"Brother who live far away from the family come to meet his family, giving surprise and happy moment for every one in the home.Surprise to every one living in the home". Compose a narrative where this plays a significant role.
I always wanted a baby brother or sister because being the only child got lonely sometimes. I always sat there in my room, playing with my Barbies, but always wanted someone to play with. Of course I had friends my age, but "they couldn't live with me," my mother repeatedly told me after my crying sessions when they left. I wanted someone to mess with and blame things on. If I took the last cookie off the plate, I couldn't blame anyone. It was clearly me. I mean, I loved being spoiled by both of my parents, but my dad wouldn't want to sit down and have tea parties with me and my stuffed animals, and my mother got tired of it after an hour or so. So where did that leave me? Alone with Mr. Penguin with his overstuffed white belly, and my favorite pink bear with the bright yellow hat that I can't remember the name of now. It was hot. Well maybe it wasn't, but that's how I felt. I tried to hide the tears that were about to come down by smiling. That always worked. "Cool," I said. My dad could see that there was some subliminal message that I wasn't telling him, but he went along with it. I stared into the baby's big brown eyes, complemented by long eyelashes I envied. He looked back at me and smiled. "Hi Legend, I'm your big sister." It was a regular day after school, but I decided to go over my dads for a little while before I went home. My dad picked me up from Broad & Olney and on the ride to his house, he blasted some good ole hip hip in his oversized truck. When we reached a parking spot, he stopped me. "Symone, I got a surprise for you." "What is it," I said eagerly.
"My cousin had a beautiful summer wedding in a local garden on a most beautiful day. Everyone was happy to be there and seemed really relaxed and enjoyed themselves.". Narrate a short story that features this somehow.
In June I attended the fourth marriage of my cousin who seems to have finally gotten it right. The ceremony was held outside in a lovely garden which opened up to a large field with a hugh white podium decorated so elegantly with white flowers. The other members of the wedding party did not wear formal wear as did the groom and bride which was a nice contrast. They instead wore ballerina wear. The backdrop of the white chairs on the green grass was also very lovely. It was a very sunny day so the brightly colored umbrellas that were handed out as we entered the garden as a nice touch. The reason the event was so memorable to me was because it brought together a lot of my other cousins whom I had not seen in many years. I have very happy to have the opportunity to see one cousin in particular that I had not seen since we were little girls. I could not believe how much she resembled herself as a girl so there was no problems identifying her at all. We exchanged cell phone numbers and promised to stay in touch, something I plan to do as we are both getting older every day. The other main reason my cousin's wedding stood out for me was seeing my elderly aunt, (bride's mother) who is well into her 80's now, attend the event and enjoy the day. She has had a few health scares and it was really good that she could attend and be a part of the festivities. I also think it did everyone good to sit outside in the sun while breathing in air freshened by all the foliage that surrounded us. My cousin usually goes for either very flashy men or men who depend on woman more than they should, however, this time around, she chose someone who stands on his own and who enjoys a simple life being with the one he loves. We all can see the love they have for each other which made the day that much more enjoyable knowing that finally, she has chosen well as she moves into the middle stage of her life.
Imagine a short story that could spring from this excerpt.
My wife gave birth to our child. It was a great and memorable experience that I will never forget. I was so happy to hold him for the first time.
About two months ago, I had my first child. I have never had such a great experience before. I was elated, and it was my wife's first child too. I held him in my hands, and cried. I was filled with emotions. I never thought it would be so great. I could not let the child go. It was a boy, and I loved that too. My wife was weak from childbirth. I held her close, and she lit up. WE were the most happy we have ever been. We loved making a child. We can not wait to have another. She is not looking forward to leaving the child. We will be happy to make a girl next time. HOwever, either one is fine.
From this brief statement: 'My youngest, my son was to enter PS3 and I was excited and a bit scared and wanted it to be wonderful for him. It turned out to be a success overall and he is enjoying it.', create a short narrative.
It was my sons birthday and I decided to finally buy him the PS3 he's always wanted. I went out to the store and decided to buy it for him. I did not feel good about it. I wasn't used to making big purchases as I was trying to pay off my school loans. He got straight A's this semester so I thought that this gift was well deserved. I came home and decided to wrap the gift. Later on at night, I decided to bake some cupcakes and gather a few of his friends around. I wanted it to special for him. I, of course, did not forget to buy extra controllers so he could play with his friends. So, I decided to finally give him the gift. He was so excited. He opened the box so fast it was as if someone played fast forward. He then proceeded to go into the living room with his friends to set up the PS3. He created his game accounts and started to play with the games that I had bought him. It was a day to remember.
Use your creativity to transform the inspiration text into a concise full-length story.
About my life changes and me moving back home to Portland, Oregon. I think the politics are a little much though. I will be looking for work then continuing my story..
Today I need to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life. It turns out I am unable to cut it here in New York City and in order to make ends meet, I need to move back home to Portland, Oregon. My parents have been gracious enough to let me stay with them for the time being. This is particularly painful as I really thought I had it set. I was following my dreams in New York. I was chasing the goal of being a Broadway actor but I'm just not cut out for it. It is an immense struggle to balance the art while maintaining a day job. To make matters worse, the politics of the musical theater scene are intense. I do not know how people are supposed to make it in this city. Everywhere you go, people are fake. Everyone is using you to get ahead. How does anyone manage healthy relationships in this environment? Everyone is constantly trying to get ahead and no one is willing to help the young people get started. I see no path for me to get ahead. I can't continue living in my studio apartment, barely making ends meet, for a dream in an industry that does not care about me one bit. It is time for me to accept defeat and move on.
With the suggestion text as a catalyst, concoct a short story.
My cousin decided to go on a family cruise for her birthday. We got tickets, met up, and had fun on the cruise.
I had been talking to my cousin about her birthday for months. Even though it was her 16th birthday, I felt like it was partly my celebration too. After all, she was only born three weeks before me. So when she decided that she wanted to take a cruise with her family, I was immediately excited. I talked to my parents and they agreed, so we all bought tickets for an all-inclusive cruise. It was for seven days and seven nights and went to the Bahamas, which none of us had visited before. My cousin and I were so pumped to do all the activities we could sign up for. She wanted to go snorkeling really badly, while I was obsessed with parasailing. Luckily we were able to do both of these activities twice before the trip ended! Our parents enjoyed mostly comedy shows and magic acts at night, while we were left to run around and do just about whatever we wanted. The 24 hour ice cream bar kept our attention most of the time, but we also enjoyed walking circles around the full sized track. Even though it's been five months since our awesome trip, I still feel like I weigh about 20 pounds more because of the crazy amount of food. Every night we had the option of having steak for dinner, and it was delicious. Coupled with all the ice cream it's easy to see why so many people gain weight on cruises. I know next time I go on a cruise I will definitely try to limit how much I eat AND run on the track! What a great trip!
Take the kickoff text, and let it inspire a quick, riveting tale.
It was my first experience at a naked japanese hot spring, which I shared with my sister in law. I hadn't spoke to her in depth in over five years and we finally had time together to accept our bodies.
Recently, I went on a trip with my partner to Japan and Korea. We were there to see the countries but also to visit with his sister and soon to be son in law. We first stopped in Tokyo, because I was excited to go to Tokyo DisneySea. I was blown away by the cleanliness of the park, the friendlieness, and just the general kindness of the people around us. While on vacation in Japan, we went to a spa with my sister-in law and her boyfriend. The spa was completed gender separated, the girls and the boys were not able to bathe together because you were expected to go into the hot spring nude. I was struck by the thought that I would have to be in front of my sister in law naked and how many other women. I worried about my body, my hair, my fat the entire train ride up into the mountains. But once, we got there, and I was in my robe waiting to go into the water, I stopped caring. I was quick to adjust and accept that was what was going to happen. The first time I went in I thought it was like a soak that you would do in a hot tub. I was wrong, very wrong. It was more like a spa experience where you are expected to do temperature treatments in the water. Going back and forth between hot and cold while you clean/scrub your body. I felt great afterward, my skin was so soft. I quickly became comfortable with my body and it wasn't an issue. I was self-conscious but accepted that my body is my body and it isn't going to change in the next hour. It was an emotional experience because during that time that my sister in law and I were in the water we got to talk and I thought really get to know one another. We hadn't seen each other much since we were living in different countries and it was a great experience to spend together. It was great to have such a personal experience of accepting my body with another strong confident women beside me. We talked about our body insecurities and over coming them together. For a girl that has always been big this was a major moment in my life.
Embed this statement in a short narrative: "A few months ago I got together with my two best friends from high school. We had not all been together in over 30 years. We drank, and they got high. We cruised all the local gay bars. They spent the night at my place, the only guests I have ever had.".
Nick and Terry came over, separately. Nick brought his own bottle of booze and some weed. Terry showed up later with weed. So things never change. Nick and I share some very personal, painful memories before Terry got there. It was hard. Terry was aloof as usual. The bar we went to for dinner was so filled with basic, boring white people. It was pathetic. Back to the condo, and back out to do the gay bars. We took Uber, because the booze and weed just kept coming. The bars were fun, the conversation was strange at points and familiar at points. It was surreal. I just kept drinking. After we got home, they spent the night. I do not know if they finally had sex after 30+ years or not. I did not ask. I threw up, passed out. The next morning they left, promising we would do it again in a couple of months. Of course, I have never heard from either of them since. I am a terrible person.
Take the guide text and let it guide your pen to create a fascinating, short story.
I was in a hit and run accident, which really scared my daughter and myself. Though it's a mess trying to deal with the police and insurance companies, the accident taught me to be grateful for life itself.
Recently, I was involved in a car accident. I was driving on the highway, with my daughter in the back seat. Suddenly, a car cut in front of me and caused me to drive onto the shoulder off of the road. The car that hit me kept driving, though I was able to get part of the license plate and identifiable features of the car. My daughter started screaming like I had never heard her scream before. Though neither of us were hurt, it was very scary. It took a long time for me to get her to calm down. The police were eventually able to track down the driver, who claimed that they did not hit me. Luckily, the police were able to match the damage on their vehicle to the damage on my vehicle. Despite this proof, the other driver is claiming they did not do it and it was not their fault. The whole criminal case and insurance claim is ongoing and very tedious. However, I am grateful that my daughter and I are still alive. The accident made me realize how important time with family is. It can be taken away so quickly and without warning. I now try to live each day to the fullest and appreciate how lucky we were that the accident wasn't worse. It was traumatizing, but the event has shown me what's really important in life: happiness and family.
"A woman has a surprise c-section. That c-section includes other unasked for procedures and a sad ending to her body. Alas, she got a cute baby out of it so all is not lost.". Use this to inspire a captivating yet brief narrative.
So the baby came early. I was in the kitchen when I started having labor pains. I didn't think much of them at first, but they got worse. My husband came home and we raced to the hospital. There, they put me in a room, and I waited. There were doctors and nurses everywhere. They hooked me up to lots of machines. I wasn't able to stay awake. When I woke up, the baby was out. They had done a C-section. Something had happened so that I needed one. Now I have a bad infection, and some issues with the surgery. Apparently there's some internal damage. I'm working with insurance and a lawyer to try and get things fixed up. But my baby's so sweet! I may be hurt, but at least she's alive.
Imagine a short story that could spring from this excerpt.
I wrote about how I lost everything in my life and wondered around lost and hopeless for years. Just when I was ready to give up, life showed me just how quickly things can turn around and, thankfully, for the good this time! Never give up!
Just when I thought thought that I have reached the peak of my career, i got sick to the point of which I'm now disabled. I'm 50 years old and have the 3 most amazing children in the world. Their ages are 25, 19 and 20 ( almost 21). Two boys and a girl (the youngest). I spent the vast majority of the last half of my life caring for my children. Now that they are older, I was excited to explore and excel in my professional career. My professional background is Healthcare Operations/Revenue Cycle Management. I Have managed Doctor offices, Hospital departments, taught Medical Billing and Coding, etc. This career path began in 1996. However, I needed a change in my career path therefore I started working for a behavioral health software company in about three years ago. Little did I know how this job would impact my life. At first, it was very exciting as I was travelling a lot. This was the most memorable and exciting aspect of the job. I was able to go to states that I would've never dreamed of traveling to. Unfortunately, to my greatest surprise, there were more projects then the staff to handle. everyone on my team were overloaded with work. The standard was 4 projects at a time. But due to the overload, I was given 6-8 projects back to back. I started overworking myself to meet project deadline. The more I did that the more my health declined. I keep pushing myself more and more because I really liked the implementation and project management aspect of my career path. unfortunately, I became more and more ill and I could no longer meet deadlines. Therefore, I was laid off and had to find another career path with less stress. While recovering from my illness, my financial struggle was real. I nearly lost my home, my car, etc, so thank God for my amazing family and friends that I am able to bounce back.
Here's a brief idea: 'My daughter gave birth to my first grandchild. I was the first person to take him home. We have an inseperble bond.'. Turn it into a short story.
A vey memorable time in my life is when my first grandchild was born. The love a andmother has for a grandchild is immense. At the time when my daughter was pregnant she was having a difficult time financially. I sent for her to come live with me for the duration of her pregnancy. It was a long hard pregnancy, but she made it. My grandson was born April 23 2017. It was a pefect day for such a great event. He was born looking just perfect like an angel. I was so proud to be his grandma and instantly couldn't wait to show him off. I took so many pictures that it was abscurd. Unfortunately, my daughter fell ill after she gave birth. My grandson was released by the hospital to me. I was the first person to take him out of the hospital an take him home. I had everything set up and ready for him. It was such an awesome and overwhelming feeling. I haven't had a baby in awhile so it felt ackward but I quickly got back into the swing of things. I had my grandson for his first two weeks all to myself. We formed an inseperable bond. There is nothing I wouldn't do for him I travel 450 plus miles to get him everal times a year. He stays with me 9 months out of the year. I am very proud to be his grandma. He is now 2 and is excelling in everything he does. And it is clear that everything he knows his grandma taught him. It is also clear that he loves me just as much as I love him.
Spin a quick story that includes elements from: "My siblings and I took our 88 year old Dad to Ireland. It was a bucket list wish of his to meet his Mum's family and see his ancestral home. It was all we imagined it to be, with ties made that will last forever.".
