Ready, set, write a short story! Use the text clue to inspire you.
My mom was supposed to come visit me, but had to cancel. When I was in my apartment, there was a knock on the door and my mom, dad, and brother were all there, surprising me.
A few weeks ago, my mom was supposed to come visit me. We had plans for her to fly to Los Angeles and spend a long weekend with me. Something happened last minute, and she wasn't able to come. I was sad, and laid in my bed for a while because I had been so excited for her to come. There was a knock on my door. I opened it, and not only was it my mom--who tricked me--but my dad and my older brother. They had all flown in to surprise me! I was so surprised. My mom told me she had been able to get a cheaper flight and my dad was able to get off work, so they wanted to come in secretly. When my brother found out, he also wanted to be part of the fun. I was so happy to see them, but I also didn't know where they would stay, since I have a studio apartment. We got an air mattress and my brother slept there, while I slept on the couch. The weekend in LA was so great, and I had such a wonderful time hanging out with my family. I took them to all of my favorite places, and we just had a lot of really good bonding time. For most of the weekend I was pretty chill, but when I opened my door and saw my family standing there, I almost burst into tears.
Imagine a short story that could spring from this excerpt.
We went to Defcon and wasn't exactly what I expected. It was better than expected. The not so hacker story.
Defcon is always a really fun event to attend for a hacker. For me, I always went as a guest. I never knew much about hacking, and even though my best friend was a self proclaimed hacker, nothing he ever tried to show me really clicked. So attending always felt a little weird, but again, he's my best friend, and it's not like some super secret event only the most elite hackers can attend. I always had fun just being there with him and supporting his cause. He was not one of those unethical hackers. I know that the two words kind of go hand in hand, but for him it was never about stealing money from people or invading anyone's privacy. For him, he wanted to take a stand against the government. I don't necessarily agree with that, but I support the guy. So anyway, we get there, and like every year there's tons of hackers, who all get together and try to share knowledge. There's game hackers, computer hackers, you name it, and it had a hacker. Some of the hackers there were the unethical kind. Hackers that just wanted to cause mayhem or steal from others. This was strictly banned from the con, but it didn't stop people from talking about it. Overall, I had a pretty fun time. I can't wait to go again next year.
Take the guide text and let it guide your pen to create a fascinating, short story.
I got fired from a job, and had to endure a long and painful job search process. When everything was said and done I learned some valuable lessons. Mainly I learned money isn't everything.
It has been nearly five months since I have had gainful employment. I am not entirely sure how I have made it through this long. I am going stir crazy. Everything I have tried has proved to be a failure of the utmost proportions. This has made me appreciate things a lot more. I have learned better to accept what I have and not always be looking for something better. This shows me that where I am and what I have can be enough, stop constantly be on the look out for upgrades. I have now seen what I can get by with if I do not completely adopt the consumer culture so many of us have embraced. When you actually live on the things you need, you realize all of the stuff you spend money on that could be better spent elsewhere. Imagine the time I could have if I did not need to work all the time. This makes me realize I should save more so I can retire early. I need to enjoy more of my limited time. I need to be the with people that I enjoy, not just working constantly. I need to work to live, not live to work. I am definitely embracing this new outlook. When I find a job, I am going to be picky and do something that fits me. I will not just take the first thing or the best paying. That is not the priority anymore.
Transform this idea into a brief narrative: 'I won a good jackpot on the slot machines. I bought all the people who were at the bar drinks. I was surprised that I won at gambling and ashamed that this was one of my most memorable recent events.'.
A striking, positive moment that happened recently was when I got a $60 dollar jackpot at the slot machines. I have started playing some small amount of money daily and have gotten some wins the days before that day where I got the jackpot. After winning the jackpot, there were five people at the bar and I bought a each one of them a beer. It all felt like a good moment and I was expecting for it to not pass as quickly as it did. I play the slot machines mostly on weekends and usually cash out when I get double the amount of what I play when winning. That day I was on what seemed to be a losing streak, I had just put an extra dollar which was not planned for gambling that day. Still, I played that dollar and got the jackpot. This is surprising, because I never expect to win big when I play. I play mostly for entertainment and really needed the money that day. I also use strategies from a cousin of mine who used to play these electronic slot machines for a living. Still I would not want to see myself as a gambler or someone whose main goal in life is to strike it big on the slot machines. Unfortunately my situation and surroundings have made me start playing with some mixed results. On one side I like to play, win and buy everyone drinks when I cash out big. On the other hand, I know that this may not be a good habit, but still I think that right now because of my situation sometimes I feel there is nothing there to do, or nothing more memorable than hitting a jackpot at a slot machine. My life has been that stale recently, the only recent memorable memory is that I have hit a jackpot when gambling.
Consider the text cue as a spark to ignite your succinct narrative.
My best friend got married to the man of her dreams. They have been together since high school but to see the relationship growth made their big day more amazing. They are expecting another child and can really be a family the right way.
Three months ago, my best friend got married. She married her high school sweetheart. I was very proud of them. The marriage ceremony was great. She walked down the hall in a white dress. The man had a great tuxedo on. They kissed and were married that day. The party was very cool. There were steaks for everybody. There was also a big cake to eat. It was very good. They told me that they were expecting a child. I wished them the best. They think it will be a girl but I put a bet that it will be a boy. The bet is only a few bucks. I hope they have a happy life. They are a strong and young couple, so they should live long.
Create a brief narrative with this cue.
My boyfriend took me to a very beautiful waterfall. It was an import ant place to him. I felt honored that he took me there.
My wonderful boyfriend took me to a very beautiful place today. It was a waterfall. It was an import ant place to him so I felt honored that he took me there. It had all kinds of greenery with plants and flowers everywhere. It smelled like fresh cut grass. The sounds of the birds and water was very peaceful. I saw the water come down over the tops of the mountain and splash into the reservoir below. It had a very peaceful nature to it. The small drops of water that hit my legs from the splash was just enough to spritz my legs. The sun was warm and I felt wonderful. I was at peace. The time I spent with my boyfriend was wonderful. We waded in the warm water for awhile and then we full submersed into the water. We went behind the beautiful fall of the water where he took my face gently into his hand and kissed me. What a wonderful day it was.
Imagine a short story that could spring from this excerpt.
When working at my second job I was approached by a customer that was older. He complimented me about being pretty, and how much he enjoys visiting the store when I am there. It surprised me.
I looked at the phone and sighed heavy. It was a long morning working at my part time retail job. We normally have more customers this time of year, but today it was going by slow. I wasn't expecting to have any more customers. I had given up on any friendly faces coming my way into the men's department that afternoon. But to my surprise a family came down the stairs and wanted to shop. I was polite and said hello greeting them and welcoming them to the store. It wasn't long before we were laughing and talking about kids. One of the guys in the group commented on how young I looked for having 3 kids. To my surprise he also told me how beautiful I was. His family agreed and I blushed. To make it more awkward he then began telling his family how much he loved the store. I stood there trying not to be embarrassed while he explained how often he visited the store and how he enjoyed coming while I was working. It made my day. They left shortly after with their purchases and I ended my shift with a beat in my step and feeling like a million bucks.
Develop a concise narrative using the text snippet as a seed.
I went to the doctor. I had to get a physical. It is a yearly thing that I do as part of taking care of my health. The most important thing of my life.
Several months ago, I went to the doctor. For this purpose of the doctor, it was to get a physical. They checked my blood sugar. They checked my blood pressure. They checked my weight. They checked my cholesterol levels. They checked to find out how active I was. They checked my flexibility. They checked my physical strength. They checked my hearing and inside my ears. There were other things they checked as well. Afterwards, I was to come in again. For this purpose, it was to receive the results of the physical. I felt, as I often do, okay, but could be better. So much with the body is a science.
The suggestion is your starting point. Where will your short story go?
This story is about a canoe float with grandpa. We had a great float trip with my dad but were saddened to realize how bad his Alzheimer's really is.
About a week ago I went on a canoe float with my grandpa. It was down at the cabin in lower Mosland. On a lake that is connected to a small river system. We went up and down a few of the rivers. And by we I men grandpa, my pops and I. It was maybe a 3 person canoe. I couldn't be sure, but it was pretty loaded down. The weather was beautiful. Clear with a few big puffy clouds to give some respite from the heat of summer. On the way back to the cabin my grandpa asked me how my classes were going. For the third time. I couldn't believe that it was really happening. Grandpa has Alzheimer's. On the car drive back to the city alone with my father we talked about it. It made us sad since grandpa was doing just fine a year ago.
Embed this statement in a short narrative: 'My girlfriend and I with her family went on a river trip to South Texas. We went camping, and we kayaked, canoed, and fished along the river. Even thought the weather was really hot, we had a great time outdoors and we cannot wait to go back again.'.
Dear Diary, My girlfriend and I developed a really close relationship. i dont want to waste her time and she doesnt want to waste mine. We both understand that we were put here for a significant reason. Despite all that is happening around us. Our love for each other insulates us from the ruthlessness of this world. Each and everyday we are going to war. War with mindsets. War with behaviors. War with ourselves sometimes. We often ask our selves why would God put us in such a warzone like this. Then I look to social media and realize that he never intended for it to be this way. This is what happens when you involve choices. In order for choice to be free you need to present the choice to disobey. This is life. We must fight through it.
Develop a short narrative from the seed.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had chemo, surgery and radiation as treatment. The entire process was very exhausting and emotional draining.
In Seven months Ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in women. I was felt some pain in the armpits or breast that does not change with the monthly cycle. Also pitting or redness of the skin of the breast, similar to the surface of an orange. A rash around or on one of the nipples and discharge from a nipple, possibly containing blood. So I confirmed that I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The doctor will check the breasts for lumps and other symptoms. Several tests can help detect breast cancer as Mammogram, Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). The main treatment are radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, biological therapy, or targeted drug therapy, hormone therapy. But I had chemo, surgery and radiation as treatment. If surgery is necessary, the type will depend on both the diagnosis and individual preference. A lumpectomy can help prevent the spread of the cancer. This may be an option if the tumor is small and easy to separate from its surrounding tissue. A simple mastectomy involves removing the lobules, ducts, fatty tissue, nipple, areola, and some skin. In some types, a surgeon will also remove the lymph nodes and muscle in the chest wall. A person may undergo radiation therapy around a month after surgery. Radiation involves targeting the tumor with controlled doses of radiation that kill any remaining cancer cells. A doctor may prescribe cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs to kill cancer cells if there is a high risk of recurrence or spread. When a person has chemotherapy after surgery, doctors call it adjuvant chemotherapy. Sometimes, a doctor may choose to administer chemotherapy before surgery to shrink the tumor and make its removal easier. Doctors call this neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The entire process was very exhausting and emotional draining.
Your story should involve "I am a much happier, wiser, safer, and more confident person after meeting him. I am glad that I met him and I would want to keep on meeting him in all of my future lifetimes." in a brief, concise manner.
During my time as an adolescent I was always getting into trouble. I would get into trouble for things like vandalism and other minor incidents. My parent were tired of me getting in trouble so they decided to do something. They decided to get a mentor for me. They told me he was a middle aged man who was also a troubled teen so he would be able to relate to me. I didn't think I needed help so at first I objected to seeing him. However, I realized all the trouble I was getting into so I decided to give it a shot. When I met him I first didn't think I would like him. However, he knew about all of my interests such as sports and video games so by the end of the day I decided he was cool. The more we met he showed me how to channel how I was feeling that caused me to get into trouble into productive activities like playing sports or drawing. I followed his instructions and I started getting into less trouble. It even got to the point where I completely stopped getting into trouble. He had additional effects on me because he gave me more confidence in myself so I did better at school too. Also, my friends felt safer around me because I wasn't as reckless as before. I would like to keep on meeting with him even forever if he continues to have this effect on me.
Think of the primer as a seed, and grow a short story from it.
This is a story about a family who is grasping to hold on. How can a family stay together through tragedy.
This is a story it's about a family who is trying to stay together, at least partially. It starts with a husband who made it terrible mistake by having an affair. It's about a wife who found out and obviously was devastated. Unfortunately it's the kids who suffer the most, as they have to deal what's the consequences that are outside of their control. This is about a husband who has sought counseling, has apologized constantly and has tried to show that he has changed. This is also about a wife who cannot bring herself to forgive. So then what happens to the family? The wife states that she is going to divorce him, yet can't bring herself to actually do it. You have a husband who is stuck in no man's land. The husband will not file for divorce. Which puts the family in a trap that no one can seem to get out of. The parents are separated, the family is separated, do they still do things together. No one can seem to move forwards together or a part. It is a family in crisis, that they can't seem to get out of. So where does this family go from here? And how can this family move on, when 1 person wants nothing but reconciliation and the other person can't make up their mind. And in the middle of this, are two kid's who just want their family back together.
Ready for a challenge? Turn the source text into a brief story.
It is about the spoilage of birthday cake. The cake got spoiled when coming from kitchen in the midway. It was all on the another friend who was there at the party.
it was my sister's birthday party. i spent all morning and afternoon helping my mom make a cake for her. we had all the ingredients and were making a carrot cake. carrot cake is her favorite. People were starting to come over. they were setting presents at the designated table. The cake was almost done in the oven. I took it out and waited for it to cool down. My sister was very excited to open her birthday presents. As more people came to the party it became more and more crowded. when the cake was cooled off i brought it from the kitchen into the hallway. i was on my way to put it on the picnic table outside. as i was in the hallway my friend was running around and ran straight into me while i was holding the cake. the cake ended up smashing into my friend. She was covered in cake. Everyone laughed when it happened. My sister was upset, but we went to the grocery store and bought her an already made cake. So i guess it wasn't that bad.
Make use of "My grandma who I was very close with, passed away a couple of weeks ago. It was a draining and emotional time for me and my family. It was harder than I expected to come to the realization that she was gone." in a creative way to craft a brief story.
