The text prompt is a hint. Write a story that follows it, but keep it brief.
I was driving to work with a coworker and witnessed a pedestrian struck by a vehicle. I called 911 and was put on hold. Eventually we got an ambulance and made sure he was taken care of.
It was a cold morning, I picked up my manager and we were on the way to work. We were driving towards our building and coming upon an intersection. As I slowed down for the red light, we saw an SUV make a turn and WHAM! Hit a teenage boy who was crossing the road. The boy bounced off the hood of the truck like a ragdoll, flying back into the street. Will and I were both like "Holy shit dude!" I turned on my hazards and pulled over, dialing 911 as we jumped out of the car and ran to the boy. The SUV started driving down the street and my mgr. snapped a picture of his license plate, but then it stopped and the man driving jumped out to check on the boy. The boy seemed extremely dazed and was holding his arms in an awkward looking position, we sat him down on the curb. I was freaking out because 911 had me on HOLD of all things, I thought that was something that happened in disaster movies not in real life, not at 7 am on a Monday morning. But as soon as they finally picked up I gave them the cross-streets, and it took less than 2 minutes to hear sirens and see the paramedics coming down the street. We thought the boy was concussed, but then realized he had a clubbed arm and some features of a Down's Syndrome person. Jesus, how messed up, this poor retarded kid was just crossing the street and got hit by a car. And they guy driving, how sucky must that be to not just hit a person but a mentally disabled one? Anyway, paramedics took care of the boy, his father was called and came to the scene quick, he was going to be okay and the sheriff was talking to the dude driving the SUV. I gave my statement and left. Messed up Monday.
"I was able to witness the birth of my nephew. I accept responsibility to help my sister and nephew with anything they need and I am touched I was chosen to help me a role model.". From this, spin a quick and intriguing narrative.
I recently experienced an emotional event by witnessing the birth of my nephew. I am very close to my sister even though we are six years apart and since the father of the baby is not in the picture, she asked me to be in the delivery room for support. Our parents live about nine hours away and they were planning to be at the birth, but she went into labor three weeks early. I was so touched by getting an opportunity to see a human life come into the world. My sister's ex fiance and father of the baby chose not to be a part of her pregnancy or the baby's life and that made me sad for her and my nephew. I feel a great responsibility to guide her with taking care of a child since I have two of my own children. The moment I got to hold my nephew was such a happy time. Looking at his innocent face, I wonder how his father could ever make the decision not to be a part of his life. I fully accept the responsibility of helping her raise this precious child. We have room in our basement for them to live when they leave the hospital. I felt good to know that I can provide them with shelter, food and love. I feel certain I can be a positive influence in this baby's life. I plan on encouraging my sister to finish getting her bachelor's degree and keep her motivated. I know she is upset that her baby will not have a father in his life, but if she sticks to her goals, I feel confident she will provide the best life for him. I am so grateful I could help her through this time and be a part of child's life.
Compose a short story inspired by the given prompt.
This is a story about a family who is grasping to hold on. How can a family stay together through tragedy.
I always knew her life would turn this way. Sad to say, I know. I was realistic about it. I was logical. Weirdly so, while I was realistic about it, I felt that I was also in denial about many things. It took a very long time to realize who she really was and what her intentions were. I still remember the time when it dawned on me, all that she had done to me. I remember it all sinking in. I was disappointed. It was hurtful. I genuinely cared for her and it was obvious to me that it wasn't really reciprocal. She was selfish for a very long time. I didn't think cutting her out of my life would lead to her demise. I am not even sure that's what caused it. Maybe the timing was just a coincidence. I knew cutting her out of my life would hurt her. I never imagined it would cause her life to unravel. Again, I don't even know if me cutting her out of my life was what caused her life to unravel. I imagine it played somewhat of a role, though. When my grandparents sat me down and described how she had hit rock bottom just a week ago, I was shocked. I don't really know why I was shocked, though. She never really was on the right track in life. Her alcoholism finally caught up with her. How could you end up fired, in jail and confessing to alcoholism all in a matter of four days! My family was torn apart by it and I decided not to stick around for it.
"Packed up and ready to go on a camping trip with 12 people. Adventure awaits by floating on the river, surviving the rain storm and bonding over the bonfire.". Craft a quick narrative around this.
Every year we look forward to our summer vacation, this summer was no different. Being far away from our best friends is hard but one day after this whirlwind military lifestyle, we will be able to add roots. We were suppose to go to their house this year because we alternate locations but instead they came to us since the hubby is on a crazy work schedule. The day started out moggy and hot, that should have been our first sign that we were in for an adventure. We pack all 8 kids, the coolers, the trailer with our camping gear and lots of sunscreen and bug spray. The GPS says it will take 4 hours to drive to the river. Boys are in one vehicle, girls are in the other. We take our time on the drive because tonight will just be s'mores and a bonfire. We finally make it to our campground around 3:00pm. We unpack the vehicles and trailer so we can get the two tents up before dark. After an hour, we have the tents up and have started setting up chairs, fire pit, coolers, food, and horseshoes. Around 6pm, we start cooking hotdogs and just hang out for the night. We know that we will have to be up by 9am to get ready for the river. The kids are excited because they get to float by themselves for the 1st time. Next morning, we make some eggs and bacon, zip the food into the tents, and clear the trash away. We load onto the bus so it can take us to the river, we have a 6 mile float ahead of us. Everyone gets their tube and life vest on, we tie up the little kids to an adult. The river is much faster than the previous kayak tour we did at another place. About an hour in, we started hitting the rafts, and it was hard to navigate the wood sticking out of the river. In the 3rd hour, 4 of us got slammed into the wood and bashed our legs up. Thirty minutes from that, pouring rain on the river. Finally after an hour of waiting we got back in the river. The last 3 hours were amazing, did not want it to stop. We we finally reached the end point, we did not want to call it a night so we swam in the river, jumping off the cliffs and rope swing for the next two hours. It was an amazing camping trip that I will never forget.
Picture a brief tale that arises from the springboard text.
During a manic episode, I engaged in a risky behavior with a stranger. The stranger became violent after being rejected by me, and I am fearful that there will be retribution.
During the third week of July I was struck with a manic attack. I began doing dangerous and out of the ordinary things. The nature of manic attacks is that you lose all sense of right and wrong. Your inhibitions are non-existent. I began searching online for random sex partners. I'm particularly attracted to straight men, so that's what I searched for. I found someone who agreed to meet me and I gave him my address. He came over a couple times a day to be serviced, which surprised me. A week later, after the mania had subsided, he contacted me to stop by for another visit. He then asked me if I do cocaine. I said I don't and asked him why. He said he was being drug tested the next morning (which implies that he is either on parole or probation). Red flags went up and I asked him if he was an IV drug user. He said he wasn't but his girlfriend was a heroin IV drug user. I asked him when he had last been tested for HIV. He said it was a month earlier and it was negative. I had noticed through our conversations that he had some anger issues but I ignored them in my mania because the excitement was too overwhelming. After hearing the information, I told him I wasn't comfortable with the arrangement any longer. He became very angry and started harassing me daily, which lasted almost a month until I was forced to change my phone number. I am still concerned about his violent nature because he knows where I live. I have to take extra precautions when leaving the building, and I walk my dog five times a day. I would like to say that I learned my lesson, but I know another mania will strike me at some point, and I almost assuredly will engage in risky behavior again. It is the nature of the illness.
"Got into argument with boyfriend of longest relationship because he was cheating and lying about it. He refuses to accept responsibility. I cut him out of my life.". Please narrate a quick story that connects with this.
The say I learn you cheated on me was the most heartbreaking time of my life. We fought for hours I feel like because II'm more emotionally unstable then a lot of people realize. I hide it well, I try not to let what has happen to me take over my life. But there are days it gets to much for me to take on, and I feel over taken by the story no one knows. He have let be feeling like I am not worth anyones times. We have been together more then I have been with anyone, and this is how you treat out love? Or was there any love at all. Now I question everything and everyone around me. I would have give up so much to give you everything, and it seems you were willing to throw away everything we built for a time or lust and lies. I sit alone with my thoughts so many nights. In the still quietness of the reality that consumes my present, and all but assured future, I fall in the pit of its emptiness. The nothingness takes over far more often then I'd like to admit. YOu have caused me to question myself. This I will stay with me for a long time and I will find it hard to get past for a better future. I thought we were meant to send out life together. Not I know you were a block in my growth and will be hold be back. I dont want to see you every again. I wish I never met you.
Take the guide text as an initial idea and create a short, compelling story from it.
My brother and sister in law came down to visit us in Florida. We took them out several places and we had a great time together.
A couple monthss ago my brother in law and sister in law came down from KY to see us in FL. We had a great time together. We went out on our boat and spent the day at the beach and island near our home, enjoying the sun and doing a lot of fishing. At night we went to a local seafood restaurant, and had a great time drinking and listening to music. When we were done with that, we took the kids to the local playground. We played tennis and then played a game of flag football. The last day they were with us, we went out on the boat again. It was really hot - summer in Florida is like that - and the kids wanted to go the the "sand bar", a place that boats gather at low tide. There were probably about 100 boats out there that day. Everyone is having a great time, partying and swimming and playing music and just having a great time. The kids were doing dives off of the boat, and then we played football in the water with other people. We sat out on floats and talked about family and old times. It was so fun, hot and relaxing. We had lunch on the boat and the kids continues to swim and play. They really had a lot of fun and are now thinking of buying a boat and keeping it at our house, so they can come down whenever they want and get on the water. My nieces are going to be graduating soon. When they do, they will sell their house in KY and move to FL. I look forward to having them here. It was a lot of fun having them there and I look forward to them coming back really soon.
"I had a bad customer service. I was at a local grocery store. I was given false information and I was made late by the issue with the store employee.". Narrate a short story that features this somehow.
I was needed to go to my local grocery store. I went into the store before work. There was no one in the store. After I got all of my items I went to the self check out register. A worker offered to check my items out for me since I had a lot of items. I declined and went to an open register. She made another attempt to get me to bring my things over to her. As I was checking out another employee came over and began checking my screen and items. She placed some of the items in my basket on the counter and scanned them. I told her that I was fine checking out myself. I told her that she was scanning things that I already scanned, and I asked her to step away from me after she continue ringing items up in error. The entire process took an extra 15 mins since I had to have the items removed and some things I paid for were put back on the shelf. The employee was very rude and the experience left me very annoyed. I was so upset at the time by her attitude that I could not think of anything else. This was the first time that I have had this type of experience.
Spin a compact story using the essence of the hint text.
This is the story of when I had my baby girl. This happened a little over 5 months ago. It is the single most important day in my life. I will probably never have another day as important as this one.
One early spring morning, waking up and rolling heavily to the side of the bed I felt a strange sensation in my abdomen. It can be described as a big drop of water that falls on your umbrella and you feel the vibration of it in the handle. Then my water broke. It was nothing like I imagined. And so the task of a long labor began. Twelve hours plus later, when my strength was running thin the medical team arrived to help deliver the baby. I was eagerly anticipating seeing her and holding her in my arms for the first time. You hear the cry and you look at the red baby that the doctor holds in his hands, and then the nurse takes the baby and brings it on your chest. That moment when the baby first lays on your chest is magic. You go from hearing a crying baby to quiet time. And I say quiet because, besides the fact that baby stopped crying, I honestly did not hear anything else that happened around me afterwards. Looking at the baby girl was all I was able to do. Awed, amazed, and thankful for such a blessing! Brown fine hair covered her little head, she had her eyes open and her head turned towards me, her skin was pink and wrinkled, and looked soft, she had all ten fingers and toes and that felt ridiculously reassuring, even though I already knew that the newborn was physically healthy. The nurse dried her and wrapped her loosely in a newborn blanket. I was then able to hold her for the first time. She had her little fingers in her mouth and was quietly looking up at my face, somewhat expectant. I looked in the dark blue eyes of my little angel and tears of joy filled my eyes. It felt euphoric and unreal to hold my own baby in my arms. She was light and fragile, she felt warm, and she looked so content. I touched her little wrinkled fingers and she clasped my finger in a tight grasp! All I could focus on was her.
Use 'I took care of my mother and was by her side when she passed away from Cancer. Her last thoughts were what she was witnessing as she passed away.' as a basis for a short, interesting tale.
Six months ago I watched my mother pass away from cancer. She was a very caring person who also had her own demons. She always wanted to be a part of our lives but she was coping in the wrong way which prevented us from being together. The last few year she was alive we became close and finally developed a bond. When she found out she had cancer we all laid around the hospital bed and cried. There wasn't anything the doctors could do and she only lived 30 days after diagnosis. I was so heart broken that this happened to my brother and I. We buried her under her favorite shade tree on our farm. The day she passed away, I had noticed her breaths were coming very far apart. We rushed her to the hospital and she was fighting to get out of the bed. I suppose she knew what was going to happen and was trying to out run death. Everyone came by to say goodbye at the hospital. The next day around noon, she took her last breaths with us by her side. She had a peaceful and pain free death. We helped clean her body and prepared her with the coroner. He took her body to the local funeral home in our hometown. She lived to be 46 year old and was survived by her two children.
Embed the elements of 'In April, I ruptured my Achilles tendon while playing soccer. Since then, I have been slowly recovering.' into a short story.
Four months ago I made a bad move while playing soccer. I twisted my foot and ruptured my Achilles tendon in the process. Ouch! I immediately knew that I had a serious injury. The pain shot up from my ankle area and I could no longer stand up. A couple of my fellow players helped me to a bench and I sat down, hoping that it was just a sprain that would heal up with time and ice. But it soon became apparent that I should probably get the thing looked at. I didn't think that I could drive with my injury, so I got a friend to drive me to the clinic, The doctor told me I was in for a long recover. Bummer! So I have been limping and babying my foot since that day. The tendon seems to be taking its sweet time healing. I am getting very tired of hopping along on crutches, but that is my fate until I am whole again. At work they call me "Hopalong". I think that I will play soccer again, but I will use ace bandage wraps on my ankles from now on. Life goes on, and all kinds of other things are happening to me, but this one handicap is certainly right up there at the forefront of my daily living.
Embed the elements of 'My father passed away the day before my birthday. It was confusing when I received the news. I never got to see him.' into a short story.
The day before my birthday my phone started ringing. It was unusual for my mother to be calling that early. Then she started calling my girlfriend. I automatically knew something was wrong. I called her back and she told me that I needed to find a way down to Florida to see my dad because she didn't think he was going to be alive much longer. Right after I got off the phone with her, my brother texts me, yes text, and says our father is in heaven with our sister. I called him up and told him what mom told me. He said she was in denial and that it was just the breathing machine making him looks alive, but that he was dead already. I was so confused. Was he alive or dead? I called my mother and told her what my brother said. She was sounding desperate and hung up the phone. My guess is that she ran to my brother and father. It was so hard to receive that kind of news. It was a roller coaster. First he's alive, then dead, and having to tell my mom. I was crushed. I hadn't seen him in person in so long and now I would never be able to again. I would never be able to hear his voice again.