Me,my sister, and my three brothers took my Dad to Ireland, which was something he had always regretted not doing, and never thought he would get to before he died. He was 88, and we knew that this would make him so happy. The kindness and sheer simplicity of our visit is something that we all will never forget. The people of Ireland are friendly, welcome long lost kin as if we had been best friends forever, and take part in a simpler way of life that just held so much meaning for my Dad. Evenings were filled with music, as friends and family gather in someone's home for a nice night of Irish ballads, whiskey, good food, and lots of laughs. My dad loved the old fashioned meals, with fresh butter, eggs and vegetables right from the farm we were staying at. He could not get over all the sheep that his relatives owned. My Dad, even at 88, ( now 89), makes a point to walk about five miles a day, and found the little lanes and paths in the villages we stayed in to be special, like travellng back in time. The highlight of the trip was an AA meeting. My Dad came back from Korea and promptly developed a drinking problem, and very luckily, sought help from Alcohol Anonymous in 1954. The has faithfully gone to weekly meetings since then , and this year, celebrated 65 years sobriety. He went to a meeting not too far from where his grandfather grew up, met some wonderful people, and said it was a memory he will carry with him through eternity. Another great by product of this trip is how it keeps my siblings and I close. We each take turns choosing events or trips to take together to keep us close. We lost our mom when we were very young, and we know just how important family can be, because you can lose a part of it in an instant. That's why the Ireland trip was so important. For dad to meet cousins, and other relatives really made him feel part of his history. My brothers are into motorcycles, and while eating at a nearby pub, met some other like minded distant relatives, and went on a nice long ride all along that section of Ireland, on rented bikes. My brothers are all Harley boys, but enjoyed the Irish motorcycles a lot. One place Dad wanted to see , was St Patrick's Cathedral inDublin, so we took him there. We have a picture my brother Tim took, of Dad walked down the long aisle toward the altar. My dad is only five feet tall, and the majesty of the cathedral with my dad in the middle of it makes quite a statement. The memories of this trip will always be with us, long after my dad passes, and worth every penny and every minute.
Turn the source text into a creative, brief narrative.
I was invited to a show. I was nervous at first but was talked to and eased into performing. Thanks to the experience I garnered from the show I have reached new heights in my path.
My very first time performing at a show was such a mixed experience. A few months ago my cousin told me about a show that features a open mic segment for up incoming artist. I was hesitant to accept but he assure me that i would regret the decision to not participate and eased me into the thought of performing. I prepared for this the best i could in such shot notice. He picked me up that evening and we rode of to the venue. When I got there i felt rather underwhelmed by the presence and aura around the venue. I remember being rather confident almost borderline arrogant about my talent and abilities to entertain the crowd. I was talking myself up to the other artist present at the venue with looking back seemed like a cover for the underlying nervousness I felt. When I was finally called up I felt a release of a almost crippling anxiety build up inside of me. The more I approached the stage the worst the anxiety affected me until I finally hit the stage. That's when a feeling i can't quite describe came over me. I felt like I could do any thing and that I was on auto pilot a natural high of some sort. It was liberating something I want to feel over and over again. That rush has help me step into even more opportunity over the past few months. I think that was the single most pivotal moment for me this year.
'This is a story about a small family reunion in Bellevue, Washington. My sister, brother and other family members attended. We went wine tasting and out to dinner and had a great time together.'. How could this be the foundation of a compelling story?
I have always loved it when i could get to visit my family. It has been getting more and more hard. Everyone is busy these days. Jobs and stuff. Can't blame them though. However, we do try and find time to be together. We got back together last month, around four weeks ago. It was a small family reunion in Bellevue, Washington. Uncle John has a small place there. Mary came, so did Liam and others. It felt like old times. We went on a trip of wine tasting there. It was really fun. It was especially surprising to see Mary enjoy it, as she was never a wine person. We all had such great fun. Hoping to do it soon again.
Transform this idea into a brief narrative: 'This is the basic story of my summer. Not the fun parts, but the parts of my daughter growing up and graduating. It's about realizing kids don't stay kids forever.'.
My summer has been one hell of a ride. My daughter is not my little baby anymore. This year our summer was the usual yearly plan, vacation down in key west. The same little bungalow we always stayed at. The same restaurants we usually visited, the same activities we always did, snorkeling, adventuring. But something was different this year. This year, my daughter now a full blown teenager, wanted nothing to do with us. She was not mean,vindictive or anything else. She just was not my little girl anymore, she was growing into a mature adult. She had her own plans, that did not really involve us anymore. As soon as we arrived, she had an old friend she wanted to meet up with. That was fine, we could manage without her. But, as it turned out we would only see her a tiny fraction of our summer. We knew who she was with, and that she was safe, but, we would very rarely get a chance to interact with her, except through text. I hate texts.
Extend the following text fragment into a short, captivating story.
My fiance and I had a close friend. We all had an argument, and are no longer friends. This has been troubling me for a few months now.
I am engaged to get married to a woman I have known for over a year. We met through socializing with our mutual friends. One of those friends, Judy, was very close to both of us. I had known Judy for two years from working with her in the company I still work for. My fiance, Betty, has known Judy since high school and until recently they were very close friends. A couple months ago we were all at a party thrown by a friend. Everybody had been drinking and socializing for an hour or so. All of sudden I heard Judy screaming at Betty. She called her a "bitch", and said she never wanted anything to do with her again. I was shocked, and walked over to them to see if I could calm things down. Judy looked at me and said, " And are the cause of all of this!" Judy then stomped out of the party and we have not spoken since. I asked my fiance what this was all about, and she just shrugged and said she was shocked and did not know what the problem was. I have tried unsuccessfully to figure it all out. The best I can figure is that Judy had had a crush on me and felt that Betty had taken advantage of me. It seems crazy to end friendships over some silly jealousy, but that is the best explanation I can come up with. I am sad that it happened, but I feel like Betty and I are definitely not at fault. I can only hope that our relationships to Judy improve again over time.
Construct a succinct story having its roots in the provided snippet.
My husband and I got married in July in Colorado with our closest family and friends with us. It rained after the ceremony and signified our strength.
My wedding was on July 31st of this year. It was absolutely magical. We had rented a ranch in Colorado surrounded by mountains for the week for our family and friends to stay at. This was also the place where we held our wedding ceremony and reception. It felt more special than any other wedding because it was mine and I was surrounded by the people who mattered most to not only me but my husband. We had the ceremony in the backyard of the ranch, overlooking the mountains next to us. We could hear the river flowing below us as we recited our vows we wrote to each other. I will never forget seeing my husband's face when I walked to him down the aisle. I knew I was marrying the right man when I took the tears from his eyes. The most magical part of the wedding was after our ceremony. We just barely had enough time to finish family photos before it started to rain over the mountains. We all ran inside and then to the pavilion. I remember standing there looking at the rain coming over the mountains and I was in awe. Standing there with my family and friends and new husband meant the world to me because I had just started the new chapter of my life and I had them all with me. The rain was breathtaking. I knew the rain signified that our relationship would last through anything and I constantly look back at that moment as my favorite. We had spent months and years planning this wedding and it was definitely the most significant aspect of my life to date. I would love to write about this event in the future.
'Traveled home and saw my family for the first time in a long time. I also got a chance to say goodbye to my dog.'. Expand upon this in your own unique storytelling style.
I had such a bittersweet time back home 2 months ago. It had been many months since I had a chance to go back home and see my family. I had been looking forward to it and with the holidays coming up it seemed perfect. I was so happy to see everyone. I think everyone was happy to see me. My first stop once back in my hometown, was my grandma's house. She is the highlight of my visit every time I am home. She had cooked some of my favorite comfort foods for me to come home to. My immediate and extended family was all at her house waiting for me. It felt like we picked up from right where we left off. I didn't feel like it had been months or that I had missed out on anything. In the past leaving my grandma was always the hardest part of my visit home. However it was a little different this time. I had a puppy growing up named Matt. I learned that he was very sick. My dad said he was going to have to putt him down. I am glad I was home to say goodbye to my childhood pet. I am devastated that it had to be done though.
Ready to write a quick tale? Use the springboard text as inspiration.
In time of tragedy and sadness, I was able to find comfort by helping others deal with their pain. I made an effort to go out of my way to be there with others and share their burden.
I was planning a trip to go back east to see my family. Before I booked the flight, my friend's mom hit me up to let me know that she wanted me to take her son's sentimental belongings out of storage and drive them in his car back to them across the country. Her son, my best friend, has terminal brain cancer. I obliged. I took everything out of storage that they would want. I packed it into his car and drove 2700 miles across the country. When I got there, he was in ICU because he suffered a seizure while I was on the road. The entire week I spent every day in the hospital with him and his family. I spent more time there than I did with my own family. They felt comforted because their other son is living in another country and couldn't be there. Also, most friends didn't know that he was even sick with cancer. I was able to inform everyone I knew that he was in the hospital and I got them to come visit. I felt like I was sending out an army to help him and his family. After the week was over, I flew back across the country to where I live. I continue to check up on them.
Your task: weave a brief tale from the suggestion text.
A Type 1 Diabetic prepares to sit down and eat dinner on a typical Saturday afternoon. However, the Type 1 Diabetic unexpectedly experiences extremely low blood sugar which causes problems.
As a Type 1 Diabetic, I have to constantly monitor my blood sugar to ensure it doesn't get to high or low. If my blood sugar is too high, I will need to take insulin to bring it down. Otherwise, I can get extremely sick. If my blood sugar is too low, I need to eat food and drink with carbohydrates in order to raise my blood sugar. If I don't treat my low blood sugar quickly, I can have a seizure which can lead to my death. One Saturday afternoon several months ago, I began to prepare my dinner. I was going to eat two chickens breasts and a cup of brown rice. In order to prevent blood sugar spikes, I need to take my insulin around 30 minutes before I eat. On this day, I took around 10 units of insulin in order to cover my rice. The food took around 30 minutes to prepare and it smelled delicious. I was very eager to eat try out the chicken breasts due to a new recipe I used so I ate both of the chicken breasts first. The chicken was absolutely delicious. However, I had become uncomfortably full. I was full to the point where I felt like I needed to vomit. Unfortunately, at this time my insulin was starting to kick in which dragged my blood sugars down to dangerously low levels. Chicken doesn't have any carbohydrates in them so they wouldn't have prevented my blood sugars from dropping. I needed to eat the rice, but I couldn't because I felt like I was going to vomit. My strength started to go and my body started to spasm. It was harder for me to think clearly due to my low blood sugar. I knew I needed something light that had a lot of carbohydrates to bring up my sugar quick. Through my haze, I remember I had Gatorade Energy Gels. I typically used these gels when I exercise because they have a lot of carbohydrates in them. I tore the gels out of their packets and let them sit under my tongue to dissolve. After sitting and eating the gels, it took about 25 minutes for my blood sugar to get back up to a safe level. I remember sitting on the floor of my living room, drenched in sweat, and feeling relief that I made it through the ordeal.
Craft a short story that includes this scenario: "I went to Ubeda in the south of Spain for my best friend's wedding. I had no expectations whatsoever about the place or the trip. However I was taken aback by the culture and the beauty and can't wait to go back,".
I went to Ubeda a few months ago for one of my best friend's wedding. Ubeda is a little town in the South of Spain. I had been to Spain before, but never to to the South. I didn't know much about the culture in small towns either. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. The city was gorgeous and full of history. There were small bustling streets, people enjoying a drink on terraces, olive trees fields everywhere. Through my friend, I was also able to take a tour of the city and discover it was full of history and had a critical role in shaping the culture of Spain. I really had no expectations and was really surprised. Not only were the people friendly, but the food was also amazing and the setting beautiful as well. This changed my perspective on the south of Spain as well as my perspective of little towns too. I really can't wait to get back to Ubeda as well as explore more the surroundings of the town as well. This trip had a transformational impact on me. I have since then gotten more involved into the Spanish culture, learning more the language and the traditions of the country. I really hope to be able to go back early next year.
"This clarifies an amazing start right to the part of the bargain. My life from the earliest starting point was exceptionally fun as I grew up living with my mother's companion and my companion.". Let's see a short, fascinating narrative that includes this.
This explains an astonishing beginning ideal to the piece of the deal. My life from the most punctual beginning stage was fun as I grew up living with my mom's partner and my buddy. Nevertheless, there were a huge amount of fights and I was very hyper back then. I have ADHD so in those occasions when I was near nothing; I was very hyper and wouldn't stop moving around the spot. I by and large was bothering back then and never seemed to finish my homework at school. I was considered at Kaiser Hospital during the year 1996. The essential spot I lived was in the city Via Harriet and was straightforwardly adjacent to a train. It was always uproarious when the train passed by in light of the way that it shook the house and scared all of the animals. It wasn't the best spot to live, yet we at last moved to the slants, I don't review. This explains an unfathomable beginning ideal to the piece of the course of action. My life from the most punctual beginning stage was fun as I grew up living with my mom's buddy and my sidekick. In any case, there were a lot of fights and I was very hyper back then. I have ADHD so in those occasions when I was essentially nothing; I was very hyper and wouldn't stop moving around the spot. I for the most part was aggravating back then and never seemed to finish my homework at school. I was considered at Kaiser Hospital during the year 1996. The essential spot I lived was in the city Via Harriet and was straightforwardly close to a train. It was continually uproarious when the train passed by in light of the fact that it shook the house and terrified all of the animals. It wasn't the best spot to live, yet we at last moved to the inclines, I don't remember where be that as it may. It was a townhouse that was somewhat close San Lorenzo, it was in Hayward. The elementary school I went for Kindergarten was Community Christian Center (CSS) and continued with appropriate to fourth grade. That was the best time of my school year; I had a lot of associates there. My grandmother worked there for first and second grade in spite of all that I recall when I was in her gathering. She was a Teacher's correct hand and sat in the back of the space to support people.
With this small context: "I met my future wife at a horror trivia game. We all had fun that evening. We enjoyed each others company and we all had fun at the game that evening.", what quick story would unfold?
I have always been big on horror movies. I also like to go out and have fun at bars from time to time. I ended up going out to a horror movie trivia night one night with friends. I thought it would be fun. We were doing pretty well. There was another group there. It was a group females. They were close to winning. I ended up getting the final question right and my team beat their team. We ended up hanging out after. One of the women in the group and I got along very well. We started dating. We fell in love not very much long after that. We just got married a few months ago. We are starting our life together now and it is so great. I love her with all my heart.
'My wife gave birth to our first child, a baby girl, on May 27. Her labor was long and pretty eventful, and the aftermath was the most special event of my life.'. Build a short story that somehow involves this.