All my life, my grandma had lived within walking distance of me. We were a very close-knit family. She was essentially a second mom to me and we were extremely close. 2 weeks ago, though, she suddenly died. It was completely unexpected. She wasn't sick, wasn't showing any signs of getting sick, she was how she always was. My dad went to her house to take over some food he made, and found her dead in bed. She died in her sleep. When I was told the news, I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to react. I knew it was going to happen, eventually, but not so unexpectedly. I didn't cry at first due to the shock. It wasn't until a few days later when I realized that those few days was the longest amount of time I had gone without seeing her in my entire life, that I realized she was gone. That is when I got emotional and kind of broken down. It was hard to deal with, and it still is. Its only been two weeks, but it feels like its been months. I'm glad I have family to help me through this.
Hey, take this prompt and write a brief, interesting narrative.
I was extremely scared to start a new life journey but decided to do it and chose the truck driving profession. I failed my first time getting my CDL but nailed it perfectly my second try in forty-eight hours.
About five months ago, I wanted to move in a different professional direction. I decided driving trucks would be great. I went ahead and tried to pass the CDL, but didn't. I guess I wasn't ready. I went home and did some practice. I read up on tips online. I also did some test runs with a buddy. I went back and took the test again. I had two days between both trials. This time I got it right. I was able to get my CDL. It took two tries, but it was successful. I am happy I was able to achieve this. I would advise anyone to give it a shot. It can be daunting, but manageable. I am happy to have a CDL now.
Spin a brief, engaging tale including: "Because of my medical emergencies, I now suffer from PTSD. During my medical emergency I aspirated and I almost Died. I see a therapist now to treat my PTSD.".
I still can't believe it happened to me. I thought I was stronger. It's been six months and I'm still freaking out about it. It was just a simple procedure, I wasn't even going to stay overnight. Just a quick in and out for my hernia. But after I woke up from the procedure the nurse gave me a glass of orange juice and it went down the wrong pipe. I don't remember anything after that until I woke up a few days later. They said it went into my lungs and I stopped breathing. I nearly died. I started going to a therapist a month after the incident, after I threw up trying to drink orange juice. It's so stupid. It was a freak accident but I couldn't even drink a simple cup of juice. The therapist says it's PTSD and at first I couldn't believe it. I thought PTSD only happened to soldiers or cops or something. But apparently it's really common with medical emergencies and often goes untreated? Who knew. The good news is that my therapist thinks I'll get better over time if I keep working at it.
Craft a short story that includes this scenario: "I had an uncle die before I was born and recently found out another family member was there and could have possibly prevented it.".
My father's brother died two weeks before I was born. He was such a force on this earth, everyone that knew him, had a funny story to tell about him. He was loved by so many people in the small town I grew up in and anytime anyone found out he was my uncle they would beam a huge smile and tell me about their time spent while he was alive. Several months ago, I came across an old Facebook post of a cousin on my mother's side of the family. She had mentioned being at the bar my uncle was in with his friends on the night of his death. He was thrown from the passenger sent out of the front dash because he wasn't wearing a seat belt. His friend was obviously too drunk to be driving, but survived because he did have his seat belt on. In my cousin's post, as I said before, she mentioned that she was there and that as he and his friend were leaving, she thought to herself, that it was a bad idea for them to be on the road and maybe someone should call cab. This post is so frustrating for me. I want so badly to have met this man. My oldest son looks exactly like him and, oh, the pain when someone see him and says so. I always hear, "Your uncle would have just been so tickled with him (my son)." Yes, I believe he would be and would have been with me, too, as a child growing up. I feel robbed of his presence in my life, even though I understand that he made the decisions that lead to his death. Now with the added insult of knowing another family member was there and didn't make a effort help adds even more sickening feelings into my already overflowing pot of emotions. Unfortunately, my cousin is now also deceased for nearly a year and I am angry and frustrated at the fact I can't pick her brain about that night or find any closure on my anger with her for not helping because she's dead, too.
Based on 'I proposed to my wife. On the 18th of June 2019 was a very memory day in my life, it was one or probably the best birthday that I have ever had. I got much love from friends and family. My friends gave my gifts, there was much drinks for every one, I got a new house and car', write a short yet interesting story.
On the 18th of June 2019 was a very memory day in my life, it was one or probably the best birthday that I have ever had I got much love from friends and familyMy friends gave my giftsthere was much drinks for every onethere were lots of good musicthere were lots of ladies that made it funthere was lots of foodI got lots of prayers from peopleMy dad gave me a new house on this daymy brother got me a new car on this houseI proposed to my wife on this dayI was poured water as a sign of birthday wishesI invited all my ex girl friends and introduced them to my wifeMy friend surprised me with a checkJamie my friend took lots of alcohol that he fell on his way homeJamie spoilt his car when he was going home due to lots of alcohol I always feel very special and happy and I wouldn't change any of it. I remembered. that on the night before my birthday, I was crying because I can't find one of my dolls. I get mad at everybody because it is one of my favorite dolls and I've looked everywhere and it's still missing. However, the next day I was so surprised that it is on top of my birthday cake as part of the decorations. That really brings smiles to my face and I am not only enjoying my birthday but i also felt relieve that I have my old car back. I will never forget those moments and now, every time my birthday is coming and one of my doll is missing. One of the gift that I have ever given to someone would most likely be the gift I gave to my dad on his fiftieth birthday. I figured it would be special to surprise him on his birthday. My brother and I had a few ideas in mind. My father had wanted these golf clubs, a watch, and other costly purchases, but we only had a limited budget. We finally decided to fix him a surprise dinner that we would put together. I knew he would like something unexpected for a change. Especially, if it was something that me and my brother had came together to do on our own. Since it was a surprise we could not let anybody know, not even mom.
Take the guide text and let it guide your pen to create a fascinating, short story.
I wrote about my recent break-up. It helped me process my emotions that I was still dwelling on in my head. I also told about how I plan to just move on with my life.
I broke up with my girlfriend, it was a very emotionally trying time for me. We've been dating for over 2 years but somethings have not been adding up recently and i feel there is a need for us to go our separate ways. This decision was mutual and would be mutually benefiting. I know it's going to be hard to get over it but i know i'll survive. I have for about 6 months now noticed a sudden change of behavior, everything we shared and enjoyed together all of a sudden doesn't make sense to her anymore. She now complains about almost everything, on days when i call regularly she complains of me disturbing her. On days when i'm too busy to call however she says i'm not been caring enough. I later found out she was seeing another person who happened to be someone i knew and they were both trying to hide the relationship from me. It was had pill to swallow but life most go on. What i'm still trying to wrap my head around is why she didn't just break up instead of the torments she was putting me through. She basically sits around all day doing nothing, she resigned from work about 5 months ago and i've been responsible for most of the stuffs we both need and i still get cheated and insulted, i don't know what i've done to deserve this but i know their sweeter things laying in future for me. I don't know how long this would take to heal but i know it will someday. I am seriously not considering dating anyone in the nearest future. I'm presently trying to enroll at a near by culinary school, I have had to stop myself from doing so many things, just so I'll have enough time to be with her. Now i want to start chasing all those dreams i had halted for love. I wish i hadn't started the relationship in the first place.
Use the lead-in text as a springboard for a brief, rich narrative.
I am currently getting my degree and will have to complete an internship. I am not sure how I will complete it and be successful. There is a huge time constraint that I will have to figure out so I can accomplish this goal.
it has been a very rough past 3 weeks. I thought getting my degree and moving forward towards accomplishing my carrear goals. I am so stressed out. can i handle all this stress? yes i can and i just need t keep reminded myself that. the unknown of it all is still starting to crush my spirit. the school work is so hard and daunting. Added on to my degree work still piling up i got the internship coming up. I know i should be ecstatic but i am surprised that i am terrified. i thought i had it all under control. the internship is a great opportunity so i have to figure it out. i should be excited i was so happy getting the internship i will always remember getting the internship. it is all just a matter of scheduling. i think i will make a big spreadsheet and put it all down hour by hour over the next few months. that way i will know when to study. Am i terrified? yes i am and i will figure it out. I have all the resources i need. i will keep studying and i will get it done. i am excited about my internship and i am excited to start. I just need to manage my time. i will be successful.
Using the context in 'I finished TAing a class over the summer at my school. The students were over-the-top appreciative of me and made me feel noticed in multiple ways.', please write a mini-narrative.
Over the whole summer, I had been teaching a class of non-traditional students. The discussions always went well, but I didn't get much feedback other than that. On the last day of class, some of the students wrote "We love you!" on the attendance sheet. That made me feel appreciated. It confirmed that the students cared about me. After the final exam, several students emailed me as well. One student said it was the best class he had ever taken. Multiple of them thanked me for the experience. Again, it made me feel like I was in the right career. I had been having doubts previously about whether to continue in my teaching program. This experience helped me to realize that I was doing the right this. I comparison, the classes that I am TAing for now are not as good. I think the students appreciate me but I will maybe not get that level of feedback. I was actually told by the administrative error that the school never conducted teaching evalutions for those sections, so I never even got full feedback. It won't even count for my teaching portfolio. But even just that note was enough to motivate me.
Turn this brief piece of information into a mini-story: 'I became sick, and had to go to the ER on Easter Sunday. My roommate drove me there and back, and was a source of strength and compassion.'.
After being diagnosed with shingles and low sodium, I was told to eat more salt and put on pain killers and a medication for nerve pain. The combination of the two medications made it impossible for me to drive myself anywhere, for the entire time I was on these medications, my roommate drove me everywhere I needed to go. Even after I no longer was taking the narcotic based pain pills, the medication for nerve pain was still strong enough that I could not drive. Although it doesn't affect everyone the same way, it made me always feel like I had had a little too much to drink, or was slightly high. At one point during this time period, my daughter asked me to come to a nearby city and stay with her and my two granddaughters at a hotel while they did some shopping. To do this, I had to not take the nerve pain medication before making the 2 1/2 hour drive. I did this, and as the medication left my system, the pain in my arm and shoulder from the healing shingles became overwhelming. I ended up having to make the drive home again, and doubled up on the medication after I got here to make the intense pain manageable. For two solid months, I was on either the combination of medications, or just the nerve pain medication. For two solid months I was unable to drive myself to the doctor, grocery shopping, or anywhere else. For two solid months, I spent every single day feeling slightly high or drunk! The nerve pain medication sure made me sleep well though! If I learned anything from this incident, it's how much I can depend on my wonderful roommate! We have been friends for probably 7 or 8 years now, and have been roommates for almost three. He is my best friend, my partner on my homestead, and will probably be my roommate for the rest of my life, or as long as I can continue to take care of myself. He is truly a blessing in my life!
Craft a short, engaging narrative using the kickstarter text as a guide.
My aunt passed away suddenly. I've learned you have to live everyday to the fullest. Don't let life pass you by.
My aunt died several months ago. It was a shock to all of us because her death was so sudden. She had stomach cancer but didn't know. One day she didn't feel well and asked her neighbor to take her to the hospital and three later she was gone. There wasn't anything the doctor could do, since the illness was so advanced. My cousins didn't tell the family how bad her condition really was so I never got a chance to see her before she died. When I heard she was in the hospital I assumed she would get better and I would see her when she got out. She lives in Europe and I live in the US so I wasn't able to visit her. I was planning on seeing her this Summer. I learned a valuable lesson from this. Life is short and you need to live it to the fullest. You never know when it's going to end. One day you're fine and everything is going well and then all of a sudden everything come crashing down. I will never see my aunt again and I'm going to miss her. I want to learn from this experience and to start making changes to my life.
Transform this idea into a brief narrative: "I got placement as a junior architect. It was my lifelong dream to be an architect. Now i am going to work for the best firm in the state.".
I have thought about this since I was a little kid. I have worked for it since High School and now it's finally here. I AM A JUNIOR ARCHITECT FOR THE BEST FIRM IN NY! After all the dreams and hard work it seems surreal that I was finally hired. I am so excited to get to work however have to admit I'm nervous. What if I am not as good as they hoped? What if I don't get along with my co-workers. Although I've dreamed and imagined this day for as long as I can remember it's the little things I never considered. What am I going to wear? What if I don't do well? What if the hours are too long? How is this going to change my family and household? I know it's going to take a lot of work but I'm concerned about neglecting the other parts of my life. Over all I'm going to just have to push these feelings aside and embrace this opportunity. I will do my best and hope that it all works out in my favor. I know financially this is the best choice for my family and that it's what I love doing. SO EXCITING.
"I became really depressed from losing my job. I got bad anxiety bad for thinking about my past. I had to be patient for something better.". Turn this into a short story in your own unique way.
I depended on my job to make ends meet and I needed it to pay bills. When I got fired I went into a bad depression and I didn't think I would be able to overcome the job loss. It took me a long time to start to feel better and to overcome the anxiety that went with it. I always worked hard for my boss and I went above and beyond my job duties. They felt that I didn't do enough so 5 months ago they decided just to replace me. I just came in one day and they informed me that my services were not needed anymore. I felt lost and also insulted that I would be thrown aside like that without any explanation. I tried to put things out of my mind by drinking and sleeping all day long. I couldn't understand why no one would hire me after this and it took many interviews to find something after they got rid of me. I hate to think back about it now and when I do I get really worried that it will happen again at any time. It has affected me mentally even at my day job now because I think back about the bad experience I had. I try to set it aside but it's always in my mind that I could be fired even if I make a small mistake. It has hampered my progress at times because I am worried about failure now. Not just in my professional life but also in my personal life. I try not to think back but for some reason the details of the event keep coming back to me and making me feel anxious and sweat. Even finding a new job has not made these feelings go away so I wonder if I should get some type of therapy for these issues.
Transform the clue into a compact story.
Meet a guy during the time I was already dating someone. He ended up kissing me one night and I found myself questioning my feelings towards my boyfriend.