Your task: weave a brief tale from the suggestion text.
I finally was approve in Amazon Mechanical Turk and be able to earn money to support myself and open a bank account. Which was a important step toward overcoming my anxiety.
5 months ago I tried to enter amazon mturk because I suffer from ancity problems. When I am doing nothing I look for any way to distract myself. I played League of Legends to be able to distract me. I felt that it was a way out of my problems and to be able to arise again. I had many economic and social problems, my family asked me to earn extra income and look for the form. My wife always told me to find a way to distract myself and get out of the monotony. When I was accepted by Amazon Mechanical Turk I felt a happy person. I felt that now if I could get distracted and doing these surveys online I found out many things. I earn extra money as my family asked me and I can also get distracted as my wife advised me. It is a way to have fun to see it from another point of view. I feel a new person. I feel that my mood changed. My custom, many things. I thank the company for giving me the opportunity to participate in these paid surveys. Thank you!
With this small context: 'I went to see my grandma that I hadn't seen in years. I was nervous but it turned out fine. We went to a dinner where I was out of place.', what quick story would unfold?
Dear Diary,This past June I went with my dad and brother grandma's house on my dad's side. She lives a couple of states away and I hadn't seen her in many years. Last October grandpa died and by his request he was cremated and had a memorial in the spring. We didn't get to go because we couldn't get time off work. While we were up there though we went to his grave site, which is in a veterans memorial cemetery. It's a nice place and looks well taken care of. I was nervous about seeing grandma for the first time in over a decade. I just never got the chance to go up there. My parents took a couple of trips but I couldn't get off work and stayed behind to watch the house and dogs. Anyway I was worried that I wouldn't remember much about her or the house but it all came back to me when I got there. They have a basement with loads of neat stuff. Grandma still does a lot of craft type things. It turned out she remembered less of me being there and didn't think I had been there for an even longer time. We went to see her brother and had a formal dinner which I was not prepared for. I was under dressed and felt out of place, which was a little awkward. But they were nice and it was a decent time.
Build a quick narrative from the source.
I took my family to Memphis on a road trip. We saw the sights of the city and visited friends. This experience motivated me to move my family.
My family and I visited Memphis for two days and Arkansas for one night to visit my parents and my fiancee's friends. We all really loved Memphis and thought it was a really cool experience. The south is much different than where we live now in the Midwest. This experience has motivated me and my family to want to move out of the state and to Tennessee, albeit probably somewhere different than Memphis. We got to see our friends and stay with them in Memphis for a day on the way down and a day on the way back. Me and my fiancee visited our friends and went out on Beale Street the first day. It was a crazy party type of day where my fiancee danced on the bar at Coyote Ugly and we all got pretty drunk and had a lot of fun. The next day we drove to Hot Springs to visit my parents which was also pretty fun. We got to see the city. We also picked up our son who stayed with my parents for a few days. Then on the way back my son got to visit with our friends. It was a good time. We ate barbecue at Central BBQ which was amazing and a fun time. Overall it was a very fun trip. We want to go back soon for sure.
Draw from the hint text to weave a condensed story.
My son began crawling around and interacting with things. This reduced his reliance on me for carrying him around, entertaining him, etc. This allowed him to learn so many new behaviors and really brightened his personality.
4 months ago i kept my baby boy seated on the floor of my living room, playing with his toys, i removed my eyes from him for about 2 minutes cause i need to reply tomy messages online. after about 2 minute i had to lift my eyes to look at him to my greatest surprised he crawled away from where i kept him to a little space in front of him. i was so amazed and surprised. when this happened some thought came to my mind, that my baby could now begin to crawl. this means this reduced his reliance on me for carrying him around always. my baby will definitely entertain himself crawling on the floor, picking up his toys and from ther he will be able to stand holding something and before i know he will take his first step. so i felt a great sigh of relief and i was so happy and proud of him. Although, There are a number of critical breakthroughs that your infant will reach early in life. From straightforward assignments like sitting up or lifting their head to more progressed developments like rolling over, these small accomplishments are continuously inspiring. But there's nothing very like seeing your baby crawling for the primary time. Many guardians are on edge to see their child crawl and closely screen their baby's improvements. Of course, there's completely nothing off-base with that! In any case, it's vital to keep in mind that all babies are diverse and take after a distinctive advancement path. Most babies begin to crawl somewhere between 6 and 10 months of age. my baby started crawling at 8 months of age.
Narrate a short tale inspired by 'My daughter is loving her new First Grade class. As parents we are very proud of her. We're looking forward to seeing all the fun things she is doing in class.'.
We were always worried about her. When she was born she had this diagnosis of having mild down syndrome. The wife and I were shocked. We completed a number of testing beforehand. Everything we saw showed up as almost no chance of any mental development issues. I know that these tests aren't perfect. It was discussed at length and we did a lot of research. Our doctor went over it a bunch of times. We were thoroughly convinced that she would be born without any sort of these problems. Sure enough, by about age 1 or so, she showed signs of being, different. We were concerned so we took her in to a specialist. They did a battery of testing that took a few months. At first they figured it was just a simple case of her taking a bit longer than most kids learning simple things. But then the diagnosis came back with downs syndrome. We worked with a number of therapists and behavior experts for a few years. Slowly and surely, the outward signs were almost gone and we were very happy about this. Sure enough, now that she is in 1st grade, there's nothing that one can see to tell you that she has this disorder. She is just like any normal kid and even though she technically has downs, she has thus far battled over all of the hurdles that it presented. This is why we are so darn proud of her. She worked very hard to get here. I hope this continues but at this very moment, we are beyond thrilled about this whole thing. We literally could not be happier for her
'The whole summary of the story, basically is a day at the amusement park with family. Lots of memories made that day, lots of fun, laughter, and time together doing something we enjoy that we don't get to do often enough.'. From this, spin a quick and intriguing narrative.
Over the summer, the family decided to do something that we normally don't get to do often enough, we went to an amusement park a couple of hours away from home. Due to work, schedules, etc. , getting the time to make these memories is pretty special to us. It was a great day, but way too hot. I would consider an amusement park during a summer day significantly before making that decision again. But again, it is not a day that I regret. The car ride was nice, no arguing! No trouble parking or being admitted into the park. The wait times for everything was reasonable. We rode everything we possibly could to make the most of the day. We ate well. We laughed, we talked, we just enjoyed everything we could while we were there. But at the end of they day, we were so tired. The feet hurt, had been hot all day, the a/c in the car felt so amazing. The ride home seemed fast.
Take the guide text as an initial idea and create a short, compelling story from it.
I received a promotion at work about two weeks ago. The promotion occurred earlier than it was supposed to. I was supposed to be promoted in September, but instead, I was promoted in July.
I work for Walmart, a company I have been working for the past 3 years. Two weeks ago, I got a promotion. This promotion I had been waiting and hoping for, for the last year. I was finally promoted to Assistant Manager. It was an unexpected early promotion as I was not supposed to get promoted until September, instead I got promoted in July. It really came to a surprise to me that I got the promotion so early. I suppose it was because they really enjoy my line of work and love that I am work-driven and know how to complete tasks in a timely fashion and can be consistent and meet deadlines. At least, I hope that is why they decided to give the promotion to me as early as they did. I am very pleased with my work ethic, I enjoy this company a lot and think that I can bring new and fresh ideas to this company as well as be a great manager. I just didn't think that it would happen because even though I work so hard and I want to do a great job and make sure that I am always on time and I am always striving to be a better version of myself from the day before. I like to do well in the goals and tasks that I have set for myself on a daily basis when it comes to my job, or anything that I do. I am very grateful for this opportunity to be in this new position and so grateful to my employers above me that felt that I deserved this opportunity and are wanting me to progress and grow along side the company. I have put so much time and effort into this place and it's starting to pay off. I know that if I put in the amount of hours, work, and dedication that I can achieve anything and for that I am so proud and honor to be apart of this establishment. I am over the moon about this promotion and I ended up celebrating with my loved ones and family members with a bottle of bubbly berry juice (as I and my family members are not a fan of alcoholic beverages) and we went out to dinner afterwards to celebrate this new chapter of my life.
'I thought everybody had forgotten my birthday. The big 65 is special in itself. I got a surprise birthday party at work.'. Compose a narrative where this plays a significant role.
whenever i feel my birthday date was forgotten. but really i forgotten my birthday date for every year. sometimes my friends everybody remember me my birth date. but last year nobody tell me about my birthday date. i normally go to my office as usual and see my colleges they are look very surprised, i think about my boss say anything to them , i just guessing that moment they are laughing so funny. i thought any celebration going on in my office... office look like a celebrity showroom. so i waiting for few minutes they make me surprise and they make me proud of them. i felt so much that day cannot forget in my life. because my besties give me much and kind of celebration and i have a lot of happy and fun. i miss that day so much , even 100 years also i cannot forget that moment, still i have tears in my eyes, i dont know how many years i live with them, i so luckily to have my friends and really lucky. so whole day full of i enjoying my birthday in my office. after so many years i celebrating my birthday because i forget so many birthdays. i just try to remember the date only only few months to go my birthday i forget again the date. after my birthday finish i remember the date few days before only, but that one time i really enjoyed so much, because of my friends and i miss them so much really i lucky to have them all. i really miss them all. i want to meet them all, but nowadays no time to see them.
Craft a micro-tale based on the suggestion.
My son struggled riding his bike. I looked up some methods to teach him, and they ended up working. It was one of the proudest moments as a parent.
We got Mason a bike for his fifth birthday. His trainer bike was getting too small, and it was about time for him to learn how to ride with his Dad on the trails. We went to Target and picked one out. He was SO excited to get home and try it! Unfortunately it wasn't magic like we'd hoped. Balancing is hard, and he's not the most graceful child to begin with. I tried walking next to him and holding onto the bike, but we both ended up colliding with each other and it wasn't helping at all. We were both frustrated and disappointed and I was scared it was going to hurt his love of riding. So, I hopped on the trusty internet and started google-ing methods to teach kids to ride bikes. The most helpful advice said to start at the top of a long, slightly inclined hill and just... let go. I was skeptical. But, we had a helmet, and had a walking path with grass on either side, so we gave it a shot and he stayed upright down the entire hill! I was so proud of him. I didn't take pictures because I was so absorbed in the moment, but that was the only confidence we needed. He's a great rider now! They just finished their first trail ride yesterday and Mason loved it!
Take inspiration from 'It was my grandsons 8th birthday party a few weeks ago. My sister who I had not seen flew out to attend. Spending time with my family brought me a lot of joy.' and pen down a short narrative.
Jane came to visit last month. Well, she didn't come to visit me. Jason turned 8 and the party turned into a bit of a family reunion. It was strange to see her after all of these years. Strange in a good way. We decided to bury the hatchet about our old fight. She claims she does not even remember what it was about. I have to be honest, neither do I. It was very good to see her again. It was good to be surrounded by the children of the family. They are not children anymore, and they have their own families now. It is a beautiful thing to see. I love my family. We agreed to meet up again for Christmas in a few months. I cannot wait.
Synthesize a concise story based on the inspiration drawn from the suggestion text.
An intern for a local immigration clinic visits a local detention center to give a presentation. There, he meets a client who is seeking asylum in the United States out of fear of persecution in his home country. Client and Intern work together on asylum case and win.
Today I went to the detention center to give a speech and I have to say that I am a bit nervous since talking in front of a group is always a challenge. The difference with today's visit was the person or client that I met while I was there. We sat and chatted for a while and I learned about all the tribulations this person endured in his home country. It was very upsetting to see someone go through such terrible trials but he was here now and we were one our way to better things. I never realized how bad things can be for a person outside our country. You really can't get the true meaning until you hear it first hand. To think so many people are going through this is heart breaking. Sometimes I wonder why it has to be this way. Why can't people just treat others with tenderness? It is not that hard to do. I suppose money and power play a huge role. So I listened to this man tell me story after story. He talked about his family. He talked about his neighbors. Some stories were not so bad. Other stores were awful. We spent many hours together working things out in preparation for his case and although it was no easy road...We actually won! So I have happy news to end this trying situation. That is truly what makes it all worth the time and investment.
Utilize the following input text as a starting point to craft a brief narrative.
i was rejected from my line of duty.i was hated for no reason by my leaders in the line of duty.i felt incomplete and unuseful to my self and to the world.i was deny the chances of saving lifes which was my prior.
yes,i was involved in a prejudice act by my head of department. i am a medical surgeon. i was posted to a new health centre. But the professor in charge hated me. this event is awful for me. i am always in thought. he sends me out of the operating room. during any operation i watch from the stand. he wants to destroy my dream. he wants me to quit my profession. i am disturb with this act. i feel like commiting suicide most time. i feel rejected. i feel useful. i feel like i am not successful yet. he has been awful to me and my dream at large,but i will not call it quit on my dream. i will keep pushing hard for the opportunity with the surgical team.
Use 'I tought I was the big shot and slowly found out I had to be humble amongst my peers. I let me ego get the best of me. I didn't realize what i was doing.' as a basis for a short, interesting tale.
I was working on my tasks as usual when my manager asked me if I could go help the other restaurant since someone had called out and they got more busy than usual. I said ok. It had been a while since I visited that restaurant. When I walked in, I saw many different faces. The place felt out of order and everyone's face was new to me. I stand in the middle and introduce myself. I forgot exatly what I said but everyone in there ignored me. As the day went by at work I caught myself feeling frustrated and somehow pushy and rude. One coworker told me to chill and take a breather. I got even more challanged, so I started ranting about the things that I tought should be organized. Soon I found myself complaning about everyhting and not helping to my best or even working. I had then realized that I entered their enviroment and that I was there to HELP them & not ORGANIZE or try to work the place the way I usually do at the other restaurant. I realized I had let my ego get the best of me. It was embarrasing after I left work because even in the owners face looked disappointed in me. I learned not to get too big headded after that. I deliver good work but that's all I shouldn't try to be above my peers.
See where the springboard text leads you in your concise storytelling.
I had to move suddenly, and tried to sell my house at a loss to avoid foreclosure. It sat for almost a year. I could no longer afford to sell, because lawyer's fees made the payoff amount to steep.
I was about to get a foreclosure a year ago. I am the first owner. It was a new condo community in 2017 in a shore beach rental community. So I assume the idea was to make money on the increase in equity in The hot market back then. I bought it two years ago from the original owner, my dad knew him well. Apparently original owner was a mortgage broker and he and another guy bought 3 units. His main one is the one I bought. His partner(who I don't see around much) still has a condo. I tried to sell it because I was moving to a new city, and there was many problems with the house. I bought it for 217 2 years ago. When cleaning found some mail that said the dude actually owed over 600 K so maybe he got a seconds mortgage? Anyway, I think he's still a mortgage broker, hopefully a little wiser. IIt's been a year and it sat empty it deteriorated and the roof leaked so it was cosmetically bad, but no major damage. During the cleanup I found what I guess was a note his daughter wrote to him telling him to cheer up and smile as her and mommy were worried about him stressing out, and that they still loved him. Kind of made me see the other side of this foreclosure mess. had to call lawyers and get it handled, it took a while for them to tell me I couldn't sell it. One other thing was most of the bathroom doors had holes in them like someone punched them. Not sure if it was him or the renters. So, it was kind of sucky to be profiting off someone else's mistake. But I cant move now, I guess I'm stuck with this as my home for now.