My wife body is changed. Because of the pregnancy, so, changes be damned. she is the same smoke in spirit fire it red at as she is always been. And my body is changed to when i got married, I was a wait lifter, and I still had the sensibility of the Wrestler. And I once was today, the only tine. I lift its when I fly my infant daughter around it the room. My usual run involves chasing my three years old while returning to the snow monster from the frozen and biggest opponent the wrestler is a question of having three pieces of pizza are six. when we splurge are delivery. The idea of judging my wife post pregnancy body is repellent selfish and myopic. and don't know anything about discrimination in the workplace and these watch this are the rewards this mother can be expect. If one of viewer beer leagues. soft ball buddies is laid up from work for months range a lot of wait in the process. so, also because after anything. I could through. she is still sleep me. I see my family and my family makes life work living every day.
Generate a quick tale from the idea.
I now know that there is no such thing as a coincident. I did a DNA test and was surprised to find a cousin of mine actually lived a mile away from me in the same 55 and over community.
Dear Diary,I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to write about this, but I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to write. I'm still amazed at what happened two weeks ago, and have to tell you about it! You know how I did that DNA test a while ago? Well I got the results back, and there was actually a cousin I never knew I had who lived just a mile away in our little senior community! From what I understand, she's a cousin on my father's side, the daughter of his sister. I guess there was some bad blood between her and her parents when she was young, and so she ran away. I'm not sure if my crazy aunt (she really is a piece of work) ever tried to look for her or filed a missing person's report or anything, but this missing cousin ended up right near me after all these years! It took me a few days, Diary, to get up the courage to try to contact her. Finally, I looked her up on the internet and found a number for her. I dialed, said who I was and what the DNA test had revealed, and, surprisingly, she was so thrilled to hear from me! We made a date for coffee at the little shop that's part of our community. When I walked in, I could spot her right away. I could see the family resemblance right away! We must have talked for three hours! Turns out after she left, she got in with a bad crowd, but turned her life around after she got pregnant. She raised her kid the best she could (he turned out great and such a handsome young man!) and worked her way up to head buyer for her company. What's even more amazing is that she's a horror movie fan, just like me! I'm looking forward to hanging out with her more, and to meeting her son as well. Gotta go, Diary. So much work to do, but I wanted to share this with you! Millie
'My best friend was badmouthing me to my fiancee in an effort to win her over. She told me about it and I felt betrayed but learned from it.'. Can you condense that into a brief narrative?
I recently found out that one of my best friends was badmouthing me to my fiancee because he had a thing for her. He was telling her all sorts of lies to sway her into thinking I'm a bad guy in effort to win her over. Fortunately, she told me and I was really mad because I was being betrayed by someone I trusted. I forgave him in my heart but I can't be friends with him anymore. I just can't bring myself to trusting him and considering him my friend anymore. What's sad is that he's put my life out of balance now because I don't trust anyone anymore because of that betrayal. When this best friend of mine betrayed me and badmouthed me to my fiancee, she told me and I was really mad because I was being betrayed by someone I trusted. I forgave him in my heart but I can't be friends with him anymore. I just can't bring myself to trusting him and considering him my friend anymore. What's sad is that he's put my life out of balance now because I don't trust anyone anymore because of that betrayal. That being said, I was happy that my fiancee trusted me enough to alert me about it and get my side before believing anything that friend was telling her. I appreciate her now more than ever and know that whatever life throws at us we'll get through it if we trust each other enough to communicate about everything, good or bad. Communication is key to any relationship. The fact that my fiancee decided to tell me the truth strengthened our relationship even more. It proved that we can go through hardships and as long as we talk about it, we can escape them without any damage.
Here's a quick situation: 'Our old dog, and probably our last dog, was very sick and unable to recover. I was very close to her and had to decide that she was suffering too much and it was time for her life to end. It was very sad and one of the worse days of my life.'. Write a brief story around it.
Cheeba, or Cheebs or Cheebers as my fond names for her, had gotten quite old. She was about 14 and was part Lab. She had some of the breathing problems that Labs are prone to have where their lungs can't get the amount of oxygen as they need. She was the third family dog that we had had from a puppy until death. Ghost, our first, lived 17 years. Casper, our 2nd, lasted 15 years. So, after being with them for so many years, we get quite attached to them. Cheebs had been going downhill for several years and there was nothing the vets could really do anymore to relieve her problem. So, it was up to us to decide if the joy of having her around us and her joy of being around us was better for her than suffering thru the medical condition. Finally, it got to the point where we decided it was no longer fair to her, that she was suffering too much. So, my wife and I agreed and our oldest son concurred that it was time. We took her out to the car and helped her get in the back seat. She knew that she was going to the Vets as that was the only time she got to ride. We had called our Vet ahead so they were waiting on us. I got to the vet and my wife went in and told them that we were here. I tearfully walked her through the parking lot and we went in and back to the room. She was very calm, almost like she knew what was up. It only took a few minutes for the drug to act and she calmly and peacefully looked at me until her eyes closed. I loved her and miss her dearly.
Take the guide text as an initial idea and create a short, compelling story from it.
Sythesizers are the musical wave of the future. They are the music that i want to make. They are fun and interesting.
I learned about synthesizers and their power. I was not aware that they are a real thing that could be used to make music. They are fun and interesting to me. I started by watching videos about them and how they work. I learned about the different types of synthesis and how to make sounds. It was great fun and has lead me to continue down the path of music making. It has been a long journey but i am ready to begin using synthesizers and the other instruments that i can play to create this music. I listen to different types of music, but synthesizer music seems to be the easiest for me to create. It is fun and intuitive. When i think about the time that i spent learning, i feel accomplished. It is a great feat for me to learn a new skill. And my life is busy. I need an outlet to help me through. This is the way to do that. I am happy with my learning curve.
Make use of 'The experience of recovering after a injury during a Crossfit wod. How difficult is to be out of your normal routine and try to cope out with slower pace in general.' in a creative way to craft a brief story.
It was about three months ago. I was mad because I could not seem to pick fast my pace after I broke my toe (back in May). I had two months out of the working out life, meaning only staying at home for the first week because at work my boss allow me to rest for five days so I could recover well. I had plenty of work to do in my house, between the household tasks, online gigs and of course the work that my boss send to do for the week off. It was difficult for me, I had never been in this situation. All my life had been until this point without any serious ill or difficult situation, given that this situation is not the most difficult at all too. I mean I was not diagnosed with a serious condition that would change my life entirely, but anyways I felt that I loss something important in my life. I know, it can be seen as selfish, but it is how I am feeling and I have the right to at least wrote my thoughts. Continuing with the story, after the first week at home, I was feeling better and the doctor allowed to go recover most of my normal routine except for the intense workout, even the less intense session because healing was still taking its sweet time. I got lost between writing my emotions and thoughts that I forgot to wrote an important fact for this entry, at least to remember why I was feeling like this at the moment. Well, the accident happen while I was during a WOD in the box, I was doing great that but overconfidence took a toll on me. I got reckless during a climbing the rope part and when I was going down and I did not put my feet right to land correctly and the pain took over. My toe took the heavy part of the impact. It was all red, purple and swollen. I was taken immediatly to the clinic. There they gave the diagnosis and correct the damage and that was the beginning of this episode. I will try to keep recording this experience as a reminder to be strong.
Turn this brief piece of information into a mini-story: "Before six months, I was participated in a photography contest. To give my best, I went to Western Ghats of South Indian forests. After that beautiful moments, my photographs were elected to first prize by juries of contest.".
I got a certificate in the mail for my winning photo at the fair. I wanted to do something different and capture something meaningful. I decided to stay a few days in the South Indian Forest to capture some nature shots. It was a great way to get away from the stresses of the world. I guess you could say I am coping with life through my photography. Anyways, I would get up at dawn and hike until noon. Each night I found a different spot to camp near different habitats. One night I heard some really weird noises coming from the distance. It sounded like a women screaming but I knew that was not the case. I grabbed my camera and slowly started up to the hill when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was a bob cat and their young hunting. Mom was teaching her children how to hunt at night. I automatically grabbed my camera and I knew I would only get a few shots to capture the moment because of the flash. In that moment I was able to capture the most perfect photo of the three. Just looking at the photo you can see how proud the mother was of her young. I was able to win the contest with that photo and a nice little cash prize.
Weave a succinct narrative that incorporates: 'it is good surprize to have used of them my village some wonders around some falls rthat time small drizzling that has look like earth paradise to imagine to has been used of them'.
My village has been around for a long time and we live by the waterfalls. I have noticed that for the last several years, hotels have come around sniffing for locations. WHen you stand outside my village the view is breathtaking, and the spray from the waterfalls you can feel against your face. We live modestly in our village, everyone has a function. We also import things that we need and we have good trade with people on the outside. THe older people are not sure that the hotel chain is a good idea. Some villagers think that it will allow us to expand and take on more money from the outside. Others think that we will just be employed by the hotel and lose our way of life as we turn into servants. They also think that the natural beauty of the place will be destroyed and that is a shame just to bow down to corporate interests. I think that it would be a good idea and that nothing lives forever in the form that it is in. I walk through the forests of my village and hear the crunching sound of things underfoot. I wonder how much of the natural beauty of this place will dissappear. I then come to the conclusion that this place will be for the most part destroyed by a big hotel in this place. If we want to expand we can find things or manufacture things to sell on the open market instead of being hotel workers. I went back to my village and organized a meeting. After a day or two I think that I swayed the decision makers opinons that we should do something else and tell the hotel no, they cannot build here. After the meeting, we all went outside and looked at the natural wonders all around us. We watched the sun coming up through the trees as we heard the waterfall splashing off to our left. We heard the wildlife calling to each other through the trees, as the leaves rustled. We saw birds moving from tree to tree. As we took a deep natural breath collectively as a group, I decided that we made the right decision.
Take inspiration from 'I got a promotion and a large salary increase. It was shocking to me when this occurred. I did expect to have two offers.' and pen down a short narrative.
Today couldn't have been any better. It was like a dream I had been waiting to come true for awhile now. About 3 months ago I got a raise and a promotion at my job. But today was great because I started working on my own, my training is finished and I can move forward in my new job. Before then I was feeling really down and possibly looking for a new employer. I didn't feel like I was making the progress I would like to in my job. I didn't feel noticed. I had briefly mentioned my wanting to move up the corporate letter to my boss during a review, but I didn't see a promotion coming along anytime back then. To my surprise Becky the HR coordinator called me to her office out of the blue around 3 months ago, and along with my department manager Will they discussed that I was being promoted and that my salary was going up substantially. I was shocked. I think I might have almost cried when they first brought it up to me. They told me that it would be a rather long training schedule for the new position as they wanted me to succeed in my new position. I didn't quite know what to expect. Several months later here I am leading my own team. I am confident. I am happy to come into work everyday. I am glad that I put in the effort to move forward in my career. I can't wait for my next chance to climb to the ladder further.
Imagine a brief story from the details in 'My family went on vacation in Honduras and we got drugged by an outside bar. We were very sick until the next morning, and then we were back to normal. No hangovers or lack of appetite.'. Write it.
In June my family and I went on a cruise. One of the ports of call was Honduras. All of us got frozen alcoholic beverages at a outside bar near the beach. It was very hot that day, but we hand palm tree cover. Three of us got lounge chairs and placed our stuff down. We lathered up with sunblock. We rented a float because I am not a strong swimmer. We proceeded to get into the ocean with a float and our drinks. I only had one and a half drinks. 3 of us out of the group got violently sick, hallucinated, and blacked out parts of the day. We believe we were drugged with a date rape drug. I also heard several other people outside our group who were also on the cruise got sick as well. Luckily we all made it back to the ship safely. I heard some countries get you sick and send you to the hospital so they can make money off you. The next morning we were completely fine and our appetites returned to normal. That does not happen when you are simply drunk.
Spin a short yarn with the inspiration text as your launching pad.
An anniversary trip to the Bahamas with my wife and another couple. The resort and trip were outstanding and the strengthening of our relationship was the best thing to come out of it.
My wife and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary several months ago, and we decided to take a trip to the Bahamas and stay in an all-inclusive resort for our trip. The kicker of all of this is we went with (2) of our best friends who were also celebrating their 15th anniversary as well. We had the best time! No schedules, no kids, just snorkeling, laying by the pool and beach, drinking beverages with umbrellas in them...just a great time. We were both a little skeptical on how the trip would be with another couple, but it was great. There was enough time spent together that made it fun, but we often went our separate ways to allow for time with just my wife and I. Our room had the best view. We were able to look down on the pools and people watch, and have the view of the coast were the crystal clear blue water lapped against the shoreline. The balcony wasn't as good as we wanted, but still allowed us to have breakfast out there and have some privacy as well. One funny thing that happened was my wife had a small reaction to something, and her lips puffed up fairly large! The swelling went away pretty quickly, but it was funny when it happened. This was a trip we planned on for years. We debated where to go for months and months, and I am glad we went to the Bahamas. The people were great, service was nice and the weather was outstanding. The time that I got to spend with my wife with no worries or cares was life changing for us. We were able to talk, relax and make our connection deeper and better than it already was. I can't wait to see what we do for anniversary number 20, and what adventures we will experience then.
Use this prompt to write a brief narrative: "I go camping with my kids about two weeks ago to give them their first outside experience. Sometime in the evening we hear gunshots and I arm myself to protect my kids. After some time, we're told everything is okay by the rangers and so we go to sleep.".
I'm someone who enjoys spending time with kids, mostly my own. Sometimes I dislike other people's kids, but that's mostly because other people don't look after their kids. Well in this specific time, I'm looking after several kids with several parents. Every summer I try to organize group trips with other parents in the neighborhood. This year we went out to a nearby park several miles from the house. This isn't a kids park though, many of the directives suggest we be armed in case of a wild animal attack. Luckily I was. Around night time after cooling off one of the soup pots they provide to us on our trip, we prepare for bed using several sleeping bags and a tent. Suddenly, I hear gunshots. In our current climate, you always have to be wary of gunshots as it could be indiscriminate massacre or self defense of a wild bear attack. I shove my kids into our fan and load up my rifle and a shotgun. I figure if it's a bear I can barricade myself inside and hose him down with both guns. I hear more gunshots in the distance, I hear other parents scrambling with their kids to safety in other camps. After about 20 minutes, we see flashlights i the distance, rangers coming by to let us know that a bear had indeed made his way into the reserve but had been taken down before anyone could get hurt. Personally, I figure the only one getting hurt had the bear made it to us would have been Mr. Bear. It didn't come to that, however.
Expand on the text cue to develop a brief, detailed story.
My first dog passed away suddenly with no warning, and it forced me to face how time flies by and we are not promised another day. It was the first time I have ever lost a loved one that i was really close to.