A mutual friend has introduced me to this guy during some bar outing one night. We hit it off pretty well and decided to keep in touch after that day. We talked on the phone on a few, exchanged a few texts. Nothing serious or crossing the line. This was a very platonic friendship that never gave off the vibes of it being anything else. One night during some bar hopping, I had bumped into my friends who so happen to be really good friends with this guy. He had been with them that night, but left to explore the nearby bars. One of his buddies called him to let him know that they had seen me there and if I wanted to come out and say hi. We all hung out for a bit and later one by one people started going their own ways. I stayed being to hang out with him. We talked, had a few drinks. The conversations went from seriousness to playful and back to seriousness. He knew I had a boyfriend and I was aware that he wanted to be intimate with me. Leaning in as we sat there drinking, he kissed me. I didn't stop him, but I also didn't react by moving my lips. Just allowed him to place his over mine and kiss me. Hit me in that moment how unhappy I was with my current boyfriend. It was the kiss that grew some spell on me. The kiss only solidified a truth that I had buried deep down because I was afraid of moving on from my relationship.
"Constant deaths on the family have ruined my psychical and mental well being. At the same time forcing me to leave my home. When people say a lot can change in a short amount of time they are not lying.". Develop a short story based on this.
Well this year has turned to be real shit. After spending the past 4 months with my mother since my Proximal Afib diagnosis making me unable to work. I woke up one day to find out that my mother suddenly collapsed at work and died. My grandmother came to our house and told me that she died. I remember immediately going historical and walking into my bedroom to punch my pillows with all my might screaming no no no no. After a few moments in intense sadness i started to ask questions i was told we had to go to her work to pick up her belongings. So we went to her work and i picked up her purse and her lunch bag. I was crying the whole time and could barely compose my self. Everyone was very understanding and they told me that my mother was a good friend of theirs and they will really miss her. After that i went home and i didn't know what to do i didn't sleep for 3 days and the stress made my proximal afib start up and i my heart raced for hours and i kept having constant PVCs (premature ventricular contractions) about every 10 minutes. because of this i had to go to the ER. I was admitted for 2 days while they watched my hear rate and gave me some types of medications. They made me take a nuclear stress test to see if my heart was damaged, luckily it was not. and i was released later that evening with a prescript for a FDA black label drug called Tambocor to control my hear rate. Its been a few months since then and my grandmother let me live in my mothers house for the time being but that has not lasted very long because my Great aunt died 2 months after my mother from lung cancer. This broke my grandmother. My grandfather died 2 years prior then my mother then her sister. She started having intense crying spells and acting very irrational. So me and my Disabled brother who is on SSI went to stay with her to keep her company. While we were staying with her She constantly verbally abused us. One day she broke down and had to go to the ER for Angina. She told them t hat she wanted to kill her self and was put in the psych ward. My moms sister came down to save her and took her to lie with her. Yesterday i was told that my grandmother was no longer able to think rationally and that my mothers house and grandmothers house was to be sold. I was given until the end of October to get my medical affairs in order and leave the house im currently in.
With the suggestion text as a catalyst, concoct a short story.
I covered the process of moving away to advance myself professionally. I miss my family and friends but look to benefit from learning and advancing in a different environment.
The bad part is, five weeks later and I don't feel like I am any closer to achieving my goal than when I started. I mean I enjoy the job that I moved out here for it just seems like there isn't enough room for advancement. So to be honest I don't know what to do anymore. Recently I've been talking with my family on skype and they tell me to come home. I know they mean well, but I wish they could just come here instead. They told me I was crazy for doing what I did, and maybe they are right. But the craziest thing are usually the best things too! At least I hope they are, especially I. This case. I feel like giving up, like crying. I don't know why this always happens to me, but I think I'm going to try and take some leave to clear my head. I want to see my family again and just get this weight and pressure to succeed off my back. In the end I guess I would be happy either way. To be honest as long as I keep my smile and my love for myself and my family in mind I know I will do great things in my life. I I just have to keep believing, and never stop.
Here's a brief idea: "I got proposed at Disney world. It was the most romantic thought thru plan my boyfriend has ever done for me. My best friends(sisters) were there and that made it even better. They kept it a secret and I didn't have a clue what was about to happen.". Turn it into a short story.
I got proposed to at Disney World. We are from Houston and he flew me to Orlando Florida and proposed. My sisters and brother in law went too. It was my first time ever going to Disney World and that made it so much more memorable. He proposed at the end of the day, when the fireworks were going off. We were all pretty tired and honestly I wasn't expecting it at all. It is still one of the best days of my life. It was perfect and the most romantic thing he has ever done for me. Soon we will be getting married. Our wedding date is 11. 23.2019, and we have been planning like crazy. Actually our theme is Happily ever after, we tried incorporating Disney in it. Overall it has been a very stressful but happy event. It has been very expensive, but super fun to plan. We are a month and three days away. But im sure it will be well worth it.
Weave a brief tale around the trigger.
A few months ago i was blind sided by a truck at an intersection. The truck ran a red light and totaled my car.
All my life I had considered myself pretty lucky since I had never been in any sort of major car accident. I was always really cautious when I drove and kept an eye out for anyone driving recklessly. Everyone always said I was so lucky and that I could never be too careful. No matter how cautious you are there's always someone out there on the complete other side of the spectrum. It was about three months ago when this finally proved true for me. I was going about my daily business like any other day. I was driving to the grocery store to pick up some pasta sauce and Italian bread to make for dinner that night. I was taking my usual road. I stopped at the red light and waited for it to turn green. Once it did, I inched forward before driving through the intersection. Almost instantly it felt like I had been shot. The sound was deafening as a pickup truck came crashing into the passenger side of my car, causing me to spin around and around. I wasn't sure what going on, and I thought that maybe I was actually dying. Once the spinning and the ringing in my ears stopped, I opened my eyes and moved around a bit. I was okay somehow. I got out of my car to examine the damage done. My car was not so lucky. The entire passenger side of it was completely caved in and the wheel had come clean off. Apparently, the driver of the pickup truck was texting on his phone and was completely oblivious to his light turning red. He sped right through the light and blind-sided me. My car was totaled completely, and I am now in search of a new car. Since this day, I always wait and look before driving through the intersection, even if my light is green.
Envision a brief tale inspired by the ideas encapsulated in the primer text.
I welcomed my daughter into the world. Know she's my whole life. I'm the biggest doting dad in the world.
It's a great day, March 12, 2019. I welcome my daughter into the world. My wife and I have decided on the name Merrit Layne. My wife and I do not like typically names so this one fit. She was born 6 pounds 1 ounce. She was very long as a baby, 19 inches. I cried when i had my son and I wondering if I would cry for her. When she came, I could not hold back the emotions and cried like a baby haha, no pun intended. I held her for the first time, and it felt so great. Now I'm the biggest doting dad. I can not go anywhere or do anything with out talking about her. I'm so proud of her and I think she will do big things. I will always be there for her and have her back. She melts my heart when she looks and smiles at me. I have a nick name for her, it's Big Girl, hahaha.
You see the seed text? Turn that into a quick, cool story.
My oldest son, Henry, started Kindergarten today. I watched has he climbed onto the bus and waved goodbye as he headed off to school for the first time.
I still remember my son's first day of Kindergarten like it. was yesterday. About seven weeks ago, Henry, started Kindergarten. It was his first day of elementary school, and since he is my oldest child, it was my first day of Kindergarten as well. We woke up a little bit early that day to make sure that we had plenty of time to get ready. When I woke up my son, you could tell that he was excited but nervous about starting school. We began our morning with a big hug, and then I started helping him get ready. We had already picked out his clothes the night before, so he got dressed while I made him a special breakfast. By the time that he was dressed, it was time to eat. We sat at the kitchen table and ate pancakes together, while his brother and sister were still sleeping in their beds. After eating, he brushed his teeth and combed his hair, while I got his siblings out of bed and dressed. At this point, it was time to head outside to wait for the bus. We all stood at the end of the driveway and stared down the street looking for the big yellow school bus. Soon we could see it driving down our street. I looked into my son's eyes, and I could see that he was starting to get nervous again. We all gave him a big hug, as the school bus pulled up. He started climbing up the stairs and turned around to look back at us. I snapped a couple of pictures as he disappeared into the vehicle. He sat down in one of the seats next to a window and we all waved goodbye. Tears filled my eyes as the bus pulled away, not because I was sad but out of pride and love for my son.
Try to include 'The story is about me visiting the Boston Fan expo for the first time and how a guy in the hulk buster iron man uniform and a little girl made my day.' in your short storytelling.
Boston Fan ExpoAbout two weeks ago I visited Boston to go to the Fan Expo. I love Anime and marvel and DC comics and movies. I have never been to a Fan Expo before and this was my first time. I went with my girlfriend and some of her family. This was a memorable event because this was the first time I had ever been to Boston as well as going to an event like this. Everybody there was dressed up as their favorite characters it was amazing. I even saw someone Dressed up as the Hulk buster iron man uniform. This uniform was big like the actual Hulk buster armor from the movie. I tried to get a picture with him and he told me in a deep voice "excuse me sir but a little girl was standing in line waiting for a picture. I looked around and didn't even see her at first. I look down and its this tiny little girl there dressed as wonder woman. So I apologize to the little girl and she says its OK say sir you probably couldn't see me down here. I felt like that was a good thing that he did standing up and letting me know she was in line I felt like it something a real super hero would do. This event stuck with me even to this day and it was very emotional to me because the girl resembled and even sounded like my little sister who passed away 3 years ago because she got hit by a drunk driver. Just seeing that little girl brought so many good memories back of my sister.
Spin a brief, engaging tale including: 'After a 33-year hiatus, the Davis Family Reunion has come and gone. Several relatives who haven't seen each other in that 33-year span were able to reconnect and share stories about themselves and their loved-ones.'.
So after 33 years, we had our first Davis family reunion on August 10, 2019. I'm 46 years old and I rememeber the 1986 Davis reunion as it was held at the Brewster Gun Club in Brewster, Ohio. If I were to guess, I would say that there were at least 50 people there, possibly more. I can't say for sure, because no photo was taken. The other Davis family reunion was in 1973 and was held at the American Legion in Beach City, Ohio, which is about five miles south of Brewster. I was only five months old and obviously don't remember it. But, a group photo was taken and my cousin Shawna has me in her lap. Well, fast forward to February 2019. I got to thinking about the Davis family tree and thought it was about time someone put together a long-overdue reunion. Thanks to Facebook, I was able to reach out to several relatives, and even discovered a few more that were out of state. It would have been cool to have it at the aforementioned Brewster Gun Club, but it no longer exists. It has been replaced by an apartment complex. BUT, the Beach City American Legion was still in existence so I got ahold of the commander and he was more than happy to have us rent out the place. The cost was only $150 which I thought was appropriate. My wife and I probably spent a good 80-90 percent of the overall cost of the reunion. A good chunk of that was renting a U-Haul truck because of all the tables, chairs and barbecue grill. That, and the reunion was 85 miles from our house! Needless to say, it was a lot of work getting the reunion set up and of course, taking it down and cleaning up. We left our house at 6am and didn't get home till midnight. The reunion itself had about 35 people attend, some of which I hadn't seen since the last reunion in 1986! There were a few that weren't in attendance that I would have loved to have seen. Just seeing old relatives reconnecting after so many years almost brought a tear to my eye. My one cousin wants to do a reunion every year, but I am thinking maybe every two years. Especially if it's going to be my wife and I who put it together!
Ever thought of turning a hint into a short story? Try it.
My daughter turned 15. Half our family was there and half wasn't. My son slept through it but my other son was not behaving very well. Overall it was a good time but I was a little bit sad about our missing family members.
My daughter had her 15th birthday. Because of a fight in the family, my husband's side of the family wasn't there to celebrate with us. We went out to a restaurant she loves for dinner with my parents. We had dinner and then ordered cupcakes for desert. We didn't sing because she would be embarrassed. The most surprising part of it was that my son who was 1.5 slept through the whole thing. He laid on the booth next to my husband. We did have a good time but it was a little sad without my husband's family. The worst part was the my in-laws did not even wish my daughter a happy birthday. They never sent her a card or anything. Luckily my daughter is still happy and okay. We made sure she got everything she asked for as gifts. She was happy with what we did and her gifts. I consider it a success even though my husband's family managed to put a damper on it. My daughter knows we love her.
Develop a short narrative from the seed.
There I have memories of drowning. I feel very blessed and protected. This conveys to me now god has a different plan for my life.
Last summer June 23 of 2018I was learning swimming. My daughter know swimming very well. My daughter knows very well. So she always mocked me that you don't know swimming, so I thought why don't I can learn swimming? ..If I would join in Swim school what will happens? after some research I joined in swimming class. There I have memories of drowning, Have you ever seen everything before you play out in slow motion, where you are aware of everything around you, yet not knowing what was going on? I have, and as I look back on it, I feel very blessed and protected. This conveys to me now god has a different plan for my life. How may life would be differed , If I drowned that day. It was so interesting and funny too. My daughter also seen that incident. So she always mocking about it.. That is so memorable incident. Whenever I am thinking about my past memorable incidents. This should come in my mind.
Build a quick narrative from the source.
after a long time of not dating people, I finally got in a relationship that I felt like I could share something. The other person even shared something with me that I didn't know and it made me feel like I could trust again.
I will admit that not that many exciting or memorable things happen to me a lot, but this really hit me hard. I don't date a lot, not because I don't want to but because I just never seem to find someone. Finally I met someone. She is and was everything that I was looking for. Interesting and fun and someone I can talk to for hours. I told her some things that had happened to me in the past, stuff I just don't tell anyone. This was over the messaging program discord and she stopped me. She was quiet for a moment and I was worried I did something wrong. After a while she started talking. Telling me something that was horrific that happened to her when she was younger. I had no idea this had happened, she never even brought it up slightly to me before. I listened while she talked and I wanted to cry. Not for me but for her and that she had been holding on to something for so long. I wish we lived closer so I could properly comfort her, but instead I thanked her for telling me about it. It made me realize how close we actually were. I could trust her and she could trust me.
Use the kickoff text as your muse to craft a micro-tale.
My mom was supposed to come visit me, but had to cancel. When I was in my apartment, there was a knock on the door and my mom, dad, and brother were all there, surprising me.
