import aeneas.globalconstants as gc |
import pandas as pd |
import os |
import argparse |
from aeneas.executetask import ExecuteTask |
from aeneas.language import Language |
from aeneas.syncmap import SyncMapFormat |
from aeneas.task import Task |
from aeneas.task import TaskConfiguration |
from aeneas.textfile import TextFileFormat |
from pydub import AudioSegment |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A program to download all the chapters in a given librivox URL.') |
parser.add_argument("--text_dir", |
help='Directory containing the txt files to allign the audio to', |
required=True, |
type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--audio_path", |
help="path to the chapter which are to be aligned.", |
required=True, |
type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--aeneas_path", |
help="path to save the allignments from aeneas", |
required=True, |
type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--en_audio_export_path", |
help="path to save the english audio fragments", |
required=True, |
type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--total_alignment_path", |
help="path to save the english audio fragments", |
required=True, |
type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--librivoxdeen_alignment", |
help="path to TSV file provided by LibriVoxDeEn for this particular book", |
required=True, |
type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--aeneas_head_max", |
help="max value (s) of the head for the aeneas alignment, depending on the book to be alligned this has to be tuned", |
default = 0, |
required=False, |
type=int) |
parser.add_argument("--aeneas_tail_min", |
help="min value (s) of the tail for the aeneas alignment, depending on the book to be alligned this has to be tuned", |
default = 0, |
required=False, |
type=int) |
args = parser.parse_args() |
number_files = len(os.listdir(args.text_dir)) |
txt_files = os.listdir(args.text_dir) |
txt_files.sort() |
audio_files = os.listdir(args.audio_path) |
audio_files.sort() |
EN_AUDIO_EXPORT_NAME = '000{}-{}.wav' |
EN_ALIGNED_CSV = '000{}-undine_map.csv' |
TOTAL_ALIGNMENT_NAME = '000{}-undine_map_DeEn.csv' |
GE_AUDIO_NAME_TEMPLATE = '000{}-undine_{}.flac' |
tsv_audio_template = "000{}" |
total_missing = 0 |
total = 0 |
if not os.path.exists(args.aeneas_path): |
os.makedirs(args.aeneas_path) |
print('made new directory at:',args.aeneas_path) |
if not os.path.exists(args.en_audio_export_path): |
os.makedirs(args.en_audio_export_path) |
print('made new directory at:',args.en_audio_export_path) |
if not os.path.exists(args.total_alignment_path): |
os.makedirs(args.total_alignment_path) |
print('made new directory at:',args.total_alignment_path) |
for chap in range(1 ,number_files+1): |
abs_path = args.text_dir+txt_files[chap-1] |
str_chap = str(chap) |
str_chap = str(chap).zfill(2) |
print('start alignent for chap: {}'.format(chap)) |
config = TaskConfiguration() |
config[gc.PPN_TASK_LANGUAGE] = Language.ENG |
config[gc.PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_FILE_FORMAT] = TextFileFormat.PLAIN |
config[gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_FORMAT] = SyncMapFormat.CSV |
config[gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_NAME] = EN_ALIGNED_CSV.format(str_chap) |
config[gc.PPN_TASK_IS_AUDIO_FILE_DETECT_HEAD_MAX] = args.aeneas_head_max |
config[gc.PPN_TASK_IS_AUDIO_FILE_DETECT_TAIL_MIN] = args.aeneas_tail_min |
config[gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_HEAD_TAIL_FORMAT] = 'hidden' |
task = Task() |
task.configuration = config |
task.text_file_path_absolute = abs_path |
task.audio_file_path_absolute = args.audio_path+'/'+audio_files[chap-1] |
task.sync_map_file_path = EN_ALIGNED_CSV.format(str_chap) |
ExecuteTask(task).execute() |
task.output_sync_map_file(os.getcwd()+args.aeneas_path[1:]) |
print('alignent done for chap: {}'.format(chap)) |
print('cutting audio for chap: {}'.format(chap)) |
en_alignment = pd.read_csv(args.aeneas_path+EN_ALIGNED_CSV.format(str_chap), header = None) |
original = AudioSegment.from_file(args.audio_path+'/'+audio_files[chap-1]) |
for Name, Start, End, Text in zip(en_alignment.iloc[:,0], en_alignment.iloc[:,1], en_alignment.iloc[:,2], en_alignment.iloc[:,3]): |
extract = original[Start*1000:End*1000] |
extract.export(args.en_audio_export_path+EN_AUDIO_EXPORT_NAME.format(str_chap,Name), format="wav") |
print('done cutting audio for chap: {}'.format(chap)) |
print('create CSV for chap: {}'.format(chap)) |
new = pd.DataFrame(columns=['book', 'DE_audio', 'EN_audio', 'score', 'DE_transcript', 'EN_transcript']) |
ge_alignment = pd.read_table(args.librivoxdeen_alignment) |
ge_alignment = ge_alignment[ge_alignment['audio'].str.contains(tsv_audio_template.format(str_chap))==True] |
ge_audio_names = [] |
for i in range(ge_alignment.shape[0]+1): |
ge_audio_names.append(GE_AUDIO_NAME_TEMPLATE.format(str_chap,i)) |
for name in ge_audio_names: |
ge_index = ge_alignment[ge_alignment['audio']==name].index |
if len(ge_index) > 0: |
en_translation = ge_alignment['en_sentence'][ge_index[0]].replace('<MERGE> ', '').strip() |
en_index = en_alignment[en_alignment.iloc[:, 3] == en_translation.replace('~', '')].index |
if len(en_index) > 0: |
ind = ge_index[0] |
new = new.append({'book': ge_alignment['book'][ind], |
'DE_audio': ge_alignment['audio'][ind], |
'EN_audio':'000{}-'.format(str_chap)+en_alignment.iloc[en_index[0],0]+'.wav', |
'score':ge_alignment['score'][ind], |
'DE_transcript':ge_alignment['de_sentence'][ind], |
'EN_transcript': ge_alignment['en_sentence'][ind]}, |
ignore_index=True) |
new.to_csv(args.total_alignment_path+'/'+TOTAL_ALIGNMENT_NAME.format(str_chap),index=False) |
print('files in the DeEn csv: ' + str(new.shape)) |
print('files in the EN alignment'+str(en_alignment.shape)) |
print('files in the original DE csv: ' + str(ge_alignment.shape)) |
missing = ge_alignment.shape[0]-new.shape[0] |
total_missing += missing |
print('number of unaligned audio files: '+str(missing)) |
print('done creating CSV for chap: {}'.format(chap)) |
total += ge_alignment.shape[0] |
print('missing: '+str(total_missing)+' out of '+str(total)+' GE files') |