I have really been thinking about life and death over these last few months. Never in my entire life have I been this introspective, so it's a very interesting phenomenon. Two months ago my dog passed away suddenly in the night. It was terrible. He was my first ever pet, and there was no indication that anything was wrong with him. I cried for so many days after it happened. I had lost one of my best friends. It ultimately made me realize how old my dog had gotten, and how time really does fly. He was the only loved one I have ever lost in my life, so this was a very tough experience on me. Thinking about time also made me more motivated to work harder to spend time with other people in my life. It's funny how that works. I know I have been slacking on seeing certain family members over the last few years, and this experience with my dog makes me want to change that. It stinks that I had to lose someone close to me to realize this, but I guess that's the price you pay for learning things in life. One day soon I will get a new dog and spend all the time with him that I can. I now have a deeper meaning of what is important in life and how I'd like to spend my time.
Use the clue text as a stepping stone to create a compact story.
My story is about helping my daughter prepare for an audition for a musical, and what the results of the audition were.
Over the summer this year my ten year old daughter took voice lessons to prepare for an audition. She is involved in musical theater. She was hoping to get a lead role that would involve singing for the first time. She has had lead roles previously, but they have always been based completely on her acting and facial expressions, not singing. By the time her audition came she had improved her voice a lot and did very well. I helped her practice her songs and lines every day. She got called back for the role she wanted, along with a few other kids. She made it to the last round of the audition, but then did not get the role she was hoping for. She got yet another role that is all acting, no lines or singing. She was very upset and cried for more than an hour. I tried to help her understand that it is not because her singing is bad, it is because she has a special talent for a certain type of acting that is difficult for most people. She really just wants to sing. As the days have gone by since then, she has started to feel better. I hope that she will still have fun with the show. I will be there with her a lot because I work on the costumes, so I will be there to help her out if she is upset.
Using the context in 'I recently graduated college after returning to school as an adult. It took me about two years to finish. When I graduated I received a big financial gift from my mom which helped significantly.', please write a mini-narrative.
I decided to go back to college to earn my bachelor's degree after having children and being away from school for almost a decade. It was a big decision to go back to school. I had to consider the time that would be required and how that would affect my family. I had small children that required a lot of attention. The most notable concern was the cost though. I was worried about whether the cost would be worth it in terms of future employment opportunities. I decided to return, despite the cost, and earned my bachelor's degree after a lot of hard work and dedication. It took me a couple of years of hard work and studying. A lot of the time I had to study at night when my family was sleeping. In the end, I gained a great education but financially, it was a significant amount of debt to take on. I have large student loans and two children that will be going to college as well. I was and still am proud of myself for finishing college but I assumed a large debt in the form of student loans to do so. This is still a major concern as I continue to make payments on the debt. When I graduated my mom gave me a large cash gift as congratulations for graduating. This was a great help and unexpected but I still have a significant amount of student loan debt that will take me years to pay off.
Write a short narrative using this primer.
A recent vacation to Hotel Del Coronado was interesting. I have reason to believe that their are ghosts at this hotel.
Our most interesting vacation this year was to the Hotel Del Coronado in California. I read some reports that the hotel was haunted and I think they are correct. We checked in at midnight after a long day of travel. When we got to our room the TV in the room was on. We were tired so we went to bed. At around 3am, I woke up because the bathroom light was on. I got up and turned it off. Around 4am the light was on again. At first I though someone left it on, but it was so weird to happen again. Over the next four days the bathroom lights would turn off and on with increasing frequency. They even would turn off while someone was using the bathroom. It was creepy. We went on a ghost tour to learn about the history of the hotel. The tour guide mentioned that people have been complaining about the ghosts in the hotel bathrooms. I told the guide about our experience.
The suggestion is your starting point. Where will your short story go?
I threw a small family "traditional" surprise birthday party for my daughter-n-law. The emphasis was on great food, a real bakery bought birthday cake, and awesome, colorful decorations. She was elated and it reinforced our continuing and growing relationship.
This past August our son and his family came for a visit. It was our daughter-in-law's birthday the day they arrived so I planned a surprise family birthday party. I planned the menu: grilled meats, twice-baked potatoes, a green salad. I also purchased a birthday cake from the best bakery in town. I bought decorations online: colorful streamers and globes to hang, a happy birthday banner, and some matching cake plates and napkins. While she went for a walk with her family, my husband and I put up the decorations. The decorations turned out to be exceptional. They were colorful and reflected light from the sun...very joyful and festive. I thought this would mostly be fun for our grand-daughters to experience. The girls did love it, reacting with surprise and excitement. However, my daughter-in-law was equally surprised and delighted. She said she couldn't remember when she last had a "traditional" birthday party. She even got teary-eyed. Our meal was excellent. My husband grilled steaks and sausage while I baked some salmon. Potatoes and salad were made the day before, so prep was easy. We sat down to a gourmet candlelight dinner, including a favorite wine and lots of table conversation. The girls were getting giddy after dinner so they were put to bed a bit early. Then the adults enjoyed her birthday cake, complete with candles. All in all, it turned out to be a very positive, memorable experience which continued to grow an already good relationship with our daughter-in-law.
With this small context: 'A frazzled young mother was dealing with a crying baby in the store. I stepped in and held her baby while she shopped in peace.', what quick story would unfold?
Yesterday I was in the supermarket looking for some dinner. I was almost done shopping when I heard a very loud crying coming from he next aisle. I walked over to see what was going on. There I noticed a young mother trying to deal with her baby. I usually try to avoid loud children but she seemed so overwhelmed. I felt like I needed to help. I offered to hold her baby and she gladly accepted. Surprisingly, the baby stopped crying! The mom was able to shop in peace finally. Afterwards, she could not stop thanking me. This has changed the way I feel about crying children. In the future I will no longer think of them as an annoyance, but an opportunity for me to try to help someone out. I wonder how many other things in life I should consider differently. I never thought I would be the one to approach a crying kid. Who knows what else I may actually be good at.
Let's see a story that builds on the lead-in text, but keep it short.
My mother would always speak poorly of my father who was not in my life growing up, but we recently reconnected. He told me he loved me and I said it back for the first time ever that I can remember.
This was a significant moment in my life as I was basically reconnected with my father that I barely knew. It was mostly memorable because it was the first time we told each other, "I love you." I'm 35 years old so this was significant to me. I always wanted to have a relationship with him and I was happy when he reached out to me. Now we talk on a regular basis and have kind of formed a bond. It's very interesting to hear his side of things because all I ever knew was what my mother told me. None of which were positive things. So, I grew up having a somewhat negative view of him since I automatically believed what my mom told me about him. I also have always kind of been the "black sheep" of my family. It was nice to meet someone so much like me. Even though we never really knew each other, we are so much alike! It a little refreshing to hear some of his stories. I look forward to getting to know him better as he has really helped to push me through a difficult time in my life. He helped me in immeasurable ways and really stood out as being sincere and unconditional. Now, I have a positive view of him and understand why my mom would always say I was "just like him." I kind of just laugh about it now because what can you really do? Not much, so laugh.
"wedding cancellation made by my fiancee after a year arrangement. It was very emotional day after my girlfriend never wanted to understand me .". Develop a short story based on this.
One year ago today I asked my ex girlfriend to marry me. She was the light of my life. I thought we were soul mates. The year that followed was wonderful. We laughed, and had so much fun together. I did not see the signs. I assumed after she said yes , and excepted the ring, that I would have nothing to worry about ever again. I believed she would be mind forever. About six months in I noticed a few things were different. She seemed to be drifting away. I felt like she didn't understand me anymore. I shrugged it off as many of us do. I assumed she was stressed. She had a lot going on at work. These are the red flags I shouldn't have ignored.
Take "We didn't have many people show up to my son's first birthday party and my husband and I were saddened. The day ended on a positive note when the girls in the family went down the huge inflatable slide together." as inspiration, and write a brief narrative.
I'm going to recall my son's first birthday. We'll give him the name James. I love planning the theme and making sure everyone will have a fun time and have things to eat at the party. It's a celebration of his first birthday so I want everyone to have a great time. My husband and I were a little disappointed how not very many people said they would come. I knew my family would show up for sure so it wasn't too big of a deal. The big day comes and just a handful of my husband and I's family shows up and no friends of ours. We were crushed. We put on a happy face and didn't sulk so that the day wasn't ruined for our kids. My husband and I took it as a learning experience and put the hurt behind us. The best memory of the day other than celebrating my son's first birthday, was my grandma sliding down the huge inflatable slide with my mom, my sister and I. It was a little difficult getting to the top of the slide so we were a bit worried she wouldn't make it. We all had the biggest smiles on our faces and were laughing up a storm. My grandma has such a young spirit. It was the best ending to the day!
Picture a brief tale that arises from the springboard text.
my 2nd son being born. being so happy he was here safe and i was safe. being able to introduce my 1st son to his baby brother.
Three months ago, my second baby boy was brought into this world. My mother cried about having another grandson. My father wept about how the baby has her mother's eyes. I introduced the child to his older brother. The older brother gave a big smile and patted the baby on the head. It will be hard sharing a room with the younger brother. The older brother will get used to it. He will have to defend the little brother now. The little one looked nice in his new baby outfit. It was a blue shirt and green pants. It looked great. There wasn't a tear on the outfit. The youngest one did puke at the first taste of baby food. He cried for a bit. He got over it. He will have a happy life.
Consider the text cue as a spark to ignite your succinct narrative.
I went to visit my girlfriend's family for the first time. I was made to feel very uneasy and uninterested. Despite all of my obvious attempts, there was nothing I could to do please them. No one wanted to interact with me. They all were disinterested in dealing with me.
My girlfriend and I recently went to her sister's house for a family gathering for the first time. A lot of the people there did not openly greet me when we arrived. Despite this, I went to each individual and introduced myself. Throughout our visit, I couldn't help but notice people giving me mean and disapproving looks. I still tried to interact with everyone and actively participate in everything. When we had group discussions, people always disagreed with every single thing that I mentioned. My girlfriend and I asked her sister to take some pictures of us with my phone. I looked at the pictures afterwards. All of the pictures she took were very bad pictures. My head was cut off in a most of them. As we were leaving, most of the people did not even make an attempt to say goodbye to me. This was my first time meeting them and I had never done anything to upset or offend anyone. I did everything I could to positively engage these people. It seemed as though no one was happy to meet me. This left me feeling very uninvited and little upset. As a result of this, I decided never to attend any more of their family's social gatherings.
See where the springboard text leads you in your concise storytelling.
Substance abuse is a life-threatening habit and illness. This event summarizes one of the first events that led to me realizing that enough is enough.
Several weeks before My daughter left for France, I saw some strange behavior appealed, such as some weight loss, sleeplessness and dark circles around the eyes . As a father I became concerned, asked some questions and tried to Know what was wrong with my daughter. I took her to three different physicians within two weeks. And just two days after seeing the second doctor, on November 4th, 2000, she came home from basketball, where she was coaching her sister's football team, and fell down to the ground. She had suffered from a massive heart attack because of using a drug called meth. We learned of her meth use in the ICU. She was in a coma. The doctor explained that they found methamphetamine in her system and that every time you use meth it damages your heart. And after she went to practice and worked hard for two hours, she came home and suffered a massive heart attack. She literally blew out the bottom of her heart. After several days her eyes opened and I asked the neurologist if she was waking up. He took my daughter's head in his hands and gently rolled her head from side to side and every time he rolled her head her eyes would roll with the head. "That's called doll eyes," he explained. A sign of permanent, irreversible brain damage. Several days later we gave our permission for life support to be disconnected. And as we loved and caressed our daughter, she slipped out of our arms and into eternity, without giving us a second chance to help her.
Invent a mini-story where "I spent 4th of July at my grandparents lake house, where every city-goer watched fireworks from the lake while enjoying life and having a great time. A freeing and all american amazing event that I would certainly do again next year." plays a crucial role.
It was the day before the 4th of July as we drove up into the mountains. It was my sister, her boyfriend, and myself getting ready to enjoy a very American vacation. The next day was the 4th of July fireworks on the lake. The town had a special event every year where people would take their families out on the boats and huddle up in a cove near the town fairgrounds. From the fairgrounds they would launch off tons and tons of fireworks. All in perfect view for the huddled up boats. It was incredible to watch and such a unique experience. There were more boats than I ever remembered there being in the past. Boats blast off their own choice of song as the nearly 45 minute show continued, much to the enjoyment of everyone after a 10 minute disappointing show the previous year. Many people would bring foods to snack on and some would even have grills aboard their boats. It was such an American smell. The smell of fireworks, delicious food and a summer breeze. Seeing the fireworks reflect off the water is truly something else. You could also relax in the water on a raft during the show with the pitch black water below. It's truly a one of a kind experience unique to the area and something I'd gladly do again next year. We spent the rest of the time at the lake enjoying warm weather and family time as well as travelling in town for some antique stores.
Hey, take this prompt and write a brief, interesting narrative.
Having a birthday party is wonderful, bit when it includes surprises, then it blows you away. I was blown away at my own birthday party with surprises and gifts. Thank you family, friends, and my partner for making my day.
On August 8 I celebrated my 26th birthday. This is a day that continues to be celebrated by individuals, and it seems I cannot get rid of this habit, either. I have come to love the day because it is personalized and individualistic. I am privileged to have wonderful friends and family members, and on this day I was reminded exactly what I have. My dad, rarely at home, surprised me with a ticket to Paris. I have always wanted to travel to Paris, but I had not been able, and my dad made my dream come true. My mum gave a moving speech, my siblings shed tears of happiness, and my friends danced all night long. On top of that, my long-term partner proposed to me during the night. It was a surprise that was well hidden by everyone, and I was the only one who did not know. My partner proposed in front of my parents, and this was moving. And of course I said yes. He has always been a man of my dreams, and it was wonderful to get the surprise from him. This has to be the best birthday I have ever had. I got a chance to travel to my dream destination, listen to wonderful speeches by family members, and watch as family and friends were moved because of me. I really feel like there is no one lucky than me.
"I bought my first guitar at a music store. I had a wonderful time there. I ended up learning that sometimes the simplest things can be the most beautiful.". Use this to inspire a captivating yet brief narrative.