4 weeks ago i invited my mom to visit me but she said she wont be able to make it as she has to go abroad for a business related meeting. I was heart broken as i wasn't visited by any of of my family members. But without telling about it to my mom i let her continue with her business trip. i started to continue the day with my regular routine but when i went to cook i got to know that refrigerator is empty. I went shopping that afternoon to get some kitchen provisions. After shopping i went to meet one friend of mine and was telling her how hurt i was because my mom couldn't visit me even after inviting her neither my other family members come for visit. Later i headed back home while on the way i grabbed some snacks for me to have it when i am watching movie. I went back to my apartment feeling lonely. When i was on the couch watching a old movie i realized how boring a holiday could be. I was to about to sleep on the couch when i suddenly heard someone knocking my door. I thought its my friend who have come to stay and comfort me since i told her how i felt. I opened the door to get the surprise of my life. My mom, father and brother all shouted surprise. I would have fainted to the joy seeing my entire family coming to visit me. I would never forget that day in my life.
'My youngest, my son was to enter PS3 and I was excited and a bit scared and wanted it to be wonderful for him. It turned out to be a success overall and he is enjoying it.'. Craft a quick narrative around this.
It was the start of a new semester last Monday and my son, Kevin, was about to enter PS3 at a new school. he was a bit nervous to make new friends and fit into the new environment and I was also a little scared for him. Will he fit in easily? Will he make friends easily? Will he like his new teachers? Will the school eb the right environment for him? Will he come home happy or feel anxious and lonely in his new school? Will PS3 be a good fit for him? I really wanted this to work out for him. I wanted him to feel welcome and integrate well with his new classmates, teachers and studies. I dropped him off the first day and hugged him as he left the car and watched as he walked into the building. I looked at the kids walking into the building after him, they seemed happy and comfortable. I hoped my son would end the day feeling the same way. I went to work that day still worried, but I tried to focus on work and prayed all would be well for him. When it was time to pick him up, I was anxious but I tried to stay calm and optimistic. I waited for him to come out and spotted him walking out with two young boys he was talking to with a smile on his face. I was so relieved. I had hoped he would make friends quickly and I couldn't wait to ask him about his first day! he saw me and came towards the car as he said goodbye to his new friends. He got into the seat next to me and say "Hi, dad!". I asked him how his day was and he told me with a smile that he really liked the school and his new classes and that his math teacher was really cool. he said he'd met some pretty nice kids and then asked if he could invite them over sometime next week to play video games after school. I was so happy! "Of course you can!" I said, "just make sure you do your homework first." I said and he hugged me, then we drove off home. My son loves his new school and has made two great new friends he hangs out with often which is perfect.
Turn the source text into a creative, brief narrative.
I had learned Japanese for two years before, but I didn't make much progress. I, therefore, decided to go to Japan to experience a true Japanese life there. My school helps me find a wonderful home stay. The family members are not a big one, including only mother, father, and three young boys.
I always had an interest in Japanese culture. I decided to start learning the language. I went to classes for 2 years. However I wasn't making as much progress as I had hoped. I decided to go to Japan as a foreign exchange student. It was a tough decision. My family was a bit worried about me. I had to do it though. There was just something inside of me that told me this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I stayed with a really nice family there. There was a mother and father and they had three young boys. I really enjoyed my time with them. It was amazing being a part of their culture. I loved my time with them. I wish I could go and visit them again one day.
Ready to write a quick tale? Use the springboard text as inspiration.
I took my daughter for a driving lesson. It was a very meaningful experience for me and brought back a lot of memories.
Dear Diary,Last week I took my 16 year old daughter driving. She studied hard and passed the written exam for her learner's permit a few days earlier and this was her first time behind the wheel. We went to a parking lot behind a church near our house. She had a little trouble with hitting the accelerator pedal too hard, but we quickly figured out that it was because she was wearing flip flops. After a quick footwear change, she did much better. The other issue she had was with overturning. She was nervous and asked a lot of questions, but it was obvious that she really wanted to learn. It was a great time between the two of us. It reminded me of when my mother, who passed away ten years ago, would take me to the parking lot of my high school to teach me to drive. I can remember how nervous she was. If I came within fifty feet of a parked car, she would tell me to slow down. It also reminded me of when my daughter was first born. I held her when she was just a few minutes old and realized that at that moment, I was a father. It is hard to believe that it has been 16 years. I love that girl very much.
Transform this idea into a brief narrative: "I went on a road trip a few months ago. I visited a cool restaurant and a board game store. I got out of my normal comfort zone and tried t some new things.".
I had an interesting day trip a few months ago that was pretty unique that I think might be interesting to write about. I travelled, with a few family members, to a local city I hadn't been to in a while. We planned to visit an area I was not familiar with. We wanted to visit a local restaurant and a hobby related store in the area. I had been excited to go, and it ended up being definitely worth it. First, we had to find parking. We got a little lost on the way to our first destination, but it only wasted five or so minutes. We got to the restaurant, which was fairly easy to spot from a distance. I was excited to try an extremely spicy ethnic dish here. I didn't actually end up getting what I had planned to, but it was still quite an experience. The food was probably the hottest thing I have ever eaten. Afterwards, we went down the street to a hobby-related store. I was feeling almost dazed because of the food, but I was able to carry on after resting for just a moment or two. I was sweating pretty hard from the food, but I probably looked worse than I felt. I let everyone know I was fine, but just that we should take it easy, because we were not in a hurry. After walking for just a few minutes, we got to our seconds destination. It was a board game related store that was, to be honest, just a bit disappointing. I wanted to buy three things there, but could only find one thing, and it wasn't actually exactly what I wanted. Later on, I was also sort of mad at myself, because there was something I realized I should have bought. I bought it online later and had to pay for more shipping and tax costs than I otherwise would have. After this, we were supposed to go home, but we stopped at a bar that was on the way for a few minutes. I kind of wanted to just go and play the game we bought, but I wasn't opposed to just relaxing for another ten minutes. We went home and proceeded to play. I managed to win pretty convincingly. It was a nice opportunity to break up my daily routine, I think.
Make a brief story. Use the lead-in as your starting point.
I visited friends in Detroit to go to an Esports event with them. We got to see our favorite team, they lost in the finals.
In August of 2019 I visited friends in detroit. They were friends that I've had for several years, but this was the first time we would be meeting in person. We met playing League of Legends online, and we are all fans of the professional scene of that game as well. So when finals were going to be hosted in Detroit it seemed like a perfect time to visit both my friends, and also go see this event I've loved so much live. We went to Little Ceasers arena and got to watch one of our favorite teams battle it out against the top team in North America. I don't go to a lot of sporting events so it was novel for me to get swept up in a cheering crowd or scream when something awesome happened on stage. Unfortunately they lost but the games were close. My favorite moment was getting to hear one of my favorite songs live and hear the stadium hum and sing along to it. Although a close second was getting to go backstage. We didn't get to meet any of the professional players, but we got to meet the tour manager. Backstage was amazing to see, they basically had to set up a whole home office just for a weekend. Besides just the event, I got to play games with my friends in person and hang out in their houses, and I loved every moment of it. I also brought my dog with because I talk to him constantly while I'm in a call with my friends so it felt right that they would finally get to meet him. The drive there and back was long, about 12 hours both ways. But I didn't mind it because I listened to podcasts the whole way. I did make the mistake of listening to a murder podcast just as it was getting dark, so that actually did make me a little anxious.
Ever thought of turning a hint into a short story? Try it.
This is a brief summary of my difficulty finding a job and my decision to pursue employment in person.
Six months ago I decided to apply for a job in the legal field. I wanted to pursue law school, and I thought that practical working experience would be an invaluable way to select a type of law to practice as well as gain an understanding of what I was getting myself into. I applied online through many different websites but never heard back from employers, despite having completed a degree in Economics with a 3.9 GPA. Three months ago I was fed up with this application process, so I decided to pursue a job in person. I selected a firm from a list online that had the size and prestige of a company I wanted to work for. I put on a pair of black slacks and a button down shirt and rode the elevator up to the top floor of the largest building in the town I live in. I was shaking and my hands were sweaty. My car was parked in an illegal area down below. I handed my resume to the receptionist and explained that I wanted to work there. She seemed nice, but I felt like I wasn't wearing the right clothes and I was self conscious of my hair. I heard back from the Director of Operations a week later and then began the three interview process to get hired. They met with me for an hour each time and seemed to talk mostly about themselves, but I was thrilled that they were giving me their time. I deleted all of my online job search profiles in short order and considered writing thank you notes to the jobs that turned me down. I am now working at the firm and in the process of applying to law school. I will definitely visit these schools in person before applying.
Your mission: Convert the text cue into a quick, engaging narrative.
I had been working far from home and accidentally found my soulmate.And how i manifested him to my life.
Today I celebrated my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend. I sit here thinking back to the beginning and how we met and it all seems like a dream. I traveled often for work at the time. I was away from home 5 days a week, and I would come home on the weekends. I was single and very focused on my career. This particular weekend I had been sent to the other side of the country for a week. I was sitting in my hotel room one night bored and I decided to walk around and find somewhere to get some food. I wound up in a little pizza place. I was staring at my phone, reading a work email, while I ate pizza with the other hand. I must have looked like such a snob. As I was walking out of the pizzeria a man stopped me to compliment my sweater. I looked up and, as cliche as it sounds, I just felt my heart explode. This was the most attractive man I had ever seen. The rest is very fairy tale-like. We started talking in that pizzeria and I don't think we stopped for 8 hours. We walked around the city all night and chatted and got to know each other. Fast forward to 2 years later and we are madly in love. I decided to leave my old job and find one that required less traveling. I also moved across the country. I can't believe it has been 2 years already since I found my soulmate.
Ever thought of turning a hint into a short story? Try it.
A NASCAR race where Kevin Harvick singed a picture and gave a young fan his hat. Then gives him a fist bump, and then continues signing autographs. A race I'll never forget.
This year, I went to the SpongeBob SquarePants 400 at Kansas Speedway. I got there early, and found out that Kevin Harvick was going to be at his merchandise hauler signing autographs. It was very hot that day. After buying a program for Kevin to sign, I got in line. Standing next to me is a man and his son, who appears to be at most 10 years old. They had Harvick shirts on. The two of them are getting their stuff ready to be signed, as the dad pulls out a die-cast car and hands the kid a picture. As Kevin comes towards us, the kid holds the picture out for Kevin to sign. It is as this point that I see the picture in all of its glory. Kevin takes the picture, sees what's on it, and starts laughing. He says in between laughs, "I was wondering when I was going to sign this picture." He signs the picture, then takes off his hat, signs it, and puts on the kid's head. Kevin tells the kid to "keep being awesome", gives him a fist bump, and then continues signing autographs. That kid walked away with the biggest smile on his face, and so did his dad. And that is my best driver story. A race I'll never forget.
"My husband and I moved into a haunted house several months ago. Someone had died by suffocation in the house, and, when we moved in, we had trouble breathing, as well as guests having the same problem. We ultimately were scared out of living in the home.". Transform this into a brief but exciting tale.
My husband and I finally ran out of our home last week. We moved into a haunted house three months ago. We have heard stories of people dying in her because of suffocation. I believe it, since we both had trouble breathing sometimes in the home. That was the least of our worries. In the morning. the table would budge by itself. We thought it was a small earthquake, but this happened every morning. There would be spoons that would just fly out of our cereal. There would be ghosts in the mirror. Glass would just suddenly crack. Black cats would just start talking to us. There would be a broom that would fly out of nowhere. We thought we were on drugs but we never take drugs. We had to call a priest to ward the house off after we stormed out of there.
Based on this brief scenario: 'My husband and I are getting a divorce due to a lack of communication and now I will hardly get to see my two kids.', could you compose a mini-story?
We were married for 10 years--and from that marriage we had two twin girls--who are both 9 year olds. For years, the marriage was crumbling. My husband and I had communication problems. I had lost my job about a year ago, and that compounded the issues we had. If we did decide to "communicate", it was usually over yelling matches. Just a toxic environment for our kids--hence, why we are heading to divorce court. Since my husband is the breadwinner, he wants to take my kids from me. He is suing for full custody--limiting my interactions with my two daughters. I might only to get to see them on the weekends. I'm sure the judge will give him what he wants, since he is the one with a full-time job, and I still have failed to find one. I"m going to lose my home, marriage, and even worst, my daughters. This has been a horrible year! We had started divorce proceedings three weeks ago, and this has been a rough three weeks. My husband brings my daughters over on the weekends. It's hard just getting to see them for a weekend.
Compose a short story inspired by the given prompt.
My son struggled riding his bike. I looked up some methods to teach him, and they ended up working. It was one of the proudest moments as a parent.
This summer I finally sat down with my son and told him "it is about time you learned to ride your bike without training wheels." He was 6, and most of his friends already knew how. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I told him we would get it done by the time he went back to school. It started very rough. He was having the hardest time balancing. He would favor one side or another. I finally read some tips online, and saw one that said to have your child walk the bike while sitting on the seat, and to let them initiate everything. We tried this for about two weeks, and it finally clicked. I was so incredibly proud of him. It was the first time in his life that he really set a goal, set the actions to obtain that goal, and then actually ended up obtaining the goal. It was awesome to see him connect with his bike, and to really embrace the freedom that it gave him to learn. It reminded me of myself when I was around his age. I loved riding my bike. It was a central part to my childhood. I wanted that for my son. I am so happy he can experience that as well.
From the following brief hint: 'I was finally promoted after four years of neglect and disrespect from other places of employment. Today was my inaugural day of being a manager in charge.', create a concise narrative.