Spin a short yarn with the inspiration text as your launching pad.
We went on a trip to south florida for fishing. Before this trip my mother told me not to take her car we did anyway. We broke down and thought we lost out puppy but we later found her in the car.
We went on a fishing trip in south florida. My mother told me not to take her car as it wasn't ready for the road we didn't listen. Me and my boyfriend and my two brothers were all stuffed in this sedan with our new puppy. We made our way down the highway about 40 miles (It was a 180 mile trip) when my boyfriend points out the heat gauge is going up. Shortly after that the car begins to stall. This is where everything takes a turn. We pull off to the side of the highway in order to check the car. It turns out to be a radiator problem and with no towns for 20 miles in any direction were in trouble. So we are all sitting in the car trying to avoid the heat when we notice "has anyone see the puppy?". This is when things get even worse we couldn't find our puppy we thought she might of ran off into the everglades to the right of us so we start going in the mud looking around. We called her name shaked a box of treats and still can't find her. Then my brother in the car calls us all over and low and behold there's the puppy. She was hiding in between the seats and the trunk to stay cool and somehow she found her way in a spot where none of us could see her! This brings up our moral while we wait for triple a that my grandma had called for us. In the end we never did get to go on that trip with the puppy but we all made it out okay and for what it was it's a memorable little road trip for us.
Turn the source text into a creative, brief narrative.
My husband moved out because of his new job. I initially felt sad and depressed about it. Still I am overcoming the emptiness with time.
Already few months passed since my husband moved out. Not that our relationship had any problem. He just found a job out of the town and I didn't want to leave my job at this moment. We never stayed apart ever since we started to stay together after overcoming a lot of difficulties and surviving a intercontinental long distance relationship. So it was a hard decision for us to stay apart, although we knew it is nothing like the end and we will still see each other once in every one week - or almost every week. We went for shopping to buy the essential stuffs for his new home. We also purchased a new car and bought groceries so that he can feed himself for a while. I thought it would be all fine, I am an independent person and was staying by myself for a long while. But It felt weirdly sad. I told myself it is a good thing and there is no reason to be sad. Still I couldn't help myself feeling somewhat down. Now I feel I am recovering. I don't feel as bad as before. I am taking a good care of myself, I believe. And I know he tries to spend as much time with me as he can. Hope we will make it through.
Your mission: Convert the text cue into a quick, engaging narrative.
I was struggling to find a job that I liked and felt guilty about it. I finally received a call for an interview and ended up getting the job.
After I graduated from college I went on a vacation thinking I would relax a bit and be able to find a good job after my sabbatical. That turned out to be a mistake that cost me financially and emotionally. Upon my return, I submitted resumes to several firms that appealed to me. I was unsuccessful. Ten job applications, led to ten rejections. I was starting to get desperate. My finances were getting critical. I was forced to take any job I could find. I took a job sweeping floors and cleaning offices at night just to make ends meet. I was barely getting by and that took its toll in my life. My significant other, whom I was in love with and hoped to marry, left me. My life was in shambles. Desperate to find a job I liked and one that would fulfill my dreams, I kept on submitting job applications to every firm that was hiring. My losing streak continued and I began to think there was something wrong with me. Perhaps my persona just broadcast failure. Was I doomed? I was at the end of my rope money-wise and psychologically as well, when I got a call back on a job application. They wanted to interview me! It was for an entry level engineering position, and at this point it seemed to good to be true. I went to my interview and was told I would be hearing from them! I got the job! I love it! Life is returning to normal, and the future looks bright. And as a side perk, I met a woman that works there and we have been dating. Things are looking up!
"I felt bad and impacted for a long time knowing. that there are bad people capable of hurting no matter who. oh my good very bad.". Create a small story where this is somehow significant.
Over a year ago I dated a woman who I thought I would marry. However this turned out not to be the case as the more I got to know her and her way of life the more I cared for her less and the love turned to hate. On our second dat e she really opened up to me and talked about her past and how the last guy she was with hit her. I told her I would never do that and comforted her while she cried a little. As we dated my text when unanswered and she seemed t ocare for me less and less. I have come to find out later she was still talking to the guy that had hit her and was locked up. At this point I said fuck it. I still for the life of me can't figure out why you would want to date or be with someone that hits you and beats you for no good reason. to me that is not a man or even a person much a low down scumbag To me she deserves to get the shit beaten out of her if she wants to stay with a loser thug. The one good thing that came of this was the advice she gave me on our last date that maybe I should date white women. I am mixed (black and white) but have always like balck women more. Atfer a few months I put myself back out there on a dating website and got a lot of attraction. One message I got was very heart felt . iwaited a while to reply to this women because she was kind of the oppoist of want I wanted. Fast forward to now and me and her have been together for 6 months and she is the kindest sweetist person I know she builds me up checks in on my and is one hell of a lover. I am glad I took a chance on her. I am also gald that to spit me hating my ex i followed the only good advice she ever gave out. I feel that my current gf is the one for me and my future wife.
Your mission: Convert the text cue into a quick, engaging narrative.
I wanted to challenge myself so I signed myself up for a literal marathon trail race with over a mile of elevation gain and over a mile of descent on steep rugged mountain trails. My leg went numb, but I recovered and finished the race many hours ahead of the cutoff time. I had a blast!
I have always been scared of the unknown. To push the limits. I have always thought if i could make it better, become harder and stronger, do something worthwhile. I have no doubts now, right now. Yes, i can, because i did it today. I gave me a big challenge, and came out of it successful. I noticed that there was a marathon going on in the country side. It was a spur of the moment decision. I signed up. I was literally shaking, thinking it was the biggest mistake i had ever made. But i buckled up and started running. I realized my legs went numb as soon as i covered the elevated mile. I thought i was going to faint when i reached the mountain trails. But something in me gave me strength and i somehow recovered. I finished the race with hours to spare!! Yes, i can! And i will, hereon.
From the following brief hint: "It was about a tough time we experienced during our important official project. Also it explains how we overcome the same issue and achieved our goal. It was a very important day on our career.", create a concise narrative.
Couple of months back i was working on a important project and suddenly we encountered a error at last minute. Me and my colleagues tried our best to sort it out immediately as we were running out of time to complete the project. I felt so bad as i promised to complete the project on time. My colleagues too were trying their best to solve the error but it was not happening. Suddenly i got an idea that, "We should keep aside the issue and think about possible solutions". So i insisted on having an hour break for time being. Everyone had enough time to think on the solutions in a relaxed environment. Once they returned back,everyone came with different solutions. We discussed all the solutions and found the solution we were looking for at ease . Everything got solved all of a sudden. Finishing project on time was a great experience and a big surprise too. It was a wonderful day for everyone. This incident also taught us very big lesson on "how we should handle each issue with team effort".I too was very much satisfied that my idea worked out with less effort on right time. On top of this incident, we were able to identify our strengths. We cherished a lot as the project brought a big reputation to our team. I was very much overwhelmed by our teamwork.
Craft a short, engaging narrative using the kickstarter text as a guide.
My boyfriend and I went to dinner and then a concert by one of our favorite artists, Electric Light Orchestra. It was before he was leaving for the summer and the entire night was spent not worrying about anything, just being in love and experiencing the bliss of live music and good food.
In June, my boyfriend and I went to an Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) concert. We started the night by stopping by one of our favorite restaurants and got vegan buffalo wings (the best in town, in my opinion) and a gigantic soft pretzel with mustard and beer cheese sauce. It was right before he was about to leave for an internship for the entire summer, so spending the night together was really intimate and fun, albeit quite bittersweet because I knew he would be leaving within two days. After talking about how much we loved each other over an amazing dinner, we got on the train and actually went to the concert. I distinctly remember looking over at him and watching him glow with joy at the show; I studied his smile and his eyes and was reminded just how much I loved him. ELO is one of my favorite bands and they were one of the best live performances I've ever seen. I sang at the top of my lungs and danced to some of my favorite songs, and my boyfriend and I held hands and smiled at one another during the slow songs. The lights were flashing all around me and it felt like I had been pulled from reality and inserted into a new world that was only dictated by feelings of euphoria and bliss. I also have a funny memory of buying a shirt, spending 20 minutes deliberating whether or not I should get another size, then running back downstairs during a break to switch it out for a smaller one (while my boyfriend begrudgingly followed behind me, but we laugh about it). My favorite part was discovering new songs that have become some of my favorites today, like "Xanadu." I had no idea I would fall in love with so much more of their music! Listening to it live for the first time felt like magic was pulsing into my soul. I am often moved by music but this experience was truly something else. The entire night I felt nothing but happiness, like I was right where I was supposed to be - I wasn't worrying about being separated for the summer or starting summer classes. All I cared about was experiencing what it feels like to be in love in one of my favorite settings: an incredible concert. We waited a long time for the train to take us home afterwards, listening to our new favorite ELO songs on my phone while I sat in his lap. When we got back, we stayed up late to have snacks and spend some quality time together for the last time in a long while. It's one of the most memorable nights I've had with him and something I'll carry in my heart for a long time, especially because it also involves one of my favorite musical acts.
Given the brief details in 'My mother unexpectedly passed away. It was how it affected me during her passing and how I took it. The entry also states how I overcame my issues with it.', create a short tale.
My mother recently passed away. It was unexpected and affected me a lot more than I thought. I remember going into her place with my sibling to clear out belongings. We were not as close and I regret not being there for her in her untimely death. I started having anxiety attacks shortly after. I couldn't even be around people talking about her without freaking out. I soon after got help and started processing my grief properly. The main thing I can say is there is always help for whatever you are going through; You have to find the strength to be proactive and find it. This event happened 6 months ago. We always butted heads and didn't see eye to eye. I regret some things I said to her in the past and how I pushed her away. I wish she got to see my son more than what she did. No matter how much I regret certain things I try to remember our good moments together. She meant well at heart and I hope she found peace. It is never easy losing a loved one.
Your story should involve "I attended a rally for presidential candidate, Andrew Yang. He instilled belief in me about the future of the country." in a brief, concise manner.
A few months ago, I attended a political rally. I had never been to a rally in my life but this new presidential candidate really interested me. I heard about him on the Joe Rogan podcast. He was talking about providing people with universal basic income. His name is Andrew Yang. When I heard that he was coming to Los Angeles, I knew I had to make it out to see him. I invited my friend and we took the train to see him. I was worried that no one was going to show up because he was very unknown. When we got there I was shocked by how many people were actually there. It was a very diverse group as well. There were people from all different backgrounds. During his speech, I could see how pumped people were getting. When he ended his speech, people were cheering his name. On the train ride bike, people kept talking about him. For the first time in my life, I felt like change was possible. I fully believe in a president for the first time ever.
Using the context in 'An Amazon payments screw up by Amazon left my bank account in limbo. I lost the opportunity to buy a car due to the uncertainty of what was happening with my account. I found a better car and received $400 from Amazon in the end.', please write a mini-narrative.
I've been looking for a car for a few months and I found one that I really liked. It had heated seats, a great stereo system, and new rims. It looked perfect online. I had set up a meeting with the owner a few weeks ago and was excited to look at it. We met up at a best buy parking lot and it was everything he had said and more. He said he had a few other interested buyers so I wanted to hurry and pull out the money. When I had checked my account though there was a hold on my payments from Amazon and there was nothing I could do. It was really embarrassing and difficult to let the car go. We had been standing in the best buy parking lot for awhile. I begged him to hold the car for me. I went back online though yesterday and found the same car! It is a newer model though and its grey! I was able to meet up with the girl today and buy it. We are going to go change the title into my name tomorrow. Amazon even sent me the $400 I was waiting for. Things are looking up.
Spin a compact story using the essence of the hint text.
I started a new job excited to learn. My drive has gone away as I keep thinking I need much work improvement to level with my peers.
My work enviroment has changed for the worst. I find myself disconnected with everything around me. I am able to be productive and get my job done when there aren't people around me judging me, mocking me or just plain making fun of me. I am fed up but keep bringing myself to make peace with everything around me. I don't know who benefits from this or who loses, but I hope I can't stop thinking about this in black and white. There is good in evil and there is evil in good. Everything is a balance and I got to balance myself. The body and the mind know what's best for them, so listen to them. But what do I know? In the end I am still insecure and my words won't matter unless I make them to. I care about my peers but lately I been carring more about myself.. Grown man and women make mistakes Taking care of grown man and women doesnt mean give them money. it means give them hope. or mativation. I get angry but need to step aside and realize eveything is not about me. I need to balace myself between the good and the evil.
'I met my future wife at a horror trivia game. We all had fun that evening. We enjoyed each others company and we all had fun at the game that evening.'. Compose a narrative where this plays a significant role.
I first met my wife several years ago while we were out with friends. We were all out together at a bar. It was a our normal place that we liked to go to. We ended up playing a trivia game that night. It was horror movie trivia which I am amazing at since I'm such a big fan of horror movies. We played against another team. It was me and my male friends versus a team of girls. The girls ended up winning and after the game I decided to talk with them about it. We all have fun together that night, the two groups of people that were playing trivia. When it was over for the night I exchanged numbers with the woman who would later be my wife. We ended up dating for a period after that. We dated for about 3 months. Then we got married. It was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I think back to this night often.
Invent a mini-story where 'Our dear friend Steve passed away two months ago. He was a great friend to all of us. He was appreciated by all his friends and family. We had a wonderful memorial in celebration of his life.' plays a crucial role.
The group of us guys that have hung out together over the last 10 years, just lost one of our closest friends two months ago to lung cancer. Our group of guys is a bout 15 people and range in age of 40 to 70 years old. We play a lot of golf together, we hang out at some of the same sports bars, and we play poker together. We had a funeral for our beloved friend Steve two months ago. He was a veteran, and hard worker, and a good friend to all. It was amazing to see how many people who showed up at Steve's funeral to pay their respects. I was one of the speakers and shared some funny stories on some of the golf trips and other vacationing trips we went on. It was a sad but happy moment that all the friends were able to get together to honor our friends. It was good to have Steve's siblings there because they lived hours away and did not know the type of friends he had. They did not know all the fun experiences he had with friends in the last 10 years. Most importantly the did not know what a great support group he had. So after the great memorial, we all met at his local watering hole and enjoyed some food and libations. It was such a wonderful time to have a celebration of life as Steve had so many good friends. His extended family also showed up and partake in the celebration. We had collages and pictures of Steve's life and his activities. Some of them catching fish, play golf, or just having fun. His co-workers also came to the gathering and got to swap stories with them. What a sad and wonderful day to honor and remember our friend Steve.
Incorporate the text input into your own unique micro-story.
I was driving home from closing on my new house when I was involved in a car accident. After thinking about the events more, I came to the conclusion that I was involved in a possible insurance scam.
