to be asked to come. It is her first baby and we have known each other for 20 years now. She has known all three of my kids since birth, so I would have felt bad to be excluded. What was surprising was how much the baby was able to interact with us. It was the first time I heard her talking. She absolutely loved my 6 year old daughter there to play with her. I also got to catch up with another old friend who has a toddler now too. The cake was made by my friend and was beautiful. It was rainbow layers with marshmallows on top for clouds and candy rainbows on those. It was fun to see the baby have her "smash cake." It brought back memories of my kids first birthday. The party filled me with warmth and nostalgia.
Turn 'My friend and I took a road trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles. We followed the Pacific Coast Highway and didn't make a single plan. This is our story.' into a short story.
About three months ago, I went on a great road trip with my friend, Dani. I've been out in San Francisco a lot lately to help take care of my 97 year-old grandmother. She lives with my aunt, but she's needed a little extra support lately. Anyways, I had been out there for over a month and was really missing my friends back in Colorado. I had made a joke to my friend Dani that we should rent an RV and drive the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH). There was some other family coming to my aunt's house who I really didn't want to see. Out of the blue, Dani called me about a week before the relatives were flying in. She declared that she had some cancellations and wanted to fly out and do the road trip. She booked her ticket that day. Once she flew in, we picked up the rental van (an actual RV was too expensive to be practical) and we were off! We started in San Francisco with a quick driving tour of the city, then we hit the PCH. We stopped at funky tourist attractions along the way like the Mystery Spot and a tiny Big Foot museum. We didn't plan anything; instead we just found places to stay as we went. If we liked the town, we stayed the night, if not we went to the next one. There were gorgeous views all along the rocky coastline. We took 2 days to drive down to Los Angeles and then we took 2 days to drive back to San Fran. I really enjoyed out time together and appreciated that she was able to come out. Plus the drive was a first for both of us which made it even more special.
Imagine a brief story from the details in "I went camping at a Texas state park with two siblings. We talked about nostalgic memories around a campfire. On the last day, we hiked up a mountain and viewed the incredible scenery.". Write it.
A memorable event that occurred in the past few months was when I went camping with my two brothers. I was excited to finally go camping for the first time but also somewhat anxious. The camping site we decided on was at a state park in Texas. The drive there was quite long, but once we found our campsite it was time to start exploring. We walked around the park and admired the scenery. However, some of the most beautiful scenery was while we were hiking down the trails. When the sun went down, we all gathered around a campfire and starting telling stories about the past. At the same time, we were cooking hotdogs and burgers. When it was time to sleep, we went to our respective tents. My tent could have the top removed and I could see all of the stars. There was also the sound of birds and crickets that felt relaxing to listen to. The next day, we climbed the hardest trail at the park. Once making it to the top of the mountain, we saw an American flag waving in the wind. The scenery at the top was one of the most breathtaking things I've seen in my life. It will forever be ingrained in my memories.
Take the guide text and let it guide your pen to create a fascinating, short story.
The story is about my personal experience about a personal crisis and how a kind neighbor helped me out of a tight situation. My daughter fell off a bike and my neighbor helped me get her to urgent care!
I went through a tough situation about two months ago and the situation was saved by my neighbor who helped me deal with it. I would like to share my thoughts about this event here. Our household has just one car and on that day my husband had taken the car with him. I was with my daughter at home when the incident happened. My daughter went on a bike ride and accidentally fell down from her bike. She was hurt and she somehow biked back to the house. Our home has an internet phone and as the internet was out, the phone was not working. I was distressed and did not know what to do. I came out into the street. I have a physical disability and it is tough for me to walk. But I somehow managed to get out of the house and tried drawing my neighbor's attention. That day no one was around. After about 10 minutes, my neighbor just happened to show up and she took things into her hands immediately. We drove to the nearest urgent care with my daughter and everything worked out fine. My daughter was shaken but not seriously hurt. I was beyond relieved and very thankful for my neighbor's timely help. I have since gotten a cell phone and taken steps to be more prepared for such emergencies. But I will forever remember my neighbor who showed up from nowhere in my time of need! My neighbor and I became close friends since and I believe this is a start of a beautiful relationship. My daughter too adores her. My neighbor often compliments me and my parenting as well as how I mange my life with dignity. I in turn admire her tenacity and her willingness to help everyone! I believe God comes to us through kind people and this incident is a true marker for the same.
Craft a micro-tale based on the suggestion.
Going out for a good morning run. Met someone I did not know. Was a happy camper. Constant communication.
Well today I went for a run at the local park. I planned to run a total of three mile today. I started my run normal as usual with a little back paint to my lower back. I ran enough to warm up and get rid of the pain. While running I noticed a woman walking the same path but in opposite direction. I said hello and kept on running. Im not into chubby women however, this one caught my attention for some reason. So, every time that I passed by her I would say something. Trying to get her to talk. We had brief conversations. When I say brief I mean really brief. I should have asked her for her name. I did not. If i were to ever run into this person again. I might ask her for her name. She was supper pretty.
Extend the following text fragment into a short, captivating story.
My window ac units were leaking water as they ran in the house. I decided to clean the units myself.
Just recently, I had to clean up some major water spills in my house, due to the window air conditioning units leaking water. It began with just one unit, which was the downstairs unit, then the bedroom unit began to leak a few days later, which made the most damage of the leaks. Initially, I thought it was just filters that were giving the units trouble, as previously I had decided to clean the filter in my bedroom unit. I felt the unit was not blowing the air consistently as before, so I decided to clean it and then it began to blow like normal. The water leaking, however was not going to be an easy fix. I didn't want to buy new units or pay for service. I just assumed the leaking was from overrunning, heat moisture, etc and allowed it for about a week. Almost two weeks and a half had went by and I came home one day and the unit in my bedroom had been leaking water all over the room. I have a suitcase and some important boxes next to the unit that were damaged but certainly able to be replaced. When the cleaning of the filters didn't work, I had to think of another plan. I researched some common causes for the leaking, as many of those who had experienced the same trials, all mentioned that the units have to be cleaned at intervals. The units began to hold alot of matter that clogs the drain up, that don't allow for adequate flow of any moisture that forms. Believing I researched enough, I decided to break the units down and clean them myself, as well as the filters. The units have been working properly the last few days and no more leaking. With both now leaking, the units had been leaking for a couple of weeks and of course over time, it began to damage items in the house.
Incorporate the concept of 'I went on a plane trip from my home state to the state of North Carolina. On that trip I discovered how different where I grew up and where this new place was. It made me understand that the world is a big place and there is so much opportunity out there just waiting to be found out and grabbed.' in a brief creative piece.
It was such an amazing experience to have travelled from my home state of Florida to the beautiful state of North Carolina. I have been to other countries, but I haven't been to other states really. Pulling out of my driveway and out onto the road was a surreal feeling. Usually I'm in work mode and don't get to enjoy life as I should. So finally looking up to getting some vacation time was pure bliss. Making it to the airport and pulling out my passport was pretty cool too. The whole setup felt like I was in some kind of movie. I was ready to go on some kind of mission where I would reach the ultimate heights of relaxation. Really, I was just happy to get away for a bit. Getting onto the plane and seeing Miami slowly fade away from view was nothing short of amazing. I must admit it was a wondrous day. I touched back down in just under four hours and the weather change was head scratching. It was hot, but with the humidity missing, you could survive if you got under some shade. The people were totally different as well from back home. While I was used to a smattering of cultures there were really only white people around. Though I must say, I would certainly like to go back.
Build a brief narrative from the ground up, using the lead-in as a starting point.
The big day that turned into one of the worst days ever. The day students dream about did not turn out as planned for me. Graduation was a bust.