Dearest online diary,Today was my first full day as a solo team lead, meaning the store was mine and only mine from open to close. Granted, it's the Sunday 11am-7pm shift, but it was mine and mine alone. It's great being acknowledge with a promotion and responsibility after years of neglect and downright disrespect. See, I was kicked out of a university professor job simply because the dean of the school did not like me in any way. He said that my student reviews were "far below average" even though they weren't, and he refused to provide the average. He said my ratings from the first semester did not get better at all, citing a single solitary number from an odd class that wasn't in my area of knowledge, and was more than a year old. I couldn't fight back because he is known for retaliation and my wife had the same job in the same school, and I don't want to screw her over. So, I had to get a retail job. I worked at a home improvement store and within four months, was sabotaged out of the department despite video evidence supporting me that magically supported them. I am 100% certain they kicked me out because I'm not a redneck like them and didn't fit in. So, I was put in a 5am-9am job six days a week for a year with no paid time off, no vacation, no benefits of any kind. Obviously, this was crap so I sought out a promotion by doing all the in-home training and in-store work that I could, but was denied it over and over. I was also lied to about a pay raise for joining the renovation team. So, I left for my current job. Within 8 months, I was promoted to a team lead with a $3.75/hr pay raise. For my two month training period, I worked with the managers to open and close the store and all the deskwork I need to do. Finally, today was my first day: I opened and closed (with setting/turning off the alarms), made the deposit and took it to the bank, counted all drawers, dealt with all customer issues, managed 3 other employees, and we didn't burn it down.
Take the kickoff text, and let it inspire a quick, riveting tale.
I witnessed a social interaction between my adult autistic son and another adult who he had not seen for several years. I was surprised and proud that my son was able to interact in a very socially appropriate way.
After seeing my adult autistic son interact positively with another adult in a public setting, I realize that I often miss seeing how much my son has grown socially. I do not see him interact with many people as most of our time together takes place at home or with family. I don't often see his interactions out in the world. I am surprised by how far he has come and sometimes I don't even recognize him as he speaks to others in public. I still see him as a little boy struggling with social interactions. Even with someone who my son had not seen in years, my son was able to engage in a meaningful two-way conversation. He asked good questions, made a joke, exhibited appropriate facial expressions, and closed the conversation well. I saw that the person engaged in the conversation with my son was also surprised by his vast social improvement since the last time they engaged several years ago. It is an amazement to see someone you are close to be able to advance so much right before your eyes, but not realize it. My son knew I was watching the interaction, but didn't seem bothered by having me there. When I mentioned it later though, he did not want to talk about it. He saw it as nothing more than a conversation, not an achievement as I did. Does he realize how far he has come? Probably not. I don't think he thinks about in the same way as I do.
With the brief details in 'I met my friend at the zoo with our kids. We went and walk around and then went to play in the water. The kids had fun and it was awesome.', create an engaging mini-story.
This happened around 4 weeks ago. It was a regular day and I decided to go to the zoo with my kids. I was planning this trip for about a month now. My children were really exited to go to the zoo and observe the animals. My kids love being in nature. So we all packed up and we were on our way there in no time. It took us 30 minutes to get there and it was an easy ride. When I got there I parked my car in the zoo's parking lot. I bought the tickets and we all went inside the zoo. To my surprise, I met my friend with his kids at the zoo. I was exited to see him there with the children. We all joined each other and were exploring the place together. We walked around the whole zoo back and forth. Then we saw a sprinkler right next to the playground area and we all decided to go and play in the water. Our kids had super fun. They enjoyed themselves a lot and they had a great playtime. After that we had some snacks and watch animals for like another hour or so before we all decided to leave. It was an awesome day to remember.
Spin a brief, engaging tale including: "Graduating College and my accomplishments. One of my most memorable moments . Struggled in Highschool didnt think I could do it.".
3 months ago, I finally graduated from college. I struggled in high school and didn't think i'd come this far. Everyone around me called me a class clown. They called me a low life loser. They said I'd go no where. The most hurtful point was when my parents gave up on me. I felt totally rejected and hurt. This gave me the tools to fight and keep going. I struggled through my reading and match. I begged for extra help. I struggled hard! I finally got through this and succeeded! I am so very proud of myself. I think I even make my parents proud of me. I'm ready for my next hurdle! With my talent, I can do it.
With this small context: 'My dog Buddy appeared to have lost his vision. I was worried because I didn't have the money to have him treated properly. After visiting the vet, I learned it was a simple allergic reaction and he just needed flea medication.', what quick story would unfold?
My story was about the day I thought my dog had lost his vision. It was a normal day, I had let him out side like I do every morning and he was out for about fifteen minutes. I left the door open for him so when he was ready he could come back in on his own. I went into my office and started to prep for my workday. I heard him bumping into the doggie gate in the hallway. After about four times of this, I opened the office door to check on him. I quickly noticed that something was wrong with his eyes and that he could not see. My heart sank. I was home alone with him and didnt know what to do. I immediately started to panic. I called my husband at work and asked him to come home. It took about an hour but we got him to the vet. I was sure it was going to be a major problem and I would not be able to afford to care for him properly. However, the vet knew immediately what was wrong. He told me Buddy was only having an allergic reaction to flea bites. It was a simple fix, he was given flea medication and in a few days his condition cleared up.
Hey, take this prompt and write a brief, interesting narrative.
My father passed away the day before my birthday. It was confusing when I received the news. I never got to see him.
It was the day before my birthday. It will be a day that I will remember for the rest of my life. My mother was calling me early in the morning. That's a rare thing because she knows I'm more than likely sleeping. Then she tried to get a hold of my girlfriend. That's when I knew it was something serious. I called and she told me that my father wasn't doing well and that I should see if I could make arrangements to go and see him. I then received a text, yes a text, from my brother saying that my father is with my sister now. My sister had passed away as well. I was confused. First my mom says he's not doing well, the next thing I know my dad is dead. I called my mom and said that my brother told me daddy was dead. She freaked out and hung up the phone. From what my brother told me, my dad had been dead but the respirator was still on him and that's what made my mom think he was still alive. I was devastated. I hadn't seen my dad in almost 7 plus years and now I would never get to again. I had so much to say to him and still so much more to learn. I still can't believe and catch myself talking as if he's alive. My mother isn't taking well but I think and hope she'll survive. I'm still mourning and probably will for the rest of my life. I don't ever want to celebrate my birthday again.
Invent a mini-story where 'I attended my oldest sister's wedding. It was a fun ceremony and reception, full of laughter and good times. My whole family attended.' plays a crucial role.
5 months ago, I attended my sister's wedding. They had been dating for almost 10 years, and it was about time the two of them got married. We have always been very close to the groom's family, and both families were excited for the event. I was one of the groomsmen, and my girlfriend attended as well. I was a little nervous about the event but also very excited. It was a great time, and everything went well. The ceremony was beautiful, and the reception was very fun. She is my oldest sister of 2, and it was both parents' first child. The food was great, both dinner and cake. It was great to see so much of my extended family and to be able to chat with them. Dancing was fun, along with spending the whole night with my significant other. Everyone was drunk which made the event more exciting. There were about a dozen groomsmen, while there were only 5 bridesmaids. The group of guys was awesome to hang out with, as I wasn't really close with any of them. All in all, it was a great event and I'm glad I was able to experience it. The whole weekend flew by.
Your mission: Convert the text cue into a quick, engaging narrative.
I bought my first house earlier this year. It took a long time and a lot of hard work. It was the most exciting and stressful event of my life.
Last night was my first night in my new house. I still can't believe that this is actually my house. Waking up in my house makes all of the stress from the past couple of months worth it. All those homes that I toured and put a bid on only to find out that I was too late seem to have led to the perfect house - the house that was meant for me. Then again, I cannot help bu wonder "How can I have a house when part of me still feels like I am not really a grown up - not like my parents were when I was growing up"? Lol! I know that I have a good job, worked hard to save for the down payment and went through all of the necessary paperwork but I still kind of feel like I am just playing "adult" and doing "adult" things. I wonder if other people feel like this. I am not really too worried about making the monthly payments which are about 1/3rd of my monthly take home pay. Still, the thought of owing over $200K to anyone is a bit daunting. Still, I can't help but spending all of my time thinking about how I want to decorate this place. I find myself looking online at different websites for decorating ideas constantly. I have book-marked so many things on Pintrest that I will have a hard time even remembering what it was about the site that made me want to book mark it. I think that I will start in the living room. I want to be able to come home at night and immediately feel like I am at "my" home. I think that this weekend I will go to Home Depot and pick up some paint. I can't believe that I am actually excited about painting! Two years ago, I would have seen a three day weekend as a time to party - now I am looking forward to painting baseboards and walls. Maybe I am more of an adult than I thought?
Take inspiration from 'I was asked to take a demotion at work. I'd been hiding the situation at home. When I came clean about it, my partner was more supportive than I had conditioned myself to expect.' and pen down a short narrative.
I went into work fearing the worst. I had already suspected something was going to go wrong. I wasn't sure why. When I went in, my boss asked to speak to me. He told me my performance was below standards and that he was going to need to ask me to take a demotion because of it. I was forced to accept even though I really didn't want to. I didn't feel it was fair. I felt like I needed another chance. On the ride home, I was wondering how my husband would take it. He was taking extra hours at work to pay off the mortgage and was counting on my income to keep the income steady. I was so nervous I just didn't know what to do. When I arrived home, I prepared supper and waited for his arrival. When he finally came home, I left him finish his dinner first before giving him the new. I told him. He stood quiet. Did not say a word for a few minutes. He then said the most comforting words I could have ever hoped for. "Everything is going to be okay. We will get through this." It was all I needed to hear.
Spin a short yarn with the inspiration text as your launching pad.
I got married and it was the most eventful unique wedding ever. There was drunken karaoke and lesbian sexual assult. it was eventful and full of fun.
I just got married to the girl of my dream. It was great. The wedding was great. The food was great. Everything was just perfect. I can't believe I'm finally a married man now! I'm married! I want to yell it to the sky at the top of my voice. But that would be somewhat embarrassing. So I didn't do it. Anyways, it was a great wedding, and I'm sure that I will always remember it. I will be telling my children about this great wedding when they are older. The food was fantastic, even though it cost a lot to hire the cooks. But it was worth it. I just know it because the food taste so good even though it costed so much.
Here's a quick situation: "I went in for knee surgery in January and instead found out I was 5 months pregnant. My surgery was cancelled, and I gave birth to my son in May.". Write a brief story around it.
On January 30th, I arrived at the hospital for my scheduled knee ACL reconstruction surgery. While doing routine pre-surgery bloodwork, they noted that my HCG levels were high, which could indicate pregnancy. At the time, I was taking HCG injections to help with weight loss; I informed them this was the only reason, and there was absolutely no way I could be pregnant. My significant other and I had split up in September, and I had not been sexually active since. The surgery team decided to do an ultrasound just as a precaution. This was very frustrating; I was quite nervous about the surgery, and this delay was fraying my nerves even more. I was wheeled down to imaging and the ultrasound machine was brought in. The nurse who performed the ultrasound was very quiet, and spent way longer examining me than I anticipated. Soon after she left, my orthopedic surgeon came in and informed me that I was in fact 5 months pregnant. I had become pregnant right before my significant other and I separated. I had only gained 3-4 pounds, and was not showing whatsoever. My surgery was of course cancelled, and instead of going home to recover from knee surgery, I instead went home to spend the next 4 months learning how to be a mother. I had absolutely no intentions of having children. My son was born on May 8th, and he is absolutely the best plot twist to ever occur in my life. My knee surgery has been rescheduled for this October, and I have assured my surgeon there will be absolutely no surprises this time!
Spin a compact story using the essence of the hint text.
I lost my job for working too much. I went into the hospital because I was having suicidal thoughts. I then moved back with my parents after I was discharged from the hospital.
I recently lost my job and this sent me into a deep depression. I was working for a home delivery service. I delivered alcohol and groceries. This was a great job and I earned a decent amount of money each week. I was fired for making too much money. There are orders with promos attached to them. Apparently you cant collect too many of these or they will deem you unprofitable and fire you. When I lost my job I went into a deep depression. I was having issues with my wife and had to go stay with my brother for a few days. When I was there I decided that I need help so I called 911 and told them that I was feeling like I wanted to hurt myself. They sent some very kind officers and also an ambulance. I went into a behavioral medical center. I participated in groups and I also got my medications back. I was discharged after I no longer had suicidal thoughts. I went back home and moved all my stuff to a storage unit and moved my family back in with my parents where I am today. I am sad that I still do not have a job but I am glad that I have less things to worry about.
Craft a mini-tale where "A good friend had a car accident. Everyone that new them felt horrible. We all decided to be together to remember." plays a vital role.
Our friend Dino was in an awful car accident five months ago. It was a truly unfortunate situation, as he was simply driving down the street to the grocery store just half mile away from home. He didn't need to go out that night. He was minding his own business when a drunk driver struck him head on and killed him. The other driver walked away unscathed. The circumstances of the crash had us all really searching for greater meaning to why terrible things happen to otherwise good and undeserving people. We decided to get together to mourn collectively after a few months had passed thinking it would help us all move forward with our lives. We couldn't seem to shake the sheer random nature of such unfortunate violence and it helped to commune and speak about how his passing had affected us and our hopes, views, and beliefs. We resolved to meet together once a year to honor Dino's memory, and to examine how we are all doing existentially. We hope that continuing to meet will become a tradition that takes on even greater meaning as the years go by. It can grow to become a gathering that none of us would dare miss, no matter how far away from each other we find ourselves. The group can even grow and take on new members who never knew Dino. To dream even larger about the potential of this event, it could even become a broader community celebration of those who were once close to us but have since passed. I hope this dream can come to fruition. I hope many community members find that they can benefit from such reflection. I hope I can find solace in the comfort of my friends and neighbors. I hope it becomes something really cool and something we can be proud of. I hope I hope I hope.
Consider the text cue as a spark to ignite your succinct narrative.
This was a surprise weekend getaway with the spouse. I felt special and appreciated the entire time. Having family doesn't leave much time to getaway and make memories like this often enough.
The most recent memorable event involving me would have been a weekend getaway. Definitely needed getaway, as it has been sometime since the last one. There was plenty of fun and rest. There is something about being close to the ocean that calms you. A couple of days on the coast with a loved one, plenty of food, a wonderful dining experience. Great drinks! Alot of time for play and doing absolutely nothing! Amazing! We only had a few days, but definitely made the most of it. Long drives are worth it, when the destination is absolutely beautiful! Hopefully the next time, won't be that far in the future. I had hesitated at first, since the trip was booked spontaneously. But all in all, I am so glad we went. The cost was expensive, but so worth it! Why save and save, if you never spend on yourself!? This is definitely my most memorable recent event.