The previous Thursday we get an email from someone pretending to be the closing lawyer asking us to wire them the closing money - which obviously is a pretty significant chunk of change. The email was super legit looking. Had my name, wife's name, the address, had a fake version of our realtor's email in the CC, had the lawyer's letterhead, and the name of the employee at the lawyer we've been dealing with. They knew close to the actual amount, and the bank they wanted the money wired to was in the city of the lawyer's office. I can totally understand how someone could fall for it. My wife even responded to the first email with something like "OK, give us the a bank info and final amount.". I caught it there and nothing was wired. They ended up trying again this Monday with the same series of e-mails. Stay safe out there everyone. There are a lot of agents out there who are not great with computers, and smaller offices probably have very little IT security. On top of that, realtors have their email addresses right out there on their websites. So scammers send a phishing link to the realtor asking them to update or confirm their email and password. If the realtor falls for it, then the scammer just logs in and watches the email to find someone about to close on a house. They probably even have a copy of the purchase and sale agreement. Some scammers will actually send the message from the realtor's actual email address asking you to wire money to the scammers account, then they delete the email from the sent folder. You have to always watch your back!
From this brief statement: 'I got married in July. We had a ceremony at the LDS temple in Logan, Utah followed by a reception in the Riverwoods conference center.', create a short narrative.
My marriage happened in the month of July, pleasant. The ceremony with my friends, colleagues and relations are amazing. My cousin gifted a trip as honeymoon of us. After four months, even those moments are enjoyable and the flabbergasting me always. After Church, the reception held in River-woods. A neighborhood that supports the continuum of life. Residents can indulge in maintenance-free living with the comfort of knowing exceptional care is a good start up for our marriage life. I excited that my marriage were happening in the historical temple Utah. For the ceremony, Progressive-style mural-Ed ordinance rooms for live-acting presently in the Church. Thanks to let me share my marriage story. Marriage life is cool. I just married four months ago but, this experience is wordless to tell. Some friends of mine were judging marriage life as movies reviews in theaters like Opening was fantastic. Second off, there is nothing new boss. Full of fight, Unnecessary fights and nothing new, they are showing the same thing again and again. In reality, marriage is good. Just go for it Friends.
Try to include 'I was able to start and launch a company successfully. I felt joy and pride because I stuck with it in spite of the challenges.' in your short storytelling.
I was very proud of successfully launching a company that I started for the first time. I was surprised that it worked because of the difficulties that I faced along the way. However, the most unexpected event that I encountered was meeting a friend who helped me through the best times. Today I call that friend my best friend. When I was looking for people to start a business with, I started searching for programmers at local colleges to help me launch my idea. I met someone from a local college, and at the time he was a stranger to me. At first, I did not necessarily like the guy I ended up starting a business with, and I did not know if we would be able to work together, but he finished a protype of our application and I liked it. What I learned about my new friend was that his work-ethic is second to none, and that is something I respect. Most importantly, I learned that my friend maintains a positive attitude, and that is what helped us through the process of creating a company. Without my friends positivity, we would have never launched our company, and he would not be someone I call my best friend. When I started the company, I had no idea that I would make a new friend, and it was a complete shock to me to meet someone like him. We hangout outside of work these days, go to games together, go to events together, and we hang out with each other's families. I learned that tasks are always easier when you do them with people you like being around. I also learned that difficult tasks can be made possible when you perform them with people who are positive. The process of starting a company is significant to me because I did something that no one thought I could do, I get to do something that I love, and I get to do it with a new best friend.
Use your creativity to transform the inspiration text into a concise full-length story.
My younger daughter was to be married this past June. I was dying of cancer and did not expect to live long enough to attend. After doing a mock ceremony, medical miracles made it possible to continue living and attend the actual ceremony.
It's been nine weeks since my youngest daughter was married, and I'm thrilled I was able to attend. After receiving my cancer diagnosis it did not appear likely that I would be able to live to the wedding in June. The thought of such a thing just broke my heart. It also filled me with regret. My older daughter suggested an interesting idea, and figured we could do a mock wedding in order to give me the chance to witness a ceremony. Though it was hard emotionally for all of us, it truly made sense to do it advance just in case my treatments were unsuccessful. I had a great time and everything was perfect, but ultimately it saddened me more and left me feeling unfulfilled. Then, with less than a month remaining until her wedding, I went in for my final experimental treatment. By the grace of God something happened that day and my cancer started to go in remission. The doctor gave me a much longer prognosis to live, and told me that I better get my butt to that wedding! We cried and cried with joy over the results of my tests. When I called my daughter to tell her the good news she screamed with delight. We even went out to celebrate at our favorite restaurant later that night. So after a mock ceremony, I was truly able to attend the real thing! I couldn't be happier that I have now attended all of my children's weddings! What joy!
Take "Graduation and the fun after. Meeting with friends and classmates for one last outing. It was the end to our childhood in a way. We might never see each other in the same setting ever again. It was time to grow up and this event was the last little childhood fun we would have together." as inspiration, and write a brief narrative.
Two months ago I experienced the most bittersweet event in my life so far. It was the end of my high school days. Graduation was just a few days ago. We were all excited but also sad. We knew that many of our friends that we had grown up with were all going their separate ways. Year after year this comfort my friends and I had knowing that the first day of school would not be lonely because we had each other since grade school. But now in a few months it would all change. We would be going off to college and have to make new friends. Some of us would be left behind in this town. Feeling all of these emotions really pushed us to want to spend one last night together to reminisce and enjoy each others company. We all met up at a local restaurant and ate dinner. We thought about going to the movies but then we wouldn't be able to enjoy each others company. So instead we went to the park by the river and talked about all of our past memories and things that were funny and embarrassed. It was fun and really helped to bring us closure and peace knowing that we would always have each other no matter how far apart we all were. After what seemed like hours, we got icecream and went to my friends house and had a sleep over. Just like when we were kids.
Here's a brief idea: "I received an email 15 minutes prior to a life altering phone call that only partially diffused my concern. Our contract was canceled and the office was being closed in 30 days. A lot of people were going to lose their jobs.". Turn it into a short story.
The call was 4 months ago. I was working from home that day. I remember being especially happy that day because I was able to get some errands done in between my work demands, and felt a good sense of work and life balance that day. I remember being thankful for my position and that I was allowed to be flexible with my work schedule. I received an email about 11:45am that was somewhat cryptic. The essence of the email was that something was coming soon, but don't worry, you still have a position here in the company. I recall being confused. At 12pm we had a company-wide conference call. We were told that in 30 days, we would no longer have an office as our contract had been canceled. This came as a complete shock to everyone, as just the week before we were on another conference call where we were assured that everything was peachy keen, the company was doing very well and we had nothing to worry about. I remember feeling like someone punched me in the stomach, I was worried for myself and my 90 or so co-workers in the office that would not have a job in 30 days. The email that I received earlier made more sense now. I was told that I was one of the few employees that was being kept on, for now, and would work strictly remote for other contracts in the company. I recall being relieved, worried, nervous, and scared all at the same time. It was a strange feeling. I wasn't sure what to expect, as we were all told just a week prior that everything was fine. I was sure that my position was not just fine. I was not expected to have any work duties for 3 months, but they were going to pay me my regular salary. How long can I expect to be kept as an employee with no work to do?
With the brief details in "My baby nephew died not to long ago. It has changed my outlook on life and changed my sister-in-laws.", create an engaging mini-story.
About three months ago, my eleven month old nephew past away. My husband and I were at my sister-in-laws house for a family gathering. My brother and sister-in-law had recently bought a beautiful, large home, with a pool, which now made it the place for parties. However, they didn't have the pool enclosed with a cage at this time. My little nephew was, however, enrolled in a swim class to teach infants life saving maneuvers, so it didn't seem like that big of a risk to have the pool open. At some point during the party, my nephew quietly slipped into the pool without any adult noticing. His father found him face down in the water and everyone began to panic. My mother-in-law, a ARNP, began CPR as my husband called 911. All efforts were pointless. No one was sure how long he had been face down in the pool, but there was no resuscitating him. Understandably, my sister-in-law has not been well since. I, myself, struggle with it daily still. How could I have not heard or noticed him? The guilt haunts me and is almost unbearable. I cannot imagine what my sister-in-laws feels like. Such a normal thing, to have a pool, and not realize the devastation it can cause so quickly when not respected appropriately.
Compose a short story inspired by the given prompt.
We were celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. We took a cruise to celebrate. We anticipated the trip and enjoyed the planning part of the trip as well as the trip itself.
My husband I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary this year. We decided to take a cruise to celebrate. We booked a few months out. This allowed the anticipation to build for us. We looked forward to sailing and would watch videos of the trip from others on Youtube. As the time to cruise started to approach we began to pack. I also went to the store and got the things that we would need. I got some new outfits and travel items. I packed a couple of weeks out so that I didn't feel overwhelmed. We were going to be gone for seven days. I was excited the day that we left. We drove to the port that morning and the loaded on the ship. We went to get lunch the first time because that is what you do on a ship is eat. You eat a lot on the ship. We were always getting food from somewhere. I also laid by the pool until our room was ready. Then When the room was ready we unpacked. I was finally glad to be on the ship and celebrating with my husband.
"My friend V., whom I had not talked to in almost two years, texted me out of the blue. It turns out he wanted to reconnect and invite me to his wedding. I decided to go, and had a good time.". Build a short story that somehow involves this.
Life has been very interesting since college. I have lost touch with many of my old friends, so it's often weird to hear from them every now and then. A little over a month ago I received a text from V, who graduated the same year and lived in my dorm. I hadn't spoken to him in roughly two years. You could say it was a shock to see his name pop up on my phone. Interestingly enough, V was getting married and wanted to give me a late invite. Despite feeling a little left out about not getting an invite by mail in advance, I decided to accept anyway. In the end I'm super glad that I did. Tons of old friends were there, and V's new wife ended up being the girl that he started to date right at the end of college. I had met her a few times randomly towards the end of our senior year. The ceremony was packed with tons of people, and they spared no expense. Numerous kegs of expensive beer were purchased, in addition to three chocolate fountains. They even hired one of the best underground DJs in the city to do the music. We danced and partied late in the night. It was also great that V could make plenty of time to talk to me, and I definitely feel like we will stay in closer contact going forward. All in all I had a great time at V's wedding and hope to invite him to mine one day.
Hey, take this prompt and write a brief, interesting narrative.
In April, I ruptured my Achilles tendon while playing soccer. Since then, I have been slowly recovering.
In April, I experienced injured myself while playing soccer. I was 34, almost 35 at the time of the injury. It would lead to my first surgery and would greatly impact my life. I was playing in a men's over-30 league. The game was on a Sunday. It was towards the end of the game. I felt fine all game, though I had a slight strain to my right hamstring from a previous game the week before. I took a free kick and the defense of the opposing team cleared it back towards our goal. I turned to chase the ball when I heard a pop and it felt like someone had kicked my heel. I fell to the ground immediately and the ref, who had been standing next to me, blew his whistle to stop the game. I looked around perplexed because no one was next to me, so I could not have been kicked. I was not in any pain, but my right ankle was unable to support me. The ref alerted my team that I would need help, he seemed more aware of what was going on than I did at the time. I said I was fine and crawled off the field. When I did, I started to realize something was pretty seriously wrong. I still was not in any pain, but I had broke out into a cold sweat and was feeling nauseous. My body had gone into shock. It seemed I had ruptured my Achilles tendon. I would not know this for sure until two days later when I finally relented and visited the doctor. I'm still amazed at how little pain I had and can only attribute it to going into shock right away. I also was given a pain reliever and ice almost immediately. Four days after the event I would have my first surgery. And for the past several months, I have been trying to recover from the injury.
Develop a short narrative from the seed.
I went to Busch Gardens. I went on a safari and fed some giraffes! It was so much fun seeing all of the wonderful and unique animals there I would love to go back and do it again!
I went to Busch Gardens today. It was pretty hot so I wore shorts and a tank top. When we arrived I was anxious to see the animals. I walked around and saw the apes first. They were in the shade. I was the lions afterwards and they were also lying in the shade. It was very hot outside! I saw the salt water croc next and he was bathing in the water. He was HUGE! I came across a flyer for a safari and to feed giraffes. I signed right up! We went in a jeep and had some lettuce on hand. The giraffes came right over and we started feeding them. It was great they were gigantic. They were also very friendly!
"This was about a time when I went birthday shopping with my mother for my younger sister. Then after I had gone through a lot of thought about my gift I found out me and my other sister had picked out the same themed gift.". Create a small story where this is somehow significant.
It was only the middle of August however I was already thrilled about sisters birthday being only one in half months away, and I couldn't wait until we got our presents for her out and the beautiful birthday cake my mother makes every year. I loved to wake her up early in the morning and sing her Happy Birthday before the sun had even started to peek over the horizon. \t Being only August though the countdown for her birthday had not yet begun so my mom decided to try and beat it and get my sisters birthday shopping done early. So one Saturday morning my mom and I went to the mall to shop for my sister. We were at a store shopping for my sister when I saw a bright yellow advertising sign hanging from the ceiling which was an advertisement for Payless, that just happened to be on the opposite end of the mall from where we were. On the sign, there were the coolest slippers I had ever seen. They were massaging slippers in the shape of animals particularly the one on the sign was a pink unicorn. The slippers themselves were pink which made them even greater because that is her favorite color. As soon as I saw these breathtaking slippers I tugged on my mothers' sleeve and pointed at the sign. Without the slightest bit of interest she just merely glanced up at the sign and went back to what she was looking at, so I had kept my eye on that sign for the entire time we were in the store, not acknowledging a word my mom said to me the rest of the time. After my mother had finished and rung her gifts out I tugged on her arm to get her attention and said I had to go across the mall that I would meet her at the car. I hadn't told her what store I was going to or for what but she walked out the exit doors of the mall and I continued on my way to Payless. When I got there I looked around the store feverishly and still couldn't find the slippers I was looking for so I stopped an employee and asked her where they were. She pointed me in the direction of the far back of the store so I took off for that corner and when I got there I saw a pile of boxes with unicorn heads sticking out of them. So then I looked through the boxes for her size and when I found them I brought them up and paid for them and ran to the mall exit hoping I hadn't detained my mother in the car for too long. When I got there she had asked me what was in the bag and I showed her, she smirked and burst out laughing and offended I asked her what was so funny because I knew my sister would love them. She smiled and explained that my other sister had bought her a massaging neck warmer that was in the shape of a unicorn and was pink and she said that only sisters could pick out a perfect pair without even knowing what the other had gotten.
Spin a short yarn with the inspiration text as your launching pad.
After getting pregnant we got more than we bargained for. Turns out we are having twins and have had a wild ride so far.