That morning I woke up not feeling the best. I had worked on trying to get in all of my last minute papers and exams for the finals. For which I still had one class. That I never turned in by the way, but the teacher left me off. I woke up at like 3:00 in the morning because I needed to wash my hair in order to put on my Wig that I had wanted to wear. It was an very expensive wig for 200.00 Dollars. I was super stressed on not being able to wear it. I managed to get the wig on, but I didn't have much time for anything else. So that meant: no makeup, no nothing. I barely had time for anything else.Then I picked the wrong shoes to wear. When I got to the stadium I could not even where the shoes that I had brought to wear. I could not get them on my feet, I was drained, not satisfied with how I looked, and felt like I was on the verge of having a mental breakdown. As usual, I quickly decided I was just going to block everything out and get through the day. I walked into the stadium and the floor was bare concrete. Not only did we had to walk across this bare concrete floor, but we also had to stand for the into that was almost 30 Minutes!!! And I was wearing shoes that had not type of support. Just my luck on all days of today. I had been imagining this event for the past five years. It was turning out to be one of the worst days of my life. All my planning and effort was equaling to this moment right here. Then after standing for 30 minutes, we were finally able to sit down. Being that my name started with a B, I was lucky to be one of the first ones called. But not so lucky that I had to wait for everyone else in the line to be called before the ceremony was over. When the ceremony near the end. There was a hilight moment where they had this amazing confetti and Jazz band. But go figure I could not capture any of it because my phone was dead. So yeah when I got home
Generate a story that's rooted in the trigger text, but keep it brief.
My sister in law goes into labor. I am alone with her so I have to take her to the hospital and a lot of family come to visit after.
I finally have a chance to write about what happened two weeks ago when my niece was born. I was sitting home alone relaxing when I get a frantic phone call from my sister in law who lives around the block. She said she feels some pain and thinks she might be having the baby. She was 38 weeks pregnant, so I figured it was just Braxton Hicks contractions, but I headed over to her house anyway. Once I got there and saw the puddle of liquid on the floor around her I knew she was having the baby. She didn't want to call an ambulance because they would take her to the closest hospital, not the one she wanted to go to. I had no choice but to drive her. This was her third child and the doctors had predicted that once she went into labor she would deliver very quickly, so I was terrified she was going to deliver my niece in my car. The 45 minute drive to the hospital was the most nerve wracking experience of my life. I can't even explain how much I was shaking and praying. I was praying we made it, I was praying I wouldn't have to deliver a baby on the side of the road. For as much as I was freaking out my sister in law was surprisingly calm. She focused on her breathing and didn't talk much. I could tell as we approached the hospital that the pain was starting to be too much for her. I pulled up outside of the hospital and she jumped out and ran into the emergency room. I parked the car and ran inside after her. They took her into the delivery room right away and luckily my brother was able to make it to the hospital before the baby was born. After it was all over it felt great to be so involved in the birth of my niece. It was a long day, but once all my family came to the hospital to be with us and visit it turned out to be a great experience.
Spin a brief, engaging tale including: 'Abruptly my dog, who we rescued, was diagnosed with an illness that was un-curable. We loved and cherished her, and we are certain that she is in a great place with her spirit still living on.'.
I have routine work to say. Daily i went out morning with my pet dog for walking. I enjoyed with her lot and i loved very much. Since 5 years my pet dog travel with me and my family. Even though our family went or planned any trip or picnic my pet also enjoyed with our family. My dog is one of my family member. But later on wards my dog diagnosed with an some illness. my family members so upset because that is un-curable. I thought suddenly take them to high treatment to remove the some critical situation. Finally the doctor says just love and enjoyed with her. She automatically recover she is so tired and some more infections are affected. I give some prescription to buy and give your pet. I got all the medicines what the doctor told and give to her. Now she is in a great place. Finally she became cure with her spirit still living on.
Try to include "I took care of my elderly mother for ten years. When her 'cognitive decline' reached a point where I could no longer take care of her alone, she entered an assisted living facility. It was a stressful time for us both." in your short storytelling.
For ten years I remember taking care of my mother before it became too much. I loved my mother very much, she was a very endearing human being and was outstandingly selfless. I remember it was a difficult adjustment when I first started taking care of her, there was a lot of arguing over who was taking care of who. Over time the arguing became less and less as she slowly started to realize she needed more and more help around the house, I think it hurt her pride to ask for my help around the house. A year before the idea of assisted living even crossed my mind we had a pretty serious incident that led to her hospitalization. My mother had seemingly walked out of the house in the middle of a snowy winter day and didn't remember doing so; she didn't even dress properly for the outside. She proceeded to wander aimlessly around the neighborhood until a bus driver took her aboard and back to the police station. Fast-forward from that event and the decline became too much to bare. I had to have her under constant surveillance as she'd slip without notice or find a way to accidentally harm herself while doing something that should have been mundane. I had managed to work up the nerve to get her into assisted living. The nerve wasn't mine alone as the doctor's also seemed to agree that it was time she entered this stage of her life and it was the safest way to do so. I agree with them and to an extent I think my mother would have too if she was still in full cognitive function. Sadly, I can only gesture and assure with kind words to her that I'm not forgetting about her or leaving her behind every time I visit. Three months have since passed and I've adjusted. I think my mother has adjusted as well but I'm still harboring guilt. So long as she's taken well care of I shouldn't have any issues, but I still wish I could take care of her in her own home that she raised us in.
"My ex-husband is upset that our daughter took a job at his workplace. He is threatening to sever our friendship. His wife is upset, but mostly because my ex-husband is complaining to her.". Can you condense that into a brief narrative?
Dear diary,My ex-husband has lost his mind. Our daughter recently got a job where he works and he has demanded that I make her quit or refuse to take her to work. He's being unreasonable. She's eighteen years old and more than capable of handling the job. I don't understand how her having a job can be a problem for him. He's threatened our very tenuous friendship, and has involved his wife who is also my friend. He has begun to refuse to talk to me, instead sending his "concerns" through his wife. His wife, meanwhile, is frustrated that he's begun complaining to her. His wife agrees somewhat that our daughter is capable of doing the job, but would prefer to not have to deal with his complaining. She told me that he is convinced that our daughter will do something completely unacceptable. He thinks she will decide to talk about sex, or have an emotional breakdown. He's also concerned he will personally have to become involved. He's also convinced he will be asked to intervene by their managers. It's frustrating and upsetting for all of us for him to be so irrational. But our daughter seems to take this all in stride, and is doing the job.
Think of the primer as a seed, and grow a short story from it.
My heart was suddenly destroyed by someone I thought I could trust and count on. It took me completely by surprise and flipped my world around. Although it was painful and hard it helped me get stronger and showed me who I really could count on.
I had been in a serious relationship for about 5 years. I met him in high school and eventually ended up dating. We started a family together and I thought this was it, we would be together forever. I was completely in love with him. We had just decided I would quit my job to stay home and take care of our son, daycare was just too expensive for us. I quit my job and the very next day he tells me he doesn't want to be with me. He told me he didn't love me anymore and he didn't think he ever would. My broke into a million pieces. You hear that saying often but now I actually understand what it means. I was suddenly a single mother, jobless, homeless and heartbroken. I ended up staying with my father and step mother, who helped me more then they probably realized. They were there for me and kept me up until I could get back on my feet again. They helped me heal and get back out there. I never thought I would feel okay again, but after some soul searching and healing even me and my ex have become friends again. I realized during this time that even when things seem like they could never possibly get better, they always will. It will not always be easy, and it will not always happen fast.
'My uncle passed away last week. His funeral was the first funeral I've ever attended in my life. There was heavy heartache in the family, but we all mourned together and will heal together.'. Create a story using this as a core idea.
This past week has been so rough. My beloved uncle died last week. Uncle Ronnie was everyone's favorite. He was the guy who made everybody laugh and brought everyone together. We all went to his funeral together. This was the first I'd ever been to. Seeing him laying there in the casket was heartbreaking. There was not a dry eye in the funeral home. We were all crying so hard. Even in death, Uncle Ronnie brought us all together. We mourned his death together. We will also heal together. After his service, we all met at grandma's house. Everyone came with food. Despite the sadness, we all managed to be together and celebrate his hearty life.
Use the hint to form a brief story.
My father passed away. A week later, we had his memorial service and was a difficult time for my family.
Today my family gathered in a small town. It has been years since we have all been in the same place at the same time. Usually seeing long lost relatives is a joyous occasion for most families. We aren't most families. Usually, we don't all get along. Today wasn't usual. Today we gathered to pay our respect to one of the most complicated men most of us have ever known. Today, we all supported each other and consoled one another in the name of my Dad. My dad passed away a week ago and today was his memorial. This has been a difficult week. Trying to grasp the fact that he is gone has been tough, but today was the worst. We had an open casket. He looked so strange, it was him and yet not him I watched as some of my family broke down into tears, some quietly. Others held it in. I felt I had to be strong for my own little family. My children will never again get to see their grandpa. I will never again get to see my dad, yet as a dad, I couldn't let me kids watch me break down completely. After today, all that will be left him is his belongings and his ashes.