Today I went to a guitar store with Grandpa. I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy anything, but I ended up finding a guitar that I was more than happy with. I honestly wanted to buy something fancy, but this guitar that I found was the cheapest in the store. However, it was far from the worst. Compared to everything else that I tried, this one by far sounded the best. The guy at the store was named Bob, and he was very friendly. I appreciated that he wasn't too pushy. He was very excited to try Grandpa's new Martin guitar, and he seemed to just enjoy playing and talking. This humble and kind attitude that he displayed made me want to make a purchase. So I tried several guitars, but I kept going back to the first one I tried. It is a Jasmine s35, and it produces a tone that I haven't heard before. Something about it just sings, and it has a warmth and a depth to it that makes it very satisfying to play. I know that I will remember this day for the rest of my life. When I decided to buy it, Bob shared my excitement. He gave me a discount on a bag for it, and he also gave me several other things for free.
Extend the following text fragment into a short, captivating story.
I was asked to take a demotion at work. I'd been hiding the situation at home. When I came clean about it, my partner was more supportive than I had conditioned myself to expect.
I met with my supervisor and Human Resources in the afternoon to go over my options after the performance improvement plan. They suggested either accepting a voluntary demotion out of the administrative and leadership roles that I had been involved in for over 12 years, or proceed to a pre-disciplinary hearing on the situation. That night, I had to face some of my avoidant behaviors. I had been hiding the severity of the situation not just from myself, but also my partner, and had to go home and break down about the entire thing. I sat on the floor and freaking melted down in shame and sorrow about the entire situation. When I explained as much as I could about what had been going on, and that on a daily basis, I 'thought I had it. I thought it was under control. I was fixing it. And I didn't want to bother" her. Her response was immediate. She told me in no uncertain terms that while I was sorry because I didn't want to worry her about it, I SHOULD have been sorry about thinking I had to go through it by myself. That lifted a huge weight. Six weeks later, I'm still reckoning with the effect of that conversation on me emotionally. I'm able to have more conversations with her about it. We're stronger than we were before.
"Our dog passed out onto the floor for the first time. He has a heart murmur and it has gotten worse. He is now on heart medication twice daily to help with his condition.". Can you condense that into a brief narrative?
Billy has been a part of my family for 8 years. He was here for our first date, a hike in Pogonip between graduate school classes. I was immediately comfortable with my then girlfriend, now wife because of how Billy took to her in those balmy, halcyon days. Billy loves to run off leash. He chases squirrels up redwoods, and seagulls on the beach. We've only ever fed him organic, grass fed beef in the morning, and grain free, organic chicken based kibble at night. He's never been overweight and always been up for anything. Two weeks ago, he suddenly just fell on the ground, unconscious. I totally panicked. I've never experienced anything so shocking or out of the normal flow of events in my adult life. We took him to the animal hospital immediately, where they kept him overnight. We had blood tests and a full evaluation. It's great that we have pet insurance or we would have been out $2,000! Billy is on medication now, and we have to give it to him twice a day every day to help him stabilize. It's so sad to see something you trust to always be here start to decompose and degrade. But I suppose that is the nature of pets, we love them and celebrate them and must pay attention to every moment, as every moment is precious.
Take the guide text as an initial idea and create a short, compelling story from it.
I worked on a project that didn't go as planned. I don't think it was my fault, but it served as a good reminder to keep expectations managed.
I believe the story I wrote was about my project with the well. There were a few different things that went wrong with the project, but ultimately the project was accomplished completely. We initially thought the well was not producing the right amount of water. We checked the water flow meter regularly, and saw it was only pumping about 100 gallons each week. I emailed the team who installed the pump to ask about this. We were supposed to be pumping upwards of 10,000 gallons each week, so this was very low. I also emailed the consultant to confirm his projections were still accurate. The two were able to meet on site together, and I learned that we had been reading the wrong meter the whole time. The meter we had been reading was the water we were using from the local water source, not our pump. Our pump meter was somewhere else on site, and it turned out we were pumping almost the exact amount. I was able to relay this information to my boss all throughout so everyone was kept informed and didn't stress. The important lesson here was to keep everyone updated and stay organized, and always move things forward. I can see how something like this could cause stress in someone's life. It's never easy to feel like you failed at work. Fortunately, my past work experiences had prepared me to prepare.
"A bar fight over my gf. There was alcohol and drink men inv,loved. Police was called. The moral of the story is to not drink in public that is the main probl m because people can get nasty.". How would you turn this into a gripping micro story?
I was going out with the girlfriend. Once we decided on a place we chose a bar. This was a fun place for the night . There were a lot of men there and my girlfriend is cute. She looks really good. We had a few drinks and the music was loud. The atmosphere was good. I had to go to the bathroom at one point. When I came back from the bathroom I see two guys talking to my girlfriend and flirting with her. I approach the, and tell them to leave as she is there with me. They were drunk and didn't listen. We got into an argument and eventually a fight. The police arrived shortly after to break the fight up. It was a bad night over a stud pod argument. That is how I learned not to mix and drink too much in public. That is the story I want to portray. Don't drink too much!
Take the guide text and let it guide your pen to create a fascinating, short story.
Mother in law getting too involved haha :) She promised to make me certain cupcakes, we even practiced them so we were sure they were the right ones. On the day itself, I found out she did her own thing and they all looked like they belonged on a Sweet 16 b-day party...Glitter and all..
I asked for one thing on my wedding day - to be allowed to sleep in. That's it. My groomsmen and I stayed in the wedding suite( darn thing had 5 bedrooms) and we went out to catch up on old time after the rehearsal dinner. at 8am someone started banging on the door to the suite. I was the only one able to answer it ( i stopped early to avoid ruining the day) and it was my soon to be father in law. With 13 children. " since you have the biggest room, we'd thought we would set them up in here with the Nintendo and everything" then he tried to leave them with me. Not gonna happen. I made him get others to watch the kids while i went back to sleep. But it was done, uninterrupted sleep trumps interrupted sleeps significantly. Especially if you had a few scotch's as toasts the night before. My one brother-in-law is an actual chef, my other brother-in-law thinks he is one. The one who is a chef seasoned the meat and went outside to get a drink. Wannabe chef brother-in-law comes along, sees the meat on the counter and salts the meat rendering our main coarse inedible. Didn't serve the cake. We did the whole cutting the cake tradition, but nobody actually served it. Shame too, it was good cake...all things considered that's actually not that bad. Still, cake!
Utilize the following input text as a starting point to craft a brief narrative.
Everything was simple and complicated at the same time.It was improving little by little, it was also a daring experience.and not least implode you my future
Four months ago, I was stuck in a dead-end job. My coworkers were nice, but boring. However, some of them had interpersonal communication problems, which made the situation at work tense. I didn't seem to be going very far in the company, but I wanted to change that. I went into my boss' office, and asked for a raise. She did not grant it to me, but she suggested ways in which I could work towards it, such as putting in extra hours in the office. I started doing this, and she started to take notice. She never gave me a promise of a raise, so it was somewhat risky for me to be spending extra time without a guaranteed reward. However, I pressed on. After landing two big new clients, she came to me and told me about her decision. She gave me not only the $1000 per year that I had requested, but an additional $2000 on top of that. She said that she appreciated the work that I had been putting in. She also said that my good work had caused HER boss to be impressed. She said that it was well-deserved. I went home that night feeling proud. And I held my head up high, knowing that my life was getting better, and that it was because of my hard work.
Craft a micro-tale based on the suggestion.
I had a very positive doctor's appointment. She understood my rare conditions and told me she believed me. She correctly guessed I had been mistreated before.
It's been a really tough past few years, specifically with the pain I've had from these headaches. Every doctor gave me a different story. Well, I say 'every' but I know I've only been to two others, I guess I just started to feel like I wasn't getting anywhere. you go see a doctor and then get a prescription, take medications, give it a try and hope things work out. There's no guarantees. And honestly, it just started to feel like it was about being boxed into any kind of box that allowed them prescribed medication they were enticed to sell. Anyway, meeting her was awesome, immediately we got down to the facts, I have these headaches. They come and are debilitating, but migraine medication doesn't work. It starts out in my neck, goes into my head and just sits there for days on end. She asked about how I spent my days, how I spend a lot of time working at the computer. She asked about my eyes, wearing glasses, all of that. She just seemed to know exactly how to get where she was going. And I even admitted to her how I just didn't believe anything would work out. She pulled up some information on the computer and explained how my headaches were probably related to my eyes. And that back pain was causing neck pain and so on. I couldn't believe what she knew about this given she was a general practitioner not a specialist. Just like that, she said it wasn't migraines and previous treatments were all wrong, and missteps for my treatment. So fast forward a couple weeks, a visit to the optometrist and now I haven't had a headache or stuffy head or pain in my neck since these visits. I am so thrilled and happy. I called her office to say thanks and they took time to talk to me and see how I was doing. Just a great experience all in all. So yeah, I am thrilled.
Use the kickoff text as your muse to craft a micro-tale.
I went to a football game with my boyfriend. I thought he was going to propose but didn't. I realized I needed to let things happen naturally.
About three weeks ago, John and I went to a football game. I really had it in my mind that he was finally going to propose to me! I spent a few hours getting ready in advance. I took a shower, got my favorite clothes together, and did both my makeup and my hair. There was no way I was going to waste this moment. I spent the rest of the afternoon fantasizing about the big moment: maybe we would end up on that huge screen they advertise; or maybe he had something crazy planned, like a flash mob. I know it sounds silly, but my mind was running wild. A weird mix of nervousness and excitement fluttered in my chest. When it was time to head out to the game, I almost expected John to be in a nice suit and clean-shaven. I walked downstairs to meet up with him and found that he was wearing his typical fan jersey and he was wagging a huge #1 finger around excitedly. My heart sank, and I realized that, maybe, I was wrong. I was shocked! Suddenly felt kind of stupid being all dolled up. John jokingly told me I was way overdressed, and I grumbled something about how I thought he was going to propose to me tonight. He looked surprised, and his face changed. John told me that he will propose eventually, but I need to let things happen more organically. He wants it to be a surprise, and if I was able to guess it so easily, the experience might not be the same. At first, I was pretty upset and I couldn't figure out what he was talking about but I thought about it a little bit and realized he was right. This wasn't the first time I tried to push the situation, and I guess I was being a little overzealous about getting married. I hugged him, and went back upstairs to change into a matching team jersey. We ended up going on a fun date, and it all worked out in the end.
Embed this statement in a short narrative: 'A co-worker passed away and instead of a traditional funeral his wife and family requested an informal celebration of life. They were encouraged to come in informal attire and even to where his favorite sports team jerseys.'.
A co-worker friend recently was diagnosed with cancer. He had been undergoing chemo and was nearing time to go home. He suddenly caught an infection and got seriously worse and eventually passed away. He was only 30 years old. His funeral was just two weekends ago and many came to support his wife and children as they move on with life. He worked for several years in multiple departments. His smile and friendly disposition was well known and an great encouragement to many. He was known for greeting many with a smile and a "Hi Boss," which many acknowledged when remembering him. A very nice tribute to a good man, husband and father as well as a great co-worker. Though the service was for his passing it was also used as a celebration of his life and those in who came where encouraged to where casual clothes to not be so formal. He was a big Tampa Bay Buc fan so many wore their Tampa Bay Buc Jersey's to show their support and love for him. He leaves behind a young wife of whom I worked with in a different department. She was also very well liked. He also leaves behind a teenage son and daughter who must now face life without their dad. He fought a very good fight with his cancer battle, never giving up hope.
Craft a short story that includes this scenario: 'I, a college aged female, moved from a small town to a large northern city to live with my boyfriend. It didn't go well. This particular day we went into the city and he left me there by myself with no way home and no friends in the area.'.
This summer I left my home state and lived elsewhere for the first time in my life. I moved 5 hours away from my friends and family to live with a man I'd been seeing for a little over a year. He lived in a large metropolitan city and I was able to get a good job, so it was beneficial to both of us. I'm a college student (almost 22) and this internship would give me enough money to pay for the next semester of school. Unfortunately, it went very poorly. He started fighting with me, threatening to throw me out, and saying terrible things to be. I needed the money to pay for my school and I was scared to leave. However, things always got better after we fought and then he'd be very nice to me. In the past I had taken acid and gone to the museum with him, and we had a fantastic time. I wanted to rekindle that joy so I tried again, but this time didn't go well. We drove to Washington DC to see the natural history museum, and he started yelling at me outside of the museum. He grabbed me by the arm and started to pull me hard away to the car. I pulled my hand away and said I wouldn't go with him because he was treating me poorly and I couldn't handle that emotional state while I was tripping. So he said fine, and left me there. I spent the day alone, a young female, with no money to get home, tripping on acid in DC. Later he came back and threatened me, then took me home. I hated that day. I was scared and then I had to go home and sit in the apartment with him while I was tripping on acid. I just laid in bed, staring at one thing or another. He would come in and out of the bedroom to say things to me, pull the covers off me, or accuse me of feigning sleep. We're no longer together. I've moved back to school and it's hard to think about how scared I was while living there.
The suggestion is your starting point. Where will your short story go?
Last month, my brother came to visit me for his birthday. We went and did a lot of fun things and had some good food to celebrate.
My brother came to visit me for his birthday. He came over on the train and I went to the train station to pick him up. After he dropped his stuff off at my apartment, I let him plan some activities that he wanted to do. First we got lunch at a place just down the street. We went to Navy pier and walked around. We also rode the ferris wheel. He also decided he wanted to go to the planetarium. We went there on his actual birthday for a couple hours and saw a cool show. The night of his birthday we had reservations at a nice restaurant. We had a great meal. On the way back it was raining and we didn't have an umbrella. We were running to the train and trying not to get wet. When we got back to my apartment we had his birthday dessert. He left at the end of the weekend to go back home. Overall it was a fun weekend. I'm glad I got to celebrate with him.
Imagine a short story that could spring from this excerpt.
all my friends and family together. they gave a big surprise.i was shocked and surprised because of my friends.
the moment i was fully surprised on 3 months before it was happened. that moment is on my birthday. my friends are planed and celebrate my birthday grandly. it was unforgettable day in life. i did not celebrate my birthday like that before. i never forget in my life. i enjoyed a lot with my friends. they also invited my family and office friends to the party. they arranged the party. arranged some programs and games. the day was filled with full of enjoyment. one of my childhood friend arranged the party. all my friends together arrange the party. they planned for 2 months. they save the money for the event. all together worked and gave a big surprise to me. i never expect this from my friends. they clearly planned and executed very well. they kept it very secretly. i fully enjoyed the day. it's all because of my friends. there is no enough words to explain my happiness i experience on that day.
"My stepfather passed away. We had time to say goodbye to him but it was still tough and me and my family.". Please narrate a quick story that connects with this.