My wife and I had trying to get pregnant again for almost a year. We were starting to get frustrated but where doing ok. Well, it finally happened but that's just were the story begins. We were super excited that it finally happened but both of us kept having this nagging feeling that maybe we were getting more than we bargained for. After a few weeks we went in for a preliminary ultrasound just to make sure that everything was alright. As soon as the tech brought up the image our intuition was proven correct. We were having twins. Everyone was crazy excited and it's been a lot of fun but also a lot of worry. I never realized how much more involved a twin pregnancy is compared to a singleton. We have had to go get ultrasounds every other week and we still don't know if there are problems with one of the babies. We know that his umbilical cord is missing an artery so he is on the small side. By itself that's a not a big issue. However, he might have a problem with how his internal organs are developing as well. It might require surgery after birth. That's a little stressful but I believe things will work out.
Here is your writing prompt: 'The memorable event I experienced was visiting the Eklutna spirit houses north of Anchorage, Alaska. This was my fifth visit there, and it is a very magical and spiritual place. I experienced a keen sense of spiritual unity and community there on my last visit, and it was emotionally overwhelming.'. Turn it into a quick story.
A memorable event that happened to me recently was during a trip to Anchorage, Alaska in early April. This is the earliest in the year that I have been to Alaska, and the entire trip was cold and full of snow. This was very surprising and unexpected given the weather forecast, but I had a wonderful trip anyway. It was starting to get hot at home in Ohio, so I was welcoming the cold. I traveled by myself and had many spiritual experiences in both urbanized Alaska and in the wilderness. One of the most memorable parts was visiting the Eklutna spirit houses, which are one of my favorite locations in the world. The spirit houses are traditional yupik burial grounds. Since the permafrost, even in Southcentral Alaska is very hard, burials are traditionally not performed in the ground. Rather, remains are placed on top of the earth, and a small house is hand-built around them. Each spirit house is a work of art, and they were mostly made by friends and/or family of the deceased. I can spend hours there every time I visit to wander among the houses and to learn about the people that are resting there. I am surrounded by a sense of death and peace when visiting there, and going there is always an intense, emotional, visceral experience. I felt connected to the entire earth and to the native peoples that are eternally resting there. I stayed for hours thinking about my partner, my history, and my purpose in life. It was truly a life-changing experience. I come away from Eklutna with a sense of renewed purpose every time I visit. It is a truly amazing place, and one I hope to return to someday to continue my spiritual journeys there.
Ready to write a quick tale? Use the springboard text as inspiration.
My father had metastatic cancer. It was really sudden since the diagnose to the end. I was away in New York when the event happened.
When I was 25 I found out my father had metastatic cancer. I took the diagnosis really hard. I was always so close to my father. My father and I had a special relationship that not many people can say they've had. When finding out about his diagnosis I was about to start my college courses in New York. I think I was in denial, thinking that there was going to be some time, and medicine that would cure it. I had high hopes that everything was going to be okay. While I was away in New York in college he passed away suddenly. It was really sudden since the diagnosis to the end of his time. I was completely in shock. I wasn't there with him, which I felt terrible for. I know my father didn't want to tell me how serious his condition was. I thought maybe he just wanted me to stay in New York so I dint have to witness him in the condition that he was in. I took time away from college to attend my fathers services, I know that I have to carry on my plan as expected, because that is what he wanted me to do. So as i carry on his name I want to make him proud. My father will always be with me, looking down on my journey in life.
Expand on the text cue to develop a brief, detailed story.
A good friend died of a heroin overdose after battling a long and hard recovery after a previous overdose. The next morning I woke up to find out yet another childhood friend died of the same cause.
Last month was very interesting to say the least. Aside from our day to day struggles and hurdles we were hit with 24 hours of shock. Late one evening I got word that a good friend from childhood had passed away. This came as a big surprise, he was doing so much better lately. He had overdosed on Heroin a few years ago and it put him in a bad spot. He died, but was revived. When he came back he had brain damage and was stuck in a wheel chair. He died of a heroin overdose. Not even 12 hours later I awoke to find that another childhood friend had died. Again, heroin was to blame. He suffered with addiction to the drug for years and it finally took him away. It was a rough few days following. We just had the final service this last weekend. The first friend who passed had family who was ashamed of the way he left the world and didn't want to have a formal service. All of us as friends couldn't accept that. We held a funeral service for him on Friday, better late than never. Many friends showed up from around the state. I thought it was so special, we ARE family and we were there until the bitter end. Beautiful.
"Daughter got accepted into Disney College Program we moved her from Pennsylvania to Florida. The week before we moved her in we spent a week on a family vacation and Disney and Clear Water Beach.". Imagine a scenario around this and write it down.
My oldest daughter got accepted into the Disney College pRogram. We moved her from Pennsylvania to Florida which is about 16 hours away. She was going to be living in Florida for 7 months. We decided before we moved her in to do a week vacation and visit Disney World and Clear Water Beach. It was very last minute but we had the best time! We went to all of the parks and had tons of fun. We ate at new restaurants and some of our old favorite ones. The weather was very hot and rainy but we still had a great time. My son loved meeting allt he characters and visiting the Lego Store in Downtown Disney. We ate at Beast Castle and had one of the best steaks I have ever had. We did tons of swimming and shopping. We went to Clearwater and had a great day on the beach. The water was so clear then we walked all the shops along the Boardwalk. We ate a a little restaruant with cheap drinks and very good fresh seafood. We really had a great time bonding as a family even though we knew that we wer leaving our daughter.
Hey, take this prompt and write a brief, interesting narrative.
My son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a few months ago and it has undeniably changed our lives. We had a short hospital stay that taught me a lot more than just basic care of a child with type 1 diabetes it taught me how to have a different perspective on life in general.
About 5 months ago I had received some bad news. It was about my son being diagnosed with a disease. Come to find out he was diagnosed with having type 1 diabetes. I had gotten the news a few months ago it hurt me to hear it. It isn't something that runs in the family my son is a first. So it may even have an impact on him years from now. It has undeniably changed our lives. we now have to do things differently in the way that we choose to live. Being that my son has diabetes we don't really eat anymore how we used to eat. we eat a lot less foods with sugars in them processed or added sugars in lunches and dinners. Sometimes it can be hard because he still can't eat certain foods at all. It makes our food very limited in what we eat. we had a short hospital stay that taught me a lot more than just basic care of the child. with type 1 diabets it taught me how to have a different perspective on life in general. I look at everything differently and react by the things I notice.
Use the clue text as a stepping stone to create a compact story.
I drove to the bank, but on the way also smoked marijuana. I got pulled over by the cops and almost had a panic attack, but it was just because I had expire registration.
It was a normal day in the middle of the week when I decided to go to Santander Bank to withdraw some cash and then go to Wegman's. I was intending to go get some food, but it was also the only opportunity I had to smoke marijuana outside of the house. This is because I couldn't do it while my dad was home. So I went in my brother's car and drove through a small route I normally go for discretion. On the way I put small amount of cannabis in my pipe and smoked a little while driving. At that point I decided I should drive around and listen to music, then I should go to the bank. I took a long route around, and noticed at some point a cop car ended up behind me. I was nervous, thinking they might have known what I did. While I was nearing the bank, the cop car was still behind me, and eventually started flashing its lights. I thought I was surely done for, and as the two cops walked up after I had parked in a Barnes & Noble parking lot I thought I might have a panic attack. To my surprise, I was acting calm enough as they stated the reason they pulled me over is because the car was unregistered for a couple months. I didn't have up-to-date documentation and had to call my dad to get me a picture of proof of insurance, but it was surely better than them noticing any wrongdoing. Throughout the ordeal they didn't suspect anything, as I had hidden away anything suspicious and there was no smell. I was very lucky that day, especially considering I had illegal narcotics within reach in the car. I believe this will be the last time I do something so suspect on the road. At the very least, it will be the last time I smoke weed on the road.
Draw from the hint text to weave a condensed story.
After being a stay at home mother and college student for seven years, I went back to work. Unfortunately, due to extreme personal anxiety, I was unable to do the job and decided to work on my emotions and anxiety. I now work from home.
Two months ago, I decided to return to the work force. I had been a stay at home mother for seven years and earned my college degree while doing so. My last child was entering kindergarten and I knew I would have more free time. I got lucky and was offered an amazing job at my children's school. I prepared myself mentally to adapt to this significant change in my life and I was looking forward to earning an income again (and not just relying on my husband to be the financial provider) and being around other adults regularly. The first week of work was training. It was intense; much more intense than I realized it would be. I felt so out of place and my anxiety was at an all time high. By the last day of training, I was an emotional mess; I felt inadequate, under prepared, and completely out my element. I remember going home and having an anxiety attack which made me feel like I was dying. I was so upset, nervous, and sick that all I could think about was failing. It should be noted, that I am generally a very positive and confident person. I graduated top of my college class with a 4.0 GPA and received glowing recommendations. However, on that weekend, I felt like the lowest person in the world. My anxiety became so overwhelming, my husband was worried that this would do long term damage to my self worth. Monday morning at 6 am, I decided I couldn't do it. On the first day of school, I walked into the principle's office and quit. I felt like I let down everyone around me. It was awful. It was such an emotional day. After a few days of reflecting on everything that had happened, I decided I needed to get some help. I visited my doctor and got on a higher dose of anxiety medicine. Within a week, I was fine. and back to my old self. I decided to learn from this experience and work on my anxiety.
Take the guide text and let it guide your pen to create a fascinating, short story.
My son recently started going to community college and is working towards being an architect. He has been working hard and I am so proud of his progress so far. The cost of college is high and was surprising but my son is worth it and I look at is as an investment towards his future success.
I love my son so much. His education means the world to me. So, I decided to invest in my son and his future. His current goal is to be an architect. He has many ideas on buildings he would like to design all around the world. I couldn't be more proud! So, 5 months ago I went to my bank and asked for a loan. When they asked me what it was for, I gladly told them for my son for college. They were surprised at the amount, but the banker being a parent himself, he understood what I was doing for him. I don't want to see my kid struggle or be in debt after college. My husband was a little concerned because it would set us back a little for retirement, but thankfully I got him on board. My son was so happy with the news that I was going to invest in his future what he took me out to dinner. What a sweet son I have! Happily, since it's a community college, he won't be moving far away and will still be staying with us. I am happy to have my baby around a little longer.
Imagine a brief story from the details in 'I purchased a house for myself and my daughter. I gambled by not getting an inspection of the property and then ran into issues. The air conditioning was broken, but it ended up being a minor repair.'. Write it.
At the end of May I purchased a house for myself and my daughter. This was special for me as a single mother. The housing market was tight and we were having a tough time getting an offer accepted. The house I purchased seemed perfect so I took a chance and put in an offer that waived an inspection. My offer was accepted. I was nervous signing for such a large obligation with just my income, but I had worked hard to get in a comfortable financial position. We even moved in with my parents for a few months to save up even more money for a house. On move-in day we found out the air conditioning was broken. I was feeling pretty stupid for not getting an inspection. I was crying and feeling so awful during what should have been a joyful time. I called for service and it took 2 days for them to come. It ended up being a minor part replacement. I did a post-inspection of the property and it revealed no other issues so I am thrilled it all worked out. I would be willing to write more about this in the future. It was a roller coaster of emotions!
Ever thought of turning a hint into a short story? Try it.
The day i met the love of my life at a friend's party . I was happy i attended the birthday party. I met her at a birthday party and we clicked. we have a lot in common. she moved to Seattle and that made it easy for it to work between us.
It was 4 months ago and it surely seems like life was completely meaningless before I met Natasha. It was funny really, because at first we hated each other. Always screaming at one another and almost getting physical on more than one occasion, Natasha and I somehow found a common ground on which to truly connect and bond. Next, we fell in love. I never would have thought that I could actually be someone who got lucky enough to meet my soul mate. Boy was I wrong. We had already gotten into numerous altercations at this point, nonetheless, it was a beautiful rainy day. That's right, rainy. I love the rain and so does she. We are antiheroes of sorts and so it was in the rain as the thunder boomed and the lightning lit up our faces on the back patio of our mutual friend Cole's Home buying anniversary celebration. It felt as if time itself stopped and we entered into another dimension. A realm of bliss and magic where all of our dreams and desires were fulfilled dancing in the pools of light that were our own pupils. Since then, things have been, well, just exponentially better as time passes. I certainly can see myself growing old with Natasha and I cannot wait to tell our grandchildren the tales of our beautiful journeys together. I have to add in however, that it is vital not to just take for granted the people that we are brought together with. It most likely is for a purpose and it can be easy to burn bridges beyond repair.
Think of the primer as a seed, and grow a short story from it.
We decided to go to Cancun Mexico for a week-long vacation and we loved the great experience. The attraction that was simply amazing was the Mayan performance at Xcaret.
A few weeks ago, I decided to take a week long vacation with my family. We decided to go to Cancun , Mexico, and it was a fantastic experience. I loved the ocean and the white sand. My kids had a wonderful time at the beach and I had a great time just relaxing myself sipping on a mango margarita. The most memorable experience is that we went to an event at Xcaret, where we attended to a performance about the Mayan Civilization. Our experience at the hotel was also very pleasurable. We had the all-included service and we loved it. Out hotel had 5 different restaurants ( Mexican, American, Chinese, Gourmet, and one with a mixture of all 5). The service staff was friendly at all times, and we even received tickets for another attraction. Our vacation in Cancun was the best we have had so far, and it helped us spend time together as a family. Cancun is just like a paradise, it has everything that we needed to have a great time as a family. When I saw my little twin boys smiling and enjoying the attraction I realized that it was an unforgettable experience for all of us. We have been to other places but for some reason we never truly loved the place, there was always something that didn't worked well, but in this case everything went great. I still believe that Cancun has everything that makes an unforgettable experience. I am planing to go back with my husband to celebrate our wedding anniversary (just the two of us) to enjoy a romantic dinner and enjoy the attractions for adults that we did not get to see as a family.
Develop a concise narrative using the text snippet as a seed.
I lost my job when a patient escaped due to the negligence of the other nurse. It was also due to retaliation by my new boss, who has intensely hated me ever since I went to the union to report his nefarious treatment of the staff.
The new staff later reiterated this boss' unfair behaviors and other workplace retaliation against other workers. The union subsequently discovered that this so-called boss was favoring certain employees over others during personnel evaluations. The "good ratings" went to people who were this boss' friends. Some workers would laugh at this boss' rotten sense (or attempt) at humor. The jokes were so corny that it was impossible to find the random musings funny. The boss' supervisors caught wind of the maltreatment of employees and eventually fired the boss. How someone so incompetent could ever get promoted is beyond all comprehension. Someone could be a bumbling fool/idiot and get promoted at this workplace. However, hopefully the new corporate leaders can and will do something about such injustices. Sally has worked that this hospital for 17 years and has never been promoted, despite her knowing more about her job than anyone! Meanwhile for me, I found a job at a much more rewarding hospital and hope that my coworkers will be treated better in the future. In fact, I just talked to Sally yesterday and she stated that things are starting to get better at my old workplace. Let's just hope that Sally's hospital (and my former workplace) get better for all parties. I do have hope that this is possible. Anything is possible with the Lord. Things happen for a reason, and what goes around comes around. The Golden Rule is the Golden Rule, after all.
With the suggestion text as a catalyst, concoct a short story.
I was involved in a very tragic car accident. My arm and shoulder received 2 of the most severe injuries I have ever experienced.