Ready for a challenge? Turn the source text into a brief story.
I was offered to do some evaluation job on certain businesses located in a place i've never been. I saw a lot of things, beautiful landscapes, captivating beaches, amazing landmarks, nice cities, and warm people, i got a flat tire, witnessed a traffic accident, but i enjoyed the day.
About a week ago, I was sitting in my office when my boss came in. He threw some papers on my desk and told me "You need to do an evaluation." I asked him on what and he told me on the new restaurant across the state. I've never been in that part of the area before! I asked if he was sure he wanted me to do it, sure it was across town but maybe someone who knew the area more would do it. He told me that he wanted me to do it. So I agreed, got the company credit card and planned out meal costs and gas cost while I had the boss with me. I was allocated $500 for the day trip. I assumed that would be more than enough. The next morning, I got up early and looked at the directions to the restaurant that I was needed to go to and set off for the trip. It was supposed to take 8 hours to get there so I blasted some music to keep the trip interesting. A couple of hours of driving, the landscape was all beaches from the highway. It was beautiful and I thought to myself "Well, this is worth the drive!" I ended up stopping for lunch at a roadside place that I expected to be bad food. But the food was so good! The people were really nice and gave me some tips on landmarks to see before I left. They were a 5 minute drive from my lunch spot, so I drove down and ended up getting a flat tire. I called AAA to come take care of it and they told me it would take an hour for them to get there. That was fine. I called my boss to let him know I had a flat and I might be using more than the $500 allocated to me. During the wait, I walked around the landmarks since I was there. Took some photos and even saw a car wreck on the highway! It was something out of a movie. AAA came and fixed my tire and soon I was back on the road.
Synthesize a concise story based on the inspiration drawn from the suggestion text.
The summary of this story is about finding someone that captures my interest. The person who I got involved me did that for a while then nothing else.
was vacationing with my older sister last month. We had decided to take a beach vacation together. While I do like vacationing with my sister, we have very different sleep schedules. I like to get up early and she likes to stay up late. So, on our first day of vacation, I woke up at about 7AM and decided to take a walk on the beach. While I was walking, I noticed a very handsome man who was walking in my direction. As he got closer, our eyes locked and we passed each other slowly. At about the same time, we both turned around and looked at each other and started laughing. He broke the ice first and said his name was tom and we shook hands. We chatted for a few minutes and he invited me to breakfast. I agreed! There were several restaurants along the beach highway and he said he knew the best one. As we got closer, here said: RIGHT HERE! It was a beautiful condo right on the beach and I was surprised. He invited me in and told me he made the best pancakes in the world. And, he was right! We had a delicious breakfast of pancakes with straw berries and champagne! I was feeling a little woozy and said I had to go, so I ran off and went straight back to our hotel room. My sister was just getting up and asked how my walk was and I said : The early bird gets the worm.
Here's a quick situation: "Our family was walking at the lake. I needed to rest. My grandson surprisingly decided to join me in my rest, and in the end, it sort of saved the day.". Write a brief story around it.
I was at a nearby nature center with my grandkids and my partner. This was an outing to enjoy the nice weather with my grandson and granddaughter, as well as a time to show them the beauty of Lake Ontario. I am older and have minor mobility issues. When we got to the lake shore, the water was very wavy and the level was high so the strip of sand for walking was narrow. I decided to rest while the rest of the party headed up to the bluffs. I sat down on a fallen log. My granddaughter was so joyous to see the lake, which she thought was as grand as the ocean. I assumed the three of them would continue on to the bluffs. Then the most surprising thing happened. My 10 year old grandson said that he couldn't leave his granny there by herself, and he chose to sit with me. We sat for a long time talking. Afterwhile, we realized that the others should have returned, but they hadn't. Also my cellphone was dead, and I wasn't able to stand up by myself. It was so fortituous that my grandson was there with me. He found a stout stick and helped me arise so that we could find out what happened!
Shape a brief story influenced by the ideas in the kickstarter text.
My Dad got sick, in a time we needed him most, and he got better just in time to be able to make my sisters special night possible.
Sometime around ten months back, my dad fell sick. My elder sister was planning her wedding around this time. We hoped that he would recover soon enough. He made strides and took his medication. His symptoms improved. He was getting stronger. We were happy for him. He always dreamed about walking his daughter down the aisle to her husband. When the wedding day came around, he was able to do this. We were happy. He was excited too. He did the honors, and my sister was happy. She is now happily married. My father is healthy and strong. The family is happy and can move forward with our happy lives.
Transform the clue into a compact story.
Business dinner at a steakhouse, that went extremely well. After dinner, met a beautiful girl that is now my girlfriend 6 months later.
It was a cold Chicago night in January, nearly 40 degrees below zero. This was an important night because I was taking an important prospective client out to dinner. The location was one of the most expensive steakhouses in the city. Dinner was set to start at 6pm, and the prospect, a CEO of a prominent area hospital had ensured the restaurant staff would take care of us while we awaited his arrival. The meal was nothing short of magical, the filet mignon was impeccable, and the sides and cocktails were masterfully created. As dinner progressed, the conversation veered towards business, and we talked in depth about his hospital and the challenges he is facing. Our value proposition was strong. The CEO was impressed with what we were able to bring to the table. We opted to skip dessert, but agreed to set up time for a meeting in the days to come. After saying our goodbyes, my two coworkers and I went to the bar to celebrate what was expected to be a highly lucrative deal. Our Old Fashions had never tasted better, and we decided to grab another table near the bar since our company was footing the bill. At the table next to ours, two beautiful women overheard us discussing hospital strategy and interjected themselves, they were doctors at another prestigious hospital nearby. The night progressed, and the 5 of us went on to another bar. The rest, as they say, is history. 6 months later, one of those girls is now my girlfriend, and the CEO is a happy client of ours.
'My husband and I were going through some marriage issues when our cat helped us remember what we were working so hard to preserve.'. Create a story using this as a core idea.
My cat, Archie, likes to play with those hard colored gum balls all the time. I don't know how it started but he's taken to batting them around the hard wood floors of mine and my husband's home. He plays with the gum balls (Archie, not my husband) for a week or two, before I throw them out and replace with a new one. I find it wasteful, but whatever, it's his only vice. Both my husband and I find it funny, like we do with everything our animals do. We often bond over our love for them and our shared love of stand up, food, wildlife rehabilitation, coffee and Elvis. We also bond over similar emotional health hurdles that we've dealt with throughout our lives. My husband and I have a host of separate issues resulting from bad childhood trauma on both ends. We've done a lot of reflection and are pretty careful to navigate our problems with respect and compassion for each other. That's not to say we haven't had our fair share of problems though. We've dealt with insecurity, snide remarks, jealousy, trust issues etc. Recently, we were really going through it when I found out he hid something from me that he found embarrassing. It make me question his honesty and ability to communicate with me. I was so upset and felt like a lot of what we had worked on in our relationship was moot. We were both sitting on our bed, my cheeks tear-stained after a long, long talk about the issue. It was pretty silent when we heard a gumball roll across the floor in the adjacent room. My husband and I said, in perfect unison: "Get that gum ball, Archie." It was like we'd rehearsed it...This random, bizarre phrase that nobody else has probably ever said. I let out a choked half laugh/half cry and my husband did too. It's really strange. Therapy and self-help books and talking out everything has helped our marriage a lot. It's given us tools to work through bad habits taught to us by our parents and we've managed to navigate through a lot of the toxic muck that often destroys relationships. But sometimes, I think we need the reminder that our lives are really great even with the hard moments and what we've built with our love and our home and our effort and our animals, is something that I'd never trade in a million years. Thank you, Archie. You deserve all the gumballs. Me and CatDad love you a lot.
Develop a concise narrative using the text snippet as a seed.
My children's first day of school was a memorable moment for all, especially for my youngest child. Having your youngest start preschool was their first step towards independence and first step away from you. It was both the proudest and the saddest moment a parent can feel.