I miss my stepfather so much today. It still feels like yesterday that he passed away. I don't like to talk about it too much because I will spend the entire day crying, but I have to let out some emotion about it because I have been holding it in for too long. I can't believe it has already been 6 months since he left us. He was the greatest man I had ever met. He really stepped in and treated me and my brother like we were his own children. He gave us everything we needed or wanted, and he was amazing to my mother. We were all shocked when he got cancer. It was very sudden. One day he was healthy and strong, and the next he was reduced to a thin frail man who could barely walk. As the disease progressed it became more and more obvious he would be leaving us soon. That reality was so hard to accept. I remember crying for days nonstop thinking about life without him. He didn't deserve this. No one deserves cancer, but he was such a good person he really didn't deserve anything like this. The day he died was like any other day. We were sitting around his bed talking and joking. Something was playing on the television in the background. I remember looking at him and thinking he looked peaceful. I looked back again and his eyes were closed. And that was it. After that he was gone. My mother tried to wake him. Then we all tried to wake him. But he never woke up. The cancer had won, he was gone
Construct a succinct story having its roots in the provided snippet.
My grand child experienced her first 4th of July in a truly awesome way. She had the best time of her live and couldn't stop smiling about it.
This summer my grand daughter turned 1 year old. She comes over and spends each weekend with me and my family here. My daughter that had her is only 19 and I had her young as well so I am a young grand mother. I really enjoy bonding with this little girl as it lets me almost in a way relive being a mom because I'm not even 40 yet and I have a grandchild. Well this summer I decided that she should come over to our house to have some fun on the 4th of July. My daughter agreed so we had a nice family get together at my house for the holiday. During this day we spent some time feeding her some grilled food and just playing with her having a really great time on her first 4th of July. Then the night started to roll in upon us and where I love we can still shoot fireworks. We had bought a lot of ones to be done at night because I'm a big fan of the pretty shiny style of fireworks. So we took this little girl outside so she could get a good look at all of the fireworks. We slowly began to shoot them off one after another. I watched the look on this child's face as she just got so excited, hearing the noises and watching all of the pretty colors. It really touched me to remember what it could have been like for me or even my children when they got that excited for something like this. It really made me feel good that we could make this child so happy by doing something so simple for her. We continued shooting off all of these awesome fireworks we had bought including some really huge ones that lit up the entire sky. We did this until we were done and the baby never lost her excitement and continued to smile and scream out during the entire process. It really was a great night and time for the baby's first 4th of July Party.
With this small context: 'My family and I went on a short vacation to Chicago, Illinois. While there, we saw many museums and did some shopping, and experienced a tremendous thunderstorm!', what quick story would unfold?
I have great memories of our family trip to Chicago, Illinois. It actually had an odd beginning. My daughter had complained to our mutual employer (in Chicago) that she had never flown in an airplane and that it was the only item on her bucket list. The next week, they offered to fly us out for a meeting and a lunch with them! I decided to take the entire family and make a nice little vacation out of it. We had a fantastic visit with my employers. After a short meeting, they took us to a great Greek restaurant where I tried several new foods. From there, we went to our hotel which was located in the heart of the city. We visited an architecture museum and learned a lot about the origins of the city. We also went to see The Bean, which is a chrome bean that is absolutely enormous and sits in the middle of a park. We went to the Navy Pier and had some great food. The highlight (or perhaps the lowlight) of the trip was our lunch where we ate traditional Chicago deep dish pizza. The pizza was unreal- so thick and cheesy! Even though I was starving I could only eat a single slice. But just as we were eating, the city got hit with a tremendous thunderstorm. I have never encountered anything like it before. It was downright traumatizing though fortunately, it passed quickly. We wrapped up the short trip after another day of museum hopping and shopping. Although I could have spent another week in the city, I feel fortunate to have enjoyed the time I did with my family.
Craft a short story that includes this scenario: 'Two weeks ago I moved in with my girlfriend after dating for a year. We had a lot of fun that day and our cats get along reasonably well.'.
Two weeks ago my girlfriend Michele and I decided to move in together. We have been dating for almost a year now and a couple for about six months. So the two of us decided that it was a good time to try it out. We chose her apartment because the neighbors are less annoying. The day of the move was cold and somewhat rainy. We had been moving boxes and stuff but getting the majority of the last things came all at once. I asked my uncle to help me move my bed. Michele and I were both excited and looking forward to this. We quickly got all of our things moved over and I was setting up my cat a place in a room by herself so she was not overwhelmed. It all went pretty well really. That night we built a fort and played with the cats, she also has two of them. It was really fun, we both enjoyed ourselves. We laughed and had fun all night. We had quite a bit of fun and it really was way less stress than I was thinking it would be. Ended up working out just fine, we get along together very well. Our cats seem to tolerate eachother, overall it was a great experience.
Generate a quick tale from the idea.
I was laid off from my job a few weeks ago. Since then, I have been dealing with a great deal of anxiety over what the future holds. We are doing everything we can to stay afloat.
Earlier this month i was laid off from my job at a landscape company. I was very surprised by this due to the fact that i was highly regarded within the company and my position was important to the continued growth of the company. The lay off has caused a great deal of anxiety for myself and my wife due to our financial situation. Our greatest challenge is paying for our continued health care coverage through the COBRA plan. The event has caused me to question many things about my self including my self worth and my abilities as a manager. I have been dealing with depression, sleeplessness and fear for my future. I work in an industry that does most of its hiring in late winter or early spring so getting laid off this time of year makes it particularly difficult to find work. In this job i led two distinct teams and held two management titles. Now I have a great deal of anxiety about applying for any job that requires me to manage other people even though i have been successful doing so in the past. I am also considering leaving this industry due to the uncertainty that comes with sometimes seasonal employment. Plants are my passion however, at 51 years old i crave stability and a less demanding career. I am trying to scrape together any income that i can while I search for work. We are selling everything we can think of that we no longer use in order to reduce our anxiety. I am even selling my guitars. I must add that the current political climate & our president's trade war have added to my concerns about our finances and my retirement nest egg. It is difficult to stay optimistic with so many negatives in my life right now. Time will tell how this all turns out!
Build a quick narrative from the source.
My daughter biggest day was a big disappointment. I had prepared for this day my whole life but I forgot the most important thing the day of her graduation.
Recently my child graduated fro college! It was the happiest time of my life. i was so happy I was moved to Tears. The day of her graustion I musthave cried over 7 times. No one in my family understood just how proud I was. I had watch my daughter grow ffrom an infant into such a remarkable young lady that have such a promising careerahead of her. The day she graduated I could seem to get right. I was a nevous reck. My eyes ran across a visual check list I had made over and over. I wanted to be prepared. On that check list my main items were my poster(i made a large banner to show support) and my daughters congrats card. Even though I check that list I felt so unprepared. I got ready to go to the ceremony my daughter wasnt home she and I had agreed to meet up at 7. It was 6pm and I decided to leave out checking the list again, I was good! Nervous but good. I arrived in time to meet and greet my baby girl and hug her until she insited it was enough. She handed me my tickets and told me where to seat for the best view. I was there in the huge auditorium filled with soooooo many people all there to support their love ones. It was time after hours for my babys name to be called to get her degree. I opened my bag to get my camera to record the wasnt there! I had left my WHOLE CAMERA at home. I could record anything. I was so disappointed. All the prepping I had done I still forgot my camera. So I dont have the video but I do have the memories!
With this quick situation: "A sketchy looking man and an old woman stood at a bus stop. When it began raining the sketchy man used his own umbrella to shield the old woman from the rain.", please form a brief narrative.
A woman I always that was a dumb pothead. I was surprised when I actually talked to her. I found out she is knowledgeable about many different things. I like when people don't follow a stereotype. I found out later she was interested in talking to me more. We talked on the phones many times after that. We even went on a date. I realized how beautiful she was after she proved me wrong. I also find her open minded. I assumed her to be very leftist. She wasn't shes more middle ground. I also had forgotten she's originally from Germany. We even talked in the mornings on her drive to work. She said it was a boring drive otherwise. We have sense become good friends.
"A classmate of my first grade daughter was diagnosed with a very fast moving type of brain cancer that was inoperable and she was given only 3-6 months to live. It was terrifying that this could happen to children.". Craft a quick narrative around this.
It happened quickly and came on without a warning. I remember where I was when I heard the news. I was sitting in my office catching up on some email when my wife walked in and told me. Our son was very upset when he came home and he said it's because the teacher told them that his classmate and friend will be going to heaven soon. My heart went out for the family. I felt horrible and even more horrible for my son that he'd have to learn about life and death so young. It broke my heart to think of that child, his parents and his extended family. Life can be so cruel. Life can be random, without any particular rhyme or reason. I prayed to a God I barely believed in and figured out how I'd talk to my son. I wish innocence can stay with a child longer, but today my son learned a valuable lesson about life and cherishing the moments we are here because at any time tragedy could strike. I had to figure out a plan of action. How to talk to my son and make sure that he could learn to cope with the tragedy. In the end I settled on letting him know that the best course of action was to just enjoy the time left with his friend. Let them know that they are there for them and will always think of them. Just be a darn good friend and love the memories he has with them.
With the suggestion text as a catalyst, concoct a short story.
Such a beautiful event to be a part of. A lot of fun and emotional moments happened. At the end I talked about an embarrassing moment that happened at the event.
This event, if I can remember correctly was one of my best friend's wedding. I was a part of the wedding party. It was a lot of catching up with people I hadn't seen in awhile. It was more emotional than I expected. I have been friends with him since high school and I have become very close to his wife in the last ten years. It was at a very beautiful location with a waterfall in the background. We spent the previous night at their house having a barbecue and drinking. That morning we went to eat at a great burger place and we basically drank the entire day. It was a lot of dancing once the reception came about. I danced the night away with a lot of the bridal party. I think the groom just wanted to have a party. I don't think he particularly wanted a wedding, but he really likes to party. The embarrassing moment was very embarrassing for me. It was during the time when people made toasts. I went to toast and I ended up breaking the glass in front of the entire audience. It was a royal embarrassment.
Write a short narrative using this primer.
After thirteen weeks, I graduated from an eating disorder treatment facility. Overall, I was very disappointed with the quality of care I received there and relapsed as soon as I got out.
Two months ago I graduated from from a eating disorder treatment facility. It lasted 13 weeks and was not what I was hoping for. I was very disappointed in the quality or care I received there. I feel like they didn't give me the tools I needed to eat the way i should and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I relapsed as soon as I got out. The most memorable experience was when I had to be tube fed. I hated it! It was the most uncomfortable thing I had to endure. The group therapy discussion were not pleasant either. I hate hearing about all of us being messed up in some way. Everyone wanted to get better but it was hard a lot is hid ways to continue our disorder. My roommate hid diuretics and took many of them. another found random hiding places to puke. It was the worst place. I felt like none of the staff wanted to be there and it made it worse when they looked at us with disgust especially during weigh in days.
Develop a concise narrative using the text snippet as a seed.
this is actually about an outing. Which we had all family members together. we enjoyed a lot the day.
A few weeks ago, our family took an outing to a new food market in Washington, DC. We had family visiting from out of town and it was really fun to get together. The food market was outdoors and had all kinds of different vendors. All of us wanted to try different things. We each walked around looking at all the choices and then made our selections. We found a table where we could all enjoy our lunch together. It was a beautiful day and there were tons of people outside. We each tried some of each other's food. We saw lots of people walking their dogs. We had fun looking at all the different breeds of dogs. That led us to tell funny stories about the dogs we have owned during our lives. After lunch we went for ice cream. The place where we went is famous in our city. We each tried different flavors. They were very unusual. This was an awesome summer day that I will remember for a long time.
Based on 'My nephew chose me to do his nap time routine with him when his parents weren't home. This reinforced the fact that we do have a bond even though he lives in a different state.', write a short yet interesting story.
My mom, daughter, and I were visiting my sister, her husband, and my nephew in Colorado. I don't remember where my sister and her husband went, but the rest of us were watching my nephew. He has a nap time routine that my sister always does with him. It was nap time, and I was out on the front porch talking to my husband on the phone, and my mom was carrying my nephew up the stairs, which are right across from the front door. He told my mom that he doesn't want her to put him down for a nap, and that he wants me to do it. She came and told me, and I quickly got off the phone to do it. I was so happy that he chose me. We don't get to see him super often like we would if he lived in the same city as us, and my mom is a baby hog, so the fact that he chose me really meant a lot to me. I took him up to his room and we sat in his rocking chair. I gave him his milk. I read him a few books, then we just cuddled for a few minutes. I laid him down in his crib and covered him with his blanket. I turned on his sound machine and his night light thing. He's a really good napper, so he didn't fight me at all. He isn't super cuddly or lovey, so this meant a lot to me.
'Four months ago, I had to sell my favorite possession, my beloved 1970 Chevy, corvette. I had this car for over 30 years and had so many wonderful associations and memories.'. From this, spin a quick and intriguing narrative.
Earlier today I was standing out in my empty garage thinking about my beloved car that was no longer there. It's been gone for 4 months and I still regret selling it. I know it is trivial to miss a car, but I have so many awesome memories while driving it. I remember the day I bought my Chevy Corvette. It was 1970 and I was 23 years old. I had landed a great job and decided to buy a new car. I got to the dealership and fell in love with it the moment I saw it. I knew that was going to be MY car. It was so slick and I just knew that I would look so cool driving it around town. I would definitely be a hit with the ladies. In fact, it helped land my first date with the beautiful woman that is now my wife. 30 years and a 1000s of memories later, I had to say goodbye. It was a relic of my youth and I knew selling it would go towards a good cause. I had decided to start a college fund for my new grandson. One day I'll tell him about my electric blue 1970 Chevy Corvette and maybe he will fall in love with cars too.
Create a brief narrative with this cue.
This was about a time when I went birthday shopping with my mother for my younger sister. Then after I had gone through a lot of thought about my gift I found out me and my other sister had picked out the same themed gift.