I was driving home from work just like any other day. However, unlike a normal job, I worked third shift. It was pretty dark out this night, whereas the moonlight would usually light my way. That being said, driving conditions were a bit below optimal. On top of that, I was tired from working most of the night. About half way through the drive home, A large semi truck pulled out in front of me from an intersection not too far ahead. I could tell instantly that he did not see me coming, and I slammed on my breaks. Unfortunately, It was too late. I slid right into him at about 30 miles per hour, right on the front left of my car to the corner of his back bumper. My left shoulder and arm were fractured, but my car was completely destroyed. I was devastated, I had never been in an accident before this. I really had no idea what would happen if I would even be able to get to work the next day. The truck driver got out and told me he works for Coca Cola. He said he had to call his supervisor in to bring insurance information, and to get mine. I called the police and reported the accident while waiting for the supervisor to show up. Once the supervisor was there, we exchanged insurance information, and I asked him if he could give me a ride home. Luckily, he said yes. It wasn't even until the next day that I realized how serious my injuries were. My shoulder and arm received 2 different types of fractions from hitting the dashboard. I woke up with immense pain, feeling unable to go to work that night. I went to an urgent care facility at around 6 pm and they knew right away my left arm and shoulder were either broken or fractured, or both. I set up an appointment with a doctor, and eventually ended up with a cast for 9 months. All in all, I am glad I had the experience because my injuries hurt very bad, but they weren't severe enough to change my life for the worse. I learned a lesson I won't forget.
Incorporate the concept of 'My daughter turned 15. Half our family was there and half wasn't. My son slept through it but my other son was not behaving very well. Overall it was a good time but I was a little bit sad about our missing family members.' in a brief creative piece.
It was my daughter's 15th birthday about a month ago, and some of the family was in town to help us celebrate. She was the light of my life, my angel. I love all my kids, my daughter Ernesta and my sons Vinny and Romeo: I just love my daughter more. Is it wrong for a parent to say that? It's true. About half of the family came into town for the birthday party, can you believe that shit? After everything I do for them, they can't even find the god damn time to celebrate my beautiful baby girl. I was pissed I tell you, how could they ruin the big day like this! On top of that, my son Vinny, that little shit, wouldn't stop crying about wanting to play with his Nintendo, instead of playing with his cousins! What has this world come to... when I was his age you couldn't keep me inside for 30 minutes, and that's all kids want to do these days! On top of one kid bitching and moaning the whole day, her other brother Romeo spent all night doing God knows what, and almost slept through the whole damn thing! What a fucking mess I tell you, these ungrateful little brats. All I wanted was for my baby girl to have the time of her life and this is the shit I have to deal with... Other than that, it was nice to see some of the family. It's hasn't been like it used to, like before Barb got sick, but it was good to see what the rest of the family was up to, how the nieces and nephews were doing. I couldn't help but laugh as we kicked the shit about the good old days, at grandma and grandpa's farm... It would've been nice to have seen my older brothers, Michelangelo and Rafael, but apparently they had a job to work and couldn't make it. It couldn't have been that hard to make time for us, could it? It sucks, but what can I say, that's life...
Craft a short, engaging narrative using the kickstarter text as a guide.
After getting sick last winter, I brought my baby to a specialist to have a special procedure done. I was very worried about him going under anesthesia, and was worried he would die. The anesthesia was fine, and we got some results about his health.
I'm just now remembering about what happened 3 months ago. It was during winter, and I was pretty depressed about the season changing. I tend to really hate winter, and it makes me very depressed and gloomy during the winter months. So I was pretty stressed out knowing that my baby was going to have to get a surgery. I was worried about having my baby go under anesthesia and unconscious. It'd be the first time they were having an operation, and I was so worried about the fact that sometimes things go wrong. I was praying to god that my baby would wake up and the surgery would go smoothly. Thankfully everything went well. The anesthesia was fine, and I was informed that the operation went smoothly and the surgery was a success. I felt a great relief. I felt a weight was lifted. I felt I could stop worrying. I was so happy. Hopefully I won't have to go through something like that again. The doctor informed me that my baby is going to live a healthy life, and this operation will never have to be performed again.
'I woke up generally depressed, twice before I actually needed to. When I went to lunch, I found mold on some of the breads there. I have had a rather depressing / sad day.'. Craft a quick narrative around this.
Last night was horrible, I woke up twice and hard a restless night. The first time was around 3 am and I had to use the bathroom, then another 30 minutes laying in bed thinking about everything. I dozed off and then around 6 am I just awoke worried about everything, school, tests, the semester, what my parents would think. After I laid there another half hour I got up and had a cigarette and coffee and a cold bowl of cereal. I got dressed and went to my first class, Chemistry; I listened to the lecture and took notes, but they didn't really mean anything. I saw Phil between classes and he seemed happy and upbeat, I wish I had his drive and intelligence. After that I had Calculus and it just droned on, I don't feel like I belong here. I walked back home for lunch to make a sandwich, the apartment was trashed, the sink full of dishes and refrigerator empty. I got some bread out to make a ham sandwich and it was moldy so I just threw it in the trash and walked to McDonalds. Another Cheese Burger and small coke, it's all I can afford. I skipped my afternoon lectures and just stayed in my room watching YouTube video's on my phone and texting Anna, I think she wants out of this relationship. Maybe that would be best because she's not any more happy than I am. Now as I sit here writing this at my desk, thinking about dinner I really don't feel like leaving my room. I don't have the energy to go out and there's nothing here. I may just go home at the end of the semester and try something new.
Take the kickoff text, and let it inspire a quick, riveting tale.
Was lied to by my company about finances at first. But in the end I ended up getting the raise i deserved. And I also received an unexpected promotion as well.
Today my place of employment tried to lie to me. I asked them for a raise but they refused. They told me that their finances were very low! They said they had no additional funds to give raises this year. So I did some research. I found out they lied to me and they did have the money to give me a raise. They were so impressed by my detective skills they also gave me a promotion! What a week! So I got a raise and a promotion at work! I could not believe it! So I am very happy now at my place of employment. I am thankful for the raise and the promotion. And I no longer hold any resentment I once did. I go to work happy everyday now. And I no longer care that they lied to me at the start.
Synthesize a concise story based on the inspiration drawn from the suggestion text.
About my life changes and me moving back home to Portland, Oregon. I think the politics are a little much though. I will be looking for work then continuing my story..
I recently left my apartment in Las Vegas. I moved to Portland Oregon which is my home. I Had a apartment in Las Vegas which was decently cheap but then I moved to Portland and realized how expensive it is. I have not been home in nearly 8 years I have been living around the country trying new things and places out. I came to Portland last month and have been looking for work and using MURK to supplement my income. I am homeless and living in a shelter but it is still better then living in Las Vegas in a very black neighborhood. I do have some issues with Portland, one of the big ones is the politics in the city is very liberal and very crybaby. So as i look for a job and place the more I see the more I think I might change my mind. I cannot live near liberals they are too weak and allow drug addicts and homeless to control their city. I think I will look for something else. I might even move to southern Oregon. If Oregon is no longer my home so be it. I might move to the middle of the country to a more conservative area or city. I cannot do california because I want the immigrants out and they are swarming California. Lets build a wall and throw them over it.
Incorporate themes from "I was in a bad position of almost being homeless due to another person's laziness. Just as I was starting to get really nervous about having a place to live, my neighbors posted their home for sale. I purchased their home. I'm still working on the remodeling." into a short and sweet narrative.
In May of this year I purchased a vintage derelict mobile home. The most memorable part of the purchase is who I purchased it from. When I was a child I lived in the mobile home park and my friends parents had one of the newest mobile homes in the park. I liked their trailer when I was a kid. When I moved back here as an adult I quickly realized that the same people who were here from my childhood 35 years ago were still here. One family that was still here was the family that had the (back in the day) newer trailer. Now the trailer is old and dilapidated. So, when I came back, I purchased the largest trailer in the whole park. I put it back together and sold it after about 3 years. I chose a new trailer in another city to start remodeling on. I got to the final details of the transaction and the woman who owned it did not get her stuff out on time for me to hand my completed trailer over to the new owner. So, I searched frantically for another home. That's when I discovered that the family I had known as a child had recently listed their trailer for sale. I quickly purchased and moved. I'm almost done remodeling the vintage trailer now. The parents of the kids I hung out with as a kid stop by and check out my progress every few weeks. It's kind of fun to share with them the remodeling of the trailer.
Here's a brief idea: "We drove our son to college 3 hours away. My car had problems on the way. I had to say goodbye in a gas station parking lot.". Turn it into a short story.
None of the day went how I had planned. I was just devastated. I wanted it to be something I could remember forever in a scrapbook with all of the things you see on the movies. But instead I was a sweaty, dirty, heaping mess. He rode in a taxi to college. I waited with the repairman. It took several hours. By the time it was done, I had to head home for work. I didn't get to see the dorm or help him decorate. The car ended up costing over $300 not including the towing fee. Nick was fine, of course. He probably preferred the privacy and not to have his mother following him around campus. But move-in day was such a big thing for me that I'm really hurt it didn't go better. I think I'll make a special trip up there sometime this month. I want to visit and see everything. Maybe that will make me feel better. I don't know that I'll ever forget sniffling and trying not to hug him too tightly, though. I didn't want to get him dirty. I will be a heaping mess when his siblings go off to college, too.
Spin a brief, engaging tale including: "We have to take our son to have a hearing test in which he had to be put to sleep for. It was not fun for him or us but the results were good and it is over.".
I had to take my son to have a hearing test that we have been trying to get done for a while. He had to be put to sleep because he just turned 3 and they had to have him stay still and quiet for about an hour to be able to get accurate results. We had to drive about an hour and a half away to have this test done because not just every place does them. We had to go to a specialty children's hospital. I was very nervous because he had never been put to sleep before and actually hadn't even ever been in the hospital since he was born. I was upsetting to me when I walked in the room and it looked just like a regular operating room. They gave us all the information about the procedure and then it was time to get started. We laid him on the table and had to hold him down while they put the mask with anesthesia on him. He was trying to scream but nothing would come out. It was a horrible experience and he was stating up at as wondering why we were helping them do this to him. It was absolutely heartbreaking. After about 30 seconds he was asleep and they put the IV drip in to keep him sleeping while they preformed the test. We were unable to stay in there for the test but it didn't last as long as they thought it would, only about 40 minutes. They called us back in and gave us the results that his hearing is fine and then we just had to wait for him to wake up. That took about 15 minutes for the anesthesia to wear off and him to awaken but once he did they gave him some just and we were able to take him home.
'My wife and I only had to wait an hour to ride the new Harry Potter ride. We were fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time.'. Develop a short story based on this.
After standing in line, we went on the Harry Potter ride around 2 p.m. that Saturday. The experience was truly epic! We both relished the opportunity to experience the new ride. I would recommend this ride to anyone who really likes Harry Potter movies and books. In fact, I would offer that the uninitiated would enjoy the ride, too. In other words, even if you are not a Harry Potter aficionado, you would likely enjoy this experience. We have gone to all the Harry Potter movies and have every one of J.K. Rowling's books. After enjoying the ride, we ate an early dinner and had spaghetti and pizza at the theme park's outdoor cafe. While more expensive than usual fast casual restaurants, the spaghetti was delicious and complete with Italian meatballs spiced to perfection. Compliments to the chef, indeed!!! Despite paying the rather hefty $15 for parking, we were still enthused about the whole experience. The theme park also has wonderful static displays, as well as video monitors, of the entire Harry Potter experience. In fact, I heard via word-of-mouth that the theme park could have another Harry Potter ride in the future. This would be a true delight for all people who like things related to Harry Porter and his cast of characters. It is also rumored that Rowling may have another book lined up as well for her fans.
Hey, take this prompt and write a brief, interesting narrative.
I wrote about my brother who died 3 months ago and gave a few detail about him , myself, and my family.
Three months ago my brother died in a car wreck. He was hit by a drunk driver whose four wheel drive pickup smashed into the driver's side of my brother's small, Toyota Yaris, killing my brother instantly. My brother was only 20 years old, still studying at college and had only begun to live his life. My youngest brother was the baby of the family being the youngest of 5. He was the only brother so was especially cherished by his 4 older sisters. He was studious, giving, caring and tried to do the right thing at all times. He volunteered at the homeless shelter in his college town. He attended mass every week. He took time to keep in touch with out parents and with all of our sisters. My family is devastated. This is our first loss in our family and none of us are quite sure how to deal with the hurt. We are close, all live in the same town and have each other but that doesn't seem to assuage any of the hurt or loss in our hearts. My mother has turned to the church, talking to our priest, praying and attending functions. My father has turned inward, trying to heal himself. My sisters and I have tried to help our parents but as we are suffering as well it has been a botched job at best. My sisters and I can help each other though, lending a sympathetic ear at least. We are still muddling through this and I don't know that my family will ever completely get over the loss of our baby brother. My little brother was an avid outdoors person who loved to hike, canoe and camp. Because of this my sisters and I are thinking of creating a sort of memorial along one of his favorite hiking trails in our town. The trail has a program where you can plant a tree and/or pay for a bench along the trail which helps fund the trail. I want to do both, plant a tree which will shade the bench as it grows, with a plaque showing it was donated in my brother's name. I think this would be a wonderful way to memorialize my little brother as he loved being outside hiking while always having his old Pentax film camera along with him. As I write this I find I have made the decision, I will do this for sure, plant a tree for my brother and provide a place for weary hikers to sit in memorial to him.
Use the clue text as a stepping stone to create a compact story.
I am an Aunt! My brother and his wife finally had a baby after years so trying. So now I can live vicariously through them since I will probably never have any kids of my own.
I'm an aunt!! For the first time, I am an Aunt. My brother, and his wife, had a beautiful baby girl. After years of trying, and a long risky pregnancy, she was finally born on June 22. She was a high risk pregnancy and they had some complications, so that was kind of scary. But after days of labor, and sitting around in the waiting room, she was finally born. She was actually born early so she was considered a premature baby. She had to be hooked up to machines and tested, so there was a lot of anxiety for the first couple of day afterwards. But everything turned out fine and I couldn't be happier! I've been wishing for this for a while now since I will probably never have kids of my own. So this way I can live vicariously through them. I got to meet her a couple of days after she was born and it was super exciting. I couldn't believe how tiny she was. She was so small, I was afraid to hold her. Even weeks after she was born I still wouldn't hold her because of how fragile she was. I know I will be baby sitting a lot in the coming years and seriously am so excited to be able to watch this tiny human grow and learn!
Take inspiration from 'The story is about my first real relationship with a woman while I am also in a poly relationship with a man. Basically my girlfriend is thinking of breaking up with me because she is scared of me being poly even though we are falling for each other.' and pen down a short narrative.