Envision a brief tale inspired by the ideas encapsulated in the primer text.
We had to put our dog to sleep.It was suddenly,but at the same time, we knew, it was going to happen one day.
Yes. I'll never forget that. It was Gus , we had to put asleep. He was with us for 11 years and he was our biggest friend. He was a Yellow Lab (male). He never had problems with his health , but we knew, someday, it would be his last day. That day came in Jan. 2 2019.(Exact 1 year ago). My wife went down and found him in the corner of the room. He wasw lying on his side and alive with his brown eyes wide open. He had pooped on the floor and also threw up. He seemed to be in no pain, but he could,nt get up. We brought him some water and he drank some. After calling tyhe vet, we had to put him into the car. That was very dfficult, because he could not move and he was heavy (105 lbs). We manged to put him in the car with a blanket and we drove to the vet. With some help, we took him inside. The vet checked him and looked troubled. He hardly had bloodpressure. He is in a shock. There wasa a possibility , to find out, what happened top him,but that was very expensive. ($4000),and the chance , there was nothing serious wrong was zero. So we decided to let him sleep. The vet gave him the shot, and we said goodbeye to him. We all cried. It was so hard. We still miss him. Now this statement below tells me , I have only typed 8 sentences. But when I count, there are more than 20. Hoiw is this possible? In the meantime, I typed 4 more and still have only 8.What do I have to do to make 15 sentences? One more. One more. Two more? Three more./Four more? Five more. Six more. Seven more.
"My girlfriend and I didn't have enough money to keep living in our old house. We had to move and try to adapt to a new space with new people.". Imagine a scenario around this and write it down.
My girlfriend and I moved recently. We had been dealing with financial difficulties in our previous house. We were always pretty poor; I had a low paying job and she was unemployed, but it wasn't a problem before. The biggest issue was that we always had roommates before, but then they moved out. We could have potentially gotten replacements, but the house was so old and run down that nobody seemed very interested. The landlord wasn't very responsive and to make things worse, some squatters had been nextdoor for several months already. At a certain point, I no longer had enough money for rent payments. It was a very stressful time in both of our lives. Through some stroke of luck, one of the members of my girlfriend's church was looking for new roommates; someone that was friendly and we could trust. Thankfully, they trusted us as well, since we still didn't have the income to pay rent, but were looking for work. We started packing and got ready to leave that old house behind. I still hurt when I think about that old place; we had a big back yard with a beautiful garden and it was fairly peaceful until the squatters were there, but those times are lost to the past now. It took nearly a month to get everything out of there; we had made our lives there together for about 3 years and I had lived there for 6 years before; most of my adult life. Thankfully we were able to get help moving boxes. I don't know how we managed to get everything stored away here, but somehow my girlfriend found a way. She can do anything when she puts her mind to it. We've been here for 3 months now and it's starting to feel like home, but there's still things to get used to. We live with 2 other people and have to share a bathroom, which is pretty annoying, but I guess it's okay. It almost feels like I'm going through a haze, still, but we keep on going. My girlfriend has a job now and I'm bringing in small amounts, still. Sometimes it feels like we're struggling to make ends meet, but I guess that's life.
Based on "I was able to take part in a Haiti charity event to raise funds for children and families. We all formed dance groups and performed in a showcase to raise as much money as possible for a successful event.", write a short yet interesting story.
Dear diary,Last month I was part of an amazing charity event that blew my mind and made me feel like I was making a difference. I was told about this event about 3 months ago and we formed dance groups in order to raise funds for children and families in Haiti. The host of the event was going to personally fly to Haiti to deliver items and school supplies to the families with her charity group and make a difference in her community. I did not think much of the event as I have been in events before, but this event was life changing. I met so many new people in our dance community with such loving and caring hearts. We all became one that day and supported and cheered each other on to do our best. Each dance group had something different to bring to the stage and many genres were learned and appreciated. We all were amazed at the hard work and dedication that was brought to make the event such a huge success. At the end, the event was able to raise a lot of funds for the children of Haiti and many school supplies were donated for them to have a successful school year. It was a truly amazing event that I will never forget surrounded by even more amazing people. In the end it wasn't about the dance groups, the attendees, or who did the best. It was all about the kids and who we were raising money for. Doing good for your community as well as others in need really humbles you and makes you realize how much you have. It is very important to realize these things in life to really appreciate the life you have been given, and what you can do to make it even better for others. If I was given the opportunity to take part in another event like this, I would do it in a heartbeat. I'm sure the rest of my colleagues would agree as well.
Compose a short story inspired by the given prompt.
After a long and awkward period following my parent's divorce, I took my family to visit his new family. Surprisingly, it went well.
Going to visit my dad's new family was hard at first. I've wrote about the divorce and how messy it was. That's why it took so long to visit him. When he cheated on my mom, I never thought that I could forgive him. Years later, I decided that I am old enough and I can handle this. I reached out to him to see if I can come visit. He was surprised but sounded really happy about it. I took my family to his place and we sat in silence for a little while. His new wife was the woman he cheated on my mom with and was the reason that they got a divorce. She took my kids outside and they played. I told my dad that I was there to figure out why he did it. I needed answers so I could forgive and move on from this. He explained everything. After sitting and crying for a while with him about how much of the past few years we have missed from each other, we hugged and patched things up. My kids came running in and talking about catching frogs with my dad's wife and how much fun it was. My wife took to my dad's wife as well. What I thought would have been a horrible experience, ended up being one of the best ones. It's great to understand why my dad did things and it's also great to see him so happy now.
Let the provided seed guide your mini-storytelling.
My wife gave birth to our first child, a baby girl, on May 27. Her labor was long and pretty eventful, and the aftermath was the most special event of my life.
More than 7 months ago, my wife gave birth to our first child, a baby girl named Mariella. I knew that having a child was a life changing experience from the start, but I had no clue just how different things would be. Honestly, I thought that the first couple of months would be a grind trying to develop routines and sleep patterns and just learning how to be a parent, but I thought that I would return to a normal life soon after. That could not be further from the truth. I hardly ever seen my friends or do personal activities outside of the home anymore. One reason for this is simple fatigue. Mariella slept better than most babies for the first five months of her life, but she has regressed significantly and I'm exhausted much of the time. I also just really value being with her and only get to spend about 90 minutes with her each night before her theoretical bedtime. There is no time to go to happy hour or the movies or dinner with a friend if I want to spend quality time with my daughter on the weeknights. And my baby girl loves nothing more than being in the same room with her parents, and that's meaningful to me and I want to be there for her. The entire experience of being a father has truly been special. Every decision I make is viewed through a lens of how it will affect her. It's fascinating how you can develop such a deep connection with someone you've known for less than a year and who can't even communicate verbally. It's special because of the changes I'm seeing in her every day like learning how to sit up on her own and because of the changes soon to come. I'm excited in this very moment thinking about the prospect of her crawling and starting to talk to soon. She hasn't yet met my immediate family because they live so far away, so meeting them toward the end of 2020 will be a major highlight.
Spin a compact story using the essence of the hint text.
My toddler learned how to verbally exercise consent and said "no thank you" for the first time. It made me happy and sad and I can't wait to see whats next with my parenting journey.
About a week ago Autumn began saying, "no, thank you" for the first time. This is exciting because we have been working on saying yes and no and understanding what these things mean. I asked her if she wanted some avocado. She usually loves to eat avocado. I expected a simple nod yes. Instead she goes, "no thank you." She has said yes and no and thank you separately already. However, she has yet to put it all together. We have prompted her a lot, guiding her to this. She finally understood and verbalized! I called Aaron over in hopes she would say it again and he could hear. It's important for us as parents that she is able to verbally exercise consent and has an understanding of it from a young age. Raising a girl and being a woman myself, I am very aware of the risks she faces growing up in a society that views women as objects and does not necessarily respect us when we say no. I figure the earlier she learns her voice and that she has choices in things, the more likely she is to speak up for herself in a variety of ways. I know this may turn into her telling me, "no" to things a lot, but I welcome the conflict. I'm excited to see how she continues to develop!
Build a short story that incorporates: 'He also was not good at communicating and therefore did not feel the need to make sure we stayed in touch. I feel as a high functioning autistic communication is hard, and I am always working on my social skills.'.
This dairy event here was about a project I had to do with another person, who did not like to keep in touch, or do normal communications. He was rather distant and not like others at all. The project, a presentation was due and he never contacted me. I just unsure and nervous about the presentation, and even more so since he did not contact me. He felt that I should have known that he would do his part. That for me to question that was silly. Not sure why he felt that way since I did not know him or his work ethics. Anyway everything worked out in the end and all was good with the presentation, it worked but made me uncomfortable. The event was okay, and we got an a. The project would have less stressful with proper communication. He probably thought I was normal. I am not but that is not important. The project was stressful without adding stress. I felt it could have worked out better. I am a high functioning autistics, he felt I was normal. I had him fooled.
Use the kickoff text as your muse to craft a micro-tale.
we flew to spain on a night flight which went well. no one picked us up at the airport which made us very upset. however, we had a good week, and then when we flew home it was a nightmare for me. then my sleep was ruined due to jetlag
Two months ago my husband and i flew to Spain with our two children to visit family. On the airplane over there, it was a night flight, so after dinner the kids managed to fall asleep and i was able to watch a movie. i was to anxious to fall asleep, incase my kids woke up. So, instead o i just watched tv the whole flight. my husband of course was able to sleep the entire flight. This is very typical of him and he would sleep through a freight train going through. When we arrived we quickly went through immigration, but no one was there to meet us. we were very frustrated with my husbands's family for forgetting to pick us up after we made the big effort to fly there. after a phone call they apologized and said they were on their way, but we said forget it, we will get a cab. despite the rough start we had a nice week in spain visiting family and friends and then it was time to fly home. this was a day flight which was a lot harder than the flight over there. my youngest son napped for a little bit but he was very restless for the rest of the flight and i was exhausted. my husband was no help and he even fell asleep himself. my other son just watched tv so he was fine. when we arrived home finally, the two kids were jetlagged and woke up at 3am for the day, and i had to get up with them. I decided i would never go back again!
Based on this brief scenario: 'This was basically about my dog dying. How he just went no matter what I did. The feelings I had about this horrid event.', could you compose a mini-story?
Well, I was actually hoping to not have to revisit this story/event, but I guess I will. It happened a couple months ago. My beloved dog, Aby, died on my bed in front of me as I was about to give him lunch. I had been nursing him for six months prior. I'd given him drips and vitamins and home-cooked his meals. I took him to various vets and to my disgust most of them were like "Well, he's 20, what do you expect?" routine. Talk about terrible medicine. But I did my best for him under the circumstances. I could not afford an MRI though at his age/condition it might've killed him. I guess I feel good with him knowing I went the distance for him. Some people told me to kill him. I never do that. I hope he knew that I would've done anything and everything for him. I think he did. He was my souldog. I'll never have another like him. I'll probably never adopt again. But I had him and was so lucky to have known and met him. I'll always miss him dearly. I guess the most memorable part was just having him all those years.
Let's see a story that builds on the lead-in text, but keep it short.
Streamer A from Asia came to visit the US in which Streamer B lives in the same city and state. Myself and other viewers convinced Streamer B to meet Streamer A. We provided information from Streamer A so that Streamer B can find Streamer A. Streamer B met with Streamer A as well as others.
Today I helped set up a couple to meet that were from completely different countries. My friends and I gave them the need information. I think that they will really have a lot in common. They should hit it off well. I plan to get with my friends to find out how it all went. I hope they find lots to talk about. They should have. They are both in the same field. It will be weird for them meeting though, since they are from different countries. I wonder if they will have any trouble understanding each other. They speak different languages. Maybe they will find a way to make it easy to communicate. This is something they never will forget. Who knows, they may even end up together forever. One never knows.
Your story should involve 'I worked on a project that didn't go as planned. I don't think it was my fault, but it served as a good reminder to keep expectations managed.' in a brief, concise manner.
Hey diary. I recently completed a project at work that did not go as planned. Before I started working for the company as a project coordinator, my boss had coordinated a fundraising effort to raise money for a well to be built on campus. The well was supposed to yield 3600 gallons of water every week. We had a biologist come out to see the land and confirm this amount. I was brought on to help finish the project. I felt a little uneasy about managing a project that was going to cost the company so much money, but I was glad to know my boss was looking forward to this. I would have been more nervous if I had to make the final decisions, but basically everything had already been predetermined for me; who were we going to hire, how it was going to get done, etc. I felt like I did a very good job keeping all the pieces moving. I didn't rush anyone, but through good communication, asking for updates, frequent reminders, and a smiling face, the project got done on time and under budget! I don't think I cut any corners. But the well is not producing 3600 gallons every week. It's only producing 300 gallons, nearly a tenth of what we'd been told. I don't think this is my fault, but I am now trying to figure out a reasonable explanation so my boss is not surprised. It just goes to show once again that it's important to manage expectations.
With this small context: 'A long-planned trip to Disney World was threatened by an unexpected hospitalization and an emergency surgery. Despite this, we took the trip and had an amazing time despite the setbacks.', what quick story would unfold?
Over the past year, I have been planning out every detail to a Disney World vacation trip. I got the hotel room, the passes, other things to do in the area, I had saved money and did everything else I could think of. I had more than enough to get myself and my kids everything they wanted when we were there so no one would have a bad time at Disney! So six weeks ago when we were finally leaving for our vacation, I was feeling really great about the whole trip! Everything was planned out! What could have went wrong? Well, as you know when I think that something usually goes wrong. This time was no different. We had a couple of great days on vacation, however at night on the second day Abby got sick. We thought she ate some bad food and was just having a stomach ache. In the morning, she was puking and said that her sides and back and tummy hurt. I had no idea what to do, so my husband took her to a doctor there. I took the kids for Disney day three. Around lunch, my husband called to let me know that Abby had to go to the hospital because she had something wrong. I started to freak out and immediately told the kids we were going to see Abby. Abby somehow got gallstones and was having a gallbladder attack. I had no idea a child could have that! She ended up getting her gallbladder removed and for her, the vacation ended. My husband and I took turns sitting with her in the hotel but thankfully our room was near the park so at night we could all see the fireworks show. It made it worth it!