One of my more prouder and memorable moments I've experienced the last few months was when all three of my children went off to school for the first time this past September. My children are 10, 7, and 3 and they are entering the 5th, 2nd, and preschool grades. There was something that made my 'inner mom' proud to see my children growing and getting to that next step of not needing me anymore and wanting their independence instead. But at the same time, I felt like there was a sense of emptiness as they all eagerly skipped off to their bus. My older school-aged children was excited to see their friends after not really seeing them the entire summer and swapping stories on what they did and showing off their new clothes/school supplies. I was very happy for them and even secretly relived for them to get out of the house for a little bit. I was even more excited to hear about their day, their classrooms, their teacher, and the new friends they might have made! It was very cool to watch them grow up and I couldn't be more excited for them. However, the child that really made my heart sad was my three year old as he was starting school for the very first time. I most definitely took it a lot harder than he has as he did not even stop to say goodbye. Just watching that interaction made me realize that he is in such a hurry to move forward in his life and I am trying to hold back the leash, so to speak. I had a tough time letting go of the toddler stage and letting him go onto the preschool stage. It really was tough to see him SO happy to leave me while I stood back and watched him explore his classroom. Of course it was kind of tough not to take it very personal - I was hoping he was secretly wanting to stay with me... but he didn't. And then I realized that this is his first step towards independence and the very first steps towards the rest of his life. As he goes through different stages, he will always need me even if he doesn't show it. The last child is tough because that is 'your baby.' I will admit, however, having a few free hours to myself was amazing. After school was over, I picked him up and he was all smiles and he couldn't wait to do it again. It was then where I realized I did a great job raising a happy and secure child.
With the suggestion text as a catalyst, concoct a short story.
I had an absolutely wonderful time with my son and four year old grandson when they visited a few months ago. I cherished the time we spent together, especially when our little grandson expressed his excitement and love during the entire trip.
About four months ago my son and my four year old grandson visited us from Europe where they live. It had been six months since we had seen them. When we went to the airport to pick them up, our grandson had been so excited that he had hardly any sleep on the flight over. For the next couple of days, our grandson was so excited, and he talked constantly. His body clock was still on European time, so he woke up every morning around 4:00 am to begin the day. Of course we wanted to spend as much time with them as possible, so we all got up at four in the morning. The first morning, by about 6:00 in the morning, he had already eaten breakfast and was ready for some ice cream. We all ate ice cream cones at about six in the morning! That was a lot of fun! On another day, because he enjoyed hot chocolate, we sat together in a recliner and had our "coffee". One morning, while his grandfather was making scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast (one of my grandson's favorite foods for breakfast) he was still so excited, and exclaimed "I love Grandma's house!" He made both Grandma and Grandpa very, very happy. During the next week, we went out everyday to do something fun together. One evening my son went out to spend some time with a friend, so I prepared our grandson for bed. I received lots and lots of hugs and kisses, while saying our good nights and I love yous and tucking him in. That week was so wonderful.
'Earlier this month, I was reviewing my finances. Income has been lower lately, and since I have good credit I decided to try getting a personal loan, only to be denied.'. Weave this into a short and engaging tale.
Earlier this month, I was reviewing my recent finances. My job had to cut back my hours, so income has been tight and I have been running a little behind on bills. I have good credit and have never needed to take out a loan before. I figured now may be a good time to try, so I can pay down my outstanding debt before it gets out of hand. I was very nervous to apply. It took me a few days to get up the strength to do so. But then... my application was denied. At first, I felt guilty. Worthless. Like a failure. After a while, I started to feel frustrated and helpless. I don't even know why I was denied since my credit history is great and credit score is 750. I've never defaulted on a loan---in fact, I have never even taken one out before. So my only guess is my lower income resulted in the denial. How is someone supposed to get ahead in this world?
Take the kickoff text, and let it inspire a quick, riveting tale.
My memory is of the first trip home from the Army that I spent with my son. My memory is of picking my son up at the airport and visiting with him for the whole week.
Last week, I had a great time with my son. He just got done with a tour. I picked him up at the airport and gave him a big hug. We got a big steak dinner that night. For the next week, he told me stories about his tour. He told me that he got 5 terrorists killed in one day. He is a sniper. We caught up on each other's lives. I told him I got a promotion at a job. He was very surprised, since I haven't gotten one in forever. He told me about how it was very hot in Iraq. There was hardly any water except what they brought from the United States. He said it was boring most of the time until some terrorists needed to be killed. He had to go back in a month. I gave a big hug goodbye.
Turn "I had a really fun childhood and I wanted to share that with my daughter. I bought a projector so we could watch movies in the backyard. We set up deck furniture, the screen, and projector so we could watch Secret Life of Pets 2 in the yard one evening." into a short story.
One day, I bought a projector for my daughter and I to watch movies on. It was rather difficult to set up. I'm not a very tech savvy person, so it took about two hours to even get anything to display on the screen. By that point, my back was aching so badly and I felt exhausted, but I wanted to surprise my daughter with a little gift. When I brought her to the room, she seemed confused at first, but soon saw her favorite characters from the Secret Life of Pets 2 on the screen and let out a joyful scream. It was a very enjoyable experience! I baked some popcorn on our popcorn machine, picked out my daughters favorite candy, and brought some of her favorite toys to join in to watch the movie. One of her toys, "Jim Bob," a large plush giraffe, sat next to my daughter and she briefly spoke to it whenever something interesting happened in the movie. She ended up loving the movie so much she wanted to watch it again. Now, that movie is extremely long, and while it definitely wasn't my favorite movie in the world, I'm glad that she was able to enjoy it so much. I mostly just sat back and watched as my daughter's smile lit up the room. I'm sure she didn't even know how much the projector cost or how hard it was to find one, but I was happy I was able to make her so happy. Moments like these always make me excited for the future. I wonder if ten years from now she'll want to watch this movie again on the projector and reminiscence about how she talked with her giraffe and tried to make him eat some of her popcorn. I wonder where she will be in ten years, and smile as I think about how she will look all grown up.
Construct a succinct story having its roots in the provided snippet.
I had a bad customer service. I was at a local grocery store. I was given false information and I was made late by the issue with the store employee.
Earlier today my day was in chaos. The day started out fine, I woke up early and already had all my tasks and errands written out to start. I had a lot to do but I had just enough time to pull it all off and make the day a success. One of the difficult parts of the day was getting started on some of dishes for dinner later. I had a lot of tasks that involved things in the house and wish I could get started on them right away. But one of the dishes I was making for dinner later required marinading for a few hours and another dish needed to be in the slow cooker all day. There were several ingredients I didn't have. So I had to go to the grocery store first so I could get those dishes started. I looked at a couple grocery stores ads and saw that one had a couple of sales that fit the ingredients I needed. When I go to the store I notice that there are no signs at the store indicating the deals in the ad. When I went to check out my fears came to fruition when my discounts and free items were all rang in full price. I told the clerk about the deals in the ad and they had no idea what I was talking about. They took a long time to ask another person, who also did not know. Then they walked all the way to where I got the product only to find there was nothing there either, which I tried to tell them. Then I went to the front of the store and got the ad to show them. This prompted them to ask a senior member of the staff who quickly said yes of course give them the discount. This added so much time to a trip that was supposed to be quick. Not to mention I was in the checkout line for a long time because the worker was kind of slow. Once I got home tried to make up time by prepping the food as fast as I could. But in the end everything food wise was delayed because I got everything in the slow cooker and in the marinade that much later. I also was unable to do a couple of things like check email or make a music playlist for the rest of the days errands. I hate feeling rushed, it stresses out my whole day and I end up doing things worse than if I was relaxed.
Expand on the text cue to develop a brief, detailed story.
A few months ago, I took a long road trip with my children to visit family. We live far away from all of our family and wanted to take and opportunity to visit with them and tell them the news that we were expecting a new baby!