In the last few months, I had my first same-sex relationship with a woman. She was really wonderful. I feel really comfortable with her and felt like I could be my genuine self. We came from very similar backgrounds in terms of class (i.e., working class) and some other life experiences. We met first on a dating app and talked for along time this past winter, but then I actually ghosted her because I had two family members die in a mass shooting which was so rough, and I couldn't handle my shit. But then, I reached back out to her again in July, and she immediately asked me out on a date. We have been hanging out a lot, but now she is not sure if she wants to keep hanging out. I am poly which means that I have a partner who is heterosexual and male-identified. He is extremely supportive of me dating women and not in the bisexual fetishization way, if that makes any sense? He is not dating anyone else currently, and she does not want to date anyone else either besides me. She told me a few days ago that she is really falling for me, but is not sure if she can be in a relationship with me because it terrifies her that I'm with someone else at the same time. I have a lot of feels about this because I know that I am falling for her too and would love to pursue things more, especially since the relationship is so new, but feels so right and good. I think the other complicated factor and layer is that I am also struggling with my sexual orientation. I had originally asked my partner to go poly with me because I needed to figure out who I was, and I had not dated that many people in general: guys or girls. I could tell he was really sad when I told him, but he was extremely supportive. On top of that, we were planning a wedding/partnership committment at this time, so we almost called that off. We ended up getting committed (we aren't legally married) in June. Everything has been so confusing, and I am feeling quite a breadth of different emotions. I really want to work things out with my girlfriend, but know that there is so much that she needs to figure out. I honestly feel like I could love her because we connected so amazingly. And, I know that she too is falling for me and that her heart is heavy right now. I also know that I need to respect her process. I tried to reassure her that we could do all the things that partners do, like meet my family and plan trips. She seemed very open to that, but also that she feels really sad and terrified. I really hope that things work out.
See where the springboard text leads you in your concise storytelling.
I went to Target at 11 am with my mom to go get the 10 inch Funko Bulbasaur POP on the day of it's release. I got one and I also picked up Pokemon cards and posters promoting the Detective Pikachu movie for my brother since we were going to watch it later that day.
The day the 10 inch Bulbasaur Funko POP was released was a huge day for me. I was so excited. Everyone around the US was picking up their Bulbasaur from Target and I wanted to be there the day of release since there were limited quantities. I've been playing Pokemon since it came out and I was glad that it was becoming more popular which meant more Pokemon gear for me. I didnt necessarily like the bandwagon fans or fake fans, but who can complain when you can buy more gear due to popularity. It was on a Saturday and in addition to this, the Pokemon movie "Detective Pikachu" just came out and I was going to watch it with my brother. It was 11 am. I went with my mom to Target because she had to go to the mall area any way. We hurried to Target and looked around. I remember looking sad because we couldnt find them until we went to this huge display table and there were two Bulbasaur and a bunch of Pokemon cards and Posters to promote the movie. I ran to it and even got a snapchat of my reaction to finding it. The case was as big as me. I carried it all the way to the cashier and paid for it immediately. I also got posters and Pokemon cards for my brother. He was happy to receive them.
Ready to write a quick tale? Use the springboard text as inspiration.
We recently attended a family wedding. It was the first time in a decade we all got together. It was shocking to see we all have gotten old!
Four months ago, I had a wild time going to a family wedding. It has been the first time in a decade that we've been under the same roof. I talked to mom and she said she has been doing well. I talked to father and he told me he caught the biggest fish that week. I talked to my sister and she has gotten a job in a big advertising firm. I talked to my brother and he just graduated college with a job prospect. My older brother is getting married to a rich tycoon woman. He will be very happy with the mansion he is moving into. I hope he doesn't get too greedy. I hope his life will have meaning. At the party, I got a little too drunk. I threw up on my older brother. He got a little mad. He forgave me. We went home with many memories.
Turn the source text into a creative, brief narrative.
My wife had a talk with me about slacking off. She brought off what I was doing wrong and how she hoped I would make it better.
My wife was disappointed with how much I was doing at home. When I come home from work I want to relax, but she needs me to help out and spend time with her and the boys. I understand where she is coming from. I told her I was going to try and do better from here on out. It made me feel bad to know that she thinks I am not a good husband and father. I was very upset by the conversation. I want to do better going forward. This is not the first time and probably not the last time we will have this fight. I wish I could tell her she is wrong. I know she is right though. I hate fighting with my wife. I love her and want to do right by her. I also want to do right by my kids. My family is going to be my focus moving forward. This fight had changed me.
Take the kickoff text, and let it inspire a quick, riveting tale.
My husband and I got married in July in Colorado with our closest family and friends with us. It rained after the ceremony and signified our strength.
I met my husband four years ago in Spain. He was in the army in Marocco. I was in Germany as part of a university exchange student in the University of Gottingen. It was cold and raining in Germany, and Christmas was approaching. I decided to go to the south of Spain, where it was expected to be warm and sunny. I was on the train going south, and there he was — a handsome, quiet military guy sitting on the train. We started to talk, and the conversation went on for hours until the train arrived at its final destination, Granada. It was beautiful and sunny. He had to Marocco; I was to stay in Granada. I gave him my address and phone number in Colorado. It took a couple of months. I was back in Colorado, but he finally called me. We were in love. He came to Colorado with a 90-day fiancé visa. We wanted to get married at Christmas, and we wanted to be sunny just like it was in Granada. We got married on Christmas day. It was a freezing day, and it rain after the ceremony, but it didn't matter because we were madly in love.
Craft a micro-tale based on the suggestion.
We went to a wedding of two friends and I ended up helping out a ton even though I wasn't even in the wedding. My wife really appreciated the help and this led to amazing sex later that night.
My wife and I went to a wedding a few months ago. It was for a few friends and my wife was in the wedding. I wasn't in the wedding, but I might as well have been. I basically made sure that everything went smoothly. First, I made sure that the groom made it to the ceremony. He had some alcohol beforehand and started to get emotional. I made sure that he stayed under control. Then, after the ceremony, I made sure to get everyone drinks and snacks while they got their pictures taken. The bridal dance was a mess initially because nobody knew what they were doing. I made sure that it went well and that everyone kept dancing. At the end of the night, I helped load the cars. Basically, I made sure that the wedding went off without a hitch. These originally were my wife's friends so she was very appreciative. As a result, she definitely was looking to reward me. So, we ended up having some amazing sex at the end of the night. It definitely was an experience to remember.
'A trip to Vegas to visit my mom that is recovering from a stroke. I enjoyed being helpful for the small amount of time I was visiting.'. Let's hear a short tale that involves this.
A few months ago I decided to take my family on I on a trip to Las Vegas to visit my mom. I also wanted them to enjoy a small amount of fun. It took me some time to decide if I really wanted to go. At that time airline tickets were not dropping in prices, we did not have that much money saved for vacation and I just basically hate long plane rides. On the other hand I really needed to see my mom. I had been getting conflicting messages from my siblings about her health. I really needed to see for myself how she was doing. I also needed to bring a little relief to my oldest sister that cares for my mom full time. So, we went on the five and a half hour plane ride on an airline that is fairly new that we never been on before. Needless to say it was actually a pleasant plane ride and my family and I are new fans. We arrived fairly late, but my sister waited up for us. We walked in the door and I remember seeing my moms small fragile body laying under a thick blanket on the pull out sofa. I gave her a huge hug and kiss and told her I came to take care of her. The first two days I took my family shopping in Chinatown and on the Las Vegas strip. We also went to eat at Fukuburger (our favorite spot) the next four days I spent helping my mom with her daily needs as well as cooking an cleaning. I felt I did my best and I was able to see for myself my moms healing journey. All in all I am glad I went. I felt good about the trip and it showed my kids how much I care for my mom and that I tried my best while I was there. I have a new found respect for my sister for the work she does with my mom as well as still working her full time job.
From the following brief hint: "It was 5 months ago happen in my office. It was an incident happen by our one of the team members and Hr terminated wrong person. Then I investigate about that and find correct one.a", create a concise narrative.
Things had been very strange at work for months. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it felt increasingly odd going into work each. Then, about five months ago, it happened. One of my team members did something that ended up getting him sent to our HR department. Though I didn't know at the time, this person supposedly viewed adult content on his work computer during work hours. This was strongly against company policy and met with zero tolerance. Despite pleading his case and begging to stay, this employee was terminated the following day without a fair hearing. I felt like I knew this person fairly well and didn't believe he would do this, so I began to investigate. After speaking with our IT department and correcting a rare error on their end, I came to a startling conclusion. My co-worker had been unfairly fired and absolutely deserved his job back! It was another co-worker who had viewed the adult material instead. Despite feeling bad about what I would have to do, I went in and spoke to my boss to correct the issue. He was shocked and felt terrible about the mistake. He then called the terminated employee and offered him his old job back and a raise because he felt so bad. In the end I felt bad about the situation for everyone but determined that I did a good thing for the company by making sure the truth was known to all.
Try to include 'i gave birth to my last son a year and a half ago. it was truly an experience i will never forget. i'm grateful to have had my family there with me on that exciting journey in my life.' in your short storytelling.
About a year and a half ago, i gave birth to my last son. I have decided to not have any more children since then. However, that day was a day that truly changed my life forever. I remember that the night before i had gone to the hospital for having contractions. They told me i was in active labor and that they were going to admit me. Then, about an hour later, the contractions had slowed, so they decided to let me go home for the night. I thought that was ridiculous, but i left. While i was at home, i was not able to sleep or even stand comfortably. The next morning, I was still awake from the night before, crying due to the contractions. I was rushed to the hospital when i absolutely couldn't bare the pain anymore. Once i was there, my son was born no more than an hour and a half later. It was the first birth where i had my family with me. My other two sons were born out of state. It was very memorable and exciting to have all the love and support in the room. A day i will never ever forget.
'I met with a second individual ("Person A") regarding this individual's personal issue and, based on my personal experience and education, offered suggestions, insight, and strategies for dealing with Person A's issue.'. Expand upon this in your own unique storytelling style.
Six weeks ago, my buddy came to me seeking some advice or help on an issue of his. He had been really stressed out at his job, was feeling burned out from it, and was having trouble sleeping. He knew that I have a background in psychology, as well general health and well being, so I might be able to help him out. We first talked about what he thought might have been triggering the stress and anxiety at work. He said that he was having trouble concentrating because he was always feeling fatigued at work. This fatigue was starting to impact his job performance because he was struggling to get all his tasks done during the work day. The next thing I asked him was how well he was sleeping at night, and he said that he was having a lot of trouble falling asleep. In fact, he would toss and turn for a while, and then he would get on his phone for a little while, hoping that this would make him sleepy. I explained to him that maintaining proper sleep health is really important in having high quality sleep. People should only ever do two things in bed: sleep or have sex. The reason for this, is when you do other activities in bed, you are confusing your brain on whether or not you should be sleeping. Because of this, when you lay down in bed, you should never be reading or on your phone because this can compromise healthy sleep. After that, we talked about nutrition. Eric tends to eat oatmeal for breakfast on most days, a sandwich and vegetables or fruit for lunch, and he usually orders takeout for dinner. This did not seem like a big deal to me, but when I pressed him about what he typically drinks on a daily basis, he says that he pretty much just drinks sodas or coffee all day, and only stops the caffeinated drinks half an hour before bed. I explained to him that this is a really unhealthy habit. Not only are you putting yourself at risk for diabetes and hypertension from that level of caffeine and sugar, but you are also making it very difficult for yourself to fall asleep when you drink them almost all the way up until you go to bed. My recommendation for him was to significantly cut out the caffeine from his diet (as well as drink more water), and try to maintain healthier sleep habits. These things have worked for me in the past, so I am sure that they would work for him.
"My husband surprised me with a wonderful day out for our 22nd wedding anniversary. We went boating, swimming and picnicking and had a lot of good food throughout the day. He then topped it ll off with a champagne hot air balloon ride at sunset.". Transform this into a brief but exciting tale.
May was mine and my husband's 22nd wedding anniversary. I really thought that it would really be just like any other day, we would probably exchange cards and have a nice dinner like usual but he had other plans. He started off that morning with a surprise breakfast of homemade cinnamon apple pancakes and bacon and fresh squeezed orange juice served with a bouquet of flowers with our dog wearing a black bow tie. Breakfast was delicious! He then said that we were all going out for the day and to get ready for some outdoor fun. We got ready and we drove up into the mountains where he had booked a boat ride for me, him and the dog and we got to speed around on the lake stopping to swim and just enjoy the sunshine. We then set out to a little island and had a beautiful picnic on the private beach watching our dog run up and down the bank chasing and barking at the waves from the other boats going by. We spent the afternoon just having fun and relaxing, the feel of the boat just making all life's problems disappear for just a little while. We headed back to the marina and I figured our day was over but he had one more surprise for me that day. We had to drop off our dog at our friends house for a little bit and got cleaned up and dressed and then we headed further into the mountains. We stopped at a very fancy new restaurant and had a wonderful meal of fresh seafood and the best fried potatoes I have ever eaten along with freshly baked bread and a fabulous chocolate cake for dessert. He had the waiter bring over fresh flowers and some wine as a special treat. My husband leaned over for a kiss and said that he still had one more surprise for me and to get ready for some fun! We went just a little further and we were at the top of a mountain and I saw a hot air balloon. I got so excited because I have been wanting to go on a hot air balloon ride for years. We got in and it was breathtaking, we were there for a champagne sunset trip and the weather was gorgeous and we just held on to each other through the whole trip thankful that we are still happily married and so much in love. The day was amazing from start to finish and I still think about it today.
Shape a brief story influenced by the ideas in the kickstarter text.
The story is about a trip I took to Budapest, Hungary with one of my best friends. The trip was a very enriching experience. We were exposed to Hungary's culture, beautiful scenery, and were able to catch up after not having seen each other for almost a year.
It was great being able to catch up with Jen after not seeing much of each other in the last year. The fact that I got to catch up with her while also getting to visit Budapest made it even better. Neither of us have ever been to Hungary before and it was a great bonding experience. Of course there where the expected difficulties communicating with locals and finding our way around an unfamiliar city. But we stuck together and helped each other out. Over all we found the people of Budapest to be friendly and helpful. One of my favorite places was the Gellert Bath and Spa centre because who doesn't enjoy a spa day. After several days of site seeing it was nice to relax and enjoy a massage. Of course there where plenty of other things to see. Jen liked the Parliament building . Being into history we both like Hero's square. The House of Terror was an interesting look at Hungary's more recent history. We also enjoyed the the local flea market. It was great seeing a little piece of everyday life in Budapest. The Buda Hills also offered a great day away from the city. We enjoyed a nice bike ride along the trails. I lovely picnic was the perfect end to the day.
Develop a concise narrative using the text snippet as a seed.
I met with a professor at a medical school that I wanted to go to, that I hoped would boost my chances of getting in. He was very helpful, and receptive to helping me.