Ready, set, write a short story! Use the text clue to inspire you.
My ex boyfriend got STD when we are dating. We discussed it and then we decide to break up with each other. I still miss him and always remember him.
My boyfriend and I was dating for a while. He is a very nice and attractive guy. I like him very much. After we met for a couple of time, he told me he got STD. I still wanted to be with him. So we still went out and have great time together. It came from his last relationship. It was incurable. I was very surprised. I checked online a lot of information. It is very hard for me to break up. I like him a lot. He told me he did not want to continue. I agreed. I was very sad for several months. It is a tough relationship, which could end up with a much better outcome. I still remember the time we spent.
Use the hint to form a brief story.
I took an hour long vacation with my immediate family to stay at a casino in Missouri, and to spend time with them. I thoroughly enjoyed the rooms, and being able to spend time with my parents and son.
After I stayed at the Down Stream casino my family, and I drove back to where we live in Tulsa, OK. I was elated from our trip to Down Stream, and wanted to visit another casino sometime soon. I actually did not gamble very much on the trip, instead I stayed in our hotel room, and watched TV with my dad. We were watching Ellen DeGeneres TV show I believe it was called Game of Games. As the night wore on my dad, and I wanted to see how my mom was doing, so we took the elevator to the main lobby of the casino to look for my mom. We spotted her playing a Money Bags machine close to the lobby. My dad bought me a Red Bull and encouraged me to at least put a 20 in a machine. I agreed, and as I was drinking a Red Bull decided to play a slot that had Buffalo in the name. I turned my 20 dollars into 50, I was very content with quitting there, and just watching my parents play slot machines. After playing the slots we were hungry, and took advantage of a buffet at the casino. I love to eat at buffet's because of the selection and this buffet was really good. I had some Chinese food orange chicken, pepperoni pizza, and even had some fried chicken. Completely satisfied all of us returned to our room to watch the local news channels. I don't know why but I enjoy watching local news when I am out of town, and like to compare their local news to our News on 6 in Tulsa. The weatherman forecast ed more rain for the area. The next morning I awoke and made myself a free cup of coffee, and decided to skip breakfast. On our way home we stopped at McD's and had a Big Mac with a chocolate shake. We had a fantastic vacation, and it is something all of us want to do again sometime soon.
From the following brief hint: 'My dad was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and has a blood clot in his heart. This has been emotionally and financially hard on our family, even causing me to have to work extra hours.', create a concise narrative.
For those who don't know, my dad had been suffering with weird health symptoms for about the past month and a half. He had been to his primary and the ER at least 4 times just to be told "we can't find anything wrong with you." He was suffering for weeks - his resting heart rate was around 115 BPM, he was swollen, he was coughing, he was fatigued, he couldn't sleep, and he just kept getting worse. He's a self-employed contractor and couldn't work because he could barely walk to his mailbox without getting winded. FINALLY this past Friday he went to the ER again (a different one this time) and started to get answers. Initially they thought his doctor was mismanaging his diabetes, seeing as she changed his insulin 2 months ago and they detected a slight heart attack that everyone previously missed. He was admitted to the cardiac unit at Sarasota Memorial and since that time they have found a blood clot on his heart and they've diagnosed him with congestive heart failure. With him being uninsured and self-employed, this has been a huge financial burden for him. He has had to miss a lot of work and he's not even sure he can continue his business now due to its strenuous nature. My father was discharged a couple of days ago but it will be a huge change for our family going forward. He is unable to work and will have a whole slew of appointments for the next 3 months. He has a life vest that he has to wear and is currently on blood thinners. If his heart doesn't get stronger in the next 3 months he will have to get a pacemaker. Financially this will be rough on our entire family because he will be unable to work. I am going to try and pick up additional shifts at work so that I can help him with money. We are praying that his heart will get stronger so that he can find some sort of work.
Weave a brief tale around the trigger.
A mother struggling to accept her sons diagnosis. A husband helping and supporting his wife. The wife feeling better and accepting of her new life.
Here recently I have been feeling depressed and stuck in life. Not moving forward if anything moving backwards. I am a mother of three children ages seven, four, and three. My four year old has been diagnosed with autism. This was heart breaking for me. I had my suspicions, but i honestly didn't want to face it . What would this mean for him? What would this mean for me ? For my family? I started going through the possibilities and the anti-possibilities that would now be my future. My child may possibly never speak in conversations. He may never have friends. He may never move out on his own . My precious boy who is always happy and so very loving will now be looked at as a freak in society. All because of a diagnosis. Because of a disability in being social. Its enough to make my head spin. With all the new realizations comes some very real emotions. Depression seemed to take roots and flourish within me . Then a conversation with my husband helped me shed the diagnosis like a skin. He said,"What has changed? A diagnosis? That's it. He is still your baby boy, still your son. He still loves you just the same . And I can bet that you love him just the same if not more now. " That is a conversation I will replay in my mind forever. My boy did not change and my love for him hasn't either. Being a mom is tough. Being a mom of a child with autism is even tougher.
Write a short narrative based on or inspired by 'The get-together with my best friends was the best part of my year, thus far. Our week-long vacation was quite memorable. The four of us laughed, cried, and reminisced about our 25-year relationship - all while engaging in really fun beach-side activities and enjoying the low-country.'.
In April I was so excited to be getting together with my very best friends from Pennsylvania. She and her hubby and me and hubby met on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. We spent a full and amazing week together! Despite the fact that it rained every single day, the four of us were so happy to be spending quality time together. We usually get together once a year, for the past 19 years, but recently illness has kept us from doing so. Therefore, this particular get-together was extra special! We were all healthy enough to enjoy the week. Sure, we all has a few more pills to take, as well as daily therapy-type exercises, than our previous get-togethers. But even through the aches and pains of aging, the week was fabulous. Some of the activities we did were: going to the beach, eating at local low-country restaurants (shrimp and grits... yeah!), attended a bon-fire at our villa, played bingo (woo-hoo... two of us won!), went "house-hunting" (looking at model homes is a favorite past-time whenever we get together), and especially just chit-chatting and catching up with life! One day was spent souvenir shopping for the grandkids. How fun was that? We helped each other choose really special gifts. (The 5 grandkids LOVED them all!)Even though it rained every single day, we had an awesome time. (The weather forecast was NOT accurate!) As always, this week was a special and memorable time that the four of us will not soon forget! I cannot wait till next year's get-together!
"I am planning a trip. It is a trip to disney world for halloween. I am making the halloween costumes.". Weave this into a short and engaging tale.
It was that time of the year! Time for me to plan a trip that ill take for the year. I wanted to do something fun and original. Also i thought about going to in the off season because it was cheaper. So i planned on a surprise trip for myself the upcoming holiday of halloween. I will go where I can have the most fun wearing a costume since i love dressing up. This all started two weeks ago to think about it, and started with me wanting to dress up as a disney character. So i will stick to my original costume idea. And what is a better place to wear a disney costume then disney, i thought. So i made my decision and that is wear i will go. I will go with my family and since its cheaper they can all come. It will not be as hot so that will be a plus when wearing a costume. I will have everyone be Disney characters and make it a theme. It will be alot of fun and one of the best trips ever. Hopefully the trip there will be nice and smooth.
Weave a brief tale around the trigger.
Fought for custody for three years. Felt like I was discriminated against because I was a man. Ended up winning full custody of my children last month.
About one month ago I received full custody of my children. This was a very emotional moment for me because I fought for my children for three years, and as a father looking to gain custody of his children it was very difficult. My children were being abused by their mother, and no matter how much proof I provided the courts, they still allowed her to have primary custody of the children. I have never used drugs in a my life, yet the children's mother was using regularly (that's why we separated) for three years. In order to get "just" three weekends a month with my kids, I was forced into taking drug and alcohol tests, anger management, etc.. During this time their mother would routinely violate the order that allowed me to see the children on the weekends. She would curse at me, threaten me, tell me I was trash, all right in front of the children. There was a small period where I honestly started to believe the things she would say to me, almost as if I had accepted that I was trash, even though I was doing everything right. I guess after a while I just started to break down, I was constantly in debt due to the cost of lawyers, and was just mentally drained. Thankfully I had my family to pick up the the pieces for me, and my children to keep motivating me. In January of 2019, their mothers neighbour called children and youth on her, and abuse was found to be taking place in the home, and in the end custody was removed from her, and given to me. The amount of relief I experienced is not measurable. The day I received the order signed by a judge, I just remember breaking down and crying. I dont think I will ever forget that day. Even though I was able to gain full custody of the children, I still hold sort of an resentment against the legal system. I honestly do believe if I was not a man trying to gain custody of his children, and the roles were reversed, it would have taken less than six months. I mean from the very beginning I had proof of the abuse taking place, and the courts just did not care. My children are safe, and happy today though. I could not ask for more than that.
Incorporate themes from 'A went on vacation to my cousin's house in Tennessee. They had a large house and we played a lot of games and it was a fun time.' into a short and sweet narrative.
I went on a vacation to my cousin's house in Tennessee. This trip was meant to celebrate the 4th of July. They had a very large house and we played a lot of games and it was a fun time. We spent a lot of time in the yard playing. After that we had a big family dinner with all of family. After that we all went to bed. In the morning we had a large breakfast. After that we played for a little while longer and then said good byes. Overall I think the trip was a very fun time. I got more of a chance to play outside than I normally do. We had all different kinds of games and it felt like there was a never ending list of things to do. It's always very fun to be able to catch up with them. I don't get to see this part of my family very often so it was a very fond memory and I was surprised how much everyone had grown. I really enjoy being out there because there is house is further away from the city than mine is. I always enjoy going out there because my aunt is a very good cook. I hope I can start taking these trips more regularly.
"Woman shocks a man, desperately in love with a break up. Man has to deal with the hard facts that she doesn't love him anymore. This is some of his reactions and aftermath of her decision.". Expand upon this in your own unique storytelling style.
My live-in girlfriend left me after 3 years just recently. She said it just didn't fell right, after 3 years! We bought a house together (luckily I put that in my name only), adopted a dog together and I was starting to plan out our future. Then that rug was pulled out from underneath me, like Thanos snapping his damn finger. Did I see it coming? Not at all, I thought she was the one. Should I have seen it coming, yup! She would often travel to see her family which lived over an hour away, sometimes I'd go, sometimes not. I found out she was talking to an ex of hers, but sometimes people make mistakes. We found about it, and got on with life. Her friends (who are still my friends which is odd) told me that they warned me, well I guess I was so in love it would have taken a Mack truck to hit me with it. So here I am, heartbroken and just me and the dog (and yes, I told her I was keeping him and there wasn't going to be a discussion about it) so what do I do. I begin to pack all her crap up, YUP, EVERY LAST BIT. Why? Because I loved her, and I loved her family, and why punish her family by making them do it. So there I am, boxing and storing lady's under garments and unmentionables. All plates, pans, cooking utensils, eating utensils, sheets, towels, hell even lightbulbs. She made me keep the furniture because it was too much, she said, but everything else that reminded me of her is gone. I know what a divorce feels like, well except the whole court/lawyer fee thing. Fast forward to now, I'm still without most of the crap she took with her. I bought a stainless steel pot set because I liked the look, but I can't cook on it for crap, so I don't use it much. One set of sheets, 1 towel, paper plates and plastic forks. I kinda wish I wasn't such a smartass and kept some of it, but I wanted her to know I could do it without her. Can I though? MaybeThe dog thinks so anyway
Compose a short story inspired by the given prompt.
I was very sick from an allergic reaction to antibiotics. My husband was very helpful and took two days off of work to stay home and help me out. I am so grateful to have such a loving husband.
I recently had an unexpected allergic reaction to some antibiotics I was taking to treat strep throat. I first noticed a large rash forming on my stomach and immediately felt concerned. I looked up some possible side effects from the antibiotic and sure enough a rash was one of them. I notified my doctor and he told me to stop taking the antibiotics and he would call in another medicine to the pharmacy that would clear up the reaction but it would possible make me feel very tired and unable to do much for a couple of days. I told my husband about the situation and he said he had some sick days saved up anyhow and he would take two days off to help take care of me. I felt so relieved because I knew I would be unable to keep up with cooking, housework and caring for the children on my own. He prepared homeade pancakes the first morning and brought me the pancakes and juice in bed. He made a point to do all of the dishes and then took our children out to the park while I got some much needed rest. He brought home dinner from my favorite Italian restaurant. I enjoyed my chicken piccata in front of the TV while we all watched a family movie. I began to feel a little dizzy after dinner so my husband held me up and helped me into bed. He brought me a glass of water and my medication and told me to relax. I was so incredibly grateful he was able to take care of me. I feel lucky to have married such and loving person who is so selfless. If I did not have my husband to help take care of me during that time when I was recovering I don't know what I would have done. I truly do feel like he is my soulmate.
Ready to write a quick tale? Use the springboard text as inspiration.
I travel to Vietnam where I had trouble getting into the country. After I was finally admitted into the country I was ripped off, followed by some salesperson, and had a random five year old girl try to hold my hand.