Well, now comes time to decide whom returns the gift and I'll say neither of us are happy about this I mean it was like the perfect gift for her. I only think it's fair that she returns hers because she talks with more and knows more of what to get her while I'm floundering around maybe running into something that could be considered worthwhile. Then to make matters worse my mother has been getting a kick out of this because for some reason to her it's funny that we're fighting over who can give her the gift. I will give it to her though she did offer the suggestion of buying the matching massaging neck piece and then it would look coordinated at least. But I wanted to give the slippers because they are going to be used the most, and my sister has dug her heels in insisting it be her way. Ugh! I'm soooo mad about this at the moment. I mean maybe to people on the outside looking in it wouldn't seem like such a disaster but her and my sister were only a year apart mostly and they always were closer because of the age difference. To this day that hasn't changed I mean they're both on the same social media, go to the same schools, I mean they're inseparable. I don't know how to combat that bond of theirs and try to make it seem like I'm interested in that as well. I do suppose however there was the way my mother said and it would look like there was as much thought involved anyway but how do I back down from the sister? I mean it could start a whole new conflict if she wants to get her the other item, and I say I'll get it? You know I bet she doesn't even realize how lucky she is to have people fighting over what to get her? I mean I guess it's not really a big deal but it matters enough to cause all this commotion in the family. I wonder if there's anything else I could get that would be just as great? I just wanted her birthday to be special this year and I feel as though it's all blowing up in face. I mean I wonder if I'm over reacting? Maybe I should just go and get something completely different if it matters to my other sister so much.
Envision a brief tale inspired by the ideas encapsulated in the primer text.
My mother died unexpectedly from a massive subdural hematoma. She died within 24 hours of checking herself into a hospital for stomach pains. It happened so quickly that everything after the death felt like pure chaos.
My mother died unexpectedly two months ago. She checked herself into the hospital with stomach pains and while under observation she developed a brain bleed which killed her. She was 65. When I try to remember the day it happened, when my brothers and I went to the hospital, it feels like I'm remembering a dream. I was in shock and my brain was in full blown panic mode, not only for that day but for weeks. Something that I do remember is seeing my mom hooked up to a breathing machine. I had assumed at that point that she was alive and in some kind of coma so I was talking to her, telling her things that were going on in my life. Later a group of doctors gathered us in a room and they were relaying the string of events that led to this situation. I remember, thinking my mom was in a coma, asking about the prognosis. The doctor non-chalantly told us that even though our mom was breathing mechanically she was actually dead. He didn't elaborate and moved on with the rest of the information he had to give us. I remember the way he said it made me feel like I was stupid. However I was still in shock so I didn't have the wherewithal to ask any follow-up questions. I did some googling and found out that when brain death happens it's common for hospitals to keep the body hooked up to breathing machines so they can harvest the organs later. I wish the doctor had explained that part better. Up until this point in my life I had been fortunate that I had not lost anybody close to me. I recently had friends that had both lost parents and I tried to be as consoling as I could but now that it's happened to me I've realized that there's not a lot anybody can say that will make you feel better. That death affects you profoundly. In my case it took roughly a month before I felt like my life was regaining any kind of balance and my mom and I weren't particularly close in the last few years of her life. I imagine the closer you are to the person who dies the more off balance your life becomes.
It's mini-story time! Use the guide text as your guide.
My mother was getting older and slightly failing in her mental and physical health. In order to provide her support and alleviate some of my worrying about her, I moved in with her.
My mother is an 80 year-old widow. Late last year, after years of dealing with her dementia-ridden husband, she put him in a care home. Then in March of this year he passed away. During her time caring for him, her mental and physical health seemed to suffer. After she put him in the home, she did better. It was a bit of a relief when he passed away, and I hoped she would improve. That didn't seem to be happening. One day I couldn't get a hold of her all day, and I feared the worst. It turned out she was fine but had accidentally turned off her cell phone. At that point I realized that I needed to move in with her. She needed someone to help her out a bit, and I needed the peace of mind of being with her. So within the span of a few days I decided to move in with her and then did. It was a difficult thing to do for me. I had lived by myself for over fifteen years. I wasn't used to living with someone else. On top of that, there were the ego-related feelings of being a pathetic adult living with his mother. I knew it was for the best for my mother, so I just had to deal with the negative aspects of the situation. She thinks its great and perfectly natural, while I think it's a necessity and unnatural. It has been two months now and it is going reasonably well. My friends all understand and even encouraged me to move in with her. I still feel weird about it and I still miss my independence. But I do not miss the constant worrying about her and what she is up to. I'm doing what I need to be doing right now. There should be plenty of time for me to live on my own again sometime in the future.
Your mission: Convert the text cue into a quick, engaging narrative.
My son started walking at 9 months. I was not expecting it but it was enjoyed by the family and is a memory that will last forever. I was overjoyed and excited to share with the family.
About a week ago, my son, who is 9 months, was playing on the floor in the living room. I turned away for a split second and next thing I know, he stood up and started to walk towards me! My other son, who is 5 years old, started yelling "He's walking!" I could not believe it! He was actually walking! Not just taking a step and falling. No, he was practically running! Okay, maybe not that fast, but they were definitely not baby steps. He had been taking a few steps here and there, walking with the assistance of us or the couch, but never just standing up on his own and walking! I was so excited! Maybe to excited because we were so loud yelling "he's walking, o my goodness," that he fell shortly after. My husband had just went into the garage. He ran in the house, but had missed his first steps. He was sad that he missed it. We had him walk again for his Dad and so we could get it on video to send to our family. It was a wonderful moment and a memory that will of course stick with us forever. We were so excited to see our little one walking!
Construct a succinct story having its roots in the provided snippet.
I may be unable to have biological children and both of my sister-in-laws announced their 3rd and 5th respective pregnancies at the same time at a family gathering. I became overwhelmed with negative emotions and had to excuse myself.
Three months ago, my family gathered for my parents wedding anniversary. Everyone was getting along and in good spirits. Then things went wrong for me. Both Dianne and Wilma (my sister-in-laws) gleefully (rightly so) announced they were having more children. It is their 3rd and 5th child respectively. I am, myself, unable to have children. Since this revelation, I thought I had come to terms with this, but apparently not, as I found myself having to excuse myself as I became overwhelmed with sadness. I was more surprised by my reaction to the news, than to the actual news. Since this time, I've reflected on the event, and my reaction to it. I've tried to take what manifested as a painful experience for me, and turn it into a positive. I've come to the conclusion that I don't want to have children, so there's no reason to let this news have this effect on me. Further, under more rational thought, having calmed down, I know that due to advances in science, there are other, non-traditional means for me to have children should I change my mind. I could also always look into adoption. The best thing to come out of this introspection, is the reminder that this is a joyous event. I will soon have two new nieces or nephews that I can spoil, and then send home. I need to do less reacting, and instead acknowledge what I'm feeling, without letting those feelings overwhelm me.
Take inspiration from "In just a matter of two days time I had three chickens go missing. I found out that we have foxes in the cornfield behind our house and I believe foxes took them." and pen down a short narrative.
We lost 3 chickens 1 duck the other day. I know this isn't something most people care about, and they wouldn't understand why I care. These animals aren't just a source of food for us though. They are our pets. We care deeply about them. We raised them from just a few days old. Now they're just gone. Without a trace. I think a fox got them. There is a cornfield behind the house, and I just learned that foxes live in cornfields. The night before we locked up the coop and counted our chickens. All chickens were accounted for and ready for sleep. The next day we noticed one missing. She was broody and was attempting to hide a nest from us. This makes it more weird because they usually won't leave the eggs, but she was just gone. We counted our chickens that night, locked them up, and then searched the entire property for her. She was nowhere to be found. The next morning I let the chickens out, but then by 7 am there was two more missing. One of my white silkies and an ISA Brown. I went on an immediate search over the property. I then asked my neighbor for permission and searched her yard. They weren't there, but there was a strange place in the cornfield. So I walked further into the corn and there I found a pile of feathers from our Barred Rock, the first hen that went missing.
Compose a short story inspired by the given prompt.
My spouse came out as transgender to her parents and it did not go well. They are not supportive at all and it was very hard on my spouse and I. They are very conservative and do not agree with the LGBT community.
My spouse recently came out publicly as transgender. It wasn't a big surprise to me as he was cross-dressing as a female since I'd known him, but I did not know that he actually saw himself as female. I was totally okay with it and helped her come up with a new name and everything. Unfortunately, she decided to come out to her parents against my advice, even though we had talked about waiting until she was further along on hormones and maybe tell them during a joint counseling session, as they are very conservative and against everything LGTB+ related. They did not take it well and things have been really rocky. Her mom is passive-aggressive and she decided randomly to unfriend us both from Facebook and not to attend my ballet recital (which she had tickets for) and I was a bit hurt by this as I didn't do anything to them. I haven't even discussed this issue at all with them and so them just lashing out at me is kind of irrational. Things have gotten a little better and they are moving out of town so it will help that we don't need to see them at all, maybe just at holidays. I never had a super close relationship with them but I don't understand how parents can hate their child and not support their child like this. I grew up with really open-minded parents who did not mind that I was pan-sexual and dated both males and females and I wish her parents were like that. It's been very hard on her dealing with coming out at work (which actually led to some events that caused her to quit but she now has a new job which is going really well) and I know it's hard for her that her parents won't even try to understand. I don't really want to see them again since they are being really immature. Oh, and did I mention, her mom made her see a psychiatrist and was actually disappointed when the psychiatrist said that she was perfectly normal and this was really a real thing. Her mom point-blank said she would rather her child be insane than be transgender. What a piece of work.
'Today I had one of the best workouts of my life. I set a personal best record while bench pressing. I was able to successfully lift 200 lbs for 5 reps!'. Build a short story that somehow involves this.
Today I had one of the greatest workouts of my life. It started like any other day. I warmed up just like any other day. I hit my mobility exercises like normal, and to be honest, everything felt normal. That is, until I started actually hitting my weights. I got under the bar and started bench pressing. I didn't immediately notice anything unusual. Once things got heavy, I knew I was in for a good workout. I hit a new personal record today. For the first time in my life, I was able to bench press 200 lbs. Not only that, but I was able to do it for 5 full reps. Prior to this, my personal best was 190. I couldn't believe how much better today was than usual. This is proof that my hard work is paying off. I am on my way to getting the look and results I desire!
Imagine a brief story from the details in "I prayed before church service to stay awake and to get something personally useful out of the service. My prayers were answered immediately and in full force which deepened my relationships with the church and with God.". Write it.
I woke up one Sunday day and I was completely exhausted. I really didn't feel like going to church and seriously considered not going, but I somehow mustered up the energy to drive down to church. After getting to church, I sat in my car for a moment and prayed that I wouldn't fall asleep, and that I would gain something valuable out of the service despite being so tired. I went to go get the pre-service coffee, and the lead pastor somehow saw me and immediately recognized me as someone who hadn't been to the church before. He came over to talk to me and we chatted for a while, and he introduced me to several people. One of the people he introduced me to was someone who was a researcher at the university I would start attending in the next 3 weeks, and had personal connections with the people I wanted to be my PI. The pastor then connected me with a young peoples group that was meeting that night, and I said I would go. He then gave me his personal cell phone number so he could connect me with more people. After that, I went into the sanctuary and sat near the back. The pastor then came up to me about 5 minutes later and asked if I would sit with him today, as he wasn't giving the sermon. I said yes, for some reason, and so I went and sat with the lead pastor at a church in the front row. I definitely did not fall asleep that service. At the end of the service, they made an announcement that they were looking for volunteers to help with the audio mixing of the band and the technical support for the service. This is pretty much a job description of my previous job which I held for the past 3 years, so I was a perfect fit. I went up after the service and said I would be willing to volunteer. God answered all of my prayers that day, and He did it within 2 hours.
Ready to write a quick tale? Use the springboard text as inspiration.
My Dad got dementia after living with my parents and children for 3 years. We moved out on bad terms. Then he passed away while we were not in contact.
After my son was born in 2016, I lived with my parents for a couple years. I got married and my husband moved in with us, and we decided to have another baby in January of 2018. During that time, my Dad was diagnosed with early signs of dementia. It was a hard time for all of us. He was mostly bed ridden and having other complications as well. He survived skin cancer 2 different times and was missing part of his nose and mouth from it. He started to be very mean to my son at random times because of the dementia and it got very tough and stressful. We were ALL on edge about it. My husband who lived with us as well, decided that we were moving out because of it. When we told them the news, everyone got into an argument and it got VERY heated. It was mostly my husband that made the decision, so my parents took all the anger out on him. We moved out. And I was in very little to no contact with them. During that time, my Dad passed away from a heart attack. I would give anything to go back in time and tell him that I love him.
It's mini-story time! Use the guide text as your guide.
I got stabbed in a 7-11 by a box cutter and had to have exploratory surgery. From there I've had to navigate interviewing with the police and finding a therapist.
Well, I do not know how to quite start this, but, the long and the short of it is I got stabbed. Earlier that evening I had suddenly gotten my tax return in my account. I immediately sent a good portion of the money to my mom as me and her had agreed. I immediately called my best friend and asked if she wanted to hang out. She said yes under the condition that I'd leave at 12am. So, I took an uber to her place in the city and we hung out. I was quite drunk when I left, ended up talking to a random guy who I end up going to 7/11 with. While inside, in line, a different person walks in, demands my wallet and stabs me three times in my breast, arm and side with a box cutter. I was taken to a local hospital, scanned, was crying, and then was told they needed to do exploratory surgery on my abdomen. Now a few interesting things happen when you find yourself the victim of a violent crime. Firstly, now I had to recover from surgery. From there, I had to have quite an intimidating interview with the police department in the city. Of course, despite the fact this happened on camera in a store in the richer part of the city they did not catch the guy. Now, I found myself having to deal with the psychological horror of yet another near death experience, and still dealing with it (as this happened roughly 6 months ago.) Finding a therapist has literally took me this long. But, I had to find a silver lining which is, now I can stay on therapy if I lose my insurance (I'm currently unemployed and am on medicaid) due to our state's victims compensation fund. Luckily, I have an amazing support system and I had a lot of different people reach out, but, it's still a long process.
Take inspiration from "Rented a lake cabin with my family. Convinced my mother in-law to kayak for the first time. She did not fall in the water but it was still amusing to watch her get out of the boat." and pen down a short narrative.
Within the last two weeks I rented a cabin for my family for the weekend. I invited my parents and my in-laws along with my husband and son. We also invited my husbands aunt and uncle to join us for the day, not the entire weekend. The cabin we rented was on a lake with direct access to the water. The cabin had a full kitchen, bathroom and two bedrooms. It was expensive but we don't go on vacation often so we felt it was worth it and we were able to include a lot of our family on this adventure. One of the most memorable moments was when I convinced my mother in law to go kayaking. She is a heavy set lady and doesn't like to partake in psychically activities. I talked her into going into a double kayak with my husbands aunt, we will call her Sue. My mother in law agreed and her and Sue went out into the lake the double kayak. I was in a single person kayak and kayaked along side them. My mother in law, to my surprise, did really well paddling the kayak and keeping her balance. After a short trip around the marina we headed back to shore. I quickly got up out from my kayak and pulled the boat to shore. Sue and my mother in law pulled up on the beach. Sue got out fairly quickly and then grabbed her phone to record video footage of my mother in law getting out of the kayak. She appeared to be stuck and was complaining. A roar of laughter came from everyone and when offered help by my husband, her son, she scolded him. He stepped away to let her find her own way out of the kayak. The kayak was at a decline and she didn't want to get her feet wet. After a few minutes of laughter Sue helped her out of the kayak and she did not fall in the water. We laughed about the situation for a long time but I was proud of her for trying to kayak as it was her first time in one.