Several months ago, I was able to meet with the professor of my top choice medical school that I was applying to. My uncle put me in contact with the professor, and said that he was very influential in the school, and that his mentorship and rotating with him would improve my chances of an acceptance. Early that morning, my uncle gave me his e-mail address, and I wrote him an e-mail expressing my interest in shadowing him and gaining his insight. A few minutes later, he e-mailed me back, and told me to meet him at the school that day. This threw me off guard, as I wasn't expecting even an e-mail from him that day, much less to drive to the medical school and meet with him. I quickly put on a pair of chinos, and a collared shirt (which was wrinkled because I didn't have anything ironed), and drove to the medical school to meet with him. It took me about twenty minutes to get there, and about another 10 to wait in front of the front desk. It was awkward explaining my situation to the receptionist out front, since I was neither a medical student nor a patient, but just a desperate individual trying to get into medical school. His assistant eventually called me in, and he walked me over to a conference room where we went through my application. I initially didn't know what to expect from the conversation, or what he would ask of me. My grades weren't the best, but I had a relatively MCAT score that would make me competitive for most schools. I was shocked by how nice he was, and what length he was going to for a person that he had never met. He told me that I would be competitive for his school, as well as a number of other schools. He told me that I needed to finish the rest of my application ASAP however, which I kind of already knew to begin with. However, hearing it from him gave me a sense of urgency, so I ended up being determined to finish it. This conversation continued for over an hour, as we went through things I could do to improve my application. Overall, I was really impressed how giving he was. I can't say that I've ever encountered someone so willing to help out a total stranger. This confirmed that this school was my top choice, and it was my mission to become accepted there.
Write a short narrative based on or inspired by 'It was an early July morning when we officially decided to part ways. After asking if I would be happier without you, you made up your mind that it was over. Hurt and confused, I tried to fix things for weeks. Months later, I finally realized it was time to let it go.'.
I still look back on what I thought were some of the best days and times of my life. Those adventures we went on together, the vacations we shared, the silly laughs at the dumbest things... just sharing everything together. I think I am now starting to fully come to grasp with the idea that I do not need you to survive or be the best version of myself. For the longest time I thought I relied on you, that the image of "us" is what kept me strong and instilled confidence in me. Having made it through the remainder of the summer and single, I was able to spend a lot of time focusing on me. At first I thought perhaps it was because I wasn't good enough, or that I was doing something wrong. I can clearly see now that it is much more the idea of us both holding on to more of a perfect but unrealistic version of us being together. Perhaps you had seen this first... maybe you saw this a while ago, yet for me I am now just starting to see it. I am finally starting to smile again and find interest in old hobbies that I seemed to have lost when we were together. Allowing myself to have time to focus on my own self improvement has allowed me to mentally, physically and emotionally repair and feel more upbeat. Don't get me wrong though. There are still days that I think about you and I think about what we had. I believe I will always think about that. I am sure that you will as well. A part of me will always care for you and love you, but that part of me is no longer in love with you.
Draw from the hint text to weave a condensed story.
I met my friend for lunch at a local casino, We both had a great amount of luck and left quite well off for the short time we were there.
The weather was hot, typical for a July day in Las Vegas. My friend Trudy texted me to let me know she was nearby and could we meet for lunch. We texted back and forth and finally agreed to meet at a local casino in thirty minutes and try the buffet. I drove to the casino and found a place to park in the garage in the shade. Nothing quite as much fun as returning to your car when it is 110 degrees outside and the inside of the car is considerably hotter from sitting in the sun. We found each other in the casino and headed upstairs to the buffet. Soon we were in the line choosing what we each would have. I choose the prime rib with sweet potatoes. Trudy choose the broiled salmon with Hollander sauce. We sat down at our tale and began to catch up on what was going on in our lives . It had been some time since we has actually sat down and caught up. I commented on how I missed seeing her and she mentioned that she felt the same. Perhaps we should make an effort to get together more often We finished up our meal up with a cup of coffee and some delicious pastry from the desert line. On our way out we decided to try our luck at one of the many slot machines in the casino. Wow what a good idea ! We each found a machine to play . With in a few minutes I had hit a jackpot of $1000. 00 ! While I was waiting for the machine to clear Trudy hit a jock pot also ! What a great lunch ! We both made a few dollars on their lunch break. The family will benefit from my wonderful lunch. We agreed to meet again soon !
Develop a short narrative from the seed.
single mother from another country coming to the usa looking for asylum after the death of her husband/father of her three children.
I met a mother that had three children. They had come from another country to the USA seeking asylum due to the father of her children being murdered. The children needed physicals for school and the mother had a tooth that was hurting her with infection due to her tooth having broken .I was able to get the children in to clinic to get their shots and have their physicals done for school. Doing this helped her not lose her food stamps. She had just lost her job and could not feed her children without her food stamps. I was also able to get the mother an appointment with our dentist. When she saw the dentist we found she had lots of infection. She had not been able to eat or sleep due to the pain. By the time she left she had an xray done and had antibiotics to help with her infection. The children are so sweet and appreciative and the mother was the same way. It made me grateful that I was able to speak their language to be able to help them and make sure they got what they needed in order to survive without their patriarch. It was a sad situation but their personalities made it such a pleasant experience to be a part of. This mother put her children first which all parents should do. I am thankful she was able to escape the dangerous situation she was in in her home country. She came to the USA to take care of her family and she was doing the best she could. I hope that I may be of help to her if she ever needs help again.
Turn this brief piece of information into a mini-story: 'I went to Beijing, China for the 2nd ever after living in the United States for over 10 years. I was able to go with my sister there along with my other family members and the most memorable places we went were Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, and the Great Wall of China.'.
About 2 months ago I went bejing, china. The time went was it was my 2nd time ever after living in the united states for over 10 years. I really enjoy living in the united states but china is my home. when I was back in america everything was going fine. I visisted almost every memorable place in the americas. I wanted to explore a little bit more so I thought it would be perfect to be in china. I was super excited once I decided to go. without thinking i'd be alone traveling there I knew once in china I had people to see. I didn't go alone however. I was able to go there with my sister. Along with my other family members. It was great for everyone to get a chance to visist. we went to some of the most memorable places when were there. Some places like the Tiananmen square, and the forbidden city. we also got a chance to visit the great wall of china.
Develop a concise narrative using the text snippet as a seed.
A beautiful day turned terrifying when my son fell in an algae covered waterway. I jumped in to rescue him and we received some additional help from staff and good samaritans . Thankfully, no one was seriously hurt or injured although I was quite shaken up.
It was a beautiful day and I was home with my two sons, ages 5 and 8. I decided to take them to a nearby nature preserve where we could ride bikes and scooters. We were having a lot of fun checking out the sites. My kids especially enjoyed going down hills. They fought a little vying to be first but those arguments were thankfully short lived. At my request, we took a break to see some sights that I had never seen before; 2 old empty fountains, and a really cool Japanese style red bridge. After playing around by the fountain, we walked over to the bridge. I quickly noticed that the water below the bridge was completely green from algae. We went onto the bridge and I took a few pictures of the boys. My younger son walked off the bridge and I took a solo pic of my older son. I was keeping an eye on my younger son but saw him go closer to the water. I called on him to stop. I saw him get up on a rock right by the water's edge. I started going towards him telling him to stop but he went forward.I was running towards him as he fell in the water. I immediately jumped in to get him. I pulled him up quickly from the water. There were two older gentleman who must have witnessed this. They pulled us both out of the water. I checked my son who was freaked out but seemed ok. I was terrified because I had heard about recent reports of toxic algae blooms in nearby waterways. I called the main number of the nature preserve and told them what happened. They were able to get someone to drive us back to our car, with the bicycles and scooters. We came home and showered. I made some calls and got some assurances. The whole event had me very shaken up about the potential dangers and how quickly things can happen.
Imagine a brief story from the details in 'My mother would always speak poorly of my father who was not in my life growing up, but we recently reconnected. He told me he loved me and I said it back for the first time ever that I can remember.'. Write it.
Growing up, my mother would always speak poorly of my father. I did not know him, but she would always bad mouth him. The things she said were very negative and hurtful. She would sometimes go on and on about what a piece of crap he is. I didn't know him because he was not around. I tried to take what she said with a grain of salt. She had to have liked him at some point, right? That's why she got with him in the first place, right? About three weeks ago, out of the blue, I received a random text from somene saying they are my father. I didn't believe it at first. But he knew my birthday and everything! I called him up and we talked for about three hours catching up. He told me all about what he's been doing and why he wasn't around. Turns out, he had sent me cards at every major holiday growing up but my mom never gave them to me! WTF?! The most amazing part of the conversation was at the end when he told me that he loved me. I said it back to him too for the first time in as long as I can remember. It felt so great to hear that from him and to say it. I didn't realize what was missing in my life growing up. I didn't have a bad upbringing from my mom, but it would have been great for him to be there too. I'm looking forward to meeting up with him soon. He'll be in town in a couple of weeks. I'm anxious but excited. I'll let you know how it goes after he gets here!
"I was fired from one of the best jobs that I ever had. My day was very unlucky due to the fact of uncontrollable circumstances. Told my boss, who gave me the okay, but in the end it wasn't okay.". Please narrate a quick story that connects with this.
I was fired from my job about 6 months ago, which is one of the worst days of of my life. It was a casual early morning around 4:45am, i was leaving for work at the same time I usually leave. When I made it about 10 min away from my crib i realize i forgot my lunch, so i turned around figuring since i always get to work about 20 min early I have time to spare. So i turned back and grab my lunch and headed to work. Then i saw it was a car accident on the highway and realize this is major setback. I couldn't see what it was. Waiting, I eventually get closer and see that its a 18 wheeler truck, stuck in a ditch. Something clicked in my head like this going to be one of the worst days of my life. I called my manager to give them a heads up on the situation and they told me I'll be okay, so I'm thinking "I should be okay and have nothing to worry about". I arrived to work 15 min late, grab my work equipment and headed to my location. I start working and i could see the GM passing by me just about every 30-45 min. Now I'm scared cause he doesn't come around unless there's a problem. So I'm shiver-en and panicking. I ask one of my co workers who was close to the manager and they responded that I was okay and he hadn't heard anything. I'm guessing I'm good then. The day is almost finish and I get a call from the manager telling to gather my gear so i can complete a survey and leave. I didn't think much of it cause surveys are common at my job. I walk to the office and I'm there with him and the GM, they tell me to sit. I knew it was bad news due to the fact the GM was there. I sat and just thought "Say it". They said it with no hesitation and my heart froze for 5 seconds, I'm crying on the inside but on the outside acting like I'm okay. I'm walked out the building in front of peers who are just staring at me I'm feeling embarrassed and shameful. I gave them the key to the locker and shook there hands and left. Driving home thinking this day is something that really impact me. Got home and just sat in the bed looking a the wall with a dull face thinking about "What's next".
Narrate a short, intriguing tale that revolves around: 'Me and my friends planned a psychedelic trip together at a friends house. It was an amazing time and we most all had a blast. I learned things about myself that help me cope with my mental disorders to this day.'.
This story takes place about three months ago. It was the end of May, and it was a beautiful day in my home town. A group of old high school friends and current best friends decided to get together for a psychedelic adventure at a buddy's house. One friend watched over us all sober as a safety precaution. The other three took high doses of psychedelics. I myself only took a very small threshold dose, as I was not in a mental state for a full one. It was awesome hanging out with my bros like were were young again. I hadn't seen Andy in over a decade, and he has been so depressed, on that day he was as giddy as could be. My friend George had a very rough time and did not have fun, while Chad took care of him. Bob took the most of all, and was having a blast in his own world. I decided to retreat to the shed, for some quiet and meditate, as everyone else was busy. It was fantastic, I was able to work out many of my anxiety and panic issues on that day, or at least identify why they are happening better. It was incredibly therapeutic. More so than any traditional therapy by far. The drug allowed me to look at my thoughts from a new perspective, and I was able to see things so clearly I could not at all before within my mind and how it functions. I am a much better person for it, and feel more mentally sound than I have in years. The day ended slowly without much commotion, but we all had a blast. The funniest part was when Andy saw a ton of ants in the yard and said "They out here." The timing was just so hilarious, but you had to be there to understand. I am so happy that I decided to take part, it will be one of my life long memories, as where I started to finally heal from my mental issues, and reconnected with long lost best friends from high school. I hope we can do it again some day, it was better than any vacation I've taken as far as stress relief goes by far. The names in this story have been changed for anonymity.
Develop a short narrative from the seed.
My wife and I went to Paris. We saw Notre Dame Cathedral. We experienced a mass there just before part of it burned down.
Four months ago, my wife and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary by taking a trip to Paris, France. It was our second time to Europe together but the first time to Paris. After the long flight, we got on the train to take it in to the city. We went straight to the hotel and rested for a bit. We then took the subway in to the heart of Paris. As we stepped out in to the sunlight from underneath the ground, the first site we say was Notre Dame Cathedral in all of it's splendor. My wife started crying and I was overwhelmed at the sites and sounds of Paris. It is beautiful. Little did we know that Notre Dame would be burning down a few days later. The most memorable part of this experience happened inside of Notre Dame. As we walked in, we realized a mass had just started. We heard the most beautiful music. We sat down and experienced the mass. Since my wife knows French, she told me what the priest was saying. It was a wonderful experience and we may have been in one of the last services before it burned.
Envision a brief tale inspired by the ideas encapsulated in the primer text.
my ex girlfriend got me a gift on my birthday party which was surprising because i didn't invite her but she came.
Two months ago i had my birthday party and it was glorious. I enjoyed myself and it was a very awesome experience. I was surprised when i saw my ex girlfriend. i didn't expect her to come, She got me a brand new Ipone X Max. My present girlfriend gift was not as good as my ex. My friends said that they believe she still loves me. I drank so much on my birthday. I kissed my ex girlfriend in the closet. She was so pretty on my birthday party. My girlfriend was jealous .I was not really bothered about the kiss though it was a lovely moment . My girlfriend did not know about the kiss. I was tipsy but still active and alert. Later i told my friends about the kiss, and the little romance. we all laughed about it and we continued with the party. Later i went to the rest room, my ex also came to the rest room, we kissed and cuddled. I felt guilty because i was cheating on my girlfriend but i was not very bothered based on the fact that i was enjoying the moment.
Construct a succinct story having its roots in the provided snippet.
My mother moved from Minnesota to Missouri for six months on short notice. She has left my family before during my childhood. I feel very hurt and abandoned by her actions.
I recently found out that my mother was moving away from Minnesota to Missouri for six months. This was very shocking as it was short notice and all of her family is here in Minnesota. I honestly feel rather hurt that she has the desire to be so far away from family, especially because my son will probably start walking while she is gone and I feel she is missing out on a lot. She did this once before when my siblings and me were still kids and I feel like that left an emotional scar that she is opening again by leaving again. She can be a very controlling and hurtful person, so I feel like I should be happy that she is leaving but I am not. I feel abandoned. She once told me a story about how when she was growing up her father made her feel abandoned. He would say he was going to come pick her up, and she would sit on the curb outside her house waiting with her luggage. She would sit there for hours and he would never show up. Now when I think about that story I feel bitter. She has done the very same thing to her family. She leaves on a whim with almost no notice and is gone for months. This will be the third time she has done this. She even knowingly missed my sons birth. He is her only grandson. She says she's excited about him and then leaves and misses out on his milestones. I feel very hurt by her.