A few months ago, I took a road trip with my 2 and a half year old twins to visit family. My husband and I had recently learned that I was pregnant again and I wanted to tell our families in person and my husband wanted to take time to do some renovations on the house while we were out of town. My husband's grandmother had been visiting so first I drove her back to her hometown, where most of my other in-laws lived as well. We made a stop at my brother-in-law and sister-in-laws house so that we could visit and the cousins could play together. We finished the drive to my in-laws house and spent the weekend with them. The children had a great visit with their grandparents and got to see a lot of family members. We also made a trip to the zoo which they loved! After spending a few days with my in-laws, we drove another 6 hours to visit my mom and family members. My sister in law had her baby that day but unfortunately missed the chance to meet him! Upon arriving to my mothers house, I broke the news to my mom that we were expecting another child. She was very surprised and excited to hear the news that she was getting another grand-baby! We ate dinner with my mom and my aunt that evening. My oldest sister works at an OB/GYN doctors office, so the next morning we all surprised her at work with my children wearing "big-brother" and "big-sister" shirts and her reaction was priceless that we were expecting again! We live very far away from our families, so it was great to be able to tell our families in person and see their reactions to our news. We were able to spend a whole day with my sister and my niece and nephew and we went to the playground and ate pizza and ice cream. The cousins had such a great time together. We also had the opportunity to go to a nice children's museum and visit with other family members we had not seen in a very long time. After our time in my hometown, my mom and the kids and I drove down to visit my sister and her husband. We had such a great time, but half of us got a stomach bug putting a damper on parts of our weekend. My sister and I were able to get some time together and go to a concert of our favorite band while my mom stayed home with the kids. We visited another children's museum, ate more ice cream, went to a parade and overall had a fantastic few days visiting. Then my mom and I finished the trip back home, she spent the night at our house, and she flew back home the next day.
Write a short narrative based on or inspired by "After volunteering at a marathon I decided to run that same marathon the next year. I trained, froze my butt off, kept at it and then accomplished my goal. I finished the marathon in 8th place.".
Two months ago I did it; I accomplished one of the hardest things I've ever attempted in my life. Last year I volunteered helping out for the marathon that runs through our city. Watching those runners, I felt inspired. I listened to their stories, and saw the sheer joy on their faces, despite the times they came in or how much their body hurt after. I thought to myself, I want to experience this first hand. However, I knew I'd have a ton of training to do because I hadn't run long distance in twenty years. I trained all year, even through the blistering cold of winter. I was determined and it was extremely difficult to stick with it, but I did manage to get into good enough shape to enter and complete the marathon. I can't say how many times I thought about quitting while I was in the marathon because I lost count. I reminded myself that I had gone all year training and never quit. I reminded myself that I had already did a practice run and did fairly well, without quitting. I knew I had prepared, and hydrated and gave my body its needed nutrition and rest. I was prepared, and there was no need to quit. I reminded myself how great it would feel to cross that finish line. Much to my surprise and my delight, I came in eighth place.
"My wife and I were going to Paris for a friend's wedding. We had problems getting there, with cancelled flights and know-nothing airline employees hindering us. Eventually we made it to our destination and despite missing a lot, we made it for the main event and had a great time.". Let's see a short, fascinating narrative that includes this.
In early spring, my wife and I traveled to Paris for the wedding of a friend. We had been to Paris before, but we were still very excited. We booked cheap flights that had a lot of stops and one of them was in Spain. Once we were in the Spanish airport, about 10 minutes before our gate was going to be announced, we received an email saying that our flight was cancelled. We didn't know it at the moment, but the gate we needed to go to in Paris was having some kind of unknown issue and a few flights were cancelled. Nobody at the airline seemed to know what was going on, and after hours of waiting in lines, talking to airline employees and pulling our hair out, we were herded onto a bus that was headed to Barcelona. It was about an 8 hour bus ride. We arrived at the Barcelona airport around midnight, but our bus driver had never been told what to do with us once we got there. We did about 5 laps around the airport while the driver waited for an answer from somebody, anybody. He eventually dropped us off at a terminal, drove off and left us there. Once again, no one at the airport knew what was going on and it took hours to get everything situated. We ended up sleeping on the floor of the airport, behind a customer service booth. We only got an hour of sleep before airport security woke us up and told us to move. Early in the morning we got our new flight. 2 hours later we landed in Paris, about 18 hours after we had originally planned. We had missed all of the pre wedding activities the night before, but managed to take a taxi to our AirBnB, shower, change clothes while still being able to arrive 15 minutes before the ceremony started. It was a beautiful wedding and despite the struggles and frustrating experiences we had in getting there, the time we had with our friends made it worth while.
Create a brief narrative with this cue.
My partner and I searched a church after finding an unlocked door. The potential of a person being inside was unknown and it was 23:00 so no one should have been there. This was very exciting as it was my first major event as a new police officer.
As a new police officer, I didn't have time to get acclimated. I just dove head first into the deep side of the pool. There was a call to go visit a church late at night, around 11:00 PM, to scout the area. It was exciting, nervewracking, and whatever superlative you feel like adding there. Upon approaching the church, the door was unlocked. This was certainly a sign that someone was in there. At least, we were erring on the side of caution. My partner and I were approaching the situation closely. We didn't know really what to expect. Nobody should have been at this church this late at night. The entire situation was just eerie. But there was a primal excitement that can't be explained. I hadn't been so aware in my life. This was about three weeks ago. I don't know if I've fully come down from that high.
Weave a succinct narrative that incorporates: "This was my friend's bachelorette party where we rode a huge buggy/bike through the town, while drinking and having a good time. We ended up with two of our party drugged by another party and going home. We filed a police report but we never heard anything.".
The bike, or should I say buggy pulled up. We got on our seats and it definitely was not what I expected. The pedals were easy enough to turn but it felt like we were all dying about five minutes in. The Bride to be seemed to be having a great time so no one complained. I was definitely not expecting to pedal around on a little villa that we had to pedal to get around on. The bridesmaids all seemed to be in such great spirits. We got to our first stop in about twenty minutes and we got to peruse the bars in that particular area for about 30 mins. I actually enjoyed the stops more because the seats on the buggy were definitely not the most comfortable. Everyone had a good time for the most part. At the last stop we ended up going into one bar and toasting to the bride. Some guys in a bachelor party actually bought us drinks. That was our mistake. A few of the girls started feeling a little light headed and woozy. We ended up having to get a few ubers to carry us all back to the maid of honors house because two of the girls couldn't walk. We got the girls to bed and kept a super close watch on them. When they woke up the next morning they didn't remember what happened. We didn't realize until the next morning that they were given something in their drinks. We made sure and called and made a report. The police said that they would monitor the videos in the bar but we never heard anything out of it.
'Family gathered for annual family pictures. Kids cried majority of the time. Pictures still turned out beautifully.'. Imagine a scenario around this and write it down.
The weekend of my birthday we took family pictures. I had just turned 30; what a milestone. By "family" I mean, all 15 of us. Immediate family. Sisters, brothers, nieces, parents, significant others. Well, everyone's significant others except mine... on my birthday. He has a habit of not wanting to be around the crazies. Who could blame him? What was to be a 30 minute session turned into an hour and a half. Three crying kids later, a dinner that wasn't planned was supposed to happen. Which gave me a bout of anxiety and I didn't even go. The dinner was for my birthday. Nice. Two weeks later we received the album of pictures taken. All of which you wouldn't even know that in over half of them at least one child was crying. As my grandparents always say, "We put the fun in dysfunctional."
Produce a short story that evolves from the given idea text.
This story is about me going back to college. Through hard work and determination I learned a lot along the way and became a better person because of it.
3 Months ago I made a huge life choice. After dropping out when I was younger, I finally decided to go back to college to finish my degree. Though the prospect in front of me seemed much harder than in the past. Now I had to work a job on top of going back to school and that seemed like a lot of hard work. I knew though that if I didn't go back to school, not only would I regret it, but I would be stuck where I was possibly forever. I started by making sure that my job would allow me to go back to school and thankfully they were happy to give me lighter workloads and flexibility. So I started planning my classes and getting ready to work hard. The first few weeks were tough even though I felt I was prepared. Too many times I didn't get enough sleep because I had to study and even had a few night classes. Even with flexible work schedules I still had problems with keeping up with my two responsibilities. However after the first month I felt like my mind and body had adjusted and I was working harder and better. I was also learning many new things in school and I felt I not only could do this, but thrive. All the work and studying made me realize I could do more than I thought I could. I did feel some shame that I didn't do this earlier, but the important thing was that I was doing it now. Hopefully I keep learning and growing as I continue on.
Extend the following text fragment into a short, captivating story.
I got a new job. We moved and I am starting next week. My whole family is excited and happy for this new chapter in our life.