A few months ago I went on a work trip to Vietnam and it completely changed how I saw the world. Now I have been out the country before but it was just to Europe and Canada so I wasnt quite sure what to expect. After the long thirty hours it took to get to my destination I get to customs and when I show them my passport I was told to sit down where nobody tells me a thing for an entire hour. At this point im terrified since this is my first time traveling internationally by myself and there are a bunch of people with automatic rifles who told me to sit down. The entire hour im picturing how im going to spend the rest of my life in a Vietnamese prison but eventually I find out that the consulate in San Francisco screwed something up and I was free to enter the country. So I walk down grab my bags and exchange some money for the taxi ride. For months I had been researching Vietnam and all the scams that happen so I knew one of the big ones was that you always take a taxi with a meter. As I walk out of the airport some guy comes up to me and asks if I need a taxi. I say yes and we walk to his car. He tells me $40 and I say meter but he says he doesnt have one. We go back and fourth for a while and eventually I accept since that price sounds reasonable, its 3 AM and I havent slept in over a day. So we drive to my hotel and everything is fine. Eventually I come to find pretty much every taxi is about one dollar anywhere in the city. Months of panning to not get ripped off gone out the window 30 seconds into my trip. The next day I wake up early and walk out of my hotel and see im pretty much next to the biggest market in Ho Chi Minh City so there are people trying to sell you everything. Once again 5 steps out of the hotel some guy trys to sell me on some tour which I read is a ripoff. Also the motorbikes are deathtraps so I wasnt interested. I tell this guy no 20 times but he continues to walk with me. Then he starts showing me pictures of him with only white people and their handwritten notes that talk about how amazing he is. Obviously a scam as I continue to walk to the market but he wont leave. During the walk some little five year old girl walk up to me and starts holding my hand which scares me more than anything. I try to shake my hand to get her to let go but she refuses. Eventually the man gets her to let go so at least now im happy he is there. I finally make it to the market so the man leaves. Overall it was a difficult beginning to Vietnam but I love the country and the people who live there and it ended up being on of the best travel experiences of my life.
Construct a succinct story having its roots in the provided snippet.
My sisters put me through a terrible ordeal that's been very, very hard on me. My life is forever changed.
This past March one of my sisters had a problem because I asked my mother a question. She hit me in the face and we ended up fighting. I should have just walked away because what happened in the next few months has left a huge scar on me. She and my other sister called the police and they arrested me. She hit me first but they arrested me. It was a horrific ordeal when I was in jail for 24 hours. I've had several court appearances since. After one appearance I was so upset and distraught I wanted to kill myself. The urge was so strong but I thought of my mom and my cats and drove myself to the hospital. My heart was pounding so hard they thought I had a problem with it. I couldn't stop crying either. I was on suicide watch for two days. Then they transferred my to a behavioral health center where I spent the next five days. I was put on anxiety medication and felt better. After I was discharged I went to therapy classes. Now I'm on probation for two years and owe thousands of dollars I don't have to the court, the hospital and the behavior center. I'm on social security and cant keep up with my bills. It's hard and it really stresses me out big time. So for the next two years it'll be very hard on me. I don't miss my sisters at all. I will never ever see them for the rest of my life because I want nothing to do with them because of what they put me through. They have no clue what it's like for me. My life is forever changed. I also lost my husband to a sudden heart attack four years ago and they have no clue how hard that's been on me too. But I get by with the love of my mom and my cats.
Incorporate themes from 'Planning a babyshower for a coworker. Myself and rwo other coworkers bought foid, collectec donations and decorated a room for a coworker's baby shower.' into a short and sweet narrative.
I helpedplan a baby shower with two other coworkers for another coworker. We got together and planned the specifics such as the date, food , decorations and budget. I helped collect donations from coworkers. Another coworker ordered the food. The other coworker bought the decorations. On tge day of the event, one coworker picked up the food and i helped bring up the food. I helped decorate the room and prepare tge food on the table. It took two hours to complete but we worked as a team to accomplish this event. After the event, i helped to clean up. I removed the decorations on the walls. I helped pack the remaining food. I also helped move tables. After the event we gave remaining food to our coworker to take home. She in turn passed out candy to show her gratitude. She even gave us pictures of her family.
'My husband and I traveled to Miami. We saw family there. We had some great food. The trip was to celebrate my sister's birthday.'. Create a small story where this is somehow significant.
In April I traveled with my husband to Miami to visit my niece and family. We celebrated my sister's 74 birthday. We drove down and spent one night on the road both coming and going. We had a great time with all of them. We toured a lighthouse. We played games and watched movies and took walks. We also played with a two year old and found out that another one is on the way. We had some great food. We had a low country boil in honor of my sister's birthday. We had some great fried rice. We visited an outlet mall and enjoyed walking around and seeing all the bargains. The traffic was bad coming home. If they didn't live in such a hot area of the country we might move there. We enjoyed being with them a lot. Maybe we will go back next year. Or maybe we should plan a trip for Dec. when the new baby is born.
Develop a concise narrative using the text snippet as a seed.
this is a story about my engagement. i give the lovely recount of how i proposed. and a fun trip we had over summer.
I am saying a story about a memorable event in my life. I surprised my girlfriend with a trip to San Diego. California in hopes that she would accept me as her future husband. On that date we took a romantic dinner. then a cruise around San Diego Bay. I popped the question. It was such a beautiful evening. and she gleefully said yes. if it wasn't for that fateful evening many years ago, on a romantic dinner cruise on the San Diego Bay. Thanks you for allowing me to share this experience. my love for my beautiful bride. i love telling this story it means so much to me. such a amazing day of my life. i never thought she would say yes. and she did with excitement. now we have a life to spend together.
With the suggestion text as a catalyst, concoct a short story.
My 17 year old cat died in April. His euthenization was traumatic and I miss him every day. However, I always know what really matters, is that he no longer suffers.
It's been 6 months since my beloved cat dyed. His name was Kich. He was 17. He was one of the best things to ever happen to me, hands down. He was black, long, and thin with elegant features. He lived a good life despite illnesses. He was such a good and sweet buddy, my most precious gift to have ever received from life. Now that I look back on it, I thought he was going to live strong seemingly forever because he could escape brushes with death and seemed that he could last longer, but slowly, his health started to decline until it was snowballing. I said goodbye to him in disbelief that he was really gone, that I couldn't do anything to keep him here, that I couldn't take away his suffering. I will never forget the moments when I saw him slip away forever. Just a couple days later, my other cat who lived with my ex husband died. He died at home of old age, just as his brother had. I still can't believe both my boys are gone and there's a part of my heart that is so empty without them. The only thing that makes it ok is that nothing can hurt my boys anymore. I guess this is the price to pay to make sure they no longer suffer.
Envision a brief tale inspired by the ideas encapsulated in the primer text.
it was a story of my friends wedding that was about to crash. It made me know the importance of staying calm in the face of challenges.the situation was solved even without us doing too much about it.
It was the wedding of a friend of mine. which was heading for an abrupt end just few hours to the start of the wedding. when the wedding ring holder was no where to be found. The man in charge of the suit was no where to be found. and the car to travel to the city broke down. it was one of the longest 10 hours of my life. I could not think straight and i was without clue. i really didnt know what to do. it taught me how to be strong in the face of pressure. we got to know the men in charge of these items were drunk on alcohol and slept off. we boarded a train to the city. because the car couldnt be fixed... every other thing fell in place. and everyone was happyit was a joyful occassion. Even though it was crazy from the start. It was one of the greatest weddings. everyone was in smiles.
From this brief statement: "The dilemma of not having money and pro-activism to ask for when i needed to get back to school did not last long. I was able to get back to school because i had a strong support system.", create a short narrative.
I have always been a good student for so long. I followed my parents rules as a good kid. I used to study permanently. I also had a good relationship with moneys. I used to be a good saver. All of this continued to happen until I met my boyfriend. From that moment I started spending a lot of moneys. We were students together and we studied together. The problem was that I didn't saved anymore. We used to go out every night, and started shopping some expensive clothes. I didn't asked my parents for more money, cause I would have been ashamed in front of them. So I made a decision. I knew I was the one to save my self. I started of having some debts from my cousins. If I could't stop I would have been going deeper and deeper. I started a job. It really helped me on my finances that I needed for my studies. I'm glad I didn't ask from my parents.
Let the provided seed guide your mini-storytelling.
I wrote about being an older mom at home alone, with daughter's first day of Pre-K. I wrote about my daughter walking into school with confidence and me nervous, scared and anxious mom who has had to put her best side kick out into the world and for her to succeed.
It may have only been three weeks ago, but without my little sidekick by my side, it feels like an eternity. I feel like she was just born. I can remember her soft baby skin, her fuzzy hair, and that sweet half-grin all newborns make even though they have yet to grasp the true concept of "smiling." But she's growing up and already in Pre-K. It's a big adjustment for me. Prior to these past few weeks she would follow me around the house everywhere. Now the house is just... empty. And quiet. And being alone---even if for only a few hours a day---makes me incredibly anxious. That first day of Pre-K was rougher on me than her, it seems. She was excited! She effused confidence with every step she took towards her teacher's doorway. I was really surprised to find that *I* was the nervous one needing to hold back tears. I know she'll do great though. She has a spark in her that I truly believe will burst into a blazing flame of success in due time. Hopefully in the meantime I'll learn how to extinguish my nervousness.
From the following brief hint: "I met my wife after talking for a bit with her. We met at IHOP. I knew right then and there she was the one for me.", create a concise narrative.
So about 15 months ago, I went out one evening with a group of guys for a guys night out. We all talked about only having a couple drinks, but of course, most adults know that a few, means more than a few. I ended up staying out a lot longer than I thought I would, drank way more than I really wanted to, and woke up with a killer craving, which of course, was hang over food. I really wanted breakfast food at this point as well, so why not decide to go to IHOP? It was actually a 15 minute drive for me, as oppose to Dennys which was just down the street from my house, but for some reason, I wanted to upgrade to IHOP and I went with it. I am absolutely amazed at how everything goes down, but it was at that IHOP where I met the woman that I knew I would eventually marry. I was sat down in a booth, that of course would normally have about 4 people in it, but it was just me. Sitting at the next table, was this gorgeous, red haired woman. Our eyes met, and she gave me the cutest little smile and looked back down at the newspaper she was reading. I waited, and was trying to get over how stunning this woman was, before I finally got up and decided to introduce myself and invite her to my table for some conversation. She looked surprised, and asked really? Of course really, and I asked her if I could carry her coffee cup over, and she said yes and gathered her jacket and purse and came to sit with me. We talked about everything from our careers, to our families, and even our heart aches. What was most surprising, was that she also was coming in that morning after a night out with her girlfriends who all were to hung over to get breakfast. We sat there for over 3 hours. It felt like 15 minutes. Not many people are lucky enough in their lifetime to make a connection such as this. I thought she was stunning when I first saw her, now I just couldn't envision my life without her in it. I thought I was crazy. This is way to fast to have these feelings, or could love at first site be a real thing? I don't know, but I wasn't going to questions it. It was not even 12 months later when I made her my wife, and here we are 15 months later, and I couldn't have found myself anyone else this amazing.
Extend the following text fragment into a short, captivating story.
My brothers wedding party gets shaken up by one his groomsmen. It involved a lot of panic and chaos. But I learned a lesson.
I was attending my brothers wedding one afternoon. The day was going pretty normal at first. We where getting ready for the wedding with my brother. The guys in the wedding where in one place and the girls where in another place like normal during weddings. We where all getting ready having a good time together when we noticed that one of the guys in the party was missing. It started to get closer and closer to the time we need together to start the ceremony. We had some people looking for him. After hours of searching he was finally found later in a closet passed out from drinking too much. This was really bad and we knew that it wouldnt be a good thing for him to be in it. I think all of us where disappointed in him. Although this may have been the case we realized that things happen. We ended up going on with the ceremony and just letting it be. We had a great night and everyone was happy and content with the way it went. This doesn't define the person and I know I realize that but I also hope everyone else did. Things happen and it we cant hold grudges. Thats no way to live.
'My girlfriend randomly visited me without telling me. We spent a lot of time together and created many fun memories.'. Imagine a scenario around this and write it down.
I was working on MTurk just trying to make as much money. Afterwards my girlfriend told me she was going to some event for her job. She told me she was going to be busy all day and I believed her. I had told her it was cool and I let her do her own thing. A few hours later she sends me a message telling me to look at the pictures. Once I saw them I saw that she was in my city. It really surprised me since I had not seen her in almost a year. I quickly got ready and I hugged her and kissed her. I had missed her so much and spent time together. We ate at different restaurants and we played board games. We had a really good time enjoying each other's company. While she had lied that she was going out of town for an event it was her planning to see me. She was here for almost 2 weeks and we spent many hours together. Once she left it was hard for both of us since we never see each other. We both said our goodbyes and hoped to see each other soon. When she got home she had said she missed me and I did too. Once after she left I started planning so that we can see each other and I hope that time is soon.
Build a short story that incorporates: 'My mother almost died getting a pacemaker put in her heart. She suffered from a pulmonary edema right before the surgery. She was able to recover in the end.'.
Well, the story really starts about 6 months or so ago. My mother was always complaining about feeling really tired and fatigued so she went to the doctor. The doctor ran some tests and her heart rate was seen to be very low which they believed to be the cause of her fatigue. They recommended that she get a pacemaker put in to help regulate her heart. My mother agreed to undergo the surgery. The day of the surgery arrives and I'm with her laughing and joking around before she was called back to be put under. We had no idea the trouble that was about to occur. We were told the surgery would only be about 30 minutes or so. So they wheel my mother to the back and give her anesthesia. From my knowledge, as I was not with her at this point, was that she was still awake when they wheeled her into the operating room and she began to have a panic attack when they put the surgery cloth or whatever you call it over her face which then lead her to have a pulmonary edema. A pulmonary edema is basically your lungs being filled with fluid making it very difficult to breathe. She was taken to the ICU immediately and remained there for about a week. She was able to make a full recovery but it was close to being an absolute disaster. It was one of the most frightening things I have ever experienced. She even ended up getting the surgery for her pacemaker done later on and thankfully no complications occurred.
Ever thought of turning a hint into a short story? Try it.
I graduated college back in May of 2019. All my family members showed up to celebrate the big event. I felt accomplished in my life.
A memorable event in my life was back in May of 2019. I have finally graduated from college and received a Bachelors degree in Accounting. It took me five long years to complete that degree. Two years in community college and another three years in the CSU system. I had to fight hard for all the classes as registration filled out very quickly on enrollment dates. For the first time I was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. All my hard work paid off and I can finally say I have a accomplished one of my biggest goal. It was my graduation year and I felt very happy about it. My family and friends showed up to celebrate my big accomplishment. My significant other also came along to celebrate such a big event. They brought me thoughtful gifts and colorful flowers. We went to dinner with the whole family. They showered me with love and appreciation, which is what mattered the most. From that day, I was ready for the real world. I was happy I concluded an important chapter in my life.