Incorporate the text input into your own unique micro-story.
The acceptance occurred at my house on a bright sunny day. It was unexpected and me and my mother were both very emotional.
I recently fulfilled a childhood dream of mine. I was accepted to my number one school Notre Dame. It is the school I grew up rooting for. I have so many memories as a kid going to football games and watching the fighting Irish win. I was very shocked to have been accepted first among transfer students. I wrote a personal statement essay that came from my heart. It really was genuine essay that I spent a lot of time on. I will never forget the day I was accepted. Me and my mom cried tears of joy as we new someday we could both be recognized as Irish alum. I am extremely excited. I will be going to the school next year. I will set out on my next goal to hopefully become a doctor. Both of my parents were doctors. I want to follow in their footsteps. Notre dame will always be a special place to me.
Incorporate themes from 'My cousin had a beautiful summer wedding in a local garden on a most beautiful day. Everyone was happy to be there and seemed really relaxed and enjoyed themselves.' into a short and sweet narrative.
It's been about two years now since my cousin got engaged. Hard to believe it's been that long already. Time really does fly when you get older. Anyway, the wedding took place the beginning of June this year. They had planned to have a summer wedding since the beginning. They're both outdoors people so they love the warm weather. The day arrived and tons of my family flew in from around the US. I was kind of anxious to see everyone again. It's been years for some fo them. Luckily everyone gets along. We all arrived at the venue which was a really nice local garden. It was really impressive even from the very start. I was really impressed how much work they out into it! It was a wonderful day and I was so happy that everyone seemed really relaxed. Everyone seemed to be in a great mood and very friendly. The more casual vibes made it a great and enjoyable celebration of their union. I wish all weddings could be as enjoyable as this one was!
Let's see a story that builds on the lead-in text, but keep it short.
I went on my first date with my current boyfriend. We went to see the movie Toy story four, then in the middle of the movie his mom showed up.
I have a crazy story that happened three months ago about my first day with my current boyfriend. We went to see the movie Toy Story Four by ourselves. He is sixteen years old and I am fifteen. Anyway, we were both very excited because it was our first official date away from any adult supervision. We had just settled down in our seats with popcorn and a drink when the movie started. As soon as we started holding hands and the lights went low, we saw his mother watching us from across the theater! She wouldn't take her eyes off of us and it made the situation very awkward. We wanted to have some alone time where we could make out and enjoy the movie but his mom knew that we were planning this. She really doesn't like me and doesn't want me to take away her 'baby boy' from her. She wants to maintain his innocence. After she realized that we knew she was there, she came over and sat by us. The entire time she kept staring. We had to stop holding hands and both of us started sweating and became very nervous. Afterwards my boyfriend kept apologizing for his mother just showing up. Now we have to wait until we are both eighteen years old before we can go on a date again.
Try to include "My wife and I had our 18th anniversary. We went out for a romantic dinner then came back to our house to have drinks and enjoy each other's company." in your short storytelling.
Even though I waited for this all year I can't believe two weeks ago it finally happened. Our 18 year wedding anniversary. Me and Susan actually made it. And what a delightful evening it turned out to be. Now, me and her have always tried to explore the culinary world as best as we can. But, tonight, we decided to go back to our roots. Luckily, I had the perfect restaurant in mind. There is this little hole-in-the-wall Italian place that my parents used to take me to when I was young. So, as I knew the wine would flow that night, we took an Uber to the location. It was absolutely perfect as I rented out the whole restaurant (and made sure I tipped the wait staff accordingly. There were lights, there were cheesy Italian songs, it was great. We got there, sat down, and had some bread and some sort of antipasto to start. We managed to get through most of a bottle of the house wine before we even reached the main course. Now I definitely said we were going back to our roots so these were very basic meals. I had a simple carbonara while she had fettucini alfredo. Both were divine as we tasted each other's dishes. After a few more glasses of wine and some incredible cannoli we went back to our house to enjoy some incredibly expensive champagne and some incredibly passionate sex. It was the perfect anniversary.
The suggestion is your starting point. Where will your short story go?
It was about reconnecting with an old friend. We really hit it off. I'm going to visit him at his home later on.
About two months ago I received a call from one of my childhood friends. I haven't seen him in about 20 years. He told me that he was going to be coming back to his hometown. Hes in the military so he bounces around the world and is never really in one place. He asked if we could meet up and I agreed. About a week later he called me again and told me he was in town. So we scheduled up somewhere to meet. When we finally got together we really hit it off. It was great to relive our old memories and tell each other where we were in life now. I didn't even know he had kids and a family. We promised to keep in contact with each other from here on out. He even invited me to come out and visit him sometime, as hes a bit more stable now since hes close to retiring from the military. I'm really looking forward to going out to visit him. I'm glad that he reached out to me. I just wish some more of my old friends would do the same.
Based on 'My wife's water broke and she went into labor. My son was born and we spent the next two days in the hospital before we took him home.', write a short yet interesting story.
Last week my wife's water broke while we were at home eating dinner. She went into labor and I was running around like a crazy man trying to find her bag. I finally got her into the car and headed to the hospital. The hospital is only like ten minutes from my house, but on the way there, we got stopped in a line of cars that was waiting to let a family of ducks cross the road. My wife was trying to do her breathing, but kind of freaking out because she kept saying the baby was going to come any minute. We finally got moving after like 10 minutes. I rushed her into the hospital where they immediately checked her and took her to the delivery room because there was no time to wait. The baby came so fast after that. My wife lost more blood than the doctor was comfortable with so we spent two days in the hospital. They felt it was okay to let me take my wife and baby boy home again after that. The nurses were really friendly. The doctor made sure to check everything. The baby was bigger than we thought he would be. He was 9 pounds. Even though having to wait for a group of ducks was awful at the time, it is such a great story to remember the whole thing knowing that my wife and son are just fine.
"We went to the city and saw the sites. We got to see many people and pretty places. It was a nice visit to the capital.". Weave this into a short and engaging tale.
Yesterday I got to go the the capital of my state. I was impressed by the things that I saw, yet still disappointed. It was interesting to see the place we play baseball and some of the famous architecture that we have. I have also struggled with ageism in the work place and got a really good glimpse of it yesterday which was so disappointing. We were outside walking around at noon when all the office workers come out for lunch. The area we were in only had 1 or 2 people out of hundreds that were above the age of 30. I could not believe it. There were people everywhere and yet they were so young. This is not fair at all. We have worked just as hard to get our education and work experience, yet we are being pushed out of working for being older workers. Yeah right, id 40's is now considered an older worker!. Anyway, I was nice to get away for a while and spend some time with a friend. We had to wait 3 hours. So we had plenty of time to see the sites and experience out state capital fully. I was impressed by how big everything is in the big city. I saw magazine covers, people working out right in the middle of the area. Scooters. Rentable bikes. Food everywhere.
Expand the fragment into a short story.
I went to my high school reunion. It was a lot of fun and it felt incredible to realize how close we were back then and how easy it was to slip back into it.
So, wow... I went to my high school reunion! I can't believe I actually did it! And that it was so much fun... When I got the invite months ago, my first reaction was "Naahhh, not going..." But then I started thinking about it and felt a bit like a coward not wanting to even take the small risk of spending an uninteresting evening. So I decided I would go. When I showed up there, the first thing that struck me was how little the school had changed. It was a bit like a time warp actually. There were some small things that were more current, but mostly, the place was still very much the same, with the same vibe. Then there were the people. And that's when I could see time had passed, although more for some than others. I had wondered whether or not it would be an occasion to talk to people I didn't use to be close to. You know, like, now we're all adults and we've changed so we're more open to other things and it's easy to reach out to someone and just get to know them - more than back then. But actually, no. The groups reformed almost immediately as they were back then. And I suppose it's normal. When I got there, my old friends had pretty much all arrived and were in a corner, chatting very happily. They spotted me and called to me and that was it. Back to the good old times. It was so much fun to see them again. Most of them I had totally lost track of, although I'm still in touch with two of them. So there was a lot of catching up. But also a lot of reminiscing. And the result was completely seamless and very lighthearted and breezy. Time flew by. And then it was 2 AM and we were the last crew standing and they had to kick us out. And because that's what we are/were, we moved our little party to the lawn in front of the school and we kept on partying for another hour and a half.
"I spend my 40th birthday at a lakehouse in Kentucky. MY two best friends from college were there, along with their families. Throughout the course of the weekend, our children became much closer.". Please narrate a quick story that connects with this.
Last May, I celebrated my fortieth birthday with my family and two other families. We gathered at the lake in Kentucky where we meet every May. We spent three days fishing, boating, and socializing. It was great to hear from old friends who we do not see often anymore. All of the adults were very close in college, but have drifted apart in the recent years moving to different states. It was important to me because while I enjoy meeting with my two best friends from college, our families have now started to grow closer as well. Each family has two children, and I enjoyed seeing my daughters become closer friends with the other children. The children planned their own games, enjoyed swimming in the lake, and created a rope-swing off of the dock. The most meaningful moments to me were seeing our children develop a similar friendship to what I had with the two other Dads who were present that weekend. The children wanted to keep in contact upon leaving, which has not happened before. They planned to "borrow" phones from their parents so that they could text and call each other throughout the summer. They even planned another trip for the three families to an amusement part later this fall. The children are now growing old enough that they can experience lake activities without the adults, giving us more time for reflection and fun. The fact the the weekend hit a milestone birthday for me this year was largely a coincidence, but it worked out perfectly as a time to reflect on four decades and anticipate (hopefully) many more. It is great ot know that some friendships span multiple generations.
Think of the primer as a seed, and grow a short story from it.
Our summer vacation visit to Mammoth Cave National Park was extremely memorable. From the facts we learned, to our experience traveling through various parts of the cave system, we enjoyed ourselves very much. The caves are a national treasure everyone with interest in caves should experience!
When we entered the cave on our tour, the air gradually cooled and there was a sensation of wind blowing across our skin. The waterfall near the entrance to the cave itself, as we walked down the stairs, tinkled musically. A rich earthy smell, pleasant and verdant, filled the air around us. We went through the entrance area and entered into the cave opening itself. The ceiling is low here and some people had to duck. We followed the guide along a paved path that was very easy to walk along, past some interpretive signs about the animals that live near the cave's entrance. There was a notation that no animals live within the cave itself. The guide slowly walked us into a larger chamber of the cave and using a flashlight, directed everyone to a metal railing. We were asked to firmly grab the rail and once he confirmed that everyone was holding the rail, he turned his light off, plunging us into complete darkness. Then the guide said, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Mammoth Cave," and flipped on the brighter tour lights. Suddenly, before our eyes we realized we were standing in an immense cavern that stretched out beyond where the light touched. Many people gasped in delight and awe as they took in the scope and size of this wondrous place. My daughter turned to me with sparkling eyes and breathed, "It's so beautiful! I had no idea a cave could be this big!" I too, was stunned at the size, having been in many caves and thinking of them as low, tight places. Our whole group listened to the guide as he told of the cave's discovery, how people mined for saltpeter here during the American Civil War, how a doctor thought the cave air could cure tuberculosis patients and brought them here in the hopes they would recover. We saw the places where a preacher gave sermons and where visitors marked their names on the roof of the cave with candle soot. Visiting the Mammoth Cave was an experience that taught me so much. I have told many people that visiting this cave is something they shouldn't miss the opportunity to do.
Shape a brief story influenced by the ideas in the kickstarter text.
We went to Defcon and wasn't exactly what I expected. It was better than expected. The not so hacker story.
Today, I went to Def con it was my first time going. I wasn't sure what to expect seeing it wasn't me that is totally into tech like my husband and brother. But I was surprised by the support of this community. When you think of hackers you think of these bad guys who get into trouble but this wasn't the case. Instead I learned how to protect myself, make a hunny pot, and find out how to track down people like in a kidnapping case find their last location and also find out who else was in that area at that time using gps. Overall I had a great time. We also went to a furry party, that was well not what I expected. I figured everyone would be dressed up as well furry people but it was just a normal party. I had a great time it was a well needed vacation. We also went to the 801 party and that one well was just like out of the movie hangover. tons of random stuff going on. Fighting t-rex's flying aliens, and eventually getting kicked out. We also tried Stivia weed gummies this was the first time we have ever done that. It was well interesting but I can tell you that one gummy was more than enough I should have just taken a half. Overall this was a fantastic vacation.
Can you tell a brief story around this idea: 'I had to have a thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer. I ended up fracturing my wrist on the way to surgery and then having a complication of a seroma on my neck after surgery.'?
I was diagnosed this spring with thyroid cancer. This was a blow to me since I had already gone through breast cancer six years ago. I am turned 50 this year, so being diagnosed with two kinds of cancer in six years was very emotional for me. I did not expect to have thyroid cancer as well. I imagined that the breast cancer was a fluke and that I would never get diagnosed with cancer again. I was a healthy person, this is what everyone told me. I went to the endocrinologist to follow up on some thyroid nodes and he saw something that looked "weird". After he took the biopsy and they got the results, I was told I had to have a thyroidectomy. I had already had a mastectomy, a hysterectomy and now a thyroidectomy.. I was losing body parts quickly. In addition to this, on the morning of the surgery, I was walking to the car with my boyfriend and I tripped on the sidewalk outside of my home and fell and broke my wrist! I had to arrive at the hospital in horrible pain. It was not a very good experience. I was more worried about my arm than my thyroid surgery. I had the surgery and they ended up doing an x-ray in the recovery room as I was coming out of anesthesia! I was in pain the entire time I was in the hospital and I had to wait all day the next day for a doctor to tell me what to do about my wrist. After watching Jaws and Jaws II in my hospital bed, an orthopedic surgeon ran in and gave me my diagnosis. I finally got to go home, however, I now had another complication. I had a huge seroma on my neck from my surgery. It looked and felt terrible. It was a very large accumulation of fluid that would not go away for weeks. I felt like an injured bird. I was just so tired of medical testing and being cut up and stuck with needles. I was exhausted from being in so much pain. It was one memorable experience that I want to forget. I just want to be and stay healthy, and that is all I want from now on.