Last month I ws offered a new job with an amazing salary. This was memorable to me because I had been looking for a long time. About one whole year to be exact. I was not happy with the salary at the job I was working the last two years and just decided to finally do something about it. I started applying and interviewing heavily looking for that perfect opportunity. I reached out and worked with recruiters and headhunters. I wasnt shy about waht I wanted and I was offered many jobs over the course of the year but held out for the perfect offer. It finally came and I was ecstatic. It was everythig I hoped for ande even a little bit more. It only had one downside and that was that we would have to relocate away from our friends. I feel like this is okay though because we have family in that area and will have supprt when we need it. I am excited to start which will be in this upcoming week. We are so happy and ready to begin our new chapter in our life. The kids are happy, The wife is happy. I am happy. We should all thrive in this new environment.
Using the context in "My seven year old son was diagnosed several months ago with ADHD. While we believed he had this disorder for quite sometime, and while it was a relief to get an actual medical diagnosis, it's still has come to us with both good and bad thoughts on our end.", please write a mini-narrative.
Parenting a child with behavioral issues might just be the hardest thing I have ever done. When our son, Jackson, started preschool, notes and telephone calls from his teachers regarding his inattentiveness began almost immediately. He had difficulty sitting still during circle time and couldn't keep his hands and feet to himself. He often started an activity, scribbled something on a piece of paper, and then would walk off to begin another activity. He couldn't concentrate long enough to finish his work. This pattern of behavior followed him to elementary school where the classes were larger and the interruptions and misbehavior had bigger implications. My husband and I had always recognized that Jackson had difficulties keeping himself occupied at home. We eventually stopped attending church because his disruptiveness during the service was embarrassing. He'd crawl under the pews, roll around on the floor, and would often yawn loudly during sermons. Despite our best efforts to discipline him, set boundaries, and accommodate his misbehavior, we felt like we were failing him. Eventually, when he turned seven, we took him to his pediatrician, and she immediately diagnosed him with ADHD. We felt a sense of relief that we had professional confirmation. That was four months ago, and my husband and I are still grappling with both his diagnosis and whether or not to medicate him. I've talked with several friends and family members who either have ADHD themselves or parent a child with the disorder. The parents almost unanimously sing the praises of medication, claiming that the positive effects completely outweigh the negative effects such as lack of appetite. However, the feedback from those who have ADHD and have taken medication has been somewhat of a mixed bag. Some have told us about the depression that seems to appear once the medication regime has begun. Others claim that lack of appetite is by far the worst side effect. They all have conceded that they are more focused, able to complete work or activities, and feel like they are able to fit in with peers during events. My husband and I remain undecided as to whether or not we want Jackson to take medication that might help him succeed in school, but would come at a price. Do the benefits outweigh the costs, and are we willing to gamble with our son's brain and mental state in order for him to "fit in?" How will he live his life with this label of ADHD?
'Visiting South Carolina being up in the mountains. Going to pretty place and being with family. Enjoying time with family and having a cookout.'. Turn this into a short story in your own unique way.
Sometime around two months back, I visited the beautiful state of South Carolina. I wanted to visit the mountains, as it is very beautiful and peaceful. I spent time with family. It was a great trip and I enjoyed it. We had a lot of cookouts, and the neighbors came around. We played music and had a lot of games going. We would go hiking in the morning, and return in the afternoon. We loved doing this. They view from the top of the mountains was stunning. I always looked forward to that first glimpse. It was breathtaking. It was great to be with family. We will do it again. Perhaps next year. I will visit by then.
Write a short narrative using this primer.
Understanding that life isn't going to go the way I want it. Understanding that in life things happen for a reason. Having to sit and wait for the past two months allowed me to get more comfortable and confident in job interviews and find another source of money.
December 14, 2018 was the day i felt my life was getting on the right track. I was graduating receiving my degree from college and i knew i was going to have a job within a couple of months. Nothing was going to make think that is wasn't going to happen, i had my degree GPA above 3.0 and an eagerness to learn. Starting out i knew i didn't have a lot of job experience i only had one internship within the government holding my resume down. I decided to go to an employment agency to help me get some more job experience so i will be able to get that dream job i want. During the sit at the employment agency i was told "will always have a job lined up, a lot of it will be administrative work, and help find a position that has room too grown within." I left feeling good, i was going to have a job in no time. A week passed and i got my first temp job, but it wasn't what i was expecting. It was stuffing envelopes for almost two months. At the time i was just happy to get out the house and in a corporate setting. That lasted January - February, I'm like okay i wonder what they will have next for me. 2 months past i get an email saying we have a position for you im excited, im going to be ale to make money. I go an interview for the position, i was told its strictly data entry, i get there and im told its a senior level position (contract). I was baffled at this point, i started to tell myself "this is not what i was expecting to happen after graduating college. Now i was starting to doubt, why did i go to college and put myself in debt with student loans to be depending on other people to help find me a position. After this i decided to just start applying for jobs all day and with i was able to go on about 1 interview per month. From now to my first temp position, the employment agency haven't put anywhere and i probably got about 2 messages from them in that time period. Fast-forward to now im still trying to find a full time job but its not as bad because at first i wasn't making any money but now i got mturk and another site that helps have money in my pocket and also its like i have a full-time position. Going through all that, i was upset at first because it wasn't what i imagined to have to go through but i wouldn't change my story. I wouldn't change it because it has made me understand the value of a dollar, more confidence on interviews, and been able to network with other people. In the future when im in my project manager role this will be a story i can tell others, future husband, and future children.
Use this prompt to write a brief narrative: 'My mother had a stroke and was taken to the hospital. She woke one morning with a headache and lost consciousness. My father took her to the hospital. He called the family and we all gathered at the hospital. A brain scan showed she had significant brain damage.'.
I was at home getting ready for work one morning when I received a call. It was my dad on the other line and he said something had happened to mom. I wanted to know what had happened so I asked. He just said we should all come to the hospital as soon as possible. I gathered up my things because I didn't know how long I would be there. I had an important business meeting that day as well. I got to the hospital and asked about my mom and the person directed me to where my family was. I met my dad and he said my mom had had a stroke. I asked what happened and he said she just woke up with a headache and then passed out. He said she was having a brain scan at the moment to assess the damage. I asked if she had regained consciousness and he said that she hadn't yet. I was so worried about my mom because she wasn't that old. I was desperate to find out more information. Finally the doctor came out and he said that the brain scan had revealed she had significant brain damage. We asked if she would get better or wake up and the doctor said he had no way of knowing. We all went and gathered around her bed to see her. She looked the same, just as if she was asleep. I was very sad at that point.
From this brief statement: 'I was not prepared for my father's death. I miss him, and see him things I do. His death was surprising, and left me with feelings at random times.', create a short narrative.
The loss of a parent is probably the hardest thing that most people have to deal with at some point in their lives. The death of my father, however, was something I don't think I'll ever be able to fully get over. I love my father so much. He was always there for me, always by my side. He gave me the best advice anyone could ever give. He was there through my first break up, there for my graduation, even there for me when I was going through a rebellious phase in my 20s. Most people rebel in high school, but I was a really good kid. I guess in my early 20s I was tired of being so good, though. I just know that he would always love me. I knew that he would always be there no matter what. To this day, I still feel upset over his death, and the way he died. I will never be able to live the same again. I try not to get so sad, because I know he wouldn't want that for me. But it's so extremely hard not to miss him. I honor him every year on his birthday.
Make use of 'I performed a standup comedy set in a competition with 13 other comedians. I won audience favorite and a cash prize for my set.' in a creative way to craft a brief story.
I have been writing and performing standup comedy for three, nearly four years. There have been times where I've done okay, times where I've had an audience of three, and times where I've had a full house with uproars of laughter at every punchline. About five months ago, I competed in a stand up comedy night in which comedians were awarded based on audience votes. After a night of 14 talented comedians performing, I won audience favorite comedian and as a result, a handsome cash reward. I felt so much adrenaline and esteem from this experience. Some of my closest friends made the trip to see my performance about an hour and a half from our home. I had my favorite people with me and I was so joyful and excited. I had never felt quite this way before. Audience members were constantly approaching me and praising me for my performance. Some told me I inspired them and some told me they really identified with my style of comedy. They appreciated the work they knew and understood must have gone in to writing and practicing my set. I felt so rewarded by my emotions and the cash prize was simply a bonus. I still keep a twenty from that cash prize as a reminder that what I do is worthwhile. It can be hard pouring your soul out in my style of comedy. It's emotional and requires an unprecedented level of vulnerability and genuine personality. I'll never forget the emotions or some of the things people said to me that night. I was so nervous as the night started by confidence began to grow and wane as the night went on. I'm so proud of what I do and why I do it.
Build a quick narrative from the source.
I got invited to go to Disneyland for the first time in my life. It was day like no other at the happiest place on earth.
I hadn't been on a vacation in way too long. I was so thankful when my family invited me to go to Disneyland. I had never been there before. I had always wanted to go but never had the money. I packed my suitcase and headed off to go on the trip. I was so excited. When I got there I couldn't believe it. It was like being taken to a different world. Everything was so amazing there. The castle looked so beautiful. The rides were so amazing. The food was quite expensive but it was still very good. I had a great time. I now see why they refer to this as the happiest place on earth. I can't remember the last time I was so happy in my life.
Weave a succinct narrative that incorporates: "My stepkids came home to my wife, after 17 years, and life is a beautiful mess. We are even grandparents, in a sort of a way. I wish that this transitions was easier, but I wouldn't change what is happening in our lives, even if I could.".
My wife's children that she had lost when she was much younger came back into her life. My wife is ten years older than I and had been a child bride after being raised in a cult. When she broke free doing so meant losing her children, and four of the five that she lost have come back into our lives after she had missed them for 17 years. She was able, because of their return, to be there when her eldest child proposed to his girlfriend and began wedding planning. She is excitedly buying things for the wedding but I know how much the hole in the timeline that their absence made will never quite fill. I know that she will always miss the time that she missed with them and all the memories that she would have made over the years with them, but seeing her excitedly bustle and plan and be filled with joy as she plans to watch her son, her first baby, be happy is sometimes a bit overwhelming to me. I am so happy for her and yet fell so badly for the pain she is still in. It is admittedly strange watching the kids blend together, as she had one child with a subsequent partner and then later two with me. Eight kids, and seven of them are regularly in our lives. it is chaotic, and funny, and sweet, and scary. Seeing the ways that the kids are all the same and yet so diverse is neat. It is often strange realizing that my eldest stepson is only 8 years younger than I am. It is shocking to others that we are already grandparents, though our son doesn't have contact with his daughter. I wish that I could help them more, with their challenges in life. I hope that I am doing enough to support my wife while our family makes these transitions. I am certainly trying.
Craft a micro-tale based on the suggestion.
I took weaving lessons after years of wanting to learn. I took many weeks at the school, but finally completed weaving a scarf with very difficult to work with yarn. I entered it into the state fair and won 4th place and a ribbon.
For the past few years I've been considering taking some weaving lessons. Well, I finally got my chance to do so about four weeks ago. Unfortunately I greatly underestimated how much work would be involved. Before I did it I thought, "Oh it's just weaving, how hard could it be?" Pretty hard, it turns out. I went down to a local school here and managed to take lessons there, which lasted for a few weeks. During those lessons I was able to get some exposure to various types of weaving materials, which was nice. After a while I finally decided on attempting to create my own scarf. They're shaped very simply and don't involve too many types of fabric, so I figured that was a good starting point for projects. Overall the process wasn't too bad, but that yarn I used sure was a pain in the ass to work with. It was really thick and stiff, and kind of difficult to get into the right patterns for weaving. I kept at it and that perseverance and endurance carried me to the finish line, so to speak. Around the time that I finished the scarf there was a state fair taking place, so I decided to enter the scarf into a competition just for fun. There were some incredibly talented people in the contest, so my competition was pretty tough. In the end, though, I placed 4th and even got a cute ribbon! Who knows, maybe next year I'll do even better.
Ready for a challenge? Turn the source text into a brief story.
I am explaining our summer vacation. I talk about what we did and what it meant to me. I talk about how my kids liked it and how much fun the family had and the enjoyment they had as well.
My best memory was our summer vacation this year. We went to see a number of family members. Some my kids had never met, some were ill and not going to make it much longer. It was nice for them to get to see family and see where they came from. We also did a number of fun things such as going to see mount rushmore. My sons loved it. We took so many pictures and had so much family time. They got to see there favorite grandma who might not make it much longer. They spent time with her and made lots of memories with her. We had so much fun as a family. We did lots of neat things. We took tons of pictures and made the best 2 month trip we could. We saw lots of neat things we had never seen before. It made my heart happy to see family. I loved seeing my boys smile so big and really enjoy there time.
Ready for a challenge? Turn the source text into a brief story.
I decided to go back to school and change the course of my life well into my life. It was a lot of hard work to get started. Balancing the work load was difficult and it was scary to start over in life. The work turned out to be very rewarding and it has an enjoyable experience.
Today is the day I am taking the plunge. I'm 45 years old and I'm going back to school. I've been a hair stylist for 25 years and never pursued my dream of becoming a doctor. Well now my kids are grown and I have the chance to better myself. Today is my first day of Biology 101 and I am going to rock it. Everybody tells me it's too late, and I know it will be a lot of work, but I've balanced more before. I've raised two kids while working full time without any support from a man. I've taken all the prereqs at the community college to get ready and it has been work but I know I can do it. I will be so glad to walk across the stage and get my diploma and even more to see the words "Medical Doctor" next to my name. I am not turning back till I achieve my goal. I can do this. My kids will be so proud. I want to show them what can be done if you just put your mind to it. Day 1 starts now. Let's begin.
'My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer and beats the odds for a long time. She fought for so long because she knew her family needed her at the moment, and only gave up the fight when she knew we would be fine with her death.'. Turn this into a short story in your own unique way.
My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer and was originally only given six months to live. She has always been a fighter though and did not give up easily. She still had a life to live and wanted to spend time with family and friends. It was sad to know that her time with us could be measured but we rallied and spent as much time together as possible. She fought the predictions and never accepted the doctors estimate. She went to every treatment and tried some experimental things and surprisingly went past six months. She ended up holding on for nearly two years but in the end the fight was lost. At the end she was in so much pain that she was ready to go. She knew that we had come to terms with her upcoming death. We had shown her that we were ready for life without her. She finally gave up the fight peacefully and knew she did not need to fight anymore. It still hurts to know she is gone but we had extra time and I value that to this day. She was always a fighter through my whole life. Her refusal to give up has inspired me and her entire family. It was a lesson to never give in to your circumstances and to keep trying to love and live.
See where the springboard text leads you in your concise storytelling.
I became the godfather of a child. The godfather to a new family and their little girl. The joy of holding another friend's child who I will take care of for many years to come.
Today we celebrated the baptism of my godchild. She is 4 months old now. I am still in shock that I was chosen to be her Godfather. I felt so important and honored that day, and I still do today. The responsibility of being a Godfather is important to me. I myself was raised by my Godparents after my parents passed away. The title means more to me than anything else in the world really. When my friend asked me to take on the responsibility I was so moved. I of course immediately said yes. Ever since then I have daydreamed about what I can do to ensure this little girl feels loved and safe. She has amazing parents, but the job of being a Godparent is much different than an actual parent. I get to have fun with her and spoil her without having to punish and teach. I am really excited for Christmas time. I saw a bunch of really pretty necklaces for baby girls that I want to buy. I just hope I can live up to the responsibility and form a meaningful relationship with this little girl. I love her so much already, it really is the greatest blessing to see your friends' have children.
From this brief statement: "It was the event involving the giving birth of my daughter. It happened with issues when we weren't prepared for it.", create a short narrative.
It was on the day my wife gave birth to our second child. Previous hospital visits and scans had assured us that everything was fine and the baby was going to be a girl. We were glad and anticipating her arrival especially since we already had a boy as our first child. On the day of delivery, I drove her to the hospital for normal check up. We never really had an idea what was coming. On arrival at the hospital, the Doctor examined her and told us it was time. I was shocked as we didn't come for delivery but rather for a hospital checkup. She was admitted and I drove back home to bring her stuffs. I was at home getting the stuffs and thinking about our new responsibility that is underway when I receved a call that she has put to bed. I was so overjoyed, speechless and felt grateful. I didn't know what to do. I later rushed to the hospital to see my bundle of joy. She was so cute like her mother. I never thought we will have it that easy. Especially knowing what we passed through with our first son. It was such a memorable day.
Turn the source text into a creative, brief narrative.
After Retirement . I was offered a very good position where I formerly worked, and had recently retired. I was flattered by the offer, but I decided to stay retired. the chief reason was the fact that I am really enjoying being retired , I really do not want to be anyone's boss
I recently had health problems which although serious, wound up being easily controllable by very inexpensive medication and monitoring of blood work. During this time, an early retirement offer was made to a large group of people at my workplace. after retiring, I was offered a very high paying supervisor position at the same place of employment that I turned down. Although my health problems were no longer a consideration, I had two primary motivations for refusing the offer. I was and am enjoying retirement immensely. But the main reason I refused the offer, was I have never had any desire to be the boss. Not everyone has the temperament or desire to be a Supervisor. After 40 years of being a blue collar worker in a large mill, I had more hands on experience across the process than anyone there or most likely in the industry. Hands on experience is valuable in troubleshooting and there is little doubt in my mind that I could be of help. But, confrontations, being "bossy" , being responsible for decisions made by others is just something I never had the desire to do. The skill set required to be a good mill hand, does not necessarily translate to the skill set require to be a high level supervisor. I was flattered, and quite surprised at the offer. I knew my supervisors had always been happy with my work and work ethic. However, I didn't know they liked me well enough to make me this sort of offer. I was a union official for 11 years and not well liked by the company officials at the time, which was many years before this event.
Transform this idea into a brief narrative: 'The first time buying a home of our own and becoming a new homeowner. And, the process leading up to it and the completion of the home buying event.'.
We had been looking to buy our first home. We spent a good portion of time searching for a home to buy. Eventually we found a condo and put an offer on it. However, there were circumstances that arose which prevented us from buying the condo. So we kept on searching. We again found something and put an offer on it. We went through the process of inspection, paperwork, etc. Finally, we were home owners! It was very exciting and seemed like it was never going to happen. We began moving in and had to learn about caring for the home. This opened a new chapter for us and the start of home ownership. It is a lot to learn and a lot of care. But, it is worth it! We went through some discouraging times before we found the home that was meant for us. It was definitely a good thing that we didn't give up, or we never would have found our new home.
Transform the clue into a compact story.
I went to lunch with my husband and ran into an old friend who is engaged to my brothers best friend. Then my husband surprised me with plane tickets to Paris. What a day.
Last week I went to get some lunch with my husband and we ran into an old friend at the restaurant we went to. It turned out to be my best friend from college who I haven't seen in 40 years. She told us that she was engaged to my bothers best friend. I screamed because I was so excited and my husband said "Congrats!" So she asked me to be a bridesmaid and I of course said yes! So she showed us the ring and ended up giving us our food for free! Not only was the engagement a surprise but apparently she's the owner of the restaurant too! I couldn't stop, laughing so much good news at once. So my husband and I sat down and got our sandwiches and sides and enjoyed a meal together. Then out of no where he surprised me with plane tickets to Paris next month! What a day! So I cried, again from joy and hugged him. I asked him how he got those tickets because when I looked online it was outrageous-the price that is. He said that our friends were going to go but couldn't because of their job, so he bought them from them for a 60% discount! So needless to say that day was amazing. It was filled with events that I never expected.
Build a short story that incorporates: "The diary above is about my recent break-up with my ex-girlfriend. How I handled it, and what I thought about the relationship that we had. It was me reflecting on her character, and how I felt after the matter was through.".
It is hard to believe how much has changed for me in the last 4 months. Veronica and I had dated since high school. I thought she was the woman I was going to marry. 4 months ago, totally out of the blue, she broke up with me. I was devastated. We did everything together. Not only was she my girl friend, but she was my best friend. I thought we had the perfect relationship. We liked the same things, we had the same friends, we could even finish each others sentences. When she broke up with me, I kept trying to figure out what was wrong with me. After the break up, I stayed in and didn't talk to anybody. I didn't want to go anywhere, or do anything. I fell in to a really deep depression. My mom finally convinced me to go see a therapist. Little did I know, that therapist would change my life. She made me realize how much I had to offer and that the break up was not because of me. I didn't see it at the time, but Veronica and I were just comfortable with one another, we were not soul mates. We had just been holding on to something because we were afraid to move on. I'm finished with my therapy and I feel better about myself than I have in a long time. As a matter of a fact, I'm going on a date next week and I haven't been this excited about anything in a long time. Several weeks after my therapy ended I realized that I could not get my therapist out of my mind. I called her up and asked her out and since I am no longer her patient, she said yes. I realize now, everything happens for a reason and it is time for me to move on.
Incorporate the text input into your own unique micro-story.
The event is about the loss of my pet dog, Jesse. I lost him unexpectedly one morning when I woke up. The story is about our adventure the day before and my final moments with him before he passed.
Three months ago I lost my beloved pet dog, Jesse. The day before Jesse passed away I wanted him to have his best day ever. We started the morning off by going on a long walk around the neighborhood. I let Jesse stop and sniff as many times as he wanted. When we got back home I gave him his favorite dry kibble topped with eggs and bacon I had prepared. We then hopped in my Jeep and headed to the ocean, one of Jesse's favorite spots. I threw his ball into the water over and over again until he got tired and we both rested on the cool sand. We then walked side by side along the ocean, taking in the cool breeze and salty air. After that we got back in my Jeep and drove to a local dog bakery where I bought him his all time favorite carob and peanut butter bone shaped cookie. He gobbled it down as I sat on the bench smiling at him. A woman and her child came by and asked if they could pet him. I said "of course" because Jesse loved people and any attention he got from them. The little girl rubbed his ears and gave him a kiss. We decided to head home and lay on the couch together and took a nap. That night I gave him his favorite wet dog food and we snuggled in my bed together. The next morning I woke up and Jesse had his eyes closed but was not breathing. I knew he was getting old, but I still felt like I had at least six more months with him. I will never forget my best friend Jesse and all the happiness he brought me.
Ready for a challenge? Turn the source text into a brief story.
After my boyfriend began acting suspicious, I took it upon myself to figure out why. I followed him one night, only to discover he was cheating on me.
I always knew my boyfriend was a liar. I just continued to believe him despite obvious reasons not to. But two months ago I was at my wit's end. I knew something was up. He said he was headed out to hang with friends one night, and something seemed fishy about the way he was acting. I looked on Facebook and saw that some of his friend's were online, so I asked one of them what my boyfriend could bring that evening. That's when I knew. So began to leave I snuck out to my car and followed him. He drove for just five miles, to a subdivision nowhere close to where his friends live. I was furious but continued to stay focused. Once he pulled into a random driveway a young girl wearing a leather jacket came out and got in his car. They passionately kissed and accelerated off into the night. I didn't bother to follow them. I simply went back home and tossed all of his things in the yard and proceeded to turn the sprinklers on. Whoops! Such a shame for him that he ended up getting back nearly five hours later, to all his possessions soaked on our front lawn. I haven't seen him since.
'I had attended my grandfathers funeral. I wasn't familiar with how the service was going to be done as it was not a traditional one. I spoke a tribute to him that I had prepared the night before.'. Create a small story where this is somehow significant.
My grandfather passed away recently. He was someone I was very close to growing up. I spent a lot of time with him throughout the years. His funeral was Saturday. I wasn't sure of the nature of how the funeral proceedings would be as it was handled by his children (my parent, and her siblings). However, I wanted to say something in his honor at the funeral. On Friday night, which was the night before the funeral, I could not sleep and decided to write out a remembrance. I have a fear of speaking in public, but I wanted to do itso badly that I committed myself to doing it anyway. During the funeral, a religious gentleman who had come to know him recently gave the service and eulogy. After he finished, he did not ask if anyone would like to say anything - the attendees started getting up and moving around - I immediately went up and asked everyone for a few moments for me to say some words. During this time, I was afraid I was being inappropriate, but I really wanted to honor my grandfather. I waited a few moments for everyone to go back to their seats. Most all sat back down, and a few stood attentively where they were at. I spoke my tribute to him and afterwards I was pleasantly surprised by how much it was appreciated. People rushed up to give me a hug and thank me. I felt so happy that it was both appreciated and that I pushed myself to do it regardless of how doubtful I was about doing it.